Item 10 - Minutes of Meeting October 14, 1986air! OF POSY, CALISCRILA MMUS OF THE CITY' camarr. REGULAR MERIFING OCNEER 14, 1.986 gt 6i2 The October 14` 1986, regular meeting of the City Council, of the City of Poway was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Kruse at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. =WRINGCOUICTIMENIERS MIL : CALL: Bth Miert', Linda Oravec STAFF' MENEM PRESENT JamesBowersox Marjorie. Wahlsten Steve Eckis John. Fitch patrick. Foley Susan Pulone Lee dais Alan. Archibald • Bill Toon. Reba Tam John Bridges Jay LaSeur Brad Kutzner Suzanne Oliva.' PLEDGE CIF ALLEGIANCE Mary Shepardson, Bruce Tarzy, Carl Kruse City Manager City Clerk City Attorney Assistant. City Manager Assistant to the City Manager Director of Administrative Services Director of Csmnunity Services Director of Public Services Director of Safety Services Director of Planning 'Services Assistant Director of planning Services Sheriff's Captain Senior Civil Engineer Deputy City Clerk Deputy Mayor Shepardson.lel the Pledge of Allegiance. SIC COKE CC 3 ais Mayor Kruse explained the procedure: for Public Oral Communications. 1. Ann Taylor, 12739 Beeler Creek Trail, requested she be allowed to place a "For Sale" - sign on Poway Road. One was removed because it was not - in c onpliance with the City's Sign Ordinance. She has a 50 -foot right-of-way on Beeler Creek Trail, a dead aid road, to Poway Road and; has permission frau the property owners to place the sign. there. She requested re-evaluation of the Sign Ordinance. 2. Diane Rath, 14521 Biddeford Street, real estate agent for Mrs. Taylor, stated she tried to abide by the ordinance when the sign was it up. Council directed the City Attorney to meet with Mrs. Taylor regarding problem to determine if a sign could be alowed.. her NOV 1.2 1986 ITEM 10 2343 if4A10 vi Page 2 CITY OF AMY - October 14, 1986 3. Clifford Doughty, 16522 Orchard Bend mad, was concerned with deficiencies in the Green Talley Creek crossing at Orchard Bend Road. He said the rock rip rap and grading was not done in accordance with plans and specs and requested the City correctthe situation. Director of Public Services Archibald stated a letter was sent to R. B. McCGrani.c, developers of Bridlewood asking than to correct the situation by July, or we will refuse occupancy on any future residences. Weare stil1 holding their bond. Council directed staff to give the developer a deadline to cplete the wrirk. If the work is not accanplished by that deadline, we will do it ourselves at their expense. Denying occupancy puts the City between the new resident and the developer and is not an acceptable solution. 4.. Dick Lyles, 15606 Quail Mountain Road, discussed a recent campaign nailer and requested Council get an unbiased legal interpretation of the campaign contribution ordinance. 5:• Bruce gni? tal, 13178 Woodmont .Street, asked questions about he proposed Poway Gemco since it was announced this, week. that Dayton -Hudson was closing all Gemco stores.. City Manager Bowers= explained the development agreement provides that the. developer must substitute with a like tenant with a square footage of at least 75% of the proposed Genco. The Poway project will probably become. a Target store with the area reduced. slightly to eliminatethe food portion of the busi- ness. The sales tax figures will be ca parable to a Gomco and the property tax figures will be identical. ITEMS =SENT CALMAR Motion by Caunci]menber Emery, seconded by Counci.lmanber Shepardson to adopt the Consent Calendar as follows: 8 Approval of Minutes - City Council: September 16, 1986, Regular Meeting September 23, 1986, Regular Meeting September 25, 1986, Adjourned Regular Meeting 10. Ratification of Warrant Register. October 2, 1986 U. Noted status of pending legislation. 12. Award of bid for construction of 1986 Street Seal Coating Program to California Pavement Maintenance. Co., Inc, inthe amount of $502,792'.32.. is • ,� :,� ;� t � ��'.�Rw!z 1��j�i16 c Iry � ir• f Page 3 - CITY CF POWAY - October 14, 1986 I 14.. Adopted Resolution No. 86-119 entitled, "A Resolution of the. City Council, of the City of ' Poway,. California r for the Development of a Community Cable: Television. Channel in Poway.."' 15. Authorization of the: following actions, with respect to Panerado Road. Soundwall Phase I, Hayward.Enterprises, Inc., contractors i:.. Formally accept the improvements 2.: Authorize final payment to the contractor in the amount of $2, 039=.1L 3.- Authorize the City Clerk to file and record a Notice of CaVletzon.. 4. Authorize the payment .of the retention to the contractor in: the Mount of $10,151.03 if unencumbered 40 days after filing the. Notice of Completion,. 16. Received and filed. a -report regarding. Law. Enforcement. Taint (referred, franx September 16., 1986 17. Authorization to. bid for banking services. Motion- carried unanimously.. ITEM: 4; - T iTATiVE TRACT MAP 56-04: APPLICAMW. FM0 a CHUM VAN: HOUTEX Staff report by City Manager Bwersox.. This is a request for a ten. -lot division of land located on the eastnide. of Midland Road between Sanerset Road. and � Janette Lane This: map was_ originally approved in 1983- but expired. This is a. l new-alcaton and. since there have been no changes, staff is rec g approval. Mayor Kruse owned the. public: hearing. There was no one present: wishing to speak:.. ^.,cilmemLer Oravec disclosed she lives acres the stmt and will abstain from voting., Motion by Councilmember Shepardsonr seconded by Ccuncilmember Emery to. dose the public, hearing and adopt Planning LResolution No.. P-86-73 entitled, n& Resolution of: the: City Council. of the City of Pty, California, Approving Tentative. Tract. Map 86-04a Assessor"s Parcel. Number 314-242-01,,,-02." Motion carried 4-0 with Com Oravec abstaining . NOV 12 1986 ITEM 2345 I �. �%j CN Page 4 CITY OF: POWAY Oct6ber 14, 1986 ,, ITEM 5 COMITIONALUSE PERUT 86-1 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 86-18 APPLICANT: MU -LAI E ERP USES, (ANDREW LAI) Staff report by City Manager Eowersox. This is a request for a 10,000 square foot autcwt ve center on 88 acre located at the southwest corner of Poway Road and Adah Lane:. No building permits were issued so the original use permit,, CUP. 84-18, expired. The -conditions are identical. to those approved in March of 1985, and staff is reccm ending approval. Mayor Kruse opened the public hearing - 'Speaking in favor of staff recommendation:, Paul Hammond.,- 751 E. Rancheros, Suite. 90, San Marcos. Council was concerned with the resent ina g shops • p d�cy of parkin at auto sho in the area and requested our development review standards be: looked; at for possible revisions to ther parking requirements.. L* ion by Councilmembex s fid, steed by Ccilzrer Tarty, to close the public: hearing and adopt Planning: Resolution. P-86-74. entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving Conditional Use Permit 86-12 and Development Review 86-18, Assessor's Parcel Nwter 232-260-59i.11- Motion, 32.-260-59ie"-Motion carried 31y. ITEX 6 AMENDED F UNCIA . PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 1986-1987 Staff report by City Manager Bowersox., The Annual. Operating and Capital. Improvement Budget of the: City of: Pia/Poway Redevelopment Agency ww adopted ` on June 24,, 1986. In August, 1986, the City gained. approval on the issuance of Certificates of Participation and Tax Allocation Bonds The Certificates of Participation will be used for a community swimming pool,, performing arts center and. Valle Verde/Espola Park._ The 25 year Tax Allocation bonds will , be allo- cated to fund. Capital Improvement Projectsof the Poway Redevelopment Agency. He discussed each revenue and expenditure t He noted residents frau the Poinsettia Mobilehame Park are here tong ht a..d are interested in number 5950.,, Housing .Revitalization. Petitions have been receival signed by owners of 193 units expressing interest in purchasing- their mabilehume park. Councilmeiiber Emery disclosed his mother - lives in the Poinsettia Mobilehane Park, : therefore, he will be abstaining frau voting on item 5950, Housing Revitalization • NOV 12 1986 ITEM 10 2346 f ^ YET, AppIl `�./� Page 5 - CITY OF POWAY - October 14, 1986 Motion: by Counci1iodwer Tarzy, seconded by Councilmember Shepardcon to adopt Resolution No.. P86. 120-, entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of the, City _ of Poway,: California, Amending the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 1986.-1987 and Appropriating the Funds Necessary to Meet, the Expenditures Set, Forth. T sere n...'r Motion. carried 4-0 with Councilmanber Emery abstaining.: ITEM 7 i CHANGE IN NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS FROi GENERAL, PLAN ANEyDMENTS Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. Staff has reviewed. the files for. General Pian Amendments approved, by the City Council.. There. have been. 22. amendments 14; of which were initiated by the. Council since the General Plan, was, adopted. in. _ September, 1983. There has been a net decrease in the dwelling unit count of 13 units. Council accepted the report. and requested an additional report in: 90 days. on amending aur, development standards for multi: family property disallowing slopes. `; F in excess. of 10W. for residential development and 15W for convalescent uses in tin net acres for. deveiament - g CITY" MANAGER, ITEM, 18`1. A.: City, `Manager. Bvwersox stated Genstar will be required to install sewer _ and water facilities for the: Creek. Road residents s in connection with their develament. B. City Manager- Bowersox recommended rejecting all, bids for paint3.nq various facilities at the Ca mmnity Park and. Fake: Poway and authorizing' ; staff to ' rebid the pro]ect. Motion: by Councibimteri Tarzy,: seconded by Councilmember Shepardson to adopt staff rions. Motion: carried unanimously. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS } 19. City Attorney Eckis responded to Mr. Lyles ` earlier.- comments . The; section of the ordinance of primary concern has been the subject. of three separate opinions tis 1ear�. Each person has. beam. g��. a, the. -same interpretation. COUNCILMEMBM ITEMS 21. Councilmember Oravec requested staff review parking requirements in manufac- turing zones to be included in the report to be brought back on,develognent, standards for multifamily use. NOV 12` 1986 IT EM ` 10 2347 } 4 Page 6 - CITY OF POWAY-- October 14, 1986 22:. Counci lmanber ` Shepardson requested also adding parking requirements i in general to to be reviewed and brought back with the report. 24. A. Mayor Kruse noted nextweek's. Council meeting is cancelled due to the Annual League of California Cities Conference, . - Mayor Kruse received concurrence to hold a pre -development conference on October 30th for a mini -storage facility on the north side and in the 14200 block of Poway Road and east of Schauder's Cannercial Center; Saraston aeue1opuent, applicant. C. Mayor . Kruse received concurrence, to hold a pre-develt conference on October 30th for a -respite day care center for a maximum of eight children on the second floor of the former Post Office building at 13430 Midland Bad; For Parents' and Kids' Sake, applicant. • Mayor Kruse stated the application frau Mr. Patch was withdrawn. ATIMUMENT Upon motion by Councihmenbet Shepardson, seconded. by Cauncim.r Taray, Mayor Kruse ordered the meeting adjourned.. The -time of adjournment vas 84.05 p.m. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Pommy NOV 12 1986 ITEM ( 2348