Item 7 - EA and TTM 86-02 - Gemstar Southwest DevelopmentE STAR November 1` 1,, 1986 City of Poway Honorable Mayor and City Council l` 13202 Poway Road Poway, CA 92064 GenstarSouthwestDevvelopment 9404 GeneseeAvenue, Suite 340 La Jolie CA 92037 Telephone 019.455 -1230 - Mailing Address: Post Office Box 85034,, San: Die9a4: CA 93136 c/a John Bridges,, Assistant Planning Director RE: Amendment to Request for. Indefinite Continuance for TM 86-02 Dear Honorable Major and City Council: Genstar Southwest, Development hereby amends the original request for continuance of item No.. 7 of the November 12, 1986 City Council Agenda to include the following wording: Genstar recogn i zes that granting of the continuance constitutes a wav- ing of the right to have. the opportunity to be heard within the time limits specified ' in Section 66452.2. of the California Government Code. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely yours, GENSTAR SOUTHWEST DEVELOPMENT" , ott, .r -s 'ent VTNmg cc Brian La diaw Arthur Shurtleff NOV12 1986 RECEIVED PLAPPlirritrt ', PARl: JENT J rt_ END REPORT " ,t• ; ©F P _ p_TqvV nr 'P►CiiRT'A Y TO': Honora FROM: James INITIATED BY: Reba U Join E S DATE: Novemb SUBJECT: Env ra a-02 A regv as Pow Light area. AP'N:: ABSTRACT PROJECT PLANNER.: PARCEL SIZE: GENEIRAF PLAN DESIGN ZONING SURROUNDING DESIGNAR RELATED CASES: CORRESPONDENCERECErI ENVIRONMENTAL RECOMN STAFF RECOMMENDATION ACTION: � OF L Agenda. Report November 32 , 1986 Page 2 . BACKGROUND A. Project Description The Development Plan and Standards for the South Poway Planned. Community were approved by the City Council on ;July 30, 1985. Pomerado Business Park" was the first subdivision of land proposed in the South Poway Planned Community (SPPC) and the tentative map. for that subdivision was approved on: November 19, 1985., Poway Corporate Center is the second division of land proposed in the-SPPC and consists of approximately -160 acres of land located, j within`the.south portion of Subarea 1 and the southwesterly portion l of Subarea 2., The proposed divisionwould create 24 lots, of which 20, would be devoted. to Light Industrial development, two to Industrial: Park development., one to Rural Residential Ar and one to Open Space.. The net usable area (area remaining after. sloped areas are subtracted for industrial) for the project are as follows: Light Industrial 58.57 acres - industrial. Park 7.73 acres Rural Residential A al. 46 acres Open Space .69 acres -TOTAL 148.45 acres Building square footage for the entire project will be limited to 1. 3 million square feet: based upon 60acres of industrial' land use identified in the-SPPC Development Plan for this property, B. Development Facilities Access- to the subdivision will ` be provided front, the South Poway Parkway (SPP) to: the South Loop Road, Community Road, and New, Beeler Canyon Road.. All of these streets rely -upon the construc- tion of both the SPP and Community'Road in the Pomerado.Lusiness .. Park tTTM: 85-04, Cadillac Fairview) . The provision of access to the project area •will require on-site improvements to the, SPP. s South Loop Road, and interior streets/cul-de-sacs. In aarition, off- 1te improvements or contributions will be required for the SPP, South Loop Road, Pomerado-Road, and Community Road. As described in the SPPC Development Plan, no parking will be per- mitted on any,. -of -.the streets in the project area. 70F?_3 '1 Agenda Report November 12, 1986 .a Page 3 n The development of the Poway Corporate Center will require a significant amount of grading to prepare the land for industrial use.. The proposed grading will result in a.maximum fill slope of 170 feet in height located on the southwest edge of Lot 14. A maximum net slope height. of. 25. feet will -occur on the southwest edge of Lot 23, The SPDC Development Plan. and Standards call for contour grading of large slopes and all slopes generally visible to the public. The Plan and Standards also call for revegotation as a. E means of erosion control and for aesthetic purposes.: The ` grading plans for the project will include a thorough geotechnical: investi.- $. gation;which will offer specific methods to correct any unstable N geologic and soils conditions. encountered. All grading activities in the project area will be monitored by an engineering geologist to, verify that exposed soils and geologic conditions do not differ from those anticipated. The drainage system for the project shall be designed so that the total runoff for the completed project does _not ;exceed' that {' experienced in the undeveloped land condition. Sewer and. water systems for the project will be designed and ...,.,installed based upon -a City -approved design analysis. In addition tor the: potable water system, a reclaimed water system for landscaping irrigation. will be sized and installed for future, use, should reclaimed water become feasible. Proper -f ire protection will necessitate the use . of transitional landscaping between native vegetation and building areas as a - tech - nigne for controlling potential brush fires. In addition to that measure, any future building subject to local ordinance criteria will be -required ;to have: automatic fire control sprinkler. systems.. The association of property owners in the business park will also be required to participate in the County and City hazardous materials disclosure ordinance and in planning for the control of such materials. Genstar will also -pay a pro rata share of the cost of -a new fire vehicle with squirt apparatus necessary for fighting fires in larger, buildings Transit facilities will include bus turnouts and bus bench endo- sures. These,improvements will be provided along the transit routes '"iE'v'ithin the project areasduring street construction. Recreational facilities will include a 0.7 acre mini -parkin Lot 17. The park will primarily be for employees of the industrial park and will consist of passive uses only.. The subdivider will also contribute a'pro rata share of the cost of the recreational facilities in Phase 2 of Pomerado Business 'Park based on Genstar.'s portion. of the industrial/commercial acreage in the SPPC. Agenda Report November 12, 1986 Page 4 The development of this property and others within. the same drainage: area will ultimately have a significant negative impact on the existing residential development along Creek Road whichpre- sently relies on wells for potable water and septic systems for sewage. disposal., Both water and sewer lines should be extended down Creek 'Road for a distance of approximately 3,000 feet with the development of -the Genstar property. C. Environmental Review on July 30, 1985, the City Council certified the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the South Poway Planned Community. That certification also includeed a statement of over-riding considerations for the areas of traffic/circulation,°air resources, regional water7 supplies, and mineral resources as impacts which could not be fully mitigated. Numberous mitigation measures were included as conditions of development to. reduce environmental impacts associated with the project. Many of these Mitigation measures apply to. environmental impacts which will result from development of the proposed Pomera.do Business ' Park,. and they have been: ndluded'w%thin`tha proposed resolution {.see Attachment 'U.- Because -the SPDC E1R discusses impacts and includes mitigation measures applicable to the Pomerada Business Park, a Negative Declaration may be issued under the: proces known as. "'�tier.ing.11 Tiering is, allowed by the California. Environmental _ Quality Act where an EIR. prepared for the previously approved pro- ject, also applies to a subsequent. `proj:ect. D.. Correspondende ° Notice of the, hearing for the proposed project has been sent to the: property owners within 500 feet of the project ' -s exterior` boun- 11 dar es And.notice was also published ' in. the Poway News Chieftain. ; FINDINGS The proposed subdivision is. consistent with the City of Poway Comprehensive Plan and the South Poway Planned Community Development Plan and Standards in of land use' design, and improvements. The site .s phyaieally suitable for the proposed type: and intensity of development., and as a result of required { mitigation measures; the project will not, cause significant environmental 'damage., Public improvements to be installed will avoid any serious -public health problems,' and the design of the s:ub- division does` not conflict with any .public- access easements.. 4OF'?3 genda Report November 12, 19 86 Page 5 RECOMMENDATION iti_ s recommended that the City Council approve the tentative map for Poway Corpoate. Center, subject to the conditions: containedin the attached resolution, and issue a Negative Declaration. JLB:RWT:JEB:pn Attachments: 1. Proposed Resolution for TTM 86-02 (including Standara Conditions) 2. Proposed Tentative Tract Map 3. ' Surrounding General Plan and Zoning 5 OF 23 RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL { OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 86-02 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 320-021-03, f 320032-01, and 317-280-07 4: WHEREAS: Tentative Tract Map No.. 86-02., ;her nafter "Map" sub- -r by Genstar Southwest. Development, ` apali.cant. for the purpose of subdividing: the real property situated in the Cty'of Poway, County, of San Diego, State of California, described as a portion of the - north one: quarter of the northwest one quarter of Section 25, Township 14 South, Range 2. West..San Ber.nard`no Meridianr and a F portionof they northeast one quarter. of the northeast one quarter �.° of Sect,ion 2.6 Township 14: South, Range 2 West... -San Bernardino Meridian and a . portion oE the southwest one quarter- of the: southeast one quarter, of Section 2=4, Township 14 Southr. Range: 2 :. West, San Bernardino Meridian into 24 lots.,, regularly came before the City Council for public, hearing and action on November 12,, 1986; and WHE'REAS, the. Director of Planning Services has recommended approval of the- Map sub:ject. to all conditions suet forth in the Planning Services Department report; and WHEREAS, the City Council. has read. and considered said report and has 'considered other evidence presented at the: public hearing. NOWT- THEREFOREt the: City Council of the City of Poway does. resolve as; follows: :' Section l: Findings: The Ci y Councilmakes the following findings: in, regard to Tenaative 'Tract No..> 86-Q2 and the Map thereof a. The: tentative tract is consistent with all applicable general and, specific plans,; b. The design or improvement of the: tentative tract is consistent with all applicable general and specific plans., C4 The site is physically suitable for the type of development. -proposed; d. The site is physically suitable for the density of the: development proposed.: e:. The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage: and avoidable: injury . to humans: and wildlife or their, habitat` f. The tentative tract is not likely, to cause serious public health problems- roblems6OF 60P Resolution No. P- t Page 2 g. The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record for access -thr throughor use of the , within the property proposed subdivision. h. That this project will not create advese impacts on the environment and a Negative Declaration is issued.- Section 2: Tentative Tact Map No. 56-421. a. copy. of which: is .on file in the. Planning :Services office- is hereby approved subject to -all of: the following conditions: - I., STREETS - OFF-SITE A. General - 1. All streets shall be stri ped. and signed to the satin- faction of the Cty, Engineer.: 2. Street light `_standards,: regardingwattage and spacing, shall be subject to the review and approval of City Engineer; . 3.. All street alignments, ,profiles, and intersection sight distances shall be subject. to the-review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. All street sections shall be improved as shown' in the Development Standards Volume No.. -2. Ba South PQway'Parkway 1� South Poway Parkway east of the intersection. of Community Road shall be fully improved to the s°at.s- faction of the City Engineer.. Full street-improve, men. including a raised landscaped median shall, be constructed easterly of this, intersection to the northeast corner of Lot 3. 2. Costs associated with improving the South Poway park- way shall be credited toward traffic mitigation fees. C. south Loop Road - 1, Should this project precede Phase 'II of Pomerado Business. Park, the off-site portion of South: Loop road shall be dedicated and: fully improved from the intersections o€South Poway Parkway to the southwest corner of Lot 1Q in accordance with Volume Development Standards. Any casts in, actuating or modifying the traffic signal at South Loop Road shall be borne by the developers. Resolution No,. P- Page 3 AMEL D. Pomerado Road. le, The developer shall: contribute their pro: rata share. to.the, construction-of pomerado Road: to the southern City limits- in the amount not to exceed $156,000 prior, to final map. E.. Community Road 1. The unimproved portion of Community,Road alone the east side of the road, south of Poway Creek, approxi.- -mately 550 feet in length,- shall be.. fully improved in accordance w-th the ' City'- s: General Plan `and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.. Costs associated with this improvement to Community. Road shall be cre-, dited.toward traffic mitigation fees_. F. Oak Knoll Road - 1. The developer shall ' pair a pro . rata share (not to exceed: $3,0,00)- .of the traffic signal installation and intersection widening at Poway. Road and Oak Knoll Road prior to f inal -map: approval.. G. Should this project precede phase II. of Pomera.do Business Park . the off-site portion - f the caul-de-sac serving sats 22 and 23 shall be dedicatedand fully" constructed to South_ LoopRoad.. This portion of roadway shall be ` entitled to reimbursement agreement. 11.> STRUM - ON-SITE' A. General 1. All streets shall be: public. 2. All .streets shall be-f striped and signed to the sat is.-� faction of the.City Engineer. 3. All street sections, inc:l.uding inter=ior streets; and. cul.-de-sacs,shell --be improved. as. shown in, the Development Standards Volume No. 2.. 4, All street alignments., profiles, and intersection sight distances shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 5:. All cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum curbline radius of 38 feet. 6. Traffic control measures at,unsignalZed intersec- tions `shall -be reviewed and approved by resolution of the City Council, CIF2` 6. Resolution No. P- Page 4 7. Maximum allowable intersection grades: shall. be 2 percent unlesa otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 8. Sidewalks and bike routes shall generally be located { as shown in the Development Standards: - Volume No 2 and shall meander wherever possible to the satisfac- tion of the: City Engineer.- ngineers9`. 4.Street light standards, regarding wattage and. spacing, .shall, be subject to, the review, and approval of the City Engineer., B.; South: Poway Parkway 1. South Poway Parkway shall be improved to. full street improvements including a raised landscaped median... 2. Abutter °� s r"ghts-of@access: shall be waived and shown-, on the final map for all lots contiguous" to. South Poway Parkway. 3.: Costs associated with improving the South Poway Parkway shall be, credited toward traffic mitigation; F>_ fees., C*1 South Loop: Road 1.: south Loo Road: shall be improved to full street Loop P improvements. -_from Lot 1.8 to the southeast corner of Lot 6 D.- New. Beeler Canyon Road ,. 1. The developershall grant_a roadway, easement across the. corner of the property southeast of Lots 12j, 13 , F and 14, to: allow a private, read to beconstructed and utilized by the PadreL TEanal't operation.. Said ease-, meat shall be to the satisfaction of they City Engineerand shall also be reserved for a future public street., ill. GRADING A... Landslides present in the areas to be graded, or that could affect, the. proposed roads, shall be 'stabilized as recommended ''by the `engineering geologist for the pro:eet A and to the satisfaction of the: City Engineer. B. All.'landslidea shall be thoroughly addressed and invesai- gated to the . satisfaction of the City Engineer. Specific recommendations incl.udin.g buttressing and/or remedial grading in these areas shall be included within the grading` plans'.- ians:Q_ 4ne 1 a 1 Resolution NO. P- Page 5 3 C. The..proj.ect's geotechnical constultant shall address fills in excess of 50 feet planned for the project regarding long-term consolidaiton. Additional mitigating measures shall be reviewed and approved by thea City Engineer prior to placement of such fills.. D. All subsurface drains, shall be shown on the grading plan. E. The geotechnical investigation shall extend off-site to evaluate potential impact for landslides and drainage problems: to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. F. 1-1/2:1: fi� l slopes will not be .accepted. G..; . A p wise 1-12.1 cut slo es will not be accepted unless o ther approved by the City Engineer. H. The finalradin plan shall include a g g p permanent landscape, and irrigation; system. to the sa:tisfaotion of the -City Y Engineer, City Landscape Architects,and.the Directors o Planning and Community Services. I. Quarry%ng or export of excess. material shall be subject to , . {' the approval of the Citic Engineer .. , J. Letters of Permission to Grade shall be required for all off-site grading prior to the approval : of the grading plan, R. Lots I and 2 shall be redesigned to allow for separate driveways.. L. All -slopes shall be contour -graded as outlined in the Development Standards - Volume No. 2. IV. DRAINAGE ..: P°roc to- the approval of the final map, the developer`s engineer shall prepare and submit a detailed hydrology and hydraulic report on the project verifying that the total runoff from: the completed project does not exceed the undeveloped condition. This, study shall be subject to the review and approval of. the City Engineer, and its results shall be implemented in each phase of grading and drainage improvements, S. Allpublic .storm drain- easements shall be a minimum.of 20 feet .in width. C.. All joint public easements shall be a minimum of 3Q feet in width. t0 OF Resolution No. P_' pJ Page 6 4 D. velocities in storm drain pipes- in excess of 20 feet/second shall require thick-walled reinforced concrete pipe. - E.. All inlet and outletstructures shall include energy dissipators to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. r V. SEWER A.. Should this: project precede Phase II of Pomerado .Business` k: Park', the sewer main shall be extended -to` connect to -the main bu%lding within Phase I. This off-site _portion of the sewer main will be entitled to >a reimbursement agreement. B. All sewer mains not. located within streets shall have_a 20 -foot minimum easement width and a maintenance road to access each manhole. -Design and construction of theman- tenance road, -.shall -be subject of the review and approval of the City Engineer. C. The minimum grade for all public sewer mains shall be 04 percent unless: otherwise approved by the City Engineer. D. The depth of sewer mains shall be designed to possibly serve the. adjacent properties to the east. E. All lots shall be designed to be served by a gravity sewer lateral. VIO WATER A.. A water system shall be designed and constructed as - detailed in a water analysis study approved by the City Engineer.. This analysis shall incorporate and utilize the water facilities as designed for. Pomerado Business Park. B. A reclaimed water system.shall be sized and installed for landscaping and irrigation toothe Sat rfa+C1.tQR of tyle City, f. Engineer.. Prior to final map approval for each phase,, a p deed covenant: shall be recorded requiring property owners to agree to join and participate in a future water recla- mation district. C. The subdivider -shall install a City water line and sewer line from their terminus :near the South Poway. Parkway/Pomerado Road intersection to theexisting resi- esi-dences in the Rural Residential C zone along Creek Road ` (a _ dences -in- distance of approximately 3,0.00 feet) to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Costs in excess of $20,00a shall be subject to reimbursement from other properties within the Y SPPC which drain into Beeler Creel. 1 OF -2 r . Resolution No. P- Page 7 D. he policies and regulations of the Poway Water Conservation Element and the: State Water Resources Board shall be implemented and incorporated in the building structures and site development. Included are low -flow showers, low -flush toa.lets, and waster conserving, applian.-{ ces and irrigation systems.. . VII. FEES AND -DEPOSITS A. The subdivider: shall pay all development {fees at the rate %n effect at the time; of payment prior-- to final. map. approval.. These fees shall include but not limited .to, water, and. sewer service fees, traffic mitigation fees., and drainage fees., VI II. 'LAND..' USE A. The project:'s building square, footage; for Light Industrial- and ;Industrial Park shall be consistent with the SPPCs Development Plan and shall not exceed '1, 3G6 -'F,.8'0 G square. feet. total.. ` Any,expansionof industri-a-1 or commercial. use- se on - on this. propertwill re airs an amendment; to the .SPPO p A Y q Development Plan and its: asaociated,•envircnmenta.l impact _ - report., �. B. Prior to final. maps, any of the proposed,. tentative map. industrial lots may be combined to° thesatisfaction of the. C� ty Engineer to create larger Lots='.. This combining` shall be considered to be in substantial conformance with the tentative map.. IX.' RECREATIONAL FACILITIES A. The subdivider shall .mprove:, Lot 17 for passive recreational use as a mini -garb as described1n the. <SPPC_ = Development 'Plan.. B. The- subdivider shall contribute, a pro =rata: share of the cast. of improe► in the recreational facl'.? ==t- located in Phase. II of Pomerado Business Park bas°ed on eight percent, of the total cost of that facility. - C. Maintenance of the: mini -park and the recreational. facility in. Pomerado Business Park shall, be the: responsibility of thel SPPC Property Owners' Association and shall, be stipu A laced: in_ the- CC&R's and/or Articles of -incorporation.. 1OF 2 3 Resolution No. P- gage 8' TRANSIT FACILITIES A. Prior to the: final map- approval,, all transit routes and bus shelters r and turnout locations shall::. be determined to the satisfaction of the: Director of Community Services., Turnout locations shall be designed in accordance: with the SPPC Development Plan. Bus, bench shel:ters.r trash con tainers;, and group newspaper boxes: shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Services at peEifa:c locations- with street mprovemer�ts.. XI EIRM PROTECTION A.. Where required by the Director of Safety Services and/oar 1 Fire Marshal r transition fuel ` management zones shall be incorporated into- the project tc v lessen the impact of potential brush. fires on perimeter lots. R. Any -bail, ding, over 5r.00.0- square feet: in area or with. ` an s occupant load o€ 10:0: persons or more shall have automatic fire control sprinkler systems in accordance with City of Poway Orth -nance 131. � C .. Prion to; final map approval ppr-oval for Phase I., a pro rata. share of the cost. of a fire engine with a lr500 gpmr 55 foot s: uirt..a p aratu �. p paid- by the developer based. upon, his �s. shall be share of ndustrial/commercal acreage within the SPDC as. a necessary means of providing adequate: fire: 'protection: to the industriallcommercial area., The pro rata share shall be on p g based u a°i ht percent of the- total current cost. of $258,598 which shall: be subject toincreases° of seven percent per annum. Di.. The developer shall include within the CC&Rr s and/or the Articles of Incorporation: of the: Property Owrner r s- f Association a stipulation requiring p q g panic°ipation in the County and City hazardous materials disclosure ordinance and: the plar4nng for control of such. materials I.NOISE A. Construction activities shall be limited to the hours of r 7 -OG a.m.. to T QG p.m., Monday through Saturday. In addi- tion, all construction equipment should be equipped with: effective muffling devices and shall utilize City Department of public Services designated, routes of ingress and. egress O T" Resolution No. P- Page 9 XIII. BIOLOGY n, A. Maintenance of common, open space lots and other landscaped areas shall be the responsiblity of, the Property Owners' Association and shall be'stipulated in the CC&R"s and/or' Articles of Incorporation.. It shall also be stipulated ' that:. the City has-the right to review and modify the level of maintenance.. B. The spoils- of earthmoving, including road construction, f shall be: confined within the identified limits of grading whenever possible. Exposed fill: slopes., wherever they occur,; should be surfaced with topsoils and revegetated before they are eroded by rainfall. A mulch may be n` required to protect fill slope surfaces while vegetation ' is being established. - C. Access: control methods such -as signager feneingr and other forms of barriers should be utilized within natural open' space or,rural residential areas, ln .order° to minimize P a t- habitat disruptionW 'Of particular concerns -..is- the need -to restrict off-road vehicles within. grassland slopes., D-.- Buffer zones, setbacks easements, and. o en.- space should p be utilized in order to separate. ' natural. areas: from deve- lopments. -This, practice would. ,also help prevent invasion k of native plant communities by- c exotilandscape vegetation and thus preserve the integrity of natural habitats.. f -K.. A spring biological resources survey shall be conducted 'to, - r _determine the presence or.absence of anticipated sensitive species.; Survey emphasis: should also 'be placed on sen sitive habitats on the ungraded portion of the site to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. F. Prior to grading the property, the developer shall alloy access for an organized group! to. the site to permit removal of any sensitive plant species: which would otherwise be destroyed by grading.. XJV. CULTURAL, RESOURCES - A.. prior to the., issuance of a grading permit, specific measures for treatment. of cultural; resources identified during construction .shall: be prepared by a certified g archaeologist and submitted to the Director of Planning Services for approval. Such measures shall specify work stoppage procedures, monitoring requirements, and funding t responsibilities. t 140F Resolution No. Page 10 B. Additional literature review survey and photographicwork, and excavationof identified archaeological resources may be required as a result of impacts resulting from off-site construction activity (e..g.r street and utility exten- sions, off-site grading) in conjunction with subsequent detailed. plans. TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION A. The developer shall include within the Convenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R's) and/or Articles of Incorporation .of the Property Owners. r Association a 'stipu- lation requring on-site transit coordinator (s) to. devise and implement carpooling and vanpooling programs within the commercial/industrial area. These programs should. also include: incentives for using alternative transpor- tation modes and. "flextime" .or nontraditional work sche- duling to lighten park hour traffic volumes. Ten percent . of the employment area parking spaces shall be preferen- tial spaces designated for carpools/vanpools. I. POLICE SERVICE A. The 'CC&R` s and/or Articles. of Incorporation of the Property Owners. ' Associaton shall include stipulations requiring the implementation of a crime prevention program for the commercial/industrial zone. XVII. WASTEWATER Policies and regulationsof the Poway Water Conservation. Element and the State Water Resources Board shall be applied and incorporated inthe building of str,uctures and site development in order to reduce the project's wastewater collection and treatment requirements.. XVII... AESTHETICS A Roads 1.. In accordance with the SPPC Development Plan and Development Standards, allcut and fill slopes shall be contoured where feasible to blend into the natural topography and promptly revegetated with native or introduced plant species compatible with surrounding open space. Contour grading shall be shown on the final grading plans. Areas where contour grading should be utilized include, 150F23 rt` J Resolution No.. P- Page 11 where practical as determined by the City Engineer. slopes along streets open to .public view, large fill slopes, - slopes along project entries and the South Poway Arterial within. the -50 -foot setback., Contour grading -`should not be -required on interior slopes not generally visble to the public. 2. In accordance with. the SPPC. Development. Plan and. Development Standards,. landscaped buffers= shall be provided along roadways to screen views. R11 Project Perimeters 10 . Potentially visible edges of the loop: road and other t;. perimeter roads- shall be screened with vegetation compatible to the surrounding natural area. 2.. � Fill slopes shall be contoured to . approximate: as much as possible the existing topography and promptly revegetated wi `native or, introduced -species,. 3.1 - Stguctures: near potentially visible perimeter areas: shall be screened. with. landscaping,,,: set back, an. appropriate distance:. from the development edge to minimize visual impacts to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services.: C., Internal. Design 1. Landscaping shall be provided throughoutthe: proposed development to sof ten visual. impacts- a:nd enhance the aesthetics character of the project. G.uidleines- for the planning of pro' :ect landscaping and. its. main tenance. are set. forth in the SPPC Development Plan and Development Standards texts. 2. LoT&i pressure sod .um. lamps and lampsh elds shall' be used in street and parking lot lighting to respect. the "'night sky": requirements of local observatories. U. • r ReSou rcec 1: Pursuant to detailed project -level. traffic studies. an analysis of 1`ocal air quality at key_ roadway intersections shall, be performed for existing and. future (year 2005) conditions. Re Landscaping 1., A Master Plan of the existing on-site trees shall be provided to the Planning Services Department. prior to. the issuance of building permits and prior to grading, to determine which trees= shall be retained. Resolution No. Page 12 2. Existing on-site trees shall be reta1ned wherever. possible and shall be trimmed and/or topped. Dead, decaying or potentially dangerous trees shall be approved for removal at the discretion of the Planning Services. Department during the review of the Master Plan of existing on-site. trees. Those trees which are approved for removal shall. be replaced on a tree -for -tree basis as requiredby the. Planning Services Department. XIX.. INFORMATIONAL: CONDITIONS Noise 1. Industries shall provide noise attenuation devices for equipment of machinery producing excessive noise levels. 2., Prior to granting occupancy for any buildings, an accredited expert or authority in the field of acoutics shall submit evidence in accordance with the following procedures which certifies that local noise standards will be satisfied. a. An acoustical analysis: report describing in detail the exterior noise environment and the acoustical design features required to achieve the interior noise standards shall be submitted to the Director of Planning Services for approval. b.. Prior to granting of occupancy,- satisfactory evidence shall be submitted to the Director of Planning Services,which indicates that the sound attenuationmeasures specified zn the approved acoustical report have been incor- porated into the design of the project. t Police Service 1. Security alarm systems shall be installed on all commercialiandustrial buildings. 2. Security lighting shall be -installed in all parking lots and walkways through commercial/industrial areas. 3. Siting of landscaping, parking Lots,and walkways shall be designedto maximize pedestrian and: auto safety. 17`®Fa3 i x Resolution No. P- Page 13 C. Energy Conservation I. Energy-efficient structures should be constructed utilizing both building design and. siting, and landscaping design such. as: a., taking advantage of heating/cooling by sunfwind exposure, b.; utilizing energy-efficient lighting systemsw and Ce, incorporating solar water heating systems as � feasible or constructin gbuildin s to allow easy. installation, of such systems- later. 2. Project architects and planners should comply with SDG&E recommendations for applying energy conser- vation techniques.. 31. Full advantage, should be taken Of opportunities to utiitze. cogeneration or heat exchange systems within r industrial; and- commercial lana.- uses. 4 Property owners: and 'tenants within the project are encouraged to recycle waste mate°rial:s at. the site or in the: landfill process D. Aesthetics I 1. Roofs should be constructed of low-reflective material, and mechanical equipment should be screened architecturally. 2. Architectural design, building materials:, signage,: and exterior lighting should be subject to strict harmonious design controls to be specified in the SPPC Development Standards, and subsequent detailed. plans Ew Air Resources 1, Project and. structural design should include, at a minimum, the followings a. energy-efficient lighting b. optimum° insulation standards cw solar access siting £. d. solar space heating/hot water systems/pool heating e energy-efficient built-in appliances 18OF2 Resolution No. P- Page 14 Planning/B.uiiding Services 1. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform. Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code Uniform P1unbing Code, National Electric Code, Uniform Fire Code, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. . For a new commercial or industrial development, or addition to an existing development, the applicant shall, pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited to: Permit. and Plan Checking Fees, Water and Sewer Service Fees. These fees shall be paid prior to final map approval. . Street names shall be approvedby the Planning Services Department prior to the recordation of the final map, and street addresses shall be provided prior to the issuance of building permits. XX. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND APPROVALS A copy of the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R's) and/or Articles of Incorporation of the Homeowners Association. shall- be subject to the review for compliance with conditions herein, to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and Director of Planning Services, and shall be filed with the Secretary of State,. the County Recorder and the City Clerk at the time of final map -con -- sideration • Prior to . recordation., a. Notice of Intention to form. Landscape and/oor. Lighting Districts shall be filed with. the City Council..: The engineering costs involved in district formation shall be borne by the developer and the district shall include landscaped medians, sidewalks, and trails. • Final parcel and tract maps shallconform to City .stan- dards and procedures • All provisions of the Subdivison. Ordinance of the Poway Municipal. Code shall be met as they- relate to the diva sion of land Resolution No,, P- Page 15 E. When improvements of supplemental sizes capacity or number `the for- benefit of property, not within the boundaries of the; s.ubdi.visionn are required, the City will enter into a reimbursement agreement with the subdivider in, accordance- ccordancewith. with,th.e City Subdivision - Ordinance. E.' Prrior to final map approval,. all of the .above improvements j and :requirements shall be installed. and Prov' ided, or deferred by guaranteeing installation:within two years from map recordation or ;prior to bui:l:ding permit issuances whichever occurs first, b the: execution. 'of aF � y performance { agreement r secured with, sufficient securities, in a form app,the City Attorney.. All necessary processing 1 fees r deposits, and, charges ' shall be paid prior to final map approval... may also. improvements maalso. be provided by a' Community Facilities: lities: District, ar° other assessment district, as. determined by the City Council.. APPROVED and ADQPTEI}- by the City:.: Council of the City of Poway,, State of California, this 12.th of November, 198. t c Carl R. Kruse, � Mayor ATTEST.- Marjorie K... Wahlatear City° Clerk t t 4:a' i (23 i } 't,S �t -27 Ls. 3` • r t IL do WN - 2`, zz 29 - -.. ��f•� ; .� �---� mss_ -"' � �1 � IL _J``� _. 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E DATE: November 12, 1986 SUBJECT-:, Environmental Assessment and Tentative Tract Niap 8:6.-02.- Genstar Southwest Development, Applicant: A request for, a 2:4 -lot division of land to be known: as Poway Corporate Center in .the Industrial Park:, Dight Industrial, Rural Residential, and open Space areas located in: the: South Poway Planned Community. APN: 3720-031-011, 3 20-021-0,3 ,. and 317-280:--17 Background By tree atta cY ed letter, the applicant 'has requested aft indefinite continuance for TTM . 86-02.6 Staff, recommends approval. : Rection It ie� reaminended. the City Ccabncil remove this item from calendar and readvertise when ready toz proceed.: Attaclment (1 ACTION: NOV 1 2 1986 !TEM, 1- of 2 2: of GEN October 31, 1956 City of Poway P.�. Brox 789 Poway, CA 92064 Attn : John Bridges Re : Tentative Map 86-02 Dear John.: Genstar Southnek trrelopment 9404 Genesee Avenin: Suite 340 La Jolla, CA 92037 Telephone ti 19-455-1230 Mailing Address:. Post Office Box 85034;; San Olegot CA 92138 PTease consider this fetter a request for an *indefinite continuance for Tentative Map: No. 86.-02 which was to be heard Wednesday, Novem- ber 12., 1986 at 7:00 p.m. We wi 1T inform youby letter when we wish to continue processing ,this map. Sincerely„ GENSTAR SOUTHWEST DEVELOPMENT Arthur B. Shur. tleff Vice President,, Engineering and Construction on ABS:mg, cc: M.R. Scott B. K. Laidlaw- G. L. Brenton B. K. Hogan t it PLANNING DEP/MIMEI NOV1.2 1986 ITEM