Item 14 - Reso Removing No Parking on the West Side of Old Pomerado Rd in Front of Bette Bendixon ParkJanuary 18, 2022, Item #14'/ · } AGENDA REPORT City of Poway .. --·-__ .. --. . ·---. ,,,,.,. ( --~--·--c-"" DATE: TO: FROM: CONTACT: SUBJECT: Summary: January 18, 2022 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Robert Manis, Director of Development Services~ Melody Rocco, City Engineer jlf-(858) 668-4653 or mrocco@poway.org CITY COUNCIL A Resolution Removing No Parking on the West Side of Old Pomerado Road in Front of Bette Bendixon Park On October 13, 2021, the City's Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) supported staff's recommendation to remove approximately 70 feet of a "No Standing or Parking" zone in front of Bette Bendixen Park on Old Pomerado Road, which was analyzed after receiving a resident request to allow parking in this area. The proposed changes are recommended based upon a field evaluation and coordination with the Sheriff's Department Poway Command. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the Resolution (Attachment A), removing approximately 70 feet of a "No Standing or Parking" zone in front of Bette Bendixen Park on Old Pomerado Road. Discussion: A request was received for staff to evaluate allowing parking along the west side of Old Pomerado Road in front of Bette Bendixon Park which is currently established as a "No Standing or Parking" zone. The area has signs stating "No Parking or Stopping Anytime". The resident indicated that there is insufficient parking in the area and the road appeared to be wide enough to allow parking. Staff conducted research into the establishment of the "No Standing or Parking" zone and found it was established by the City Council by Resolution No. 86-013 on February 11, 1986. The original request for parking restrictions was received from the Poway Sheriff's Department. A "No Standing or Parking" zone was established along the west side of Old Pomerado Road (formerly Pomerado Road) from 375 feet south of the centerline of Paseo Colina to Beeler Creek Bridge, approximately 1,025 feet south. Staff also conducted a field evaluation and found a majority of the road is paved roadway without curb and gutter and insufficient room for on-street parking. However, approximately 70 feet at the northern most section of the established zone has curb and gutter on the west side, directly in front of Bette Bendixen Park, and there is 20 feet of paved area from the 1 of 5 January 18, 2022, Item #14centerline to the curb. The current 20 foot lane width (including curb and gutter) is sufficient to provide more than the minimum required 10 foot travel lane and seven foot width for parking. Attachment B shows the area adjacent to the park where parking is not currently allowed. Staff reached out to the Sheriff's Department Poway Command to review the requested modification since the "No Standing or Parking" Zone was originally established at their request. They believe the request was made when this section of Old Pomerado Road was the main thoroughfare, before the current Pomerado Road was constructed. Traffic was likely much higher at the time. They indicated that removal of the No Parking Zone on the west side of the road in front of Bette Bendixon Park, where the curb and gutter exist, would be an acceptable location to allow parking. Staff presented this item at the October 13, 2021 Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) meeting. It was staff's suggestion that the parking restriction be removed. The request to add the parking was not specifically for access to Bette Bendixon Park and since parking is currently restricted in front of the park, long duration parking by residents will not change the condition regarding access to the park. The TSC voted unanimously to support staff's recommendation to approve the recommended parking modification. Based upon the support by the TSC, staff recommends approving the Resolution to remove 70 feet of "No Standing or Parking" zone on the west side of Old Pomerado Road, in front of Bette Bendixon Park. Attachment C shows the necessary signage modifications should the City Council approve staff's recommendation. Environmental Review: This item is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines. The item involves the removal of a no parking zone on a public street, and there is no possibility that this will have a significant effect on the environment. Fiscal Impact: Sufficient funds are available in the Sign Maintenance Materials Account (411040-45300) for the proposed signage costs which are estimated below $500. Public Notification: A Notice of City Council Meeting has been sent to residents who attended the TSC meeting on October 13, 2021, those who have expressed interest through correspondence on the subject, and those within 500 feet of the proposed parking changes. Attachments: A. Resolution B. Existing Condition Exhibit C. Proposed Parking Modification Exhibit Reviewed/ Approved By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager 2 of 5 Reviewed By: Alan Fenstermacher City Attorney e City Manager January 18, 2022, Item #14RESOLUTION NO. 22-A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, REMOVING NO PARKING ON THE WEST SIDE OF OLD POMERADO ROAD IN FRONT OF BETTE BENDIXON PARK WHEREAS, on February 11, 1986, the City Council approved Resolution No. 86-013 establishing a "No Standing or Parking" zone on Old Pomerado Road; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is appropriate to reduce the limits of No Parking established by Resolution No. 86-013. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: SECTION 1: The proposed modifications to the "No Standing or Parking" zone on an existing City street is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15301 (c) of the CEQA Guidelines, in that the project involves maintenance of existing streets with no expansion of use. SECTION 2: In accordance with said Section 21351 of the California Vehicle Code and 10.28.080 of the Poway Municipal Code, 70 feet of "No Standing or Parking" zone on the west side of Old Pomerado Road in front of Bette Bendixen Park is hereby removed. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, California on the 18th day of January, 2022 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: Steve Vaus, Mayor ATTEST: Carrie Gallagher, CMC, City Clerk 3 of 5 ATTACHMENT A January 18, 2022, Item #14Print Date: 9/8/2021 EXISTING CONDITION Map Scale: 1:564 Disc la iner41.0fn5!,arcel data are beieved to be accurate. but accuracy is not guaran.AJ.'l'Ji\Ctci~u!lnt and shoukl not be substtuted for a title search, appraisal, survey, or for zoning verifi:ation. January 18, 2022, Item #14Print Date: 9/8/2021 PROPOSED PARKING MODIFICATIONS Map Scale: 1:282 Discla i'ner5.1Qfniparcel data are beieved to be accurate. but accuracy is not guaranArl4Ctclw.NluCnt and shoukl not be substtuted for a title search, appraisal, survey, or for zoning verifi::ation.