Item 4.1 - Additional Material posted 8-2-19 City of Poway MEMORANDUM c rY 1N THE (5 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL (Agenda Related Writings/Documents provided to City Council or Staff after distribution of the Agenda Packet for the August 6, 2019 Council Meeting) DATE: August 2, 2019 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Faviola Medina, CMC, City Clerk �\ r\/\ CONTACT: (858) 668-4535 or FMedinaApoway org SUBJECT: Item 4.1 -Adoption of a Resolution Approving Time Restricted No Parking on the East Side of La Manda Drive Between 15221 and 15259 La Manda Drive and Extending the No Parking Zone on the West Side of La Manda Drive from 150 feet South of Hilltop Circle North to Hilltop Circle South Attached please find correspondence received on Friday, August 2, 2019, after the distribution deadline. Reviewed/Approved By: Reviewed By: Approved By: Wendy Kaserman Alan Fenstermacher Chris Ha e Assistant City Manager City Attorney City Manager 1 of 8 August 6, 2019, Item #4.1 ,. To Our Mayor and City Council Members: Receivea AUG O 2 2019 City ti Poway City Manage(s Office Steve Vaus, Dave Grosch, Caylin Frank, Barry Leonard, John Mullin Re: Petition To Change Parking Restrictions on North La Manda Drive July 30, 2019 We are residents of Hilltop Circle and are contacting you in regards to the above mentioned petition. We apologize ahead of time for this long letter, but we want to make sure the current City Council is aware of the history and facts surrounding the problems we have faced regarding our proximity to RBHS, the impact it has had on our neighborhood, and why the City Council voted to intervene and install No Parking signs on North La Manda Drive in 2004. It has come to our attention that the Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) is recommending approval of a petition requesting to modify the existing No Parking signs on North La Manda Drive. Few residents on Hilltop Circle were notified of the May 15 hearing. Since it was relatively short notice and scheduled during the day, most of those notified had conflicting work schedules and were unable to attend. We were 2 of the 5 people who attended the meeting. The notice stated that the purpose of the meeting was to explain the change, receive comments, and consider approval. However, when we arrived, a handout was distributed that stated the TSC was recommending approval of the petition before the meeting had even started, before they gave the residents a chance to voice their concerns. It seems they had no intention of gathering or considering any new information presented by nearby residents. Their decision had already been made before we walked through the door. They politely listened when we had a chance to speak and then moved to approve the petition. Someone unknown to us in the audience,_advised the TSC that this would need to go to Council for approval, which thankfully postponed the decision so our neighborhood could be properly notified and heard. We were offended that they were moving towards approval with no consideration given to the 40 homes on Hilltop Circle that would be affected by these changes. We would also like to note that the handout included a photograph of a San Clemente neighborhood utilizing the signs the TSC is recommending. If this photo has been passed along to you, it is a complete misrepresentation of North La Manda Drive and cannot possibly be considered a comparison. North La Manda Drive is not a typical city street. It seems the owners of the 4 new homes on North La Manda Drive have submitted a petition stating that they would like to modify the current "No Parking" restrictions because "there is no street parking for guests that visit their homes". It is important to complete the facts and note that there indeed is existing street parking directly adjacent to their homes on the west side of La Manda Drive between north and south Hilltop Circle which would provide ample parking for guests visiting the area. The petitioning residents also have 3 car garages and wide driveways that could accommodate guest parking. They stated at the TSC meeting in May that they are dissatisfied with their sloped driveways and the no parking signs. However, both were in place when they agreed to purchase their homes. We do not believe these reasons warrant disrupting a no parking zone that the City Council implemented in 2004 which has solved significant school problems and has continued to work well. Please keep in mind that there are sections of no parking zones along the entirety of La Manda Drive. Our neighbors on South La Manda have no parking zones and simply use the open spaces or their driveways for guest parking with no reported problems. We are somewhat unclear as to why this petition is even being considered by the TSC and City Council when there is adequate parking on the west side of La Manda?? 2 of 8 August 6, 2019, Item #4.1 The proposal in the pending petition suggests modifying the existing No Parking signs to designate No Parking only on school days from 7 am to 4 pm. The problem with that is that after school hours, as well as weekends, are the obvious times when high schools schedule all their sporting events and extracurricular activities, the times that would bring parking and traffic back into our neighborhood. The homes on the northwest side of La Manda and Hilltop Circle share the property line with the sports fields of RBHS which makes public access and parking on La Manda much closer and easier than the high school parking lot. It is also important to note that even though Hilltop Circle is a privately maintained road, residents still encounter RBHS traffic, as some parents access the dead end by the horse trail to drop off their students before school, after school and for sporting events, and at times actually park their cars there during busy school events. We frequently to have sport teams running through the neighborhood during early morning or after school workouts. The public will become aware of any parking changes on La Manda, and it will only be a matter of time until the original parking problems will begin to return. The East side of La Manda is a long and visible stretch of road that is a magnet for RBHS parking! Another item to address if these proposed modifications were to be considered is what type of enforcement policy the City Council would propose and implement. Even with the current No Parking restrictions on North La Manda Drive, in the past several years there have been many private vehicles parked along that area during the construction, listing, and selling of the new hornes. To our knowledge there were no citations issued (with the exception of a home owner who did report receiving a citation after moving in). We seldom, if ever, see a sheriff's car on the hill unless there is an emergency situation. The point being, how will the City possibly monitor and enforce these modified hours?? We also have safety concerns in regards to moving open parking to the east side of La Manda. As you drive north on La Manda and reach the peak at the top of the hill, the road significantly narrows. Directly in front the of narrowing is where the new curb begins. Even though the TSC noted that the road was widened in that area, it still not wide enough for a car driving north to safely pass a parked car on the curb. The northbound car would have to move over into the oncoming traffic lane to safely pass. We know your time is valuable but it would give you a clear picture if you had a few minutes to drive north to the top of La Manda Drive. You would be able to notice the narrowing towards the top and how a parked car at the beginning of the curb would block the right passing lane. A visual assessment is often times helpful as opposed to reading facts or measurements on a piece of paper. This would also expose pedestrians to unsafe conditions. Once again, the TSC has noted that the City provided a walking path during the construction of the new homes. Their definition of a walking path differs significantly from many Hilltop residents. The walking path is a narrow and uneven strip of dirt that is interrupted by 4 driveways. It is not flat or wide enough for family walks, for kids to ride bikes safely beside their parents, or to push large strollers. We have yet to see anyone utilize this make-shift walking path. Since there are no sidewalks on La Manda Drive, pedestrians from our neighborhood as well as surrounding neighborhoods access the road many times throughout the day, as do students and sports teams from RBHS. The bottom line and our most simple and direct words are .... why in the world are we messing with a system that has worked well, that has brought great benefit to our neighborhood, and that does not need to be changed. As far as the No Parking signs, your predecessors on the Council obviously recognized the significant problems that we faced and that developed regarding RBHS and took action to control and eliminate those problems by installing No Parking signs, and IT WORKED!! Nothing has changed over the past" 15 years that would cause the Council's decision to be reversed, and no evidence or facts have been presented to warrant disrupting a system already in place and that is working well. 3 of 8 August 6, 2019, Item #4.1 • In fact, the school has continued to grow as have the after school activities. Why would you possibly consider changing the Counsel's decision over a petition based on guest parking or vote to move open parking from one side of the street to the other? The safety issues mentioned above that have developed over the past 3-4 years since the new home construction began also need to be considered and evaluated. Maybe there is pertinent information in the TSC report that we are unaware of, but sirice the committee has not yet released their report we can only voice our opinion based on the limited information we have received. Please vote to leave things as they are ..... . ---Vote No on the Petition to change/modify the No Parking designation on North La Manda Drive. ---Vote No to change the open parking from the West side to the East side of La Manda Drive, allowing parking to remain on the West side. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, to consider our concerns, and to hopefully vote to keep our neighborhood safe and unencumbered by leaving things as they are. Respectfully Submitted, Maurice & Gail Pa pier· 15273 Hilltop Circle 858-449-5261/858-774-0404 4 of 8 August 6, 2019, Item #4.1 Petition to Opposition to La Manda Drive Petition for No Parking Modification Jord-o.. i-- !� t:'h Y} 8-Ae,Jd obc;IAi\,, (". �°'" J)Ctr �o /y;rc..>iJei Opposition to La Manda Drive Petition No Parking Modification We, the undersigned, are concerned Local residential citizens who urge our leaders to Reject any modification for No Parking on La Manda Drive. /57-77 ///t.(7;/1 C/1'2 15J-fs/ 1/21/-h ?/, I� J..b (;' /+,rl (,,c&- /J-2-6 )- H 7 1 l--f-it G"' ISZCPCJ fh· 11-'-lvp Ci°vvle.. 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