Off Docket - Request for Rehearing - Lai MotelTO. FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED BY: John E. Bridges, Acting Director of Planning Services DATE: March 11, 1986 SUBJECT: Request for Rehearing Lai Motel ENDA REPORT CITY' OF POWAY Honorable Mayor and Members o the. City Council BACKGROUND On March 6, 1986, the Planning Services Department and City Clerk received a request from Donald Nunn, representing Mr. Andrew Lai, for a rehearing of the applications; related to the proposed motel, on the north side of Poway Road, east of Galileo's Restaurant. A. second letter, received on March 10` 1986 provides some evidence as. a basis for the rehearing request Because that information was received only 'Yesterday,thestaff hashad inadequate time for its review. We have discussed this with Mr. Nunn andhe has agreed that a one week delay of City Council consideration of the requestis. acceptable to his client RECOMMENDATION it is recommended that the City. Council direct staff to provide a written, report regarding the new evidence for their consideration` on Tuesday, March 18,. 1986.. Attachment: Letter indicating new and significant evidence ACTIN MAR 11. 198& ITEM o44 - Docket I { DONALD A.. NUNN MAIN.OFFICE ATTORNEY' AT'LAW: DOWNTOWN OFFICE 13426 Community Rd: 2664 Fourth Avenue Poway, CA, 92064 San Dego. CA. 92103 (6191693-3930 (13191232-2014 t (6191748-8612 s March. 10, 1986 Mr. John Bridges Acting Director of Planning Services City, of Poway 13202. Poway Road, Poway,_ California. 92064 Re Mr.. Andrew Lai Motel Project, 12430 Poway Road Dear Mr. Bridges:.- Pursuant ridges::Pursuant to our telephone conversation. of March 7,. 1986, I amherewith. supplying additional and specific information regarding the: newt and: different evidence and information regarding the above referenced. Motel project which. would be presented to the- City Counci] in the event that a Rehearing is granted... I. Preparation to obtain a marketing survey has already begun.: In the eventthat a Rehearing is: granted we would be in a. position. at a subsequent: hearing to present specific market data., regarding the economic viability of the Matel Project and: to resent _ � p facts and figures: which: would document the need: for such a proJect in the West end of Poway 2. The room, rates in the proposed project would. be 0 ..00ito $50..00 per. -night. The proposed kitchenette units will be drastically reduced. in number or• eliminated. if necessary., At the proposed room rates the concern regarding; the proJect attracting; long-termguests would be totally negated,, as: it wouldbe much. more _ expensive: to rent a- motel room for a lengthy stay than it would be'to rent an apartment elsewhere:. The potential for becoming a defacto f apartment building: would be eliminated as a result of the room: rental j rate,. The reduction or elimination of kitchenette units would also tend to negate this possibility. Mr. Lai is prepared to represent in writing, that the: room rental, rates. would be.as indicated above. He is also preparedtoguarantee in writing, ,that no rooms would be rented on • a longer than weekly basis.. 3. Plans are already in motion for substantial additional z landscaping; on the: project. Numerous trees and a great deal of greenery, will be added to the: plans: previously proposed. 4. The proposed project will be divided into two (2 j; No buildings which will, automatically reduce the density of the protect by two, Loons-., This will improve the aesthetics of the view, for traffic NIAR- � 1 1986 REM. W -F Nc.6-t s _s Mr. John Bridges, Page Two: west -bound. on Poway Road -as will the additional landscaping. 5. The landowners adjacent to the project will be contacted and: educated regarding the project., regarding the details of the project, and Mr. Lai's efforts to insure that the quality of their lifestyle > and environment will not be reduced, and in fact. is: likely to be: increased as. a result of the fact that the: area will be cleaned up and secured and the vagrants who sometimes currently use the land will be gone and the security of the area will be improved.: 6.. Specific information will be presented based on the marketing research to be conducted which will estimate the tax revenues which will be produced for the City, and the: income which will be generated for the community.; Itis, presently estimated that motel customers will generate approximately $500,000.00 in the first . year foreother area businesses. It is estimated; that the City will generate approximately $30,000..00. to $35,,000.00 in tax revenues. The accuracy of these figures will be verified by marketing research.. The motel will also: provide ' employment. forapproximately ten, (10� } people. 7'.: There will be norecreation room. There will be no laundry room. available. for. customers. The only laundry room. on the premises will be for -use by the maid staff to handle motel laundry s needs for towels and sheets.: It will. not be used for washing of clothing; or, other items belonging to motel guests.. 8. The mote3_ will generateless traffic and noise than other commercial enterprises in._the area and specific information verifying this. will be presented to the Council.. 9.. The motel will have a mans e= on the g, premises 24 hours a day and will have full-time maintenance people: to maintain the: appearance. of the property., .: t 10.. The most common services: needed by motel customers } are restaurants,: generalshopping,, gas: stations,: and banking services. All of these are available in abundance in the immediate vicinity of { the proposed project.. The primary objective of. the .project in terms of customers- will be business people and tourists. 11.: Mr. Lai isextremely flexible -and is willing to make other changes as necessary inorder to insure that the: project will: be financially sound, and; meet the standards required: of such a MAR: 1.1 1986 ITEM= C4 --_Docks f' Mr. John. Bridges Page Three project in. the City of Poway. It issincerely hoped. that this information will be sufficient to indicate the type of new and different evidence which wouldbe presented to the City Council inthe event that a Rehearing is granted. The above-listedinformation however is, not. inclusive. Mr. Lai intends to present to the Council additional new. evidence on every conceivable area of concern to the, City Council. DANE ra Thank you for your time and consideration of this matter. Very truly 'yours:,. DONALD A. ;NUNN MAR 11. 1986 I T 4.j -4- ar. 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 March 6, 1986' Councilmember Robert Emery City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 Dear Councilmember Emery: Growth management is the most: important. issue facing North County. The success by whish we manage growth in the years ahead willclearly affect the quality of life for all of our residents. The issue is truly regional in nature. Traffic is a prime example. The efforts of one city to control its circulation problems canbe undermined by the lack of attention this problem receives by a neighboring jurisiction.: The cities of North. County must cooperate with one another and work together to address these issues. With your cooperation and assistance I would like, to propose the establishment of a North County Regional Planning Board. This Board wouldbe comprised of the planning directors from- each North. County city (i.e. Oceanside, Escondido, Vista, San. Marcos:, Poway and Carlsbad) and a planning representative from the County of San Diego. This approach would allow our own land use planners to meet and exchange ideas. The advantage is that our planners. not. only possess an expertise in this: area but they. are also the most. knowledgeable regarding problems unique to ,our area. March 6,'1986 Page 2 The Board would meet monthly and address both specific issues of environmental significance as well as suggest. long range planning policies. The Board would render opinions on these matters which would be advisory to the various: City Councils and the Board. of Supervisors. Staff assistance could be provided by the various city and county land useplanning staffs, as well as SANDAL. The Boardwould naturally establish its own agenda, however a suggested outline on long range planning issues. would include:; 1 Regional transportation issues. 2. Compatible city land use policies (i. e . zoning, open space, and growth policies) . 3. Compatibility of city andcounty landuse Policies- If olicies.If this idea meets with your approval then the Carlsbad City Attorney is authorizedto draft a model. Joint Powers Agreement for your consideration. May is additionally suggest, thata member of your Council be designated to assist in coordinating this project. I look forward to hearing from youat your earliest convenience. Thank you, for your cooperation Best personal. regards, MARK V. PETTINE Council. Member Assatib (ltatifnrnia Liigiutaturi SACRAMENTO ADDRESS STATE CAPITOL SACRAMENTO 95814 PHONE: 916/445-8570 DISTRICTADDRESS 948 11th STREET, SUITE 10 MODESTO 95354 PHONE: 209/576-6211 GARY A. CONDIT ASSEMBLYMAN:.TWENTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT CHAIRMAN COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENTALORGANIZATION STANDING COMMITTEES : Agriculture. Constitutional Amendments Subcommittee on Sports and' Entertainment, Chairman Subcommittee on Fairs and Expositions ASSEMBLY RURAL CAUCUS I have introduced legislation, AB 2666, which wouldprohibit telephone companiesfrom,establishing telephone -based lottery wagering systems,: or "Dia A -Bet" 'schemes.: Several companies are actively seeking contracts with the a1ifornia State Lottery Commission to set up a telephonelottery system. The. Commission is seriously considering expanding the lottery to encompass "Dial L -Bet" telephone betting. Allowing. a "Dial A -Bet"' in California_ concerns me for several. reasons. First of all„ it would set up a system that would easily enable people to violate Federal criminallaws which prohibit gambling across state lines. Secondly, it raises potential difficulties in preventing minors from illegally participating in the lottery, particularly in light of thehighly publicized problem of children calling "dial -a -porn' numbers. Lastly, the people of California voted for a traditional lottery. We should give that traditional lottery a chance before. we start to experiment with other moresophisticated and costly systems. I'm enclosing a draft resolutionfor your considerationand would', like to ask for your support. on. AB 2666. Since this measure is set to be heard on March 19,, Z would appreciate a response as soon as possible. Should you have any questions on this bill, please don't hesitate to contact my office.: Sincerely, CAC:dmg. Enclosure GARY A. CONDIT' c :r. RESOLUTION REAS,. Assembly B"11-2666 has beenintroduced to expressly outlaw a telephone lottery in California.; 'EREAS, "Dial -a -Bet" Would open the door to gambling, across { - state: linesin violation of federal law; WHEREAS:, the difficulty in policing minors from participating { in the lottery will dramatically increase with the £i use of a residential telephone ltitte� ' r , T"REAS.,. five companies are. currently" negotiating, with the Lottery OOMM—sion and Pacific Bell for telephonelottery contracts_, WHERE M,s t the Lottery Comm1SSI>on 3.s conSYder- :WplementlAg. the "Dial-a-B�et'r scheme in California.;: of the 14 states which operate lotteries,none of these , states.have a telephone lottery; and -WHERE :, the: California voters approved only a traditional lottery, and the Caffii.ssion should. give: it a chance to worm be€ore r expanding gambling; BE IT THEREFOR RESOLVED: The CtyCouncil a supports. the: passage of AB 2666 z • �n BOARD OF EDUCATION: ADELITO M. GALE, M.D. ROGER M.KEITHLY, JR. L NED KOHLER SHARON L PURVIANCE STAN RODKIN ..e:10WAy...041"fig.DH' SCHOOL DISTRICT 13626 TWIN PEAKS. ROAD to POWAY, CA 92064-3098 (619) 748-0010 • (619) 586-7500 serving the communities of Poway, Rancho Bernardo,; and Rancho De Los Penesquitos" DR. ROBERT L REEVES SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT'' Larch 4, 1986 The Honorab-le Carl Kruse Mayor of the City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA. 92064 Dear Carl: t .:, wE1iJ s`D e! ,. ty• 11.,4!".1; 16L'�� At. our Board of Education 'meeting:of February 24, 1986, the Board members appointed. Roger Keithly and me to serve on the Joint City -District Planning Committee. 7=-6-zeig- d like to suggest a possible meeting date of either Marc20 (Thursday) or March 27 Thursday), with a starting time of 7:30 p.m. If it meets with your app ova ,. the Committee could meet in the Cabinet room at the District office; then we could rotate the meeting placefor future meetings. In closing, I want to say that Roger` and I are lookingforward to meeting. with Bob and Bruce. Weareexcited about working for a better understanding, between both entities. ink/skm cc; Jim Bowersox Bob Reeves Sincerely,. L. Ned Ko ler President Board. of Education- 1 fy The San Diego Union/Joe Holly 1 foreground gives away the desert -looking inderground Borrego Springs Visitor Center. ", _ ; ; , •L ie soman biego Union/Joe Holly ett rk Alley` of •Pacifica closely dkdmin int a ,th03orrego Springs Visitor Center. As a result, the department plans to clean up the site on its own and sue the Chathams for as much as three times f" cleanup cost. The state has set aside $2.55 mill: to clean up the former chemical distillery, considered perhaps the 'Most hazardous waste site in San Diego County. ' Smith said on-site testing and the Eseondidu..' long-awaited cleanup could begin ; t •,. within the next two months, with completion possible by the end of -..Adult ;- the year._ Why the Chathams failed to meet the order, the first of its kind issued in the state, remained a mysterystor, c c oaS e,.: yesterday. County and state officials said the .r= Chathams had neglected to contact By Steve Schmidt . ;�• _i ,; , .. g staff writer them in recent days. ESCONDIDO —'City officials yes= "I thought they would talk (to us terday lost their first courtroom bat-,' about a plan)," Smith: said. "They've talked in the past:' tle with .the F Street Bookstore, Repeatedattempts to reach their downtown Escondido's adult: materia D al shop. attorney, avid Mulliken, were un- �_ ,.. • , _. t .7:,_ • 1. , successful. ; Superior Court Judge Lawrence The order, which was issued in Kapiloff tentativelyruled in favor of • ers in,' their lawsuit e Chathams the: store.. own late January, gave the charging that the city's regulations more than 30 days to draw up a spe r g cific timetable for the testing and on drug paraphernalia are uncons" I cleanup of the five -acre site on the tutional. Kapiloff also: �� 2200 block of Bernardo Avenue. o Dismissed a city lawsuit aimed at closing the store, Officials decided The dump was. discovered by health officials in 1981. It is littered' in December not to pursue the suit after F Street operators managed' to with spills of cleaning solvents, w ; heavy metals and polychlorinated circumvent it. T ' ?;' ;°i'. biphenyls, suspected carcinogens. ® Levied a $1,000 sanction against ' y the cit to cover the legal fees of F Unless unexpected action is taken by the Chathams, the Department of Street attorney Tom Homann. Health Services will issue an� order The rulings: represent, a, stinging within days requiring. its staff to defeat for the city,* whick has been repeatedly foiled in its attempt to begin the cleanup process. close the shop on Grand Avenue: The Once the site is cleaned up, the p State then plans to sue the Chathams business is one of several F Sfreet Bookstores located throughout: San , ' for as much as $6' million, according , to G Ste hen a count Environ Diego County: r;,►; 3► -' n`�, r P y y _. --The Escondido store is in the heart inIntal Health §gyices official. .:;, i.,y .: r• Linda. Partridge,;, a nurse.; who of the city's redevelopment area, ..j. .t:. where sexually oriented., businesses � 'rives near the' dump,' fs'�ainong�ihe residents who Tong;have- sbspected are outlawed. It is on one of Esconds See CLEANUP on Page B4 - See F STREET on Page B4', - . •' 1 _ {t.i.f�- ' 111�fL`•l..tf %fx r"t:J•l�l.` `r. R110�gsY9 TV Od birJ*. trial.qn.'.�',V'era r By Dick Weber Staff Writer It has been nearly a year since her husband was killed and Colleen Riggs ° has pretty Bauch terms with her loss. But the widow of San. D s 44 Lkgot. Thomas Riggs said Ott, a' romgb' time dealing i W= stories leading up to r Whisk the jM havinj be 0 1: t #..•A.aas •a..'anae� •..as -- `T hat's hard is heating:' what-s belij seed about the WhOtB situation'and esrsa .,,. $i r•` -s e•a. _. ... ice. s�iasww Cit••ws•.wgw� �lwww•!}� jt:, - along with Ri! its ahead, heating -remar„ , .... ....�. c u.,,,a .► she white, a black, a .Mexican or Orien- was just an 4Kest." F.Street. Escondido ���� '� � ' A/�®� -i , . lawsut R21 Continued from &i for a city license to sell such items that standard. Meanwhile, both sides are await- • do's main shopping thoroughfares.. City wouldalready be in violation of state law, Homann said: City The CitCouncil is expected ing a derision on a Iawsuit filed by Wednesday to reduce the sexual -ori- the store last month against the city. attorneys David Chapman and John Serrano were unavailable •' for He said the city, by requiring a license, forces merchants to give up entation standard to 25 percent;. a - move that could trigger yet another The. suit claims Serrano ecem lentfy obtained a: warrant comment yesterday. Romana: said: he was "very pleased" with the; the US. Constitution's, Fifth Amend- ment protection against self-incrimi- in Decem- legal battle with the store: her for Ondor's arrest. Ondor was,ar- decisions, calling them "everythingL had asked for." • • ,�_ : _ . nation by admitting they are selling drug paraphernalia. A permanent ruling on Kapiloff s rest Dec. 20 and� charged. with three decisions is expected by the end of store -related zoning violations, - Kapiloff issued a restraining order Row, the restraining order might the month, according to Homann. which were later dropped; barring Escondido police from en- affect other businesses here was un- - forcing an ordinance regulating drug clear yesterday. I I paraphernalia.. Kapiloffalso ,rejected 'the city's re - Store operators filed a suit against the ordinance last month after police quest for a court order to close the business. - B LEAKY ' told the owners Jan. 27 that a license is needed to sell' products that can be Filed. the same week. the store opened in: December, the request 95% of patients pin: control of their bladder with. just a few Eliminateyour•emergencies"easily, call forappt. NOW'.Open Mused in the consumption of illegal' contends that store operator Fais ` ' Dr. K.C. Clian's Acupuncture-Clinicdrugs: 3years. A display case in the store contains water pipes, gold plated Ondor has "no legal justification for opening an adult bookstore in viola- San Diego Chuta vista vista Et 275.0110 425.3500 758-5930' 579razor blades and'other items that the tion of the Escondido Zoning Code InDr. Chan is a docWro�t Orientat medlcine arho has been practtcing fo city claims are used for the con- the location chosen." sumption of marijuana,, cocaine, and That same week, Serrano estimat- other nntlaWad'' dnraa ad' fhnf ne M—h .,. an . ....a ,.r 69— e., THE ART OF'G n ry > > • } The charges come ata time when <^< U.S. law- enforcement authorities ..are cracking down on ,criminal' efforts to launder, or, legitimize, i xSOO:. millions of dollars in cash;proewds; l from drug trafficking and other � 4 - DAVE:cATLEY i imlAngeles Times criminal enterprises. By depositLpg - illicit funds in; U.S. banks and'other . knee-deep water on . Mondays rainstorm. Midway Drive was closed: for six hours financial institutions, drug°traffick .ring a morning lull, in while- workers struggled to clear, clogged storm drains. ers are able to invest theirs uge cash windfalls as though the;mon- :: ; .. ey was legitimate business earn- the county 'during ,the half an inch of rain would probably will be cool, with highs in the low... ings. ° F aid. forecaster, Grady Svo. fall, each day. "It will be showery- 60s in both coastal and'inland areas..- ` i _t type precipitation;. he. said. ' Lows are expected to be in the 54s Ordered jailed at. the Metropoli- tan Correctional Center on Monday aid a. "wind flow in-'the Between 4 p.m. Sunday and 4 - along the: coast and in the 46 to Were Marguerite Coninck, 80,_ also Yere from west to east that m. Monday, 0.68 of an- inch of rain 54-degree range inland:' Y � � ' r ti' � , to the Orient"' will. continue fell,. bringing the, seasonal total to Mountain highs from 35 to 44 . "mas, bo : as Stephanie• ciL a d wlio P• storms: into San Diego.'.,:'.'10.97 inches. March is the second- degrees will dip, to the .20s and 30s ° a B Belgian. . South. t- but and be: a oda, did: not redict.•_the :wettest month of the year and' at night, and desert highs of 70 are a Belgian passport: but bk►y' ,: a.,- oda.- p •Colombian citizen and herlough- of rain_ that they storms.3; averages 1.60 inches of rain.: expected to be followed by night- " Venerate ;but said: Less. than : as Temperatures during the storms time lows in the 50s. 'lease see SUSPECTS; ftp 8; ! .i ' } ' 7 +�:'1 F FrY; .,v :fit"fII t'tt`.'F.Y'�:,. vP *'t} j y * aF • - - 'al,^ ,F a : .. ,. a .. <; - •., w..] . . r a i'• Yr9 . aql, t?.aiiSC ` Mise ''' k�*s . Sdor l osis it t xvt o l 1 Q -e .. r Paid to Dry 71 dans -for ;Some Apartmenti ..,Develops.. ,; - ippr,..:,�r?/ ;�!.t 3�, "' ,�5 F i- • -tn ,� ..,� A 4: r - �' t Zi A aF.� s3 p •. `�ti r `4saY. ,[.. r� fir^RALPH FRAMIMOLIXO,. Times Sta f f Water -op a . yi. %1'l,' +-t$; t i : '+ .' t _,� �� ,�f '� ::.build,. 9U a artment• 'units ' on. the:' treasury to pay for legal fees=that y ; �# z>. , Council Resoluiloh R-254954... • P G i~dARPER, '� �� it was. the kind. of paper work - site, but will, pay him a quarter-...`.could. have reached $1 milhoii He.. �A� ` aANJJ LX WEINTRAUB, that could easily, be lost in the flow %,m lion dollars by April 30 if h6, also has agreed:to revise'his project = . I' sStaff W tern �� � � of memos; reports and requisition. _abandons plans for 18 apartments 'and-dedicate-anextrasevenK tenths a ¢'= forms that consumes San Diego ;..allowed as a, density bonus under of an acre as open space. E roposai that the bounty be municipal government : _All this, because: somebody, at, 3 some participation: in the Infact;.itgwas. - ; t City Hall made aboo-boo- "` ' - "Somebody in the bowels d`city I� ,�ment of the Sari Diego - � . i' ony was, labeled. as-"inap- That was seven years ago. And S011lebfll� iI1 the �' ite Monday by symphony g ,� F. y ` r . pid • mistakren,'ads a mistake,. a . �� on Monday,. the City of San Diego paid-,dearly for that goof when'the ov els of dty said Councilmani, tion President M.B. (Det) P Y g `William Jones nan. `' council; hoping buy goodwill ®eilliilelt illade The mistake was made; in :,1979 .ter from county Supervisors'. of angry residents,, took the: unusu- g, whezi the pxevious owner ;of nhe.� Golding and: George Bailey :al: step: of paying a developer = a . .s: Stupid mistake.' ' ` `k canyon property applied: for- .end-delivered to Merryman X254;000 in cash to drop plans for 18 = missionto build 86 a artment urpts lay,Golding-pointed out.that• apartment, units from his develop- Golden William Donis P ,, ment,near downtown. f : ` Golden Hill residents: reg�terebr: calf' of the county s popula- „• : Y, . ° vigorous` protests, ° saying. the: dE= ves outside the City. of San ' . ` The payment is part of a bizarre a state law'to promote low-income velpment was. of can .0 i%,t4 the city's participation in the,'-iegal settlement between the city housing; That lowers the total to 72 -apartments, clashed with Kth'n� onfs, management was in and. Thomas; Carter over his pro units in the project~ ; t ;; .' % gle-family neighborhood azaz'die. ant. "'P : posed Golden Hill Villas condomin - In return, Carter.. Elis agreed to anticipated traffic .would `#eirther a symphony cannot be, seen- ium-apartment complex on six.. drop a lawsuit against the city that burden ilie neighborhood's atr�eets.� serving and being responsi acres at the end of' Ash• Street,. could: have given him the right to The City-.Council.' votedo' imt residents- San Diego,'= �' 'property that, dips into the 34th ` build 90 to 112 units on. the ptoper: .. density to 72. units.' r r'�� AIN �y , g said:. "It's a symphony of Street canyon.: f _ ty,. collect:an estimated $350,400 in That decision. was contained .ur .asesee SYMPHONY; Page 8 The agreement permits: Carter to damages, and force the municipal Please see SETTLA:R_ a 4; w ' ' met E ':� <-- .. • � .7%'Y4..».. ��, .� �; ! l •} Y� S.Y � g • iia`-..� }„<a� •`Yc' i rC;tJ"4� pis' fj-:y, --}y.v: .sa. �.s .sa- r ) w•'b e �k . . ..etc F}t �.'sNyyf � ,� {(/(. I"i`'v Y� Z i*}' {h`�� n. r. `r -?`,d. Y.{? R .y i h W !i _ - i }..a � ., .. ...i. %.�2 •J TV-1 .S ` Y.Fi"�iN/G'.i �.�NJ-.i={FJM`g y .-.¢�a tY� t._s, t A:.• '-,: ". � e a j +4: �''; .S,` 3l, � � �s is .a.},;�' .Y::..:c.Yttt f:•� ��' .i,-sYt� '; j• _'� .no .11t'..k'ff.�,y;•�► ��p�^... ate - and have displays explaining how middle of Lent, and are expected to abstain s Escondido Fire Marshal Ernue "•��.y ' surfboards. are designed, constructed from meat. on Fridays until Easter. ; Liebman sings on: the side,. too=with` Z%� ,, . � and decorated_ 'Spose they can comeback Monday ,, t- a Southern gospel groug'knov n as The �.*y ars 1' -i 11take.S100 0Wormore to get the for°leftover Ding's Men and as:a baritone soloist,, a, � at z � .sem* " €-stablished. Resor estimated. j .. ;: . ? r s a T . � - moth at weddings and funerals... �:ife'Itbolookingforgrantsandcorporate - filddi 1g` Songs _ .. fromab7esurfing industry - In ourMusicDepartment, we bring wedon't "epulling this off•" 3 j/ a�srwrers.stBwa. youtheserelated items:vbandouts .; lcF kndse ale+esdy have their, , � 4 ' ®` KGA V- fChanne110) reporter �Sussaa 6uU r : Jicwideo a serious music student with muueuna` =by* '14 yearuof piano.lessons and four years Dirsuitowatertlaa$an voice tcainfttohercred t.42 r _ il�,tfs 1► Chef oction a �.. of Interstate � A ■q' /meq y� s �g �® .. • '~eiiM'fiVii�'tah�i��: t��iY W wit •.:�5��:. ��5�� j� fia ;Z Pat W,f . W- 421 Paris lw Almginaa,.- Ineasu 45. Ckx* Clew 2f 48 Cku _H@ftW �­;C!Dik 29/ 31- Riodiijaralro chx* 88/ 81 CIW* n 7T " - 84 is num ,e 7/t:qu7 1 73 Rome, Cloudy, 48/ 64- a�eteaatartl: .-y52 WdbP Claw 48/ 81' P" IL soft 63/ -9- AVIV', H , Sao I OW-611"altNo suer Me 6470''. 1& -73/ 87- S=A Clw 28/ 39 Mom 54- 7.150 ' 6: 0, 1 OW 67/ 7W Snppm Rain 75/ 86 S. Es( IT 4W L1116M. _1 Mir 41/ 61 StadMn CWL* 30/ 34 Lut/4 Now Fka/4 Fid: Is too" Cbk* 41 4& SY& I � •W Clear 67/ 70, The CkW 97 Towd Mar W April I AprIlt No I& Miralrgi CIM t TdA** Cbw 92/ 'o -P00, C WKILOWTWE111FORL&OUTOPIAMM, t6dc 1, -Muft 491 43 h TwonlFugh ___ ftliftt 1191,32, SLO ow, I GOW01" .0, -1 Clew 41/ W, 3 4:01al M , Q6 LO� 44=016-X contar V=Tift0W Fats "t 90--% 9-M/ 5.3 Of 10:01a/ 4.8 H 41 W . taew 34/ 43� 3;4l5pf-0.1 to AAs a weew 7 4.WP/ 0.4 to 4:Mf- 1.0 Lo GkNW 25/ 30 9* -590/ 5.0 H W211pj 5.01# 10.Wj_4,9W 32 WW*wg Ptc* 171 22 plan it AN dma P*ft Sftrdardjj'Nq�a�� thewo e to:,the_ 3 ialieu,oi enttd,lth n ODD, Dr &,LiE, Tuesday,, at Home !, �-t 0i m- Wces, 7-T f."ERY t tl HIND STG f - I p. number allowed by the zoning on his property—that omission. TL!the in attom any on ey's feeit ftob�' e of Depart The Continued came to light. The Bt d1ding Insp ec- tion De two lawsuit% eithek from the de- veloPeror the residents.' it - proper, dei;;� : `Ii ­ , . . . -, �.. 3. ;. ­ j 1. .-,. ii it - _­ ­ I unc e ) solution R -:250q54.,,-1- K - p artment, discovered the 72 -unit limit and refused to grant Thus, the unusual deal. At,, first, Carter Offeied to take the money to clew Aienut V Normally, those, kinds of, restric. the Permit, touching off a fight, that Prompted Carter to sue the and build 78 units, but Jones and Escond tions are: part of a* subdivision map city in February, 1985. Others said 4he city, took a hard line The ­,t4af 16,recorded, at the county- recorder's office, said �kisbtant I - He: lost in Superior Court. But, a afidAnsisted on the 72 units. The - city agreed to Pay for any addition..r for four only. las Pldnning' Pirectok Mike Stepner-' That. wij,'i" the ruling in July by Judge Mack P. Lovett left tart-er a loophole to al fees Carter: would have to pay t67 process, his. application, - Hazardc That vc stipulation it, part of the public : record ,'And shows up, build more units under a state e anoihei $15,000.-, flinance- when someone doei '- :a title',search., Program that gives; b de . a 259o' Uil rs density bonus if, When the wrangling was over. brother., But not, this', time.. Thpi-council. '- - they include low_ and -the compromise struck- nobody ThelocE .-restrictions T were parf of a:-voteOn. income', housing in'their develop- A Monday seemedove*oye& The C the 'enVironmental * impict, report on thepfqject,,ah oad�licefor ments.. Although, the CKY could 1�' limit Carter -to 72 units, .he could - Carter walked grim- faced bom. . the council chambers on the, 12th Monday. such -a restriction, Stepner �ai& build 18 more under the state, ore er low-income program floor Of City Hall and ovej,�-6. the.. Nat _-Unfbrtunately; the staff had an oversight and that's the crux of the That's when city' attorneys and 'Carter elevator. declining to comment. "I Im tiredhe said.. NEW problem,l!'hesaid. started talking settlement. - And the handful of Rill Cuter had a good case, because A J111117 defense- c ItwasWtuntilCarter went to the city in December, 1984, to obtain of the city's mistake, to win the right residents at the meeting muttered under their � collective breath when.to deftau building Permits for, 112: units—the z Ont appeal to build as, many as i 112 units.. If he didn't win the appeal', he the council voted for the; settle- e, set e- ally fals: c The, ju Fwwal 0 could still build 90 legally., . -: - Meanwhile, Golden Hill residentswas.a Trient. One woman called out that it 4 'coverup. Spokesman Keith, administi, 88'count, NEED - threatened to sue if the city didnt Simon called it a victory for resi-, dents, but an expens ive lessow for investiga- A TV?. keep .its word by limiting the numbertomperiol-�_....1. the city.. "The Court d torperfor RNDD ff "It'sgoing to cost us either way," city, really doesn't jit, any., thing, for its money: What is the San Diet in said Jones,, who at one time sug- gested buying. the property out. - city- getting?" Simon, said., -JaMe. ConstellaT routinely rum Classiffed. right from Carter- "It's going to only thing they're getting, is, they're not going to courL In Isubject ,to CEMETERY' ONECALL, RV� Ads cost us $250,000 now Or that much eyes, it's "a payoff." W actuallyu Assistar, ONEPME MORTUARY Iltlp WS ANGELES Tellur1cla Vag. 4 the transf If WANT 31A Skiers'' Reports swasurninit supportint Each co. .,SMLBOAT? V., M=* mormv mmurarnents in kid", CMPIWd by AMI News Bureaus SERVICEFIND IT swAm � , New - a.. and a$10j( suit seekirr a %.Wr4UUt_ I WNew 'N -ALL CEMETERIES in, CALWORNIA-- CALIFORNIAow IFORNIA Ban - SWArm NEVADA Ads, Blift roman, TlrMS Classified A _101neWleadows BedgerPen 7-42- 104-223 18' 65 SMSWrf"L SnowSurnnft Nofepoft OpwonwaWend. Mt. Rose 14 12 120. Dodpft�e C" 45 42-126 SnowValfgy Norspon COLORADO 'j L - MORTUARIES Ads, L Hommood., No, _18 4il.138 &WWforeat N= AMpaoa8a8h AsW= 4 84 - Los Anjelek, -�i Valley (213) (213) •0 . NM JuneMountain Kkkwood Kfa*aR 84-156 10-14 144-2,16 suqarswm� TahoeDomw TshoeSkIB&M 6 72-108 __ 48 Aspen 8"WCnM* 4 15-78 36L 54, 748-2201 877-0335, A Lesson Norer W 08 OPIUM Sra&anrldge Co -2' 1 NEW M8Mn`WthMt- 12 .186 Mt.Bedmkw 3 116 54 M G.F AMILY CARS' Baldy fim"t High NorepM IDAW Kaystom' 3_ Ir So. - 72 ► FIND IV Wfilbba; Mt. Waterman Nompon 12 72-166 N5092m, sunvalley WYOMING, 4 85 = 2 271 I _78L 5, L.A. County M , Norm" 11 JacksonHole .6 steamboat 6 30-M Toes, Rayal!Goraw. 120L UTAH Tellur1cla Vag. 4 so a s Angeles,SWraftiflanch ClassMed swasurninit 4 96- 8: 6"7 Sft*ead DeffValify 50 6,, WMt6—,4rk 2 48-72 L SklGremVel"r SklIncline, NO report 4-6 48-84 88 6 - 132 NEWMEXICO CrenudonSerwices 1103 7aoaSklV"y 64-M WMT IFSHICE, INCTNERS TOR ft"� MTS I RIM' -BftMkM, CAR? SEASON 8041 0 Won't cW.. peel or. ftke 0: 25 colam to chom bm 0 Is ft yearwarrefS�41 ALI Cour The &i national ac accredited Departmen v The 21-t ,.Law Enfor necessary. 7 lawenforce ,k;, The, Sher 'irds: M orgy .nel compen ment; traffic Julia.[ Residents because of E saidMondAy Tha rnftn" RND, rr Eciely 8181fts- Tffms Classified Ads, SEASON 8041 0 Won't cW.. peel or. ftke 0: 25 colam to chom bm 0 Is ft yearwarrefS�41 ALI Cour The &i national ac accredited Departmen v The 21-t ,.Law Enfor necessary. 7 lawenforce ,k;, The, Sher 'irds: M orgy .nel compen ment; traffic Julia.[ Residents because of E saidMondAy Tha rnftn" yesterday tor turning in the pian. As a result, the department plans to clean up the site on its own and sue the Chathams for as much as three times" cleanup cost. The state has set aside $2.55 mili. . to clean up the former chemical distillery,; considered perhaps the fes{. ,.. .. r�.T.T iii i�...+ C:-i•.wv�wws� PAAl�tlr.� most hazardous waste site in San Diego County. ES'C0'*ndid0* Smith said on-site testing and the long-awaitedcleanup could begin R within the next two months, with completion possible b the end of A y �' lo'ses--.adult,, , the year. Why the Chathams failed to meet '' ``' "' the order, the first of its kind issued in the state stenx' remained a mystery y �ca;W, ' yesterday. .;;`s County and state officials said the By Steve Schmidt Chathams had neglected to contact. them in recent days. Staff writer "I thought they would talk (to us ESCONDIDO — City officials yes about a plan)," Smith said. "They've terday lost their first courtroom bat-'-' talked in the past." tle with the F Street Bookstore, Repeated attempts to reach their downtown Escondido's adult materi- ` attorney, David Mulliken, were un- al shop. E : : ;t. , _ ' 3 • successful. J -Superior Court Judge Lawrence The order, which was issued in Kapiloff tentatively ruled' in. favor of late January, gave the Chathams the store owners in . their lawsuit more than 30 days to draw up a spe- charging that the city's regulations . cific timetable for the testing and on drug paraphernalia are unconsti= cleanup of the five -acre site on the tutional. Kapiloff also: 2200 block of Bernardo Avenue. a Dismissed a city lawsuit aimed • - The dump was discovered by at closing the store, Officials decided s g health officials in 1981. It is littered in December not to pursue the suit with. spills of cleaning solvents, after F Street operators managed to q heavy metals and. polychlorinated circumvent it. w 1 �` ? ' t . . Levied a $1,000 sanction against biphenyls, suspected carcinogens. Unless unexpected action is taken the. the city to cover the legal fees- of F' ;. =•NUR by the Chathams, the Department of Street attorney Toni Health Services will issue an order The rulings represent a stinging within days requiring: its staff to defeat for the city,' which' has been:. begin the cleanup process. repeatedly foiled in. its attempt. 'to - Once the site is cleaned up, the close the shop on Grand. Avenue. The state then plans to sue the Chathams business is one of several F Street -for as much as $6 million, according Bookstores located.. throughout Sin x r to Gary Stephany, a county Environ- Diego County. { "mhntal Health Services official x , 1, ;;. -Th • The Escondido store is in the heart : ;, ,. of the city's redevelopment. area, w,Linda Partridge, a nurse who `sexually �'r�tves near the`dttmp' s` aftiong�the where oriented'. businesses residents who' lung:have suspected' are outlawed. It is on one of Escon, See CLEANUP on Page B-4 See F STREET' on Page 114: 1 S itt Cr ver' J %�[17XM?µi��4+w lV Mj ,jC a'Iera, . By Dick Weber Staff writer It has been nearly a year since her husband was killed and. Colleen Riggs has pretty much oamp to -terms with her loss. But the widow of San D agent Thomas Riggs said W6 a rough, time dealing i ami stocks kadlag upto whlch. the jury, hav ft by • ..., ! ♦...ice. *e A.%%- �. "V Taff hard is hearing:;. Li yYAG what's being said about the whole "not W."', ."� 3 —!1 fes{. ,.. .. r�.T.T iii i�...+ C:-i•.wv�wws� PAAl�tlr.� .- t' along with Riggs. it's ahead, hearing, remarks," she white, a black, a Mexican or Orien- was just an arrest."' J�l� `".,,A .t t F Street: Eseondido & se `ad llawsuit sure . _.. Continued from &1 for a city license to seli such items that standard. Meanwhile, both side;: are 'await would already be in violation of state The City Council is expected ing a decision on a lawsuit. filed by do's main shopping thoroughfares. law, Homann said: Wednesday to reduce the sexual -ori- the store last month against. the city. City attorneys David Chapman He saidthe city, by requiring a, entation standard to 25 percent, a The suit claims Serrano, iraudu and John Serrano were unavailable Hcbnse,, forces merchants to give up move that couldtrigger yet another lently obtained a warrant in Decem for comment yesterday. Homan the U.S. Constitution's Fifth Amend- legal battle with the store. ber for Ondor's arrest. Ondor was ar- said. he was "very pleased" with the went protection against self-incrimi- A permanent ruling on KapiIoff s rest Dec. 20 and charged: with three decisions, calling them "everything I' nation by admitting they are selling decisions is expected by the end of store -related: zoning violations, s had asked for."' = r .. ee } v drug paraphernalia. _ _ the month, according to Homann. which were later dropped. Iiapiloff issued: arestrainingorder How the restraining order might _ barring Escondido police from en- affect other businesses here was un- forcing n forcing anordinance regulating drug clear yesterday. F ,. paraphernalia.Kapiloff also rejected the city's re - Store ; Store operators filed' a suit against quest for a court order to close the the ordinance last month after police business.LEAKY BLADDE y told the owners Jan. 27 that a license , Filed the same week the storeCC.� tients gain control of their bladder, with just a few treatments. is needed to sell products that can be opened in December, the request"emergencies" easily, call' forappt- NOW. Open 1f7on. turot:eh Sat. 1' used in the consumption of illegal contends that store operator FaisDr. K.C. Chart's: Acupuncture-CIinic- drugs. A display case in: the store Ondor has "no legal justification for Diego _ Chula vista Vista Et Cajon contains water pipes, gold-plated opening an. adult bookstore in viola -5.0110. 425-3500 758 5930 579-6311 rur. Maeaaez� fe,t■�. razor blades and other items that the tion of the Escondido' Zoning Code in is a doctorof OrientO medicine who has been practicing for27years. city claims are used. for the con the location chosen." _ } sumption of marijuana, cocaine and That same week, Serrano estimat- other outlawed drugs.. ed that as much. as 80' percent of the Operators also were told +they store's merchandise was adult=ori- ° must keep a log of the names of all bitted ,t • >r i t ;:< people who purchase such: items, Within days after the order was Remodeled: and Decorated F which cannot be sold toanyone tinder 'requested, however, store operators :` 4359 HOME AVENUE 18 x added more general -interest `mer- T:GOODWILL Stdie he judge tentatively •agreed. with chandise,. apparently circumventing Homanars argument that the.: ordi- Escondido's: definition of adult busi- �+ nance is unconstitutional because it tresses. ' Clothing appears to contradict a state law on The city defines such operations as a Shoes a •a+hts., �o .; the same subject. The state outlaws any business where at Ieast 50 per- •Re -opens it$` ra Furniture . the sale of drug paraphernalia and cent of the items are sexually orient . Housewore March s'f therefore any merchant who applies. ed. The city says the store now meets •Sporting Goods ,leanup: Ex -owners fail o GOOD AT HOME AVE. STORE ONLY , L j No Purchase necessaryneed not be present to win 1 submitFlan for t6xic a umpt , ® Flll out try and Wing to Goodwill by Sok Mar 15. ' It -11 WIN A NEW g Continued from &1 contamination from the site. COLOR TELEVISION that some of. their medical problems Partridge has complained' of ♦' are linked to, possible groundwater bouts of fatigue, memory.lapses and otherproblems.MAKE NOTICETO 11103S The Cbathams, both residents of t saDriFss Zit?_-_-__' REP'— 8616 Escondido, operated the former � Matt -in Entries Not Accepted PHOS ROUTE 30 WEKDAY. chemical recycling plant for about 4350 Home Ave. Nat alas, on R Neu Clem Sim s, On Na Oma 30 years until' the mid-1970s. They sold the property to Coastal Equi- vice qui- 4 a ties, a: real. estate firm that later •' went bankrupt I by Sam ur8edi Request !ar Ptnposai,. Bropoeslsahall headdf*ssed to: equiredto certify that theyare @troller General's listof iceligi- rcderany foBded sad. assisted': rransit•Disttict heteby notifies. *bard to bay codbaa enter mfino<,tair« mina - i ram cola; am oriatimal on for Am award: f be10ttorejectbayand0, weoee Is scheduled for March , at the North: Ceanty Transit ace will serve to clarify Dix requirements. Should addition - re•. t e�tact roject 03-W11 awr, NCiD. a: IF YOU SAVE THIS; AD UNTIL SUMMER - IT'LL MAKE YOU WISH YOU'D BOUGHT AIR CONDITIONING NOW! Act before hot weather starts and SAVE MONEY • ON INSTALLATION Pre -Season + Sale • ON EQUIPMENT PRICE INCREASES 1N JUNE • WHILE BUSINESS IS SLOW CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE .. SAN' DIEGO MECHANICAL 276=418 . We Specialize in Making Your Home More Comfortable AIR.gFQu Serving All of Son: Diego. County stat@ t;<. #t308966 i .e. THE. ART QF Cl. - RR: AMID SOARI AND HEROIC I THE BEST OF TIE RECLAIMED A E.\QUISITE DET TO CREATE Of GREAT COh1F THE NEW r FOR TILE MOST D£MANI 326 BROADWAY, SAN DIEGO; CALIFORNIA 92101 - FOR INFORMATION ORRESER% h i ®®Wy ♦-�t,� .t- t o rE _ fk :e9.!' a !." 1 �i: L> :: � t:'; �e � r a :s IG4:s �L{ 2, µ �League of California Cities, California Cities. Work Together 1400 K Streets Sacramentor 95814 (91$) 444-5790` RECE VED #9-1986 MAR I i tab March 7, 1986 *********************LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITIES************** L., Liabi.ltya, SB 75 (Foran) Set for Vote Monday March 17. Cosponsor - Support. Z. Rural Economic Development. AB 2590 (Hauser), SB 2'1.17' (N;ielsen) rand SB 1905 (McCorquodale). A11 Set, for FierSt Hearing During Next Three Weeks. Support. 3. Liability for Fail ur. a to Follow Polity Manuals. League-Sponsored Bill Set for Hearing Tuesday April: 1. S9 1930 (Pre ., Sponsor, upport Information Requested. 4. Redevelopment.. Mandatory set-Aside for. Fire Districts. Sa 1990 (McCorquodalet) Hearing: Senate Local, Government Committee, Wednesday April 2. Oppose. 5. Unilateral City Withdrawal From County Fire Protection. District or County Free Library System Prohibited SB 1965. Hearing: Senate Local. Government Committee, Wednesday April Z. Oppose., 6. City Regal at Qn, of Bu:iIders . Who Edgag i:n Major Vial ati==ons of Building Cade. AB 30 1-(Johnston) Support information Requested. 7. Railroad Crossings., AB 3627 (Bradley). Support. 8, Proposed' lRevision. to Constitutional `Mandated Cost Reimbursement. Requirement.. SCA: 35. (Russell). Hearing;:; Wednesday March 32, Senate Industrial Relations Committee. Request for Comment. 9.. Annexation of University Lands. AB 3075 (Cortese).. Review and Comment. 10. Public Records Act. Film Locations, Not. Publ. i c Records. SB 2234. (Robbins). Review and Comment. I1 VeE�ole Laads: Gravel; or Sand:. ' AB 2355 (iati)Caer ed load" Bill Moes Toward May Hearing: In Senate: Transportation. . Comm: attee. Information. 12. Changed Status of Bills Previously Reported. (a) AB 2536 (Cortese):, Flood Relief for Damaged Local Government Facilities.; (b) SB 367 (Faran),, Transportation Finance:. Implementation of SB- 300 (1.985). (c) SCA 12 (Foran),, Motor. Vehicle Fuel Revenues: Expenditures: withdrawal from park a., recreation districts, sewer 1 water districts, community services distrjcts,, etc? SB 1965 in its present form proposes an unprecedented: restriction on the opportunity of city residents and. taxpayers to chose the appropr. i ate beveland cost. of local services.. SB 1965 wi l 1 be heard in the Senate Local Government Commi ttee, on. Wednesday A ri1 2 Committee members are: g; p Bergeson, Chair, Vulch, Vice- Cha.i r,. Ayala, Campbell, Craven, Marks,. and Russell. --------------------------------- ------------------- SUPPORT --- --- ---SUPPORT City Regulati:on of Builders Who Engaq:e in Mayor INFORMATION; Vio'l'ations of Bui lading Codes.. AB 30`31 (Johnston) REQUESTED The City of Manteca has experienced a history of building code vi of ations with a particular builder in, the city and. bel i eves i t lacks statutory authority to: make the builder, fix the viol:ati'!ons; in one subdivision; before he receives building permits for another subdivision. Because of this, Assembly Member Pat Johnston has introduced AB 3031, which grants ci t,i es. authority to condition issuance.of building permits is upon the applicants corr. ect orr; of prior Wilding code violations.. Before a city could do this, the council would have to find: that the prior code violations are endangering the health., safety, or welfare of the residents of the: community. If' your city has had similar problems with any builders, please, send case histories to the League's Sacramento officei describing the, nature: of' the problems,, the actions your city took tol try to solve the: problems, and the outcome of your efforts.- --------------- ------------------------------ ------- T. -- -7. SUPPORT Railroad Crossings. AB 3627 (Bradley). AB: 362:7 addresses a problem which is pervasi veL i n cities where a rai lAroad operates ray. road. crossings in need: of repair and the. reluctance in many instances • of the railroad to repair the crossing. A provides the fol lowing. x 1.. It permits the local agency to declare that a. "heavily traveled crossing" has deteriorated to a point which needs repair.. The bill' defines "heavily traveled crossing" as a. crossing intersecting a road or highway that has three or, more lanes- for traffic in one d rection: or four or more lanes for traffic, in two directions. and; the vehicular traffic an the crossing: exceeds 7500 veh-i cl es per day. Z. The local agency- . then provides the railroad. corporation with written" tten notice that the crossing is no longer p an acceptable crossin fo: vehicular traffic and requests that the condition be corrected. � r 3. The railroad corporation is given 15 days to respond to the request by the local agency, indicating what action. the- railroad corporation intends; to take with regard to the railroad crossings 4. If the railroad corporation di-sagrees with the local agency's determination, the railroad corporation shall' provide written notification to the local: agency within 16 working days. U no agreement 5. MARCH 7, 1986 City offici a1s. are requested- to send their comments.on the bill to the League's Sacramento office:. - - - --- --- ------------ - ----- - 10. REVIEW. AND Public Records Act-. Film Locations Not. Publ i c h COMMENT Records. SB 2234 {Robbins}. The Public Record Act requires cities to make their records available for publ7.c inspection unless those records are exempt from disclosure. SB 2234 would exempt from this disclosure requirement information on; the ` location of` filming for" whit ch permits. have � p e been requested or issued, until the-filming is: complete. If fll'.ming occurs in your citv,. please send comments to the League`7s Sacramento office describing how this bill may impact your city. 11. INFORMATION Veh i c.l a Loads: Gravelor Sand. AB 2335 (Katz ".Covered Load Bill Moves Toward May-----He- aring in Senate Transportation: - Committee. Assembly Member Richard Katz has been successful in pushing AB 2335 through: the Assembly to. the Senate: where it awaits a hearing In May before:— the: Senate: Transportat4on Committee. The bill requires that. any vehici'e loaded subst"antial,ly to capacity with gravel, sand, or Simi"lar material be covered to- prevent the escape of any of the lad when driven or moved. on the highway-, and makes the violation of this law a misdemeanor. Legislation similar: to AB 2335 has been, proposed in the. past but has been unsucces ful` Assembly Memberr Katz has: moved the bill further than any previous author. To support the. case for, this legislation the author has gathered: an ,mpressive set of statistics which incIude:s: 1 $40 - $64 million, i s spent, every year by Cal i form a, motorists and their insurance companies to repair damage to au.tomobi les caused by flying debris on California's highways. 2. In the Los Angeles area, there were: 64 accidents in the: first nine s months of 1985 caused by spillage- of materials from: trucks,t, accordin t the Cal i forni:a. Highway Patrol . g o � 9 Y , Seventeen of those accidents lis ed injuries to one; or more of the vehicle occupants 3. Currently, nine states have strict load-covering laws: including Florida, Massachusetts, M chigan, Mississippi Missouri, Nebraska, New. Hampshire, New York.. and: Texas. The: list of' supporters- for AB� 2335 incl udes the California State- Automobil-e: Association, California Hig.trolmen's Associ.at_on, Consumer Advisory Council::, California Teamsters Public Affairs, Council, American Society of Safety Engi:ne.ers,: California Peace Officers" Association, and the 'Association of California Insurance Companies. Several cities have also expressed support for ABS. The League Transportation and Publ°ic Works Committee will review this legislation at its March 26 meeting. Members of the Senate Transportation: Committee are: Foran, Cha:i.r;; Ellis, Vice Chair; Bergeson, Beverly,, Deddeh, L.. Greene,: Hart, Morgan., Seymour, Torres, and Vuich 7 MARCH 71 1986