Item 3 - Acceptance of Facilities Roofing and HVAC Replacement 2018-19, Bid 19-012AGE NDA REPOR T CityofPoway CITY COUNCIL DATE: March 3, 2020 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Eric Heidemann, Director of Public Works f CONTACT: SUBJECT: Summary: Will Wiley, Assistant Director of Public Works for Maintenance Operation (858)668-4750 or wwiley@poway.org Acceptance of City Facilities Roofing and HVAC Replacement 2018-19, Bid No. 19-012 This project consisted of roof replacements at eight City facilities and 21 HVAC package unit replacements at three City facilities, and included all necessary equipment and supplies to complete the work as directed by the City. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council: 1.Accept the City Facilities Roofing and HVAC Replacement 2018-19, Bid No. 19-012 as complete; 2.Authorize the City Clerk to file and record the Notice of Completion; 3.Authorize the release of the retention in the amount of $36,470.60, 45-days after the City Council's acceptance; 4.Release the U.S. Specialty Insurance Company Bond for Material and Labor in the amount of $72,299.54; and 5.Retain the U.S. Specialty Insurance Company Bond for Faithful Performance for a period of one year. Discussion: On May 21, 2019, the City awarded the Contract for City Facilities Roofing and HVAC Replacement 2018-19, in the amount of $654,608.39 to Good-Men Roofing & Construction, Inc. The award of the Contract did not initially include three bid items, which were removed as a result of a deductive alternate process. During a deductive alternate process, items listed as part of the overall project are listed in inverse priority order and deleted from the base bid to maximize the amount of work to be completed within the project's available budget. The three bid items initially removed from the awarded Contract included the following: 1) Garden Road Park Restroom Roof, Silverset Park Restroom Roof and Valle Verde Park Restroom Roof; 2) Community Park Pool Filter Building Roof; and 1 of 2 March 3, 2020, Item #3 3) Northcrest Pump Station Roof. The awarded Contract consisted of roof replacements at the Public Works Operations Center/Warehouse and Fire Station 1 and included replacing 21 HVAC units at the Public Works Operations Center/Warehouse (two units), Fire Station 1 (six units) and Sheriff Station 13 units). The roof replacements involved the removal and replacement of roof material, fascia, flashing, sheathing, and proper asbestos removal and handling as required. The notice to proceed was issued for July 5, 2019. The project was required to be completed by October 25, 2019, per the terms and conditions of the Contract. There was one change order in the amount of $97,978.62 to complete the previously removed deductive alternate items (Garden Road Park Restroom Roof, Silverset Park Restroom Roof, and Valle Verde Park Restroom Roof; Community Park Pool Filter Building Roof; and Northcrest Pump Station). The Change Order also included the roof replacement of the Lake Poway Recreation Office. The City received a credit in the amount of 23,175 for Fire Station 1, which factored into the funding for the change order of the roof replacements. The net change to the Contract is $74,803.62 ($97,978.62 - $23,175). The final Contract amount is $729,412.01. Staff finds the project to be complete in accordance with the standards and specifications of the Contract. Environmental Review: This action is not subject to review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Fiscal Impact: Sufficient funds are available in the Public Facilities General Maintenance Project accounts (MNT0003, MNT0004 and MNT0015) for the release of retention in the amount of $36,470.60. Funds remaining in the projects at year end will be returned to the Capital Facilities Fund to use on future projects. Public Notification: None. Attachments: None. Reviewed/Approved By: Wen U Kaserman Assistant City Manager 2 of 2 Reviewed By: Approved By: 604.,Ln Alan Fenstermacher Chris Haz City Attorney City Manager March 3, 2020, Item #3