Item 13 - Authorization to Bid - Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Replacement for Fire Apparatuss _ AGENDA REPORT G� OF CITY OF POWAY ` This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate. discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council, unless members of the Council, staff or publics«.,,,,,,,. request it to be reaoved from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you, wish to ctN GQv s have this report nulled for discussion., please fill out a slip indicating the report number r and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TSO; Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bawersox,City Mann rNrmrnmEn BY: William A. Toon; Director of Safety Services Robert W. Krans ttalion Chief DATE April 15 1986 SUBJECT Authorization to Bid Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Replacement for Fire: Apparatus ABSZiiAC7C _ E The approved fiscal year 1985-86 budget allows for purchase of self-contained breathing apparatus. and spare cylinders for the trtment of Safety Services;, To go out, to bid on these: items requires Council approval E - BA�iE1L Fire service: apparatus and equipment continues to improve.: as technological advances are: made in the industry to protect the firefighter-'and provide for a safer environment. Our current breathing apparatus, sane of which, are over fifteen years old,, are low pressure, heavy, bulky, and physically demanding for the firefighter. We will go out to bid on a high pressure compact, lightweight system that meets all current National Fire Protection Association and CAL: OSHA requirements- ATICH It: is recommended that the City Council authorize staff to advertise for public bidsl for replacement of breathing aparatus .. ACTION.