Item 5 - Minutes of Adjourned Meeting February 27, 1986The February 27, 1986, nesting of the City Council of the City of Poway, adjourned from: the February 25, 1986, regular meeting, was called to order at. 4:03_ P.M. by Mayor Kruse at the City Council Chambers, 13325. Civic Center Drive, Pazay, California.: CaiNCILMEMBERS PRMi' Ire ROLL CALL Linda. Oravec, Bob Eknery,, Carl Kruse aXINCILVIEMBERS ABSENT ATROLL CALL MaryShepardson (Cauncilmember Shepardson arrived at 4:17 P.M..) Bruce Tarzy MEMBERSSTAFF MK 2 PRE-DEUBGOPN COMMENCE APPLICANT PCMY CCM UNITh BUSINESS PARK Janes Bvwersox Marjorie Wahlsten Steve Folds John Fitch. Patrick Foley John Bridges, Joe Gamble. Jinn, Bentz City Manager City Clerk City Attorney Assistant City Manager Assistant to the City Manager Acting Director of Planning Services Associate Planner. Caamunity Services Manager Barry K. Hogan, VIN Engineering, representing the applicant,requested that this item. be trailed: until his client. arrives. Council concurred. ITEM 3 PARKS AND RECREATION COMIlli Mr. Marland Garth, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Ccnmittee, presenter his cammittee's quarterly report. He state, that the Ccznittee had recently net with Mrs. Meanley who proposed to donate $5,000 toward a tennis court to be beilt at Garden. Road , Park. She is not willing to have the fundsexpended for any other purpose. There presently is no tennis court planned for the location and if plans were changed, it would require approximately $20,000 of city funds to complete the. project. MAR 11 1986 ITEM:5 2097 it j Page 2 CITY OF PCFAILIY ADJOURNED REGULAR NOTING` February 27, 1986 Mayor Kruse stated he will contact Mrs. Manley and discuss the matter with her. Council requested a workshop be scheduled with the entire Parks and Recreation Ccxnnittee in order to discuss long-range park planning with. then.. TRAILED ITEM 2 Staff' report by CityManager Bowersox.- Thisapproximately 18 acre site isnear themain intersection of "dctiantown" - Poway, Ccty and Poway Roads, and is a critical piece of cannercial property. Mr. Barry. Hogan, VTN Engineering, 4845 Ronson. Court, San Diego, representing Carden. Meadows Develog ent Corporation, presentedthe proposed project. Council concurred this site should not be used for quasi -industrial uses.: They stated they are most'interested in restaurants, a multi -screen theatre, and other retail uses. CLOSED SESSION The City Manager requested a closed session to discuss personnel matters. Mayor Kruse called for a closed session at. 4:48 P.M. CALL T4 ORDER ALGID` ADtT Mayor 'Kruse called the meting back to order at 5:05 P.M. and, announced. no action had, been taken in closed session. The meeting was adjourned on motion by Cauncilmember Shepardson, seconded by CounciZme nber Oravec. The time was 5:06 P.M. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway MAR 11 1986 I: T EM 5 2098