Item 6 - TTM 83-04 Time Extension - Highland Ranch InvestorsLGEND A REPORT CITY OF POWAY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council. FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mena81, INITIATED BY: Reba W. Touw, Director of Planning Services DATE: November 12, 1986 SUBJECT: Tentative Tract Map 83-04 Time Extension Highland Ranch., Investors, Applicant : A request for a time extensionfor a tentative map that proposes to divide 62 acres into 41 lots. The property`is located 1.5 miles north of Espola Road and adjacent to and north of Lomas Verdes Estates in the RR -C (Rural. Residential) zone. APN:' 272=150-07' and 09 ABSTRACT • PROJECT PLANNER: - PARCEL SIZE: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: ZONING SURROUNDING DESIGNATIONS: RELATED GASES.: CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED: ENVIRONMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: STAFF _ RECOMMENDATION Sharon Crockett, Assistant Pl.anne 62 gross acres Residential Rural C (1 DU/1, 2, or 4 net ac.) Rural Residential C (1 DU/1, 2, or net ac.) (See Attachment 2) TTM 83-04 None Project covered by previously' issued Negative Declaration Approve subject to conditions ACTION: NOV l 2 1986 ITEM 6 IOFi7 � o Agenda Report November 12, 1986 r Pagew 2 . R BACKGROUND a, A. Project Description The applicant is requesting the Council approve a second one-year time extension for TTM.83-04. The subject tentative map was originally approved by the Council on November 15, 1983 and.a. one-year erten- sion was granted on January 28, 1986. If this extension is approved,, the applicant could apply for an additional one-year time. extension to final the map. The map proposes the, division of 62 gross acres nta'40 individual lots and a single lot which consti-, tutes the -private street system.. This will be a private, gated community, with lots ranging in size from one to four acres;._ On December 3, 1985 the Council adopted Resolution P-85-095. This resolution established a series of criteria that the City Council would consider when evaluating the progress of each map prior to granting a time extension. This criteria consisted of .payment of fees, submittal and/or approval of grading and improvement plans,: � posting of bonds_, construction of improvements,. acquisition or granting of. easements , forma tion of landscape maintenance district, payment of deposits, for engineering reviews,: demolition work completed, and completion of archaeological, , biological , or other r environmentalmitigation requirements: The applicant has completed approximately pp y 75 percent of the required conditions,.- Grading.and `. improvement plans have been: submitted and are ready to:be signed pending acquisition -of off-site right-of-way through Lomas Verdes Unit 3-. The required sewer pump station has been designed and sub- mitted to Public Services. B. 'Development Facilities Development facilities pertaining to access, street improvements, grading, drainage, flooding, public services, and facilities, to serve the proposed development have been required through ` the. approval of the map (TTM 83-04) and are contained in the approved:. resolution (P-86-05)., C.: Environmental Review A Negative Declaration was issued on November 15, 1924 for TTM 83.-04. No changes have occurred in the project which would warrant further environmental. review. D'. Correspondence Public Notice of the: hearing for this project was published in the Poway News_ Chieftain and mailed to.surround ng property owner within 500 feet of the * subject property. 2 17 1 �98 ITEM',� Agenda Report. November 12, 1986 Page 3 FINDINGS. Granting the ,one-year time extension will allow the applicant time to record the map. The proposed map is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and is suitable for the type. and density of . development proposed. The design and improvements of the Project will not cause substantial environmental damage or serious, public- health health 'problems. The project will not conflict with any public access easements and will not create adverse environmental impacts. thatcannot be mitigated. RECOMMENDATION It is : recommended that the City Council approve a one-year time extension for TTM 83-04. subject to conditions contained in thea. attached resolution.. B RWT: SEC::pcm Attachments: 1. Proposed Resolution 2. Surrounding General Plan. and Zoning 3. Site Plan TTM 83-04. 4. Resolution of Approval No. P-86-05 30F 1 N;OV . 2 is8& I T E 6 RESOLUTION NO. P- x-77 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL � OF THE C.� Y n PdAY, CALIFORNIAP APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 83-04 TIME EXTENSION. I t k ASSESSOR`S PARCEL NUMBER 272-150-07 and -09F WHEREAS,: Tentative: Tract Nap no. 83-04TE'0, hereinafter "Maga 1 submittedby, Highland Ranch:Investors, applicant, for the purpose � of subdividing the real property situated in, the City of Poway, County E3s. Sam, Diego,, State of California, described as all of Lot 4. and a gortiorx of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section I301 Township 13 South, Range 2 West, San Bernardino Meridian,, County, of San Diego, State of California into 41 lots, regularly came before the. City Council for public hearing . Fg and action on they requested extension on November 12, ]_9L86; and WHEREAS, theDirector of Planning Services :has: recoerrdeei APPROVAL. of the Map subject, tG all, conditions set forth is the P-anniag Services Department report; and 4 WHEREAS,; the City Council has: read and. considered said report and has considered other evidence presented at the public hearing. NOWT THERE -FORE, the: City Council of the City of pa ay does 3 resolve as.. follows: Section It Findings: The City _Council makes the following findings in regard. to Tentative Tract No., 53 -04 -TR and. the Map thereof; A. The tentative tract is: cons stent With all applicable general and specific glans because the residential land proposed use ro osed coincides' with the General Plan land use - designation. B The design or improvement of the tentative tract is con- sistent with all applicable general and specific plans ` because all necessary facilities and services can be pro- vided for the proposed residential develo ent. C. The site as physically suil-table 1`5or the type of develop- x meatro osed because adverse � F geolo /soil conditions: and drainage/hydrology, trafflc'F, and biological. hazards can: be mitigated D. The site is physically suitable for the density of the development proposed because: the geologyjsoil conditions, drainage/hydrology` traffic, and biological hazards can be a mitigatedand the density conforms: to the City's General Plan; land use designation. 40P17 OV 1,2 IM ITEC tr- Resolution No. >p_ Page 2 k< R The tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health. problems because public water and sewer facilities, will be provided. E. The des°iign of the tentative tract will ' not conflict. with any easement acquired by -the public atlarge, now of record, for access through or use: of, the! -property- satin the.proposed subdivision. -G This project will not create adverse impacts on the environment because conditions are included within this resolution which. reduce all such potential impacts to a level of insignificance, and a Negative Decalraton :was issued on November 15, 1983. Section: 2 1. Within 30 days .of approval, the' applicant. shall submit in wri ting: that all conditions- of approval have been read and understood. 2`. Al conditions of approval of the Citya- PoWay . Resolut.ion P-86-05 shall be. fulfilled. as- required,; except. that a final map for the tentative map time -extension-,shall.. .4 expire on November 12, 1987,: unless ,an :application for a additional, time extension is received. 90 okays prior to the -' expiration of the'map` (August 12, 1987): and the City' Council` approves the extension prior to August 12r 187.'0: APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City, of Poway, State of California, this 12th day of November,, 198.. Carl R. Kruse,' Mayor. ATTEST` k Marjorie K., Wahlsten,- City Clerk 50F1? NOV 12 1986 ITEM: 6 TITLE : SCALE : NOM- ATTACHMENT 7 OF17 NOIR l 1986. ITEM S RESOLUTION NO. P-86-05 ` A. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL _ OF THE CITY OE' POWAY, CALIFORNIA � =' APPROVING=` TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 83-0`4 TIME EXTENSION (TE) - ASSESSOR:` S PARCEL NEER 272-150`-07and. -09, AMENDING THE CONDITIONS Oma` ADPROVAL , ANDS RESCINDING_ RESOLUTION P-83-52 WHEREAS:,; Tentative Tract Kap= No.. 83-G4 TE,, hereinafter "Kap" submitted by,_ Higr%land Ranch Investors r applicant, for the purpose of subdividing the read property situated in the. City, of Poway, County of San D ego , State. of California, described as all of Tot. 4 and a port on of the southwest. quarter, of the southeast . quarte of Section 13 Township I:3 South r Range '2 West,. San; Bernardino Meridian r County of San. Diegor State of California into 41 %ts r regularly came before a the City Council for-public hearing and action on the requested extension and amendment on. January 28 , 1986; and WHEREAS,. the: Director of Planning Services has: recommended APPROVAL: of :the Map subject, to all conditions set forth in the Planning Services. Department report.- and U WHEREAS°,- the ' City Council has read and considered said report. and it -.has considered other evidence presented at the: public hearing. WHEREAS , Section. Z., Condition 5 and 6 of the original jy approved Resolution P-83-52: has been amended, thus deleting the requirements t` for an.. open space easement.. _ WOWr, THEREFORE. the: City_ Council. of the: City of Poway does resolve as follows: - Section. 1 Findings: The City Council. makes. the following findings in regard: to F Tentative Tract No. 83-04 M and the Map thereof: A, The. tentative tract: iso consistent with. all . appl:icable general and specific plans because: z (lY The proposed tract promotes and retains the community's rural character by encouraging orderly, sequential development compatible in its; intensity with surrounding existing--and future development {rand UseY (2) The proposed tract provides an internal, circulation. system and connection with the Cay wide circulation, system which- promotes safe and efficient movement of various transportation modes including equestrian ., transportation (Circulation, Trails, Bikeways )r (3) The proposed project provides housing- for a segment of the community, (Housing) P. $ OF 17" s xUV 12 1986 ULM Resolution No. P-86-05 f Page 2N • { 4.) Theproposed project provides a suitable level. of public facilities and.: services- (Pub -lie F'acili-ties) (5) The proposed: tract will provide support for a well balanced public park. and recreational- %s through payment of fees- in lieu of parkland de`xc' ation (Parks and Recreation); (61 The proposed tract will provide a design consistent with the natural and man -wade environment which enhances the City's rural image and character by r minimizing grading and retaining open space e _ . (Communi ty Design-) (7),The proposed project does not impact scenic areas. that typify poway'' s prominent vistas, or other areas - rural history (Scenic Highways),' t (8) The: proposed. project does not. impact; any historical.°i or cultural, asset of' the: city° andpreserves] archaeological assets (Archaeologicalr Cultural r. rt Historic). �.w (9) The proposed project preserves land resources through land form '== proper sol management andprotection, of F protects gg'oundwater. resources,- and preserves plant and animal resources CCons:ervaton.) f O) The proposed project preserves: natural resources- in open space contributing to the rural. character of Poway Ctpen Space) r (11) The proposed project includes energy conseryation _ practices which will reduce the coomunity"s reliance on traditional sources of energy (Energy Conservation'; (12) The.proposed project is not subject to�poten.tially hazardous seismic conditions (Seismic Safety)-,` (13): The proposed project is' not susceptible: to flooding hazards. {S'afety) (114) The proposed project will be free from adverse noise levels(Noise)r and (15) The proposed prosect will be provided with responsive } and adequate- law enforcement , medical, and emergency, services andfacilities t: Law Enforcement, Medical, Emergency'). 9OF17' 'Yav 1' 1986 ITEM I Resolution No., P-86-05 Page B The desagn -ar improvement of the tentative tract is con sister with all applicable general and specific plans as described. in A. above. C. The .site is physically suitable: for the type of developman t propased. because the preliminary soils and , geology study indicates the presence of acceptable conditions for the development of a low density residential project.: D The s to i phys callX suitable: for the density of the development proposed because the flatter portions of the x t, proPerty will be developed for res=idential purposes while the steeperportions of the property will be maintained as "permanent open space. E The design. of the: subdivision is not likely, to cause substantial environmental, damage and avoidable injury to humans and: wildlife or their habitat because, natural con- ditions will be maintained over. about 30 percent of the- Site hesite preserved: as permanent open space., The tentative tract. is not, likely to cause serious public health.. probecause all public° facilities necessary for residential development Will be provided by the developer.. G' . ,The design of the tentative tract will not co-Llivt with: any easement. acquired _ by the publicat large, now of Y record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed,subdivision.. 9 This; .project- will not create adverse impacts on the environment..because conditions are included within. this resolution which reduce all such, potential impacts to a j 4' level. ofinsignifi:cance = and. a Negative Declaration was issued on November 15 , 198;3.; Section 2: P a Tentative Tract Map: l�0 83-04 TE, � a copy of which. is oa file in the: Planning Services office,- is hereby extended as amended subject to all of the following conditions: 1, This, subdivision is approved: based on a lot averaging des%gn.., In accordance witkL Section 2.2 *14 of the City's Zoning Development Code, none of the lots, including the lots having permanent open space, can. be further divided and a covenant to. that effect shall` be recorded against the property and. in- favor of the. City of Poway` 10 ®F 7 NOV 12 1986 ITEM; F Resolution No. P--86-05 Page 4 2. The private street system and landscaping shall be mann- twined by a Homeowners Association consisting of the owners: of lots within: the subdivision or through a road main- " tenance agreement. Landscaping for the streets shall also include slope planting and the gatedentry design shall require approval of the Directors of Planning and Public. Services. 3.� All side-by-side flag lots 'shall share: a common driveway access and all lots shall provide adequate turnaround areas- as required. by the Department of Safety Srervice f 4 The grading of each individual lot for access and a.home site shall be subject to review by the Departments of Planning and Public Services to insure conformance with General Plan policies and ordinances regarding -drainages The use of split level construction, extended foundations,: and other reduced grading techniques shall be used as. required to minimize- the amount of grading. 5. Prior to _final. maps approvalr., photographic and/or archaeological recordation on the isolated milling station discovered during thearchaeological field investigation near the highest elevation. on the property' (Lots 24 and 25 shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. 6 .,No gradf nq sha21 occur above: the 6'75 foot contour on Lot 10, and no grading or` building permits shall be issued for Lots 24 and 25: without City Council approval.. A: prominent note shali..be included on the final map indicating the existence of this condition and stating thatany grading Plan for _Lots. 24 and: 25 shall. include the retention: of naturalfeaturessuch as- rock outcroppings. 7. The shall cause to be dedicated all on-site and water, sewer, drainage, and road easements as required by the City Engineer prior to final map approval.. 8. Prior to final map approval, the: subdivider small, design and construct to City Enginer specifications; a sewer pump station, 'including a telemetric monitoring system.' 9. The entire sewer system shall be maintained by the Cityr including the sewer pump and force main system. 10.. Prior to final map approval, the subdivider shall install '- the off-site: sewer lines- shown on the improvement plans for j Lomas Verdes 'Estates, Unit 3 thrrough. Lots 85 and/or 86, 83r. 79 , and in. Paseo Del: Vinedo and Valle Verde. Road-. �� ?' NOV 12 1986 ITEM 6 Resol.� on iso. P-86-0 t Page. 5 - ll. Prior to final map the subdivder shall install the off-site ... street improvements and water system. as shown on the imps- cement plans for Lomas t%rdes: Estates=, Unit 3 along Via Puerto Del Norte r Paseo Deal 71-nedar and: Valle Verde Roado second water main < connection may be required for adequate fir's flora. They subdivider shall pay for a computer study.. - to determine the necessity for this second service point and install any required lines. - 12. Prior to final, map,, the subdivider shall install adequate a F drainage facilities at the: northerl=y terminus of street "A"' both. east and: west ends. The subdivider shall, also coordinate thee• on site drainage system with the - adjacent tracts- in. the: City of San Diego,.: Section. _3; Tentative Tract Map No,.. 83-04 TE,r a :copy of which is ora fila is the Planning Services office, is hereby extended. as amended t subject to the following Standard Conditions I.,APPLICANT SHALL, CON! ACT THE DEPART NT QIP PLANNING AND BUrLDiNG: SERVICES REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITS. THE MUM= CONDITIONS SM DEVELOPMENT' .y, l Site shall be developed in- accordance with the approved -site plans` on file in the Planning Services Department and the bonditorss, b, contained herein. 2.i The developershall, integrate an appropriate variety, of approved roof -materials and colors into the design of the residential: development in -a, canner which is both compatible and complementary among' each of the. residential units& 3. The applicant shall comply with: the. latest. adopted. Uniform. z Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform.Plumbing Code NationalElectrio Coder Uni=form Fire Code, and all other f applicable codas arid. or'dinances in effect at the time of building permit- issuance; 4., Prior to the: issuance of building permits for combustible construction, evidence: shall be submi=tted to the. Director of -Safety `Servicea that water supply and facilities for fire protection: is avai=lable. Whera additional: fire protection is required by theDirector of Safety Services.,- it shall be serviceable prior to the time: of construction. I "PI i NOV12 1986 tTLM 6 Resolution. No P-85-05 Page 6 k 5� For 3 new residential: dwelling unitCsY, the applicant shall pay x development fees at, the establis@ed rate.. Such fee.- may include, but not be limited: to. Permit- and Plan Checking Fees., School Fees (in.accordance,with City-adopted policy and/or ordinance), Water and Suer Service Fees. These fees shall be paid prior to building permit issuance.. 6. Street names shall be approved by the Planning Services Department prior to the recordation of the final. map/ and street addresses k' shal3. be-provided prior to the issuance of building permits:. z 7. Building identification and/or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings so as to be plainly visible from the street or,access roed,-. color of identificationand%r addresses shall contrast wi h their-background round colon. R.I PARKING AMVEHICULAR.ACCESS NO CONDITIONS co DSCAFIN r 1.. A detailed landscape and irrigation pian shall be submitted to and a approved.by the Public. Services- Department: and Planning Services � Department prior to the issuance of building permits., V. SIGNS Te. luny signs proposed for this development shall be designed and approved. in: conformance with: the Sign Ordinance. E. RECREATION 1. On bits having a private or public equestrian/pedestrian trail.on or adjacent to their property, the developer is required: to-have contained within the C.C.&R.,*s the following tatements: In purchasing the homer I have read the C. C:.&R. °' s and understand that said lot is_ subject to an easement for the purpose of allowing eques tr ian f pedesar i an tr.'af f i c. 2.- The developer shall improve the equestrian/pedestrian trail system: in accordance 'with the-adopted sign standards: and to the Al satisfaction of the Directors of Public and Planning Services prior to final map- approval. 3,. An: open space easement shall be: granted to the City over, upon.,.. across and under the area defined on the final. maps as an, equestrian trail and no building, structures or other thins shall OMM be constructed, erected, placed or maintain ed on sub=ject ' easements except for the construction: and maintenance of said trail and structures appurtenant to the trail. k r Resolution No P-86-05 Page 4.= Dedicate the Master planned equestrian/pedestrian trails to the .r satisfaction of the Directors of the Departments of' Public and Planning Services in accordance with the gaster PlanofTrails Element. k. 5. Parkland Dedication or payment of Park Fees at the established rate: shall be made: prior to� final. map approval,. F. Exr ING STRdCTURES NO CONDITIONS G., ADDITIONAL APPROVALS REQUIRED I. Development Review or Minor Development Review, s@all be accomplished pr.io= to the: issuance. of a; building permit. 2:.. The developer shall display a current Zoning and Land., Use: Map in the sales office at -all, times and/or, suitable alternative. to- the satisfaction• of the Director of Planning Services. 3 When, public or private: equestrian/pedestrian trails are required as' a 'part of the subdivision,: , the: developer- shall', display a map is the, sales officer of said .subdivision � indlcating the trails o 4.- All sales naps: that are, distributed or made available to the �public shall include but not be- limited to trails, future and , existing schools, parks, and streets: C2 t II.. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PUBLIC SERVICES- DEPARTMENT REGARD -IN COMPLIANCE WITH! THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: a lir GRADING: ` 1. Grading of the subject- property shall bein accordance with the Uniform. Building- Ccde,- City Grrading Ordinance r approved grading plan and geotechnical report., and accepted grading practices . 2... The. grading plan, shall. contain a certificate signed by -a registered civil engineer, that the: grading glan has, preserved a minimum. of 1:00 square feet of solar access for each dwelling unit and for each future:. building, site within the. subdivision. r A, soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer, licensed b the. State- of California to Y perform such .work prior to final:. Wrap.- apP'rovah approval. 4 A geQ_1a lreport shall be prepared b -Y a qualified en iaeer orca geo:log-ist, and submitted at the: time: of application for grading pian check. 14(YF 17 NOV 12 1986 tTEM 6 Resolutions _:a. P-86-05 Page: 8. [;,I El 5. The final grading plan shall be subject to, review and approval v - b __annin Services and Public Services Department and shall be. completed prior to recordation of the final. subdivision mi ag or. issuance of building-pertiit, whichever comes first.- 11 irst.S. STMTS AND SDSTRA= 1. Reciprocal access, and maintenance, and/or agreements shall be provided insuring access: to all parcels over private roads,, drLves: or parking areas and maintenance, thereof to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services i Q 2 Street striping and signing shall be installed to the satisfaction: of the Director of Public Services.. 3 All street structural sections shall be submitted for and approved by the Director of Public Services., 4 Street improvement plans= prepared on standard size sheets by a Registered Civil. Engineer, shall be submitted for approval by the Director of Public= Services. Plan check and inspection expenses° shall be paid by the developer.- S. All exterior street improveme' nts- shall, be constructed prior to , .,: issuance of building permits, to -the satisfaction of the Director ._ of Public Services,4. 6. Street improvements that include; but are not limited, tal: a. Sidewalks X e.: Cross gutter b., Driveways. r f Alley, gutter Wheel chair ramps X g. Street paving d,.: Curb and gutter h .. Alley paving. shall be constructed. prior toi the occupancy, of the units to the: satisfaction of the Director. of Public Services.. 7`. All _damaged off-site public works facilities,,. including parkway trees, shall be repaired or replaced prior to, exoneration of bonds and improvements r to the satisfaction of the . Departments of Public Services. 8.- Prior to any, work being performed in the public right-of-way, an encroachment permit- shall be obtained from the Public Services: office and appropriate fees. paid.,- in addition to any other permits required. 15GF17' NOV 12 1986, g T EAW' 6 Resolution No 7--86-85. Page g 9. Street improvements and maintenance shall be made 'in -accordance `- v' tl- Civ- ordinance standards for non -dedicated rural streets a ' { internal project streetso. - 10 . The developer shall: pay the Traffic Mitigation Fee- at the ' established rate prior to�final map. X, DRAINAGE AW FLOOD CO 1. Intersection` drains will he required at locations specified , by the: Director of Public Services and in accordance with standard` engineering practices,., 2 A drainage system capable of handling and disposing of all surface water or w hin the: subdivssion, and: all. surface waters. that may flow onto the subdivisiom from adjacent lands, shalt be �. required. -Said drainage system shall include any easementSL and structures as required by the Director of Public Services to properly handle thdrainage- 3..� Portland cement concrete cons. gutters shall be installed where =1 water crosser the roadways:. 40-' The Master plan- of Drainage Fee .shall be paid at the. established " sate irr. accordance: with the Drainage Ordinance: prior to final map :r approval K.F UTILITIES I., All proposed utilities within the project shall be installed r underground including existing utilities along Circulation Elegant roads and/or highways: lens than: 34..5 KV Utility easements shall. be provided to the specification of the serving utility companies and the: Director of Public Services. &, 3., The developer shall be responsible fora the relocation. and undergrounding of existing public utilities,- as required.. L. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND ' APPROVALS 1.. A. copy of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's and/or Articles of Incorporation.of the Homeowners. Association shall be suoject to, the review for compliance with conditions herein, to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and. Director of Planning Servicesol and: shall be filed with the Secretary of Statei, the County Recorder and the City Clerk at the: time of final asap consideration. 166 OF i 7 NOV 12 1986 ITEM' AT�ESTr g Resolu' .lon No. P-86-05 Page 10 'and 2. Final parcel and tract maps shall conform to City standards procedures 3. By separate document prior to the recording of the final subdivision map, or on -the final subdivision map#, there shall be, t granted to the City, an open space easement -aver hots 12-18r 25, 20 and 29. Said open space easement. shall_` be approved as to. form: by the City Attorney and shall limit the use of said open space to r-ecreational*purposes, including buildings,, structures and L f k; improvements'.' ry 410 Should this. subdivision- be further divided, each final, map, shall F be submitted for approval by the Director of Public Services. 5., All provisions' of the. Subdivision Ordinance of the Poway. Municipal r Code shall -be met. as they rebate to t#ez divisionof land. 1` S. Those portions of the subject property proposed to be held under common ownership shall be labeled such and identified by a rc separate lot number on, the- final asap . 7'.Prion to final reap` approval, all. of` the above: improvements. and °. requirements shall be installed and provided, -or deferred by . guaranteeing instalaat t on within two. years: from. neap- recordation o . or prior to building permit issuance, whichever occurs first, by the execution- of a. performance agreement r secured with. sufficient. s'ecur ties., in a foss approved by the City Attorney. All necessary processing fees r deposita r and charges- shall be paid- aiCdprfor priorto final map- approval 4 " Prior to final Wrap approval, all dedications= shall be made and easements granted: as required above. 9. Thetentative map, as � extended and: amended shall expire: on November, 15,, 1986 unless. an application: for time extension is. received 98 days: prior to expiration in accordance with the, City`s Subdivision.Ordinance. Section 4 Reselation No P-83-52 is hereby rescinded. APPROVEDt and ADOPTED by the City Coun 1 of the City- of Poway, States of Californias this. 28th of Januar , , 1 86. " Carp R. Kruse,, Mayor AT�ESTr