Item 14 - Acceptance of the Construction of the Lake Poway Park ImrpovementsAGENDA 1� REPORT ' OF P CITY OFPOWAY ,1 This report is included on the -Consent Calendar.. There will beno separate discussion of the ay - ' report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to " TH= G/ ' have this report pulled for discussion,. please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council' k FROM: James L Bowersox, City Man IN BY Alan D Archibald, Director of Public Service Vicki E. Wing, Account Clerk !' DATE: February 11, 1986 a SUBJECT: Acceptance of the Construction of the Lake Poway Park Improvements, Phase III -A and Authorization. of Final Change order. ABSTRACT It is recommended that the-City-counall accept. the construction of various improvements for Lake: Poway Park Improvements, Phase. 111-A. BACKGROUND At: its meeting of March. 5=, 198.5, the City Council awarded subject: contract to Erreca_ ° s Inc.. to complete Phase III -A of the: Lake'. Poway Park Improvements in the amount of $540,4.68-.2.5.. FINDINGS Six contract change orders were: issued for Phase IIT --A of the Lake - Improvements in the amount: of $18,412.24. one contractchange order for the realignment of the 42" storm drain is still in question.. The contractor, City Engineer, and City Attorney have agreed to arbitration at a later date. Authorization is requested for a final contractchange order in the amount of $9,762:.42, issued to cover cost of additional work requested.. by the city.: Staff has found all work, to be complete and in order. .ACTION FEB 11 '1986 IT E M Iof6 N Lake Poway Park Improvements Phase III -A February 11, 1986 , Page. 2 RECOMMENDATIONS it is recommended that the City Council: 1. Formally accept the improvements in accordance with the provisions, of the specifications. 2. Approve final change order .n the amount of ; $9, 762 f 42. 3. Authorize final payment to the contractor in the amount of` $8,786..18. -4. Authorize the City Clerk to file and record a Notice of =' Completion. 5. Authorize payment of the 101 retention to the: contractor %n the i amount of $56,,78$..16 if unencumbered. 40 days after filing the Notice of Completion. JLB a ADAC VEW': ghr Attachments • t A. i 'ES 111980 ITEM 14 2 of '.eject: CONSTRUCTION OF VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS FOR Progress Pay Estimate SKr, POWAY wr;b r :.7 PAr mrr Pni I I -A tntractor I'RRECA'S INC. t4 0. Progress Est. No. -=V=- FINAL Period Ending AUGUST 31, 1985 Contract Amount DESCRIPTION CONTRACT OUANTITY OUANTITY 013 %PREVIOUS OUANTITY OR !. THIS ESTIMATE UNIT PRICE 1. CLEAR AND GRUB. LUMP SUM 100% 0' LS AMOUNT THIS 70TA1 QUANTITY ESTIMATE OR !:TO DATE 0.00 100% 2. EARTHWORK/EXCAVATION. 7,500 CY 41.0..1, 100% 7.50 0.00 100% 3. ASPHALT CONCRETE, 1,400 TON 100% 39.00 0.00 100% 4. DIS,INTEGRATFD GRANITE. 80 CY 5. A.C. BERM* 65 LF 100% 28.00 0.00 100% 100% 0 10.00 0.00 212 LF 6. B-1 CURB. 3,727 LF 100% 7.75 0.00 3442.25 LF 7. B-3 CURB. 658 LF 8. TYPE 1I .CURB & GUTTER. 2,771 LF C8. CROSS GUTTER. 1,525 sp GM. SIDEWALK. 6,148 SP 100% 100% 100% 7.50 0.00 10.00 '0,00 2.2U 0.00 802.75 LF 2732 LF 1624 SF TOTAL A!.0UH TO DATE 50,000 00 56,2%1'00 54,600.00 2,240.00. 2,120.0.0, 26,677,44 6,020.63 27,120.00 3,572.80 12,9'0 6,155.00 30,225.00 7,200.00 5,440.00 100% 2.00 0.00 6467.50 SF 111. TRASH COLLECTION SLAB. 2,462 SF 100%. 2.50 0.00 2462 SF •3.2. CONCRETE STADIUM. ..�elpllrie� .reeee..�.. . . . T3. RETAINING WALL (TYPE 5) . 975 SF 100% 31.00 0.00 975 SF 480 SF 100% 15.00 0.00 480 S $.14. _FRENCH DRAIN. 340 LF 100% 1.6.00 0.0 0 340 SF 15. 15h ACP 1500-D. 16.rn18" ACP 1500-D 511 I$ 192 LF 100% 100% 25.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 511 LF 192 LF 12, 775.00 -----"7777V)715-1 ` QLU n C C. G ® • a v v .� ao• • • 00 UM o0 N' th N. •-!' ,.,1 may, }"! "t W j do O dP' d O O O O O O O p: �' CO ie o 0 0 o c o e o o c o c; o 0 pe: fT ••f i f r? ..f. o4 I} N Q 40 y: Ci • z°. d, �- c ►- a c �4 0 CA •.t E d vs W p0 Q O CO) p O O 0.cema O Gaj . L' rn fT f Q to N •f tv Q 1, O �. ' ravc N` f11 w + I y; fes; I I l :` I l I fZ 3 y; o p G O aP O to to. to. cr, � o Fl T I— i I a• �= o o O o do do do dP C d. C O O O O o Li oQ F a a a a a a N w w w E' u�i �.. O sD O O rn O p ,,+ ,.� N r" P4 H 0 o � o z. • A 3 .3 V G: 4 E.. G ti, o c o c _ c Q at rr t7 y ►•. Z Mi Q' E- is3 '� P, Q: dc Ln Adc" A im cl • i N: IL, ix Ix . N U 4 C', f CG ` q 4. O 4 Cq �. � �' fZ C� L' pG L' 1 Gu O Ga .. f �3' co,7 Z 0 Z z ON C. C6 > C» O g Z, > N L ,' L,, H E- > M - 'FEX983 E 4 ° a o 14, o f 6' rn ry �' s N o a+ c� -4 p: sas v►_, Q o o o o O Cr o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 m o O o c o 0 o to co o tr FoO= o m "fi' N a 4i.U Wda , } : ®O ,[ro 0 0 dp a OW 0 6 0 d* 0 or 0 ra O do O 0 do C. 0 O 0 O . T OWeaac0 0 i. oQ.OR 0 0 O 0 o o 0 o O C o 0: o,� 0 . o 0 0 � o 0 O o c o'0 `t ., . Aj tr v�+V < 1; oO d go tz 160 0 ' ® .zaor�pc�ds:s•0NOtw O O O 'n'.'r' ' + ;°o o 0 co 0 a. v o o a ,Nw ua ;so. :low .04 � W/w���Yyl�4+/fYA,� te•aa,�-toof-: p, tAb.a ` t. ... � . .. i` • VeQ/��1.• }C-3 j. do O P O dA da O dP dP do, do: 00, ' do� i � doo .o0•Qr.�ztoo�Saa 0 0 0 ON O' p"j 00 ar- wa ' <c' � o . .. w : Z c a a L r' •,'a' t to t t7 In, , tC�D®}" (n N%G + O 1 CJ.C$ . o Q ' 0 Ur ti r 1 .n 3 H ,,, aZ 30 ,Uo E"s z(m :ow , w >.3 ' 6* ' S$o. LD. a; C: .. y r z�..c>Ft�wsm°:ai.��a �•.�cYgdO . oac�c. acncc_�av ..,: cO�o�rdr, �p®3o tOWttdat� > > > > t^YoZOoooi°O ZWa�a°° 0 .� _U�0o0,cO _, 0 G: `T %D 2: —4 Co :s .3 �_•vccaia: 1Q1 A t0 z. J• `� of � 6 ..�, c �;. �+ �+ s to .n r- o 4� o t• 1111r t; CONSTRUCTION OF VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS FOR " itel.I?MAY (FST EXPANSION - PHASE I I I -A ractor„FR ,. .CA' J r° DESCRIPTION o, 0 TRASH ENCLOSURE GATES. 49. NO. 1 BACKING RIP RAP. Progress Pay Estimate Progress Est. No. -4- FINAL 4, Period Ending Contract Amount CONTRACT QUANTITY OR QUANTITY OR % OUANTITY % PREVIOUS THIS ESTIMATE 'LUMP' SUM 18 TON UNIT PRICE 100% 0 AMOUNT THIS TOTAL QUANTITY 'TOTAL .%'!OW. ESTIMATE OR % TO DialI TO OATEN 0.00 1004 100% 25.00 0.00 100% 3,000.00 450.00 50. SLURRY SEAL. 185,700 SP 100% 0.11 0.00 1001 20,472.00 CHANGE OF CONTRACT *1. (BALANCE OF TICKETS NOT YET PA D ON 42° RCP) . CHANGE OF CONTRACT (137.12 TONS AC OVERLAY @ $39 . +' 0/TON) (84 TONS AR, OVERLAY @ S56.00/TN) CHANGE OF' CONTRACT 03, (REMOVAL 'AND DISPOSAL). 0% 100% 100♦ 11417.59 CHANGE OF CONTRACT *4. (REMOVE 37 LF OF NF,W CURB TO G CHANGE OF (CONTRACT *5 (CONSTRUCT HEADWALL & INSTALL, CHANGE OF CONTRACT 06 (A.C. BERM ITEM *5 INCREASE) (SPLIT RAIL JTFM #42 INCREASE) HAt�VE 0 .-cONTRAE. T (INSTALL 166 LR OF 6' CHAIN LI gCHANGE OF CONTRACT *8 11000101.*0001100001004 0 0 100% 100% 100% 100% 0.00 100%' .13,4k 100% 10.072.6' 0.00 1001 2 564.S9 0.00 100.1 746.33 0.00 1001 1,301.73 0.00 100% 1,735.00 100, o 0 100% 0.00 100% 9,762.42 100% 1.99/ 19 9,76 m Vatitiee Checked, IasPsctor N•roVid for Payreat # ProJsct Administrator 4,704.4? TOTAL • ',.4-76.44 LESS $tIEMTIOId 13 2+33.9 Agent s TOtAt OUMI 567 881.56 -56, 788.16. 4 7,859..5 13,233.98 1' • W