Item 4 - PDC23-0001 Proposal to Construct a 30,500 square foot Recreational Fitness Club by Life Time at The Farm in PowayMarch 7, 2023, Item #4DATE: TO: FROM: CONTACT: SUBJECT: Summary: AG EN DA REPORT City of Poway March 7, 2023 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Robert Manis, Director of Development Services~ Robert Manis, Director of Development Services 858-668-4601 or bmanis@poway.org CITY COUNCIL Pre-Development Conference (PDC) 23-0001, a proposal to construct a 30,500 square-foot Recreational Fitness Club by Life Time including outdoor fitness uses, lit recreational courts, a restaurant and bar, alcohol sales, a day spa and small supportive retail at The Farm in Poway Life Time (Applicant) is proposihg to construct a 30,500 square-foot (sf) Recreational Fitness Club with outdoor fitness uses, lit recreational courts, a restaurant and bar, alcohol sales, a day spa and small supportive retail on approximately 6.87 acres at The Farm in Poway (The Farm). Modifications to the hours of operation, screening, signage and the maximum non-residential building area in the Open Space Recreation (OS-R) land use designation of the Farm in Poway Specific Plan (Specific Plan) are proposed. The project is subject to approval of a minor modification to the Specific Plan (SPA), Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Development Review (DR) modification. The review of Pre-Development Conference (PDC) 23-0001 is advisory only. The City Council will not render any decision. If the Applicant wishes to proceed with an application, it is with the understanding that the City Council has made no representation upon which the Applicant may rely. Recommended Action: It is recommended the City Council provide input and direction regarding the request. Discussion: Background The Applicant is Life Time, Inc. and the Property Owner is The Farm in Poway LLC. The 6.87-acre site (Assessor's Parcel Number 273-932-25-00) is within The Farm development, and thus subject to the Specific Plan. The Farm is located at the former StoneRidge golf course and country club, which is north of Espola Road, between Valle Verde Road and Cloudcroft Drive. The Farm is bordered by single-family homes and condominiums to the north, east, and west. The fitness club project site is zoned Planned Community (PC) 9 (the same zoning designation as the entire Specific Plan area), and the land use designation in the Specific Plan is Open Space -Recreation (O5-R). The site is designated as ''The 1 of37 March 7, 2023, Item #4 Club" in the Land Use Plan. Existing homes on Saint Andrews Drive are located just west of the proposed fitness club. Future residential development within The Farm will be located to the north and south of the fitness club. Future residential development will be located to the north and south of the fitness club and the future dog park will be located to the east. A location/zoning vicinity map is included as Attachment A. The Land Use Plan is included as Attachment B. The Farm project is a ·117-acre subdivision and includes construction of up to 160 homes with recreational, agricultural and commercial amenities. The approval of The Farm included adoption of a new Specific Plan governing the regulatory framework of the new subdivision. The Specific Plan, Environmental Assessment, Zone Change, Zoning Ordinance Amendment, General Plan Amendment, Tentative Tract Map, Development Review and Conditional Use Permit were approved by the City Council on June 16, 2020 and, per statutory requirements, by the City of Poway voters at the November 3, 2020 General Election. The fitness club site approved as part of the Development Revlew showed a 2,953 sf fitness club wtth eight tennis courts and a swimming pool. Project Summary The Applicant is proposing to construct a 30,500 sf Recreational Fitness Club by Life Time. The facility includes outdoor fitness uses, lit recreational courts, a restaurant and bar. alcohol sales. a day spa and small supportive retail on approximately 6.87 acres at The Farm. This will be a membership facility. Stucco and stacked stone siding and standing metal seam roofing is proposed consistent with The Farm architectural designs. Modifications to the hours of operation, screening, signage and the maximum non-residential building area in the OS-R land use designation are proposed. The project will require a SPA, CUP and DR modification. The facilities proposed include a larger fitness building with additional amenities. Less recreational courts are proposed (three tennis or six pickleball courts in lieu of eight tennis courts) and the parking and pool areas are larger. The site proposal exceeds parking requirements by 77 spaces (248 spaces proposed). The proposed landscape plan, site plan, and elevations are provided as Attachment C. A traffic study addendum was prepared that reevaluated the currently proposed mix of land uses within The Fann using the proposed fitness club and the methodology provided by the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA). The CAPCOA traffic analysis measures how different land -use types near one another support shorter trips and a greater share of non-automobile mode choice. The addendum shows that the fitness club is being designed as a community amenity with both active and passive recreational uses. Typical fitness centers focus on active use recreation, wherein members arrive, work out, and leave, resulting in more daily trips. Life Time proposes additional passive recreation uses, such as a community-style resort pool. and a focus on social activities. Therefore, the typical length of stay is likely to be longer, and guest turnover rates (and associated trips) are lower than a typical fitness center. The proposed facility includes parking for neighborhood vehicles and increased trail connections and amenities. As a result of the CAPCOA analysis, the mixed-use internal capture reduction from the non-residential uses results in a reciprocal reductlon in trips for the resldential uses and the project provides an overall reduction in projected daily vehicle trips and vehicle miles traveled for the entire Farm development. The adaptive signal installation along Espola Road is in process. Table 3.1 in the Specific Plan (Attachment D) states that the maximum square footage of all combined non-residential uses rs 30,000 sf. The approved project Included 23,251 sf. The table also states in a footnote that the maximum number of ADT's (Average Daily Trips) resulting from the mix of all uses (residential and non-residential) is 2,524 ADT. With the proposed Life Time fitness club, the total area of non-residential uses would be 49,561 sf. However, despite the increase in square footage, using 2 of 37 March 7, 2023, Item #4 the CAPCOA traffic analysis, the total ADT for all uses within The Farm is 2,487 ADT, under the Specific Plan's cap. Section 8.3.9 (A) of The Farm in Poway Specific Plan allows a minor modification to the Specific Plan to be processed administratively with Development Services Director approval. Since the total ADT for all uses is less than what was determined with the original EIR (based on the CAPCOA traffic analysis), staff believes the proposal qualifies for the minor modification process. However, the Specific Plan also states that the Director may refer any decision to the City Council. This proposal also includes an amendment to the DR for the modified site plan and a CUP for alcohol sales at the restaurant and bar. Since these must be approved by City Council,, it is recommended that the SPA also be considered by the City Council, rather than approved administratlvely, so the entire project can be considered concurrently. Public Comment A neighborhood meeting was held on February 15, 2023, where the Appllcam: provided a public open house to review the project. There were approximately 40 attendees. There were attendees both for and against the project. Comments included c,oncerns related to the inconsistency with original approval, increased hours of operation, and potential increases in noise, traffic and lighting, There were mixed opinions related to the price of membership and larger size of the facility with less recreational courts. There were also requests for the project to be approved by a City-wide vote and for noticing of the project to be City-wide. All correspondence received as of the printing of this report is provided as Attachment E, Any additional correspondence received prior to 3:00 p.m. on Monday, March 6, will be provided at the City Council Meeting. Recommendation: The review of the PDC23-0001 is advisory only. The applicant is seeking feedback on their proposed plans. The City Council will not render any decision. If the Applicant wishes to proceed with their application, it is with the understanding that the City Council has made no representation upon which the Applicant may rely. The Agreement of Understanding ls included as Attachment F. Environmental Review: Because no action can be taken, this item is not a "Project" pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and is therefore not subject to CEQA review. After project submittal, staff will determine the appropriate CEQA document to be prepared. Fiscal Impact: None with this item as no action will be taken. If the project moves forward, it Is anticipated that there will be an increase to property and sales tax revenue. The extent of the increase is not known at this time. Public Notification: Adjacent property owners to The Farm Specific Plan area were notified of the PDC and postings on the property and the City's website were provided. This is a courtesy notice since there Is no noticing 3 of37 March 7, 2023, Item #4 requirement for a pre-development conference. Should the applicant submit a formal application, noticing will be required to all properties within 500 ft of the boundaries of The Farm development and anyone else who has requested notice or expressed interest in the project. Attachments: A. Zoning/Location Map B. Land Use Plan (The Farm in Poway Specific Plan Exhibit 3.1) C. Conceptual Landscape Plan, Site Plan and Architectural Renderings D. Table 3.1 in The Farm ln Poway Speclfic Plan E. Correspondence Received F. Agreement of Understanding Revlewed/Approved By: aserman Assistant City Manager 4of37 Reviewed By: Alan Fenstermacher City Attorney Approved Bv: ~~ Chris Hazeltine City Manager March 7, 2023, Item #4• NORTH 5 of 37 City of Poway Zoning / Location Map Item: PDC23-0001 0 125250 ATTACHMENT A 500 Feet w!~:r~ror Over land :P.ass F!Cr ~snHollow ·crossing~_ ~, March 7, 2023, Item #4 ' ·1 . .:;:.--.....,.._......_ __ -lE ·~---'-'----:;_ . 1! -·""J ;;_:;;:J:;:;,:::;;,::...===~;;;:::;:i: nFl!TIITl'-<:;;;::l!H" I ~ J •= ,i. . ,.. ....:. ----L ESPO la(!dscape Space-Easem Exhibit 3.1: Land Use Plan The Farm in Poway Specific Plan, June 16, 2020 OS-C Legend Specific Plan Area Boundary Landscape Open Space Easement 125-foot SDCWA Right-of-Way Open Space Land Use Dimicts: [::=J Conservation Open Space (OS-C) [:::=I Recreational Open Space (OS-R) Residential Land Use Districts: [:::=I Residential -Twin (R-T) [:::=I Residential -Cottage (R-C) [:::=I Residential -Garden (R-G) [:::=I Residential -Homestead (R-H) [:::=I Residential -Meadow (R-M) 3-3 6 of 37 ATTACHMENT B March 7, 2023, Item #4 AVmJd Jl'li JJll 'r/'J 'A'r/MOd --.............. ---:.: 7 of 37 ATTACHMENT C March 7, 2023, Item #4 AVMOd 3i'<U. 3.;11 V'J 'AVMOd 8 of 37 I 1d J IJ ~l!P!fliii shsi3e,!,e ~h.,., ,,, March 7, 2023, Item #4 I 1 II i l I ! ! f-iii r ·11 f I!!,. 9 of37 I i ! • j l !, It .. I l i I ! I i I M " March 7, 2023, Item #4 land uses within the Specific Plan consist of open space and various residential uses as summarized in TfifDle 3. 8: R..cainrd /LUse Sm,1me1ry and fExhilbdt 3. 8: l.etwe:1 ll.Dsca Plan, which describe the distributlon and maximum development intensit>; of uses as permitted by the Specific Plan. Appro ..... Usa/Land Use Net A eain Acres (AC} Private Streets 12.96 Open Space (OS) Land Use Districts Conservation OS (OS-C)l 55.72 Recreational OS (OS-R.)2-14.65 Total Open Space 70.37 Residential (R) Land Use Districts R-Twin (R-T) 2.05, R-Cot.:age (R.-C) I 6.71 R-Garden (R-G) 2.78 R-Hornesteacls (R-H) R-Meac!ows (R-M) Total Residential 8.00 4.31 33.85 Specific Plan Area Total 1 l 17.18 ercent of tanning A.r~a (%) II.I% 47.5% 12.5% 60.0% 1.7% (4,3% 2.4% 6.8% 3.7% 28.9% i00% Max.. lon- Ma-<imom Number of Dwelling Units (DU) ResidentiaJ Reside , tial Density Bu-it<fing A r::a in Square F2et (DU/AC) (Sf) NA NA NA I\JA NA MA NA NA 30,000 NA NA 30,000 22 t0.7 N,~ 90 5.4 1,1A 13 4.7 NA 20 2.5 NA [5 3.5 i\lA 160 4.7 160 1.4 30,000 I. Statistics-are based upon preliminary design and may vary slightly from Development Plan, Tentative Map, and/or Final Map. Please refer to Section 8.3.6 regarding substantial conformance. 2. The mi:{ of uses within the Specific Plan area shall not exceed 2,524 New Net Average Daily Trips using rates specified in SANDA G's (Not So) Mef Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rotes fol' the Son Diego Region, April 2002. 3. Permitted GSF e;cclµdes ·any accessory structures such as sheds, greenhouses, restrooms or similar that are anclllary to a community garden 01· agricultural use as defined in Section 3.2.2.B. /).. maximum of 15 percent of the total area of the open OS-C zone can include accessory structures and impervious surfaces. Such structures shall be separated by a minimum SO feet. 4. Pursuant to State Law, local governments cannot preclude an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) or a Junior Accessory Dwelling Units OADU). An ADU and JADU is an accessory use for the purposes of counting allowable density under general plan and zoning and is therefore not counted as an additional unit. An ADU and JADU shall be permissible in accordance with the PMC or, if the locally adopted ordinance is void, the State Government Code. Please see Section 3.3.2.G. for more about ADUs. 10 of 37'"2 ATTACHMEl')IT D . . The rarn, m Poway Draft Specific Plan, January 2020 March 7, 2023, Item #4 Patty Fletcher From: Sent: MICHELE WIELD <michele.wield@cox.net> Saturday, February 4, 2023 3:20 PM To: David De Vries Subject: The Farm You don't often get email from michele.wield@cox.net. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL EMAI L Even though I wasn't properly notified of this proposal, I have learned that lifetime Property Development wants to increase the size of their recreation area from 3,000 square feet to 30,000 square feet. This is much more than an incremental increase and not what voters agreed to on the November 2020 Measure P. So knowing this, you must agree that: 1. A new EIR must be done 2. A new Traffic Study must be done 3. A new measure must be put before voters. Otherwise, doesn't the City, lifetime Property Development, and Lennar leave themselves open to lawsuits, as well as a stop on further building at The Farm until this matter is resolved? I look forward to your response, Michele Wield 11 of 37 ATTACHl\fENT E March 7, 2023, Item #4 Patty Fletcher From: Sent: To: Subject: EXTERNAL !;MAIL Good morning Ms. Miller, Christopher Campbell <CCampbell@lt.life> Monday, February 6, 2023 8:01 AM Rainy M.; David De Vries RE: (EXTERNAL] The Farm tennis courts Thank you for your interest in the proposed Life Time Poway project. We're very excited about the opportunity to join the Poway community and appreciate you taking the time to make comments and ask questions. At this time, we're listening to neighbors and compiling all feedback, and will provide a response at a future date. Sincerely, Chris Christop-her Campbell Life Time Property Development Sr. Development Manager From: Rainy M. <10srocs@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2023 7:04 PM To: ddevries@poway.org; Christopher Campbell <CCampbell@lt.life> Subject: [EXTERNAL] The Farm tennis courts Hello Mr. Devries and Mr. Campbell, When my husband and I attended the planning and community outreach sessions at Painted Rock Elementary School prior to the city voting on The Farm project, I was under the impression that when the fitness club was built, tennis courts would be included. I even asked this question of one of the advocates of the project. I was told there would be tennis courts. I see that pickleball courts are planned, but no mention of tennis courts. Perhaps the tennis courts are listed within the 'recreation courts' on the LifeTime amenities, and are indeed included. I was looking forward to possibly joining the facility specifically for the tennis membership, and upon hearing of tennis being included, was why I voted in favor of the project. As a neighbor of The Farm, living in Green Valley, I was excited about playing tennis in the neighborhood. The amount of gas used to play tennis elsewhere in the county is getting ridiculous. Not to mention the removal of many tennis courts being repurposed for pickleball in the county. I hope you have planned pickleball courts AND tennis courts for this area I Each sport deserves dedicated courts for their sport only, There are many people in the area who were frustrated to lose the Stoneridge tennis courts, and The Farm was going to at least brihg back some of those courts to the north side of Poway. With the tremendous growth of tennis over the last few years, the quality players who live in the area, the inability to use the Poway High courts, the lack of courts on the north side of Poway, the fact that Poway High and RB High both have junior tennis teams, and these are family homes being built, and the possible deception of voters, it would be a shame if tennis courts weren't In the plan. Please reassure me .... I hope to attend the meeting on Feb. 15. hearing from you. Thank you. Ra fny Miller 12 of 37 Meanwhile, please update me with the latest information if possible. t look forward to 1 March 7, 2023, Item #4 life Time• -Healthy Way of Life 2902 Corporate Place, Chanhassen, MN 55317 ©2022 LIFE TIME, INC. All Rights Reserved Life Time: https://www.llfetlme.llfe/ Privacy Policy: https://www.lifetime.1ife/en/policy/privacy-policy.html Unsubscribe: httpst//www.llfetime.llfe/en/membershlp/unsubscribe.html Life Time, Inc. may monitor email communications. This email may contain confidential or proprietary information. 13 of 37 2 March 7, 2023, Item #4 Patty Fletcher From: Sent: To: Subject: kbunk2003@gmail.com Monday, February 13, 2023 3:03 PM David De Vries The Farm @ Poway Lifetime project You don't often get email from kbunk2003@gmail.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL EMAIL Mr. Devries, I live in the Stonegate condominium complex, and last week representatives from Lifetime stopped by to discuss their plans for the health center location at The Farm. They were very cordial and informative. They said the company who will be rewarded this opportunity has not been decided. I would like to pass on my thoughts to you. The Lifetime representatives said the facility will be a 'boutique' facility, and not a more standard workout facility. It would have many exceptional amenities, but with a projected base membership price of $250.00 monthly, it's certainly not affordable for me. I hope that you can see how this will restrict the use of this club to many residents in the surrounding area, and consider a more affordable plan. Thank you for your time. Kevin Bunker 619-981-1856 14 of 37 1 March 7, 2023, Item #4 Patty Fletcher From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Paul latchford <latchfordpj@gmaH.com> Wednesday, February 8, 2023 9:29 AM David De Vries Paul latchford; Debbie Latchford The Farms D09 Park {You don't often get email from latchfordpj@gmall.com. Learn why this is important at https:// aka. ms/Lea rnAbo utSe nde ride ntificatio n ] EXTtRNAL EMAIL David, I see you are reviewing the Life Time application for the Farms, and I must let you know that we are pleased and excited to get this facility near out home. ,It will be great having something like this nearby. I hope you can convince them to have a discount for Stoneridge owners and seniors in the area. My wife also asked if you know where the dog park is envisioned to be in the Farms? I have not seen it on the General Plan. Perhaps you can provide me the link to the latest layout or General Plan for the Farms. Thanks for your time, Paul Latchford 17462 Tam O Shanter Dr Poway, Ca 92064 619-980-7100 15 of 37 1 March 7, 2023, Item #4 Patty Fletcher From: Sent: To: David Baltgalvis <woodyb97@yahoo.com> Friday, February 10, 2023 11 :18 AM Davrd De Vries Subject: Re: Neighborhood Meeting Notice -Proposed Lifetime Fitness Club at The Farm in Poway Attachments: The Farm in Poway • Proposed Lifetime Fitness Club 2-15-23 Open House Outreach Meeting.pdf You don't often get email from woodyb97@yahoo.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL EMAIL Am I right that this would make the whole development invalid? Sent from my iPhone On Feb 2, 2023, at 2:27 PM, David Baltgalvis <woodyb97@yahoo.com> wrote: I believe the plan that was approved by the voters can't be changed to include anything more or less. Sent from my iPhone 16 of 37 On Feb 2, 2023, at 10:30 AM, David De Vries <DDeVries@poway.org> wrote: Hello, you are receiving this email because you were a prior stakeholder, meeting or workshop attendee, provided comments on the project or requested notification regarding proposed development at The Farm in Poway. See attached neighborhood meeting invitation related to a proposed Life1ime Fitness Club at the Farm in Poway. Please contact myself or the project proponent Christopher Campbell with any questions. A community open house is being held at the following time and location: Thank you, February 15th 6:00-8:00pm (Attend at your leisure) Mickey Cafagna Community Center 13094 Civic Center Dr., Poway, CA 92064 Willow Room 306 David De Vries, AICP City Planner Development Services City of Poway I 13325 Civic Center Drive I Poway, CA 92064 Phone (858) 668-46041 Fax (858) 668-12 l l ddevries@poway.org 1 March 7, 2023, Item #4 PRO P ERTY L) c I/ I= L O !\J1 E f\l T Project Name: The Farm in Poway-Life Time Club Project Address: 17166 Stone ridge Country Club Ln, Poway, CA 92064 (formerly Stone ridge Country Club) APN:2739322500 30,500 sf Recreational Club w/outdoor fitness uses, restaurant, alcohol sales, small supportive retail including day spa, and lit recreational courts. City of Poway Staff Contact: David DeVries, AICP City Planner Development Services City of Poway I 13325 Civic Center Drive I Poway, CA 92064 Phone (858) 668-4604 ddevries@poway.org Life Time is eager to introduce the neighbors and residents of Poway to our proposed project at The Farm! Life Time is a leader in the health and wellness industry, operating over 1'60 athletic resorts across the country including in Laguna Niguel, San Clemente, and La Jolla. At Life Time, we focus on health and wellness in a socially engaging atmosphere for the entire family. The Farm in Poway is located at the intersection of Espola Road and Martincoit Rd. The Farm in Poway Specific Plan received voter approval in 2020 which included approval of an athletic club on a 6.85 acre site within The Farm. The Specific Plan envisioned the athletic club would be available on a membership basis and include recreation courts, swimming, and ,other fitness amenities and locker facilities. Life Time has submitted an application for a custom, luxury athletic club to blend Poway's City in the Country aesthetic with modernized amenities, services and features. This application is cl(rrently being reviewed by the City. The proposed athletic club includes: Swimming Pools including separate leisure and lap pools with lounge seating and cabanas Outdoor lounge including warm spa & cold plunge Pickleball Courts Life Spa with 3 massage treatment rooms Luxurious locker rooms with towel service and saunas Life Time Kid's Academy offering a safe, social and enriching environment for children life Cafe & Poolside Bistro, offering real, wholesome goodness Cardio, Resistance, and Strength Training equipment Dedicated Group Fitness Studios We are committed to open communication with our neighbors and understand you may have questions about the project. A community open house is being held on: 17 of 37 February 15th 6:00-8:00pm (Attend at your leisure) Mickey Cafagna Community Center 13094 Civic Center Dr., Poway, CA 92064 Willow Room 306 March 7, 2023, Item #4 We encourage you to join us to learn more about the proposed project and share your questions. You may also contact Christopher Campbell at ccampbell@lt.life with questions or comments. 1. Cardio Fitness Floor 3. Life Time Site Entrance 5. Life Cafe & Poolside Bistro 18 of 37 2. Outdoor Lounge with Warm Spa & Cold Plunge 4. Outdoor Lap Pool 6. Outdoor Fitness March 7, 2023, Item #4 Patty Fletcher From: Sent: To: Subject: Importance: Peter R. Buerki <pbuerki@twc.com> Tuesday, February 14, 2023 9:20 PM David De Vries Letter of Opposition -Life Time Recreational Center (The Farm) High You don't often get email from pbuerki@twc.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL EMAIL Dear Mr. De Vries, My name is Peter Buerki, and I am a homeowner at 17141 Cloudcroft Drive in Poway, in the Stoneridge area adjacent to "The Farm". Im writing in opposition to the project proposed by Life Time property development that is currently being reviewed by the City. We do not need a luxury athletic resort. At $260 membership fee per month, very few of the residents in the Stoneridge area will become members, especially since only 5 miles away, LA Fitness provides the same services (except maybe the towel service) at $40 per month. As a consequence, this facility will not be profitable, and will be sold after a few years. From there it will go downhill and face the same destiny as the former Stoneridge Country Club ... The Life Time Athletic Resort is misplaced and does not fit into the City in the Country. Please do not approve this development project and aim for a project that is not membership based and affordable to everyone in Poway. Sincerely, Peter R. Buerki, Ph .D. 17141 Cloudcroft Drive Poway, CA 92064 (760) 419 4764 19 of 37 1 March 7, 2023, Item #4 Patty Fletcher From: Sent: To: Subject: Alison Bell <alison.n.park@icloud.com> Wednesday, February 15, 2023 8:34 PM David De Vries Questions from the Lifetime meeting [You don't often get email from alison.n.park@icloud.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderldentification J EXTERNAL EMAIL Dear Mr.De Vries, 1-1 really would like to see Lifetime Fitness in San Diego County offer a military&veteran discounted package. I expressed that tonight and am going to be speaking further with Christopher Campbell on this. I think Poway should set that standard for the county. I would like the council and the city to back that idea. Do I just email them each individually before the March 7th meeting? 2-Has the landscaping plans Lennar has submitted for the homes on Abbey road been approved? Specifically the plans that were submitted for trees and hedge types to be planted behind the homes on Tam O Shanter? 3-1 think I heard you say the community association would include the fitness center? I was told previous that Lennar and their CA/HOA had no connection with any of the commercial 20nes and that they were separate. In that light ... do The Farm HOA dues include Lifet ime fitness memberships or no? I thought no but now I'm curious. 4-1 have heard from many that your department could be short staffed. With all the development ... t had an idea on how to improve that without costing the city much money. I am going to suggest my idea to the council ... but when you have the chance I would like to run my idea by you to see if you think it would be something worth explorfng. Thank you for your time, Alison Park 20 of 37 March 7, 2023, Item #4 Patty Fletcher From: Sent To: Subject: Attachments: David De Vries Wednesday, February 15, 2023 4:14 PM ret1 stgrade@outlook.com Neighborhood Meeting Notice -Proposed Lifetime Fitness Club at The farm 1n Poway The Farm in Poway -Proposed Lifetime Fitness Club 2-15-23 Open House Outreach Meeting.pdf Hello, thank you for your interest in the proposed Life Time Poway project. I received your voke message. Your comments opposing the project because of increased building area and less open space have been noted. At this titne, we're conducting the neighborhood meeting today and compiling all feedback. I will add your comments to the feedback received. Thank you, David De Vries, AICP City Planner Development Services City of Poway I 13325 Clvlc Center Drive I Poway, CA 92064 Phone (858) 668-4604 I Fax (858) 668-1211 ddevries@poway.org 21 of 37 On Feb 2, 2023, at 10:30 AM, David De Vries <DDeVries@poway.org> wrote: Hello, you are receiving this email because you were a prior stakeholder, meeting or workshop attendee, provided comments on the project or requested notification regarding proposed development at The Farm in Poway. See attached neighborhood meeting invitation related to a proposed Lifetime Fitness Club at the Farm in Poway. Please contact myself or the project proponent Christopher Campbell with any questions. A community open house is being held at the following time and location: Thank you, February 15th 6:00-8:00pm (Attend at your leisure) Mickey Cafagna Community Center 13094 Civic Center Dr., Poway, CA 92064 Willow Room 306 David De Vries , AICP City Planner Development Services City of Poway I 13325 Civic Center Drive I Poway, CA 92064 Phone (858) 668-46041 F-ox (858) 668-1211 ddevries@poway.org 1 March 7, 2023, Item #4 D E: \/ .:. LO ; 'IV! :. ,11 I Project Name: The Farm in Poway-Life Time Club Project Address: 17166 Stoneridge Country Club Ln, Poway, CA 92064 {formerly Stoneridge Country Club) APN: 2739322500 30,500 sf Recreational Club w/outdoor fitness uses, restaurant, alcohol sales, small supportive retail including day spa, and lit recreational courts. City of Poway Staff Contact: David DeVries, AICP City Planner Development Services City of Poway I 13325 Civic Center Drive I Poway, CA 92064 Phone (858) 668-4604 ddevries@poway.org Life Time is eager to introduce the neighbors and residents of Poway to our proposed project at The Farm! Life Time is a leader in the health and wellness industry, operating over 160 athletic resorts across the country including fn Laguna Niguel, San Clemente, and La Jolla. At Life Time, we focus on health and wellness in a socially engaging atmosphere for the entire family. The Farm in Poway is located at the intersection of Espola Road and Martincolt Rd. The Farm in Poway Specific Plan received voter approval in 2020 which included approval of an athletic club on a 6.85 acre site within The Farm. The Specific Plan envisioned the athletic club would be available on a membership basis and include recreation courts, swimming, and otherfitness amenities and locker facilities-. Life Time has submitted an application for a custom, luxury athletic club to blend Poway's City in the Country aesthetic with modernized amenities, services and features. This application is currently being revi'ewed by the City. The proposed athletic club includes: Swimming Pools including separate leisure and lap pools with lounge seating and cabanas Outdoor lounge including warm spa & cold plunge Pickleball Courts Life Spa with 3 massage treatment rooms Luxurious locker rooms with towel service and saunas Life Time Kid's Academy offering a safe, social and enriching environment for children Life Cafe & Poolside Bistro, offering real, wholesome goodness Cardio, Resistance, and Strength Training equipment Dedicated Group Fitness Studios We are committed to open communication with our neighbors and understand you may have questions about the project. A community open house is being held on: 22 of37 February 15th 6:00-8:00pm (Attend at your leisure) Mickey Cafagna Community Center 13094 Civic Center Dr., Poway, CA 92064 Willow Room 306 March 7, 2023, Item #4 We encourage you to join us to learn more about the proposed project and share your questions. You may also contact Christopher Campbell at ccampbell@lt.life with questions or comments. 1. Cardio Fitness Floor 3. life Time Site Entrance 5. life Cafe & Poolside Bistro 23 of 37 .., ,.. -==-===---L;,... ~ . 1. ;.::;...:===1 • • fl,r;~~if, . . . _.· -~~~ . ~~,. ·~-' - -------. V 2. Outdoor Lounge with Warm Spa & Cold Plunge 4. Outdoor Lap Pool 6. Outdoor Fitness March 7, 2023, Item #4 COMMUNITY MEETING • Life Time Poway-Community Meeting Comment Sheet Wednesday, February 15, 2023 6:00pm -8:00pm Mickey Cafagna Community Center 13094 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 Willow Room 306 WRITTEN COMMENT FORM ·-=r; H RVz;-Gr:: E fv :r CJ p cO:=c.E I\J s ('.':)~ 1-t 'EA LT1+ L Ir-£ Ti 01 -G--I ..5. T f-/ £: C... L 6. f-:r.t-J ES. T /-I AJ D E:.. ~\JI P fv16J..D 7 J Fl¥'€: p .::s 1C\ F O /Y) £._/>'Jg 612 -0 E L-LEE= TI (11 G 12 c:; CJ-f ~ G. s TE=. fL 7'11 c rl YEN 11.J J s d 5 v,.J 1 M rt u.6 ~ 1,-p cs I 9 !:) o ~ $ o 11.1 Tl L :z__ c::? Z o C o \I' I D .. MAIL or E-MAIL FORMS TO: David De Vries, City Planner City of Poway, Development Services 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, CA 92064 E-Mail: ddevries@poway.org COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY: 5:00 PM, February 22, 2023 24 of 37 CONTACT INFORMATION: Print Name s 2-14 13 eb E-,cEE. 1,1-11,,L 'PL.Ac Address ·rrz_.o/ 7 City State Zip Code 248'-:3'30 -597./, Phone Number March 7, 2023, Item #4 Patty Fletcher From: Sent To: Deborah Chiang < Retl stgrade@outlook.com> Wednesday, February 15, 2023 8:23 PM David De Vries Subject: Re: Neighborhood Meeting Notice -Proposed Lifetime Fitness Club at The Farm in Poway EXTERNAL EMAI L Thank you. I am also opposed as the Spa/Gym is very high end and too expensive for almost all Poway residents, this facility will not be accessible for our citizens, including myself! Thank you again, Debbie Chiang Sent by D Chiang On Feb 15, 2023, at 4:14 PM, David De Vries <DDeVries@poway.org> wrote: Hello, thank you for your interest in the proposed Life Time Poway project. I received your voice message. Your comments opposing the project because-of increased building area and less open space have been noted. At this time, we're conducting the netghborhood meeting today and compiling all feedback. I will add your comments to the feedback received. Thank you, David De Vries, AICP City Planner Development Services City of Poway I 13325 Civic Center Drive j Poway, CA 92064 Phone (858) 668-4604 I Fax (858) 668-1 211 ddevries@poway.org 25 of 37 On Feb 2, 2023, at 10:30 AM, David De Vries <DDeVries@poway.org> wrote: Hello, you are receiving this email because you were a prior stakeholder, meeting or workshop attendee, provided comments 011 the project or requested notification regarding proposed development at The ·Farm in Poway. See attached neighborhood meeting invitation related to a proposed Lifetime Fitness Club at the Fa rm in Poway. Please contact myself or the project proponent Christopher Campbell with any questions. A community open house is being held at the following time and location: 1 March 7, 2023, Item #4 February 151~ 6:00-8:00pm (Attend at your leisure) Mickey Cafagna Community Center 13094 Civic Center Dr., Poway, CA 92064 Willow Room 306 Thank you, David De Vries, AICP City Planner Development Services City of Poway I 13325 Civic Center Drive I Poway, CA 92064 Phone (858) 668-46041 Fax (858) 668-1211 ddevries@poway.org <The Farm in Poway-Proposed Lifetime Fitness Club 2-15-23 Open House Outreach Meeting.pdf> 26 of 37 March 7, 2023, Item #4 Patty Fletcher From: Sent To: Subject: EXTERNAL EMAIL Good afternoon Rainy, Christopher Campbell <CCampbell@lt.fife> Friday, February 17, 2023 2:44 PM Rainy M.; David De Vries RE ; [EXTERNAL} The Farm tennis courts Thank you for your interest ih the proposed Life Time Poway. We had a good turnout at the Neighborhood Meeting and heard lots of great feedback and support from the community. I'm unsure if you were able to attend, and if you were, I'm sorry we weren't able to connect in person. After compiling the feedback we've received thus far, I wanted to take the opportunity to address your specific question regarding tennis. When the specific plan was approved, the plan read that The Club may include recreation courts, and as the largest operator of tennis & pickleball programming in the country, Life Time is excited to offer 6 pickle ball courts in the proposed project. throughout our 30+ years of operation, Life Time has continually evolved our program offerings to follow the current trends and meet the needs of our members, and we'll continue to do so with the proposed Life Time Poway. Thank you again for your question, and if there are others I can answer, please let me know. Thanks, Chris Christopher Campbell Life Time Property Development Sr. Development Manager From: Rainy M. <l0srocs@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2023 7:04 PM To: ddevrles@poway.orgi Christopher Campbell <CCampbell@lt.life> Subject: [EXTERNAL] The Farm tennis courts Hello Mr. Devries and M~. Campbell, When my husband and I attended the planning and community outreach sessions at Painted Rock Elementary School prior to the city voting on The Farm project, I was under the impression that when the fitness club was built, tennis courts would be Included. I even asked this question of one of the advocates of the project. I was told there would be tennis courts. I see that pickleball courts are planned, but no mention of tennis courts. Perhaps the tennis courts are listed within the 'recreation courts' on the LifeTime amenities, and are indeed included. I was looking forward to possibly joinlng the facility specifically for the tennis membership, and upon hearing of tennis being included, was why I voted In favor of the project. As a neighbor of The Farm, llving In Green Valley, I was excited about playing tennis in the neighborhood. The amount of gas used to play tennis elsewhere in the county is getting ridiculous. Not to mention the removal of many tennis courts being repurposed for pickleball in the county. I hope you have planned pickleball courts AND tennis courts for this area! Each sport deserves dedicated courts for their sport only. 27 of37 1 March 7, 2023, Item #4 There are many people in the area who were frustrated to lose the Stoneridge tennis courts, and The Farm was going to at least bring back some of those courts to the north side of Poway. With the tremendous growth of tennis over the last few years, the quality players who live in the area, the inability to use the Poway High courts, the lack of courts on the north side of Poway, the fact that Poway High and RB High both have junior tennis teams, and these are family homes being built, and the possible deception of voters, it would be a shame 1f tennis courts weren't in the plan. Please reassure me .... I hope to attend the meeting on Feb. 15. Meanwhile, please update me with the latest information 'if possible. I look forward to nearing from you. Thank you. Rainy Miller Life Time~ -Healthy Way of lite 2902 Corporate Pla.ce, Chanhassen, MN 55317 ©2022 LIFE TIME, INC. All Rights Reserved Life Time: https://www.llfetime.life/ Privacy Policy: https;//www.lifetime.life/en/policy/privacy-policy.html U nsu bscri be: https ://www. llfeti me ,life/en/me m be rship/u nsu bscribe .h tm I Life Time, Inc. may monitor email communications. This email may contain confidential or proprietary Information. 28 of37 2 March 7, 2023, Item #4 Patty Fletcher From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: EXTERNAL EMAIL Hi: Oconnor home <oconnor11@cox.net> Saturday, February 18, 2023 4:33 PM David De Vries Christopher Campbell Re: Neighborhood Meeting Notice -Proposed Lifetime Fitness Club at The Farm in Poway We made it to the Neighborhood Meeting, was hoping to ask a few questions but you were always surrounded. Here are a couple : -there were depicted 6 pickle ball courts -seems to be shy of the needed number. Maybe by half or more. -parking -what's the parking required? No chance for two levels of parking (one underground or one up a level). -in San Clemente they wanted to build a two story parking structure -didn't get passed. Now at times members of the club park in the neighborhood. Is there street parking available if the parking is overfilled? -looks like a great addition -although the ingress off Martincoit -seems like a lot of traffic for those new homes on that street. Tim and Karen Oconnor Sent from my !Phone On Feb 2, 2023, at 10:30 AM, David De Vries <DDeVries@poway.org> wrote: Hello, you are receiving this email because you were a prior stakeholder, meeting or workshop attendee, provided comments on the project or requested notification regarding proposed development at The Farm in Poway. See attached neighborhood meeting invitation related to a proposed Ufetime Fitness Club at the Farm in Poway. Please contact myself or the project proponent Christopher Campbell with any questions. A community open house is being held at the following time and location: Thank you, David De Vries, AICP City Planner Development Services February 15th 6:00-8:00pm (Attend at your leisure) Mickey Cafagna Community Center 13094 Civic Center Dr., Poway, CA 92064 Willow Room 306 City of Poway I 13325 Civic Center Drive I Poway, CA 92064 29 of 37 1 March 7, 2023, Item #4 Phone ( 858) 668-4604 I Fax / 858) 668-121 l ddevries@powav.org <The Farm in Poway -Proposed Lifetime Fitness Club 2-15-23 Open House Outreach Meeting.pdf> 30 of37 March 7, 2023, Item #4 Patty Fletcher From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: WELCOM CENTER,* MIDDLEBROOK <rmiddlebrook@comcast.net> Wednesday, February 22, 2023 11 :1 4 AM ccampbell@lt.'life David De Vries; Sara Trunzo Randy Middlebrook and Stoneridge Neighbors Feedback Letter to Lifetime Fitness Chris Campbel l.pdf You don't often get email from rmiddlebrook@comcast.net Learn why1his is important EXTERNAL EMAIL Chris, Attached is the letter I am sending you on behalf of my Stoneridge neighbors in regards to our collective feedback on the proposed Lifetime Fitness Development (and specifically towards the parking lot that will be right behind our backyards). Please acknowledge receipt of the letter so I know that my email got through to you. I/we look forward to hearing back from you as we pursue what we hope to be a collaborative process. Thank you, Randy Middlebrook (Collectively representing my Stoneridge Neighbors) 31 of 37 1 March 7, 2023, Item #4 February 22, 2023 Chris Campbell Development Manager, Lifetime Fitness Dear Chris, Thank you for meeting with me on 2/10/23 and seeking feedback from a "highly impacted neighbor" who lives across from the proposed Lifetime Fitness development (parking lot} at the Farm in Poway. subsequently had extensive conversations with my Stoneridge neighbors who also l!ve adJacent to your proposed new 248 space parking lot. Their opinions are spirited and they are fully invested in our continuing dialogue. My neighbors have asked me to speak on their collective behalf. For decades we have enjoyed an idyllic lifestyle directly beside the picturesque rolling fairways and greens of Stoneridge Country Club (with no privacy fences). The following summarizes our collective feedback: HOMEOWNER CONCERNS /QUESTIONS 1. We're suddenly at risk of losing our privacy, quiet enjoyment, attractive views, and quality of life because of a huge proposed {248 space) parking lot only feet away from our backyards. Previously we were told that all parking for the development was to be placed in the interior of the project. 2. We are deeply concerned about seeing and hearing vehides every time we step into our backyards (7 days a week, 365 days a year, all day and all night). How many net average daily trips will the new Club produce? What time will the parking lot close? How will-the noise be mitigated? 3. We're worried about losing our "dark sky" night time ambiance. We suspect that our homes and yards will stare directly at light stanchions and lights, and the night sky behind us will be permanently lit with the glow of parking lot lights. What is the lighting plan'? How tall will light stanchions be? Will the lights ever go off? 4. Our homes are very Close to tl'le large outdoor fitness atea where your Club wlll conduct dally (and nightly?) group fitness activities {and/or other outdoor events?). Aerobics and other group classes and/or loud music are fine for the Club but not when it disrupts the quiet enjoyment of longtime homeowners next door. How will the sound be mitigated? What time will the outdoor fitness areas close? 5. Pickle ball (5 courts on the plan) create constant booming thuds that carry far and wide, especially at night. From our front yards we can hear the loud thumps of pickle ball at night from just one court in the Vineland Hills heighborhood, and that court is nearly a block away, surrounded by walls, mature landscaping, and homes. How will your pickle ball courts be fortified to mitigate the noise? What time will the courts close? What time will the pools close? 6. We feel that your plan to stay open until midnight is not compatible with our residential neighborhood, as well as with The Farm in Poway Specific Plan. If your club were in a non- residential area, late night hours m ight be acceptable. However, your club will generate a high volume of customer and automobile traffic right In the m idst of our homes. 32 of 37 March 7, 2023, Item #4 HOMEOWNER REQUESTS 1. We request a 6ft wall be erected around the entire west and south facing perimeters of the parking lot (facing our backyards as well as those of new "Farm" residences) substantially thick enough to eliminate the sights and sounds of automobiles coming and going every day of the week, 365 days of the year. 2. We request that you eliminate one west facing and one south facing row of parking spaces at the perimeters of the parking lot (across from our yards) and set back the wall 10 feet on each side. The City of Poway required parking for the development is 170 spaces. The Club would retain 207 total spaces, a net gain of 37 spaces, and ample enough for a non•residential use parking lot situated next to a longstanding residential neighborhood. This adjustment has a net :zero revenue impact and saves money on asphalt construction and maintenance cost. We would like to see attractive landscaping planted in the set-back area. 3. We request that the lighting plan for the parking lot consist entirely or predominately of bollard lighting at the 4ft level. We want to continue to see 11dark sky" at night from our homes and yards. We do not want to look at light poles or a sea of light shining all night long, every night of the year. 4. As a residential community our position is consistent with the Farm in Poway Specific Plan mandating that non-residential businesses close by 10pm. Remember, you will be our next door neighbor (albeit a neighbor who is open for business 36S days a year). 33 of 37 As longt;me Poway homeowners of Stone ridge we share a common goal with lifetime Fitness to ultimately support your development proposal. We feel that we are presenting you with accommodations that are reasonable, that don't negatively impact your revenue, and are cost effective for a $40,0001000 project. We know that once the Lifetime Fitness development gets built our neighborhood will be changed forever. We want our relationship with Lifetime Fitness to be collaborative so that we can all feel good about the eventual outcome. I/we look forward to hearing back from you. Sincerely, j '~ /1,;//i,J,,ef-{ Randy Middlebrook (Collectively representing my Stoneridge neighbors) March 7, 2023, Item #4 Patty Fletcher from: Sent: To: Subject: Annette Monk <annette@monic-consultancy.co.uk> Friday, February 24, 2023 9:10 AM City Clerk Pre-development Conference (PDC) 23'-0001 Meeting Notice -P-roposed Lifetime Fitness Club at The Farm in Poway [You dontt often get email from annette@monic-consultancy.co.uk. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/Leal'nAboutSenderldentification] EXTERNAL EMAIL Dear Sirs I would like to comment on the proposed L•ifetime Fitness Club proposal. Unfortunately I cannot attend so please take this email as thoughts on this project. I am against this proposal. Having seen their proposal and having talked with the staff I would like to point out that this is far too expensive for most families in the area. I thought the idea was to make this a community facility. At approximately $270 a month for the first member and approx $100 a month for the second and so on, this -is far out of reach of many families in the area. We need something for the community and this will be for the wealthy/elite only. Please say NO to this proposal. Kind regards Annette Monk Sent from my iPhone 34 of 37 March 7, 2023, Item #4 Patty Fletcher From: Carl Rossi <carl.rossi@sbcglobal.net> Monday, February 27, 2023 12:25 PM Sara Trunzo Sent: To: Cc: Kevin Mcnamara; Randy Middlebrook; pennybetteker@gmail.com; Ernie Hoffman; David De Vries Subject: The Farm: Walls for sound at 'The Club' EXTERNAL EMAIL Hello, It has come to my attention that the homeowners are being asked to sit down with developers on final points regarding privacy and sound surrounding 'The Club'. This is wonderful in one sense and has brought up discussions that should be helpful to all moving forward. However, on certain points, it is not really needed. The City needs to enforce the Specific Plan that the voters (including the directly affected homeowners surrounding The Club) approved. There should not be any question as to what is required of the developer ofThe -club if it is in the Specific Plan, and, it is the responsibility of City officials to enforce the Specific Plan. I helped PUSD add 21 new schools during my tenure and I know what the words 'will' means and 'masonry sound wall'. he Clu The Club is located In the heart of the community to provide recreational, fitness and social amenities for residents of The Farm in Poway. The Club will be professionally operated by a recreltional management firm and will also be :wailable to residents of surrounding cornmunitics on a membership basis. The Club may include. recreation courts, swimming. and other fitness amenities as well as comrnunity morns and locker facilities. The contemporary agr.'ltian styling of the buildings and infonnal and rustic lilndsc.tpe will be restive and Inviting. Remnants of stacked stone walls will provide a thematic connection r.o the Event ;ind Education Center. Parkifl facilities and the rna·oric of che recreation courts will be screened from adjacent res.idences by a masonry sound wall hat is further screened with trees, shrL,bs and vines. The community trail will be directly accessed frotn The Club. Please respond to this waif issue as soon as possible. Respectf u I ly, Carl Rossi 35 of 37 l March 7, 2023, Item #4 17232 Saint Andrews Drive Poway, CA. 92064 36 of 37 2 March 7, 2023, Item #4 AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING City Council for the City of Poway, hereinafter referred to as "City" and The Farm jn PowaY, LLC, hereinafter referred to as "Proponent" enter into this Agreement of Understanding based upon the following facts: Proponent owns or has an equitable interest in land described by tax Assessor's Parcel Number(s): 2739322500. Proponent desires to develop this property In accordance wlth the will of the City and without the expense of a protracted development. City is concerned that Proponent will create development plans unsatisfactory to City and consume time and effort of City employees needlessly on unsatisfactory development plans unless City assists in directing Proponent. Based upon the above-mentioned facts, City will grant Proponent a hearing prior to filing any application for development upon the following understanding: a. City will render no decision with regards to any development proposal or part thereof. b. City will receive no evidence, specific in nature, in support of a particular development plan. C. City will make no representations that will obligate the City to render a decision in favor of or against any development proposal or part thereof Proponent may subsequently submit. d. If any development proposal is sut.isequently submitted, Proponent will proceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made no representations upon which Proponent may rely, Signed by Proponent Acknowledged: Dated: 2 / 21/23 Signed by Applicant (Life Time lhc.): 37 of 37 ATTACHMENT F