Item 10 - Minutes of Meeting October 7, 1986The. October 7, 1986, regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Pray was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Kruse at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. Bob Finery, Linda Oravec, Mary Shepardson. STAFF MEMBERS mar James Bowersox Marjorie Wahlsten Steve Eckis John Fitch Patrick Foley Lee Lewis Alan Archibald Susan Pulone: Bill Toon Reba Touw John Bridges Jay LaSeur Brad Kutzner Suzanne Oliva Pte; CU ALLESEANCE City Manager City Clerk City Attorney .Assistant City Manager Assistant to the City Manager Director of Canmunity Services Director of Public Services Director ofinistrative Services Director of Safety Services Director of Planning : Services Assistant Director of Planning Services Sheriff 's Captain Senior Civil Engineer Deputy City Clerk Deputy Mayor Shepardson led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC ORAL CMM NICATia s Mayor Kruse explained the procedure for Public Oral Car munications .; 1. Betty Rexford, 11570 Creek Road, stated concerns with well water and septic lines being impacteain the Gree" Road area as development. occurs in the County Island and South Poway. 2. Margaret Williams, 11674 Creek Road, presented a letter written by John Peterson, County Hydrogeologist, to the City of San Diego. His recatmen- dation to San Diego* City Council was to not certify the EIR for Scrips Miramar Ranch because of possible contamination to domestic wells in this. area. Motion by Councilme ber 3rery, seconded. by Coc ncilmember Shepardson, to request staff to set as Council's position that prior to any development being started that would' impact the Creek Road residents, either in Scripps Ranch, the County Island, or South Poway, that plans be in place to solve the Creek Road resi- dents' water and sewer problems. Motion carried unanimously. NOV 12 1986 ITEM 2332. r Er.! i{ il62 Yf it li Page 2 - CITY OF PUIJAY - October 7,1986 3. Rodes t4aRters "540 Creek Road, suggested the Council make a statement to the Scripps Ranch Planning Group regarding Poway's stand on Alternative 8 and the financial cacm tment Poway is willing to make. Council requested an evening workshop be held with the Scripps Ranch residents. 4. Theodore R. Follas, 13642. Midland Road, stated zoning violations of ars; existing business known as Mr. Plumber has ` been referred to the. City Attorney and asked if resolution could be expedited., Jordan Plastering has- asmoved. moved.. City Mmger Bowersox stated the.bus ness has been: contacted. Council -requested a report back in. two weeks 5. James Hunt, 13443 ` Ketron Avenue, withdrew, his request to. speak due to time contra i.nts. ITEM U-21, CONSENT CAR,- Motion.by Councilmember Shepardson, seconded. by Councilmember Emery to adopt the consent calendar as follows.- ollows:ll. U.Ratification of Warrant Registers -> September 25, 1986 12. Denial of claim: for damages, Shauna Rna hus claimant. 13. Declaration and authorizationto dispose of surplus property and authorize- uthorize their their sale throu the San Di _ g ego County Auction, 14.. Adaption of Resolution No. P-86-71, entitled "A Resoluti of tllze City r Council of the City of Poway, Californias Denying Conditional Use Permit. 86-07, AssessorIsParcel Number 321-01Z-48,,"- confirming action talo on September 23, 1986.- 15,. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-114, entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of the. City of Poway, Californias Requesting the: Withdrawal, of Territory from: San Diego Coknty Lighting Maintenance, District No. i 16. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-115, entitled "A Resolution of . the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Establishing a No -U -Turn at the Intersection of Poway Road and Espola Road. 17 Adoption of Resolution No. 86-116, entitled "A Resolution of the City Council. of the City of Poway.. California, Annexing Territory to the Sewer. nproveTient District of the City of Poway - Grimes Annemt oa." 18 . Adoption of Resolution No. 86-117., entitled- "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Annexing Territory to the Sewer Improvement District. of the City of Poway - Wood Annexation. NOV 12 1986 ITEM i.O 2333 JOT Page 3' CITY OF PCWAY - October 7, 1986 21. Award of bid to ABC Construction Co., Inc. for construction of street and soundwall improvements on Panerado Road Phase II, in the mount of $232,238.00 Motion Carried unanimously. ITH4 4 CONDITIONAL USE: PELT83-01A DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 83-06A APPLICANT: ' CHURCH OF CHRIST Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. Can September 2, 1986, Council requested staff meet with representatives of the Church to see if an agreement could be reachedfor the financing of the required improvements. Staff has been unable to - arrange such a meeting. liecaratendation is to re t ove this iten frau calendar to be readvertised and brought back to Council at a later date. There was no one present wishing to speak. Motion by Counci3menber Shepardson, seconded by Councilmaaber Oravec to close the public ` hearing and: approve staff recammendation to remove from this iter from calendar to be readvertsed and brought "`back at "a future date. Motion carried unanimously. ITF. 5 SIGNAL MANIUMENT PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATIa' Mayor Kruse opened: the public hearing. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. The proposed project includes the synchronization of 15 traffic signals on Poway and Twin Peaks Roads. Funding for the project is to be provided by a grant frail the California Department of Transportation. The, Traffic Signal. Optimization Program will include a technical adjustment to the timing of the traffic signals. Council requested traffic signals along Camnunity and Panerado Roads be added to the signal synchronization program. There was no one present wishing to speak. Motion by Councilmember Shepardson, seconded by Coancilmenber Emery to close the public hearing and approve staff rec;cmmenndation with the addition of Cannunity and. Panerado Roads as follows: • Approve the issuance of a Negative Declaration finding the projecttohave no significant impact on the environment. • Authorize the City Clerk to file and record the Notice of Determination. NOV 121986 ITEM 1 2334 } Page.4 CITY OF PC WAY - October 7 1986 3 Adopt the Resolution No. 86-118 entitledr "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Authorizing the City's Application. SUbr ttal to the California, Department of 'Transportation. for a Ebel C Efficient Traffic 'Signal. Management Program Grant."' t } Motion. carried unanimously. 2336 AW IN Page 5 - CITY OF POS - October 7, 1986 i3 Speaking- in. favor:. - Richard,Denpsey, 14570 Mirando Street, representing the First. Pentecostal Church. Don Ayles, 13260 Poway, Road,- engineer, reguwted the City consider accepting security in. lieu of actual construction. of the improvements -to the- 40 -foot wide. frontage. He asked that their pro rata contribution to 40-foot the Oak Knoll Road/Panarado Road. traffic signal and, the Pm erado Road -Bridge be specified. Mary 7'cmayo, 14411 Morvalk: Dane, was in favor but did not speak.. ` a Council concurred with deferring the improvements but requested a cleared area . for pedestrian use., a Due to letter of opposition firan neighbors, .incl requested: reviews of the: -school in six months and one yearn matioa by Councilmember. Tarzyj, seconded by Councilmember Oravee to close the pub 3:ic hearing, approve the Negative Declaration` and adopt: Resolution 1176.. P-86-72,, entitled "A Resolution of the City Councilof the City, .of Powayr California,,. Approving Conditional- Use Permit 86-09°, Assessor's Parcel: Xtumber 317-152-0g,", amended as, follows. 1.. Cbnditien 7' is changed. to- tot allow the applicant to post security in lieu of construction of improvements with provisions for pedestrians. 2.. Candition 10 14 changed to require the applicant pay, a pro rata: contribution based on traffic generatedby the project 3. A condition is to be added to review any- complaints after sic months and one year. bion carried uZaninously. rM 8 cwiNANCE 1988-SDCD RFADim., APPLI AM.Ze 86-02A , i Councilir. left the roars at this tie and when he returned, he axnounced ; he had bei listenngs the outside: Baker . City Attorney Eckis stated. Ocuncilmember Ernery need not be disqualified frau: voting on this iteA, r' Mayor Kruse read the title of Ordinance No. 198, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Changing the Zoning Classification of Certain Property t ZC` 86-02A. Speaking in Favor:; . Tony Avian, 12729- stone Canyon Road NOV 12 1986 ITEC' 1 E 2336 Via.: �„� �..:R'"' t:� r 64 14. v i Page 6 - CITY OF POWAY -October 7, 1986 i. Speak -Ling in Opposition s Juanita Harm r 12624 Oak Knoll; Road Jan; McKee, 14307 Sladon; Court Ronald Crocker,; ` 18078= Old Coach Road Linda:. Brannon,. 1.7156 Dos Hermans Road. _ Councibusuber Tarzy° noted. he previously did not. vote toi approve this General. Plan change but there is. a. State, law that requires consistency' betty; zoning and. the General Plan designation.- Notion. by CounciUmTdJer Emeryr seconded by CounciUmTberTarzy to close •the I public ° hearing. Motion carried mMh=SIy-- Notion. by" Councilmenberr Emery, seconded by CouncilZX ember Oravec to waive furthex V � reading aYlt adopt Ordinance 1d. 198, entitled "An ordinance of the City of Poway, California. Changing the. Zoning Classification of Certain Property (ZC 86-.--02 . Motion carried wr nimausLy on, a roll call vote. ORDINANCE NG. 199 - SECONU SING' Z -a- 85-02F' Mayor- Kruse read thetitle: of Ordinance No 199, ImAn. Ordinance of the City of LOMY. California, Changing the, Zoning' Classification. of Certain Property MC 86-02F),. Thera. res- no one present wishing' to, sem. by Shepardson, seconded Notion by CounCiln aubw,, d. Co1�i1C3. 1i1H[lb2r OraveG t0 close .f E the: public hearing r waive further, reading and adopt Ordinances iso. 199 r entitled, An Ordinance. of the City of Powayr Californiar Changing the Zoning classification of Certain Property C ZC 86-02F°) .. Motion, carriedunanimwsly coa a roll, call vote. PUBLIC OM_ CCJNMMCATI S Richard-Staa:ton, 1345 Pty. Road, attorney, stated. he was informed fine. final. MP for TEN 17183. was- going to be on. tonightss consent calendar'., He explained the map w 11. expire on, dctcber 9,- 19860 City Attorney Eck s stated he. is satisfied with all requiranets of the: map except for the forma]: reconveyance of the: trust deed which should be included. as a.' tion, and. this iter could be considered at the Oct 9th meeting. NOV 12'1986 ITEM 1 2337 Council concurred to have the finalmap for TPM 17183 as an off -docket item on October 9. 1TIN 10' COUNTY ISLANDSTATUS. REPORT` Staff report by City Manager Bowersox.. At the September 16, 1986 City Council. meeting, Councilmenber Eatery requested staff preparea status report on the pro- posed County Islandannexation to the City of San Dido,and to advise Council of the procedure to include the island area within, Pvway's Sphere of Influence. City Manager Bowersox stated that without a concerted effort by the property owners, who presently are pursuing annexation to the City of San Diego, it is unlikely this property could be annexed to Poway. He outlined the report that was included in Council's backup material and recommended Council consider, accept, and file this report. Council concurredthat since this property, or a portion of it, has considerable impact on Poiray and was originally in luded in the Poway Municipal Water District and Poway Community Plan area, the City should make every effort, even if considered futile, to bring it into Poway,: Motion by Councilinenber Tarzy, seconded by Councihnember E ery to begin the steps, including pre -zoning, that are necessary to mace applictio to L for annexation of the "County Island. Motion carried unanimously.. CITY MANFGER: ITEMS 22. A. City Manager Bowers= L reported to Ca ncil regarding the safety problems at Mark Stevens and Poway Road intersection. He stated these can be resolved by utilizing a 43 -foot wide public utility easenmt reserved for Sunrise finch for the road. This would enable Mark Stevens to be blockedoff at Poway Road and a guard rail installed. Approximate cost is $35,000. Motion by Ccuncilme nber Shepardson seconded by Councilmanber Orave , to approve staff recamcnendaata on that. this be included withthe modif ca- tions to the Redevelopment Agency budget. Motion carried unanimously. • City Manager Bowersex requested a closed session to discuss performance of a public eiioye and give direction to the City's mor Relations Officer. CITY COUNCIL MSS 24. A. Councilnenber Emry asked about the status of the dirt being dunped at Country View. Director of Public Services Archibald stated the deve- loper has been sent a certified letter stating the dirt must be removed by October 15th either by then or by the City using their deposit money. NOV 12 1986 ITEM 10 2338 ft J i'ZM Page 8 - CITY OF PUAAY- October 7 1986 B. Councilmmber & ery asked if the exit onto Espola. Road.. from Stone Canyon Ranch was approved. He requested staff Took at this. ( 4158) C. Councilmember Embry c nnended staff on the draft booklet -he received regarding the application process for building a ham in Poway. 25. A., Counc hnsuber Oravec noted traffic is backed up on Camiunity Road- during peak hours because of the stop sign at. Aubrey and Community Roads., She suggested: consideration of a traffic signal- ignalMotion Motionby Councilme ber Emery,, seconded by' Counci]menber Oravec° to begin the engineering work for a traffic signal at- the intersection of. Aubrey and Community Roads.. Motion carried unanimously. B. Council umlbw Oravec asked if we have an ordinance regarding loitering.. She has received complaints from the bowling alley owner. City Attorney' Eckis explained on private Property :if an individual. is not there at the invitation of the ownerr it is considered trespassing. - Council .requested the: City Attorney meet with the Sheriff and discuss practical approaches to solve the problem.: 27. Counc 1nmb r Tarzy, discussed growth predictions and traffic: impacts; on 1-15 that were recently published in.. the y News chieftain.. He requested Counci3 concurrence in settin g up a regional. task. force, on the entire growth. issue in North County.. He- stated we need to stop forecasting and start: planning, while recognizing the limitations of our facilitieso, Council concurred this is a good concept, however, they felt Working within. an existing organization would. be preferable. Mayor Kruse stated DAG recently took action that is a move ia this direction and they should: be asked to spearhead this effort. CLCM:SESSI{N Mayor Kruse recessed the meeting and called for a closedsession. at, 8:45 p.m. ADJOUBNMM Mayor Kruse called the meeting back to order at 9:13, with all. Counc lme hers presentr and announced. Council gave director ,toL the Cityts Labor Relations officer. Upon motion by Councilmenber oravecy seconded by Councilmember~ SheWdsonr Mayor Kruse ordered the meeting adjourned to 4:00 p.m., October 9 _ 19860 The time of adjourment was: 9:15 p.m.: NOV 12 1986 ITEM 10 2339