Item 7 - Ratification of Agmt with American Technologies, Inc. for Cleaning, Disinfecting Service, & As-Needed Remediation ServicesDATE: TO: FROM: CONTACT: SUBJECT: Summary: AGENDA RE PO RT City of Poway CITY COUNCIL July 7, 2020 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Eric Heidemann, Director of Public Works f,,, � Will Wiley, Assistant Director of Public Works for Maintenance Operations� (858) 668-4705 or wwiley@poway.org � Ratification of Agreement, with American Technologies, Inc., for Cleaning, Disinfecting Service, and As-Needed Remediation Services. On March 13, 2020, the City Manager, serving as Director of Emergency Services for the City of Poway, proclaimed a local emergency as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which was ratified by the City Council on March 18, 2020. The services of American Technologies, Inc. (ATI) were obtained to provide cleaning and disinfecting services in accordance with Section 3.28.080 (A) of the Poway Municipal Code. In addition to providing disinfecting services, ATI provided temporary custodial services for the City. The ratified term of the Agreement is one (1) year beginning April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021. The Agreement may be extended through a total of two (2) separate one-year extensions. The maximum length of the Agreement would be up to three (3) years. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council ratify an Agreement with American Technologies, Inc., for cleaning, disinfecting, and as-needed remediation services and authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary documents. Discussion: On March 4, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom declared a State of Emergency in response to the increased spread of COVID-19. Additionally, on March 13, 2020, the City Manager, serving as Director of Emergency Services for the City of Poway, proclaimed a local emergency, which was ratified by the City Council on March 18, 2020. In response to the COVID-19 health emergency, the City obtained the services of American Technologies, Inc. (ATI) to provide cleaning and disinfecting services per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines to prevent the spread of disease. The services from ATI were approved in accordance with emergency purchasing guidelines, Section 3.28.080 (A) (Exceptions to Bidding Requirements), of the Poway Municipal Code and was additionally selected because ATI is an authorized vendor with the City, their insurance is current, and their staff 1 of 55 July 7, 2020, Item #7 has been verified and approved to work at City facilities. On April 23, 2020, the City terminated its daily cleaning and custodial services agreement for cause. In order to adhere to minimum CDC cleaning guidelines, the City utilized ATI to provide custodial services in order to avoid interruption in service. From April 23 to June 4, 2020, ATI provided on-going cleaning and custodial services, which included enhanced disinfecting procedures to high touch surfaces. Staff secured a temporary custodial service agreement with a custodial service provider that subsequently began on June 4, 2020. The Agreement with ATI will continue to be utilized if there is a potential or confirmed COVID-19 exposure, which will include ATI providing enhanced disinfection and deep-cleaning decontamination of workspaces and/or facilities. Additionally, as one of the most comprehensive environmental remediation service providers, ATl's agreement will also be utilized for emergency recovery services to address environmental hazards (e.g., water and fire damage, mold remediation). The length of the Agreement is one (1) year beginning April 1, 2020 through March 30, 2021, with an option to extend the Agreement for two (2) separate, one-year term extensions, subject to Council appropriation of funds and mutual agreement by both parties. The maximum length of the Agreement would be up to three {3) years. Environmental Review: This action is not subject to review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Fiscar Impact: Funds are available in the Facilities Maintenance Division's Fiscal Year 2019-20 Budget (415010-41400) for COVID-19 deep-cleaning decontamination. Amounts for subsequent fiscal years for as-needed remediation services will be appropriated as necessary. Public Notification: None. Attachments: A.Agreement with American Technologies, Inc. Reviewed/Approved By: Assistant City Manager 2 ofSS Reviewed By: Alan Fenstermacher City Attorney Approved By: July 7, 2020, Item #7 City of Poway STANDARD AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES This Agreement, entered into this First day of April, 2020, by and between the CITY OF POWAY (hereinafter referred to as "City") and American Technologies, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant"). RECITALS WHEREAS, City desires to obtain the services of a private consultant to perform as-needed environmental remediation and restoration services for the City (Project); and WHEREAS, Consultant is a(n) restoration, environmental remediation, and reconstruction service consultant and has represented that Consultant possesses the necessary qualifications to provide such services; and WHEREAS, City has authorized the preparation of an agreement to retain the services of Consultant as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT CITY DOES HEREBY RETAIN CONSUL TANT ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1.Scope of Services. Consultant shall provide services as described in Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2.Compensation and Reimbursement. City shall compensate and reimburse Consultant as provided in Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3.Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement shall be as described on Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 4.Termination. This Agreement may be terminated with or without cause by City. Terminationwithout cause shall be effective only upon 60-day written notice to Consultant. During said 60-day period Consultant shall perform all consulting services in accordance with this Agreement. This Agreement may be terminated by City for cause in the event of a material breach of this Agreement, misrepresentation by Consultant in connection with the formation of this Agreement or the performance of services, or the failure to perform services as directed by City. Termination for cause shall be effected by delivery of written notice of termination to Consultant. Such termination shall be effective upon delivery of said notice. 3 of 55 1 ATTACHMENT A July 7, 2020, Item #7 5.Confidential Relationship. City may from time to time communicate to Consultant certain information to enable Consultant to effectively perform the services. Consultant shall treat all such information as confidential, whether or not so identified, and shall not disclose any part thereof without the prior written consent of the City. Consultant shall limit the use and circulation of such information, even within its own organization, to the extent necessary to perform the services. The foregoing obligation of this Paragraph 5, however, shall not apply to any part of the information that (i) has been disclosed in publicly available sources of information; (ii) is, through no fault of Consultant, hereafter disclosed in publicly available sources of information; (iii) is now in the possession of Consultant without any obligation of confidentiality; or (iv) has been or is hereafter rightfully disclosed to Consultant by a third party, but only to the extent that the use or disclosure thereof has been or is rightfully authorized by that third party. Consultant shall not disclose any reports, recommendations, conclusions or other results of the services or the existence of the subject matter of this contract without the prior written consent of the City. In its performance hereunder, Consultant shall comply with all legal obligations it may now or hereafter have respecting the information or other property of any other person, firm or corporation. 6.Office Space and Clerical Support. Consultant shall provide its own office space and clerical support at its sole costand expense. 7.Covenant Against Contingent Fees. Consultant declares that it has not employed or retained any company or person,other than a bona fide employee working for Consultant, to solicit or secure this Agreement, that it has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of the Agreement. For breach of violation of this warranty, City shall have the right to annul this Agreement without liability, or, at its sole discretion, to deduct from the Agreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or contingent fee. 8.Ownership of Documents. All memoranda, reports, plans, specifications, maps and other documents prepared or obtained under the terms of this Agreement shall be the property of City and shall be delivered to City by Consultant upon demand. 9.Conflict of Interest and Political Reform Act Obligations. During the term of this Agreement Consultant shall not act as consultant or perform services of any kind for any person or entity whose interests conflict in any way with those of the City of Poway. Consultant shall at all times comply with the terms of the Political Reform Act and the local conflict of interest code. Consultant shall immediately disqualify itself and shall not use its official position to influence in any way any matter coming before the City in which the Consultant has a financial interest as defined in Government Code Section 87103. Consultant represents that it has no knowledge of any financial interests which would require it to disqualify itself from any matter on which it might perform services for the City. 4 of 55 2 July 7, 2020, Item #7 "Consultant" means an individual who, pursuant to a contract with a state or local agency: (A)Makes a governmental decision whether to: 1.Approve a rate, rule or regulation;2. Adopt or enforce a law; 3.Issue, deny, suspend, or revoke any permit, license, application,certificate, approval, order, or similar authorization or entitlement; 4.Authorize the City to enter into, modify, or renew a contract provided it is the type of contract that requires City approval;5.Grant City approval to a contract that requires City approval and to which the City is a party, or to the specifications for such a contract;6.Grant City approval to a plan, design, report, study, or similar item; 7.Adopt, or grant City approval of, policies, standards, or guidelines for the City, or for any subdivision thereof; or (B)Serves in a staff capacity with the City and in that capacity participates in makinga governmental decision as defined in the Political Reform Act and/orimplementing regulations promulgated by the Fair Political Practices Commission,or performs the same or substantially all the same duties for the City that would otherwise be performed by an individual holding a position specified in the City'sConflict of Interest Code. DISCLOSURE DETERMINATION: [8J 1. Consultant/Contractor will not be "making a government decision" or"serving in a staff capacity" as defined in Sections A and B above. No disclosure required. D 2.Consultant/Contractor will be "making a government decision" or "serving in a staff capacity" as defined in Sections A and B above. As a result,Consultant/Contractor shall be required to file a Statement of Economic Interest with the City Clerk of the City of Poway in a timely manner as required by law. Department Director 10.No Assignments. Neither any part nor all of this Agreement may be assigned or subcontracted, except as otherwise specifically provided herein, or to which City, in its sole discretion, consents to in advance thereof in writing. Any assignment or subcontracting in violation of this provision shall be void. 11.Maintenance of Records. Consultant shall maintain all books, documents, papers, employee time sheets,accounting records, and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred and shall make such materials available at its office at all reasonable times during the contract period and for three (3) 5 of 55 3 July 7, 2020, Item #7 years from the date of final payment under this Agreement, for inspection by City and copies thereof shall be furnished, if requested. 12.Independent Contractor. At all times during the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall be an independent contractor and shall not be an employee of the City of Poway. City shall have the right to control Consultant only insofar as the results of Consultant's services rendered pursuant to this Agreement; however, City shall not have the right to control the means by which Consultant accomplishes such services. 13.Licenses, Permits, Etc. Consultant represents and declares to City that it has all licenses, permits, qualifications, and approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to practice its profession. Consultant represents and warrants to City that Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expense, keep in effect at all times during the term of this Agreement, any license, permit, or approval which is legally required for Consultant to practice its profession. 14.Consultant's Insurance. Consultant shall provide insurance as set forth in Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 15.Indemnification. (a)For Claims (as defined herein) other than those alleged to arise from Consultant's negligent performance of professional services, City and its respective elected and appointed boards, officials, officers, agents, employees and volunteers (individually and collectively, "lndemnitees") shall have no liability to Consultant or any other person for, and Consultant shall indemnify, protect and hold harmless lndemnitees from and against, any and all liabilities, claims, actions, causes of action, proceedings, suits, damages, judgments, liens, levies, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements (collectively "Claims"), which lndemnitees may suffer or incur or to which lndemnitees may become subject by reason of or arising out of any injury to or death of any person(s), damage to property, loss of use of property, economic loss or otherwise occurring as a result of Consultant's negligent performance under this Agreement, or by the negligent or willful acts or omissions of Consultant, its agents, officers, directors, sub-consultants or employees. (b)For Claims alleged to arise from Consultant's negligent performance ofprofessional services, lndemnitees shall have no liability to Consultant or any other person for, and Consultant shall indemnify and hold harmless lndemnitees from and against, any and all Claims that lndemnitees may suffer or incur or to which lndemnitees may become subject by reason of or arising out of any injury to or death of any person(s), damage to property, loss of use of property, economic loss or otherwise to the extent occurring as a result of Consultant's negligent performance of any professional services under this Agreement, or by the negligent or willful acts or omissions of Consultant, its agents, officers, directors, sub-consultants or employees, committed in performing any of professional services under this Agreement. For Claims alleged to arise from Consultant's professional services, Consultant's defense obligation to lndemnitees shall include only the reimbursement of reasonable defense costs and attorneys' fees to the extent caused by Consultant's negligence. 6 of 55 4 July 7, 2020, Item #7 (c)The foregoing obligations of Consultant shall not apply to the extent that the Claimsarise from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of City or its elected and appointed boards, officials, officers, agents, employees and volunteers. (d)In any and all Claims against City by any employees of the Consultant, anyone directly or indirectly employed by it or anyone for whose acts it may be liable, the indemnification obligation under this Section 15 shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the Consultant under worker's compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. (e)Consultant shall, upon receipt of written notice of any Claim, promptly take all action necessary to make a claim under any applicable insurance policy or policies Consultant is carrying and maintaining; however, if Consultant fails to take such action as is necessary to make a claim under any such insurance policy, Consultant shall reimburse City for any and all costs, charges, expenses, damages and liabilities incurred by City in making any claim on behalf of Consultant under any insurance policy or policies required pursuant to this Agreement. (f)The obligations described in Section 15(a) through (e) above shall not beconstrued to negate, abridge or otherwise reduce any other right or obligation of indemnity which would otherwise exist as to any party or person indemnified pursuant to this Section 15. (g)The rights and obligations of the parties described in this Section 15 shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 16.Assumption of Risk. Except for injuries to persons caused by the willful misconduct of any lndemnitee and not covered by insurance maintained, or required by this Agreement to be maintained, by Consultant: (a)Consultant hereby assumes the risk of any and all injury and damage to the personnel (including death) and property of Consultant that occurs in the course of, or in connection with, the performance of Consultant's obligations under this Agreement, including but not limited toConsultant's Scope of Services; and (b) it is hereby agreed that the lndemnitees are not to be -liable for injury or damage which may be sustained by the person, goods or property of Consultant or its employees in connection with Consultant's performance its obligations under thisAgreement, including but not limited to Consultant's Scope of Services. 17.Consultant Not an Agent. Except as City may specify in writing, Consultant shall have no authority, expressed or implied, to act on behalf of City in any capacity whatsoever as an agent. Consultant shall have no authority, expressed or implied, pursuant to this Agreement to bind City to any obligation whatsoever. 18.Personnel. Consultant shall assign qualified and certified personnel to perform requestedservices. The City shall have the right to review and disapprove personnel for assignment to Poway projects. City shall have the unrestricted right to order the removal of any person(s) assigned by Consultant by giving oral or written notice to Consultant to such effect. 7 of 55 5 July 7, 2020, Item #7 Consultant's personnel shall at all times comply with City's drug and alcohol policies then in effect. 19.Notices. Notices shall be given as described on Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions"attached hereto and made a part hereof. 20.Governing Law, Forum Selection and Attorneys' Fees. This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of California. Each party to this Agreement consents to personal jurisdiction in San Diego County, California, and hereby authorizes and accepts service of process sufficient for personal jurisdiction by first class mail, registered or certified, postage prepaid, to its address for giving notice as set forth in Exhibit "A" hereto. Any action to enforce or interpret the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall be brought in the Superior Court in San Diego County, Central Division, unless the parties mutually agree to submit their dispute to arbitration. Consultant hereby waives any right to remove any such action from San Diego County as is otherwise permitted by California Code of Civil Procedure section 394. The prevailing party in any such action or proceeding shall be entitled to recover all of its reasonable litigation expenses, including its expert fees, attorneys' fees, courts costs, arbitration costs, and any other fees. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that the subject of such an action is compensation claimed by Consultant in the event of termination, Consultant's damages shall be limited to compensation for the 60-day period for which Consultant would have been entitled to receive compensation if terminated without cause, and neither party shall be entitled to recover their litigation expenses. 21.Gender. Whether referred to in the masculine, feminine, or as "it," "Consultant" shall mean the individual or corporate consultant and any and all employees of consultant providing services hereunder. 22.Counterparts. This Agreement (and any amendments) may be executed in multiple counterparts,each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which, together, shall constitute one and the same instrument. Documents delivered by telephonic facsimile transmission shall be valid and binding. 23.Entire Agreement. This Agreement shall constitute the entire understanding between Consultant andCity relating to the terms and conditions of the services to be performed by Consultant. No agreements, representations or promises made by either party, whether oral or in writing, shall be of any force or effect unless it is in writing and executed by the party to be bound thereby. 24.Certification and Indemnification Regarding Public Employees' Retirement Law/Pension Reform Act of 2013. Contractor hereby certifies that all persons providing services to City by Contractor are not current members of the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) and shall not become members of CalPERS while providing services to City. 8 of 55 6 July 7, 2020, Item #7 Contractor further provides that in the event Contractor assigns a retired annuitant receiving a pension benefit from CalPERS to perform services for City, the retired annuitant is in full compliance with Government Code section 7522.56. A copy of Government Code section 7522.56 is attached hereto as Exhibit "B." Further, Contractor hereby fully and unconditionally indemnifies City from all penalties, fees, employer and employee contributions, or any other assessments imposed by CalPERS in the event CalPERS determines the person assigned by Contractor to provide services to City has been misclassified. 25.Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is determined by any court of competent jurisdiction or arbitrator to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable to any extent, that provision shall, if possible, be construed as though more narrowly drawn, if a narrower construction would avoid such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability or, if that is not possible, such provision shall, to the extent of such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability, be severed, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in effect. (Remainder of page intentionally left blank) 9 of 55 7 July 7, 2020, Item #7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement on the date first above written. CITY OF POWAY By:----------­Chris Hazeltine, City Manager Date: ___________ _ ATTEST: Faviola Medina, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By:------------­Alan Fenstermacher, City Attorney 10 of 55 AMERICAN TECHNOLOGIES, INC. By: ___________ _ Name, Title Date: ___________ _ 8 July 7, 2020, Item #7 A. "SPECIAL PROVISIONS" EXHIBIT "A" Scope of Services. Consultant agrees to perform consulting services as required by City, which shall consist of as-needed environmental and remediation services further described in the Scope of Services is included in this document as Attachment 1, and incorporated by reference, as if its contents were fully set forth herein. Consultant shall provide the necessary qualified personnel to perform the services. 8.Compensation and Reimbursement. City shall pay Consultant a fee in accordance with the Fee Schedule included in this document as Attachment 2. Consultant's fee shall include and Consultant shall be responsible for the payment of all federal, state, and local taxes of any kind which are attributable to the compensation received. In addition to said consulting fee, Consultant shall be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses, including lodging, telephone, and travel (air, auto, rail) necessarily incurred in performance of the services. Consultant shall bill City for such expenses as incurred, referencing this Agreement. All expenses shall be itemized and supported by receipts for amounts in excess of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00). Statements for reimbursement of expenses shall be paid within ten (10) days of approval by City. All air travel shall be billed at coach or special fare rates. Reimbursement for lodging is limited to travel from outside of San Diego County. Consultant shall receive prior authorization for air travel and lodging expenses. All other expenses shall be reimbursed in accordance with City's cash disbursement policies in effect at the time incurred. C.Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective from the period commencing April 1, 2020, and ending March 30, 2021, unless sooner terminated by City as provided in the section of this Agreement entitled "Termination." This Agreement may be extended for up to two additional one­ year periods upon approval in writing of the City Manager and Consultant. Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement, Consultant shall return to City any and all equipment, documents or materials and all copies made thereof which Consultant received from City or produced for City for the purposes of this Agreement. D.Consultant's Insurance. 1.Coverages: Consultant shall obtain and maintain during the life of this Agreement all of the following insurance coverages: (a)Comprehensive General Liability, including premises-operations, products/completed, broad form property damage, and blanket contractual liability with the following coverages: General Liability $1,000,000 Bodily Injury and Property Damage combined each occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. 11 of 55 1 July 7, 2020, Item #7 (b)Automobile Liability. including owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles: $1,000,000 combined single limit. (d)Workers' Compensation insurance in statutory amount. All of the endorsements which are required above shall be obtained for the policy of Workers' Compensation insurance. 2.Endorsements: Endorsements shall be obtained so that each policy contains the followingthree provisions: (a)Additional Insured. (Not required for Professional Errors andOmissions Liability Insurance or Workers' Compensation.) "City of Poway and its elected and appointed boards, officers, agents, and employees are additional insureds with respect to this subject project and contract with City." (b)Notice. "Said policy shall not terminate, nor shall it be canceled, until thirty (30) days after written notice is given to City." (c)Primary Coverage. "The policy provides primary coverage to City and its elected and appointed boards, officers, agents, and employees. It is not secondary or in any way subordinate to any other insurance or coverage maintained by City." 3.Insurance Certificates: Consultant shall provide City certificates of insurance showing the insurance coverages described in the paragraphs above, in a form and content approved by City, prior to beginning work under this Agreement. E.Notices. All notices, billings and payments hereunder shall be in writing and sent to thefollowing addresses: To City: To Consultant: 12 of 55 2 City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 9207 4 Complete Name and Address July 7, 2020, Item #7 EXHIBIT "B" Cal Gov Code§ 7522.56 Deering's California Codes are current through all 1016 chapters of the 2018 Regular Session and the November 6, 2018 Ballot Measures. Deering's California Codes Annotated> GOVERNMENT CODE> Title 1 General> Division 7 Miscellaneous > Chapter 21 Public Pension and Retirement Plans > Article 4 California Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 §7522.56. Provisions applicable to person receiving pension benefit from public retirement system; Section supersedes conflicting provisions (a)This section shall apply to any person who is receiving a pension benefit from a public retirement system and shall supersede any other provision in conflict with this section. (b)A retired person shall not serve, be employed by, or be employed through a contract directly by, a public employer in the same public retirement system from which the retiree receives the benefit without reinstatement from retirement, except as permitted by this section. ( c)A person who retires from a public employer may serve without reinstatement from retirement or loss or interruption of benefits provided by the retirement system upon appointment by the appointing power of a public employer either during an emergency to prevent stoppage of public business or because the retired person has skills needed to perform work of limited duration. ( d)Appointments of the person authorized under this section shall not exceed a total for all employers in that public retirement system of 960 hours or other equivalent limit, in a calendar or fiscal year, depending on the administrator of the system. The rate of pay for the employment shall not be less than the minimum, nor exceed the maximum, paid by the employer to other employees performing comparable duties, divided by 173.333 to equal an hourly rate. A retired person whose employment without reinstatement is authorized by this section shall acquire no service credit or retirement rights under this section with respect to the employment unless he or she reinstates from retirement. (e) 13 of 55 (!)Notwithstanding subdivision (c), any retired person shall not be eligible to serve or be employed by a public employer if, during the 12-month period prior to an appointment described in this section, the retired person received any unemployment insurance compensation arising out of prior employment subject to this section with 1 July 7, 2020, Item #7 Cal Gov Code§ 7522.56 a public employer. A retiree shall certify in writing to the employer upon accepting an offer of employment that he or she is in compliance with this requirement. (2)A retired person who accepts an appointment after receiving unemployment insurance compensation as described in this subdivision shall terminate that employment on the last day of the current pay period and shall not be eligible for reappointment subject to this section for a period of 12 months following the last day of employment. (f)A retired person shall not be eligible to be employed pursuant to this section for a period of 180 days following the date of retirement unless he or she meets one of the following conditions: 14 of 55 (1 )The employer certifies the nature of the employment and that the appointment is necessary to fill a critically needed position before 180 days have passed and the appointment has been approved by the governing body of the employer in a public meeting. The appointment may not be placed on a consent calendar. (2) (A)Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, for state employees, the state employer certifies the nature of the employment and that the appointment is necessary to fill a critically needed state employment position before 180 days have passed and the appointment has been approved by the Department of Human Resources. The department may establish a process to delegate appointing authority to individual state agencies, but shall audit the process to determine if abuses of the system occur. If necessary, the department may assume an agency's appointing authority for retired workers and may charge the department an appropriate amount for administering that authority. (B)F or legislative employees, the Senate Committee on Rules or the Assembly Rules Committee certifies the nature of the employment and that the appointment is necessary to fill a critically needed position before 180 days have passed and approves the appointment in a public meeting. The appointment may not be placed on a consent calendar. (C)For employees of the California State University, the Trustees of the California State University certifies the nature of the employment and that the appointment is necessary to fill a critically needed position before 180 days have passed and approves the appointment in a public meeting. The appointment may not be placed on a consent calendar. (3)The retiree is eligible to participate in the Faculty Early Retirement Program pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement with the California State University that existed prior to January 1, 2013, or has been included in subsequent agreements. ( 4)The retiree is a public safety officer or firefighter hired to perform a function or functions regularly performed by a public safety officer or firefighter. 2 July 7, 2020, Item #7 Cal Gov Code § 7522.56 (g)A retired person who accepted a retirement incentive upon retirement shall not be eligibleto be employed pursuant to this section for a period of 180 days following the date ofretirement and subdivision (f) shall not apply.(h)This section shall not apply to a person who is retired from the State Teachers'Retirement System, and who is subject to Section 24214, 24214.5 or 26812 of the Education Code.(i)This section shall not apply to (1) a subordinate judicial officer whose position, uponretirement, is converted to a judgeship pursuant to Section 69615, and he or she returns towork in the converted position, and the employer is a trial court, or (2) a retiree of theJudges' Retirement System or the Judges' Retirement System 11 who is assigned to serve in acourt pursuant to Section 68543.5. History Added Stats 2012 ch 296 § 15 (AB 340), effective January 1, 2013. Amended Stats 2013 ch 528 § 11 (SB 13), effective October 4, 2013 (ch 528 prevails); ch 76 § 75 (AB 383), effective January1, 2013; Stats 2014 ch 238 § 1 (AB 2476), effective January 1, 2015.Annotations Notes Amendments: Note- Amendments: 2013 Amendment: Substituted (1) "have passed" for "has passed" in the first sentence of subds (f)(l) and (f)(2); (2) "or firefighter hired to perform a function or functions regularly performed by a public safety officer or firefighter" for "of firefighter" in subd (f)( 4); and (3) "Judges' Retirement System" for "Judges' Retirement System I" in subd (i). 15 of 55 3 July 7, 2020, Item #7 ATTACHMENT 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES Emergency Response With ATI by your side, you can count on complete restoration, remediation, and reconstruction services, available 24/7. No matter the size of the job, we're here to help. From minor water leaks affecting a single room to catastrophic losses requiring environmental remediation, demolition and complete reconstruction of commercial structures, we are here to help. Recently, ATI worked on a $35 million project for a world-leading electronic measurement company that experienced a loss due to a wildfire. As a family-owned company, we have an engaged executive team committed to delivering responsive customer service without layers of bureaucracy, and all of the resources of a large enterprise. This gives our clients the best of both worlds in their time of need. Through our 24-hour emergency response services we perform duties such as: Immediate response to fire and water damage, smoke damage, debris removal, board-ups, roof covers and water extraction On-location cleaning, pack-outs for off-site cleaning and storage, document restoration and preservation and electronics restoration •Mold removal, asbestos removal, lead abatement and biohazard cleanup •Minor repairs, complete demolition and rebuilding, in-house cabinet and finish work 16 of 55 Statement of Qualifications For Disaster Recovery and Restoration Services 5 July 7, 2020, Item #7 I I II ATTACHMENT 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES Water Damage Restoration Water is responsible for more interior property damage than any other substance. As such, it is critical to addre� water damage and its effects right away. ATI has the experts to get your home, business or facilities back to prime condition. ATI has over two decades of experience in handling wate restoration projects. We are experienced in restoring property due to damage caused by water of all levels of contamination, including clean, gray and black water. By applying the science of drying and using the latest technologies, techniques and equipment, we minimize drying times and ensure a safe and effective approach tc property restoration. This means our clients can get bad to their normal day-to-day routines as soon as possible. Drying Process Upon receiving your call, we quickly dispatch a crew to assess the amount of water damage in the loss location and the number of rooms and/or floors affected. We review the scope of restoration work with you in detail, determine a plan and then immediately get to work. Our end-to-end process for water-related incidents involves the following steps: (Inspect) An ATI emergency service team will typically arrive to the loss site to perform an initial inspection. During the initial inspection, we will identify any potential safety hazards to ensure a safe working environment. We will verify that the source of water damage has been contained or eliminated. (If not, we can work with you to stop water migration throughout the structure.) We will document the inspection and determine the category of water to help determine our restoration approach. After the initial visit, we will prepare an estimate and submit this for your review. Any work performed prior to the submittal of an estimate will be approved ahead of time by an authorized customer representative. (Extract) Until water is removed, it will continue to damage the building's structure and contents. So, our goal is to promptly extract standing water from all floor coverings including carpet, wood flooring, tile and vinyl. Our technicians will determine if the pad and floor coverings can be dried out in place or if they must be removed. July 7, 2020, Item #7 ATTACHMENT 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES ( Detect) ATI technicians specially trained in thermal imaging documentation will conduct a moisture survey of the affected areas using a thermal imaging camera and hygrometers to identify the damage quickly and accurately. Thermal imaging is an inspection and diagnostic tool that allows the certified operator to scan a water-damaged area without any type of property destruction. We will use moisture detection tools to monitor damaged materials including drywall/plaster, trim work and cabinets. Our technicians will follow the flow of the water trail to identify all damages, including inspecting the basement and/or crawlspaces, when applicable. (Dry) Based on the data collected from our detection phase, we will develop a customized drying plan, which will outline the amount and type of drying equipment needed. Typically, we install a combination of drying fans, dehumidifiers and negative air machines. We will examine many factors such as when the loss occurred, weather, how wet the building materials are, and the size of the affected areas to determine the best drying strategy and how much equipment is required. Our drying plan may also include containment structures, ventilation systems and containment area signage, if required. Depending upon the damage, we may conduct in-place drying or transport contents to our facilities. (Monitor) During the drying process, conditions often change so ongoing site inspections are critical to an effective water restoration job. Our expertly trained drying technicians will regularly check and record psychrometric data and, based on their findings, will manipulate, add or remove drying equipment if necessary to meet changing conditions. ATI technicians maintain drying logs for each job with detailed moisture measurements, temperature and humidity tracking, as well as the moisture content of structural materials. ATl's moisture mapping provides a comprehensive record of the recovery and informs our drying technicians on how best to proceed. Additionally, with remote monitoring technology, we can cut back on some on-site monitoring. Drying Location To minimize costs and business interruption, we make every attempt to clean and restore water-damaged property on-site, using the same equipment and techniques employed at our restoration facilities. In some cases, document and media restoration can be handled on-site. However, under most circumstances, moving these items to a secure ATI document recovery center is recommended. Pack-Out Approach When off-site cleaning and restoration is necessary, we offer a comprehensive pack-out program, including detailed documentation of all items, careful packing and transportation to our custom storage facility and the proper disposal of damaged materials beyond repair. Our state-of-the-art recovery centers meet all guidelines for commercial records management and our advanced inventory system provides a clear chain of custody throughout the recovery process, ensuring security of confidential information and a retrieval system that can locate your assets at any time. 18 of 55 Statement of Qualifications For Disaster Recovery and Restoration Services 7 July 7, 2020, Item #7 ATTACHMENT 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES Document Restoration Our professionals are trained and certified to work on water-damaged documents, x-rays, books, photos, archival materials and more. We can handle document projects of all sizes using advanced diagnostic, retrieval, duplication and restoration techniques. We use freeze-drying, air-drying and desiccant dehumidifying techniques that are aligned to industry standards. We also offer specialized services such as hand-dry cleaning and freeze-drying. Our secure, climate-controlled recovery centers have customized drying rooms and electronic deodorization ozone rooms. Multiple freeze-drying chambers allow us to extract water vapors from books and manuscripts, maps, business equipment, photos and historical/collectable items. Categories of Water Damage Categorizing the contamination level of water in a damaged structure helps us establish an effective drying strategy. Water contamination levels are grouped into three general categories: Clean Water Clean water that originated from a source that does not pose substantial harm to humans. Examples include: broken water supply lines, melting ice or snow, falling rainwater, broken toilet tanks, etc. Clean water may become dirty with time as it dissolves or mixes with soils and other contaminants. 19 of 55 Gray Water Gray water contains a significant level of contamination and has the potential to cause discomfort or sickness if consumed by or exposed to humans. Gray water may contain chemicals, bio-contaminants (fungal, bacterial, viral, algae), or other contaminants. Examples include: discharge from dishwashers, overflows from washing machines, seepage due to hydrostatic pressure, etc. Gray water that remains untreated for longer than 48 hours may escalate to Category 3. Statement of Qualifications For Disaster Recovery and Restoration Services 8 July 7, 2020, Item #7 SCOPE OF iERVICES Mold Remediation When moisture remains undetected, mold occurs, causing severe damage and health concerns. It is critical to take care of mold and mildew damage early before it overtakes your entire home, apartment complex or business. We are experts in mold remediation and offer safe, effective solutions for mold damage caused by water losses, natural disasters and construction effects. ATl's goal is to reasonably eliminate mold contamination to prevent and/or control human exposure and damage to building materials and furnishings. We follow the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Certification (IICRC) S500 -Water Damage Restoration and S520 -Mold Remediation standards when developing our approach for handling microbial-related jobs. In 2017, ATI completed 2,138 microbial jobs. We offer comprehensive mold removal and remediation services including: Initial inspection and testing Development of work scope •Containment set-up, management and tear-down Mold removal and discarding of total loss items•Mold remediation and removal of contaminated building materials•Detailed cleaning and decontamination of structures and contents HVAC cleaning and decontamination•HEPA vacuuming Air scrubbing•Duct cleaning Moisture control•Sanding and physical removal of mold growth from the building envelope Installation and maintenance of HEPA equipment•Negative pressure contaminant monitoring Work Plan ATI devises a site specific Work Plan of the procedures to be used in the mold abatement operation. These procedures are dependent upon the complexity of the removal project. When developing the Work Plan, ATI considers critical details such as the location and layout of the decontamination areas, sequencing of the removal work, interface of trades involved in the work, methods used to assure the safety of ATl's employees, building occupants and visitors to the site, disposal plan, and methods employed to control contamination. 20 of 55 g Statement of Qualifications For Disaster Recovery and Restoration Services July 7, 2020, Item #7 • • • ATTACHMENT 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES ATl's approach to mold remediation includes the following phases: •Remediation Preparation: Conduct initial site assessment to survey and document existing conditions and prepare estimate. •Work Area Isolation: Remove furnishings and contents, post Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) warning signs, construct enclosure if appropriate, deactivate HVAC system, seal off adjacent areas and establish work area ventilation system using a HEPA air filter. •Employee Protection: Ensure that all assigned personnel is appropriately trained in mold remediation and related safety topics, construct personnel decontamination chamber(s) and require ATI personnel to wear at a minimum, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) approved half­ face air purifying respirators with a combination HEPA and either an organic vapor, sodium hypochlorite, or acid gas filter cartridges (as recommended by the antimicrobial chemicals manufacturer). •Cleaning of Contents and Surfaces: Remove contaminated materials and maintain negative static pressure as instructed by ATl's Work Plan, which may include removing drywall and insulation and detail cleaning the wall/ceiling cavity by sanding (wood surfaces) and/or wet wiping with a suitable anti­ microbial agent and HEPA vacuuming all accessible non-porous surfaces. •Clearance Inspection: Complete checklist, perform a thorough visual inspection and facilitate surface and air sampling, which is typically conducted by an independent qualified environmental consultant. •Waste Disposal: Place all contaminated mold waste-including contaminated materials, disposable personal protective equipment (PPE) and filters-into clear, plastic bags (minimum 6 mil) and dispose as general construction waste using a bag-out chamber. •Close-out Reporting: Provide close-out reporting documentation and distribute customer surveys. Antimicrobial Safety and Training Maintaining a safe working environment for our crews, the facility owner, and occupants living or working in the affected area is our top priority. We are committed to performing every mold removal and remediation job by safeguarding the environment in which we are working and by using the industry's most efficient methods and equipment to protect our customers and employees. We also follow all local, state, federal, OSHA and United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines when performing mold removal and remediation procedures. To further ensure a safe and effective environmental remediation, our crews are rigorously trained in mold removal procedures by the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA), IICRC, Restoration Industry Association (RIA), and our in-house trainers. In addition, all of our operations managers, project managers, project directors, and regional managers hold Certified Mold Remediation (CMR) certifications. 21 of 55 Statement of Qualifications For Disaster Recovery and Restoration Services 10 July 7, 2020, Item #7 Asbestos and Lead Abatement Founded in 1989, ATI began as an asbestos abatement service provider, then grew its portfolio to provide lead abatement and other types of environmental services. With decades of experience supporting abatement projects, ATI has the capabilities and credentials necessary for safe removal of asbestos and lead found within a wide range of buildings and facilities. ATI is a national leader in providing asbestos removal services and is ranked among the top asbestos abatement contractors in the country by Engineering News-Record. In 2017, ATI completed approximately 2,700 asbestos/lead remediation jobs. When is Removal Work Necessary? Although typically found in structures that were built prior to the early 1980s, asbestos debris removal is necessary wherever it is found due to its toxicity. Asbestos is often discovered when the material containing the substance is disturbed. This may happen during a renovation, remodeling job, demolition or after a natural disaster. Once the contaminated material is disturbed, asbestos removal is recommended to prevent any potential health threats to the building occupants. Lead abatement projects may be ordered by a state or local government or may be undertaken voluntarily to protect the health of facility occupants, including children. Environmental Abatement Approach We offer comprehensive asbestos and lead removal services ranging from initial investigation and recommendation through project completion. For each job, we: •Prepare a project proposal and budget •Execute a thorough site investigation for evidence of asbestos and/or lead •Retrieve and analyze samples Submit recommendations and finalize a work schedule Remove asbestos-containing materials and/or lead using industry approved techniques •Track and compile asbestos and/or lead waste manifests Prepare and submit a final report detailing project activities and result 22 of 55Statement of Qualifications For Disaster Recovery and Restoration Services 11 July 7, 2020, Item #7 ATTACHMENT 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES Asbestos Abatement Process Overview The following process describes how we typically manage an asbestos abatement project. ( Pre-Work Preparation) Proper preparation of the work area before an asbestos abatement project begins helps to contain fibers that are released within the work area. Pre-work activities include, but are not limited to the following: •Conduct Walkthrough Survey: Before work commences, ATl's project director will conduct a walkthrough survey to inventory and photograph existing damages. We will create a photo catalog of the abatement project to document pre-job conditions. •Hold Pre-Job Briefing: All asbestos removal jobs have different problems and each require different solutions. ATI supervisors will provide a briefing to workers detailing the special conditions they will encounter on that job. The scope of work and nature of the abatement project will be based upon the results of the survey reports and/or asbestos removal specifications. •Post Warning Signs: ATI will place OSHA warning signs at each entrance to the work area. Signs will conform to regulatory standards and inform the reader that breathing asbestos dust may cause serious bodily harm. •Secure Electrical System: ATI will de-energize the electrical supply to the work area to eliminate the potential for a shock hazard. The crew will make provisions for supplying the work area with electricity from outside the work area. The source will be equipped with a ground fault interrupt system. •Shut Down HVAC System: The HVAC system supplying the work area must be shut down and isolated to prevent entrainment of asbestos dust throughout the facility. All vents and air ducts inside the work area will be covered and sealed with two layers of 6 mil polyethylene and duct tape. •Seal Remaining Items with Polyethylene: Items not being removed from the work area, will be wet-wiped or HEPA vacuumed and wrapped in place with 6 mil polyethylene and sealed with duct tape. ATI will also seal windows, flooring and walls to contain the work area. •Set-Up Work Area Ventilation System: Negative air filtration units will be set up within the containment and exhausted directly to the outside of the facility to filter the air and create a pressure differential between the containment and the outside area. At a minimum, the units will supply one air change every 15 minutes. •Establish Decontamination Unit: The decontamination unit is designed to allow passage to and from the work area during removal operations. A typical unit consists of a clean room, a shower room, and an equipment room separated by airlocks. ( Asbestos Removal) Before beginning the asbestos removal, the work area, including the floors and walls, will be sealed off using polyethylene. The decontamination unit and negative air filtration units will be in place, and the scaffolding, ladders and other small equipment will be brought into the work area. 23 of 55 Statement of Qualifications For Disaster Recovery and Restoration Services 12 July 7, 2020, Item #7 ATTACHMENT 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES Gross Removal All asbestos material will be removed utilizing wet methods, as mandated by the EPA. Material will be wetted utilizing an amended water solution, removed from the substrate in manageable sections and placed into properly labeled 6-mil polyethylene bags. Once the bags are filled, they will be closed, rinsed and double bagged for removal from the work area. The process will include removing friable materials from ceilings and asbestos-containing Thermal System Insulation (TSI) from pipes, boilers and tanks. We may use glovebags for removing pipe insulation, which can be sealed around sections of pipe to form mini-containment areas. Detailed Cleaning After gross removal has taken place, the crew will perform detailed cleaning using hand-brushes. This will aid in getting to fibers that may have become lodged in grooves or crevices in the substrate surface. The crew will wet the substrate while brushing since the chance of airborne fiber generation is still present. Once brushing has been completed, the crew will perform a final wipe down of the substrate with wet, lint-free rags to ensure that all loose fibers have been eliminated. ( Inspections, Cleanup and Closing out Project) ATI will complete the following steps to ensure that the abatement work has successfully been completed to our client's satisfaction, and that we remain in compliance to all applicable regulations and industry standards. Visual Inspection and Encapsulation Following the detailed cleaning, the ATI project supervisor and the independent industrial hygienist will perform a visual inspection to look for any residual contamination. After approval, the crew will spray its surfaces with a liquid encapsulant to effectively control the future release of airborne fibers. Sprayback or Reinsulation The next step is often to reapply an adequate substitute for the asbestos-containing material that was originally present. In most cases, the original asbestos-containing material was probably used as fireproofing, thermal system insulation, condensation control, or acoustical insulation. Therefore, it is imperative that the substitute material (sprayback) be capable of the same functions and have similar functional properties to the original asbestos-containing material. This material will be chosen during the planning stage of the project. Final Clearance and Cleanup When applicable, we will arrange for an independent industrial hygienist to conduct a final clearance air sample. When the air sampling results indicate that airborne fiber concentration meets the criteria for clearance, the polyethylene will be removed from vents, stationary objects, etc. and the critical barriers will be removed. Transportation and Disposal All asbestos materials removed from the site will be bagged and properly labeled prior to being placed into a sealed disposal bin. A licensed and certified hazardous waste hauler will remove the asbestos-containing material from the site and place into an EPA-approved landfill. Repairs/Reconstruction As a licensed, bonded and fully insured general contractor, we offer comprehensive reconstruction services to restore commercial and industrial structures back to pre-loss condition after remediation work is complete, if required. 24 of 55 Statement of Qualifications For Disaster Recovery and Restoration Services 13 July 7, 2020, Item #7 ATTACHMENT 1 Close-out Reporting and Documentation ATI will provide close-out reporting documentation as agreed upon by our client. We can submit photographic documentation of the work before and after the abatement project. ATI also prepares daily logs of both worker and engineering activities, which can be made available to our client, upon request. Safety and Compliance ATl's environmental experts follow strict protocols that comply with local, state and federal regulations, including those administered by the EPA and OSHA. All ATI employees must pass annual medical examinations and the highest level of training related to asbestos and lead abatement equipment and safety. Asbestos and lead removal projects are supervised by competent persons trained by EPA and/or state accredited training providers. We maintain written Standard Operating Procedures for each environmental discipline that we support, including asbestos and lead abatement to drive compliance to standards. When required, we facilitate sample testing before and after abatement work by independent industrial hygienist firms. We also notify national, state and local environmental oversight agencies of our work when required and maintain in good standing with certification bodies. During the abatement, we keep all required documentation on the job site, including but not limited to proof of training, respirator fit testing, and physical evaluations. ( Employee Protection) During abatement activities, workers utilize half-face HEPA/PAPR protection. Higher levels of protection are utilized if necessary, based upon sampling levels. Additionally, all personnel on-site will be required to wear proper protective clothing, including hooded Tyvek suits, gloves and boots. 25 of 55 Statement of Qualifications For Disaster Recovery and Restoration Services SCOPE OF SERVICES \ 14 July 7, 2020, Item #7 toNTAINS c.~VOID ~VO.°o1' AND LUNG ~INGAI ~lm)S, NA zR'.!\ -~..c-- ~- ATTACHMENT 1 Fire and Smoke Damage Restoration Fire losses must be handled with special care since many types of materials can fuel a fire. Large amounts of water are required to extinguish the blaze, thus introducing risks of corrosion, mold, and mildew growth. ATI has the trained personnel and equipment to handle all aspects of fire damage, large or small. We understand the complexities of fire remediation and understand that materials, equipment and techniques can ·often vary substantially with each job. Our restoration professionals are well versed in the recognition of environmental and health issues that may arise from fire residue, heat and moisture, which may impact our work plans. Our fire and smoke damage restoration can encompass some or all of these services: Emergency services Stabilization Board-ups and temporary repairs Structural repairs Debris removal Wet cleaning and dry soot removal HVAC cleaning/decontamination On-location and off-site cleaning Immediate Response Thorough pack-out, pack-in Complete contents recovery Building restoration and drying Electronics restoration Deodorization Demolition Reconstruction When a fire occurs, ensuring the safety of your property is our most immediate concern. Within hours of notification, ATl's emergency response team will be on-site to secure your business or home so that the structure and its contents are left in place for the insurance company's inspection. We will first board up any building openings, such as entry doors, garage doors, and windows that were damaged either by the fire department or the fire itself. Next, we will tarp the roof to ensure that secondary damage does not occur in case of rain, wind or snow. Then, we will properly secure the property to prevent vandalism and theft. Debris Removal Once we complete a site walk to determine the extent of damage and prepare an estimate, we will begin the remediation process, which typically begins with debris removal, depending on the severity of the fire damage. We will then perform initial deodorization to gear up for the rest of the remediation project that will follow. 26 of 55 Statement of Qualifications For Disaster Recovery and Restoration Services 15 July 7, 2020, Item #7 Drying Out Water Damage ATTACHMENT 1 ATI is prepared to handle the water and moisture that lingers after a fire is put out. Depending on the condition of the property damage, and if it is safe to do so, a thorough dry down of the area will be initiated for mold prevention. This step will halt mildew growth and prepare for the next step of the fire damage restoration. Deodorization and Cleaning Most buildings and their contents that endure fire damage show evidence of severe soot fallout and contamination, as well as a lingering odor that must be treated professionally. Extensive cleaning of the facility's HVAC system, furniture, contents, walls/ceilings, floors, decorative furnishings and fixtures is necessary to avoid exposure to lingering particulate and smoke that can irritate the eyes and throat. To properly remediate these conditions, we remove odor from the area and clean the entire facility and its contents. Materials are triaged into categories of waste (which are then properly disposed), fire/smoke damaged or water/mold damaged due to the firefighting effort. Similar to our water damage service, we conduct on-site cleaning when possible and can also treat contents in our recovery centers when necessary. Our secure, climate-controlled recovery centers feature customized drying rooms, electronic deodorization ozone rooms and thermal fogging. Electronics Recovery Proper handling of electronics is critical to preventing corrosion and particulate interferences. Our trained electronics restoration personnel will carefully inspect each piece to replace parts and perform maintenance and calibration as necessary. Structural Reconstruction Services ATI is a licensed, bonded and fully insured general contractor equipped to handle full reconstruction of a burned-out building. As a crucial part of almost every recovery process, reconstruction is included under our umbrella of services. Our regional in­ house cabinet shops handle all cabinetry and millwork jobs with skill and craftsmanship, and ou2fof§5 of in-house carpenters assist with installation and on-site finish work. July 7, 2020, Item #7 Catastrophe Response When catastrophe strikes-whether in the form of a sudden force of nature or devastating manmade event-ATI is available to assist our clients. ATI has been called to the scene of some of the largest catastrophes in recorded history, performing disaster recovery services on thousands of projects. We have experience supporting customers who have endured property damage due to major hurricanes, floods and fires, etc. Recent Projects Involving Catastrophic Losses 2018 2017 2016 2015 California wine country fires Colorado hail storms, Hurricane Irma, Hurricane Harvey, Santa Barbara, California flooding Hurricane Matthew, Hurricane Hermine, southern region flooding, Texas hail storms and Mountain State monsoons Southern region flooding, Texas hail storms, Washington and California wildfires, Northwest winter storms and the Mountain State monsoons In addition to our regional offices, we maintain forty-foot semi-trailers loaded with catastrophe supplies and equipment at strategic locations across the country. Before dangerous weather, or whenever required, ATI will dispatch our elite Catastrophe Response Team (CAT Team) and determine where to stage the equipment trailers to serve ATI customers requiring emergency services and restoration expertise. With catastrophe experts and trailers located strategically throughout the country, ATI is ready to launch a coordinated effort to restore your property. We will work with you to assess damage and outline project scope, including necessary emergency services and repair verses replacement options. We will adhere to environmental and safety protocols, provide thorough documentation and minimize disruptions as much as possible. Depending on the nature of the loss, we may 28 of 55 17 Statement of Qualifications For Disaster Recovery and Restoration Services July 7, 2020, Item #7 ATTACHMENT 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES construct board-ups or temporary walls for stabilization at the onset of the project. Throughout the restoration process, the CAT Team is in constant contact with insurance adjusters and clients who represent our customers' properties. Structures and contents may experience all types of damage resulting from fire, smoke, soot and water damage, as well as, microbial contamination and corrosion. ATI understands the complexities of remediation and brings the skill level and tools necessary to restore our clients' properties. Our CAT Team is well-versed in performing services such as: •Environmental Remediation -removal and disposal of hazardous waste such as asbestos, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and other hazardous materials •Demolition -assessment of damaged areas to determine what can be restored or returned to operation, then removal of charred/wet debris and structural materials •Odor Removal -deployment of new technologies and chemicals to control odors on both a short and long-term basis •HVAC Systems -cleaning, deodorization, and encapsulation of HVAC systems to reduce or eliminate the need for replacement after smoke and soot damage •Electronic Data Processing Equipment -halting of initial corrosion then chemical and physical reconditioning •Documents/Valuable Papers -hand dry and Freon cleaning of contaminated documents; freeze drying and vacuum drying wet papers •General Cleaning of Contents and Furnishings -thorough cleaning of floors, walls, ceilings, fixtures, windows, furniture, draperies, upholstery, small contents, wall hangings, files, books, etc. •Mechanical Shaft and Elevator -decontamination of interior shafts and elevator hoists •Encapsulation of Structural Surfaces -application of pigmented sealer to surfaces that cannot be cleaned or restored back to original condition to eliminate future odor problems July 7, 2020, Item #7 Biohazard Decontamination Through years of on-the-job experience and extensive training, our professionals are keenly aware of the challenges surrounding biohazard jobs. As a result, we are sensitive to the human side of biohazard work. ATl's professionally trained crews are equipped to handle a variety of jobs including, but not limited to, infectious disease decontamination, bioterrorism decontamination, crime scene cleanup, workplace accident cleanup, animal carcass/bird dropping removal and other related projects. We complete our work quickly, efficiently and safely according to industry protocols. Our project managers and technicians are trained in bio-recovery standards, trauma scene waste management, blood-borne pathogens and hazardous materials. ATI maintains a comprehensive record of biohazard certifications, licenses, safety documentation and references. Additionally, ATI is a certified firm with the American Bio-Recovery Association (ABRA). 30 of 55 Statement of Qualifications For Disaster Recovery and Re SCOPE OF SERVICES July 7, 2020, Item #7 SCOPE OF SERVICES ,. Demolition ATI provides complete or selective interior demolition services after property damage and during reconstruction. We are highly experienced in handling demolition projects after fire or water damage and during structural remodels and additions. Our experts get the job done quickly, efficiently and aim to minimize disruption to everyday life during this process. ATI performs demolition services on private homes, apartment complexes, hospitals, commercial buildings, and industrial facilities. Demolition Capabilities •Interior demolition: Selective or hand demolition methods are used when a specific area within the structure's interior must be demolished. Our demolition crews have the experience necessary to support complicated jobs and are well qualified to handle demolition projects that require working within a contained area-without disturbing surrounding materials. •Complete demolition: We provide manual or mechanical tear-downs when complete demolition of a structure is required. For smaller buildings, we use hydraulic equipment, such as elevated work platforms, cranes, bulldozers or excavators. For larger buildings, we typically use wrecking balls or excavators with rotational hydraulic shears and silenced rock-breakers. 31 of 55 Statement of Qualifications For Disaster Recovery and Restoration Services 20 July 7, 2020, Item #7 ATTACHMENT 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES Pre-Demolition Prep Work Our demolition professionals are prepared to assist in completing the critical steps that are often necessary before demolition can occur. These steps include: •Developing site-specific safety and work plans Performing asbestos abatement Obtaining required permits•Submitting necessary notifications Disconnecting utilities Baiting rodents Demolition Process Overview Once we have completed all pre-work, ATl's demolition crew will construct critical barriers and remove all building materials, which may include doors, carpets and some walls (interior and exterior). The crew will then remove items like light tubes and ballasts, light fixtures, ceiling panels, fireproofing, thermal insulation, and pipes. Finally, the crew begins the full demolition according to the project plan and removes waste during and after the demolition. For hazardous demolition, the crew will fully contain work areas using negative air pressure and don the appropriate PPE. Commitment to Safety and Technical Expertise We take time to determine the best protocol and engage our safety department to analyze the plan and scope of work before we begin the demolition. ATI employs in-house operators who are trained to use different types of equipment to take down any building. We require all field workers to complete the necessary safety and operations training to create a safe working environment. All of our demolition workers are trained on safety topics including fall protection, electrical safety, hearing conservation and more. Before doing any demolition work, we select, inspect, wear and use the PPE that is suitable for the demolition project. July 7, 2020, Item #7 Reconstruction As a licensed, bonded and fully insured general contractor, we offer comprehensive reconstruction services to restore structures back to pre-loss condition. ATI reconstruction projects typically follow emergency-type situations (i.e. fires, water leaks, natural disasters, etc.) or environmental remediation work. As such, our reconstruction service offering enables us to manage our client's loss through its entire lifecycle, from initial response all the way through project completion. With every job, ATI assigns a project director and project manager to oversee each reconstruction and serve as points of contact from start to finish. Once the project director prepares a cost estimate and the client signs a contract detailing scope of work and budget, our reconstruction crew gets to work. The entire crew works hard to ensure reconstruction jobs are completed on time, within budget and with all necessary documentation. Our project directors are trained to manage and monitor most trades involved in reconstruction jobs, including, but not limited to: Concrete Roofing Framing Asphalt Plaster Flooring Countertops Millwork Hardware Cabinets Plumbing Fire systems Doors Painting HVAC In stallati on/finish 33 of 55 Statement of Qualifications For Disaster Recovery and Restoration Services 22 July 7, 2020, Item #7 ATTACHMENT 1 Equipment List ATI owns equipment that enables us to perform emergency services and reconstruction work. To date, we own over 18,000 pieces of equipment nationwide, with plans for additional purchases. We regularly update equipment inventories with the latest technology and have purchasing agreements in place with our suppliers to ensure a steady supply of equipment, whenever needed. Due to our large footprint, we have established pre-negotiated pricing on equipment to control costs. July 7, 2020, Item #7 ATTACHMENT 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES All Current Equipment Breakdown The following pieces of equipment are available at each of our offices: Type Qty Type Qty Air compressor-various sizes 35 Manometer 49 Air hammer 3 Micromanmeter 1 Air movers-various types 6339 Negative air machine-various sizes 2210 Air wolf floor drying system 3 Ozone machine-various sizes 77 Airless sprayers-various sizes 45 Particle counter 2 Chipping hammer-various sizes 3 Poi cart 6 Circular saw 1 Portable air conditioner-various sizes 64 Cold jet blaster-various sizes 4 Portable shower 16 Cut-off saw various sizes 3 Power brush-various sizes 5 Dehumidifiers-various sizes 2650 Power distribution box-various sizes 3 Demo cart small 2 Pressure washer-various sizes 57 Desiccant dehumidifiers-various sizes 28 Propane heater-small 3 Dri-Eaz cavity drying system 2 Protimeter 3 Duct cleaner-various sizes 2 Rotary hammer 1 Electric generator-various sizes 23 Sand blaster-regular 1 Electric heater 5 Soda blaster 1 Electric jack hammer 2 Spider box 285 Electric thermal exchanger 17 Steam cleaner 2 Electronic 50amp heater 6 Sub pump-regular 3 Film cutter 16" 1 Texture sprayer 1 Floor buffer 55 Thermal camera 1 Floor fan-various sizes 15 Thermal fogger 16 Flow hood 1 Tower fan 6 Generator-various sizes 54 Ulpa vac high tech/clean room 1 Halogen light wobble lamp 2 Upright vacuum 16 HEPA vacuum-various sizes 824 Uvdi light-various sizes 4 HVC collector-various sizes 14 Vapor tech-various sizes 46 Hydroxyl odor processer 150 Shop vacuum 1 Ice blaster 1 Water filtration system 5 Infrared camara-various types 2 Water heater 5 lnjectidry wood floor drying system 17 Water pump-various sizes 41 Inspection scope 1 Water/carpet extractor-various sizes 172 Jack hammer 2 Wheelbarrow cement mixer 1 Control cube mobile containment 6 35 of 55 Statement of Qualifications For Disaster Recovery and Restoration Services 30 July 7, 2020, Item #7 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF RATES Schedule A Labor All Divisions · Page 1 of 4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT CLASS I Fl CATION HEALTH & SAFETY OFFICER PROJECT DIRECTOR PROJECT DIRECTOR, SENIOR PROJECT DIRECTOR, EXECUTIVE PROJECT ESTIMATOR PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER, LARGE LOSS SERVICE LABOR CLASS I Fl CATION GENERAL LABORER SUPERVISOR, BIOHAZARD SUPERINTENDENT, LARGE LOSS SUPERVISOR, HEALTHCARE/ENVIRO SUPERVISOR, IT SUPERVISOR, RESTORATION SUPERVISOR, TECHNICAL SKILLED TECHNICIAN, BIOHAZARD SKILLED TECHNICIAN, ELECTRONICS/EQUIPMENT SKILLED TECHNICIAN, HEALTHCARE/ENVIRO SKILLED TECHNICIAN, IT SKILLED TECHNICIAN, RESTORATION SKILLED TECHNICIAN, RESTORATION, LEADER SKILLED TECHNICIAN, TECHNICAL SERVICES THERMOGRAPHER /DRYING / MOISTURE MAPPING ENGINEER, IT TRADE LABOR CLASSIFICATION CABINET MAKER CARPENTER CEMENT MASON/FINISHER DRYWALLER ELECTRICIAN EQUIPMENT OPERATOR FENCING ERECTOR FLOORING INSTALLER HVAC MECHANIC 36 of 55 �ATI DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES HOURLY RATE $80 $110 $131 $151 $100 $95 $125 HOURLY RATE $40 $140 $101 $75 $251 $60 $110 $110 $136 $65 $167 $54 $59 $85 $63 $261 HOURLY RATE $97 $70 $100 $88 $125 $107 $80 $85 $150 ATI TIME & MATERIALS VERSION 2020-04-10 I 2 � � July 7, 2020, Item #7 , . • • • • ~' I r ti ' j Schedule A Labor All Divisions · Page 2 of 4 TRADE LABOR CLASSIFICATION INSULATION INSTALLER PAINTER/WALL COVERING PLASTERER PLUMBER ROOFER SKILLED GENERAL LABORER SKILLED TECHNICIAN -DEMOLITION STEEL FABRICATOR TILE SETTER WOOD FLOORING INSTALLER ADMINISTRATIVE/EXECUTIVE CLASSIFICATION ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT RESOURCE COORDINATOR WAREHOUSE LO GISTICS MANAGER EXECUTIVE MANAGER CONSULTING CLASSIFICATION VP -VICE PRESIDENT, CONSULTING D -DIRECTOR, CONSULTING S1 -SENIOR CONSULTANT 1 S2 -SENIOR CONSULTANT 2 S3 -SENIOR CONSULTANT 3 CLERK/TECHNICIAN 37 of 55 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF RATES �ATI DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES HOURLY RATE $90 $75 $120 $145 $130 $47 $69 $94 $85 $90 HOURLY RATE $40 $45 $75 $251 HOURLY RATE $215 $195 $175 $165 $155 $110 ATI TIME & MATERIALS VERSION 2020-04-10 I 3 � � July 7, 2020, Item #7 _ ~ < I 7 I 1 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF RATES Schedule A Labor �ATI DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES All Divisions · Page 3 of 4 CODE DESCRIPTION CATASTROPHE FOR ALL CATASTROPHE JOBS, ATI WILL CHARGE A FEE TOTALING 5% OF THE TOTAL INVOICE. THIS FEE WILL ASSIST IN COVERING CORPORATE OVERSIGHT, MANAGEMENT, INCLUDING: LARGE LOSS/CAT MANAGEMENT, ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT, WAREHOUSING, ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND RECEIVABLE, LEGAL FEES, THE LOGISTICS OF REROUTING VITAL COMPANY RESOURCES, AND INCREASED LABOR RATES FOR TRAVELING STAFF. A CATASTROPHE IS DEFINED AS FOLLOWS: -ANY LOCAL, REGIONAL, OR NATIONAL STATE OF EMERGENCY-ANY DISASTER RESULTING IN A RESPONSE FROM FEMA -ANY JOB FOR WHICH ATI DEPLOYS THEIR CATASTROPHE TEAM -ANY NON-CONSTRUCTION LEAD EXCEEDING ONE MILLION DOLLARS IN VALUE CONSTRUCTION T&M FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION TIME AND MATERIAL PROJECTS, A 20% OVERHEAD JOBS FACTOR, PLUS A 10% PROFIT FACTOR WILL BE APPLIED TO THE ENTIRE ESTIMATE,INCLUDING: LABOR, MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, SUBCONTRACTORS/VENDORS, EXPENSES, AND PER DIEM. COSTS PLUS 20% PLUS SUBCONTRACTORS, VENDORS, TRAVEL, LODGING, FREIGHT, TRANSPORTATION, 10%TAXES, PERMITS AND ALL OTHER COSTS WILL BE INVOICED AT COST PLUS 20% OVERHEAD, PLUS 10% PROFIT. EMERGENCY FEE ALL JOBS PERFORMED AFTER NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS WILL BE CHARGED AN EMERGENCY SERVICE FEE OF $250.00. NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS ARE MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 8:00 AM TO 5:00 PM. HOLIDAYS ATI STAFF WORKING HOLIDAYS WILL BE PAID DOUBLE TIME. ATI RECOGNIZES THE FOLLOWING NATIONAL HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S EVE, NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS EVE, AND CHRISTMAS DAY. FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT WORK MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL PAID HOLIDAYS WHICH WILL ALSO BE PAID AND CHARGED DOUBLETIME. INSURED'S EMPLOYEES ATI WILL Cf-:IARGE $3.50 PER PERSON PER HOUR OF SUPERVISION OF INSURED'SEMPLOYEES. LABOR CLASSIFICATION ALL OUTSIDE LABOR FOR THE SCOPE OF THE PROJECT WILL BE BILLED ACCORDING TO THE LABOR CLASSIFICATION AND HOURLY RATES PUBLISHED IN THIS DOCUMENT PLUS ALL APPLICABLE FEES SUCH AS PER DIEM, SMALL TOOLS, VEHICLES, LODGING, ETC. FOR OUTSIDE LABOR PROVIDED OUTSIDE OF THE RATES PUBLISHED IN THIS DOCUMENT, INVOICES FOR LABOR WILL BE SUBJECT TO A 20%OVERHEAD, PLUS A 10% PROFIT MARK-UP. OVERTIME ATI PAYS ITS EMPLOYEES IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE OVERTIME LAWS. IN ALASKA, CALIFORNIA, NEVADA, PUERTO RICO, AND THE VIRGIN ISLANDS, OVER- TIME IS EARNED AFTER 8 HOURS OF WORK IN A SINGLE DAY. IN CALIFORNIA, DOU- BLETIME IS EARNED AFTER 12 HOURS IN A SINGLE WORKDAY AND AFTER 8 HOURSON SUNDAY. IN COLORADO, OVERTIME IS EARNED AFTER 12 HOURS OF WORK IN A SINGLE DAY. IN ALL OTHER STATES, AN EMPLOYEE BEGINS TO EARN OVERTIME AFTER COMPLETING 40 HOURS OF WORK IN A MONDAY THROUGH RIDAY WEEK. IN ALL STATES, ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ARE CONSIDERED OVERTIME. ADDITIONALLY, ALL HOURS WORKED ARE CUMULATIVEOVER ALL JOBS. HOURS ARE BILLED TO JOBS ACCORDING TO THE EMPLOYEE'S OVERTIME ELIGIBILITY WHEN THE HOURS ARE WORKED BY THE EMPLOYEE. THESE OVERTIME BILLING RATES SHALL APPLY REGARDLESS OF HOW MANY HOURS THE EMPLOYEE HAS SPENT ON THE RELEVANT PROJECT. EXAMPLE: IF A TECH WORKS 30 HOURS ON ONE JOB AND WORKS 20 HOURS ON THE NEXT JOB, THAT SECOND JOB WILL BE BILLED FOR 10 REGULAR HOURS AND 10 OVERTIME HOURS. 38 of 55 ATI TIME & MATERIALS VERSION 2020-04-10 I 4 � � July 7, 2020, Item #7 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF RATES Schedule A Labor �ATI DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES All Divisions · Page 4 of 4 CODE DESCRIPTION TRAVEL PER DIEM FOR PROJECTS INVOLVING TRAVEL AND/OR OVERNIGHT STAYS, ATI PROVIDES PERDIEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE U.S. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION'S PUBLISHED PER DIEM RATES. THESE RATES CAN BE FOUND AT HTTPS://WWW.GSA.GOVLTRAVELLPLAN-BOOKLPER-DIEM-RATES. PER DIEM RATES ARE SUBJECT TO A 20% OVERHEAD FACTOR PLUS A 10% PROFIT FACTOR. PREMIUM WAGES WHEN WORKING IN AND AROUND HIGH COST-OF-LIVING AREAS SUCH AS WASHINGTON DC, NEW YORK, ALASKA, HAWAII, AND INTERNATIONALLY, A 25% PREMIUM WILL BE APPLIED TO ALL LABOR RATES IN ORDER TO ACCOUNT FOR INCREASED COSTS. THIS PREMIUM IS THE MINIMUM AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.ANY MODIFICATIONS TO THE MULTIPLIER WILL BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING ANDWILL BECOME PART OF THIS AGREEMENT. PREVAILING WAGE & WORK PERFORMED UNDER A CONTRACT SUBJECT TO FEDERAL AND STATE WAGEUNION AND HOURS LAWS, PREVAILING WAGES, AND/OR COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS MAY REQUIRE NEGOTIATED CHANGES TO THE ABOVE RATES. AS PREVAILING WAGES VARY BY JURISDICTION, SUCH RATES WILL BE PROVIDED ON A CASE-BY-CASE BASIS. GENERALLY, OUR PREVAILING WAGE RATES WILL BE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING FORMULAS: IN-HOUSE STAFF= [BASE RATE+ FRINGE RATE] X 1.94OUTSIDE STAFF= [BASE RATE+ FRINGE RATE] X 2.32 STANDARD RATE STANDARD RATES ARE RATES THAT APPLY TO WORK PERFORMED WITHIN STANDARD BUSINESS HOURS: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY FORNON-GOVERNMENT ENTITIES. OUR RATES FOR LABOR, MATERIALS, AND EQUIPMENT DO NOT INCLUDE THE COSTS OF LOCAL AND STATE TAXES, LICENSING, OR PERMIT FEES. STAND-BY A MINIMUM STAND-BY CHARGE OF 4 HOURS PER EMPLOYEE WILL BE BILLED. TRAVEL TIME THE HOURLY SCHEDULED LABOR RATES ARE BILLED PORTAL TO PORTAL [I.E. OFFICE TO JOBSITE OR JOBSITE TO JOBSITE] FOR ATI EMPLOYEES, VENDORS,AND SUBCONTRACTORS. WORK WEEK THE WORK WEEK WILL BEGIN ON MONDAY AND END ON SUNDAY. 39 of 55 ATI TIME & MATERIALS VERSION 2020-04-10 I 5 � � July 7, 2020, Item #7 ----------------------- Schedule B Materials All Divisions · Page 1 of 9 DESCRIPTION ABSORBANT BEAD/QUICK SORB ABSORBANT PAD ABSORBANT PAD HEAVY DUTY ABSORBANT SAFETY SPILL KIT ADHESIVE SPRAY AIR BLAST NOZZLE AIR CASSETTES 37MM LEAD AIR CASSETTES ASBESTOS AIR NEUTRALIZER AIR WHIP MULTI-WHIP ALCOHOL ISOPROPYL ANABEC BAG HEPA VAC 12GL BAG HEPA VAC 2.5 GL BAG HEPA VAC 5GL BAGS 2MIL 30 X 40 CLEAR BAGS 3MIL 30 X 40 CLEAR BAGS 3MIL BLACK GARBAGE BAGS 6MIL 30 X 40 "A" BAGS 6MIL 30 X 40 "NON-HAZ" BAGS 6MIL 30 X 40 CLEAR BAGS 6MIL 33 X 50 CLEAR BAGS BIOHAZARD 33 GL BIOHAZARD 14 GALLON CAN BIOHAZARD 6 GALLON CAN BLADES 2" HYDE CARBIDE 2 EDGE BLADES 2" TILE BAR BLADES 3.5"' TILE BAR BLADES 4" RAZOR SCRAPER BLADES 8" FLOOR SCRAPER BLADES CARBIDE CUTTER BLADES DIAMOND PLATE EDGER 7" BLADES KETT SAW DRYWALL BLADES KETT SAW PLASTER BLADES SAWZALL Bl METAL BLADES SAWZALL WOOD BOOTIES SHOE COVER BOOTS RUBBER BOOTS YELLOW HAZMAT DISPOSABLE 40 of 55 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF RATES �ATI CATEGORY UOM CHEMICALS BG CHEMICALS BX CHEMICALS RL PPE EA CONTAINMENTS CN HVAC EA AIR MONITORING EA AIR MONITORING EA CHEMICALS GL HVAC EA CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL DISPOSAL EA DISPOSAL EA DISPOSAL EA DISPOSAL RL DISPOSAL RL DISPOSAL BX DISPOSAL RL DISPOSAL RL DISPOSAL RL DISPOSAL RL DISPOSAL RL DISPOSAL EA DISPOSAL EA BLADES EA BLADES EA BLADES EA BLADES EA BLADES EA BLADES EA BLADES EA BLADES EA BLADES EA BLADES EA BLADES EA PPE PR PPE PR PPE PR DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES RATE $21 $64 $130 $93 $10 $150 $3 $2 $25 $195 $145 $58 $8 $7 $7 $45 $51 $30 $96 $94 $94 $124 $79 $180 $150 $17 $19 $22 $1 $2 $30 $90 $30 $110 $4 $5 $1 $45 $15 ATI TIME & MATERIALS VERSION 2020-04-10 I 6 � � July 7, 2020, Item #7 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF RATES Schedule B Materials All Divisions · Page 2 of 9 DESCRIPTION BOX DISH BOX DOCUMENT/BANKER WITH LID BOX FREEZE DRY BOX LAMP BOX LARGE WHITE 4.5 CUBIC FOOT BOX MIRROR BOX SMALL WHITE 1.5 CUBIC FOOT BOX WARDROBE 24" BOX X-RAY BRUSH NYLON TOOTHBRUSH BRUSH SCRUB BRUSH STEEL TOOTHBRUSH BRUSH UTILITY BUBBLE WRAP ANTI STATIC SM 24 X 750 BUBBLE WRAP CUSHION PACK 48"' BUBBLE WRAP LARGE 24 X 250 1/2" BUBBLE WRAP LARGE 48 X 250 BUBBLE WRAP SMALL 24 X 750 3/16" CARPET MASK/SHIELD CLEANER BROAD SPECTRUM CLEANER BROAD SPECTRUM CLEANER CARPET EMULSIFIER CLEANER CONTACT & CIRCUIT BOARD CLEANER GERMICIDAL CLEANER GERMICIDAL CONCENTRATE 3/121 FO CLEANER GERMICIDAL CONCENTRATE 8/64 FO CLEANER GLASS CLEANER HEAVY DUTY CLEAN ER LEAD CLEANER MICRO COIL CLEANER CLEANER OVEN/GRILL CLEANER POWER COIL CLEANER CLEANER SIMPLE GREEN CLEANER WALL WASH COROPLAST SHEET CORRUGATED CARDBOARD 48" COVERALLS 2oz COVERALLS BLUE A60 COVERALLS TYVEK 41 of 55 �ATI CATEGORY UOM CONTENTS EA CONTENTS EA CONTENTS EA CONTENTS EA CONTENTS EA CONTENTS EA CONTENTS EA CONTENTS EA CONTENTS EA CLEANING EA CLEANING EA CLEANING EA CLEANING EA CONTENTS RL CONTENTS RL CONTENTS RL CONTENTS RL CONTENTS RL SURFACE PROTECTION RL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS PL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS CN CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS BTL CHEMICALS CN CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS EA CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS EA CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL SURFACE PROTECTION EA SURFACE PROTECTION RL PPE EA PPE EA PPE EA DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES RATE $11 $9 $12 $9 $8 $9 $4 $19 $20 $3 $10 $3 $8 $335 $360 $120 $185 $320 $120 $55 $195 $22 $26 $58 $15 $85 $10 $70 $40 $90 $9 $47 $45 $100 $28 $215 $7 $20 $16 ATI TIME & MATERIALS VERSION 2020-04-10 I 7 � � July 7, 2020, Item #7 Schedule B Materials All Divisions · Page 3 of 9 DESCRIPTION COVERALLS YELLOW CREAM CLEANSER DEFOAMER DEGREASER REGULAR OR WORKHORSE DEODORIZER BOTANICAL DEODORIZER MOUNTAIN AIR DEODORIZER SMOKE/ODOR DEODORIZER THERMAL FOG DEODORIZOR DUCT ODOR ELIMINATOR DESSICANT BEADS DETERGENT DISH DETERGENT LAUNDRY DISINFECTANT SHOCKWAVE DISINFECTANT 4-IN-1 12/14 OZ DISINFECTANT BOTANICAL DISINFECTANT GERMICIDAL DISINFECTANT HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 4/128 FO [COMMERCIAL] DISINFECTANT HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 9/32 FO[COMMERCIAL] DISINFECTANT PHENOL DISINFECTANT QUATERNARY DISINFECTANT SPORICIDIN DISINFECTANT SURFACE DISPOSABLE DECON DRY ICE DUCT LINER 1" 3' X 100' DUCT MASTIC ENCAPSULANT CLEAR ENCAPSULANT FUNGICIDAL ENCAPSULANT HEAVY DUTY ENCAPSULANT SMOKE/ODOR ENCAPSULANT WHITE FILTER 20 MICRON SHOWER FILTER 5 MICRON SHOWER FILTER CHARCOAL/CARBON MEDIA FILTER CUBE 24 X 24 X 15 NIKRO FILTER HAKO PROTECTOR FILTER HEPA 12 X 12 X 12 FILTER HEPA 16 X 16 X 12 42 of 55 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF RATES �ATI CATEGORY UOM PPE EA CHEMICALS CN CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS BTL CHEMICALS PAIL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS EA CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS BTL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS BTL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL CONTAINMENTS EA CHEMICALS LB HVAC RL HVAC GL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS 5GL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER FT FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES RATE $20 $20 $44 $16 $80 $45 $120 $160 $45 $125 $52 $75 $100 $16 $100 $85 $89 $12 $70 $100 $75 $170 $435 $7 $625 $52 $30 $175 $325 $83 $57 $9 $9 $4 $85 $13 $200 $275 ATI TIME & MATERIALS VERSION 2020-04-10 I 8 � � July 7, 2020, Item #7 Schedule B Materials All Divisions · Page 4 of 9 DESCRIPTION FILTER HEPA 16 X 16 X 6 FILTER HEPA 18 X 18 X 12 FILTER HEPA 24 X 16 X 12 FILTER HEPA 24 X 24 X 12 FILTER HEPA 24 X 24 X 12 NIKRO FILTER HEPA VAC 12GL FILTER HEPA VAC 5GL FILTER HEPA VAC PLEATED 15 X 15 X 6 [NITRO] FILTER NILFISK STD MICRO FILTER NORTH 1/2 COMBO FILTER NORTH 1/2 RESPIRATOR FILTER PAPR FILTER PLEATED 12 X 12 X 1 FILTER PLEATED 12 X 12 X 1 CARBON FILTER PLEATED 12 X 12 X 2 FILTER PLEATED 12 X 12 X 2 CARBON C100 FILTER PLEATED 12 X 12 X 2 CARBON C200 FILTER PLEATED 16 X 16 X 1 CARBON FILTER PLEATED 16 X 16 X 2 FILTER PLEATED 16 X 16 X 2 CARBON FILTER PLEATED 16 X 20 X 2 FILTER PLEATED 16 X 24 X 2 FILTER PLEATED 16 X 24 X 2 CARBON C100 FILTER PLEATED 16 X 24 X 2 CARBON C200 FILTER PLEATED 24 X 18 Fl LTER PLEATED 24 X 24 FILTER PLEATED 24 X 24 X 1 CARBON C 200 FILTER PLEATED 24 X 24 X 2 CARBON C 200 FILTER PLEATED 24 X 24 X 4 NIKRO FILTER PLEATED CHARCOAL 24 X 24 FILTER PRE 12 X 12 X 1/2 FILTER PRE 16 X 16 X 1/2 FILTER PRE 24 X 16 FILTER PRE 24 X 18 X 1/2 FILTER PRE 24 X 24 X 1/2 FILTER WIRE 12 X 12 FILTER WIRE 16 X 16 FILTER WIRE 24 X 16 FILTER WIRE 24 X 18 43 of 55 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF RATES �ATI CATEGORY UOM FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA FILTER EA DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES RATE $310 $325 $275 $320 $525 $500 $425 $550 $105 $21 $16 $28 $13 $38 $14 $26 $30 $35 $11 $38 $10 $10 $38 $50 $17 $11 $40 $58 $47 $50 $3 $3 $3 $3 $4 $9 $8 $8 $9 ATI TIME & MATERIALS VERSION 2020-04-10 I 9 � � July 7, 2020, Item #7 Schedule B Materials All Divisions · Page 5 of 9 DESCRIPTION FILTER WIRE 24 X 24 FIRESTOP SEALANT FS ONE FOIL FIRESTOPPING PLUG 2" FLEX DUCT 1 O" FLEX DUCT 12" FLEX DUCT INSULATION R6 1 O" FLEX DUCT INSULATION R6 12" FLEX DUCT INSULATION R6 14" FLEX DUCT INSULATION R6 6" FLEX DUCT INSULATION R6 7" FLEX DUCT INSULATION R6 8" FLEX DUCT INSULATION R6 9" FLOOR OIL SOAP FLOOR PROTECTION REUSABLE 2 MIL FURNITURE BLOCKS GEL BLOCK LARGE GEL BLOCK SMALL GLASSES ANTI FOG SAFETY GLOVE BAG 44 X 60 [HORIZONTAL] GLOVE BAG 60 X 84 [VERTICAL] GLOVES 22MIL 15" HD NITRILE GLOVES 5MIL PF GLOVES 8MIL NITRILE GLOVES BLACK NITRILE GLOVES CH EM ICAL-RESISTANT 12" GLOVES CUT-RESISTANT GLOVES KNIT WHITE WITH DOTS GLOVES LEATHER GLOVES PALM-COATED GLOVES YELLOW LATEX GOGGLES SAFETY HEARING PROTECTION [EAR PLUGS] HVAC MOLD MAINTAIN HVAC MOLD PREVENTION INSULATION ASTRO FOIL REFLECTIVE INSULATION REPAIR CLOTH 3 RL/PAIL LABEL FRAGILE LAYFLAT 4MIL 24 X 500' AS CR 100 LAYFLAT 6MIL 12 X 500' 44 of 55 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF RATES �ATI CATEGORY UOM FILTER EA HVAC EA HVAC EA HVAC RL HVAC RL HVAC RL HVAC RL HVAC RL HVAC RL HVAC RL HVAC RL HVAC RL CHEMICALS GL SURFACE PROTECTION RL CONTENTS BX CHEMICALS EA CHEMICALS EA PPE PR DISPOSAL EA DISPOSAL EA PPE PR PPE BX PPE BX PPE BX PPE PR PPE PR PPE PR PPE PR PPE PR PPE PR PPE PR PPE PR HVAC EA HVAC BTL HVAC RL CHEMICALS PL CONTENTS RL HVAC RL HVAC RL DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES RATE $9 $105 $115 $32 $39 $140 $150 $210 $90 $100 $115 $125 $55 $625 $75 $100 $26 $9 $19 $40 $9 $15 $17 $15 $4 $22 $2 $5 $4 $2 $11 $1 $270 $160 $253 $600 $75 $600 $300 ATI TIME & MATERIALS VERSION 2020-04-10 I 10 � � July 7, 2020, Item #7 Schedule B Materials All Divisions · Page 6 of 9 DESCRIPTION LAYFLAT 6MIL 18 X 500' LAYFLAT 6MIL 22 X 500 LAYFLAT 6MIL 30" X 500 LEMON OIL LIGHT BULB HALOGEN LIGHT UV BLACK LIGHT LUBRICANT GREASELESS LUBRICANT NONDRYING FILM LUBRICANT PENETRATING LUBRICANT RUST INHIBITOR LUMINOL MASK N 100 WITH VALVE MASK N95 WITH VALVE MASK NUISANCE DUST MINERAL WOOL ODOR COUNTERACTANT ODORCIDE PLYWOOD 4 X 8 X 1/2 PLYWOOD 4 X 8 X 1/4 PLYWOOD 4 X 8 X 7/16 POLISH FURNITURE POLISH STAINLESS STEEL POLY 1.5MIL 12 X 200 CLEAR POLY 1.5MIL 20 X 200 POLY 10MIL 20 X 100 CLEAR POLY 10MIL 20 X 100 FIRE-RESISTANT POLY 2M IL 10 X 100 CLEAR POLY 2MIL 20 X 200 POLY 2MIL 8' 4" X 200 POLY 4MIL 10 X 100 POLY 4MIL 10 X 100 FIRE-RESISTANT POLY 4MIL 12 X 100 POLY 4MIL 20 X 100 CLEAR POLY 4MIL 20 X 100 FIRE-RESISTANT POLY 4MIL 4 X 100 POLY 4MIL 8 X 100 POLY 6MIL 12 X 100 POLY 6MIL 20 X 100 AS FIRE-RESISTANT POLY 6MIL 20 X 100 BLACK 45 of 55 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF RATES #:ATI CATEGORY UOM HVAC RL HVAC RL HVAC RL CHEMICALS GL MISCELLANEOUS EA MISCELLANEOUS EA CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS CN CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS BTL PPE EA PPE EA PPE EA CLEANING EA CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL MISCELLANEOUS EA MISCELLANEOUS EA MISCELLANEOUS EA CHEMICALS EA CHEMICALS CN CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS RL DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES RATE $410 $450 $575 $150 $4 $374 $125 $135 $23 $220 $253 $26 $5 $2 $5 $125 $230 $120 $90 $60 $25 $15 $70 $115 $340 $500 $50 $150 $65 $70 $95 $80 $130 $210 $40 $52 $115 $700 $275 AT I Tl ME & MATERIALS VERSION 2020-04-10 I 11 July 7, 2020, Item #7 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF RATES Schedule B Materials All Divisions · Page 7 of 9 DESCRIPTION POLY 6MIL 20 X 100 CLEAR POlY 6MIL 20 X 100 FIRE-RESISTANT POLY 6MIL 20 X 100 REINFORCED POLY 6MIL 20 X 100 REINFORCED FIRE-RESISTANT POLY 6MIL 8 X 100 POLY CLIP LOOP TWIST POLY HANGER# 3 BLUE POLY HANGER # 4 RED POLY TUBING 4MIL 19.5 X 500 12" DIA POLY TUBING 4MIL 22 X 500 12" DIA Q-TIPS 3" [SMALL] Q-TIPS 6" [LARGE] RAGS BAR MOP RAGS MIXED KN IT RAGS SURGICAL BLUE RAGS WHITE RAGS WHITE WAFFLE REMOVER ADHESIVE AND MARKS REMOVER CARPET ADHESIVE REMOVER MASTIC REMOVER MASTIC SOY REMOVER MASTIC SOY REMOVER PAINT REMOVER PAINT HEAVY DUTY REMOVER PAINT HEAVY DUTY REMOVER STAIN REMOVER URINE 4/128 FO ROSIN PAPER ROTARY BRUSH REPLACEMENT CORE ROTARY BRUSH REPLACEMENT HEAD SAND BAG .5 CU FT Filled SAND BAG 25 LB Empty SAND BAG 30 LB Filled SAND BAG 60 LB Empty SAND PAPER DISK SANI 10 SAW DUST SCOURING PADS DOODLE BUG SCOURING SPONGES YELLOW & GREEN 46 of 55 �ATI CATEGORY UOM CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS RL CONTAINMENTS EA CONTAINMENTS EA CONTAINMENTS EA MISCELLANEOUS RL MISCELLANEOUS RL CLEANING BX CLEANING BX CLEANING BX CLEANING BX CLEANING BX CLEANING BX CLEANING BX CHEMICALS CN CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS PL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS PL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS GL MISCELLANEOUS RL HVAC EA HVAC EA MISCELLANEOUS EA MISCELLANEOUS EA MISCELLANEOUS EA MISCELLANEOUS EA MISCELLANEOUS EA CHEMICALS GL CLEANING BG CLEANING EA CLEANING EA DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES RATE $195 $280 $410 $450 $85 $1 $10 $10 $135 $165 $56 $113 $94 $28 $84 $62 $105 $30 $38 $65 $55 $220 $83 $175 $750 $120 $116 $24 $105 $300 $13 $6 $42 $9 $3 $31 $33 $9 $3 ATI TIME & MATERIALS VERSION 2020-04-10 I 12 � � July 7, 2020, Item #7 Schedule B Materials All Divisions · Page 8 of 9 DESCRIPTION SCRUBS SEALANT DUCTING SEALANT LEAD SEALANT LEAD SEALANT MOLD CLEAR SEALANT MOLD WHITE SEALANT SMOKE/ODOR CLEAR SEALANT SMOKE/ODOR CLEAR SEALANT SMOKE/ODOR WHITE SEALANT SMOKE/ODOR WHITE SEALANT SOOT SEALANT SURFACE BOTANICAL SHAMPOO SHRINK WRAP SIGN DANGER [ENGLISH] SIGN DANGER [SPANISH] SIGN HAZARD LEAD !ENGLISH] SIGN HAZARD LEAD !SPANISH] SIGN HAZARD MOLD !ENGLISH] SIGN HAZARD MOLD [SPANISH] SMOKE/FIRE/CHEMICAL SPONGES STEEL WOOL FINE STORAGE DRUM 55GL METAL SURFACE PROTECTION TEMPORARY 10MIL SURFACTANT TACKY MAT TACKY MAT REFILL TAPE ASBESTOS AH ERA WHITE TAPE ASBESTOS RED DANGER TAPE BIOHAZARD TAPE CAUTION LEAD TAPE CAUTION YELLOW TAPE CONTENTS PACKING CLEAR 2" TAPE DANGER DO NOT ENTER TAPE DUCT 2" TAPE HARD CAST 3.5 TAPE INSULATED FOIL SCRIM KRAFT 3" TAPE PAINTERS BLUE 2" TAPE PAINTERS BLUE 3" 47 of 55 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF RATES �ATI CATEGORY UOM PPE EA CHEMICALS EA CHEMICALS PL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS PL CHEMICALS PL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS PL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS PL CHEMICALS PL CHEMICALS GL CHEMICALS EA CONTENTS RL SIGN EA SIGN EA SIGN EA SIGN EA SIGN EA SIGN EA CLEANING EA CLEANING EA MISCELLANEOUS EA SURFACE PROTECTION RL CHEMICALS PL SURFACE PROTECTION PD SURFACE PROTECTION PK TAPE RL TAPE RL TAPE RL TAPE RL TAPE RL TAPE RL TAPE RL TAPE RL TAPE RL TAPE RL TAPE RL TAPE RL DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES RATE $75 $66 $625 $90 $155 $155 $120 $475 $120 $475 $105 $90 $17 $70 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $6 $1 $140 $775 $24 $125 $105 $28 $28 $28 $28 $28 $5 $25 $17 $75 $80 $20 $27 ATI TIME & MATERIALS VERSION 2020-04-10 I 13 � � July 7, 2020, Item #7 Schedule B Materials All Divisions · Page 9 of 9 DESCRIPTION TAPE WHITE POLY 2" TAPE YELLOW POLY 2" TIE WEBBING UNIBIT VACUUM EXTENSION WAND 1.25" VACUUM REPLACEMENT BRUSH HEAD VAPORTECH MEMBRANE WASTE CONTAINER COLLAPSIBLE WATER BOTTLED WIPES GERMICIDAL 2/110 CT WIPES GERMICIDAL 2/110 CT REFILL WIPES GERMICIDAL 6/150 CT WIPES GERMICIDAL 6/70 CT WIPES HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 2/185 CT WIPES HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 2/185 CT REFILL WIPES HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 6/155 CT WIPES HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 6/95 CT WIPES MASK WIPES MASK REFILL WIPES RESPIRATOR WIPES SPORICIDIN ZIP TIES 48" CODE DESCRIPTION ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF RATES 4SATI DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES CATEGORY UOM RATE TAPE RL $12 TAPE RL $13 CONTENTS RL $40 HVAC EA $73 HVAC EA $85 HVAC EA $33 CHEMICALS EA $78 DISPOSAL EA $82 PPE cs $24 CLEANING BTL $185 CLEANING BTL $175 CLEANING BTL $205 CLEANING BTL $240 CHEMICALS BTL $135 CHEMICALS BTL $185 CHEMICALS BTL $24 CHEMICALS BTL $15 CLEANING CT $235 CLEANING CT $200 CLEANING BX $13 CLEANING BX $32 CONTENTS BX $2 MARKET ATI RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJUST THE PRICING OF ALL MATERIALS AND CONSUMABLES BASED ON MARKET CONDITIONS BEYOND OUR CONTROL. THIS WOULD INCLUDE PRICING INCREASES FROM MARKET CONDITIONS SUCH AS CHANGES IN PRODUCT DEMANDS BASED UPON A REGIONAL OR NATIONAL CATASTROPHE. MATERIALS NOT ON THE UNSCHEDULED MATERIALS PURCHASED FOR THE PROJECT WILL BE BILLED ATRATE SHEET COST PLUS 20%. SMALL TOOLS A 3% SMALL TOOLS CHARGE WILL BE BASED ON THE LABOR TOTAL. A LIST OF SMALL TOOLS CAN BE FOUND IN SCHEDULE D. 48 of 55 ATI TIME & MATERIALS VERSION 2020-04-10 I 14 � � July 7, 2020, Item #7 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF RATES Schedule C Equipment All Divisions · Page 1 of 4 DESCRIPTION 50' CABLING (DIESEL, ELECTRIC, OR PROPANE] AIR COMPRESSOR -ELECTRIC LARGE (5 HP] AIR COMPRESSOR -ELECTRIC X-LARGE (15 HP] AIR COMPRESSOR & ACCESSORIES -X-LARGE (300-450 CFM] AIR COMPRESSOR & ACCESSORIES -MEDIUM (10-50 CFM] AIR COMPRESSOR & ACCESSORIES -SMALL (10 CFM] AIR COMPRESSOR &ACCESSORIES -LARGE [90-150 CFM] AIR MOVER AIR MOVER WITH WALL DRYING SYSTEM & ATTACHMENTS AIR SAMPLING PUMP AIR TOOL KIT AIR WHIP SYSTEM AIR WOLF WITH HOSES & TEE VALVES AIRLESS SPRAYER ANTI STATIC HEEL GROUNDER OR WRIST STRAPS APPLIANCE DOLLY BLADDER / ZONE BAG BOBCAT SKID STEER LOADER BORESCOPE BOX VAN -LARGE BOX VAN -MEDIUM BOX VAN -SMALL CABLE RAMP COVERS CARGO VAN CARPET CLEANER -PORTABLE CARPET CLEANER -TRUCK MOUNTED (FEES INCLUDED] CART SPRAY SYSTEM CATASTROPHE TRAILER CLEANING EQUIPMENT WITH HEPA CUTTING KIT PNEUMATICS/NIBBLER/AIR HAMMER/ CLAW RIPPER DECON CHAMBER -STAINLESS DEHUMIDIFIER -LARGE (110-159 PPD] DEHUMIDIFIER -MEDIUM (70-109 PPD] DEHUMIDIFIER -SMALL [69 PPD] DEHUMIDIFIER -X-LARGE [160+ PPD] DESICCANT DEHUMIDIFIER -LARGE (5,000 CFM] DESICCANT DEHUMIDIFIER -MEDIUM [3,000-4,000 CFM] DESICCANT DEHUMIDIFIER -SMALL (1,000 -2,500 CFM] 49 of 55 �ATI CATEGORY UOM POWER DAY AIR DAY AIR DAY AIR DAY AIR DAY AIR DAY AIR DAY DRYING DAY DRYING DAY AIR DAY HVAC DAY HVAC DAY AIR DAY AIR DAY HIGH TECH DAY MOVING DAY HVAC DAY VEHICLE & FUEL DAY INSPECTION DAY VEHICLE & FUEL DAY VEHICLE & FUEL DAY VEHICLE & FUEL DAY POWER DAY VEHICLE & FUEL DAY CLEANER DAY VEHICLE & FUEL DAY HVAC DAY VEHICLE & FUEL DAY CLEANER DAY HVAC DAY CONTAINMENT DAY DRYING DAY DRYING DAY DRYING DAY DRYING DAY DRYING DAY DRYING DAY DRYING DAY DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES RATE $40 $225 $275 $475 $150 $90 $195 $30 $150 $21 $25 $125 $150 $175 $10 $25 $38 $900 $105 $540 $420 $360 $16 $300 $75 $850 $105 $580 $210 $100 $50 $175 $125 $100 $275 $2,000 $1,250 $750 ATI TIME & MATERIALS VERSION 2020-04-10 I 15 � � July 7, 2020, Item #7 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF RATES Schedule C Equipment All Divisions · Page 2 of 4 DESCRIPTION DESICCANT DEHUMIDIFIER -PORTABLE [<500 CFM] DESICCANT DEHUMIDIFIER -PORTABLE [500 -1,000 CFM] DESICCANT DEHUMIDIFIER -X-LARGE [7,500 CFM] DESICCANT DEHUMIDIFIER -XX-LARGE [10,000 CFM] DESICCANT DEHUMIDIFIER -XXX-LARGE [15,000 CFM] DRY ICE BLASTING UNIT DUMP TRUCK DUST COLLECTOR -MACHINE-POWERED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION PANEL -100 AMP ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION PANEL -200 AMP ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION PANEL -300 AMP ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION PANEL -400 AMP EXTRACTION FLOOD UNIT -PORTABLE EXTRACTION FLOOD UNIT -TRUCK MOUNTED FLAT BOX CART FLATBED MOVING WITH FORKLIFT FLOOR BUFFER FLOOR EDGER 7" FLOOR GRINDER 25" FLOOR SCRAPER & REMOVER -RIDE-ON FOGGER -THERMAL FOGGER -ULV FURNITURE BLANKETS FURNITURE PADS GENERATOR -10 KW GENERATOR -100 KW GENERATOR -150 KW GENERATOR -175 KW GENERATOR -200 KW GENERATOR -250 KW GENERATOR -30 KW GENERATOR -300 KW GENERATOR -400 KW GENERATOR - 5 KW GENERATOR -50 KW GENERATOR -75 KW HARD HAT HEATER -ELECTRIC LARGE HEATER -ELECTRIC SMALL so of 55 �ATI CATEGORY UOM DRYING DAY DRYING DAY DRYING DAY DRYING DAY DRYING DAY MISCELLANEOUS DAY VEHICLE & FUEL DAY CLEANER DAY POWER DAY POWER DAY POWER DAY POWER DAY EXTRACTION DAY EXTRACTION DAY MOVING DAY VEHICLE & FUEL DAY FLOOR DAY FLOOR DAY FLOOR DAY FLOOR DAY DEODORIZATION DAY DEODORIZATION DAY MOVING DAY MOVING DAY POWER DAY POWER DAY POWER DAY POWER DAY POWER DAY POWER DAY POWER DAY POWER DAY POWER DAY POWER DAY POWER DAY POWER DAY PPE DAY HEATING DAY HEATING DAY DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES RATE $270 $595 $3,000 $2,500 $5,000 $675 $1,020 $300 $125 $189 $275 $263 $150 $550 $16 $900 $75 $160 $500 $1,500 $110 $30 $2 $9 $120 $945 $1,050 $1,260 $1,365 $1,470 $350 $1,575 $2,100 $90 $578 $720 $10 $200 $130 ATI TIME & MATERIALS VERSION 2020-04-10 I 16 � � July 7, 2020, Item #7 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF RATES Schedule C Equipment All Divisions · Page 3 of 4 DESCRIPTION HEATER -FURNACE HEATER -PROPANE LARGE [400K BTU] HEATER -PROPANE SMALL HEPA DECON CART HYDROGEN TANK HYDROXYL ICRA BARRIER, DOOR ICRA BARRIER, PANEL INJECTIDRY WITH HOSES INJECTIDRY WITH HOSES & HEPA INTERCEPTOR KETT SAW LIGHT, WORKLIGHT -FLOOD LIGHT, TEMP STRING MANOMETER MOBILE CONTAINMENT CUBES WITH HEPA NEGATIVE AIR MACHINE -LARGE [2,000 CFM] NEGATIVE AIR MACHINE -MEDIUM [1,000 -1,800 CFM] NEGATIVE AIR MACHINE -SMALL [1,000 CFM] NITROGEN TANK OZONE GENERATOR -LARGE OZONE GENERATOR -SMALL PASSENGER VAN PERSONAL FALL PROTECTION -HARNESS & LANYARD PERSONAL FALL PROTECTION -LIFELINES PICKUP TRUCK PICKUP TRUCK -HEAVY DUTY -3/4 TON POP UP SHOWER WITH FILTRATION POP UP TENT PRESSURE WASHER PRESSURE WASHER -HOT PUMP -SUBMERSIBLE -GAS RESPIRATOR -1/2 FACE RESPIRATOR -FULL FACE RESPIRATOR -PAPR ROTARY BRUSH KIT SCAFFOLDING, ROLLING -LARGE SCAFFOLDING, ROLLING -SMALL SODA BLASTER UNIT -6.5 CU SPIDER BOX -WITH CABLE SPIDER BOX CABLES -100' 51 of 55 �ATI CATEGORY UOM HEATING DAY HEATING DAY HEATING DAY CLEANER DAY AIR DAY DEODORIZATION DAY MISCELLANEOUS DAY MISCELLANEOUS DAY DRYING DAY DRYING DAY MISCELLANEOUS DAY POWER DAY INSPECTION DAY CONTAINMENT DAY AIR DAY AIR DAY AIR DAY HVAC DAY DEODORIZATION DAY DEODORIZATION DAY VEHICLE & FUEL DAY PPE DAY PPE DAY VEHICLE & FUEL DAY VEHICLE & FUEL DAY CONTAINMENT DAY MISCELLANEOUS DAY CLEANER DAY CLEANER DAY EXTRACTION DAY PPE DAY PPE DAY PPE DAY HVAC DAY MISCELLANEOUS DAY MISCELLANEOUS DAY CLEANER DAY POWER DAY POWER DAY DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES RATE $185 $80 $60 $400 $184 $200 $7 $5 $125 $140 $35 $18 $75 $500 $150 $120 $90 $70 $150 $120 $185 $10 $65 $155 $205 $125 $30 $175 $200 $200 $11 $45 $70 $125 $132 $48 $600 $69 $40 ATI TIME & MATERIALS VERSION 2020-04-10 I 17 � � July 7, 2020, Item #7 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF RATES Schedule C Equipment �ATI DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES All Divisions · Page 4 of 4 DESCRIPTION CATEGORY UOM RATE STAKEBED VEHICLE & FUEL DAY $780 STORAGE -CONTAINER BOX MISCELLANEOUS DAY $85 THERMAL IMAGING CAMERA INSPECTION DAY $185 THERMOHYGROMETER INSPECTION DAY $60 THERMOMETER INSPECTION DAY $15 ULTRA VIOLET MOBILE ROOM SANITIZER LARGE HIGH TECH DAY $500 ULTRA VIOLET MOBILE ROOM SANITIZER SMALL HIGH TECH DAY $200 ULTRASONIC CLEANING MACHINE LARGE CLEANER DAY $300 ULTRASONIC CLEANING MACHINE SMALL CLEANER DAY $160 UTILITY VEHICLE, GOLF CART OR EQUIVALENT VEHICLE & FUEL DAY $155 VACUUM -BACKPACK CLEANER DAY $90 VACUUM - HEALTHCARE CLEANER DAY $90 VACUUM -HEPA -SMALL CLEANER DAY $90 VACUUM-HEPA -LARGE CLEANER DAY $125 VIDEO TOOL ROBOT HVAC DAY $350 WORKSTATION [TABLE, CHAIR, LIGHTS, ESD] MISCELLANEOUS DAY $23 CODE DESCRIPTION GAS AND MILEAGE ATI INCLUDES GASOLINE AND MILEAGE IN THE DAILY RATES FOR VEHICLES. ADDITIONAL GAS AND MILEAGE WILL NOT BE CHARGED. WEEKLY CONVERSION THE WEEKLY RENTAL FEE FOR EQUIPMENT IS EQUIVALENT TO 5 DAILY RENTAL FEES. ONCE EQUIPMENT IS ON RENTAL FOR 7 DAYS, THE WEEKLY RATE APPLIES. MONTHLY CONVERSION THE MONTHLY RENTAL FEE FOR EQUIPMENT IS EQUIVALENT TO 15 DAILY RENTAL FEES OR 3 WEEKLY RENTAL FEES. ONCE EQUIPMENT IS ON RENTAL FOR 30 DAYS, THE MONTHLY RATE APPLIES. CONVERSION EXCEP-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY DISCOUNTS TO NOT APPLY TO VEHICLES OR STORAGE TIONS VAULTS. NO CONVERSION DISCOUNTS WILL BE APPLIED TO ANY INVOICE PAID AFTER NET 60 DAYS. EQUIPMENT CONVERSION EXAMPLE: EQUIPMENT ON RENTAL FOR 17 DAYS WILL BE CHARGED FOR 2 WEEKS EXAMPLE RENTAL AND 3 DAILY RENTALS. THE 2 WEEKS RENTAL CHARGES EQUATES OUT TO 10 DAILY+ 3 DAILY RENTALS= 13 DAY RENTAL. IF THE INVOICE IS NOT PAID IN NET 60 DAYS, THIS EQUIPMENT WILL BE CHARGED FOR 17 DAILY RENTALS. UNSCHEDULED THE DAILY RENTAL RATE FOR UNSCHEDULED EQUIPMENT PURCHASED FOR THE EQUIPMENT PURCHASE PROJECT WILL BE 5% OF THE PURCHASE PRICE. 52 of 55 ATI TIME & MATERIALS VERSION 2020-04-10 I 18 � � July 7, 2020, Item #7 Schedule D Small Tools All Divisions · Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF RATES �ATI DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES SMALL TOOLS: A 3% CHARGE BASED ON THE LABOR TOTAL ACCOUNTING KITS PAI NT ROLLERS BARREL PUMPS PALLET JACKS BARS PAPER TOWELS BATTERIES PLIERS BOLT CUTTERS PORTABLE TOOLBOX BUCKETS POWER TOOLS CELL PHONES RATCHET SETS CHAIN SAWS ROTO ZIPS CHAINS SANDERS CHAIRS SAWZALLS CROW BARS SC RAPER BARS DEMO CART SCREW DRIVERS DRILLS SHEARS DRIVES SHOVELS DUST PANS SMOCKS EXTENSION CORDS SPRAY BOTTLES FIRE EXTINGUISHERS SQUEEGEES Fl RST Al D KITS STAPLE GUNS FLASH LIGHTS TABLES FUEL CANS TAPE GUNS FURNITURE BLOCKS TOOL BOX FURNITURE TAGS TRASH BINS HAMMERS TRASH CANS HANDLES T-SHIRTS HARD HATS TWO-WAY RADIOS HOG RINGS UNGER POLES ICE CHESTS UNIFORMS INVENTORY TAGS UTILITY BLADES JOB BOX UTILITY KNIVES LADDERS VESTS LIGHT BULBS WATER COOLER LOCKS WATER HOSES MOISTURE METER WIPES MOP BUCKETS WHEELBARROW MOP HEADS WRENCHES MOPS 53 of 55 ATI TIME & MATERIALS VERSION 2020-04-10 I 19 � � July 7, 2020, Item #7 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF RATES Addendum �ATI COVID-19 Time & Materials COVI D-19 LEVEL 1 LABOR TITLE COVID-19 LEVEL 1 TECHNICIAN COVID-19 LEVEL 1 SUPERVISOR COVID-19 LEVEL 2 LABOR TITLE COVID-19 LEVEL 2 TECHNICIAN COVID-19 LEVEL 2 SUPERVISOR COVID-19 LEVEL 3 LABOR TITLE COVID-19 LEVEL 3 TECHNICIAN COVID-19 LEVEL 3 SUPERVISOR COVID-19 RATE SCHEDULE -PREVAILING WAGE LABOR TITLE COVID-19 LEVEL 1 TECHNICIAN/SUPERVISOR COVID-19 LEVEL 2 TECHNICIAN/SUPERVISOR COVID-19 LEVEL 3 TECHNICIAN/SUPERVISOR CODE DESCRIPTION I DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES HOURLY RATE ' . . . $93 HOURLY RATE $138 $144 HOURLY RATE $152 $159 HOURLY RATE $137 $171 TBD LEVEL 1 NO KNOWN EXPOSURE-PRECAUTIONARY CLEAN UP AND RESPONSE WHERE THERE IS NO KNOWN OR SUSPECTED EXPOSURE TO THE COVID-19 VIRUS. LEVEL 2 POSSIBLE EXPOSURE-SANITIZATION CLEAN UP RESPONSES IN LOCATIONS WITH A POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO THE COVID-19 VIRUS. LEVEL 3 CONFIRMED EXPOSURE-SANITIZATION CLEAN UP RESPONSES IN LOCATIONSWITH A CONFIRMED EXPOSURE TO THE COVID-19 VIRUS. American Technologies, Inc. [ATII reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. In the event that any changes are made, the revised terms and conditions shall be shared at that time. 54 of 55 ATI TIME & MATERIALS VERSION 2020-04-10 I 20 � � July 7, 2020, Item #7 ATTACHMENT 2 SCHEDULE OF RATES Addendum �ATI COVID-19 DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES Time & Materials CODE DESCRIPTION STAN DY-BY STANDARD RATES ARE RATES THAT APPLY TO WORK PERFORMED WITHIN STANDARD BUSINESS HOURS: 8:00 AM -5:00 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. OUR RATES FOR LABOR, MATERIALS, AND EQUIPMENT DO NOT INCLUDE THE COSTS OF LOCAL AND STATE TAXES, LICENSING, OR PERMIT FEES. WORK WEEK THE WORK WEEK WILL BEGIN ON MONDAY AND END ON SUNDAY. HOLIDAYS ATI STAFF WORKING HOLIDAYS WILL BE PAID DOUBLE TIME. ATI RECOGNIZES THE FOLLOWING NATIONAL HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S EVE, NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS EVE AND CHRISTMAS DAY. FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT WORK MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL PAID HOLIDAYS WHICH WILL ALSO BE PAID AND CHARGED DOUBLETIME. TRAVEL PER DIEM FOR PROJECTS INVOLVING TRAVEL AND/OR OVERNIGHT STAYS, ATI PROVIDES PER DIEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE U.S. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION'S PUBLISHED PER DIEM RATES. THESE RATES CAN BE FOUND AT HTTPS:LLWWW.GSA.GOVLTRAVELLPLAN-BOOKLPER-DIEM-RATES. PER DIEM RATES ARE SUBJECT TO A 20% OVERHEAD FACTOR PLUS A 10% PROFIT FACTOR. American Technologies, Inc. IATI] reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. In the event that any changes are made, the revised terms and conditions shall be shared at that time. 55 of 55 ATI TIME & MATERIALS VERSION 2020-04-10 I 21 � � July 7, 2020, Item #7