Item 15 - City's Improvement Report�'�jj - aJ T CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be resroved from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. if you wish to 11v rx have this report pulled for discussion, please fillout a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. A 7�C A, tWli6 Bonorable Mayor and Members Of the City Cbt=il r u FRl: Juries L. Badersox,: CityMa INITIATED-BY Susan i Lone, Director of Ac n strative Sery c Mar3orle K. Wahlsten, City, `Treasurer `7 DAMNbVeMber 1986 SUBJELVO• ;. City anuesitrent, art r , Monthly-, thty; reports of investments are required to be: .presented to Ca=il. For, yow informtionr attached is an investment. 30, 1986. olio: 3.asting as of Septe BICC GOVe rmlent. Code §53646(b) rewires the treasurer or chief fscat- officers to. make a monthly r _egort that inclWes. the hype of investments institution, date �` maturity, amount of deposit, clement market value of all maturities that. exceed 12: months:, and interest rate. The- bock value of the investrment port%iio as of S r 30, 1986, was. r $Wr41I,594.` This pottfola.o consisted. of Time: Certificates of Deposits, (TMs) which. totaled $12,245,000, Government: Nationall Mortgage Ass®ciatio�n Cert ficates C s�.,' Hsieh were booked at $1.r635r505•, Federal man: N�tage Corporation Certificates,: which, were awed at $193,462, and deposits at the Local- Agency; Investment. Fm (L.A.I.F) of $14,337,657., t: 3 The. Ta)s are at 75 different, Bial institutions throughout, the state., The certificates are placed in $100 s000 inements with the amounts in excess of the fust $100.,00G c oUaterai iced as oritlir by state law using either mortc�ges or federal govenment, ecurities., ACTION Agei Report. - City's Investment Report November 1, 1986 Page The book, value of -the, investment portfolio of the SouthPoway- Cawm ty ort: Facilities District #1: as of September 30, 1986, was- $22,674,OQO.. This Port- r Local folio; consisted. of $2 x975 000 on mit at the Agency Investment Fund f L.A. .�`1 and; $699,000 in. Time C Icates of Deposits: {TCD's a at faun dif-- ferent financial institutions. r; The GNMS consist of` four separate issues of Bch one matures: in 2013,- one in. } 2006, one in, 2005, and. one in 2016., The interest ratesvary frau 8% to 11%, and � were all pnrcbased. at a..discount. The: EMOCs consist of two separate issues,: of which one matures in 2005, and one matures in 2006, both were purchased at. a discount. The interest rate is 8%.. A. detailed; listing of these issues, is 4 attached. 7nte funds, an deposit at LAW earn, a variable interest rate. The interest: rate for the month ending September 30, 1986, was 7.512% ,;. It is nam ed `that the- City CouncIil. accept and. file the: attached reports:. JLB:ml _ r Attaclhments: investments in Excess of 12 Months investment Report. j t NOY .1 2 1996 tT E N 15 2 of 6, si• fV :ii '.t. •fit-/ L' �;•. ✓.i if t .. - CiJ O O O O. O O _ � Q _ Ca O O � �, Cr F s�� a y.� ,,.hs�1' G y�''.•lt� e-. �. rM �l � rY ✓! J� .. -.+� •'! ,fir' li in���f ;J• w C3 N r -i i< 4" N t"• � t r -s. x � ��� s` f� -� � 03 0o - ri co 'Ca_ W, o .. Vill cq N r- CD- tCT O:[�_ CD qF CA r -t O C- O O- cn O GO :C tr1 CI! W, O lD C'ti O N V ro- WWW rry' ( ref O- t+f r�i O�ri•.�'a�� ' +!'kL"�g�` vi - C7► to r11 tt1 O ,r-- IRVC3" eP w Y { V (A Li Q %a C7 0 iii It 11133 ►-r - rt - - - ,_- � _.` K"' r. �" �::.-�r.�c. r4r4i CM rf cn to r -i O Q N` - Qi P"!.. iii• - ' to CT � %0(n Ln�4 .E+a.. t f rCJirro •[.• s."F.r .-.1.,_ •/� \-- ♦ tea\ 4 ems\ t�.S• �y .��'..� cc, iY� . ice' LC.w.' M C) .fi f• -d N O (y, _ KViG• .' - - � s �' �x � "'' a �s > < - N +-C. Ln O: r -t O' t!Y rz; Com- Q O. _ O N N. d7 4JI-s k .✓ s -- Q1.. 4,�...r Q 4j- 4-t y 4J it 4J, Aj �- U1 � � II, R; � ' 4f` "'w�"r��'� .saw � - r • Rs Is 1 19 - ,r4 ( to LnCY Y Gl! AF Fwd y s IKVESTmff FO TjU.I,T MOM Ims MO/Sts Gap COOT PENT REMAINING, 'dlEs - - i�TltsT L 3 - � ���g�� f,{� q gam. �T �s U-131121 657. f LOCAL .�i-" W'BTW S"�' sr�rrsrrrr4s'srsS U-13112165 .00 _ � -73.877- � -� 4i. 7.512 - - CEg �t� �a y }y�y _ y� RTIFICATES W ��rr�.a�..rrr.�•r.r�� ����ST����.J'.�r l 2.442 5c- 25c- _ 3 5 & L CERTIFICATES OF MIT.-.........11,644MO-00 5 11T.69Z 1.07' 7.616, a E- r s...: 1HISSF i ERIM INFEE ST MR -TD -SATE ACTJAL IMBEST JFXW TOTAL..... 118J47.8 - VEIGHTB AMM Bff T as. rrrr. rs.'. ra. T.59M - Q VEYGMT VIEL0 rtr.ssrsa.tc.ssrr.arersa Lr5.391918'• _ e .' M° VIED, 0mo - t3rS�. ON�amy,, - - - Ci. O 8i3:iS FM HFOOME TO T URITYs.rr 29� - - AM CENT RMIRIG, LIFE TO., 65: fAll awes are maigbted. City shall invest yI i5 authorized r.iaat of SM PULWv } :- IIX : SERVICESCalifornia under Sugramient We Sections 5W1.11 53602 and 2U.M. inve.����� shall a da ioq the prude aaa theory with consideration giverf, Lo, the follaming teas ars ordOr of priorty I. Safetyf . Liquidity r 3. Yield. r 10129186 PAGE 3 CITY OF"POWAY - INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO - MONTH ENDING 09!30186 -- -- YIELD -- MATU R€MAI INT. TO PURCH - RITY NINB " DESCRIPTION a-..��------- --..--------------- FURCH. PRICE --- ---------- FACE VALUE ---- - RATE ------ tea --------------- CURB. MATURITY -..ter-------- MARKET VALUE. ASSET NUMBER ---- ------------------ DATE DATE ------------ DAYS *if LOCM Agency Investment Funds 1AIF--CITY OF PONAY 416001000.00 41600,000.00 ` 7.512 7.512 4,600,000.00 001 ! LAIF-RDA' BOND' ISSUE, 08186. 4,,737,657.00 4,737",657.00 7.512' 7.512 417-37,657.00 004 1 LAIF-REDEVELOPMENT;AGENC't 5,000,.000.00l 5,G00,00U.G0 7.512: 7.512 51000`,000800 402 I LAIF-SOUTH:POWAY CFD #1. 211975,000900 21,975,000.00 7.512 7.512 21,1975,006.00 003 1 - SUBIOTAL - 36,312,657.00 31613121657.00 7.512 7.512 36,317,657.00 mfe"Bank CDs ifs ALVARADO`-RANK' 100,000.00 1001000.00 8..too, 8.100 208 06118186 06!18197 261:. AMERICAI4 COMMERCE BANK 100"7000.00 :100,000.00 9.250- 9.250 110 0110018"6 0i10ff187' 100 AMERICAN-, COMMERCE RANK 100,000000 100,000.00- 7.500 7.500 127 0510818&. 11106186- 37 FIRST COMMERCIAL BANK 100,000.0.0 100,0011..00 7. 87 5 7.875 206" 46f13186 121l.01O& 71: HOUSEHOLD BANK100,000.00 1001000.00 9.250 9.250 !l9 l2f16185 itibt86> 77' F HUNT INGTffNATtONAL BANK 1001000.00 100,o00.00 8.500 8500133 0312Tt8b 03/30187 1e1 HANILABANK CALIFORNIA 1001000.00. 1001000.00, 7.375. 7.375 184 05127186 11124186` 53 NERCHANT SANK -UF CALIF 1081000.00 100,000.00- 9.500 9.500` 120 10116185 10/16186 16 # t1ERID -AN! NATIONAL; BAtiK #00°,000.00" t00,000.00 8.250 8.250, 134 03127186 09123186 " MONTEREY.' PARD: SAVINGS" BK 100,000.00 1001000.00 9.500 9.500 !21 10117!85 10117,106- 17 NGVAIO" NATIONAL BANK 1001000._00 1001000".00 7.+160 7.400 131 04125106 20123106 23 -- SUNRISE DAKK-..,r 1001000.00 1041,000.00 7.750 7.750 1.92 04117186 10114186 14 VALLEY NATIONAL BANK; 1001000.00 100;000..00 9.000- 9.000 iib 0311218613112187 163 SUBTOTAL - 112001000.00 11200:000.00 8..417 8.417 85 *if SGL: CDs e AMADU VALLEY SAVINGS 1001000.00 1009000.00' 9.250 9.250 < 220 10/25185.10/27"t'86- 27 E" ANTELOPE VALLEY SAVINGS 100000.00 100,000.00 7.750 7.750,;296 05122180 1111$f8 49° ASSURED 'THRIFT & LOAN 100,000.00 t00,0.00.00 8.040° 8.000 303 08112186 QZ109/87' 132 BEL -Alit SAVINGS % LOAN 100,000.00- 100,000..00 9.250 9.250 292 01108186 01f09187` 100 BMTWDOV SQUARE SAVINGS 1000+0.04 1001000.00 7.500 70500 297 05109186 11104I86 35: BROOKSIDE SAVINGS k LOAtt 1001000.00 100,000.00 7.300 7.300 288: 08t18186 02117!87' 140- CANI3NT REAL SAVINGS 100,000:00" 100,000.00 7.500 7.500 262. 08113186:02109187 132 CENTURY CITY SAVINGS: 1001000.00 100,000.00 9.125 9.125218 01!15186 01115187"" 107 1TURY-THRIFT t. LOAN' 1001000.00 1001000.00 8.100:- 8.100 268 07/01186 12130186 91 CHARTER/ORANGE COAST SA1�. 100100000 100,000.00 9.340 9.300 229 01108186, 01toet87. 100 CITY SAVINGS 4 LOAi1 100,000.00 100,000.00 7.250 7.250 -300 " 08f11186 0210.9187 f32 Cts JHRIFT O; LOAN 100,u0.00 100,000..00 7.500 7'.500 301 08112/86 02109187 1,32, COLONIAI.THRIFT. €.LOAN 100,000.00 1001000.00 7:.250 7.250305 09108/86 03/04187 160 CQMERCE SAVINGS: BANK 99,000.00 997000.00 8.000 8'.000 132 04tPh18b 101`14/86: 14: CONTINENTAL.- SAVINGS 1002000.00 100000.00 7.125 7.125 27! OB104186 01!28187 120 Ca3it SAVINGS BANK: 100000.00 100000.04 7..0001 79000 191. 09118186 09`118187 353 DIEL AMQ SAVIl G& L LOAN 100000:00 10000040 7.125 7.125 " 273 08104186" 01/28187 120 DELTA SAVINGS k LOAN 100,000.00 100,000600 9.000 99000' 219' 10130185 10130186 30 EAST€R11-'SAVINGS= BANK 1001000.00 100,000.00 9.125 9.125 123 01./22186 01122/87 114 EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN`` ` 100,000.00 100,000.00 9.1'25 90125 214 02112186 02112187 135 'EXECUTIVE SAVINGS' 1r LOAN" 100,000.00 100,000.00 7.500° 7.500 201 05108186 11104186:` 35 FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS 4001000.00 400, 000.00 6.800 6.800 269 07/31186 01127187 119 S & LOAN 100000.00 1001000.00 7.000: 7.000 308 09/23186: 09123187 359 5 of 6 NOV 12' 1986 # T E MI 15 NOTE: Assets preceded with: `#s natured or were sale during this period: and are not included'in the totals. 10129186. F �'- PAGE 4 CITY. OF POWAY - INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO'- MONTH ENDING 49130/86 -- YIELD -- NATU R - _ INT. TO PURCH RITY Nh._ Y DESCRIPTION PURCH. PRICE FACE VALUE RATE CURR. MATURITY' MARKET VALUE ASSET NUNBER DATE DATE DAYS S&L CDs iii 60LDEN COIlf SAVINGS k LOA 100,000.00. 100,000.00 80150' 8.750 215 02/1.1/86 021,11187 134 GREAT PACIFIC SAVINGS 1001000.00' 1009000,.00 7.675 7.675 277 0510,196 11/04/86 35 t GUARDIAff SAVINGS 100,000.00 #00,000.:00 7.650 7.650 221 04[17/86:#0114/86 14 HAMILTON SAVINGS BANK 1001100.00 100, 000.30 T.450-. 7.450 1:90• 68/11196 0210,1187 132 NAWTHORNE SAVINGS & LOA4 1001000.00 1001000.00 6.500 6.500 293 09123186 03123187 174 ' HEARTLAND'SAVINGS 1001000..00 1.00,000.900 T.125 7.125 279 08/04186 42/02/87 125 IMPERIAL SAVINGS t LOAN 450,;000..00 4501,000.00 7.-950 7.350 233 04102/86 10129186 29 LA CUMBRE SAVINGS & LOAN 140,000.00 1.001000`.00 7.500 7.540 278 04124/86 10121/86 21. LINCOL49AVINGSSk LOAN 1a0,0a0.a4 200,000.00 8.250 8.250 276 04102/86 44102181 184 LONG: BEACH' SAVINGS & LOAN 100100r00 1009000,.00 6.750 6.750 251 09146106 0310918T 160 NALAGA SAVINGS & LOAN' 1001;000.00 1001000.,00 T. 415 1:475 203 06/11/86 12109{86 70 NEWPORT/BALBUk SAVINGS- BK. 1001000140 100,000.00 7'..400 7.400 12S 0.5/13186 1111-2/86 43 NORTH ANERICk SAVINGS 1001,000.00 100100040, 7.600 7.600 207 0.5{#118b- 12109/86 69 L' PACIFIC CQAST�SAVINGSBK too,000.00: , 100' 000::00 i T. 7.7sU #�7 /14/17/86.10114{86 14 } PACIFIC SAVINGS 1t30T000.0U 100,000.:00 7.300 7.300 274 08104186 01f2Sf87 120 PACIFIC SAVINGS BANK 1,000',000.00 1,000,000.00 6.850 6,850 1311 0T124186 01120187 112 PACIFIC SAVINGS BANK 3004,000.00' 3001000.00 7.500 7.500 204 06119186 12/18{86. PAIS AMERICRN SAVINGS BANK 100'1000.00 - 100t00040 1.500. , 7.500 126 0510818& 11104186 35 PARAMOUNT SAILINGS & LOAN- 951000.00 95,1000.00 8.500 8.500 202 05113/86 0563187 225 PENINSULA. SAVINGS: & LOAN 1.061000.00 100,00x..00 9.375 9.374 230 12 .110185 1 /10186 PERPETUAL :SAVINSS= k LOAN 100,000.00 100,000.00 9.250 9.250. 265 01/08,19h 01/0818T POMONA. FED.; SAVINGS 500,000.100 500000.00 9.000 9.000 L4 11/19/85 11/181/86 49 RAMONA SAVINGS & LUAU. 1001000._00' 100,000.00 8.625 8.625 212 031�2186 101,08186 8 REPUBLIC FEDERAL S & L. 100,000.00- 1.00 ,000.00 7.250 7.250 307'09/22/86:-OS/2418T 175 SAN.CLEMENTE SAVINGS. 100,000.00 1.00,000,00 7'..37► 7.375 295 04121186 10122186 22 SAN FRANCI.CQ FEDERAL 500,000.04 500,000.00 6.500 6.500 304, 09/23186 03123181 174 SAN�;FRANCISCO FEDERAL SAV 1,.,4001000.00 1,400,x00.00 7.150 7.150 234 4123/86 10121:186 21. SANTA, YNEZ VALLEY SAVINGS: 100000.00 100,000.00 8.875 8.875 217 011,15/8& 0111:5781 1/07 SARATO6A ,SAVINGS & LOAN. 100,000.00 100,000.00 9.000 9.000: 216 02112/8& 02112187 135 SOUT11 COAST THRIFT LOAN 1001000.00 1001000.:60 7.750, 7.750 204 06/11/86.12110186 71 - j SOUTHWEST SAVINGS &.LOAN 1001000.00 1001000600 9.000° 9:040: 252 01/08/86,01108187 ' 100 SOUTHWEST.' THRIFT is LOAN 1001000.40 1001000.00 1.500• 7.500 137 05/22/86 F1,11H/86 49 SUTTER BUTTES.SAVINGS 1001000100 100-,000.00 9.254 - 9.250 275:011151,81,1 01{15187 10T a UNITED SAVINGS BANK 1001.000..00' 100,000`..00 T.750 7.750 125 05/07/861-1/03186- 34 VALLEY"FEDERAL-SAVINGS 5001:000.00` 500,000.00 6.100 6.504 260 091,23186: 03123187 174 ' VALLEY FEDERAL SAVINGS 1001.000.00 1001,000.00 11..660 11.66(, 261 07/29/83 08102788 672. VALLEY FEDERAL. SAVINGS 5001000.00 500,000.'00• Ll. 150 %150: 267 07116f86, 01113/87 105 VIKING- SAVINGS, -LOAN' 100,000.00, 100,000.00 `400: 1.0+00 306 09118186.09118/87 353 WESTCQ SAVINGS &.LOAN, 1001;000..00 100,000..00 6.:750 6..750 213 04108186 03/04{8Z 160 WESTERN EMPIRE SAVINGS 1001000.00° 100,000.00 78,100 7.100 291 09/64186 03103187 154 WESTERN' FEDERAL L SAVINGS 1001000.00 1.001000:00 7.:750` 7.750 272 05107106 1171.0186 41,, ' NESTERN THRIFT k LOAN 1009000.00 1001,000.00 88:000 8.000 304 08/22186:08124187 328 WESTPORT SAVINGS: 1001000.00 1001000.x0 7..375 7.375 302 08/12186- V2 11 1 133 NESTSIDE:SAVINGS, & LOAN- 100¢,000.00 100,000.00 9.000 9.3000 270 02/12186 02112/87 135 WESTWOOD SAVINGS &:LOAN 100,000.00 100,000.00 9..400 9.40it 258- 01/22/86 01/22/87 1�� WHITTIER THRIFT & LOAN' 100,000.00 1001-000.00 Ta 250 7.250 310` 09123/86 09/23/87 WILSHIRE SAVINGS`k LOAN 1001,000.00 1001,000800 8..000 8.000 205 06/11186 12fI0/86 71_ -_SUSTUTAL - 1/116441000.00 11,644,.000.00 7.616: 7.616 Nov 12 107 ®f _15 1966 ITEM 6RA1JU 1uTALS 4'11156.657.00 49,1561657.00 7.559' 7.554 0.000 36,312,657.00 65