Item 13 Additional Material posted 9-16-20From:Ann Tipps To:City Clerk Subject:Opposed to Fairfield Poway Mixed Use project plan Date:Tuesday, September 15, 2020 5:43:51 PM 12710 Roca Grande Dr. Poway, CA 92064 September 15, 2020 Dear Poway City Council: I would like to express my opposition to the proposed Fairfield Poway Mixed Use project, as the current sketches show it, with four-story buildings and close spacing between the buildings. There is too much density and the buildings are too high for the surrounding neighborhood and for the site. While this has been touted as 4-story buildings that look like 2-story buildings from Poway Road’s elevation, this will be a visual eyesore, sticking out like a sore thumb, from the lower elevation neighborhoods’ perspective. This will create a negative impact on the surrounding community, with increased traffic on Poway Road. It will impair the ease of access onto Poway Road of cars from cross streets exiting the surrounding neighborhoods. South Poway has long been the dumping ground for high density projects. Now, the developers have sensed an opportunity under the guise of “redeveloping” Poway Road to foist outsized and inappropriate projects on us for the sole purpose of increasing their profits. There has to be a “happy medium” in there, where a project that fits the lot and the neighborhood can be successfully built. But this is not it. Sincerely, Ann Tipps, MD ADDITIONAL MATERIALS 1 of 1 September 15, 2020, Item #13