Item 7 - Minutes of Meeting January 28, 1986i f CITY OFC AY_r C�L.bijS��LTT**tit V�V IA yw mnums Off' TSE CITY Lsi�iR �T JAWARY 287,. 1986 The January, 28, 1986, regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway was called to order at 7:04: P.M. by Mayor Kruse at the City Council Chambers', 13325 Civic Center Driver Poway, California. WSWEPJ= RMLCALL Bob Rmery, Linda Oravecr Mary Shepardsont Bruce Tarzyj Carl Kruse STAFF MIRIUMS MEW James Bowersox City. Manager Marjorie Wahlsten City Clerk" Steve ' F,is City Attorney John Fitch Assistant City Manager + Patrick Foley Assistant to the City Manager TQw Jimno Director of Administrative. ServiceS 'Alan Archibald Director of Public Services. Bill Toon Director of Safety,Se=ices John Bridges es Acting Director Planning Services Jun :Decker_ Ski€f,'s:-Captain Joe ale Associate PUMI ler Jim.:Nesscel Associate Planner Brad Kutzner Senior Civil Engineer Alam Schuler.' Senior Civil Engineer Jim, Bentz Community Services Supervisor Jo- Seibert: Deputy City Clerk PLEDGE OFmrd . Deputy Mayor Shepardson led the Pledge ofAllegiance.: Mayor Kruse asked -those present to resin standing for a moment of silence for the seven creaemesnbers who were killed. today in the explosion on the space shuttle Challenger. STATE Cr THE CITY Mayor Kruse delivered the "'State of the City" message reviewing actions and accomplishments of 1985. PUBIC CM CQMNiTNICATIGYIS Mayor Kruse, explained the procedure. for Public Oral Communications.- FEB 11 98U 17 EM 7 2057 <x Dennis Kerr, 12206 Colony Drive, urged Council to restudy the need for a W4CO in the City of Poway and to reconsider the. Pcmerado/Twin Peaks Roach site for the proposed CII+CCO. f James- Lyons, 12223 Colony Drive, asked who will pay for the construction of the pry. State Routes 56. Councilmember` Tarzy stated: the: developer of GMM will. construct the road frou Pcmerado Road north-easterly to Twin Peaks Road, and the developer of Carmel Mountain Ranch. will construct the portion within the. City of San Diego. City Manager Bowersox stated the City rosy participate in the cost of an approximately 800 foot link. Councilmember Emery stated he will be attending a meeting on February 2, 1986, with Senator Ellis and others regarding the timing for the construction of the Proposed state highway.: IT]W 7 - 17 CCNSMW CALENDAR Councilmember Oravec declared she: is an employee of Poway Valle Senior � oY Y Y F Citizens, Inc. and will abstain from voting on Iten 13. Motion by Counciltiember Emery, seconded by Councilmember to adopt a the Consent Calendar as follows: ' 7. Approval of Minutes City Council: f January 14, 1986, Regulars Meeting 9. Ratification of Warrant. Register:: January 16, 1986. 10. Approval of Resolution No. 86-009 entity, "A Resolution: of the City Council of the City of: Poway, California, Establishing: a: Service: Authority for Freeway Emergencies and. Appointing Members." 11. Approval of City's Investment Report _ December' 31, 1985. 12. Approval of Progress Pay Estimate #1, Lightening: Fence Company.. $22 r 290'r for } the Twin Peaks Trail fencing project. 13. Authorization for the Mayor to sign the Facilities Use Agreement with Poway Valley Senior Citizens-, Inc. i 14. Authorizsrtion to purchase used scales front California Highway Patrol for $1,500, when available fapproxintiately July, 1986•} to be used forcommercial vehicle inspections., 16. Adaption of Resolution. No. 86-010 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Accepting An. Irrevocable offer to 4 Moate Real Property, for public: Peres, Aciah Lana, SoWdm of Poway Roads" Ra I 1 98o- ! T E, M' 7 2058 P Page 3 CITY OF PCMY ` - January 281 1986 17'... Adaption of Resolution No. 86-011 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Ordering the Spun mT Vacation of' a Street Reservation and a Sewer Easement, Both Along Lots 42 and 43 of the County of San Diego Tract No. 3842-2, Map No., 9770." Motion carried unanimously, with Councilmember Oravec abstaining on Ittt No. 13. ITEM 5 SIVE TRACT- MAP 83-04 TIM' EXMSION ArID. RESOLUTION P1�1D��' APPLICANT: HIGHLAND RANCH INVESTORS Introduction by City Manager Bowersox. Be state the request is for a time extension for a 41 lot division of 62 acres located 1.5 miles north. of Espola Road: and adjacent to Lamas -Verdes Estates, and for an amendment: to the section. , Of the Resolution that requires: an open space easement over the milling station located on lots 24 and 25. Recis for approvaL.of both requests. Staff report by Acting Director of Planning Services Bridges He -stated the original. archeological report required for this project located an; isolated milling station near the highest point of the property. The site was considered a minor. resource; and an open space,. easement was required to prevent its d stur bance.. Staff agrees with the determination, by the archaeologist who conducted the original survey that the: milling station is an isolated feature that does, not -meet, the CMA requirements for.significance and would not provide any, oppor- tunty for public. viewing. ion is delete the requirement for an open 6 space easement over the site. Council expressed concern that remving the open space easement could result in future owners disturbing the. rock outcroppings on the site. Speaking in favor of staff recomanendation: Keith Kelley, 2620 Canyon. Road, Escondido, representing Highlands Ranch Investors. He stated it is not the intention of the developer to disturb the rock outcroppings, but to remove the public access easement { requirement on future title reports. Be stated that since Council's review of the grading plans for lots 24 and 25 is required, natural features will be preserved by that means. ' Mr. Kelley also asked what can be done to insure that the adjacent tract, Lamas Verdes Unit 3, complete. their public improvement require ments.. City Manager Bowpxsox stated if the subdivision agreements for the: tract have not expired, the developer still. has time to put in the improvements. Mayor Kruse suggested ?fir. Kelley meet. with staff to discuss this matter. FEB 11 1980 ITEM 7 2059 Page 4 CITY OF POWAY January -28,, 1986 y ,x Following discussion, motion by Councilmember Tarzy, seconded by Council ember Emery.. to close the public hearing and adopt Resolution No. P46-05 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving Tentative Tract Map 83-04 TE,Assessor's Parcel Number 272-150-07 and 49 and. Rescinding Resolution No. P-83-52," with .the .provision that the required. grading f review for lots 24 and 25 be shown, prominently on the face „of the neap.. Motion carried unanimously. tCauncilmember Emery left the roan at 7:58 P.M. and returned at 8:03 P.M. ITER6;. COMPRE MIVE SIGN PROGRAM 85-02 APPLICANT: SHARON BEXJUW Staff rePOrt by City Manager Bawersox. He staters the oldpostoffice building I at Hi.11eary and Midland. Roads has been rehabilitated and contains four separate buisnesses.: Ren tion is to approve Comprehensive_sign Program 85-02 for the center with conditions. He noted thattheapplicantion is for wall signs only and does not include -a freestanding sign. Speaking against staff recoumaendato�n: Janis Lusignan, 6171 Mission Gorge Road, San Diego, 92120, property ager a for the Old Post Office Center. He requested Condition No. 2 be amen' to allow removal of the sign "Dance emporium" fromthewest side. of the building to the south side leaving the sign "Jazz, Tap, Ballet-" Acting Director of Planning Services stated. that this would be allowed under the sign ordinance. Council concurred. Merton by Councilmember Finery, if3ed .by CounClvmember Tarzy, to adopt • Resolution No. P-86-06 entitled, "A Resolution. of the City Council of the City Of Poway, California, Approving Caaprehensive Sign Program 85-02, Assess=' -s, Parcel Number 317.130-42," amending Condition No. 2 as requested. Motion. carried unanimously CITY MANAGER ITEiKS; 18-. Off Docket Item Status Report CalTrans Highway 67 Improvement Project City- Manager Bowers= stated that fallowing City- review of the: Environmental Initial Study and proposed Negative Declaration for the Calan Highway 67 improvement project, meetings were held with CalTrans to work out mitigation measures to reduce the impacts, of visual quality, biology, and existing and. planned hiking/equestrian trails. Agreement: has: been readied with CalTrans, and. recommendation is to authorize staff to deliver to CalTrans the letter outlining the approved mitigation measures. i FEB 11 1986 ITEM 7 20'60 i page,5 CITY or pargAY - January 28, 1986 Motion by Councilmwber2 Emery, seconded by Councier Tarty, to adopt staff recaRnendation. Motion carried unanimously.: t CUNCILMEMBE r ITEMS 20. A. Councilmember Emery stated an agreement was mace. prion to incorporation between Pamerado County° Water District and the City of San Diego for extension of a sewer line. The construction will req ure closure. of part of Poway, Oak Knoll and Pamerado Roads for an extended periodof time. He suggested the public be informed, by means of signs at the construction site, than the. project vis approved prior to incorporation and is beim done: by the City of San Diego. City Manager` Bowessox stated staff would suggest a public relations program. f. F B. Councilmember Emery stated the newly installed reflector dots on the sides of the medians in Poway Road are very effective in. making the medians visible: at night. _a 21. Councilm tuber Oravec appointed Barbara Brooms to the Parks and. Recreation Canmittee. 22. A.. Councilmember Sh dson asked fora report.. on changing the, Council Procedures ordinance to permit retaining the: tapes of the: Councl- meetings for one year insteadof reusing them. after the.,.mi:nutes are - approved. City Attorney Ecki:s stated he. will submit his written opi- nion. on the questions B. Councilmember Shepardson asked when the "Welcane to Poway" Signs would be iIlata�.led., 23. A. Councilmember Tarzy asked for a report on options for obtaining trail eas�snents for the Iron, Mountain. Trail. B. Councilmen Tarzy suggested the Mayor appoint,a ttee to deve- lop guidelines for responding to citizen requests for the installation of new stop signs and traffic signals. City Manager Bawersax suggested. scheduling a workshop on the process used by staff in making their recommendations. Council concurred. 24., Mayor Kruse, asked that the illegal access to Twin Peaks Read frau the soccer park at Fspola Road be blocked. ADJOMUIMW'I Upon motion, by Councilmamber Shepardson, seconded. by Councilmember Oravec°, Mayor _ Kruse ordered the meeting adjourned to 4:00, Thursday, January 30, 1986. The time of adjournment was 8 35P.M