Off Docket - Additional Parking at Community ParkAPR 151986 tTEM, N -Tock AGENDA REPORT OF CITY OF PGWAY E OFF DOCKET ITEM rx. THE TO: Honorable Mayor.and Membersf he City Council FROM, James L._ Bowersox, City Mans M. INITIATED: BY Lee Lewis., Director of Comznun • Service James D.. Bentz, Community Services Manager DATE: April 15, 198'& SUBJECT: Additional "Parking 'at 'Commuzaity Park: E; k BACKGROUND, At the April 8, 1.98.6 City Council meeting, Council requested that staff review the parking situation at Poway Community Park and report on location and costs of additional improved arkin P p g at the park. FINDINGS On April 10, 1986 Staff reviewed the Community Park Master Plan with the Council at a regularly scheduled workshop.. During the presentation, staff pointed out a-'40..000 square foot area west of the Community Center that could; provide temporary paved parking until the site isF scheduled for development,,The site would provide an additional 178 marked parking spaces which would increase: the total number of paved and marked spaces to a 312:.. Public, Services has estimated the cost to grade. and passe one inch of asphalt would range from $15,000 to $20,000 and would take three to four. months to complete. At the meeting;, Council voiced some concernss about how soon the: 4 project could be completed:,, After further investigation, staff i offers the following al' ternatives Alternative 1. Penatration coat. would provide a hard surface that can. be striped.; r Cost. $-So, OG ' - no, bidding required and six weeks for completion. y ACT -10 -Ne;" . r APR 151986 tTEM, N -Tock Agenda Report April 15, 1986 Page 2_ One inch asphalt: no design required Cost: $20,000 - bidding required and three to Alternative 3 Two inches asphalt: design. grading asphalt engineering total cost four months to complete:.: $15,000 5,000 25,000 -5,000 $50,000 five to six months to complete It is recommended that the City Council approve Alternative. 2 and appropriate $20,000 from. the Unappropriated Fund Balance (11.89'30) to Fund. 11-1621-691 (Community Park Parking Lot) and authorize staff to advertise for public bids for the construction of additional parking at Poway Community Park.