Item 11 - Acceptance of Phase IV for Poway Road Mediansi AGENDA REPORT' "` ;�� aF noW CITY OF -POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar.. There will be no. separate discussion of the ay report prior to approval by. the: City Council unless members: of the Council,: staff or public `tee A"" J'q request it to be removed from the -Consent Calendar and discussed separately. if you wish to. 1E co have this -report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slipindicating; the report number, and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning, of the City Council: meeting'. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members, of the City Council FROM: dames L. Bowersox, City ManaM,ofublic INITIATED BY Alan D. Archibald, Director Services oj Brad: Kutzner, Project Managerc�-f DATE : March 11, -1986 SUB'J'ECT': Acceptance of :Phase YX for Poway Road Medians. { BACKGROUND In October. 19 85 ,: the City Council awarded the subject project «:to Damon Construction to complete . the last phase of the median islands., FINDINGS T One contract change: order included in this phase, wasissued iss,ued for the: seven medians in the amount of $400 Staff has foundthe medians to be complete except for the 60 -day E maintenance: period. which. will be completed prior. to the release of the 10% retention. RECOMMENDATIONS. It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions i i 1. Formally accept the improvements in accordance with the growisions of the specs 2:. Authorize; the City Clerk to file: and: record: a Notice of Completions R 3:. ;, Authorize payment of the 10%. retention to: the contractor if un-`. encumbered 40 days after filing the Notice of Completion' and. after the 60 -day maintenance period. i; J'LB :ADA: BK -pw ACTION: AR 11 1986, 1TE