Item 7 - Minutes of Meeting February 4, 19864 � t CITY OF PORY, CATalFCRNIA ;,. MINUTES. OF THE CrZZ COUNCIL REGULAR MEET ?Cs FE$R�TARY 4, 1986 } The Februay 4, 1986, regular meeting of the City Council of the City of f Poway was called to order at 7:04 P.M. by Mayor Kruse at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive:, Poway, COUNCILMEMBEEtS, ANSWER3= RCLL California. CALL Bob Emery, Linda Oravec, Mary Shepardson, Bruce Tarzy, Carl, Kruse r i STAFF MEMBERS PRESENP James Bowersox City Manager Marjorie Wahlsten City Clerk Steve Eckis City Attorney John Fitch Assistant City Manager Patrick Foley Assistant to the City Manager Kay Jimno Director of Admnstrative.Services, Alan Archibald Director of Public services Bill Toon Director of Safety Services John Bridges Acting Director Planning services Jim Bentz; Community Services Manager Alan Schuler Senior Civil Engineer a Brad Kutzner Senior Civil Engineer, { Jim. Nessel. Associate Planner Jim. Lyon Assistant Planner Sharon Crockett Assistant Planner Jim Decker Sheriff Is Captain Jo Seibert Deputy City Clerk` PLMGE OF Al Deputy Mayor Shepardson led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS' Mayor Kruse explained the procedure for Public oral Communications. There, was no one present wishing to speak.. ITEMS 6 - 12: CONSENT CAESAR Item 11 was pulled by Counciimember Emery., Item 9 was pulled by CouncilmisT ber Oravec. FEB 18' 1986 1 T wr 7 N Page 2 CITY of Pow February 4, 1986 Motion. by Counci]member Shepardson, seconded by Counci]member Tarzy, to adopt the Consent Calendar as follows: 6 Approval of Minutes City Council: January 21, 1986, Regular Meeting 8. Ratification of Warrant Register January 230, 1986. 10. Acceptance of public improvements to Hilleary Place and Midland Road and the Grading within Willow Creek Apartments, DR 83-16, CDS Development, and authorization to release the following bonds: Grading Bond No. 13-07-91 $303,690 Performance Bond No. 13-07-99 - $131,310 PaY t Bond No. 13-07-99 - $65,655, following; the 90 day lienperiod., 12. Acceptance of public improvement facilities and a portion of the grading within 24 81-01, Lars Verdes Estates, Roberts II, Inc., and authorization to release.the following securities: Letter of Credit. #1 $831,053 - upon receipt of replacement grading security; Letter of Credit #2 $1,050,000 following 90 day lien period. Motion carried unanimously. ate: ITEM 4 k TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 85-01 APPLICANT: Et3B. ENGINEERING/SANCHEz Introduction. by City Manager Bowersox. He stated this request for a two parcel division of 1.25 acres at 15044. Espola Road, was originally scheduled for hearing on April 30, 1985, but the applicant. requested postponement to work out the pro -- posed road improvements with adjacent property owners. An agreement has been reached. Reccmmendation is for approval with conditions. k Staffreport by Acting Director. of Planning Services Bridges. stated a change has been made in Section 2, Item 2A of the proposed resolution regarding the width of the road. Speakingin favor, of Staff recommendation: Don Aylest 13260 Poway Road, representing ERB Engineering and the owner. He asked. that the requirement to install curbs and gutters be waived because the road has been in existance for 15 years with min mm ero-- Sion and flooding probl.. He also requested the fees and conversion from septic to sewer system be permitted at the time of building permit issuance rather than final map approval. F FES 16 3986 1T E M 7 2065 Page 3 - CITY OF POWAY - February 4, 1986 There were two slips submitted in favor of staff recommendation but not wishing to speak. council. concurred in 1) requiring the sewer line be installed prior to final rap, but herring the requirement to hood into it until building permit issuan- ce; and 2) requiring asphalt curbs and gutters for erosion and flood control rather than concrete. Following discussion, motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmsluber Oravec, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt Resolution No. P-86-07 amended regarding connecting to city sewer and changing curbs from concrete to asphalt. Motion carried unanimously. City Manager Bowersox reminded the applicant that septic system leach. lines cannot cross property lines, and if they do as a result of the division, hook up to City sewer, would be required. (CouncilmemberIInery left the room at 7:25 P.M. and returnd at 7:27 ` P.M.) ITEM 5 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 85-02 APPLICANT: GREEN VALLEY RIDGE, INC. Introduction by City Manager Bowersox. He stated the request is for cer- tification of the Draft Environmental Impact Report and approval of an 88 lot division of 127 acres located west of Espola Road and south of Del: Ponente Road. Recommendation is for approval of both requests. Staff report by Acting Director of Planning Services Bridges He called atten- tion to a memo presented to Council with changes to the proposed resolution. Speaking in favor of staff recommendation John Polcen, 14858 Budwin. Lane asked about the impact on Budwin lane from drainage and traffic. Acting Director Bridges stated the drainage is handled with Standard. Condition J, and there will be no traffic access to Budwin Lane from this development. Ken Reyzer, 14051 Fiddletawn Road, representing North County Estates Hameowners Association, asked when Midland Road would be extended north of Twin Peaks Road. City Manager Bowersox stated the road is part of the circulation element, but its construction will depend upon development occurring in the area.. There were eight slips submitted in favor of staff recomiendation but not wishing to speak. Speaking against staff recanrendation: Gary Parriott, 13711 Del Poniente Road, stated opposition to closing the through streets into North County Estates and to locating the equestrian trail, adjacent to his property. FEB 18 1986 ITEM 7 2066 5 y; Page 4 CITY OF POwAy February 4, 1986 Richard Dawson, 15740 Via Molineroy spoke regarding the traffic at Espola and Del Poiniente Roads and suggested the addition of a a left turn lane on Espola Road at Del Poiniente for northbound traffic and a second right turn lane on Del Poniente. Motion by Councilmember Finery, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to dose the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. (Councilm ober _Oravec left the roan at 8:04 P.M. and returned at 8:06 P.M. Council expressed concern regarding: l) lots taking access off Midland Road; 2} the density of the project as it relates to the slope; 3') traffic impacts at 4 Espola, Del Poniente, and High Valley Roads; 4) the need for emergency access from, North County Estates; and 5) the desirability of bicycle trails leading to - Tierra Bonita and Main Peaks Schools. Following discussion, motion by Councilmember_RTery seconded by Councilmember Oravecr to deny staff recommendation because findings cannot be made to approve the map. e. City Attorney Eckis suggested Council consider certifying the Environmental pact Report if it has appropriately identified the impacts and the necessary1 mitigation. CouncilmFadxr Emery restated his motion to certify the Environmental Impact Report and deny Tentative Tract Map 85-02 because the findings regarding the site being physically suitable for the type of development and density proposed and not creating adverse impacts on the environment cannot be made. Councilmember Oravec seconded the amended motion. Motion carried unanimously. City Attorney Eckis stated a resolution confirming this action will be presented for adoption at a future meeting. council suggested the applicant work with staff on. redesigning the project with. the possibility of reduced fees because much of the initial work has been done. RDGESS ALGID CALL TO ORDER Mayor Kruse recessed the meeting at 8:29 P.M. and called it back to order at 8:35 P.M.; All Councilmembers were present. ITEM 9 HAZARDOUS, MATERIALS EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROGRAM t This item was pulled from the Consent Calendar by Councilmember Oravec FEB 18 1986 ITEM 2067 Page 5 - CITY OF POWAY - February 4, 1986 She stated the formula for sharing the cost of the hazardous materials emergency response seems to be inequitable, with Poway Paying more than other cities who have more potential risks located within their communities. City Manager Bowersox stated potential risks are difficult to assess, and the formulas devised only varied Poway's cost about $2,000. After a year of nego- tiation,, this. formula was agreed to by all the, cities. Motion b Councilmember y Emery, seconded by Councilmember Shepardson, to adapt Resolution. No 86-012 entitled., "A Resolution of the. City Council of the City of Poway, California, Adopting the Unified San Diego County Hazardous Materials Eergency'Response Program." Motion carried unanimously. ITEM 11 AWARD OF BID BIKE LANES CAMINO DEL NORTE & CIVIC CENTER DRIVE This item was pulled from the Consent .Calendar. by Councilaxmber Ferry. He com- mented on the companies which. had sulrutted bids. Motion by Council mDber Emery, seconded by Councilmember Shepardson, to award' the., contract to R. E. Hazard Contracting Company, in the amount of $145,252, and 1 x appropriate $36,666 from TDA Grant funds. Motion carried unanimously. CITY MANAGER ITEMS 13. City Manager Bowersox reported on the funds available for, the Pa erado Road. Soundwall project stating the first phase is being funded with part of the 10th and 11th years Community Development Block Grant. He asked for Council's concurrence to direct a letter to the County of San Diego } requesting that they advance the City's 12th and 13th year allocations to fund. Phase II of the project. t r Motion by Councilmember Oravec, seconded by Councilme�er Shepardson to direct the: Mayor to request that the. County of San Diego advance these t; funds. Motion carried unanimously. COUNCIIER ITEMS } 15.. A. Councilmember Eknery asked that a no parking zone be established at the: corner of Hilleary and Midland Roads in front of Willow Creek Apartments because the parked cars block the vision_ for motorists turning the corner, i t 2068 FEB 18 1986 ITEM l r K Page 6 - CITY OF PCWAY - February 4, 1986 B. Councilmember Finery 'asked that the trash on Creek. Road near Pomerado Road be cleaned up.. 16. A. Councilmember oravec asked for and received concurrence to direct staff to report on financing alternatives for a community swimming pool. B. Councilmember oravec thanked staff for the reflectors on the medians in } Poway Road. 18`. Councilor tuber Tarzy asked when the airporter service will be reestablished. City Manager Bowersox stated the service should start by April 1, 1986. j 19. A. Mayor Kruse stated. Poway TV has requested a Pre-Development Conference for a setback variance. Council concurred to hold the conference on February 13th. B. Mayor Kruse stated Charlebois has requested a Pre-Development y �y {� Conference on a temporary use permit to hold a truck-pull at the Poway Valley Rider's Arena. Council concurred in denying the. request for a conference. I iURNOT Upon motion by Councilmember Tarzy, seconded by Councilmember Shepardson, Mayor Kruse: ordered the meeting adjourned to 7:00 P.M., Thursday, February 6, 1986, at Meadowbrook Middle School., The time of adjournment was 8:55 P.M. 1. . Marjorie: K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway 2069 FEB 18 1986 ! T E M; 7