Off Docket - Reconstruction of Poway High School Football StadiumLj'9iJ:'♦ 1"Gtdi.{iGL.j iV, iJVV . SUBJECT: Reconstruction of Poway High School Football Stadium` BACKCROM On June 25, 1985, the City of Poway Financial. Program, which appropriate funds for both the City and Redevelopment Agency was approved. Within the budget for the Redevelopment Agency was an. appropriation of $100,000 for Joint Use Facilities ­City/School District (5504). This project was for the lighting portion of the reconstruction of the Poway High School football stadium. on August 6, 1985, the. City Council/Redevelopment Agency authorized the $100,000 payment to the School District. r When the City Council and Members: of the Board of Education met on February 6, 1986, a. presentation was: made on the status of the project. District staff stated that not only was the first phase: of the project over the. $750,000 budget, but. also- that the, total, cost. of the project had risen to approximately 1.2 million dollars-. Work remaining to be done includes the turf Playing su- � face,: track, concession stands, ticket booths, and parking lots. In con- sideration of the above, theL School Board requested. that the City Council assist the completion of Phase I of the reconstruction project by making an additional � contribution of $150,000 FINDINGS In order for the Redevelopment Agency to make a further experiditure of funds for the reconstruction of the Poway High School football stadium, Section 33445 of the State of California. Health and Safety Code requires that the City Council E and Redevelopment Agency determine that the project is of benef it to the Paguay Redevelopment Project area. Attached for City CouncilfRedevelopnent Agency, con- sideration are. the resolutions and agreement which will facilitate the wren diture of an additional $150,000 for the reconstruction of the Poway High School football. stadium. ACTION: FEB 13 1986 ITEM 04-10o&e-t Agenda Report. February 18, 1986 Page 2 RECOMENDATION it is recommended that the following actions be taken: a) City Council Approve the attached resolution determining that the reconstruction of the Poway High School football stadium is of benefit to the Paguay Redevelopment Project. (Attachment A) b) Redevelament, Agency Approve the attached resolution determining that the reconstruction of the Poway High School football stadium is of benefit to the Paguay Redevelopment Project and authorize the Chairman to execute the agreement providing for expenditure of funds. (Attachment B) JLB:bj Attachn nts: Attachment A Attachment B FEB 13 1986 ITEM a- . - ock et RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE: CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF'POWAY DETERMINING THAT THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC FACILITIES IS OF BENEFIT TO THE PAGUAY REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AMID THE ?1++Il IP,TE NEIGHBORHOOD ITT WHICH THE PROTECT IS: LOCATII? AND DINING THAT THERE ARE NO OTHER REASONABLE MEANS FINANCING SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. } WHEREAS, the Poway Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") is authorized to carry out the redevelopnent of the Paguay Redevelcpnent Project Area (the "Project"')`; and 3 tl_ i k MM. AS, the Redevelopment Plan for the Project. Area authorizes and; f. directs. the Ardency to pay all or part of the value of the acquisition and construction of public improvements, which f�`are enumerated materials { referenced in the Redevelopment Plan and wh cn1 AL .. 1 _ reconstruction0 Poway High School. Stadium (the "Stadium") and { ;REAS, the Agency desires to contribute: toward the reconstruction of i; the Stadium; and WHEREAS, California Health and. Safety Code Section 334.45 provides that �. the redevelopment. agency may, with the consent of the legislative body, pay all orl part of the value of public buildings,. facilities, structures or other impro vements; upon a. finding that such public improvements` are: of benefit to the Project Area or the immediate neighborhood in which the Project is located and that there is no other reasonable: means of financing such public improvements available for the community and WHEREAS, without the direct financial participation by the Agency, there are insufficient resources available for the reconstruction of the Stadium; and WM;2AS, the Stadium is a facility used by and of benefit to persons residing in the Project Area; and lHEMS the Poway Unified School.District (the District) proposes to enter into an agreement with the Agency in the form of Exhibit "A" hereto (the "Agreement"), which is incorporated. herein by reference:.. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Poway does hereby resolve as follows Section 1. The City Council hereby determines that the reconstruc- tion of the. Stadium will. be of benefit to the Project Area and the surrounding area neighborhood in which the Project is located. ATTACFR4ENr "A $ Section 2: The City Council further determines that there are no other reasonable means for financing the reconstruction of the Stadium without having the Agency pay all or part of the value of such reconstruction. Section 3: The City Council consents to the execution by the Agency of the Agreement, and. the payment by the Agency of the "Agency A runt" as defined in and pursuant to such Agreement. This resolution does not constitute authorization for the expenditure of City funds.' PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the CJity of Poway, California, at a regular meething thereof this 18th day of February, 1986. Carl. R. Kruse, Mayor FEB 13 1986 ITEM x RESOLUTION NO i RESOLUTION OF THE POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DETERMINING THAT THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN PUBLICFACILITIES IS OFBENEFIT` TO THE PAGUAY REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT' AND THE IMMEDIATE NEIGHBORHOOD IN MICH. THE _ PROJECT IS LOCATED AND DING THAT THERE ARE NO OTHER. REASONABLE MEANS OF FINANCING SAID PUBLIC DIPROVE MENTS Y WHEREAS, the Pcway Redevelopment Agency (the `Agency") is authorized to carry out the redevelopment of the Paguay Redevelopment Project Area (the "Project"); and. WHEREAS,, . the Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area authorizes and a directs the Agency to pay all or part of the value of the acquisition and construction of public improvements, which are enumerated in materials referenced in the Redevelopment Plan and which. include the reconstruction of the Poway High School Stadium (the "Stadium") and a WHEREAS, the Agency desires to contribute toward the reconstruction of f the, Stadi m; and WHEREAS, California Health. and Safety Code Section 33445 provides that the redevelopment agency may, with the consentof the legislative body, pay all or part of the value of public buildings, facilities, structures or other kpro- veumts upon a finding that. such public improvements are. of benefit to the- Project heProject Area, or the immediate neighborhood in, which: the Project is located and F 4 that there is no other reasonable means of financing such public improvements available for the ccmunity; and WHEREAS, without the direct financial participation by, the Agency, there are insufficient resources available for the reconstruction of the Stadium,- and WHEREAS, the Stadium is a facility used by and of benefit to persons j residing in the Project Area; and WHEREAS, the Poway Unified. School District (the "District") proposes to enter into an agreement with the Agency in the form of Exhibit "N' hereto (the "Agreement"), which is incorporated herein by reference. NOW, ARE, the. Poway Redevelopment Agency does hereby resolve as follows Section 1The Redevelopment Agency hereby determines that the: reconstruction of the Stadium will be of benefit to the Project Area and the surrounding area neighborhood in which the Project is located. ATTACHMENT "B" FEB 13' 1986 1 TE M 04.1- -Dacke+ p AGREEMM VVVPEMTT...T+�_ �1 B TWEEif/�T POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AND POWAY PMFV=PMM AGENCY THIS AGREEMENr is entered into on the clay of , 1986 -by and between the POWAy UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (the 'District.) and the POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (,the - "Agency").. RECITALS: MMEAS', the Agency. has concluded proceedings for the adoption of a Redevelopment Plan. for the Paguay Redevelopment Project (the "Project") pursuant to the Ccmnunity Redevelopment Law; and i V91 REAS', the .Community Redevelopment Law authorizes redevelopment agencies to enter into contracts for. the reimbursement of the costs of certain public' improvements enumerated in redevelopment plans upon making findings that: (i) the builcdngs facilities, structures or other improvements areof benefit to the project area or the immediate.neighborhood in which the project is located, and (ii.) that no other reasonable means of financing such buildings, facilities structures, or other improvements, are available to the community;and MFjREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for. the Project ( the "Redevelopment. Plant) , including materials referenced therein, enumerates certain public improvements which may be provided or contributed to by the Agency, including without limits- tion thel reconstruction of Poway High School Football Stadium (the "Stadium!');: and t _ t WHEREAS, the reconstruction of the. Stadium is a costly undertaking requiring the financial support of the District and contribution by the Agency; COVENANTS; i NOW, MFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants set forth herein, the parties agree as follows; I. The Agency agrees to pay to the District the amount of One Hundred Fifty Thousand.Dollars ($150,000) (the "Agency Funis") The District agrees and acknowledges that the sole source of revenues for payment shall be tax increment revenue. (pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33670[b]) received by the Agency with respect to the Poway Redevelopment Project. The Agency shall make payment of the Agency Funds on or before 3 Cooperative Agreement Paaay Unified School District and Poway Redevelopment Agency Page 2 2. The District shall use the Agency Funds only for the reconstruction of the Stadium. In the event that unanticipated alternative funding is found for all of the costs associated with the Stadium and the Agency Fundsare not needed for such reconstruction, the District shall return the Agency Hinds (or such portion as is not needed) to the Agency. The parties acknowledge that it is not anticipated. that. the Stadium may be reconstructed without the use of all of the Agency Funds. 3. This Agreement shall be effective as of the date first above written. This Agreement constitutes the entire, complete and finalexpression of the agreement of the parties. This Agreement shall not be modified exceptby the written agreement of the parties. executed this Agreementon the POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FEB 1 3 1986 ITEM O U-Docke