Item 7 - Minutes of Meeting April 1, 1986APR 15 1966 ITEM 7 - 2125 APR 1.5 1986 ! T E M: 7 2126 a Page 2 - CITY'OF PAY - April 1, 1986 9 , Ratif cation or Warrant. Register: March. 20, 1986 14. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-029 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Powayr California,. Authorizing the City Department Head. to Destroy City Records. After the Same Are: No Longer Required." 12. Authorization to take: the following actions with respect. to a. 201' water line in Old Coach Road, The Malone Cagmy', applicant: A. Accept. the 201 water line in Old. Coach Road; B.. Release the, Performance Bond; { C. Release ther Payment bond following the lien period if no claims have, been received; D. Retain the Warranty Bond for one year following acceptance. 13.. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-03:.0. entitled,, 1°A Resolution of they City Council of the: City. of Poway, California,: Authorizing; a Loan to the Poway Redevelopment Agency and. Amending the City's Budget to Provide: for Said Loan,,."' 14.. A. Rejection of all bids: received on March 18, 1986, for the construction of the fishing float lighting: system. at Lake Pomy B. Authorization: to prepare a new call for bids_. Motion carried unanimously.. ITIlK 5 CoMITIONAL. USE; PERMIT' 86-01 DE'Vi2ELOPMENP RE'V" W 86-01 APPLICAM4.1 7EWO USA Introduction by City Manager Bowersox. He stated. the request is to convert the existing service station at. 13341 Poway Road to= a. convenience store with: self' service gasoline.. Recce wndat on is for approval with conditions.. Staff report by Assistant Director of Planning Services Bridges.. Hestated the applicant lied for Conditional. Use: Permit in. A t, 1982:x, to demolish the. app. �gp; ugus existing service station and construst a new station, food mart, and self service carwash. The applicant withdrew the: application in Septemberli 1982:j, after being informed: of the condi.tions: which would be placed on the permit. to bring the site into conformance with; standards., Tt a conditions of approval in the. proposed resolution for, aJP 86-01 include. the requirements which; wouldhave been placed upon the previous application: andwere. made known to the applicant in 19a2, prior to withdrawal of the original application.: speaking in favor of staff recammendation APR 1.5 1986 ! T E M: 7 2126 t F Page 3 - CITY OF PU AY April 1, 1986 F Rich Aughton, 10 Universal Plaza,Universal. City,- representing Teiaco USA. He asked that the, amount. of landscaping on: the: Poway Road frontage b reduced frau 24 feet in width to 15 feet, that the landscaping red P g r �' near the:building- be reduced to; prevent thebuilding frau. sinking,: and, that: the western driveway on Poway Road remain open. Gary Kirner, 17514 Fairlie Rd.,. San Diego, representing Texaco USA., Following: discussion,; Council. concurred to allow the: western driveway on Poway Road to remain open, not to reduce the width: of the. required ping on. the. Poway Roadfrontage nor around the building=, andto: include the optionof working with Security, Bank to combine Texaco:"s: eastern driveway with, the bank"s western driveway, on Poway Road.. Nation by Ucx ncilmecnber Emery, second I: by � Councier Oravec to close the: public hearings and. adopt Resolution No. P-86-18 entitled, "A; Resolution of the. City Councilof the City of Poway, California,, Approving Conditional. Use Permit 86-01 and Development: Review, 86-01 Assessor's Parcel Number, 317-4.73-13,." amended to include the: changes: regarding the driveways as ° stated above:-.: Motion carried 4 unanimously. 6 - SEM -OR HOLISM, ANNUAL REPORT Staff report by City Manager Bamearsox He stated in February, 1985, staff was: directedto establish standards: for the construction of_ senior citizen housing,. asses.% current senior housing.: and analyze: future: demands., It. was, determined that 600: units: for seniors would satisfy the,demands- until. 1991.. Cray 130. units have beenapproved, leaving 470 still available. Recommendation is: to continue- the ontinuethe annual review of senior, housing projects to help monitor absorption and development rates:., - f Following discussion: motion by Councilmember Shepardson, seconded by Councilmember Tarzy, to adopt staff recommendation:., Motion carried unanimously. APPLICANT':; VICTOR. R. & NANCY LIGTE,iMEM r This item: was pulled frcm the Consent. Calendar by staff.. City Manager Bowersox stated the applicant is requesting this: item be removed frc.m the. agenda. to allow time: to, discuss the conditions; surrounding the temporary sewer connection, after they return from vacation.. Motion by Councilmembw Shepardson., seconded by Councilmanber Oravec', to remove Item 11 frau the agenda.. Notion, carried unanimously.. f t APR' 1.5 1986 ITEM 7 2127 , t Page 4 e CIj..L O POWA - April 1. 1986 `Hf 'a✓ .r S. . r M+ 15, City Manager Bowersox reported on the joint meeting of Council. Subcommittee and. School Board. held on March 27 1986.: CITY A OORNEY ITEMS. 16., A. off Docket. Item Stipulation Fora Entry Of Judgement Fred, Wallace, California Bus Club' City Attorney Fckis stated Mr., Wallace hasbeen grating a: bus storage and maintenance: facility at. 14225 Garden. Road in: violation. of the Zoning Development Code-.. In March 1986,. the City Attorney entered,. into an agreement with Mr., Wallace, in the form of a: Stipulation for Entry of Judgement, requiring abatement of the use by June, 1, 5,. 1986. Recammendation is. to approve the Stipulation for Entry of Judgement and authorize the Mayor to execute it on behalf of the City. Motion -by Councilmember Tarty, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to . adopt staff r nclation. Motion carried unanimously. B.: City Attorney Eckis; stated a condition of the Palomar/Pomerado. Hospital; District -Is Conditional. Use Permit r CUP 85-06,, required: dedicationof an equestrian/pedestrian, trail.: This dedication has not been campiet-:ed, and in order for the City to:, continue construction of the trail through their property,: an. agreement. to hold the City harmless is necessary., Recommendation is to authorize the, City Manager to execute the hold harmless': agreement with Palomar/Panerado Hospital District, regarding the construction of the trail. Motion by councibo ber Shepardson, seconded by Councikwd:)er Oravec, to: adopt staff recamnendation. Motion carried unanimously. COUNCILMEMBER Imo; 17. A. councibmanber Emery requested the installation of a "Right Turn, Only" sign at T Haul's driveway on Poway Road. B. Ca�iaelmember finery asked staff to report on State Constitutional Amendment 9 regarding sentencing felons to determine if the City wants to support it. G. counci]menber Emery asked. for a report. frau the City Attorney at a ,workshop- acting; on a policy for Councilmembers' discussions with developers or constituents outside of Council meetings. APR 15 1986, IT E. M7 2128 Page 5 CITY OF POWAYApril 1, 1986 City Attorney Eckis stated. the Brown. Act prohibits= Councilmenbars from discussing a matter individually when they know that the matter is being discussed with at least two other. Councilmembers. He advised Cocncilmembers to ask the question, "With who haveyoudiscussed this or intend: to discuss this?" prior to meeting with developers or consti- tuents to discuss matters which will cane before Council. Councilmember Fiery appointed David Calvert, publisher of the Poway News Chieftain, to the Budget Review Committee.. 18. Caunci1u tuber Oravec appointed Chris Klee, owner of A & D Graphics Budget Review Camn%ttee 19. Councivmanber Shepardson asked that a "Trail Crossing" sign be installed where the new Cemetery trail crosses Tierra Bonita. Road. She stated signs are needed on Durhullen, and on. Tierra Bonita. north of the school as well. She asked for an evaluation and report on where trails cross streets and: signs are needed:. CounciImember. Tarzy expressed concern regarding the Ganninitiative which would limit the salaries of public employees. He asked staff to monitor it. Ccncilnnber Tarzy asked about the requested report on financing alternatives for a cawmunity swimming pool. City ` Manager Bowor'sox: stated the financial consultants who did the tax allocation bond issue are working on the report. Councilmenber Tarzy asked the status of the ordinance: to perserve open space. City Attorney Eckis stated the ordinance has been drafted, the report is in preparation and itwill be scheduled for public hearing soon. auJrUarrffiW Upon nation by Councilmember Shepardson, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, Mayor Kruse ordered the meeting adjourned.. The timeof adjournment was 8:25 P.M. Marjorie K. Wahisten, City Clerk City of Poway APR 15 1986 ITEM