Item 5 - TPM Amendment 85-02A- Gus BallasAGENDA RiORT CITY OF POWA s TH ca TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the: City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana,g _ INITIATED BY: Reba W. Touw, Director of Planning Service DATE April 15, 1986 SUBJECT: Tentative, Parcel Map Amendment, TPM 85-02A - Gus x Ballas', Applicants A request for an amendment to Resolution No.` P-85-31. Said resolution approved a two lot division of 2.55 gross acres in the RS -2' -(Residential Single Family 2.) zone located 155 feet west and. 160 feet south of the IT" intersection of Old Saone and Pomerado Roads. APN 317-2.41-50 ^. ABSTRACT PROJECT PLANNER: Sharon Crockett, Assistant Planner .F PARCEL SIZE: 2.55 Gross Acres GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION`; Residential Single Family 2 (1-2 du/net ac.) ZONING: Residential Single Family 2 (1-2 du/net ac.. SURROUNDING DESIGNATIONS::: (See Attachment. 3) RELATED CASES: TPM. 85-02 CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED: None } j ENVIRONMENTAL:RECOMMENDATION; A Negative Declaration was issued t. on June 4, 1985 STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Approve with conditions Agenda Report April 15, 1986 Page 2 BACKGROUND A. Project Description On.June 4r 19855 the: Council approved Tentative Parcel Map -85-02 said map approved the division of 2..55 gross acres into two parcels: a' 50, 044 square foot lot (Parcel 1) and a 57,064 square foot lot _ (Parcel 2). The applicant is now requesting an amendment to the adopted. resolution (P-85-31). The proposed amendmen modifies the required road improvements for Pomerado and old Stone Roads and recom- mends waiving, the undergrounding of the existing utility poles along said roads--, ;J At the time, TPM -85-02 was approved,, the precise realignment of pp , Pomerado Road had not been determined and the criteria for the waiver of the undergrounding of utilities: was not adopted. The boundaries of the property were established prior to 196Q by the County of San Diego The proposed subdivision is located approxi mately 155 feet west and 160 feet south of the "T" intersection of Old Stone and Pomerado Roads. 5 The property is zoned: RS -2 (Residential Single Family, 21. The Code's minimum property development standards for the RS -2 zone areas follows: net lot area is 20 r000 square feet,- lot width isi 100 feet and lot depth is; 150 feet. The approval of the map will require pro posed. Parcel 2 to relinquish access to Pomerado Road and to take access from Old Stone Road via a.20 foot wide panhandle With the incorporation of said, requirements for development of the property, the proposed map is consistent with the Code's requirements: for net lot area, lot widthr and lot depth. The surrounding zone designations and land uses are as follows: the property to the northr east, and west is under the same zoning as the subject progeny (RS -2} and is developed with single family res°iden- tial units The property to the south is zoned Planned; Community with an underlying zone of RR -A (Rural Residential A) and: is undeveloped.: B. Development Facilities Access to the site on Old Stone Road is now taken from a 12 foot wide paved road within an existing 30 foot wide road easement Approval of the map will require the applicant to offer to dedicate the southerly half of Old Stone: Road from the westerly property line of TP14 85-02A to Pomerado Road. with 1.8' feet of paving within a 25: foot right. -of -way.: The Department of. Public Services recommends that the eight foot southerly widening of Old Stone Road from the property's westerly boundary to Pomerado- Road be constructed without a graded shoulder This will allow the existing mature pine trees on the parcel to the east of the subject 'site to; remain and will minimize the reconstruc- tion of the: existing; driveway' on said parcel:.. o 6 APR 15 1986 IT EM 5 Agenda Report April 15, 1986 Page 3' The -applicant is, requesting a waiver of the undergro:unding of utili. ties along Pomerado and Old Stone Roads... Plans have beendeveloped. by Cadillac -Fairview, developers of Pomerado Business. Park, which show the realignment. of Pomerado Road east. of its present loca- ti.an At said time, the existing road will be reduced to collet ton status.. The proposed development is in an area with overhead service. With the proposed reclassification of Pomerado Road., the Public S=ervices and the: Planning Services Departments can recommend that the Council waive the undergrounding of the utilities along said, roads.. However, the utilities to the proposed residences will be undergrounded. and the existing utility easement crossing the subject site: will be vacated. The Safety Services Department. and the: Sheriff's Office have indi-, cated that adequate fire and police protection is available to the site.. Approval of the map will require the extension of the sewer' line,. s=ewer, connection for both parcels, and annexation into'the Sewer Improvement District. Additional improvements. required prior to final map approval are as follows_: the payment of Park fees, Traffic Mitigation fees, Master Plan of Drainage fees., and ver`if i cation;of annexation into the Lighting District C Environmental Review A. Negative Declaration for TPM 85-02 was issued on June 4, 1985 The proposed modifications to the adopted resolution do not significantly change the required mitigation measures. Therefore, Staff is of the opinion: that the existing Negative Declaration addresses the project"s potential impacts and no further environ- mental review is required.. D. Correspondence: Notice of Public Hearing was sent to property owners within 500 feet of the property and published in. the Poway News Chieftain. FINDINGS' The proposed parcel map is consistent with the. General Plan's requirements for residential development, and its design and improvements are consistent with the Zoning Development Code. The site is physically suitable, for the proposed type. and density of development because the proposed development can: adequately suppo=rt APR 15 1985- ITEM 5 Agenda Report April 15,E 198E Page, 4 twosingle family residences.. Public access: easements will notbe, compromised as: a result of this development or associated improve - meats.. The: project will not_ create: any significant impacts on the environment. In addition, no serious -public health problems are likely, to occur as water service is. available and. sewer service is: available. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council. approve Tentative" Parcel trap= 85-02A subject to conditions, in the staff report and the attached resolution. F JAB JEE � SEG :: j 5s: Attachments-. 1. Proposed Resolution TPM 85-0:2A 2. StandardConditions TPM 8.5-02A Surrounding General Plan and Toning 4.; Site Plan TPM 85:.-0"2A J 5. Resolution. No. P-85-31 44 7{ n[ SPR; 15 196` ITEM f F g RESOLUTION NO.. P- _ h A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THX CITY OF POWAY CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 8 5-0 2 A ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 317-241-50 WHEREAS r Tentative Parcel Map Now.. 85-02Ar hereinafter "Map" for the ose= of subdividing ur submitted by Gus Ballast applicant, P P the real property situated in the City of Poway, County of San d s: ribe d a a s portion of the. southerlyt Diego., State: of California, e c half` of the southwest quarter of Section 23,, Township 1 south, Range 2 west, San. Bernardino: base and meridian in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to United. States Government Survey, approved August. 29, 189 0. r into two lots, regularly came before the City Council for public hearing and action on April, 15, 1486 , and WHEREASr the Director of Planning Service, has recommended approval of the Map subject to, all conditions set forth in the Planning Services Department report; and WHEREAS1111 the City Council has read and considered said report and has considered other evidence presented at the public hearing; and WHEREAS r. it . has been determined that the, proposed project area is an area that predominantly contains: overhead service, and. that. new poles will not be added as a result of this subdivision since undergroundingg of service is still required from existing poles to future residential lots, Pomerado Road will he realigned away from the area fronting the subject property and the present road will be, reduced to collector status. NOW, THEREFORE,, the City Council of the City of Poway does resolve as, follows: Section 1: Findings The City Council makes the following; findings, in regard to { Tentative: Parcel No 85-0.2A and the Map thereof F aR The tentative parcel is consistent with all applicable, i general and specific plans z b. The design or improvement of the: tentative parcel is con- sistent will all applicable general and. specific plans f c The site is physically suitable for the+ type of develop ment proposede d. The site is. physically s.0 table for the density of the development proposed, 5 OF 16 APR: 15 1986 ITEM Resolution No. p ,. Page 2 e. The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and: avoidable injury to humas and wildlife or their .habitat; f The tentative parcel is not, likely to cause serious public health problems-; 3 5 g • The design of the tentative parcel will not conflict with any easement acquired by- the public at large, now o record, for access- through oruse of the property within the proposed subdivision., h. That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and. a Negative Declaration is issued.- ssuedr%. .1. The effect of subdivision approval on_ the housing needs. of the San Diego region has been considered andd balanced against the public service needs of Poway residents. and available fiscal and environmental resources (residential - on:ly ) j. The design. of the- subdivision has: provided: to the extent feasible, for future passive: or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision ( residential only �= and k. That the necessary findings. .for waiving of the undergrounding of existing overhead utilities have been; identified Section 2s Tentative Parcel Map No= 85-02A, ,a copy of whish i.s on file in the Planning Services office,. is hereby approved subject to all of the following conditions 1.. Within 30 days of approval, the applicant. shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood. 2.a Parcel. 2 shall be, redesigned as a panhandle lot with a 12, foot wide: paved width within a 20 foot wide panhandle. A revised map incorporating said requirements and corrected road sections shall be submitted and approved by the Director of Planning Services and Public Services prior, to recordation of the map, Parcel 2 shall relinquish: access. to Pomerado Road.. 3. Parcel: 2 shall have an on-site vehicle turnaround.. Said turnaround shall be a condition of approval for the granting of a Minor Development Review for said parcel. 6 OF APR 15;9x6. ITEM, f_ rt e Resolution. No P' gage 3 4. The grading, design, and access to Parcels 1 and 2 shall be approved prior to final, map approval by the Directors of Public: Services and Planning Services., 5. All of the required improvements shall be designed- and: guaranteed to be constructed within two. years, of the: recor- dation of the. map and to. the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 6 The west side of Pomerado Road ` shall be improved- from. the, southerly boundary of the subject :property to Old Stone Road as a 40 foot paved, Road within a 60 foot right-of-way to: urban street standards with; curb gut -ter and sidewalk to the: satisfaction of the City Engineer. 7.. The applicant shall. offer to dedicate the southerly half of Old Stoner Road to a, width of 25 feet.; Old Stone Road: shall be improved from: the. westerly, property line to Pomerado Road with. 18 feet of paving within 25; feet of right-of-way to the- satisfaction of the City Engineer. 8 . Prior to recordation of the map., an addendum-- D.e3i ghton and. Associates report dated November. 3Q,.,, 19-84, regardng the= po:ssibility of a landslide on the suject property shall be submitted and approved to the satisfaction of the Directors: of Planning Services' and Public Services.. They addendum, shall verify that the development of the parcels will not initiate potential landslides off sate 4 Resolution: P-85-31 is hereby rescinded. Section 3 Tentative Parcel Map Na.- 85--02A, a copy of which is on f ilei in - the Planning, Services office, is hereby approved subject to the. attached Standard: Conditions. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the. City Council of t.he� City of Poway,,_ State of California, this; 15th; day of April, 1986. Carl R Rruser Mayor ATTES.T:. Marjorie R,., Wahlaten, City Clerk 7oFIb APR 1,5 19,86,i T . 5. STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Subject-, t' azo ;r Applicant: c.. as ' L&ILL. � Location: THE Those ite-�s checked, are conditions of approvaia MY OFPOWAY X. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT TtiZ DEPARTMENT, OF' PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES REGARDING COMPLIANCE; WITH,. THZ FOLLOWING CONDITIONS. R. SITE- DEVELOPMENT 1.. Site shall be developed in. accordance with the approved site the; Planning Services Department and the plans an: file: in conditions contained; herein. 2. Revised site plans and building elevations: incorporating all conditions of approval shall. ba submitted to the Planning ServicessDepartment prior to issuance of building perm ts. .. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with; all sections; oZ the. Zoning Development Co.de� and all other applicable. City, ordinances; in effect at the time of building Permit iss.uanca., 4.. The. developer shall provide; a minimums of 25V of the: lots with adequate side-yard area for recreation: vehicle: storage pursuant. } to City, standards; ,- and thea C.C.,BFt.. ts; shall prohibit the storage: of reereational vehicles in the required, front yard setback S. Mail, boxes:.; on, lots; lQ.00, square feet or less in size and in areas where sidewalks are required., shall be installed and located by'the developer subject to approval by the Planning I Services; Department. r> 61.. The: developer shall integrate, an, appropriate: variety' of approved roof materials and colors: into: the design of the residential. development in a: manner which; is both cc patible, and complementary amonq� each of the residential units,.: T. Trash receptacle multifamily developments shall be enclosed by a 6 f oat, high masonry wailwith view-obstructing gates; pursuant to, City standards. Location shall. be subject to approval, by the- Planning; Servces; Department. a.. AIT, roof app rtena,aces,* including air conditioners.,, shall be: architecturally integrated, shielded: from view and sound buffered from: adjacent properties and. s;treeta as: required. by the Planning; Services Department.., 9.. Prior to any use of the- project site or business, activity being commenced thereon:.,: all conditions of approval contained I` herein. shall be completed to, the: satisfaction, of the Director of Planning, Services!., The applicant. shall comply, with the latest adopted Uniform, r RaUdiaq Code.; Uniform. Mechanical. Code. Uniform Plumbing: Codec National electric Code, uniform: Fire Code., and all other applicable: codes. and: ordinances in effect at the time., of building permit issuance 11,., Prior to: the issuance of building: permits for. combustible. � construction,- mYdenca shall; be submitted; to, the oirectar, of, Safety Sery cos; that water s.uppLy, and, facilitiea for fire: protection. is: available,.. Where• additional fire protection; is segui.red by the Director of Safety Servicesk it shall be s.erri;ceable prior to the, timeof construction. 2. For a nem residential, dwelling unit tsa: the applicant shall. development, fees: at the established. rate. Such fees. may, pay, incLude►, but, not be� limited to:; Permit, and Plan: Checking; Hees,, School Fees Uni accordance. with, City-adopted: policy and/or, ord nance•D, ,; dater•• and: Sewer Service: Fees.,. These fees: shall'. be paid;:; i a:.. Prior to final map;approval. APR 15, 1986 I T E B b.. Prior to building: permit issuance. 13. For a new commercial or industrial development, or addition to an existing development, the applicant shall pay development fees at the established. rate... Such fees may include;, but not be limited. tot: Permit and Pan Checking Fees,: Water and Sewer Service Fees. These fees shall be pada a. Prior to final map approval. b Prior to building permit issuance q 14. This approval shall become null and void if building; permits ` are. not issued for this project within, one year from the date of project approval. 15 Street names shall be-approved by the: Planning Services Department prior to the recordation of the final map,, and street-addresses shall be provided prior to; the issuance of building. permits-.. 16. Building identification and/or addresses shall be placed on, all new and. existing buildings so as to be plainly visible from the street or access road; color, of identification and/or addresses: shall contrast with their background color. E. PARKING. AND. VEHICULAR ACCESS 1. All parking lot landscapingshall consist of a minimum of one fifteen as). gallon; size tree for every three t3)- parking spaces.: For parking lot islands, a minimum 12 inch wide walk adjacent to parking stalls. shall be�provided and be separated from: vehicular areas by a 6. inch: high, 6 inch wide portland concrete, cement curbing 2. Parking lot lights shall be low pressure sodium and have a maximum height of eighteen tla)- feet from the finished grade, of the parking, surface and be directed away from all prope:r-ty° lines, adjacent streets and: residences. ,T, y 3.. All two-way traffic aisles shall be a minimum; of 24. -feet wide. and, emergency access shall be provided, maintained free and clear* a minimum of 24 feet wide: at all times during construction in accordance with, Safety Services Department requirements;.. 4.: All parking spaces: shall be double striped. C. LANDSCAPING I. A detailed landscape and: irrigation plan shall be submitted to: and approved by the Public Services Department and. Planning Services Department prior to the: issuance of building: permits.: 2. A Master Plan of the existing on-site trees shall, be provided to the Planning Services Department prior to the- issuance of -j building; permits and prior to grading,; to determine which; trees shall be: retained.: 3., Existing on-site trees shall be retained wherever possible and shall be trimmed and/or topped. Dead,: decaying: or potentially- dangerous trees shall, be approved for removal at.the�discretion of, the Planning Services: Department during the: review, of the. Master Plan. of existing on-site- trees:.. Those trees which are. approved for removal, shall be replaced on a tree-for.-tree: basis an. required by the Planning Services Gepar.tmeat. 4.. Street treest a minimum: of 15 gallon size or larger* shall be installed in accordance with the, City of Poway ordinance and shall: be planted at an. average of every 307 feet on interior, streets and 20 feet on. exterior streets. 5. A minimum of 50: trees: per gross acre* comprised of the following, sizes*- shall be, provided within the: development# 20t - 24": box, or larger, 70.4 - 15 gallon;, and 14t, 5 gallon to the r satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services; and in. accordance: with the: approved landscape plan in, all multifamily and, PRD: projects.. 6., All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and. thriving condition, free from weeds, trash,: and debris. SPR 15 1986I TEM k D. SIGNS E3 1. Any signs, proposed for this development shall be designed and approved in conformance with, the Sign Ordinance. 2. A comprehensive Sin Program for this: development shall: be; submitted to the Planning Services: Department for their review prior to issuance of building permits-. Approval shall. be by the City Council..: E� RECREATION: 1.. On lots having- a private or public equestrian/pedestrian: trail on or adjacent to their property,: the developer is required to have contained within: the C.C.&R..',s the following statements; In purchasing the: home,: I have read the C.C.:&R.'s and understand that said lot is; subject to: an: easement for the purpose- of allowing equestrian/pedestrian traffic.: 2 The developer shall, improve the equestrian/pedestrian trail system, in accordance with: the adopted sign: standard's and: to the satisfaction of. the: Directors of: Public and planning Services.- ervices:a.. 4&&,Prior to final map- approval. . b., Prior to building permit issuance:. 1. An open space easement shall be granted to: the; City over, upon,; across: and under the. area defined on, the: final maps, as an: equestrian trail and no building,: structures- or other, things shall be constructed, erected,: placed; or maintain ed on. subject easements except for the construction and ;. maintenance of said trail and structures appurtenant to the trail. 4� Dedicate the Master planned; equestrian/.pedestrian trails; to: the: satisfaction of the Directors of the, Departments of Public, and Planning Services: in accordance with they Master . Plan: of Trails: Element:. r: S..` Parklands Dedication. or payment of Park Fees at the established; rate shall be mader Prior to final neap: approval.. b. Prior to. building permit, issuance;. f`., EXISTING STRUCTURES 1..: Provide compliance with.. the: Uniform, Building. Code for property line clearances- considering= use, area: and fire -resistiveness; of existing buildings.. 2. Existing buildinglaJ shall be made .to comply with current building: and: zoning regulations for the intended use or the, building.. be- demolished. 1. Existing; sewage disposal facilities. shall be removed, filled`: and/•or capped to comply with appropriate grading practices: and the Uniform Plumbing Code. G. ADDITIONAL APPROVALS REQUIRED> .-1.., Minor. Development Review, shall, be accomplished prior to the: issuance, of a building: permit. 2.: Development Review or. 'Minor Development Review-, shall be: accomplished: prior to recordation of the final: subdivision map.; 3., This: Conditional Use Permit is. granted for , a period of. _ r month f s:? at the end of whish, time the: City Council, may, add or, delete conditions,- or revoke the Conditional. Use: Permit. [� 4. The developer shall display a current. Zoning, and: Land Use Map: in the sales office at all times.,, and/or suitable: alternative { to- the satisfaction of the Director. of Planning < Services. `. Z OF APR 15 1986 ITEM T S. When. public or private equestrian/pedestrian.. trails are: required as a. part of the subdivision, the developer shall display a map�in the sales office, of said subdivision, indicating the trails., 6 All sales maps that are distributed or made available -to the public shall" include but not be: limited to trails.,, future and existing schools@ parks, and. streets::. 7. The developer, shall provide a noise: display board in the sales: office, to the satisf:"cationof the planning Services Director. The display shall Include` the site pian and noise study, 6 Working drawings shall include: a: certification by a recognized acoustical expert that the requirements of the City of Poway's noise ordinance, will be 'met.. 9 At the completion of construction, and prior toi occupancy# interior and. exterior CNEL shall be<determined by field testing at, developer `s: expense. Tests to be conducted by a recognized acoustical expert. No occupancy, permits, shall be granted 'until Condition G-7 is: met to the: satisfaction of the Building, Code (latest ad opted edition) "Sound: Transmission Control." 10. The applicant shall provide= verifi.catiom of State Hoard of Egualizatfom notification: and that appropriate reviews: andlor� approvals: have. been accomplished, toL the satisfac- tion of the. Direc.tor of Administrative Services. i` Ih. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PUBLIC SERVICES ' DEPARTMENT REGARDING. COMPLIANCE: WITH; THE: FOLLOWING CONDITIONS( t H. GRADING': x IL Grading of the subject property shall. be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code., City Grading Ordinance, approved grading plan. and geotechnical report,. .and accepted grading practices. 2.: The grading plan: shall contain a- certificate signed by a registered civil engineer thatthe, grading plan.bas preserved: a minimum of: 100: square feet of solar access for each. dwelling unit and: for each: future building site within the subdivision.' A. sails report shall. be prepared by a qualified-. engineer licensed by the- State: of California to° perform such: work.. a.. Prior to final map; approval,. b.. Prior, to- building permit issuance. F. 031---4 A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and: submitted at the time of application for grading plan check. 5. The final grading: plan shall be subject. to review and approval i by the Planning Services; and Public Services Department and shall be. completed prior to recordation- of thel final subdivision map or issuance of building -permit, whichever comes first s. A pre -blast survey of surrounding property shall be conducted to the: satisfaction oof the: City Engineer prior to, any rack. blasting.. Seismic= recordings shall be taken for all blasting and blasting shall: occur only at locations and levels: approved by the: City Engineer. I., STREETS; AND-- SIDEWAL 1., All Circulation Element roadsshall be dedicated and improved to. Circulation: Elementt road standards; and to4 the specifications of the: Director of Public Services. APR 1 5 1986 ITEM 5 M 2. The eloper shall pad- a pro -rata share i the installation dr modification, of the traffic signals at a: Prior to final map. appro=val. b'. Prior to building permitissuance. I., Vehicular access rights to Circulation Element roads shall. be dedicated to the: City of Poway and labeled on: the final map to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services or by separate: document., M/4. All interior and exterior public streetsshallbe constructed ta public street.standards.. 5 Sidewalks t4.5 /" Ji') feet in width shall be. required on: t ba&h/onet sides°} of: povtZ 2,a `►� 6. Reciprocal access. and maintenance: and/or agreements sha31 be provided Lasurinq access to all parcels over private roads, drives or parking areas and- maintenance thereof to the satisfaction of the Director of Public. Services. T, street striping and, signing shall be installed to, the: satisfaction of the Director of Public Services.: All street structural sections shall be submitted to, and approved by the; Director of Public: Services:., 9. Street, improvement plans: prepared on: standard size sheets by a Registered Civil Engineer shall, be submitted. for approval by the. Director of Public; Services.- Plan check and inspection expenses shall be paid by the developer. IQ.: A11 exteri=or street improvements, shall be., constructed prior to Issuance. of, build=ing: peemits, to the satisfaction of the ' Director" of Public Services. _-11. Street improvements that includes.• but are not limited" to:, Sidewalks _e.: Cross gutter gib'" Driveways -Alley gutter c.; Wheel: chair tamps- G�cl- Street. paving c., Curb. and gutter �h. Alley paving: s6al be constructed: prior to the occupancy of the units, to the satisfaction. of the Director of PublicServices. All d'aeaaged: off-site; public works. facillties..including parkway trees.,. sha11 be. repaired. or replaced -prior to exoneration of bonds and improvements;, to the: satisfaction of the Department of Public Services. Prior to any work, being performed: in the public right-of-way• am encroachment permit shall. be obtained from, the: Public Services office and appropriate fees paid, in; addition to: any, other permits required. M'14.. The: developer shall pay one half the. cost of a. City approved landscaped median, along; the: project frontaget:s)t Prior to final map; approval.: b.. Prior to building permit, issuance. IS Street mpravemen.ts and maintenance -shall, be made: Ln accordance= with: City. Ordinance standardsfor.r a.. Urban streets: QQ- _ b., 9ea:i-sural streets c.. Dedicated ruzal.stree.ts; d. Non. -dedicated rural streets; 15. The developer shal==l pay the. Traff Lc Mitigation Fee at. the established. rate: a.. Prior to final map- approval... APR: 15 1986 IT EM" 5 b. Prior., to building permit. issuance._ =. 1 F J.. DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL 1. Intersection drains will be required at locations specified by ` the Director of Public Services and in accordance with standard engineering practices. 2. The proposed project falls within areas indicated as subject to flooding under, the National Flood Insurance Program and is subject to the provisions: of that program and City Ordinance. A. drainage system capable of handling and disposing of all surface water originating within the subdivision,and all surface waters; that may, flow onto- the subdivision from adjacent lands', shall be required. Said: drainage• system shall include any easements: and structures as required by the Director of Public: Services to properly handle the drainage. 4. Portland: cement concrete cross gutters shall be installed where water crosses the:roadways.- S. The Master Plan; of Drainage Fee shall be paid at the established rate in accordance with the Drainage Ordinance: a. Prior to final maPPP a roval.. b. Prior to building permit issuance. ...Concentrated flows across, driveways: and/or sidewalks shall, not be permitted. R., UTILITIES �t'i0i� 'S'�1�-- P�L�'S•DC7 I. All proposed utlitiesAwthin the project shall be: installed underground Gil. less a#ate Utility easements shall be provided. to- the specification of E the serving utility companies and. the Director. of Public Services. 3:. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation: and undergrounding of existing public utilities, as: required. r 4.. Water., sewer, and fire protection systems plans shall be designed and constructed to meet requirements of the City of Poway, and the Health; Department of the County of San Diego.. � Prior to acceptance of p Property for sewer service,- annexation { t �. to, the sewer improvement. area shall* occur. `6. The applicant shall.pay for a water system analysis; to establish the proper size and location for the public water system;. The: amount will be determined by the cost of the analysis and shall be paid,. a.. Prior to final map approval.. �1 b. Prior to building permit issuance. % I The applicant shall, within 3a days after receiving approval of the tentative tract mag, tentative parcel chap, use permit, ok. development review. apply for a Letter, of Availability UOA1 to reserve sewerage- availability and post with the City, F a nonrefundable reservation fee equal to 20% of the appropriate sewerage connection fee in: effect, at the time the s f LOA is issued. Developer shall construct a light system conforming to City of Poway Standards at no cost to the public, subject. to the following. a., Cut-off luminaries shall be installed which will provide. true 9:G. degree cutoff and prevent projection of light above the hbrizontal. from, the lowest point of the lamp or light emitting refractor or devise.. r " OF 16 b. All fixtures. shall use a clear., low pressure sodium: vapor light source. 13 ASR 1 rJ 1986 ITEM 5 F 9.: Prior to final map approval, all of the above improvements and requirements shall. be installed and: provided;, or deferred. by guaranteeing installation, within two years from map recordation or prior to building permit. issuancet whichever, occurs first, by the execution of a. -performance agreement, secured with sufficient securities, in a form: approved by the city Attorney. All necessary processing: fees,- deposits:, and chargesshall be paid prior to final chap approval:.: r7j-it�.-Prior to final map approval,. all dedications shall be made and easements: granted as required above:.. 1. The tentative map approval shall expire on t I S7 unless an application for time extension is received q& days prior, to expiration. in accordance with the. City's Subdivision Ordinance.: APR 15 1986 1 T E M c. Advance energy charges and District engineering charges shall be paid by the: developer. d. Annexation to the lighting district shall be accomplished' and evidence of annexation. and payment of lighting fees: 1 shall be presented to the: City prior to final map approval or building permit issuance, whichever occurs first. 9'.: Cable television services shall be., provided and installed underground. The developer, shall notify the Cable company when trenching for utilities is to be, accomplished. L. 'GENERAL-REQUIRPMNTS AND APPROVALS: t I. Permits from other agencies, will be required: as follows: j a. Caltrans b. San Diego County Flood Control District t c. Other. Z., A copy of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R'sI and/or Articles of Incorporation of the Homeowners Association shall be subject to the review, for compliance with conditions herein, to the satisfaction:_ of the, City Attorney, and Director of Planning Services, and shall be filed with the: Secretary of State,, the County Recorder and- the City Clerk. at, the time of , final neap consideration. 3. Prior to recordation, a. Notice of Intention to form Landscape and/or Lighting Districts shall be filed with: the City Council.- The engineering costs involved: in district formation shall be borne by the developer. -- Final parcel and. tract maps: shall conform: -to City standards and: procedures. S. By separate document prior to the 'recording of the final subdivision map, or on the final subdivision map, there shall be granted to the City, an open: space easement, over, Lots , common areas Said open space easement shall be approved as to. form by the City Attorney and shall. limit the: use of said open, space to recreational purposes-, including buildings,, structures and improvements.. 6. Should: tkis subdivison be further divided, each final map shall be submitted for approval by the Director of Public Services.. %T.All. provisions of the Subdivison, Ordinance of the Poway Municipal Code, shall be met as they relate to the division: of land:. 8. Those portions of the=subject property proposed to be heldunder common, ownership shall be labeled such, and, identified: by a separate lot number on the final map. - 9.: Prior to final map approval, all of the above improvements and requirements shall. be installed and: provided;, or deferred. by guaranteeing installation, within two years from map recordation or prior to building permit. issuancet whichever, occurs first, by the execution of a. -performance agreement, secured with sufficient securities, in a form: approved by the city Attorney. All necessary processing: fees,- deposits:, and chargesshall be paid prior to final chap approval:.: r7j-it�.-Prior to final map approval,. all dedications shall be made and easements: granted as required above:.. 1. The tentative map approval shall expire on t I S7 unless an application for time extension is received q& days prior, to expiration. in accordance with the. City's Subdivision Ordinance.: APR 15 1986 1 T E M v fig � if ,...' 1� � • `r,t a `�`� �♦ i ' `�..` s �1 lei � �o ,�/! �tt�11. j ` �-♦ `� f ♦ i rtr f• r� 55R ' "'2oll MR -C) \` GIT"Y ITEM POWAY' vw, a Ig�I 1 TLE, ' SCALE ATTACHMENT 2.5 aF 16 APR 15 1986 ITEM,� PARCEL IN -414 AC. MO t ----W:15`AC NET. 16 of 16: APR 15 1986 ITEM 5