Item 6 - Minutes of RDA Adjourned Meeting February 27, 1986, „., rit2 ,„• CITY OF P WAY, CALIFORREA MIM (N' ADJOURNED R1EGULAR. MEETIL FEBRUARY 27, 1986 Kt The February 27, 1986, adjournedregular meeting of the Poway Redevelo rent Agency, adjourned, frau the February 25, 1986,regular meeting, was calledto order at 4:03 P.M. by Chairman Kruse at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Pray, Galifomia. =EMS ANSrAlERT ROLL CALL Bob Emery, Linda Oravec, Carl Kruse DIREC."ICELS ABSEN2 T ROLL CALL Mary Shepardson (Director Shepardson arrived. at 4:17 PPM.)` Bruce: Tarzy STAFF rmSERs mar James Bcwersox John Fitch Marjorie Wahlsten Jo Seibert Ececutive Director Assistant Executive: Director Secretary Deputy secretary There were no Redevelopment: matters discussed. ADJOURNMENT Upon notion. by Director Shepardson.., seconded by Director Oravec, Chairxman Kruse ordered the meeting adjourned. The tine of adjournment was 5:06 P.M. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, Secretary Poway Redevelopment Agency MAR 11. 1986 ITEM 6 198