Item 10 - Minutes of Adjourned Meeting October 9, 1986CITY Ce PAY, CALIFMNIA. MIMS OE' cr COLIN= =MIMED REGULAR MEETING OCIXIIER 9, 3.986 YET The October 9, 1986, meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, adjourned frog: the Oct -ober 7, 1986, regular meeting, was called to order at 4:05 p.m. by Mayor Kruse at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Po ayr California., Bob Emery, Linda Oravec, Mary Shepardson, Bruce-Tarzy, Carl Kruse James Bowersc Marjorie Wahlsten, Steve Eckis John Fitch Patrick Foley Alan Archibald Reba Touw Lee Lewis` John Bridges Alan Schuler Brad Kutzner City Manager City Clerk City Attorney Assistant City Manager Assistant to the City Manager Director of Public Services Director of Planning Services Director of Camanuiity Services Assistant Director of Planning Services Senior Civil Engin Senior Civil Engineer ITEM. SAN DIEGO REGICK WATER RECIALMTIOt1 AGEIIC:Y. Mr. Bert Elkins, General Manager - of the San Diego Region Water Reclamation. Agency, made a presentation to the City Council regarding the Coordinate, Chemical, Bonding and Absorption (CMA) process whereby clay is added to raw sewage to absorb the solids, heavy metals and toxic organics. The sludge can be converted to light weight aggregate through a heat process in a kiln and is salable. In order to make the effluent meet the test of being "drinkable and fishable," it must pass bacteria and virus tests. They have successfully done the bacteria tests, the next step is to complete the virus test, and then they must continue testing for 8-10 months to prove reliability of results. Following discussion., notion by CouncilmEnther Eknery seconded by Councilmenber Tarzy, to approve an "Agreement Among Padre Dam Municipal Water District, City of Poway, and San Diego region. Water Reclamation Agency for Financing Preliminary Study," which =nits the City to $20,000 for the virus testing. Motion carriedunanimously. Hopefully, other agencies will assist in the funding of Phase II, the long-termtestings which is estimated to cost $160,000. NOV 12 1986 ITEM _ 10 2341 VED Page 2 -. CIT( OF PcWAY ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING October 9, 1986 Fi 4 CAPITAL. IMPROMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT, City Manager Bowersox reviewed the status of the capital improvement projects with. the Council Director of Cannunity Services Lewis stated that Milt Johnson, architect, will be meeting with the Parks & Recreation Cammittee on October 27, regarding the design: for the Ccnmunity Swiumaing Pool. `-DOCKET ITEM ACCEPTANCE OF FILIAL. MAP` FOR TPN 17183 City Manager Bowersox stated the final nap is substantially complete for. Tentative Parcel Map 17183. City Attorney Eckis explainedthe three conditions that were being placed onthe acceptance. The conditions, must, be met by November 7, in order to. have formal acceptance ; on November 25, 1986. If they are not completed,today's action would be rescinded. and the 'map will be cleared. expi rreci. Richard Sta tca, 13055 Poway Road, attorney for theapplicant,. requested 60 days to complete the conditions. Motion. by Councilmenber Tarzy, seconded by. Councilraember Oravec, to approve the final map for TEN 17183 subject to ' Conditions 2 and 3 being canpieted prior to 12:00 p.m., Nc i nber 7, 1986, and Condition 1 satisfied by 7:00 p.m., November 25, 1986. Motion carried unanimously. awoaRNrENr Mayor Kruse adjourned the meeting at 5:50 p.m. Marjorie. Wahlsten., City Clerk City of Pay NOV 12: 1986 ITEM 10 2342