Item 11 - Minutes of RDA Meeting October 7, 1986. F33 MY W Pomyr CAMPOEMA RIM mnums or mc Fcmy r E OCrUM 7, 1986 The October 7f 1986, regular meeting of the Faway Redevelopment Agency was called to order at. 7.:00 P.M. by chairmanKruse at. the city council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Pcay, California. DWEL CALL Bob Emery, &i sda Oravea, Mary Shepardson, Bruce Tarzy, Carl. Kruse James Bowersox Executive Director John ` Ditch Assistant Executive Director mriorie wa aster Secretary : # _ Suzanne Oliva _ Deputy SecretaryPLEM OF Director Sdson led the Pledge of Allegiance.. ITM OOH CALBAR motion by Direr,-Shepardson, seconded by` Director Ennery to adopt the consent ra]: ss follows piward of bad to William J. Ki.rchnavy for construction of water main/ 19 . 'fire hydrants atm scel�eous locations, in the amount of $121,655..30. 20-.. A card of bid to� oaki1aunta n DWe'lopment Service for construction of upgrading of balifields at. Parieiado school., in he, amount of $59•,999,.34 21. Award of bid. to ABC Construction Co.., Inc. for construction of street. and soundall improvements on Pamerado Road - Phase II, in. the amount. of $232,238.00: carrieduunan�.ntausl. 22. A.. Executive Director Bow xsox reported. to council regarding the safety problems at Mkk Stevens and Poway, Pond intersection:. He `stated these can be resolved by utilizing a 43 -foot wide: public utility. ea�aent reserved for Sunrise Rauch: for the road, This would- enable Mark Stevens to be blocked, off at Poway _Road and. a guard rail installed.. Approxmate cost is $35,000.: Motion by Director Shepardson. seceded by Dixector Oravec, to approve staff recap tion. that this be included. with the: modifications to the Redevel' cgamt Agency budget • -Motion carried. unanimously. NOV 1.2 1986, ITEM 11 251 i