Item 5 - Acceptance of City Hall Hydronic Piping Repl. Proj; Bid 19-024 with Hunter General Eng., Inc., as CompleteAGENDA REPORT CityofPoway DATE: TO: FROM: CONTACT: March 17, 2020 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Robert Manis, Director of Development Services p,v\., Jeff Beers, Special Projects Engineer (858) 668-4624 or jbeers@poway.org ~ CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Acceptance of the City Hall Hydronic Piping Replacement Project; Bid No. 19-024 with Hunter General Engineering, Inc., as Complete Summary: On August 6, 2019, the City Council awarded the contract for the City Hall Hydronic Piping Replacement Project; Bid No. 19-024, to Hunter General Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $138,400.00. This action will accept the project as complete. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council: (1) Accept the City Hall Hydronic Piping Replacement Project as complete; (2) Authorize the City Clerk to file and record the Notice of Completion; (3) Authorize the release of the retention in the amount of $6,637.90, if unencumbered, 45 days after City Council acceptance; (4) Release the SureTec Insurance Company Bond for Material and Labor in the amount of $138,400.00 after the release of retention; and (5) Retain the SureTec Insurance Company Bond for Faithful Performance for a period of one year. Discussion: The City Hall Hydronic Piping Replacement Project consisted of constructing a new hydronic piping system that replaced an existing Heating Hot Water (HHW) loop from the City Hall central plant to the City Hall office building. The new piping replaced the existing, aging copper pipe system that has had multiple breaks. There was one change order for this project which reduced the contract amount by $5,642.00, for the purpose of hiring the City's on-call plumbing contractor to make repairs to the new connections to the buildings. The final contract amount is $132,758.00. 1 of 2 March 17, 2020, Item #5 Environmental Review: The matter of acceptance of public improvements that have been completed, which were the subject of a prior environmental determination, is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act. Fiscal Impact: Sufficient funds are available in the City Hall Hydronic Piping Replacement Project account (MNT0010) for the release of retention. After the retention payment of $6 ,637.90, there will be an available balance of $11,299.85. Funds remaining in the project at year end will be returned to the Capital Facilities Fund for use on future projects. Public Notification: None. Attachments: None. Reviewed/Approved By: Wendy aserman Assistant City Manager 2 of2 Reviewed By: Alan Fenstermacher City Attorney Approved By: City Manager March 17, 2020, Item #5