Item 6 - Minutes of RDA Meeting February 25, 1986'1 e, g w:► tL3 cr ? EDy CMT OF POWr CALWWOUA mums cr i.iiil l:Cgd. AGRCT ARr 25, 1986 The: February 251 1986,- regular meeting of the, Poway Redevelopment Ardency was { called to, order at 7:.05 PM.. by Chairman. Kruse at the: City Council lmmbers r 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. D7S R£XL CALF Linda Oravec, Mary'Shepardson, Bruce Tarzy, Carl Reuse DIREGTCRS A&SW AT R= CAIS Bcb, Rnery SW MEMBERS N+f: Llamas ` Bowersox Executive Director , John Fitch: Assistant Executive Director Marjorie Osten Secretary 3.01 Seibert` Deputy Secretary' Director. Shepardson led. the: Pledge of Allegiance. ITS 10 CCNSEW CALMAR Motion by Director Tarty, seconded. by Director Oravear to adopt Item 10 of the: Consent Calendar:. 10. A. Award, of contract to William J'. Rirchnavy, Inc., in the amount of . . $250,456.50 for the construction of traffic signal, drainaga facilities and street improvements on Twin Peaks Road at Midland road. B. Authorization to transfer` $150,000 frc:n the Midland Road. Improvnent: Fund (`520.4) to make upi the: deficit required for the. project. Motion carried 4-0 with Cvuncilmember Rnery absents MARS 1. 1986 I T E M 6