Item 12 - Request to Establish a "No Standing Parking" Zone Along Pomerado Rd. South of Paseo ColinaAGENDA R PORE' CITY OF POWAY This report is included on. the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from. the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting- * * * *: * * . r FROI INITIATED BY: SUBJECT: EMCGRCUND * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. * * * * * * * * *-* * * * * * * Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James La Bowersox, City Alan D. Archibald, Director o - •lic Services February 11, 1986 Request to Establish a"Ib Standing or Parking Pamerado Road South of Paseo Colina_ The Play Sheriff 's Departuent has requested the subjectzone be established on the west side of Pal redo Road, from 375 feet south of the centerline of Paseo Colina southerly 1025 feet to the Peeler~ Creek Bridge and on the east side of Pamerado. Roadfrom the Beeler. Creek Bridge northerly 1225 feet to a point 175 feet south of the centerline of Paseo Colina. See. Attachment 1. Overflow parkingfrom the apartments in this area, the VFW" Hall, and the Pomerado Club using the P rerado Road shoulders,. severely restricts the tra— velled way in both directions on thisnarrow curved road. The Sheriff's Departnrent has had, to removeparked cars that were blocking the roadway on numerous: occasions. This road is also used by the General Dynamics Gaup Elliot Test. Center delivery trucks to transport test chemicals in various forms to and from the above test site. RBOCSIMENDATICK Itis reccmmended that. the City Council adopt the attached resolution,. Attachment. 2., establishing a "No Standing or Parking" zone along Parerado:Road. JLB:ADA:LB:pw Attachments (2) ACTION: of 3 N RESOLUTION NO.: A RESOLUTION OF THE: CITY COUNCIL OF THE' CITY OF POWAY CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING A "NO STANDING OR PARKING" ZONE ON POMERADO ROAD SOUTH OF PASEO COLINA. WHEREAS, Section. 22507 of the: California. Vehicle: Code permits the establishment of a '!No Standing or Parking" zone in the. City of Poway. and, WHEREAS-, this Council has: determined that certain "No Standing or. Parking"' zones: should be established. NOW, THEREFORE,, BE' IT RESOLVED that in. accordance with said. Section 22507 of the California Vehicle Code, the fol,- lowing "No Standing or Parking"zones are hereby establsheds;' The west side of Pomerado .Road. froia a point 375 feet oath of its intersection center with Paseo: Colina southerly 1025 feet more or less,to the Beeler Creek Bridge, and an the east side of Pomerado Road. from the Beeler Creek. Bridge northerly to a. point a 175 feet south., of its: intersection center with Paseo Colina as of the date of this j resolution. PASSED, ADOPTED, and APPROVED by the City Council of.the City, of. Poway, California. at a regular "meeting thereof this day of February, 1986. C&r1 Kruse, Mayor ATTESTS Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk f r FEB 31 1986 ITEM 12 2-. of' 3 1 1) Apartment Conplexes (2) VFW Balding (3) Fomesada. Club