Item 5 - Ordinance No. 200 - Second ReadingINITIA D BY:
Exorable Mayor and City Council:
James L. Bowersox, City Maria.
Marjorie K, Tnahlsten, City Clerk
Novenber 12, 1986
SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 200 Second Reading
At the October 28, 1986 regular
meeting, the City Council held first reading an
Ordinance No. 200, entitled , "An Ordinanceof the City of Poway, California.,
Authorizing an Amendrnen.t to the Contract Between. the City Council and the Board.
of Administration of the California Public Employees'Retirement System," and
set second reading for Novenber 12, 1986 as recam nded by staff. In reviewing
the instruction materials for PEPS, I finA final action on. this Ordinance -
requires a. 20 -day waiting period, in accordance with Governuent Code Section
20460. Therefore staff recommends continuance of this second reading to
November ' 18, 1986.
It is receded that the City Csuncil.continue the second reading on Ordinance
200, entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Authorizing an
Amendment to the Contract Between the City Council and the Board of
Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System" to
November .18,'1986
NOV-12 1985 ITEM