Item 5 - Minutes of Meeting February 25, 1986If YET APPri CM OF POW, CALIFCENTA. MUTES O tL MUM MEWING F 3RUMY25 198 The February 25, 1986, regular _meeting of the City Council of the City of Paway was called. to order at 7:05 P.M. by Mayor Kruse at the City Council. Chambers,, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Paway, California.. ANSWER= ROM CALL. Linda. Oravec, Mary Shepardson, Bruce Tarzy, Carl Kruse COUNCILMEMBERS ABM"' AT . CALL Bob Emery (Councilmerober Ea ery arrived. at 7:20 P.M.:) STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT - Janes Bvwersox. Marjorie: Wahlsten, Steve Ecki:s. John. Fitch. Patrick Foley Kay Jimno Alan Archibald, John, Bridges Jim Bentz Bob Brans: Alan Schuler Brad Kutzner Jim Lyon Jim. Decker Jo Seibert City Manager City Clerk City Attorney Assistant City Manager Assistant to the City Manager Director of Ainistrative:Services Director of Public Services Acting Director of Planning Services Ccr mun ty Services Manager Battalion Chief Senior Civil Engineer Senior Civil Engineer Assistant Planner Sheriff's Captain Deputy City Clerk MIME OF ALUGIANCE Deputy Mayor Shepardsonled. the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENIZTION Mayor Kruse resented: an• y Pemployee award to Marie Lofton for ten years service to the. City Of Pay and, Pa a rado County Water District.. Cf ORAL C0MMfINIC TIC tS Mayor Kruse explained the procedure for Public Oral. Cammunicatons.. MART 1986 ITEM 5 N NOT Y tsjlt APPROVED Page 2. - CITY CF PUMY - February 25, 1986 L Esther Handley, 13125 Vista View Drive, suggested the City and the Chamber of CamTerce cooperate on. a program for promoting businesses in. Poway by spon- soring community activities. ITEB8-1Z CONSENT CAL MAR Motion: by Councihiwmber Tar zy, seconded by CounclmembPx Oravec to adopt the Consent Calendar as. follows: 8. Ratification of Warrant Register:. February 13, 1986: 9. Approval. of Cityrs Investnent. Report:- January 31, 1986: 11. Adapti -:OT YET APPROVED Page,3 CITY OF POMY February 25, 1986 speaking in favor of staff recamwidation George Ge singer, representing Chivay Hsu Architects, 1049 Del, Mar Suite 6B, Del Mar, 92014. Paul Hammond,,. construction agent for the applicant. He, stated the owners are presently negotiation with three major motel chains to determine 4 who will operate the facility. Pat DePinto, 12440 Poway Road, owner of Galileo's Restuarant. Speaking against staff r to on: Joan E. Inion,_ 13124 Tobiasson;Road. Walt Palmer, 12439 Danes Road. He expressed. concern regarding noise,, and the undesirability of transient occupancy, adjacent to his bane. Taa Underberg.. 12438 Danes Road. He stated he and several of his neighbors received, their Notice of Public Hearing only a few days ago, because the notices had been returned to the City Hall for lack of postage. There: _ were, two slips submitted against staff recammndat on but rpt wishing, to speak.: Motion by Councilmember Tarzy, seconded by Counc lmember Oravec, to close the public hearing Motion carried unanimously. ' Councilms ber Emery asked if he is allowed to vote on this issue, because he arrived after the oral staff report had begun. City Attorney Eckis. stag Mr. Ewry entered the roam close to the: beginning of the staff report and may vote Council expressed concern regarding 1) the difficulty,- of developing the irregu laxly shaped. lot; 2) the proposed, overbuilding on the site, 3) the potential for long -tem guests: turning the, motel. intoa. defacta apartment building, 4) the visual. inpact of the building from westbound traffic. on Poway Road; 5) the: lack s of adequate landscaping,• and 6} the danger of cars accidently leaving the Galileo'sdriveway and crashing into the motel.. In response: to question. frau Council,, City Attorney Eckis advised that. should Council choose to approve the project, a continuance is in order to givethose property owners who received late notice additional time.: If Council chooses to; deny the projects a continuance is not necessary. Motion by Councilmellber Oravec, seconded by Councibusnber Shepardson,: to deny, CUP 85-14:, DR; 85. 2a, and. VAR 85-08 Councilmenber Every asked that the motion include the: -reason- for the denial is that the findings of carpatibility with, the surrounding uses. and that there are no adverse health and safety impacts, cannot be made. Motion: maker and seconder, agreed with the addition to the motion. Motion carried unanimously.. MAR 11 1986 1 TES NI 5 2093` lk_ Hog 11,44 E APPROVED fi. Page 4 - CITY OF POWAY`- February 25, 1986 s M 6 TF�7TATVIE PARCEL MAP 85-06 APPLICANTS U. A.. MA= City Manager Bowersox stated the applicant has requested a two month continuance to analyze the: recomwnded improvements and determine fine economic viability of the project.. Recamrnfttion i1+ to continue this iter to April 22, 1986. Motion b Councibember y Emery, seconded by Counclmmber Oravec to conta.nue consideration of TPM 85-06 to> -April 22, 1986. City Attorney Eckis stated. that the Subdivision Map Act requires that action be taken on a Tentative Parcel. Map within a specified length, of time. In order to. continue to April 22, which exceeds: the time limit,. a waiver by the, applicant or representative of the. applicant is necessary. r Mayor Kruse. called Diane Malik forward. Diane: Mal kr 13935 Bernadotte� Laner stated she represents the owners of the sub- ject property,,. City Attorney Eckis asked Ms. Malik if she is authorized to speak for the other, owners.timef f She. stated- she is. Mr. Ecka.s asked if she i's willing to waive ,r limit for required action on this application. Ms. Malik stated she agrees: to waive the, time limit required in the Government Code Mayor. Kruse announced a motion and second is on: the floor to continue con sideration. of, TPM. 85-06 to April 22,. 1986. Motion carried unanimously. 1 ITIN 'I j ORDINAL 185 FIRST READING' GRADING ORDINANCE VIOLATION PENALTY Mayor Kruse read the title: of ordinance. No.. 185, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway,. California, Amending Section: 16.52.010 of the Poway Municipal Code, Changing the Penalty for Violation of the Grading Ordinance, from an Infraction 1 to a. Misdemeanor. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. He; stated that violation of the Grading Ordinance currently is: an infraction., Conviction of an infraction cannot be conditioned; with restoration of the: damage;: however, conviction of a ntade�anor can.. Motion by Councibmuber Emery,, seconded by Counc l anber Tarzy, to waive further reading and continue the hearing to March. 4., 1986, for second reading of Ordinance: No. 185.. Motion carried unanimously.. MAR1 1 1996 I T E M 5 2094 m MAS 11 1986 IT E 2095 IN