Item 11 - FY 19-20 Midyear Budget Update; Approval of Approp. of Funds and Updates to Position Classification Plan and Mgmt Conf Salary SchedMarch 17, 2020, Item #11DATE: TO: FROM: CONTACT: SUBJECT: Summary: AGENDA RE PO RT City of Poway March 17, 2020 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Aaron Beanan, Director of Finance Aaron Beanan, Director of Finance (858) 668-4411 or CITY COUNCIL Fiscal Year 2019-20 Midyear Budget Update and Approval of Appropriation of Funds, and Updates to the Position Classification Plan and Management/Confidential Salary Schedule This report summarizes the City's revenue and expenditure projections for Fiscal Year 2019-20 as part of the midyear budget update. Based on these projections, additional appropriations are being requested. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council receive this report and adopt the resolutions. Discussion: The City Council approved the Fiscal Year 2019-20 budget on June 18, 2019 via Resolution 19-035. General Fund revenues were expected to total approximately $49.53 million while operating expenses and transfers were expected to total approximately $49.47 million resulting in a projected surplus of approximately $60 thousand. As part of the midyear budget update, departments review revenues and expenditures and provide year-end projections. Based on their analysis, the Fiscal Year 2019-20 revenue and expenditures have been updated and additional appropriations are being requested. After review of revenues and expenditures, General Fund revenues are expected to total $50.70 million while operating expenses, including mid-year requests for the General Fund, and transfers are expected to total 49.75 million resulting in a projected General Fund surplus of $950 thousand. Actual revenues and expenditures for Fiscal Year 2019-20 will be available in fall 2020 following the close of the fiscal year. While the fiscal year ends on June 30, the City continues to receive invoices for work performed in Fiscal Year 2019-20 well into August. The table on the following page summarizes this information. 1 of 15
March 17, 2020, Item #11General Fund Adopted Budget Revised Budget Operating Revenue $48,786,730 $49,953,293 Non-Operating Revenue 739,810 739,810 Total Revenue $49,526,540 $50,693,103 Operating Expenditures $46,544,580 $46,820,978 Transfers Out 2,923,801 2,923,801 Total Expenditures $49,468,381 $49,744,779 Change in Fund Balance $58,159 $948,324 Revenues General Fund revenues are projected to come in $1.20 million higher than the Fiscal Year 2019-20 budgeted amount of $49.50 million for a total of $50.70 million. The increased projection is being driven by four things. First, sales tax is projected to come in approximately $450 thousand higher than original estimates. This is driven by increased estimates in the business and industry, county pool, and restaurant and hotel categories. Part of the increased sales tax estimates in the county pool are the preliminary results of the 2018 South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc.,, Inc., and Newegg, Inc. court case ("Wayfair decision"). The Wayfair decision required certain businesses without a physical presence in California to collect and remit sales taxes on transactions occurring within the state. Second, interest earnings in the General Fund are projected to come in approximately $300 thousand higher than original estimates. This is largely due to a deviation between when capital projects (e.g. Mickey Cafagna Community Center) were projected to commence and when they commence. Project delays allow the city to keep earning interest on funds that would have otherwise been paid to contractors. Third, the Successor Agency Administrative revenue is projected to be $131 thousand over initial estimates. The Successor Agency Administrative Costs are not approved by the County until after the City prepares its budget. Lastly, lease revenue is projected to come in approximately $105 thousand higher than original projections. Roughly $95 thousand of this is related to delays in property dispositions which are tied to current leases. Until the properties are sold, the city will keep receiving lease payments. Expenses Additional appropriations for operations are being requested totaling approximately $689 thousand as shown in Exhibit A of Attachment A. Of these requests, approximately $369 thousand will impact the General Fund bringing the total projected General Fund operating expenditures and transfers to $49.75 million for Fiscal Year 2019-20. Some of the more notable requests for all funds will be discussed below. A detailed listing is provided as Exhibit A to Attachment A. General Fund (1000): As staff discussed during the water and wastewater cost of service study and rate setting process, Finance is requesting funds totaling $30 thousand to conduct a cost allocation plan. This will provide a current picture of how different departments are supporting each other, and, as a result, how expenses should be allocated between funds for this support. Finance is also requesting $15,000 to cover temporary staffing related to the Customer Connect rollout. This new technology will provide a more user friendly and efficient on line payment process for ratepayers. 2 of 15
March 17, 2020, Item #11Community Services is requesting additional funds totaling $15 thousand to cover an increase in payments to the Farmer's Market manager resulting from higher sales. These expenses will be offset by an increase in revenue. Development Services is requesting approximately $25 thousand for water sampling services at Lake Hodges under the San Dieguito Water Quality Improvement Plan not originally anticipated to take place during this fiscal year. Public Works staff is requesting an additional $88 thousand related to increases in water costs resulting from the recent water and wastewater cost of service study. To cover increases in janitorial supplies, Public Works staff is requesting approximately $32 thousand. An additional appropriation of $70 thousand related to fire holiday pay is being requested for Fire. Fire staff are required to work on holidays to maintain public health and safety. Fire holiday pay reflects these hours. This pay type was not originally included in the new financial system's salary and benefit projection tool when it was used for the first time when the Fiscal Year 2019-20 budget was prepared. Staff is currently exploring how to incorporate this pay type into the projection tool. If a solution cannot be found, staff will manually add this to the Fiscal Year 2020-21 budget. Additionally, an appropriation of $63 thousand is being requested for Mutual Aid overtime. These expenses will be offset by an increase in revenue. Law enforcement is requesting approximately $10 thousand related to the Sheriffs contract based on trending in the special events portion of the contract. An additional $22 thousand is also being requested to cover third party parking citation administration. These citation expenses will be offset by an increase in related revenue. Drainage Fund (2310): Approximately $40 thousand is being requested from the Drainage Fund by Public Works to perform tree trimming in open space drainage ways. CDBG Fund (2410): Development Services is requesting an additional $29,000 to align the final CDBG award amount with the budget, which is 100% refundable from the County of San Diego through the CDBG grant. LMD Funds (25xx, 26xx, 27xx): Public Works staff is requesting an additional $88 thousand from the Landscape Maintenance Districts related to increases in water costs resulting from the recent water and wastewater cost of service study. An additional $10 thousand is being requested in LMD 19-1 to upgrade the landscaping plant material while an additional $10 thousand is being requested in LMD 83-1 A to complete survey work on Twin Peaks Road. This survey will help provide the information necessary to help develop the landscape master plan. Water Fund (5100): Increases of $99 thousand related to San Diego County Water Authority water purchases are being requested by Public Works based on updated demand estimates. 3 of 15
March 17, 2020, Item #11Wastewater Fund (5200): The Hach WIMS software reporting tool was budgeted completely in the Water Fund originally but should be split between the Water and Wastewater Funds based on use. As a result, Public Works is requesting an additional $10 thousand for wastewater's share. Water's share will be reduced accordingly. General Fund Reserve On February 4, 2020, City Council authorized the issuance of a one-time fixed charge and one-time variable charge credit, equal to 1/8 of a water customer's applicable charges, to those customers who experienced the precautionary boil water advisory event. Funds for this one-time credit will come from the General Fund's Extreme Events/Public Safety reserve per City Council direction. Based on staffs final bill credit calculations which include the bill cycle information not available at the February 4, 2020 City Council meeting, the total credit is $339 thousand. Pursuant to the General Fund Reserve Policy (Policy), the General Fund Extreme Events/Public Safety reserve was established as a hedge against natural disasters, other public safety emergencies, and unexpected infrastructure repair and replacement. Pursuant to the Policy, in the event City Council authorizes use of the General Fund reserve, the City Manager shall propose a plan for the replenishment of the reserves to the City Council within 60 days or as soon as practicable. Further, the Policy states the City will strive to replenish the General Fund reserve within one year of use but will fully replenish the reserve within five years of use. Staff committed to Council that a plan to replenish the General Fund reserve would be presented as part of the mid-year budget. Per the published Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, as of Jun. 30, 2019, the General Fund's unassigned fund balance was $7.31 million. On Jan. 21, 2020 Council authorized staff to use $315 thousand from unassigned fund balance to purchase Self-contained Breathing Apparatus for the Fire Department. This approval left approximately $7.00 million in General Fund unassigned balance. As such, staff recommends using the General Fund's unassigned fund balance to replenish the General Fund Extreme Events/Public Safety reserve for the $339 thousand used to issue one-time bill credits. If Council approves staffs recommendation, the estimated General Fund unassigned balance will now be approximately $6.66 million. Utilities The Public Works Department is requesting additional staffing to support the Utilities Division to ensure the Department is: (1) able to meet its increasing regulatory requirements to operate a public water system, and (2) positioned to meet the size and complexity of proposed improvements to the water system infrastructure. The City has recently taken important steps to improve the public water system by evaluating a new treated water connection. Currently, the City receives only raw water and is one of two member agencies (24 member agencies in total) that does not have a treated water connection with the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA). In Aug. 2019 the Mayor sent a formal request to the SDCWA to begin those discussions (Attachment B). Developing a resilient and redundant public water system allows the City to operate a functional, efficient, and safe system. This is the highest priority of the Public Works Department and a top priority of the City. Following is a description of the request that 2.0 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions be added with the mid-year budget as Attachment C. 4 of 15
March 17, 2020, Item #11Utilities Administrator, Public Works Department, Utilities Division (1.0 FTE): This position will support four Utilities Divisions with regulatory reporting, legislative monitoring, coordination with outside agencies, contract development, compiling and analyzing water use-efficiency data. Core duties and examples of essential functions include identifying resource needs of the department, implementing policies and procedures of the department, supervising regulatory compliance programs, implementing and monitoring goals for various Utilities programs. This position will also oversee special projects (e.g. Urban Water Management Plan and new Risk and Resiliency Plan) and monitor changes in technology and regulations. The recommended salary grade for the Utilities Administrator is Grade 631 with a salary range of $7,744 to $9,413 per month, which is in line with other administrator positions across the City organization that require the same level of program and department management responsibilities. The Utilities Administrator will be established in Group 2B within the Management/Confidential Group of employees. Principal Civil Engineer -Utilities (1.0 FTE): This advanced level engineering position will specialize in water infrastructure design, construction, planning, inspection and hydraulic engineering. The City has identified critical projects that are necessary to improve the resiliency of the City's public water system. The projects listed below represent the most significant improvements to the City's public water system since the construction of the Water Treatment Plant. • Clearwell Bypass -currently under design • Treated Water Connection to the SDCWA -flow control facility, pipeline and pump station • Redundant 36" Pipeline -designed • Clearwell Overflow Structure Modifications -currently being evaluated • Clearwell Upgrades -currently being evaluated All of these projects are interrelated and will require extensive planning, coordination, inspection, and supervision. The recommended salary grade for the Principal Civil Engineer -Utilities is Grade 731 with a monthly salary range of $9,937 to $12,080. The Principal Civil Engineer -Utilities will be an at-will classification established in Group 2A within the Management/Confidential Group of employees. The salary establishes the classification at median when compared to a market survey of agencies with utilities. The need for two additional Water Utilities Worker I positions has also been identified and staff will be requesting the City Council consider adding 2.0 FTEs during the Fiscal Year 2020-21 budget process. The justification for the future request is due to the significant need to focus on water quality monitoring within the potable water distribution system and reservoirs. Tasks would include increased dead-end flushing and water quality monitoring as required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), reservoir inspections including water quality sampling and required treatment, and water system monitoring, sampling and testing to be conducted at the water treatment plant by trained operators. The increase in water quality monitoring has been mandated by the State's Division of Drinking Water. With additional water quality tasks assigned to the two requested Water Utilities Workers, Water Transmission and Distribution division staff will be able to address valve replacements, meter replacements and increase the frequency of exercising critical valves in the distribution system. Currently, internal water quality monitoring, sampling and testing duties of the reservoirs and distribution system are currently completed by Utility Systems Mechanics in the Utility Systems 5 of 15
March 17, 2020, Item #11Operations and Maintenance Division. A State Certified lab conducts routine sampling and water quality monitoring as required by State drinking water regulations (weekly). These specific duties and responsibilities would be transferred to the Water Transmission and Distribution division and performed by the two additional Water Utilities Worker I positions. A State Certified lab conducts routine sampling and water quality monitoring as required by State drinking water regulations (weekly). Budget Review Committee Following their review of the proposed Fiscal Year 2019-20 budget, the Council appointed citizen Budget Review Committee (BRC) had several recommendations. At the time of budget adoption, the City Council concurred with pursuing some of these recommendations. A number of these recommendations are currently being pursued. One recommendation, consistent with the BRC's charter, centered on budget readability. Staff is in the process of helping increase the readability of the budget by expanding the summary tables for each department to better delineate between salaries, medical benefits, and retirement benefits. The information on the City's FTE's is also being expanded for additional clarity around position titles and the divisions they are associated with. The maintenance and operations summary is also being expanded. The categories being created are intended to increase relevance to the reader. Staffs goal is to include these changes in the Fiscal Year 2020-21 budget. Another recommendation involved the Poway Center for the Performing Arts (PCPA) and the city's subsidization of its operations. Per City Council direction, a City Council workshop discussing potential operating models was held on Nov. 5, 2019. Council directed staff to enter into more detailed discussions with Poway Unified School District to explore their interest in taking over the PCPA maintenance and operations (i.e. pursue Option 2b from the staff report). The BRC recommendations also focused on Information Technology (IT) and cybersecurity. On Nov. 19, 2019 Council approved funding for an add-on software licensing agreement that increases the city's security framework to help minimize the risk of cybersecurity events and includes adding advanced threat protection for email and the city's other windows platforms. Consistent with City Council, City Management's, and BRC's interest in improving organizational efficiencies, staff is also pursuing additional IT projects that will help improve the efficiency of city operations. Staff plans to use savings achieved during the implementation of the City's financial and human resource information software, Munis, to accomplish five new projects. First, staff will upgrade Munis. Keeping Munis up to date helps ensure new software efficiencies are made available to staff. It also helps reduce the risk of cybersecurity exploits from using older versions. Second, staff will organize the chart of accounts consistent with best practice. Organizing the chart of accounts consistent with best practice will save staff time in their day to day accounting duties freeing up time to spend on other valuable work. Attachment A includes authority for staff to move budget as needed between funds and accounts during the chart of accounts restructuring. Third, staff will add cold storage disaster recovery for Munis. Having cold storage disaster recovery for Munis helps ensure financial operations can continue in the event of a cybersecurity event and reduce the risk of ransomware payouts. Fourth, staff will analyze and add Tyler cashiering if it can enhance our customer's experience. Tyler Cashiering should allow credit card payments at the customer service counter. This will help improve customer's experience when paying their water bills, permit fees, etc. at the city and is based on recent feedback from the community. Lastly, staff will participate in the Planned Annual Continuing Education (PACE) program. The PACE program gives the city access 6 of 15
March 17, 2020, Item #11to valuable assessment consulting that help ensure staff using the system are using it efficiently and maximizing the value it can provide to operations. The City Council, City Manager, and BRC were all in agreement that a longer-range financial forecast should be developed. Finance staff are currently working to develop a long-range financial forecast. Staff believe this forecast will be a valuable decision-making tool to help understand the short and long-term impacts of the General Fund's revenue and expense trends. Environmental Review: This action is not subject to review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Fiscal Impact: Staff recommends appropriating approximately $689 thousand for the requests listed in Exhibit A of Attachment A. Of this amount, approximately $369 thousand will impact the General Fund. The estimated cost of a fully benefited Utilities Administrator at Step 5 is $166 thousand per year. The estimated cost of a fully benefited Principal Civil Engineer -Utilities position at Step 5 is $202 thousand per year. Sufficient funds are available to cover the cost of these two positions for the remainder of the fiscal year. The full cost of these positions will be included in future year's operating budgets. Public Notification: None. Attachments: A. Resolution Approving Additional Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2019-20 Mid-year Budget B. 5. Vaus August 2019 Letter to San Diego County Water Authority C. Resolution Approving the Addition of a Utilities Administrator and Principal Civil Engineer -Utilities to the Position Classification Plan and Management/Confidential Salary Schedule Reviewed/Approved By: ,~J. L--Wend;/ Kaserman Assistant City Manager 7 of 15 Reviewed By: Alan Fenstermacher City Attorney Approved By: Ch~ City Manager
March 17, 2020, Item #11RESOLUTION NO. 20-A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 MID-YEAR BUDGET WHEREAS, on June 18, 2019, the City Council adopted the Fiscal Year 2019-20 Operating and Capital Budget; WHEREAS, an analysis of revenue and expenditure activity during the Mid-Year Budget review process has indicated certain budget adjustments to the Fiscal Year 2019-20 Operating and Capital Budget are necessary; and WHEREAS, staff plans on organizing the City's financial information system chart of accounts in a manner consistent with best practice to increase operational efficiencies which may necessitate creating new funds and moving cash and budget between funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: SECTION 1: The above recitals are true and correct. SECTION 2: The Director of Finance or designee is authorized to appropriate funds as shown in Exhibit A to this resolution related to the Fiscal Year 2019-20 Mid-Year Budget. SECTION 3: The Director of Finance or designee is authorized to organize the City's financial information system chart of account in a manner consistent with best practice including creating new funds and moving cash and budgets between funds as necessary until the project is complete. 8 of 15 ATTACHMENT A
March 17, 2020, Item #11Resolution No. 20-Page 2 PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, California on the 17th day of March, 2020 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: Steve Vaus, Mayor ATTEST: Faviola Medina, CMC, City Clerk 9 of 15
Fiscal Year 2019-20 Mid-Year Appropriations
1000 101010 49240 Publications & Dues 7,858 3,520
TOTAL 7,858 3,520
1000 110010 17999 Other Professional Fees 30,000 14,670
1000 112010 15010 Temporary Services 14,800 932
1000 115010 61999 Other Equipment 5,000 5,000
TOTAL 49,800 20,602
Community Services
1000 205020 41200 Other Contractual Services 15,424 15,424
1000 206020 41400 Janitorial Services 9,147 9,147
TOTAL 24,571 24,571
Development Services
1000 303030 49220 Printing 1,000 1,000
1000 306030 11060 Overtime Salaries 7,290 4,374
1000 308040 41200 Other Contractual Services 24,745 24,745
2410 NIA PGM0028 CDBG 29,450
2900 309030 17011 Fees -Outside Attorney 3,000
2900 309030 49320 Advertising 900
TOTAL 66,385 30,119
Public Works
1000 414040 27050 City Water Use 87,751 87,751
1000 415010 47200 Janitorial Supplies 31,869 26,324
2310 412040 41200 Other Contractual Services 39,925 11,978
5100 402060 27013 Raw Water -Fixed Charges 98,550
5200 403570 43080 Equip Repair & Ma int 10,340
TOTAL 268,435 126,053
1000 501050 11010 Regular Salaries 70,000 70,000
1000 501050 11080 FLSA Overtime -Mutual Aid 63,000 63,000
TOTAL 133,000 133,000
Law Enforcement
1000 504050 41040 Comm. Safety -Spec. Events 9,798 9,798
1000 S04050 49190 Vehicle Regulation 21,500 21,500
TOTAL 31,298 31,298
LMD 19-1
2590 420140 27030 Treated Water 56,728
2590 420140 47700 Landscape Supplies 10,000
TOTAL 66,728
LMD 83-1A
2610 421040 27030 Treated Water 27,298
2610 421040 41200 Other Contractual Services 10,000
TOTAL 37,298
LMD 83-1C
2630 421240 27030 Treated Water 1,200
TOTAL 1,200
LMD 86-3A
2770 425040 27030 Treated Water 2,400
TOTAL 2,400
GRAND TOTAL 688,973 369,163
Summary by Fund
General Fund (1000) 399,182 3S7,18S
Drainage Fund (2310) 39,925 11,978
CDBG (2410) 29,450
LMDs (25xx, 26xx, 27xx) 107,626
Housing (2900) 3,900
Water Fund (5100) 98,550
Wastewater Fund (5200) 10,340
688,973 369,163
10 of 15 March 17, 2020, Item #11
' S1EVE VAUS, Mayor CITY OF POWAY DA VE GROSCH, Deputy Mayor CA YLIN FRANK, Councilmember BARRY LEONARD, Councilmember JOHN MULLIN, Councilmember August 6, 2019
Sandy Kerl
San Diego County Water Authority
4677 Overland Ave
San Diego, CA 92123
Re: Potential Treated Water Connection for Poway
Interim General Manager Kerl,
Poway is committed to providing safe and reliable drinking water for its residents. Over the past 40
years, the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) has provided us with imported raw water that
is eventually treated at our Lester Berglund Water Treatment Facility and delivered to our residents.
With the diverse water portfolio the SDCWA has put together over the years, we are confident that
our future demands will be met.
However, as there are always unforeseen circumstances, we want to ensure that Poway is prepared
for events that may impede the availability of imported raw water. It is with this in mind that we
would like to open dialog with the SDCWA to explore the potential to connect to the SDCWA treated
water aqueduct, along with any cost-sharing opportunities. This additional water supply would
provide redundancy and allow Poway to diversify its own water portfolio.
If you are open to this request, Poway Public Works staff would like to set up a meeting with you in
August and begin discussions on a treated water connection. Please contact Senior Management
Analyst Jessica Parks at (858) 668-4703 and let us know the best days and times that work for you.
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
�� Steve Vaus
cc.Councilmember Barry Leonard
City Manager, Chris Hazeltine
Public Works Director, Michael Obermiller
Assistant Public Works Director, Rudy Guzman
Senior Management Analyst, Jessica Parks
11 of 15 City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive Mailing Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92074-0789 ATTACHMENT B March 17, 2020, Item #11
March 17, 2020, Item #11RESOLUTION NO. 20-A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ADDITION OF A UTILITIES ADMINISTRATOR AND PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER UTILITIES TO THE CITY OF POWAY POSITION CLASSIFICATION PLAN AND THE MANAGEMENT/CONFIDENTIAL SALARY SCHEDULE WHEREAS, classification systems are fluid and dynamic and should be updated periodically based on changing needs of and the public services provided to the community; WHEREAS, the everchanging and complex regulations in the water and wastewater industry are such that the Public Works Department requires a high-level program administrator for the Utilities divisions; WHEREAS, the classification identified to help ensure the City is in compliance with the increasing regulatory requirements of operating a public water system is a Utilities Administrator; WHEREAS, the Utilities Administrator position has significant responsibilities and decision-making duties, setting the salary range for this position in line with that of other administrator positions in the City at grade 631 in Group 2B on the Management/Confidential Salary Schedule, attached hereto as Exhibit B, and adding the classification to the Position Classification Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit A; WHEREAS, it is also necessary for the City to complete critical engineering projects to improve the resiliency of the City's public water system; WHEREAS, the City must be positioned to meet the size, complexity and workload of the necessary improvements to the water system infrastructure; WHEREAS, the City has identified the appropriate classification at the level of a Principal Civil Engineer -Utilities to focus and work on specific utilities engineering projects; and WHEREAS, the Principal Civil Engineer -Utilities is an advanced level engineering classification and responsible for difficult and complex engineering projects, setting the salary range for this position between the Senior Civil Engineer and City Engineer positions at grade 731 in Group 2A on the Management/Confidential Salary Schedule, attached hereto as Exhibit B, and adding the classification to the Position Classification Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: SECTION 1: The above recitals are true and correct. SECTION 2: The Position Classification Plan is revised and adopted, effective March 17, 2020. SECTION 3: The Management/Confidential Salary Schedule is hereby adopted, effective March 17, 2020. 12 of 15 ATTACHMENT C
March 17, 2020, Item #11Resolution No. 20-Page 2 SECTION 4: The proposed classification specifications for Utilities Administrator and Principal Civil Engineer -Utilities is on file in the Human Resources and Risk Management Department and available on the City's website. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, California on the 17th day of March, 2020 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DI SQ UALI Fl ED: Steve Vaus, Mayor ATTEST: Faviola Medina, CMC, City Clerk 13 of 15
March 17, 2020, Item #11Classification Accountant Accounting Technician I Accountine Technician II Administrative Assistant I Administrative Assistant II Administrative Assistant Ill Aquatics Coordinator Assistant Citv Manaeer Assistant Director of Public Works for Maintenance Ooerations Assistant Director of Public Works for Utilities Assistant Eneineer Assistant Planner Associate Civil Engineer Associate Planner Box Office Attendant Box Office Coordinator Budeet Administrator Citv Clerk City Engineer Citv Manaeer Citv Planner Code Comoliance Officer Communitv Outreach Coordinator Communitv Services Manager Construction Maintenance Crew Leader Construction Maintenance Suoervisor Construction Maintenance Worker I Construction Maintenance Worker II Construction Proiect Manager Contract Specialist/Inspector Cross-Connection Soecialist Customer Services Field Worker Customer Services Suoervisor Customer Services Technician I Customer Services Technician II Deputv Fire Chief Develooment Services Aide Director of Community Services Director of Develooment Services Director of Finance Director of Human Resources & Risk Management Director of Public Works Dock Attendant 14 of 15 EXHIBIT A City of Poway Position Classification Plan Classification Economic Develooment Administrator Engineering Inspector Eneineerine Technician I Eneineerine Technician II Equipment Mechanic Executive Assistant to the Citv Manaeer Facilities Maintenance and Soecial Districts Suoervisor Facilities Maintenance Crew Leader Facilities Maintenance Technician I Facilities Maintenance Technician II Finance Manager Fire Battalion Chief Fire Caotain/Paramedic Fire Chief Fire Eneineer/Paramedic Fire Safetv Inspector Firefieh ter /Paramedic Fleet Maintenance Suoervisor Front of House Assistant Front of House Coordinator GIS Analvst GIS Technician I GIS Technician II Human Resources Technician I Human Resources Technician II Information Technology Analvst Information Technology Manager Intern Lead Customer Services Field Worker Lead Engineering Inspector Lifeeuard Manaeement Analvst Management Assistant Network and Com outer Svstems Administrator Park Ranger Parks Maintenance Crew Leader Parks Maintenance Suoervisor Parks Maintenance Worker I Parks Maintenance Worker II Princioal Civil Eneineer -Utilities Public Works Ooerations Manager Records Technician Recreation Coordinator Classification Recreation Leader I Recreation Leader II Recreation Supervisor Seasonal Parks Maintenance Worker Senior Accountant Senior Accountine Technician Senior Administrative Assistant Senior Civil Engineer Senior Code Comoliance Officer Senior Dock Attendant Senior Equipment Mechanic Senior Fire Safetv lnsoector Senior Human Resources Analvst Senior Lifeguard Senior Manaeement Analvst Senior Park Ranger Senior Parks Maintenance Crew Leader Senior Planner Senior Utility Svstems Mechanic Senior Utilitv Svstems Technician Soecial Proiects Engineer Stage Technician Stormwater Maintenance & Construction Worker I Stormwater Maintenance & Construction Worker II Technical Theater Coordinator Utilitv Administrator Utility Svstems Mechanic Utilitv Svstems Suoervisor Utilitv Svstems Technician Warehouse Associate Wastewater Utilities Crew Leader Wastewater Utilities Suoervisor Wastewater Utilities Worker I Wastewater Utilities Worker II Water Meter Reader Water Treatment Plant Operator I Water Treatment Plant Ooerator II Water Treatment Plant Operator Ill Water Treatment Plant Suoervisor Water Utilities Crew Leader Water Utilities Distribution Supervisor Water Utilities Worker I Water Utilities Worker II Revised March I 7, 2020
March 17, 2020, Item #11Classification Title City Manager Group 1 Exempt At-Will Assistant City Manager Director of Community Services Director of Development Services Director of Finance Director of Human Resources & Risk Management Director of Public Works Fire Chief Group 2A Exempt At-Will Assist. Director of Public Works Operations Assist. Director of Public Works Utilities City Clerk City Engineer City Planner Community Services Manager Construction Project Manager Deputy Fire Chief Finance Manager Fire Battalion Chief (not at-will/2912 hrs/yr) Information Technology Manager Principal Civil Engineer -Utilities Public Works Ooerations Manal!er Group 28 Exempt Accountant Associate Civil Engineer Associate Planner Budget Administrator Community Outreach Coordinator Customer Services Supervisor Economic Development Administrator GIS Analyst Information Technology Analyst Management Analyst Network & Computer Systems Administrator Senior Accountant Senior Civil Engineer Senior Code Compliance Officer Senior Fire Safety Inspector Senior Human Resources Analyst Senior Management Analyst Senior Planner Special Projects Engineer Utilities Administrator Water Treatment Plant Supervisor Water Utilities Distribution Suoervisor Grouo 3 Non-Exemot Assistant Engineer Assistant Planner Code Compliance Officer Construction Maintenance Supervisor EXHIBIT B City of Poway Management/ Confidential Salary Schedule Effective March 17, 2020 I Grade I Approx. Monthly I Step 1 I Salary Range 999 20,604 871 13,981 -16,994 80,6623 791 11,612-14,115 66.9951 831 12,665 -15,393 73.0694 831 12,665 • 15,393 73.0694 771 11,060 -13,443 63.8049 831 12,665 • 15,393 73.0694 831 12,665 -15,393 73.0694 731 9,937 -12,080 57.3277 731 9,937 -12,080 57.3277 681 8,778 • 10,670 50.6411 751 10,436 -12,687 60.2097 731 9,937 • 12,080 57.3277 681 8,778 -10,670 50.6411 681 8,778 • 10,670 50.6411 751 10,436 -12,687 60.2097 681 8,778 -10,670 50.6411 542 8,778 -10,670 36.1722 681 8,778 • 10,670 50.6411 731 9,937 -12,080 57.3277 681 8,778 -10 670 50.6411 481 5,326 • 6,475 30.7255 602 7,261 - 8,826 41.8893 521 5,902-7,174 34.0517 631 7,744-9,413 44.6789 531 6,050 -7,354 34.9030 571 6,678 -8,117 38.5265 631 7,744-9,413 44.6789 531 6,050 - 7,354 34.9030 531 6,050 -7,354 34.9030 531 6,050 - 7,354 34.9030 571 6,678 • 8,117 38.5265 561 6,515 - 7,919 37.5868 682 8,871 -10,782 51.1773 501 5,618 • 6,829 32.4109 541 6,201 -7,537 35.7756 571 6,678 - 8,117 38.5265 571 6,678 - 8,117 38.5265 581 6,845 -8,320 39.4897 571 6,678 -8,117 38.5265 631 7,744 -9,413 44.6789 630 7,691 • 9,349 44.3740 640 7 884-9 583 45.4833 531 6,050 - 7,354 34.9030 491 5,481 - 6,662 31.6204 461 5,090 - 6, 186 29.3627 501 5,618 -6,829 32.4109 Facilities Maintenance and Special Districts Supervisor 501 5,618 - 6,829 32.4109 Fire Safety Inspector 461 5,090 • 6, 186 29.3627 Fleet Maintenance Supervisor 521 5,902 - 7,174 34.0517 Management Assistant 491 5,481 -6,662 31.6204 Parks Maintenance Supervisor 521 5,902-7,174 34.0517 Recreation Supervisor 441 4,844 - 5,888 27.9478 Senior Accounting Technician 460 5,054 • 6,144 29.1623 Senior Parks Maintenance Crew Leader 441 4,844 • 5,888 27.9478 Utility Systems Supervisor 650 8,081 -9,822 46.6204 Wastewater Utilities Supervisor 620 7504-9121 43.2917 Group 4 Non-Exempt Accounting Technician II 333 3,721 -4,523 21.4659 Administrative Assistant Ill 330 3,692 -4,488 21.3002 Executive Assistant to the City Manager 451 4,965 - 6,035 28.6465 Human Resources Technician I 412 4,498 -5,468 25.9523 Human Resources Technician II 451 4,965 - 6,035 28.6465 Senior Administrative Assistant 371 4 075-4 954 23.5115 15 of 15 Step 2 I Step 3 I Step 4 I Step 5 84.6955 88.9300 93.3767 98.0420 70.3449 73.8622 77.5553 81.4331 76.7229 80.5591 84.5869 88.8056 76.7229 80.5591 84.5869 88.8056 66.9951 70.3450 73.8622 77.5553 76.7229 80.5591 84.5869 88.8056 76,7229 80.5591 84.5869 88.8056 60.1939 63.2037 66.3639 69.6909 60.1939 63.2037 66.3639 69.6909 53.1732 55.8319 58.6235 61.5582 63,2202 66.3812 69.7002 73.1918 60.1939 63.2037 66.3639 69.6909 53.1732 55.8319 58.6235 61.5582 53.1732 55.8319 58.6235 61.5582 63.2202 66.3812 69.7002 73.1918 53.1732 55.8319 58.6235 61.5582 37.9809 39.8799 41.8739 43.9701 53.1732 55.8319 58.6235 61.5582 60.1939 63.2037 66.3639 69.6909 53.1732 55.8319 58.6235 61.5582 32.2616 33.8747 35.5684 37.3547 43.9837 46.1827 48.4920 50.9165 35,7528 37.5413 39.4178 41.3896 46.9109 49.2574 51.7195 54.3067 36.6466 38.4798 40.4032 42.4243 40.4510 42.4745 44.5975 46.8285 46.9109 49.2574 51.7195 54.3067 36.6466 38.4798 40.4032 42.4243 36.6466 38.4798 40.4032 42.4243 36.6466 38.4798 40.4032 42.4243 40.4510 42.4745 44.5975 46.8285 39.4644 41.4385 43.5098 45.6863 53.7360 56.4230 59.2440 62.2062 34.0300 35.7324 37.5184 39.3952 37.5628 39.4418 41.4133 43.4849 40.4510 42.4745 44.5975 46.8285 40.4510 42.4745 44.5975 46.8285 41.4623 43.5364 45.7124 47.9992 40.4510 42.4745 44.5975 46.8285 46.9109 49.2574 51.7195 54.3067 46.5927 48.9223 51.3684 53.9369 47.7575 50.1454 52.6527 55.2853 36.6466 38.4798 40.4032 42.4243 33.2000 34.8609 36.6033 38.4343 30.8295 32.3718 33.9898 35.6900 34.0300 35.7324 37.5184 39.3952 34.0300 35.7324 37.5184 39.3952 30.8295 32.3718 33.9898 35.6900 35.7528 37.5413 39.4178 41.3896 33.2000 34.8609 36.6033 38.4343 35.7528 37.5413 39.4178 41.3896 29.3440 30.8119 32.3520 33.9702 30.6206 32.1520 33.7587 35.4464 29.3440 30.8119 32.3520 33.9702 48.9514 51.3990 53.9690 56.6674 45.4563 47.7291 50.1156 52.6213 22.5393 23.6662 24.8498 26.0919 22.3643 23.4831 24.6570 25.8903 30.0776 31.5822 33.1608 34.8195 27.2488 28.6119 30.0420 31.5448 30.0776 31.5822 33.1608 34.8195 24.6860 25.9210 27.2166 28.5780