Item 10 - Minutes of Meeting October 28, 198647'1M417 raph-P011 CITY POISY, MUMMA . CIT=Nam REMLAR MEWING OCXBIRI 28, 1.986 The Cctober 28, 1986, regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway w..s ' called to order at. 7.00 p.m. by Mayor Kruse at the City Council. Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. ANSWERING RCITIL CALL Bob Emery, Linda Oravec, Mary Shepardson, Carl Kruse CCUNCIIMEMERS ABSENT AT ROLL C.AZL Bruce Tarzy (arrived at 7:08 p.m.) STAFF MEM RESENT Janes Bc ersox: Marjorie Wahlsten Steve Eckis John Fitch Patrick Foley - Susan Malone Lee Lewis Alan Archibald Bill Toon Reba Tani John.Bridges Jay LaSair Brad Kutzner Boit Krans Suzanne Oliva PLEDGE CR At City Manager City Clerk City Attorney Assistant City Manager Assistant to the City Manager Director of Administrative: Services Director of Camnunity Ser•ic Director of Public Services Director of Safety Services Director of Planning Services Assistant Director of Planning Services Sheriff ' s Captain Senior Civil Engineer Battalion Chief Deputy City Clerk, Deputy Mayor Shepardson led the Pledge of Allegiance... PUBLIC ORAL COSIUN CATICLIS: Mayor Kruse explainedthe procedure: for Public Oral Caiinunications.. 1..' Orval Hill, 13001 Bcwron Road, #6, displayed a draft of the new Poway cart — amity map which will include Rancho Bernardo and Rancho Penasquitos and asked for, comments and suggestions Brian Karaaashin, ` 1751 W. Citracado #245, Escondido,, presented. a petition. and read a letter on behalf of the Painted. Rock Elementary School PTA Board requesting a flashing yellow light be installed on Martincoit in front of the school to slow traffic. NOV 12 1986 ITEM 10 2349 Motion by Councilmenber EMery, seconded by Councihmenber Shepardson, to direct staff to report back in two weeks with a recce €mendation and cost estimates: for installation of a safety flasher at Pa;:nte1 Rock Elementary School. Motion carried unanimously. ITMS 10-20 CCUSENT CALENDAR Motion by Councilmanber Emery, seconded by Councilmenber Shepardson to adopt. the Consent Calendar as follows: 10. Approval of Amended Minutes - City Council:,. July 22, 1986, Regular meeting Ratification of Warrant Register - October 16, 1986. 12. Adoption of Resolution: No. P-86-75 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the. City of .Poway, California` Approving Tanporary Use Permit 86-83," allowing the use of a trailer as a temporary sales office for the Palisades subdivision located at 14172 Arbolitos Court. 13. Approval. of Tarporary Sewer Connection; Rand M. and Kim. R. Poliakoff, applicant: located. at 13334 Calle Colina, subject to the following con- ditions: Payment of all related feesandcos s .. The execution of Agreement Respecting Temporary Sewer Connection by the owner. A Lot Book Report shall be provided to the City for verifica- tion of ownership. The owners: shall furnish the City with copies of recorded easements for the private sewer lines. Canp1etion of all the above conditions within six months of Council approval, if granted, and prior to issuance of a sewer connection per- mit, otherwise the approval shall be deemed expired. 14. Approval of Cooperation and Reimbursement Agreement Attenuation Wall project on. Panerado Road. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-121 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Councilof the City of Poway, California, Consenting to the Payment by the Redevelopment Agency to the City of Poway of the Value of the Inst 11 ation and Construction of such Public I rovenents and Approving and Authorizing the Elcecution of a Cooperative and Reimbursement Agreement Therefore Between the City and the Agency." APPROVED Page 3 - CITY OF POWAY - October 28 1986 15. A. Award of bid for tennis court lighting at Poway Camiunity, Park to Maco Services in the amount. of. $11,,365. F B.. Award of bid for the construction of the ` tennis court to Ino, Tennis Courts, Inc. in the amount of $36,535.: C.. Authorized. appropriation of $28,000 from the unappropriated general c fund. . balance 1-8930. to 11-1622-691 Camunity nark Tennis= Ccs. Project. '1 i6 Award of bid for construction of vehicle: storage building on Lake Poway Road to J. P. Group, Inc. irt the amount, of $273.,000,.00 which includes both sche- dules No. 1 and No. 2. 18 Authorize the Mayor to: execute an amendment of Section 7F A, l and. 3 of the contract between. the Poway Val%y Senior.' Citizens, Inc,. and. the City of Pasray to reduce the . amount of insurance frau. $3 million: to $1 million with, the approval of the: Pt7SCr Inc.. ` 19 . Approval of report regarding public transit, status, and recamiended changes, in fares, routes. and service hours, as follows,".. caan lents in: Item 21;) A. Faresconsistent within the. R Regional Fare -Structure fracture adopted by UPDB. Route 844/'845 (local) Existing New- Jan. 1987 Senior/disabled (single ride) .40. ;50 Regional. Passes (Monthly) Unlimited $38..00 $40..,00 Senior/disabled $19.40 $20.00 - Route 820 (OWessi Single ride $.1.25 I0 ride ticket booklet $12.00 $13.00, Monthly pass $40.00 $45 AO; B. A neva Route .843 beginning in September 1987-seruing Kanebo Carmel, Rancho Arbolitos. and Payr and Sunday bus service on Routes 844/845 beginning in July .1988, Cm Procurement for bids for, the. Fixed Route bus service. beginning July' 1E. 1987. through June 30, 1990,.1, NOV 12 1986 ITEM 1.O 2351 2352 E ti VEDt s_ Page: 5 - CITY CF POMY - October 28, 1986 , Speaking in. favor of staff recammendationr Rabbi: Fradki:n,. 6115 Montezurma, San Diego Ray Poiiakoff ., 13334. Calle Colina, requested they be allowed to: reduce the height of the required block wall- fran 6 feet. to- 5: feet and not extend thewa-U past the parking lot to Espola. Road because of the. grade dif- ferential. There' were 50 additional. slips, submitted in favor not wishing to speak. Motion by Councilmamber Emery, seconded by Counciimember Oravecto adopt Resolution No. P-86-76 entitled., "A. Resolution: of the City Council of the City Of Poway,: , California, Approving conditional Use. Permit 86-08 and Development j Review 86-15, Assessorrs Parcel. Number 273-820-15, "' as amended for 1.1 requiring attachment. to foundation within 180 days; -2? lowering- the height of the block f wall from C feet to 5 feet; 3) making the location of the block wall subject to review and approval.. of Planning and Engineering Departments. Motion carried unanimously. AUNOUNCEMM t Mayor Kruse announced two Boar- Scout troups are in attendance tonight.; r1'II2. 6. PUBLIC SYSTII+ Mayor Kruse opened the public hearing. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox.; The. 1986-87 meet and. confer process with the Poway Firefighters Association, provided, for an amt to the: retirement, plan to e: a higher level: of 1959 survivor benefits;.: Annual dost, of the change ; to the City is $1, 344,.00`. ReccnTaendation is to adopt a Resolution: of Intention to Approve. an Amerubnt to the PERS contras t, and proceed with the first, reading of the: ordinance Authorizing an Amendment tothe Contract,: as required by the Retirement System. There wasno one present wishing to spear. Motion by Counciltmsmbw Shepardson, seconded by Counc lmenber wry to adopt Resolution No.. 86-123: entitlede, ".A Resolution of Intention.. of the City Council of theCity of Paway,. California.." Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Kruse read the title of Ordinance No. 200, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract Between. the City Council and the Board of Administration of _the California Public Employees Retirement System." Motion by Counci]mesmber Emery, seconded:. by Councilmember Tarzy r to waive further reading of the Ordinance and continue the public- hearing to November 12, 1986, for second reading of -Ordinance No. 200. Motion carried unanimously.. NOV 12 1986 ITEM 10 2353 NOV 12 1986 ITEM 10 2354 17 1. P AD 11 cs Page 7 - ciTy OF POTitTAY - October 28, 1986 CITY MANAGER ITEMS' 21. A. 4ty Manager Bowersox.expanded On the statistics in the public transit status report., (Item 19) The County Department of Public Warks staff monitors bus lines and has recaemmended an additional., bus bine through old Poway. He suggested type of bus benches, street lights, fire hydrants. and creek. bed improvements that could be used to -give the area. a "country look.-" - Council stated a bus bench is needed ia front of Burger King. B. City Manager Baiersox presented a report giving projected call volumes between Poway and . Escondido and estimated cost savings since Poway' s.successful:challenge of Pacific Be] I' -s ZEH system. inuring the past two years the business community,saved an estimated $38x662 ,arid the Poway residents $255, 926. Poway now has one of the largest local calling areas in.the.state. C. City Manager Bowersox gave an update on completion• of the Crchard Bend box. culvert~ that was required as an offsite imorovement for Hirsch. 1 Ranch. The contractor has agrees: to complete thework by Novwbw 15.. In addition to the work, he also agreed to plant berry bushes at all four quadrants to help improve the appearance of the concrete head-`? y vallis as well as depositing $51.000 in cash tai assure timelyt completion of the work. D.7 City .Manager Bowersox recommendedan award of bid for •theconstruction- of avehicle fueling facility at Lake Poway Road. to Landex Construction Corp. in. the amount of $97r648.00,. Motion by Councilmenber Emery, seconded by`Councilmenber Shepardson to adopt staff reccmendation. Motion carried;. unanimously. ! CITY COUNCIL ITEM . 26. Cvuncilmaaber- Tarzy- asked when construction of Phase. II of the: Pcnerado _Road. - soundwmaU would start. Director, of Public Services Archibald stated it would begin Novanber 10, 1986. 27. A. Mayor Kruse announced there will, be n6 meeting next Tuesday, November 4, because of Election Day. { B.. Mayor Kruse, received concurrence: to hold a. pre -development conference t for a modification of an, existing conditional Use Permit for a club for the Fraternal order of Eagles located at 14025 Midland Road on November 6, 1986. (PDC 86-41) } NOV 12 1986 ITEM E G Y 2355 -,1/410T Page 8 CITY OF PAY October 28, 1986 • Mayor Kruse received concurrence to hold a pre -development conference on November 6, 1986 for a proposedconditional usepermit to allow a modular classrocxa facility to be placed, on an existing church site at the southeast corner of Midland Road and: Twin Peaks Road. (PDC 86-40) • Mayor Kruse requested, but did not receive concurrence, to, hold a pre-develont conference at for a 78 -unit apartmentproject at the northeast corner` of f the intersection of Ply and Carriage roads Council felt their direction has been clear at. previous 'pre -development conferences regarding this property. (PDC 86-42) .: Mayor Kruse reminded Council that performance reviews for the City Manager, City Clerk and City Attorney are due to him by Thursday. Uponmotion by Councilmanber Emery, seconded. by Councilmember` Tarzy, Mayor Kruse ordered, the meting adjourned to Thursday, October 30, 1986. The, time of adjournment was 7:55 p.md Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway NOV 12 1986 ITEM 1 2356