Item 12 - Amended Minutes - September 16, 1986AGENDA REPORT CITY OF PO AY This reportis included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City COunciil unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be reproved from the Consent Calendar anddiscussed. separately. If you wish te' have this report pulled for discussion, pleas_ fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. * * * * * * * *. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. * * * * * * * ' * * * thaaxman and Nie nbexs of the Redevelopment Agency 110 «..°' FROM: James L. Bowiersox, Executive Dir INITIATED BY: Marjorie. K. Wahlsten, Secretary DATE: November 12, 1986 SUBJECT: wed Minutes September 16, 1986 BICKGICUIM The Redevelopment Agency Minutes of September 16, 1986 anitted approval of the Reclevel.opment Agency Minutes for the meetings of August 12, 1986, Regular Meeting; August 19, 1986,Regular Meeting; and August 21, 1986., Regular Adjourned Meeting RECOSEMAZECt4 It is recce nded that. the. Redevelopment Agency approve the wed minutes for September 16, 1986 ass follows 18 , Approval of Minutes August 12, 1986, August 19, 1986, August 21, 1986,. JLB:MIN:so Redevelopment Agency Pagular Meeting Regular Meeting Regular Adjourned. Meeting AfRePORT8 ACTION- . 1 of 3 NOV 12 1996 ITEM j an OF POWAyr CALIFaRbUAA buNaE {laIMLAR .MTIW. �IEPE'RGER 16r 1986 The September 16,- 1986 r regular meeting of the POwey RedeveloPfflent Agency Uw calledto order at. ?. 00 P�.M . by Chain an Kruse at the, City Council Chambers., 13325= Civic: Center Drive, Pmay. , California.' DllC.�.'K7E?S` ' MG` rdXL CALL Bab Emery.. Linda 4ravec, may'- Bruce Tarty DI ETORS ABMV AT RQUI CALL, 'Carl, Kruse Join, Fitch Assistant Executive Director Mar3ore Wahlsten Secretary Suzanne. Olivat y Secre tart . Direor She�aardson led the Pledge of Allegiance. JIM IS F =SRW CSAR F Notion: by Dirvector, Tarzy, seconded by Director' Oravec to adopt the Consent Calendar as, follows ; 18, s. Approval of- Minutes — Redevelopment `Agencyt: August 12, ' 1986, Regular ifeeting August19' 1986, Regular Nesting August 21, 1986, Regular Adjourned Meeting r :DTT 2R. A. Assistant Executive Director Fitch presented Progress Pay Estimates for approval. Motioh. by Director Tarty, sox�ded by Director Oravec, to approve , progress. pay. estimates l 8aywardistruC#=:ion Camaany for midland Road widening in the amount of $45,359'.58- and. 2)1 ilayward Construction Cappany, for the Parierado Soundwal- Phase I in the amount of $56,77-1,.47.' Notion carries 4-0 ; with Mayor Kruse: absent. NOV 12 1986 IT E M � 2, of 3 ;_ Page -2• - CITYOF P(" AY REDEVELPMENT' AGCY - September 16, 1986 Assistant Fzenutive. Director Fitchpresented a change order in the Midland. Road Project. To ca_ lete this project. in :a timely manner, it is necessary to modify the design for the channel subgrade in. Rattlesnake creek. Motion by Director Tarty, seconded by Director Etrery, to approve change order f7 with Hayward Construction Company for $17,000. Motion carried 4-1 with Director Kruse absent. ALOCURIMENT Upon notion by Director Dravec seconded by Director fiarzy, Director Shepardson ordered the meeting adjourned.. The time of adjournment. was 11:10 p.m. of 3 Marjorie. K. Wah1sten, Secretary Foray Redevel ognent Agency NOV 12, 1986 ITEM 246