Final Budget FY 1987-1988 ! ��� �� � �,'� s �- !� ���` ����-.��'����s � r� 1 1 i 1 ; �.��� ,�� . �� 6� � : �. � � ; �.. ' + � `Y'�t:�a m`�`.,� �'�: t. a #•r� � �. . �,: '�,_'`�;.� • u, �: x 1 �� �`� � m�{. �r � � .�. � � � � ;�,�,� � �.re: �� � � � �� � _ r = °�, „�` . . :: , g.x ,� a. ,;;r: r . x „ _..,.-+.... .�,. ,. ,,�, .� . , � . � � +..�a_' +s �:.. j �` �•� � � � ^`( r ,y� �`� � ;�.: , �+l ��P 3�f ��.. 3-�{..Y ..K � � i 1 1 City of Poway � Financial Program 1987 - 1988 � � � � , � - , i _ , �; �� �. ,�. ! CITY 0F PAHAY 1, , - � CITY, COUNCIL ANO' REDEYE40PNENT AGENCY' � ` � � BRUCE FARZY,., MAYOR' AN� GHA'IRMAN' BOB.'EMERY., DEPUT.Y MAYOR AND V�ICE-CHAIRMAN. ' LINDA ;BRANNON' DON HIGGINSON. ' CARL KRUSE, '; 1, ; ' � .1� l�: - l '' ' ,� _ _ _ - �� ,' �u � '' C I fiY 0 F PA 'N+'A `Y ' ' - ;�� BUDGET REVIEM COFMITTEE 1� `BOB BROOKS '� SUE HERNDON ;'.^ DIGK`'LYLES � : KATHY MC INTYRE: � :'' !GORDON. MEYER '_ ( . �'. ,Y. �' • Pre,pared By: ; A'dm�i�n,istrat,ive Servi,ces Departmen;t Fi'nance Divis:ion Susan M. P,ulone, Director Greg HiJ`l,; Finance Manager , Cov�er Bhoto. John. Ray 1� , I� i . ,� . . _ _ . _ _ - i� ,1 , .' C�-:'I `TY 0F PONAY ' DIREGTORY, OF' CI;TY, OFFICIALS '1 ; :' ' CITY :WINAGER �- JADIES L. BONERSOX � , . ASS3STANT @ITY',MANAGERI' DIRECTOR OF�;PUBLIC= SERY:PCES '� JOHN D. FITCH, ALAN D. :ARCHIBALD i', C:I;TY` ATTORNEY DIRECTOR. OF :PCANNING �SERV:ICES ', 57EPHEN M. ECKIS . REBA "W, T,OUW ' CITY� GLERK'%TREASURER` DIRECTOR OF :ADMINISTRA7IVE SERVICES, " MARJORIf K: 'WAHLSTEN SUSAN M. PULONE '�° , DI^REGTOR OF GOMMUNI,TY SERYICES. � DIRECTOR.',OF SAFETY SERV3CES '� • • WI_L"�Ld�QM �A,�. 'TOON' ' ,' ' '. ' '' ''� �' ,; ,C I T Y !0 f P 0 �N' A Y ' . ;' REDEVELOPMENT ADYIS�t1f' COIN4ITTEE � I NEV.ILLE BOTHWELL �� GOIS DOWNS ;� " ALAN DUSI. ',, RILEY FLEISCHMAN ..� VICK•X� LAZOWSK�I DENNIS MARX ' GORDON' MEYER JOHN' MULLIN `,! JOYCE"NO'LTE , 'TOM TREMBLE :I BET,TY'REXFORD" � ��� j1 , 1, i� ,' � _� , _TABL'E';OF, CONTENTS, . `� Gu:i:de,'to Read,ing ;the�`Budge:t ;Document. ., . _ . „ . _ . _ . _ . . .. . i , City Manager"s Let`ter of T�[ansmi"ttal . . : : • . . ,: . • ,. ; : vi Program Expenditures . v;iii' Budget. by 6und . _ . . .. ,. . . : : a , 1'x ' Empi,oyee Pos.itions,�"C,lassi'fications-, and Salary Ranges . . ?x{9;ii' � Revenues by Funds and Sources . : . . . . . ,: , . . e . 1 -- Summary ofJySources and Uses: of Funds. . . : . ., , ; . ,; " , . :, : , 1'1 ,' Fund' Acti�vity Detail : : . ,. • . • � • . : . . : : ib General Fund: , 16 St�eef, Imp,�oJement��- ,Gas�iax��Fund . . . : . .. . ,. . : . . . . .. T7 '' Pdrk_;Improvement Fund' . . : . : : . : . , , . • : . : : 18 ,Drai,nage Fund' , . 19 Federal� Revenue Shar�ing Fund. . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Grant ;Funds :. . . . . . , . .. : . . .. . . 21 . . _ . �, Special As'sessment�Distric'ts� Fund ,. . . . . . . . . 22 ' - `Trust, Funds, . . . . , .. . _ .. . _ • _ • 23 Street' Devel'opment Fund . . . . . . . . . 24 �� Mumc;i,pal Impcovement; Fund. . : . : • - : . • .� : : 25 Comnuni,ty Facil�ktie.s„District #1. . - ., . -. . 26 Debtt Ser"v'i ce� .Fund _ �., , , • . - _ . . . _ . . 2-7 /' Water, Fund. ., . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. : . 28 Sewer Fund. . 29 Capitatl Replacement' Fund,. . , .. . _ . •. . . . . . . : ., . . . 30 ,' Band Interest and Redempt�ion . :R : :, ., . .. ., . . . . , . . . . ., 31 Statement of Fund Batances; ahd Reserve5, . . . ., . . . . .. . .. . 33� , Department�Operat:ing Budgets _ _ . , . , . , 35 , Legis,laEive; and Admini•'strat.iver C;ity Counci;L . ,. :� . . . . . . . 36 Legislative��and Admin7strative: City C1e�k� . . . . . . . . . . 40 i' Legis�lative.'and �AdminTStrative:, City .Attorney . . . . 44' ` Leg.is:latiive ariH Admin;istrative; Gity. Manager . , . . ., . ,. . ,. 48 '�' Department :of Administ�ative Serv-ices . .. : : .. . . : : ., ,. : :, . `52 Department of C6mnuni�ty Services . . . . . . . . . . ., . 7.2 Departmertt o,f Plamm�g Services . . . . . . . . 86 �' Department af Publi,c Services . . � � . _ , 96. Department�, .of Safety Services : . .. ,. . .; . : . . . . . : . :i20 '� Ci!ty of' Poway' Cap,'i'ta,l Improvement Program, ,. _ , _ . , . . _ . ., _ 133 ��� � , '� - �, '` � TABGE OF CONTENTS', <�, - - — Map _ CTfy P.a'rks: . . . . :, .� r. ,. . e . . . . . , . . _ • ,. • . .. _ 1!58 � ' Map; - Raguay Redeve;l;opment p�o;�ect •Area; . . . . c . ,. : . . :1�59 ',. > _ ,_._ .. . _ . .�• -. .. . ' Poway Redeveiopment Program:� 1987=1988 ' :' ReGenue by�'F.und3 and Sources`., . : . : . . : ., . ,: . . . . :: : . . . ;T61 Statement of Fund Ba�lances.and Reserves . . . . . 163 s . .. . . . _._ . _ _ Comnun'ity R;edevelopment Agency Administrat;i:on Fund and �' °Cap;i�tal Pro'jects Fund . . . „ _ . _ . . . , ,1'65 :: : . . ., . . . Gomnunity Red"eGelopment Agency=De6t Se�wi,ce Fund. : .: : . : . . `166 . ','1 Bontl, Ihtier.est and,:Redempt;ion., . . . . . . . _ . _ ._ . . 168 ,' Administtrative Operat,i.ng Budget . . . . . . : . . : : : : 171 RedeveJ;opment Gapital', Improvement ,F�bgram . . . . . 177 Ap,pentliz` A - Reso7utions' Adopt,ing 1987-1988 City Fi'nanc,i'a^T Program . ., 215,' ;' Appendix� 6 - Resolutlons .Adopting 1987 1988 Redeve,l;opment• • • • . . Agency Financ,iai P,nog�am ; . . . 22�1. Appendix..G - Chart of' Expense� Accounts & Oefinitions . . . -226 ,' App`endix D - Chart of Revenue� Accounts° 8 Oefinit,ions . : . • . : . . 241 ' Appendix, E = City CounciT Iminediate & Short Term Goals . _ 257 ,'. '' , , :', f ' f ' ,.' . :'' :,, . �''. '' ; ''� GUIOE TO READIN6, THE':BUDGET DOC1811ENT ,`,`. � scaT year to come wh:icfi : serves,eas� the, City"sf f9na cial pp9an a Althoughrthee bu'd'get i:s also a control, ;'' document for tFie Gity Counci,l band staff,; its rea<.1 purposei i,s to provide, infor- matibn rto citizens and other interested ,parties°, regartling, the .financial heaFth r; and``a9ti�virties of th�e City' as a mun:i,cipaT corporatibn. . ' This uid`e was wri�tten to assist citi'zens and other ilndiw,idual;s who may not, `,be famil�iar w,ith publ;i'c budget;ing and_ finance to r,ead and 'interpret th:is book:� A great'. dea,l of information is p�ovided in the budget beyond• dolla�s and cents, ' One �just needs to ,know how and �where to 1;ook� for it! ;,: °Geltlo9 Startede = . ' An excellent place to begin to examine �the budget is £he City Manager'.s Letter- of Tcansmittal wh,ic6 provides .a phfil,osophical as wel'1 as factual sumna�y of�ttie - •• C,i;ty-'as financ�iai pl'am.. , !, Nezt•, ,you °wi'1`1 not,ice that �the budget ts;_actual`Ly di,vided. into twa p;l'ans'. One is °the Operati'ng and Gap;ital Budget� of the Ci;ty: The otfier i;s `the :Operating and Gapital: ,Budget of ther Roway Redevelopment ,Agency: An operating, budget is. ,' the financ9'al. plan' for the day-to:-day ope_rat,ion of the �G.ity or the Agency;! a capi;ta�l `budgeta is the financial .p}an to �acquire or �construct �major muni°cipal fac11°it�ies such as :streete; dra;i'nage' systems!,and parks. '' T�e Ci,t�►�s. Opecatie9 Bud9et -' The f-irst group of apages fol^1ow,i'ng 'this ,gu9de 'list 'the C:ity" "s. �evenues,, or EFie ', doll;a� resaurces the Ctty ;recei,ves, ' Governments 'account for .money in ;f.unds„ which separate aVa.ilable dollars+;accord'- ing to what� they can 6e used" �to buy. Tlie 1'argest is, fhe Gener,al, Fund wNose. - reveriues may be used °to- provide any ,governmenf' service. Other ,funds are restricted as to what fhei,r revenues may be!. used` to �buy,. Tfiere w.i'T1 be, more! �',' informati�on on the City's yarious funds 1'ater. Notticei tfiat the "r-evenues �are shown by f,und and by revenue type, for �i'nstance. ;' "Property Taxes Curr.ent", under- the: General Fund. E`very �type� of revenue lias 'a� four digit numtie� in front'. of it. Iri .tilie. baek af tfie• budget documen't is; a "Cha.�t of Revenue Accounts and `D_efinitions" appendix, �The four, digi'.t number�s are ,listed in order and next to each is :a descripti'on of each revenue type.. ;'� Analyzing the City' s revenues wrll give youu an itlea of where �the Cify gets '`its money, fiow much oP' ,i;t is restri':cfed and_ how mucfi. may 6e. used for` :genera,l_pur,- �_ _ , ... ' poses. You"'ll a�1so be� abTe to compare amounts of. money hetween :the pri,or fisea,l `year and tRe pr•oposed/approved new� year:: ;1 ;, ;7'1� � 'Gu,fide to Readiing th"e Bud'gef Document ' Rage 2 , ` . ,' ': � � � 1986-1'987` 1986°=:1987 1987 :1988 I987`-1988, ,, Budget Actua,l P�oposed'_ �Approved 701_0 P.roperty iaxes-Current $2,;203;,800` $2,,592;100 $2;484,:920 , Thi's numtie� idenbifiesathe The amount� The actual! The ,p�o- - The pr4o- Descriptionsccounts and' atttheted ahfescal�f theenext�for fo�etli revenue sour.ce in the Chart of revenue ,' e; e, begimm�g' ,yea� fi`scal year next of a fisca;l in, the; ro fi;scal , year • osed,. 6ud et� �_ 9 Year in � the fina,L ' budg`et� " � After, �the Revenue pages-, =ther,e is a surtmary, of .Sources and Usex of Fun"ds. Th'ese , pages' list all of ;the. City's ma';jor fund types, descrYbe� them and di,sp,lay sum= , ma�ized dollar amounts af money into and aut; of each ,fund'. � These �numtiers �are brroken down into more detai;l' on the pages. fo�ilowrng the °Sumnar.y. Note ;that tfie , page� numbers dir�ect,ing y,ou; to eaeh 'fund's detai„1 are referenced. in, each fund � descriptiom: The Fund A,ct,iyity� Deta�il pages a�,l;low compari'sont of pri;or, y,ear_ budgets'�-' actua`1; '' flow ,of maney, i'n as� reyenues; and out as �expend,i�tur.es� or- transfers. Some funds' have borr:owetl money (gone into debtJ, through the i"ssuance of bonds. ,. On the pa,ge foliow:ing the Fund Act'i"vity Detafl pages is a sumna:ry of` the bonded indebtedness of, eacfi. f;und., 'f,hese ;do,llars repay interest and principal, on� the ' detit. ' Nezt, as a grand' :sumnary„ thed Sta'tement of Fund .Balances'. and' ReseFves ;f,o] lows , � ' al.b 'fhe prev�ious !pages described.� The CYty'�s major funds are li'sted; vertica+ll!.y on the left hand side, of' the page. 'Horizontally, doll,ar amounts are -shown to ' , track° the status of� the' fund t'hrough its. tiegi.nn;ing ba,lance ,to its expected year- end pos,iSt��i�on: � �� After .t,he �Shatement of fund::Balances .and; 'Reserves, mor..e deta;i'1 regard.ing the ,. � expend;iture side of'' tFie 6udget i's pr�ovided, aga,in mov1.'ng .from' surtmary' to detiai;l;:. , The P,r,ogram Expend.i�tures page 1i"sts the, six maj'or Gity ,department_s and' what, ea_c,h , pl`ans;�to spend for ;the three; major program expend,i;ture �categories: - , ' � , ' �' ;;; . ' Gu;ide fo Reading, `the Butlget Document Page �9 ,' . ; 1. Personnel — The cost+ o_f' sa_l:aries;, fri`nge� benefi'ts and othec employ,ee-� ��� re�lated costs. ° � 2, Operations and .Matntenance, 7he, cost of do;ing tius'�iness, day'-to-day `in supp,Ties; materials and serwces, ;' 3: Capiifal Outiay - The cost of ma�or nonrecusring purchases of $500 � or more with� a usefui 9iPe of three or more yea�s. 'Exampl`es a�ei ofPi,ce; furni!ture, vehicles and larger p;ieces oP equi.pment. , �, _. _ 7he .total o;f all p�ogram expenditures is afken refenred to as ".the: budget"•,: even; - :' <though it� i;s bnly the�°ezpenditure' side �o�f the who:le tiudgef pictu�e: �'; Next; _ the; Budget by Fund page shows �exqendrfure,s for eaeh ;Department and; i�ts; divisi'ons; spr;ead across 'tlie City'+s ma�or ;funds , You wi11 note that the ,General Fund :shows, ezpenditures. :for a.11 Depa�tments, 'whi'1e the other funds show+ expen- ditur.es fo� `certa,in ones. T.his� i;s another iliustratiori of tfie fund a"ccount'ing ;', natuce; of� government whi;ch restricts certain revenues to expenditures for l�imi"ted �pur•poses°.; '� The next pages surtmarfize and desc�ibe the City' s workforce. Ttie numbe� of autfiorized pusi;tigns are shown in compari'son, to •the prio,r y,ear4. New positi,ons and posiPtion deletions` are ;ment,i'oned by ti',tl°e: Eacti' f.ull=time ,joti. cl"ass,ifica- ti ori authori zed i n the tiudget i s then l i sted: a1'pfiabeti:ca,l ly tiy, t,i tl e� �wi�th' i ts. ,,' cor�responding° salany= range, What follows^ next rs, �the heart of the City' s Oper:ating Budget detail ;F,ar each of :the City' s six ma'jor departments„ an activi�ty overvi'ew is provided i�n wh;icli' � the major ezpendi;ture cafegories .= personnela, operat�ions and maintenance. ;and capital out,la' _ _ W years. A narrative com- ` y -, are sumnarized and compared Eo pnor '' mentary providing a description of the •composition of 'the depar-tment and its' purpose in tfie gavernmental organizat9on is backed' up by- an i:�llustrating, organi- �:iati.on char,t °on, the facing ;page. ' Fo11,ow,ing °the Departmental, Overvi'ew; each d7yi'sS,on of' the department; wil'1 show 'two fac,ing rpages of activi,ty detaii'. The narrative page, iincludes ,a descrip�tion of. fhe major Punct;ions of the div;i'sion, the ,divi,sion'`s goals .a�d 6bjecti,ves;. work load 'activity statistics f.or prio� and -proposed. years atnd a section � ent"iit�led Si;gnificant.,Activity Program Ctian.ges. This, tast 'section points out anil + The f.ac�� arge'r doi�lar inc,reases or ;decreases. expl'ains 1 _. . _ . ._ _ � ... '' , g page ,contains the acfual dol.lar' amounts to. tie spent to achieve ,the • di;v,isi�on' s goa,l�s, and objectiyes,. Y,ou w,il'1 note that the major expendi`ture cafe- ''� gori;es (personne�l , operations and maintenance and capita] outl;ay) are further div,itled i'nfo parti�cular types -of expendi;turesc. Each :expenditure type has `a °three-d�gi;t �numbe,r, precetli'ng, it, I'n the 6ack, of' the budget bookg is a Chart of Expense Accounts and Definit.ions Appendi'x. Expense account numbers� are l,i!sted,;. '� in or,der, wi;th a deflni,tion' foll,owi'ng each one: These `defi�nitions gi,ve ,a more detailed, desc`ript�ron of what -costs ane� inaLuded in each ezpense account: ;1. i;u ' Guide to Read•ing the .Bu_d.get ;Document ' Fage 4 ' ,, In comparing ttie ,expense_ _account do,ll,ar amountsc between f,i'scal years, �the . narra`tive ;section°, Significant Activity Rrogram CtiBnges•, is the key, to, ' exp'1'aining ma�or- di�fAfer.ences: K�; ` 1986=87 1986,87 1987-:88' 1987=88 Budget_ ;Actuat P�oposed; A �pproved 3i?l. ±'' V '' Guide, to Read;ing t_he<<Budget Document; Page 5, . _ '� ;; Each year the Program is� adjusbed ;to ref,l;ect actual performance so the costs ,of the City' s Capital `Improveinent ProgFam can be hi;stor,ical;ly` tracked.� ,' TAe Powav Redevelopnent A9enslr Bud9et ,' Tfie_ budget :of the ,Redeve:lopment, ;Agency i;s patterned after the, C;i,ty' s, budget and has the same el.ements -� an operati'ng and a capita�l. impro.vement budget. •ihe,.Agency fias fewer funds Ehan the C,ity put money is t�acked, through ,the;'budget I' in" fhe same way �as thr.ough the C,i'ty. - Revenues of tfie Agency are l�i'sted� wi'th' cha�t. of a'ccount numbers. fund activ.�i;ty: : deta.iil. pages fol'tow antl the Agency has. its own, Statement; of Fund Bal,ances� and ' Reserves, �' The or9anization chart of Ehe Agency ind.i'cates ilts redat;ionship �to. tfie City of Poway,: The, City Counc9l acts as' the Agency' s Board of Directons;,, and the C.i;ty Manager is, i;fs Execut'ive ,Di`_rector. 1. _ Tfie operating budget cover-s the day-to .day_ admin,i'strative affai'rs of the Agency,. Note �that the foiinat of tfie Agency'as operating budget detail pa,rallets that� o`f the City'�s opecating budget. �, The Redeve:l,opment,Agency Gap.i.tal _ Improvement Budget 'is set up� i'n ;fhe same: format, as� 'the O,i'ty's Capatal Improvement' 'Budget. �' Mo►e Inf.o'mation is Ava1.laDle° �' Tfie' Admim stratiVe Service"s Department, pcepares the budget document, you, have� jpst read about In addit,ion to the pub,l,lshed document, City; staff� .�etains ` " .fi les of� detai l,ed tiackup 'materia.l . ' ' Back-up documentat;i'on is, rev;iewed by the Budgef- Review' Cortrriittee,, 'appointed, from among Poway' s' cit,izens by' the City Council 7hiu`s Committee spends many hours ,; with' �staff each yea;r pnor to ,budget adoptaon, examining the, deta.ii beh'ind the. praposed budget These files are aiso ayailable f_or jeview by the genera`1 publ.ic, by -;appo,intment with, the� _Admin,i,strative Services Department, as eacly as; the month`�:o;f "May ,pri`or' to �a new,�fisca'} ryear. ` � , Tfie Budget; i;s cons:i'dered' ;6y thea Gi,sty Gounc;i;l i;n.hpub,li'c„hearings at: every r,egu,l;ar, City Council' meet,ing in June. Pub�iric cortment is i;nv.i;ted and wi'i:l: .be cons;idered. ' by�the City Counc•il .at these hearings. In addition to the above, any person hav:ing' quest;ions a6out the; financia'1 p;lan any inquar estto the� bestrof�ursab,i'lity�, De;partment: We are ,pleased"to, ;answeF ;' 11, " Vl - 1y � CITY �OF PO'WAY - - ' ,BRUCE,TARZY Mayor,. G���� OF ��r � OOBrEMERY Deputy�Mayon .1 \ ., LINDA�DRANNON Councilwoman , I '� DON HIQGINSON4Couniilmau, � �CARL,Rr%RUSE;Councilmau� ` � y � _. _'.. .__ .__,. ..e.. _._ __ .F.. ,e. _ ... _ _ -- ap�r�'..I.c...THE+•«���� ',. May 6,, ',1987 ,, Honor4atile MayoC and ' Members o,f the �City- Co_unc:il Ci;ty' of' Poway' , Poway�, CA 92064 Dear Counci"lmembers: ' 'The comb�ined financial program fo� Fi�sca,1 Year i'987.;T988 of' thei Gi,ty of Poway ' and poway Redevelopment Age,ncy continues a long standi;ng policy of conservat,iye 3 fiscal practices Five years ago,,, steps were� undertaken which;'would insure the ', future f�i'scal 'v.ia6i'1'ity o�f this Ci;ty. These inc,l;uded the use� of Federa.t sfunding fo� oniy capital outlay or 'cap,ital improvements, d"evelopment of othe� sou_rces of funding to replace Federal' ;funds, and deveiopment of user fees� for °specialized ' programs _ _,°In addi,t,ion, a .gr.eat_ deal ,of emphasis has been placed upon improving the 1Coca:1, busfiness 'climate"as. :i,t per;ta;ins to reta:i;l' sa,les:; The Fi$ca;T Year 198Z'-1988 budget i's the fi:rst one 'presen`ted, to the C,ity Counci;l ' since incorpor,atai[on that pro,7ects a "teve,li'ng�.off" of 'Genera;l ¢Fund �revenues�. With `interes't rates down,�signiPi'cant amounts of new property tazes 'accruing to the R:edevel'tipment Agency, and, sal`es tax neanng maximum potentiai'„ th�i's qudget , was prepared; with a degree df conservatr§m. No new programs have been recom- mended, and°,new pFersonneT and operating ,increases are d,i`'rectly attr,ibutabl,e to ei'ther new• fac,ii,i;ti'es� or sigm,fi'cant iricreases in work;load .whyich are permanent '' in riature. Fisca:l Yea�•�1987 T988 wi1.l mark the turning point in the economi;c history of the� , City pf Poway Duri,ng thi!s year,,��`the cortmunity °wi'11 beg�in its transi,tion from a; resid'ent-i_al� bedroom cortmunify; ,to one. wh'ich w�il l off,er a full range of intlustrial and cortmercial opportunities. '. It. is. therefore ;a great pleasu�e sfo. pre"sent.�to tli"e City Counci�l: and� to ;tfie Communify� a��!barylanced, budgets„ which maintai`ns the ezpected� quai;i;ty of services and' is the° beg,i`nning of a ;new era for the;.City of Poway„ ' Res,pectfiul'ty Submit_ted;, 1 �_ J_ames L. Bowe,rsox, C�ity Mana9er ' . ! � Ciry,'Hall Locateci�at 13325 Crvtc`�Cencer Diiv,e� ' Mailing A,ddcess:. P�O Box 789, Poway',rCalifornia 92064 '° (619) 748=6600, (61'9)�695-14�J0,: ,1, '1 , ;'� (�' 1 , . �' 1 ;' ,' ' ' .. ��, � ,' . ,1 � ' . !' CITY OF POHAY FINANCIAL PROGkAtd:: 1987-1988' � PROGRAN EXPENDI7URES' I�'� - - � �Vcl°�1�.=j, �. , CLTY` OF POWAY� ' PROGRAM,`EXPENDITORES FISCAL YEAR 198Z-'1988 ', Operations T;ota,l and Capital Program '; � CITY OF POWAY Pe�sonnel Maintenance Outj,ay Expend�itures, � L'egi'slat,ive and, �� Admini(strati;ve $ 513,030 $ 259;990 $ 4,870 �$; 77�7;890 Admini;strat,i;ve Secvi'ces 863s;770 541;840 304,400; 1,,-7F0',OdO ' Communi:ty Servsices- lr,'1'1'6;400 902;810 51,510 2-„070;720 ' � _ _ 1 P1iann�ing Ser"v,i:ces 467';6,40 609�'450 6,540 1,083,'630 Public Services 2,827;220 6!,813„A50 308,,'31;0 ;9;;948°,580 ': Safety Ser,vices 1�;601;850 2;852;330 91.,'930, 4;,546,`,110 , ' TOTAL�`CITY �$7;389;91Q $11„979;470. $767„560 $20.,,186;940 ' , '. 1 �'' , ' ' � . '�I r~: . ~ ~ , I I . I, I I: I, I, I~ (; .1: I: !I' I I I, I I, I: 1 'I; :CITiY' OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1987.:1988 -" , ,.. "".,- ,-- ~, ~BUDGH :BY' F,UND I' x' 'CUY 'OF' P.OWAY' BUDGE'rB,Y, j::u}~li CARIJAl, ASSMT~ DEPARTMENT GENERAL WATER SEWER GAs TAX R{P'LACEMENT DIsTRicT DRAINAGE IDA TOTAL. lEGI>SlATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE, &,1 ty Q9~l]g,11 93,8009~ ,~oo: Gtit~ (;)~~k, W~3,,:Z6Q l~.:p,f,!.9, cn:y Attor;ney 1fi) i5,QQ 16h560 Q;;tYt.!a~ag'er' 328;'770 ,'328,7,:7,0, :TotaJ 7Zl,8~0, 77iJ",~90' ADMINISTRATIVE 'SERY'IGES D.i r:ector 96',856 21',653 3;J,921 152,,430 i Personnei. ". )9/~15 ~~,3p~, V"~'W ri?:.,o$il: qustomer Serv,jiCes t4o',:2~0 9,h~!tg, ~1,8!8 28Z,~690 Finance 125;907 58,'4n 31,641 2;16;020 Data: i'fQcess;i'ng i~',,49,~' 37 ;420 20,,896 XU ,'.~IQ," Purchas i n9 '.9,9, ;'.QZ?, 34, ZM Xl! ,;l9, l- 152 ;'03,0 sURPortSer'viiCes 123.8~Q 1,23';880 BjsIs; M~Mge.lI[eflt 244,360 '" . ' ~4.4 ;~2Q Gap;,t{ll R~p'J~cemel]t, '287,700 287;700 To,!:a'l 97,6J24 27,0,209 175,]77 ,2El7,,-Z.oQ 1.,7.!O,010 COMMUNITY SERYIGES Di recto'r' iilJ,'9~9,9, 137,800 321,'79'0 Lei s.u{~~'er'V:i,~ce's 575';'230 5?5,,~Jo T:r,a i:l~JQ.onsJ;MCl1nJ:'" ~5,'8AQ_5.5,;El4,O Lake OperaUons ~~~"92.Q _, 37,5;,9gQ f~tK ~. L~,I],dscap,ei 61'1,754 43';566 " 655,320 Spec. Lnds, DJ,:st-. '~~';., 86;620 86,620 To}al 1,,862:7.j~ 43:,566, fl6,62o 137,,860 2,070,720 .' _ .. ,1IIIIii __ .. _ .'.. ,_ " ..~'.. _: _' ,_ _ '. /.,;,~ .. " :, .., . - ... . ,~ ,.., - ". . ."" '_: .. :,:' ." -, III!I .~ ...' -- blifvoF'l>mill y' .BUOGET BY FUND' ,. CAPITAL ,ASSMT. OEflARTMENT GENERAL. WATER; SEWER GAS TAX REP.LACEMENT ,DISTRICT DRAINAGE TDA TOTAL - ,- - .. '" PLANNING SERVICES Di rector J9? '!.~O 192,180 _ .", _ _L .. v Current Ptannfng ?U i5?0 U3 520 Advanced P'la'nn'iing ~___~.' "~.,.,.o_ 230,,630 ?3.Q,6;39 Bu! ldi n9 & SafeTy' 4'47,300 '4'47,300, , 'Potal L,Q83 ,'630~ h 083., 63,0 PUBLIC SERVJ CES. , Dfrector ''''','360 108 112 't9.1 ..19,8, 312,580 R'h ~ '-"'<<f -, , -,.c..,.) ,.",'~' _~'T~~'__"~_", ,?" Fi e'l d Op,~r'. Admi n. 37,,32'4' 52,823 29 ;983, '119 830 7,500 ~.-. ~., ,"'''' . - Eng ineeh;ng 1.,946 ;'765 6t;713 '4'1 ;'142 " 244,540 2,,057,120 Sfrifet ~a{nten.a,rrce, 6.?9,,05o 683;,990 1;,557,580 ~ ' l:1.~tE!r'S!!ppl'y .3 ,103.. 060 f'56T 630 3,;;1o~;06Q ~ewer 'Treatment 1 567 630, , . ~. .., -~".,~.- ""-"'.'V-= Water Transmission 469,,810 469810 , " SewerC6J rettT6ri ?74,~lQ 27.4;,510 - .~ ""''i'- '~'"'r "-.,, .' -._~-~ 94-225 75.380: Facilitfes Maint. r18" ,845 I ,l~~, 450 ,,~~ - - -'" ,.. .,. ..... '! ,. ~ VehfcJes Maint. . Orif;i n'age ' 298 ,010 , 298,'1110 , , , Tota'.i 2,804,724 3,8'70,,898 2'1oj8','918 691'490 244,5'4.9 298 010 9,948,580 " " .,> -,- - - ;SAFETYSERV.ICES f39,.'?OQ; 139 200: Di,r:ector - ".,--~,,' --,~'.;.,,~ F'fre, ,Suppt,ess,fon 1,,431 ;030 l,A31,,03oi Fire. .Preven ti on 2}7 ..2.2Jl 237,220 Parameifics "" . ~g:!?O 352 1'20 Law Iniorcement .- .,-. .--'.--~ 'r-~ . :2,386,540 2;"386,540 lota" 4;.546,1'10 4 ,546"f.~0 x T~' TOTAL EXPENDITURES $11.,991 ,8f3 ,$4,,184 'i572 $2,214,295 ,$69 L,490 '$287,,7,00 $331. 160$298,010 $137,'800$20,136,9'40 . . - ~lt{ 0, I 1 I, 1 I:, I I . I , I' I " I, .' I, .. , I I;' I, Ii " I' , , I' CITY OF POWAYEINAOOIAt:. PRoGRAM: 1987-1988 'I EMPLOYEE. ROSU::IONS:.CLASSII\'IcAT-IONS. "'AND' "SALAAYRANGES .. __ . .. . _~ . __""<..""_,u_. " X;,y 'I AUTHORIZEO FULL,.;TIME '.: ;P,OSJJUON~' 'BY DEPARirt!lE~t I 1986'-1987 1987.-f988 1987-.f988 'I' ,0EPARTMENl 4' ~ ....-,,, ~~ _, '~._.,~ .~ ,....- _. '~ '-' AUIHORIZED PROPOSED, APPROVED 'L_eg~ics'l:ati\1.e &, Mmi ni'str:ati.y!! 8' 9 9 I, ,Adm';'n i'str;a tTve' iSer;v'j'ces, 23 24 24 I Cbnimjjj ity ~.er:ij i cifs 30, ~O 30 'Pfanning ,Servi,ces' ,i'i, 11 rJ ,I, 'PutiTH; Ser'y,i{es 68 74 74 ,SafetyServtces 34 34, , ~4 'I 'TOl:A~ !1Z4 182' f82 :1 JlROI'OSED, NEW POSi'r:IONS :1 ,OEPARTMENT HIlE ,I - leg i;s j:aJhi ve & Aain1'ni~Otrilt'ive Management AssYstant (Redeve:l opment ,Agency) ',I Admi.n i'stra't,ive, 'Serv:i,ce's' CuStomerSer\iii:ces, :Worker -> '..,,- .- - - -.,.. -- -~- .--- ~i.j151'i:cl :Setyi fes' Ehgj'neeri,ng Servi'ces Manager; I ~ 'C.') ,~ . ") "N...',. _ _ Adinj:[1istra,ti.ve C,lerk I ('A'l'l:ocated to, ,f!ub,l;i:c, rServTt'g I , '5070 'of' t,ime 'cfnd CHy:C)Ar",k's <f(rtce,:5.9%1 , ., _ ;Cons,tEuctjOf). ~.aintenance Worker I (3;), ,I: Bu,tld tng ,Ma;;ntenan'ceWo'rker ,I , I: I, , ,. , " .. . 'I xv I, cni( OF' POWAY FULL TIME CLASSIF:ICATIONS I, CLASSIFICAUON RANGE NO., ,SALARY RANGE I' Accountant, ' ';226.6' 2218-2707 . ' Account Cl'erk i:I 184.6 , :1:457 -17,79 Account Clerk I, , 179.6 1386",1692' I~ Admi!riTstrabve 'C'l'erk H 1'77,.6 '1'35-9..,1659 ~4I11Jnisfraj:jve' 9fe~k, I J??6.i ~..~ .~ ~. --r.:" "~-'" 1:293-1578: Acini ni.strat.i ve Secr;etary 197,.6: '1660-2026 I: Assistant CRy Manager 303.1, 4Z64'''581B ~~~,i Sta.n~ c:i v~) 'Ei1g.i~,e~f 243.0 2613"'3-189 Ass tstan~ ~:i redoro,f Plann;fng Serv,fces 266~4 j3'0~~-40jO I:' ~ss istant p,l',!-nne'1 . ". . ~ ;(31. 6 . 23'31:.2846 Assfstant l1uD.htcServ,;:ces Operalions / t:ianag er' 262~8 , /31'84.::3887 ". ....- ....~ , 256";6 , ';(993-36154 I' Assistant to theC,ity Manager Assoclate tjy,ifl 'Ehg,ineer, 258;'0 ' .~_ '.-.l ,'~ -'\ , 3035-3705 ~~s 0 ci i!te P 1 t1!1rj~ F'j 241.6 2576,,31'45 ~uil dJrjg M~ii]t.el1<~OE~ Wotter 185':6 }472..,1'797 2t6:1;' >-~.1__ ",,~'\..~.. I Qode)C.o!1lPl1anc~. OffLcer 2218-2707' , Commun:;',ty'Se rv,fces:Manag'e t 261.'9 315'6-3853' Constru'ctTifr\ Mai i1tenance, 'Worke-r ,III' 2 rD'. 6 J890,,2307 I: Construtfto'n' Malnterian'te Worker II. 195.6 1627":1986 Gon~,trlict,to~ri ~ai nt~.nan"c,eWo'rker :i' 185'.6 147~-U'9i --~,~ ..~ .~~'..,. ~_ . .'. ''',"c_ Custome riServ:i:cesManage r 256.'9 ,3002-3665 - ~ '. - -- - ,- '- - 2'00.6 l CUstoinerSer-li,.i'ces 'Wo'rki!'r :1710,,2088 Data- Enff"Cre'rk :n: 184.'6 1457"1779 .. "," -' y . '" ~ 1<7.9',,6' .J; , . <.-, ~.' Oata Entry' Gl'erk ;r 1386':1'692. Data, ,prcii:ess,i ng"Goordinator 226.6. 221a-27:67' l Oepartment Aide 207'.6 1834-2239 De uf" C:ir:Cl'er'k, ?Q7..'~, 'i834~2239 "P. y, y", .' Di'rector of Admintstrati ve Services 289",3: 4150-506<6 - -.- - - ..-' ~. -~ .,.~ ,- ..... ":"',c -, -~.- ". .' -f--'-- .,. 289.3. '4is'o-S'066 :1 Di;r,ector of Gommun,ity Services - , . ._. .- ~.. , - 289'.3 Oi'r,ector 'of" :P,l ann.ing' Ser;v; c'es 4150-,5066 Dir.ettor 'of! ,PubFit 'Servids'/Ci~ty :En!:j:tneiir 298.:1.. 4532"5532 Directo'rof'Sare"tiSe'r'iices' ' ?1l9,.) < -. ~ <<'~-~i I: 41-50,,5066 Dock,)i:ttendanC '" 17,<1.,4 fi77-15S'9' r5raJriage~Marntenance Supervi'sor .225;;6' 'Zi96-26'80 Engi-neertri'9~S"erVi,ces, i~anager ,- 277.8' 3699,,,451'6' l Ei1g~;neer;rig: 're"thni (j,ia\l 21'3.9 1'953-2385' Equ,i pme'nt Ma:ih'tenance Superv;'sol' i3L'7 2334-2849 n. _ ... ~ _._ _ _ ,.. ."... ....___ ~~.'_ _ _,_' _ _ _ '_ 21(5.7 :iOQ,9-2452 ;qujpmenJM,e,Chqn;:c. , :1: Equ;pmentServ,;:ce Worker !7:6.?' 1347-1644 Fi'nance Manager :261.9, 3-156,,3853 Fire BaUa::Vi oliCh-ief' 272:2;, 3498'-4270 ~...I.; ,~~ - . ~. - - _. " :2,4J5)i '2698-3'293; l Fi;re, 'Gapta in I=i .r.e: :Eng.i1nee r ,23102' 23'2'2-28:3'5' Fi:l'efigh"ter; ,221. 2 2101,,2565. f'ir'el tr'(sR.ecto,r 2,31-.,2: .n2g..,?~g!i, ~I Gener,a~' Services Manager '256:9 3002-3665 ]- . .xlid .: ()[TY OF POWAY '. i . F,ULL TIME,CLASS I F,ICATIONS\ CLASS In GAr;ION RAFfGENO,., SAl:AR:t, RANGE 10 Jri. ;Qjv,;:;l EnginE!er ~,~3.,Q' 2364'- ?J1.8,6: :1 6 r,,~ Planne r; , 2210 6 2110-257,5; Labor,ator;y Ahal,yst 231. 6' 2331.- 28~6 Landsci'lpeMafntenifn'ce iSuj:i'ervisbr 223'.:5 21'50"2625, I' ~~h~ge~eng An~Jy~~t '23L6 i3jl~28,r6 Management Ass,i s,tant: 221.6' i110-257'5' '. Me'ter& tlackflow. Preventor Mechan,ic ~rO.6; iS90-23'iJ7 -.'-- _, . '.' . ~ '. -0 . . I' Par:;k' &. Landscape Manager; 256'.9 i3002~-J665: Park Attendant' 17.z!.6 ',1293~:l57,8 Park' R~ng~k . . t~,O? !'-"~"" ...!.,;:; '1~~,? -!;~,7i? Par:;,ksl;1,atnj:enance !'I9 r~er !:!I 208'.5 :1815-2259 I Parks' ,MaIntenance ,Wor:;ker; II '1'93'.5 '1'593"'1~45 Par~~' 'Ma inWnalice Wo'rKj!} .1 :183'.5 i4~r-T7.6(J 207:6 ..'_.,-"c. '.,>>_-..._ ,Per,s,onn,eJ '~i~e 1834-2239 I Per;sonnelManager' 2"61.9 :3156-3853' Pubj i c ser,vi tes,lnspec't'{on Su'per:vi:sorc 244.2 :264,4':3228 P,ubil ic Se'r:vices I ns-pector' .229'.2 '22'76'-'2779, ~- .' ~.-'.,- JWJ?l fc ~~tV:i ~es j:lp'eraJto'jisM~Oilg'er PT,?> 3699-4516 I i Re c reat ;on'; ,As s:i:s,tant !'~,~. 8 886",10'8'2 ~. -. -." -~_.~ ~..., ..... ~ - . -"".~ 1~'f2'-:fZij .Recreation: Leader; pj 18h4 Recreanon Leade'r; 1. 161.4 1']:56\"141) ,I, Recr'eafion' ProgramCbordi r'ia't'o'r 203.0 17,52"2138 Eecr~~fton: :SuiieJ:vtsor '-" ~?I~':p, 2] 35~24'if4 Setretar,y' 187'.6 1502-1579 I, 'Secret'ary;to the,c,i,t~ Manager '2157.6 1834~2239 Sf. Acco-ijhtant :236..6 24501-:2992 ~ir"" B~ndti1g ~a i dtena;nce IWor~er' :2:1(,'?; 'r95"9'~i3!f2 .~r., ~J,v i 1 Jng fDee r 27-3.0' 3526~'-4"3d5 :1, Sr. Planner: ,256.6' ig93~3654 Sf'., Utf1',1Hy System Techn.i dan 236.1 2439'-'2977 :Sewer Ti~eatriienl .Plahit oper-ator :221.1 2099~2562 'I, Sto~reKee- e'r U 201.61 :0,27-'2109 "..,_.P. " :Storekeeper 1 hiT.'6' 1414'-,172'7 '.~ - . "~ ,,_... " --. . " 22S.S . -c,,,"_-! w. _ ~_ Street Ma i ritenance Supe~\Ij sor 2196~268o I: Tei1.epnone 'Operato~/Recept,i oh'i:st l'n.6: 1-293"1578 Uti'hiitTe's' ,sYstem Mecha'n,i c: ~2r6..1 1997-'2438' 'Ut,i.1'i,till~J ;:;y~t~mTfchni ctan 226.:1 ?,~QZ';2~~4, 'Wastewater CollecUon Superv.i'sor i25."6' 2r96:~2680, ., Wa ter. jhsh,fbLiH ol1'Supery'i scw "_7~" -5__' 2196"iMO 225.6: 'Water T,r.eatment, Plant qper;ator'TII 231.1 2320"-'2832 , 'Wat~r Tre~,tm~!lt, J1] an{ Op~r4Mr' ip: 226..1 2207'-'2694 '.' Water lr;eatment~lant ,gper;ator:I 2r1;.:1 lSfl9 "'2319 'Water. Treatment.Supervfsor 246.:1 2695",329'0 . .,~ I~ I' ..> I' ~". . - "." I. 1 I, ,I', I , .. :1 I ,I 'I ,I 1 :. , . .* ,., " '" " 1 ] CITY OF; POWAY fJNANCfAL,P,RQGIW4:'." '1987":~9~: REVENUES BY FUNQSAND: SOURCES. 2 ,I' .,. - , "."., ,C{TY, QF POWAY I, ,REVENUESiBY FUNDS' AND SOURCES 1986~f987 1986-,[981 Y987-1'988! 1'987"-1988, I 'BUDGET ACtuAL PROl10SED APPROVED GENERAL FUND'~. 1, I . Taxes I ioio- P~operty Jaxes-Cur.r.ent $2;203,800 ,$~"~}J,, 9?,6, $2',782 00.0 $2'7.82000 P-I'lf' elf' Taxes,-'Del'i n Lienf - -' -~.~:'~.~- . "- '- -,~...",_"",- 7012 9,8.,,49,0, . 108'31,2 98',,200 98',200: P ,y,w , ' ".,q .', . .,~-~...' .., ~ 70B ?,upp,l. 1axg:oJt-Cur:,r.e,nt '. 75,,000 130,4t0 104,00'0' ,i6.e 000: I }70'i4 -' ~ ---<." ~ - .- l' 500 ~l!Ppl. Tal! .R!>J l;-Q,e li n,quent - '1,670 1; 500 .-<>>,- --' ,t, 7,015 Homeowner's :Prop. Tax, ,Exern: n,,800 '7.8 ;524 73: 000 ,7'3~,OQ,Q 'lO16. Bus.ines's InvenTorY Exernp. '22,950 19,~,9Z k~,9,0,9 13,000 Othe r'Tax ROllI! Items l' ,000 " ,,~~, ,7017 ,235 -1'000 , ~,.O,Q_O I pnQpe~ty']:ax~s' " t~a,i1 er L~,l?,Q.D9: ~ __.__ .,..t ..~.,u.~ 7018' 12"245 15 000' 15,000 70'20 :.- . , ~-.<'--- - --",,":,,-~ ~ fnnch,ilses2ll,,700' '304, i48, '29 t, 700' 291;7.00 ~..~..,. "'" '7022 Sales Tax 2,,000.,000: 2,079,533 2:,100',000, 2;,,100','000' I :70241 Transient O~'ctiR!ir:@ Ta~ ,25,400 26: 139 . 2'6,406 -. r='''''' -"'<- '46".49,9' ReaJproJierty Tr~nsf;er '8'9,,-500 ..- , .~. '. , -- , ~~. Z926, 142',153 90,000 ,90,000: , S'Ub to fa..l $4:,895,350 :$5,234;794 $?,i5,95,,8QO $,5 ,,59~,.80,0 I I: ,Li:cen-fes a'nd:Per:inils: 7111. Animal Ltcense ' '$, 400 $ ,300 '$ 250: '$1 250 , . I 7,i1'3 rHcycle Hcense ?)Jp {fi ' _"J 500 500 71'14' _~. . _._ 'U < _ _ '" _ ., Busine?s Registr~ti on: :20;,550 '27;239 20,550, '20,550 ~~. _J,.;. '7,115' rSanitat:i'o'n Penni(ts 18;800 2-1 34'4 WAQ9, '18,,8.00, F{s!J i,ng PfrlTiJ f~ - ,.' --," 'f30,.66o I ,z,116, ,1.45,000. '1'40581 130 000' 7:151 . -"..-" ."..,.......".~ ~....... '", ,,-,._. 1""""",,""''''''<'~--' . '" ."',.-~- Boat: 'Rermfts\ :85.,Q,,0(), 66570 75<, O,QQ 75;000 its) ,..-._~.' ~. ,.--' ~ ,'1,:." - ..,- "" , -".~..'" 1';1'30: E2(C~xattl1..n 1'~lJlli:ts ..!,,~(),Q' ,925 r -7,30 7:1'54' :Z9 0213 ,.' ''''-' Grading Permits !.:!49!l 7~,,100. 79:;100 I ..'""~'~. -' - <- ,. ,~-' .. """ "--' 7,160 Parking Permits 47;000 52-,329 50;000 ,50,,000 Subtot,U '$332 550 $388;n8 $~l?" ~30 $3.l~!,930 I - " , F'i'hes' and ForfeiitlJl';es I l219 Fi,n!ls a~d ~ena.};t ies '$172 ,roo $145,,609 $170,000 $170.,000, Sub'fota,1 '$.j:72,100 $145,609 $Y70 ,000 '$170,,'000 I, I, .I~ .- I: I (3 1 ,CITY' OF POWAY ~EVENUES BV FQNDS AND ,SOURCES I' , 1986"'1987 1986...1987 1'987'-1988' '1987-,1988' ~'~-'_. ....,.. "-~'F" . :AG-TUA[ ,,~,,>o.:... .".~..<c ~ A'P,RROVEb >BUDGET PROPOSED I; GENERAL FUND CONffNUEo I, ,Revenues ,fhom Use 'of '7310 Moneyandpr;operty' $348,000 $465,,553' $7,36,4.90 $7,36,,400 'lnter;est Income ... -- 7317 Iiltel'est on 'Loans '308;800 - ~ - I> '7.330 Intere'st 01'1 Note RecHvabl e T;oo6 7:7!t 1.,000 ,1 ;0'00, 7341 Renta,f of 'PropertY:" --- '. 13/f3D __J . ~_.... 12'; 647 13;680: 13'; 680 Zg$Q' S1g~aJm~ster R~nt ,~,OOO '., - ~ ,"" ,3,000 3~.000 ,3,;000 I: 7360 FacilitlesReiltal 20;965 10,705 :12,000' l:i '000' ;2:, Q7Q ,.J,._",.....,., 7362: Fire'Fa:~~ik1ti es R!!:n~a;1 2,560 :2'560' :2,560, . ,~--- 7370 Contes s'fon ,~ease 14" 500' 15,804 '15 000 1'5",000 ,.'-..,.", ., -- 1 '7g'SQ @'rciup)~eD~~:I'S ,. 1'0,,-000 5',4"3'2 '10,000 '10,000 7391 Over;nlght Camplng ,S1 tes '200 -. 100, ' 1'00 '$ub~ota:J $Z22,155 $515,989, !793,7'40 $7.93,740 I, .Revenues fil'om O'ther: Agen'cfe's: ll,.546;,Qq~, '7410 Motor'VeMcle, in Lieu ~l ,'5,~9,~49 $1,;Z04 ;630 $1;,'70!l,630 Off !:Itgl]wclY In'GJe~ . '. ~....,.. . 'I 7411 1,290 441 ,:1,'290 . i ,2~rO '74'46 - ,..J,..;,..;-- ti4,(fi3, !'l~a.r;ette Tax .107,100 1 OO~ 320, 100~320, :1 Suototal $1 ,'65~" 3~0 $1,,660,,456 $1,,806\'240 $1'.,806,'240 ^_. .. -- -.-. ." Current, Fees :& 'S'ervkes 7510 'Cand i da tes Fi n ng Fees; $1 500 $ 600 :$ -, $ - ... 7544 Mmi nfs'trat,tlie' 'F:ees,,:RDA 8~,80,0 191,~56 >175' '000 17,5\000 -- --,....> 7545 Mnii11iistr'atlv,e, 'Fees'-'Ofher '9 200 -, '- '- _ - -_ -.'-0, "'. _ ,~-'._i.. .. ,,' .. ~ -- _. ."J',n 7556 'Inspection Fees: - - 541,630 541.,630 '7510. .....,,". ~. - - -, ~ 40"odb I .Pl anhing 'Fees 72,899 79;00,0, 7,o,;Q.Q.,0 7571 En'l,tron'mental Rev;iew' Fees 60,9QQ 1 ,8,2,Q 60 ,'0,0,0 60,000 7572 Misc. Planning I';ees 4,OQQ ,5,,~n , j5,o,o,Q . 6;00q :1 7573 Bui'l dlng Yiispect,i on F,ees 4,2,0,,00.0 920,'.877 !:!f3,J,000 583;000 - .. ~ . ."'._' .~ .. .. 158','2'14 1~281,000 7575 'P'1 an Check' Revenues 260,000 ;1,281,,000 '7576 ,Mise,. ;'P,utll1'f Seriii!=e Fees ._.~ '..,,- .-.~ _"'\.: 10;000 16;;405 4;'5BO 4':580 757,7 Inspection Revenues is"5: boo 207,94'1 30,9,000 300'000 I Z~:7f3 -~ . .. '." ,. -- -. -. , . "-"....' .~~, Engr-. Staff Time' .Re.imb. 62,000 483 36000 36','000 ;"1 sc'. Safely Se rv,i cesFee's r,.2?~ . ~ ,',..~,._- '1"500 '7.5;'9 1 ,00.0 1,.,500 . , 7580 L~js.u.re!Co6fl'~cg 92,160 117 ;~83, i4Y,'Q46 hii;040 '. 75Sf Eecrea.j;ion: I'.rogr;{lms.: i8>466 50,160 60,990 60,990 t5?"2 '~..~".- Rea rea ti onO'ffi'ci'als 19.;'980 2;889 2Z.,,8,80, 27'88'0 So~ poway Engi'neering Fees' r .,: '" .<.~- 7583 - - 71,7-20 '71,720 'I 7584 VehJcre, 'Malrit. .Fee",Sheri ff :7[,l~O -, - -' 7589 To~1~g'c'o'nJ loa cfs IAba temen t. t,~o.O 3,,3(39" 2,200 2,,200. :(590 Ambufance' .Fees 53';000 43; g93 39,000 Q.~ ;Q,Q,g .- ->c. .. .-'" '-.--, -.'1; 7,591 Pi re Ptcifed,i'oriF.ee's 441',99.0. '46(3,940 455000 45~'i:900 '3'1,514, -~. "- ,~ '.'- I, 7592 ~e~g ~patemeht F.ees 31,.975 '28,000 28;000 .Subtotaf :$1,.896,735 $2;289" 767 $3-,,88:4,,540 $3','8'84,.540 I, 4, " . , , -. ,.., . CITY OF POWAY REV~Nl!ES, BY FU~DS.AND SOURCES 1986-1987 1986-1'981 1987-1'988 1987.-1988 . ,BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOS EO APPROVED -"-- ---- I GENERAL FUNDCONUNUED Othe I' Revenue, . '7620' Pl'oceeds ,-Cert oJ P.art. $:'Z,OOO"OOO $6,869:,159 ,$ $: . , - , 7.622: Loah PI'OCeeaSi - 44.1"38 - - 1:~"000: '....".,~.. t,OOO: 7.640 Sta.fe Lfcense FeE! 725 1,,000 :I z666 ~alE!:" 0/ 'SufpJ us Property - - - 25'000 ".~..~ "..~ 3000. 228 .! 7670 ~!!nda t~dCo:;J :;Recove ri;es ,3,000 3,000, ]6f1 _.'c .. 260 Othel' Re1;unds -, - 767,5 MjisceJhl arieolis Income 6,000 :12 i,g'86 '6~Obd rY6 ,680 ., , , " Subtota~1 $' 7:,010 ;000 $ 7. ,0,~,6,,4:40 $ to ,0,00 $' 145,680: , - -.- ~._~ TOTAL ,$1~, 688','120 $ 17';271,,781 $12,,636,250 $>12;,]'7,1,930 '. ., ,SIREET 'IMPR'OVEMENT'-GAS TAX- FUND ',:-, 10, .' 7-310 Interest I ncorne: '$ 20"'00'6 '$ I - $ '14000 $ )~;QQ9 .. J '. _" ~ " - -." '- ~ . .-.",,,' ,-...-~.. . 7430: G~'?:iiFih~Ta.!<:-2106 208,1'40 210,,967 210,880 .210- 880 . ", 74:ii Gasoline Jax'-2107 45!l",.480 475',792 459',0'10 459:,610 7432' GasdHl1e Tax:~210),.-5 7,500 7;50.0 7,'500 1",500' "'-.' -. ", "0, ._~ F.' - -..-.""- f2S;r60 '120 1864 7459. Street Maint.- ,SB300 - - " - t......... 7544 Adinin,i S'trat.ivlf Revenue - lQ7 - - . 7.GZ5 Mi'scell arie'ous: Income. 100 3~108 lOti, iroo, 7GB! In)erfl!rl:if Lq(ln-:s' . - " - '- - n. r .. , $B42,:38O $8>18' 338 l6il.1:, 4~9 $, 691,4901 . Tota,1 . ~.,~ 'r 'L" _ _ ,8ARK' r'MRRovEMENTF.'UND '- n . .7340 ,Rark:la'ndDeeMcaHon Fees $ 98;,:Z5'O, $ 154;;08' 50" 100 $ 350 ,100 . ., ..~, .~~J_. -<>'~""~'''''-- 746'0 Gr.arit Revenue-SBI74 -, " - 2,'000 2';'000 '746I r~'--" ..- ~.' ,-"'..."".-. . '.'.' -~ " 3!0,?00 99,000 163;700 .163r;7'00 Gr;ilOt-Par;:k. Bgncj, Ac,ts 7681' ,I nte "'fund Loan's ~ ~ ~:;.. - . $409,456 ,$: 253!Zoa' $51'5;' '8'00 $51'5'800 , lot,a.,1 , " . ."..- l I I, .' l , 5 ), ctfY ,OF ~OWAY REVENUES BY, FUNDS AND S'OORCES I 1986- 1987 11186~198Z l!1Jl?~,l~,!!-8 19!1?"",1,98,8 , .-. . ,. .., ,," '-.~., ,BUDGET AC,TUAL PROPOSED APPROVED' I , DRAINAGE.FUND., 12 :1 l.Q.3!, PrQperj:y Ja.~-{JOCl:d Zone,s ,$290,900 ~ 290,958 $296,;'00 $29,6mrg '?-310 Inte~est Incol!1e 1:1'.1" ~OO 90;750 .70,000 70';000 ,I 7566! DYaJnage Fees 188,400 '1,004"'7:25; . 190;000 ,190,000 , , , T,ota.J .$590;600 $1 '386,433 $556;700 $556;',700 , " :1 FEDERAL REVENUE, SHARING - 11 I 7'3,10 I'nterest J "COme $5','500 '$ 1,438 $; - $' - ,.~,,'" .,..'; F-ed'era.i Re.venu!! Sharj'ng . ' 7453 34,200, - 50;085' - - " Total $ 39:,700 $' 51 ;52~ '$ - $, - I: CD8G F'UND - 14 11 7477 CDBG-9th' Year $. - $ . -, ., $ - '$ j~7~ CDBG~10fh Year ;" 134,730 - - ;._..... -,,", -.' .,.---~.,..> ;7481 :QDBG-!lth Y.ear ,tQ9~,~76, 2Q1;550 - - II, 7482 ,COBG-.12th Y,ear' JZg;Q~,Q J~5 ;28,~ -, - I , 7483 CDB,G-13fh YeaI'; '170,090 141,'000 - - II Subtotal $449,,456 $644,,562 ,$ -' $ - GRANT"WNDS- 15- f9 " I' 7456 Fe.d!!r:aJ~i(gui;!i.~j1 ~ysteJ!fs $~~g ,,296 $ . $ 92,000 '$ 92,000 74'57 Qf.fice '0'( Tra,ffj'c 5,a,f'E!.j:y 1~5,878 :- - .. 74'6i Grant',- Par,~, BOl]d 80.;76 - no 000 -. - - ... ,- .~ 747,0 Trailsportati on. Dev,. Agen.cy 9,-689 23'; 968 - - "-' ",-",- 747,1 ,0fHce Of Cr,illli ilal Just'tc'e - . 2,.?:m - - 747S: TQ~. Att., 4,.5'Ca;11."A,;RiOe 106,,959 121,959 125"270 12~ ,2ig I Z520 ' ~ SaTes, &' Service 10;700, , 14,594 12','530, 12.; 530 , .~., 'Sl1bto'taJ ,$6,45;522 $27,2,759 $229,800 $229,8,00 'I' Tofa.l GranJ"4nr,1s $J ,Q85,978 $915,321 $229;800 $229,80'0 , I' 'i ~I I ", [6 I .cnY OF 'POWAY I REVENUES BY FUNOS.AND SOURCES ~ -. ~-' ,_ _ _. _., '"u.'" . ^_ _ 1986-1987 1'986-'1987 J~8?~J~,88, 1987- 1988' 1 BUDGH 'AGTUAL- f!ROPOSED' ARPROVE'5 ASSESSMENT'DISliRICJS F:UND -,20 1 z010 L fgf1i:fng Ofstr,ict~Prfqperty; '$. '" $. c._; $ " $lQl,920 I, nix 7-Z14. Ltg~.tji n'9 0 i>strtctAlr8p-4 - 47,01:6 '2'4'0000' 240,000 .ro;. - ' " , Subto.i:al Ughhng Dlstr;ict $. " $ 47',016 $240,000 $341.; 920 1 7,<710 AD 83"1 ;~,~7:2 5,494 83,290 83 290 ' 7.'7;1'1 .AD 86;"'3 '--", 1 6,,,120 ,-, 6,A~Q p:,4,?,Q v ..,,"~ . ,\ ,;A.D8"6":.i 7-.7J'2' '36,600 20,374 tQ,3!l,Q 10380 i7,i3: -r-' ,,,,'-'--' ~ ~r.;",_ .~..~ AD 86,-:2, 3,8{5 6,,12Q fJ0640' 30,640 _:''--''..0-. 77<15 .AD 87.::->1. " -, 1,500 1.,500 .', , :Subi:qtal :landscape. b~is'€rids $5t,807 $ 31,988 $132,230, $132,230 , Tota'i $5h80? .$ 79,004. $31,2,230 $4'74', HiD ,I) - '.0_ .., ~ , STREETDEVE[;ORMENT FUND io 21 731'0: thterfest Income $, :55 700 $' , >5~',4!Q $,38,900 $ '38,900 :1, - ,'~., .,- lOW, 6'20, 7..593 Traf.fi c Mjit~i9~troji Fe~s; 3,10, 200 1,003,685 J,019,620 --~.w'.< ,. .-;.....' .... -',,- ~ ,., ' ,7,594 TraUi i: Signal fees 10,000 '31 ,294 ' 8,000 8;000 :1 7.595 L.an~s.C!ipe' M~ai (In 'Fees '10' 600 13:;559 4' 000' --i! --'1- ".H....._...,-< ~, -.-.',-....--.; 4:,0,09 ,7597 Road, .Fees -Other - 9:,264 150,000:' :1:50,;,000' 'Total $,385,,900 $:1,1'19'; 212 $1 '22-0>520 '$1,220.,520 I ,. ,~, MUNIGlf!AL IMPROVEMENT FUND-30 , I 7-3 To! -Inter.est Income $' '22,300 $ 53,720 $ZJ,OO,O $', ,2<1;000. . ! 7680 lnterf.uh'd T;~ansfeh - ~ - Tapa] $ ,'220,'300 $ 53',';7.20 1$'21,.000, $',21,,000' I L:.., GOMMUNITYF.ACILfHES',DlSII.#1.AGQUISino'N FUND -31 I. nfO Fn'tetest Income $1 ,~20;,9,00 Jr,7,n,$Af $I ,200!000, $1 ,'200~, OQ(): BQndr~ro,c~e~s'i' :, :J 7~20; - 1:8;909 - " Total ., $1 ,8,2Q, 9~O H,7~0', 751.$1,'200,.000 $1,200,,0'00 ,I, DEST' ,SERV,IC'E, FUND - ,40 'I; 7.31'0 In'terest Income $'11,,100 '$: 11.$,; ~~g $, ,3;,$..0,0 $ "3,50b :76I:i5 ~ c~~" ,~~~"'" n.." -_ f7,5'J6fj Fi're Bonds 175,600 In,200 173;2.Q9 I ~""-..,._<-. .BondsPl'ocee8s, 7620 ,- '2,808,036 - SU.ti~ot,al $'186: 700 ,$3163/425' $'[Z6iZOO $ i-7,6" 700 , '.', -" , ., ~ . 'il. 1 " 'I; cn:v- OF powA'{' , , ~.~VE,NUES ~X FVN,DS ANQSOURCES' I 1986-1987 i986-f987 (9Jl7 :!~1l8 ' , 198T-19B8 BUDGET , ,ACTUAL PROPOSED AP'PROy'ED 'I ' . COMMUNlTY'FACIL:ITIES, DI,ST., #1' , DEBT SERVJCE FUND ;'-: 41 I " , , 73tO 'tntel'est 'Income $~0,6':200 $ $ $20'0,000 i 200,000 ' 7618 Tax R({l'T-'CfD' #I ' '2:,09,6,249 ;933,.130 ,~3~~130 ,I, 7620 Caplt'aHzed Intere'st ,- - - 'h 362', 360 Subtota,1 $506' '200 $2.,096','249 '$1:! 133,,130 $2,495,490 - . ,- .' total Debt< Si!'lwi ce Fund: ~692';90b $5>259 ;674 $1,3g9,,830 $2,495,'490 , , ' .., , ". '. 7 "'~', il WAfER FlfND - 60 '. 7'310 In.terest: 111:come, i 27,800 $ 100 .5~~ $' 3giOQ,Q $' 30-000 _.,' u""', I ]"~J5 ~,'n~ere~t IMorn~..,B.on,d H;900 , ,1'13;552 84;000 84"OQQ , . '7,5gQ :Sa',lesand Service 2,874:,508' ~,3~7,;2,~2 3',251 ;790 '3,251; 790 I .., ,__'.. .~ _. _ .' .!,~r~' ' '~~ .:,0'9 Q' :7521 ,Sa'lehUnmeter;e,d Wat~[ :803 ,~P.O 700 7522 SDCWA/Ramona ,Water Char:ges '-'.570,000, 5~~,,2~2 474,000 471,09,Q I .75'24 ,p.enl)J:lll~,n'cy C~aJ'ges , , '26~;.oOO, - , . ._...~ 45,309 35',000 35',00() 752'5 ,!:lydrant :~~ter,Charges' ........., 5,OQ", :2,918 '1,000 :1,000 ]526 'Reconnectfon -, , , ~2".Q99J '> '1,605 .?,OQQ 2.',QQO Mfri,cU.1. RebateI'Intertupt. ..':";'..r_.....-_ II 7528 '1:0~,.150, 9~,6,,@ 1:0,6,58.Q 106'580 ~"""~"'-- -. ~ '7529 S~le,~jqapfcity C~'(rg-es' ,416,000 . 409,,586 420',000 420"00,0 'ls:io Pumping-ID #1 63,460 ~8,~P' 58,460. , 58,460 II; 7531 .Pumplng'-ID #4 h09,Q:... 4 804 6;,000 6,900 7532 Pumpi rfg'-o'rchatd' eta] "'i"'<"" 37:,,4Q() 44,1,?6 '39'400 39 400 , .. '0. . ~ .-..'J,.......__ 7533 p~mping~Dbnar;t 630: 785 7,30 '730 7534 3,,1'<f7 ,.t.>,., i;2ClO 'PulTlpLng",Coriva:i f 1',,500' 2,200 :1: 7535 Pumplng-p'adre 'Iran~it. 7,QQO '5,9~5, '7'000 7;000 , , 7536 PUmping Power':Camelbac~ ?OP - 200 ,200 7537' Pumping Power-WoOdcliff 600' 764 '600 6bO ), 7540 ~ipa.~siQn fees' 13'1,550. 635 194 7'33.6'3'6 7e33'63'0 , , ,. ,-.-- ..'- ,.,' '""~- ^ 75ft ConnecUon Fees !2t;000 (24:,569) 853;800 85'~;80Q 7544 ,A'dmlnisJrative' Fees ~,9j)Q g,33J 4,700 4;700 ,I' 7546: Meter; Instal;l'atJllOs 10Q,500, 7.2,D,9g 137' 650 137; 650 , , ..-.- '-, 7564 puiilping-DelPontente - 1,!l~,~' -:' ,- 757T I n'spect;i'bn .Rev.e'riUel;ees 8'do' 864. ,800 800 7'61l Bond'-'General Wilter:. ' 1871,,900 1,045,695 883\ 3sb 883, 350 761'7' .." . .......'..., '''.,. ,_.-", , . "~ ~'-':';"; ,', ~_ -,'. . --C'~ I: Bond~AD 79':1, 'Tax ~oJl ;?W,~.20 136:,lQ5 217,280 217;280 767.2 Retuthed Check Changes 1000 960 1000 1.,000 ."..',-",~ ~ ~-~-, n 'm~ ,', . 767,~' ~t[s'ce:11~ii~ous' [ncorne' 10,000 ,25,021. 1:0,000 ,:lo',ood I' iio'fal $5,. 67!l; 318 $,6 , 7,27, ~7J :$7 ,~61" 870 $7" 361:, 870, I .' \ , . , 8 'I . CITY OF POWAY I' REy'ENUESi3Y.lfUNDs AND :SOURCES , l,!l,~"~H~87 1986-1'987 ;t~~8.z-1~"!3.8 1987'-1988 I '.7iCrUi\L _".<~ _, ~,""L BUDGET PROPOSED ,APPROVED SEWER: F;UND -6<1 ,I 7310 (nter~s~ Inc9m~; $ ~g,?9Q '$. 52~,,?}.o' $ 560,,09:9' $ 560,000 'I z.jrs ..' - ..... ~ rnterest Income~Debt , 16';'ZQ9. 7159 ,2';000; :2'000 7520 .. -.j' ,-,., " ~-.'" " " , . _. .-.--' ~.". .. r ,32'5",:000 " , ;~a:1,es &, ,Servi'cer 1,027",352 1.,422,146 1" 325, 000 7 s.f2 C6nhect-toh Fees; 864~'000 K;582"T16 1 , 4~~,,6,30 ~t,.466;,630 7544 AamTn'ist~ati,Ve Revenue ~'i4.?~ ,- 'I 75461 :?:E!~vi~rM~itri~~.t, ~hstalla.tj on 29,250 3'800 c40,250 40,,2S'O ,t...... ...~~ '.. <' 7~_~Q' ~;i9h ,v,glume"Servi'!=,es - 3.6'0'7.52 - 7551 ,Annexa ti on-Gen'era"1 25,060 ,53';114' 25,000 [25,,0.00 11 " 7552' Arln'exati on"DelNorfe ~ J,472 -- 7553 ~nnexat:tQ.n-:'~ozy ;Crest, 290 289 290 290, 7554 3,;(60 '3','282 - .'- -,"" ._.,~ 3i6'0, l\on~)(a,j:1i.o.n~G rj!ell va 1'1 ey 3:,260 I ~'.u ___ ~~1., _ ,;,J " - 7556 Connect~on Fee-Inspecti~ns 4;,290 '1'3',49"6 5,,000 5;000 7562 Pumplng-Si:. Andrew's 'A~ea' 2 ;200 '2,,198 2';200 :?;?,QQ' 7,563' Puinpirig~Camrhol Del: ,Valle :25 000' 23:.. 99,fi 25,000 '25" 000 -",." . 7564, .. - y. . -, .~'~' -, '.. , 1'100 '908 [Too . J:,10"g I. P.!lmp.1IJgi"D}i1 8o~}:l!nS:el A~~E- "",~., -.,. '.__.~,- }l;ll,,9XQ ........,,'..,. ,...{ 7615' Bond, Interest ,& Redemp. 16~,.0..QQ 184"7.50' ,184,,7-50 I i615', ;MTsce,j laneousi Income. - 2,500 33,-409 ,5;000 5,000. ,I $2.;778,052, $3,~~fi,~,6.9 $3,645,480 $3;,'64!t,48Q: ;1 Tot:~J - " . ~ ." - , " . ,,~. . > GAPITAL REPlACEMENt; FUND - ,70 ,I, 7310 Ihteresf iI'ncome $ n,900 $: '64 M6 $ -70"000 :$ JQi,.Q.OO; 7585 .-<' , ~ . -'-",' -':>'1- ... 312390 ,~.~,' __c>~, "'"q t._. ._..... 'I X~N,c:J!! ~,~_qlJip. R~n~al '314,67(7 2~Q,200 '290,200 L"""~"'" ~- ., ._,....~ ~--,.'---.<- 62:,930 7586' QapHa;l: Qutlay Rl!ntal 7;~.,O~O ,42,883 62;960 .......,.-, ,..-~ . ' 20,000 $,21'3 '35.;000 '7:660 Sale' of Su~P:J:us P~opel't.x 65,000: , J:iita;1 $4j39,',380 $42,6" 78~ $458,,130 ,$'45'8,,;l'30 ,I, . ,_..... , -~..' ;;,.;;.;- --_.~-- I, ~Il -~, :;..,- " II 11 I " I . ,I 9 ;1 CPYOF POWA,Y REV,ENUESBY':"U~QS AND, S,OUR9.ES l 1986,.:1987 1986"'1987 1987-1988 1987:;:1988 . BU"DGEY . AGTUAL: ,....~ _.~- .'--<....,.... ~ ARPROVEO ' RROPOSED I': TRUST FUNDS l CLYDE, REXRODE MEMOR,fALFUND - 80 I 73m I~tere,st Income $>250 ~$ .213 .$ 210 $ 210 'I: Subtota.1 $ 250 ,$' 213. $ 2~0. ~$ 210, I' POWAY RD.BEAUTIFICAHON TRUST -81 7310 Interest ,Income $1,.700 :$2,235, :$2,000 $2;000 i6'5~ Donat.i'oris -General -, - - - I SliJi'fot~J $J,7,OQ '$2,,235 $2,000 $,2,.0,00 ,," _I I DONATIONS .AND' GIFT' FUND - '82 $, -- h,338 7650 Doliat,Hfiis--Collmuriity Services $ '" $ - " 'I: ]651. ooiia't i,ons ,--'f'.'i'rj!" , , ?~o. - 380 3,80., .7652 Sa fe\:y, Se rvi ces-Dona hons 500 - z66' 200 , , 7654' bOOil:t~i~ons - Ge'ner:a:i .- - -' - - l 'SybJotaj $l.,2,50 $1,3~!3 $ ,580 :$ 580. :1 MARY PATRICIA ROSS,'tRUST - 83. 7'310 't nterest,Note ReceivablE! $>1;'940 $1.,187 $1 ,1.50 $hf50 'I' .Subtotal $1;940 $1187 ,$~, 750 $1.,750 , " ,. BEHY. BENDIXEN TRUST - :.85 73'10 -interest ;Income $.5'20 $ ~'05 $ - $ - 1 7.655 Donattons-'Bendtxen .-, 2,744' , - ,SubtotaJ $ :520 $(3,249 $ - ,$ ~ . .~< 'I l:otal T;rust: Funds) $5,6'60 $8,,222 ,$4,~540 :$4.,540 I REVENUE GRAND,TOTAt $31,561,M5 $39,998,716 $30','223,640 $31 ,823,600 II ,I. I> " , ' , :1' 1 1 1 1 I I, 1 1 '1 ~" .. '. l I ' ; '1' , ;1 ' ; ,. CITY, OF~WAY F.INANCIALPROGRAIoi:, 1987-i988 . . 'siJ!I4ARy' OF-~OiJRCESAND"USES: OF" fU~QS 'I , 12 .' :c;IiYOEROWAY' FISCAL YEAR 1i987.~:'r988 ,SUMMARY .OF' ,SOURGESAND USESi,Of BUDGE'TED KUNDS '.. :SPEGI-AL SPECH'AL . GENERAL REVENUE ASSESSMENT IR~ST 'F:UND ,FUNDS', , FUNDS: <' ' FUNOS SOURCE O'F Elff.lDS Rev.enues, ~li.cZ.n,.930. '$2,,6-98',510 $.474.150 ~ :4,540 . ,AttumLi l'a ted , ApRrojJrHil';ons, 4,;29;1:",882 1,,:'U,l,349 ,0 '0, Fund ~Baiaiice . < ." 0 ,2,968,'7,0'8 :1'39 4~3; 65,682 I. eT ran s f.e'i- s :':11] ,.. ,', - '" -..,..- ~- .....,. .... _.'.- --,,> 0: D 0, 0 l:OT AL $17 ,,663,8n $7 D8' '567 ~6I3,,583' $7:0.,22,2 I, ,I, , . . ,USE OF FUNDS Expenditures $11-99181'3 '$I, T2?',:fO'O $33l,:160. l 0 , .! ! .,. "n."'_ ,r I' CapiitaJ Projects 0 '20,000 0 0 ~J1nQ,;Int~f~~~, '& . RedempUon 0 D 0 0 Reser.ves' :for.' .' Contin'genctes' 4,1<19,427 2,67 t, 869 0 0 Vti~pp r9P r'ta teef i , , 'Reserves 0 3,'266,160 '282,423 ]D ,222 Jr,ans,fers 'Out' 922'.572 a ~~, _' '.",,,_ .' ' , .; I: ;53,2,38, :0 0 JOTAL, $17,063,812 '$7',138,567 $613,583 :$70,,222 . " 'General Fund -, Th,e pri)!lar;y ~our,ce of r~venue,s f:or thl1 Genera) Fund are' ,property Taxes I 'and .salles tax'. 'General Fund revenues ,t'r.om all sources a~e' shown.ion pages; 2, 3:'and 4, Th'eGener.ail, Fund finantes a.not: the Satety Servi c'esi, PTani1,i:ngSer\i:ite's, Cofilnuil] ~y. ., Ser.'{ic:es'" \j'~rieraJ eIfgine.e'r'j'D9 ,(!nQ. {ile CitY ifd.il1inii:Stfa'ti6n~. Ac sUnmg,ry of the 'approv~d "budge):, for the, ,G!!!1era'l fund i:s 'shown on, pages x', 'xi; and, :16,. . . Spec,iaJ ReVenue FUnds: I, Gas'Taxl:Street ImproVefnifnL" 'The fund ,i:s 'lisea to ,fin'ante ,the consfruc"t,i'on, repair'an9 ma.i'ntenance :of City streetS". As shOwn on page 4 sources of' revenue, a'refr6ni g'asol'ine !taxandinteresJ 'income. the approved budget h' shown, on pages:xT and']::?,." ~" I sfF.'eef Deve.lopment,'F.urid' - qthe' furi.d: i~. used (or st,reet, "~onstructTon: :p'roJ~Ct~ fj'nanced ,by ,developer' Stees"" Revenues aret1shown on,page '6'. 'Th~a:Rproved budget 'is sholilnon .page 24. ." . Dr:a!inage 'Fli'i1d ~Revenu'e-s for ttffs fund a~est\own6n page' 5'. Th'eprin\a'rj',source of' !reve~,~ei:s, from'9ra{?~gefe.e,~ cqlle~teclasge,,,~J;~jJme!l,t}?,c;tuts', .~~,i s fe.Veflue i~s ,used, " , to 'flrance; cO,nstr;uct]:onof' 'no,gd,c;ontro,l and 'dra1:nage: 1mpr9vem~nts. IheapprQ,ved I '15udgeti,s: shown on: pag'es xi ,and 19~ ' RevenueSh'ar;;ng - :RevenUe, ,Sharing 'fUnds are, received from the Federall.Gov,ernment. ane ar,e s~hQW!1! <m pp.g~; !~" , fe}teraJ, Re'Yen~u~' S,nil.r1,rjg f~~d,s,c~!1 ,pe'tJ)e'dt6 fi'n'a!lGe C-fty' ;oReri'lt,tons~ or ~ap.itaJ impr;ovemenJ~.A tundacti,vity 9,eJafl i ~ ,sD.Q)'/n an page 2~., I) ,Gr.ant Funds' ~ These funds are used to accountfo~' :var.1'ous 'gr;ants thatar;e, recel-Ved by the ,C'j~ty'. Re~eQu~s: ayesh6wn 6n ,p~ge 5. A"fuilCattXvilty 'detail is', sh'owni6h jJag~' :2.1:. Special Assessmen't .Fund - :1h.i s tuna, is used_to fi1nance p,ub,]i c' iIl1P.rQv~rnents ,or servi ce..s 1 that 'benefits theproperfies1 'agaTnsf' wh",ich 'the"assessmeh'ts ,are levied'", ,Revenues are' :shown. oni>a~e 6'.~Afu!1d att;iv1'.ty Aetai,l, i,s $howi! 'Qn pa'[e 2.2,. I. TrList Funes' - These' fundsar;e used to"account. for pr,aprieta~y trusts thaftiaye been, d9J!i'lted to,ttfe City.. T:rusfl ,Fui1'd Revenues are' shown o-n page' ,9,,' 1 I' .13 ,I 'I CAP.ITAL DEBT CAP I:TAL (!fb~ ~CT -"'-'-"- - REDEVELOP,MENT SERVICE .El{rEBPR!SE. RERLACEMENT "-~,,,,,,,,~,,, ,- FUND JOT:AL FUNDS' FUNDS EUNO'S AGENCY . :1 :$; l' 736,'800 ,$' 2,6}2',19Q $>11,007,,350 $\ A58"i'30: i$, 0 $31 ,823,600 .. ,. .. ,., ._" . , . 0 0 i-i 153 061 !3~7,,42,~ 0, 17 ,753,715 12,071,83'0 ., ., -" .>'~ 6', 'I :2<\,631-,087 ,0. 0 39,876,74,0 ,r45,OOO, 0 0 ,0 ,917,,'810 1;0'62-,810 'I .$26,,51'2';887 h4,.744,020 $22,160,411 $1,'295,553 $91:7,810 $90,516,865' .' ,~.. -<' ".J. r' -..... ,$ 0 $' 0 $ 6,~98',968 $ ,287,,700 $ 0' $20., 13'6,,94i ,I 325,000 0 440':000 0 0 ' ']85:000 Q 2,,478:,'740 1,36'9,630 0 0 -3848 370 ., ..J ;, 0 0 13,864,813 1,007,85,3 911'810 22,611,'7,].2. c" ,_.._ , 2~',1!37,887 12,265,,280 0 0 Q 42\07,l,,9J:2 0' 0' 87,000 0 0 1, 06'2 laio .- $.26',5i2,88i ,$'1'4"744;,'020, $22,160,,4i:1 $1:,295,'55) $917 '810 $~0,5I6,865 'I ' .. '.. Gapl"tal Project Funds: I Munic,ipal Improvement - ReveQjJe, f.or thi,s,'fuQd iiS shown '<111 ~ag~i6.. T~e f.ulid., 15 u~sed ~o Finance C,ity cap,i:tal ,imp~ov;" proJects.. . T~e appr;o,ved budget i,s' shown, on page 25, F'ark ImProvements,'~ 'Tlii:s 'fund is, u'sed ,to' Hnan'ce' the ,cost of park construct.i,on. Revenues I' g,r;,e: shg;~n ~(ln l2g,gec4" , Gontnun~tty ,Facn'iti es Oistrict III ~ Thisfundllsi!d t,ofi!lan'c!! the C9S~' or :tl},e S.cf~th' P9,way Community'fT.acn,i't,ies Oistr-tct.. Rev,enue sources' 'are shown on paqe6~ ~I Debt,Servtce - These funds; r~c6r,d"tl)}! 'rl!v~!1,u~e~ ~hd' e25pen1l:itures!associaled with lhe'ftrianc- 'ingof lhe,C{ty 'isgenera.1debtand Gommuni ty Fal=,illti'es 'Dj'sJrict #;1 Bonds. Revenue sOITrces ar,'e' shown on: pages"6 and.l. :the'iapproved:buctget is shown on page 26: ,..', , -, ,. , '-".; -- - - .. --- .<---- >- .' Enterpri'se Eunds; H (Wate"faifdSew'erl . Mater Fund -The l:I~ti!r; 'fund i's~ s'erfc~sQpported'eiite;;pr.isefund. Tlie primary sour.ce of I :menuej f,orthi,s',fundi,~, fromth~ sa~l;!!,Qr ~aJe,.r, AP re,ve~'yes f9rt~e fund are shown " on. page, 7.. J;he, approved. budget 'fQ,r the' Wat"~rF,u!ld rs :shQl\'non PC!ges, x.)<) ,and f,~" ., Sew'er Func!: - T~e' 'ifrimat-y sou'rce' ,Of revenue for.' the sewer fund i's the sewer. service 9haI9~.O,t:h.e-r ,s~futtes:Of> revenue fori fh,i:'sfuilil:are shown on, page '8i. the' app'roved I budgeJ (or the Se""er' F,ul!d j~ Jh91t!'1 oj:) pages x. 'xi aild 29.' , II I Capita'l Rep:l acement FLind- 'The capi!tal r.eplac~menlfund 1 s Il~,ed tg ft,nance tl}e ri!P1.C!c,e-' I ment.o,f Gi ty y~hi!91l!~ C!.,IJ,d' lI)a'j~r equipme'nt. ,];he .revenue, for 'this fund' comesfromsali! of " 'sur.p,lusp~operty:iand re,nta'lfees charged, to ea,t~iof jih~,d),YiJi'Q"'J:s that hi!ve' b'een assilfiled v,eN~,li!siJt equipment. Revenues are shown, 'on page, 8. El\pendiJures ar;ec or] page l\. . - :1 , Redevelopment Agency - .The fllndingfor {1).e~edevelQPlTlenr Agency: includes loans' ,from the C,itywhfchare included in the Git,y,.' s budg~t s\l.mmC!ri,esfor di;~play pur.po_s,~s anIY, Tti.~ I tota,:] b,uc:tgetfor the RedeVelopmenti,Ageilcy is shown on pages 1'61, throug'h 207,. I -, I: ,I~ .' , j: I' . , , , , I: I,' I, , , ---" I~ I,: I: I: l : I I., I, I I, . -,} I~ . -~.- -. -~ - ._~. -~-".....- - ~I:r,Y OFPO~r FI~IAL PROGIW4~ 1987~1~88 'FU~DACIJVITY '~E1'AIL If ~ a ~!ILQfPQ'1AX I' GENERAL FUND ' . 1985~1986~' r986~l987 1986,,1987 1987"'1988; '1'987.:.!i988 .1, 'XGTUAC 'BUDGEJ ,ACIUAt.. PROf!OSED IIP{'R'OVED'" . FUNDIIGHviTV .0E1'I\IL- ' . .1' ~sGINNl~G ,BA!:N:lC~;fJijl'y r $1 . ~. $,'" ...$"." .''(' $. ,- .... $, ,,- j 'Prior .Years Appropriation :~,?ZJl,Z2~, p,€1,7',217 13",9J7.2fl7'3:,~0..4,),6p 2,239',882 I' Rev.enues9A66,592 16,688,120 17,271,781.12,636,250'.12,-77.1.,930. . ;r;OT Al FUNDS 'A VAILABL:E:$U, 746,321 $20.,305,367 $20,889,028 $16',2~0, 861. ;$ 15,011 ,812 , - -. . - . - - >. ~ --" ,'.-. -'.. _. " --.'~ - - E)(F!ENDnlJREs " I.' .Ope'mlt ing 'Expenses:: ' . LeMs lea t:i ve'l ., Kdmiiil'istrciti:ve'$' 628,,720 $ 7.37,398$' 733',025 $7-12,730 7.77,890, I' ,~cjmi~it?trat;;:v.e,!Serv.tces . ~4rt~& ,~?Q,9A1 !,Qg~,42~' ,'9.99j,2)'6 9?6','iz:;f: .Gommunity Services 1,2?G,;:623< 1 ;'~Z2c, 5.5.1 1,469,215 :1,632",084: 1,,802'.'734.' , p I annin~f.SerVices' . 87,5 ;342 878; 07'7 1,208,77:2 "987,1'40 1,,083; 630. I ,P,u,~nc,';S~ritr!:e.~: 59.~,08~, :F26?',i?4,9 h,1:?4')~A4, 2~;~I~:,9.2,~~ 2:,M~,;j21 ~afetySery,i'ce<?'3,549.,154 4,051;-6-13. .3.,953 :297 4,155, D20 4;'546,110"., 'Tota;l Operating Expenses ;$7,654,,1'49, '$9,,428;369 '$;'9,547,146 $,n,D07,,135 $11,,991 ;8H" Capi ta lPeo'ject'S: '" .., . .' I , :~tree(~' ii!1~ ,Hfgb)!,ilYS $ -$ .~ ;$ - $ - $ -. . .Goy.er!lm~lJtBl!nd).ngs -,- - - - I' 'rota'] GilP,i tal Pr;oj'eCts $ - $ ,- :$, - $ - $ -'. lOTAL ~XP;NDn~RES '$7" 6~4'/14,9 $9 ,428, ~99$9;,54t,146 $'li.,007,:1'35' $Yi ;991,; 8tj I: TRANSF'ERS/,LOANS-In (Out.) T!,a,ij~\fe r' ~o~[jji i"I,mPfqVe.! $ (123, 8M,I) $ (4,'500",0+0,0) '$ C~, @O"O,Q,OJ, $' '(4; 762l$ Gf.162) I' Tr:ansfer t9 pi!rk, ImPS,tlyemen,t ,- '(-2,;500,0,00) (~,~o.O:,OOO) '-' '" goaD to '.~,h Jrnpr:gvement (90;D,OO) - - '- - ,l!oan to She Deve,lopment -, - - - - I' :~oan to ~a rk -Imp ~ovement, , .. - " (~'O,OOOJ, (,50,006)- - .Loan to :RedeIJel,opme'ilt Agericy(261,08~') . - ,(2,052,000) (519,310) (9H,,810,) . 1jOTAL rRAN~FERS"LOANS $t474.,925)'$(]',.050.,,000) ,$(9.,:1:02,000>'$ (524.0'1-2) $' (.922;;5Z2):~ . -, ,', .... .' . '. .'~ r:T~LA:~ROPRI'A~IONS. ,$3'617~24~7' $3.~826..998 ~. 2,239!,882$ ~,!'709.65.4 '$2,097.,,427:1: ENDING8ALANGE-June 30 ,00 9 ~o i_ . L '~ I' n , , , . . . l .cFr~',OF' poWAX -- - ~. ~ _... - .,!,... .-, -. ------ :STREET IMPROVEMENT;-GAS' TAX FUND , I 1985-J9,86: t98,6:':l~~7 1986-'1987 1987 - 1'988 1987~198i3 ACTUAL. BUDGET ACTUAL RROPOS'ED Ap'PROVED - FUND, AtTIV:ITV llEliAIL, I BEGINNING BAtANCE:-July 1 $ - $ - ,$, -, $. - $ - _. n.,...' (_.'__'. _.. .' '92-,729 1.~7,~78 , 16? ,'8l8 ~(397,974) I'rior Y!laq ,Appr()pri~tJon ~ Revenues 1 ;058,1'91 822-,380 818,338 .69i.,490 691,490 ,I : rOTALFlJ~DS .AY~ILt-BU:E $1.,150,920 $ 990',258 $ 986.216$' 691.,490$ 293,516 EXPEND UlLRES, , . Operating Expenses:, , - , P\l.bl tc: ;S~rv"ic.e~ $974,27~ '$1,,842,501 $1,384 ;190 $'691,,490 ,$ 691,49.0, . Tota,j Operating .Expenses $974,,_2-74, $1,,842','501' $1., 384 ,,190 $' 69{,49"0 $ 69'1;l90 , . tap,ita 1 'P'roj,ects: ") /; 'Str'eets'& Highways T, , '" , (cOnt,inQin~i< iCl,pprop'.) $ 80,.000 $ - '$ -' $, - ~ - ; . :Streets, &' Hi ghways 11:1,76e ,- --j . ,~) Traf.,i'ic ~.i~ria}s' .' " '- -' - ,. , I Total Cap,i,ta i pr,oJeds '$ .98768 $ - $ - $' - $ - .', 'TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,'0]3,,042 $1;842:,501 $1,384,190 $ 15..91,490 6,9h4.90 - ,I . . ~~. ~ ,TRANSFERSf,LOANS,.Ih (Out) from !iranti Fimdr . . $' "- $ 392,29,Q ,$ ,- $ -, $' ~ ;from: '~tree~.DeveJopme,!l,t - - - - - ,. .Loan F~om Gene ~aJ Fund 90;000 - - ,- - 'To Street Developnie'nt, - - ,- - - I T,QTAL TRAN?F~R$/~Q~NS ,$: 90,000 '$ _392, 296 $ - $ - $ - .., , . ,,.' . - ~--- . - . I I TOTAL Ai>PROP~IAflbNS '$, f67.,87!l $ (459:,947) $ (39i:,974) $ '- .${39Z,9i",!) .1 ;40t- 'I..;..' ENDING BALANCE'-JLine 30 0 0, 0 0 b '- .,.. . . "'" ~ ' I . I ,. . . " 18, ,I' CITY OF POWAY I 'RARK fMPROYEMtW( 'Fljt'!~ 1985;1986, 1986'-J987, 1986..,1987 1987 --1988' 1987~1988 IJ e . ,ACTUAL BUDGE'( . ,ACTUAl. 'PROeOSED ,APRcROVED ': I, FUND ACnVIJY DET AI L. I BEGINNING BALANGE-Jul'y 1, ,$ 469 ;489: $ 883 r$: 1883 ,$' 1188:~bn $:~32Z:3,09Ij I Prior Years Appropri'aMon 1____ - - - RevenCfes, . fM 439 A09',450 ,253!,708 515,800' 515;800.' . ,. T.OTALWND,S 'AVAJL8B~E~ :$ 463- :928 $410,-383: $ 254,:5~1' $: ~26,89.3 $ ~188:..~91 I - t,. . .' - , rXPENDIJURES, ,Opera,ting :E~pellses:: I. Total' O'ReraM'ng Expenses "';;'1 - '-'~ - " I, ~ . ?'~, . - -.' .. ,. .- Captta-l :erojec'ts: ,;~, ,I 1,1" 0 $ parks (cont. a'Rpi;oll.) '$ l"H9,566 - $ - $ - $ '-, ,Parks & '0 "ens' ac'e . 83;84'4 .2:,951,,900 ". 3,,131,,900 1'80,000: " 180 DOO ,_ "',, _ ,11... "P.... " Tota:1 Gap'; ta'i P.r;,~Jec'ts $1;,063',410 .$2',95{,900 ,$3,,131,,900 1$. 180!00O $. .180,,000' I r.,,, _ " , iTprAL EXPEt{DITURES $}.;D6:a.\41.0 $2,951:,,900: $3,1'31.,900 f$ i80,iOOO $ 180,000 I ' , , ., JRANSFERSiLOANS-I h (Out) $ I 'Loan from Geneta.l Fund $ ,'- $: 50,,000 $ '50,000 , $: _. .-- ,.~.. -~u '-__._._ ~-.. ",,'___ 2506;5bo' ? ,,50C(,QQQ Tr~ns:ter from. Gener~lFund - - ., . ~ .. - ,From Ross J;rust\ ,- " - ,- - From Fea:, Re\(e,n,ue Sharing "600,365 - - - - I TOJ.AL TRANSFERS/LOANS ~ 600,365 $t!550 ,000 $2 ;550', 000 $ ,- $' - . I >. - ',. ." -~ TOTAL '~PPROPRIAr:ibNS - - - - -' END fNGi ,BALANCE'-,june 30, $8,88 $8;,483, $; (J27,~0~1 $ 14'6,893: $ ".49X~. .!>- ~--' .~... - . , .- I: 1':9 , I CLT,V 'OF powAv , PRM:NAG,E' FU,~D :1:1 , 1985;-1986 i986-1987 1986-19Sl' 19St-1988 ' _., ~ __. I 1 ~8l~!1.988 , ,ACTUAL ". BUDGET ACl'UAL.. . PROPOSED .APPROVED , . . 'I .. FUND ACnV.rtv,DEiAfL , '. ~ 'I: BE11INNING: BAl:A~C,E~JI!!Y!' , $3~0 ,7~~ $ 999,966 $ !909.066 ,$1,994,740 $2,1351,537 Pfi'or 'VearsApprollriat;;'on '-. '- -- , ...... Revenues .',. 63>1,027 590,600 :1,386.,433' 55"6"tOO 556',700 , l WIAL FU,ND? AVAf!-}\~lE. $961.763 :$1,499,666 $2;,295,499 $2,55i .,440 %2..692,237 EXPENDiTURES; .' OPllrafiJigEi<p:en~es~: . , . I' pullnc ,Sef'v;.ces $227', !194' $22'7 , 194 $, 159,962 $ 28hl20 $ 298,010 . , '. , '. Total Qp'era'~Ji ng Expenses $227,994 $,2,27, 1~4 $ 15,~,~62 $. 2/:11.120 $ 2iJ8,O)0 ....- '.-- 'I 'QaRfta] Proj~ctS:! , ' $ FJ ood' :Con'tro.l & D ra,i'nage '$ ~ $ -, -. $ -', $ - , I: T9"tif,l qpi,talPrgjects $' ~ $ ,- .$ - $ - $ - TOTAL EXP.ENDI~URES $221,,994 '$227,194 $ '1:59:,962 '$ 281, 7.20 '$, ,298,010 '.1 tRANsFtks'/LoANS-:I'n (Out) ,I' . . 'Transfer from Count' '" ''', ..!" ."''__ Y $ Subzone 1 and 2 $ -487,,297 $ ,- .$ - -, $ - :. ' Loan" fer RedeveTopment: ... - ,.. - -. - - - - .. -- ~ .... (312,000) Agency - ,- .. , I 'TOTAL TRANSFERSi~OANS $ i 75,! 297 $ .- $ ,- '$: -, $: - I' , TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS - - - '-' - ..... - ," - ~, -" - ~~.-~" .." , ,. , ,,>~ - .~-- --. - "'r "' -. .. $1.909,066} $1,27'2,472 '$2-,135,537. $~,269,Z2Q $2,394.227 1 ENDI NG BALANCE -J u n e 30 ,I 20 '. CITY ,OF POWAY' , I'ED,ERAL REVENUE SHARIN~' FUND, , '1985"1986 ,1986"li987 1986.-1987 r987,'..,l:988 1987,,1988 I: -."",,"- ~""-=",..,.. ~~, ,-.. .~.." - -,. .~'" - ...~" '";'-'. PROPC)SE'p ',-~--~ ,......_-.~.. ,AGTUAL BUDGET :AC'TUAL APF'ROVEDl I: ,FUND ACTINJ:TY ..DET AI L, . I BEGfN'NING BA~ANCE:-J"'yTy 1. $,311,-39,6 $ 3 '868 $' ,~,8.98 $53 238 $ 55 391 1 ' '..or - ~ ., .,- , .. ,t. ~~.. " Prf6/f: Veal's Ap'proprlation - - - ,- -, ~eve~~es ' ,286,867 39 ;i'o'd :51,523' - - , T:otALr:UNDS AvAILABLE, ,$"6.04.,233 $ 431;568 i$'55' 391 $!i~.,238 $55.~9~' .1' . - - .- -..,~_.~ , ~..~, - -. EXPENDIJURES I' Ope feati'ng"Expen 5 es:, Ie Public, .Servi'ces\ $ $ f'~; :$ $ $ - - - - ~, ..~.' -,-.- f'-,.,~ O' .. "." -. .. ,Safety' 'S~rv ices: - ;,,- - - IJ - Total OperatingExpense~$ - $ ,- >$ - $ - $ -, I: C,aRi:'i:~,lPrQj ect~; $ $: 1 Iraff;c S:ignaJ:? . -, - $ -, $ - $. .- Govehnmen.t BU.i Id,ings -, - - - - Park '& 'Op'en Sjiac'e '..' - -, - ,- 1 T otaJ p:a.piita IR roj~ct~ $ -, $ - $ -' ,$ $: - totAL tXPENDfr.URES' $ $ - $ -, J $ - I TRANSfERS'I,~QAN.?-,In (Qll() :1:0 Muni-Impr.,ovemenJ; fcund $ - '<$ - $ - H53i,'~98'); $(~3",32,8) Jo Par,k Irrfpi;ovenieift Fund (600,,365') - ,- ,- - 'TOTAL, TRANSFER~ZL:OANS ~{'60.0!, 36,5} $ - $ - $(53;238) $;(53,3281) 'TOi'AL, ApF'ROPRJATIONS - . - - $ :55!39I $ (J $ , ,. - END lNG' :BALANGE:"J un,e 3D $ 3,,8~8i $431,'568 : ,2; 153 .. ~ ~ I 21 :1 ,GU,Y OF ~P,OWAY - 'W'f': k_.- c. -., ,~,,"""" ;GRANT' F;UNDS 'I 1985'~r986 1986",1987 1986-1987 1987'-1988 1'987d988 - AC'l'lJAC '.sU!lGff - ACTUAL. ' flROf'OS'ED .Af'PROVED .. 'I ~UND'AGnVIH ,OETAIL I - ~ -'~ - -:1 - -- --"- . - . $ (:1,/773 ) ,$; (988 )$' (988) $ ,2!i,9;, 07,1, $ 7,7:7 ,.780 BEGINNING BALANCE-=July, 1 PrHlr,Yea rise .Appropri atlon - -, - - - - -. .. '- --- . 463;974 1",,085,'97:8 . .9'15,321 '229,800 .229,800, Re.v.flnu.es , 'I JOtAL FUNDS: AVAtL~BtE' $ 4"62,201' ,$hP84,990 $91'4 333 $ A9&,87.t $;1,OQ7,5?0 ~ ~. - " ... . l EXPEND'i;TORES' Operating Ejqferises: $ .1.37,,598 $ $ 137,,800 :1 ' Corimuri;.ty 'Serv,les 132,.4'41 $ 136,'553 $ 1'37",800 p,i:ann,tng5.e r;.v ices - "~ =-} ~ - Put5l'ic Services - - -, ., I ~~:f:e~y Services 3,658 $ ,- - -, - . Totalqpera,ti:ng; Expen~e,s $ J4.h ?56 $ 132 4'41 '$ 136 '553 '$ 137.,800 $ 137,800: . ., ~, ..t, _ _ ~ -' -- - 'I :Captti'il Projects - Req~v~J'gpl11~n~ };gen,cy:' $ Stceets & Highway $' - $ " $ ! ..;~ -' - :1 " .. TolalRe'deVeTo inent, .. " _',___' - ,P -,__ $' $ $. pr;oJe,c.t;; ., - $" -, -' $ ~ ,I Gapttai Projects - 'City,:: ~tr;"eet-s& Hjgnways "$.136.,078' $ - $ - '$: - '$, - I 'totaiG,ily Pr,oj eCts ,$: }36"W8, $ ,- $ $ -, $' TOTAL ~XPENDLTURES ,$ i277.,334 $ i'32',441 $ 1-35:553 $ 137;800 $ 1311,800, " ,I, TRANSFE~~/tOAt~S-ID (Qu't) :1 'Transf,e'r .trom :Genera.l 'Fund $: - $ - $ -:J $ $ - Loan to Rede'le,lopment ,Agency (.185,,855:) (.4~Q.,.4~.g,l - '- - Trans1'e'r fO.Ga'x Tax!;iJi1d- (392,296') .- '-. - I tOTAL J:RANSFERS'ILOANS $ (.1e~,85~~ $ (83.2,:Z52l $ '- ,$ ,- $ - - 'I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS ,- - " ] :ENDINGBALANJ'hJ~ne JO .$ :(988) $' :119" 797 $ -777,780 $ 3'61,07.7. ,$1 869:180 , I , '" '. '?" 22 I "----- ".. <_ " n,-. , CITY OFPOWAY, f ....1. - - .-- -"~~,~- -. .-'-"'- .".""~''''~- ---" ." .. .~." SPECIAL ASSESSMEN~' 'DISTRIGTS. FUND 19~.~~.t~86 c~986~1987 1986-:19'87 J9Jg-:r~8_8 1987-19881: BUDGEf ACtUAL iII"-~"~' . .."-..."" .ACTUAL PROPOSED AP,PROVED ' . FUND .ACJ.r.VITY DETAIL, I. ? EG INN t NG BA~ANGE -J uly ,I ;$ 1~ ,.JOO $'6.1, 429 $ 61;429 1$ t3~686 ~ 1'39;,433 I ' " Prior Year;s Appropri ation - - - - ~ R~vel!l!e~ 52,192 ;51,,807.. 79,,004 3n,2JO 047,4:,.150 .-..; 'TOTAL FUNDS AVAfLA13Ci:: $ 71,492 $11"3,236, $t40';,4-33 :$4'45,.916 $IH3,5S3 I . , .... ~,Xp'EN[).I<T~RES I OperaUng Expenses: ~,Cl\m1inJty Servi'c;es, $ ,- '$ 87, 353' $ l"pOD. $ 86,620 ,$; 8,6"gp: I: !to" 063 .- " - 244,'540 Pub'l i'c ~el'vices ~ .- ,244,54D . , - I Total Operating Expense's $ iO'o63 ,$ S7,35J '$; 1., boo $33>1,160 :$331',16D , - Capfta'l Pr.ojecJ$: I lot~l Ca'pttal ~rojectS' $: ~ $ , $ - $. '. $ ~ tOTAL tX~'ENDI.TURES' $ 10 063 ~ 87,,353 $ r, boO' $331,160 I $331,160, . " : '.~ TRANSj::ERS/L()ANS~J'n (Out) . I 'TOTAL TRANSFERS~~OANS - -' - '- - I " ( 'TOTAL 'AP,RROl>iUATIONS - . , - - -, ,ENDING;,BALANCt,..June 3'0 ~' ,61;429 $ '25.,'883 lB9;,4J3 ' $1l4:,756i $282,423 , . '/ I: 2.3 I CITYOFPOWAY ;1 'tRUST: F.UNDS: 1985-1986 1986'-1987 1:986'-.1987 1987~1988 '1'987-1988: ..<,c...._.....,~_"_.- ~., . a3UDciE'J ' ACTUAL 'P'Roposi:b 'APPROVED :1 ,AOTUAL :FUND, ACTIVUY DEJA! L :1 'BEGINNINGi BALANGE-July '1 :$51,443. '$570460 $57,460 $65.550 :$' 65.682' ~ ~,,--..,' 'Pr.16r Years App~opr.i'at.ion - '- ,- - - RiFJeifues 6,017 5,6'60 '8','222 :4,540 4,540' :1 - ~,. --- TdT~L FUNDS AVAILABLE ,$57,460 $63,-120 $65:"682 $70,D90 '$ 70,<222' '. E1<PE.NDJ TURE~ ~ -"I , ' ". - ," ,. Bond: Interest & Redemptfon, 9p~i1a,t jng ,EXpe,ns~s: ,Collpluntty,S!!rvices $ - [$ - $ -, $ -' :$ - . Safe~Y Servitces - - '- ,- - ,I T:oh,lOperating Expens~s $ - $' - $,- $ .- $ -, :. ~ifritt~.] ph6j~ct~,:' $ $ $ ,- $ '$ Goye.r~me,~t 'B,u,i:l,di'ngs - - - - Tota;] ,CapTta>l Projects '$ $ $ $ $ '- - , - - .. :1 -rotALE)(PENDI;lURES $ ,- $" $: - $ $' . - - - < " '. " TRAN~FE~s'itll&NS'-ln (Ouf) _ lo!,ark Il)lprovEJment..Fu~g [$ - $,- $ -, $ - .$. - '. To Gene.ra'f F,und - - - - - , , . , ;. TOT~l fRA~SfER~%t08~S $ '$' $ $, i$, -, ' - -- -, - :1 'I: TOTAL APPROPRiATioNS - - - - ~ r " -- ,,. "'" i$57,!46O $63;,,120 $65',682 $70,,090 '$ 7.0,,222 ENOINGBALANCE-June' 30 ,I ,I' .. 2~ I CIHOF, POWAY' I ST,REET DEYEtQPf1Et:lrj)U~~ 1985-1986 19'86-1987' ' f986-1987 19'87-,1988 1987 --1'9'8'8 I, ACTUAIo . .BUDGET ACWAIo . .PROPOSED APPROVED,. , I, , .FUND 'M:rIVfH DETAiL ,BEW:,NNIN~,Il~~ANQ;.,.,J ~JY ,1 $ ~ $ "';,.,! $ - $ . ~$ " I ' . Prior Years ARPr;.op'ri'ation' M2-,426' 855219 ,855,.2-19 ~r,,1,IlZ,1..4~ 1,$A~&?..3~ ,i14',664, ,,"<<.--',.. -- ~. ',.n'''' ',,,.' '~~<L. .RevenLies~ ' 385,900 '1,119;21'2 1,220,,520 1,220;520' TO:r(l.L H!N.DS A V AI tABLE $1,057,,090, ,$1,241,119 $1,974,431 $3,007, 669 ,~3" 089,843:. I: . . EXPENDITURES I ()p'ei7atfngEXpeQ'~~s: -, I, Total Ope ra d'ng Expen ses $ $ $ $, $ - ,- ; , - ~ ,- , oap...t!aJ )1.roJ~c~~: I Qj,txStreet ~\g!1~ i$. .1~7 ,000 $ :29;,9.0,0 $ - $' 20,000 20000 105~.10S, " " ,Streets: ,and Klghways -, '19,,700 - $ , ,$: I 'To,tp,l Ca.R,i tal I'rllJec.ls ,$ 1-7000 $ :39,700 ;105,198 2D'000 $ 2Q:,!tOO . .. ,-,- ~ ---', ..- TOtAL E~PENpI:rU~ES, $ :17,000 $' .39,,70D $ 105.,108 i$' 2D,OOO $ 20 ,.oDD I TRANSFERSlLOANS~In, (but) I' Loah !to: ,ReaevE!'<l'opment Agency. $ (184,87-1) $, - $ ~ :$ - '$: ~ Loa:nf~om Gener.a.l Fui1d: ,., - , - ,., I Frarn (TQii. ~as'rax Fu;,:a- <- . -, , -- -, , . TOTAL tRANSFERS/LOANS $(:184, S71')' :$' - $ - $ -, $. - I " I T6TA~ APPROP~fATf6NS $ 855,219 ,$1,201;41'9, $'1,'869.,323: $?:,~8T&p9 l~,0~.9,i1:l43 I , I ENDINGBALANGE-June 30 D '0 0' , 0 o~ - 'I I ;it5 I' CITY :OF I'OWAY ,. ___'" .. ,_., J..--,_. .'~' .. '-~..'~' MUNIC-lP,AL IMRRQVEMENT F\.IND I 1985'-1986: 1986'-'1987 1986.,.1987 11987 -1988, 1987-19'88 'AGTUKC . BUDG"ET' - AGT.UAL I'ROPOSED 'MRROVED I f;'UNDACtlVIT'f DETAI l I BEGINNINGBALANCE:'JuTY 1 ~4a4i335 .$ 416,01;; :$ 416,915 $~72,.41:19 $466,.209 pl;for: Yeari ,App'roJlti a.t;:oi1: ,- - - - - Rev,enues ' ' c33','901. .22,300 53,720 ,21, orio', 21,000 I TO~~L FUNDS' AV~ILABLE ~5i8, 236 $ 438-315 $ 4~9,7,~5 $~93.'~89 $487,209' , - - ~ I EXREND I;TiJliES Dept. ~efiji:ce', $ '5Z'.!360 $ - $ .- '$' -", >$ - I OJleratingExpen'ses.: - . . , I" Jotal Oper;at,ing E~p'eI]Ses -- - - - -, I Q~l>itaJ ProJects:' Gov~rnm_\!n:t ~~ildJ!igs $ $4,500,,000 $ $ (cont,i[lu,ing :'!PPfOJl.) $4;;J ,?10~ -' - - I' ' Government Bui'l dfngs 30,125 ,4,500,DOO 3;526 'N5,DOO; :145,00'0 ., Tota-l Call,ital proj~ct:s $481,'835 :$4,500!'OOD $4;; 503,!'526 $145,0001 $145000 . ..,,-, - < I, TOTAL EXPENDITURES $534,.195 $4 500:' 000 $4,,503,526 $1.45,000 $145,000 j.'-- "..- 'I" , . lRANSFERS,"LOANS-In (Out) I :'; ,$' $' .4',762: Transt;er Ih-Gene'ral li;und $12:3;' 8'4T $4;,500,000 H,,500,'OO.o 4,,762, . . - .. I, Tra'risfer lri-ReV.eriLie Shari ng , '- .- '-' ~,3.(~3.~ !?.3':f~8 'Tran'sfer In-.Water Fund .f69:,.441 .- - 58-000 :5,8" Qog ""'''''' ~ 'Transter In-Sewer Fund 'B8,692, ;.;... - 29,000l' '29,000 I " ; ~ TOI~L Ti~A~$FERS/LOANS '$431,,974 $4,500,0'00 iM,5PO',00Q $J45 , QOO $t4~,.oOO I' I ,I: tOTAL APPROPRIATIONS - ,- - -, - E~PIttG B.AL,A~G.E.,Jui1e 30 $416;015 $ 438 -3.15 $ 46.6,209 :$4,93,489 '$487;,209 ".~ I 'I ,I 26i 1 . . ,_~GITY QF gQ1'!AY.., .' I: ' COMMUNlT'Y' F,AGIL'lUES'DISTRIGT #.1 :]9854986i 1986'-'1987 1986~;1987 .1987 -1988 19137-;1988 I I' -, ,.-. ~. .~___ .,,......,,, " ." . .y._" ~__e 1"'- _,_ _ "-'_""_' _ ACTUAL BUDGET ,AGTUA[ RROP.OSED APPRO~ED FUND.i.ACT;fV;lTY DETAIL ' . . I, . gEGI ~t-!kNG.. BA[:At~CE. -J.. U;l.'Y.l $i. ~ . $22\<7,61,,43'6 $22;,76.1 i4:f6$24 ,5:6-~" 436; $24,4.42,,11371 ' . grt9r Ye.arsA~propr;at,;o,n ... ,-. .-. -" . Revem~es ., ,22,761,436 .1,820',900 1,,730.7,51 ,1;200,000; .1,200,000' . . . ,~ TOTAL FUNDS ,A V~I1-ABL;E' $22:, 76) .43~,$?4, 51:12 ,3:36 :$2~,492.i, 187, $25:,761 , 436 f25;692'!187I' ExP''ENOITljR'ES I, 'OperaHngr Expenses::, . TafaT Oper'atli1.g,E~jjejl};~s~' - ~ - I 'CapJta:i :P roJec'ts:: ' I, Toj:a,] Capi;ta 1 Ph1e(),ts: ,- - - ,-, - I , . , I, . TOJAL EXPEND ITURES'- -- ,- - . I' TR,ANSfERSI,L9A~Hn, (Quf) I , , TOTAL l'RANSFERS /LOANS - -- :~ ~ I: I TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS ,- .,- - " .... . I: I ,0 ENDI.NG BAL:ANGE-June 30$22; 7ql,~36 $24'.58~,336 $24;49201187$25..;7,61,436 $25,; 692,!1/37 I: I I: 27 ,I' OlTi( OF' P.OW8Y DEBT'S'ERV.ICE FUND ,I' 1985- 11186; 1'986" 1987 198~,-,1987 19!1Z-19,88 " 'l91l7~19~8 ACTUAL, BUDGE,T ACTUAL .P.ROPOSED APPROVED l FUND AcnV,I,;f;'{ D EiTAfL ,J 'I' :BEGINNING BALANCE~July 1 ,$' ,,225,184 $T,'J91,825 $.7 39<1 '285 $6,1.:96',435 $14',,1'23,830 pr'j1or Y'earsAppropdat,i,on ~ -"""' . . - ~ < '-" ; - '-} [~" .." .. - . .~, ,. -- . , '7,'338,649 692,900 ,5,,259:,,674 1,,~.Q9 ;'8~.o V3<Og,~3,9, RevenueS) 11 Capital'rz~ect Inte'r;est - -' - 1,362.360 1;362 ,~360 TOT ALr:;UN:DS,A V AILABLE,' $7,'563,833;$8,084,185 $12,650,959 $8,868',625 $16,]96,020 . ,. _. _.. , , <r'. ~'-. ,1: :E'XPEND I fURES Bond. Interest & ;. Ret1.l!mlit,ilQn':' , $' 172 . 548 ~ '1'75,'1700 '$' .184,206 ,$ '17{3\ 350 .1978 F,ire Bond $ 17-3';350 1986Ce'rtffi c'a:tesof ,. , Recll(~pt:ioi1 '- .- ~85,9QO "' I: Community ,Fac,ilities ., ...,_.~.. ". . n ... -. 3,929,760 ,9-,'923 2,305:,390 '2;305,'390' , ,Di st.#l - 10'tal Bond, Inte'f,eS't '--, .~,' - --.., --. ..,., -- ~- $' $4;105,400 ;$ 5,~~,:J2.9 ,$?,47,8,740$ 2,47c8,74,O 1 and RedempJton ~7:?,!i~8 .. .. -~ - - -- l Opera,ting, El5lfl!rises: fatal Oper.ating ,Expenses' -' - - - - 'I ; 'I" C~pital p,rq:ifcts: 'I Total 'Cap,j ta lP,r'!j'ecls' - - - - - '1:' TotAL EXI'ENDIJURES, $ 17<2'}5~8 $4,10,5,,4,00' $ ,579,J?9 $2,478",740'$ 4,,47,11,740 ;1; TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (put) Transfers.' from: Redev,. "'I d -- ,--, _.,' ~.., ,"'- _ - -" ",.. $ $ $2,052,,000 $ '$ 11 'Agency'Admin. Fund , ,- - - - TOT8~T~bNSF.E~S!LQANS :- - $2,052,000 $ - - I TOT ALAPPROPRIATJ ONS, - ~ - - - L.'. ~ "'. . .. . _' '. _., , I ENDI NG BALANCEc,June30 $7,39r.285 $"j~978,185 . ,$14,,;1;2(3;,83'0 $6,389,885 $H,!317 ,280 ,__._ ...,. ,_.' ;0...__ ~_, __ _ _~ ,I , 28 I ... 'I, CITY of BQ~AJ WATER F,UND 1985:-1986 1986"1987 1986",1987 ,1987"'1988 1987:"'1988 I ACTUA~ 'BUDGET ' AGTUAt 'f'-ROPOSE:\) .>,<,- .~ ",'-- . ~ ~-.....- APP,RO,VED ,. FOND; ,Atr.r~vrry DETAr L I' BE~JNNI~GB,AlA~GE""J,~JY 1 $; - $ - $ - $ - $-- I: . Eri'or Y~arsAp'propriat,fon i" 039, 063 2,.285;, 132 2 ;285 ,i:32' 4,236,,5l3' - 3,822',015' Revenues' ..,'" 6; Hl.{,A68 5,678:'318 6, ni;'871 7. ,36'1,,870, i :3'61"87'0 . t -,.. ~QTAL, FUNDS 'AVMbA.~.L~ $] ,'203 "sG1 $7..9,6);45:0 ,$9,013,003 $Ii ,598.383, ,,$'rl,,!,i83,885 I: , EXP'EN'DI:rURES iBond Interest , I: " l'~~dg,mptjcin $, l889,,3to :$'1",}7i !680 .~ i; 1:74,25-0 $1,184,270 $' 1,,184:,270 , I' , ope ra't:i!ngExpeil ses: ,Mrlii)1 .Ser\iAc:e~! $1 12~,b9~~$ ?~.o ,I,B? $241,341 $ '2~2-;883 J 270,'209. G,orrm!:!ntty S!l.r:vi'ces ,. .t3..-.5,6..6; 43'566 ,~'j566' 43;566 43','566 I, - .""-' . ' ;t , Putiltc,Ser,\i.tces, '3,480,024, 3,557,835 3;731',;831, '3,740,503 3,,8ZO,898 l ~. ! :rbJ<!,l ppe.r:a t,f~g ~~3!160i,;648$3,851,533 '$, 41'8467'3 ' I Expenses $4,016,,738' $4,02~, 9.5,2 , ' ,t,: ,'.' Capital 'Pro'jects: I 'Water! arifproyements $; 99" 000 $ - $, - $ - ~ ,-, '(c,on,t)ri u}ngapp'rop .;) .water,' .Improvements" - - '- '440,,000' 440,000 , " I, , Tot!il ~,!piit~I f'lgJ!!c(s $ 9~ .909, $ $ $ 440,060 $ 440,000 ' . -, - - " I , '$4".748',958 $,5,023,;213 $5!, 65 t,222, $ 5','808. g43 , Tom, EXP'ENDlTURES '$5.,190,988 , I ,TRANSF~RSILOANS~I'n (Out) ll;tantgRedeve lopmenl '$ - $ $ '~ $ Agency' - , - - - - ~ .. -.- l 'To- Mu'nlc,i pa\lImprovement {:169 ,,441,) - ( 58, 0001)' (.58,.000) , tOTAL TJfANSF,ERSiLoAiis '~(1'69 ,44:t,)$ - .$ -, ~, (58,,000.) '$ (58",OqO) I, TOil'Ab APPROP.RIATIONS' '$2,285:,1>32$2'/940;237 :$~,,8'22 ,01~ $5;,8-89,161 5:,316;",942; IJ . . ' -- . - ENDING ~ALA~yE ~ ~~ne 30 0 0 0 O. .0 I , , I I, ~i9 ,I CUY OF'POWAY 1 'S~\'IgR "UND' ;1 !9~.5-J~87 :1986".1987 1986-198'7 1987~~1988 1987,~T988 AG:rUAL 'u BUDGET " AC:rUAL PROPOSED .. APRROVED ,I .FUNDACTIVUY,DETAI L, , I~ BEGiNNING 8ALANCE-Jlily; r $ - $' - $ - $ - '$ - PF-i'ot' Years Appropr:1ation 4';976',923 :5'542:804 5542804 7;689,,600 7,.331 046 . "... ,'-.~. i-" ,!. ~r' ~ ',<-- ,.- ,,--....--<'-~ -~>" R,eile(flie's '.. ~ ,--' ,'. - 2;778;052: j ,645,480 3,645';4'80 , 3,412','348 3,896,\369 I' tOTAL, :F.UNDSAVA! LABLE $8,}&9 ,27~ $8 320,856 $ ~j43J!,J73 $ I1"'335,,OeO $1.0" 976:, ~26 . . .. ..-. . .,...--, ..__t,.,..._. __.. EXPENDITURES 'I Bond Inter;est & ,RedempiTori $ '7.6';'543 $' 181,,000 $ :180,795' '$ 185}360 :$: ,'f80 ,360 ' I' Oper;a t ing Expenses: 'Adm'i'riistraB,vej :Servtces $ 1'49,'522 $ 155,460 $ 148,008: $ J57,181 17.5;377 I 'pubHc;:Serv;i:ces' . 1,255,69'1 "1;696,227' 1,'577,618. 1,-9Si,bo2, ,2,038,9i8 ' l :Total oper:atin(j Ex.pen,ses' $J,,405,21? $'1)~~1;,,687' $ 1, 7,25, ~2li: '$ 2,(r3~,-J&3$i ,2,2,14, 29.~. :1' Gap,ital P~ojects: 1 ' Sewer 'IlJ)proy,enients , -$1,,15'0,017 $ - $ - $ - $ -, (.conUnu,ii1gapprop. ) . '20'1, i06 Sewer Imp'fo\iementS n,983 201,706 - .. ,I Tot'!". Capi taJ Pr:oj'ects $1 162' DOO $' ,2.01,,706 $ 201 ,70~' :$ - $ '- . ~""_'h_ ,,' A'~. tOTAL ,EXPENClIIURES $2; 643; 756 $2;234',-393,$ '2 ;108"J27 $ 2 ;,323 ..543 ~ 2,{l99:"655 1 _ '_ :1 'iRAN,?FiERS'ILO,AN~-In (Out)' I ,Loan t.o' "Redevel,opmeht $ .(64,019)$; ,Agen'cy - $ - $ - $ - to Mui1i'c,fpal Imptovement' ' (;138;692). - - (29,000) (;29,000) :1, rDTAL TRANSFER~ILOAN? $ J202,71U '$' ~, $ .... $ (29,DOO)$ (2,9"OO'oJ 'II Ij l Ja:ML ,APPROPRIAT:IdNS $5;54'2,804 ;$6;,086\46'3 '$ 7',33'1,,046 $ 8;98'2,5'37 $ 8,5A7,!f7,1 END1NG' BALANGE-Junei,30 0 0" D 6 6 I: i "-",\ . I :30 I - ,CJJy',of~9Wll.Y.. , I, CAPr:re,L REP,LAGEMENT'.FUND ,1~~?,,,{~86' 1986",f987 1987-1988 198Z/-f988 1~~7:1985 1 "BUO'lfEY ",. ..... '"~"'1'",. \;.....-- " ~.~. ~"'--, ,ACTUAL ,ACTUAL PROPOSED AP PROVED 1 " FUNDACnV,I-HDET AI L, " I' I B.EgJNttl;NG BA~ANGE -J l! 1'y . 1 ;$ - $ - $, - $' ~ $ -- P ri[o re' 'Y.ea'rs App refpri'a UOn :371".063: 629,,199 629 199 ,. 8.9h5g~ 837' 423 .. _ 0'" T ~,~ ,~,' .. "'-"; Revenues' , ,369,;018, 489,380 426 "Z89, 458,,~30 , 45B,.1'30 I; . :I:OT8L ~UNo.:S AVAILABLE ,$74'0,081 $l,,:llth 5'79$1 , 05~5, 988 $i,349,699 $t,'295"i553 ' .. '. ~ EXPENDITURE'S I . B.o,nd r'n.!:;erl;!s t & Redernpt i,on - ,- - - Operating, .Expenses: 281;100 ' I. ' AdfTiJnistrat'tv,e,Ser,vTces '$ 69 890 $ 150350 l 150j350, $ '287'fZOO ~ '",r .'_""',,,""'. .~, 'f' .. 1~1-" ., - .-... ,- "..~. 't'n""~" " - 68,215, fi,ubJ.i.c' ~Serv"i'ces 40,992 ,- , I, 1iot~\l Operating ~XPl!ns:~s ,'$110,882' $ '150:,350 ,$, '2f8,;56'5 $ 2M',lOO $ '287,700, - - -....-...... I, TOTAL :EXPENDITURES $1T0 882, $ '150, 350 '$, ,21'8 '565 $ 287:;70'0, $ 287,'i6d I' .. .". .,<'.. ~., ~ ~,' '-", -- .. ~ ---.,. .. ,- ., TRANSFERSjLOANS-In '(04t) I TblAL 'T<RANSFERSILoANS' - '- ~ ~ I I: ,-- -- , " ~OT:ALAPPRbpRrAnONS $629,199 $968,'229 $, '837,,123 $1 06-1,999 $1 ,007;853 I: '--.--,..-," ~ ' ~. ,;.... .. ._-- I I~ ENDING 8ALANGE~JuOl!,30 ,0 0 0 ,,0 0 I~ ~i: II 1:- I I 1 1 I . . 1 , I, 1 . ,I . I: .' . , '.' , , '. I. CtTY'OF ,POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: .1987-1988 ," . . . . . "8QNi(,INTERESTAND REDEMPT-ION 'I 32 . " :GI,r'y Of PPWAY' '. B'OND INTEREST' ,AND R<EDEMPJION I 1986.;.J987 1986-1987 1987.~1988 '1987-1988 '. BUi5Gi:"( .. 'ACTUAL _'~__'.~"_ 1~~"..._ AlfPRoVEou RROPOSED WATER,F.i1f.iD :. 1-970 :$ '268',388 $268.,388' 1$ 267,590 $ 267' '590 . 197.2 \ r01'275 104 '260 --.-,.-- , 101,275' lQ4.,~2,@ - , ,-. ----,"., ,- ~'" .~~-~<'., '_..--,,~~ ~ Hils ~gQ, r~.Q, ,52!h.1:~0 529'530 529 530 rb" #2: '.....~.__., ',...- ',~>--,.... 17,000 171,900 16,'500 16)500 '. 79:,,1 239,OOD ,239:;DDO 240:500 240,'509 ~qrtiza.ti'OI! 'of' Ditsf6unt. " 23,887 ,23,890 23:890 ,2},ll!3! ...... .., .~~,,-. :2', o1fo ,..,,"'-=_~De Processdng Fee, 2,000 2,;000' ,2,000 '. 'TO;TA!;WATER fUND $1\,:17;1,680 $t,IH,680: $1,'184.,270 :$1',,184,270 .. _,.. __. " d..." _ .1 ,SEWER FUND " I ' , \'1 S,ertes 1, $ 44:, 4~~ $ '44,,463 $ 52..630 52'"630 .. ""--' ---"'-~,-~ '_,v~~'", __,'^ Series, f2' 22333 gg;99~' '21 .50D 21500 series ,13 _.!--,,~-:- - '''''"'''- "'~ ~-~, ' " '-<:~,- 11\'3<;604 113.,604: rrO,630 1'10';630 , Process,i ng Fee: 600 ,600 600 ' 600, , - , I TOl'AL SEWER F,UND $181.,000 $; 181,000 $ ;185',360 $ 185\;360 l DEBT' SERVJGEFUND :1: 197,8' Fi re .Bonds $lZ5" .€Q,Q $, '175,600 $ '173 200: $ '17.:3,200' :1': Proces,sJng Fee' " ,'. -,. <<,.,~' --' " ,~~-" , _.~~. ,.,~~"' 100 100 1.50' .150 $: ,17:5,,700 $ ~ - ~. , $ 173;350: 'W:T:AL DEBT SERVICE. FUND. 1'75,7.00 $, 17-3,350: ~OUTH POWAY' GFD!1 DEBJ SERVIGE ..' -f985 Spec.i'a',l Tax Bon-d $' $3,929,700 $ .~ ~ . ' , ~ - '19'8'7 Sp~c;ia'J tax Refuncitng: Bqng - k, g95!, 4~0 ,2',,2il,~,490 pr;otes'sMg, Fee - 9,900 9,900 9,,900 .' tOBL~O~TH PP~!'\Y' 'QFPM QE1lT SERVIGE :$ '" $3,939:,600 :,$2,,305,390 $2,,305,390 1 ~ .. ~ . "GRAND IOTAL $1.,528,380 $5,467,980, '$3:,848,370 :$3,8:48,370 I . I I I I 1 ,I " :1 .' , ,I I ,I: " I' :1 :1: - ~ '. ,I' I .'. .' , , CIlV l)F ,PQ~1f:'I~!:IAL, PR~lW4t ....198.7-J~~ I ~TATEMENT ,OF FUND BALANCESAND'R~SERVES' .___ 0.. _... ___ ~w tIn ,OF POWAV . .' . ,-'" ~TAIEl4E~:rOF fUND 'BALANcES AND, RESERVES, Accum Fun'({ Funds Ava H ab}e J987~l'988 'PFoposed;'Ej(oenai:tu~es' 'F,Liilcf Funa Appri()p .'. ..' ",' App~()-p.B'<iJ'ill\Cel i!~i!l.f, 'B.~J)lllf'e '~~.eM~s! B()n~, (n! ...,. ,.'" ,. '~apl,ta:l Jr.ansfen ~.~&l .' ;jf~iITv~s, 7:11187. lI1"/87 1987'-:1988 & RedenioOoeratlons, ,ProJects' In'/:(OuH. 61:30'/88 61'30/88 ~UND' Gene ral $2 ,23~,,882 :$ '.0 ,$12:,]7.1,930 $ o~i 1, 991i.,8}j '.$! ~O; f$'(9~2,,~'l;2,) $2 ,'O~l ,~27 '$' 0 - _ .r.~ - _ ~ Gaslax/.5treet i Illip'I;(lVem~'[t ,(397,974') 0 69i,49b, 0 69b4.9.0' 0 :0 (39?,9]4J 0 Pa'rk 'Improve. 0 '(,327,,309) ~l5,809 . 0 () i80,,600, '0 ! 0 8' ,,49'1 DrMrt~ge :;' '2,135,537 556,70D () '29/:l,MO 9 Q 0 g-,3~4;,2.?l . , F,ed. Rev. Shar;;. 0 55,:391 9 0 0: iD (53','238) 02,153 Gran] 0 77.7,,-7.8D 229,800 0 1-37!,,~00 :0 0 ,0 '869,]1:10 Spec. Assesnit. 0 lI9,433 '474,J~Q: 0 jJi,o;f60 :0, 0 0 282l4ij 'S}reJ:it,'DeY,efop. 1,869,3230 1,220!'520 0 0 ~O,,090 ,0 ~,O~!!.,M~ g Mun'tcip', Impr;o\ Q' 46,6,,20921,'OQO 0 0 145,,00'0 '145,009 ,0 -4'87,209 'Gomm'.F.acTl" . - ~~1'- - - -'~"" , ,I, ," ( , ----- -- D1St'. ,#1 02~,.492.:,JP 1:,290,000 0 0 0 0 0, 25,692,1,87 , . 'DebtSeYviC'e 0 1~"f23 ~8jo 2,,67.2! 19'0 2 ;47,8', 740,_ D ,0 0 0 ' 1'4,317,,28! .~ ------:,\ Water 3 ;822,61'5 '0, 7" 3~ 1 ;!!l0, I,J84:,270 A, 184,,'6ZJ:4'f6,; boo (58",!tOO) '5.,3J6,.94~ 0, S!!t1eg '7",331,,046, 0, 3.,'645',4{l0 18,5',369 .2;;2J4.. 21150 (29,000) '8,54],,87 1Q Capita',j Replac. 837.423!0 458,130 0 ;287,.7,00, 0: 0 1,007 ;85tb .' , 'Trust 0 65,6_82. 4,540 0 0 0 0 '0 ' 70,22. . , tOTAL $15 ,7D I, 715,M h, 928;,7 40$3t,823~600 $3,848;370 :!i20,136,941 .$785.,.000 $( 91"7, 810$19', 641,'962 'T44A23,n , _ :_ _ .. '... :.. _ .. .I11III' ,.... ,.. .',.:'. 1iiI' ~... ~1IIiiI_ _.. ,I I I , I I: I I I , I -, \ ~';...... I I I I I , -, - I , . I I, " il CI-TY OF POWAY, FItW<<:IAL PROGRAM: 1987-1988 :1 DE~ARTMENT~L qPERArIN~,8UDGETS ,- w en, CITY COUNCIL PLANNW,G COMMISSION 010 REDEVELOPMENT .AGENCY 5005 , , , CI.TY CITY CITY ATTORNEY MANAGER CLE~~'/ TREASURER '012 013 all , AmlINISTRAlIVE COM/,1UNITY PLANNING PUBLIC SAFEU SERV,ICES SERVI CES StRV ICES SERvICES SERV(CES 100 200 300 400 500 010 : CITY COUNCIL. .. - - JIll '. '- .. - - - .. - - - - - '. - - ,,' - - (~ . ~ ,., "-:. , '" ,: 'AGENDA REPORT ;- CITY OF POWA Y TO: Honorabl e Mayor and Members ~ City Councfi fROM: James L. Bowersox" City Man . . "INIJIAlED BY, ",,' M. Po""" Di',,'" of Ad",,,,,,,,.. S""~ DATE: June 23, 1987 . SUBJECT: 1987-1988 Fiscal Year Financial Program:Mod5ficat5ons BACKGROUND,AND OVERVIEW Subsequent to the preparation of the 1987-1988 Fiscal Year Prel iminar,.y Financii!l Program, there h~ve been'anu~ber of revenues and expenditures which~~e being recolTlT1ended to be included i.n the Financial Program. The revenues are as follows: City + $ 25,000 Sale of Safety Services Unit #.51 towards purchase of " - 1io,680 Squ,i rt Apparatus. + Contribution from Cadi llac Ea,irv,iew towards purchase of Squirt Apparatus. + 101,920 Property assessments to lighting distriCt. '.. ; :l' The recolTlT1ended operat,i onalexpehditures are as follows: + $ 2,000 City Council Positive Recognition Program as outlined I in Ghal s. + 3,2QO Publi.c relations "We Care" Pr'ogram. + 4,800 Publi~,~ervi~es Ofganiz~troh~) Assessment Study as recciifuJended by the Budget Review,Committee. \ + 221,630 Contribut.ion towards retirement as proposed bj' ~ERS ~Mrn. ~ + 1,000 Park equipment, error in Preliminary Budget. o' ' , , + .20,000 Commun ityand Busi ness. ,Surveys as proposed ILnQounci:l Goals. + 270 Hazardous ma terials .inspect i on fees. . . + 6'!500 Medi.c~l .exams. tor reser've firefighters. " + ;3Z-f&6tU"i1"City cohtri buti on to DARE Progr:am. + 70,400 Adaitiona.1 law enforcement offi:cer for drug-related activity. + 105,000 Dispatch service enhancement expense. - ACTION: JUN 23 1987 IT E M 8 'U' . 1 of 9 .- , r- . : . Agenda Report -2- 1987~1988 Fiscal Year Financia.1 Program Modifications June 23, 1987 The recommended Capital Improvement Program modifications are as follows: City + $184,000 Old Coach 'Road. Street improvements. Project incl~des contributions of $50,000 in current Project#1216,$105,ODO in resident loans; and $79,000 in additional City funds. Redevelopment Agency I + $450,000 Signal at Espo.la/Titan Y/ilY. This project will only be undertaken if the developer ~..-.-. fails to construct in FY 1987-88. If constructed by the Redeveiopment Agency, this project will be fully reim- bursed by the developer. + 15,000 Warni.ng Flasher at Garden Road School. + 15,000 Warning Flasher at Pomerado/Glen Oak. Poway Uhified School District will reimburse $6,000 towards this project. + 40,000 Alternate 8,.Alignment ~tudy. + 400,000 Corrrnunity.Road storm drain. To be funded $115,009 by poway Plaza developer and Agency contributions of $285,000. + 32,500 Midland Road Drainage Study. + 42,000 Poway Road Kiosk As approved by City Council, to be funded by Poway Road Beautification Fund and Agency contributions. i 1:--;" RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that. the City Counci llRedevelopment Agency receive any further . - . "-. . public input, close the public hearing~ and adopt~ o Reso 1.ut i on No. - A, Reso 1 uUon of the City Counci.l of the ! City .of i;>oway" California, Appr6vi!ng and Adopting the Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year 1987~1988 and Appropriating the. Funds Necessary to Meet the Expenditures Set Forth Therein. o Reso lut i on No. - A Reso,l ut.i on of the Redeve,lopment Agency of the City of Poway" CalHor:nia, Approvi.ngand Adopting the Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year 1987-88, Accepting Loans from the Ci'ty of . , Poway to the Community Redevelgpment Agency Adminfstrative Fund, and I Authorizing Expenditures Therefrom.' JLB:SMP:eg JUN231987 ITEM B 2 of9 : \~ " I . " h.. .' r RESOLUTI ON NO. I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1987~1988 AND APPROE'iHATING THE FUNDS NECESSARY TO MEET THE EXPENDITURES SET FORTH THEREIN I. ADOPTION OF ANNUAL BUDGET WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of poway has submitted to the City Council of the City of Poway a 1987-1988 Fiscal Year Operating and Capi,tal Improvement B-udget in the amount of $19,687,140 in proposed expenditures 'for general and special City purposes and reflecting estimated revenues in the total amount of $31,586,000; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway has heretofore cons.idered sa.,id budget and fixed the dates of June 9, June f6, and June 23, 1987 as the dates for holding public hearings relative to its adoption; and WHEREAS, following duly g-iven notice, the City Council of the City of Poway, did hold such public hearings, receiving, considering and evaluating all public comments. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of poway does hereby FIND, DETERMI NE AND DECLARE as fo 11 ows: . . Section 1: The City Manager's proposed 1987-1988 Fiscal Year Budget for general and special City purposes is hereby amended as fOll,ows: (A) REVENUE AMENDMENTS Amount of . Revenue Fund Explanation of Revenue Adjustiile'nt Description Revenue Amendment (Increase:+/Decreas'e:-) . c~ 1-7660 Sale of Unit #51 ~+ $ 25,000 11..101 '/ ;/ 1-;467.5 Cadillac Fairview + $110,680'i Contribution Towards Squirt Apparatus 20-7010 Lighting District / + $101,920 / I Net Total Revenue Amendments $237,600 ~ JUN 231987 ITEM 8 P1 3 of 9 (~ , , I Resolution No. Page 2 (B) EXPENDITURE AMENDMENTS Activity Amount of or Project Explilnation of Expenditure Ajustment Code Cost Center Expenditure Amendment (Increase:+/Oecrease:-) Legislative and + $~OO~ Administrative 010-314 City Counci 1 Positive Recognition Program 013-314 City Mgr's Office Public Re.1ations Program + vd,200 Administrative Services + ~800/ -_.. 101-199 Personnel Organization Assessment Study 107-123 Risk Management Retirement Benefits + 221 630 (Jill" , --- Community Services +~O/ 204-646 Parks & Landscape Park Equipment Maintenance " ) Planning Services + AD ~~~o / 300-199 Office of Director Community & Business Surveys Public Services ~70 v' 409-515 Vehicle Maint. Hazardous Materials Inspection + Fees .<'500/' ,./ Safety Services .'401-316 Fire Suppression Medical Exams-Reserve Program + 505-321 Law Enforcement DARE Educat i on Prog ram + 35,200 ,~/ 505-321 Law Enforcement Additional Officer for Drug + 70,400 /' Enforcement 505-321 Law Enforcement Dispatch + 105,000 ( ) I - 1216 Capital Improvement Program 184,000 I Neighborhood Loans + Old Coach Road Project Net. Tota 1 Expenditure Amendments $654,000, .- ~1' Section 2: The City Manager's proposed 1987-1988 Fi sca 1 Year Budget for general and special City purposes, as amended in Section 1, subsections (A) and (B) 'thereof, is approved and adopted in the amount of $20,341,140 for expen- ditures and $31,823,600 in revenues. , Section 3: The monies necessary to offset the expenses incurred as detailed in the 1987-1988 bUdget document, as adopted by the City Council for the City of Poway pursuant to Section 2 hereof, are authorized by this section to be appropriated out of the funds available to the City during the 1987-1988 Fiscal Year. Section 4: The City Manager is authorized to make such changes in depart- ment operating and capital improvement budget total~ during the 1987_1988 Fis~al Year as may be, from time to time, deemed desirable and necessary in order to meet the City's needs. JUN 231987 ITEM 8 ~ 4 of 9 ;' " <. " ; Resolution No. Page 3 Section 5. T.he Capital Improvement Projects of the City of poway are in conformance wUh the Ci ty ot'''Poway Comprehens,i ve Pl an as governe,d by Secti on 65402 of the California Government Code. II. APPROPRIATION OF FUND 'BALANCES WHEREAS, it has been determined that appropriating unappropriated reserve _, monies in various fund~ in a manner correspondin~ to the operationa) mode of the City is reasonable and proper; and WHEREAS, funds established and monies appropriated shall not be cons.1dered as restricted totally in their availability and use and amounts may be adjusted between funds ~s necessary to serve the future heeds of the City of Poway;' NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Poway does he~eby direct that any unappropriated balance in the General Fund as of June 30, 1988, shall be automatically appropriated into the Contingency Fund therein; and That any unappropriated balance in the Water Fund as of June 30, 1988, shall be automatically appropriated into the Contingency Fund therein; and That any unappropriated balance in the Sewer Fund as of June 30, 1988, shall be automatically appropriated to the Contingency fund therein. I II. COLLECTION AND EXPENDITURE OF DEVELOPER DEPOSITS WHEREAS, deposits will be accepted in the The Developer Deposit Fund (fund 84) during the fiscal year ba~ed upon the levels ofdevel~pment activity~ and "'. WHEREAS, the City is responsible for administering these deposits, 'including col.lection and disbursement of funds as necessary to pay for development services. . ':, ~ .,..... NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council hereby authorizes expenditures of developer deposi t funds on hand at JUly 1, 1987, together wi th any funds collected ~uring fiscal year 1987-88. IV. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM APPROPRIATIONS WHEREAS, the financial plan provides for the appropriation of monies for Capital Improvement Projects; and WHEREAS, these projects may span multiple fiscal years. JUN 23 1987 ITEM 8 5 of 9 ~ ~ , ~ Resolution No. , Page 4 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Counci 1 hereby authorizes a conttnui ng approp- riation for the balances remaining in Capital Improvement Projects active as of June 30, 1987, and directs that the authorized appropriation shall be brought forward to be' used in the fiscal year 1987-88 Capital Improvement Project program or unti 1 the completion of the'se projects. V. COLLECTION AND EXPENDITURE OF BUILDING INSPECTION FEES ...- WHEREAS, fees collected by the City for building inspection services offset the City's contractual expenditures to provide inspection services. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved ~hat the CHy Council hereby authorizes the expenditure of a 11 such fees collected during Fiscal Year 1987-88, at the discretion of the City Manager, provi ded that these fees be spent for the provision of said contractual building inspection services. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the City Counci 1 of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this 23rd day of June, 1987. Bruce Tarzy, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) I ) ss. I COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do her~by certify that th~ foregoing Resolution, No. , was duly adopted by the City Counci 1 at a meeting of said City Counci 1 held on the 23rd day of June, 1987, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: I NOES: , ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Cle rk City of Poway ! " 6 of 9 I JUN 23 1987 ITEM 8 !;; t ~,_.- -- -, ...:. ,. RESOLUTI ON NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY '6FTHE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVI~G ,AND AQOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1987-88, ACCEPTING LOANS 'F,ROM THE CITY OF POWAy'TOtHE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADMINISTRATI VE FUND, AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES THEREFROM WHEREAS, the City Counc,i 1 of the .City of poway' (the "City" ), in acco rdance w,i th the provisions of the Cal.i fornia Communi ty Redevelopment Law, has created a Communi'ty Redevelopment MencyAdmi ni strati ve Fund for the purpose of account i ng foradmin i strati ve expenses of the poway Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") and _. fund advances therefor; and WHEREAS, the City Counci,l has approved by resol<ution of even date herew,Hh, a community redevelopment budget for fiscal year. 1987-88 and has apprgveda loan to the Agency in the amount of $917,810 to be deposited in the Community Redevelopment Agency Administrative Fund; and WHEREAS, the Agency desi res to approve a. community redevelopnient bUdgetj for fi'scal year 1987-88., accept said loans from the Gity and authorize t~liexpen- diture of the proceeds of said loans in accordance. with the approved community redevelopment budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE ITRESOL VED BY THE POWA YREOEVELOPMENT AGENCY AS FO,LLQ,!S: Sect ion 1. The budget attached to thi s reso 1 uHon as Exh i bit "A" 'ana i ncor- poratedh-erein by reference is hereby adopted and, approved as the 1987~88 budget of the Agency. " Section 2. The loan from the City of $917,810 .appropriated to the, CommuQity Redevelopment Agency Administrative Fund 'for captta 1, ,improvement and opera ti ng .expendi tures of the Agency, ,..asset forth in said buqget,i s hereby accepted by the Agency and the Agency agr.ees to pay interest' the.reon at a rate equal'to the annual average interest accrued on investments of the C.ity's Genera'l Fund as calculated on January 1st. of each year. The Agency acknowledges that ~aid loan '~onstitutes an indebtedness of the Agency with.in the meaning o,f"A,rticle 6, Chapter 6, of the California Conmunity Redevelopment law. J, . , , " Sect.ion3. The expendi'ture of monies from the ConmLJnity Redevelopment Agency AdmfniStratiye Fund for admin,istrative expenses and capital projects as set fo~th in said budget is hereby authorized, subject to compliance with the same "'\:" - " procedure estab:l.i'shed by the City for the expenditure 'of funds by other agencies and departments of he' Ci ty subj ect to bUdgetary contro 1 . Section 4. As required by the Conmunity Redevelopment Law, the Agency shall file with the City Council a detail ed report -of a 11 of its transact ions with respect to the Conmunity .Redevelopment Agency Administrative Fund" j,ncluding a statement of al'l revenue~ ana expenditures, no less than annually. Section 5. The ~-roposed 1987-1988 Fiscal Year Budget for the CorrrnunHy Redevelopment Agency is hereby amended as follows: JUN231987 ITEM B 7 of 9 i a . Resolution No. Page 2 /1,/ (A) REVENUE AMENDMENTS S//l 1''4,~.t~/ ,va..!, Amount of ~"""' Fo,d Explanatio.n of Revenue ~qjustment Description Revenue Amendment (Increase~+/Decrease:-) 9-7681 Loan from City + $398,500/ 39-7667 Developer Reimbursements + 565,000 ,; ReimbursementfJ~om Pmo/ay 39-7401 Unified School ,District + 6,000 .I 39-7401 poway Road Beautification Fund + 25,000 J ___u TOTAL REVENUE AMENDMENTS: -I' $994,500 (B) EXPENDI{URE AMENDMENTS Object or Amount of Project Explanation of Expenditu~i Ajustment Code Expenditure Amendment ( Inc rease: +/Dec~ease: -) 5305 / Signal at Espola/Titan Way + $450,000'/ 5306 j Warning Flasher: Garden Road 15,000/ School + Warning Flasher: ~omerado/ / 5307 Glen Oak + 15,000 t'" 5405 V; Community Road Storm Drain + 400,000,/ 5406 Midland Road Drainage Study + 32,500/ 5237-> Poway Road Kiosk + 42,000"".,/ 5238 Alternate 8 Alignment Study + 40,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURE AMENDMENTS + $994,500 Sect ion 6. The Execut i ve Di rector is authorized to make such changes in the administrative and capital improvelllent proj,ect bUdget tot!lls duringfhe 1987- 1988 Fiscal Year as may be, from time to time, deemed desiTableand necessary in order to meet the .Agency's needs. Section 7. The Capital Improvement Projects at' the ,Poway Redevelopment Agency are in conformance with the City of Poway Comprehensive Plan as governed by Section 65402 of the California Government Code. Sect ion 8. The Redeve 1 opment Agency hereby authori zes a. cont inu,i ng approp- riation for the balances remaining 'in Capita'lImprovement Projects active as of June 30, 1987, and directs that the. authorized appropriation shall be brought forward to .be used ,in the fiscal year 1987-88 Cap ita 1 Improvement Project program or until the completion of these projects. JUN231987 ITEM 8 8 of 9 1 ~ /." -~- .,f' - .... f ," /' Resolution No. , r Pag'e 3 'PASSED,e,DOPTED AND APPROVED" by the Redevel,opment Agency of the City of Powily, Cil1ifornia, at a regular meeting thereof this 23rd day <if June: 1,98,7. ,Bruce TarzY', Chai rman ATTEST: _n... Marjorie K. Wahl sten, Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjorte K. Wahl sten" Secretary of the Poway Redeve,lopment Agency:, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution, No.. . , was duly adopted by the Redevelopment Agency at a. meeting of said Agency on the 23rd ,day of' . o. . _ June ~987, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Marjorie K.' Wahl'sten, Secretary Poway Redevelopment Agency , JUN ,23 1987 I T EM B 9 of 9 1 ! .. / , ~. ,~ ~ " #-3 I /{, (, / I AdVe.r,I/5,}:!1 . C~J'" - I .J - 2 'I -'-'Ycy,~' )j~ f ~ ~/Iy (1~,~ !-k,,", .2~ f~e ~. rae- c~.~"-( aU~ if.- tu-t~ ~~ @(t~~r ' ~~~.......c> u~ ~tf ,~~ ~ ~ J rk-,.., ( ebl.J~~,A-~~;~-.. .. ~~) ~!. (.,~A ~~~/~> ~ ~~ e..-.L.f/,~ ~ ~ @!)~~ ~ tJo .#:-1 ~,--~r ,!, 7'2.1-h # !t@ ,^-L ),.J) fI'-V\..A..../-zJL..t....i:,~-- e f!e.s,. ('7-071 --: ~ 4F II . q" II ~7"...-vvp ~v , ---- I / - 'i7 /'J t UlY't( "" ,f--';-' ~. 7 6" 77 /#'t?,(l..,,::> .~<V'-' .;L~.., }r..A)-t.~ fj*-:P , , - - . " , I "" " ,. , # !:;r ~ ~-..,J;--(. C_~U-z.A--4.~ /l.-vJ- 44~ ~ .f&~~ /2~ IF ~j., --- ) 2. j <) 7 It ;;L ~ D-~ 01 ~)' I /UJe.t~z.. , 6j -~- ~ - ()0(e. /c:.....,-U ~ ~!~ ~[~'y~~) )!.... f}t,,'j., '-e.,.L-y c."..,,--<--<,~_, , 1 _i'-' -. .""-'.-",-.~~-...,.~ \" " I CITY ! CIty/School JoInt Use FacilitIes Garden Road Bike Lanes 1. PerformIng Arts Center Lake Poway Park Improvement CommunIty Park Soccer Field Lake Poway Road Bike La~es Community SwimmIng Pool Lake Poway Road Water MaIn Del Poniente Sewer'.Mains Pavement MaIntenance Contract Fueling Facilities Valle Verde Park REDEVELOPIElIT AGEltCy Aubrey Street - CommunIty to Midland Ninth St. street LIght CIty Hall Addition Oa~ Knoll Road Bridge/Pomerado Creek City/School Joint Use FacUlties ,Pomerado at Vaughn Flasher 1- Pomerado School Ballfields '- 2 Midland. School BallfIelds Pomerado Road Soundwa 11 - Phases II I -VI 3. Tierra Bonita School Ballfields 4. Twin Peaks Multi-Purpose Room Pomerado Road Street LIghts - Kaitzto Roberto Way Civic Center ParkIng Lot Poway Creek Box Culvert/Midland/Gate Community/Aubrey Traffic Signal poway Creek Detention Basin Community Road Wall Route 56 - Pomerado to West ,City limits Community Road WidenIng Signal Modifications - TwIn Peaks at Espola/Tierra Bonita/sjfv~rset Espola Road Street Lights - from Poway HIgh to Old Coach Road Stone, Canyon - Pomerado Traffic 'SIgnal , - Espola Road/Twin Peaks PedestrIan WarnIng Lights Twin Peaks ReconstructIon at Route 56 Espola Road - Garden to Twin Peaks TwIn Peaks Widening/LandscapIng Garden/Neddlck DraInage Midland to Rancho Arbolitos Midland to Espola Mark Stevens Road Modifications Median Islands - poway Road, Espola Road, Lake poway Road Mi dland Road Improvements - Twi n Peaks to Aubrey Midland Road Park Midland Road, south of poway Road K/Proj ects REtlEVtlOl'HE"T MElleY PROJECTS \ Alternate 8 Alignment Study (No #) Neighborhood Improvement Projects (5999) Aubrey Street - Community to'Midl~nd (S235) Ninth St. Street Li9ht (5229) ,- .Ci tY/SchoolJoint Use Faci lities Oak Knoll Road Bridge/Pomerado Creek (5401) ( 1 Midland.SchoOI Ball~ields & Concession (5S06) , 2 Ti erra Bonfta School Ba llJi el ds (5603) Pomerado at Glen Oak Flasher (No #) 3 Twin Peaks MUlti-Purpose'Room ( 5507) PomeradoRoad Soundwall - Phase IV (S225) Civic Center Improvements (5502) Parking Lot Pomerado Road Street Lights Addition Kaitz to Roberto Way (5230) CommunitY/Aubrey Traffic Signal (5303) Poway Creek Box CUlvert/Miciand/Gate (5403) --'. -- Community Road Wall/Landscapi~g (5226) Poway CreekOetention Basin (5402) Community Road Widening (5214) I Poway Road Kiosk (No #) Espola Foad Street Lights - from Poway High Route 56 - Pomerado to West City Limtts (5233) to Old Coach Road (5212) Signal Modif.ications - Twin Peaks at , Espola Road/Titan Way Traffic Signal (No #) Espola/Tierra Bonita/Silverset (5304) Espola Road/Twin Peaks Pedestrian Warning Lights (522B) Stone Canyon/Pomerado TraffIc Signal (5302) Espola Road Widening - Garden to Twin Peaks (5234) Twin Peaks Reconstruction at Route ,56 (5232) ( Garden/Neddick Orainage (5404) Twin Peaks Landscaping Midland to Rancho Arbolitos ,(5231) Garden Road School Warning Flasher (No #) Twin Peaks Widening Housing Revitalization Projects (5950) Midland to Rancho Arbolitos (5201) Midland to Espola (5207) Mark Stevens Road Modifications (S216) Water Reclamation Plant (5BOl) , MedIan Islands c Po way Road, Espola Road, Lake Poway Road (5236) MIdi and Road Ora j nage Study (No #) Midland Road Park Sewer (5602) I Midland Road Extension (5213) i I Phase I - Trailer Relo~atlon i Phase II ~ Road Construction I " i I I t 5-1/KIProj ects2 " ~ ') - -r_~- - ;I:':~_~.:'::"~~~~'::l.:-:'~~:'~-r.""~~'''7:'~==-- ,', CITY PROJECTS "- Adventure Playground (1607) Old Coach Road Improvements (1216) City/School Joint Use Facilities, Operations Center ,Landscaping - Phase II (1514') 1 Performing Arts Center (1513) ~ Pressure Reducing Station/Design (1713) City Street Signs (1217) Valle Verde Park (1630 ) Community Park Ballfield Fencing (1626) Community Park Ballfield Lighting (1623) Community Park Basketball Court (1628) .>' - Community Park Playground Equlpment (1632) Community Park Soccer Field ( 1627) .' Community Park Storage. Building (1624) - ~ Community Park Tennis Court/Phase II (1631 ) Community Park West Landscaping (1633) CommunIty Swimming Pool (1629) / Del Poniente Sewer Mains (1803) Donart Reserv &.Water Improv IDesign (1712) Garden Road Bike Lanes (1218) \ , Garden Road Tot Lot (1625) Lake poway Boat Dock (1619) , " . , Lake poway Road Bike Lanes (1219) Lake Poway Road Water Main (1703) --" ~ -- . H__ 5-1/K/ProJ ectsl .....--- -- ~. '-.. I .. - c .' MEMORANDUM CITY OF POW A Y TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Members of the Budget Review Committee DATE: June 9, 1987 SUBJECT: The Proposed Comprehensive Financial Plan for Fiscal Year 1987-88 The Budget Review Committee has completed the review of the City Manager's proposed financial plan for fiscal year 1987-88. The Corrrnittee is pleased to recommend that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency adopt the plan following the public hearing process. The Committee, consisting of Bob Brooks, Sue Herndon, Dick Lyles, Kathy ~c'(ntyre and Gordon Meyer, held publ ic meetings with the City Manager, the .Assistant City Manager, and the Director of Administrative Services on May 6, 13, 14, 20, and June 1 and June 3 to review the proposed financial plan for the City of Poway and the poway Redevelopment Agency. Additionally, the Committee members spent many hours of independent study reviewing the plan and supporting material. The Committee's study included a review of previous Budget Review Committee's recommendations, the City's investment policy, program and report, comparisons of top management and benchmark position salary levels with other San Diego County cities, an accounting of the City's bonded indebtedness, a comparison of the number of employees per population with other California cities of comparable size, a reporting of the percentage of the budget that was expended for the past three years for personnel costs, operations and maintenance and capital outlay, an update and com- parison of health insurance rates, proposed capital outlay items to be purchased during the 1987-88 fiscal year, and summaries of travel and meetings and education and training expenses. Our review also included a page-by-page examination of the budget detail for the operating budget, an analysis of anticipated revenues, the activity of various City and Redevelopment Agency funds, and the proposed Capital Improvement and ~ Redevelopment Agency budgets. We are pleased to report that the City continues to be financially sound and is continuing to experience adequate growth in City revenues. We also noted that the City continues to maintain an adequate reserve and the City's investment program continues to obtain a good yield while still maintaining the monies that have been invested. -' d Budget Rev,.i ew Committee Recommenda t iOns June 9, 1987 Page 2 On the basis of our review of the Proposed Comprehensive Financial Plan for Fiscal Year 1987-88 for both the City and the Redevelopment Agency, we feel that the proposed expenditures are justifiable and warranted and provide the City with a proper level of service for the upcoming fiscal year. The following is a list of the specific conclusions, comments, and recom- mendations of the Corrrnitteefor fiscal year 1987-88. 1. A studyof the City's investment policy, portfolio, and report revealed that interest income was the largest revenue source in fiscal year 1987-88. The Committee found the investment program to be aggressive yet responsible in its actions and supports its continuance. Additionally, the revised monthly investment report is simple to read, yet thorough and complete. 2. The Commi ttee recogni zes the importance of sales tax revenues as a funding source for general fund activities. As a major revenue of this fund, sales taxes must not simply be taken for grantea or expected to increase with general cost of living or Consumer Price Index measures. Instead, the Committee supports a proactive program which encourages businesses which are sales tax generators to locate in the City as long as they meet quality standards and blend harmoniously with the com- munity. Having these types of businesses in the City will provide funding to meet present and future service needs. 3. The scope and types of contractual services utiliied by the City were examined and found to be appropriate. The Committee supports the con- tinued review of current and potential contractual services. It would be helpful in assessing expenditure trends by having all contract costs summarized in an overview .for the current and fourpreceeding years. Thi s would facil itate the Committee's recorrrnendat ion to revi ew cu rrent services. Addit i ona 11 y, the City shoul d cont i nue to ana 1 yze the advan- tages and disadvantages of providing other services by contract. 4. Due to a~ignificant increase in fiscal year 1987~88 of the costs for animal control', the Committee recorrrnends a continued examination of alternative forms of service and costs. These alternatives include but are not limited to joint power agreements, contracts with other cities, contract with County.and private ventures. 5. Relative to the application for and procurement of grant funding, the Committee supports a proactive approach. This is particularly relevant this year when Feder~l and State funds are in jeopardy as exemplified by the tcital Toss Qf Federal Revenue Sharing in FY 1987-88. The Committee recommends a continued program to acquire publ ic and private grant funding to enhance the City's ability to provide services, programs, and facilities. : Budget Review Committee Recommendatibns June 9, 1987 Page 3 6. The Corrrnittee found that the Capital Equipment Replacement Fund con- tinues to be a prudent method of providing for the replacement of vehicles, large equipment and other major purchase items, and supports that it be continued. 7. The Committee reviewed comparative salaries of Poway and other San Diego County cities at management, mid-management, professional, tech- nical and non-exempt levels. Presently, the group as a whole places just below the median. A classification/compensation study in progress was reviewed by the Committee and supports the placement of the group at a level that allows the City to attract and keep qualified employees. ' - 8. The Budget Review Committee received an update as to the present status of employee health insurance .rates and comparable benefits. A recom- mendat i on of the 1986 Committee noted the i nequit i es of the rates among the plans offered. Subsequently, an employee committee was established for that reason and one of the former plans has been substituted with an alternate plan whose rate is in line with others offered by the City. The Budget Review Committee found the current' rates to be com- petitive with one another, resolving past inequities. 9. The Committee reviewed proposed expenditures for education and training programs and found these to be adequate and necessary. The Commi ttee recommends that a five year human resource and management development program be established and updated annually. 10. In reviewing the Community Services proposed program, the Committee found a strong mix of classes, programs, and opportunities to meet the needs and desires City-wide. The Budget Review Committee supports the ability of specialized classes and programs to be financially self- supporting as well as providing programs that are of a general nature to be available and without charge. The strong quality of life recreational element provided to the residents of Poway is supported. 11. A discussion was held relative to the City's contract for Law Enforcement services with the San Diego County Sheriff's Department. The attributes of contract and independent service were discussed including facilities, diverSity of services, flexibility in staffing, capital investments, shared resources, and effects on crime rates. The Committee supports contract law enforcement. . ~ Budget Revi ew Commit tee Recommenda ti Ons June 9, 1987 Page 4 12. The Committee reviewed the growth of the Engineering Division and the change in the scope of its activities and recommends that an organiza- tional assessment be conducted. Although the proposed position of Engineering Services Manager appears to be warranted, the Committee recommends that the position not be filled until the assessment is completed. 13. The Budget Review Committee recommends an addition to the budget docu- ment which provides more information on capital improvement projects. Specifically, a multi-year listing of proposed projects and an indica- tion of their priorities is recommended. In making this recommen- dation, the Committee acknowledges that the capital improvement program is dynamic and subject to modifications as funding and community needs dictate. 14. The Budget Review Committee found the travel and meetings, education and training, and capital outlay summaries to be helpful and recommends that future-year committees be supplied with additional expense summaries on such categories that would be useful to the committee members. Such categories may include Office Supplies, Uniforms, Publications and Dues, Printing, Small Tools, and others as deemed use- ful to future committees. We commend the City for its continued conservative approach to fiscal management and for the strong financial position it continues to maintain. We would like to thank the City Council for the opportunity to serve on the Budget Review Committee. This Committee not only serves a useful purpose but, as individuals and citizens of the City, we found service on the Committee to be a very informative and rewarding experience. We would also like to thank Jim Bowersox, John Fitch, and Susan Pulone for the time they spent assi sti ng th'e Committee duri ng the revi ew process. The Budget Review Committee also recognizes the total staff effort that went into the pre- paration of the City's financial plan. We believe it is a well prepared, informative document and would like to commend all employees who played a role in its preparation. . " Budget Review Conmittee Recorrmendations June 9, 1987 Page 5 The proposed comprehensive financial plan for fiscal year 1987-88 prepared by the Budget Review Conmittee is herewith submitted to the Poway City Council. Respectfully Submitted, Robert Brooks Kathy McIntyre , , -- Sue Herndon Gordon Meyer Dick Lyles B/BUDGET.1 .5 - -. DISASTER PLANNING BUDGET , FV 88-89 Budget neecls in Disaster Planning for FV 55-59 ore broken down in line I , item accounts below for review by the Safety Seryices Director Currently j all costs associated with Disaster Planning are charged to a single line item in the Director's Cost Center (500) Trayel and Meetlngli SCESA (So Calif Emergency Services Assoc.) Annual Conference registration $ 300 lodging (2 nights@ $1 OO/nig~lt) $ 200 meals l3 days @ $40/day) $ 120 travel $ ---1Q $ 660 Office Su~~p-lles $ 200 Printing $ 1500 Includes revisions to Emergency Plar" misc forms, etc CommunHI~ Relations $ 2000 ~ Corllmunity Awareness Program, brochures, slide programs, video Publications and Dues $ 50 SCESA dues @ $50/yr Disaster Exercise $ 4000 Functional exercise scheduled for Spring 1959 Cap-itlll OUtlllY Mac intosh computer work station $ 2700 , E,O C VHF Radio System (recommended by ODP) $ 1500 1 $ 4200 TOT Al SJ2.,61 0 ~ / ~./~ / "'- .~~ . r CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA. MINUTES OF THE PoWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGUlAR MEETING FEBRUARY 2, 1988 The February 2, 1988, regular meeting of the Poway Redevelopment Agency was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Chairman Emery at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Orive, Poway, California. DIRECTORS ANSWERING ROLL,CALL Linda Brannon, Don Higginson, Carl Kruse, Bruce Tarzy, Bob Emery STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT James Bowersox Executive Director John Fitch Assistant Executive Director Marjorie Wahlsten Secretary PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Director Kruse led the Pledge of Allegiance. r Chairman Emery stated that the Agency would be considering items that were on two agendas this evening. The meeting of January 26, 1988, was canceled following preparation of the agenda and therefore, all items noticed for that meeting would be considered along with the February 2nd items. ITEMS 8,11, ANO 15 - JANUARY 26, 1988 CONSENT CALENDAR Motion by Director Kruse, seconded by Director Higginson, to adopt Items 8, 11 and 15 of the Consent Calendar as follows: 8. Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Agency January 5, 1988, Regular Meeting January 7, 1988, Adjourned Re9ular Meeting 11. Acceptance of the Midland Park sewer main extension, Overson Rand Enterpri ses, and authori zat i on,'for the City Clerk to file and record a Noti~e of ~ompletion. 15. Award .of bid fo~ Corrrnunity Road Wall Project to Britton Construction in the amount of $229;553.95. Motion carrie~unanimously. 402 - -~ -- " , I --------, r Page 2 - CITY OF POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - February 2, 1988 i , ITEM 9 - FEBRUARY 2, 1988 CONSENT CALENDAR Motion by D'irector Kruse, seconded by Oi rector Tarzy, to adopt Item 9 of the Consent Calendar as follows: 9. Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Agency: January 12, 1988, Regular Meeting Motion carried unanimously. ITEM 4 - FEBRUARY 2, 1988 EIR PREPARATION - SOUTH POWAY PARKWAY Chairman Emery opened the public hearing. Staff report by Executive Director 80wersox. The Poway Redevelopment ,Agency is the lead agency for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the alignment of Alternate 8A between the intersect ion of the new Pomerado Road/South poway Parkway westerly to the eastern property line of BCE Development, within the City of San Diego. Staff has completed an environmental inHial' study to assess potential direct and ( secondary effects which courd occur from ultimate constr,uction of the proposed arterial, and identified 15 areas. This public hearing is to obtain publiC com- ment on the proposed scope of the project~ Speaking in favor of staff recommendation: Walter Heiberg, representing McMillan Company, 2727 Hoover Avenue, National City David Poole, representi ng Pardee Construct ion, 110 West "C" Street, Su ite 2200, San 0 i ego Betty Rexford, 11570 Creek. Road Mike Fry" representing the Sierra Club and poway Civic Association, 12819 Selma Court Concerns expressed by the public included cut and fill slopes; wildlife corridor that is to tie maintained; endangered plant's; bird; impacts of Pomerado Road being closed during construction; and power outages caused by construction. Di rector Brannon requested staff in~stigate the possibi 1 ity of getting matching funds from CalTrans to partici~ate in the alignment study for the other segment of the South poway Parkway, from Sycamore Canyon to Highway 67. Motion by Director Higginson, seconded by Di rector Tarzy, to close the public hearing and direct staff to send out the Notice of Preparation and the Request for Proposals to environmental consultants for the construction of a segment of the South Poway Parkway, known as Alternate 8A. Motion carried unanimously. 403 , ~ - ,"""..-...-);'~..(:.-;:...-J . ,/....~"'-"" ~ ." ,/ .~,... , / r Page 3 - CITY nr POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - February 2, 1988 I ITEM 5, ,- FEBRUARY .2, 1988 EIR PRERARMION - SEWAGE TREATMENT/WATER RECLAMATION PLANT Chai rman Emery opened the publ ic hearing. Staff report by Executive Director Bowersox. Sta ff has compl eted a prel iminary envi.ronmental initia.l study to assess potential effects which could occur from the Sewage Treatment Plant, pre- viously operated by the Pomerado County Water District, redes i gn, improvement and reinstatement. Thirteen areas were identified. Staff is pursuing the per- mit process for operating a sewage treatment/water reclamation plant and one of the requirements is determination of compliance with California Environmental Qua 1 ity Act. Speaking in favor of staff recommendation: David Poole, representing Pardee Construction, 110 West "C" Street, Sui te 2200, San Diego Speaking in opposition to staff recommendation: Ed Way, 2294 Versus Street, San Oi ego, representing the Curry Trust, who owns property south of the treatment plant. Mr. Way exp~essed concerrs over possible odors and also the encroachment permit tM, t they wi 11 need from the City of poway in order to do the industria-l project. r Boa rd concurred that the athestics of the plant wi 11 be addressed i.n the Envi ronmental Impact Report. Motion by Director Kruse. seconded by DirectorH.igginson, to close the public hearing and di rect staff to send out a Notice of Preparation and Request for Proposals to envrionmental consultants for the proposed project. Motion carried unanimous ly. ITEM 7.1 PROPERTY ACQUISITION AGREEMENT WITH HALEY TRUST Staff report by Executive 01 rector Bowersox. In September, 1987, represen- tatives of the Haley Trust talked to the City regarcHng.,the future of the Haley Trailer Park. At that time they were initiating discussions with the City and potential developers concerning the eventual redevelopment of the Park. Due to the cost of ,relocating the park and'its residents, private developers have not found it economically feasible to develop the property. As a result, the Trust ha~ approached the City with an offer to sell the 35 acre site for 3.75 million, which is the 1983 assessed value. Staff would propose that the trailer park be relocated to the south side of the property across Poway Creek, with the pro- perty fronting on Poway and Community Road being a commercial development. This would enable the Redevelopment Agency to satisfy part of its obligation for pro- viding low and moderate income housin9 while enhancing the revenue base by i I attracting a quaJity retail center on Poway Road. Staff recommends that they be I directed to negotiate an acquisition agreement between the Haley Trust and the Redevelopment Agency. , 404 _V' ,.--- < " "- ---), r Page 4 - CITY OF POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - February 2, 1988 Speaking in favor of staff recommendation: Dale Schafer, 14516 Glenville, representing the Haley Trust. He stated their offer to the City would expire in eight days and he would need to . . talk to other principals of the Trust before being able to extend the offe r. Board concurred that they would be will ing to take the recorrrnended action as long as the property owner understands that this is not a final decision, that the agreement itself would have to come back for final Agency action with addi- tional finacial information and a proposal fo r how the Agency wou 1 d act as a landlord in this case. Motion by Oi rector Kruse, seconded by Oi rector Tarzy, to authorize staff to begin negotiations for an agreement with the final ag reement comi ng back for Council approval. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Director Higginson, seconded by Director Tarzy, Chairman Emery ordered the meeting adjourned. The time of adjournment was 9:07 p.m. ! :. :<- ~ (- Marjorie K. Wahlsten, Secretary Poway Redevelopment Agency . 5-1/RCPl 405 - - r CITY OF POWAY ,CALlFO~NIA MINUTES OF THE PoWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 4, 1988 The February 4, 1988, meeting of the Poway Redevelopment Agency adjourned from the February 2, 1988, re9ular meeting, was called to order at 4:33 p.m. by Cha i rman Emery a t the Ci ty Counc i 1 Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, Ca 1 ifornia. DIRECTORS ANSWERING ROLL CALL Linda Brannon, Carl Kruse, Bob Emery DIRECTORS ABSENT AT ROLL CALL Bruce Tarzy (Director Tarzy arrived at 4:40 p.m.) Don Higginso~ (Director Higginson arrived at 4:45 p.m.) STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT James Bowersox Executive Director John Fitch Assistant Executive Director Marjorie Wahlsten Secretary { ITEM 5 STATUS REPORT ON WASTEWATER TREATMENTIWATER RECLAMATION Staff report by Executive Djrector Bowersox. The City presently has 5 million gallons a day capacity in the City of San Diego Metro System. Based on the sewage allocation plan, approved by the Council at the January 12, 1988 meeting, City has about seven years to either obtain additional capac i ty in the Metro System or build a water reclamation plant. Obtaining additional capacity in the Metro System will be increasingly expensive. Based upon two January reports to the Metro Agency 's Ci ty Managers, the proposed convers i on of the Metro Pl ant secondary treatment is estimated to cost $2.4 bill ion over the next eighteen years, whi ch wi 11 necessitate significant rate increases. These reports also indicate that sewer rates may triple over the next three to five years. Based on these estimates, a wa ter reclamation plant is far more economical that staying in the Metro System. . The key elements to the construction of a water reclamation plant are the envi roninenta 1 document and a 1 i ve stream di scharge permi t. As approved by the Agency February 2nd, the Planning Department is coordinating the environmental efforts. In order to provide engineering input to the environment consultants, staff is proposing that a feasibility study be conducted simultaneous~y. Since the type of treatment process has not been selected, the EIR must address the various alternatives and effulent characteristics of each process. 406 , . r Page 2 - CITY OF POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - February 4, 1988 Board concurred that an engineering consultant be hired to prepare the feasibi- 1 ity study. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Emery ordered the meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. " ~ '") i,: (l.IC~ C....... ) ) lLL c"'-._, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, Se~retary Poway Redevelopment Agency ,- 1 - , 407 ~ 1f~GENDA REPORT ;{ -7:-' '~ ; CITY OF POW AY 0 . TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City M~ DATE: May 5, 1987 .' SUBJECT: Adoption of Alternate 8A - State Route 125 North Locational An~lysis . BACKGROUND , In November 1982, the Cities of San Diego and Powayinitiated with the assistance of the San Di'ego Assoc,iatiort'of Governments (SANDAG), an analysis on the proposed alignment~ for State Route 125. The purpose of this study 'wj1.s to , , ,analyze alternatives to the, construction of a freeway configuration for State Route 125 extending from Santee through poway to Rancho Bernardo. It .was the opinion of the City of Poway that such a road would be damaging to the corrmunity and impossible to bui.1d because of the existing development in its path and was not fundable by CalTra~s within the next 25 years. It was, therefore, the , , desire of the City of Poway'to develop the regional transportation network that " was buildable and not dependent upon state funding. " - '-. In December 1984, SANDAG, at the request of both poway and the City of SaD ,'- Diego., prepared the first 'draft of "the Route 125 North Locational Analysis. ,; This report contaiped twelve major alternatives for SR125 in addition to the ..' ori g i na 1 freeway confi gur;ations. In January 1985" the CHies of Poway and San Diego began meetings regarding this issue which ultimatelj resu.1ted in the determination that there were only two viable alternatives, Alternate 8 & A lte rna te 11 (Attachments 1 & 2) which were sati'sfactory to both cities, and would meet presumed regional transportation needs. The two alternatives, 8 & 11, are similar in that they:both direct traffic to the Mercy Road interchange on 1-15. However, Alternate 11 take~ the traffic on a much more cIrcuitous route along Pomerado Road through the Scripps Ranch com~ 'muriity via' Spr,ing Canyon Road. the decision as to whether to implement Alt,ernative 8 or'U seemed to be .tied to sev'eral factors. These factors i ncl uded communi,ty ~cceptance by both the res i dents of poway and the Scri pps Ranch area of the City of San Diego, cost, and environmental feasibility, and the' City of San Diego's desi re to improVe Pomerado Road south of Poway. In 1986, the San Diego City Council began review' of amendments to the Scripps Ranch and Mir.amar Ranch North Community Plans. These amendments provided for poten- tial increased densfties and annexation of property to the City of San Diego. ,,- ~ . . ACTION: .Approved staff recommendation to: l)ApproNe proposal to amend Scn;pps Ranch/Miramar Ranch No. Community Plans to provide for constr.;' 2)Illclude in 1987""88 btrlget foods. for developing preCise ali9nrrent and design for . oonstructioh oJ Route BAea.stof BCID property; 3) Include in 1988-89 btrlget .furds " ~. of approx. $5.1 Million for oonstruction of Route SA from BCED property to Panerado.. '. J 'JVM..),-Lly.. , NAY 51987 ITEM 7 .' . I ! 1, of 13 , MEMORANDUM CITY OF POW A Y To: CIP Committee Members From: SO", M. POlO". Dle"toe of Ad""'te,"" S,~ Date: February 12, 1988 Subj ect: Financial Revi ew of Projects At the Next CIP meeting on February 26, 1988, the financial status of each project will be discussed. To assist each project manager in reviewing the status. attached is the current printout. The following items should be addressed: (1) Is the current funding adequate to carry the project through the remander of the 1987-88 fiscal year? (2) Will additional funding be necesary in fiscal year 1988-89 for this project? (3) Will the project be completed by the end of the 1987-88 fiscal yea r? Additionally, we can. begin discussions on new proposed projects for fiscal year 1988-89. SMP:eg Attachment Distribution: Jim Bowersox Javid Siminou Marjorie Wahlsten John Fitch Alan Schuler Susan Pulone Rick Howard Gordon Dobler Christine Wu Alan Archibald Bob Thomas Larry Ellis Patrick Foley Bill Toon Janet Anderson Brad Kutzner Reba Wright~Touw \ , , ~ MEMORANDUM CITY OF POW A Y TO: Members of the CIP Committee ~ _ FROM: Patrick R. Foley, Assistant to the City Manage DATE: February 22, 1988 SUBJECT: Agenda for the CIP Committee Meeting on February 26, 1988 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ,. The CIP Committee meeting will be held on Friday, February 26, 1988 ae 9 a.m. in the Council Chambers. I \ \ Attached for your review, are the minutes from the January 22nd I meetifg and agenda for Friday's meeting. If yo~ have any additional items that need to be included on the agenda, please call me. I PRF:ghr Attachment . ~-'., - MEMORANDUM <, CITY OF POW A Y AGENDA FOR THE CIP COMMITTEE February 26, 1988 ITEM 1. MiNUTES Approve the Mi nutes of the January 22nd Committee meeti ng. HEM 2.UE'DATE STATUS AND SCHEDULE OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROJECTS Oak Knoi 1 Road Sewer - The project has been deiayed somewhat because' of the manhole and installation bf~as line. Alan Archibald to provide information on a new schedule of comp;etion. Schul er /Wa lters - Regi.onal sewer extension: Oak Knoll, Poway Road, anq Target Project. - Widening of Camino del Norte, W/o Pomerado Road. - Status of 56 from Pomerado Road to west City limits -. has the ri ght-of-way been acqui red? pv"cl. lJlil) J ,()-Wf' rtl Dobler C '/M' .e..r [Mf' - ommunlty etate extenslon. - Pomerado Road/Poway Creek Bridge. Brad - Widening of east side of Community Road. ~ ~!. -6 ~ - Twi n Peaks Road gradi ng. rb.u ) c.()A~~ 6. /6'8 - $ j,n" 6""" b-I../o I - Pom~rado Creek/Oak Knoll Bridge. ~ 'frij(/ JO(nAJ '"'h'. ge fl.1..<:4~ - ~ '6 w.u.k - . - D{ 6 ITEM 3. FINANCIAL STATUS OF CITY & AGENCY PROJECTS (AN fro '(P (..OWi-I g tv -ex et@<.{ .~ I ITEM 4. SCHEDULE NEXT CIP MEETING Urwo ~lb -(l.oCJo-c) ~ ~ ~7 ~cP~ -z./Zi ! Bra YJIlCA.-W ~Vc:h1J 12d'- 4-L'U 2 V/.c1' (/.) u.h. % JIh~, TV--&' ~ Uf-t ~"""-. ( G MtJAfTI-/S.) PRF:ghr ., ~ ~ MEMORANDUM CITY OF POW A Y To: Members of the CIP Committee . ~ From: John O. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~ r Date: Susan M. Pul one, Di rector of Admi ni stra .ve ser~~\..: February 25, 1988 Subject: New Capital Improvement Projects for Fiscal Year 1988-89 ---- In order to prepare a bUdget for new capital impr,ovement projects for fiscal year 1988-89, the following deadlines are to be ,followed: o Friday, February 26, 1988 CIP Meeting Discussion of current projects ~ Friday, March 11, 1988 New project proposals due to Susan Pulone (Use attached form) ~ Friday, March 25, 1988 Oi scuss proposed projects at CIP meeti,ng All new project proposals must be completed on the attached form. Use one form for each project. Please let Susan Pulone know if you have any questions. JDF:SMP:eg Attachment .:2-t~7 fM;j<ck J-v...< c1 J-.lf/( ~ Fu..,; .. " 0 CIP PROJECT BUDGET ESTIMATE FISCAL YEAR 1988-89 PROJECT STATUS: (Check as appropriate) City Project Redevelopment Agency Project Category Project Title Project Description (as it will appear in the budget): Cost Estimates: $ Construction Contract Engineering, Design Other improvements (specify; i.e., playground equipment, landscaping not included in construction contract, etc.) $ Total Project Cost Additional Comments: 6/X/Form2 r, , , . ~ ' ..... "/" MEMORANDUM " CITY OF POW AY I TO: Alan O. Archibald, Director of Public Services FRDM: J. Bradley Kutzner, Senior Civil Engineer DATE: December 1B, 1987 SUBJECT' C.I.P. Notes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (1216) DLD COACH ROAD IMPROVEMENTS (Bra~ - Met with Hazard 11/30/87 to discuss/completion. - Paved 12/9 and 12/10. - Total job complete by 12/17/87 barring weather delays. (1217) STREET SIGNS (Brad) - All correct signs installed. "- (1219) LAKE POWAY BIKE LANES (Javid) " ____-..4 - Bids opened 11/25/87. Low bidder was Angus Construction. $3,000 over estimate. - Award of bid to Counci 1 12/22/87. (1513) PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (John Fitch) - Phase I - Performing Arts Center parking lot--design started by BSI. (1619) LAKE POWAY BOAT DOCK (Javid) - Tentative deadline for bid start is January, 1988. - Nordquist is making design revisions. (162.4) COMMUNITY PARK STORAGE r'100IFICATIOiI (Laurie) - Picked up building permit - Specs being completed. - Driveway not revised per discussion with Jim Bowersox 12/11/87. (1627 & 1628) SOCCER FIELD AriD BASKETBALL COURT (Laurie) - Redesign started December 14. -_ Revised concept sent to Planning (Jim Bentz), Community Services (Dan Cannon), and Fire Dept. - Jim Bentz discussed concept with Jim Bowersox. El imi nated basketball court and transferred money to soccer field parking lot. ,- . ,/ ., \ :;..: , ,,/ C.I.P. Notes December 18, 1987 Page 2 (1629) COMMUNITY SWIMMING POOL (Brad) - Received plans for Filtration Building 12/15/87. - Grading questions resolved. (1630) VALLE VERDE/ESPOLA ROAD PARK (Laurie) - 3rd revision was done and given to Alan Archibald 12/14/87. - Ready to proceed with submittal package as soon as comments received. (1803) DEL PONIENTE SEWER (Javid) - Told BSI to stop until further notice. They are to compi 1 e li s t of any design items not finished at this point. (5201) TWIN PEAKS GRADING (Brad) - Earthwork complete. Brow ditch to be installed later this week. (5201) TWIN PEAKS WIDENING (Brad) - Gas line installation at Community/Twin Peaks completed. - SDG&E will recompact soft gas trench when our contractor has reached subgrade. (5213) MIDLAND EXTENSlOfl - S.O.P. (Brad) - Entire box now poured. - Grading road now. - Found conflict with new ater line and electrical conduits.l (5214) COMMUNITY ROAD WIDENING (Brad) - Junction structure at Poway Road poured. (5216) MARK STEVENS ROAD (Laurie) - Offer to purchase right-of-way made to Connole. In escrow now. - Several trust deeds on property which need to subordinate to easement show on new title report. - Revised configuration under design, will be ready for review 12/18/87. - BSI doing additional field work 12116/87. \ ,~ .... _L.' '\: , ,- --- C.J.P. Notes December 18, 1987 Page 3 (5225) SOUNDWALL PHASE IV (Javid) - Punch list went out 12/2/87. Work complete by 12/19/87. - Liquidated damages started 11/12/87. (5303) COMMUNITY/AUBREY SIGNAL (Brad) - Precon held 11/10/87. - Construction start 2/1/88. (5401) OAK KNOLL RCB (Jav i d) - Notice of Intent to Council 11/10/87. Jurgenson going to condemnation. - Received updated cost estimate from BSI. - Field review caused some minor changes in plans & specs. (5403) POWAY CREEK CHANNEL (Brad) - Grading on new channel now done. - Phase II - BSI working on box culvert design. (5502) CIVIC CENTER IMPROVEMENTS (Laurie) - A.C. placed 11/30/87; sealed 12/1/87. - Striping ,;i 11 be done 12119/87. (5506) MIDLAND SCHOOL CONCESSION STAND (Javid) - Bidding will begin in January. - Community Services needs to address funai.ng shortfall of about $60,000. - Received first plan check from Building Dept. Javid processing revisions with architect. (5507) TWIN PEAKS MIDDLE SCHOOL MULTI-USE ROOM (Brad) - Construction behind schedule. - Contractor has asked for time extensions to mid February, - Repeatedly asked for air conditioning change order from contractor. No response yet. - \ .) - "~ . C. J. P. Notes December 18, 1987 Page 4 (5602) MIDLAND PARK SEWER (Brad) - All property owners have signed lien agreements. Annexation to Council on 12/22/87. - Construction complete; testing taking place now; scheduled completion 11/25/87. ( 5999) TEMPLE WAY IMPROVEMENTS - Met with 8 residents 9/23/87. Good reception; need lots more response. - Mr. Buss only resident opposing us. We need easement from him. BUDWIN LANE PARKING LOT - Cost estimate delivered to Alan Archibald 9/24/87, - Will add landscaping cost by 12/15/87. 87-88 ROAD MAINTENANCE CONTRACT - Brad to meet with Alan and BSI FETSIM GRANT (Javid) - Optimizing computer model now. - Retiming of Poway Road signals will be done in December if we can work - around construction an Poway Road. SIGNAL & LIGHTING PROJECT (Javid) - 8-phase signal at Glenoak & Pomerado under design. - Alan Archibald to talk to PUSO about sharing costs of signal. - Easement for Garden Road School flashers is being acquired. TRAFFIC REQUESTS - Crosswalk at Sandalwood. - Compiling AOT list for SANOAG annual report. REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COST ESTIMATES - Cost estimates were sent out 11/12/87. - Benefit analysis done for Committee completed 11/30/37. ENTRANCE i'1EOIArIS ",' - . .. -........ .---d C.I.P. Notes December 18, 1987 Page 5 FUTURE PROJECTS DESIGN START Community Park Tennis Court 2/88 (In House) - Javid 87-88 Street Striping 1/88 - Brad Aubrey Street Improvements 2/88 - Brad Temple Way Improvements 12/87(?)(In House)- Brad Old Poway Park Improvements 11/87 (?) Operations Center Landscaping 2/88 - Javid Med i ans 12/87 (In House) - Javi d Twin Peaks-Midland to Espola 4/88 (In House) - Javid 87-88 Street Signs - Brad Budwin Parking Lot ? (8SI) .... , " ~ MEMORANDUM CITY OF POW A Y '- " To: Dan Cannon, Park & Landscape Manager From: Greg Hill, Finance Manager ~ , ~ -, Date: August 7, 1987 '">,. - Subject: Account Cod~s for Landscape Maintenance Districts (LMD) Separate account code numbers have been assigned to each Landscape Maintenance District (LMD). All paperwork should be coded as/follows: - District Account Code - LMD 83-01 Rancho Arbolitos 251 LMD-86-01 Hirsch Ranch 252, -, LMD 86-02 Sunrise Ranch 253 LMD86-03 Sunwood 254 I LMD 87-01 Pomerado Business Park 255 For example, the maintenance contract with D. L. Olsen for Rancho Arbol itos should be charged to 20-251-305. You should begin receiving a regular Financial Status Report on these accounts within two weeks. , ~r '}.'f/ Please call me if you have any questions. , GH/eg ~:~---i~ ~7':_ :-~~-... i - - ~ ,,(, -- "'\ - -. " ,- 00-.--" ~ "- ~ , r . AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y This report is inclu<;ie~ o~, the Consent Galen.9ar: !t1ere will ~ I'}O s.~par~te d"iscusslon of the reyo~ prior to approval by the City'Council unless'memp~~_~~of..the~_Council.:staff.o~_,p.ublic .~:q~e_s.t "It to be:e~ovedJr?n;"t~e ~onsent Cal~nd"a[, ~~d discussed separately. If YOlJ.:~wish ~o have this report pl;llled f~r dl~c.llSSlc;1]::pl~ase fill out a slip Indlcatlng the report number and give it to the City Clerk -knor to the beginning of the City. Council meeting. TO: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. 'Bowersox, Executive Dir~ / INITIATED BY': John D. Fitch, Assistant Executive Director ; DATE: February 23, 1988 , . SUBJECT: Redevelopment Advisory Committee Report ABSTRACT Attached is the Rede.'lel.Qpment, Advisory Committee reportregarding proposed neigliborhood revital i:zalion projects for fiscal year 1987-88. It is re,c,onmended tha t the Redeve 1 opment Agency rece.i ve the repo~t and adv i se staff of wh i chpro- jects should be funded for the current fiscal year. BACI:GROUND The Redevelopment Advisory Committee was assigned the task of proposing neigh- borhood rev ita 1 i zati on projeCts to be funded for fi sca.lyear 19~7"88. After many months of review and analysis of the improvements needed in the rede" velopment project area, the Corrrnittee has recomme-hded. the fundin9 of seven pro- jects totaling $210,000. REC0M4ENDATION !tis recorrrnended that the Redevelopment Agency accept the Redevelopment -' -. . , Advisory Committee's report and fund all seven projects from the $210,000 available in the Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement 8udget. JLB':JOF: I c Attachments:' :Redevelopment Advi sory Corrrni ttee Report , ~ A/REDE3 ACTION: FES 23 1985ITEM 14 .-- . I . TO: Honorable Chairfllan and Members of the .RedevelopinentAg-ency FROM: The Redevelopment Advlsory Committee DATE: February 23, 1988 SUBJ ECT: Recommended Nei.ghborhood ReV.H~ Fizat i on Projects \ ABSTRACT The Redevelopment AdVi sory COm11i ttee ~sassigned the task of reconlnendi.ng neighborhood revitalization projects to be financed frcom funds aVail'able in the budget for fiscal year 1987-88'. After several months of wo~k on th.i s - assignment, the Corrmittee recommend's tha.t the following seven pr()j,ects . totaling $210,000 be approved by the Redevelopment Agency for funding. BACl!:GROUND The Redevelopment Adv.i sory ConmHtee, -has coinp'let~,d its review of. the ,pro- posed neighborhood revitalization projects to b,e financed from funds available in the budget for fiscal ye~r 1987-88. As in past years, the Committee began this task by first tour,ing the ,rede-. ve 1 opmen.t proj ect area", Due to tbe's,i zeand complex ity .o.f the p~oj ect area, the Corrrnittee ,di vided it i,nto ,~;i x sub-areas, and sub-torrriitttl~es wer~, assigned the tasl of reviewing the ne~ds of the various areas ,and recomc mending proposed proj,ec,ts to becgns,i.dered by the enttre Committee. In prioritizing prcojegts" th~ Committee adhered to the followin9previously adopted prioritization table: 1. First priority - HEALTH AND SAFETY a. traff.i c and/or pedestrian hazaras b. iack of fire hydrants (temporary wat~r connections) c. fa i 1 ing sept i c sys tems d. failing water wells 2. Second priority -CONVENIENCE PROJECTS a. nuisance drai nage prob,l ems b. temporary water connections c. lack of all-weather roads d. proVide for ],ow and moderate cost housin9 3. Third priority - POOR PLANNING a. ,poo r road s b. noise c. aesthetic improvements needea d. sept i c sys terns with i n sma 11 lots FEB 23 1988 ITE'M 14 -,'.-...... - , .~. - - .- Report, to Rede'velopment Mency FebruarY 23, 1988 Page 2 In order to assist the Comnittee wHh this assignment, the D,irector of Safety SerVi~es ,and the Public Services Operatibns ~a~ager ~ere asked to report to the Comn;'ttee on health and safety deficiencies within the pro~ ject area. The, Oirector of Safety Service's report included projects which would ensure an -weather fi,re apparatus and ambulance ac'cess, and a suf- ficient water .supply fqrf,fghting fi res. The Public Services Operation Manager's report' i nc,l uded proposed proj ects that inc luded pub 1 i'c safety concerns relating to areas with potentially failing septic tanks, poor drainage, and traffic ana pedestrian safety concerns. Based upon the recorrmendat i'ons made to the Comni~ttee members and our own observalions of the condnfbns existing within the project area boundaries, the ComnHtee established a list of proposed projects. Cost estimates and a cost bendit analysi s was prepared for each of the proposed projects. Following a thorough review of the cost benefit ratio and the health and safety prioritization, the Comnittee selected the following seven projects for funding. 1. SIDEWALKS. ON, DERRINGER, FIDDLETOWN, AND DURHULLEN Scope of Work: This project includes the construction of 5-foot port}and concrete sidew.alks aloQg the north s.ide of Fiddletown Road, the ,west side of Derringer Road, and the north side of Durhullen Road from Derringer to Espo)a Road. Thepropos~d sidewa.lks are recomnendea. to be install'e'd, adja- cent to the ex,i st i ng cu rbs and, where approprfa te, are tp be des i gned to meander from the cu~b to a 2-foot set back. Prior.itiiation: (Category 1a) Th,i s p~oject was assigned the highest pri ority be,caus,e it resol ves a health :and sa'fety concern relating to a pedestrian haz.ard. The project also' h,il.sa lOw cost to benefit ratio because of the large number of people who will benefict from ;the, project. Ourhullen, Derringer, and Fiddletown are used by m~n'y'area stuaents to walk to school at Tierra Bonita Elementary and Twin Peaks ,Miadle Sch'ools. Presenqy there are no si,dewalks in the area. Est,imated ProJeCt Cost: $80,000 FEE 23 1988 I TE M 14 .. ~ ._.~_. "- .'-.___ ..L' h__...... . - -.. Report to Redevelopment Agency February 23. 1988 Page 3 2. CLAIRE DRIVE FIRE HYDRANT Scope of Work: This proj~ctprovides for the. installation Of a fire hydrant oh ah exht;ing water transmission mainalon9 Claire' Dh:ve 650 feet south of Garden Road. Prioritization: (Category 1b) This project was assigned a h.i9h p'riority bec'ause it resolves an ex.isting health and safety concern and has a very l,o_w cost to benefit ~ati'o. Estimated Project Cost: $4,000 ,.- 3. FIRE HYDRANT FOR SYCAMORE CANYON .ROAD ATGAROEN ROAD Scope of Work: This project includes the instal,lation o.f a fire hydrant 500 feet south of the intersection of Sycamore Canyon Road and Ga~den Road. Thene .i:s an existing main in Sycamore Canyon Road which will serve the, fire' hYdrant. Prioritization: (Category Ib) This project was proposed becaus.e.of ,its. hi9h priority and. low cost to benefit ration. The Sycamore Canyon ROil.d area syffers frorn a lack of fire hydrants and additional development is unlikely to provide a fire hydrant in the near future. Estimated Project Cost: $6,000 4. YORK AVENUE FIRE HYORANT Scope of Work: This project includes the installatton of two fire hydrants on aQ ex,isting water ma.in that funs along York AVenue between Norwalk Lane and Aubrey Street. Prioritization: (Category 1b) This project wi 11 reduce the fire safety hazard in thi s area. Estimated Projett Cost: $10,000 FE8231988 ITEM 12.. - ~ - ~~... . . - _... - _. --'0 +_ . _ _. " Report to_the ,Red~ve]opment Agency February' 23, 1988 Page 4 5. WELTON LANE FIRE HYDRANT This project provides for the installation of a fire hydrant at the south- west corner of the intersection of Welton Lane and poway Road. Prioritization: (Categ'ory 'lb) . The Welton LanE! area suffers from a lack of fire hydrants. Estimated Project Cost: $9,000 6. HUMO DRIVE FIRE HYDRANT Scope of Project: This pr:oposal provides' for the installation o.f two fire hydrants along Humo Drive from the intersection of Humo Drive and Putney Ro.ad. One of the hydrants w.i1'l be installed at the intersection o,f Hum.o and. Putney. The other wi 11 be constructed midway from the intersection and the end of ,the cul-de-sac. Prioritization: (Categ.ory Ib) The Humo Drive area ts in need of additional fire hydrants. Estimated Project Cost: $10,000 7. BELVEDERE DRIVE FIRE .HYDRANT Scope of Project: This propdsa,l provides for the installation of'three fire hydrants and extens,;.on of an 8~inch water main from the end of Ol';ve Tree 'Lane to. BelVidere Dri~e. Prioritization: (Category 1b) The Belvedere Drive project was assigned the last priority of the seven , . projects proposed because Qf the high cost to benefit, however, this pro- ject w,i 11 greatly improve the fire safety of thi s area. Estimated Project Cost: $91,000 FEB 231988 ITEM 14 , ._~ ~ ~.- ..,.. - .. - -'-". , ,. . . Report to the Redevelopment Agency February 23, 1988 Page 5 FINDINGS Last year the Comm,ittee recommended that <;l wi!rning flasher be installed at the intersection of Twin Peaks and ESP91a Roaqs at an estimated cost of $15,000. . Due to the recent improvements at tbis inte~sect!on and upon recommendation of the Director of Pub:lic Services, it has been dete'rmined that this warning flasher in n() longer needed. Therefore, i'i: i's recom- mended that this project be del~ted and the funds made available for other projects. With the addition of these funds there is sufficient money available to finance the proposed neighborhood revitalization projects. However, the Committee stronglY recommends that the Redevelopment Agency makes more than $250,000 available to the Committee for fisc~l year 1988-89 to finance neighborhood revitalization projects, The $250,000 amount is insufficient for the Committee to'~ndertake the resoluti.on of many' of' the significant pro~lems that exist within the project area. RECQ!.CMENDATION It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency accept this report and authorize the expenditure of $210,000 to finance the seven proposed projects. The members of the Redevelopment Advisory Committee would like to thank the City Council/Redevelopment Agency for the opportunity to serve on this important committee. We would ills 0 I ike to express our gratitude to staff fOZE-:?th:spe/,ssiStin9 us with -the project. Gordon Meyer, Chairpers Alan Dusi, Vice Chai rperson ::.:~. C~I #~&~ ::"":"? ~ '~l.' Neville Bothwell ~" . J~ ul in . er.~..-:-. .}. ~ " '. Lois Downs Joyce Nolte Riley Fleischman Betty Rexford Vit;tZO:f>>2 Tom Tremble 7'?;'-?u ;j a7..---:-; DennIS Marx O/REPORT-A -REPORT-A4 FE8 2 3 1988 IT E M 14 r: I 37 -I ' CITY Of POwM DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERV,IEW I Dept. Code Departmel]t: Fund DistributiDn: I LegfSlative and 010' Administrative Geni:!ral Fund: $93,800 Oi ty Council . EXRENSE 1985-,'1986 1986~1987 1986-1987 1987 ~,1988 1987-1,988 CLAsSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED 'I lotaJ PO,s i ti ons - - - - - I Personnel Expense 33,077 36,220 ,33,760 33',800 33,800 , -0 Operations 49,,504 59,201 60,058 58,000 60,000 arid' 'Ma intenance . Capital OuUay - - ,- - - 'I TOTAL BUDGET $82-,581 ,$95,4'21 $93,818 $91,800 $93,800 ;, - I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The, City Oouncll is ci:imposed of five members erected at, large by the citi:z.ens; I of Po way to serve for four year overlapping terms. As the City's pol icy-mak;ing legislative; body, the City Council islies,ponsibl:e to the res'idents of Poway for the implementation of all programs and servIces provided by'the Ci'ty. Annually, I' 'the 0lty' :Council reorgan.i zes, choosing one ofi ts members to serve as Mayor and, one of its members to serve as Deputy Mayor. , The City Council acts upon all legislafive matters concerning tne Ci'ty, approving I and a(jopt tng all ordi nances; reso! ut ions" contr;acts and othl!r mg Hers requ.i ring over,a'll pol ity decisions and. ieaderst\ip. T~e CoiJnc~il appoints the Ci-ty Manager, the City Attorney and the City Clerk ,as well as various citfzen advi'sory com~ I iniUees, which ensur;! bi'oad~basedinput intg the affairso'f the city. In r,eachingpoli:cydtlci'sions, the C-ity Council reviews pfoposalsdesigned to meet corrrnunity nl!eds and sustain demandi!d service levels,initiatesn!!w programs to I upgrade eX,isting City serv,ices" determtnesl'the abil ity o.f the City to provtdl!! fi n~nci ng for the. prQposed bu'dget as submitted by the Ci ty Manage'r, and oversees the ,expenditure ofa,ll city funds throughout the fiscal year. l The Cfty' Councllal so serves ~'s the Board of Di rectors fO,r the. poway Redevelopment Agency. I I 38 I gITY OFPOWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACT-IVIT'( DETAIL Department: Ac-ti vi ty,: ~ctiv"i ty . Code: 010 I Legi slat i ve/Admin.istrat i ve. Gi tv Counc,i 1 ACTIViTY COMMENTARY '. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To provide pgl icy for the establi sh.rnen~!lf programs and servi,ces through I ove'r~nlegislative guidance and di recti on. . 2., To 'gversee' and monitor th~' impiementaHon Of the Council's adopted short, I medium and long-range goa.1s. J. To ensure that the deLivery of all municipal sehiicesis done in tile most :. efficient and economic manner possfbie.' - , , , 4. To pr;.ovi'de tor the cH,i zens of- poway afgrum for publ i c input: and ,an I " avenue for the sol ut ion o'f corrrnuni'ty prob 1 ems. 5. 'To provide input to the elected County, State and Federal representatives , reiative to the needs, desires,anp, delT[ands of the citizen~ of Poway. I~ SIGNI-FlCANT ACTIVl,TY 'P.ROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I , ,r;. Pos it,i ve Recogn,j:ti,on, E'rogram ,has been' ,adopJied to pr;omote and' acknowledge corrrnuni ty members. + $2,000 I I I I I , I I , I I 39 I CITY OF POWAY " DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVIJY ~ETAIL I 'Department: Activity: Acti vity Legisla Uveand,Admin,is t rat tve C,i ty Co_~nti 1 Code: 010 I ,Obj. 1986-87 1986-87 '1987-88' 1987-88 ,Code Expense C.1assiflcation 8udqet Actual Pr;oposed Approved I Personnel Exoense: Ranqe Position Title . I Counc,i-lmember (5) 24,.000 24.,040 24,000 :24,000 I 111 Salari'es -Other 24,000 24,040 24,000 24,000 120 F~1nge Benef,its 12,220 9,720 9,800 9,,800 I '. . I Tota,l personne 1 36.220 33,76D 33,800 33,800 Ooerations and Maintenance I 260 Relmbursed Mileage 9,033 9,600 9,600 9,600 . ,- . I 2.70 Travel and Meetings H,285 8,352 12,240 12,240 314 COlm1un~ ty Rel 11 tion s, 22,999 :28,079 19,730 21,730 "-'~. .- . ~ - - 31~ Pu~licati9Ds and DUes 14 ,416 13,636 15,430. r~,430 411 Offlce & Stationery Supplies 1,000 958 1,000 1,000 I I , I, . I I Total Ooerations and Maintenance 59,201 60,058 58,000 60,000 CapHa,] Outl a V . I I Tota 1 Cap,ita] Outlav - " - - I Activity Total 1>95,421 :593,818 :591-,800 1>93,800 -'> a . CITY ttiUNC I L PLANNING C.Df'!lnSS IQN . , CITY ,CLERK " TREASURER all " , all -G ITY c'LERK ':_,- - - - - - - - - -, IiiiII - - - - - ,- - I 41 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACpIVITY OVERVIEW I Oept. ,Code Departm~nt: Fund Distribution: 'Legis'l ative& , I on Administrative Genera 1 Fund.: $193,760, Citv Clerk , a EXPENSE 198?,~~986 :1986-1987 1986-1987 198Z-J.988 1988-1988 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 'BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED ,A,PPROVElj 11' Tota 1 pos it ions 3 3 3' ,3 3 1 peysonnel Expense 103',.662' n:4~,J76 i1S,303 10jl,810 130,780 I Operations 41',760 68,324 48,408 58,480 58,480 and Maintenance I Capital Outlay 7,648 8,035 11,144, 4,500 4,500 1 TOTAL BUDG,E1 $153,070 $190,535 $174,855 $172,790 $193,760 I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The City Cler,k is a'ppoi ntl!d,IjY the day Counc.il to ,serve as C:l erk of the' Councii , 1 Records Manager, and, El ect i cll Offici a 1 of the Ci ty. In carryi ng O!lt thiS funct-i on, the C-ity Cler:k coordinates the Ci,ty Cou[lcil .agenda, preparation and oversees th~ preparation, ,andmafntenance of the official meeUng record. The CUy C1]erk al so . - .."- - -, ~- ~.. - . 1 serves as Secretary of the 'poway Redevelopment Agency and 'on the 'Board' of Poway Today, Inc. T,he C,i;ty Cl erl(Ofs Of:ftce is' t.he centra li nfor;mation' source for. th~ pUb,Jt:C and ~J~ty I sta ff regardfii9 Colinci'l actfon. Th.i s department is respoils:i bJe for the organiza- tion, Inaintenance and protection of all offfcial C;ity records ana coordinates the Ci ty-w'ide functionalfil i ng system. All 1 egal adverti sements, incl uding noti ces of I publ.ir:head'1g; ca 1i. f,or b;i d.s ,etc." ar.e pl aced through \:hies 'of{fc~. Assi stance w,i th City-wide word processing is provided Ijy this offi ce,i ncludi ng operator trainfng. ' I The Ctty Cler;k organizes arid ,conducts' a:ll munici'p~T ele~tions, im:luding servj'ng as Ffl'iilg Officer for Economic Interest an'(J Campa"ign Disclosure statements. I The City qe~k' ,i's also appointed tity Treasurer; is respo,[Is,ible for theinv.est- ment of City. funds and has 's,ignatoryauth6rity on pubfic,securit.ies and, iilstr"llmentS of paYment. ' 1 '. 42 . CITY OF POWAY I DEp,ARTMENTAL ACT.IVIJY DETML- Department: Activity: Activity I Code:: D11 l:eai sTative/Admtnistrat\ve, City Clerk ACTIVITY COMMENTARY '. ACTIVITY ,GOALS AND, OBJECTJVES I '1. To ,serve as custodian of the official records of the City, enslJrjng the. safety 2. and security of t~:e record documl!nts. , . I To establ i$ha records management program to p'r6vide tOr effic']l!nt storage, retri,eva 1 ,and di spos Hi on of records" i~~l ud i ngthe impl ementat i on of 'the PU~fS 3., (poway Uni form Functional Fi 1 i ng System) throughout all City departments. I TQ post ,p'ubl i'sh and, m~,il in a ma"nnercomplyi ng'wHh the law, a ,11 not-i'ces of publ'i c n~arJngs, 'Q'leetings and bid proposcl,l s. 4. To record concisely and correctly, i:n action minute form, the meetings of the, Ci ty Counc,il. I 5. To: conduct. all l)1uf1Icipal el,ecttoQs', ensur,ing conf.ormance' w,ith existi'ngr laws to pres,erve, t~e accuracy and integrity of the process. , 6,. To manage the City. Counc,il agenda process to ens\lre timely preparatioQ, notice I and follow-up on all items requiring Council act.ion. " . .' -,- - 7. Toasstst \o1Uh City~wTde, word pr!,cessing, inclUding ope~r:~tor t.raini'ng. '8. To s'erve as Secretary for Poway Today" Inc. and poway Redevelopment Agency. , I AClIV.ITYWORKLOAD'STATISTICS 1985-86 1~~6'-87 1987-88 I ACTUAL ESJJMATED FORECASTED Rubl,ic Heartngs Noticed 100 .102 100: Documents :Recorded 90 109 100 I Resolutions Processed 120 147 130 Planntng' Resol uti ons Processed 70 85 80 Ordinances Processed 49, 21 30 'Sets of 'r;fi nutes Prepared 70 80 80 I Redevelopment Resolutions Processed 25 24 25 City ContraCtsIAgr;eements,Processed 80 65 ioo RedeveJopment Contracts/Agreements P.rocessed: 20 15 ,25 I , s'IGNfFiCANT ACTIVITY ,CHANGES , CHANGE, IBM,? .C.,', pri nter ,software to acconrnoda te records I man~gement system +$4,500 El e'cti on expe,.n~e 'wfl 1 fund Ci tyof Poway i s s~are of I November 1988 Local Transportation B~llot Measure reimbursement to SANDAG. This cost will occur only '. jJ the. b'a n ot m~a.?lJre dQ,e,s not'pass. + $7 .500 , ,. I I 43 . CITY OF POWAV OEPARTMENTAL A~TIVITY 'DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Legisl at i:vE!' ,and Adm; nfstrat i,ve City Clerk Cod,e':' .011 I, 0 Obj. 1986-87 1986~87 1987~88 1987 88 Code Expense Class i'ficat.i on Budaet Actual pr'oooseCl ,ADD roved ' I Personnel Exoense Ranqe Pos i tion Ti tIe 1 City Clerk 40,113 41,?43 40,112 51,090 207.E Deputy City Clerk 22,322 18,512 2J,554 21,520 f97.E Adri1iriistratl ve Secr.etary 21,767 24,850 21,818 24',310 Part-Time/Temporary 2,000 2,1.17 2,000 2,000 . 110 Salartes - Regular 84,2'02 84,6q5 8,3 ,480 98,920 1iz Salaries - Part-Time 2,000 2,117 2,009 2,000 1 113 Sa lari es - Overtime 2,490 3,323 2,400 .2,600 120 'Fringe Beneft ts 25,574 25,258 21,930 27,260 I 'Total Personnel '114,1-76 115.303 109,810 130,780 Operati ons and ,Ma intenance 1 199 Other Professional Fees 17,000 9,512 Hl 460 10,460 " 260 Reimb,ursed ~i 1 ei!ge 2',100 ,L,8p8 2,.100 2,100 270 Travel and Meetings 3,005' 2,;;'9~ 4,,940 4,940 I, Z80 Advert isi ng 9,600 ' 14,409 12,000 12,000 306 . Ei eCJion Servi ces - - 7,500 .~ ,,500 311 Printing 6,600 9,401 7,500 7,500 314 Corrrnu'nUyRel a t,i,ons 300 155 300 300 I' ,,15 Pu~ncationsand Dues 1,000 663 1,110 1,110 334 R&M Equipment 5,425 5,608 4,820 4,820 411 Offi.ce & Stat,ione[y ,~uppl ies 3,09,0 2,575 3"300 '3,300 1 413 . Photograph; c 'Suppli es 8,000 1,484 4,000 4,000 512 Rent-Buildings ~ Grounds 450 - 450 450 ,51,4 Lease Purchase 11 ,844 - - - I I I .' Total Operations and, Maintenance 68,324 48,408 58,480 58,480 Capi ta'l Out'l ay '. '611 Office Equipment 8,035 11,)44 4,500 4,500 ." Tota.1 Caof;taJ Outlav 8,035 11 , 144, 4,500 4,500 I Activity Total :!iI90,535 $174,855 $172,790 $193,760 ./ "- , -l'> -l'> " , , C I fYGOUNC I L PLANNING CONtHSSION , CITY ATTORNE'Y 012 ! Oi2 - CITY ATTORNEY - - ,- - - :- ,- IIIIIi 'iIII - ;- - -' ..- - - .. - - - I 45 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTI~ITY OV~RVIEW I Oept. Code Oepartment: Fund Distribution: Legi~sl at.ive and. $161,560 I 012 Admi ni stratrve General Fund: Ci tv Attornev - I EXPENSE 1985-1986 1986-1987 1986-1987 1987-1988 1987-1988 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET - ,AGl:UAl PROPOSED APPROVED I Total pos it,; ons - - - - - , I Personne 1 Experl,s!'l' 61,728 64,01~ 66,~38 59'!420 67.,,660 I Operati ons~ 56,742 71,950 92,715 93,900 93',900 and Maintenance ,Cap,ita.l Outl ay' - - ~ - - I , I TOTAL BUDGET $118,470 $135,969 $159,113 $153,320 $161,560 I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The City Attorney is appointed by the City Council to serve aS,legal advisor to .' the, CJJyoQ all. matter.sof ,l,aw,as they relate to the conduct of municiRal affalts. The Ci tyAttorney ljrafts ordi nances, prepares contr_acts, conducts 1 ega 1 negoti a,- ti ons, revfews 1 ega 1 documents for form and content, ,and he or his des i gnatedl ega 1 coUnsel defend's theCTtyi'sposttlon 'in court cases, . I Jheservi:ces of the City Attor.ney are provided to the City by contract. The City Attorney provides iegai counsel, attends official meetings and appears at all I 1 egal p'roceedi ngs and negoti at ions rel ati ng to 1 and acqui s i ti qn, and provi des oth,r spetialjzed .services. I In 'addition to providing services to the City Counctl, the City Attorney also ser:ves - as' i eg~J ady,i$orto other: Coundl-a-ppototed b,oards and. represents offi ci'a ls and employees of the CitY' in matters relating to Ci.ty' business. I I I I 46 . CITY OF POWAY '. DEP~RTMENTAL ACTiVITY DETAIL Department: Ac:tivity: Activity . Code: :012 . Lea.i s lative/Adminhfrative cHv Attornev, , ACnVlT'( COMMENTARY ACTIVITY GOALS' AND. OBJECnVES . 1. To assist the CHy Co'uncil and staff in the development of procedures based on . ,sound legal princi p 1 es whi ch'wi 1'1 enabie tile City to aC,comp 1 i sh i 1:s goa 1's. 2. To pf'epare),ordinances and r:esolLit,ions, co!]S,isj:e.nt. with 'the, law" ne(;:essary I to carry out the, polfcies establi shed by the City' Council. 3. To prepar:e,cont,f;ac:ts" agr:eements. and '1 egal qpi iiio,ns as requj-redby, CityCciundl '. and staff. 4. To r.ev,iew {or l'ega,l cO,rftent, all documentsno1: pre~~:[ed by the City Attorney I pri or to sUt)mi,ttal to the C.ity Counci 1. (' ,) '5. To ensure tilla t compliance i!sobfained with tile provis ions of the muni ci pal - .... ."- -.. -. - . code, and s'ta te law. 6. 'To inform Jhe C,i~ty CouncH and staff of legt:sl atiy,eand other. 1 egal develop- rilents. which may have 'an affe.ct o.n the admini;strati'on and o'pei;,ation of the City. I 7. 'To r:epreseiit th~ City in courts of jur:fsdicti'on on an legal matters relating to the Cit:(. I 8. To attend all C.i fy COl(nci 1 regular and,speci al meetings, workshops, and agenda meetings. I SIGN I F.l CANT ACtI V'I.T:Y CHANGES CHANGE I Attorney Fees - an inl;,reaSe of $6,000 is ,due to the increase in tod~enforcement pre-litigati~n -+ $6,000 I Ljtfgation - an 'increas'eof $l~,O.o.o is cjue to greatly i ncreasedenip!1asi's' up,on code enforcement 1 it;i ga,t i ci,n, I new right-of-way condemnation 1 itigatron, defense of +$18,000 antidpated land use litigalion" and on-goi.ng expenses in ,other cases I I I 'I 47 I CITY OF POWAY 'DEPARTMENTAL ACTlVITYDETAI L I Departm~n~ :, Act,i yi ty: Activity Legislative and, Adminis'trative Gity Attorney Code: 012 ,I, Obj. 1986~87 1986-'~7 1987-88 1987~88 .Code Expense Classifi catron Budcet Actual Proposed Approved 1 Personnel Exoense, RanQE' Position Title: 1 Ci j;y Attorney 5'3,625' 54,922 53;630 58,020 1'11 'Salaries - S(:!ecial 53,625 54,92? 53,63Q 58,020 1 120 Fri nge Benefits 10,394 11 ,416 5,790 9,640 ,. Iota 1 l1ersonne,l 64.019 66,338 59,420 67,660 Ooerations and, Maintenance , 1 140 OAttorney Fees 36,0,00 ,4'9,057 42,000 42,000 142 Li tigati on - City Attorlley 30,00Q 40.,457 48',QQO 48,60'6' I 146 Litigation - Oufsi~e Attorneys 3,000 - 1,000 ,1,000 270 'Travel and Meeti'ngs . 1,650 l-;8!g, 1;900 .1,900 .315 Publications and Dues 800 1,417 500 500 I: 411 .offic~ a.nd, Stationer,y SUPP,l ie,S 500 . 28 500 506 I 1 1 I Total Opera ti ons and Mai ntenance 71,950 92,775 '93,900 93,900 I CaoitalOutlav I I Total Caoital Outlav - - - - I Acti vity' Tota 1 $135,969 . $-159,1.13 :5153,320 , . $161,560 ,~ , C ITV COUNCIL . PLANNING GOMMls'SIOtl . CITY MANAGER 013 . ADMINISTRATIVE CO~JMUN Iry f'LANNING JWBUC SAFcETY SERVICES SERVIcES SERVICES SERVICES SERV ICES , 100 200 3QO 400 ;500 . on - G ill' MAN~GE.R - - - - '- - - - .. - - -, '- - - - IIIiI ,iiiII - .' 49 I .. , .. , ' iCI;t'i cOF POWAY' DEPARTMENT'AL ACnV,lTYOVERVIEW ~ .~. ",." - '.- .- . - 1 Dept.Qo.ci~ Department: Fund.D,i s,tri bu~io,n: I' Ot3 ' Leg~is-r~'t1 y~, an"d: .. General Fuhd: $328,,f70 Admi n,ist~ative Ci tV Manager .., . '-<--- , " '" I: EXPENSE~ ",.. . 1985'-'1'986 1986-1987 1911'6-:1987 !~987 -J~988 1987,."lY88, C"LASS'lFICAHON, AGi~AL, BUPGET AcTuAL "RROPo'sID" ARPRO'/Eb: -"" " 1 Total Posi'l,1ons ,5' 5 5 ,5 '5 , ' I p.,el'sollrie 1 Exl5elise, 236',088 266;232 . 262,.064 ~..50,Q4,,0 280,790 I I 9p'ehaJi'ojJs 38"'513 46,591 :39,600 44',410' 47 t6'10 :a.nd Ma;intenMl:.E! '- ., ,- - , . Capit,alOutl ay ,-' 2;,~50 3,575, 370 '370 " 1 IOTAL BUDGET $27.it;,601 $315 47,3 ~$305, 239' $294,826 $328 770 ~- " , .' . I , ':1 OVERVIEW COMMENTARY' 1 the'JG;1,~y ManagE!t ser:-v~s "~~i thE! City' 5 chfefadmini strative offices. and fSJ,esp~H1" s"i'ble" for p:lahning; orgilnj;z:i,ng ilnqAVed:r09 tIre rriiHfi:c,ipal actilii:ti'es: of the, C'ji'ty. J;,t:lts, ofHc'e pr'epanes! and, :submi:ts, thE! aQlluaJ budget fot~e.. crty, ,Ciiunc,i 1 and 'adv,ises . ,I. I~e: iC{j;y C,OLJiif:t1 011 th'efi nancialcondi.t.i ons and ,need,?..:of ~b,eJ:C,ii;ty,. ,TbLCi ty' Manager m,a,]<E!s r:-E!..conme,ndaJJon'~ to the' CityCounc,i 1 on the' atfai rs. Qf'the C!j;y .aog ensures tbat ~"n 'ftPpJicab;l E! ordin~,ri.~~es 'lfnd state~ 1 awsare ent:orce"d.'ThE! CHy M~nager.' "attends a,lT Councjifm,E!et,ings andadvi'ifesi theCciiihc,; 1 on leg.isilative'and ,I' jJoJ.ity matters. ThE! qty Ma.,~ager ,also iser.ves a's the Executtv,e ~bi rec(or oJ {hE!' PowayRegeve,l o"pmerit I .. Mency.:! , '. ~ " , , I' 'I: I' .. :1. ~ 50 I - ~. - ~ , ,I' GlTYOF, POWAY ''-''~"''.'_'_~_'" ,~.a'_,"_,~..' __T . DEE'~Ri1'MENT:AL ,AGT:IVUY' DErAIL , I: D~B-artment: ' . ~ct,ivi ,t.y: .' &~s:ivJty,.. , Code: 013 :l:eQfsrati veZAdm'tntst ra tf:vei Ci'tv, 'Manager I .. .. .. .. .. " , .. .. , .. .. . ACTIn!,'; coM4ENTARY ACTIV<I.T:Y GOALS ANDOBUEClIVES " :1 . '. . , '10 To as$'tsf tine. ~,ity COJl~ChT 'iflit~i de;v,e'!i;opment o'f-p'6iFicy to ~qdr~s~ ~t,nel needs ,I, :ana 'iissues of the corrrnunity by provjdiing pfojec,tea costs; and benefits foro cl':lternafrve'poTicydects,ionh ' . , '.', .' . .'it '~~T ,- -... _; . ,I 2. -10 deviHop inr\ovCl,t;i2{~ anp <;rei!Mv~ means 'of deTi'leri ng 'ir11fn,i:clpal :;,ervi,ces ;in a 'n.i gh q~,a;l Hy" ,effect'ive :and effic;i ent manner. (30 ].(J, proviae over,all direct:joBtg t~e i(!1plem~pta'tioh of Cit.,yCou!1c,il pgTtcy 1 through,the ce\ltl"aJ'i~Ation ofauthorUyand. respons,i tliTity., ' <t.. Trci k!!ep, 'ti~e+qiJY.GoUflCi'l 'apprfsed,:of p'e[1,d,i,~g ~J,a;te,land .F:e8er;aT l'eg1i's:laTiro!1 I to, enable, e.ffec'tiive ,irhpu't. ' , 5,.. to Ke'ep 'theC,:i\tyC,olJn.cJl tufyy infor;med of 'itl T ~spects of ITIlJni,cipal af,fa,i r's; ifnd I ope[afi'on S'. 6.: to~ssf,s't. the PbwayR~geve16pment Agency ,Boai';d of D-i r'ec~fots'as EX,e,cu,tfve of recto l' I of 'the AgencY. " iSIGNH',IGANT AGffvY;tVPROGRAM CHANGES CHAN'GE' I .. Per,sonne,'1 servrc,es, ~ 'a.deCr:,eCl,~:e,'0t-$1'4{,~,30 ,j's, due. 1 'to the 'd,l fference'il nsalarl es and, benefl:ts' .between the new Admfh iis~ijaAi,ye),ssli sta~I;pg:s,i:non~ 'arid the '$: 14,..930 As-sis.fant' (6 ti~e,G;i:ty Manllg,er pos,i'tton - Lease Purchase -a. decr::ease (if $5',800 ts ,due to I, the' outright pUfctna'seo{ 'the 'GPT',wOl'd proce's~,frig ,systein :tnei previcil!s 'fts.caJ year ~. $ 5.800 I, ." Office Equ i pmen( - an t'ncr;ease <if ,$370 'i;s ,due , 'to thepu/;chase of,a cal culii;tor' an,d a: d'tctat/\ng +: $: inachtne 370, 1 i , ' Nb,],t,c ,r:e':lat fonsprogram'.was' aaaed to prgriiot~. the + $i 3(,200: ~We WorK HI' ,you" 'P(6g'r'aii1~ I, , , I, I , I' . J;;l , . :1 , , . CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTA[AC;f}VITY D.ETAIL I . Depa rtm!!n1, . "_" ^', . ActiV,tty: AcHvity I- Leg"t s:l a.five and, Admin;str;aUve Cfty.ManilgeF CQge; 0,13 , Qbj. 198!h.8T 1986,,87 1987-=88 1987~88 Code' . ExoenselG,i ass lficat'i on :BudQe't, ActuaI Proposed Apoltoved . Personne;l Expense . RanCle Pos.i Mon Hble , 'Ci,ty" Manager' 6771:4 67,,71!l,1 67,7.g~ 76',000 . ji:i~.i _". t., ~ ' ,~ssistant 6\ ty Manager 58',872 58,621 5~,1~4 69.,790 .Asst. to City~Manager .... ~< ",,- - ij. '24"( 256~6 38',376 - -' , .'. ~ 221. 6 'MariagerilenlAss,fsfarit '-' 2oA28 25,652 26,8'30 . 207.E : ~~cretarY ,tll.,C,ity MaQager ?2.; 611 -., . . j -_.~. - . 22,688 23,,912 :26; 87:0 :f9t.E ,Admtn; stral,We Secretary' 1'8'85'9 t8,.563 19",672 2/f,190 , " ,j:- . , , t '. :nQ ~a1:ari e,s -' ,R,eg~,l'!li' 206,509 201,,181 , 196,,:no' ,223,.680 ng Salarfes - Over,time, ,: " '1092 '35 1,000 1,080 " !..-..-' '-~.' ~ :[20 Fling.e' Benef,j ts 58';631 60,848 52,'930 5,6,030 I , 'Tota lP,ersonne 1 . 266,232 262,064' , 250 ,'040 . 280,790 Ope rat tons; and Ma.i ntenance' " I 199 Other Prcofess.fonal Fees 2', pOD 2;00'0 ,2,000 ' 2,000 .. :2'15 fiiephclne' ','" ." :~ ;~OO 1;200 ,- - ,fl 260 Reimbu rsed. ,M,lJeage; 8700 8,484 8',700. 8'100: >2'70 t....,. .~. -.-- 9380 -<.'.., " T:tavet ilnd ~e~tfng~ 9;760 8,584 9,.380 , , 2'82 I'os~ilge 4',Q60 4,542 4,410. 4;,.410, I :311 Pr:i nt.i'ng 9,5,00 .101968 IiI 670 I, r. 67,0 -" , .- - -' ~. '314 Comnu'nlty Rel at.1:ons - - .- ~J'~?,OO' '315 pqp;l t~aYi o'ns ifri"d'DUlfs 1. 515 i ;527- ic790 1,.790' " ~ ! - -'~.. /j~4' R&.~"EqutRI11~,nt ,. 3~,000 1,504 : 3',000 3,000 I ,411 Off:ice &Stafionery S!JPP 1 i es 1200 ,1.,18] 'f,2.QO' 1,200 .....,,..........- 413 P.hcilogr'aphJcSuppJTes ' 360 ,329 '360 ,360. . . 766 .tis >(,;00 'llfo ;499 Other Mater,i'a1.s :Not crassifTed. I: 51"4 J.:e.a,se P,uttha,se , 5,796 - - - .. 'I' , . , . .. , ~. , 'I, lota'lOoerations,and, Maiintenance 46,591. '39,600 44,.,..410 47,610 CaoitaJ Ou tra v.. -, , . ,I' 601' T~s!ec_Qni E,ql!'jpin~rit 2,.350 .2,.35'0 - ,- sfi O'fftce 'Equ,i'pment .1,:118: I,,2?,5 370 370 " I: , Tota';l: Cao,ilalOutlay 2,650 3,575 370 ,370 ;1 , Acttv,i tv T,ota.l 'l>315,4'73 l>305,239 l>29A,820 l>328',no , . i ---- Ul N J>IV' ~. C I'TV ,MANAGER 9J3 DIRECTOR Am,HNISTRA T I VE, '~'SE~\ilGES i ., 100 " I' .- _. << . -- . - - , - - , - , - ~ PERSONNEL CUSTOMER FINANGEriJ.tA .5ERVJCES PROCESSING " YOI 102 10,3 16'4 " - --'- &' ~ ,l ~ . -" - , . , 'P,URCHASING., :SUPPORT' R;ISK CAP'IT'AL " ',.. ....SERV;ICE8 ,MANAGEMENT 'REPLACEI1ENT , . > . _ ~____ _~.__ . _'- '" - '. ".-'- - . _'h _"~ 105 ' .. .. 'i'ofi 107 'IDS t.. -. ,..---- .... --,-... 1- ....--.- "-r ,ADMINISTRMl,V,E SERVJGES. ___'_ , _n_ __ '..;_ . ,,_ ...... _ __, _______.. . ~... _'_ _ ___ _ _ _'_,_ _ _'_ _ _1IIiIiI'_i_ ..' --,_. ..~ _ _ ',- -~ ""-.- - - - - - - I 53 1 . ~nY Of POWAY I, OEPAiH~ENTAI!., ,AC:HYEY OVERVl~EW Dept. :Code Department: Fund'Distribut;;on: Genera], Fund - $976',724 I' , '100 Adrilfn1:sti;a:i:i vei ,Serv.;ces, Water Fund..~ $270-,,209. ,Sewer Fund- $175,377 . ,\". .', ,,~'" .--.. <.' ..- ~_.-." .".,.. .-. ". ." .~-" -,,'- CaoHa] Reo,lacement Fund: - $287,700 1 ' EXPENSE t~~~-198Ji <1986,,1987 1986"1987 ,1987":1988 1'987-i988' CLASSIFICATION .AC,1:UAL ~'I3UDGEf ' 1\CTUAL ,RROE'OSJ.g AEP~9VED I' . Tota.1 POs i t,i ons 23' ,23'. 23 24 24 1 Personnel EXpense: 6Z3,~02 764,;664 741,,815 j 46' 56(')' 8631:710 ., . 1 OperaHons, "<ind Mai QJe:na:nce 521,899 564,7,86 7,55,832 537,,040, ~4h 840 ; r.. .,~ 1 CapHai6ut.1 at 13li,,195 153,050 50.,,505 '304' 400, 3D4'.,400 ~ .". ~ , . . . . ' , I tOTAt BUDGEt : $1,330,696 $h 48.2:, 500 $1,548,152 $,r,98~,000 ,$1,7I0 ,010 I ~., . . . .. '_ _.J . , , . OVERVIEV:~ENJ~Y The Depar,tment of Admfnhha tj,ve ,~ervJce,~ts re,sponsib 1:e,: 'for l;,9,Qrdinati ng ~he) . d~Y-M-d,ai"act,i V:Ri es of' vati"ous interna'lopera'fi ons and,suppl'y,i.ng.?peciari~~d s}:a, ff' ~UPport' s,erviC~st.9'a,]) operating departments.. lihe' Department. is di vtded fn'to:,ni'ne operationa:J. divts,ions i'nc'luding the Office 6fttie Dire'ttor', 'personne'l,. Customer. IServ,ices, F.ihance~ ,D'a:~a 'j5r,oce.ssi ng, Pur.cnasi'ng 'and Wareh'oiisi ng;, SUPRort . Servi ce~,[i ~K t:1anM~me'rjt' 'and Capital. Repra'cement. Jhe;Di.re<<1::or ,of Adrni nist'rcat,i v~ ~erv,ices is aPRl?inj:eq ~y tM City Mana.ger to. mari~ge, I coord,inate; control a!1c,1 di rect dE!p,artrne[1taj progr;al]ls ll.l!d: 'tq ensurE! depar;twelJtAl goals are 'ach',ieved. Wilhin' the Department: arE! v e'sJ ed t~,e responstbil i t,i e~ '.gf' ti'lla~c,i ~'l l]1anag'ement and,contro 1, .buaget 'aeve:l opment ~ni:J, pr.epar;1!.t,i~n,;~dm\n is,tra- ,. J;i;9n 9J t,hE:!J:City"s elTlPl'oyrnent systein,:,th'e purchas~ing ,tuncUoh of the0ity" 'admtn- istr;,atto[1 ;of tbE!' m!J!ticipa: 1 i~~U:ra,[1Ee p~r'6gr'am.s;,wateJ': and' sewer; ,b,t],hn:l, meter r:ead,ing"pro,c_e,ssi ng apCl?Wlts .r!!!;ejv~,bJ~,e :and ,lIjal1~gelT1ei1,t.of ttleC,i tY"s,cenfha.l s~t6i;-es! :. warehouse; The personne'l i I) tbts.dePClrctment aJ~~o, f\!,Qc;t,ion Tna q~a,~H~.orisultan:t capacJ:tyby supplYing techn,tcalexper,ti se to other C;:ty'departments:and by,pn'Vid,. i:ng sp,ecj'al jZ~c1fi,n.ari{:J~li nfoi'fua;t.i on to, idepar,tment he'ads and. other:' management personnel\:.o ensul',e etfect,ive bUdge,t irilPlerrierij;atjon. 1 :. , , I' " 54 I: , CITY 'OF ijOWAY I: DE'RARTME'NTALACT.I-VHY' PE1AI,l I' ,DeRartment: Act,i vi ty: ' AGtiv,ity , . .J... _ .. __ ~ _._ , , . GOde: ~OO. , Adini ni'striattv.e Services Office o'f the Dtrector :1, ... ... ,Atl'l'ij:tf COii4~AR~ I ACTJVI.TY. DESCRIPUON' " the D~ redor; :of Admtn,1;straTive Services. ls resp'ons'tbJ!ei for superv-i sing" coor;di:na ting, ,I~ and, eva ruafi' ng' the 'opehli ons' 'if~g pJ:09~~Ins 9f', the' F'i:nance", per;;onne'l" Pur.chas,iing" ,Dah Processing, ana Gus'tomer Ser-vices D,ivisfons. Sub-pl1ogramsincJude Risk ManagemenT', ~,u.'ppot~ ~~:r'l,Iices', aJ1~ tcipHqj 'R~pl,acemeni activ.it'i,es. . The D,irector.:' is ifR~oi.rite(tby' I thE!!JCi ty ~an~ger,,1;~rou~n':th,~ sO.ffi7e~e~',ecteQ, ~nd',ai?poi i)tei:l,oJfici,~J s a,r:econt in~ " ua,lly.adv.l'sed regar;dlng the Cl tY~iS fl nan,claloRerat,lons;" h~a)th.per:sonneJ management,.. , customer relations, d.~t~ 'p]'oc'e'ssi rig iPIJrCnasinQ', and risk management: services.' ... I Acr}vlH GOAts ,ANDOBJECUVES: " :r:oimproxe~[1d 'deve'']op,:, . I 1.: The :Functions' :of the Ci W 'wiith;,ri' t~e fespoh.sibiTittesof the AdJnfnfstrabve 'I 'Se'rviees' Department. ' , - .- ... -.~ ~..,..., _. .- , ., 2. The g'ity's, flnancta'lp'ian fn :cooperati'on with 'oth-ei' Ply 'q:~p.attments tn ,a I timely 'ahdreal i st1i.c mann'e'f. I 3, Ernp.1gyee, po.tentjal,and. moraf~el by creating "a wor;k',erivH:ohhiehI i-iJU CD ',enC;9.LJrag~s! I c rea fivi tY.,coiilnunfca t,ion" ded,ic'at iron, 'an]:! c'o,h,in.itm~:!1't, , , 4,'. ,Deg~-rt~en:ta~ fr;o~taii1. objec,t i,VE!s" . ~er.yj'rtg' t.o gu l.qe8dmin,i stra ti'l,Ie Ser-vices:!" operatt09.aJ,VtSj0[1S and,e..IlSlJrE!th~t the ,9oal,S9f' the department: are '. con'si'stent 'wi:tti' those .of the Gi ty., ,. o. .. .. . __ __., __'." ,._ 5.. Ih~ P'i-ty: s mCinag!!l11ent +[1folilT1ahon'base. whl en pr;ovide'se'ompTefe' ia_nqcY,cre,nj: 'I . 'information: to th'e Ci;ty':s' operatfn'g deparctmeiils. , 6. Clfy pr,ocedures for Property Management. , '_", ',' 'r'_..___...., _ .. ... ..... I I, i sIGNIFlGANT Almvl:tVRR'OGRAMCkANGES CHANGE I ., , . , &. po,f;t-10h 0,( tQ"e .~)1~@)1 FiAa,n~l al A',l1d;i t,admin is traHve, - $7,700 fe~s ~as been trans~~r~ed to the Reqeve.1opment Agency J , " I I I 55 I , ''')'' .' CITY Of, POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACnVITYDE'TA'I L . _, ..~,..J .. '._ - _ I , ,Depar.tment:! , Act,i vUX: AcJj}/ i,ty , Admin,i s'.t'rati ve services Code: ,roo :1 , Office Of tlieD.i "feetor . QbJ, . . , 1986-87 '1986'-'87 1987,'"'88 1987"88' Code Expense Class.i'fi.caM oil Budaet Actual ., Proposed Appfo'ved' 'I .E'ersonne,l Expense , , ' Range Position Tit,l e ,289.'3 pJre,l:Jor '48,252 4?,,'1:7~, ,50.,510 ~6;, 170 'I, 2?T:.,6 " V~, '__n".. ~ .Management Ass.istant 25;934 18,648, 2,~,9.pP' ~6', !'l3.D 197.6 AdmTn 1'S hat i'ver,Secreta rY 21,,}68 16,;792" '20,508' 22;,370 I > .: iro. .SaTari,es - gegul~r 95,954 80.; 6 fa: , ,96,,67,0 rQ.~, 370 , 112: :Sa.lar;,ies' - part.Time, ';.,.! - - - I, 'iY3 Sala.ries - Overt)me, . 6411. - 650 i'oo lio: Fr'i oge Be'i1efits 28';'"339 23 ,H7 13..;190 :26,1'16 ,. . .,.- _' "F'" ' " lota'l ,Personnel 124,94'1 103 ;735 . 110.510, .1'32,180 .. I: Operations' and Ma,tntenance 144 Audit Servi ce 15,950 l3';3'41 '8,'250 8,250. Re,i~bu r.se'd ~M>i'i eage ' . ., , ~ :2 ,Jo:Q I~ ,260 ' ~2 ,400 1.,81'7 2,,100 :270 Trave'la:nd 'Meett'ngs 4,370' '~',366 4.';230 4,,230 311 "I' .~. ~ ~." .,.- '.-' . --._.~<' p.r:j.!1.~'i'ng 35.0 .- 350 350 I, Ji5 ~ub,l tcat,i ons and 'Dues 1,,)65, 970 12'80 1,2?Q . ,Edlitaf.ion and t'ra i'n ing 165, " -.-,- 317 350 35.0 ;350 33'4 ' l.._.... R~~ EqlJ.fpment 230, 1,J92'1 1,190 1,190 '4'11 gffice;& SJ~tiol1erY ~lJp~Hes 7i6 796' h.o80 ,1,980 I, 4'99 '-'->.-. Oth,er 'SuPP1:1,es ,and Maletta lis 1 192 91,7 h'120' '1,120 " , , I :1 ,I ,~ Tiota,] Ooerat.i'ons and Maintenance 26,7.27 22,564' '- 20,250 20,250 Cap,i;tal :Outl aV' , , 'I 6f1 Office Equipment i-. , ,95. -, - ,I ,I: 1 " , Tota;lCapital . OutlaY "' ,95 - - ;1, Act,ivHv T,otal $151;668 .' li12fi ,394~ H30,7,60 ili'152,430 , " , 5.6 I h Gir{ Ol'P6WAY 1 bEkARff,fENTALACTWITY DETAIL ,Department; 'Act,tv,i,ty: Acttv,i,ty ,I Code: ,tQ1 I ,Adm'lni!str,attve, 'Serv.iices', h Personne:l , , ACTlVtTY~Eln:~Y I, IICI'LVH,Y DESGRIPJION TtfePei'-Sciri"nel Divi?'ioni~S r;.espo.n;;1ble foi'the ,C,it.Y'!s"emR~to~l)!ent and>Rersonnel' manage~ " mente systelTl' The D;i vi'si,gn acti:vi'ti'es incl,u(j€;ii)1Rlel)!efJ.~at~ on and. 'a'dmi:ni,stjoafi on,o;f per,,;;9pneJ, pol ici;es, prac~ti7esan:d ~procEfcl.~re;; for} ~ass,i'hcat,i on2, :recru itl]fent qnSf ,I' empl:oYlJlenf;emp}oyee,.:beneht;;", c,ompenS'!.tl,on, tra"nl'ng" development, s'!tety ,and ,sehir:ity""and: employee relat'ions,. , .! AGUVt:n G'OALS .AND OBJECUVES \. !.- {~ To, .irilpIeme!Lt an,e.duca~,i'onai' health progftani, :1: 2. :Gonti'nue' ther'evE,i'onand ren.eg()~-iati'on 'of theChy" 5 Perso:nn~l Rl!l e,s. '. . }., T:?, co rft\riBe tg pro:-!;i<:i~.il hi gh ,1 e~e~ o:f:p'erfOrmam:!l ill PT.oyjd,i.ng ,serVi:ces, to var.lousCJ ty, departments ;andl.hd,l V,l aua'l employees. , -~~ '-. . -, "'1;. ~ -" '''~.' - ' .-...,_ ,AGiIvir"y.sJAl:ISnCS . , 1986-87 1987 _8S, 1 E5UMATED . F,OR'ECASTED ~EmpfoYment ,AjfpN c'!tJ;Q.IlS r 300 1,,500 .'..... ,,- Recru i;tmenfs :25 '27' '. :Re t'ru iitmehfllPTomgtjo n.i!Ttes tJng :2'9' 31 :Job Interest Noti;ces Pr,ocessed 600 60'0, E.!!'pJ:.9yegJxa"luati!orfs Processe'd 300 300 1 ,personne"l Transacti ons 140. [.fo ".,< ......, . Injury Rep6~tS Processed, 5~' 55 , . ".... . :5IGNlnGANT A.:ttIVny PROGRflM GHANGES CHflNGE 1 , , Employee ;"ie)) nessPT9.grilm 'ilas~ be'en ,added to ,p'rov;i;de +$4:,500 I,' . a 'fjtne'ss !appra'i!sa.1 for 'a llemproyifes! . ---.~- ~.- . _. . , Orogan,ifzabon a'sses'sment ,;;tugy i:,sadded to per,form 'a, 1 mana~e'ment~~drtof! the pub,l i c 5er;vi ces E'rig,i ne'e'r-i:og '. . -..- f' ,$4' 800 dlv" ~XO,n -\, -<--, I , , , . 'I 5'i I, CITY OFPOWAY bEP'ARtMENtAtAGtt~fJY DFI~rl I' . ., . Department: -Acttv,i'ty: AJ,t tv ity,. . :Code: 101 1 Admi'n:islr;at';Ve SerVice's ; Personnel .,'-. -. Obj. , 1986-87 '1986-87 1987~88 1987~88 I Code ,ExoenseC.1 ass i'fica non BiidCiet, At tu a'.1 Prooosed Approved' Pelisonne-J Exoense . U" 1 .. . Ranae! Post tton Ii He . I" '261.'9 Personne~ Manager 3.~,~76, 41.,398 38,j'8(J 46,,23.0 207.'6 "', . ...-, ,.,., _.~.__. ~ 24,04~ 2.4.,~ 13; '24050 .26',870 PersonneJ.AH:!e, ,'--. , 1 ,110 , SaTarie,s - ~egulaJ 62;424 65,711 62;430' . 73,,100 120 , Frin:9,e Benefi ts (1715'66 18' 845 1'4,290 17',240 "' , . ,- '."- 1 'Total Rersonnel ,7.9,990 84,556 7.6',720 90,340 1 .Ooerati ons' and, Ma,i ntenance , , 1'48 Spedal -Studies 270' 10,470 - - 199 'Other P,ro.fess i onal Fees: , '- 4,,800, I 2"60 :Re,inil5ur:s'ed' M; leage 530 :320 420 420, 270 Travel and Meet~rigs f/3ZCJ '1~25-5 l,;g~Q J,2?9 281 -- ,,"', "- . .,..- ., '. '~ecruitment 5;7,60 4,945 5,-76,0 5,7,60 ,I 311 'Prtnti ng -1',350 2"016 1;750 1,750 , -- 315 'p'ul>,l';~~J)gnsa:nd DUes' .. ~-~ 626 :,2~, 44,0 ?:,449 835 I.. . 2,000 :3,55,4- ~(6 Med;,cal Exams ~;~OO 7,!?0,Q , 317 Educati on andtTra ining ~.400 1,'458' 3,,400; \3,400 'I ""-~ - 323, Tuit,i'6n' Reimbursement' 1,99.9 t.r1~; 1 ;200. '1;'200 :J34, R&M E' Iii men f ,170' 88 170 170 .. _. q " p,~--.., J99 ~proyeJ!~.ssJ ~tari~e) pr@'.~ri1 3.960 3,,667 4,;206" 4,200 :, An Office, & Statjonery,Suppli:es '505 575 510 sro 422; " Emp,l oyeeAwards , 7',655 !?,,738; 8,380 i8 ~,j80 , :, I , ,I' 1 I: Iota] Ooera tionsand Ma,;,ntenance: 128,755 35,827' 36',950 41<,-7<50 Capita:l ,Outlav' I , , I: .. I Iotal Gaoita':1 Ou.Uav ,- ,- , I ActtvTtv- Total ., , $108,745 ,$120,383 $113"670 $1'32,.090 :58' I ." u " CITY OF POWAY . cQEP.~~T~E~J:I\[ A~fIVf;TY' DETAIL c' I D~partment: ' Act,i'vi ty,: . Aft,ivi:tye, Code: 102 '. AdminTstfaftve Servi'.ces Gustomer Servtces ... I ACTIVITY'CQMMENTARY '. AcrfV,{t,V 'DESCRIPTION Tlie ~SQsJo.mer Servi,ces O'i,vilsJon perfoii'ils theac9Q.l,In:ts re~c~iva:b'l e .func't.ion 'of "the Ci'ty'.. '... T~Ii~ 'D"tv"ilS ior:C s pel'sonnela~e, r-e'sp6i1s:tbl e.fof 'thE! colliecJi'ng, re'corMng, ~a..Qd;l;tepps,i t,ing a,ll. of the,G:il(re~e~iJes. Ihi.s 'iAnu(jestQllio~;:.up ..'on~ael(tffq'iJent;,Ii.l'ogcl.and unpa,id ' accounts due ttje O'l-ty to aS$ure ahWh cO.nectJ on :rat~. I r,he,'dJlvi'ston: admYn1.ste'!,s ttie.'b,iThng 'process for ambuhnce, water and fewer service." ;They recehei~nd p'r;oces,s a:PP! i c~tion1ifor' v..a ter and,sewer~ervl:ces; ,s'che'du"fe.and 'per~ I iomn ,ri1ete'~' re'ad.in'g$, h~andLe'fustomer.' inqu,i ries"andc6J!JPTa'l!lt~:" Pf.ftcess water turn,,6'n ~nd;tiJ.fTI"6ff5.;,' p.,erf,ol)J1lll'isce,llaneoussmarr met~f repa,irs. and.puJ;) and 'exctfan'!fe jlAt~r [ii~t~n", " " r'i ,fhe\Custonjet ,ServFces: Div'1i~ ion:i;5 il hso, respohsiili1.e ,tor tlie 'jss,uoilnce\ ,of regulatory' . (j ,1 i:ceunses 'anabq-~;i:de~~; gertiJicates. ., , IDagd) t;:oI1 ,Customer.Ser:vices--.pefs'oti.f\eJ sO,r.t.incoming, ma'i:l., post !5iJtgo)ng ma,f,l\,and. 1 provide telephone aria' reQll't;i"t,ic?n;servtces'.,' " .. ..;cnVITY GOAt:S ,";ND OBJEGT:IVES 1 r. lC6nt~i'nue!to proViee' courte6iJs" pr;ofessionaJ 'publfc'ccih:jf,icff. .. - ., _d . . , 2-0 ,Conf.iilue'tp ,l11qtQtaJn a hi,gh. c.o~ject.i on ra'fe, I ";CUVITX 'WORKLOAD: SJAT}SJIGS ) !~1l!i,:,1l6 ~986-87 1987 -8il I' ACTUAL !ESTIMATED F:OREGAS'f;E"D , Met~fs. r~Ad fQr billing 60,00Q 62,000 ;67,700 1 .' ~"""-- , 6,:1'P9 Past, :due 'noti ces 5100 5900 ,'FJ1riail noti"ces -' '~,~,_." . ~'4! "",__, I 3,,'399,; '3:,800 4:,0,2.0 Doel+nquent tu'rn oM,s 61 roo 1:)0 :1, Mi:sceil'la-neousl fervi,ce: orders, . 648: 732 8'00 Bus'i;Qes.s Reg,i sfra:t 10:05, 'i;ssued 638 SSp 560 ':51 GNI[I CANT ,ACU-V.I TV PROGRAM CHANGES I' ',CHANGE Ada'j:t1on of Gustomer Servige~. ~o)-;k~r, vehid'e", andr,ad:i6 to ;pr'ov\de .; 'neces sar:Yinet"erread,ing acHv;{;ti,es'las a ,resU.lt o'f 'ari' i ri'creased cnumber Of wa,t.!lracc:ciun1i.swHI1\in .tti'eC;rfy, . .. - - .. + :$3J,200 ,I' Pilr-I<,i'ng citaHon ,cosfS hav,e, ,b_een 'tr;ansferrect, to Law "Eh'forcement COsf Cen'fer (59?) -l 6,,47.4 :1' I: 59 I CIn OF POWAY DEPAR~MENTAL ACTIVITY D~TAIL I Department: Activi~y: Act.i vi ty COd,e: 102 Administrative Services Customer Servi'tes I Obj. 1986-87 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 Code Expense C'lassi'fi cati oil Budaet Actual Proposed. Aooroved Personnel Exoense I RanQe Position Title 256.9 Customer Servi,ces Manager 38,376 '38,376 38,530 4'3 , 980' I 200.6 Customer Servi ce Worker (3) 44,090 49,958 60,800 97,460 1~4.6 AccountCl erk 1I (2) 57,528 ,53,601 39,300 42,700 179.6 AccountCl erk I, , - - 17,180 17,120 . 172.6 Telephone Operator/ I Receptionist 15;831 9,605 14,460, {6,530 ,~~ . Salaries '- Standby 1,163 1,163 1,050 1,050 I '110. Salaries - ReguJa.r 156,988 152,7.03 17-1,,920 ,188,840 1i3 Salaries - Overtime 2,44.8 1,279 2,6,5,0. '2,870 120 Fd nge Benefi ts 45,96,8 44,370 46,500 49,500 I J.\ Total Personnel 205 404 198,352 ',:221,070 241,210 Operations and Maintenance .. 260 Re,imbursed Mileage 420 343 420 420 262 Vehicle Operat-ioils 2,0~2 1,3'fS, 2. ,2.-0.0 2,20g I 263 Veh'j de Maintenance 2 874' 4l3i 2,540 2,549 Vehicle Rentaf ',-_.,~ " 264 3,62.2 3,622 2,660 2,660 270 Travelilnd Meetings 1,24'5 120 880 880 '282 Postage 12,000 8,7.14 12.',0.0.0' .12,000 I 311 Printing 6,300 3,139 6,'300 6,300 313 Uni torm.s, Lau.ndry 552 571 830 830 '315 . Publications and Dues 100 '3D 100 100 I ,317 Education & Training - - 330 330 ,325 Ve,hi cle Regulati on 6,474 7',470 - - 334 R&M Eq~ipment 2,041 1.,955 1,920 1,,929, I 337 R&M Radi os ' 264 51 320 320 411 Office' & Stationery Supplies i,,596 1,41;\7 1,,590 1,590 420 Sma 11 Too:l s 60 .5,8' 200 200 .4'99 Qther .Supplfes & Ma'terial 1.166 1,371 1. j'!rO 1,350 I ' . 532 Uncollectibles " 17,593 54'1 Cash Over/Under :50 g,8) 50 50 Capitai Out i ayRenta'l '')..;". 1 , 9'90 555 1,942 1 ,942 1,990 I Total Ooeratoions and Matntenance 42,792 50,166 35,680 '35,680 Caoital Outlav II 601 Ielec(JlJ!lllJnicaJ;ion Equ..ipment - - 800 800 621 Autos & Trucks .- - 10,666 io,QOO I Total CaoitalOutlav - - 10,800 10,800 I Act i vity Total -$248,196 $248,518 .$267,550 $287,690 60 1 CITY OF POWAY 1 DEP.ARTMENTAL AC1]ViJ'f DETAIl Department: Act i vity: ~ct,i vi ty I, Code: 103 Administrative Serv;tces Finance 1 ACTlVIT:t COMMENTARY' 1 ,ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 1 'The Finance Di'vision admin,isters the fi'sca.l operat,ions ,of the C.ity to assure acc6unt- ,abil{fy<and compl i.a~rll;~ wi th estab-fhhedpoJ.i ci e'sand procedures. F:inancia 1 ope rat ions . include gener'a,l accounting., accounts payabl e, payro 1.1, budget coord.i na ti on a,nd i nvest- ,. ments, revenue' forec;ast tng"i expenditur~s, and ~ncumbrance acc'ount i ng and. budget, ~9mp.!iance. finanCjaland"manag~riaJ reports indicating 'fin,ancial status are pr.epared for the City Council., the floway Redevelopment AgencY, City Administration, and th~ I gener~l pub 1 i c. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To i ncre.,ase reporti ng 'timeli n'ess by providing reports to' the op,~rati (lg depart- ments wHhin five (5) working days after month end. I 2. 'To strengthen fi(lancia.1 repor:ting by aga,in achievin.g nat;ional recognH,ion frqrn the GFOA for the Comprehens i-ve, Annua l' Fi na'ncial 'Report'. 3. To pub lish both the FTna.1 Budget and theComprehenStve Annual Fi nanci a.1 Report I by November 30. ' . . ACTIVITY WORKlOAD STATISTICS I 1984-1985 ,1985-.1986 1986-1987 1987-1988 ACT.UAL ACTUAL. PROJECTED .EST.! MATED Flnancial Report Proce~sing Days . 10.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 I Investment A\(g, PortfoJ io(i n mt1\Uons) $12.6 ,$19.1 $28.8 $25;'0' rnvestm,entEa,Lni ngs (i n miTlions') $1,4 ,$ i.t $2.5 $I~7 I Investment % Yield 11..1 8.9 8.7 9.0 ~urchase Order.s Proc~ssed 2,363 , 2,291 2,,200 2,,200 Vendor' 'Warrants: 'Prep'cired 5,4Z3i 5,393 5,800 5;800 I Budget Adjustments Processed 50 50 75 75 Supp ly R'equls Hi ons Processed 1;02Q 863 1,050 1,000 ,'Equipment Requis,it,i oJ)s pr'ocessed 1,300' 892 1:,200 1,200 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM GHANGE CHANGE I , Offi ce equipment purchase represents hardware and software 'to'cilTow 'PC to act cas word process,i ng "" $2,600 I wo'rk station < I I 61 I, CJ:TY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACT I vtTY DETAIL I Department: Activi,ty: Activity Gode: 103 I Administrative Services Finance ObJ. "1986~7 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 Code Exoense Classification Budaet Actual Proposed .Aooroved I Personnel Exoense Ranae Posi Hon Ti tle I . 261.9 Hnance ,Manager 36.9M :37, lJ9 38,532 4"6,230 ,2,39:~ ,Senior Accountant (2) 33,060 ,33,168 33 ,168 71,800 226. Accountant 29,928 30,024 30,924 - 184.6 Account Cl er:K II (2) 17,045 21,597 18,~92 39,120 I .172.6 Adm.inlstrat,ive Cle,r~ .I 1'3,645 10,259 14,106 - , I, 110 SalarjeS - Regular 130,659 132,167 134,220 157,150 113 Overt,ime 75 3 80 90 120 Fringe Benefits 36,062' 36,165 27,580 38,900 I; Total Personnel 166,796 168.335 161,880 196,140 .Ooerat,i ons and Ma intenance I 260 Reimoursed Mil!!age 432 257 360 360 I zZg 1jrayel and. .Meetings 3,086 ?,9:2~ 2,800 2,80:0 311 Pri.nting 6,055 5;864 5,330 ;5,330 315 Pub.1 icat,ions and Dues 1,740 1,521 1,650 1,650 I 317 Educa it onancl Jrai ni ng 1,670 329 1,58Q 1.,580 33'4 ~&,M Equi pment 1,260 233 1;260 1,2@ .~> ",. 399 Other Co"ntractual Servi:ces 600. 1.,2.~o ,1 ,8,90/ . 1,800 411 'Offi ce & ,5tattonery Suppli'es 1,500 1;346 1,500 1,500 . 55,5 Capital Outlay ,Rental 625 625 1.,000 1,000 .' . ";~!;..', total Ooerati'onsand Maintenance '16,968 13,449 17 ,280 17,280 Caoital Outlav I 611 Office Equipment 1,200 1,096 2',600 2,600 , . \ , \ . " Total Caoital Outlav . , 1,200 1.,096 2,600 2,600 , 'I' Act i vA tv Total- $184,964 U82,880 $181,760 $216,020 62. I I CITY OF POWAY DEP~~:rMENtAL ACtIVUY DETAIL ~ I Department: . Activity: Activity I Code: 104' Administrative Se~vices Data ,Processi na. , ACT:IVITYCOMMENTARY I ACIIVITY DESCRIPTION Data Process i ng is responsi b 1 efor i nformat,i on process i ng vi a the comRuter. Functions I :pro.vided tncJuile prograrrming,data enlr;y, and payr;oU processj,ng'. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To set up secur'iJy 5 tgn-on procedures'. I 2. To mon,itor pilot program of us,ing GRJ 'terminal s: in other departments. 3. To i nVE!stigate softwaGe and hardware needs for ,Rurchase' fn ti'sca,lyear I 1988-1989 and'beyond. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS I 1984-1985 1985~r986 .1986-.1987 1987,,-1988' ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED flROJE"cTED I No. ofPayroi'l Checks Run 4,144 4,680 5,415 6,2.15 No. ofUt.ilUy BHt;s Prin,ted 66,100 67,i,000, 70,355 ]3.900 I No'. of Cash .Recejpt Entries Keyed '19,000 21,627 .14,996 20;000 SIGNIFICANT ACnVITY PROGRAM CHANGE CHANGE, I Change of contr.acted progralTfl1er's' servtces - $3,280 I I I , I I , I I. 53 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL 1 , ,Depart!1lent: Activity: Activity Code: 104 1 Admi ni strativeServi ce's Data'. Processfnci Obj. 1986-87 ' 1986-87 '1987~88 1987-88 Code ExoenseCl assi f;Cal,; on Budaet Actua'l Prooosed Aoo roved 1 personne'l Exoense , RanaE Position Title I 226.€ Data Processfng 'CQordinator 29,628 28,072 28,9,lQ 31-,810' 184.,€ Data ;ntry Cl erk II 17,406 18,011 18,510 20,(30 Vacati"on ReJlef 100 100 100 I fro ~alaries ~ ~eg~lar 47,134 46,,083 4],,520, 52,649 1 113 Salaries - Overtime 168 21 170 180 i20 Fringe' Benefits . 12,931 13,234 9,520 13,170 1 Total Personnel 60,2'1'3 59,,338 57',210 .65',990 Ooerat i ons'and Ma i ntenance 1 145 Data Process,ing Consultant 13,680 5,513 10,409 10,400 I: .260 Mi leage R~j!!t,b(jrsement 108 107 369. 360 270 Travel and Meetings - - 420 420: 311 Pri nting 865 .1 ;397 1,,160 1,160 I 315 Pub 1 ti:a't,i ons and Dues 562. 495 740 740 317 Education and Ti'a,ining r 675 220 1,06,0 .1,0.00 , , 334 R&M Equipment 4,.984 5,118 5,180 5,180 411 ,Of.f.; ce& Stati onery Supp]i es 552 414 550 550 . 417 Opera,1:;ngSupplies 4,,376 4,376 ~,550 4,550 514 Lease Purchase ~,854 3,808 ~,859 3,850 555 ,Capita'l Outlay Rental 19,130 19,,130 19,,610 19,610 . . Tota 1 Ooera tions' and Ma,i ntenance .49,786 40,578 47,820 47,820 1 Caoital Outlav ., 1 , Total Caoita.1 Out,lav - - - - '. Activ-i.tv l:otal '1i110,019 $99.,916 $105,030 $113,810 54 .1 CITY, OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACiiVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: ~etivity I . . Code: 105 Administrative ,Serv.ices Purehasj,no I ACTIVITY COMMENT~Y ACTIVITY DESCRI PTION I With 'the ass i stance of the Pu.rc~,as i 119, D,i vi:sion", a number of techni,ga 1 andspec.ial I serv,i:ces ar;e prOl;:ided fa the, 1 ine operating departments o,f the City on a centralized bas is. Aniong the funetfonsassi gneci to personnel within tht's'di vis i on are centYa- ]:izedpurch~s i ng t:<;>ra:ll suppl i es, servi ce-~, equ;i'pment',and ma,intenanee o,f, ,~ centra- I l'ized 'inventory andpropertj' coiltrolprogram~ AlSo, eontfoland respons.ibility for City warehousing operations i.sassigned to the Purchasing Dlvision. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJEOTIVES I 1. Io maintain the Purchasing Manual and enforce the purchasing pol re,ies oJ'the City. 2. To,exerci se~ 'pes it i ve. f'fnanc,i a 1 control over' 'CJty purchases 'to ensure adher:~nce I to the requirement 'that expenditures ,and encumbrances do not ~xceed the amounts appropriated. ,3. To procu're eqUipment, suppli es and sei"vi ce'sat th~ 1 Qwest cost wfthcl ean, operl eompet,it i ve ,speeiJica ti ons reee,i vi ng l1]aximumbenefit from bUdget don ars ava i 1- I able. 4.. To' continuafiywork to fncrease the quaiity of services pfo~vided to the other City'departments through better cOn'muhi cations, thus ensuring a smoother flow of I' operiltion and.:a' better understanding of ,exisJing alld future departme_l1tal !1.~eds.. 5. T9 expand vefldor files ana deve')Qp a yendor anatysJs system to ensure qual'i ty of service, provided to the CJJy is excel'lent. I g. To maintain controJ, of ex.isting central stores ang. I'(ar!!.housing operations. '7;. To .mainta in i!.i1effect i ve fi xed .asset inventory sy~tem. - ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS I 19860:87 1987"88 ESTIMATED ESTIMATED N,uri'lber of Purchase .Orders' issued 2,50Q 2,500 I ~umber of Change Orders issued 160 160. I Number of, Bl anket Order re,l eas.es 1,600 h200 Total Order Production 4,260 3,860 SIGNIF.ICANT ACTJVLTY PROGRAM OHANGES CHANGE I ,Other Rf,ofess iona:l fees :ael eted due to el Hri'i nati on - $8,00.0 I of property appraisa~s. p;urcD~seofaddi t,ional she,l vJngfo~ storage at + $3 ;300 I Operations Center. I . 65 . CITY OF, POWAY . "~'. .. ..-~;_.. D~PARTMENTAL ACTIVITY' DETAIL '. Department: Acti vity,: Activity I Gode~, 105 Admin:istrative Services 'Pu ~chas i no Obj. 1986-87 1986~87 1987-88 1987~88 Code Exoense Glass.iJication Budoet ACtual Prooosed Approved I ,E'ersonnel Exoense Ranoe pos iti on Tit 1 e - I 256.9 G,eI1era) 'Services Manager 38,3]6 38,<145 3!h5.2O 43,980 2lii.6 S~orekeeper ~I 22,710 22,678 23,.280 25,300 . 181. € Storekeeper I 19,128 19,t25 19;080 20,?20 . ' 187.€ 'Se'cretary 17 ,885 17j984 16,,08.0 18,550 110 Salaries - Regul.~ 98,099 98,233 96,960 108 !}i50 I i12 Sal ari es -Part lime - 48 -, - 113 Sa'iari'es - Overtime 480 32 480 520 120 FH ngE! Benefi;ts '28,721 2~,186 21,730 28,840 I Tota,l Per,sonnel 127.,300 127,499 119,-170 137,910 Operations and Maintenance , . I '199 Other 'Professional Fees 8,000 - - - 260 Reimbursed Mileage 750 89 750 750 I 263 Vehicle Maintenance - 170 580 S80 2:6,4 ; Y,ehicle Renta.l 2;,606 2,.606 2.,670 2,67'0 270 Travel and Meetings 1,600 895 1,480 1,480 I 311 P,ri nting 2 , OO~O 1,026 2,:000 2,.000 315 Pub lica tion sand D'ues 495 3~9 . 510 510 331 R&M Building 500 - 500 566 334 R&M Equipme!!t 920 487 970 970 I 411 Offtc~:& S~ationery SuppLies 360 HI 360 360 417 Operating Supplies 1,000, 146 1,000 1,'000 I - "' I I Total Ooerat.ions and Maintenance 18',231 6,,1'79' 10,820 10,820 , Caoital Outlav .' 691 Non..;Structura 1 Impfovements - - 3,300 3,300 I Tota 1 Caoital Outlci'V - - 3,300 3,300 .. Acttvitv Total U45,531 $133,678 $133.;290 $152,030 , p6 ." , , I CUY OF, POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DEIA!L Department: Activity: , Activity I . Code: 106 Admi n.i straUve ,Servi ces Suooort' Services I ACTIVITY coMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPT(ON I The costs associated with, the telephone system, C,ity H,a]1 utnities,iand City HiHl I maint,enance, are provided for in the Support Services. In addition, the costs assoc- iated with the copy mach.ines, postage, fire, and burglar alarms, are charged. to this :cost center. ",' -. - I , ACHVUY GOALS AND, OBJECUVES I 1. To provide l)1aintenance requirements torCitji Hall.. 2. 'To prov.ide copying servoices for City Hall departments. I 3. To provi de gas, e le!=trtc; and. tel ephoneservtces, for Ci ~y Ha 110 . 4. To provide for City Hall s,ecurity against fire and burgla'ry., I I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVI;TYPROGRAM. CHANGES c'fjANGE . . . I Redu~t1on jn gal; a[ld electricity, costs bas,ed - $4,000 ,on 1986~19,87 actuals. ,Decrease in te.l ephone costs bas,edon - $3,,000 I .1986-1987 aCt~al s. Postagei ncre.ase based on 1986-1987 actual s. + $3,,500 I I I I I I I' \ I 67 I CITY OF POWA Y 'DEPART~ENTAL ACTIVITY .DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity SUDOO rt'Se rv ices Code:. 106 I Adminis'trative Services Qbj. 1986-87 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 Gode Expense Classification 'Budaet Actual Proposed Approved I Personnel Exoense Ranqe Position Tit.le I, \1 , Total Personnel j I, Operations ,and Matntenance I 210 Gas and Eiectricity 30,000 28,7.62 26,09Q 26,000 215 Tel,ephone and Telegraph 4,!),000 44,526 42,09Q 42,,000 2Y6 Tra?hRemQya 1 1,0,00,' 567 1,080 L9?0 2B2 Pos'tage, .. 14,500 19,319, '18,000 18,000 I 315 E'~blications and Dues 125 87 - -' 3'31 R&.~ ~ui lding 2,400 436 500 500 :h3 R~I:IFl eV,ator 1,000 997 1,000 1,000 't ~~ I 334 R&M Equipment 19,000 19,41~ 19,900 19,900 399 Otner Contractural Services 600 789 1,000 1,000 ,fIl Office & .Stat.ionerySupplies - 123~ - - <if:J .~. _ _ A _ I Photocopy cSuppnes 6','200 4,37!5 8,000 8,000 , 416 . Safety Suppl ies 750 121 1,400 1;400 417 OperatingC~Suppl ies 5,000 3,92i 5,000 5;000 :P15 Permits 120 518 -. - I . ' I I 'Tota 1 Ooera t ions and Mai ntenance 125,i:i95 123,959 123,880 123,880 Caoital Outlav I 611 Office Equ.ipment 1.,500 1;55.~ '- -. 69i 'N6nstructural Improvements - 795 - -, ,J I Total CaoilalOutlav .1 ;500 2;346 - - I Activity Total U27 , 195 1l126,305 $1'23,880 U23,880 68 I c UY OF' P'OWA Y I ~, . . DEPARTMENT ALACTI VITYQETAI L . I Department:' Activ.ity: Act.i vity .Ri sk Managementl.Fr;nae'-Benefits Coae: lOt I . Admini'straHve Servi ces. ACTlVlTYCOMMENTARY ACTIVITY'DESCRIPTION I - Ri,skManagement I The cost of managing the City"s risks througH purchased insurance and 's'erf-funded . .. ,. ,.-.. -.,.~ .-. 0 _. ._ programs are detailed in this cost center. Monies go toward ,insurance premiul1)s and I - - ~-qntribuJi,O(lS to a poal:ed risk joint powers' authority for~'claMnsadjus.ting and stop l~oss. protection; Two Thousand Four Hundred Dollars (-$2,400) is provided to be used to purchaSE! safety I: supplies" equipment or material: that is, l!nantic,ipated, but may .become necessary as part of the' :Cfty,-wJde accident prev,enUon program, Fri nge Benefi ts ,I The cost of all employee fringe benefits is ind,icated in this cost center unde'r each I . '. ~ .. - -A'- benefit program. They are: life, health, dental,long'-term di'sability, retirement and. workers' compensatio.n insurance. I AGlIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS ~985-86, 1986~8? 1987-88 I ACTUAL ". '-0- . ESTIMATED FORECASTED Number of general liability c1.ail)ls processed 28 22 25 Number of ~pec~al e~ents liabilitY,claims processea 0 0 0 I Number,of c.l'aims. cl:osedat end,offiscal year 9 10 10 Number' of ~l aims set:t 1 edwithout sui t 3 6 9 SIGNIFICANT ACHVIJY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I Healthll'ife i,nsurance benefits refl ect quoted r'!ti'! changes. + $ 5lc,599 I. 'Ri'!t i rement. benefi ts refl eel quotea rate changes. + $100,744 Insurance expense. refl ects quotes pr6vi ded by SG.JP.IA. - $ '5,000, I I I, l I 69 I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMEN-TAL ActIYrrv. DEJAIL I Department: Act iy,i.ty: Activity I Code: 107 Administratlve ServJces Risk Manaoement/Fringe Benefits O,bj. 1986-87 1986-87 19,87 ~88 1987-88 .Code Exoense Clil.ssi f1 catton Budoet Actual Prooosed Aooroved - I, Personnel Exoense Range Pos.ition. Title, .1, , ,J I I Total Personnel 'Ooerations and Maintenance 120, Fringe Benefits, (1,39,9,242) ('1,394" !84) (1,160, j10) (1,406,350) . I 121 Workers Compensat10n' Benefi t, 130,480 210,949 134,000 140,570 ,122 He~lth/Life Benefits 464;002 550,031 573,120 505,540 !f23 . Reti rement .Ben'e6ts ' 804,'760 712,109 674;8~.Q. 760,249 .r. 260 IteimbllrsedMi l:eage '200 200 200' I -. 270 ~ravel and Meetipgs 500 - 500 500 315 Publications and .Dues 258 423 260 260 ,. 416 ~afety 'Supplies :2,400 ;855 2,.<\00 2,400 5'21 Uhi nsured Cla inis " 15,000 522 15,000 15,000 522 Insurance Expense 231,000 382,805 226,000 226,000 I I, 'a - I . T!ota.l OoeraUonsand, Maintenance 249,358 463,110 465,990 244,'360 CaoHal Outlav I I I Total Caoital Outlay Activity. Total $249.,358 M63,1l0 $465,'990 $244,360 - '70 I. CIJY OF P(tW8Y II DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVIJ,Y DE'TAIL Depa rtment: Activity: Actj v,i,ty , Code: 108 Admfntsfra t iveServi ces Capital Reolacement I , ACTlVllV COIt4ENT~Y ACHVln DESCRIPTION I ThH di vis i on t:s used to repl ace City-owned venrcl es, ~qui pl1]ent, and ~apita lout! ay ,I items iothi ch have reached or' exceeded the years of usefu,ll i fe pur;suant to the pfografl!lled replacement schedule. The P9r:chii,s,i ng Di v,i sion ,has the' responsi,b,i)ity for purchasing the vehicles and equipment when the Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance ,I - - - - . - - - Division dete-rmines that each item scheduled for replac,ernent caD no longer serve a useful function for the City., _" ._. r This activity ,is financed by annual renta.l rates charged to the divisions utllizing I the vehic,les, equipment, and cosny capitaloutl,ilY items. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGE CHANGE 'I Purchase. o,f vehi cl eSt and equ,l pment scheduled + $287,700 I for replacement. <'- I I, il ,I 1: I ;1 I '.' I 71 ,I ~ CITY OF POW_AY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL 'I Department: Acti,vUy: Activity' I Code: 108 Administr;ati,ve, Serv,ices Cao.i ta 1 Reolacement Obj. 1986...:87 1986-87 1987-88' 1'987...:88 ' Code Exoense. Classification Budaet Actual Prooosed ADo roved I CaDi ta,l Outlay 611 Office, Equipment: -, 'I, IBM Copier at C,ity Hall - 35,,000 35,000 615 Param~dic Equipment: .Defibri llator (SafetyServi ces). - 11 ,000 11 , 000 ,1, 621 Vehi~le Replacement: 1/2 Ion Pic~up ,Truck (Pub.Serv.) 11 ,990 8,640 I 1/2 T.on Pickup 'Truc~, (Pub .Se~v .,) 11 ,OQO - 112 Ton Pickup Truck (Pub.Serv. 17,000 11 ,637 90mp~ct Sedan (Safety Serv.) 10,000 9,018 I Kawasak.i' Motocycl'es' (3) (SaJety Serv..) 21,000 6,673 Motorbi ke . (A.dlllin. Serif.) 1.,500 - 1.973 Chev. .Pi.ckup (Pub~Serv.) - 9,,000 9,000 I 1981 uti11ty Dahaitsu (Conmun. .Serv.) - 6,000 6,Q90 1978 Chev~ Pickup (Pub~ ~er~.1 - 9,,000 9,000 I . 19~0 Chev. 2~ ton T.ruckand ,1975 ~ack Fire Engine (Reserve); Repl acement ~lJnds used for;' I pur;chase of 1500 GPM fire . . . , enginew/elevated master stream. ~ - 21.7,700 ,21'7,700 623 Backhoe (Pup. Serv.) 42, goo, - ,. 1 - 1~ Ton Roller (Pub. Serv.) 12,000 - ,A,i'r Coinp~essor (Pub. Serv.) 9,000 '- , Ai r Compressor (Pub. Serv.) 4,850 .- I Mower, RideLon (Conmun. Serv.) 11 ,000 11 ,000 I " I '~I I Total CaoHa lOut! av 150,350 46,968 287;700 287,700 I Acti vitv Total $150,350 ,$46,.968 $287,700 $287,700 . '...... N C in MANAGER, 013 DIRECTOR' CO~1MUNnY SERYI CES 200 TRAIL5/ LAKE PARK AND SPECiAL RECREATIOn CONSTRUCTION & OPERATIONS L'ANDSCAPE LANDS'CAPE '~iAfimNANCE of'{-_ ; _'" .MA'lNTENANCE D1STR,!CIS 201, '202 203 iQ4 205 , -- : '-_.f.' COMMUNIJY SER~ICE~ .. - - - .- -: ... ..." ... - .' - _I ... IIIiIt .. .- - '.. -, - .- I , 7-3 ,I CIlY OF POWA Y DEPAR~MENT~LACrIYITY OVERVIEW !I Dept. Code Department: Fund D.istributi.on: ' " Speciai Assessments Fund- $86,620 I '200 Community Services Gener.aT Fund - $1,802,734 Water Fund - ,$!lJ,566 ~~ant Fund ~ $137,806 ., - - . I EXRENSE 1985-19~6 1986-1987 1986~1987 '1987-1988 1987-1988: CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL P'ROPOSED APPROVED :I~ Total Positions 30 30 30 30 30 I Personi1~l Expense 772,817 948,547 894,. 6~3 9!l6.i50 1,.116,400 , . I. Operations 566,308 855.-355 718,745 902,810 902,810 and Maintenance , i Capital Outlay. 75,7,24 ,32,009 37,U3 . 51,510 51,510 I TOTAL BUDGET $1,414,849 $1,835,911 $1,650,581 $1,901.070 $2,070,720 I OV~VIEW~ENTARY The Department of Corrrnunity Services is respons'ible for meet-ing the cultural, I social and recreat,ional- needs and demands. of the ~fty. The Repartment. is divided into five operating divisions which include the..Office of the'Drrettor, . -. - - - . . Recreation". Trails. Construction/Maint,el1ance" Lake Operat,ions and Park, ~nd Landscape, Maintenance. :1. The Director of COl1ll1unHy Servi ces fSappointed by the City Manager 'and super- vises 'the four operatin9 divis,ions.' They provide direct staff support services I in the' cje'vel Qpment and implementati on~of pr6gr;a.ms des,i gned, to enhance the sqci 0- cultural needs ancj concerns of Poway residents,. I Respons i b'iliti es of'the Department 'incl ude: (1') coordi nati I)g resources of publ i c . . - ,- -. . . and 'pri vateagencies to sol ve i ndi viClua l,ized and personali zed corrinunity problems; (2) prQvi d,i nIl' li aiison ser,vi ces bet'ili:!en c.ny of,fic"ial s al1d cOrnnunity groups'; (3.) , providing means for community input into the development of leis,!re programs; (4,)' I prov.idtng 'abalanc,ed program of 'r;ecreation,al),d le,is~reservJces for the corrrnul)ity; (5) .adrnfni steri ngthe Ci~y' s trans it, cable TV and animal contrgl contracts'; (6) pr;oviding the Ci ty.' spark .ma intenance programs; (7) coordinating, prepari'hg and I managing various types of grants' to pr;ovicje additi,onal fi'nancia1' assistan,ce to the CHy to meet increased, service demands; (8) construct or contract to construct new CHy~trai'ls, t'o malntafn a'll City' trajTs that are. not in specoia] ,l,andscape I districts, administer and s'upervise special interest groups and Ca,l ifornia Coris,ervation Corps'fn frai,l ma.in,tenance and construction.; and (9) 'Administration. of Spe~ial La.bds~ape Assessment Di~tficts. I~ .7:4 I , I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACIIVITY ,DETAiL .0epartll1el!t: Acti vity: Acttvity 'I' Code: 200 I Corrmun.i tv Services O,fftce,of the D,i rector , ~C':rYJTY COMMENTARY , ACTIVUY' DESCRIPTION I The O,ffi,ce of the, Director is respClOs)blef.or the.administraqol! ilndmanag,ement of ,I t~~ Department ofCon1i1uiiity Services. The Di rector of Corrmunity Services is respon- sible for plannijig, dire~t.ing and, coordinating the programs of the: variou~ oper;ating I , div.is,ions pfo;Vjding s(:!rvices to meet the s,ociocultural and human needs of the, City.. The deparlmenti~ ,divided into operatillg divis,ions that include the Office of the' Di[ec,tor, Recreat ion, Tra ils'Constru"~,tion and Ma.i ntenaQce, Lak~, Opera ttons, Lanasc~pe and ParK Maintenance, arid Landscape. Mainte'nance Distric't adininistr:ation. The Office " of the Director of Cormiunity Serv'ices also bas responsi b,i'l i ty for the acimj ni stratton anqlor l11anagement,of the City's g~an(,funded,'programs, transit system, cable tel,evi s,i on, animal regu.latrrins, parksi te acqui sHton',ang park development ,p'r6gram. II The. Director of C,orrmun,i'ty Services is, reSp~lnsib.1e to the Cit.x Manager for ensuring th,it all the departmental pr:ogram,s, are impJ,emented eff-i cientry, ef,fect,tv,ely ,and ' I economica'Uy' in accordance with City practices and procedures. ACTIVITY GOALS AND. OBJECnVES I 1. To ,establ'isti and imp:1 em\!nt,a bal anced program o~f recreat i on, and ciJltural programs for the :corrmuni ty. I 2. To effectivety admintster and manage the functions of the City witltin the respons{bil iti es of th~ Corrrnuni tl' Servi ces Dep(r~menL . I , 3. To ensure the best possible cable television service to the cHizens of Poway. - - .... 4. To e'ffectivel'Y 'admini'ster the City's ,trans.i't system. .1 ' , , SIGNIFICANT ACTl,VUY E'ROGRAM. CHANGES, GHANGE I .. Corrrnunity Ser.vi ces Manager Sal ary & Fri nge Benefi ts - $50,250 '''-, . . I tra.nsJerred to Recreation An.iinal contr61riefl ects i'ncrease: 'of contract liIi'th' + $24,200 Coun~y of San Diego and for removal (+ $4,200 for I, r;emova-l servtces 'and + $20,000 tn..crease tn contract). ,I I I I 75 - .. ,I CnY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Depa,rtment: Activity: Acti vity Code: 200 I, Corrrnunitv Services Offi ce of the Di rector Db}. 1986-87, 1986-87 1987~88 1987-88 Exoense Classfflcation 'Budaet Actual Prooosed ,< Code Approved, , Personnel Exoense Rance Position Tit,le - ,I 289.3 .Di rector 51,730. . 51',49,9 51,790 60,800 261,,9 Community Services Manager 38,376 38,376 - - 221.t Management Ass; stant . ~3 ,934 . 15,956 .25,650 26,830 f\ 197.'.E ,Admi nis t ra t i ve Secreta ry 21,825. 21,825 22,370, 24,310 I. nO ?alaries - Regular 135,865 127.,656 99,810 111, 940 11-3 Salaries ~ O~~rtime. 1,000 795 1,150 1,24"0 'I 120 Fri nge Benefits 39,755 36,336 18,,420 26,200 , I, Tota 1. Personne 1 '176,620 164,787. 119,380 139,380 Opera t ions and Ma i'ntenance 260 Reimbursed Mileage 2,280 1,981 2,160 2,160 I' 270 Travel and Meetings 5,355 4 , 99.9 4,340 4,340 311 Prtnting 500 235 500 500 :3f3 UnTf,gmns 390 j88 - - I 3i4 COlllJll!nity Rela"ti ons 2,800 - - - 315 Publications and Dues 615 663 540 540 319 Animal Contro.l 6,600' 6,900 30,800 30,866 I 334 R&M Equ~i pment 250 . 776 ,.. ,2,7~0 2,750 :3"99 Call-A-R i de Contract 12D,40! 121,959. 125,270 125',270 411 Office and Stationery Supplies 1,00() 912, 1,006 1,00.0 4J3 Photographie Supplies 250 -110 250 250 I 4Jl Oper;atingSupp.l tes'. 1,300 1,254 1,300 1,,300 514 Lease Purchase '" - 9701 970 53i Expense Credi,ts 12,040 14,594 12,536 12,530 I. 'I , Tota'l 'Ooerations and Maintenance 153.781 154,74.1 182,410 182,410 I CapHa] Outlav 611 Office Equipment 2,1.77 6.,663 - - 'I I 10tal Caoital Outlav 2,777 6',663 - - I Acttvitv Total .$333,180 $326,191 $301,790 $321,790 if) - -, - ~i" -,.'. GUY OFf>OWAY , DEflA"RT"MEN"liALii:CTiV,UY. DETAIL ... "' 'I 'D,epar,tment:, ACyJ"Y.i',t,v,: ' Ac,&,iv,.(ty ., Gode:1 201 . , Corrmun.i,tv SeYvj,tesl . ' Rec'feaTton'.... '. ' "' .. - ~CTl:~lTY'COIt4E:NTAAY ACTI;Vt~TY'DES.CR I Pl! ON - "" T~e', RfQreat)o_n Divi sion~n[an:ri~s 'ana Pf2vid,.e~ a .~arj ~t.y. ofac~:~.~ties' ;f;cU: :a'!J'" ' 1 .CTt,l,zens 'oJ Poway.~ The per;sonne 1 p,l'an., dev.el,op',. m,l t,l ate ,adml n1:ster; andevaJuate.a -. ",--..- '.. ,-'... .' ~.'. - ~".' .~~,"" ". t.:; ,-- ~.- - .~- .,'.- . ,corT)preh'ensi veIeTsure pfogrcam '!t fh~:CjJY "spai;ks"p,1~ygr9und~>;. S,Choo;ts:"and' Corrrnun,i ~y I Genter,. TheiadJD't, 'teen" y'9uth". and,tiili, tot' 'pro~gr;a!)1s' o:r.f~ljed througn ttiiisdi:v;i]sion; incTug,e, ,sports"arts., gra'fts." Clance,afama, ,0utdo,OT recrea bon" s'p'et>ia'] tntieres'1;, cl;a~s!!s" city~w:rde ispec,ialevents;, jl.n!lj rg;e~~nrichmentacti,vines. . , AGtfl,i'ITY. GOAl!S.AND"OBDECTINES .1 ' , . ,t., T:Q; e,Qs,\lr,e 'th,at act.fv'{ttes 'a're plAn.nM. f.;or;' res,i'dents o,t; every age,.and interest t' gro!Jp in such a, .way ttiat ia,.grea.t,vadet:t oJ activities are:;provid~d '(or' , utilJia,tion oJ 'l:e-iSure 't,ime.: ' 2. ~b e~~'uf;~la!r,[a.'La.j'-~~-i:e"~,sou~c~s~re iJtn'iz~dtp '~he.:f,y'l'les~,'e~fent 9Yc;POP- ..1: 3., e.rat,lngand, In,t!)l1act,lng 'iilt,h; ?,ther' gorrm,u..n~ ty o.[~~n,zat,l:~ns; :~na .~ge_I1Ci.e~, . TCl,~_Q,~~re'a' vartety of- corrrnuDJ,,ty group and, lnd,lvldual uses'lof Cl!ty, recreat,1:on ,!:ac;i~hi',ti.es. TO' monitor 'the c~angltr1.g 'deve,fopments'w;ithi'n;tne 'tecr~?-tt()n'and 'imp] emei1.ttbe 'I 4. ' , ctiailges~h..~h ~pp"llcab!le, , I ' ,AGTViITY wOR'k'COAD' SfoMISTICS 1985-86 T986~87 1987,-88 :1 '. Ac;rO'A'L ESTIMATED ffO'RECASTED Cbnrr~c~ t;J:~Smi Per: Year 442 261 :320 ',I: 'Gpntract: C:l ass 'E'ar-t.i:cip'ants 4;;<37-7 '4 595' 5,360 ", .,~ ,.. ,~ec:r~at.ion Progr.amsISpec.;qJ~y,en.,ts 21 20 -40 ~.- . !~por;ys L!!agiJes/Tou rnainebfs'cre,aIll~)' 14'8 {ij 310 'S,ports Partici;pant~ ' 2,160 72,2'32. 3,ZOO: .1, Phigrariis/!Evei1ts Rarricipant? 5";,840 Y,rf6Ci' P,98Q 'SlGNIH.GANT ACTI'VTfip'R'OGRAM CHANGES CHANGE! .1 e .. , '0 tncr.ease tn ;ga's; ande\l ectr;:<i-ity .i's due' to a8dHi on + $2 !i060 u-" . - .~., - ..":;' .-. _ .__n'J" of. 'li,ghts 'fOr' tenni's, courts and oaFFfi'elds' I .0.... Fncrease in iJiersonne.l.JJe"to'Uans'fefofGOrrmun,ity Services Manager' and Lake 'SUperVisor (now c.1ass,ified-Recreat i'o~. , SJpei;vl s-or)' ',., ....-- , +$81,7,16 o. PiirT-Time ~fa;!fl~9 . fpr !......~in "p~aJi."s'.,MUht"i ~PUrp'o:S~,Fac:i;~iW + ,$25;;000 ,I , '01 rncrease due to' recl'ass.l f,l:cat',lon.of RecCieatjTon ,Coord,.nator to'Rec.'r.eatioil :Super.\ii'Sot e,_'_' + '$' 2.658 , /,;,; ,t... ~o Detreasei h Rrtnt!Lrjg ..~o.s;tst;.orpublTti;ty - $: 1".460 ,I: I' '0 InCih~ase' in contract i'nstructor,'s. ,cosls due to iincrease in -.' "- - - ",' - .. 'r. ... -~- - - - -, ._'- -' . '1 - '. +'. l 7,00Q ;p,rggrams', offer,eif. Revenue's wtJ'l j,ncrease, iac:~ordingly '0 f ncrease: i,n iimp~ir-e'.C::Qsts; il~(j;;ti:o,naJ games 'pl ~yea 6rt .Fighfecl, ba,l H-ielqs a,1:: c'Clrrr.nu,njty Park and aaai;tio'nal tguril_alTieQ,ts ;t" $>'8,NO I ~ ACl!J.j;t,iio!l, :of a cop,ier- ana let-t(ri[lg mac:hille! ;t, $: 5;, }OO . , .. I~ , , I 77 ... ,. I, CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL AClIVITY DETAIL I Department: AcHvity: , Act ivi ty Code: 201 I Corrrnunitv Services - Rec rea tion Obj. 1986...:87 .1986".87 1987-88 1987,-88 Code Exoense Classification Budaet Actual Prooosed Aooroved 'I, Personnel Exoense Rance' Past tion T,il le, 261. 9 Communi~y Seryi.ces Manager - - 38,530 46,230 .1, 218.0 RecreationSupervisar(3) 25,086 ?2,9~4 70,020 79,270 ,. .. - ~ ~ecreattonCoord,i nator 22,564 20,682 - - 203.0 Rec,' Program Caard.i nator (3) 5,8,42,? p5,308 61,729 73,970, i8L4 Bec. Leader I,I Part-Time (2) 17,470 10:,465 17,580 42,,580 ,., '187.6 Secretar;.y, 17,885' 16,175 18,3,30 19,850, , 110 S~lariei - Reg~lar 123,960 115,109 163,600 219,320 " H2 Salaries - Part-Time 17:,47.9 10,46,5 42,580 42,58,9 113 Overtime-- 1,044 ' 529 1 , ~5.0 2',000 120 Fringe Benefits 35,,506 31,627 39,580 56,530 ~: Iota] Pe r:sanne 1 177,980 157,,721 .. 247,610 320,430 Ooerations and Maintenance I' 210 Gas & Electri c 38,61.3 . 28,,~57 40,660 40,660 215 IeiephO,ne & Tel eg raph 324 991 650 650 230 Other Utility Charges 88"2 592 1,100 1,100 I 260 Reimbu'fsed Mtleage 260 38 450 450 2i:f2 Veh j c{eOperati'oris 1,553 425 1,550 1,550 263 Vehicl. Maintenance 2,586 1,388 2,120 2,120 264 ',Veh i cre Renta.l 1,,947 1,947 - - I '270 Tr:avel' and Meetings l, 13.5 759 '3',730 3,'739 3il Printing 8,02~ 6,89~ 6,550 6,550 313 Un.iJorms" Laund~y, DryCl eani ng 2,340 390 - - I 315 ,Publications and'D'ues ..,. ,- 290 182 500 500 317 ,Education and Training 70 145 350 350 318 Leisure Contracts 100,484 90,242 106,930 106,930 I, 334 R&M ECwi pment,' 399 442 500 500 - - '.- 20,716 10,29'7 370 ,Other Contract ,Servo Reimbursed 29,460 29,460 411 ,Office & Stat,ionery' Suppl ies 1,285 1,26,2 860 860 'I 413 Photograph icSupp li',es 200 6) 200 200. 4..17 Ope{a{ing Supplies 55,521 48,193 50,4'\lb 5,0,4.40 511 Equipm!nt Rental 315 192 3,430 -3,430 ,541 Cash, 'O,yer/Uncler 20 .(8) 20' 20 I Total' Ooerat,ions and Maintenance 236,963 192,593 249,500 249,500 Caoital Outlav I 611 Office Equipment - 1,IJiQ 5,300 5,300 622 ,Other, Equip. Not Classified 1,200 1,225 - .- 'c. . -~ -....- '3,320 3,132 I 64'4 Ath 1 efic Equ;rpmen"t '- - .- Iota 1 Caoita 1: OutlaY 4,520 5',507 5,300 5,300 I .Activitv Total $419,463 1i355,821 $502,4'10 $575,230 78 I, ern', OFPOWAY I ' , DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY'DETAI L :Department:, Acti",ity: A,cti vgy ..' Code:, 202 " Corrrnun i tv,. .Se rvices Tra i'J Construction/Mai ntenance, ACTlVl1'Y COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I' The res'ponsibilities of the Trai.1s Construction/Maintenance Dtvision is toadmiri.ister ,I . . -. -, ',. '...... -"__ _. . -"'1-- < .-- the Ci ty 's, riding and hiking trafls'pl ~n, tocoordi oate the tra'Hs,pJan. .wi th the, . Eng,ineerlng'Depar'tment arid Planning Services, to obtain easemenls w!1en necessary, to improve exisUng trails., to construct or contract to cons'truct ni:!w C.ity trails, to I ma.i nta in a 11 City t,r;a i:1 s ~ha t are not tn spec,ial landscape,Aistrids'" admi n,i sfer a,ni:l superv:i se, specia Ii nterest groups and C,Hi fornJ~ Gonservati'on Corps iOn trailmainten- anceand construction. . , ACTHUY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ~I\ 1. To enslJre that public trails and trail equipment are attra'cJively maintained :i and suitabl e 'for pu~.1'i cuse at a,ll times; , 2. To construct trail s in accordance with the City"s trail s plan. ,3. Tocibtain trafl ea'semerit,si n the'most cost-effective means possi'ble. :1' 4. To repair dal1)aged traUs 'and trail equillment promptl,Y andefficieopy t.o: ,- encourage 'and pr;ovide 'for c9ntinuous publi c use. il ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS 19,85-.86 1986-87 1987-88 -, ACTUAL ESTIMATED FORECASTED I Number of mil~s of developed 'riding/hiking tra.ils. ' 34 1'34 44 1 Numg,er of mfres of ,Gi'ty mai ntai'ned h,i k i ng/ri di ng trai 1 s. 34 34 34 Number of-miles of special landscape I d,istrjc,ts 'r1cj,1ng/hikfng :tr;a,ils. ,10 I'D Number of miles of riding/hiking 0 trails planned or being tonstr~cted I' on Prty"te C!!!ve)opl!1ents. 33 33, 28 SIGNIFICANT 'ACnVIT'{ :P.ROGRAMCHANGES :. , None I , I: I, 7,9, ,I, , C-ITY OF POWAY 'j)'EPARTMENJALAC:r[VJ,I,Y'DEJMJ l ~ . Department: , Acti,'{i;ty; ,A,ct ivity ,I Code: 202 C'onmunitv ServJces , T-ra'f1!slConstruci:fon & .Ma.intenance .~. , Obj." ' 1986.-87 1986-87 1987~88 1987-88 :Code' ,Exoense,C;Jass.ificatlon B'uctoet 'Actual . Proposed ,Aeer;oved I, Personnel Exoense . , Ranoe' E'osUton'Tit te . , ,II 208,5 Par;~',Malntenance worker }U 21,,310 19915 21,990 :ll:! 57;0 , ' , , I 'Salarfe's - ,Regu:l ar 2F,~!19: 27,,5Z0 . , HO ,19,9!? 21,990 '113 ?a;] arre~s '-'O},e-'tt'.iriie 390 191 . '8't0 91'0 'I 120 F-ringeBenef..i't,s, , 6,,379 6,i32 5,000 6:810 , , '. Iota'J Per:sonnel. 28,0],9 ;26,538: ,27,830 35 ;'290, , ' Ooerattons and .MaintenanCe, ' " ,. :1 . i60 Engi,neerlng ,2;500 - 1',000 1,.Q90 '..! ", 216' Trash :Removal 1;500. .,. t.500: .1,500 "I, 262, Veh'icle Operations 1,404' - i,,4,QO .1,;4QO 263' ." ~.- -" . ~ ' .CJ.,' 1,,239 yehi:cjll t1aj ntE!nar).c;ei .1 ,600 - - 264 Vehi'cl e Renta',l .1;185 f,185 1,22'0 .1 ;,,220 I .311 Printing :1,000 986, GOOD .1,000 , "' ~ ^'"">~ '332 . 31'3, llnifqr1l1~ And; laundry ,390 390 39.Q '3'i~; 'Collll1uni,tyRelat-i.ons -, 2;'3f( 'l,ZOO 1,,200 Opera ti:rig,S'uppf'fes~' __" ~'~'-O'l ~\~IQ 417 5';-840 3,662' 5,840' ii, 420 Small lcioXsi" 6;~560 2,921, 6 '500' ,6,500 44.4 Sign :Mii tnf'ena'nce ;500 4'1'3 . " 5,00 500 .-" .-' -. - -.> - I~ I' - , . . T:ota.l Ooerat,,jons and Ma,intenance' 22,419 1'3;055 20,550 ' '20,,550 I ,Cae.ita,] Out! a V' , I ; , I , T!ota'] Cao,i tal Outl av - , - - ,- :t ,Acttvitv T.otal . '$50,498 $39,593 '$48,380 $55,84.0. . ~ 80 I' , Cl;r;y, OF POWAy ii, DEPARTMENTAL Acff.VITY .DEJ:AIL. Oepar;tlllent:, ,Acttv.ily:; . A'cti-vi'ty' _ ' 'I, Cpde: '203 C'omnunnv Services L~ke, .Oo'erat.io'ns I - - ACT;1~I:rY, COM4ENTARY' , ACHIlITY DESCRI l!iT J(iN' '. The respons i b,i i i ~y of the Lak-e!qperafi'llj1.~' q.;,,,i'S;i on. Qf the Conmun,{Ey Se'rv,hes Depar,tment j 5 to, p'rQ\{id,Et re,cfeat;i'Qna lfi shi'ng.,b9at ing';camping\, h'i kirig" hQ~sE!Q$lc:;~ ,I ~rqrn-g, ,n:rg~tt,irnl'! ~oJtba~ J;,a,!1ifqther' le,i sure' actilij,itTes;;ge'l'Ie.r(~~lly i!~soc:;ia(~d: >with p~rl<sc;nd req.eat]ion. The Lake :Operation ,is al ~o- re~i1q!!sJbJl'!:,(9r _ the. 'securi:tyof , property 'and the he"a l:th- and ~'afl'!ty !It f,~ci;~J,tYlJ.grs_. Much of' th,iis fS'accompl i sh~d I qyroutine p~1;Fo~ i:lf ,tM:fa<:,n,iMes. l!1e.: foJTow,ing, areasrequi:re secuj:'gy P51t.rgJ illlc l;awe.njo.rc,ement: LaRe Poway, Lakepoway Par;I(.uaild !l'rinfi,n,ve, campground. ACTIVII,H GOALS AND OBJECT:INES :1 ;1. To pro,v,ide pr;9,fesS,ional. corrrnunicati:ol) ,ap_d .9JS,tomer ,eg,uc~tilln between, facfiiEy ~I- user;s ana the: Lake 'st~!-f :r,E!g~(gJi rig SHt.!! an<!, lllca 1 .r,e,gulations'. 12. To prQ',mpJly' e]1f~,rce,:r:ul e~ ~nd: re.gtj1:ati ons of' the Lake' Poway~e_cre.aJj on area fn o.r;der t[el)c9,urage ,and pr;o\liae consi ste-nt liu,b]ij;c ,syppprt.' . "I 3'. 1;0 en~ure. that the dock ope'r.at,ion 'ij ,lieatTY' ma-i!1taiinedandsuHabTe: tor public' use 'at,~.u,Uines., 4. Tci proYtcte rtec;re~~ion~J fi'sh;ng ,andboat,fng' programs to :meet. 'thi needs 0(', (he ~o.w.aYCll!lJl!un ity,. ' 'I 5. To pr,ovide a ,.self-supporM.ng TaRe and .boa-ting' operati:gn. ACJLVIJY ,WORKLOADSJAUST;ICS 'I , 1985-86' 1986~87 ;1'!:lSi-'88 ACTUAL ESTiMATED !F-oREeAsrED , , 'I: Fish,ing Pemnits .46, '500. 4lhsoo 45:,000 ""...,'",.. ,",". Boat Reiit-als' . to;llllB 13'000 rI500 Fac,i 1 i;ty, Q.s!lrs " ~ - ',,~ ~ 420,,000 480,,000 450,pOO. J: SIGNi FI CANT ,ACTIVI TV 'PROGRAM.CHANGES: . CHANGE I;i;an~Je.~, p.f,~a~e .Su,eer,v,i,sor'to - 129,670 ,J Rec~ea tlon 0" V,l S lon, I I;Ds,r;ea~e in 9ii~: and> el1!~j;r;i,cj ty ilsa' result 'o,f a,gd)'~ionc; 1 'li ghtsand the i,nsta U'atton' of'the ~. 762 f.ish ing dock' 'I- '. ,Incr;eas,e ,in cost of' fi'sh stock due fo,:market increase f.rom vendo!' -+ $ 2'.000 'I: 1'1" , , 0 " .81 I, .. _"U' , CHY OF 'E'OVIAY I DEPARTMENTALAGTIV;ITY DETAIL, ,Depcrrtmellt:: . ~ctivi ty:, ~(;J}y,i;j:y' .. ;, Code:, 203i ComnunJtv ServJces, Lake ooerabons Qbj. ," , ~986":87 1986-~T "1987,.:88; " }98?'"88 Code Extfense ClassM.-ication Budaet Actua,l !',l1oliosec! 'ADD roved I. E'ersonne'l Exoense :Ranae Position n,t,le' " I 218.0 Re'creat,ion. Superv,jisor 20,648 21,0'09 - ~ 1~:4:~ ;Par~ ~,ang~r I(~). . . .' ~i ~ '- ";-, , '55 '913 55,910 6l',6,8g . ~,4,,~10J ".. ',-.,,. 171.'~ Docl< 8tte,nqClnt{p~ft~time):(5) 3.8,01~ :~5.,:.n8 49,320 41,190 172.E .Park Attendanh(Fu1)'~t,im~) 32~380 32,.652 '33 ;,120 18'880 172,'E ?Q',470 18'~ 48'8 ...i ".__ ---.-' ,- '.' ;Park Attenaant(.P.art-timeHli) '22l290 41,060 , , 110 '~a'l'arie5' "'~egur~r 'io~ ;8~!3 1Q~".5?4, ,89,090 80,560 , .,.", :I! 112 Salari.es, -part-'timej 58\;489 . 54,406 62610 82,250 ), -"-",.-.:;.,\ .~-",~ .,. ,. . 113' 'SaJari es -O,vertime 5,648 5,554: ,7,590; '8,i20 izb" ~"- "'-~'- Fril'lge !l.,lfl1eftts 44,43,0 3,6,833 39,920 33,590 ~, , ,. TotalP..ersonne,l 216',.405 206,'367., 199,f20 . 204,520 'OoeraHons' and,Ma,intenance , " , ,I; 210 Gas. and: E'lectric,i ty iO.,888 '17 '341 n,650 n,650.. ' < ,. ,- -?-fo 2,15 TeTeplione. and TeJ egraph 588 ,573 710 230 Opl,,!!r Ut;rrny Charges, 1),728 1,629 :Z:,H;"O 2:i60 . . i~Q Reimbursed Mfleage 60 36 .,. - - '-, 262 i/ehTcT'eg'pe,r,a t,iOI1S 1,568 7,74, 1".570, 1,570 263 VehTcre Maintenance, 2';585: .3;162, (2,~~:Q 2,590 '.r'~~-' I 264, Vehicle Rental 4,;lg '(,14'7 4,250' 4,'250 . ,27'6: tr~v~j '-~nd Me~t]jM~ 901 872. - ,- 311 Printing 6.,400 7" :103 6,,400, 6:,400 , !. ',-.~." :3-13 U,!iifornls" Laundry ,Dry Gleaning 5,930 4,f13 5, O~.oJ 5j,O~0 :1 '3Ys Publications and Dues' 173 '131 ,90 90 334. R&M. -" Egu ipl11erit . i'9'50 . i. 335 2,100' ;2,100 .", ,. - ---- ' .,,--" '.~. . "', ' :4n : Of,fice &Sta ti ~n~ry, Suppji es '70P ~7Q 7:00, 700 I 416 Safety Supp,l ies. 140 ,gs '140 1.40 ,417 Op'e ra't'ing ISupp'l iesi , 12;,'558 12,23'5 13,-330 13, l330 418' hout Stock, ' {s Jfoq ,.-...-, .~ --,', t4.,000 77 ;226 '7,8;,000' ',,_nc, h. ~ _ ~ ,I, ,4.19 Other FiiSh !Stock, ':37'000 ,34000 39,000 '39,,0.0:6 ,4:2'6 . SmaH: :tooTs' . , ~"--",,-' - '-- 2~Q ,246. 280 280 532 -;- ," - ," - '. ioo '100 Uhco:lil e'ctibl es '-, 100 :5.41 Gash Ove,,'lU'nder:' 150 1,095 3'00 . 300, I '.- ,~- - , I T:ota 1 Operat-tons, ,and Ma.i.ntenance :160,946' 166', l86 '168',400 1'6.8.,400 .Gaotta:l OutlaY . , I' 622 Qther EquYDl1Je~f' 'Not Ci'ass,iJiiedi ~,O~? 2,,932 '3-,000 3,090 " , 110talCao.tta,l Out-J av , 3,097 :2,932 3,000 3,000 'I,' Acti,vitv :notal :1>380:,.448: $376,,085 $37.0,520 1>J75,,920 , . ~ ,82 ,. - b _ :.!{i:T-,~ bF'~owAY I DEPARTMENTAL. ACJIY;lJY 'DETAIL - -" -. ~ ~ ,.,_. "',--.... .. . , , J ,Dep~rtmel]t;! Act.ivity: Act iV';,ty, 'Code:; 204, Corrmun,i tv ser;v,i ces E'ifrk 'and, Landscaoe Ma.1 ntenance ... .. I _, .___~.... _ -a... , ACtIVITY 'COMMENTMY ,ACJ'I,V.IT:Y 'DESCRIPTION c I The 'r-espons.tbili;~ies of 'the P~t~, ;an~ Lanascape. Divi Slioni'ri~ilude bo~I?" 'goc~s"and m6to..t ,r:eparr~ ,alia 'ma\nt,~nance,; maintenance.cif publ it r~sfr;iiol11~, PlJbTicr;~crea Uonal- facirU:,ies ,and equipment ; ,grounds ma,intenai11:e for; [21: pump LStatiOns, ,and :r:eserVo~i.r,s:" " 'f2,bu:i'Td,i~gs" the:pr,iriliti ve c'ampgf6!lllds;, eQw,!yR<1,a(j,)!I~d'ilans~,and, lanilscap,i 1)9 ~lQng powaj Cr.eek:" groij!1gf!1~a.tntenilnce~r;ound an ~i,ty ,facni.Hes :~iid randsc,apj,ng a.Jong Pome'i;'ado Road .,' ... . I, ActfV.I:IY GOALS AND, oi3UECT.I YES " . J. 'To epsill!! {hat ,p,ub l')qgrounds . a~d par;R ,equJpim!nt-.are~{tTa{tively ma}nta i'ned, :1 'and su,itabJie' for pubri't useaLa,l-l times'. :2" forepa,i~r- dama,ge .to landscaped: ;a;:re'a,~ ,:p~r:~ egui'p'l)l~ntand. tra n's: prompt,ly ana; .ef,ffcifent1Y to ~nC::otifa9~ and,R!;9Vide fror the coht.inuous!pubFiE;lJ~se,_ ~ ii, , 198Z~88 , 1985-86 1986"-87 AGrI.vlfv, WORKLoADSTATI SJ.I CS ACTUAL EsitlMAmi ),ORECASJ,ED 'I" , , 1 Totald~ve19P'e<! ~cre.age f!1a~,.nta.Jned, 68'.:91 81. 91 88.'.00 I I ~o~Al ullde.~~lopedpark acreage 2,397- ma,i nta"t'ned . .. :2,393.02 :2;'39}.02' ,If 'rota 1 6:.00r' space ma i ntiH~ed; 19,400" 19,,400 f9,AOQ l1otaOl riumtj'efo! r~stro()ms malinta i ne~',9, .10 '}2 "'. .," . "'-""- Number of boats. .ma.intained ' .80 80 80 I" .- "~_. '--,'- _..~;._.. '~.' ,-.- 'j: Numb'er of, 'docks .matrita,tned 2, 3 ! J " Number of.tia,ll,f,i'elds, iiia'in1a;ined ,- -~ ~, :3 ;J, , Number of.socc'er tie:) ii)riia,iritaTned '0 '0 } I) SIGN IF>! CANTAGTLV,HY PROGRAM,CHANGESi GHANGE '-Increase i,n: ,0 th-er- t'ontractu ralJ s-e'piici!'s' for' , .~ the\:deve,iopment o'f ,c,itywiae laiicig'ape CODs'tr.u~.t;i'on + .$(8,000 , stanilards , I: Decr,ease 'tnR&M - BUl jdi ng -. ~2\i,9-00 " Incf;ease: in ,capii;ta"l :outlay expensesf,or ma i:iftenance +, :$20,;340 I~ of'.ao'cnl:i'onai' park acr::eage - Decrease ,Hi 'vehi cJl'e ma,intenance reftects actua',j cost $ ]',310 for'repai1r of' fancis~ape,'vfihi":{i:es' " .. I~ '. .,' Increase in l:aIlds:E~pi! supp;!:ies 'd,lJe to addi'tion :of $,,5,960' new;ly devel;Qped, 'grounds of I . . 11 '. , d I 83 , I ClTYOF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL AOTIViTY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Code: ,204 Conrnunitv Services Park and Landscape Maintenance I Obj. 1986..:87 . 1986..:87 1987-88 1987..:88 Code Exoense Class i ftcatton Budoet Actual prooosed Aooroved Personnel Exoense . "I Ranqe pos it i on Title . 259.9 Park & Landscape Manager 29,496 27066 35,220 4.3,980 '. , 223,"5 Landscap'e, Ma,i nL Supers (2) 42,620 43,066 45,500 54,,68Q 208.5 Park' Ma i ntenance worker- II:! - - 22,370 27, 11 0 I, 193.5 Park Ma,i nt.: Worker II (fi,) " 199,?8.5 165,289 11.9,140 133,790 183.5 ~ark Maint. Wor.ker I (3) 15,040 15,199 48,090 55.,380 ,Gardener Aiae -,Prt. lime('3) 8,340 8,598 12,,000 12,480 I, 1(10 Sa'l'aries - 'ReguJ ar 25),441 250,620 26? ,3~0 314,940 .1'12 Salaries - Part Time 8,340 8,598 12,000 12,480 ,I' iij Sa lari es - Overtime: 2,020 1,534 3,600 3,900 120 Fringe ~enefits B5,660 78,528 69,890 85,460 I Total Personnel 349,461 339,280 352,810 - 416,780 Ooerations and Maintenance ') , L 210 Gas & El ectri,city 13, ~08' 2,790 14,790 14,790 I 216: T rash Remova 1 10,~00 10,304 l?,OQO 12,000 262 Ve~icle Opera~ions 8,100 '4,,684 ~,.100 8',100 263 Vehic:le Maintenance 32,000 17 327 24,690, 2~ , 69.0 .. -'..- - ...~ I 264 Vehicle R~ntaJ 13,544 13,?44 17,300 17,300 270 Thave,l and. Meeti ngs 1.,365 1,293 1,700 1.,700 '305 La~dscape Maintenance - 7,808 - - 313 Uni forms ,lalfndry', Dry Cleal)ing 5,6~5 5,~45 5,67,0, . ~,670 'I .315 Publtcations and ,Dues 160 247 340 340 331 R&M -Building . 40,800 31,919 15,90.0 15,96'0 'A"' , 334 R&M ~ Equ.i pme.nt 2,000 1,503 ,3,000 ~;OOO . 337 R&M - Radios 681 1,.180 1.,000 1,090 399 Other Contractural Services - - 18;000 18,QOQ , 411 Of.fi ce' & Sta{;'onery SuppTies: 700 646 800 800 I' 4.12 Janitori~l ~uppli~s 7,988 8,362 8.,390 8',390 416 Safety Suppl tes 600 1,255 ?,OOO 2',000 .\i7 ' qper~t tngSupp 1 i es 13 ,4,~7 14,,571. 14,660 1,4,660 ",~ , 420 . Small Tool s 1,940 1,769 2,24,0, 2,240 I 421 Landscape .Supp lies 37,295 64,83? 43,250 4~,250 , -"-- 444 Sign Mail)tenance 1,000 474 1,000 1;000 5H E~iJi pment Rental :2,000 )14 500 500 I Total Ooerations and Maintenance 193,893 190,570 95,330 195,330 Caoital Outlay I 611 Ofnce Equipment 800 735 - - 622 Equtprrient Not Otbefwise ClassiJied 1.,9Z5 1,788 7,580 .7 ,58,0 I' 646 Park Equipment 9,04.0 5,725 8,950 8,950 652 Mobil e Tools 14 ,rOOD 1'3,,793 26,680 26,680 Iota 1 Caoital OutlaY 22,815 22,041 43,210 43,210 , Activitv 'Tota 1 $566,169 $551,891 ,:6590,350 $655,320 84 I CITY OFPOWAY I DEPARTMEN.JAL ActfVItY DETAIL Department: Activity: Act,i v i ty I Code: I Corrmuni'tv Servi ces 'Speci~l Landscaoe Districts 205 ACTIVllY' COMCENTARY ACTIvtn OESCRINION '., The Spec:i'aT Landscape D.i strfctDi'vi'sion is .funded' through an assessment of real I property located in specHi c developments. The. division is responsible for ma.in- ta in fng pUbif:c rights-of':way, pub 11 c parks,. and open space for 'landscape ma iri'tenance '. djstricts wUhin ,specific.deyelopment bouncj,aries in the City. City Staff admin,isters the program by pr:oviding 'enginee'fing services, contracti'Ii,spe!=tion andsupervisio!l servi,<;es, c.1 eri cal and aCCOul1t,iJ:lg ,suppor,t. and ,i n-'~~use ma,tntenance ,and repa irs as 'I needed. ACTIVITY, GOAt.:S AND OBJECTIVES j, 1. i \. ., lio ensure, th',.t an ils~ociated pubHc ground,~ are attracti,iely jnaintafned. and suit~bTefor publ i c use at '~11 times'. I' 2. T,o effectiveiy admin,ister this spec.ial .1andscap,e assessment di'striCt i'n the most. cost-effi~i:entmanner,. , ,- ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STAT.ISTICS TOTAL BUDGET 83-01 ' Rancho Arbol ttos $58,200 rl' 86~01 Hitsch Ranch 18,490 I 86'-02 Sunrise Ranch 500 86-03 Sunwooi,j 7,930 t 87-01 Pomerado Business Pa~k 1,500 $86,620 I , SIGNIFICANT PROGRAM CHANGES " ,- None 'I " .1 '.1) 't 85 ,I GInOI'. ~P~8Y. ,..... PERf\~TMENrALACTlVIJY DErAIL ;1 . Department': Act,ivJt~,: AcUvi'ty ,Seec ial Landstaoe 0 i sttjds Code: I GOlmnin.ftv'iSei"iices; ,205 ObJ. 1986-87 1986-'87 1987-'-88 1987-'88 ' ,Code, Exoense Class:;:ri c:a Hoff 'Bud'aet Ac'tiuaf ProDosed .. ,Approved :t .. ~Personne:l Exoense 'Ranae' Pos,i t,ion Ii He I ,I :1 , I' '.Total Rersonnel , OoeratJons and Ma,; ntenance .. , ~ ~. 8301 :Rancho .Arho l'itos 57',27,2,' i;oOo 58200 ~8.,200 I' i 8601 " ~~,. ,,_, H ,HXrsc;hRanch ~,600 - J8 d~.o 'l~,~9.Q, 860'2 'Sunris~ ~,a:O'<;.h' J 800 - ' 5QO 500 ' 8603, ~~"... .,..,1' 7,930 Sunwood . 19,681 - 7,930 pomeraclo Bus,;ness Park " I 8701 - - 1,500 1,500 , " :1' . ,- I' . , I rotal ,:Ooerations' and, ,Matntenance ~87,'35J; 1,000 86,620 86,620' . Ca01 tail. Out] avO I' . I: I :rotal CaoHal' Outla v" o ' ,0' : .. 0 I .. Act,i'IiJtv' Tota.l $87,353 $1,000 , . $86".620' ':ji86.,;620 .. .. - ... -- - - .- ~ ~. - -- 1 - - - - - " 'CO 'en" , , , tJ IT;vi.fAiiAG E R , , '013 DI#9TOR: ' PLANN'ING 'sERVICE,S , 300 . ~ ~ I t -- - l - - '. ... -,_.'- _ 'I.:_'d".-- -", CURRENT 'PL-ANNING ADVANCED PLANNI NG BUI~P1NG ,& c~AF-ETY , , ' ., ,,,,', ,', .,. INSPECnON , ,. "301 ,392 -3D?, PLANNING SERVICES . ,._ ." '>_"_ _~_ ,.-c.c'-=>,._..--,,'-"'- ,~_-..'" ~ - _ ~. ," 'u"o .-.,_....__ ~_ -,.. - _ o<~. _._-*~---~------~-~ -' ... ... ,~ . .. '! -- , . . " - < ~ - -, - 'I' ,87 I, , . , . CITY OF~bWAY DERARTMENTAl:: ACTlVJ,JY DVERV<I EW I, ' ~'-'-'--~t~' ... ,,- ..........~ - ,c'_~ -", ~~->--- I Deph Code Department: F.und Dis.tr.ibution:; . Genera 1 Fund - $i ,083,B30 '~I 390 IlJanni F\9 S,erv;j'ces , ,1986__1987 1987-1988: 'EXRENSE 1985---1986 1986"1987 :1987-.1988 J, c,"Assfn.cATIOM Ac'nfAi:. ' BUDGET AcTVbk 'PROPO~EQ ABPRO,Y,EP " I' TotCiJ P(jSJtfons, 10 , 'ii .n 11 ii , ' , :1' Personnel ,Expense 3321, zij ~04" 545, 400,,7'94 Mi ,150 ,467,640 ,J OperaH6ns 517,973 45'2i31O 1.89,,817 589,450 , 609-450' 'I: and Ma,i nteiianCe i! ~--~ -- ."<,~--.-. , Ca,pital Outla~ 25 '095 2:1:,222 18,,161 6:540 6,540, ., . :1 ., . , :1, T9TAbBUDGET $81.5l341 $?78,Q7T $!J,,29~, ng ,$987 ;140 $1,083,,630 '_,,' t. " "~, .... - ...,~ , , OVERVIEW ~.ENTAR,( I: Th,e Q.ep.ar~!!~tof pl,C1n!1ing Servt~es is; respons,lbfe j'O['agminj.s,teri!1g ansL'impJement'- tngthe' G,(ty,,~'pJ,ar:ming,) dev.elqpm!!nt, land ug ilnd bU,iJd,ing'programs'. The 'depart,.. ,I: ment is organized tnto"four divis;i'ons: theOf.f,1'ceof the Di rector; Curren.t: ' 'Pl'annfng; AdVancea Pl ahnlng; 'and Bu'ilg,in'g Sei"Vi ce-s. I: The DJ:!partme~t' s Di:r;e!;.to[isappoint~~, RY tbeCjity ~anager toadminj ster' depart: men,tal ,operat,ions., The; Department of :Pl'a,nni,ng ,S~r,vi,ces ensur~s that a souna and, 'workaoJe planning piiogram 'is designed,:and maJil'ta;ined,for lIfe C.i:tj. In ccince'ft with the City Counfi,t;, the~ staf,f,of' th"isdepa-rtment, cis riespOrtsibJe f6-,.:,'theimpJeineiit.i'on il of ,the {iffY',sGen!:ra~l ,prao as well! a~' ,i fs ,~nmj~J r'evj ew ;foens:.u(~, tba,t P~l ic.ie~ .. a~d 'cod,!!s.ar:eull!latl!(tl?a.s,eg :uiJQ,nClj,rFent R l'a!l!nng IJ[<l"ctJces . Thr;,ough tIns, revt~w proces~, ,the"Gener$ll '~]'il,n ,iln~:D!!y,~1.opment Code proviije ,f,.oran ord:erly pr;ogram of, 'I' pl anned develop,mentWithin ',the City\; . , . , Othe r' ,a'epa'r:tmenta,lacfiN'j.t res include:: processtng 'of devl!clopmenti ,a'pj:il icat,io'n's; ,I: revi'ew.of envi r:onmenfaTii'npact f:epci'rtSf;;coae; com'pJljaAce; a.r:!Q blli'ldJb9 plan ch.e!;ks a.iig i]1speft-ion. . f :1' " \1 : I ,I: . ." .. I :~8 . I OITY' ,Of' powA'(' . , OERARTMEFfrAL ,AcHvIT)' O'EfrAIL '. " ~. .. 'D~pa rtment: . , A~ tjv,tty..: . ,Acti,v.Hy., p,i:anilinCiServJces Mfi ce of'the D,i'rectoY C,gae :300 I . ... , .. A~:i'I~I\T,Y C..9MMENTARY . 1,1 ACTlVJ,H DESCRIRTION , TM, D,i rector of Pl'ann;i'ng Sel'v"i'ces 'i's, Fe~p~gnsi..b:1 efor ,overacn~epal'tmentajs(jpi!rvtsi6.iJ: I i ncl udi'ng personnel 'p!,o'~e,dji.fe~ ~ndbudgeJ,cont.rol,. In concel'twttll th~e Cii~y, 'CQ.uri<;,i 1 i(hd' tlfe ~ity Mi!n~ag~ri' ~he O,it:e!=toris respons,iti!lefor ,direct,:in9 the'.9J,ty Pl~:nnj'ng I, ,functtQIl:,P repar"ing: reconmend~t ions, reTaffve tp ~lfv'i roririlerltal p rotectionand, tile 'superv,;;s ion o:f the' ~Bu,ill'iii'ng :Servt:ce$' O,i'vis i pn. .. The "te'~ri1, '~pp',fQ,ac:h.," tg, prOf~S~~i'Qna,l,pJ,~nn{:n>~,'arid b.ui'r~ingis :4,s~'d t9 ;a,~~.UreI 'tlie I hjgh~sJ poss,lbl,edevelopmental. andenv,lronmenta"l q~aJlty. fo}:' 'the c:orrrnun'l.t.Y"~ , ACnVITYGOAL:SAND, 'OBiJEGHVES I , T. 'To prov,ide a~mjni'strative' s,yp"p~rt a,j'1c1a,~Sjsta,nc:e~rela.five to agenaa prepifra.fi'Q,D, .~ J pubJit; 'hea'riJig' ;rio.tJces ,rna,teJi a,]acqlJi s Hi on, liuag~t contra]' arid: s'p'~.~i cl'l research I 'proj:eet,s., .. " 4'- to ,prepare arid,p'rov.,i de' 'super.\i,i[slon for' the! 'C:fty "s General 'pi an ana Dei;-elo"p.ri1e~~ I Godi~ .. , 3. 1'0: e]:cpu..r:a,ge qua,l.jty p1:anning of developm.eQt:s: wj~hil! J;he,conmunity liy dev~l16ping ,standar;ds', !ju'i de,l i n"es' arid ,genefa,lpl an elernents,. '. , 4. TO,J'rei~~de te,ctinjca) ~ssj,s~aQce ~()j'theti;tYJtouricnand either ~i'ty Dep1l,.rtments, ,the ,genera,l P,U~1'l c'and C,l-t,l zen adv.isor;yconlnittees, ' I ,5.!; T..Q, cO,Q,HolJe; to pr;ov.jde ht"g"h qualiitY'pJaiiilj:ng,aO,d ~.ufld,fng ,s"erv,Jces: .iri atimelg and: e(fi-c,i ent manner., ,I "6,., 'J:o."mQri.,t;t:orand ,1;eview leg'isl] a,rt.bO ilOd Rrogr;,am~ at 'the tocal , Reglona] ,I Sta~e ~nd: F~~er;~,l 1 ev~JS;, i'0 Qt~;~r to ,determine"'fhe:ir ,;illli:iatforitti~"c:;ii,~Y':SI,"p':l,ann\ng I and bUl)C!,i1:ng progr:a,ms, ana, to :makelrecorrrnendata ons its' tOf!1e)i r adoJ,tlon and. irm':ll!!.menta tion. . SIGN IF! CANT ACT! V IJ,'( RROGRAM GHANG'E' CHANGE ~I, Director '.auto al'l,owailce". f', ,$: '1" 800 I , Lease'/puGtll~eagre!!ll1ent, for the, ,Xer.ox p'hOfocopTef Via,S' p:a iq,off., ' - '$ ;1,.488 'I 9.onmuni,~X,'~nd, Bus,ines~ '~urvey,s hitv,e,lieen 'schedu,i'ed, for '+ $'20000 '"' .. 'u > th.i s f,isca 1 year , I, " '. 89 I, CU)Y OF':POWAY DEPAIH1'1ENTAL ACTrVllvDEifAlL 'I~ , Department:! Act ivi tY:! , i\ctiv ity, ,. Gode: 300 Pianntnq Serv; ces , Office of the Di~ector Obj'. "1986~87 . 1986"87' J ' J987~8,t1' 1987.,88 j Code Expense Classitf.1.catJon Budqe\: .Actua'i ' , Proposed Approved , P.ersonne,l Expense Range pos it,ion lit,l e , I, .. , 'O.i rectol1' 46 266' 1~\ 1~8 48,840 . I~l ,,~'?Q :289.~ .,.,f.,-".." 44748 , '266.4 Assi stant'O,Wettci'r' 44~556i 44,552 4.o,~00 , , . 1"97..6 '~~.~.-'';'r'' ",'" - '':'! -', . 18,515 18,561 19,998 21.,800' Admi ntstnative Secretary I: , ,I, iUO SaTaries- Regul'ar 109,,397' 109;281 1'13,590 119" 7,20 'In ;Sa.1aries\ - ci,verl,fme 'I,,5Ero ' f19 1.;150 1;,890 ~. - .'~:'l- - .'- "-'-"-'\ ,28', ~f69 ' i 120 F.I:'-inge Benefi:ts' 28,239 21,3JjO '29,,810 :1, Total Per,sonne,1 139,196 ,J'37',969 136';120' , 151,420, , Operat.ions and Maintenance f 19~ Q,ther :E'r.Q..{ess tQn~:J. Fees - !"- -' 20,099' , ' 210, Gas and EteCtri city 5t50 5,039 5 '010 ' 5 010' ,t~ _ , ---.~,' ""....,.... t.>.,..,,, 215: 'TeTepnone 240 317 ' '220 220 I:, 260 'Reimbursed, Mi'l eage 750 ,2,321 2,550 2,550 ito tra~~e:r~nd Meet,;;ngs 5,489' 5,38~ '5' 630' ? ,,~39 :JYs 1,,'325: ,- ',-~ PubTi:ca t,ions and Dues' 1,361 2 , l:2.Q 2,12Q .: 317 Education & T'rain,1ng' - ,- 120 .120' 331 ;R&M -, BifiTdilrlg - 8,918 ., - 3'34 ,R~.i( '- Egl,(i,p.mert 2,,07~' ~,.8A,5 1,,990 1,990 :1' 4'1'i Oftice, &: SJatjonery Supplies , 1300 1 ,.97~ 1;300 1'300' , 514; ..f _ ~ -'~ -" - . . Lease: :Pu rcha'se 1,488 1,362. ,- - i ;t ' '. , I - i 'I . Iota,l OperaMons 'and Matntenance 1Z,,820 :29,618' 18,940, 38',9110 . Capital Outlay " ,Ii' 611 Offi'ce Equipmerft 4,400 ~,8}4 1.,829 1,820 ' :. . , :1 ,Tota 1 :Gap,ttaJ 'Out lay 4;'400 3,874 1,820 1,820. Act,i vi t y Totail :li161 ,416, !$171,:461 :5<157,480 :Ii 1921,180 . : g'Q I CI;rX OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAlACTI.VI:r;YD~T~lL , Q,epartOlE;,nt:, ~'cti:vi ty,:: Act-ivilty I. :Co'de: 301 Planni no Servi ces Ciim;e'nt Hanri,irici , _. .- . . .. ACI:IVH.'f C9II4ElfT~Y I ,ACIIVITY DESCRIPTION I , The Cur~ent N~Il,n:ing, ,sectTOn'. r~ b'r6~~'ngoW,D 'into :th.te,~, ,Q!!stf,R!!fts; 1) c!aY"-~?:,d,!'y activi t~ es;2). present ~m)j~ctSj;, ilnd'3}, futu,r;eprojects'. The,day-to"-dayact,nties, ci:rCu[rell.t E'lan~i ng includ~;tt\epr9cess tng ofdeve']:~pmentr;evi ew;cond,i:tional 'use' I permi ts,. zone, changes'" variances, temporahY' uses, p~r;ceT maps" and t'i;act maps., In add';:U.on, a:l i fi1elll: inspections :for'the ~bo\le menti'6n,ec! d~ve:l op.lIJe.l1t, 'prQ,<;ess,i ngar~ei conducted by. the Current PFannfng,sei:tion.IHan checks, pr;e:l iminar.y sfte ;revfews, I : ~ - ~,""'i.~'-~, ,- -~.. ',,","- -', -,- - . . . 1 andst'ape ,pla~ fE!vie\:is:,a)ld:,butJding'pl!ln per,mrj:,r;evLe~s aJie al so a'ccompl ished by' Cur;r,ent Rllann,~ng.p~Nect~~, such aSimp.rernent~ti'on6f t.he, ,Kiosk, Progfa.11i N~Of:f<...,sitE!: subd,i visi on s,lgns:; !sjign or;o,lnance 'imp,] ementat" (1),; d.l~ve'l op.l!lent'9JilJ cQmRre~,e..ns",ye ,c,oqe I e~fo"cemeritl.,p'rogr:~rf;; {9,!JJVlistrafionOJ ,the ZonJ:n~ Qjj~ii n.ilnc~i(anl;l" r,ell ated ~,:d~s~, ~,nil impl ~l!ient!!tj' on Qf,.sp,~,c".f'c: p:1 a,ns are, the present pr;.oJects , n 'wM'ch the sect,onts, ,currently 'invoJ,v,ed. . .'~, Flit,iire, ffoqecf~f(l'r ,t~:~ C,4r~~iit Rrar1~ii\g.,~ectiqn ,\",c:l yde.:~e c!~ve:!,oRme,llt: 'o(~ ~es,ign I; p'hl?t9grap~)c, ~~t:.eboQkj;r ~ev.e.1Qpme~.t:p! ci,tlZen 'pamphl~E!ts on the deve:1opment r:ev,ew Pr;Q..c,e~s:;,PJoY,JdeSl!PPo.r.ttq the Old ,Powayand, Pow~Y,Road Speej,f,iicPla;'Q Pr,l:iject Teg,m; 'il and,.studies' 'oJ va~rous or;di riarices. . "- -..' 'ACTIYIJY GOALSAND:OBJECTIVES , ~ 'I' ,~. To f.urther enhance .the' compr;elien~s,rvecode ~~~t;O)JeE@jent p~9gram, ,2. To pliepar:e otd,iiiances 'rieedeo to furry i..l11pJ~ment,tbe Genera'l Plan. 3. To (9lth,ef ennance f"he.: 'ge,v,el ,!pment mClni tor:ing ,system; ',I 4~~, TO~9ntji nueto;,prov,;ide .techni't~.l 'assTstance to'ttie Ci'tY:COuDci']" oJberC'1J:Y :Departm~nts~.,;genera'1 ,pub:l.i:c"and c,i,tizerfaav;iisofy c,onrnit,tee,s. . '. 5. Toc()~t,inue 'to'provide,liigti qUal ity, pla.nj1j[~i ,~ervic,e,s i!)a timeJy and 'efffcienti I, manne~,. , , SIGN I F'ICANT ,A~TINU-YJlROGRAM CHANGES; CHANGE ,. Increase re,flectsrepa'.i:r anci: mai'ntenance 0,1; hard; 'd'ri~ve fOf" 'word.pr:ocessing 'work statioD + $'1,'166 Wof;d :pfoces'sof tci .ll.!! ,p,a;i"d fo,~ in e.~.rhY l,987~8a. ;1, $},OO_O rellr,e.sen,ts rema,in,tngpayments and buy out, ,cos,h; - $'{,e,20, I' , \ ~ " I: ,I' ~ I , I, 91 'I: :Cn:-v OF POWAY DEPMTMENfAL ACT1V'I~TY DETAIL :1, ,Department::. .Act-,ivity: ,Act.iv.ity , I' Plannina Services Gu rrentPl ann.ina (fode: '301 " ' , . 'Ob--'. , 1986:..87 ,1986-87 :1987-88 1987-'88 __ J. I' Coile Exoenfe t'lass,iJ-.; catian Buaaet ,'Attua'l , Prooose'd ,Aoof'ovea Personne,l JExoense, , , Rarlili' Posittan' T it,le .,.. 2jl.E AssHtant ,Planner (3-). 83.850 82 127 81,553; 94,990 .' ,226.E Code' :9,cimpli ante Off; cer 28,200 28'0099 28,280' . 32;490 - '187.~ Secretary ?1'5 040 '1)',417 'r '1'8.,:; Z79 ' ,,~, .~_. -. 14,,52~ 'I: ;piiiiuii'rig .Intern- J1art Time. '4,,269 u','305 4:269 4,,490 ., , , , ' 110 Sa.1'ar,i'es-,RegU lar 127,990 123',643 . 124;360 146,259 I: 112 SaJ'arIes "-Part Time 4,,2.6~, ' 3',)95 4. 270 ~ '4',490 f13 siiiarfe's - Overt-,ime .,. ."'~!,. -" , 1,'398 532, 640 · 690 120 , ~ , ,~. ... -.'0 - '_y . . ji~5fo 36','067 '~.L _ 37 ,,280 ,F~i nge Beneftts 26:,2tO' ,. l Total Rersonne.l ' a70.26Z 163'; 547 155,480 il88',7-10 , , ; j ODerat,i ons and. Ma intenance , , , I 260 . ,Reimbursed. MiTeag-e !,~OO Z89 l.~,@; l,5.@ VeN;i:1egp~rat,i Q~'S .. -r-'- 262 40,0 '284 450 450 26"3 Veh}C]eMall]tenance - 308, ijD 7:30 Ii 27"6 Tl7av,el 'and .Meet,i ngs 1,~60 " 1,467. 2,4?0 :2:,420 ,:h1 P r'i nt-trig 4',,5?Q 4,219 4 (9,5,9 ,~I.tr50 Bub);i c~t:i Q~,sa~d .DuElS i i6-;1.5 . .," ..,.-,,- 315 1.,955 1,239 1, 230 -~~-.,.: 1 , 6~?i I ,334 8&11,- Equj pmel)t: . '2,584 3,Z50' 3,}50 ..~ ~,' 411 Offfce & Stat fonery SuppHes ,4',070 3,008. 4,,09[1, 4,999 413 Ptiotogralltiii,t ,Sijpp:l j:e:~ 8,60 '328 ,9.,00, 500 I 4'17 OperaHrlg.~uPPlies .. 32" 200 :200 -4ja ,S;ign, MaJ ntenance. - ,55'0 1,,445 l,,500: 1,,500 S:i4 ,Lease Purctiase :5;820 5~Z91 1,;009 i,oo,o ;1' . " , I: Tota,] Ooerat,ions land Maintenance 2410l,9 20,965: :21,990. .21,'990 . , Can,i~ta 1 Outla VI I 601. THee-om Eilufpment 1,4g!,i, 1,Qt6 1",:500 1,500 , , :605: Ph,gtog'ri!PI1 ie, 'Equ jpment $25 318; , - '-e 611 Qf,fici! Equipmerit L,966 L 966' r,:3?Q ,1 ;,320 6Zi. .-""'""",- I' ',Autos!~nd Tr;utks 10,000 9018 - -, , , ' ~t._ I_'.~_ 653i Ottier 'Tools &, ~qu'ipmen,t "4QO ' 207 - - " I; Tota 1 Gan.i:tal ,Outlav' 14,126 . 12,525 2,820 2',820 ' Activi tvtota,1 ,$208,47.2 .$197.,037 $1'80,290 ;li2>13 ,.520 - ,92. ,. -- I ' ' G-Ity OFPQWAY :bEPAmiEN'l'AL ACTI.VU,y DHAlL I DepaJtm~nt:' 'Acti.vi;t~: ' AcMv,i ty planni no ,Sei'vilces (Advanced 'Pl a:nn.i'ilo',. j:6de: .3Q? ,I 'ACTIVlT:t 'COMMENTARY, 'I AGT1v-rrY,DESGRIPTtON Advanced~ :E"l ~nriiing' ,acinrni'ste'i"S and Ilia intatns: the e{lements .of the.Genera; 'P'l'anr" ,r;ev,i ews , . .", -",..~,."..~" .'.--- -~,,,--"~-"~',..- "..,.. .~."'" ,,,,,__,,_u__,___.'_,_ . _~_. --l":. --1'::,L :allC1 pre~iaffes ,~pec,ifjc .plans, a"ccom~tl,f~hes:all envi ronment~'l 'wor~ for the' Ci,ty:;.respon- ,s;i bJe J.i1r:, de,vi!l,oPl!Ient mOlli torJlJg, .imp,lel1li!,ntat.iian, andcoar;di nation;, haus.fng pr'~gr.anf cOQr.dfl1atio!f; .energy canser,vat,i:6n. prajects;; deve,l:opm~nt,(;"oorain~fj Q'rl f2r; :gr'ari~~', :1 ,includi ng, oUtnaf ',l.imi'ted to energy canser\i(lflon" ecorio.mj c dev~!h)pment:, PlirkS. and reti'eati6h., coftrii!!rfi:~Yd.!!ye:1.9P'i]~nt lil'()ck, 'grMt PD()9rams, resaucce conser-vat-iran; malri~ 'tellCl.nce) Q;f t~i! ,Genera 1 Rl:an Qi!l!1agl7liph'iC i nformattonand ispeCi'a'l projects sU,thas ~be I 'gl!ns~s C,99rd iinaUan(a.ir,! ,qual i,ty, ~plan{!aM rwaterqiJal'ttj 'plan ti:1,<;,6or:d,i,!1~tj;a,~ with~ the Sam .oi:egoAss'ac,i aHori 'of GilViH"nine:nfs., ACTIVHY' iGOALS JAND OBJEGT'iVES , 1-.; lo,impi'ement the,GeneraT Pl an. I I :2,., liciJge:~,e"t()PClIJ,gimpJel1leni:iprQgram~ to, revita,i ite Poway ReMand i"OM To"ln'l pO:l'ia'y ....., throughca,mprehen'S,iv.e specHit plans;, . :t '3. locolfrdfnate with ,SANDAG"ta assur,e, that P,oway"ls concerns"are addr:essea 'in regjonil,l pf.innf:ng "matter;s.'" ". , . ',. . 4:-;1 To ,cliard.inate the, C,irtj',.'fs enVi!liif!!1elJj:~,!: revif;!W proce~si {In,dupdate, procedur;es in 'I accordan"ce'wUliclianges ,to ,Sj:!1;'eli!g1'sLaHon;. 5. T-o c"onfi nu.e t,o p,r.ovi df;! t.ectl,ni'caland a4v,'j;sor:yass i:stance to the CHY Cliun-tH, I ot,her Cfty' d!!par;tment.s". and the gener,a!l publ it. SIGNiFICANT ACTIVny PROGRAM CHANGES ,tHANGE' I .. W stari~a;l ~,ur:v,ey tQ be!per,formectantic,tpatrn'g State ;1, ,gljant of' '$'11~!i00': Cost' !tci. Cftyel(cTuqfng, g~ral1,t i,s T~i8;,Ddb ,$6,500. , , II 'j ; ~ , :1 ., I , I "I' ,93 . . 'I , . , , , . "Cxry 9f';~~9JIIlY . ." DEI1ARTMENTAL ACUVI,T,y, DETAIL .' Department': Activity: e,cttvity I , "Coae:30? ;Planni'ng ,Sel'vi'ces, Advanced Pl'anni'n'q Obj., 1986-87 1ge6~e7 - 1987":88 1987..88 J Coae Expe'nseCTa's's j f,fcation: ,Budqet, Actual prooosed .Aooroved . F'er,sonnelExoense, Range Postti'on TitTe. " I~ ' 256i€ ' SeniOr: PI anneI' 31.938 :31 ,,}'7,6 , 3'2,I3{4 43,85() " , ?31.€ A'ssFstarit Planner 24,,906' 30,599, 29',724 34,,'150 , ,187.6 Secretary , 1,3 , ,fi1,5 13,394, .15;524 19,180 "'(;}e~k-Fiart Time "'_. . '4,160 '1 2,Q80 h493' 2,0,80 no ,S,aHt1ts ~Reg!!Iar '7.0,459 75,7:69' 78,090 97,,180 , I )(?: ~ ':2'oao, Salari es .; Part-'t'ime 2080 1,;493 4,;16,9 ' ~alar;-his - Overtime' "'t/'.....,.... '- "\"'1~' . 1'1-3' .1,'3?!l. 587 _ 1,,440 1;560 ,120 Fringe, Benefits 21;215 '21. 429 n~340 24,610' ,J, I I - -- 'I lotaTl'ersonnel 95,082' , :99,278' , '98,950 127,510, .Ooera Hons: ,and Mai ntenance , t I , 148 Spec,ial Studi'es 12,500 22,990 :25,500, 25:,'500 ,260 ~~,imbiJr'se,~: J:11'reage '840 849 - 840 :84()' I 270 , :566 569 1-6()O ......,- ,rr~VE!) and, Meet tngs .U~Q9 ' fH 80ice '31. '-~"" .' , Prinfi'rig ,8,100 8,100 :315. Publicafions'ahd :Dties '7.25 697 27.0 ':270 ,I '334' ~&M ~. E,qlJJpmftnt \~;;'?,@ 1,!j20 !;. !iJ9 1.,:5'10, ----;;;< 364 i:hyironrne,nta;f,lmpact.. Revj ew PI ans 60 '000 60000 , ~ ,..~.. .~ - 6.0",09.0 -~.- ,. .._~.".-_..",-, 2'864' ~'~"...^... J +n Offi ce &, :Station'ery Suppl'ies 2'i740 2,740 2";740 , . Photog'l'aph,j c Suppl1es }- -, , 'H6 I 413 660 660 '660 '514 Lease PiJ'rchase 5,!l,20 5,,79!, - ,- '~!!5 ' St,aJeFe,esl an.c! Pl!!Jilits ,- '1,;,430 - - '. " " Total Oper.at.i:ons, 'and Ma,i ntenancei 93,211 36;857 101.;220 101,220 I' Capttal ,;Outlav . , " 605 . ,PbpJog r~phJc gq~ ip!ilen"t 631 - - - iiU Offi ce Eg~i pment, 't iiIb (;iZ6 (~9Ob .1 ,900 ," ' . I I' T ota 1 'Cao.i:ta 1 'Outlay 2;271, 1.,-216 1.,900' 1 ,900. t , AcUvitv ;rota:l ,$190,,564 :ji137 ,411 .:ji202,070 $230,630 .' 94 ,I , , I , , I , tin ,OF powiW J OE'PARTMENTAL.ACTIVITY QETAIl l "I 'Department: ,Act.i v:i:ty: :A..c~i,v i ~y~. . " , C,ode: :303 I Plan1ffnQ sei',vj'ces, ,. BuildJnq Insoectton , ACTivI'r.Y COMMENTARY .1 --. ,..~",,.- - .~,..- ACTIV-IT~Y DESCRIPTION ~ui1,9~'ng tr!,~p~cti~HI s.e rv ice,s; arep}oyi'd~dlhl;ough a contracLw:t,th Esg)lCOl'pOration. I The;EsgHCorpQl'ation provides ,f;u1'1tluimdingins'pect,ion." plan cnec)<', l'eYil~\i, '41J.5wer;sto' '. quest,fons 'via' the, 'te,le"phone', ,anctpubl f~ cl1cntact at '1M, p~lanf1(i n,g ~11~t Bund il]g S,~r,vi,q~s' " ~ounter.. Ttielr 'ne~pqnsi~r)it,tesate for the.iMrniqistr;ation:and e-"f,orceme~t'o,f build'~ I TI19'c.9dE!~ ~ng /etated"ordi:rancE!Sadopted ~y tM C1.tY'i They not only; pl'ovlcte, ' 2truct~!~J , e:l~.ctr,ic:alandmechanical engHieel'tng fns'p'ections ,an'd plan re~i~~s:, " - butbulTd,1ng pI an'cheCkser'v,ites a'nct Consultation 'seril'i,cesiol1 th :cHii.z~n,~ ,orl req\lir;e7 " , merits of' ,State, ,C'ity" arid th'e UnTfoHri ~uTl d~.ng C,oge.. I, Acnv,HY.GOALS AND OBJECtIVES ,1\ to ,cont,irilie 'to'p'rov'fdecompl'ete' ~!!r.'li c.e's' t'Oltie c\ff:zells oJ' 'poway who. ,are b,uild- .Ii ling Is~F4c(ut~s: qr' :ifpPu,rterian<;e~wi:thj n lour C'ity.. , . I .2. Ioconfinue.-to provide c6mpilete ser:vtces .to 'ileveloIlEfr.swho are building struc'- tures'o'r' ap'pul'tenarices 'i>rtt.hJILoTfr City, . '--, . - ..... .. , 3'. JO C,Q)},t,fn,l!e, to Ilr,gv.tde a liai 5011 and, cooperat.ive env., ronment"w,i;th 'cUI C:i.ty departments,; reJatea. agencjes". the Coiinty of"sari Diego' an,~sfate ,pf'Qa\li:fOr;l]i:a,. . . :SIGNIFICANT ACTIVI,TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE: I I'ncrease in. Bui'1.ding Impectton 'fees reflects 'f'$129:,000 I 'biJ,ncfing; act'iyhy and' increase in; revenues'. '. - I I I , I: , I . " ,I " . f: ,95, l ~ Cl,TY OFP,O~AY, :1 'DEPJ1,RTMENJAL Ac:ttvH'51 DETAIL " ,. Department: --, ,Activi'ty: . . ,l\ct ivity , I COde :303 1'1ahninaser.Vices:. BuiTd:ina lrisoetHoh , Ob '. . 1986~8T ',1986~87 i1987~88 1987-'88 ....,J 'Exoense, :0'1 assi f', catton, Budcie't' AduaT , . P~ooosed .Aooroved I Gode Pe~sonnel Exoense, Ranqe Pos,i,t,i on Title, I - I I I Tota,1 Personnel Oper;attons "and Mai ntenance~ , , I 143' Blilldj'iHl Inspec,tion 315000 '699 349 44~,iP,QO 44'~,i990; - ." ---- 'u"<,,.',," <-_ I' 8H Pr'i'nl,i ng 500 h5~9,2, ,2, pO.Q 2,000 ii5 'pu6Hcat;1ons and Oues 7:00 225 '700 'ZOO 4Yi Off'fce .~ staH onel'Y :Supplles, 1,,000' 1,,21'1 600 600 I :1 I ",. , I: , " , :1 Iota 1 :Operati.ons and"Maintenance ,317.200. ';C02,37'7 447,300 0447.,300.. Gaoi ta'l Outilav .. , , " :1' 611 Office 'Equipment 425' .486 - ~ ,I; Iota,] Cao,i ta,l Out!lay , 425 486 -' - I'! .AcM,vUv,; Iota r :!i317,625 $702,863 $447','300 : . :!i447:,JOO' I --_. I , '\.0 '", , City 'MA~Jl,GtR 013 .. DIR~qoR PUB'L ic SERV,lGES : 21M' , ". , , ,F'I~Lp . ENGTNEER'ING SfREEYr: WAfER .,,~~._...- 'SVP,PL y 'OP.ER'A'[;IONS: ' :& MA'INHNANGE , iNSPE:cCif ION , 1 Ml 402 403 404 -- , , '" , WAYER SEWER' FAOLIJIES _ _".e.u._.h , DRAINA'GE SEWER VEHIGLE & G15LLIE:f~I ON -" -~" '- -." j _._~""<.....~ ,-","~,,-~.,. -. RiJtlP.tNG~ IRANSMj:ssIofL , ~J\'T NfENANCE EQUTPMENJ ,MNINTENANCE MAJNTENANCE " .. .. ,405 , . 401' 4.08 . ~0_9 4110' 4~09 PUBl>lC 'SERVICES ~ - - .-- - ~ .'.- ._n_____.._,__~_~__.~_..._____ ,-~, '-'-~ -,. -..-. -' - ~_. '. - - . '--- - - " ," '.' :' I ;,.. ...." .' ...' ...; -' - -' ,- '.' ,- - -, - - ,,-' .' ; 97 'I: , , G:!TYOF_PcO,I-1t\Y DEPARTMENTAL. ,ACUVUY OVERVIEW I Dept iCode Department:, .' fun,d Q):stribuJion.:., W,ater Jung - ,$3',,8J9,,89,8' ' sewel' FiJnd- $2,038,918 Gas .Eund - .$69f,490' I 490 'PUbJiic.s!!rlii;ce$\ Dr;ai hage Fiiila .,;'$298',010 'specia'] As~fessmeht'.., , Genera\L Fund ~ $2,'804,].24 $244,540 .. .- J . EXPENSE i985~.1986 . 1'986- 198?, 1986'-.1987 '1987-1'988 19Si-lQa'B CLAssIHCAUON ACTUAl:., , '8UDG~T ,ACTUAL RROPOsED APPROVED. ,~_''''_ ._ ",. ...... '".1. ~_' , , ". , I , 6'8 7.4" i Total Posiit,i o'ns 62 68 74 I . I Personnel Expense 1 .915'523 ' :2',~360, 527' 2 -275' 229 ,2,421,J800 2,827,22cf , ., " .:, ',' I I, : Oper.atiio~.s . ,4,~156 ,057 6:,.133,48~ 5"67;T,244 6,B29,07Q 6:,1313,05_0 and Maintenance '. I '. Capita,l Ouflay t65,843 i98,-390 231,9]2 308,310 ~08 , 3;19 , , , I TOTAL 8UDGET, ,$6,237,423> $8,592,403' i$!h1B~,445 ,$,9,559,180 $9,948,580, , ",.- . - - I OVERV,IE)! ~~AAY fhe:D~partment M',publi;c ~ervices is r:e~ponsib'le for t~e aqf!1infstr<!t,ion and imple-:- 'I~ , mentatfon.of thelCapila.l Improvement Program, and for:' providing maintenance ' s'erv,.ftes 'to, Ci;ty:plibFi'c' improvements. Th'e Depar-tme'nt, cOn'si'sts often major divi- si'gD~ which c' incl,uge:1 F; etq Qperatj,o,M lillld Mi(thleDahce' ,Adm,inj sJ'r~tiohi; Eng~iI:)ee.r;{l1g gnd Inspection; ;Street, MatnJe.n<!nce; ~at~e.r. Supp,lY'i Tr;eatment, PlJ.I!lpil1g, aDd. StOrage; , 'I Sewer pump',tng,Ti'featment and Disposal ; Water' Tminsmission and D\tstribufion; ~e'!ler ~iil J e.c'ti!6h,Ma~iritenance; 'F.a'c,iTi;Ues Mai ntehance; and VeMc,],e,'al1d Equfpmel1t Matrite!)~ilC;e; \!nd !Dr'ai;!1~g-e Ma'ihte'n,ance. I , lhe.Oepartffi!,!,nt! Clf pu!>lic. ~erviic;e,s C;oo!idJna~e.,sth~ p'lanll.ing, !!ngine,eri'ng, budgetj!1g des,; gn:, C;Cln,tract. admin i stratton and ; nspecti on of all Capi'tal Improvement Projects' "I f,01' the:Ctty_ . Th~ p~paf!;,I11~l1tof PutJl j ci servic:estrs,Ves'ted wHh ttiir respon'!Lioil'ily 'Of managing and I. m,a,intainJ ng .,a varjefy oJ l11ulllcj pCl,J~exvtce~ '~n(L fact}iJ i'~$, inclui:li:ng'stree~s, ;safety'l ;ght,ing, ,at ihtersectfons", tr.affi:c; ,isignaJsr, '~treet sW,eeping", st~eet main'- 'tenance, sewerJcoJlecti on" iniJni ci:i'pal ,butldi n'9s" vehicles and equipment, walere -trea tment" water distri buti b'n' .and wa te'r~'sewerriia i'ntenaiice,.and consfruction. - __ _"~".' '., - '"_ - ..' ..' .'. '_ _'... __~_", " .__ ..' __.~.~. .~._ - _. . . __ __,~ .d_' ,I: The Department Of putil i c Serevices" 'togeth'er' wi th other tfty(jepar-tments; +5 ,r;espon- s;i tJ1E!for revte\'!Jhg prQP9~s.~ddeve,lOpments, reporting to ttie'Ci,ty ,Mal1a'ger"imple= ,I, [llenhng C',i;ty'stalldar:ds'; plan 'c~,ec_ktng',anq inspefti:,on of priva{e deyel;"p1!!ehfs, I' ; , " 98 I GITY OF poWAv 'I DEPARTMENTAl:.. ,ACnVIlYDHAI L, .. I Department:" . . , . e,ctivi ty,:: , Act iv.fty . ~, ..-,.. .. -,..... Code: 400 PUbl1'cserV,i ces Ot:f,1:te" oJ: ,the ,O,j'r"ector" 'I " ~CTIVITY COtiMENTARY AC:tlvtLY o"EsCRJ.p1:IoN: ... , " T:I]!!: r~sp'ori"sjb);nt'i'e~'Qf :~he :OHtceof t.1]~ Dj re'f,tQr>i PcJuo.!!:aJ (et;:t 'sup~rVtsjt06,,~oQri~ J gi'nat,i'on -,!~(f cOD,tr;,o:l Rf a Ildepj.r:;tm,ent~J a,c,j:;j y;itj,es't:or the,Departl)!en,j: Rf J?ubl!;i!=} Serv.; ces. The Di I'ector Of',Pub;U't; ,serv,j;c:esI.C-,ity E.ngtneer, i's: appoi'nted bytlie CHy I Manager' and functi ens tn astafl' 'capacYty to aav'j!s'eelec't:ea, ,and apj)otnted,off.i'ce'rs:, ;concerning' the Cjty:' s' pub'Tic ser:vice's needs; and 'requ.il'ements. Stan assi;gr(ed to. ,t,he Di rec:tor'~i g/f,fcE!)E!nsur.e:.s tl]~t the .1l.E!.r~ol}n,E!:1 i1!1d 'ftnan,ci,!l mal}agem~nt pr;pgralll of th.e I i5~~artment i's conshtent ,w,i th ci'ty~o:nctes, land pr;ocedures. .. 1;be Oi'recto('\s o'ffi ce i's ires"pol)s,ible for:; c" ta'j ~coordtna b ng the: C~:ty"iS, C~p:i:ta'l Improv,ement Program o:f a,i 1 construction: I projects!;, '" , [(b,')se.J:!.~ ing'ppss tole ,a:lte,rmati,v,e 'fu,ndi'ngsQ.urces; I (c)incl'eaS.ingthe:ef-fi:ctency' o~f .the ,De'parfmerii!' 5 efforts through ,cosHienef-l,t I, ahciTys,is: o'fallllicHntenance 'servi ce tonthc(s; (d2 maflaging' and Mre\=ting:'th,E!, en,~ioee,r,i:ng ;:;ecti'on. topro~tae e'ji,fi;dency and , "adher::ence to City' 5 pol ictescind d:i:recHonsl'eliattng 'to 'the deVeilopment' of I other Pub,I\i:c serv'tc'e"s t:uMt,i'ons. ACToI!JJT:Y ,GOALSANO OBJEGTIVe:S :1 , 1. To 'acMeve. depaf,tmehtiH g6al>S through th-eestaDWshme~t 6feffe"Ct:i ye' sy.ste..Ill,~' ,- - ~ p,foc!!cfufes, 'and R.tg9 r'~ms, :1 ~~'i mo' con:;,tantly e,val,u~te, qepartmen't~'l pJogrg.ms:" p,f;ojects"and, reporrts J'n an 'effort to, max,imi ze :producti v,tt,x and e l,imi'nate dup 1 i ca t,i on and obsolescence. , 'J.. lib increase ttieeff,ic,iehcY of, th-e Departmen.t' 5 e]~fobts. in ,tne areas o'f en~(ine'e-r- .' il1g", foritrM;t ii].aif~gl'!ment, aM.,rifai,ntei1~nce :~erV:i~e:s, sIGNI~ICANj AelIYIJY PROGRAM CHANGES, CHANGE :I~ . , ,A newP~,s;rtAODQf, ~ng\p~e.r.trfg :?~rVrC~'~,MilQ.ilge.r~~s, I been added toass)'?t the, Depar;tment WIth TnCreaS)ng . w6r'k'loads'., ' , 'I- ,$48,420 :AnA'dmi.n i strat,i ve q,eJk' 'pos tHon l]1!sbeei:!. tr'~n.s,f~rfl:!q .. I to. the"Engj'neer.,i ng' Dtvis,ion in: order :to :provi,de:,:cl,e~ical s'UPpcJrt; to the: DiVision.. An 'add,i,tfonal ,Admini:strative, Gierl< po?j:t\(2D:ba?b,e,en:!TJ,!cj~f;u.1 ]';"tirheffom P.ilr't~,tiine to ,'I 'ass'isfwHh Departm~nt; '\=:1 ert~aJ neec:J.~, ,0ne~haH J.59~) ,qJ tli:e Admin;i sfra't,i ve Crer:k, pos i1:.i on 'wTnlie spent in" the! c {j;y Cler~"'so.fftc:<~, . - $ f,'860 -- ". I 'I~ ,99 , ,I CITY OF POWAY DEP,ARfMENTAl.AC,HV,ITY QE'fAll I Department: A,ct;,ivHY: .Act ivi ty Code: 400 Il~iJbl i c serliJces Offi'ce, of the, 'D.irector .I ObJ. ,1986-87 1986-87 1987--88 1987..88 ,. Coae, Exoense C-i'assfftcation iBudcet. , ,Actual Prooosed !Aoo~ovecl I Personneil. Exoense . :Ranae Posci-Hon TiUe .~ ,~ I .29fU O,i:recto I' 57,,7t2,O' '57, nQ ,58,000 66,39'0 277.8 :Engineering Servh:es Manager - - .3~"li2Q: 44,}9Q ~25~, 6 As'sl't to: ttie C,itj Manager' - '29,,399, ;38,530' 43',8,50 ;231:6 M?"nag~m~nt Ma'jyst ' 28,960 27;,3 f2 - ,- 'I i97.~ ~dminis,tl;anv.e' i?eCretiary, . gl,,825. i2t,825, ,22,370 24,3'16 184i6 ,Account ,Clerk .IT t~,~55 t~,~?1 1];~4,0' 21,}~0 177.6 A,ctll1t~i,St~attlie Crerk II (r)' 32,67,5 ,3Q,~47 :3~ .580 '19,850 I me6 ~dm'i!l!. ,G.l eI~ :II,. ('Parct-'Tj,me) 7,770 5,328' - 'i,iso fM,.s :secl'etiarY(IPa rt-Time) -, ~ 9;240 I no ?,aXari ~,Sj ~. geg'u,1 il,r 157,i35 182,627. 210.640 22Q,140 " hz ?a;la'ries - Piirt"'Tfme 7 ,7,'70 5,328 ' (\ 16,990 113. ,sa'la~ies - Overt,ime: "- 'l09 __ I I ~ '/ H F20 Frin'ge;Benefi ts 461;'712 46467 AO,,7;,50 58,,88Q I " -' , Total Personnell 217i,'21Z 234,4-71 251',390 296,010. I Operations land Ma,i ntenance 260 [ ~e,i!l1bu,rsep, J1i;Te.age 1;995 1,912 2,0'00' t. '2f009 I 270, . Jl'avel and,'Meetings ,3;,54.1. i,ll) 4;690 4,,690, 31) Prinlin'g 500 263 'SOp 500 315 Pub,1 fcabi 6ri's' ahdOiie's 1,):'00 i;di:J J;J?O' l,:JZO j3~ R&M,':': Equ:ipmen't . . ': ""...j , 250' 1,479 21,160, 2 ;160; I -" - -,', ,<-.-' 2, 000 2;500 ,4U Off-ice &,stationer;,y supp;i i e.s l:,,~J3 2;.'500 ',-" --~ . , 413 Photog'raphic Suppries" ~p - 150 150', A20 'Sma 11. loo'ls "200' - ;(oQ 200 I, , I ,I Total Opel'ations and,Malntenance 9,7,36:: '8',051 13,570, 13,570 Caoital Outlay I 611 Offiice. ,Equ,ipment 500 . 9, 790, 3,000 j:,OOO ., I , Totial Gao,i,ta 1 :Outlav' '500' . 9J90 3,;000 '3,000' 1'- Activ,i tv Tota,], $222',453 J .$252.,312' $267,,960, i :1)312,580 I, JQO I , . I CITY OF POWAY DEI'ARTM~NTAL, ACTJVITY D,ETAI L D,epa,rtm~n t: Act.iv,ity;: It\.ct'i~'i'~y, I . Fi e1 d Oper;atioris"and Code. 491 Plibli'c Sei;vices.__ -- .Mairitena n ceAdm~.nYst riil t fon At~TIvrt:Y' ,DESCRIPTION AcfivttVCOMMENTARY I , ,I The' PubllicS.erilcE!?ORe,r~~1ion?, M~n~geri:Lr.e:;ponsjti:llE!for, overati management and, aamin',istF;,at.i'on of the CUy I 5, stre~ts: and dr,aJnage; ma'i ntenance, water ana' sewe'i' ,.. -'~".r' ......, - ".~." 'f' u, _<.. - '.", .- , --. ",_, ~.. , ." . , '._ , ._ '_..' utJ 1 ft i ~s ,f i'e ,1 d operati 911 ,v,ehltliei 'and equ,ipinent ma,i n'tenance, 'and fa:ci'l'i'tjes I)]ai,nten- I I ance, whi ch ,i ncl uaes, Ci'ty"Ha,ll, Planni ng~ ,DE!partrjjEibt" C9n!n~Il;i;ty ~enter ani:! the r;eCreaticinbui;ld-illg's. . . Man~ged through th is ot,fice 'rs ftie ,wa ter 'sup~;]y" tf;eatmen.V" p~urripin9, dtstr'H),u~ioll al19 I storage; ,sewer collection, :plimping" an'd dls.POSiiN is:t.t~etai1g ~10,cmdra 1'n cl ean i'l1g; ,and :r;epai:r:;CJty bliil di'rfg facHft'1'e's ,arid vehicle ani:!:-,equipment maTnlenanQe, 'andrepaj r. " "" - -.- ---- -. " "',, ""- .... -""'- '-,..,,". ACTt),ij:rVGO,ri.'Ls AND 'OBJECT!,VES I' ,1.., 10, p,1 iiQ ~nd 'C:oorcjinate an water" 'sewer" sll'eet and,dr:;a,ina9.eworR 'ac:t.i.v,jt,jifs. ,. "-rOo. t ",.'" . 2', To ma:fntatn, the Ci.ty" 5' veh.fcFe f,]'eet :and equJpinerit 'iOyentory. :3. Tei cont.i;nue,'uR9'radjrjg t!1~ C-ity' 5 builct'ing ma,intenance' program. I 4. ,todevetop faci~l'i'ti:esi nventory,; rria,jntehahc~' ,ani! repa.fr ,scl)edu,l!ing; .wJJ!1 the I a i'd, Of c'ompuferizat'jOI1. . 5., J,o ,deverop' andmai'nta,t'n on,.:goi.ng creek' mainten'ah"ce 'pfog:ralit. 'I. :SIGNIFlCANTACT,IVU't PROGRAM CHANGES NONE , " I N(lO'~ " I I I I , - I , I. , ,I' 101 I '0 "'" ~ -..'~. - , CITY" OF powAv pEI'A~:rME.NTA~~<:TtV{rY' DEJ AI 1- , , I. ~ . ~ Dep~rtment': Activ,ity: " , . '. Act.ivi:ty' i~ _ ,..-1. . FreId Operfaffonsarid . Code: A01 I Rue] ,i'c,serv.i'ces. Maintenance,Admir'1i str'at,i6n . ~ ,QbJ.. 1986..87 1986-87 . 1987-'88' .. ,1987 -88 Coile. 'Exoense,Crass.i f-i'tation' BiJdaet' Actua'l . Proposed Aoproved I Per;sonnel Exoense." Rance RosUion. T.itle, . '. \ - .' 2zt.' 8 : Pllj:llj~ ~~rvi ces Qper.aMor'1s 48,,099 41,049 :54,,190 , ' 't:lanager , 46,836 207~ 6 Depal'tment Afde 21,,22Q ~2';3!6 2g,850 24,'820 . 17,,~-, 6 5dinini'strat-1ve Clerk I'. - 5,34 2,400 . 2,400 , (part'- lirrie): . ,-.- 'I, 11.0 ' SilTill'ies- .Regufal' ,68',056 l1.,.009 69,8~9 79,010 ,: 112 " sa!l'arie's'-~Part"",Hrrfe - ,- :2'400 2400 iio 'F}'i.ng)iBe~enr,(s. Jj,588,. ,_..''l:-,....., - .f ,.'.. ..,_~, . , 17,,36.2 :12,,170 17 ;550 . - ;1 ~ 'liatal .Pel'sonneJ ,85,418 :88.;597- 84,460 98,960 ' ,Opetat,i ens 'and '.Ma,tntenance I: ,1'48 'Sp'ecial ,Studies - :32,297' .' '" - -1'61 .Witter ]foJect,En'gineeFihg 2,oM -' l"QQO '1000 . iffi 1,;060 ' 3,,8]'3 ' ._~ ;?e.w,e r"P rQjE!ct, .~ngtrie,e.rtng - - . " 'I, 252 V.ehi'cle,Opel'at~ ens 1,,oQO 41~ 600, 600 .253 Veh'i c,Je 'Ma.intenance h~~3~ 298. ,700' , ]00 , 264 ~v.eb\cJeRer:1taJ. 2,382 2,,382' "2.38'0' 2 :386 27'0 '57.,7 t.,....__, ,I 'T'rave'] ,and Meetings . 1,495, 3,050 J.t050 313 Ur'1-iiforins, Laundr:-YJ~ Dry Cl'eani ng '286 27.8. 37:0 :370 , . 315 Pub Ftfafi'ons 'ar\'Cj DiJes;' 8,i.~'~. 6,,1561 8,9.00' 8.;900 3'17 ~d.uc,aJ,iq,r1 d!lil! rtai}ftng ,t. . I , "- 1,.500 - - ,I; 334 ,R&MEqu,ipment. r,070 1),530 2,f20 :t,i20' '337 R&M ..Rcfdi'os, 178 233, . 260 ':260 '411 , ,Office & Stat,i6iiel',y :supplies 240' . 2~!J 1190, :490 I', 555: Capital Outlay Rental i t606 lr; 000, F 000 1,,0.90 .- - -.- ".'- ,t. _,. :1' , , ;rota] ;OoeraHonsand Malntenance 22',789 , 49,,-27.-3" 20,870,; ~ '20,,87.0 , ,.. Gaona] OutTav ,I: 611. OUi ce Equipment 6:'300 4,875: , - - - ,....._- I , ' \ , I , . , I- I " , TotaJ Caoita,1 Outlay 6,,300 ~,875 0 ,- 'I' Act,tvtty' 'rota 1 $114,,507 $142';745 nU5,3i30 $119,,830 I , ,102 I , ~...- , " . , . , , / CIJY OF 'POWAY OEPe,..R'[ME'~:rAC ActfN.flY OE;fAfL ,.. ." I Depar:-tment':: EI.o:ttyity: Act icVi ty 'Coae: I Pub,H,c.,ser.vices , :Enoilleer1na , . -- 402, n_,_ . ~C:r:'!VH'fCOl!MENTARY "- ,~..-...., -- ACT.t:VITY-OEsCRI PHON. ,I The Engi neerilng:Divistg~ oJ the P~bJ'ic .?er""i'fe~-, ;D,ep{l~tment. Includes subc!.iVisi on Engfn,eerfjig, ,Cap,itil.'1 )l!Iproy~ment Project Mmtnistration, Spei:talPrQje~t~ '.E:!igtneeri'ng,i: ''!,r1.9P!JbJ i c~,ervi G!!slnspection. The ispec:iiftc ,rfes~forisi bi l~tftes '\<ii,tht!l'each 'area of' 'the I Enginil~l'ing Di'vi srona~e as ,1'01 ]>Ows:,. .. ' ? ClP Eng~iMe'ririg ~". 'Fi!f;,fi:c, ,~rig.i'ri~er1"-g seFi fes;,capi'.ta.1 'improvement: projes:l: , Sl!neY~,d.~sign, cClns,truQt,io!] admill,i'strat,ion, 5uperv,ts'i'n'g, si)e~i'a,ls~l!qi~~',;il.na I ~n.g,i>I1,e!!ling Sl!PP,9rt for 'the C~f!11lun,i~i ,Sellvices De p'artln!!,flJ', RE!deve{op[llent, AdViso'r;;y , ,Gorrmi,ttee', and the ,Redeve,l:oement Agensy,,~ .'. . ... . q, Subd,f,V,j'sion, En'gfrieej-inil, ,,-, ,0e~"~J dpl)),tlnt plan' fhe,cking:,,; ma,i.ntenance' of files iind I develClP)llerJ J?,Lil..Ds',as~t~t[lnce ,tQ thE! g~ner;a.1 publ'ic: and. prdiiidj:1Jg ~'n.gi:nE!er'i!lg' . I ,~uPP9f~ J9r )'l",!nnJ,n[. Serv~ cesf: silfe~'y ~etvi ces,! :ana ,c:,~[!'l\~,d,1ity~eWl_ces.. " o Spec,l'aJ ProJecl::s"Eng:1:neenng '" Pl'ov,ldes t~~. t:>aslc E!nglneerlDg r~erv,'-ces! for the ,South poway Pl'annec1Co!fllll!I1,ity,. 1h.t!' services) ,include pr;oJect aalllin-i:slr.atYo'n., I ~~V~J()lflllerit pJ~ri..cJl~!=ktng:,[ln~ en,g.ineering; ,desi'gn, cohsrruclXob, Xl1sp,ectjonaM ~ngj n,ee,r:ing s!'!PPQrt fo rPl:arin,ifng ,se rv,tce's,af1d~he'B~de\i,e'liQpmtlnt!Age.n,c:Y. o Publ i:c ser;vices' .Inspectioll: "' R~spolJ.s:iJjl:e fQr aJjs,uri ng that !=gnstrucffonac'.tiv-i'ty :1 wHhjn Mie:C,ityof :F,o'!lay CPDtoflllytp spe.f;ificat:ions, regulati!ons~" and. :pori;!=i~;;, jet't:>~ th~ ~ngi!leE!ri ng Diy,i 5 ion. The pub:l ic servtcesfris,pe'cforSi ,~r'~,r;esP9Qs i b;le .fore' tl,1~ ac1l1Jin,tstr;at.ion and enfor'cerrieht '0'1' 'th-e gradiri:g Qr,ddJ1,<\[1cl!Si, p:liln,s:and __ ,~j),ec,i}'i~catj;Ons as hecfu,ifl'ed'by, t:tie?U;fe ,6f' CaTi1tiJ~!lta~,OSI-:!A., and. th'e C,ity,. , :1 ,AC,lIVITY ;GOALs 'AND, OBJECnVES o CIP Engineering"" (1) 1..12 pr:ep,{lre ancj update"a checki.i:stf'or CI-P'pr'-o'ce~si~gi,a!ld' ,g) ',to' prep'ag ,CO!lc~p,tuali n.-house desi~hs,'anacdst estimatesf,or capita'] ,. 'imp[oy"e!'lent projects'. . '.' . , o Subdiv,iis ion' Engi neeJ;ing ~. (ILIci 'iinpf~veeffi'c'~e,Qcy a_os:! 'C;[!,ayce ,costs ,to,pi'i,iia fe: " deveJ opment; ,by assum.ing 'foeS'pon's:ibi'li tY f9.,t :portion~ :oJ,gev,e:l opment pr'ocess',ing :( perforiiieaby'outs,ide, consul,tantS:iand(2) to revi:se:offfce;'pI'OcediJl'es ,an"(j, ciff,i>i:e TayoiJtto, 'fifcr-ease ,effi'riienc:y:' " ,., ,.', , . '" ' o Spef,ia1- Projec'tsEhglneer',Frig ': Cr') Estabrhti st:andar;a proried~t:esa,!J9fi,.e:1d review Rr09!!S? ,!ior,en9.i~eeri,n9. ?eSi gll ,fno ,r:~v.;ew:1 an:? ,m pr6y:i.'(j~' r.~,SPOD.~tY,een9ci neer~~~; :1 i,~.upport ,to :P-lanOlIl"g,servl;ces,on ,futul'e tentat., ve. fI:I,{lPS, ,]n ,th~ South powa:t ,Planh'l!ng' Area'i it pub'1 i c ser;vices IhspectYcin- OJ) 1'0lcontoi'nue, to of-fer to 'the, cj~t,iz'e'ns' of' i~o~,ay, :1, gU,a.1j,ty, .jn s.PE!.c~~j:g[1 ,2..~YiYc_e s.;~", . ',,' . :SIGNlfrIGANJ ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 0 Eurcha'seof' cOP,y maChi ne" wOl'd p-'l'oG~ssor ancjoff,ice, 'fl!r.nt'tyre" +~ 16",800 , I 0, Upg'r,ade AdIllTn.i s'trati'ie C1Ar,k J!Q..s,tfi:Qn: to sE!cretary,;and transfer Adiirin;iStra'f-i've Gl;er;k,posihon from' the O'f,fi:ce, of 'the,Dtr'eCtor ,i~n'to' , . ~"---'~-r-"", -~.... - -. . .- -- -- ..- .... - -- ... -. ___. _~ __ .._ ,__ tM,MvJsi'on.. .. . .. "'f$2!k,960 0' With the apPliova:l: of the 'putHit~l)1p.roV~I)l.eD't !pl,{ln2~tQr Phase' L of, the :1 Pomer;aao Bus,i ne~s )'ar;k, c,Qrlst[uc;.ti:on of'~h~ ;publ,i'cimprovelllents will b:egjin.lh,iis W;i~1,1; ;r,esult ina. s,i:gnificant'in'clieil's'e 'in: Gcinthac~ .in?Re~c;ti:o[1~ ~ontr,ac~tnspecti.onand: p l!an cheCkTrigw~iTltje.p..a.i cj tbrqu.gj) d'eJ?,p'.s i't ;i.C!;,ou'n~'?; I Theest:fmatei:! contr;<3,ct P:l:~D ghe,ck il.nd i n?pgct;1grl C;C!.?~s ilrer;eflected ,in thj 5 budgl:!t1 'WH,h :fQfre~pona;i ng Te,v~nueaccounts ('$635,,;.000) shdwrie:l sewhe'hein ;tti~e. t:>u,qg!!J", :1 -; " 'I' 1:03 , ' .' , ~..- - ,I CITY, OF 'p.owAv' DEI!AR:r~~NI~1 fWTIVUY DETAIL I: , Dep'artment': Act i;v i ty,:, Acfti,v,i ty Code: 402' PlJbl'tcServi'ces EfiQineeriila ,and :Insoecti on I Ob~:." . 1986"87 1'986~87 .1987..:88 , 1987-88' Coae' Exoense Class,irn:a'M on Bu'(jQet ,Actual f'.hooosed . ,Aool'oved .petsonner Exoense: Ranae Pos i,tton Htle' , ., I: .. ,27'3.0 5.en.iqrfivil Engineer {'3,{, 126,558' 102871' 128,370 150,460 --"-,." -"""" -,- - . " ~, . ..,~., .. k-<l '258.0 e.ssocjal!!Cfv,l1 {Q9,ii,-eer' (2) 7!,,9QO: Z,Q,709 75:,490 87,,4?0' 243.0 Ass,i s,t.' C,i v,j;l 'Eilgjne,er , 58,404, 24288 30,,540 33,500 I: : ! -. .-,-.,( ---._,.-+<, ,I rispecti ori ,supe rv i!sor ;27,32.50 - :30 260 32 540 .," .-"" -.p- - '",~.......~ 233.0 c~r~~C.i,yil E,ngtiieer , - 13254 27,,520 30 '190 ,. "'0 ,55,566 ;,o,,___,t,,_",,_ -' '.._-"", 229i~ pubric s!!r., Ins,P!!clor (2) 55566 60,360 66:,6BO .~,"~-,,~- - '49;,I8'O I: '213.9 Engineeri ng Te,chnfci all ~2), 1.45,,224. 43, 395 ~2,71Q f87.6 Secretary. {2Y "'---- ~ , 19,7,,60 29,,225, 37,26Q 44,000; [1.7;6 Adm'fnfsfFa'fiveClerk II 1'4, 485 15 7,1'1 16',520 i'j' '870 ",- -- .~\ -- -,.,.~ -', -~. - .. ~-, .~ -, - -' .-~' -' ..--- ,. - ~~ I ,no c5.a;lar'i'es; .;; Regular 419,,222, '355010' 455" !j00 5r5',420 .,....<'t~._ ... Tn sa,lar1es - ~pec:J~1 -, :2T,400 - -, . .~! -- r', i93' ", 112; ,Sal ar-ies' - Part:Jime, .0,;', - '- . , If3: '" 4,000 4330 ,Sa l'ci'fi e's ,",Overt,fme, 4000 5;,1'74' I' 120 -,' - ,-....,.~- ',' ..,' ?"''''~~- ~r'liiQe,Beriefits 121,405 . 104,857 ' ,88,680 .130.,,440 lota;1,'Personnel 544',627 ,487,,734 ' ,548, 180' 650,190 .' Ooerat.ions, 'and Matntenance' , t 'J~8 . ~pe<;t~1 S~!!djes ~5,000 18',340 15';000 ~5. 000, ~'c~"~, < ,. ;160 . Engineering 5),QPJ! 8 153 5;000 5,000 , ",-"..-,.-.- 163 ' T,ra~f{t'cEngineeri,ng 5',000 4,534 6:,000. 6,,000 , 164 .L:luld Oevel opment;Engi ileering ?O,QOQ 34,252 ~6,OOO' ,to,ooo . I~~ 'Contract 'Cons.fr.iJttfonNlspechon' - ""., ,......... ~... '--"~' - , 349.A4jJ 349440 . -- -'- . . ,- --- - --.- .-.' '. 6(jO ' " ""~~ 260 RefmburSE!9 Mi'e~!!,ag!! 67.7 990 990 262 'Vehtcl,e ,Operat;ion 9" O~OQ, h-!Q4 ,~,g50 9,250 I .2'63 Veli'i.cTe :Ma,intena'nce 4,;139 ,3,384 ,3,870 },8?0 '264 'veTitcle, Renfal 4';909 '4,909 '7,,2][6 Z ,?:tQ 276 ^,".-. "',.. --"~ 'Trave.faiid'Mee~jj[lgs 2;602 13230 .3~,260 '3,'260 '-' ,~ . -,,,,-' ~,,' .-,.. >'- , .~ ~. I, '31'1 PrYriting 2,000 2847 1;,,5,50 :1,550 t.""',"....." ;3fj ~i\'i,forl)ls" .LalJridr-y. Ory C'lean,i Ilg '775 498 - , . '3f5' I'ub'l'i'caboris'and Dlies' :600 47,9 1,,:1~0 ht90 I; :j17' 'Educat'.i'on 'and Trafn:ing 1'600 1,414 ,1,050 t,Q,5,0 }jz - ,"- , " R&M. ,- '~k GOnd,ttion,i ilg - - 200' 200 '334', R&M, - Equipmel1t 1,,950 f .~,~5 , 2,340, 2,340 .337 . R&M ~ Raaios, "240 :1 !'184 390 390 I' '36'0 'Gon~:raCt Tnspecdon 2Ei Q ,ro"()Q , , - - 260 000, t_,~_--, ..c_-,,_,,_..._ ;;3li3 ~ian ChecK> -. - 691,,9}Q 69t,~4Q 4-ii Oiffce ''&'~ta~ ton,E!,fY s~p'pl ies ;5,;00,0 5,OftO ,5;370 5;'3?,Q, ,I 413 Ph6tographJc &.Rhoto,CQIlY 'suppl'ies '250 364 :500 500. 420 "- '"""~' '330 :?Jl1aJ]'lools 100 ,86 330 4!f9 1060' 'I.~ " 4 ,J,S,O> .--" Other supp1i'e~ .929 4:,750. ~, - ,'~.,,-.."'. ,I: 5,14 l'ease Pur'<;'hase 10".500 11480 10,500 10,,500 -~".~. -,. 555 'Capital Oulila'v' Rental 1';000. 1 ;000 .- - Tota'l Ooerat.i ons;and Mai'ntenance ,;90,; 665. 104,072 1,390,; 130 1,390,,130 .. Caoi'ta'l OutJav , . 601 Teleconrnun:icat,ion Equipment - '2, ~93 - - :OJfilce:FLirnHure .., 8,.100' . 11,069 16 800, l~i, 800 " ' _..,t. . ~y - j'~'~;--- - - ,-- -- . " .672 :Builldinas , - ,57,648 - ii, ! Iotal Cao.ita 1 ,0ut'l av . 6,'100 7'1,,610 16,800 '16;'800 : ,Activitv 110tal $643,392 $663.,416 $1,955,nO . $2,057, 12( '\ 104 I ,- I :CI:PY, b-PPOWAV ~ ".~'-.... DEPARTMENTAL ACTI,V{,!'Y PETe,IL L I, Depa'rtment:: , 'Acti;v.ity: ,e,~ctivity Coae: 403 , P.ubJic: ,Se'i',vtces, ,StreelMai ntenance I; -, , - ACTIVlTVtcM4ENTARY Ac;f;tVj.,TV ,OESCRIPTION Th_e S~r;eeJ Ma i,ntenance,actlv,iftY 'iJnde'rta:~,es' ~ v,arLety of' mafn'te'nancefiJntt~t6~ris:~ ,. i ncl,llging:pavement I"epa~i,r,. fraffi c.' ~tri Jltil9 ,pf a 11 publ'i:c! str'eefS1:'ofHE!E!;1,Ci,!ld 't'lafficsi'gna'ls,s;tg-ris, ,cl!rbi,guJter ; and, s,idewalk, ,i\1a:;ritena'~C:.e,i'jnd the m~'intenance, :1 ,.(if- piloTte: 'the'st.hro.ugho~t the City., ACnV,I,JXGOAL5 AND ,:Qi3:.JE't:TI-VES :1 1. to ensul'e tha~' CI c:9IDR.l'eh~n_stve:m!lintenance pi;ograrl) 'i,s' <:9rittnue<;lf,or Cttyc. " owned 'fa{il'it.:tes illtne public: roights-oJ":w,~y,. 2~~ Tq'fg,r;es,tanfu,ture,tapita'l 'exp'enai'tur;(!s through ongo'1hg "preliel1fiY$, street 'I' ,mai'ntenance; , " i. 31. 'To ensure pei:le~tf',jCiQ ,sClfety thr:ough :thema\tnte:n<frlc:e ,()f c,urbs, guft'ercsi, 5 ideY~lks, free arid shru'tibery contl'o:(. .', .. - ' ' I 4" Impr,Qv,e: roadsitle cteantip aria :\iegE!Ja,ti on c_on:t~ol thl'ougn W6rk8E!'1E!Cise:Pro~ram.. SI GN I nCANTAC;nYtT-V PROGRAM: CHANGES: ,CHANGE I , o gOITlPleted, Jlavemer\t':.ma'riagerrt.e~t?ystem upgate ",-$ 'l'1 '200 ..,. .t ,. o Add: two addit'tonCi,l s:tgrial i,z,ed intersecHons and iiTrie: adMHoria] warritrlg:, 'fJ'Ci.sQer::s' + $ 4',!jQQ 0; A'Cld: add,f1ji,ona:) .J;tghtJ!d intersecti,6hs: .. +, $ 3;'500 ' ' ~ '-.-..-- 0' IDcreaseqcontradactWi'tj to rifa tnt,Mn str;eet s1::ri p.i ng t $ 5,000 , o Incl1e(lsed contra~ct.attjii,~y to, repatr concrete curb's', .glitters" + $ 5,000 I and, (5,; dewaTks: ' o Reaucedstreetc repai I' as a~esul} of 1 055 of SB GOO' funds - $4@,348 I ~' As pUt o'f' (he,"KeiPJ pow(iY t\ean'" pi:ograril" :tne, gj~Y:Gciuridf , authori{ed t,h,E!,' ,;n<;:r~as~ i'n'st~eetswee'p';i1g f9r !loth 'colmll!~ci'a 1 and res; dent,;'a'lar:ea"s ,. $ 82,000 -~ -~ ~'. - ,,-" --.... -~. '.-1'.' ..- 0, In,creaseq jn-,nousesti;eet: rep'a;ir 'rric(teria,1 5 +$' 15.,:500 I' 01 Increased fnc-house 'stgri 'maintenance mater,;'ia 1:5 .;. i$i '8';~500' 0' PUf"Chase ofa ten-"yd. d,iJrnP lr,iLcklo pr;ov,ide adequat,e i,tlat,er;,!l i' <--" fol' rar:g$ qYA!1,tj,tje,~ ,'of ;a,sp,haltusedt:br ~'tt,eet' repai,r , +':$' 75.,000 ,I' '0' Aadi:Honar Gonstructton.Ma;i'ntenahce Worker needed: to 'assJst ., -'._-' ""-,~,,~ .,'~"._. "'''1"~t- _ ..: .. ..' =.. _.,,,-,~....-,. 1';" - - _"- Qtvijston 'wJth servXce, fepa{r, 'a,nd m,od,i'ficati'on>of th'e'Citj"s roadways' T' $:25'1,1'1'0 I, I, , I - ,.:J - - ~ ~ I 105 I, CUY Of. POWAY DEPARTMENTAL AcrfV,l'rv DETAIL I Departl11ent:, . Activity: Ac~iyity Public Services .Street 'Mai ntenance Code: 403 Obj. .1986-87 1986-!l7 . 1987;-88 1987-88 I Gode, , Exoense Cl'ass!ifica tfon Budqet Actua,l 'prooosed ;Aoo roved Personnel Exoense .Ranae ' Position Title I 262.E Ass tst'. ,operatj ens Man"~ger 42,396 42;6.00 42,600 46,.650 225.€ Street Ma fnt. Super. 27;,435 27,440 '2j3,200: 32, 160 21q.€ (;pns~! Mai nt. Wkri II 1(2) 4~ ,,51.0 42,,220 45,~60 51 ,6~,0 195.6 Const. ,Maint.Wkr. II (5.) 97,835 '9?,458 ,97,340 113.,,579 .' 185.€ Const. Mairil:Wkr:I - - 16,670 20,090 ,Sa 1 aries - Standby ~ - 1-; 200 1,2.00 110 Salaries ~ Regular, 211,176 2r0 ,7.18 231,270 '265,2,90 I i13 ,Sa'l ari es -' Overtillie 6,1.44 1,817 .6.,960 7,530 120 Fringe Benefits'- 60,609 66,586 44,760 68,620 Total Personnel 277,929 278,12-1 282,990. _ 341,440 I I 'Operations' and Maintenance IIl8 . Spec,ial Studi es 16,200 -, 5000 5,,000 ,.' -....-, 2i6 Trasti Removal ? ,500 8',477 8,lQO 8,100 I .21~ Signal Power 42-,Q.oO 45,306 46,500 46,500 ,219 Street: SafetyLight, PO~,er & Ma-in. 10,500 1'2951 - -' -.-'.,-".- !262 Vetiicle Operations 9,500 10,047 9,500 9,500 I 263 Ye,~j t1:e Mil iiltenance 29,,163 25,890 26,7.10 ~6, 71Q 264 Vehfcl e Rental 53;,5.10 53,510 49,800 49,80] ". -. . 270 Tl'ave land Meet,i ngs 600 H6 600 600 I 3.13 Uniforms, LaundrY" Dry C,I eani ng 2,800 2,611 '3,750 3,750 315 'iJbtications andOues 200 30' 200, 200 316 Med i ca 1 Exams .190 275 150 150 317 Edu~atjon and TratDing 800 130 500 50'0 I 324 Weed Spl'aytng,and Abatel11ent 2,506 31. 2,500. 2,500 337 R&M - Radios 740 519 900 900 350. R&M,S,jdewalks and Barricades 30,000 5,B29 35,000 35,990 I' 351 R&M Signals 18,090 1~ ,28~ 20.,000 20,000, 354 Street Striping 35,000 3,0,087 40,000 40,000 355 R&M Roadway 1.,182,296 622,494 400,pOO 400,000 , ' I 356 Street Repa!i'rs - S'B300, 484,348. 484,34!l - -, 358 Street Sweeping 55,000 57',406 87,009 87,0.00 359 Street Repairs - FAU - .- 92,00,0 9.2,000 4,16 'Safety Supp)'ies 800. 168 2,300 2,39..0 I 417 Operat i ngO Suppl i es 2,400 4,3i4 ,2,500' ' , 2,500 420 Small Too,l 5 500 , 621 500 . 500 .' S,t, re e t: 5 u r f a'c'e R epa.i'r 35,,000 52,4i4 41 i50 41., 75~Q . 4'41 ,,- I. 444 Si~n Maintenance 6,500 15,370 8,000 8,000 4.45 'Mi~c. Con.t~uction Material 3,500 ?-,175' 3,500 3,500 sfi 'EquipmE!nt ~ental ~,OOO ! 6,'198 8,009, 8,000 '. 555 Capital. Outlay Rental 1,835 l" 835 1 ,840 . 1,8~0 714 Street Liqht Maintenance - - 24.4,540 '244,540 Total0oerations and MaIntenance 2,037,,382 '1,460;'041 1,141,140' 1,141,140 Capital Outlay I 621 Autos' and l"rucks ,- - 75,000 . 75,000 699 Other ,Assets' - 38,632 - - " IotalCaoital Outlav .- 38,632 75,000 75,000 Acti vity Total $2,3151;311 $1,z.76,Z94 .$1,499,130 $ L, 557, 580 106 I ",c-IlY or POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Depar,tmi!nt:, .Act i,vity: Acti vity' I Publ i c Services Water Supply, Treatment, Code: 404 PiJmpinq and Storaqe ACTIVITY coiIiENTARY I ACTJv'ITY D ESCRI PT f ON I 'Withi:n the Utilitie,s Di vi si on, the water supply, treatment, pumping and srClrage Clpera- tion andmaJntenance .sect,ion i.s charged with del Ivery ofhi'ghe:st 'qual ity treated I potable watel' to consumers. Major functionaT areas of respon,sibili(y include o'Btain- ing a raw water supply, operation of the water treatment, plan,~. pumping, and storage systems. Maillte,nance of the above is also part of thtsactiVity. Thi.s dj'vis i:on is responsi bl e, for ensuri ng water storage, "to su'pp.l y n'orma,] a'nd. errfergency I conditions. ' ACnVIJY GOALS AND, OBJECTIVES I 'l. Io maJntain the Lake poway' raw,wahr: 'st,orageat optimum qual ity and, 'level's ,cOrf- . 5 iStenJ wi th ,s,easona,lconditi ens and recreat.i ona 1 needs whi 1 e'meet i ng 'pea~ system demands and emergenci es. 2. To provide ttie nighest quality t:reated" pota,blewater at the. most economTc level 'I, to the consumers. 3. To increase cost effi c,i encyby' accomp'ii sh.i ng ,repa'i 1'5 'and ma i ntenanceus ing City I staff rather than outside ass.istance. ACT! V ITYWORKLOAOST All STI CS 1986-87 1987-88 '. ESTIMATED ,FORECASTED Acre feet of water purchased from SOCWA . 9,116 f\. F . 9,4Si A.F. . Acre feet of water produ'cti on 12, 175A. F'. 12,662 A.F. SDCWA :wafer-' costs ' $207/A. F. $207/A.F.', Water treatment for RamQna 3,059 A.F. 3,181 A.F. . SIGNIF!CANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM GHANGES CHANGE Water purchase and',production increas'ed from current '.:T $Z5,500 I year by 365 acre feet. AddiUonaJ equipment necessary toma,intain the Ci:ty' 5 I wa ter . qua 1 i ty moni tori ng' system~ .. $29,779 I I , :1 :. 107 " CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL AC:rIJIT-Y DETAIL. Degartment: .Activity: waMl1~u~P~~o, 1~~at!l1ent Activito I Pu 1 ,ic .Serv,ices: um In " 5 ra e Code: ,4 4 Ob~. 19~9~87 1987"87 1987-88 \~~7';88 Co e Exoense Classjfication Bud et ActuaJ Prooosed A roved . Personnel Exoense Rance Posi tion Ti tl e I ,262.~ Asst. Operati oils Manager 42,396' . 42,400 42,569 46',650 246.1 Water Treatment' Supervi 501' 35 545 35,550 36,471 39,480 236~,~ Sr. Util i tySystem Tech'. 32'174 32,170 33 012 35,720 231. ,Laboratory. e,nalPl. 30!614 30,610 31':404 33 980 I 231.1 Water; T.P.O. II '. 4~ 122.'456' 113, 610 125 616. 135: 920 226.1 Utility .Systems Tec ni clan 29: 127 29~130 '25'705 28,060 216.1 Utility s~stems Mechanic 25,338 25:340 25:981 29,250 Sa lar,i es hi ft Di,Herence 2',184 2;180 2,586 '2,590 ,Sa lari es - Standby 1,906 1,910 2,400 :2.,400 I 110 Salaries - R.gular 321,"7.40 312,900 326,010 354,050 ,113 Sa 1 aries - Overt ime. , 11 946 13,619 , 12,5Z0 13,600 \120 Fring. Benefits ,. 88~976 27,406 64,490 . 86,850 I Tota 1 Personnel 422.662 413,925 403,070 454,500 Ooerations' and Malntenance ,I 147 Chemftal Anal y~ i ~ H' I 510 1,375 ,i,510 1,510 .210 Gas and' E,l ectnc,lty 10: 047' 12;534 10,050 10;050 '211 Bottled Gas . ,1;,214 1,324 1,210 1,210 I, 213 Water' Purchases 1,887-,012 2,219,B26 1,962,490 1,962;490 '214 Watel' Storrage Adjustment 75,774 ,- 75,770 75,770 215 Te 1 e~none' ... ~ 218 376' . 420 420 216 Tras Remova 1 420 602 620 620 240- ,I 254. ,Pumpi'ng powerj All Stations 399,,717 339,376 406,480 406.,480 260 Reimbursed'Mi eage '60 59 .. 60 60 262 Vehicle Operations 3,906 2,043 3,120 3,120 263 Vehi c.l e Maintenance ,4,399 1,598 3,370 3,370 .. 264 ,Vehicl e Renta 1 4,437 4,437 4,,440 4,440 270 Trave,1 and Meetings ' 120 ' 92 '120 120 313 Uniforms, Laundryo Dry Cleaning 2,710 '3,972 3,120 3,120 315 PubTicatlons and ues 230 160 110 . HO 317' Education 'and 'Training 1;000 588 600. 600 I 331. R&M- Bu i rdlng" ' -'.. ' , 500 - 500 500 334 R&M - Equipment 16,000 16.,399 9,'000 9,000 337 R&M - Radios 400 553 320 320 :360 Contract Ins~eCt-ion - 3,500 3 229 3,500 3,500 I 4H Offtce & Sta ionery Suppltes 350 ':350 350 350 416 Sa fet~ SUP~li es - - - 400 400 417 Opera ing upplies 36,160 36',177 35,200 35,200 420 Small Tools 500 479 500 ' .500 423 .Chem'tcals" 63,700 761,996 66,900 66,900 I 511 Equipment Rental . 560 - 560 560 I Tbta 1 Ooerat ions and Mii.intenance 2,5IA.,444 2,722,545 2',590,720 2,590,720 Caoital OuUav 611 Office Equipment 3231 3 159 - - I, 622 Other Equipment 26: 360 26 :419 57,840 57; 840, .645 Laboratory .Equipment 3,815 1.,806 - - I, Jota'l Caoital Outl av 33,406 31,384 57,840 57,840 ACti'vitv Total $2,,970,512. $3,1'67,854 $3,051.,630 $3,103,066 I . ' 108 I , I CITY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Departmen t.: Ac~ivity,: Ac~ivity , I Code: 405 Publ ic Services' Sewer Pumo.i no &' Di sposa.1 I' , ACnVITVCOMMENTARY t' .ACT,IVITYDESCRIPTI ON , I The s!!.werpu,mpi ng, and d,i sposa 1 ope'rati on and ma,ifltenance secti oni schargeq ,with the pumpi.ng of sewage within: 'the C'i,ty. I Major functtonal areas include t,ransfer of raw sewage en'om twp low. areas to the'major' gravitysys~em by :p,llmpi'ngfrom the NOl'th to Soutb; ,Basins, with metered, del i ver,y to the I Metrbp.ol itan Sewer Systeril':s Penasquitos 1 ine. Maintenance ,of the PUI11P staj:ions i,s al,so part of this activity. This section ts responsib.le fO,r ensuring the operation of the pumpj ng statfon~under nonna,1 and emergency coildittons to'mi'nimtze health risks. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To ma.ihtain the sewage pumping stations at optimum performance and reI iabil it" I . . , . .' \) 2. 'To 'increase cost e'j:.f,iciency byaccompl ishing repai:rs 'ana maintenance using City I " . ~ - staff rather than oiJtside'assistance. 3. To provide a 'service that responas tci (he ne~ds of the c'orrmiJnity. 4. To insta 11, sewage nieteri ng stati ens with telemetry at a,ll Ci,t,y of San .Oieg'o cOQn,ec I tion pO,i nts. . ' ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATIStICS ('i n mi lTfon's of gall on~) ,. 1986-87 1987-88 ESTIMATED f,OREGASTED I " Sewage del'ivered to Metro 1,387.9 1,423.5 Sewage del'ivered to RB/Escondido. 8;.,1 8.4 . Sei>lag~R.ump:e:dby S~t ," Andrews Pump S.t~ tiofl 35.3 36.7 S~wage. pumped by Camino de.1 Valle Pump Stati~n 155.0 162.0 Sewage pumt'-ea bY De.1 Pon i ente Pump Station 5.7 5.9 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE increased sewage di sposal costs d'ue to addHi'ona 1 I - '.. ~~ - deve)Qpment, lMGD additional capacity and Metro Sewer 'System expans:i on f $360,005 I , I I ., 109 I' CU'Y OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY OETAIL I Department: Activity: Sewer Pumping, Activity Treatment and. Oi sposal Code: 405 I Publ ic. Seiwices . Obj. 1986-87 1986-87 1987-'88 1987-88 Code Exbense ClassHication Budoet Actual Proposefd Aoproved . Personne:l Exoense Ranae Position 'Title I .236.1 :~ r. Ut;il it l~s,Sys fem. Tech. 29','127 32 ,,0,12 .33.,,010 ~35 ,720 221.1 Sewer Treatment Plant' Operator 27,716 30,462 28,420 30,750 I i10 ?alaries -' Regular 56,'843 62,474 61,430 66,470 r13 Salaries - Overtime 612 1,~89 580 630 '120 F ri nge Benefits .. , 14,046 14;851 10,210 14" 330 I Tota'l P.ersonnel 71.501 78:,705 72',220 81,430 . , Operations and, Maintenance I 199 Other P,rofesstonaT Fees - 20,000 - - 210 Electricity 425 89 280 280 '. 220 ,Capaci-ty - Penasquftos' .System 240,228 229,817 275,370 275,370 2zi CapacHy - Metro SY,stem 925,3,02, nO,,965 1,155,420 1,155,420 222 Capacity - Bernardo System 8,300 28;548 8,300 8,300 I 230 Other Util ity Charges 1,387 991 1,10Q 1.,100 240 p'umpi ng Pow'e'r' - Pl'aht' - 40 50 50 , . 5,120 ,5,1.26 244 Pumping Power - St. Andrew 6,,525 3,n5 I' 246 Pumping Power Call1i!,!o Oel Valle 27;B7,8 27,248 29,190 29 , 190 25:3 Pumpi n9 Power Del Ronfente 1;659 1260 1,,350, 1,350: "-- .! 262 Yehicle Operations 1,153 825 1,050 1,050 2'63 Xehi Ctle Mai.ntenahce 1,,620 748 400 400 I 264 Vehi cre Renta'l 1,:~71 -l,,571' -l,570 1,570: 3p Uni forms, L:aundry, Dry Cl eani ng' 694 520 500 500 334 R&M - Equ.ipment 3,800 897 2,500 ?,500 I 337 R&M ~ Radio's 74 55 80 80 ,n7 bper,ting S~pplie~ 3,?00 ] ,784 J,800 3,800 420 Small Tools 120 102 120 120 I 1 Total Ooerations and ,Maintenance 1,223,936 1,.094.,335 .1,486,200 1,486,200 Caoi tal .Outl av I 'I Total Caoital OutlaY - - - - I 'Acti vity Iota 1 $1,295',437 .$1,173,040 :111,558,420 $1,567,630 no I CITY iO'F' POWAY' '. DEPARTMENTAL ACJIVITY DETAIL Department: I Activity: !I\CtiVity I Publtc,Services Water Transmission and Q,istr,ibution Code: 406 ' . I ACTIViTY coMMENTARY ACTIVIJY DESCRIPTION I, The water transmi ssi on and di 5 fri but ion sectlon is charged with the ma i ntenance and, repair of the water transl!lissiqn a(1d diistribution s'ystem. M,ajor functional main- I teilancei and repai r !lreas .inc).udeip,ipe line va'Lves, 'il:.i;r reI ~ases and b low,~off 'assembl'ies, CHyfire hydrants; water s'ervice lateral,s and meters', and extension - .. ' ' '~ , '- and relocation of facil it.ies to clear new constructron. This activity' also alds in I ma,inta,ining optimum waterq9a 1 i,ty' thro~ghout the,C,ity bY;~!1 annua"j '1.a tel' matn fl'ushingprog'fam performed. ,in conjunction with the ~ater main and fire nydra!lt, valve exercising activity. ACTIVHY WORKLOAD STATISTICS I 1986-87 1987-88 I ESTIMATED FORECASTED Water Main Va~ves and Appurtenances 3,100 3,25.0 ,I Fire Hydrant ~ssem~;nes' '" " 860 9.0,0 MYl es of Pipe,1 i ne 170 180 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES I CHANGE - :. Vehicle rentai reflects reduct.i~n of charges by the Capita 1 Repl acement F!ln,d - ~13,544 Operat.ing supp lies 'increase because o'f,ma teri a 15 I needed for reservoir repairs. + $ 5,000 Equipment rental' lncrease because of renta'l charges for I portall e sto~age reserVoir and sca ffo 1 ifi ng needed for reservoir repa.irs + ,$ 9,000 Add two (2.) ,Qanstruction Maintenance Workers to meet the I needs created by the increase in bui.lding acfivity to test new water mains" in'spect connec\ions, and instil]'] additional new meters arid, make necessary repairs as requi;red + $45,580 I Add pneumatic sump pump ;+- $ i,775 Add trailer-mounted emer;gency generator/telescoping +, $14,000 I "h~adl ights for night eme~gen,cy I\epa,i I' work " I I I rn :. CITY OF PQWA Y DEPARlMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAtL ,I, Department: Actjvity: ~ctivity Code: 406 Public Services Water Transmi'ssion& Distribution '. Qbj. 1986-87 1986'-87 1987..88 1987-88 . Code, Exoense Cl'a.ssUi.cati on Budqet ,Actua.l ProDosed ,AOD roved 'Personne'l EXDense I 'Ranae Posit.ion Title 225.6 Water Distribution I 185.6 Supe,ryi ~or 27,438 27,,440 28,200 32,160 Construct.i on~~,i nte,nance Wor;ker I (~}) - - 50,040 54,700 210.6 Construction Maintenance I 210.6 Wor~er Iq (2) 47,J84 46,790 47,980 55 , ~7,O Meter.& BackflowPre'{entor 23,398 23,400 ?4,000 27,690 Mechanic I 195.€ Construction Maintenance Work~r, II (3) 77 ,521 64,884 60,200 65,5!j0 Salaries - Standby '2,325 t,300 3',600 3,600 I no S,al ari es' - Regular F? ,866 164,814 214,0,20 239,070 113 Salaries.; Overtime 6,0()O, 6,588 7>,080 7"~60 120 fri nee .Benefi ts 55,B49 50,894 49.,920 69,550 I Total personne 1 239,715 222,296 271,020 316,280 'Ooeratlons and Ma.intenance, , :. 210 Gas and Electricity 7,500 7',1529 9,000 9,.000 211 Natu ra 1 Gas, 1,584 1,388 1,600 . 1,,600 215 Teleph()ne . J" . 500 2H 600 600 216 Trash Removal 54Q 559 600 600 1 260 Reimbur;sed Mfl eage 75 48 80 80 ;262 Vehfcle Operati'ons 9,000 4,109 9,000 9,,000 263 Vehicle Maint~nance ~6,269 13,567 23,670 23 670 ,.<' I ,264 Veh.i.cl e: Rental 28,497 28,~97 14,950 14,950 270 Travel 'and' Meetings 600 228 ,600 600 J13 Uniform~, Laundry, Dl'y Cleaning 3,484 3,389 4,450 4,450 I 315 Publications a.nd Dues 110 83 110 '110 ',"..~ ". '.1' 316 'Medical Exams 200 148 100 100 337 'R&M - 'R~di os 730 555' 950 ,950 411 Office & Stationery SuppJies 120 111 80 80 I 4r'7 Opel'at:i ng Supp:l ies 55,000- sL,494 60,000 60,000 420 ,Sma.ll Tools 500 14 500 500 511 Equipment R~ntal 1,000 3,220 10,000 1Q,000 I: 555: Capital Outlay ReDta) 1,456 1':,456 1,460 1,460 Total Ooerations and Maintenance 137,165 126,766 137,750 137,750 I Cao,ital Outlav 611. 9ffice Equipment - 750 - - 621 Autos and Trucks - 2,'294 - - 622 Other Eq~ i pm~;'J - 1,007 15,780 15,780 I 662 Ma,ins and. Appurtenances - 14,936 -' - , 699 Other Asset's - 458 - - I rota 1 GaoHa l' Outla v - 19,445 15,780 15,780 Acttvttv Total $376,880 $368,507 $424,550 $469,810 11'2 I , CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ,ACnVHY DETAIL Oepartment: Act.i.vi ty: 'j~ctivi ty" I, Code: 407 Publ ie Servi ces Sewer Co 1.1.ection Maintenance I ACTIVITY ~ENTARY: .ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I L , The: sewel' coi lecti'on maintenance a'cti\iity is ch~rged, with the maintena,nceof al i City .' sewer system mai ns and thei I' 'appurt~nant servi cll 1 a tera 15. The major functi.onal ma intenance aha repa,irareas i ncl ude c.l eani ng a 11 sewer mains on a regul ar sche- . ~. . ~.-. . ,,' ." ., ,-' ~ . .- .. .. - .' ,-' dule, C,leaning se';ler taterals, ma,.intaJning all manholes to gl'ade, inspe'cting sewe.r ma,in condi tion by use ofv.ideo equi pment, el iminat,i ng groiJnd water i nfil trati on. I by in-place grouti ng and/or repa,i r. ACTIVITY GOALS ,AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To 'preverit ,an~ewer ba,CKUPS due to b,locl<ages caused by grease or' solids ,and I root penetration. 2. To ensure maximum sewer main capaCity ava,ilabre. 3. to ma,inta,in optimum access to sewer 'hcH; t;i es to rnfn,imi ze response time, wtien handling compla,fnfs. . I 4. To televj.sion 'inspect all sewer mains prior to acceptance for ma.intenance. ACnVlr'Y WORKLOAD STATISTICS I '1986-87 1987-88 ESTIMATED FORECASTED, I Footage of Sewer Ma ins, Tel e\iis i on Flspected 1~()" 000 ~50"OOO Footage, of Sewer Mains' Cl eanec;i 45,0,000 450,000 Number' oJ Sewer' Main Stoppages ~ 9 I: Number' of Sewer Lateral Service Cal'ls 80 72 Mi,les of Sewer Mains ' 125 130 SIGNIFICANT ACHVITY'PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I Vehi.cle ,Rental reflects reevaluatfon of equipmellt I ~ ,.- ,$ 6,026 rental + I I I I I 113 ,. GITY OF POWA Y ~. ,."- -... 'DEPARTMENTAL ACnV,rH DET~IL I Department':, AC.tivity: Actll!J,ty Sewer Co1'1ection Maintenance Code:, 407 . ,Publ'i c' ,Serv-ices pbj. 1986..,87 1986;.87 1987..,88 1987~88 ,Code Exoense Classification Budget , Actua.i Prooosed Aooroved I Personnel Exoense Range Pos i.ttonTi t,1 e ,., 225.6 Wastewater con ecti on Supervi SOl', 27,,438 28,626 28,200 32 !'160 210., Construction Maintenance Worker III 20,195 19,038 - - ~I 195.E GQnst,r.u.~t ion Ma,i ntenance \ Worker q (5) 85 584 89,278, 105,550: 1Hi,540 , " .Sal ari es - Standby 1,163 1.160 - - I 110' ~alariE!s ., RegulaI' 1'34,3,80 138,102 . 1-33",75,9 g8,TOO 113 Salaries - Overtime -3,060 f,38! 3,720 4,020 "120 Fl'inge Beneftts 39,B51 40,928 29,490 ' 39,820 I :,\ Tota:~.' Personnel In .291 181,411 166,960 192,540 Ooera t.i ons and, Mai ntenance I: 262 Vehicle Operati ons 5,000 2,298 5,000 5,000 ' 263 yehi,cl eMa i ,nte,nance 22,3,!!2 ,22,112 2,0,880 2,0,880 I 264 Vehi cIe, Rental 24.,3,52 ,,24,352, :30,-380, 30,380 270 Travel and Meetings 600 64 400' 400 313 Uniforms, Laundry, Dry Cleaning 1,850 2,180 2,370 2,370 316 ' , . . Med ica,1 Exams, 195 165 80 80 I 334 R&M - Equipment - 488 -' - '337 R&M - Radios .500 284 ' 560 560 411 Off'i ce ' Supp 1 tes - 248 80 80 I 417 Operat'ing, Suppl ies 15000 9,399 15',000 15 ;00,0, '0 _,'~. 420 Small Tools 300 - 300 300 ,5'11 Equipment Ren'tal 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 I 555 Capi:ta 1 'Outlay Rental 3,820 '3';820 3,~20 3,,820. . I Iota 1 ,Ooerat,i ons and Ma,i ntenance . 75,009 65,410 79,870 7.9,870 I Caoital Outlay 611 Qffi,ce, Eq~i,pment - 260, - - I 621 Autos 'and Ttucks 3,'100 2,824. - - 622 Other Equipment Not Classified 12,000 12,966 2,100 2,100 69'9 Other Assets - 458 - - I' i' IotalCaoita.l Outlay 15,100 16,508 , 2,100 2,100 I I Acti vitv Iota 1 $267,400 $263,329 -$248,930 ' :ji274,,510 1'14 . cny OF POWAY I D'EPARTMENTAL AplVITYDETAI L Department: Activity: ~ctivity , ,I" Code: 408 ., Public Services FacjiiUes, Maintenance ACTIVITY ,COMMENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Facil itjes Maintenanceacti.vity provides in~house Janitorial service to the CJ:,ty I Ha,1 I" Corrmun,t:ty C'en'ter, fncludirg the' 1iIf.:ingart Center" and the PI anning Depart- ment bui1ding~ Building matntenan~e and repair actfli,ities for the above fac.il ities, I inc.1uding'the Field Operations, Vehtcle and Equipment Maintenance Centers and the L~~,e' P~w,ay' !lark bU,ifd,1ngs,are per.fo'r:medby thi';s diviision. ' ACTI~IJY GOALS AND 'OBJECTIVES I 1. To cont,imie prov,iding In-house, janUoria.l servic'es to ,CHy Hall, COnii1un,i'ty'and I We;ingart' Centep and the Plannfng Oe'partment. ' 2. To provide as much in-house ,fac,il i ty mai ntenance ,and repai I' service as, pra'c-ttcaL I 3. To establ i'sh a 'ful IY-Juncti'onlng cal'penters shop. I SIGN I F.I CANT ACT! V1TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE '. The capi tel li tem bUdget reflects' the p-uq:h,ase of a I power jointer,generator, spray equipment and accessories t $,~,O!i4 . .~~ . - Addition of BuiTdi ng Ma i rilebanc,e Work,er to provide adequa te maintena'n:ce for Gi ty fac.i 1 iti'es. + $26,960 I . I I , I I , , I . 115 ' .., CITY ,Of., P\OI'!~Y. DEPARTMENTAL ACTI,V.ITY DE'T AI L ,. Department: Activity: e,c ~:i v,tty Code: 408 . PubHc, Services Fac.i 1 it i es Maintenance Obj. ' 1986'-87 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 Code Exoense Classification BudClet Actual Prooosed Aooroved '. , Personnel Exoense . Ranae .PosH tonT,it Ie, I 214.2 Sr~ Bldg. Maint. WOl'ker 24,84~ ?4,850 25,468 28,700 185.6 Bl dg. "Ma intE!ni!i1:ceWol'ker (4) 58 ,.11~0 57 379 76,220 86".260 - , ,. "'".~ . Salaries -Sh'ift D.i fference 1,040 1,040. 832 900. I 83,993 110 Salaries - Regular 83,269 102,520 115,860 . 113 Salaries - Ove~time 1,218 295 600 650 120 Fri nge p,e:neffts 26,462 26.,904 24,120 32;7:80' Iotal' Personne 1 111. 673 110,468 '127,240 149,290 I' Operations and Maintenance, 262 Vehicle 9per<;ltj,ons 4,150 1,366 2,490 2,490 I 263, Vehicle Ma int,!!nance 3,306 2,65.8 ~,540 '1,540 264 Veh i cl e Rental 4,683 4,683 1,830 ~,830 . , 313 Uni form's, Laundry, Dry Cl eani ng 1,0~? t,108 1,370 1,370 I . j:ii R2M - B.u i 1 ding~ 4,500 7,231 . 8,930 ,8.,930 332 R&M- Air Conditioni ng 1,200 - 450 . '450 .337 R&M - Radios 120 136 100 100 ,.\i2 . Sanitoria,] 'Suppl ies 2,80..9 3,037 2,800 2;800 . 417 Ope ra 'fi rig Suppl ies 18,541 12,780 13,000 1:3,000 420 Small Too 15 '300 265 300 300 ,511 Equ,i pment Reri'ta 1 500 - 300 300 I . .. I I , I rota 1 Ooerati ons and Ma intenance. 41,192 33,264 33,110 33,.110 CaoHa] Outlay . 601 telecomnunications. Equipment 2,871 1,054 - - , ,'- 651 Shop Tools 3,581 3,485 6,050 6,050 I lota,1 Capi tal Out la v 6,452 4,539 6..050 6,050 I ActiVitv Total $159,317 $148,271 $166,400 $188,450 116 . CITY OF POWAY, I '.". ..' .. _ ....=. .~l DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY OETAIL Department: Acti,vity,: Acnvity I (jade :'409 Public Services Vehicle and Eauloment Maintenance ACnvu:r COMMENTARY ,.. ACTIVITY DESCRiPTION ,. The, Vehicle an(j EQui p,men,t Mai'ntenance ;Di v{s ion provi d~s vehi.cl e, equipment 'if~d fie:l d ntaintenance s~RPort for the City. The a,c:livities of thfs division relate to main-, I tenance, repafr, modification and fa,brication of all types .of 9i'ty mo,torized and constr,udion-l1)ilJ ntenanc,e eQui p_ment from F,i're DepartlTlent pumpers. to Park OepartmentJ l'awn lI1owers.~i rst and second line ma,intenance of City-owned. of La'w Enforcement vehic'les is also part of thts di'vi~ion. -, , I This 'aCHv.ity is financed by'charg.1ng each of'th'e cost c!,!(1ter;s that have been assigned vehicles andlor equipment for the cost of maintaining their vehicles and/or I eQu tpmeflt. AtTIVHY GOALS .ANO OBJECTIVES I 1,. To 'extend t~e ant,ic,ipated.servTcf! 1 ife o'f all Ctty-'ownedvehicl'es"and eQu.ipment through ~outi ne and preitentj ve ma i ntenanceprograiifs'. ' I 2. To inspect, maintain, repair and overhaul all Ci'tY'lI1otorized equipment. 3;; - ~,. .." .0 ,~ " '" To evaluatE! ser~ice vehicles, detehnine their service Itf.e ,and advjse of replacement needs. . ~,. Reduce out of sel'vice time fo'r Law Enforcement vehicles bY performing ma,intenance ' .. - - -.-. . and. 1 ight, I'epairs in poway. 5, To, 'fue.l and 'pert;orm rou,tfne vehi'c fe' ma~i ntenance du,~ing off-hou 1'5. ' .' I .ACTIVITY.. WORKLOAO sTA'tiSTICS r:986-87 l:987~88 ESr:IMATED FORECASfED .' Passenger'Veh'i'cles 7 9 Light Iiidustri;a 1 (1 ton and bei' ow) 37 , 38 . Heavy Industrial (over 1 ton) 7 7 Tractors 9 9 Ai'lfety Servjces 16 ., 16 Miscellaneous Equipment 112 112 . Law Enforcem,enl 3* 3* !'C'ity-owned v,ehic l:es I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE' ' , PurcHase offlal bed 'truck for transporting vehicles I and equipment " + $18,000 I I I 117 . CITY OF POWIW DEPARTME~TA~ ACTIVIJ.Y DETAIL. I Oepartment: Activity.:' Act-i vUy Code: 409 . Pub 1 k Servi ces Vehicle and Eauioment Maintenance Obj. .1986-87 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 Code Exoense Cl ass i fica t ion Budoet Actuai' Proposed Aoorbved Personnel Exoense I Ranae Pos i.t ion. J,U l.e, 231. 7 Egu.i pment Maintenance, I Supervisor 30,61'4 30,62Q 31,~03 J4,190 216.7 Equ ipmeht Mechan.i c (2) 51.,7()0 47,043 5'3,010 58,850 176.7 EquiP! Service Worker . P.art-Time 7,092 - 7,600 8,350 Sa 1 ar,ies - Standby 200 200 - - I 110 Saiarles - Regular 82,514 ,77,663 84,410 93',040 . , 112 Salaries - Part-'Time 7,092 - 7',600 8,350, 113 ,~a,l,aries - Overtime 2,1;24, 993 1,990 ?,i5Q I 120 Fringe Benefi't.s 22,456 18,451 16,740 23,220 . Total Personnel. 1'14,186 97, 107 . 110,740 1.26,.760 Operations and Maintenance :21'0 G.as ar)(j El'ectrid ty 6,696 3,400 4 Q200 4.,200 I 'ill ' ..~. Natural Gas 1,80Q 829 1,250 1,250 216 Trash Removal 530 559 530 530 262 Vehic.fe Oper~tions i,055 i6] 1,,060 1,060 . .263 Vehicle' Majntenance 1,716 986 1,OQ.o 1,,000 :?lb Travel and Me'etings 600 506 6.00 600 313 )1n.i fO,rms., La un dfY " Dry Cleaning 1.515 1,502. 1,350 1,35Q. , " I 315 Publications and Dl!es 50 1,5 50 50 316 Medical Exams 114 - 1'10 110 334 ,R~M ,-Equipment 389. / - - - 335 R&M -Out's ide, Vehftle Repa 1'1' 7,300 24,160' 10,00.0 -10:,000 .' 337 R&M - R'adi 0 . 48 55 50 50 417 Operat.ing SuppU.es ' 2,19,0 1,.?42. 2,500 2.,500 420 Sma 11 Tools .500 280, 1,900 1,000 I 499 Other Supplies and, Material 56,160' 59,697 56,160 56,160 515 .Inter90vernm'enta 1 Fees .- - - 270 .' . Expens'e Credits ('195,9}0) (228..D:59 ) 531 (126,657) (211, Z60.) I 555 Capital' outfay Rental 1,560 1,56.0 1,560 1,560 . Tota 1 Ooerattonsand Maintenance 7:114,186 (30,114 (130,-340 046,360 Caoita 1 Outl.av ,. 622 Qther' Equ,i pJl1ent ,Not C,lass,ified. - - 19,,600 19,.600 651 Shop Tools - 1,2?2 - - ., 'Total Caoital OutlaY - 1,222 19,600 19,600 I Act ivi ty Total 0 :Ii 68,215 0 0 118 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY' DETAIL, Department: Acti,yity: Acti,vi'ty I Code: 410 Pub 1 i c 'Servi ces D ra i nage Ma i ntenance. I ACTJVITYC0M4ENTARY .ACTIVITY DESCRI PTION I , , The Drainage. Maintenance Division 1'5 charged with the maintenance and repa,irs of all I City drainage improvements and the clearing of major creeks through the conrnu-nity. 'Work in the improved channels cons,i'sts of silt, debris 'and grafittj removal, tree, ~hrubbJ!ry and'groundcoyer prunl ng, concrete and. fence tepa ir and access maTntE!Oance. Work in the major cl'eeks consists of debriS removal, har:d stem plant trimming, I select.ive vegetation spraying, weed and grass mowing where appropriate. ,Sand bar and sUt removal, Or relocat,ionwlthtn th~ watercourse is performed 'f6 maTJ1tain the :hydralilic capacity of the streams. Ol'ainage cLilverts a-nd catchQasins are inspected I annua 11y, cl eaned and repaired as neCeSSi!-ry. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I :1. To "educe floodj'ng of J'ow' ly,i ng areas' by 'ma inta in,i~ngdrajnage sYsteins'~t optimum hYdraul ic ,efffci ency. I 2. Re_d.uc~ s.tr.eetandroadway Hood.i ng during I'M nstorms by ,ma intajningclJlver:ts~ and catctibasins. I 3. Improve astheti'cs bykeepi ng natural streambeds in a clear,. unobstructed condition (ree' of excessi..vegrowth and 'an} debrfs.. .. ,- .' I 4. To comp lete inventory of a llstor;m dra.i ns wtth i n the 0i ty and. to establ ish a I'outi ne fna,i nferiaj1ce' program'i I S'IGNIF'IGANT .ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES I Purchas'e of .a multi-Lise excavator for trench + $112,140 9j,ggi hg" c:.tianne 1 mai ijtenance', andasphal!: Tepa fr I work., I I I I I 119 I, CI-TY .OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACffVITY DETAIL 1 Department: Activity: Activity Code: 410 I 'Public Services Dra,i naae 'Ma i ntenance Obj. 1986.;87 1986-87 1987-88 1987.,88 Code Exoense Glassiftcation B~udaet Actua] Prooosed Aoproved I Personnel Exoense, RanaE c PosJt ton Title, 1 225.6 Drainage Majntenance 210.6 Supervisor 24,745 6,756 24:,540 27,330 Construct ion' Mai ntenance Worker III 21,228 21 ,230 21,510 25,160 1 195.6 Con~tructiol1 Maintenance, 34,370 37 , 190 Worker n (2) 33,509 35,340 Salarfes - Standby 1,.163 1,160 2,400 2,400 I 110 Salaries - Regular 81,50,6 62,646 83,790 92;080 ..... ,,-' . 113 Sa 1 aries - OV,ert ime 1,536 1,3202 1.,800 1,950 120 Frl nge Beneffts , 20,,266 18,426 17 ,940 25,790 1 Tota] Personnel 103,308 82,394 103,530 119,820 Ooer;ations and Maintenance I 148 ,Special Stud,ies, 10,0000 - 10,000 10,099 , 216 Trash. .Removal 7,5QO 2,8,12 7,500 .7 ,50,0 1 262 Vehi'cl e Oper;at.i ons 3',000 2,222 3,?00 3,500 263 Vehicle Maintenance 6,020 11,918, 5,770 5,770 264 Vehic.le Rental 15,Ei4..2 15,642 16 ,O~o' 16,03,0 270 travel a'ndMeetl n9s'. 40,0 '~6 .300 30g I -., .. . 313 Uniforms and Laundry 1,292 l,2Ei7 1,650 1,650 .316. Medical Exams 120 ,55 80 80 324' Weed Silray,iJlg 4,000 - 3,~00 i3 ,5.0.9 ..' ~- "'- I 337 R&M - Radios 380 125 420 420 411 Offi ce & Stationery SUPIl.l i es - 93 - - 416 ,SafetY" Suppl.,i es 500 - 500 500 I 417 Operating Supplies 2,500 1,963 3,000 3,000 420 Small Tools 500 528 300 309 '443 91J1Y,ert Maintenance 7,'500 720 7,?Q0 7' 500 " <-~- 445 Misc. Maintenance Activi'ty 1.,Q09 1,166 1,,000 .1;QPP ,. 511 Equipment Renta] 35,000 5,034 5,000 5,000 - lotal Operat.ions and Maintenance 95,354 43,601 66,050 66,050 1 Caoital0utlav 621 Autos and Trucks - - 1-12',140 112,140 1 622 Other Equipment Not Classified 25,484 25,333 - - -' -( 652 Mobile Tools 3,048 ,- - - 6i;'6 Drai~age, Structul'es - 8,lJ6 '- - 699 Other Assets - 458 - - I I. Tota 1 CaoHa lOut.] av 28,532 33,967 112,140 112,140 Act,i vitv Total "1227,.194 U59,962 $281,720 $298, OlD ..... N '" CIT'!; l~ <=:., 013 DIRECTOR SAFEI'Y SERVICES 500 FIRE FIRE PARAMEDICS :p.J.v SUPPRE~~ION PRE.VENTIc;N ENFORCEMENT, 501 502 503 505 SAFETY SERVIGES' - .. - - - - 1 121 I Cny OFpg~t\Y DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY' OVERVIEW '. Dept. Code Oepart!nent: Fund Dis.tribution: 'I: 500 Safety Serv,i'ces Gene r.a,1 Fund: $4,546,110' :-.. '- , . - 1 ' EXPENSE 1985-1986 t98"6-1987 1986~1987 1987 -1988 19~? -19,8,~ CLASSIfICATION AC,TUA!:. BUDGET ACTUAL" - PROpOSED APPROVEO 1 Tota 1 Pos it ions ,32 34 34 34 34 1 Personnel Expense 1,358,727 1,451,097 1,487,069 i ,427 ,860 1,6,01,~50 I Operati ons 2,145,994 2,537,550 2,352,859 2,635,230 2,852,330 . -- - - and Ma.i ntenance I Capital Outlay 44,434 62,966' 1i3,369 91,930 , 91, 930 I TOTAL BUDGET $3,549,155 $4,051,613 $3,953,297 $4;,155,020 $4,546,110 , I OV~YIEW COM4ENTARY , .1 The Department of S~fety Servi ces is responsi b 1 e fQr JTieet i ng the pub 1 i c safety needs and demands of'the C,;ty. The, Department is divided i,nto five o'per:atingd.ivi- 5 i'ons wh,ich i ncl ude the Office of the Oirector, Fire Suppress i on, Fire Preventi on" '. Paramedi'cs and La\>{ Enforcement. The Di rector of Safety Servi ces 'is appointed by th,e City Manager and ,supervi ses the five op'erating divisJons. The rE!sponsibil ities of the Department includeprotect~ I 'ing' the Ti'vesandpropertjes of a)1 cit~izensj';r::om fil'e; or othE!r dis~sters, ,carl'ying out a plannedfi re,.prevention and fire educaHon 'program for the en~i re City, pr..oviding fqr high quality emergency medica.l ,servi,ces for those suffering from . injury or other'medii;9a1 trauma, 'admtntstering ;:,I)e CHy's contr:act for Law' E~.force- ment and safe effective traffic en'for'cement wi'i:h the, San Diego County Sheri ff'o s. ~ - -- - , Office. I I ,I I 122 I CITY OF POWAY, I DEPARTMENTAL'AGTIVITY DETAIL Oepartment: Activity: Activity I Code: 500 Safety Services Office of' the Dtrector , I , ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The res pons i oi li ties of the Offfce of the Director incl ude di rect supervi 5 ton, coor.- I dination and"control 'of aJ"1 departmenta'j activities for the Department of Safely Services. The Director o'f Safety Services is appointed bY the"City Manager and f~ncti9n~, in a staU capacity to advise elected and ~ppoin,ted offi,cer;s concerning I theC.ity's ,safety ser;vi ces neeas and jiequiTeriients., Staff ass,igned to the Otrecfor I,S office' ensures that the law enforcement programs, fire, protecfion capabilities, af)~ by il dj ng coges. and ord.i nances are cons i sterit wi th th'e policies. 'and prJ,ceduresof the City. I ,ACTJ,VJTY GOALS'AND OBJECnVES I 1. To continue present,programs on weed abiltemi!nt and ~ba,ndoned vehicles. '2. To ,eliminate the,th(eat to'publ'ic 'safety 'that are violations' of ,nealth and I 'safety codes. ':3'. Toprov,tde ,conmun,ity awareness of'the dangers' of fires and prevention tethntq~es. I 4. Io continue development of county-wi de fundi ng for public' safety areas., '5. To pro~ide 'the cOmlTlunity awareness of crime prevention. I ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATlSTIeS I 1'986-87 1987-88 ESTIMATED FORE'CAsfEb I ~i reC?tru!;t,u:r!!f.Gr!lSS) and Mi SC, 250 350 8,aramedi c Transports 1,,300 ,1,:200 I SIGNIFICANT ACT,IVlJY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE Di saster preparedness consultant contract B i nc]uged + $15,600 I to' coordinate act.j Ij"i t ies,a,f)d prepare plan. I I .. I " I 123 I C'IH OF 'POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIViTY DETAIL '. Department: Act,ivity: Acti vity o. Code: 500 .' Safetii Services Office ,of the ,Di rector Obj. 1986-87 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 . Code, Exoense Classi,fi catton Budaet Actual Prooosed Aooroved 1 Personnel Exaense Ranael Pos it ion T i t.1 e 289.,3 Director 54,372 55 , 346' 54,630 60,800 . 197.6 Administrative Secreta~y 21,825 20,808 19 ;990 21,190 . 110. Sa laries -": .~guTar ,76,],9,7 76,154 74,620 81,990 26,504 .... - .,.. .~ 120 Fringe Benefits ,23,,'320 20;550 22;280 . Total Personnel 99,517 102,658 95,170 104,270 . Operations and Maintenance 145 Data Processing 3,50,0 3,967 2,00,0 2,000 148 Special Stl!dles, - - 15,QOO l?,gOO I 262 Vehit.1e Operati~ns 1,259 1,4)?, l~ 250 1250 ,t. ~ 263 Vehicle Maintenance 1,000 997 1,200 1,200 264 Vehicle Rental 4,085 4,085 1,200 1.,?00 1 270 Travel and: Meeti ngs 2,67? 2,839 3,920 3,920 311 Printing 250 164 700 700 ,:31'3' ,UnifOnn~, ldaul1drry,& OI'Y Cleani ng 275 567 - - 314 Community Relations 24.0 187 ;340 340 I, '315 ' , 85'0 1,030 Publications and Dues 467 1,030 316 Medi ca 1 ,Exams ~50 - 50 50 3ij Education and Tr.ai ni ng 300 22'i - - . '. '-'. .. . - ~. , 200 I 325 Vehi.cle ~egulatlon 200 :200 200 331 R&M - Bu.ildtng 360 275 300 '300 2 650' , ' - 2,650 334 R&M - Equipment , , 499 2,650 . 411 Office & Stationery Suppli es 7.50 883 900 900 412, Janil,oriaT Supp,l ies 200. 17'7 100 100 417 Operating Supplies 750 193 7'50 750 514 Lease Purchase 1,50.0 1,477 - - 1 555 CapHal au'flay Rental 2.;'435 2 435 2,,740 2,7 40 t ,. _ ~ 1 lota 1 Ooerati'ons and Maintenance, 23'.207 ,H,057 34,,330 34,330 Cao,ital Outlav . 601 Telecom. Equipment 1,250 1,177 '- - 611 Office Equipment 3,325 3,1.~0 6'00 600 622 Other Equ,ipment. - 775 - -' .. Total Capital Outlay 4,575 5,092 600 600 . Acti vitv Total ,$127,299 $128,807 $130.,100 $139,200 124 I CITY OF PQWAY I OEPARTMENTAL ACIIV.ITY DETAIL ,'. I pepa rtmen t: Activity: ~ctivity . Code: 501 . Safetv ,Ser,vices' Fi're Sliooression ACTIVITY t1lMMENTARY ACUYITY DESCRIPTION I The Safety Servtces Department 'tscharged' with the responsibttity to protect' the 1 ffe I . . . - . _ U'.' ., n". _ . and property of all the, citizeos of Powayfrom fi I'e and other di.s.asters. The Fi re Suppression Division responds ,to all emergency .calls for help to render the pr~per assfstance, to those 1'n 'need. Emergency response is the most obv1'ous way 'Of ful- I filling the,se re~ponsibi'lities, but' 60n-emergency actfvities are also essential in thi 5 di vi,S,i on. Non-emergency calIs, lockouts, snake remova) 5 an~,'fl ogdi ng i'ncidents 'are handled by thjs activity. 'Tra,iniilg, maTntenance or equipment, mainten- anceof 'station and fire hydrants; pre-fire p.l?nning, fire company' inspection ,and I bi,cycle 1 icens,i ng are other,activit'i es 1'n wh,ich the Fi re Suppress ton personne 1 are invo:iyed. ' , ",., , ACTIVITY GOAtS ANO OBJECTIVES, I Y. To provide a high level of service to the corrmunity. I , 2. To s.fr'ive fo'r more contactwfth tlie citi zen's; i'Oformi ng them of :aviHl able servic,es thr'ough enhanced corrmlinity relations programs~ J. 1;0 continue. present training prOgrarns with. i nformat,i on and trainiQg for ,new I technology and the latest state-of-the-art in taCtics (jnd strategie's. 4. lo develOP and imp:] ement Career Dev'el opment'Gu,i des. I 5. To increase the effecttveness of the Reserve F.irefighter Program. <I .. . ~ I - SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE Printing of new maps + $ 7,250 '. Purchase oJ El evated Master St'r'eamAppara tus (:cost + :$57,300 I 'of .v.e'hicle is '$275,000. The di'fferenceis inGluded in the Capital Bep 1 acement bUdget in the amouflt of I ($217,70P,,) I Medi:cal exam,inati6ns for reserve program + $6',500 - -.... Pu rchilse of fi,re .hose + $5,600 I . I I 1 125 'I CITY OF .POWA Y DEPA~TMENTAL ACTINJJY DETAIL . 1 Department: Activity: Activity' Safety Services Fire Suooress.ion Code: 501 Qo~j . 1986-87 1986-87 .1987 -88, ,1987-88 1 Code Exoense Classification Budaet Actual pr;ooosed' Aooroved I'ersonnel Exoense Ranae Postt'ion. Tit.le 1 2Z2.z Fi're, Battal ion Chfef ,44',556 !j6,?24. ,40,F? 47.,350 246,2 Fi re Captai n (6) , 2.05,344 221,186 205,754 236,2~0 231.2 Fire Engineer (6) , 18?,23,2: 132,,943 183;162 204,090 1 221.2 Fire. Fire.fighters (9.0) (6~0) 221 ,}90 240;984 220.,310 250,6,50 Callback 7,9261 ''1,926 c8,556 8,560 . 110 Salaries - Regular 661...84~ 659,,363 657,950 746,9,40 1 113 Salaries.. OilerUme 69,'00Q . 77,,036 69,,000 74,660 120 Frinae Benefi ts - 218 ;177 183.617 163,580 181,730 Tota 1 Personnel 949,025 920,016 890,530 1,003,330 1 Ooerations and Maintenance 131 Volunteer'Service 20'000 r:9,83J 20,000 20. Mo' , , , , 210 Gas and Electri ci ty 24,000 20,744 24,000 24,000 215 J.elejJhone 3,000 5,455 4,2,00 4,290 1 1._- 216 Jr:ash Rein()va 1 1,200 1,113 1;'200 ~' '1200. '260 ReimbursedMilea~e 25P 163 500 ,,,500 262 Vehicle Operations 11,250 5,917 11 ,250 11 ,250 1 :263 Vehicle: Maintenance 34,129 24',632 29.,~2,0 29,22Q 264 vi{tiicl e. Renta 1 122,6!j0 '122',650 130,390 13.0,3.9.0 - 270 Travel and'MeE!tings 10,632 7,385 10',430 10,430 I 311 Printing 750 749 8,000 8,000 3]1'3 ,UnJ~orms, Laundry & Dr.y Cleaning 7,575 9,763 '8,480 8.1.!l.0 314 Conrnun.i ty Re latf6ns , 500 558 750 750 . . ' . ~.. 750' 750 315 Publications and Dues 894 750 1 316 Med i ca.1 'Exams 1,850 1,660 r,~50 8,350 317 ~dLicati6n and Tl'aining 4,590 4,487 2,300 2,30.0 32'0 Outs i de Emergency- Ass fstance 15,00Q 8,067 15,'0'00 15,000 322 - - - 1 Dispatch Contract 29,500 26,228 30,000 30,000 3}1, R&M - 8uildings 5,200 4,795 4 ,20Q 4.,200 -' ., ~34 R&M, - Equi pment 4,250 4',470' 4,250 4,?!j0 ,I, 337 R&M - Radios 5,tOQ 4,672 5,400 5,4QO j38 R&M, - Fi.re Hydra.n.ts 1,50,0 828 1,500 1,500 .399 Contract,ua 1 Services 18',900 18,469 17 ,700 17,700 1 411 Offi ce &Sta tionery Supp 1 i es 2,000 j ;978 ,2 ;00.0 2 ;000 .l.. _ 412 Janitorial Suppl ies 2,000 2,144 2,500 2,500 413 Photograph i c Supp lies 550 401 .550 550 Hi . pperi'lttngSuppl His '13,?~9 ,1'5',466 i2;,'250 12,~50 1 420 Small Tools 750 756 650 650 51~ L!!,ase PUl'chase - - 750 750 555 Capita 1 OutlaY Rental 3,201; 3,201 3;280 3,,280 1 ", lotal Ooerations and Maintenance 344,237 317,476 353,350 359,850 Gaoital Outlay J 1 60.1- " 672 OQtl ay 24,400 74,340 67,850 67,850 Total CaoHal Outlav 24.400, 74,340 67,,850 67,850 I Activitv Total' $1-,317,'662 'bl,311.,832 $I ,311,nO $1,431,030 . 126 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVIW DETAIL , " . Oepartment: I Act ivi ty: I Ac~ivity . Safety Services Fire Prevention Code: 502 ,ACTIVITY 'COMMENTARY . ACTIVITY DESCRIPtION , This Oi v,i'sion 15 devotee to the prevent,i'6n of pr91l.erty 1 ()~se,s due' :tof1-reswi th,in the I City as ',,!ell ifs:red,uci Q9 ph,Ys; ca.,>1' tnjur,y" A program of Ftre. Prev.enti'on InspecTions 'iiS carried out in all cornnercial, industrial, educational ,and institutional faci l'ities throughou't the CIty on a year round basi's. This Divisiol1 carrie:; ,out co.cies and' '. ordtnances adopted by the City., sucti as the Uniform Fire Code and Build; ngGode, as well 'asf'iflated h'ati6nal codes. and' ordinances.' 'The Cahfornia ,Kdminislrattve Code, Ti tl e 19 and Ti tle 24, are also enforced locally by thi 5' offi ceo , , In addi ti'on to the fi r'e prevent 1'on act'i v;i:ti es ,a..11 pub He educaUon programs regard- ,. ingfi re safely are, haneled .9Y, th,t:;Divj!s'ion. fhe,s.eprograms'al'e pr'ovided for schoolS, lhstitutrons, cl ubs ,or special interest groups.. Other programs are also hand.l ed by I t-tiis Divl,sTon; Le., nr~ Flow, Weed Abatement, Vehicle ~bateme!.U:, (Aba~'aoned VE!hicle), Nutsances, and Juvenile Ftresetter Coun'sering. A major thrust is to establish the , i:LearnNot to BUl'n'" pl'og'tam i nan elementary'schooh. , I The Fi re Prevenfi on Divi 5 ton carries out all fi re i nvestJgat ion jleeds oJ the ,di:!partmen toascel'tain the cause of fire 6n any incident o,f a quesUonab1e orig,in.; The f,tre Josses and saves area Iso c"'l!cuTif~ed, here. '. - " I (hi,s Oi vi 5 i on also provides consultation servi ces with the pub 1 i c to ad vf!;eon ho\,/ (lcjeq~ate fi.re'protection can be 'achievea" ,incruai'~g a. h()!l1"e fire s,(ifety progl'am.., Plan . checks for all 'new buil di ngs, sublli'vts i 6115, and te~ant improvement are processed through this6ffice as wel] as complaints and weed prob'lems. I' I ,ACII,'yITY GOALS AND OBUECnVES 1. To improve and maintain the fire company inspection programi. I ,2., To increase the pu'bHc education program on, fire and.hie safety in the.CHy"s schoo1:s and resfdences 'through "Learn Not to 'Burn" (and home fire safety. ' To continue Juvenile Firesetter counseling. ".. - 3. I, 4,. To increase, the effecti venes's of cod,e ~omp 1 i ance in. the Ci ty. 'SIGN I FICANT AC'TJ V ITYPROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE, Enhance'cornnun.1ty re 1 afi ons andi ncrease effecf1veness I in public ed4catj on '1it!1 j jltegr'aJed TY/VGR/monitor un; t + $ 1,550 . ;1 , . I I I 127 I C'ITY OF POWAY DE~ART~ENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I' Department: Acti vi ty: Activity . Code:. 502 I Safety ServTces Fire, Pl'evention Obj. 1986"87 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 .Code ,Exoense' CJassificiiUorl Budget Actual prooosed" AOD roved I Personnel Exnense Rance pos i tton Ttt 1 e. 272.2 Fir.e' Battalion Chief 44,556 46,454 44,746 51240 I Fi re Prevention '.Inspector '0' .., 231. 2 30,1"32 ~2,~9? 30,527 34,020 226.~ Code' Coinpl i ance 'O'ffi'cer '23 , 700 24,900 27,.p4 31 ;160 187.6 'Secretary 13,980 18,400 18,-325 22,000 I 110 122,646 Salaries - Regu]ar 112,368 120,730 138,420 I .113 S,a.l,ari es ., Overtime 6,RO 5,407 6,800 7,360 ... ". ~ 120 Fri nge. Benefi ts 38',43,2 '35,657 32,810 38,930 "I . I Tota 1 Personnel 157,520 163,710 160,340 184,710 Ooerations and Maintenance , . I I 262 Vehicle Operati'ons .2,900 1,791 1,800 1,800 . 263 Vehicle, MaTntenance 2,391 4,817 2,280 2,280 - 264 'Veh,l:cle Renta 1 ' 1,1'68 '1,168 2,140 2,140 , ' I, 269 Mileage Reimbur~ement - - 20 20 ,270 Travel and Meetings 2,569 2,~.90 2,,700 2,700 311 'Print,i ng .550 589 550 550 313 'Unifqrms.; Launqry & Dry Cl ean.i ng 675 617 ' ... 600 600 I 314 Communtty Relati!)ns 4,000 3,92,5 4,000 4,000 :i'i5' publ ica t tons a,nd Dues 1,'315 1.,261 1,450 1,450 316 Medical Exams 180 - 100 100 I :317 Educatton~and Tr,aini,ng 300 345 300 300 . ,.. ~- 30,0~0 30,000 30,000 ~24: Nuisance Abatement 34,728 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 525 4~8 .530 530 I ~p ~,ho,togr;apMc Suppli es 50b 475 500 500 417 Operating Suppl1es 3,990 3,498 3'990 3,990 " , I . Total Ooerations and.JI1aintenance 51,063 56,362 50,960 50,960 Caoital Outl clV I 601 Telecom Equipment 5,035 5,106 - '- 605 Photographic Equipment - - r,5!j0. 1,550 I, 611 Office Equipment 3,180 2,919 - - 622 Qther Equipment _. 2,0,92 - - " -. ~ 626 Safety Equ'ipment 1,175 1,132 ., - I. Total Caoital Outlav 9,390 11,159 1,550. 1,550 I Activ,Uv' Tota'] ~217,9Z3 $231,231. $212,850 ll237 ,220 128 I CiTY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTP.L ACTiViTY PETAIL Depa~,tment:' Activity: Act.i v i.~y 1 Code: 503 Safe tv, Services Paramed i cs ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 1 ACT! V ITY DESCRI PT! ON ~ The ~hird d'tvision of the Fire Oepartment is the emergency medical services program. 1 Developed over' th~e, y,e.ars from: offeri ng only bas i.c' fi rst ai d, it now pr()vide,s a h.igh'l:}i' sophjsticated l'e.v,el o,t. emergency me'cfical treat~ent to Tn or injured vi'ctims 1'n :. the fi,e 1 d, bri ng.i ng the: hospita 1 emergency room to the scene. There a~e ten fi.ref.ighte~s 0!1 't.hepoway F.i re Department who are cTirre~t.J.Y certi fi ed as paramed,ics'. Each, has passed a course of intensive emergency mediic;a,l training, 1 'perTIJ1tting them to perform advanced emerg~ncy medical iltocegures under the direct,ion 'o.f a qua.l i ffed physician or certifi ed nufse. These paramedics are Ilart oft.he F.i re Department. team and se'rve ngt only as 1 . Fi refi.ghter'lParamedi:cs, but al,soas teachel's. CP~ cJa:sses ,1I,ndother cOrTmuni'ty' education programs al'e handled by. this division. . The operatTon of :the Pa,ramedil: team ,i's ma"-aged bya Capta-i n/EMS Cgordina:t.or, The coordinator"maintains close contact with the other providers in the County Emergency Medtt~1 Services System, ensul'ingull-to-date al'ld 'smooth ope.rationof the' Poway 1 Paramedic 'Team. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 TI. To prov,ide high quality pre-hospital emergency medical care for the conrnunity. I , Tq p~ovide infol1!1ation to the citizens on emergency medical services 2. through, the publ ic educat.ion programs. 3. "To cool'di nate di saster:/miJl tiMe casua'l ty pJ anni ng and tra ini ng. I 4. To ,mainta.in up-to~dateskil,l 5 and knowledge of team ;members th~ough I attendance at med'i'cal education progl'ams.' ' SIGNIF.ICANT ACjlVIJY RROGRAM :CHANGES CHANGE 1 None . .. I I, I 129 - , I CIJY OF POWAY DEPARTMENTAL ACI1VITY DEfAIL I Departm!!,nt: Activity: Activity Code: 503 I SafetvServices Paramedics Ob' . 1986-87 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 ,'. J Code Expense ClassTHtiRi on Budaet Actual 'PrOposed Aooroved I Personne.l Exoense RanQe Position Title I 221. 2 147 ;862 . 162,?62 ' -.--, I Paramedics (6.0) 1~9,166 167,100 Special Proficiency Pay 30,000 30,000 '32,500 36',270 I I no Salaries ~ Regullr 177,8,~2 192,2~2 181,660 203,370 H3 Salaries - Overtime 15,325 22,76.2 17,000 18,390 120 Fl'i nge.Benefi ts, 51;848 ,85,661 83,160' 87,780 I I . ~ Tota'l Personnel 245,035 300.685 281,820 309,540 I Operations and Mat ntenance I , 260 Mileage Reimbursement - 88 400 400 262 Veh.1 cle ,ope rat ions, :3,000' 2,3~) 3,200 3,200 I 263 Vehicle ,Maintenance ,5,.642 5',474 4,800 4,800 264 Vehicle Rental 9,900 9,900 5,qO 5,'130 - izo Irave i ,and Mee\] ng's 2,,6,65; 2,2~,3 3,020 3,029 I 314 Corrmun,ity Relat,ions 1;000 589 1,000 1,000 315 Pub li cat,i ons and Dues' 855 4'90 860 860 \ 317 Education and Tl'aining 4,,350 1,666 4,350 4,3~0 ! .J34. ~&M - Eciujpme~t 3,~~0 2,[14 3,330 '3,330 I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 200 174 200 200 413 Pliotographic & Photocopy Supplies 200 i45 200 200 414 Medical SiJpp.l i es 7,8,6.0 8,183 8,409 8,400 I 4.17 Operating Suppnes 750 '54 750 750 555 Capital Outlay Rental 3;597 3,59] 3,660 3,660 I I Total Ooerations and Maintenance 43,349 37,090 39,300 39,300 Caoital Outlay I 17,306 615 ParamedJ!= Equ.ipment. 18,401 3,280 3,280 I I TotalCaoHal Outlav 18,401 17,306 3,280 3,280 '. Activ-i tv Total $306,785 $355,081 $324,400 $352,120 " 130 I pTY OF POWA)~. I DEPARTMENTAL ACTI,VUY DETAIL Oepa rtmen t: Act iv, i:ty: ~cti v,i ty I ,Code: 505 ,SafetvSer'vi'ces Law Enforcement I ACTlVIU COMMENTARY , ACTIVITY OESCRIPTION I The San Di ego County Sheriff" 5 Departilient has furni shed theC,ity of Poway ,wih I contractual .law enforcement and traffic enforcement for the past six (6.) 'years. In the same area ,of tra.:t:fi,c, sa'fety, ,Powayshows an,;decrea~e o,finjur,y accidents of I 33% over J984. Fatal accidents hav.e de.creas.ed frof!15 to 4 over lIie' previous year and the total enforcementincl.ex has increased 96% from 48/-L to 94/1 compared to 1984. Tile' attftUde andcooperalion' ,of Poway c'i:tizens and Sheri,U' s,deputies coilHnues ,to I promote'goodwiTr and a posit,ive con,!11liili,ty effort tokeep Poway at one oftheiowest crime ra'tes in the,County. ACTIVITY GOAhS &' OBiJECTIVES I 1- To reduc!l crime. through the cciordi nate.d efforts of Nei'~hbort)90d Watch groups, I preventat..i.ve patrol and, ilro~acUve enfor,cement conta6ts. 2. ReCliJ,ce the number of traffic acci dents with i n the C.ity with a conti iiued emphas is on the i ntoxica ted driver. \ I 3, Malntain the existing trafffc enforcement index of 94;/1 for the coming fis(~l year. I 4'. Broaden the scope of th'eschoolf,senior ci'tizens safety progriam and increase the nuniber of studentslseniors 'parti,cipai:ing, in an attempt to 'reduce accidents' ,. invp.!ving that segment of' our pop,ulation mos.t suscept-ib.le to," . t17aff,ic/pedestrian/bi cycl;e :acci'dents'. ,.,. -. - , . SIGN I F I CANT ACT! V ITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 0, Neighborhood,Block Captains Meetin,g Progr-am $ + 6,000 o Increase in p'ol ice protectton costs based on I program i Qcrease i Q Servtce & ContracLAgreemen,t byaRpro)(imatelY,9:G + $408,'570 o Scales, 'for conmerc.ial 'vehfc'l:e enforcement + $ 15,000 o Two new radar units + $ 3,600 I o The DARE Pro'cjram has been added to enhance education Me!le,menhry' sc~og j chi Ydren of' drugs qWa rerie,s 5 ' + $ 35,000 o Adq,iJion,of ,~speci'al law erfforcerrient offic!lr, I speci'fica8y for enfortementof drug-related cases + $ 70,000 " Enhan'cement of tb,e gi',SpijtCh service to prov,ide local iny.o ]ivement and s ta ffi ng + $105,000 I I 'I 131 ., I .. cltVer POWA:{ 1),E~ARTMENTALAtJciVfTY' Ot'rAfL 'I Departme,nt.: Activ,ity: ;Ac t i,v ity Code: 505 I Safety. Services :Law Eiiftitc'emehf , Qbj.. 1986-8Z '1'986~87 1987-88 1987..88 , Coae Exoense C'llassiHcaffon BLidaeE" AduaI p'roDosed ,Atiorovea 'I ' ,Personnel Exoense . Rance Posit,ton Title , , , I I. I lota'.1 Personnel I, OileraHons land Ma,intenance, , 'I, 21'5 Te,le'horie '~;,,50Q 357 1,800 1,,800 '.". .P. 26'2 . V.e.~,j c 1 e' gpe rjati'on's: .1,'200 677 .h2QQ r:~,200 '263 ' . ~,e.tl1cJe t:l~tnte,nance, 3',:383 4','~~3 2',84Q .?,.840 'J ,26!l. Vehicl e Renta:l: 9,'840 9,8<l0 Z;350 7;;\350 270 navel and,Meetings 10~ 130 4;336' 4,170 ,.. <':>0._........... 4~..EO. 3'14' . _,t., Conmunity Re.latton"s ,- ,;..' 6'000 6,000 ''''''_ k t. . I ~21 ' Goriniunlty'Sa fety' 2,enr,120 i 888164 ;2',098,7:60 2,309,';260 - t:. ~ -. ~'''- - -'~., <-- ' ,J. - "_'h ' ~',fj9 'I, .325 ' VeMclleRegu'l a t.i on 560" ,91 7'.-:NQ 334 R&M ~, Equ.ipment, ,2AQQ 2,678 2,400 2,4QO . 399 ciiritractui!'1 Se'iiVlces 1 t;Q,2~9 ,- rt,030 IT,030 ;;fi3 '~hQ.t.og r:.aphi'~' '~l!Plll Je's 59 --. , ,~.,..- I 200, 250 '250 12,300 9',14'2, 1'2,30'0 '-- , 416 .Sa fety'S4Ppne~,_ 12,'300 ,~ _.~- " ..L.......... 417 Ope-ra t,i n9' SuppTies 7,50, '695 75Q 750 555 1282; - .'.,.",,' Ca,p);ti! 1 OutlrcfyRehtciJ 1.282' 1,310 ,1,310 :1 ' , . ~, ~. _ Cl I, . , I' TotaJ Ooer;ation's 'and Maintenance . 2,.075,694 1,,920,874 2',157,290 2;367",890, , Caoltal ,'Out lay I ,601 Je;lecom ,EqlJ,i pment:. 4,160 51,412 - _. 611 Offi ce Eqiifpment, - - 50 .50 I :653 ' , other Tciols~na Eq'iJ,ipmehf 1,.500 60 18,600 18.,€o{f , , , , I I: I' Total Cao-ita,l Outlay 6,200 '5,4T2 18',650 '18;650 Activ'Uv, Total '$2,081;894, ,$1" 926" :346 '$2,1:75',940 $2, \386',5!l0 I' ,I I, l I 'I' I I I' , I,' , ,. l ,I I I; I: I' l I' ,CITY OF ,P.OWAY' Fl~~I:AL ,p',~~RAML 19,~7-1~~' ,I; CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ': 1:]4 I, CITY OFPOWAY I CAPI TAL IMPROVEMENifP.ROGRAM; ,OV,ERV.IEW. I .._. -'- __~" ~ _ .. . '_ n' ~,_ _',.,w_ _ ..... '_' REVENUE ANO EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS , ~ , ~ , I' C.ITY OF: ROWAY SOURCE AND APPLiCATIoN OFJ FuNDS FISCAL 'YEAR :1987-1988 I , EUNDING SOURCES ". . Str,~etJiev~,l opment.F:und '$204;,060 I state"Gra.nt: ,180,000 MU,n,;c,i paT Tmpr6vemeht Filiid, 145 0'00 ~. ~.~, -'.....- Wat.!!.f FlJrid, 440,000 I, , TQTA.LI $969;,00.0 I , , I, F,:,UND ING'APP.L-ICA T,lONS , Streets and H'i'gt\w'ays $204,000, . ,I' Tr;af'f,i~c Sign,ilrs ' "0 :F 1 boa ConJfoJ '!1J.a' :Dta; nage '"..-~ :0. :'Gov~ rnmelJt' ~ Bu ilc:l,i ng s 145,,006 I 'Ra rRs "ana OpenSpa6^e t~,Q,,009: water Hnprovemen'ts ,440'.000 , ' . - - .' ,. -~ ;Sewer Impro,vements '0 I ..,--;;.-.. -"'. ..... . ------..,-, 'I; \ , '. TOliAL $969,000 \ I , , , I " I , I, I I. I' I, 135 :I' CITY OFPOWAY ,I" CAPITAL J/:1PRO.v~Mr::NTRRO.@RAJfOVERV,~E\o! ( : Department:! I' CAPLTAL ,IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - " . Total TO,ta 1 -- . ,.~(. . ,. .- .:' - . . '-', ", -,- . .. ',- . E st.i mated Activi,tyClassHication, Total PrigI' '19,87-:-)988 Comb,fned ,I,Reou;irem'ents '. " .,". Aooroorfa'(ionsEsUmate; . Exoenditures , '$ 592; 7.81 ~Streets& H.ighl"ays$348 ,781, :$204,OQO $ 552,-7.81 'I ~ Traffcic, :SlghaTS - -' - .'. I - ~F1 ()odC!)ntr(]'1 '&: Qra,i'n,ag!!-- - ,I 5,:135,Z54 Goverhinent Build:j ngs4;99'O,,75~ , 145! 000 5,'1'35;754 I 4,895:,168 .Rarksand Open spac.!!,~,,7'~5,16~ {80,OQ9 4,8::"J68 539,000 'Water Improvements 99,000 440,OGO '539,,000 :1 f,;16i,OOo,Sewer .Improvements 1,162,.00'0- 1 ,l~2,;000, 'I $12.,324,70,3 !cOrAL, B~DGEif$P,~1~,Z:03 $969,000 $1'2:,284,,7.03 , :1 . ,OVERVIEW COMMENTARY , The, .Gap.ttal Improvement .program'of the Gity o,fPowayrepresenb' .an or,ganizecfpl'an 1 'HlraS,afess,i 09 tl)~: 'physH:a;l needs' of the. corrriluhity.., The',page~whrch ifoJllow -a:'dCt te 1;:he, flv!!-y,ear Qaprta:J Improyel)1~n_t, j'rggra,rn th~tbE!gil.r1 dUrIng FlS,Ci:ll y"ear !9!l2"'63. AS the budget (sa.pproved!!,!-ch JilscaJ: ye'!-.[.i l,t\oii n l1epos~,ib1'E!' tpl'eview P!iogress 'I' ~ein~:made; costs incllrred. to date" and, the imp]'i cations' ofiMI anon: on ,future . ,<;osts! ' 'I' Th.!!, improveme.n~s a?, se.t f,()rth tn 'tl1.i.s !>.Hd9E!t far] irftQ(h,e foTlo~jngs!tver majo,r . qa te~.orile?:, ~,tr~etsi andj-ilghway?; Traffi'c Signa l:s:, Flo.od Oontr,o;1 ,and; ,ora i,nqge" ' Government, BU,l;ldl ngs, Parks and Open Sp,ace_s~ ,Water Imp r::o v em!!.n:t:s, , and ~Sewer'ImprQv,e- , ments., .'In'the f,ufure as 'needs ar'e, icent.if.ied, attempts wJ;ll ,be, made to prioritize ,I add,i frenal profects'as well asidentffy.' proballl'e 'rul1oing. Th'e 'fiVe-yea"r' pr6g'ram, , w'fI j,Ch'w;fT'j 'g!! !!PR.,iitE!d il}]nUilHy" wjll, a~~ j's~ i:p,al ~ o~a'fi,ijg Ca,p(~a,l Im~foyet\1eo.,~ fu.nd~ " ana, ,enabl,e; the Grty,of Powa,y t(] at,ta'1n 'rts ,goa,l,s lin a -reasonapl!e penod of tIme. 'I ' , ' 'I . 'I, 1 I' 'I, , .13.6 I , I CI;T.Y OF PO.WAY t';P-I'rAL 'lMPR"bV.EMb.iJ- PROGRAM DEtAR I D~partL"~Dt : MJi'v i ty". GApJ'PAL IMPROVEMENT stREETS ANb ,HIGHWAYS I ACn~nY COMMENTARY I TZU BICYCLE LANE,~ CAMINO DEL NORTE T:hi-S project prov,ided ,for:' the construction' of a b,icycl'e'lane on Cami'na :De] Nor-te' from 'tIiel west Ci,fy' l,imi:ts 'to Pame'mide RoadaiHl was, comtil eted i:n a986-87. I . . . - ~-.- 'Of" ~.- . ~ Cost Estimate -$108,765 H'!84-85 ,- ,$ 3,444, ,,, I 1;Y'85'-86-$'105.,'321 I ....." ".-.. '1 - ~'_. . - -.- - -, --.... -.-- - ,.. -~ -. ~- I 1'214 .BICYGLE LANE ,- CI:V.IC, CENTER' .0RlVE T!1J s' prQjec;t prpv'id,e'd f9.!: the c,QlJ.strll,ction oJ .;llicycJe 15tne on G;iv,j'c C'en.ter DriV,e :t\i'om Bowron Road to Gommun'i,ty Road and, ,was camp) eted in: 1986-87.. I Cost' Estimate ~ $89,,966 FY 84-85- $ 7,,200' l ,FY ,85-86' ,- $1f2 ;'7:66 c '1/ 1'3'7 I - clriY .OF POW.AY, 1 cAPi-TAL. JMPROVEMENl: PROGRAM DETAIL n _ ,~ , , QeRar:tm~nt: GAP{t'Al IMPROVEMENT. ;Activity: STREETS AND HIGHWAYS I -- ..~ . . .~. ^. - , , Tota.' Iota,' , , . . . .~. _u,~ ,'___ .__ . . _ _, __ _ .. '. . Project Project Oescriptlon Estimated. Pr:ior J37'~8888-89 ;89-90 90-'91 '9'1-92 '. Cod'e' ", Cost AODr:OO; . ADD roo. Estima.teEstTinate Estima.te Estrmate , ' I: .f2'1:3 B,tcy~le ~ane- 1087.65 ' 10876' Cami'no OelNorte , I' I' I "I: . - I, , t21'4, :Bn;:ype L<fr1e -', , Gi.vi'c CenterOr,i,ve 89966 89966 I' , - 'I: ,I: I: :1: l ,I I '. - I ACTIVI:T:Y' TOTAL ~' '. , 138 I , , 'I . ~.- . ," '-" ---.,- ~ , CITY OF,RowAY CAN;TALIMPROVEMENT 'PROGRAM OETAIL I ' ' Oepartment': Atti,vity:' , -.-- I :CAP..! T AL_.IMPROVEMENT STREETSiANO, HIGHWAYS JeonVd) I -' " ,. AC171vi'rv cQMMENTARY ,~21$NEtGHBORHOOD ;'-'OANS - 'STREETS:, .. , 'j;o" pro\itde, for row inter-est loans 'to cTMzens ,forstreet"re,ja:Ud. im'proy'e1nen,tsoii 'Old I ,Coa;;h Road', Cos"t Estimate '. - $50!oOO, fundfng Source: - FY"87-88 $184;,000 I .Street Improvements fY 85~!l.6, ~ $ .50,000 FY 8'7-88:- $1'84;06'0 I, 1217 CITY ,SJREET SlGNS To s'tanda~d}ze, the appearancl!.of street,';sii9Tl~ .<;,i tY~\iltde! in: g~er:a'l phases,. I Cost Est]iinate- $'100.,000' Fuiiifi ng Sou r,ce -FY 187,-88!, FY: 85-'86 - $20,'000 ~treet ,IJTI~ll;()ve.meTltsl $: '2,O"qoo, 'I: .' ". "....-- (, ~ , .,._....~.'~",. .~_. F,V. 86-87 - $20,000 Ft 87-88 -$20;000 ,I. FY, 88-'89: ~$20 ,000 j::,y, 89-'90 - $'200'00 , .. ~ ,. '- -.,- . 1218, 'BICYCLE, LANE -"GAROENROAD I; - J,h t~; 'proJe.ct\'pro'y'iil~s fqr~be cOTl~tr::vcti Qn of ,a !)ijcyc) E! l:arrex i!;Lorjg 'Ga rd,en 'ROAdf.~orn I Poway R(),adto Whrtewate.r Drive'., , Cost Esf'iinat€ " ~33,950 I H '85'-86 ,- :$26.,450: ,FY'86-87 - 1$'7;,500; I, . I - .. ._, - t ," :1219 BICYCLE LANE,,-, LAKE,POWAYROAD , , I ' 'Tn'is. pro1ect proy,ides Jor. ,construct.ion of 'a' btcyde, fane: 'along Lake Poway Road. from ,i~' 'jE~Hola Road to the, P4r~entranc'e. ' Cost Estimate ~$26,,100 I .F.Y!l5-8'6'- H3900 ~ . .- ,,~~" I FYi 86-87 -' $12,,200 . " I I :1 139 '1'- , CITY OF .POWAY ,I, CAPIT;AL IMPROVEMENT iRROGRAM' 'DEifAIL ,Depar,tmentI:, , - :Af.ti.v,ity: , '. ' CAPUAL IMF!ROVEMEtU ,STREETS'AND HIGHWAys, (cont Pd Total Total p'roJectProj'eCt\ 'DesCrlption Esiim~~ed 'pd'or 87'"88 88,,89' 8.~"9g 9Q;~91 9r,,92, 'I, ,Coae - Cost Aooroo. ADD roo.'. Eshmate Est.imate Estimate Es}imate Neighbo~hood Loahs~ , . 12J6 'I ' "St reet-, ,,-, '-" ,23M09 50000 184000 _.,~.~. ., . .-.... 'I - ,. " " 1217 c,j tY. str;eet Signs: 100000 '4 Do'o 0 20000 20000 :200'0.0 I ;1 'I: , , :1 1218 'B,;cycre La.ne - r .. , , JJ950 G~rde~Road 33950 I I; , l , " r': , ) -~ 1'219 BYcYc;l e Lane ,- Lake.powa.y'Roa'd 26100 . 26100 _ .~.. . _._ _ h l , I' , " :1 ., , , AG.if,I,yJTY TOTAL $5~p8t $}48.78~ $204000 $20000 $20000 :1' " 140 " GITYoF.PO'WAY <. I CAPTrALfM~R6vEf,1E'Ni:' P'ROGRAM .bEfA'I L , I ,-, Depa r~l11~n:t.: 'Act,iy,;,ty: " '.GAPHAL IMPROVEMENT GOVERNMENti3uTl..bTNGS I ACnVITZi ~ENTAAY 1506 ,'VEfJIGtE, )I.ND EQUIPMENYS"loRAGE BUII..[)'(NG\ I'; Tp is, .~r()j~~t'.pt.o.v.tdE!.s' f()r ,the ,d~,s ;g~',!l]d~gn~ftrlJC:~;()n<.>J. ,a,c~arag~an<:l, stgragE! la$i 1 i j;y I forCJty yeh,l cle,? and, eqlJJpm~n1 t,o, J:le l'oc"ated next, to the.OperatlonsGenter; ,T:hrs; p~ojett was completed in ,FY 1986-87;' Cost' 'Esfima.t'e' '''C$3Z2,754 I >" - '. --, .,. - .' ,., \,. , ' ,,' . " FY' '8?-83 -, ;$' 4,,5-10 fo rpreJ;mj~a ry'des ;gn " , .(Ge'he mi,l,) , '. FY' 84"'85 _:$ 7,,500, for des~igri and const~ucriori F? '85-"86:- :$360,,744: for' des,i gn aricfcorisfr'u.c:'tion ;151;1 FUELING FACI LI.TIES I " 1'I1,iS project provides for i nsta llati'on Of'fue:]'tng 'tanKsancj' related equ,Wmeht eft the I' Operafions Center,and at.Cij;y Ha.l laccor,dilfg to State reg9)~Ho=ns. jLI:i1sproj~Ctw~s conip'l,:et:eg: i Q Fy' ,19~~~87,. 'Cost Esbmate -$ol1B,Mo I H 84-"85' -, $ 2,526 I 'FY85-~5, - $1'15,414" ;~513 ,JOINJUSE' FACIUl'Y' ~ .PERFORMING ARTS. CENTER" I' TNs proj!!c:J R[Ovjcl..est;Qt thE! ,c()n~Jruc:ttCl.n o,f '! 'performLng: iir'ts 'centeral i'oway fn'gh :Schoof ,With800-9g0 se,!,ts'. - Cost Estimat'e, - l4.,500,'OOO ,FY 86-87- $4,,500,000 ,..- <,... - 151'40PERATtbNS ,CENTER llANDSGARING, - PHAsE L T'hTs~rrojec-t j:JroVide"s fot' the 'insta,l.l'ati'on of ]'andscapi:ng'and .t~figanon jmprO\lemenfs I :iirQun(j {h,E! 9peraJi:ohs~u.jldYrig., Veh{tre Maf~t.e~na:nce Bu.;:19Jng., taN! WitetiaJS1Qra,g'e I Area" ,Go"sot Es t,imat-e,'~ 'HII5" 000 FUn'dii'i'g:Sou'rt'e,- FY. 87'.,88 :$t45".OM ,~IJ_n(c;pa~ I!JlP,~oYE!l!1ent ;F,UOd ;F,;Y 87-'88 - '$'i45;i~060 I l!41 I, " CIH OF 'POWAY .. GAp.IJAL IMRROVEMENfp"R'OGRAM DETAIL ,I' , , pepar,tf!1elJt: Acti.vi ty:, I; CAPl~AL" IMPRO~~MENI GOYERNMENT ;~UI~PINGS Total Iotal Project P!"OJ ed Des'<;ri.ptJon Es~:iiiiatecj Prr6f 87,"'88' 88'-'89 ,89-090 90'-91, 91'-'92 'Ii Code Cost .ADo~oo. ADOr,OO. , EsMmate Estimate Est'; Ilia te , Est; mate " :1: J..50,6 Vehicle&, ,EqIJ j pment ,~tQ.rage, Build; ng 372754 372754 :1 , :1: l 'I Ish Fuehng Faci'l i tles Hadao. 118000 I I' , , I 1513 ". peri;or;m;ng Arts Center 45000o'() 4500000 I I , I 1'5f4 :Operat;ons 'Center landscap,ing ~ , I Rhase r 14-5Q.Q0 14?00O - I , I ACTlVlTYTOTAL $513~?54 $4990754 $:145000. 0 0 :0 G ~. -:. ,.". ,~-.' > 142 I" , - .... 'I , .. CITY OF'POWAY ..."".- < .~,,,...- ~ .\........ .....~ ... - -- ~.- ... ,. CAPI;TAL IMPROVEMENTP,ROGRAM OEifAI L 1 " " .. " , D~p<!r;~men,t: A,c t).yity: CAPI}AL I~.fpROVEJ;jENT P'ARKS:ANDOPEN SPACE , II ' ' ACTIVITY ,COMMENTARY ,1606' 'P,OWA YCOMMUNITY PARK IMPROVEMENTS I " , v ._ ljhl'~'RroJect Rrovi'd~d ,for the fi:aaJ p'ilases otpJanned imp~ovements toCommun.;.ty 'Par:K I i'nc,Juc{i'ng ,g~acjj'ng of the site", utnities connecti:on, at' the, ,west end:o.f toe .parK anti cons t'nicti'On of lia'cKstops ane! dug6uts;at ,the,bal'Ffie] d, I!Ji'~ pY6'JE!tt 'w,!s'cOril'RIE!teq ,i 11 I ]986"87. Cost:EsHmate - li'4i,f39 FV'i83~84 ~, $' 56,239 for construcMon, and I ' , .. . .. , ", 1.andc~prn~:'('R~S,s $5.4"5'7 anrj FY 84'~85 ,~;$5?<,~21, Gener;aT Fund, ,$51,982). I, FY85=86'~,~33~7.~ ,,- - "'"'--" I {6o? ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND T:h,i's p~oject wil'l conshuct attir;ee acne:neighbo'd\ood pareR and,pj'ay ar.ea, to TiltJ ude I tHml)';-rjg ,structures and other play e'quipment"sfgns" i'r,rig'afjon :~Ila r~ii,ajtapi.:ng" ,Cost Est.i mate, ~,.$30..0oo I FY 8'5~815' - $'30,000 I 161'1' LAKE' POWAYP,'ARK .IMPROVEMENTS I Thts p"f;6je'ct pi;ov.iCled 'for, the. 'deve.1.oprrient. oil the, we"st !s.ide o.f ttie par;K: ,nrC1:Ui:f.i ngl,and'~ scapi:ng"de'y,elop{~9 Alt 7g!!~}tria,Q ~;t~g;hg, ~(~f! ~.] fghti ng". ~<!~K-j,ng ,lots,; remQ9,~1, ing T",?S:t- I rooms :and' conceSS.1'Qn ,bu,11ql'ng; a,n,ct Q,ther faql;1t,1es to ma)<,1mlZei the usage of the parK. JhFs pr.6ject was: com~lCeted in :1986~87... Cost ESt,imate -H,:1'48':24,3 I FY 83~84: ~ $ 13!,'24-3 liorttesign (Parkl'and, . . OedJc'atiOh Fe'e's') I FY 84-'85 -$534,635 for,cin:#~uft19ri (RElcvenJ,J,e ~h~ring; $502;,864) (Park Fund" $31.;7,71): , fY, ~5-86, " $,600,365 liar f:io.al a,esTglj and cOhstf:uct';o"n I I, " I H'3 I' ,- ' CITY OF PoWAY I' Cft,.P.IIAL, 1I1PR.OVEME~T, f!go,GRAM DET..;\\I:L; : , , , ' Oepartment: Ac t i vJty,: CARHAL IMPROVEMENT , 'RARKS AND OPEN SPACE, ,I: .. I To tal Total Project _ '~", '. _ I" 1.' ,.. > 88-89 89-90 90~91 . P,roject Description Est.imateq ,P,r;i'or 87-88 91-92 I' , C6ae'" Cost Aooroo. AooYop. Est'imifte Es"Hniate Est.ima tie 'Estimate . , , , 1'6b~ 110w,ay Gommun.i:ty 14Z13'9" 1471'39 . Park Improvements , 'I , , , , :. , I , l /;\, I' \~ 'I, 1607 M.",enture joboo P layg round, JOOaC '. , . , 'I -1'6n ~ake Poio{~y f!ark 'I Imp rQyements, 11148243 1'148243 . ..-'...- , , 'I :1 ,I I I AGTtV,ITY'r6TAL .. " ., 1!l:4 I' GIty Of powAv I , GAPI~A~ IMPROVEMENT ,PROGRAM, DETAIL I' Depar;tment':: . Act,; vi.ty: .GAPIJALIMPROY.EMENT PARKS AND 'OPEN SPACE tc-ont!' d,) , I' .. ,"'.~ ACl'IVttV CtiIItENrAR'': J.612"EQUESTRI'AN ANO HIK.ING TRAILS I: , '['hee tr;a,U cons)stsof ,an ,e51stZw~st tnili'l:Whi;g,h. :qegins :at the :poway' V,a:lleyR,jders.'AsSQci:- I afi'on, ia'l'ea al1d crosses Twin Peaks and runsa'.1:ong the' 'nor-th :sfde o,f TioIjn Peaks' and Call15:,no, d,e:l NOi'te toPomer;adoRoa'd. The tra,iFs,a're fented and signed 'accord,i fig toCi'~y standards. Note :, l'hi s project has ,been tombi ned wi'th project number 1617 -Trai'l ,.,.~ -- ,. .~, .~ .0.... _. . u"..' .., < -' -. ''''c' .>'-~ - ,-"" ... :.....- .-", ..' --... __ " - ._' -""- - ... r -,.-..' .. . r'O -, ,.- ~ .' ~:-v~ Stanaards wh-i ch 'was, ,estab l'i!shed tob~i ng eX,i:st,i n9 tr;a il s' 'into: confor;mance ,With City I, :r:, ra.i' 1 ,Stahdaras and, 'completed.i n 1986'-'87. " Cost: 'Est.imate' -$149',oYQ I' FY 85".86,,$149,,010 i\ I' 1613' ,BLM J:RAI LS 1;\ J:h i,.s, ,:s: ,'!. f.olJ~"pM~e p"roject to. cOI],sAruct'tra.il sin, !accordan!=e wi;th an a,gr;eemen't ,s,i~ned I b}' 'the Ci'tyW"Uh the Bureau: ,of Land, Management.; Cost, Estimate .~ $)8 ,~68 I .. FY83'-84 -, ,$ 968 I FY84-85- $ 9,,600' FY '85-86 - :$14',600 , FY86'-~7 ,., ,$ p, 400' I " 1616 LAKE POWAY .F! SHINGi TRAI LS I ,Ih,j;,S., PLojeg,~ !:In] con,stf;lJct pa$s.,ways {6 pr'i~e fis:~Jbg atea"s ~t,LaM .R6.way,. !',~t.~s wEl pe bu,i\lf to'e;limira te eros,i.on andprov,i'det;gr 1 and,s~apedaq:ess ancj impr;,oved' p,lib! i c sa t;ety'. I: ,Cos:t 'Est;imate ''-' i$l5"OOO' t::l 85-'86 - $15',000 I , I \ 1 , .. .. I I: 145 II , , ,GJIY Q,LPo'!!AY I cAJ>fTAL IMPROV,EMENT PROGRAM O,E'TAIL j)~p,axtfl)ent: ~_cqyity : ,l cAP;rfAL IM'PROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SpACE I'cont'd Total Total 89-90' 1.90-'91 P!9je,cJ Pmlj e,c1i Dese,ri p~,i()n Es1im;;ted 'pr"i'or' 87-'88 '88-89 ,91:--92 .ADoroo. 'MDrOD. .Estimate Es{imate "",-'.., -... Est;riiate I Code Cost, Est,ima'te ).'6f21 Eqlfe'sfrfa'n ,ahd I tEn? Hik,;;ng -Tt~,fls ,1490 !Q ::1~_90 1] I :. 'I I :. 1613 B'LM 'Tra1'Fs , 38568 ' 385-68 ,I I ;. , I , ;1 I 161'6: LaKe Poway :f;,;,shing I Tr:a,i'l,s 15000 . 1'5000 , 'I }, ! I 'I I , I I , . I ApnVUY TQTAL I '14'6 I, " - -,: CUY'QfPQWAY CAPI'TAL, IMPROVEMENTPROGRAMQHAIL I Q,E.!pa rt,m,E!nt:,' ACM'v,;;ty: CARITAl .IM~ROVEMENT pARK,S ,AND";ORENSPACE Jcont;',dl I, ItllUU t_~lff 1618 LAKE "dWAY: EROSIdNCONTROL I' - Th i,s proJE!ct,wi 11 i!!,s,~aJJ, lanas9ilPiD9 ,and tr;riga,t,i,on t:()[ ero~,i o,n cO,ntroJ' on', 'the nClrth- .1 'west'sTopes of the Lake Poway'shore1:ine'. ' Gost, 'Est.imate! -" $12,299, I, . . - - f,'( 85':-86 - $12~,2d6 I, 1'619, fAkE powA'( BoAr ,DOCK:frTSHING FLOAT I T.h'i~:pro'j~6twg1.co.nsf'rifctt5j4""sTi p" 250 fo6~ bgcit, ,ao-ck~nd; [e):oc?-~'e' tt)e:e)(;i:s'Hng 54-s~1 j p, dock; to be 'u~e,d as. ,a, 'fishing"fl Qat. , Cost :gfimate - ~142,5bo I FY'85-"86 - ,$iil2"500: I . ^ - ...."'~ -- ... ., 1:!i2]. F'ISHING FLOAT LIGHHNG - I, T;h,i s proJe(;j; i. cQll]p:l E.!ted jn J.9?6-87, co,ns'tru<:t~g.~,!nd j ns~a'.ll eg, 9n ~outdoQr lfght,jng' sys.tem allan: eitsUng t:loat .to include 'extendFng 'ut,mtttes to ,1ih'e s;i;te, .ins,taTl i ng'an, ,e'l,ectri'cal I isysfem ahd Li'ght f.ixtu~es ,ana posts'., ' '- . " Cost Estimate - '$20,,000 . I F.YI 85-'86,- $20,000' I iS21 COMMUttII,y''PARKPARKlNG LOt Thi',S proJei:t;wo,!l,l~LpIO,'{,i,de(j anp,(j(ji'tlonaD m3 payed packing spa,c,es, ill G.!lmm!Jn,ity Park :ilnd - ,was ,compl eted 'in 1986-87. Cost Est,imate'~ ~$20i,900 I ;F.Y 85-86:- $20,000 'I, I ~I 147' I CITY OF POWAY' I CARnAl IMPR9V{ME~T R~OG_RAf>1' ,0ETl\I,L Oepartment': Act,i viti: ~ ~. .~ .--- - - . I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT' .RARKS AND, OPENS'PACE'. (cont'd) liota,l. , liota'] Proj:efJ Projec'tDescri pfi oif Estimatec 'pri'or' '87,.88' 88..,89: 89.~90 :90~91 91'~92 ,-. ,'- ->' -,-- - ADO rOD. .AooroD. ES't,imate Estimate I Code - " Cost ,Es tfina te Estimate .. ;1618 Lake 'Poway' Erosion 'I ,Contra] ,122oQ t??oO 'I ,I " ,I .16i9 Lake ~oway:,B'oat 1'42500 14250C Pbc~'/Ftstitn.g F[o'!t 'I " 'I ,I :1920' F}s'hJfl9 Flo,a~ 2ti'dOO' '20000 L.igl\ti!ngSystem, 'I , 'I , , 'I :1621 CommuilitY,Rark :1 P,arki,ng ,Lot 20000 20QOP I " " , 'I I ACT.IVITY TOTAL , , 1~8 1 CIc'iX ,OF' pbwliV I CI\PHAL It-jP!(OVEI1ENT PROGR,A~ QETcAIJ" I' , ,Dep,a'rtment.:: Act.;vi'ty,: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ,PARKS,,ANDOPEN "SPAGE (:cont."d,) " " I" . " . ACTIVIty col/IilEtfTARY I' 1fL2,2:COMMUNITY 'PARK TENNIS COURT ,. " " t,hi:spcojec1: is' to construct one fighted tenn,i:s court :at poway GommunJty Park., I ,Cost,:ESt'imate -', $.54,008 l.:;: ~.. (Y8SY86 - '$25,000 I F':(S6'-137 - $29~(j'0'8 1623 COMMUNITY P,ARK-' BALLFiELD' LIGHTING I' T.~i~ ,R,[oj,ej;t.:wgr ~<;,ol1strlltJi!, re"cf~"at,i on ..t1,a) l'fi ~)1.q light'il)g ,syst.J!m:gn twoex,i'ging 'b'.llJ - . I f,ie'l'dsia t poway Comm\lniit,y: Park,: T~eproJect, ,\<i.ilJ i I)clude Musco. Lights or,' equa:l:" 'agl are ,control system" dne'falpole's :and aFle:lectrical uti'li'ti es; . , Cost, Estimate, ,; $JI0"OOo I, FY'86'-'87 - $U()iOOO ,. 16,24 ,COMMUNITY pARk .RECREATION STORAGE'AND oFF:.ICE MODIFIcAtIoN I, TntS'RrO'j'ett; w:i 11 tonstrifd,a 1024 :sclya,re foot b'Qi;1ajrg ad..dtt.i:pG, tg t,h,el!1',is,t)ngaudj- ,I' t9nuril ~llnqj'Qgat. !Po\iayC6rrri1unity .~ark, ,I,t.il'dl.! bE! sJ;1:.u~t!!d in 'the northeast i:!<,tertor ,co,r:ne"r of {hl! t>llil~in9." Th.eaddltiqn~~11 ,t>e u~e,dfO!',~torage. ot;equJtpment: and~IlPpl.i'es I to..?upport rE!,creaj:}gn progr.ams an;.i fac.lttl,ty' r.E!n,taljs, I,tj!msto be stored 'are cha,lrSl ,and tabiles'f;. games." pub,l.jc add res,s: system, ,gymnast,ic, equ,ipmentJ 'and spec,ia'l, event:materia,l S'. Oes,ign ahd :c'onst'ruct.;oh to, matcn exi'st,ihgbu.i Id.i.ng. ' . ~ost Estimate' " hr9,Ooo I FY'18'6-87 -$119,,000 I: , 1'625 GARDEN PARK tOT -LOT lANDSCARE, IMPROV,EMENTS - . , I I lh~i s prbTe'~t. wi'1'l ,compliet'e: the Master Plan' south of Fa\i:rb'urn Street at ,Gatden :Park'.. The , RFoj,E!C::S...,ll.1 ;~cl:ud,e a,cQncr'~te 11]9... cllr,Qlreta).rl ;l1g, ,\taJ/;;l'>'l ays~nd,; donsret;.e Ri!th_ways; \rri'ga'ti,on" ~ystem'expan,sion:;' :l'andscaping; :ancl eque~tri'an trai'limp'ro.v.ement on .!-2'. acre. I Cos,t Estimate :$30,,0.90 h 86-87.- $30jOoti' , I, \, I, I, 14~ l ci:rY OF'<R6wA~ I: C~P'IJ A~ t!olB~QVEMENTPRqGRAM PETAl i:, Depa'rtmen,t:, Act.,tv ;',ty: Ii GAPIJAL'IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND~ Of!ENSRAGE 'cont 'd) ..- , " i , Tg,tal Total :90-91 I, 91-.:92 ' , P~oJ:ed Project oescdpHon Est,imatea Prior 87":88 88-89 89-9'0 I' Code Cost AOOr;,ClO', ,Aoonoo. Estiinat'e Est,;mafe Esfimat'e" EstMiiate 1622 J"o.mmun.,i ty Park , I , Tenni'sCoiJr;t, 54008 5400E , ,I , . :1 , I < i6i3 ;GolllJ1unHy Palik, , Ba'll'f.i'e,J'd LTght:'frig UOOOO UOOOO - ~ - ~ '. -- - -." , I , I 'I , 'I 1624 Coninunity Park, ~. .-.- -- ,,' "--," Re<;r!!at,i on Stor.age 'ana Off,iCe Mod. 119000 1'19000 I , I I 'I I ,... I 1625 'G11rdenPar.k liot'-'Lot , L~ndscapj!' Improy:., 30,0.00 ~oooo I , I " , I . , , ' I 'AC,TIVfHY TOTAL - '1'50 I ."-< I, CTcH OF' BOWAY 9MITAL IM~R'oVtM(NT 'eROGRAI:I ,DE:rA~;L I Oepartment: Act,iv-Hy:, .CAPITAl. IMPROVEMENT ,fM,RKSAND' OPEN:SP,AcE I ~PT;IVITYC!>>f4.ENJ ARY, :i626COMMWm.Y, PARt(, BALL'F:I-ElO FENMNG I " l:h,i's pr'ojectwin colfs'truct 970 'of 6i'hi gh cha.';n' link 6utfi'eJdfence a t"the Poway I. -.,- --- .1' . '" -- -- ~. -. ~ "--,-,,: n. _~'. .. - ~_ > ~.. ,__ __ __ . ~ '_'.' "', _ .-"c,",,,, __ . ~ _ _ , ~ __'" ....-' C.O!!lJ1,u~i,ty Bark Bilell fie.:1dS,. I,he ex;i sting' fen,ce was' :donated sever;aJ .;yeans: a~p a'T)d' 'nequfres, rep;1aeement f,on ,safety purposes". Cost ESt,i mate .,-,$l!,PQO: I 'f,"Y 86-87' - ~n ;'000 I 1647/ COMMUNLlY' 'P.ARK SOCGER I':IE [; 0: ''(hfs proJectwl J 1 consh\Jct a.50' ,yard x 120 yar.8, socceiT' f,;efd, l.oca'ted,at the, ,P.6Way I , ;Corimuhlty Panl<.'.,rhe,pro'je'ct w,iJ 1. i'hclUde gr.'ad,i n'g., drai nage',i rf.:i'ga f,i'on"a!1C;1 tlfrf,. , ;GostEsti'inate: -' .$1'42:;5Qo I FY 86'-87' - $142',500 lQ28 COMMUNITY 'P.ARK BASKETBALL 'COURT Th,i;s pno~~et w,i 1}C?,hstr'tlcta5a,' x 8~' hci'r,~Surf1fce, cOh(:,r~'~'e:ba~Ket~a,J), C:our;'t' roe~ted I' ~t the, Po'@.yGQIJ1!!l!nlty Pil.r~,. Th,e p,roJec~~ wrl'l lnctlJc:1e.: graclmg!, fO,undatl,on, !SUrfacIng" pafkstops., .tE!rl~JngCi andd ra inage., GostEsMma'te- $26.,000 I, F,Y 86,~87' '0$26,000 1"629, GOMMUNITY [SWIMMING POOL ,,, Jhiis, pr6'je'Ct. wi 1:1 coMtruct a, swiirimihg' :pool at ColTlTiun-ity ParK'. Thepro'jett,wi)'l: 'the'] ud~ sbo\'l,er:~;" ,lQcker$;, adini rijs,ti'~t1i ve 6f,fice?" Rarl<";119 ana, lands,eap,i Qg" '1 Cost .Est,i'ma te '- $2,000,,'000 , '.;. '.~ . FY86'-'87 .0 '$2,000,000 I -', ~ '.. .~-' >. .. 1630 'VALLE VERDEIESPOLA ROAD I T;his, Eroject: proyides: for ,the aeq~iis.;t,ionand dE!'(eloPI11e,n!t of' ,a, neighborbo.oa 'park. CostHfimate,- $500,000 I' FY '86~87 - '$500\.000 ,< I I, . ,li51 ,I ~ , ~ , ~ GI:tY" or PO~.I\Y, .. I CAPUAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OETAT'L , ' , , , .. Department: n Actcivi ty,: , 'I ~ CAP.ITAL .IMPROVEMENT pARKS, AND OPEN SPACE '(,cOnt'; d. , .. , .. .. IQt.!ll' Total] ,89-90 J 90'-'91 pr;oJect Project Oesc'ripff on Est i ma ted .P,riar ' 87-'88 88-89 ,91-~2 I C6ae, , ,- Cost Aooroo; 'Aooroa. EsHmate ,Esiima'teEst irnate Estimate. , 1-626 . COJ1l!lun'1ty; P,a.rk ,. I 8a'1lf.i'eTd J;enc';ng HMo' .Hobo , '. , , 'I . '1627 C61t111unitYPark ,I ,SqC(* Fi e) d 142500 1.42500 , : " ,I I ;1,62_8 Cgn'ii1ynity pa~rk. , BasketbaJ.1 Court 260QO 260QO I I ,I 1:.629 ,C,Q.mmun,ity S~i~;flg ,Poo,1 20QOOoO .2000000 :1 , 'I 'I .1'6Go ,Va" te V,erdeiEsP01 a' Park 50booo ~roiJdoo ,I , , , I 'ACTIVNi{ tOTAL . ,.' 152; 1 REDEVELoP-MEN:!' AGE'NCY 10 CI\PIJI,IL, IMP,~QVEI:1E~T P~Q<iRA_M DETAIJ:' 1 Depa'rtment: Activity:; .GAP-HAL IMPROVEMENT' RARKS ANll OPEN 'SPACE; I, " '~~UVrrY~ENT~Y I, :1631 POWAY .cOMMUNITY< PARK, TENNis 'COUR;f - PHASE n Ih;is p,rojet:JI>(i'1'l ,consJr:~,t:ta pO' ;1" 120'" Tighteg tenn.is,cpL!rt a,'t 1'.9way COlJll1untty P.ark. I the cour,t,.wirl be, 10cate,a on thesoite adjacent to an eX,ist.tng tennts cour-to. Jh'e pro~ect,. will tne Jude gra'di hg" foundat.ton, ,surHc";n,g:, fenc'tng;" el'ettr.i cal 'll9bt:i:ng',M,g . I, Fands'di'ping. ' ., - _.--- - --' -~" Cost Estimate - '$65:;'000 !:lJndingSou'rce - F"if. 87:-88' I :State Grant $65,090 FY87~88 ',i'. :$65,000 I' 1632?QWAY' COMMUNIHPARK' PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT , , " I: " c '. -, ," ., -. ~. p-. . - - . ..'.. . _ _ .. ' T,hls Jmoj!;!ct p~ovides~or the purc~aseant;l .tnst,a) l'at.i'on of praygr;ound equii.pment to .coinpl:ete\two p':la.ygrounas lat P6way CommuM ty Pat;k. ' 'Cost Est.imiite '~,$.~5,.oOO Fundi'ng Source ,- FN87'..:88 , $j5',b'oo !:Y 87-88 -$3"5', boo S.tate; 'Grant 1633COMMUNiTYP.ARK .WEST LANDSCAPING ,PRb~ECT This projg,c:t 'is 'de';;"igneg t,o compJ,et;.e the la,ndscap)ng 'in' the nrprtliwest: seC;}iO!1 of ,Pow,ay: Community Par,k, in ~h,e are,! a,r:ound the MV,entur~, Playground. :T:he project inc.ludes Irrr.fga t,i'on, tu rf" ,tr;'eesl! s i dewa 1 kS" .tati 1 es, and barb"eques'. Atea. to eel andscaped 'is': a[pY6x,fmat'Hy 'two at'r:es. to s t ;Estl'ma te.- $80,;000, Fundtng Source' - 'F'Y:87-88, State Grant' '$80"OOb !:X ~'l~8~ ~$80;0~0 I , - , I I 153 ,I ' ' , , REDEVELoPMENTAGENt~ CAP,HAL IMPROVEMENT'PROGRAMOHAIL :1 ,Department :: Actj,vi.ty: :1' , GARlTAl IMf'ROVEMENT .PARKS 'AND OPEN SPACE, (co'nt'd. ''TIo.taT Total - . , 'Pro'ject -. "'1<<.. .... 87-88, 88-'89, 89~.90 ,90-91 Proje'ct, Descr;pt,; on Est,imated ,f'ri.Of.' 91-92 ,I Gode Cost AOO'foD. 'APtWoo. Estimate Estimate .Est,;mat'e Estimate - .1631 .Collll1uni:ty Pa rk ,I Tenni's 'Court -' , .Phii,s~eU ' , 65000 650,00 ,I I 'I , 'I 1632 COf11llunUy Ip'ark ,Playground Equi p- , merit 350'00 35'000 ~I , I , 1633 Commun Hy, f'ark :~les t I ~a:r](!.~cal"ing P~qjecl 80000 80000 I 'I , I 'I .' I , .'. , I AGTiSI,r'fV to:rAL $4895168f4715fSc $I80000 - - 154 I CITY. OF' P,OWAY' I ,.CAR.IJAL IMPRaV~MEN:T PROGRAM pETAl!- I .' ,Depart.iT!ent: Act,i V-itYi:i , CAPITAL IMRROVEMENT WAtER .IMRROVEMENTSi I~ ActiVITY _MARY' ,- ;; ... ~ -' " '.- - - .- - -"- 1ioz:FfEIGHSORHOOD LoANS- WATER I , To pr,,ovide ]6,\0(. iii{er'est Jqans tio ~;nzeh's' {or ~a.ter"'rel'a.ted ';ml1r:gve1n~f1) p.fdjei;t} ;tor I private: Rroperty. C<ist, H.t:rrfia.te,-$50 ,000 .' , . , f;W.85:~6 - l~o,ooo '])703 'lAKE POWAY' WATER,'MAIN 'I~ 1'01':' thei'nsta,iiat;';on of ,a 20 ihch waterma.inbetweeh the SahO.iego aqueduct.easement.iand, I Es'po]a :R9aa ah L.~~e<Roway Roa.d i ri coo rd rna. non ,w,ith {he: Briolewooa 'Subai(vi'~iO'Q.iJrfprcjV~", 'ment; .of La,ke, Roway Roa~, . .Cost tsHma'te, - $49,,600 I' FY',85c.:~p '" $49,000 I 1':7.12 DO'NJl,Rt,RESERVOfR' .ANO r'RANsMISS'jON. LI NES" Jhis:projectRroyiae,s for' {~e ;ngtn!!E![i)!g desjgn p~!Ise for ,pqna.r.tRe.~erv~oi,[ ,aM Jr,aIJ.s'- I .' mj:ss,iCln l'i'Il,es ne.,edE!,d for add,i.t:tonal ist;orage:and SlJppJ'y for' '~qmerago ,Busines,s Par~. Cost, Esbfmate -$320\!OOO F'i.m<fing Source - FY 87-88 I Water Fund $320,000 .FY '87"'88 ."': ,$320 OO()i' II - .,.. - - - _of" I: 1713 ,PRESSURE REDUC;ING SJATrON (865 'f6 7:1'5') AND TRA'NSMI.S'stON MAr:N I Ih,i~ proje,c,t _pfovid~'~fO.r ad,cii.f,iona'l now~' to 7:1i5'System~ftom Dew 1 i~O~<ge;iMcons.th!6ted,: ,by Pomerado Business Par;k'. .Cost Esitima'te""$12o 000 Flind;:ng 'SoUrce,- F,y87i:'88 'I' . ,""----'" $ F20, 000 Wa,te.r' F,lJng FN 87-88 -$T20;000 .,. __0' _ ._ I I , I I ,fss' I , . C- ITY OF POWAY :1 'CAPiTAL IMPROVEM'ENf :PROGRAM: DE^fAIL , , Oepartrnent:, " Al,:t:iv,i,ty,: , . CAP {TAL IMpROVEMENT' WAT:ER ;IMPROVEMENts il Totail Total ,P,{oJec+ .'P.ro'jectDe,sl,:ri'pt,ion' Estrjma~e~ f'rlor' '87"'88 88"89 89'-'90 '90,,91 91"92' :1' :Code Cost AODroD~ ADoreD. Estimate EstJmate E\timate Est.inlate J70.2 NeighborhooQ I ':~r03ecis;..; Wa'ter 59090 5,0000 :1 'I 1703, L:ake powayWater . :;,j'aTn ' , , ,49000 49000 'I ,I m2 'Donart Re'sE(rvo,i r 'andfrarismi:ss ion :1 lUrie's '.' " -G20000 320000 I :. :1713 'Pr:essure' Reduciing station & Tfansc..~ mi ssi:ofiMa:;:n 1290.0.0 120000 . I r .; ,. ._ _.._ "._ _,,~ I I , I '. I 'ACHV.HY TOTAL $539000 $99000 1$440000 , ' , IS}:; 1 , IJ ~.. ,. . c CITY OF ROWAY CAIHT AL IMPROVEMENTP.ROGRAMDEcJ:A,'I L 1 Department': 'Act;ivi'ty: ,- .CAPUAL ]Mf?ROVEMENT SEWER IMPROVEMENtS I AC'tIVlT;YcoMMOOARY , .<.~ - -.... ~ -~~.. ,.. "",," 1 1801 f?ENASQUUOS ,SEWER SYST:EM CAPACITY I ~hi s progr;al!1 'I'i:n 1 pro,vi,de' for (he, j nc.r~i!se 91" l ,mi'l] i'on,ga11 on,~, a day '(MGQ) capacity in the Penasqu,i tos Sewer System, whi en wj 11 brtng the, tota:l>capacUy' to 5 MGD;, " -, .~ Cost Estimate ~$710,OOO I FY 85.-861 - $ifO!OOO I J802 ,NEIGHBORHOOD, lOANS: i.- ,SEWER 1 To provide low inh'resf, 10ansto:cj,tTzei1s. for sewer'-"rela:tea i'mp'rovements' t'6 IfM\iifte :~fr(jper.tY. - . Cost Estimate, -, :$50,;000 1 ~y 85~861 ~ $50,Oob I " ~803 DEL PONI.ENTE SEWER 'LINE I: 'To construct :(1, ,~ewer 'trunk nl!.~: (0 r~p'lac,e the e)r(,i's:;:tngiYein Poni:ente ;pump stat.ion. ,Cos.t ESt.imate:-$'4oiiOQQ, I I FY 85.,86' ~ $'+02,,000 I I', , I I I: - I' - , ~ I: ..157 'I C,ITY .OF' POWAY ,. }"., ...... ".,'-...., I CAPItAL ,IMRROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL D~Ra.rtll1ent: Activity; , II CAPITAL. .IMPROVEM'ENT , SEWER' iMPROVEMEN;TS Total Total PrgJe"ct Proj~~~ Oe~9r1ptio~n :.ES"t i(JtateQ Prior 87:.,.88 ~8"B9~ ;89~90 90-'91, 9.1-92 'I Code, Cost.. Aooiioo~ Aoor;oo. Es t,i mate Esiimate Esti mate . Es.dmate .. , 'I 1~01 p~@~qu,ft}?S~~\'I~r' 7ioooo System Capac.ity 7.10000 ~ . '- 'I " ':..- I I , , I 11302 Nef~tiborhood P.T)'\jects - Sewer 50000 . ' 50000 \! '. I , .. : 'I , I 1803, D!!l 'Pon,je,nte, I Sewer- Line, 4020Jfo 402000 I , I I , :1 " I , i I I , , I ACJI.;Y,J1;Y'TOTAL ,$<11,62990 '$1;162000 , 1:58 .... I: PARKS AND 'RECHE~T10N. PLAN I ,.'~ " '::-l I:, ,"-oJ; ,'L'i ,./., . " .~. '... ~"'; .- ,r-\'J~#J t.. _ I, ;'l~ ,,:a-n; 1 :.r l': J\ I " \ ' I ' It, I I ." , .' I - -.' ~ I ~ .1 . I', ' ...;::~...,.,... J' j ," i.........,....'. r- I . .:::;0. ~~~~::::.~:?:::?::/:::: ; ::~. ,,: 'J6 '1:" .' .... ~<. " ....1 I t::,\;:,.~;::~:;~:).:.". .' - ;i' Ii: . . 2\" '_, 0,,1 .. ,I, ~1\"" ''-- " , , " , " I:, ',y! 7, ''hJ''': ::' I' , L.. " "I ,,' j,' 'ji I T ," i' I: :i I ~~':., li --;.;;......l 1 roo"";; 't!. " I """ <:j _ .........c;,~'"",' I " '~~' ,J' ';;;"~~,. r' ,\, \ I, \ / \ \ l .\ \ - ,. , I .. '<~..,,,~ .~~~>;. --.... ,. ,I, ~ I ,,) , ; I CEGEND. .., 'I LAKE POWAY:/RE~Rc:>DE ,5 :BilE P0ND13' PAR~ 1 WIL()EFlNES~ 'AREA, 6 P.AN0RAMA HILLS p,ARK 2 P0WA'il COMMUNITYPAR~ 7 V A1l.E VERDE PARK: -. .. , .. '. - '- - ~'-' ,'. .- ;...' "" - 1 :3 -GARDEN'R0AD'pMK 8 P08I,t:H PARK 4 ,LOS AFlB0UTOS' PARK I;~:.:.':.IPABK SERVICE'ARE.A~ i., 0 , I' .' crrY OF POWAY COMPREHENSiVe:. p,L.,AN I, ,. I ~59 I I \~ I " ,.' ,.~ ,..1 " ,,~. I , 1.~' I 0' j I 1 I -- ...;'''- I .~~~~,...~:~-~ " " J .1 " I, ',~ I 'I ~, i. ,I ::1' P' 'I " " .) "-, I '. " \, I , , , ' 'I I PAGUAY~REOEvE~OP'.tl:NT" PROJeCT- ~_l!(:'c"'Al:A_lICMr1OA1n' _CIHlIOUNIlAAY -,:'~iitiSlOliiA;'A" .I I HAGUA;'( REDE'JELOPMENT PROJECT I, 'I' , - il I " :1 I I I . 1 1 I 1 I I :1 , 'I , .1 ' ,I - ,I JlOWAV REDEVELOPMENT AGENcY F:I~IAL. PROGRAM~ -1987-1988 -, - REVENUES BY, FUNDS .ANDSQURCES' I l't,2 I' 1'0WAY.REDEVEl:!OPMENT AGENCY .1' . .Y" _,,, "",_..,_'~" ","U-' .",. "-"_',~.".'".L"'" _.~, ","".n > ".~ _. .......,- :=-1 :REVENUES BX FUNDS, .ANDSOURCES '1986,,-:1987 r986~1987 1987~1988 ~r987 ,-,1988 I: BUDGEt' AGTUAL . :PROPOSEjj' AP.P.RO\'ED' UOW/MODERATE INCOME, HOUSING 1 :fUND '- ,36 7,3io. :1 nterest 'Income \ 1 $' - ~ ,- '$' -' $. 5l,ooo. ' , Z620 Boriq' proceec:lS' - 947,5:31 . ,980,000: ' . -.,.. . .-< Total $ - $ 947,531 $ - $, lr031;000 ,. .CONSTRUCTION FUND", 1986: " - ,SUBORDI NATED TAX' ALLOCATION .1 BOND- m :'l310 ,lrft.ere:S-t,~I i),come $. -, $ :276,615 1$: '" $'Z16 '550 1 :i 6:2'6' .---' .. . Bond Rr,oc!!eds -, 3';790, 126i .4.,900 iOOO :3',920,000 Total .~ - ~4,06'6,7-i1 .$'<1:,900',000 $4 IGS550 .,' ,'. I ,GONSTRUCTIONFUND ."" .1985 , T-AX AtL:OCAUON BOND- ,38 7310 ,Iilte rest,lncbme, ,$ -, $ 188,610 '.$ ,..d :$ 34:,000, . Totiil $, ,-J $ 188 610 .$ - $ 34 ,0qQ ., ... ~.. t. ..,. _~ COMMIitHTY REDEVELCfPMENT' AGENCYADMINlSTRAUON 'FUND ...; :39 " . f3rO Intl!.~!!.st In.cClme! , $ 27;8"'300$ (96,21-7)$ -145,,500 ,$ 1'45~'500 'ii.fi , Ti'025 .~~ .,.;O......~ - 'f"" .._-~.. Renta.1 of Property - 10,260 10';260 " 7401 Revenue,fI"om 'Othe'l' Agencci es - - - 3i; 660 . 7597 ,DevelOper ReimbursemeritS .;;;. 55,'500 - '565' 000 " 767,1 O~D.e:rBMub,ds '32,'350, " - To:tal $278:,.300 :$' :2"658 $ i55,769 $ 7,51,790 . ~,. -'-' COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT I: AGENCY, OEBJSERVJCE. FUND ,~49 . 7010 Property lax:'Incl'ement $:9'68 9431, :$ L ,7:59' '370 '$l'300000i $1,c30'0.,000 In'terest ,Income ," '!., -' ~. -;. - ~_. . .~ . ",!. - "lsi;.HO -73,10 ,85\000 1',.152','578 157,.110 . "'sio: u& ~ .., .,; '--r" .-.....,. Prgceeds ~r;O!l1 ~!ITeof ' ir,-630:,188 Bonds' .' - - - , rota,] $1 ,05:3,943 '$14',542',136 $1.'457"nO $1,457,,110 . ' ,,-" . .~- "" -, - --' - - REVENUE GRANO TOTAl ~1 ,322,24.3'$19,'747,'676 $6',512,.870: $7,410",420, 1 .. 1 ,I I " ;1 I' , . I . , , I :. J . . '. :. . ,....~ .,r,:' d'~"" .."r:! . .~.-,,;p. .' - . . ,I I I I POWAY ,REDEVEI:OPMENiAG'ENCY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1987-1988 ". , - " ' , ,,,. ,ST~HJ4E~r OF FliMP ,BA~~ESAt:lDRE~E~VE~ I > "PQWAY' REDEV~LOP,MEllIA~J:~V ~ 0'>, ~- STATEMENT OF FUND BALANcES AND RESERVES ~ .~ "-- -~.- ~- -.. -.' - - - -.... ... "'-- ...- Actum FLihdsJAl/ai;lab 1 e 1987 1988 Proposed E~p~endi,>tures' f.lJOd , " ~ul!d " Approp Fund :Bal anceand 'iI's of ' Ba'lance1 Revenues B ifnd lilt-. Capital Trarisfers ;Re'serves 'j,i,l lei ,,<,,>.,~~"." -~. - & Red~[rfp. Minln\si"atj on - ..--- '-' >In[(OlJt~) ~NOJ88' 6//30/8J t987~1988i P,rojects , , G6rrmuh ilSf' ",'.,-" .-.- ~ , R~aE!ve1:()pr!ll~rft Age,ncy Aami n,ls t ra t:i'On , and 'Ci:J: Ha 1 ,,~' ,~,p" , $J,J8~,682 $5,953,310 $ 0 '$432,310' $4;887\j000~ $917,810 $ 4,138,492 l'>roJ~ctsFl!llci 0 , D,e,b,t: ,Servi{e il i,4"57',i 10 . 1 ;V5,:1"4? ,0 () ,0 ~i2>, 774 , 16.2; F,und P ,0,92"19? , , , ., - , , > , , .. TOTAL > $.r7 ,512,654. > $16,278,819 0 $7,410,420 $1,7<75,'145 ,$432,'310 $4,887000 $917,'810 , ' , '" --'~ ... ':,' -J - ...- - - '- ,- '~ ~ :- ;~> - .. .. r... " 'I 1'65 ~I POWA~ REDEVElOI'MENTAGENCY COMMUNnYREDEVELoPMENT AGENGY - A'DMfNISTRATI'ON FUND AND CAPITAL ~ROJECTS FUND "_.L.. . . '_,. ____,.'._ ... ',". .''"' .,___ _ _.',. v' I 1985-4986: 1986-1987 1986'-'1987' 1987-1988 1987....1988 - ACTliAi. ", 'BUDi'-ET t. ',_ _-,.- PROPOSED .AGTUAL ,APPROVED, l .. -- .FUND AcnV,HY:DETAIL , , l BEGINNI,NG ~AgAN,CE , ju.jy '1 $ l $' $ - $ - - " - I, Rev.ellu'es 4 ;509',602 1,,.247,'243 5,,205 ;540 5,'055,760 5,953,,310 I Pfi o.t Ye~!\s ,ApprOllriattCl,1l (375',.716) :2,699,644 t-., -~~.>.-- ~,.. - 3',1'8'6,'682: 3,186',682 2',699,;644 'I iOtAL. FUNDS,AVAILABlE $4 , 1.3~,8~6i$l, 946 ,'88] $7,905,184 $8 ,24Z,442~9;o.139 ;99'2 ~}(PENDI:rURE,S' I "Opel'ating, Expe,ns,es:: $; 180.,424 4,32.,,~rr,9$ 432,,310 Redeve':1'opmen't, '315:'980$: 398,240 ., __ t _ _ .(". I Capital 'Project;;; $; 916,765$ 440,456' '$2,290,289 $1,62'6,000 $1,626',0'0'0 ~tr~e~s. ~rd Hjghways - ,._ - . _^ . . I . , . .'- - Tl'af-ficSignals 86,9..~0 .,2,2,l),0.00 5',897 33.,000 :33.,,000 Hood :ContrO,] ,and Dr,a,i nage ,,9.~ - ~';:013 1,353,000 1,}53,QQ.o I .' '.-C~'.__' ',,, ,'._ Govern'merit, Bunifirigs; , 250,00q .7.00,000: ?s'4;420 6,80,000 680,,00,0 Wa'ter Iini:1rovements - 138,097 _. Pan\{, anc(Open'S'p!!,ce ...' 750,000 ??3',~,29. 545,000 1545,000 I' Sewer Impriovemenfs- . -, - - 400,000 190",000 R!!yita!F'z.~ t1 on P,ro.Je'cts - J,if85,32l. 837',697.. 250,006 '250,000' I Subtota:j $1,,25,3 ,~18 $4,095,7V $4,318,262,$4,887,000 $4:,887"obo ~.~ . "' ," ~ __ .,.._" _ J ,_, " , I fQTAL EXREND)~~RES $X,4~4,242 $4,4lt,,757' ~4, 716,,502, ~5, 319; 31'0$5;319,'310: 'TRANSFERSILOANS,.In (Out) '~ .$! 4flOA56 $2#052,Qoo" $ ,I 1~a,lls', from; CitY, , - 917" 810, :$' 917'810; -. .'" .. - -- ,~,_. " Tr;,ansfer 'f6,Gorrrnullity, Filc:n ity t2, 052 ,000,> 61 strict: ,gC- . .. . -' -' - -, :1 . 'TQJALTRANSFERS/LOANS $ - J 440,45,6 l - $ :917,,310$' 917,810 . ,~,~ ......._, -... -" '-", . , $2~699" 644 ,$ (~4 ,414J$3, 186" 682 p,.840" 9.42 ;~4! 7,38 ,492 , I fo:fAL ,APPROPR'IA'J:EDF,UNDS I ENDrNGiB~LANGE June 30 ,0 0 0 0 0 I I ~ , , I, " ;1~66 I p,OWAY. REl)EVEkOPMENT(l,G;NGY I COMMUNftNREDEVEUjPMENTAGENCVJ - D'EBT ,SERVICE' FONO: I 1985"1986 19B6~l:987 1986"'!987, :1987,.1988 1987-..1988 I ' 'AC-rUAl BUOGE-T AC-rUAl .RROeOSED' AP,I~ROVED . , , FaNG ActfvI{Y, 'DETAIl I ~,EGJ N,NI NGB.'~LANC;, ,JiJf,yi $ - :$' - $ - $' ,-$) -, I Revenue's 484.. 250 85,000 r<i ,542 ,136 157,.110 1,457,no . Pl'tox 'Ye~af's \,App rop'rtclJ~i on ::-- 484,,250, 484,250: ,. 13,092;;.197, 13,092 ;.197 TOTAL FuNDS AVA'ttAB[E $48,4:.250 ($ 569,;250 lrs,:026i386, .f13,,249\307 $14', S~9 ;301' I '.,' . ..:.f _ ;E~P;ND!1URE$ I Bond, }nteres,t' :and Redellipti'on' $. - '$' 446,738 $ 1,934,1"89 $ 1,288,197 $; 1,775,145: I . 'T,OTALEXPENOITURES: $'. - '$ 446,7,38 $ 1 ,93<i,.189,$' ,1" 288,197 !$; 1;,775,.1451 'TRANSF.:ERSIU:JANs-In TOut) $ - $ - '$ - ,,$ - $ ,-, :- TOTAL T~ANSFERS'llOAN,$' $' ,. $ , $ , $ i$, .-: TOMLAPPROPRl'ATED FUNDS l 484~ 25"6 $l12!,M2 $13(,092;191 ~i1;'961,r10. ${2','Z7A,,16'2 - ENDING, B~I,'ANC,E June 30 Q 0 0 , '0 0 " r , I c.' . ' ;, . I, '. - I' , , 'I . I . I . . . , I' I ,I 'I ~ I. :1 POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ,FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1987-1988 , . . , 'BOND :UfrEREs't ANDREDEMPTrIO~ " ,I ,I, X69 'I' POWAJ' RFDEYE~OPM~NTAGENCY' I BOND INtEREST AND REDEMPTION I 1986~i987i '198'6-1987 J987-i~88 1'987 -1988, BUDGET ,ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROV{D il !~B5 Tax AlTotatroh Bond $ - $ 7'36149, $ - '$ 435 810: _..'Cu.,'-...., '-"--" Proces?,ihg Fee -, 3,.231 - 3,200 I 1986 Subo rdlna ted Tax All,ocati on Bond -, 1,,159, ~99 - 1,329,935 I 'Processing Fee. -, 34,810 ,,-" 6,200 $1,934,189 $' , $ - $1,775,H5 , I ...-. '"""" ~. " ' I I :1 il I' ,I :1 I I I I 'I' I, 'I '1 I I '. I . , '. I . . . ,. . I . POwAv REOEVE'tOPMEHT AGENCY FINANCIAL PROGRAM:: 1987-1988 " ,'., "<, '. . '~ijt.~tST~TiVE OPERAtiNG BUDGET I - ... --- -~- ,.:; c...;..j iN ~ ~C!TX c;,'0@J:i; :PI:J\NNING <XM1ISSIOli 0'10 I<EDEQEr1')PMENr. ,AGENCY; 5005 " , , ' ~ , , , , , " " t~ - G.f'J'Y CITY' CITY ._~ _-I '~ c:LERK1 l'.Tl'ORNEY TREASURER , on om 011 , " ; I' " --. "CD , ." , , ADMINISTRATIVE Ca.1MUNITY 'pI:.I\NN:[~ PUBLIC SAFETY, sERVig:Sj SERVIcEs SERVICES ,s:@vIGES SE@lIQE(? ..-- 100 200 ~3W 400 500. 5005i~ ~y J3EQE:(jEr:oPMENr AGENGY; AIffiNISTRATION - ~- -- ~ --. - - -, .- r_ - .. .. .. - - .. - ... .' -, :- ,- - - , 'I , 173 I , CITY- OF POWAY. DERARTMENTAL i\GT;~YI)Y OVERY,IE\:I' Ii , , , Dep.t'. Code ,Departmel1t: Fun,d Distr,i button:: ,I P.owav RifdeVeloomenlAQenCv GOfT!TJu~i ~Yo Recj~veJllpm~nt. MeJl,cy" 5005 ,.Adm, n,l stl'at.lVe Fund:: $436,,510 " . , . ..- 'I iEXPENSE' 1985..1986 '1986-1987' t986-1987 1987-1988 198Z'-'-1988 I\CtUAL ;liufiGE'r' ' ACTUAL' . _""~ n. "~.-"''' .'- . -.-....- ~ -"- - 'GcASSJ.FIGAJI.9N PROPOSED APPROVED , " , I TotiHP.os,i E:ransi - -. .; 1: 4 :1 Rersonnell .Expense 26,,686 26',691 '25;,199' '56.,030 60,23'0 . I Operations . 1.53,]3] ?7:3,969 350,,448 3ft, 250 3),i,250 , arid, Ma,intenance , I G,,!p.ita 10jJtJi!Y ~ 15,320 28,,889 5,.030 5;;03'0 ,t , I T01Ali. BlLDGEif ~$180 ,,423 $315',.980 .$40.(,536 ' $432;'310 $436',510 , " . I OYER'll EW COMMENrAR~f T~e 'poway Redey~l,ol1ment AgE!n~ywa..s f1!rilliiJl'Y, 'e.,sJ~JjFis~'ed alf ,Apf'i'126, 1983, when [I the CHi GounC;,tl adopJeSl Ol'd,i'lanc!l No.~6.A.ftgran' e~t,el1s!i 'Ie .r;ey{e~a!1cr s~i'iiey o'f the: proj'e'cf ifrea, ,oy, the RedevelopmentP,l'oject Ar;ea' Advi sory ,Corrrnitteeand the , C,ny. QOUI1~i1, theP~gu~y Redevelopment P rOj'ed was ,adopted j"- Oec;:ember; o{ 1983:'>" I T~e 'AgE!nfYfiYl1cJJ'9n_S"!!l1der th.e iiU't!i9ti;ty !if-anted bySecUon 33000. etiseq., Jf> the Cal iJor:n.i'a' HeaHhand.$af~ty C_ode", " , ' Jlie 'Redevelopmerit Agen'cyi,s ;prfmar;y,pyrpCl,se t~, J;opr.el1are,.ang e,xecutep1i!,ns des.,igne_d, I t.o iglC.fr~~'s,b.1 'ighl'ing co'iidHJons wfthtritheCjty. 'ThJs year' s,budg~.t beg;tns the. s,E!cllndty1'1 .Ye.a.:rof at'ti yjly. of a.m'iU',fiiyear prO'gtam desi,gned 'to: implement the pro-. ' vts.tons of ' the paguay RedeveJopmeAt P,l'an. life actniin:i's'tr.ative aperaMng expense costs I advanced to the Agency by the Glh o'f"Pg\'!ayfor ,s"ta,ff '~erv,i:fes;a@othef operat{il,g; . 'e--Kp~hC:lUui:eswi'Tlbefeimbursed to: the City 'Iut,of future incr,emen't !!I()n,ie,s,. - ~ ~ I , , ~I I , , I I , 1'74, , . - _., , . GHYOF POWAY , I llEPARTMENfACJ:\Gj,i-Y:1 TXD~f,.A:I L _,.... n , . O.epartm~nt: --."" 'e,.ct,i vity:; I~cri y.i ty ,. Gode: ~oway RedevelOpmehf,Adencv 'Aaencv 'Admtni'strabbn , l "'5005 . .', ~.. , , 'ACTlVny COItlENTARY ACnVlJYDESCRI PHON I ,Witl1;i.!! Jhi 5; act ivity. arlll bucjg~:te,di ii1'@jE!.~ tq. ,pril:l(id~' for ;t,~e: 9;VffaJ l:ritan~g'er'n.elll 'ai19 I :adl11inls'trat,j,on of th~,PRwa~ iR~de~Il;1 o~,m~nt'"~g"enc::t. "The ac::tli v~:t~ .is ,funded 9.utqf ~h.€! 'Redevelopment 'Agency"sSpecaal: AdmTn,tstr;abve Fund as authorlZed pursuant to Sect,lon 33~n, ,ofth,~ Hf~,]th a'nlr~aJetY~9de of the State' of, CaFHiorrtia anai 5 .estabTifstfea to m~et the, 'operattona'l expel):;es of'th,€! Agency. , . The 'pul:pOse of the admtn,btr'atilie 'adivHy.i 5, to, ,ensure t~a:t a pnogram ,of sound. {i'sca t management 1'5 .pr:6V.;'ded to tne Age'ncy Cons:i sfent" with accep'tei:! p'ract~i'cE ,ana procedures . requi:re~':byt~e":C()rffi1u'nit~ :Red~V:e,lopl]lel)l,l:aw, .. personne"1 serv1:ces" Wh.i'ch tncludemanagementsupport, ar;e"pl'ov1ded .to the .Agency by I ' th~ ;~t:a.ff ot: ,t,heGi'ty'iiridby a, coifsuJtarit. Jh'ese, ,persoilrle:l servi ces" togeth'erw,ith the 'expenses requ,i'redtodissemtnate redelieJ6priienti'iiformatioh 'ana the, varIous ,othe'r _..'-. __ __'__'_ 'V'_ __ _', -"0..-" ",,-,,' _.....~~,,_._._ ,_......_ --,"_"'_. .,' ..".-".~. ~_~__,'" -'~'_"~_"'" .... __. ,.-"-..'..,_'...._. -- - e;xpensesi requ,is) te .to lhe,Agepcy's oPE!rat,fons". ar,eroaned~ t,o ,t,h!! ',Agency frClm, t,he ,.Ctt'y!isjGen'eral 'F.iJnd and ,wi:,rlbe, repa'i d to th'e GJty: fr;om futur,e;A~eh'cy funds i' I SIGNIF.ICANT AGTIVIJ':{PROGRAM, :cHANGES , GGHANGE Personiie-l' SerVid's .,An Ufcreiis'e of $31, 1241ii < . si{larY;-~n~l, be,n~fi:ts i$' diJ~ {6, '(h.e add,:it,i O:-n gJ' to $ 31, 124 I . the'posJt,i'on o.f l:1anagel]le,nt Ass,!i :;Jan,j;. " Publ'tca6'ons"and 'Dues! - ,An i ncreaseof \$t,600, )s , c _ ~ _ . . _ '_' "'- dUe to: the new, :inembel'sh,j'p 'in the SanD,tegoEconomi'c +,$ 1,,0'00 . ! , OeVelc'lRriJe'ht Corporat,i on. - . Admi;n.istration' - An, increase. :of $88,'200;5, due' to lhe, ., ,j.ncreased tHy stan trine ~spent on Redevef:opmenf '" ",,$J88,,200 Ageri"CY proj efts; , '9ffjce Etlli,i~men~ ':;-' A decr.$51:;l! q,( '$l,3'~.34"5 5 'i:I~e, to 'the I, diffel'ence., 1n: of,f1:clt ~qU.l pment .~equ're,d ' n'fJs,c~ 1 , 'y~ar 1986~?7 aha 'J987-88. ' - '$' 1'3 345 , ..--"." I I I , I I E7,5 I~ CIT,Y OF POWA'{ -......:,,~-..~ -, .~..-_.~.~-- DEPARTMENTAL AGUYLTY :DHAIL I , Dep'a'r,tment': ' iXct ivity.:, 'e,_cHvtty , I'o~ay Re,d~ye,JopmE!nt' Gode: I 'Reaev'e>]oomerit .'AQency 'Aaencv ACintnfstratfon 5005 Qbj;., ' 1'986,,87 ;1986~87 1987 ~88: l!987'-88 , , Code' Exoense:CTass i'fica t1:on: i3udaet Actual , Pr;ooosed APproved , ,I Per;sonne 1 ,Exoense' . Rance . iRos,it ionT-ttle., . ~ge.ncy.Members (5) T 200 Z,,;2,OO, 7,,200 :7',2_00 I .-, .- Redevelopment Projec~ i6 ,80b 15 478 16,Mo r6i,800 Coord.ihatol' " 221.fl Ma!1Clgeme-nJA~s;i,~{actt - -' 24; OOOi 26,830 , , I' 110 salaH es -Regula':; ,-, - 2,4;000 26: 830 _'-.0._ . " IE, Siil'ari es ., Sp'et.i al 24',000 22,678 24,000 24:,000 _' ,___m _ ..'_' ." '9:;:40.0 I .120" FrtngeBenefits 2;69'~ ?,~?1 8,030 . I' '. Total Personne,1 26,691 , 25,'199. 56,030. 60,230 '. Ooerattons: ,and Matntenance 'Ii 141;, , Lega'l Fees' 30,000 24,928 3Q,00O '30,000 1M ' ~UQT~'Se:rrVi F~s 5;,0.0,0 4,liJil 8;,?5Q , :8;,2,59 I, 14-8i .Speci'al, StUQ,leS 105,6,00 94,,:033 106,,999, 'r06".QQO ,.. -~ 260 Re'iinb'u r'\sedMtleage .1;080 124 1,080 1",080 '262 , :yeMczJe. 9perat\on~i , 3 " ~ , 2'76 .T1'(j,V~:,1 ,&,,'Meet\ng,?: 2.:,Q49 2~,~ 2,689 :2,,6,89 :. i86 Lega'l Noti cesIAdvertt:s ing !;~Q9 _. 2,.?og s.~QO 282 Postage, ' 2,000 '7,97 2,00,0. 2;,000, ,3H Pi"inffn ' 2,500 '846 3';'500 3';500 ,', '" ...g ~I ,3'1'4 ,gClJll!lJ!D ity ~elClt!1611~ l,,90,Q 725 1,000 1,000 3YS ;953 --, ',..- ,~ubltca t.ions&. Dues 1,,000 2,19,0 ? ".no 334 'R'1':i M EqiJ,i pineilt 480 - -, - 'I: 4tl Off,ice,&Stati 6i11i'rY Siippl ii'es 1.,.325: ,1;4'18 1,200 1,:200 ;, 4'13 ,~hQ:t.()gtap~l'C SIdP'P,ri'es U 300 '79 300 300" , 522 Insurance Expense " '!hO,QO ;.:" 5;,000 5,000 525 '1'11< CI ncrem!! Qt":6:!:b,e I' Age,ncy Agr;,eg. ,32',d44 32,34'4 34,610 34','610 ' :1 sIfo Adm:inistl'at,i6n, (Stat:f"T.ime) , 82',800' 18~9:, :rjl 1ii (rOO 1 if '000 ~ ,. , .. 1;"" - , " I Tota'l ,Ooerattons, and Maintenance ,273.969. 350,4'/18 371,250 371,250 Caoi'ta'l Outl'av , 'I 611 :Off,t:celEqufpmen t' 15,,320 28:, 88,~ 5,Q30 5 030'" ,"""'. ' I Tota,] Caoita 1 .Outil av 15,,320 28',889 5',030 5,;030 I Acti.vitv TotaJ , i$315,980 $404,536 $432,310 .$436" 510 'I' 'I' ~_ J I' , I: 1 1 " I 1 I 'I 'I :1: I, I" .' . , I 1 PO~y; I\EDJ:VEI:.()P~ENTAGEkCY: _ ,19,~7-1~,~ . -CAPI;fAL, ,IMPROVEMENT PROGIW4 ~ - -- . . - -- -.. .'. 1 I"~ 178 , . ."" , ..-- . I: ."- POWAY'REDEVE!iOPMENT.AGENGY G.APHAl, ;Hm~9VEMENf PROGRAt.rOVERVI EW :. .. , . - , , , , , , , " , REVENUE ,AND ,EXPENDHUREANALYS 15 '" POWAY'REDEVECdpMENT AGENCY , 'I SOURCE.'ANDAPPPCilTIO.NQf' F!JlIl)~ '. 'F:ISGAl ~EAR' 1:987-1!rS8. I :F,:UNOINGi :SOURCES: , 1 :Red,evel;opment Fund , Ci'tYb"oans, $ 485,590 , I [!e\(.e;lop.erRej m~u rsemen.ts '565,000 .- . .,..';> RedeveTbpment,Ageilcy, BbrHl FSsue' proceeas 4'80'000'0' "" ReiinliiJ'rsement'f rom: PUSD ' "'0'" . (j" 6"000 PowaYRoadi!'eautf{i~ca"don Fund ,'. l,' '25' 000' -..'- ~.- -~ ~. . ... '.- "~ '1 tOTAL $5,,88'1,500: . , " I FONDINGAP,RLfcAT.ION , I' Str,eet ana'. Hfghwaysi $1,708,000 .- I 1r'Mf,fc Si'gria;] 5 513000 Hoo~ c'ontr::o} &' Orai nage ! ' 1\,;7,85, ~QO - .~ ',' -'-- ':'!f ..~~. ." ~, . G,ov>~.rnml!nJ ,B~u.q:dfng 5 ' 680000 , ,I --'-""',.-.' .,~.- , Par;k' 'an'd Open Space 545',000 .".."",,'-."-----. Sewer. IinprOvemen'ts 400;000 Reyjt.a;1:ri~ ~!i9-n P roj,ec;ts 250;000 1 $5;881 ;506 , '. 'I I \ , I, , , ' , 1 179 _ .1 1 , ... ~PO~AY BEiJEY~,tQ,PME_NI.AQ~NQY.' . ""~ CAPITAL 'IMPROVEMENT> PROGRAM OVERVIEW I: , D,epartment: , , I', 'CAPITAL IMPROVEMENrRROGRAM Total , Total E'sfimated Ac't,ivfty Classlftcat,ion liota! I',r;ior li987.,,"19~81 ' Comb);ried I: Reou;i renieritsi ,AoproPr.1attons Aoproo rj atJ;onsApp IiOP ria t1:ons' $8',.o42~,-981 Str,eet~' & 'Hlgh~~ys ,$6,334;981 $.1,708.,,00,0. $1l.,MZ,9,8} , -. --. 'I: '1!080,769' . tra ff,jc 5 {gnal 5 567,769 513000 L, 080" 769 " , :3,6?9.,JOO Fl 09<1' :C,o~tt'(j] & QI'!ii rfage '34~:, 600 1;, 7~5,500 2,129,tOP I:: '2,672.,000' Gover;nment 'Bu~f:l dings" r.,992,0'00 680,;.000. 2 ;672 ;~OOO I' ;1'295000 Par;k~ ~.!1dOIlI1I) $pa~e 759,000 :545".QOO 1 ,295,,0,00 I: ..., '.--"---'-: 64,019 Water 'Inipliovements 64,~oT9 - 64,019 '-' 1 400,,000; Sew.er Impr;,llvenierit,sl ,~ 40.0,,000 400,000, d ~_.. ~ 2,177.,,921 Revi taJfzat.i oni>r;ojects 1 ;927,921 ,250,;i:loO' 2';177:,-921. I: , $l9~ 3,61,7,90 TOTAL BUDGET . $11 ,980 ,290 $5';881',,500 :$17 i8.6j.,190 I , '''. . , OVERVIEWl:91-1~E~JARY Ij 'Tlie' Poway Redeve:l opment,Agency' 5 Capital Improvement. .Progt:am, represents an. ef,Jor;t' to '!!!] 19'c~tel:J1.e poterrt'ii\,J fiij'arH:ja,] resourcAsof' :ttte I\ge'n~y" if(a','nfanrier wlji'ch ''i(f11 tten~fi't: thePaguayPr,oJec~Area:!, ,C.ol!taJn~d. I'!ithi!lthe ~geflcy'~ Y/or~ prcogr~m' ar,e 1 .pl'oj.ects des\gfledto eradicate. bJyght;ing cond,itions outlined tn Ihe Paguay :Reaevelopmerit ,P1 an'. , , 1 The jifojects :aesc'ri bed in this"bLidget: fan 'into; ttie 'fo.1T6iiiing e.ight major categories: ,?Jn~e-tsl and~H,{ghways ,Tr!itj'i q. ~!rgry~alh fl,o g,d , 'Cohtro.lal),q D[ai nage,~,oy~i:nfl1e,Dt ' Bui'JQ\ngs, Par;ks: and Qpen ?p'ace; Wal~r Imllr<1yeme.nts,- ;S.!,!~~r .'Il11proyernen.t? and I. ,Rev;'i:tal i zatton P'l'ojects-. Ttie pages tnat :fo'l'low. cover the RedevelC1pment Agency ';5' f,i ve~Year capital ,impr,6vementi ,p(ograhlwh'Lch will be, u'pdatedaniiually. ' .Jh~ prClj ~,cJ:s 'con~aJnedi!l the ffv"Et~year _ Cap-it~J 1I1)Pr:oY,ement,;~rCl,gram ''!fe, WOIl9,sed' tq 1 :be ,funded thr:;ougtil oans' from the GUy, feder:al funds: from the Gornmun:i,ty' Deve:lopm'ent Blo'ck Graht P:fograni o'r"ahY otherfedefa:l progr;am,. state-funded programs 'and the @deye,lopf1ieO"t,Agen~ybond,s_. ,I Furids advanced: to the, Redeve,i'6pmentAgency Cap,i tail, .Improvement Progr;am ,1'1.111 be re,i1TIl1iJj,sE!a {o '(he c{ty of Po:i,fay from'future ta,x iiitremel1t mon,ie's. ' I ,. .' ;l!'fd :1 , REDEVELOPMENT' AGENCY I' CAP,ITAL ''fMPRbVE~EN'tPRQGRAM ,otfrA'rL .I Depar;,tment:' flctj y.i1ty,: REDEVEIlOPMENTAGENGY STREETS.AND.HIGHwi'iYs 1 " A~TIVI:r:t ~ENTARY 52011;WlN PEAKS IMiiR"OVEMEN'fS- :M"riJLAND: 'TO RANCHO.ARBOLTTIOS I: 'Jhi;? prqJe.~;t, ,p'~QY;fQ~~_ f9:rJhe,de~.\gri jllJd "coosJr;ugt,ion, of fou[ tl1~ f,fi~c ,lcanes,;,.s;fdew~j'k;, 1 curbs, ,equestrran and ,h.lk.l,ng tlia\l~I" f.enc,lng, l'andscapmg, and. nOlSe attenuatton"wall for~ tile ;fina~ r'jght':of.-way"along fHe s'outll ,s.i de of TwIn PeaKs, Road ff(orii':the Ba.i'fqho, ;~r9,QFtQsc 1 sUDd:iiv.is~ion itci'Mi dlianaR~ciM. Th~ 9Til fo-r tn.i!griad1'i:lgof th,E!trtang].e, @t ttl,!!<!Soutb...~e,st COtn~r' ,oJ CqIllJl4~.i!Y ,RRag,il!Ld, T~!i;n pea!:"~:a,ndJhe! "co~str~g.tton,of ,thE! nO,i se attenuation' wa:1'1> was awarded 1'n FY '84.-85. The Rath:,oh the,,:south !side of. TW.in Pe'aks from, Rillitho ,Arbolii:os 'to; the \;riangJe was. ,gr,adec1dur'fllg FY85'-86 with th'e relf1~i}faer oJ the jJroject 1 compl,eted' durfing FY86"87. . CosLEst.iinate - $1,:342,439 I L FY84-85 - $: :24,939 1 FY 85'-'86 ;;$' t8f,500i j:,y 86~87 - $i.,H6',00O I .. -, .~. ~" - -.., 5204 MlDLAND,;ROAD IMflROVEMENJS I - As proposed by the,'RedeveTopment 'Advi sory Conrnlttee ,his pr,o~ect pr,bvided ,s,idewaTl<s" 'curbs', and,guttel'saiorig M.i'd.land Rciad to Ncir:wa,1 k Lane: ~!1d vaj'io!!.?tr;af,ficand Rl!destrtaD I sa'fetyiin~ rtoyem!!i]ts. In {1;H:lHi9Q, t~_E! p:r,gj es.t '~Jll,prO}{,jdefOr fIJ llimp r,oyement along ,~.tdJaQd, Roast from,NOrwalJ~ iStre.E!t 'to Tw;i'n peaks Road. Th.i's 'project was ,coj11Pil eted Tn. :HI86-'1987,. . 'Cost Estimate - $1,200,000 I: FY' ,85'~86 ,~: ,$ t.1M,z9~ , I=V '86"-&7 - ,$'99,:206 52.05 POMERAOO ROAO IMPROVEMENTS~, flHASE :r I nHs project provtd'ed for: tile designaniLconstrucbon of a,6:10ek wa\ 1" :stdew'ail,k ,turbs" gtitte"rs,"and laridscap..tngand stree'fHghts'talorig th'e, eastsiae of' Ponfeirado Road, 'ff;om I Mc::frfron Bpa.d tg TC!~ite),Roa,i1,> Ihhs Iirqle,stw.C!~ f,tDanceg 9Y 10th; 'l'IMt,' J2Jh'. 'arid' i-3'th 'y,earGDBG, 'f.und~and,,:was compi1 eted 1'n FY 'l986":~7. , Gast ESl':imate' - $250550 , I ,. ~'-"'~' " - FY'S4,-85-' '$ 18,,000, (GeneJ:a 1 Fundi I H85.,86 .'$232;;'550 (CDBG 'and RDA) I " I .1'81. I , ' , REDEVE~OPMENT ,AGENCY' I CA~ITALfM~ROVEMENT'~RdGRAM ,DETAIL , ' Department: Act,ivity: I ,'REDEV,ELOPMENF .AGENCY STREETS AND '.HIGHWAYS Jotal lotal . ProJect Pl'oject. Oescriptfon E s,t,i m,a.,te~ I"ffbf '87,,,,88' 88C:89 '89-90 90~91 91...:92 , Coile" Cost, ~DDl '10. ,Aooroo., Est;imate Estimate ES,timate Estimate' I' iA ro; , ' , 52'01 Twin,Peak~ ,Imp rQv,~,; . , I ments. - Midland to Ra,nc,llo ArbbJitgs 1342439 . . 1'342439 , .' . . . , , ,I 5204 tiid Van<:! Roa.,d 1200000, 120000C , Impr-ovements :1 , , :1, , , , I, , I' .520.5 pgmer.aqq R,()a.,ct .I}l1P "Qv~,mE!nts, ~ 250?5_C Phase I 250~~9, 'I' . , ,I: , , I' , ACnVHY'TOTAL .~ . -_ ' c., , 'I J'82 I' REDEVE[OPMENTAGENGY I, G~PinA.[;-' 'iMPROV~MENT,'P'R6G~AM, DEJAI:L " ' I Depa r:tment:: ActiVi ty: , REDEV,EL:OPMENTAGENCY STREETS AND"jjIG-AWRis 1 ACTIVIT,Y COMMENTARY , .... - -. .. -,." ~.~,., --.'"-.;'--" 1 5206 80MER'A[)Q ,ROAo!l:TVil.UGHN, - 'WARNING HGH1S, I As pr~pos~'9 !i~' 'th.!! Reqev!!rOpmeIJJAdy,tsor~9-ollll1tt.tee;!, to! ins:~aTl,w,~,r:~in~, 1 r~~ts fO ~r~rr J!1o,to.t1.l!,t?, ,to 'the, crosswa',1 k at I!omerado .Roaa and, Vaughn. Th'lS pro~,e.ct. ,vtas ~omp,leJl!d " n 1 FY, 1:986~87,,' ,Cost,Est,iiTiafe,'~ '$16,000 . .. ,.~.", .- ",' F'Y, 85::86 - $ 4;600 I i'W 85'-'87 -$ t1 ,400 5201, TWIN PEAKS'ROAD- ,MtilLANb 'TO ESPOlA' 1 , lh iisproJ~~t, Jfroi/i,geJi' 'foY Jh~i\,!.jgen'in~ 'to the,ul t.imate, ri'~ht":ol~way'ofTwih ,Peaks ROaif I bet\,!e_en ~l,dJ:iincj Ro,ad, and Espo;la' Road. Cos't, ,Est.i'matei - $500,000 Fundirig Source -flY 87-1i'8, '$500!,OOO' FY ,87..:!l~ ~ J?O_Q;,O,Oo ' RONeond,Proceeds' 5209 'GARDEN ROAD IMPROVEMENT:S: AS,PXClp9,s,ed by t~,eRedev.elQpme,nt, AdViso~y GOrrm1't~e~,_.to prov~d~~ pede~t'fia;-!1 iiM: traffic, s~rety )IT,lp'rovem~"nt,~on. Garden,_,Road ,and constrcuct,lon ofia' permanept 5 ld.e,wa 1,1<, '9.0 th,en.outh sTde'. 'Thls proJect was1 compl'eted 'Tn 1986"87. Cbs,t, :Esfffriafe''', $lnl,l06 , , FY85~86 - '$17/2 ~106 - _.. .t... . ?4.H MElATE lANE, SIDEWALK Ttfi!spr;o~ectpr:oV;i'dedi'or tn:etifti~XrUtt;i 0.0 oJ ~s. i de,wa, 1:!< 5' 911 It),ei ,~O!:lth ;s,i de of),Mei:a;~e L'a"ne' from'Montauk Street toPomerado' 'Road, and on the' north is.lde 'fr,om MontaUK to'th'e end of' ,~. '_'<:- "'~'"'_ -""I''''''' _ n, ",~ _.......~,..,' -.-" , ";~__,_,,,,' , , ':--'. _.., ,_ '_,_' " ",' , U'. .. the SJarn~ht Stab,J;es. 'Th-is pno}ett .was, tomp l:et'ed ,in 1986"8]. iC6"st ESt,irriafe"",:;$l02,220 FY, ~5-'!36: - $Iot,2io , : 'I ,Ji83 I " - FE,DE,VEJOPMENT AGENCY ,"I CAP'IJAl nlPRQYEME~T P~QGRA~ DETAIL Dep,artmenJ: ,Activity,: ' ' , 1 ,REOEVEl:OPME"NT'AGENCY - ,STREETS ,AND HIGHWAYS (Conti'd', lotal ' t.ota:l " , 1 , Pr,oJ!!,~t Pr6j'ec"t'. Qesfrlpt.ion Es,tfmat'ed Pr-i'o1" 87 -88' 88-89 89-90, 90.,9i 91.~ 92 'I, Code , Cos't. ,Aoor:cfo. Aborao'. Estimate Estifi'nate . Es'Hmate Es t.i mate ., 'I 5266' Pomerado Road 16000 J600C , at. vaughn-; .Warnfng L'ights 'I , I , :1 , '5207 Twi Ii' Pe-a:ks' Roaa. - 1500000 .so(fooa 1.11 ell and to tspo'I'a' , 1 'I' , I 5209. Garden ,Road , Irnprov~rne~t.s 172106' 172106 .1 - -' , I: . , , I: 52.ljJ Metale, 'Lan'e I: '~sTaewaj k !Q2?20, 102220 . I: ! , I , " , , ,I; AC1)V,!TY TOJt\l" , , ., 184 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I GAnTAL, IMPROVEMENt PRO'GRAM DEtAI l- I .-......, ~ .-' '--- ~,' - -,..~ .._-....- -. - --.. .....'- D~partment": 'Act i'v,i ty,:, 'REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 'S:I'REEJ>Sd\ND HIGHWAYS I ~CT!VnYCQll4,EtrrARY I .5212 ESPOLA ROAD STREET l'IGHTS I ' ' " "TN~' project pr,ovides f,qr 'street, lightsa}ong EspoJa Roadfr,om 'Poway High, ScnoQ,l -to, Ol'd .Goach Road. , Co'stEs,timafe "$133,,000 I n 85-86 -,$1'33.,000 I- ~213 MIDLAND ROAD'EX;';ENSloN - sou'rH 0'1" P'OWAY ROXD , I TM 5 pl'oject would prq~iq~ f9:t (t.tt~ 1ll0qi,fi,d;H9:o qf'the trMfi,:c ~ ign,a,j at: '~l'dland' :and . ,Poway ROads arid wDu+d extend Mi.dland Road 'souther.l,y from, 'R,oway Road to ,F;a-i rgate! ,Dr,i,ve I c9rJ~,trij~tl rig 'two Traf.}ic:'la.nes;' "As amul t' of 'fH.i 5: pF'ojetE,'Gate: DrfvewouTdbe. c;J:Dsed; ,south with: the,,:nemova'l 'of the br:iage ov.e'r:' Poway Creel< at Gate Orive., A,new, bridge 'wou']rd, .._- ,be ,,~~~strlf~~eaat'Mid1'<inQ ;Ro~~ '~o' .p'rDvi,de ac'cess to the' subd):vis.ion '.via. ;t.fi;dTand 'Roadanii: I ,F,!ugate, "Dr],,!!!,. Gost Est.imate - l'i,oT9"lOQ' . <, - I 'FY 85~86i ,- $ ,69,100 . )=v ~~"87 ,-$9~0', OQO I, ,5214 COMMUNI:JY ROAD .WIDENING . . - 2 Tbtspr;()jec,t wf1J proviqe fpr thei,mpr.9.veme.ot q{',c'orrmunHy Roa'd. south frOm Po\.i~y Road 'fD' the Poway Creek Bridge, 'to provi de fo'r'fiQul' traff.i c. ,1 iines':ifna .the iO}tii,j1 ~t,i:b.n: oJ ;i~flO,Ot" si'OewiiTks. lhe,brA'Oge :at' PDW~'y Cree~ ,you)q b:e ,'ljiMiieil a09' tile, rE!qutr.ed ryght'-'oJ-way qbJa'i.n.ed, ,Cost isbmate; -.Js20,fio, ",y, 85..86' '-'. $55',7-10 Fil' 85JS'?' - $4'65',noO ,1-. " I, 1'85 I: ~ - - 'REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY , ' CAPITAL:, IMI'ROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I: _.~v t:....._._ . .,<<".. ~"_ _ ",'" ..".. , .~. _.....,..~. .. ...... Department: Acti v,i.t,Y.>: I REDEVELOP,MENTAGENG.'( STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ,(Cont"d' . ~ Iota) , Total PrqTe:t Prod:ect, Description ' Es't.ima tea pr;,tor- 87-88; 88-'8'9 ,89-,90 90'-91 9 f-92 I; Code Cost 'ADD faD. :ADD rOD. Estimate Estima:te Esdmate :Estlmate , " c ~ ;5212 ~sporaRoad I' ,S.t.re~Y :[,i gl]~s Q3000 133000 \ I: , i 1 I: , 52],3 M.i alandRoaa Ex~~ri~ioi1 '1919100 101910 , l , " I: I: :1, J: ,5214 Coirmuhi ty Road, W.i'de'n,i.ng 5207.10 520710 I: . I , , , , . " , , I~' , , I': , , I' ActhfITY; tdT-AL : ; I 'I' 1861: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 'I CAPITAL tMp~O,YEMENT p~O~BAI1DnAI l~ 'I: D~pg.rtlTIent:: ,Activi ty,:! H' . . . :REDEVELOPMENT"AGENCY ., "SJREETS:ANDHIGHWAYSi (Cont I!d \ ;1' - - __ - - - I I ,ACTI~ITYCOMMENT~Y' ~ !i,2'~5 R.OMERAlJO' ,ROAD JMP,ROVEMENliS; ,,..P,HASE, n; 'I: Th1>s .p~oj~ctpr,ov{des 1;01' the~'desj'gn and. cOri{tr:;uctton;of" ,a blocK: ,wa'J:l, sJg,ewa}Ks, Ctu);tw, :1' 'gutte'r,s."1 ancfscap;fng, ,ana street' l.igtifs! fa',16rig 'fhe east.s,i de of',l'omerado, Road. from Jasse,l ' ~oaa, l6Mea:d(j~,gr9j,~119-ne,,' !(t,.,j~j ahftf'ip',at,ed J~9- t il1"E!~Ya.i{ql!S' phases .0.1' Iii iisprciied:~vi,i 1; be f.i'nancedby. 10J;h" :llth". l'2th, and1>3th j.ear; ,.CDBGf,unas,. "I' Cost Et,ilnate' ':<' :$294,456 ,. . E:Y 8,5:-,8.~ :. $$' '41,QQQ(RDA1\cjmi n ,fund) I' F.Y 86c:8} - . 250.,456 52,16' MARK STEVENS ROAD:MO~tFICATlONS " I, 'Thtspr,o'jec't.:prov'idesl fertile 'construdion ,of, a r"oaa :torine-ctfngMa:tK,StfV!!_ri~,'g9~ciarid Ip'a"vaOri've, :e.l i~inat.i n9 the, :curr;e-ri-t,ai':-cessfq'~Q\'iaY:Road.: - I Cost. ,EsMmate, ,- $35',,000 F,Y 86:"87 - $35,000 I- , I 5220 'POMER)DO;ROAD jMRR6VEMENT~ - PHASE: U,!; , I Th-i:spl'oJet~ ,provides. for t,neci~~i,gri 'ancj ccinl;trllC,ti'On9L.i! bl:o^Sk.:wa 1'1, SldE!wa1ks,;'cur.~s:" ' .. guttej;~i, JarglsfilP'tng, and stre~t),ight;s: 'i,!Jgng tl1!! ea~ct,;s i:de.ofl1omera'do Road,fr.om: . .' I' 'M,:a~owgr09k L:qne .to ,ya,ughn", .:It ,i:sqnticfpa,f!!,d' thCl.tth!!'var!ou,s phases, of- th.i s project . wrl'l ,be. fInanced by 10th" ll:th" 12th, and Dth ,year CDBG' .funds. - Ccis'f', Es'tiinate'," $.f55',000 I' F.Y8!rC:87; - $25~i, 000 . -'. IJ 5}25 .110MERADO .ROAD JMP.ROVEMENTS, -'; PHASE' IV". :rhis.;pro'jectpr.ov;ides' for:1ihe,designanci.constrcucttonOf a bl'ocKwaTl " s'idewa1 ks",~-~F;b~t, I: gutters" Tanqscap'i ri,g, a'nq 'sTr:e'et 1'igljts'~~l,9h9 'the ea,st, sil<!e()fI19I!1e!!,afjo Rg_a(ffrwn"Yav~lin' t;9 ,GIE!n Oak, ,~nd, .from McFetoQ, ~9uthW:~rd fo~a,llll.ro.M,ma tel~, 5,00'f!!~t. .U: 1's ,anti cipa't,E!d ': that the Nar,'ous phases oJ th, 5 proJect.w,.rl1 be frnanced. by"10th~,nth'i 12th" and 13th: I ,y,ear' CDBG funds'. ' Cost. Est'imate, -$935:;'000 I' FY' :86~87 - ,$935,000 , / ~ I' " 1 187 I- , RED EV E l:OPMEI-l!'AG ENC Y' I: 'CAP.ITAt YMJiR'OVEMEtif PROGk'AM, DE1r.A:IL 'Department: - < Mt,i v,i,ty: , I REDEVELOPMENT AGENt~ STREETS AND HIGHWAYS (Con.t"'d" l:ota,l Total Proj ect . Ploj~c't Oesceri,ptiOn_ ~sJfnjat~~ PriQr 87...88 M,-:89 89-90' 90..91; !H-92 'I Code' Cost Appr:oPi Approp'. ES.timate E s'tj male Estiilnate ESt;i rnate . 52t5: porne raaoRoaa ,. Ll!1ptb}.i~1ii~:nts - 29~.~5E i Pha~,~ H 294456 , I' , I' , :1 5216 . Ma~ijkStever,';'Road . I. "".~ 3?000 '350,00 ' Mod,ifi'c:it\J.nj I l , I '5220' Pome~ado Road Improvements - Phase IN 2~5900 255QQC I " 1 , , , - . - , - - " '. 5225 porne f:ado Road' I Irnp r9ve_rJ)e!1t~- 935000: 935'000 Phase' LV , , I 'I, I' ACTIVITY' TOl~!- 0 -, 1'88' ,- REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I 'CAPfML Ir;jPRbVEMENT l)ffdG~A~ DET~I4. 1 O~partment: ActivHy:' ,REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SJREETSAND HIGHWAYS I ,ACTIVITY COMolENTAAY' 5226COMMUNIJY ROAD WAI1[AND LANDSCAPING' .. TMs pr;od,ectcons:tstsof. rell;iacing, theel;(;j stJng wa,q ~l'o.ng9prrT1lun.ity R()~,!i~ I;t.a~ so j,ncludes' t,~e tnsta;JTatton of. LI~S, street li,ghtstn ,p'l ace' of the exi sting:HPS and, ;busstop :benches. ' , ,COst Est,iniate, - $'322 ;000 Fund~ing ,Sou rce ."" :87-88, :$310,000 RDA Bond"Proceeds' " . FY 86~87 - $1'2,000 F::J87.::8~ -$310"066 ~228;PEDESl'RI'AN WARNING LlGH1S:, ESPOLA ROADiTWr'N PEAK'S' ~,s.'Il,,~posea:b}' th~,Redl!verOpme!1,t "Ad~il?o~y, G,o,l!TI1itt~.e, 'tN:~ Rri-oj~Ct ~tQyiqesfor t~e, 'lnstal1atton ,of SIgns to warn:.motOl'l'sts' on ESllo;1a Road,of the ped~strl~ncr:os,stng, iat.: E~Il(),1 a ~ClM .a'hg Iw'tf1 P~ali.s. ' Cost Estimaie - $11,;6Od 5229 NINtH SifREET' 'STREET .LIGHT. AS' proposed, 'tiii's!'pro.jectconsii~ts.Q,f the insj:all'ilt,;;o.n of ,a I sJr,eej: l;jght.a'!.o,ng N,i nth Street acroS's(rom :Pomeradb.E{e,mentary Schoo,l. lCost Est'ima'te.'-,! '$,3:0.4,00 , FY 86-'87 - $~i,4'00' , 5230" ;POMERAOO, :ROADS[REET L'IGHTS As .p'roposea, tti;1's pnoject consJ,sts ()f;t~l! in,stall a ti.(j!1:of seven street l'i'ghfs..,(1,0,09 POrileradjl Rpag from Ka;U:Z Str,eet to Roberto Way. Cost: Esifina te - $33~OOO FY ;86,-87 - '$33000 .. . _ .~.,. _J_ , , 'I r89 Ii ~ REDEVEIiOPMENTAGENCY I CAPITA('IMPROVEMENT' RROGRAMOE>TA:IL, . .~.. .-.. . -'., ._" -,-", .~ ~ ....-' .".'- Depa'rtment::' Act,iv,iity: ~ . REOEVELOPMENT AGENCY , STREETS AND HIGHWAYS (Cont'd' Total Total , , Pr01ectProj'ect ,Descri pt,ion' EsP'ill]at.ef Prior' :87,.,88 88-89' 89..90 i90-91 9 i-9'2 . 'Coat! ' :Cost 'Aooroo. "ADoroo. Estimate Esf:imate Est,i niate Estimate " 15226 Gol1ll1uni ty, RiJM.\'IaXJ and Landscaping 322000 1200C . 310000.. , I, . I . , :. 5228: P!!c1e~~rfa,n .Warnfng L\9ht,s:E.sl1pl~ at iloQO . 11000 Tw,in Peal<s,Road ,. , , I I 5229 N'i nth, 'sheet I 'StreetLight 3400 3400 , I I' , , 522,0 P6fue nado Road: , I, Street L,igtits 3300b 3300b h . , , I' , I: <.:;. -,' I , . fl' .A.cT{VI'l":{ tb:rAt: " , , , , I90 I' " I: REDEVEl:OPMENTJAGENGY' _,..... . ",,_" r_.'~~._~~J.~._"._."~---..... ..', ...,- QAPlJAL IMPROVEMENT RROGRAM'DETAlt I Deparctment: A:c,Hv ity: REDEVELeOPMENT ,AGENGY 1 'ACTIVIT'" COMMENTARY 5~23L TwiN 'p.EAfs LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION 1 Thi,'sp,rg::i'ecfp"r()v,tq~~: for Yandscap,l'ng ,and ',{r.rigab oil along Twi n. peaK? ,Raid f,rClI11 Mi9)and ,. RO,adi,to Rancho Arbolitos . ' ' . Gost ,Est:imifte\-$lZk~OOO Funding Sou rce\-, 8i -881 '. , RDA Bond, ,Pr6ceei::ls' $-174 000' F~ ~Z:':88, - $l74:},OOO .~, ^ .". --'- I ~232 T,WI N PEAkSiRECONSiJ'RUCJ:YON' AT ROUTE: 156 . . Toils p'~odect Rr;ClVi,des fO~ the :ql:l,irpburS~lJIen~ t,o T,win PeaKs P:i'azil."deveTqpe'f' fOr tJ1l! 're_coil-> s,tru~t ),on of: tne north' '5) de of' TWl n Peaks, Roadati ;Route,?6.. Gost Estimate, - :$100,,000: Flmdi!ng Sou rce -,FV 87..88 tlQ9J''o,00 I ROA 80nd, Pr:oceeds 'FY 87,;'88\ '" $100000 . -. --. . ~- - ,.'. ...... - '523~ ROUTE 56 ~'-'. 'P,OMERADO to WEST city liMITS 1 , ' Itl,i[s pr:oje~tPr:ov,idesfor::thec~onceptuil.ldesigil of ROl!t:e,?6, ,jrl EY 1~8l-'8,a~, Tihe.d~stgn .and acqui,stt'fon 'of r'ighf,of-"way 'i 5 s'checlU] eo tn ,198?~8,9 ancj constructi;on' in 1989-9'0. I ',Cost Estimate ,_', ;$30,000 F:und,ing Source -;FY 87.._88 $' '3_0.,O~QO RDA' .Bond 'pr;oceeds FY 87Al8 ,-' po~ogo' 5234 ESPOlA ROAD' ,- GARDEN ROAQ, TO 'TWIN PEAks Th.iispl'o'j'ect provides for thewfden;rng ana re!corfstrl!;n9~of E~PQ12. Roa~l from', 'Garden Roact to :tw'fn 'PE!il.k's. Conteptitil.J d.e;;ig,ri shall o~~uf J:n; FY '198Z;?~ 'wi'tM; fina'lp,1 ans, :spec:inta_ t:J:q,rfs,engi neer,ing., al]d, ri g,ht-Of~w~>, acqu,i s,tt.i'on in. 1988-i89!, and 'c6n's'tr;uct:i:oO j n 1~.!l9-90'. Cb'stESHmate '-$60,;000 Fundf'ng Source - }'y. 87-88 , RDA Bond Proceeds $i?O',O,O,Q {i{, 87-:88'.- $60;ddO .. , " I' 19.1 I' , . REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY , - ..~.. .-> -.-. ".~. -..~--".",_.. > .">~._~. ", --'. . ~ .......,. CAP pAL IMPROVEMENT PROGR~M DETAIl " I: Oepar.tment': ' ~ct,jV~ty,: I~ REDEVELOPMENT: AGENCY .' . . .' . S'rREETS ANDHIGHWA YS (,Gont 'd \ , 'fota'l lotal ',p.1'01ed: project Description Esbm~t,e.~ In't:or87-;8~ :88~89 89~90 90'-'91 91-92 'Coae' " Cost Aooroo. Aooroo. Es'tiriiate EStiina te .',Est,imate .Estimate I ." , 0 . 523'i . 'Tw,i n Peaks) 4and- scap,fng'and :t74006 ,174000 I Irrfga:fion . I 5232 l:wJn P~~ks: R~CO!,F I iSfl'ucUo,n at iooo'oo' iO,oooo 'Route, ,56 , . ,I " '. 5;133 Route, ;56 ~Pomerado . 't.') , Wes,t 'Ci,ty 'li.ifjji(s, ~OOOO 3000'0 : ,. , I ,I 'I: ,!j,234 ESp61 a .Ro'ad - Garden Road 'to:Twinl'eaks 60000 6'0000 ,~ .. ,. ... .'. ">"'- -~,-' I' ,I , I '~'I ACTtWr'F{ 'TotAL , ' ~ . ~2 14 .. ifEDEVELOPMENT .AGENCY' . '1: CAP.UAL :I MP,R9VfM,El'IT ,PRQ,GEAM ,QETAIL . . 'p~ep.a.ftrnent; Act,tvity: I REDEVELOPMENT ,AGENCY .. .,", .. ,., STREETS .AND HiGHWA{S . ACTlY~:r"f; ~ENTAAY 5235 ,AUBREY :STREH'IMPROVEMENTS FROM COMMUNITY 'TO MIDLAND w I T,hisiPffljeft "provides" for.(he.'W1.cleni ng o.f Aubr;eyt~bin.:Colll11afii'ty RCiad, tp' MjcjJ'ancj to a\ 40 I Wii dth with conc~ete curb: !andgiJtfe'l"sandis'i Clewarks. Included w1'11 be t!he . instai NiHon .of an '8'~ 'water'l i rie..gra.i:!:t ~g, yl.i! gy aii~ddriiv,~way :l11odUJ ca't'i'on'and . re Fbtat.ic:ln. .,AdditTonaJ'1 Y" decor-ati vestree't, 1 i ghts;; ,hydrants' ',and1;ixtlil"es ar;e fnc,] uaea - ~_ - ,,,,,,..,, ~ . ~~ ~ ~-~._ -. ..~._.. , --... .-- _' ~"U tQC()~@R~tliijE!nt,.thl!Old: poway' tlieme. ~. '., .. ~ . . .cost Estimate - $344',000 ;Fundtng' 'Source,- F,Y 8T-88 . .,.'. RDA Bond ,ProCeeds $34'4,,~QPO'. FY, ,87..,88 - $34hOOO 52.3-6,MEDIAN .ISLANDS -,POWAY ROAD~" ESPOLA ROAD.;i!!\KE POWAY R'OAD . \J ~T~t~ ,proj'E!c',t p~o~,fdesfo~ the, th~~,a:tration ,9f m~(t~a.[1 'i}'ttlndsi'1, PQway:Ro.a~ fJiO~Wes,t,CH)i ' 111~lits to I 0 ta;.l n. E~po:]a. Boad:fr:Qm w,e,stG),ty l'lmrts to, :Summe r.f1eJ d,and in Lake POWa.Yi '.' Road ,northof'Espo la. ., . "" -~, - - "',., .....- Cost Es'tima'tie!-$lCr8,.600'FiJhiJ:i'ng ;Sciurce ,-F,,'{: 87,-'88 . .' .' . ROA' B,onel: P.roceeds' '$108,000 F,v, 87~,88 ',,", $1'08,0,0J] , ,5237 RdwAY. RoAD;k!OSK Th;i,s :pi;b~ect prcivi'de's fot the, ir!!pl~cl!ment pi the, ex,i'sHng, Kiosk' 's,ign, :w..itti iI,. ,n'ewSign w",;t~i:n {h,e e}<jstj rig Rubcli c; ri.ghj;-of-wa~. . , Gos:t Estimate: ,- i$A2;,OOO' :Fundi n9 Sour'ce -'FY 87;-'88 'P.oway Road Beauti fi'cati;,on, . , , "::'\;" . '.~' ~, " '_._ , _n , FY 87::,88, ~ $42,000 F:und$ 25,000 '. [oanf,r,bni C;fty Ii; 000: - J to' -- 52~8 AtTERNATEi!8.AUGNMENT SIUDY 'fl1:i,spr;oject ipr;ovJ'de? 'for design Oft'he horizo~ntaJand vertT~~l~!ll9[).ril,~D;~ oX tOft fpailwCiY: frcim,Pbme'l'aao BlisJne'ss: P.ark fota'.po,i;Qt '~bo:ut !.:2i!l\:jJe,s'(o'~?:t. oLth~ City l:i!]its." JJii's, is th,e fcit?t Ph?}~ ~fa ~tQ.!Jp.E!r!!Jive: eff.ort w,i;j;~t,h,e Gtt~ of is!!n Diegp anil;varro,usi~eveloper5, tg d,es i,gn and 'bu,1'J.q a, 1 rnk ,from 'Mercy' Road lntefichangeto the, ,South P,oway Ar;ter'l aT: 'Coris:friutt1'on Ts ,ant i'cJpated to ,starY when funain,9 be'comes, a:va'i'l~bJ e,. 'Cost Estimate - :$40,0,00: ,F;und,tng .Source -, FY. 87-'88 '. L:oantromCi,ty$40,000 FY 87,,,,88' ., :$40,000 ,. . I' I.)z~q Qv!'J1A VII."':'I "t o .Jp@.':','i., G<:.{'.'-''', tlactt'af ~ ~I v61.;., r193 n .: , , , REDEVELOPMENT ,AGENCY , , GAPI;rAL .IMPROVEMENT :I1ROGRAMDETAIL , :1 .__'n.'.~ ~.~ .".._ __ __.n"' __.__ l.-~_ __-.-.' . _~.~'..~~ . ' , ,Depar,tment':. Act,i v ity: . ' , REDEVELOPMENT AGENGY SJREETSIAND HIGHWAYS (Cant,"d,': '-' Tota 1 Total' .. ProJect .Rl'oJect, .D'escr,lptfon Estfmatec PI"ior 87-88' . 88-',89 89'-!ld ,90-91.. 91..92' . GoC!e 'Cifst Approp. ,App'rcio. Est.iniate ,Est,imate Es'tirfiate Est,imale ,52'35 Aub'l'eYStreetlm- , , '. pro',i'efnents #oni ' 'G6iiitiuni t' to ' . ' -"'-' . ,Y Midland 3!f40QO 3440.00 l , . '. 5,23,6 Med~ian IS'lands;,- ~ -,~.- . - -'l:'~~' ,Po.....~y' '~9.a9iEspQ;I~, , .. 'Roaq; Lake Poway i08oClO Hi800cf .Road " .. , , '. . , 5237 Poway':Roai:l K.tosk' ,420'00 4200.0 'I ., . " . , I 5238 .'Al'ter,nate 8. , 'I [\l'lg'nnfent StudY 40000' 40000 . , I , h , . I.. ilc1irvn'y TOTAL 8042981. 6'334981 17.08600 ," , . I, "- T94" I' ! REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I " :CAPIJ A~" iMPR6vEMEN~r PROGRAM DETAI L I -" .,- ., -,' ..., -,.- .. "'. ~. .-,"-, ,,-.- ~.'..... -~ ~" -',. 'Oepa nt'!lent': Activi ty,:; REDEV.ELOPMENJ' ,AGENCY - - , IRARF.:IG. SIGN'AtS -- I, Activity coM4ENTAAY' .. ~., -- ~_. -. ~ - -'~-'-- ,....... 5301 {WIN PEAKS ROAD ,AND MIDLAND ROAD ,1 1:0"i,s J)i'oJ~ct" co.rnPl'et~c! tn 1986o"8J,, provTdes for the, installaTion 'of a traffi C signa.1a:t I Twin, Peaks Road and, Midl'and Road. _ .~. .. --" -- ,,-. --. --.' .,. "..... ----- ,,-, - ..' "-" Costi,Es~t,jfna:te. ~ ,$347,i69 I, I':v' '84-85 - '$: 13--769, ~. '.>>-.- .';. ." .""',-.......-. FY :85'-86-, '$-335" 000: I' 5'302 "S'rON'E'CANY,ON'AND POME'RADO 'tRAF.FIC SfGNAL I' lhii ~ p:roj ~ct pfoyige,~ "of' 'yh~e {rista'] 1 c;tloh' of a :ti'affn: si;gn~,r ~t,S~orfe,C<![iy.91fcJ:iig I??mer<!,do R,oagsi JM~ mj!Y' ,b,e <!~otn.t grpj,!!<:,t'''filJh (lie Ci,ty; ,0!~an'Dj>~.90'<:()n~1;rl,l~,t i ~g, J~e, I ,sl5l,na:l, and. the CIty o.tPoway relmbursTng San D.l:~~O 'for 25%'o,f the'cost !.or th'es,l,gna:b, Cost, EsHmate? $110 000, I .' ~".. F',{ 87-88 ,- li'io,ooo , I :5303 .cOMMUNI:r:Y'ROAD AND AU8REY 'SIREET- TRAF.trc SIGNAL liMs i:>roj ect prov'i des ,1:01" 'th-e '{.nstall ati'on: 6f a.tr.aJ';f,i:t ,s,t;gnal at! tortllufnHy Roa.d ifild I "A~br~y SfrE!eL Cost Esl,tmate, - 1$-119,0,00' I . FX 86~87.'~ $ 1'10,:000 I ,5304 TWIN PEAks:AJ ESP'OGA'lrIERRABONf,TAlSfLVERSEJ' - ,. 'JQisp.!i.oJecl pn.()vt.d~s,'for .ii!!st,a,lrrng lieft t~rT1'R)1C!s_~ rriily~rii~nt.s'9!1J,h_!!, ~ii'~tiD9 ~:.i:gn.a1s' at :r:w'tn Peaks,Road intersec'tions at Espo,la, Ji'erl7a Bonita'" and'ISJ;I~ver;seh I Cos1. Est,imate!-, "$33, OOQ ,FUnaj'ngSciUrc-e."FY 87,~88 FY '87,'-:88 - '$33,000 RDA 80nd: proceeds $-~3,00O, II I II: - I ~ 95 I: , ~ .~ ,REDEVW)PMENT AGENCY I, gAH1At !MPR9YE,~I~:r; P~9GR~!-1 QEi(PiIL Depar.tment: Ac tiv i:ty: "- ~ I ' ,REDEVELORMENT AGENC~ lRAFF'IC SIGNALS , Tota,I,' . Total ~ PfQj~'ctpraj!!ct Descr~i pHon Estimatec P,r.-iOr 87..88 88-89 89-90 96-9~1 91-92 I: Code C6ift' ~ ADOraD. Aborae. 'Est;i mate Esf,iinale Es t,iinate :ESfiinate .. .. -.- .. I' 5301 'Twi'n Peaks ,and Mid;laJ551:Maq 347.769 347769 I' I" I 5302' Stone Canyon and, l!oliieradoRoai:ls '110000 . ,110000 ~ , ' , I: I; I , ~ COninuni't:y'Road and, 5303. I~ Aub'[eyStrfeet :noooo 1'10000 '. I: .. I I' 530~' :lwfn' Peaks, a t , , Espo,la/Ti er~ra , - ''i':-'''._- ... -., Bon,i:ta/,S,i 1 ver~et ,33,000 33900 I: I I. Ac"r'IVTn 10T'I>:L 196, 1 " , c. ,I' c -'-' ~- , ". I", ,.. REDEVELORMENT- MENCV ' , CApt~Al, IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DET~IL I: , .. ' . ~,ellartment': . ..'- iAc:;tivit,y,:: . iREDEVELOPM-ENT .AGENCY 'TRAFFIC. SIGNAlS, I, ' , ACTUITYCOIt4ENTARY ,5305 ESROLA/TIliAN WAY TRAFFIC SIGNAL, 1 'Thi:spr:oj~C:~ pr:o,v,J!:Ies tor th_e, ;construction 9f a tr;at';f,tc'''s,ignal at' the,int'el'sed:;ion of' 1 Espora, Ro~dand 'TUanway,.. T.he. p-r.o~ect w,p,1 on;11 be}.inael',fal<en',by ,tlie, A!i'enGY, 'to ~n.siJ[:e: const~u~tlon 'durlng tlte s~nmer of 1 88', ,wJ't.~ ~\l.L rell119lJfSe,ITI,enJby the 'de~eloJl.er, ' ," 'Cost. Es t.ii'na €e,- ,$450',099 F'lmd.ingSource- 'FY 8f-'88 $450 ,000 I: 'Deve:loper re,imburrsement I FY 87,~88 ~ $450,000 .- - ,'~.,~- I: , " I , 5G06:F;LAS'HER ,. ,GARDEN ROAD 1 T.hi;s}ll'oJect:,8ro,v.'ides: fOr the: fnstaTfatron oha traffic f:lasher at Garden Road School. I: 80st. Estirriate- $15,006 FiJndtng:Source.,~ FV, 8Z~88 10,an f.CQ.I]ll: i,ty' $15c,OOO, Fy,87'"88 ~ $1'5' 000 " I, - . .~. - ". 'I' " , , 530'1' '(tASAtR: ,- POMERADb At 'ABRAXAS I Wi'S';Il'ro'j,ect. ,pro,in~jes [9;1' it.~~, j;nsta l'l'at:jpn ora. tri!f.fi c fl'a.s~er a t Pomerad9:,~oad 'a,nd~ A!Jrax<i.s:.' T.he; poway UnMie9 '~'chool DtsJrJct, wnl assi st ,i n 'the fund:i ng 'of t:h,i 5 pr,01'e'ct. . Costi :ESfiirnate - $15:,000 Funding ,Source ,~, FY87;'-'88 Loan fr:'om' Gi;tYi $' ~,OOO: l FY 8'7:';88 - lIS, 00'0 ContributJon 'frtom PUSO, 6;;:000; , .' , 1 , I , . ,I !P 1 , , ~, , :REbE',IETOPMENT AGENCY' 1 CApITAL IMPR.QV,EM,~NT PlWGRi\M ,DETA!l Department: Acti V,it,Yi: I', REOEVELOPMENT.AGENGY TRAFF-IO 51 GNALS Total Total' ! p.r,oject Project OescriptToh. Estiinatec ,P6ior 87'-'88 88~89 89~90 90~9r , 91,., 9? I: Coae, , ~, , Cost: . Aooroo:Aboroo. Est..imate Estimate I Esbmate Est.imate , , ' 5305 Espoi alT,ittan, Way , 1 1,raffi'c ?i,gnal 450000 i 45000Q , I, , , , 1 , I: , (): " , , ,I: 5-3(i'6 F'i'asher - Garden , , Road 15000 15000 I" I I:' :1 I , I: .5-307 " ., . " Flasher - P.omerad.o I , at' ,Abraxas: 15000' " , 15000 , I~ I: ,I I: , 1 ,I Jl.GTlvJrYror AL 1086769 567'Z69 513000, - .~ " I }98: , 'I REDEVE!19PMENT AGEJ~CY CAPHAl IMI'ROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAR .. _ '-" .- '.", _ "'" ." .'" _ ......-..,. ~-" _..-" I , Depa rtment:; I Act,i-v,i.ly:: REDEVELOpMENT AGENC~ FLOOO. CONTROL ,AND' DRAINAGE I A~hniY ~.Etn'M!' 54()1POMERADO!CREEK AT OAK KNOLL ROAD I Thi~ .pr:ode'ctpr:avfdesfo~r tlfe .desIgriarfd coi'fsthi!CtiiPD afar D.gil cuJy,e'rtl ;u'ijgerOa~ Knol'l I' R,oad atPg[ner;a_dil.'Cfeek. Gos't Estimate,.- ,~3'33J600 , FY 84:'85' ,; $21,600 , ,I F,N 85:"86; - $'3!'i;OOO . ...- > .'-" I, 5402 PdWA~ CREEK, DETENTION BASTN 1,1 .Anabll con'tr;oll jinp'r,ov'ejTfe'ntpr:od,e'ct to design 'and construct ade1:~tton; ~,!.si,n 0:11 the niirth forl<ofP,oviay ,Creek, east of Galicen Road~ ' , . ._-"-. -.. ". - ~ ~-, -.__.... ".._. _. ~ ~'_'c. ~. ".. , Gostc Estimatel- $l;SO,ll,DOO I FY88,,89 i:. -$' 225,000 I' FY '89-'~Q -=$1,275,000 - 5403; POWAYCREEK BOX' CULVER'!" I', {Q,io;prolect; prQVidE!S tor 'the {nstaf laj:i'o!,! ,of 625.' . of box Icul verf !af: Poway Creek between I Mf(j,Hfhd Road and GateOl'iv,e~. Thi,s 'proje-ct alSo inc.! udes any necessarY'griad,Fng'neeaedto aev'e.lop tn,tS site. . . . Cost .Estimate - h,~,53,;Q.oO: Fund,i ng SouJ;ce~ FY 8Z-'88! $i,3'5'tt,,OOO' l RDABond 'Pr;oceeds F,'v 87-88 - $f,!353',QOO I , 5404 IMPROVEMENTS' ,GARDEN ROAD AT ,NEDOI c-K RdAD. :~ , ,As' proposed by, .the R~deve.1Qpme_nt~_t.dvi:Spr..y Col1llliftel" t.hi~ project prQ,vides f9r' the improvement of'.poor drMrlage at, theinter,sect:ionoJ Garde"n: Road. 'ift: Nedd,tck, Roadi I Cost Es't.jmate.-$rO, 000' FY' 86'"87 :-. $10,600 I ,.' .., ." ~ " "' cc - - 1 " I 1~ 1....._. I REDEVELOPMENT .AGENCY' 1 ' . ." CAPITAL IMPROVEM,~~T .PR~G~AM QE;rAIL:, .' 'Department:,Act,l.v,l,t~: 1 REOEVELORMENT AGENCY FliOOD .CONTROL AN~ DRAINAGE .. ' ]ota-l. Jo,ta'l ' " ;PFoject P.r.c'ject Deseri pUcn . Estimated 'P",ior-87 -88 '88..:89 89'-90 ,90'-91 ;9r-92~ 1 Code " '. ~', . Cost" Ao'orao. ADo'roo. ,Es,UlIIate' Est,illlafe EstimaleEslima..te '540 l.PomeraCloGreel<a t l,oaK Knoll :RoaCl 333600 333/foo 1 1" , , ,5402 poway Creel<' I' . Detent'fcn: 'Basin 15(i'0000 225006 1275000 , _I I" " "I , I ,I. 540~' . ,Pow~y Gpeel< Box .. , .' .' . Cu;1 ver,t, '1'353000 1353000 I~ l '" I: . I' ,5404' Garden Road at " ,Ned~dic:I<:Roi!d ';rO,Qog 10000 ;l , , ._-, I, I' " '. ACJIVU,Y TOTAL, ...' , ?OO: I _ ..u ~ , I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPIT ALIMi'R'civEMENT 'PROGRAtot .DETAIL , - .- -~., "..... . - -. ... ,- ~ " ,-- -~. ..~- ;. Depa'rtment: Acti v tty: , ~ ~ ,'-.,e ,,_. .. t, , REDEVELOPMENT .AGENGY FLOOD CONTROL AND 'DRAI NAGE' ,I ACT~VU',Y ~ENT~Y 5~05i COMMON IT'; ROAD STORM ORAlN 'I thIs,' ~j:,cirmilraJ I}age\ :pr9j'ect'~JJl be ,b,i g w'it_IJ' the COrri11un'i,ti Roaa p ro~ ect 'to: ,p'fov ide' ,. i1gequc;te drainage 1'01' ~hel?bwgY Plaza, develoPrnE!'!!:. TlJe develop"E;r' w,ilr r.eimb\Jr~e,'~he C,i'~y; fora porfion, ,O:f the. costs..' Cost Es~tiffiate ~.$400,000 fundi ng Sour,ee -;; FY \87,,88 I , ../' -. $285000 hCla.n: from', ~ity FY ;87"88,-$460,) boo '.,' ~ '1"-",- " Deve,l opel" 'r.e,imbu~sement 'ns';ooo I 'I '54Q,6, MIDEAND ROAD' DRAINAGE STUDY this provides f~nd~" tn: :fY 1987-'88 ,for _a.;s.~udy to,c:let~rm.ine", qraJnageil11provement nE!,edson: I: Midl'ahct Roach ,Further improvements will be p:lanned for;'futul'e yearsi' . C'ostEs,t,imate -$32,,500 Fund1~gSburce ~'~Y 87-88 I, 'Loan1;romC',i,ty $32:;::S:6'o fY 87:'88. -' $32',500 m I,: , I, , I, - 'I , .. I , I' , , I . - I' , ". 201 :1: REDEVELOPMENT ,AGENCY ,I' CAPLTAl: IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIl .... '.- ','..... , .. ."'"- ,.,~~ _.. -< - "'.' ..... - , Department: :Actt.vity:, , I, iREDEVELOPMENT'AGENCY; FLOOD:CONtROli AND ..DRAINAGE;. T.otaJ lotal Project proJec;t Descript,ion Estt'ma ted PI',{or 8z-li8 . 88'-89 89-90' 90-'91 91-92 . .ADD r<oo. ADoi'oo.. . ' ' Es t,i mate '; Code! n. Cost, Est~i11aTe Est~imate Est,i mate ,I' 5405Conrnuh,i ty Road 400000 4'0000'0 StOI;m [kaTn' l .. 'n -.. , , , I ,I:; .' , , - 5406 Midl:and Road ;1 Dri;inage, 'Study 32500 ~250Q " Ii , _-,I , I" " " , 1:, I' . I ;, .f I: , , , J I' I I AC"TiyerN' 'TOTAL '3629100 ;3436'00: 1785500' 2250QO 12750'00 , .. zgz " I' " , 1 -- REDEVWlRMEN'JAGENCY \~ CAP,! T~AL I~PgpVE}1E~T, PROGRN:l. ,QE:rAJ~ 1 Depar,tment': AC,t,iv,i:tY,: , , 'REDEVEUOP-MENI ,AGENGY GOVERNMENT IiUILDINGS I, :':CTIVitv COMMENTARY' - u'. _ _ '. . '. ~"" _ 5,?0,? G>IVH; GENTER IMPROVEMENTS I: , 'Ttl,i's projectpro,vi'des tn Fif.lMi-88 'the! idesign and constf:1UcHon'cff a~e~ffan}i <:m tqP6W,llY 1 C,aY'Hall. The: :addtUon will 'proliTcje '!1:lprogir,ria:teJy 5,00Q squagi f!!~t'g,f agdi t},ona 1,. ' ,dJft(e', 3nlj'e~ti ~g, ,an<;l ,stot~ge ,~p,acj~,. lite addttio~imp'rovem,ents wi );1, bedeslgned: and con.- ~.truded, such YO,i1t '!he:strl-l,<;tur.,e. mgy be!cQnvel'ted .ana used asii'Sheri:ff' 5 Subsfa;ti:on 'iQ 1 futur.e, years w.Jthou,t 'sign,t:ficantf stfuctur,al modifi'catt6ris',~'ccord,iligl,y,. iI. SeR~ril.:t,El S/1e'rHf\s Sl!tistati o~npfg'j e,c,~ ~~'a!i' ~ehe:] in:ijba:t~d' frgrri' t~ 1.;; J'.rogr,'!rn, f',unds p.P.,propriated ; , j~. FY I~~5.,86 proyi?ed 'f;o[ t!1e; ,de"sJgn__and c,,0n.str;u!,t,i'on,of'50add,i ti'onalpark'ing spaej'es:, I: t!1e.reaJ 1 gpmen~, of, tq~' drj~,e~ay!and 'the' landscaptng oJ' thep'r.oper.tyowned of'th"e C,g,unJy . ,.of San .0,1 ego ad.Jacent, to ,C,ltyHa.l1... Cosl .Estimate ,-,$7'7:2 ,OQO' "unding Source - 87-88 , 1 RDA Bond. Proceeds, $680,POO "if 85..:86:- $ 92',DOO H 87.,88' .-,$680 ;000 II 'I. '5504 JOINT USE. FACI.lITIES - POW"';\' HIGHrS~tADUIM Ttli'S pr;6je'ct,!beg,un Tri 1985-86, pfovided:,Hghfin-go,f.tbe sH'cjiumat Pp,~ay liigh School;, . ' ,I: ~hE!,f~m.a,i~nd~f(i1\ t~-e~r.o~'e'c'tproV;i2~s forAgllrf~i~tia'ri,ng. ~;nb ~,he c,9.stl!! qf,se.~~ifng:f fi'e:l d lmprovemeQts" fa)] -wea tiler j:racK, snac_~ ~llrs, TestI7O,oms.,trcket, booth~and pal7k,l ng. 1 .Go s't .Est,i mate, - :$'6.00,,000 ' ., F:f, 85,,86 - $250:,000 1 fY 86"8Z; " $~,50;OQO , 1 , I I', ;, I: " , I' . I I 203' I' -- , , , , REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I' 'CAPITAL IMPRbfEM'ENt 'PROGRAM DHAIL , Department: ' . 'Acti vi,tYJ, " . I REDEVELOPMENT .AGENCY' , , GOVERNMENT' 'BUI LD I NGS , Iota.! . Totar, P~oj ect ,Pl',o~ect Descrfpfion Estimated Prior 87:..88 ~88-89 89-90 '90,..91 91.-92 I: ... Coae, Cost, Aoor,oo; . Aoorbo., 'Estimate Es't; ma te '.Estimate gbmate 5502. e'iv ic Gent~'r; I, ' 'fmptovelTlenfs' jizod6 92000 68000C I' I' - \ I, ." , , , I: , . . 5504 Joint Use. 'F,ad:j~ndes 60000C I: h _ _ ~~. -.< - 600000 ' poway Highstaduiill ,. .-' I' , ,. I ., .' , . I , I' , .' ,( ACirI VI}yrpT-AL , , " " . i2b4 :1, , REDEVELOPMENJ .AGENCY ;-~ CA~nAL JMRROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL _~'_~""""'_ ~..."R'.._ ...__' ........ r_ _'0 __ _,-~",~,' I Department: .Act i v ity:, .. --- , ~ REDEVElOPMENT AGENCY , , "GOVERNMENT BU I LDr NGS (,Ciiht,':al , ,I ~ ACTIvITY, 'COIt4ENTARY .--' 'I' \ : :5505 JOfNT usEF.'AtfHtI-ES: - POMERAOO SGHOb[ Tiffs iiroJect jf~ov'ides fOr ttie improve'nfentioJ ttie'.lila'yingHelds at Pome~ado School to I :b r~i'ri~ 1hem ' up Eo'the ' 5 ta~g~rqs :gf' othe,rp;] ay,iJri9fl e;Lds {hit are:.<>,i ~y-ma,inI(lin.ea., , .cost Est::imate, '-'$65.,000 .1' F,y 8,5'-~6.. ., $65:,000 Ri)ABong R;to.ce,e,qs I: I: 550,6: JOINT ,USE EACI-LITIES ::; MIDLAND SCHOOL, I. , , , ~:hi)s< pl'oJect, ,proVides: for the: improvements of 'the. p1aytng herds' atM:td:rand. 'School and, I: theconsfruffj on oJ a, conce'ss,i onstanal restroomfaci'l'ity:. Cost Esfimate - $>1>35',000 , ' .- I F't85-86 "' $1'35,000 RDA Bbhcf ,Pr'o'ceeds: I: 5li9t ,JOINT USE FACIlUIES ~ TWINPEAKSMIDDLESCHOOL. 1 . _n I T:h i's' ,gro'ject'p,rovi'des: for the;'cgnstriJCUOnOf1 'a'~,:ymna53 um a.( 'liwfn Peaks Mtaa.i e .,SchoO,l. , I, Co 5 CEsl-i mate' "' $,! ,a.oo, 000 FY85.-86 - :$'750000 ROil Bond Proceeds' I ~ ~",''>-'O'__ . ~'.~'_ __' " c<.' ,'. , H86-87 ~ :$350.,000 RDA Bond. Proceeds , I' I ., ,I' , , I ;29.5 I REDEVElOPMENT AGENGY _.,_" . ..,.,-"-....~.~_..~"^.k.~._'"" .,~~ .~..">'.._.._,.,,. ," _ I, GAP,ITAL IMPROVEMENJ:'PROGRAM QEiTAIL Oepa'rtment: ACj::,i y,ity: , .' REDEVELOPMENr AGENC~ GO,iiERNMENTBUILDINGS i,t'ont'ld \ . Tota.l 'Total ,p,r.o),ec.+ P.r;oject,,!Jescrip't,ioll' Est,il!l~t~dPrtor' '8],,~8; . 8~__~9' " 8,9::90 90~~X" ~1>9f 1 Coae Oost 'Aooroo.'Aooroo.:EstimateEst,lmate .Est.lmateEstima'te I~ 15.505 Romerado: ,schoo 1 , .,"' --". - . --" ._", ~- - 65.099 Improvements 6500,0 . I' , I I . I: 5.5.06 M.idl'aitd Scnool .tmpr:o:..iemenh 135000: P.50Q~ .~ ,,- I . I , I: I " I, ,5501 Jw.,jn, pea"k,~ Mult j'-' purpo,se Rpom :HOOQOO '1\1000QC I: , J Ii , , , ,I' , I ' ACTJv!J,Y TOJAL $267>2000 $t:992000 $68000,0 . ....-.. -,. ," -, - '"-' . q.' I" ,., , , '206 'I " I . ' ,C C REOEVELOPMENr' AGENCY CAP.ITAL IMPROVEMEN:['P,ROGRAM DETAI L. - I' , Department:, Acti;vij;y: REDEVELOPMENJ,AGENCY. .PARKS AND 'OPEN SPACE I AellVIJ,Y COMMENTARY 5_602 ,MIDLAND ROAO PARK I' th i's proj ect provi des f.or tile .developmen1 of 'a' pal'K 'in, the Qrd Ptiway 'area, :l5tirdei:edby I. Mi d 1 ani:! Road, SycamCore, l'empl e', and Aubl'e}i St~eefs. The 1987",88 funds are'fO,r par,K: ges;@l (riel co'hJ(r!lc1;j Oil. Pr~ViLO.l[S ,exp.e!}diljJre,s' c:Q.mplej;e:d l'aild icqu} ~;;i:fi'o!} ,andiofiiCi-' ,~tr,ufture 'i,mpro,velllen"ts. I, Cost, Estimate - $i ,05-0,,500 t:und,i:ng' ,So'iJ Gce' - FY'87",88 ~Q~,~onel ProcE!egs , $300000 FY '86.",87 - ,$750,000: . - '." .-- FY ,8Y-ir8 - ;$300,(f66 ,5603 ;r.IERRA BONiTA BALLFIELD RENOVATION This pi;oject pi':ovi'cJe's -for the '~enov~fi6,rl ,of fouy Hi} ,l1.itl !firings, C1PPGoxJmp.J.eJ'y i9-'.? (c,r~s", c'os't' Est.imate - :$245,OOQ f;imd,lngSou rce - :F<V S7,-88 RDA' Bond. ,ProCeeds: '~245, 000 FY, 87,-88 - $245,'060 , B: 2.07 I , , ' , - REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY' , ~ ._ _, _ ; _...' ..>.<_~._" ,,"'~.""-"'- _ _"''''-__"' '.. J , CARUAL IMPROVEMENT' PROGRAM DETAIL I - .. ----.- DeR,artl11j!n~:; .- .-- ' , - 'Act,i,vi,ty: . ., I: REDEVELOP-MENT AGENG{ PARKS 'ANDOI'ENSPAGE. ' , ' Tota,I' 'Total . ' . ,., , " p.roJect 'Pr"oJect Description, Estimiltec - Pri.ol',87-88! 88'-89. '89.-90 i90-9i 9,1-:92 I' Code' . , . ",." Cost A'pifrop. AoPl'oo. Est,imateE.sfimcile Est-imate Estimate, ~6D,2Midl ana. Road ;P.ark 10s'dooo; 750000300060 I: , , " ,: 'I' , . . " ~ , I , .' Ii , ,I: I: I ! , I~ I I 5,603' T-iel'f;a Bonita Ball- , field Renov'at.t'6n 245000 ' 245000 I::' t~ -'""--'.'- . . -,,', , , I 1 i , i - 1 ) I , 1" , , , i , " I: , I . :1: 'ACT IVIIT,Y' TOTA~ ,.$12~5000 $7:50000 $545000 I , , , - ~208! I, -- ql _-v' , 'REDEVELOP.MENT AGENCY .-- . GP.PHAl~ I}.fflROI(EMENT )R6GR~M tJETML I, , . .,-- iDepartment :: Act,i v,ity,:, REDEVELOPMENt AGENGY' , WAllER, IMPROVEMENIS I' ,.- ~. . AC1:IVUY,COMl4ENTARY ,I ,. ;" . , ,5104 EHE HYDRAN;rSI:WAlIER MAINS, I, t-s' PTOP,os.ed, I:lY ~!ie Redeye l'op!)l,!!n~' Ady.tso~y, ,<:olll11i ttee, ,f.i:rce hy,drcants' arid, water; ~a;i'ns wi'Tl be provided to three arc,ea~' Of' the Cily to I'edu'ce 'fire hazaras. TIre il.'heas' a're, ioca Gr;ande, 1::eona Lane, ,andR,iiilbatk Road" anq J1Qun~a'th Road;. Th,i~' in-oj e~t Was;, CQI11P,I;ete~j I: ih fY r98~,,8].! ' G~ost Est,imate,-, :~64" 019 I n 85;:86 ~ $6'l,019 , . ._".. .. _ "..__..J ,{\ ,I~ ;::J, I, , I' I, , .' . .' ~ , I' " " ~ I 'I' - " I , , " , I' , , " " , .. I :209 I , . REDEVELOPMENT" AGENCY . CAPITAL IMPR9VE!1;NTP,ROGBA!{ OET,tiIL I O~pa'rtment:' ' 'Act.ivity: I REDEVELO~MENT AGENGY , WATER IMPROV,EMWtS Tota 1'" lota 1 .Pfo'j~ct PrQjett Descr:iption, EsHmaleaPr~for;87-88 88-89 89"90 90.-91 9b.92' I Gode, ,. Cost iAooroo.. 'AtltlrOtli Estfma te 'Estimate Est,imate Eslimate '5704' !Fire Hydl'antsI I' Wi!fet.' ,M,ifins 64019 64Of9 1 , I', " , I I' "I , , I: I " . " :1 I , ,I I , ~I 'I , i :1 " ~\ ACTIVlir>V tOTAL $6401'9 'l6Ao 1'9 , , . _.Z_ 2YO I . !1.sI!EV.EbOJ'M~tlr p..G.E~Gf _ , .' . CAPITAL IMI'ROVEMENr RROGRAM, DEmAIL ., Oepa I'tment': Act~Yhty: REDEVElOPMENT'AGENG'Y SEWE'R IM'PROVEMENTSc I AC1J~I:TY tQMMElITARY 580>1,.wMERREGLAMAtION pLANT . rhi's: pr;'oTect p~ov1'desi fo't :the gesi90 of if ~a~Jr retlarnat;i'OJlJ?I:Clrit at. the exi:st,ing ,site I: ~ti l'iz)i 09 ,tilj,e '9.oorcl~ na,.t.e: g~emi ca,,1 Bonin n9 and. 'Adsorpt,ion (CGBA') process. Construction'. '1'5 scheduled for FY'1988-89." . Cost EStimate\ " $400,Q,Oj) 'Funding 'S'ource. ,- i=:.Y, 87-.8'8 . RDA Bond, ProCeeds ,$400.,990' FY'87..88 - '$400,000 . ,. . . .. I I ~ ~ \ ~ I ' , 2-11 'm - REDEVELOPMENT ,AGENCY im: CAPIT ALT/JiikpVEMENrPR.QGRAM. DETAIL- , Department: AcHv i:ty:i m' 'REDEVEl!OPMENT' AGENCY' iSEWER, IM~ROVEMEN:rS, , , , . Tota 1 Tota:l Project Project [jescri~t'ion EsJiIinilted PriOr.. 8l-'88 ,88-'89 :89'-90'9,0-:91 .91-92 I: ' Code:, " Cost., Aoor:.oo. ,Aboreo'.. Estimate ,Est,imate. Estimate Est.imate . ssM, I!~ter Reclamation I' , Plant 400QOO 400000 , I I 0 , n - ,\, 0 , 0 I " I , I' ~ , : ~ I', 'I' , " :1 , , ' .- , :1 AC:II.VliH'110TA~ $400000 $,4obOoo, 2l!2. ~I ~. . ~ . ... ." I' , , " . J REDEVELOPMENT AGENC,'t. CAPITAt IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I" - .," ........-., ,- -~" -.... . . ".,..-. -..- ", . .. Dep,artme.nt: Acti,v,i ty,:' REDE~EL6PMENT' ~GENC~ 'REVHAtI ZAT:fON J?ROj'ECis I' " 'AcJ!,vffYCOMlfEN't'AR<Y , I, '5!:1"01 ,COMMER(IALREVUALIZATI ON Th.e $uni gf $7915",-721 haJl)een aTtocated .for?use ,in colliife'rci,~ 1 revi,ta,] ~;<:atj.on proj.ects-. A 'I~ r;~eOf'~;Co.ntaj',ning: specffic'pro'posaFs wn:lbepres,eriJ:~d to the Redevelopment Agency ,duri'ilg ,the. flsca,1 'year. 'Cost Estimate - $7,96~Jtl I FY'86-87 -~7!l6!7:2'1 , , I 5950. HOUSiNG REV:ITALIZATION I , TAe ~iJm qf$~!5.Q.,OOjJ hC!~Reena,j1locateci for'use ,in Mifs:ingl'ev.i:W\zatJo.n.pxojgts. A I 'r;ep.ort cOl)ta ini ng :speci,.ftcPl'opos'a\lis,wi>lTDe ;pre'se.r1:J::ed fa 'th.e Kedeve,j opment Agency dur;ing' the ffs caJ 'yea I'i ' , . , .C051 Esfiimite ~. $950000, I I - - _""_' FY86-S7 -,$9"50;.000 , I .59.9$' NEIGHBORHO'OQ'IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS The, sum of "$250,.000 'has ~een a{focated for use 'iinneighbol'hoOd 'rev,ita,l:iiattoii prOjects I , a~, re'i:g~~n~M ~y th~' Re,9~yiJoeriient,L Ad:VJsol''y 'Corrrnf:t.tee:,~' ii;epor:~ :conJa.1ntl)~ sp~e~1 fie I pr.opo,sg.J ~ '1:11 J pe pl'.e~e,~\1Jtd 't9 the\JRedeve r~pment A~e~cY m~r,,~ f~ll()f ..r:9!l7", P~ol eats I ;r;ec,orrmend,e(j,.by the ,GollTlllJtee'l n1986~87' have'been1.m:,) ~decj1J! thl,S ,Cap1;ta) Improvement Pr,o.gDa.m with the 'excepttonO'f a' project pr'o~id:i rlg ne.cr.gobo.rhO'pj; j!1JRfovements t'o T'enipJ e Way o~'OIHve WaY. r1iescope gf' ~h,i's .p.r:Qjec,t wi'll ,be defined 1:n fY 1987;'-'88. I , Cost Estimate - $43-1,20'0 'FUnatn'g'Sifurce. - FY 87-88 . > 'RDA Bond' Proc.eeds ',$250,'000 , FY :86,,87 ~$181,200 I FY'87'-'88 -$i51f oem ------, . _........,..,---. I: " .1' , - I:, , , - I .213, . , . !R~P,~'(ELOP~g~T AGENCY . CAPHAL IMPROVEMENT'gR9GRAMDHAJIl~ , Dep,ar,tment":! Actci.v-i-ty: I REDEVELOp.MENr AGENCY REVITAL IZATIONPROJ EGIS' Tota,1 Total ~. -. -, 'Rr;ojej:i I'roject. Desc;ri pti on . E 5 ~Ml1a,te.c ,Prior 87~88: 88..89 89'-'9'0 '90-9 i 91-9'2 . :Coae ,Gost, ADo roo. 'Aooreo'. Estimate ES t.i ina te 'Est~imate Estimate '" ,5,90>1' :,CorriTier:c,i a,1 . ' 'Rev'fhJ fia 1:10n ]96721 796721 ~ .. .'~ _. - - .-" .. . , . , I 5950 'H6iJslilg , --'- . -lievga}:@lt:iql1 95000C 950000 I I i ,I N.e,i,gJjWrtiogd 599~' ,. Jrn,proy,!!men:t 43>1200 181200 250000 Projects , I . " -" I: . I: , ' I' , , I' - .". ACTI'vtU-Y liOTAL ,j217?9~{ fr~279f1 $250000 ~. ~ - - ,~-.-,. I~ 1 I' I I I ,- I ;1 :1 I,; I I "' I /' I I' I ".'" I I' ~I APPENDIX A ,. RESOl.UmiN NO. 87-075 .ADoP'FING: 1987:':i988 . .- F;INAMCIfJ..PROGRAM \ . - . - !216 I RE~OJ'yJIOIi NO_o '87 -075 I' A RESOufrr'ON OF JHE ,CITY COUNCIL I OF THECIJ-Y OFPOWAY" 'GALIfORNI'A; . ., __.....->l.>__ ".~"~' Y'..' ~. ..~ ,,_ ~ .,. _ _ . _', ,APPROVI NG AND: ,ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGEiT' FOR; THE fi,SGALYE'AR. :1'98'7"':19'88: AND ApPROPRiATfNG 'THE FUNDS ,I }./El;"E'ssARY TO ~fEE;(JHEhpENDIiTURES SEl: FO~J~ T,H,EBEJN . I ,1- ADOPT1ION OF ANNUAL BUDGET '. WH1REAs, ;the; .CHyManager'of t.tL~ '~W.Y: oJ P!lwp.y' has su,bmilj;ed to the tHy :. Couric1] iif' 'j;h<e,CHY of,!,oway a. ~9!li'-J9.8.~;..F,ils~al 'Year Oper.at;fng' 'ana Capita,]' Improvement, ,Budget 'tn :the 'amount of' :$19,687,'140 i n p~oposed expe'ridJ tTfhes' for genE!'r;aj a,nd \spe(falG~H'y pur,poses and ref,rect,frig estimateci r'E!veriue.~ in thE! total' I amount of, '$31.~'586.,doo;, ,and , , ' WHEREAS, the .Cfty' Counc,i,l ,of the) C'ity :of' Poway'has' ,her'etofoYe corisioered I .' ...-.~ .' "'f- ..~ .,.,,<.~ '-"~'.' _'" ..'.ct-__. ." .' _<- - .... " ... .'.'.'.', _ _ . ~_ ._, ___'_ ,_ Sfl id budge,t 'and fi'xed, the' oates ,of' June 9 , June 1'6', .alldJli.ne :23,,1-987. as the dates. for"hoFdthgpub.1 ttneari ngsr:el~t;;li,e,to' its a,dqpJ::fon; :flnd. ,WI:!ERE(lS'; foT..lpw,tl]g duly' :g,{vennot,i,cei theiG~i\ty Gounc'i~l of. the. Ci ty 0,1: Poway", I dl;ciiiofd S,uchp~b,l\c:'hearing's,,~ecetv.ing,consrde'ri ng and, elialuaHrig;arr ,pt!bJ:j<c comments.." . .- @Wc, J~~REFQREi,,(b.e ~iJ'yGounc'ifof the Ci:ty' of Pbway does h'erebj. 'HND, I QE'f:ERMINE 'AND DEGLAREas f.oil10ws: Secti on 1;: Ih~e ~nitlaii~'g!1r' #' P,rOP9S,Eld '19~7!...19,~fl, fisca:l "(ear ,Budget forgeneYaf ,I alld;':sp.ecta] 'GI'ty purpose,~ i!Sl hereb~amended,as' 1"0'11 ows': " ' fA) REVENUEAMENDMENIS .1, Amollnfof 'M , Re.ven~e. Fund, ,Expj ana tlon of R.!1\i'eM~ ~dj lfU[i1ent. Descri,ptfon Revenue Amendment ,f Increase :+:IDecrease :.-,) I 1'''.79(10 Sa le 'of Un iti 1#51: + '$0 :25, obb .,.J '~ 1-761.5 Caa,illac Fai'rv;iew +-$110,680 I ., ~, "'~'. . Conki buti'on' Towards _ " ~ ".,_".~.' _ c.u._~~' ~ -,._ _ ~ Sgu,irt~ppa r;atus 20,...7010 Ugtiting DiiStr:i (;t ,.,.$191$9 I Nefl'TotaJ ,Reve'nue' Amendments' '$,23t,,600 I I ,[\ I 217 I :Resolut,i on 'No., 87 -Oi5 P;fg~ 2 , .(B) EXPENDifuREAMENoMENrs I Acb':v'ity , Amount of' Ii r PfOjE!C~ E'xplariation, of: ..ExpendYtu~~ Ajus,tment, I: Code Cos.t ,Center ,ExperiClftur,e..'Ame'n'dment JI,n'crease:,-i-/Detr-ease:,-) LegisWativeand I: Aomi n,{s'trative 010~314 Qi,,"ty'i90,uQgi I 'Po:si;Hve, 'Recogn,it,ion' Program + $2,000 'Oi3-'j'N C tty M~ r"sO.ffi'c~ PubYic, R~J'~~t rO"~,Sl P r'9g ra:ni 4: 3,,200 - I Admi oj strahve.Servi ces 101~l99. pfhson"n'el Q'r'ganiza hon Assessment' ,Study :+'4,,8QQ t157 -'123' kFs'RMariage,ment R'eti'r"enient Benefits .+221,~ 630 ,- --.-....... "-, -.--..,., I' 204~646 Commun'i;ty 'Servi'ces1 1,000 Park? ~ Lana,sc,ape, ParK 'Equ,i Plllent' + '.. ., Ma,tntenance P'l ann'i ng ,Serv'ices ;3.Q.0-;1~9 ofHce of D;:rector Cbmmun,tty &,Bus,inessSur.veys' + :20;,000 I~ ,RubHc' ServiCes, 409-515 Vehlde Maint. Haz,ardo,us Materla l'~' In,sPect:i on :+ ~70 !;ees I: 4,1l,1 ",,3{~ :Saf,ety'Ser'vices I';i re Suppress ion Mild) citl; EX~l1)s-Rese.rv~Progl::am .+ 6,500 505-'321 GawEn~orcemen~, ' QAR,E EduC~t.;9rl'Pr,ogljam + ,35:,'290 I' ?95'-'~2~ L!~w Enforcement, A'ddifionaIOffi'cer;for Dr;ug + 7;0 ,'4QQ :Enfo"rcement 505'-'32i l:aw En~orc,ement Di'spa}g~' ,+, 105',000 I: Cap,i,ta 1 :Improvement Program I (216 Neighbor;hood' Loans' + '1S4' 00'0 ., , O,ld Coach Road Rrojecf - '.-- . ,,'-.....,",- ,.. '-.' . -' '... '- I' Net Total ,Expehilj,tul'e Amendments $654',000 'I Sect,i on 2::,T~e yity ,Mall.~ge.r' ?pr'opbsed 1987-1988 fiiscalYearBudget for' genera land ;sRecia'l 'C,;;ty ,purpos~,s, as '~!!Iend~d jn~ecti:9~ 1,. ,?ut!?e~stton$ l~) ~nd (,B) 'thereof ,.isapproyed "'anCl adopted ,in the amo~nt 'of$2o,,'34ht~40 ,1;0,[ eXP,en- ditUresana $31,823,600 in ,rev,enues'. I: L....... _."__ . _n_ , Sect.ion 3:,I.h!! rilcjIJ,ie? l)eCess'~:r'y to offset 'the expeh'ses incui>redas deEa,ill'ed in the 1-987,-1988 budget document" as lldoptedbj the C.ily COllncilf,or, ttieCi ty o.f' I Rowa~._ P.urs~a~t ~o Secti"ori. '2"h~~~1lf,~' ~re -iiuth9riZ~d ,11Y. 't~js ~lftq()l1 l? pe S!Ppr9pr!llJed ou~> of the .funds ava,l;laIHe to the alty,durlng ;the' 1987-19138 rlscal Year.- I Sect,i on'4: TheC,it.x Manager i's 'authori'zed to_ makejSUCh, Chll!1g~;; t;,n ii,.E!part~ ment oper,ati I1g ant! capita'l' iJjlPI\\o,v~ri1ellt ;b@geVt-otaTSdur,tng the 1987-.l988.F.isca'l year ,as' maybe" 'from" time to Mme, deem~d de~ji r~ble; ~rio rietess.a'F~i~ order to I inE!~t ,t~eC}ty"!S n~eC!~. I 2'1!8: :1. ,~ Res o'i,u tiro nNo~.87~ 075 I Page '3: " I, ,Sedron 5'. T.he Cilp,i,tail :Improvement Pt6jed~of {he, Ci;ty' of ~o'llay larE!Ln 'coriformanCe 'wHh the~C;:ty oJ PO,~~YC9mpr'~h!!ns,i'v.,e Planas 'govE!rned by, iSe,ct ion I :65~0~ of'th~ Ga) i'fbrnta ;Gov.ernlllenp. Code. ' ell:. ,APPROPRI'ATI ON OF FUND 'BALANCES, I . . WHEREAS", ,it has been deter'1i1i ried that, CipprQjirta ~,i n'g uri\lPRropr'La.t.ed re~e[vE! I, ft1i>rfJe'~ Tn. vacr''i;o;u,s ,fu.nds in a, rriaJlnE!r copie,spo,nd i ng to the' operahona,l' mode' o'f the' ,CJtyis 'r;eil;s,onablie and prQper,;, and WHEREAS~" funds establ i shed. and 'monies ~ppr()pl";ate~' s~a'll .D,e,t ,becons,j'der,ecj, 'I as restrittea:tot~l]Y (n :th..ei'r ~\t,Cl!ilab;lity ancl, us.~ alld ~mo\lIl~S mflY be 'adJusted, D~tw_e~enfunds as :ne,cessary tos,erve the fuJure needs, o:f the G,i;t~ :of Poway'. ii, NOW', fHEREFORE1, ,tHe c'.i:tt Counc,j;,]: of the Ciit,Y 6fP.DW.ay ,dge$ h!!f,~b.Y 'di'fe~t, t@JCl!)yupapprOpr'iateg,b.aJanC~E! ,tn the ~en;ra'l 'Fu~d 1as pJJ~,ne' 3P, 1988" shan I beaut!lmabcall!y,app,ropnated In.to' the Gont,lngen,cy Fundthere.1n; 'and 'Tha1i.anyunap,pr'opriaied baJan'ce in the'Watlfr"FUnd ,!S, of J1lne3,Q, '1'~8"8:" shan be 'aut'omat.fcaTl'y: '~ppropri a:tJ!cl 'in,tli the Co~n,1;lrng!!n,cyFlJridtherei!1 ; ,and I . T,h~t :a,l)'y H,T1a,epr()Pr.iat.ed~alanc!!Jn t~;, ,Se~er Jundas,~f.~une'30" 1-988, snarl b,e ,automa t lea rl:Y rappropri ated 'to.-the Conhngency ,Fund the re 1n. :, I: n III'. 'COLLECTION :A.ND EXPENDITURE OF ,DEVELOPER, J)EPOS}rS I " WHEREAS"deposils will beaccepteg lit, 'th,e Th,e; D,E!ye;]Qp.er ,D,ePo~; t FUl1d (~,und :~,4i). it~~'1 @ the f1[S'ca'l year Pa.~e,d !lp,onthg le,vel,s; ()f dev,el Qpment 'act'ivi ty,; and~ I, ,WH~REAS,i the Ci,ty i,S rl!spons,ibie (or. administer;i'ng 'these Clepostts, i,fcludlng c:ol:'l~ecl,ion ,and dtsbursemenlof 'funds ,as necessaFy fo paY' for 'oe,ie.lo.p'ri1~rit l se rvtces'. ~QJ".. THEREf9~E, .b,e ,It re~,oJ veg that the, Cit~ Gcoun~;n he,rebyauthorites' :. expenoi tures o,fdevel oper oeposft 'funds. on 'hand at' July' t, '1987" fiigeth'er ,with' 'a~~yfUnds conetfeddu'ri ng.frfsca.l iea:r 1987 ~88. ... tV.'. CAP HAL'! MPRO\'EMENTJp,ROGRAMAP,PROPRlliT fONS I , ~ ".._ _. < _. V' 0 -:. . _ . ..l\ . ... . ~ .. ." 1 WHEREAS,; .the, 'fi'nancia,lp,lan provides 'for the :appr;opriat.ion of ,monTes,for - .~'-. --- '~-:' .-- J _ _. ..- "-. . --'';<... '~'.. - -J ~. ,Capi!tal Improovemel1t ,P,roj,ecfs;and WHEREAS" th!!s,e projects may '~pan mU,l tfpJe fiscaj y,ears.: I, I: ".: '219 :. B'esoJufi on :No;" 87-675 '1-, Page "4 , " ..... I' , ~ _ N6W',Ttf[i::R'EF6'i~E, the Ci\ty Council he~el:iy aiitMfi z.es' i! CQllt i nU5.l]g, appr-op- " :r-iat.ion"for the' baTances rerpat[1ing in C,Clpita'l ~f11prOvell1en:t J?rojects' active as o.t; I ,Jljil,e ,30" 1~!37~, ~llcj oJr:ect? th?-J., t~e author-izeo'p,ppropriaf.iori shaTllie liro@ht fjJt;;/il,rd to ,li}~; .u~edin' ,phe: (isca;l year- 1987-88 'Gapilal IflJpFoy;ef.T1E!nt Project pr:ogram: 'or; Llnti'lth'e 'compl etion of thifse' J)r'o~ecrs ,_ 1 V'. COLLEGT;IoN AND 'EXPENDItURE OF BurLDING II-ISPECJION FEES I '~HE.R~,AS, ,f~esco',ll ec~ed by ttie cay for' :6u:ndJng inspection ,seFyic::~~ ,offset the, :CUy,I'iS' con'fractual ,expendiitiJres to'j:iYov,fde 'i n)pe:ct'i 0[1 servi C?s. -' 'I ~9~. THEBEfOR.;,. b,e ft reso,l,ve9)hqt. lhe. C:fty G~,u,nclJ,hereb?, authorizc~s p~e expendlture of' all such. {ees collected ,dur-,lng Flscal Year 1987"8.8, at the ciiscreHon' of thechy :Ma'nager, proVided :th,at thes~ fees' be'spent for the '. pr;ovi1s 10n ,oj; sa.fd, cohfriacfual CUii) dJn:ginspec:flon' servi ce~. . fASSED, APOPTED, ,AND M8ROVED, ,by _ the City Count,i 1 of theCHY of'Boway, :1 Cal,iifor:nJa'; at a regular meeting 'thereof" th';;:s23rd day'o,f June" 1987. ' - - . ' - - - .. _.~ .- -'." , -". - , I fjY' Mayor' ,. ATTEST::: ~ll(l 'IU . I<. ,JiL:"-10fu ,/~': ~ ~u _,l".~ --' , - '\.""-,. --.- :1 I1qrjot,j,~ K. Wil,h]-sten,.Gity Cl?rl<, LJ 'I; STATE'OF CALIFORNIA ') Js's~, COUNTY, OF SAN D~EGO ') I _, '1, Marjor'ie .E' lial1l}t~D"cyty ,C'Ler~Rfthe dit~ "of Po way, ?o' ne'r7bi c~rti!y that th!!,fOJ'E!go,,1J1g'iE!?<QLut)9n;~2.8.?-075. 'was du1W adopted by the Clty Gou[1c,11 I a.J a, ,me_etingof sa.i d Gjity,Counc.il held on th'e 23r'd ,day of J~n,e, ~9B?" ancj that: iit WilS so adqpted ,by, thelio,ll oW'i'n'g ;v6te~: AYES,; ~ ~ --- n,_ ......~-~ - -. 1" -._ , ... . BRANN0N,EMERY, '~(?,G:INSON;,KRlEE i ,TAlWf NoEs: NJNE I' ABST AlN,:, '~NE .. , ABSENt,: l 'NONE . "-'i L!' ')C' t"t i ,",_! I: '1'~L.T,~'II,;'(:.,e':<" ,_;_~. _ #.'.., ..""I(L ~:~:._:~ MarJor,ie, K. Wilh}sten, G>;ty Clel;k' 'City >Of~oway I '.,c- '. . " I I I' I, I I' '\1 :1 ~I ,1 :1" '. I', I l . I, I ' . . .APPENDI~ B RESQtlJr:IQN ,NO. R"'87-14~P.T:ING .i9~7':19~ REDEVEtOPMENT AGENCYFI~PA!- PR~RAJol' I .' 222 " I RESOLUJ!~~~O., R~8Z~1~ I A,RESOLUIToNi,OF' T'HE' ,REbEVELOBMtNT. "AGEN(Y, 'O{'tHE crrYoF POWAY,\ CALIFORNl'A, APPROV1NG AND ADOPT,ING, THE. ANNUAL, BUDGET 'I FOR! t8E' J;I~G,t;L,Y,E.~R:.'r9!17 ~88.~"f:-CgEPn NG' "" LOANS FROM 'THE CITVoF POWAY TO THE; COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCXADMINISTRATlVE FUND, I :ANp' 'A,UJ,HORIZING-l)(PENDI;fuRES ITHER1FROM " WHEREAS'i 'the ,C,i:tyCbu~'C:i'1. oJ 'the ,Gity of: I'o'!'ay' ({h,E!, 'iCjJyil~).;in accorija'(1ce:. '. ",;j1~.h. !t~e\ ~rO:{i2i0!1s 91 ,th.!! ,Qfll\fQr~,;:~ COmn~nj:ty R7,d~vel'QpmentLa'YI! has,clie~ated.~a ,C}?rrrnumty' Rede,)(.e;logment ,AgE!n,cy'A,.dmmrstr;a~"v,e Fund for the purpose ofaccountin9' .' f,.or',adfl1i n,i stra1;,ive expenses bfthe! Pow-ay'Redevel,opinent .A,geriCy,(the "Nje,",cyu,)' !!no, tund advances :therefo're;ana '\'IH,E~EAS", the ~tty CO,u(1,ci] ~.as, approved by resolu.bon :of' ,ev.ehdate herewiith, 'I, 'a,co[lll1untty redeve10pment ,budget for .fi'sca1 year; 1987~88'anci ti~s,appfoV~d,a F2~n tb'(he' Ag-e'ncy in ,the,ainO-~Dt oT :$~P1;~10 ~~q ',b,~ dep!lsi:ted:in 'the GOlTl1lunity Redeve1Qp,ii!e'l,t. ,Ag~hcy AdriltJ.!;i'straJive F,und ;ancj - I' WHEREAs; the Agencydes,;res to appr:ove a, comniiJriity .r:'edeveropment budget f,br fisca:l ;year.' ~9a7-88" acceptsaioloai.!.s fr'cjrfi the Q,ity ~i1cj'a_utho?t~e the expeo- I di,t'ure of 'ttlep(ocE!e,cij ()f s~Jg 1 ~aris to i!,c!=Qrda.nc,e with: ,the~ appr.oved ,communi ty redev,,tl k()P.l11ent l:lUclget. ' , NOW, LTH'EREFORE, BE: ,IT RESOI::VED BY THE'POWAY ,~E.D~VELOR.~NT AGENCY AS; :FOLLP,WS; .' Sectlon, 1. T,he buoget attached :to this resd\utl on ,as Exil,t6'tt i'A,iandinclfr- por:atedc herein, ,by rener;ence i's, ~tlereby ,ad'opteaand apjir;oved ~s '!11~ !98p8jl ~u,dg~t; I 'oJ, tneAgericy,~ Section 2~ ' The roan froIlLthe.P,j ty, of,:$91'l;8i.OapproprtatedtotheCorilmili,ity ,Redevelopment' Agency'Adm,i,ni'str.ativeFund tor" cap.ita' improvement :aria otJer'al,i rig: I expendJtureso.f the AgencY" 'as set'forthih, sara! ~~dget ,"i s he.~el'?yac~~p'teiI ,~y the Agencya'nd the~Agehcy ,agrees: to pay ;ii~ej':es't i(~el"~on :~t ~ 'r.a~te eqll,p.lto the an'nual'aveYag'e lintere.st. ~~CrUe,l!. oiiiriveJt,m~n~~ of '~h,e G,i1J"\s 'G!!nera'l F:~n.9. ,as I ca):cu"l!t~Cjo~ 'J,~nl!~I"Y lst,Qf :eactt year~ The :Ag~,n..cy l!,.cknow.ledges' tha't' sajd 'toan c9nstitutes~n,_ inf!~~~e.dne~siofthE!:, AgenCt Y'lth".iri the :meanfhg of .Art,fcl'e, 6, Chapter 6" of the CaTlfor:n1a, Community ,Redeve:lopment"aw. ' I' ,Se'i:fton' 3,.. l;~.e, e,}lRend,i;tLlcr:.e., Q;f mClrfj es f.~ori1tl1e, 'G()mm.uni ty RE!deve l,opmE!l1t 'Agen~y I\dm,i.nt,strat\v,e: Fund" f9ragmin\sJr;,~tii:v.eexpen.?E!S ,alldcap:i,ta!,l projects. as 'set I: for,th,i'n sa i'd ,budget' i'S ,he'reby' ,authorized ,:subj'ect to cOniplnancevj;i,th the is'ame'' ,procedure estab,HShedliy, the City for the' e'1SPe.naJ,tllJ'1!' .6f flfijdsi~Y 6th.er ~gei1i:jes; 'and aepartinentsi 6f the :Ci;ty ,suoject ~to budgeta~y contr-oJ. .~.. "__ _"~,'~_<_ ._ ~_ '~_'~_. ,. . "'L _ ._,.'_ ..__ _ Section 4; As, requi'r,ed by, the; GommuhHy Reoeve1'opmen't taw,: ,the 'A~lenCYshail" I: ifi lel.>:i t~ ttie'C; tY 9o.li.lft11 "adet,aJi'e~i r~port Qf, j~2il 9f jJsj;r?r~agtil9.nS" ,wm, re,specl: ~t() Jh~j Co[lli!llltty' Re~evelopmr:Jlti !\~ency, ~dl'[li,n_j? t rcatii~e 'Fund ~ tnc;lludi n~a I' :statement of,~'ll revenues and ,exRendrtur:esi" no' less than annually,. iSecti'on ,5.~. 1;he p,rgpos,e.d ~lQ8?-1~,88' :r=.is~~l Year Budget for the, GOlllTlun:H,Y I ,:Redev,e,lopment 'Agencyi:s' 'hereby' ,amendeo' ,as fo1"l:ows':. L 'y--' . I ... ., :. > 22-3' I g~S9,] ution No. Ri',87-J4 Pa~ei :2 fA} .REVENUE, AMENDMENTS :1 Amount of 'Revenue Fund' Uplla:naMOn of' Revenye Adjustment , 'I :oescriptJon Re v e n ue"Ame rl(Jmen"t Nncrease :+n:iecrease :~) , ' ,39'-'7681 Loil'n from Ctf · -+ $398',5'00 ,-- <.~-~..~; , "" ".. .y 39-'7667 DeveJoRer Reimoursements + '565:,:000 ,I ".., -;"'-'- ""-. . - -<-- -." --. ~-, - .'.- Re,imbur:;sement, fr.om,Poway, -', ,.', -~. " 6~ OOQ 39~7<l01. Un-if,i ed Schoo,], Di.stj'ict + r 3'~"'740.1 PoWa,y Ro'aa Beaufifi'taf,i on Furid + 25;000 . . ~. - -, -"~. . >" " - .' ., I totAL REVENUE AMENDMENTS; " $994,,500 .' (B;) EXPENDITURE ,AMENDMENTS , 9bfecti llr ,Amount of 'I ' . PrQject EXR11lnji ti"onof 'ExpenCt,fture Ajustment' GbdE!" Expenditure Amendment {(ncreise::+IDecr'ease: ~,): ,I 53Q5 S.igrial ,at Esp'ol'aiUtan ,Way + ,~45o" 000 !'Ia r~i t!gFl a,sh,~,t:t1!1fden' ~Oig~ 5306 Schoo,] + 1-,5,OOD 'I ,Warni'ng, 'flasher: Pomer;aool 15,000 5307 Glen Oak + . .t,.__ , ' 5405' Cortriiiinify RoaCt Stonn Oraln + 400,'000 540"6 MfdlandRoad 'Drafnage;Study :+: 32,500 I 5237 (\ ;p'oway 'RoadK,iosif ' " , + 42'006 ~.._ '_ _. dO 5?,38 ! flTterflJate SAl igrimentStudy + 40,000 ,I TOTAL EXPENDIUJREN"ENDMENTS ,+:$994,500 I Sec~5~nfL.. Tche~xe,~~~iie))j rec;tQ.[" 'i's~~~tl6ri,ze..d.to mak~ ;such '~~anges in the admini~tra~l~,e and cap,ltji'l lmprOV!!J!lent"pr!lJecJ; b.udgej; tot,al;s'dll,nng the 1-~8!~ '1!988 Fi.scal :Year.',as may oe,fi;om time: to time; deemeadesirable and ne,cessar,y .' in order to 'meet the 'AgencY's needs. 'Sect ion 7. The Capital ImproVement: 'projiicts of (the PowaY"Redeve,lopillentAgency ." . _. . , ,',., .,-'" '''-:' _ _. \'.._.:' ..__."., _ _ 'J_' _>; __ are in :conformancewtththe, Ci'tyof Poway Comprehensive Pl an as 'governed by '. Secfion: .65402li,f the' Gai:tfor;n.ia Gove'l\nment Coc:{e~;' ...." .", " ., _.. Section 8'. T~e,Rede)leFopiTIeht ,Agencynel\eby 'authoriz~s 'a continu,i'lJgapprop,,: I: riati'on, for the 'ba{iinces remaining 'i n Ca~ffaT ,ImproVement Pltojects ;acHve ',as ~f _, .. ' ".~v.,. ,.~--.-'P"1'.' ,.,,'_ -'~',..--7- . -=- -~_"___. '. -. ~ -_' . _ , June ao,; 1987 ;and~di'rec~~ t~!!,t, tb"e ~uJh9.ri::;Z:~,cl,apltr;~pri~1\<in~hanD~Drflught ,forward' to be :used in thefisc.a!l year 1-~87-'88 Cap,itill Iinprovement Project progra,i11 0:1' uilt,;] th'ecomplet.ion 6f these projects. ' 'I 'I: I' , , 2e24 I Reso'TutiCl,n N9. R-87-,1'4, I ,Ra,g~, )' or 1 '.....' I ' PA?S,ED;AD'Oi>tEDAND APPROVED, ,9Y :the, Red-ev,e lop"m!!!JJ .Agency of -ttie' City 'oJ Poway:; Ca,li,i;f6mj,;'a,; at a, regu,l,ar mee'ting theYE!of ~hj.s 23r:d day o"f. JU'fle, r~87', - - -. &3 '~ ,I . , , ~ \ \~:F:::~~ Br;uce Ja:rzy" ~i:r,ah I oATTES;!:,: '''.:;ni' 'I -':f( '9U'.j', tz:. I ..',-. tl.A/:\;.c~L___ ,/'-"{~/~","_,'_ MarJori'!! K. Wah1isten~ Se.cretar,y (" . , . II . , <.. ~. SlATE OF ,C~~lf,ORNv~ ) I .. . G,OU~TY OF 'sAN:lifEGO' ) S'S'. I, r " .. t:, Marj6lf,ie, I(:~ahl sten;SedrE!t1fFY 9'1 theL,Row~:y'RedeveFiipJlleot "Agen~Yi;ilo; h'e~ebYSer:ti fy that the forego,i(l9 Re.splLJt,i on,; No'o, ,R:C8Z'-,l~t,: was"cl.\!,ly.adbpte"ci I 9Y '.the" B.e_dev,eTopmeritAge'n,~Y at; ,am!!e.tingj of 'sa; o)~,g,~ocy ,on :the' :2Bdi day QJ June 1987" aria, ttha't it was so'ad6ptedby the fOll owing vote: { AYE?': BRAN~0N; EMERY,; HIGGiI:NS0N" KRl,!9E;, TA~ZY; I NOES:, :N0NE. .A.:BSTAIN :,]\<QNE: I AIiSENT: N0NE:: I~ Th . l - ' - , ~ , ;;;" ,::. . .., (L~,\k0.. ''!!!..-V,'0,j""..,.,,'t/Jy;:, - ~... l>ian-jor,ie K.Wa.h) st!!", iSecreta~,y, , Pbway 'Redeye:lop'!lentl\9.ency , I:;:: I "i.!.-/', I I ,', I ( ~ I c.; . ~ I , " . :1 - ... I , , , a I I I I ,I I I I I I' IJ :1 , ;.' , ,,_ _" . _ _A~PENQI~~ :1 CHAAT' OF EXPEN~~A~~~~~, .QEFINITIONS '.- ~ I: . , 'I :'?2:7, ,I EXPENSE AccOONT DEFINITIoNS ,I .P.'ERSONNEl SERVWE. Sal,ati ~Si'; wages 1ind fees forpersonne,lserv,ices 'no,tin,vClr'Li'ng' I the ,tu~nJshi'ng :of materia 1:5.. :110 Salaries .~ Regular,. Gompensat.;on p}~,id to r,egulArly ~,mpl!9ye-cjpe'rSOn~'(!1'6n 'I the, gj ty"s p,ayrgn, 'ass,i'ghed,payrollnumber 'a[ld isubj~ctt() norlTl~J Ili:!y,[on deducti'on~~, !~~c.hCOlJlllell"s,aftQri. jiijcludes~ stand-by ('ca,H-out) pay; parameB', c pay', :sh',tf,f 'di ffenent,i,a'1.;etc:" . ' ' I 111 Salaries -' Spec'i'at, Sal,Ir'i'es' pard to, Counc,ili'members and ,any others. ,flot , . , subject to the majority of tt).e nofi1.ial p'ayroi1.1' deductTons~, '.' 1;~2 Salaries '-i Paft~Time. W~ges paid, to employees ,who are, '~la,s,stfiecj as part-tim~ employees'., ,I n3 Sarar,i es - ,Overt,ime. Port,ionofthe saJilry' s.ubjecttopremium pay.. 120 i::ringe Beneffts,C,j;(y'pa;idoeriefitSsuCh as RERS'. hea:lth ins,Urallce, com~ pensation i'nsur.ance and other' beneli'tsas n'egotiafe'din the: MOU"s-; I i ... - - ~ '., -".~ .. -" - 121 ,Worke~s. C6mpe:hsat.i6n Be~efits, ,.' !o't.al 'tHy. pa,td ,work.ers r,~0~P7bsatj,or5 beneflts. Ihl'Si ,account lS used' only 1n: the R" sk. Management' D,1 ,V1S 10n., i ..' -- - . :1, .122:, Hea';l,th Li'fe Benefiits. Iota I Ci ty pa id hea-lth and :]'i fe i nslir.an'ce and ,.oth~.r ,t]enefits.. Th:is ,account fs' used oni'y in' the 'Rlsk ManageJf!e[lt 'I' ,Di',v;i.ston. 123: Ret;i'rement 8eneH.f.Icital City p,ai d: PERS iconlri ~ut';:on. This a'ccbuht ii's' ,used onlY, ,;,ntn.!;! ~iiS~, MariagementDJvisJon. 'I' Jem'pii~arY Serv\ces. Cost 0'( iClutsi',de tempor;i1r:'Y Jlerson'ne,lhi rea! on an Fas' , , J300 "ne~decl'''pa,s i's, ,I r.n VoJ;unteerServl'ce. Vciol'unteer ;workers', such as 'voliinteer '1', refighters 'on . .. -.. .. .... .'.. '.. . .-.". " - ca.Tlfor ftr;e' suppress/ion.. I' .,l40 Cfty'Attor"r'ley Fees. COmllehsatlon pa,id to "the C,ity:.,.,ttOl)l1ey, 1M Legal Fees'o"GompensatJ! oi:!p~i d. to Tawyersother than the:CJ ty ,A1:{OCl1.ey I ,for leg,aTaavice. 142 Litigat;o'n ~. City/ 'AHorney,~ Compensat'i on, pMll.t(), 'th~ C.iJtY;Atforney to I represent the City' in court' ;appearances. t. -~ --, - - . - -- 1'43' Bun diriglrispeCti on.. Compensatiol1. 'p,a td,for proYi di ngbu,;,l ding in,spect,ion ser.vice. I - I I 228 ,I 144' ,Audl't 'Se'l'vice~ ,Compensat,fon pa,ia: 'to 'cerf,it,fea R~b"l,i,~ accDunta,nts and' I ,other' 'outs.;de ~atc6untants' engag'ed by Council. ~.. -....; ,- .. <. .".. --- -..~ I m Data Pr;ocessingGonsultant'. Gompensat,i onpa,fd to data. process ;~'g. con'- 'su,l,tal1ts., 146 Li.tig'at,fon ',-: Other Attorneys:, Q,(Jmp!!.n.sa~jonpa'.1d to, a"ftorne,ys other than I th.!! City Attor,ney t,ore,preserit: the City i'n cour;.t appearanc'es. 147 ,Ch'em.i'cif'lAiia],Ys,i 5'. Coriip'!!ns~tJon p~i4 't()chemiists and 'other scient,i sts I f,or Ma)ytic,aJ wgfk, 1:48 Spec,ial Studies. 'Eostor spec,ia,l studies ana ,frialjsEs i)erfci,r!J1E!.d' by' oyt'- I s;t!e, consunants ,fnd 6tlier ,Profess.; 60:.,,'1:s for speci fi c progralTl~, ,e,.'9,!" p'e'rsonneT ,studY, f1e'ed~ a,sse~,sment stLJdy" etc. ' 160 Engineerfng~G'omRensatl'on pata, 'to engineers'fo'f ,gen,E!r;~l s,e r'y ice~j noJ I otherwtse :c,lass1i,f.fed. 161 Water Rroject Eng,ineeri'ng. Compensa'Hon paid, toengfneers f6'r' wll,t'ef I: _...~ ~ I ~ _0 . proJects. I~? ,Sewer P,roject Engineeri'ng, ;Compensatlon pa1a. 'to engineers 'for sewE:irpro~ I Jects'., . i'il3 tHaf.fic ,Engirie'er:;ng. Cori1pensatTon p<!';A to ,eng'i n!!e r,s t;or ~tr:aff;'c ,I pr()j ects. J. _~ _ ._. _ _. 164 LandOeveiopment ,E'ng"tneeir:j ng~ Comperisa'tTon p~.id' ito Etng;jn~!!rsfor 1 <!nd I development, :anal,y~Tsi n"cIu,Q;Ing, fjght-o,f"wayeng,ineeI'i ng., 165 Construction Eng1 neering. Compensat';:onpaid to' en:grneer~' forcol)st'r,'ut'-" .tion: sur;veys" material and compilctjor} itesfj!1g~rid (;onsul'ta",ion,etc.", "I' ttial :6aTir',du"fing,ttie '.con,str,yct)OD phase. 1~~ Other f',ro,fessJona.l Eees. other 'serv;;~ces no't. other,w,isec,lassified, su'ch I: as,e,l:ectjon;' 'fe!!s, ,codjt;'!cat,f~on', sur,veyYng,,; etc~, ',' UHLHIES., TRANSPORTATION ANDCOMMUNICAT.IONSSERV,ICES;~ UttHt;i'es" a{]oWil.,nc;e? ,fn I: ],.t~u oJ ~Lty ca:r:s; City fleE!J' cO"st;s, travelandsub?.i'stence al\lowances! advert,is'- "J tng) ,rec ruitment ana, ,p'o'sta~e. I ",; ,210 ,Gas, and ElectrTti'ty,. Payme~.tfqre'l e!;t!;i:c,,;!yantjg~s\!.~e.a,tor gen~[;aJ pu~pose i1&t,ivi ttes, not' otherwi se cl ass.i,fi'edto' ~rovi de l:ight,;n~i' h,eat,i n~ and power,.. il: Natura:l Gas. QQ~:t ~of' fliEiIsSllctf~5 lrr,opi[n_e a}jg.l;jfguLanaJ:Uria,'lga,s. ..2J:l 212 Water - 'Interagency.., 00s1 of' :Water purChased :t~om the ,c~qY, by LanClscape ;1' , , Mai,!) t~l)ci.n~eDj.s t,!, ;:cts'. 'I' , , , , ~ I I. '22,9' 'I ZI:J' Water Pu~c~ases, :cosi 'ofbuy'ing:~aw W.a~er ,to.r':fesil1.'e'. 'I. 214 Water storage Adjustillent. Account used ~by FTnance an,nua'.lJ'.Y !toac1J.u,5't, .water i.nventor,y 'to' the actua'.l leveY. ..~ - -.. ~ - .. . .-- . ' '. tis, Tel ephone,. :Cos't ot: te:l~phone, char;ges f9l servi ce;, irist~n~'fion" 10ca'1 ,and I'ong dislailte t,aJ'ls, and 'c'ost c5t:'sendi'ng te1eQrains. il 21~ Trash Renfo.vat.. Coset of confr,act to ,re(!1o,v.e lr~st)-.. :217, Gasoline and" 'Di esel .Filet. Cost of gasoJ,i'ne ana diesel tue.1 R.urc~asecl .for I use in C,;Jy. vehi:cles and equ,i pm'e~nt, 218 Signa 1 Power. Cost of e.iectri'city' used fortra,fTic s;\ina,lS., '. ,219 ,Sheet 'Safety, Light andl!ower.. Cost of 'e:1ectr-ki~y to p~ovfde 'saf,ety ; i l:ighting .on' C.;ty :streets. :1: 220 ,CapacilY-J J!enasquitos system. Charges paid .to the !lity, o,f S~n DJegQ' fgr eft1 uent through, thjs syst!!rn. ;1 221 Capacity' ".Metr~SYstem and. .Ma'lntenance ,and Operat,ion~ Sanie. a)) 220 and tnc:1 udes 'rel ated. ma',i ntenanceandopera,t-,ions'. -- .-.. ,-- _..~.- ....~.~- ~ 222 Capaci'fY- Bermamio System. Same as ,22,0. :1' 229': Tel'emetry" TeJ:ePh(),ne r1!1!!' lease char;ges 'and e:1'ectfi:c,ity,c,ost' for sY@'a] 'transmi'ssion in~olvi,ng me!i,sur~me'nt ~ffd contre10f "water anilsewer pump: I: ,s~tali()ns . 230 ,Other UU:1'ity Charges. :MJQQr ~tnity c.harges, fOr 9ii~, ~l,ectrjll;ily, te1'ephone, water trash remova'l etc. where Jj'pei:;ifi:tiaenfif,i'cation ofser- 'I v.jce typ.e '1.'s, 'l1ot necessary'. . ,j ,2~0 Pump,ingPower - Plant,. 'LJtnoi'ty, .cha'Fges 'for pumptngtowater or :s,ewer 'I' faci1oi'ty. .242 Rump.ing Power ;,;, LaKe'. Ut iTity, .charges t:,or p~mp,i I1g ,,,,ate,r, ,to tlii's,l'ota~ I tion. :?43 Ptfmp,in'g iRower' - :r.D.l, ,Ut'il ny, changes for pumping wat,er thr.ougQ t.his I' purnp',stati on .locat,i on to ser,ve, the, utj 1l.ty. 'co.l)s'~}ner,s. ,The~e' costs :ar~ pa~sed ()~t() th~, 'C;o n sume'r.s' as a pump; ng :l;harge on the, gt11i-ty b,il,l land i;eturned to the City as 'revenue. . - ... -. . - ~." I 24'4 I'limpfng L:Power' '- St.Andrews~., 'lJj;i 11 ty pt!,!ir:ge to,~ pumpi n~ waste,w,ater th.r,()ugh t!lis: P~ITIP station. 10Gatton to ~erve the, utj:11ty consumers. . These costs' 'ar;e P!ls~ec1Cln fir t!je: consumers as a. pumpil1g c;harge on ,tl1~ ufi 1i ty I b'il1 ,and returned: to th!!: ;GXty ~s reverllie. . I I 'ZBO, .' '2~!1. 'Rumping - 1.0; 4:., Same' 'as 243. I :246 Pump'ing Power' ,'-i :Camino' Del .Va lIe. S~mei :g~ 244. . ,247 Pumping Power -. ,Orchard.A-73'. same as )243~, 248 Piimpi'ifg'Powe'r' ,-1 Don art'. ,SaRl,ea.?: '243. 1 2'49 'Pump'i,ng .Power' -<c'onvajir~ :and Pad'r:e'., Same as' 243. . I 250 '.Pump'ing Pbwer-"J:l7il1tr'a't,i on, PI ant. Sam,e,; 'aSl 243. 252 ,pumping' Power ,-, Camel '!lacko; Samelas 243'. I " 253 PumpHi'g Powe~r ,-; ,DeT pontenle ~ S.a,me a~ 2~~4. :254' 'PumP'ing Power' - :WoodcijHt'o Same: '~a s 243. I 260 Reimbur,s'ed MHeage., M9,I)ey p~Hf 't9,Clty I~taf,f anc! ot,n,ers f9rlJ,?e ()f the,i r I ow,n, ye,hic)es on' ,a. tiR1~'l:ia.?i'~o,rmjTE!agebas,i'sestabJ:i'shed by'the Council. Th.i:sPc!YJ1]entr;epr~se~nt~'ei:ther' :a,rrij;leag,e~ re'imbursement. lor a ,cafa\l'l'owan'ce 'paTd tcidesignatedemp,loyees 'iln .1 Yeti 'ofJan' ass.igned City ye,l]g,l e..:,; I .26~ Vehi'c,le Operat,fons~ )n"!1()usE!Cost ,of' 'fu,ei changed 't,o Glty 'departments! Id,iiV isi ons,. _ _. u 263 V,elii tl,e' Ma;ihteri'ant"e'. 'lg,a,bo:r, maJ.!if{als, p~rt.,si CIlJa: oth,er cos'tsasso,c:i a~ed I, '\'iiJh ma;lJt~n_an,ce':.oJ :P,HY-Owne!lvet\j!c.l',gs:.. ;These costs are nOl7lTla,j l.y in- hpuse; charges ,by ,the; C,ity~sVeh:rcle and Equfpmerit M,l,intenahce,:Divt5i.on to I~ other' Cilty,depar.tment5j,d,iViS,i'oriS,. This'~'C~9-qrit i~' aHgJIJ~,~d by th.e Vehic;]e and, ,EciQ,ii)!.T1e,hJ J:l~iijtel1al],c,e, Divi'S,;911 to ,ac:,qytr,e p!,lr,ts ,!,lndlJlitertals to prpvid,e '!:,I]es,!! ~,E!rvices., This:accoull!: i's,also US,ea, by the, Sher"iff' s I, Departm,ent, f~or (luts,ide maintenance'. ~hei charges to, th'i:s :a'tcount are ~cf;ut,i ni'zed, by F,j nance' arid the Budget' Collinit1iee. Tr'an'sf,errequests ,i!:fe dtscour;ajledi '264 Vehicl e Rental~! Rate :p,i!:;ci to, re,cover 'th~ ,!ntt cfpate_a' rE!P'lacemenJ cosJ of I' Cirty-owned, Y!lhi'crr>s~ ifhe! 'charMs,: 'tp 't'hi~ ,account,arescrut'inized by. ,,_.~, Finance, and .budget, U;ansfer;' requests' .a're discouragea. " I. ' , 2;70 naVe,1 aria. Meetings. Cosh of atfeMiti9'iTI!1!!t'in:gs:,serjJJ~M~, cO[1t:e,p~n,C!l'S "pr works,b.Qps:. :Sych changes in,c],ude me,a~l'~;, tral1,sp,or:ta;j:ton" lodgin9;,. I r,~gtstranQn.fees;', ,etc. ' 'I ~ 2,8Q ,Adver'fi's;rn'!f: ,AdVerti sing eipen'sefor :p~b l"i'c,n'ot{ces. isT Recr,uitmerit. <Expensesassoclated' wJth hi:ringand 'promo,t3ng, empl:oyees; :1' sy~h '!IS fingl!r;pfi nt'i hg ,adver;trs,i~g" tesH[19 'idnll c'lists',asso'c:iatei!' 'wUti ;'nt~rv:f:e\</ boards,.. ,I 28J. Postage. MatI i n9 expenseiMI uCingparce,j. post. ,._~".,. v ~ . . ., '. : 'j I' . . " 231 :1 .' , - I CONIRAG'WALSER',I,IGES., J:a:POIilndm.a:teri'C!1s fontr;<fttea for outs'j de, the' d,iv,i sJon, (Iled)cal e,xCimS,subscript,ionSi memberships, prol11qt,iona I .cost~, I 305 Contract' Landscape Milintenahce'.Ci:ist of c6ntr;actuaj ,maintenance. , 306 'Electron, Se'r!Jites. To"pay t;or"e.1ecHon'-related expenses. I ~~1 Cprfnti,ng. ~C,oSts 'paid toouts,ide ;firm?' fQr prfrit;;n'g, O~~ding, ancdupr1- , ' cat-ing;' " 'I -3}2' danitorial: ,Services'. PCiY!ni!nts to .outs,ide ,f:ir;ms'for pr;o,V"idi'ng, these s'e rV ices'. .' c3B Uni,forms,l2aundry' a-rid Dry Clean,i'ng. Costs to purchas~ unHorm?; I ayndry ,anpp ry cl ean,ing oJ f.abfi:c:_s :i nCludiF\g uni,fo'fms'" d r~pe ri es, c l'ean,i ng rags" I etc'. ' ,", :' 'Jill Community Re:liHlons'. Costs o:f decorattv,e' ana,promoUonal material;; used to, 'pub lic,i ~e 't.he ,C;iJy,:, :rm:llyd,i.a9 ~1!c)1 thin,gs' as' plaques, proclamaffons" :1 filower;s" sctiool safety patr:o;l, etc. ' ::1l5 Publ'icatfons :a'nd Dues. Paymerits ,tor ,subscriphons to Jour,nals,news- " ' paper,",s ,',al1.d" p,urchas~.' 'Of. ,p6,0l<sa,n~, other .,pa~Ph,l;ets to. pr;omote','th~: 'inte.r-: ctiange Qf' ldeas" me,l11bE!r.~hlP 'f!!es 'ani:! i(lss.o,c]atE!dcosts for off1!clalsand ~eyempl~ees' t? :attena:yarious:m!lniC,i pal Opjithj zati c5ri~s ,Fo pr9m~~e 'the '.I..,tDJerC,~al]g~ O.Jld,e.as.. Also used for the, CUt,s meml:lersti,lp '10 the,sCirlle . 'type ofor;ga.nlza~,io.ns.! ~f6' Medical:Exal11s, Costs .for perioci:c p~ys)'cal examinll.tJqnS.i recjuire,d by tj1e .' ,Gi ~y f,orC;i,Jy empJ,oyees, 'ana fotpr,o'specttve empl qyees:. 31TEducation and 'Train',i ng 'cU~eci 'f()r tr,i!i.rfingat, l;()cal coll eges, for guest. 'lle,ctLl,res :Cind'educat.tonal fi!lms: ,whereoverni,ght tray!!) iiS ,ri,fit r~CI,Uded. , 318 .["efsure. .Contracts. Cosh pit,fd to oufs,ide .r;ecreation' leader;sfor pr::o~ ,grams; These,expenses'lare offsE\t. by r'eY.enii'e generated by these programs. :1, 319 Animal Regurat,i on.Contra'ctilat agr:eement tor:: r,emoval of dea,d :i1~,iI11,a.I's', animalregulat,ion, ahdiin'imal tontr:'ol. 1~2.Q Oulside Emer;ge:ncy ASsi',stance, ,Used; by SafetY, Services for costs that are Pl!id to otheragenciesfortheJr a~s,t~tan,c\!. ilJ :a fi:~e' or'cherni'ta,l spi'll s'_ :1 ' .. , sue!! a~ costs ,i'iiCl'Ud:i ng~ea,l,s'!~,su~por~~, ,etc. "",.. .' '" ,. . 321 ,Gommuni.~y Safety. '. '~O!1tr~c,t ffo,sts ~lth 'th~CI)U~t~.'?tie~l.ff'.~s! ~epart[!l~nt I ,for po.ltce protectl'on.AI'so lnc'l,udes' o~h,erc()st~assOclated wlth pollce . p cot_!!,ctToll' ,32~ Dilspalch 'Contract. ,GontracJc9~t ,w,i ~h the thy of iSanOiego'!sF.ire III DepartmeDt 'for dispatchserv,irce. I' " 1 '23'2 I ' . "323 Tu;\;ti61i Re,imbursement'., Cost, of reimbUr:s.ing Ci;tY staff' fgr .fee,s patd 'j;o I ,e9,~ra~lion!1). )n,st'j t~:l1 i:6ns, , Th;l's, accounJ)} IJSea, ~~ fy i'n ,Jh,~ P'er~o.n~,el O)Y"lS 1,01), <'t'ld, ,admrnlsterep 1 n accordance, 'w1;th theCl,ty,!S tU,1;tlon re1mbur- I sement, :pol,i'cy. '324 Nihsance, ,Abatement. Cost 'of soilster'i]izati'on andior weed' abatement: I -... ..~, an.g/orveh}cle ' aba temenl'a t o'f,.f':',s t reet "'1:ocai,i ons deeme.a; ,to' beia puol j c' ,<.'. nUl,sance., ~.2.5 '\'eh'icle, RegulaUon', Ci>~t.s.la,~sQ.cri~;liep: wHh ,traffi',c c~:tat,;on ,processing" I ,,bJcycle' li,cens,i n~, prQgr,am; and. 'tow;n~pr;,ogram~" .,331 ,R&M Bui 1 d ihg} Cos'g as 5 tfciatei:!, ~itti repa,i r aM',ma,i]!,tepanc.e gfthe City's, I 'blJ;i~rdings !!f1d IsttucJurE!~' . 332 ,'R&M Ai.r' :Condi:ttonJng. Costs 'assoc,iated wi',tti ttie~repai ra~CJ i!1aJ!Xte'ha~'9i! ,I. of thi!G,iW'sa.i r c;onaitj 6~rng, Ji~a:fi)!g,s,hd ver'\tYJ:~HQ.11 un'i.ts. ;333 R&M 'El:evator. cbsJs :assodatedw;\,th the repa,i'rand ma,in'fenanCe :of the I' 'GHy,"S: :eTellatof:,~ 334: ,R&MEquipment, gil~t.s, as.so.cta.l.eJj'w,i~thth~ 'nE!pa,iti:lnd, :ma..intenance ofC.i ty. \. ..' 'equipment. 'not other;w,j se cJ assifi:ed; 'Th,i's :account 'inc}udes' :the: cost' !6f I ser,;;:f;te'lma,iHterlilnce agreements. f3~5 'R&'M ,Outsi'de: Veh; cIl eRepa i r', ~epa:i,r ',oJ ,veh,; cres, and, equi pmen't performea' I ,by outs,i de shops for'the' Vehi'cl e" and E~u.i pment Mai ntenance DiviS;i on. '336 'R&M ,Pl'aygroun-d :EquipmenL Ci:lSf:S !issQc:rated~ith th,e.r:el1.a,i'r il,n.clma1 n- I: t~nancE! QfP l.ay(~rO_lJ!Ld; .equfpme,nt. . .. '.,\.' " '3tJi R&MRad1'os., 'Cos"tsof :contr'ac't to 'repatr;' ,arid ma',i:hta,in ,rile,; o's'and asso'c,.. tated, radio 'equipmerit. Also Tnt,l udesrelat,e'g' ms,terta.Jsand su-ppFi;e~. I 3~8, R&M, :F,i're ,Hydrants'. ,Co~~s associatea, wi;th repa'i'r:,,!and ma,;tn~enanceof'Cj;ty ," firoei ,hydrants'. I 350 ,R&M, J,l'iee's'"S;; (lewaJlks~and 8a r'r;c:ades,. T riin ,aridior ff'eeremova,l" '!:epa;;:r i:I.n.d1oIT rep,!aci:!cQncret,e' s,igeY!lllk.s aon~ c:iJrt:ls:, repa,i r andlorr~plfce (iiad~ 'I s'tde: ,glJardrCl.~ 1 S'. 35i R&i,f Signa,l s~ '. Gontract. ser;Vices wtthpdvatefi:rrnfor 'cH.x, ttcafJi~ . s igna,l sand .,ass'oc,; afed frasners.. 'Serllice! in'c:ludes, but' 'is, not 'limited 'I: 1;0, relia,; ran~ 1i11l,;.~t$'D,~:i1~e'Qf S;ig'n~~l,~"saflftY lj:gh:fsi, 'stte~l 1 ~'g~g 11M kno&-down. repa.;:r:~ ~ I: 354 R&M StteetStrfpirfg.c' 'Q9I1rr~ft; se:i:iiTcefoi' ;sWiping'roadway, 'frMf.i'c 'lanes,,: ;'sl ands~;an(j b,; ke l'anes'., ~$5 R&M RoadWaY~G9~tr~'9tf,br' pat~h;; ri!h r.~p,a,i r'i~~' ~nd, ~u r'f,ac1rig' .r;'oadWays. I ' . T,h,js: alsoinc1.\!.Q.~s, m,ajbr ri:!p.a.fr ,and mign,t,enange of the i:oai:!ways:not: oJ~erw.i.se" class,i'f;ed. I; . I: I :2'303 " 'I ,356 St reet Repa,i (s ,~SBj '300. To account foreHgi bte, street repa tr:s .fi rianced , bY.' the City' s S,~300, aTloc,atXod. I ,35} PaVemerit EvaJ:uilt.i on., Engineering' ,stud.xOf roadway, cond,; ti:on f[)r pri orily of :rep,atr<, I' 358, Str;eet Sweep'j'ng. Gonhact, cost: for pr,ovjd,;~~g iHre.els"Le:ej:Ji~tig se'r.vice. :1 359 R&M Roadway.~. JAU., :Coljtractserv4:ces ,fror; el'fg.ibJe road repa tr and ma.intenance under th!! l'eCt~ral'Aid, 'Urba:n (F~,U)Pj;b\;j'ram. I '3~O ,Contract. Fnspe'cf;:Cin. Spec,iaJ. :en'g,j' neeri'ng inspec't,i'onson' contract,ed prh 'vate orpub,l:i:c.improv,eI!feri,t. 363 'Plan theckanii ,MapProcessi ng. ,Gontrac.t eng 11}!!~ ri ng, cbs ts;f[) r'check:iiig I 'anf!, pxoce~Hng' plans, .and :spetU,i'cat,ions to determine conformanc,ewi'tti, C,tty Teqll,i!r~meiit,s ~.nd~pe-ciHcati6n's. ii' 36~ 'Ei\V,ifonmental Impact Revtew-fllans., ,!,ontracJ cO,sts,fpr' revievt [)f pWN: for '~,I).YJroDl!)el)t!ll cons,ideration, This expense ;s offset by revenu,e for ,envjronmentalimpaci p:lan: .fees'. ' 'I 37Q ,0thkCont'r.actual ,Services Re,imbursed. Other 'contractua.1 serv,iiCes whi'ch: , ' ~ ~,. .-.'-' -.... '- --, , re,presEmt:a: "pas,s' thtQugh" accountan'd re,imbur:sedserv,i'ces,nototherwi se 'I crassi fied such as knock down rellair. '399 ,0ther'Cont'ractiJal Se'rv.,i ces, AU contr:ac'tua) services not lass;gne,d 'l;o[)!1,e , ' of the foreg[):i ng des ignat(ohs'.. '. '. 'MAifERIAt::S AND, SUflPt:.IES~ Expendable 'Hems used by, G'1.ty' ,depar:::tm,ents, havi,ng a m[)n.e- . tar;y 'va] u,e 'o.f' .res~' th~ri l!OQ.,OO grwMchare enfi reli',consumed or ,are fastened to '. ' , 'a s'tr;ucture or; r;ea,l .property tgbecome Pl!!tof s'uc!1 item. 1 ': ~ ,.." '4ir. O.ftice&, Stationery StiPp.l jes., Gonsumable ij;ems used in an: !l:rJ1te" suet! I as p~per" penSiriJ5QOI),s',!lllte' ~ds, 'etc. , . , 'J!inft'orial Supp1,;es. Those_ i t!!.ms uS,e,d for' creani n9 such as' rags". mops" 41.2 Ii PlJOQrnS" soap, clea'ners, etc. A 1 so, consU1llabl,e: ftems 'such, :aspa)jli'r 19w!!l s', :soap, etc. ' I 413 ~hotog raph,i c and, Photocopy Su'pp:l res. Corisumabile Hems used ;f;orphoJ,o~ ,g.raphy. and'f)hotoc,oPY pr:;9,c;ess i ng, 4'14 Medi:tiil Supplies. Consumabte, items, !~uch'a,s biln#age}, 6Kxg'en 'ahd other I 'firsta,id nems, ThFsaccount i.s used, :pr,imaril'y by the Par,arlledi:cs. 416' ,Sa.fetj/ 'suppr;es, Supplies used' 1'n safety pri,ograllls. I' 4P' Operati ng Suppl i es ~ . SlIppl j e,s "uS,edf~r; 'mai'nten~nceandOperitt.:io>o~sgf Cj.ty-owned pr;ogertY,i lncluding lt~ms wlnc~ ~re umque to each actlVl,tX' I k18 'Trout Stock. CQstof sto'cking trout in the' lake. I '2-34: '. 4f9 O'tner, li'i.shStock. Cost of ,st9c:~tng ~T1 oth~r fi'sh 'except, trout, in {he, , 1,a,KE!" 420 Sma 11 'Too';:s. "Hand tools" measUring' tool s" 'and tittler too,l s' 'and i nstru- t ments valued at le"s's' thaii$100.,00 ',and 6ffeD' p.6rti!b1e.~' ., , " 4Z,! LanascapingSuppTi es., Landscape ana. pJant;1,nSl 'materials ahd suppri es. t 422' " Emp;loyee ,Awards. Awar(is pt~se'nt~d tgemp.t()ye~.s! tn recogni:fion 0.1'; thei r' :~ervt~.es ,1i!l}.d !ltheS special awards. ' I 423, Chemicals,. bost OfadlufrAhg .chemicals. Tt);:s 'a.cc'ountj:s ;prirni!ri lyu,se(j' by ;PubTic;'SeYvices .for @tE!I; 0/ sew.i!ge Jt"ea,tlT1el!t. ' I 44'1 Street Repa,i1r Mated'a1s. Mat!!rials' ,and ,suppl,:.tes used to r:epa.iI?J 'ana inain~' ta,;n roadw'!ys" sidewalks, 'cu rbs, and cente f :mecfi'ans'" etc. I ..._ .t:: .. 442 Storm Repa',;r & ,.Cleanup, Ma,teria lS; used 'to repa,i r damages' 'caused by 'storms. 4'4~' CiI,lVert Crean; n9" MaTetia, 1;s ~na" S,\lRPJ i esu,sed to ,c~'eanand rep'a;;r I' :cul'verts. ,storm'dr,a;i'ns and other waterways. 444, si gnMairitenance. Materi a 1s :~h'd ,s'uPl'lli,'es L1s'ed :f:or s ;gI1Si!lla'gfll boards '. ;resurf,!C,i;l1ga,n.dcohi;;ttu ~'tMn" 445: M,i:sce{l aneous ,Constructlon Ma.teri'a1is. Construct,ion mater'ia;ls; n'ot, 6tQiir.-: I Wi[se <:1 asstified. 44,6 Overs;izii1g Agreement~ Mater'ia1ls, ana'supp:1 i'esused to en.l a rge T fnes I be'yondnormal par;ameters. Othe-rSiJppl'ies ,and Mate r"i als\ NoLClassified,) -- . - . " {~ . 4J~ ,Materials and suppli esnot: I ,other'it,i!se :propefli.yc,1 ass iHed above'. FI.xEO: ;CHARGES', DEB, ,AND ,OTHER :COSTS. Rents, Tnslirarice:,,'b6nd chargesahd fees, I unco,11 ectibJles"transfers' land 'other :eXpenses l1,oJ otheNi~,e, cJ~is]f)~e(j.'-~'tS9, e-gpe]:1$'es for' red,eile1til1riiifrlt, .' ....01;- 'Equ.ipmentRenta1,. ,'RlIymel1't; to ren't mach'j ner~,and equ,i pment' i'nclucnng such, 5r1 . . ,items as 'trenchers, backhoe, elc. 51,2 Rent-Buflatngs and 'Grounds'. .Pi!YIT1entj to, rent:fac,i:t1'ties bu'n:a,i ngs and: il " :groundsinc,l uding! ,storage'. fac,i;1'ft.i:es'.> ' .(; 5131 Ren.t''-Offfce Equi pmeift and Othe'r :Equipment'. Pa.Y!iie.r(t !t(),r~f(f Oml;~ 'nu,r'"' '1 ' , n itu reo and equi pl11en.t".i nc,luciJ;l1jls!,lc,h .iternS'ias desk', .typewritE! r,et,c'., ' , ~:14 '[ease Pifi;ctlase. PaYnientsmade ,to use' 'and ,obtai:n, equ:ipme'nt: per a ,I; ;contract. ,I, II 'I ;235 . ' '1- 5t5 Tntergovernm, ent~l, Fees.,. ~eJluY~to,}: ,fe~? to .~he State 9f ,pal.'iforpi.!'l, G9u~~yof :San. Dl ego or<otber governmenta,l agencles. 521 UnTnsuned C:laims. Payment of"the' Gi:tY:'Js c;,o~t'fo..r~l:,!ilj1s. I 522 Tnsurance'Experise. P,yemiuins :tcir, insurarice:a'nd :bonds other than fringe ,benefi t, i nsur,ance p.r,ograms. ' I ',5,23 ,Othe'r Fees. Includes ifisca'l ag'ent. f,ees associated 'with bond' l's,sues., ror bond proce,s,sing, fa.l(~Si or' other",fixed costs. 'I' .5.2.4 Interest and ~r,incJpa',l ,Expense'. :payment,of jnter;est alid; j'!ri ricjpa,] .6n ~ 'b,ond, j sSy,e,n.gte a,ndotherdebt. 1"525 ,Jax, tnc~ement -County, ~rinc;pa'lpa,ymen~,' E,~jJflJ,se 'Of the,,~R,' e'd~ve}opinen't Ag~ncYl naccordance' 'w,T,than agrceement W'l th the Gounty' ,of San,D'l,ego, , 'I' ,526 Rede~e,~,opment~genty co. nt',. i.. bTJt-ion~ ... contr"jb~hons:, made to furtherc , ,spec'lfl'c :communl ty, ,deve l,opment ;goa 1 s of the R,llldevel opment Ag~ncy,. <'I 531 Expense Greer; ts.: , To rlfcord,ttansfer.s and expense reanocat;i;ons n9t otherwi:se'class,i f.i ed., 532 Unco{leclJble's. Bad debtwrirte,-off. ;11 541 Cash OverlUnder'. ,Ac,count used, 'by, cashiers unabJe t6 'bal'ance' titn.. '.' ' 542 R'.e.fiJrid. ~Re,il1]!Jursemeritof 6\1er;paym, ent.,a'ue to 'error," miistill<,e' ,o,r ,O,ni,iSSJOn. , I ..... ... " 55i Administrative' Overhead. T,9retof.!lexp~iJses 'for overhead,andsurcl1arges. 'I: 552 Depreciation. lIfe pardon 6,1' the cos,t; of 'a fixe,d, asset .charge,d as;~ri expense'. 'I' " 555CapTtal ou, flay Re,ntal. ,Rate., ,pa id to' rec. over th,e, antiicipa~~ci reI11a~ce.ment; , cost 'of &i tY"!lwn.edE!,qifrpl!!~ri,~, Tile' cha'r;ges to this, account; ',arescrut-in'- ized by, Finance", and. budget- transt.e.r r~cj~'e,st.s' ar--e d,i s'~our:aged. :1 558'Rel.ocation AssHtance'~" Expenses iri~urred t.o hefp'r~,locate, buslness,~sand r!!s jden.:t.s reJlu,; r!!d to move by Cl tylRedeve,lopment Agency' lmproyem,!!nj: , ,'proJects. . I, i560Redevelopment Agency; Admlnistr.at.i ve Cost, i~r1 ,a.c}:o,@f used foaccumulate , ' Redevelopment- ,Agency' costs. 1'574 Redeve:l opment, Agency, ,Long""iTerm' Debt pr.inc'i pa'l,.. ExpensE! fOr princ,i pa;l payment of 'Redeve1,9pm~nt Ag!![JcY debt,.' f15~0 Unappropri ated Reserves. ,EiJndsset ,asi,de ~y budget a<;ti 9n ,f;.of;a,llgcaJDoi.) , at.:a, later 'dat.e., :1, 58.1' lrarfsfe'fs 'to Other' Fundso Mov,ement o,fr:esources:beJi-leeQ fii:r1ds:, , 5!fi Gleartng 'Account. AccillJ,rif ~$eq \iY Finance'. I ;1' , ' , , 239' I a. CAN:r/l.LOUTLAY '& F,I-XED ASSETS.ECllJ,iii.r1iellt, 1 anq', bLJi,l,di Ogs a(1a o:~he! ~s_s_ets WQ,iCh. I reta;i.n the';lr' ident,i'ty' :when 'i n use. Equi pment and tool s va 1 ued a C$'lOO. 00 o'r les's' andY6"r w,i than.ant;,cTpaled useful 'i i fe' of less than one (1.) year 'sho'utdbe' ,I, e"xpense'd (,i.ri the 400 series\ Ml, Telecommunications Equipment'. :E:qu,lpment used to send o~ ,r;,eceiNe data. '. ''Inc,ludes:~ad,i os" 'transceivers", ,modemsl"aritE!'nn'ae', te'l ex 'and teTepnbJIe, 'equi pment'. 605.. Ip',hotog raphi'c EQu.,i pment, I:Quj'p'lI]ent used, 'to taRe;.deve:lop 'or' di'splay p,;t- I t,u~es, s"ides) lor ,fi'lm., I'ncludes .cameras, camcorders, sl'ide. pr'od itctol"s, land' ,l:ike' ltems. . I 611, Officce Equipment. Of,fi,ce 'I!lach,ioes", ,tYP,ewri,'te~s'.. addin"g machines;, cat,cu- lators, check. wrfter;s and such othe-r equ,ipmerit' and mach;i'hes 'asa'he requi;red to :f,fc.ili:tate'o1ifi'ce; 'procedure:;,'des'K;; ,ttla;j r;;" oeas",ta,b:les:, I. stAijd}, Jj II!, ~4,bi.n~j;'s, p,t,eJl!c,es', r'ugs'"caEpets, c:Iocks" aud,ioviSLJal ,equipl!lent alld, 1 i ke ;~ems. :615 Parameai't Equipmerit'. I nc Fudes :bi Ql11e,~:ti:a:]ecj'i! ip_ii!entuse,d by ttl~, E:itY:' ~ I param~dics, 52,f Autos, land Trucks., Automob,aes, t~UCks, 'tr7aTter;s,motorcycles 'and. aLl: I automot,iv.eequi pme'rit, not ,1i,;stedersewhefe. ' 622 Other Equipment'. EqlJ.ipment 'not otherwi's~ classffied. I 62.3 ,Construction' ,&, 'Sfreet Mafnfenance'l :Equi pment, 'J!,~CtP:rs,p.oWer;ShQv~lS, Planes, }l)9bi 1,e: ho~,sts.ai rcomp'ressoq;".~nd sill!,):l'ar rn~,chj~e~. in:l udtng I the,vehrcl:e' ,car,r~l ng, or support.lnll ,such l,tems; street c'lean,l'ng equ,l,pment. ~,26 F-i're, FighMng ,Appar:atus. Fi rE! 'tr.illKs, I"E!JclJe v,eh,i'i:1.e,s, s..aJyage trlJc.~s" U,rE! exti!1gLJ,isher;s,. ,Specil\J:vehJ l::l,~sor othe,r ite!l1snoJ h~;teqell'se,~here I tha.t ;~re pr;,~,fured .for' 'the primary ,purpo~e,I,9cf exfi'ngui'Sj1in.llc fire~,. lncTuo,lingveh,lcles' for' mO,v,ement, of fl re ,fl,ght,lng personne,l and: thel~' e'qui pmerit. I 631 Fire; :Hoses. Fire 'hose' Of all Sizes wheri Tn the hands o'f 'the F'i're:'D'epar.t- ment'. 'When "use'd'~for other'purp'oses;" such as fhish,ini],' istree"ts,; ,I. should beln623 cate~ory,~ ',.. c',"'" ," . , - 640 lraHfcCoh'fffo,ls:" ~ig~;;i,iM!1Sj9-naI~, u~el!; for:cli,rec~;i'bn~l or spe'ed c,Pntqlj 'gf ,vehil'~l.e_s'; In.c;l'ud,e,s _wr1qpg ,1'1mlta.ti1,.Qn slgns', iocllJ.C!,i ng ,I attached'ltghts and. lamps and traf,fip s,igna,ls, ,and b:l'.inker:s, ' . 642 street ,Li ght Repl acement. ,Str'eetl;ights, ,ttle;i~st~naa:rfds,a:tn'I~" laf!1ps, 'I: 'starters, ballasts;" :and 'o,ther part,s, l!.?ed f9F st.ree~ ~ntl ~'tl'~lnU.I1]J_n,!~ don, wilehpTacedbetween p~operty. 1 i nes .inG;;~ty-ownedstreets;'wh.en beliJno fli':gper-hiFihe's" th'ese .are pa'rtJ of <suetf property.. I: 643 sheet L jghi:Other~ Other; 'sheet egu.i.pmenL 644 Athletic Equi pment"L,i ne [fla,rkers, sXgii'!) ,guns for ~ames, .h'urdjies" ba'ck- .' stops androthersimi"lar i'tems~ when:port.able, ,or l11gbHE!" ' , I 2>37 'I .. .'~. t.... ". 645 Laooratory .Iq~.;pniehL Sdent,i,t'i[C instruments'., I .646 pa rkEquJpment. Park ,benches" p,icn.ic, tables, barbefue's. ., '.' - ... -, ... , "-......'. , ~,",<- ..- ,_.~. ,- 65! ,Shop lobI,S. T!lO:lS 'anp e'cjUi p'merlt used in :the' shop. " :1 652 Mobile' "roo:1ls. ,Equl pment' moun'ted'on'. 'wheels, for ease, of movement" but, not 'j:ncl;l.(dJn,g thcis~ lfnothe"rcategor,;'es' :above (623). ,:WOOd' ch"ipper,~.r~tar;Y I t.;"lle r ,. laWI1;l1]o.w~rs', tf1ri!!!~r;s:;, e(c., ,wO:~1 d: ;'come uh'der 1M s' heaa.ing~ ' .1'0 ,662 Mains:,ahd I\ppiJr,tenances. Mal ns:, manho,l'e,s, 'co,ve rs, and's t ructu r:e~.: , , , I 666 Drainage Structures. Qlt~Aes;, c,u,l'verts aha iJiiaeligroiJnd, p:ipesfor ~moile- !)lent' :of storm 'watens., I 67-1 Land. l,and,va,lQed ,anilore ttiah '$1.,000.00, 672 Bu,;-'Jd,ings. Asb;uctureof ,three or,more .wa;] 1s; ,arip<!, roof" c?-pa.bl~of ;1 nous,i ng personne;l ,ecjui pme'nt or; machiner:y, va rue .of mor:e than ,$500.,QO..! 673 Miscellaneous ,Structunes,r'A :~pecJaJ "ta~tegor-.v ~or reservotr;s, br'iages, sW,immi ng pOOlS ; and parki ng 'lots'. ' " " " -- '. .-- :1 , 974. Gorniercia;lRev,Ua 1 izat,ion. , 'Project expendftures t,Q efimj nate ;commerc,tal blight f!lr thE,! bJ!i1~fjt Qfthe' ~edeil'elopinenf Project Area. 'i 675 Housli'ig RevHalf;zabon.,Pro:i:ect, expendj;tJJre;;' to elimil1ate houstng " ,blight, for t,he'b.eneJi,t'of ,the, Redevelopment proJect Area. '. 67,6 :~iJbl'-;C Tr:ans'{t,F:1xtu res.' Busl .benches: ;and 'stie:l te rs. in " 681 jSheets" Sidewalks, ;and 'Thi,i'W, Lana procured and,linproJementsth!l,rE!on, '1' for them9v,el1]ent ofpeOp1n1r1 footQr ;:I),v~~j cJes, j ricluc; rig biKe 1 anes 1 ; :an'd rela,ted C1r;a,inage, 'llt:i lily use'; incl:udes ;~'lrporjiiO[ls; aeajcated, ,to public use. _ n' , .~._ :1: 691, Non-'Struc'turoa'l 'Improvements.. fences, t,he,i r' gate~' 'a.:ria parts" wal 1 s nol supportin~ ir;oofs. :1 6'9~ Trees: and: Lariascapirig. Trees" shr;ubs", pl,anls, ..etc.thatare p'a,rt QLa: tota,l projectf,orbeauJi:fic~Ki]>Jiof grounds" elther a lone or a t,bui 1 d:i ng. ;1: 699 o'ther' Assets. Those no.tproperly ,.c:la..!i~iHe(j Hi <!jforeg,o,fng Classi:fica- tion. - :1 ,ASSESSMENT DrSTRIC'f tHI\RGES~ Charges. 'forrfia{i)t.fl'ilfnf'e ,tepai:r;s." contractual 'services and othermater;iaJ s and, supplies needed to mafhla;n the assessmerit d:ts,tdcts. ,- ' , ,"', .' -, ,.." I ?So Asses'smeh'tDis'trFct 83..;1, (R'ancho Arbol itos),. 'Costs, a}s'ociated with mainta,i,n t.!!g~" th i!!i5P.~l:i;fi c. l a~dscape "mai nt~nan_ce, ,as,se"ssm,~J1t' d,i s t ~i ct, I wt]:i'cti :tncJude's Rancho Ar;bol Hos, Barratt and Standard Pacl,fi'c; tract,s'. -. --. -" -. 'I " " I , '238 ~ .-.~ 7;1'1 Assessmen.t ijfcstrtGt <133-3 C'SiJnwOOd'). cosn~?socLaJe"d<l:if{~,.m'! ipta,j,plng, il ,th,i s ,s'pec;iH~ lena,?Ci!pe' :ITl,a;in!i!!Da_nCe; (a.~gssme"nt d.i:s,tricl, 'wh;'ch I . i H~,l ude~ 't~!! SunwQog tract'.. ' . '71'2~ AssessinentDi'str;ict 86.11 '(Hirsch Raifch),. ,C9?t~ ,a~~(Jc,iated W.,fth 'ma;;'n" 'tai ni ng ~!1,e Ht~sch.' 'RMc;.,h lancis~il.pe: matn.tenance d,istrtct.. I .z;103' Assessment tH'stri'ct 86,-'2 (.Sunr,;lseRanchh Cost's a:s,sQ'c:~,a~e.~: w;.tih mg;in- ta i njng theSunr,i,se Ranch, I andSC.il.pe"[l1.ai,ntenance di's,tri,ct, . I 7J4 - "', -. '. ',.. . _.. . ,_ . i Assessment: Di:stri ct '86~4 Stneet I.:,i gtit',i'ilg. Co~ tsas'siiifi'ale"d :wrtih 'm1l:ih" ta:,in,ing :street Tight,i ng woith',;n ,the, 'di'str;:ctb~ou.rit1a,r.i eJ., ' '- , . ..- - I 4~5 Assessment' 'Di'slri!ct87?=,li RomeradoBusfness ,P.ark--. 'Costs as sodaled, iw,i;tti P9merado ,Busi ness,P,a'rk.1 andscape inai ntenance,d,i'stri.c'f. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS~., S(5~t~for depQs;i;ta.ccou.nt~ !c;.o] I ec,tecf f,or.eng}rieerTng ,ana I 'in~pecj:ton by public:Servi;ces Department" ' I Bfo' Griad}ng Phn Che'cl<. ,Covers 'iI.h! .q:ty tNII';ges 'fQ,rgr:il~il1g, p.lan revjrew (tllc;.J jJd Ing,9pnsu Hantsl:., I 8:12, Grading InspectTon. ,AJ(l 'C,it,v chartg,es~ fo'r'graciing {@p..~ttiQri.Ci'tichJd.ing consulrtants\)'; . I > 81:4 Fi na.l Map 'Checki:ng. ,ll"1q'iity cha r:ges' ,for'c'heck.iflg map's, j:Jroce$~:jng 'r::equ,i!red.forms" ,etc'., (;inC1:ud,i'ng consuT,tiarit5'jh ' 816: :Iio rove merit , RlanCheck,i'n. 'An ,C;ity charges,fior' fmpr:ovemeilt plan I r,eyi e~ ;tn,c,l ud ;;ng: ,consu l,tarits!)r. I.' '818 1m rWemerit Ins ecti ori. 'A hI P{y't[a.f;g'es fpr' iD~i1ecn~~n of' 'improve- I , ments' ;,'inCI udtngcons.lJJtaD(~h 820 ,Boundary Adjustment, Rev"iew~ AU, ;~G,i;ty char,ges 'for review ,of" BO,un'dary, I Adjustm~nhC!!rtificates of: ComplianCe, 'Cerfjf:.icifte o'f; C6iifpl iance for Pa'rcel Map:;Wa,i;ver:., ,Merge~r, w;i:tih6u'tparce'lmap. ~2A Mi,sce,nanlous' :Engi'rieeri ngReques'ts.AI'l CIty' c.o~Js!for cSJay 'aRP;11ca- I 1;:iOIl Teqy~st.; 'sJ,~eeJ ,',oreasel11~nt, vacat,jon;' ,specia;1, 'tentaHvemap pr,o- ;ce~s.;;lJg (BSI' cos'tst:;' ,temporalj'y, sewer and water 'appHcatfons'o ,I' ,E32J SecUf.U De~'6s'lts' Cash;, C~sh t1ftPO,sJ,ts 'tQ "s!tcu,re .coM"tr\!,~t;1 on q,f " :.requi:r~d; lmpr!l'y,eme~t~. "m~y' ,be to,tal 'securf.tyi or ,in combination 'w,i,th bondj. letter ofcr;edi,t~etc',)., . .' . . !l26' County DeposHs Uncla~si:fi'ed! . Cas,h depQ,~!itS {emJ't.tE!,d 'to,the gi:t,Y' f~om '- '! ,the\ County and lackIng deta.ll 'fior- ,a.1'locat,l,on by type' of 'expense '. C?JegofY. '. " I IJ , I 2'39 I 828. Sewer Annexation Oeposi'ts, lilclllc(s C,i.ty charges, for' 'process,i ng ,sewer 'dtstrtct 'annexations as well ,as annexati'on 'fees which' 'the C'iitymust I r~mj,t to the State of Ca,l i~t6rnia. ," .',' ,", ,'.. ' ~ 830 Street. LlgntAng Deposfts, D,epos.iJs tg [secure is"treet, J,i ghttng improve- - . I ments. I ,999 ,SUSPENSE, AccouNt. Aq:ounJugd orily bY. tt(e F,fnarice, Diviision. I I I 'I \ I :. :. il~ , , :1: ,I, I: I I '. ---"1' '., 'I, '. ' , ;1, , :1: I I . , I .' I I I I . I I · I I <I, I, , , :1' , . ,', 'I' . , J' .' APP,ENDIX 0 , , CHAAT'OfREYENlJ~ ,ACCOUNTS AND :DE'::INf:rfQN~ 'I ' " -- I 'I I , I .1 'I 'I' : i . , " " ;1 ;1: . '. ,I I, :1' I I', , " ~i I I APPENDIXD CHART' OF RE~ENlJE 'ACC9I!NTS~O QEfINI'T'IONS' 'I . ~ I ~ ,I i022 Sales ifax,,: A porl\ion oJ tti'e ?,faJ!!wtge ~aJes tClx cOnecJ!!d,bybusj'- , . l!,e,s,seLClndpaid to,~he$,~ate. Th!!, SJat,e: remi',ts 'a por:t,ion cif'ttje ,tax to :1: 'tt:!~, Ci,tyeach. month,., then,!periodically,'i, (quar~erl:}' _ in most cases) , adJusts 'the payments to ,lIactuaJ" amounts. , The tax is pa,ig to theCtjiy b'!J!!d~n po{b,,r of ,saJ;i!co~ I ~:cfion~". ,C~(f~ilt:lY ,tb,eliqcal a qogat,i'on i,'? I. ilWperQent 'w;iith '~,p,erc.~nt, .beingCl!miJteato cU,i es il,nd. the adaitiona,l ,\4 , percent earmarked, 'for trailsportati'on funds 'to ;counties. 'I" 7P2~ J,'r,,,an,'soitmt,",,occupancy ,la, x,':: ,',A,',:taX QP,JI,e.ctf:!',d f,.rQJJl hote,j...:motl!) gues,ts a~a, percentilge. of )hei! rEoq' rate,:', The ~~lS' is cciniectedb!!" the ',hotel-motel owner and reml:tted guarter,lY .to, the (illy'. I ?0~6 Real ,pr:OP'erfY, Transfer Tax:, J,:a. x,: 'ift]RQ.sedQn' ,t,M' tT, ansJ.e.r ,Of reai'pro- :pertY,;at :? 'r:<!,t,e 'perdo,l}ilr; value, of sale. Ih}s tax 'is coH!,!cted ,and paid' to the 'Ci ~y, 'throughout the ,year as part, o,f the 14 tax iilcr.emerit I jiayme'nts. - __.. ,I' .-'" . -- , 7.031. Property Taxes - Flood Zones: "Property tax col'leclions' .w,i,thinthts I area f,or. ,drainage, f,.l,ood ,control, ,etc.", used foroperationsi :arid in?::i r:Lte!\~nce. I LICENSES ANDPERMIliS'-, Revenue 'iri, \the 71,00 sefi'e-~ repfes~ll;ts ,cpHed i;O[l 5' for j'icenses anp:perm,i.t,~' iss~ed 'a,i rettly'by' 'the C'tty.' ,Qr.by, J;he G<ity for anothE!.r II' governmental unl,t. , 7Il}, 'Animal {,ice'nses: ~ i,cehses tSSLJe.d to regul;iite, aDdco!l{rQ,ldClgs ilnd hor?es. The hi,ce!]se,s ar,e! ;'~,s,ueabY 't~.e Gou,n.!y with tD,e CJty rece,i ving I a.min,or,pottion,of the dog,.1 icen,slng fee." 'TIi~ ,fee, c.oTI ~~t~a'forh:~rse l'lcenses "s eventuaHy returned: to, ,the C,tyt:or rld'lng tral ls. "G,iilll1l)l,n,itY Se,rvi ces 'anp 9u~,tomer lServtces; fOo.rd.inate,t.bes,e~ pr;ogr:ams for I ,theGJ,ty. 7113, B.icycl:e Licenses: LTcensesis,~u~d to. regill'afeano cQlltrciT;btcycl:e~. I Tn~,l 1 cens~,s' a~!! recorSie.d; bY~he. '?ta,t~: <l.nd, 'is,sueq by' tne; ~1 ty,:, The ~,ily pay~ f,or ltcenseforms a!ld'mat~riail sand, recejyes<l.'minor,1 icense . , fee., Safety Ser,vtces ,cooro,inales' t,h;i's program 'for the! CHy. The,,reve- I' nU,e: .col'l'ecfedare' used ,for tristaJlation "arid mairi'tenanceof BlcYc,1 e lanes ., , 1;1l4, Bus,inessRegulatory Fee;. An' aJIIQlJlltc.9Jle~t~d, ,for !:~guT<l.t,i,on, of bl!~,i,. I. nesses in' the,Citty,. Thi's pr!lgr.am,i s ,jO\n'~ly cOlltr:;ol J:~d "by Safety .,' Serv,ices.; ;Pl ann in'gj :Ser:v ices; and. Admi n i's tr::a ti.ve; iServ ices.. ' .' 7d'15' Sani tati,on perm,itS; . Perjnj ts ts:su.e.d tofi rnJs :fa~~te trash coHec,,- &rt..:Within the,p~tY:"J - , ' 7'f.l!6 Fishin'gP,ennils: A perini t' is-sued by'Commun.ity ServAces 'for the privk-'. l:ege offish,ing 'at the Lake.. , N51, Boat Permifs:' A permi:t 'i'ssuedby Commuil{tY.Serv,i'ces to ,obtain the use .,oha boat, on~he', }ilke. ',I',. - ' 24'4 'I' 70153 Constl'lfcHon, 'Pennf\: - 'Excavation:: Apennit issued by' ,Publi:c .Servilce'to , allow forenc~oachmen,t' on publ.iC ri'gnt-of-way'. ' " ' . ,fhe. 'rates cha~ged, 'for the per:mitare based, upon var'i,ous uiiH, pri ces I that. irc.e!lateto 'thetype.of, work to: be, pe'r;{ormed'. 'The'r;ate.s' ',are'out- l\~ec;t, in a9ity reSOHlti'6n (clJ'trent,j,y Resol,ut,;on 3'25!) ,and {he aut'hod,ty I ,fo~t!1ecoll e3:t-ton, i s p~rl, 6.f~!1e 0[>oJDll~'Ce80. ' :7.154 Construction Pennit, -Gradlnq': f') perrni;t is~,~"e.d 11,(P'Ubl\c;,?e.rv;;ce,~: tbat I' a.J lows .forgr.ading;. The rates ar,e al'so outl ined .in. a. Ci~ty reso'lut,ion ('c~rrently Re~ol"uJt()~, ~25)" 7155 ConstnucHon Permit: - O.ther: '{\ pernit, i ~sued by f'ubl'j'c 'Sery;i.c,es fJlr' I mi sCerl'aneous 'construct,i'on., 'll1.;s' 'account,i s ,rar;e:1y used. ~-~ -'-' . ~. -- f157 C-onstliuctlon f'enni:ts -Sewer.:, An ,ac,cou'1t f!lr the. j'5SU~n~,e of te.mp,o'rai;y I sewer' :servtce ,connect,ions'.! This' account ,i,s seldom u.sed. 7160 Park i ng' per:mlt;: ,A' one-day iferin:g1'ssued .fo'r parking at the Lake'. I CommunHy ,?ervil:~s '1:011 !;!/~~al!g t~~u!!~the, ,perinlts. The, 'r'a.te:S fllr'~' establ ,i shed,by 'COUy'ResolutiQn: '83-044. FINES: ,AND FORFEIJURES ,- Rev,en.~E! tn the, Z20oseri&s relfr,esentscoill ecfi'on'of ,I fines: levied. 'for citat.j'ons. H_". _....'. 7210 Fi nes, and' f>enaltj es; 'T)ie r;e.ven~!! ,g~ne)iatea: 'by c~itations.issued tiy the I Sher,iJfs. . R~venuelrepres,ent~, collecn:ons f,Cl! ~i,taJioJ1S:Ero,rj1 tbe courts or 'ffom the' f,iri11, fhat processes tihe!Cli~t~'''s t,i ckets. !I~ OSE OF MONEY 'ANDPROPER:fY- Rev!;!nul;! tn ~he.;qO!lse,ti~~ repfesen,t~ 'i,nconfe ge_nerate'd, 'from ,the' rental of property and equ,ipment,:or derived .f,r;o.!l1 the inve,sJ~ I' me,n.~' Qi :the ,G,iJY"5 funas. " .. 7,310 'Interest>, Income: -Income generated from tne investment 'o'f 'Ci ty 'funds, :. The interest 'income Ts appo rt:{onei!: to the funas based upon" the' pbs;i,ti.ve ~ . '-r: " ,,- ..~,~.- --- ~.'" .,..-- -,' ~-" - '(~..~ ,cash bafances in the ,fun'd at the,end 'o,f each month. Any ,i ri'te~est' eai;~ n,j ilgs nof'budgeted 'i's, ai located 'foifieg,ener;a'f' fund: I,pvestmenCof ii' :c~il;y f,~Dds 1s pef'f9rm~dI5Y fidrrfinistrative, 'ser;vices., ,73t5 I'nterest "income -, Bond': Income generated from 'the Tnvesfment. 'of, City) 'fu,rygsr;ece,iived 'as' earnings on cash collected tor 'bond,e...d: deb,t PMlJ1ents. :1 ,., ,73~i6 Interest I'ncome -, Pool :A.~eJliIiIJr.ary ac'tount used, loaccumu:l'jit.!;!, interest income duri'ng the month, p.rior; 'tCl ,a:IX6~~tjJig 'i;t: ,to ,the' 'fUhds .at' 'I n]Qntbe,no,," ' ]3I] Intenest .Income- Loans:: Interest earned, on pr:i1nclpa.1 due to another I .. .. - . - -,' ~"'". ,_.'- , ent i~y. 'I I I, 245 I 7'33'6 :Intere's,t Iricome, - Note Rece,iliao:1:e: An account, to rec-6rdi'ntereste4r"", I D,Jng~' 'oJ] 'a,n_qte!, .. Current,IY t~;,s ~cc;,ount, ,i:~ :u,s,eg to recor;a, ; n,come ~o< th,e g~nera'1:fundfor an Orchard Water D,;stri'ct. note"which wi:1'1 be paid orf Jh :about, 1994.. The, account is admintster;ed by ,A'dmiriHtratWe Sefvj ce,s. I 7340' Park:landDeditca'tfon Fees: Fees coli ec'fed'fromdevel'opers for: constr.uc- t,;on,o.f parks in 'accordance' :w:it~ Ordi nance' 124. - 7-34'1 Rentalo.fRroperty:" Renta,l of ;~ene!a:l ,!:ity, ,pr9per;tyby ,prjVqte con- gerns'., ,p,lJrren.ny thJls account recor:ds rece,; ptsfor the:Oa~ KnoJ 1 "fac,;- 1: ity. TMs' sine' r,'ental is :admlni'ste red 'oy ,Ai1iTii'ni:strati ve Se rv ice's. I N50 SignalmasterID 4 Rent:: RenJpa.id by'S,jgnaima,s,t,erfor proper;ty ren,ted W thi~: cab;l ete:l~vi(si on companyf,or: egu.ipment (e .g., antennas, ftc'.): :1 hlcated in 10: 4. .at the Boca Raton ,ReservoTr siite.'Th'e :s,ite rental is aclmi ni'sJ;'e teel by CcfrllTlul1ytySer!Ji;feS. I' 7360! Fac,i 1 ft i':es Ren'tal: A fee pa,id by the public. to r;eserN.e'~and ,secure the use. of' parok sites: ana. str;uctures. Th,; srenta,l 'fee is admi nistered by C6fil:\1uOi[ty ,Servi,ces. 'I' 7:3Si. Dock 'Equipment Rental;: Rental of' 'f.i~shi,ng appa~atus used at .Lake Poway~ ; ~ : Thtsa'cCoun,t has been ,comb'i ne'd 'into account 7363. ,I, 7,362 f,ir,e Faci'l'itfes Rental:" l~ent pi1-ii1by ,other fire d.epartments to ~~e tra',;n.;:ng 'structures' :and equipment 'SUCh as the, training' tower.. Th,is accQIHl.f ,g'q'dmthi ~te recibYSiif,ety !Se rvices. 'I' 7363; . ,') __. ~ ,_ __ " o. _ -'. I _ . _ -'. '", . Recreation Equipment Rental:1 ,Rental ,fee charged to the p,ubJ,i c to use , . ,r;ecreatton: equipment at.'the Lake 'and Conrnun,i!ty; Center:. Tnts account: ts 'I, :i1-d(nJbiIst'er,ed. by' :Coillnu1iily :Ser:iii !:E!s, j,37cO Concession Lease: Rent:. .1>; ren'taifee, pa,id as a, fJercentageof' i ncome, for on,.s,t.te ser:v,i ces 'o,fferea by ,a pr; vate conCern ihafoperates; at.a dty Ii facimty'. " -- - , - ~ , CO,llcess jon'tl)com,e is p'r1mar:i lyg,en~rate.dby 'the fOj1cess i ona,] re, 'at t;he :1, t:ake., Add:i tronal revenue, is' derived from a snack bar oper;ated at 'the - - -' Colflnun ity Cehte r'. Comrilun,ity Se1;vi ces mClnUor:s, .the conces'siona,ires. I 7,380; Gr;oup Rentals; ,,8. tee Raid b~the llubl ic 'to re'se~ve an,d, ;;J,cu.re. tl'le ,!se Qf' p,~r.k' s,i,t!!,~! Jhel r;eserva1;,i'o.n pfoc,ess,i,s admi~i'ster:ed ,by COrrrnuJ!J~Y Serv.;'ces. Thi.s'account'i s ,being' phased out, and pevenue'recorded to '7360! I 7'391 Overn.fght. CampingSi teRental;. Renta,]f!!e ...:paj d Rythl! pub] i:~ 'tQ cliri]p in des,ignated sites at the ,campgr;ounds at the Lake., 'Thiis activtty is I mClntt9red, by' C,olT!'Tlyn,jit'Y' Servrce:~. Ihis a:cco,untwill be ,ccimboirfe'd, w,ith 7B60. I I , ;2 !I 6 I \1' REVENuEF:ROM OTHER AGENG-I ES:' G) ty I ~^< soare 'oJ revenue co 11 ect,ed gy 9Joftr i90,ye,rri,., \: mental ,unHsand th'en 'pa id, 'to the, GUy' ,as subventions; a.1,so, used to account' t;or . '. 1;l!.hdfng .fe~!l;i~~ec!. frpin ,feciera1, state, 6'r other. puli1Tc. agenties,for,specMi'c, '. ,p~ograms ,grants, or pr.llJects, ' " 7.401- 'Revenue, from ,Other 'Agend'es - P'ubl:ic: . Recvenue recehedfrom other' ,I' ;R,u,b,J:;cc: e,nt,ij:";e"s,, ,sl.t~I1',!?sch!lol;s 'and ho'spttil'.1S" 'fo'r'ci parttcuJ'ar pro~ , ject or,activi ty., iZH,OM6tor 'Vetifc1e\ j'n L;',eu: Incluaes revenue dei';,1ved f~om Secd:on Ji00!50fl' Revenue and Taxat,ion Code. 'rhe (anhua1 fee i'S 'set, at :2,% M the, depr;e,,' Ci'a'te~'ma-rkrf"'va'l~e.~,ot ,m.jtQr~e,hic.les. l;t:\e, ;?~g,te keeR,? abou,t,50'yd?f' , thfeC01~11etC~l,on ana, dlstrnbutes the rest. to ,C,lt.]esmonth1y on the bas],?, I' 0, po,pu a 10n.; 74Ti ,0.ff-H'i9hW. aYM.otor 'Vehicle,.ln. ,.l'i.'e. u. Fe.es:. ~t,!~e..' rem.J.t~ t..'.h,iS feE! 1(e~E'?O,- 'I' nua1.1y to ;the; ,C;,i tY, a~"a, p~rc.'M?jtE-, a.rnount.,.. loX?, ~ev.e~,ue,.Is apportio(led and 'c1i1Te'cted:under,' Vehoi,t1ie, Code Sections 3824o;(a) and, 38230;. . 7420 State Afd to Lota,l Agencie's; Q,tjiifr 'st!lte r"evehu~'not otnerwi se ,I' class,iified,;such asa sUbv,entMn or ,~r;ant. . , '7421 Eeder:'~'l,Aja fo Loca.1 Ag'eh'c,ies':. F.eCl.er:~l r~ve-n. ~~~e,c.,~li;>t. snot other,wi:se I: class1ifled such 'as) ,a grant, cons~trllc~'1 on" '1I1P,1;1 eutal$,es,' ' 7439 .Ga. so. .1...Tne'..T. .ax '~... 2..r06:' :I'ncjcude~nev!!nue de. r:,ivedf.r:omsecti:>n iiol5 ,Of. the I' Stre!!J i!Pd, Hrg~ltay, COQ.e., The State remltS a f,lxed, amount .monthly ,.to v " theC,i,ty,. ,Md;ttona,py;, ,the G,tty shafe?i'OJd, R'OttWnl].f the over'a'l'l ' ba,se s,u~ ttiat~ is not di(?,trjJi,uted to th,e fOLJn,tfes i!nd,thlis~f!l:OIJn:tils I 'apport,10ned on ,a, 'month1'y basls.. :7431 Gasoline 'Tax -210;>:'; I ritludes revenue roeri ved 'from Se'cl~i'ori 2107.' ot: :the, :Sta-te, and Hi;gtl't"p.y ,Gode,. ~"'he,paYnJent patt,ern for t,h}sa,c,t.QH,ntis'the 'I.' sam'e .as ;rore" 7430', T:he 'tax i's' coUJ~cted aSj,a.namoun,t per ga 11,0n andi?) dls-tributedfo c,i,Hes,as a peretap,iita"amount. ' ~ - - -- - '743'2 ,Gasoli ne Tax - 2,1-07 .'5:: IJ1~J:IJcl.es revenue' aer-i VEld 'from 'Sectton:2107. 5 I 'of the Stre,eetand. Highway G,q,a,e. T,h,e,s~,t:,und?, are ~n:oc~te'd ,a-niluaTly fo tho e ,cay based )iPori' 110puJ(ition ranges<,. Th,e G.'i.ty..".s., PORJ-l'la;t,j. M mu..st I" illcrease :to 100,000: b'efo'r'e there 'i:sa change,i n the .br"ack~tj [amount,. 74:40 Gi'garetteTax:1 1 n,cJIJ,de,s , re,v~il,u'e der.ive~d',,'!rom ,.s.ecti~!ln30f62 oftM . ' ,/ Reve~ue and'!ax~tii,911 ,Code., .The; St!',J~. re.r.rrJ&s t'1llst.ax. month,];}' to. ~he I St(ite 'angad;Justs th.1s 'amount, qua}'terly., ;rhisl ,tal5,' LS 'iiJ 1ro~!ltE!,d ~a.?,~a on"a' seriesof"fo'rmulasi that' can be' rough,ly equ,lvalent 't!l i! 'per cap.iJa - :,~. ',. .~'. , . -.- _.J_,___, ." _ _ ,__' . ' .' .- .,-- ,,' ~,L;. ,'1. ~ ... amounf ,and .:t.oan al(loui'lt' that; ajlp,tgX.jiJj~t~s. 'a ,r:at'i'o b.f C,i ty "ssales' tax I "tp ot.l1er :C,lt.1es"sal es tax' throughout' the ,Co,u_nJy.~ 745(r Grant Revenue; generaJcaJ. ~go.'ry t)eadin.~ used tof,nd'i cate; that account.s I 'co,dedfrom 7...450 to 7499 ,r;eprese,nt ,gr:ants,. ' . 7451 Greant ,Revenue- CountY:; R~_li~hjje~~te]i~,ed'from t.~e ~bunty t9rs~e.c~,fYS . programs~ , ..,Current41y, the) Crty' ha? rJ!ce~vedfundlng for ,a hsh ,hat;l1,tat, 'I" at the La~,e. , ... :1, ,I, , ?47 - I: '7453 Feaera} Revenue. Shar'ing: .tnc'l udes revenuepafd: .quarterly by th~ , federcal,government under lne :State 'and', lodiTAssistance Act ori1972. I _' ',,7 ,- ~,' H_~r' "."c_ .>-.-~ - ,-, - J",- -_.... - - ~".-, ' ....... - Rev~nue,i;~: dt?trib,uted, based on il formu.l a that comb,i nespopu'l a t,i on and taxing, authorlty. ' I 7455 GranT Revenue HES.-FAU: ReVen'ue received from Hazard El'iminaUon and 'Sg.tety (!,IE~) AND, ~e,gej-alAi~- to, 'Urban.'CF,AVf.' CllI"r,enflyrevenues ;in ~hi'~ :ac'c;ount, iare for 'speci,fic streetimprovements'pr6dects whe,;e, I fundi'ng ,is 'froin thelstate 'as' admTnFstere'd oj Cal'ti:'aris. ,- -- ,- ~ -~_.. -- " .7456 Grant,Revenue, . FAU: Jhtsaccount has: been combined wfth 7,f55. I 7457 ,Grant Revenue:, - DtS : Revenue received from ,the slate Office iJf' Ira fnc' ;~af.f!!W for speci,fi'c'grilOts;' iCurrert.iy thi:S~!accoijrit: i's 'inactive.' " '. ,7.458 Gran'j; Rev,enue- jobs: B:ill::' Revenue receiVea from the. feaera'l .govern'-_ J1)e,1)tu.nQ!,!r' th~ jobs, Ilills jJrogta!1i. purrenfly this: account, . is in,active. I' .Z459 Street Mil:infenarice' Funds .,... SB 300: Speeia.lall'ocatJoh oJ .State funds " _ - '~._ - - , -- ,-~.. - '. ~- - . 1"'" lQ be 'l!,sed stricJlyfo,r road mai ntenanc.E!' No f.u,nd:ing ,i:s ,antic,ipated 'after fiscal 'year '1981:).,.87,. ., :1, 7.460 'Grant Reveriue ,- S6 174: Gra!1t reven'ue from the' ?taJ;.e for ~p:eCi(Uc p~rk iJTlprq\l,e.m!!t!tp.rgj,eG.~s aSiappr:,ovedllnd.er Senate BiTl '174. Current:jly thi,s ;account ,is i,nactIve. , I 7461 ,Grant Revenue J'.ark Bond Acts :1980, .1976, .ete: Grant 'i'ev'enu'e from the :1, .sta,te:.fo,r sp.e,ci~fic;;pa.r,k. ,ill1prov,emE!Jltprojec;ts a,s' ,appr'ov.~a by' 'voters under 'various bO!1d acts'. ' ' 7'467 Grant. - FueJ Eff.icient Tr.afMcS,igna,l Program: To account 'for !frMf ~I, rey~.nIJ.l:!r:.ecejNed fora. 'study ,to i,det.e,rTl!in!! ,tM 9Pt:imum~t;5ini.ng 'f"or City, traffi ~ signal S'. I 7470 iGranfReveniie .,. lransp6flat,ion Deve10pmerit,Act:: Sfate [evenu.e fO!!I!ii.SS trans it imp,r~o,vement. 'progr;am_s sU,ch,a~ bij,cYc,ll:!il1)prove[l1l:!!lts,. ,Revenue norma'll'y ,pa id as'r;e.ifubulj,~,ements ~o the, Ci ty :for spec:i ftc 'tmpr;ovement' I 'project's,f,unded ,as a I~ol"t ion', of the Ar;t; cle '3 ,allocati'ons ,admi n.i.stel"ea by SANDAG. 747~. Grant,Revenue'- Of.free oJ CrimtriaJJushce: statereveiiue for a, c'r'iri1e, I 'prexenj;.i'i)l] pr;og~alllt<u.r"el]tly b~i.r)gpres,l:!l]ied ib toe, CiJy 'S,$hooJ,s,hy the Safety Services Dl:!par,tment in conjurictton"w.ith the schools. " I Z4n 'Grai'itReveh'ue':- CDBG8th Yea'r: A,CC()LJnts: 'for revenue fuMed bY~h'e' 'feC!e,ral' gqv(:!.rnm(!.ntunderth,e' ,8tti ~n()cati6nY,eg.r:for' the. pO_nTnuniJy " D'evelopme'nt Bl.ock Grcant progr;ams., The progr;am reimburses' cost inc,urred, I for 'ilpp'royed: Projects'. The,Coiihty 'iiS theppimar;y ,rec,i pient of the: funds. '7.474 :Graht Revenue - H6us,ing iaridCorrinun,i ty Development: Federall :gran'€: I prggral)l tbCi,t 'i's no l:ongel' uSl:!d:. 'I , .. -. 248 ,\ 7475 Grant'Revenue ?TDA,_ A'r'liicle 4,.5':: state ,granl.ailmi,n,i;ster,ed.by ,SA@AG I. 'fior',:th~i 9an~A'-gide'- pJ:qgpa.mforthe eldef,!:y ana. hanij,fcapped, c'i;tizens. Funai ng is remit~~g.monthly' 'by :;~N.PAG. T;ITe originii lalTtfcat,i'ori i;s. :par't I 'of ttie,~-centTDA,sa 1 es 'tax ana, speci al~,i str'ijct. 1!,@mE!r1tafio'ri;' for ;r:eyeQ~,e,. 7477 Gi;ant .Revenue - corfG 9th Year: Actbunts for 'feaeral reVenue fuMed as 'I pa'rt of the 9th year allocati'on ot"Gonmu'ni ty, Dey~ opm,ent,Bl o-c~ Gr'!..n;t, 7AZ8 Grant Revenue, -CDBG rOth, Ye'af:': ,Same 'as: a:ctount 7477 except :EHe" I 'fund'i,ng' :year i;s, ten-. ~748r Grant 'Rev.enue. ': CDBG nth Yea'r;: Same' as 'i47,j except the fund;,n~ year '. i's eleven., 748? Grant Revenu-e - CDSG! F2ttl Yea!':' 'Federal 90mmunHy p,~ye;lQpmE!rjt, Blod., ;. 'Grant, al lo~at,;o,Q:; t'iie:lfth year ,ent,Ulement. , '7483 Grarit 'ReveriUe - GOBG' -13thvear:. F~c1~ ral C.QlJ111unj~ty DeveJQPiilei]t: ~:lbc~ :1; Grant a lI'oc_i1t~ oD..:; thj rteenth,yea'r eriti tlement. CURRENT FEES, AND ,SERVICES':; Revenue 1.n the 7.50p s~ries 'r:epres_e,nt.~ ~.tlar;g~~t.o th~ il pubTit;; ,t;or si!rvic,es, ,or co[iffiod:;t;;E!:s. Revenue, tn theseae,count seri;es, represent,S ;f;ees, 'forserrv.ices ,or ,p,rodu,cts'., ' 751p: Carid.,idale, Fj,l;ng F,ees: 'Fee: p'!id by can,didCit!! fQr City COllnc}! .office. '. Th_e ,C;ily l;,j,e!'k'estimates and mo'ni tor;s th,i s ,account,. Reve~ue ifs r:ecei,Ved.onlY -i~: el~tlton: 'Y'~ars. I ,752.9 iSaJ es :ahd. Service: Revenue rece,;.ved ,from 'thesa-le 6f water ,sewer, and ~ <' ..... , .. '-' ..- - -. ~---"'- ., . . Jran~ itj :servi'~es' UfiTily r'ev.enue.. is'recorded bimo'1thJy .!lsb:ii,n~c1; Trans i't:;;ervtce rey,en_~e; s r:e'c'~rae'dmonttilYJ and repr:esen'ts, the ope,ra~ I tor"s 10% {ar~ bo)(: coll!!cti~n ~Mchis Il~rtcif a :g'ross revenue. concept, requ";,redby .the' state t;or i!udit,pur:P(lSeS~ TJie' :ift;i lit',Y rates h'orma.l'l'y Cite :set~nriually. ily'r:escil:ution'., '" I' is-if SaleSi'- Unmeterea water::; Inter,lm water; service provtaeQ .il,tj ~,ttes ,~b~r-e ther;e' are no meter,s' 'fo'f' ,acHv';lti'esi such asconstr.uction 'and "and~ I scaprng. . WaEerse[vtce its bllJeg )n<!huanj based. on ml nJmumchar,ge for :rie~ijdent,ia"user.sai\d area !size felr unmetefeq slbpe,waten'; 7522 sates - SDGWA'IRamona Water,:iWater soIdb~, 'tl),e iC;f:ty !;(lJI),e I~~'~ Dj~e:9'9 I CollntyWater; ,Auth'ori~y'for'.!Lsg ,by tl)e, Ramona Mlm-i'crpa';JWat~rD,i strtct i n'accordance ,w,icth a cont17actuaT agreement.R'evenue' 'i s 'r:ecorded, _, ~ . ,_ .;- _, . " ~ '. _ ' " ~ -.... _'1'""__ _~' J- monthlt ,as serVice: is I),i 11 ed. . Z523 In'terdepal'tmenta! Utili ty Chal\ges':, ~ha'rges ,f,br' water 'alld ;;ewer !ientice, '0' -" 'PJQy,i.def,1 ,f1qr'i nternal use! 'with, th~. (l,ity., 1he pi'11 ;n9 'system, automat,i- 'ca:Wy' b,il ,1's ,tl)e.metefed iaccounts'. :1: I , ;I! , "-' ,~ l 21\9' . , I: 7524 Delinquericy Charges~, Sales: A 1afefeeasse~sea toiJtj1iitj c1!ito'!l,ets I .....hQ hi!v,.e: .f-a',i 1 edto ,pay; t,tJe,j r bi 11 ~ .' 1na 'timEl1Y!I1C!,l1ner ..Th,e fe,e ,current:1,):'i.S a percentage, o,f the,unpa i d, . ball ance. 7525 Hy1:ll'fantMeter Ser'iiiceCti'a-rges: A fee, cliarged to: persbnswho use 'fi're I Qydrant ,\'!S!ter ,me,~ers c1uri:ng c6nstru,c.tion.C~rrel1ny a fla,t te"e of $:10 'is; charged., I 7526: Reconnect,i on 'ari'dliurn-"on Fe'es: ,A fee 'cnargedto uoti.n;ty. ,customers to ',.". - -. - .~._- - -~" .-,- -~.. - .". --... ,'- - - rees,t,apl ish s~rvi cE,!..' ,GlJrrently' the .f~,e; is af);at le,(!,asse,s,s.e.d to cgyer !I the labor; cost, oJ the meter reaaer andvarfes from $1-5' to p5depend.i.ng I ;on 'th'eh6Llrs the: servi'ce' is' prov,ided. -..'\ Interrupt,i b.1'eWa te rIAg ricu au ra,lRebate: A ,Sr;,ec1,jt tssue,dby, lSD,CWf,t'tha t 7,?28' reduces 'the 'cos.tof 'water ,to the Gity and, the G;ity,':sagrtcultura;l '. users. 'Ttie 'i:J.iscciUnted tateper'mfts' MWD 'the .i:'igtit to decr,ease (i ntefruJlH d.l!1i verY by :ill1 agr.:e~cl l!l1.o~~,amoyrit. 7529 Sales Gapadity' Chilrges:: Fixed ,cost based on meter size assoc,iated w,Uh I t,tJei water m(!t.er, i.h meter re,a,din'g, 'repafrFf'e.'p.;lacemenf ofrnete'r, 'etc. 7Ei3b Pump,fng - Iti ;#1:; Charges 'bi 11'ed 'to, w,ater ,ut{Hty user;s' for water I pumpi ngrequ,ired :toserv,ice an: ar.ea. The 'purpose'is to recover the ~]'e,str,';;c,aJ eflergy cosTs, 'The pumpin'g for 10'#1 fs to. 1 iit wateffo,'the Hi 9 h :.',a 1'1 ey are,a'" ,- '- -~ .' '.- - - - -.- - -. -..- -. -. - ~ ,I " 7,531 Pump}ng - 10#4:, ,Charg'es. bi'ned ,for pumpi hg in~anorama, Ants, ,I!!omas Yerq!!sj, afld;porti9ri? oL ~tQrieridge. a,ifea;s. AJso ,s~'e,atCOl,lI1.t .7530 for I .furtherexp.1 anat;i on., 75~2 Pumpi n'g ~or(jhar;d',S,i1 ve'r 'SaddTe, A73 : Gharges bin edf,orpump,ing ,i'n I t,DearE!~,si.9.enJ:i,fi,ed!ls 'Nortbcrest, P.~T 'PQ!1Xe'i1.te '!lr!dll:orUo,i1s' oltbe GI'een Vall ey areas. Also, see account 7530 ,for fllr,ther expl'anati'on. !5~3 RUmpf"g ;- Doh'art: 'Charge's' oiTTecf .for' pump';ngi,n ,the Donart Dr;,ve I S,ervi,ce,'area 'A1,so s,ee ,ac90urit :7:539 JorfuJ'Jhefexpla.lliltion, 7.534 Rum .i n - Conlia i'r,: ,Char;ges ,liff'ted: ,{or pumpi ngto Conva,i r-Sy,ca,more ,. Canyon Pomona Faci,.l'i:ty i'nthe City of. :SimD,iego A1 so ,see account 7.530 fot' fUrther exp,l'aliatHfn. .. 7~j5 'Pumping ,- RadreTransit'Mix: C,l1Arge,s ,b,! ],lltd .for;- Padre Transit Mix .. ,waterserv,iCe.A'1~o ,seE! a~cco,ul1.t 7!j30for .f,ur(her exp,lana"t'io,n, PUmtfing '"": Came'lbaCI<J: Ctlarges, ,bJ,jJ'edto the AHa Ml.ra. Reservo~'r ;se.rving 7536 . lfa!<E,! ;P()w,ay 'p~rl<~nd~aJer '~erVite, Ar'ea v.I. A1 sosee'atc"6unf 7530 for 'further' 'e~planati'ol1" . Charges r.-___ __ 75~7 Pumping L ,'- Woodc'l iff.: billed to',water pump,ing to Water' I Assessment iD,istri,c,t: 7.9"1. Al'So s'ee accljUh,t 7530 ,for furth'er' expfana t.i on ~ . 7540 Expansion: Fees;;Cl)arg'eRM5lfo'r ~he' 'Rriiinege of d6ining tlie, water or 'sewer ut.i,;lity setvi c,e~ sy,stem.Th,is fee i,s' paidwhi!ne,yer c.e,ve1:opers; ift new utTnty Users .apply'forserv,ice tn:a new'area'. ,I , ,~ -' '250 '. 7542 Connection, Fees!: Char,ge p.l!Jd Jorutj!,ljty ser,yi,!;e, b,ase,d on, 'me,te,r ,s,lzei' ~I Connectfon' 'fees ar;e :normany; pa'rd on1'Y",B'y lndlv,iduaTs requi:r;;ng hew ,I ser;.v,i ce ,rather ,than, tiy the" la~ge .deve1'6[iers whoexRaria fh'e 'lifi l'Hy . ,'" "t ' ' ' - ~ . ~ "- . , "sys JllJ1", 7544 Aamini'stliati,ve Rev,enue: Gostliec'over,Y- f;6rstaff, per'form.i'ng s'e'rvices I that beneHt:a1'imitedpublTc: 'o'r'diffe[[nf a,c~'O:Lilfri:nge,nt{ry,. Adm; hrslr.i1tiv,e . j:eY~~Lit i ncjJ,yqes '~l!.C:,hi t~ms, '!.~ oV,!!rh"tad ~h?rg!!,s", an,g 'c;ostr;ecov!!ry for 'staff 'pos,i:tion,per,for;ming work 'for the/R'edevelopmeiit I Agen<;,Y,.. 7546 Meter :Iristanat,ion: Gh.~rge:~or ~E!tfing: ~nlj cOQIll!..~t.1:!)g wa,t\!r meter,an,d, \a,~era l"s ~h,e,n~Qecessar,y, whene,ver a n,E!w' fnsta1,laJion.. ts re,q~esfed.' I ,Meter rnsta'llati'on, is cased. ~on. 'fixed chai;ge and: lateral charges are, ba'sed 01'1' 'afil<ea.fee 'and'l,or actua,l Co~st. ~7,548 Street, L'igh't 'Energiz.ingFee:, Thi;s\ fee' cov,er;s, ,the cost of street l'ight: I operat,i'onsandma intenance fr'om>the ,time a 1 ightis' ener;giie'd 'until' 'it-. ;'5 ,annexea fntO the '1 ighfihg' ,diS'tf-i,ct.After' annexati'6n:.costs are I recClv.er;ecnhfoughp,r()p~rty ~ax' ro1,J: asses,srri.ej,t~ ,.. .. " ,~ ." ~ i!f50 "ff,igh Vo) ume Sewer: Sewe'r s'e'r;v-i.ce' char;gesb,;hed to corrmercta<l user,s as' ,part Ot the uti 1 ity system. B,i 11 i n9 ';'Sl 'bas"ed ;ori '~atHco~,sjjfnp~i on" I '7.~51 ;Annexati on Fees ,- Genera.l':, F.e.~ pald forthep"ri:,v,'tle.gei of join.ingfhe, sewer'd.i'strict. J 7!i,5? Ah"n"exat.iori Fee -; .DerNorte, Taxes: Wh'en sewer service 'was o,f;(er;ed 'to --.. __ ~"'_<.._ . ..~ . C_,,,.__. .... _.,. -, .}' ,._ thi'sar;ea', the 'consumer.s had a ch6:i:ce 'Of using 'severa'l 'payment. opti:6ns~ I 'Thii:S account fetor:ds' thls fee cha:i:;ged 'i n' tenannuar'i'rista:nmentS r'j!gor.il~d . q:r1;. Wl p}"opetty 't,ax r'o:ns.. ~ ~hF~ i,a:re~is;Cl'l~. Knownil?' Ass,\!ssmeQ..t ,~i:stri'ct 7;J:"~.,~~\(~nu!!J".\rom7~-lhas basi ~a'1Jy, been '. co:1le,cted lOath, the except,l'onof the de'l, nquenc., es'," .7-553 ,Ahnexano'ri Fee ~ 'KozyCrest :Taxes': Silliil'ar to faccount. 7552',; out 'th'e :i<p.zy ~re~t' 'area, ts' ~ssessmellt Di:stri ct80~2. :R~yei'1u~is~hti:ci;pa:J,ed I t~~ough r~9o. ' - . - ~'-_.' -- " ' - 755!1 :Annexa t; on .Fee - Green' 'Va'j jey Taxes,: Simi'i'ar: t,o account ~,552' ,but for, . the Green: Va.lley area, 'Assessment Distr,id 80,..,:lo. Revenue ,i's ant,i!c,;~ ated' thf"oij'h 1,990. p" "g,. ' ~. 7555 S"ewer,Serv.ice TaiRo,it - F'i'scaj Year 1981-,1982>: tn pt"evious ,ffs,caJ I years', the sewer service charges 'were cO,l"1'ected on He tax ron asa frat. '.;ate charge., Th~rs acco"ifrit fecol1ds' these,de"'inquent~ char;ges as t5ey' ,a ~e ~befng con:ec'~e.d. I . . - . 7556 Inspection Fees": 'Fees 'charged'. by 'thepul1r1c, works, department tor 'on- si.t~ i niipectMm oJ' water ahc!:sewE!'r Fj.ne~" grad,ih'g, ';hspect,ion" etc. ,I 7557 A'nhexat,iori - Map, Check',fees': . 'Processing, fee coflec,tedi'n connect,ion with,.sewer'map reviews' for 'hc'f6kiJp charges". ',I ... ..,,'.. --'-,-' -..--. -",' . .1' ~ I, 25,1 " ,I ',7.560 Su rcha rges - :WGI':: Sewer serv,i,ce char,ge' for ,wastewater cap,ititi. improve-' ment. I' 7,562 Rumping Changes' -"St. Andrews: Rev,enu~deri,ved, from 'ut\l'ity" cU,~tomers .who ar.e assessed, f.or the energy coSts: of 'transmiss;i'on 'throu'gh, the, pump I, statton located on St. .AndrewiVto service ,tMsarea. 7,563 'ffumPlng: Gharges- Gami node,l .van e: Same; as 7562, but. for' the :Cami no' I .del Vall e area. z"!16fl 'Pumping Gharges: ~ Del :ll6nfenYe,: saJlle asZ562:, b,uji for the ,Del' p,clniente a'rea'. " I 7.566 'Dra'inage FeeS':'. Fee' char;gea toass,iSt i Ii 'oyerall erosi ohand d'ra,ihage, :Rr!lt~ctj()I1' f;aC,i:l),tie,S, ~nil, t~rracil1g. ' .1 i570 ,Plann,ing Fees': 'Fee charged, for the review of dev,e'jopment'ap'pHcatfons 'by thePlanntrig Services Deliartrlieift. , _ .~_ ,.... _.. . _ ~_ 4 ." _, _ _ .. _ _ -" _ _ - I c:t5'H Env.1:ronmeli'talRevtewFees; ~,eespaW for'consul~tp.rM hir,ed ,by'~he tfty to prepare Draf.t Emi.i'ronmenta'] Impact Reports, i(HR) for; the, P'lanning ,Serylces Departilie~rit, ' I ,7,572 ,Mi'scel1 aneous PI anning ,F.ees: Fees co'l'1.ectecl, by pl'a,nnillgS,e.rvJces, to recover' the icostof 'services, such asjpho'tocopJes~; ,tiookl'ets and, maps. I ,75:ta Bui'lding Inspection F.ees: ,Qha,rge~ f~r 'blJiJdil]g Pj!r:!fIiJ:s alldass,oci,a'tecf. inspeCtionf.or such, items as remodel ing", fencesi!etc,. I 7574 Mi'scellaneous legislat,tve, & Admir'l.i'stratiite Fees: Fjjes coTlec:teljbY CUy ,CJ erk, C.ij;y,MaI]1.Iger" Q,i ty A\tonn~y, a,ndAgmi,n.istr!!,t;ive Servic~s for thesaJ e oJ :pilbl'i'cat,i ons;,dociJments, 'and for :photocop,y,in,g, serv'i,ces.' I PSan Check - Ch~fge~ for erigf.r1E!erlng re'{{ew of co]sTruc't\oll ,7575 Revenue: pJans an,d maps., Revenuere~orded represen!s t,lle, ~ver:headcha[geSf!lr 'I eng ineeKing consU',l tarlts "and :sa I ary 'and ove rhead, re imbu rsement' t;or C ityr ~1fgt!l,eeiT@ sJa,H. ' " 7576 ,Misce'li aneOUSi PUll:l i c ,Services' Fees: Revenue recei,ved for sale of ,I pUb'l tcat ions, bid ispec,i,f,icat,i ons;' 'etc. ' by .'the pub);i'c: S'ervices Depar,tment. ,I: y ,7;57'7 Inspect.fon Revenue F:ees: Rev~nlie re~e\ve9 'for o:.n-si,te ;nsp,ecHo,~'s:inade by~h.e Publi:c,,~S,e.rv;cesp,eIlClrtrnen.:t other than those i,nsp'e,c~i OilS con- n'ected to uti I Hy 'inspection. I, 7!1l11 EngineerIng Staff TirlieReimburs'eme~t'! Reimburseme!"t _f,r;o~,prT~a!e , ' ~eV~l:op'ersfor,engineeti.l]g 'sJC!ff -t)me 'spent 0.11 ,boundal'Y adJustment, revi'el<,I'sarid otlier I11Tscetlaneous engineeringserv;ces,.' :1: ,7,579 'Miscerlaneous, :Safety' ,Serv.ices' Fees:R~veillfe te!=~rvedby the ,Safety: ,Sel'vicesDep,artment for 'the' sale of p,~jj,J'iica~i onsj, perrn(ts, haz,an:lou.~ I: in.a te-ria,l S c reaniip" etc ~ , l .- ~2 I ),580 ,~e,;'surei Contracts': Rev,enue r,ec~,ived 'fo-r r~cr~at!Dn. p'rograms, t.tiat. are' I ledb}! outs,fde, instructors';'. e',g." gY[l!na?ti,c,?, tJ ny to~t, ~afi!.te. The recrea,t'j o,i)p'!!'FcTpants pay"a ,fee' ttlat. ,offsets' the cost of the, indivi -, I' 'dual .c,l~ass. . ' ?,58tRecreat.~6np"..o. qrams.:., "Bas,;catly' th~ .sam,e, as account 7580, ,Q~J: the: I re~rea,tJonalclassls, .conducted. :by. Cl,ty ,employees., . 7582 Recr;eati'on ibf(i,cia'}s: "Revenue c()Tl:ecte,c:l f.,l!,r sO.Jtb. ~\l.] ump.jfesfr'om the I" l'el!gue teams;C,ttY1remi,ts amount to ,softball o,ffi,c'ia,,l,?,': 1583 South Poway. Engineeri ng 'f;ees;. Thi's ;,!tcount ts used, to recoup fhe sa/a:rc~ ;and,Denef.J~ ,~,?s~,S!OrEn.~i neering ~taff 't;iif[~~"spe'ci'fiicel,lly ,the I cost, .of ttiel ,SpeClal ,ProJects En~me,er. ' 7584, V'ehi cle ~a.inten~n.te, Fee" - Sher.Hf:, . R.ev,enu.~' .;r.~~ce~Ve? ,_f~om the;,count,y I f,orprovldmg :mInor serVlce onshenffs' ve.h;l~,l~s :as~l'gned to, Poway. ' 758,!) :Yea..r..1Y..' Veh.i. tl'e. 'arid EQuipment Renta,ISerVice Fee: ,Re'1,talfee C!1igged. t,o." '. us,i ng departments to recover the cost of' acquj r,ing a replacement . v~hkte; or 'mobi"i e e,quipment'.o ' " '. . ;758.6 Yea-r.1Y'.c.aPi:ta.I.. butla.y Rentaj,:Renta'i fe~~,harge(t t.~ lIs,ing d~epartl1l~nts '. 'to re,COV!!r the replacement cost o.f acqu!r"lngmater,l'alasse,ts such,as, ; ,word processors, c!lmpute.rsj, etc. ' ' 758,9 'To~ing .Cont'fat~~s,: Revenue, r~ce'~'Ved 't,o relmburse the ,:C);t,y fo.r:~iring,., pn,vate compan! E!S to, 't!l"! a, vehlcl-e as part o,f' 'e1 'nu,lsance' [abatement 'p" rogram. " , (' '1' I 7590 Aiiiblilan'ce Fees: Revenue rece';V,ed 'f.r;om userS of ~he,paramed'/c ambu,tanC;e, : serv,i ce prgv,i d~qWSaJetj' 'Ser'V:i ees. 7591 Ft~e, P.fo'tect,ion Fee: ,A fee: based on "a fire; 'flow ,calcu)'atTon.1:Ms fee ,I . c '1.~. .. - " .- -. ~ _. _ - <~" ... c 'i',s'co,l.,lecte'd; on the, tax roll. ' ' "\. ],5'92, Weed Abatement:, ~~\ienue r\ece,ived :r.r,om 'property o....ner;s; for ~c,l-eCl,ring :1 weeds,and ,debri's, frorilthei r ji'roperty,. Ttie weed' ana, vehi,cl e abatement ~ . ... _ , ..,. .~:'~".. '. ',' . "-1' - '-. - - " ( _ . , . . . ": --.. " p~qgramis aciinin,;:ster.eC!."bY S,a,ifety, 'Setv,i;~es.Most of the,r.evenuefs 'I' co,] I ected on the, tax roll. ' ; ,7593 Tr,a{fi,c Mi tigati'on Fees: f~es'pa,fd by :deveropers~ to ,lmproye, tr'a.f..fic 'f'low. or, mttigate trafJic:' c:o[1g~sfiQ~ ~ear theIr aeve,l opmenf srtes"'1 '7594 Tra,ffi,c' Signal 'Fee:: Feespafd' by lde,v~}opers ,to instan D,r, improve L traf~~C~Siignal:s'neiir ,th:eir ~eveJ.opmentsliteS", e '.p_, ". ".", 'I: ,Z595 ,Landscape Medlan Fees.: Deve.1,oRmenl;; fee R,a,l Q, ~Jl llllprov,e landscapl ng, ' .near the deye rOPrnen,t af;~a:. . :Z597 )Road Iinprovement, Fee- [j'eveioper: c~'imi'l:~r' ,to' ;~cc:oLint; "1593" but the I ~Gj:ty Council may sp~cHY the particul'ar"amolInt.,(),[ uS,ii9~', , I ,. ,I I 253 I. ,7.598 ,Poway:and Garden Roaa;S;rgna:i: Revenue rece,ived l:o.bene.fif a par:t.i.cula'r s,i'te. mts :account is, no longe'r active. Ii 7.599 :Road Impr;ovement - Mid'land: 'Revenue recei ved to'benefi t ,a par,t.icu.l iir sUe. TMisaccount is: no tonger' acMve. I: OTHER REVENUE: .Revenue tn the' .7660 ser-les represen'ts .co,jrecti on of.'genera 1 ii' obi) i.gatton debt, bond, proceeds,donafions',sail'e 6'f property; tet:uDds', 'M,Cl ,ettier' mHcHlaneousHicoitfe. .' . ' .. ".- -. ~-~- <----"" - - ".' - ~. , 7.i;"~o Bond 1 &. k - Orcnard Water oj str:fc't, taxes::, Inte'r:;est arid pr':inc,i pa 1 'I' 'redempt,i oncoJl ecttons for payment of Or;chard Wafer' Distrid bonds. Funds c;0J;]~~te9 t!1..r:O.ugh p.~op'~r,~y t.axes ar:e-froni,"":'(fe;1inqu~nt 'accounts , . on,l:y. as' the bonds hav,e been pa,id,. . :1' 7.6-11 :Bona I, &. 'R ,- . Gen'er;a'l Water Bonos', Taxes: Intei:estana principal . , 0~> - ~,~ . ",' - _.- '. ~'r '.'. . [e[jeIlJPt.jon cCllle,cti,ons, tor 'payment ~o~g,ener:at,Obl!.igat,ion wilter :bonds I j sSl1ed by' PowilyMunJclpal Water Di strj'c;t., ,CoTle.cted through pr;operty taxes ,asa. rate' per:' assessed value. The levy .i s 'in, excess' off tlie one .percentproperty tax rate. I 7,61-2 ,Bond I ,&. R - ]D #,l,jaxes: :Intere~t', apd princ~pal< 'r:ec!eIllP.t,ionco,ll;,ec- ti onson the, tax rolls for payment of' Improvement Distr;ict 1, Hfgh 'ValTeyarea,b6n-dsol7ig'i na'Hy i:sslJed:bY poway ,,!u!1j'ctp~1 WaJer lJi:S'tfjc~. I '7,613 ,Bonds Le& R -10 .#2 - :faxes: Inter!!st iln~ pd.ncipaJ redemptMn 'collec- tions ion: the tax.rol'l sfor payinent of Improvement ,D.istFict'2', ,bonds ,I 'b'ri;!jfOil.]1'Y ifs sued W :!19W}Y MUnrcrp~lW<ite r 1J1 s~ri'ct. 7614 'Bond .I r& R - i9Z5Bonds, Taxes:, .tnterest and principal red'empt{on . col'lect.ions 'for payment of 1975 bonds llsed to ,fj nance' the,f,ire 'station I ,and r'eFatedr stmi'Cture's fand equi pm€nt. lni,s' Hsue 'ts. ,a. g'enera 1 'o~ li,ga-' (Jign bongi s,~ued by'P,O,wilY Mu~ic)pal water Dist.ri;ct,' " I .7615 .:Bond I & .R' - Sewer 'B'onds, Taxes:' Interest and princ,ipai reaemp"tion, c91tections for 'PilYIlJ.e,(lt' of gEln!!r!il Q~ligafion seWer ,DQb,ds. Collected through property ta)(esas, ,a rat~ p,er asses,sed ~,alue.: The 'jeyy ;s i,[1; I, excess of: ~he'one p'ercept p,r.qper~y tal( rat~and"epresents, vari ous' debt; .issues: of Po mer ado County, Wafer Distr,ict.. .- 7616 Bona J& R,~ 1978 Ffhe Bonds\ Taxes: Interest andpr.incfpaT reaempnon, I' ... . '~.Ql j,ections ;forpaY!l1~,nt oJ J97lj Ftre 'Bond.s. 'coJ1.:'ecled ,thrQ@h pr9P"e,rlY taxes 'on annuaJ R'!si,s', I .7617 ;Bbnd :1& R,.AD 79-'1, Taxes,: Interest and,pr1ncipaf rec'lemptioncoiJec- 'tj:onsfOf paY.l1l~l1t ,ofA,D 79-'1 b'6nas. ,CQll'ecteq 'through property' taxes on annua;l bas.is'. I, 7,920 Proceeas, from ,Sale of' Bonos: fr;o~eedS fromsael e of debt instrUrnent; I,e;g,'r. bond, notef etc. ,. }62J Bend I'Ss'uance 'Fees:, 'Fees co.1XecteCl by ,the' tJty, or Redevelopment, A~ency'for ,the.sponsolishfP ot:a. d,ebt, tssue, l' , , , - 254 I' 7622; Loan Proceeds::: Thi:s: 'accounl, ls<used ,toaccoun'j;. for the~ece,ip,t of 'I borrowed funds. ," - - ~ - "'" - -~-' I 17,630, :P,r:emfum, On BondslNotes~ Am()\Jnj; .cotl1I!c.tI!,d; in ex.c;e~s oJ' t,he' fac,e va:lille !ofa note" bond ,or other;' debt instrument'. },.64o State L'i'cense ,Commiss ions:, ttamjl;fijg 'fees 'for ;;el'l in'g State of I~ :CalU otnia fisti,;:ng :litenses " CoJIE!c,ted at l~ke P.!lwaYi O,Q 4 :da ny, :~as;s . I 7'6'50 Oonations' - 'Community Servtces: C"o~tritl.lJJiQQ^si]1a,d.e.'pSi ~Ttjzens of ,Poway 'for pur,chase o,fequipment 'for Community Serv"i'c,l!sDepartmel1t', I Z651 Donations" Hre StaUon; Co~'trjcufi6i'1s: madeqy, c,tHz'ens ahd,organ;za~' 'tions iOf PowaY"for materiaVs all!! eqllipll!el1t' ,for' Sa,;fety 'SE!r\(i[ce.s. . ,76?~ Do'riat,ions "Paramed!ic:' ,Contr,fbut,ibn's made, 'by c,itfzens\and' ,organha-, I Ho,n,~ tl1,tl.enE!fj:t :pararriedi,cs: {of ,s'iIc,h "i'temsas: pa'mimed,i'c .e'gu,ipment'" sa fety' f,i;lms i 'etc. I 7653 Donilttbns '- Clyde Rexrode Mernoria,l!: :Cohtricutions made, bYC,i t,;'zens of Po~^aytn lTIemory ,of,G1ygeR~.xro,de', {lis! Cjty,lis Hrst, mayor. tnef,unds corrected are: payin~ for the constr,uc:tiol1 ora ll!el)1o.ri'a',} ,pav,iJ ;,011 'a,t, I Lake. ,poway. 7654 Donat,ions ~ .Generarl.:!General c6nttibutXons milce ',to the CUy wW\out I spec.ificat,ion a~Mi'use ofJu,nds' iiir'speci\fit op'ef:aJ;JI19 uJ]it:S.'., Us'u~lly, rnoneYi's', re'ce,i v.ed,for speci f';;c progral!1s ',or pr;ojecJson, a :11!l,n-'recu):TiI19 cas,i s. . ,. I i655~ Donations - Bette. Benaixen; 926tr,ib~J1Qtisi Jj:1!fde by th'e, estate arid the CH,izens in memor;y of B,etJe Ben,djxen 'for deye,lol1mer,jt of '"idling and I I~"i kirig ,tra',i.ls,in ,powa'yj~Donattonsi ,are ;r.,ece,ived pe rtod i;ca,ll y lhr;o\J~h()ut the year. 7,660 :Sa'le ,of 'Surp{us Property,:, p(:.oclti!d,S ,ofs:~leof surp,l us pr.olfe'f'ty ownea '. 'by ,C,ity. Col Jected, ,by Purc~asiing Depar,t,me,nt i,lfter s,ale, .of :pfoilerty declared' .assurp,l us by"Gounci'l. i, ' ,7665 :Developer ISubdii vYsion ., Dep'os'i,t Revenue:, Depos~!ts, ,made.; ,with, Pub,l i~, ,I Service,s Q~par!,rn~nt, by, 'd,!!ye1:opers, to cove"F ,engi:neering, i'nspect,ion and map :check'ing :o,f devel!Q~ers'C:()l1strui:t,ion R.roj~C:t:S:. ,I '7667 Deve,loperPar,Hci paHon,-, cap,;.ta,j nnprovemen"ts: ,Cortri"butt()ns ,fro(!l devel.opers J.o.rcapi,ta 1 'irnpro,~ernen,t'proJects; 'constructed by' ,the, Cityl Re9.!!v~10pmentA'gency. II 7670' Manda ted Gos,ts Recove ri,es: COtl'lectronsfr:om the State(o!' incrl!,a~es;!l ~ ." - . . costs' imposed by -1~g;,s\l~tion. Claj1mS ;filed aiinua.11y by Fi nance Department, :1; 767:1 Otlier Re,funcls: Refunds for ,Overpayments that 'ai;e no'€. accounted for in ~. .'~ . .' - . - . .,- pt~er re~und iilccounts~ I , I ' . I, 255 I; 7672 ,Refur-n'ea Check: Charges: Cnai;~es to c'ustomers for' c~ecksrefLJrnea by ,~he,jr ~iln~. Qoll;ecteqby',Qustonie.rSer,vtces. aJ t,irn.e .of re,sHtutiQn. I '7673 Wo r,ke'rs ,i, CompensaHon Insurance: Oivl'dends recei.ved on, 'Wof'kel;s>' Compensati'on Insurance' Premiums ;paid inptior Hscaj years aria is r'e!:e,ive.~ arlliuaJ,l,y,us.!JallY in June; _. ."~ I 7674, fnsurance 'seh.iements:' Pr,oper.,fy'isehtements awal'ded bYi nsui;ance'. I ]67,5 M,iscellaneous Income: Used fOf rE!cordi~ng LE!Ve'l,ue,;; nQtQass,),fi.E!d 'In any othe.r ,r,eve.nueaccount-. GoTl:e~tedatva'i'i'ous times throughoutj:the year. M.;sce:Uaneous income ,includes 'such 'th;in9s as phone:corrmi:ssion;" I publ i catfon sale's, 'fIa'riscri p"fi'ons" 'venddr (efuhas, etc. _~..,,- .....,_~....~__ ~_~, .__~._... ...._._~. ._.u_",_~' .,~""~ ~ _.". 76~8b l'nterfund transfers: Used to record': trans.fers of funds as, other I f,inanc,ing 'sourc'es or' loans between'! furids. 7681 I nterfund loans: loans, ,between funds. ,Account used for budgetary I, pu liPoses. 769,0 ,Year"endRevenue 'Cl ear.'ing: uS!l,ci:at: fi ~caJ Y:E!~r e~nd, to ~i:) os,e re,ve.nue. I 'account.s to 'fund ba l:ance, under, Jhe, ,g,l d acc,o,unti ng' syst,em. Thi:s' a,ccount iis .no }o'nget active out, rema,ins, toproV-ide 'title file for the old sY,5tem~ I !ASSESSMENT.DISTR'ICTS: Revenue in the 7,i60 :sef'.tesr,epresentS assessment, ,di stri'ct 'fLJl1d i;ng.. I: :7710 Assessmen't. Dis,tri ct M-l Rancho Arbo,l:ftos: C01,1,,!!cH onso,f assessments 'f;r;om, pl'opertY'owners in this, area' 'for landscap:ing and lTIa,intenance of Hopes. I 7-in . Assessment, Di'strict 8'6-3' Sunwood:GolTection of assessments, .from property owners .i'nAssessment Distri'ctS6'-3 'for 1 andscap:,'ng and, mai n- ~I (e,I]a:n:~~ Qf ?",l:ojie in Su_n,wog'dTr'att alclng Met-ate Lane. 'The reVenue is coll ected.on proper~y ta,)(, r9JJs with ass,es?merit based on a1:re~gE!' 7'712 Assessmerit, Dlstr.icf 86-1 H.lrsch Ranch: Assessments c!l,i.l ected via 1 property ,tax ron's 'for 'landscape'ma,intenante. \ 7.7,1-3. Assessment Di,sfriet:86~2 "Sunri:s'e Ranch: ASsessments col'leded v,ia '1 propertyt(l)( r.oHsfoI l(inQ'?Cilpe mCl.)!)ten,an~ce. 'I '7:7J:4, Assessment' Mstrict :86-4 St~eet Lighti ng:: i;\ssessmentscoll ected' via 1 pr:operty tax ro11:s 'for !street l'ighUng maintenance. '7,7015 Assessment ,D.i'strict' 87~1 :Pomerado :Business Park: ,AsseSS,me]1t;;: co,llec,ted I via ,property tax. roll:sfor ,1 andscape ma,i ntenance. 7999 SUSPENSEAGGOU'FU;: Used for un,iaen,tj.fiep revenues. When rev.enue. is J ident;ified theamoun't is ;tr,ansfer.red to, the pi;oper account., ,~~..__ ~,_. ___-0 _.~_ ~ I I I I . .1 I . , ,. I I I . , I I I "'I ' . 1. , '..' ,APPENDIX E qTY ~JL IMMEDIATE AND 'SHORTTERM GOALS ;:. ~ 258 I CITY COUNCIL GoALs '. FOR, FISCAL YEAR 1987-88 . 1 UPGRADE LIBRARY. SERVICES (Brannon, Emery" Tarzy) A site in the Live'ly Shopping Cen'ter is present.ly leased by' the County for I the Poway 1 ibrary 'faci1 ity. A potential sHe for a new 1 ibrary would be . _. . within a new civic centercori1p1!!~. As such a. project is eligible for inclu- . s}on i,n the Redeve1gpment,: Agency's Cap,iJal I~prgv,ement flrog rail) , funds ,{;!,olll, the RDA could be. uti'lized to upgrade ana/or build; landscape; and furni!sh,'a new l'ibrary. As part of the County 1,ibrary system, the County would be' respons i,b1 e f!lr ,staffing and ma i nta'i ni ng the fac,il ity. I Status: Staff win review pot~nha1 f~na,ingavailab1~ ~or upgradi ng/build; ng a 1 ibrary (incl uding grant funds" RDA fundi ng) I including a project within a new Civic Center development. . - . . ~ :Fi sca1 'Impact: S,i te acqu,is ftfon: $1.0 mi 11 ion . Construction: $2.5 mi 11 ion 2 'YOUTH/tEE'N CENTER FOR 'flOWAY (Brannon, Tarzy) . Par;ticipati,oflbY the City in some aspect-of a yoiJth/teen center is antici- Piltedonf:e the groundwork fOra. ~eQter has .be!!.": 1a,id, 'Once underway" CHy, I staff will assiSt teen center coordinators w'ith 'speCific concerns. - . -. - -- SJatus: Ci ty staff wi 11 consult wi th, -teen center coord,i nators on viab1 e I pel:'l11anerit sitesf.or 'a center. Addi.tional,l,y, .City staH w,il1 advise coordi,natorsof potent,ia1 funding sourc,es. 3. ,MULn~PURPOSE' GYM AT 'MEADOWBROOK SCHOOL (Brannon, Tarzyj 'I City staff has been working with thePU~D since August, 1986 01} the des'ign . of a .muH.i-purpose room/gymnasium p.t Twiri Pea~s Middle S~hool. The fqci- l'ity,. schedulea ,for complet,ion fn1ate fall, is plannedto b~ U,837 square feet a,t a, cost of $1. r mill ion. Mult ipTe recreation ,a<:ti vi ties wi 11 be' , .. available, at this facilfty for city-wiae use. Funds have not been budgeted for a similar facility at Meadowbrook School. Status: City staff wfll work with PUSD in p1,ann.ingfuture faq,i1 ities when . funds are available. AddiUbna lly, Gity staf.f wi 11 continue." work ingwi,th ,PUSD to aetermi ne upcoming'p1 ans for a new mi ddle school in Rancho, Bernardo to ensurepoway is not prO'viding aTl 'I: ""- -. ._, - . -~ ~- .. .. ., - - .. , ., school d,i str,ictfaciliti'es at City cost., Fi sca 1 Impact: ,Construct,ion: $1.1 mHlion 'I I I; I 2'5'9, I City Counci 1 Goals FEcaJ Yhr, 1987.-88 Page 2 1 I: 4,. TRAFF:IC,S~IGNAL AT ESROLA ROAD ,AND ljTAN WAY (Brannoh, KfUS~.J I nstalla~';:onof afr,'affi'c s tgnaJ: !ll:EspoJ)i ~[ld Ji'tan,Way, w.i t 1 corne:, j n with ,I, t~~(leljel QP.ri]enj; g:f,t,haj; area. The insta{lat,i on wfll hecessTtate, the w1deniing of E~p'ol a .Road. . , , .i' Pub] ie, SerVices: s'taff'willprepare, 'a, cost 'est,imate for fhe 'Status: -' ., - Y- If:' . - '''''~' .. .'.' . ..' -, ... " . ~ ,I, iJ.1~t?:l J~ttgr,L 'of toe: ,s,i gnal ; ;and thew.tdeni ng of ;E~pora Roaa. I'f 'deve,l opment,j,s no't to tie undertaKen, ,during 'FY 87c~88 " then staff' .w.i:Tlprepar:e: ;a' project for ,C6ur,fCil 'cohJig~r,a:t,tonwh.;'choPr,ov,.ides, il fo.r :tth~ c!lmpleJIQ[l' ,!If' co_n~,1;[uc:tTon .wHh ,reimbursement by'the deve- loper. 1 Fi scalI Impact:' Construcnon:: To' lb~ a,i;SC.YS${d at,~une 23;. 1987 ,C;ify Counci'i' meeti'ng. :1 i5., CITY 'TO BE, 'f;'ISCAliLY SOUND' (Higginson). , . - ~. I La~U'.;scalyear; 'the Gi:ty he; da 'fund b~Ola-nc~ 'l1f ,$46 rnj ll,ipn 9g;llJars as. o,f 7/11.86 .A, 'fu'nd bail arfte6f 1$~6 ,,6' rni'{!,';o,ni's proJected fo r 61301,87. ~tatus: TDe Ci:ty cO.Qfinu,e~, to oper.ate on ,a Msca,j l:y conservat.jve ba,s,j.s, I and has bud,)eted.for the 'next 'fis'Ci!:1 year acc;ordtng l'y. \1 I 6. CCBA, PROJECT IMPlEMENrAT:IoN ~H:i'gginson! Tanzy,,) I Since. ,ihc.orrporat;:on" th~ City h,~s H[l!1ncici,llyassJ,Hed Jhe San; Di'ego ~,egi'6naJ \<Ia~er R~cl~!!taJionAgency;n res~arch.ing 'the CCBA ,Wastewater Treat., 'l1lent8rocess.:rh,!!,'CCBA pr.ocess hasgreatc,potent~a,l. for- t~e Ci'1:y, being.?, wastewaterco,llectlon ,agency" to tr:ea t and r:ecl a',lm ,wastewater for reuse, 'for I .1andstap,ing .or unrest'rfctedree,reat;i oi]~l pul'p,()se~' onc,e fhe, s'tate 'approves t lie pro t<e ss . " I Statu,s.; The:CCIlA process ,continues to be; researched, The Pub,l ic Services , .s.ta'ff wi'ii prepar.e a report: on 'i 11)1) 1 el]ie[lt~t~;:6n upilo cio.mp) e(i'Qn, or r;esearch lana testing whi(Q i:s exp~,cfe.d in thesprtng 'of [geS. I' Fiisca:l Impact':;(t js ~s,Vmatedthat::a. 2..b mgd pl'ant'would cos't ~Rproximate.ly $2.0 ;rnl,].J,l on, to construct. I " . I' i I: i68 ,. tj ty C~~n~jr GClaj $' I: Fi sca 1 Year -1987,-'88 'pag'e' 3 " .. I 7.; ADDITfoNALPLAYI NG, f;I ELOF,AG'I LIIIES (H;tgg i nson, Eme r,J:, Jar,zy;), I During th'e: ,past. ''ftscil',l year" ttleC,i ty, -in 'cooperat,; on wHh, 'the PUSD, has d.e..?Jg~ed:, ra[da..PPCOpri.a,"ted fA,~ig; fot,H~l ci i!fipr!lV~ih~,df~atP9waY.'Hj'gtJ I Sch~ph, Kom-,;radQ."SftJ.Qol and M'dla~nd,Sc,hoo1.., . !mpr,Qveme.nt,~" t.o ,tJ~e: Tl.~,rra Bonl,:ta p:lay.ling 'held a~e:,proposed for FY 87-88, In, addl,t,ron" theCtty'has oDe'lfig'titea s'oftl5ci,n fiela, at LaKe Powaj';Rark arid -two l'ighte'dsoHl5aTT fi eld~}l:t" POW~Y' 'G,QJ1!TI.~nit~, P:ilrk. In, total ,~p;~ Qij;yt\as ,:s';1<"p'l,a..~;'I'!g Fe',l'~s 1 'currentl'y ava.l'labJe to'Jc",t,,'zE!n_s. Threeadd,)tlona.,!l p,lMl'n9 f,:e'lds: are ,be,lng 'p:l anned.'forStarrtdge Park;:~: Val re, Verde. 'P.ark, and: pomeraM Bu'siness Pa'r.k. 'Status:: ~taffw;iJT (cgordtnajE! a<me.eftng :wtth:r,eJ:rE!at,i,on J:E!oag~es tg I di:s~l;Iss. p.laytng fi,eild. n!!eds, A r,eport,gnsuch 'wtl'll5e.presented , to the' Ci:tj,Councllat the .Ju,l'y, 30, '1987 wor.kshop. ' 'I 8'. ,ADDITIONAL GOOD OUALITY REStAuRANT :(:EmerYr, H,igglnson) ,~ ..', .. -, ' . I , S.taff hcIs tieeri, 'work,ing 'with deveroper.s: and mar;ketingrepfe'sentat i 'ie's 'to l'o.caJe an il9,i:IjJi 6,nalquliT:ity reSJaur;anj; ionp'O\'iilY", Shtus':~ Developers' :of ~he, Tw,;:n Peaks and B,tg Bea~lCenters .have been, son~ I c.iti:r:lg resta..'~ ra.nts 'to Yo'cafe iO!iltrjnfth:ei} pe$pe,ct.jve. cej'fte,Fs. Todilte, ,no c!E!fin,i te cO[ll)jtment~have t?,e,e,n;mad,e., I Fi:sca,l Impact:, Rev.enue to .C,i ty from: sa,j es ;tax, 9" CONVERSION, .OF: MoBILEHOMEPARKS IO,QWNER-OGCupiED, LOW, INCOME'. HoiJSING I (H,tg.g:i nson) . :1 City, Pl1fnh,i'ng' staffJ i's work.fng. with 'the Poi.nsett,i'aMobiTehome Park R,~s j d~df'~s ,ll:s,sottaJ,i on t:op~rM:ci,pate frt:!le<M,obflehollie' Pcij;k, As's iis'fan ce. Pc09Ca[l1 fpr t.11~ P!!,r.PCl,s~ ~ffi o,!n,cfng: mQ~;;lE!hCl,me par,k!t,o!],verSj()n~_o~ts.' I l;he, intent', ;O,f thi,si s to make, hou,si ng.av~ i)alHe to lo.~in,come res iaen,t;s. , Status:' The Poway"Redeve1:opmentAge!1cy 1'$ co-aplllyi ng\'ii't'ii t~e, PO;jns!:!.Jt ia, MobiTehome Park, Res,idenVIs, ,Assoc.iati on for,' piir:tit,i panon in MPAP'. ,I: This ii's 'a' re'qiiest 'fo'r c'ciirrnitmenl 'o'f' 'funds 'for a mooi Venome' park ;,coliv,ers ion proj,ect for, ;t)ie:puhiose,o(f,,I~il,nci'ngthe,[Il()!i(hJY' . l'iouSing fcosts :for; low income resiaents ,to,anaf.fordable le,veil. '.: Fiscal' Impact:; '$1 miTnon' from Redevelopment ,Agency, corrrniUed bond proceeds." m' ,I D ,i.....,- I 261' I C'ity. CbunciJ .Goal 5 _ > _ ~ .~, ,;or ~~, 0.... ...' Fiscal Year 1-987-88 Page 4 I' II, 1.0"" COMMUNITY lAND BUSINESSSURV.EYS.ON. ISSUES: OF 1980,;'199,0 ",s (Emei;y, K'ru~_e) W,ittf C,i\ty iGouncj'l cohcur,nenee, ,staff will prepare ,a surv~y loascerta,in c,iti,zens' interests ana -to re'ceive ,inputqjn o'ur C,ity.. Th,is .sUrvey wHl liave ,I, abroad oas'e' s~;mila'r fo {hat em Ilo'ed in, 1981- - , , .._. , .., . " ' -. .. ""P ..y~ ' .., ,...' Staff WiTI. a}so,prepar:e,a sur-vey to so; tetE i n.formati on ,f,nom the poway 'I Dus,i ness cOninun,ity tei aeterirrii'ne,-the saFtenti,ssues dUr,tng the rematffder of , I :t~,e 19,B9' 5' .a,Qd 'i.~tti t~e; f99,O'iS (,5u,Ch as ;SbuJh '~qw..ay .Quj I g-'ou:t'l ancj, the b,e,sj;' methods by w,h';:Chto add'r;ess them. I' Sta:tU~: ISh"Quld t.he CCllJDci:'ldesi tEl foptoce:ed;w,;jth t~e~e. sl!rv~Y~J,d j rectiori sh,O,41dbE! given. to staff ,to 'inf,ludeappropi;iatfons.....;i.thin th~ FY ~87-88 ,buc!get :1 FiiscaT Hnpacl: Printinglpostagei'qlian.fi'fYfng resUlts':' l20,OOO robe , dIscus's'ed, 'at June, '23., 1987 ,G,tty"Counci I 'meeting'" I: " i1.., SIGN ORDINANCE REVIEW BY ,CITY ATTORNEY. (K.ru_s~) I Emptys'ign' cantsters rema,in on vacatedbu.ifdings,w;i'tti;n' the 'GJty. Removal 'of, these - can;is tei';swtll 'imp'roVe, .the appeananceof ttfebu,i;l d tngs andcont rt, Jjiite fothe ~eJ~ti fi:C~a uqh 'QJ tti,ei ;CYt,y. I ' , The City .Attor;neyw1'l'1 rev,few. the C';,ty' s:ign 'ordinance ,todetehnfne Statl~s:i ".- .. ." '... ~ . , ,,_, .. ". ~...." ~ ." ," r._, . "", _. - ,co'~ '0_ wtiatact,ion can. .be taken to remove empty s'igncan is te ts and,wiJl :1 dr:aft .il. report 'neconinena.fngviao,l e metnods to"a,lilevi ate this' probIeRl.' Lan~g,uagE! ,may 'pepYov i a,!!d by' 'the P;~y At10r:ney ~9lspec i., : ~ fi ca l'r~ ,address 'this concern. I' , . i ,12. REVISION OF FORMAT FOR PRE~DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCES (~ruse) I The. purp,ose of, th,is"project' ,i's .to' e~tab'1'ish gyideUnes alld par,ameter;s for pne",aeli'eTopment confete'nces, concernlng 'content ana ifoi;lllat oeJallpljfcants,' pr,esentat;;"ons to 'the CilY C6unC,il. I ?~atys: The qi;ty :Attorney a.od~ .G,;~ys\~ff '''{ill :prE!P~r,ea revi seJI t;bl111at fO,r :er!!-gev,e.Jl opme.llt: 'co.nf!!r;~nce,s :f.or;,CouncJi 1 's 'rev'; ew an.a d,i'scussj'ona t '1 !a' G,UyCouncil worKshop.., ,I' ,Ii I' 262 1 cuy COLlllci'l Goal,s, " 1 f;:Sca} Ye~f !98]~8.?, Page 5 I l3,POSHLVEi RECOGNITION PROGRAM ,(Kru~e, l'ar;zy') "The purpose of h:is program is [to recog'n,iie' citj:ze'ns"Ws,i hesses:, anddeve~ I lopers ,who haVe' contrioute'd tci,1{h~ ~en".being of ttJ.e 'city: "Ri~.ognJT,on-' coulclb~ti(coraed f!lx"safe ,~.ri:ving, Rractjc~~r, 'land,scaping excellence" :code' I c9mpl'ian,ce" genera,l' l'beaut1:fftation"contribuHons, aha 'I ike pliact,i ces. 'Stti,tQs ;' CitY' staH wi'll devtse"a relfogn;it,ion programencompass,ing each, of ~ne 'c,at~gorl;es) ou~tj~rn.edab_oJ,~,:P,ro~'l:amat,; ons ,'ri 'bb'ons; an'dlbC I~ , Rl'aClue~ to~ld' ti,~ Rresented to honorees 'on aqual'terHy' bas,;'s 'cit~a C,ityCounci'l .meetthg; Fiscal :Impact,; 'PI !!ques, :n,pbons:" p'roclamations: ,$ 2,000 I , '1"4. V-iDEO OF' CloTiY: :SERVICES; ("Kruse) I, Th},\ ,pu!:poseoL tM's pr;pjefJ,i,s 'to de,si:gn:amed,iapr~sentaHon tvideo tape, sri'deJshow"fi 1m" or' the like) 'to ,,i:i:sucilly expl'a:i n Ct{y ,serVices and the' ' I, duties ,O,f P6way' inunicip'al emp,)'oye'es. 1;~j ~~fY'llre.~,eriqy urHtz!!.s ~ Cify ?laff hLetnbe.r'tq per~ona) IY, cQ.nciuct tQurs: Qof Ci ty Hall and exp'latn theifiJnc- t,jo,l1so,f eac:t:L'depar,tment., I ,sia'€us: city statt',wii,th ,fhe:ass'i'sfariEe ofa,Con'sul'taht, ~;n ae~i'gn: a,ricl p'i'oduce ~",ci(n_dWJlrfsen..t:a:ti o,h ,I<tbi~ti Iw,Lllb~' !5'"20' rntnjJ.te? in I l;ength '!Mw,Q:l J2eo ayaiJi!tll.e, t9 stuaents" lS~O.ut ,tr;oop?,' iIIJ~' c,i't f- z\!n 'groups ",Audi'o-y,;,S.!!cil equ,i pment, i.s ava,i'lab le 'to 'the City free of ctlar!fe through the' Ci,ty ':sfranctiOiise agre~"!en:t w.ith, ~oxCaAle.. Fiscal Imp,!ct:' None; ,{f: Ci:ty"staff' ut.11'ized, . . I: , , GonsuJ tant fee,; i,f ut,i lized: ,Unknown'. 15'.. COMPLEiTE AND, IMPLEMENT JOINT :I'OWERS 'AGREEMENT ,WITH CITY OF SANTEE FOR I, THE'ACQUISITlON OF S,YCAMORE:CAN,YON(Emery,) I' .. w~ In December 1986;; ilie,c'i';ty of :Poway,'and the City of"San.teeagre1!d "to "'.'~ ~ ~, ~ .~. ~ .. .... <".to' ,: .-', ~ _._ .. _ .... _ _ .:. _., '_ > . es'€ab'l ish aJo~i:nt Powers Agr;eement to' :acqui;re, 'Sycamor;e Ccihjoii, ,and jen nt,1.Y 'manti' e thefufure lane l.fs'e anedevel6 ment of 'the area. Tne,,;JPA wi'll I ,,_ ,__g.. _" ,...~ ''''_ """ _,_,..".., ",It __, " .. '" .. ,.. ..,,_ ,.. ....., aCknow,l edge; the .r~ra:;l charaf,ter g} th~, 1 a~d', t~E! [!~ed to preserv,e the, 9p,l;n space"and manage .thei T'ecT'eaf,iona.l needs' oJ both ctttes;;, ,ahdcreafea, land @:e lfu}fer ;conJj:s't'e~t'wiJt,h ,theU.~.!'lavy "s Tong'-tei'1n la'; [CraW fl)ghti :i:la Hen's I o"verthe area, ,Status': ltieiCiity. Atto'rneywi 11 prepa~e documenfsleadl ngjto! t~e estab,l\sh- I, ment ()f a JP.A b'etween' tne C,i!t;i es of' Poway aM ,Santee to il'cquTFe _.....,.. ~ '.. "_, 'L~ .....~. ""' _'_' . .' '._ 0'. .. ..~ __<^'" ".'.'. . .,' Sycamore Canyon., . .. , - , , FfScal Impact: lahCi Atqu.;:sRicin: $ r:Orifi.ll:fon, I . ,-.- ~. - '.- - I ./ - '-" - --' ,"'- -. l 263 I City 80uncilGoa 1 s Fiscal Year. ,1987-88 Pag'e6 I I 16. SEWERING OF OLD,'POWAY AREA (Emer,y) Sewer lines wi'l1 be extended to OJd POjlay Park d_uringfiscal year 1986-87, I which will also serve, the homes along Sycamore Street, south Of Temple :Streetalld .thep'roposed ,Restroom/Snack, Bar at Midland School. The cosJ Rf '(h.i's pr;[)ject 'lSj '$85,000, 'w~ich vliJ'l be, 'fun'ded.by the80mmercia,1 Rev Uahza t i on account. I ~J;~tus : PubFic. Services staffwi,ll evaiuate, and pr:epare a. report and cost est irnate o,nei(te'n'd,i ng the sewer.ingof brd poway between corrrnuni'ty I Road' and Mid.1 and Road, north of Hi 11 eary and south of Norwalk. This project is e1igib.1e for inclusion in the BDA',s CIP budget. F.i?ca1Impact: ,Sewer Extension costs: $100.,000 I 17. .INTERNAL STREET PAVING PROGRAM (Emery) I 'The purpose of this proj,ect. is to initiate a pro'gram to pave/slurry seal residenl,ia1 streets in a more ti'me1y fashion. I Status: Pub) ic: Servi't~sstaff wl11 prepar:ea report addresstng'the me.!Ins by which to pave internal sheets and a budget estimate for this multi-:year prog~,am for the ne)(t fisc,a 1 yei'lr. No fund~ have been I' spec,;:fica11y budgeted for such a progr"am for fiscal ye,i'lf 1987..;88. , ' Fiscal Impact: To be determined I 18. UPGRADE MEDIANS ON OAK KNOLL ROAD, EAST OF CARRIAGE ROAD (Emer:y) I The med.ians on Oak Knoll Road, east of Carriage, Road, are in need of impro- 'vement. A new landscaping design and irrigation system are necessitated. . . .. I 'Status: Tile ,Pub.1 ic Serv-fces Oepartment wi 11 prepare a report on upgradi ng the subject medians, i ncludi n9 cost estimates 'j for City Counci 1 review. I Fi'sca 1 Iinpact: To be d,iscussed at June 23, 1987 City Council meel,ing. I 19.I'URCHASE'AND ;'RELOCATE' HIStORICAL STRU8TURE(Sj TO OLD POWAYPARK .{iEmery) I 8ilystaff, in, conjunction with the Old powaypark Spec,i,fic Plan Commi.ttee, is deve.10ping a specific p1a.n for theO,ld Poway area .whichwi11 include pre- ,servation of hIstoric structures., I I, -, K "- \. 26~, l C,iety' .Coifnci 1 Goa.ls I nsca.1 year ;r~'87-88: Page:]' I' Status: Th~ ,~i.'t.v: pr~Qn,j,r19st~ffw;j!1;pr;esent ,an !nve'iftolY, of h!'stqri:cai ,I st,ructures 1 n .Roway l:na. report, ,to t,h_e C.1 ty, Counc,11,. fAsMstor"ic' 's,tru~tur;es becomeavailab!l~" CHy staf.( '11';1.1: negotJate :tb~ pr'i;cg, 'to, acqu.i re arid 'r:e,locaJe, struc,turEls: 't~ OliLPo'liaypar~~ City staff' I "wLl:l propose tnc:'lUQi:1J9 fUQ,ds in the, FY 87.,88 bl[dg,eftopurchase h,iStofic! structllr!!(~h ana. for relotalToQ ,to ,01 dgo\liay,Parb " F';;sca 1 Impact:: Purchase of'struttLJr:e: To be:determtned I -.- -..- ..... ..... ,.- - ", Reloca t;;;on costs: To bei,determined , ~ -- ( Reveifue from, land sa,i'e:To be,'determined 20. REAGUVAifE 'AND: RUN 'THE, PO'i/AY"I!.,RAT.TLESNAKE CREEK it;iLROAD JEiJjerY) I Ih Decembe,r" 19,8,6 the,'CJty flurcHasea an. 1878 ~a:J,dwfnstElami:oCOrf16ti:ve, I t~unng c;oalcar:s;" ra,;:r;oaa,traCk" and rf1i~c:el1aneous raHr;oaa .e'q}ii,p!]1,erj't.as. p'art ,of the Porter p rope rty 'pl!.rc;~a_sei'nO,1d' PO'ilay~, The Old Pp;.fay Pa r~ Speci1'i:c Plan 'thcl@fs the rj!act,i vation o,f the Powa'y, Pa'fk' J~a)'l,r,oad. I, .. St~:Ws: ~t.aff' w.il.1., '{nc;)ude .acap,;,fiil prbje~t :f,Clr upgrll,c;1ingthe, parK arid, react.ivat;h,~ 'the: rai l!roadiltjftng'J.tscalyear 1987-,88. I F'i sca}~mpaW: Restorat'!Qn cpsts.: ITo be ,determtne'd 21., INS'l'I.tUJ:E'tOtAl. ANSWERING,SERV,ICE 'fOR POWAy ,SHERfFf,"S SUBSTATION I (EmerY,) I' lAe: ,SlIn.oi ~gQ county. Sheriifl's Corrinuni"catiQn 'Cent!!r i,n Keil,r:ny,Mesa ,i s resppnstb1e 'fOC' ans'i.~er'inga,ll emerge_ri~y, ph.Qne caJl's' frQm the Gny Of poway pn,the 911 system p,l us allbusJ!te,Ss' :and Qon,.el!1ergency raw' .ehforc'ement cilJl~, I, before 8:,00a;i1i.ana~t'(er' '5,: 90 R ,m, .Monday 'th rough ,Fr,iday:ait'! :On the Y'e~~- ends'. The, lo'ca'l SheriJf' substatlon, 'answers all b'u's.r~e'ss ca,.ll s, dur.ing bus,i-, ne'ss: hours. I the.G3'ty of~'Po'ilayhas' the.optj'qn 'to ist~ff non".eme~gency phone liines :a~ our, toca.l stibsta.t}'ofj q~l'i hg ttJe",e)fel1i,n,~~,nd onl'lee~end~ ~,ti~, addJng posit)ions. Ih'e! c.a.1ls ,woul d st111 b.e r;,e:l ayed to; the Commun1 cat 10ns Cente!;' for I apPDop,rJf~te ,dTspat:h.~noth'er.,c5pt'ro~~ ,1 s> f,o,r .t!)~ . gH:y- t? a~~aj n' a. d,is,patcher.' exc:lus,ivelcy ;for 'poway OIJ A ,ged,!~Ated: 11 ne at the Commun,l catron: Center' fr911! 6:00 :a.,m. :to ;2::,00 a,m. ('20tiours/day,),. ' I Staj;us,: J{ur.1ng this f.isccllyearl, staff win 'b~g;n c1*!!SS.t(m~!";;th the , Sher:i:f.f'is Offi'te ;tode'termine, the efficacy' of i:nsUtutinga, lo'cal I, ahsYi~r'i'Qg~er;',i:c,e anilio'r hi;r,ing a ahpatctie r" for !lae'c1Xc~ted l:,i'ne f,O,r PO'ilay. ' ',Fiscal ,Imp~Ct,: :$105,.000 - FN, 87~88 I I. ,1 r' --.... -- ~ I ',I, ~65 I: 'G,;'ty Couri'cilGoa 1's F,:{sca"j Year' .1981"'88 Page '8 " '. '" ,I 'I 22 .COMPL'ETE'CoMMUNI,l'Y wA~LlJPGRADE {Emery, Tarzy) - - -'.~ '" o'vet theYll,ars, t"~e 'b'lll.ck w~!1 o.ri C,QIl'!lIQhJty ~oa:p ,has deter.iotatedand I' 'portions' of ,such have, been destroyed'., In FebruaryJJ987", the' Cfty Council! 'RedeveJopment, Agency"agreed to~ providei't:orthe' constr::ucti'on 'and'landscap.fng 'oJ jih,eCQlJIliiJhj'tj Roadwa\U1 aria for' .the, 'rna'f'ntenance oJ the wa,1],. ' '" ' I, Status: Qily'.?J,a,ff' ~,i" 1 i m;J ugeijii, the proR\>sed 'caRi,ta 1 'improVement budget forH; 87",88" the,,;~o~t gf 'e;onstructi.ng arid ]a,[id,?caj:fi'ng 'tile Conrnuhity'Road wen lincl,udingf,ournewstr;ee~ light,s, ,b,.us ~,top I b.eM,h.,es,~nd~ loW' pr:e'sslir;e: 'soc,i'um:lighting. Gommunj';ty' Services staff win perfqr:rnthe ma,iijtenance on the, 1~lldscap'i'ngof the ,waLh. I nscal I.l11pact: Destgn" Ccfnst~uct;on 'and Landscaping:$3fb ,000 23. UPGRADE METATE kOAD BE\fWEENPOMERAoO'ROAD AND MONTAUK STREH I ' , (Emery) Metate . Roa~t is cles'ign(!ted ,I'!.5)a'\ocal co'.] tecto!! C~rrent Iy" the, r:oad does I ii'ot meet this; standard. Wh,i 1 e thllr;oad~ay w;t11 be rebui 1 t'cluri~hg' FY, 86-'87 us'i~g' F,AUf.Uiids, ,the road w,ill not ;be 'wfdimed. Status': !'ub{ic 'Sentc:.e,s '.staff ~i11 p:rep,a:re a r:el1ort (jniw,ideh~j,ngMetate' I Road, includlng 'cost estimates" 'for pi tyCouncil review. Ftsca'l' I.riJpact: $327',000 ;1 24'. WIDENING OF' ,COMMUNITY, ROAOON EAS'!' ,SIDE FROM TWIN, PEAKS TO POWAY ROAD I f!,al'i~y,) PubHc Serv1'cesstaff wi'll prepare a report on widening.ConiniJft.ity Roaij on ,I: ,the ea's.t.side 'f,comt~In 'Pe,!ks ill ~oway Road,,:;.n~i t!cl}r{g cO,st e~tjriiates for SUC;h.', fo'r ,Clty CountiJ ;rev,;ew~ Status: At (he, 'diregHgrf o,f; the cay' Council, Ci,(y staff wi] j pr!,!sent a, ,I report! forC.ity Cpurici 1 r:Wi'ew durfngf,iisca,l year' :1-987-88. 'Fi's~c;al :Impact: To i5edeter:mined I, I :1, ,I, ,....?'-,., "':, I ~, '2,69 I" CUY'Cp@c'tl ~"9aJs I F';s ca"l Year 1987-88., --,.. ..' . l.~ ._~. -.. Rage ,9, I , , 25.0P"EN SPACE' ACQUI,SHION, .(Tai:<:Y'J: I C,jJy. ~\iaJf htl,~b~!;!1l~9,~kingwl:th the C.ttyof..Santeei sfaffJo j'OiJlt'iy acqu.ire ,Me G!lociell Ran,cg,i n S,Y,cilf!l~ re, Cany:o~ jri,or.i:le r ~Q p,te,s.!;ri!.e~J~ op.eni space: ..' I, ,QthE.!r !!r:eas ot: lnterestlnc'lude t.~,ei B'l,ue~~y Ra.nch\ Rayo de,] Sol, 'and J,Wln' Peaks MoOntil,i'f1. ' .' .- Stat,usl: :C{,tyPlannfng 'staff wtjl :pre-seht1,,!o: Wiv,entor:y of, op,en space areas; I in poway i:n a 'r.epoi'fto the Q.ity, Gounc;i 1. . fisca) 'Impcl.~.t': Land acqui s3 non: 'DependentOpon parcel :1 I m/goa}-l -9 I - I p I ;~' I ; I r ; I _r;':': ,.~. I I' I' \ I' I' "., ,