Item 1 - Ratification of Warrant RegistersAGENDA REPORT CityofPoway DATE: TO: FROM: CONTACT: March 17, 2020 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Aaron Beanan, Director of Finance Stacey Tang, Finance Manager 8f (858) 668-4426 or stang@poway.org CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Ratification of Warrant Reg isters for the Periods of February 3, 2020 through February 7, 2020; and February 10, 2020 through February 14, 2020 Summary: The attached warrant register reports for the periods of February 3, 2020 through February 7, 2020 ; and February 10, 2020 through February 14, 2020, are submitted to the City Council for ratification/approval. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council ratify/approve the attached warrant registers . Discussion: Weekly registers of audited demands are periodically submitted to the City Council by the Director of Finance for ratification/approval. Date February 3, 2020 through February 7, 2020 Amount $950,138.99 Warrants for amounts in excess of $100,000 for this period include: Warrant Check Number / Payroll 01/17/20, CALPERS 905459 I Payroll 01/31/20, CALPERS 905461 1 of 26 Amount $ 133,570.12 $ 133,153.94 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Date February 10, 2020 through February 14, 2020 Amount $1,051,600.49 Warrants for amounts in excess of $100,000 for this period include: Warrant Check Number Amount / Payroll 02/14/20 I 905462 I $ 532,195.98 Environmental Review: This action is not subject to review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Fiscal Impact: The total amount of warrants for the period of February 3, 2020 through February 7, 2020 is $950,138.99. The total amount of warrants for the period of February 10, 2020 through February 14, 2020 is $1,051,600.49. Public Notification: None. Attachments: A. Warrant register for the period of February 3, 2020 through February 7, 2020 B. Warrant register for the period of February 10, 2020 through February 14, 2020 Reviewed/Approved By: Wend Kaserman Assistant City Manager 2 of26 Reviewed By: Alan Fenstermacher City Attorney Approved By: Ch ttflz City Manager March 17, 2020, Item #1 Ci) . , w The City of Poway Director of Finance Submits the Following Register of Demands for the period 2/3/2020 -217/2020 and Recommends its Ratification/Approval: Run Date: 27-Feb-20 g_ Check ~ Number Check Payee/ Date V ~dor # ~~e~~ame Invoice Number 96842 Description Org Object Project Check Amount 409303 06-Feb-20 506 A O REED & CO 409304 06-Feb-20 2096 409305 06-Feb-20 6 409306 06-Feb-20 196 409307 06-Feb-20 7 409308 06-Feb-20 8 )> 409309 06-Feb-20 21 --------- A-B-CPR & FIRST AID TRAINING INC AGRICULTURAL PEST CONTROL AIRGAS USA, LLC ALERT-ALL CORPORATION ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES ---Plumbing Service and Repair 415010 41200 $206.00 -------------------- 96845 HVAC Maintenance 415010 43020 $4,912.67 ------------Total for Check 409303: $5 ,118.67 13873 CPR Class 80002425 P2420 $800.00 Pest Control__________ 414040 41200 $855 .00 ----520132 9097167397 Medical Oxygen _________ 503050 47500 $229.55 220010104 Community Relations ___ 502050 49040 $509.66 ------------------- 220966 220967 1640199 Personal Protective Equipment 501050 47600 $7,421.66 --------~ -------- Personal Protective Equipment 501050 47600 $22 ,264.98 Total for Check 409308: $29 ,686.64 ---------- Back ordered coffee -delivered 500050 47600 $149.46 -f --------------------------i! 1640198 _____ Coffee Supplies ____ 400060 47600 $416.59 ~---______________________ -------· ___ ·-----T~;;;i-forCheck409309: --$566.05 ~ 409310 06-Feb-20 835 AT&T 14226490 BAN 9391026571 12/24/19-01/23/20 202020 33010_____ $20.94 z --------------------------------------------- -f 409311 06-Feb-20 835 AT&T 14161184 BAN939106404412/10/19-01/09/20 204020 33010 ______ $21.93 )>--------------------------------------------------- 409312 06-Feb-20 835 AT&T 14226484 BAN 9391026564 12/24/19-01/23/20 201020 33010 $59 .52 409313 06-Feb-20 835 ---------- 409314 06-Feb-20 835 409315 06-Feb-20 835 409316 06-Feb-20 835 409317 06-Feb-20 835 409318 06-Feb-20 835 409319 06-Feb-20 835 409320 06-Feb-20 835 409321 06-Feb-20 835 AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T 14226485 BAN 9391026565 12/24/19-01/23/20 FS3 501050 33010 $59.52 ---· ---------------------- 14226483 BAN 9391026563 , 12/24/19-01/23/20 402060 33010 $78.80 --------------·------ 14159624 BAN 939102656612/10/19-01/09/20 FS1 501050 33011 ____ $80.66 -- 14236682 14170679 14170681 BAN 9391026553 12/27/19-01/26/20 FS2 501050 33010 $97.94 BAN 9391051972 -PW Network- 12/13/19-01/12/20 BAN 9391051979-PCPA Network- 12/13/19-01/12/20 ------------ 114010 22000 114010 22000 ---------------------- $378.32 $441.79 AT & T 14141129 BAN 939102655112/06/19-01/05/20 114010 430050 33010 $937 .96 _AT_&_T _ _______ _ _ 14216170 BAN 939105036612/20/19-01/19/19 --- AT&T 14170683 14170683 BAN 9391051982-Network & CaINet3 - 12/13/19 -01/12/20 BAN 9391051982-Network & CaINet3- 12/13/19-01/12/20 23010 $1,048.97 114010 22000 $1,325 .37 ------ 114010 33010 $1,325.61 Total for Check 409321 : ---------· 409296 06-Feb-20 999998 BEACH, TRACY 2/20-Beach Membership Renewal Fees for ASFPM 305030 49240 $2,650.98 $165 .00 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Register of Demands : Warrants from 2/3/2020 -2/7/2020 Check Number Check Payee/ Date ~dor # PayeeNendor Name Page: 2 of 14 Invoice Number ~ Description Project Check Amount ,i:. 409296 0 06-Feb-20 999998 BEACH , TRACY 2/20 -Beach (2) 2 Year Renewal for QSD Certification Org 305030 Object 49240 $115.00 $280.00 .... Total for Check 409296: N ________ _ en 409294 06-Feb-20 999992 BERNHARD, JOHN -------·-------------· -------- B20-0131 B20-0131 : Refund overpaid fees 303030 77340 $339.50 409322 06-Feb-20 1329 BOOT BARN INV00033908 Safety Shoes: Arrazola 414040 49280 $200.00 -----.. __ _ 409323 06-Feb-20 408 BOOT WORLD INC ______ 25446 Safety Shoes : Garlejo ___ 411040 49280 $75.49 409324 06-Feb-20 916 C.A. SHORT COMPANY 1584135 Service Award: Tansey 121010 45500 $156.88 ---------------- 1583825 Service Awards: Rodriguez , Kopf, Miller, Rice 121010 45500 $275.72 ---------------- 409298 06-Feb-20 999995 CAIN, JAMES 2014232 .001 Deposit Refund Permit 22502 205020 Total for Check 409324: 74710 $432 .60 $182 .00 $595 .00 ---------- 409326 06-Feb-20 1126 CALIFORNIA SAFETY PRODUCTS (48) Orange Safety Jackets F1000 81350 ---------2020-108 382780 ----- 409327 06-Feb-20 55 905459 04-Feb-20 788 905461 06-Feb-20 788 409325 06-Feb-20 445 409328 06-Feb-20 419 ----------- 409330 06-Feb-20 558 409331 06-Feb-20 612 409332 06-Feb-20 1094 ------409333 06-Feb-20 82 409334 06-Feb-20 848 409335 06-Feb-20 94 CALOL YMPIC SAFETY CALPERS CALPERS CAL-STATE AUTO PARTS INC Rain Jackets F1000 81350 $1 ,686.18 $133,570 .09 --- PERS EFT 2020-02 PERS EFT PE2020-02 F1000 87100 --·------------- PERS EFT 2020-02 PERS EFT PE2020-02 PERS 2020-03 PERS EFT PE2020-03 PERS 2020-03 PERS EFT PE2020-03 463492 Credit-Battery Core 161466 Unit 922 -Red Fleet 160644 Unit 18 -Pad Kit, Rotor Front 111010 13140 $0.03 Total for Check 905459: $133,570 .12 F1000 87100 $133,153.89 111010 13140 $0.05 Total for Check 905461: $133,153.94 413010 413010 413010 47900 47900 47900 --- Total for Check 409325 : ($218 .91) $865 .85 $327.62 $974.56 CAPCA Omori 2020 Omori, Ford 2020 Membership Dues 414040 49240 ___ $160.00 --------------------------- CHRISTOPHIADES , ARTHUR 2000.300-05.19A Instructor Payment Winter 2019 208020 41300 $1,011.60 CODE PUBLISHING COMPANY 65472 Municipal Code Print Supplement #37 101010 49220 $780 _75 Nov 2019 COMMERCIAL AQUATIC SERVICES ---- CORODATA RECORDS MANAGEMENT INC. --·-- COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES COX COMMUNICATIONS 65909 ----- 65704 120-1309 4554103 SB2020-01 128803201-1219 Municipal Code Web Update 101010 41200 $1,838.00 Standard Web Hosting Annual Web Fees , Jan 2020-21 ----- 101010 ------------- Pool Bulk Chlorine Revised Amount owed , previous Invoice RS4554103 Sandbags ------------ Kumeyaay Internet Line -12/19 203020 101010 412040 207020 41200 Total for Check 409331 : 45200 41200 47600 33010 $630.00 $3,248.75 $859 .38 $294 .69 $1,440 .00 $80.98 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Register of Demands : Warrants from 2/3/2020 -2/7/2020 Check Number u, 409336 Check Payee/ Date Vendor# PayeeNendor Name -----06-Feb-20 94 COX COMMUNICATIONS Invoice Number 62872701-2/20 Description Cable TV/ Internet Group Bill: Feb 2020 Org 114010 Object 22000 Project Page: 3 of 14 Check Amount $524.42 !a, 409302 ---------------------------06-Feb-20 999999 CROSTHWAITE CIRCLE LLC "' °'·-----------------------409337 06-Feb-20 43 409339 06-Feb-20 1712 409340 06-Feb-20 417 905456 03-Feb-20 942 409341 06-Feb-20 567 -------- 905455 03-Feb-20 97 905457 03-Feb-20 2058 905458 04-Feb-20 97 ----- 409342 06-Feb-20 116 409343 06-Feb-20 104 409344 06-Feb-20 979 -------- 409345 06-Feb-20 27 409346 06-Feb-20 592 D & D SERVICES INC . ---· DAVIS FARR LLP DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS DEPT. OF CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES ELDERHELP OF SAN DIEGO -------- EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ------ EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FERGUSON WATERWORKS FIRE ETC. FIRE SERVICE CORP ---- FLEET PRIDE/ASSOCIATED TRUCK PARTS GARY F. HOYT, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE INC . ----------------409295 06-Feb-20 999991 GENERAL ATOMICS AERONAUTICAL 409347 06-Feb-20 816 GOLDFARB & LIPMAN LLP 31728057500-F Final Assessment Refund CFO #88-1 APN#317?Anc;7nn 80103351 57400 $2 ,192.51 -------------·---------- 107998 January 2020 -Dead Animal Disposal Services 301030 41200 $1,940 .00 68_5_9 _______ F_Y_2018-1 ~A_n_nu_a_lA~dit 110010 17030 ____ $7 ,000 .00 6859 E1706129SD CLO WH PE2020-03 Dec-19 CAL WH PE2020-03 -- PPE 01/26/2020 ---·• L1500976352 0704276 0704678 0704702 0705158 FY 2018-19 Annual Audit City Hall elevator ------ Payroll Garnishment --- December 2019 -CDBG Homeshare CAL W/H EFT PE2020-03 Payroll Garnishment Unemployment Insurance Oct-Dec 2019 ----- Service Repair Fire Hose Adapter Backflow Repair ------- Backflow Repair Sledgehammer 309030 17030 415010 Total for Check 409339: 43060 F1000 86150 80002413 P2410 F1000 F1000 86170 86150 $1 ,500 .00 $8,500.00 $225 .00 $2 ,234.74 $1,407 .51 $25,276.16 $147.30 ------------------------ F1000 402560 402560 402560 82500 43080 43080 43080 402560 43080 --- Total for Check 409342: $2 ,228.00 $43.42 $30.92 $90.32 $503.70 $668 .36 501050 47600 $82 .58 137788 138474 Personal Protective Equipment 501050 47600 $991 .22 19M 803603 Fire Suppression --- 44673405 Unit 7 -Purge Valve Kit CP-2364 November 2019-Plan Check & Inspections --- CP-2360 October 2019 -Plan Check & Inspections ---------- CP-2363 --. -Novemoer zu1 !:l -Plan Check and Inspections November 2019 -Plan Check and Inspections CP-2363 ----------------------- 415010 413010 301030 301030 391030 391030 Total for Check 409343: $1,073 .80 41200 47900 17999 17999 59150 59250 $556.28 $54.45 $320.00 $1,440 .00 ------~11 0.00 $680.00 Total for Check 409346 : ----------------- $2,560 .00 $873.84 LP16-026 134306 LP16-026 -GA Parking Lot 14060 Danielson St. --------- As-Needed Legal Fees -December 2019 391030 59800 80002903 P2900 $142 .50 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Register of Demands: Warrants from 2/3/2020 -2/7/2020 Check Number Check Payee/ Date Vendor# PayeeNendor Name --------- Page: 4 of 14 Invoice Number Project Check Amount CJ\ 409348 06-Feb-20 2070 GOOD-MEN ROOFING & CONSTRUCTION 005 De!cription Roofing and HVAC Org 80006171 Object P6170 $93 ,079.69 0 ;:;---:4--:09::::3::-:4:::9----:::---=--:-::-:-------==-------- INC 06-Feb-20 120 GRAINGER INC 9418227675 Adapter, Hub x FNPT Fitting F5200 81350 ----$121 .11 CJ\ ---· ---------- 409350 06-Feb -20 483 HANSON AGGREGATES PACIFIC SOUTHWEST, INC ---- 9425828895 2087732 2087262 Brazing Rod Crushed aggregate base Tack F1000 402560 411040 81350 $98.89 ------Total for Check 409349 : 43080 45900 $220.00 $1 ,188.36 $248 .83 --------- Total for Check 409350 : $1,437.19 -------------------- 409351 06-Feb-20 123 HARRINGTON INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS INC 004K3070 PVC Fitting 402060 43080 $82.51 ------ 409352 06-Feb-20 152 HOME DEPOT COMMERCIAL ACCOUNT 5360204 Distribution Truck Supplies 402560 45600 $25 .80 409353 06-Feb-20 1338 HOPKINS TECHNICAL PRODUCTS INC. ------ 409299 06-Feb-20 999995 HUR, ASHLEY ----- 1340547 2340533 7340552 Repair Parts ---------402560 43080 ------$26.38 Work Order 236721 : repair supplies 415010 47600 $47 .67 ----------------------·-·-- Work Order 236701: repair supplies 415010 47600 $126.22 ------------- Mud mixer 411040 43240 $13.99 5340574 6350577 --·---------- White Striping 411040 47600 $29 .07 ------------ -~- 135_0_61_5 _ __ Lumberforcementform_s_ _ ______ 4_11_0_40 __ 4_7600 $48 .36 93_4_06_2_4_ _ ___ PV_C_P_arts, Tu_s_tin_~ateral _R_e_pa_ir, Truck Stock 4035_70_ ~3~80 $56.:.~ 6350572 Hand cleaner ________ 41 _50_1_0 ~~-oo_ $15.02 4360206 Graffiti supplies 414040 47600 $105 .14 ---------- _13_7_0_50_4 Wo_r_k _Order236888 : repair supplies ____ 415010 47600 ______ _ 9350645 _____ Work Order 237016: repair sup~ies ___ 415010 ~7_6_00 0360212 Work Order 236979 : repair supplies 415010 47600 ----·--- -.. 8350648 9350643 0360208 Work Order 236979: repair supplies ------------ Work Order 236979: repair supplies Volunteer supplies LMD Cleanup ------------------------ 3620300047 2014244 .001 Two ProMinent Chlorine Analyzers Deposit Refund Permit 22722 415010 415010 414040 402060 47600 47600 47600 Total for Check 409352 : 61999 74710 $24.47 $13.48 $16.23 $20.38 $65.66 $491.08 $1,125.92 $12,183 .77 $200 .00 ---------------------205020 112010 409354 06-Feb-20 644 INFOSEND --------- 409329 06-Feb-20 861 JESSEN , TERRY ---------- 409355 06-Feb-20 129 JRC PRINTING LLC 165579 Mailing Statements 01/02/20-01/16/20 ------------- 165579 202001-039 39607 39837 Mailing Statements 01/02/20-01/16/20 1,000 lbs . Trout Stock Business Cards: Heidemann Youth Fishing Derby Flyer Printing 112010 202020 400060 202020 33020 41200 Total for Check 409354: $1,050.81 $587.98 -- $1,638 .79 45110___ $4,870.00 49220 $34.48 49220 $102.36 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Register of Demands : Warrants from 2/3/2020 -2/7/2020 Check Number Ch eck Payee/ Date Vendor# PayeeNendor Name -.J 409355 0 06-Feb-20 129 JRC PRINTING LLC ..... "' en 409356 06-Feb-20 597 KIMBALL-MIDWEST Invoice Number 39863 39603 - 7682102 ---- Description Business Cards -Erica Buenconsejo Business Cards -Cindy W isher! ------------ Germicidal Cleaner & Deodora nt ----409357 06-Feb-20 502 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC 15703299 Signal Controller Upgrades 409358 06-Feb-20 757 KOi CITY INC 409359 06-Feb-20 161 KRC ROCK INC 409360 06-Feb-20 109 L N CURTIS & SONS ---- 409297 06-Feb-20 999998 LACORTE, STEVEN --- 409361 06-Feb-20 140 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA C ITIES 409362 06-Feb-20 141 LEATHERMAN , RICHARD ------- 409363 06-Feb-20 147 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 409364 06-Feb-20 391 LIFE-ASSIST, INC . 15637324 Speed Survey Updates -- 15703297 Traffic Engineering ----------------- 020 -11 Water conditioner ----------- 019-885 Maintenance -January, 2020 2251143-00 Arizona River Rock -----·----· 1499451-00 Arizona River Rock -·-- 2251176-00 Arizona River Rock INV348004 35' Ladder -------------- 2/20 -Lacorte Fabric Patch Repair on Debris Carrier in Apparatus ----------- -628373 Calendar Year 2020 Membership Dues --- 2005 .300-04.19B Instructor Payment Winter 2019 -------- 1491 4 53 Professional Se rv ices Rendered Through 12/31/2019 --- 1491454 Professional Services Rendered Through 12/31/2019 ----------· --- 1491455 968393 968855 968968 968121 9681 24 968256 969377 Professional Services Rendered Through 12/31/19 --------- Medical Supplies Medical Supplies ------ Medical Supplies ----- Medical Supplies Medical Supplies --- Medical Supplies Medical Supplies --------- - Org 203020 Object 49220 Page : 5 of 14 Project 301030 49220 Check Amount $34.48 $34.48 $205.80 Total for Check 409355: F5200 81350 ---------- 80002794 P2790 307040 17150 430050 17150 $276 .81 --- $7,542.40 $10 ,94 5.92 $234.08 ----------------------· Total for Check 409357 : 414040 41200 ------------- $18,722.40 $150 .83 $300.00 $450 .83 414040 414040 414040 414040 501050 -··-- 501050 -- 100010 ·--- 208020 --- 121010 121010 121010 503050 503050 41200 Total for Check 409358 : 47700 $53 .88 ·---- 47700 $394 .37 --. 47700 $215 .50 Total for Check 409359 : $663.75 61999 47600 49240 41300 $1 ,166.61 $100.00 $18,427 .00 -- $2,688.00 -------- 17011 17011 17011 Total for Check 409363 : 47400 47400 $259.00 $185.00 $2,488.00 $2,932 .00 $570.00 $693.26 503050 47400 $1,192 .06 503050 47400 503050 47400 ---- 503050 47400 503050 47400 ------- $771.49 $1 ,689 .29 ($28 .55) ------ $798.00 Total for Check 409364 : $5,685.55 March 17, 2020, Item #1 00 0 .... N O'I Register of Demands: Warrants from 2/3/2020 -2/7/2020 Check Check Payee/ Number Date Vendor# ------409365 06-Feb-20 1494 409300 06-Feb-20 999995 409366 06-Feb-20 2029 409367 06-Feb-20 628 409368 06-Feb-20 1506 409373 06-Feb-20 1056 PayeeNendor Name MAEL, JENNIFER MENGUITA, RAYMOSES MOOS, DAMIAN MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC. MUTUAL OF OMAHA POLICYHOLDER SERVICES MY ESCONDIDO BCG LLC Page: 6 of 14 Invoice Number Description ______ _ _________ _ Org Object Project ~ ~ ._ .... 00512 ::;-~~.:·;:~::·_~-;;;::.:-.::: .. ---.. ----·-"'_.,_,. ,._,_. __ .. -------~-,------Rnil W:::1tPr Ac::c::ic:t:::1nrP !=!inrl r.nnrrlin:::1tinn a.,-u£.UUV -.7900 EM001 VVUfK uraer lfLLOl:l ·-· .............. ..., --. ·------205020 74710 $200 .00 Deposit Refund Permit 22602 205020 74710 --- ---. ---414040 49220 $2,254.00 Trails Guide 414 --------------- ----------414040 49220 $1,500 .00 Updates to the Trails Guide 414040 49220 Total for Check 409366 : $3 ,754.00 -------- 16087122 12 Motorola Chargers and Antennas 501050 61360 $4 ,519 .04 16087303 _______ Motorola Battery (12) _________ 501_05_0_ 6136_0 ___ _ $1,638.88 --- Total for Check 409367 : $6,157 .92 --------- Basic Life/AD&DNol Life/LTD/STD Prem : February 20 001049709867 F1000 86210 $3,862.24 ----------- Basic Life/AD&DNol Life/LTD/STD Prem : February 20 001049709867 F1000 87330 $3,428.24 . ----------- Basic Life/AD&DNol Life/LTD/STD Prem : February 20 001049709867 F1000 87350 $6,851.30 --------- Basic Life/AD&DNol Life/LTD/STD Prem: February 20 001049709867 F1000 87351 Total for Check 409368: - 190761 Unit 55 -Headlamp 413010 47900 $2,108.21 $16,249.99 $1,205.27 ---------------------------··--------------- 409369 06-Feb-20 175 409370 06-Feb-20 2044 409371 06-Feb-20 565 409372 06-Feb-20 527 409374 06-Feb-20 84 NAPA AUTO PARTS/POWAY NATIONWIDE MEDICAL SURGICAL INC NEAL ELECTRIC, INC NINYO & MOORE OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SERVICES DIVISION 423262 _____ Oil and Fuel Filters __________ 413010 47900 $57.17 ---- 425044 Unit 62 -Oil and Air Filters 425045 Oil Filter 1054739 73445 235443 429322220-001 433228272-001 433222956-001 ALS Medications -------- Basketball Court lights Valve Repair Work Order #2259 Ethernet Adapter for Fire Dept Conf Room Returned wrong Ethernet adapter Office Suppl ies Blue Sky Office Supplies -------- Blue Sky Office Supplies --- OPP Janitorial Supplies ---- OPP Office Supplies 413010 47900 $46.64 413010 47900 $5 .17 -------Total for Check 409369: $108 .98 503050 47400 ------$209.70 $212 .00 -- - 415010 41200 - 402060 47900 EM001 $336 .00 ---- 500050 47100 $21.54 -------------500050 47100 121010 47100 207020 47100 --- 207020 47100 --- 205020 47200 205020 47100 ($21.54) $114.94 $47 .16 $14.05 $36 .62 --------· $71 .52 432510274-001 432510371-001 427738959-001 427738986-001 429640035-001 429639621-001 436393773-001 ------·------------ OPP Janitorial Supplies 205020 OPP Operating Supplies 205020 Office Supplies 200020 47200 - 47600 47100 $9 .69 $25.85 $87.07 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Register of Demands: Warrants from 2/3/2020 -2/7/2020 Check Number Check Payee/ Date Vendor# PayeeNendor Name ----··- Page : 7 of 14 Org Object Proj~ct Chec~ount \0 409374 0 06-Feb-20 84 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SERVICES DIVISION Invoice Number 436401475-001 426258091-001 438754720-001 Description Office Supplies 200020 47100 $6.78 $216 .14 .... N C'I 409375 06-Feb-20 215 409376 06-Feb-20 896 409377 06-Feb-20 194 409378 06-Feb-20 689 409379 06-Feb-20 266 409380 06-Feb-20 2135 409381 06-Feb-20 536 409382 06-Feb-20 247 409383 06-Feb-20 25 409384 06-Feb-20 265 409385 06-Feb-20 274 409386 06-Feb-20 274 409387 06-Feb-20 862 PACIFIC SAFETY CENTER PALOMAR BACKFLOW PREVENTION SPECIALIST, INC. PARKHOUSE TIRE INC PARS -------- PERRY FORD OF POWAY POLARIS SALES INC POLLARD WATER POSTMASTER ----- 438754965-001 1647 1647 1647 5795 -- 5795 Office Supplies __ _ 400060 47100 ---------------- CSD Office Supplies CSD Office Supplies Annual Membership 10/1/19-9/30/20 Annual Membership 10/1/19-9/30/20 Annual Membership 10/1 /19-9/30/20 Backflow Prevention -------- Backflow Prevention 200020 47100 200020 47100 Total for Check 409374: $169.70 $48.71 $848 .23 ------------------401060 49240 $65.89 ----------- 402060 49240 $115.29 403570 49240 Total for Check 409375: $98.82 $280 .00 421040 424140 41200 41200 $42.00 $42.00 -· --·----·----- 5795 5795 Backflow Prevention ___ 425040 41200 $42.00 -------------- 3010310699 44528 6130058/1 --- 5036482 03270-L3K8W5- 8859000 0158071 Spring2020postage Backflow Prevention 425140 41200 $42.00 ---------- Total for Check 409376 : $168.00 -------- Unit 8 -Tires 413010 47900 ---$696.60 Monthly Admin Fee -Nov 2019 F1000 87220 $2,500.00 Unit 951 -Red Fleet 413010 43120 $2,302 .17 ------- Unit 6 -Moulding, Wheel Cover 413010 47900 $248 .08 ------------------ Polaris ATV C12 Testing Postage for Spring 2020 Community Services Guide 115010 402560 200020 Total for Check 409379: $2,550.25 61040 43080 33020 $10,708.88 $148 .33 $3,097.63 ------------- POWAY CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING 011920 Weekly POS ticket sales transfer F1000 86330 $3,447.00 $5,694.00 $9 ,141.00 ARTS FOUNDATION -------------- 012620 Poway OnStage Weekly Ticket Sales Transfer F1000 86330 POWAY FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION POWAY SENIOR CENTER POWAY SENIOR CENTER -----PRINTSTAR DUES PPE 01/26/2020 Fire Association dues for PPE 01/26/2020 02/20 Monthly Rent -February 2020 Payment --- 2014224.001 Deposit Refund Permit #21762 27644 27644 #10 Envelope Legal Notice of Public Hearing x2500 #10 Envelope Legal Notice of Public Hearing X 2500 Total for Check 409383 : F1000 86100 80007712 P7710 205020 74710 301030 301030 49220 47100 Total for Check 409387: $2,646.10 $9,000.00 $300.00 $200.00 $112.48 $312.48 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Register of Demands: Warrants from 2/3/2020 -2/7/2020 Check Number Check Payee/ Date Vendor# PayeeNendor Name Invoice Number ----_..__ --- Page: 8 of 14 Project Check Amount ----_.. 409388 0 06-Feb-20 524 PROGRESSIVE TECHNOLOGY SECURITY 46009 SYSTEMS INC Description Library fire system --------- Org 206020 114010 Object 43080 43080 $367.33 0 .... N O'I 409389 06-Feb-20 1058 409390 06-Feb-20 200 409391 06-Feb-20 1669 409392 06-Feb-20 358 ------ 409393 06-Feb-20 230 409394 06-Feb-20 845 409395 06-Feb-20 213 409396 06-Feb-20 216 409398 06-Feb-20 221 R & B PINTO PROPERTIES LLC RAYNE WATER CONDITIONING RELIANT AQUARIUM DESIGN INC. ROADONE RUTAN AND TUCKER SAGE VIEW INC. - SAN DIEGO COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT 46010 46011 City Hall fire system City Hall security LKCONC 01/21-01/26 Wkly Lk Cone 01/21/20-01/26/20 8303-1/9/20-2/5/20 Pool Water Conditioning 26808 ______ Library Aquarium Maintenance -------- 26838 Library Aquarium Maintenance --------------- 114010 43080 Total for Check 409388: F1000 86360 ----------------------- 203020 206020 206020 41200 43040 43040 $384 .58 $114.17 $866.08 $2,651.14 $152.82 $81.15 $88.69 ---------------- A765836 ---· A765784 --- A747156 857547 857548 857550 Bronte move Bronte move 2 DEMO vehicles - 012782-0005 Professional Service through 12/31/201 012782-0009 Professional Service through 12/31/201 012782-0014 Professional Service through 12/31/201 412040 412040 501050 Total for Check 409391 : 41200 --------- 41200 47900 Total for Check 409392: 102010 17010 102010 17020 102010 17010 $169 .84 $360.00 $360.00 $700.00 $1,420.00 --- $12,511.26 $276 .00 $1,196.00 ---------------- 857551 857549 857552 857553 857927 857546 2982 JAN2020 012782-0023 Professional Service through 12/31/201 012782-0011 Professional Service through 12/31/201 ---------- 012782-0027 Professional Service through 12/31/201 - 012782 -0029 Professional Service through 12/31/201 ---- 012782-0034 Professional Service through 12/31/201 Special Legal Counsel -CVRA Lawsuit 80001001 P1000 102010 17010 102010 17020 102010 17010 ----- 402060 41200 80001001 P1000 EM001 $849 .60 $115.00 $1 ,192.60 $460.00 $3,741.00 $58.40 Total for Check 409393 : $20,399 .86 Grove Maintenance 414040 41600 $8,474.99 Cal-ID Program Costs January thru June 2020 504050 49020 $4,279 .00 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY 1958 FCC License Renew through 1/8/2030 402060 41200 21010 21010 21060 $935 .00 $2,060.09 $3 ,503 .13 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 07047022786-01/20 95321310795-01 /20 96907731131-01 /20 12335 Crosthwaite Circle 12/10/19-01/12/20 ----- 14322 Pomerado Rd 12/09/19-01/09/20 501050 501050 18775 1/2 Heritage , 12/10/19-1/12/20, 407 kWh 403070 ------·- $103.32 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Register of Demands: Warrants from 2/3/2020 -2/7/2020 Check Check Payee/ Nu '.;l ber __ D!te __ Vendor# Payee~d2 r Na!1e _. 409398 06-Feb-20 221 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC ... 0 .... ~ 4093 97 06-Feb-20 218 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC/SUNDRY Invoice Number 15011872037-01/20 04920133400-01/20 ·-- 04920133400-01/20 04920133400-01/20 04920133400-01/20 04920133400-01/20 04920133400-01/20 -- 04920133400-01/20 -·- 04920133400-01/20 04920133400-01 /20 04920133400-01 /20 -- 04920133400-01 /20 -- 04944440039-01 /20 04944440039-01 /20 Description Org ---- 15401 1/2 Pomerado Road 12/13/19-01/15/20 430050 Group Bill Cycle 14, 11/10/19-1/14/20 131,941 kWh 402060 -------· -. - - Group Bill Cycle 14, 11/10/19-1/14/20 402060 131,941 kWh Group Bill Cycle 14, 11 /10/19-1 /14/20 402060 131,941 kWh Group Bill Cycle 14, 11/10/19-1/14/20 402060 131 ,941 kWh ---- Group Bill Cycle 14, 11/10/19-1/14/20 402060 131,941 kWh --- Group Bill Cycle 14, 11/10/19-1/14/20 402060 131 ,941 kWh ---Group Bill Cycle 14, 11/10/19-1/14/20 402060 131,941 kWh ------ Group Bill Cycle 14, 11/10/19-1/14/20 402060 131,941 kWh Group Bill Cycle 14, 11/10/19-1/14/20 402060 131,941 kWh -- Group Bill Cycle 14, 11/10/19-1/14/20 402060 131,941 kWh --- Group Bill Cycle 14, 11/10/19-1 /14/20 402060 131,941 kWh --- Special Districts 01/20 421040 - Special Districts 01/20 423040 - Object 21020 Page: 9 of 14 Project Check Amount ------$10 .85 Total for Check 409398: $5 ,677.39 21010 $948.65 ·-------.------ 21041 $4,820.73 21043 $896.00 21049 $1,509.49 21050 $678.72 - 21051 $7,984.68 ------·- 21052 $2,735.22 ·----------- 21054 $3,127.00 21057 $798.79 21059 $525.96 21061 $1,377.26 21010 $67.84 ·-- 21010 $44 .08 --------------- 04944440039-01 /20 Special Districts 01/20 424040 21010 $23 .06 -------· ---·----·--- 04944440039-01/20 Special Districts 01/20 425040 21010 $32.86 04944440039-01 /20 Special Districts 01/20 426040 21010 $10 .61 -----·--------· 04944440039-01 /20 Special Districts 01/20 420140 21010 $84.66 - 04944440039-01 /20 Special Districts 01/20 424140 21010 $22.26 04944440039-01/20 Special Districts 01/20 425140 21010 $22.66 04944440039-01 /20 Special Districts 01/20 421240 21010 $11 .01 ---------- 04944440039-01 /20 Special Districts 01/20 430050 21020 $1,469.34 70037975983-01/20 Group Sundry Bill: Jan 2020 114010 21010 $2,312.62 70037975983-01/20 Group Sundry Bill: Jan 2020 208020 21010 $269 .53 --- 70037975983-01/20 Group Sundry Bill : Jan 2020 202020 21010 $2,454.41 ·----- 70037975983-01/20 Group Sundry Bill : Jan 2020 204020 21010 $149 .60 ---· 70037975983-01/20 Group Sundry Bill : Jan 2020 205020 21010 $714.28 --- 70037975983-01/20 Group Sundry Bill : Jan 2020 414040 21010 $195.68 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Register of Demands : Warrants from 2/3/2020 -2/7/2020 Check Number Check Payee/ Date Vendor# PayeeNendor Name ---. Page : 10 of 14 Invoice Number Description Project Check Amount ""'-=-.. ...,. 409397 N 06-Feb-20 218 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC/SUNDRY 70037975983-01/20 --Group Sundry Bill: Jan 2020 Group Sundry Bill : Jan 2020 Group Sundry Bill: Jan 2020 Org 421040 Object 21010 $43 .86 0 .... N (ti ------ 409399 06-Feb-20 829 SC COMMERCIAL , LLC 409400 06-Feb-20 256 SENTRY FENCE COMPANY 70037975983-01/20 70037975983-01/20 ------- 70037975983-01/20 70037975983-01/20 31507776772-01/20 31507776772-01 /20 Group Sundry Bill : Jan 2020 --. Group Sundry Bill : Jan 2020 Group Sundry Bill : Jan 2020 Group Sundry Bill: Jan 2020 31507776772-01/20 Group Sundry Bill: Jan 2020 ---- ------------------- 31507776772-01/20 Group Sundry Bill : Jan 2020 --------------- - 0750146-IN Fuel for Fleet ----- 0754677-IN Fuel for Fleet 5696 PR Old Coach Road 12 poles 25 rails 423040 21010 425040 21010 ------- 430050 21020 ----.-- 501050 21010 205020 21010 ---- 414040 21010 ------· 430050 21020 -- 430050 21030 ----- --- $33.46 $20.81 $213.85 --- $3,320.33 $362 .03 $27.03 $2,263.19 $28,709.30 Total for Check 409397 : $68 ,280 .86 413010 413010 ------- 414040 31020 31020 Total for Check 409399 : 41200 $1,834.37 $1,861 .68 $3,696 .05 $1,100.00 --------------------·--------------------------------- 409401 06-Feb-20 282 SHARP REES-STEALY MEDICAL CENTER 339492906 OMV Physical exam 411040 49160 $110.00 409402 06-Feb-20 954 SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC 409403 06-Feb-20 2078 SIEMENS MOBILITY, INC --------- 409404 06-Feb-20 166 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC ------------·---------------------------- 339657583 339540980 ------- 340969902 340921109 OMV Physical exam 411040 49160 $110 .00 OMV Physical exam -----------· _41_1040 49rn_o_ ---$110.00 Medical Exams 200020 49160 $49.00 ------------Medic a I Exams 200020 49160 $49.00 ------------------- 340976039 340725189 340857826 5620028170 5610206032 5610206032 5610206032 Class A OMV Medical Exam 403570 49160 $110.00 -------------- Class A OMV Medical Exam 401060 49160 $110.00 --- Class A OMV Medical Exam 402560 49160 $110 .00 Total for Check 409401: $758 .00 Parking Lot call outs December 2019 415010 41200 $3,516.25 430050 61380 Equipment Equipment -------- 430050 61380 Equipment 430050 61380 5610203029 Maintenance and repairs 430050 43260 $29,175.60 $2,971 .32 $1,040 .08 $3,957.98 ---- 5610205006 Maintenance and Repairs 430050 43270 $3,440.28 ---·------ 5620028171 Maintenance and repairs 430050 43260 $3 ,701 .92 --------- 5620028175 Maintenance and Repairs 430050 43270 $6,581 .25 Total for Check 409403 : $50,868.43 ------------- 96978759-001 Root Barrier for sidewalk 411040 43240 $185.76 March 17, 2020, Item #1 .... w 0 ..... N (ti Register of Demands : Warrants from 2/3/2020 -2/7/2020 Check Check Payee/ Number Date Vendor# ----409405 06-Feb-20 1690 409406 06-Feb-20 776 409407 06-Feb-20 2045 409408 06-Feb-20 528 409409 06-Feb-20 854 409410 06-Feb-20 461 409411 06-Feb-20 2120 409338 06-Feb-20 839 409412 06-Feb-20 594 ----------- 409413 06-Feb-20 1696 -· --- 905454 03-Feb-20 941 PayeeNendor Name Invoice Number ---SMART & FINAL 040119 ------------- SOUTH COAST EMERGENCY VEHICLE -· -497549 SERVICE SPOT ON STITCHING EMBROIDERY --- STATEWIDE SAFETY & SIGNS, INC STRYKER SALES CORPORATION 497628 1333 01005730 01005744 01005723 01005712 2894578M SUPERIOR CLEANING EQUIPMENT INC 11528 11528 11528 ---------· ---- TELEFLEX LLC 9502113701 ---- 9502113741 THE MARIDEN CORPORATION 1317 -- TOYOTALIFT INC . 111002735 ---------- TRANSUNION RISK AND ALTERNATIVE 3081831-202001 -1 DATA SOLUTIONS INC ---- U .S . DEPT. OF THE TREASURY FED WH PE2020-03 ------- FED WH PE2020-03 ------------ 409414 06-Feb-20 236 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 409415 06-Feb-20 1580 UNIFIRST CORPORATION dsb20190410 120200545 361 0097937 361 0097938 ---- 361 0097939 361 0098736 361 0098735 Description Lake Youth Fishing Derby Lunch Supplies Unit 925 Red Fleet Unit 925 Red Fleet: Module lnpuUOutput Reserve Ranger Hats (100) Bolts Org 202020 413010 413010 202020 411040 Object 47600 47900 47900 Page: 11 of 14 Project-Ch~mount $541 .12 $632 .80 $799.23 ------- Total for Check 409406 : $1,432 .03 49280 $178.00 45300 $579.49 ------------------ Custom Poway Logos , Stickers for Trucks No Parking Signs ------------ Trails: sign post Gurney Maintenance ---- Preventative Maintenance and Repair Preventative Maintenance and Repair ------- Preventative Maintenance and Repair Medical Supplies Medical Supplies Dock Uniforms Forklift Battery and Water Kit ----- Sheriffs Data Service: January Usage ----- FED W/H EFT PE2020-03 -- FED W/H EFT PE2020-03 Dig Safe Board Fee, January 2020 --- Dig Safe Monthly Charges, January 2020 Fire Station 1 Mats/towels Fire Station 2 Mats/towels Fire Station 3 Mats/towels 413010 47900 $328.65 ----- 402560 43080 $102.79 ------- 414040 45300 $67 .14 ----------------- Total for Check 409408 : $1,078 .07 503050 43080 $795.03 ----·--·---- 413010 41200 ----$445.00 413010 41200 $476 .10 ------------ 413010 41200 Total for Check 409410 : 47400 $36 .90 $958.00 $1,200.75 503050 503050 --~-------- 47400 $605 .13 ------- 202020 413010 504050 F1000 F1000 Total for Check 409411 : 49280 -- 43120 41200 86180 86160 $1,805.88 ----- $956.38 $6,939.10 ·---- $172 .30 $20,854.24 $70,724.09 Total for Check 905454 : $91,578 .33 402560 402560 57300 49240 ----- Total for Check 409414: 501050 49280 501050 49280 501050 49280 $58.48 $184.90 $243.38 $29 .88 $21 .89 Meadowbrook Gym: Mats and Mops 415010 41200 41200 $43.51 $26.31 $8.41 -·--- - ------ City Hall : Mats 415010 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Register of Demands: Warrants from 2/3/2020 -2/7/2020 Page : 12of14 Check Check Payee/ Number Date Vendor# PayeeNendor Name Invoice Number Description Org Object Project Check Amount ----------~ -~ -~ ;;;;:;...:.:ii;;;;;.;..c.------.... 409415 06-Feb-20 1580 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 361 0099079 Uniforms Weekly Rental Fee 401060 49280 $24 .94 ~ ----------0 361 0099074 Uniforms Weekly Rental Fee 405060 49280 $5.44 ..... N ------ C'I 361 0099075 Uniforms Weekly Rental Fee 403570 49280 $31.60 361 0098269 Weekly Mat Service for PCPA 204020 49280 $9 .63 -----·------·-----361 0099077 Uniforms Weekly Rental Fee 402560 49280 $32.45 361 0097477 Weekly Mat Service for PCPA 204020 49280 $9.63 361 0099078 Uniforms Weekly Rental Fee 415010 41200 $8.54 361 0099078 Uniforms Weekly Rental Fee 402060 49280 $21.44 361 0099083 Weekly Mat Service for PCPA 204020 49280 $9.63 361 0099070 Fleet Mats and Uniforms 415010 41200 $8 .81 -- 361 0099070 Fleet Mats and Uniforms 413010 49280 $65 .25 ------ 361 0099073 Warehouse Mats and Uniforms 410060 49280 $4 .14 ----------361 0099073 Warehouse Mats and Uniforms 415010 41200 $1.22 361 0099071 Stormwater: Uniforms 412040 49280 $36.91 -------------- 361 0099072 Streets: Uniforms 411040 49280 $36.48 -361 0099076 Facilities and Special Districts: Uniforms 414040 49280 $14.35 361 0099080 North Parks : Uniforms 414040 49280 $26 .60 -------· 361 0099081 Public Works: Mats 415010 41200 $6.45 361 0099082 Twin Peaks Gym: Mats and Mops 415010 41200 $11 .37 -- 361 0099084 City Hall: Mats 415010 41200 $9.89 -------------- 361 0098740 South Parks : Mats & Uniforms 415010 41200 $32.78 --·------~ ---- 361 0098740 South Parks: Mats & Uniforms 414040 49280 $21.64 .... -·· --- 361 0098737 Fire Station 1 Mats/Towels 501050 49280 $29.88 ---------------------- 361 0098738 Fire Station 2 Mats/Towels 501050 49280 $21.89 ------•·--- 361 0098739 Fire Station 3 Mats/Towels 501050 49280 $43.51 - Total for Check 409415 : $654.47 ---409416 06-Feb-20 238 UNIFORMS PLUS INC 51702 Uniforms -MOU 501050 49280 $314 .52 --- 51629 Uniforms -MOU 502050 49280 $672.14 - 51627 Uniforms -MOU 501050 49280 $336.07 -- 51626 Uniforms -MOU 501050 49280 $650 .59 --- 51625 Uniforms -MOU 501050 49280 $672 .14 -· -51624 Uniforms -MOU 501050 49280 $168.04 -------------- 51623 Uniforms -MOU 501050 49280 $672.14 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Register of Demands: Warrants from 2/3/2020 -2/7/2020 Page : 13 of 14 Check Check Payee/ Number Date Vendor# PayeeNendor Name Invoice Number Description Org Object Project Check Amount -=-=-==--= ~--------... 409416 06-Feb-20 238 UNIFORMS PLUS INC 51622 Uniforms -MOU 501050 49280 $639 .82 u, --------------0 51621 Uniforms -MOU 501050 49280 $168 .04 .... N ------------- 0\ 51620 Uniforms -MOU 501050 49280 $336 .07 --- 51619 Uniforms -MOU 501050 49280 $336.07 -------· ----------·-- 51618 Uniforms -MOU 501050 49280 $650 .59 - 51617 Uniforms -MOU 501050 49280 $336 .07 ------------- 51615 Uniforms -MOU 501050 49280 $629.04 ---------------------- 51612 Uniforms -MOU 501050 49280 $629.04 51611 Uniforms -MOU 501050 49280 $650 .59 --- 51610 Uniforms -MOU 501050 49280 $504.11 ----· ------ 51609 Uniforms -MOU 501050 49280 $629.04 --------------··--·--- 51608 Uniforms -MOU 501050 49280 $336 .07 ----------- 51607 Uniforms -MOU 501050 49280 $336 .07 --- Total for Check 409416 : $9 ,666.26 ----------·-------905460 03-Feb-20 334 UNION BANK-SAN DIEGO Disc Bene Jan 2020 Flexible Spending Register Jan 2020 F1000 86190 $15,434 .39 -- 409417 06-Feb-20 655 UNITED SITE SERVICES 114-9793135 Portable Toilets -Blue Sky 207020 41200 $268.71 -----------------~-------- 114-9772585 Portable Toilets -Training Tower 501050 47900 $135.21 ---------·--- 114-9810728 Portable Toilet Services 414040 41200 $110 .30 ------------- Total for Check 409417 : $514.22 ------------- 409418 06-Feb-20 348 VALLEY CHAIN & GEAR, INC . 30433 Roller bearings 412040 43080 $1,527.22 ~--· ---- 409419 06-Feb-20 321 VERIZON WIRELESS 9845799407 PCPA Box Office Mi-Wi 204020 22000 $38 .01 --·-· 409420 06-Feb-20 321 VERIZON WIRELESS 9846718010 Field / Mobile Broadband Data : Jan 2020 113010 22000 $76.02 - 409421 06-Feb-20 321 VERIZON WIRELESS 9845369918 Telemetry Phone 503050 33011 $131.98 ----------- 408418 27-Nov-19 280 VOID 72297 Walk behind mower 115010 61040 $0.00 ---------· ------ 72597 Mixed fuel 414040 47600 $0 .00 -------- 72757 Chainsaw 411040 45600 $0 .00 -------- Total for Check 408418 : $0 .00 --------------------- 409301 06-Feb-20 999995 WALL, JENNIFER 2014243.001 Deposit Refund Permit 22478 205020 74710 $300.00 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Register of Demands : Warrants from 2/3/2020 -2/7/2020 Check Number Check Payee/ Date Vendor # PayeeNendor Name ------..,. 409422 0\ 06-Feb-20 540 WEST COAST ARBORISTS, INC . 0 -N 0\ 409423 06-Feb-20 280 WESTERN MOWER AND ENGINE 409424 06-Feb-20 1979 WM HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS , INC 409425 06-Feb-20 293 WOLPERT , JOSEPH Director of Finance Approved: .tG_ Date: cf 2e/7o Invoice Numbe r De scription __ = -156677 Tree Trimming , Removal 156679 Tree Trimming, Removal ----·---- 156244 Tree Trimming , Removal --- 156678 Tree Trimming, Removal -· ----------------- 72597 Mixed Fuel ---- 72757 Chainsaw ----- 74291 Chainsaw Bar ------- 74503 Fuel ------- 74627 Sprayer Wand and bearing ---- 0469314-2793 -7 Haz Waste Removal - 2001 .300 -02.19C Instructor Payment Winter 2019 Page : 14 of 14 Org Object Project Che ck A mount -414040 41200 $3 ,731 .00 420140 41200 $4,477.20 ·-------- 411040 41200 $11 ,150.21 --- 411040 41200 $6 ,259.41 -- Total for Check 409422 : $25 ,617 .82 --- 414040 47600 $229.51 411040 45600 $301 .66 ----- 501050 47600 $113.76 ------- 402560 43080 $76 .50 ----·-- 414040 43080 $80 .22 Total for Check 409423 : $801 .65 503050 29100 $162 .52 208020 41300 $1,504 .80 Register Total : $950,138.99 March 17, 2020, Item #1 ... -.J Q o Check ..., Number N . -- C'I 409440 The City of Poway Director of Finance Submits the Following Register of Demands for the period 2110/2020 -2/14/2020 and Recommends its Ratification/Approval: Run Date : 27-Feb-20 Payee/ Check Date Vendor# PayeeNendor Name 14-Feb-20 506 AO REED & CO Invoice Number __ -= D~tion ~ ~ Objec~ _Project ~~k~m.3unt 317549 City Hall Hydronic Piping Service 80006171 P6170 $2,047 .50 317852 ____ City Hall Hydronic Piping Service 80006171 P6170 $5,642 .00 318049 City Hall Boiler 415010 43020 $182 .00 311795 PCPALeakCheck 415010 43020 $4,497 .00 ----------- Total for Check 409440: $12,368.50 ------------------------------------------ )> 409441 409442 409443 409444 14-Feb-20 1890 14-Feb-20 6 14-Feb-20 196 14-Feb-20 418 AGRO SALES CO. AGRICULTURAL PEST CONTROL AIRGAS USA, LLC -· --- ANTHEM BLUE CROSS 22253 Service for Gas Detector 403570 47500 $60 .00 520776 Pest control 415010 41200 $570 .36 9097456118 000628262C 000628262C Pool Carbon Dioxide 203020 45200 $121 .61 Vision Insurance Premiums: January 2020 Vision Insurance Premiums : January 2020 F1000 87371 $2,591 .26 F1000 87372 $49 .84 ----------------- Total for Check 409444 : $2,641 .10 ~-4-0-94_4_5--1-4--F-e_b_-2_0_2_1 ____ A_RA_M_A_R_K_R_E_F_R_E_S_H_M_E_N_T __ S_E_R_V_IC_E_S __ 1643732 Monthly Lease : PCPA cappuccino machine 204020 49360 $55 .65 n -J: 409446 14-Feb-20 835 AT&T _____ 14271212 BAN 9391063084 01/03/20-02/02/20 208020 22000 $59.52 ~4 0 9447 14-Feb-20 835 AT&T -----14159612 BAN 9391026536 12/10/19-01/9/20 402060 33010 $21.38 ---------------z ------------ -4 409449 14-Feb-20 453 BAY CITY EQUIPMENT INDUSTRIES , INC W220693 Generator Maintenance Jan 2020 Unit 756 402060 43080 $893 .00 g:, ---------------------- W220692 Generator Maintenance Unit 755 Jan 2020 402060 43080 $893 .00 ------- W220571 Generator Maintenance Unit 759 Jan 2020 402060 43080 W220567 Generator Maintenance Unit 758 Jan 2020 402060 43080 --- W220564 Generator Maintenance Unit 754 Jan 2020 403070 43080 W220565 Generator Maintenance Unit 757 Jan 2020 402060 43080 W220576 Generator Ma intenance Unit 751 Jan 2020 402060 43080 W220574 Generator Maintenance Unit 752 Jan 2020 402060 43080 W220590 Unit 754 Replace Engine Block Heater 403070 43080 $893 .00 ---------- $893 .00 $343 .00 $893 .00 $778.00 $778.00 Total for Check 409449 : $645 .03 $7,009 .03 409450 14-Feb-20 264 BJ'S RENTALS INC . 409426 14-Feb-20 999993 BOYLE , BRYAN 409452 14-Feb-20 55 CALOLYMPIC SAFETY 409451 14-Feb-20 445 CAL-STATE AUTO PARTS INC 409427 14-Feb-20 999993 CHICK-FIL-A , INC 999284-5 MDRA19-001 382 4 14 164966 G18-0005 Propane 411040 47600 ----- MORA 19-001 Erosion Control Security Refund 390030 59800 ---- Rain Jackets with logo F1000 81350 Unit 95 -Core 413010 4 7900 G18-0005 Grading Bond and deposit balance refund 390030 59800 $15.46 $2,000 .00 $1,151.71 $171 .75 $40,000.00 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Register of Demands : Warrants from 2/10/2020 -2/14/2020 Check Number Check Date Payee/ Vendor# PayeeNendor Name Page: 2 of 10 Invoice Number Description ----· -..,. 409427 00 14-Feb-20 999993 CHICK-FIL-A , INC G18-0005 G18-0005 Grading Bond and deposit balance refund Org 391030 <?_bject __!!,oject _ Che~mount 59800 $463.00 0 .... N 0"I 409453 14-Feb-20 1023 409455 14-Feb-20 1309 ------------- CLINICAL LABORATORY OF SAN BERNARDINO INC. -------- CORO DAT A SHREDDING, INC . 972820 DN1256696 Wastewater Analysis, January 2020 Records Shredding Services through 01/31/2020 403070 101010 Total for Check 409427 : $40,463.00 17300 $134.00 41200 $74 .37 409428 14-Feb-20 999993 CO'S TRAFFIC CONTROL, INC . RW20-0038 RW20-0038, Cancelled return fees 390030 59800 $500 .00 $136.00 409456 14-Feb-20 87 -------------- 409454 14-Feb-20 464 409457 14-Feb-20 108 409458 14-Feb-20 1226 409460 14-Feb-20 1526 409461 14-Feb-20 1525 409459 14-Feb-20 424 409462 14-Feb-20 101 ---- RW20-0038 RW20-0038, Cancelled return fees 305030 72340 RW20-0038 --- COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DPW 2020REG_COP-13 -COX, J. VINCE WIN911/SepOct2019 Ammonia/Quick Pens CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING 91196774 -- 91210997 1156814 D&H WATER SYSTEMS INC . 12020-0086 DEL TA DENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY BE003758650 DELTA DENTAL OF CALIFORNIA BE003757120 D-MAX ENGINEERING INC BE003757120 5391 5389 -------·- RW20-0038, Cancelled return fees 306030 77370 $273.00 San Diego Regional Stormwater Copermittees FY2019-20 WIN911 Alarm Service Calls Sep, Oct 2019 Service Calls Sep and Dec 2019, Ammonia, quick pen 308040 402060 402060 Total for Check 409428 : $909.00 41200 43080 43080 $8,596.00 ---- $1,912.50 --- $1,955.00 -----·-------·---~ --·- Salt, 2,450 pounds, 12/30/2019 Salt, 1/29/2020, 2,450 pounds Softener Equipment Rental Feb 2020 Chlorinator Repair Parts --------- I n s u ran c e Premiums: February 2020 ------. Insurance Premiums: February 2020 Insurance Premiums : February 2020 SW Pollution Plan -December 2019 Jurisdictional Runoff Mgmt. Pl -December 2019 Total for Check 409454 : $3,867.50 402060 45200 $422 .38 $422.38 402060 45200 -- 402060 49360 $294.00 $1,138 .76 402060 F1000 F1000 F1000 308040 308040 ----- Total for Check 409457 : 43080 $1,642.05 87361 $798.51 87361 ---$16,545.30 ------ 87362 $425.72 Total for Check 409461 : $16 ,971.02 41200 $964 .88 41200 $4,147.00 Total for Check 409459 : $5,111.88 ESGIL LLC January 2020 Building Services for January 2020 303030 17050 $45,004.13 January 2020 Building Services for January 2020 303030 17051 $8,688.57 Total for Check 409462 : $53 ,692 .70 409439 14-Feb-20 999997 EVANS , JENNA 10235700-39 Bal Refund (One-Time): Overpay #10235700- 39 F5100 81020 $700.00 $1,904.44 ------------·•· 409463 14-Feb-20 465 EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC 904326706 Liquid Odor Control for Lift Stations 403070 45200 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Register of Demands: Warrants from 2/10/2020 -2/14/2020 Page: 3 of 10 Check Check Payee/ Number D'!!_e V~or # Pat~endor Name Invoice Number 904326706 Description -=~ Org Object 45200 Project Check Amount -----.a """ 409463 14-Feb-20 465 EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC Liquid Odor Control for Lift Stations 41501 O $816.19 \0 0 -N ------m 409464 14-Feb-20 102 409465 409466 409467 409468 409469 409470 409471 409472 -- 14-Feb-20 1038 14-Feb-20 120 14-Feb-20 117 14-Feb-20 566 14-Feb-20 483 14-Feb-20 123 14-Feb-20 142 14-Feb-20 142 -----·----- ------ FEDEX -------_ _ __ 6-_90_0_-6~275 ____ AL_S_M_e_dicatio.'.:' Reverse Distribution FORTEL TRAFFIC INC. ---- GRAINGER INC HAAKER EQUIPMENT COMPANY HACH COMPANY 10111 Wireless Modem Service One Year 9433249910 C59278 Beverage Cooler, Coveralls -------co 2 canister WTP Lab Supplies -------- Total for Check 409463 : $2 ,720.63 ----------- 503050 47400 $25 .00 ----· ------------ 430050 43260 $696.00 --- F1000 81350 $358 .86 -- 412040 47600 $53 .10 402060 47600 $1,796.11 11793691 11802891 ------------------------ HANSON AGGREGATES PACIFIC SOUTHWEST, INC 2088638 2091408 --------------------- HARRINGTON INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS INC 004K2863 004K2906 --- 004K3220 Lab Supplies 3/4" rock Asphalt Tack PVC Maintenance of Process Equipment Chlorinator Number One Valve Replace HEAVILAND ENTERPRISES INC 30556 Rancho Arbolitos: irrigation repairs --------·-------- HEAVILAND ENTERPRISES INC 305_5_3_ ______ Pom_e_ra_do Business_P_ark: irrigation repairs 402060 402060 411040 402060 402060 402060 421040 47600 -- Total for Check 409468 : 47600 45900 $515.73 $2,311.84 $604.73 $509 .80 ------- Total for Check 409469: 43080 43080 43080 Total for Check 409470: $1, 114.53 $147 .08 $41 .57 $40 .59 $229 .24 ----------------- 47700 ----------------$189.17 $753.61 420140 47700 30554 Pomerado Business Park: irrigation repairs 420140 47700 $343.55 ----------------- 30555 Twin Peaks: irrigation repairs 414040 41600 $196.83 ----------------- 30916 Country Creek: irrigation repairs --------- ----- 30549 City Hall : irrigation repair ------- 30316 Kumeyaay December maintenance 30908 Kumeyaay January 2020 30315 Maintenance and Repair ------------30907 Maintenance and Repair -------------- 30959 City Hall : irrigation repair ---------- 31100 Pomerado Business : irrigation repair 31102 _____ _Bu_s_in:~Park: irrigation repair 31105 31103 31104 31098 Business Park: irrigation repair Bridlewood: irrigation repair Country Day : irrigation repair --------- Sycamore Creek: irrigation repair 421040 47700 --- 414040 41600 ---- 414040 41600 --- 414040 41600 - 414040 41600 414040 41600 414040 41600 -- $39.73 -------- $385 .00 $269.62 $269.62 ------ $1,562.47 $1,562.47 $375.00 420140 47700 -----$307.99 424140 4 7700 ---$648.90 424140 47700 $93.46 423040 47700 ---$243.96 423040 47700 424140 47700 $127 .61 $389.11 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Register of Demands: Warrants from 2/10/2020 -2/1 4/2020 Check Number -:.... N 409472 0 0 .... N ---°' 409473 409429 409474 409475 409476 409477 ----- 409430 -- 409478 --- 409435 Check Date Payee/ Vendor# 14-Feb-20 142 14-Feb-20 152 PayeeNendor Name HEAVILAND ENTERPRISES INC HOME DEPOT COMMERCIAL ACCOUNT Invoice Number 31101 7370497 4360224 Descri.ption Poway Road Med ians : irrigation repair LS-4 Bioxide Tanks Placards Generator Parts Espola Road repair ----------------- 1360207 8370513 2350680 9360188 ------- Adhesive fo r Industrial Signage Electrical Supplies Truck Stoc k Winter Festival Supplies 14-Feb -20 999993 HUCIK, STEVEN DR18-002 DR18-002 Erosion Control Deposit Refund --------- 14-Feb-20 1070 14-Feb-20 1529 14-Feb-20 133 HUNTER GENERAL ENGINEERING INC. 2200111 -PP4 INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING CORPORATION 12276 ---- Hydronic Piping Design Services KAISER FOUNDATION HEAL TH PLAN INC 000104676-0000 02/20 Insurance Premiums : February 2020 000104676-0000 02/20 Insurance Premiums: February 2020 ---· ----· 14-Feb-20 134 KAISER FOUNDATION HEAL TH PLAN INC 000104676-7000 02/20 Insurance Premiums: February 2020 (COBRA) ---· ------ 14-Feb-20 999993 KASSEL FAMILY TRUST MORA 18-037 Eros ion MDRA18-037 Erosion Control Release ------~ -------- 14-Feb-20 1011 KRONOS INC . 11556506 Kronos Telestaff ----------- 14-Feb-20 999995 LEE , JENNA 2014255 .001 Refund Cancelled Permit 22760 Org 414040 403070 412040 402060 402060 403570 Obje ct 41600 Proj ect Page: 4 of 10 Total for Check 409472 : Check Amount $349 .01 $7 ,917 .94 43080 $54.68 47600 $91.44 47600 $15 .03 43080 $96.63 --- 43080 $57 .37 ----·- 208020 47600 $39 .50 --- Total for Check 409473 : $354 .65 ---- 390030 59800 $2,000 .00 ----- 80006171 P6170 $28,486.70 ·---·- 80005106 P5100 $18 ,871 .04 - F1000 87310 $73 ,986.36 -- F1000 87311 $2,570.22 Total for Check 409476 : $76,556 .58 F1000 87311 $526 .16 ---- 390030 59800 $2 ,000 .00 -- 501050 33010 $67.93 202020 74710 $80.00 ----------· 409479 14-Feb-20 391 LIFE-ASSIST, INC . 971429 Medical Supplies 503050 47400 $1 ,772 .19 -------·----- 971370 Medical Supplies 503050 47400 $727 .96 --------- 971358 Medical Suppl ies 503050 47400 $1,318 .05 Total for Check 409479 : $3,818.20 ------ 905463 14-Feb-20 616 MANUFACTURERS & TRADERS TRUST 457 PPE 02/09/2020 ICMA 457 deferred comp deducti ons PPE F1000 86120 $29,407 .72 CO . BANK 02/09/2020 -,. ____ 905464 14-Feb-20 616 MANUFACTURERS & TRADERS TRUST 457R PPE 02/09/2020 ROTH 457 deferred comp PPE 02/09/2020 F1000 86120 $4,438.32 CO . BANK ------·------------------ 905465 14-Feb-20 616 MANUFACTURERS & TRADERS TRUST 401A PPE 02/09/2020 401A employer contributions PPE 02/09/2020 F1000 86130 $11,413 .84 CO. BANK - 401A PPE 02/09/2020 401A employer contributions PPE 02/09/2020 111010 78910 ($2 ,296 .07) -------- Total for Check 905465 : $9 ,117 .77 ------- 905466 14-Feb-20 616 MANUFACTURERS & TRADERS TRUST ROTH PPE 02/09/2020 ROTH IRA employee contributions PPE F1000 86220 $225 .00 CO. BANK 02/09/2020 ·------- 905467 14-Feb-20 616 MANUFACTURERS & TRADERS TRUST RHS PPE 02/09/2020 Retirement Health Savings Plan (Safety) F1000 87004 $1,662.86 CO . BANK PPE 02/09/20 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Register of Demands: Warrants from 2/10/2020 -2/14/2020 Page: 5 of 10 Check Check Payee/ Number Date Vendor# PayeeNendor Name Description Project Check Amount --------.. ----N 409480 14-Feb-20 1364 MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL INC . Invoice Number 1069830 1069830 Plan Checks -November 2019 Org 391030 Object 59100 $132 .00 .... 0 .... N C'I 409481 14-Feb-20 628 409482 14-Feb-20 1687 --------------- 409436 409483 409484 409485 409486 14-Feb-20 999995 14-Feb-20 84 14-Feb-20 1469 14-Feb-20 194 14-Feb-20 762 ------~- MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC . 16089257 16089062 MUNICIPAL ALARM TRACKING 87 ---- Plan Checks -November 2019 Motorola APX -------------- Motorola APX ---------------------- 305030 41220 Total for Check 409480 : ----·------ 501050 61360 $528.00 $660.00 $30,917 .17 501050 61360 $7 ,255 .17 ----- Total for Check 409481 : $38,172 .34 False Alarm Tracking 301030 41200 $1,811.20 ----------------- NAGLE, DIANE 2014254.001 Deposit Refund Permit #22574 205020 74710 $300.00 ----. ----------------------------· ----··-· ----· OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SERVICES DIVISION PARGEN LLC PARKHOUSE TIRE INC PINPOINT PEST CONTROL CO . INC. 436349184-001 Office Supplies 2nd Floor 438981886-001 Office Supplies --------- 437411159-001 Office Supplies Stormwater ------------ 437411364-001 Office supplies --------- 437411363-001 Office supplies ----- 435172294-001 Office Supplies 435172294-001 Office Supplies ------------------ 435172294-001 Office Supplies 435172294-001 Office Supplies ----- 435172294-001 Office Supplies ---- 435172294-001 Office Supplies 435172294-001 Office Supplies 435172294-001 Office Supplies 435199125-001 Office Supplies ---------439525181 -001 Office Supplies 1st floor DSD Planning ---------- 439531331 -001 Office Supplies 1st floor DSD Engineering -- 438794021-001 Office Supplies 2nd Floor 306030 47100 $54 .62 $78 .25 101010 410060 414040 410060 500050 502050 502050 500050 500050 47100 ------- 47100 $109.42 ---· 47100___ $26.01 47100 ---$19 .38 ·--- 47100 ---$8 .14 ------ 47100 $0.45 ~100 $~~ 47100 47100 $35 .55 $12 .62 500050 47100 $7 .10 500050 47100 $7.10 80001005 P1000 $20.04 502050 47100 $7 .52 ----- 301030 47100 ---$108 .97 --·-- 305030 47100 -----$84 .56 --· ---- 300030 47100 $184 .58 ---------- 436393 773-002 436641930-001 436642384-001 429132033-001 POW-16-013 3010311001 447879 Office Supplies CSD 200020 47100 $16 .62 --- Office Supplies 208020 47100 $77 .13 ---- Office Supplies 208020 47100 $22.82 Office Supplies 208020 47100 $65.89 PCPA PV System Unit 24: Tires Bee removal air release can, 13946 Northcrest Ln 80001061 413010 402060 Total for Check 409483 : $956 .71 P1060 ------ 47900 41200 $4,500.00 $696 .60 $125 .00 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Register of Demands: Warrants from 2/10/2020 -2/14/2020 Page: 6 of 10 Check Check Payee/ Number Date Vendor# PayeeNendor Name Invoice Number Description ~r~ Object Pro!ect Check Amount -----------------= -------N 409487 14-Feb-20 25 POWAY CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING 020320 Weekly ticket sales transfer to Poway OnStage F1000 86330 $9,778.00 N ARTS FOUNDATION 0 ..... 409488 14-Feb-20 254 POWAY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REG2102020-Cafagna Golf Tournament Sponsorship 49040 $2 ,000.00 N 000266441 104030 0\ --409489 14-Feb-20 481 POWAY HIGH SCHOOL PTSA 2020 Grad Nile Community Contribution to 2020 Grad Nile PHS 100010 49040 $3,000.00 -- 409490 14-Feb-20 382 PRES-TECH 9987 Valve Turner Repair 402560 43080 $411 .71 ---409491 14-Feb-20 524 PROGRESSIVE TECHNOLOGY SECURITY 46018 Fire Station #3: fire system 501050 43080 $114.17 SYSTEMS INC 409492 14-Feb-20 653 PSOMAS, INC 159630 Design Services 80005207 P5200 $2,448 .60 409493 14-Feb-20 1058 R & B PINTO PROPERTIES LLC LKCONC 01/27-02/02 Wkly Lk Cone 01/27/20-02/02/20 F1000 86360 $5,674.31 409432 14-Feb-20 999998 RAMIREZ, JESUS 2/20 -Ramirez Tuition Reimbursement 121010 14040 $621.00 409494 14-Feb-20 2145 RINCON DEL DIABLO MUNICIPAL WATER INV00085 Calendars and Forms 80005106 P5100 $253.21 DISTRICT 409495 14-Feb-20 2050 SAFETY-KLEEN SYSTEMS, INC 82183544 Parts Cleaning 413010 41200 $322 .71 - 409497 14-Feb-20 221 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 75223801844-01/20 14445 Lake Poway Rd ., 12/22/19-1/22/20 402060 21056 $222 .54 1,008 kWh 59531914804-01/20(2) Service 13053 Poway Road 01/12/20-01/23/20 104030 41200 $34.70 Final - 93262241491-01/20 12670 1/2 Pomerado 12/11/19-01/13/20 430050 21020 $58.67 14532237960-02/20 13094 Civic Center Drive 12/31/19-01/31/20 208020 21010 $36.76 Total for Check 409497: $352 .67 409496 14-Feb-20 218 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC/SUNDRY 36194890059-01 /20 Group Sundry Bill: Jan 2020 208020 21010 $5,511.93 36194890059-01/20 Group Sundry Bill: Jan 2020 203020 21010 $3,522.04 36194890059-01/20 Group Sundry Bill : Jan 2020 204020 21010 $811.69 ·------ 36194890059-01/20 Group Sundry Bill : Jan 2020 205020 21010 $466.71 ·--- 36194890059-01 /20 Group Sundry Bill: Jan 2020 413010 21010 $928.40 ------ 36194890059-01 /20 Group Sundry Bill: Jan 2020 402560 21010 $11.83 -· - 36194890059-01/20 Group Sundry Bill : Jan 2020 414040 21010 $458.68 --- 36194890059-01/20 Group Sundry Bill : Jan 2020 421040 21010 $57.22 36194890059-01 /20 Group Sundry Bill : Jan 2020 423040 21010 $78.77 - 36194890059-01/20 Group Sundry Bill: Jan 2020 424040 21010 $10.81 36194890059-01/20 Group Sundry Bill: Jan 2020 420140 21010 $70.40 36194890059-01 /20 Group Sundry Bill : Jan 2020 430050 21020 $2,472 .59 - Total for Check 409496 : $14,401.07 409498 14-Feb-20 201 SAN DIEGO HUMANE SOCIETY AND 02-01-20-ACP Animal Control Services February 2020 200020 41010 $20,342.08 SPCA 409499 14-Feb-20 2134 SEQUOIA ENGINEERING CORPORATION 2122 Gas Sensor Replacement and Calibration 402060 43080 $2 ,050.00 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Register of Demands : Warrants from 2/10/2020 -2/14/2020 Page: 7 of 10 Check Number N 409500 w 0 .... N O'I 409501 409502 409503 409504 409433 409505 409506 409437 409507 409514 409438 905468 905469 905470 409508 Check Payee/ Date Vendor# PayeeNendor Name Invoice Number Description -~ = Org Object Project Check Amount -a.::.= 14-Feb-20 282 SHARP REES-STEALY MEDICAL CENTER 340813280 DMV physical 414040 49160 $110.00 ---------------- 340813688 DMV Physical 412040 49160 $110.00 -------·---· ------------------- 340852261 DMV Physical 414040 49160 -----------$110 .00 $330.00 Total for Check 409500: 14-Feb-20 2078 14-Feb-20 296 SIEMENS MOBILITY , INC 5620028165 Maintenance and Repairs 430050 43270 $1,015.00 14-Feb-20 776 ---------------------- SLOAN ELEc..; I Kie..; ---·-571301 SOUTH COAST EMERGENCY VEHICLE SERVICE --------------- 497678 7148-563625 14-Feb-20 771 SPECIAL TY ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO . --- PS9 Pumps 402060 43080 $925.00 Unit 925 Red Fleet -lnpuUOutput Module 413010 47900 $909.86 Lighting supplies 415010 47600 $651.74 ------------14-Feb-20 999998 STEFFEN, JENNAFER 2/20 -Steffen Mileage Reimbursement Training 01/16/20 -------· 14-Feb-20 461 SUPERIOR CLEANING EQUIPMENT INC 11775 Preventative Maintenance 11775 Preventative Maintenance 14-Feb-20 312 SUPERIOR READY MIX CONCRETE, LP 102970 Concrete 14-Feb-20 999995 THESKEN, MICHELLE 2014253.001 Deposit Refund Permit #22495 14-Feb-20 1055 TRENCH SHORING COMPANY 1201505-0001 Shoring Repair -----·--------------- 14-Feb-20 259 TRL INC 14-Feb-20 999995 TUTTLE, JOSH 14-Feb-20 785 14-Feb-20 785 --~-- 14-Feb-20 785 14-Feb-20 1580 U.S. BANKN.A. U.S . BANK N.A. ---- U.S. BANK N.A. UNIFIRST CORPORATION 15383 Duplicate keys ------------ 2014252.001 Deposit Refund Permit #22714 PARS ARS PE2020-04 PARS ARS PE2020-04 PARS REP PE2020-04 PARS REP PE2020-04 PARS REPEX PE2020-PARS REP EXCESS PE2020-04 04 361 0099545 -- 361 0099544 361 0099546 361 0099547 361 0099548 361 0099873 Meadowbrook Gym : mats and mops City Hall : mats Fire Station 1: Mats/Towels Fire Station 2: Mats/Towels Fire Station 3: Mats/Towels Uniforms Weekly Rental Fee -------- 361 0099873 Uniforms Weekly Rental Fee 361 0099869 Uniforms Weekly Rental Fee ----------------- 361 0099870 ____ Uniforms Weekly Rental Fee 361 0099872 Uniforms Weekly Rental Fee ------- 361 0099874 Uniforms Weekly Rental Fee 361 0099865 Fleet: Mats and Uniforms 205020 31010 $136.85 413010 413010 411040 205020 402560 415010 205020 F1000 F1000 F1000 415010 415010 501050 501050 501050 415010 402060 405060 403570 402560 401060 415010 41200 41200 $54.79 $185.00 Total for Check 409505 : $239.79 43240 $921 .51 ----- 74710 $200.00 43080 $103.44 _43_0_4? ------_$_34 .~ 74710 $300.00 ~7200 _ ---_ !2_:005 .76 87210 87210 41200 41200 49280 49280 49280 $10,224.24 $25 ,075.00 ----·------- $26.31 $8.41 $29 .88 $21.89 $43.51 ----··----- 41200 49280 --- 49280 49280 49280 49280 ----- $8.54 $21.44 $5.44 $31.60 $70 .91 $24.94 --- 41200 $8.81 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Register of Demands: Warrants from 2/10/2020 -2/14/2020 Check Number ----- Check Payee/ ~ Vendor# PayeeNendor N'!!!1 e N 409508 14-Feb-20 1580 UNIFIRST CORPORATION .i:. 0 ...... N 0\ 409509 905462 409510 409448 409511 409512 409513 14-Feb-20 238 13-Feb-20 334 14-Feb-20 1612 14-Feb-20 1113 14-Feb-20 321 14-Feb-20 321 14-Feb-20 321 UNIFORMS PLUS INC UNION BANK-SAN DIEGO USAFACT, INC. VARGYAS NETWORKS, INC ----- VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS Page: 8 of 10 Invoice Number Description Org Object Project Check Amount 361 0099865 Fleet: Mats and Uniforms 413010 49280 $46.02 -- 361 0099868 Warehouse : Mats & Uniforms 415010 41200 $1.22 -------------------- 361 0099868 Warehouse: Mats & Uniforms 410060 49280 $4.14 ----- 361 0099875 361 0099878 51701 51755 PPE 02/09/2020 PPE 02/09/2020 PPE 02/09/2020 Uniforms: North Parks 414040 49280 $26.60 -------------· ----- PC PA: Weekly Mat Cleaning Uniforms -MOU ---- Uniforms -MOU Transfer net payroll to Union Bank PPE 02/09/2020 Transfer net payroll to Union Bank PPE 02/09/2020 Transfer net payroll to Union Bank PPE 02/09/2020 204020 ----- 501050 501050 TREA F1000 49280 $9.63 -------· ------· Total for Check 409508: $389.29 $168.04 $314.52 $482.56 49280 ------ 49280 Total for Check 409509 : 80030 80030 $532,195.98 ($532,195.98) -·-------- F1000 80030 $532,195 .98 ---------- Total for Check 905462: $532,195.98 ---·------- 12423 ____ Background Investigation ____ _ 121010 121010 17999 17999 $9.00 $90.17 $99.17 13123 ____ Backgroun_d_l_nv_e_stigation ____ _ 100189804 9847272471 9847437852 ---- Electrical, NanoSwitch -- -- Community Outreach 01/29/20 -02/28/20 Wireless Services: January 2020 --- 402060 103010 301030 Total for Check 409510: 43080 33011 22000 $378.69 $27.89 $76.02 9847437852 Wireless Services: January 2020 306030 22000 $114.03 $190 .05 9847272470 Verizon Bill 12/29/19-01/28/20 ---- 9847272470 Verizon Bill 12/29/19 -01/28/20 9847272470 Verizon Bill 12/29/19 -01/28/20 ------------- 9847272470 ---- 9847272470 9847272470 --- 9847272470 9847272470 9847272470 9847272470 9847272470 Verizon Bill 12/29/19 -01/28/20 ·----- Verizon Bill 12/29/19-01/28/20 ----- Verizon Bill 12/29/19 -01/28/20 Verizon Bill 12/29/19 -01/28/20 --- Verizon Bill 12/29/19 -01/28/20 ------- Verizon Bill 12/29/19 -01/28/20 -- Verizon Bill 12/29/19 -01/28/20 Verizon Bill 12/29/19-01/28/20 400060 ---- 401060 401060 402060 402060 402560 - 402560 403570 403570 405060 - 410060 Total for Check 409512 : ------ 22000 -------- 22000 -- 33011 22000 33011 22000 --- 33011 - 22000 - 33011 - 22000 - 33011 $38.01 $152.04 $1.38 $76.02 $7.74 $266.07 $1.80 $152.04 $4.55 $38 .01 $5.56 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Register of Demands: Warrants from 2/10/2020 -2/14/2020 Check Number N 409513 u, 0 .... N CJ'I Check Payee/ Date Vendor# PayeeNendor Name ---14-Feb-20 321 VERIZON WIRELESS Invoice Nu~ber = Description 9847272470 Verizon Bill 12/29/19 -01/28/20 -------------·---- 9847272470 Verizon Bill 12/29/19 -01/28/20 9847272470 Verizon Bill 12/29/19 -01/28/20 9847272470 9847272470 9847272470 Verizon Bill 12/29/19 -01/28/20 Verizon Bill 12/29/19 -01/28/20 Verizon Bill 12/29/19-01/28/20 ----------- 9847272470 9847272470 9847272470 Verizon Bill 12/29/19 -01/28/20 Verizon Bill 12/29/19 -01/28/20 Verizon Bill 12/29/19 -01/28/20 9847272470 Verizon Bill 12/29/19 -01/28/20 409515 409516 14-Feb-20 414 VINING WHOLESALE LIGHTING SUPPLY 59225 PCPA Theater stage lamp for follow spot ---- 14-Feb-20 474 VIP JANITORIAL SERVICE 5867 5866 5868 Sanitary supplies ----- Sanitary supplies ------ Sanitary supplies --------------- --------------------------- 409431 14-Feb-20 999998 VOID 2/20-Baker Paramedic License renewal ------------------ ------ ------------------- 409531 20-Feb-20 999997 VOID 15500110-01 Credit Refund: Overpayment #15500110-01 --- 409517 409434 409518 ------- 14-Feb-20 272 WAXIE 14-Feb-20 999998 WEATHERINGTON , DEBRA 14-Feb-20 280 WESTERN MOWER AND ENGINE 78872022 78858689 --- 78858687 -- 78857736 2/20 -Weatherington 74660 74845 74485 74447 74929 ------ Sanitary supplies ------- Sanitary supplies ------ Sanitary suppl ies Sanitary supplies Reimbursement : 2020 CSMFO Annual Conference Chain Sprayer Mixed Fuel for blower ---- Mixed Fuel Mi xed Fuel Page : 9 of 10 Org Object Projec t Check Amount -411040 22000 $76 .02 ----- 412040 22000 $114 .03 --·----· -- 412040 33011 $4 .87 ----- 413010 33011 $1.45 ----------- 414040 22000 $76 .02 ----·--·--------·- 414040 33011 $30 .14 415010 22000 $76 .02 ----------- 415010 33011 $36 .33 --------- 430050 22000 $38 .01 ---·---------- 430050 23010 $38 .01 ------ 204020 Total for Check 409513 : 47600 415010 47200 206020 47200 204020 41400 Total for Check 409516: $1,234 .12 --- $982 .68 $1 ,855 .15 $417.95 $1 ,755 .00 -·-- $4 ,028 .10 ----· --·-- 503050 31040 $0.00 ----- F5100 81020 $0 .00 ------- 415010 47200 $487 .95 415010 47200 $1,025 .67 -- 415010 47200 $1,092 .15 ------- 415010 47200 $52 .04 ------·-- Total for Check 409517 : $2,657 .81 $119 .20 $44 .71 $258 .58 111010 411040 411040 411040 414040 414040 14010 47600 45600 47600 47600 47600 $382 .51 --- $229 .51 $29 .04 ·---------------Total for Check 409518: $944 .35 March 17, 2020, Item #1 Register of Demands: Warrants from 2/10/2020 -2/14/2020 Check Number N 409519 C'I 0 .... N C'I Check Date 14-Feb-20 Payee/ Vendor# PayeeNendor Name 1167 ZERO WASTE USA Invoice Number 321411 Director of Finance Approved: ~q___ -----=----'=----------- Date: Z/~8/?o, Description Doggie waste bags Org 412040 Page : 10 of 10 Object Project Check Amount 47600 $3,232.18 Register Total: $1,051,600.49 March 17, 2020, Item #1