1983 01-11 Agenda7 - CITY OF 1powff I AGEM CITY COMCM MEET= - a u=Y 11. 1983 .FaMEM 7:00 P. CxTX comCM Cmams- 13325 CYVIC11 _ rn IT IS THE BION OF YOUR CITY COUNCIL TO BE �; WS IN � A r COMMUNITY. YOUR PARTICIPATION IN IACA RESPONSIBLE AND, EMCIE NT CITY OF POWAY. WE E AND WISH YOU TO KNOW THAT WE APPRECIATE YOUR IL+lilOLVE 'WISH TO ADDRESS THE SIL ON ANY OUT IF YOU A SLIP AM TO THE CITY Cam. lo�ylyLL THAT �GIVE ry��`y� �T ryg�t �/v�4��ry TO PARTICULAR ITEM IS BEING CONSIDERED. ED. O SPEAK Vl�. LWZ Vitl ir3C� :A:f:iL�li%A/ PLEASE FILL OUT A SLIP STATING YOUR SUBJECT/ GIVE TO THE CITY / AND 'YOU WILL BE CALLED FDR6�RD DURING THE im "PUBLIC aRAL QobimcATIONS. " 1. ' ROLL CALL - EMY/ RECUSE/ ORAVEC, TARZY/ SI ARDSON 2. PUBLIC ORAL ComMUdICATIONS - 3 minute limit - please ;give slip to City k. Clerk. ITEMS NEDUOM 9 tOt GH 17 MAY BE ENACTED IN ONE MNMN AT THIS POINT IN THE MMM. THERE WIhL BE TJDSEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE 'ITEMSPRIOR TD THE TIME COUNCIL i S ON THE MOTION MUMS THE �M�as OF COU�IL/ STAFF, OR THE PUBLIC REQUEST GPErIrz`IC, +�/ +�+.� REh+DVID IYWJ D.L�76�J��r•� � SEPARATELY- THOSE ITEMS WHICH ARE REMOVED WILL BE CONSIDERED IN THE ORDER IN WHICH THEY APPEAR. ON 7LHE IF YOU WISH TO PULL AN ITEM, PLF�ASE FILL OUT A SLIP AND GIVE TO THEAGENIDA. CITY CLERK. 1 C HEMUMS 3 3. Ordinance No. - Establishing Conprehensive Sign Regulations and Replacing Sections 5200 - 6289 of the County Zoning Ordinance and Rescinding Resolutions 261 and 262. if Council desires to adopt ordinance; read title and waive further reading i (unanimous vote. 3 Introduce ordinance for further council consideration on January 181 1983. Issue Negative Declaration. } *E MmIT ENCLOSED NEXT RESOLUTION NO. IS 327 #EXHIBIT IN PREPARATION NEXT ORDINANCE NO. IS 82 NEXT PLANNING RES, NO. IS P-83-02 a t - 1 CITY OF POMMY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA January 11, 1983 Page 2 4. *Ordinance No. - Establishing Vbtercourse maintenancePolicies and Procedures and Rescinding Section 88.113 of the County Code. if Council desires to adapt ordinance, read title and waive further reading (unanimous vote.) Introduce ordinance for further Council consideration on January -18, 1983. Issue Negative Declaration. 5 *Ordinance No. -:Revising Procedures for the Reservation of Sewerage Capacity " and the Payment of Connection: Fees for Service and Rescinding Panerado County dater District' Ordinance Nos* 68,'72, and. 74. If Council desires to adapt ordinance, read title and waive further reading (unanimous Grote.) Introduce ordinance for further Council consideration on January 18, 1983. Issue Negative Declaration. ORDINANCE - SAND READING 6 *Ordinance No. 81-- An Ordinance Establishing Saeed �:mits for various Streets Within tape City. If Council desires to adopt ordinance, read title and waive further reading tunan maus vote.) Pass notion adopting. (Roll call vote.) STAW IMPMS; T. *Municipal Election Date Alternatives. CITY MANAGER' S RECOm!mDA mm If Council desires, direct City Clerk to notice Ordinance for introduction to consolidate municipal` election with statewide election. F 8. *Award of Contract to Perform Transit Study. R CITY MANAGER °S RBCO NDATION: Award contract to DRS Associates. OONSENT CALENDAR 9. *Ratification of Warrant Register - 29, ,1982, January 3, 1983. 10.*Approval of Minutes; c December 28, 1982, Regular Meeting ' ll:*Approval of Certificate of Copliance for Tentative Parcel Map 17101, appli- cant Niels A. Ruljis, locatedd east side of Old Coach My approximately .8 miles north of Old Coach Road. CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA` January 11, 1983 Page 3 12 .*Approval of Final Nap for Tentative Parcel Neap 17089, applicants Barbara Miller, Mable Walters, and John Crnich, located north of Espola Road, east side of Old Coach Road. 13.*Approval of Final Map for Tentative Parcel Map 17204, applicant Delbert Hughes, located north of Espola Road, est side Old Coach Road. 14.*Approval of Tine Extensions, Sews Letters of Availability: A. IDA No. 96 - Frank Silva B. WA No. 98 - Merle Watson C. LOA No. 103 - Standard Pacific of San Diego -15.*Progress Pay Estimate No. 12 - Wal -Con Construction Company - Pacrp Station, Reservoir Site Work and Pipeline. 16.*Acceptance of City Park Ballfield Construction Project. 17 *Authorization to solicit proposals for Cable 1evision - franchise consultant. tnmnrroomammL1TER; 18. cZ'd A lcsnmx ITEMS 19. CITY CO3NCIL MEM 20. ROBERT EMERY 21. CARL KRUSE 22. LINDA ;O AVEC' 23. BRUCE TARZY 24. NARY SHEPARDST ADMURNVENT Adjournment to Thursday, January 13, 1983, 4:00 P.M., -City Council Cheers, 13325 Civic Center Drive. CITY OF POMY CITY COUNCIL 'GENOA' January 11, 1983 Page 4 TENTATIVE AMNIA XIBEARY 13, 1983 For confirmation of items on the Workshop Pgenda, please call the City Clerk's Office, 748-6600. 1. Pre -development ent Conference, Stan SoLock, Insta-Crete Concrete. 2. Parks & Recreation Committee Quarterly Report. 3. Capital Projects status report. 4. Review of Proposed Ordinance Setting Ebrth Guidelines and Specifications for Landscaping. 5 Review of "Poway Today," City Newsletter draft. 0