Final Budget FY 1989-1990 ,~~,~" ~- . ".', -~~_.- ---- -'.--,----~ ".u ",,',,-, '" ' ';, ~',;.:';----,~ '~" , . 'I . . '.,". '- ' .' ,J -_ " - l:' " .' ~;< ',', ';:'. ~ ~~.[ 'J~,,_,. '\,., 1I',l .I( "l' I -II:' \, 1'(' 'l-=' , n ,}J-::-:-.J ~t.,~:::-.: .ln11'-~~\J~J" SJ '1 ~ \ . . ' Ii " I L,J. _-- -'- ---:-:--=-~- J .~ '\ .r-~- h ~- 1 I 'r",' ~" '---: ~~, I /. '_ ..... \ I U ' /,' I' ' - "'...., ' \ 1'\ f //" "'-~ I D. / ~- I --, , ' '~ I' '\ ' II J / '\ '~ I - - \\ I n, ! I -! I ,.J, I I U1'-' \ I , \ ! ': \ J ,0 \ /J - ~ [L ~ // ~ ",/ U ~ ~ I '__________.. .~r " I . ~---.........- - - -.:.---- ' ~-----_.- --=----- 1 \ ..Ct n if-":J;;; ~- /C:~} I L~. I~-d l~"W (Q)li ktQ)~7ff~W r'i 1r~W@y~!l.lRM_~:.I() Jl1Ji. y. TIW~<o N!)l@ I Ii [1 'ar - ,.,,;7 j'"'':-':''' -;/:' -, -~~~.~~~:~. /-'~--' '-.- -.' .J ," ,~.~, " "~_' .::=:-- ",...:.<'./; '.. - '-.~---- -. -- - (:.-- '"",""", ----~ , " I, I I' I I' I CITY OF POWAY 1 I I CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I' CARL KRUSE, MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN 1 LINDA BRANNON, DEPUTY MAYOR AND VICE-CHAIRWOMAN BOB EMERY 1 JAN GOLDSMITH I' DON HIGGINSON I I I' I 1 l , '-' I I I I I I CI T Y OF POWAY :1 I I BUDGET REVIEW COMMITTEE I BOB BROOKS ,I KYLE EVERSON I GORDON MEYER JACK MITCHELL I ALAN SUGARMAN I '. I Prepared By: ,. Administrative Services Department Susan M. Pulone, Director Finance Division I Christine Wu, Financ~ Manager Cover Photo: Christine Wu I ~ ~ :1 I I I I CITY OF POWAY I DIRECTORY OF CITY OFFICIALS I I CITY MANAGER I JAMES L. BOWERSOX I I ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES I JOHN D. FITCH ROBERT L. THOMAS I CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF PLANNING SERVICES STEPHEN M. ECKIS REBA WRIGHT-QUASTLER I CITY.CLERKlTREASURER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES I MARJORIE K. WAHLSTEN ALAN D. ARCHIBALD .1 DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR OF SAFETY SERVICES SUSAN M. PULONE WILLIAM A. TOON " :1 l - I I I 1 I CITY OF POWAY I I I REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE I CARLTON (DUKE) AYERS LYMAN BARBER I NEVILLE BOTHWELL MICKEY CAFAGNA I LOIS DOWNS I ALAN DUSI GORDON MEYER I DON NUNN BETTY REXFORD I .ALAN SUGARMAN I TOM TREMBLE I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I Gui de to ,Reading the Budget Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 1 C.ity Manager's Letter of Transmittal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi P,rogr-am EjC:penditures . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. vi i ~_.~dget by 'F;un~ . . . . . ~ . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ; x I Emp 1 oyee Posi,ti-ons" Class.i fi cati tins, and Salary Ranges . . . . . . . . xii i Revenues by Funds and Sbur~es. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SUlll1lary of Sources and Uses of Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Fund Act i vi ty Detai 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 I Genera'] Fund. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Street Improvement, - Gas Tax Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 '. Park Improvement Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Ora; nage Fund . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . .' '.:_ . . . . . . . . 19 Grant' Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Special Assessment Districts Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 I Trust 'Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Street Development F~nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Municipal Imp'~ovemenf .Fund. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 24 I COlll1lunHy, Facilities District #1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S Debt Service Fund . . ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Wa te r" 'Fu,nd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 I Sewer Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Capital Rep,lacement Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 I Boncl Ihterest and Redemption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Statement of Fund Balances and Reserves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Redeveiopment Agency Loans Payabl e 'to City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 . - ~ ' - 37 I Department Operating Budgets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Legislative and Administrative: City Counci 1 . . . . . . . . . . 38 I Legislative, and Administrative: City Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Legislative. and Administra~ive: City Attorney. . . . . . . . . . 46 Legislative ~nd Administrative: City Manager. . . . . . . . . . 50 I Department o.f Admi ni st~ative Servi ces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 'Department of COrimunity Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 '. pepar.tment of Planning Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Department of Public Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Department of Safety Servi.ces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 I Ci ty of poway Capi tal Improvement Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I Map - City Parks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 180 I poway Redevelopment Program: 1988-1989 Revenue by Funds and Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 I Statement of Fund Balances and Reserves. . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 COlll1lunity Redevelopment Agency-Administration Fund and I Capital 'Projects Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 COnlmunity Redevelopment Agency-Debt Service Fund. . . . . . . . 186 COlll1lunity Redevelopment Agency-Poinsettia Mobilehome Park. . . 187 I Bond Interest and Redemption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Admi ni strati ve Operat,i ngBudget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 I Redevelopment Capital Improvement Program. . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Map - Paguay Redevelopment Project Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 I Appendix A - Resolutions Adopting 1988-1989 City Financ,ial Program. . 263 I Appendix B - Resolutions Adopting 1988-1989 Redevelopment Agency Financial Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 Appendtk C - Chart of E~pen~e Acpounts & Definitions. . . . . . . . . 273 Appendix 0 ~ Chart of Revenue Accounts & Definitions. . . . . . . . . 287 I Appendix E - City Counc,i 1 IlII1lediate & Short Term Goals. . . . . . . . 303 I I I .1 I I I I. I i I GUIDE to READING THE BUDGET DOCUMENT ;1 Every year, the City of 'poway prepares a budget for the upcomi ng flsca 1 year I which serves as the City'sfiilancial plan. Although the, budget serves as a con- trol document for the -chyCoullcil alld staff, its pr,imarypurpose is to provide information to citizens and ,other interested parties abo'ut the financial health I and activities of the City as a municipal corporation. This guide was prepared toasstst ci.tizens and ,other' t'ndividuals who ,may not be 1 famil iar with public budgeting and finance to read and interpret this document. A great deal of informati'on js provided in the budget beyond dollars and cents. One just needs to know how 'and where to look for it! ,I Getttng Started An excellent place to. begin to examine the budget,is the City Manager's Letter I of Transmittal wh.ich prov:ides ,a philosophical as w~n as factual sUlll1lary of the City.' s financial plari. 1 Next, the Budget by Fund pages ~hows expenditures' for each Department and its divi,s,ions 'spread 'across the Clty's major funds. You w.ill note, that the General Fund' shows expenditures 'for all Departments, whiTe the other funds, show e~pen- ditures for "certain, ones. l:hiS is' another i llustl'iati'on of the fund, accounti ng ... , -. - .- ," '.' ....~. - -- , -, . > I nature of government which, Tes;tri cts certa in revenues to expenditures for 1 imi"ted purposes. I The next pages sUlll1larize and descri be the City's work force. The ,number of auth6rized full-time positions is shown in comparison to th~ prior year. New posit,ions and position deletions are mentioned by t.itle. Each full-time job ". . - . cl assi f-icati on authorized in the budget is then li.sted al phabetica lly by tit Ie ,. with its correspondi'ng month'ly salary range. Next, ,y()u will notice that tile budget is actuallY,d';vided into two plans. One 1 is the Operating and Capital Budget of the City. The other is the Operating and Capita 1 Budget of thePoway Redev'elopinent Agency. -A'rf operating budget i,s the financjal plan for the day~to~day operations of the City or the Agency; a, capi- 'I; tal budget is the ftnanc,ia 1 plan for acqui ri ngor constructi ng maj6r munici pa 1 facil itiessuch as ,streets, drainage systems and parks. -' . - . - -, - ,I: TheCtty'S' Operattng Budget The (i'rst section following this gu:ide is "Revenues by Fund and Source." This group of pages outl ines th'eCity's revenues" or toe dollar resources the City 'I receives. Governments account for money in funds, whtch separate, ,avai 1 ab 1 e do 11 ars accord- I ing to how they may be, usgd. The largest fund 'is, th~, Ge,neral Fund whose reve- nues may be used to provide ,any government servici:!. Other fund's are restri cted \ as to how thei r revenues' may be used. There 'wi 11 be more information on the :1 City"s various funds' later in this document. I I i i i I Guide to Reading the Budget Document I Page 3 I After theStC!t~ment of Fund ,Balances and Reserves; mor:e ,detail regardi ng the expenditure side of the budget is provided, again movIng from sUlll1lary to detail. I The Program Expenditures page lists the six major City departments and what each plans to spend in the three major program expenditure categories: 1. Personnel - ThE! cost of salaries, fringe benefits" and other employee- I related costs. 2. OperaUons and MaTntenance - Thecos t of doi ng business day-to-day I in supplies, materials and services. 3. Capital Outlay - The cost of major nonl7ecurring purchases, of $500 I or more with a useful 1 tfe of th ree or- 'more years. Exampl es are office furniture, 'vehicles and larger pieces of eqUipment. It is cOlll1lon for the tota lof all program expendi tures to be referred to as "the I budget," even though it is only the expenditure ~ide of the entire bUdget pic- ture. I What follows next is the ~eart of the City's Operating Budget detail. For each of the City's six major departments, an activity overv,iew is provided in which the major expenditure ca'tegorfes - personnel, oper;ationsand maintenance and I capital outlay - are surmiarized and compared to priQr years. A narrative coni- 'mentary providing a description of the composi,t,ton, ,oJ the, department ,and its purpose in the governmenta~'organization is backed up bY a~'illustrating organi- zafi on chart on the fac,i ng page. I Fo1'1owing the Departmenfal Overv,i e.w, each, di vi si on of the department 'wi 11 show two facing pages of actIvity detail. The narrativ,e page includes a description I of the major functions o,f the divis,ion, the div,ision's goals and objectives, wor:k load activitystattstics ,for prior and pr,oposed years ,and a sect-ion entitled S,i gni.fi cant Act; vityprogram Changes. Thfs 'last section pOfnts out and I eiq)la;(1~ larger dollar increases, or decreases and the expense account where each , , si gnifi cant' activity program change is refl ected. " The faci!1g page contains tbe ,actual, doll il,r amounts to be spent to achieve the I divi s,i'on',s goals 'and objecti.ves. You wi 11 note that ,the maj 0 r expend i tu re 'ca te- gories . (pehsonnel , operations and maintenance, and Capital outlay) are further divide,a 'intq parficular types of expendit~res. Each expendi ture type has a I: three"-dtgi t-, num,ber prec.edi;ng it. In the back,' of the budget book i,s the "Chart 0,(' Expense .Accounts and D,efi niti ons," Appendi xC'. :Expense account numbers are \i'sted",in 'o'ri:1er" with a ieffnition following each one. These definitions give , a Illare deta,i,led descrfpti9-" of what costs are included in each expense account. I c"'- " :I " 'I v 1 Guide to Reading the Budget Document PageS 1 1 Each year the Program is adjusted to reflect actual Ilerformance so the costs of the City's 'Capital' fniprovenient Program can be historically tracked. . The POWlY RedeveloDment'AQencY Budget The budget of the Redeve16pmerit Agency is patterned afiter the City 's bUdget and includes the sameelements-:"an operating and a capftaf improvement budget. . The Agency has fewerfll,rids, ,than) the Ci ty but money is tracked through the budget in the same way as through the'City. . Revenues of the Agency, like 'those of the City" are listed by the follr-digit account numbers fcii{nd in ,Appendix' D. Fund activitydetafl pages, forlow, arid the ,. Agency has its own ,iSta'temento'f-Fu'nd Bal ances and Reser,yes. II The organization chart of the Agency indicates its rehtionship to ,the City of poway: The Ci ty, CouQci 1 'acts 'as the Agency's Board; or Di rectors, and the Ci ty 1 Manager is its Executi ve Director. The operat,ing budget covers fhe !day-to-,day adminiStrative aHai rs of the ,Agency. 1 Note that the format of the Agericy's operating budget detaiTparanels that of , - --' --. - --""'. the City's operating budget. I The Redevelopment, Agency Capital Improvement Budget ,is set up us,i ng the same format as the CHy' s Capita'l Improvement Budget. , I More Infol'llllt1on is AV11'la,tile The Admi ni strat,i ve Servi ces Department prepares the budget document you have . just read about. In addition to the publ ished document, City staff retains fil es of deta iled backup materi a 1. ,. Backc,updcicurnentat,i on is rev; ewed by t,he Budget R!!vi ew Committee, appoi nted .trom among Pciway'.s. 'c,itizens by the City Council. Tlhis, committee spends many hours wTthstaff each' year prior to budgetadoption,exami ning the detail betiind tlie . proposed budget. .. These fi'l!!s' (Ire also ava,iJ'ab'le for r:eview .by the genera 1 pub.l i c i by ,ap,Po,in,tment wi th the Admi n i strati ve Servi ces Department ,asearl yas the monthof'May prJor. to a new fiscal year. I The 'Budget is 'co~si'aered by theC,ity Counci 1 i npullHc heari ngs at every regul ar . , City CO,ul1~iJ' meet,ing .in ,June. Publ ic comment is 'inv.ited and wi'll be consfdered by ,the CityCounci 1 at these hearings. I In addition to the, abgve, any person having qllestions' about 'th.e financial plan ,may' contact the Admi ni'strati veServices DepartmenLWe are p leased to answer :1' " any inquiries to the best of our ability. ;1: 0 ,I I I 1 . I I , :1 .1 I . . .. I I I !I ,. 'I,', I .> 1 i CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PR,~RN4: 19~9...1~90 PROGRAM EXPENDITURES I' , . > I: I I ;1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1989-1990 BUDGET BY FUND I ..' .- - .- - - IIiIi - ... IiIII ... - - - - - - - - CITY OF POWAY - BUDGET BY FUND C~PITAl REPlACE- ASSMT. DRAIN- STREET DEPARTMENT GENERAL WATER SEWER GAS TAX MENT DIST. AGE DEV. TDAlF AU TOTAL - - PLANNING ,SERVICES Q.icector~ 244,B60 244,860 ..- - - - Current Pl anni.ng '304,310 304,310 Advanced Plan.ni Ijg 240,410 24P i no BUilding & Safety 879,300 879,,300 Total 1,668,880 1,668,880 PUBLIC SERVICES Director 171 ,009 173,491 4,600 349,100 Field Oper. Admin. 58,869 79,402 39,589 177,860 En9r'g CIP 273,027 8,858 5,905 7,500 2!!.~ .2~O . Engr'g Subdivision 556,264 17,566 11,710 585,540 Engr'g Spec. proj. 610,652 19,283 12,855 642,790 En9r'g Inspection 544,057 17,180 11 ,453 572,6~0 Engr"g Traffi'c 67,308 2,125 1,417 70,8~0 Street Maintenance 781,180 17.0875 17,875 671,710 279,500 108,000 l,876,gg Water'Suppiy 4,138,560 4; 138','560 ' Sewer Treatment, 2,306',230 2,306,'230 '..- ,..<~. --.....- Water Tr,ansmission 553,600 5.53,6_0.9 'Sewer to,flection 376:,530 376,530 Fafi:1Hles Malllt. 101,735 81,388 20,347 203,470 Vehi cles Mil i nt. 11,500 l! ,500 Dri,li nage 342,620 342,620 Total 3,164,101 5,109,328 2,808,511 679,210 11,500 279,500 342,620 108,000 12,502,770 SAFETY SERVICES Director 217,300 217,300 Fire Suppression 1,566,460 1,566,460 Fire Prevention 280,069, 280,060 Pa ramed ics' 391,120 391,120 Law Enforcement 2,981,890 2,981,890 Total 5,436,830 5,436';8,30 x ~, TOTAL EXPENDITURES $15,009,230 $5,669,748 $3,086,871 $679 210 $220,467 $760,540 $351,124 $108,000 $174,730 $26,059,920 I ' . I ,I :. I. I 1 I :. I I 'I, I . I '. .1 '. CITY OF POWAY F.I~CI~l PROGRAM: .1989-1990 1 EMPLOYEE POSITIONS, CLASSIFICATIONS>, AND SALARY RANGES 1 I I 'XV I CITY OF 'POWAY FUl~ TIME CLASSIFICATIONS :1 MONTHLY CLASSIFICATION RANGE NO. SALARY RANGE I Accountant 236.6 2451-'2992 Account Cl~rk II 194.6' 1"661-196'6 I Actourit Clerk I 189.6 1532,.1870 Admin'fstrative Clerk t.I 187.6 1502~1833 Administrative cierI< t 182.6 1429-"1744 Administrative' Secretary 207;,.6 183.4-2239 .1 Assistant City 'Manager 313.1 5265,.6427 Assistant Civil Engineer I 243.0 2613~3189 Assistant Civil Engineer ,II. 253,0 2887-3525 :1 Assistant Oirector of Pl.nning Sfrvices 276.4 3648-4453 Assistant Planner I 231.6 2331-2846 Ass'i stant Planner II 241.6 2576-3145 I Assfstant Public Services Operations Manager 27~.8 3519-4296 Associate Civil Engineer 268.0 3354-4095 Associate planner 251. 6 2847-3476 I 'Building Maintenance ~orker 195.6 1627,,1986 cUy Engi neer 287.8 498-8-4991 Code Compliance Officer 236.6 2451-2992 I Community Services Manager 271. 9 3488-4258 Construction Maintenance Wor~er !'II 220.6 2089-2550 Construction Milintenance ,WOrker. II 205.6 1798-2"195 Construction Maintenance Worler I 195.6 .1627-1986 :1 Customer Se~vices Manag~r 266.9' 3318-4050 Customer Services Worker 210.6. 1890~2307 Oata Entry cl..erk II 194.6 1l?1l:-1966 I Data Entry Clerk I 189.6 1532....1870 Data Processl'ng Coordinator 236,9 2451-2992 Department 'Aide 217.6 2027-2474 1- Deputy City C1Jrk .217,.6 2027,.2474' D.i rector of Administrati ve ;Serv,i ces 299.3 4586-5599 Di rector of CommunilySer.vices' 299.3 4586-5599 Dii rector ofPlanni'ng Ser'yices 299.3. 4586-5599 I ,Di rector of Pubhc Servi ces 308.1 5008:-6114 Di Fedor of Safety Service's 299.3 ,4586~5599 , Dock Attendant' 181. 4 1412d723 , < Drai nageMa {rit(!nal1ceSupervi sor:: 242.6~ 2962, 'I' 235.6 Engtneerfng lechnici an 223:9 2-159-2635 Equipment Maintenance; ;Supervisor 241.7 2579-3148 I' Equ i Ilmen,t Me~ljanJt 226.7; 2220~27.10 EqLJipmen~ Servtce Worker 186.7 1488:-1817 , ~i.nanceManager 271.9 3488-4258' I, Fi Fe Battalii:JnCtifef 282.2 3866-4719 Fire. Qgptajn 256.2 2981-3639 Fire Engineer 241.2 2566-3133 Firef,jighter 231.2 2322-'2835 'I,i . Fi re I'nspec'tor 241..2 2566~3133 <> - -c'~ -' -~. ,.._ ;, Genera.l Services Manager 266.9 3318-4050 .I! 'I: I I I I I I I I I, I .' It .' . I I I CIty OF PPWAY FINANCIAL, PROGRAM: 1989-1990 I, REVENUES BY 'FUNDS.AND SOURCES 2 I CITY OF PgWAY I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I 1988~1989 1988-1989 1989-1990 1989-1990 BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED API'R'OVED I GENERAL FUND - 1 Taxes -I 7010 PropertjTaxes-Current $2,888,730 $2,823,248 $3,098,920 $3,098,920 7012 Property Taxes":DE!linquent 112,200 112,279 112,200 112,200 7013 Suppl. Tax Roll-Current 150;000 141,377 150,000 150,000 I 7014 Suppl. Tax Roll-Delinquent - - - - 7015 Homeowner's Prqp.Tax Exem 79,000 90,562 85,000 85,000 7016 Busine~s Inventory Exemp. 6,500 17,046 - - I 7017 Other Tax Ro 11 Items 1,000 500 500 500 7018 Property. Taxes - Trailer Ls 9,000 10,358 12,000 12,000 7019 Low and No Property Tax - - 36,690 36;690 7020 Franchises 310,800 319,675 330,390 3}0 ,~9Q I 7022 Sales Tax 2,524,000 2,702,500 2,994,.600 2, 994 .~OO 7024 Transient Occupancy Tax 30,500 27,672 213,000 28,000 7026 Real Property Transfer 150,000 210,000 210,000 210,000 I Subtotal $6,261,730 $6,455,217 $7,058,300 $7,058,300 I Licenses and Permits 7111 Animal License $ 25,0 $ 250 $ 300 $ 300 . 7113 Bi cycl e Li cense 200 200 200 200 7114 fiusiness Regi5tration 21,550 25,000 25,40Q 25.,400 7115 Sanitation Permits 21,400 21,650 21,400 21,400 . 7116 Fi shi ng Permits 147,750 143,161 147,750 147,750 7151 Boa tPe'rmits 78,090 75,B81 78,000 78 ;000 7153 Excavation Permits 2,500 2,570 8',500 8,500 . 7154 Grading'Permits 6,500 9,460 10,000 10,,900 7160 Parking Permits 56,000 57,558 57,,600 57,600 Subtotal $334,150 $335,730 $349,150 $349,150 . Fines and Forfeitures . 7210 Fines and Penalties $150,000 $143,000 $140,000 $140,000 Subtotal $150,000 $143,000 $140,000 $1~O, 000 I . .. I 9 I' 3 ~ I CITY OF POWAY REVENUES BY FUNqS AND .SOURCES I 1988-1989 1988-1989 1989-1990 1989-1990 BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED I GENERAL FUND CONTI NUED Revenues from~se of I 7310 Money' and Property $ $ $ $ Interest Income 401,700 401,700 210,000 210,000 7317 Interest on Loans - - 470,930 470,930 I .7330 Interest on Note Receivable 800 332 250 250 7341 Rental of Property 14,210 14,268 14,710 14,710 7350 Signalmaster Rent 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 7360 .. . .. 12,000 15,008 . Facilities Rental 13,300 13,300 I .7362 Fire Facili.ties Renta.l 2,560 3,440 3,560 3,560 '7364 Swinrning Pool Renta.l - - 14,500 14,500 7370 Concession Lease 19,000 20,832 20,830 20,830 "I 7380 Group Renta ls 9,500 9,607 10,000 10.,000 7391 Overnight Camping Sites 100 50 100 100 Subtotal $ A62,870 $ 468,237 $ 761,180 $ 761,180- I Revenues from Other Agencies '7410 Motor Vehicle in Lieu $1,681,740 $1, 695,360 $1,838,410 $1,838,410 .. ..--.. 7411 Off Highway in Lieu 1,140 1,170 1,170 1,170 I 7440 Cigarette Tax 105,680 99;630 100,000 100,000 Subtotal $1,788,560 $1, 796, 16~ .$1,939,580 $1,939,58.0 I CurrehtFees & Services 7510 Candidates Filing Fees" $ 600 $ 200 $ - $ - 7544 Administrativ.e Fees-RDA 175,000 342,850 450,000 450,000 7545 ,Admini strati<ve Fees-Other 9,200 9,000 9,000 9,000 I, 7556 Inspection Fees - - - - 7570 PI ann ing Fees 100,000 124,761 150,000 150,000 7571 Environmenta.l Review Fees 60,000 123,299 60,000 60,000 I 7572 Mi sc. Plann ingFees 5,000 4,378 6,000 6,000 7573 Buildin'g Inspection Fees 667,000 1,115,043 1,165,000 1,165;000 7574 Mi SC. L~gi:slat.ive/f.dmin. 1,800 2,8~2 2,700 2,700 I 7575 Plan Check Revenues 992,000 882,854 804,730 804,,730 757~ Mjsc.P'ubl i'c . Servi ce Fees 28,350 27,914 6,970 6,970 - 7571 fnspection,~evenu~s 1,160,920 1,019,642 794,000 794,000 I 'Z578 ~ngr. Staff Time Reimb. 7,500 10,614 16,330 16,330 }'579 Misc. Safety Services Fees 1,500 1,500 1,800 1,800 7580 Lei s~re Contract's 217,820 177,004 171,360 171.,360 7581 Recr~a t,io,nPrpg~ams 71.,040 72,866 112,500 112,500 I 7582 Recreation OfJi.cials 35,070 8,.lQO 25,390 25,390 7583 So. p'owayEngii.neeri ng Fees 97,450 79,900 107,280. 107,280 '" 7587 Pool ,Admi.ssion Fees - - 91,500 91,500 I' 7588 '!!jquati c Program.Contract .. - - 97,940 97,940 , . 7589 Tow.i ng Contr.actsiAbatement' 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 , . 7'590 A111bulance Fee's 55,000 61,549 73,810 73,810 " 7591 Ficre. 'Protecti on Fees 491,000 491,000 540,000 540,000 I' ..' 759"2 '. .," '- 28,000 31,500 we~d Ab~tement Fees 28,000 31,500 .' 7597 . Performing Arts Revenue - ~ 79,150 79 , ISO Subtotal $4,205,250 $4,584,306 $4,797,960 $4,797,960 I 4 I CITY OF POWAY I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES 1988-1989 1988-1989 1989-1990 1989-1990 I BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED I GENERAL FUNO CONTINUED Other Revenue I 7640 State License Fee $ 1,000 $ 969 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 7660 Sa.le ofSurp.lus Property - - - 7670 Mandated Costs Recoveries 1,000 .22,000 22,.000 1 7671 Other Refunds - 2,198 - - 7673 Workers Comp Refund - 18,245 - - 7675 Miscellaneous Income 502,000 532,330 6,000 6,000 1 7676 Recovery of 'Stolen Property - - 10,000 10,000 Subtotal $ 504,000 $ 553,742 $ 39,000 $ . 39,000: $13,706,560 $14,336,392 I TOTAL $15,085.,170 $15 ;085,170 1 STREET IMPROVEMENT-GAS TAX FUND - 10 I 7310 Interest Income $ .3,700 $ - $ - $ - I 7430 Gasoline Tax-2106 213,614 223,930 214,750 214,l5Q; 7431 Gasoline Tax-2107 462,193 477,450 456,910 456,910 ]432 Gasoline Tax-2107.5 7,500 7,500 i:500 7,500 1 7544 Admini'strative. Revenue - - - - 7576 Misc. Public Services - - - - 7675 Miscellaneous. Income 100 60 50 50 7681 Interfund Loans - - - - I Total $ 687,107 $ 708,940 $ 679,210 $ 679,210 1 PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND - 11 I 7340 Park.land Dedication Fees $ 180,000 $ 177,930 $ 180,920 $ 180,920 7460 Grant Revenue - SB174 - - - .- 1 7461 Grant-Park Bond Acts 264,200 260,000 125,000 125,000 7681 Interfund Loans - - - - Total $ 444,200 $ 437,930 $ 305,920 $ 305,920 1 I: , I , I 5 I CITY OF POWAY 'REVE~UES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES . I 1988-1989 1988-1989 1989-i990 1989-1990 BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED I DRAINAGE FUND- 12 I '7031 Property Tax-Flood Zones $302,600 $302,600 $308,650 $308;650 73-10 Interest' Income ..67,500 68,000 102,600 102,600 7566 Ora in!ige Fees 142,500 177,497 114,000 114,000 . 7675 Miscellaneous Income - - - - Total $512,600 $548,097 $525,250 $~25,250 I I FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING - 13 7310 Interest Income $ - $ ~ $ - $ - 7453 Federal Revenue Sharing - - - - I Total $ - $ - $ - $ - I CDBG FUNO - 1'4 7477 CDBG"'-9th Year $ - $ - $ - $ - I 7478 CDBG-10th Year - - - - 7481 CDBG- 11 th Yeacr - - - - 7482 CDBG-12th Year - - - - I 7483 COBG-13th Year - - - - 7484 COBG-i4th Year thru 18th Year - 713,858 - - . Subtota I $ - $713,858 $ - $ - I GRANT FUNOS - 15-19 7450 Grant- Iron Mounta,in Tra i I s $ - $ - $ - $154,000 7450 Grant~Old poway Park Green I Park Area - - - 60,000 7456 Fed,era 1 Aid/Urban Systems 190,900 190,000 - - 7461 Park Grant - 22,475 - - I, 7470 IDA, - Bike Lanes 90,000 '89,546 - 20,900 7475 TQAA~t. 4.5 Cail-A-Ride 134,620 150,380 157,900 153,760 . , 7520 Sa"l es& servi ce 12,900 15,040 16,710 20',970 I, Subtotal $428,420 $467,441 $174,610 $409,530 Total Grant Funds $428,420 $1,181,299 $174,610 $409,630 Ii I 6 I CITY' OF POWAY I REVENUES BY' FUNDS AND SOURCES 1988,.1989 1988~1989 1989~1990 1989-1990 I BUOGET EsffMATED PROPOSED APPROVED I ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS FUND - 20 7010 Lighting District-Property $105,000 $105,000 $105,000 ~105,OOO I Tax 7714 Lighti ngDi stri ct AD 86-4 192,Oo'b, 204,793 208,130 ,208,130 S~btotal Lightihg District $297,000' $309,793 $313,130 $313,130 I 7675 Miscellaneous Income $ $ $ $ - - - - 7710 AD 83-1 222,340 222,340 181,860 181,1369 I 7711 AD 86-3 7,480 7,480 6,~80 6;680 7712 AD 86-1 147,560 147,560 174,820 174,820 7713 AD 86..:2 7,660 7,660 10,060' .10.,060 7715 AD 87-1 194,370 - - - . Subtotal Landscape Districts $579,410 $385,040 $373,420 l373,420 Total $876,410 $694,833 $686,550 $686,550 . STREET DEVELOPMENT/PROP..A FUND - 21 & 22 7023 Prop A Sales Tax $ 604,000 $ 604,000 $ 652,000 '$6 5? , 0.00 . .?J1o Interest Income 63,700 ~6,OOO 96,.820 ~Ei',820 7593 Traffic Mitigation Fees 988,000 940,000 178,800 178,800 7594 Traffic Signal Fees 6,000 4,388 - - . 7595 Landscape Median Fees 2,500 23,778 5,000 5,000 7597 Road Fees - Other - - - - Total $1,664,200 $1,638,166 $ 932,620 $932,620 I MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT FUND -30 . 7310 Interest Income $ 16,000 $ 4,825 $ 378,000 $378,000 7680 Interfund Transfers - - - - Total $ 16,000 $ 4,825 $ 378.,000 $378,000 I COMMUNITY FACILITIES DIST. #1 ACQUISITION FUND - 31 . 7310 I nterest'I ncome $ 956,.250 $1,434,375 $ $' - - 7620 Bond Proceeds - - - - Total $ ,956,250$1,434,375 $ - $ . DEBT SERVICE FUND - 40 .' 7310 Interest IncOme $ 7,500 $ 232,156 $ 236,000 $236,000 7616 Fire Bonds 175,200 175,200 172,700 172,700 I 7620 Bonds Proceeds - - - - Subtotal $ 182,700 $ 407,356 $ 408,700 $408,700 I ; I 7 I CITY OF POWAY REVENUES BY FUNDS, AND SOURCES I 1988-1989 J988-1989 1989-1990 1989-1990 BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED ,I COMMUNITY FACILHIES DIST. #1 DEBT SERVICE FUND - 41 1 7310 Interest .Income $ 225,000 $ 225,000 $ , 225,000 $ 225,000 Tal( Ro11..:CF,D #1 "',' ,.' .'- .,. 7618 424,830 2,592,990 2,592,990 2,592,990 7620 Capitalized Interest 2,168,160 - - - I Subtotal $2,817,990 $2,817,990 $2,811,990 $2,817,990 I Total Debt Service Fund $3,000,690 $3,225,346 $3,226,690 $3,226,690 1 WATER "UND - 60 7310 Interest Income $ 187,500 $ 134,894 $ 203,690 $ 203,690 7315 Interest.! ncoine'-Bond 93,700 80,767 121,960 121,960 I 7520 Sales and Servfce 3; 693,060 4,206,460 5,135,450 4,933,150 7521 Sales-Unmetered Water 3,200 2,748 3,800 3,800 7522: SDCWAlRamonaWaterCharges 400,000 400,000 500,000 50oiOOO 1 7524 Delinq~ency Ch~rges 32,000 45,109 37,000 37,000 7525 Hydrant Meter .Charges, 750 1~000 1,000 1,000 " .,.... 7526 Reconnectt'on ~,60o 1,855 2,250 2,250 I 7528 Agricul. Rebate/Ihterr~pt. 50,940 60,000 81,320 81,320 7529 Sales'-Capacity Charges 589,890 464,180 590,210 742,140 7530 Pumping-ID #1 71,860 82,915 78,280 78,280 7531 Pumpi ng- ID #4 13,700 17,387 17,950 19;,780 1 7532 Pumping-Orchard et al 59,580 58,933 64,570 64,570 7533 Pumpi:ng-Donart 930 1,15,0 1,330 1,060 7534 Pumping-Convair 2,210 3,039 2,820 2,820 .. - ',- I 7535 ,Pumping~Padre Transit, 6,620 2,245 4,320 4,320 ..7536 'Pumping' Power..:Camel back 3,220 1,968 34,370 34,150 - -'. . 7537 P,ump ingpowe r-Woodc li ff 800 3,603 3,300 3,300 , J5~8 ~"ump ih'g_Communi ty - - 8,920 8,920 1 :7:540 Expahsion Fees 734,O!i6 717 ,960 177,400 - 7542 CohrHiCt,iOn Fees 68,8.00 25,268 122,000 975,820 7544 Admintstrative Fees 4,700 5,088 4,700 4,700 I Z5,4? Meter Installations 101,125 102;985 5,250 105,560 }564 Pumping-Oel Poniente 9,700 26,156 9,700 9,700 7577 Inspection Revenue Fees 800 1,248 800 800 7611 Bond..:General' Water 883,340 890,343 888,990 888,990 'I .~-,- ,- -' , ' 7617 Borid~AO 79-1, Tax Ro 11 21'3,210 202,550 213,210 213,210 7672 Returned Check Charges 1,250 1;250 1,350 1,350 , , '7675 Miscellaneous Income 10,000 21,537 18,000 18,000 I, Total $7,238,541 $7,562,638 $8,333,940 $9,061,640 I I" 8 I CITY OF .POWAY . REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES 1988..:1989 1988-1989 1989-1990 1989-1990 I BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED I SEWER FUND - 61 7310 .Interest Income $ 450,000 $ 325,704 $ 491,81.0 $ 491,810 . 7315 Interest In'come-Debt 3,700 2,596 3,920 3,920 7330 Interest-Notes Receivable - 1,500 300 300 7520 Sa I es '& Servi ce 1,894,020 1,694,634 1,908,700 2,412,480 . 7542 Connection Fees 1,605,000 1,464,637 350,000 350,000 7544 Administrative Revenue - - - - 7546 Sewer Cleanout, Installation 29,600 - 18,000 18,000 7551 Annexation-General 25,000 4,114 3,800 3,800 . 7552 Annexation-Del Norte - - - - 7553 Annexation..:Kozy Crest 29.0 316 290 290 7554 Annexation-Green Valley 3,260 812 3,160 3,160 I 7555 Sewer Service Tax Roll - 5,008 - - 7556 Connection Fee..:Inspections 15,050 9,765 10,OpO 10 "ago 7562 Pumpi~g-St. Andrews Area 5,060 587 4,,900 4,900 . 7563 Pumping-Cami~o ,Del Valle 32,930 8,029 32;770 32,770 7564 Pumping-Del Poniente Area 1;010 256 1 ;030 1,030 7565 Pumpi~g~Highlands - - 5,0 50' 7615 Bond Interest & Redemp. 152,875 175,320 152,500 152,500 I 7675 Misce i I a'neous' Income 5,000 320,335 20 ,.000 20,000 Total $4,222,795 $4,013,613 $3,001,230 $3,505,010 . CAPITAL REPLACEMENT ,FuNd - 70 - 7310 Interest Income $ 67,50,0 $ 63,560 $ 95,9Z'o $ , 9~, 9}0, 7585 Vehi~le & ~quip. Rental 328,323 250,060 473,890 473,890 I 7586 Capital Outlay Rental 75,762 158,620 74,720 74,720 7660 Sale of surpJ.us Property 30,000 30,000 10;000 10,000 7675 Miscellaneous Income - 2,643 - - TOtal $ 501,585 $504,883 $ 654,580 $ 654,580 .. ,- . . - I I 9 I CITY OF POWAY REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES 'I 1988-1989 1988,.1989 1989-1990 1989-1990 BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED I TRUST FUNDS I CLYDE REXRODE MEMORIAL FUND - 80 7310 Interest Income $ 200 $ 150 $ 230 $ 230 I Subtotal $ 200 $ 150 $ 230 $ 230 I POWAY RD. BEAUTIFICATION, TRUST - 81 7310 Interest Income $1 , 100 $1,590 $2,400 $2,400 7654 Donations - General - - - - I Subtotal $1,100 $1,590 $2,400 $2,400 . DONATIONS AND GIFT FUND - 82 7650 Donations-Community Services $ - $ - $ - $ - . 7651 Donat,ions - Fire 100 50 - - 7652, Safet~ Services- Donations 100 50 - - 7654 Donations - General - - - - . Subtotal $ 200 $ 100 $ - $ - . MARY PATRICIA ,ROSS TRUST - 83 7310 Interest..:Note Receivable $1,100 $1,215 $1,840 $1,840 I Subtotal $1,100 $1,215 $1,840 $1,840 I BETTY BENDIXEN TRUsT-85 7310 -Interest Income $ - $ 487 $ - $ - . 7655 Donati~ns-Bendixen - - - - Subtola I $ - $ 487 $ - $ - '., Total Trust Funds $2,600 $3,542 $4,470 $4,470 I REVENUE, GRAND TOTAL $34,257,958 $36,294,879 $33,988,240 $35,454,740 :. I .1 I 1 :1 1 . 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 .1 .1 :j' 1 ." , CITY OF POWAYFlNANCIAL PROGRAM: 1989-1990 SUIi4ARYOF SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS I' 12 . CITY OF POWAY FISCAL YEAR 1989-1990 SUMMARY OF 'SOURCES. AND USES OF BUDGETED FUNDS . SPECIAL SPECIAL . GENERAL REVENUE ASSESSMENT TRUST FUND FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS SOURCE OF FUNDS Revenue,s $15,085,170 $2,546,710 $ 686,550 $ 4,470 . Accumulated Appropriations 1,436,381 1,310,176 9 0 Fund 8alance 0 1,922,373 494,480' 78,990 . Transfers In 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $16,521,551 $5,779,259 $1,181,030 $83,460 . USE OF FUNDS ExpenditlJres $15,009,480 $1,313,064 $760,540 $ 0 Capital Projects 0 776,900 0 0 . Bond Interest & Redemption 0 0 0 0 Reserves for . Contingencies 1,512,071 1,686,796 0 0 Unappropriated Reserves 0 1,802,499 420,490 83,460 I Transfers Out 0 200,000 0 0 TOTAL $16,521,551 $5,779,259 $1,181,030 $83,460 Genera 1 Fund - The primary source of revenues for the Genera 1 Fund are Rr6perty taxes . and sales tax. General Fund revenues from all sources are sh6wn on ,p,ages 2, 3 and 4. The General Fund finances all of the Safety services,PlanniQg Services, Community I' Services, general engineering and the City adminis.tration. A summary, of the approved budget for the General Fund is shown on pages x, xi and 16. Special Revenue, Funds: I Gas Tax/Street Improvement - The fund is used to finance the con,struction, r!!pair and ma i ntenance of C i tystreets. As shown on page 4, sou rces of' revenue are from gasoline tax ,and interest income. The approved budget is shown on. pages xi and,17. I Street Development Fund - The fund, is used for street construction prOjects fi nancei:! by developer's fees. Revenues are shown on, page 6. The approved b~dgef is shown on page 24. I Drainage Fund - Revenues for this fund are ~hown oripage 5. The primary source of revenue is from drainage fees colrected as development occurs. Thi s revenuei s :used to fi nance constr~cti on of fl'o6dcontrol and drainage improvements. The approved I " budget i sshown on pages xi' and 19'. Revenue Sharing - Revenue Sharing funds are received from the Federal Government and are shown on page 5. Federal Revenue Sharing funds can be used to fi nance City operati ons or capita 1 improvements. A fund c1ct. i v i ty deta i 1 .i s shown on page 20. I, Grant Funds - These funds are used to account for various grants that are reteived by the City. Revenues are shown on page 5, A fund activity detail is shown on page 21. Specia.l Assessment Fund - This fund is used to finance public improvements or services I that benefi ts the properti,es agai nst whi ch the assessments are levied. Revenues are shown on page 6. A fund activity detail is shown on page 22. I Trust Funds - These funds are used to account for ,proprietary trusts that have been donated to the City.' Trust Fund Revenues are shown on page 9. . I 13 I I CAPITAL DEBT C~PITAL PROJECT SERVICE ENTERPR ISE REPLACEMENT REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS FUND AGENCY TOTAL 1 $ 683,920 $ 3,226,690 $12,566,650 $ 654,580 $ 0 $35,454,740 0 0 11,817,856 1,082,399 0 15,,646,812 I 3p,302 7,995,217 0 0 0 10,804,362 150,'000 1,650,770 0 0 3,070,000 4,870,770 1 $1,147,222 $12,872,677 $24..384,506 $1,736,979 $3,070,000 $66,776,684 $ 0 $ 0 $ 8,756,619 $ 220,217 $ 0 $26 ,Q59, 920 ,I 444,000 0 189,000 0 0 1,409,900 0 4,519,910 1,,321,,920 0 0 5,841.,830 I 0 0 12,214,967 1,516,762 1,269,230 18,199,826 I 703,222 7,384,767 0 0 0 10,394,438 0 968;000 1,902,,000 0 1,800,770 4 870 770 t . ., $1,147,222 $12,872,677 $24,384,506 $1,736,979 $3,070,000 $66,776,684' I CapHa,1 Project Funds: , Munici pal" Improvement -' :Revenue for thi s fund is showri qn page 6. .. The fund is ,used to 1 finance City capitCil irilprovl!lTleritprojects. The approved budget is shown on page 25. Park Iinprovements - This fund, is, used to finance the cost of park construction. Revenues are shqwn 'on page 4. I Communi:tyFaci'l Hi es District #1 - Thi s fund was used to finance the cost Of the South poway Community Facilities Di'strtct. Debt. Service - These funds, record the revenues and e)(peric:ii:tures associated"with the financ- I ing of the City's general debt and 'Corrinunity Faci I ittes District #1 Bonds. Revenue sour;ces are shown on pages 6 and 7. The approved budget is shown on pages 26 and 27. 'I Ehterpri'se Funds: - (Water and Sewer) , Water Fund ,- TheW_ater Fund is a,self-supported eriterpris,e fund. The primary source of revenue~or th:i.s f~nd is froin' ttiesa 1 e of wanr. ,All :revenues for the fund are shown on page 7. The approved, budget for theWater~'F:,und is shown on pages .x, xi and 28. I Sewer' Fund - The prtma'fY'soq!,ce of revenue for ttie sewer fund is the sewerservi ce Charge'. Otlier soii"rces qf revenu~for thi s fund are show'! on page 8. The approved _, budget for th~ Sewer Fund is shown, on pages x, xi ~nd 29. I'capifa'l Rep lacement Fund - The capita I rep 1 ac'ement fund is used to fi nance the rep 1 ace~ ment of :Ci ty veh,i cles .ana m,ajor equi pment. The revenue for thi s fund comes from sa 1 e of IS[rr~llUsprop~rt~ and rental fees charged to each of the divi~ioris that have been assigned ven,' cl es or equlpment.Revenues are shown on page 8. Expend, tures are on page x. I'RedeVeT?pmentAgeii"CY '-,T~e fundi~g for:- the Redevelo~ment Age~cy i ncl udes loans from the 'C"ty. w~1i"h, ar,e ',:nclud,ed"n theClty's budget summar,es for d,splay purposes only. The 'tota'l budget f,or the Redevelopment Agency is shown on ,pages 182 through 260. ,I .. ~I I I, I I , I I I I I I 'I I I '.. I I: 1 I Ie" I. I . ,1l' " I CITY OF POWAY Fi~CIAt PROGRAM: >l989"19~,O FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I 16 I CITY OF POWAY I GENERAL FUND 1987-1988 1988-1989 1988-1989 1989,.1990 1989-1990 I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I $ $ $ $ $ BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 - - - - - Prior Years Appropriation 1,131,876 1,913,429 1,913,429 1,436,381 1,436,381 I Revenues 12,571,553 13',706,560 13,986,592 ,15,085,170 .15,085,170 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $13,703,429 $15,619,989 $15,900,021 $16,521,551 $16,521:,5,51' EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses: Legislativel Administrative $ 789,220 $ 793,300 $ 807,964 $ 889,420 $' 890,420, I Admin. Services 1,173,341 808,615 84,1,698 799,942 810,545' Community Services 1,747,803 2,439,644 2,420,092 3,054,814 3,038 '454 Planning Services 1,423,611 1,.168,870 1,570,360 h658,23.0 1,669,1301 I Public Services 2,106,350 3,407,577 3,568.,133 3,,129,378 3,164,101 Safety Services 4,389,463 4,845,960 4,972,893 '5,4'17 ..540 5 ,4G6, 8GO Total' Oper. Expenses $11,629,788 $13,463,966' $14,181,140 $14,949,324 $15,O09,4~0 Capital Projects: I Streets and Highways $ 155,450 $ - $ - $ - $ - Governme~t Bui'ldi~gs , - - - - ,I Total Capit~l Projects t 155,450 $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $11,785,238 $13,463,966 $14,181,140 $14,949,'324 $15,009,480 I T~ANSFERs/LOANS~In (Out) (4,762) $ Transf. to Muni-Improve. $ - $(1,000,000) $ - $ - . Transf. from Vehic. Maint. - - 46,60,0 - - Transf. to Street I~p~ov. - - (244,211) '- - Transf. to Park Fund - - (137,100) - - . Transf. from Grant, Fund - 92,000 47,000 - - Transf. from Sewer F~nd - - - - - Loan Payment from RDA - 1,605,211 1,605,211 - - Loan to Park Improvement - - - - - . Loan to Redev. Agency - (600,000) (600,000) - :- TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ (4,762) $ '1,097,211 $ (282,500) $ - $ - I' TOT ALAPPROPRIA TI ONS $ 1,913,429 $ 3,'253,234 $ 1,436,381 $ 1',572,227 :$ 1,512,071, 'I ENDING BALANCE-June 30 0 0 0 0 0, I I' .' ,I 17 I CITY OF POWAY STREET IMPROVEMENT-GAS TAX FUND 1 1987''';1988 1988-i989 1988-1989 1989-1990 1989-1990 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED I .FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I BEGINNING 8ALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Prior ,Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues ' 702,270 687,107 708,940 679,210 679,210 I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILA8LE ,$ 702.,270 $ 687,107 $ 708,940 $ 679,210 $ 679,210 EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses: Publ ic Services $ 702,270 $ 687,107 $ 931,151 $ 679,210 $ 679,210 . I Total Operating Expenses $ 702,270 $ 687,107 $ 931,151 $ 679,21~ $ 679,210 I Capit~J Projects: str.eets & Highways (continuin[ approp.) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Streets & Highway,s - - - - - Ira ffi c Si gna ls - - - - - 1 Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 702,270 $ 687,107 $ 931,151 $ 679,210 $ 679,210 I TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) From Grant .Funds $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - From Street Oevelopment - - - - - I 'F~om Genera~ [und - - ,244,211 - - To Street Development ,- - - - - I TOTAL TRANsFERsiLoANs $ - $ - $ 244,211 $ - $ - I ToYAL APPROPRiATIONS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 'I ., I .ENDING BALANCE-June 30 0 0 0 0 0 I " ,1 I ," c, 18 I CITY OF POWAY I PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND 1987-1988 1988-1989 1988-1989 1989~1990 1989':1990 I ACTUAL BUOGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ (100,723) $(146,759) $ (146,759) $(102,589) $(102,589) I Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues 106,964 444,200 437,930 305,920 305,920 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 6,241 $ 297,441 $ 291,171 $ 203,331 $ 203,331 I EXPEND ITURES Operating Expenses: I Total Operating Expenses - - - - - I Capital Projects: $ 369,000 I Parks & Open Space $ - $ 229,100 $ 415,264 $. 369,000 Total Capital Projects $ - $229,100 $ 415,264 $ 369,000 $ 369,000 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ 229,100 $ 415,264 $369,000 $ 369,000 I TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) Transfer from General Fund $ - $ - $ 137,100 $ - $ - Transfer to Misc. Grants (153,000) - - - - I Loan to Redev. Agency - (164,660) (115,596) - - Transfer from Redev. Agency - - - 75,000 75,000 I TOTAL TRANsFERS/LOANs $ (153,000) $(164,~60) $ 21,504 $. 75,000 $ 75,000 I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS - - - - - ,I I ENDING BALANCE-June 30 $ (146,759) $- (96,319) $(102,589) $ (90,669) $ (90,669) I I I 'I 19 I' CITY OF POWAY , DRAINAGE FUND .' 1987~1988 1988-1989 ' 1988-1989 1989-1990 1989-1990 ACTUA'= -BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL .. .BEGINNING BALANCE~July 1 $2,447,637 $2,430,688 $ 2,426,119 $1,922,373 $1,922,373 Pripi: Years ApprOpriation - - - - - 'Revenues '612,798 512,600' ' '548,097 525,250 525,250 I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $3,060,435 $2,943,288 $ 2,'974,216 $2,447,623 $2,447,623 EXPEND ITURES I Operating Expenses: $ $ $ 8,5'04 Admin. Servi.ces - $ 8,098 10,643 8,477 $ I P'ubl i c Servi ces 189,264 234,480 227,400 342,620 ,,342,620 Total Operating Expenses $ 189,264 $ 242,578 $ 23B,043 $ 351,097 $ 351.,124 .. Capital Projects: I Flood Control & Drainage$ 225,052 $ - $ - $201.,0.00 $ 201.,000 Government Buildings - - - '93,000 93 i 000 Total Capital Projects $ 225,052 $ - $ - $ 294,,000 $294,000 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 414,316 $ 242,578 $ 238,043 $ 645,097 $ 645,.124 I "r"RANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) I Transfer to General Fund $ '- $ - $ - $ - $ - Loan to Redevelopment I Agency (220,000) - (813.,800) - - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS' $ (220,000) $ - $ (813,800) $ - $ - > I TOT ALAPPROPR IATIONS - , - - - - I I, ENDING BALANCE~June 30 $2,,426,119 $2,700,710 $ 1,922,373 $1,802,526 $1,802,499 I:; I I 20 I CITY OF POI"AY I GRANT FUNDS 1987-1988 1988-1989 1988-1989 1989~1990 1989-1990 1 ACTUAL ' BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED ApPRO'lEO FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I BEGINNING BALANCE-Ju,ly 1 $(65,530) $ 463,863 $ 154,221 $ - $ -' Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - I Revenues 384,495 428,420 1,181,299 174,610 409,630 TOTAL FUNOS AVAILABLE $318,965 $ 892,283 $1,335,520 $ 174,610 $ 409,630 I EXPEND ITURES I Operating Expenses: Community Services $143,677 $ 147,520 $ 165,980 $ 174,,6\0 $ 174,730 Planni~g Services - - - - - I Pub] i c Servtces - 190,900 190,000 - - Safety Servi ces - - - - - Total Operating Expenses $143,677 $338,,420 $ 355,980 $ 174,610 $ .l74,7~0 I Capital Projects - I Redevelopment Agency: Park Projects $ - $ - $ 127,040 $ - '$ - Total Redevelopment I Projects $ - $ - $ 127,040 $ - $ - Capital Projects - City: I Park Projects $174,067 $ - $ 80,500 $ - $ 214;000 Bike Lanes - - - - 20,900 Total City Projects $174,067 $ - $ 80,500 $. - $ 234,900 . TOTAL EXPENDITURES $317,744 $ 338,420 $ 563,520 $ 174,610 $ 409,630 . TRANsFERS/LOANS-I~ (Out) Transfer to General Fu~d $ - $ (~2,OOO) $ (47,000) $ - $ - ,I Transfer to Muni Improv. - - (714,000) - - Loan to Redevelopment Agency - (11,,000 ) ( 11,000) - - 'I Transfer from Park, Fund 153,000 - - - - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $153,000 $(103,000) $(772,000) $ - $ - TOT AL APPROPRIATIONS - - - - - . ENDING BALANCE-June 30 $154,221 $ 450,863 $ - $ - $ - I' '. , 'I 21 'I .CITY OF POWAY S~!,~IAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS FUND I 1987-1988 1988'-1989 1988-1989 1989_1990 1989-1990 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED I .FUND ACTIVITy DETAIL I BEGINNING8ALANCE~July 1 $59,663 $ 237,138 $237,138 $ 494,480 ,$ 494,480 Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues 4'17,305 876,410 6'94,833 686,550 686;550 ' 1 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $476,968 $1,113,548 $931,971 $1,181,030 1,181,030 . I :EXPEND ITURES Operating Expenses: I 'Commun i.tyServ'ices $g8,'709 $ 322,450 $225,4.91 $ 4,81,040 $ 4~l,049 Public Services 211,121 212,000 212,000 279,500 279,500 1 Total qperattng Expenses $239,830 $ 534,450 $437,491 $ 760,540 $ 760,540 . Capi.ta 1 Proj ects: Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 1 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $239,830 $ 534,450 $437,491 $ $ - - I TRANSFERS/LOANs-In (Out) I TOTAL TRANsFERS/LOANS - - - - - I " I TOTAL ApPROPRIATIONS - - - - - . I, ,ENDING BALANCE~June 30 $237,138 $ 579,098 $494,480 $ 420,490 $ 420,490 , , I' Ii 22 I CITY OFPOWAY I TRUST ~jjNDS 1987-1988 1988-1989 1988-1989 1989-1990 1989-1990 I ACTUAL , BUDGET ESTI MATED PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I BEGINNING BALANCE-Jul~ 1 $62,660 $68,023 $ 68;023 $78,990 $78,990 I Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues 5,363 2,600 10,967 4,470 4,A70 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $68,023 $70,623 $ 78,990 $83,460 $83,46.0 I EXPENDITURES I Bond Interest & Redemption Operating Expenses: I Community Services $ - .$ - $ - $ - $ - Safety Services - - - - - I Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital Projects~ I Government Buildings $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $ - $ '- $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I TRANsFERS/LOANS-In (Out) I To Park Improvement Fund $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Loan to Redevelopment I Agency $ - ,$ - $ - - - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I' I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS - - - - - I ENOING"BALANCE-June 30 $68,023 $70,623 $ 78,990 $83,460 $83,460 I .. "1' ,I 23 . , .. CITY OF Po'WAY STREETDEVELOPMENT/PROP. A SAt:Es TAX FUND I 1987-1988 1988-1989 1988"1989 1989"1990 1989-1990 .ACTUAL , BUDGET , ESUMATED PROPOSED APPROVED . FUND ACT! VlTY DE~TAI L . BEGINNING BA~ANCE:'JulY 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Prior Years 'Appropriation 1,.4013,173 1,789,710 1 ;'789,710 1,310,176 1,310,176 Reven~es ' ,381,537 1,664,200 1,638,166 932,620 932,620 . TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $1,789;710 $3,453,910 $ 3,427,876 $2,242,796 $2,242,796 . EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses: . Public Services $ - $ 234,000 $ 234,000 $ 108,000 $ 108,000 Tot~l ~perating Expenses $ - $ 234,000 $ 234,000 $ 108,000 $ 108,000 I Capita'l Projects: City Street, Signs $ - $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 16,000 ,$ 16,000 . Streets and Highways - - 14,000 232,000, 232',000 " Total Capital Projects $ - $ 20,000 $ 34,000 $ 248,000 $ 248,000 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ 254,000 $ 268,000 $ 356,000 $ 356,000 I TRANsFERS/LOANS-In (Out) i-oail to Redevelopment $(1,720,000) ${1,,849,700) $ (200,000) $ (100,000) '. Agency $ - Transf. to teneral Fund - - - - - From (To) Gas Tax F~nd - - - - - . TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ - $ (1,720,000) $(1, 849,700) $ (200, doo) '$ (200,000) I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $1,789,710 $ 1,479,910 '$ 1,310,176' $1,686,796$1,686,796 . I; ENDING BALANCE-June 30 0 0 0 0 0 I. I' 24 I CITY OF POWAY I MUNICIPAL IMPROVE~ENT FUND .'. ". , 1987-1988 1988-1989 1988-1989 1989-1990 1989-1990 I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I 8EGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ 320,751 $ 548,066 $ 548,066, $ 415,891 $415,891 I Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues 78,523 16,000 4,825 378,000 37.8,000. TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 399,274 $ 564,066 $ 552,891 $793,891 $ 793,891. I ' , EXPENDITURES I Debt Service $ $ $ $ $ - - - - -' Operating Expenses: I Total Operating Expenses - - - - - Capita I Projects: I Government Buildings (continuing approp.) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Government Buildings - - 4,256,924 75,000 75,000 Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $4,256,924 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ - $4,256,924 $ 75,,000 $ 75,000 TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) I Transfer In-General Fund $ 4,762 $ - $1,000,000 $ - $ - Transfer In-Revenue I Sharing 57,030 - - - - Transfer In-Grant Fund - - 714,000 - - Transfer In-Redevelopment - - 1,836',924 75,000 75,000 Transfer In-Redevelopment I Tax Increment - - 569,000 - - Transfer In-Water Fund 58,000 - - - - Transfer In-Sewer Fund 29,000 - - - - I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ 148,792 $ - $4,119,924 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS I - - - ENDING BALANCE-June 30 $ 548,066 $ 564,066 $ 415,891 $ 793,891 $ 793,891 I I I 'I 25 I CITY OF PDWAY COMMUNiTY FACILITIES DISTiuCT #1 I 1987..:1988 1988~1989 198~8-1989 1989-1990 1989~1990 ,ACTUAL BUDGET 'ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED I FUND ACTIV,ITY DETAIL Ii BEGINNING' 8ALANCE-July 1 $24,492,187 $26,462,839 $26,462,839 $ - $ - Prior Years Approprtati on - - - - - Revenues . 1,970,652 956,250 1.,434,375 - - , > I TOTAL FUNDS AVAI~ABLE $26,462;839 $27,419,089 $27,897,214 $ - $ - I EXPENDITURES Operat,ing Expenses: I Total Operating Ej(penses - - - - - I Capital Projects: Pomerado Busi.ness Park $ - $27,196,588 $27;897,214 $ - $1 - I Total CapHal Projects $ - $ - $27',897,214 $ - $' '- I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ - $27,897,214 $ - $ - I TRANsFERS/LOANS~In (Out) - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - - - "- TOTAL APPROPRIATlbNS - - - - - .:1' , ., Ii ENDING BALANCE-June 30 $26,462,839 $ 222,501 $ - $ - $ - I,;' " '- ' I, , 26 I CITY OF-POWAY I ' DEBT SERVICE FUND 1987-1988 1988-J989 1988-1989 J98~9-J990 1989-1990 I ACTUAL ' 8UDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I BEGINNING BALANCE~July 1 $ 9,281,737 $ 7,341;911 $ 7,341,911 $ 7,995,217 $ 7995217 I Prior Years Appropriation !.t. - - - - - Revenues 4,145,212 3,000,690 3,225,346 3',226',690 3,226,690 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $13,426;949 $10,3~2i601 $10,567,257 $11,221,907 $n;221',907' I EXPENDITURES 80nd Interest & I Redempti on: 1978 Fire Bond $ 171,024 $ 175,350 $ 175,350 $ 172 ,850 $ 172,850 I 1986 Certificates of Participation 770,200 - 770,400 770,600 770;500 1988 Certificates of Parti cipation - - 953,281 880,170 880,,170 I Community Facilities Dist. #1 5,143,814 2,406,290 2,406,290 2,696,290 2,696,290' Total Bond Interest I and Redemption $ 6,085,038 $ 2,581,640 $ 4,305,321 $ 4,519,910 $ 4,519,910 Operating Expenses: I Total Operating Expenses - - - - - I Capital Projects: Total Capital Projects - - - - - I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 6,085,038 $ 2,581,,640 $ 4,305,321 $ 4,519,910 $ 4,519,910 TRANsFERS/LOANs~In (Out) I Transfers from Poin- settia Funds - - 953,281 880,170 ,880,170, I Transfers from Redev. Agency ~dmin. Fund - - 780,000 770,600 770,600' Transfer to Redev. Agency - - - (968,0()0) (968,000) I TOTAL TRANSFERSILOANs $ - $ - $ 1,733,281 $ 682,770 $ 682,770 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS - - - - - I ENDING' BALANCE-June 30 $ 7,341,9n $ 7,760,951 $ 7,995,217 $ 7,384,767 $ 7,384,767 I I' :1 27 , I CITY OF POWAY WATER FUND I 1987,.1988 1988-1989 1-988'-1989 1989-1990 1989_1990 T.A.cruAt BUDGET (si'IM)mO PROPOSED APPROVED . FUND ACJIVITY DETAIL I BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Pi'Tor Years Appi'oprialion 3,782,,32,0 4,943,471 ~,943,471 3,913,986 3,913,9~6 Revenues ' 6,900,776 7,238,541 7,562,638 8,333,940 9,061,640 I 'tOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $1-0,683,096 $12,182,012 $12,506,109 $12,247,926 $12,975,626 EXPENdITURES I, Bond Interest ,& Redempli on $ 1,184,270 $ 1,179,000 $ 1, r79 ,.000 $ 1,169,020 $ 1,169,020 I Operati ng Expenses: 516.,854 Admi n. Services $ ,258,864 $ 442,343 $ 405,412 $ 513,0,09 $ I Co~unity Services 43,; 566 43,566 43,~66 43,566 43,566 Publ i c Servi ces 4, i94,925 4,275,171 4,984,.175 5,065,5B8 5,1-09,328 I Total Operating $ 4,761,080 $;5,433,1-53 Expenses, $ 4,497,355 $ 5,622,163 $ '5,669,748 I'" Capital ,Projects: $ $ $ $ Wahr ImprOvflments - - - - $ - (cont,t:nuing'approp. ) Water Improvements - 212,150 212,150 9.4,000 9.4,000 I. Tota} Capital Projects $ - $ 212,150 $ 21-2,1-50 $ 94,doo $ 94,660 . tOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 5,681,625 $ 6,152,230 $ 6,824,303 $ 6,885,1-83 $ 6,932,768 . TRANSFERSll::OANS"In (O~f) Loan to Recleyelopm,ent .: Agency " $ - $(1,767,820) $(1-,767,820) $(1-,902,000) $(1,902,000) To Muni ci pa 1 Improve,- (58,000) mertt - - - -, , TOTAL 'TRANS~ERstLOANs $ (58,000) $ (1,767,820) $ (1-,767,820) $ (1,902 ;000) $ (1-,902,000) I TOTAL. APPROp,RI AU ON"S' $ 4,943,471 $ 4,261,962 $ 3,913,986 $ 3,460,743 $ 4,1-40,858 c II: ENDING BALANCE ~ June 30 0 0 0 0 0 II 28 I CITY OFPOWAY I SEWER FUND 1987-.1988 1988-1989 .19138-1989 1989.-1990 1989-1990 I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED. PROPOSED ApPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - . Prior Years Appropriation 8,418,5~1 7,,7.15,852 7,715,852 ' , 7. ,90j:i87O 8,366,960 Revenues 3,606,994 4',222,,795 4,013-,613 JiOO'I,230 3,505;010. TOTAL FUNDS AVAILA8LE $12,025,545 $11,938,647 $11,729,465 $n ;368 ,190 $11,408,880 ,. EXPENDITURES Bond Interest . & Redemption $ 185,360$ 153,480 $ 153,480 $ 152,900 $ 152,900 Operating Expenses: I Admin. Services $ 169,077 $ 272,351 $ 230,624 $ 278,399, $ " 278,360 ,-.--- .-,.... Public Services 2,078,Z21 2,388,915 2,856',783 2,895,'l04. 2,'808;5n I Total Operating Expenses $ 2,247,798 $ 2,661,266 $ 3,087,407 $3,,1]3,503 $ '3,086,871 ' Capital Projects: I Sewer Improvements . (continuing approp.) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Sewer Improvements 1,847,535 - 584,708 95,000 95,000 Total Capital Projects ,$ 1,847,535 $ - $ 584,708 $: 95',000 $ 95,doO I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 4,280,693 $ 2i814,746 $ 3,825;595 $ 3,421,463 $3,334,7.71 I TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) '. Transfer to General Fund $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - To 'Municipal Improvement (29,000) , - - - - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ (29,000)$ - $ - $ - $ - I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 7,715,852 $ 9,123,901 $ 7,903,870 $ 7,946,787 $8,074,109 ... , ENDING ,BALANCE~June 30 0 O' 0 0 o . . . ;1 29 . CITY OF POWA Y CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND I 1987 -1988 1988-1989 1988-1989 1989-1990 1989-1990 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED I FUND ACTIVITY DEJAIL I ~EGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - ~r'or Years Appropriation 853,718 895,930 1395,930 1,082,399 l,082,3~9 Revenues 441,225 501,585 504,883 654,580 654;580 . TOTAL FUNDS ,AVAILABLE $1,294,943 $1,397,515 11.400,813 $1,736,979 $1,736,979 I EXPEND ITURES . Bond Interest & Redemption - - - - - Operating Expenses: Admin. Services $ 265,969 $ 301,343 $ 245,195 $ 200,363 $ 208,717 I Public Services 133,044 10,900 26,619 11,500 11,500 I Total Operating Expenses $ 399,013 $ 312,243 $ 271,814 $ 211.,863 $ 220,217 . TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 399,013 $ 312,243 $ 271,814 $ 211,863 $ 220,217 . TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) $ Transfer to General Fund $ - - $ 46,600 $ - $ - I TOTAL TRANSFERSILOANs $ - $ - $ 46,600 $ - $ - I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 895,930 $1,085,272 $1,082,399 $1,525,116 $1.516.762 I '. I ENDING ,BALANCE-June' 30 0 0 0 0 0 . I I '" I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I , ' I" CITY OF POWAY'FINANCIAL ~ROGRAM: 1989-1990 " .BOND'lINTEREST;ANDREDEMPTION I:; ~ 32 I CITY OF POWAY . BOND INTEREST AND REDEMPTION . 1988-1989 1988-1989 1989-~990 1989-1990 8UDGET EST.! MATED PROPOSED ,ApPROVED I WATER FUND . 1970 $ 270,050 $ 270,050 $ ~66,94,o $ 266,,940 1972 101,]80 101,780 108;~6Q 108,260 . 1975 529,530 529,530 531;930 531,930 ID #2 15,750 15,750 - - 79-1 236,,000 236,000 236,000 236000 . .,.. -. Amortization of Discount 23,8~0 23,890 23,890 23,890 Processing Fee 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 TOTAL WATER FUND $1,179,000 $1,179,000 $1,169,020 $1,169,020 . SEWER FUND . Series 2 $ 20,500 $ 20,500 $ - $ - Series B 132,38,0 132,380 152,5CJb 152,500 Processing Fee 600 600 400 400 . TOTAL SEWER FUND $ 153,480 . $ 153,480 $ 152,900 $ 152,900 DEBT SERVICE FUND I 1978 Fire Bonds $ 17~., 200 $ 1}5,200 $ 172 .7Q.o $ 1]2,-700 . 1986 Certtfic~tes of Participation - 770,200 nO,200 770;200 1988 Certificates of Pa~ticipation - 953,031 879;720 '879,720 Processing Fee 150 600 1,000 1,000 I TOTAL OE8T SERVICE FUND $ 175,350 $1,899,031 $1,823,620 $1,823,620 SOUTH POWAY CFD#lDEBT SERVICE . 1985 Special Tax Bond $ - $ - $ - $ - . 1987 Special Tax Refunding .Bond ,2,395,490 2,395,490 2,685,49.6 2 ,6~5 ,4~O Processing Fee 10,800 10,800 10,800 10';800 TOTAL SOUTH POWAY GFD#l DEBT I SERVICE $2,406,,290 $2,,406,290 $2,696,290 $2,696,290 GRAND TOTAL $3,914',120 $5,637,801 $5,84,1 ,830 $5,841,830 . . I I 'I. I ,I ;1 l I I I I I, I I I I ";,1 'I .". . '. CITY OF POWAYFINANCIAL,PROGRAM: 1989-1990 , STATEMENT ,OF FUNO BALANCES ANO RESERVES " CITY OF POWAY w .po STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES AND RESERVES Accum Fund Funds Avail abl e 1989~1990 Proposed Expenditures Fund Fund App rop A'pprop. Balance/ as of Balance Revenues Bond Int Capital Tra?~?~~ as of Reserves 7/1/89 7/1/89 1989-1990 & Redemp Operations Proiects In/ Out 6/30/90 6/30/90 FUND Genera I $ 1,436,381 $ - $15,085,17C $ - $15,009,480 $ - $ - $ 1,512,071 $ - Gas TcIx/Street Improvement - - 679,21C - 679,210 - - - - P,ark Impliove. - (102,589) 305,92C - - 369,000 75,000 - (90,669) Ora inage - 1,922,373 525,25C - 351,124 294,000 - - 1,802,499 Fed. Rev. Shar. - - - - - - - - - G'rant - - 409,630 - 174,730 234,900 - - - Spec. Assesint. - 494,480 686,55C - 760,540 - - - 420,490 Street Develop. l,310,17f - 932,62C - 108,000 248,000 (200,000) l,686,79f - Municip. Improv - 415,891 378,OOC - - 75,000 75,000 - 793,891 Comm. Facil. - Oist. #1 - - - - - - - - - Debt Service - 7,995,217 3,226,69C 4,519,910 - - 682,770 - 7,384,767 Water 3,913, !:18E - 9,061,64( 1,169,020 5,669,748 94,000 (1,902,000) 4,140,85f - Sewer 7,903,87C - 3,505;OH 152,900 3',086,871 95,000 - 8,074,109 - Capital Replac. 1,082,395 654 ,58( 220,217 ' ~. - - - - 1,516,76_ - Trust - 78,990 4,47C - - - - - 83,460 TOTAL $15,646,812 $10,804,362 $35,454.740$5 ;841,830 $26,059,920$1,409,900$ n, 269,230 $16,930,596 -$10 ,394 ,438 ..' - ~ . \" . .' .. - ,- - -, -' -, - -' - - - .' - - - ~, 'I' :, I I I I I I I '.' I :. I :.' ;1 ':1 'I '. . CITY OF ~WA'f.I=-iNANctAL PROGRAM - 1989-1990 ,. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOANS PAYABLE TO CITY "I "j ... ~, w CITY OF PoWAY '" REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOANS PAYABLE TO CITY Beqinninq Balance - 7/1/89 Fiscal Year 1989-90 Endinq Balance - 6/30/89 Current Principal Interest Total New Loans Payback Interest Principal Interest Total FUND General $ 4,329,211 $107,280 $ 4,436,491 $ - $(470,930) $ 363,650 $ 4,329,211 $ - $ 4,329,211 Drainage 2,780,800 163,404 2,944,204 - - 228,860 2,780,800 392,264 3,173,064 Muni cipa I I1nprovements - - - - (75,000) - (75,000) - (75,000) CDBG 23,855 - 23;855 - - - 23,855 - 23,855 Street Development 3,321,571 83,820 3,405,391 200,000 - 273,265 3,521,571 357,085 3,878,656 Water 1,767,820 - 1,767,820 1,902,000 - 145,492 3,669,820 145,492 3,815,312 Sewer 624,019 60,347 684,366 - - 51,357 624,019 111,704 735,723 Grant Fund 11 ,000 - 11 ,000 - - - 11,000 - 11,000 Park Improvements 115,596 - 115,596 - (75,000) 9,514 40,596 9,514 50,110 TOTAL $12,973,872 $414,851 $13,388,723 $2,102,000 $[620,9301 $1,072,138 U4,925,872 $1,016,059 $15,941,931 * Interest rate is calculated at City's estimated average rate of return for investment in FY 1989-90 (8.4%). ... - - . '... ~ .,.. - - ... - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 :1 ., .1 " I: ...., 'IJ CITY OF POWAY F:INANCIAL PROGRAM: 1989..,199D ~E~~TMENTAL OPE~TINGBUDGETS I: w co LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION 010 REDEVELOPMENT 5005 AGENCY , CITY CITY CITY CLERK ATTORNEY MANAGER TREASURER 012 013 011 , . ADMINISTRATIVE COMMUNITY PLANNING PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES SERVICES SERV.ICES SERVICES SERVICES 100 200 300 400 500 01 o CITY COUNCIL - .... - - - -' - ~- -,- - - - - - -, ... - - . . , I 39 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERViEW I , Dept. Code D,epartment: Fund Distribution: I Leg.isl ati ve and $103,830 010 Admi n,i straUve General FLind: Citv Counci 1 I EXPENSE, . 1987-1988 1988-1989 198'8-1989 1989-1990 1989-1990 CLAsSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTI~ATED PROPOSED APPROVED I Tota:l Positions - - - - - I' Personnel Expense 33,250 32,890 29,459 33,540 33,540 I Operations 61',7,56 52,330 53,022 69,290 70,290 and Maintenance . Capital Outlay - - - - - .. 'I TOTAL BUDGET :$95,006 $85 , 22'0 $82;481 $102,830 $103,,830 I 'OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The City Counci 1 i scomposM of five members, el ected, atl argeby theci tf.zens I of poway to serv_e for four (year overlapping terms. As 'the City' s po1.icy~ri1ak.ing legislative body, the City Council is accountable to ttle residents of:Poway for implementing a.ll services arid progr~.ms provided by the City. Annuall:y'" the City CO,un-cil reo"rgan.1 Zes, choos.i ng one of its members to serve as Mayor ana another t() I serve as Deputy Mayor. The t.ity CouncN takes action oii all leg'islative matters concerning. the. crty, such 'I ,as approv,ingand adopt i n9 all City ordi nances., reso,l ut ions, contractsaiid attend,i rig to all matters' requiring policy decis.;'6ns and leadership. The City, Council apj:'-oirits t'ie City Manager, the, city Attorney and. the Ci.tyCl erk, ii'S well as various :, 'citfze-n .aa,v.isor;y cOllll1ittees, which ensure broad-based input into the 'affafrs of the City, :1 In reaching pohcy deci,sions" the City 'Counci 1 reviews proposal s 'designed. to meet communf,ty,n"eeds. .a'nd mat ntain desi r.ed 'service 1 evel's. The ci ty Couilci 1 initiates new' prqgrams{o Yllgrade exist ing city sel'vi ces ,an'd determi nes theabi)i ty of the qi ty to prov,i definanctn,g for the proposed budg~.t as submi tted by the City Manager . 'I l'hroughout the fiscal year, theci ty Council oversees the expendi ture ora 11 City funds'. .1 :rhl;!City Counctl a 1 so serves as the Board of Di rectors for the Poway Redevelopment .Agl;!ncy. I , 40 I CITY OF ~O\o!AY,. . , I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Act,i v i ty: t.~ti.v ity' I Code:, Leoislative and Admfnistrative cUv Council 010 I ACTIVITY COM4ENTARY AGTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To provide pol icy for the estabHshmen't, and maintenance of City programs and I services through overall 1'egislative g'uidance and direction. 2. To oversee and monitor the implementation of the City Council 's adopted I short, medfum and long-range goal s. 3. To ensure that the delivery ofaH municlpa.l services is done in the most I efficient and effective manner possible. ',,- 4. To provide the citizens of Poway with"a forum for di~ect public input and an avenue for the SOlution of colilnunity problems. I: 5. To provide input to the elected County" State and Federal 'representatives , about to the needs, concerns, arid 'issues "affecting tM' cfti'zens of Poway'. I, SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE ,I 270 - Additional expenses resulting f,rbriLaQde~ +$ 7,140 conferences, conference locations, and .increased -'I. increased 'conference expenses'. 314 - Increases resulting fromdoriations to the,:Poway +$ 9,30Q , Hi gh 'II Sober Graduat ion" Grad' 'Ni g'lit, Friends of I the powayl i brary ,and i ncre,ased ,costs"~or the City's 9th Annfversary City/chambe~ Sundowner. " I , , . ,,(, . I; I" I, I I:' , , I 41 ,I .. CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAI~ '. Depa rtment: ' , Activ-ity: ACtlVity Legisl at.tve and Admi ni strati ve Crtv councll - Code: 010, I Obj.. 1987-88 1988-89 1988,.89 1989-90 1989-90 'Code Expense classificatfon Actual Budget Estimated Proposed App roved' Personnel ~Exoense', RanQe Posi.tion Title I Councilmember (5) 24,370 24,000 23,695 24,000 24,000 " , :1 lJ1 Salarfes - Specia'l 24,370 24,000 23,695 24,000 24,00P 120 'Fringe Benefi ts 8,880 8,890 5,764 9,540 9,540 'I I ,I' Total Personnel . .33,250 32,890 29,459 33,540 33,540 Ooer:atJons and Maintenance 260 R,eimb,ursed Mi l.eage, 9,150 ~,60Q 10,136 9 600 . 9,600 , 2Z0 11,613 .' '. I Tra\l!!land M!!etihgs 16,223 12',730 19,870 ' 19,870 314 Gommun,i,ty Re.l ations 20,861 14,300 13,649 20,600 21,600 , 315 Putlli cabonsand Dues 14,559 16,700 16,625 16,820 16,820 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 963 1,000 999 2,4"06 '2,400 I I . 'I " t I Tota.1 Ooerations: & Mai nt. 61,750' 52,330 53,022 69,290 70 ;'290 Caoita:l Outl'av. ~:,. . I , , 1 :1 ~ - - Tota;l Cap,italOut 1 ay -. - - - ,I- 0 , Acti vitv Tota 1 $95,006' :li85,220: 1>82,481 1>102,830' 103,830 -'" N LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE , CITY COUNCIL PLANNING ,COMMISSION ~ - . - -.. .-'-- CITY CLERK TREAsURER 011 - 011 CITY CLERK +--," , ~, e' " - . -, .. .. ... - .. _. - -.: .' ... -< - ....' - ~ . 43 , . CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVity OVERVIEW I Dept . Code .Department: Fund DiJtributiGn: I Legis) a ti ve & $253.800 011 Administrativ.e Gen!!ra 1 f:unll; C.itv Cl erk . ., EXPENSE 1987d988 1988-1989 1988-i989 1989-1990 1989-1990 CLASSIF~CAUON ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED I Total Positions 3 ' 3 3 4 4 I Personnel Expense 135,924 142,740 144.,010 166,200 166,200 ,I' Operations 42,742 61,070 71,356 74,100 74,100 :and Maintenance t Capital Outlay 4,444 200 159 13,500 13,500 I TOTAL BUDGET $183,110 $204,010 $215.,525 $253,800 $253,,800 I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY, The C.i ty. Cl erk ,i s appoi nted ,by the Ci ty Council to serve as Clerk of t.Q,e CO,unctl" .. Records Manager, and Election. OUicial of the City. In carrying out this function, thee Ci ty Clerk coordi nates tlie City Council agendapreparati on and oversees the preparat ion ,iiind ma interiance ,of the official mel!t.irig retord. The Ci tyCJetkaJso serves as Secretary of thepoway Redevelopment Agency and on the Board of,Poway '. Today, Inc. T.he Ci ty Clerk's Offi ce is the centra,l i nforma ti en sOlirce for the pub 11c and C,i.ty I stau: regarding Council action. Ttiis departmeriils resporisible for the organi'za- B:9n,'I11,airi't;enan,ce- and protection oraD offic,ial~jty records an9 ~oo.idinat"es: the Ci~.ty"wJdet;unctiona) fil i ng ,system. A 11 1 ~gal advert isements, 'lricl udi ng not.ices of .. public hearing and call for, bids are p.laced through thisoff.ice. Record,ingof ' documents fck 'a 11 dellartmerit is coordinated through thi,s offi ceo Assistance, wiith CitY,~wide word process.ing 'is provideaby thi's' office; inc,lUdirig operator c thlining. " , 'I, The t.ity Clerk organizes and conducts a 11 muni cipal el'ections, i ncj uding serving . 'as Fil'ing Officer for Economic Interest and C~mlla;gh QisClosure ,statements. ~I 1he Chy. Clerk, also appointed as the City Treasurer, is responsible for the investrnent of City t;unds; and has Signatory authority on puol icsecurities and , '. ~ iri~~rll.rnents of payment. I:, " 44 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTI,VIJY DETAIL Department: Activ,i ty: Activity. I Code: Leoislative/Administrative Ci tv Clerk on I ACTtVITY'COMMENT~Y ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ,I' 1. To serve as custodian of the offtcialrecords of the City, eilsuri ng the safety' and security of the record documents. ,I 2. To estabJish a records management program to provide forefflc,ient storage, retri eva.l and di sposit i on of recoras, i ncl udfng: the impl ementati gn gf the PUFFS' ' (poway Uniform Functional Filing System) throughout all City d!!llartments. , 3. To ,post,publtshand mail in ,a manner complying with the law, all notices of I, publiC hearings, meetings and bid proposaJs,' 4.. To record concisely and correctly., in action minute form, the meetings of the' City Council. 11.,' 5. To condutt all muni cipa le 1 ections, ensuri ng conformance wi th e)(,1sting laws to preserve the accuracy and integrity of the;prbcess. 6. To manage the City 'counci 1 agenda process to ensure timely preparation, .not.ice ",I ' ". . - - - - - .. - - and follow-up on all items requiring Council action. . 7. To assist ,with City-wide word process.;'ng, including operator training. 8. To serve as Secretary for poway Today, I nc. "'and Poway Redeve 1 opment ~gency. ~ ACTIVITY ,WORKLOAD STATISTICS ;1 1987-88 1988-89- 1989,-'90 , ACTUAL EST;IMATED FORECASTED .' Publ~c Hearings Noticed 166 150 150 Pub 11 c Hea ri ngNoti ces ma il ed 9,331 15,000 15,OOg Documents 'Recorded 239 300 350 Resol utions Protessed' 143 160 200 '.'. Pl anili il9' Re'solut,i onsProcessed "'" ." 117 100 120 Ordinances Processed 29 40 40, Sets of Minutes !repared 66 60 70 .' Redevelopment Resolutions Processed 45 30 40 City Contracts/Agreements Processed 86 90 100 Redevelopment Contracts/Agreements Processed 28 25 25 ,. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE ; 1'10/ Upgrade of part-time Administrative Clerk I with one full~time '. 120 Administrative Clerk,' I andregularsalar.y increases for the,' dl~i~ion's staff. +$31,020 112 - Decrease reflects change of Admi n'istriiti ve Clerk I from part- I time to full-time. -$ 7,920 199 - Contract i ng for preparation of recordsretent i on schedu 1 e. +$ 5,480 280 - Ii1~rease in p~blic he~rings held. +$ 6,000 I 306 - No election scheduled in fiscal year 1989-90. -$ 5,000 311 - Increase in agend~ patket pag~s. +$ 6,500 611 - Office eguipment for Admi ni stra:t.i ve ClerK' r and expanded fi ling system. +$ 13,300 I I .' 45 'I CH.Y OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: . Ac:tivity: Activity Le'oIsilative and Administrative Citv,Clerk Code: 011, I Obj. 1987-88 1988"-89 . )988-89 1989-'90 1989-90 Code Exnense Cl asslficati on' Actua 1 Budaet Estimated Prooosed Aooroved Personnel Exoense. RaiiOE Pcosttton Htl e '" 217.E ci.tyClerk 50,990 51,09Q 51,090 53,650 53,650 . D~pilty City Clerk 23,149 24,630 2,4,630 27,790 27.,790 20].,{ i\dmin. Secretary 23,436 25,56.0 .25,560 26,870 26,870 I 182. Admin. Clerk I - - - 17,730 17,730 177.E Admin. Clerk I (PT) - 8,150 8,150 - - 182.E Admin. Clerk I (T/PT) 1,870 2,760 2,760 2,990 2,990 I ',110 Sa 1 ari es- Regu.l ar 99,445 101,280 101,280 126,040 126,040 112 Salaries - Par't~Time 8,106 10,910 10,910 2,990 2,990 I i13 Sa'l,iri es - Overtime 3,384 2,760 4,030 3,120 3,120 , I 120 'Fri nge Benefi ts 24,988 27,790 27,790 34,050 34,050 :1 ' , , ' :rota jpersonne:l 135::923 142,740 . 144.010 166,200 166,200 .Ooera t.ions and. ,Ma>tntenance , .: 199' Other p'rofess ional Fees' 7,784 10,,460 9,732 15,940 15,940 I'!~.~ Telephone - - - 800' 800. 'Reimbursed Mi leage 1,709 2 ,l'pg 2,099 ' 2,100 2 too ",..,.<.--. 270 Travel and Meetings 3,709 3,720 2,732 3,620 3,620 ',1,' 280 M)ierUsing 13,942 12,000 14,283' 18',000 18,000 "306 :E:l ed-ton Services '- 5,000 10,154 - - : 31'i Prjntfng . 9,200 7,500 15,7;61 14,000 . 14,000 I ; 31'4 COnTilunity Relations 54 300 300 400 4QO' 315 , PUb'l i ca non s and Dues 932 1,550 1,,052 1,400 1,400 ::U7 Education and Training - 550 550 500 500 ,331 ,R&M Building - - - 500 ,500 'I 1334 R&M Equipment 1,524 4,860 4,,860 5,43'0 5,430 4tl Office & StationerY'Supplies 3,200 3,5QO 3,417 3,700 3,700 413. Photogl'aphic/Copy Supp l.i es 431 4,000 1,016 1,000 1,000 -,1,1 512 RentJB'ui;l dings. & Grounds 258 300 350 400 400 .' 522, Insurance Expense - 180 - 620 620 ,~ .. .' 555: Capita J .Oiltray,Renta 1 - 5,050 5,050 5,690 5,690 I; " -rota 1 '.Onerat.i ons&.Ma,i nt. 42,743 61,070 71,356 74,100 74,100 '.' i i CaoHa'l Outlay ! 61;i Offi c:eEq!lipllIent ' 4,444 200 159 13,500 13,500 ,: ' I .. ]'1, I - i ! " !.~ II " ': '~I ' . . > Tota'l CanitaLOutlav 4,444 200 159 13,500. 13,500 . .~I ' . >.Activit~fotaJ $183,110 $204,010 $215,525 $253,800 $253,800 r a- " +> en lEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION CITY ATtORNEY 012 , .. ; ,. 012 CITY AlT.ORNEY , -~' " , <. ......' ".~I" - .. ... . .. ,.--- -,- .. ... - .' - ,. ., - . _ .:...0,;.,. ~ ~ :1 47 I - ClTYOF POWAY DEPA~JMENJAL ACTIVITY OVERViEW ,I Q!!llt. 'Code J)ep~.rt.mll_nt: Fund Distributi~n~. Legis lati ve and I 012 ildini nfstrati ve General fund: $159,510 CUv Attornev - EXPENSE 1987-1988 1988-1989 19,88,..,1989 .1989-1990 1989;;.1990 '. CLAsSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED ApPROVED I: Total positions -' - - - - I Personnel Expense 65,590 67,140 67,.140 67,150 67.,150 Operations t28,378 84,000 ~O".o_68 92,360 92,360 I' and ~aintenance Capital Outlay '- - - - - .1 I . TOTAL BUDGET $193,968 $151,140 $157,208 $159,510 $159,510 , OVERVIEw COMMENTARY I '. TheCJty Attorn'ey is appoi nt,ed by t.he City Council. t9 sElrve as 1 Elgal Ci,c;I"i,~or to the City on all matters as they relate to the conduc't. of municipal affairs. I The' services of the City Attorriey are provided to the. City by contract. The City , . Attorriey' IlrclI;ides le'gal Icounsel, 'attends official l11eel,i[1gs" apllears' at all legal 1 proceedings. and negotiations relating to land acquisition, and provides other specialized services. Jhe,CUyAttorn'eydrafts ordiminces, prepares contracfs, conducts 1 egal 'negot i a,.. I florfs_,. reVje,ws legal aocume!]t,s for form and cOhtent,and he, or his de'Sign'ated 1 egii:l co~nsel defends the City's position i.rr court ~ases. .: In 'addi.t;on to prov,t'ding services to the C-i ty Counci 1, the, Ci ty 'Attorney"also se'fves asil ega ladv';'sor to 'other Counci l-appOi ntedboards and representS oHi ci a 1 s and,employe-e5 of the City iri matters "relatirig to City business. -~ -, . __ _. ,-" 0- . . . I' , ",'; y I' II , ':,1 48 I CITY OFPOWAY 'I, DEPARTMENTAL ACTtVIT>Y DETAIL .. I Department: Act.ivi.ty: Activity Code: '. Leaislat.ive and, Administrat.ive citv Attorilev 0'12 , ACnVITYCOMMENTARY '. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To ass,i st the cUyCounci 1 and gaff.in t~e deve:lopment ofprQt:edures based on -. sound 1 ega 1 pri ncipl es whi ch will enab.l ethe c1 ty toaccompl ish its goa.l s. 2. To prepare orai nances and resolliti DOS necessary to carry outestabl iShed I po.l icies of the City Council. 3. Prepar:'e contracts, agreements, and lE!gal opinions as required Iiy the, Cfty I Council, Redevelopment Agency, 'and s'taff. 4. Review legal cgn,tE!nt ofa 11 documents' not prepared by the City, Attorney I pri or to submittal to the CityCoilncil. . 5. To ensure compli ante is obtai nedwith the provi si ons of thE! mun.fdpa.l , ;1 co'de and state, and federal law. 6. To ,inform the City Council and ,staffof,legtSlative andlor pJ:her ;legal developments which may impact the ,aaminlstrat.ion and operation of the City. I, 7. To represent, the, City in courtso.f jurisd.iction on lega.l matte'rs' relating ,. to the City. I 8. To attend all Ci ty Counci I regu.larand ~p,ecia'l meeti ngs', wor.kshops, and' agenda" meetings. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I', , , 140 - Increase in costs for use of City Attorney in excess +$ 6',000 of 2S hours 'per mohth~ I: . ,. I, I I, :.' 49 '. CITY OF POWAY i DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVHY DETAIL, il Department: Activity: Activity Leaislatlve. and Admin.istrattve C.i tv Attornev Code: 012 I ObJ. 1987-88 1988-891 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 Code Exnense. .Cl assi ficatlon', Actual Buddet Estimated ProDosed Aooroved .., Personnel Exoense ,Rance Position Title I City Attorney 58,912 58,020. 59,962 58,020 58,020 I 111 ,Salaries - Special 58,912 58,020. 59,962 58,0.20 58,0.20 120 Fr!nge Benefits 6,678 9,12o. 7,178 9,13o. 9,130 I '. I Total Personnel 65,590' 67,140 67,140 67,150 67,150 Ooerati ons: 'and Maintenance 140 ,City Attorney Fees 67,850 42';000 48,089 48,000 48,000 .1 141 lega,l Fees 6,0.62 -, - - - .i42 'litigation - Cfty Attorney 49,135 36,OOQ 33,249 36,0.00 36.,099 146 L iti.gation -o.therAttorneY 1,972 3,000 ' 5,749 5,000 5,000 270 Travel aDd Meetings 1,770 1,700 1,533 1,860 1,860 .' 315 Publicati~nsand TIues 1,085 800 950 1,000 1,000 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 504 500 498 500 500 I I I .. " I; Total' iJDerations & Maint. .128,378 ' 84,000 90,0.68 92,,360 92,360 'Caoital Outlav '.' .. .1 , .. .. I ". Total Cao}ta 1 Outlay - - - ',' - - ActtvitvTota 1 $193,968 $151,140 ,$157,208 $159,510 $159,510 , '-'"' 0 LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE - CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION CITY MANAGER 013 ADMINISTRATIVE COMMUNITY PLANNING PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES SERVICES SERVicES SERVICES SERVICES 100 200 300 400 500 . , 013 CITY MANAqER , . --'-- ---. .-- - , - -- -' .. - - ... .. .. .' iiII - .' .. - .. -, - I 51 'I GUY OF POWA.Y DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW ,I Dept.. Code . Department: " .. Fund D.i.tribution: legislattve and' $373,280 I 013 Administrati ve General Fund: City Manager " , EXPENSE 191R.:1988 1988-1989 1988-1989 1989-1990 1989-1990 '. ClASSI FIcA.TION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED .' Total Positions \ 5 5 5 5 5 I Personnel ~xpense 27-7,142 282,311 282,311 311,300 311 ,300 ., 49,023 58,610 71,938 61,980 61,980 :I! Operation:s and Maintj!nance Capital Out lay 331 1,760 1,761 - - '. I TOTAL BUDGET $326,496 $352,930 :$356,010 $373,280 $373,280 I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The City Manager advises the City Council on all legislative and policy matters, I and ma,ke's reconrnen'dations 'to the City Council on 'the affai rs and operations oJ the City. This office is responsible for the pr;eparation> and submittal of the annua.l City :'budget, to theCi ty Counci 1, and advises fhe 'c.i ty Counci 1. on the ,. financial condition and rieeds of the City. The City Manager ;.S re~porisible for ensuri!1g that a'll appl,icab:le ordinances, laws, and regulations are implemented and enforced in the Ctty. I The"c,i,ty Manager serves as 'the, City's chief execut i.ve offi cerand is respons i b le for the overall pianning,orgahization, and directi'onof the muh,i'cipal activities of the ti[ty. The, tHy Manager. provides direction to all department heads and I emp 16yees of the c,ity under the Ci ty Manager' 5 Juri sd;.cti on, throughthei r ' respecti ve,depar'tmeiit heads, to ensure effi ci erit"a'ndeffecti ve admi ni stra't i on of the a ffci'irsof' the .ci ty. . ' , , '. AS Executive Direct(jr of tlie,PowayRedevelopment Age!1cy, the City Manager is responsible for the overallpJann;.ng, organizing and directin9 of the ,Agency's 'I acttvitfesto ensure the attainment of the goals 'of the Agency. :. , I .' 52 I CITY OF POWAY' I DEPARTMENTAL ,ActivITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Actjvity I Code: Legislative and Administrative Ci1:yManager 013 I, ACTIVITY COMMENTARY II ACTIVITY GOAlS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To ass i st the City Council in its development of the most effici ent '!Ind I effective'poli cy to address t~eneeds ana. issues of the. community by providing proj ected costs and benefits ,for: a lternati ve poli cy deci si ons. I' 2. To provide overall direction tQ City s.taff in the implementation of City Counc.il pol icy through the central ization of authority and responsibll'ity. 3. To deve.lop innovative and creative me_an,s ,of delivering municipalservi~es, to I ensure the highest qual ity, 'and most efficient and effective servi'ce. provision possible. I, 4. To keep the City Council apprised, ofpena.ing State and Federal legislation . " ,-- ". to enable timel'y andi nformed input. 'I 5. To keep the City Council fully informed of all' aspects of municipal .affa.irs' and , , operations. 6. To assi st the 'powa.y Redevelopment Agency Board of Di rectors as Executive, Di rector .' of the Agency. , I':' SIGNIF-ICANT ,ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE None, - .' " , , I~ , ,;, I,., " I I I I .1 53 :.' CITY OF POWAY DEPARTME~TAL ACTIVITY DETAIL 'I' Departmel1t: Activity: Activity , LeQislative anil'Administrati,ve City Manager Code:, 013 .Obj. . . _ 1987 -88 19~,?;';?9 1~88-89 1989-90 1989-'90 ,I Cci'de Exoense Glasslfi'cation Actual BudQet Estimated Proposed Approved Personnel Exoensel " "RanQe . "P,osU,ton, Title, 'I," City Manager: 75,842 76,000 80".560 80,560 80,560 '. 313.1 Asst. City Manager. 69.890 73,360 73,360 77,120 77,120 24,1. E M,an~gement Alla lyst 26,830 31, 180 31.180 34,450 34,450 I . 21T.E Se"c~ to City Mar:lager 26,870 28;250 28,250 29i690 29,690 , , 207,E Admin. Secretary 24,190 25,560 25,560 26,870 26,870 I 110 . $a}arieS -Reg~,lar 223,622 234,350 238,910 248,690 248,6~0 , 113 Salaries - Overtime 929 1,000 563 1,000 1,000 120 Fringe Benefits 52,591 57,210 42,838 61,610 61,610 I Total PersonneJ 277,142 292,560 282.311 311,300' 311,300 I OoeraUons and ,Maintenance ..' i48' Specia 1 Studies, - - 10,000 - - , 199 Other Pr:ofessional Fees 2,000 2;000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1-,21~' Telephone 1,122 2,160' 1,136 2,7QO 2,700 "260 Re;imbursedMHeage' 8,261 9;360, 9,368 9;360 9,360 270 Tr:avel and Meetings 9,113 9.,9~g 9,569 11,110 11.,110 . 282 Postage 5,3965-,960 8,8196,400 6,400 I 3Ji prtnhng 12,566 12,j50 14,924 14,0001A,000 3J~ Qo~~nit~'Relations 4,520 - - - - 315 Publications and Dues 2,159 2,150' 2,291 2,270 2,'270 I 317 .Educattciri'..a."nd Trai.ning - 7,500 7,500 7,5QO., .7:.500 334 R&M Equip,mint 1,859 2,000 2,011 2,000 ,2,OOQ 4,:1:1 .DJfic,e '& StatjgnE!ry Suppl!tes 1,113 1,200 1,045 1,200 1.,200 I 413PhClt.Ogr;aPhtc/CO.PY Supplies 409 ~OO 486 600 600 499 Other Materia 1 s 505 700: 649 700 700 , 555 'Capital Out.lay Rental - 2,14'0 2,140 2,140 .2,140 I I Total .Ooerattons '&,Maint'.49';'023 58,,610 71,938 ,,61,980' 61,980 Cao,tta.l .Outlav' '." 60} Te}eCQl1J!Iunic.atjClns Equipment - 1,760 1,761 - - , 61'1 'Offi ce Equi pment 331 - - - - I" , '" " .' , liotalCaoital Outlay 331 1;'7:60' 1,,761: - - ',I. Activitv Total :1>326,496 ':1>352,930 ,:1>356,010. 1)373,280 $373,280 , " ,. U1 '... ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES CITYMANAGER 013 DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES' 100 , " I I - - PERSONNEL " CUSTOMER FINANCE DATA 101 SERVICE 103 PROCESSING 102 104 I I PURCHASING SUPPORT RISK CAPITAL 105 SERVICES MANAGEMENT REPLAQEMENT 106 107 108 , - . -ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES . , . , , ' .- -' - -,; - - - .. .. ..' .' ... ..' - .. - .. .. - .. " ._~. , " d' t ,I: I 55 , - 'I tiITY OF POWA Y , DEPARTMENTAL ACnVITY OVERViEW . ,I - ~. , . Dept'. Code Depa,ttment:. Fund Distribution: General Fund -$810,545 Sewer Fund., $278,360 I' 100 Admi ni strattveServtces Water Fund - $516',854 Drainage Fun'd - $8,504 Caoital Reolacement Fund - $208,967 I 'EXPENSE 1987-1988 1988-1989 1988-1989 1989~1990 1989-1990 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET EStIMATED PROPOSED ApPROVED I Total Posit.ions 24 24 24 24 24 , , ,I Personne,l Expense 821,498 897,880 867 , 097 963,860 963,860 555,878 , 631,160 62'r, 350 'Op'erations and Mai ntenance 629,530 644,000 " I' Capital Outlay 94',,887 303,710 .242,495 206,800 215,370 >- ,I TOTAL BUDGET $1,472,263 ,$1,832,750, $l,7:k,312 $1,800,190 $1,823,230 I I: OVERVIEW COMMENTARY , , . .! " The Depar.tment of Administrative Services is, divided, into nine operationa:l divisions' I inc-l'udfng. tlie- Office. of the' Di.rettor, Personnel, Customer Services, Finance, Data ProceSSing, Purchasing and War(h'o~sing, Support Service,S, Risk Management arid " Capital Replacement. These organ i zationa 1 di vis ions coordi.na te the day-to-day I' acti.viUes of various internal operations of the City anCl, supply specialized staff , , supj:lOrf' servi ces to a 11 oth~r City departments. , ..' :Appointed by'the City Manager, the, Director of Admin.istrative Services has the resRo'nsibiTi:ty of managing, 'coordtna fi ng, contrOlling anddi rect i ng departmenta 1 programs, andensuri ng that the City's departmental goals ,are achieved. The I' 'Clepar.'t.~~ntissta.ff is vested'w'ith thf!, r"esponsibil ities"of the Gity'soveral.l 'fi'rianci,al management" and contro 1, budget deve l'opme[1t and preparat ign,admi,ni.stra t i on of the; 'C,iJy ':sempl oymelJt system ,. thepurchas,ing funct i on of the City, administrat ion <, of the'TI1unicipa;l ,insurance programs"water'and sewer biTl ing, meter read,i'ng, I 'processin~ acc,ounts rece,ivable, and management of the, City' s central stores warehouse. , The personnel in thtsdepartnient a l'so functi on i na quasi -consultant capacity by t, pro}(ii;1rngteth~t'cinexperti se andspeci a 1 i zed fi nanc,ia 1 i nformat i on ,to other City departments and their sta'ffs. . '~t , ;1' .' , . - . ~ , . , 'I' ,. '. ., " :1, I, , '~ 56 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: ,Activity I Code: Administrati,v,e Serv.ices Office Df the Director 100 I ACTIVITY to*ENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION ,I The responsi bil ity ,of the Offi ce of the, Di rector of Admi n,i strati ve Servi ces i nc}udes I continually advising elected and appointedofHcials of the City's status asit relates to personnel management, custoinerservices, financial operations', data process; ng, purchasi ng ,capi tal replacement and r,i sk management. I Additionally, the Aepartment provides staffassi~tance to the citizens~ Budget Rev,few Committee and the 'Business' Advisory Coirmittee. ACTIVITY GOALS AND ,OBJECTIVES 'I 1. To foster emp16yee 'potential and mora.le ,by. creating and maintaining a work, I: environment that encourages creativity'; coriinunication,. dedicaHon,' and commitment. " 'I 2. To prepare and administer theCjty',sflnancial plan in cooperation with o.ther ' , , City departments to meet award-winning standards. . . ' 3. To conti nua 11 y eval uate and improve depar:.tirieiha 1 program objecti.ves~hi ch serve. ,I:' to guide the Administrative Se,r;S/icesi'oii~'rattng, divisions, and to ensur'e-thalihe goa 1 s of the departrrierit are consistent, with those of th!!' City~ 4. To improve the City IS managemerit ;i1fct[1!l~,t,ion.base whi chprovi des compl ete and I current informat,ion to the City's operating departments. 5. To mai nta in and moni tor the Ci ty' s safety program. 'I:, 6. To develop and administer the CitY'sfunaraisiri9 campaign for the poway Center for the Perform; ng Arts. , ",I SIGNIFICANT AcTI VI T:Y PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I:" None - I , I, 1- -' I I 57 '. CfTY OFPOWAY DEPARTM~NTAL, ACTIVITY 'DET~Il I Department: Activity: Activity Administrative Services Offi ce of the ,Dtr;ector Code: 100 Obj. 1987-'88 1988-89 1988-89 1989..,90 1989-90 I 'Coae 'Exoense Cl ass,i fi cati on Actual Budget Estimatec Pro Dosed Aooroved Personnel Exoense . ,Ra~ Position Title , 56,421 62,100 63,8~~ 67,190 67,190 299.~Director '. 241.EManagement Analyst 27,75~ 29,4;~' 30;03 34,,450 34,450 ,207. E Admi n'. Secretary 24,62~ 25:,25 25,25C 26 ,'87C 26,870 I 110 SalarIes.., Regular 108,79E 116,18C 119,l1E 128,510 128,510 113 Sa 1 aries - Overtime - 89C. 89C 940 940 '1 120 Fri nge Benefits .24,051 26,29C 22,30E 29,140 29,140 , I Total Personnel - 132,847 143;,960 . 142,313 158,590 J 58.590 I Ooer;ati onsand Ma,i ntenance, 144 Audit Service 8,19! 9,900 9,900 10>,500 10,500 ,148" speci al Stud'i es - - - - .., 12,500 I ,260 ; ,Reimbursed. Mileage 1,981 2,34C' 2,015 2,340 2,340 270 Trave) ana Meetings 3,324 3,~09 3,605 4,790 4,7.90 c_~, 3B. Printing 119 350 306 135_0 350 315 Publi cations and DUE!s 1,155 1,610 1,526 1,830 1,830 I 317 Education and Training - 350 291 350 350 334 R&M Equipment 20C 1,10C l,06~ 1 ,"1:30 1,13,0 411 Office & S,tationery Suppli es 1,25~ 1,080 950 1 ;'980 1,080, 'I 499 Other Suppli es & Material s 63C 1,220 1,050 1,190 1,190 555 Cap ita).' Outl ay Renta 1 - 2,09C 2,090 2,200 2,200 ,. .' , ,I ' , Tota'!' Ooerations,& Ma into 16,861 23.'.940, 22,801 25,760 38,260 ,Caotta'l Outlav ,I ,611 Offi.ce Equipment 165 - - - - ,I " ., ,. Totalcaoital'Outlav 165 - - - - I: , li149,873 :ji167 ,900 $165,114 $184,350 $196,850 . w 58 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Oepartment: Activity: ' Act,j,vity .. 'Code:. Admini strative Services Personnel 101 AC'nVITY_ENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION '. , The Personne 1 Di vi s ion is. responsi b:l e for the management of th'e: City's tentra lized " personne 1 system which i ncl udes the recruitment., 'exami nati on andcertifi catign. I processes, associated with the selection and Il'romotion of personnel in the City's workforce; the impl ementat i on ~ndadni;nistr,at.ion of personnel po lici e~ ,prac,t.fces and procedures for classification.; employee benefits, compensation" ttain'tng. ,deve,lopment, :1, safety arid securi ty;;" and employee' rel ali o~,s. T~e Di vi s i on mai nta.ins all per.sonn'el , records and coordinates ,the City',s employee recognition prograni. ACTIVITY GOALS AND .OBJECTIVES I 1. To maintain the Personnel Rules and Regulations and consisteritlycarr,y out the personnel pol icies of' the City. I 2. To ensure effective personnel management through revi,ew and re-eval uatton of the division's responsibilities, ' , I; 3. To strive for .an effective contfnuous recruitment system for' key cleri.cal and maintenance personnel. 4. To coordinate special employee events to maintain and promote 'healthy empioyee I", rel at,i ons. 5. To continually strive to improve. the level of performance in pro'i/iding' services ' I> to other Citydepartnients and'individual employees. ' , . ,.. - ' ' 6. To strengthen the educationalempioyee health program by promoting new activities I:' and interests. . ' , ' ACTIVITY STATISTICS 1988-89 1989-'gO I ESTIMATED FORECASTED ,I., Employment Applications 1,700 1,'650 I. Recr~itments 29 28 RecruitmentlPromotiona.l Testtng 31 30, Job Interest Notices Processed 900 900 " . Employee Eva 1 uati onsProcessed 360 360 I" Personnel Transactions 160 160 Injury Reports Processed 48 47 SI GN I FICANT AC-T.! V IliY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None - ~ I, , .. I 59 " I CITY OF p'OWAY DEP~RTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I', Department: Acti,v1 ty: Activity Administrative Servi ces Personnel ,Code: 101 Obj;. , 1987...:88 1988-89 1988-89 1989-'90 1989'-90 I 'Code Exnense C,lass,iJicatfon ' Actual Budcet Estimated P rooosed, ADD roved Pensonnel .Exoense RanclPosttion T,i tle' 271~ Personnel Manager 47,681 48,,6~~ 48,6DC 51,090 5L,.090 .1 2f7~f personne lAfde 27,61J 28,14 28,140 29,690 29:,690 . . Vaca t.i on Re lief - - - 1,120 1,120 '1 110 S.a'larie.s - Regular 75,294 76,74C 76,7_4C 81,900 81,9QO 120 . Fri nge Benefi ts' .15 ,52~ 17,54C 17,540 18,790 18,790 I I ., Total Personnel 90,8H 94,280 94.280 100;690 100,69U I ' OneratJonsand Ma.intenance' 8,23: 199 Other~rot:ess;ionaT :Fees - - - . - .~60' Reimbursed Mi leage; 360 370 271 370 370 .1 270 Travel and Meetings 769 1,250 1,250 .L,320 IJ;'320 281" R.eci;ujtrrfent 7,441 6,200 10,400 6,200 6,,200 311 Printing 1,67/ l,7~0 1,750 1,750 1,759 , jis. . Publ1 cations and Dues 2,009 2,440. .2,,410 2;440 2,440 ,I' 316 Medical Exams 13,521 10,411 10,410 1 i; 61'0 12,610 317 Education 'and Trai ni ng 3,055 5~600 5,600 4,900 4,900 323 Tuition Reimbursement 1,39/ 1,,500 1,~00 1-'500 1,500 334' " ",- I R&M.Equ.i pment , 25 .170 170 170 '179 399 Other Contractual Services' 4,417 4,460 4,460 4,720 4,720 411 Office & 'Stationery Supplies 46/ 510 510 510. 510 422' ."..- . . . . - .. . 4,391 12,340 12,340 12,58'0 I ErnP,loy!!e Awards 12,580 442.' Storm Repair & Cleanup 6 - - - - I , .:1,' 'Total Onerations.:&Maint. 47,77.3 47';000 . 51',OZl 49,070 49<070 , Caoi:ta 1 ,Outl av . :, I I I <t'-. I . Total Caoital Outlav- - - - - - .,. ,Activitv Total I $138,59;: $141;"280 $145,351 $1'49,760 $149,760 60 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIViTY. DETAIL , I .Department: Activity: ,Il,ct iv i ty. ;Code: Admi nistrati ve Services Customer Services 102 I ACTlVITYCONMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I . , The Customer. Services Divisiqn perfor7ms. a variety of City functions relating to the public, customers and businesses. I Th is Di vi s ion adml nfsters theutil fty actounts of water and sewer. Thi s ftincti on includes processing tit.il ity serv'jce applications, turn-on and turn--offs, response to: 'I. service inquiries and complaints, b.imonthly meter readings, minor meter repairs and' exchanges. , The Division's activities also include the accounts receivable function involving I invoicing, collec.ting, recording and depos'i:tingof City reveriues. . This i:nCludes follow-up on del inquent, closed; 'and unpaid a'c'tounts. . The Division's personnel provides the City's telephone commtini.cati'on system, reception I services, arid ma,il handling activity. ' -'. " , The Di vi sion is also responsi bl e for the 'i s5uance of regul atory 1 i censes and. 'bus'i ness! : I certificates. " , ...'.' ,;, 'I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To provide courteous , profess]'orial Iltibllc se,r.vi ceo 2. To maintain an awareness of customer,att'itudes and needs. I( 3. To rnaintainamiriimum level of' uncollect:ibleatcounts. ' , . ACTIVITY WORKLOAD 'STATISTICS . " ;. 1987..:88 1988-89 1989-90 . ,." ,ACTUAL ESTIMATED' FORECASTED ~eters readfo r b i,]l i n9 62,800 65,200 68,000 '.' Past due notices 5,670 6',140 6,400 Final notices 3,9,90 4,040 4',125 Deli nquent accounts (dOors tagged) 1,100 1;200 1,300 I Delinquent turn offs 140 150 160 Mi stellaneous ,service orders 610 700 720 New Business ,Registrations issued 89 100 105 '. S I GNI FI cANTAcTI VITY :PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 314 - The funds budgeted for FY 1989..:90 reflect an amount --$ ,11,500 I suffi.ci ent to compl ete the City's 1988..:89 water conservation program. , ,I.' I; " .. 61 I ,-. G)lY OF 1t0WA Y DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activi ty Adfninfstrative Serv,ices Customer Services Code: 102 Obj. 1987-88 1988""89 1988-89 1989""90 .1989-90 I Code Exoense,c.lassiftcation Actual Budcet Est.imatec Prooosed Aooroved Personnel Exoense Ra~ Position Title 266:~ Gustomer Svcs. Mgr. 38,5~i 46 240' 46,2j~ 48,600 48,600 I 210. ~usfoiner Svc; Wkr. (3) 64,59 75:640 72,10 79,83C 79,830 194:~ Account Clerk II (2) . 47,160 59',140 39,320 43,640 43,640 189. Account Cl erk I 17,089 - ,18,217 19,820 19,820 ,I 182'.e Telephone Operator! 18,250 18,33C Receptionist 14,46; 17,121 18,330 I 110 SaJari es - Regul ar 181 ,82~ 199,2~~ '193,00: 210,22C 210,220 ll~ Sa 1 ari es - Overt,ime 595 2,67 l,67C 2,859 2,850 120 Fringe Benefits 46,901 49,40C 44,001 53,070 53,070 I Total Personne,l ' 229. 32~ 251 :340 238,67l 266,140 266,140 , Orlerattonsand Ma i ntenance 260 Reimbursed. Mi 1 eage. 6E 130 109 10C 100 I 262 Vehicle Operati oris 2,177 2,000 2,000 2,240 2,240 .263 Vehi cJ e Ma.iritenance l,4~i 2,670 2,670 2,~Op 2,900 264 , Veh.i cl e Rental 2,66 4,120 4,120 4,500 4,500 I 270 Travel and Meetings 45E ,960 382 960 960 282, Post~ge ll,29l 14,500 .14,500 15,200 15,200 ,311 Printing 8,951 8;@,P' 7,000 6,05C 6,05C 313 Uni forms and. laundry 881 980, 980 9.00 900 I 314 communHy ReJ ati ons - 15,000 15,000 3;500 3,500 315 . -, - .. -(.- 12, 100 Pub 1 i'cat ions .and Dues 100 260 260 317 Education and '~raining 305 330 330 440 440 I 325 V,en icl e Regul at ion 2,5n - - - - 334 R&M:Equipment 1,57 2,0~p 2,030 2;090 2,090 337 R'&M: Radios' 115 :210 210 210 210 I 411 Office & Stati onery Suppli es . 1,791 1,590 1,311 1,590 1,590 413 Photqgraphic!Copy Supp 1 i es - 420 410 330 33( 416 Safety Supplies - 15( 150 150 150 41-7 Oper;ating Supplies 1; 2 - - I 42Q' Sma! j 'Too is 193 350 350 350 350 499 Other, SuppLies and Materials 1,220 1,35C 1,75C 1,750 1,750 532' Uncollectibles 24,679 - - - "" -I 541 Cash Over'lUrider 13, 50 50 50 50 555 Capital Outlay Rental 1,990 2,080 2,080 2,190 2,190 -' -", ,. rota 10oerat.ions & Ma into 62,653 - 57,620 55,534 45,760 45,760 , Canita lOut 1 av I '60L' lelecommun,;catton Equipment 739 - - - - 6.11 ' Office Equipment 42, 1,500 1,459 - - 621, Autos and Trucks 9,296 - - - - ',I 'Total Canita.l Outlav . 10,457 1,500 1,459 - - I ,Acti vHv T:ota 1 -r302,435 T310 ;460 $295,667 $311,900 .$311 ;900 62 I CITY OF PO\oiAY: I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVIty DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Administrative Services Fi nance, 103 I , ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTI~ITY' DESCRIPTION ;1 The Finance Division administers the fiscal operat.ions of City tO,assure il-c;.countabiJ- i ty and compliance with genera llyaccepted accounti ng pri nci pl es' and ,establi shed ,I po 1 i ci es and procedures as well as gover,nment COd~s. Areas of respons fb,;;l Hi es fn- cl ude genera 1 accounj;ing, accounts payab 1 e ,payro 11, bUdget coord,i nati 0.11, ihvE!stments" revenue forecasti ng, expenditures, encumbrance accounti ng and o\Jdget cO(i1pJ lance. I All the financial and related reports are pr:epared by the Hnance, Dtvlsion for the ' general publ ic, the City Council, ,City Adniini,shation, Redevelopmen.t Agency, and o,ther governmenta 1 agenci es., Dut.i es i ntl ude financ;.ial data co lTection ,analy;;i? and, I: reporting; implementation of city"s, financial policies and coritrOl ,and aud,it;, d,is- bursement of funds. in accordance with pu'rchase orders, purchaserequi'sitions arid other related documents. I: ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES " I, 1. To moni tor the ,budget and expend.ttur~,s to help departments remai n withi n appro~M budget 1 imitations, and to keep reporting on a timely basi's by providing financial reports to the operating departments within seven (7) rworkin~ days after month-end. I 2. Update and mainta'tn efficient internal control systems accordi.ng to clianging needs. 3. To strengthen fi nancial reporting by again ach,i evi ng National as well as Shte "~I awards for excell ence in fi nancia], r.epclrti ng., 4. To provide professional expertise i'" ~the nianagement of the City's firiances. 5. To publ ish the final budget by July 30' and the Comllrehenstve Annual F,inancial Report by November 30. I ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS , 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 .. 'ACTUAL ACTUAL PR6JEC'tED' EST.IMATED" . " Financial Report Processing Days 7.-0 7.0 7.0 7.0 .' Investmerit Avg. Portfol io (in millions) $29.9 $32.8 $39.0. <$39.:0, Investment Earnings (in millions) $ 2.5 $ 2.5 $ 3.2 $ 3.3' Investment % Yield 8.4 7.6 8.2 8.!+ Purchase Orders Processed 2,077 2,093 2,282 2,500 ., Vendor Warrants Prellared ,6,081 6,855 7,790 8,1.00 Budget Adjustments Processed . 212 201 220 240 Supply Requisitions Processed 994 1,283 1,,674 1,800, I Equipment Requisitions Processed 400 392 400 40() SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY 'PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I I None - .' I 63 ;. CITY OF, POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL 1 Depa rtmen t : Activity: Activity. Adm;-n;;strative Services Finance Code: 103 Obj. 1987-88 198,8,-8~ 198!:l-8~ 1989~90 1989~90 I Code Exoerise classiftcat,ion Attual Budtiet Estimatec .Prooosed Aooroved I'ersonne'l Exoense , Ranoe pos Ui on lUle :1 271.9 Finance' Manager 35,3IE 43,94C 41.,851 48,610 48,610 246.,E Senior Accountant 54,68C 37,74C 37,74C 39,680 39,680 .236.6 Accountant - 30,66C 23,571 34,590 34,590 l!l4~5 Account Cl erk 'I I (2) 35,62/ 40,85C 42',64C 44,860 44,860 I 125, 62~ 145, 80~ 110 'Salaries - Regular 15J,19C 167,740 167,740 I, 113 OV.ertime 181 4~~ 350 800 800 120 Fr1,nge 'Bene\,i ts 29 ,16~ 38;52 30,963 40,34C 40,340 1.30 Temporary Servi ces 12,82E - 1,688 ,- - I .' Iota.l Personne 1 167,737 1n 110 ,178,803 208,880 208,880 I Ooerations' and 'Maintenance 260 Re,iml:1Hrs~dMi!Te~ge 240 '380 360 400 400 ;2?Q~ travel- and Meetings . 1,843 2' ,?)~ : ,2,761 3,210 3,2.10 ~"' - . - 5.,74S . 8,055 8,'2p~ I ,311 ' Print i ng 5 83 8,200 i'."... 315 Pub.l i tat.j ons and Dues e 1,671 2,~.lO 2,408 2,570 2,5ic 317 EclUc,a"t i Qn and T;ra in i ng 1,527 '1,670 1,589 1,820 1,820 3~4 . R&~Equipme.nt 875 1;260 1,260 1,260 1,260 I 399. OtherContractua.l Servi~es 2,330 1,800 1,,571 900 900 All, Off.] ce & Stat i onery Supplies 1,65~ .1,500 1,494 1,650 1,650 555 Capi tal Outl ay Renta,l 1,000 1,0.50 1,050 - - I , I '.., " Total 'Ooerati ons & Maint. 16,889 18 750 20,548 20.,010 20;010 .- ." Cap Hal Outl'ay. '611 OfftceEqu,ipment 2,467 ,2,290 2,290 4,500 4,500 . --, "1 l :.\i-~; " 1- , , ,.,< ~~ ,. , , - '1- , , . ";'}" , Total caoita 1 Outlay 2,467 2,290 2,290 4,500 4,500 .1',- . Activitv Tota,] $187,093 $213,150 :ti20l.;641 :ti23J,390 $233,390 ~' I 64 I CITY OF POWAYJ I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activ,ity: Activity I Code: Admi nistrattve Servi ces Data Processina '104 I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION , I Da ta Processi ng is respons i bl e for theelectr'orii c transfer of the City's financia.l , information. I Included in the functions of Data Process,ing a,re, keying and processing, on a daUy basts, water payments, opening and tlosing'water account information, wate'r meter I readings, adjustments' and/or mai ntenance to'watertiill i ng accountS and. security" deposits to water accol.!nts. The f;'l esa~e bAC;\(.~dup and reorg'an.i zed cia i jy. I nvEintory is updated and accounts payable warraritsare produced weekly. - De'linquertt water bill's, final water billls, shut-off cards, employee payroll and cytle-end'waterbi'lling are I processed biweekly.. Libraries arellackect up, reports arepririted" fields in ,files are zero~9 out, and bank reconcHia~ion ,for (icc(Junts payable and llayroH checks a-redone monthly. Also input :monthly are muriie:illal ~bonds principal ana 'coupons (interest. I State income tax forms are printedquar,terly. calendaryear~end'rotates informat.ion in various files and prints the ,14-2' s.Fi'scal, year-end prepar'ed the'Clos{ng of the old year'stiudget for revenues and expenditures.. Software programs are: ma.intained or 'I wri tten.I nteracti on with staff 'and vendOrS; O,cc:urs daily. Budget .is prepared and . monitored. Staff meetlngs are attended. 'Hardwarema i ntenancei s seCured. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I;', 1. Issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for :new software and hardware. I , 2. ,Be actively involved in installation and.. training of the new system wh,iJe maintaining currerit information ori the old system. I ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-'1989 1989-.i990 .. ACTUAL . ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROjECTED , . " No.' of Payroll Check~ Run 5,550' 5,838 6,550 6,750. I No. of Utility Bills Printed 70,355 7.1;806 76,000 83,000 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None - I .' I -....- ;1 ,65 :1 PTY'OF POWAY. DE~PARtME'NTAl ACTIVITY DE~TAtL , I' Depa~tment: _ , 'Activtty: Activity , . ,Adri1i nistrative Ser.vi ces DataProcesstng Code: 104 ',Obj. 1987-'88 .1988-'89 1988-'89 1989-90 1989-'90 '. Code Exoense Cl assificatfon ' .Actua 1 'Budget Estimated P r'ooosed ADD roved Personne 1 .Exoense Ranoe ,Position Title I 236.6 Data Processing Co- . 34,20C ordinator 31,147 34,200 35,880 35,880 . " )94.6 Data Entr:Y, Cl erk II 20,33, 22,44C 22,440 23,640 23,6_40 Vacation' ,Refi ef - - - 35C 350 I 110 Salaries - Regular 51,47! 56,640 56,640 59,870 59,870 113 Salaries - Overtime 1! 18C 18C 20C 20C I .120 Fri ngeBenefi ts 12,021 14, on 11,25, 15,120 15,120 , I' Total Personnel 63.515 70,,890 68.,072 , 75,~90 75,190 OOer;a Uons and Ma.i ntenance , I .145 Data, ,Processi I1g Consultant 6! 10,400 10,40C 10,409 10,40C 2~0 Mi,Jeage Reimbursement 12' 360 180 360 360 ,.. . - "'.., . ,:270 26'0 260 ' 270 ~ravel and Meet.ings 145 127 (I' . 3r1 Printing 80E 1,.140 1,322 1,,170. 1,170 315 PLit51i cati ons ;and Dues' 671 480 440 550 55.0 , , 317 Education and Training - 630 630 630 630 334 R'&M 'Equ;ipment . 4,381 4,84Cl 4,840 4,840 4,,840 ,I' 411 Offite & Stationery. Supp'Hes 470 600 397 600 ' 600 417 Operating SuppJies 4,441 6,240 5,501 5 730 5,Z-JO ..' 514 lease Purchase 3,85E 3,850 3,881 3,890 3,890 II 555 Capi taiOufl ay Renta.l 19,610 20,490 20,490 21,500 21;50Cl I' I , Tota,l 'Ooerat.i ons&' Mai:nt. 34,573 49,'300 48,20E 49,.,930 49;930 I CaoHa 10utl a v' 611 Offi'ce'Equioment - -. - 500 '500 . , i, I , I , . I . , Iota lCaoital Out lav - - - 500 500 ActivitvTota:l $98,08t $120,190 $116,280 . $125,,620 $125,620 I ' . , 66 I - CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVI,TY; DETAIL Department: Activity.: , Acttv,ity I ,Code:, Administl7ative Services Purchastnq 105 I ' ' ACTIViTY' a,JM4ENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I Thi s di vi,si on is responsi b 1 e for the pur.cMsi ng ofa 11 supp lies, servi-ces', equi pment, and the ,maintenance of a central ized inventory an,d property controiprogrl!rii. Control 'I and respons i bil Uyfor tlie City war.ehousi ng operatt oni s also ass,ig~edto. this diviSion. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES '. 1. To ma i nta in tlie Purchasi ng 'Manual an~ erlJorce the purchas i ngllolic,fes of the IGLty" Ii 2. To operate and ma.i ntai n CerlttalStor~s,and ,such control records a,~ are' necessary for theprop~r ibVentpry oJ s!ocks and ;supp 1 i es. . ' 3. To ex!!rcise positive financia.l contro.l over City purchases to ensure adherence to I the requirement. that expenditures and encumbrances do not exceed amoun'fs appropriated. - . ","" 4. To continually work to increase the qual ity of services Rrovided to"the b"t'tier City departments through bettercomuiltcat;i,on-"thus ensuring a ;smooth~r ,How or I' opera t ion and a better understan!l-1:n9 ,of" el\';s'ting andfutlire, depar'~l11ent~-!: 'I]eeds. 5. To procure equipment, suppl ies and services at the lowest c'oSt with open, competiti ve specifi cat ions, recei ving maximum beneft tfrom budget' "8'611 ars .' available. - , ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS " I 1989~90 ESTIMATED Number of Purchase ,Orders issued 3,000 .. Number of chang'eOrders issued 150 Number ofB lanket Order rel eases 900 I, Tota 1 Order Product ion 4,050" " SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 334 - Added costs of maintaining all gas pumps (certified +$ i6,000 .1, and in repair). 621 - Purchase a mini-van to make City mail runs and +$ 12,000 " I deliveries. , , I' I I 67 , , ~ ~ , I CITY OFPOWAY , DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: ' Activity: Activity Admi nts tra UveSe rv,;ces . Pur:chaslric Code: 105 Obj. 1987~88 1988-89 ' 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 I Code Exoense, Classification Actual Budaet, Est.imated Prooosed ADD roved 'Personnel Exoense Ranae Posit ion -T-i tl e . 266~9 ,G~neral Servi cesMgr,. 43,921 46,240 46,2~~ 4~., 600 48,600 I ~~9:~ ,Storekeeper iI 25,541 26 ,6~~ 26,60 27,960 27,96C Secretary 20,74, 21.,46 21,46C 2~;Z2C ,23,72C 191. E Stllrekeeper I 20,831 21,78C 21,780 22,900 22,900 I . , 110. Sa,larles - Regular' 111 ,041 116,080 116,080 123,180 123,180 I l13 'Salaries - Overtime 5! 480 135 290 290 120 Fringe Benefits 26,141 28,740 28,740 30;900 30,900 I Iota] Personnel 137,255 145,300 l'44 , 955 154,370 154,37( I Ooer;aUons and Maintenance' 260 Reimbursed Mileage 13! 400 390 400 400 262 vetifc:!e Operations 314 - - l;20'o . 1, 200 I 263 Vehtcl~ Maintenance 126 600 300 250 250 264 Vet\itle .Rental 2,670 - - -, - 270 Tr'aUiland Meitings 130 1,550 500 600 6DQ 311 Printing 1,992 2,:006 1,471 l/sbo 1,500 I 31i3 '~niforms and,laundry - - - - '600. 315, Publicattons.~nd Dues 463 510 42E 610 610 331 R&M BliiT(ji rig - 500 150 50b 500 I 334 R&M Equipment 25 1,020 800 6,680 6,680 4f1 . .. - ..~ .' -. .- Office. & Stat.ionery Supplies, 769 500 700 600 600 417 Operating Supplies 381 1,000 993 2,000 2,000 I 515' Inter;goyerrimenta 1 Fees - - 390 - - 555 Capital "out'iay Rental - 2,790 2,790 2,930 2,930 I '. , ,. Jota.l OoeraMons ,& Matnt. 7,005 10,870 8,912 17,270 17.,870 , :cao,itaIOu tla v I 6h 'Offi.ce Equi pment - , 1,270 1,209 - - .621 AUtos .cfrid Hucks - - - 12,000 12,000 691 Nonstructural Improvements 2,866 5,000 2,711 - - , , I .- " " " 'I,," . ..,1 Total Caoital Outlav 2,866 6;270 3,927 12,000 12,000 Activ.itv Total $147,126 $162,440 $157,794 -U83,640 $184,240 j 68 I CITY OF POWI\Y I' DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Ac t.iv ity I Code: Admin i sf ra tive Se rvJ ces. Support Services j06 I ACnVIlY cQM.MENTARY ACTIYITY DESCRIPTION I Costs associated with the City Hall telephone syste,m, util ities, 'build.ing maintenance, I as well as City Hall copy machines, postage, fir:eand burglar alarm systems are charged to this cost center. I ACTIVITY GOALS ANOOBJECTIVES I , 1. To provide building ma i ntenance requi rements for City Hall. I "2. To provide copying services for City Hall departments. 3. To provide gas, electric, and telephone serv.tces for City Hall. I 4. To provide for City Hall security against fire and burglary. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I " None - I I I.' I I I J , ~ I I. 69 I CHY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL, ACTIVITY DETAIl I' Department: Act.ivity: Acttvity Administrative Serv.;ces Suooo rt Serv.i ces Code: 106 Obj. 1987-88 1988-89 1988-89 1989-'90 1989-90 I Code Expense,Class,;fication Actual Budget Estimated 'Proposed. Approved Personnel Exoense' Range Posi tion Tit 1 e I I I I , Tota'l: Personne 1 , - - , - - - I Ooerations. ,and Maintenance 210 Gas and Electricity 32,846 26,QQO 23,629 26.i09_0 26,00.0 215 l'eleplione 53,489 44,000 70,102 47 ;0,09 4'7,099, I 216 Trash Removal 79C 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 282 PqstagE! 26,161 23,000 26,242 26,,090 26,000 331 R&M Building 1,769 500 1,423 500 500 333 R&M Elevator 930 1,000 1,000 1,06.0 1,060 I 334 R&M Equ ipmel1t 26,487 18,250 19,071 20,500 20,500 399 Other Contractual Services 84l 1,000 2,199 1.,009 1,090 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 3,016 4,000 2,000 4,000 4,000 I 416 Safety Supplies 292 1,400 600 85.0 ,850 417 Operating Supplies 2',781 5,000 4,023 5,OQO 5,'000 5)5 IntE!rgovernmental Fees - - - - },370 I 555 Capi'tal Outlay Rental - 9,820 9,82C 10 ;330 10,330 I I 'Total Ooerattons & Ma,int. 149.404 135,050 161,189 143,320 144,690 Caoita lOut 1 ay I I I Total Cap,;tal Out 1 ay - - - - - 1 Activitv Total $149,404 11135,05.o ,:1>161,,189 1>143,320 $144,69.0 70 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL Aci~VITY :DETAIL '. Department: Activi ty:' ,p<ctivity :, : Code: Admi nistrat.ive Serv.i ces Ri sk ManagementlFri nae. Benefi ts 107 I ACTIVITY COMCENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRI PTION I Risk Management I The City's Ri sk Management. Program is coordi nated 'by thi s cost center' through purchased and self-funded insurance programs. Monies go toward, insurance' premiUmS and contributions to a pooled risk joint powers authority for stop loss protection and I claims adjusting. Fri nge Benefits I The cost of all emllloyee fri nge benefits is refl ected in thi s cost center under each ". .' - ,,' .......>. I benefit program. Th~y are: 1 i fe, health, dental, 1 ong~term disabi'l i,ty, reti rement and workers compensation insurance. I ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STAHSTICS I' 1987-88 1988-89 1989-'90 ACTUAL ESTIMATED FORECASTED' Number of general 1 iabil i ty claims processed 50 50 ,60 I N~mber of special events liability 'claims p~bcessed 0 0 0 Number of claims closed at end of fiscal year 45 25 25 .' SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 522 - Insurance expense refl ects quotes pr.ovided by SCJPIA an_d +$ 13,500 I event.,ual purchase of Public"Officia15 Liability Insurance., I I I I 'I 71 I CITY OF POWAY DEPAR~MENTAl 'ACTIVITY :DElAIL I Department: Activity: . Activity 'Admi n,istrat1ve Servlces Risk Manacement'/Fri nce BenefUs Code: 107 Obj. , 1987-88 1988-89 1988-89 1989..:90 1989-90 '. Code .ExDense' 01 assiftcati'cn Actual Butldet Estimated Pro Dosed Approved , . Rerscnnel Exnense . Rar1Ce Posit,; onTitl e I :1 , I I Total Personnel - - - - - I OOe ra t i ons.and Ma,intenance 120 F.ri nge Benefi ts (1,243,838) (1,574,800,).(.1,353,211)( 1,556,030) ('1 ,,709 ,020) 121 Work~rs,Comp . Benefits 112,086 134,000 147,41< 134,000223,970 I 122 Health/life Benefits ,439,844 626;500 504,247 626,500 539,470' 123 Retirement Benefits 770,413 814,3'(jO 701,55, 795",530 945,580 260 Reimbursed Mileage 69 200 77 250 250 270 Travel and Meetings - 500 1,266 500 500 I 315 Publicatjons and Dues 442 260 15f 260 260 416 Safety Supp.l i es 3,610 2,400 1,857 2,400 2,400 521 Un; ns,ured ,Cl aims 4,516 15,000 8,500 10,009 (0,000 I 522 Insurance Expense 133,578 251,500 241,231 265iOOO 265,000 I I , Tota,l Ooerations & Ma;nt. 220,720 269,860 253,087 278,410 278 410' , . I ,Caoital Outlav I , I I' I Total.. caoital Outlav - - - - - .1 r ActivitV""Total $220,720 $269,860 .$253,087 $278,410 $278,410 72 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVHY DETAIL Department: Acti,vity,: ,Act; vity I' Code: Administrative Servi.ces caoitaJ Reolacemerit 108 I ACTIVlil'Y COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 'I The Purchasing Division is responsible for thi~ cost. center. The costs associated I with replacing City-owned vehicles, equipment, and ,capital ,outlay items are charged to this cost center. When the Vehtcl e and Equ,i pment Ma i nteriance Divi siondetermi,nes .,. ..~ - - .. -.- . " that items need to be replaced and cari no lo~ger serve a useful fUDction to the City, I the Purchasing Division purchases the new item using funds set asi'de for that replacement. The act i vi ty is fi nanced by annua 1" rental" rates charged to the d i vi'si ons, us,i ng the I, vehicles, e'quipment, and costly capita'l outlay items. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE None - I , I I I I I, I I I " 1 I 73 ." .. :. CITYOFPOWAY ~EPARTMENTAl ACTIVITY DEfAIl , I ,Qepartme,O~ : Activity: .Acti vity Admin.i.strati ve Servi ces Cailita 1 Reolatemeht ,Code: 108 Obj. 1987-88 1988,.89 1988'-89 1989,,90 1989-90 I Code .Exoense Class i.ficati on Actual Budaet' Estimatec Prooosed . Aooroved CaDl,tal Out laT 611 OfficE!,Equ ipment: IBM. Copier 'at. City Hall 31, 71~ - - - - I Copi er (Community Ctr.) - 4,85C 4,88~ - - Mtotcbmlluter (DIP) . - 100,OOC - 121,SOC '121,500 Printer for IBM PC (~OQ) - - - 1,970 1,970 I; , p'rinter for CPT 8525. (30t) - - - 3,990 3.,Q9,0 Printer for' CPT 8535 (302) - - - 3,340 3,3'10 Personal Computer (300) - - - - 3,720 I Personal Computer (400) - - - - 4,60e Computer Table (3'00) , - - - - 250 6li5 Parajnedic Equipment: I Defibri llator '(S/S) 8,17E - - - - 621 Vehicle Replacement: I #2 Ford P/U (406) - 10,000 11, ODe - - #4 Ford P IU (4Q?) - 9,50e 11,OOe - - #5 F,ord P W' (~O)) - 9 , 5.Q0 l1,OOe - , #.10 Ford pump (406) - 25;0..QQ - 50,000 '50,000 #34 Chev P/U (404) - 9.,200 .10,481 - - #36 Ch~v P/~ (204J - 9,30e '16,229 - - #,41 Da iMtsll (204) - -' - 9',000 9,000 I #47 IOf,fl P/U (404) - -. 10,23, - - .#1783 :Chev' P1U (502) - 10 ;000 .10,000 .- - #1792' Ambul ance ;(503) - 46',600 75,084 - - I #Mc4Motorcyc}e .(505) - 7,20q 6,199 - - 197-JChevP/U (PIS) 13,,485 - - - - 1978chev PIU (PIS) 21,21/ - - - - I 621 Hon9a AT,V (203) 2,17, - - - - Honda ATV (204) . 2,17, - - - - , I :623. Cons,t[uction EqUipment: #506 Wheel Loader - . 25,000 . 40,001 - - #507 SKip l6ader - 22,000 23,211 - - I 652 MOb,il e Too 1 s: ....., ",- " 5,500 Rice-on'-Mower (204) - 5,500 - - I I I " Tota.l' Canita,l Out lav 78,932 293,650 234,819 189,800 198,370 . Activi,fV Tota 1 ' $78,932 $293,650 .$234,819 $189;800 $198;370 :1 --J ..,. COMMUNITY SERVICES CITY MANAGER 013 DIRECTOR COMMUNITY SERVICES 200 ~ I I I RECREATION TRAILS AND LAKE PARK AND 201 OPEN SPACE OPERATIONS LANGSCAPE 202 203 MAINTENANCE 204 . I. ~ I SP,EclAL AQQATICS' PERF013MING LANDSCAPE CENTER ARTS'CENTER DISTFlICTS 206 207 205 . COMMUNITY SERVIGES , - ~ - - .. - - - - - - .- _i - - .. - - ...' .. - i I 75 I . CI}Y OF POWAY DERARTMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW I Dept. Code Department: Fund Distribution: Special Assessments Fund - $481.,040 I 200. Community Services General Fund - ,$3,038,454 Water Fund - $43,~66 Grant Fund - $174,730 EXPENSE 1987~1988 1988-1989 1988.1989 1989-1990 1989-1990 I CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED I Total Pos it ions , 30 38 38 44 44 , I Personnel Expense 1,091,210 1,507,570 1,324,898 1,902,430 1,902,430 - Operations 813.,211 1,277,730 1,192,895 1,770,650 1,754,410 I and Maintenance Capita 1 Outlay 58,904 167,880 163,461 80,950 80,950 I I TOTAL BUDGET $1,963,325 $2,953,180 $2,681,254 $3,754,030 $3',737,790 OVERVIEW COMMENTARY , I The Department of Community Services is responsible for meeting the cultural, ,social and recreational ,needs and demands of the City. The Department is I divi,ded into eight operating d.ivisions which includ!! the Office of the DiTector, Recreation, Trails and Open Space, Lake Operations, Park and Landscape ~aintenance, ~pecial Landscape District administration, the Aquatics and the Performing Arts .I Centers. The Di rector of Community Servi ces, appoi nted by the Ci ty Manager, supervises I the eight operatjng divisions. They provide di rect ,staff support services in the dev.elopment and implementation of programs designed to enhance the socio-cultural needs and concerns of poway residents. '. , Respons.;bi 1 i.ti es of the Department i nc,l ude: (1) coordi nat tng resources of pub 1 i c and pr,ivate agencies to solve individualized and personalized community' problems; (2} Provfding 1 iaison ,services between City officials .and community:groups; (3) I providing. means for community input into the development o.f 1 eisure programs; (4) providtng a balanced program of recreation and leisure services for the cOlMlunity; (5) admini~tering the:City's transit, cable TV arid animal control ~ontracts; (6) ,I jJroviding the .CHy' spark maintenance programs: (7) coordinating, preparing and managing. various types of grants to provide additional financial assistance to the City to meet increased servite, demands; (8) construct or contract to construct ,new City trails, to maintain all City trails that are not in special landscape I "d,istri,cts',. administer and supervise special interest groups and California Conservatton Corps in trail maintenance and construction; (9) administration of Spec.ial landscape Assessment Districts; and (10) development and administration I of the oerforri1i no arts oroaram. 76 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activi ty I Code: Communi tv Services Dffice of the Director 200 I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIDN I It is the res pons ibil i ty of the Dffi ce of the Di rector to admi ni sterand manage all I ' . - '. .-.. . . operations within the department, including animal regulation, cable television, the City's grant-funded programs, park site ,acquisition and development programs, and the transit system. By pl anni ng and coordi natil1-g the programs of all the Communi ty I Services' operating divisions, the Director ensures that Department responsibilities are implemented in an effective and efficient manner. The department also provides staff assistance to the Parks and Recreation Advisory I Committee and the Trails sub-Committee. ACTIVITY ,GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To meet the aquatic, recreational and sociocultural needs of the residents ~f I Poway. 2. To ensure high quality animal control, cable television and transit services I for the residents of Poway. 3. To establish and develop a performing arts program for the poway community. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 148 - Libra~y feasiblity study will assess options for +$ 15,000 I enhanced library 'services for the City. 308 - Increase in the 1986-89 Public TransportationServices +$ 23,620 I contract plus an estimated increase for 1969-90. 319 - Decrease in the San Diego County Animal' Control c~ntract -$ 15,640 I due to more accurate billing 'for services and an increase in animal license sales. 370 - Increase in Other Contractual Services 'Reimbursed for +$ 10,000 I cable, television consultation du~ing tAT V refranchising. 531 - Estimated increase in farebox revenues from Call"A-Ride. +$ 7,980 I I I I 77 . CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAil I Department: ~ct i v i ty : " ' . . Activity ,Communi ty, Servi,ces Offi ce of the Di-rector , Code: 200 Obj. 1987~88 1988-89 19B8-89 1989-90 1989-90 '. Code . Expense Class:i.ftcation Actual Budqij't' Estimated Proposed Aobroved Person"elExpense Ranoe Pos;:tion Tttl e I ,299.3 D,irector 56,591 59,570 59~; 569 65,530 65,.530 . 241.E Management 'Ana lys t 23,894 29 , 180 28,584 32,770 .. 32,770 207.E Admin. Secretary 24,282 25,~60 25,560 26,870 26,870 , I 110 Sil.lar'l'es- R,egular .104,767 114,310 113,713 125,170 125,170 113 ,Salaries -Overtime 1,271 1,330 1,044 1,400 1;400 120 ,Fringe Benefits 30,521 27,610 20,155 28,480 28,480 I I Total Personnel '136.559 143.250 134,912 155,050 155 i 050 Operations and Maintenance 148 Sp~c,i al Stu~iJ!s - - - 15,000 15,000 I 260 Reimbursed Mtleage 2,439 2,160 ' 2,453 3,000 3,009 270 Travel and Meetings 4,855 4,120 3,8io 4,'790, . 4,790 308- Pub.l i (Tra'n'sportat1 cin-Svcs: 132,151 129,940 150,380 157,900 153,760 I 311 Printing 99 500 500 500 500 315 Publications andOues 397 550 557 1,000., . .1,,000 317 Education" and Training - 400 309 - - 319 Animal Regulation 40,402 53,400 40,400 54,120 37,J60 I '334 .R&MEqllipment 1,211 2,000 2.,015 2,100 2,10.0 370 Other Contra~t Svcs. Reimb. - - 5,,700 10,00.0 10,000 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,347 970 852 1,070 1;070 . 413 Phot6g~aphitJCopy Supplies 65 250 185 250 250 417- Operating~uppli~s 989 2,550 1,2'32 1,300 1,300 L .._ 514 Lease Pur,chase - 970 - - - I 531 Expense Credits 14,526 12,990 16,600 16,710 20,970 555 Capital Outlay Rental - 330 330 3,620 3,620 I '.' Tota'l Operations & Ma,int.' 198,481 211 , 130 . 225,323 271,360 255,120 I Capital Outlav .6H Offi~e Equipment - 2,850 3,692 550 550 676 Public Transit Fixtures 3,000 - - - - , . ". , .' Total capita.l Ou.tl av 3,000 2,850 .3,692 550 550 ., Act,i vitv, Tota 1 $J38,040 $357,2'30 '$363,927 $426,960 $410,720 78 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITy.'DETAIl Department: Activity: Acttvity I: Code:' COmRlunitv Services ,Rec rea ti on 201 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Recreation Division organizes and, prov,ides.a variety of act.ivities for all I cit i zens of Poway. The Recreation Di vi;si on is respons ib 1 e for the development, administration, and evaluafion of comprehensive lei'sure programs at thecity',spar~s, \ I playgr.ounds;, schools, and Community Center. The' adult, teen, youth, and tiny tot programs offered through this divtsfon inc,lude" sports, arts,c,rafts" dance, drama, outdoor recreation, special interest t.lasses, city-wide special events, and after school programs. The Division adl)1,inisters programs at three major recreation center~; I Poway commul1ity Park, lake Poway Recr~at.ion Area, and Twin Peaks MulTipurpose Center. The Division handles all park and facility reservations. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To ensure that act,ivities are planned for residents of every age ,and interest I group in such a way that a great variety of activities are prov,idedfor . use of leisure time.' , 2. To erisur'e all ,available resources are used to the fullest extent by cooperating and interacting with other community organizations and agenctes. I 3. To maximize the use of all recreation' faci lHies for poway res,idents. ACl:IVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1987-88 1988-'89 1989-9.0 I ACTUAL ESTIMATED FORECASTED Contract Classes Per Year 260 320 328 Contract Class Participants 3,400 4,300 4,800 I Recreation Programs/Special Events 32 45 60 Sports LeaguesITournaments (Teams) 292 378 -414 Sports Part,i,cipants 4,000 9,500 16,500 I Programs/Events Participants 14,000 31,000 42,500 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 110/ Personnel expense reflects th~transfer' of the +$ 22,470 120 Transferred the Recreation Supervisor to Lake Op'~rations,- #203, and upgraded from part-to fun-time an Administrative I' Clerk ,ana a ,Recreation Leader. 210 - Gas ana electric 'costs reflect increase'in lighting for 'the +$ 7,020 Community Park, soccer field and seco.nd tennis court. I 264 - Increase due to new vehicle purchased 'in FY 88-89. +$ 5,000 318 - Transferred cost for contrac,tua 1 Junior Counse.lors to #110 +$ 15',000 to be hi red as temporary part-time Recreation Assistants. I 370 - Decrease due to transfer of entertainment funds to Other -$ 19,210 Contractual Services - #399. 417 - Increased sports program and Lake poway summer day camp +$ 6,830 .' expenses. 511 - Increase in Community Day equipment and Lake Poway Oay Camp +$ 5,770 transportation costs. I I 79 . , I' CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL,ACTIVITY DETAI{ I Depar.tment: Activity: Acti vity Cbrll1iunitv Serv';; ces ,ReCreation ,Code: 201 Obj. 1987"88 1988~89 1988,.89 1989-90 1989-90 - Code ExoenseCl'ass i fi cation Actual Budget Estimated Proo'osed Aoproved. :. Rersonnel Expense Ranae Pos.i,ti on Ii tle , 211.9 ,Community" Svcs. Mgr. 46,170 48,600'; 48,601 51,100 51,100 . 228.0 Recreiit.ion Supvr. (2) 80,269 92,390 88,834 ~5,8~0 65,88.0 213.0 Rec. Prog. Coord. (3) 76,266 80,280 77.,917 85,080 85,080 1'91.4 R,c. beader II (2) - 18,420 18,340 39,640 39,640 191.4 R,ec.l:!eader II (2PJ) 7,865 - - - - I: i87;6 Admin. Clerk "II (~) . 19,884 20,~30 20,928. 40,480 40,4801 182.6 Admi n. Clerk I (PT) - 8',160 8,145 - - , U1.4 ,R,c. Leader I (3 PT) , 8,126 29,440 30,237 23,790' 23,790 I 17,1. 4 :Re,c. Leader I (18 T1PT) - 54,010 16,728 67,860 67,860 . 144.8 Rec. Ass.iStant (7 T lPT)' - - - 12,670 12,670 ' -- i10 'Salaries - Regular , 222,589 260,620 254 ;620 282,180' 282,18.0 112 Sill aries - Part-Time 15,991 91,610 55; 110 104,320 104,320 1 (13 Ove'rt,ime 1,493 5,9.90 5,900 7,6~0 7,630 120 Frinae'Benefi ts: 49,185 91.,410 52,819 77.,880 77;'880 . Tota,l personne:l 289,258 449,540, 368,449 472,010 472 ,010 I Ooerat ions and Maintenance, 130 Temporary ServiCes' - - 3,929 - - 210 Gas and Electric.i ty 34,806 37;800 33,568 44,820 44,829 I .215 Te lepnone 709 1,990 1,31,5 2,08.0' 2,080 ' '230 Other. :Utility Charges 819 760 760 1,210 ,i ,210 260 ReimDLJrsecj ~i 1 eage 960 1,080 1,031 1,080 1,080 262 Yehic)e Operations 565 1,04,0 1,040 1,090 1 ,,agO . 263 Vehi~le, Maintenance 2,243 2,230 2,230 5,230 5',230 264 Vehicle Rental - - - 5,000 5,000 2:?0 Tra't.eland Meetings 3,573 4,009 4,000 2,,;1,50 2,2!i.o ..311 Printing 7,912 7,4fi.0 7,282 8,760 8,7.60 313 Un ifor:ms 987 3,060 3,060 4,740 4,740 314 Corll1iliriHy Relations - - - 2,000 2;000 , 315 Publ icattons and Dues 446 540 528 460 460' .' ~t~ Iduca'tJori and Training 242 980 580 ),8~0 1,869 Leisure tontracts 117,763 132,?90 146,801 117,79,0 117,790 334 'R&M Equi pment 521 950 1,310 '2,910 2,910 I.'~~~r ,R&M Rifdtos - - - 400 400 ,0ttiei:fCo'ntrattSvcs. Refmb. 19,719 41,970 29,,445 . 22, 7~0 '22,]60 399 Other' Contracfiia'.l Ser.vi ces - - - 9,600 ~ ,60,9 .' 411 OJf;;ce.8."S!aUon'erY:'~uppli es 1,005 2,450 2,450 2,540 2,540. 413 phgt,(JgrClp,biS(,Copy Suppl jes 179 250 250 250 2!i0 416 Safety ,Supplies . - - - 750 750 .' 417 Operating Suppi i es 56,852 50,7'30 50,444 57,560 57,560 429 Sf!laTl Tools - - - 100 '100 444, ,Sign Maintenance - - - 2,000 2;000 '! 511 ,Equipment Renta 1 958 17,270 17,517 23,040 23,040 I' ' 541 :ca'shOver/Under 0> 40 40 40 40 555 Gap,itiil ,0LJtl ay Renta 1 - 1,070 1,070 3,200 3,200 I,. 'Tota 100era t ions & Ma into 250,256 308,560 308,350 323,520 323,520 I '~6X1 . Capital Outlay Oft:ice Equi pment 6,331 1,200 1,200 - - 621 Autos and Trucks - 18,300 16,772 - - . '622. Other Equipment 5,348 6,000 6;103 4,750 4,750 64'4 AthletiiC Eauioment - 80b 800 1,200 1;200 Tota 1 Caoita 1 ,Outlav 11,679 26,300' 24,875 5,950 5,950, : Acli vJ:ty Total' $551,193 $Z84,,400 $701,674 '$801,480 $801,480 80 I CITY OF POW~Y . 1 DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Act iv.i ty: Acti vity 1 Code: Communitv Services Trails,and Ooen Space 202 I: ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 1 The Trails ,and Open Space Division is responsible for the maintenance, ancl devel;Ollment of the City's riding and hIking trails system and open space. The ~ivi~;on coordinates .' the tra 11 s, and open space pl ans ,obta ins easements when necessary, ,and constructs; ,or contracts .to construct new Ci ty trai] sand imllroyements to exist,ing: trai ls"and open space. In addition, the division ma.i'ntains all trails and open space that are not . within spetial landscape districts, and coordinates special interest groups 'and"'the cal ifornia Conservat.ion Corps with respect to trai 1 and open spaceimprovelllents and maintenance. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To uti'l i ze whenever possi bl e vol unt!!ers a~d other cost eft'ective resources for I improvements and Illa i ntenance of tra tl sand open space. 2. To ensure effective maintenance of City trails and open space in order to I accommodate continuous public use. 3. To meet the riding and hiking needs of the community. , I AcnVITYWORKlOAO, STATISTiCS 1987~8_8 1988-89 1989-90 I ACTUAL ESTIMATED' FORECASTED ,Number of miJ~s of ~eveloped I riding/hiking tr!ltl s 44 45 49 Number of mile~ of Ci,ty maintained I riding/hiking. trails 34 35 34 Number of miles of special landscape districts r,iding/hiking trails 10 10 15 I Total urideveloped :park 'acreage maintained 2,393 2,433 2,833 SIGNIFICANT AC:rIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 417 ~I ncrease 'i n use of opera t i ngsupp lies for the ma i ntenance +$ 11 ,000 I of Blue Sky Ranch. I , I ',I' 81 , . ' . .' I' . . CI,TY, OF POWAY., " " DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL :1 Department: Activity: Activity communttv Services T ra.i 1 sand Ooen Soace Code: 202 Obj. 1987-88 1988-89 1988,.89 1989-90 1989;090 :1 ,Code ExoenseClasstfication Actual Budoet Estimated Prooosed ADD roved , . Personnel Exnense Ranoe Pos.i tion Ti tl e . 218.5 Park Maint. Worker III 21,677 28,500 28,500 29,960 29,960 '. 110 ~aTaries - Regu-l'ar 21,677 28,500 28',500 29,960 2.9,960 113 Salaries - Ov~rtime 696 1,230 700 1,300 '1,300 I' 120 Fr'i ngeBenefits 6,100 7,060 5,130 7,550 7,550 I Tota 1 personne 1 "2lr, 4 7 3 ~6,790 34,330 38,810. 38,810 , Onerat,ions and Mai.ntenance, , I' 160 Engineering , 500 - -. - - 216 Trash Remolia 1 479 1,400 859 1,400 1,400 , 262 Velii1:1e Operations 250 - - 1,000 1,000 ,,' '--,.. ,-'- I 2.63 Vehicle ~ai ntenance - - - 3,500 3,500 264 Vehic,je Rental 1,220 1,270 1,270 - - jil Pr.;nting 1,381 1,500 1.,493 1,500 1,500 I 313 ,UIl,i for;ms 278 330 300 300 300 314 Community Relat,i.ons 515 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 --. .. -, ^' 417 Oper~ting Supplies 2,735 4,460 4,260 15,460 15,460 420 Small Tools 1,959 6,500 6,220 6,500 6,500 .' 444 Sign Maintenance - 500 500 1,000 1,000 . I, I TotalOoerations & Maint. 9,317 17,160 16,102 ,'31,860 31,860 . CaD;i,tal Outl:av . 622 Other Equipment - - - 350 350 I . . I; . . I TotalCaoital Outlav . - - - 350 350 iil Activitv Total '&37,790 '&53,950 '&50,432 $71,020 $71,020 . 82 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVUY DETAIL Department: Activity: Act i vity I Gode: Community Servi ces takeOnerations 203 ACTIVITY COIIIENTARY I ACTIVITY OESCRIPTION I The Lake Operations Division, responsible for the management and operation of the Lake ~ .- poway Recreation Area'i offers year-round fishing and recreational boating, camping, hiking, hor.seback rid.ing,and picnick,fng. Lake poway Park facili,ties are available I to the community formeehngs and events. In addition, the D.ivlsion is responsible ~. . --. . This for the securify of property and the heal,th and safety of facinty users. Division also provides support for recreation classes and events at lake facilities I and other recreation sites. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To provide recr.eational and fishing arid boating programs which meet the needs I of the Poway Community. 2. To ensure the security of property and the health and safety of facility users. I 3. To provide a self-supporting lake and boating operation. 4. To promptly enforce rul es and regulations of the Lake poway Recreati,on Area. 5. To encourage adherence to state and local regulations through professionai I communication and education. ACTI VITY WORKLOAD ST A TI STI CS I 1987~88 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL ESTIMATED FOREt'ASTED Fi shi ng Permits .43,277 38,230 45,000 I Boat Rentals 8,883 8,750 11 ,500 Facility Users 440,000 443,500 4'45,000 Park i ng Permi ts 16,733 18,600 19,000 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANG E 110, 112, 120 - Personnel expenses reflect transfer of the +$ 88,820 .' Recreation SupervJsor from the Recreation Division - 201, the addition ofa regular part-time Dock Attendant, and negotiated cost of living increase. .' 622 - Purchase of eleven sailboats to increase the leisure +$ 12,950 activities at Lake Poway. I I I I I 83 I CITYOF'POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACT-IVITYDETML I' Depa'rtment: Activity: Activity 'Commun i.ty~Serv i,ces lake, Operations Code: 203 Obj:. . 1987-88 1988-"89 1988-89 1989'-90, 1989-90 ,I coce Expense Classification Actual Budget Estimated Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Ranae Posi tton Ti t'le 228.0 Recreation Supervisor - - - 31,759 31,750 I 193.2 . Pa rkRange r (4) 85,543 84,680 83:,7.76 88,400. 88,400 182.6 ,Park Att./Admin.Clerk I 18,610 19,910, 20,,810 20,930 20\930 , Hi2.E Park; Attendant (6 PT) , ~3,943 _ 52,350. 54,563 57,,640 57',640 'I. . 182.E Park Attendant (T/PT) 3,054 4,089 6,056 9,470 9,470 181..4 ) .. - 25,957 41,730 37,537 52,790 52,790 Dock Attendant (6 PT) :110 Salaries '- Regular 104,153 104,590 104,586 141,080 141,080 :1 112 Salar:ies - Part-Time, 72,954 98,.160; 9~,l?(i 11,9,999 119i~90 , " 113 Sa 1 ar.ies - Overtime' 9,675 n,730; 11,727 13,370 13,370 120 ,,, Fringe "Benefits 31,992 40,950" , 33,025 71,,540 71,540 I Tota 1. Bersonnel 218,774 255,430 247,494 345,890, 345,890 Operations, and Ma.intenance" , ;1 '210 Gas 'and Electri city 18,463 n,650 11,660 12,820 _ 12;;820 215 Telephone 792 710 1,056 1,050 1 ,O~O 239 other utility Charges 1,560 2,160. 1,920 2,160 2,lpO 260' Re,i rrtbu rsediMi.l.eage 18 - - 200 200 I 262 Vehicle Operatioiis 201 2,120 2',123 4,670 2,670 263 VehiCle Miiintenance 1,933 230 230 300 300 264 Vehi cl e Rental 4,250 - - - - I' 270 Travel and, Meetings 168 - - 500: 500 , 311 Printing 5,671 8,510 8,500 9,680 9,680 , 313 Urii forms 2,972 5,100 5,242 5,820 5,820 "I 315 Publications and Dues 64 110 110 250 250' 317 Education 'and Training - - - 210' 216 3'34 R&M Equipment 1,907 1,820 1,896 2,650 2,650 337 R&MRadios, - - - 300 300 -I- 411 pffice & Stationer;y Supplies 768 670 748 880 880 413 Photogr~phtc Supplies - 450 425 400 400 416 Safety Supplies 71 100 286 1,240 1,240 '. 4.17- Operatfrig Suppl i es 12,857 16,070 . 17,940 20,730 20,730 . . 4'18' Trout Stbck" 74,664 85,800 88,436 88,000 88,000 , i 419 Other Ftsh Sto'ck 36,442 35,000 35,000 35,090. 35,000 I 420 Sma! 1 Too l's 113 209 '188 250 250 5G2 lincollectib'.1es - 100 100 160 100 :5,41 . c;ashOverIUnder 2,367 400'. 821 800 800 555 Capital Outlay Rental - 3,290 3,290 3,100 3 ,~OO' -,;1' Total Operations &. Maint. 165,281 174,490 179,971 189,110 189,110 :.. ~ Capital Outl a v ':1; 601 Telecommunications Equipment - 1,900 1,916 4,080 4,0$0 . ; , M1 'Office Equ i pment - - - 650 650 621 Autos and Trucks - 15;600 15;606 - - .'1 622 Other Equipment 1,479 6,580 5,345 22,190 22,190 Tota 1 Capita 1 'Out 1 av 1,479 24,080 22.867 26,920 26,920 Activitv Total $385,534 $454,000 ':ti450.,332 :ti561 ,920 $561,920 ::1; , . , 84 I CITY OF POWAY I.' DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY' DETAIL Department: Activity: Act.tvity I Code: Communi tv Services Rark and Landscaoe Maintenance 204 , ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Park and Landscape Division is respons,ible for the ma i nteriante of-pub li c I restrooms, publ i c recreational facilit,i es an,a eq'u i'pl11ent; the repa,ir and .ma.intenanc;e of boats, docks, arid. motors.; grounds ma,intenance for 21 pump statJons' and reservoi rs 16 bui ldi ngs, the w,ilderness campground, poway Road medians, landscap.ing along poway I poway Creek, Pomerado Road, Twi n Peaks Road, 'and grounds ma intenance around a 11 City facilities. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To ensure, the attractiveness of publ ic landscaped areas throughout the City on a year-round basi s. I 2. To efficiently ma.intain park grounds, facilities and eq~ipl11ent to ensure continuious and enjoyable publ\c use. I 1987-88 1988-89 1989-'90 I ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS ACTUAL ESTIMATED FORECAstED . Total developed acreage. maintained 88.00 117.70 122.70 Total floor space mai,ntained 19,466 19,400 19,400 :. Total number o.f restrooms maintained 12 18 18 Number of boats maintained 80 80 80 Number of docks maintained 3 4 4 :. Number of ballfields maintained 3 3 5 Number of soccer fi~lds maintained .0 2 3 Number of tennis courts maintained 0 2 2 1 N,umber of basketball courts ma inta; ned 0 2 2 Number of tot lots maintained 5 8 8 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 110 - Addition of one Park Maintenance Worke~ 1 position +$ 54,380 120 position for Valle Ve~de Par~ and cost of living increases. 1 264 - Addition of new Vehicles in''FV 88-89:' +$ 6,340 303 - Addition of Joint Use Contribution to the school +$ 40,000 district for Gity';s share .of' field inaintenarice. - ., 331 - Increase in builai.ngmaintenance .for painting' of +$ 17,700 I, park ;buildings. 334 - Increase in equipment maintenance due to the +$ 9,400. rep 1 acement ofba 11 fi e Id Ii ght bul bs. 7,350 I 601 - Increase in Telecommunications Equipment for the +$ replacement of e'quipment. . . 'I , '. 85 . CITY. OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL ,I ,QepartlTIent: Activity: G ~ Acti vity CommunrfvServi ces Park and lands'taoe Maintenance@ t . . Code: 204 , . ,Qbj. , 1987-88 1988"'89 1988-89 1989'-90 1989~90 ;1 Coae. ' Exoense: Cl assHi,cation, Actual Budaet. ' Estimated Prooosed ADD roved ,. Personnel Exnense RarlClii Positi'on Titl e 266.9 Parks!&, Landscape Mgr. . 43,924 46,240 46,236 48,600 48,600 1 233.5 lands. Maint. Supvr.(2) 56,750 60,700 60,696 63,130 63,130 . ! 218.'5 ,Park Matnt. Wkr. III 23,994 25,800 19,350 26,460 26,460 ' 203:r . park'Matnt. Wkr. ~U (al) 92,279 188,070' 180,293 258,140 258,140 I 193. Park Maint.Wkr.I -(2) , 104,527 65,280 73,492 29,410: 29,410 .f8U ',Administrative cl erk. 'u' - 16,720, 18,743 20,760 20,760 Gardener Aide (3 PT) 12,428 12,960, 12,578 13,320 13;320 ,I 110 Salaries, - Regular 321,474 402,810 398,810' 446,500 446',500 . fl2 Sa.l aries - Part- T.ime 12,'428 12,960 12,578 13,320 13,320 113 Sa,i'aries - Overtime 4,609 6,920 6;805 7,090 7',099 120. Frinoe,. Benefits 79.635 106,390, 72 ;902 117,080 117.080 I' ' Iota 1 Personne.1 418.146 529,080 491. 095 583,990 583,990 , , Gnera t.ions and Ma i ntenance' ".' , 210 Gas and E.l ectri,ci ty' 2,722 14,900 11 ,472 15,150 15,150 ,I, 216 Trash Removal 11,046 15,189 11,877 15,180 15,,180 260 ReiiriburS~d Mi leage - - - 900 900 262 Vehi'c;le 9perati'ons 7,894 10,800 5,928 11,360 11 300' 263 -. ,',- . Vehi.cle Maintenance 16,124 30,900 30,900 31,980 31,980 :1 264' Velitcle Rental 17,300 8,890 8,890 15,230 15,230 270 Travel and Meeti n9s 1,540 2,750 2,728 2,2~0 2,280 303 JointVs~ Cantribution - - - 40,P90, 40,,000 . .: 305 Contract landscape Maint. 1,546 - - - - 311 Printing - 1,000 981 1,000 1,000 313 Uniforms 5,106 6,170 6,170 6,790 6,700 I" 315 Publi~ati~ns and Dues 227 530 660 770 770 3'31 R&M Build.ing 13,439 9,700 15,742 27,400 27,40'0 334 .R&M Equ.ipment 538 3,000 4,229 12,400. 12,400 337 R&M Radios 717 1,320 1,268 . 1,390 1,390 . I ~99 6ther Contractua 1 Servi.ces 12,100 - - - - 411 pfHce' &' Sfa t; one ry supp lies 820 87.0 1,286 970 970 4,12 "Janitorial Suppl ies 8,002 10,590 10,614 13,590 13,590 . 416 Safety. Supplies 1,333 3,000 2,921 3,000 3,000 417 Ope rating Siippli es 14,794 20,200 20,090 Hl,700 18,700 420 Small 'Too ls 2,335 2,590 2,523 :2,~,90 2,590 I 421 Landstap'ing Supp 11 es 42,672 53,50.0 46,627 55,0.90 55,000 444 s:fgn., Ma tr'ltenance' 528 1,00.0 991 1.;QM 1,000 5ii . El:1u ;pment Rental 384 1,,000 991' ' 1.;000 1,000 5'55 GaD Ha"i OutJav.Rental - 10,020 10,020 10,1'10 10,110 I Tota,l00erat,i ons&Matnt. 161,1'67 '207,9-10 196 ;908 287',640 - 287,640 . Caoita lOut 1 av- 601 . Tele.communi cati ons Equipment - ,400 400 8,200 8,200 .' ,'aE Office. Equ'ipment - 6,600 6,442 2;200 2;200 621 Autos and Trucks - 59,500 59,264 20,590 ' 20,500 1522, :Other: .Equipment 7,520 25,640 23,038 16,280 16,280 I: 646 Park 'Equipment 8,546 8,250 3,,537 - - 652 . Mobil'e.Tooi s 26,680 8',500 8,541 - - Total. CanitalOutlav . 42,746 108,890 , 101,222 , 47,180 47,180 I', ActivitV"' Iotal $622,059 $845;880 $789,225: $918,810 $918;810 86 I CITY OF POWAY . DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: , Actiyity I Code: Communitv ServIces "Speci a 1 Landscaoe Dtstri cts 205 . ACTIVITY COIoI4ENTARY ACTIYITY DESCRIPTION I The Special Landscape .Otstri ct Di vis i on is responsi b 1 e for ma i ntenante, of plib lic- I ri ghts-of-way', public ,parks, and open space for 1 andscape ma intenan(;e ,di stricts within specificdevelcipment boundaries_in the City. City staff administers the program by provid,i ng engi neeri ng servi ces, contract i nspecti on and supervi ston I servtces, cl eri ca 1 and accounti ng support, and in-house maintenance a'iid, repa i rsas needed. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To ensure that all associated public grounds are attractively maintained and suitable for public use at all times. '. 2. To, effectively administer each special landscape assessment distritt in the most cost efficient manner. I ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS ACRES MAINTAINED IN TOTAL BUDGET 1988~89 1989-90 '. , 0251 landscape District 83-01 44.77 59.44 $277,460 0252 landscape District 86-01 21.53 24.93 '1'68 370 1 ,:' ~ 0253 Landscape Distrtct86-02 - 1.70 4,890 0254 Landscape District 86-03 4.10 4.10 24,320 0255 landscape District 87-01 - - 6,000 1 , 70.40 90.17 $481, 040 I, SIGNIFICANT PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I Addi t i on of 20 acres to the 1 andscapemaTntena"nce pi stci cts. +$158,590 :1' I I - I I 87 I CITY. OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Departm!!nt: Activity: Activity Communitv Services Special landscape Distrtcts Code: 205 Obj. 1987-88 1988~8~ 1988-89 1989.,90 1989-90 I Code Expense Class.ificatfon Actual BudQet Est ima ted Proposed Approved Personnel Expense RanQe Position Title I I . I,' I Jotal Personnal - - - - ' - I Operations and Maintenance , LMD 83-01 -251 13,270 187,060 100,330 277,460 2n,460 LMD86-01 - 252 11,433 101,940 101,032 168,370 168,370 I LMD 86-02 - 253 775 2,500. - 4,890 4,890 ' LMD86~,03 - 254 3,231 24,950 24,129 24,320 24,320- LMD 87-01 - 255 - 6,000 - 6,000 6,000 I I ' , I I Total Operations & 'Maint. 28,709 322,450 225,491 481,040 .481,040 Cap;,tal Out 1 ay I 'I; . j.~. I~ c. " W._ I' , . ;':1 'I b " ., v' Total Capital Outlav - - ~ - - , . Acti vitv lota.l $28,709 $322,450 $225,491 '$481,040 $481,,040 I ~ I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY OETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: communitv Services Aauatics Center 206 I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Aquatics Division is responsible for the organization and development of a diverse I aquatics program. The Division conducts daily maintenance operations and all non- maintenance operations at Poway Community Park Swim Center. Programs undertaken by the Division include the conducting of swim classes for all ages, as well as I special events,aquatic exercise, and recreational and competitive swim activities ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To provide quality swim lesson programs following the American Red Cross guidelines. I 2. To strive for ,organizational efficiency and cost effectiveness. 3. To ensure that sW.im activities are planned for every age group and interest. I 4. To provide a safe and properly supervised swim facility for all patrons. 5. To provide a specialized leisure activity swim facility for all patrons. . SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I The Aquatics Center, which opened May 1989, rePresent~ a +$226,920 newly created division. The 1989-90 budget reflects one I full year of operation for the pool and division. .' I I I . , I I 89 I CHYOF POWAY , DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I: Qepartment: i\cti vity: i\~ti vity C6iiTnunity, Servi ces Acuatics Center Code:, 206 Obj. 1987-88 1988~89 1988-89 1989..,90 1989-90 I Code Expense G;l-assification 'Actua 1 Budget Estimated Proposed Approved Personnel Exoense Range Position Title - 228.0 RecreationSupervi~or - 12,830 14,182 30,580 30,580 I 213.0 ~ec. Prog. Coord. - 7,369 7,362 24,020 24~,020 19i. 4 Rec. leader II - - - 1~,20Q 19,200 191.4 Rec. leader II (4PT) - 23,760 5,936 37.,440 37,440 I ,182.6 Par~Attendant (4, PT) - 6,~00 5,436 34,320 34,320 171.4 ,Rec. Leader 'I (4 PT) - 7,290 7,290 30,680 30,680 171.~ Rec. Leader I (31/PT) - - - 11: ,490 11,490 I , 110 Salaries - Regular - 20,190 21,544 73,800 73,8_00 112 Salaries - Part-Time - 37,850 18,662 113,930 113,939 I 113 Salaries - Overtime - 37.0 370 1,660 1,660 120 Fringe Benefits - 9,190 8,042 33,820 33,820 ,I. Total Personnel' - 67.,'600 48 ;618 ~ 223,'210' 223,210 Ooetat ions' .and Mai ntenance 210 Gas, and Electricity - 18,400 18,400 73,000 73,000 I' 215 Telephone - 270 3,920 1,2,40 1,240 230 _ r', Other Utility ,Charges - 300 1,700 1,590 1,590 26b: Reimbursed Mileage - 70 70 420 440 270 navel ana Meetings - roo 100 690 690 I 31J Printing - 2,500 2,500 4,000 ' 4,000 313 UnHorms - 1,490 1,490 3,9BO 3i980 315 Publications and Dues - 190 190 250 250 317 Education and Training , 250 250 800 800 I - 318 LE!,isure Contracts - - - 5,000 5,00Q 334 R&~Equipment - 310 310 1,000 1,000 I 411 ,Off1ce & Stationery Supplies - 450 450 800 800 :412 Janitorial Supplies - 850 850 1,000 . 1,000 41;3 P,hotograph i c/CopySupp 1 i es - - - 2,000 2,000 1tp . SiiJety Suppl i es - 200 750 550, 550 I, 4.17 Qper;ating Supplies - 9,250 9,250 800 800 4}~0 Small Tool's - - - 150 150 42;3. Chemi caTs - - - 13,000 13,000 I 4,44' Si,gri 'Mai ntenance - 300 , 500 1,000 1,000 '541 CashOverJUnder - 20 20 20 20 I, Tota,l Ooerati ons &, Ma into - 34,950 40,750 111,290 111 ,290 cao,HalOut 1 a v SI1 Qffice Equipment - 5,030 5,255 - - "I" 622 Other Equipment - - 5,550 - - I , Total CaoHal Outl av - 5,030 10,805 - - Activitv Total - 1>107,580 1il00, 173 . , 1'334,500 1'334,500 I 90 I CITY OF POWAY I, DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activi ty: Activity 1 Code: Communitv Services Performino Arts Center 207 . ACTIVITY COMMENTARY , ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 1 The poway Performing Arts Center Division is responsible for organizing a variety of '. theater acti vities. for the, enjoyment of .the 'PowayCommuni ty. The poway Performi ng Arts Center will present professional performances and programs, in order.' to enliance the social and cultural involvement of the citizens of Poway. The, fac,i.] ity wi 11 '. serve as a musical theater, drama/community theater, concert ha.ll, and arena. ACTIVITY GOALS AND 'OBJECTIVES 1 1. To develop a~ operational philosophy for the C~ty Counci~"s approval. 1 . . 2. To enhance the social and cultural involvement of the conmunity through the production of a variety of professional shows and programs as well as . community events. 3. To establ ish a staffing and organizational plan, including. an implementation timetab,le. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE . The Performi n9 Arts Center, whi ch will open; n January 1990, +$130,610 represents a newly created division. The1989~90 budget I reflects six months of operation and'~~art up costs. I I I I: . . I 1 91 , I, CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL ,I, Department: Activity: Activity Communitv Services Performi nQ Arts 'Genter Code: 207' Obj. 1987-88 1988"8~ 1988-89 1989'-90 1989-90 il Code Exoense ,Classification Actual Budget Estimated Proposed Approved Personnel Expense Ranae Posi,tion Title 266.9 Perform.i ng Arts Manager - 19,910 - 40,840 40,840 ;1 :228'.0 Recr~at i on SiJpervisifr: - - - 13,490 13,490 187.6 Administrati veCler.k II - - - 9,010, 9,010 11:12.6 Park Attendant (PT) - - - 4,290 4,290 'I' 110 Salaries ~ Regular - 19,910 - 63,340, 63,340 112 SaJartes - Part- T-ime - - - 4,290 4,290 ,. 120 Fringe Benefits - 5,970 - 15,B40 15,840 1 lotal Personne 1 - 25,880 - 83,470 83,470 Ooerations and Maintenance I 210 Gas, and El ectricity - - - 23,000 23',000 215 Teliephone - 180 - 3,000 ,~,QOO 260 ReimbUrsed Mil eage - 150. - ,roo 40.0 270 Iravel and Mee,tings - 500 - 400 40'0 I 311 Pri nt,ing - - - 3,000 3',000 312 Janitorial Services - - - 10,000 10,00,0 31'3 Ui1i forms - - - 330 33Q. I :315 Publicattons and Dues - 150 - 30D 300 '317 Educa t i on' 'ijndTra in j ng - - - 2.50 , 250 318 Leisure Contracts - - - 4,000 4,000 I 331 R&M BiJildings - - - 10,000 10;000. 399 'Other Contractual Services - - - 20,000 20',000 .<iH Office & Stationery Suppl ies - 100 - 100 100 541 Cash Over/Under - - - 50 50' I , I , . , ' -Iota 1 Ooer.at.i'ons &, Ma i nt. - 1,080 - 74,830 74;830 I :Gaoi,tal '.ouuav 601 Telecommun,ications :Equip. - 730 - - - I " I I . Tota'lCao i ta,l Ou tTa v 730 - - - - Acti v.;:ty Tota 1 - $27,690 - $158,300 $158,300 I , <D N PLANNING SERVICES CITY MANAGER 013 " DIRECTOR PLANNING SERVICES 300 CURRENT PLANNING ADVANCED pLANNING BUILDING AND SAFETY 301 302 INSPECTION 393 , PLANNING SERVICES , - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "I I 93 I' CITY OF POWAY DERARTMENfAL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW I" ,Dept. Code Departl11!!nt: Fund Distribution: " 300 Planning Servi ces General Fund: $1,668,880 ,I , EXPENSE 1987 -1988 1988-1989 1988~1989 1989-1990 1989-1990 1 C'lASSI FIcATION ACTUAL APPROVED ESTIMATED PROPOSED ARPROVED Tota]. pos it ions , 11 11 11 12 12 'I' Personnel Expense 458,838 515,260 480,238 591,120 591,120 I . Operati ons 9591>485 652,260 1,058,108 1,056,070 1,066,720 I and Maintenance Capital Outlay 4,466 1,350 1,230 11,040 n,040 II TOTAL' BUDGET $1,422,789 $1,168,870 $1,539,576 $1,658,230 $1,668,880 I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I The Department of Planning Ser.vi.ces ensures that a sound and workable plann.il1g program is de'signed and mainfained for the City and is responsibl,e for adminFs- teririg and implementing tne City's planning, development" land use, and building I p rog rams. Tne department is composed of four divisions: the Office of the Director; Current I Planritng; Advance Pla.nning; and, Building and Safety Inspection. The City 'Manager h.ires the Director who is responsible for administration of the department., I The General Plan and Zoning Deve;opment Code provide a gUide to orderly development ;:n the C.ity. Tne staff of th is department is respons i b le for the imp femenfa tion of the CityCounci l' s policies reflected in thes~ documents. I Departmental activities include: processing and revi.ewing of General Plan and 'Zoning Development Code amendment requests, processing of development appl ica- tions~' environmental review; code compliance; building plan ,checks and 'inspec- I tion; special background' reports; demographic projections and reports; monitoring and review of environmental documents, development pr.oposals and corrrnunity plans in adjacent jurisdictions; and regional liaison on development matters. I 'I . .1 94 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETA'lL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Planninq Services Offi ce of the D.i rector 300 I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Planning ServiCes Director is responsible for. departmental admi.nistrationand I supervision incl.uding personnel, procedures, and budget control. Frequent interac- tion with staff, other departments, and other agenci~s is used.'to gather resources and ideas aimed at providing tliehi9hest possible developmen.tal ana environmental quality for the community. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To promote efficient functioning of the various divisions of the Planning I Services Department. 2. To provide professional advice and technical assistance to, the City Counci 1, I other City departments, citizen advisory committees, and the general public. 3. To monitor and review legislation and pr.ograms at the Loca'l, Regional, State, and I Federal levels, in order to determine thei:r impact on the City's planning and building programs, and to make recol1111endations as to their adoption and implemen- tation. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 145 - VL Systems GIS leasing/time share of equipment and +$ 24,500 I consultant services. 148 - A chil d care survey is to be, conducted .during thi s year. +$ 6,500 I 210 - Utilities have ,been broken down between the Director's -$ 4,630 Office and Current Planning. The Oirector's account w,;ll I cover uti 1 i ty charges for 13142 Poway Road. 611 - Replace photocop,ier with model more capable of handl ing +$ 5,120 the workload without frequent breaKdowns. I I I I I '. 95 'I CITY OF POWAY , DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL . Department: Activity: Activity 'Planninc Servifes, Offi ce of theD,frector Code: 300 Obj. 1987-88 1988,,89 1988-89 1989-'90 1989-90 Coae Exoense Classification Actual Aooroved Estimated Prooosed ADD roved I - ,Personnel Exoense Ra rlciE Posi tion Titl e 2~99 ;'~ Di rector 55,492 63,440 62,398 67 ,J90 67,190 1 276i~ Ass istant Director 38,776 44,3~0 43,354 48,990 . 48,990 207.E Aqll1i n.Secretary 21,098 24,120 24,818 26,8,70 26,870 Vac;ation Relief - - - 3,000 3,000 ,I, 110 Sa,laries - Regular 115,366 131,890 130,570 146,,050 146,050, 113 Salaries - Overtime 2,967 2 ~110 1,276 2,330 2,330 120 Fr; nge Benefi ts , 28,589 29,30Q 2~,302 31,590 31,590 I , II, Total Per,sonnel 146,922 163.,300 156,148 179,970 179,970 1 OOe ra ti ons "and Ma,; ntenance '145 Data Process~ng Consultant - - - 24,500 24,," 500 148 Speci'al Studi es 1,320 - - - 6,500 199 Other Profes~ional Fees 24,992 - - - - 1 210 'Gas al1dEl ectricity 4,403 6,610 6,4r5 1,790 1.,790 215 'Te lephone' 246 3,2?0 3,250 460 460 260 Re.imbursed Mtfeage 2,038 2,640 2,489 2,640, 2,640 I 270 n'ayel a,iidMeetings 4,076 5,970 , 4,990 6,290 6~290 :ill P.ri nt ing 5,498 - - - - 315 Publications Jnd Oues 2,088 2,290 2,259 2,450 2,450 I 317 Education & Training - 150 138 150 150 331 R&M Buildi ng - 870. 729 - - 334 R&M Equipment 3,088 2,490 1:, 77 8 2,640 2,790 399 Other Contractual Services - 1,200' 1,229 - - I 411 Office ~ Statjonery Suppl i!!s 1,653 l,30Q 1,267 l,~OO 1,300 445 Misc. Constructi~n 'Materials - 1,750 1,704, - - 51,2 Bent~Bui tdings ,i!nd Grounds - 9,520 9,796 9,500 9,500 ' I 555 GapHal O'utl ay Rental - 1,050 1,050 1,100 1,100 , T,ota 1 OOerattons'& Maint. ' 49,402 39,090 ' 37.094 52;820 59,470 I , ,Caoital' Outlav ' 611 Office Equipment 1,496 1,350 1,230 5,420 5,420 I I" 'I " " Total Ganital Outlay , 1,496 ' 1,350 1,230 5,420 5',420 Acttvitv Total $197,820 $203:,740, lil94., 472 ' $238,210 $244,860' :1 96 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activi,ty: Activity I Code: ,Pl anni nCl Servi ces Current Planninq 301 I ACTIVITY COM4ENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I Current Planning coordinates the processing of a variety of land us'e ,appl'icati,ons, The mos t frequent ci t i zen i nteract,i on comes (rom te 1 ephone i nqLii ri es 'and offi ce I vi sits to discuss zon,i ng' and deve lopment opt ions for property .w,i thin the City. Ongoi ng respons i bilities i ncl ude the process i rig of devel opmen,t; revi~.w, appl i cat ions, major and ,minor conditional use permits, varian,ces, temporary use permits, parcel I. maps, tract maps, and sign permits. In order to .assure that development ifrojectsare implemented as proposed, Current 'Planning staff checks bui lding~ pl,ans andiilndscape plans for compliance with condit.ions of approval. Another aspect of 'project monj~ toring is the code compliance function. Zoning violations are 'reported ,by citizens I and investigated by the Code Compliance Officer. Other duties of this section include coordinatiqn of the k,ioisk.programfor off-si~e I subdivision signs; enforcement of the sign ordinance; adm;nistr.ation of the zoning ordinance; implementation of the specific plans adopted for port.ions of,t,he City; monitoring sewer civaila.bility; coord.inating landscape plan check, and inspection,'for . .~ .-. . private development projects; assigning stl"'eet addresses; and revi.ewing home occupa- I tion permits. Planned projects for fiscal year 1989/90 are: Zoning Developrrterit Code amendments;, I implementation of the Old poway Architectural Design Guidel ines and StanBards,; ,and completion of'additiol1al pamphlets (.simi'lar to the minor development, review. pamph- let for single-family homes) to clearly explain the development review process to, I the public. ACTIVITY,GOALS AND OBJECTiVES 1. To meet with applicants early in the process of developing their pians to assure I compl iance with the Genera.l Plan and 'Zoning' Code. ' 2. To continue to improve the techniques of code' enforc~men,t within the City. I 3. To prepare ordinances and amendments required ~o administer the General Plan. 4. To further enhance thedeve 1 opment .monitori ng system. 5. To provide the highest level of' planning services possible., SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE .' 110/ Increase reflects ~alary increases and the +$45,380 I 120 add,it ion of CIne' fU.l.l-t ime Associate Pl anrier pos it ion. 112 - With the addit,ion o.f an Associate, Planner, a Planning -$ 4,820 Intern wi 11 be moved to AdvanceP,lanning' DJvision to I ' . . . - assist with the update of the Comprehensive Plan. The part-'time Clerk, has been moved from' Advance Planning to more accurately refl ect her workass,ignment. 210 - Utilities have been broke.n d(l\'lnbetw~e,n C'urrent +$ 5,370 I Planning and the Director's Office. Thisciccount .. . will cover util ity charges for 13202 PlJway Road. I " I 97 ,'. I CITY o.F POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIV ITY DEJAI L 'I Department: Activity: . ,Activity Planriino ServIces 'Current Pl anni no Code: 301 Obj. 1987-88 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 I Code ,EXDense C.l ass i fi cation Actual ADO roved. . Estima te-d ..ProDosed. 'Aporoved Personnel Exoense Rance Positi on r; tl e .. 251..6 Assocjate Planner - - - 40,700 40,700 241.6 Assistant Planner II (2.) 95,676 106,830 90,656 74,560 74,560 231. 6 Assistant 'Planner I - - ,- 29'.160. 29',160 2.36,~ 6 C,ode ~ompl iance Officer 30,585 34,150 33,015 35,900 35,900 I 197106 ,Sl!cretary 18,136 20,250 '19,997 22,940 22,940 Planning Intern (PT) 5,188 14,320 14,265' 7',160 7,160 Clerk (PT) - - - 2,340 2,340 1 , 110 ~alaries - Regular 144,397 161,230 143,668 203,260 203,260 112 'Salaries - Part-Time 5,188 14,320 14,265 ' 9,'500 "9,$90.:. I 113 'Salaries - Overtime 2,400 4,290 4,026 1;,000 1';000 120 Fringe Benefits 34,283 38,900 33,829 50;360 50,360 .. Tota'l Perosonnel 186,268 218,740 . 195,788 264,120 264,120, Dnerat'i ons "and, Mai ntenance 2-10 S;a~"<1nd.EJ;ectrici ty - - ~ 5,370 5,370 . 260 ,Re',imbursed Mil eage 194 2,040 839 2.160. 2,1'60 262 Vehicle Operations 385 450 368' 450 450 , 2~3 .Vehi.cl'e Maintenance 1,196 770 439 1,800 1,800. 1 264 Veh i cl e Renta,l - 1,640 1,640 2,090 2,Qgo. 270 Travel 'and Meetings 1,591 l,t40 1,393 ?,5~Q 2,~30 311 Pri nt ing 2,078 4,310 4,237 4,390 4,390 315 P~bltcatiGMf.and Dues 743 1,150 ' 1,132 1,360 1,360 '. 317 I:ducati on and Trai n i ng 44 -120 119 220 220 G3~ ,R&.t1.Equipment 1,421 3,670. 3,413 4,6,29 4,620 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 4,179 4,0.00 3,943' 4,600. 4,600 I 413 Photographic/Copy Suppl i.es' 526 500 499 720 720 417 Operating Supplies 23 200 193 200 200 444 Sign MatMtenaMce 1,409 1,500 1,500 1,5'00 1,500 555 . Capi:t~:l' 'Qutlay Rental - 2,300 2,300 5,920 5,920 :1 , ,. Total OOerations',,& Maint. 13,789 24,390, 22,015 37,840 37,840 CaD1ta.10utlav ~o.1 ' . Ie'lecollll1unic;qtions Equipment - - - 750 750 :. 611 Office Equipment 1,034 - - 1,600 1,600 , . . 'I Totail Can:ltal Outlav 1,034 - - 2,350 2,350. f ,I Acttvitv Total , $201,091 'Q43',130 $217,803 ' '$304,310 '$304,310 98 I CITY OF POWAY , I. DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVHV DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Planning Services , Advance Planning 302 I ACTIVITY'COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I Advance Planning ,is primarily responsible for.implementing the fo.llowing four general planning categories: ' I local long.,range planning - implemen'tation, and ,main~enance of the ,General Plan and its severalel ements; review, preparation, and amendments of speci fic plan's; 11)0ni ~ toring of State legislative changes (re: . land use and environmerital laws); prepara- tion and administration of grant and funding pr.oposals; and provision of techni'cal I sUPRort and other services as requested. Demographic/populationplanning - participaUon ,in all SANDAG programs.; Stat_e and Federal Census Program; and provisign of liaison ser.vices with all 'associated SANDAG ,I and County committeesltaskforces. Sub-regionalJreg,;onal planning - review and cOrrment on all land development projects in surroundi ngjurisdicti ons; ,assi stance with the development' of reg,i ona lplanni ng I programs; and r,epresenti1tion of the city al public hearings before the City and County of San Diego. Environmental plann,i,ng ~ preparation of all major environmental documentation; review and comment on all erwironmental dOcuments generated by other agencies; and moni- '. toring changes in CEQA 1 aw. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 1. To administer 4nd maintain the PowayComprehensive Plan. 2. To develop and impTement program:; ,~o revitalize Poway Road and the- "Old poway" areas through comprehensive, specific plans. I 3. To coordinate the City'S environmenta'l review process and update procedures in accor~ance wi ~h, changes to State 'CEQA 1 egts la t ion. 4. To continue to provide technical and 'adv,isory assistance to the City Council, I other City departments, and thigeneral ~ublic. 5. To coordinate regional planning p,rograms with other responsible local and Sta,te agencies. 1 6. To monitor growth and development in the sub-region and a,d'jacent jurisdictions as it affects the ,City of Poway~ 7. To administer the City's Sphere-Of,.InfliJ,ence and annexation program through LAFCO. '.. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 112 - With the addition of an Associate Planner to the Current +$ 4,820 I Planning Division, a Planning Intern' wiif be moved to the Advance Planning Division to assJst with the update of the I Comprehensive Plan. The part-time Cl erk ha's been moved from this division to Curreryt Planning to mor.e accurately reflect her 'work as?ignment. I 148 - Increaie ref~ects a ~ontrfbuti~rr to th~~an Dieguito Open +$ 6,000 Space j'PA and a computermap~Yi rig. study to update city's I zoning map. I I 99 ,I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I ' Department: Activity: Activity Pl ann i na Services Advance Plannina Code: 302 .Obj.. 1987-88 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 I Code ExoenseClas s.ifica tton, Actual ADo roved Estimated Prooosed . Aooroved . ' Personnel Exoense . Rana~ Pos it:ion Ti tl e 266.6 Senior Planner 44,718 46,090 45,130 48460 48,460 ,. ,.. :1 241.6 Assistant Planner II 34,826 35,900 35,520 37,740 37,740 197.6 Secretar:y 21,118 21,'770. 21,544 23;920 23,920 Clerk (PT') 1,870 2,340 2',060 - - I' Planning. Intern (PT) - - - 7,160 7,160 .110 Salaries ~ Regular 100,662 103,760 102,194 110,120 110,120 1 112 Sa lari es - Part-Time 1,870 2,340 2,060 7,160 7,160 li3 . Salaries - Overtime 617 1,91Q 1,910 2,460 2,469 120 Fringe Benefits 22,499 25,210 22,138 ' 27,'290 27,290 . lota'l, Personnel 125,648 133,220 128,302 147,030 147;030 1 OOerations and Maintenance 148 ~pecia lStu~l:tes 4,637 7,590 7,500 9,500 13,500 260 Reimbursed 'M1cl eage 874 960 938 1,460 1,460 I, 270, Travet and Meetings 755 1,140 620 1,070 1,070 311 Pri Ijl iJjg 566 8,100 8,017 8,500 8,500 315 p,ub (icatoi ons and Dues 279 45.0 439 360 360 317 Eaucatton and Training 96 120 99 120 120 I 334 R&M Equ,i pment 271 1,510 1,512 1,.470 1,470 364 Envi ron. Impact Review-Plan's 67,121 60,000 148,746 . 60,000 60;000 . 411 Office &Sta t i onery Supp.l i es 2,174 2,740 2,696 2,740 2,7 40 I. 41'3 Photographi~/Copy Supplies 116 660 345 880 880 555 Capital Outlay Rental - 2,300 2,300 2,420 2,420 I I (. Total,OOerations & Ma.int. 76,889 85,480 173,212 88,520' 92,520 canna! Out.lav 60l- Telecommun.ications Equipment - - - 540 540 . 611 , Offi ce Eqlii pment 1,936 - - 320 320 1 . I' , ., ,'I ' , Total Canital Out,] a v 1,936 - - 860 860 l Activitv Tota.l $204,473 $218,700 $301,514 $236,410 $240i410 ' 100 I CITY OF POWAY '. DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: ' ActivUy . Code: PlanninQ Services BuildinQ and Safetv Insoection 303 I ACTiVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 1 The services in this division are provided'through a contract with Esgi'l I Corporation. Respons.ibilities include: assis.tance and information' to developers and residents concerning construction code requ;-rements through telephone ,and counter contacts; plan check review; and structural,electrical, plumbing, 'a:cnd"mechanical inspections. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Continue to provide assistance, information, and inspection services to develo- . pers and citizens of Poway who are bliilding or altering structures wittiin our City. I 2. Continue to interact with all City departments, related agencies, the County of I San Diego, and State of California wittl a cooperative spirit.' ' SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE II 143 - Increase in Building Inspection with off-setting +$373,310 I increase in a revenue account. I I I I I I . -- I 1 101 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I: Department: , ' Activity: Activity ..Nanni ngServi ces Bufldi no and Safetv Insoecti.on Code: JOJ Obj. 1987-88 1988,..89 1988-89 1989,..90 1989-90 I Code Expense ,ClassiffcaUon Actual Aooroved Estimated Proposed Aooroved Personner Exoense . Ranoe . Position Title 1 I , 1 I , Total Personnel ' - - - - - .0peraMons. and .Ma j ntenance. . 1 14J Buflding Inspection 816,219 500,000 822,511 873,J10 873,JI0 .' J1'1 P ri ntirfg' 2,J14 2,000 1,994 2,000 2',00Q I J15 PubJic~tionl; arid Dues 215 700 700 7.00 .700 411 Offfce!&. Stationery SuPpJ i,es 657 600 582 6'00 -606, . 413: Photographic/Copy Supplies - - - 280 280 I I I ,I. . - Total Ooerations & ,Maint. 819,405 50J,JOO 825,787 :876,890 876,890' CaoitalOut 1 a v " I 601 leLE!colTlT1~n,i catiqns Equipment - - - 540 54'0 611 Offi,ce Equipment - - - 1,870 1,870 J . . , I: I: , ., Tota',l Caoital Outlav - - - 2,410 2,410 ,I Activity Total $819,405 $50(3, JOO ' . $825.,787 $B79,JOO ll879,JOO ...... 0 PUBLIC SERVICES N CITY MANAGER 013 DIRECTOR PUBLIC SERVICES 400 I I I I I I CJ.P. SUBDIVISION , ENGINEERING PUBLIC TRAFFIC FIELD STREEr ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SPECIAL SERVICES ENGINEERING OPERATlOOS M4.INTENANCE 401A 401B PROJEC1S INSPECTION 401E 402 403 401C 4010 I I I I I '.. I WATER SEWER WATER SEWER FACILITIES VEHICLE & DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT , SUPPLY PUMPING TRANSMISSION COllECTI0N MAINTENANCE 404 405 406 407 408 MAlNTE~CE 410 ~ 409 , ., PUBLIC SERVICES - - - - .. .... - - - - - - - - .- - - - IIIiI Ir. t . . 103 I CITY OF POWA Y DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW I Dept . Code Department: Fund Dis~rib,i,tion: Capital Replacement-$ll,500 Sewer-$2,808,51'1 Water-$5,109,328 Gas-$679,2lC '. 400 Public Services Drainage-$342 ,620 Assmt.Dist.-$279,500 General'-$3,164,101 Street Dev.-$108,000 EXPENSE 1987-1988 1988-1989 1988-1989 1989-1990 1989-1990 I CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED . .' Total Pos i ti ons 68 76 77 79 79 , I Personnel ,Expense 2,683,751 3,008,920 2,838,667 3,140,540 3,271,500 ,Operations 6,755,144 8,493,990 9;090,979 9,097,490 8,959,300 I and Maintenance Capital Outlay 291,876 138,140 147,688 272,870 271,970 I I TOTAL ,BUDGET $ 9,730,771 $11,641,050 12,077,334 12,510,900 $12',502,770 OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I The Department of Public Serv;.ces consists of ten major divisions whtch include: I Field Operations and Maintenance Administration; Engineering and Inspection; Street Mafntenance; Water Supply, Treatment, Pumping and Storage; Sewer pumping,' Treatment and Disposal.; Water Transmission and Distribution; Sewer Collection Maintenance; I FaciTi ti es Ma i ntenance; Vehi cle and Equi pment Ma ifitenarice; and Drainage Ma i ntenance. The Department's Engineeringl Division coordinates the planning, engineering, budgeting design, contract administration and inspection of all Capital Improvement and develop- .. mentproJec'tswtthin the Ci ty. The Department',s F.ield Operations Divisions are responsible for managing ,and maintain- I, ing a'ii!lr,iety ,of mUl1itipalservices and facil ities, including str:eet and h,ighways, safety 1 ighting at intersections, traffic signals,:street sweeping, stlieet mairitenance ,. sewer cOl'lection,municipal buildings, vehicles and equipment, water treatment, water I di'stribui:ion and water-sewer maintenance and construction. . The Department of Public Services, together with other City departments, is respon- I: sible 'for rev;,ewiQg proposed developments, reporting to 'the City Manager, implementing City standards, plan checking and inspection of private developments. The department is also responsible for the future planning, design, and construction of a water re- ~Jamat;ol1 plant and regional transportation projects such as Routes 125, 56, Alternate 'I '8A, and Poway Grade. I . 104 I CITY OF POWAY . DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Acti vi ty: Activity I Code: Public Serv;:ces Office' ,of the Di rector 400 " I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Office of the Director is responsible for 'the direct supervi.sion, coordination and I control of all the,pperational activities f,or the Public Serv.ices Department. The Di rector of Publ i c Services is appointed by the C.i ty Manager. TheDi rector functi.ons I in a staff capacity to advise elected and appointed officers concerning the. City's pub li:c, serv.i ces needs and requi rements. The City Engineer over:s.ees the Engi.neering Divisions (Capital Improvement Proj!'ictS, SU~clivisions, Speci.al Projects, Inspec,tion, and Traffi.c Engi neer,i n9) to ensure that eng'ineeri ng servi ces and the Capital Improve- I ment Program are consistent with City pol icfes and procedures. The Director's offi~e is responsible for: I (a) coordinating the design and construction of all the pr;ojects in the City and Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Programs. I (b) ensuring the quality of the services provided by the department through management and ana lysi s of the various functi ons of eachdivis.i on'. I (c) managing and directing the engi.neering section to provide cost efficient services to the public, and adherence to City's policies rel~ting to develOp- ment. I ACTIVITY GOALS ANDOBJECnVES I, 1. Improve teamwork between department d.;visions and other departments. 2. Obtain a live Stream Discharge Permit for. a water reclamation plant. I 3. Complete the desi.gnand begin construction Of Alternate 8A.' 4. C.ontinue working with Caltrans to ac<;.ept Route 56 and Poway Grade as a State highway. 5. Complete the al'ignment study for Route 125. I 6. DevelOp a need assessment for department computerization. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I, 145 - Vl Systems GIS leas'ingltime share of equfpmentand consultant +$1.26,900 I' services. I .' I :11 105 CITY OF POWAY ,I .DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL , I Department: .Activity: Acti vity PubHc Ser.vices Office of the.Dtrector Code: ~OO Obj.. 1987-88 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 Code ExoenseiCl ass Hi cat ton Actual Budqet Estimated Prooosed ADD roved I ,~ersonne,l Expense , ';RanQe Posi,ti on Ti tl e 303.'1 o i'recto r 66,384 69,790. 69,7~0 73,370 73,370 I 2~2:~ Gity Engineer 3,960 47,860 46,726 59,890 59,890 266. 'Sr.. Management Analyst 43,848 46,090. 46,090 48,460 48,460 202~6 Admin. Secretary 24,312 25,560 25',560 26,870 26,870 I 189.6 'AtCouritClerk II 21,348 22,440 . 22,440 23,5~0 2~,~9,0 182.6 Ad.inin. c-1erk II . 19,908 20,930 20,930 22,000 22,000: ' 110 Sa lar.;es - Regul ar 179,760 232,670 231,536 254,180 254,180 I 112, Sa 1 artes - Part-Time 10,883 9,480 1,966 - - 120 Fringe Benefits 39,475 42,190 40,162 48,350 48,350 I Tota-l Personnel 230,120 284.340 273,664 302 530 302,530. I Oper;ati ons~.and Maintenance 145 Data Processing Consultant - - - 26,900 26,900 260 Re'jmburse~M.iJ eage 1,960 2,520 2,520 2,760 2,700 I 270 Travel and ,Meetings 3,430 3,500 3,500 5';'240 5;240 311 Pri nUng 620 500 500 700 700 315 PUbl;:caJions and Dues 1,150 1,450 1,450 2,170' 2,170 '. 334 R&M Equipment 640 2,650 2,510 2,610 2,610 411 Offtce & Stationery Supplies 2,610 2,500 2,500 2, ,~tOO 2,500 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies - 150 66 150 150 420 Small Tools - 200 102 20(j' 200 I !H2 Rerif':Buildin.gsand ~rounds 100 100 100 100 100 555 Capita 1 ,Outlay Renta 1 3,710 2,090 2,090 3,300 3.,300 1 I.. , I: 'rota.10oerations & Maint. 14.220 15,660 15,338 46,570 46,570 Capital Outlay l 611 Office Equipment 3,710 - - - - I '.1 :I- Total :Caoital Outlav 3,710 - - - - I' Activity Total li 248,050 1)300,000 li289,002 li349,100 li349., 100 , 106 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I' - COde: Public Services C.UP. EnQineerino . 401A I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The responsibHities of the City's Capital Improvement Project Dlvision include capital improvement project surveys, design, construction aamin,tsttati9n, ,and I inspection services, supervising special studies and engineering support for the Community Servi ces ,Department and R~devel opment Advi sory Committee ,aswell as s imil ar duti es for the Redevelopment Agency. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Manage the City and Redevelopment Agency CIP projects which i ncl uCle both' . in-house and contractual design ser~i~e~. 2. Assist the Community Services Department in constructing the' projects I needed to enhance the City's park and recreational facil ities. 3. Prepare conceptual in-house designs and cost estimates for capital I improvement projects. 4. Provide total design services for the smaller City and Redevelopment Agency projects. I ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS In FY 88-89, this d.ivision completed 11 City pr,ojects and 19 .Redev.e,lopment Agency I proj ects. In FY89-90, it is expected that 11 ci ty projects and 20 Redevel bpnlent Agency projects will be completed. Incl uded in these projects are the Community I Park Swimming Pool, COl111lunity Park Soccer Field, Valle Verde Park, Old poway Park, Widening of Twin Peaks Road, Wideni.ng of Aubrey Street, Water. & Electrical System Renovations at the Poinsettia Mobile Home Park, and $1.1 million of Street I Maintenance projects. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 148 - Perform 1 astphase of benchmar~' survey. +$ 10,000 I 163 - Transfer of traffic engineering work to' new Division 401E. ~$' 19.,'500 I I .' I: . I 107 -, CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAl'L . Department: Activity: '1'5f.:> Activity I ,Publi.c. 'Servi ces C..I.P. Encineerino Code:4WA- Obj. ' ,.1987 -88 19118"89 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 'Code Exoense Classtfi cation Actual Budoet Estimatec Prooosed ADD roved I Personnel Exoense, Ranoe ~ Position 'Title 283.G Sr. Civil Engineer 55,603 54,300 54,300 57,090 57,090 I 268.0 Assoc. Ci~il Engineer 47,861 46,740 46,740 49,140 49,140 25J.C Assi~tant Civil Eng. 37,929 37,040 37,040 40,920 40,920 223.E Engineering Techriician 30,802 30,080 30,080 31,620 31,620 19i:e Secretary 23,130 23,130 24,310 24,310 I: 110 ~alaries - Regular 195,880 191,290 191,290 203,080 .203,.080 120 F"ri nge Benefi ts 40,492 43,8JO 43,810 49,070 49,070 I I Total Personnel 236,372 235.100 235,100 252 150 ,252,150 uperations and Maintenance I 148' Speci.al Studies 18,240 5,000 5,000 15,000 15,000 160 Engineering 2,820 5,OQ() 5,000 3,750 3,750 J63 Traffic Engineering 980 19 ,,500 24,500 - - .- _'_..0".'."" I 260 Reimbursed Mileage 660 484 484 300 300 263 Vehicle ,Maintenance 1,280 - - - -' 264 Vehicl e" Rental 1,000 - - - - I 2io' Travel and Meetings 1,280 1,040 1,040 1,060, 1,060 311 Printing, 2,590 180 180 300 300 315 PublicaUons and Dues 290 232 232 300 300 , 317 Education and Training 200 277 277 40"0 400 332 .-- . ... J R&MAir Conditioning - 200 200 200 200 .-.- -.... . 334 R&MEQuipment 870 2,665 1,565 2,070 2.070 ,337 '~&M Radios 150 125 125 250 250 I 411 Office & Statioriery Supplies 2,950 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 !413 ' . Photogr;aphtclCopy S'uppnes 220 200 200 200 200 416 Safety Supp 11 es 50 - - - - 499 Ot~er Stip~lies and ~aterills 1,760 - - - - I 51~", Lease Pur;chase 10,600 10,630 10,631 10,630 10 , 630 '555; CaDi tail' OutlaY. Renta.l -: 2,090 2,090 " 3,400" '3,400 Total Operatitons&'.Ma i nt. <' 45.940 50.123 54,024 40,360 !. 40,360 ,. Capital Out'lav' 611 'Offi.ce Equipment 11,370 1,150 1,150 2,780 . 2,780 ,. ,', Total capita.lOutJav 11,370 1,150 1,150 2,780 2,780 , Activitv Total $293,717 $286,373 $290 274 $295,290 $295,290 , I . 108 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Public Services EnQi neerinQ/Subdi vi,s,i on 401B I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY .. SUBDIVISION ENGINEERING I This Division's mission is to manage private development efficiently, timely, and obj ecti vely, This includes not only' assistance to developers but al~o assurance I of minimum inconvenience to adjacent ~esidences, businesses, and traffic. Records are updated and maintained of all pubHc facilities installed by developers. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES This year we will continue to streamline the development application and review '. processes. We wi 11 provi de revi sed appl icati on forms ,updated 'stg,ndards:. a genera 1 reference gui de, and an improved submi ttal i nforma t i on packet. The reffnemerit of I the fl at fee system wi 11 make deve,lopment costs more standardized anu predictab 1 e. The addition of an Assistant Civil Engineer will provide better accountabil ily and . . . service to the public. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 110/ Salary increases and new Assistant Civil Engineer position. +$ 53,970 113 I 160 - Cost forengi ne~ring consu.ltants to draft standarddrawi ngs +$ 8,760 for engineers manual. 164 - The addition of another engineer will reduce ourrel iance -$ 8,000 on consulting engineers. I 363 - With the add.ition of the new Assistant Civil Engineer, -$203,730 project admi nistratlon and pla'n checking expend.itures will be reduced by approximate 1 y $118,300. The 'trans it i on from I. the ,deposit system and shift from. large projects to more numerous small ,projects will reduce expenditures for plan check by $41,900. . I I I I' 109 ' . > " CITY OF POWAY 'I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL, ; ,:, Department: Activity: ,...., '+51 Activity :. Pub] ic Services Enoi neeri no/Subd,;,vision Code: .ffiH Obj; 1987'-88 1988,"89 1988"'89 1989-90 ' 1989-;90 Code Exoense ,Class'ification Actual Eludcd , Esfimatec Proposed Ao[)roved Personnel Excense I Range Pos it i on Title " 283.0 Sr. civi.l Engineer' 54,215 54,3,00 54,300 57,090 57,090 I ~68'.~ Ass'oc~ctvi 1 >Engi neer 43,735 46,740' 46,740 49,140 49,140 253..0 ~sst. C,iv,ilEngineer - - - 35530 35,530 243.C 33,3]0 '1<"'.'-' ,Jr. Civil Engi neer 30,190 33,370 36,880 36,880 223.S Engirieering Technician 25,470 28,510 21,1972 31, 620 31,620 I 197:e , Secceta6 22,000 23,120 23,120 24,}10 24,310 187.6 ~dmin.Clerlc II , 17,870 19;830 19,830 . 21,900 21,900 Engineerin~ Intern (~T) - . 2,500 8,976 8,030 8,030 I 110 Sa] ari es-Reg~\l ar 193,480 208,370 199,332 256;470 256,470 111 Salaries-Special 1,000 - r - - - 112 Salaries-Par.t-Time 2,940 2,500 8,976 8,030 8,030 I 120 Fririge Benefits 42,990 47,860 ' 44,762 53'830 53,830, .-,. Total Personnel 240.410 258,730, ,253,070 318,330 318,330 I ,Ocerati ons and Maintenance 160 Engi nee ring - - - 8,680 8,760 164 Lari~ Bev. EngIneering 9,630 8,000 10,469 ,- - I 260 Re'imbursed Mileage 110 260 443 580 580 270 Travel and Meetings 580 980 1, 102 1,5~0 1.,550 311 ;Print'ing 700 1,400 1,,562 2,~50 2,450 315 Publ icat ions and Dues 250 470 470 640 640 I 317 E.aucation and Training 280 300 558 no 710 334 R&M Equi~ment 720 6io 349 590 1,500 363' Plan Check 412,780 440,000 396,482 236,270 236,270' I ' 411 Office' & Sh'ti oner.y Supp 1 i es 2,170 2,500 3,129 3,150 3,150 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 150 i60 56 100 100 420 Sma 11 Too,l s - 30 30 30 30 'I 499 OtherSuppfies and Materials 380 250 631 400 400 555 Capita ,1 Outl ay Rental - 1,070 1,070 ,2,200 2,200 'I' " .:--< Tota',lOcerattons & Ma.int. 427,750 A55,970 416,351. 257,350 258,340 Caoital Outlav . I' 611 ~ffice 'Equipment 5,170 3,080 7,078 9,770 8,870 I'; , l , 1[" a: , ",. Iota] Capital Out] ay, , - 5,170 '3,080 7,078 9,770 8,870 I Act.i vi tv Tota,l $673,330 $717 ,]80 $676,499 $585,450 $585,540 ,I' " .' 110 I CITY OF POWAY ~ I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL " I Department: Activity: Activity Code: Public Services EnQineerinQ .Soecial Proiects 401c, I ACttVITVCQM4ENTAAY DESCRIPTION I The Speci al Projects Di vis i on iSl1esponsi bl e for bas i c engJneeri ng servi ce,s to the 'I. City for the South Poway Planned Corrmunity. These services incli,lde project adm.inis- tration, development plan checking, and engineering design, construction, inspection' and engi neeri ng" In addi ti on, theD:tvi s ion provides projectmanage_mentfor Alternatt 8'design and.construction, conceptual design of Route 125. conceptual I design of'"South poway Parkway' to Highway' 67, and creation of the Englneering Design Manual. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. Provide qU,al ity assurance ,for constr:uction ,of publ ic imp'r"ovements through comprehens i ve design revlews, and fie 1 d inspectfon. I 2. Complete the Engineering Destgn Manual and related drawings. 3. Provide engineering support. to, pfanning Services f,or the South I poway Planning area. 4. Complete design and begtn construction of Alternate 8. I 5. Complete conceptual design for'both Route 125, and South Poway' Parkway to Highway 67. I ACTIVITY WORKLOAD Over 660 ,acres (Pomer:ado Busin~s ,Park Phases I and H) are currently being I developed in the S,outh poway Plannedcorrm,unfty, and grad,ing has begun on an ad~i t i llna 1 433 (Parkway Busi riess Center.). The.rewi 11. b,e development nevi ew on an ,. estimated 20 to 30 lots in Pomerado Bus;'ne.ss Park, T.entati ve maps, coveri ng an additional 185 acres are exll.E!ctE!~to bea,eproved this year, along with corresponding deve 1 opment agreements and financi ng packages. . ,. I" Construction will begin on ,Alternate 8, west o:fPomerado Road, This division provides pr.ojectmanagement, field irispection, and "construction support services through contract consu.ltants. In addfti,on, thi.s,division is coordinating the Route I 125 study-with cAl TRANS, ,deve lopers, and other a ffected a~genci es. These same services are provided for the alignment sfudy' of South poway Parkway to Highway 67. Finally, work continues on creating the Engineering Design Manual. I SIGNIFICANT ACJI,VITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 110- Increase in salaries as a result of cliange from part~time +$ 25,'810 120 Secretary to full-time in ,mid"':year FY' 88-89, plus regular I salary' increases. . ,I 111 ,CITY OF POWAY '. DEPAR1MENTAL,ACTIVITY DETAIL Depa rtment:, Activity: ' Activity . 'Publ ic Serv,.fces Enili neeri no .Soecial Projects If:;;<----- Code: .~ Obj. 1987-88 1988-89 1988-89' 1989-90. 1989~90 Code ,. . Exoense Classification Actual BudcU!t, Estimated Pr.ooosed Approved I Personnel Expense Range Position Title, 2Z8~0 Sr:~ !Ctvil Engi neer 39,056 51,660 51,660 57,090 57,090 197:~ 'Secretary - - 9,672 23,130 23,130 I 182. Admin.Clerk II CPT) 379 9,960 5,891 - - 11,0 Salaries - Regular 39,056 51,660 61,332 80;220 80,220 I 112 Sal art,es - Part Time 379 9,9~0 5,891 - - 120 Fringe Benefits 10,593 11,210 14,355 18,420 18,420 '. Tota 1 Personnel 50.028 72 ,830 81.578 98,640 98,640 I Operations and ,Maintenance 164 Land Deve)opment Engin!!ering 1,170 1,200 1,118 1,210 1,210 165 .Constr;uction EngJneering 209 - - - - I 260 Reimbur;sed Mil eage 14 90 49 90 90. 262 VehitleOperations 105 1,200 694 1.,~00 1,200 263 Vehicle Maintenance 309 1,000 639 . t,OOO, 1,000 I 264 Vehi cle Renta,l 2,070 2 ;160 2,160 3,000 3,000 270, Travel and Meetings 378 330 452 . 470, 470 311 ~ri nt.i ng 97 - - - - 3i5 Publi~ations and Dues 500 j90 551 390: 390 I '317 Education and Training 99 500 500 580 5S0 '334 R~M 'Equipment - - - - 460 ;337 R&M' .Rad i os 35 60 60 60 60 . 1._ I 360 Contract lnspection 226,460 351,000. 307,110 390,000. 390,000 Plan Check/Map Processfng .... - 363 1,408 200,000 87,559 139,360 139,360 HI Of,fi ce & Stat i onerySupp 11 es 522 540 647 720 720 I 'II rota'l Ooerations& Maint. 233,376 558,470 401,539 538,080 ' 538,540 Ca 0 italOu t 1 av I 611 Office Equipment 1,049 5,760 6,223 5,610 5,610 I I' .-' . I' TotaJ Cao:ital Outlav 1,049 5,760 6,223 ' 5,610 5,610 ActivitvTotal $284,453 $637,060 $489,340 $642,330 $642,790 I '-',' 112 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL . Department: Activity: }l.ctivity Code: . Public Services EncineerinQ Insoecti.on 4010 ACnVny COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION , ., The, engineering inspection divisfon is responsible for assuring that Capital Improvement ProJects and new private ,developments in the City .of poway are constructedi n accordance with the plans and. specifi cat ions as approved by the I' Engineering Division. ACTIVITY WORK LOAD STATISTICS FY 88-89 FY .89-90 I Estimated Forecast Redevelopment Projects Inspected 17 24 I City Improvement ProjElcts Inspected 11 10 'Right-of-Way Permits Processed 73 87 Grading Inspecti.ons cOl1l1lercial & Residential 70 81 I -. .,. ,..-. Impr.ovement Plan Inspections Commercial & Residential 40 59 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I Completion of an inspection manual whichwHl contain inspection standards for the various pbases of constructipn. Develop standard inspection practices and procedures to enhance quality controJ .. in inspection performance. The training program for inspectors will be increased in the areas of traffic I control and traffic signal installation. SIGNIFICANT PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 215 - Operations charges for cellular. telephones installed in +$'5,290 inspectiori vehicles. 360 - A reduction of contract inspectors", due to a reduction in -$ 66,520 I private development workload. .' I I I ~.' 113 'I GITY'OFPOWAY D~PARTMENTAl ACTIVITY DErAIL '. Department: Activity: ' Activity " . Public Services Enoineerino Insoectton Ii' 53 Code:'^~- Obj. 1987-88 1988-89 1988'-89 1989-90 1989-90 1 Code Expense Classification Actual ",Budoet Estimated ProDosed Approved "Personnel Expense Range Positi on Titl e' '>254..~ P.S. Insp. Supervisor 24,390 39,070 32,545 41,420 41,420 1 234,2 P.S. Inspectors (2) 63,800 70,100 60,100 70,620 70,620 110 Sa'l ari es - Regu.l ar 88,190 109,17.0 92,645 112,040 112,040 I' 113 Salaries - Overtime 10,790 12,000 15,000 13,090 13,090 120 Fri nge' Benefi ts 19,960 23,490 17,321 26,430 26,430 '. , I, Total Personnel 118,940 14'4.660 1~4 9b6 151 560 151,560 operations: and Maintenance ,. 215 . Telellhones - - - 5,290 5,290 260 Reimbursed Mileage - 150 150 150 150 . .262 V~hicle qperations 1,070 6,750 3,460 6,750 . 6,750 '. 263 V~hicl~ Maintenance 1.,680 2,4'40 2,440 2,449 2,440 264 Vehicle Rental 4,140 6,480, '6,480 5,050 5,050 270 Trave.l and,Meeti ngs 470 540 740 690 690 .' 311 J'dnt1ng' - - - 500 500 3'15, PubHcations and Dues 190 200 200 300 300 31} EaucatlOn and Training 350 500 650 600 600 334 > R&M Equipment 50 1,790 1,790 1,790' 1,790 I 337 ' R&M Radios' 150 400 400 500 500 360. Confract Inspection 410,800 455,260 404,206 388,740 388,.740 399' Otlier Contractual Servi ces 270 680 900 510 510 I 411- Offit,e& Sta:tionery Suppl ies 740 500 500 600 600 413 Photograpic/Copy Supplies 250 500 500 600 600 > 416 Safety Supplies - 500 500 500 500 I' 420 Small Tool s 235 500 500 750 750 499 Other Supp,lJes and Materials 1,700 - 157 200 200 I. Total Operations & Maint. 422,095 477,190 423,573 415,960 415,960 ,. GapHalOutlav' I: ;601 Te,lJ~col11l)unilca,t,:ions Equipment - - 1,063 1,920 1,920 " 611 :Office 'Equ .1pmel1t 480 500 500 500 500 621 ,Autos and Trucks' - 15,000 15,446 - - I: ,622' Other ,Equipment 1..700 - - 2,750 2,750 . tt <", . , I; 1 .", , ~. '1 ,~ 'I,j' , Total Cap;talOutlav 2,180 15,500 17.,009 ,5,1'70 5,170 . , Act.; vttv Tota 1 $543,215 $637,350 $565,548 $572,690 $572,690 ,', I~ , F 114 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity COde: I Public Services Traffi c Enai neeri no, 401E ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION This is a newly established division within the Public Services Department, which will I - .. . review traffic circulation on major arterials and residential streets, evaluate citi- zen requests for t~affic control measures, perfonn traffic counts, and make recom- mendations on a wide variety of traffic issues: The division will also provide s'taff I support for the proposed Transportation Task Force. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. Draft criteria based upon rational trafftcengineering pr;-incillles for instal1:ing stop signs, yield signs, flashirig lights, and other traffic contro1'.measures. I 2. Evaluate methods of reducing through traffic on residential local ro~ds. , - I 3. Evaluate various. traffic methods for encouraging compl iance with posted speed limits on residential streets. 4. Establish a procedure for responding to neighborhood requests for traffic control. I 5. Develop informational booklets on a 'Iii de variety of traffic control measures. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE None - I , I ,. I- I I I I ,I 115 :1: CITY OF POWAY DEP~RTMENTAl ACTIVITY DETAIL ,. ,Department; Activity: LbY Activit~ Publ i c Servi'ces Traffi c Enoi neerina Code: ""I'tTLO Obj. 1987-88 1988'-89 1988-89 1~89-90 1989-90 I' Code . Exoense, 'Ciassifi catton Actual Budae\:' Estimatec Prooosed ADD roved -P.ersonne 1 .Exoense Ranae Posi ti on Ti tl e I 223.5 Engineering Technician - - - 26,900 26,900 I ,1l0 Salaries - Regular - - - 26,900 26,900 I 120 Fringe Benefits - - - 6,190 6,190 I Iota 1 Personnel - - - 33,090 33,090 I ODerations and Maintenance 163 Tra ffic Engi neeri n9 26,400 26,400 - - - 262 ,Y~hitll Operation - - - 700 700. I 263 Vehicle Maintenance - - - 800 800 ,264 Vehicle Rental - - - 1,910 1,910 311 Pri nt ing - - - 300 300 I .317 Education'~nd Training - - - 200 200 411 Office & 'Stationery Supplies - - - 200 200 413 Phot(jgraphic/Copy Supplies - - - 200 200 I 416 Safety Supp.l ies - - - 100 100 420 Small Tools - - - 350 350 '. . , . Totail Onerations,& Maint. 31,160 31,160 - - - '. Caoital Outlav 611 Offi ce Equ i pment - - - 6,600 6,600 I, , I Tota.l Caoita lOut 1 av 6,600 6,600 - - - Activitv Total - - - $70,850 $70,850 I , 116 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Act,i vity: Activity I 'Field Operations and Maintenance ,Code: Pub 1 i c Servi ces Admi riHt ra tion 402 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I Administration of all Public Services operations, maintenance and repair activities is handled by this section. The Public Services Operations Manager has responsibility for I overall management of the City's water and sewer utilities, streets and drainage field operations, vehicle,equipment and bUilding maintenance. City building facil ities. include City Hall, Planning Department, Community Center, and Park Recreation Buildings and the Fire Department Stations. , I Managed through this sect; on is the water supp.l y, treatment, pumpi ng ,.distribut ion: ,and. storage; sewer collection, pumping, metering and disposal; street, wat~rand sewer uti- I 1 ities, storm ,drain arid creek cleaning, maintenance and repair; City building facil i- ties, vehicle and equipment maintenance and repair. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To serve as 1 a i son between the department IS Engi neeri ng Di vi sion,i ncl udtng its I Inspection Division and the field operations and maintenance activities. 2. To plan and coordinate all water, sewer, street and drainage work ~ctivit;es. I 3. To maintain the City's vehicle fleet and equipment inventory and all City buildings. I 4. To maintain an on-going creek maintenance program. 5. To deve lop facil i ti es inventory., maintenance and repair schedul i ng with the . aid of computerization. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 110/ Increase in salaries and addition ofa full-time Administrative +$ 34;020 113 Clerk. I 161/ Additional funds needed to update water and sewer computer +$ 9,000 162 maps. I 315 - CCBA?ewage Reclamation Research Project recently funded by -$ 6,820 the San Diego County Water Authority, has been discontinued. I 611 - Acquisition of upgraded quality computer printer, an isolation +$ 11,920 transformer power supply, and add.itional storage shelves, I upgrade copier capability (includirig one~year maintenance contract), and office equipment for Admin. Clerk 1. I, I . I' 117 'I C1I-Y OF POWAY ,DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity . Publ fc Services Field Operations and Maintenance Admin. .Code: 402 Obj. 1987'-1988 1988""1989 1988~1989 1989-1990 1989-1990 . 'Code ExoenseClassifl'cation Actual Budge't. EStimated Prooosed Aooroved .P,ersonnel Exoense Rance Positi on Tit] e 2~2.8 p.S. operations Mgr. 55,765 56,970 56,970 59,890' 59,890 .' 212.6 Department Aide 26,000 27,450 27,450 29,~90 , 29,690 1.82.'6 ;Admin. Clerk I - - - 17,580 17,580 Engineering Intern(PT) - 2,500 2,500 4,580 ' 4,580 I ',' 110 Salaries - Regular 81,765 84,420 84,420 107,160 107,160 112 . . Sa lari es - Rart- Time 3,602 2, 500~ '. 2,500 4,580 4,580 i" 120 Fri nge Benefits 15,876 18,350 '18,350 27,550 27;550 I Jota,l I'ersonne 1 101,243 105,270 105,270 139;290 139,290' .,1. Oneratfonsand Ma i ntenance , 148, Special Stud.tes 458 - - - - 161 Water Profe'cfEngineering 2,280 1,000 1,000 5,000 5,000 162 Sewer Project Engi nee'ri rig - - - 5,000 5,Q09 I 215 'Telephone - 390 380 390 390 260 Reimbursed Mil eage - 50 25 - - 262 Vehicle Operations 1,170 600 450 450 450 I 263 Ven,i cl.e Mai ntenance 849 740 740 740 740 264' Vehi cl eRenta.l 2,380 - - 2,500 2,500 270 Travel and Meetings 560 2,810 2,400 2,570 2,570 I 313 Uniforms ana laundry 267 330 290 300 30p ". '-"". -,_. . 315 Pub;l icat;i ons and Dues 5,966 8,260 1,260 1,440 1,440 334 R&M Equipment 1,276 3,920 3,920 4,450 4,450 .J37 R&M Radios 86 260 195 240 240 I 41.1 . ,9ffice &, Stationery Slippl ies 484 620 619 1,~70 1,470 555. Capital Outlay Rental 1,000 1,070 1,070 1,100 1,100 I' I Total Ooerations & Ma i nt. 16,776 20,050 12,349. 25,650 25.,650 Cao ita'.] Ou t.l a v ., 611 Dffi~e Equipment' - - - 11,920 11 ,920 622 Other Equipment - - - 1,000 1,000 I I Total Caoital Outlav - - 12.,920 12,920 ,- Activitv Tota.l :6118,019 li125,320 $ 117,619 Tl77, 860 $177,860 ii' 118 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACnVITY DETAIL , Oepartment: Activity: Activity Code: I Public Services Street MaJntenance 403 ACTIVITY COM4ENTARY I' ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Street Maintenance activity involv~s a. variety of maintenance flinctions" I including pavement repair, traffic 'striping of all public streets,; tr~f.fic sJigrials, street lights, signs, curb, gutter, and sidewalk maintenance, and the maintenance of public trees throughout the City. I .. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To ensure that a comprehens i ve ma i ntenance program is continued for City- owned facilit i es fn the public ri ghts-of~way. I 2. To forestall future capital expenditures through ongoing preventive street maintenance. 3. To ensure pedestrian safety through the maintenance of cross walks, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, tree and shrubbeJ'y' control. I 4. Cont i nue roads i de cl eanup and ,vegetati.on. control through Work Re 1 ease Program. 5. Deve lop a street s i gninspectionand routine mai ntenan'ceprogram. 6. Develop an annual City-wide street striping and legends program. ,. " SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 263 - Vehicle maintenance reflects re-evaluation of charges. +$ 18,410 264 - Vehicle rental reflects re-evaluation of charges. +$ 17,940 I 354 - I ncreased contract acti vi ty to ma.i nta in street stri ping. +$ 75,000 I 355 - Oecreased contract street r.epair as a result of reduced -$626,000 funding. I 358 - Contract street sw~eping reflects increased street +$ 7,000 inventory. 444 - I ncreased tn-house sign ma i n.t,enance materi al s to +$ 5,000 I rep.l ace 5 i gns with low refl ect i vity. 621 - Purchase of 15 passenger van. +$,20,000 I 622 - Purchase of special ized uti 1 ity trailer. +$ 6,000 I 714 -Increase in number of lights and energy costs. +$ 67;500 I I . I' 119 CITY OF POWAY I DEP'ARTM~NTAl ACTIVITY DETAIL u Department: Actlvity: (fi;J OM""~"f"") Activity I Publ i c Services Street Maintenance Code: 403 Obj. 1987-88 1988-89 1988.,89 '1989-90 1989..,90 Code , Exoense c.lassificat.ion Attual Budaet Estimatec Prooosed Aooroved Personnel Exoense . RangE Posit.ion. lit 1 e 272.,8 Asst. Operations ,Mgr. 46,650 49,040 49,040 51,550 51,550 235.6 ~treet Mairit. Supvr. 32,160 33;'1310 33,810 30,610 30,610 I 220.Ei Qons.Maint.Wkr.III (3) . 51,620 84,680 74,124' 82,080, . 82,0~9 205.6 Cons.Matnt.Wkr.IL (6) 104,800 118,.959 100,600 137,560 137,560 190:~ Coi1s.Maint.Wkr.I 20,090 19,040 19,040 - - I 190. cons.Maint..Wkr.l (4T) 22,100 - - - - Salaries - Standby 1,200 2,640 2,640 1,860. 1,860 .110 Salaries' - Regular 277,420 308,160 279,254 303,66.0 30~,669 113 Salaries - OVertime 4,973 7,680 4,954 4,800 4,800 '. 120 :FriilQe Benefits 62,085 78.880 52,580 71,270 7.1,270 Total P,e rsonnel 344,478 4.720 336',788 379,730 379,730 Ooerations and Maintenance '. .148' Special studies 15,575 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 216 Trash Removal 11,758 23,700 23,700 24,400 . 24,400' 218 'Signal Power 51,031 80,760 58,037 80,000 80,000 I 219 'Street ,Safety Ught & Power 18,058 - - - - I 260 Reimbursed Mileage - - - 150 150 . , 262 Vehicle 'operations 12,016 11,000 9,768 11 , 000 11,000 I 263 Vehicle .Maintenance 29,551 2~,0~.o 2~,050 46,460 46,4Ei9 264 ,-- -.-' Vehicl e Renta,l 49,800 26;450 2~,450 48,,190. 48,190 270 Travel and Meetings 252 500 337 I;UO l,1io 313 Uni.forms 3,613 3,580' 3,58.0 3,300 3,300 , 315 Publ.icat,ions and Dues 179 200 194 250 259 316 Med i ca,l Exams . - 300 275 280 280 317 Education and Training 110 500 410 1.,100 1,100 I 324 Nuisance Abatement 2,493 3,OQQ 1,000 1,500 1,500 337 R&MRadios 730 1,000 885 1,000 1,000 350 R&M s'i(:f~wa lks and Barrtcades 16,338 35,000 35,000 30,,000 30,000 351, R&M Signals 52,855 67,990 67,990 67,990 67,990 .' .354 I&M~treet Striping 5,034 45,000 80,000 120,000 ,120,000 '355; ,R&MRoacjway 101,119 1,134,000 1,382,976 508,000 '508,000 35/i, Stneet ~epairs - sa 300 - - - - - I 358 'SJr:eet ~weeping 71,432 88,000 87,.842 , 95,000 95,000 359' R&M.Roadway, - FAU 12,846 - 193..839 - - 416' Safety SUpp.li e'S 1,824 2,000 1,.000 1,5(j0 ),500 . 417; '. Olle rat fngSuppl i es 4,271 13,500 13,190 14,000 14,000 '420; Sma 11 Too 1 s 467 500 463 ' 500 500 441 ' Street Repair ,Materia 1 s 53,008 50,000 50,000 48,000 48,000 444.' Sign Mai'ntenance 12,691 15,000 22,000 20,000 20,000 I 445 'Misc. ,Construction Material 4,084 3,500 1,500 2,000 2,000 5h. Equipment Rental 3,983 8,000 6,00q 8,000 8,000 " 555 Capital (juday. Renta 1 1,840 35,390 35,390 32,1130 32,180 , ],14, SHeet l iaht.Ma i iltenance 211,121 212,000 212,000 279,500 279,500 TotalOpe~a t,i ons &"Mai nt. 748,079 1,913.,920 2,366,876 1,470,410 1,470,410 .: ~, t Capital Out 1 a v ~I 621 Autos and Irucks 56,685 40,000 40,000 20,000 20,000 '622" .other' Equipment - 6,300 6,300 6,000 6,000 '699. Other ,A:ssets. ' - - - - - , Total Capita 10ut'l ay 56.685 46,300 46,300 26.000 ,26,000 , Activitv Tota'l iii 1 ,149,242 2,354,940 1Ii2,749.964 1,876,140 ~1 ,876,140 1?0 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Acti vity: Activity I Water Supply, Treatment, Pumping Code: Public Services and StoraQe 404 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The water supply, treatment, pumping and storage operation section's primary responsibility, is defivery of high qualitytr:eCl.ted,~ater to Ci,ty consumers. I Major areas of responsibil ity include; re'ceivlri'g and storing untreated water de:l ivertes from the San Diego County Water Authority;mai'ntaining the quaiityof this stored water in Lake Poway, operation and maintenance of the Water Treatment Plant ,!n~ all water I pumping and regulating stations. Operation of all the water ,storage reservoirs locatec throughout t~e City helps assure normal arid emergency supply conditions in the distribution system. ' ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1- To maintain the Lake poway raw water storage at optimum quality arid levels con- I s i stent with seasona 1 cond it ions and reCfeCl. ti onal needs whil e meeting peak system demands and emergenc.i es. 2. To provide the highest quality treated, potable water at' the most e~ollomic level I to the consumers. 3. To increase cost efficiency by accomplishing repairs and maintenance using City I staff rather than outside assistance. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1988-89 1989-90 I ESTIMATED FORECAStED Acre feet of water purchased from SDCWA 11,572 A.F. 12,729 A.F. . Acre feet of water production 15,114 A.F. 16,802 A.F. SDCWA water costs 217-222 A.F.(1/89) 227-237 A.F. Water treatment for Ramona 3,542 A.F. 4,073 A.F. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 147 - Increased monitoring requi rements asa resul t of amendments +$ 5,720 .' . .-.. to the f!!deral Safe Drinking Water Act. +$ 25,000 148 - Proposed study,one time project postponed to future date. 213 - Raw water purchase and produCtion increase' from current year +$715;630 I by 1,157 A.F. 214 - Water storage adjustment increase based on calendar y~a,r 19,88. +$ 23,300 240- Reduced budget amount due to lower power rates, effective -$ 98,960, 255 January, 1989. I 331 - Decrease in building maintenance activity due to one time . -'$ 7,010 special.projects during preceding year. -$ 42,300 356 - Oecrease reflects one time expense ,in 'fi,scal year 1989-1990 I for re~urfacing Qf streets ar.ound wat~r reservoirs. +$ 417 .: Increase due to replacement filter media at water treatment 6,810 plant; I,' 423 - Increased water production fi~cal year 1989~1990. +$ 26,740 I 'I' 121 CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY D;TAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Pub.l i:c ,Servi ces Water Suool v, Treatment 'Pumoi na & Storaae Code: 404 Obj.. 1987-88 1911B"~9 .t988-89 1989-90 1989-90 Code Exoense Classification Actual Budaet Estimatec Prooosed Aooroved 1 Per;sonnelExpense Ranae Position Title 272.8 Asst. Operattons Mgr. 47,650 4~,O~.o 24,230 44,770 44,770 256..1 ~a,ter ,JreatmentSup'vr. 39,480 41 ,460 41,460 43,,~?0 43,6~0 ,I 246.1 ?r.Util ity Syst. Tech. 36,720 37;550 37,550 39,'480 39;480 24h6 .Laboratory Analyst 34,980 35,~00 35,90.0 36,520 36,520 241'.1 ,ware'r ToP.O. III' (4) 139,920 142,880 14?,88.o 15.0,'220 150,220 .' 236.1 ~Utility Syst. Tech. 30,060 31,020 31,020 34,,280 34,2~Q 226.1 UtiJ,ity ?yst. Mech~ 29,250 30,750 30,750 32;330 32,330 221'.1 Water T.P.O. I - 24,58.0 14,580, 26,480 26,480 --,^ -..' Salaries - Shift our. 4,883 4,090 4,090 ' 4.,~?0 4 350 I ..J ,.. '_~ ?alaries - Stan~bj 2,400 2,400 2,400 2400' ,2,400 , . no 'SalarIes - Regular 365,343 399,670 364,860 414;460 414,460 n3 Salaries - Over;time 17,063 10,330 15,380 ,(6A~~0 161640 ,..".' 'I 120 Fri nge Benefits 81,789 91,570 78,890 94',530 94,'530 Tota ll'ersonne.l 464,195 501.570 :459,130 _ 525,630 525,630 Operations and. Maintenance 'I' 147 Chemical Analysis 1,835 1,630 1,630 7,350 .7,350 , ' 148 ~pecial ,Studies - 25,000 - - - 210 ,Gas and. ,Electri ci ty 10,855 10,259 10,250 . 7,780 7,780 I 211 Bott leif Gas . 806 1,200 1,200 960 960 213 'ilil.ter'Purcha.ses 2,418,995 2,301,14'6 2,533,8'00 3,01,6,77{] 3,016,770 214 Water' Storage ,Adjustment - 64,020 64,020 87,320 87,,320 21S Te.l ephone 1,464 1,740 4,070 1,760 1,760 11' 216 Trash Removal 516 640 520 60.0 600 229 Telemetry - - - 4,340 4,340 240- ," : 255 Pumping Power ,All Stations 321,463 392,200 310,453 293,240 293,240 .' " 260' Reimtiurse,d ~ileage - 60 30 120 120 '.., . 262. Vehicle Operations 3,312 3,280 3,280 3,040 3,040 ! 263' ''vehi cl e Mai ntenance 2,140 2,600 2,600 2,990 2,990 1264 Vehicle Rental 4,440 3,530 3,530 5,670 5,670 '.,270 Travelahd Meetings 35 120 120 240 240 _' ; 313' Un'i,fo rms 3,403 3,580 3,580 3,5BQ 3,580 I ; 315 putiii:cati'ons and Dues 321 460 460 610 ,610 .',-3'17 Educat.i on and Tratni ng 600 1,000 1,090, 1.,~OQ 1,100 , '. 3:31 :R&M BU,Hding 500 10,0,10 9,958 3,,0,.00 3,000 , "334 'R&M Eql{;pment 8,931 10,200 10,200 14,000 14,000 I ' 33~ R8.MRa~1ios 384 320 320 550, 550 356 :Street ,Repai rs - 42,300: 42,300 - - .' 360 Contract Inspection 3,678 3,5,00 3,050 4,350 4,350 411. Of.fi ce& Stat,i onerySupp 1 i es 426 350 350 430 430 H~ Safety 'Suppl ies 372 - - 570 570 ~I.. J 417 Operating Supplies 48,886 40.,.610 43,110 47,420 47,420 ;. : ' . "420 ,Sma 11 Too 1 s 335 500 500 1,320 1,320 , , 423- ,Chemica 1 s 67,571 69,460 84',460 96,200 96,200 'to. 1': '5.1'1- ~qllipment Rentals - 650 650 700 700 I" 'S15 Inte17,governmenta.l Fees - - 580 1,860 '1,8,60 ~622: ,Otlier 'Equipment 56,925 - 3,405 1,820 1,820 , .. ;645 "'aboratory'EQui Dmerit - - - 3,240. ,3,240 ,"." , Total 'Capital 'Outlav 2,958,193 2,990,350, 3;.139,426, 3,612,930 3,612,930 ." ~ ".: Activ,itv Total 1$3,422,388 3,491,920 53,598;556 4,138,560 1$4,138,560 , ", - , 122 I CITY OF POWAY , I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIV,ITY DETAIL Department: Activi,ty: Activity I Code: Public Services Sewer Pumping , Metering ,& Di sposa,l 405 ACTIVny CQII4ENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The sewer pumpfng, meteri ng, and di sposa 1 operati on and. ma intenance, sect i on is. charged '-' . . -. - with. metering and pumpi ng of sewage withi n the Ci ty. . ' I Major function!ll, areas include transfe.r of r,<i!'l..sewage from two low areas in the North Basin to the major gravity system in the South. Basiri, w.ith metered del1.very to the' Metropol.itanSewer System's Penasqu'itos line. Maintenance of'the pump stations and I meteri ng facil i ties 'is a.lso part of t.hi 5 act.i vi ty. Thi ssectio.n is respons,i ble ,for ensuri ng the Qpera,t.io,n of the pumping' stat ions under norma 1 and emergency condit ions, to minimize. health ri~ks. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND, OBJECTIVES 1. To maintain the' sewage pumping stations a't optimum performance 'and reliabi.lity. , I 2. To increase cost efficiency by accomplishing repairs and 'maintenanceus,ing City staff rather than outside assistance. ' .. I 3. To install teTemetered sewage metering stations at all City of 'San Diego connection points. I ACTIVITY WORKLOAO SlATISTICS (in millions of gallons) I 1988-89 1989-90 .. ESTIMATED FORECASTED I Sewage delivered to Metro 1,533.0 1,642.5 Sewage delivered to Bernardo 11.0 11.6 I: Sewage pumped by St. Andrews Pump Station 31.0 33.1 Sewage pumped by Caf!1i~o del Valle PUJ11P Station 208.9 219.9 Sewage pumped by Del :Roniente Pump Station 6.5 6.9 Sewage pumped by Hi gtiTands Ranch Pump Stati on -- 0.3 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 220 - The increase ,in this accou'rit reflects the estimated increase in +$ 63,050 I. the p'enasqu itos System operat\onandma intenance charges. 221 - The increase in this account reflects the estimated increase in +$416,040 I Metro Sewer operation and m,aintenance charges. 223 - Refl ects only the 5 MGD Metro System capacity charges. -$ 87,620 I 622 - Purchase High Flow Ventsorb. +$ 5.,000 " I, II 123 CITY OF PDWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Public Services Sewer PumDi'na, Meteri rid and 01 sDosa 1 Code: 405 'Obj. 1987-88 1988"89 1988~89 1989-90 1989-90 Code ExDense Classification Actual Budaet Estimated ProDosed ADD roved . Per;sonnel ,ExDense. Ranae Position Tit Ie . 246..1 Sr. Utility Syst. Tech. 37,550 37,550 37,550 39.,4M 39,480 231.1 Sewer T.P.D. II 33,912 32,330 31,546 33,980 33,980 :. 110 Salaries- Regular 71 ,462 69,880 6~,096 .7~,460 73,460 I 113 'Sa 1 aries- Overtime 1,666 1,,300 1,300 1,370 1,370 '. 120 Fringe Benefits 14,468 .15,590 12,859 16,740 16,740 . . Iotal :Personnel , .87,596 86,770 83,255 91,570c 91,570 Ooerations and Maintenance :1 147 Chemical Analysis - - - 3,000 3,000 210 Gas and Electricity 54 130 130 1,020 1;020 220 M&Q o."penasquitos System 719,412 473,390 473,390 536,440 ~6,440 ,y"--.' , ,-. . 221 M&D -Metro System, 818,685 1,033,090 1,033,088 1,449 ;,130 . 1,449,130 222. M&O - Bernardo System - 13,000 13,000 15;000 .15,000 223 Capacity - Metro System - 250,570 . 250,570 162,950 62,950 ,I 229 Telemetry - - - 1,550 1,550 230 Other Ut il ity Charges 1,108 1,100 1,400 - - 240. Pumping Power - Plant 116 50 69 - - 244 Punipi,ng po~er - St. Andrews 3,471 4,500 2,990 2,950 2,950 I 246 Pumpjng Power - Camino 22,473 24,050 18,426 20,~20 20,320 253. Pumping Power - DelPoniente 1,182 1,270 990 1,040 1,040 255 Pumpirig Power - Highlands - - - 780 780 I "2.62 . V.ehicle Operations 1,167 1,()20 824 , 1,220 1,220 263,,: Vehicle Maintenance 713 650 1,950 780 780 264 Vehicle Rental 1,570 1,680 1,680 1,830 1,830 I 270, Travel and:Meetings - - - 1,09,0 1,090 313 Uniforms and Laundry 560 650 528 650 650 '315' Publications and Dues - - - 350 350 317 Eaucatlon and Training - - - 200 200 I ,334 R&M Equipment 2,376 3,500 .. 3,481 2,700 2,700 337. R&MRadi'os 60 .80 80 . 60 60 417. QperatingiSupplies 4,920 2,500 19,920 6,100 6,100 I 420 Small Too Is. - "250 250 500 500 , , I~ Total: Ooerati'ons & Mai nt. 1,577,867 1,811 ,480 . 1,822,766 2,209,660 2;209,660" 'Capital Outlay 622 , Other Equipment - - - 5,000 5,000 .. I.- .. ..... Total Capital Out;] ay , - - - 5,000 5,000 Activitv Total U,665,463 1,898,250' U,906,021 62,306,230 2,306,230 I' , ' .... 124, I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL - I Department: Activity: Activ,ity Code: Public Services 'Water Transmission and TI'istribution 406 . ACTIVITY 'COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I . The water transmission and distribution section is charged with the rriairitenance and " .....';1' .~." -." . e", I repair of the water tra~smissi6n all,d distr,ibution system. M~j9r functional. matn- tenance and repa,i r areas i ncl ude pipe li ne valves, ai r re 1 eases' and blow-off assemblies, City fi.re hydrants, water service laterals and metercs, and ext_ension and relocation of facilities to clear new con~~ruction. This activity also aids in I maintaining optimum water quality throughout the City by an annua\1 water main flushing program performed in conjuricHon wilh the water main aiid.firehydrant valve exercising activity. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To inspect and repair interior 1 ining as necessary, for six steel-shell reserv6i rs, I To replace 500-600 residential water meters. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD 'STATISTICS , '. - 1988-89 1989-'90 ESTIMATED FORECASTED I Water Main 'Valves and Appurtenances 3,325 3,415 Fire Hydrant.Assemblies 925 99,6 Miles of Pipeline 185 191 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 263 - Vehicle maintenance reflects re-evaluation of costs +$ 8,750 I charged to this section. 264 - Vehicle rental reflects re-evaluation of charges to this +$ 32,380 ." section. , , 417 - Operating suppl ies increase because of-rnaterials needed +$ 5,000 I for -valv.e and meter replac'ementanc:t repai r parts. Backfl'ow p'r'event 1 on repa ir and rep lacement. 555 - Capital Outlay Rental refl.ects re~evaluation of charges +$ 10,760 I to this section. I I '. 125 .. I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: , c (@ Of!'^~ Activity Publi c Servi ces " , Water Transmi ss;onand, Di stributi on ,Code: 406 Obj. 1987-88 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 . 'Code Exnense classifi.cation Actual Budoet Estimated ProDosed ADD roved Personnel Exocense Ranae Position Title 235:~ Water Distr. Supervi sor 32,160 33,810 33,810 35,540 35,540 I 220. Meter & Blackflow 220.E pr'eventor Mech. , 27,690 29,110 2~, 110 30;600 30,600 Cons.M~int. ,Wkr.III (2) 55,370 58,220 58,220 54',720 54,720 ". 205:~ Cons.Ma'int. Wkr.II (6) 65,550 133,510 133,510 138,600 138,600 190. Coni~~~int. Wkr.I 53,068 - - - Salaries - Standby 3,600 5,280 4,456 5,500 5;500 . 110 Sal.ries - Regular 237,438 259,93.0 259,106 264,960 264,960 113 Salaries -Overtime 8,175 7,920 10,758 12,000 12,.000 120 Fringe Benefits 57,243 62,860 55,549 65,830 65;830 I Tota 1 Personnel 302,856 330.,710 325,413 342,790 342,790 .' Ooerations and ,Maintenance 210 Gas and Electricity 7,988 7,500 7,500 8,000 8,000 211 Natura 1 Gas 1,148 1, 500 1,500. 1,5QO 1,500 '215 1;elephone 647 500 358 400 400 -.1: ,216 Trash Removal 516 600 540 600 60b 260 Reimbursed Mileage - 90 90 150 150 262 Vehicle ,Operations 8,461 9,000 7,421 9,00'0 9,000 I 263 VehicTe Maintenance 19,444 24,850 24,850 33,690 33,600 264 Vehi'cle Rental 14,950 13,460 13,460 45,840 45,840 270 Travel and Meetings 775 1,000 469 210 210 'I' 313 Uniforms. & Laundry 4,085 5,100 5,090 4,850 4,850 , . 315 Pub1.Jcations and Dues 51 150 100 150 150 316 Medical Exams 220 300 275 280 280 337 R&M Radios 576 900, 585 700 700 ,',' .399, Other'contractua 1 Services - - 7,000 - - 411 Office ',& Sta,tionery Suppl ies 66 80 162 150 150 .41.6 Safety, Supp 1 i es - - - 1,500 1;500 .. 417 'Operating Suppl ies 115,210 70;000 63,000 75,000 75,000 420 SmaIl Too!l~ 285 500 499 500 500 , ' SF1 Equipment Renta 1 6,418 10,000 9,918 10,000 10,000 I "555 ,Capital Out.l ay Renta 1 1,460 7,620 7;629 18,380 18,380 , :1 Total ODerations & Maint. 182,300 153,150 150,437 210,810 210,810 Cai'l'tta.l Out 1 av , 622' Other ,Equipment 11,147 - - - - 'I' , . '.-. , . I' :'" : ;' '- Total Canital Outl;av 11,147 , I - - - - Activitv Total $496,303 $483,860 $475,850 $553,600 $553,600 I' 126 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: "Activity I Code: Public Services Sew'erColl ecti on Ma i ntenance 407 I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Sewer CoIl ect ion Maintenance acti vi ty isch~rged with the ma intena~ce .of all ci ty I sewer system mains, manholes and appurtena!leservice laterals. The major 'functional maintenance and repair areas include cleaning and inspection of an sewer 'mains and access manholes as part of a yearly preventive mainte'nance program. Repai r eight inc;h through 24-i nth sewer mains and four inch through 6 inch sewer 1 atera Is on',:an as.,needed I basis. Video inspect newly installed sewer'mains prior to acceptance. Video'inspect exi sti ng mains to determ1 ne conditio!! 'and mai nt~nance needs. Ma i ntai naIl manho les to grade. Ma i nta in oft's'itEl access eas.ements., Answer customer compl aints, update sewer I system mappi ngand el imi nate groundwater infil trat i on by in place grouting and/or repair. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To prevent all sewer backups due to blocka,ges caused by grease or solids and I root penetration. 2. To ensure maximum available sewer main eapacity. I 3. To maintain optimum access to sewer fac~lities to minimize ~esp6rise time when handling complaints. , ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS I 1988-89 1989-90 ESTIMATEO FORECASTED I Footage of Sewer Mains Television Inspected 180,000 185,000 Footage of Sewer Mains Cleaned 500,000 600,000 I Number of Sewer Main Stoppages 9 7 Number of Sewer Lateral Service Calls 68 60 Miles of Sewer Mains 135 140 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 264/ Vehi cl e and Capital O,utl ay Rental reflects re-eva 1 uation I 555 of Vehicle and Equipment Rental +$ 5,770 621- Purchase of Vacuum Rodder I, +$ 67,000 622- Purchase of Dataview Assembly +$ 6,500 II . I '.' 127 : . 'I OITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL 'I Department :. Activity: ~ Activity 'p'ubn c Serv,;ces Sewer Coll ectionMatntenance (c; Op'~.;t:.~ Code: 407 Obj. 1987-88 1988'-89 1988-89 1989~90 1989-90 . Code Exnense Class.i ficati on Actual Budaet Estimated Probosed ADO roved Personnel Exoense Rana~ pos i t.i on. Ti tl e 235 ~1 . WastewaterCotl. Supvr. 32,160 33',810 33,810 35,540 35,540 I 220:~ Cons.Ma i.nt.Wkr. I II 24,350 26,910 26,910 29 ,730 29,730 205. co~s~Miint.Wkr.II (3} 74,570 70,490 70,361 75,(i50 75,650 195.f Cons.Ma int. Wkr. I - 19,040 19,040 21,050 21,050 '. 110 Salaries ~ Regular 131,080 150,250 150,121 161,970 16l:,~70 113 ~alaries - Overtime 1,101 4,080 406, 4,080 4,080 '. 120 Fringe Benefits 31,137 34,020 29,538 38,600 38,600 Tota 1, personne 1 163,318 188,350 180,065 204,650 204,650 . ODerattons .and Maintenance 260 Reimbursed Mileage - - .,. 150 J5Q ,262 Vehtcle Operations 3,282 5,000 4,098 5,Qll}i 5,000. I 263 V,ehi cle Ma,i nt!!nance 19,433 21,920 ' 21,920 33,500 33,500 t64 Vehicle Rental 30,380 15,280 '15,280 16;3!\0 16,340 270 Travel and 'Meetings 408 400 345 210 210 'I 313 Uniforms and laundry 2,177 2,600 2,401 2,200 2,200 31~, Puolicaf1onsa'nd Dues - - - 50 50 316 Medical' Exams, - 200 165 280 280 ~ll ~ducation and Training - - 200 200 I 337 R&M Radios . 300 500 510 500 500 411 O\,fice & stationery Supplies - 80 66 80 80 416 Safety Supplies - - - 500 500 I 417 Oper;ating Supplies 19,151 15,000 14,840 17,000 17,000 420 Small Tools 35 300 285 500 500 511 Equipriient Rental - 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,6'60 . 555 Capital Outfay Rental 3,820 16,160 16,160 20,870 20,870 '. I Total onerations & Maint. 78,986 78,440. 77 ,070. 98,380 98,'380 .CaDital ,OutlaY 621 Autos and Trucks - - 22,000 67,000 67,000 . 622 ' . Other Equipment 2,070 4,600 4,140 6,500 6,500 'I I Tota lCaoita 10ut'l ciV' 2,070 26:,600 26,140 73,500 7'3,500 . I Activitv Total $ 244,375 $ 293,390' $283,275 $376,530 $376,530 128 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Public Services Facilities Maintenance 408 I ACTIVITY CQMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Facil ities Maintenance activHyprovidesin-house janitorial serv,ice. to City I Hall, Community Center, including the'Weingart Cen'ter, and the Planning Depart- ment buil di ng. . Buil cling ma intenance;and repa,i r act i v,i t i esfor the'above faciTiti es, Incl udi ng the Fi e 1 d Opera ti ons, Vehi cle and. Equ,i prjlent Ma intenance Centers and the I lake poway Park buildings, Aquatics Center, MultI'-Purpose Room are al so performed by this division. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To c,ont,tnue providing in-house janitorial services to City H~ll" gonmunity and I Weingart Centers, AquatiCS Center and thePl:anning Department buildIngs. 2. To provide as much in-house facfl itymai ntenance and repair servi te as practi ca 1. I 3. Maintain a fully-functioning carpenters shop. 4. To continue an ongoing preventative maintenance program for all City buildIngs. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None - I I I I I I I I: 129 I , CITY OF POWA Y I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Departme.!lt: Activity: . (c ..) Activity, Pub ltc Servi ces Facilities Maintenance @ (:LtjD~ Code: 408 I Obj. 1987-88 1988"89 1988-89 1989..,90 1989~90 Code ExDense, Cl ass1fi cati on, Actua 1 Budoet Estimated ProDosed ADDroVed Personnel Exoense I Ranoe Posi tion Ttt 1 e. 224.~ Sr. Bldg. Maint. Worker 28,700 30,170 30,170 31,720 31,720 195.6 Bldg. M~int. Wkr. (4) 82,370 87;620 86,040 92,010 92,010 , ,Sa,laries - Shift Diff. 900 830 830 1,660 i,660 I 110 Sa,laries - Regular 111 ,970 118,6?0 117,040 125,390 125,390 .113 Sa,laries - Overtime 850 590 590 1,070 1,070 I 120 F~ri nge Benefi ts 26,710 30,260 27,000 32,740 32,740 I Total Personnel 139,530 149,470 144,630 159,200 159" 200 Ooerations and Maintenance 262 Vehicl~ Operatigns 2,020 2,400 1,322 1,520 1,520 I 263 Vehicla Maintenance 1,478 700. 700 1,500 1,500 264 Vehicle Rental 1,830 1.,910 1,910 5,000 5,000 313 UnifOrms 1,387 1,630 1,651 1,630 1,630 ,I 331 R&M Buildings 9,116 8,50Q 8,410 11,700 11,700 332 R&M Air conditi~ning 870 500 471 3,100 3,100 '337 R&M Radios 120 80 144 200 200 I 412 Janitorial Supplies 19,717 2,100 6,080 7,050 7,050 417 Operating Supplies 14,194 12,500 9,960 11 ,060 11 ,060 420 Sma 11 Tool s 488 250 214 300 300 511 Equipment Rental 300 164 250 250 I I .' Tota 1 ,Ooerations & Mai nt. 51,220 31,470 31,026 43,31'0, . ' 43,310 , ' Caoita>l Outl av. 'I 651 Shop Toois 6,040 - - 960 960 ~ ' I ., , I,' I ' Total CaDi tal Outlav 6,040 - - 960 960 Activitv Total li196 790 $180,940 $175,656 $203,470 $203,470 ,1'0 > .. 130 I - I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Code: Public Services Vehicl e and Eaui oment Mai ntehan'ce 409 I ACTIVITY COIC4ENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Division provides vehicle, equipment and field I maintenance support. for the City. The activitIes of this division relate to main'- tenance, repair, mod1fi cat i on arid fabri catlonof a 11 types of Ci ty motorized and construction-maintenance equipment fr.om Fire; Department pumpers to Park Department lawn 'mowers. Fi rst and second 1 ine, maintenance of City-owned law.enforcement I vehicles is also part of this division. This activity is finan~ed by charging each of th,e cost centers that have been I assig'Tled vehicles and/or equipment for the. cost of maintaining their vehicles and/or equipment. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1- To extend the anticipated service. life of all City-owned vehicles and equipment through routi ne and prevent he .mai ntenance programs. I 2. To inspect, ma i nta in, repair anI:! ()verhaul all Ci ty motori zed equipment. 3. To evaluate service vehicles, determine their service life and advise of replacement needs. I 4. To fuel and perform routine vehicle maintenance during off-hours. 1988~89 1989-90 ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS ESTIMATED FORECASTED I Passenger Vehicles 7 7 Light Industrial (1 ton and below) 51 51 I Heavy ITldustrial (over 1 ton) 19 19 Tril.ctors 12 12 Other Equipment 142 142 I Motor Cycles/Trail Vehicles 8* 8* *Includes 3 City owned motorcyc,les used by law enforcement I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 335 - Underbudgeted 1988-89 midyear adjustment necessary to total +$ 20,380 I of $30,763. Increased 15% over current year to cover unforseen special repairs. 622 - Acquisition of vehicle mountecj air compressor/generator and a +$ 7,600 I large truck tire changer/static balancer,. I I I 131 I ctry OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Public Services' Vehi cl e and EQui pment Maintenance Code: 409' .Obj. 1987-88 1988'-89 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 Code . ExpenseCI ass,i fi cat.i on Actual Budget. Estimatec Proposed Approved I .Personnel Expense Range P.osition Title 241.7 Equipment Maint. ~upvr. 34,190 35,940 35,940 37,780 37,780 . 226.7 Equipment Mechanic (2) 51,001 58,470 47,677 58,440 58,440 181.7 Equip. Svc. Wkr. (PT) 8,350 8,510 6,963 8,920 8,920 Salaries - Shift Diff. - - - 390. 390 I 110 Salaries - Regular 93,541 94,800, 8~,617 96,610 , 96,610 .112 Salaries - Part-Time 7,130 8,519 6,963 8,920 8,920 . 113 Salaries - Overtime 1,128 2,310 522 2,620 2,620 120 "- Fringe Benefits 18,662 22,420 19,640 22,810 22,810 I Tota1Personnel 120,461 128,040 nO,742 130,960 1'30,960 Operations and 'Maintenance I 210 Gas and Electri ci ty 5,021 4,200 6,590 7,090 7,000 211 Natural Gas 1,112 1,200 1,200 1 ;300 1,300 215 Telephone 85 - - - - I 216 Trash Removal 516 530 500 500 500 262 Veh~cl~ Operations 1,610 1,000 1,277 1,400 1,400 263 Vehicl e Ma intenance 2,099 1,200 1.200 3,600 3,600 264 Vehicle Rental - 1,.680 1,680 4,080 4,080 . 270 Travel ~nd Meetings 190 600 110 300 300 313 Uniforms'Clnd Laundry 1,840 1,600 1,593 1,600 1,600 315 Publications and Dues - 50 50 120 120 I 316 Medical Exams - 110 110 - - 317 Educatio~ & Training - - - 1,200 1,200 334 R&M ~quipment - 2,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 . 335 R&M Outside Vehicle Repair 31,057 15,000 30,736 35,380 35,380 , . ;337 R&M Radios 60 50 65 200 200 , 4.17 Operating Supplies 2,951 3,000 2,949 3,500 3,500 420' Small Tools 489 500 1,400 2,000 2,090 I. '49,9 ,.-,. I " ..,.... c . ~ Ot~er Supp.lies and Material 67,227 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 ,515 I ntergovernmenta I Fees 400 600 600 600 600 531 Expense Credits (125,314) (223,030) (223,472 ) (257,'500) (257,500) I 55,5 Capital Outlay Rental 1,560 1,670 1,670 1,760 . 1,760 Ie Total Operations & Maint. (9,097 028,040 (110,742 (130,960' .'(130,960 '. Capita lOut 1 ay 621 Autos ~ T.rucks 13,083 - - - - 622 Other Equipment 8,558 3,900 3,900 11,500 11,500 1;9i Nonstructura I Improvements - 7,000 6,983 - - .' I Total Capital Outlay 21,641 10,900 10,883 11 ,500 11,500 Act i v ity Tota 1 $133,004 $10,900 $10,883 $11 ,500 1>11,500 132 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Oepa rtment: Activity.: Activity I Code: Public Services Drainaae,Maintenance 410 I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY . I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Ora i nage Ma i ntenance Di vi s i on is charged wi th the maintenance and repairs o.f all I City drainage improvements a,nd the clean.ing9,f major creeks through the conrnunity. Work in the improved channe,ls consists .o.f s,iJt, debris and grafitti removal, tree" shrubbery and groundcover pruning, concrete and fence repair and. access.i)1ai~tenance. , Work in the major creeks consists of , debris removal, hard stem pJant.-removal, I selective vegetation spraying, weed and .grass mowing where appropriate. Sand bar and silt removal or relocation within the wCltercourse is performed to maintain the hydraulic capacity of the streams. Drainage culverts and catchbasins are inspected I annually, cleaned and repaired as necessary. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. Improve aesthetics by keeping natural streambeds in a clear, unobstructed condition free of any debris and excess growth. I 2. To reduce flooding of low lying areas by maintaining drainage systems at optimum hydraul ic efficiency. I 3. Reduce street and roadway flooding during rainstorms by maintaining 'culverts and catchbasins. I 4. To complete inventory of all storm drains within the City and to establish a routine maintenance program. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 148 - Reflects reduction that ipcl~des only~pdating of drainage facilities and development of easement mapping. -$ 5,000 I 263 - Reflects additional costs in maintaining the three division trucks and six pieces of heavy equi~ment including the transfer of the Vacuum Rodder from the sewer division. +$ 5,140 I 264/ Vehicle and Cap.ital Outlay Rental reflects re-e.valuation +$ 11,350 555 of Vehicle and Equipment Rental. I 621 - Purchase of Vacuum Rodder. +$108,000 I I 'I': 133 'I CITY OF POWAY I DEP.ARJMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: (/ii) 0 " . \ Activity Pub Ii c,Servi ces Orainaae Maintenance Code: 410 .. Obj. 1987-88 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90' Code Expense Class.iftcatfon Actual Budciet Estimated Proposed Approved Personnel Expense I Rance 'Posit i on Tine 235.6 'Drainage Maint. ~upvr. 28,758 31,780 31,780 35,540 35,540 220.6 . Const.Maint.Wkr. III 25 , 163 27,810 27,810 27,360 27,360 205.6 Const.Maint.Wkr.II (2) 41,541 43,890 40,207 46,170 46,170 I Salaries -Standby 2,400 - - 1,860 1,860 110 Salaries - Regular 97,862 103,480 99,797 110,930 110, 9~9 I 113 Salari.es - Overtime 2,763 1,920 3,019 3,600 3,600 120 Fringe Benefits 23,961 25;460 22,180 26,850 26,850 I .Tota I personne I 124.586 130,860 124,996 141,380 141,380 Operat.i onsand, Ma intenance I 148 Specia'l Studi es 4,500 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 216 Trash Removal 9,615 7,500 7,435 7,750 7,750 260 ReimbursedMfl eage - - - 150 150 I 262 Vehicl~ Operations 3,199 3,500 2,675 3,500 3,500 263 Vehicle Maintenance 6,448 6,060 6,060 11,200 11,200 264 Vehicle Rental 16,030 10; 060 10,060 13,670 13,670 I 270 Travel and Meetings 285 300 286 210 210 313 Uniforms & Laundry 1,146 1,300 1,230 1,200 1,209 315 Pub Ii ca t ions and ,Dues - - - 50 50 316 Medical Exams 55 200 165 170 170 I 324 Nuisance Abatement - 3,50,0 3,483 2,500 2,500 337 R&M Radios 180 300 210 300 300 399 Other Contractual Services 7,800 - - 7,800 7,800 I 416 Safety Supplies 309 500 500 500 500 417 Operating:Supplies 3,038 3,000 3,000 3,500 3,500 420 Sma 11 Tool s 650 300 200 400 400 1 443 Culve r:t Clean i ng 3,013 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 445 M.1sc. Construction Materials 926 1,000 1,000 '1,000 1,009 511 Equi prnent, Renta I 7,170 5,000 5,000 5,000 . 5,000 555 Capital Outlay Rental - 14,100 14,100 21,840 21,840 I Total Oper,ati ons:;& Ma i nt. 64,364 74,120 72,904 93,240 93,240 'Capital Outlav I 621 Autos and,Trucks 111,990 25,000 25,000 108,000 108,000 622 Other Equipment - 4,500 4,500 - - '652 Mobil e Too 1 s 1,899 - - - - I ;~ I I , Total Capital Outlav 113,889 29,500 29,500 108,000 108,000 Activitv Tota.l $302,839 -$234,480 $227,400 $342,620 $342,620 >--' w SAFETY SERVICES ." CITY MANAGER 013 - DIRECTOR SAFE:rv SERVLCES 500 , . - FIRE SUPPRESSION FIRE PREVENTION PARAMEDICS LAW ENFORCEMENT 501 502 503 505 SAFETY SERVICES - - - -, - - - - _. - - - - - - - - - - I 135 :. CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW I Oept. Code Department: Fund Distribution: I 500 Safety Services General Fund: $5,436,830 I : EXPENSE 1987-1988 1988-1989 1988-i989 1989-1990 1989-1990 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED 'APPROVED I Tota lPos it ions 34 35 35 35 35 I Personnel Expense 1,743,238 1,762,930 1,771,689 1,876,530 1,876,530 , " '3,527,470 I Operations 2,779,831 3,037,760 3,007,102 3,508,180 and Mir; ntenance Capital Outlay 44,142 45,270 49,494 32,830 32,830. I, I TOTAL BUDGET $4,567,211 $4,845,960 $4,828;285 $5,417,540 $5,436,.830 . OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The Department of, ,SafeJY Services.' mission statement ics to' "Protect and Educate '. the Publ'ic tn Areas of Fi re, Safety and Health." The Director reports to the City Manager and has five (5) divisfons within the Departme~t. The divisions .consist . , of Offtce of the Director, Fire Suppression, Fire Prevention, Emergency Medical ,. Services, and Law Enforcement.. Law Enforcement is administered countywide by the San Diego Cou,nty Sheriffs and locally by the Poway. Substation Sheriff Captain, with the Director being a liaison for purchasing and cudget management. I The ,Safety Servi ces Department responsibi I i ti es i ncl ude protecti ng 1 ife,' from fi re, civil disobedience, other disasters, and the delivery of emergency medical services. 'The proactive duties include public education .in areas of fire, crime prevention 1 and drug preventi on ;aJ so, fi re preventi on encompasses code compHance, enforcement, of fire c,odes and standards, .bui'lding plan checks for safety, ai1n~al inspections, abandoned vehicles and weed abatement. I I I I 136 . CITY OF PQWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Safetv Services offi ce of the D.i rector 500 I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Director of Safely Services is the Department Head with mid-management, staff .' assigned to the Director. Staff includes three (3) Fire Battalion Chiefs who, under the Di rector's guidel i nes ,supervise, coord,i nate and evaluate areas of Fire Suppression, Fire Prevention, and Emergency Medical Services. The Law Enforcement contract is w,ithin Safety Services activity,. and the .Director'srole i'sas a liaison . with the San Diego County Sheriff's pepartment to assist with purchases and budget management. Programs wi thi n Safety Servi ces incl ude, but are n'ot I iJniteq to, Code Compliance, Weed Abatement, Disaster Preparedness,and Drug Education and Preventi'on. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND 'OBJECTIVES To improve and develop: . I. The highest level of service to, the conrnun'ity in areas of Fire 'Suppression, Fire Prevention, Law Enforcement and .other related duties. . 2. A positive work environment for empl'oyees to encourage conrnunication and conrnitment. ,I 3. Fire Suppression training programs to improve areas of training,for hazardous materials, tnt-up construction, use ,of computers for fire services,. etc. I; ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS " 1988-89 1989-90 I, ESTIMATED FORECASTED Fire (Structure/Grass) and Other 4?5 475 I' Emergency Medi ca 1 Services 1.,525 1,575 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES , CHANGE \.' 148 - Disaster planning expenses pre~iously -$ 12,610 I budgeted in one object code~ccount now spread among vari ous accounfs which, refl ect the actual activity within this division. I 621 - Decrease reflects one-time cost of vehicle -$ 14,000 for new Battalion Chief in FY 1988~89. I . I 137 , 'I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I ,Department: Activity: Acti vity Sai'etv Services Office of the Director Code: 500 Obj. 1987-88 1988-'89 1988-89 1989,,90 1989-90 I Code Exoense Classification, Actual Budaet Estirilatec Proposed Approved Personne 1 .Exnense Ranae Position Title I 299~ 'Director 62,675 63,910 62, 69~ 67,190 67,190 282. Fire Battalion Chief - 45,250 38, 69~ 51,910 51,910 '207.6 Admin. Secretary 21,84: 24,OlC 23,559 26,870 26,870 1 , 110 Salaries - Regular 84,5H 133,170 124,943 145,970 145,970 1 113 Sa lari es - Overt ime 14: - - - - 120 Fringe Benefits 20,145 36,120 27,333 35,200 35,200 I Total Personne 1 104,806 169,290 152.276 181,170 181,170 Onerations and MaintenanCe 145 Data Processing Consultant ' 2,129 2,000 1,790 1,000 1,000 1 148 Speci a 1 Stud i es 7,467 12,610 3 - - 215 Telephone 650 - 1,200 1,200 262 Vehicle Operations l,36E 1,250 1,194 1,250 1,250 1 263 Vehicle Maintenance 1,544 2,480 2,241 2,600 2,600 264 Vehi cl e Renta.l 1,200 2,090 2,090 4,910 4,910 270 Travel and Meetings 4,300 3,160 2,884 3,590 3,590 . 311 Printing 325 700 2,114 700 700 313 Uniforms and Laundry - 280 17 280 280 314. conrnuidty Relations 195 340 1 ,41~ 340 340 315 Publications and, Dues 925 1,280 1,280 1,480 1,480 I 3'16 Medtca.lExams - 50 - 160 160 317 Education and Training 3,964 5,480 7,40E 5,480 5,480 325 Vehicle Regu.lation 24 200 200 200 200 I, 331 R&MBuil di ng 771 300 300 300 300 334 R&M Equipment 1,419 2,650 2,650 2,840 2,840 4II Office & Stationery Supplies 1,211 1,500 1,700 1,500 1,500 I' 412 Ja'nitqrial suppl ies 73 IDe 75 100 100 4'17 'Operatin9 Supplies 459 750 450 750 750 555 Capitai' Outlay Rental 2,740 2,870 2,870 3,030 3,030 ,. ,.. Totalonerations & Maint. 30,121 40,740 30,678 31,710 31,710 Caoital .Outlav , 601 Teleconrnuni'catiohs Equipment - 2,560 2,560 - - I '611 Offi ce, Equ i pment - 300 3,600 300 300 ~?1 Autos and Trucks 14,000 14,000 14,823 - - 622 Other Equipment - 250 1,750 - - 672 Building Improvements - - - 4,120 4,120 I' Total Caoital Outlav 14,000 17,110 22,733 4,420 4,420 I Acttvitv Tota 1 $148,934 $227,1'40 $205,687 $217,300 $217,300 138 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Safetv Services ;; Fi reSuppressi on 501 I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I This Division has the responsibility to assist the public in emergency incidents, to I render aid as necessary and to provide .assistance upon citizen's request. Fi re Suppression personnel are involved in other' activities that include: comprehensive training, fire company inspections, pre-fire planning, fire prevention education, I maintenance of apparatus and equipment, and bicycle licensing. The Department of Safety Services has the responsibility to protect and educate the public in areas of fi re, health, and safety. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To continue to provide a high quality level of service to the community. 2. To increase public awareness by educating the public in areas of fire, I health, and safety. 3. To revise the Safety Awareness Program to reduce the number of work-related I injuries. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I' 120 - Newly created FLSA cost tracki ng system wi 11 enabl e +$ 25,640 more ease in monjtoring costs previously included '. within the overtime" salary line item. 264 - Increase reflects revised replacement costs of vehicles +$ 26,930 .: assigned to this division. 311 - Decrease reflects one-time printing Department's -$ 6,800 . standard operating procedures and training manuals in the 1988-89 fiscal year. 399 - Reflects cost increases of contractual service for +$ 6,680 I hazardous materials respohse unit fro~.County of San Diego and City membership in San Diego Unified Disaster Council. I I I I 139 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTALACTI VITY DETAIL d I Department: Activity: Activity Safetv Servlces Fire Suppression Code: 501 Obj. 1987-88 1988-89 1988-89 1989,-'90 . 1989-90 'I Code Exnense. Ci'ass.ifi cation Actual Budaet Estimated ProDosed Approved Personnel Exoense " Ranae Postt i on Ii tl e . 282.~ Fire Battalion Chief 47,3lC 49,800 51,246 56,630 56,630 256.~ FJre' Captain (6) 246,174 249,240 255,788 260 ,,07C 260,010 24L~ Fi re Engi neer, (6) 212,054 214,560 .220,289 225',540. '225 ,540 231.2 Firefigtiters (15) 300,631 304,090' 312,274 314,760 . 314,760 I Ca 11 back 10,308 10,850 10,850 10,850 10,850 '. 110 Sa.laries - Regu.lar 816,477 828,540 '850,447 867,850 .867, 850 . ~.,.~ I 113 'Sa laries - Overt ih1e 97,235 79,900 79,900 82,95.0 82,950 120 Fr,i nge Benefi ts 173,477 190,210 155,984 188,620 188,620 ELSA - -' - 25,640 25,640 Total Personnel 1,087,189 1,098,65C 1,086',331 1,165,060 .1,165,060 . Ooerations and Maintenance 131 Volunteer Service 12,214 20000 16,48C 20,.DOC 20,000 210 Gas ,and Electricity 18,667 24: DOC 18,375 20,099 20,000 . 215 Telephone 9,5~~ 4,500 8,O~~ 6,690 6,600 216 Trash,Remova,1 1,03 1,~29C . 97 1;200 1,200 260 Reimbursed Mileage 20~ 500 315 500 500 I 262 Vehicle Operations 5,7!5E 11.,250 5,94E 11,250 11,250 .263 Vehi~l. Maintenance 15,900 30,680 30,680 30,~0_0 30,900 264 Vehicle Rental 130,390 136,iic 1:36,170 163,100 163,100 270 Travel and Meetings 5,094 10,430 . 9 ~ 727 8,'170 8,170 I 311 Pri nt.i ng 1,149 8,000 8,000 1,290 1,200 313 Uniforms and Laundry 8,6~i 8,48.0 8,480 8',480 8,480 314 Community Relations 15 750 800 750 750 I 315 Publications and Dues 954 750 750 780 780 316 'Med tca I Exams 306 4,650 4,650 4,730 4,730 317 Education and Training 3,m 2,300 2, 12~ 1,550 1,550 . 320 Outside Emergency Assistance 3,633 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 322 Dispatch Contract 24,959 30,000 28,109 32,200 36,460 331 R&M B.ui ldings 4,793 4,700 4,700 5,440 5,440 334 R&M Equipment 4,2~~ , 4,250 4,250 4,'250 4,250 . 337 R&M Radtos 5,93, 5,400 5,400 5,'760 5,760 3'38 R&M Fi re Hydrants 79 1,000 513 1,000 1,000 399 Other Contractual Servi ces 17,356 19,000 17 , 107 25;680 25,680 1 .411 Office & Stat.;onery Supplies 2,191 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 412 Janitoria.l suppl ies 2,759 2,500 1,589 2,500 2,500 413 Photographic Supp14~s 371 550 400 550 550 . A.17 Operating Supplies 8,669 14,50'0 14,500 12,000 '12,000 420 Sma'll Tool s 16 500 500 500 500 514 Lease Purchase 622 - - - - " '515 Intergovernmental Fees - - 250 - - '. 555 Cani ta 10utl av Renta I 3,280 3,430 3,430 3,600 3,600 Total Orlerati'ons & Maint. 292,114 366,490 349,224 389,690 393,950 Canital Outlav 'I" 601' 67, Caoita I Out1 av 4,631 14,050 14,050 7,450 7,450 ;rotal Caol'ta lOut 1 av 4,631 14,050 14,050 7,450 7,450, I' Activ.itv Total $1,383,932 $1,479,19C 1$1,449,605 $1,562,200 $1 ,566,460 140 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Acti vtty: Activi,ty . Code: Safetv Services Fire Pr'evei,tion 502- ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Fire Prevention Division is general1yresp.onsible for the hea',lth, education, and I weifare of the City as it relates to fire,:prevention and safety'. Through Fire Prevention, our primary goal is to reduce property damage and injury fo the citiiens I of Poway. Our Division presents public fire educat,ionprograms to all grade levels in our City schools, organizations, and the businesscorrinunity. Information, or preserita~,ioQs ar'e . available ~o any group or homeowner upon request. Fire Preventior1\o!eek ,activ.ities i ncl ude mak.i ng contact wi th more than 8',000 chi I dren and culmi nate wi th our annua.l Open House at Fire Station 1. I Plan checks are performed on all phases of deve16pment and construction w.ithin the City. Thi s i ncl udes developme,nt revJ ew~, ne,w restdent i a I, cOlTl1lerc.i al , ,and i ndustri a I construction, tenant improvements, fire alarm and sprinkler plan checks, etc. Held, I inspections at all phases Gf construction are equally important. This Division is "also responsible to complete an annual inspection of every occupancy in the City, totaling over 1,000 ~nspections each year, I Fire investigation is another responsibility of this Division. Fires' of un,known or suspicious cause are invesngated by the San OJ-ego County Sheriff Arson and, Bomb Unit. I' Other programs include: weed abatement, juvenile firesetter counseling, hydrant maintenance, mapping, and pre-fire planning. Code Compliance within this Division is responsible for public nuisances, illegal I' dumping, abandoned vehicles, false alarms, home occupations,and others. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 'I. l. To develop a computerized tracking system for construction projects, from development review to final occupancy. I', 2. To provide a home fire safety inspecUon program with a strong emphasis on smoke detector installation and maintenance. 3. To increase public fire education throughout the City. I, SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 113 - Due to better tracking of overtime usage, costs +$ 7,910 charged to fire ~uppressiGnare now being charged I to Fire Prevention. 130 - Renewal of contract for' part.time, temporary Fi re +$ 6,48P Inspector. Approval by the City Counci I in I February 1989. I I 141 . CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL .. I Depar::tment: Activity:' Activity Safetv Services Fire Prevention Code: 502 ObJ; 1987-88 1988-89 1988-89 1'989,.90 1989-90 .. . Code Expense Classificahon Actual Budget Estimated Proposed Aooroved Personnel Exoense, Ranae . Posjtion Title, I 282., Fire Batta'lion Chief 53,79S 53,87C 53,897 56,630 56,630 241., Ftte Prevention I nspec. 39 ,85C 35,7~~ 40,251 37,60,0 37,600 236.6 Code .Compliance Offifer 32 ,62~ 32,(7 ,32,79. ,35 900 3.5,~90 .' ,.. 197.! Sec reta ry 23,03f 23,120 23,420 .24,310 24,310 . , 110 Sa.laries - Regular 149,310 145,529 15.0,360 154,440 154,440 . 113 Salartes ,. Overtime 5,560 7,210 - 8,190 15,1?0 1?,120 120 .Fringe ~enefi'ts 35,610 38,250 36,470 42,100 42,100 '130 Temporary Servtces' - - - 6,480 6,480 . Total Personnel 190,480 190,980 195,020 218,,140 218,140. I Operations and Ma,intenance 215 Telephone' - - - 906 900 260 Reimbursed Mileage - 100 20 100 ,100 . 262 V!!h,icl e .operations 2,070 1,800 1,140 2,,4.0,0 2,400 263 Vehicle Maintenance 2,500 2,390 2,010 4,290 4,260 264 Vehicle Rental 2,140 3,910 3,9):0 6,000 6,000 270 Travel and Meetings 2,500 3,560 3,020 3,060 3,060 . ;311 Printing 640 750 750 1,500 1,500 313 Uniforms 500 500 500 500 500 314 CorTl111ini tyRelati ons 3,460 4000 4,000 4,000 4,000 , . I 315 Publications and Dues 1,210 1,460 1,460 1_,439 1,430 :ji6 ~edical Exams 50 100 50 320 320 , 300 '317 Education and Training 270 300 280 300 I 324 Nuisance Abatement 32,800 30,00.0 30,000 33,000 33,000 411 Office Supplies 600 500 500 500 500 413 Photographic Supplies 420 500 480 500 500 417 Operating SUPPlies 4,480 3,490 3,410 3,1'50 3,150 .' '. I Tota,] OperaUons'&. Mai nt. 53,640 53,360 51,530 61,920 61,920 - 'CaoUa.l ,Outlav' 605 ~h.()tograph ic~ Equ i pment 1,580 200, 190 - - sh ,Offi'ce Equipment - 240 230 , - - . . Total Cap ita lOut 1 a v 1,580 440 420 - - I Ac.tivitv Total $245,700 $244,780 "Q46,970 $280,060 $280,060 142 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Depa rtment: Activity: Acti vi ty . Code: Safetv Servi ces Pa ramedtcs 503 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Department of Safety Services providesPararnedic service ,:with the assistance ,of nine (9) Firefighters who also serve as Raramedics. This method ,of del:,j\iering' I advanced pre-'hospital care provides the ,most cost effective means. of o.perat;ing a Paramedic ambulance while maintatning adequate levels of fire suppression forces. Paramedi C. personne I have obtained ,thei r' tra i ni ng through the Emergency Medica I I Training ,Staff of UCSD. Throughout the training process, Paramedic' :In:terns receive ,intensive trai.ningwhi.i:hprovides thelTl with advanced pre-hospital, pat)i~nt care skins. These highly deve.loped skill s enabl e Fi ref,ighter/Paramedi cs toadmini ster lifesaving I intravenous drugs as well as the skill necessary to i nterpretel ectrocardiograms performed in the field. The Paramedics operate as one element of-a relatively large Emergency Medical Service' I (EMS) conrnunity in San Diego County. TheACmii1istrative Batta.'1ion Chi.ef serves as ,the Paramedi c Coordi nator to represent POWil.Y's interes.t in thi s arena. Th'i s netwcirk i ng ensures the transmission of current and relevant data to Fire Department personnel and I City Management. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES . 1. Through the, del iyery of advanced pre-hospital care, reduce the pain and suffering. associated with injured victims. 2. To provide a citizen Cardiopull)1onar'yResuscitation program to the citizens of I poway tn the hope of reducing the incidence of death as'sociated .with cardiac failure. I 3. To orga,nize and train Departmental staf.f as well as targeted organizations in the conrnunity in the area of di saster' preparedness and planni ng. I 4. To improve the capability of Fire Suppression personnel by providing additional well-tra.inedpersonnel, capable of' performing those skins necessary to fulfill . fire 'suppression tasks. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES - CHANGE ." 113 - As a, resu-ltof promot,ions tn this cost center as well as a +$ 16,050 I reduction in personnel., significant i~crease in this 'lfneitem is reflected. . 264 - Inc~ease refl~cts revised rep.lacement costs of vehicles assigned +$ 9,640 to this division. 615 -Ref.lects the cost of two defibrillators to init.iate EMT/D +$ 11,810 . program. . I 143 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Acti vity Safetv Services Paramedics Code: 503 Obj. 1987-88 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 . . Code Exoense C.lass1fication Actual Budoet Estimated Prooosed Aooroved Personnel Expense Rance Position Title I 231.~ Paramedics (6) 240,37E 152,05C 177 ,975 157,;359 157 350' Special Proficiency Paj - 39,87C 39,79~ 30;780 30:780 Recertification Bonus - - 4,500 6,000 6,000 . 110 Salaries - Regular 240,37E 191,92C 222,267 194,130 194,130 113 Salaries - Overtime 32,159 17,000 32,43E 33,050 33,050 120 Fringe Benefits 88,22E 95,09C 83,357 80,770 80,770 I FLSA - - - 4,210 4,210 I Tota.l personne 1 360,765 304,010 338.062 312,160 312,160 aDerations and Maintenance . -215 Telephone - - - 1,200 1,200 260 Reimbursed Mileage 299 400 250 300 300 262 Vehicle Operations 3,534 3,200 2,976 3,;340 3,340 I 263 Vehicle Maintenance 5,477 5,040 5,040 7 ,'120 7,120 264 Vehicle Rental 5,130 5,360 5,360 15,000 15,000 270 Travel and Meetings 2,057 3,020 2,915 1,960 1,960 314 Community Relations 824 1,000 200 1,000 1,000 . 315 Publicati~ns and Dues 701 860 830 650 650 317 Education and Training 1,66E 6,310 5,65E 8,460 8,460 334 R&M Equipment 2,900 4,080 3,107 4,060 4,060 I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1~~ 200 180 200 200 413 Photographic Supplies 12 200 150 200 200 414 Med ica 1 Supp 1 i es 8,5~~ 8,40C 10,095 13,230 13,230 I 417 Operating S~ppl;es 62 750 554 750 750 555 Capital Outlay Rental 3,660 3,820 3,820 3,940 3,940 . .' Tota.laDerations & Maint. 35,649 42,640 41,135 61,410 61,410 Canita 1 Out'l a v I 601 Teleconrnuni~ations Equipment 1,761 1,760 1,761 - - 615 Paramedic Equipment 3,470 5,740 4,417 17,550 17,550 - I .' , Total CaDJtal Out.lav 5,231 7,500 6,178 17,550 17,550 I ,ActiNitv Total $401,645 $354,150 $385,375 $391,120 $391,120 144 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I Code: Safetv Services Law Enforcement 505 ACTIVITY coMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The City of poway again enjoyed the lowest crime rate (crime per 1,000 population) within th'e County of ' San Diego--23.3%. Total conrnitment by the City of Poway, the I conrnunity and the staff at the Poway Sheriff's Station has had the desir:ed effect; that is, the safest streets, the safest parks, and, the safe~t residential and busi~ess areas in the San Diego County. Pro~active enforcement of criminal, as well as traffic I regulations has sent a very strong message to those prone to criminality: "Don't come to the City of Poway to caper." The staffing for 1989-90 eight-hour units is as follows: I o Seven (7) Patrol Units, 7-day with re.lief o Two (2) 4-Wheel Drive Units, 7-day with relief I o One (1) Substance Abuse Officer o One (1) Detective, DARE Program o Four (4) Traffic Units, 7-day with re;lief I o Two (2) Motorcycle Units, 5-day Without relief o One (1) Conrnunications Dispatch Unit, three 5-day without reI ief ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I I. To reduce general criminal ity by aggress,ive law enforcemel)t, conrnunity education, and soliciting community involvement. I 2. To reduce the traffi.c acci dents and reel <! ted i nj uri es by pro-act.i Ve enfo'rcement of laws related to substance abuse and prudent operation of motor iieni,cles. .. 3. To reduce residential and commercial burglaries by increased surveillances of known and targeted subjects. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 321 - Approximately 20% increase in salaries and contract +$428,990 I adjustments and the addition of two (2) Conrnunity Service offi cers. 328 - Increase in cost of D.A.R.E. program, including salary +$ 7,040 I and benefits for sheriff's .deputy. 329 - Expense reflects the City participation in a Statewide +$ 9,000 I fingerprint I.D. network. 334 - One-time equipment replacement budgeted i~ fiscal +$ 6,900 I: year 1988-89. I , I~ 145 ,I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity SafetvServices Law Enforcement. Code: 505 Obj. 1987-88 1988-tl9 1988-89 1989'-90 1989-90 I Code Expense CTassificat.ion ' Actual Budget .Estimated Prooosed. Aooroved Personnel Expense Rance Position Title I. I I ,I Tota.l Personnel - - - - - Operations and Maintenance 215 Telephone 1,80( 4,5~~ 4,500 4,73C 4,73C 1 262 Vehicle Operations l,20C 1,00 l,OOC l,05C 1,050 ,263 Vehicle Maintenance 2,80C 2,980 2,980 3,OOC 3,000 264 Vehi.cl e Rental 7,85C 3,92C 3,920 3,750 3,750 I 270 Travel and Meetings 4,17C 4,0~~ 4,01C 2,000 2,000 314 Gommunity Relations 6,00C 13,50 13,50C 12,600 12,600 321 Community Safety 2,309,36C 2,288,12C 2,288,125 2,702,760 2,717,110 325 Vehicle Regulation 7,13C 7,130 7,130 6,800 6,800 1 327 Sheriff's Di~patch Contract - 97,020 97,020 101,190 101,870 328 DARE P rog ram - 70,390 70,390 77,430 77,430 329 California 1.0. Systems - - - 9,000 9,000 ,I 334 R&M Equipment 2,400 9,900 9,900 3,000 3,000 399 Other Contractual Services 11,030 11 ,000 11,000 11,550 11 ,550 413 Photographic Supplies 250 250 250 200 200 . 416 Safety Supplies 12,300 14,820 14,820 18,130 18,130 417 Operating Supplies 75C 4,620 4,620 4,200 4,200 555 Capital Outlay Rental 1,310 1,370 1,370 2,060 2,060 . . Tota]; Operations & Maint. Z ,368, 35{ ,2,534,530 2,534,535 2,963,450 2,978,480 CaoHaJ Outlav ' ,. 601. Te1econrnunications Equipment - 3,520 3,522 750 750 605 'Photograph,ic Equipment - 2,650 2,591 130 130 611 Offi ce Equipment 50 - - 2,330 2,330 653 Other Tools & Equipment 18,650 - - 200 200 I I .. Total Caoital Outlay 18,700 6,17,0 6,113 3,410 3,410 1 Activitv Total $2,387,050 $2,540,700 1$2,540,64E $2,966,860 $2,981,'890 ;. . - -. 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I, 1 1 1 1 I 1 ,I " I 1 CITY,OFPOWAY FI~CI~L PROGR~: :1989-1990 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ;1' 148 I CITY OF POWAY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW REVENUE AND cEXRENDITURE ANALYSIS I~ CiTY OF POWAY 1 SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1989'':'1990 FUNDING SOURCES I Street Development Fund ,$ 248,000 I, State Grant 274,000 Municipal IMprovement Fund 7.5,000 Water Fund 94,000 I Park Development Fund 249,000 Drainage Fund 294,000 Sewer Fund 95;000 I TDA 9,500 Concessionaire Contribution 45',000 TOTAL $1,3133,500 I ~ I FUNOING APPLICATIONS I Streets and Highways ,$ 232,OO(j Traffic Signals 16,000 Flood Control and Drainage 201,OOD I Government Buildings 357',;090 Parks and Open Spa~e 577,500 Water Improvements - 1 Sewer Improvements - TOTAL $1,383,500 1 I' I I: I' -, I' 'I 14,9 l CITY OF POWAY GARITAL IMPROVEMENT RROGR~M:OV,ERVIEW ,. Depa,rtment: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1 Total' , Total Estimated Activity Class~fication Total Prior 1989-1990 :Combi ned Reouiremerits Aoorooriati ori's Estimate Exoenditures 1 $ 345,950 Streets & Highways $ 113,950 $ 232,000 $ 345,950 50,000 Traffic Signals 34,000 16,000 50,000 I 201,000 Flood Control & ,Drainage - 201,000 201:,000 . I 9,121,924 Government Buildings 8,764,924 357,000 9,,121,924 4,894,127 Rarks and Open Space 4,246,627 577,500 4,824,1'27' 1 702,150 Water Improvements 702,150 - 702,150 2,299,53~ Sewer Improvements 2,299,935 - 2,299,935 . $17,614,686 $I6,161,586' $1,383,500, , $ii ,54'5\086 TOTAL BUDGET . OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I " '. TheCapi'tal ,Improvement program of the City of Poway represents an organized plan for addressi ng tlie phys.ica( need's of the cOlll1luni ty. The pages which follow ,add to l the five.,year Capi tal Improvement Program that beganduri ng Fi sca 1 Year 1982-83. Asthi! budget is ap,proved e?-ch fiscal yellr, it wintle; pQsSible to review progress being made, co~ts incurred to date. and the implications of inflation on future I costs. The improvements as set forth in this budget fall into, the following sevell major I, categoi"ie~:' Str:eets and Highways, -Traffic Signals, Flood Control and Dra-inilge, Gov~rnmellt .Bui'ldingsi Parks and Open Spaces ,Water Improvements, and Sewer Imp'~ove- ments,. In the :t;utu're as needs are identified, attempts wi 11 be made' to prioritize , addittona,lprojects as well as identify probable funding; The five-yeafprogram, I . whtchvii 11 'be updated annuaTl y, will ass'; st i n.aHocating Capi ta I Improvement Funds and enable' the City oTPbway to attain its goals in a re-asoriable period Of t-ime. .,- - - . > ... I '-,J' I: I., , \'i:: I' . 150 ' I CITY OFPOWAY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM'DETAIL Department: Activity: I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ACnVUY COMMENTARY 1 1217 CITY ,STREET SIGNS I To standardi ze the appearance of street si gns c,ity-wi de in several phases. I , Cost Estimate - $100,000 Funding Source - FY89,.90 Street Development Fund $ 20,000 FY 85-86 - $20,000 I FY 86-87 - $20,000 FY 87~88 - $20,000 FY88-89 - $20,000 1 FY 89-90 - $2n,000 1218 BICYCLE LANE - GARDEN ROAD , I' Th is proj ect ,provi des for the construCti on of a bi cycl e 1 ane a long Garden Road from Poway Road to Whitewater Drive. I 'Cos~ Estimate - $33,950 FY 85-86 - $26,450 I FY 86-87 - $ 7,500 " 1220 ,LAKE POWAY PARKING LOT RENOVATION I, This project provides for the renovation of take Poway parking lots including the I repair, seiling~ and restriping of all asphalt. Cost 'Estimate - $30;000 Fuil'd i ng' Sou rce - FY89.,9Q 1 Street Development Fund $30,000 FY 89-90 - $30,000 1221 EMERGENCY}ELEPHONE ON ROUTE 67 I:' This project wUlprovide for the installation of an ,emergency telephone on Route 67. 1 The improvements include a minimum 140' turnout and lighting. Cost Estimate ,- $15,000 Funding Source - FY 89-90 I: Street Development Fund $15,000 FY 89-90 - $15~000 I I I 151 1 CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I. Department: Activi ty:: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT STREETS AND HIGHWAYS 1 Project Total Total Project Description ' Estimatec Prior 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate EstimatE , Estimate Estimate " 1 1217 City Street Signs 100000 80000 2000C - ,. I I I 1218 Bi cycl e lane - Garden Road 33950 3395C , I I I 1220 Lake poway Parking Lot Renovation 30000 3000C 'I 'I '. ,I 1221 Emergency Te 1 ephone on Route 67 15000 15000 I , I I ,. :r AGTI V ITY TOTAL I , 152 I CITY OF POWAY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT STREETS AND HIGHWAYS' ACTIVITY ,tcM4ENTARY I 1222 POMERADO ROAD IMPROVEMENTS I This project provides for the construction of a 5' wide sidewa.1k, landscaping, I i rri gati on system, and street Ii ghti ng on ,Pomerado Road between Kaiti to Monte Vi'sta Road. Cost Estimate - $147,000 Funding Source - FY89.,90 I Street Development Fund $147;000 FY 89-90 - $147,000 I' 1223 LANDSCAPED MEDIAN - ESPOLA ROAD I This project provides for replacing the existing asphalt median with a 'landscaped and stamped concrete median on Espol'il. Roildat the westerly City 1 imits. I' Cost fstimate - $20,000 Funding Source - FY'B9-90 $20,000 Street Development Fund I: FY 89-90 - $20,000 I: I I I I .' I I .' 153 I, CITY OF" POWAY CAPITAL :IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL II: Department: Activity: , , CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT STREETS, AND HIGHWAYS 1 Total Total Project Project Description ,Es t,imatec, Prior 89~90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 Code Cost ADD roo. Aooroo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate 'I 1222 Pomerado Road Impr;ovements 147000 147000 'I . " I I I 1223 Landscaped Median - , , Espola Road 20000 20000 I 1 I, I , I . " I II I I ACTIVITY TOTAL $345950 $113950 $232000 1 154 I CITY .DFPOWAY, I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT TRAFFIC SIGNALS , ACTIVITY coMMENTARY I 1312 TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION I This project provides for the synchronization of poway Road trafftc signals. The first phase of, this project incl~udesa study which explores the feasibility, 1 alternatives, and costs of a synchronization system. Cost Estimate - $14,000 I FY 88-89 - $14,000 1 1313 HIGH ACCIDENT LOCATION ANALYSIS I This project will study intersection locations where there are a high number of .' accidents and will recommend solutions. Cost Estimate -'$16,000 Funding Source - FY ,89-90 1 Street Deve 1 opment Fund $16,000 FY 89-90 - $16,000 I' 1314 STONE CANYON FLASHER I:, Thi s proj ect provi des for i nsta 11 a ti on of two fl il:shi ng beacons on StonE! CariyonRoad. I The first will be located on the north side of Stone Canyon Road just west of Fallen Leaf Road, and the secorid will ~el()cated on the south side of Stone Canyon , Road approximately 600 feet west of Fallen Leaf Road. Cost Estimate - $20,000 I" FY 88-89 - $20,000 1 " . I ,1' I, 155 I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL 'IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL " I Department: Activity: - CAPITAL IMRROVEMENT TRAFfiC SIGNALS - I Total Total Project Project Descr.iption , ' Est'imated Prior 88-89 89-90 91-92 92-93 93-94 Code COst Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 1312 Traffic Sigrial , --'- 1.4000 14000 Synchronization 'I '. I I 1313 High Accident I Location,Analysil 1'6000 16000 , I I , I 1314 Stone Canyon Fl astier 20000 20000 I , I I " I I , ~ II ACTIVIty TOTAL $50000 $34000 $16000 I ' 156 I CITY OF POWAY I: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRqGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: " I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FLOOD CONTROL AND DRAINAGE ACTIViTY COMMENTARY .' 1409 AVENIDA FLORENCIA DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS . This project will reconstruct the eXist,ing box culvert to provide a four-bar.rel, 6' x 6' reinforced cOil rete box at Green Valley Creek on Avenida: 'Florencia, and I construct two 48" boxes on Avenida Florencia 550 feet south of Espola. . Cost Estimate - $171,000 Fundfng Source - FY~9-90 I Ora i nage Fund $171,000 FY 89-90 - $171,000 I I 1410 CAMINO DEL VALLE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Th is project wi 11 remov.e and rep 1 ace 550, feE!t of aspha It. concrete berm and gutter I' arrea that has been damaged by irrigatign runoff. Additionally, the exlsting storm drain sy'stem will be extended in this area. I Cost Estimate - $30,000 Funding Source -FY B9-90 Drainage Fund $30,000 FY 89-90 - $30,000 I I I I I I I I' I 157 , , , .. 'I' CITY OF POWA~ C~?ITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRA~' DETAIL Ii! Department: Acti vity: CAPITAL .IMPROVEMENT FLOOD CONTROL AND DRAINAGE' I;' Total Total proj ect Project Description Estimatec P.rior 89.-90. 90-91 91-92 :92,.93 93-94 Code Cost Aooroo. Appro'p. Estimate Estimate Es.t,imate . Estimate I' ,1409 i Aven.fda Florencia Draiila,ge, Illlprove- Ir .ments 171000 171000 1 I' I, 1410 Cam.ino del Vall e I; D rafnage Iinp rove- ments 30000 30000 I, , Ii I' I 1 , 1 I I ACTIVHYTOTAL $201000 $201000 I: 158 I CITY OF POWAY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS ACTIVITY COlt4ENTARY I 1513 JOINT USE FACILITY - PERFORMING ARTS CENTER I This project provides for the construction of the Poway Center for the Perfor::mingArts I at Poway High Schoo'lwith 800 seats. The facil ity wi 11 be used both forperforrriances as well as an educational center. This year's appropriati on will construct the landscape and irrigation system at the existing Center parking lot. Cost Estimate ~ $8,831,924 Fundibg Source - FY 89~90 I Muntci pal Improvement Fund $75,000 FY 86-87 - $4,50n,OOO I FY 88.,89 - $4,256,924 FY 89-90 - $ 75,000 I 1514 OPERATIONS CENTER IMPROVEMENTS I This project provides for the installation of landscaping and irrlgation improvements around the Operations Building, Vehicle Maintenance Building, and Material Storage I, Area. Cost Estimate - $290,000 Funding Sources - FY 89-90 il! Sewer Fund $95, ODD FY 87-88 - $ 8,000 Wa te rFund $94',000 FY 89-90 - $282,000 Dra inage Fund $93,000 I: I, ,I I I I I I 159 , . I' CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRI\1>i DETAIL ;1 Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT , GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS . Te,tal Total .Proj ec Project Descri pHon Estimated Prior ' 89-90' 90,~91 91-92 92-93 93-94 .. Code Cost Approp. Approp. Es tima te Estimate .Estimate i Estimate ,I, 1513 jOi nt:;Use Faci 1 i ty- Per-.formi'ng Arts ' ' I Center , 8831924 8756924 75000 1 1 , a I 1514 ,Operations Center Improvements 290000 8000 282000 , :. I, 'I" , ,I' I I, I I' ACTI,VITYiOTAL $9121924 $8764924 $357000 I", 160 I CITY OF ~OWAY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTP,ROGRAM DETAIL Department: 'Activity: 'I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT P.ARKS AND OPEN SPACE ACTIYITVcoi4MENTARY I 1607 ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND I This project will construct a three, acre neighborhood park and play (Irea to i ncl ude cl imbing structures and other play '~quipment, signs', irrigation and landscaping. I This project was completed in FY 1988-89. Cost Estimate - $30,000 I FY 85-86 - $30,000 I 1 1613 BLM TRAILS This is a four-phase project to construc~ trail~ in' accordance with an agreement signed I: by the City with the Bureau of Land'Management. Cost Estimate - $28,000 I FY 86-87 - $28,000 I: 1619 LAKE POWAY BOAT DOCK/FISHING FLOAT I: This project will constr;uct a54-s1 ip" 250 foot boat dock and relocate the ex:isting I: 54-sli~ dock to be used as a filhingfloat. , Cost Estimate - $162,063 I: FY 85-86 - $142,500 FY 87-88 - $ 19,563 :11: I: ,Ii , '~I! . 161 , - 'I CITY OF' POWAY . CAPUA~, IMPROVEMENT P~OGRAM DETAIL l Department: Activity:' , ' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE :1 TO,tal Total Project Project Description Ht.imatec Prior 89-90 90.,91 91-92 92~93 ' 93-94 Code , Cost Aooroo. Aooroil. ' Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate :1 Adventure Playground 3000( , 1607 30000 I . .-" , I . 'I 2800C 1613 BLM Trail s 28000 II '.,, 'JO , I :1 1619 Lake poway Boat I DocklFishing Float 162063 16206. , . I I \ II , )'1,: ACTtVITY TOTAL , I ' 162 I CITY OF POWAY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE Ccont'dY, ACTIVITY ClMCENTARY , I , 1624 COMMUNITY PARK RECREATION STORAGE AND OFFICE' MODIFICATION I This project will construct a 1024 squar,e"foot building addition to the existing audi- . torium building (It Poway COlll1lunity Park. It will be situated in the northeast exterior corner of the building. The addition will be used for storage of equipment and, suppl ies to support recreation programs and facil ity rentals. Items to be stored are chilJ'rs and tables, games, public address system, gymnastic equipment, and specfal event materials. . Design and construction to match existing building. . Cost Estimate - $122,500 '. FY 86-87 - $119~000 FY 87-88 - $ 3,500 " 1 1627 COMMUNITY PARK SOCCER FIELD I This project will construct a 60 yard x 120 yard soccer Held located at the poway .' COlll1lunity Park. The project wi 11 'i ncrude gradi ng, drainage, i rri ga ti on ,and turf. Cost Estimate - $337,000 FY 86-87 - $142.500 .' FY 88-89 - $194,500 .' 1628 COMMUNITY PARK ,BASKETBALL COURT .' Thi s project wi 11 construct a 50' X. ~O' hard surface concrete basketball court located at the poway COlll1lunity Park. The project will includegrad,ing, foundation, surfac.;ng, 1 backstops, fencing, and drainage. ' , Cost Estimate - $26,000 I, FY 86-87 - $26.000 I I 1 I: 163 -- ,Ii CITY OF POWAY , CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL -.. .' . ,.- I Department: Act i vity,:, PARKS AND OPEN ,SPACE Ccont'd,) , CAPITAL "IMPROVEMENT I Total Total I, Projec Project Description Estimated Prior 89:':90 90'-91 91-92 92'-93 93-94 Code Cost Aooroo. Anoreo. EStiniate Estimate . Estimate Estima'te , , I 1624 Conmunity Par:k I R'e<;reatfon Storage 12250C and Off-ice Mod. 122500 I :l I I 1627 COlll1luni ty Park , . .. - . - 337000 337000 Soccer Field I '. I I '1628 Corirriunity Park Basketba 11 Cou rt 26000 26000 I ..). ,. ~ /~ - I" i ,I ACTIVITY TOTAL I, , 164 I CITY OF POWAY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE (cont'dl ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I 1629 COMMUNITY SWIMMING POOL I Thi s project wi 11 construct a swinming pool at COlll1lunity Park. The project wi 11 include a wading pool, showers, lockers,adlllinistrative offices, parking, and I landscaping. This project was completed in FY 1988-89. Cost Estimate - $2,515,100 I FY 86-87 - $2,000,000 FY 87-88 - 400,000 (Interest earn.ings) I FY 88-89 - $ 115,000 1630 VALLE VEROE/ESPOLA ROAD PARK I This project provides for the acquisiti~ri and development of a neighborhood park. The ,park will include recreational facilities and a restroom. I Cost Estimate - $575,000 Funding Source ~ FY.89-90 Park Improvement Fund $75,000 I: FY 86-87 - $500,000 FY 89-90 - $ 75,000 1631 POWAY COMMUNITY PARK TENNIS COURT - PHASE II I! This project will construct a 60' x 120' lighted tennis court at poway COlll1lunity Park. I' . . ... - _....- - . The court will be located on the site adjacent to an existing tennis court. The project ".... ", will include grading, foundation, surfacing, fencing, electrical lighting, and landscaping. I: Cost Estimate - $65,000 FY 87-88 - $65,000 I - 1632 POWAY COMMUNITY PARK PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT I: This project provides for the purc~ase a,rid 'installation of playground equipment. to compl ete two playgrounds at poway COlll1lunityPark. I' Cost Estimate - $35,000 FY 87-88 - $35,000 I I: 165 I, , , I CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Acti vity: CAPITAl IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE fcorit'dl, I , To.tal Total 'Project Project Descript i on Es t ima tee Prior 89'-90 90'-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Es tima te Est,ima tE Estimate . Estimate I 1629 COlll1lunity Sw1l111l1ng Pool 2515100 251510C , ,I , 1 I I 1630 Va'l'1e Verde/Espola ParI( 575000 50000C 75000 I I '. 1631 COlll1l~nity Park Tennis Court - Phase II 65000 65000 I . . 'I 1632 COlll1lunity Park Playground Equip- , ment 35000 35000 I '. ACTIVITY TOTAL I 166 I CITY OFPOWAY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: ,Activity: I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE (cont'dl , , I ACTIY.ITYtaMMEHTARY 1633 COMMUNITY PARK 'WEST LANDSCAPING PROJECT . This project is designed to complete the landscaping in the northwest section of Poway COlll1lunity Park in the area around the' Adventure Playground. The project. includes I irrigation, turf, trees, sidewalks, tables, and barbeques. Area tooe landscaped is approximately two acres. Cost Estimate - $129,064 '. FY 87-88 - $80,000 . FY 88-89 - 49,,064 1634 LAKE POWAY PARK TOT LOT PLAYGROUND I This project will provide for the scheduled replacement of the tot lot playground .. climbing structure and swing set at Lake poway. Cost Estimate - $20,000 '. FY 1988-89 - $20,000 1635 LAKE POWAY FITNESS COURSE RENOVATION" I~ This project will provide for renovation of" the Lake poway Park fitness course. I Cost Estimate - $3,500 ,I: FY 1988-89 - $3,500 1636 COMMUNITY PARK LIGHTING IMPROVEMEN:fS I", Thi s project will provi de for outdoqr 1 i ght i ng improvements throughout the .hi ghuse I: areas of PowayColll1lunity Park i ncl udi ng the existing parki ng '1 ot.Work requi red includes engineering, utilityconnectio'ns, and installation of pO'les and fixtures. '. Cost Estimate ~ $55,000 FY 1988-89 - $55~000 I. I :1 167 IJ CITY OF:;POWAY CAPIJAL IM~ROVEMENJ PROGRAM 'DETAIL I Department:, " Acti,vity: CAPIJAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE Ccont'dl . Total Total . projJ!c froff~ct De~cription EstimiHed Prior, 89":90 90-'91 91-92 92-93 93-94 ,. Code Cost ADD rOD. ADDroD. i Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I '.1633 CQrnmunity ParkW~st Landscaping p~oject 129064 12906A I ). : ,I, . 1634 Lake Poway Park Tot Lot Playground 20000 20000 I '. , I 1635 4ake PoWay Fitness "I' Course Renovation 350'0 3500 I ~ . I , 1636 gorn.:nunity Park ~~I ' .Light i ng Improve- , ments 55000 55000 , , " 1-' \,' ~" . (, ".", , , - j: t' , 'II', , 'ACTIVITY TOTAL " ,I .1\. :::.... 168 I CITY OF POWAY ,. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM' DETAIL Department: Activity: ' I, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE (co'nt 'dl ACTIVITY COMMENTARY . 1637 SOFTBALL FIELDS FENCING IMPROVEMENTS 1 This project wHlprovide for the constr;ucti'on of 8' high chain link outfield I fencing for the COrrmunity Park and LakePoway Park softball fields. Cost Estimate - $18,300 FY 1988-89 - $18,300 . 1638 LAKE POWAY PAVILION ELECTRICAL IMpROVEMENTS 1 This project will provide for the design and insta.11ation of electrical improvt1ments I for the Lake poway Pavilion. Cost Estimate - $10,000 I FY 1988-89 - $10,000 I 1639 COMMUNITY PARK OFFICE MODIFICATION This project will provide for the installation of !=arpeting in the c'olll1lunHy (e,riter I: offi ceand wi ndows in three recreati on offices at Powa}' COlll1luni ty Park,. Cost Estimate - $5,500 I FY 1988-89 - $5,500 I; 1640 COMMUNITY PARK FITNESS 'COURSE ... This project will provide for the construction o.f a new fitness cour,se at Poway COlll1lunity Park. I Cost Estimate -$11,500 FY 1988-89 - $11,500 '. ' : .: I: I 169 I RE.PEVELOPMENTAG~NCY GAPIJAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Act,i vi ty: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE (cont'ill :. Total Total prQJect ~roject D~stripti~n Estim,ated Prior 89~90 90-91 91.-92 92-93 93-94 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estirnate Estimate I 1637 Softball Fie 1 ds Fencing Improve- ments 18300 1830C . I 1 1638 Lake poway Pavilion Electrical Im~rove- 1000C . ments 10000 , I I: 1639 COlll1lunity Park . Office Modification 5500 550C I , I . 1640 ColTi11unity Park Fitness Cour-se 1-1500 1150C I , 'I I " ACTIVITY TOTAL I 170 I CITY OF POWAY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OETAIL Department: Activity: I CAPIJAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE (cont'd\ ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I 1641 GOMMUNITY PARK AUDITORIUM IMPROVEMENTS ,I The project wiJ 1 provide for improvements. to the poway COlll1lunity Park auditorium to 1 include replacement of theauditoriumf:loor tiles and replacement of doors. Cost Estimate - $10,000 FY 1988-89 - $10,000 I 1642 COMMUN}TY PARK SAND 'VOLLEYBALL COURT I Thi s project will prov.ide for the construction of a sand volleyball court at I poway Cormiunity Park. Cost Estimate - $7,000 I. FY 1988-89 - $7,000 I' 1643 FUTURE FARMERS OF AMERICA FACILITY This project provides for the constructton of a stockyard to be utilized by student I: members in the Future Farmers of America orgilniiation. Cost Estimate - $32,600 I FY 1988-89 - $32,600 I 1644 BUS SHELTERS --I This project provides for the installation of tius 'shelters at various locations. Cost Estimate - $54,500 Fundtng Source - FY ~9-90 1 TDA. $9,500 FY 1988-89 - $45,000 I FY 1989-90 - 9,500 I I I. 171 I CITY OF POWAY' CAPITAL, IMPROVEMENT PR'OGRAM 'DETAIL ,I Department: ~ct i vjty,: CA'PITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS ANOOP"EN SPACE , IProjec Total Proj~ct Description Est'imate ' ,.90-91 92..93 93-94 Code, Gost Estimat Est.imate .Estimate ;! 11641 COlll1lunHy Park Auilitori um 'Im- ;1 prcivements 10000 . '. ,'1642 iConlmunity Pa~k Sand I' Y-',." . . 7000 Vo neyba 11 Court 700 I 1643 Future Farmers of America Faciiity 32600 3260 1 : 1644 Bus She.1ters 54500 45000 9500 , " " AGTIVITY TOTAL " , 172 1 CITY OF ROWA Y I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENr'llROGRAM DETAIL Department: Acti vity: I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ,PARKS AND OPEN SPACEr Cont.'dJ ACTIVITY COIt4ENTARY . I 1645 BtUE SKY RANCH I' This project provides for the City's contribut.ion toward the purchasE! of Blue sl<y I Ranch. Cost Estimate -$65,000 FY 1988-89 - $65,000 1 1646 COMMUNITY 'PARK SOGCER FIELD LIGHTING PROJECT I Thi's project will provide for the design anq installation of a ballfield lighting I system for the COlll1lunity Park soccer .field. The 1 ighting system will provide for Q'lare control. Cost Estimate - $77,000 Fundi ng Sou rce - FY'89-90 I 'State Grant $77,000 FY 1989-90 - $77,000 I: 1647 COMMUNITY PARK PRACTICE SOCCER FIELD I , This project wi'll provide for'the constr;uction of ,al practice soc,cer field at the southwest corner of COnlmunity Park. I Cost Estimate - $30,000 Funding Source - FY89,..90 State Grant $30,000 I FY1989-90 - $30,000 1648 COMMUNITY PARK TRASH. ENCLOSURE I This project ,wi n provide for the design and c.onstructionof a 10.' .X 50' trash enclosur~ , 'I at COnlmunity Park. Cost Estimate - $13,000 Funding Source - FY 89-90 I State Grant $13,000 FY 1989-90 - $13,000 .' r ,I I. 173 1 CITY OF POWAY OAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL . , . I Department: Acti vtty: CAPITAL IMP,ROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SP,ACE Cicont'dl I Total Total proj ect Proje~t Description Estimated Prior 89,.90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 , Code Cost Aooroo. Aooroo. Estimate Estimate Est,imate Estimate I 1645 Blue Sky Ranch 65000 6500C - I . I I 1646 COlll1lun,i ty 'Park II Soccer Field ., . 77000 77000 L tghting Project I , I , I ' 1647 COlll1lunity Park , Practice Soccer I Field 3000.0 30000 I I C9l111lun,ihRark 01648 I ' trash Enctosu re 13000 130DO , , I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I, " 174 I CITY OF POWAY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Depa rtment: Activity: 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE (cont'dl ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I 1649 LAKE POWAY CONCESSION I This project provides for the renovatio,n of the L~ke poway concession, including el ectri ca 1 system improvements and the'addition of a gri 11 and fryer. I, Cost Estimate - $148,500 Funding Source 7 FY89~90 Park Development Fund $90,000 . FY 1988-89 - $ 13,500 Concessionaire Contribution 45,000 FY 1989-90 - 135,000 1650 LAKE POWAY AMPHITHEATRE I Thi s project wi 11 provide for the design and constructi on of anamphi theatre around I the Lake Poway Pavilion. Cost Estimate - $75,000 Funding Source - FY 89-90 1 Park Development Fund $75,000 FY 1989-90 - $75,000 1651 LAKE POWAY DAM ACCESS I This project will provide for the design and construction of app~oximately 1,800 linear I feet of chain 1 tnk fence and a prefabricated bridge across Lake PowaY'Dam spi llway - for public access. Cost Estimate,- $79,000 " Funding Source - FY89-90 I, Park Development Fund $9,000 FY 1989-90, - $ 9,000 .' FY 1990-91 - 70,000 1652 IRON MOUNTAIN TRAIL I This project provides for the design easement acquis,iti<in and constr'uction of 10 'miles of wilderness trail in the Iron Moun~aiii area Mpoway. I Cost Estimate - $154,000 Fundi ng Source - FY 89.._90 State Grant $154,000 FY 89-90 - $154;000 I I, ,I' I 175 , CITY OF'POWp"Y I, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ~PROGRAM DETAIL -I,; , I; Department: Activity: PARKS AND. OPEN SPACE Icont'dl CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT I Total Total Proj ect Project Description EstHnate'Ci Prior 89-90 90~91 91-92 92~93 93-94 Code Gost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 1649 Lake Poway Concession 148500 1350C 13500C ,1' ., I 1650 Lake poway .' Amphitheatre 75000 7500C I I 1651 Lake poway Dam I, Access 79000 9000 70000 . . I 1652 Iron Mountai'n Trail 154000 154000 I , I I' $489:627 f4246627 $577500 $70000 ACTIVITY TOTAL I 176 I CITY OF POWAY '. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: ,I: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT iWATER IMPROVEMENTS ACTIVITY toM4MARY I 1702 NEIGHBORHOOD LOANS - WATER I To provide low interest loans to ci t i zens for wa ter-rel ated improvement projects for private property. I Cost Estimate - $50,000 FY 85-86 - $50,000 ,. I 1712 DONART RESERVOIR ANO TRANSMISSION LINES This project provides for the Engineering design phase for Donart Reservoir and trans- I . . -- . .. . - mission lines needed for additional storage and supply for Pomerado'Business Park. Cost Estimate - $320,000 I FY 87-88 - $320,000 Ii , 1713 PRESSURE REDUCING STATION (865 TO 715l AND TRANSMISSION MAIN :I: This project provides for additional flows to ,lI5 System from new line being constructed :. by Pomerado Business Park. Cost Estimate - $120,000 I FY 87-88 - $120,000 , '. 1714 OZONE TREATMENT PILOT PLANT STUDY I The project will evaluate the use o,t: ozone treatment as the primary disinfectant at the Water Treatment Plant as an element o'f the Clean Water Act. Cost Estimate - $212,150 I' , FY 88-89 - $212,150 ,I, 'I I 177 1 CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL, IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM' DETAIL I Department: Activity: CAPITAL IMRROVEMENT WATER IMPROVEMENTS 1 Total Total Proj ect Project Description Est.imatec Prior 89-90, 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 ' Code Cost Aooroo. Aooroo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 1702 Nei ghborhood Projects - Water 50000 50000 - I' 1 I 1712 Donart Reservoi r , I. and Transmi ssi'on Lines 320000 32000C 1 I I I 1713 Pressure Reducing Sta ti on & Trans~ 1 miss,ion Main 120000 12000C I I I 1714 Ozone Treatment Pi 1 ot Plant-Study 212150 212150 , I' I .AGTIVITY TOTAL $702150 $702150 ,I , ,r 178 I CITY OF POWAY 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: 'I ,CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I 1802 NEIGHBORHOOD LOANS - SEWER 1 To provide low interest loans to citizens for sewer-related improvements to private property. 1 Cost Estimate - $50,000 FY 85-86 - $50,000 1 , I 1803 DEL PONIENTE SEWER LINE To construct a sewer trunk line to replace 'the exisitng Del Poniente pump station. I Cost Estimate - $402,000 I FY 85-86 - $402,000 I 1805 POMERAOO EXTENSION TRUNK SEWER I' A joint project between the City of Po way. City of San Diego, Cannel MountaTn Raifch, Genstar, Sabre ~prings, Pardee which wUl provide increase in sewer capacity. Poway's I portion of the increase is from 7.4 MGD to 9.2 MGD. Cost Estimate - $1,847,535 I' FY 87-88 - $1,847,535 I , I', I I, :1: I 179 I CUY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Acttv ity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT SEWER,IMPROVEMENTS I Total Total Pl"oj e~' Project, Description Estimated Prior 89-'90 90-91 91-92 . 92-93 93-94 Code Cost' Aooroo. Aooroo. Estimate Estfmate Estimate Estimate I 1802 Neighborhood, Projects - Sewer 50000 5000C I I I 1803 Del Poniente I Sewer Li ne 402000 40200C I , I I 1805 Pomerado Extension Trunk Sewer 18,,7535 1847535 I , I I I' I ActIViTY TOTAL $2299535 $2299535 , , ..".......--..-,- . . .~-,-. -.. I 180 f1 PARKS AND RECREATION PLAN I I: "'"".~" v,,"". .1 I 0 I , ~ - '- -, 'I '-'1 ' ,I "- 'I I r---:--- 'I ~" ". .1 ,I;"','" ) 'M"-I ! I ---, \ I \ I \ , \ I 'I, \ \ " , '.z..,.; I " .....;c." ~ ',", ~~ I I \ - -r.- . ".h'"'"'''",., :1 LEGEND ,I 1 LAKE POW AYlREXRODE 6 pANORAMA HILLS PARIS WILDERNESS AREA 7 It ALLE VERDE PARK I, 2 PO WAY COMMUNITY 'PARK 8 OLD POWAY TOWN PARK 3 GARDEN ROAD PARK 9 ST.A:RRIDGE PARK 4 LOS ARBOLlTOS PARK 10 HILLEARY PARK "I 5 THE PONDS PARK to:: --:{PARK SERVICE AREAS FIGURE B I- CITY OF POWAY ,COMPREHENSIVE' PLAN I ,'.- . I I I I 'I 'I . , I I I I 'I . ,. '. , ,I I .. 'I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINANCU~.~ PRQ(iRAM: 198~-.l990 REVENUES BY FUNDS"AND SOURCES 'I , 182 I POWAY .REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I REVENUES By'FUNDS AND SOURCES 1988-19,89 1988-1989 1989-1990 1989-1990 I BUDGET. ESTIMATED PROPOSED IIP'PROVED CONSTRUCTION FUND- 1989 I SUBORDINATE, TAX ALLOCATION BOND - 34 7620 Bond Proceeds $ - $ - $12,658,720 $12,658,720 I Total $ - $ - $12,658,720 $12,658,720 LOW/MODERATE INCOME HOUSING I FUND - 35 AND 36 7310 Interest Income $ 22,500 $ 32,046 $ 48,390 $ 48,390 7341 Rental of Property - 1,146,557 1,830,560 1,.830,56.0 1 7620 Bond Proceeds - - - -. Total $ 22,500 $1,178,603 $ 1,878,950 $ 1,878,950 CONSTRUCTION FUND - 1986 I SUBORDINATED TAX. ALLOCATION BOND - 37 1 7310 Interest Income $ 300,000 $ 207,400 $ 313,170 $ 313,170 7620 Bond Proceeds - - - Total $ 300,000' $ 207,4DO $ 313,.1'70 $ 313,170 I CONSTRUCTION FUND- 1985 TAX ALLOCATION BOND- 38 I 7310 Interest Income $ $ $ $ 15,000 259 - - Total $ 15,000 $ 259 $ - $ - I COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADMINISTRAT~ON FUND .- 39 ~ 7310 Interest Income $ 112,500 $ 105,768 $ 112,500 $ 112,500 I 7341 Rental of Property 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 7401 Revenue - Other Agencies I' 7597 Developer Reimbursements - - - - 7660 Sa,le of Surplus Property 1,390,000 2,239,575 - - 7671 Other Refunds ':"'. - - - I 7675 sDCWA Reimbursements 34,000 33,153 Total $1,544,900 $2,386,896 $ 120,900 $ 120,900 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT I AGENCY DEBT' SERVICE 'FUND - 49 7010 Property 'Tax-Increment $2,751,000 $3,400.,000 $ 4,080,0,00 $ 4,080,000 I 7310 Interest Income 195,000 404,008 288,000 288,000 7620 Proceeds - Sale of Bonds - - - - rota.! $2,946,'000 $3,804,,008 $ 4,368,000 $ 4,368,000 I' REVENUE, GRAND TOT,AL $4,828,4.00 $7,5n,166 $19,339,740 $19',339,740 I I .1 I 1 1 I . I 1 'I .1 1 1 1 . :. <:1 I '. POWAY ,REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY'FI~CIAL ~R~R~: 198~~1990 STATEMENT OF FUND'BAI:ANCESAND RESERVES 'I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY .... ex:> ..,. STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES AND RESERVES Accu.m Funds Available 1989-1990 Proposed Expenditures Fund Fund Approp Fund Balance and as of Balance Revenues Bond Int. Capital Transfers Reserves 6/30/89 7.11/89 1989-1990 & Redemp. Adl1linistraJiol Projects int(Out) 6/30/90 COlIJnunity Redevelopment Agency Administration and Capital $ $13,141,180 $ $608,700 $17,022,720 $ 4,477,740 $ Projects I'und 0 0 0 (12,500) PO.i nsettia Mob"1 e Home Park 0 0 1,830,560 0 335,000 645,800 (849,760) 0 Debt Ser,vice Fund $1,108,353 0 4,368,000 2,540,200 0 0 (2,178,340) 757,813 TOTAL . $i.,108,353 ~ 0 $19,339,740 $2,540,200 $943,700 $17,668,520 $ 1,449,640 $ 745,313 - - - - ... - - - - - -, - - - - .. - - - ,I 185 ,I P.OWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMMUNiTY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - ADMiNisTRATION FUND AND CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND . 1987.,1988 1988-1989. 1988-1989 1989-1'990 1989-1990 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED . FUND ACTiVJTY DETAIL ,. BEGINNING B~LANCE July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Revenues 822,335 1,882,400 2,62,6,,601 13,141,180 13,141,180 I Prior Years Appropriation (291,939) 1,322,273 (636,071) - - TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 530,396 $ 3,204,673 $ 1,990,530 $13,141,180 $13,141.,180 1 EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses: Redevelopment $ 495,582 $ 417,820 $ 585,160 $ 596,200 $ 608,700 Capital Proje,cts: $ 2,32'4,400 $ 7,764,000 $8,687,770 $ 4,476,000 $ 4,476,000 I Streets'and Highways Traffi.c,Signal's 729,835 - - 425,000; 425,000 Flood Control and 1 Ora i nage 2,~23,200 - - 541,000 541,000 Government Buildings '795,500 1,533,000 1,533,000 1,850;000 1,850,000 Water Improvements 130,000 - - 1,902,000 1,902,000 I Park and Open Space 485,000 1, 054,660 878,556 77.8,~2Q 778,n9 Sewer Improvements 400,000 - - 800,900 800,000 Revitali za t ion proj ects 16,'600 250,000 250,000 6,250;000 6,250,000 .1 Subtotal $ 7,304,535 $10,601,660 $11,349,326 $17,022,720 $17 :022,720 . TOTAL EXPEND ITURES $ 7,800,117 $11,019,480 $11,934,486 $17,618,920 $17,618,920 I TRA~~FERShLOANS-IN (OUT) $5,157,916 Loans ,from Ctty $ 220,000 $ 4,263,480 $ 2,102,000 $ 2,102,000 Transfer to City - - (2,,616,924 ) (770,600) (770,600) Tr'ansf, Horn ~~cfqvt FUllds 6,413,650 3,602,689 3,155,839 - - I Transf. from' Debt Service , .throughc'i'ty - - 4,247,125 3,1'46,'340 3,146,340 :. TOTA~ TRANSFERS/LOANS $6,633,650 $ 7,866,169 $ 9,943,956 $ 4,477,740 $ 4,477,740 . TOTAL APPROPRIATED FUNDS, $ (636,071) $ 51,362 $ - $ - $ (12,500) ,I ENDING BALANCE I June 30 0 0 0 0 0 I 186 1 POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - DEBT SERVICE FUND 1 ' 1987-1988 1988-1989 1988-1989 19,89,.1"99"0 19,89-1990 I' ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL . BEGINNING BALANCE July 1 $ - $ - $ _$ _ $ ~ ' . Revenues 3,776,325 2,946,000 3,804,008 4,368,000 4;368',000 Prior Years . Appropriation 13,092,197 8,658,570 8,658,570 1,108,353 1,108,353 I TOTAL FUNDS AvAILABLE $16,868,522 $11,604,570 $12,462,578 $ 5,476,353 $ 5,.476,353 EXPENDITURES I Bond Interest and . Redemption $ 1,796,302 $ 1,777 ,050 $ 1,777,050 $,2,069',270 $ 2,069,270 ' Loan Interest-City - - - 470,930 470,930 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,796,302 $ 1,777,050 $ 1,777 ,050$ 2,540,200 $ 2,540,200 . TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) . Loan Payment to General Fund $ - $(1,605,211)' $(1,605,211)$ _ $ _ Transfer from General Debt Se rv ice - - - 968,000 968,000 '. i Transfer to Mun; Improv. - - [569,000) _ ' Transfer Escrow Funds to Capital Projects Fund (6,413,650) (3,602,689) (3,155,839) _ _. Transfer to Capital Projects Fund through City- . - (4,247,125) (3,146,340) (3,146,340)' 1 TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $(6,413,650) $(5,207,900) $(9,577,175)$(2,178,340) $(2;17,8.340) TOTAL APPROPRIATED FUNDS $8,658,570 $4,619,620 $ 1,108,353 $ 757,813 $ 757,813'.' ENDING BALANCE . ! June 30 0 0 0 0 0 I. ". , 1 I ,I, 187 'I POWAY REDEVELOPMEiir AGENCY POINSEttIA MOBILE HOME PARK .,,1 1987-1988 1988-1989 1988-1989 1989~.l990 1989-1990 ,I ,ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED PROROSED APPROVED FUND ACnVITY DETAIL . I BEGINNING BAlANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ - - $ - Pr10rYears Appropriation - - - - - Revenues - - 1,146,557 $1,830,560 1,830,560 . TOTAL FUNDS' AVAILABLE $ - $ - $1,146,557 $1,830,560 $1,830,560 , '. EXPEND ITURES Operating Expenses: :1 Redevelopment $' - $ - $ ~27,270 $ 335';000 $ 335,000 Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ 327,270 $ 335,000 $ 335,000 I Capital Projects: I Park Improvements $ - $ - $ - $ 645,800 $, 645,800 Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $ - $ 645,800 $ '645,800 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ - $ - $ 327,270 $ 980,800 $ 980,800 'I TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) From Low/Moderate . I'ncome $ - $ - $ 133,994 $ 30,410 $ 30,410 To Debt Service - - (953,281) (880,170) (.880,-170) ,. TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ - $ - $ (819,287) $ (849,760) $ (849,760} . TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ - $ - $ , ~ $ - $ - 'l I. ~ :ENDING :BALANCbJune '30' 0 0 0 0 0 ,. , I' "~I , I :1 I I . 'I :,. I I I . . ,I . . "I .,' ~I ,1 .PoWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY' ~I~CIAL P~~~; 19~9-~990 BOND INTEREST AND REDEMPtION ",I 'I 191 'I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOND INTEREST AND REDEMPTION . I 1988-1989 1988-1989 1989-1990 1989-1990 BUDGET ESTIMA1ED PROPOSED APPROVED 1985, Tax Allocation Bond $ 437,710 $ 437,710 $ 438,710 $ 43~, 710 I Processi ng fee 3,200 3,344 3,500 3,500 . 1986 Subordinated Tax . Allocation Bond 1,329,940 1,329,940 1,620,560 1,.620,560 Process lng' Fee 6,200 6,224 6,500 6,500 I $1,777,050 $1,777,218 $2,069,270 $2,,069',270 1 . . ,I . I ,. ,I . . "I . ,', 'I " I" . ' --," I "' I I , ' \ , 'I I I I I I I . I I I I I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY .fI~CIAL PROGRAM:, 1989-1990 ADMINISTRATIVE' OPERATING BUDGET ',I " >-' '" "'" POW A Y REDEVELOPME,NT AGENCY CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION 010 REDEVEL9PMENT 5005 AGENCY CrN CITY CIJYCLERK ATTORNEY MANAGER TREASURER Ot2 01.3 011 ADMINISTRATIVE COMMPNITY PLANNING PUBLIC SAFE;rY SERVICES SERVI,CES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES 100 200 300 40'0 500 .5;005 ~GENCY ADMINISTRATION. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ~ ~..- :1: 195 . .. CITY OFPOWAY . ...' DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW ::. Dept. COdE ,Department: Fund Distribution: . Roway Conrnuni ty Redev,eToRmentAgency 5005 Redeve}opmentAaencv Admi ni strative fund: $608,700 I EXPENSE 1987C:1988 1988-1989 1988'-1989 1989-1990 1989-:1990 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED '. Total Posittons - 1 1 1 1 . I Personnel Expense 53,882 46,230 41,,748 47,(60 47,760 I Operat'ions 469,557 368,880 539,,732 542,990 555,~90 al)d Maintenance Capital Outlay 4,915 3,700 3,680 5,450 5,450 . "I TOTAL BUDGET $528,354 $418,810 $585,160 $596,200 $608,700 - . OVERVIEW COMMENTARY Established on April 26, 1983., t~e poway RedeveloprrienJ ,Mf!ncy was formally adopted by City Coun,cil Ord.ihance N~.96! Af~er an extensive revi.ew and survey' of the; I project area by the Red,eve1;opment Project Area Advisory Conrni ttee and lhe,C.1.ty Council, the Paguay Redevelopment Project was adopted in December' of 1983. The Agency functions under the authority granted by Secti'On 33000 et. seq. of the . ,I Canfornia Health .and Safety Code. The RedeveJ.opment Agency';s primary purpose is to prepare .and execute prans deslgne,d . t.o addre~s .blighting conditi.ons within the Citywhere,'blightand/or a tn/eat to 'the health,safety and weLfare of the conrnunity occurs. T~i s year' ~ bUdget b~gins the seventh full year 'of act.iv,ity of a multiyear pr;ogram designed to imRl.ement the pro- vistons of the paguay Redevel()p_meh:t Plan. The admj,nistrative operating expense costs I advah'cedto ~.heA9~n.cy by th,\! City of poway for sti'lff 'services and' other :operating expend,itur;esw'tllb.e reimbursed to the City out of future i ncrement'monies. I , . "1 .'1' 196 I I CITY OF :POWAY DEPARTMENTAl. ACTlvtrv DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity . Code: Powav Redevelopment Aaencv .AaencvAdmini strati on ;5005 . ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION . I Wi th i n th,i s acti vity are moni es budgeted t() pr;ovi de for the overa i 1 management and administration of the Poway Redevelopment Agency. The activity is' flinde~ out, of the Redeve lopment Agency' sspeci al Admi ~;stl'atJ,ye Fun'd, as aut~ori zed pursuant tCl'Sect ion I 33613 of the Hea I th and Safety Code of the State o.f Ca I iforni a and is 'established to .. . -. .. - . ., meet the operational expenses of the Agency. The purpose of'the adminjstrative activity is to ensure that a. program ()f sound f.isca'l I management is provided to the AgE!ncy. c()n?istent .with accepted practices and procedures, requi red by the Conrnunity Redevelopment Law. Personnel serNices, which include manag'ellient siJpport, are pr,ovided to the Agency by I the staff of t,~e Cj.tyand by a cODsUl tant" These personnel 'services" toge'ther with the expenses requtrE!d to disseminate r;ede'{elopment informati.on and the various 'other I expenses requisite to the Agency's operat.ions, are loaned to the Agenty from 'the City's General Fund and wHl be repaid to the City from future Agency funds. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 560 - Increase,.in utilization of Citystaft: for +$170,450 I Redevelopment Agency activit yes. The'se persopnel services are loaned to the Agency. from' the City's Genera'l Fund. I I, I I I I I; . I I. 197 'I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTiVITY DETAIL :1 Department: Acti vity: Activity powav Redevelopment Agency Aaencv Aami ni strcatton. Code: 5005 'I Obj. 1987-88 1988~89 1988-89 1989,.90 '1989-90 Code Expense Class.ifica.ti on Actual Budaet Estimated Proposed :Approved Personne.l Expense I Agency Members i5}, 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 Redev'. Project Coord. 3,697 - - - - 241.6 Management Analyst 38,633 31,180 29,627 32,640 32,640 ,I HO Salaries - Regul.r 38,633 31,180 29,627 32-,640 32,640 111 Salaries -Special 10,897 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,2"00 120 Fri nge Benefits 4,352 7,850 4,921 7,920 7,920 I -I Tota I Personnel 53,882 46,230 . 41,748 '47,760 47,760 I operations and Maintenance 141 Legal Fees 97,304 50',000 50,000 50,DOO 50,000 144 Audit Services 8,199 9,900 9,900 10,500 10,500 I 148 Special Studies 57,073 50,000 65,994 50,000 62,50,0 199 Other Professional Fees - 17,000 16,910 17,000 17,000 215 Telephone - 1,680 1,672 600 600 1 260 Reimbursed Mileage 309 1,000 691 1,080 1,080 270 TraVel and Meetings 2,686 4,290 4,172 4,600 4,6,00 280 Advertising 2,554 2,500 2,486 2,?OO 2,500 282 postage 187 2,000 500 2,000 2,000 I 311 Printing 2,952 5,500 4,889 5',500 5,500 314 Community Relations 1,231 1,000 1,002 1, 000 1,000 315 Publication~and Dues 1,983' 2,140 2,405 2,2.20 2,220 I 326 Telecommunication Contracts - 3,490 1,425 1,430. 1,430 334 R&M Equipment - 300 444 1,440 1,440 411 Offi.ce & Stationery Supplies 1,794 1,200 1,172 1,200 1,200 . 413 Photographic/Copy Supplies 329 300 370 1,709 1,700 525 Tax Increment-Other Agency 34,607 37,030 37,030 , 39,6.20 39,"620 555 :Cap ita.l Outlay H.enta~' - - - 600 600 560 Administration (Staff Time) 258,349 179,550 338,670 350,000 350,000 . Total 'Opera ti ons &,JMaint. 469,557 368,880 539,732 542',990 555,490 I Capital Outl ay' 611 Office' Equi pment 4,915 3,700 3,680 5',450 5,450 I 1 I' Total Cap,ital Outlav 4,915 3,700 3,680 5,450 5,450 , ActiVity Iota:l , $528,354 $418,810 $585,,160 . $596,200 $608,700 l I :1 I 1 I I I I I Ii 'I: I 1.1 I I Ii I II . I 1.1 . I I, II' I " '11" POWAYREDEVELOPM~NT AGEN~Y:: 1989-J990 ,,- I i .1 :"11"" CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM .. .' . , 200 I POWAY REDEVELOPM~NT AGENCY I CAPITAL IM~ROVEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW , '. REVENUE AND. EXPEND ITURE ANAL YS I S POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS FISCAl:. YEAR 1989-1990 . FUNDING SOURCES '. Redevelopment Fund I Loan from Water Fund $ 1,902,000 Loan from Street. Development Fund 200,000 I Redevelopment Agency Bond Issue Proceeds 12,519,720 Low and Moderate' Set Aside 2,500,000 TOTAL $17,121,720 I I' I FUNDING APPLICATION . Street and Highways $ 4,476,000 Traffic Signals 425,000 I Flood Control & Drainage 541,000 Government Buildings 1,850,000 park and Open Space 877,720 I Water Improvements 1,902,000 Sewer Improvements 800,000 Revitalization Projects 6,250,000 I TOTAL $17,121,720 I .' I, 'I. I 201 , ' .'-- ..' , , ..'.. . 'POWAY, REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAP!TAL IMPROVEMENT PRQGRAM OV~~~JEW I Department:. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ,'" Total Tota I , "Estimated Activity Classification Total Prior 1989-1990 Combined Renuirements Appropriations Estimate Expenditures :1 $20,070,228 Streets & Highways $11,659,228 $ 4,476,000 $16,1'35,228 1,379,455 Traffic Signals 954,455 425,000 1,379,455 ,I 4,137,420 Flood Control & .Drainage 3,596,420 541,000 4,137,420 I 4,663,000 Government Buildings 2,813,000 1,850,000 4,663,000 " 3,437,380 pa rksand Open Space. 2,359,660 877 ,720 3,237,380 I 2,161,750 Water Improvements 259,750 1,902,000 2,161,7.50 . 1,906,708 Sewer Improvemefits 1,106,708 800,000 1,906,708 "~I 8,720,748 Revitalization Projects 2,470,748 6,250,000 8,720,748 I $46,476,689 TOTAL BUDGET $25,219,969 $17 121,720 $42,341,689 I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The poway Redevelopment Ag~ncyl's Capital Improveme~t Program represents an effort to I. all oc~~e t,hepotent i a l,.financia I resour~es of, th~ Age.ncy in a manner whi Ch';/ill beneflt th~ PaguayProJect Area. Contalned wlthln the ,Agency's work program are proJects designed to eradicate blighting conditions outltned in the Paguay I Redevelopment PI an. , The projects described in this budget fall into the following eight major categories: streets and Highways, Traffic Signals', Flood Contro,l and Dratnage, I Gove,.r.nrne,nt Bu i ldi,ngs, Parks and Open Space, Wat~.rlmprovements, Sewer Improvements, and ReviJaHzation. Projects. The pages that follow cover the RedE!velopment Agency's fi ye"yearcap,1.talimprovement program whi ch wi 11 ,be updated annua ny. I The projects contained in. the five~year Cap,ita I ImRrovement Program are proposed to be f~Tlded through loans from the City, federal ,fundS from the Corrrnunity Revelopment I' BJockGrant Program or any other federal 'program, state-funded programs, and the Redevelopment Agency bonds. Funds advaTlced to the RedeveTopment Agency Capital Improvement Program will be I reimbursed tottle City of' poway from future tax increment monies. I I 202 I >,.. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Acti vity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS, AND HIGHWAYS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I 5201 TWIN PEAKS IMPROVEMENTS - MIDLAND.' TO RANCHO ARBOLITOS I Thi s proj ect provi ded for the des ign .and construct; on of four tril,ffi c lanes, s i dewa 1 k, curbs, equestrian and hiki ng trail;, fencing, landscapi ng, and n91 se,attenuati on, wall for I the final right-of-way along the south side, of Twin Peaks Road from the Rancho ArboTitos subdivision to Midland Road. The project wa~ completed in FY 1988-89. Cost Estimate - $1,237,500 I FY 84-85 - $ 24,93,9 I FY 85'-86 - $ 181;500 FY 86-87 - $1,031,061 5207 TWIN PEAKS ROAD .~ MIDLAND TO ESPOLA I" ~. This project provides for the widening to the ultimate right-of-'1ay of Twin Peaks Road between Midland Road aTld Espola Road, Design was compl'eted in FY 1987-88 with construction to follow. This project was completed in FY 1988-89. Cost Estimate - $575,800 FY 87-88 - $500,000 FY 88-89 - 75,800 I 5216 MARK STEVENS ROAD MODIFICATIONS This project provides for the constructjon ofa road connecting Mark Stevens Road and Ipava Drive, eliminating the current access to Poway Road. . Cost Estimate - $95,000 FY 86~8~ - $35\000 FY 87-88 - $60,000 I I' " , I: 203, ,', I REDEVELOPMENTAGENGY CARITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRA~,DETAIL :1' . Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS ,AND HIGHWAYS '. Tota 1 Total P,roj'ec+ 'Project Description EsHmated ,Prior 89-90 90-.91 91-92 92-93 93-94 Code ..Cost Aoprop. ApproD. Estimate Estirnate Estimate Estimate I' 5201 Twtn Peaks .I,mprove- ments - Midland to Rapcho Arbolitos 1237500 123750C I " I .' , 'I, . I 5207 Twin Peaks Road - Midland to Espola 575800 57580C ',I I I " I . , " I 52J~ Mark S~evens Road Modifications 95000 95000 , I I " -, ACTIVITY TOTAL , I ," ' 0 204 I REDEVELOPMENT' AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL . Department: Activity: 'I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS fcont' d) ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I 5226 COMMUNITY ROAD WALL AND LANDSCAPING I This project consists of replacing the existing wan along Conrnunfty Road. It .also '. . . includes the installation of LPS street lights in place of the existing HRS and bus :stop benches. This project was completed in FY 1988-89. Cost Estimate - $322,000 I FY 86-87 - $ 12,000 FY 87-88 - $310,000 I I 5231 TWIN PEAKS LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION This project provides for landscaping and irrigation along Twin Peaks Road from Midland I Road to Rancho Arbolitos. Cost Estimate - $174,000 I' FY 87-88 - $174,000 'I I 5232 TWIN PEAKS RECONSTRUCTION AT NORTH CITY PARKWAY This project provides for the reimbursement to Twin Peaks Plaza developer for the recon- I struction of 'the north side of Twin Peaks Road at North City Parkway. Cost Estimate - $106,500 I FY 87-88 - $106,500 I. I I .' ,I 205 , . : 'I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ~- "_.. ' . ,'< ..".,~ ., CApITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: ~ Act i v.i ty: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS (cont'dl .' Tota,l Tota.l Projec Proj ect Descri ption Estimated Prior .. 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 Code. Cost Aoprop. Approp. .Estimate Estimate Estirnate Est,imate I 5226 Conrnunity Road Wall and Laridscaping 322000 32200C 'i ~ I ,. .,1 I 5231 Twin Peaks Land- scaping and I rri gat,ion 174000 174000 ,I' I, , I I 5232 Twin Peaks .Recon- struction .at North ." Cft,y Parkway 106500 106500 . . ,-. J I, , I I: ACTIVITY TOTAL I - . . ~. 206 I REDE~ELO~MENT ~GENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: 'I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ,STREETS ANO HIGHWAYS (cont 'de) I ACTlVITYCtlMMENTARY . I 5233 NORTH CITY, PARKWAY - POMERADO TO WEST CITY LIMITS Thi s project provides for the conceptual design of North City P!lrkway(Roui:,e, 56) in .II FY 1987-88. The design and acquisition o.f right~of-w,ay is scheduled in 1988-89 and construction in 1989-90. Cost Estimate - $330,000 I FY 87 -88 - $30.,000 /1 FY 88~89 - $300,000 ,I 5234 STATE HWY 56/SYCAMORE CANYON ROAD This project provides for the design and cgnstruction of State Highway 56 from, Poway ,I Road to Twin Peaks and Sycamore Canyon RoaCl .from south City I imits to Poway Road. . - - - - - - ., Conceptua 1 des ign shall occur in FY .1988-89 wi th fi na I plans, specifi capons, I engineering, and right-of-way acquisition in 1989-90, and construction to follow. Cost Estimate - $304,900 II FY 87-88 - $ 60,000 Fundi.ng Source - FY 89-90 FY 88-89 - 94,900 RDA Bond Proceedl $150,000 I FY 89-90 - 150,000 I 5235 AUBREY STREET IMPROVEMENTS FROM COMMUNITY TO. MIDLAND This project provides for the widening o.fAubrey from Community Road to MidJand to a l ' . 40' width with concrete curb and gutte~s andsidewal,ks. Incl uded will be the installat,ion of a water' 1 ine, grading, uttlity and driveway modification and relocation. I Additionally, decorative street I ights, hydrants and flxtures are included to complement the Old poway theme. Cost E5ttmate - $414,000 I FY 87-88 - '$344,000 FY 88-89 - 70,000 I 'I <7 il 207 ,I REDEVELOPMENT' AGENC7f, CAPIJAL, IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 'DErAIL ,I Department: Activity: STREETS. AND HIGHWAYS (coTlt'dl REDEVEtOP,MENT AGENCY 'I Total Total proj ect Project Description EsHmatec Prior 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-.93 93-94 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5233 North City Parkway 330000 330000 I I 'I 'I - . 5234 State Hwy,56/Syca- ,I 'more Canyon Road 304900 154900 150000 ,I . I \,1 , I , 5235" Aubrey St[ee! Im- ~I .. pr,ovemE!nts! from Conrnunity to Mfdland 414000 414000 I 1 \ I " ., ACTIVITY TOTAL I 'I 208 I REDEVELQ~MgNT ,AGgNCY ,I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: , Activity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS Ccont'd.) I ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 5238 SOUTH POWA'f' PARKWAY 'I This project provides for design and construction of the horizontal and vertical al ignment "~I - of the roadway South poway Parkway (AUer:nate 8) from Pomerado BusiiiessPark to a poi nt . . ... - -, -~--~- 1.2 mil es west of the Ci ty limits. This is a cooperative. effort w,i,th the ~ity of San Diego and various developers to design and build a link from. Mercy. Road interchange ,I to the South Poway Arterial. Construction is anticipated: to start in j:y, 1989~90. Cost Estimate - $8,800,000 Funding Sou rce - FY 89-90. RDA Bond Proceeds $1,800,000 I FY 87-88 - $ 40,000 " FY 88-89 - 6,960,000 FY 89-90 - 1,800,000 ,I . , 5239 HIGH VALLEY/ESPOLAlDEL PONIENTE REALIGNMENT ',I This project provides for the realignment of the. High Valley/Espo.la/Del Poniente ,I . , . - . intersection. Land acquisition, design, construction, and installation of a traffic signal are included in this project. Cost Estimate - $715,200 II FY 87-88 - $255,200 I FY 90-91 - $460,000 5240 POWAY GRADE IMPROVEMENTS I This project provides for the design and construction of improvements'to poway Grade. rl Design will be undertaken in FY 1988-89 and construction in 1989-90. Cost Estimate - $270,000 Funding Source - FY ~9-90 :1 Loan, from Street Deyelopment FY88-89 - $ 70,000 Fund of Prop A Funds $200,000 FY 89-90 - 200,000 ,~ 'I I . I I 'I . '. 209 ,I ' , REDEVELOPMENT AGENGY . " CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL ,'. '- - "-- .. - ~ I . Department: Activ.,i,ty: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HI.GHWAYS (cont'd..) I Total Total proj ect Proj~tt Description Estimated Prior 89-90. 90-91 91-92 92-93 93'-94 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate . Estimate ,I 5238 South Poway Parkway 880000C 7000000 180booc I . I I , I I 5239 High ValleylEspola/ , . - '~'. .71520C ,I Del Poniente Rea.lign 255200 460000 ,I I, , ~I , 5240 I?()way Grade I Improvements 270000 70000 200000 ,I . , i.' I' . I ' .' - , . , ACTIVU,Y TOTAL I~ . . 210 I REDEVELOPMENT .AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: 'I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS (cont'd~) ACTIVlf.YccM4ENTARY I 5241 MIDLAND ROAD LANDSCAPED MEDIANS '. Thi s project wi 11 construct approximate.ly 580 feet of landscaped med,ians and two bus I she 1 ters on Mid.land Road just north of PowayRoad. Cost Estimate - .$72,000 I FY 88-89 - $72,000 , '.' " 5242 GARDEN ROAD ULTIMATE WIDTH IMPROVEMENTS This project provides for the design of Garden Road at its ultimate w.idth 'from :,1 poway Road to Sycamore Canyon Road. P.rovides i dentifi cati on of ri ght-or:'way needed, and acquisition will follow. Co~t Estimate - $35,630 ;1 FY 88-89 - $35,630 ,I 5243 BUDWIN LANE PARKING LOT IJ This project provides for the design and construction of a parking lot to tie shared by I publ ic, Poway Unified School District, .and fhe'CHy o,f Poway. The project is located at Twi n Peaks Road and Budwin Lane on property owned bySDG&E,' Cost Estimate - $208,000 I FY 88-89 $208,000 il 5244 HANDICAPPED RAMPS AT SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS This project will install handicap ramps at all s'ignalized intersections in the City. ,I Cost Estimate - $34,000 'I FY 88-89 - $34,000 I l I 211 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAP.lTA~ I~PROVEMENT PROGRAM DET~IL I Department: , Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREET AND .HIGHWAYS (cont' d.) I , rotal i Total Projec,t Project Description Eslimateq Prior 89-90 90",91 91-92 92-93. 93-94 Code Cost . Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate '. 5241 Midland Road Landscap~~'Medians 72000 72000 I ,I I 5242 Garden Road Ultimate Wi dthImproVements ,3563C 3563C ,- 'I, I 5243 Budwin Lane Parking :1 lot 208000 208000 I I - :5244 Hahd1.capp~d Ramps I: a,t S ignil) iied , Intersecti,ons 34000 34000 . I I I , ACTIVITY TOTAL I . 212 I REDEVELOPM.;,NT,AgNCY I CAPITAL IM.PROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: 'I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREHS AND HIGHWAYS (contld'.) ACTIVITY COMMENTARY .' 5245 SIDEWAliKS - DERRINGER, FIDDLETOWN AND DURHULLEN '. As proposed by the Redevelopment AdvisoryConrnittee, this project includes the I ' ...... ,,' ',- constrLictionof 5-ft. wide sidewalks along the north side of Ffddletown Road, the west side of Derringer Road, and the north side of Durhullen Road. Cost Estimate - $97,000 I FY 87-88 - $97,000 '. 5246 TEMPLE WAY IMPROVEMENTS ,I As proposed by the Redevelopment Advisory Committee, this project proyides for the paving of Temple Way, installation of.a permaneTlt water system, fire hydrant and ~" installation of a sewer system. Cost Estimate - $276,000 FY 87-88 - $276,000 I 5247 SIDEWALK - ESPOLA ROAD 'I' This project provides for .the construction Clf a safe pedestrian access from I Summerfield Estates to the Valle Verde park. Cost Estimate - $34,800 t FY 88-89 - $34,800 " 5248 POWAY ROAD/ADAH LANE SOUND ATTENUATlONWALL ~ This project provides for the construction of an 8"high wall, 750' long, on the I south side of the storm drain channel. Cost Estimate - $145,000 I FY 88-89 - $145,000 . I I, 213 . , I" REDEVELOPMENT AGEN0Y . , CAPIJALIMPROVEMENT PROGR~M DETAIL II Department: Acti vi ty,: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS (cont"d.) I Total Total Project Project Description Estimated Prior 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 930-93 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Est~mate Estimate Est ima te Estimate I 5245 Sidewalks-Derringer, Fiddleto\iin and 9700C I' Durhull en 97000 ',1 I I 5246 Temple Way Improvements 276000 276QOC I Ii ,I' 5247 Sidewalk - Espola I, Road 34800 34800 I I I ,5248 poway RoadlAdah Lane, , Sound Attenua tion" 'Wall 145000 145000 I . I ACTIVITY TOTAL I 214 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL . '. Department: Act.i vity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS Ccont'dl ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I 5249 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES - ESPOLA:& AUBREY I This project provides for the undergrounding of utility lines on Espola,and Aubrey I Roads in a jOint project with SDG&E~ Cost Estimate - $15,000 I FY 88-89 - $15,000 5250 MIDLAND ROAD STREET LIGHTS I As proposed by the. Redevelopment Advisory Committee, this project provides .for the ,J installation of street lights on Midland Road belween Hilleary and Temp'le 'Way. Cost Estimate - $2,000 :1 FY 88-89 - $2,000 I 5251 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES - POMERADO ROAD 'I Thi s project provides for the undergroundingof pri vate util i ty servi.ces a,longPomerado Road in conjunction with the undergrounding of utilities withfn the right of 'way. ' . il Cost Estimate - $4,898 FY 88-89 - $4,898 II 5252 POWAY ROAD IMPROVEMENTS - WEST END I This project p'roviaes for the construction of road improvements along Poway Road I between the west City 1 imits and Oak, Kno1'1 Road. The improvements incl ude a stamped . . ,. ... '. -, '~".. -~..... concrete landscaped med i an, 1700 feed of cbilcrete block soundwa 11., landscapi ng an'd irrigation, curb, gutter and sidewalks, and a 6-phase traffic signal. Cost Estimate - $740,000 Funding 'Source - FY 89-90 I ^ RDA Bond P,roceeds $740,000 FY 89-90 - $740,000 I I :" 215 , , '1 ~ . ~~DEYELOPMENT AGE~~Y' CAPIfAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. DE1AIL "I Department: Activiity: REDEVELoPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS (cont'dl , " Total Total ,. Project Project Description Estimatec Prior 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 Code Cost AppreD. ApDrop. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5249 Under9round .Util- ities - Espola and. i5000 I Aubrey 15000 ,I I - 5250 Mi d'l and Road Street I Lights 200C 2000 I , .,1 , I 5251 Undergrou~d Utili- 4898 4898 ties-Pomerado Road . ; . I I 5252 Poway Road Improve- , ments- West End 740000 740000 , I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I 216 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Depa rtment: Activity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS (cont",d) - ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I 5253 CARRIAGE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS .' This project wil'l provide for the removal ofexisting striping,and provide for two I 6' bicycle lanes and reconstruction of a portion of the roadway. Cost Estimate - $85,000 Funding Source - FY' 89-90 I RDA Bond Proceeds $85,000 FY 89-90 - $85,000 5254 CARRIAGE ROAD BICYCLE LANE I This project will provide a striped bicycle lane access on Carriage Road south of I P.oway Road, to the Community Park at the pedestrian bridge. Cost Estimate - $5,000 Funding Source - FY 89-90 I RDA Bond Proceeds $5,000 FY 89-90 - $5,000 '. 5255 ESPOLA ROAD MEDIANS I' This project provides for the construction ,of a stamped concrete and ljindscaped median on Espola Road from Titan Way to Lake Poway.Road. I Cost Estimate - $222,000 Funding Source - FY 89-90 RDA Bond Proceeds $222,000 FY 89-90 - $222,000 I 5256 ESPOLA ROAD ULTIMATE WIDTH IMPROVEMENTS I This project provides for al al ignmenl study for the ultimate width of EspolaRoad il from TWin Peaks Road to Titan Way, including an EIR. Cost. Estimate - $100,000 Funding Source = FY ~9-90 RDA Bond Proceeds $100,000 I FY ~9-90 - $100,000 I I , I 217 , I REDEVELOPMENT AGENGY' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I ' Department: , Acti vHy.: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS Icont'dl I Total. Total Projec Project Description Eshmatec Prior 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 CoCle Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate '. - 5253 Carriage Road Improvements 8500C 85000 I ,I I I 52!?4 Carriage Road 500( ,B icyc I e Lane 5000 , , I 5255 E~pol~ Road Medians 222000 222000 I ,..' . , I 5256 ESRola Road Ultimate 100000 Wi~th Improvements 100000 I. I I ACTIVITY TOTAL , , I- 218 I REDEVELOp'ME~T A~ENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Act,ivity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS .(,cont'd) ACTIVITY COM4ENTARY I , . , 5257 ESPOLA ROAD WIDENING I This project provides for the widening of Espola' Road from Twin Peaks Road tb 1400' north I of Twi n Peaks and i ncl udes curb, gutter, s idewa.l k, fi re hydrants, street I i ghts, , and a 54-inch storm drain on the east side of Espola Road. '. Cost Estimate - $400,000 Funding Source - FY 89-90 I RDABond Proceeds $400,000 FY 89-90 - $400,000 I I 5258 TWIN PEAKS/POMERADOTURN LANE I This project provides for a right turn lane on westbound Twin Peaks Road to northbound Pomerado Road. I Cost Estimate - $45,000 Funding Source - FY 89-90 RDA Bond Proceeds $45,000 I FY 89-90 - $45,000 I 5259 ,COMMUNITY ROAD WIDENING I This project provides for the widening of Community Road between' Aubrey .Street and I: Twin Peaks ,Road. It also includes c:urb., gutter., si'dewalk, fire hydrants, 54-inch storm dra'in, and relocation of a traffic signal. I Cost Estimate - $450,000 Funding Source - FY 89-90 . RDA Bond Proceeds $450,000 FY 89-90 - $450,000 I I' , I I I' 219 ,I R~DgVELOPMENT AG~~QX, ,eAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMDET AI L I ' Department: Act,ivity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STREET AND HIGHWAYS (cont'd I Total Total Projed Proje~t Description Estimated Prior 89~90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 Code ,eost Approp. Approp. . Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5257 Espola Road Widening 40000C 400000 I ,I I - I , ,I 5258 TW.in PeakslPomerado T~ rn Lane 45000 45000 I I I :, . 5259 COrrmun.ity'Road 'I Widening 450000 450000 , :. :1 ;1 "" ACTIVITY TOTAL I. 220 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ,STREETS AND HIGHWAYS (cont,'d.). ' ACTIVITYCOltCENTARY I 5260 ESPOLA ROAD ACCELERATION LANE I This ,project will construct a raised median with stamped concrete. aTld landscaping I which will act as an acceleration lane for traffic turning westbound onto Espola Road from Summerfield. Cost Estimate - $29,900 Funding Source - FY B9-90 $29,000 I RDA Bond Proceeds FY 89-90 - $29,000 I' 5261 SOUTH POWAY PARKWAY - EAST END I This project provides fOJr the design and environll1~ntal review for South p()wayparkway between Sycamore Canyon and Hi ghway 67.. To.ta 1. cost of the proj ect is projected at I $10 million with the Agency portion being $3,725,000. Cost Estimate - $3,725,000 Funding Source - FY 89-90 I RDABond Proceeds $250,000 FY 89-90 - $ 250,000 FY 91-92 - 3,475,000 I I I I I' , I I, I I 221 I, , , REp;~ELOPME~T A~ENCY , CAPITAL. .IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL 'I Department: Activity: REDEVEL:OPMENT.AGENCY STREETS AND' .HIGHWAYS Icont' d) I' ' Total Total Proj ec' ~roject Description Es tima ted Prior 89-90 90'-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 . . Code Cost Apo'rop. Aporoo" ' EStimate Estimate Estimate Estimate :1 5260 Espola Road .. Acceleration Lane 29000 29QPO I ,I: I :1 I 5261 South poway Parkway - East End 3725000 250000 . 3475000 . I I I I: I' I "I I , I , ACTIyny TOTAL $120070228 $1116592281$4476000 $460000 ~3475000 '. 222 I REDEVELOPM~~T AGFNCY , I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. TRAFF,I C SIGNALS I AC;T~vnY ~ENTARY 5302 STONE CANYON AND POMERADO TRAFFIC SIGNAL I This project provides for the install'ation of a traffic signal at Stone Canyon and I Pomerado Roads. This may be a joint proJect with the, City of San Diego constructing the . signa I and the City of .Poway reimburs i n~ San Di ego for 25% of the cost of the signal. . Cost Estimate - $25,000 I FY 87-88 - $25,000 I' 5303 COMMUNITY ROAD AND AUBREY STREET TRAFf'IC SIGNAL I This project provides for the installation of a traffic sighal at Conrnunity Road and I Aubrey Street. This project was completed in FY 1988-89. '.. Cost Estimate - $221,835 I FY 86-87 - $110,000 FY 87-88 - $111,835 I 5304 TWIN PEAKS AT ESPOLA/TIERRA BONITAlSILVERSET I This project provides for instal J:;ng left turn phase movements on the existing signals a t Twin Peaks Road intersections at Espol a, Herra Boni ta, andSil verset. Thi s proj ect was compJoeted in FY 1988-89. Cost Estimate - $108,000 FY 87~88 - $108,000 I I, I I 223 ,Ii REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY\ CAP,rfAL IMPROVEMENT PROGR~M:DETAIL , I Department: , Act i vity.: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TRAFFIC SIGNALS I: ProJect Total Total Project Description Estimatec Prior 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 Code Cost Aooroo. AnDren. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5302 Stone 'Ca,nyon and Pomerado Roads 25000 25000 .. - I I .' '. 5,303 .Corfr11uni tyRliad ,and Aubrey Street 221835 221835 I I I I 5304 Twin Peaks at Espoia./Tierra BonitalSilverset 108000 108000 - , I: I ,I' .' ACnVHY TOTAL ,I. 224 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 'PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TRAFFIC SIGNALS (cont 'd. ) ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I 5305 ESPOLA/TITAN WAY TRAFFIC SIGNAL I This project provides for the construction'of a traffic signal at the intersection of I Espola Road and Titan Way. The project was completed in FY 1988~89. Cost Estimate - $450,000 . FY 87-88 - $450,000 I 5306 FLASHER - GARDEN ROAD I This project provides for the installatiu~of a traffic flasher at Ga~den Road .School, I: and was completed in FY1988-89. Cost Estimate - $24,000 I FY 87-88 - $24,000 I 5307 POMERADO AT GLEN OAK TRAFFIC SIGNAL I This project provides for the installation of a ful.l traffic signal atPomeril.do ,Road and Glen Oak. The poway Unified School District assisted in the funding of this project, which was completed in FY 1988-89. I Cost Estimate - $125;620 FY 87-88 - $121,000 ($8,000 contribution from PUSD) ,I FY 88-89 - 4,620 :.,1 5308 CARRIAGE ROAD/POWAY ROAD TRAFFIC SI.GNAL This project provides will upgrade the exIsting signal with an eight-phase traffic 'I Signal at the intersecti'on of Carriage Road and Poway Road. Cost Estimate - $125,000 Funding Source - FY 89-90 \1 RDABond Proceeds $125,000 FY 89-90 - $125,000 ,II , I I 225 . il REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CA~IJAL IMPRQVEMENT PROGRAM 'DE~AIL I Department:' Activity:' TRAFFIC SIGNALS (cont'd.,l . .REDEVELO~MENT AGENCY :1 Tota.l Total P roj ect Project Description . Estimated Prior 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 Code CoSt Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Est;imate Estimate I 5305 Espola/T1tan' Way rraffic,Signal 450000 45000C , I :1 I 5306 Flasher - Garden I Road 24000 24000 I , I ,I 5307 Pomerado at Glen Oak Traffic Signal 125620 125620 ,I .' . . I 5308 Carriage. RoadlPoway Road Traffic Signal 125000 125000 . I , , "~I AClI VITY TOTAL " ,. - 226 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT'PROGRAMDETAIL Department: Activity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TRAFFIC SIGNALS (cont I d. ) ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ;. 5309 METATEAT POWAY ROYAL MOBILE ESTATES SIGNAL I This project provides for'the installation of , a traffic signal at the intersection of '. Metate Road and the entrance to Poway Royal MobHeEstates. Cost Estimate - $125,000 Funding Source - FY89-g0 RDA. Bond Proceeds $125,000 :1 FY 89-90 - $125,000 I 5310 METATE AT COMMUNITY ROAD SIGNAL ,'I This project provides for the installation of a traffic signal at the i,ntersection of Metate Road and Community Road. Cost Estimate - $175,000 Funding Source - FY 89-90 I RDA Bond Proceeds $175,900 FY 89-90 - $175,000 I '. I II ,I: I I I I I 227 '. . ':1 REPEVELOPMENT .i\g~QX CAptJAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: . Activity,: ' , REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TRAFFJC'SIGNALS Icont'd.) I 'Total Total Project Project Description Estfmatec Prior 89-90 90-91 91-92 . 92~93 93-94 ~Code . Cost Approp. Aooroll. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I '5309 I:l,e~ilteat Poway ;Royal 'Es ta tes " . Signa I 125000 125000 I I I 5310 Metate~t Conrnunity Road Signa 1 175000 1-75000 ,I I I I ,. I I: ;1 , ,- l' .. ,ACnVITY TOTAL $1379455 $954455 $425000 I :~ " 228 I REDEVELOPMENT .AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT :PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: ,~ REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FLOOD CONTROL AND DRAINAGE ACTIVITY~(NTARY I' 5401 POMERADO CREEK AT ,OAK KNOLL ROAD I. This project provides for the design and constrcuction of a box culvert Linder Oak Knoll Road at Pomerado Creek. This project was comp'leted in FY 1988-89. I. Cost Estimate - $335,168 FY 84-85 - $ 21,600 I FY 85-86 - 312,000 FY 88-89 - 1,568 5402 POWAY CREEK DETENTION BASIN I , I A flood control improvement project to design. and COnstruct a detention bastn on the north fork of Poway Creek, east of Garden Road. Cost Estimate - $310,000 Funding Source - 89-90 I I RDA Bond Proceeds $310,'000 FY 89-90 - $ 310,000 I 5403 POWAY CREEK. BOX CULVERT I Tbls project provides for the installation of 625' of box culvert at Poway Creek between Midland Road and Gate Drive. This proj'ect also includes any necessary grading needed to develop this site. This project was completed in FY 1988-89. I Cost Estimate - $1,353,000 FY 87-88 - $1,353,000 ,I' 5404 IMPROVEMENTS - GARDEN ROAD AT NEDDICK ROAD I As proposed by the Redevelopment Advisory Committe, th.is project pro'j'ides for the m improvement of poor drainage at the intersection of Garden Road at Neddick Road. Cost Estimate - $10,000 I FY 86-87 - $10,000 I , . I 229 I REDEVELOPMENTe,GENC} . CAPITAL .IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: - REDEVELOPMENT' AGENCY. FLOOD ,CONTROL AND DRAINAGE 'I Total Total ProJect Project Description Estimatec Prior 89-90 90-91 91-92 ~2-93 93-94 Code . Cost Approp. Approp. Est,imate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5401 Pomerado~reek at Oak Knol.l Road 335168 33516c , I , I, I 5402 Poway Creek I Detention Basin 310000 31000C I' I " . 5403 POW9-Y Creek Box Culvert 1353000 1353000 I, ,II I ,. 5404 'Garden Road at Nedd.i ck Road 10000 10000 I '.' ACTIVJTY TOTAL 'I 230 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Acti vi ty: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FLOOD CONTROL AND DRAINAGE (cont'd.\ I ACTIyrty COIt4EtrrARY 5405 COMMUNITY ROAD STORM DRAIN I This storm drainage project will be bid wi'th' the Conrnunity Road project to provide I adequate drainage for the Poway Plaza development. The developer will reinib~rse the City for a portion of the costs. This project was completed in FY 1988-89. Cost Estimate -$393,588 'I FY 87-88 - $393,588 I 5406 MIDLAND ROAD DRAINAGE STUDY This provided funds in FY 1987-88 for .a' study to determine drainageimprovemenf needs on I . -..- Midland Road. Further improvements wi 11 be planned for future years. Cost Estimate - $35,500 I ., FY 87-88 - $35,500 I 5407 RATTLESNAKE CREEK IMPROVEMENTS This project provides for improvements to Rattlesnake Creek through Conrnunity Park. I! These improvements protect the future sWifm1ing pool 'as well as other park improvements from flood damage. Thi syear' s appropriation wHl construct 1,500 feet of concrete I curb to keep the water within the low floor channel. Cost Estimate - $645,000 Funding ,Source - FY 89-90 RDA Bond Proceeds $25,000 I FY 87-88 - $620,000 FY 89-90 - $ 25,000 5408 OAK KNOLL STORM' DRAIN ,I This project provides for storm drain and related construction on Oak Knoll Road. I Cost Estimate - $111,164 FY 88-89 - $111,164 I: '. I 'I 231 - - . REDEVEL:OPMENT AGENCY' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ,DETAIL I Depa'rtment: Ac t i v,ity,: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FLOOD CONTROL AND DRAINAGE Icont'd.' I 110tal Total P roj ec Project Description . Esfimated Prior 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I '5405 Conrnun ity Road Storm Ora in 3~3588 393588 I " I 5406 Midland Road I Ora i nage Study 35500 35500 I I' 5407 Rattlesnake Creek 1\ Improvements 645000 620000 25000 I I - I 5408 Oa:k'~noll Storm I Drai n 111164 111164 , I I ACTIVITY TOTAL ':1 232 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT:PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I' REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FLOOD CONTROL AND DRAINAGE {cont'd.\ ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I' 5409 MIDLAND ROAD STORM DRAIN EXTENSION I Construct the Midland Road master storm draIn facility extension from south of .' Agsten Lane to Janette Lane and Midland Road. Project will be partially funded by drainage fees from four development projects in the drainage basin. Cost Estimate - $738,000 I FY 88-89 - $738,000 I 5410 RATTLESNAKE GREEK DETENTION BASIN I . Thi~ project will provide for the design of ~ detention basin for the upper Rattlesnake Creek area. I Cost Estimate - $206,000 Funding Source - FY 89-90 RDA Bond Proceeds $206,000 I FY 89-90 - $206,000 1.1 I, I I> . I I .. I: I 233 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENGY CA~ITAL ~MPROVEMENT P~OGRAM DE~AIl ! I Department: Activity: , REDEVELORMENT AGENCY FLOODCONTROL.AND ORAl NAGE:' co'nt r d. Total Total . , I ;Proj ect Project Description Estimatec Prior 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Es"timate "Estimate I '. 5409 Midfand ,Road Storm Ora i n Extens i on 738000 738000 I, I :. i I i5410 Rattlesnake Creek : Detention Basin 206000 206000 I I 'I , r I ,I i I, , , , , I , , ,'I ' . . ,I . , . I AGTINITYTOTAL $4137420~3596420 $541000 'I. 234 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I _r._.".. _. ~ CAPITAL'IMPROVEMENTPROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I, REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS ACnVIlY COMMENTARY .' 5504 JOINT USE .FACILITIES - POWAY HIGH .STADIUM I This project, begun in 1985~86, provided lighting of the. stad.ium at poway High School. _ The remainder of the project providesf9r Agency sharing with the costs of ,seattng:, fie,ld I improvements, a ll-wea ther track, snack' bars., restrooms, ticket booths and parki ng. . Cost Estimate - $800,000 I FY 85-86 - $250,000 FY 86-87 - $350,000 I FY 88-89 - $200,000 I 5508 CITY HALL EXPANSION Th.i s proj ect provi des for the des i gn and cO,n?truct i on of an expans i on to, Poway Ci ty ,I Hall. The addition will provide approx,imately 7,000 square feet of additional office, meeting, and storage space. The additclon fmprovements wil j be designed andconstr'ucted . such that the structure may, be converted and use as a Sheriff's Substation in future years without significant structural modMftations. Cost Estimate - $1,030,000 Funding Source, - FY 89~90 I RDA Bond Proceeds $350,000 FY 87-88 - $680,000 ~ FY 89-90 - 350,000 I 5509 TWIN PEAKS SCHOOL IMPROVEMEN1S I This project of the poway Unified School Di'strict and the City will providE! for the ,I design and constructi on ofa conce?s.i on stand/restroom facfl i ty and renovati on of the playfields at Twin Peaks School. Cost Estimate - $133,000 I FY 88-89 - $133,000 I I I I 235 , I' REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY QAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I: Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT ,AGENCY GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS , I Total Total 'projec' Project Description Estimated Prior 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94. ' Code Cost ApproD. Aooroo. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5504 Joi nt' Use Fac,ilit i es poway High Staduim 80000C 80000C .1 " , I , I I " I 5508 City Hall ExpansioTl 103000C 68000C 35000( I I I '. 5509 Twin Peaks School I Improvement 133000 13300( I I . . ACHVITY TOTAL '. 236 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY .' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: ,I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Icont'd.:\ ACTIVITY COIII4ENTARY I 5510 JOINT USE FACILITIES - MIDLAND ROAD SCHOOL LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER I This project provides for the construct~on of a 'learning resource center at I Midland Road Elementary School. Cost Estimate - $300,000 FY 88-89 - $300,000 I I , 5511 JOINT USE FACILITIES - GARDEN ROAD SCHOOL LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER I This project provides for the construction of a .learning resource center at Garden Road Elementary School. I Cost Estimate - $300,000 FY 88-89 - $300,000 I I 5512 JOINT USE FACILITIES - POMERADO ROAD SCHOOL LEARNING RESOURCE. CENTER I This project provides for the construction of a .learning resource center ~t Pomerado Road Elementary School. I Cost Estimate - $300,000 FY 88-89 - $300,000 I: I I, I , I I 237 <- , ,I REDEVELOPMEN~,AGENQY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS fc'ont 'd.) I Total Total P~oject Project. Description Es tima ted Prior 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 . ,Code' . Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Est,jmate Estimate I :' 5510 Mid.l'andRoad SchOOl I Learning Center' 300000 30000C I >1 , I 5511 Garden Road Schoo.l Learni ngCenter 300000 300000 , I . , I 'I ,. :1 , 5512 Pomerado 'Road School ,Learni ng Center 300000 JOOOOC ,. ,- I I 'I ' " I 'ACnVITY TOTAL :1 , - 238 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY . ", . .~,__ ~ ...L ,,, _ _ _' . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: A.cti vi ty: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ,GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I 5513 JOINT USE FACILITIES - VALLEY SCHOOL LEARNING ,RESOURCE CENTER I This project provides for the constructioTl of a., learning resource center at I Valley School Elementary. Cost Estimate - $300,000 FY 88-89 - $300,000 I. I 5514 CIVIC CENTER SITE I This project prq',licjes for the acquisition oJ property for a future CivJc Center site, including a site for a library. I, Cost Estimate - $1,500,000 F,unding Source - FY 89-90 RDA Bond. Proceeds $1,500,000 FY 89-90 - $1,500,000 '.. I I: J I I I 239 , . REDEVELOPMENT AGENGY CAPitAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DET~IL I Depa rtment: Acti:vi ty,: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS (cont'd.) I Total Total Project ProJect, Description Estimatec Prior 89-90 90.,91 91-92 92-93 93-94 Code Cost Approp. Aoprop. Estimate Estimate Es t i m'ate Estimate I 5513 Va 11 ey Schoo 1 Learning' Center 300000 300boc . I I '. 5514 C1vfc Center Site 1500000 150000C I I I I; '. 'I. I," I. > , .1: ACTIVJTY TOTAL $4663000 ~2813000 $1850000 ,I: < 240 I REDEVELOPMENT ~GENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PARKS AND OPEN SPACE ACTIVITY' COI4ENTARY .' " 5602 OLD POWAY PARK I This project provides for ,the development of:a park in the Old poway: area, .bordered by I Midland Road, Sycamore, Temple, and AUbrey 'Streets. The 1988-89 funds are for park design and construction. Previous expenditures completed land acquisition, re.location and infrastructure improvements. Cost Estimate - $2,350,000 Funding Source - FY' 89-90 I RDA Bond Proceeds $500,000 FY 86~87 - $750,000 I FY 87-88 - $300.000 FY 88-89 - $600,000 FY 89-90 - $500,000 FY 90-91 - $200,000 I 5603 TIERRA BONITA BALLFIELD RENOVATION I' This project provides for the renovation of four (4) ball fields, approximately I 9.8 acres. Cost Estimate - $255,000 I FY 87-88 - .$255,000 I 5604 PARK RESTROOM - GARDEN PARK I" This projeCt provides for the design and c.onstruction of a restroom facility at ,. Garden Park. "I" Cost Estimate - $82,330 FY 88-89 - $82,330 ,I ,. I, , I I 241 , I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY C~PIJAlIMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I ' , ^ Department: Activity: " PARKS AND OPEN .SPACE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I Total Total Proj ect Project Description Estimatec Prior 89-90 90~91 91-92 92-93 93-94 . Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5602 Old powaypark 2350000 1650000 50000C' 200000 I I . :1 " I '. 5603 Ti erra Boni'ta Ball- field Renovation 255000 25500C , I I . I 5604 Part( Restroom - Garden Park 82330 8233C I ,. I ,. ACTIVITY TOTAL '. ' . 242 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT' ~ROGRAM DETAIL Department: Act.i vi ty: 1 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PARKS AND OPEN SPACE (cont'd.) ACTIVITY COIt4ENTAin .' 5605 PARK RESTROOM -STARRIDGE PARK I This project provides for the design 'and construction of a restroom facility at I Starridge Park. . Cost Estimate - $82,330 FY 88-89 - $82,330 I' 5606 SlATE PARKLAND I This project provides for the acquisition o.f 39 .! acres of surplus school land I located in the Rancho Arbolitos Subdivision for public parkland purposes. Cost Estimate - $290,000 I FY 88-89 - $290,000 I 5607 ARBOLITOS PARK IMPROVEMENTS This project provides for the acquisiti~n and installation of 15 picnic units in I Arbol itos Park. Cost Estimate - $10,000 Fund Source - FY 89-90 I RDA Bond Proceeds $10,000 FY 89-90 - $10,000 I 5608 TWIN PEAKS SCHOOL FIELD AND SURFACE LIGHTING I: This project. will li91J~ two existing tennis courts and the ex:isttng ba.1Jlield, complete the master p'lan and add new electrical service at Twin Peaks Middle School 'and I, Tierra Bonita Elementary School. Cost Estimat& - $108~000 Fund Source - FY 89-90 RDA Bond Proceeds $108,000 I FY 89-90 - $108,000 I I' I 243 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENGY' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PR'OGR'AM (jET-AIL I Depa rtmen t: Activity: . REDEVELOPMENT .AGENCY PARKS AND OPEN SPACE Jcont'd.l Total Total , . Project Project Description Estifllatec Prior 89-90 ,90-91 9.1-92 92'-93 . 93-94 Code Cost Approp. ApproD. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5605 Park. Restroom - Starridge Park 82330 8233C 1 . .. 290000 56D6 State Parkland 290000 I' 1 '. 5607 Arbol i tos Park 1 Improvements 10000 10000 :. 1 I 5608 Twin p'eaks School' .".",.. - ". , - ~, Field and Surface I Lighting 108000 108000 I , I ACTIVITY TOTAL :' I 244 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEf,lENT PROGRAM DETAIL " Department: Activity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PARKS AND OPEN SPACE IcontJd t ACTlVITYCOMMENTARY . 5609 HILLEARY PARK I This project provides for the design and construction of a 9.34 acre site located west ,I of Community Road at the end of Hilleary Road. Design will occur in FY 1989-90 and construction shall follow. Cost Estimate - $74,720 Funding Source - FY89-90 ,I RDA Bond Proceeds $74,720 FY 89-90 - $74,720 5610 TWIN PEAKS MULTIPURPOSE CENTER IMPROVEMENTS I, This project provides for the construction of 7.55 square feet of redwo09 patio cover, I 820 square feet of concrete patio decking,sidewa.lk lighting, two picn,ic tables, and two bicycle racks. Cost Estimate - $16,000 Funding Source - FY 89~90 I RDA Bond Proceeds $16,000 FY 89-90 - $16,000 I 5611 COMMUNITY PARK RESTROOM This project will provide for the design and construction ofa restroom at poway '. Conrnunity Park. Cost Estimate - $80,000 Fund.i ng' Source -' FY 89-90 . RDA' Bond Proceeds $80,000 FY 89-90 - $80,000 I 5612 COMMUNITY PARK CONCRETE DECKING This project provides for the installation .of 5,420 square feet of4-inch th.ick concrete I decking in and around four ballfield dugouts and adjoining bleacher 'area. . . - , . Cost Estimate - $17,000 Funding Source -FY 89-90 $17,000 RDA Bond Proceeds FY 89-90 - $17,000 I . I, I 245 . REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DET,AIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PARKS AND OPEN SPACE lcont'd) I Total Total proj ect .Project Descri pt ion 'Estimated ,Prior 89-90 ' 90~91 91-92 92-93 93-94 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimafe Est.imate Estimate Estimate I 5609 Hi lleary Park 74720 7472C '. . 'I I 5610 Twin Peaks Multi- I purpose Center 16000 1600,C Improvements I I I 5611 ConrnunityPark Restroom 80000 80000' '. 'I I 5612 Conrnun.i ty .Park Concrete Decking 17000 17000 'I I I ACTIVITY TOTAL I 246 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: 'Act,ivity: I, REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY .PARKS AND OPEN SPACE (cont I d.) ACT.IVITY COMMENTARY I 5613 COMMUNITY PARK SOCCER FIELD LIGHTING I Thi s projeCt will light 720 feet of sjdewal k along the south side of the Conrnun.ity. Park I soccer field, between the east parking lot and basketball court. Cost Estimate - $42,000 Funding Source - FY 89-90 RDA Bond ~roceeds $42,000 I FY 89-90 - $42,000 I 5614 COMMUNITY PARK PARKING LOT RENOVATioN This project provides for the removal' and placement of 10,000 square feet of asphalt at '. Poway Community Park. Cost Estimate - $30,000 Funding Source -FY 89790 I RDA' Bond Proceeds $30,000 FY 89-90 - $30,000 I 1 ., I I I 1 , I 'I'; I 247 I .. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DE"TAIL I Department: Acti vity: . REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PARKS AND OPEN SPACE (coht'd) . Total Total Proj ect ProjJct Description Estimatec Prior 89-90 90-91 91-92 92,,93 93-94 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5613 COnlnunity Par:k 'I ,Soccer Field 4200C Lighting 42000 I I 'I 5614 .Conrnunity Park Parking Lot Reno- vation 30000 30000 'I '. I I I " I .1 "'I 'I ACTIVt'rY'TOTAL $3437380 $2359660 $877720 $200000 ." " , I - ,,' 248 I , REDEVELOpMENT AGENCY , ,I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTPROGRAM.DETAIL Department: Activity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WATER IMPROVEMENTS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I, 5705 CLAIRE DRIVE FIRE HYDRANT I As proposed by the Redevelopment AdvisoryConrnlttee, this project. provides, for the I installation of a fire hydrant on an .exist.ing water transmission main 'along Cla,i're Drive, south of Garden Road. Cost Estimate - $4,000 I FY 87-88 - $4,000 I 5706 SYCAMORE CANYON ROAD FIRE HYORANT I As proposed by the Redevelopment Advisory Conrnittee, this project provides for the I installation of a fire hydrant south of the intersection of Sycamore Canyon Road and Garden Road. Cost Estimate - $5,000 I FY 87-88 - $5,000 I 5707 YORK AVENUE FIRE HYDRANT I As proposed by the Redevelopment Advisory ConrnHtee, this project includes the I installation of two fire hydrants on an. exi.sting water main th'at runs along YorK AveTlue between Norwalk Lane and Aubrey Street Cost Estimate - $9,000 I FY 87-88 - $9,000 , . .' I I 1 'I 249 '. I .. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY' CAPITAL, .IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Acti vi ty.: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WATER IMPROVEMENTS I fptal Total Project Project Descriptton Est.imated Prior 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 . Code Cost Approp. Approp. Est.imate Estimate Estimate Estimate I , 5705 Cloa ire 0 rtve F.i re Hydrant 4000 400C I . , I '. I 5706 Sycam5)re Canyon " . Road Ftre~,Hydr~nt 5000 500C '. I . 5707 York' Avenue Fire I Hydrant 9000 9000 , ,,' :. ,I . I I '".. ACTIV.ITY TOTAL .... . , .".~ - .r.- .< 250 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTRROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WATER IMPROVEMENTS r cont' d;) ACTIVITY ,COMMENTARY I 5708 WELTON LANE FIRE HYDRANT I --. As proposed by the Redevelopment Advi soryCorrllliUee" thi s p~oJect, pro,vid s for the I installation of a fire hydrant at the southwest corner of the 'tntersecti n of Welton Lane and Poway Road. Cost Estimate - $8,000 I FY 87-88 - $8,000 I' 5709 BELVEDERE DRIVE FIRE, HYDRANT I As proposed by the Redevelopment Adv.isoryCommHtee, this project 'provides for the I installation of three fire hydrants and extension of an 8-inch water main from the end of 01 ive Tree Lane to Bel vedere Drive,. Cost Estimate - $95,000 I FY 87-88 - $95,000 I 5710 HUMO DRIVE FIRE HYDRANT . As proposed by the Redevelop!l1ent Adxisory ~olll!1ittee, this project provides for the I installation of two fire hydrants along HumoDrive. Cost Estimate - $9,000 I FY 87-88 - $9,000 , I '. I; 1 I 251 . , I REDEY~lDPMENT AGE~GY _..- --- GAPHALIMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activiity: 'REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WMER IMPROVEMENTS (cont'd.l . I Total Total P roj ect Project Description Estimated Prior 89-.90 90-91 91-92 92~93 93-94 ' Code Cost Approp. ApproD. Estimate ,Estimate Estimate Estimate '. 5708 'Wel ton Lane Fi re Hydrant 8000 800C I . :1 I 5709 Belvedere Drive I F.;re Hydrant 95000 9500C I '. I 57io Humo Orive Fire . Hyd r:ant 9000 9000 I; '"I' I ,I I, " ACTIVITY, TOTAL 252 I REDEVELOPM;NT ~GENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: ;Activity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MATER IMPROVEMENTS (cont I d. ) ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I , 5711 HILL TOP CIRCLE FIRE HYDRANT I As proposed by the Redevel opmentAdvisory Committee, thi.s project wiLl install a fire hydrant on an existing water distribution line at the intersection .of Hilltop I Circle and La Manda Drive. Cost Estimate - $7,000 I FY 88-89 - $7,000 I 5712 OLIVE TREE LANE FIRE HYORANT I " As proposed by the Redevelopment Advi sory, Gonrntttee, thi s proj ect provi des for the I installation of a fire hydrant on an existing water'distribution main along Olive Tree Lane approximately 850 feet north of Earie Lane. Cost Estimate - $7,250 I FY 88-89 - $7,250 I 5713 KOZY CREST LANE FIRE HYDRANT AND WATER MAIN I As proposed by the Redevelopment Advi sory Committee, thi s. project wi 11 provide for I installation of two fire hydrants and a water transmissionlfne on Kozy Crest Lane. Cost Estimate - $83,500 I, ,. FY 88-89 - $83,500 I ,. :1' I' I .253 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DE~AIL I -, Department: Activity: WATER IMPROVEMENTS (corit'd. ' REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I Total Total , Projec. Project Description Es~inia.ted Prior 89-90 90-91 91-92 92'-93 93-94 Code Cost. Approp. Approp. Estimate ,Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5711 HiHtop Circle Fire Hydrant ' 700e 700e I I " I I 5712 Olive Tree Lane 725C 725C I F,ireHydrant I I 1 I 5713 Kozy Crest Lane fire Hydrant. and Water Main 83500 83500 I I I ,. .ACT;lVIJY. TOTAL I 254 I REDEVELOPME~T AGENCY I ,CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM'DETAIL Department: ActivUy: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WATER IMPROVEMENTS (cont'd.l ACTIVITY coiI4ENTARY I 5714 STAGE STOP ROAD FIRE HYDRANT AND WATER MAIN 'I As proposed by the Redevelopment Advisory Conrnittee, this project includes'. the installation of approximately 350 fe'et of water transmission line along Stage Stop I Road to acconrnodate 'a new fi re hydrant. ; Cost Estimate - $32,000 I FY 88-89 - $32,000 I 5715 HUMO DRIVE IMPROVEMENTS I This project provides for the installation of an 8-inch water line in Humo Drive I and Putney Road north of Humo Drive to improve fire flows in the fire hydrants. Cost Estimate - $102,000 Funding Source - FY 89-90 I Loan from Water Fund $102,000 FY 89-90 - $102,000 I 5716 ESPOLA ROAD WATER IMPROVEMENTS I This project provides for the ins~allation of a 24-il1ch water tran~mission line on I Espola Road from Titan Way to Twin Peaks Road as a part of the Master Water System. Cost Estimate - $1,800,000 Funding Source - FY.89-90 I Loan 'from Water Fund $1.,800,000 FY 89-90 - $1,800,000 I I I; I I 255 . ., I REDEYElOPMENT '~~ENPJ' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL . Department: Activity.: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WATER IMPROVEMENTS fcont'd. 'I , Total Total proj ect Project Description Estimated Prior 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate EsHmate 'Estimate .1 5714 Stage Stop Road Fire Hydrant and Water 3200C 3200C . Main I I '. . 5715 Humo Drive I Improvements 102000 102000 ,I I . 5716 Espo.l a Road Water ,. Improvements 1800000 180000C . '<I ,I , I, ACTIVITY TOTAL $2161750 $259750 $1902000 :1 256 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ACTIVITY COMMENTARY I 5801 WATER RECLAMATION PLANT I This project provides for the design of a water reclamation plant at the ex,istingsite utilizing the Coordinate Chemical Bonding and Adsorption (CCBA) process or o~her feasible II alternative. Construction will follow. The San Diego County Water Authority contributed .' funds towards the feasibility study. . .. - ." This year will include the construcl.io'n of 5.,700'" of transmission main, in Alt. 8. I Cost Estimate - $1,794,708 Funding Source - 89-90 RDA Bond Proceeds $800,000 I FY 87-88 - $400,000 FY 88-89 - 594,708 FY 89-90 - 800,000 I 5802 SANITARY SEWER - OLIVE TREE LANE I As proposed by the Redevelopment Advisory Conrnittee, this project will provi.de for the II construction of a 650-foot sanitarysewef ;ine extension along Drive Tree Lane, and continue easterly towards poway Road for an additional 450 feet. . , Cost Estimate - $112,000 FY 88-89 - $112,000 I I I I 257 I REDEVELOPMENT 'AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: " Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SEWER. IMPROVEMENTS I Total Total Proj ec. 'Prbject Descriptiori Estimated Prior 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 Code Cost Ann rop. Approp. Es'timate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5801 Water Reclamation Plant 1794708, 99470E 80000C . I " I I I 5802 San; tary Sewer - 01 ive Tree Lane 1'12000 112000 , .1 ,I . "I " , I " , . " :1 " '. '. ACTiIVlTY TOTAL $1906708 ~110670 $800000 , ~I: 258 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAP IT AL IMPROVEMENT' PROGRAMDET AI L Department: Activity: I, REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REVITALIZATION PROJECTS ACTIVIT.., COMMENTARY , I 5901 COMMERCIAL REVITALIZATION I The sum of $815,348 was allocated for':use in colll!ier~ial revitalization projects. The . funds were spent in developing the tax base for the City through redevelopment activities. Cost Estimate - $815,348 FY 86-87 - $815,348 :1 . 5950 HOUSING REVITALIZATION The sum of $760,000 has been allocated for use fnhousing revital1zationprojects. I These funds were used in the acqui ~i tionangdevel opment of Poi nsettia Mobi.l ehome Park as a low and moderate ;.ncome housing project. The feasibility study f.or PowayRoyal I, Mobi.lehome Park was also funded by this project. , Cost Estimate - $760,000 '. FY 86-87 - $760,000 :1 5951 HALEY 'MOBILEHOME PARK ,I: Thi s proj ect prov;.des .for the des i gn and constructi on of a low and moderate income mobilehome park south of poway Creek. One project will also include relocation .,;. assistance for existii1~ tenants. Cost Estimate - $6,000,000 Funding Source - fY.89-90 I" RDA Bond Proceeds $3,.500,000. ' ' " FY 89-90 - $6,000,000 Low'&Moderate Set- Aside :2,500,000 . , '. ,I', I . 1 ,I .259 I REDE~EL9PMENTAGE,NCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REVITALIZATION PROJECTS I proj ect T()tal Total Project Description. Estimatec . .Prior 89-90 90,.91 91-92 92-93 93-94 Code COst Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I 5901 Conrnercial Revitalization 815348 815348 .1 I I I 5950 Housing Revital izati on , 760000 760000 I I .1 I 5951 Ha 1 ey Mobil ehome Park 6000000 6000000 I j'i ,:' ; I ,I ' , , ,; I ACTIVITY TOTAL I: 260 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Department: Acti vity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REVITALIZATION PROJECTS: Ccont' dl ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 'I' 5999 NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS I " The sum of $250;000 has been allocated for use in neighborhood revita,] i'zation projects I as reconrnended by the Redevelopment Advisory Corrmittee. A report contg,ining specific proposa I s wi 11 be presented to the Rede've) opmllntAgency in 1989. Projects l7econrnended by the Conrnittee in 1988-89 have been i ncl uded in thi sCapi tal Improvement Program. Cost Estimate - $1,145,400 Fundi ng Source, - FY 89-90 ,I RDA Bond Proceeds $250,000 FY 86-87 - $l8),200 I FY 87-88 - 464,200 FY 88-89 - 250,000 FY 89-90 - 250,000 I I I I, I ,I' , I: "I I I I 1 i 261 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENGY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REVITALIZATION PROJECTS (cont'dl 1 Total Total Project project Description Est,imated Prior 89-90 90-91 9b92 ,92-93 93-94 Code Cost Approp. Approp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I , 5999 . Neighborhood Im- provement Projects 1145400 895400 25000C 1 I 1 , 1 c I I ,I , I , , :. , 'I , 'I 1 " :1 ACT.IVlTY TOTAL $8720748 ~247074~ $6250000 ,I, 262 I I lm '. " ,I .._1 ,,' ,.' , , , !~ I I I . , I 'I / '''--~.-1'- I . . .~ ',. ':.'.1;-.- I .., ""\:;' '--\ ,';'- - - - 'I: I I .------." . I I . , I . :1 .1' . . . ~-' I , l ,. . I PAGUAY'REOEVELOPMENT~PROJECT I' ".-- ~JECt,~_~,. ll0UN0NU' . . _CIH 1I0000AlH .uCluliloN"g.... I, PAGUAY REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT I I 'I I I I .- I -I- I I I I I. .' I I - I I I APPENOix A RESOLUTION NO. 89~101 ADOPTI~~, 1989-1990 FINANCIAL PROGRAM I 264 I RESOLUTION NO. 89- 101 I A RESOLUTION OF THE CIJY COUNCIL I, OF THE CITY .OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1989-1990 AND APPROPRIATING THE FUNDS NECESSARY TO MEET THE EXPENDITURES SET FORTH THEREIN . , 1. ADOPTION OF ANNUAL BUDGET I WHEREAS, the Ci ty Manager of the C,tty of Poway has submi tted to the Ci ty I Counc.il of the City of poway a 1989-1990 Fiscal Year Operating and Capital Improvement Budget in the amount of $27,205,310 in proposed expendi~1Jres for general and special City purposes and reflecting estimated revenues in the total amount of $33,988,240; and . WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of poway has heretofore. .cpnsidered said budget and fixed the dates of .June 13" June 20, and June 27, 1989, as the I dates for holding publ ic hearings reiati.ve' to its adoption; and WHEREAS, fonowing duly given notice, the City Council of the City of Poway, I did ho 1 d such pub 1 i c heari ngs, receivi ng, cons i deri ng and eval ua Ung a 11 pub 1 i c cOlll1lents. " NOW, THEREFORE, the Ci ty Counci 1 of the Ci ty of Poway does hereby FIND, I DETERMINE AND DECLARE as follows: Section 1: The City Manager's proposed 1989-1990 Fiscal Year Budget for general ,', and special City purposes is hereby amended as follows: . (Al REVENUE. AMENDMENTS ,. Amount of Revenue Fund Description of Reve'hue 'Adjustment . Number Revenue Amendment (Increase~+/Decrease:-l 15-7470 TDA - Bike Lanes + $ 20,900 I 15-7475 TOA - Call-A-Ride - 4,140 15-7520 TOA - Far:es + 4,260 19-7450 Grant - Iron Mountain Trails + 154,000 19-7450 Grant - Old PoWay,Park Green I Park Area + 60,000 60-7520 Water Sales and Services - To Refl ect 'Sa i es Based on '. Experienced Actual & New Rates - 202,300 60-7529 Capacity Sales - To Reflect New Rates + 151,930 60-7531 PumpingnI.D. #4 - To Reflect I New Rates + 1,830 60-7533 Pumpi ng.-Donart - To Reflect. New Rate - 270 I I '. 265 I Resolution No. 89-101 Page 2 '. Amount of Revenue Fund Description of Revenue ,Adj ustme,nt Number Revenue Amendment (Increase:+/Decrease:~l I 60-7536 Pumping-Camelback - Jo Reflect New Rate - $ 220 I 60-7540 Expan~ion Fees - Consol idation of Categories - 177,400 60-7542 Co'nnei:ti.oh Fees - New Rates + 853,820 I 60-7546 Meter'Installation Fees - New Rates ' + 100,310 61-7520 Sewer Sales and Services - To Re'flec.t Sales Based on Experi- I enced. .Actua 1 and New Rates + 503,780 I Tota 1 New.' Revenue Amendments +$1,466,500 I (Bl EXPENDITURE AMENDMENTS Activity Amount of or Project " ,Exp 1 ana t i on of Expenditur:eAjustment I Code Cost Genter Expenditure Amendment ( I'h'crease: +/Decrease :,.-) Legis Va ttve &,Admin.istrat ive I 010,.314 City Counci 1 Increase in ,PowayHS Grad Night Contribution + $ 1,000 Admi ntstrative Servi ces I 100-148 DireCtor's Office Comprehensive Marketing Plan + 12,500 105-313 Purchasing Uniforms for Warehouse I Personnel + 600 106-515 Support Servi ces Gas Pump Permits Required by County + 1,370 .. Corirnurii ty Services '200~308 ., D.i rec,tor' s. oni c,e Call~A-Ride Adjustment - 4,140 20P-319 D'i rector's Office Animal Control Bi 11 ing I Adjustment - 16,360 200-531 Director's Office Increase in Fares and' Expenditures + 4,260 .' .' Planni n9 Servi res 300d48 Q,i rector's Office Child Care Survey + 6,500 360~334 rii rector' 5 Office Increase in Alarm Contract + 150 1 300-611 Director's Office Personal Computer Replacement + 3,720 300-611 Director's Offi.ce Table for Computer + 250 3Q2-cl.48 Advance Planning Contribution to San Di~guito I Open Space JPA + 4,000 I' 266 I Resol ution No. 89- 101 I Page 3 Acti vi ty Amount of I or Project Expl anati on of EXPendi ture Adjustment Code Cost Center Expenditure, Amendment (Increase:+/Decrease:-l I Public Services 400-611 Director's Office Personal Computer Replacement + $ 4,600 401B-611 Engine~r~n~! Recalculation of Capital I Subdl V1S 1 on Expenses - 900 ' 401B-334 Engineering! Word Processing Equipment Subdi vi s i on Ma i ntenanceConfratt + 910 I' 401C-150 Engineering Duplicate Item in 401B - 8,600 Special Projects 401C.,334 Engineering Word Processing Equipment I Special Projects Maintenance Contract + 460 ' Safety Services 501-322 Fi re Suppression Emergency Dfspatch Contract _ I Adj uslment + 4,260 _ 505-321 Law Enforcement Sheriff'sContratt Adjustment + 14,350 505-327 Law Enforcement Sheri f,f,':sDi spatch Contract I Adjustment + 680 Capital Projects , 1652 Iron Mountain Tra.il + 154,000 I 1514 Operations Center Improvements + 107,000 1515 Expansion of Vehicle Storage Building - 107,000 I Net Tota 1 Expenditure Amendments + $.183,610 ' I Section 2: The City Manag'er's proposed 1989-1990 Fiscal Year Budget for general and special City purposes, as amended in Section 1, subsect,ions (Al and I (Bl thereof, is approved and adopted in the amount of $27,388,920 for expen- ; ditures and $35,454,740 in revenues. Section 3: The monies necessary to offset the expenses incurred as detailed 1- in the 1989-1990 budget document ,as adopted by the Ci ty Counci 1 for the City of Poway pursuant to Section '2 hereof , areautho,i zed by this section to be , appropriated out of the funds available to the cfty during the 19139-1990 Fiscal' 1:_ Year. Section 4: The .City Manager is autl1o,rized to make such changes i'n depart~ -. ment operating and capital improvement budget totals during ~he 1989_1990 Fiscal Year as may be, from time to time, deemed desirable and necessary in order to meet the City's needs. - - I Sect i on 5. The Capita 1 Improvement P roj ects of the City of poway are in conformance with the City of PowayComprehensive Plan as gover,ned by Section I" 65402 of the California Government -Code. I I " I 267 I. ~,esol ution No. 89- 101 Page 4 I H. APPROPRIATION ,OF FUND BALANCES WHEREAS, it, ,has been determined that appropriating unappropriated reserve '. monies' in various funds in a manner corresponding to' the operati ona 1 mode of the City is' reasonable and proper; and I WHEREAS, funds establ'ished and monies appropriated shall not be cons,idered " as 'restricted tota'lly in t:hei,r avafiabi 1 ity and us"e land amounts may be adjusted tietween f.unds as necessary to selive the future needs of the City of ' Po way. I NOW., THEREFORE, the C,ity Council of the City .of Poway. does hereby direct that ,any unapPliopriated balanc~ in the General Fund as, of June 30, 1990, sheill be automattcallyappropr:i'ated into the Contingency Fund therein; and I That any unappropriated' balance in the Water Fund as of June 30, 1990, shall be automaHtany appropriated into the Contingency Fund therein.; and I That any unappropri~ted bal'ance in the. Sewer Fund,.as of June 30, r990, shall be automa ti cally appropri a ted to the Contingency Fund the rei n. I nI. COLLECTION AND EXPENDITURE OF DEVELOPER DEPOSITS 'I WHEREAS, deposi ts ,wi 11 be accepted in the T~e Iteveloper DeposH Fund (FuJld . . 84). during the, fiscal year based upon the levels of ,development activity; and, :1 WHEREAS, the City iJ responsible for administer,ing these deposits,inciu~d:;n. g coLlection and disbursement of funds as necessary to pay fordevelopmenl services. I NOW, THEREFORE, b_e, it resolved that the City Council hereby aiithor"izes . expenditures of deveroperdeposit funds on hand at" Jul'y 1, 1989, together, with any funds collected during fiscal year 1989-90. I . . .. . IV. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT .PROGRAM APPROPRIATIONS I WHER.~AS, the .financial plan provides for the appropriat,ion of monies for - -, Capital Improvement proj ects; and I 'W~EREAS" these projects may splfn multiple fiscal years. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council hereby .authorizes a, continuing appropria- I tion for t.he,., balances remaining in Capital Improvement Projects active 'as of June 30, 1988, and directs that the authorized appropriat,ion shall :be brought forwa,rd to be, used in the fiscal year 1989-90 Capital Improvement Project I program or unt il the compl et i on, of these proj ects. I I 268 I Resolution No. 89-101 I Page 5, V. COLLECTION AND EXPENDITURE.OF BUILDING INSPECTION FEES I WHEREAS, f;ees collected by the City forpuilding inspection serv.ices offset I: the City's contractual expenditures to 'provide inspection services. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council hereby authorizes the expenditure of all such fees collected during Fisca,l Year 1989-90., a t the I discretion of the C-ity Manager, pr.ovJded that these fees be spent for the provisi~n of said contractual btilldfng inspection serviceS. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway, -. California, at a regular meeting thereOf.. is 27th day of June, 1989. . 'I ATTEST: I '~~ ~ WtUV,-L4- - I Marjor, e K. Wahlsten, City Clerk \ STATE ~ALIFORNIA ) I ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City, Clerk, of the City of Poway,do hereby certify .' under penalty of perjury that the 'foregoing Resol,ution No. 89-101 was. duly adopted by the City' Counc i 1 at a meet ing of sa i dCi ty Count; 1 heild'on the 27th .' day of June, 1989, and that it was so adopted by the following 'vote: AYES: EMERY, GOLDSMITH, HIGGINSON, KRUSE .. NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE I ABSENT: BRANNON 'I'll .~. e t tz I , I ~\u..""" I' :J.tJ..l'" W ~a,rjorie K.\lahlsten, GUY Clerk I City of poway "J . I 'I I I I I I I: I, I '. '. I: .- I I I I 'I I APPENDIX B RESOLUTION NO.. 'R-89~23AO!lPTING. .1989-1990 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINANCIAL :PROGRAM I 270. RESOLUTION NO. R-89- 231 A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF POWAY" CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND . ADPPTINGTHEANNUt\L.BUDGET ,I" FOR THE FISCAL. YEAR 1989-'90, ACCEPT.ING . LOANS FROM THE CITY OF POWAY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT A(;~N.CYe.DMINIS:rRAnVE f'UND, .' AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES TflEREFROM " WHEREAS, the CHy Council of the City of Ipoway (the "q ty" )" in accordance I with the prov,i si Clnsof the Cali forni(l. COlll1lunity RedevelopmenLLaw, has created ,a COlll1lun.ity Redev.elopment .Agency Admin'ist.~ative. Fund for the purpose of ,accounting. '. for admin,istrative expenses of the poway RedE!velopment Agency (the "Agency") and . fund advances therefore; and WHEREAS, the City Council ha!i approved by resolution of eyen .date :herewith, I a cOlll1luni ty redevelopment budget for fiscaJyear .1989-90 and has aRR.r:oved a, loan . to the Agency in the amount of $2,102,000 to be depos itea in the COlll1lunity Redevelopment Agency Administrative Fund; and 'I' WHEREAS, the Agency desires to approve a cOlll1lunity redeveJoPlllent budget for ! fiscal year 1989":90, accept. sa,id' loans from the City and authorize_ the, eXp'en- .. . diture of the proceeds of said 1 oansi n accordance with the approved. cOlll1lunity I redevelopment budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TH~<POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AS FOLLOWS: I' Secti.on 1. The budget attached to this resolution as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference is hereby adopted and approved as thE! 1989~90 I budget of the Agency. ' ' Secti on 2. The loan from the, City of $2,102,000 appropri ated, to the COlll1lunity Redevelopment Agency Administrative Fund for capital improverpel}t and I operating~ expenditures of the Agency, as set fOrth in said buc:jget, ;s 'herE!by , accepted by 'the Agency and the 'Agency ,agrees to pay interest' thereon at a rate, '.\ --. ... - -'., -",-. - .. ,', . equal to the annual average interest accrued on investmelltsof the City's I Genera 1 Fund as cal culated on Janll.ary lost of, eafh year. The .'Agencyacknowledges , that said loan constitutes an indebte,dne.ss of the Agency within the meaning of . Article 6, Chapter 6, of the C~l ifornia 'Co~unhY 'Redevelopment, Law. '" .' ,Section 3. The expendlture o,f monles from the COlll1lunrtyRedeve,lopment ' Agency Administrative Fund for administrative expenses and' capita'l proje.cts as set forth in ,said budget is hereby authorized, subject to complian<:e With the 'I' same prqcedure establ,ished by the C,ity for the expenditure of funds :by oth"er agencies and departments of the City subject. to budgetary control" Section 4. As required by the COlll1lunity Redevelopment L~w,the ",Agency 'I, shall file with the City Council a detai'led ,r:eport of all of' its transactions with respect to the Cohrnunity Redevelopment Agency AdmiQi,HratJve Fund,.including astateinent of all revenues and expenditures, no less -than annua'-ly:. I I I I 271 I' Resolu,tion No. R-89- 23 Page 2 .' Section ,5.. Theproposed1989-1990 Fiscal Year Budget for the COlll1lunity \ Redevelopment AgencY is h'er'egy,amended as follows: '.. (A.l REVENUE AMENDMENTS , Amount of I. Revenue Fund Exp,l anat.i on of Revenue Adj ustrn~i1t : Descrfpt,i on Revenue Amendment (1 ncrease: +/Decrease:-,l , . None I; . I, TOTAL REVENUE AMENDMENTS: $ -0- I' (Bl EXPENDITURE AMENDMENTS Object or Amount of I' Pr:oj ect Expll abat,t!ln of Expendi ture Aj uS~lT1ent 'Code: Expenditure Amendment ,(1 ncrease: +!Decrease :,- 1 II 5005-148 ComprehensiNe Marketing Plan + $12,506 II' TOTAL EXPENDITURE AMENDMENTS: + $12,500 I Sect ton 6. The Executi ve Di rector is auth,or,ized to make such changes in the admi'ni strati ve and capital improvement proj ect budget tota l's during the ,1' 1989'-'1990 Fiscal Year "as' 'in. ay be, from time to time, deemed desi r(lble and " necessary in order to meet the 'Agency's needs. , Sect.ion }, The Ca~ital Improvement ProJects of the Powa,y Redevelopment 'I' 'AgencY,are 'i;D,cgnfor1]1ance w.ith t.he City. of PowayComprehensive Plan ,as governed , ' by,-Section 65402 of the.Ca.ll fornla Government Code. I' Sect.ionS. The RedeveloPll1ent Agency hereby authorizes a conti nui ng '. a,pprQpriat.ion 'for' th,e t),alances remaining in Capita'l Imp,rovement ProJects active as 'of June 30, 1989, arlCl directs that the authori_zed appropriatio~. 'shall be. I' brought forwar:d to be. used in the fi sea I year 1989-90 Capita 1 Improvement Project prog~ainor Unt.il the completion of these projects. I -.1' .' ;.', 272 I Resol uti on No. R-89- 23 1 Page 3 ; I PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the Redeve 1 opment Agency of the Qity of' Poway, California, at a regular meeting ther thIs 27th day of June, 1989. I' Carl. I ATTEST: 'I, '-(h~ k ';)l)a-~ ti.v MarjorIe K. Wahl sten, Secretary ,I , '------ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) I ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjori e, K.Wahl sten, Secretary of the poway R'edevelopment Agency" do I hereby cert,i,fy that the foregoing Resolu,tion No.. R-89-23 was.,d'ulyadopted'by .the Redevelopment Agency at a meeting ofsa.i'~ Agency on the 27th day of JiJne, 1989, I and that it was so adopted by the followIng vote: AYES: EMERY, GOLDSMITH, HIGGINSON, KRUSE NOES: NONE '. ABSTAIN: NONE I ABSENT: BRANNQN 'r1"'\~J,~K i)UM..b~ I Marjorie K. ~ahlsten, S,ecretary Poway'RedevelopmentAgency I 'J , I: I I I I I I I I I I, .' I I' I I I I I 0 I U D' APPENDIX C , I CHART OF EXPENSE,ACCOUNTSAND DEFINITIONS 1\ , . 274 I I EXPENSE ACCOUNT DEFINITIONS I PERSONNEL SERVICE. Salaries, wages and fees for personnel services not involving I the furnishing of materials. 110 Salaries ~ Regular. Compensat.ion paid to regularly empl()yed, personnel on the City's payroll, assigned payroLl number and subject to normal payroll I' deduct.ions, such compensationintludes stand-by (call-out), pay, pa-ramedi'c pay, shift differential, etc. 111 Salaries - Special. Salaries paid to Councilmembers and 'any others not I .. . ." subject to the majority of the 'normal payroll deductions. 112 Salaries ,. Part-Time. Wagespa i d to emp 1 oyees who are cl ass ifi ed as I part-time employees. 113 Salaries - Overtime. Portion of the salary subject to premium pay. I I 120 Fri nge Benefits. Ci ty paid benefits such as PERS, health tns,urance, com- pensation insurance and other benefits as negotiated in the MOU's. ;1 121 Workers Compo Benefits. Total City paid workers compensation. benefits. This account is used only in the Risk Management Divis'ion. I 122 Health L i f,eBenefi ts. Total City paid health and 1 ife insurance and other' benefits. This account is used only in the Risk Managel1)ent Division. I 123 Retirement Benefits. Total City paid PERS contributi.on. This account is used only in the Risk Management D'ivision. I 130 Temporary Services. Cost ofolJtside temporary personnel hired on an "as needed" basis. 131 Volunteer Service. Volunteer workers, such as volunteer firefighters on I ca 11 for fi re suppress i on. 140 City Attorney Fees. Compensa t ion pai d to the City Attorney. I 141 Lega I Fees. Compensation pa,id to lawyers other than the City Attorney I for legal advice. 142 Lit1gation - City Attorney. Compensation paid to the City Attorney to represent the City in court appearances. I' 143 BujJding Inspection. Compensation paid for providing building inspection service. I AudH Servi.ce. Compensat.ion paid to certi fi ed publ i c accountants and 144 other outside accountants engaged by Council. . I I 275 I 145 Data P.rocess,fng' Consultant., Compensation "paid to data processing con- sultants. I 146 bitlgatfoii - Other Attorneys. Compen,saUon:plIid to attorneys other than theC,ity Attorney, to represent the Gity fn court appearances. I 147 Chemical Ana,l ysi s. Compensation paid to chemiSts and other sc.ientfsts for analytical work. I 148 Specia'lStudi es. Cost of special stud'ies and analysis performed by out- side consultantS ,and, oth,er professionals Jor specific programs, e'.g. , 0: personnel study, needs assessment study, etc. 160 Engineering. Compensation paid to engineers for general servi ces not otherwise classifiea,. I 161 Water Project Engineering. Compen sa t ionpa i d to eng inee rs for water projects. I 162 Sewer Project Engineering. Compensation paid to engineers for sewer pro- j ects. I 163 Traffic Engtrieei'fng. Compensation paid to engineers for traffi c projects. I 164 Land Development Engtneeri ng. Compensatton paid to engineers for land development analysis including right-of-way engineering. 165 Construction Engfneering. Compensation paid to engineers for construc'- I tion surveys, :mater.ial and compaction te~ti ng and consultation etc., that occur during the construction phase. I 199 Other Profess~onal ~ees. Other servtces not otherwise classified, such as election fees, codification, surveying, etc. . UTILITIES, TRANSPORTATION AND, COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES. Utilities, a.11owances in 1 teu of City cars, City fleet costs, travel and subsistence allowances, advertis- .' i ng, recru~ftment and postage. 210 Gas and Electrtcity. 'Payment for el ectri cHy and gas used for genera 1 purpose activities, not otherwise classi'fied to provide lighting, heating I 'and powe r. ,211 Natura,l Gas. Cost of fuels such as propane and liquid naturall gas. 1 212 Water - Inter-agency. Cost of water purchased from the City by Landscape Maintenance Dfstricts. I 213 Water Purchases. Cost of buying raw water for resale. 214 Water 'Storage ,Adjustment. Account used by F,inance annua'l:ly to adjust I: water inventory'to the actual level. I' , , 2761 I 215 Telephone. Cost of telephone charges for service,. installation, local and long distance calls, and cost of sending telegrams. I 216 Trash Removal. Cost of contract to remove trash. 217 Gasol ine and Diesel Fuel. Cost ofgasol ine and diesel .fuel purchased for I' use in City vehicles and equipment. , 218 Signal Power. Cost of electri'city used for traffic signals. I 219 Street Safety Light and Power. -Cost of electricity to provide safety lighting on City streets. II 220 M&O- Penasquitos System. Ma,inte'hance and operations charges paid to the City of San Diego for effluent through this system. 221 M&O. - Metro System. Same as 220. ,I 222 M&O - Bernardo System. Same as 220.. . I 223 Capacity - Metro System. Annual capacity service charges paid to the City of San Diego. ' 229 Telemetry. Telephone line lease charges and electricity cost for Signal' " transmission involving measurement and control of water and sewer pump stations. ,I' 230 Other Ut.il ity Charges. Minor utility charges .for gas, e rectri city, telephone, water trash removal etc. where specific identification of ser~ ,- vice type is not necessary, 240 Pumping Power - Plant. Util ity charges for pumping to water or sewer .' facility. 242 Pumping Power - Lake. Utility charges for pumping water to this loca- _ tion. I 243 Pumping Power - I.D.. 1. Utility charges for pumping water through this pump sta. tion location to serve the utility consumers. These costs are ..' passed on to the consumers as a pumping charge on the util ity bill and . returned to the Ci ty as revenue. ' 244 Pumping Power - St. Andrews. . utility charge for pumping wastewater' I: through this pump station location to serve the utility consum,~rs. These costs are passed on to the consumers as a pumpi ng charge on the uti'l ity bill and returned to the City as revenue. ., 245 Pumping - I.D. 4. Same as 243. 246 Pumping Power - Camino Del Vane. .Same as 244. I 247 Pumping Power - Orchard A-73'. Same as 243. I 248 Pumping Power - Donart. Same as 243. I I 277 . .249 Pumpj ng 11 owe r~" Conva.tr ~ Same as 243. I 250 Pumpiilg Power "Plant'.. Same as 243. 251 Pumping Power Telemetry. Same as 229. ,. 252 Pumpi ng Pciwe r ~ Camel Back. Same as 243. . I, 253 Pumping Power - Del Poniente. Same as 244. 254 Pumping Power ~ Woodcliff. Same as 243. I, 255 Pumping Power - Communfty Road!South Poway., Same as 243. 260 Reimbursed, Mileage" MOlleypaid to Citys,taff and others for use of their I own vehfcles ona"time bas is or mil eage bas is established by the Gounctto This payment represents eHhera mileage reimbursement or a, car allowance paid to desigri'ated employees in lieu of an' assigned City, vehicle. I' 262 Vehicle Operations. I n-house cost of fuel charged to City departmentsl divisions. I' 263 Vehicle Maintenance"Labor, materials, par,t,s and other costs associated with mai ntenance of 'Ci;ty-owned vehi cl es. These costs are nor:mally in- house charges by the C,i{y's Vehicle and Equipment MaintenanceDJvision to 'I other City departments/divisions. This ,account is also used by the Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Division to acquire, parts and materials to provide these services. This account~ is also used by the Sheriff's Department for outs,ide maintenance. The charges to thi s,account are I sCr'utfnized by Finance and the Budget COlll1littee. Transfe'r requests are discouraged., I 264 V.et1.i cl e Renta 1. Rate paid to recover the anticipated replacement cost of City,.owned vehicles'" ' The charges to this account are scrutinized by Fi nance, and budget, 'transfer requests are di scouraged. I 270 Trave,l and Meetin~s~ C,osts of attending meetings, seminar's, conferences or workshops. ,ucti charges include meals, transportation, lodging, I registration fees, etc. 280' Adverti s ing., AdverUs i ng expense for pub 1 ic notices. I, 281 Recruitment. Expenses associated with hi ri ng and prorhoti ng employees, such :as fingerpriilting,advertis,ing, testing and costs associ a ted with interview boards. I, 282 Postage. Mailing expense including parcel post. 'CONTRAGTUAL SERVICES. Labor and materials contracted for outside the divtsion, I medica'] exams, subscriptions, memberships, promotional costs. 303 Joint Use Agreemerit Contribution-PUSD. Cost 'paid to PUSO for joint use I: of faci 1 Hies. I 278 I I 305 Contract Landscape Ma i nt. Cost. of contractual maintenance. 306 Election Services. To pay for eleCtion-related expenses.. I 308 Publ ic Transportation Service - COlll1lunity. Cos,t paid to contract services for transportation services related to TDA programs. I, 311 Printing. Costs paid to outside f1.rms for printing, binding, and dupli~ , cating. I 312 Janitorial Services. Payments to outside firms for providing these services. 313 Uniforms and Laundry. Costs to purchase uniforms,; l'aundry.anddry I cleaning of fabrics including uniforms, draperies, cleantngrags, etc. 314 COlll1lunity Relations. Costs of decorative and prolllotional materlalsused I to publ icize the City, including such things as plaques, proclamations, flowers, school safety patrol, etc. I 315 Pub 11 cations and Dues. Payments for subscri Ilt ions to journals , news- I ': papers and, purchase of books arid other pamphlets to 'promote the inter- _ change of ideas, membersh.i p' ,fees and. a.ssoci ated .cost.s for offici a 1 s and I'. key employees to attend various munlclpal organlzat.]:ons to promote the interchange of ideas. Also used for the City's membership in the same type of Organizations.. 316 Medi ca.l Exams. Costs for peri odic physi calexaminati'ons requi red by the City for City employees and for'llrosjlettive employees. " I 317 Education and Training~ Used for training at local: 'colleg!!s, for guest lectures and educational films where overnight travel is not included. 318 Leisure Contracts. Costs paid to outside recreation leaders"for. pro- I grams. These expenses are offset by revenue generated by these programs. 319 Animal Regulation. Contractual agreement forr.emoval of dead animals, I animal regulation, and animal control. 320 Outside Emergency Assistance. Used by Safety Services for costs that are I pa.i d to other:agenctes for their ass i,stance a ta fi re or chemi ca 1 spi 11 s such as costs including meals, support, etc. 321 COlll1luni ty Safety,. . Contract costs with the Courity,?heriJf' s De.partment I for police protection. Also il1cludes other costs 'associated with police protection. I 322 D.ispatchContract - Fire. Contra~t cost with the City of San Diego's Fi re Department for dispatch servi ceo .' 323 TuHion Reimbursement. Cost of reimbursing City staff for fees paid to educational institutions. Thhaccount is used only in the Personnel Division and administered in accordance with the City"s tuition reimbur- I 'sement po 1 icy. I , I 279 I 324 NuisahceAbateirieht. Cost of soi lsteril'ization and/or weed abatement 'and/or vehicle ,abatemelltat off-streetfocafjolls deemed to 'be a public I nui sance, 325 Vehicle Regulation, Co~ts associC1,t~d, With trafftc citatfon processing, I bicycle licensing program, and towing pr,ogram. 326 Tel ecomContracts., Costspa i d to 1 ink. City'~ computer or equipment with information pr()vi'der"s computer or equipment through various telecom- ,I munication equipment. _ 327 Dispatch Contract .., Sheriff. Costs p_a,il! to' San Diego Courity, Sheri ff' 5 I Department for contracted dispatc.her's services. 328 D,A.-R.E. Program. Costs pald to implement Drug Awareness and Resistance Educatjon Program (DARE). 'I 329 Ca,l-ID System safet; Services. Cost pa,id toimpl ementa system of State- wide fingerprint identHication network and 'database. "'1 331 ,R&M Bu'flding. Costs associated with repafr and maintenance of the Cfty's bui'ld,ings an_d structures. '1332' R&M Air Condttio"n;ing'. Costs associated With the repair and maintenance of the City's air cond,itioning, heating, and ventilation unHs. ,., 333 --R&M Elevator. Costs associated with tile repair and ma,tlltenahce of the City's el evator. I 334 R&M EqUipment, Gosts.associated with the :repatr and maintenance oJ City 'equipment nototherwi se cl assi fied. Th-i's account i ncl ude_s the ~ost of servfcelma i ntenance agreements. I 335 R&M Outside Vehicle Repai r. Repa i rofv.ehfcles and equ,i pmentperformed by outs i de shops for theVehi cl e and Equi pm~ntMa i ntenance :Dtv,i s ion.- , . .1 336 R&MPlayground Equipment. Costs associated wi th the repair andma i n- tenance of playground equipment. I' 337' R&M Radios. Costs of contract to repair and maintain ~ad,ios ;andassoc- , fated radio'equipme~t. Also includes related materials and ~uppli~s. I' 338 R&M, Fire Hydrants. Costs associated .with 'repair"and maintenance of City fi,re hydrants. 'I 350 R&M Sidew.alks aiid Barr,icades. Trim andlor tree removal, repair and/or , replace cone,rete sidewalks' and curbs, repai'r andlor replace roadside " guardrails. , 'I' 351 R&MSignals. Contract services with private' firm for C,ity traffic , , signa,ls and associated flashers. Service ,includes, but is not limited to,repai rand ,ma.intenance of signals, safety '1 i ghts,street 1 ights arid '11 knock.,down' repa i r. .- ':1' , ' , , 280 I I 354 R&M Street Stri ping. Contract servi ce for striping roadway traffic lanes, 'islands, and bike lanes. I 355 R&M Roadway. Contract for ,patch'ing" repai ring and ,surfac,ing roadways. Thi sa lso i ncl udes major repatrand ma intenancegf theroaaw!lYs not I otherwise classified. 356 Street Repafrs ~ SB 300. To account for el i gi b le street repa.i'rs,fi nanced by the City's SB 300 a 11 oca tion'. I 357 Pavement Evaluation. Engi nee'ri ngstudy of roadway condi tion for priority of repair. I 358 Street Sweeping., Contract cost for providing street sweeping s,ervice. 359 R&M Roadway - FAU. Contr.act servj ces for eligible roadrepaj.r and :1: maintenance under the Federa,l Aid Urban. (FAU) Program. 360 Contract Inspection. Sp'edal engineering inspections on. contracted pri- :1' vate or publi,c improvement. <, , 363 Plan Check/Map Processing., Contract engineering costs; for checking and 1 processing plans and spe.cifications to determine conformance with City requirements and specifications. 364 Environ. Impact Rev..i ew'"Plans. Contract costs for review o.f pl ans for I envi ronmental consideration. Thi s expense is off.set by revenue for en- vironmental impact plan fees. 370 Other' Contract Servi ces Reim15. Othe'r contractua lSE1rvi ces" whi ch repre- I sent a' "pass through" acc(junt and reimbursed services not other'Wi se- classified such as knock down repalr. I 399 Other Contractual Serv1ces. All contractual services 'not, i'l.ssigned to one of the' foregoing designati~ns. I MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES. Expendable items! used ,by City departments haVing a mone.- tary va 1 ue of 1 ess than $100..00' or which are enti,re.1y consumed or are, fastenei(to I a structure or real property tO,become part of such item. 411 Offi ce & Stati onery Supplies ~ C,onsumab 1 e items used 'i n an offi ce, such, I as paper, pens, ribbons, 'note pads, etc. 412 Janitorial Supplies.. Those items used for cleaning such as rags, mops,,' '.' brooms, soap, cl eaners, et~. ,AI so, consumable items ,such. as paper towe 1 s, soap, etc. 413 Photographi c/Copy Suppl ies. Consumable items used for photography and .1: phot~copy processing 414 Medical Supplies. Consumable items such as bandages" 9xygen and other, a-. first aid, items. This accouQt is used primarily by the Paramedics. I I 281 \- I 416 Safety ,Supplies~ SUl1plies used insafE!t~pr!lgral11~. I 417 Ope rat ingSuppHes. ~uppl i es used for ma~i ntenance and ope rat ions of City-owned property" illcl udi ng items. wh'i ch, are uni que to each act i vity. I 418 'Tr'outStock. Cost. of stocking trout fn the lake. 419 Other Fish Stock. Cost of stocking an other fish except trout in the I lake. 420 Sma 11 Tools ~ Hand tools, measuri ng tool s" ,alld other tools and i nstru- 'ments' va 1 uedat 1 ess, than $100.00 and often, 'portabl e. I 421 Landscaping Supplies. Landscape and planting materials and supplies. I 422 Employee Awards . Awards presented to employees in ~ecognition of their services and other special awards. 423 Chemicals. Cq~t of ,ilcquking chemicals. i[ihis account is, prilllarjJy used I by Public Services, for water or sewage treatment. 441 Street Repa,i r Mate'rials. Materials and supphe~ .used to repa.ir,andmain- I ta'i n roadways,s i dewa'lks, curbs, and center medians, etc. 442 Storm Repair & Cleanup. Materials used' to repa,ir, damages caused by I storms'. 443 Culvert ,Cleaning. . Materials and suppUes used to clean .and repa tr I culverts', ,storm dr;ains and other waterways. 444 S,ign Maintenance. Material sand suppl ii!suse.d ,for signs and bi nboards resurfacing and construction. I . 445 MisC. ConstructtonMaterial s. Constructton materia'l s not otherWlse classified. I 446 Ove rs.i zing Ag reement. Materia 1 s and 'suppli'es used to enlarge lines beyond normal p~rameters. I 499 OtherSuppl ies ,and~ Material s. Materi al,s and supp 1 i,es not otherwise properly classified above~ . FIXED'CHARGES.;, .DEBT AND ,OTHER COSTS. Rents, ,i hsurance, bond ,thar-ges ,and fees, uncollectibles, t ran s fe rs and other expenses not otherwi secl assif,ied. Also, e)(penses for rei:!evelopment. I 511 , Equfpment: Rental. Payment to rent machinery and equipment incl'uding such items as trenchers, backhoe, etc. . 512 Rent-Bui ldtngs and Grounds. Payment to rent facilities buildings and groundsincl udi ng storage facil iti es. I 513 Rent - Offtce and Other Equip. Payment to' rent office fur'riiture and equipment, including such items as desk, typewriter, etc. I 282 I equipment I 514 Lease Purchase. Payment,s made to use and obta 1.n per a contract. I, 515 Intergovernmental Fees.. Regulatory fees to the State of' California, County of San Di ego or other governni~ntcil agenci es. I 521 Uninsu'red Claims. Payment of the City's cost for claims. 522 Insurance Expense. Premi ums for insurance and bonds other than' ,fri nge .' benefit insurance programs. 523 Other ,Fees. Incl udes fiscal agent fees associated with bond issues, or I bond processi ng, taxes or other' fixed costs. 5Z4 I nterest/Pri nci pal .Expense. Payment of interest and princi pa 1 on bond issue, note and other debt. -"- ,.. , I 525 Tax Increment - County.. ,ExPJ!nse,! of' the RedeveropmentAgency in accor- dance with an agreement wi th the County 'of San D,iego. I 526 Redeve lopment Agency Contri button~, Contributions made to further speci- fic cOlll1lunity development goals of the 'Redevelopment Agency. I .. -. . . 531 Expense Credits. To record transfers and expense reall ocat.i ons not otherwi'se classified. 532 Unco,llectibles. Bad debt. wri te-off ., I 541 Cash Over/Under. Account used by cashiers unable to balance till. I 542 Refund. Reimbursement of overpayment due to error, 'mi;;t~ke or6mission. 551 Administrative Overhead. To recor,dexpenses for overhead and surcharges. .' 552 Depreciation. The porn on of the cost of a fi xed asset cha'rgM as an expense. I 555 Capi ta I Out.l ay Rental. Rate pa.id to re{over thea!1ticipatedr:eplacement cost of City-owned equipment. The charges to this account. are scrutin~ .' ized by Finance, and bu-dgef transfer 'requests are discouraged. 558 Re'l ocati on .Assi stance. Expenses incurred to hel p relocatetJusi n~sses. and I residents required to move byCitj'lRedevelo#nent Agency' improvement' projects. 560 Administrative Cost. An account. used to accumulate Ret:!.i!vel,opment Agency I costs. 574 Long-'Term Debt Principal. Expense for principal payment of Redevelopmen~ I Agency debt. 580 Unappropriated Reserves. Funds set. aside by budget act.ion for allocation I at a later date. I II 283 I 581 Trans.fers to: Other' Funds. Movement. of resources between funds. I ~8? _ Cl eariiig ,ACC~Urit. !\ci:ou~t used by Finance'. .' CAPITAL-OUTLAY & FIXED ASSETS. Equipment, land,buiJdings and other assets which I .retain t heiridellti.ty. Who err i..n.u. ~e.Equipment alld tools valued- at $100.0g or. less andlorwith an ,anticipated useful 1 He of less than one (1) year should be . ,~.. -. , . expensed in th.400 series. ' .' , 601 Telecolll1luni cati onsEqui pment. Equi pment usee! t,o send: or cecei ve, data. I ncl udes 'radi os, .transce.i vers, modems, antennae, te'l'ex 'and te,l'ephone .' -.).,' equipment. I 605 Photographic, Equ'i pillent. ,Equipillent used to take, develop qr disp'l ay ,pi c- tures, slides or film. Includes cameras, camcorders, slide proJectors, land .1i ke items. '; 611 Offtce Equi pment. Offi ce mac,hi nes, typewrit~rs,addi ng machines, cal cu- . lators, check writers and such other equipment and machines as are I required to fadJ:1:tate offi ce procedure; desks, chairs, beds, tables, stanas, file cabinets, pictures, rugs ,ca'rpets, cl,ocks , audio vtsua 1 equipment and like ftems. . -,,- .. . '. '615, parailledfcEquipment. Includes biomedical equipment used 'bY, 'the City's paramedi cs. I: 621 Autos and Trucks. Automobiles, trucks, trailers, motorcjcles and all ..automot i ve equipment not 1.1 sted el sewhere. ,Ii 622 OtherEquipment., ~quipment not otherwise classified. 623 -Const.IStreetMa fn't. Equip. Tractors, . power shovels, cran'es,mobile .'1' '. ho.i sts, . air:: compress. ors, and simi lar' m. ~chines, tncJudi ng the vehi cle : . 'carrying ,or sURPorting such items; stree.t cJeiiningequipment. I' 626 F..i.'re. Fight.ing .AP.pa.ratus. Fire trucks, r.E!.scue .ve~icles, sa.1v. age truc,ks, , ' fi're ext,inguishers,- special vehicles or other items not listed elsewher:e 'that are ,procured for' the primary purpose of exti nguis'hi ng ,fi res, ,i nCl,udi ng vehtcl,es for movement of fire fighting personnel arid thei r :1 ,equipment. '" ...., , ,-~. , 631 Ffre Hoses. fire hose o.f an ,sizes when in the hands of 'the Fire Depart- '.' ,ment. When used for oth'er purposes, such as flushing streets, 'shoul d,be ,in 623 category. 'I" 640 Traf.fic Controts. S...i~ns and signa,ls used for dl.'rectio..nal or speed . control of vehicles;i.ncludes parking limitation signs, inc,luding : a tta'ched lights' and lamps and traffi c signals and bl i nkers. 'I', 642 Street Light Rep.1acei11ent. Street lights, .their standar.ds, arms, lamps, : starters, ballasts, and other parts, us'ea for' street and walkillumina- , -- t ion ,when 'pl,Cic'ed, between 'property lines in Ci ty-owned is treets; when I: .beh.i nd property li nes; these are part of such property. . 'I: ' " 284 I I. 643 Street Li~ht Other. Other street equipment. 644 Athletic Equipment. Lirl! markers, sign~l guns for games, ..hurdles, back- I stops and other similar itl!ms when portable ormobiTe. 645 Laboratory Equ.i pmen't. Scientifi't instr.uments. I 646 Park Equipment. Park benches, 'picnfc, tables, barbecues. 651 Shop Tools~ ToolS andequip!rient used in the shop. 1 652 Mobile Tools. Equipment, mounted on wheel s for ease o,f'mo,vement, but not I including those in othercategortes above (623). Wood ,ch,ipperc.s, rotary tiller, lawn mowers, trirnner's, etc.., w.ould come under thi.s head.ing. 653 Othe r Too 1 s. and Equi pment. Tools and equipment not IlFOperly cTas~ified ., in a foregoing classifi'cation. Scales for cOlll1lercialvehicle enforce- ment, too 15, 'and app ropril(te ti"a,i1'e r,. 662 Ma i nsand Appurtenances'. Ma i ns:,manholes, covers, il,n~: s'tru,ctures. I 666 Drainage Structures. Ditches, culverts and undergrouno pipes for move- I ment of storm waters. , 671 Land. Land valued at more than $1,000.00. I 672 Bui ldings. A structurl!of three. or more wall s il,nda roof,. capabte of housing personnel, equipment 'or machinery, val'ue o'f mor,e than $500.00. 673 Misc. Structures. A spec:ia 1 category for reservoi rs, bridges, swilll1li ng I pools, and parking lots. 674 COlll1lerc.ial Revitalization. Project expenditures to eliminate cOlll1ler- .' cial blight for the beneffi: of the'Redevelopment Project Area. 675 Housing Revita.lization. pr.oject l!~pendHures to el:imina"te housing I blight for the benefi tof the Redevelopment Proje'ct Area:. 676 Public Transit Fixtures. Bus benches and shelters. I Streets, Sidewalks, Tr:'ails, Lil,ndprocured and il1)PTOVements thereon, for 681 the movement' of people on":foo,t or III .vehicles, in'cludtng 'btke lanes :il,nd, I' related drainage, utility use, includes an por,tions ,aedicated to pUb" 1 ic use. 691 No'h-Structu ra 1 Improvements.. Fences, ,fhei r gates and parts, .....all s not 'I supporting roofs. 692 Trees and Landscaping. Trees, shrubs, plants, etc.,that are part of a I total project forbeautjfication. of grounds, either alone orat buildin'g. 699 Other Assets. Those notprQperlY classified in a foregoing classifica- I tion. I , I 285 I ASSESSMENT DtSTRICT GHARGES. Charges for ma,i,nlenance, repairs, contractual services andother'mater..ials and' supp lies needed to maintain 'the assessment I districts. . 710 Assessment Distrj'ct, 83-1 ,(Rancho ,Arbol itos).. Costs associated with '. maintaini ng thj's speci fi c 1 andscapemaintenance assessment di stri ct, which inc'-udes Rancho Arbol itos, Barratt and Standard Pacific tracts. 711 Assessment, District~ 83-3 (Sunwoodl. Ctlsts associated with ma.intaining I this~pecific landscape maintenance assessment district, whiCh includes the Sunwood tract. I 712 Assessment District 86-1 (Hi rsch Ranchl. Costs associ'ated 'with ma i n- . ta i ni ng the Hirsch Ranch 1 andscape mai ntenance di stri ct. . 713 Assessment. D,i strict 86-2 (Sunri se Ranch). Costs associated with mai n- taining the 'Sunrise Ranch landscape maintenance district. , 714 Assessment District, 86-4 Street Lighting., Costs associated w,ith main- I taining street lighting within the district boundaries. 715 Assessment District 87-1 Pomerado Business Park. Costs associated with '. ". Pomerado Business Park landscape maintenance district. , DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS. Costs for deposit accounts collected for engi neeri ng and I inspection by Public Services Department. 810 Gradi'n Plan Check. Covers all City charges for grading p,lan review including consultants). .. 812 Gradin Ins ection. All City charges for grading inspection (inc,luding consultants. I' 814 Final Map' Checking. All City charges fqr checking maps, processing , required forms, etc. (includi.ng consultants). I, 816 Im rovement Plan Checktn. All City charges for improvement plan review including,consultantsl. 1'818' Im r'ovement Iris ection. All City charges, for inspection of improve- mentsincluding consultantsl. I' 820 Bound.arY Adjustment Review. All City charges for rev.iew of Boundary Adjustment, Certificates of Compliance, Certificate of Compliance for Parcel Map Waiver, Merger without parcel map. I 822 Misc. Engineering Requests. All City costs for stay application 'request;street or easement vacation; spec,ial tentative map processing (BSI costs); temporary sewer and water appl ications. I 824 Securi t Cash deposits to secure constructi on of required improvements may be total security or in combination with 'I' bond, letter of credit, etc.l. '. 2861 825 SecurUyDeposits - Right of Way; Cash deposits to secure cons~ruct.ion I of required improvements for right-of-way permits. , 826 County Deposits Unclass,ified. Cash deposits remitted to the City from I the County and lacking detail. for a'j'location by type of expense category. I 828 Sewer Annexa ti on Depos its. Incl udes Ci ty charges for processing sewer district annexations as well. as annexation fees whichtne City must '.' remit to the State of California. 830 Street Lighting Deposits. Deposits to secure street lighting imp'rove- I' ments. , 999 SUSPENSE ACCOUNT. Account used only by the Finance Division. I I I -, I' I '. I I 'I' I' I I I I I I I I ,- I I '. I I I I I I I I. I APPENDIXD ~. ,: CHART OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS AND DEFINITIONS :. . 2M I REVENUE ACCOUNT DEFINITIONS I, I TAXES AND FRANCHISES: Revenue in the ZOOOseries represen,t taxes on retail , sales, property taxes, franchises or he~d '(room) tax. Most of the taxes in this .' category are paid di rectly to the City by'the unit that collects the tax. . ' 7010 Property Tax - Current: Secured and unsecured ,prop. erty, tal{ allocated. .' to the City by the County at the rate of 1% of the a.!,sessed value of the property,. PaYments are macje to the City about 14 times a year with, the majority paid in December and April. Norma lly property value ls anticipated to grow (i .e.,inflate) at 2% of the prior year' 5 values., 7012 Property Tax - Del inquent: Secu,red and unsecured proper,ty taxes that were levied in prior tax. year(s), but were not paid when levied. As' 'I' the County collects these late 'taxes, they are paid to the City. 7013 sup. pl emental Ta. x Roll ~ c..urrent: Secured a. nd unsecured property taxes '.' generated from supp I ementa 1 assessments whi ch are the resu I t of , increases in assessed valuat'ion. due to .changes of ownership or new constructi on and are bill ed at the time of thei r occurrence. , 7014 Supplemental Tax Roll- Delinquent: Supplemental property tax~s paid. in a year subsequent to the year in which the taxes were ~ssessed. 7015 Homeowners' Property Tax Exemption: ,A $7,000 exemption provided for in I the State Constitution. The exemption is deducted fr'Qrn the full value of the dwelling unit f,rom the tax bill paid by the citizens. The State 'I' then reimburses the County who, in turn, reimburses the Ci ty for the , loss of revenue. The exemption is constitutionally, guaranteed to the ' taxpayer, but the reimbursement to the City is subject to annual budget review by the State. II 7016 Business Inventory Subvention: Once businesses paid a ,tax on their inventory on a specifi c qate. Thi s tax is no longer paid bY 'I' busi nesses. The Ci ty is reimbursi!d for thi s revenue loss subject to . annual budget approval by the State. State law is phasing out this revenue source over a 5-year period. II 7017 Other Tax Roll Items: This is a series of miscell~aneous taxes . collected by the County a.ndPaid .to the City on. personal property I including such items as trailers, race horses, and ~ircraft. 7018 Trailer License Fees - Property Tiix: ,Motor trailer 1 icense fee revenue collected by the State of California from mobile homeowners riot on the I' current tax roll. . 7019 No- and Low-Property' Tax Transfer: SB-709. revenue generated from .' property tax transfer--7%over 7 .years--to "low-property tax cities," for which City of Poway qual i'fies. The transfer begins in FY 1989-90. I I . I 289 I' 7020 Franch.tses: . Re{enue,s, for use of pubn~ rtg~t-of~way or exclusive right to furnish gas", 'e 1 ectricity, cable, television, and other utili ties to I the City. llheseta#~ ,ar~ paid to the Gi,ty quarterly by'the two larger franchises and annually by the smaller franchiSe. I 7022 Sa'les Tax: A portion of the statewide sales, tax collected by busi- nesse,~jand paid ,to,~he state. The State remits a portion of th,e tax to the City each month then, periodically" (quarterly in most casesl I adjusts the payments to '!actual" amounts. 'The tax is:'paid to the pity 'based on point of sale collections. Currently the 1 oca 1 a llocati on is' 1\4 percent Ioinh 1 RerCE!nt being remitteg to l:,iti,es: alld the additional \4 I percent earmarked for transportation funds. to counties. 7023 Prop. A ~-Cent Sales Tax: Additi onal~-cent transactions and use tax passed by t~e vo.tersi n San Di ego, November B87. This sales arid use I tax will last tor 20 years beginning April 1, 1988, and ending March,31, 2008. 'The revenue generated liy this 'tax increase will fund 'many transportat.ion purposes, including ,transit and st'reets and roads. I 7024 Trans,1ent Occupancy Tax: A tax co 11 ected fr;om hot,el ~motel guests asa .,." ' . . percentage of. ~heir' room rate. The tax is collected by the hotel-motel owner and remitted, quarterly to the City. , I .7026 Real Property Transfer Tax: Tax imposed on the transfer 'of rell-'1 ,pro- perty at a rate per dollar value of sale. This tax is coll ected and I paid to the City throughout the year as part of the 14 tax increment payments. ' 7031 Property Taxes - Flood,Zones: Property tax conections' ,w"ithin th.is I area for drainage, flood control, etc., used for operations and ma i nfenance. I LICENSESANb PERMITS - Revenue in the 7100 series represents collections fo'r 1 i censesand permi tsi ssued dIrectly by the Ci ty or by the City for another governmental unit. I 7111 Animal Li cen'ses: Licenses issued .to regulate and control dogs and horses. The 1 icense's ,are issued by the Collnty with the City receiv,ing a minor portion <if the dog licensing fee. The fee collected, for horse I l'i tens,!!} i seventua fly returned to the city for riding trail s. q,olll1l_uQi'ty'Services and Customer Services coordinate these programs for the .City. I 7'113 Btcyc'l e Licenses: Licenses issued to regUlate and control' bi cycl es. .The Hcenses, are recorded by the State and' issued by the9ity. The I City pays for l,icense forms and materials and receives a minor license iee.S~fety Services coordinates this program .forthe City. The reve- nue collected are used for i nsta 11 ati on and maintenance of Bi cycl e , Lall,es. '. J 7114 ,Business Regulatory" Fee: An amount collected for regulat:ion of busi- nesses iQ the City., This program is J<1intlycontrolled by Safety "'. Services,: Planni.ng Services, and Administrative Services. ! .. , 1- , ' , , . ~ 290 I I 7115 Sanitat.ion Permits: Permits issued to fi rms to negotiate trash collec- tion within the City. I 7116 Fi shing Permi ts: A permit issued by COlll1luni ty Servi ces for the pri vi- lege of fishing at the Lake. I 7151 Boat Permi ts: A permit issued by COlll1lunity Services toobta in the use of a boat on ~he Lake. 7153 Construct i on Permit -Excavati on: A permi t issued by Publ i cServi ce to I allow for encroachment on publ ic right-of-way. The rates charged for the permit are based upon various unit prices I that relate to the type of. work to be performed. The rates are out- lined in a City resolution (cunrently Resolution 325) and the authority I for the coll ecti on is part of the Ordi nance 80. 7154 Construct i on Permit - Gradfnq: A permit issued by Publi c Servi c.es,that allows for grading. The rates are also outl ined ina City resolution I (currently Resolution 325). 7155 Construction Permit - Other: A. permi t issued by Pub 1 i c Se'rvi ces for 'Ii miscellaneous construction. This account is rarely used. 7157 Construction Permits - Sewer: An' ,accountofor the issuance of temporary sewer service connections. This account is seldom used. I 7160 Parking Permit: A one-day permit issued for parki ng at the Lake. COlll1luni ty Servi ces coll ectsand issues the permi ts. The rates are I established by City Resolution ,83-044. FINES AND FORFEITURES - Revenue in the 7200 seri es r~presents collection of I fines levied for citations. 7210 Fines and Penalties: The, revenue genera ted, by ci tatioris issiJedby the Sheriffs. Reyenue represent~collections for citations from thl courts I or from the firm that processes the City's tickets. USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY - Revenue in the 7300 seri es represents income I generated from the rental of property and equipment, or derived from the invest~ ment of the City's funds. 7310 Interest Income: Income generated from the inves,tment of City funds. I The interest income is 'apport.ioned to the funds based. upon the positive . '.-' . . cash balances in the fund at the end. of each month. AnY. interes.t ear- n i ngs not budgeted is a lloca ted to the genera 1 fund:;, Investment of I City funds is performed by Administrative Services. 7315 Interest Income- Bond:' Income generated from the investment of City I funds recei ved as earn.i ngs on cash co nected for bonded debt. 'payments. 7316 Interest Income - Pool: A temporary account used to accumulate interest income during the month 'pr',iorto allocating it to the funds at I month end. I I 291 I 7317 I nterest' Or ncome '.,. Loans: Interest ,earned o~ prfncipal due to another I enti ty',. 7330 Interest: Income -, ,Note Recei vab 1 e: An account to record interest ear- nings on a 'note. Current ly th is account 'is used to record income to I tll:~ g!!nercil fu,ndfor KnOrchard Water Di stri ct n,ote whti:h w,lU bE! paid ,gff in about 1994. The account is administered by .Admini'strative , Servi ces. I 7340 Park'land Dedication Fees: Fees co 11 ected from developers for construc~ ti on of parks in accordance wi th Ordinance 124. I, 7341 Rental of Property.: Renta 1 of genera 1 cUy ptgperty by private coI')- cerns. Currently this,Account records receipts for the Oak KngTl faci- 1 fty. This site renta.l ts admintstered by Administrative Servli'ces. I 7350 Signalmaster ID 4 Rent: Re.nt paid by Sigi'1~llmaster "for prop,!!rty rented by this cable telev,i~ion company for equipment (e.g." antennas"etc.) I located in ID 4 at the Boca Raton Reservoir site. The s He rental fs administered by CORl11unity Services. 7360 F,"ac,ili ti es Rental: A fee paid by the public to reserve and secure the I use of park sites and structures. This rental fee is administered by' Communi tyServices. (.). I 7361 Dock Equi pmentRental: Rental of ftshi ng apparatus used at Lake Poway. Thi s account has been combined into account 7363. ' '..1. _, _ _, Rent pai d by other fi re departments to use 7362 Fi re Faci li ties Renta 1 :' I .' .. - . training 'structures and equipment such as the training tower. Thts account is administered by Safety Services. '. 7363 ,Recr'eatiOn Equipment Rental: Rental fee charged to the publ ic to, use . - ~ -.. . recreati,onequi pmentat the Lake and COlll1lunity Center. Th is accounti.s, admintstered by Community Services. I 7364 .Swilll1ling Pool Rental s: .. Renta 1 fees charged to swim teams and other users' for reservation of swilll1li ng pool. This account is administered I by' COlll1luni ty' Services. 7310 ,Concess.ion Lease Rent: A rental fee, paid as a percentage. of income for on-jUe serv,tces oft"ered by a private concern that o'perate~ '~t ci: ci ty I. fa.ci )'ity. CO[lcessio,n jncome ts ,primarily generated by the concesstona.ire at the I Lake. Addittonal revenue is derived from a sriack bar o'perated at the 'Colll1luni ty Center. COlll1lunity Servi ces monitors the concesstonaires. ""., -. 7380 Group ,Rentals: ,A fee paid by the pub.l ic to reserve and 'secure the use I "of park sites. The reservation process is administered by COlll1lunity ?~rv;ices'., Thi saccount is bei ng phased out and revenue recorded to 7360. I l" 292 I 7391 OvernightCamplng Site Renta.l: Rental fee paid by the public to camp I: in designated sites at the campgrounds ,at the Lake. This activity is I monitored by COlll1luni ty .Servi ces\ Thi s account will be combi ned with 7360. REVENUE. FROM. OTHER AGENCIES: City's share of revenue collected by other govern- I mental units ,and then pa,id to the City as sub,ventions; also used to account for fund i ng rece,i ved from federal, state, or other pub 1 i c agenctes for specific programs, grants or projects. I 7401 Revenue ftom Other Agencies -' Publ ic: Revenue received from other public entities, such as schools and hospitals, for a particular pro- I ject or activity. 7410 Motor Vehicle in Lieu: Includes revenue derived from'Section fl005 of Revenue ancl Taxat i on Code. The; ,a,nnua 1 fee is set at 2% of t~.!! depre~ I' ciated'market value of motor ve~icles. The State ke'eps; about :50% of the coll ecti on and di stributes th'e rest to 'citi es monthly on'the basi s of population. I 7411 Off-Highway Motor Vehtcl e: tn- Heu. Fees: State remits this fee' semian- nually to the City as a per capj,til al11ount. This revenue Is apportioned I and collected under Vehicle Code:Sections 38240(a) and 38230. 7420 State Aid to Loca.1 Agencies: Other sta te revenue not o,the rwtse classified such as a subvention or grant. I 7421 Federal Aid to Local Agencies: Federal revenue rec~,i.pts not, other-wi se classified such as a grant, construction, in~l ieu taxes. I 7430 Gasol ine Tax- 2106: Includes revenue derived from, Section 2106 of the Street and Highway Code. The State remits a fixed amount monthly to 1 the City. Additionally, the, City s~ares in a portion 0/ the'overali base sum that is not distributed to the counties andthts amount is apportioned ona monthly basis. 7431 Gasoline Tax., 2107: Incl udes revenue derived from Sectton 2,107 of the I. State and Highway Code. The payment pattern for ,th.i s accouritis the ,same as for 7430, The tax is collected as an amount per gallon and, is I distributed to cities as a per ,capita amount. 7432 Gasoli ne Tax - 2107.5.: 'I ncl udes revenue deri ved from section 2107.5 of the Street and Highway Code. These funds, are allocated annually to "I the City b'ased ,uporipopulation ranges. The City's :poRuiatipn'must ' , increase to 100,000 before there is a change in the bracket amount. - I 7440 Cigarette .Tax: Include,S revenue derived from Sect,ion,30462 pf'the Revenue and Taxation Code. The, State remits this t.ax monthJy.. to the State and adjusts this amountquarterl'y. This tax is a;1located based I' on a series of f.ormulas that can 'be Toughly equivalent to a per 'capita amount and to an amountthatapprox,1ma tes a ra ti ci of' City's sa lestax - ,- --" .,. to other citi.es' sales tax throughout the County. I 7450 Grant Revenue: Generill categorY head-ing used to indicate ttia t accounts coded from 7450 to 7499 represent grants. I I 293 l' I 7451 Grant Revenue -,County: Revenue received from the County forspecifi c programs. Curreotly the City has recei ved fubdfng for a fi sh habitat I at the, Lake. ' 7453 .Feder-aJ Rev.ehlJeiShciring: Include~ revenue paid quarterly' by the I federa'l go. vE!rnmentund~r the State and Lo,ca 1 Assi stanceFlct of 1972. Revenue is distributed 'based on a formula that combines population and taxi n'g authori ty. I 745-5 ' Grant: Revenue, HES-F:AU: Revenue received from Hazard Elimination and , Safety (HES) ANDF.ederal Aid to Urban (FAU.):. Currently ,revenues in this account ,are for specific streetiinprovements projects where I funding is from the. state as administered bj"Caltrans. 7456 Grant ,Revenue - FAU: This account has been combined with 7455. I 7457 Grant Revenue - OTS: Revenue received from thesta"te Office of Traffic Safety for specifit' grants. Currently this account is inactive. I". 7458 Grant Revenue ~JobsBi 11: Revenue received from the federal gOy,ern~ ment under the jobs bills program. Cur;rently this account is inactive. I 7459 Street Ma.intenance Funds - SB 300: Specia'l anocation of S'tate funds to' be use<! strictly, for road maintenance. No funding is anUc,ipated , after fi sca 1 year 1986-87. I 7460 GranfRevenue,,"SB :174.: Grant revenue fr(1n1 the state for specif,tc p~rk impr;ovement projects as approved under Senate Bi 11 174. Currently th.i s I account is i riactive. ' 7461 Grant. Revenue P.ark Bond Acts 1980, 1976, etc:Grant revenue ,f,romthe I' state for specific park improvement projects as approved by voters under various bond acts. I. 7467 Gran,t - Fue,l. Efficient' Traffic Signal 'Program: To account, for grant . revenue r:eceived for a stUdy to determine the ,optimum timing for City , traffic signals. :1' 7470 'Grant ..Rev,eriue - lransportat.i on Oeve lopmen.t ,Ad: _ State rev,enue 'fo.r mass tranS,l tlrnproyernent, programs' such as 'bl~ycl e lmprove'!lents. Revenue n.ormally Jla id as reimbursements to the C;ity for specifi c improvement "1 p, rOje~,Js ifrundedas a 'portion of the Arti,cle 3 allocations, administered by SANDAG'. I. 7471 G'ra, nt. Re, venue .7 ;Offi ce of Crimi nal JUstiC. e: s.tate r.,evenue .for a crime . ' "preve~ti20 program currently beingpresenteQ ,in 'tpe -City schools, by the Safety Servi'ces. Department in conjunction with the schools. I' ,7473 :Grant . Revenue; ~, co. BG 8th ,Year: Accounts. for revenue funded by the ,fedeTa 1 government, under the 8th a 11 ocation, year for theCortrnurii ty ,Dev.el!opment Block Grant programs. The program reiinourses cost'iritiJri:red '.1' for'atfproVed projects. The County is the primary recipient of'the , funds. , ' :1 J 294 I 7474 Grant ,Revenue - Housing and Cortinunity Development: Federal grant .' program that is no longer used. 7475 Grant Revenue - TDA Article 4.5: state grant adrn.iniStered by SANDAG I for the Call-A-'Ride program, fOr tl1.l!, elQe,fly. anQhilndjcaRP_l:ld citizens. Funding is remitted monthly by SANDAG. The original all.oCationiS part .' of the 14-cent TDA sales. tax and 'special distriCt augmentation for ' revenue. 7477 Grant Revenue' - CDBG 9th Yea.r:Accounts for federal revenue" '.funded as I part of the 9th year a llocat 1 onofCOlll1lunity DeveloPrnent Block Grant. 7478 Grant. Revenue - CDBG lOth. Year: Same as account 747T' except the I funding year is ten. 7479 Grant Revenue - CDBG 8th and. 9th Year Fundi ng. Same as Account 7477 I except the fundi ng year fs 'eight and ni.ne. : 7481 Grant Revenue - CDBG 11th Year: Same as 7477 except the funding year I is eleven. , : '.. , 7482 Grant Revenue - CDBG 12th Year: Federal COlll1lunity Deliellfpment Block . Grant allocation; twelfth year entitlement. .' 7483 Grant Revenue - CDBG ,13th ,Year: Federal COlll1lunity Development Block Grant allocation; thirteenth yearentltlement. I 7484 Grant Revenue- CDBG 14th thru 18th Years: Federal COlll1lunity Develop- ment Block Grant allocation; fourteenth and eighteenth year enti tle., I ment. , CURRENT FEES AND SERVICES: Revenue in the' 7500 ,series represents ;charges: to the publ ic for services or cOlll1loditles. Revenue 'in these account. series 'represents I: fees for services or products. ' 7510 candid.ate .Fi.l ing Fees:.. Fee pa. id .bY, candidate for City Cou[lc:i1 office. .. The City Cl erk estimates'and mo'n"itors thi s account. ,Revenue is' received only in election years. 7520 Sales and Servi.ce: ~evenue rece.ived from the sale of'water, sewer, and ..' transit services. Utility revenuer isrecordea' bimonthly as billed. . ' Transit service revenuers recorded monthly and represents the:'opera- tor's 1.0% fare box CO.l. .lec. tion which" i.s';part of a gross revenue concep. t'l required by the state for audit purposes. The utility rates normally , , are set annually by reso,lution. 7521 Sales - Unmetered Water: 'Interimwaterserv,ice;prov'ided at sites where I there are ,no meters foracti v,i ties 'such as tonstruCti on and 1 and- scaping.. Water service is b,iTli!dmanually based onrriinimum charge for I residentlal users and area Slze for unmetered slope water. , 7522 Sa 1 es - SDCWAlRamona, ,Water,: Water sold by the City to ,the San Diego County Water Authori ty for ~se by the Ramona' Municipal Water Di'strict ". in accordance wi th a contractual agreement. Revenue is 'recorded' monthly as service is billed. I I 2% I' 7523 InterdepartmentaL Ut'iTity Charges: Charges 'for'water and, se\\ler service pr.ovided, ,for j,~ter.nil.JlJSe.with the Gi t'y., The' bJ:Hing system automat i- I cally bills themeter;ed 'accounts. , ' 7524 De].inquency Charges,~, Sales: A late fej! 'assessee! to util ity cl!stomers I who have failed to pay their bills in a, t,imely manner. The fee currently is a percentage of the unpaid balance. 7525 Hydrant Meter Service Charges: A fee, c,h,argee!to persons who use fire I hydrant water meters' during construction., ":Currently a flat fee of' $10' is charged. '." 7526 Reco, nnect'ionand, Turh."on Fees: f;;fee c~~'rg, ed, t6u,ti, li,ty ,customers to ,reestablish service. Currently the fee is a,flat f,eeasses,sed to cover 'the labor cost of the meter reader and varies from $15 to $35 depending on, the hours the' service is provided. '17528 Interrupt.ible WaterlAgricultural Rebate: ACliedit 1ssued by SDCWA that r;educesthe ,co~t of water to the City and, the Cay's ,agrtcultural 'I' users. The di scounted rate permi ts MWD the ri ght to decr'eas'e . , (interrupt) del ivery bY an agreed upon' aiT)oiJh.t. , I 7529 Sa.1es Capacity Charges: Fixed cost based on', meter SiZ, e associated with , the water meter, i.e. meter readi ng, repair/repll acement of meter', etc. 'I 75~0 Pump,ing - ID, #1': Charges billed to water uti,lity, ,users ,fO,r"',water pump,i ng required to"serv;ce an area. The purpose is to recover the electrical energy costs. The pumping for ID'#l is to 1 tft water to the l:Iigh Valley area. I 7531 Rumpfng - ID #4: Charges billed for pumping in Panorama HJlls, Loma~ ' Verdes" and portions of Stoneridge area,s. Al so s'ee account 7530 for I further explanation. , 7532 Pumping - Orchard; 5,11 vel' Saddl e, A73: :Cha!ges bi lled for ~l>iJl)1pi ng in , the areas identified as Northcrest, De} PO~iebte ,and port,ions of the .: Green Valley areas. Also see account 7530 for further explanatfon'. ' 7533 Pumpi'ng - Donart: Charges b,illed ,for pumping in the Dona'i"t Driv,e I Service area Also seeacc'ount, 7530 for "fu'rttier explanali on. 7534 pump:ih7 -, Conva,ir: Charge~ ~illed fqr pumpi ngtoConva ir-Sycamore 'I, C<!I1, yo!)" ,p,omqna F:aci1'i,ty in the City of San Diego A I so 'see account 7530 , ~ fo,r:further exp 1 anat,i on. I '7535 Pumping -, Padre IransitMix: Charges btlled for Padr,e TransHMix " water service. Also see account- 7530 for further explanati,on. , ' . 7536 Pumping - Camelback: Charges billed to the i\rtaMFra Reservojr serving ;I'~ Lake Poway Park and, Water Servi ce Area VI.. Al so see account 7530 for , further explanation. 'I' 7537 Pumping - Woodcli,ff: Charges billed to water pumping to Water Assessment Dtstri ct 79-1. Al so see account 7530 for further explanation. I 296 I 754D Expansion Fees: Charge paid for the: pri vi 1 egeof j oin1ng the water or I sewer uti 1 ity servi ce ,system. This fee is paid whenever devil! opers or new utifityusers apply forservfce in a new area. I 7542 Connection Fees: Charge paid forut1:1lty service b~sed on meter size. Connection fees are normally paid only by individuals requTring n,ew' 1 service rather than by the lar.ge! developers who expand, thii uti 1 ity , system. 7544 Admini'strative .Revenue: Cost recovery for'staff per,forming ser'j:j!=es 'I that benefit a 1 imited--pubMc or different ac.c,6unti;ng entity. Administrative revenue;incl,udes such, items as overhead, charges, and cost. recovery for staff position performing work for t:he Redevelopment 'I' Agency. ' 7546 Meter I nstall at ion: Ch,argefor sett"i,ng and connect i, ng'water, m" ,eter, an, d 1 1 ateral swhen necessary whenever a new installation is requested. ' , Metertnstallation is based on f:ixed charge and iater:al chai:gesare based on a fixed fee- and/oractuaf cost. 7548 Street Light Energlz,ing'Eee:" This --fee covers the cost of ,street 1 i9htl operations and maintenancefr;om the'tlme a 1 ightisenergi,zed, ~riti1 it is annexed into the ,li,ghting district. Afterannexatfon, costs are 'I' recovered through property tax rollass,essment. ' , 7550 High VOlume'Se~e~: 'Sewerservtce"cha~ges billed to cO,nmerCia1 ~sers as 'I,' part of the uhl1 ty system. Bt1li ng lS based on water consumphon. , t 7551 Annexation Fees - General: Fee paid for the privi'lege of j'oin'ing the , , sewer district.. 7552 Annexati.on, E,ee - De,l ,Norte Taxes:, Wh~,n sewer servi cewqsoffered to th~ s a,rea" ' the consu~ers, h,~da,!=hoi ce ofusi,ng several paym, , ~ntopttons. '. Th1 saccount' records thlS fee 'charged in ten, annual ,1 nsta llments' recorded' on the proper;;ty tax rolls. This areai s also, known a's Assessment .District 73,-10 ,Rl!Venue.fr,om 7~~1 has 'basically been I co 11 ected WIth the excepti on of the, ,de 11 nquenc1 es. 7553 Annexation fee - Kozy Crest Taxes: ,Similar to account 75'52, but the Kozy,Cre,st area is' Assessment District, 80-2. Revenue is ahti.t.i pated I' through 1990. : , , 7554 Annexati,on Fee ~"Gree,n Valley Taxes: SimUar to'account '7552' but for I the 'Green Val'leyarea, ,Assessment District aD-I,. Revenue is antici- ' , pated through 1990. ' 7555 SewerServid Tax'Roll - F,"isca,l: Year 'r98l-1982:In previous ,fiscal I years, the sewer servic,echarges' were Collected on the. tax "roll as a ' flat rate charge. This."actountrecords these "deTinquerit charges as , they are being collected. I 7556 Inspection Fees: Fees charged by the, public works departme!1t for on- , site' inspection of waterancl'sewer lines, grading, inspection" etc. I I ! I 297 I 7557 Annexation-Map .Check Fees: Pro!,e_sstng, fee cOJ) ected in connection , with sewerJ11ap rev,ie.".s for hookup charges. I 7558 Driveway Paving Fee: Cost recovery for performing stree~ improvement of ,private driveway ,areas. Revenue i'santfcipated through '1997,., I 7560 Surcharges- WCI: :Sewer servi ce charge for wastewater capital improve- ment. I 7562 Pumping ,Charges' - St. Andrews: Revenue derived from utility customers who, are assessed for the energy costs of transmi'ss i on through th'e puinp station located on St. Andrews to service this area. ' I 7563 Pumping Charges -Camino del Valle: Same as 7562.- but for the Camino del Vall e,area. I 7564 Pump,ing Charges -' Del' Poniente: Same as 7562, but for the Del Poniente area. I 7566 ,Drainage Fees: Fee charged to 'assist ir o,verall eros,i'on andgrainage protection, facHiti es, and terraci ng. ., , I 7570 Plann,ing F:ees:. Fee; charged for the review!of deveropment applications by,the Planning Se"i'vices Department. I' 7571 Envi.ronmenta I Revi ew. ~.ees: Fees paid for consul tants hi red bl the." C~ t,Y to prepare Draft Ennronmental Impact Reports (EIR) for the Plann1ng Servi ces Department. 'I" 7572 Miscellaneous PlanntngFees: Fees collected by Planning Services, to , recover the cost of services such as photocopies'" book,lets 'and ,maps. I 7573 Building Inspection Fees: Charges for buil di ng permi ts and associ ated . ' inspection, for such items as remodel ing, fences, etc. '.. " 7574 Mi'scellaneous Leg.isTati.ve & Administrative Fees: Fees collected by , ' Ci tyCl erk,City' Man<i,ger ,City Attorney and AdministratlveServ,;-ces, fo'r the sal e .of pub l'tcations, documents and for photocopying serv,i ces. '. 7575' Planc'heck Revenue: Charges for eng,ineering review Clf .Cl:lnstruction , pl~n~ and maps; Revenue recorded represents the overhead charges for en,gi nee ring consul tants and sa 1 ar-Y and overhead reimbursemen-t for City 'I engineering staff. 7576 M,iiscell aneousPubti c Servi cesFees: Revenue received for sale of I publications, bid specifications, etc. tly the Public Services , Department. " 'I 7577 -tn.spe., ct.i'on ,Reve.nue Fees: Revenue recei ved for on-site inspections made : . by the Public Services Oepartment other th'an those inspections con- , ' necteg to uti lityi nspecti on. '1; l,5l8 Engineering,s. taff Time Reimbursement: Reimbursemerit from private r devel10pers fo.r engineering staff time spent o,nboundary adjustment reviews,and ,other miscellaneous engineering' services. 'I' , , 298 I 7579 Mi scell aneous'.Safety Servi ces" ,Fees: Revenue rec.eJ ved, :by the Safety I' Services Department for the sale o.f publications,permHs, hazardous I materials cleanup, etc. 7580 Leisure Contracts: Revenue rece.ived fori recreation programs that are led by outside instructors; e.g.,gyrnnastics, tiny tot, karate" The I recreation participants pay a fee that offsets the cost of the lndiv,i- - . .. . dual class. 7581 Recreation Proqrams: Basiqlly the same as account 7580, but the I recreati ona 1 cl ass is ~onductei1 by Gityemp 1 oyees. " 7582 Recreation ,Officials: Revenue. coll ec:tedfor softball ump,i res from the I league teams. City remits amount. to softball officials'. 7583 South PowayEngineering Fees: Th 15 " account is used -to recoup the .' . .' - --. sa lary and benefit costs for' Eng~ neeri ~g staff time-"-'speciftcally the cost of the Special Projects Engineer. 7584 Vehi.cle, Maintenance Fee- :Sheriff: Revehue received 'from the! county I for providing minor service on sheriffs' vehicles assigned to' 'poway. . 7585 Yearly Vehicle and Equipment Rental, Service Fee: Rental fee charged, to I using departments to recover! the cost of acqu;ringa repJacement vehicle or mobile equipment. 7586 Yearly Capital Outlay Rental: Rental fee charged to using 'departments I' to recover the replacement cost of acqui ring material assets such as word processors, computers, etc. . 7587 Swinrning Pool Admi ssion Fees: Fees charged to publ i cfor,'da 11y use 'and season 'passes for swilll1ling pOOl. 7588 Aquatic Programs and Contracts: .Fees for swimcfasses and for .programs I lead by outside instructors; e.g" springboard ,diving, scuba, etc. 7589 Towing Contracts: R!!V!!nue receiv.E!d to r:e,imburse 'the City 'for hi ri ng I private companies to tow a vehicl e as part of a' nu,isanceabatement program. I: 7590 Ambulance Fees: Revenue received from users of theparamedi cambulance .. ~ . - - service provi~ed by Safety Services~ 7591 Fire Protection Fee: A fee based on a fire flow calcu.lation. This fee I is collected~n the ta~ 1'611. 7592 ,Weed Abatement:. Revenue received from pr:operty owners for cl,earing I weeds ,anddebri s fromthefrproperty., The weed and veh;icle abatement program is. 'administere,~ oy Safety ,Services. Most of the revenue is I co 1.1 ected on the tax ro 11 . 7593 Traffi,c Mi t igati onF:ees: Fees paid by developers to improve traffic flow or mitigate traffic congestjon near their development sites. I I I' 299 I 7594 Traf.ficSignal Fee:' . Fees paid by devl!lopers to install or improve traffic sfgnalis near' their development sites. I 7595 Landscape Median Fees: Development fee paid to improve landscaping ,near the development area. " I 7597 Road Impr:ovementEee - Developer: Similar to account 7593, but the City Council may specify the particular amount or usage. I 7598 Poway and Garden Roaa,Signal: Revenue received to benefit a particular si te. Th is account is ,no longe r act i ve. I 7599 Road Improvem, ent. - Mtdland: Revenue received to benefit a particular , site. This account is no longer active. OTHER REVENUE: Revenue fn ,the 7600 series represents collection of general I obligat i on debt" bond proceeds, dona t ions, sale of property refunds and other miscellaneous income. I 7610 Bond I & R - Orchard Water District, Taxes: Interest and, prfncipa,l redemption collecUons for payment of Orctlanj Wat,er District bonds: Funds collected through property taxes are from de1.inquent accounts II only as the bonds have been paid. 7611 Bond I, & 'R - ,General Water Bonds, Taxes; Interest and princ.ipal Ire. demPtioncollect. ,i on.s for' payment of gener,al obI igation water b..' onds issued by poway Muni cipa 1 Water Di stri ct." Collected through property , taxes as a rate, per assessed value. The levy is in excess 'of the one , percent property tax rate. I 7612 ,Bond ,I & .'R - lD '#1,. Taxes: Interest and princi pa 1 redemptron coll-ec- tions on the tax rolls for payment of Improvement Dfstrict 1, High II Valley area, bonds originally issued by Poway Municipa,l Wa'ter District. 7613 Bonds I & R - I'D #2 - Taxes: Interest and principal r:edempt.ion collec~ t ions on the' taxrol?lsfor payment of Improvement District 2, ~onds ..' originally issued ,by poway Municipal Water District. 7614 Bond I & R - 1975 Bonds, Taxes: Interest and principal redemption ... co'llections for p(!yment, of 1975 bonds used to finance the fire station , and r~latM strlJctures and equipment. This issue is a general obliga- tion bond issued'by Poway Municipal Water District. '. 7615 Bond l' & R - Sewer' Bonds, Taxes: I nterest and pri nci pa" re,dempt ion , cOillections'for payment of general obl igation sewer bonds.Conected , through property taxes asa rate per assessed value. The levy is in ,'I excess of"the one 'percent.,:property tax rate and repres'erits Various debt , issues of PomeradoCounty Water District. I 7616 Bond, I & R, - 1978 Fire Bonds, Taxes: Interestand principal redemption collections for payment of 1978 Fire Bonds. Collected through property taxes on annual basis. I: "I ; : 300 I 7617 Bond I & R - AD 79-1, Taxes: Inte~est and principal redemption collec- I tions for payment of AD 79-1 bonds. Collected thro'ugh property taxes on annua 1 ,basi 5'- I South Poway CFD #1 Bond: I nterest and pr,i nci pa 1 redempti on con ect ions 7618 for payment of South Poway CFD #1 bonds coll ected through property I taxes on annual basis. 7620 Proceeds from Sa 1 eof Bonds: Proceeds from sa Ie of debt instrument; I e.g., bond, note, etc. 7621 Bond I ssuance Fees: Fees' co 11 ected by the City or ,Redevelopment Agency for the sponsorship of a debt issue. I 7622 Loan Proceeds: Thi s account is used to account for the receipt of borrowed funds. I 7630 Premium On Bonds/Notes: Amount collected in excess of the: face value of a Iiote,bond, or other debt j,nstrument. I 7640 State License COlll1lissions: Handl ing fees for selling State of Ca llfornia fishing licenses. Conected at Lake Poway on a dai ly basis. I 7650 Donations -Colll1lunity Ser,v.i:ces: Con~ributions mafle by :CiJ,izens of Poway for purchase of equipment for Con'inunity Servi'ces Department. I 7651 Donations - Fire Station: Contributions made bycitizensandorganiza~ tions of Poway for materials and equipment for Safety Ser'V1ces. ' I 7652 Donations: - Paramedic:, Gontributions made byc,itizens, ,~nd organiza- tions -to benefit paramedi cs for suchi tems as paramedic' equipment, safety films, etc. . 7653 Donations - Clyde Rexrode Memorial: Contributions l1),adeby citizens oJ Powayin memory of Clyd,eRexrode, the City's ffrstmayor. The, funds I collected are paying for the construction of a memorial pavilion at Lake Poway. 7654 Donations - ~eneral: General contiiibutions made to the City without I' specification as to use of funds for specific'operating units. Usually money is received for spec1'fic programs or projects' on :a non-recurring basis. ' I 7655 Donations - Bette Bendixen: Contr,ibutioils made by thE! 'esJateiind the ,citizens in memory of Bette 'Bendixen for development o.f' riding and I' ,hiking trails in 'poway. Donations:arereceived periodically,throughout the year. 7660 Sale of Surplus, Property: I'r;oceedsof sale of surplus property owned I by City. Collected by Purchasing Department after safe of property declared as surplus by Council. I I I 301 I 7665 DeveJoper/SubdivJsJon. Deposit Revenue: Depo_sits 1ll1lde 'With Publ ic Services Dellilr~l11e"ntby ,developers to cover engi neeri ng, i nspecti on and 1 map checking of developers' constructt~n projects. 7667 Developer Rarticfpatiorf -, 'Capital. Improvements: Contributions from I developers' for capital improvement projects constructed by the Ci ty/ Redevelopment Agency. 7670 Mandated Costs Recoveries: Collections from the State for increases in I cc:psts imllosed by legislation. Claims ,qfHed annually by" Finance Department. " I 7671 Other Refu. nds: Refun,ds for overpayments that are not accounted for in 'other refund a,ccoun'ts. ,,' '.' 7672 Returned Check Charges: Charges to custome.rs for checksr,eturned by , their bank. CoHected, by Customer Services ,at time of restitution. 7673 Workers' ,Compensation Insurance: Di vi dends recei ved on Workers' I Compensat,ion Insuranc:e Premiums paid in prior fiscal years" and is rece'ived annually, usually in June. I 7674 'Insurance Settlements: Property settlements awarded by insurance. 7675 Mi'scell aneous Income:' Used for recording revenues not cl ass,i fied in I, any other revenue acc~unt. COllected, at 'var~ous times throu~h~ut the . year. Miscellaneous 1 ncome i ncl udes such th1 n,gs as, phone COlll1l1SS ion, " publication sales, transcriptions, vendor refunds, etc. .' 7676 Recovery of Stolen Property: Revenue generated from stolen property auctioned ,by the' Sheriff's Department. I' · 7680 Interfund Transfers: Used to record transfers of funds :asother , fi nanci ng sources: or loans between funds. I' 7681 lnterfund Loans: Loans between funds. Account used for bUdgetary purposes. 7690 Year.:.end RevenueCleari ng : Used at fiscal year end to close revenue :.: aC,counts to fund, balance under the old ,accounting system. This i1ccount is no longer active but rema,ins to provide title file for the old system. " 'I ASSESSMENT"DISTRICTS: Revenue in the 7700 series represents assessment district funding. I', 7710 'Assessment District 83-1 Rancho Arbolitos: Collections of ,assessments , from property owners in thi s area for I andscapi ng and mai ntenance of slopes. I', 7711 Assessment District 86-3 Sunwood: Collection of assessments from Rroperty owners in Assessment District 86-3 'for landscaping and main- '. ,te,llCinCe o,f slope in Sunwood Trac~ along, Metate Lane. The revenue is , ' collected,~n property tax rolls w1th assessment based on acreage. 'I' 302 I 7712 Assessment D,i stri ct 86-1 Hirsch Ranch: Assessmen'H' collected via I property tax rolls for landscape; maintenance. I 7713 Assessment District 86"2 .Sunr"tse Ranch: Assessments coll ected via property tax rolls for Jandscape, maintenance. 7714 Assessment D.istrict86~4 Street 'Lighting: Assessments collected via I property tax rolls for street I ighting maintenance. 7715 Assessment Distr,ict 87-1. ,Pomerado :Busi'ness: Park: Assessmerits con ected I vi a property tax ro lls for landscape mai ntenance. 7999 SUSPENSE ACCOUNT: Used for unidentified revenues. When revenue is I identified the amount is, transferred to the proper account. I: '. I, I I I I I '. I I I I I " I' I 1 . . ' ' :. . I , I " I I, I I ,I: I "'. . I APPENDIX E CITY COUNCIL IMMEDIATE AND 'SHORT TERI4GOALS il~ ' , AGENDA REPORT I CITY OF POW A Y I Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council I TO: FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mari~", I INITIATED BY: Rick Howard, Management,Analyst~ I DATE: June 6, 1989 SUBJECT: City Council Goals and Obj ect i ves, FY 89-90 'I BACKGROUND I On April 6, 1989, the City Council .'reviewed the status of their illl1lediate and short term, goals for fiscal year 1989,.-90. During that workshop sess,i.on, each :Ii councilmElmber presented a list of thei-r proposed illl1ledlate, and short t~rm goals for FY 1989-90. At thi's time, staff is bringing forward the prqposed 1 ist of goa.ls and objectives for FY 1989-90. Once approved, the items wi'll be inc.luded in the budget document. I DISCUSSION The proposed goa.l sand obj ect i ves have ,been formatted 'Hi th thefo'll'o,wi n9 . ,I, categories: 1. No/Zero Fiscal Impact I 11. Minor Fiscal Impact - less than $190,000 II 1. Moderate Fiscal Impact - more ,than, $100,000, but less than $1,000,000 IV. Major Fiscal Impact - greater than $l,QOO,OOO I The above categories represent the costs ,anticipated for each, par,ticular pro", jeCt. Many of the projects are multi ,.-year endeavors, as oppose,d to' pr()ject~ of I 1 imited durat.i on (one year or 1 ess). I'ncluded in the descripti on,s are project costs and duration estimated to complete the goals and object-ives. RECOlotlENDATION I It is recommended that the City Council review the goals and object,ives aridpro-, vfde staff with direction. .' Attachments: Counc i 1 Goa 1 s arid Obj ect i ves I ACTION: Approved Goal s and Objectives as amended to add Mayor Kruse identify,ing I need for Youth/Teen Center, and evaluating altElrnati'ves to construction of a new City Hall/Civic Center as primary goal under III. '5. Adopted I 4-0, with Councilmember Brannon absent. I I 305 I Council GoalS and ObjecUves June 6, 1989 I Page 2 I I. No Ftscal Imoact , I 1. CONTINUE AND ENHAf-lCE REGiONAL INTERAGENCY COOPERATION (Emery) Many of the m"ajor is~ue~ facing Poway are cOlll1lon to our neighboring com- munities. EffectiveJy ,dealing with issues such as, transportaf.ion, ifchools, I' water supply, 'parks ana open, s'pace, and water reclamation will requi re : , intergovernmental cooperation in order to ~e 'properly addressed. A video promoting Poway as a regional voice should also be developed. I Status: It is important for the City Council to continue develoJling and ,. ..' ---,. - .- mainta i ning work ing rela trons ,with the City Councils of other 1 oca 1 juris- :1 dictions, the Cciun'(y Board of Supervisors, and State and Federal 'Legislators to resolve these matters of mutual interest. Project Durat,ion: On-going. :1 Fi scal Impact: None. . "Ii 2. PUBLIC INFORMATION STUDY (Higgi nson) The pur,pose of ,th,i spr,oj ect is to eva 1 ua te the need, to create anew staff I, ,. ... - position, Publ ic Information Officer. This study will review the adequacy ,:1 of the current City system for addressing publiC information and public relations matters. I: Status: Staff will review how other "like" citi.es handle pUbli,c informationlrelat,Fons tasks. It wi 11 then be determined whether or not the . creation of thiS position would result in s;'gnif{cantly increased effec- ti veness and :effi c'iency to'the Ci ty. A report 'wfl 1 be presented, to the City Council based upon the findi~gs of this studY. I Project Duration: Less than 1 year. Fiscal 'Impact: I;n-house stUdy: None. '. 3. INCREASE ,NEIGHBORHOOD COMMUNICATION (Krusel ~I Prior to m~-jor projects ,or developments occurring in a specific neigh- borhood,CHy staff 'will ,meet with the residents of that neighborhood to . .1, review the. proposed project and/or development ~rior to City Council review. I .' I 306 I Council Goals and Objectives I June 6, 1989 Page 3 I Status,: City staff will conUnu,e to work with the reside,nts that are to be I affected by any projects or ,devel~pments which the Council is about to act upon. , Project Duration: On-going. I Fi sca 1 Impact: None. FISCAL IMPACT REVIEW STATEMENT (Kruse) I: 4. It is the des ire of the Council to i ncl ude in each reRort to Coun!=il from I staff, a fiscal impact statement detailing the financial implicatioh's, if any, of the report under rev few. Status: Staff wi 11 imp 1 ement a. "Fi sca 1 'Impact Statement II in each report to I Council. Project Duration: On-going. I Fi sca 1 Impact: None. 1 5. CONTINUE FUNDRAISING AND PROGRAMMING FOR THE PERFORMING ,ARTS CENTER (Brannon) I During fiscal year 1988-89, the Re~evelopment Agency financed the $8.6 mi 11 ion Performing Arts Center now underconstructfon at "Poway 'High School" I Based upon an anticipated shortfall' of'$1.0 million, the Council h'as approved a fundraisin9 drive that is currently underway. Status: The Performi ng Arts Center is currently under constructi on, with an I antiCipated completion date expected ,in late winter/early spring of 1990. The fundra is i ngcampaign i sunaerwaYwith $1 mi 11 i onbeirig thegoa 1 . In addition, the Performing Arts Cente'r Manager is anticipated to ~e appointed I by JulY 1, 1989 and that individual wi'll be responible, for the development of Centerprogralll1ling. Project Duration: 1 to 3 years. I, Fiscal Impact: Expenses to be generated from' fundrai sing efforts. I SATURDAY MORN I NGWORKSHOPS (Go Idsmith) -- 6. It is a goal of the City Council to implement Saturday morning workshops. I These workshops wi 11 occur when an issue of major impact affects a par- ticular Poway neighborhood. I I I' 307 .'. , Council Goal sand' Obj ectives June 6, 1989 Page 4 1 I, Statu, s",: ,AS ap" propriate issues, arise, staff wfllsch..edule Saturday morning workshops. These 'workshops will be noti ced to a'll those wlio are >8.ffected by , the issue at hand. I Project Duration: On.,g6ing Fiscal Impact: Minimal . 7. ENSURE A F'ISCALLY SOUNDCUY OPERATING BUDGET (Higginson) .. Last fiscal year, the City held a general fuh(t~tal'ance 0(,$2,[85,259 as of , July 1, 1988. A gene'ral fund balance of $3,525,064, mi llion is projected for June 30, 1989. 'I, Status: The City conttnll,es to operate in a fiscall'ysound manner, and pro- posed to meet 'i ts gellercal fund' expenditures wi th revenues projected for . Fiscal Y~ar'1989-90. , Project Durati.on: Ongo,ing. '.' Fisca 1 Impact: None. I: 8. ADDRESS THE REGIONAL REFUSE PROBLEM (EmerYl San Diego County landfills will reach their maximum capacities sometime in .' the next decade. Measur,es need to be taken to ensure' that, adequate "site . : locations for futurefac'i 1 ities are acquired. I' Status: Staff' wi 11 study this matter and 1 ook to 'other agenci esfor , ' coopera t i on. SANDAG resources wi 11 be ut i li zed, . P~od~ct Duration: Unknown. 'I, Ftscal Impact': Not known at this time. I: 9. ,fa ACRE STAl'E LANDSI PARCEL IN RANCHO ARBOLIl'OS (.EmerYl 1 In fis,caJ 1988-89,' ,t,he City acquired a 39+ acre parcel from the ~a,l,'if,o,rnia , State Lands COlll1lission. The parcel is located in'the center of the Rancho Arbolitos subdivision.' It is Council's goal to reach a successfulsolut;on J to the dflposition of this property. I ,I 'I ", " of 308 I Council Goals and Objectives I June 6, 1989 Page 5 I Status: The Redevelopment Agency has entered into an excl us,ive right to , .' negot ia,te w,i th Standard Pac:ific for the development' oJ the, property. Staff is presently negotiating with Standal'd Pacific, and it tsanti.cipated that formalizat.ion of a development agreement will be achieved earlY in this I fi sca 1 year. Pfoject Duraticn: One year or l~ss. - I Fi scal Impact: None. 10. MIGRANT WORKER RELATIONS ,GOMMITTEE (Emery) I In Fiscal Year 1988-89, theCilYCouncil established the Migrant Worker I Re-lation~ Conlmi'ttee. The 'purposeci{ fh{s cOlll1littee ;'s to foster improved relations betw.een the City, cOlll1lunity" and, migrant workers. BY~cir~,;ing together, the cOlll1li ttee willa ttempt. to an evi ate some ofthefri.ctfon ,bet- ween the conTminity at large and ,the migrant' worker cOlll1lunity.Addftlonally, I hea.lth, safety, education, housing"emproyment and cOlll1lunity relations will be addressed by the cOlll1li ttee to ,formulate recorrrnendati'on? ,as 'they, apply. Project Duration: One year or l'ess. I Fiscal Impact: None. I II. Minor Fisctl ImPlct I 1. ELECTED MAYOR (Brannon, Emery, Kruse) I , The City Counctl is desirous of provid,ing the voters ci'f Poway an op,portunity to directly elect the City'.smayo,r.Current'po,licy calls for the mayor's I pos it i on to rotate among the ,Council 'on an an'nua 1 bas is. Status: If the Council so desires, they can take acti.onin February, 1990 . ~ -..,... ,;-' ,., - to send the concept 'to the ;voters in JLih'e, J990. .If the m~,asure" ;,s'appr,oved I by the voters" Poway res i d~nts wou 19' be ab le to d i r,ectl y e,l ect thei r,mayor i,n 'November, 1990. Project Durafion.: Less than two years. I Fi sca I Impact: Less than $10,000. I ,I 1 -- 'I 309 I Counci 1 Goal,s, 'and ObJectiVes June 6, 1989 Page 6 I' I 2. YOUTHl'TEEN CENTER FOR ROWAY (Brannon, Kruse) City staff will assist th,e coordinators with specific concerns once, ini- ti~tive for the facility comes from private enterprise. I Status: C,i ty staff continues to work with 10ca.cl_g[0~pS and indi,vidu~ls i nterestedi n thi s concept. The Park and Recreatii;ln Advisory COlll1littee is, . , I revi ewi ng the concepto,t estab 1 i shi ng asub-colll1l1.ttee for youth issues . Such a sub-colll1littee would further examine thel t~e.n center concept. As pl ans comeforwa~d, staff w,i 11 assi st in identify,ing suilabl e s.ftes 'and I potenJ i a 1 sources of fund,i ng. P~oject Duration: 'Unknown. I Fisca 1 Impact: Unknown. I 3. CITY ASSISTANCE IN STA8ILIZING HOUSING COSTS AT POWAY ROYAl MOBILE HOME ESTATES, (Emery, Higginsonl I The recent City purchase ~f Poinsettia Mobile Home Park has been an .ffec- tive means for mafntairifrig affordable housing in the City. This project would' exam,ine th~various methods for accompl ish,ing the same result's for Poway Royal Mobile. Home Estates. I' Status: An analysis examining the various means for stabilizing housing costs at Poway Royal Mbbil,e, Home Estates ,has been' i ni t i ated and apprai sa 1 I, work has been completed. The findings were brought forward to the Council for consideration. At Council's direction, staff is now in'itiating nego- tiations with the property owner concerning purchase of the park'. I 'Project Duration: One year or l'ess. Fi sca 1 Impact: Consu,l tan't: $10,000 I App ratsa 1 : $ 5,000 I 4. CONTINUE DRUG AND ALCOHOL ENFORCEMENT PREVEN;(rON (Brannonl It is the desire of the Council to continue its drug education and awareness I campaign. Status: Si nce early 1988" the City Counci 1 has takel1 an act.i verole in drug and alcohol ,enforcement and prevention. This pos-ttive approach to drug I awareness is bein,g exhibited in the schools through the O.A.R.E. progra'm, and other 'preventive programs such as "Just Say No!" Addit ionally" the City Counci li i ncrea~ed the Sheriff' s Offi ce budget by ,adding an addi trona 1 detec- I" ti"e 'assigned to 'narcotics. These measures, along with the br:ug "Hotline" and "PowaySays No To Drugs" campaign have helped to make poway a place ,where ,drugdeal'ers do not practi ce thei r trade. :D~ 310 I Council Goals and Objectfves .1 June 6, 1989 Page 7 I Project Duration: On-going. I Fiscal Impact: Minimal staff time. 5. CITY INVOLVEMENT IN ENSURING.ADEQUATE CHILDCARE FACILITY SITE'S (Kruse,. I Brannon) I Th~ purpose 'of ,this goal is-to look for creative solutions to meet the need for more accessible, quality childcare in poway. As prop'ertyval'ues increase, itwii 1 be important to ,ensure that adequate rand rema,ins I available for this use. In addition, potential sites should be ~identified near major employment areas such as the South Poway Industriai Pa~k.' . Status: Staff will monitor activity in the State and Federal l:egisTature,s I involving potential funding sources for childcare an~ preschool facilities. Bi 11 s wi 11 be mon i tored that propose ena,t:l.1 i ng red eve lopment" set'~asi de funds I.. for this purpose. In addition. 'potential sites for facil f,tfeswUl be iden- t i fi ed throughout the Ci ty and staff wi 11 work with deve 1 op:e'"rS who are ideve- loping projects that could include thildcare facilities. , . Project Duration: Multi -year. 1 Fiscal Impact: Unknown at this time. . I 6. WEIGHT LIMITATION DURING PEAK 'HOURS ON POWAY GRADE (Brannon, Higgin~on) There are serious traffic cgnge~tion problems created ~n Poway'Grade, ,par- I ticularly during peak traff)c hours, by the heavy,. slow movin~ trucks, fre- quenting thi,s route. Thi s tra ffi c congestion has, a ri ppl e effect 'impacti ng I traffic~on Poway Road west of the grade and north of Espo,la Road. Thi s, pr6~ ject proposes to stUdy the feasibtlity of restri.ctirig the travel ci'f these larger vehicles to certain non-peak hours. I Status: Based on. a review of this tssueby staff and the Traffic Safety ',,, -. -.- ",,- . COlll1littee, a strategy to appJystrict enforcement of veh.icle weight restric- I ti ons was imp l.emented. Truck sca 1 es have: been 'purchasedandsuccess'fU11y 'utHized to alleviate the use of Poway Grade by oversized Y,ehicles'. Project Duration: 1 year of less. I Fi sca 1 Impact : In-house study: None. Documentation video: $l,'50b 1 I I I 311 I Council Go~ls .andQbjecti ves June 6, 1989 I Page 8 I 7. OPEN SPACE'ACQUISIJION (Brannon, Goldsmithl Thi s goal is to pres!!rve, open space areas throughout the City in their I natural state, thereby maintainlng the beauty of: Poway Valley. Spec,i HcaJl y, proper-t,i es .such as Twi n Peaks M.ount~j ~ and the Sil ver lake rod(outcropping are particularly desirable for preservation. g Status:' During Fi,scal Year 1988-89, the Blue Sky, Ranch was acquir!!d, thus achieving one of' the majorgoa.l s of the City for maily year~. Adqitiona.lly, the City i's periodicanj' afforded the opportunity fa acquire open sRace at a I low cost or vi rtua lly no c;ost through development' agreemen,ts or .1 ana. dona- tions~ C1'ty staff wi'll continue to pursue oP!!n ,space acqu'isitions as oppor- tunities avail themselves. 1 Project Duration: On-going. Fi sca 1 Impact: Unknown at this time. ,I' EXPANDED AFTER SCHOOL HOURS AND PROGRAM (Goldsmith) 8. U- In conjunction with the Poway Unified School Distr,ict, it is the City's goal to, work toward expancli'ng the hours of operation for the After School "Program I at poway School s. ". Status: TheCity',s COlll1lunity Services Departrnentwill initiate discussions wi,thPUSD -to detEirrilihe the feasibi 1 i ty of expand,i ng the After School I p rog rams. Project Duration: On-going. 0 Fiscal Impact: Minor Fiscal Impact. I 9. IMPLEMEN1 A BUSINESS MARKETING PLAN (Goldsmith, Higginson, Kruse) This project encompasses the development and product,ion of a economic deve- 0 lop'ment plan. 'Th'i'splan will consist of a viaeo designed to promote the . .~.",' . City of 'l'owilYias Cinidea.1 bus,iness location. ,AddHional'ly, thepla.n will promotePowaY'Dusinesses, both within and out of Poway, as well ,as stimulate I economic developme-ntwithin the collinunity. Th'e plan wi 11 be promoted to representati ves of th,e ,busi ness corrmuni ty, those who are cons idering loca ting their bus iness in Poway, and to those shopp i ng inPoway. , I Status: 1he Business AdvisoryColll1li.ttee has distributed an RFP to secure the services ofa consultant to design a comprehensive Marketing Plan. Once PJoposals 'are reviewed, a recolll1lendation will be made, to the City Council. I 0, '" .' 312 I Council Goals and Objectives 1 June 6, 1989 Page 9 . Project Duration: Two years or less. 1 Fiscal Impact: Minor Fiscal Impact. 10. SOLVE TRANSPORTATION PROBLEMS IN POWAY (Brannon, Goldsmith, Higginsoh) . It is the goal of the City Council to continue to work toward sOlvi,ng the '. City's traffi'c problems, i,nc'iud,i'ng the completion of ,SR 5'6, Alternate 8, and poway Grade through a traffic management plan. Status: The City Council, at thei r April, 25, 1989 meeting 'lPpointed the I members of the Transportation Task Force. The Task Force wilt evaluate all aspects of poway traffic circulation and regional traffic patterns in an . attempt to alleviate Poway's traft'ic problems. Project Duration: One year or less. Fisca 1 Impact: Unknown at this time. . 11. HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM (Emery) '. The City Counci 1 has agreed to assist the poway HiStorical sotiety by fur- nishing museum space at Old powa,y Town Park. I' Status: The redesign of the Old "Elks Lodge" is complete, and $taff is working on the joint use agreement with the Historical Society.. I,t is anti- I cipated that completion of the facility will occur in early '1990. Project Duration: Approximately six ,months. I Fi sca 1 Impact: $35,000. 12. DEVELOP ARBOLITOS PARK (Emery) I As a condH i on of approva 1 for Standard Pacifi c' s Raricho' Arbo 11 tos' pr'oj €let, I the developer was to construct park' facilities on property roca,ted on the' east side Of Pomerado Road, and immediatelY north, of Abraxas School. It is counci l' s goal that ~h,is'pr9P~!.~y ,bedeveioped as a pass,ive use park. I' Status: The COlll1lunityServi cesDepartmenl hasbudgeted$IQ,OOO ,; nt:t1e fiscal year 89-90 budget for the in'stallation of picnic benches, barbeques, and additional trees. I Project Duration: One year or less. Fiscal Impact: $10,000. I I , ~ I' 313 I Counci 1 Gcial s. and Obj'ecfiVes June 6, 1989 .. . ... Page 10 I I 13. CONTINUE TO ATTRACT ADDITIONAL GOOD QUALITY RESTAURANTS (Emery) I This projectencompCls~,e~ working with developers and marketfn'g represen., tatives to locate addttionalgood qual ity restaurants in Poway. - Status:, . Staff has tni~J ated proj ects through the: Redevelopment Agency,whfch, I have ,a' high potential for attracting additional good qua.1ityrest,furahts in .- - --, Poway. In addition, the City Council has continued to actively promote tlJe CitY in their various; interilctions with the business corimunity. I " Proj ect 'Durat ion: Ongo,i ng. .1 Fi sca I Impact: Additional sales tax revenues to the City. III. Moderate Fiscal Impact '0. 1. I. Th,is project would result in the construction. of a, sound attenuat;:ion wa,11, the installati'on of media,n islands and landscaping, and the installat,ion of ;0 a traffi c signa,l at -IoTa Way,. The effect wou:1a be' to,'mi tigate many of the impadson area residents of the high vol ume of traffi c on Poway.Road. It , would also serve to beautify one of the primary gateways to our City. --~I' , Status: Staff will develop plans for these improvements for City t-1a,n~ger , ' rev.i ew. As funds become ava,ilab 1 e, thi s proj ect wi 11 be submitted to the '0 City Counci 1 for consideration. Proji!ctDurafion: One year or less (once funding is provided),. 'D, Fiscal Impact: Construction and Landscaping: $740,000 Annual Landscape Maintenance Cost: $ 8,800 0 2. IMPROVEMENTS -TO WEST SIDE OF POMERADO ROAD BE"fWEEN GLEN OAK AND 9TH STREETS (Emery) ,- Similar to the project on the east side of Pomerado Road, this project would result in'theinstallafion of sidewalks, curbs and gutters, landscaping, 'and street lights. This would complete the renovation of this area that serves as one of the gateways to our City. I ,~ Status: As t:unding becomes available, staff will develop plans for these improvemen't~ for City Council consideration. These plans would tJe simi,lar I to those prepared fOr the east side of Pomerado Road, less the sound atten- tuation wallo :0 .,) . 314 I Council Goals and Objectives I June 6, 1989 Page 11 1 Project Duration: One year or less. 1 Fiscal Impact: Construction and Landscaping: $500,000 Annual Landscape Malntenance Costs: $ 5,000 I 3. ADDITIONAL PLAYING FIELDS AND ACTIVE RECREATIONAL PARKLAND FACILIJIES (Emery, Higginson) 1 In response to the increased demand' for active recreati onfaci l,i ti es" efforts are needed to prov,i de add,iti ana 1 play; ng fi el ds. Th is goa 1 may be 1 accomplished through additional joint projects with the Poway Unified School District. Status: Fiscal Year 1988-89 marked the completion of Star-ridge, Neighborhood I, Park. Design work for Vall e Verde .Park has been initiated ,(jnd a, 9-acre 'sfte was secured .fora future neighborhood park at Hillear:y and COlll1lunHy Roads. . -, 1 In addition, staff is exploring the concept of locating a sports' c'omplex within the South poway Business Park. As a joint project wjth PUSD, staff is reviewing the Po,ssibility of lightirig and resurfacing many of the districts existing tennis courts. 1 Project Duration: On-going. Fi sca I Impact: Play Field Construction: Approximately $125,000 per field. 1 4. IMPROVEMENTS TO POMERADO ROAD (EAST SIDE) BETWEEN POMERADO HOSPITAL AND I KAITZ STREET (Hi gginson) The purpose of this goal is to evaluate the feasibil-ity,and to, install I landscaping and an irrigation system to beautify this area. C~rrenfly, a ctiain link fence is in piace between the sidewalk and a drainage channel. Status: Staff wnl prepare a detailed cost estimate for liiak'ii1g cuts in the I sidewalks to accolll1lpdate landscap,ingmaterials, such as trees and vines., Once an estimate is developed,staff will present a report to the City Council f,or their review. ' I Project Duration: One year or less. Fiscal Impact: $147,ODO. 1 ,I 1 I ~ ;. I 315 I Counc.i 1 Goal,s and Objeclives June 6, 1989, Page 12 I I 5. NEW CITY HALL/CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX (Goldsmithl The current C,ity Ha-l,l facil i ty is not I arge enough to accolll1lodate the number I of City emp:loyees necessar;y to eff,iciently carry out the duties of the City. All f,:inancing,construction, and location al~erna.tiyes must, be determi'ned before ilnYdtkisiorl,s ilne made. Determine alternatives to construct-ing an entirely new structure. D - Status: Currently" the engineering division of Pub,l ic Services, the COfT!l1ur)itySE!rvicE!~Depa.rtmE!nt. and, the PlanMllg .Services Department. are :0 located in facilities outside the current City Hall. Itis des-ira15le' to site all City departments in close proximity to'one another. " The Ci,ty 'is presently reviewi ng" addin9"'l-d.d,i tional office space to the existi ng C'i ty Hall D faci 1 ity, as 'well as eyal,uatfngalternative sites for future cOnsider:at,ion of a new civic center. complex. Staff is rev,iewing each option, as it per- tains' to the overan operation of -the City. Items being considered include i she planning, departmental efficiency and operati'ons, physical layout and ,t site {tinstraints. Project Duration: MU.l ti -year. 'I, Fi sca 1 Impact: Unknown at this time. 'I 6. LOW AND' MODERATE INGCMt HOUSING (Higginson) 0 Canforn i a Heal th ilnd:Safety~ode Section 33334.2 requi res that the City expend 20 percent of its tax increment in low and moderate income housing. "0 Status: Staf{ is working wi thdevel opers to assist in the construction'and redevelopment of hOusing for low and moderate income families. Projects include senior housing, mobile home parks, apartments, and single family homes. I ,Proj ectDurati on: Ongoing. I Fisca 1 Impact: Unknown, dependi~g on specific project. I IV. Ma.1or,F,lscali"-lact 1. WATER RECLAMATION PLANT (Emery, Higgi nson) I' This prqject will result in re-activating the Roway water treatment plant. As Powayis dependent upon water supplies that are inter'ruptable in times of I water shortages, it is essential that the most is made of the supply we do 'receive," The potential is that water can ,be treated and recl'aimed, thereby makingitavajlable for use in landscape irr,igation and unrestricted I recreational purposes. ~. " 316 I Council Goals and Objectives I June 6, 1989 Page 13 1 Status: A City water recl amation feasi bil i.ty studywas,compJeted in I ..'~ < - '0 ._ ~. ." >.. ... ';, February, 1989. The Envi ronmental Impact: Report for th,is study; is underway" and the pl ant is targeted to begin operating in 1993~ T"he' faci li-ty wii 1 be an advanced biological nutrientremoval system followed: bYfiTtr~fion an_d 1 di s i n'fection. The process wi 11 a"'pw use of recl a iine(ji"a,ter for irriga'tion ' of landscaped areas, and is estimated to, resul t in a 25 to GO percent: savings over the current practice of discharging into the Metr6'Sewag~ I System. Project'Duration: Five years 'or less (depending 'on State and Federal permi ts). I Fi sca I 'Impact: Water Reclamation Plant C~ MGDl $40.;0 million Reclaimed Water 'Distribution System $1.0; milli'on 1 (South Poway, North Scripps Ranch, Sabre Springs,Carinel Mountain Ranch)' 2. MULTIPURPOSE CENTER ATMEAOOWBROOK MIDDLE SCHOOL (Brannon) 11 The purpose of this project is ,to, construct a multipurpose facilffy,at 1 Meadowbrook School similar to that coriiplefed at Twin Peaks Schoo'- 'in fiscal year 1987-88. The Twin Peaks Multipurpose Center opened,to thepubl icon April 28, 1988 and served an average of 1,600 people eacliweek during the 1 school year. Status: Thi s proj ect will pe placed i'n a Capi ta 1 Impr,ov!!ment Budget once Ii funding is available. Staff wi,ll continue to work with PUSD in, planntng future joint use facilities. In ,addition, staff will continue to work with PUSO to ensure that poway does ,not provide all school diStrict facHities at the t.ity's cost. e I' Project Duration: One year. Fiscal Impact: Construction: $1.5 million. 1 , 3. UPGRADE LIBRARY FACILITY AND SERVICES (Brannon, EmerYl I Thepoway Library is curren't]:y located in a storefront spa,ce in"the Lively Shopping Center. A new library facility would better meet the 'n'eei:lSi Of -the I' Poway cOlll1lunHy. Funds from th~e Redevelopment Agency can be us'e'd to, upgrade andlor bui ld, landscape, and furnish a new 1 ibrary. 1 I I a .. I 317 'I Council Goa'lsand, Objectives June 6, 1989 Page 14 I I', ,Status: ,City st.aff isconducti,ng an on-going effort to locate a:su'ttable site for a new librarrfacility. EffOrts by the Council and staff will include a rev.iew of sites which may provide fora joint City of poway and I' City, of San Di ego r; br.ary . Staff is currently developi n9 requests for pro- , posals to develop a librar,y,master plan whichw,i,n include a comprehensive analysis of facility neecj.s and alternatives for operation. Project Duration: Multi-year. Fiscal Impact: Site Acqujsi:tion: $1.0 mil],i,on Construction: $3.5 mi 11 ion Feasibility Study: Unknown, 4. EXPEDITE PROGRESS ON ALTERNATE 8 ACCESS TO INTERSTATE 15 (Emery) Within the Capital Improvement Progress Budget for th& poway Redevelopment Agency, $6,960,000 is iricluded as the cost of ~oway's share of the construc- tion of Alternate: 8. Status: Presently~ poway is proceeding with ~i~ht-of-way acquisiti~n, appraisal work, and plans' and specifications for the port}on of road from Pomerado Road to Mi r'amar Ranch North. The developer for Mi'ramar Ranch North "J' ,is preparing plans for the road segment located within their prClJeCt. The , , development of plans,andspec.ifications are ,being coordinated with the City r~ of San Diego ,and prop~rtres wh i ch have tentative maps. The comp leti on date :1 for the road is scheduled for December 1990. ~'!I Project Duration: Two years. , Fiscal Impact: Construct'ion and Right-of-Way Acquisition: $6,960,000 I 5. C.'OMPLETE, AND IMPLEMENT J.OINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SANTEE FOR . ACQUISITION OF SYCAMORE CANYON ( EmerYl In 'D,ecember 1986, the City of poway and the C,ity of Santee agreed, to I e'stabli;sh :a Joi nt Powers Agreement to acqui re Sycamore Canyon ,and joi nUy manage_the future rand use and deVelopment of the area. The ,JP~will acknOwledge therura 1 character of the 1 and, the need to pr,eserve the open .1 space a, I1Cl manage tlie recreabonal needs of both cities, ,and. creatia land' use buffer consistent with the U.S. Navy's long-term aircraft flight pat- terns over the area. I I "I" , .:: 318 I Council Goals and Objectives I June 6, 1989 Page 15 I Status: On November 22, 1988, the, City Council approved ,an application for I grant funds for acquisition, and approved funding for an \lPpra,igf"of the . Sycamore Canyon ,Area. These are_tobesha.~ed with the City .Of ,Santee, as is, a future Joint Powers Agreement for mutual acquisition, development and I management of this 321 acre site. Once"approved the agreement win "provide for particillation by the County, erihancing the ability of the.' park authority to obtain funding. for land acqufsition,development, and operation: Project Duration: One year of llss. Fi scal Impact: Estimated land Purchase: $2.0 mil 1 ion to be shared wi.th Santee. . '\ IY .. t~ ~ ;: I I u -- - I I 5/A/GOALS.2 - .15 I I Gi - - -