Item 13 - Establishing an "All-Way" Stop at the Intersection of Martincoit and Rostrata Roadsl of FEB 11 1986ITEM; 13 N RESOL I MON NO. 8&- A, RESOLUTION CF THE CITY COER CM, CF THE CITY OF POWAY CALIF.ORNIA, - ESTABIsYSFiINC AN "ALL -MY" STOP INT IEN E CTION AT MARENCOITAND ROSTRATA ROADS , section, 21351 of the California vehicle Code permits the establish- ment of an "All -Way" stop intersection in the City of Poway; and many accidents have occurred on Martincoit Road inthe immediate area of Rostrata Road; and • a S, many IIntorists travel. Martincoit Road. In excess. of the posted speed pWE .�. luins j and t'RF.,5, Martll'iCo].t Road, south of Rostrata. Road is very. steep and not: b4111t to City standardsj: and WMMMr Martincoit Road north of Rostrata Road has two, horizontal curves ty s and one vertical. curse that are not built to City gwER ` � , BE T RNID, that: in accordance with said SectionNOK'-2135 an "All -Ways' stop intersection on is ` hereby established at the interjection of Martincoit and Rostrata Roads. PASSID, AND APPS, by the City Council:. of the City of Pvcnay, ` CalifoPnia at a regular meetir thereof` this lth clay of February, l9$6. Carl R.. Kruse Mayor A�TF�ST k Y. Marjorie K.'Wahlsten, City Clerk . -i j k FEB 1119866ITEM: 1.3. 2 of'2 16054 Stoney Acres Road Poway ,, CA: 92064 - February 81 1986 The Honorable Mayor Carl Kruse and Members of the City Council. r City of Poway; Poway s CA- 92064 F RE Proposed` stop ei gn at Marti ncoi t and Orchard Bend z t Dear Mayor Kruse and.Council Members: As a regularuser of Mart i.ncoi t Road qj I am ak i ng you to consider carefully the proposed three-way stop at the above location. There is need. for speed control on Marti ncoi t.3 but I think this n si9 is a high risk op:ti.on for the City.,l, Normal engineering, considerations do not indicate a three -ways stop. Thus% i+` the City installs one as a speed' control. devices, then it opens i tse1 f tct l i abl. i ty from two sources. A driver not familiar with, the sign will surely fail, to stop behind a car that does. stop and cause a serious accident. He will sue the City saying the sign. shouldn l t have been there as it is an i t Logi c:al location. ' er who;is f ami 1. i ar with the intersection Further, a dray �. approIaching from the Orchard Bend side: will expect the driver'~ a, corm ng down hill. to stop. If that driver is unfamiliar and does not g- he will. once again say that, the sign should not have been there and design criteria will be on his side. t: If stop signs are to be used as speed control devices there is no end` to places- that we can use them. For example would' a p three-way_ stop work to slow down Espol a Road traffic -at the High School` I urge you to use alternative speed control means; a flashing warning, l l ght $, better signage and a high level of enforcement. a. Very truly yours All t Jack Trapp S { FEB 1: 11986 ITEM 13 RESOLUTION NO. 86- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING AN "ALL -WAY"` STOP INTERSECTION AT MARTINCOIT AND ROSTRATA: ROADS WHEREAS, Section 21351 of the California Vehicle Code permits the establish- ment of an "All -Way" stop intersection in the City of Poway• and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that, the following conditions exist at the intersection of Martincoit Road and Rostrata. Road: The approach speeds for the Martincoit legs of the intersection exceed the posted speed limit., Both of the Martincoit approaches to the intersection do not meet City street design standards. . There are inadequate provisions for pedestrian traffic at or approaching the intersection. Neither Martincoit nor Rostrata is designated as a secondary, najor, or primary arterialin the City's adopted circulation element. NOW, TFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in accordance with said Section 21351, an."AU-Way" stop intersection is hereby established at the intersection of Martincoit and Rostrata Roads. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this 11th day of February, 1986. J