Item 17 - Council Agendat. CITY OF POWAY { MARY SHEPARDSON CARL R. KRUSE Marjorls K. Whaisten yG Deputy Mayor Mayor CITY CLERK O�Ps��`t I" GAJ o OF Pp G CITY MANAGER" 4 go Jamas L. 9ovrsrsox z y i CITY ATTORNEY ur Stephen M. Eekta o 1 / ASSISTANT - 3 o ® v fr+corqgQ r,` pprated I Ut I CITY MANAGER: .fohtt Fitch a IN THE Cp � DIRECTOR OF LlPLANNING. SERVICES ; >3 j 0Q0` ID mm •c <- Cm -ZQ r 000 •m '•CQ ami O Q m i B ft A R i { O iD O a= p co -f 1 8 1 9 8 6 o m zz r": -: Ci s C1 C. -i ; lrtZC' m�z vn . 0-4 ?L00 , .Cj e { w c7 § V ', <," -�tO 'n -CO �mz • �O { 7;® '� P.M. m Mm' 1 to m m ir C--O�UNCIL A G ENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS — 1 3 325 GivIc Center Drive: I 'j JACK DOYLE FEBRUAHY 13, 19:86 _ O Mayor 7 PM 0� '9j @Q'' J•�e • ®'lie F��: F Q- to J t� ° x � DIRECTOR, OF �o �o a WPLANNING &. g 30 CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY cc Z • 'Ronald L. -Ballard. • DEVELOPMENT UJ - .i: Matthew A. Fouratt DIRECTOR OF T U • ® ` ® CITY ATTORNEY ® PUBLIC WORKS' o Gloria S. McLean Richard E. Shine ' U ��®RpCRd-It 4� DIRECTORS: } O HUMAN SERVICES AC ordi ® ASSISTANT 0 Robert A. Clark C9' t0 CITY MANAGER' + the State Steve Wheeler FINANCE next huSia® aW. all regular Robert E. Carter P rhu Sd` SS da COUACiI FIRE v ay . Fe y: February Meet[n Ronald Berry February 13 Y t2, Lincoln i?a.y.9a that fal pe $ a holida s cili'ed holi ore councila held with Meet COUN.C*IL A G NmmDAk CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS = 9625 CUYAMACA ST. Welcome to your City Council Meefing The Council and staff welcome information on.pertinent concerns but comments at the meeting .should be brief and directed to specifics of the case to enable Council to take appropriate action. Meetings.- Regular eetings:Regular meetings of the City Council are held on second and fourth Wednesdays of the month For further information call the City Clerk at 562-6153 ' Addressing the Council: Anyone wishing to address an item on the Agenda, should complete a •"Request to Speak" form ('Blue in favor; Pink in opposition) And submit it to the City Clerk at the beginning of the Council Meeting or no later than five minutes before the item is to be heard. The Agenda item number being addressed should appear on the Speaker Slip. To speak onr•a concern that is not on the Agenda a "Request to Speak" form (White in color) shouldbe completed and submitted" to the City Clerk as described above. This concern will be heard under "Communication from the Public" on the Agenda. Whenever possible lengthy testimony should be presented to the Council in writing, and only pertinent points presented orally. _ When addressing the Council on any concern there is a time limit of three minutes:. For an organized presentation with more than one speaker there is a time limit of fifteen minutes. Consent, Calendar. All matters fisted under Consent Calendar will be acted upon by one motion affirming. the action: recommended on the agenda. with no separate discussion of these items prior to voting unless Council' Members, staff or public request specific items to be removed frorn the Consent Calendar for separate action. Other City Acenciese Included as part of the Agenda is the agenda for the City of Santee Redevelopment Agency. The City Council also sits as this Agency. The actions taken by the Redevelopment Agency are separate from the actions taken by the City Council The Council Meeting ITIUStr be adjourned the Redevelopment Agency Meeting convened, Agency business conducted, Agency Meeting adjourned, and the, City Council Meeting reconvened. d • E �rp'� �q f tc. v—a bt�+1+!EIII M M : Vii' Luis oisp �O o B CITY COUNCIL• SEATING ARRANGEMENT' Vice -Mayor Mayor Councilman Councilman _ Bovey D •n Settle Councilwoman # Robert • Griffin,' - Ranpa _ } ...:...e ............... a .. • j Paul. A. Lanspery Toby •Ross Administrative Commune Officer Development �r . � PmenDirects Roger Pcquet David F. • � _ Pamela Voges Romero City Attorney - City Clerk Public -� • - a J Works • 4 � . 'Audience Microphone 1. The members of the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo and the members of the City Staff` extend you a cordial welcome to this ' meeting. The City Council, consists of five members Four members of the Council are elected from the: City at large for a term of Pouryears eaeh. The Mayor,is elected from the City at Large for a term of two years San Luis Obispa was incorporated on Februaryi9 185fi .We do not have .Councilmanic districts. Our city is governed by a City Charter. The CouncilL meets: in regular sessions on the first and third Tuesdays of each month; at 7:00- The :00 The Council agenda indicates: the Mems, to be considered at this meeting. If you wish: to speak concerning any of these items when. they are under consideration, please come forward to the audience microphone and state your name and address. for the record. It is requested that any Public testimony for or against an item be Limited to three minutes_. Consultant presentations are to be limited to ten minutes. The Council, meeting will adjourn at 11:30 p -.m. Unfinished agenda: items. will be continued to the next regularly scheduled Council meeting. This determination will be made at approximately 10:3o p.m If You would: like to have an item scheduled on the'agenda, please; submit your detailed written request to the City Cierkl-s office by 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday, twelve (12 days preceding the meeting, NOTE:; Regular Council meetings can be heard.on radio station KCPR,, 91.3 FM. - 1 SCO Pl V D STAFF SEATING COWAN yor JIM RADY Mayor Pro Tem DORIS THURSTOAT Councilwoman. i DAVID CHAFMIANI� S9> City Attorney aEwlotrnE ezINcs 10 City Clerk 'OIL AGENDA CONFIRMED AGENDA 1986 EET'ING .M. CY COUNCIL ARE; ASKED TO iS FOR THE PUBLICRECORD TI•IURSTON ie of ''omen. Voters idido Citizens Ecology -Committee E Agenda 3E COMMISSION, TRAFFIC 'COMMISSION, - CTEE: reaffirm existing: 8'members Fill two vacancies and give 2ommittee members )F UNDERSTANDING Escondido Police 1 KENDATION Add Moody Drive at Glen— aedule for Yield Intersections ST'OF'CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ENING. FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS' gest Mission Avenue wis:ions for Credits t . i PUTER SOFTWARE FOR THE, HALE AVENUE.