Item 11 - Minutes of RDA Meeting September 30, 19867,7.1,1,47br; 1:1V -Er:) : ..� CITY CU MEW, ., CALIFORNA MIMES OF IME- MAY REDEVE10111W ICIELCY REGULAR MEMNG 30, 1986 The September 30, 1986, regular meeting of the Pokey Redwelopment Agency • was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Kruse at the City Council tiers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. DIRECTORS IMERING XXL` CALL Bob Emery, Linda Oravec, Mary Shepardson, Bruce Tarry Carl. Kruse STAFF MENEM PRESENT Janes Bower John: Fitch Marjorie Wahlsten Suzanne Oliva Executive Director Assistant Executive Director Secretary Deputy Secretary PLEDGE OF Gi Director Shepardsonled the Pie.ge of Allegiance. CITY MANAGER IMS A. Off Docket Iter. a Orders to Midland Road Widening Project Executive Director Bowers= recormnendedchange orders be approved because of problems ° that were unforeseen. Motion by Director Shepardson, seconded by Director Or -avec to approve staff recommendations as follows:_ 1) Approve Change Order #1l: for $55,001.40 plus $12 • per ton of rock (estimated $15,600'000); 2) Change Order #12 for $11,553..00: for construction on cantilevered sidewalks and count -weights' 3) Change Order #1 for $7,163.94 for grading and drainage control an York Avenue. Motion ; carried_ unanimously. ADIMUINMEff Upon motion by Director Tarzy,- seconded by Director Shepardson, Chairman Kruse ordered the mee .ting adjourned. The time of adjt urnttent Wats' 8.19` p.m. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, Secretary Poway loveloprcrent Agency NOV 1.2. 1986 ITEM 11 251