Item 12 - Acceptance of Lake Poway West Expansion, Phase III-CAGENDA. REPORT of h CITY OF •POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will beano separate discussion of the report prior to approval, by the City Council unless. members of the Council, staff or public 6Fc '""°�N "" •:�� request it. to be removed from the: Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wishtoty ma Gov have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give: it to the City ,Clerkprior to, the beginning of the City, Council meeting.: - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Tana INITIATED BY: Alan D.. Archibald, Director ofPublic Services Brad Kutzner, Project Manager( DATE: February 18, 198E SUBJECT` Acceptance of Lake Poway West Expansion,, PHASE: III-C` (Concession/Restroom Facility, & Pavillion Patio Addition) BACKGROUND F In October 1985, the, City Council awarded subject project to T. B. Penick: to complete the improvements to Lake: Poway. Park. On January 2, 1986, the contractor began accumulating liquidated damage charges for noncompletion of the project.. Liquidated damages were assessed at $"250per calendar day until January 21, 19861 for a total of $5250-.; FINDINGS One: contract change order was: issued for this project in the: amount of $300. Contractor did not complete the project within the prescribed time or in the additional time allowed.. Liquidated damages are due the City because of the loss of use: of this :facility. RECOMMENDATION It is: recommended that the City Council take the following actions::: 1. Formally accept the improvements in accordance with -the provisions o;f the specs. 2. Authorize final payment to the contractor in the amount off $1Z, 03a ACTION: ,t 51� FEB 18 1986 [T E M 12, Acceptance of Lake Poway West PHASE SII -C Page 2 February 18, 19:8:6:.,.rz 3. Authorize the City Clerk to file and record a Notice of Completion. 4. Authorize payment of the I0% retention to the contractor.,; less. liquidated. damages , in the amount of $:667 Q if ung encumbered 40 daps after filing the Notice of Completion.` ' JLB,.-ADA . JBK: w a E FEB 18 1986" tTEM 1Z