Item 9 - Reimbursement Agmt. for Repayment of Certain Construction Costs for Installation of a Traffic SignalAGENDA REPORT
Honorable Mayor and Members of the
James L. Bowersox, City Manag�
Alan D. Archibald, Director o Public Services
Alan F. Schuler, Senior Civil Engineer
November 12, 1986
Reimbursement Agreement for Repayment of Certain
Construction Costs for. Installation of a Traffic
Signal. at Poway Road and Oak Knoll Road.
Pacific Scene, Inc. (The.Pomerado Group) wa the developer
Pomerado Plaza north of Poway Road at Oak Knoll Road. On
August 5, 1986, the City Council approved anagreement with
Pacific Scene to reimburse them for some of the intersection
improvemetts. This is another reimbursement agreement requiring
owners of undeveloped properties near the intersection to pay
their fair share towards the construction of the traffic signal
pursuant to Ordinance No.158. Staff recommends approval of
this reimbursement agreement.
Pacific Scene, Inc., in association with The Pomerado Group,
developed the Pomerado Plaza at the northeast corner of Poway
Road and Oak Knoll Road in conjunction with Tentative, Parcel.
Map No- 16711. On August 5, 1986, the City Council approved
Resolution No. 86-082 which provided for the reimbursement of
$3,700 in traffic signal fees and $65,290 in bridge and thorough-
fare fees.
horough-farefees. The reimbursement of these fees is contingent upon
satisfactory installation of a traffic signal at Oak Knoll Road
and Poway Road by Pacific Scene. That resolution also provided
for $19,262.14 to be reimbursed to Pacific Scene for improvements
to the south side of Poway Road in and near the intersection.
AGENDA REPORT - Nevember ` 12, 1986
Reimbursement Agreement for Traffic Signal at Oak Knoll & Poway Rds.
Page 2.
The attached Reimbursement Agreement No. 816-02. Attachment 1)
wouldrequire theowneers of eight undeveloped properties near the
intersection to reimburse Pacific Scene for a share of the
remaining costs of the traffic signal.: The computed fair share
is based on the City's adoptedtraffic generation rates for the
permitted uses within the respective zoningfor each parcel..
It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached:
""Agreement for Reimbursement of Costs of Permanent Public improve-
mems" between 'the Pomerado Group and the.City of Poway, and direct
its recordation with. the County Recorder. upon proper. execution;..
JI,B : ADA rAE�S :mh:
1. Reimbursement. Agreement No . 860,2
KOVI 21986 ITEM 9
2_. of 21 r
R. James Faimnanr A!CP President
Douglas C. Paul, RE, Sr. Vice President
Mark J Rowson, PE,Vice President
Keith L. Keeter, P.E, Vice President
April 10, 1986
Mr Alan Schuler.
Subdivision Engineer
City of Poway
13325 Civic Center Drive
Poway, CA 92064
Poway Road/Oak Knoll Intersection Improvements:
Reimbursement Agreement #86-02
Enclosed for your approval and docketing: for _City Council
1. A modified City Standard Form Reimbursement Agreement with Exhibits 1 — 4
inclusive. Section ° VII has been modified to emit references to the Cit's
unilateral ability to amend the agreement. 9reement. Ia is felt that not removing
thea omitted clauses will render the agreement not binding on the parties.
Section VIII has been amended to omit the statements regarding dissolution
or death of the Owner and to state the Owner's intent to transfer rights to
Pacific Scene, Inc. A new Section IX has been drafted to clarify wording
to allow the City to prorate parents: over a phased development.
A Contract Agreement for reimbursement of the. Southerly Improvements, t
Median. Closure Improvements, the, CommunityServices Trust. Fund Fees-,ande
the Major Thoroughfare Construction Fees with Exhibits 1 and 2.
This letter shall also serve as the Engineer's Report to define the methods for.
establishing the Reimbursement Agreement referred to in Item 1 above.
The Pomerado Group desires to construct improvements to the intersection
Poway Road and Oak Knoll Road as shown on. Exhibit 'A' attached hereto. The
City of Poway and the Pamerado Group have agreed to enter into a Reimbursement
Agreement to be administered by the City as set forth in section 13.24 of the
Poway Municipal Code.
Benefitting properties have been identified in the immediate vicinityof the
intersection. It can be reasonably assumed the City will be able to ollect
fees upon development of these properties.
3 of 21
Civil Engineering, Planning, Environmental Design NOV 12 1986 ITEM
1010 Second Avenue; Suite 500, San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 235-6471
•' Mr.. Alan Schuler
April 10, 1986
Page Tw®
The Reimbursement Agreement to be entered into has been prepared assuming that
the Pomerado Group will be reimbursed for the improvements of the north 1'eg o
Oak KnoIl Road through a private agreement with the, property owner adjacent to
the Pomerado Plaza. project. A copy of this private agreement is: enclosed. for
your reference. It is also assumed that. the City will reimburse, the Pomerado-
Group fo:r the costs. of the: Southerly Improvements; to. Poway Road through the -
City 's Capital Improvement Construction Fund, These improvements have been
previously, budgeted as part of a City project for the improv=ement of the south
leg of Oak Knoll Road. The City will also reimburse the Pomerado Group
$65,2`96..0 in° Major Thoroughfare Construction Fees and,$3,700' in Community
Services Trust, Fund: Fees -previously, deposited by the Pomerado Croup.
Ex hi hit IVattached hereto. provides a breakdown of the total costs for the,
` various segments of the intersectioni intersectionimprovements. Only the costs for the
Poway Road improvements have been included in the Reimbursement Agreement.
The: Reimbursement Schedule was generation rates for
prepared. using traffic trip
commercially zoned properties with the exception of As-sessor's Parcel No.,
� 31.. The generation rate of 400 taps per acre for freestanding,
seta 1/s.trip commercial developments was used for the commercially zoned
parcelsr, The generation rate of 4..5 trips per unit for senior a t.izen, Nous-zng
as used ter the City, was used, for the proposed congregate care facility on:
Assessor`'s Parcel 316-120-3I., Costs were then. spread on a prorated basis, ,t ,
each parcel
As you. -requested, we have. also enclosed. Pmj ect Des;Jgn Consultants letter dated
April 10,,; 1.986: to. Pacific Scene. which summarizes the engineering, fees expended
to design and process :the: proposed: intersection, improvement pans and to,
prepare and process the. Reimbursement. Agreement.
Should you have: any questions, please: feel, free: to contact me.:
Yours very, truly,
Mark. J. owson, P.:E.
Vice P resident
cc: Sig Anderson., (w/enclosure)
/gl r
4 of 21 NOV12 1986 IT E K9
Douglas a Paul, RE., President
Marls J. Rowson,. RE, Vice President
ICsith L Keefer, P.E:, Vice President'
File: 459.00
October 3, 1986
Kr. Alan Schuler
Subdivision Engineer
City of Poway
13325 Civic Center Drive
Poway, CA 92064
RE: , Poway Road/Oak Knoll
Reimbursement Agreement #86-02
Dear Man:
As we discussed: over the past several months, we've updated the referenced
reimbursement agreement documents as requested in your review comments dated
May 2, 1986 and: your more recent letter dated September 10, 1986.
Backup cost information. has been provided to substantiate the reimbursement
amounts.. ' Quantity takeoffs have been completed and City unit prices used to
determine the construction cost estimates. The traffic signal cost has been
implemented per your September 10'=, 1986 letter addressed to me. Design fees
were determined using ASCE Curves as discussed. Special fees for construction
staking and design survey data have been 'incorporated based on our survey
charges to Pacific Scene. City Plan Check fees have been prorated to the
Southerly Improvements and Poway Road Improvements as noted in the enclosed
Cost Summary. We have not included costs to process the reimbursement
agreement as you directed:
Section IV of the agreement has been modified, as you requested and signed and
notarized by Pacific Scene. vie' a also enclosed' documentation which indicates
Pacific Scene can sign on behalf of the Ponerado Group.
Unfortunately, we could not adequately .determine all dimensions for.Assessor's
Parcel Numbers 316-I20-30 and 31 from the Assessor's Parcel Map or the grant
deeds. tie have highlighted the district boundary on Exhibit 1 and have.
provided parcel addresses where applicable.
5 of 21
Civil Engineering, Planning, Environmental Design
1010 Second Avenue, Suite 500, San Diego, CA. 92101 (619) 235-6471:
NOV 12986 ITEM
Mr. Alan Schuler
October 3, 1986
Page Two
As we discussed, we expect you will be able to docket this item on the
Council's November 12, 1986 agenda. If for whatever reason this cannot b
achieved, please contact me. _
Yours very truly,
Mark J.Rowson, P.E.
Vice President
cc: Sig; Anderson, Pacific Scene (Sacramento), (w/enclosure)
Dick . Farrell, Pacific. Scene, (w/enclosure)
Patrick Foley, City Manager's Office, City of Poway 0i/enclosure)
-MJR gls
6 of 21
NOV 121985 ITEM
Recording Requested By:
City of Poway
When Recorded Mail To:
City Clerk
City of Poway
P.O. Box 789
.Poway, CA 92064
2 1986
THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this: day of
198by and between THE POMERADO GROUP -"
referred to as "Owner"' and the City of Poway, a municipal
corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City', for the reim-
bursement of costs expended by Owner for the installation of
permanent public improvements. The parties hereto agree as
Section. I. ' Authority
The City is authorized byits general police powers and by
statutory and case law to require. Owner to install those certain
permanentimprovements hereinafter described as a condition of
approval of TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 16711, RESOLUTION P 83-13
whichimprovements benefit those properties hereinafter described
as "benefiting properties" notparticipating in the cost thereof.
The Cityis authorized to
provide a method for partial reimburse-
ment for the costs of such improvements from such nonpartici-
pating property owners in accordance with Chapter 13.24 of the
Poway Municipal Code. Upon full execution andrecordation
hereof, this Agreement shall provide the sole method of reim-
bursement through the. City to Owner for a portion of the cost of
said improvements The City shall have no payment or reimburse=
ment. obligation to Owner for the cost, of said improvements,
except as specifically provided' herein.
7 of 21
Nov 1.2 1986 ITEM
Section II. Definition of Terms
The terms d in th's Agreement shall, be defined as set
forth. in Section 3.24.02 of the Poway Municipal Code.
Section III. Des ip on of Properties Affected 11
The real properties affected by this Agreement shall be the
property owner legally described in Exhibit 1 attached hereto and
the benefiting properties legally described in Exhibit 2. The
obligation ofthe owner of each benefiting property shall become
a hien-upon such property for the term hereof, payable only as a
condition of approval of any development�of the benefiting
property, provided that the imposition of such condition shah be
reasonably related to such development. Such obligation shall
be a lien upon and run with the land and shall be binding upon
the subsequent owners of the benefiting property during the term
hereof. h.
Section IV. Description of Improvements
The precise locations of all improvements subject to
reimbursement: and the complete: dimensions (including frontage) of
all benefiting properties are set forth in Exhibit 3 attached
hereto, and shown in city of' Poway Improvement Plan No. 801-04-170, 1-4-6-
Section. V. Reimbursement Schedule
The Reimbursement Schedule in the form,required by Poway
Municipal Code Section 1324.040c, as approved by the-City
Council of the City of Poway after public hearing, is attached
hereto as Exhibit 4. All references in this Agreement to
reimbursement or to a reimbursement schedule shall mean reim-
bursement in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and
Exhibit 4.
Section VI. Term
The.term of this Agreement and all obligations and liens
created hereby shall be ten (1`0) years from the date of this
Agreement as set forth on the first page hereof. Upon expiration
of said term,, Owner shall be entitled to no further reimbursement
pursuant to the terms hereof, owners of benefiting properties
shall be under no obligation to Owner pursuant hereto, and any
lien created hereby shall automatically and without any further
administrative or judicial "process whatsoever, be null and void j
and of no further force or effect..
of 21
NOV 12 1986 ITEM 9
Section VIT'. Agreement of Payment for Reimbursement
After public hewing as provided in Poway Municipal Code
13.24, and upon execution hereof by City, City agrees during the
term hereof to collect from the owners of the benefitin
ties, those owners shall a to the Cit s proper-
ties, Y City, and the City shall
reimburse to Owner those benefit charges set forth in the
Reimbursement•Schedule, plus interest of five percent (5$) per
year compounded annually, less the administrative char e
g provided
in Chapter 13.24; provided, however, the City shall neither
collect nor reimburse any sum which is not reasonably related to
the development of _a benefiting property. The method and
obligation to reimburse Owner shall be subject to the terms of
Chapter 13.24 of the Poway Municipal Code. No amendment of
Chapter 13.
p 24 purporting to increase the liability of abene-
fiting owner shall be binding upon a benefiting owner herein or
upon the City hereinunder. In the event of a conflict between
the terms hereof and the requirements of Chapter 13.24, the
requirements of Chapter 13.24 shall control.
Benefit. charges shall be paid, collected, and reimbursed in
accordance with the terms of Section' 13.24.070 of the Poway
Municipal Code in effect at the time of such payment; subject to
the terms of this Section VII.
Section VZZI Trust Agreement
Promptly upon collection of all or any part of a benefit
charge, the City shall deposit such funds in a. local financial
institution in a separate account in the name of the Cit in
trust for owner and. Cit Pa Y
City. Payments from such account by City to _
Owner and to City in accordance with the terms of Chapters 13.24
shall be made at such.times as are convenient to the City, but in
no event less often than annually if the City has received
payment of any benefit charges. Payments to Owner shall include
interest at the rate of five percent (5%) per annum from the date.
of deposit on the principal porton of such deposit to which
Owner is entitled to payment. City shall be entitled to payment
of its administrative charges of five percent (5%) of all amounts
deposited plus all interest income on the full amounts deposited
except the five percent5� interest
percent(5%) payable. to owner. The
right of Owner to payments from said trust account shall be j
personal and shall not run with the property of -Owner, be {
assignable by Owner, or survive the death or dissolution of
Owner; provided, however, owner may assign such rights to Pacific
Scene, Inc., a California corporation, general' partner of Owner.
10 of 21
i r•
F Section IX. Hold Harmless by owner
Owner acknowledges and agrees that the benefiting property
may be developed in phases. Owner agrees that the City, in its
sole discretion shall determine what portion of the entire`
benefit charge is not reasonably related to the nature and extent
ofthedevelopment phase of the benefiting property. If, in the
event of such a determination by City, City collects less than
the full benefit charge at the time of.development, develo meet` Cit retains
p Y
the right -to collect the balance of the benefit charge upon later
development of the benefiting property. Owner hereby agrees to
waive an claim owner may have to re
y y quire payment of the entire
benefit charge if City has so exercised its discretion and owner
hereby agrees to waive any loss.or damages, direct or -conse-
quential, resulting from the exercise of City's discretion
' resulting from the failure of the City to collect all or any part
t of any benefit charge.
Section X Retardation
This Agreement shall be recorded by the City after full
execution hereof and promptly following acceptance of the subject
improvementss by the City. If for any reason this Agreement ,is
not recorded, owner holds City harmless from any loss or damage
arising therefrom.
Section xi. Voidability
In the event that Owner fails or refuses to complete the
subject improvements in timely manner to the satisfaction of the
City in its sole discretion, this Agreement shall be unilaterally
voidable by adoption of a resolution of the City_.. Council.
declaring this Agreement mull ` and void. for failure of performance
by owner.
Section X11. Governing Law and venue
This Agreement shall be
g governed by the laws of the State of
California. Jurisdiction and venue for any litigation arising
herefrom shall be the County of San Diego,, State of California.
Section XIII. Severability
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of
this Agreement is for any reason.'held to be invalid or unconsti-
tutional, suchdecision shall not affect the validity of the
remaining portions. The parties agree that they would have
entered into this Agreement and_.each section, subsection, clause.,
and phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more.
sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared.
10 of 21
e •
invalid or unconstitutional, and would have approved the same
even though any parts, sections, subsections, sentencesr clauses,
or phrases that may be held invalid had been omitted therefrom.
Executed at Poway, California, on the date first stated
On 6 1986,.before me, the undersigned,
a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared,
A. James Moxham, personally known to me to be the Vice President
and Stephen P. Delaney, Personally known to me to be the
Executive Vice President of Pacific Scene, Inc.: ,. *and acknowledged
to me that the corporation executed on behalf of The Pomerada
Group, a California limited partnership.,
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
My comm. expires JAN 30, 1987
11 of 21
Notary Public, in and for said County
and State
NOV 12 1986 ITEM 9
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13L of 21
NOV" 1.2 1986 f T E M
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6oveaaaeaC Surfer„ described as. follmn
coescaae:a� at: ftslaaer'a Statins- I.M pus. 76:85x`#ft ther center 23ar of CanotT
lUghv t A. 5 Mf Ct"oe:t2oa, of faad: Sua"T3o. .1S7). ss: ahora- Cal ha. •Sop.
thereof &a fl-lat fs; :hw Offita, of thw COMO' Sasvasr aof said Sam, 3faSQco
nce South ITMT SOSin
' .cl :O A; faaCR"Mase South; too&, O" •a"itr .%:t.:S3
feat roe an. =cin. ;�oZnt' ice: chit; !raunaar7• of land w.» sed to �cr►
E., DOV01hauer, sat vise by deed- datsd Sapceaaa- 3.:43 ; .sad rssos3ad as 3ooit 5361,.
page 3W of::Offl'eia3` mieargsa •.`aaca a1mg the. Xort»eartarjr sno Ssnthasecatl7
boundaries of said epsL'tawrs'' Sand= Sent 69.'53'`:0" East... _Q OO flat acrd: soutls
3WIV05'Wast.;378i. 3. feat to. tfia,cost-Southerlycaraec'Of said Imd aad:`tha
13QE. POAR or DLOI4' Ma;,, [rinses, eantiae3as: alta;, the 5ouadarf of st2d Lad North,
55'34`30"' :teat., rbQ` l� filet. asd. fort's .'9'3b*30"" swt,� 2Q0'..6 Etat:. thev"P, Setting:
said: bamdarr South :721158 50"Ikstf' 6O C0 fsst; throes South' 23.'O7t : GsC�- "Z.14filet.. thence. Santlr'.5°SV' fast. L0.:5'' f CZL_'beaca b=tii b6`^8" .itC� 34:bg is --t
thence ftntt 40'189' Z"t;- 20&:35 fest; theses, Nor--tr 62"371200 Haat., 70.31: fsav to
the. ;RUE Poll 4
Legal Description from Grant Deer recorded December 7,
1976 as: Document No. 76-408313.
4 of 21 KOV 1,Z 1986 ITEM, �
• �j q y
ASSESSOR PARCEL NO,..: 31.6-120-19
" All that portion. of the Southeast Quarter of the 'Southeast Quarter of
Section M- Township 14 South., Range Z West, SAO Bernardi no meridian, fnE
" the CCU -MY of San Of e0,0 State of C41°ifornia,. described ay. -fa1 TONS:.
Beginning at Engineer's Station 126 plus 76.85 oar the 'center line of
County Highway F.A.S. 729 (relocation, of Road- Survey No-. 9871 as shown
ort the. Pap thereof ori file- in•: the. County Surveyor's Office; thence South
27'51`50" East, 404.00• feet:. thence South. -68'49'50" East,. 121.9& feet to `
the TRUE FOI:1T OF BEGINNING; thence Soutli 6913'40' East, SQ 00, feet,-,,
thence South 36013`65°` Best, 379.53 feet, thence South 55'34'30` Kest;
160.00: feet; therce Korth. 79045030='dest,; 1p0:16 feet; thence Soros
2".."01''x0" west,: 108:13 feet to the Southerly line cf said County, ilf&.way
thence along} the Snutherly and, Southeasterly- line of said Highway- as
fettows, :fortbeasterlX along a curse- having a radius of 4040 feet,;
' ekose center tear 'forth: W33:Z9 ties t, ti:rcuch, a central anate of
A" Os'CV_7V far a distance of 298.69. feet to s taint of r=terse curvature;
Ukerce Easterly along; a curve rtavirm a rac'us of 120.00' feet. threuch a
centrat airmteL sf 47054' 18' for a. 'distance of 100,33 feet, thence taneent
t0 said Curve South. 69'."9'55" East. 85.5x° feet; thence: 4' rtn,, Zl�"iQ`I&
East, ZOXO. feet: to the: TMJ E MUM OF BEGIN f 1:7G.:
EXCEPT::G THEREFRCY that portion tying t:ortherly- of the following described
ii ne
Cor-Rrncinq at a point on the east Tine of said. Section 15, distant
thereon :krtti 590.54 feat fr.pj+'the Souttieas.t corner of said Section said'
point belt±;=^.gireer` Stat:cn?? plus' 1►.39 on the Center tine of the,
Rei'ccation Ccinty. Surveyor of said County: Vverce South 6r37'`47", West
(Record Soutis 62008'701� Westj 3Iorg Said center Tine T85_64 feet -,.thence,
at right angles:, center- line South Z7'22r13" East, 95.58 fee: to
Point am. the :lortheasterty boundary of said Canpt= Tand: thence atona:
Said ftrtheasteriy, boundary, of and --its Southeasterly prolongation South.
6&'28'58' East {Record South c 44'50" East}. 120.20' feet to the ?Fuc.
POICT CF BECCV'�t::G of tt:e l Me, hereinatrove eeferrem to, thence =_ou2h
2i'35`iI2"` ::es*f 30:60 feet; thence .forth 63°Za'SF'' .test, 6i_Cf1: feet,,
thence itortrr. 87"59`07" Fest, 163..14 feet, tt'erce'Seuttr WIT West.
254..53 feet; tAence• South 68023'04" bees 50.93 feet to a point which
bears South Z165o'Z5" East, 75 Da, feet froom Engineer's Station 123 plus
00 P.O.C. on said center- line. of Relocat orr of Road- Survey 7®.. 987'
Legal, Description per Grant Deed recorded February 179.
1984 as Document No.. 84-060962.
1-5 o 2 NOV1-2:1986 ITEM -9
' f
ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. ; 316-120-19
A11- that portion of ther Southeast Quarter of the, Southeast Quarter, of
Sectiort t.5, Township 14: South,; Range Z .Vest. San Bernardino Meridian, in
the County of San Diego. State of California., described as foilows:
Beginning at Engineer's station. 126 plus 76.85 an the `center line of
County Highway F.A.S' 729` (re1'oeation of Road Survey Na. 9871 as shown
Off- the Nap, thereof on ffli in the County. surveyorss,Office; thence Sout.S'
27.51118" East. 40F0. feet;- thence South" W49'SO' East.. '12T.99 feet. to,
the TRUE PQtur :of REGI' KMING; :thence 69.W4V East,. S0.00 feet;
thence South 36`19.65`' West.. 379..53: feet; thence,Sotrth55.34.30"' west.
160_x0 feet; therce HortPc 79`45'30'' `west,. 10016 feet; thence North
21 *01 •;4.0» west. 108.T3. feet to the Southerly itne cf said County Highway-
of s
alo 1' e, rl
el Teas: - 111ortbeastethence
y- along:; carve havinSoutheasterilg airadi sne
§ of 404QYfee
whose center tears: 'forth: 22.33'29*' West,, throuch: a central angle of
0s'35°ig" for a distance of 293.69 feet tar a poTnt of" re+erse° curvature;.
t-".esce Easterly along., a: curve having; a radius of 120.00 feet thrcuah a:
centrat ar. fe zf 47054'180. for .a distance of 140.33 f' --t: thence tancent
to. said curve Soutr.. 69049'5V1last, 35.59 feet; thence `rtortn 21`30`10" `
East, 2C.00 feet to the TRUE POWT OF BEG.IlUIRG.
EXCEPTING THEREFRG".1: that, portion iy, ng ffortherly of the, following described
line- ;
Co'uremcing ata, Paint on: the East lints of Said Section IS,, distant
thereon forth SaG.64.feet frzn the Southeast'corner of, said Section said
Paint bim--i" Engireer•"s Static:t. 122 pi'us 12,39 on the center line. of the
Relccae.4on. ounty Cur�reyor of said Zounty; thence South: 62037"a7"= "west,
(Record South: 52TS." W., West), mora° said center rine 195-.64 feet;; `thence
at rignt ancTes tol said center lin: South 27•?2'`13" East. 05.58 feet to
a point or. the Ciortheas;terly boundary, of said:. coupton, land; 'thence- aTono '
said-Northea:sterly boundary of and- 1USoutheasterly prolongation South
68.24'78"' East (P cord'South: 68°aa'5ow East1. 1Z0'.ZO feet to the TpltE
PQ1i:7 CF BEC►:a9l"S of the line hereinabove referred to: thence 5'outh
21035rG2",. 30.:0 feet; thence. Nortr. ag"24""58"' U_st* 65.4Q feet;
thence ttortn ,87.59'117- West:. 163.14 feet; thence Seutn;6Q•111•39" Hest.
254.53° feet: thence South -68'23'04` West.. 50.93: feet to a point %ft,ich.
bears South 2T158.75" East. 7.5.00 feet frons Engineer's Station, 123. plus
OCY P.O.C. ' em said centgr Une of Relocation of Road Survey .116r.. 987.
Legal Description. per Grant Deed .recarded February.- 17,
1984 eS Document No 84-060962 .
16 of 21 Nov 21986 ITEM 9
ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.: 316:-120-30
PARCH . a:
That portion of the Southeast Quarter of Lha Southeast Quartar, of S'ectton 15.: `
Township It South,: Range 2. vest,;
Saar 3arnardino 38se and. H r.diaa,; ia. the°
of lovay. County of San: Diego,, State of Califarais, according tar the: Official
Plat thereof., described as: follower •
Commencing- at StatSoa 21S plus+ 01.39 3'. C. oa. the center Una of the County
Road., known. as toed Surrey yo.; 957" acearcine to. llao on. Klein, glee Ccuatlr
Surveyor's, office,. said Foint of: Casneacamant,
being. the: Soathres.Carly tscainus
of a. curve: in: maid center- line couczvw Mortbvesterlt and, haute; s. radius;
of 000>
f`ee; thtaee 'Sorthea:carly along, tie. arc Of said curve,. througft, & caatraL eagle,
Of 5.00'&Ser. a. distance: of 350.04 feet: Chance
*forth. V31,50, last. _970.04. feet
to the :7ltlL JOIST' Orr
f 3ZGZSH=.r thence: ;tort `1*55,*So' Last to the !tort3t line
said, quarter quartec-, thence Saacerly along saki worth: line too the last line of,
said: Section, thsncs- Southerly aloe-_ said Zest 'aatd:'water'
: Iles t• ltne
msntioasd theaes.:tea er1T along said eeater. line,, 432'.30 fuer , mora:
or, Iteg,
the Southeasterly corner Of Chs: JAW described:
!ad Deed is rams& t.iSiahee�t�'
recorded.,January 11., 1951,as tilt. No.. 7614, *f Official lecorde,
filed it the
afltea of the County Recorder of Baa. D my;a Ces.asy team xbrth. Z2!4 ' vest 3g2
feet te. the Yortneasc; corner, of acid lend; Chance
along` the Northerly 11", of
said° laud. a", the Westerly prolon3actoa thereof South, 67.14020- vast C07
Laaterly'" iters, of. the land : deserOact la•. Deed to Jona A.. Sparkman=. ee; -vs,. tseotdsd
April IY':. 195% 4n. ooic 76iOt Page 4.52 of OffYeial Records,.
being also ihs>
Laaterly ,liaeof xovay toctal' Unit no. 2,: tiled' ia. 'the Office of the County
istordec of Sam Diego County; ebsaee: aloai said: Laacerly, line �tortlt I'39.30.•'
+ Last t®. the TILE, POTVr' or' IEGINN11me.
EXGiTZN Tummalt that portiam lying vtthim lora' Shopping llama' gait. go. 2,
ter: the Ci. of, Povaw ; Diet*w '9 County of. Sha. Die o stat, of Califaraia,
, according to. ltap
thereof Yo., 5554. filed fa the -Office of the County Recorder- of Saar Diego
County'ay 4., 1977.
s M :
Legal Description per Grant Deed. recorded December 26,:
1985 as Document. No . 85-487646..
17 of 21
NOV 12 1986 i``1. 9
317453-25 Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 13714
317.153-26 Parcel' 3 of Parcel Map 13714
317-151-27 Parcel 4 of Parcel Map 13714
. _r Rte` { • -
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of 21.
4 rye ... `.die+ x -wx. x •i ek� y xa.1�
v!- - _
.'^�!�•a:3 awn 'c�.Y'e -
Ftle -458.0
Doc 45%
April IO, 1986
Rev. 09/23/86
Page I, of - 2
Reimbursement Agreement Contract Price
Construction Costs $110,235 9.9(1
Design Engineering Fees 82950.19
Specie Fees 132443.68
Plan Check Inspection Fees 7,974
Total _ Costs of Improvements
$1402720:.17 $1402728.17
Ire, Reimbursement from City of Poway for previously paid Major
=Throughfare Construction .Fund: fees per Resu_Iutiom P- ..
20, of 21
_ •- -
_ -
File: 459.00
Page 2 of 2 pages
- Aterage ADT' Share
1.12 Ac 448 - 15.1Z
1.10 Ac . 440 -14.9%.
1.39 Ac 556
1.00 Ac 400 13.5
- 109-183.341-
130.Units 585 19.8Z
0.49 Ac, 196 65%
_ 49,979,43 -
0.38 Ac 152 5.1
0.46 Ac, 184 6..2%.
2:9961. 1001.01
$75:6432 i7
S 1..
A6. trap generation.rate of 400 trpslatre dor Freestanding
Retail/Strip Co ercial cents ers
City of Poway trip genera lar rate of 4.5 trbstunit for senior -
Citizen: housing units used for the proposed congregate care
Acreages obtained froom Assessor''s. Parcel..
baps. Boundary surveys.
have not been prepared ta determine, the parcel boundaries.
- - i
NOV12 1986 ITEM 9