Item 3.1 - Protest Letters~ or. -------------------------------------------------------------1 J Received J 1 PROP. 218 PROTEST FORM City Clerk's Office 1 I I l MAR O 4 2019 l J By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under J 1 penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner of th§iTYoF POWAY 1 l below parcel. l I I I I 1-----ie>,.,.><><t--hrn ~---------------~ ~----I 7 Parcel lnfomratio11 j I I Assessor's Parcel ID: I '2..li]~! 7 ! 'l ilj i 1-I <? ID IO I T Street Address: 11 ~oz.:z.. Suo,rnu: ~·, City, State, Zipcode: Submitted By Print Owner Name: If the above is not an individu l(s), e,g. an LLC, Trust Print Authori ed Sig I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Signature: ...1.-'~~~~s::..,,;;;;:;;;:::::::::....,,----Date: "Z-/ 2. 7 / I 4:\ l ----------------------------------------------------------------1 SERVICE CENTER Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY 19760 Cajon Boulevard, San Bernardino, CA 92407 P.O. Box 90490, San Bernardino, CA 92427 (800) 811-7466 • (909) 887-6610 • Fax: (909) 887-5910 www.coastalmetals.com Email: coastalmetals@aol.com ~ ~ ~ .C&k, ~ ~ /vl t ~ cpw/-41 -lo ¥JP)5/J ~ ~ !CJ {Alo:/LA r ~ )Jd-.e_ ~ -rv~d~ PIJ·V•"f> · l){.)o/c.,e,o ,u , ;'j s-, -i P }7Gj"' o '7' 0 ~ Pa>w /l'f 1 C..i<J • 'f;a, G '{ ✓,vm/#~ ;Oze;/Ll-?~u /'uUv ~ f,1) u/ £iti.JV ~ ,<Jf a>V,_; -----""~=:.=•~b,ll'.,,,""-~=fA'~L~r/u.,=~.~aa,/L=~· ------ dtf,,_µ-,,ffe,t.(_, M>-Cl -~-f~t}-V~~-~~~---- ~ ~ .A.u-lMJU ~~· ---- .,_ ~--»~~~· - Received ~s-0ffiee---------- -----------. f\R t tl 2Jll.,_l/ -------- Edward L Duckrow 13525 Pequot Dr. Poway, CA 92064-3821 __ ___,.f~'-------¥(!,d;:,,,,.' ,t-e.JVLle ~&_~>----------- _____ __.,,u./..""".,i""-,_-"'aA.l,=_;;,,.,.,M-1,..,,....,,.,.,_,~?--.du~ ~l}-9' rU ,/Ul-li; ~ /w w~ tMLd... AU-4,...eA..J ~..vri, fl~ . .:flu.. ~fJ&'~- ui awrJ ,&,lun.,.idl . .,Jw -j c,,tJ' tLCµ,(.,a_/, ~ ____ _______c_thut,_.c==~=-=~ f:lu_., ,~_,, ______ __________..js:c._,d@J~r.LLA<.&•~uµi;.;.ff~t----lli.~~~1 __ _ ~nu/,, At,,~ &tu,~~ dnd, M/Zt; 1t>+-J .~ 4.Jo-l:w ,;,-,n,,:f__ ~-----~~.___,F=·c=.,__ ___ _ j >7};,, 4 f>1M, €.. ~~ Received Cit r.Jerk's Offic~ MAR O LJ 2019 ___________________ ___,C~I'LDEEOWA'I".-- Proposition :u8 Protest Vote 11·,.,•,:•r·.,-t"/tiffi<'' ~·1f1,,:,;-.;{\r'i r·,n 1,.,-,,t,,,,_, t.,·,1i ,•"f/' fl'''!p(•'r-"h} ()l''{•('i'] l. _.• l • '"' /.,, •--,' J•"" ~-,,If .. < ,,1, ,.,.• l.,J t •.· t-'·' ,_ ., ~~l , , -- Received City Clerk's Office MAR (J 4, 2019 CITY OF POWAY submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate Increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: /tit/It/ While 8u+k Dr. [Insert addt£5S ar po reef rwmfJrr Df properr:yJ ['l'"'/·I 1·)·,,,,,] l •---•· ~~ ··"-' [l),· ir/1 ,,. ,-, "'1 ,:, (,,1-")Pf'"[V"~ 1~,,r '1 ~,·t(>?f' .n1·n r,1· !',1•,·,,. •,H.,;t,,, ,'i(Jl'J~n1•] , ,. -,.,. -.-.... r•-_.._ ,.._ '•·. -~, ._ .,,_, !" ·:' ,.,.._ ..-,,._. • •• • ~ ,.,.. .. .., • •••• --~ .---.. ... w--.~ • • --~•-•~--• • ,_ ~---•• Proposition 218 Protest Vote ~ £' .., ii= = 0 ~ ·I ·"' --~;--; -"' ~ Q 0, "' 0: 0 "" >, <( '"' :a,: u optio11uJ n•~surr fn,-pn>ltstiU<J thL·n,tr innC<1U'!< Proposition 218 Protest Vote (in:wrt 1u11ne of µersvn on water bi}! or f11'Uperty owner) Received City Clerk's Offlef'l MAR O 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: / .;3 9 () 2 --;;.M,iJ)1c_ 8-:-' Signed, ;;J.-:J..8-/9 (Prinr uan1c of person on wau:r bill or-property c:m:ner) ltla 44 a&J1:U3 femde,6 A/4,,J M1/4 oaL ;us-bftcabaJ o)ltio11ol --'r.,a,{,r,/in prnle>'tlng th<' rat<! increm~,;, -..J Received City Clerk's Office MAR ii Li, 2019 CITY OF POWAY Pro1>0.,ition ;u8 Protest Vote ~711,-:.af>ggG' C. /<R!t-L- cm~trt _Qjn-:.t of f''!:h;;•ri rm WlJ!cr{,i!/ or propr:rcy t;,wn er) :wbmit mls prottstvott loap_post-dle propostdwa~tattd ttwtt rare lncttuc by thec:11)' of PoW")' on bel..tf ofdlo foUowtng p,oporty; /,~,--~1"~/:,,};:{;4~.?f:,£,,~1. l f'o,,4,17 Cft. 9-'af ~eCl,!l.i! (<,_en ,,,..) ~/11/}R:20(~ [k•~·r! J;,:1c,:) "](,,?)9 woT coR&fC't 91-u,oi::, Nf\61\ !§ E rre-e cur Q{IJirut(tl f\'1\11,Mi/f,r flNfCS.tirr~ 1Jr(' rntr (ll(h'(li:c~- '4-1111> ~OS( C!1,11$. Proposition 218 Protest Vote (insert name ofprirson 011 water bill or property owner) Received City Clerk's Qttice M/1.R o 4 20\9 CliY OF pOWAY submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate Increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: IL/511 ~ace ·~ [insert address nr parcel number nfpmparty] Signed, /l 3&ucr l ~~ (Sign here) , & 11/lJ. A f12c ha n [Print name ofpersan on water bill or property owner] optional -reason.for proteMing the rate increases -·-----..._ _______ ,. ................ ""'_.,__ ................................ -... ~~ .. ·••·•---... -..................... .,_ ---- Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY r. Brim(~ Mu MIAYrvt~ . (fns!frt nam,n;,fpittlftll 011 ,vau1r bflt er;.;roperty uwner) wblt!ltlihi$~~ito~tht~,ectwaw,ramf~Me~aseby ~Qty of~· on ~iG!f:fbtlfq,liO'Wl:111~ 1~001-COYllf~ ~tY~et ·--------------------------------- Proposition 218 Protest Vote ,. A rv1 y Be-r-r1JJ6uL [insert 1111me ,if"person ,m water bill or property ow11cr) Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate Increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: /~15o OAt KvoiL--(U) (Insert address or pflrcel number of property) [Sign here] (Insert odw] /rm'/ d/l WIL-l/kWI 6~T'f/,J~fi,,-, (Print name of persan 011 water bill or property owner) optiom1(-nwson/o,r protesting the rate irwrea.w.~ From: David and Marcia Clingman To: Poway City Council David and Marcia Clingman 14473 Trailwind Road Poway, CA 92064 (858) 679-7796 March 4, 2019 Subj: Objection to Water and Sewer Rate Increases Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 4 20 19 CITY OF POWAY The proposed increases in the water and sewer rates are obscene, and we, homeowners in Poway, strongly object to them. Commodity rates have no logical cost relationship to the amount of usage, other than that greater usage usually allows lower rates. Sewer costs are not dependent on water usage since much of the water in a residential, landscaped area may not go into the sewer. The cost per unit of water is generally the same. Marcia Clingman Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 4 201 9 .----+--~J,-'-'---'IY O"""-'F P:.w..,uOWu:u_AV ___ ~ --·--1---------------- Randy Prast 13691 Putn ey Road Poway CA 92064 Ma r ch 4, 2 019 City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O . Box 789 P oway CA 92074-0789 Dear Poway City Council, Received City Clark's Offlco MAR O 4 20 19 CITY OF POWAY I would lik e to protest the upco ming proposed wa t er Rate c h a nge in Poway. I do not t hink this is a necessary rate in crease and we have a lready been b urd e n ed with additio n a l rate c h a r ges. During the drought we lowered o u r u sage a nd th en still got charged a n in cr ease in water r ates. Pl ease VOTE NO to the proposed wate r r ate in crease. Si n ce r e ly, Randy Prast Hom eown er 13691 Putney Road Poway, Ca 92064 Nancee Prast 15323 Poway Springs Court Poway CA 92064 March 3, 2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway CA 92074-0789 Dear Poway City Council, RGCl,)IVed City Clerk's Offleo MAR O 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY Please count this as my protest for the upcoming proposed water Rate change. I have liv ed in Poway for ove r thirty years in our hom e at 15323 Poway Springs Court and I find thi s rate increa se to be unn ecessary. We a r e a lr eady paying way too much for water and sewe r and I vote NO on the increase . Nancee Prast Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 4 20 19 Proposition 218 Protest \r ofeOWAV I, Eric D Kuzma, submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: 13967 Hickory Street, Poway, CA 92064 Signed, ~~zd=-----~----=---==---3. 2 J '.j Eric Kuzma Date 2/28/2019 CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 9207 4-0789 TO THE CITY CLERK: Received City Cl er k's Offi ce MA RO 4 2019 CITY O F POWAY THIS IS MY WRITTEN PROTEST TO OPPOSE THE 2019 WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASES. S NCERELY A RESIDENT OF 30 YEARS IN POWAY, .l :~ /( J/;(4 HEATHER R DAVALOS 13365 TWIN CIRCLE COURT POWAY CA 92064 Powa y Water and Sewage, Received City Clerk's Office MARO 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY M ar ch 4, 2019 I am writing this letting in protest to water and sewer rates being raised. As I am sure everyone knows, the San Diego area is not a cheap place to live. People are always looking for ways to save a bit of money, and the water rates here are already a shocked to those move from other place s. There a re more and more people not watering the lawns because of the price of water, and now it got raise d again. There must be a better way for the city to get more water then upping our bills. I can't understand why water cost so much here. 12821 Amber Hill Lane Poway, CA 92064 March 4, 2019 PROPOSITION AND PROTEST VOTE Received City C lerk's Office MARO 4 201 9 CITY OF POWAY We, Bill and Toni Whitley, submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and server rate increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: 13109 Wanesta Drive l>, I I lJ \.,, t /,,} (GJI \[ '""') IJn, Wh if I eJ YOU MUST BE A WATE R AND S EWE R RAT E PAYER MUST BE MAILED B EFORE MARCH l , 201 9 . DATE: CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 92074-0789 TO THE CITY CLERK: Received City Clerk's Off ice MAR O 4 20 19 CITY OF POWAY THIS IS MY WRITTEN PROTEST TO OPPOSE THE 2019 WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASES. SIGNATURE -=----________ 5 _ . _ _/ _________ Ifs r _Pf PRINT NAME OF PERSON ON WATER BILL STREET ADDRESS I CITY STATE ZIP CODE Rece iv ed City C lerk's Office MAR O 4 20 19 To the City of Poway Proposition 218 Protest Vote -Account No. 32810800-22 CITY OF POWAY I, Gisela Koestner, submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: 13252 Olive Meadows Drive, Poway CA 92064 I do this because of the unfair treatment of people who use less water/sewer but also because of the wide-reaching mismanagement in the Water and Finance Departments. You have "borrowed" money from the water/sewer fund to pay for other, unrelated projects and have never paid it back. PAY IT BACK! Gisela Koestner, 13252 Olive Meadows Dr., Poway March 1, 2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 Re: Proposed Water/Sewer Rate Increase We vehemently object to yet another water rate increase. Received City Clerk's Office MA RO 4 201 9 CITY OF POWAY Holding a 20% contingency fund while you force yet higher rates on Poway residents is absurd. Be realistic about what is held in reserve. In past years, the City has had a revenue surplus that required decisions on how to spend the money. Any surplus that requires disposition should be used to control utility rates in the City. There are rumors that some part of the money we pay for water goes into Poway's general fund. If that is true, this request for another water rate increase is criminal. This water rate increase is punitive to the citizens of Poway for the excellent job they did reducing water consumption during the drought which has now been formally declared to be over. In the 37 years we have lived he re, every time the citizens have been forced to cut back water usage it has been followed by a big rate increase . Unacceptable Water is this household's #1 utility cost. We are a household of 2 and strictly control our water consumption. R~lly i~o;posi to the proposed water and sewer rate increases, R&.fMargo ~k~--~i:'./1../ 13913 Granville Drive Poway, CA 92064 DATE : CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 92074-0789 TO THE CITY CLERK: Received City Cler1('s Office MAR O 4 201 9 C ITY OF POWAY THIS IS MY WRITTE PROTEST TO OPPOSE THE 2019 WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASES . SIGNATURE B )~ __ ~tss _____________________ _ PRINT NAME OF PERSON ON WATER BILL STREET ADDRESS (' IA-°\ 1---0 fo4--------~ __ \ _____________________ > \ CITY STATE ZIP CODE To, City Clerk of the City of Poway P.0.Box 789 Poway, CA, 92074-0789 From, Anuradha Atri 12125 Travertine Court Poway, CA, 92064 Sub : Objection to the water rate increase Dear Madam/Sir, Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 4 201 9 CITY OF POWAY I am a resident of Poway and my home address is 12125 Travertine Court. Recently we came to find out that the city council is planning rate increases for water usage. We object to this increase. Thank you, Anuradha Atri 03/01/2019 February 28, 2019 City Clerk of City of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 92074 Received City Cle rk's Office MA R O 4 201 9 C ITY OF POWAY Gordon and Melinda Janko 14648 Sunrise Canyon Rd Poway, CA 92064 This is our written protest to the 2019 Water and Sewer Rate increases. It is already difficult for us to pay the high Poway water bills. This latest increase (2019) makes its increasingly difficult! We are renters and were considering buying a home in Poway, but if this increase takes affect we will be looking elsewhere. City Clerk of the City of Poway From; Edward Townsend 12817 Oakfield Way Poway CA, 92064 Ref; Proposed water and sewer rate increase March 1 2019 Rece ived C ity Clerk's Office MAR O 4 20 19 CITY O F POWAY These rate increases unfairly punish the people that have done all they can do to reduce their water usage and in hm1 their cost. The small user pays a higher cost per unit than larger users. That seems like a subsidy for the large user. Why are there not more tiers or blocks in the commodity rate, to help the small users? Those of us who are on a fixed income can not continue to afford these 7.5 and 4.5% increases. I do not support the rate increases . iviarch 1, 2019 City Council Members City of Poway Poway, CA 92064 Dear Council Members: Cna ri es & fanice jonnson 13610 Jackrabbit Rd. Poway, CA 92064 Received City Clerk's Office MAR (, ,I 2019 CITY OF POWAY Vve urge you not to raise the water ra t es as proposed. The ra t es a re aiready extremely high, and we are now out of the drought condition. We further request you consider lowering the current rates to make them more affordable for families on large properties. There are many large parcels in Poway and acre and, as retirees, the watering cost creates a financial hardship for us. Th~//;:.~ ~~ Grla ries & janice iohnson (858} 487-0616 March 1, 2019 To Whom it May Concern: Received City Cl erk's Office MAR O 4 20 19 CITY OF POWAY We are writing to protest the proposed increase in water and sewer rates. Our water bill has been increased practically every year. Replacing a temporary rate increase with a permanent one is not acceptable, especially since we have had a great deal of rainfall this past rain season. Perhaps the water department can figure out a way to keep costs down instead of constantly asking its customers to pay more and more for less water. Thank you ~ rin Sakaguc 1 17023 Cloudcroft Drive Poway, CA 92064 Thursday, February 28, 2019 12837 Stone Canyon Road Poway, CA, 92064 Poway City Council RE: Proposed water rate increase meeting Dear City Council, I am sending you a formal notice of my opposition to the proposed rate increases for water and sewer services. I vote NO to any increase. The citizens of Poway have done an excellent job adhering to the water shortage limitations. We should not be penalized with a RATE INCREASE because the city is collecting less money due to the success of the water conservation. It is the responsibility of the Poway City Council to manage and implement a LONG-TERM plan for big expenditures such as water, sewer, and road maintenance. Mayor Vaus says the city has a surplus of reserves. The "surplus" should have been saved over many years in anticipation of major repairs for city infrastructure. This is absolute ridiculousness that the City of Poway was not organized to plan for the future and continues to add rate increases EVERY year. The City has wasted precious tax payer dollars on debacles such as the City Pool and the sidewalk along Espola. Please get your act together and create a long-term plan to manage city services and city projects. Sincerely, ~I~ Camille A . Kim Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY February 28, 2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 To the City Clerk: Re,ce1ve d City Cterk's Office MAR O 4 20 19 CITY OF POWAY This is my written protest to oppose the 2019 Water and Sewer rate increases. Mary Kay Manion 14626 Sunrise Canyon Rd Poway, CA 92064 Account Number: 20202500-37 Proposition 218 Protest Vote Rece ived City Clerk's Office MAR O 4 20 19 B E j CITY OF POWAY I, _ e..f s;r, qFQ rJ [i ns~name of person on water bill or property owner] subm it this protes t vote t o o ppose th e prop ose d rat e in c rease by ___ C_i_t_y_o_f_P_o_w_a_y _________ on be h alf of the [i nsert the name of your water provider] following proper ty: [Insert address or parcel number of odditional property] Sign ed, [Sig~~ 3 -/-10 }°J [I nsert Date ] [Print ,~me of µerso n on water bill or property owner] Dear City Council Members, Received City Clerk's Offic e MAR O 4 20 19 CITY OF PO WAY I am opposed to the proposed water rate increases. I have no objection to water rates increases that are required to cover an increase in rates that Poway must pay for water deliveries. In this case, however, that cost has actually gone down. Our bills will go down because an existing charge is expiring, but you want to turn this reduction into an increase. I find this outrageous and do not buy into your arguments in favor of the increase. 1. If rates for water delivery rates do go up, as you anticipate and I expect will happen sooner or later, you can increase our water rates at that time. To do so early makes no sense to consumers. 2. Money to improve and replace aging water infrastructure should be collected either in the form of property taxes, or as specific line item fees on water bills, not as simply an increase in our usage rates. 3. There was some mention of some of the money being used to increase Poway's General Fund. I sincerely hope that was incorrect, because our water bills should NEVER be used to increase the City's General Fund. The proposed sewer rate increases are said to be due to increased costs to the City of Poway. Fine. Make a commensurate increase in our sewer rates a separate item and I will not object to it, and it alone. Thank you for your time. Phoenix M. Von Hendy 13510 Acton Avenue Poway CA 92064 ~v/4 ~ ~ k ci µ_6 ~ ~.£.j -1---Ye, () J?:Yo.SC ¾6z_ mo.I...«_,/--~ M ~ ~ /0£,j /4) lj lrf?'Yla ;J /~579 } . SI-, ?~ Ca 9d!@1/ ---------------. ------~ /----· I -------------------· . 7 ~?------ Received City Clerk 's Office MAR G 1. 2019 CITY OF POWAY David Walter s & Brenda Nelson 12253 Stonemill Drive Poway, California 92064 Parcel #320-210-18-00 February 28, 2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 Dear City Clerk: Rece ived City Clerk 's O ffice MAR O 4 20 19 C ITY O F POWAY We are writing to object to the planned increase in water and sewer rates. This rate increases seem unreasonable given the efforts made by our community to conserve water and the temporary surcharge we are already paying. We have already made considerable effort conserve water. Our property is a single family house and includes a little more than a ½ acre of property. We have dry-scaped the bulk of the property and have allowed a natural scrub brush for the hillside portion of the lot where birds, rabbits, coyotes, and other wildlife appear to thrive. Any further efforts to reduce water usage, and I am concerned about the impact on the local ecosystem and the wildlife that we currently support on our property. Brenda Nelson February 27, 2019 City Clerk of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 920'4-0789 RE: Proposed Water Rate Changes From: Ian and ~nn Vatet, 16374 Woodson View Road, Poway, CA Parcel 275 -291-01-00 Re ceived C ity Clerk's Office MAR O 4 20 19 CITY OF PO WAY ·:ti' I !. I am writing in opposition to the proposed water increase described in the newsletter I received in the ;, mail. I oppose this increase for several reasons. ' i t / 1 - 1. Our water bill increased from January 2018 to January 2019, indicating that a water rate increase happened during that time. Our basic rate went from 37.28 to 39.33 and the Block 1 charge went from 4.96 to 5.13 . We do not agree with an annual water rate increase. 2. We are concerned that the Council believes residents will not object or notice the increase because the "temporary" surcharge has been discontinued. This was an opportunity to increase the watenates with little notice by the residents as their bills may show a decreii'seih amount owed. The increase in rates would have a potential of being unnoticed. 3. Comparing water rates is difficult due to different terms for measuring the water but we can compare the basic rate of San Diego and Poway. Poway has a 1 inch base fee of $65.55 while in San Diego it would be $32. 77 which is half the amount in Poway. 4. The logo· of Poway is the City in the Country. While much of Poway is now more city than country, there are some of us who still live in the more rural, large lot or acreage areas. Due to the previous drought conditions, we are already limited in what can be done on these properties. You are making usage even more constricted with high water rates as most have to rely on city water with the water table unreliable. In doing so the value of our properties is compromised. 5. Please consider giving us a break and let us enjoy at least a year without the "temporary surcharge" to experience a lower bi-monthly water bill. That plus our current rainfall may allow the "country" part of Poway to flourish. Thank you for .your attention to this important issue and our concerns. Ian and Ann Vatet 16374 Woodson View Road Poway, CA 92064 March 1, 2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 To whom it may concern, Re ceived City Cl erk's Office MA R O 4 20 19 CITY OF PO WAY Please note our objection to the proposed water rate, meter charge, sewer commodity rate and sewer service charge increases . S I NCERELY, ~a~ SUSAN AND MICHAE L GOTTLIEB ASSESSOR'S PARCEL #320-211-11-00 11677 Eastfi eld Rd, Poway, CA 92064 March 1, 2019 City Clerk of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92064-0789 RE: Proposed Water Rate Changes Received C ity C le rk 's Office MAR O 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY From: Kelley and Michael Lerner, 13967 Oakstand Road, Poway, CA Parcel 278-442-25-00 I am writing in opposition to the proposed water increase described in the newsletter I received in the mail. I oppose this increase for several reasons. 1. Our water bill increased from January 2018 to January 2019, indicating that a water rate increase happened during that time. Our basic rate went from 37.28 to 39.33 and the Block 1 charge went from 4.96 to 5.13. We do not agree with an annual water rate increase. 2. We are concerned that the Council believes residents will not obj ect or notice the increase because the "temporary" surcharge has been discontinued. This was an opportunity to increase the water rates with little notice by the residents as their bills may show a decrease in amount owed. The increase in rates would have a potential of being unnoticed . 3. Comparing water rates is difficult due to different terms for measuring the water but we can compare the basic rate of San Diego and Poway. Poway has a 1 inch base fee of $65.55 while in San Diego it would be $32 .77 which is half the amount in Poway. 4. The logo of Poway is the City in the Co untry. While much of Poway is now more city than country, there are some of us who still live in the more rural, large lot or acreage areas. Due to the previous drought conditions, we are already limited in what can be done on these properties. You are making usage even more constricted with high water rates as most have to rely on city water with the water table unreliable. In doing so the value of our properties is compromised. 5. Please consider giving us a break and let us enjoy at least a year without the "temporary surcharge" to experience a lower bi-monthly water bill. That plus our current rainfall may allow the "country" part of Poway to flourish. Thank you for your attention to this important issue and our concerns . Kelley Lerner 13967 Oakstand Road Poway, CA 92064 17791 Old Winery Court Poway, CA 92064 / Parcel # ;;{ 7 3 -/ {) City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 Mayor Vaus and the City Council, O'-j-O O This is to object and protest the next and all water rate hikes . Received City Cl erk 's Office MAR O 4 2019 CITV OF POWAY The arguments are obvious in that you are underfunding certain areas in the budget and over allocating others resulting in an unjustifiable claim of "surplus" at the end of a budget year. This indicates poor budget planning and allocation of our resources (our tax dollars). Please "decide" not to fund any nice-to-have items and either refund the money to us so that we can pay the increases levied, or use the money to fund the things we need in the water budget. It is unreasonable to talk about "pots" of money. We are providing monies that should be budgeted according to needs and costs, not so that a surplus can be declared in some areas while underfunding takes place in others. I did attend the last hearings .... so disappointing. As Poway citizens spoke, it was clear that the council was not paying attention, had already made up its mind, and was truly bored and bothered to have to listen. Su san Gill 16350 Sumrner Sage Road Poway, CA 92064 Februa r y 28, 2019 Ms. Medin a, Poway C ity C le r k Cit y o f P oway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 Dear Ms. Medina, Poway City CJ.erk, CITY OF POWAY I w ish to d oc ument to you , m y opposition to the proposed Ci ty of Poway's Wa ter and Sewer Rate in c rease. Since moving to Poway alm os t 11 yea r s ago, I h ave continued to wa tch my water and sewer bill rise, even after making major r en ovation s to our yard a nd landscape in order to co n serve wat er a nd reduce our water bill. Vie have removed large portions of our g rass and h ave also re m oved landscaping, r e placing i t w ith drought-tole r a nt, native plants. Ye t, we continue to see n o re lief wi th o ur wa ter bill. And n ow, we are facing another water and sewer rate incr ease . It is incredibly disa ppointing . Pl ea se n ote that I s trongly o ppose the Cit y o f Poway' s proposed water and sewer rate inc rease. Do not h esitate to let m e kn ow if you h ave any qu es tion s. Thank you . Si n cerely, ~ Susan G ill I Proposition 218 Protest Vote Received City Clerk's Office MARO 4 201 9 CITY OF PO WAY I, JO tfA/~CA-f.J,bflC-{; 6 11-//1-(V [insert name of person on water bill or property own er] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by __ c_,_-r_Y_O __ r::-_A_o_w_A-_'f ____ on behalf of the [insert the name of your water provi der] following property: 27 8 18 1 -3 /-()0 [Insert address or parce l number of property] [Insert address or parcel number of additional property ] Signed, [S [Insert Date ] [Print name of person on water b ill or property owner] Rememb er to make a copy for your own records after you fill this out. Proposition 218 Protest Vote I, ______ u __ · a._( 'd_t--of_c_~_, o_l_..;.;;....;....6a._v....:..,_(). _f1 __ _ [i nseft name of person on water bill or property owner] submit this protes t vote to oppose the proposed rate in c rea se by ur water provider ] following property: cJR-!f'/ -ol3 -oo [Insert address or parce l number of property] [Insert address or parce l number of addit i onal property] Si?Ltsi~ [Sign here ] [Insert Date ] C~ro I A. Gt<.va.. r7 [Print name of person on water bill or property owner] Remember to make a copy for your own records after you fill this out. ~--------------------------------------------------Received __ 1 City Clerk's Office PROP. 218 PROTEST FORM MAR O 4 2019 By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm &hTJe?F POWAY penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner of the below parcel. Parcel Information Assessor's Parcel ID: Street Address: City, State, Zipcode: Submitted By Print Owner Name: If the above is not an individual(s), e.g. an LLC, Trust, Corporation, etc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Print Authori?:?:gn:9 1 : 1 Signature: ...,~~/::..:,_•-~---"--'------Date: ti<./ ,2 7 / 1 .2-0 I 7 I ________________________________________________________________ I YOU MUST BE A WATER AND S E WER RATE PAYER MUST BE MAILED BEFORE MARCH 1, 2 019. DATE : CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 92074-0789 TO THE CITY CLERK: Rece ived Cit y Clerk 's Offi ce MAR O 4 20 19 CITY OF POWAY THIS IS MY WRITTEN PROTEST TO OPPOSE THE 2019 WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASES. SIGNATURE f, 1 c_ k /Wt.,!) 6 f\.J ~V\.A._(;...,,,v PRINT NAME OF PERSON ON WATER BILL II /'., ~ /G,;. ~.0 C) /Lc....-4... Vb~ (3--<.? STREET ADDRESS f c1w ~ C A l ---------------------------------------------------------- CITY STATE ZIP CODE 2/16/2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 9207 4-0789 To the City Clerk, This is my written protest to oppose The 2019 Water and Sewer Rate Increase. Bijan John Safaie Street address: 15951 Lime Grove Rd Poway, CA 92064 Received City C lerk's Office MAR O 4 20 19 CITY OF POWAY Feb. 5,2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92064 To the City Clerk: This is my written protest to oppose the 2019 water and sewer rate increases. Thank you, Debbie Knuth 16744 Valle Verde Rd. Poway, CA 92064 ~~ed City Clerk's Office MAR O 4 201 9 c,rv OF POWAY Feb. 5, 2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92064 To the City Clerk: This is my written protest to oppose the 2019 water and sewer rate increases. Thank you, . ,;ff//H Mark Knuth 16744 Valle Verde Rd. Poway, CA 92064 Received City Clerk's Office MARO 4 20 19 CITY OF POWAY January 30, 2019 CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 92074-0789 TO THE CITY CLERK: Received City Clerk's Office MA R O 4 20 19 CITY OF POWAY This is our written protest to oppose the 2019 water and sewer rate increases. SIGNATURE: . \. /) {_(ju,f!t~ ~~ NAME OF PERSON ON WATER BILL: Robert Lum "'1-M ,r,('v}~#L--- Darlene Lum 1/'\__t-, ~.__ 14215 Ipava Dr. Poway, CA 92064 ACCT No. 20200300-35 DATE: CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 92074-0789 TO THE CITY CLERK: Rece ived City Clerk's Offi ce MAR O 4 20 19 CITY OF POWAY THIS IS MY WRITTEN PROTEST TO OPPOSE THE 2019 WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASES. SIGNATURE __ i-f-v _I_ ( J ---r\-a e s _ e _ )-e _ r _____ _ PRINT NAME OF PERSON ON WATER BILL STREET ADDRESS ,o O Welv\ C. A 9 '2 OLP l ✓j ___ J ________________ T ___________________________________ _ CITY STATE ZIP CODE /Ji@ (),<__ ~aµ bJ(i'A 'blvz-U )J/Jc/6 J;!Wfl ])£ ftw IVr (b . 9~ (I y Steven and Ellisa Beaver 13151 Stone Canyon Road Poway, CA 92064 Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 4 20 19 CITY OF POWAY 2/25/2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 Gentle persons: I am writing to formally object to the proposed water and sewer rate increase as proposed. Respectfully submitted : ;;;?__, ~ ~/1A I Steven Beaver '----···· 13151 Stone Canyon Road Poway, CA 92064 Proposition ::u8 Protest Vote LCUA,,r e I\ ~··1 Y\ Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY L ----------- (insert/lame of person tl/1 water bill or property QWllcrJ - submit this proten vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate Increase by the City of Poway on behalfofthe foUoWing property; l 3 o i -~ W.tvi +of\ L'.t\ (Insert oddr,;so or p,m:t!I numberofpmpe~•] rs-: trfwre] -:b ev'\11\1 s CA; n (Pri1r mum• ofperson a/1 wi1tl!rbillor pr,1part)i ,;,wn,:,r] .3 Jtj_/~, °I r~ (/rlsert Dafr') R.l\;t-es £ih.vivf of r--<-+{p_c;J -,!,L ~tt~ ws+ of ~cv\c.t; •~'ti y;_~o'!.eypzsr~~t'~ ~ f-R/r\~s., ---------............ . ............................ Received City Clerk's Office Proposition ;z,8 Protest Vote MAR O 4 2019 1._ Judi+tJ K-ff~rn/O[J . .. ... c,rvoFPOWAY [1Mfrr 11am11 of per:;;,11 tJII water b;/1 or prtt.('ier(l' owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate Increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: Signed, ~1<:HD-4y,ff' ~- l(,2,/j/a m f?.. &ro ;D ~ ... · ... [Insert aar~J (Print name of ;w1-s,.m Oil \\'atcr 1,//!r propel'tyt)l\'/lcrJ ojltional -rea.mnfor prntesr ing th<' nite i111creo.~es Proposition 218 Protest Vote ,. . i'l-1r u /) 1 f) J'b-H'nm n Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 4 2019 (irmwt name ofpers,m tm water Mil 11r wapert1• <1wner] CITY OF POWAY submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate Increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: ;3 D 1-1 {;J eLfb h LY\• [Jns,ert addn:is or parcel mtm/Jer of pr9paty) .·· ··,..-. --· ··-~ Proposition J18 Pmtest Vote ::,,,~!~•~•;,,•,s~:.~e!,~,f,~.j;p,," N,w,J submit this protc-st vote tooppost-the proposed waler and stW('r rate increase by the City or Poway on befo•lf of the following property: /~.~!:i: .. §.:,:,~ ~f/;f'!;ff;!;,,.f-d· ~ti)'!} ........ ························ .................. ······················· ............ . Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY Proposition us Prntest Vote I, ~ I'-I 8 /'-,p t,v µ ) d 5! (1rf11:N llr;-rr:,.:., Uf ::,.,.,.~~-•ll ;J1l 1,,,c; t•.•r j;,,1i! ,1, J!! v;un.y ,_,:;,.,_,.I submit thls protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: If I .t 1 !Jr-1 / le-,,,,/ ,(/ > Received City Clerk's Office MAR () 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 4. 2019 Proposition 218 Protest Vote CITY OF POWAY I, Marie Barefoot, submit this protest vote to oppose the water and sewer rate increase by the city of Poway on behalf of the following property: 13130 Woodmont St, Poway Signed, ~c 6 Marie Barefoot Proposition 218 Protest Vote I, Terry Barefoot, submit this protest vote to oppose the water and sewer rate increase by the city of Poway on behalf of the following property: Received City Clerk's Office 13130 Woodmont St, Poway MAR O 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY Re ce ived March 4, 2019 City Clerk's Office MAR O 4 201 9 City of Poway, C ITY OF POWAY Att: City Clerk Dear Board Members. We have lived in Poway for 40 years. We have had to remove 150 avocado trees and numerous other fruit bearing trees during that time. The reason was simple. The water cost more than the sales of the crops. In addition, we have removed every blade of grass and gone to almost complete landscaping that requires no water from our faucets. And you still want to raise the water rates again? It is time that the p eople managing the city coffers and thus the water rates, take a good look at what they are doing. We Do Not Need to Have an Increase in Water Rates. What we need is accountable and responsible use of the resources -money -that we have. We vote to not allow the water rates to be raised ... We are a strong two of the 7,000 people that you need to keep the rates the same . 2:~ ,(Y'J_v~---·r~: y -Q__J0. Emily Troxell Eugene Troxell 14766 High Valley Rd. Poway, CA 92064 Protest of Proposed water/sewer rate changes (Prop 218 Protest Vote) February 28 2019 From: June M Corney (homeowner) 14764 Dash Way Poway CA 92064-2914 619-246-3656 Dear Poway City Council, Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 4 20 19 CITY OF POWAY I am writing in protest of the proposed water and sewer rate changes for the following reaso ns: 1. Proposition 218 does NOT ALLOW a city to charge water and sewer customers for regular government services. 2. Proposition 218 requires that no property owner pays more than the cost to provide service to the owner's property. 3. The rates should be based on WATER USED PER HOUSEHOLD, not a 'tiered system' whereby thrifty users pay MORE PER UNIT than over-users. 4. The City used water and sewer funds in the past to pay for items that were NOT related to . water/sewer service. Those loans have 'NOT YET BEEN REPAID. Those loans should be repaid with INTEREST FIRST from the City's ACTUAL BUDGET, not the additional monies procured from water/sewer rate increases. 5. So far the City has 'borrowed' approximately $7,855130.00! ! ! 6. Yes .......... that is ALMOST 8 MILLION DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7. The City should pay for water/sewer costs from the GENERAL FUND, NOT from the ratepayers in the form of yet higher rates! ~ /V) . LPVVt.cr- June M Corney, Poway homeowner Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 4 2019 \D \,l,V\.D(Y) "t-\-~ 0 DY\cev-VctrvoF POW/W -----. ------------ ... ~ .. °'--'· (J)vJ ~ '('L~\ 0-tv'\' \ . o~ Cl~ wt&kV-.. vru-e, . \vtY~~-. -\V\cl~OO, ~~ VV\ ~· .. _ .. .. \~5D 3 z,\ 11\1\11V--ctU E- .. '0> ul½ · ctw wi+> · --------. ... . -' .. Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 4 201~ Clo CL_ ~~ .... ~\-citv\J\ . . (-.e{).~ ~ ·····~.vi~. . . . ---ti " ,., .. (,.-. . . . .. .. . \ V VAVlL, l{ oq . • Cj.j{2f'if10 IA-.. ~. ------. --------------------------------------·-------------------------------------·----- -· -··---_'Jl£Q_-::-2~\-:-:-__ :Locta; ··-···-····· Deliver t o the City Clerk's Office, City of Poway, Poway, CA --m ust be there by NOON on Marc h 5, 2019! PROPOSITION 218 PROTEST VOTE 1,_J3 ......... · O:=· -'--l f_\-e__6_\,ek _______ _ (insert name of person on water bill property owner) Received City C lerk's Office MAR O 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property. I '?-S ~s--b R..~ MS L£ Y: fy:JEN J E (insert address or parcel number of property (sign here) (date) (print name of person on water bill or property owner) & ~ -t-0 I\·•-'-r----t1'-.-o ~ a-f u ..r wk~ a. t' e.. ..sw or i:.-, -f7 2-er--~ -r r e::t'i r ~ (optional -reason for protesting the rate increases) 0--rt::..U"->-.A-1 (_'l:Jf'.....J:e...rv...Q._ • 2019 PROTEST VOTE to City of Poway Water and Sewer rate increase Poway Resident Address : \L--447 t60cv=-~~r.. T~,\ To : City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O . Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 *must be mailed before March 1, 2019 To whom this may concern, Rece ived City Cferk's Office MA RO 4 20 19 CITY OF POWAY This is my written protest vote to the 2019 Water and Sewer rate increase. Warm Regards, Print Tovr~ Andreos 14362 High Valley Rd Poway CA 92064 March 5, 2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074 Re: Water Rate Increase Protest APN: 321-030-67-00 Dear City Clerk: Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 5 2019 City of Poway Please be advised we protest the water rate increase. Rate increases have been continuous in an attempt to resolve the infrastructure of the water system. The City Council fails to acknowledge that their support for continued growth is the contributing factor of the failing infrastructure. Rate increases will not resolve the problem created by the over taxation of our system. This is evident by prior rate increases that obviously do nothing to resolve the growing burden placed on our infrastructure as a result of the Council allowing growth to exceed City resources and capabilities. Thank you. Andreos 14362 High Valley Rd Poway CA 92064 March 5, 2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074 Re: Water Rate Increase Protest APN: 321-030-37-00 Dear City Clerk: Received City Clerk 's Office MAR O 5 20 19 City of Poway Please be advised we protest the water rate increase. Rate increases have been continuous in an attempt to resolve the infrastructure of the water system. The City Council fails to acknowledge that their support for continued growth is the contributing factor of the failing infrastructure. Rate increases will not resolve the problem created by the over taxation of our system. This is evident by prior rate increases that obviously do nothing to resolve the growing burden placed on our infrastructure as a result of the Council allowing growth to exceed City resources and capabilities. Thank you. Sincerely, a G-Y-➔ h d ../LQ..-t9-<V Prop It ion 11 ProU'lt Volt' I, -l-llL..:c=..:...~-x-~.;;;...,~.:,...:'--.1---- l·n rtnaa,,(Jjp. ~O.k.uN IJcJt~)'-• tr ) submit th!$ prote ote to oppose the propostd water and sewer rate lncrcaoJ;fY OF P the City of Poway on behalf of the followi ng prol)Cl'IY: ,,L/~4 -P in+Q 1·L ct. (ln.-~c addrl"U or I' ,, •/ mm• o/ pro~rr1) 3 · 4 ·19 {lnwrt Durr) Proposition 318 Protest Vot~ Rece ived City Cl erk's Office MAR O 5 201 9 1. ~CA \\:be'-N \\f\o( 01 1 n e c ,TY o F POWAY [insert name of person on WQter blll arproportyuwner ] submit this protest vote to oppose-the proposed water and sewer rate increase by the City of. Poway on behalf Q'f the following property: · 1 ?:z41,\ ~ 5\-a rd ,$b or 1 ~ ~ 96 >N O\/ c~ °lc9-blfJ L/ [Insert address ar parcel numbllr of prope~] ·Signed, ~~~ ! M-Ll\Muld [tgn here ] [/n#rt Date] Nv1d:\+1ew N\or u1 1 \/),(__ {Print name of person on water bill or property ownerJ optional -r•OM01t/or proreatlng the rat• intfft1Hs Ptopo.sition 218 Protest Vote f, JOt.1J1 ~VYi~ Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 6 20fg (inset t nmne of pcrs·on. <m water hill or p ropl'rty i:,v111erJ CITY O F POWAY submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increase by the City of Poway op bebalf of the following propeity: ["4(-;lq (:a t~~ $1):Wt (Ins ert addre~s or-parcel numberofpropertyJ Signed, [lnst•n Dute} (Print 11 a me of pers,m on water hill or property owne r) optional ,,_ reasonfo,· protesting tli-e rate in crc~ascs ' -. ••.--... -·~• ... -" ----:!t --•-···---l""---•--~-----·· ............... . Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 5 20 19 CITY OF POWAY [33 2-3 ~u\AA,-fqvt'--, \ra\!lL ~vv'-1 ( Gt C'rLC>IQLf Mr . Willie Cac 13409 Racquet Court Poway, CA 92064 March 4, 2019 City Clerk, Mayor, and Councilmembers City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 Rece l"ed Ci ty Clerk's. OUtOO MAR OS 201 9 CITY OF POWAY RE: Water and Sewer Service & Rate Charges, Item 3.1 of March 5, 2019 Council Agenda Dear City Clerk, Mayor, and Councilmembers: I am writing in opposition to the City of Poway's increase of water and sewer service charges and rates as a City of Poway water and sewer ratepayer. lam a retired military veteran with a fixed income. Further increases to rates will impact the residents and their ability to Jive in the City of Poway. Please consider the long-term consequences of increasing the water and sewer charges and rate to the residents and who will be able to liv e in the City of Poway, which equates to having only the rich to live in Poway. Please deny the proposed resolution to establish the schedule of water service charges and rates per Section 13.11.120 of the Poway Municipal Code, and deny the proposed resolution to establish the schedule of sewer service charges and rates per Section 13.03.010 of the Poway Municipal Code presented before you. Thank you. Sincerely, -~ Willie Cac Carin Deines 14106 Halper Road Poway, CA 92064 City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 March 5, 2019 Dear City of Poway, Rece ived City Clerk's Office MAR O 5 201 9 CITY OF POWAY Please do not raise our water and sewer rates. Times are difficult enough as it is . I appreciate your consideration. Sincerely, Carin Deines Received City Cl erk 's Office Proposition 218 Protest Vote MARO 5 201 9 CITY OF POWAY I, Timothy Ortega & Ana Covarrubias submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by City of Poway on behalf of the following property: 12344 Buckskin Tri, Poway, CA 92064 Very Respectfully, 3 /5 /2.0Jt?J Timothy Ortega Ana Cova rrubias 858.748.2809 -phone City Clerk C ity of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 Kim Untiedt Conant 14735 Poway Mesa Dr. Poway, CA 92064 March 5, 2019 To Whom It May Concern: Re ceive d City Ci erk's Office MAR O 5 20 19 CITY OF POWAY 858.829.2509 -cell I wish to add my vo ic e to those of concerned citizens here in this delightful "City in th e Country" Poway, CA. We, who have chosen to make our home and our li ves in this place, have worked hard to shepherd our resources and maintain our environment. In thi s season of excess rainfall it seems rather ludicrous that our City is considering raising fees for water and sewer. Many of us have totally changed our landscaping in order to save water. And these e fforts have been successful. We need to be rewarded for conserving our re source s. We s hould not be further drained by having to endure added expense for water and sewer. Please consider the fami lie s in our community who work hard to pay our bills and make e nds meet. Please DO NOT raise the rates that we wi ll have to pay for water. Kind regards, k!L I~ ()_~ Kim Conant Poway Resident DATE: CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 9207 4-0789 TO THE CITY CLERK: Received City Clerk's Office MARO 5 2019 CITY OF POWAY This is my written protest to oppose the 2019 water and sewer rate increase. It especially does not take into account those of us who have farms or ranch type properties that are more than acre in size. Zahra h ris i R. Sean P z 15415 Eastvale rd Poway, Ca 92064 Proposition 218 Protest Vote Received C ity Clerk 's Office MAR O 5 2019 I,-------------~---C (;nsert name of person on water bill or property owner] ITY OF POWAY submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: [Jn sert address or pa rel!/ number of property ) Signed, [Sign hue) (Print name of person on water bill or property owner] [Insert Date) optional -reason for protesting the. rate increases Proposition 218 Protest Vote ,. :1arne.s O \o+So(\ [insert name ofperson on water bill or property owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: (Insert addre ss or parcel number of property ] Signed, . ) '_..!------~~----------· [ifn,;:·;~;e] (/>rfnt name of person on water bill or property ownor ) Wet¼(~ Sewer .fuVJot,s -SY1o lA ld ou·+ Dt us:~J +ur op t ional -,·e<JSonfor protestlr,g tire rc,te lncre a . .;es !Jfl{\e_ro.. \ e_ xp e. v1s e 5 March 1, 2019 City Clerk of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 RE: Proposed Water Rate Changes From: Sara miller14633 Carlson St, Poway, CA Rece ived City Clerk's Office MAR O 5 2019 CITY OF POWAY I am writing in opposition to the proposed water increase described in the newsletter I received in the mail. I oppose this increase for several reasons. 1. Our water bill increased from January 2018 to January 2019, indicating that a water rate increase happened during that time. Our basic rate went from 37 .28 to 39.33 and the Block 1 charge went from 4.96 to 5.13. We do not agree with an annual water rate increase. 2. We are concerned that the Council believes residents will not object or notice the increase because the "temporary" surcharge has been discontinued . This was an opportunity to increase the water rates with little notice by the residents as their bills may show a decrease in amount owed. The increase in rates would have a potential of being unnoticed. 3. Comparing water rates is difficult due to different terms for measuring the water but we can compare the basic rate of San Diego and Poway. Poway has a 1 inch base fee of $65.55 while in San Diego it would be $32.77 which is half the amount in Poway. 4. The logo of Poway is the City in the Country. While much of Poway is now more city than country, there are some of us who still live in the more rural , large lot or acreage areas. Due to the previous drought conditions, we are already limited in what can be done on these properties. You are making usage even more constricted with high water rates as most have to rely on city water with the water table unreliable. In doing so the value of our properties is compromised. 5. Please consider giving us a break and let us enjoy at least a year without the "temporary surcharge" to experience a lower bi -monthly water bill. That plus our current rainfall may allow the "country" part of Poway to flourish. Thank you for your attention to thb important issue and our concerns. Sara Miller 14633 Carlson St Poway, CA 92064 City Clerk Mayor & Councilmembers City of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 92074 RE: Protest of Water Rate Increases Dear Mayor & Councilmembers: March 4 , 2019 Received C ity Cl erk's Offi ce MA R O 5 201 9 C ITY O F POWA Y Your job is to represent the citizens of Poway, not be their overlords. While it is also your job to be fiscally responsible, I am tired of being "hosed" on my water rates. Outrageous rate increases have become routine. The increases are more than necessary in order for the City to remain fiscally responsible; and continual rate increases impose undue burden on property owners. I attended the Workshop in January and appreciate having had an opportunity to express my opinion, although I knew at the time it would be a pointless effort. I hereby officially PROTEST the proposed Water Rate increase. Libertas Semper Donald A. Nunn APN 321-230-53-00 March 5, 2019 Daniel and Shanna Tobar 15910 Cumberland Drive Dear City Council, Rece ived City Clerk's Offi ce MARO b 201 9 CITY OF POWAY We are asking that you please stop the rate increase on our water and sewer. The community is bearing the burden of the cost and the City of Poway is not taking steps to get to the root of the problem. We need the City to engage in REAL SOLUTIONS and stop subjecting the community to these almost ANNUAL rate increases. We need to develop our local water resource to be a part of our current water system. So that we are not so dependent on imported water and the rising cost associated with this import. Let's turn our discussion time into getting to the root of this problem. Thank you, Dan and Shanna Tobar Rece ived City Clerk's Off ice ----3 (5 / ~ ~_l rz:1~ - - -- --- ---- ---------- -+ ~GA~ ~ -- -- - ----· -- -- \ Judith F. Hayes 15147 Eastvale Rd. Poway, CA 92064 City Clerk City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 To the City Clerk: This is my protest to oppose the 2019 water and sewer rate increases.• 15147 Eastvale Rd. Poway, CA 92064 Received City Clerk 's Office MARO b 20 19 CITY OF POWAY Judith F. Hayes 15147 Eastvale Rd. Poway, CA 92064 City Clerk City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 To the City Clerk: This is my protest to oppose the 2019 water and sewer rate increases. * Judith F. Hayes 15147 Eastvale Rd. Poway, CA 92064 *also sent by USPS Received City Clerk's Office MAR Ob 201 9 CITY OF POWAY Charles R. Hayes 15147 Eastvale Rd. Poway, CA 92064 City Clerk City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 To the City Clerk : This is my protest to oppose the 2019 water and sewer rate increa ses.f Cha~ 7J~1.- 15147 Ea stvale Rd. Poway, CA 92064 ~a.e»~~ Received City Cferk's Offic e MAf~ 0 b 20 19 CITY OF POWAY Charles R. Hayes 15147 Eastvale Rd. Poway, CA 92064 City Clerk City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 To the City Clerk: This is my protest to oppose the 2019 water and sewer rate increases. * 15147 Eastvale Rd. Poway, CA 92064 Rece ived City Clerk's Offi ce MAR O 5 20 19 Proposition 218 Protest Vote ,, ___.1'--/}_M:;,._,_v____.:;._L--l-y..L..:...:n 0'-L..--....C.Wi~ci.....:....::v-d=---------- [inseh name of person on water bill or property owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by ___ C_i_t_y_o_f_P_o_w_a_y _________ on behalf of the [insert the name of your water provider] following property: Rec eived City Clerk 's Off/ca MAR O 5 20 19 C I TY ,QF POWAY / Lf 5 L/ 6 'P dWa '/ JtA U a. Cf-1 J May 9 :)0b r_/ [I nsert address or parcel number of property) I [Insert address or parcel number of additional property] Signed, ~~NJ ~ [Insert Date] [Priht name of person on water bill or property owner] City Clerk's Office CITY OF POWAY Due to Prop 218, we need to prot est another water and sewer rate i ncrease and we need more than 50% of customers to protest in writing or it passes. Our rates were j ust increased last year! Protests can not be emailed in, nor ca n you on ly protest in pe rso n at the March 5 h eari ng. It must be in writ ing . If you do not se nd a lette r in , it's assumed you app rov e of t he increase! The re w ill be no ba ll ot to vote on . Please send w r itten protests to: City Clerk of t h e City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 Note: It is p e r miss ib le to co ll ect t h e s ig n ed wate r a n d sewer rate p rotest forms and drop t h e m a ll off at t h e city c l erk's office. Here is a 2-up form that can be printed out. Proposition ~,s Protest Vote :·,i~~~"~~l~ '" li~-a ,,,1 ,w n~) submit this protcst vote to opposc thc propostd watcr and scwcr ratc lncrcasc by the C11y of Poway on behalf of the following property. l-. Proposition :.u8 Protest Vote I. 1?I,. (1n,t'I "'"" of 1 "'"' Oii l\<J l tr bl/I or prc>pt• submit thl r .-st vote to opposc the propos water and scwer rate Increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property. 13 ts 3 L1fl/~ µ Cv "7 t_ri - Proposition 218 Protest Vote J\)~rv J;V\n I, --=-------+----''---'--'--'----- f1r1H•rc ,, ,,,,.. ">' r '"' Aw.,,,.,. t>,JI (I f ,,r-npr,u ,,wnr."") submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewcr rate lncrc.ue by the City of Poway on behalf or the ro tt owlng property: i ~ 2-4 Ll \tlL bo,Wn L,v, 0 lA&W f l '"',., udtJ rf' -"' f''llt 11t,mh-, riJ ,,,,.,w ,ry ) oplio,nal ................................................................................................ Proposition 218 Protest Vore ,.Joh, f1ri11Jr: tJ um, 0 11 .. nor a hw r,r l''<>pr rt_v, wnv J submit this protest \'ot e to oppose the p roposed water and sewer rate in crcas..-by the City of Poway on behalf of thdoll owin,: property. L-', fr l ..e., D C<....--0 Y'\ ~ V\ ..e_ re I nu•nlwr fJ/ r rop • r•·l 3 .3 · I °I (l nwfl l'l.11, J v V\...•e.. V Recei ved City C lerk's Office MAk tJ 6 201& C ITY OF POWAY Hece ived City Clerk 's Office MAR (, 5 201 9 C ITY OF POWAY Du e t o Prop 2 18, we nee d to protest a noth er w at e r an d sewe r rat e inc rease an d we need more than 50% of c ustom er s to protest in writing o r it passes. Our rates w ere ju st in creased last year! Protests ca nnot be emaile d in , nor can you on ly protest in pe rso n at th e Marc h 5 hear ing . It mu st be i n w ri t ing . If you do not send a letter in , it's ass ume d you a pprove of the in crease! Th ere w ill be n o b allot to vote on. Please send w ritte n protests to: City Clerk of t h e City of Powa y P.O. Box 7 89 Po w ay, CA 920 74 -0 7 8 9 Note: It is p e rmiss ib le to co ll ect the s ig n e d w a te r a nd sew e r r ate pro t est forms and drop t h e m all off a t t h e c ity cl erk's o ffi ce. He r e is a 2-up form t h a t can b e printe d out. Proposition Jl8 Protest Vote :;nc~2± ~,~?,~,; "'S~~.EP submit this protrst votr to opposr the proposNI w•trr and ~wtr ratt tncrtuc by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: l 3~ / o Lif:t\t l,?{{.w vt LCcn_ e Proposition :.u8 Protest Voce I, G~~(-L/ ~/) lcnt~rt,w ~,,. ~"ptrtvownal submit this pro st vote to oppos,c the proposNI water and s,cwer rate lncreuc by the City of Pow.iy on bch.il r of the followtnll{roprrty. I 3io i 1._;j/1/e__ D44&1 tL/V l lnrm adrt rrn or""'"'' nu,.,#wr n} propt"flJ'I Recei ved City Clerk's Office MAf< L1 5 ?.01 9 CITY OF POWAY Due t o Prop 2 18, we n eed to protest a noth er w at e r a n d sewe r ra t e in crease a nd we n eed more th an 50% of cu stom e rs t o protest in writing o r it passes. O ur rates we re j us t inc rease d last year! Prot est s ca nnot be e mailed in , no r ca n you only protest in pe r son at the Marc h 5 hea ri ng . It mu st be i n writi ng . If you do not se nd a lette r in , it's ass um ed yo u a ppro ve of the in crea se! Th ere w ill be no ba ll ot to vote on. Pl ease se nd w ritte n pro tests to: City Cle r k of th e City o f Poway P.O. Box 7 8 9 Poway, CA 9 2 0 74-0 789 Note: It is p e r m iss ibl e t o co ll e ct t h e sign ed wa t e r a nd sewe r r ate protest forms and dro p the m all o ff a t t h e c ity c le rk's offi ce. He r e is a 2-up form t h at ca n b e printe d o u t. Proposition ~18 Protest Vou ~.;,~~'"'rmr ..:'. .,~" \,,e v 5 .q m &1a submit this protes t vote to oppost the proposed w,1ter and stwer rate Increase by the City or Pow.iy on behalf or the following property. \ 3 lJ:) ~ L ,' +-+ ,~ p 0 1.4./ n L \'\ 1,,.,,.,., odd,..,, o r r·,rMf numt,.,, u/ prnprrri•) Proposition ;u8 Protest Vote ,._ 00/\" e,_,, IIM, rt tl<1""' <1/ ~r\Ofl •JI 14,llff .. /1 Of propttf.Vlilrlltt) submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer r.ite Inc r ease by the City of Pow.iy on behalf of the followln11 property: IJ 'N-6 L :t!f.-l).,.,_-.,JA .La "e_ l l n!WI addrr« ,., ,.,,,...., 1111,..t,,,r nJ rm,--rl)) I "" ~,,-, I 't-J 0 "' " ~ C-t~ 2 j-!q t'".:::,\ re I'°' (In rt /All! I IW1 n1 num, c,f pttw'I ,, w11Ltr bill or p r upttr ty ""'"f'l'I .. Received City Clerk's Office MAH G 5 ?.0 19 CITY OF PO WAY Due to Prop 2 18, we n eed to protest anot her wat er an d sewer ra te i ncrease and we need more t han 50% of c us tome rs to p ro test in w ri t in g or it passes . O ur rates we re ju st in c reased last year! Protests ca nn ot be e mailed in , nor ca n y ou o nly p ro test in pe rso n at th e Ma rc h 5 hea ring . It mu st be in writ ing . If you d o not send a lette r in, it's assum ed you approve of th e inc rease! Th ere w ill be n o ball ot t o vote 011. Please send writte n p rotests to: City Cle rk o f th e City of Poway P.O. Box 78 9 Po way, CA 920 74-0789 Note: It is p e rmissibl e to coll ect t h e s ig n e d wat er a n d sewer rate protes t fo r m s a n d dro p the m a ll off at t h e c ity c le r k's offi ce. He r e is a 2-u p fo rm th at can be p ri n ted o u t. Proposition ::u8 Protest Vote E , fl_ a') .-f-o 6-4-\ ,'"\ J a !, ______________ _ ['"'"'' '""''' "/ I"',.. ~ n ""''" />Ill nr rrt•r~•I I' w n~) submi t this protts l vott to oppost tht proposl'd wa1t r and stwtr ralc lnc rusc by the Cil)' or Pow.ay on behal f or \he following pr~rty. / 13 44 o L ~ 1--f la v ()_.v/YJ I J,·7 , f In,,.,, uddrN ,, r ,.,,,..,,,,.,,.,,,_,of prr,,,..,t)') Signed, fl'rmr ~tJmr o/ / '"''" 0 1 ""'n 11111"' 1"u{WFTY c,w11rr ) Proposition ~•8 Protest Vote ,. p nM7('t 44 . 21}/V7f Ll.11,,u f 1r.1~rt ,w,n. uJ pu,<>11 ••~ i.,Jt, /MIi or prop,,,. ow11t1 J submit this protest vote to oppost the propostd water and stwcr r.ate lncr usc by the City of Pow.ay on bch.alf of the following property: 3 J ll11Zg' JLJ-wj,.J L4,u,:- Signed, (l11 •~ri /J.JI ,) npt lonu/ Hece lved City Cterk 's Office MI\R O 5 2019 Due t o Prop 2 18, we need to protest a nother water and sewer r at e increase a nd we need mo0111'faDF POWAY 50% of cu st o mers t o protest i n w ritin g or it passes. Ou r ra tes we re j ust in c reased las t yea r! Prot est s ca nn ot be em ai led in, no r ca n yo u o nl y protest in person at th e M arch 5 hea rin g. It mu st be in w riting. If y o u do not se nd a lette r in , it's ass umed yo u approve of the in c rease! T here w il l be no b a llot t o v ote on. Pl ease se nd writte n protests t o: City Clerk o f t h e City o f Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 Note: It is permi ssible to coll ect t h e s ig n ed water a n d sewer rat e prot est fo rms and drop t h e m a ll off at th e c ity clerk's office. Here is a 2-up form t hat can be prin t ed out. Proposition ;uN Protest Vote I. JJ/l· ~..__._.Zk__._:.Q,__ (111r,•rr 11um <>/ r r, 11 <>II wu rrr bl/I "r rmp •1 11 ,wn,-,) submi t this prottst vott 10 oppost I.ht propostd wattr and stwtr rate lncrt.ut by the City of Poway o n behalf of the following property . L L; J/2 W!l opt,onal Proposition ;u8 Protest Vote J1JL , w_ -· a :;~, rtnum, t,fp•n~u ~rt rnwnu) -011 submit this protest vote to oppost the proposc-d water a stwer rate lncre.ue by the C11y of Poway on bch~f of the rayo4 ng P.rope ~}1 (,2:?{(01' l /11 fe IJNJ1 ~/ (lnrm .-Jdrrn o• ,n~I nu,..1><,r uf P'"l""'I)') '- upllunol ~ Home 00 00 ~ v CZ> ~ @ 0 rn ~ ~ * ~ C) fill ca °CS ,,--... 0 ~ ~ r---:--. -I '-_/ A d d a re p ly ... V 11ecelved City Clerk 's Office Stepha n ie N,-···'-MAR O 5 2019 Propo.'iition .218 Protest Vote CITY-OF PO WAY ,. Ko'½t-'\ \(fl~~tt (mrert name ri/ />fr.5011 t111 Wt1Wr l>11/ or prl)p rty ()11,11,·r ) submit ttlls protest vote to oppose the proposed wat er and se wer rate Increase b: the City of Poway on bcha l({>f the following property: \ ~Y-) S \--~ It-Q {,,,\;lY\ hl-'l-1\tt (hhnt 1.1t/d1t>" nr puru/ numb4r o/ pm11nty) Signed. ltJ. (\1qn hrr~•J -~0'1 r:,~ (/ll<rlf /)at,•) ( P, mt nmrtl' o/ pt•N(lt1 nn wut<'r bl/I Cir pro11<>rt}' 1Jw11u ) Proposition ~•8 Protest Vote I. A Lo K. Cl (,,;;i;rr /lllfltl' rJ/ pr,-,.C111 t>fl iv<1trr bill or 1 1()pt fl.)' owner) submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate Increase b: the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: \ 3 ½ t2 .'L L IT T L E D A w 0 L-f-J (ln,~11 uddn·,) or par H I 11um~r o/ propn ty ) V ~,,Hom e '1111 Kay la Moehl , 0 0 00 n \:,-.,) Q Add a reply ... • @ Rece\\/ed C\W C\er1<.'s ott\ce ~t\R O 5 7.G \9 Proposition 218 Protest Vot e poWA't C\i'l Of I, 'T\1lflj {\J(iuJL&. __ 1! __ [1111tr l num, of perwt 1m w,,c,·, /111/ or prdpcrry o wn r ,) submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer ra te Increase b: the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: IZ~"""kt#,~ ,g~~ fn ,.,~,q /?:W "1 C{}J t2-® . Signed, 'I/, 1 , • A (llu1nhm•~~ _>11ti1" l,_~aL tt1x..:-.IJw_-__ _ opuon ol ,ca..~r protf'\tmg-:J;;., rate in a t>o~•~ Proposition 2.J8 Protest Vote I,------------------ [rmi·r namt' 11/ 11n w r • on 111,1trI />11/ nr p t oJ)l •rty owTJcr ) submit this protest vot e to oppose the proposed wat er and sewer rate Increase b: the City of Poway on behalf of the fo ll owing prop erty: (/m~,1 uddt •'H m par td 11um/H'r ,,, t1111p t'tlj ') Signed, (lm r rt 1>1111 •) I I r I m 11umt r,f pcrn>n ,m W'1 18r bt/1 or 1>tofk'' h ' 0 11111,,) fJIUinnul ,..,O\ort fn, pr0Cr>\ti119 rh, 1utr l,u r r1ur, Proposition 218 Protest Vote Aeoolved 6 rt y Clerk's Office MARO b 20 19 CITY OF= POWAY I, Peter J. Neild submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: 12648 Butterwood Ct. Poway, CA. 92064 Signed, ~/?1~ Peter J. Neild May 5, 2019 To : City of Poway From: Vito and Ruth Bica Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 5 20 19 CITY OF POWAY We would like to formally register our protest regarding water and sewer rate changes being considered by the Poway City Council and Poway Water District. Thank you, Vito Bica Ruth Bica 12675 Sagecrest Dr Poway, CA 92064 Susan L. Sitler 12701 Sagecrest Dr. Poway, CA 96064 4 March 2019 City Council City Clerk's Office Poway, CA 92064 Dear Council members: I am writing to protest the proposed water rate increase. Received City C l erk's Office MARO 5 20 19 CITY OF POWAY Even though we have changed our landscaping, and have taken measures to cut back, and continually conserve, we are still faced with outrageous, almost unsustainable water costs. I ask that you address the problems the city is facing in another way. Thank you. ~art~ ~ Susan L. Sitler Proposition 218 Protest Vote Re ceived City Clerk's Office MAR O 5 20 19 CflfY OF POW/W I, Michael P. Romag, submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: 14196 Donart Drive, Poway, CA 92064 --- Recewedl City Clerk's Office MAR O 5 20 19 CITY OF POWAY March 5, 2019 RE: Opposition to Water Rate Increase and Sewer Rate Increase To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to express my opposition towards the proposed increase in the water rates. The proposed increase is quite significant and it seems as if we, as a community, are being punished for reducing our water consumption. There must be a better alternative. Please reconsider. We have done what you have asked; do not punish us by raising the rates. ~';~ ~ r2i1 z_ S"k/&v tc,,_f ~-I March 5, 2019 RE: Opposition to Water Rate Increase and Sewer Rate Increase To Whom It May Concern: Received City Clerk's Offi ce MAR O 5 2019 CITY OF POWAY I am writing to express my opposition towards the proposed increase in the water rates. The proposed increase is quite significant and it seems as if we, as a community, are being punished for reducing our water consumption. There must be a better alternative. Please reconsider. We have done what you have asked; • do not punish us by raising the rates . Thank you, /!µhtc)J/ ~* Cfty Cfeirf<"S. OfflOO MAR O 5 20 \9 C\TYOF POWAY March 5, 2019 RE: Opposftion to Water Rate Increase and Sewer Rate Increase To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to express my opposition towards the proposed increase in the water rates. The proposed increase is quite significant and it seems as if we, as a community, are being punished for reducing our water consumption. There must be a better alternative. Please reconsider . We have done what you have asked; · do not punish us by raising the rates. Thank you, March 5, 2019 RE: Opposftion to Water Rate Increase and Se we r Rate In c rease To Whom It May Concern : Received City Clerk's OffiCEl MAR O 5 201 9 CITY OF POWAY I am writing to express my opposition towards the proposed increase i,:t the water rates . The proposed i ncrease is quite significant and it seems as if we, as a community, are being punished for reducing our w ~ter consumption . There must be a better alternative. Please reconsider. We have done what you have asked ; · do not punish us by ra i sing the rates. Thank you, , c~J~ ~ ;v( ~v ,-~ ce~l_ l . I 2 7 8 q .s l1_ (i, ('{ u I.,(.) I I , v1 e ,5 -1 I{ -e -e f March 5, 2019 RE: Opposition to Water Rate Increase and Sewer Rate Increase To Whom It May Concern: Received City Clerk's Office MA R O 5 20 19 CITY OF POWAY I am writing to express my opposition towards the proposed increase in the water rates. The proposed increase is quite significant and it seems as if we, as a community, are being punished for reducing our water consumption. There must be a better alternative. Please reconsider. We have done what you have asked; . do not punish us by raising the rates. Thank you, Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 5 20 19 CITY OF POWAY March 5, 2019 RE: Opposition to Water Rate Increase and Sewer Ra t e Increase To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to express my opposition towards the p roposed increase in the water rates. The proposed increase is quite significant and it seems as if we, as a community, are being punished for reducing our water consumption. There must be a better alternative. Please reconsider. We have done what you have asked; .. do not punish us by raising the rates. ~~ Thank you, Received City Cl erk's Office MAR O 5 20 19 CITY OF POWAY Ur'o¼n &~tt . /279 a SAfld(}w/111-r Sf. ?0N411 I u '1d-O 0 y March 5, 2019 RE: Opposition to Water Rate Increase and Sewer Rate Increase To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to express my opposition towards the proposed increase in the water rates. The proposed increase is quite significant and it seems as if we, as a community, are being punished for reducing our water consumption. There must be a better alternative. Please reconsider. We have done what you have asked; do not punish us by raising the rates . Thank you, Received City Clerk's Office MAR O 5 _201 9 CITY OF POWAY March 5, 2019 GIL i . \{(LLtGzfs( r ;xj7 5 7bt~w-CXo,>-1tx\A_t ~ uvJ@-'{, 1 d fl , ~ _2,0 \oq RE : Opposftion to Water Rate Increase and Sewer Rate Increase To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to express my opposition towards the proposed increase in the water rates . The proposed increase is quite significant and it seems as if we, as a community, are being punished for reducing our water consumption. There must be a better alternative . Please reconsider. We have done what you have asked; . do not punish us by raising the rates. Thank you, Q/~o/ ~ Yl -e,; l Ct, \J ~dlS t('C\_ s n cvlcJW 1 , ·r; -e S~. c.;A. RE: Opposition to Water Rate Increase and Sewer Rate Increase To Whom It May Concern: Received Ci ty Clerk's Office MAR O 5 201 9 CITY OF POWAY ·i . ,. I am writing to express my opposition towards the proposed increase in the water rates. The proposed increase is quite significant and it seems as if we, as a community, are being punished for reducing our water consumption. There must be a better alternative. Please reconsider. We have done wha_t you have asked; • do not puni sh us by raising the rates. Thank you, March 5, 201 9 RE : Opposition to W at er Rat e In c rease a nd Se w e r Rat e In crea se To Whom It May Con ce rn : Received City Clerk's Offlcfl MARO b 20 19 CITY OF POWAY I am writing to express my oppositio n t o w a rd s the propose d i ncrease i n th e w ate r rate s. Th e propose d in cr ease i s quite sig nifi can t and it seems as if w e, as a commun ity, are bei n g punishe d fo r r e d uc in g our wate r co nsu mpt io n . There m u st be a b ette r alte rnative. Pl ease r ec on si d er. W e have d one w hat yo u have asked; do not puni sh u s by ra isin g the r at es . Than~ ~-~u,. ) ~ //---- ,,.,,,,,,,.,,... / Kevin Ju za 14701 Fieldvi ew W ay, Poway , CA 92 0 64 Received City Clerk's Office MARO 5 201 9 CITY OF POWAY J)v e v1 cl£L-Lu rson I¼ CSL{ g [Cc H er{ S,-j r o lUCA-1 L cq °1lfl (o cf iJo ,,o--J½ s. W:vicek-lJhee ler .Ja n1 e,.r w , t.Jh eel er IL/'flfS -Orfe2.-f!t:tce ,Pow~, c;,,q CJ 2 Ob l/ Received City Clerk's Office MARO 5 20 19 CITY OF POWAY r 4~ wr,'/->hJ ·-/1,,'s fo /r<>/-e-!f ·ft.e ;,,-ofo Jed 1'4-fe l hcreA-Ie. /n '11-e Wq /e, b/J/, /YlJ li~s6~cl a,.,.,j) T c&,,., 1-f wCw-if /-/-, flf:Ll.re re~ .r)clw-, Poway City Clerk 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 VIA HAND DELIVERY March 5, 2019 Re: Objection to Water Rate Increase Dear City of Poway: Received C ity C le rk's Offi ce MAR O 5 201 9 C ITY OF POWAY I am writing to formally protest the water rate increase. Instead, would you kindly: • Review how the City can better scale its water operations and capital improvements in light of the "new" normal water demand to reduce its operating costs and lessen rate increases year after year. • Assess if pass-through costs from other agencies are justified. • Have staff prepare an action plan for Poway to push back against these pass- through increases and join forces with other cities facing the same issue. I own a single family home in Poway, Parcel Number 314-315-01-00. I have complied with all water restrictions and do my best to conserve. I have also installed a whole house descaling and water softening system to alleviate the wear and tear on the pipes . It doesn't seem fair to penalize customers who are doing their best to conserve. Thank you for your consideration. Poway, CA 92064 YOU MUST BE A WATER AND SEWER RATE PAYER MUST BE MAILED BEFORE MARCH 1, 2019. DATE: CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 92074-0789 TO THE CITY CLERK: Received City Clerk's Office FEB 1 9 2019 CITY OF POWAY THIS IS MY WRITTEN PROTEST TO OPPOSE THE 2019 WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASES. �%� ----:2�� �.,._�� ----------------- SIGNATURE __ :Jero111 e ___ f-,_11]a..(/\ .k�t s:-· -------------------- PRINT NAME OF PERSON ON WATER BILL STREET ADDRESS ��J� _________________ (!'/f!-___________ �;l-t!J �� CITY STATE ZIP CODE DATE: --v/ 1 I 11 CITY CL ERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY ·po BOX 789POWAY CA 92074-0789 Re ceived City Clerk's Office FEB :· 9 7.019 CITY OF POWAYTO THE CITY CLERK: THIS IS MY WRITIEN PROTEST TO OPPOSE THE 2019 WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASES. SIGNATURE: v\A'{Y "f?}Ml1C PRINT.NAME OF PERSON ON WATER BILL: V\ttr,rnt\,J'\bm ,c STREET ADDRESS: I l-\S\, Pow&< D \-1 (<;'G{ C'+ Po JCl � ZIP CODE: q 1,,-0 (.p L{ DATE: 2--/ I / \q CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY ·po BOX 789 POWAY CA 9207 4-0789 TO THE CITY CLERK: Received City Clerk's Office FEB l 9 2019 CITY OF POWAY . THIS IS MY WRITTEN PROTEST TO OPPOSE THE 2019 WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASES. SIGNATURE: � j<'.§.-- PRINT. NAME OF PERSON ON WATER BILL: \J\Olt+-"ib (VI,·� STREET ADDRESS: I '--j S ) 1 P 9 W a j IV\'!' � O(_ C--{-, CITY STATE ZIP CO DE: qu,lf� r,.,.,., r• •1·1•n.,, 11f'r:,•/ ,· ",·,,· �,,.,,,.,· 1i •tt· {)"' •i· •/{11'•·1•• ""'''cT] •. , . � �t·'· •. �·r'" .,,.{, J ,.<,_ •••• �, , , .. , - ... 4: ... r ,,. ._., Received City Clerk's Office FEB 1 9 2019 CITY OF POWAY submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate inc:rca.sc by the City of Poway on behalf of the follo\Ying property: IY-fkb �WA':l h}lr:Jf' �-R,Jf. �wft:I G q?:P1d Sjgn9h f n· � [�t_ ... -cl-_1-!i)�(l . ----. (�f//J h,,n·] (!1.�1'1 t {)1r:t'] IJ!:NMI' Tu!Yl�lkk (\ = , ':?{F to"16't�€D n:W1t' of p,�r:;(J,'f wnQJ� <.W \1,'(Hi.·1 11 bi!{0t�1A1s M' :J1"fl/}.. U�'t}-' O',\'!l1i'/�Afl'1)]-vofz. Pr Ctf.-r oe ·.tt>1-100 o/..10 us.1(f:)1,u� : Yb,.d2.Ctrn£ out 1Ztr1c:i I vJG ·oo �. Re>rute: ft� sn� ,� ! E Nb� ti I+ l -- From: Wilfredo Batac Received City Clerk's Office FEB 1 9 L019 CITY OF POWAY Address: 13920 Country Creek Rd, Poway, Ca. 92064 To: City Clerk of the City of Poway Subject: Proposed Rate Change Protest Dear Sir/Madam, This is to inform you that I am opposed to the Proposed Water and Sewer Rates Increase. Wilfredo Batac �7� 3/!y26!1 1 Received City Clerk's Office FEB 1 9 2019 F--e lov v.._cL-,-7 I s-1 2oL Cj CITY OF POWAY '\b +�-e_ C..i{1 t_(-eYl<- \ ilt'5 LS Ou.v WVJ.t+-e,A pvcf-esf_ ·+6 orpoSt>_ +li.v ,9· 010 1,0, .. A,t,,,.. (_. 1,1..tf �-e u.>CV v r1..,+..e_i "1. c ,-�t<..ses , Skr. i�v-".e. ov\ 01.1.v c.,·r1 l«A-Jn-.s. Lui·�"'-Bolo € Wl•f?l'1 (,A.)<c.S a(,·u-e. (�1"1,/ hc..dc __ , ( l / { 11 -/ / 11 -,� '1'11-< .. f•-J ·t_(,(r�af tlh(),.._-f C-e•tri·,) +/,,u_ c/ 'J 1'h. +h_,_ (_(.)U,,·tr1' .___J l,. e_.. ( tv t,....(_4--<'_u v--i, <-· J V lrt t,\. !: 0 '-. � 0 �( � O V\,(µ<;. (.' i,, l 4 ::,()'2.-e_Q (/ vt_ L. +-t. > s {-' f ow"-J I c ,4 · 1-z..Du. (._I �s� -({-'6Co -4 l.f '3 ·1 a v .... t-{ --a u tM-,I) YOU MUST BE A WATER AND SEWER RATE PAYER MUST BE MAILED BEFORE MARCH l, 2019. DATE: 2/;t/rr CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 92074-0789 TO THE CITY CLERK: Received City Clerk's Office FEB :t 9 2019 CITYOF POWAY THIS IS MY WRITTEN PROTEST TO OPPOSE THE 2019 WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREA SES. __________ lh __ /1:_L_�L!Lob,1 4 Jht-Cs: PRINT NAME OF PERSON oZ-�TER BILL STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE 1Wiin, 'Druts & Kett.ft dl. J!jkcr 136,:1 dto.9rn, <Pat.cA.(:cme <i><!>tt•ay, <:!A9:io64 ZIP CODE Received City Cl erk's Office FEB 19 2019 I, Alice s. Lawless CITYOFPOWAY [ ·namref;rrmn on umr blll a,.p,apart,awntr]submit thls protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate Increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: 12280 Sage View Road, Poway 92064 Meter No.53576714 (IUW't'Gddlwf , fllltt'f rr$tt1Jtr t1/ 1J"'"'9 ] Signed, . . {Lljo_u),� [lliJr lrar.w] ltlrce, S. Law[ess Administration of Water Bonds has been lax and wastful. Correct your l Proposition 218 Protest Vote Received City Clerk's Office FEB 1 9 2019 A LA-Alf)Sc3lh id-CITYOF POWAY 1, A/JIJE"LA -/), [Insert name of person on water blll or property owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate Increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: !1-6531/-&!7JJ6E;M /?;d C� 9200f (Insert address or parcel number of propeny (Sign he - t[Insert Dace] ?Ai>1EU1 UfAJ()S"G}J CD- (Print name of person on wate r b/11 or proparr.y owner) optional-· reason for protesting the rate increases • • • 1 ... .. • .. .. � .. , - - --•• "' '-r � -...... , " "' .. - -... ,. -,. .. '" ... - - .. , • -.. -- -. .... -� -" • -.. --....... -- "' .... - -..... -.. ......... -----------... ,-... --...... ,, To: City Council Members, I adamantly protest the threat of another water tax on the residents of Poway. It is excessive and more evidence that California is doing everything it can to get out of debt by taxing everything and making utilities more and more expensive. Please do not go down this road! eorge Vallese Received cE.B O 1 2019 City of Poway City Managefs Offi~e Propos;tior 218 P:otest Vote ~~1-,._17 J=>e,t.U~.f plr'0/6~ .S<t!..IVel-/tvet.r~~ ..J n ::rTL /11.c,.~tt.s ~! 1, ____,;A-'-P _,___,1 f'__.._,,.h '----'o~r"-=d,___J)=-....:c::..-' -=-{/_:_I --=-} ...,_-;_;_) "'--...:::...J __ [ ,;fO 0 submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed ra te in crease by ___ C_i_t y_o_f_P_o _w_a_y ________ on behalfof the [mserr rne '10ml V• ,1vw, •• .;re, provider] following property: [ s ~~~ "" 'Pc:, ] ?Otl1 c:t l/, r1f/1 y,;J Cl & 7 [, d ,, ~ ..,/-r ' " oe o r n -., r ] Sig ne d, IC.. 0 V.rc.., V 01 J)(O c: 0 "'(',-J Received City Clerk's Office FEB O I 2019 C ITY OF POWAY Proposition 218 Pretest Vote -4'4'\ ~c11ur ?"~~f ./''6>/"S-~~ ,sewer/w~~'"' V r~T~ , 1tcr-etf...It.. / ,, Ba v ha v a. -I 1~ v-vztt 1t1 [ rse , ,e.;fo., s, "rm ,a P1 " ,r p~r,:, 01 submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate i ncrease by City of Poway _________________ on behalf of the [,nsert 1he rium~ o, yvu, m--ter provider] following property: l/2,,().D7 0o l o VJ\/ Dt2. I [ 1Sf3 e!s "" -re ,,, n!) C ~ r, [Insert address or parcel wrnber of additional property] Signed, /-:~rt',..a,cff::::..L......J, ~t_.:..;:.i a ~_:_:__'=---->./-~~• .:E..=...: [ '~::f t/ ---;9 ..... [ .... ''t u Pt 1,or ~ "' o pro~ ~ , ::> .:: J Receiv eo City Clerk's Office FEB 01 2019 ClTY OF POWAY Propositio~ 218 Protest Vote tl,l-1t..l1ttT Pl!>U'~s' ,.:'r'O/"~ .s~vv-/wctr~,, ,./ rar~ /,tCl"~tf.S~f I, J)~ v, .o 8 . CR i --rs f:,,C_ [, r O , 'Jr,., >perty owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by C ity of Powa y __________________ on behalf of the [,nsert t11c ,,ume o, JVV• .. Jter provider] following property: J 2. 5'7o /A(,,{tuY PL [.ir e, r,,. . _ -"" v,,1ber of property] [Insert address or parcel number of additional property] Signed, f -?...'l-/5' [In ,e1. D .... ] [. n," nu .,, OJ;)• --· ..,fl . " v, propc ty o,. ,~ ·] R eceived City Clerk's Office FEB O I 2019 CITY OF POWAY [insert name of person on water bill or property owner] submi t this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by ___ C_ity __ o_f_P_o_w_a_y _________ on behalf of the [insert the name of your water provider] [Insert address or parcel number of additional property] ~ [Sign here) Z7JA;J )1 [Insert Date) [Print name of person on water bill or property owner] . Receivee: City Cle rk's Offlc,,, FEB O 1 Z01t1 CITY OF P OWAY Proposition 218 Protest Vote tt,l-~l,c.17 /='e>WA.lj .S' '11"0 /~~ .S~IVc,. /UJt:tr ~ ,-. J rarL ,.,._~,.e4S ~ f /Y I ~ :'-/tt~nJ -;;d?ilh:_(_, [insert name o ~ ~water bill or property owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by ____ Ci_ty_o_f_P_o_w_a_y _________ on behalf of the [insert the name of your water provider] following property: [Insert address or parcel number of property] [Insert address or parcel number of additional property] Receiveo City Clerk's Office FEB O l 2ors C ITY OF POWA"t submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increa.se by ___ C_ity __ o_f_P_o_w_a_y _________ on behalf of the [insert the name of your water provider] following property: of property] (Insert add ess or parce, number o additional property] Signed, ~~ We..6 v l)_ I or property owner] Receivec City Clerk's Offk:e FEB O 1 2019 CITY OF POWAY Proposition 218 Protest Vote et,I ._,. IC. t T pew~ .s' ,, ,,. e> I' L'J'Cd S-t!.IV u-I UJ 4. r ~ ,.. ./ r~r~ ;.1t.<=,..~tt.s~! 1, ._).a_ J) b-2u l~ j <g_~,, [insert name of person on water bill o ~roperty owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by City of Poway ___________________ on behalf of the [i nsert the name of your water provider] following property: [Insert address or parcel number of property] [Insert address or parcel number of additional property] Signed, J -;;g-;9 [Insert Date] Received City Cl erk's Office FE B O l 20i9 CITY OF POWAY Proposition 218 Protest Vote ~c..,·1t1T pe,u..,~.S' J?r"O/~~ s~~~,./wt1tr~,,. ./ rarL /,tt:l"~tf.S t! ! ~-1 , G l,\.~ k.e. I,--'---!.~__::=:......;....:.....:....:....~,..._ __________ _ [insert name of person on water bill or property owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by ___ C_•_·ty __ o_f_P_o_w_a_y _________ on behalf of the [insert the name of your water provider] following property: [Insert address or parcel number of property] [Insert address or parcel number of additional property] Signed, I-2...-5--J 9 [Insert Date] M 13 ~s-k.e... [Print name of person on water bill or property owner] Received City Clerk's Office FEB O I 20 19 Cl lY OF POWA'>' Proposition 218 Protest Vote 4..,1~; AtT pe,w~ .I' ,e1 ro /4..re.d' .S~lt.le,. / UJtt r ~ ,,_ ./ rar~ / I\.Cr-~4 S ~ f ,. /:/4:,4,a 4,,v-?f:/>o ulsvr\ [insert ry1me of person on water bill or property owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by ___ C_ity __ o_f_P_o_w_a_y ________ on behalf of the [insert the name of your water provider) following property: [Insert address or parcel number of property] [Insert address or parcel number of additional property) Signed, 7:~I~ [Sign here] j -L,S--/J [Insert Date] M or?l ~ + Koh e.r -J-Ru Is.~ [PFihr name of person on water bill or property owner) Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 1 20,9 C ITY OF POWAY Proposition 218 Protest Vote tt.,J-1t..i 1t.tT poun•~f '7l"t>/"~ S~&ue,./wttre,- J r4TL /,v::,,.ett.sf!! 1 •• J ee rze ~O' I oV(.{5 [,f'sert name of person on water b, 11 or property owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by ___ C_i_ty_o_f_P_o_w_a_y _________ on behalf of the [insert the name of /Our water provider] following p roperty: [Insert address or parcel number of additional property] Signed, /il,1~ [insert Date] [Pr'nt name of person on water bill or property owner] Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 1 2019 CITY OF POWAY [."nsert name of perso'1 or> water b, or property owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by ___ C_i_ty_o_f_P_o_w_a_y _________ on behalf of the [insert the name of your war er provider] following property: l s ~.LZ.«o,p~bt::~,y ]v~ ~' [Print name of person on ware, bi/ or property c;i;;vr>erl t-<ecel\ted City Clerk's Office FEB O 1 20 19 CflY OF POWAY I, --[-in .. 1r~rt-':-a~~-~'-:)"-+-p-e,~f'-on-o"""\-=~~pP.c..e+'r b-il-~o"""~-~"-ro_p_,e-rty_o_w-ne_r_] -- submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by City of Poway ___________________ on behalf of the [i nsert the name of your water provider] following property: [I nsert address or parcel number of property] [Insert address or parcel number of additional property] Signed, I ,_ 2 -3/ -/ '1 [Insert Date) r property owner) Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 1 20 19 C ITY OF POWAY Provosition 218 Protest Vote . ar,·11.rT PtfcP'o/ ~ p,o l'f)~e ✓ wa ~r/.rcec.x.1-/'lt Te l"t"~ ~ ..( [ / ··~, ?v'c:-r.. / c.,/ ~--1, ----'""-"'---"----,,.,,..=-----==--_;__ ___ --==:::.._ ___ _ [insert name o'fperson on water bill or property owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by ___ C_it_y_o_f_P_o_w_a_y _________ on behalf of the [insert the name of your water provider] following property: S b a cU-:V, J/;>t72ak cl-- [Insert address or parcel number of property] [Insert address or parcel number of additional property] Signed, [Sign here] 1/2 <t /1 er [Insert Date] [Print name of person on water bill or property o w ner] Received City Cleric's Office FEB O 1 2019 CITY OF POWAY ,. _&..C..,.~..J.L~ ....... 8..J.L.4~'12~A""'--"-~-"--e::::....:,e.__{,_,,_1)""-->0c::::..:..:>.:..::d=----- unserr name of person on water bill or property owner] subm it this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by ___ C_ity __ o_f_P_o_w_a_y _________ on behalf of the [insert the name of your water provider] following property: [Insert address or parcel number of additional property] ~~ !-;H-19 [Sign here] [Insert Date] [Print name of person on water bill or property owm>.el . m:::ce ,vect C ity Clerk's Office FEB O 1 2019 CllY OF POWA Y a _ Proposition 218 Protest Vote_ o/4 ' 'l..1·7 P lY lll"f'~ tuaTer t:?/1 c/ f -ca/<r r .a 7 c:. //U"if'4 ~< submit this protest vote to op ose the proposed rate increase by ___ C_ity __ o_f_P_o_w_a_y _________ on behalf of the [insert the name of your water provider] following property: [Insert address or parcel 6waJ [Insert address or parcel number of additional property] Signed, ~~? l/r-21/42 [Insert Date] n me of person on wate bill or property owner] Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 1 20 19 CITY OF POWAY Proposition 218 Protest Vote Crj4 i riff p e;i w/ s /t°,1? t1 ..r e d cl) 4. 'f?,,. I ...r ecu er /a Te /{o Se 177 ar y t/4__ n cl-e. r v CJ 0 t: I, [in sert name of J erson on water bill or property owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by City of Poway __________________ on behalf of the [insert the name of your water provider] following property: /JJ. fil/7 r~~n f ;(d . ?ow°' y, (',1 fc;.oti,<;/ [Inser t address or parcel number of property] I [Insert address or parcel number of additional property] [Sign here] [Insert Date] [Print name of {erson on water bill or property own~ceived City Clerk's Office FEB O 1 20 19 C ITY OF POWAY Proposition 2 1 8 Protest Vote ,•)~,.,..-... ,-. "t • 1 A/•,,,~/ I ,-,,/, L ~c I I .~f r / h ; ~r /i'i i , 1 • ----.;.;..-'-'-"-"-'---:......:.....:....--''--'--'-.!..---'----;__;_------ [insert name of person on water bill or property o w ner) submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase ~/' lU e; Te r a ,,, d s-e 1.1.J er ___ C_ity __ o_f_P_o_w_a_y _________ on behalf of the [insert the name of your water provider] following property: I }~--,/ --\) :J -; -__,, I ,,; . , ,:..i ... ,;· J / -lfc;;..,,,.., ,1..___ .... \.._,-, (Insert address or parcel number of property] (Insert address or parcel number of additional property] Signed, i . / 1 ! [Sign here)-" ' : ! f .-, .f .J ., -17- --,-I ·; I ,// I ! . / j I I [Print name of person on water bill or property owner) Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 1 20 19 CITY OF POWAY subm it this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by ___ C_i_ty_o_f_P_o_w_a_y _________ on behalf of the [insert the name of your water provider] following property: [Insert address or parcel number of property] (I nsert address or parcel number of additional property] Receive d City Clerk's Offic >? FE B O 1 20 19 C ITY OF POWAY Proposition ~•8 Protest Vote I, _,:__(l}_lrlf_(:_,_~Wf~C::..:..l<f-:::::;..;.1/-1-vl~>?=------ Received City Cl erk's Office FEB O 1 201 9 CITY OF POWAY (ln.sut nam, of p,--rson on water bl/J or propsrty owner] s ubmit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate Increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: I 351.!> •'!i U 1,;1171/J f D [Sign hers] , [Insert Date] yr--1 ~ e-m ~ e r-e ((;lAv 1; ( Print name of person on water bll ~r propm1y owner ] optional • reason for protesting the rat• incnuu ·------------------------------------------------------ Proposition ~18 Protest Vote Received City Clerk 's Office FEB O 1 201 9 CITY OF POWAY [Insert nam , of person on waur b/11 or property own r] , submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate Increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: [Sign h1r,] [ln.ftlrt Datt ] jJqr L. t:,At/4-5 [Print namB o/psrson on watsr bill or property ow11,r) optional -rr Proposition ~•B Protest Vote Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 1 201 9 ,. Ll o l'A).P 7 , /1,;l;ftJ f 'f c ,rvoFPowAv [Insert nam, of p1rs_on on water blll or prop.ny ownrr) s ubmit thi s prote st vote to oppos e the propo sed water and sewer rate In cre as e by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: J~' ~ 5 iff1/:t,~ tf(l ~~J Of 'f'1Pt'I [ln.s,n oddren or pare,/ numbtrof prop,rty) (Sv,n htr8] [Insert Dau] l K~ /I AA /J ~ If t.. i,,;;llf' [ Print nam• of penon on watar b/11 or proP6rty owner] optional -~a.son/or protesting the rate inc-rea, Proposition ~•B Protest Vote Received City Clerk"s Office FEB O 1 20 19 I, s ti y AM V£M VLfr CITYOFPOWAY (Insert nam, of p,rson on wot r bl/I or proparty own,rJ submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer ra te In c rease by the City of Poway on behalf o f the following property: (lns,n add~a or pare,/ num,,.ro/pro,,.ny J Signed, (Sign htrw] .S H-'I AfvJ VG:M u Lit ' [ Print nam, of pcnon on water bill or prop'1rty owner ] optional -reason for prot ting the rate lnC'r~ma Proposition ~•8 Protest Vot~ ,-{ece,•1;- City Cl erk·: ' ·,,ce FEB O 1 20 19 I,_________________ CITYOFPOWAY [Insert nam, of person on wat•r bill or proputy ownrr) submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate Increase by the City of Po,vay on behalf of the following property: [Insert addren or pare,/ n11m1Hro/pro,:Mrty ) [Sign h,r11 [Insert Dau] £.R/JISS-76 Jf?li&LVAG (Print nam, of person on watsr bill or prope~ owner] optional · ~ason for prot ting th rate mcttas Dear Sir: Rece ived City Cl erk's Office FEB O 1 201 9 CITY OF POW AY I formally object to the new water rates. 2S January 2019 Poway water is already too high for my family. It gets even higher when sewer rates are added on. Please consider better water rates for families. Sincerely, Lito Jose ~~ 1393S Micfiand Rd. Poway, California R. ;~y 1,~o fowc<.j Received C ity Cl e rk's Office FEB O 1 2019 CITY O F POWAY C.ler<.\c.. o-f-. +~ CJ'/ of four. J {)of ·7 21 ; CA 9'cio1y -b 7%1 l 59-(o L/ Li YJl e j~ov~ \Jl . Po0 0. j , C;i 9 d('.)~ ~ J evn ""Gl,(" J ;}__ 2, ~ o I o/ ,·Th ,s i's n~~ l,\,) ( l Ii €_ h f ( 0 h~ s ·t-1-0 I w ... ~hi--c:.,v---,J s~c:_a._ (o..te \0Cf'e Gi.S e s . \~ (u~if ~ o. v---ci k~ I<.~ C , /V\ C\.,y-\ /10 }S1 Lt+ L i ff\<::. S roL-G 'P-J-. Lf0wc~ C,A Cf ~o(oy' January 28, 2019 13987 Midland Rd. Poway, CA 92064 To whom it may concern: Re ceived City Clerk's Office FEB O 1 2019 CITY O F PO WAY I protest the proposed new water rates . Of particular concern is the sewer Tier system which is arbitrary, rigid and punitive to users of smaller quantities of water. The system is tilted toward ac tual lower rates to the landscaped mansions of North Poway. The city sites increasing fixed costs. This may present the requirement to raise rates but does not dictate that the increases as a function of the inequitable tier sewer system. Sincerely, Roberta McCoy ~10'1ll~ January 29, 2019 A.Kay Vinson, MMC Interim City Clerk City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 KVinson@Poway.org 858-668-4535 Dear City of Poway Clerk- Received City Clerk 's Offic e FEB O 1 2019 CITY OF POWAY I am reaching out to express our opposition to the proposed increase in our water rates. Residents should not be further penalized for their exceptional response to the water conservation measures with this increase. Thank you for your consideration in this matter and your work on behalf of the residents of Poway. Best regards- Coach Road Poway, CA 92064 <g~-~?2~ ( 1<, 0 January 30, 2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 9207 4-0789 To The City Clerk, Received City Clerk's Office FEB O I ?r19 CITY OF POWAY This is my written protest to oppose the 2019 water and sewer rate increases. Respectfully, Elmer Vires 15484 Harrow Ln. Poway, CA 92064 HY/\TT ::J :tHOTELS,~& RESORTS ,;'' ® Tb , ti;:; tL ( T '1 cl-c---a_ i< / 3 1.3 g' :5 TVNC· (7\-tJyoA.f fJ o v A'( I C...A 'fl ot c..( .J' p. Al . 3 o 1 1-0 l '\ Ill I s-l .s /VI 'I w I<_ I T TC. N Received C ity Clerk 's Office FEB O 1 201 9 CITY O F POWAY f\.LAN -5!'Jr1 vE. LY I '3 t .J fr S to 1\Jc CA ,J YoAJ KYJ. f owA v, CA er1.ol, l( DATE: JANUARY 29, 2019 CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY P. 0. BOX 789 POWAY, CALIFORNIA 92074-0789 TO THE CITY CLERK : Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 1 201 9 CITY OF POWAY THIS IS MY WRITTEN PROTEST TO OPPOSE THE 2019 WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASES . NAME OF PERSON ON WATER BILL : BONNIE VALENTINE ADDRESS : 17532 TAM O SHANTER DRIVE CITY: POWAY STATE: CALIFORNIA ZIP CODE: 92064 Proposition 218 Protest Vote Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 1 2019 CITY OF POWAY I, ______________________ _ (i1Hc11 ,wnu.> o f person on ,. c11c1 b1/! 01 proper cy o;,, 11t't I submi t thi s protest vot e to oppose the p roposed rate increase by ___ C_i_t _y_o_f _P_o_w_a_y _________ on b ehalf of the [1m,•,1 1'1,·no11 l'()/:;ow ,.a/1rp,oi·1d,1 J following property: [hl•'t r orlarc'S5 C'r pared t1://l1/1,.,, d J.>H)f)C' 1'. I fovva").:, c.A C/a..ouy [Im err ocrlr,· 11 or i;mrel n1w1/Ja ,;t adth:rorwl proµ.-,1, I vn (J,,, r \<. c:;;; C\, l l ( m j [i',,nr non,,·,)/ rv, 1,,n 0 1; \',at~, IJ,/101 1',0/'t'ri1· ,,i-.n,,. J January 30, 2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway Post Office Box 789 Poway, California 92074-0789 Received City Clerk 's Office FEB O 1 2019 CITY OF POWAY Please consider this letter as our written protest of the proposed rate changes for water and sewer. Thank you, Thomas J. Dobransky 16657 Valle Verde Road Poway, California 92064-1635 7k{}/~~ Nancy F. McMahan 16657 Valle Verde Road Poway, California 92064-1635 Received City Clerk's Office « FEB O 1 2019 c:rr -------------------------------------------------------------- CITY OF POWAY PROP. 218 PROTEST FORM By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner of the below parcel. Parcel Information I I I I I I I I I I I I Assessor's Parcel ID: Street Address: City, State, Zipcode: 11 33 31 Lin g re Avenue !Poway, CA 92064 : Submitted By Print Owner Name: IF owler Family Trust dtd 09/14/05 If the above is not an individual(s), e ,g. an LLC , Trust, Corporation, etc. Print Authorized Signatory Patric ia Fowler, Tru stee I I I I I I I I I : Signature: ~A.f.~1,.:1,,<-.L..J~...!:....!~.t&-==-----Date: 101/29/2 01 9 1 ! ________________________________________________________________ , Received C ity Cl erk's Office FEB O 1 2019 I O --thL ~ ~ .' C!TYOFPOWAV j;liuA--~ 711d ullvHnv r ~ +o Of10~ ~ JO l9 vJrilvv ~ ~ J\ o)Jv ~ CJ\j,CVJ--{/ . <?os5 2 ~ Ros 'S 5cdd w 1 1 y\_ ~ Q, ~(__(~' 1)avbccv-o G ~a !d w~ Vv 14 ~s 2) -tt 01ww+ ~Q);VUJ "17 a lU ~ , CA '7LJ O 1p,.J- ftcu ·i L4 o~ o 31+ro -14 January 29, 2019 re: Proposed water bill increase To : City Clerk of the City of Poway Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 1 201 9 CITY OF POWAY I strongly protest the proposed increase in water fees. Especially coming so soon after a recent rate hike. Like all responsible Powegians my household has been diligent in reducing our water usage insomuch as putting in water saving toilets and household appliances. We also installed fake grass and drought resistant landscaping. We catch rainwater and our shower water to water plants. Our showers are short. In short, our only water extravagance is our pool which we keep covered as much as possible to prevent evaporation. And with our household reducing from 4 to 2 with our children moving out our bills should not keep going up! Respectfully, I (' Nicola Ruskin 14153 Los Nietos Ave . Poway 92064 Parcel number: 321-293-01-00 2019 Protest Vote to City of Poway Water and Sewer rate Increase Date: 3 Cl.V). 2-c,, Zo I '1 Poway Resident Address: 13 7 4 I ~e. l ~s f-i ~l {2c[ · Po ½-?3-Y , qz.oro :I To: City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 To Whom It May Concern, Re ceived City Clerk's Offfce FEB O 1 2019 C ITY OF POWAY This is my written protest to the 2019 Water and Sewer rate increase. We are extremely careful with our water usage and try to save water every day. It is unfair to raise our rates when we already pay high prices. Please reconsider this proposal and look for alternative ways to work within the current budget. Sincerely, Printed Name Mar+l.t\.CL O..V\d 6v"e.v1,clct-Le yva.-Pru! i I l tt • r-• -----✓ - Signatures ~&-p, ../?~}t,..2 <$4 -~ DATE: 29 January 2019 CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 92074-0789 TO THE CITY CLERK: Received C ity Cle rk's Office FEB O 1 2019 cn-v OF PO WAY THIS IS MY WRITTEN PROTEST TO OPPOSE THE 2019 WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASES . SIGNATURE: s co--fJ--~ ACCOUNT: 37115500-32 PRINT NAME OF PERSON ON WATER BILL: SHOCK STREET ADDRESS: 14467 Maplewood St CITY STATE ZIP CODE: Poway CA 92064 January 28, 2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway, Received City Clerk 's Office FEB O 1 2019 CITY OF POWA y I am writing to inform you of my protest to the proposed water rate increase. If the city can tell us to save water, then turn around and dump water towers full of water due to the water savings, then the money was certainly not managed properly. Please do not raise the rate. Regards , Jake Resch 14264 Silver Ridge Rd . Poway, CA 92064 Receiv ed City Cle rk's Office FEB O 1 2019 2019 Protest Vote to Proposed City of Poway Water and Sewer Rate l~eowA" CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 92074-0789 Date: 0 I -..5D -/ q Dear Sir or Madam Clerk: Please be advised that I am formally registering my protest vote to oppose the PFfosed 2019 CityofPowayfaterand ,sewerrateincreases. UJ---e. Cl,V( 6--r\ U\.. -t71.y_-e.,J 1\'\COvy'\e_,1 z_\t-e •V\...t '-\'1f\hv, \ ~ ~c..,( e tLS \I\~ \ (\ LQ{)_T Cl V\_J we C-CJY\-h~u---(_/· Sincerely, ( A ~ -v u 'Ao.-f '(\(\~\ h 'p\-t.-_Q..,~~ -e,n s~/5 ~ ~ \ \ ~\ '-1J~ -/ ~ CG\,.,VV\S, ~ ~ ~'.\llu,,J Q:.°t ~, '(\ct;~~· cl (~eV\.S ()_~~ J.'!l ff)_( Signature t , , ""I · t--ef C\... V\ l C. f e._ re._$~-l f\. VJ t:}..; ' ~J=r -;f AM 0 \L VI I N'@-f M'\-JL Mer ce r Printed Name Poway Residence Address: J 22 q ?f CJ fh c,,/wr 1 Sr PVt,Otuf {!_,A q :;;iio1r <f Parcel Number (If Mailing Address is a PO Box) *Please mail by March 1, 2019 to be received prior to City Council meeting scheduled March 5, 2019. Or, they may be dropped off directly to the City Clerk's office in Poway City Hall before Noon on March 5th . January 30, 2019 City Clerk of The City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 Dear City Clerk: Receive d City Clerk's Offic e FEB O 1 2019 CITY OF POWAY This is my written protest to strongly oppose the 2019 water and sewer rate increases. I encourage the City to seek al t ernatives other than punishing water users for their success in reducing water usage, as requested, publi cized and promoted by the very same individuals that now want to raise rates. Ted Call am 12896 Stone Canyon Road Poway CA 92064 (858) 485 0607 (phone/fax) January 30, 2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 Peter R. Buerki, Ph.D. 17141 Cloudcroft Drive Poway, CA 92064-1314 Pubic Hearing Proposed Water and Sewer Rates Hello, Letter in Opposition to the proposed increase of the water and sewer rates pbuerki@twc.com Received Ci tv Cle rk's Office 1:::TR O 1 ?n1y My name is Peter Buerki, and I am the owner of the property at 17141 Cloudcroft Drive, Parcel No. 273-164-08-00. Reason: Constantly increasing the fees for water and sewer punishes homeowners for their efforts to conserve water. Despite their efforts of saving water, their water bills keep increasing. This creates a disisentive to further conserve water. Instead of increasing the water and sewer fees, I propose restructuring the financing of water and sewer into 1. A fee for water and sewer infrastructure that is tied to the property and may be periodically adjusted as costs for water and sewer infrastructure change, and 2. a water and sewer usage fee that is tied to the actual water and sewer consumption and that will go down, as water is conserved. I would appreciate, if the City of Poway would consider my proposal. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Peter Buerki DAT E: January 30, 2019 CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 9207 4 -0789 TO THE CITY CLERK: Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 1 201 9 CITY OF POWAY THIS IS MY WRITTEN PROTEST TO OPPOSE THE 2019 WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASES. SIGNATURE: ~q~-- PRINT NAME OF PERSON ON WATER BILL: Michelle Hoyt STREET ADDRESS: 14822 Midland Road CITY: Poway STATE:CA ZIP CODE : 92064 Received Proposition 218 Protest Vot~ity Clerk 's Offlc,- FEB O 4 ZG'.S CITY OF POWA"' l,~L -=--~=.:......=· ;..._&_~----- [in sert name of person on water bill or property owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by ___ C_it_y_o_f_P_o_w_a_y _________ on behalf of the [i nsert the name of your water provider] following property: l3Ct>4a ~ ~ P~ CA qd'l)(€l\- ( [I nsert address or parcel number of property] · ---.[I nsert address or parcel number of additional property] Signed, \ [Sign here] [Print name of person on water bill or property owner] Pl ease send written prote~t~- City Clerk of the City of Po way P.O. Box 789 Powa y, CA 92074-07 89 '764 ~ g PMJ-y J lUiL 3D ft, ~ Jo/<7 Received City Clerk'~ Offi " ice FEB O 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY T VLI.I f-5 10-1/ wr/,1/erJ . JvDW~ ap19.'K--I~ ?vf q ~r 1 ~r ( ttC,l'e.aJe--J, k 1n cl ~rzbl '(>)l)h h,,' &Cl,/%11. 1 (!nrbn /h.VWlCr f ro3) GuJkrA cLd ~ PolJ.»vl/1 CIJ-9 ~ l( DATE: January 30,2019 CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 9207 4-0789 TO THE CITY CLERK: Rece ived City Cle rk 's Office FEB O 4 2019 C llY OF POWAY THIS IS MY WRITTEN PROTEST TO OPPOSE THE 2019 WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASES. WE HAVE DONE MANY IMPROVEMENTS TO OUR LANDSCAPING TO REDUCE OUR WATER USAGE AND BILL, THE COSTS ARE STILL VERY HIGH. SIGNATURE:~ J___,__r:z '-4 PRINT NAME OF PERSON ON WATER BILL: Teresa Filice STREET ADDRESS: 15852 Lime Grove Road CITY Poway STATE CA ZIP CODE: 92064 2019 Protest Vote to Proposed City of Poway Water and Sewer Rate Increase CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 92074-0789 Dear Sir or Madam Clerk: Rece ived City Clerk 's Office FEB O 4 2019 CITY OF POWA v Please be advised that I am formally registering my protest vote to oppose the proposed 2019 City of Poway water and sewer rate increases. Sincerely, ~~ ,JQJJt S~ {\ MeJ-L Printed Name Poway Residence Address : \:/Vl5 \j\ck.ort3 S+. ?ow°'-'1 c,A Parcel Number {If Mailing Address is a PO Box) *Please mail by March 1, 2019 to be received prior to City Council meeting scheduled March 5, 2019. Or, they may be dropped off directly to the City Clerk's office in Poway City Hall before Noon on March 5th • CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY P.O. Box 789 Poway, Ca. 9207 4-0789 To the City Clerk: 1-30-19 This is my written protest to oppose the 2019 Water Rate Increases. George B. Sachs 16407 Calle Ana Poway, Ca. 92064 Received City Cle rk's Office FEB O 4 2019 CilYOF POWAr I { . 1 /i Q Received _ 1, j () / ( City Clerk's Office FEB O 4 2019 -:fr: /j)J:.u._ <l-J,JLll.1---V) V ~J CllYOF POWA Y 1_ U(j f crU ~ ';J p CUJ ~ ~ cf' cY-0/ v,.e:±u ., _/2 JU,Ue,( R~ /;&_J) (y;,,,,.j; c:_c_J)x,, DA v ; ti c f , ';v ksc:A.! eJ I lf t ~ ~ c··11-«c_)·o -/47 ~r ?(I w /:\.yr CA 9 J. CJ b Lj ; L/76ct cAe L S0tJ Sr (?owJ I QA Cf Jo&t.j ·~ 1)2:::Jb,e__ CJ ,/\lsc~~ Proposition 218 Protest Vote I, --I'-. Y)~'d/J'Ji--.:.....;.....;;~......;;..· _......__,~~~~c..,,L-,~~'-=-----~ils;i name of person on water bill or property owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by ___ C_,_·t_y_o_f_P_o_w_a_y _________ on behalf of the [i nsert the name of your water provider ] following property: /c [I nsert address or parce l number of property] ,-.[I nsert address or parcel number of addi ti onal property] [I nsert Date ] Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 4 2019 CITY OF POWA y }JIJIIJC!b V/!l/(C M/j, JbN f/4[1(& ft! A- [Print name of p erson on water bill or pr6,J erty owner] Please send written protests to: City Clerk of the City of Poway P,O, Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 9207 4-0789 TO THE CITY CLERK: Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY THIS IS MY WRITTEN PROTEST TO OPPOSE THE 2019 WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASES. SIGNAT URE : r;R.~ ~ PRINT NAME OF PERSON ON WATER BILL : L\5t\., \-\u,t,es STREET ADDRESS : t4 t.\ 31 +-\, l \ V\. do..~ ~ CITY STATE ZIP CODE: '"rt,u..o..v\_ CA-C\ 2-0 (o 4 CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 9207 4-0789 TO THE CITY CLERK : Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 4 2019 CllY OF POWAY THIS IS MY WRITTEN PROTEST TO OPPOSE T HE 2019 WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASES. SIGNATURE: cf!-<,C,(;<.. ~ PRINT NAME OF PERSON ON WATER B ILL: L\5Ct, \,\vt-,t--ies STREET ADDRESS : \.4437 +--\1 \\ \I\.J.et\sL L(o.__~ CITY STATE Z IP CODE : rt?~ cA--C\2-.DCo~ January 30, 2019 City Clerk of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 9207 4-0789 Dear City Clerk: This is my written protest to oppose the 2019 Water and Sewer rate increases. Please reconsider mandating such rate adjustments without resident approval. There is already hardship with the existing current water and high sewer charges. On behalf of residents, thank you for your valued consideration. Respectfully, ~ Jennifer , Resident & Home Owner cc: City Hall Rece ived C ity Clerk's Office FEB O 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY 858 -487 -6333. 17024 CAR R IAG E H I LL S CT. POWAY, CA 94064 , PO BOX 504477, SAN DIEGO , CA 92 1 50 PHONE ADDRESS MAI L ING January 30, 2019 City Clerk of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 9207 4-0789 Dear City Clerk: This is my written protest to oppose the 2019 Water and Sewer rate increases. Please reconsider mandating such rate adjustments without resident approval. There is already hardship with th e existing curre nt water and high sewer charges. On behalf of residents, thank you for your valued consideration. Respectfully, n , Resident & Home Owner Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY 858 -487 -6333, 1 702 4 CARR I AGE H ILL S C T. POWAY, CA 94 0 64, PO BOX 504477, SA N DIEGO , CA 92150 PHONE ADDR E SS MAIL I NG i@rceJ N= cT-t-5-380-0 1 -DO A-d d ,-ey::, ; I 2-q2~ Ca~ iu"D ~ ( \/Cl l le- ,::p oW q y c A ~\2 .. ol.A; ~~~~.Y"" ~ De l h -Pot v r o-- FE B v 4 .3 /}..__.. / I · J \ , .· 77, q , r TTj , fi\i r s--1~cS \A..\ C IT Y(Ji-POWAY ~ Poway City Council 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA. 92064 Dear City Council : Re ceived Citv C IP.rk 's Off ice FEB O 4 201 9 c 1T v ni: 0 rw .. ,-.. 17714 St. Andrews Drive Poway, CA . 92064 January 31 , 2019 I have noticed that you have approved water rate increases both last year and the year before. Now you want to increase the rate again . Last year there was a rate increase and a temporary surcharge that ended December 30th. As soon as that expired , the water department is again asking for a rate increase. When will this end? The more we try to save on our water usage , the more the rate goes up. Our water bill is now the highest utility bill that we pay. As members of the City Council you have been elected to protect the citizens of Poway. Are you just a rubber stamp for the water department? Have you checked their operation to see if there is waste in how they run the department? Do they need all the employees that they have? Has there been a study done to see if there are more efficient ways to run this department? Raising the costs for the citizens should not be the only way to handle this situation . We just had a nice amount of rain this season. Our water reservoir (Lake Poway ) should be overflowing . We should not have to buy as much water from the Metropolitan Water Authority in 2019. And requiring over 50 % of the citizens to complain about the raising of the water rates in order to effect a change is unrealistic . You will never get over 50 % complaints and you know that. That does not relieve you of your responsibility to investigate how the wate r department is run and if it is really necessary to raise the rates every year. I hope you will give due consideration to the points I have made . The water department has to learn that they cannot just raise the rates every year! Yours truly, ~A-4,j Elaine S . Magid February 1, 2019 CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 92074-0789 TO THE CITY CLERK: Rece ived City Clerk 's Office FEB O 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY THIS IS MY WRITTEN PROTEST TO OPPOSE THE 2019 WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASES. Graceanne Rice 14609 Jeff Park Lane Poway, CA 92064 Proposition 218 Protest Vote (,nsC'1 r name of perwn ,,n ,vmcr br/1 ur pro{}cr ry ,y,·,ncr ] submit thi s protest vot e to oppose the proposed rat e in crease by ___ C_i_ty_o_f _P_o_w_a_y _________ on b ehalf of the (rrlS('1 / rh,· n.amt cf ;·our ,;<1/n pro,·rck,] following p ropert y: (!nst!rr cularess or parcel 11unil1er ,;f 1•1opcrn ] Pou..:>~. c+- lfn ,·rt odd1r·11 or on,rd n111 ••1>.-r .,I 0<1d1/'c,11t1l prop,"/, I Sig n ed, ~ -/-17 [,r,,-, t !) 1t, I Received City Cle rk's Office FEB O 4 201 9 CITY OF POWAY ~~~GitQµr~ Rece iv ed City Clerk 's Offic e FEB O 4 201 9 CITY OF POWAY ~ L/J fltt~ W;++¼JcpM!ufi; w~YL -tL )_D{q l!JCo/-&+y,u)ik, M±;_ ~ ~ .. o~-~ ~ A-~if\JZ,-f-k {jtArn.~ 100oq ~lf ew.-o--&{ Jk r6"\,t)~l e}l--9 2-DG 1 7 (. IAJR,; ~0/4€, a 5eph~ £Qsteltt ... --bed-wL, Gt~ R)Jer ! ! Kevin and Abby Foust 15533 Canyon View Way Poway, CA 92064 2-1-2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 Dear City Clerk of the City of Poway: Rece ived City Clerk 's Office FEB O 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY Please accept this letter as our written protest of the proposed rate changes for Poway's water and sewer. Sincerely, (Jlrl}~- Kevin and Abby Foust Received CilY Clerk's office FEB O 4 20\9 crrvoF POWAY Proposition 218 Protest Vote ~ainst Poway Proposed Water & Sewer Rate lncreasE 1,---'-'~~uts~mJ-~_6 Ul+-_ (insert name of person on water bill or property owner) submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by ___ C_l_ty_o_f_P_o_w_a_y ________ on behalf of the (insert the name of your water provider) following property: (Insert address or parcel number of property] [Insert address or parcel number of additional property) Signed, ;2-1 -19 (Insert Date) (Print name of person on water bill or property owner) Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY ~~ ~ JC~ c~ (:_\Q,t) . I h'u is ~ tA~" U\f1sit,""' -ti-' -CJ--.LcP }bf L,r~, ~ ,Se.~, \~~ \ f'C ~~ Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 4 2019 CITY OF POWAY A81482-8 Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 4 2019 ~ ar--------------------------------------------------------------c,rv OF POWA Y PROP. 218 PROTEST FORM By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under · penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner of the below parcel. Parcel Information Assessor's Parcel ID: I 3 I 1 I 4 I 4 I 3 I 3 I 6 I 3 I o I o I Street Address: L-I14_3_33_G_A_E_LY_N_C_T _________________ ____J City, State, Zipcode: .._IPo_w_A_Y_, _c A_9_2_06_4 _________________ _, Submitted By Print Owner Name: L..lo_an_ie_l _M_P_ric_e __________________ ___J If the above is not an individual(s), e,g . an LLC , Trust, Corporation , etc. Print Authoriz~:~v £~----------..... -_________________________ -_:-___________ __,--. Signature: ~ Date: 101/23 /201 9 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------' -----tteeei ved City Clerk's Office Proposit ion 218 P r otest Vote {t!~ 5(:1 r ,;c7 ... l:: i); pt:r~c,:; ~;n J'.·OlC! CI:. (.,: r: '.:, ~. ~-· .. .-.. ·. l.0 i J submit this protest vote to oppose th e proposed rate increase by ___ C_ity __ o_f_.P_o_w_a_y _________ on behalf of the following property : l'.>!.:•:::,·•.·l [ :• .. , : ,· • '';i '\ d: -(-(9 '••.·! i ·•·!7 ;}Ii ~·.d::.:: Ii !i ,.'; :·:(:: .~,:; ~ f FEB O 4 201 9 CITY OF POWAY January 31 , 2019 To the City Clerk, Received City Cfe!ilc's Office FEB 04 2iD19 This is my written protest to oppose the 2019 water and sewer rate increases. Sincerely, Lf}t~ ~~~~ Mari Gutschow 14435 Harvest Court Poway, CA 92064 Account#40804400-37 2/4/2019 Heather Kostyzak <hamkostyzak@cox.net> [No Subject] To hamkostyzak@sbcglobal.net February 4, 2019 Poway Resident Address 12733 Pedriza Road Poway, CA 92064 To the City Clerk Of the City Of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 9207 4 -0789 To Whom it may concern, Cox (N o Subject] Printout This is my written protest vote of the 2019 proposed water and sewer rate increases. Regards, ~!(~ (714) 642-1064 hamkostY.zak@cox.net https://myemail.cox.net/appsu it e/v=7.8.4-46.2018 1210.023104/print.htm l?print_ 15493 13212660 2/4/2019 12 :46 PM Receiv ed C ity Clerk's Office FEB O 4 201 9 CITY OF POWAY 1/1 City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive PO Box 789 Poway, CA 92064 To Whom it may concern, Received City Cle rk 's Offi ce FEB O 6 201 9 CITY OF POWAY We are writing today to offer a written protest of the proposed water rate increase. Poway's water cost recovery structure is flawed; it dis-incentivizes efforts to reduce water use, bears an inordinate amount of the cost on the backs of low to medium water users. In addition, I cannot support additional increases in water costs after all citizens have borne the cost of the drought recovery surcharge for nearly 2 years (26 Jan 2017 -31 Dec 2018) and $900 for each Poway citizen after the San Diego Water Authority officially declared the drought over. The proposed across-the-board increases only serve to exacerbate the inequities of the residential 2-block system. The city's water rates need to 1) support the protection of water quality and availability for all citizens, 2) encourage and incentivize the conservation of a precious resource, and 3) discourage the wasteful consumption on lawns, water features and other eccentricities of the landed aristocracy. I propose the city consider additional residential blocks so that there is an incentive for all residents to control their water use to lower the price of their bills. A simple system doubling the number of residential blocks to four (4) while setting a very low cost baseline (SO units for ~$2/unit) to encourage water savings for low income families, while setting water use above 200 units to a punitive $12/unit to discourage water wasters would drive the behaviors that city leaders doubtlessly desire of the system while protecting low-wage Powegian's access to high quality affordable water. Regarding the rate increases, we have no comment per se provided that the city is neither profiting from nor absorbi ng cost from delivering water to the citizens of Poway. Respectfully, Di~u,lly 1i0f')fd br J,iUMI W.tlt« ON:cn,..1¥!\HW.t11er,o,,Socer, Wnllfn,Oll=O,.,.tlitySystemt-. crn.a,ibj,lmn :,•.tlltftl,ot~wirtllf 11.tom,(,.US '-...... o.a~2019.010611:14,o ,<11n:xr James and Katrina Walter 12766 Larchmont St Poway, CA 92064 February 1 , 2019 CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 92074-0789 TO THE CITY CLERK: Rece ived City Clerk's Office FEB O 6 201 9 CITY OF POWAY THIS IS MY WRITTEN PROTEST TO OPPOSE THE 2019 WATER AND SEWER RATE INCR EASES. Sincerely, ~wick 13015 Wanesta Dr. Poway, CA 92064 Proposltiort 218 P,·otest Vote I, _·Do._\/_~ d U':\ 1 ~-l l __s c) ~ . (Insert name of person on wa cer bill or prop erty owner ] Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 6 201 9 CITY OF POWAY submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: \2,72-(p T.flvMp~ Ur.,, (I nsert addrass or purct3 I rwmb er of prop erty ] Signed, "z J?> ?&~--- [Slgn he re ] [Insert Dace] D "'\ \/ i cl-,AA , lJ ( / s ,J VJ. . (l'rtnt nam e of f)erson 0 11 wate r bill or property own er ] optional reason for pt·o rcst iny rite ra t e incl'eases City Clerk's Office /0 --r, fE8 0 6 201 9 o ' h t:--6--f 't (!/er-J(. ) 0 CITY OF POWAY -(us ts m; wn~-f+e,VJ pro1es+ f O cJ ff 6 ~e.-f-Ae---J-0 I Cf wev-fei C{f1 J ~ e.-W ex r a, Tc___ ; n c r&0 e_ . vf;,' I}~ aJt) J5y65 fow1 ~ A()1J<!JL-'P~ r; ClS -rvJe.-:Road c,~ q:).J)b L} DATE: 29 Jan 2019 CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 92074-0789 TO THE CITY CLERK: Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 6 2019 THIS IS MY WRITTEN PROTEST TO OPPOSE THE 2019 WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASES. SIGNATU~~ PRINT NAME OF PERSON ON WATER BILL: James McCarty Account# 40300400-44 STREET ADDRESS: 16435 Avenida Florencia CITY: Poway STATE: CA ZIP CODE: 92064-1805 DATE : FEBRUARY 1 sr, 2019 CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 92074-0789 TO THE CITY CLERK: Rece ived City Clerk's Office FEB O 6 2019 THIS IS MY WRITTEN PROTEST TO OPPOSE THE 2019 WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASES. 15009 Hat Creek Rd Poway, CA 92064 Rece ived City CIP.rk's Office ~~------------,------------~FE"-----8 ___ O 6~2...;..._01 9 ___ _ ;{L(;__ -~ c)O j ~ -1-----~ ~ ------CITYOF.....20WAy_ _____ _ --------------;------"-------------~·---------~ ~ ------o . -----------•--·-•------- -----··----··--------·-· -----------------· --- J lvvo (,<J ~-~-; -iv -~~~ t±-,., ,;J O I 1 W ,J;;_o ;_; ~ ~--- //-~ UnuU~_. __ _ ----·---~--- ------------------ -------- ----------------------------·-------~ --· --------------- --------- City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-9789 Received City C lp,rk's Office FEB O 6 2019 C ITY OF POWAY I, Patricia Whitson, respectfully submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increase by the City of Poway, on behalf of the following property: 14371 Silver H eights Road, Poway. Signed, Patricia Whitson February 3, 2019 Proposition 218 Protest Vote Received City Clerk's Office fE8 0 6 201 9 ?.,Av ) ~/\A.,e__;o WAY I, ___ .,__ ____________________ C\TYOF PO [i nsert name of person on water bill or property owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by ___ C_it_y_o_f_P_o_w_a_y _________ on behalf of the [insert the name of your water provider] following property: )3 7 ,I) .SO heJ )'d {<J. 7--8\,,v~ y C-P-9-2.-196 4- [l nsert address or parcel number of property] · ,·.[I nsert address or parcel number of additiona l property] Signed, [Sign~ 2 / [Insert Date ] [Print name of person on water bill or property owner] Please se nd written protest~ - City Cl erk of th e City o f Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 Received Ci ty Cle rk's Office FEB O 6 2019 CITY OF POWAY ~ ~-------------------------------------------------------------- PROP. 218 PROTEST FORM By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner of the below parcel. Parcel Information Assessor's Parcel ID : Street Address : City, State, Zipcode: Submitted By 13 I I 11131510 I '2 1 l I olO I Print Owner Name: . I DAV ( D C q Cj di ~ M R os;G If the above is not an individual(s), e ,g . an LLC , Trust, Corporation, etc. Print Autho~r·z Signato i I Signature: r {l~ Date: I f ... ~ -l 'j I ---------------==------------------------------------------- Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 6 201 9 ~ oF -------------------------------c,rvoi=-POWA~---------------------- PROP. 218 PROTEST FORM By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner of the below parcel. Parcel Information Assessor's Parcel ID: Street Address: City, State, Zipcode: Submitted By I?~ 1 Ca. 92-Ci.9~ Print Owner Name: I (Y)o...e,1 ~"';::O_ ~~ «tr r If the above is not an individual(s), e,g . an LLC, Trust, Corporation, etc. Print Authorized Sign::; I ______ Signature~•~~ ::-;__------,,_ __ Date :_ I ?--1 ~ J """'' "1 ________ I_ Proposition 218 Protest Vote ___ _...c,T-"rA~rou...i.....E .... ,.S-..:.. __ G...,._,_, _,l;'-'-1;'.,,,'-·-.-A&...l.t.t.l,t/.__.E==.....i:,_.t ______ submit this protest (insert name of person on property bill or water bill) vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increase by th e City of Poway on b ehalf of t he following property: Signed, &L=:JJI-~ (sign here) (insert date) rrp.. ro ~ .5 c...-, 43 £ Al NF.T1 . T-P IA, <: Ct= r. L 9 9 L J'3 FIii /\/ /-/} (insert name of person on water bill or property o~er) > ' • ... .. Optional -reasons for protestin g the rate increases: ..FiAl'Y) J L-y 1/l//t-S J Received City Clerk 's Office FEB O 7 2019 CITY OF POWAY Proposition 218 Protest Vote ____ .... ,T"-"-e ........ ro-"'-1,. .... f=_s..___~G .... -.... , _,J?u_,F.....,..J{-V'----+F'---TT~..__ _____ submit this protest (insert name of person on property bill or water bill) vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: D&.. Po W:A ;I , CA (insert address or parcel number of property) Signed, (sign here) (insert date) er: Aro i=: s;, r..... d3 /2: NM c: ·rr , re kl s r 1: £ , 9 91,.. tfJ E Af.N'.&: ;cJ:- (insert name of person on water bill or property owner) ., ' · · .FA m J ,1._ _,Y r1?.. i t .::; J Optional -reasons for protesting the rate increases: Rec e ived ---------------------------------C ity Cle rk's Office H: 0 7 201 9 C ITY OF POWAY Received City QeTt(s Office FEB 07 2019 CttVOF P<JWAV Proposition 218 Protest Vote ___ __,,ZT.,,_,,_t/3..,_,.,t;nr..;,_._,,,;,_:::..,,.,_$.__...,G.,L~-,...__.f-3.._·,__E ... ,Y...,_...,J/.....,.J:;"""-_.f~Y:-_____ submit this protest (insert name of person on property bill or water bill) vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate incr ease by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: Signed, ~-11-~ (s ign here) (insert date) JA Yb & S t;;., r6P' /✓)./,::. rr . 14?. 11 S CFt: t Zf 9 t.-, IJF J(}./£1 T (insert name of person on water bill or property 6wner) • Jr~ m iJ-Y r I?_ 1-1, 5 T Optiona l -reasons for protesting the rate increases : Received l Prop ltion Prot t Vot City Clerk 's Office i FEB O 7 201 9 i t l. ..... ;;-Arn L=.2> G., .. tEEJ✓UE rr CITY OF POWAY 1, """'~ ( O,t O t"'ft!Lr-->ft• 0 --, ~ubmn lhi~ p rott.!Sl vote w oppose t ht~ pro posed wawr and scwt'.!r ra te irtereas e by the City ()f Po~vay ot, b.c half of th e ioltow ing proputy: ____ J~Lm.£..S ..... -6--~ . .{j_J.,--✓✓ J.:./ E:rz; __ :r}.e..ld S ✓:E~---.L.9 ... 2 h, __ -.. I • > 11 11 ,, 1 Jj E /✓ .J,.r E :r":J-;:= 10 )JI', /1_ y 'Tfi.11 ST January 29, 2019 CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 9207 4-0789 To whom it may concern, I am writing to protest the 2019 proposed water and sewer rate increase. Thank you for your consideration, Robert May 15454 Oakstand Ct. Poway, CA 92064 Rece ived City Clerk's Office FEB O 7 2019 CITY OF POWAY Proposition 218 Protest Vote Rec~IVod City Clark '$ Office FE B O 7 201 9 CITY OF POWAY I, Jeffrey Wurtz, submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property . 14558 Budwin Lane Poway, Ca 92064 Parcel# 314-690-12-00 Signed, Date : 2 -S-. I 4 Jeffrey Wurtz January 30, 2019 CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 92074-0789 To the City Clerk: Received City Clerk's Offic e FEB O 7 201 9 CITY OF POWAY I am writing to you to protest the proposed increase in water and sewer rates. I own a rental property in Poway as well as my residence, and I am sending this letter as the owner of my rental property at 14532 High Pine St. I have sent a separate letter as the owner of my primary residence. s~cVl,&Riv Karen Santilla, Owner 14532 High Pine Street Poway, CA 92064 February 1, 2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 To the City Clerk: This is my written protest to oppose the 2019 water and sewer rate increases . d/?:/ CharlesJ. ~ 16921 Cloudcroft Drive Poway, CA 92064 Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 7 201 9 ClTY OF POWAY PROP. 218 PROTEST FORM By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner of the below parcel. Received Parcel Information Assessor's Parcel ID: I City Clerk's Office FEB O '7 2019 CITY OF POWAY Street Address: ..... 113_7_11_T_ie_rr_a_Bo_n_it_a _Rd ________________ _ City, State , Zipcode: .... IPo_w_a..:....y,_C_A_92_0_6_4 _________________ _ Submitted By Print Owner Name : ..... IPa_u_l a_n_d_La_u_ra_E_lli_s ________________ _ If the above is not an individual(s), e,g. an LLC, Trust, Corporation! etc. P~int AuthoGlized Si nn:'0' Signature : .... '-uJL-=a.+-......,,,.._ID.)____,,, ______ Date : 11 /23/2019 ------------~---------------- City Clerk of the C ity of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 9207 4-0789 Dear Sir/Ma<lam, Rece ived City Clerk's Office FE B O 7 2019 CITY OF POWAY 17135 Saint Andrews Drive Poway, CA 92064 February 2, 2019 This is in relation to t h e \'otice of Public Hearing a bout Proposed Water and Sewer Rates in Pm:vay. P l ease treat this letter as a formal protest against this increase and a r eq uest to investigat e alternatives . Thanks for your attent.ion a n<l cons i<leration. Shshank Shar~~f ' 1 <v Manupriya Sh arma Proposition ~18 Protest Vote Received City Clerk 's Office FEB O 7 2019 1, Co l.Leen ~o,1Low.st;1 c 1rvoFPowAv [in~·ert name of person on wnter bt/J or property mvner] submit this protest vote to oppose tl1e proposed water and sewer rate increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the fo ll owing property : (Insert address or parc:fll number of properlJI] SJgned, (Sign here ]ti Colle.en k ouoWSk;;l [Print nam, of porson 011 wator blll or property owner ] - 2 -2,-19 {I nsert Dato] optional -reason/or prote•tlng the rat• increaits CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF POWAY PO BOX 789 POWAY CA 92074-0789 TO THE CITY CLERK: Received City Clerk's Office FEB O 7 2019 CITY OF POWAY THIS IS MY WRITTEN PROTEST TO OPPOSE THE 2019 WATER AND SEWER RA TE INCREASES. PATRICK RYAN 14731 DASH WAY POWAY, CA 92064 -,· ,/ Received City Clerk's Off/c.t; fEB O 7 2019 ~ C ITY'0 F'PO\tVAY c:rr -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 I I I I I I I I PROP. 218 PROTEST FORM By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner of the below parcel. : Parcel Information I I I I I I I I I I I Assessor's Parcel ID: Street Address: I l 4ll-=? T /GI c I A .,..,.. City, State, Zipcode: I Pt>t-JA'/ , t',4-'i '}.Ob 4: _ '3 q J> Submitted By Print Owner Name: If the above is not an individual(s), e,g. an LLC, Trust, Corporation, etc. Print Authorized Signatory ~-----.---/---;::::=-.:::::::-.:::::::-.:::::::-=::::::::=:::::=:==: Signature: --~----~__.._.""---='------Date: 2 · ,3 • 20 l 9 I _______________________________________________________________ _ City of Poway P. 0. Box 789 Poway, CA 92064 To Whom It May Concern: Rece iv ed City Clerk's Office FEB O 7 2019 CllYOFPOWAY Please consider this letter our protest to the proposed rate increase for sewer and water for the property at 13333 Red Cloud Ln . Poway, CA 92064 Thank you, l)ftvth /,;~/ij jJ~ ) /£,t:_,7 Charles J. Rubacky Gayle L. Rubacky Owners Rece i~~d City Cle rk'~ fflce Written protest Received City Clerk's Office JAN 2 8 2019 City of Poway We do not support any water and sewer rates increase! We try our best to save water every month. We take shower at work. Yard is drought friendly. We buy drinking water from supermarkets. But every month the bill is over $120! ! ! We simply cannot afford to use water at home. If the rate keeps increasing, we will not even able to afford to flush our toilet. The sewer service rate should be calculated based on actual water units used for that particular month. Before increasing the rate for everybody, is there anything you can do to help families who is not using so much water but got overcharged every month? Description of the property: 13711 Tobiasson Rd, Poway, CA 92064 Name and Signature of the customer submitting the protest ~,:;.? Kerny Temp lo ~ Date I / 2 ~ I I) f0G _,U/4,~ /.)-# /;tk u,2d --6-e-:x- ~~* Lr1 ~, yv-~ Received City Clerk's Office 1~wa£&~ I 3 3 // )/r;Cf P-e_ flve rf tJ w a</, . r!a q .2-/J;; fj. I"""" I I PROP. 218 PROTEST FORM By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner ~«la&ed below parcel. City Clerk 's Offlco JAN 2 8 2019 Parcel Information Assessor's Parcel ID: I 3 1 4 4 3 3 2 2 O O I City of Poway Street Address: l .... ~_43_4_8_A_e_d_an_Co_u_rt _________________ ___. City, State, Zipcode:I ,_P_o_w_ay_,_c_a_lit_or_n_ia_9_2_06_4 ________________ ~ Submitted By Print Owner Name: I._N_o_rm_a_n_R_._M_c_M_a_ho_n _________________ ~ If the above is not an individual(s), e,g. an LLC, Trust, Corporation , etc. ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I PROP.218PROTESTFORM By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner We~ed below parcel. City Clerk's Office JA N 2 8 20 19 Parcel Information Assessor's Parcel ID: I 3 1 4 4 3 3 2 2 O o I City of Poway Street Address : _l1_43_4_8_A_e_d_an_C_ou_rt _________________ ~ City, State , Zipcode: .... IP_o_w_ay_,_c_a_lif_or_n_ia_9_2_06_4 ________________ ___, Submitted By Print Owner Name: .... IK_a_th_le_e_n_F_. M_c_M_a_h_o_n ________________ ~ If the above is not an individual(s), e,g. an LLC , Trust, Corporation , etc. Print Authe~ Signatory I Signature: l;at!&U-;;)-. J1jc U/2.01.._.; Date: ~IJa_n_ua_ry_2_2_, 2_0_19 _____ ~ PROP.218PROTESTFORM By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner o~~ed below parcel. C ity Clerk 's Office JAN 2 8 201 9 Parcel Information Assessor's Parcel ID: I ,3 I\ ly 11 14 !~ I~ l S' IO IO I City of Poway Street Address: I \ U lp1 2 p \\,00 Woo d pt . City, State, Zipcode: l1'oWC\'I I l Ac '1200'( Submitted By Print Owner Name: If the above is not an individual(s), e ,g . an LLC , Trust, Corporation , etc. ., ______ ::: 1 .::: 0 ~ ___________ oa1e _l H-~l'l _____________ \ _ Proposition 218 Written Protest R ec eived City Clerk's Office JAN 2 8 20 19 City of Powa)' I, Kelly Moorleghem, submit this protest to oppose the proposed rate increase by the C ity of Poway on behalf of the following property: 17728 Saint Andrews Drive in Poway, California 92064 Signed, 22 January 2019 City Council Chambers 13325 Civic center Drive, Poway CA 92064 January 23, 2019 Received City Cl erk's Office JAN 2 8 20 19 City of Poway I, Maria Dolores Paz, submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water rate increase by The City of Poway on behalf of the following property: 13985 Midland Rd. Poway, CA 92064. Signed, d,l df 41 o I !io 12.0 l 1 Maria Dolores Paz Re ceived City Clerk's Office JAN 2 8 2019 ~ City of Poway &F -------------------------------------------------------------- PROP. 218 PROTEST FORM By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner of the below parcel. Parcel Information Assessor's Parcel ID: l3 fil r 1-lo I r 1 , 1-1 , 1 o 1 -0 0 Street Address : City, State, Zipcode: Submitted By Print Owner Name: I C...,~L-e..,. ~ CLX"te>ll--e.. Be--t O...SC-D If the above is not an individual(s), e,g. an LLC, Trust, Corporation, etc. Print Authorized Signatory I C ~ ~ ~ c..O S ig nature: C-~~ ~GO Date: ~I -~-a..("")--.-~-3-,-~--l-c::t-~ I I I I I I I ----------------------------------------------------------------1 Received Ci ty Clerk's Offlcll JAN 2 8 2019 (\)~~~, l4 ~ ~ ~ u£ / 7-~?> 2 f-tu/ee_,f:vee.,Cbwk; f D 0 "--j I C,, ft 1 ]_ C, /., '-1; I ~ ~ -J;l,v...v ~ nPftuoAl :te,, ~ (JM_,r (IA~~ ~ '~ ~ k« t~ ~ ;t,j /4/c)/l 2,-b 19 tJl ~-IA)2_; ~ ~ ~ ~ ½ u /v¼~ . [) We, u rv',A,,;i ~~ ,v.1 ; S en vvf wrV\, S) & b c. j I r:, lo a_,/ , IL e,,-l, j~tL r-1 ~.~ fJ 0 ( (_,,D l ~ s e.tl\,v\.-- s~1 2:,1 2tJ11 6~ Uu}__ Ct½ , f -f MCU/ fo. Bo'{: 1~J Po),fj~ \ cA Ad ·. @ro poselA ~le-e,~ pro~~+ , Received City Clerk's O ffice JA N 2 8 20 19 City of Poway Delltt u~ ~ ·. ::r( Pvw i9 r'M l OVl1lA 1 tlv. ~ fd{k~ t o¼-kl. wt-I S-'M ( l1 'fN_ Cyb~ ~IJJ I P~, rA -1 Pi~~r(, ~rde5:t-fl..,._ ~J<) wJer-/J;r()-/01 ~ r~~ IY)U'i~~e~, ~~) ~~~ &11 .-2;<t~11~7 fe~ .orl-lcl@ ~-Cl.It,<___,, Received City (;lerk's Office \ JAN 2 8 2019 \ . . . . . Cllyo1Poway . l 2 JC1(\ . 2 D 19 ... T1) \µno"''"'\\·.,. M ~ ~ ,Co-o c.,er'\\ .:. . .. . . 1-O\\r-r\ w-r, h·n_~ to P-rD-te&+ -rkL . ?'(()p o .sec\ ~-te-r °' -0.d ~ f2-f f o-vi-e-> _ . .. . VV\0 .Y11f-S . P\-eets-e. lJD _}.JOT _ f"0t'S:e our Y""--i-e~. Adol '{tS& : l ?> D'l., 7 \J t &~ \J ,· evJ t> {'_. . . _ Pow~, c.A 9~0.\oi. _ .. _ , 02-S 1' ~ s. . ~ -U-t?t c..j ci Ml Fr"" fll/4.;. J)er, 1 ·s A c . - ~ \'UL jOL-v -fu-.r tj ovtr C.00S,'de.r~-no,-, . ... SI Yl c,e,r ~ J . .. . . jd~ 1. I -- Proposition 218 Protest Vote Received City Clerk's Office JAN 2 8 20 19 (-\, (\I\ tS, \ C ity of Poway I, ____ ___;__'{\..~(\._~--___;__~o..,~C1~2A~f"---- [insert name of person on water bill or property owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by ___ C_it_y_o_f_P_o_w_a_y _________ on behalf of the [insert the name of your water provider] following property: \ J---i o J-.. S-e., \ tv'IO-CA _ C>o i.Y ~ CA--0i J-O "' LJ.- unsert address or parcel number of property] [I nsert address or parcel number of additional property] Signed, [Sign here] [Insert Date] [Print name of person on water bill or property owner] Proposition 218 Protest Vote Rece ived C ity C lerk's Office JAN 2 8 2019 v ~ City of Poway I, _...,_.___:=-->,,,1....-1-1-tt:..=;.,::;;S _.:,.--1-' t~(.'-+------- e of person on water bill or property owner] submit this prote st vote to oppose th e propos ed rate increa se by ___ C_it_y_o_f_P_o_w_a_y _________ on behalf of the [i nsert the name of your water provider] following property: r:s '\] :S (_ C\( ( "j L e J r ""0! "-1 [Insert address or pa~ce/ numb), of property] [I nsert address or parcel number of additional property] Sign ed, !-I X-1 \ [Sign here] [I nsert Date] [Print name of pers on water bill or property owner] I \ I I Received City Clerk's Office I I \ JAN 2 8 2019 \ Ctty of Poway \ ~ ~ . --------------------------- -------- - - - --------- ---------· ----. -.. -· I • • l PROP. 218 PROTEST FORM I I I I I I I I I I I I I By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner of the below parcel. Parcel Information Assessor's Parcel ID: Street Address: City, State, Zipcode: Submitted By Print Owner Name: If the above is not an individual(s), e,g. an LLC, Trust, Corporation, etc. l Print Authorized Signatory .,. , . · , : · · ·, J Signature: $411,,&::::~====-----D-a-te-: -.-l--,-....,.../-·,1:..:::-4..:::-.....,./-_W-_-_-l_:::-°l..:::-..:::-..:::-..:::-..:::-..:::-..:::-..:::-~I : I_ _______________________________________________________________ J Bernie W. Hanley 12510 Taunt Rd. Poway, CA 92064 Janu ary 23, 2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 992074-0789 Dear City Clerk of the City of Poway, Rece ived City Clerk 's Office JAN 2 8 20 19 City of Poway I am writing to protest the proposed increase in water and sewer rates. I am a l ong time resident of Poway and have seen the rates for these servic es increase at an alarming rate over the past 50 years. I have allowed m y lawn to die and only u se water for h ousehold use, I live alone and m y bill exceeds $125.00 each billing period. Th ere has to be a more e quitable way to arrive at sewer charges. j~tJ Bernie W. Hanley - January 24, 2019 Received C ity Clerk's Office JAN 2 8 2019 City of Poway To Whom It May Concern, My name is Maryann Gener. I live at 13970 Crossrock Rd. I have lived here for 15 years. I am water conscious and have taken extreme measures to reduce my water usage. I am writing as I am adamantly opposed to any water and sewer rate increases. We have been told to reduce our usage which we have, but then it decreases your revenue which is why you want to increase our rates. How fair is this? Find your budgetary needs elsewhere, but not with the people of Poway, especially those that have made a conscience effort to reduce. I am a senior citizen and will be forced <cleave Poway if the rates increase. Is that what you want? Being on a fixed income doesn't allow for unexpected increases such as this. I have done my part, so please do yours. No rate increases!!!!! Sincerely, //'yi,L_ttL~ ~ Maryann Gener 13970 Crossrock Rd. Poway, CA. 92064 619-992-2619 Received City Cl erk's Office JAN 2 8 20 19 ~ ~~~~ ~--------------------------------------------------------------, I PROP. 218 PROTEST FORM By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner of the below parcel. Parcel Information Assessor's Parcel ID: Street Address: City, State, Zipcode: Submitted By I 31 J f Y 1... I () 15 Io 1-I 3 I 6 1-o o Print Owner Name: I R /3 N tJ £R 2e>tb Lz vrNG-Td?.UST If the above is not an individual(s), e,g. an LLC , Trust, Corporation, etc. L.... ?;.,lf-"'-L -e.Mn -or ---rv-us re e.. I I I I I I --------------------------------------------1 Attention Poway City Clerk: Subject: water rate increases Received C ity C lerk's Office JAN 2 8 2019 City of Pa.vay • I PROTEST the proposed water rate increase! 2019-01-23 • I PROTEST Mayor Vaus giving half a million dollars of tax payer money from the water and sewer enterprise account to the Pomerado Hospital. o I PROTEST that an investigation into this scandalous failure was not conducted and :Pared with the tax payers. o I PROTEST that not a single city employee, City Manager, and City Council were held accountable. • I PROTEST Mayor Vaus refusing to return well over 5 million dollars of tax payer loans to the water and sewer enterprise account. • I PROTEST that the Poway City treats the water and sewer enterprise account as a free for all spending account. • I PROTEST appointing a carpetbagger to the City Council prior to the election under the guise of "important things to discuss such as water rates" (quote by Councilmember Grosch) and then waiting 5 months after the election to act on it. • I PROTEST a corrupt and dysfunctional City Council. • . I PROTEST a protest process designed to discourage the community's voice from being heard by making it unreasonably cumbersome in the electroni c age . Attention City Clerk: please confirm receipt of this protest and its official tabulation to the address below. Assi Friedman ~• \ \'\• \ ~. ~ 14662 Dash Way . \ \ \ J · ~ Poway, CA 92064 Proposition :.uB Protest Vote I, [:;:g V I O \kR_M I l'f£A (insert name of person on water hill or property owner] Received C ity C lerk's Office JA N 2 9 20 19 City of Poway submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property: [Insert address or parcel number of property ] !Sign here ] {I nsert Date ) DA v to L , Ve R..r1, LYFA [Print name of person on water bill or property owner] optioned -reason for protesting the rate increase.-: Proposition 218 Protest Vote Received City Clerk's Office JAN 2 9 ~.~'.9 City of Poway I, Lindsay Ray, submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increase by The City of Poway on behalf of the following property: 13303 Aubrey St Poway, CA 92064 Respectfully, Lindsay Ray Print Form 11 Res et Fer- Rece ived C ity Clerk's Office JAN 2 9 20 19 1 I . ..,:-~ ---------------------------------------------------ctty-otPoway-----~ ' PROP. 218 PROTEST FO fi/(\. ts y signing me form beiow i protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under yenatty or ,a~ that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner of the \)2!0'.AJ oarce1. Parcel lnformauo, ,t>!..a;sessor's Parcel ID: 6treet Address: '~ity , State, Zipcode: S ubmitted Bv ::;rint Owner Name: I ½wA Y , C/\ Cf )DCo':{ If the above is not an ind ividual(s), e ,g . an LLC, Trust, Corporation. eh .. -----------,....-_-_-.... -_-..... -~-1-,, -.., -... -_ -_ -_ -_:,-_:,-_-_-_-_-__ Print Authorize~·gnatorv , S ignature: 1 Ci\vt.S2-Date: j \ /J-3 / / 9 I I .. ··----... --· -· -----_ ===:::::. _ -------------------_] _ --J ---------------. ... . . ..... ,. 0 ............... , ,_ ••M ~ 0 ..... 4 ,, ' . ·. . .., -~- ,! · ..•. : --·· ... Pl'oposition 218 Pl'otest Vote submir chis pror<>sr vot e to oppose t he proposed rdlc increase by ___ c_it_y_o_f _P_o __ wa_y _________ on b ehalf o f the llllsr,r t ile name of ~ou, wnrrt p1ov1de1) fo llowing properry: _ 1'-lo:t-0 1vood p l tnierr nddri/H or pmreln11mhe1 nl propetly) (-20 -/'j )l111e1 1 ()are) )/'r,m ,~1111e of p£·1 son 011 ,wte, b,/1 ur p,oµt'f t y own et) Received City Clerk's Office JAN 2 9 2019 City of Poway I. Print Form 11 . Reset Form J Received City Clerk's Offi ce JAN 2 9 20 19 ~---------------------------------------------------afy~Poway _____ l I I I PROP. 218 PROTEST FORM By s igning the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner of the below parcel. Parcel Information Assessor's Parcel ID : I 311 141, I 2. I I I I l.31 DID I Street Address: City, State , Zipcode : i Submitted By t 4 / I I I I Print Owner Name: : If the above is not an individual(~=-an LLC, Trust, Corporation , etc. ! :;::a::ho~==dh/d D::f 0/23h \ '-----------~-----------------------·-------------- Proposition 218 Protest Vote submit this protest v ot e to o ppose the proposed rat e incre ase b y ___ C_i_t_y_o_f _P_o_w_a_y _________ on b eh alf o f the [11JS(:1r r/Je 110 111(' of yo," •,•1t1te1 prov,de1 ] fo ll owing p ro pert y: Received City Cleri('s Office JAN 2 9 201 9 City of Poway )471Pt\-Prrtil<S-fvntDnve, 'P~,Cf1''12C&-/ {!n.<.~'n nddre~s < r oorc-._·I t1urnll-.Jr , .. f propc1 t }'} [fnserr mtdr,,ss 0t parcel number of oddwonol p•operry l n. :n( ?JDti January 24, 2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 To whom it may concern: Received City Clerk 's Offlc0 JAN .2 9 2019 City of Poway We are writing to say that we do not want to have our water rates increased. The costs right now are so very high. Please consider us and the residents of Poway. ThankyQ~i;k Penny anXn ~erman /? ~ 17209 St. Andrews Drive V~ Poway, CA 92064 City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, Ca 92074-0789 Hello, Diana Augustine 17200 Dos Amigos Way Poway, Ca 92064 I am writing to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increases. Re ceived City Clerk's Office JAN 2 9 2019 City of Poway I am an owner for the parcel of land (and home) located at 15730 Bowl Creek Road, Poway, Ca 92064. Sincerely, [)~~~ Diana Augustine Diana Augustine 17200 Dos Amigos Way Poway, Ca 92064 Rece ived C ity Clerk's Office JAN 2 9 2019 City of Poway City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O . Box 789 )-J 1, :h!J Poway, Ca 92074-0789 Hello, I am writing to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increases. I am an owner for the parcel of land located at 17200 Dos Amigos Way, Poway, Ca 92064. Sincerely, ,Q -1,6,11',t; Uf,1,p/~ Diana Augustine' City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, Ca 92074-0789 Hello, Diana Augustine 17200 Dos Amigos Way Poway, Ca 92064 I am writing to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increases. Received Glty C lerk's Office JA.N 2 9 2019 C;ity o f Poway () . j cfr<J I )u17 I am an owner for the parcel of land located at 14155 Midland Road, Poway, Ca 92064. This is a commercial building known and the Midland Animal Clinic. Sincerely, [)~1r1 1aw~ Diana Augustin/ - Jan 28 2019 City Clerk of Poway PO Box 789 Poway CA Dear Sir: We live at 17095 Butterfield Trail. We have a large yard. Two years ago we put in a watersmart landscape. We spent over $40,000 on this project. We have tried in multiple ways to limit our water. It is disheartening to think that water rates are going to increase again. We oppose the rate increase. joellenpatterson@aol.com Received City Clerk's office JAN 2 9 20\9 City of Poway I' I I I I I I I I I PROP.218PROTESTFORM By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized representative of the own 6!!<mVtt:l e below parcel. City Clerk's Office JAN 2 9 2019 Parcel Information Assessor's Parc el ID: I 3 2 1 1 8 O 9 1 O O I City of Poway Street Address: .__l1_40_4_5_1_ris_L_a_n_e __________________ ___, City, State, Zipcode: l~P_ow_ay_,_c_A_9_2_0_6_4 __________________ ~ Submitted By Print Owner Name: !DAVID AND KIMBERLY DONNELLY If the above is not an individual(s), e,g. an LLC, Trust, Corporation, etc. 11 ,23/2 019 ·--;; t0l?o/?7 ,/4,J-/7J~c~/2&J!-/t/ ~ aJe ~ ~c? Y:Ldb:>7 ~ ~c? /7~--a.ed ~/f ttZ42ef".4.? :/4 ~ A~~ .xd:Jute/2&tL-cv ,,,z ~ 12y~_-/ ~ ~ 7½-e- ~v ~ ~. /J ~,,. ~r ydAL,lk~ cd~/4~ 13;;,7,_z_/7~~ ~ ?~, 09. fl~,,;.-F Rece ived City Clerk's Office JAN 2 9 20 19 City of Poway Received City Clerk's Office JAN 2 9 20\9 City of Poway Received City Clerk's Office January 25, 2019 JAN 2 9 2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway City of Poway I am writing this letter because I strongly object to the proposed water and sewer rate changes. The rates are already way too high. We have cut down on using water. We do full loads of laundry and dishes, take fast showers use rainwater to water plants, but it seems like no matter what we do it does not help lower our bill. We need better management in Poway. Do not raise the rates again. ' ~~\JJ\CC \~!\\ \\JSCO-f(X~ ~r v ~(j\/1 Cf\ C\dQ)\i ~ January 24, 2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway Received City Clel'tc"s Office JAN 2 9 2019 City of Powsy I strongly object to the proposed water and sewer rate changes. The rates are already h igh enough. We have cut down on using water as much as we can, but the rates still keep on going up . The city of Poway needs better management as far as spending the taxpayers money. G V\ d,'f"r 5 RJ--\\ e,, ~ 1'31-\ 1-Uh>~\~ KaCtc\ Pc:i "v ,f , c,;z-;r;;r t'~L/ January 24, 2019 City Clerk of Poway Received City Ct ertt's Office JAN 2 9 2019 City of Poway I read in the Poway newspaper that the city has plans to raise the water and sewer rates AGAIN . I am writing this letter because I strongly object to the proposed water and sewer rate changes. The rates keep going up no matter how much we reduce water usage. I believe the rates are already too high. I have cut down on using water as much as I can. I only do full loads of laundry. I use paper plates whenever possible . Take a 5 minute shower or shower at the gym. Save rain water in big buckets to water outdoor plants and trees but it seems like no matter what I do I still have a high water/sewer bill . Poway staff needs to work for the people of Poway looking for ways to better utilize the money we pay in taxes. Drive the streets of Poway and see for yourself how many workers are standing around talking while only 1 person is actually working ... Come on Poway start doing a better job. I pay more for water/sewer now for 1 person then I did when raising a family of 4 .... --/ .' / ) (,I;~--·· /)-fc5-? ¥ _/~( r~£J lfa . a tr. f ;;--(jp 1 Received City Clerk's Office JAN 3 0 2019 /(,&r 0~~ 1f't::P' City o1 Poway ~~/~ ~ i::3~.,1 ~IY ~ ~ ~~~1~~ p. &, :8of ?8'( ~04cr, ~~-fJ<11-l-eJ ?!9 R ~ ~ .-/ ~ 1?~ /1.;/k, Cth1/ ~ .2~ ~~ 1 ~ tu~a-J ~ ~ ~ ~~ 2 ~ _,.f:Pcf-+e ,,,di! ~ ~~. ~~/4~51-~ aJ~ '~ ' fv--'u1d..~ u~fP . ~~~,~~ ..&._, 4u ,,,,,Y_2--6 .,de ~ -4, ~. q7~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~))~ 4 ?f.,, 7 ?.If--j ? -oc? J,.r, 71',r-z~ -od Rece ived City C lerk's Offi ce JAN 3 0 2019 2019 Protest Vote for City of Poway Water and Sewer Rate Increases. C ITY OF POWAY City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O . Box 789 Poway, CA. 92064-0789 Water Rates and Charges Protest, 2019 January 30, 2019 I am protesting and voting NO on the increase in water and sewer rates and fees proposed , and request that the council vote NO on this . Joseph St. Lucas /?~~~~~~~~-- 14829 Sunrise Dr. ~7--- Poway, CA. 92064 Parcel# 314-670-36-00 Propo~~ition 218 Protest Vote 1. :RYEN -R usso [/m,-rr rtomP-n/ 11eno11 on wurer· l11ll or prnpPrty owner] Received C ity C l erk's Office JA N 3 0 20 19 C ITY OF POWAY submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate Increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property : Signed, £~7~--[Siq%, ) ll y €n -Ru ffc0 [/1rrnr numu uJ p1·no11 0,1 wuc, t ht/I or r,ruporcy ow11ur ] ·--·-·-··----···-· -· ---------···-· -·-· ----·-·------·········-··-·-····--·-··-····- Proposition :i18 Protest Vote ,. m Mk1I t}Q~{2~ Received C ity Clerk's Office JA N 3 0 20 19 CITY OF POWAY [m~ rt nunu nf per.um ,m W(l(i'r bill 1,r propi rty owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate increase by the City of Poway on behalf of the following property : [/n Signed, A/4#-i- \'inn n1tr l f ln'fert £kt,,1 1 Propo ition 2i8 Protest Vote Received City Clerk's Office JAN 3 0 2019 I, \J....o..v \ (\:z Y\ 1 :S u_1:1, [ts h. CITYOFPOWAY [111 er· nam n/ /JPnm, oil 111e hill, q ,ruµ ,,cy vwne,] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed water and sewer rate Increase by the City of Poway on behalf of th e following property : ~ 6 W t'.-. tf-1 Signed, ~~~ s~ ~ht ] [l'rrnt rrcm u u/ p ·r 011 or wut r t11ll t1, 11rnpcrC) 11\'IIWr ] O/>tiomrl .. rea o tt /o t prt,te t i ng lhe mt in r r u 0 1 /3 0 / 19 (lnsttrt O,u ] Mary ~\SfDM~J! A R Y ITCHELL Mitchell & A ssociates Office 800-299-5733 Cell 619-991-6328 ma ~'tf.roitchell.com C ity Cli,~,;~s Received · J A ijx;s(lf,dffi,~ j 6t1,r e,)Gpt1~~~~~9 tt1ce JAN 3 0 2019 _(} . CITY OF POWAY ~ ~ /)L___ /'/ --Q -~ (£}!!.JiLtL.U4~ ___ _ ~~tJi »-JJtJl~--tzd lJJu vo~_'fdu_____w~ LLdl~ "-11tJ-I al/_ ~~ -~ (!Utt&J~~ =fJrm1 UA1dLU-~ }/};✓_JL_f!/ltm_:ld_}u;~ 1/VJwtUiflc ___})~w;. as ;.u / ~ Of¥)~ , CvnLf [/17 ~ {Al/ (,).,;)ti Iv-cu p0 ~ ~ . ) NJ# Id I? 3;/ &15EXO &r-. -fJ0t1:>~ CJ ;;rJG ;f January 23, 2019 Received City Clerk's Office JAN 3 0 2019 C ITY OF POWAY I would like to express our protest against the proposed water and sewer rate increases. Nannette Forsythe 14736 Roberto Rio Road Poway, CA 92064 January 26, 2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 To Whom it May Concern; Received Ci ty Clerk's Office JAN 3 0 2019 CtTY OF POWA Y Please accept this letter as written protest to the proposed changes to the rate structure and rate adjustments for the City of Poway's water and sewer rates. While we recognize the impact of the drought, water rates in the City of Poway are already among some of the highest in the state. We ask that you would consider other options beyond raising water rates again. Sincerely, Jessica Empefio 14260 Silver Ridge Rd., Poway, 92064 PROP.218PROTESTFORM By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under penalty of law that I am the owner or authori z ed representative of the owner of the below parc el. Parcel Information Assessor's Parcel ID : I 3 I 1 I 7 I 3 I 2 I 1 I 2 I 8 I o I o I Rece ived C ftv C IArk's Office JAN 3 0 2019 CITY OF P OWt\Y Street Address : l ..... 12_6_05_M_u_s_ta_n_g _Dr_iv_e ________________ ____. City , state , Zipcode :I ,_Po_w_a_y,_C_al_ifo_r_ni_a _92_0_64 ________________ ___, Submitted By Print Owner Name: I ..... Ra_c_he_l_M_. A_ll_um_s _________________ ____. If the above is not a n individual(s), e,g. an LLC, Trust, Corporation , etc. Print Authorized Sj//)o; li;fa ~ < I Signature : / t/./-11!4-~ Date: 101/27/20 19 I ·------------_ JJ.. _ -------~ ------------------------------- / 28 January 2019 Jeff Parkinson 17654 Saint Andrews Drive Poway, CA 92064-1024 (parcel number: 273 122 13 00) Dear City Clerk, Thank you for the opportunity to file a written protest to the Proposed Water and Sewer Rate increase which will be heard before the board on March 5, 2019. Per the notice; "If a MAJORITY OF THE AFFECTED CUSTOMERS file written protests, the City Council WILL NOT ADOPT the rate adjustments." Exactly how many affected customers is that? What is that number? If the population of Poway is+-50,000 and there are 10,000-15,000 domiciles/rental unit owners it appears that I would have to go find 5,000 to 7,500 like minded owners to object and submit a written objection, absurd. In reviewing the reasons for the rate increases, and they all bother me, none concerns me more than "rate increases remain necessary (despite a decrease in raw water charges) because of PROJECTED MODEST INCREASE TO CITY'S OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS." What exactly is this MODEST INCREASE'? How much money? How much is dedicated to pay raises, health-medical and retirement benefits to city employees? I (we) have a right to know. In fact, perhaps we need to see a pie chart. This much additional money going to this particular 'reason' for the rate increase, this much going to "PROJECTED increased sewer treatment costs." etc. I've seen this movie before and the ending is always the same. Sincerely, 25 January 2019 City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 9207 4-0789 Re: Protest to the proposed water rate changes Dear City of Poway, Received City C lerk's Office JAN 3 0 201 9 CITY OF POWAY My question is regarding the initial request that Poway made of residents to reduce their use of water. When the request was made did the City of Poway make adjustments to accommodate the reduced revenue that would result if we all complied with the request? It would seem that an appropriate element of planning would be for the city to reduce their expenses according to an anticipated drop in revenue. Was there any associated reduction in staff or other expenses ? In our case we cut back on water use to the extent that much of our landscaping died. We are having to pay someone to help us recover and plant more drought-tolerant, low water-use plants. It has been expensive ($10,000). Now Poway wants to raise rates on the water we will still need to use. This seems an unfair reward for finding ways to save water. If the water is in fact less expensive for Poway to obtain, then why not cut expenses somewhere else? What would a look at the amount of salaries paid to those working to do maintenance show? Is there a better way to maintain things with fewer workers? Companies do this all the time to increase profits and stay competitive. Please consider alternative planning rather than simply ask the residents to just pay more. Sincerely~ _//JuJ~ ~~~ 16636 Martincoit Rd. Poway, CA 92064 kdsgraham@gmail .com Receiv ed City C lerk's O ffice ~ ------------------------------------------------------~~~J~_?._q19 I i PROP. 218 PROTEST FORM C I TY OF POWAY ! By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner of the below parcel. Parcel Information Assessor's Parcel ID: 17 1 ) 17131$: I o 15" I Y' I Dj O { Street Address: I 1 :1 ~ ?. f, D ~J < 0 -t °' 5 f re e_ -f City, State, Zipcode: p O w e.. 'L , CA '1 ?.06 1f I I Submitted By Print Owner Name: L u •j , G-c... r J a. r o ,tthe above is not an individual(s), e,g. an LLC, Trust, Corporation, etc. Print Authorized Sig~~to~ [ ___________ .... -_-_-_-_---.... ______ -.,_ -__:-_ -_-_-_-_-_-_-___ __,J-. : Signature: 7 ~ ;[3 ~ Date: I / :2. 7 / / 9 i I_ --------------------------------------------------------------1 1-28-19 City Clerk of the City of Poway Po Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 To whom it may concern, Receive d City C le rk's Office JAN 3 0 201 9 CITY OF POWAY The bar is set too high requiring the majority of affected customers to submit written protests to get our council to reconsider whether or not to raise our water and sewer rates. Most of the citizens living in this community are too busy working, and living their lives to have the time to even read the proposed rate announcement or to take action by writing in. Poway is a great community and its citizens give enormous power to our elected officials to be good stewards of the revenue it takes to operate. All you need to do is spend some time and ask residents do you think the rates you pay for water are reasonable? Do you think we should continue to keep raising them as frequently as we do? I bet the answer the majority would give you is that we pay too much for water and something should be done to see if we can reduce rates by adding resources or managing the budget better so you can do more with less revenue . Is the City watching operation and maintenance costs? Do we need to have new trucks for employees or could older vehicles be left in se rvice longer? Why can't our City officials put pressure on the agencies that supply water to us and lobby for more resources considering California keeps growing, resources are dwindling and rates are skyrocketing? What about a pipeline for water from other areas that have more rain that just gets discharged out to sea or more desalination or more reclaimed water? Water supply is important and critical but it used to be delivered at a fraction of the cost. It's a monopoly that knows it can charge whatever it wants and just pass it on -so your customers have legitimate concerns about the enormous increases we have had passed on to us over the last few years. The sewer rate structure penalizes lots that are larger that irrigate plants. You base your charge on number of units of water but someone with an acre of land and 3 residents is probably discharging the same amount of sewer as 3 residents in an apartment that uses far less units since they are not watering landscaping. Landscape water is not going into the sewer right? So I will be one of the few that bothers to write in to protest the future increase you are proposing. hope that at least you stop and think about finding ways in which to provide safe drinking water at a more reasonable rate. Thanks for your time, Mara Penick -17025 Butterfield Trail Poway CA 92064 u,1A-I~~ Proposition 218 Protest Vote 1, ____ s'-'-'1z;'---L.. ½?..1-1.J<{_._o~L?....__..-/d"""'--'-'-12-'-f; __ z ......... a ....... n.:-<,;.o ___ _ [insert name of person on water bill or property owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by ___ C_it_y_o_f_P_o_w_a_y _________ on behalf of the [insert the name of your water provider] following property: [I nsert address or parcel number of property] ·,,[Insert address or parcel number of additional property] Signed, /--;)(o -2CJ /9 [Insert Date] Sllf)gan & Jfll/i80D [Print name of person on water bill or property owner] Please send written prote~t~-- City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 Rece ived City C le rk 's Office JAN 3 0 2019 CITY OF POWAY d-°'Nm "] z. 7, 26 \ ~ mA-RK L Aw \ e-~s \ s O 5 q ~TV« 1 1-e__ K OCA d ?ow °:j ) CA C[ZOb lj D -(',C\ V C ;-ty C \ ~ V k ' -r h ,e__y-e_b_j su bm;--Jtm~ p vcJ"t -e::,--r cJ -€ h-e_ f ro po s-ec3 w°'-t--V\ ~czT<-1v)G~-ea_$€3 ctl> Poway City Council 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA. 92064 Dear City Council: Received JAN 3 0 2019 City of Poway City Manager's Office 17714 St. Andrews Drive Poway, CA. 92064 January 27, 2019 I have noticed that you have approved water rate increases both last year and the year before. Now you want to increase the rate again. Last year there was a rate increase and a temporary surcharge that ended December 30th. As soon as that expired, the water department is again asking for a rate increase. When will this end? The more we try to save on our water usage, the more the rate goes up. Our water bill is now the highest utility bill that we pay. As members of the city council you have been elected to protect the citizens of Poway. Are you just a rubber stamp for the water department? Have you checked their operation to see if there is waste in how they run the department? Do they need all the employees that they have? Has there been a study done to see if there are more efficient ways to run this department? Raising the costs for the citizens should not be the only way to handle this situation. We just had a nice amount of rain this season. Our water reservoir should be overflowing. We should not have to buy as much water from the Metropolitan Water Authority in 2019. And requiring over 50% of the citizens to complain about the raising of the water rates is unrealistic. You will never get over 50% complaints and you know that. That does not relieve you of your responsibility to investigate how the water department is run and if it is really necessary to raise the rates every year. I hope you will give due consideration to the points I have made. The water department has to learn that they cannot raise the rates every year! Yours truly, ~✓-1/ Elaine S. Magid City of Poway/Water rate increas e protest 13325 Civic Center Dr Poway, CA 92064 1/13/19 Dear City of Poway, Re ceived City Clerk's Office JAN 18 2019 City of Poway I am protesting the water rate increase due to the increase we just had in 2018. Just because you are losing a fee does not require a rate increase. We are already paying astronomical rates. In 2018 you increased rates on the false pretense that you has a 22 million dollar deficit and then the week after you increased the rates you suddenly found 22 million dollars for a new building. We cannot afford the property tax increases along with water and utility rate increases. Where do you think we will get the money to pay???? I hope to get other Poway residents to protest as well. I will not vote for anyone on the the City Council that votes for this rate increase. paulettpalladino@y ahoo.com 619-723-1514 City of Poway P.O Box 789 Poway, CA, 92074-0789 Subject: Protest of increase in Water/Sewer rates Received City Clerk's Office JAN 1 8 2019 City of Poway January 16, 2019 This letter is in protest to any increase in water/sewer rates. We continue to conform to requests to curtail and cutback consumption of water, but appears that it makes no deference in the cities desire to increase our costs. We are retired and on a fixed income. There is no increase in our income to comply with the continual increase in cost of water. You asked us to: • You required us to cut back watering, and we did. • You required us to plant only water drought tolerates plants, and we did. • You required us to replace grass with artificial grass, and we did. (at a high cost) • You required us follow closely the standards set forth by the city in overall water use, and we did. What have you done for us for being responsible, nothing. Our reward for working with the city to comply and attempt to reduce water usage is to increase in water rates . We cannot do anymore to cut water usage. I have cement, artificial grass, plants that require very little water. You tell me what more I can do to reduce my water bill. I am protesting this increase . -~c~I~ II -~4/~ Salvatore V Giafaglione 13451 Orange Blossom Lane Poway, CA 92064 sgiafaglione@cox.n et 858-218-5548 Office of the City Clerk 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 January 16, 2019 De _ar City Clerk, Received City Clerk's Office JAN 2 2 2019 City of Poway I. Deena C. Dcio ney, submit this protest !ctt ~,, t0 .Jµ,,ose the propo se d water/sewer rcitL: in ~rease by the City Clerk's office/Poway Water Authority on beh a lf ot the foll owing property: 14465 Twin Gab l es Court Poway, CA 92064 Parcel# 314 860 04 00 Thank yo u, Deena C. De l aney 14465 Twin Gab les Court Poway, CA 92064 858-216-5945 eltararani@att.net Proposition 218 Protest Vote · I, ___ -:.fr_c_Y_C_~_-_C_'_/9 _r::_·:: _-:c_(;_w_A_L_1) __ [insert name of person on water bill or property owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by __ C,_1:_--r_~_O_~_P_o_W_ft_·~-'--------on behalf of the [insert the name of your water provider] following property: [I nsert address or parcel number of property] [I nsert address or parcel number of addi t ional property] Signed, ~t [Sihe] 1/70 /?0 14 [lnserfoate] I [Print name of person on water bill or property owner] Remember to make a copy for your own records after you fill this out. Received City Clerk 's Office JAN 2 3 201 9 City of Poway Proposition 218 Protest Vote I l-o-wv-.e,y..._c_JL E 1 swa t& ,--------~---"'~-----~--------- [i nsert name of person o n water b ill or property owner] submit this protest vote to oppose the proposed rate increase by ___ C_',_b __ a_f---'P_o ___ W_Cl_~------on behalf of the [i nsert the n'bme of your water pJ vider] following property: [I nser t address or parcel number o f property] [Insert address or parcel number of addi tional property] Signed, [Sign here ] ·3 ey,w_(k,vlf J-D . ;J.o l q [Insert Date] ' [Print name of person on water bill or property owner] Remember to make a copy for your own records after you fill this out. Received City Clerk's Office JAN 2 3 2019 City of P<111ay ~--------------------------------------------------------------- 1 I I I I I I I I I ' 11 PROP.218PROTESTFORM By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner of the below parcel. Received Parcel Information Assessor's Parcel ID: Street Address: City, State, Zipcode: Submitted By City Clerk's Office JAN 2 3 2019 Print Owner Name: I ,:so:i t)~o..iJh -.f-. ){'~ I!) .2-lk\bo..ot-< I If the above is not an individual(s), e,g. an LLC, Trust, Corporation, etc. Print Authorized Signatory I~ D 2.BDbO..~b,-I Signature:~ Date I ( / IL, I Q..o I 0 ( I _____________ ::::.:==-==:~-------------.-------------------- Received City Clerk's Office JAN 2 3 20 19 City of Poway City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 January 18, 2019 RE : OPPOSITION TO PROPOSED WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASE To Whom it May concern: I would like voice my opposition to t he proposed rate increases of water and sewer rates. I reside at 15948 Lime Grove Rd. We have spent several years cutting our water costs, letting our plants die and grass go brown , and it certainly feels like a slap in the face to have th is be the outcome. Furthermore , with rate increases the likes of which we have not seen before from SDGE , there will be many in our city who simply cannot keep up with the already high cost of living in Poway. Sincerely, ~-~ Lili Husseman Kay Vinson From: Donna Goldsmith Sent: To: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 12:55 PM Kay Vinson; Ana Alarcon Subject: FW: Proposed Water and Sewer Rates Mailing Kay, This is not a protest however, I wanted to forward as it is in regards to the Proposition 218 notice. Donna Donna Goldsmith Director of Finance City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 (858) 668-4411 From: Richard Cullip <richard.cullip@aol.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 11:27 AM To: Donna Goldsmith <DGoldsmith@poway.org> Subject: Proposed Water and Sewer Rates Mailing Donna Goldsmith Director of Finance City of Poway Donna I'm writing to you today to inquire about a false and miss-leading statement in the recent Proposed Water and Sewer Rates mailing. It states that "If the proposed increased rates (detailed in tables on the pages following) are approved, the bimonthly water and sewer bill for a typical single-family residential customer who uses 25 units of water bimonthly, and is assigned to sewer tier 2, will decrease by $7.74." This statement is miss-leading at best and patently false at worse. In reality water and sewer bills will go up since the Temporary Drought Recovery Surcharge has already been discontinued and reflected in the January water bill for wat er used in October and December and again in the upcoming March bill for water used in January and February. I am already enjoying a reduction in my water and sewer bill reflecting the discontinuation of the drought surcharge. Therefore, if approved the proposed increased rates will cause my bill to increase not decrease as stated in the mailing. I am disappointed that you, an official in the city of Poway, would include such a disingenuous statement in an official mailing about the proposed water and sewer rate increase. sincerely, Richard Cullip Ric ha rd.Culli p@aol .com 1 Received City Clerk's Office JAN 2 4 2019 ~ City of Poway ~-------------------------------------------------------------- PROP. 218 PROT EST FORM By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner of the below parcel. Parcel In formation Assessor's Parcel ID: Street Address: City, State, Zipcode: Submitted By Print Owner Name: af'~o~-d a__ bar-e-;j s ~ Received City Clerk's Office JAN 2 4 2019 City of Poway ~ c::rr -------------------------------------------------------------- PROP. 218 PROTEST FORM By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized represe ntative of the owner of the below parcel. Parcel Information Assessor's Parcel ID : I J I I I 4 l7 I 3 I ;.i, I 4 I I I o Io I Stre et Address: I /'174'7 -F a:,.-'"fre e. --:(:.o.rr~ City, State, Zipcode: q 2-0/t:> 9 Submitted By I Print Owner Name: I If the above is n ot an individual(s), e,g. an LLC, Tru st, Corporation , etc. 6),.;o { ;~Tfa. 16637 Orchard Bend Rd. Poway, CA 92064 January 19, 2019 City Clerk City of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 92074-0789 Dear City Clerk: This letter is to register my protest to the proposed water and sewer rate increase. Thank you for considering your Poway community. Sincerely, &~cl\vrv ~ Sheryl Armstrong Parcel 275-103-03 -00 Received City Clerk's Office JAN 2 4 201 9 City of Poway PROP. 218 PROTEST FORM Received City Clerk's Office JA N 2 4 201 9 By signing the form be low I protest the proposed service charge rates and afflnn unde r penalty of l aw that I am th e ow ner or au th orized representa tive of the owner of the be low parce l. Parce l Information Assessor's Parcel ID. Street Address : City, S tate , Zipcode: Submitted By I I I Print Owner Name: I Ro~ d -f/ Oe.,a.11_g.. 0 ~ Vn e-s; If the above Is no t an indlvid ual (s), e .g . an LLC. Trus t. Corporation. etc . Prlnl Aulhori';Pj' Slgnawy I £2e CU}~ .a Vn <.s Sig nature:~ /1 ~ Date : .-1 _l_/_1/_Cf_/_J°I-------. r I R~&a q_ ~~~ c:1'F--------------------------------------------------------------- PROP. 218 PROTEST FORM By signing the form below I protest the proposed service charge rates and affirm under penalty of law that I am the owner or authorized representative of the owner of the below parcel. Parcel Information Assessor's Parcel ID: 131 J Ii./ I o1..l 1 14-li I':/: I O lo I StreetAddress: i /4:6'tf Yoir k AvL> City, State, Zipcode : I f ()vJA,l (: ;f {}d--() 6 c.{, Submitted By Print Owner Name: If the above is not an individual(s , e,g. an LLC, Trust, Corporation , etc. natory 1 ~~=----------:::==================~~ I Signature: J:::.==f~::'.:::1':i~------Date: I ( •·-/°!-/ Cj i '----------------------------------------------------------------' JAN 2 4 201 9 City of Poway