Final Budget FY 1986-1987 ~ . I 411, qTER FILE j, LJu '~ur REMOVE. , 1 I I I I I I I I I I City of Poway I Financial Program I 1986 ~ 1987 I I . I I I ~ ,..... - I; 'I I~ I', I, I, , C I. TY.OFP0'W' A' Y I' 'I I CITY' cOJretL ,ANDRIDE.VEU:lPMENl' 1lGm::Y I ,I CARL KRUSE, MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN' . ,MARY: SHEPARDSOO ' DEPUTY MAYeR ANDVICE-'CHAIRMAN: -.! -. -' ., -~...- .--. -. .,' . - -. ,I BQB EMERY LINDA ORAvm :1 BRUCE, 'fARm " ',..-- I I I, I ~I, I ,!t l I I, I . I , I 'C;LTY o F'PO 'W' A Y. I' ., I. I !l{JIJGEn" REVIEli' cQiI.mrrEE) . BOB ~KS' I DAVID CALVERr I KIM e0NAN'r . ~'.~ -. - ~ CHARLES 'GLENN :1 'VERN~ 'MARS~' I, I: I <:x::t6ber., 1986 Pr'eparerl By" I, Administrative: SetYices' iDepal;'tment 'F~ce Divis-ion . '. ., sUsan M! ~l()!.1e, iD};fectot 'I' Greg Hin, Financ~ Man<igezo , , Cgver Photo: JohhRaY I: - , I; I I, I: 'I c, I '1', ,y, 0: F ,p, ,OW A Y, I ,DIREETORY ,OF' CITY OFFICIALS .- -- . I CITY MANAGER . J J1\l>lES L. ~ . " I ,ASSISTAN'l' CITY:MANAGER: ,DIREDl'OROFPllBLrC SERVIGES :1 JoliN Ii, FITCH ALAN D. AICHIBALD, '. ,I CITY ATroRNEY' DIRB2TOR'OF PIl\NNING; SERVICES' STEPHEN'M. iE)C;.K:I? ~AW.TCUW :1' GI'l'Y CLERK)TREASURER: DERrorol.'t GF' ID\fINISTRATIVESERVICES I: MARJoRiE K. wAHrs.TEN ;Sbsfu:l ~. PUIDNE 1 ,DIREr;'I()R dE CcMMuNITY SERVIGES , D:IREBTOROF ,SAFETY iSERVICES D. 'LEE LEWIS WILLIAM ,A. ~ I' I: 1 I' 1 , " I:, 1 1 c ,~ 'T y, '0 'F p1 OW',A Y 1 I 'REDE.VEUJI?MEN'r ADVISORY <DMrl'l'EE I J RICHARD ,AEiAMs 1 ,~' 'BCiJI'HWELL LOIS, rooms, 'I 'ALAN OOSI - - ~~... RILEY FLEISCHMAN 1 SoEE!ERiIDoN GORDoN' MEYER 'I. JOHN' M0LLIN I JEANNIE ,NILES J6y'cE,~L',I'E 'I, BETTYREXFQRfJ I' 1 I, I - I: I' TABLE OF' .CCNl'ENTS' I' I GUide 1:'0 Reading the! BudgetD=urr)enj: . e. .. .. . .' .. '. . . . . . . . . .' :r dtYMana'ler's' Letter; of Ttansrilittal . e, ,.'.. . .' .' . '. ' . .. ,~. ~, . vi .. .' ~' ,oo R8venueS by FundS and :Sources. . .. '. . ~: (. '. . . . . . . .. .., .~ .. . .' 1 .._- -.- - ,. . I . , SUI1Il1<ll'Y Qf ElOlll'C:eS ahdUses of Fl1n2is . .. '. .. .;. '.. ,. . ~- .. i'" . . . . . . II Filhd ActtvityDetail. . o'. .. ." ., .. . .., . . . .' .' .. . .,,, .. .. ., .. ,. ; ;, 15: I G61.eral ~.Fun.d., .' .. '. .' .. .. '. .. .. .-.. .. . ,. .. . ! ,. . . ., . . ., . 16, sl:r:,eet. f!nprove.nent - GaS Tax Fifud . . e, ~ ,_ . .. 'e, .. . .1 e, .. . . 17 Park 'rmproveueritFunq . ~ ,! ! .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . e, '. . .; .. 18' I Di'ainage. FUnd .. . ..,". :. .. ; .; ,e ,. .. . . '. . e, '. '.w ~ . . . . ; 19 RErlerq~ Revenue Sharing FUhd. .' . . .. .; '. ,. .~ .. .. . .," .. '.! . .. '.- 20 Grant' Eunds ;, .,.. . . ., . . . '. . . . . ,. . ... ,. . .f .- . . ~1 I I spedial l\SseSsnlent Distri'ets'- FyI:1d.. , ., . . .' .. . . . ,. . . . n ~t FUndS, " .. . .' . .. . ., . . . ;, '., . . , . " . . .' . . . '. .23 str~j: ~y~optlent .FUnd . ,. .' . . . .. .. . . . . . .' iii' .. eL, :. " 24 MUhiCipal, I!l1PF,9y;e.,nent FuruL., ,. . . .' . . . .' ... .. .. '., .. . . '-2.5 I Carriiuriity Fa:cflities ,Dfstrict#L . . ... . . . .. . . . '. . . . ~~6, ,~t S~Jc;.e ;,Furid, .' .. 'oo .. "., .. ,. ". .' ~, ,: ~ ., ., ,. ~ . .. '!. , .. i'", . ..27 .' - '. ,- - . Water Fund'.. . . .' .' .. . .' ~ ,. . .' .. .. . . . . . . . '. . .. '.. .. 28 ,I 'Sa;;e:c Fund." . . .i '.';.- . ..- '!.. . . ." -.' .. . ,.' ~ . . .' ..,... . .. '. . ?9 Capi tal RepIaceilerit Fuh<:i . .\ .. '. . ., .. '. . .' .' .. , . . . . . . 30 I ,Bona Inter~~ ,an,<:1 Redenption. . " . . .' e, .. ,. . -', -. . ., -. .. . . . 31 .. , ~. ~; '~ S1:@,teneri.t cifFuhd :Balances and, Hes,er:v6'i'., . . . . ! t. . .' .. ,. . . . ,. . 33 ProgJ:'am ~j,j:l,lr~ . . . " . . '. . . .' . . . . . '. . -. '"' . . ._' ! 1. ., 35 I' BUdget' :by Fuhd .. . .. . . ~ '. . . . .1 ,,,: . .; . ,. . .' . '. . . . . . .) ,. .. .' CJ7 flrPloYee l?Q3iti9ns, ClassTfi'cations, and SalaryrRagg!?Sl . . . . , . . . 41 ,I oepartriierit Operating Budgets, . .. . ..' .. .. . ., '. . .. .' . . ., .. . . .' 4:I v -- - _' .. )... .- . ~ - " " Legislative ahdAdrrU:hi'strativ:e: 8ity councH . . .. 49 . . . ,. . .. I' 'Legi~l<ltive and 'Admi:nist:rati've: c~i:.y c~erJi:, . .', '. . . '. '. . .' 52: Leg'islative and Admlriisuative: GityAttomey. ., .', Ii . . . . . .. 56 - ...,........-....'. . 'E€g~slativ~ and ~nistrative: City: Manager" . . . ,. . . ~ ~ .- . ." ., 60 I':, De[:iaEtineht of 'AdmiqistraHve. Servicep, . ,. '. ~\ .J . , .. .. . . .' .. 64 ~tnl!mt, oe calrilunity services. . . . ., '. ; .' . :. . .i '.; ,. . .-' . 84, I: Department of,Plannings,er:v;i<::.ep ,. " . . . . . . . '. . . . ". .. .' . ,98 Depqr~t of: 'pUbIi:c, ,serVICes . 108 . ,. . h . . . ., .. . . . . . " . , ' , I Departmerlt, of .Safety. :SeJ;v,ices . ., . . - ! ~ . , . .' .' . . . . . . ., . ,. 132 City of' Pow<l.Y' Capital Iirpr6venent."Ftogram.. . . . . " . . ;; ~ ~ . . . 145 I' I ::",-. I , I I ,TABLE, OF,CCNl'ENl'S . ;, I Pgway 'RgleveloP'neht progrciri\: 1986-198'7 I' Revenue :~y FUpd~, ran4, Sq.rrc~. '.. . . 1. '. ! .: '. '. . .' . ,,; .' . '. . .t 169 Statanentof Fuhd'Balancesand ReserVes, . .. . .,. ;. . .'. '. . . t1'i - <-.... ,"--'."--- -. -.' '. " . - 'C91IUunAty; ~evelopnent Agericy...,Al:lriUnistrai:i:on Ji\m.d. . ".. . .j 17,3 J Ci:mrluni~y. Redeveiopnent Agen9Y-;Redevelopnent 'Fund . . . ,. ,. " . -174 t;di'fiinistia:tlve :Opet'atirjg' 'Budget' ". '. . . ,', . . ... '. . . . . . .' t75.: - ,,- - - -- -' I Rerlevelo~ent Cilpit.:i1 Iiilprdv6Iierit program . . . . ,; '. . . . . .. . 18i Appel1fI.ix: A - ReSolutioIlsAdbptln<? 1l98'6~ 19J1'7 ciifY'FinandaLPi'6gram . , ~O9 I AWendix .B -Resolu!:ion~s }\dopting' 1986-i98'7 RedevelopneIlt Agency Financial Program. ,. . ..' . ," . ., '0. . . . . ., ,. . ..21"7 I 'J\.Wendix C ~ ~t of EXpense AccoUht:S &, Defln{tiogs .; . . . " 0 "0, . '225 Jl.ppendiX D ,- Chart: of Revenue Accgunq;&; p~init-ioIls . . . ., . . ., " , l2~~ :1 'Appendix 'E - city,COuridl .:rrrmeai'ate & S:h,ort TerI1I G9al~ . , . . . . . .. 255 I' :1: I' .. I, I , I I' I 'I I' i I: G:JmE'T0 READING ''J!lE' BUIX;E:I" IXX:UMENT, I, ~Ij. ye<Ji:,me City ,of Pdiiay 'prepaJ;'es<'i l:lUgg,et fprme, fisi::a:i year, 'to cane which serVes as the: CJty's f:tnancialpla.h.. ,A:lthough,ti1.e budgei:, :i,s,!lso' ,acoht:roi I docurr1ent Jor: theCitY,Colmcil;arid staff, its real :~seist9'prpv~qe irifor'" mati()n to dt:iiens'and ,Other i:nter~t~ :Wrties pE!cjai'dihg the financIa:l healctb and ,activities of' me 'eityas a m\lllicipaIco~ation. I 'I'his~ide:Was written, tel ~~tst: citi::iensand either in'dividualls wh<;>rrqy Iqot ,be f9ffii,-,l,tcg-with,P,-ilil!ic ~d~et.ingand" H~ce>to read ~ irite:cpret,thisQook. A I greatdeEill, <;>f mfonnationw pronded ln the bug.get' beyo,nd dollars' and cents, one ~iJSt,nee1s to knoW'pow ,and ,wI'\ereto look for' it'!' h 1 GettihgStarted: Agexcell~t pli3.c;:eto beg'ihto examine, t{le bugget ,is the .city Manager's Letter I 6fTrailsmitta:j, whlg!J, prgyides aphilosoph'ical.;aS weilaS factu.ai1 s\Jl.l!Tl3.iy of' the city's ..financlal 'pla.h, I ,Next; you'1:'P:1l, ,notice that ,the budget is adtuaJ,lY c1ivided into two plans.. 0ne isthe,~atJ:.n'I and e<;?itaJBudg~t: of :the CiW' Tlie other is 0e,('lPer<'l:ti~g {illd, ~pltalBUdget of'thePq<iay, :R~e:velopnent Agency,. .An,operatlpg ,og,dget'J!!, :1 th<?~i,nan.cial . plan,foi" 'the,day-to~y oP;er,a:tiol} .0ftheCity or the. 'AgeQCY; fl capital Wdget.' ,is t;he fin.?flclal plan' ,to acquire or constplctrrajor: rrru:nic"ipil tac;:i'lities such ,as ,streets, dri3.il1(ige ~systens'and,parl<S. :. ,The City's Operati'ngB\Jdqet \ '., Tl:1ef:i;rst group of pageS foiloWing 'this guige :j,'-istt.l1.eCiify's reveriues;or :the dollar- resources ,the ,Cltyr~~iyes. ' . 'Govef:riii\ents: ,account .for frbhey ,in:fW19!>, which separate,avaiiable doIlarsaccorp.'" ingto Wha:tthey can 'be.uiiro to bUy. The Iarge.:;t i!s the General FUhd whose , , revehues 'my be q?,ed: to provige al1Y,government' service. --SJtIj.er. ,funds are; " restr:i'ded asEa ~t 'thelr revenues 'nay be' used tobW', ,Thete will pe !TOre, I: ;i,[lforIllatiori 6il. :the ,city is various flll1ds 'iiiter. NoJoi:ce't,ha,ttflerevenues .are ,shown by food and by reyenJ,le type, ,for': f'ilstance, I' "Pi'ojJet'tY;TaX~-{)trten~i., illlder: the: G€neral Flirid.Elieq type o~' revenu.eQ<3.s a fout di:git ;huinber in front o.~ ,i;b, Jnthe back oftlle, ,budget d~t" 'i,s a ':~t' of Revenue .ACCOlll1tSand ,DeHn;i,t,19!1S'i appendix'. The foUr digit i).umbers, I are, J!isted if! ():r;d~ahd next to each is: a des9,ript1.on of ~~h revenue type., Jihalyzing the City"s !re:Vel)\l~ win give you an idea dfwhereChe GJj::ygetS 'its rrqriey, how inuCli of ~t is res1;rI~tedand how much may be used for geuera],. pur'"' PO!'es'.: Yqu 'II ral'sobe able ,toccxnpare aIOOurltsof lIDney betweehthepri:6i' 'fiscal I year ,and. the' prbpos,edjapprovedne.i year,. ' . , I IJ ~l ,I: G,li:de to Reading t,he, Budget, DoCument ,page' 2 :1' I KeY,i, 1985-'1986 1985"':1~j36 :t986-1987 1986...,1981' I Bilciget Actual. Proposed , Approved 7010 Prciperty..TaxeS-cutrent $,2,189,290 $2,;j.66,Qoo. $2',203,.800, $2t203,800 I 'This number iOeritHies the The'ambuht The actUal 'I11~ p;-9"" 'I..'he p1;o- 'revenG.e:soUrce in 'the Chatt .of reven~e' -revenue at jected jectea. 1 I-~-,.. . .^'~ _" . of Revenue l\ccounts ar1d~ est,irrated, the end of. revenue for:. revenue ,~<:;rcipt,i()l}s at, 'tile a fi:scci,l the next fi.ol' the beginning Ye.ar {iscilyearhext I .of a. f\seal in,the Pro,- 'fi!scirl 'year , p:jSedbudgetY."7'r' Jp f.he, fi:nal 1 'Budget' MEet the' Revehue. pages ,there is as~ o;f S,our}:;es 'anaij~es oj: 'F\:u:1.ds. .TheSe I pages, 'list ,all- .of the Ci,ty's'rrajor fUnd typesi~describe then aha dispL3,Ysum~ narj.z~,dQl~ arroUI)t!3of. jIOney; into ,arid out of eachf1.ihd.,TQes~ mJIlJPel'~:~e br.oken dOwn intooore, deta'i'I on the ,pages foll~!1g :the $~.. . tlbte tha:t. the, I' page .nUIf1beis direct.Ing you 'to eil,C,q; fund'!s detail are refetenced in, each :fiind descriptiol}', . .The Fund 'Activity Detailpagesal!Iow ccrnparison of priQr year; budgets' actual I: flOW 'ofri'iSney" in, as, ,r'evenpes, 'an<:'J., .ou} !is expeI1diture.s: or transfers. 'SanefUIl&?. h.:lye borrowed, lOOney (gohe i'rifo,debt), thtough :the iss1,Ja!l<:;e .of, oords;. I, On the page foIlcM.ng the Fund' ActivitY' petail pages is! a stJll!llClXY; of; t.he bohded iridebtedness, of' eacnfunq, 'lJ!ese 'd.ol-lal's repej,Y; in1:er,eSt" and 'pt'ihcipar .on :the debt';, ,I, Next" as a gran5'is~;. ,the StatEfuehtbfFund ~?J1cesand J.3.es~e.s fqIlows aU thepr'eviotlSpageS deScri:be:I~ The C,i:ty'? ,ll]C!jOl' t,UIl?s Me' listed ver'ti:ci:tly :. on tlie left. lland' si<ie gf 'tJ)e;,page.. .Hor~izo!ltaIly; dollar airo~ts Me shOWn to t:rSlck tl}e,~ta:tus of the, 'fUnd 't;I1;r:ough it.s, 'beghi:ning balance t.oit:s' expected' year~ enCl~it.i'on, '. '. ,After:. ,thestataileilt of Fund:&ilancesand. Res,er:.ves,;, lOOre !detaii regardihg :tne expenditure., side of 'thebud'Jet ',hr ~pr0vided, agal,~ffi:ivingf.:fdn si.1Imiaty" to d~ta,n.; 'The' Program EXPerlditUres;page Ij!st.sthe si]fll'ajor G~t.y d.epartments ahd.. What each 'I Ri.3.nslt.o s~for t)1e't:htee, rrajor. ,program exp€ruiiturecategodes:; . I ,I I .- . ;~, :l:-l~X I: Qrlgeto Reading the' Buqget Dcx::llIfEht Feige' '3 - _.~ 1 10 personnel. - 'The'cost. of isalaries:,ftinge, benefits and other ,ElTIPloyee- reIatedcosts . " . - ~ -- ..- -~, .- ~, I' :2. Operations and Maintenance - The cost of qoing business day-to...,day irisUWlies, ma:tei'i'als:ahd. Sl3L":Vice$. I 3:.: Ga,pftal Ou:t'!ay - Tl:!.e'costof rrajor n~mrecurriflg purcb.ase,s !Jf $500 or ,!lOre with, 'a' ilsef.u'l Hf~ of three, orrro.r:eyears . Examples ?I'e I' office fur,n.ltur~e, veh'iclesi 'ahd laJ;g~ p:i:eces of 'equi.p:nent., ,. The total 9f all pri:Jg':tam' ~dJitur~ is often referr.Erl, to as "the budget", even though iitiS on!Ly 'the expenditUresid~, oJ~ the whole budget ,picture. . I Next:"the, Budget by Fund page, s;howS'eXper1di'tures ,fqr each' Departmen:i2apd itS divisions spread across the city's'rrajor, funds!. Yoo will note that the General I E,IDd.: sJ)owSi ekpendTtru;-esi for aU, ,oepaI'tments,w,i:1ilethe other. fin:)d,sshoW'I expen:- ,ditures ,fQr c,ertain ones . This is, another il,lustrati9nof ,the fund~a.ccOUIlting: nature ofgoyerl]ll!erit Which. rest',rict,s certain :r.e~enue$toexpenditUres fQr' I J:igri, too puip::lses. The next page,s suiirna:r,izeahd qes.c::.ribethe dty',s wo17!cforce~ iThe, n\JmQer of 9-1.!tI1ori!zed positioI)s 'are"s,hpwn. in cai1parisoi) to.the prior year,. New positions ,I aI}dposition,deletions are" mentioned by titre,. ,$tell fUll"';Urne:jo!? .c;Lassifica'-, tion'auth9FizErl, in the budget.' is'then lis'tErl alphabetiC91:ry by title ,wft!1its correspondin9 sa~ rapge. :1 What ,fol],owsfiextis bhel)ea,:t',t .of :the city'.s, Operating'BUdget cieta~],.For' each. of ,the city; 'ssi~rrajordepartments, aJ1 activity overvi~ i!' prmiided in, wl'1jich, fl tl)e rraj6r expenditru;-e ,categories - per,s,oIlI)el" operations an_d, rrairitenance and cap~tal outlay - are SIJI1l!l'll",~~ed and Canpai:Erl,tp prior years.. A l)?Ir~,tiveecm- :rnentary p)7oviding a descript.lon' of the, tariposition' of ilie department and its " pirpose in 'fue- goyernmentalotg<'lni:zatiop is,backMup by an. illusfratIng organi~ 'I: zation, s:hait ,on the :fa.cing: ,page. ' FoiiOYjing the ,Depar,bnental overview" 'eacndiv'irsion oftl}e depai:finent wiLl, sl1QW I' ,t!"O facing .pages o_factivitY detap. 'Thepa,rrative pag~' ipcludes a description of the irE\~pr ,f^\tr)ct-iop~ of the divisioq, 'the 'division's goals' and objectives, worJs, lqad acti'vity si;aJ:Asti~s for' prior and p,ropoSed'Y,eaJ;s and ,<;: section I: en1i!t:j;e9. ,Signi~ficatit, Activity Pr,ograrll Gharfges;. This:L<ist section pointe out and ~lains 4rger dollar, itlcrease,s or' decreases'_ I The facing 'page contains 'the 'aCtual (lollari amoUhts 'to be spent to 'acffii'eve the dil:v:isi.oI1"s' goaiLs apd'objecii:ives,.. ,y6U. :vi:i!tlnote, th{it the. rra]Or expendi'tur~ cate-, gorieS {persol1I1el, operanons',andrnai:ritenahce~and s;apital.outla:Y'l ,are furttler diyided ,into parHCj.l.IartyPes of: expenclJj:.ur;es. Fach, expenslkture ,tyPelias~ I threeo-digit nlJJ11ber precEfl,ing 'it, In '.the back ot: fue hudget. 'book is a, Qha.r'tof EXpense :Acc,qurit,s and Def.ihition.(3 l.l\ppendix..EXpense 'accoupt' ni.in1bets m;;e Iisteq, ,in order"with, 'a ,definition< following each one., Th.ese def initions give a 'mre I aetaiJ:<:d description Of.Wl1<it: costs aie .lnciud~ 'in e3.chexpenseacs:.ollIlt. 1 " ,iv I. Guide, :toReadiflg the 'Budget Doc:UJTent! P~ge 4 II :Ifl' caripaii'hg' the'expense accountdolJ!ar amounts; l:>2J.weei1, ,fi'sca:L years "tilie narrat'ive section, Signi'ficant I\ctivi t'i: PrcXjrain Gli.anges, is 'thEl ,J.<ey to 'I expL'ifl1ing iia,jOr diffe}e:i;lc~s!.; .Key: 198,5'-~,6 1985",,86 ,I 1986-87 1;986":8'7 Budget . Actual Proposed Approved , 3:H - pfiriting $ 3?9 $, 250 $ 300: $ 300 I This number 'l'lYe amount The actu?J "rtJ~ prclP9"eC1e Thea.pproved .i'dentifIes' the ot: lapproved'; PITPUflt sPeJ1t budget; ,arnotin't. ,budget 'arnounL I expense account 'buQget in bY''iear end. tn: theehart,of pl;' ior YEl~r:. ' , -- -.-' Exp5=nsEl Ac;c,ourits I and Descdptions Th'e gumbel'S 'i}t, pal:'e,hthese" ,next to 'positl'on, Tftles indic,ai:~ When thElfe :is' [!brei, 1 than 'one, posi d6n6fthaL title: authorized.) :If '~~.I'e a!,e two different ,nliliibetS'! in, ~parerltheses ,they'ar~', in C<:l1lRa,r'fson.. The .one to ,the far, i,ight is the ,pro- ,pgseq" th~, Qne to the left ~s fot the priof year~ The,CHiy's Capital Improvement,Budqet I, ,8apitai ProjeCts are 'the acqUisition or constI'Uct,ion of.rrajor :pu15lic 'faCill tie's ,I sJch. as stfeets" sewers, wa:f.er sY,st,~,. pal'ks 'and' gO;"E=;llirehtt buildlhgs . ThEly are oHen the: 'k:in,d Qf projElCt:thatWil1' take, in:iie tnan. ,one budg",t yeari:o I 'cc!!!plete. I,The Cap'italIrfproverrent,Budge,t, HiKe th~, pperat'i)'lg. 'bud9.et!shows revenues inanp expendfture,s out, but di=tails ~nditureproJectionsoyer.!ffil;J:tiple ,lxldget I: yei'lr,s. ,The revenue l?a;ge indi'catECs ~h,icq f,unds' ,a1?e c:;<;;mtr~buting to' ,the Capital I, .IrrpioverrentProgram,1'Qe', PlZograrl\ Ovepirew 'SUIJlllClr'izes expenditures Iby type ()f irnproverrent ,to shp\":\:betQtal est.irrated 'c::ost of planned ,projects, whi;lt has ge,en ,,~1}F ,qnpl?l1ned,p,ro'jec;tsJ the propOsed year'.sexpenditure, levels and. t]1e argoqn:t ,I 'o~, the 'tot;al estimated cost that hcis: :beeh incui-.r.ed 'to :d?t",. ,The 'Progf.amDetail pages"l~st '<?'!ci'l.: project wi tl1 a ,short desctipti'on and' cOde numoer cOHesfJODd~~'I29 ,to. l:.q", ,'act,~vity,type., Costestiffi3:tes for"each fi'scaI 'Y:~ar' 1 ?ppe,ar Of) the left, hand si'de with 'the, contributing' Jsmds:J!i,?ted~()the right" under ;the prqjeCt deScr,iption.~ Qn ,the' faciqgpage, 'tih~ cx5sj:sare shown spread across :then~i; f.iye fi"cal, ye,ar!, according t()' 'an 'acqliisitloi1/constructfon p1aIl' I The afuciurlts bUdgeted, for the 'Pl'9posed fi?C,a'l YElar' ,call be, tied. back to the operating' ,bugget ',s stiitE::!ll\gnt o.f ,'fund B3.'l,an8e,s aha Reserves Linder the &ipiitill I i:rojects ccilL1Illl}.. '1 I I: v I: Gtllp'e tel ~eadii1g,the ,Budget' Doel1rrent Page 5 I Each. year, the program i~ adjusted 'to ,refJ;e<;:1;.aptl}?l. perfbi'iriance, 'so the cOsts of I the ,e}ty'.~~ftal 'ImprbveuE'ht Program cahbe bistodcaJ)ytracked. I , .'ihePCMay RedeVelOj;mjnt l\i:jericy Budqet The bUdget of 'the.Redevel~nt Agengy ,is pcitterned 'after' ,the: city irs' budget ~ l1cis t.l1~.SailE eleirEilts - an operating and' ,a capihil improve;r.e!1tood.get'. ' I The ,Agency hasf:ewer f:unds th~tbecitiy ,but ,trOney J:straCked throl,lgh' the budget. j:nthe .sari>e way astl1roqgh the city,. I Revenues ,of the Agengy are I'isted 'with chaf1i'ofaCcbdnt 'numbers., F'undact-ivity -";_ _ _ -" _ ~ _ _ U~.. ,,_ _ detail P,i'lges foll~ and the, A,?ency has its 0Nfl StateIlBfit of 'Furid Balances :and Reserves'., I ,. " Tl1e orgari1zation cl1axtofthe. 'Ji.gency indiS:<:!tes itsreIat'ionsh~p to the Cfty ,of P~j3.y: The city (;:bLihCilacts' as the Agency's 'Ba3rd QfDirectoJ:'s, CUJ,C! tpe'Qity I MancJ.ger i:s 1!tS ~tive Director" ' The operatIng. budget covers i:ne daY"'fu"'day' ~llistr(i:f:i.ye affairs of; the A9EfrlCy,~ I 'Notetwt.. th,e ,fQ~t of', the AgencY'S q;l€?at'ing budget detail parallels' thi'itof 'the City,r,s operat;j,ng budget. I 'The RElii8velor:m:nt ~eficy CapiW :rrrprovenen't Budget. 'i:s 5!'=t 'lIP j,nthe ,Saire, fcii:i!lit as 'thee,i!t}!'? CapItal,IInproverrent BUdget. ' :1 '~e Infomatfon is: 'Available 'TheAdmirlfstiative,seo;ices:De~t pr<:parel5thebudget C:lbCurrEnt you have 'I: jlls~r~q, ab.gut. In addition ,to the published d=urrent, cij:y ~taff' retgins HIes. lof detalleq, l:Jac,kllp 'material, .' Back-lip dbc:u'rrentahon is J;'eviewe(! 9Y th~, Bugget Review, cCmnittee, 'appointed fran ~ng?ONaY' s 6t-izens by' the city COUl)c'i!i, 'It1is GcrrmlttE?€! spends ,man~t hours ~ithsteff each year :prior to bUdgetadoptioPi ,exarrU,ping thec'letaH b,ehind :the I pr:oP9sed: .bl,ldg<:t, These, fiJ,,~s are .aJ:so, available for revIew b'( ,the ge;;:eral pUblic, by appointrl\eI1t, w.ith,tl:1e,l),dminiistrative, 'SEfrVices' :oepattment; as ,early as the'lmnthof'M3,'{pJ:'ior to,ane....,f:i'scal Ci~[. ." 1 The ,J3u4get is considered 'by: ,the, City C6iliicil :i:n pUbii'c hear{ngs aj: ~very :r:e<J1l4ti' city C6un6ri ~Hng ,in June'., Piililiccc:mnent is ,invited ,arid will reconsidered, 'bYtme, Bity counch at j:hes~ hea:ri,ngs. ' '... , . ' . I 'In CiddJ:ti:on,to \:he aboy~,agY'~sof1 havifl'g questions about the: :(ihancial plSJIl rray contact' the AtJrninistiai:.ivc:' Se,ryi~es ~tment, \\ieare iPl:eilsed :to answer I anY j.nquir:ies to the best< of ouraniIfty., I, .vi: CITYOFPOWAY I, \5ARL,-it:kRUSE, Mayor. ,MARY SHEPARDS0N"DeputyiMaYO_f :.1, """='".,..".'>-".,......."'"" .,.,..,..~" .-. - ,,,.,.... - .BRUCEIT~RZY 'Q:6uriCilr'nember EINDA,ORA VEG";,Councilmember ,","._"'-mF'''''~C'''<' "'.. :. "1-,"-" ,"" < BOB EMER.Y,,:Councilmemoir I " D'lli1e ,2', 191:(6 'I Honorable Mayor ,and I ,. wM~rs of'the City Councill City of PowaY' .I 'poway, CA 9:2'O61! -- - .". .- Deil.f'Coood1fuenibers: I DUI',ing tl1~ ,Re~lj;, 's~ver?l yeAr~ ,theCit,y' tOilllcl} has, 'estaShshed cOnserjjative fJfscal, pol:icie.s't' the wneht of Yih{ch iis asttoi1'g' financial pOsition ,for the, I ,City' df:EowaW.The budget for Fiscal Year 1:986-]9817 ,represents a"fcLnancial di!rec'tiona~ change antic:ipatep at'le,ast three y,eafs"agq"Tne- oP'"fat'1ng 'qu-dget <inq capit.<l.J, jimrov~en,tj R.r:ogral)), feflect a. ,cont'i'ruir'\gErtlPhasison developing: revehtiesour,ces which I?rollide independence .from the' 'propertY tax and:Stateand I, ,Fede'fal,fOOds. Fedexa.i Rey~ue 'Sl1ctfin91:s! ,,~ected to l:se. 'eiifnihated 'and, Cdrffiiinity' Development I :BlOCKGrant foods I 'will' be reduced oy 2ll percent on, October, 1" 1986 . The changes tis ,these ,prbgrams'.wiU m~ aloss of $~35 ,OOO'i:r, capit~l i1mroyemertfUl),ds' 'thI~ o)ldget y~~r", Hgwev~"th.e Rede.\I~lopnehJ PlarlapBJ;oved in DeCemoer 1983 i's I, ,expected to replace' thrs' 'loss with,revenuesiin eXcesih'if $900,,000. .. ~. . . Re,<pgnizing the ne~ f.oI'a qiy:erslf:ie?i ~onCX!lic base" 'the Ci~y @ounCil apprbved '. ~he. Soutb, PdvJay,' IndUstrial, proJect. AS this;iind new. IcXfunei'Cialpro:i~ts are deve16peQ>i saies' tax reCeipts should increase ,and, surpass property ~s. by , . '1987" :ehere91' becaning 'the' 'largest Generail Fund revenu.e sctu:c~, This buqge.tpr?yides forrel?ti"v:.e1yfew. <::h?U}ge,s~o ttre 'opera.t:i[lg qudget. _ I II"d9~bhoI:lal ,s;ta:H'i!,; 're~endeg f.or landscape maintenance ,Carmunity Ser.vlces: :adfnifli,?trahon, .and: ,cOde, ei}forc'emeiit. These .new ~siUons di'fectlycorrespond I ,-. to an 'increased .j"Qr'kload, 'in, the affected departments'. 'The only, other ,c,hange ill opefat'ions is a, changing' direction for .engineering seryi,ce~~hrougl1' assl1ITq:),tigni <;>f:~[ec<ipil:;a~ 'improv~en,t'd~sign,l;>y ~tjif'f ratl1e..r: 'thill1, con,~.ti,ltants.. The pre;- I ,d;ictal?le fun<:1s <ivaiJ;,Cl,bl~, for cap:i'tal improllements via the redevelopment prOgram has made, {teast 'eff~ct{ve to ,do ,the work in~house. La,?t:,ly, 'sigg,~K\C;M,~{Ul}Ci~ have. becgne,-'!v.atIatile through the, Stat"" fbrstreet I mainteilance to eilable a doubling of'eff6ft. During the sp~iqg" sUfuffi~ and. fall of ,1986, :near1y $1.5 'miI:ri'cih is ,propOsed to be .,'~ended, on ~i'ty: stree:t~,.' Not ,only will tiris greaJly ,improve. tbe,' cwa1:fty of' the sl:;J',eetsj . b)!t ,alsp, reduce 1 Illtur,e ITl9,intenance cost,s by canpleting ''work'j:hat had been aeteri'ed,. in the past. I elty Hall,Locat'edat 13325 Civic Center Drive I NfaiJil)gf,\ddress: [>,0: Bbx 189, .Poway, Califortlia;92064 . .(619} 74806600, (619;)695~1400 _ '. .. _ .J" -, - .. I vii: I' Honorable ,Mayor and ..- "", . - + .,~. - _:- -- MEfubers' of the.Cit'( C6un<::ii 'June 2, 1986 Ii ga,ge 2 I' tIT concl~,?~Qn, 11: is a pleasUre' to ,agaiiJ. present a Dudget tb the City' Council. that not on~y; meets tbe neeqs ()( tJ\.gccffim,mity"but aIsoprovides for; an increase in the contingenCy funds'.('1any ,fil1,anciog '[XJl).cies ilild:p191l,s wer~ I; <lg.()p..t~ ',by $~, Ci~t:Y ~uncil dufifncj the, Past f,ive, years. With the Biidget for F~scal Yeaf, 1986"';1~87" IT?I1Y r~wa.EdS~ are being expei'iencedbecaiiseof ,the fore- sight exhibited. The- oormunity i,s;lJeCOllling Irro.reeg:onanic~J,y. vial?1~ ,the , I: qualiity of 1He' .is being enhanced'> and. nnr,e services ar:e 'ayaflable du,?, to the' l1ard, worJS. of. both the, City ('buncil iilid.Staff... . ,Respectful],Y Sutmi tted ; , J~ . --'" _ "s:,--~' ,.., 'I- . ,~)~~ ',,-' '-0, ... c,,*,,~ I \ Ci ~s~a::er:?o~, ~. . . . I I I '. I ,- I :1 I I' \ I I I, I I . I I I , '1 I' I I I' I. I I I CITY,OE'POWAY~ p~: 1986-1987 -- . - - .~ - .;.<J. ' ~-...., ~.,_, . REIlENUES ,BY ~'.ANQ SClll<CES I .. 2 I CIT:'.I'Y0F) Fg'lA,y' I' REVENl:lES BY FUNDS AND ~Scxm::ES. 1985~1986 1985'-1986 1986C:1987 1986~198'7 I "" ---- BUDGEl', "AC'lUAL ,PR0PC6ED APPRi::JVED 'GENE:llAL FUND ,.. .1 'I Taxes , .I 7010 property ~Tax~~rent ,.$2,1?<0~,'?QQ $2,,1:8.1,406 $2'-203,800 :$2',203/800 .__.!._ ,.f 701:2 ~o~tY' Tax.es..,De1:inquent 92,000 109,,009 '98',200 98,200 '79~3 supplemental TaxR6il -, ,99,; 955 75 ;000 '(,5,,0.99 I 7015 HaneoWiler ' sprop.Tax ,Exen: 72 /800 82 276 72,S.60 72/800 ~b ,,6QO ' . -,'. '."..~ 7016 f!ilsin~s, I,hv!=[ltqry EleE;np. :20,,507 22,950 22 ;950 7017 other Tax Roll ItanS~ 12,200 66 1,000 1,000 ..". "< ProQerty ,TaXes -Trailer' Is'. 15,'000 15',600' I 7018 ~ 14' 270 E'rancliises 29'9,800 " ,,<>'.=. ---~ ~ ~. ,'-.--.-; i~rr nOD 7020 314" 95~ 291;'700 7022 i?alE1:S Tax t ,flOG;aCio 2,158;356 :2,000 ;000 2, OOQ ;~ooo '7.0;24 Trans1ent OcCUpanCy TaX 24;200 ,. 23;536 25,400 25 '40'0 I' -~...:' ~- . 7026 Real Property Triillsfer 89 ,500, 90',5'15 M ;506' 89,,500 , ~ '.~' $4,50.7,300' $5,094,,848 '$4"895,,,350 $4, ?~5,,)50 SUbt.otal I Licenses and 'PeiiiUts: I 7111 Aniinal License $' 400 $ - ,$ 400. .~ 400 71'13 B.icycle, 119,eqse 9'95 422 500 500, I 7114 Busin,ess Registratfoii 20.,550 27',048 ~0,,55Q 29J,'~50 7115 sanitat:fon Permits , ~8,,~:W 18, 45'4 18i,800 18,800 - --,,""'. '7).16, gis,b.i;ng P~ts. 150" 000 136;956 ,145.,000 '145; 000 I 7151 Boa't . Permits' '92',000 76.;443 85,,999 8?"P9Q' 7153 ExCaVa:ti'ohPerniits 1,2QO 1,l'78 1,200 1 ,200 'Gradihg Pehrii:ts Ei 623 r'. TI'. r.;"'~" . ..~'-"..,.. -. 7154 ,2,2~9 14, 100, J.4"IOO ..' ~""'"' -, ..~,.... , I 7160 Parking Permits 49,,000' 46',,787 47,000; 47,000 Subiotal ,$335 ,845 $31'6' 911 '$332.,550 $33~,,550 ,- " ii, Fines: and, Forfeitures' :1 721:0 Fities: ,ana Pehalti'es $1720,100 $154,582 $172,000 $1'72,000 Subtotal $1:72,,100 $154,,582 $i72"OOO $172,000 I ,I I 'I, I' :3 I CITY OF KmA'i REVENi:JES'BY FuNDs' ,t\ND SOORCES, I, 19~~.,.1986, 1985-'1986 1986-1987 19,86-'],987 BUDGEI' ActUAL ,PROPOSED 'APPROVED ,I GENERAL,,'FUND C0NTrnuEo 'I Revenues iran Use of .~ey. ,aildProgerty $,348,000 $348;000 7310 Interest. IniX1riei '$6'l:4180 ~$534 891 7317 ,-,..' '""""'.... ' , , -. -, c...."'" I Iriterest oQ' rpans. 58,200 "- 308,800 308;800.' 7330 Interest., on'Note. Receivable 1,,100 990. 1,,000 '1,00.0' J,. - -. -. - --.- - . ~~-- ~.'-- '13 '130 7341 Rental of' Ft6perty lq,'2a,Q 12,.647' q,J.~Q '7350. , . -. SignaImaster Rent 300'0. ,,3,0.0.0.. 3,00.0, 3,00.0.' I Fkiiides .Rental ,.~ . ",,' 7360 22;1:95 la,41:} 20.,965 :20,965, 7362 Fire FaerhHes Renta1 '2:,'50.0 2,820 ;2,,~60 2",560 79,70. CooceSsi6n:r.ease l!2,OOO E3,03il 14i,50a 1!,?()Q ... , -."..- I 7'3,80 Groug ReI).t?,1~ 10,40.0 10,,53~ 10,,000. ,10,00.0. .- 7391 .OVemightCar!iPlng 'Sf.t~ ,400. 20. 20.0: 20.0 I Sllbtotai, $736',475 $58:8,345 [$722,(155 :$722(.155 'ReVenues .fran' other Agencies I ,711.9' Motor Vehicle, 'ih :Li:eu $1,,264,5'20. $1 470., 40.5 $1,550. ,,940. $1,550/940. ....~.., .- I.. ,,,,' tco.- , , 7.411 0;f fu9!1W51Y' i!}:Li~ 1,040 1,0.10 1'290 1,,290. 7440 Cigarett,e Tax 102,100., 121;622 ,107,100 '10.7 ,lOa 'I Sllbto~ $i :367'; 660 '$1. 593' 037 :$1".659,330, $1,659,'330 . ...._,'.- I, _, ,current :Fees. ,&.Setvices I, J.~IO ~99.teS Filing- Fees' ,$' - $ ~. $ 500 $ ;59,0 7544, Admi:n~S1;:rat~ve'F~,.,~!\ 72,,0.0.0 713B. 8,;2,8.00 82",80.0. , ., ,7545 Admi:nistrativeFees~er 20.,00.0 - 9.,2,90. 9,200 ~ -, .- 7570 J.>lanii.ing Fees 20 00.0 63,1:49 40',000 ,40,0.00 'I 7571 Er:!yirpptnent.:lJ, :RevieW.Fees ..__.f,,,-,,,.,, .6b,;olfo 60,.0.09 8,,875, 60:,000. 7572 Misc.. Planning Fees 4~5aO 2;996, ,,4,0.00 4',000 7573 Btiiidipg'IIlSpect)-'OpFees 371,20.0 :608,,7.47 420,0.0.0. 420.,00.0., I 7575 .plail Check Revenues ~5a,aOQ 'il2,,406: .260. ;900. 2~a,oaa 757? f1i:sc. PubHcService Fees 9,50.9 ~,O65 10;000 10,000 ~~ u ,_~j' ~ ~ 7577 Inspection Revenues 75/00.0 '130,,09~ 155,000: 155.,0.00., -"-'. I' 7578 En9r.. staff Time Reimb. - - :62',,000 62,000' Mis'C. satety serviCE!? fees 1,325' --,'<---- . 7579 1,'50.0 1.;,qa,Q 1,000 7580. Leisure Ccirifract~ ~4,7~g 88,506 92,,160. 92,160. '758i B,ecr,eation PrOgrams ,'31080 -~. '. I' -.....~,- " 5'7',120 .. ,.J,I. ... 73,460. 7<3,460 7582 Recreation Officials 2L,430 12655' 12;98Q 19.;980 vei1tcre: Ma1.nL Fee-sher-iff ' , 7584 7:},16,O 100 '13'160 73,160 ~ing Conliacts!Ab3.tanent .,~ ..'. - ,",' ,', 7589 1,59.9 1/565 1,500 1.500 '~596 --,- , ~,.~"" I JI1nbu:J.e.ns;eF~ 60.,000 46 848 5),,000 53;000 7591. .-,".'"""" Fire: ~otec:tion ,Fees 437,000 449,653 4.f7,oaD 447;0.0.0, - "" . - "" ~.~ 7592 weed. Abateiieh.tFees 20,00.0' 27/957 20.;000 31;975 I SubtQtai $1,548,670 ~$1~676l, 333 $1,,884,760 $1,,8~6 ,735 :1 , 4 ~I 8ITY:OF !'@JAY, .. , REVENUES BY FUNDS AND "SOURCESI 1985-1986' 1985'-1986 1986-1'987 1986'-19871 BUIX;ET' 'ACTUAL ,PROPOSED APPR0vED GENERAL FUNb 'cONI'INtJED I Other, Revenue I '7620 Proceeds -~er,t: otpar;,t.$ - $ _ , '. $ -, $.7,000,boO 7622 ,.Loan proceeds - 24125 -,- , - -._,"" 'C_""" -.- . , 76;40 State License fee, 1,;000., 1,015 1,000 1,000 76i70 MaflaatRi Costs Recoveries' 3,000 - 3",Q66' '3,5:05 I '76'71 Other Refunds 400 ~ - - _ '76,74 Insurance, 'Settlement 'Prop. 4, l!20 '8',695 -" - 76~Jj i-iist:efIanecJUslncdlle' -'", 13,~5~ 8,701 . 6,,000; ,6,00"0 I SUbtgta;L '$,,;], ,,57,0$.42 ,,5361$10 ,000 :$7,01'0,000 TOrAL$8,689,,62() '$'9, ,466 ,;592 $9, 676,:145. $l6,~ 688:,120 I I: iSTREET' rMPR0VtMENT'-GAS TAX"FOND '-I 10 .. I 7310 Interest Incctne $' '7,.770,$' 20,',865 i$. ~o",QO:O $ '20',000 74.~O Ga. S01in. e. Tax".2l0,~>2cO'tl,A3b 249,:88,8' 20,8.,140 2~.8,1.40 I.' 7 ~;?1 Ga?Ql'7ne Tax,2l0iZ 442.,790 420,248 458, 480 458:,4r~Q 7432 Gasol1ne' Tax-'210J ..5. 7,.500"] ,500. 7. ,.50.0 "7,500 ' 7459 street Mairib - SB300 - 35,6~,18~ 12S\,I'irO 128"i66 '"Z.54'4, Administrative Revenue - '839 - .: I 7675 Mf~i::elian~bu~ Inf::~; 880 2,663 100 100 " .7'681 J.;IitetfunCl L6ans "'H,OOO - - .., , Total $739:,37Q $l,.0:;8,,19.1 '$.822,386 $822,380 :1 '. , I PARK IMEROVJ;MENT FUND. - II ,/' ' 7319 pi'lrXland Dedici'ltip!.l Fees $ '3;Li?;.5'70 '$176,,7.68 $ ,9.8',75U $ 98,75Ci 'I ,'].460 Grant Revenue~ SBl74 11',400 15,.656 - - 746i Gtant'-Par'KBond ,Acts 219.;aOO i,0:t5 C31!O:,aOo 310,700 7681 InterfUncl lLli3.ns 606,365 666'. :365 '- ..', .' -I Total. 's1, 156', 035$'79:4.,804 $409,450. $409,450' . , J . . '._ ...-.. ',. ~ " I I . I I .5' I CITY,~ ~y I REVENu:E:S flY, '.Fl,JNDS 'Ai.'ID SOOOCES 1985,.,1986 ,1985-1986 1986-19"87 1986'-1987 -"'-" ~ - AcwAL APPRbiJED 'I ,J3lJDGEl' PROPCSED :. DRAINAGE FuND'-. 12 ,7031 : Prbperty, T(3X ;ZoJle 1. $! ,90,000 . $ 14,,659 $106 470 '$106,470 7032. Property TaxSuJJzone ,. '';-'-"~' , '-'~.' ,160,000 285,184 184i4~Q ,~?.:1,4.39 7310 D"'"'" ",-."~ . . In!:ere,st Incane ,l7.,;320. 56' 204 111,300 ,ur,300 ~,I -<-.... 7402' Siili~one 1 &,Zope 1:; :500:,.000 48'7297 ;... -, to _, .. 7566' Drainage Fees "218,000 274~.785 188',400 .1,88.,.400 :1 :7675 Mi:pce1~aneoUS wccilJe - 195 - , TciW $98?, 320 ,~1.,118,J'24, $590,,600 :$590,600 I' FEDERAL. REVENUE:SHARlNG','-.13 I 73iO Intere,st IllC<irle' ;; ;78,879 $ 10",887 $ s,506 $5:,,?Oq . ' '7453 FErleral" 'Revenue Sharillg 214,390 275 ,9'80 , 34:,200: 34.,200 I, .T~ $)53\,260 :$286,86fl '$39,,7,90 '$39,700 I, ,eDBG: EUND -. 14 '741'J COOO-:9th. Year $' '- $ 23Fi8?? '$ -J '$' - 7.(0,8 'coBG'-10th Year '2P,lc,28L 161,999 101280 - .',. .,...; I, 7.481 ,CDBG-'llth Year 200,61:4, ,- 201;550 1002'l6 mBG-::fith Year ~ "I,.. , ......, 7:482, - 141,ilO 1'70,090 ..-~ ,." r41,000 :170,090 7483' .eDBGd3th Y~ -' - I, Sul:>~o:tar $46I!895 $l!8?',.??4, ,$584,940 $4.40,456 I GRANT EUNDS - 15-19 74QJ 'Revenue ,fran 0ther 'Agencfes' $ $ ,1~,,560 $ - $ ;... -, -- -,. ._- . - I 7451 Co>.!nt'(' Rec'~.' l'Eogram -' 786 - ,- . 7456 Fe:letalAid/0;-~: SYSit€!llS ,392,,296 -, - ;392,296 7457 'Office of Traffic, ,Sill ety - - - 12.5 ,~78 '7.t70 ,Tr~sp6rtat:ioii Oev:. Ager;cy t38' 463 136,078 9,! 689' 9;, 68',}' . " ~- I '7471 Off.,lce of' criininal Justice - ~~,@8 - ,- ~- ~ I . 7,475 !IDA ArL, ,iL5 cal1-;l\,'-Ride 120".401 108;361. '106,92,',) ll06,959 , 7520 Saies& iServi:C'e;' . . 12',040 9 ;677. ,10,700 10,700 , 'I Sul:it6tal $663,206 $278,120 $127.,348 $645522 " I '!'Otal Grant, Fifuds $1 ;,065.',095 $463,974 $712,288 $1 i085,,97li 'I 6 I CITY '00 ,p(JflAy ~ BY 'FUNDS 'AND s..~ I 1985-;'1986 1985"-1986 ,:li986"':]}8} 1~8~"':1987 I ~-.'~ ~'!>" ". ..- "i -.. IBJDGEI' ACIUAL PROPC6ED .APPROVED ASSESsMENT' DISTRI8TS FUND - 20, I 7110 Triter-est Incttne $ 30 $ - $- .$ -, I' 7710 AD 83";1 55,000. 48,04.2 - 5: 272 ;fill .~ , , -", ," i\El ~6-~i - - '19, 68r 6',120 ,.f...._,.., _f" . 7.7:1:2, AD 86";1 .- 4,150 2,455 36; 600 I.: )7]'3 AD 86-'2 .., -, ;3,,800 , '3,815, .. 'Total $55,030 $,52,i92 $25',936 $51 '8en I' STREETDEiJEL0H>1ENT FUND '."-, 21 ,7310 Ihterest Incane ,$ 20,920 i$ 68,912 $, 55,,700 $, 55,700 .1 " 7593\ 'Tratfic'Mit-igation Fees 398\ 500 133272 310 200 31l0,,200 ,,,-"" - ""', ,,-. ..;' ".'-- . . - - ,_ I .~. ~'_ - "",,', ;J..,,, - ;;'~-'-~'" >--, or. .' .... ~ 7594 'i'ra~ftcs1g@1 fees 10;,,000 5,39,9 J:0,,09,0 ),0,900. ~ .-, . , . 0.' _ ,,<>d .7595 lahClscaj;Je ,Mediai1Fees 51,,100 7',171 '10;,000 10,000 I' 7597' 'ROOd Fees - other 10,100 - '- - 1.5.9,~ ~, ;Qnpv,. ,,-, Mi,d).EiIld c30JfOO,O L _J' - - - 7671 ,Refunds' 300 ,- - - ,I' 7675 ,Miscellaneous Ihcane 90 - - TQta:L $521,010 $214 ;'664 ,$,385,,900 $385;90'0 I ,MUNICIPAL IMPR0\7EMENT, 'fuID -, '30 7310, illtere.st- IncciTle $ .18,320 $ 33 :901 $22,300 $,22,300 1 7680, Triterfunq Tri"\l1sfers _415',500 431,,'974 t~ - [ '-Total $433 820 $465,875 $22,,.30:1i $22:,300 I . , 800UNITY FAlzl'tITIES' DIS'[i. ,#1 .lCQUiSITICJN FiJND "- 31 I 73'l.0 Interest' Incane $ - $,' 928,766 $, - $1,8291,900 7620 Bond,ProceeQs' - , ,21,832,,670 - I Total ,- $22 "i1c6I, 436 - $1,,820,,9:0'0 DEBT ,SERVIcE ,FuND ~' 40" I 7310 Interest Ihcarie $) 21,.300 $ 9,307 '$ ,11 ,106 $ 11.,ioo I 7616: Fire, Bonds 122,,400, 122,400 ,175,,600, 175,; 600., Total $i~3 ';700 $1'31,707 $186,,706 $r86',:700 I I o. J ~ I CI~ OF row u,_ REVENUES :BY ~ AND SOOR;ES, II :1985-1986 1985~1986 1986~1987 1986~1J87 OODGE'l'AC'IUAL< PROPa3ED APPRoVED I CCMIDNITY, .FA8ILITIES DIST. #'1. . DEBT SERVICE:EUND - 41 :1 7310 Iriterest.lncane, $,- $ :2Qp"q97$, - $506',2.0.0 7620 Bond ProceedS - 700.0 845' ,- - . - ~. - - - , , . I 'l'otal :$ - $7 ,206,,~42 .$'- ,$5.o6',,:iOCl 'I WATER .'FUNI:i, ,.. 60 :1 7'310 Jnterest:.lhcane $ -$;24, ~22 $ 27,80.0 $ 27,8.00 'nI5 .Interest Incane-l3ond, 89,,230 106,363 '77,900,n,9.o.o 'I' 7520 :saieSandSei:v.is:e 2,,50,~,,8.o.O 3,r4..3,597 2,814;508 2,8ij4,'.~0,~ " 7521 .sales-UninetetEd Water' 5,.0.0.0 7.08 3,0.00 3,000 7?~2 SOCWA/!larrorla water Charges 552,600 604/348579, 99057.0 ~ 000 I 7524 Del., .'inquen. cy Chargel? . 25,OqO 31...,.766 26",000 '26;,9Q9 ,: 7525 HYdrant Meter Charges 360 1,'170 500 500 " 7526' . Reconnection , ' ;8,)'80 ,6,595 2,000 2,000 . " ,7528 A~'Iqii. J~eQate/rnterrupt.~9".850 1l0P61 i04,159 ~M,1l?O' I' 7529 's.3les..~pac:Lty Gl1ai'g<?S 39~ ,559 ~~},3.67U6 ,0004'1.6,,000 I 7530, P\Jll1fung-ID #l 63;,;46.0 51,,507 63,460 63,,460 7Ji}], 'IMnPillg- TO #4 7:,000 4, 4~:i5 'I,.oOQ. t,OOO I'. 17532: Pumping-or,Char. d et al 37,~400 39,,689 37 ~40Q 3Z,499 , 7533; Pumj?ing-oona.r:t 590 713 630 630 . 253i ~ing.,convair l,,:f3Q "2Ap~ :1.;,'509 1,500 I. '7535 ~i:ll.g... -'Padre. rran. Si.t,. 5,.6.80. 6,;700 '7,ogp 7"gOO : 7536: Pumping l?OWer"Camel~~ "- '. - . 200 .200 7537 P\lI11Ping Pi:Mer-WOodcJ:iff 500 569 600 600 7540: Expansion Fees 106,,356 153",69,6 131)550 131,550 1 t?4Z: ,cgnn~t!9n, fees. ' l3'7,;850 7h788 lzl.,QQQ 121;,.,00q ,7544 Administrat.ive 'F:<=>e.s. '10'1;,000 '9,070,6,'000 .9"QQQ 7546 Meter Install:ati:bn,s }3,.880 '93"B4 100,500 100,500 1 75M, PuI1Ping-Del FOiehte - .341'::' - ?'??7rnspectlon Revenue Fees 770 96'3'80.0 800 76,10, B<:>,pd-orcherd ,Water, Distdd 100 - - ..., 7611 Bond-'Gen~a1- 'wateJ:" ., .854,170 1,008,983: 871 ,900 871 ,90Q I 76I7 Ili:md:.,.A!) 79-illTaXRoll 2iJ.;8,,~3g '272,??Jl 215',920 215,,920 7.672 Returna:lChe6k Charges 1,000 .980 :1,000 1.,000 7.6.75 Mi:sce1igIl~\ls Il)cCl!le !O,OOO 20i.45f l:Cl ,o"do 10,,000 I !I'otal$5';26:L ,880 $6' ,:l64,46~ $?"67lh3.18 $5,678', 3I8 .. ' I 'I 8: I ctTY' OF J?'JivAY I REVENUES BY FuNDs !\ND'sOO~' 1985-1986 1985-iL986' 19~6:"'~98) ~1986-198~, I BUIX;Eir~ l'elUAL PROPCSED APPROVED 'SEWER, FUND, '-61. I 7310 IntereSt !hg:n]e' $ 4t2',9~0 $' 43'7,,021 $ 612,,'200 $ 612/200 I' '1'~l;; ,tnt,erest, Iricqne,Debt. 30','980 11,178: 16\,700 I6.; 700 '7330 Interest IhCCIl1e:-Notes' Rec. -, 8,,703: - '"" 7520 sales & Service ~?~',20~0 1 i 0.;;1;.,4]) 1.02'7 35'2 '1 ,02"z., '3'52 .1. . .,. '" I, '7542 Connection' 'Fees 876;000 1,'706 ;,670, 864;000 864~OOO r574\l Administrative Rever:itie - 1;r81 - ~' 7546 SeWet'cleanout InstaIl~tion' ;;..090, ,7.,9~5 '29',250 2~,25Q 42,7!l6: ,''''N <' ... 755il: [lnnexati;Q!l,~eral 17 ,.530, 25 i 000 '25,000 I 7552 iinnexati'on..,Del Norte 100 238' - -. "-'_""d l\rlrlexatIoi1"'Kb~ Crest.' 7553 280 289 290 290 3 ,292 .3 ,,260 -".".....j. 755'4 A1mexation:-Gieen Valley 3,260 3,260 '. 7555 s~er' S,Epl.,.1'ra,x .RD'fi'ri s:f/!32 .~ ~ ,'" .to_.__ . 2;720 295 - - _"'n-..; 7556 Conneetfon Fee- Inspect:ibns J;330 1l,604 4;200 4,200 PUmping-St. 'Al1drewS 'NEE. ,.2,J;~?' 2:200 '" .~; .,,,,.... 7562 2 ,Q2Jl 2 200 .c' ,-. -. ~ '"..1 '_,' :1' 7563 ~~ng~no ])e1. Valle 25 ,O,Q.Q 22',149 25,000 25,,000:' 75'~~' EurIlping-Del ,Porifente Area. ;900 862 1,100 1,100 '7615 Band' Interest & ,Rajeffip. 95 ,000 101, 347, Hi5 ;QQ:O 16~,,9Q1! 1,006' _ 0' ,___,. I 7675 Mlsceell;meous in9ane 3,259' 2,500 2,500 TOj:.al $2,,455,240. $3,,412,348' '$2,,178,052 $2',7;]8.,0;;2, cAPITAL, ~ :fuND - 70 I 7310 Iriterest Incane ,$ 40,,020, $ 5J,,68? $, 7.7,9.00, ,$ 7,'j ,900' ,I '758'5 vehlile ~ .Fftuip. Rental ,_= '0' 275,;'240 275',242: 312,390 312,390 7586 CapitaiL O1tra'y ,Rer:ital 39,480 39 ;,489 79,090 79,090 ,- S<ileof Surpl'UsFtoPeft'y, 32,500 2.; 602, 20,000 20;'000 I 7.660 ,TOtal $38i?d24O' $369.,01$ $;189,'380 $489,380~ I I I I \ I I " ,.1 9 I CITYOF'~ L .. I REIlENUES' ,BY .EUNDs, AND e~OCES . 1:985-,1:986 1985~I986 1986..,1987' 1986'-19'87 I BODGE:r' 'A6:LU1L, PRbPOOED: ,APProvED' 'I TRUST FONDs CLYDE REXROOE, MEMORIAL 'ruND ~ 80 ,I 7310. Inter:est ID-c:c::JTIe $140. $222 $250. $250. ,~ Subtotal $140 $222 $250 $250 'I' PCWAY ,RD., BEAUTIFICATIoN TRlJST ~81 'I 7310 IhtereSt?o .Inccine $:H:l90 $2,39.9. $1,700 $1; 700. '.'~ ,.." . -.~ . '7654 IJonatiOI!s -General ,250 -, , - 'I. ?cl:>total $3,240 $2;30.9 $1,70.0 $1,70.0 . 'r ;IXNATIONS AND GIFt .EtiNIJ, ,-' 82 I~ 7651, .Don~tions - Fire $ 750' $', 365 $, 750 $ 750 ........-", SaietyS~ices"'" b<:maboils 318 7652 500 590 '500. 7654 'DOOations - Geperal. '- 660. - - I SubtQ~ '$1,'250 $1343 $1,250 $1;250 ,., ,--'- I ,MARy,:PATRICIA :ROOS' ,TROST' -83' 7310 Interest-Ncite Re::ei~le $1,960. $1,57.4. $1,940. $1,940., I 'stibtofa:1 $1,960. ,$1,5.74- $1,,940 $1,,940. I BElTY BENDIXEN :muST -,85 I 7310. irlt~,est ,Incane $ - ,$569, $ ~ $.520. Subtotal ,$ '- $569 $ - $520. I Total T;t1lst F\lncls $6,590. $6'0.11" $5.,140. $5.,660. . , ' I " :REVENUE "GRAND /rorAL, $2::2,;,250,,21Q $53 ,,97~,419 $21,822,289 $31,~61,445 ,I ;1 :1 I I I I I :1 :1 I 'I I ,II I I _., I I, . I I I CITY.OF'PQWAY F~P~: t986~1981 ,~ OFsaJRCES ANI) 'uSEs oF Fi:.JNos I. 12 I CITY OF PfJ/VAY' , FISCAL YEAR 19,86:"'1987 S{M1ARY 0FSOOreES AND USES. OF'l3\JlX;ill'E:l) FUNDS I " SPECIAL ,SPECIAL GENERAl; ,REVENUE ASSESSMENT ,TRUST F'uNEl' ,FUNDS -",,_-.- :;;.. FONDs I FUNDS 'SCUFCE;.OF .FUNDS :ReVenues $16 688 1:20 .$2.; 924,,558' $ 51;80,'7 $5,;660 -, ~ :' i A~ted I ' ( AppropriatIoll~ 397,3 l!88 1,?,~9,~01" 0 ,Q 1 .f .._ ~ _ ". . _ , 61;;429 Futid Bc8.ance, '0' 911946' '34i426 ~ - 'Transfers In 0 392,296, 0 0 I TOrAL, $20',661,\398 '$5,/782,601 $1131,236 $40>,08t1 USE OF' FUNDS I . enditutes $, :9Az8 ;369: $2 202 136 $ 87;353 $ Q EJ{p, " I... ....1.".." Capital :pro:jectS 0 39i700 0 0 Bond, IntereSt '& I g~_enp:t:i9n, 0 0 Q 0 ReS~es' for Cootin<:ferides, !h 182,939, 1,272;.176 0 0 I 'Unap!?,ropriatErl 0: 1;,435 /8:3:7 4Q:,.j)86 geserves 25,,88~ Transfers out 1r;050 ,006 832;752 0 0 TElr'AL $2Q,661,J08, $5;,:Z?g, 691 $tl3',236 $40,086 I ,." ,...- General Fund - The .pr~ '~~ource:of rev,en.uee for'1il2~G.er!era!l F:und'9Ee, pro~ytaJce;s I and Sa,lesi;a'l(. Gel:1era,I Fund revenues fJ;'an ,all sources gre"hown, on. ,pages 2" 3 Cll1d4,~ Tlle General FulId finances, 'all dfthe ,Safety ,services., PIahning serviceS ,ccrinfunlty I" 'services ,general engineering and.the City ,adiri'iiil'sb:ation.A. suri'ri1arY o'ftheapprovErl )Jy.gg~t :for the Ger1erg,l fund is shOWll on' p:;ges 1"6, '3f}!, aI}sl '3.9~. Special Revenue F\.1rids: I; Gas ,Tiix/Stieeb~rovenent, ~'Tl:J.efund .is' 'us.Erlto .fillC!J1c;:e the constiucUon" reP,air ancl naintenance of, GJ.tY' 'streets. As, shown on page:4 'sources, of revenu~ atefran gasoline ~I and" il1t~est ~!1cang ."!,h~ appr9.v_~, t>ud,gE;lj;, lis ;sh0W9 o.nP9-g~ '1:7", 'Cll1d }9', ' , . 1 Sfieet' Devel:opnent Fund - We, food i:;; used for street. constructi9ll.Pf,OJects firjanced 5y de'\Telop,er'iS fees. Revenues are shOwn on page ,6. The ,approved '5uaget is shdwn on. J ,'. pages 23 and 144'. Drainage Fund. - J~eyenues for .tb,is fUllc;l are shown' on wg,e 5.. .ThE;l :prirnary, source of 1 r..ev:elm~ i1>f~anfu.'ai!,Qii,g~. fees cOI':4e.c'j:Erl: (a,saeyelopn~t oc:cur;s :Thi!~l'evel1ueil"s ~ed t() > fibarice COl1struction, of :floCld control. and drainage improvEl;J1ents;. The. approved budget' is snOWnon pages' :1:9 arid 39. . ,.. J Revenue SharinCj- Revenlle S3h9ril1g fllllds'~>EO! r-e:ceivErlfran 'th~ Fe:ier1iI, Gqy~t i:!l!d,:~ ,. snown9rl page' 5.' r:i:deral Reven~e Shc!ring funds, can beus€d to fina,ncecity operations at' capital.improvenenM., A 'f1.ihd aCtivity detail i'S shciWri on page 20. I . Giant. Funds. -Tll~s!=fun~ are 'u,sedto~ccol,ll1.t for ~i9us grari~~hat are r~eiveq by . theCJ,W,.Revenues, are ,shown on :page:.5'. ,A fund ,achvJ.ty, d!=:taJ.l J.S ,s!:J<JVl!1 on, 'page .21- special ,ASsesSfnei1tFuild - 'Thrs filild is. :Used. tofihallce pUbl1:c .imprbv6I\ents or' servf6es I tpa:~l:Jenef:i!ts' the,properti@ againfOt whicl} theassessmen1;s '?L'e 'levied. J:~ev:!=I1U~ are shQwri, .an~.9'e :6'. AfUhd ;activity detail is snown on pa.9'e 22.. .1 .Ti'ust ,Funds :- The:>,e; funds, ar,e'used t9' Cl,ccount, for, :pr9pt-iet.aryfrUSts iili?it have ,beeri dOnated to the City.'. ,Trust Furid Revenues are, showri on .page 9. _ - _ - . - .. - ~. - - - - - - . - . J 'I, I D I CAPI.'J.'AL DEBT CAPITAL I PROJOCT SERVICE ENTERPRISE REPIJI9EMENI' REDEVEWPMENT , , FUNDS FUND FUNDS FUND AGENCY TOl'AL I $ 2,252,650 $ 692,900$ 8,456',370 $ 489,380 $ 0 $31,561,.445 22,761,436 0 7,,783,807 633,554 0 36,705,786 941,844 7,391,285 0 0 09,340,930 I 7,050 ,000 0 0 0 4.40 ,456 :7.,882 ;:752 $~3,OQ5,,930 $8,084,185 $16,240,177 $1,122,934$4.40,456 $85,490,913 I $ 0 $ 0 $5,703..220 $1:50,350$ 0 $17.,571,428 I 7,,451,900 0 0 0 0 7,.491,600 o 4,105,400 1,352,680 0 0 5,458,080 I 24,582',336" 0 9,184,277 972,584 440,456 40,634,'768 971,6943,978,785 O' 0 0 6,452,285 I 0 0 0 0 0 7,882,752 $33,005,930 $8,084;185 .$16,240,177 $1,i22,934 $440,456 $85,490,913 I 'tal "'ds Capl. ,PrOla::t Fun : Municipal Improvement - ReVenue for this fund is shown On page 6.. The fund i~ used to Ifiiia:nCe, City capitaliroprov.projects. The ,approved budget is shoWn on page 24. Park Improvements - 'This fill1d is used to finance the cbstof P,ill"k constrUctIcil. Revenues are shown on page 4ahd authorized capital. expenditures are shown on page 144. I Carmunity Facilities District U - This fund used to finance cost of Sooth ~y Carmunity FaciHties Dis:trict. Revenue.soUrces, are shown on, page 6. . I Debt Service - '!his food ra::ords the revenues and expenditili::es associated with the financ- :ing oftPe Cit.yis general debt;, Revenue soUrces' are shown on, pages 6 and 1. The approverl !::lldget is' shown on pages 26 and 32. I Enterprise Funds': - (water and Sewer) water Fund -' '!he ~j:E!r Fund is, a self.-supporterl enterprise fund. The prirrary source, of . revenue for this fund is iran the sale of Water. Al1revenues for the fund are shown I on page 7 . AuthorizErl expenditures for fisealyear 1986-1987 are shown on pages 27; 38,and 39. Sewer. ,Fund - The primary source of revenue ,for the ,seW&-' .fund is, the sewer. service I Char. ge. other sources of :evenue for this fund are shown on page 8. The approverl budget fortlie Sewer Fund l.S shown on pages .28, 38;, and 39. I . Capital Replacement.Flirid - 'ihe caPital. replacement fund" is userl to ,finance the replace.., 'ment of City vehicles and rrajor equipi1ent. The revenue for this .fund canes fran sale of surplus property and .rental fees chg,rgerl to each of the divisions that .have been assigned vehicles or equiJ;lllel1t.ReVenues are 'shown on ,page ,8. Expehditures are 'on pages 38 and 39. I RedeVelopnent Agency - The funding for the Redevelopnent Agency includes loans fran the citywp.,ic;,h are includerl in the City! s buc:l,g!,"t :;;l.lIlIllaIies for display r:urposes only. The I total budget for' the Redevelopnent Agency is shown on pages 167 thi-u 20!l. ,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I CITY OF .PCWct' FIN1IlmAL PRl'XiRl\M: 1986-1.987 FUND 1\CTIyITY DErAIL I 16 I CITY' OF PCWl\Y' I GENERAL. FUND 1~84-1985 1985-1986 1985'-1986 1986-1~87 1986-198J ACIUAL . RJDGEI' AC'lUAL 'pRbJ?CSED APPROVED FUND ,ACTIVITY DErAIL I BEXITNNING ~-July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ -' $ - Prior Years APPropriation 3,368,010 2,6}5,679 2,635,670 2,952,06~ Jt,973,18 .' - ">\ 9;676,145. Revenues 8,400,597 8,689,620 9;466;592 16688 12 TOl'AL FUNDS AVAIIJ\BIE $11;768,607 $11,325,290 $12,102,262 $12,628,209 $20,661,308 EXPENDI'lURES I Operating Expenses: Iegi~lative/, JlDministratiV'e $ 571,032 $ 613,o2~ $ 62,8~,720 $ 696,337 $ "l37,391 JlDministrative Services 803,749 780,523 874,;226 889,010 920,08 CaImuni ty Services 1,075,358 1,337,214 1,223,623 1,506,645 1,?7.2,551 Planning Services 684,983 n3,795 87?,342 856,360 878,071 Public Services .. 6g4,644 9~1,199 503';084 1,.231,796 1,268,,64 Safety Services 3,243,304 3 ;497',624 J ,549 ;154 3,853,136 4,051,613 Total Operating Expenses $7,003,070 $7,971,376 $7,654,149 $9,033,284 $9,428,36_ capital Projects: Streets and Highways ' $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - .GavernInl:llt Buildings - - - - - I Total Capital Piojects $ - $ - '$ - $ - $ - .TOl'AL EXPENDI'lURES $7,003,07,0, $7,,971,376 '$7,654,149 $9,033,284 $9,428,361 TRl\NSFERs/Iflillis'- In ( 0.lt ) $(4~500:001 Transfer to Muni.ImproVe. $ (l84 ,840 ) $(123,841) $ (123,841) $ - Transfer to GraritFunds (1,417) - - - Transfer ,iran water ('5,000) - - - - Transfer .from Donations 880 - - - - I Transfer .from.Rexrode 2,900 - - - - Transfer to Park Improvement - - - - (2,5,OO,000i LOan toSt. Improvement !1~,718) (~O,OOO) (90,,000) - =1 LOan to st. oeveIopnent (134,532) - - - LOan to Park Iftlprovement (46,834) - -' (50,000) (50,000) Loan to RErleveIopnent Agen<:y (1,746,306) (261,084) (261,084) - - I TOl'AL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ (2,129 ,867) $(474,925 ) ,$ (474,925) $ (50 ,000) $(1'050'001 TOl'AL ,APPROPRIATICNS' $2,635,670 ,$2,878,,989 $3,973,J88 $3,544;925 $,(4,182,,9:1) ENDING BIILANCE-June 30 0 0 0 0 I I 17 CITY OF !?a'IAy ::1.l:1<lili"!' IMPROVEMENT-GIIS ,TAX FUND 1984-1985 1985-1986 1985-1986 1986-t987 1986-1987 AClUAL J3UIXiEll' AClUAL PROP03ED APPROVED $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 191,454 6&61 .92 ,729 367,3~3 698,582 741,412 663,370 1;058,191 822,380 822',380 $932,866 $670,231 $1,150! 920 $1,189,693 $1,520,962 ,PlIblic: ;Services $'704 ,352, $662,'220 $443,570 $694,120 $1,842,501 Total operating Expen~es $704,352 $662,220 $443,570 $694!120 $1,8~2,501 c:api tal Projects :' Streets & Highways (continuing approp.,), $ - $ - $ 80,000 $ - $ - Stree~ & High,ways 45,233 23,093 18,768' - - Traffic Signals ,191,446 - - - - Total Capital ,Projects $236,679 $ 23,093 $ 98,768 $ - $ - $941,031 $685,313 $542,338 $694>,120 $1,842,501 TRl\NSFERS/IDANS- In (Qlt) Fran (;rant, Funds $ - $ - $ - $ - ,$,392,296 Fran Street Developnent ~l:20 ,000 - - - ,- Loan Fran General Fund 14 ,718 90,000 90,000 - - ,To Street Developnent <33 ,824) - - - - '$100,894 $ 90,000 $ 90,000 $ - $392,296 $92,729 $74,,918 $698,582 $495>,573 $7,0,,757 0 0 0 0 0 . '18 I CITY OF KWAY I PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND 1984...,1985 1985-1986 1985-1986 ,1986...1987 1986-198' A(:'I\jAL. BlJLGET ACIUAL 'PROPCGED APPROVED , FUND l>CTIVITYDEl'AIL :1 BEGINNING BALlINCE-July 1 $ 98,249 $249,409 $269,489 $ 1,448 $ 469 7::1 Prior, Years Appropriat:i:on - - - - Revenues 231,514 555,670 194,439 409 ,45'0 TOl'AL EUNDS AVAILl\BLE $329,763 .$805,,079 $463,928 $410,898 $410,331 EXPENDI'lURES Operatin~ Expenses: I T9talOper(it;ing EXpenses - -' - - - I , c.ipital Ptoj~ts; I Parks ( continuing 'approp. ) $ - $ - $ 979,5?6 $ - $ - Parks & Open Space 109,108 1 ,016,754. 83,844 451,900 2,951,900 Total eapitalProje::ts $109,108 $1,016,754 $l"OH,410 $451,,900' $2,951,901 . - - . TOl'AL EXPENDI'J,URES $109,108 ~1, 016,754 $1,063,410 $451,900 $2,951,90. TRANSFERS!WANs:-,rn (Olt) IDan fran General Fund $ 46,834 $ - $ - $' 50.,000 $ 50,00' ri:ansfer f,ran General Fund - - - - 2,500,00 Fran Ross Trust 2,000 - - - - Fran Ferleta1ReVenue, Sharing 600,365 600,365 - -I TOl'AL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ 48,834 $600,365 $600,365 $ 50,000 2,550,000 I I TOl'AL APPROPRIATICNS - - - - - I ENDING BALANCE-June 30 $269,489 $388,699 $883 $8,998 $8,4:1, I . 1 I .19 'ciTY' QF Fq;lA,Y' DWNAGE: FUND 1~84":1985 1985-1986: 1985'-;1986 1986"':,1~87 1986-1987 ACIuAL 1mGE:1" , .AC'IUAL, PROPOSED APPRovED $100;;079 $307, 736 $?30,736 '$ 809,;788 $ 909.,066 <'0 __ ,- - ,.. '- - 283,221. 485,,320 63i ,@i 590,600. 590,,600 $,383;,300 ,$)93,05'6 $~61, 7,63' $1.,400,388 $1,499,';666, OJ;letatlng,El!p<;mses: ~lic!?et"Vices :$ - $273,,948 $227,994 $226,437 $227,194 'l'otal, ~atingExPffises $ - $27'3, 9.4e' $227 ,99.4 $22~,43i '$22'7.,194 Capfta:l . Pi'ojecfs : -. - '-'" " Flood ;Control & Drainage $ 57,200 :$, - $ - $ - ;$ - Tbtalcapij:.aJ, ,ProjectS $57,'200 '$ ~ ,$ - $ - $ - , . $ 57,2.00 $273.948 $227,994 $22!i,437 $227,:194 .." ,- Tran.st~. f~am.,Courity Subzone 1 and 2! $ 4,636: $ 500;006 $ 48~,;297 $ . - $ - I:J:.Jan ,to, .Re:1evelor;ment Agency, (312',000) (312,000:) (,385.,620,) - ,~ 4,636; , -,. .- - $175,297 $'\ 385 ,620;) $' $ 188",0,00 _. '.., - - ~ - $330",736 $707,,108Q $9Q9,066 $788','331 '$1:;272,4'72 20 I . , em! 0F"~ I FEDERAL REVENUE' SHARING, FQND 1984:-1985 :1985'-1986' 1985'"1986 1986'-1,987 i9.86'-19'8' flJDGET' .. "-..-- AClUAL ACIUAL .PROP0SED, APPROVED , I ,FUND~AGTIvITI,DE1'AIi. BEGINNING BALANCE-Jilly .1 $ 6.7T,459 t317,,366, $317',3'66 $: 3;391 ~: 3~ 86,1 pt:i:or Ye;u'swropri,a,tion, .- - - - Rev,enues, 347 ,149 .353,260, ,286:,867, 39J,700 39r,700,' "rorAL 'FUNDS A~LE" '$1,024,,608 $6'70"626! $604,'233 '$ 43,091, $ 43,5,61 .EXPENDI'lURES Operat::i;I1g'Expens~: I Pu51ic sertlices $ ,]9 ;192 $, :- $ - '$! - ~ ,- I 'SafetY' Ser:v~c~ 90,000 - - j~ ']'0~1 0JP.erat;iI}gExpens~ $169 (402 $ - ,$ - $' - $ .- I Capital PiojectS" I Traffic Signals $ - $ - $ - ?' - $ , . . -.' . ",,.,-.',, ,GoiT.ernrnent Buildings' 39,976 - -, - P&k .& open'.~pa:ce 502,864 - - - - I . ,~ 'i;i:?t,al.Capital, 'Ft:ojec'ts ,$542,840 - $ - $ :- $ ,. TC1l'AB' EXPENDI'IURES '$712 242. $ - '$ - $ - ~ .,. I --_.,. -- ,'rRANS];'ERS/,IDANS- In (rut f I To park' 'lI\lProvEfCient FUnd ' ,$ - $ C60 0 ',3.65]' $'[600, j6~) $ - ~ - , " Fran GeneraIFund 5,,000 -. -, - - :1 '$ , TarAL, Tjw<S'FERs/LOANS 5,000 $(600 , 3651 $ {60,O ,365') $ ,~ $ - , ,I ."~' , I ,TC1l'AL, APPROPRIATIONS - , -, ,- - 'I ENDING BALANCE-June 30 $3U,36~' '$ 70'261 $ 3./868, $ 43.;991 $43;51 ' ..~, .-- 1 I 21 Gf'J;'X' OF 'p::JflAY GRAm, FUNDS, :198,4-1985 1985'-'1986, 1985-'1986 1986-1987 l!98l?,-1987 , .ACIUAL BJJ:GET AcroAL PROPOSED APPROVED $ I $ 212.,566 $ (1,}i73) '$'( 1I5',88I'l $ (988) - - - - 346",74-1 1,105,445 463.,97.4, 712 ,288 :1,085,978, $3;46,17;42 ,$[1.,318"On $' 462,;201 $ 596 407' $1,084,@) " .or:.. operating ~ses:, $113.;812, $132441 $132,,441 &IrinW1ity Sa:vices $137,,598 $ 1}2.,441 ;Planriing'services ' " -' - -. -' - Publ-ic Services .., - -' -. saEetyiS~iceS 10,777 - 3,658 -, - Total ~ating Eiq5ehseS ,$124,589 $1:)2',441 $l4,I;256 ,$131,441 '$ ,132,441 Capit:aJ. projects - R.OO~velopnentAgenC:Y:J $214,699 $ Stt.eets .1'.,' Jughway' $' - - $ - ,$ - Tota,1 ,RErlevelopneritProje;::ts' $214" (;99 $ -, '$ - $ - $ ,.. eapital Proj~ts '- City: Sj:reets&H.lgi'iways $,10:,644 $178,8i3 '$'136,078 $ - $ ,- Total City Projeet!l $ to:; 644, $178 ;813 $136 ~b78' $ $ - . " '. $349;,.93,2, $ 311.,254 $2;7,7,'33,4 $1}2 ,A4l $ i32,;441 'TRANSFERS/WflNS- Ii}, ~lil\1t) '$ Tfaiisfep,fran ~eralFimd $ 1,417 $ .., $ - - $, -' .Loan to Redevelopnerit!\gencY' (900,;,486 ) .(i85 ,855) . (382,386) (14;40,456') - TransIet'! ,to GaxTax Furid -, - - -' (392,296) . $ 1,417 :$J900,486) $!(185:,855) $:(382 ;386) $'(832 752 ) .-' . ., , ,- - -' ,- $ (,1,;7,73) $106,271 '$ (988'), $ :81,580 $119,;797 . , ,22 I CITY 0F KWAY I' SPEOAL ASSESSMENT, DISTRICtS rtlNl? 1984-,,1985 1985-'1986 1985~19,86 19,86-;198i7 ,19,S6-f98,_ AcIuAL, ':BtJLGET' ACIUAL, PROPCGED APPROVED . 'FUNDAct'IVI'rY .DErAff. I , BEGINNING BALANCE-Jiily1 $ n,.956 $' 19,300. $19, 30b $ 62,330 $ 61~42. " ~i9r,Y~,S Appropriati.oll, ,- -, - - Revenues , 11,280 55,030 '52, 192 25,936 51,'80:1' ~~ , TOI'AL FUNDS, AVAILABLE' $ .22,636 $ i4,330 $. 7l!.492 $ 88,266 $Il3, 2~1 ,E)iPENDI'lURES . ~at:i!1g EJ{penses: Cdiirttfufty servicesl $ - $i '" $ - $' 81,,353 $.8~~351 PUbLic Servige? 3';,33'6 7'7,;600 10 ,,063 , Total Operating' :Experises $. 3,336 $i7'7,Mo '$ i.o,063 '~8"'i 353 $ 87135. i:api~l :E'r.oj€Ct:,s: I Tdt:al ~pital ptojec~ , ,- - - $ ,TOI'AL EXPENDI'lURES $ am6 $ - $ 10 ;063 $ '8:] ,353! $ 87,3,51 !I'RANSFERS!WANS.., Iii i &It) I wtN; ~SFERS/f.0A1iS - - ~ ~ .. '. TOI'AL)APPROPRlATIONS -' - -, - -I' ElIDING' l3lI:tANCE-Jime ,30 ,$' J9~r:3bO: $ ,('3,,'270,). '$ 61,429 ,'$ 913 $ 25.,sl, -- ~ -,. -- ..-, .- I ;1 I 23 CITY OF l?O'IAy TlUSTFUNpp 198ft-1985 1985-1986 1985-1986 1986-1987 1986-1987 ACIUAL IIJr:GEl' ACIUAL PROPa3ED APPROVED FuND. ALO:TIVITY DErAIL BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $27,955 $28,409 $28,409 $34,999 $34,426 ~ior, Years~ropriatibn - - - - - Revenues 6,734 6,590 6,017 5,140 5,660 TCYl'AL FUNDS AVAIIABLE $34,689 $34,999 ~34,426 $40,139 $40,086 " EXPENDI'lURES Bond Irlt,erest& Redenption Operating Expenses: CaIInuni ty services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Safety Services~ 500 - - - - Total Operating Expenses $ 500 $ - $ - $ - $ - - Capital 'Projects: Government Buildings $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Capital Projects $ -, $ - $ - ~ -, ~ ~ T0l'AL EXPENDITURES $ 500 $ - $ - $ - $ - TRANSFERS/WANS- In (out) To Park Improvement Fund $(2,000) $ ,- $ - $ - $ - To General Fund (.3 , 780 ) - - - - TCYl'AL TRANSFERS/WANS $(5,780) $ - $ - $ - $ - TCYl'AL APPROPRIATlOOS, - - - - - ENDING BAIlINCE-June 30 $28;,409 $34,999 $34,42g $40,139 '$40,086 24 I CITY OF PGiVAY I STREE:r, DEVELOPMENT :FUND 1984-1985 1985-1986 1985-1986 1986-1987 1986-1981 ACruAL l3lJJ:X3ET AC'lUAL, PROPa3ED APPROVED :FUND 1'El':rvri:'Y DETAIL I BmINNING. BALl\NCE'"\July, 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ '855~2i~ Priq,rYear!?' 'APPropriation 205,344 842,426 '8~2i426 923,796 Revenues 665,151 521,OlO 214,,664 385;900 385 ,90 ,. 'IOl'AL ,FUNDS AV~LE $8'70,495 $1,363,436 $1,057,090 $1,309,696 $1,241,111 EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses: I ,Total Operating EXpenses - - ,- -' -, I capi tal Projects: I 'lWin PeakS Road $ 26,411 $ -' $ - $ - $ - Martincoit Road 5,834 - - - - Espola Road Widening 1,376 - - - - Stone Cahyon Widening 29,14A - -' ~ - I Pcf.oIay ~d ClJ1d SR 67 1,447 - - - - Panerado Road/Hospital 21,213 - - City street Signs - - 17,000 20 ,OQ.O 20,,01 Garden ~dBikeLar1e - -' ,- 7,,500 7,,5 ' Lake J?c,,;ay Road' Bike lane - - .- 12,200 12,200 Total capital Projects ,$ 76,425 $ - $ 17,000 $ 39,700 $ 39,7<1 'IOl'AL -EXPENDITUREs $'l6,!I25 $ -. $ -17.,000 $ 39,100 $ ,39,700 TRANSFERS/IDANS- In (OLit) I Loan To Redevelopnent Agency $ - $: (184,8'71) $ (184,871) $( 110 ,000:) $' = I Loan Fran General .Fund li34,532 - - - Fran (To) Gas Tax 'Fund (86,176) - - - - rofllliTRANSFERs!IDANS $ !I8,356 $ (184,8'71,) $ (.];84,8'7n $(110,000) $' - I I 'IOl'AL APPROPRIATIONS $842,426 $1,1'78,565 $ 855,219 $1,159,996 $1,201,419 I ENDING BALANCE-June 30 0 0 0 0 I I 25 CITY OF JoooAy MUNICIPAL, IMPRQVEMENT :ruND 1984-1985 1985-1986 1985-1986 1986"'1987 1986-1987 'AC'IUAL, EDJJGm', AC'IUAL PROPOOED APPROVED BEGINNING BALANCE-{T~y 1 ?288,846 $228,236 $471,836 $501,836 $940,961 Prior, Years 'Appropriation - - - -' - RevenUes 23 ,593' 18,320 465,,875 22,300 22,300 $312,439, $246,556 $937,711 $524,,136 $963,,261 , Debt Service .$243 ,600 $111,500 $ 52,>360 $ - $ - Operating Expenses: Total OperatingExpei1seS - - - - '- Capi tal J?roj~ts: Government I?uildings $ (cohtinuing approp. j $ - $ - $346,239 $ '- - GoveJ.11l!\ellt Buildings 222,089 320,474 30,125 - 4,500,000 Total Capital Projects $222,089 ~320,474 $376,364 $' - $4,500,000 $465,689 $431,974 $428,724 $ - $4,500,000 TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (aIt) Transfer, In-Generai, ~q $184,840 $1:23,841 $123,841 $' - $4,500,000 Transfer Ih-Water Fund 291,783 169,441 169,441 - - Transfer In-Sa-iEir Fund 148,463 -'...... 138,692 138,692 - - $625,086 $43,1,974 $431.,974 $ - $4,500"OQO - - - .., - $471,836 $246,556 $940,961 '$524,136 $963,261 2'6 I CITY OF POilAY I C<MIDNITY FAcILITIES DISTRICr #1 1984-1985 1985-1986 1985'-1986 1986-1987 1986-19f,lJ AC'IUAL 00DGE:l' AC'IUAL POOPCSED APPROVED FUND llCTIVITY DEl'AIL I ~ BAUINCE-,July.l $ . - $ - $ - $ - $22'761~43' PrioJ:' Yexrrs Appropriation - - - -, ReVenues - - 22,761,436 - 1,820,90 'l.'Ol'Ai. FUNDS AVAILl\BLE $ - $ - $22,761,436 $ - $24 ;582,33. EXPENDI'lURES ~atin~ Expenses: I Tqtal Operating Expenses - - .., - - I Capital Projects: I Total Capital Projects -, - .., '- - I TarAt, EXPEND1'lURES - - - - - I TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Olt) I I TOl'AL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - - - I TOl'AL APPOOPRiATlOOS - - - - - I ~ I. ENDING BALANCE-,June 30 $ - $ -. $22,761,436 $ - $24; 582,331 I ,I 27 CI-TY OF l?CwAY DEBT SERVICE FUND 1984~1985 cl985-1986 1985-1986 1986-1987 ,1986'-1987 l\ClUAL. HJIX;EI" AC'lUAL PROPCSED APPROVED BE(;INNING' BAIANCE-'July 1 $304,584 $225,184 $ 225,184 $196,384 $7,391,285: Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - Revenues 94,317 143,700 7,,338,,649 . .186 , 700 692,900 $398,901 $368,884 $7,563,833 $383,084 $8,084,185 Bond Interest .& .'Rerlenption: $1:73;,.717. .$ $P5,700 1978 Fire Bond $172~,500 172,548 .$ 175,700 Camllmity Facilities Dist.#l - ;;..... - - 3,929,700 Total Bond. Int. & Redemption $1'73,717 .$172,500 $ 172,548 $175,700 $4,105,400 Opetat.ingExpenses: I ,Total ,Operating Expenses - - - - - I Capi tal Projects : TOtal Capital Projects - ~ - - - $173 ,7l'7 $172,500 $ 172,548 $175,700 $4,105,400 (Out) - - - - - - - - - - $225,184. $196,384 $7,391,285 $207,384 $3,978,785 '.1 28 I CITY OF f."Ji[P;i I WATER 'E1JND 1984-1985 1985-1986 1985-1986 1986-1987 1986-1981 l'\C'lUAL .BUDGE:t AC'lUAL, PROPC6ED APPROVED FUND ACl'IVI'l'Y DErAIL I BffiINNING BAIANCE'"0'uly 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,251:84' Prior Years APPropriation 748,673 '1,005,775 1,005,77? 1,375,612 Rev~ues 5,833,372 5,,261,880 6,164,468 5,678,3i8 5,,678,31 TCIl'AL EUNDS AVAILABLE $6,582,045 $6,267,655 $7,170,243 $7,053,930 $7,93(),161 EXPEND;J:'lUREs Bond Interest & Redenption $1,175,148 $1,175,795 $ 889,310 $1,171,680 $1,1;1,68. 0];lerat~I)g Expenses: klmlnistiative Sei:vices $ 273,001 $ 243,519 $ 237,,05.8 $ 231,825 $ 250,,13' Cannunity Services 49,436 43,566 43,566 43,566 43,56 Pub1ic Services, 3,786,902 ,3', 3i2 ,103 3,480.,024 .3 ,.499.,029: 3,557,83. Total Operating Expenses $4,10~,339 $],,599318,8 $3,760,648 $3,780,420 $3,851,533 I I capital, ProjeCts: Water Irnprovenents $ ,~ $ -. $ 99,000 $ - $ - I -- ,-,,. - ,. (continuing. approp.) Water IrnproVenents - 99,000 - - - ,Total capitai Projects $ - $ 99,000 $ 99,000 $ - $ - I TOTAL EXPENDI'lURE'S $5,28'1,487 $4.,873,983 $4" 748,958 $4,952,100 $5,023,.21 TRANSFERS/IDANS-In (Out) I Loan to Redevelbpnent 'AgencY' $ '- $ - $ -' $ <.4,200.) $ - To Municipal Irnprovenents (291,783) (169,441) (169,441) - - I TOI',iIL . TRANSFERS/I1:li\NS $ (291,783) $(169,441) $ (169 ,441) $ <.4,200 ) $ - I TCIl'AL APPROPRIATIONS $1,005,775 $1,224,231 $2,251,844 $2,097,630 $2,906,91 ENDING BI\Ll'\NCE - June 30 0 0 0 0 I I 29 CITY OF POiiAY SE.WERFUND 1984...:1985 19,85-1986 1985-1986 1986-19,87 1986-1987 ACIUAL aJD.:;Er ACIUAL PROPCGED 'APPRovED $ - $ -. $ - ,$ - $' - 3,783,791 4,966,082 4,966,082 4,746,998 5,531,963 2,773,591 2,455,240 3,412,348 2,778,052 2,778,052 $6,557,382 $7,421,322 $8,378,430 $7,525,050 $8,310,015 Bond Interest & Rerlemption $ 311,904 $ 182,173 $ 76,543 $ 181,090 $ 181,000 Operating, Expenses: Adglinistrati veSetvfceS $ 90,356 $ 15~,,883 $ 149,522 $ 148,022 $ 1:55,460 Public Services 1,040,577 1,456,507 '1 ,255 ,691 i 482 913 1,696,22'7" ,. , Total 0PeratingExpenseS $1,130,933 $1,61:0,390 $1,405,213 $1,630,935 $1:,851,687 Capita,:], :Projects: Sewer Dnprovenents $ - $ - $1,150,017 $ - $ - (continuing approp.) SeHer Dnprbvenents - 1,162,000 11,983 - - Total Capital 'Projects ,$ - $11:62000' $1,162,000 ~ - $ - ! I, $1.,442,,837 $2,954,563 $2,643,756 $1:,811,935 $2,032,687 TRAi.\JSFERS/LOANS- In (().It) Loan :to RedeveIb];Il1ent Agency $ - $ (64,019) $ (~4 ,,019). $ - $ - To !1unicipa1 Dnprovenent (148 ,463) C138,692) 0.38 ,692.) .., - $(148,,463) $ ('202.,,7li) (202,71.1 )' $ - $ -. $4,966,082 $4,,264,048 $5,531,963 $5,713,115 $6,"277,328 0 0 0 0 0 30 I CITY OF POilAY I CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND 1984...,1985 1985-1986 1985-1986 1986-1987 1986-1981 I\C'lUAL IUIX;ET I\C'lUAL PROPOOED. APPROvED I FUND ACTIVITY DErAIL BEGINNINGIWJ\NCE-Jqly 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ , Prior Yearsilpprop:dation 233,760 375,418 375,418 699,258 633,55 Revenues 264,284 .387,240 369,018 489,380 489'38~ TarAL FUNDs AVAILABLE $498,044 $762,658 $744,,436 $1,188,638 $1,122,93 EXPENDI'lURES I Band Interest & RErlenpt'ion - - - - - Qperatil}g Expenses: $150 ,35' Ailmfnistrati;ve. SerVices $ 47,824 $ 63,400 $69,,890 $150,350 Public serVices 74,802 - 40,992 ,.. - I ,Total 0Rerating Expenses $122',626 $ 63,400 $1I0,882 $150" 350 $15,0,-350 I TarAL EXPENDI'lURES $1:22,626 $ 63,400 $110,882 ,$150 , 350 $150,31' TRANSFERS!lDANS~In (.out) I rorAL .TRAl'lSF$RS/i0ANS - - - -. - I I TarAL APPROPRIATIOOS $375,41.8 $699,258 $633,554 $1,038,288 $972,,51 ENDll{G BALANGE-Jun,e 30 0 0 0 0: I I I I I I I ,I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY. OF ~ FINAlCIAL PRCXiRllM; 1986-1987 BCND INrEREST AND REDEMPl'ICN I ' 32 I CITY OF PC1iIAY I. ooND INTEREST AND REDEMPTION 1985-1986 1985~19tl6 1986-1987 1986..,1987 I BUI:X;ET ACTUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I WATER FUND I 195'4 $ 25,563 $ 2?,,5~3, $ - $ - 1970 2~4,~35 264,835 268,388 268,388 I 1972 103,474 103,474 101,2?,5 101,275 1975 495,930 495.. 930 520,.130 520,130 IO#1 356 356 - - IO *2 17,750 17,750 17,000 1,7,000 I 79..,1 242,000 242,000 2.39,000 239,000 Nnortizat~on of Discount 23',887 23,88.? '23,887 23,887 Processi'ng Fee 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 I TOrAL WATER FUND $1,175 ;'795 $1,175,795 $L, I71, 680 $1,171,6'80 SEWER FUND I Series 1 $ 41,348 $41,348 $ 44,463 $ 44,463 I, Series 2 ~;3,417 23,417 22,333 22, ~33 Series B 116,.808 116.,808 113',9.04 In, 60.4 Ptbcessi'ng Fee, 600 600 600 600 I TOrAL SEWER FUND: $182,173 $182,173 $181,000 $181.,000 DEBT SERVICE 1'UND I 1978 Fire Bonds $172,400 $172,400 $175' 600 $175,600 I ' .-" prbcessihg Fee 100 100, 100 100 TOrAL DEBT SERVICE FUND $172,500 $172,500 $175,700 c$l,7 5,700 I GRZ\NDTOT!\L $1,530,468 $1,530,468 '$1,52tl ,'380 $1,528,380' I '-.- ,- '.- - --- '-- -- I .. I I I I I , I I' I ,I. I! 'I' , , :1; '. :1 ' , I' I ,I 'I I I " I CITY OF PCWIY FINAN::IAL PRroRAM.: 1986-i98,7 ~()EFUND ~AND RESERVES I :ct~jOFi ~ ,C; >l'. S'l'ATEMENI' OF ,RlND BArAtos '~ R.&3ERilES 'Agqum ,tung Funds Available 1986~19.87 Pro ~ ehdi bITes, FUrid F).irid @rop Appr()p Balahce as' oJ: :Biilance ReVehueS Cap~\:;il Transfers as of ('Reserv.) 7/']:/86. 7/1/86 1986-1987 , ations Pi'ci' ects' c'Irii/Oit' 6/3oii'i7 6/30Y8'l u FUND General '$J,97a",188' ~ o $16'688, i20 $ 0 $9, 428 '3'69 $' o $7.,05~;iOOO :$4.,182',:.939 $, 0 !, ! .. J..--! ,GaS TaX/Street 698,582 Iniprov6'r\ent 0 822,389 0 ,1,842,50J 0 (:392,296 ) 70,.757 0 'Park Inlj;Jrove,. :0 883 ,409,.450 0 0 '2,951,900 ('2,55(),0'06.) 6 8,,433 ~rainage 0 909,/066 59(>':,600 0 22'7,:194 0 0 0 1,272,;.472 FErl.. Rev,.ShaJ;. 0 3,868 39!,700 0 0 0 0' 0 43.,;;68 Grarit 0 (988) L 085978! 0, 132: .441 0 ,832,,752' 0 :ll9,79.7 .! - !:- .\ . -" ., - -. ~ Spec. AsSe!3lllh 0 61,429: 51,807 0' ,87)35'3 0 0 0 25,883 '9treet ,Develop. 855,219 '0; 385,900 0 0 3."9 ;.700 0 1,201,,419 0 Municfp,.Improv: 0 9.40,961, 22,300 0 ,0 .4,SOO,O'(J(j N,SQQ,OOO',) 0 '963 '261 ,_ ,I. 8011U'. FaCll. Di!3t:. #L . 22,761,.436 0 ,1,820.,900 0 '0 Q 0 ~4 ,582 ,336 oeotSei'Vice 0 7,39J;,285 697'~00 4,10!?,400: 0 0 6 b ;3:,97,8,785 Water '2,251,844 0 51678, ji8 1171'680 '3 :851533, !l 0 2,906,949 0 .' !< , -.,.- ;>ewero .5\;531,963 0 2 778 '052 18J.,,00Q 1,,851 ,687 0 () 6,277,328' (j _, ,._,1_- Capital Rep1,ac. 633,554 0 489 ,380 ,0, ,15'0.,3'50 0 () :9'72,584 0 'TpJ.s;t:. () '34,426 5,660 () 0, 0 0 <i 40 i 086 TafAL $36,705'if786' ,$9,,340,:930 $)1,561.,44'5 - :- , ~ ..~ I " I I -' I I , , I I I I I I " "- I I I I " I I' CITY OF PCWAY'F:r;NAN::IA:f. ~~:, 1986-1987 ,l'RCXiRAM EXP~I'l'lJRES I ) ,,' 36 I C[TY oF: ~y I: !~llI'I0- 'EXP~f~ I FIScAL YEAR 1986-1987 ~ " Operations TOtal I and Cal?it"l Prog;-~ CITY OFP(JflJ>;i Pi=rsonnel. ,Maintenance Outlay ~di'tures I' Legislaj:-iv~'an.d ~ Jld.l!tillie;trat.iye $ 486 ;,64Q' $ 246,066 ,$ '10,685 ,? 737',398' ,I " AdrrWriist:rative'Services 764,~64 558,3!? '153'i 0?9 1,476",<)26. ., . ccmnunlby Ser,!'j.c~ 948 547 855.1'35'5 ,32,069 1;835,,91'1 , ...f_.. P1:aJm.:.tng serviCes 404,545' 452,,031:0 '21.,222 878,0'77 I PilbJ:i'c SerViceS 2,,)60.,52T l),-l33:,,486 ,98',3,9'0 8,,592/403, I' SafetyServic:es 1 ;,45'1' ,697 2,537,550 62',966 4,051;613' -I 'ro1'AL CITY, $6"410,,Q2T $1:9.'783,079 1$378,-322- $r~,,5'7i;428, I I I I 0., ,- ,I I 'I c.. ,. " I I '. I I I ,I I I I .. I I I I I I I I CITY OF PCWIY F~ PRCX;RAM: 1986-1987 BUDGEl' BY FUND J. w CITY OF .I?CWAY OJ BUDGET BY ,FUND, cAPtTAL ASSMI'. DEPARlMENT GENERAL 'WATER SEWER GAS TAx 'REPLACEMENT DISTRICT DRAINAGE TDA TOl'AL LEGISIATIVE AND AEMINISTRATIVE City ~ouncil 95,421 95,421 City C,lerk 190,535 190;535 City. 'Attorl1ey '135,969 135,969 C'ity MEillager 315,473 315,473 TOtal 737,398 737,398 ALMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Director 94,541 22',072 35,055 15l,6~!l " - >. Personnel 74,814 19,186 14,745 1,,ll1l,745 custan~ Services 121,022 '81,607 45,,56) 248,196 Finance 103,339 53,735 27,890 184,964 Dat.:l Pr=essing, 59,,368 36,174 14 ,4,77 1l0,OI9 Purchasing 90,,447 37,}58 17,726 '145,531 support Services 127,195 127 ,195, Risk Management 249,358 249,358 Capital R~placEIllent 150,350 150,350 ,TOtal 920,084 250,132 155,460 150,350 1,476,02~ aM-I1JNITY SERVICES Director 290, n9 132,,441 333 180 ..........' -" Leisure Services 418 i263 418,263 Tr~ils/Const Maint. 50,.498 5.9,498 Lal<ce Operations 380;448 380 ;448 Park & Landscape 522,603 43,566 566,169 Spec. Lnds. Dist.. 87,353 87,353 TOtal 1,572,55.1, 43,566 8},,'353 132,.441 1,835,9U I ~;.. .. - - .- .- !B '- - - - .. .. - :. - -, - - - .- -, ... - -) - - - - IIIIia - - - - .. .., -, -, - -' , CITY OF PoilAy~ BUDGE:I' BY FUND CAPITAL' ASSMf. DEPARll'<IENT GENERAL WATER . SEWER GAS TAX REP~ DISTRICT DRAINAGE IDA TClI'AL PLANNING SERvICES Director' 161,416 161,416 Oitrent Planning 208,472, 298,,472 Advanced Planning 190,564 190,564 Building & safety 317,625' ,317,625 TOtal 878,077 878,077 FUBLIC SERVICES DireCtor 69,; 288' 76,9.4Q 76,225 222,453 Field Oper. Admin. 35,666 50,476 28,365 114,507 Engineeri!)g 603,,724 19" 301, 12,8$7 7,500 643,392 Street Mai!)tenance 480,310 1,.835,001 '2,315',311 .Water Supply 2,970,512 2,970,512 'Sewer Treatment 1,295,437 1,295,437 Water Transmission 376,880 376,880 "Savet' Collection 267,400 267,,40Q Facilities Maint. 79,658 63,726 15,933 159,317 DraiI1i!g~ . ,227 ,194 227;194 , , TOtal 1,268,646 .3 ;557 ,83,5 1,696,227 1,842,501 227,194 8,592,403 SAFE'l'Y SERVICES Director 127,2,99 127,299 Fire Suppression '1,'317 ,662 1,317,662 Fir,El Prevention 217,97~ 2i7,973 Paramedics 306',785 306,,785 Law Enforcanent 2,081,894 2,081,894 Total 4,051,613 .4,051,6l3' w I TOfAL EXPENDI'lURES '" $9,428,369 $3,851,533 $1,851,687 $1,842,501 $150,350, $87 ;353 '$227,194 $132,441 $11.,571 ,4281 . I , I '. I I, ,I, , I I I "I " I . I' :1 I' I I I I I CITY OFPCWIY ,FINAN::IAL'PRCGIDIM: 1986...,1987 EMPIDYEE POOITIOOS, CIASSIFICATIOOS, AND SAI.l\RY'Rl\l'GES I 42 I AUTHORIZED FULL...,TIME, I roSITIONS BY DEPAR'IMENT I 1,985.1986 1986-1987 ,1986-1987 I DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZED PROPOSED :APPROVED Leg~~lative & AdrrUnistrative 8 8 8 I \, AdrrUnfstrativeServices 23 23 23' ), .Cmmunity Services' 28 30 30 PlanniQg Se~yices 10 n 11 I Public, Services 62 68: 68 Safety Services 32 34, 34 ;1 TOI'AL 163 174 174 I: APPROvED NEW POSITIONS ,- . DEPAR'IMENT TITLE I Community Services Administrative ,Assistant Landscape Maintenance Supervisor I, Planning Services Assistant Planner ..~ Public ,Services Senior Civil Engineer I AssOCiate Civil Engine",r ,(,2) Senior Public Services Inspector ,I Engineering Technjcian ,Administrati~e ClerK I Safety Seiv'ices Code Compliance Of'ficer 'I . ". .. Administrative ClerK 'I ,I a, ,I I I 43 I CITY OF PCWAY I FULL TIME CLASSIFICATIOOS I CLASSIFICATIOO RANGE NO. SALARY RANGE Accountant 219.0 2050-2502 Account Clerk, II (7/1/86-12/28/86), 17;2.0 1282-1566 I Account Clerk II (12/29/86-6/30/87) 176.5 1341-1637' Account Clerk I (7/1/86...,12/28/863 i62.0 1161-1417 AccoUnt Clerk I (12/29/86-6/30/87) 166.5 1214-1482 ,I, Administrat~ve,Analyst 224.0 2154-26"30 Administrative Assistant :I: 214.0 " 1950,...2380 Administrative Clerk II (7/1/86-12/28/86) 165.0 1196-1460 Administrative Clerk II ,(12/29/86-6/30/87) 169.5 1251-1527 I l\drn,inistrative Clerk L (7/J'/86-12/28/86) 155.0 1082-1321 Administratjve Clerk I (12/29/86'"6/30/87) 159.5 1132...,1382 Administrative seC;retary-<:lty Clerk 181.0 '1489-1!U8 I Administrative Secretary-Administrative Services 187.0 .1489-181'8 Administrative SeCretary (7/1/86-12/28/86) il15.O 1460-i782 Admi,nistrative Secretary (12/29/86-6/30/87) 189.5 1527-1864 ,I Assistant City Mimager 287.0 4039-4930' Ass!stant Civil Engineer 234.0 2380-2906 Assistant Director of .Planning SeriTfces. 259.0. 3054-3129 I Assistant Planner 218:0 2029-2477 Assistant PUblIc; services Operations. Manager, 254.0 2906'"3547 ii' Assisti:!nt to, the City Manager 244.0 2630-3211 Ass=ia;te Civil Engineer 244,.0 2630'-3211 As'i=iate Planner 228.0 2242"'2737 Building Maintenance WOrker- I ( 7/1/86-12/28/86) 173.0 1295-1581 Building, Ma.intenance Worker (12/29/86-6/30/81)' 17105 1355-1654 I Cede Canpliarice Officer '213.0 1930-2357 Carrnunity 'services Manager 244.0 2630-3211. Construction ,Maintenance Supervisor (7/i/86...,12/28/86) 208.0 1837-2242 I Constiu~ion Maintenance Supervisor (12/29/86-6/30/87) 212.5 1921-2345 Construction Maintenance Worker III I (J/l/86-12/28/86) 193.0 1581-1930 ConstruCtion, Maintenance Worker III (12/29/86-6130/87) 197.5 1654-2019 Construction Maintenance worker II I ( 7/1/86'-12/28/8'6) '-' 183.0 1431-1747 , . Construction' Maintenance worker II '(12/29/86-6/30/87) 187.5 149,7-1827 I construction Maintenance worker I (7/1/86...,12/28/86) 173.0 1295-1581 Construction Maintenance Worker I I, (12!-29/86-6/36/87) 177.5 1355-1654 , 't",' 244.'9 2630-3211 Custaner Services Manager I " t-~, 44 I' CITY OF: PC1ilAY ,I FULL ,TIME CLl\SSIFICATICNS I CUlSSIFICATIOO RANGE,NO. SAlARY RANGE ciJstaner services Worket 1475,..1800 ,m . (7;1/86:"12/28/86), 186.0 CUstaner' SerVic'es Worker (12/29/86-6/30/87) 190.5 1542-1883 I I:l3.ta Entry ClerkH 174.0 1308'-1597 Departrnerlt Aide~a:ti6hs (7/1/8~~12/18/86~ . !95.0 ,1613,..1969 " 'Department Aia:e~ations (12/29/86-6/30/87) 199.5 1687-'2060 Depu~y City ,Clerk 197.0 1646'-'2009 Director of Administrative Services 279.0 3729-4552 I Director of Carmuni ty services .274,..0 3547-4331 Director of i>ianning Services 274.0 3547-4331 Dire.:tor,of Pul;>lic Services 285..0 3959-4833 I Director. of Safety Services: 279.'0 3729-4552 Engineer~ng Aide (7/1/86-12/28/86> 195.0 1613~1969 Engineering Aide (12/29/86-6/3.0/87) 199.5 16i17-2060 I Engineering Technician 206.0 1800,..2198 ELjIiipnent Maintenance Supervisor (7Xl/86'-'12/28/861 219.0 205.0'-2502 Equipnent: Mai,ntenance SilpervIsor ,I. (.1;2/29/867-6/30/87 ) 223..5 214'4-2617 Equipnent Mechanic (7/1)86-12/28/86) 202.0 1730-2112 Equipnent Mechanic (12/29/86~6/3,O/87) 206.5 1809~2209 ,Ii Finance Manager 244.0 2630-3211 Fire Battalion Chief 259..0 3054-3729 , ' .FireCaptain 55.0.0 .2346-2852 :Fire Engineer 53'8.0 2083-2531 'I Firefighter 525.0 :1829-2224 Fire Prevention InspectOr 538.0 ,2083-2531 Jr. Civil Engineer 224.0 2154,..2630 ,:1' Jr . Planner 208.0 1837'-2242 Lilioratory Anal-yst (7/1/86,..12/28/86) 219.0 2050-2502 Lilioratory, Analyst (12/29/86-6/30/87) 223.5 2144":2617 rake Supervisor . i9?O 1613~1969 I Landscape Faeili tieS Manager 235-;0 2404":2935 Iancl?cape Maintenance Supervisor (7/1/86-12/28/86) 200.0 1696-207.0 I Iandsc~pe Maihtenan~eSupervisor (12/29/86-6/30/87) 204.5 1774-2165 Meter Mechanic' (7/1;86-12/28/86) 19~2 .0 1566,..1911 Meter Mecbanic (12)29/86-6/30/87) 196.5 1637-1999 I, )'ark. Ranger III (7/1/86-12/28/86) 180.0 1389-1696 Park Ranger, .III (12/29/86-6/30/87) 184.5, 1453-1774. Park. Ranger II (7/1/86-12/28/~6) 170.0 1257-1535 I, Park Ranger II (12/29/86,..6/3.0/87) 174.5 1315-1605 Pilrk Ranger I ('7/1/8'6-1,2/28/86 > 16.0.0 ll38~1389 Park Ranger I (12/29/86-6/30/87) 164.5 1190-1453 n , ,I; I 45, I CITY OF~ I FULL TIME CIASSIFICATIONS CIASSIFICATION RANGE NO. SAIJIRy RANGE .' Parks MainteIlallceWorker III (7/l/8l;i'-12/28/86) 185.0 1460-ii82 Parks MainterianceWorker IiI,} I: ' (12/29/86-6/30/87) .189.5 1527-1864 Parks Mainteriance Worker II (7/1/86~12/28/86) '175.0 1321~1613 :1; Parks Maintenance Worker II (12;!29/86-6/30/8~) 179.5 1382~1687 Parks Maintenance Wor:ker I (7/1/86-12/28/86) 165.0 1196-1460 I Parks Maintenance Worker I (12/29/86-6/30(87) 169.5 1251-1527 Personnel Aide In,o !l?46-2009 l Personnel Manager 244.0 2630-3211 'Planning'Technic~an (7/~/86-12/28/86) 186..0 1475-1800 ,-,. Planning-Technician (12/29/86-6/30/87) 19.0.5 1542-1883 Prdjiarm\er . 218.0 2029-247'7 I Public Services Inspector (,7/1/86'-12/28/86 ) 215.0 1969-24.04 Public ServiceS .Inspector 2060-2515' I (12/29/86":6;!30/87) 219.5 Public ServiFesOperations Manager 264.0 3211-3920 Purchasing M3nager 244..0 26'30-3211 ,I Ranger Aide (7/1/86-1:2/28/86) 155.Q 1082-1321 Rariger Aide (12/29/86:':6/3.0/87) 159.5 1132-i382 Recreation Coordinator (7/1/86-12/28/86) 190.0 1535-1874 - '-' - .". . Recreation Coordinator (12/29/86-6/30/87) 194.5 16.05-1960 . . .. 1389-1696 I, Recreation Leader (7/1/86-12/28/86) 180.0 ReCreat~on J,,;eader (12/29/86-6;!30/87) 184.5 i453~1774 Recreation Supervisor 210.0 1874-2287 I ,Secretary-City Manager's Office 177.0 1348-1646 Secretary (7/l/86~12/28/86) 175.0 1321,..1613 Secretary (12/29/86-6/30/87) 179.5 1382-1687 ~e<::retaryt6 the' City Manager 197.0 1646,..2009 I Sr. A=ountant 229.0 2264-2'764 Sr" Building Maintenance. W:grker (7/1/86'-12/28/86) 198..0 1662,..2029 I Sr..Building Maintenance Worker (12/29/'86-6/30/87) 202.5 1738-2122 Sr. Ci~{l Engineer 259.0 3Q54-~729 Sr., Publicseryf.C;;es Inspector 2176-2"656 ,I" (7/1/86-12/28/86) 225.0 Sr. Public servi,c!'!S Inspector (12/29/86-6/30/87) 229.5 2276-2778 ;1 Sr. Plarlner 244.0 263.0-3211 Sr,. utilities SystariTechnician (7/1/86-12/28/86) 224.0 2154-263.0 I Sr.. Utilities System Technician (12/29/86-6/3.0/87) , 228.'5 2253-'2'751 'I " 46 I ,} CITY OF ~ .' FULL TIME CLASSIFICATIONS 'I CUlSSIFICATION .RANGE NO. SALARY RANGE Storekeeper II: <7/1/86,,12/28/86) 189.0 1519-1855 I StorekeePer II <12/29/86-6/30/87) 193.5 15~9'-19'4il I StOrekeeper I (7/1/86-1,2/28/86) 169.0 :1:2,45-1519 'Storekeeper I (]."2/29/86~6/30/87) 173.5 1302-1589 Treatrnerlt Plant Operator III 205.0-2502 (?/1/86-12/f8/86 ) '219~; 0 I Treatment plant Operator III (~2/2~!~6,..6/~0/87) 223,.5 2144-26I7 TreatmeI'!t Plant Operator II I (7/1/86-12/28/86) 209.0 1855-22.64 Treatmeht .Plant Operator II (12/29/86-6/30/87) 213 .s 194.0-2368 TreatmentPlaf!taperator I I (7/1/86-12/28/Bb,) 199..0 1679-2050 Treabnent Plant Operator I <,~2129/86-6/30/8j) :Z03.5 1756-2144 l utilities System Mechanic <.7/1/86"12/28/86) 200.0 1696-207,.0 uti~ities System'Mechanic 17'74-2165 (12/29/.86-6/3.0/87) 204.5 I. 'utilitieS,SystemTechnician (.7/1/86-12/28/86) 214.0 .1950-238.0 uti1Yities System Technician ,I: (12/29/86-6l30/87) 218.5 2039,..2490 Wat~ Operati.oris& Treatment Supervisor' (7/1/86-12/28/86) 234.0 2380,..2906 Water Operations &: Treatmen1;Supervisor I (12/29/86-6/30/87) 238.5 2490-3039 ~t I I 'I 'I I I , -I I I I, I ,I I I I I, .1 , I, I ,I, I I I CITY OF P<l"IAY .FINAN:IAL p~ 1986~1987 DEPARIMENrAL OPE:RATIN; BU1.I;"".~ I " (J) ctI'Y CQ.!JNCIL ;PLiiNNING CDMMISSION . 010 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 5005 , . CITY CITY CITY. ATIDRNEY . MANAGER GNillK/ TREASURER Ol~ , 013 011 ADMINISTRATIVE <XM4UNITY PLANNING PUBLIC SAFEI'Y' SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES 100 20Q 300 100 50( 01.0 - CITY COUNCIL .... '. - .' .' - - - - ~- - - - 1IiI' .. .' - - - . l~ I 49 I I CITY OF PC1ilAY DEPAR'IMFNI'AL ACTIVITY' O\1ERVIEW I Dept. Code Departnent: Fund Distr,fblition:. I Legislative and 010 Admiri.i:strative General Fund:, $95,421 Citv Council I EXPENSE 1984-1985 1985"-1986 1985-1986 1986,..1987 1986;-1987 CLASSIFICATION ACruAL BUIX;ET ACruAL PROPOSED APPROVED l TOtal positions, - - - - I Personnel 'Expense 17,,984 33,334 33,07'7 36,,220 36,220 I Operations '33,612 50,057 ,49,504' 59',201 59,201 and Maintenance Capital Outlay - - - - - I ,I, Tal'AL Bl:ITX;ET $51-,596 $83'391 $82,581 $95,421 $95,421 - I OVERVIEW CCMolENTARY II The City 'Council is composed of five members elected at large 'by the citizens I of powayto serve for four year overlapping tenus. As the City's policy-ma:king II' 1egislative'body, the City Council isreSQOnsible to the res~d~ts 9fp'oway for. theimplernentation of all programs and services provided by the City. ,Mnually, the City Counc;l reorganizes, choosing one of Jts members to Serve as Mayor: and f- one of' its ,member.s to serve as Deputy Mayor, both tennscarrnei1cingin N:,v6tiber. , I Th!2 City Council acts, upon all legislative matters ,concerning the City"approving and adopting all ordinances" re.solutions, contracts and other matters requiHng I overall policy decisions and leadership. The Council appoints the City'Manager, the City Attorney and the .city Glerk as Well as various Cii:fzen advisoi1i can,- mittees, which ensure broad-based input into the affairs of the City. ' I, In reaching .policy decisions, the City Council reviews PfOposals designed to meet cQTInunity needs ahd sustaiQ dema.nded'service levels, initi~tes new programs to upgrade existing City services, determines the abillty gt the ,City to provide I financing for the proposed budg~t as submitted by the City Manager., and oversees the expenditure of all Cit~ funds throughout the fiscal year, I .The City.CoUJ)cil als() serves as 'the Board of Dir:ectors ,for the poway Redevelopnent Agency. . I . I 50 '. c:rTY ,oF "PCWAY I D~AR'lMENl'Af. l\CTJ:I1ITYDEl'AIL DElpart:ment: Activity: , ,l\Ctivity , I code: 010 LegiSlative/Adrrdnistrative Citv Council I ~ ca-MENrARY 1>CTIVITY GOALS AND 00JEXti'IvEs I l. 'To provide. policy for the establisl)ment of programs and servtcesthrough I overall legislative guidance aJ}d direction. 2. To oVersee and ronitor 1::h~ irrt>.lementation, of the Council's adopteq, short.,' I iiediUfu and long-range goals. 3. To ,ensur,e thcit, the dgIivery of all ,municipal services is dOne in the roost I efficient and eConamic'manner possible. 4. To provide for the Citizens ofPOYlaY a forum for public input and an avenUe for the solution qf' community problems. I 5. To provid~ input to, the elected County" State and Federal representatiVes relaj:ive to the needs, desires, and demands o~ the citizens of ,PClYliiy.. ,I SIGNIFICANl' l'J:TIVITY PR();RAMCHI\NGES CHAJ%E. Personnel Services -an ~l1Crease of $5,532 is' .due I to rronthly sa.li!rY of $4.00 per counclllnanber being +$ 5,532 I is effect for the entire year Reimbursed Mileage - an increaSe of $3,600 is due to aroontiliymiieage allowance per Councilmernber 'I' )Jeing in effect for the entire year + $ 3,,6.00 Carmuni ty Relations - an increase of $t3,550 is I ~ . - . . due 'to additional funds for down1:aNn Christmas decorations and, vblunteer recognition dir,mer ' ,+ $16,450 I I , I, . :1 I I 51 I' CITY OF KJIIAY DEPAR'lMENTAL I>CTI\[ITY DErAIL I Dej:>artmerit : ,'ACtivity: ACtivity Legislative ~d Administrative Ci ty CouncH Code: 010 I Obj. 1985~86 1985-'86 ,1986"'87 1986-87 Code Exoense Classification Budqet Actual Prooosed Aooroved I personn"ed ExPense, position Title COUJlcilmember (5) 22,000 21,695 24,00U 24,00'0 I ' . I III Salaries ~ Other 22,00U 21,695 24,000 24,00U 12U Fringe Benefits 11,334 11,382 12, 220 12,220 I I, Total. Personnel '33,334' 33,07.7 36 , 220 36,220. Ooei'ations and Maintenance I 26U Reimbursed Mileage 9,249 9,239 9,600 9,6Ol! . -" -. pO Trave1and,Meet-ings .1:1,,115 9,5114 11,285 '11,285 I, 314 Community Relations 14,326 17,994 22,900 22,900 315 Publications and . Dues 14,376 11 ,,9~6 14,416 14,416 411 Office & Stationery Supplies. 1,000 721 1,000 1,0.00 r I , I , I ,I Total Ooerations and. Maintenance 5U,057 49,504 59,201 59,201 Capital Outlay, I I Total Caoi tal Outlay - - - - ACtivity Total '$83,391 $82,581 $95,421 $95,421 I '" N I CITY COuNCIL, I PLANNING aM1ISSION CITY CLERK - TREASURER 011 . 'on - CITY'CLERK , .. '.. - .' ., '- .. :.' - .J - .' '. ..; .. '_I~- .. .. I 53 I CITY OF 'PC1ilAY DEPAR'lMENT}\L PCTIVITY OVERVIEW I Dept. COde Department:. Fund Distribution: I, LegisI,ative & 011 ,Administrati ve General F;und: $19.0,535 City Clerk. I EXPENSE 1984.,1985 1985-1986 1985:"1986 1986-1987 1986-1987 CLASSIFIcATION AC'IUAD BUl:GEI' 'ACUTAC PROPoSED APPROVEE> , ,I Total Posi ti\ms 3 3. '3 3 3 I' ,Personnel Expense 96,234 104,811 103,662 '1.07,952 114,176 I q:>erations 52,472 51,736 41,766 68,324 68,324 and Main1;enance Capi tal C\1t1ay 1,335 6,990 7,648 8,035 8,035 I I 'l'Ol'AL BUDGEl' $150,041 $163,537 $153,070 $I84,3Il $1.90,; 535 OVERVIEW Ca.1MENTARY I 'The City ClerK, is appointed by the, City Council .to serve as Records Manager Clfl9 'Election Official of' the City. In carrying out this function, the City Clerk t, coordinates the, City COll!lcil agenda preparation and oversees the reCording, prep- paration, and naintenanc~ of the cifhcial rreeting record. The city Clerk also, serve" as Secretary of the poway Redevelopnent AgenCY. I The City ClerK'S Office is the, central inforriationSource for the public and City staff regarding Council action. This department is responsible for the organiza- tiog, ma,intenance and proteCtion of ,all official City .records and coordinates the I City.,wide functional filing system. All legaI advertisements,. including notices of pUbj,ic h~aring,call for' bids, etc., are placed, through .this office. A centr<1-lized word processing system :fbr, all City, depar:t:ments is Illanagro .by, this office. I The City ClerK organizes andcohducts ail m.unicipal, elections, including serving as Filing Officer' for Economic Interest ,and campaign Disclosure statements. '11 The City Clerk is also appoim,ed City Treasurer, is responsible for the invest- ment of City fund? 'and ~s signatory authority on public securities and instruments I of payireht. I ,: I 54, CITY OF PC1ilAY I DEPAR'IMENl'AL JlCTTVITY DEl'A.JL Department: Activity: Acti vi ty I Ccxie: 011 . Le:iislative/l\Cministrative citv Clerk: , 'ICrIVrr'l ~ I , i\cTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I i. To serve as eustodian cif the official records of the City', ensuring the safety and security of the record docurrentS. ' 2. To establish a records ~gement program to proVide for efficient sl:9rage, I retrieval and disposition of records, inCluding the implementation of the PUFFS (Po.vaY bgi~,orm Funstionai ~ilingSystem) throughout a.J.l Cjcty dePartments. 3. '1'9, post,. publish and mail in a inahnercanplying with the law, all notices of I public hearingS, meetings and 'bid proposals. " 4. 'l\;> record 'conCiselY, and correcit'Ly, ,in aetion minute, form, 'the meetirigs of 'the City Council., I 5. To conduct all municipal elections', ensuring confonnance with existing la,,!s to preserve theaccgri,icy and integrity of theproeess. , 6. To rranage the city, cooncii agenda 'process to ensure t.imely preparation, notice and fo11?W-up on all itans requiring cooncil action. . I 7,. To assist' all ,City departments with their typing needs through'a centralized word processing.operation. 8., To sente, as ,secretary for PowaY' Today, Inc.' and poway RedeveloJ;lrentAgency. I ACTIVITY WJRKLoAD STATISTICS '1984-85 1985,..86 1986-87 I JIC'lUAL ESTIMATED FOREl:ASTED P.tJblic !learings Noticed 120 100 110 Docurrents Recorded 85 9.0 90 I Resolutions Processed ],08 120 120 pUlnning Resolutions processed 77 70 70 Ordinances Processed ,~9 40 40 ,sets of ,Minutes Prepared 71 70 70 ~I Rede\1elcipreht Resolutions' processed 7 25 25 City Coritracts/Agreem=nts processed 74 80 80 Redevelopnent.contracts/Agr~ts Processed 8 20 15 I 'SIGNIFICANI' ACTIVITY PRa;RAM CHAN:3ES CHAN3E. P9~tog~aphic Si1ppl~es - increase in.microfilming vital + $7,,00.0 I records for off-site storage.. Professiori:al Fees -' Noirember election costs - + $7,.000 I Registrar of .Voters I I , - I 55 I CITY'OF POOAY DJ;;PAR'IMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL l' DepartIrept: ACtivity: Activity Legislative ~d Administrative City Cler)<: Code': 0),1 I 06). 1985-86 1985-8~ 1986~87 1986-87 Code EXPense Ciassff,ication, Budqet Actual prooosed 'AoDroved I Personnel se RanqE Position, Title City Clerk 36,,804 36,804 36,804 40,113 I 197 Deputy City Clerk 21,7Ei8 .21,473 21,768 ~~,322 , 187 AdministraU veSectetary 19", '704 19,704 19,704 '21,761' p~rt-Tirne/~rary - - 2,000 2,000 I 110 Salaries - .Regular 78,276 77,'981 '78,276 84,202 lN Salaries - Pirt-Tirne - - 2,000 2,0.00 a 113 Salaries'- .Overtime 1,200 1,,951 2,400, f,49~ 1:20 Fringe Benefits 25,335 23,730 25,276 25,574 I, Total Personnel 104,811 103,.662, 107,952 114,176' Operations .and Maintenance 199 Other Professional Fees 12,000 4,390 17 , 0.09 'l7 , 00.0 ,I 260 Reimbursed Mileage .1,980 1,8.08 2,1.0.9 2,100 276 Travel and Meetings 2,,760 2;236 3,005 3,005 280 Advertising 8,400 8,524 9,6.oU 9,60.0 I ~il Printil}g 5,,:1,00 4,519 6,600 6,600 314 Community Relations 3.00 173 30U 300 315 Publications and Dues 800 1,272 1,000 1,000 I 334 R&M,Equipnerlt 4,888 ,5,645 5,425 5,425 411 Office ,,; 'Stati'onery' Supplies 2",400 2,900 3,000 3',000 413 Photogr~phic Supplies 1,0.0.0 935 8,0.00 8,000 512. Reiit-Bufldings & Grounds 264 6A5 -450 . 450 I 514 Lease Purchase n,844 8,.713 11,844 11,844 , I a Total: OPerations and Maintehance 51,'736 41,76U 68,324 68',324 CaDi tal Outlav -I' 611 Office Equipment 6,990 7,648 8,035 '8,,035 I I Total CaDi tal Oltli'iv 6,990 7,648 8,U35 8,035 Activity Total $163',537 $153,070 $184,311, $190,535 I: , . . '" '" , CITY COUNCIL PDANNING CXll<1MISSION CITY !\TTORNEY 012 012 - CITY ATTORNEY .... .' ,-' .. 1liii' - -, - - '-, _I .' - - - _I - ,- - I , 57 I 'CITY OF P0f1AY DEPAR'lMENI'AL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW I .Dept. CodE Department: Fund Distributiori: Le<jislatfve and , I 012 Adiiti:nistrati ve General 'Fund: $135,969 City 'Attornev EXP.ENSE, 1984-1:985 1985",1986 J:985~1986 1986'-1987 1986,..1987 I CLASSIFIcATION ACIUAL BUIX>E'l' PCruAL 'PROPOSED APPROVED I Total Positions - - - - - I Personne~ Expense 53,048 64,272 61,728 57,704 64,019 (perati!=>ns 65 '527 68,975 :;6,742 71,950 71,95.0 ,. 'and Mainte(lance Capital Oltlay - - - - - I rorAL BVJ:X;EI' ,$118,575 $133,241 $118,,47.0 $1'29,654 $135,969 I OVERVIEW CCMolENTARY ,I, The ,City Attorney is, appointed by the City Council to Serve. as lega! advisor to the City on anrre:tters of law as they relate to the conduct ofrriunicipal af~airs. I T~e City' Attorney drafts ordinances, prepares contracts, conducts legal negotia- tions, J;eviews legal docurrents for form and conteI)t, and he or his designated legal counsel defends the 'City's position in, court cases. I The services of the City Attorney are provided to the City by, contract. The City .- -- -." - -, Attorneypr6vides legal counsel, attends o~ficial meetings and appears at all legal proCeedings arid negotiatIons relating to land acquisition, and provides other specialized services. I In addition to providing services to the City CoUncil, ,the city Attorney also serves as' legal advisor to other Council-appOinted boards and represents officials I and employees ,of the City in matters ,relating to Citybilsiness.. I, t 'I' ,I' -. ,"- ' ~ I 58 CITY ,OF PCIiIAY I DEPAR'IMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Depart1nent: ,Acti vi ty: 'Activity ,I Code: 01:2 I 'Leqislative/Administrative City Attorney ACTIVITY CXM!ENTARY AeI'IVITY. ,roALS AND OBJECTIVEs I l. To assist the City Colll!cil and staff in the developnent of proced,ures based on I sound legal principles which \"ill enable the City to aCcallP.l'ish its goais., 2. To prepare ~Kdinance:3 and. resolutions, =nsistent with, the. law, necessary I to ~arry out the policies established by the Gity Council. 3, To review docLII1li=hts prior to subnittal to the Gity Council for legal =ntent. I, '4. To ensure that canphance is obtained with the provisions of the municipail code and state law. 5. To infonnthe <::iJy Council and staff of legislative and other lega:ldev~lop- I ments which may 'have an affect on the. administration and operation of the City. 6. TO represent- the eity ih =lirts of jurisdiction, on aU iegal .rtatters I relating to the City. ACTIVITY I-KlRKIDAD STATISTICS I 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 ESTIMATED' ._".'. ',.f," ACTUAL FOREX:ASTED I Litigati~n, including pendf~g 'appeals 10 4 3. Ordinances prepared 39 31 35 Contracts". agreements, legal opinions and I ,related documents and staff =nferences 460 530 51-2 Regular and special meetings attended 108 134 137 SIGNIFIcANT.ACTIVITY CHANGES CHANGE I LitAgation - Outside Attorneys - an increase of $3.,000 + $3,000 'I is fbrspeClaHzed legal services ,=ncerning new Federal legislation I I 'I I I '59 I, CITY OF,PC1ilAY: DEP~AL ACTIVITY DETAIL I ,Departrrent: Activity: Activity Legis+ativeand Administrative City Attorney Code: 012 I Obj. 1985~86 1985-86 1986-87 1986'-87 Code Expense Classification Budqet Actual Proposed APProved I Personnel Exoense Ranqe POsition Title I City.Attorney 53,200 51, 354 49,200 53,625 111 Sala~ies ,.. Special ;;3,2.00 51,354 49,200' 53,625 I 120 Fringe BeDefits 11,072 10,374' 8,504 10,394 , I Total Personnel 64,272 61,728 57,70,4 64,019 Operations and Maintenance I 14U I'.ttqrney Fees. 36,000' ?6,486 36,00.0 36,00U 142 Litigation - City I'.ttorney 3.0,000 25,930 30,000 30,000 146 LitigatioD - Outside Attorneys - 1,45) 3,000 3,.0.00 I 27U Travel ahd Meetings 1,675 1,490 1,650 1,650' 315 Publications and Dues 800 943 866 800 411 Office:ahd Stationery Supplies 500 440 500 500 I I . I I I r Total Operations. and Maintenance 68,975 56,742 n,950 71,950 , Capital OUtlay I t I Total eaoi tal Outlav - - - 'Activioty Total $133.247 $118,470 $129,654 $'1.35,969 I ij\ 0 . CITY COUNCIl. PLANNING C6MMISSION , CITY MANAGER OB ADMINISTRATIVE CCMMUNIT;l' PLlINNING PUBI:;IC SAFETY .SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES ,. " 100 200 300 400 5.00 013 - CITY MANAGER .. ...' -' - ,__I - - -' ..' - '" -, - - '. ..' .- - - I ~ I CITY OF, PC1ilAY ,DEPAR'lMENTAL ACTIVITY, OVERVIEW I Dept:. Code Department: Fund Distribution: Legislative and I 013!\dministrative General Fund: ~315, 473 City Mamiqer I 'EXPENSE' 1984'-1985 1985~1986 1985-1986 1986-1987 1986-1987 CLASSIFICATION J\C'IUAL sua;El' ACIUAL PROPOSED APPROVED .1 Total posi tions 5 5 5 5 5 I Personnel Expense 21'2,628 239,.721 236,088 237,710266,232 cperations 38,,192 45,441 38,513 46,591 46,591 I 'aJ)dMaintenance Capi tal OUtlay - - - 2,650 2,650 I TCYI'AL sua;1IT $250,820 $285,162 :;>274,,6.01 $2?l;i,951 $315,4730 I OVERVIEW. C<M1ENl'~Y, I TheCi:ty Maflager serves as the CitY's chief aclrhinistratiITe' officer and. iSrespon- , sible. for planning, organizing and directing themunicipalactilTities or the City. I This office prepares and.subrnitsthe annual budget to the City Council ,and advises the City Council on the financial conditions ana heeds of: thecily, TheCity Manager maKes reearmerydations to the'City Council on .the affairs of th~ City and I ensures that all ,applicable ordinances and state laws, are ,enforced. The Cit:Y Manager attends all Council rreetings and advises the Council on legislative and policy llli!tters. I The Ci ty Manager also serves' 'as the Executive Director of the POiIay Redevelopment -Agency. I I I I' I 62 I GITY OF POWAY I DEPAR'IMENTAL ACrIVITY DErAIL Departmento: Activity: Activity I Code: on Leqls1ative/Administrative Gitv ManaGer I ACl'IVITY <XM1ENI'ARY ACTIVITY OOArS AND 08JEcTIVF.S I l. To assist the city Council in, its develop1!ent of policy to address 'the 'needS I and issues of the community by providing projected costs and benefits for alternative policy decipions. 2. To develop .innovative and creati,ye.means of' delivering.municipal servi~es in a I high, quality, effective a!!d effiCient manner. 3. To provide overall direction to the implementation of City Council policy I . , ' tlJrougi:J .the, centralization of author,ity andresponsipility... 4. To keep the City Council apprised of pending State and Federal legiSlation ,1 to ehable, effective input. 5. To keep the, City Council fully informed of all aspects of ,municipal affa~rs and operat.ions. '. 6. To assist the poway RedevelofiIleIlt Agency Board of Directors as Executive Director of the Agency'. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM' CHANGES CHANGE I Travel and Meetings is incr~sed by $778 'for staff attehding ICMAconference in,San Q~ego and meetings scheduled for north~nCalifornia +. $ 805 I capital Outlay expenditures provide for .purchase of telephone anddictat~ng ~ipment .j: $2,,650 I I , I .. I I I ., I ,63 I CITY OF pcwp,Y DEPAR'IMENl'AL ACTIVITY DErAIL I Department: Activity: Activity I Legislative and Administrative City Manager Code: .013 Obj. 1985'-86 1985'-86 1986-87 1986~87 Code. Exoense Classification Budaet Actual PropOsed Approved I 'personnel Exoense RanqE .position Title . I City ,Manager 59,; 000 5~;, 900 59,000 67,714 287 ASsistant ~ity Manager 52;248 52,248 '52,248 58,'872 244 Asst.. to City Manager 35,088 35,088 ?5,088 38;376 197 Secretary 'to City Manager 2),,045 22,038 19,544 22,688 I i'17 Secretary 16,086 16,086 16,086 la, 859 110 salar~es - Regular 183i467 184,46.0 181,966 , 206" 509 I .113 salaries ~ Overtime 1,038 - 1,092 1,092 12U Fringe Be~neiits '55\.216 51,628 54,652 58,631 I .TotalPersonnel 239,721 236,088 237,,710 266,232 Ooerations and Maintenance. I 199 Otller Professional Fees 2,000 2',Q.o.o 2,000 2,000 260 Reimburs~< Mile,'ige 8,70.0' 8,'286 8,700 8,'700 270 Travel and Meetings 8;955 7,350 9,760 9,760 I 2B2 Postage 4,060 4,263 4,060 4,060 311 printing 9,500 9','827 9,500 9,500 315 Publications ahd Dues 1,310 1;549 ~,51? 1.,515 I 334 R&MFquir:mei\t 2,860 1,698 }iO.oO 3,90.0 <ill Off:fce & Stationery Supplies i,;w.o 1,203 1,200 1.,200 413 Photographic Supplies 36.0 214 360 360 499 Other;Materials ~ot Classified 700 191 700 700 I 514 Lease Purchase 5,796 1,932 5,796 5 i'796" I I Total Ooerationsand Maintenance ,,45,441 38,513 46,591 46,591 I Capital Outlav 6Ul Telecom Fquipmerit ,- - 2,350 2',350 611 Offlce Eq1,1ipment , - - 30.0 300 I I Total .CaDi tal Outlav - 2,,650 2,650 Activitv Total. $285,162. $274,601 $286,951 $315,473 I '" '" CI,1:'Y MAillIGER OB , Dt~R AiJt.liNISTRA'rIVE ,SERVICES 100 I I liERS0NNEL CUSTCMER FINANCE DATA SERVICES ,PROCESSING 101 10'2 1.03 .., 104 I PURCHASING SUPPORT RISK CAPITAL . _r..",-. 'REPLACEMENT SERVICES MANAGEMENT ,~ 1:05 106 107 108 " ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES '. - - - - IIIi .. .. - - '- '-' - - .- - - - ',. I 65 I CITY OF ~, DEPARIMENTAL JlCTIVITY CJVERITiEw I DePt. Code Fund 'Distribution: GeneralEUnd ~ $920,084' Department: I 100 Administrative Services Water Fund ,.. $250,132 Sewer Fund - $155,460 'eaoital REDlacement ,Fund - $150.350 ,I, EXPENSE 1984-1985 1985-1986 1985'-'1986 1986-1~87 1986-1987 'CIASSIFIcATICJr:l ACIUAL BlIDGE:r ACIUAL PROPOSED . APPROVEp I ~1 POsitions 23 23 23 23 23 I personnel Expense 634,487. 704,97.0 673,602 713 , 845 764,664 Operations I ,and Maintenance 462 ,151 586,637 52l,899 558,312 558,312 Capital ()1tlay 104,392 133,138 135,195 153,050 153,050 I 'lUI'AL BUDGET $1,2.01,030 $1,424,745 $1,330,696 $1,425,2.07 $1,476,026 I ~ CJIJER\TIEW CCM-IENTARY I The~trnerit ofAdmini~trative'Services i's'responsibl'!'l foJ:' c:oordinating the day-to-day activities' of various internal operations and supplying specialized staff Sllpport Services to. .all operating gepartments. The Department is divided 'I ,into 'nine ope;:atlona:ldi visions including the Office' of the Director, personnel, 8i1stciner Services, Finance, :I:l3.ta Process'iqg ,Purchasing and Warehousing, Support ,services, Risk Management and Capital Replacement. I The Director of Administrative Services is appointed by the City Manager'to manage, coordinate, control and direct d~trnerital programs and to ensure departmental gc:>al~ '!I'e achieved. within the Department are, vested the responsibilities of I financial management and control ,budget developneht .ahd preparation,adn\i.nistra- ti~n of 'the City's employment system, the purchaSing functi9ll of the City, admin- isqation of the municipal insura(1<::e programs, Water ,and sewer billing, meter I reading"processing aceoilhi;s receivable and. management of ttJe, City's central stores warehouse. The personnel in this department also fuilction in. a quasi-<:cmsultant <;:apacity by supplying technical expertise, to other City departments and by provid- I ,ing Ispeciali;!:ed. financial 'information to <:l,eparb]tent heads and other management' personnel to ensure effective budget implementation. - I I I 66 I CITY OF POilAY I DEPAR'IMENTALACTWITY: DEl'AID 'Departinent: ACtivity.: Activity I . Code: roo AdministraEive services Office of. the DireCtor I ACTIVITY' CCJMEm'ARY PCrNITY.DEScRIPTION I The Director of Administrative Services is respopsible for supervisAng, coordinating, I and evaluating the operations and progr?ffiS of ):l1~, Fil)aIlce, J;'ersonnel, Purchasing"I:l3.ta processing, 'and'CUStcmer Service~.Divis~ons. Sub-programs include Risk Mahagemertt, Support 's,&viCes, and Capital Replacement activities.' The Director is appointed by .1 the City Mariager.. Through this 'office,. elected and appoihted ofhcials are contin- uallyadvised regarding the' City,'s Unancial operations, heci.1th, 'personnel, manag~nt" custarer reilations, and data processing serviCes. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OB.JEl:TIVES I To irnproveand develop: I l. ACcoUnting procedures in general, pursuant to recarrrendations of a f i'ilance oPerations study. I 2. Fersonnel rranagement, through a re":€iralilatioh of the ci'ty' 5 Personnel RuleSi and procedures. I 3. Central. Stores and Warehollihng, by'establishing new policies 'and 'procedures. 4. Ci ty regulatory ordinances by revising tpem from, the County roodel to confotm to '. the, City's Gerieral Plan and to provide for,appropr'iate. City administiation. 5. Ent>loyee training and evaluation. I 6. 'QataprocessingSer:yIces bY, administering 'a short and longe-term plan for system development arid utilization. 7. 'Risk Management, through lTOhitoring' of the City's =re,lt, ipsurances,.i claiJnS I rranagemeht, ahd accident loss prevention activities. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY .PRCX;RAM,C:lWiiES 'C!W'K;E I; None I Ii I I I 67 I CITY. OF P(JilAY DEPAR'lMENTALACTIVITY DSI'AIL I Department: Activfty: ACtivity, Code: 1.00 I Administrative Services Office of' the 'Director 'Obj. 1985-86 1985-86 1986 87 1986-87 Code Expense Classification Budaet Actual prooosed ADbroved I Personnel Expense 'Ranae position" Title' 27':) Director 48,'252 41,450 48,252 48,252 I 224 Administrative Analyst 24,'160 24,160 25,934 25,934 187 Admintstrative Secretary 19,704 19,,704 ,19,,70'4 21,768 I 11U Sa.larie,s- 1.<egular 92!116 85,314 93,890 95,954 .113 Salaries - Overtime 648 - 648 648 Fringe Benefits '27,831 ",..~ 28,339 .120 25,058 28,102 I - Total pers6rmel 120,595 1I0,372 122,640 124,,941 I, .000rations and' Maintenance 144 Audit Service 14,5.00 15,627 15,950 15,950 260 l<eimbursed Mil~ge 2,250 1,9J,~ 2,400 2,400 I 270 Travel and Meetings . 4i692 4,93~ 4,370 4,370 3Il Printing 35.0 39 350 350 315 Publicatlons and Dues 720 848 1,165 1,1?~ 'I 317 Education ahd Training 350 378 350 35.0 334 R&r;1 EquiplEnt ,23.0 - 230 236 411. Office & Stationery SUpplies 720 682 720 720 499 other Supplies an? Materials 1.,752 244 1,192 1,192 I , I il . I Total Ooerations and Maintenance 25',564 24,676 26,727 26,727 Caoi tal Oltlav I I I Total Caoi tal Oltlav - - - - Activity Total $146,159 $135,048 $149,367 $151,668 I 68: I CITY 0FPf::MAY I , , .. , DEPAR'IMENTAI, ACTIVITY DErAIL I Department: Activ'ity: Activity 'Code:. 101 I Administrative services Personnel ACTIVITY exMolENrARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The 'personnel Division is respgnsible for the City"s' anployment and flE'lrsonnel rranage- I ment system. The, Division' actlvites iildude: implementation andadniInistration of persorglel policies, practices and procedures for classification, recruitment and employment, employee, benefits ,. canpensation, ,training i development, safety and I securit~, and employee relations. ACI'IVITY GJALS AND OBJECI'IVES I l. To prepare consolidated Supervisor's Manual. 2. To develop a Safety, Incentive Program for City employees, I 3. Continue the revision and. renegot,iation of the City's ~ers6nnel Rilles. 4. TO continue to provide a,~igh leve~ of performance in providing services to I various City qepa,rtments and. individual ,anployees.. ACI'IVrrY STATISTICS I 1985~86 .1986-87 , ' 'ESTIMATED FORECASTED I Employment Applications ).,000 1,3.00 Recruitments ~4 23 I Recruitment/Promotional Testing 26 26 Job Interest NOtices Processed .500 600 Employee Evaluations Processed 350 300 , Personnel Transactions 140 140 I' Injury Reports Processe9. 50 50 SIGNIFlcANT'ACTWITYPROGRAM'8lANGES , CHANGE 'I !,one ( I, I' e, I I, I 69 I CITY OF POiVAY' DEPAR'IMENTAL ~TIVITY DE.'l'AIL : ,I Department: Activity: Activity Code: 101 I Administrative Services Personnel Obj. 1985 86 1985-86 1986-87 1986 87 Code Exnense Classification BUdaet Actual Proposed ADoroved I Personnel .=se Ranae posi tion' Title ~44 Personnel Manager' 35,.088 35,088 35,088 38,376 'I 197 Personnel, ~Aide 21,768, 21,624 ,21,768 24;.048 :1 110 salaries - ReguJar 56,856 56,712 56,856 62,424 120 Fringe Benefits .16,,910 16,235 16,9I6 17,566 I Total 'personnel 73,,766 72',947 73,7.66 79,990 Operations and Maintenance I 148 ,Special Studies 270 ~ 270 270 260 REdmbursed'Mileage 420 29? 53.0 530 270 Travel and Meet~ngs 1,27.0 979 1,32Q 1,320 I 281. ~ecruitrrent 4,000 5,508 5,76.0 5,,76.0 311 cP1)nbng 1,20.0. ,1,245 1,350, 1,350 , ' 315 PUblications and Dues 650 522 835' 835 I 316 Medical Exams 2,0.0.0 2,3}1 2,000 2,00.0 317 Education and, Training 3,400 1,9,64 3,4.00 3;400 '323 'Tliiti'on Reimbursement 1,0.00' 1,324 1,"000 1,000 334 :R&M Fquipment 170 - 170 170 I 399 Einployee Assistance Program 3,600 3,667 3,960 3,960 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 505 377 525 505 422 ElnP.loyee, AwardS' 4,830 4,422 7,65,5 7,,655 I I , I ,Total Operations' and Maintenance 23,315 22,637 28,755 28,755 Capital Outlav I I I Total Capi'tal OUtlay - - - Activitv Total $97,081 $95,584 $102,521 $108,745 I 70 I GITY OF POWAY I DEPAR'lMENTAL ~IZTIVITY DErAIL , Department: Activity: Activity I Code: 102 I .Adminfstratlve Services Custaner Services ACrIVITY a::J.lMENI'ARy ACTIVI'I'Y DESCRIPTION I The01staner Services ~ivision performS the acCounts, receivable ,fill!cti'on of the City . I TtJ,e D~ vision's personn,a are responsible for th~ collecting, rec,ording, and depbsiting all of the City revenues. This, includes fOllOW-up on d<=l,inquent, closed, and unpaid accounts due the City to assure a high collection rate. I ~he division administers the billing 'process for anbulance, water and sewer service. They receive and process applicitions 'for water and sewer services, schedule ~~ per- I form meter readings, handle custaner inquiries .and ccxnP.laints, process water t~rn-on and turh,..offs, 'perform misceLLaneous. smaJ.l meter, repairs, and pull 'and 'exchange, water meters'. The Cqsj:aner Seryices Division is also responsible for the issuance of regulatory' I license~ ,and business certificates. In addition i CUstaner Services personnel sort incaning ,mail, post outgoing mail, and I provide telephone and receptiol} services. f ACTIVITY roAIS AND OBJECrIVES I 1,. Oo~tinue: to provide CourteOus, 'profession~publ~c Contact~ I 2. COntinue to maintain a.high collection. rate. ACTIVITY w:JRKL0AD STATISTICS I 1984~85 1985-86 1986-87 AcruAL ESTIMATED FOREJ:ASTED I Meters read for bi1}ing 56,9.00 59.,400 60,500 Past due notices 4,544 4,600' 4,800 Final notices 3,290 3,600 3,750 I Delinquent turn;ot{s 408 240 72; Miscellaneous service orders 588 700 735 Business Ri:glstrations issued 404 250 565 I ,SIGNIFICANT AGTIVITY PROGRAM cHANGES I None I I' :1 , 7], , I 'CI'l'Y OFl?CWAY, :DEPAR'IMENTAL ACT1VITY' DETAIL I' <- DepartrrEri\::: ' Act-ivi,ty: As=ti"i,ty Coge; 102 Admin~s~rative services Custaner, Services .., ,qbj, .1985"'86 1985w86 '1986-87 1986";87 EXoense,Classificatt6n . fuE ,. . Propos'ed ADoroved 'Code. Bud et Actual ; , , 'Personnel' 'se 'II ' RanqE position 'Title Cus,tatler .serytse~ ~r:cager - 35,088' '38),376 . 244 35',088 :3?,Q8,~ ,I: 176.' ACcotint'Clerk ,II <-3'! 34,59'4 34,'594 4~ ,5.4~ ,57,528 190.' .-(<', >" CUstciner, ,Service Worker' (,2,) 41,4tH 41,481 41,424 ,44,099 176.' 'Account'ClerK IYII ' 13' 548 13 , 548: - ,- J~9.: 'J,1dministrat-ive ClerK, I, -" ..~-. :t2,B1l0 12 810' 13 ,4U'7 .15,.83], "' ,. ~ I' ~Sal~ies - S~nclliy 1.,U,46 ,996' 1,464 1"163 I 1:10 Salar~es ~ liegular' 1<38,,567 I3~" 51:1~ 14Q':~31, 156,988 H3 '~j,ar,J.es ..., pyer;t,irre 2,;400 1,374 2,448 2.. 448 l.2U Ffin~e Benefi\s ' 41,89.7 . 40,808 41,.967 45', ~68 " I 'Total Personnel 182,Cl64, . -180,699 185,346 .205;.4U4 '. oPerations ,and ,Maintenance. I '260 ReimbUrsed Mileage 1,260 3048 420. 420 VeJii:cle i::per1lt):on,s , _.....- f ,.Q9:2!, '.262 - 2,;100 ,1,690 2" Q,92 26:3 VehiCle, ,Maintenance '3,200 715 2',,?:74, 2,.874 I ' 264, Vehicle'Rental 3;321, .3,321 :3/(i2~' 3,l;i~2 <270 Travel,and:Meetings i U5 483 1;245: '1-..245 , " 282 J)os~ge 11 520 11,068 ' 12,,000 12 ;60Q . 3T[ ",'...,.....4 6,,'300 I . printing 6,30,0 8,071 6,.300' ,~ ".,-- 548 506 313 UniforrnEl" ta.,qnq.ry" Dry Cleaning 552 552 315: PubiiCati'onsand Dues 100. )'7 '10'0. 100 '325' vehi61e . Re9Ulatiog ,. 3,500 ~,889. '~d71 6,.474 I 334 :R&M Eqliip.tient 1,591 1/931 ,2,041 2,041 R&M Radios , 26'4 264 '3[)7 156: - ,OffIce & Statiorier~ supplies 1,47U , 1590: 411 ~ 1;467. .1,59.9 _.1. I :420 snalI Tool's 60' 15 60 6U 499, Other SLippl'i'es&,MatEfriai 1,166 965 1,i66 1,J6Ej NOt Classif fed' 532' UncoUectibres - 22/67.7 '. 5<11 Cash Over/Urider ,5U ('21> 5U .~ ,,50' 555 Capi'talOUtl'ayReritai 1,867, 1,867 1,,942 1,942 'I' . ,Total, .Operat,ions ana Mairiteriance, 39,,324 '59;029 '42,.7,92 42',,792 Capital OutIav 'I; 611 o~tice,Equi~Dt 1,850 1/805 - ~ I Total.caoital Oltlav 1,8:'0 '1,805 -, - ; . Acti vi tv: ,TCitar, $224,038 . $241,533' $228,138 ,$248,196 I 72 I CITY 'OF' POwA'l' I DEP~i\i:; Ac:rrvI'I'Y'bETAIL -,0 '~partmeqt: ' ACtivitY,: ACtivit' I .- ~ .~y " Code: ,10), - Adrninisttative ServiCes' F,inance' I ',' ~~.~y , I 'ACT-1I1ITY. DEsCRIE'!'ION :TheFinance Dfvi'si'onadrrunisters the ,fiscal ,operation oftheGity 'to assure accbtiht- ;1 abhlty.';and'(i:nipiiar'lce with '~s'ta:b11shea ,palietes and procedures'. Ti\is 'dlVi's:Lbnadrtun'- 'isters; the finaJ'ldhu: op,'eiati'ohs'lncludinggeneral gC,countiflg, ;accoUn,t:s P<iyabie,PaY~ ,rqIl" btldgetc06rdinaCion ari.d,invesanents;;lTOpitors. ,evenues, '~ndit1frest and," 'epc\ll.flb17anci;! ,dbcLirn2nts aillieiingto' Qity contrElct,s and, ag17eelTlent$ 'and Ccinpiyin'g with I the'City'cs 'approved budget. ,Financial ,and JIl'Ulagertal reports; ,indicating Iinandal , status" are prepared for .tpe, g;ity 'Go),ll1ci1". City llOrrUhiStiacion,andthegener:?-~ public:. The,aivision'also'perfol7ffiS tQe:above:~ctill'i~ies fbtthe poway Redevelopment ~gency. I' . , , ' ACTIVITY, <TIm ,AND 'OB:TECTIVES 1. To; irn.!;lleI'Cl6'!t ,selected findings,. ofacco\;Ul~~,(1g VoDf!'J.Iow' study' prepared last year' . in. <?raer tb erinandi rePorting aCOlcrq,cy, .}!}.):ernal Control and. eff,iciehcY.. 2. ,To' 'increase reporting timel~iness .bY providihg ,reports ,to' the, operating,depart-, ~I, .,inents within ,.five ss'>wo,J<:i'Dg <:laYs after nonthend., 3. To, strengthen :f.inai'lciill r~P2r,tj:l}gpy ag~iri achieving national recogn,i;j:io!l, fran the GFOA 'fbJ ti,)1e ELInppeh!?'ls:!il:e Arlhual, Einabcial >Report. , 4., To p;#.l.l'ish b<;>ttlti:le' Fina:,l Budget and ,the, Cfuprehensive l\I}n"al ~iliancial Repor,t ' I by Novefl!ber 30. ,ACTIVITY OORKLOI\D STATIS'!',IGS I 1,982-~~,84, 12984'-1985 1985-l986 '1986~1981 - . ~> ACTUAL, ACl'UAL PR0JECI'ED ,ESTIMATED , I Firiancial Rej;>Od Brocessing ,Days 18.1 '10.'0 8.0 '5.9, Investment Avg. BortfoLio! ~,in m~Ii,iol},s.j $10:.;9 $r2'.6, $28.2 '$36.5 $q: , $, 4,1; Investment earnings (in, millions,) $: 1.4 $ 2.5 I , 'InVestrrient % Yield, lOA 11.'1 9..0 '9.9 i " Purchase 'Orders Pre<;~ss,ed 2,,4'41 2;363 2,500 :2,~:Qi'i Vendor Warrants Erep<ll7ed 5,424 5,4i73 5,:6i1b 5,7.og, I Bu<;Jg~tA,djus~ts. Processed 95 60 5.0 50 'SUpply~equjsi:tiq~ l'rocessed 900 L;Q2.Q b ,.oS:6 1,'1.00 'Ecwipl!!,erlt:; Requisitions 'Processed' 1;,200 ,I ,)0.0' 1;,3.00 1,,300 , ,.' SIQ-.lIF:lcANrAcrWITY EROGRAM' CHANGE ;CllANGE $15 ,boo .' 'SR~ci_a.i$tudy- a'cc::'OLiliting operations study ,- : i ~as: canpletea' ih,1986 I I I , I. ;, ' 'I I -73 I CITY OF PCWAY' DEPAR'IMENI'AL i>CTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: ACtivity Code: 103 .' Administrative Services Finance' Obj. 1985-86 .1985-86 1986~87 1986-87 .Code Expense Classification Budaet ,ACtual ProDOsed ADoroved I Personnel Exoense Position Title , 244' Finance Managet }1,92} 2.5, f43 33,819 36,981 . 22'~ Senior Accountant 30,228 30,228 3U,228 33,060 219 Accountant 27,014 27, U14 27 , 360 29,928 176.' Account Clerk II 17,316 17,}.1;6 17,316 17,,045 '. 169.: Admfn~str~tive ClerK II n,846, 13,846 ,14,498 13 , 645'. , I 110 Salaries - Regular 120,327 113,647 l23,221 13.0, 65~ 1,13 Ovett::irhe 75 197 75 75 12U FringeBenefi ts '37, 264 31,530 36,061 36,062 I Total Personnel '157,666 145,374 159,'357 166,796 OPerations, and Maintenance I ~ 148 Special Studies ,15,000 17,1:44. - - 260 Reimbursed Mileage 432 :367 432 432 I 270 Travel and Meetings ~,218 3,234 3,086 3,086 211 printing 5,2.35 4,P2' 6,055 6,055 315 PubJ:icaUons and Dues 1,235 1,742 1,740 1,740 I 317; Ed~cation,?na Training 2,050 1,886 1,67P 1,670 334 R&M Equipment 1,26.0 408 1,260 1,260 399 Other Contractual Services - - 600 600 411 Office & St~tionerySUpplies 1,450 1,426 1,500 1,566 I 499 Other Supplies & Materials 180 :357 - - 555 Capital: OUtlay Rental. 601 '601 625, 625 :1 , I Total Operations and Maintenance 30,661 31,337 16,968 16,968 Capi tal, .OUtlay I 611 Office Equipment 1,600 564 1,200 1,200 I I , Total Capftal Outlav 1,6UO 564, 1,200 1,200 Activity Total $189,927 $177,275 $177 ,525 $184,964 ,. , I 74 CITY OF PCNIAY I DEPAR'IMENTAL ACT~JTY DErAIL , I Department: Activity: Activity' COde: 104 I 'Administrative Services I:l3.ta processina ACl'IVITY aMlENTARY AcrIVITY DESCRIPTION I Data processing is respon?ible for information processihg'viathe computer. Func;tions I provided include prograllming, data entry, and pclyrol1processing. AcrIIJITY GJAlE.AND ,OBJEX:TTIJES I l. To change payroll software to meet F.L,S.A. requirements. ,2. To, increase' program docurrentation to facilitate ,program maintenance and trouble,- .' shooting. 3. To coordinate a person~l computer users' group. I To establish a relationship with a programming consultant for trouble 'shooting 4. and specia1projects. I AcrIIJITY \'l)RKLOAD STATISTICs 1983-1984 1984"1985 1985-1986 1986-i987 I ACl'UAL ACl'UAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED No. of 'Payroll CheckS' Ruh. 4,1'44 4 144 4,680 6,000 I '". --,-~', N,o. ,of Bti'Hty silts Printed 65,200 66,1PO 67,000 91i8.o0 'No. of (:ash Receipt Entries' Keyed 14,016 19"Q,OO 21,627 15[660 I SIGNIFICANT AcrIVITY PROGRAM CHANGE CHANGE Change of; Contracted Progralrmer' s 'services + $9,,880 I I I I I ,I 'I! , 75' I l ! CITY, 0F l'(WAY '" . on ~'_ .,~ ""-'" . _" . DEPAR'IMENl'AL i>l2TIV,ITY D~AI'L 'I oepaftrneht~:, lietfi "ify,: ,~t'ivity .1 Co9~:.104, Administrative Services Data, processina Qbj'. 1985"'86 J:985-86 1986'-'87 1986":87 ExPense Glassif.ication - ,~.-* Code Btidqet Actual Proposed' APproved I Personne1,.ExnPnse " 'RahdE PosRfonTitle , 218 CanputSl;r Prograrr,mep 24 'Ol8 24,,018 !,25',~~,2 29,628' I 174 I:l3.ta, Entry, Clerk II 14,495 14.,657 15,672 17',4.06 Vacatfcin R.elief - - 166 1'06 , :1', no ' 5.a1,ar,ies ~. Regular '313',513 .38,675. 40,924 47',134 I In isaia,rj.'es- 'gvertime ,120 18 168 ,168 120 Frin9'el3e;1~f.it!; '12,.423 ii ,i'5.0 12:, .!~6 12',931 13u !I'elnf?Or:aty,sgrv~ce~ - 100 ~ - I 'TOtal :Personnel , 51,056 50,743, 53;8.78 60.,233 . ., 0oerations, 'and iMiiintenance I, l4~ Da~~pr~ess~ngConsultant 3,,800 ),4 ,41.1 iJ.'J., 680 13!680 26U . Mi'leage R~injJ:Jyrs~nt 108 91 1:98 r08 I 270 Travel aJ1d~t~ng'2 650 90 - - 311, Pr~inting 910 472 865 865 3J!5 Publications and Dues: ,>,- 562 447 442 562 I 317 ,Education ahdTtaf'nfl19', 920 48.7 1,675\ 1,675 ., R&M Equipment ' 4,984 334 ,4,926 4 (984, 4;,984 , Giifice &' StationetySiipplies - ~,,,, , 552 411 532: 530 '552 4'11 .. "-- ~ . 4,840 9Pe1C?t:tng Su.ppl'ies 4,74!! A ,:3'76 .4;3.76 I '~, ......_~.". 3 ;85'4: 3 ,"'85:4, 514. 'Lease Purchase, '20,;:258, 3,854 'capital ou~IaY'R~6tal 18';393 . "'__l!o,_~ 1:9,13.0 555 18,)9'3 19,:1)0 .' I Total rations:..'and :r.aintenance' 55, .750, .48;566 49';.786 '49,'786' .caoital DuMav I' , , 'I; I: ,TOtal ,Caoi tal OiUa;,r '"' -, - ,.. :Actii/it" Total $,};06,806, $99,3.09 $103,,66.4. :$110',019 I ' ' ; :J I 76 - I " CITYOF:iffi'!AY ._ ... . . ~ =>dO" ",-'. DER~}MEN;l'AL lACTNIT'( I'JE:)'~ . , oepilftmerit; ACtivity.: ACtivity I .-~., ~." , Code: 1.05 :1 'Admih'istrative :SerVices .Purchasinq .. , , ACl'DlITY' 'dMlENI7\RY .. ~. . - -,- ."- ACSTIVmDEsCRIPTloN I wr.th; tl1e '~ssi?tance of the 8urchasiiig Division','.a nUmber of techriical, .and,speci'$!~ ;1 "e.r,y;ices,qr:e ptov~qed t() the Hrie operating; dePai:tmerits Gfthe City 0}'1" :ce[)tnlli~eq, basis, Am::mg'the ,functions aSsigned.to ,personnel within this division' ,are centra,- Ii-zed. j;5tircfusing ,for, ,an sl!ppiies, services, 'e<Ni[XI1e,!t, ~d, ma.ilj'tenan:Ce' ~f,~ c(:nt]:'a- ll.i:zed. inventory ,aridproper,ty control progr2lI\l:. }Us,o" CQ'1tr9~<lIl<;l respons~bility; foJ;' 'I: City' wareoousing, operationsi's assA91}ed to the PtJrc~ha~~ng Division. " A<::TIVITY mALS.:ANI:5' <0BJEl.::rtiJES, I " 1. pomai[)tqi[) .the'pu,r~~ing~uar and.ertf6rce the;purchasirig policies 'of th~ Gity " :2. Tb~J:'cis,E(positive flnaii.Cial control. 6vetCitYdpurchases to ensure adheren,<::e, .to the 'requirement that elqJ"enditures:ahd encUlntmlnces go n()t eJ{c~ the' aI!JO!IDts I apprbpr-iated. 3. TiS. procure equipnent,. ~uppl'ie~ o3llQ,servic;:es; at: the J;owest, s'ti!>t with clean., open co.npetit-ive 'specific_at:lpns rec~!yifl9 I)liil<:iIlltnn ,benE;fi t fran 15tio,get dol:laros avail-' I able. 4", T():col1tlnugli}y.. ~rJs. tot-'l.~reasethe; qu?i'ty of seb.ilces provided ,to frie ,.other ' ci):y rjepart:rilE?,l1ts" tlrrough ~tter 9g1'riiUilicatibns'" ilills ehsuring,a' Smoother flow of I ()peratio[1' qnd ~a' ,rett,er tndersta:l\ding of existii'igand future departmental needs.. 5;" To exrcmd Yenqor, ,files arid develo(:i a vendor :anaiysiir system ,to'ensur~ guai'ity oJ: s'e,.i:'yise, provided 'to the CitY, is excellent. 6. Te fiialritiiinoontrcil of existing centrid stores and. ';varehp.Llsfng oper:ations ", I 7., TO'maintain, .3.n,effecti ve fixe!:! i1S!>,et, ;iQyeptorysys,!:errt. ' AcrNITY I'nRKWAD, srAT,ISTIGs ,1984"'85 1985-86 11986-87 I ....,--'.. ACl'UAL ACTI:JAL ESTIMATED NuIDber'ciJi Purchasedrders issued i2i,}~?' 2,500 2[,500 I Numbel' of chc0ge 6pi'~rsi'ss,iE;4 'l<~l 160 160 'Number of Blanket0rder, rel~s?~~ 652 550 ,l,.60U, - XQtal; 0rdef :12rodu<;:tiOQ 3',166 B,210 4',260 I ;SfGNfFICANT' ACl'NITYPROGRAM :CHANGES CHANGE NCl.n"e ,I I: !I~ I '.' , ./ I: 77 , , , I ' , ctT'i of P,cWAX DEPARTh$NI'AL ACTIVITY' DErAIL .1' Department': '. 'ActivRy: ACt;ivi,t:y COde': 105' il: AdrilihiScrative services :PUrchasinq Obj'. 1985~86 ,1985 86 1986'~87 1986-87 Code " "se, CIassif lCation 'Budaet' ACtual PrOpOsed Approved Personnel ,ExPense , I Ranoe position Title , I 2~4 ~chasiQg~ager .'35,088 35,,088 .35;,0'88 ~~/37? 193.' . StQreK~per 'IT 19'712 17" 316 ,21;336 22;J'!:9 173. StoreKeePer 1'9128 t9,,128 19,128 19,;128 , , ' . '-.., ~ . - 169. ' , Adiriiriisffa:dve Clerk U 16,454 16..454 16,152, 17',885 I , JIQ ,Salaries'-Regular 90,382 87,,9,8,&, 91.,aQ 1 98',9~9 113 ;~Ja,:ie!?: ~ Overtime ~56 9~ ~8,0 480 .' 'ria f,~nge 'B€r1efits , '28',185 25.386 26,674 28:,72,1 , ,- I' Total Personnel ' ,U9,023 113,'467 118,858 127,300 Operations' aria. .Maintenance, 1}i9 'Other .Professional Fees 8,000' '325 8,000. '8,0.00 I, ",""" ~ ", 470 .750 750 260 Reimbursed' Mileage ' 750 264 v'ehIc'le 'RentaiJ. " 2,506 '2/506 ~,[O,~ i2,666 ,T.rcrvef and ~ting!? 1;44.0 " ~..+ 270 765 1.:69,0 ,l,6P9 I 3H Prj.nting, 1,500 1,'141 2;OQ.o 2,OP,9 315 PUbl~c"ti_ons ,arlo. Dues 465 551 495 :m '331 iR&M Building 30.0 ' :39 500 500 " .. _ ~W! 3'34 R&M tqu'ipnent l',?,~~ 701 920 920 I 337 R&M Radios 52 - - - 411 ' 'Off ice & Stationery Siippli!es' 250 ,525. 360 360 :41:7 ~rating, Supplies " 849" 1,.900 1,0.00 1,000 I I - I cTotalOoerations and' Maintenance 18,119. 7,872 118,23'1 18,,231 :capit::al. C\iHav , I 611 'Office Eqiliprrent. 950 7'Z7 '- -, I " , :1 Total Cariital., .0UUci" , 950 727 - - i\Ctivitv,TOta'1 ,$1:36,695: $122, .066 $137,089 $1:45,531 I , I 78 ~.' I CITY .oF KJilAY DEPAR'IMENTAL. ACI'IVITY DErAIL Department': 'Act:ivity;' ,ACtivity ,I: ,Suooor,t Services COde: 106, 'I, AdfuinistrativelServices ACl'IVITY .a>>IENTARY ACTIVITY'DESCRIPTION , il The costs, 'associated with the teJ;ep.QQge, 'sysj;.elll'" City Hall liHf~ties', aild 'City, :Hall :1: ~intei1ance,areprovided for inj:l1e '1UPPPrt' Se.r.vic~s, J:n aaditi'on ~ the Costs assoc- iated. wi'th,the, copy ffi3.s:t]in~~, fl:003ti'lg€!, fire, ,and ,oi1rglai: alaYtllS~ a:re'charg~ to this cost center. ,I Acr.fvI'l'Y'mALS.AND ,.oBJECTIVES :1, 10-0 TOprovrde,rriaihtehance.requi'rementsJfor'(jity'!fail. 2. TO. provide copying :servis:es for. Cilty,' Hajj a:~partments. :1' 3. TO pro,:,ide gas" eIectric,and telephone.seiVices. for, :Gi~y Hall, i. '.\.'0 p):'ovi:cie'for city !&Ul secUii~y, against fiiEi,andburglCU;Y. '. - . ,SIGNIFI<2ANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM .8lANGES CHANGE: ,I 'R&M:Equlpment ~ Most 'significant increase is + $9,,300 I . _. ~__.. _. ~_,., u' . _ . 'telephon", - $8,.?QQ main:te[1ans:e<::'Ontrad plus $3;500 ,for, 'ITlQ,ves, pl19ne,s'. ,etc.. not covei'red in main tenance. I Photocopy sl!flp]/i'e,s + $ 1,20'O _."~ End of fBM copter l€!a~", - $18, ~O'O I' , (;as) and ~ectr:icj!ty re.erects general 'cost increase +. $ 5".006 ,Telephone 'and telegram, reflects; general ,cost I aild service increase ,., ,. + $21.,000 Po~stage + $ @".5Q.o 1 I , I ,I I ,. '79 :1 . '. , <;'l.Ti' OF~AY ,,~ , DEP~AL ~1'N.'l~' DEJ:'AIL. I , , ~pg.r~trnent : ' ActTvi t'y:: Acj:.fyity , Gode: 106 .' Adffiintstrative Services Sliboor,t 'serVices' _'J '.. , ' ,Pb). 1985-86 1985'-86, 1986-87 1986'-87 ,Cooe 'EXpense Glassi'f.icatlon' Budqet. 'Actual Proposed ,APproved " 'Personnel EXpense, . Rallqe ,i>osition, Title I , :. ' , " Total Personnel. 'ODerations ana, Maintenance I - 2lu, .Gasand EI,ectdci'ty 25iGOO 2;]. 458 '30,000 '3.9,QQo ..<>-" . ,to' 45;b~oii I '215; Teiepl19[le @d Telegrilph 4U ,,800 42,568 45iO.oO if'; --,., ~.,', -."-"," " rrtash R'S'f!lOiral 960 }56 1,'000 1,0'00 '282 'Postage 14,455' 15,132 14\; 500 14;'500 'I '31'S PUbl'ica;dc;>ns and ,Dues, 125' - 125 125 , 331 R&M Bui'lding '2.1.90: 1,728 2,400 2;,400 333 'R&M Elevator ,1,goo 985 '1,000 1';000 334 R&M Fquig.nent. 12,,317 ~1,'6)1 19',000 19".000 I '399 '0ther Contractural .Services - 30 600 ,600 ,in .Office & Stationery Supplies ,,- -""" 3';;000 3,,252, . - - 4)); Phot.xopi SuppHes . - -, 6,200 ,6,2QC ......"-.-,.- -. - .. - -"~.'< 416 Safety Supp:l!ie~. - - 7?0 750 I 417 Operati!,\cj SuppJ:,ies .5', 125' 5,,049 ' .5 iOOO 50;,000 '511 EqUipment. ,Rerit:al - 1.02 - - 515' Pem.ts . - 1:2U '120' I , I ,'-;" " I Totar OPerations ,and Maintenance' .105,182 . 1'18,,092' 125,695 125,695 Capital. Outlay I 611 Orfice; Equipll'e11t 1:5,983 15,:983 i!500 ,1,500 6'53 cithetToci~s,'i.nd' ~ipment 4'4',5'45 c44','545, -, - 691 N6hstructural rm,provemePt? 2,50.0 1/680: -. - I I Totalcapi tal OutIav, 63,028 62';208 1;500, 1;500 Activity'Total $168,210 $1:80,'300 $127.,'195' '$127; 195 . .. I \ , " I' 86 CITY 0F POWAY' I ____ _ _. ~~'._-'.~-_.'._ ,.r----.- ,'< __ _ ~~._ ,DEp!\B~AL ACrIVIJY pErAIL DE:par,tme!'lt:= ACtivit:{: ACtiv'i!:,y I AdrriinistiaUve SerVices 0X!e: 10q 'I~ -Risk, Manaaementf,Frfnae Benefits: , .Ac:T:ffi.TI~ ~y , ,Acr:WITY DEScRllmOO ,.: Ri'sK'Management, '. The Cost of managfng tille' city' s ic'isKs through purchased insuranc~e and 'self:"f1ll1d~ :progt'ainsafe, detailed in this 'cost center. Monies! go towiUg j,c,S)ll'i!D!Ce, prE!!fliUrtls .!ffid Cbhtr,ibiit~ioiJs to a poOled t,isk joint powers, ,!ythodty 'for claims a.4ju"tig9 and 'stqp ;,1 ,loss .protection. ' , " '~Tqoupa!).d,fOllr Hll!1dred'Cbiiars, ($2',,400) is provided to 'be 'uSed to pUrchase. safet~ 'I .~uPPli.~s" eqilt'gneptor ITI3.t:'eriql iliati's Uhahticipated, 'butrfuy. becane necessary,!" :I?aIt of the city'-wide acCident prevention Rrogram. Fringe Behefci'ts I . . The cost of an enployee, ,fr..ing~ '~efi!s ~is ;ip(Jis::ateq 'in tllisg:os,t c~ter'urider ,each ,I, :beneHt,progr?ffi. Tl}ey ilfe; lifE'!, jl~th, denta,:L, lon,g;-term disaoil:lty, retirement 'and: 'v.::)]:,Kers' a::il1pensat,iol} in"llrance., .'- ACI'WITYWJRKLOAD STATISTICS :1 1984:-85" .l.9~5~8'6 t"986;-87 -,,, .-'__'L" .. 'ACl'UAL 'ESTIMATED FORECASTED I; ,Nuinber, of general JiiabiJiity S'l"ims ,pr"$'E'!.sseCl . 25 2~ .25'< Nufubef, of special events ~iabil~tY'clabns,proce"'9ed, 1. b .0 ,Nuinber ,of Claims cIosed, at end9f, 'f:i,scacl ,ye<,rr ~; <) .. 10 I, Nuriiliel' ,of ,claims settIed,withou~t, ,~uiy ), >3 '6 - , I SIGNIFTCANTACrtViJ'TY PR0GRAM.' CHANGES €RANGE 'Due to; increased cOsts for l'iaoilitYC0verage arid I addlng" :"ider for. the aa:.it i pfaniiJrriS ,jilill increase, , in' 19l:l6;-1987. it. $rl~",137~ I , I " , I , , I I ~81. , I, GITY OF P0WAY DEPAR'lMENTIIL I\CI'IVI'rY Dli'l'AIL - - - . - ..~".. .--'" ~ .. . - I , . DefXlcrtrnS'nt: ACtivity: ,bftivf1;:Y C~e:, 107 ,I: Adffiinistratlve Services Risk Manacement'/Ft:inqe Benefits Ol)'j. , 1~~5'-86 1985-86 198687 1986-87 Code ExbenseClas~ation Budaet ,Actual Proposed . Approved ,I' Persorirtel, .. nse :.RanoE Position ,Title .' I' \ I' , ,. Total Personnel .. .' 0Derations and. ,Maintenance Jio, fringe, i3epe,f its, (958,,555,) , (J. ,399 ,,24'2') .. <1,,302,273') <'l ,,~99,'2~2) ,121 Workers Compensation Benefft '135,:527 98';,400 130,480 1:30,480 I' -- --." .-. -~ -, -,.,. -".... -,- -""-, - - 464'; 002 122 HealtD/Life :Ben~flt? 421,163 303,}10 464-,002 ,123 Retirement Benefits 732' '583 55~; 444 8.0'4'",760 804',76.0 - ., .--'~, 260' ReinibutseO.Mi1eage 209 - 200 20.0 . PQ. lr?y~l ~d,Meetings 1;1:20 819 500 5.00 '258 _,.,:e 25"8' ~l,5 Publ'icattons: and'Dues 255 , ~2,8 416 ~afety 'Supp'i~,!,s , 2,400 1,398 2',40U ,2,400 521 [:lnin~ured pai,rrJ!:;' 15:; 000 391, 15;000 1;.5,009 I, 522 liisuYal}ce E:xpense ,269:,744' 206 <'837 231,000 231; 00,0 " , I I . , Total '0Perat,ions ,and Maintenance: 288,,722 20''1';'690 249;358' 24 9'i 358 '.CaDi,tal OUtlav I I , I 'Total GaDital 0utlav , 'ACtivitv Total $288,,722 $209,690 $249,358 ;$249[,358 I " 82 1 " - I CITY OF'P(1NAY , 'DEPAR~AL ACTIVITY, DETAIL Departrileht: ACt) V;ij:y: Act'ivity' ' 'I COOe: ni8' ADministrative 'Services CLmitaiReoiacement I , , ,ACTJYITY cx:>>IENTARY 'I' \ ' AcrIVITY'DESCRIPTION This divIsion,.'i's used to ,replaceC-f1:y.~~, v.ehic.les,egu~gnenj:, ang capitai ,outlay I iteriis which have, reached, 'or ,exceeded the, years! ot ,useful li'fe pursuant: to' the - ., ,'- "- " "".'- - .--....."..-. . -'.-- - ',-'- .. progri3Jrrne4 r.epla.<:~tsc!:1~uls., The P!Zchasing .Division has the reSl?6nsibility. for 'p~C;h{isillg ,the vel1ic1,~s ande<:Il\ipnertt when tne, Vehide , and Eqi1ipnent Maintenance '. [)ilT.fS~Oll de,tep:rtill.es that :each item schedtiled ffor'rePlacement can no' 10ngerserye Ci 'u13efuI Zi.u}ct1on for :theCity. .. -. 'This ac6 vj\y' ts.Hnanced' 'bY, annual rental rates,c/}!!rg~d 'to the dj,'vjsions, utilizing 1 the Vehicles, eq0.ipffieiito., and costly <;:api,ta! out:1:ay items. SIGNIF,ICANT' AcT'IVITYPROGRAM cilANGE CHANGE I !',urchase of vehides and eq0.ipneht scheduleD. ,j:'$r~Q,350 I .for replacement.- ,. I. , ,I ,I' ,I J I I , I , 1 1 .. I '83 I . , crt1 QFP!!f.ivAY , DEPAR'IMENTAL IlCTIVITY DErAIlO I , Department:: ACt.iyi~y: ACtivIty. I: Code:, 108 AdrrWnis~rative,seiVices Capi tal Replacement' 0!?j. 198?-86 :L985"!J6 1986~87 1986-87 COOE!. ,ExPense 'Glassi:f,ication :Budaet 'Actual 'prOOosed 'Approved, ' :1: Ga,pita1 ,Outlav' . .1 621 Vehicle Reptacemel}t: l!2TonPiCkupTruck. (Pub'.Ser)T,' - ,- 11,000 L)"OOR, 'I/,2 Ton 'PicKup Truck (PUb .'SerV .1) - ,- 1r',000 11 , OOQ li2 Ton ~PicKUp Truck (Pi1b.'set.\.r. 11,000 'B.,~21 17,000' 17".000 ' I' ~11.2 1;on 'Pic:kup Truck (PUb.Serv,.) . "-f'''1. "~"'" 11 ,000 8,~2;L - -, , 1/2 Ton' 'Pickup: Truck ('Pub. SerV:o ,) If,ono 8-921 "- - .r r->.. ,3/4 Ton DurIip' TrucK. (Pub.Serv.) 1-3,.31:0 14,??l;i - - I 1/,2' Ton Pj,~.kW;' ~ck' (Pub.Serv.J 9/700 8i9?J. - - courier Pickup (Admin. serv,.,) 9;;700 8..,481 '-, . ""rr-- u '_ ~ . . . 11,000 10,000 J;O;O(}O C6mPact,Sed~n (Sai~ty Serv.) -. J<awasiiki l'IotOcycires' (~) _' I ' ('Safety Serv,.,) ~, - 21,000 21,000 . Motorbike (AcJn'Lth\ E(er.,,;;) , 1,500 1,500' , I 6.23' BacJ<hoe (Pub. Serv.! - - 4,2,000 42,000. " 'r__ ',,"<-( 1 ,.. :);JTol) Roll~.r (Pub. serv,.') - - 1:2,.0.00 12,00.0 Air CaW!essQr' U)ub~, Serv.;) - -. 9,POQ 9,,00Q: , ,Air Cdnp{essor (Pub, serv,.:) - -, 4,~50. 1,B.~9 I ,Mowet". Ride,-ori, (Carm\l9. !3ery,,) - -' 11,000 11,000 , I , I I . , I " , I I , I , -Total cailltalOutlav 65,710 69,891 150,350' 15,0,,350 Activi tv Total. $65,:710 ' $69,891 ' $150',350 $150,350 I . ,-,-.,. <Xl "' , .CITY ;MANAGER' 013 DlREErOR ~IT)' ~ERV;I;~S: . 200 ., , : I;EISp:RE 'TI3AILS/ LAKF; !.'bRK,iINp SPEX::IAL , ",,-~; . .i-""-"'-- > SERVICES ,. ,0)NSTRUQION &, OPERATI0)N$ lANPS<;l\PE' LA@"qu'E. 'I1MNTENAN~E ,IJjAINTElli\NCE ElIST'RI<':Ts' 202 ,. .. , , , 20.). ~03 :264, ;205 ~!rY s,ERV1:$'s; - '- :- :- -' - - - -' . '. - .. - IIIIIIi .- .. :- - I '85 I: , 'CITY OF; J:'('WAY DEPAR'IMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW ,I (I Dept. CodE Departlrltirit: F)md Distribution: I Special,; ;'l\Ssessments Fund, -'$87,353' .200 community Services "GerleraL FUnd ~ ,$1,57-2,55l! Water. Fund - $43,566 GtantF\IDd.- '$i-3i,441 '. ' I ExPENSE 1984,..1985 1985,..1986: 1985-1986 J986,..19~7 19?,6-1987 ~.",.. -. .- - -- - ,jlGTUAL ~PR0VED . . ,CLASSIF;ICATI0N BUCGEr ACTUAL PROPOSED I' 'Total Positr6hs ~8 ~28, '30 30 30 I 'PeJ;',~onnE'!l 'Expense, 690,,04'7 792,173 7].2,8.l7 885,.441 948,547' , , .. I, .q:>etati;on" 493,'~99 , ,660',354 566;,308 :852',555 855,)55 and Maj'ntEmans:e' Capital OUtl'ay 53,445 96, 29~ .75".724 32';009 32,009 1 I TOTAL,BUCGET .$1,.236,,691 :;;1,548,821 $:1,414,849 $1, 7]0:, OU5 $1 '8~5', 911 OVERWEWC(XolMENTARY I The Depattmen,t' of9aml1tnj'ty S"'l:'Yi,pe,s i,s r:e,,!ponsible, for riEeting the cUltural; socialaiid tecreatiohalI}eros'.,and deman9..'? 9f thee i21tY,',The :Departmeirit, is ' I divided' ,:Lnto five opetatThg divisions 'Whfch Ins:lude) the Qffio;:~ of the Director, Leisure;Services, TTails,CoristiUctiohjMaintenahce, .Lake ,Operations and~ark and Lan<iscape~intenaI!ce. ,.,'~ " ., . ,The1 Director ,of Cdrrt\Ul}i'tyS",.rvices is .apPotnted by ,fheCitY ,Manager 'and [suWr,.. vh;es',the four operating' ,divisions'. 'They provide direct staff suppottseiVices Hi' ,the ,dev",lClpnen,taD,g . iITlpr~n,4Hon ',of programs .designed to enhance 'the ?oclo- I 'cUltural needs !UlO cOl1<::erns, of.; Pow",y residents. RespOn~i~ilities ~f tpe: Depa.r~n~ in.c1udEe:' (1) coordinating resources ,of public ,I and"pr:Lvate agepc~est:p:'solye ifldividu?1ii'~~ 9lld personalized coainUnfit:y:problems; (2') proViding LlilTsop 's,el:'vis:es ,pe.t\"eeI! City officiiils andcarrnunIty groups;, (3'>: providing ,rreans 'for" ccmnun,ity i,nput iptg ,the' devEelopnent of leisure programS;, '('4) .providing a ba:lahced ptqg'rani of recreaHon,. and leisure services for the ccmnun'ity.; I (5\) .administeringthe cffy"s,tiahs1t.i table;'iv an.~:@irnai contrQl contracts;. (6) pr<?viplngthe Gi~ty' s',parktnaintenancepr&.lrarns; (TJ c.oor:cjiqati'ng, .p.,rl2wri[lg and, !lli!Qa,g~ng Y?gi,oustypes! of" grants to provfde! additiOnal financfalassi!3ta,nse to the, I City to ,rreet increased: 'service 'demands; (8) construCt or contract to construct. 'rigw G~'ty tr~~l~,"to; maintain ail City trails ,mat' ,are notinspeci:ai ia:ria~c';pe, districts, adrnin,i's,ter<;,1nd:03uperyt.se sp,eci?1 'interest ,groups ana. caIifdrnia Conservation, Corps: 'in trailma.intenance, and construction;, and, ('9) Adfnihistriltion . - '-, - ~._. .- - - <,......" .......-- - . ,of ~pecjial r;anc!scape', '}\ssessrnen,t. District,s', ,. ., - ' <c .,~- " " , "" 8,6 " I: CITY OFPC1ilAY I .~ , :DEPARlMENTAL l\C'l'MTY'DErAIL 0 :1: Departinerib: 'Activity.:, Activify' Code: ;209 'I dmnunitv:services Office of the, Direetor , ACTIVITY ~ , 1 AcTIvITYoEStRtPrION T1)e 0f.fic~of. th!'l Director if! J;"esQ:Jn.si]::ile for the a~!l1!3trat~9.lland 'l1'aI)agenerit\of! ;1, the Depar,trnerit :of carmunf.ty Services. . The Director, of earrnunity. Ser;vf.ces :is, resr:on,.. sib):e for. prarm.fl1g" dlre:f'tihg and Cclbtd.i.riaHng~e pn;~gramS; ofCheVario~?9p;rating :. divisions: :providing s<m1ic~ to meet. the ,i3ociOciIltuial and hUl)Bri :qeEO$ of th"E? city., The depatt'rnent is ,divi"dEii iiit6five operating di'visionstfuit' :inClude the, OfHceof. the Director" .Leii3tfre: services, ,'!'fails constiuction ahd. Maintenahce, Lake opercitioiis, ana landScape and PaL'k.Milintenance. The .Off,ice of the Director, of '8armunfty'Services :1 ~~0I2as'Frespor1sibi:lJty fO!",tl,e ~!].i,si:r<lJi9~9Jld/~:)]':~generltof" the, dty 's' gi-aD,t~ F\lilde<;lpr,ggr.aIl)S" traJ);:;ft .sy'st~',., cable i:.eIevis,iol1' aninyi.l 'r:egulai:iol1s,gil'k site ,acquisiti'on". :and 'polIk,. deyelopnent :prog'J;:arn. I The Director. .of :cat'lnuni ty SetVi'cesJ .Hrresp:.risible' to, tile City MaIiager for ehstif.i:ng tliat all thedepar,bi\ental pi'oghirns: areiitlplementEd efffdefitly:, effect'i\fe1y ,and' ecoilcnlidilly in aecordiilce Wi'th, City practiceS an,!. procedifreS,~ ' I Acri:VJ:TY,G0Ar:S,AND ~VFs; 1 r; I . c. 1., TO ,establish ahd,implement"a. .balanced ~progtam of recreatioo', leisure serviees and'ctiltural j::iroijrams for' ,the cCniillihit"y.. " 2:. TO ,effectively administer' and'manage the functions of. 'tJ1e ,City within the 1 ,responsibf:J:1,tles of -thecrnmunifi; ,serVices riepartment, ~ , . ' 3. TO ensure th~,bestpossibl~ qable'television service' to the citizens, of. Poway, I ,.~~. . To ~fective1Y admini,ster tl}e dty'!'; tri:l.l15ft, sy~te,n,. . I , SIGNIFICANT ,~IVITYPRCGRAMCHANGES CHANGE 1 Mdifion6f .Ac'lrnlri:Lsfriitive Assistant + :$29.,,969 Travels ,andmeetfngsreflect ,added National I :Parks,and R.ecreation, Society'conference + $1,530 - - - - -- -. -.,-. - . - - - '- ,AtJirnairanoYa:l .r:e#;[ec'ts, ,in(,r~eof contract; '$ :1, fO:O 1 cost .,+ Rocreatl6IfuI 'NeEds. SUJ:vey + $ 2>,8.00 , I . 1 h I: 87' I' , GI,TY OF .PC1ilAY (lEPAR'lMENTAL AcTIVITY, DErAIL ,I Departinent: ' 'A<:t'ivity.: ACtiVity COde: 2.00 1 :Carrourtity services1 office ,of. the Director Q..bj. 1985:-86 1985~86 1986' 87 1986'-87 'Code, Exoense Classification BUdciet ACtual Prope;s~ APProved '.. Personnel ,F.xnense Rahqe' position Title 274 Difector '45'912 ~? ,'912 45,9J:2' 51;732 - , ,.-'= I, 24'4 Ci:miluni't:y services 'Manager' ~~'OS~' 33,866 ~? ,088 38,,)76 189. Administrative secretary , 1~,'062 J.l9'06'2e 1,~,,706 '21,825 .-...,/" .. 2",4 'I\dm:ionistrative ASst I ,- - 21.,.882 23',934 I , il,6 ~qries ~Regular '100,'062 98,84Q 122 ;5'88 135' '867 ii3 5a:Lari'es - Over,time ..., ~~- ',' .",.. ,'... - ;398: 1,0,0.0 ,:l:'QQ9 120 Fringe ',Benet;, t.,s ,28,839 27,654, 37,,882 39',"Z55 I' ,Total Personnel ,128,901 126/892: 161,410 176,622 . 0Perations:ahd' ,Maintenance, ?6.,d Rei{nl:>.wsed!'1i.l~ge 2,28.0' '2;037 ~,2?0 2,280 ' . ' 270 Tr~ve~ :~dMeetip'gs 3;825 3';'461 5,3,5.? is, ;3j~ ' 311 prt~ting 1,000 1/010, 500 500 ......., '313 UilifoiIJ)s, La:l1I}drY" bry 9le.aIling 390 390, 399 390: . :314 ~ommurtfty Relations - - - 2,S'OO ill5 'Bublications and Dues 515 "276 615 615 "319 Animcil :Disposa:l 5406 ,5,i.gQ 6.,~00 6,.6.00 , 334 .1,., '5 I E,&M,EguAp:nent 150 ,120 '250 250 399 Gcill"'A"-'Ride Contract., 120,401 '108/361 12u401 120,461 "'~'>) .__,~. _ _ -c_ _ ',~_ ..,.'....r_ X;QQQ 4l'l, Office & ;,StatJ;o.nery Supphesi 800 '816 .1;000 4,L3 Phdtcgfapt1i'c s,uppi~es 150 ,135 25.0 :250 . 417 Opetacing Supplles 625 410 '1,300 1 '300' Ii 040 .' 531 EXpense credits 9,617 1:2,040, I,? ; 040 "_,, . , ,I r :. ' 'Total 0Perations and .Maintenance 14:7,,576 132,093 150;981 153,781 . Capitcil Olit:lav - I ,611 Otfice EquI~Dt , 1.,/660, 6,597 '2;';),77 . 2',777 I ,676 Bus Stop, Bench~s! 35;000 19,560 .- -, 1 , Total cadtcil ,0.ltlav, '42',660 26,157 2,;777 : ,2,71"7 ,. Activitv Total ',$3f9;13il $285,142 :$315:,228 ' '$333,18.0 'I ,>. .~ " , Sf} I, , , :Cl;TYOF 'PCWAY 'I' DEPAR'lMENl'AL ,ACT.JVITY DETAIL ',Activity,: Acti vity I' Department ;, Code: '201 , Cdllllluhity Services 'LeIsure Servrces" 'lICTIVlTY: '<XM>1ENTARY' il AcrtvITY ,DESCRIPTION ,Th€?Leis,ure services Divisi'on prganizes anoproviaes a var,ietY'()f, :iici::.i"vit;~'~s forali: 'I, c1t:izen,s'o:!=poymy.. The personnel plan, ,develop, initiate, ',a.dlrtinoi,st;er"and gvalliate a canpnihensive leIsure prOgram' attilieCity,' s .parks" ,playg!'pUQd~'" scnoo!s, W1Ci c;cmnUhity ,1 Ceptet. The ,adult, teen.. youth', 'CII)cL t~ny tot ;pI,:ograms offer~ througl1'iliiS diiiisYon 'iilclude, sports, .arts, c;r~fts, ,dclJ:Ic~" :dr1ll]Cli Olit;door recrea.;t'ion iSpecial interest, ! Classes'" 'city-,wide ?pecial ~v,ent,~', 'and li:!=e-"eririchriien't aCtivities'. , AGriVITYmm' ,AND OIm:crIVES, 1 i. TCl, en~HgetAat ai::€i:v:lties are p1!anned for, res~dents of 'f'vegy ag~, ,aI},d 'inte,rest 1 'g'roupin', ,such ,a wa'ithat a. great variety of activit'ies are, provided for 'ut.(lizatioh'of lidsure tili\e. - ,~ , 2. To ensureMl ,available resources ~e ,uti}ize9 !:() the '~uHest .extent : bY. coop- 'eratingand interacting with g"tl1er caqnun~ty ~rg~i'z~ti'ons, and 'agencies. 1 ,3. Toerisure' a'var,iety ,o~ ccmnll!1ity' grqup' and .individual uses of' City ,recreation facimities. 4., Tb'~nftor ,th~ 'Cl1an~in~dev~~o~nts' within.the leisure services field ang ,I :unpJ.€lIIent'the 'changes when appl,icable'. ACTIVITY' IIDRKWAD 'STATISTTCS 1984..,85 1~85-86 1986..,87 Q'-_i>_ .. _.~ . FORECASTED, ACTUIlli ESTIMATED 1 Contract Classes, Per Year 2H 249 261 'GOntract Class, ~articipants 3,502, 4',,::'77 4,i595 1 ,Recreationprogiains,:pery'ear 28, 21 ,20 Sports LeagUes/ToUrnaffient~; (Teams'), lIS 148 "];7d -. ." -.~. - :. -." ).,.'.--- -... . -. .... - - --- '1:,016 2,160 2,212 Sports Pi'!I't~c~g>1)ts: Speqiial; Ev.eri't:s;:rr~ps; 34 36 ~32 I Speqia", Ev.eflt;:;/Tr,ip' 'Pa.rt~icifiahts 4',867 5',8'40 7 0'08 . ,--.-" SIG&IFlGAN'r A8TIVITY' .PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I Iflcrea_~e in gasanq eIectiicicy is due to addition, 1:- $ 7 ,40~7 of ,ligHts i'or tefini,s coUrts ana ,balHieldS 1 J).dditlon "of veh'iCIe, rental. for van placed 1:- ;; 1,947: in ,service in 1985'-'86 I' ,Increase in,p~~flt:ing cosl~: for Bubiicity, 'f' $ 5,6,13 - ,~ .' " ;Increase' :In contract instructoi's' costs due 'to 'I; $27,829 ' I, ihcrease fn'prograrris offered". Revenues 'wilJ Jncreaseaccordihgly, .Increase in <,?perafiing suppries1 'ror' 'additional -f'" $ 51,3~6: 1 ,6roorams beIha offered .. 1 " " I 89 I 0.- . CITY OF PONAY DEPAR'IMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Code: 2.01 I Canmunity SerVices 'Leisure Services 0bj. ,,1985-86 1985-86' 1986-87 .1986-87 Code Exoense Classification Budoet Actual ,Proposed ADorovea I Personnel Exoense RanOE Position TitLe 21U Recreation Supervisor 21,880 21,880 22,944' 25,086 I 194.. Recreation Coordinator 19,673 1~,673 20,682 22,564 1~4'.: Recreation Leader (3) 54,425 54,643 ;;4,893 58,425 '184.. Rec. Leader Part~Time (,2') 16,422, 12;381 16,668 17,47.0 I 169. ,Administrative Clerk II 16,175 16; 175 16,i75 17,,885 l1U. Salaries - Regular 112, J,?~ 112,371 114,694 123,9!5C 112 Salaries - Part-Time 16,422 12,~81 16,668 17,,470 I " 113 Overtime 888 1,688 1,0411 1;044. 12U Fringe Beneii ts 35,171 33,840 35,983' 35,506 I Total. .personnel 164,634 160,280 168,389 177,980 oPerations and Maintenance 210 Gas & Elect'i-ic 31,206 26,242 ,38,613 38,613 I ,21,5 Telephone & Telegraph 624 453 324 324 23U Q~herUtilrty Charges ,698' I,ll3 882 ?82 260 Reimbursed Mileage 26.0 300 260 260 I 262 Vehicle Operations 1,033 i,033 1,553 1,553 263 Vehicle, Maintenance .3,200 1,058 2,586 2;586 264 Vehicle Rental. - - 1,9~.7 1,947. I 270 TravelandMeeti~gs 1,135 903 1,135 1,135 30U Contractual Services 12,000 1,711 - - 311 Printing 2,380 2,366 8,023 8,Og3 313 UnHonns, laundry, Dry Cleaning 2,3iQ 2,337 2,340 ,2,3flC I 3'15 pUblica tions and Diles ' 28.0 '212' 290 290 In Education ~d Training k" 140 50 70 ,70 318 Leisure Contracts 72 , 65,5 67,46'8 100,484, 10.0,484 I 334 R&M Fq1,1i~t 299 344 399 399 . 370 other Contract Serv'. Reimbursed 21,434 13,Q18 20,716 20,,716 411 o.fjlce & S,tatlonery Supplies 860 918 1,285 1,285 413 Photographic Supplies 224, 52 200 200 I 417 OpeFating ~ppl~es 47,895 28,461 55,521 55,521 '511. Equipment Rental 335, 265 '315 315 541 cash Over/Under 20 4 20 20 I Total Operations. and Maintenance 199,018 148,308 236,963 236,963 Caoital Outlay , I 611 Office Equipment 3,64Q ~ - - 622 ot,her Equip. Not Classified 7,398 7,000 - - ,644 Athletic Equipment - - 3,32U, 3 ;320 I Total Caoital. Outlav 11,038 7,000 3,320 3,320 Activity TOtal $374,690 $315,588 $4.08,672 $418,263 I 90 I, CITY OF ~. I DEPAR'lMENTAL .ACTIVITY DETAIL 'Department: Activity: Activity I Code: 2.02 Cammunitv Services Trail Construction/Maintenance I' ACTrvrr'f CD1MENTARY AcrIVITY .DESCRIP'rION I The responsibilities of the Trails Construction~intenan~e Division is to administer .1 the City's riding and hiking trails plan, to coordinate thetrailsplah witli .the Engineering DepartIpent an(j Planning 'Senrices, to obtain easements, when necessary, to ir!1prolTe existing tJ;ails, to construct or contract to construct 'new C,ity trai:Is, to maintai~ all city trails that are hot in special landscape districts, admin~ster and I ,supervise special interest groups ahd California Conservation Corps' in trail main ten,.. ance and construction. AcrIVITY GOALS AND OBJEcrIVFS I 1. Toeosure'that public trai~s'and traii equipment are. attractilTely maintained and s~itable forpub1:ic use .at al'l times., I 2. To construct trails in accordance with the City's trails plan. 3. To' obtain trail eas'erients in the m:Jst ,cost-eff!=Ctive 'means' possible.. I 4. To repair damaged trails and trail equipment promptly and efficiently to encourage and provide for continuous public use. I ACTIVITY I'KlRKIDAD srATISTICS 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 I ACI'UAL ESTIMATED FORECASTED N~ of miles of developed I riding/hiking trails. 20.5 ~4.) 45.7 \'lumber o{ I))iles of CitY inaintained 33.95 I hiking/r.iding'trails. 20,,5 41. 95 ljumber of miles of special landscape districts riding/hiking trails. .0 .0 5.0 'Number of miles of ,riding/hiking I trails planned,or'being constructed on private develgpments. ' 22.0 33.68 33.68 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM .CHANGES I Decrease in engineering costs - $2,5.00 I Decrease in trash reroval - $ 750 Increase in tool rep1acE!l1lellt fgr cCc + '$2,50.0 Increase in printing costs + $1,00.0 I I I~ ,91 - I, CITY OFPCiJliAY QEE'I\g~i\LACTIiJI,TY DE1'ALL I' BepaLtment:, ACt-ivi:ty: ACtivity I, Carmuniity. Servicesl :rratls;!Construct'ion & Maintenance gode, 202 (l!?j'," 1985, 86; 19tJ5,..86 11986"'8'7 1986,..87 Code .., se', tlassif,icatfon BLidqef Actual ProPosed Approved 1 " personnel~se &inoe PositioriTitle , 189..' Park M.3.incenahCeW6rker III 1:8' '624 19931 ,20,010 21,310 1 ' --- . ..'.- , I 110 Saiat~~? - ~eguJ.gr )18',624' 19i931, 20 ora 21,3,lQ .. 113 Salaries -Qy~r;time - 54 390 ,390 120 .Ffinge~Benefi tp ,5,'746 4',tJ19 5",644 ;6,3'79. 1 1 , Total,Persorirlel 24',3'70 c24,804, . 26 ;'044 .28,,079 ,0Peraticins 'and ,Maintenance 'I 160 Ehgineeri:ng 1,500 443 2,500 , .7,5.09. 216 ,Trash :R,erroval 2,220 ,398 1,500 1;5.0.0 262 . Vehicle,cperatioris 1,4.04 . 6 1;.404' 1,.404 'I 263 vehicle:Maihtenance 1,600' 71;3 1-,600 ,1,600 "-~ -~~"''''' '264 Vehicle 'Rental 1,869 J,869 ,1,185 1,185 3I1 'Printing - ,- 1,.000 1,000 1 313 'Uniionns and Laundry' 390' 3?!l 390, 390 .". -~ ---", . '., ,'. 3H Garmunity Relations 3;50.0 ,1,507' -, 1'417 6per,atlng SupPlIes. 5.,960 .3 ;'038 5840' 5,,84.0 , " " .- 420 ,small 'Tools 4".090 1,.722 6/500; 6,500 1 444 Sign:Maintehance 300 ' - 5.00 ' 50.0 , I " I 'Total Clperations'and' Maihtenance '22,7'73, 10',.080 22,,419 22,,419 , Gaoital, :Outlay I 1 ., , I Tcital.Caoi tal OUtlay .:; AdivityTotal , ,$,47,143 $34 ;'884 $.48,463 . ,$50.,498. I I 92 CITY' OF POWAY ,I: DEPARTMENrAL ACTIVIW:DETAIL ~iITtmerlt: . Activity: ACtivity 'I Camli1nitv ,services' Lake. Operations OXie,:. 20i) .~tvrrY' CXlolMENl'ARY ,I ACTIVITY DES0UETION '. ''J:'he re,spO!l~~bi:lity' of ;theLaKe 'C\Jerations Div;i:?ion' of 'tlle<Catmwii'tii; services' Degartinen~ist6piovide.iecreati?nai~i~f1~!lg ,bo'!ti!lg, .camping,i hfkiilQ,mrseba9k .. riding'i, .nighttillie'softfull"andoth,er lei.sllre9-c1;iyit:\es; .generally associated wij::,h parks and recreation. The Lake Operat-ion ':LS also respOnsible for the se=ityof property and the health' and :safetyof fa.::fl'ity users. Much. of this is accCInplisiied 'bjroutinepatrol of tf1~ f~cjiities' The foilowing'areas' requir~ se~gty paf~or- , I and 'law enf()rc~I1-t; Lake'POW4Y" Lake 'PoWaY,Paik, Cannun:i!tyCeI1,tE!r iilld CamiUnity ,Park,. Gard,eJ} ROC!d Rqr:ki and. the ,BIM ,equestrian and hi'ki!lg' 'trails:; ,. , I ACTIVI!J'Y. GJALS .AND OBJECTIVES, L !ro provide professional comnuni:cation and bisto:nei' education'between faciHty . users and the Lake stat.{ regaicflng' 'State and rocal regulations. ,'" -' ~ " 2'. ,TopranptlYE!l1force ~$esa.nd' ~~urations of the Lake, poway R~re"t.i;o_n area, in order! 't9",'enS:9urage and. pt6v':\de, cbnsistent :public suppo~t. . ,.. , . 3. ToE!l1~ur:e ~!}a1; the doCk, operation is, neatly :maintained, alld. ;s~itable for pul:5J!ic' use. at 'all tAmes. . 4. ;ro'proyide 'recreational fishing and .boating. !progri'iIns to ineet'.the needs iofthe. l'~y,o;mnUnit:y. I 5.. TO }lrovide' a ,self-supporting lajeea11d .Coating '9perat'i'on. ACTIVITY Ii).RI<J1:jADsrATISTICS . 1984-,85 1985;"86 .r9)36~ti 7 ~ '" ."", ~ - AcruAL ,ESTIMATED ,FORECASTED ", :. Fisl1ing Penni'ts ' 42 ,200 ,46,,500 4"~,~1l,<i .BOat .RentaLs 10,,888 I)"OOO .l:-~'iQOO Facility Users 420,,000 430',000 '450,000, I , 'StGtiJIFlGANT A8TIVITY PROGRAM :CHANGES CHANGE AdCllnCfISm3:'llnolith,bass. stocking +, $2,000 I , . VehiCle ,rental reflects adqitij),r:> of'; a I pick~up trufk it $1,486 , I I , . I 9"3' I, >, 81ft 0F' P@lAY, I DEPAR'IMENTAI:. OCr'IVITY QE'liAIL , I ;DEp<!r~rjt: I'lcti'vityo: J Activity Lake Ooerati'ohs CCde: 203 I 'CatmuJ1ity 'Services, Obj. , 1985'-86 1985-86 I 1989:-87 1986'-87' CCde Ekbense'Classiflcation Budoet Aetll<ii ' 'ProPOsed . ,!\pproved 1 EersbhhEd EXoe'rise Ranqe Pos'i€i6ri Title 1"95, IfiKeSupervisoi :~l , ~5? 1'9463 18,852 20".648 ,.~ t' ,;.. . . I 1'74: .pil.ikRanger II :( 3 r ,52,4?l 1'7 ,>~?6: 50,172, '5~,810 J6f,~ 'Ranger I (Part:">tine) (5) 34,987 }l:j,62,6 3?,758 38',019 _-.' ." __ T 28',8:43 2'9.,,;210 159;' Admini~t.r~tfv:e C'lerK' I ( 2'> 26, .045' .32,380 _. 0' .' _"_ I 159." .RangetA~ste 13,012 n'76~ '.:-1 - ,-'" 159., :RangetAide <'J>a.r.t-'time) (l) (3\) ,6,,'215 6'i5tl 1:8,488 20,,470 lrO Salaries - Regpia~ ~15,860 'lOA,628 98,234, 107,8313 . I "f' - -...... "",~-' El:2. Salar,ies - PaIit,..time, ' 4},,102 ;,43;167 5'4,246, 58,48"9 113 Saiar.ies ~ 0vertirrie: 3 ;889 ,5',444 5',.648, 5',.,648 ~i6 fringe Benefi'ts _..... .v" 41 '225 48,698 44,.430 45,942 _ .I. I Total Personnel 20.6,893 ''1:94,464 "206 ;826; 216,4.05' , aPerat:ibns.ahd,Maintenance , .I 210 Gas and EleCtriCity' " 10,,17.6' 9,928 10 ,888 ]'0,,888, -- , ..,. ~ . ...-~~ - ;215 Telephone and.Telegrap~ 588, 419 588 ?88 '230 0ther UtHTty" Charges! ~,4~2 1,629 '1,728' 1,,728 :26:9: ~_ __..., . , t 60 ,I Reimbursed Mileage, 60: ' 17 60 ,262 vehlcie0perations 1: !S68 577 1,568 1,:568 t._ 263 veh19re'Mairit~nance - 2,f12 2',585 2Y585' ,I 264 Vellide, Rental. ' :2,661 2,.66}! 4,~,47 4,)47 ,270 Tfav'e~and,)'Eetings ,881 783 901 ,901 3H Pfifiting '6,0400 1,361 6 400 6',4.09 ":"'" . ~"" 313 Unrf6rrns, Uiundry, "DryET~a,!1il'lg '5',030 4';925 5 030 5,030 , '-"...-""~ I ,ll5 PublicatOlonsandCUes .~60 239 173 '1'73 33:4 . R&M -Equipment 759; 656, 1;950 i,i50' 411 9ff'ice:&, Stationery Suppli'es y66 68"3' . .7.00 '700 I 4~6 Safety SUpplies' ' . 14U - 140, 'Lj6 417 operating ,Supplies 12 355 11:;894 12;558 12,??f:l ':iga " .. c- ' ~<'t "'- :Tr9ut, Stock 7.4,900 73,:200 7:4',000 74,009 " - ".~, 37.;000 . 419 Ot:her F"ish'IStoci< 35, QO"Q 32', ~OO 37,000 .~~~. . Sna.l-1Tools " 280 I: fl?O ?!:lQ 22fl 280 Ohcdlleettbles , 532 100 ~ roo 100 54'[ cash oVer'/i:ind:i,r loo 502.: ISO 150 I ,~6tal ,Operations and~MBintenance i52,389 lfl4', 62'7; 160,946 ,160",9:46 . Ca15it'al .Outlav " I ~22 0tner Fquipneiit Not. Classii'ie<i 20,,796 ,20,504 3~ 097 3,Q97 651., S,hop'Tools - -' - - I Total C:apital. OuUav , 20;796 20,50il 3,097 3,097' Acti\iiCty' 'Tot:a:!:' $380;078 ,$359;,595 $370:,869 $380,448' :1 " , '),4 I~ " ;1, CITY OF .PowAY'. DEPAR'IMENTALACTW'irY, dErAiL , - ,.. . . ,~. .- -, - . Depaftment: N;:tivi fYi' ,A6t'ivitY', ,I C2OOe:, '294 CarmunitvSer.vices parR ,ana r:andscape, Mai:ntenance :1 , ACl'IVITY~Y , ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The,resp6nsibilities .of thePWk 1lJld Lan<iSS:iip,e 'DiYfsion ~nclude, boats'i dOCks, and I ,motor ,repairs and maintenance; rrai'ntenanceof public' restrocii1s, pUblicHr'ecreational fa~irrties and"~l~ti grblll1~ma~rtteI!ance for 21. PurrP sta:nons arid reservoirs, I 4 Qu)J?iI1g~, .the,priinii::,civ.e ca@?gro\mds.i powayRoad rredians., and landscaping,along ~o"@y Cr,e,ek. ,ACrrVITY GJALSAND .0BJECTIVEs I l. TO, ensure' ,that :pul5lic groun!;ls @et park; wujprien,t' 'are attrai::t:iVely'maintained I and suitable for pul5l,i~c use at ail: tiines, ' . . 2. To reRai:r..~getp J:?1'1dscafled ar~a$ i 8ark equipment cillO. trails pranpHy an<;1 efH"i'entIy to, 'encourage: and pro'ii'fde for the contiiiuouspubHc use, 1984-85 1,98?\-'86; 19,86-87 I AcrNITY \\0RKLOAD STATISTICS ,AcruAt, ,ESTIMATED FOREx::AsTED 'Total deVeYol:JOO' acreage maintqineq. 6Q.~1 '68\91 ,81.61 I ,Total uriCleveloped: park'acreage maintained 2,,300.5 21i 393;02 2,,393.02 To!'al f-logr sRiic::e: mainf.3,ined , 15,300 19:,400 :Jig ,406 I' 'Total number of 'restroans' maintained' 9 '1.0, ' 'If . - -"<-. . -. ~.- - --,--'" ,-"-" -,--' -- - '80 t!urrber gf faits' ma~ntaine<;l .75 ,80, 'Number of docks rnai:ntained 2 ;2 ''3 I [[~r.cjf baiif\i;fds, rralntaihed 3 ) '3 SIGNIFICANT ACrNITYPROGlW1CHANGES CHANGE' Increase in: personnel expenses fOr" maintenance I of ,add'itional .paI'k acreage, rrediansl and s~pervi,sjol1 , Control. ' -+ $59,,569 ,I' " 'Increase in trash rerrcv:aJ 4pe to ipc.reases in services ,reguired an,!: rqte, 'inqi2ase' + $ 4.,000 Increase. in 'building 'maintenance' due to transfeG ,I of' buildiqg~in~~ce-~ense's fr.:iilPubliC ser;iices ,. $40",~ilo Ipcrease ihcapita~ 6utlay'due~0 ,the rep~ac~nt I ' ' of 'anoldei, irOwer ailClthe purchase of lawn 'vacuum + $17>,i765 - - ._- ,- - --... Increase,in'vehicle;maintel1!illce-reflects ,actual cbst ,I; for repa,ir. ,gf ~C!!19sc::ape veh'icies or ,$ 4,,796 Increase ,in. .i;mdsc~pes~ppries due. to additio[l Qf Ii newly developed 'w:otinds + $ 6;050 ; I . 95 I, CITY OF PdilAY DEPAR'IMENTAL ACTIVITY DErAIL I Department: Activity: , Activity .. Code: 204 I CarIDunitv Services, ;park 'and landscape, Maintenance , Obj. 1985-'86 1985-86 1986-87 :t986'-87 'Code Expense Classification Budqet Actual Proposed APProved I Personnel Exnense RanqE position Title 235 Landscape Facilities Mngr. - - 25,152 29,496 210 Park Supervisor 25,020 24,291, - - I 204.' Landscape MaihL sLipers ('2)' - - 40,020 42,620 189.' Park Maintenance Worker III 20,508 20,508 - - l'79.' ParK Maint. Worker II (9) 9~, 9.05 99,005 153,~gO 166,285 . 169.' Park Main~. Worker I (J) (1) 45,918 45,,918 14,124 15 , 049 110 Gardener Aide - Prt. Time(3) 8,!I00 11,805 8,340 8,340 1I0 'Salaries '-Regula! 190,451 189,'722 232,,896 253, 44~ I 112 Salaries - Part Time 8,400 li,805 8,34.0 8',340 1I3 Sala!:',ies - OVertime 2,320 3,8;32 2,020 2,.020 i2U Fringe Benef,its; 66,204 61,018 7,9,456 85,,660 .. Total Personnel 267,375, 266,377 322,712 349,461 Operations and Maintenance' . 210 Gas ~ Electr~city 12,904 7,835 13;808 13 ,8.08 - 216 Trash Rerroval 6';800 6,574 10,800 1.0,800 262 Vehicle 0pe'rations' 8,100 7,458 8,100 8,roO . 263 Vehicle Maintenance 27,204 26,169 32,000 32,00.0 '264 Vehicle Rental 14,729 14,729 13 , 544 13,54'4 270 'Travel and Meetings 1,345 1;009 1,.365 1,365 313 UnHcxms, Laundry, Dry Cleaning 4,875 4,298 5;!i55 5,655 I 315 Publtcations and. Dues 16.0 161 160 160 331 R&M - Building 5.00 385 40,80U 40,800 334 R&M - Equiprent 900 6)1 2,000 2,000 . 337 R&M -Radios 681 ~46 681 681 411 Off ice',' & Stationery Suppr'ies, 700 650 700 700 412 Janitorial Supplies 7,535 7,.508 7,988 7,988 . 416 Safety Supplies 530 296 600 600 417 ' operating >Supplies , 15,970 11 ;574 13 ,457 13,457 420 '&na,IlTools 1,420 1,384 1,94.0 1,94.0 421 Landscape Supplies 31,245 28,282 37,295 37,295 . 444 Sign Maintenance 1,000 548 1,000 1,000 511 Fquipment Rental 2,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 . Total 'Operations and Mairitenance 138,598, 121,137 193:,893 193,893 Capital D.ltlav 611 Ofrice Equi~nt - ,- 800 800 621 .Autos & Trucks 15 ;,UUO 15..!520 - - I 622 EquiPment Not Otherwise Classifiee 6',100 5,74'4 1,975 1,975 646 Park EqUipment 400 400 6,.040 6,040 651 Shqp Tools 300 ,299 ,.. - ,. 65'2' Mobile Tools - - 14;000 14,000 Total Capital .D.ltlav 21,800 22,063 22,815 22,815. ActivitvTota1 $427 ;-773 $409.,577 $539,420 $566,169 . - I. 96 CITY 'OF POfIAY ,I DEPARThlENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department;: Activity:: ActiVity'. Code: ' Carmun~tv Services .. Special Landscaoe Districts 205 . ACTIVITY <Xl>1MENI'ARYI ACTIVITY DEsCRIPTION The ~pecial Landscape'District Division is funded through an assessment of real 'II property located ,in speCific developments. The division is responsible for maintainii),g ptibl'ic rights~f-way, pu,blic fBrkS i and open .space, for landscape ma~n- tel1ance districts within, 'specific developil1ent boundaries in the City. City Staff I administers the program by providing engineering services, contract inspeCtion and supervision serv~ces, clerical anda6counting support, and iflhouse maintenance ahd repairs as needed. 1 ACTIVITYCDALS AND OBJECTIVES' 1. To ensure that all associated public groun4s are attractively maintained,and II suitable fOr'pubHc use at all times., , 2. To effectively admlnister this special landscape assessment district in themest II cost effici~,tmanner.. 1 ACTIVITY \\c)RKWAD srATISTICS TOTAL BUDGET 83-01 Rancho Ai'bolitos $57,272 I: 86-01 Hirsch Ranch 6,6.00. .86-02 Sundse Ranch 3,800' 86-03 Sun\>DOd 19,681.1 $8i7,353 1 II I I 1 I' I 97 I GITYOF Pa'lAy DEPAR'lMENTAL ~IVITY DETAIL I . Depar;trnent:, Activity: Activity I cOde: Carrnunitv'Services Soecial 'landscape Districts 205 ab]. 1985 86 1985-86, 1986 87 1986'-87 COde , se Classification Budaet Actual prooosed. APproved I Personnel EXoerise RanaE position Title I I I I ,Total. 'Personnel Ooerations and' Maintenance I 83Ul Rancho,Arbolitos - 10,063 57,272 57,272 8601 Hir'sc;h" Ranch -' - 6,600 6,600 86U2 Sunrise Ranch - - 3,8QO 3,800 I 8603 ,Sunwood - - 19,681 19,,681 I I I I I . Total '()of>rations and Maintenance 10,063 87;353 87,,353 Capital Olitlav I I Total Capital OUtlay Activity .Total $10,063 $87,353 $87,353 I , '" Ol CITY MANAGER 01) DIRECTOR ,P:LANN,ING: SERVICES , 300 - CURRENT PMNNING ADVANCED PLANNING BUILDING '& SAFEl'Y INSPECI'ION 301 302 303 PLANN~G SERVICES , - '- .. .. .. .. - - - .. - - IIIiI - - - - - - - I I 99 I CITY OF PC1ilAY DEPARIMENl'AL !\CTIVITY 0\lER\lIEW I Dept .Ca:1E Department: Fund Distribution: General Fund -$878,.077 300 Planning Services, I EXPENSE 1984:-1985 19~5-1986i 1985-1986 19~6-1987 1986-1987 I crASSIFICATION lClUAL I3UIX';E:I' 'AClUAb PROPCSED APPROVED Total POsitions 10 10 10 11 11 I Personnel Expense 287,125 346,543 332.,273 382,828 404,545 I Operations 387,503 451,412 517,973 452,310 452,.310 and Maintenance I Capital OJtlay 10,355 970 25,095 21,222 21,222 I TOrAL .BUDGET ' $684,983 $,798,925 '$875:,341 ?856,360 $878,077 I CJVERVIEW CCMMENTARY I The Department of Planning Services is responsible for administering and implanent-, 'ing 'the ciib/s pianning, developnent, rand use and buirding, prograrrls., . The depart- ment is organized into four divisions: , .the Office of the Directorj' current I ,planning; AdVanced Planning; and Building serviCe? The D~trnerit' s DireCtor is appointed py the City Manager to adrnin:i:ster depart- mental operations. The Depart:rnentofp'lanning setvices' ensures that a sound ,and . . ' Ih concert with I ~rkable planning program is designed and maintainEd for the city. the City Ca,mcil, the staff of this department is responsible for the implemention of the City"s General Plan as well 'as its annual revie\~ to ensure thatjplicies I and codes are up:3aterl based upon current plaiming practices. Through this review process, the. General plan and Developnent code provide for an. orderly program of pIanhed de;'clopnent "!ithinthe city.' , I other departmental activities' include: processing of development applications; -review of environmental impact reports; code canpliance; and building pian checks and ,inspection. - - . I , I I I Ioa I CITY OF POWAY . DEPAR'IMENl'AL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Acbvify I Code: 300 Plarinina Services Of&ice of the .Director I ACTIVITY CXlolMENTAR'f' ACTIVITY, .DESCRIPTION I The. Director of Planning ServiGes is ~esponsible for overall departmental. ?upe~vis~on, ,I, including' personnel 'procedures,and budget cOntrol. In concert: with the'8ity CoUncil, ahdthe, 'City Manager, the Oirector is responsible for directing the Citypianning function,prep~ing recanmendationsrelative to environmental protection ,and the I sUP.ervisi.on of' the Building SelS\iices Division. ' ' The "team approach" to professional planning and building is used to assure the I highest possible developmental apd environmental qualify for the community. ACTIVITY OOArS, ANo08JEcrlVES I L To provige ~dministrative support and assistance r~lative to agenda preparation, ,publ~c hearing notices', matefial acquisrtion, budget control and special ,research I projects. 2,. Toprepar'e and provide supe,ryision for the City's Genefal Plan ill1d Developnent code. I 3. To encourage quality planning of' developments within the community by developing standards., guidelines and general plan elements. I 4. To provide technical assistance to the City Ccluncil and other City Departments, the general public and citi2enadvisory comm{ttees. 5. 'To continue to'proviae high quality planning and buildi~g serVices in a timely I and eff icient manner. 6,. To rron i tor 'and revieW legislation. and' programs at;, the Local, Regional, State 1 and Federal levels, in order to determine thei~ impact on the City's planning and,building progr~ns, and to make, recommendations as to ,their 'adoption and iinplemen ta:tion. '. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITIPROGRAM CHANGE CHANGE I Office eguipment conversion of, word processqr' to IBM " +$.t;400 I '. I' I 101 I CITY OFPC1ilAY DEPARlMENTAL ACTIVITY DErAIL I Department: ACtivity: Activity Code: 30Q I plahnind Services Office of the Director Cbj. '1985-86 1985""86 1986-87 1986-87 Code EXoenseC1assification Budaet Actual ProPOSed APProved I Personnel e, RandE Position Title 274 Director 45,910 44' 336 41,052 46,26~ .' I 259 Assistan,t Director - 20,531 40,743 44,55ji 'Senior. planner' ~~, - 244 34,365 6,336 ,- - 189.: Administrative Secretary 19,531 17,083 .16 ,764 18,515 I 11.0 Salaries - RBjUlat 99,8.06 88,286 , 98,559 109,397 113 Salaries ,. Overtime 1'920 1,244 1,560 .1,56:0 I 12.0 Fringe Benefits 27,286 23,.034 28,902 28,239 I Total Personnel 128 .712 112 564 129.021, 139.196 Cloerations and Maintenance .210 Gas and. Electricity 4,9.00 4,513 5,150 5,150 ,I 215 Telephone 270 513 240 240 ,- 260 Reimbursed Mi'leage 2,55.0 1713 750 750: , . , 270 Travel and Meetings 6,084 4,673 5,489 5,489 I :n? Publications and Dues 1,.085 1,092 1,325 1,325 33~ REM - Building 6..000' 600 - - 332 R&M - Air congitioning 15,000 1,374 - - 334 R&M - Equi~t 1,@9 1,498 2,078 '2,9,78 '. 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,790 2,184 1,300 1,30Q 514 Lease PUrchase, 1,488 1,485 .1,488 1,488 I I , I TOtal OPerations and Maintenance 40,856 19..645 17.820 17.820 I Caoi tal OUtlav' 611 Office Equipnent - 4,745 4.,400 4,400 I I Totalcapi tal OUtlay - 4.745 4.400 4.400 ,Activity Total $169;568 $136 954 $151.241 $161. 416 I ", I02 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPI\R'lNENTALACTNITY DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I' Code: 301 'Planninq Services Current Planninq N:rrvrrY c::i::MiIENrARY I ACTNITY. ,DESCRIPTION The Current Planning section is broken down ,into three basic parts: 1) day,..to-dciy I activities; 2,) present projects; and 3) future projects. The. day-to-'day activities of Curreqt plaJ1!:ling include the' processing of'development review, condit'ional uSe permits, zone cl)ange?, var,iances, temporary uses, parcel ,maps, and tract iMps. In I addition, ail field inspections for the, above rrentioned develo[it1ent processing are coqJucted'by the 'CurreritPlanning sectio,n.' Plan checks; preliminary' si<tereviews, lanascape. plan reviews, and building pl,an pennit reviews are also accanplished by' ',I Current Planning,. Projects such as inlRlementatioil of the Kiosk. Program for off-site, subdiVIsion signs; sigrl ordinance implEimerttation;' developnent of a cqnprehensive code enforcemen t program; adrIlinistration of the Zoning Ordinance and rela):ed codes; and implementation of specific ,plans are the, present' projects in which the. section is I =rentlyinvolved.' . '.' " .. ' Future P!'9jects for the Ccirent 'Planning section "irtClude: t;he development of,. a design I photographic nbteb60R; develofll1el1t of c:i:tizen pamphlets on the develo[inentreview process; provide suppOrt to the Old poway and,PoWay Road Specific Plan Project Team; and studies of various,ord~nance~, 'I 'ACTNITY iXlAIS AND OBJECTNES l. To further enhance the cCIi1prehensive ec>de enforcement program. I 2. To prepare ordinances needed to fully irnpieme~t the General Plan. 3. To fUrther enhance the develofll1el1t rronitoring system. 4. Toc6ntirliie to provide, technical assistance to' the City COuncil, other City Departments, general public, and citizen advisory' cannittees. '. 5. To Continue to provide high quality planning seblicesin a. timely and ef'fic:i:ent fuarther.. .. SIGNIFICANT ACTNITYPROGR!\M CHANGES cHANGE. I Capital 'Outlay to ref~ect purchase of .vehicles and $li,435 '. telecanrnunication equipmento for Code Cailpliahce Officer + , I " I I, I I I 103 I CITY OF, P<JifAy DEPARJl1ENTAL ACTIVITY DE.TAIL I Depi:trtmeI'!t:: Activity: Activity CC4e: 3.01 I Planhinq ServIces Olrrent planhinq Cbj. 1985-86 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Code e,Ciassification Budqet Actual PrODOSOO APproved I Pe'rsonnel se RanqE Position Title 2;2? Associate planner' 26,.326 23,644 25,J.?2 27,'51.0 I 218 Assistant Planner ( 2 ) 49,8l;i4 49,325 51,525 56',34.0 213 cede Compliance Officer 25,776 25, TJ6 25,776 28,200 169 .~ Administrative Clerk II 15,954 15 , ~?4 16,152 15,0~9 I Planning Intern. - Part TimE:! 4,269 3,514 4,269 4,269 iio Salaries - Regular 117,920 114,699 ,118 , ?05 127,090 112 Sal,aries - Part Time, 4,269 3,514 4,;269 4,269 I .113 saL,aries ,.. Overtime 1,:3,81 2,226 1,}98 1,398 120 Fringe Benefits 3'7,810 31,707 39,030 37,510 I Total Personnel '161,380 152, 146 163.302 .170,267 OPerations and Maintenance I 260 Reimbursed Mileage 4,080 3,105 1,~00 1,800 262 Vehicle Operations - - 400 40.0 270 Traliel.and.ME!etings 1,44.0 1,.06'7 1,.460 1,4~0 'I 311 Printing 4,200 2,658 4,580 4,580 315, Publications and DueS 1,04.0 1,03.9 1,955 1,955 33'4 ~. REo'! - Equipnent 2,255 1,374 2,584 .2',584 , ~ 411 Office &.Stationery Supplies 3,700 3,619 4,070 4,070 I, 413 Photographic S~pplies 600 968 860 ' 860 417 Operating 'Supp~ies - 8' - - 444 Sigh Maintenance 5.00 - 550 5,5.0 I 513 Rent - Of,fice Equipnent 559 559 - - 514 Lease PurchaSe .' 6,'380 6,'371 5,820 5,,82.0 I I Total Operations and Maint'eiiance 24,754 2.0 ,768 24 ~ 079 24.079 I Capital D.1tlav 601 Telecan Equipneht - - 1,435 1,435 605 Photographic Equipnerit -' - 325 325 I 611 Office Equipnent 970 10,660 1,966 1,966 621 AiItos ,and Trucks - - l<i"OOO 10,000 653 Other To<:>ls &F.qw.pnent - - 400 4.00 I Tcital CaoitalD.1tlav 970 10 660 14.126 14,,126 Activit" .Total $187.104 $183 574 $2.01.507 $208.472 I 104 I CITY OF PeWAY I DEPAR'lMENTAL AcTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activi,ty: Activity ,I Code: 302 Plannina, ,Services Advanced Plannina: I ACl'IVITY 'aMlENTARY , AcrIVITY DESCRIPTION I' Advanced Planning administers al)d IIla~ntains the :elements of the General Plim, review'S I and prepares sp~ificplaj1s, CiCcaI'l8lishes' all environmental I'oQrk' for the City; respoh- sible for development monitoring, implementation and coordination; housing prbgram coordination; energy conser.vation, projects; developlle.tlt coordination for grants, inclucti~g', but not limited to energy conservation, ecQnanic development', parks and I rec,eati'on, =rfnunity developrent block grant programs, resource, Conservation;, rra~n~ tenance of the General Plan derrographicinformation, ai)d special projects' such Cis the, "Census coOrdination, 'air quality plan, and water quality plan in coordination with I the San Diego ASsociation o( Governments. AcrIVITY mAIS AND OBJECTIVES I 'To implement the General Plan. ," l. 2. Toctevelop and ,implement. programs to revitalizePowayRoadand "Old, ,'l'ovm" ,poway I through Domprehensive 'specific planS. 3. To coordinate with SANDAG to assure that Poway's, concerns ,are addre~sed in I regional planning matiers.. . ' 4. To coqrdinate the City"s environmental review pr,ocess and up:late procedUres in' accordance with changes to State 'legislation. I, 5. To continue to provide technical and advi?ory assistance to "the City Council, other City departments, and the general public. I SIGNIFICANT" ACl'IVITY, ,PROGRAM CHANGES ,CHANGE I One proposed neW position - Assistant Planner to + ~31,138 handle increased WDrkload.. ,proposed"part-time clerical help. + $2,.080 ,I Special studies. - $1:0,500 I Capital Outlay to reHectpurchase~c:>f pr'ojector and forms trqctor plus offlce + $2,271 furniture related with. new position. I ~. I .' I '105 t I. CITY OF PC1ilAY DEPARn'lENTAt. ACl'IVITY .DE.'I'AIL I Depai:troent: 'Activ~ty,: Activity Code: 302 I PlanninaServices ,Advanced Plannina Obj. 1985-86 1:985-89 1986"87 1986-87 Code se Classification. Budqet, . Actual Prooosed Aroroved I Pei:sonnel se 'RanqE P6sition Title 228 Assqciate Planner, 21,094 26,,628 29 ,202 31,\J.38 I 218 Assisj:ant Planner - 6,1~1 22" 77.0 24;9.06 '169.: Administrative Clerk II 14,,498 11,818 - - '159.~ Administrative Clerk I - 2,695 12,486 13 , 615 I Clerk. (.Parf~time) - B8' 2;080 2,080 11.0 ?aJ,aries - RegulaI 41,592 47,282 64,<158 7.0 ,459 112 Salaries' ~ ,Part-time ,- 138 2,080 2,080 I 113 Salaries - Overtime 1;255 1,666 1;328 i,~'28 120 Fringe Benefits 13,604 18,477 22; 639 21,215 ,I Total personrtel 56,451 67.563 90 :505 95,082 OOerations.and,Maintenance , I 148 Special Studies 18,383 400 12,500 12,500 260 Rcimbursed Milecl;ge' 540 547 840 840 270 TravelaildMeetings 566 399 566 '566 '. 311 Printing 8,1.00 1!140 8,~CO 8,1.0.0 315 Publ,ications and Dues, (110 573 725 725 334 R&M -Equipuent 1,269 1,260 1,260 1,260 I 364 Env~ronrnental Iqact Review Plans 60,00.0 21,415 60,.000 66,0:0.0 411 ,Office & S~tionerySupplies 2,e750 2,,155 2,740 2,740 41-3 photographfc Supplies 600 '294 66.0 660 513 Rent - Office Equipnent 2,483 2,503 - - I 514 ~e Purchase (1,3_80 6,372 5,820 5,820 515' State Fees and Permits 3,530 2,100 - ~ , I I Total Ooerations and Maintenance 105,202 39.,158 93.211 93,,211 ' ,Caoi tal Oltlav I 605 PhotographiC Equipnent - - 631 631 611 Office Equipnent - 9,,690 1,640 1,64.0 'I I Total Caoital Oltlav '- 9,690 2.271 2271 Activitv'Total $161,653 $Il6'411 $l85.987 $190,564 I 106 I CITY OF ~ I DEPAR'IMENTAIi l'CTIVITY DErAIL Department :' Activity: Activity I Code: 3.03 plannina Services Buildino Inspection I 1lCTIVlTY CCMlENl'ARY. .ocrIVITYDESCRIPTION I Buiiding inspection services are pro~ided through a contract with .F.sgil Corppration. The, F.sgil Corporation provides ,full. puilding. inspection" plan .check rey,iew, aJ}swersto I questi'ons :via the telephone, and public ,c6ntact at the Planning 'and . Building Service,S counter. Their responsibilities are for the administration and enforcerent df build- ing codes and rel,3.ted or,di,.nances ~d6pted by the City. TI1ey not, only pJ:'ovlde I structural, electrical alld n'echanical. engineering inspections' and plan reiiiews.. but buildi~g plan check serVices and consultation services with citizens on reguiie- fle!1ts of state, City, and the Uliifonn Building Code. I l'CTIVITY GOAlS AND ClllJ];l2TIVES l. To continue, to provide canplete Services to tile citi'zens df PCMay who are build'- I ing structures or appurtenances wi thin our City. 2.. To continue to provide canplete services to 'developers who are bUilding struc- I' tures or appurtenances within our City. 3. Te continue to provide a liaison and cOoperative environrrenJ with<lllC~ty .' 'I departments, related agencies, the coUnty of San Diego and state of California. SIGNiFICANT l'CTIVITY PRCGRAM crwm:s CHAN3E 'I Buiiding Inspectlon reflects~ncreased level of + $36 , 600 Acti vi ties foreCaSted for FY 1986'-87., J I I I 'I , I I , I 107 I - CITY OF PC1ilAY DEPliRIMENTAL ACTIVITY DRrAIL I Dep3Ibnent: ACtivity: ACtivity Code: 30'3 I plahninq Services Bilildinq ~Insoection Obj. 1985-86 1985-86 ,1986~87 1986-87 Code '~^~se Classification Budqet Actual konosErl APProved . Pei:sortricl -se Ranqe Position Title I I I Total Personnel I OPetations and Maintenance , I' 143 BUilding Inspection 278,,400 437,483 315,000 315,000 311 printing 500 339 500 50.0 315 Publications and .Dues 700 165 7.0.0 7.0.0 I 411 ,Office & Statioriery,Supplies 1,0.00 415 1,,000 ,1,000 I I I , ,. Total OnP.rations and 'Mainteriailce 280;600, 438 402 317.200 3!l7.200 Capital O1tlav I 611 Office Equipnent -' - 425 .425 il . I ,Total Caoital OuUav - - 425 425 Activ'itv'Total $280.6.00 $438.402 $317.625 $317.625 I ,fo" 0 00 CITY MANAGER 013 Dr$CrOF' PUBLIG, SERVICES 46Q I FrELD ENGINEE:R.ING ,S'rREEr WATER OPERATIONS &. MAINTE;l'lI\NCE SUPPLY .' INSPErI'ION 401 402 403 404 , , SEWER wATER SEWER., FACILITIES VEHICLE & DRAINAGE . PUMPING . " (';()LLEcr::I:ON' ,MAINTENANCE EJ;:)UIPMENT 'MAINI'ENANCE TRAN,..8MISSION MAlNrENANCE 405 406 4.0] 40B 409 410 PUBLIC ,SERVICES - - .. -, .. - iIIi - - - '. .. '. - - - - - - - .. I 109 I CITY OF l'd-lAY DEPARJMENTAL ACTIVITY CNERVmI I Dept. Code Department: ,FUnd Distribution: Water Fund - $3,55l,835 . Sewer Fund - $1,696,227 GaS' Fund - $1,842,'501 400 Public SerVices Drainage Fund- $227,194 General Fund - $1,268,646 I EXPENSE 1984-1985 1985-i986 1985~1986 1986-1987 1986'-1987 CLASSIFICATION 1\cIuAL BUI:GEl' l\C'lUAL PROPOSED APPROVED I Total Positions 58 62 62 68 68 '. Persohhel Expense 1,769,148 1,996,179 1,915,523 2,227,088 2,360;527' I Operations 3,936,644, ,4,,857,176 4,156,,057 4,808,817 6,133,486 an~l Maintenance ,Ca12ital Qut1ilY 178,181 284,489 165,843 98,390 98,39.0 I I' TOl'AL BUI:GEl' $~,883,973 $7.,137,844 $6 ~ 237" 423 $7,134,295 $8,592,403 <NERVIDI ClM1ENTARY I' The Department of Public Services is resi;Onsible for the 'adn1inistrati'on and ,impie,-, IIEI1tation of \:he Capital Irnprovanent Program, and for providing rraintenance I services to City public improve:Ilents. The Department cOl)sis,ts of ten rrajot divi- sio~ which inClUde: Field Operai:ionsand Maintenance 'Administration; Engineering and inspeCtion; Street'Maintenance; Water . Supply , Treatment; pumping and storage; I SE3'ler I'Ln!1Ping, Tr~trnerit and Disposal; Water Transmission and Distribution; seWer Col,lecti,on Mllntenance;Fadlities Maintenance; and Vehicle and Equipnent Maintenance; and ,Drainage Maintenance. I The Department ,of Public Services coordinates the pJ,anning, engineering, budgeting design ,.conttact administration and inspecti'on of 'all Capitcil. Irnprovenent Projects for the City. I The Department of Public;: servic::~ is vested with the responsj.bility of ,rranaging and maintaining a vai:'h=ty of'municipal services, and facilities, 'including streets, I sa,fety lighting at intersections, traffic sig'nals, street SWj!eping, street rrain- tenance, SE3'ler collection; municipal buildings, vehicles and ,e:rw.pru=nt, water treatment~, water distribution and water..:sewer,rrainteriance and construction,., I The ~,trnerit of, Public ServiCes, together with other City departments., is respon- sible, for reviE3'liI}g proposed developrlents, reporting to the City /1ariager; .imple,.. menting City standards, plan cpecking 'and inspeCtion 'of ,private deyelopnents. I I 1'10 I " CITY OF ~ I DEPlIR'lMENTALACTIVITY DErAIL Depari:IIent: Activity: Activity I Code: .400 Public. .ServiCes Office of the Director 1lCl'IVITY CCMolENrARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The responsiblJ:ities of the Office of' the Director ihClude direct supervision, coor- I dination and control of all departmental activities for the tJepartrnent of Public . -. .. . ~. - Services. The, Director of Public Services/City Engil!eer is appointed by the 9ity Manager and fUnctions in.a staff capacity .toadviseelected ahd appointed officers I concerning the, City' spoolic services needs' andreqiiirements. Staff assigned to the Director's off ice ensur~s that' !:he pe~sonnel and financial rianagement program of the ... ' Department is consistent with city policies"and procedures. ,I The Director's office is responsible for: (a) coordinating the City's Capital ImpIov~nt Program of all cOnstruction I projects; (b) seeking' possible alternative funding sources; 'I (~) increasing the efficiency of the Departrnent's efforts th~ough cost~benefit analysis of all maihtenance service'contracts; I (d) managing and' di'recUng 'tI1eenginee~Jng section to provide effi:'c'iency and adherence to City's pcilicies, and directions. :relating to the developnent of other Public ,Services functions. I ACTIVITY GOALS !\lID 6BJEx:TIVFS l. To achieve departIrental gOals through the establishment of eff.ective systems, 'I procedures, arid programs'. 2. To constantly evaluate departmental programs, projects, and reports ih an effort '. to maximize,productjvity and eliminate duplication and obsolescence. - 3. TO increase the efficiency of the Department's efforts in the areas of engineer,.. I ing, contract management, and rl'aintenance services. SIGNIFICANT, l'CTIVITY PRffiRAM CHANGES CHANGE I Reassignment .of persoIjfel to ahd fran the 400 ,account to show true qrganizational , structUre. I Engineering Aide reclassified to Administrativ~Cl?rk 1Jand. transferred fran Engineering + $14,.00.0 and. Inspection (402)' .to Office of tile' Director (,4.00).' 'I Decrease in Vehicle R~tal, - $ 2,830 Capital OUtlay to reflect ,purchase of computer $ software. " 500 'I I I 111 ,. I , CITY OF PC1ilAY DEPARIMENTAL ACTIVITY DErAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Code: 400 I PUblic Services .Office of the Director Obj. 1985-86 1985-86 1986~87 1986-87 Code ExoenseClassification Budaet Actuai Proposed Approved I :Personnel ' se, RahCle Position Title, 285 Director 51,,216 51,216 51,216 57,720 I 224 Agmfnistrative Analyst 24,773 25,~p 26,480 28,960 . 189.., Administrative Secretary 19,609 ,19" 60~ ]:9,704 21,'825 176.~ AccoUnt Clerk II 17,023 14,784 14,080 16,555 '. 169,;' Administrative Clerk II (2) n,923 19,963 29,8.06 ~2,6]5 159; AClmin. Clerk I Par.t-Tiine 6,300, 6,453 6,450 7,,770 I 110 Salaries -,Regular 127,544 130,7,85 141,286 157,735 112 Salaries -Part-Time 6,300 6,45;3 " 6,450 1',.770 I 113 Salaries - Overtime - 78 - - 120 Friilge Benefits 38,720 35,453 39,239 46,712 I Total Personnel 172 ,564 172 769 186.975 212.217 OPerations and Maintenance I 260 Reimbursed. Mileage 2,040 1,963 1,995 1,995 264 Vehicle and Equipnent Rental 2,830 2,83.0 - - 270 Travel ana Meetings 3,406 2,841 3,541 3 ,.54,1 I '311 :printing 500 100 500 500 315 Publications and DueS 1,080 1,.025 1,1.00' 1,10.0 334 R&M - Equipnent 25.0 - 250 250 411 Office&., Statio~_ery Supplies 2,000 2,026 2,000 2,.000 I '413 Photographic Supplies 150 ,?9 150, 150 42.0 9nall Tools' 200 212 ,290 200 555 Capital Otitlay Rental 1,500 1,50.0 - - I I I Total Operations and Maintenance 13,956 12.556 9.736 9,736 Capital Outlav 611 OfficeEqtiipnent 2,260 2,455 500 500 I I Total Capital Outlav 2.260 2,455 500 500 Activitv,Total $188..780 $187,780 $197,2H $222,453 , I 11'2 I CITY OF p(j;VAY I ,DEPAF~AL ACTIVITY .DErAIL Department: Activity: ~tivity, I Field Operations and Code: 401 Public Services Maintenance J\Clministration. J\Cl'IVITY CCMoIENTARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION ThePubHc Seryices <4>erationSManager lS responsible for overall management and' I administration qf the City's streets and drainage rrairitenance, water ang sewer utilities field operation, vehicle and equ.ipnent maintenance, ancl facilities mainten- ance,'!'bich i[lcWdes, City-Han ,Planning Department, Carmunity Center 2l!ld the, I recreatoion buildings. " Managed through this off ice is the water supply" treaOn<=nt, pumping; distribution and '. storage; sewer collection, pumping, and cltspo.sai; street and ,storm draln cIeaning. and repair;Ci ty buildingfacili ties" and vehicle ana equipment maintenance and. repair. ACTIVIT'{OOALSAND OBJECTIVES I l. To plan ,aha coordinate an, water, sewer, street and" drainage work activities'. I 2. TO rraintain the City's vehicle fleet and equipment, inventory'. 3. To continue upgrading the City's building maintenance program. I 4. To develop ,facilities. inventory, maintenanCe and repair scheduling with the aid of canputerization. I 5. To develop and maintain on-going creek maintenance program. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM cHANGES CHANGE I Capital outlay' costs reflectca,oputeriz~tion activity I and pilichase of "flat f.iles'" for map/bl)leprint' . , storage + $6,300 I I I 'I , I I' I , ,ii3 I CITY'.OF PC1ilAY DEPARJMENT)\L ACT:M:TY EiEl'AIL I , 00 - . Department;: ACti\,'tty: Activity 'Fielci,cipeJ::ations and Code; 4g1, I pUblic 'servi:ces Maintenance' Adrnirlistration ~j. 1985,-86' 1985;;.86 .1986-87 1986-87 Code 'EXOense8lassification Bildqeb Act~I. ,Proposed . APProVed I Personnel se Ranoe P6SitioncTitle I .:1~4 'pUblic,SeiVices @tation? ~ger ' 42r,816 ' 42'816 42./8]6, 49,S3!>, 199,;' '- . <-'. ' Pubh:c services Ai'de 18,,294 14,,61.0 19 ;144, 21,220 . .c_" ~.. ...h _ _ . , I 110 . Salaries- R~:I.ar 61,,110 5h.426 61',,960 68,056' ,- 120 Fringe Benefits 19,.050 '1:6,;771 16;745 17,,362 - I , 'Total Personnel. 80,160 74,197 78,.705 85,418 I OPeratiOns .ahd MaTnt:enance lA? Sp3Ciq,l ?tudies 4,5,000 n,095 - ,- J " 'J,61 water. ~oject Ehgineering , '2,~90 127 2,90:9 ,2',09.0 r62 ,S~er Proj~t.tngineedng .1. '000 6,609 1;099 b,QOQ ."'..,,,--,.1, 262 Vehic),e ~a.tlons, ,~,}OC 706" 1,000 1"Q09 ,263 Vehic;Le Maj'ntenilllce 1;60Q _1~6i r ;963 L,~6;3 I' 264' 'Vehi:cle.. Rental' '2,'286 2,fl86' 2,382 :2,,382 270 'Travel and Meetings '1,180 171 1.1435 1,,435 .~~3 llniforms,1 I.inihcfry i ,Dry ciean.i!ng' 286 265' 286, 286 "I: .3+5 PubticatIons' and' ,biles 8,;7;35 6,280 ~, 'tE? 8,735 ,317 iliudtlo<:l~ anqTra,iniilg ~. '- 1,50,9 1500 ~ t. ., "0 ,334 R&M - Ecmipnent ~5<Q '412 1 ;,07.0' 1,g}Q 337 R&M - ~fos' 106 81 178 1;7,8' I 411 0ffice. .&. stationery, sup,pt,ies 240 '2{l6 240 24.0 555' Capital Olitlay ,Rental - 1,000' 1,,000' ;1 I' Tota10Derations and. Mciiht'enahi:::'e .64,477 28,474 :22",789. " 22<,789 . 'Capital Oitlav , 'I 6U 0ffiCe EquLpnerit 11 ;680 9,;323' 6,,300 6,3.00 .J' , 'I' " I TOtal, Capital (')ltlav 11,680 9:.'323 ,6' ,'300 6..300 Actij,iityTotal ' $156,317 $111 '994 $1.07.794 $114..5.07 'I H4 I: CITY OF f'(J;VAY ,I; DEPAR'IMENTlill ,ACTIVITY DErAIL D€PaJ::itinent': . Activity: I\qAvi~y :1 c:cde: 402 ,.PuJ5],ic 'Services EhdineerinqandlnsoecHon 'PCrI.VrrY ~ 'I: 'ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIQ\l J Rffiponsibl:litfes of ;theEngih€ering :6iv'ision include .subdivision engineeriIlg, t:ra.f(lc engineering services ,capital .improvaneDt PEojecta~nisj:,ri3.,tion, ?urveys'and insP.E:,C'" tion' services, developnerltp1;~c:qeCJ<i:l1g an? P~i3.tErl' ta~]{s :providingengin~ing I 'suppqrt f,?r th", pJ4l:!ning rServices,D~tmeI1t and RErleveJ:opnent,Ageney. ~ 'lC'I'IVI'l'Y.GOAlS AND OOJOCTIVES: I , 1., To improve ef,f,ictencyagq' reduce costs to: Rr:iv:at:eCl~yeloP.!l~t by~suming resp'on-' ~2!. sibi1;ity, fP:r:.p'ol:hons' g,f develqflllJ?!1J: Pr:Qces.sihg:perfol:J!leQ. by, 9ut.sideconsultaf1ts. I :r:o'r,<;=vipe ()H-i'ce proc,Ed~<?S iW1d otfice, :J,a.y6utt6'lncrease eff.iclei1cy. i: ~ lltHi.ze tqe~ ne<i(IY acquirEd microcdhputer fot\<,Qrd ,p'n:x:ess"hS(; daia,storage and,' __J.!" 'tecnnical ca.lculatfons', ' , I I~r. TO~orgimiz~ ana, plirgethe files fran, the specia.l districts and the County,., 5 T8 'pj'fuare an eriglneeriqg desigp'IrailUal, an. office ~prbcErlure ,rnanual,and a set "-, of'stanaard plans and spec1fications to i'mproveefficiency(. ' I, .6., TOprepaie in~house concept1;JilR desigIls at1d, cos'testjrratgs fqp capi~;;iInproyanent projects. " ' , 'SIGNI:FICANT lCTIVITYPR<X>RAM. .CHANGES CHANGE I 'ReOtganiza.t'16n'of personnel. fin' Engineering Division, 'includes of $'21;5,703 I .addition, of :Oesign Team, Subdivision Engineer and,' clericc8. :siippoit. . . . c_._~ '_ . . _.. ~_ _. coSt of: reorganization, offset. by,: ,- $1 %'f90. I, RErluction fOE special studies to be ,21one. in-house ., ' -,~. , _. ~.,-; Reduction:for Engineering to, :l:ledQUe J!Il-\lbuse:,' " ~. $' 5 '000 '. , ,.~~:-., , ~Erluction for ti'a'f,f1ctt1gineerip.g, 'to~e (l,one, in'-h911se -$ 49 ;090 I~ :Mdit.ional savings genera.tedby the in~hoUse design of, -. "~- . ,,< - ~ -. ..- ..'~' ... . ' - - .- . - - ,-'-, -'. .,:~., --' - 'c:a,pi!?,a.l 4nRroV:E!]lel')t Rroj€!9ts wi'Il supplement this, ,total, to\)lpre t!l)an offs,etthe,'c:ost of, the :reorgahiza.t:ion. ,I: ;:; Transfer, of AsseSsment District budget to (:;cmnunity -, $: 77 ,00:0 :1 ser:vices" In~reasedv~icle o~ation~ + $' :6060 ." . ,~'\ 'I: 'Pi1icnase ;of Personal Canputer.system and office p3nels, + $ '8',100 ~s'-" i'irrf'hasEt of mxlular office llIl.it '" $ );0.,'5,QO 'I' ,.. , 'I ,I' ~'. I 115 I , eITY OF .~y - - ~", d, .-. ~~,... " DEPAR'lMENTALAe;I'IVITYDETAJ;L. I Department: Activity: Activity' Code:. 402 .Public s~ices Enqineeriilq and Ihsrier'tlon I gbj. '1985~86 1985~86. 1986-87" 198.6'-87 <::ode ~^~seClassification Budaet Actual. PiOOOsed APProved. . Personnel e I Ranae . Pbsition'Title ,259 'Senior <::ivilEngineer, ,( 3.) 72,050 72~05C ll!5,,722' f-26,,558 244 Associate Givil Engfneer (,2) .,--__f_.. 58 '992' - - 71 ,900' .. .,., f. "~,__.c , 234 ASsfs(.,i;:iviIEniil}~t2) . 30;,612 40,106 ; ~2,129 5:8" ~94, I 229 :5 Senior, ;'Inspector' - - 25,,656 2J".3.25: . 224, Jr,., Civil 'Engineer 24',768 5,164 - - 21,9 :: Pul51icSer,., InspeCtor' (2,) ~~ i;278 69,204 55',272 55 ;566 I 206 EI:!gin~ipg Technician, (2) 20,796, 19,,996 41,272 45,224 199;: ' ' ---" "~' ~- Engfl}eeri!1g Ai"de 8,1020, 8, '120 - - . ,f ~,,~ '179"' -Se::r;etag 16 209 16,209 r;7' 844 1,9 ,790 169.: " . _f ":"'," 'AOministrati've. C1erJc.I;(ii 6,4Il 7,,820, 12,;606 14;,485 I 1:1;0 ,Salar,ies ~. 'Regulai' 234244 2)8,9,,68 .389,,484 419'/222 11'2 Sctl:ar,i<=s' -Fait Time ._ ,f_ '.. - 23.0 ,- - I 1I~ Salaries ~ Overtime 3190 ,?lA9) 4',000 4,000 f ",_,' 120 ,Frinqe Benefits " 73,811 68,485 ;121..442 12L405 TOtal Personnel 311 ,245, 315.i.078 . 520.926 544 627 I CXleiations and, Maintenance 148 ~peciar studies , ,~5,1~Q 44,,864, 15iOOO 15:000 5;000 ' ",f '''''' 160 Engineering ;1,o,9Q9 4.,090' '5'iQOQ 163 Traffic Engineer:i'ng, 5',990 7"Q41 5,000 5,,00q i~j - --.._' ~ . I LandDe\ZetoP1)~t~gineering ,60,099 59, ,:~~4 20,,00.0 20 ;000 260 Reiinbursed r1iJe,c;ge ' '6.00 '369 6.00 600 .262' Venicle ~ati6n 3,000 99~' 9, &09 ~AOO :1 263 Vehic1e, Maintenance 3; 200 2,949 4,13.~ 4.1:3,9 ;264 Vehicle Rental 4,909 4,9.09 4,999 4,9,Q9 2?9 'Travel and Meetings '2 "OOQ .1;127' '2,602 2602 _...f~ ~ _ ;3U 'P1:.i'nting' . 2,99Q 1;900 2;.000 2,,000 I 31'3 unif ()nIlS. ,Laundry ,Dry Gleartfng' 55.0 '5.02 775, },75 jF5. publ"rcahons, and Dues 600 ,218, 600 600 317' ,OOuc;;,:tlcin 'and'Tia'ining 400 27'6 ,1,:000 1.,000 ,334 ~ '-. .,------ ,-' ."', 1253 :1: R&M. -,EquifI11!mt 1,950 1,:,950 1,'95.0 33i7 " .f__..... . R&M - Fadfos' 150 ,20;;' 24'0 240: ,_._,__, _0'_'-___.,) 5"QQO' 4:11 Offfce.&. S~U()/1,ery $upplte1? 3,000 .2,6:413' 5,000 4iL3- Supplies 'arldsma11 Too!9 1,.750 1:,390 1,350 1,35.0 " 499 " 514 IffisePlfrchaSe 1,'800 - lQ'299 '1.0 500 capitM,OiItlaY:Rehtal .'," f, '...' 555 960 960 '1,000' 1,099 I 710 . Assessment District 'in-i, ],7,6QO ,10,,063 ,- - , Total,. OPerations and, Mi3.rtit.ertarlce' 27.4659 ,145,,346, ,90,665 90.,665 Canital Otitlav'" I' 611 Office FurnitUre 11 ,'900, 1,559, 8,,1,00 .8',100 , 621 AUtos, 'andTri.I~ 16,,000 622 ; other. Eguipnent Not., Cl,assifred 1 ;6.00 961 - -" I Total ,Catiit:al .000Uav 29;500 2.520 8,100 '8,100 ActivitV' .TOtal $6:16 i404. $462.944 $619..691 $643,392 I r;:5 I, , . 'I' , CITY OF PCWAY' ..~ .,,',,"-; '"'C_ _ ,. n' _ ". .DEP~~J !\Cl'IVITY 'DErAIL '. .1, Dewr:bneqt': ACtlvity: Activity C,cxie: 403 PubHc Services, street 'Maintenance, 1lprIVITY ~ :1 'ACTIVITY DESCRTPl'ION 'I'he 'Street Miiintenance 'activi ty'undertakesa. .variety 6frraintenahce ,filiiaions, ,I ti:~~J,;,ni:ngp3.y.enent ~efair",tra:t;fic ~stri:p1!rtg o.f ali 'puplie: streets; brIdge,. and traffic signals,signs'i cUrb-, gUtter; anCI, sidewalk naintenance, anatherraintenance I oi' public'treei thtollghoutthe 'City,. . , . 'ACTIVTTYGOAIB AND 0BJrer:wEs .l. To ensurethab a. capprehensive rrafntenahce' program is continlled forCfty- I 'Me:1 facHJ!i:':res in"the ptil)Hctights-of-way. . . :2'.: ~c;- f9!=.;,s!~'11 future 'capital 'exp<?r1d.l\ures ;tlfrc5ugn ongding phoivent:ive street I rrainteharice , ' .3. To 'ensUre pedestrian, Safety 'through the'.rraintenance ,of curbs, gutters'" siClew.?lJ>s, tree and sl1rubbeiy tontt61'~ I SIGNIFICANT AGTIVITY pRfuRi\M dJANGES .CHANGE - " uP:Jatewyel)enj: ,irl3.nagenentsysteIil5y refn'vehtoty;' + $ 16,200 I and'pro,,:ide ca1lPutet software arid craining. ' Vcliide ui3.ihtenance reflects, estirrated actllill .+ $' T;QM .' Vehicle rental to ref:ll2<::t:, reev<4l?tionof veh'icl",' equifIlleht - $' 12,ilo 'I'rasb rE!f()yal Zeductionbeca,use lot ,sfuir:ing with, draInage - $ ,6,780 I' 'SigT}al power increase' because of; anticipated increase I in iX,fu '~eirgycostS ari(l, iiuriibetbf'lightS + ,$, 7,'0.00 Sfreetrepa.l:rs frdri USe of' SB '300 money ,+ $4514 , 3~4.8 ReappropL'iatibn of street rewir funds 'not: spent $}~O',bQO I: ih prior 'year,.. + F~U fundS '<M.,lcx::Cited t:oo;tr,eet;rewicr + $392~'296 l , ~I: 'I, I ' . " I' " , I m I d'I'rY: OFP0wAY , DEPAR'IMJ;Nl'AL OCTIVITYPE:rAIL loeparfinent;:l 'ACttifity:, ACtivity 'Pill51'ic Services street Maintenance COde: 403 ~ , Obj. :1985"86 1:985-86 ,1986'-B~ ]986"'81 I :Cede EXpepJnS~'C~Cllss~t~=~~ion'Budaetl\ctUal.proPOsed' 'APproved .ersonne """""nse RanCE P6sit1off ,Titre I' 2..~4. . AS. sist..~ratTons Mhgr; ,3~;r7.. 6,Q .38',760 '38.;760.. 42,3:96, 2.l;t." Const'. Maint. Supel? 2.5,,;78,8, 22, 7,88 25.~788. 27 ;435' 't97." Const. Maint. wii,. III <2') 22,212 22,2:1:2 46,524 43,510 i87,:~ eon.i~', ~in,t-., I'lla'. II is) 75,'966 67 /~53~ 91:,909 97,,835 I :hl7.,'~ .COllS~'i Main!:., \.'1~J:"'. IJ,]T (2:) 33..216 '32',687' - - ,salaries ,- StanclbY 4,183 - - -' ...' ~.~Q Salade:;.' - Re<J:uYar 'E,OQ,tg51:86,600.' 202~,981 2lLJZ6 , 113 'Satar:ies - 0vei,t:Lme: 6, '1:4'4 '1 ;.3206, 144, 6,,1:4.4: 1.20 Fr,i:nae Benefits iil,995 '5'3^,l4j 58;907 6.0;'609' , Total Personnel, 268;.264' "241,063' 268,'032 277.'929: '. ,Operations ,and Maintenance 148 . Special Stu,lies - - ~?>2QQ 1:6,200' 'I 216 Trash Reiiicival 14,280 8 ;,185 7',500 7,'500 '.' '?1'8, 'Signal power,. . '... ' ~3,5 ;000 43, .422 42,obb '4?,09Q 219 Street Safety, caght, Power & :MaIn. 10,000 11,6.02 '10,,500 10,50.0 , ~ '2~?, V<&~.c),," ~r?tions . <), OQQ 14A92. 9~ 500 :9,565 il! '26'3.Vel;1;tcl,e Mai'pt:Eenance 21/219 2.4' ,.?.o1 :29,16329,163 '26'4, 'VehiCle Rerftal 65;620 65,,620 53',510 53',510 .270 'Travel aIlct '~tjoI1gS' '3.00," lio 60:0 60.0 I .31.3. Un1fobns.' i laUndry.,.:. " .,DrYl2leaning 2',520 2',596 2, ?'O"O. 2',800 : ,3']5 Publications and,'OUes '200 49 ~\!Q. 2QO .316 MediCal EkarTIS' '190: 38 190 19'0 -, 317 Education, and Training - - 80b 8ClO 'I' 3}.,! w~ Spraying and' .~terneht ,3',509 205 2! 500 02, ~.QO " 337 R&M - RaMos: 360. 651 7:40 7.40 35'd' R&M S.':i8ewaiks and &lif.i'cades 30,0009,633 30,000 30,000 .. _ _, .. ..~ T' ~"",'_' "1' 351 R&M Signal'!: . 18,00.0 D';~ffi :L.?,Og018,00C ; '. 354 StreetStr:i!pi'llg .30,000 14,,988. 3?,,,O,OO 35,000 355 R&t'l Hbad;.,a:y" 389;500 1:9/960 4'00,000 '1,182"'296 ~ . -, - ",--<,.~ 'l-~ ,.-~' -..- I 356 S.treet Re.lli1irS c.- SB 300 ,- - 128,1.60. 484.,,348 . 35/j Street Sw&,pfng 55,000 45, 220 55,QO"0 55:,QQO 416 Saiety' Suppli<2s 600 '1 i 077 .8UO tWO .~ 4:0 cpeiat'i'''iig^SLipplies 2,400 4';205 2,\490 ~,4QQ I 420 sman ToolS 600 :258 500, 500 441 Sfreet' Surface Re~ir 30,000'35,'911 35,:060 .35,060 444 Sig!1Maintena:nc~~ '. - .' 6,500 7;0,13 6~59Q. '~)~Q6 I ,445 Misc..constru.ct:ibn Mat:etial 4,000 .1,0"45 3';500' 3. ,509 5H ,Equipnent Rental: ~ ,,909 2,4556; 000 ,~" QOO ~ '0,55 Capital Outlay Rental 2,765 2;,765 1,835, 1 ;'835 . Total0Perations and. Maintenance 73V554, .33:4,OOiL .898,898 2,037 '382 I' 'CapItal OutJ'av . :623 Canst. & street. Mi'iint'. 'EquiP'!l'Snt 52,000 9;'858 - - 'I' . . 6ilO 'Traffic ControlS 10,000:'- "" Total Cabital.Otitlav: 62',000 9.,858- - , ACtiVity' TOtal $1;067'818' $584,,922 $1,166',93.0 $2,3]5,311 I 118. :1, :CITY OF 'POWAY, "I DEPAR'IMENTAf.ACl'IVITY' DETAIL. " I ' nepartmefit!: , . 'AcUvity,:: . uti!~,tiEi.s' pivisiol1' Acti vit:y. PUblic; :sefiiices ~q1;e~r S,upply;', TieatI)l€int" Cq:le: 404, !PUmOinq andStoraoe , ACfrVrri CJ:'M.IENTARY I ,lI.CTIV:r:t'Y' .DESCIUPTION I W!thin.,.thie Utilities 'DivTsfon, the; water' supply, treiltment" pumpif.lg '9f.l<:1 ,storage. opera;- tion and, mairifefiance s'ectlori IS chargedwtth delivery,'of Q~gl1est, <n,1alij:y 'treated ' pOtable. water :to =nsumers. Major functional :areas ,of' respons:i:bili ty .inClude ,obta.:i:n;- I, :ihg a. raw water supply" ,operat!9ri ot' ,t;pe, ",ater tre,..tn1ent plant, pltrrp'ihg, .ahd' secure storage!, systems. M~t4:terg!!lCe of ,tl1eabove, is also par,t of tliis act,iviEy. This divlsion:i:,?r.espon.,?i,ql_e fo_r, eIlsuj:)ng wEiter's:t6rage' 'to .suppI'y; rionnal 'and 'emergency I cqnditions~ ' , A<?r'IVITY G8ALS 'AND, :OBJECI'IVES I l. TO ,rnairitalnthe .lake ,poway, raV! V{ater storage' <'it 'pptjril1lm ,quality ahdleVels'=n'-' sTstent wi:thseas9;:i!.1 '=Qdl\lOl]p anq, 17ecr.eationcil. 'needswhi're meeting peak I system, derna1)ds 'ang' 'el1]ergenQes. , 2. T9 [:l179vide, tl}e highest .quiclit'i treated, potable ,water at the .ups): e<;ol1,qnic ievel to the =nf:iurnets. ' '. To i,hcrease, cOst,eff iciency, ;by,.accanpl,iph:i:ng ,re[:la'irs ,and IMlntenahce using, City .3'. staff rather :than, outside asslst,qn~. " I " . , :ACTIVITY w)RKLOAJ) sTATISTICS, ' 1985-'86 1986~87 ESTIMATED ,FORECAsTED 'I' , Acre feet of water purchased .fran .sCCWA .9 '656, 'A.F. 9,iI'6AA'. 'A"re if~ei::'bf :1ater p,roctuction ..-: ~,'-" .<;., '" ~ 12,,466 A.F. 12"f7,? ~,:f. ~I SDCwA wateG costs $202!A. F, $f]?/ A.F' . _'" ~... J(.P -.~ -. - - ;:< - - .. -. ' , Water treaj::meil,t= for RamOna 2'810 A.F. ] ,p59 A.<F'. .SIGNIFICANT ,ACI'IVITY PROGRAM' CHANGES CHANGE I , Wat,er purchase .and jJroouctlon ;reduced' ,f,rag CUH.l2I1t - 540 A.F I abnoiirial ,winter, weather y;ear. - $63,427 PLImpingpower. :i:ncrease 'for ahtfci[:li'lted increase in I .' - '__,..' . - - .. __ . d'_ ,.__ _ . $19" 929 energy =sts tit Opetat:i:hg:supplies increase because\of' f~I):~r mecIJ:areplacementc + $11,06.0 I I I " I '. 119 I CITY OF PC1NAY DEPAR'IMml'l?L ACTNITY DETAIL I Depar.tment: Activj,ty;Water Supply, Treatment Activito Pub ic Services Purrplng and Stbrage Code: 4 4 uu). l'ill::J-,llb .L~o;r09 ,nou-d I l'illb-lll I Code ~nseClassification &looet Actuai. Proposed ADoroved Personnel Exoense I RanOE positioi1Ti tie 254 Asst.. C{:>era~ions Manager' 38,76.0 38,760 38,760 42,396 238.~ wtr. ~r. & Treat. sUg:'r. 1,464 1,464 30;228 35,545 I 228, ,Sj:; Utllity.'Systern, Tec . 29,U52 29,052 29,052 32,174 223.'~ tabotatoft. Tec,h/Analyst 28 764 281764 28 760 30 614 223.1 T.P.O. II (4) 143 ;204 143',082 115'C40 124 :456. 218., Utility Systems Technician 24,212 24,212 25;444 29,127 ,2U4.. utility S~stems Mechanic 23,808 23,,808 23,808 I 25,338 I Salaries nift Dffference 2,184 2;184 2,184 2,184 Salahe's - Standby' 1,200 1;20U 2,400, 1,.906 110 Salaries - Regular 292,648 292,526 295,676 -321,740 I 113 Salaries - Overtime 11 , 622 12,996 11,946 . 11;946 12U . Fr-inge Benefits 87,189 84,434 86,825 88,976 Total Personnel 391,459 389,956 394,447 422,662 .' OPerations and Maintenance , I' 147 Ghemica1 Analysls 1,510 1,393 1,510 1 510 210 Gas and Electricity 9 ;562 14,453 10,047 10;047 I 211 Bottled Gas 1,21:4 982 1,214 1,214 213 Water Purchases 1,950,439 1,983,862 1,887,012 1,887,012 214 Water Storage'Adjustment 74,390, 29;172 '75;.7174 75,774 215 'TeleRhone '209 658 218 218 216 Tras'Reroval 400 466 420 42.0 ,I 240- 362,2,:36 399,717 254 Pi1rnpingpoweri All Stations 319,788 399,717 260 Reimbursed Mieage 60 60 ' 60 262 Vehicle ~racions 4',200 3,31.0 3,9U6 , 3,906 I 263 vehicle! intenan'ce 1;6UO 2,177 4,-399 4,399 264 Vehicle Rental 5,582 5,582 4,437 4,437 .270 Travel 'and Meetings 102 '225 120 120 313 Unifonns, Iaundiy, Dry Cleaning 2,230 3',688 2,710 2,710 315 PUblicaclons 'and' Dues . , 245 217 230 '230 I 317 Education and Training - - 1,000 1,.000 331 R&M - BUilding 500 - 500 500 334' R&M - Equipment 15,500 15,,919 16,000 16,000 337 R&M.. - Radios 400 598 ' 400 40U I 360 8ontract":.rns~tion 3,500 185 3,50U 3,500 411 Office~&Sta io~ery Supplies 30U 424 350 350 417 Operatlng S~pplles 25,100 25,678 36,160 36,160 42U small Tools 50U 506 500 500 423 Chemicals 64,731 65,505 63,700 63,7.00 I 511 Equipffi~rrt Rental 560 - 56U 560 Total ooeracions and,Maintenance 2,'542,622. 2,517.,236 2,514,444 2,514,444 I Capital OUtlay 611& Office Equipment and 653 Tools 7,755 7,521 3,231 3 231 I 622 Other e:quiplI1ent 7',000, 6,18.7 ,26,360 26,;360 645 'Laborator-y Equlpment 1,800' r,:620 3,815 3,815 662- 'Bli'ilding, Malns & 'Sidewalks 15,554 1,441 - 681 - I, Total Capi talOUtlav .32,109 16,.769 33,406 33,406 Activitv Total $2',966,190 $2,923,961 $2',942,297 $2,970,51'2 I 12Q I CITY OF PC1iVAY J DEPARlMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAlL Department: Activity: Activity I Utilities Division - Code: 405 Public Services Sever Pumoinq, Treatmeri.t & Disoosal l'CrIVITY CCM-lENl'ARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION within the Utili'ties Division; 'the sewer' pumping, treatment and disposal operation I and rnaintenance section is charged with the pumping of sewage within tl}e City. Major fUnctional areas include transfer of raw sewage ,iran two low ar:ea,s 'tothernajor I gravity: system .by pumping fran the North to ~oU:th BasiI!s, operation of the Sewage Treatment plant on a prirPary treatment basis, metered delivery to the Metropolitan I Sever ,?ystEm'S penasquit~sline. ,Maint~ce of' the above areas is alsopait 'of this 'activity. This section is respons~,ble for' ,ehstifing the operation ofthepfunping stations under norrral and Emergency conditions to minimize health riskS'. ACTIVITY GOAlS AND OBJOCTIVES I 1. 'Tornaintain the sewage pumping stations at optimum performance and reliability. I ,2'., To ,rnaintain the PcMay Sewage 'Treatment Plant ata minimum operatl.'onal mode with- oot fUrth~ deteribration.. _' , I 3. To increase. cost efficieneyby accanpIishing repairs an~ ,rnaintenaflce using City staff rather than outside assistance. I 4. Toprovid~ a service that responds to the needs of the cdrmunity. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS (in millions of gallons) I 1985-86 1986-87 ESTIMATED FOREdlsTED .' Sewage delivered to Metj'o 1,241.0 1,387..0 Sewage delivered to RB/Escondido 7.5 8.1 Sewage pumpedbj St. Andrews Pump station 29.4 .35.3 I Sewage PumPed by 'Camino del valle .Pump.Station 1:36/g 155.0 Sewage pumped ~by Del Poniente Pump Station 5.0 5'.7 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITYPRCGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I Increased ela::fr.ical energy costs due to higher SDG&E $ 4.,~6.8 I rates, and additional pumping", + Incre<lSed sewage dispo,sal costs' due to additional + $]:7,540 I developnent. Increased,sewagedispOsiil costs due to City of San Diego I rate increase + 191,563 I I ,121 I c.ITY OF roNAY DEPARTMENI'AL K:,TIVITY DErAIL I Depar t:rre'nt: ACtivity: Sewer P)nrping, Activity Treatment and Disposal Code: 4.05 I Public Services 0bj. I 1985 86 .1985-~6 1986 87 1986 '87 Code' 'Exoense Classification 'Budaet Act:ual Proposed AD~roved I Personnel F.lmense : Ranae position TiUe 218.' Utility System ~echnician 26:,304' 26,304 26,2,97 29,127 I 213.' Treatment Plant cpezator II 26,037 26,214 26,037 27',716 I 110 Salar-ies - Regular 52,341 52,518 52,d34 56~, 843 113 Salaries - OVertime 360 1,178 612 612 120 F'ringeBenefits 14, 3~92 13,926 14,209 14,046 I ~otal Personnel 67,093 67,622 67,.155 71,501 Ooerations'and Maintenance I 210 Electr ic i ty 4'25 65 425 425 220 C?pacity - penasquitos System 221,263 202,565 240,228 240,228 ~ I 221 Capacity - Metro System 735,164. 640,402 733,739 925,302 222 Capacity ~ Bernardo System 8,lOO - 8;300 8,300 , 230 ' Other Ut,ility Charges 1,196 3,780 1; 387 1,387 I 240 Pumping Power - Plant - 19 - - 244, PLuni?ing POwer - St . Andrew 5,285, 3,970 6 ,5~2_5 6,525 246 Pumping POwer Camino DelValle 24 ;544 25',430 27,87~ 2};,8?8 I 253 Pumping Power Del poniente 1,425 1,568 1,659 1,659 262 Vehicle Operations 1,q88 1,067 1,153 1,1,53 .263 V~~cle Maintenance 1.,,~!!.0 2,146 1,620 1,620 264 Veiliicle RI':!1tal 1,1.37 I,m 1,571 1(571 I 313 Uniforms, Laundry, Dry Cleaning 546 506 694 694 334 R&M - EquiP.llent 3,500 1,223 3,800 3,800 337 R&M - Radios 60 63 74 74 I 417 Operating Supp1ies '3'!'200 6,535 3,200 3,200 420 SnaIl ~ools 120 73 120 .120 I I ~otal Ooerations and Maintenance 1,008,853 890,549' 1,032,373 '1,223,936 < Caoi tal ,OUtlav . I I Total .Capital Outlav - - Activity ~6tal $1,075,.946 $958,171 $1,099,528 $1,295,437 I 122 'I CITY OF PC1NAY I DEPI\R'IMENTAL Acr.IVITY, DErAIL ' Department: Activity: Activity '. Utilities Division - Code: 406 Eublic Services Water TranSmission and.Oistribution '. ACI'IVITY CDlMENl'ARY ACTIVITY' DESCRIPTION' 'Within"the Utilities Division, che water transmission and Ciistribudon section is charged with the maintenance and repair of the water transmission and distribution I system.. Major functional mainteI1a[l~e ancf repair :gLteas inClude pipeline valves, air releases and, blow-offassemblies, City ftre nydrants, water service laterals and ,. , meters.. an. d extEOill,si(:lO and' r. eloca.. t.ion of facilities t'? clear new construction. This I act~v,Ity also aIds In maIntaInIng optImum water qualIty throughout the CIty by an annual water main flushing programperforrned in conjunction with the, water main and tIre hy'drant valve exercising activity. ,,-' ..,. . ACTIVITY WJRKIDAD STATISTICS 1985-86 , 1986-87 I ESTIMATED FORECASTED I ,Wilter Main Valves and Appurtenances 3,015 3,rOO I FIre Hydrant Assembhes.840 860 Miles of Pipeline 165 170 .. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES cHANGE I Vehicle maintenance reflects estiinated actual . , , .. based on past e?<P,erien<:;e, +$ 5",46,6 , Vehicle rental r. eflects addition of vehicle to I Capital Replacenent Fund ,+ $11,938 , Capital OUtlay rental reflects' decrease of a crane in Fixed ASset Replacement' Fund' - $ 1,939 . , I I I I I I' " 123 I' , GITY' OF' ,PC1ilAY DEP~AL ACTI\1ITY ,DE:l'AIL 1 '[)~pafJJ]1~t: Activity,: ,Act;tvity Code: 406\ Ptilific Services Wafer, Transmission & ,Distribution . Cbj. 1985-86 1985-86 1986"87 19,86-87 .Groe .Exoense 'GIass'iif-fcation. 'BUdqet, 'Actual Pi:obosa:l ,APProved' ,Pe:i:s'onrtel SEi', I. . RanqE iP6Siti:bn Title ; ,235' .CbilstrUct'ibn. Maintenance Superintendent 4,,950 4i!950 - - I '2i2~" Co~struction,Maintehance Sup~ryisor (,1) 25 i788i 75,,288 ,25'.,,788 27,,438 197.~ --.,-- ---- ">' GOllstruct~o'2,!'1aArlt~ce Worker HI. (;2') 43.;574 43 ;574 14;,3)A 47',184' I '196,.' Meter, . Mecnarlic: ,21.,996 21;996 , 21,99Q ',23',398 187,E Gonstruct'i'on, Maintenance Worker, II (4,) - '%'361 68,942, 72,8i~ 77 ,521, t_.,.I.""........... I ~J.;ldes - ,standby 1;045: 1,045' 2,928 2,,325 ,no. Sai" ' egul 173,,'714 166,'2'95 167,,863 ' 177,866 " arles, - R.ar, In sararfes' -, oVertime 6,000 4:,1~4, 6,00.0 6,0.0.0 I 120: pt'{hdE,BenEih f.s: ' '55',05'7. 50'i073: 51,167 ,55 ~849 Total. Persohhel 234,,,771 220.532, 225.030 239 ,,715 0oerations and Mciinfenance ,I clas and 'EJ..ectr,icity, " 7,'50.0 ],,500 ! ,210' , l;i,~J,~ 7 60.;,/ 2i1 NaturaI ~ '..- -,.- .,..<- ~ ,1,980 1,3]5 1,584 1f584 ;2:15 i Telephone, 500 261 50.0 50.0 '. .216 T1:ash REm5val, 480 '1;03'S 51.0 540 ,260. Re.i.Iilblirsoo Mileage 75 21 75' 75 , 262 VehiCle operations 9,,500 7,608 ~',QQQ, 9;000 '. 263 vehicle Maintenance' 20,803 '22,333 2<?',2~9 26 ,269' ig11 VehlCleRental ' . ~, "'" <~. 28)f97 i6559 ],6,559 28,497 .",. - "'- - -, - -"............ 2i70, Travel ,and, Meetings , 9,PQ 293 600 :600 313 uniionns, riu,l!!drw, Dry, 'Gleaning 2,7,Q3 3 ,3~.i, :3,.48i1' 3;484 ' ~I I 315 Piililications and Dues, '110 19 .no! '110 316 I MErlItai'~ - 225,. 114 2.00 200 337 R&M'-Radi6s 600 5'7"0 ifo 730 I 4Il Office '&" ,Statioi,lery suppli~ l!5C 122 12'0 '12.0 '; I 417 oPerating SupPlies 62,136' 56,.49.7 55,006 ?5,000 ~ ' 420 SmHI Tools 1.;000. 841 500 '50~O 446. Oversizing ,Agrearent - 3,071 - - I' \ , 511 Equipnent Reht.al 1,000 395 1,OQil 1.,0119 55~5 8a.p,i,ta1 OUtlay'Rental 3',395 3,395 1,456 1,456 I Total, 0Perations, arid' ;Mciihterilifide '129:,112 125,410 1037,,165 137 165 Cao1ta1OUtlav I ,621 AutoS and ,Trtrd&' 20.,500 16','589 - 7' , ,628' Str~tMiiiritenance EqUipileht '4 100 1;'9!l6 - - -. r ~ ;....: 6'12 Builliings ,. 3~,}OO 3,24:;> -' - I Total Cao:i!tal 0utIav ,27,.900 21. r782 .,. - 'ACtivitv'Total $391 ,783 $367;i724c $362'.J:95' $376.880 1._' I '", 124 I' 'CI'!'Y 0F P0WAY '. 'DEPAR'lMENTAI: ACTIVITY' DETAIL ,Depattmerif:; Actiyity~ 'Activity ,I Uti!itiesDivi'siion - Cod,?:, 40;7 Ptililic Setvices sewer COn:ec'tTon' Maintenance ,I, 'i>,CrIVITY <XM1EN'liARY ACTIVITY 'DEScRH'TION' I Within theu,dlit'i'es Division, the sewer "coUecti'on maintenanceact'lvit'y 'is charged ~.iththe' ffaiiitenance of all Gityse,,!er sys~~JP.i'il')s and. tbeirapplirt:enailt servic:e 1 IaferaJ!s. Theriiajor func:ticonii;r~illsenance 'and t~paif areas; include clean,ing a.r.l. sewer. mains .on, a regular schedule'i cleaning 'sewer 'lat'eh3.ls, maintaining all rmanh6l<~s' to grade, .inspect:lng sewer Inain 'condition 'by 'USe .of video, equiprrent;. ;elirri'inafing I ground water in,fl,ihat):'cjrJ 6y ~in~pFate, grouting an<Vor repaif; . .., ' , ,- ~ ' Acr'IVrTY'mALS'AND :OBJECI'IVES I 1, TO, prevent an ,sewer, backups due tOQ)'oC!<ages'ca[js~ bY grease ot'solids ani:). toOt.penettation. 1 2. To ensure maximum se"!~, mail') capa~fty ayail"ab1e.. 3. 'Ibmaintain optimum access to sewer radrities to minimize, 'response' time . '".. =- ."- - , . -.. ,.- 'when handl;ing '~laints;, I AcrrVITY w:JRKLOAD'STA'!'ISTICS 1985'-86' ]986"87' I ESTIMATED EORECASTED Footage :of Sewer Mains Glearl~ '450 'i 0.00, 450 000 I ". .-,of,. .~ Numoe~:o[ Sewer ,Main S~pPa.ges 9 9 Number, of, Sewer Lateral Servic:e CallS 85. 80 S'IGNLFlcANTACrWITY P.ROGRAM :CHANGES' CHANGE' I, Capi&il.,o},~i::i,!y refl,ects $12,000 for the 'purchase of 'I, a, 's/sr~plaS:ement Watertahk, 'for' 'the: Vactor ,+ $1,5,100 and' $.} ,190, ;for i:xJQ.verslon, of a. piCK~up truck to a. utLi'i;tiy truck. .' n . ~ ~ . ~. _". ~eQfcJe'Opefatlons and:Maintenance.reflecss e?timated, ,I, aCtUal. 'oosed' on 'I?<lst rexperien<;:es - ~ 8,0):2,. lJehi:c;L",'Ee,{t,a1. reflects reellilluat'ion, of;.equipnent $ 8,59)7 I, renta.l t . 'I :11 \ , I , I i2s I . CI,TY OF PC1ilAY, DEPARIMENTAL. ACT-IVITYDEl'AIL 'I " . oepattinerlt: : .Acj::i v~_ty:, . 'Acti vity -"'--" . -.' Public ServfceS (:;cd?:, 40i7' :1: SeWerCollecti6n Maintenance. ~j.. ~985~86 ,1985-86' 1986-87 .1986-87' Cooe se Classification BLidCiet Act:ual ,pfoOOse:l AIJDr6voo I Personnel, '. se RanOE Position 'Tit'le , . ' 212." ConstrUction' :Maintenance, Ii 19'7,.'i supervisor' 25:;,788 25;,;788 '25 ,788 27,438 Construct-ion 'Maintenance' WOrker HI elo) 20,6:22 2.0,622 22,111 20,195 .' 18U 'Construction 'Ma{ntenance, , '\.k,rk~ I); (,4,r' i16,'J.2) '72:985' 80,4,QO 85,584, .' '" ~. '" . ~lar):es -:Standby 2,091 9I5' 1,464 ],,163, I' no, Salaries, -Regular, 1'25.,428 120 -:310 1-29 ,76) J34,3~C . ,~ 113 . salaries -Overtime 3,060 1;9i16' 3060 },C~O .' ,,,," no; Fringe Benefits 3'7',,400 ')3;/565 38,726 39,851 I Total. Personnel ~65,888 155,851 171,549 .177 291, 'Operations and. Maintenance I '262 Vehide, q;,era:tions' 9j600 4,,j??9 5000 5.,000 .'~ '0 ""._' .< .-....~' 263' 'Vehicle' Miintenance .28',804 21,04.0 ,22,392 22,,392 _," t,,,. _,_ 264 vehicle Rental :15;755 15;755 24,352 2(,352 I :2,70 Travel and. Meetings 600 8.0 600, 600 313 'UniJonns, Laundry", ,Dry Gleaning '1,78.0 '1,636 1,850' 1,85.0 ,3~6 ~M'?ii,ca1 'Exarfls 2,4,0 195, 195 335 , ,REM, ~ Outside, Vehicle R~ir '.- ,1l4 ~ - I '3,37 . . "V' -__ --., '.-. .- ___ 33"; 322 '?6Q R&M -Radios, 500 offTcejSlipplfes .~ --~ 141 411 150 ,. -" 417 0peiatiog: Suppries ,14,,110 8,812 15000 lSulJO,C , _.~- I' 420 srran Tciols 400 126 300 300 51,1. 'Equlpnent. Rental 1,000 - 1,000 1,000, ~.....' - .'-'- ". "', - - - 555' Capl!t?I Wt.lay 3'entai 3,973 :),,673 3',820 3,,820 I I Total OperationsiandMaintehance 73 447 , 56 479 ~ 75,0.09' 75,0.09, capi!talOutlaY I :621 ,AUtos and ,Thitks ,- -. ,3,100 3il00 :.622' Other ECjiliptieht .Not 'Classifie:l 7,950 :3,,036 12.; 0.00 12,,000, 623 Gonst. and St. Maint. 'Equfpnent 3,,000 '1,946 - -' I 6,,;j "="V:'. -., .. .,., otl;ler Too)cs. alldF9tllpnE?!]t ,2,000 1;795' - - I TOtal c::aoitalOUtlav 12f,950 6,'']77 15.1.00 15 ,roo 'Activity Total ,$252,285 $219 107 $261:.658 $267..400 , , 'I 1:?6 'J: CI'l'Y0F PWA'{ ,I DEPM'IMDITN:i i'C:\'tVm DEI'@t , ...'" :1 Department: Activity: ACt.iVity 'COde:: 408 Publ"ic Services F:adnt'les Mal.ritenance I ACrWITY <XM1ml'ARY ,ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION , :1) The FadYities MafntenanceactilfiEy provides, in""oouse janitor-tal 'sefliice ,to the City' :1, Hall, earrnunity Center, ,including' the ejq;larided' Weingar.t Center" and Planning ~part-' ,ment buflding. Building rraintenance and repair'activ.it-ies for<the above facilit,i'es, j]'ncluding' .the, Field <;Jperations" Vehicle, and, EqU'ipnentMaintenance Centers 'and the :1: .. ~ ~, . . ,-. - - .'- - -. -. - '. --.,... - . - La.k~ POW?Y' Park'bl!'iWi,!g,s~e ~rfOrIl1eQ.' by lihisdivision., ' ,ACTIVITY GVALS' AND ,OBJECTIVES ~I L To continue providing in-hOuse janitorial, ,ser,vices to City" Hill., cciiinUrii t:Y; and Weingart, Centers ,arid the Hanning' Department'. ' .' I, 2". To' provide .as:much in,..house facility maintenance and repcl,ir' ser:vice as' pracUe?!, " I, SIGNIFICANT 'ActIvITY, PROGRAM tHANGES ,mANGE : The capital. ,item :budget reflectsche, purchase of: I 4 J20wer' ,ti:i!5rs. 'aha 2ttuCk radios 'and. 'e<:ju:i1roent1. + :$6,,452 ' ' Vehic1!e Maintenance .ref.lects est,imated actual +' :~3,,306, l I I "I 'I' I , , ,. , I , . I "12;7 ,. I CITY OF KJtlf,Y, DEPAR'lMENTAL !\CTIVITY DErAIL I, oepar,th),ent: "Activity,: ACt;ivity Ccrle: 408 I, pUblic SetVfces :FaciHtiesMaintenance , OOj:. 19.~5'-86 1985"-86 1986~87' 1986-87 code , e Classification :Budaet Actual P!-ObOsed ,APoroved I ;Personnel ESrnense. RanqE ' . 'Position 'TitClel 202.. Sr .,B1dg, Maillt; Work,er 20 161' .20,)'],4, 20,112 24,84')' ~-~, --' '. 177. . Bldg. Miiintenance Workep (3) 53,,782 ~4,@.Q6 '54,594 58"nO Salaries '- Shift.bifference 1,P40 J ,.OflO "l,il'40 1,040 l. .iio sai:ad e?- ~eguL,3,r' 74,,983 75,,560 75,746 83;993; .113 Salaries - 0ver.time 1,Zr8 445 1,218 1;218 I 120 Fr,iilge ,Benefits 26Ai4~ 25',,434 25;946 26;462 " 'Total PersonneL 102,349 1.0:1. ,,439 102,; 910 III ,67-3 oPerations ,and 'Maintenance' , I. , . 262 V:eh~c:!O?Opierat~qns :3.,~00 4,114 4',150 '4{1.50 263 Vehicle, :Miiintenance; ;1.'9QO, 1,:796 3;306 3';'306 il 264 Vehicle 'Rental 4,3652; '4 362 4';683 4,;683 ,.',,~,., - 313 UniformS, Laundry , Diy dean:i:ng j:,Mi' ],:;))3 ,1,092 1,092 3}1 R&M - BU1.1dings ' .., .' 5;500 5,,2?t .4',590 '4)500 'I '3~32 REM.. - Ai!:, Conditionliig' 3.00: IJ.8 1 ,~P.O 1,2Q9 33:7 -. ..- <-'- ~! - 13adios '120 63 120 'IZ0. .41.'2 'Janitorial syppH,es, 5,,000 4,,327 , 2,800 2,899' I 411- oper~d~g, .Suppl'ies 18;.0.00 22,,525: ,18,,54:1. :1.8'54:1 f.-,...,_ 420 &tall Tools ).06' 298 300 . 300 'SrI Equipnent' 'Rental 500 -' 5.00 ,SCC I , 'I I Total Ol5eiationsiand'Maintenance.' .40,674' 43,,957 41.192, 41,192 I CaD'ita1 Oo1t:'lav 6'01 Telecarmunications .Eqliij::Inerit 6,350 6',438' 2,~7.:I. 2,??J I 651 'Shop 'rOO1s .. - - 3,58L 3,,581 I Total, Caoi tal Olitlav ' 6',350 . 6,438' 6.,452, 6,,452 ActivitvTota! :$i49;,373 $:1:51.'834, $15.0;554 $159,,317' I 128 ;1 , -, CITY (OFP)'JiINl J, DEPAR'lMENTAL .PCTIVITY DErAIL Depal;troeflt; - ACtivity: l\ctivity I C~:'4C9 ' PtiliIic' SerVices ' VehrcIe, and' .' t,Ma'intenance , I>CITYrrY' ~ ,I PcTMTYoEScRIETION - I, Th: vel,1icte @dEquigpen~,~?~c;,,? Eij\',f~!"'W.1, provJn~." ,v<'!\:1~c.fE!~ equig:re,flj::anq ~i~ld lI)'l!-.nten,an,;:e "'tP.P"rt,~qf th'7, cLity,.. 'We, actt?~~t~~~; of,tlnsql'!:rs:}lIl re~at.E?to ,rra~n~ tenan,ee, ,~epaH!i llOditl<jahon 'and ,fijbr:i'catlOn, of '<AI types ,of G,1.ty rroto,r:;Lze,d ,and I; coiisfr'uctioncroa{ntemnce 'eqfupr.el}t fret\, El:'re rlEipart:mericr plll1lpei:'s to. PapJ!:DE!par~t 'l:awnirOWers. First arid sec:onCl .line .rriairiter1ahce of Law, :Ei1.f6rcement. ;iiehiCles is also) part of thiS division. ,I Tt:!is: 'acti vi~1;:Y if? 'f:i!Jqllced byc,l:1argl:l1g eaSh, of the, co~t <::el2t,erstpat l1.3.vebeen as?~gned ~hicre,s ClJ1(}/or ,equignent {orj:.he:cost ofrrai!l~.Kll'i:l1g' ,the:ii~ veh,ic1.,es an'Vor mw,gDent. I FCrIVITY ,GOAlS AND OBJEX:TIVES :1 :1.. ''Ip ext~ndtheanticipated service, lHe of: an 8itY-cMI1ed vehicles and ~prrent through routine 'and' preventive'rraintenanceprograms. ' 2. TO i!1ElP,ec:~, !l\3.i.l1gin, ,repa.ir<wd; gVeI;hauiall'c:'ii::y irrot9rized equipnent~ I .3., 'To evCliuate '~ryice :vehic.les, aeterI[1ifle their ~ryi,'ce' ~:iif'.e'?lllCl 'advi:se oJ: replacement nee<:is'. ,A.. Reauce, out of;setvice't'ilTie for Law Ehforcerrent vehtcies, by :perfOrmin,?mai'ntenance I ,and ,right repairs. ,inpa.vay,. l'CTIVITY WOlRI<LOAb :srATISTICS 1985,-86 198,6.,.87 I T'~"'-._'" .._." F~TED EST.J'MATED paS,,~ngeF \T~J,c,:I;eEl:. ','.' .' '2 9 I r;ight 'fhdustrial (l ton.and bel",,) 37, '37 HeavY Industrhil (over'l tog) , , 7 T , TraC't:Ors 9 9 Safety' seiyiCes! 1:2 16 I Miscellaneous! Equipment il6 H2 Law' Ehforcerient 3. 30 SIGNIFICANT. ,l'CTWIT'i PRc:GRAM cH'1\N;;ES .CHANGE I Addftf'on of. part-t:ilTie Mechani'C;!SHerper 5U1d Shfft, $7,'3&A I Differential pay,. f I , '. -: I' 129 I CITY,OF'P@lAY I?EEliR~AL,.prt.v:~'rY [)EJ'AIt, I', DeP,ar'prierit: ACtivity: Acj:,i vfty Cbde~: 409 il PublIc' Services' Vehicle ahd,FauiPni:!htMafntenance , , ';. Ol>j, 1985..,&6 1985"'86 1986":87 1986~87 Cooe .Exoense'Classfrication, i3uc1qet 'Act:ua:l . PropOsed'. APproved, I: personrielExoeh'se RanqE i \. Position Title , 223.: ,Equipment 'Maincenahce! . Supervisor 28,200 '27',533 '2ll,,200 30;; 614, 206.' 'Equipment :Mechanic (i2) '49,,013 4'7;802 48; 960, 51;;700 f63.i' . ,Equip. Mechanic HelPer . -- . ~ ",. . I ,p,,!rt~1)l!le, , - 7' 092 7,,092. . ,~ iSalarie,s ,- StaIldby' 252 252 252: '200 I HO 'salaries - 'Regular iJ ,465 75,,58'7, 7:7 d+?: - 8~A~4, 112 Salat'ies ,- Part-T.ime, - - 7,092> :Z"O~2 113 Salaries '-.Overtime. 2,1'24 296 2',124, 2,,124'" I 120 F'r,inge Benef'lts 22,484 22,017 22,180 22,456 Total'Personnel ' 102,073 97~900 IOB,-80B' ,114,186 I' 05erati6ns, 'artd .Maintenance 6696: 6,696 210 Gas ahd' ,ElectriCi ty 7,,20.0 4,4'73 0-",.--. I 211 Natura1 Gas 1,800 1;241 1,'800 i,806' .~! 216 1)r!,!sh,Removal. 48.0 ,450 '530 530 262 Vehi~le.bpe~a~ions 960 '1;580 1,055 1:,,055' "-',,,", 26,3 Vehicle' Maintenance 7~9 1,221 1,716: 1,,716,. I no Ti~~€!i'anJ 'Meefings 240 ,~, 600 600 313 pri,if6rIl1S"'Lal.ll1ary~ Dq' Cleaning 1,2'00 1 '39'2 1 '515 r, 5J!.$ --'-.-~ ' v~. .f, 315 Publicatiohs' ahd Dues 50 '8,5 50, 50 I 316 MedicalExaffis' ii4 - 114 11'4. . 334 R&M, - Eqliipnent' - 360 - - 335 R&M, -'OUtside 'Vehicle Repair. 8'/:40q 15,615 7{300 7:,30q, 337 R&M:- Radio 48 63 48, 48 I 417 opera~ing' Supplies 2!100 '2,'3:40 2,100 2,'100 420 &na.l,l Tools, 600 ' '4:45, 500" 500 499 Other' 'SuppHes and Matei,ial 54,000 54', 64~, 56,.160 56,1:60 I 531 Expense Credits <183,385) (143;917 ) 0:90 ;552) (195,,930) 555' Capi,tal !OUtlayRentaJ; - 1;560 1,560' , , . I .Tota'LOperations ,and Mainteilance, ;<105,473) . (60,004') (108,808:) (114,186;) Caoi tal OliUav, :1 651 Shbj:l',Tbo.l!s 3.,40,0 ]',096 .. ". Total Capital OUtlay 3"AOC , 3',096 - - Activi:ty Total .0" '$40,,'992 ;Q .0 I " '139 I, CITY OF f>doIAy, I . -'. ~.,,- ~ .' - DEPARTh1~ALACl'TVITY DE;r[\:J;L OeP,attnleIJC:; ACtIvity: ,Activi-tY' I Cqd:e" 410 Elibli:c' Services'. .Drainaqe :Maintenance. , 'I, .. Al;i':rv:r'rY ~ARY ACI'IVITY' DEscRIPTTciN ;1: The Dr~in?,ge t{ajfltena.ngel'l}v:rf"io!\ is char:ged' "lith the rnaintehailce. and' .repairsof all I: Gi:ty dra,i!,,~ge,impr:9y,6I1eDts ahd the Clearing of majorcreeKsthrbugh,the ,ca:rmunity,. WOrK ,in .the' ijnproved 'channels Consists cif :siltio, debr.g ,and graf.itti 'removal, tree, shrubBetyahd ,gtoundCov~r, ,prulling, concrete and' fence repair il[1d~acc::e~i:ma~nt"",ance; \'loti( ,in the rrajor'iCteeks' ,consists of debris, rem::JVal" hard stelll p:tanttrll11:lling:. I selectiile"vegetatioilspraying" weed and gr~ss IlOwing wher,e app,roprfate. :Sand bar and, silt rerOC>llal or ',relocation within the watercourse is performeCI to maintain the - -, -. ,. - - . - . - - - ""~- ,- -...,. ..." _.~.- - " '., ~ hydra1ihc' caP,acity of' the ,streaI!"'. Dra:in!l,ge; c::glverts",and ca:tchbiJ.siiis: .are ,in'speeted, 'I annually" cIeaned,an<;i 'repa:ired a~ n",ces,sary, AGTIVI,TI' OOAlS' AND OBJECTIVES I , , I., To reduce flOoding .of ,low lying areas by maintaining drai,fl?ge ElysteIl\S 'a.coPtllnuIn Wdraii1!ic efficiency. ' " I 2. Redu<;e street aI}d ,roac!~ay fl0<:>4ing dur~ng ratnstorms ,by ,llia'i'ntai'nihg', CulvertS-and catc}:lI)as~qs. 3" i:mp~<;?y~ a,,,tbeti,,cs lby Keeping natuhlstfearribedS ,iIja dear, unobstructed I cqnd~tior1 ,free of 'excessivegr6wth arid, anY' debris'. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM ,CHANGES CHANGE' I cap'itcilolitray cOst, ref'lects 'the 'purchase of $:24,810 I 'orieRbta:ry; MoWer Trac'tor' attachment., 'one ,ti:th f :oed t:raiiei" and one 'skid,..steer, ioad~r" ... ,Rental Vehi'cle refTects, addition 'of water truck ." $'1.3,,045 I ,andJ:xx:m'Il'Ower to Replace,nent 'funJ.: ,." ',. Trash rerroya~ r~f~~ts, ,>haring of costs wfth I ,Street't1afnhenaJ1c:e ;f ,? 6,420 " Mllert ina.intenahce ib'crea~fe aspr6blEfuS are I . .-"' ~ - - - $ 4,376 identif.ied if Equipment .RentaJ.: de,crea?ed'lJe,calls,eQf reduction I of' anticipated uS,age, ' - $ 8,490 - '.' I I, I 1'31. " . I p', . qITY, 0FPeNAY bEi>ARJl.IE:Nj,AL l\9TM'l'Y DET!ill, I, 'Dep3ItIn<=nt:: . ACtiVity;: ': ~ivity Ccge: ,~10 I, PUblic. ,services DraInaae Maintenance: Cbj. 1985"'86 1985-86 1986'-87 198,6-87 " E;ooe ,EliDE ,.' Budqet . Actual Pi:ot50Sed i\PPr<:JVed "," '-ense ClaSsification I: ,'Ranae ,PEfr~~~: '2:12. 'Construction f,. Maintenance, ,I ..." ~ - ' T~ . '21,666 18 fl93i 2'3,245 ,24,,:?45 SIlP.eI:v:l.sor '197. Cbhsttuctlon .&,Maintenance. 'Worker; III (Ij " ' .. -' 20,156 .21,,228 I' '187.: COllstiiiction: ,&Mainteharic:e, WCrrker T/II (2) 50!688 '42 ,564; 34,,282 34,370 Salaries - Standby - - 1,194 1',,16,3 . - - . I, ,119 Sa4~ie:j -'''R~l:ar 72,,354 60,75,7 1!1 14T 81,,5.06 .-'... Y' _. lIT sadar':iies ~ 0ver.tiroe - 1.)334 li53~6', 'I,,53ii 12.0 FtlhC}el Benefits- ' , 27,959 17,025 23 f868 20,,'266, I TOtal, perSonnel ' 10.0"3D 79'.116 102.551 ,103,308: Ooerations and Maintenance I: '148" SP;ecfaI studies, :10,00.0 '375 10,00'0' 10,000 :216 'Tiil!3h Ranbval .., 1,,08.0 5.09 '7,500. '7.:,5,CQ 262 'Vehicle,opetations ?',.?OO 1,'002 3,000 3iOCC .' ,263, Vehicle, M::itntenance 5,~W? '6'}8.1 6 ~020' 6~020 '264' )iehicle, Rental 2,59,7 2,.?~7 r5,6~2 15,,642' ..c--...." 'Travel and Meetings .400 ,270 - , - 400., I 3D Urri:fonns and Laundry 1,,200 98.0 1,'292 1,'292 ~i6 _M~bcai ,~: . . 180 ,- 12'0 11:20 ,324 weed Spraying 4,000 - 4,000 4,OQQ 337 , ' R&M - R3dios' - , ,125 38'0 380. . ,416 . Safet:y 'SUpplies 500 96 500 5.00 A17 ~atin(rSlipplies lAoo 2',,;Zlj,6 2,5.00 '2,50.0 -420 .' '." 5.00 srrall .Tools 460 520 .. 1500 I 443 Culvert ,Maintenance 3,1~9 2,42fl ?,5~00 '].';500 445 MlSC . MainteiJaiJ.ce Actl vi tj 750 ,l';;4f 1,00,0, ,1,000 511 Equipnent Rental 43/490 42;332 35:, 00.0. 3'5'1 DCa' . TOtal. Ooerations and,. Maintenance 7.7...295 62" 053 '95'.354' . 95,.354' ' .. 'Ga,nital 0utlaV: , I, , 621 AUtbs, and 'l'r'ucks 35,90Q 35".000 - - : 622 omer..Equfpneilt Not Classifial - - 25,,484 25!,484 . 623 C:OOst., and',St. ,riJaint. Equipnent 61 ;'340 5~,825 .. ,- --,~. t 652 . MobUe ''):'(J()ls - -. '3,048 3,048 I 'Total Cabita:l Olitlav" 96',340 86 825' 28.532 28.532 ,ACtivitv .Total $273,.948 $227. 994, $226.437 $227,.194 . , ... W tv GITY ,MANAGER, . 013 , . ~DIRECTOR SAFErY SERVICES' , 500' , , - ~ -. TIRE FIRE PARAMEDICS LAw ,SOPPREsSION" ,pREvENTf@i ENF0RGEMEN'r' , , 501 502. 50) 5,05 SAFElY 'SERVICES ,- .. .. .. .. - ,- ~- iiii - .. '. f_ iiiiiI :- IiiiIiiI '. .. : IiiiIiI ,. --.; I, 1'33' c I: ., ,CITY' 0F PCim&: DEPAR'IMENTALACTIVITY, 0VER\lIEW I; Dei?t., COOE oepartIOOrit~ fung Distribution: . '500, Safety Services' Genera:k . Puna: $4,051 ;61'3 . ' ; I EXPENSE 19~4,..1985 1985-1986 1985..!1986 11986-1987 J986-t987 JiEIu.i\L -.'" = ..~ CLl\SSIFICATION, ,BUDGE!' AClUAL PROPOSED' APPROVED ,I ~<Jt?1 ~itions 32 32 32 '34 34, ,. ,persohrtel Expense r ,-220/953' '1,3.06,,633 1,358',;;127 . 1,3&1,998 1,45.1,097 - - ~- . 0peratTons' 1 ,912,,601 2,17,:G,,(l7q. . '2,145',,994' 2,408,1'Z2 2,5'37';556 ~d Mairitenance .~, . Capi~). 0qt,iay. r09.,75C 110;235, 44,,434 62 ,966 62,966 :1 . ..- ~ 'I TOI'AL ,BUDGE!' $3,,24),/304 $3592942 '$'3 549 155 $3',853,136 $4,051,613 ._,t t._ , _~ _,I. . , ,I, 'CNER\7IEW' CCMMENTARY , The Departii]ent: of Safeh S~icE:S ,i!g;. responsiblef6rmeetlr'!gthE;!pUbn!c sa:fety I needs 'and dffiarids of ,theqiW. '!'h~ Dewrtment, is divided ihto five operating clivi- sions WhiCh include ,the Office of the, Director",:Fire, ~uppressioil, 'Fife prevention", Par~ic:s and. T.a.w Eilforceneht. .' 'I' . Tge DirectoJ;: ()f~etySegric:e? is appointedoy the' CitYManagerag<i, superv,ises the five o~~trng w,vision.?,Th~responsibilitieS df .t:h'e, nepartmen1;; inc;ludeprpte.:i:- !ingtlle: liv~ Mil: propex:,ti,,?of ail citi'zens fran. fire or" pth,~dig;~ters,,~ry'.i'l!g 'I: Ol<t '?- 'plfu1!ieq, f.i'repr"y~Uofl and fire,educati6il prcgrarilfor the entire ci'ty,; pts5.11idirig for hi'gl'r<:JU<Qij:yanergency medical serVices, .fofthose su,ffering ft,rflll. inj'trry qr ot.he:r n]E"ri,<;:altra~, administering the sity' s'contract f'pr ~w 'El1fp~ce,.. I' rnent ,and safe: effective 'traff,ic enforcenent with the, San Diego COill1tySheri:ff I OS ~ ; <*fiCe. . 'I' I 'I, ,I ,r;34: I, '. c, CITY OF f'a'I]>;{. 'I' D~AR1MEii!rAL :AcTry:J:TY DErAIL ~t:: Act.:ivity,:, ' 'Activ~ty I - . -' -'..' Code:: , 5.00 ' Wet '. Seb1ices ,Qff'lce Bfthe, DirectOr, '. iI,;J.'JNJ.:{t: .~ . ' ACTMTY DESrnIPrI0N I' TI1e respons~b:ilities of the, offi:ce of, 'the Direetor'iticltide direct superviSi:on; i::oo'r- difution 'ahd confrol of alI depar'fuerital 'activities for' .the :~t of safety I serv:ices. TYie ;DiiecEor of Safety 'services is ,appointed' by ,theai t'0 Maiiager' and functions' ina .staf,f capac'icty'toadvise elected and appointed officers, concerning the c;ity'.s,safety services needs"andreguirements. Staf,f, assigne9. to th~ Dilrectgr"s :1 2f,Hc'"., eflsure~' 'thCi.t th'". ra\f eI1for:c~tprogr:Cl[llS, J!Xe: PEQt:E!Ct:i9n qapabi'lj.h",~" 'aqg bq.i1C\iflg.' c:odesarld o!,dipances' are' c:on~ist@.t'withthepolicies .ang ;procedur:e,s' of 'l:!1e City. I A8'rMTY GOALs AND OBJECTIVEs, L ,To c9ntinue :present pr.ograms\ on weeg. ab::!terrent. and.iJbar1dgned ye!1ic:l~s. Ii 2. To eliminate the threat,:8:5 .pUblic safety; thababandonedDuil:ldings rray 'cause; I, _ '0'.'___ _n'___ ~ ._, ______', .'. .. ..... "' _.,,_.. __~.._ _. .~~ ^ ___,_ 3.. To proyide 'camumlty awareness> of the dangers of; fires 'and 'prevent,ion teChni~s.. ,4. ,TO continue develop:neiit, of, a coUiity.::wide hazardoUs; material response, 'team. .1: AC:rrVITY .~AP STATISTICS' I 1985'-86, 1986~'-81 ESTIMATED FOREx::ASTED Fire', (S,tructtJr'e/G:r:ass) ahd .Mise; :250 ,.?"go . pariiITed,ic Transpqrts 'li30b '1100 ,~ -. l' :SIGNIFICANT )(;TIVITYPRCGRAM 'CHAN:;FS CHAN:;E .. '. CaJlPl!ter; '~rk statioQ 'l' $3,,325 :'. ' MoVanent of BatWiop 'du:et to ,F'ii~ Suppression - .$~3:i 053 I, I , . I~ : I 135 I ' ' CITY OYPC1ilAY DEPAR'iMENTALACTIVITY DErAiL 1 !~l,Xll'tmertt: ,Agt:iy).,ty: Activity, Cooe: 500 I .Safetv Services 0ffice: of the Director ,OO'j, 1985-86 1985-'86 1986-87- 1986-87 .800.e! F.la:iense ,Ciassfficatlon Budcret ACtUal ProTXiserl /\";"roved :Pei'sonnel' .. se :. R3ncr, POsition Title , , 27.9 '48,252 54,372 ':1 Director 48,2521 48,252 259, :Fire~&i.ttalim Chief 39,1:56: 39. 156 . -, .- '189.' ,Adn1in.~itI?hves,~retary . ~.~..I,>- .. - 19 ;704 19".794 1,~V706 ,21,825 Vacation/Sick' Relcief 3;374' 2,0.77 - . e... .___.. _ .. ,I , 110 Salari:es - Reg\iJar no 486 W9,189 67,,,958, 76:,ln f29 c ""."'__" 'Fringe' Behef1tsi )6'837 34,'893' 22;685 23" 32.0 'I " ~: , TotaL personilel '14il ,223 144,,'082, 90 643 99.517 I: iOi:ieriiti'oifs and, Miiintenance 145 . ,I:l3.ta ProceSsIng Coosu.ltaht 1,500 1,493 '3',500 ~,~~O' ,2~ \iehicle.Operations 2560 i,~l;il '1,250 1 250 '. <. ,~. ...""" - "'.- ;263, vJhicJ:eMaintenance .1600 1'231 1,0.00 1,0.00 ,264 'veh~cle, Rental, ..,....-. . t."I,-'.... 4,90Q PO..Q. 4,085' A",085, , 270 ''l':rav:eJ, an?! Meetings 3',475 4;2~, '2,672, 2,672 I' '311 Priht,ing" 150 70 :260' '20.0' '313 'UnifbtmS, Laufidt,y ,&:o,ry!Cleaning 550 550 275' 275 ,~11 .<::armunity'Rela:tions . 240 189 .240 ~24o ,Ii ,:3'1'5 i'ubficatfons and 'Dues 750 686 850 '856 jiG Merlical.Exams ""---~ 50 10.0 - 50 '" ','-; Edg9a~ion~d'T;raining .317 30'0 290 30.0 300 .325 --' 'Veh,ic1!e. R~lat"iO!:l 200 20Q ?Q.O. :200 'I, 331 . 'R&l>\' -Bui:J,:ding 300 25 3.00 aoo 334 R&M. - :&:Iui pnent 2,3.00 1,,535 2,650 , 2,6,5,Q offtce&SfutI6n~ Supj;>~ies 'C-.._ ~ 4ll 750, ,782 750 750 I. 412 ,JanitorIal ;Suppli~ '200' 145 260. '200 417 cperating' 'supplies 750 764 f7~p' 750 514 L€a:se McfulS'e 1,7~5 1,6B ,1;599 ,1,~9b 555 Capitai iGutiay; Rental, 70,5: 705 2,,435 2,,435 I , , I Total ..0000ations and Miiintenance 23'/035' 21 ;298 23.207 ,23.207 8aoital Oitlav . 601 TeleecniFJ::j1,iipilerit, 4,400 3,733: It~5C 1,25.0' I, ,,-'-.,...<<~ .6II. ' Office ~p:nent 6;,.775 6,768 3','325 3,,325 , . Tota:i CariitalOit]:ay ,11,175 10,501 4;575 4.5'75' Activitv,Totai $1:81.433 $175:881 $118,,;425 $121.'299 I, i~ I ~.' ' . CITY OF PCIfIAY: I DEPAR'lMENTAL, 'ACTIVI'l'Y ;DETAIb Departrrient: , 'Activity.:. ,,~c,Yvi!Y I, Code: '501 Sa1'etvSeL'vicesi , F''ire ,SuPPL'ession . , H' I' ACTI\7ITY" <XMMENTARY ' , ,ACTIVITY' DESCRIETION , I, The Sarety"S€i:Vices ,oepatbnent is charged with ,the responsibiili'ty to protect the THe, ,and proper.t:y' of' :an tihe ,cit.i!zens of poway.' fL'an :fi-L'e. iJ!.)d oth. _.'C," dj'sast.er:s'. '.Tl'leF~re' II Suppression, Division!responds to ~1 emergeqcycalls for help,to 'L'ender the;preper II ass'i'stance,totr,ose if; ge,eg" 'E1)1~L'gency L'espons? is th,e ,1T9.st, oblliot,ls. ,~y. ,of 'tul- ~:t.~.l.,lj.:n,~ t.,h. e,se.. . ICe,,,pol}Sl.'.bili.t...ci.es,. 2U.'.~..t ns:>p-'EIDeL'9ency.,,?lct~,..Vit.ies .are;al:so,e~sehtial in I' thlS dlV131On'; Non",emergency calls" lockouts:,snake L'<=IOClvals andi.floodlng : i'nCider1ts-ai:~:hahdi~2(~by this ad'ii/i'ty...Trainin,hmainteriance: of eCjuipmen't, ,main ten- '. ahce of stati'on and fl:fe ,hydrants, pre-fire planning" fji,ie ccrnpany :inspection and, kjiqcl'e:Ecensing 'are other: activi'ties in, which the'P.iL'e ~uppressi()n.pers()l)ll~l'are 'Id, lnllolved. ~ , , ACTIVITY GDALS' ANDOBfEcrIvEs l, To' mainl:aln\the :l1igl1 ,level of service that' :has been proVided 'in, tbepasv.1 --. - -- ".... -" .. ".' . -... .- ..- ~-, - ~ 'I "<' ".- - - ,- - - - . . .. _ ~ ?;. To s,t;X:ly,e. #. o......rITY;lL'e~con.cact~i:th:t:l!e.: citi'zEO!hS';: ir:f?:miifgtnem cifavailcillle 'I' flerVlCes: thr.oug;h ,enhailcea carmunlty 'relatlOns' programs. " ' 3. :J'b' coh€ihue'frai'ning :programs to., PL'OVide.,al.'l~so.nn. e~." ~ith,ip'~o.rII}<'l.1:.iOl} :.at'1c1 ,q,;qj,n- '.11 'lng for new, 'technology and the latest sta~t~~r.-th~~art ;l,n ,tact1cs' ,apd strategl,es. tll, 4. To develope i!D~" irnplem.ent a CCJ!1PaJ1Y' Offi:Cer PL'pgrarn", 'I SiGNIFIOiNI" AlftIVITY' PRoGRAMC:IlANGESCHANGE j'ncL'~s_e f,o,8<!ia,y.and ,:P!,,~h~W Benef i ts refleCtS . ,I !"ealJ:QCa_tlOl1. f,anpar.amedlCs + ,$27,1'75 '-" VehiCle reDtal to' i'eflect ,reelialuation of ,Vehicle. 'Equipment + $]5',900' ',I Capital OUtlay refleets, purchase of 2 CCMJ:iAQ, portable ccrnputers + :$ ,:[,,80Q Ph}:sical fitness equipment'. +,$ 3.,2QO .1 ContractuaI Services: + ,$15",900 ''l'ransfer '~f&lttaFi6n 'Chief frail I Office of Dfrec't6i?' +$53:,053 In_crease ~n t;.a\Ce~j ansi ,~?etil1gs (2.7V, gl!e,: :tQ,1 mollement of B3.ttaIion Chief and addi'tlon of' 'FTte",ME,thanic,ahd Satetr Cbnf~rei1t~s' .. , +$' 4,,682 . '1 J ; 1 13.7 I CI:T'Y OF P<:JiIAY DEPI\R'lMENTAIi ACTIVITY, DETA:lL , :1 DEpar'tffiefib Act.ivity,: 'AGti vi ~y safet.V services Fire .:SuDoressIon Code: 501 015'''; 1985"86 1985'"86 1986-87 1986. 8;7 , J~ I' Gode, 'ExoenseClassification Bueldet- Actual 'Proposed, Approved , 'I'ersonnel. Exoense Ram€;' .position TrUe I 259 Fite'Batt.a:lionGhief - - 39,,152 A'I,556 550 Fire GclPfaffl' T~~ 190".872 199,995 j,Y~'8'72 r29~,}44 538 Fire Engineer (6,) 169;344 177 ;439 169,)44 ' 182,'232 525 $ire"F:ire{[ghter~. (9d) (9.0') 217,618 228 ;0,43 '2Il,OQ? iii,A~o I CciUl5aCK 7,248 , 7',248 7,,926, 7,92~ 1:1.0 ,Salar,ies ~ 'ReguYar 585 082 ' 612,7,25 61'8.,'301 661,848 ,r' "/~ .._ I Ip Salaries'-,bvertime, 53 ;,982 6~'~?"~ 69,000 69;,00.0 120 F~rHlae Benei,its 165;257, 176,106 2h,700 218,,177 Total Personnel 804,321, 85:4/689, 9.05,001 949,025,. ,Ooerat'ibns ,and Marntenance, . 13'1 Vbllinteer'Servite 20,000 14',0:72 ,20,000 io"o'oO 145 Bata Processing ConsUltant. ;2,00,0 ?,260 - - 2:"0 Ga,sand E1ecti,ici ty 24 'D:O'y 2,1,76<3 24,000 24000 " I iT5 Telepl'\o,ne ' 3,:95)9 1,~~9 '3,,000 3 ;000, ?1.6 Trash Removal ,1 140 9l:~ 1,200 1,,200 I, ",,"'~ 260 Reiffibuise,j' Mi'Ieage; 250 ?} . 250 '250' 262 VehIcle :GpeJ;ilrrons 10;000 8,111 '11o,?50 n,.250 I...~~- .... . 263 Vehicle'Mairit~nance, 24J 004 34',,712 34,129 , :3h12~ 26.4, Vehide'Rental 106.. 750 106,', ,750 '122;65'0 122,65.0, , 27.0 Travel and Mkti'ngs' 5,,~~0 6,398 10,;632 1'0,632 - _-_.J, I 3n Printing , 750' 567 75.0 750 , " Uniforms, Laundry '&, Drji Cleaning 6,:~~0 6,750 7,5'15 7' 575\ 313, ':-' !' :3),4,) cqrmlillflty RelaHons, 25Q r57 500 . 500 7 _-,'< I 315 Plililicahons and Dues' 750 738 750 750 " -. -= ~". ,- ~~ 1,:I~4 1,.8Sq '3I6,. 'Medica:iExams 1;600 1,850 317' &hiCil,t1oI1' knd T;,ar,ni<ng 2:;'500 2,2:j,7 .4,500 4,500 '32U OutsIae Emetgepcy 'As~istance '4',450 636 15::"9AO 'l,5'99'Q' I '322' 'Di,,!patcn C6Qitact, 2'<3,775' 27,;8'16 2~,5Q,0 '29,,500 '331 'R&M - Buildings 11,81.0 11;'310 5,20,0 ~',iQo 33'4 R&M - Equipment: 4:;25.0 '4'049 4;250 4,.25q I '3<37 R&M - Radios, 4,,985 4,894 5,10U :5,tO.o 338, R&M - P,i'te, HydtantS {,s,gq '450 '1',500 J ,500 ,399' eontractual, Services 3. 000 2',709, 18",900 ,18,,900 ~ J ,'__~~__ 4ii 0fhce; & Staiii6nety SilppJ'i'es 1 i~2.q .2,2,~1 2,000 2,000 412 Jani'tor,ral. :Supplies ' , , 2;000 . 2,000 \2,041 2,.00U Xl] pnotographic, Supplies .." f~.o '13'4 55U 550 4[:1 pp",r,atil1g !Supplies ,12 , ?99 9,'zJ4 13., 250 13,250 '. 120. Sga,n Too1;,s 750 ,486 '75U 750 514 Lease iPurchase 1,%5 1,}J6 - - 555 Gap,i'tal,OUtiavRental 3~078 3,078 ;3,"201 '3,201 'Total 'C)peratlons and Maintenance 29U,647' ,280,024 -344,237' . 3:44,237 . Ccibftal 0litlaV,' 601- - .-... 6n Outlay 72,855 . :12,249 24(.400 24,40,0 ~- "-.~ ,. Total 'GaDi tal Outlav" 72,855 ,12,.249 24,,400 24,.400 Activltv 'T'otal $1,1'67,823 $1,146;962 $1,273',638 ' $1'/317.'662 :1 us' I , - I CITY OFP~ DEPAR'lMENrJ.ILbC'rrY;t'l1' DEJ;A:I'L ~t; . " I ;Activity,:~ I Activity .' .. :Safetv;Services ,Eire :prevention , .' . Code; ,50Z Jerr.rr'/' CCM~EN'l'ARt . ,ACTIVITY DESCRIETION 'Th'h actfV{!ty lis' devoted to the' pr_ey,eqtig,n of Hr:e.s ,.ii'thin the ,City of 'P6Wcfy andfu ... ,lessen the' iinpaCt'ion 'the City sh9ulgaA1J::~<JCC\.lf. A,progra,fii' 'of Fire ,PreventTOil Inspections is carried 9~t ~p aJ,'lf~cial,r i,nd~qlilland' ,iriStitliti6rial, faciliHes throughoutthe\ dity 'on ,a 'year roOOd basis. This ,di'visi"oil carries out codes and or1!inarices, ,adpRte$Jby the-cfty;, su6h~ as,the Uiiifonn., Fire Code; B1!H:lim eod5:;' ~d any 'I. r5"1,ated codeS ilnd6rdincilices.. ,The state. Fubl:ic Sille,t:y ci:d"" Ti,tile ):9;, is also ,enforced 1'6cally: oy' 'this office, Ih ,addit'iori to 'the fire pr~y~t,i.()n act,ivitiesi :<ili public edudit:i6nprograms regard'- '. ing the hazards gfi f:i>re,su-e 'handled by' this division. These, programs ,aieprovided ,for :sf:hOQl~,in~t-~tuti'OI1S, AJ,:\fu.s or spec1al, interest gr6l,iQs. NEwry developed pr<:>gr~ 'arE; 'alsohandled by' 'this, division, i .'e., Eire Flow', ,wEiedAbatemeiit, VehiCle. AbateIn2Ilt, . fAkndoned VehicTh:), NuiSances, arid: Juvenile, Firesetter eounseling. ' , " - ' , " . -- . -. - c'. " ~ ~ " ,This ,ill v:LsTohalso carries out the hre, investigatioI1 'f.!eeO.,13.. of :the' deparbnei},t to 1 ascertaih the cause of, f'ireQnany {n,cXci.ent pJ'a questionable: oiigin: 'The fire losses', and saves are als,o,ca:lculat;,e4 here; .. This divii~Jon also provip.eSCi)nsu:Itatlon services with thepubl'ic to advise 01} l:1CJY? :. 'S!.g~t:e fiJ:'e PtoteCtion can 'be' 'achieved. Plah' checks ,for new bui~dingsa.nj:l ,s.u!?-'" .diyi,siphs ate processed itlfrollghthis .off.ice as, well as cCI!lP~ain.ts @d~ed problems'. .'ACTIVITY, .GOAISAND.OBJR:TIVES. I l. TO continue, ,to rrainta,in Jille iflspecti()n, prqgr'lfil." :2. To inc:re,a,~e ~~, PubJ'is:,,~u,catioll 'Q!,qgram on the .lfu'zards of fire' 'ih theCi17y.'s I schools, 'publ'fC'assenbliesand resi'aences'. . '3", " -. .. 1 '':'" ,.. .< l' --:- - ~ -- -. - __. .~ 'To I!'CliP~~!} a,q.r,e'ca:npany inspeccLon, p"ogram. [4. ''l'9 cPIltinu,e JuVenj:le,Firesett:ei: co\lfisenn~j'. 1 SIGNfFlCANI' ~TIVITY PRCGRAMCHl\!'GE'S ,CJWK;E , , ca]munltyRelatloIls - increase' for.more educational progr~ 1 andlffi.tel'ia:ls. InclUded eIerneritar:jteacher' guides fortr"e national "r.earil Not.. to Biiiri" school ;program, +: ,$' ;2,000 epeta:ting' ,Supplfes - lncr,ease f9r;"~!l NQt to Burn'; . Instructor Guides forschq:ll teacl'1ers., + $3.',000 Agdttj,oh.of two new positions:- COde Caiipriahce Officer 'and .' Adffiinisti.3:6ve Clerk L to. handle increased workload:. i$J7 ;92'0 " (SaIaries'and Benefits') + New, position ,0ff;~c,E; equlprgent. " '$' .2 ,.700 I. + I: - I' I 139 I CITY OF PC1ilAY DEPAR!MENTAL l'CITVI'rY DErAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Code: ,502 I Safetv services Fire; Pievention Qbj. 1985-86 1985-86 1986-87 1986'-87 80de se Classification Budaet Aci:uai Prooosed Arx:lroved I Personnel se RanqE Position Title' .259 Fire Battal-ion Chief 39,156 39,156 39,152 44,556 I' 538 Fife Prevenj:ion Inspector 27,654 2~,843 27,996 30,13;2 213 Code, Callpliance Officer - - 21,666 23700 '". . '169. Administrative Clerk II - - 6,618 13,980 I 159. Administrative Clerk I - - 5,988 _. no Saiaries - Re;JUlai 66',,810 67,999 iOli42Q 11~,368 113 Salaries ~ OvertiriIe 6,720 5,684 6,'120 6,720 1 120 Fringe B~efits 23,552 21,964 36,469 38,432 1 Total personnel 97.082 95.647 ,144 609 157,520 ODP.rations and Maintenance 1 262 Vehicle Operatiolls 2,500 1,756 2,900 2,~QO 263 Vehicle Malnt.enance 3,200 ~,Q65 2,391 2,39~ 264 Vehicle Rental 2,,569 2,56~ 1,168 1,168 I 270 Travel ai1d Meetings 2,065 2,040 2,569 2i569 311 l'i:'inting 500 532 550 550 313 !::(niforrns, ,Laundry & Dry Cleaning 475 475 675 675 314 . CCIl!lluni ty Rela tiohs 2,00.0 1,935 4,OQQ 4,000 I 315 Publicati.ons and Dues 99.0 691 1,315 1,:315 316 Medical Exams 180 50 180 18.0 317 Etlucationand T1;aining .450 340 300 300 I 324 ,Nuisance, Afutement '3.0.,000 29,734 30,000 30,000 411 Office & Statiorlery Supplies 300 25~ 525 525 413 Photographic Supplies 300 456 500 500 I 417 Operating'Supplles 500 485 3,990 3,990 514 Lease Puichase J:43 ,132 . - ,.. I Total. Operations ,and Maihtenance 46,172 43.,518 5l.063 51.063 Canital ()ltlav' I 601 TelecanEi:J:uipneqt - - 5,035 '5,035 611 'Office Fqliipnent 725 7if. 3,180 3;180 621 Autos and TrUckS 7', 300 3,194, - ~ 1 622 'Other ,Equipnent Not Classified 5,40.0 3,322 - - 626, Safety F,quipr:tent - 1,175 1,1:75 , I Total CaDi tal Outlav 13 ,425 7.227 9 390 9.390. ActivitvTotal $156.679 $146:.'392 $2.05.062 $217.973 I 140 I CITY OF PC1<VAY I DEPi\RTMENTALACl'IVITY DETAIL. . Department: ActiVity: Activity I Code: 503 Safetv Services Paramedics ACl'IVITY a::MMENI'ARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION , The thiord division of the Fire )Jepart:n1lomt is the emergency medical services program. I Developed oyer the ye.:rrs fran a very minimal .first aid program, it now provides a hi9UIY,sophisticated level of Emergency medical treatment to needY victims Jon the field, bringing the emergency roan. :franthehosptial to the scene. I I There are ten firefighters on the poway Fire Department that have paramedic skills. Each has, passEiJ..a five ,rronth course of'intensified emergency medical. training, permit- I ting them to perform advanced ernerg~cy medical assl~tance ilnder' the. direction 'bf a. medical doctor'or certified nurse. These paramedics are part of the Fire. Department team serving not. only as I Firefl'ghter!ParameC!ics, blit also as teachers. Carmunity education as well ,as CPR ,classes are handled by this division. 'The operation or the Paramedic team is managed ,by Battalion Chief/EMs Officer, and a I Captain!Paramedic'Coordinator. The coordinator maintains close contact with the other providers in the County flnergency Health Care System, ensuring lip to date and srooth operation of the poway Paramedic t~. , I ACTIVITY OOAIS AND OBJECl'IVES L To increase the skills of each teamrrember through attendance at medical I education programs. 2. 'To increase the (low of i~fonnatlon to the citizens on emergency medical. I services through the public educatj.'on programs. 3. To increase disaster/mass casualty planning and training. I 4. To improve care through. th~ 'new County Regional Trauma Plan. I SIGNIFICANT AcrTVITY. PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE Reallocation o.f Salary and Fringe Benefits between I Fire. Suppression and Paramedic ~o reflect actual. - $27,775 Capital outlay to reflect pur,ghase of, Cardiac' Monitor, I Paramedic UHF 'radio, and Ambulance gurney. + $13,471 1 I I " I 141 I CITY ,OF PC1ilAY DEPAR'IMENTAL ACI'IVI'l'Y DErAIL I oepartrnerit : Activity: AChvity Code: 5.03 I Safetv serVices Paramedics 0bj. .1985-86 1985,..86 1986,..87 1986-87 Code ., e Classification Budqet Actual Prooosed APProved I PersOnnel e RanqE Position Title: ParaIlledics (5.6)(6.0) 122,410 122;942 140 ,672 147,862 1 Special Proficiency Pay 31,200 30,000 30,000 3.0,0.00 I 11Q Salarfes - Regular 153,610 152,94?' 170,672 177,8~2 113 Salaries - OVertime 14,125 13,460 15 ,325 15,,325 120 Fringe Benefits 90,272 97,907 55,748 51,848 I Total Personnel 258.007 '264 309 241.'745 245 035 C'nPrations and Maintenance I 262 vehicIe Cl?erations 3,000 3,247 3,000 3,00.0 263 Vehic.le Maintenance 3,200 8,173 5,642 5,642 264 Vehicle Rental 9 , 9.9:9 9,900 9,90P 9,900 I 27.0 Travel and Heeting" 1,835 1,556 2,66? 2,665 314 , Carmilhity Relations 20.0 373 1,000 '1,000 315 Publications and Dues 855 251 855 855 I 31'7 Education and TraIning 4,'350 1,1'35 4,350 ~,350 334 R&M -'Equipnent 3,330 1,9~'7 3,33.0 3,330 411 Office & S~tionery Supplies 200 192 200 200 I 413 Photographic &PhOtocopysuppl:L'eS - - 200 2.00 414 MErlicitl supplies 6,91,8 6,263 7,860 7.,860 417 Cl?erating Supplies 75.0 282 750 75.0 514 'Lease Purc.hase 265 265 - - I 555 Capital Outlay Rental 1,319 1,319 3,597 3,597 . ,. Total C1o<>rations and Maihtenance 36 122' 35.553 43 349' 43.349 caDi tal Outlav I 61~ Paramedic Equipnertt 4',930 4,57.2 18,401 18,401 I I ,Total Capital Outlav 4,930 4.572 18 401 18.401 ActivitvTotal $299,059 '$304.434 $3.03,495 $306.785 ' I 142 I CITY OFF?0I<AY I DEPARIMENTAL ACTIVITY DErAIL Depar.j:ment :. l\ctivity: l\ctivity I Code: '5.05 ' . Safety services ,Law Enforcenent I ACTIVITY CCMo!ml'ARY ACTIVITY'DESCRIPl'ION' I The San Diego County Sheriff's Department h?s furnished the City of Poway with I contractual law enforcenent and trilffic enforcenent. for the paSt five (5) years.. In the same area ot traffic safety ,Poway shows an. decrease of injury accidents of 33% over 1984,. Fatal accidents have decreased, fran 5 t04 over the previous year I and the r.ota(.enforcenent indeX has increased 9,6% fran48;h' to 94iI caTIpared to 198.4. The attitude and cooperation of' Poway citizeI}s and Sheriff.' s deputieS continues to I promotegObdwil1 and a positiv.e Community effort to keep .Poway at one. of' the 'lowest cririle rates in th~ County:. ACTIVITY GOAIS & OBJECTIVES I l. To reduce ctimethrough the coordinatedefforl:s oJ; Neighborhood Watch,gioups" I preventative patrol and pr9~ctive en_forcenent contacta. 2. EKpansion of er~,Prevention, Programs through the addition of on€;! (TJ staff, year deputy 'sheriff 'to the erinie PreventIon operation in .Poway. I 3. Reduce the number of traffic accidents within the City with a continued. enphasis on the intoxicated driver. , I 4. Maintain the existing.traffic enforcenent index of 94/1 for the cOming fiscal '. ' . year. I 5. Broaden the scope of the school/senior citizens safety program and increase the number of students/seniors participating, in an att6l1P,t to ,reduce ,accidents involving'that s~ent of our P9pulatioh,mbst,susceptlble to I 'traffic/pedestrian/bicycle accidents. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PRCX3RAM CHANGES CHANGE . Increase in ponce, protection costs based, on increase . ' - ',' " .. in ServiCe & Contract Agreenent by approxinately 6.8%. + $129,378 I Neighborhood Watch ,PrograIll + $ 6,,000 Cellular Phones for two sergeants vehiCles +. $ 4,700 . '. . I 143' I CiTY- OFroWAY DEPAR'lMENI'AL ACTIVITY DETAIL I Department: ACtivity,: Activity Code: 505 I Safety Services' Law Enforceinent 0bj. 1985-86 1985-86 1986 87 1986..,87 COde 'Expense ,ClassHication Budaet Actual Pr600sed ,ADoroved I Personnel Expense Riinci'E Position Title I I I Total Personnel 'Operations and Maintenance I 215 Telephone - - 3,500 3,500 262 Vehicle Operations 1,200 999 1,,200 1,200 ~63 Vehicle Maintenance 6,405 2,220, 3,3133 3,383 264 Vehicle Rental 4,409 4,400 9 ;840. 9,,840 I :2'70 Travel 'anq Meetings 4,20Q 2,502 10,130 l.Q,PO 321 Cammuqrty S~fety 1,738,00,Q 1,748,318 1,889,742 2,019,120 325 Vehicle RegUlation 560 255 560 560 I 334 R&i'l - Equij::rnent 2,400 180 '2:,400 2,400 399 Contractual Services 9,500 3,680 11,029 11 ,029 41-3 Photographic Supplies 200 112 :209 200 -. - . 416 Safety Supplies :1:1,500 1,337 12;300 12,300 I 417 Operat~ng S~pplies 500 365 750 750 555 Capi tal, Qutlay Rental li233 ,1,233 1,282 1,282 I I I Total Operations and Maintenance 1,780,098 1,765,601 1,946,316 2,075,694 Capital Outlay I 601 Telecan Equipment - - 4,700 4,700 621 M9torcyc1e, 7,009 7,008 - - 653 Qther Tools'and Equ~fll1leht 850 2,877 1,500 1,500 I I TotalCapi tal Outlav' 7,,850 9,885 6,200 6,200 Activitv Total $1,787.,948 $1,775,486 $1,952i516 $2,081,894 I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I' 1 1 1 . 1 I '. 1 1 1 " 1 1 CITY OF .E'eWlYFIN.AOCIAL PRCGRAM: 1986-1987 CAPITAL IMPROIlEMENl' PR.CGRAM 1 , 146 I CITY OF PJilAY 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PR03RAM CJ.lERI.nEW REVENUE. AND EXPENDI'IURE ANALYSIS 1 CITY OF FaVAY 1 SOOOCE, AND APPYcATrON QF FUNDS FI?CAL YEAR 1986-1987 ruNDrn:; SOOIO's I street Developnent Fund $ 39,'700 Park Iniprovement Fund 2,9,51,900 I Municipcil ImpiovanentFund 4,500,000 , TarAL $7,491,600 1 FUNDING APPLICATIONS 1 Streets and fi~gh~ys $ 39,700 1 Traffi'c Signals 0 FIOQd Control ~d Drainage 0 Government Buildings 4,500,000 1 Parks and Operl Space 2 ;951, 900' Water Improvanents 0' ,Saver Improvements 0 <rtJrAL $7',491,600 I 1 1 , 1 1 , 1 1 1 I I 147 I CITY OF ~Y CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT POO3RAM ~ . Department: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PR03RAM 1 Total TOtal Esti.m3. ted Activity Classification Total Prior 1986-1987 Canbined """,,;i rements J\noronriation~ EStimate di'tures I $ 753,436 Sq:eets & Highways $ 653",736 $ 39,700 $ 693,436 - Traffic Signals - - - I - Flood Control & Drainage - - - I 6,,071,387 GoVerrunent Buildings 1,571,387 4,500,000 6,071,~87 4,703,068 Pai'ks and OPen Space 1,751,168 2,951,900 4,703,068 I 99,000' Water ~iovements 99,000 - 99,000 1,162,000 Saver Improv6nerits 1,162,000 - 1,162,000 1 $12,788,891 TOl'AL BUDGEl' $5,237,291 $7.491.600 $12,728 ;891 I CNERVIEW <XM1ENTARY I The Capital, Improvement program of the City of PcMay Jepresents ail organized plan for addressing the phY!3ical needS of the carmunity. The pages which follow add to I tl}e five-,year capital Improv~t Prqgram that began during ,Fiscal YE%ir 1982-83. As the budget is approved each fiscal year, it will be possible to review progress being made, costs in=red to date, ,and the implicatiohS of lnflatiog on future tbSts . I The improvements as set forth in this buqget fall into the follawfngseven major categories: streets and Highways, 'Traff fc Signals ,Flood Control arid Drainage, I' GOverrunent 'Buildings, Parks and open Spac~, Wafer Improvements, and Saver, .Imp:r:-oye'" ments. In the future as needS are identified, attanpts ,~ill be made to prioritize additional projects C!5 weUas identify' prbQable funding. The five'"year program, I' which will be upjatedannuaJ)y, will assist in alJ,ocating Capital Improvement Funds and enable the City of' l'cMay to attain its goals in a reaso!1.3l:)le period cif time.. 1 I 1 I 1~8' I CITY OF ffivAy CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, 'PR!XiRAM DErAIL DepartInent: Acti vi ty:' CAPITAL IMPROIlEMENT STREETS AND HIGHWAYS . l\Cl'IVITY CdiMENTARY 1205 Src:NE 8ANYOO roAD. IMPROVEMEN'IS This project is to widen the travel way, improve the drainage, ilild improve the curve on Stone c::anyon Road. .This project, catlP,letedin. 1985,..86, "{ill serve, as,an 'alt,ernate access 'to the Green valley area. (:ost Estirrate - $344,655: FY 82-8~ - $,38,004 for design (General Fund) FY 83-84 - $282,051, for construction aDd rignt-of-way. acquisition FY 84-85 - $ 7,600 for construction FY85-86 - $ 17,,000 for constru<::1;ion finalization 1213 BI8YCLE lANE ~ cAMINo DEL NORl'E This project pLOvtdes for' the construction of a bicycle lane on Camino Del Norte fran the west City limits to Panerado Road. CosE EStimate - $108,765 FY84~85 - $ 3,tl,M FY' ,85-'86 - $105,321 1214 BICYCLE lANE - CIVIC CENTER DRIVE Thisiproject' provides fofthe:cohstruction,of a bicycle lane on Givic (:enter Drive fran BcMroi:1 Road to Ccirffiunity Road. coSt Estinate - $89,,966 FY 84...,85 ~$ 7,200 IT 85~86' -,$82,766 . I 149 I CITY OF .I'C1r'lIIT. CAPITAL IMPROIlEMENl' PRiXRAM DETlIIL . DepartIrent: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT STREETS AND HIGHWAYS I TOtal TOtal project project QaScription Estim3.tee Prior 86-87 87~88 88-89 89-90 90-91 eooe cOst APProo . ' Jlnnrnn. Esti.m3.te Esti.m3. te Esti.m3. te Esti.m3.te 1 1205 Stone Canyon Road IrrP,rovements 344655 344655 I . 1 I 1213 :Bicycle, 'Lane ~ I ,Camino Del Norte 108765. 108765 , I 1 I ).214 Bicycle Lane - Civic Center Drive 89966 89966 I I 1 I I PCTIVITY TOl'AL I 150 .. , CITY OF PC'J/VlJS CAPITAL IMPRCJ'ilEMENl' PRCGRAM DsrA'IL Department: Activity: @PITAL IMPROVEMENT 'SrREErS.AND HIGHWAYS (eont'd) ACTIVITY ~ARY 1216 NEIGHBORHOOD wANs - STREETS To provide fbrlow interest loans to citizens fo~ street-~elated improvements on private property. 'Cost Estimate' - '$50,000 FY 85-86 - $50,000 1217 CITY STREET SIGNS To standardize: the appearance ,of street siggs city-wide, in several phases., cOst Estimate - $100,000 Funding- Source - FY 86-87 Street Irrt>rovE!ments $20,000 FY85-,86 - $20" 000 FY 86...,87- $2"6,000 .,--- " FY ~7-8Q - $20,000 FY. 88-89 - $20,000 FY '89-90 - $20,000 121:8' BICYCLE LI\NE ,.. GARDENI ROAD This project provides for the construction of a bicycle lane along Garden Road nun Poway' Road tel wt>iteWa1:er ,Drive. Cost Estimate - $33,950 Funding Source FY 86-87 FY 85-~6 - ,$261,450 street Irrt>rovereht $ 7,500 FY 86-87 - $ 7,500 i219 BICYCLELI\NE - TAKE PCfill'ii ROAD This project pr~vides fo~ coflStruction, of a bicycle lane along Lake poway ROO? fran Espola Road to the Park entrance. Cost Estimate - $26,100 Fundinq Source FY 86-87 FY 85-~6 - $13;900 Street Improvement 12,200 ,FY 86-87 - $12,200 I .. 1 151' I, CITY OF'~; ,-.:..,- :;or CAPITALIMPR~ PRo:;AAMDEl'AIIi I , oepartri1eint. : , Actj:ifity: CAPITAL IMPR~ STREEl'S'AND!lIGHWAYr:; (<;:ant' d) 1 TOtal Total pr6je<:;,t ,grgject ~criptioh '~ 90-'91. :ESt.ili1atee prior 86,..87 87...,88 !88-89 89...,90 Cede 05St. . AobrOO'. ADoroo. . ESti.m3.te EstiInate; EStimate EStimate I :1216 Neighbqrl}cx:x.i wans- Su.eet, 50000 :50000 I , " ,I , ,. , 1:2.;1.7 city street Signs 100606: 2090~ 20000 20000 20006 20'000 . I' , l . ,I' '12:1:8' :BicYcle. Lan~ - Girden, ROad '33~50 26450 7500 , I: I , I 1219 BicycJe Lane -:. LaKe PONaY :Rgad 29IOO ,13900 l2200 " 1 I I, I , ~tvrl'Y 'IDTAL $753:436 '$653'7% $39790 $20000 $2600'0 $209,09 0 , '. '1;5,2\ .' GITY'0J? .~y - - '-"". - .><<.-Q'~ ~I~AL'II:U'~; ?~C:X;IW1DErArL ~ent:, ,ActiYity: CAPITAl; lMPR0VEMEN'l' ;GJVERNMENT BUILDINGs, 'ACTIVITY C<M1ENTARY 1503 CITY l:lALIfNaI'E ThE!95' c?5~s repr:~er1i: thE!' remymenj;: of the prcinlssotY' noteaccjUiiErl to construct 'city H<!il. RepayrnentwaS cu.'i'lete:fin1985-86.. CoSt' Estiinate FY, '85-86'- '$52,360 .1;;06' VEHICLEANDfuO:r:H-lENT STORAGE BUILDING This project provideS 'for the design and construction gf' a garage and storagef~ci.lity fo.r City veniCIes" aDd equipnei1t t6 be 'l=ated next to the 0peri!tf9rl?Ceqter:,. Coot Esti.m3.te-$n~".754 'PI 82'"8)-$ ~;.510 ,for prei'iininary.desigri ( Geiler-al) 'r:Y J3h~5 ,- ,$ 7,5'~'0 for desYgp, and Cbnstfuction BY 85-86; -$360,74'4 for desTgn and construction ]5nFUELING FAcILiTJ:ES, This project provides forinstalia:tl'on of' ,fUeling tankS and rEiliitedeqrnprierit. at' the oper,atILol}sI Cen~er ,<'lld: at city aaIT accordiri<jt::o state, regulations. . , Cost Estlinate - ;$1:l:8,0!fO FY 84-8;;-$ 21,5'26 BY 85-86 -$1i!5i, 474, 15B 'JOINT USE .FACILITY ,. PERF000NG 'ARrS. €ENTER Th~!' p~oj~tyr9y.i:9'es {or the, constructionofa performing aicts center. at PCNia:j High School With 800-,900 seats'. Cost EStfrfut::e'- $4,500,000 pundinq'Source. ,'-' FY 86...,87, CertTfiiea:tesof FY'86-87 - i$'h500',000 .- ~ ... .--~. -,...-, -,,' ,$~, 500 ;0"00 )?articipation' I :1 I 153 I CITY OF .'rovAY -, - ... . ~. '>-.- -."." CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRffiIW1 Dj;:'I'~i.. 1 oep3i'tment:, 'Activity: CAPITAL IMPROI1.EMEif1' GOVERNMENT. BUILDINGS: - I TOtal TOtal 'Project Project DeScription ESt'ilnii:ec -Pr,io:r; 86-87, . 87'-'88 88-89 89'-90 90""91 . ~~-~. - ADOreD, .Moroo. Esti.m3.te EStbrate Cede Cost :EStiiffite EStiinate, . .' . 1503 City&iI-l'N9t~ 1080633 1080633 I 1 'I 1506 VehICle & EcI\lJ.r:ment Storage BufrdiIig ,372754 372754 I' , . I: I I' 'ISH FuellIigFacHitie,s Ll80QO 1I8000 1 , I 1 lSD . pei'f oimi::iig Ar:ts , Cei\1:er, 4500009: '4500000 I 'I :1 , llct'tvt'rY' TClrAL $607H87 r57i38~ $4500000. o. 0 0 0 " , ,I ~ 15.11 ,I: G1'l'Y OF, ~)\y I <;'API'r~ ,n.g~6~ PR~DETAIL 'Departmen~t ; ACt'.iv'ify, C'PJifTAL, IMPROVEMENT, pARKs AND OPEN SPACE' ;ACl'IVI'i'Y~liRX' " I l:6U6POWAY. ,CX'M>lUNITY PARK,IMPROI1EMENr I This proj!=ct ,flro~id~~,tor ;th_e final, p\)ases of planned 'improvements 'to C<;mnll(li;ty faik! I includi[lg, gracir"ryg of t:h~ site,utilitj,eS' ooilnect'ion at, ,thewesi? ,end 'Qf tl}e @r:~, and' CO(l,suuc,tiOI1 o,E l;X1cl5,stbRs and du~outSi .at me :balU~ield. Cost' Estimate-$14'7,,'L39 I: FY' 183~84; - '$' '56:,239 for construct-ion:and , landcaping'(1l.OSS $4',JZ5i7ana I ,__ "_.. .. u_. _ ~._., ' . <Oen~ra,lFPnd $,51,982') FY84.J85 ~ '~5i7',8'il FY 85-86 - '$jJ;,679 ~ '- - . I: 1607 ADVENTURE PLAYGROuND This prcigect willconstr1!ct a ~e~ acr.,e: nei;ghbornoc:x'! park and play area to incl11de I' cI'iillbing' structures ,and 'other, play eguip:nent, ;sigh,s'i ifdgatibn and, landscaping.! -. . '-, ....,,-,.- ..- .,' i", '. .- - '.,' ,Cost Esti.m3.'te' ~, $'30';000 I FY 85-86 -'$30~000 1611 LAKE POWAY'PARK' IMPROVEMENTS I 'This 'project prbvides .fbr the development 0[1 the~,s-t:siqeof the pafR,incliiding land..., sc'a[5ing,i deveLoping an equestrian stagi(lg are~-, l,ight,ing:, yaIKing lots, reITodeling rest- 1 ,roons' .ana cOncession ,building" and lO1:her f"c:i'l'tt,ie;3, to mak'imi?e the uSage' of'thepark.. Cost Estimarce, '" ,$1.,l'48,;2jj Fi, .83'-"8'4 - $ 1-3,,24'3 fbI"design' (P,ai'Kland , '" . , I:Je4fcationP,,!,es) IT 84,.,85' - $534'i 635 for cOnstruction (Revenue' Shar,ing, - . , , '".. -~,."" ".-"";.."" ~ -~. ' $502,,'864,) (ParK Fund, $31,,7.7l-> ,. .. _ ~ n .. ~. _ .0 . .', '. FY, ,85'-86 ,- $bOU,,365' foe fina1',d,?sign ?J1d CO]1structi:Ol}, I ~ 1 I :155; I CITY OF ~. CAPITAL IMP~' PR03Rl\M DEl'~. I ~t.: ACtivity: , OO>.IT[iL..IMP~~, PARKS AND, OPEN SPACE I Total Total , pro~eCt project DescriptIon .Est:1ratee ,Prior '86'-87, 81.;.-88 !8l;l"'89 89...,90 90-9:L l\PPtdP . APi)rop. ~. -. , C:;Cxle' G:ost Estiinate ,'Esti.m3.te Esti.m3.te ESti.m3.te . 1606 'Pow.aY:CClII\unity Park Irrq:i,:ov:~t: J;~1T39 147139, . 1 ,I I Advent~e . I ,1607 PlaygroUnd 30000 ,]0090 '. :1 .. 1611 "rake ~a,y ,Park Irrpr()V~ts 1148243 ,1l4824c , I " . I, " . ,Ii I, ,peTIiTITY'TdrAL ., I, ..~ l56 " I g'rY OF 'P0WAY 1 cAJ>ITAL lNPROVEMENT. ,PROGRAM, DEI'AII., EJe' attIneIit': Acdvity,:, I ,p , -, " ., .eAPITAD IMPROVEMENT' PARKS ANDORENiSPACE ('cont)dJ , I ~crfVlTY '~ARY 1612 ,EJ;)lJEsTRIAN AND HIKtNG,frnMr1J " Th~' ;tera,g Vii)) C9,!srst 9.f an east/west' 'cran which begins at the.Pbway Valley Riders I '!\S,,sociat;iorr ;area ,and 'wfn c,ross Twin Peaks and fun ,along the, nottehside .of, ''l'Win P,~, 'M19 I, Camino del Norte '1:0. panera'd6 Road. The,tiaibwill. be fenced and signeq,accgpding'to City stafldardk. Note':'I'hisproject has been collbinedwith ,pr9je~t nurrlpe)'16N -Tta~j Fenc;:rng' StandardS 'wliich,was ,establ'ished,to br,ing exisbJlg tora)!ls4!to cqnfoimance l\IithCity' of pdiJay Trail ,Stanclaids 1 <Cost Estimate '-$1~9,fJl,ci I'Y f!5-'86 ~'$i49';010 I. 1613 ,BIM', TRAILS: I This is, a four-phas~ proj~~t to qJ,l}sj:ruct. 4'a,lls, in, accordance wi,tn, an agreement s<igned by' the, ~lty with ,the 'Bur~,u of Land !1arlagE!neriL 1 Cost; Es'timate- $38',568 ,Eundrnq Source Park IrnproYenen,t :f\IDft $13,,400 I I'Y 83...,84 - $ 968 I'Y l>4-85 -$9,600' I'Y 85-86 -, ~14, 600' , I'Y 86-87 -,$13 ,400' 10 1615 RA'lTI.ESNAKECREEK ,AT aM<rtJNriY PAAK' l 'Th'is . project , ~Tlfl1'.eteq i!l.19~5'-8,6 V@!, to cODstruCt' a waikw<!Y oti'dge, across, Rattlesnake .Creek at eCmnunitypaik. ' - . ._-, " eos tEstlmate, -, $i6,,9Q,8 FY 84~85 ~ $15/252 1 " ~ .~- 0 FY l:l5-8'6 -$ 1/656 1616 LAKE P0WAY FISHrNG ,TRAILS 1 'Tnil,sproj""c,t i'!i1J c::on_~tr.uct ~ssways to prime, fYshiiigareasat ,Lake Poway,. Pat.hs'will be b\!:ilt 109 !,=1'jIDimit.e,',erosion ''an,d ,pr6ifide for. landscapooaccess andililproved public 'safety", .. , ., - . ".-- - " 1 Cost Estimate, - $]6 (000, I'Y. 85-86 -$15,,00Q 1 " , I I . I I 157 1 CI'i'Y OF l'g'VAY CAPITAL IMPRCJVEMENT PRCX;RAM, DErAIL I Departinent: l\cti vi ty: , . . CAPITALIMPROVEMENr PARKS 'AND OPEN SPACE (cont'd) - 1 TOtal .TOtal 'project projeCt Description, Estifu3.tec prior 86-87 87~88 88-89 ,89-90 90-'91 ,Cede Cost AjJprop . Aooroo. Esti.m3.te Estiniate Esti.m3. te. Esti.m3.te .. . 1612/ Equestrian 9Ild 1617 Hiking Trails 149010 149010 I: I' 1 I 1 1613 BIMTrails 38568 25168 13400 . 1 . 1 I 1 1615 Rattlesnake, Creek I at carmun'{'t.y Park 16908 16908 I , I 1 1616 . LaJce poway Fishing Trails . 15000' 15000 1 .. I FCTIVITY TQrAL 1 I . 158 I CITY OF PCf/IAY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT' PROGRAM DETAIL ,Department': Activit:y;: I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE. (cont'd) ACTIVITYCXM1ENTARY I 16nj LAKE PWr>:t EROSION CDNTR0D I This' project will install landscaping and irrigation for erosion control ,on the no~thwest I ?lopes'of tKe Lake Poway shorefine. Cost. Estimate - $12,200 EY 85-86 - $12,200 I 1619 0IKE f'(JfIAY roAT OOCK!FISHING FLOAT I This:prdject will construct a 77-'slip, 300 foot boat dock and relocate the existing 54-slip I ci=k to be used as a fishing float. Cost Estimate - $142,500 I FY 85-'86 -$142,500 f620 FISHING FLOAT LIGHTING, I This project will constrllctand, install an outdoor lighting ,!'ystem on an existing float I to'include,extendingut:dities to, the, site, installing an electiical.system ,and l'ight fixtures and posts. <':ost Estimate - $20',000 I , ,py 85_86 - S;1O,.oOO I 1621 CEMMUNITY PARK PARKING LOT I 'This project v.buld provide, an 'additional 178 paved parking spaces at earrnunity Park. ,Cost Esti.m3.te -: $20,;000 I ,py 85~86 - S20,000 . ,I I 1 159, I ciTY OF ~ I CAPITAL IMPROI/EMENI' PRCGRAM DEl'AIL - . nepartmei1t: Act,ivity: I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENl' PARKS AND OPEN SPACE (cont'd) TOtal TOtal project project. Description, Esttmate6 Prior 86-87 87-88 88"'89 89...,90 90...,91 I Code Cost APPrO[), AriOroo. Esti.m3.te Estllnate, Esti.m3.te Estimate 161B ,Lake Poway Erosion Control 12200 12200 I I I 1619 ,Lake pa..,ay BOat I Dock/FishingFloat 142~.oO 142500 I I 1620 Fishing Float I Lighting ~si:.em 20000 20000 1 I I 1621 Cartmm.ity Park parking Lot 20000 20600 I I I ~IVITY TOTAL 1 160 I CITY OF POf[AY :CAPITAL DlPROVEMENr PRCGRAM DErAIL ,Department: Activity:: CAPITALIMPROilEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE (cont'd) ,ACTIVITY CCMMENTARY 1622 CcMMuNITY PARK TENNIS caJRr -This project is to construct ,one lighted tennis court atPoWay Catinunity Park. Cost EStimate - $25,000 FY 85-'86 - $25,000 1623 CCMMUNITY PARK BALLFIELD LIGHTING This: project will 'construc): a rec1?eation ,ballfield lighting system ,on two: exist,ing ball- fieldS at ParlaY CC!ffiunity Park. .Theproject will include Musco Lights or equal, a glare control syst!'!ll, metal poles and all electrical 'utilities. Cost EStimate - $110,000 Funding Source -:FY 86-87 State Park Grant :$110,000 FY86-87 - $1l0,000 1624 CCMMUNITY PARKREX:REATIOO STORAGE AND OFFICE MODIFICATIOO This project, will construct a 1024 sqUare foot ,buildiqg addition t,o the eXisting audltbrium building at Paoiay Carmunity Park. It will be situated in the northeast exterio1?' corner of the building. Theadditiori will be used, for storage of equlp:nent and supplies to support recreation. programs' :and Jacili ty- rentals. It ens to be storea are chairs and tables, games; pUblic address system, ~<\?t:ic' equipnent, and specfal. event materials. Design and construction to match existing building. COst'EStimate- $I19,000 FUnaing source - FY 86-87 Park Improvenent Fund $1l9,OOO FY 86-87 - $119,000 '1625 GARDEN PARK TCIr~rmLANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Thi~project, wil~ q:mplete the Master Plan sooth of Fi'!irburq ::;!=reej:, at Gargen Park. The :project-will include: a concrete nOw =b/retaining wall;pIay sand; concrete pathWays; irrigation systan expansion; landscaping; and equestrian trail improvanent on t a.cre. Cost Estimate,~ $30,000 Funding Sdlirce'- FY86~87 $30,0'00 Park .Improvement Fund FY 86-87 - $39,000 I <', 'I 161 I , CITY OF POOR{, CAPITATI IMPR<:J\mlENl' PRCXiRAM DEl'AIL I o,epartrrent: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROIlEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE (cont'd) I TOtal .TOtal project projedt~criptioh Estimate( Prior 86-87 87-88 88-89 '89-90 90-91 Cede CoSt 1\pprop 1\pproo . Esti.m3.te Esti.rna:te Esti.m3.te, Esti.m3.te I , 1622 Ci:mnunity Park Tennis 'Court 25000 25000 I , I I 1623 Carrnunity park Ballfield Lighting 110000 110000 I I ,1624 Carrnunity Park .. ~ .. I RecFe<i:t:ion Storage and Office, r-t::rl. 119000 119000 .1 , I 1 1625 Carden, park .TOt-Lot LandScape' Irrprov. 30000 30000 I , I I . I lCrIVITY TCIl'AL 1 162, 1 CITY OF PCWAY I CAPITA.L IMPROVtMENTPRCGRAM DE'I'AIL !JepartrIlent: Activity: I CAPITAL IMPROVl'MENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE (cont'd..) ACTIVITY CCM1EN'rARY I 1626 COOUNI'i'Y PARK BALLF"rELDF;ENCm:; 1 This project will construct 970' of 6' high chain link outfield fence at the poway Ccmnurii ty Park Ballfields. Tne existing' fence was ,donated several years' 'ago .and requires' replacement' I /o,r sat'etypurposes. Cost Estimate'- $ll,UUO " Funding Source - Py 86-87 I Park. Improvement Fund $11,000 IT 86-87 - $11,000 , 1627 CGMMuNITY PARK SCCCER FIELD I This project'will construct a 60 yard x'120 Y9rd 'soc~er fi~ld, located at the poway Community Park. The project will include grading, drainage, irrigation, and turf:. I Cost Estimate - $142,500 Funding Source.- py'86-87 Park Improvement, Fund $142',500 'PY 86-87 - $142,500 I ,1628C<:OOUNITY PARK' BASKEl'BALLCOURT This project will cohstruct a 50' x 8U' hard surface concrete basketball court located at 1 the POWay Ca~unity Park. The project will include grading, fouhaation" surfacing, back~ stops" fencfil9" ahd drainage. I Cost 'Estimate - $26..0UO Funding Source - FY 86-87 park Improvement Fund '$26,000 FY 86-87 - $26,UOO I 1629 ,CCMMUNITY SWIMMIKG POOL This project will construct a swimmjng pool at CommUnity Park. The ,project ~ill include I shoviers, lockers, "dministrative o,ffices, parking and landscaping., Cost Estimate - $2;000,00U Funding Source - FY 86-87 I Certificates ,of IT 86~8.7 -$2,UOU,000 ' participation $2,000,000 1630 VALLE VERDE/ESPOLA ROAD , I This project provides for the acquisition anddevelbpmeht of a neighborhood park. Cost, Estimate - $5QQ,00U Funding Source. - FY, '86-87 I Certific;3.tes,of FY 86-87 - $50U,OUO Participation $500,000 I I I ~63' 1 CITY OF I.'a'IAY' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRCX;RN4 DEl'AIL I , Department: ActiVity: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE (cont' d. ) 1 TOtal TqtaJ. :Project Project DeScription Estimate: Ftior 86-81 87-88 88-89 89-90 90-91 Cede Cost ADDroo, Aonroo. Esti.m3.te Esti.m3.te Esti.m3.te Esti.m3.te I' 1626 ~,unity Park , Ballfielg' Fencing 11000 11000 , I I I 162:7 Cam\unity Park SocCer Fj:eld 142500 ];42500 I I 1628 Carmuni tyJ?ark 'I BaSketOOll Coort 26000 26000 . I 1629 CamiWiity SWimning I Pool 2000000 2000000 I I 1630 valle verde/Espola Park 500060 500000 I " I J>Cl'IVITY TOl'AL $4:703068 1$1751168 $295190C I 16'4 I CITY OF PCNIAY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DErAIL Department: Activity,: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT WATER IMPROVEMENTS, A<::'I'IVITY CI:M1ENTARY I 1702 NEIGHBORHOOD WANS - WATER I To provide; low interest ,loans to citizens for water-related improvement prqjects for ,private property~ I C:ost Estimate -$50,000 FY 85-86 - $50,000 I i 703 ,rAKE PCNIAY WATER MAIN For, the installation ot 'a 2U inch water, main between 'the San Diego aqueduct easement and 1 Espola Road on take Poway ROad in coordinatiop with the BridlewOOd Subdivision improvement of Lake PowCiY I(oad. I Cost Estimate - $49,000 FY85-86 - $49,000 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 165 1 CITY OF PCJmcr CAPITAL ,IMPROI1EMENl' PRCGRAM DEl'AIL I DepartIrent: J\ctivity: CAPITAL IMPROIIEMENT WATER IMPROIlEMENl'S . . u._.,. 1 Total Tbtal project project Description Esti.m3.tee Prior 86-87 87-88 88-89 89...,90 90-91 Cooe Cost . 1\pprop. AiJoroo . Esti.m3.te Est:i.lnate . Estiiri3.te Esti.m3.te I '1702 Neighborhood projeCt,s - Water 50000 50000 I I 1 nO} Lake PdNay Water Mairi 49000 49000 . 1 I, :. 1 I , I I . I I, JlCTIVITY TOrAL $99000 $99000 0 0 0 0 0 . 1'66 I CITY 0F ~ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PR(X;RAM DETAIL DeparJJrent: llCtivity,: CAPITAL 'IMPROVEMENT SEWER IMPROIlEMENl'S ACTIVITY, CCM1ENTARY 180iPENASQUIIDS SEWER SYSTEM CAPACITY This program wHI provide for the increaSe of 1 million gaJ)ons a day (M3D)capacity In the penasquitos Sewer System, which will bring the total capacity to 5 M3D. Cost Esti.m3.te. - $71'0,000 FY8.5-86 ..., $710,000 1802'NEIGHB0ffiiGOD.L0ANS -' SEWER TO provide low interest loans to citizens for sewer-r~ated irrproverrents j:o private property. Cost. Estiriiate - $50,000 FY 85-86 - $50,000 1803 DEL P0NIENl'E,SEWER LINE TO construct a sewertruhk ,line to replace the exisitng Del Poriiente purrp station, Cost ,Estimate - $402,000 FY 85-86 - $402,000 1 I 167 I CI'rY 9F POilAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENI' PR~, DEl'AIL . Departr!Jerlt: Activity: CAPITAL IMPROIlEMENl' SEWER IMPROJEMEms I' TOtal TOta:l project project bescription ESflmai:eC prior 86-87 87-88 88-89 89-90 90'-91 ,Cooe Cost. 1\pproo .Aooroo. EStiIfu.te Esti.m3.te Esti.m3. te Esti.m3.te . 1S01 'penasqUi tos Saver "Sys,tem eapaci fy 710000 710000 . I I 1802 Neighborhocd projects- SeHer 50000 50000 I: I ,. '1803 Del ponierite I Saver PiJmp Station 402000 402000 I , I . I 1 - . JlCTIVITY Tffi'AL $1162060 1$1~6200( 0 0 0 0 0 I I I " I' I' I I I I , ., I I I .1 I I I I I, .PCkIAYREDE.VEUilPMENT' J\GEOCY :FINAl'OAL PRCrnl\M: 1986-1987 -- ".. - ... ... - <-< --". . ~ . - I ~\ BY ruNDSAND SOORCES I' 'Ita I. ~ F@J~EMENT AGENCY I REVENUES BY FUNDS ANDSruR;ES I .1985'-1986 l!J85'-1986 1986-I987 :1986-1987 ,. , . ~ . AcruAL PRoPa3ED APPRovED BUIJGE:l" I " " CCMMdNITY REDEVEIBPMENT I :AGENCY I\I:MINISTRATIVE,'EUNJ5 .., 39' 7010 ProgertyTaxicInct'e:nent $.556,000 '$5'9, OJl '?N ,$ '9.68,,~p, $ 9,?8,,9.'!.3 I 7310 Interest Incane 10.0 380,.964 278,300 27~ ,3,0,0 7620 :BonClPfoceedS"'Debt ,secilice - 484\,,250 - -, I 76Z1, Bond issuance Fees -' 50.,000 - -, 76}5' Mis!='el1?lleous Revenue -, 5,.779 - - Tot:?-J .$55,0,lQO $1, 511 ,7!;i,6 $I,'247,2B Sl., 247" 243' I CCM1UNITYREDEVELOPMENT I AGENCY REDEVELOPMENT FUN[)- 49 i310 Ir}t,ere,s't ,In,cane $ .,- :S - 'S' '85,000 ~ 85.,000 I 7620 'Procegd?' iran Sale 'of B6ndS , 3,.482,08.7: - '4' ,737',65'[1. I i $3".482 ,~O!j'T $.85;,00'0 $4,82.2:,657 !' TOtal $ - I' I I, I' I. REVENUE GAAJ;.n ororAL '$550,190 $4,993,853: .$1,332,243 $6,'069:,'900 :1 :1 'I I I "I - I I , I I I I" I I , I " , - 1 ,I ,I I , I - I" , I I ~ . PCJilAY. .REDEVELOPMENl' PGEI:'X::Y F:rNAN::iAL PRl:X;RAM:i 1986-1987' -- - - --- -, " U~.' =_. .......",._. >,' ~. ... I: .STATEMENT OF FUND BALAN::ES ~. RESERVES I KWAY REDEIJEIDPMENJ' 'l\GEmY f-" o,J 19' STATEMENr OF ruND. BALAOCES AND REEERIIES , l\C.CQm Funds Ayailable 1986~198~ ProfOsed,Expend~tureS ;Fund , 'Fund - l\j:ti!''?P , Fund :ila;l~cean!i as; of' ;Bali\hce Revenues' . Biiid Int. Capi tal Transfers Reser,ve5' 6/30/86 7!.lf86 1986-:198:]' &:Redanp. Adin.icnistratiol1. proJ~t:.s 'll\~)/cht 6!30is'f' .. ~annunity , ~edevelopngnt: . ' !1gegq, "r $2..,2'9~0 ,9?1 0 $1 24:7243- $:-f46i:738 $~i5:,.980 $ 440;456 $('440,456 ) :~2,}}5 ,,476 }\i:lrl1j'l1].striit~Q , ". ,.-- .. ...,~ --. ';Fund 'RErlevelopiierit ^ , . Fiihd 3.,482,087 0 4,.822,657 0 0 7,,351,927 0 952817 _.~ .,1 _ ." , . - , MAL " . $5,'773,,038 .. 0 $6,,069 ,900 $446.738, $315.980 $'7....792 ,383 $ (!i40 ,.456) $3 '728.293 , . ....' .... "fliiil .. - -, - ..- - - - - - - ... - ... ~ .- :1 H3 I .. , lU-iAYRJ;IJ~PMENTl:}GENCY I CXM<llJNITY :REDEIlEIDPMENT AGENcY - ~NI?TRI\TI~ 'FIJND - -. - . 1984-1985 1985..,1986 1985,11986 1986-198'7 ,1986.,.198'7 I ' ,1lC'lUAL I3UIXE' ;;.;. ," . 'AC'lUAL PROPa3ED APPROVED .. , FUND 'ACTIVITY BETAIL I BEGINNiNG ;BAU\NCE J,uy 1 ~ - ,$' - $ - $' - $ -' I' RSVeiIues I b?4,8?6 550.,100 1,511 ,'766 1;247,243 1,;2~7,2,4J Pr'icir', Years Aj;pmpriation 1,568,,978, -I ,578.,448. 1;367,598 ., 89 ,267, 2 ;290 ,951 I TQI'AD 'FUNDs AVAIIABLE $.1;753,864 $:Z,12l{,54!1 $2;8?9.,36,4 $1,,336 ;510 $3,538:,194 EXPENJ)ITI:!REs I , .B(lnd int&'El9):" and, :BE<ienpt;ioll ~ - $ -' I$~ - $446,738 446,.73,8 opera tili,]' EKpehses: $2i4,'833 $261. ,084, I 'Iyrlevelopnent $' 18QA23 $315:;980 ? '3'1!5,,980 . ". . :1 CaQita.l Projects: , stt~~s gnSrliigh~y:s '$135,,833 $ 670,500 $ 904,286 $772" '206 $ 440,456 .,.,. _,I ;...._ 'rTafi;ic,Signals '14. '000 !l84,000 86,960 llO';OOO - --.-' .."..... FlOod, Control ai).g. Qra:i!nage, 21,690 '312,,000 . .. 93 - ,- I GOVernrnentBilildings ,- 122;,660' 250.,000 - - water Irnptovenents '" 64,019 12,480 ,'- - " I' $ubtotal $1711433 $1/422 ':519 $1,253,;819 $' 88~,206 $ 440,45S; MAL. El}PENi::lI'IDRES. .$386,,266 $1,683,603 ~1,434 i 242$1.,644;, 9f4 '$1;;203,1"74 I, 'l'RI\NsFERS/iDANS-:- In (OUt) r/::JanS OfrernGitY $ '$57'3' 084 $ 781,8l!0, .$ 878,006 $' 4.40,;456 ,.:,...'-.... I: ' rren, ,fran :Saver 'FUnd - 64,Q19 64,,019 - - Irei1..fran .Water 'F\.1hd, - - .. 4,200 - , TQtAt TRANSFERS!u:JANS $ - $63']',103 $ 845,8:29 $ 882,,206 $ 440,456 I, I !rarAL APPOOPIUATE6 ~, $1,367,,598 $1,082,048 $2,,296.,951 $ 573.,79:2' $2,,7,75 '4~~ , ENDINGBAIANCE .. I, June 30 ,0' 0 0 0 0 I I .. 01,74 ,I I'(MAYREDEVEWPMENT AGENCY. " CXMlUNITYREDEVELOPMENT ,AGENCY -REDE:VEr.f!~ lMID' l!,9'8-t-'!~85 1985'-1'986' '1985..,19'8'6 1986-'1987 ,1986-]987 .-'..- .. '. APPR0VEDi ACIUAL ;BUIJGE:l' 'AClUAL. PROPa3ED 'FUND llCrIVITY, DEl'AIL 'BEGINNING: .J3AIl\NCE' JUly'l $ ,- $ - $' ,- $ '-' '$ . - Revenues, " - '3:,482;,087 85,000 ,4',822,1157 Pr,-j:PF Year.!?' ]\pgropriatfo[l - - - 2,601"; 014, 3,482,087 $ $3 ,4?.2,0~7, $2,9?~,0J.~ . . -":t"- 'TOrAL FUND,S AVAILABLE ~ '- '$8" 304 ,;~44, : EXPENDITURES' ~'!t-i!!lg' Elcp<=n,?es:' ge:1eveiognept. Capi!tatProject? : $3\,696,$66 streets' and HighWays $ - $ - $ ,- $1- 875 '670 ..1__.. .f,..... Traffic. Signa:Iir , ~ ,- - 220',000 GOver'funerit BUildings '- ,- .- - 700,000 Park and ~'Space -, - ,- 500,000 750.; 000 ~itaJ!~~t..i9n; ,Projects - - .- 238;600 1 i985)m. . SLibtotai $, - '$ - $, - $2i,6r~,2?'Q $7,351-,,927 . TCJl'Af; ;EXPENDI'IURESi $ ~I $: $ - ,$2,,614,27,0 $7,,351,927 iTRANSFERS/tDANS"ill (Out,). $ - ,$ .- $ - ,$ - $ ,- 'I'G(llli APpg6p~FUNpS $ -. $' - ,$:3 {482 ,087' ,$ 71 ,7.'r4 $' ,952.,8n r--.'- ffiPINGBIIMNCE,. , . JUrie 30 0 0 6' 0 O. , I . I I I I I I I - I I I I I ., I I I . I, ~REDE.VEUlPMENl' J\GEOCYFINAN:IAL PRCrnl\M: 1986-1987' I ADMINISTRATIVE ,OPER.ATIN; BUIX;El' I ~ '" '" CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMrSSIQN 010 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 5005 CITY CITY CITY ATTORNEY MI\NAGER CLERK/ TREAs~" 012 013 Oil' ADMINISTRATIVE CO'1MUNITY PLANNING PUBLIC ' S1\FEI'Y SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES sERvICEs SERVICES 100 2D'o 300' 400 50 5005 - KMAYREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADMINISTRATION - - - .- .. - - - - - - - - -" - - - - - I 177 I CITY OF FCWAY DEPARIMENTAL .ACl'IVITY OVERVIEW I Dept. CodE D€gartment: F;und DistribUtion: I l?cMav Raieveloanent Aaency ~ity ROOe\ielopnent Mency 5005 Mninistrative Fund: $315,980 I EXPENSE ,1~84-1985 1985..,1986 1985-19?6 1986~1987 1986..,1987 CLAsSIFICATlOO ,ACtuAL BUIJGE:l' AC'lUAL 'PROPa3i;;o APPROVED I 'Total PpSitions, - .., - - -' I Perscinnel Expense 26,456 27,416 26,686 26,691 26,691 I Operations 216,347 233,668 153,737 273,969 273,969 and Maintenance Capi tal Oltlay - - -. 15,320 15,320 I I TCIl'AL BUIJGE:l' $242,803 $261,084 $180,423 $315.,980 $315,980 <J\lER\ffi.W cd1MENrARY I , The :l?cMay RErlevelopl!ellt Agency was formally established on April 26, 1983, when the City council adopted ordinance No. 96.' After an. extensive :review andslirvey I of 'the projeCt area by' the RedevelOpnentPioject Aiea AdV{SCll:Y ccm;nitteeandthe City Camcil; the PagUay Raievelopnent ProjeCt was adopted in.~anber of 1983. ';!;'he ~l>IJency fUnctions 'Under the autho.rity granted by Sa::tion 33000 et. sa:;!. of the Cal,Uomia Health ahd Safety Code. .' The Raievelop:nent NJency' s grim3.rygurpose is to p:t'~e and execUte plans designed to aadres.s blighting =nditions within the Gity. This year's budget begins the I .second full year of activity of. a inultiyear program del?ign~ to illiplenent 'the, pro- vi!,ions of thePaguay Rai<3'('elopnent :Plan. TIle adiniQistratiye operating expense costs advanc$d to'the Agency by the City of l'oway for staff services and other ogei"ating I experiditures will be, reimbursed to the City out of ,future increnent rronieS. , I I . I I 178 I CITY OF POOAY I DEPAR'IMENl'ALACTIVITY. DETAIL Department: Activity: Activity I "Powav'ReaevelonTlPnt AfTencv 'Aaen"'- I\drnlntstration Code: 5005. I ACTIVITY Cl>MFNl'ARY , ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I ' , Wit~in this aCtivity are budgeted mol}ies to provide for the overall management and , administration of the~oway'Redevelopment Agency. The activity, is funded out ,of the , '1 " ~_ -,., -', -" , . ~ .. T Redevelopment, Agency's Special Aamini~trative,FUrid as authorized pursuant to Section 33613 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of california and is established to meet the ogera~ional expenses of the Agency. I The pLU:pOse of the administrafive activity is, to ensure that !i program of sound fiscal management is provided ,to the Agency consistent with ~ccepted practices and procedures required by the Ccmilunity Redevelopnent Law. I Personnel ,services, which include man~gement ~uPf?Ort., are provided tathe Agency by the staff of the City and by a consultant. These personnel services, together with I the expenses required to disseminate redevelop:nent information and the; various other I . '..-" '. . _ '-. '. -., . . .~-- .expenses regLlisiJe to 'the' Agency'.sogetations, are loaned to the Age,ncy fran the City's Geperal Fund and will be' regaid to the City fran future Agency' funds. :SIGNIF'ICI\NTAeI'IVI,TY PRClGRAM. CHANGES CHANGE, I. Special Studies - Budget for the costs of I 'studies by consultants for' planning, mapping and' other special issue,s withi,n 'the project area. I Increase due.to carryo~er projects from FY 85-86 + $ 22,800 Tax Increment. -Other Agency Agreements -Includes settlements with the'Couhty and CemeterY District. + $ 2,i16 I Administration,~ Additional cost for' City staff personnel services 'aliocatedto,the,Agency. + $10,800 I Insuranc~ expense has increased, by $3,750 due to higher pranium costs + $ 3,750 Office EqUipment. provides for twotele-,copiers' I and a CPT' work station + $ 15,320 I I I I . I I79 I CI';['YOF ro-IAY DEPARIMENTAL ACTIvITY DErAIL :. Department: Activity: Activity PcMay RErlevelopnent Code: I RErleveloctnent.Aaencv 'laencv1\dministration 5005 Obj. 1985..,86 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Code """"'-se Classification Budqet Actual Prooosw Approved I Personnel . se RanaE Positioil Title I Agency ManberS (5) 7,,200 7,209 7J 200 7,200 RErleveJ.opnent project Coordinator 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 I 111 Salaries - Special 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 120 Fringe Benefits . 3,416 2,686 2,691 2,691 I " TOtal. Personnel 27,416 26.686 26.691 26 691 .. OPerations and Maintenance . I 141 Legal Fees 3'0,000 12,417 30,000 30,000 144 Audit Services: 5,000 1,445 5,090 5,.000 148 SpeCial.studi~ 82,800 33;215 105,600 105, liOO 260 REiimbursw Mileage 1i080 49 1 ;080 1,,080 ,I ,270 Travel & ~eetings 2,010 ,936 2,040 2,,040. '280 Legal Notices/Advertising 1,500 - 1,500 1,50Q 282 Postage 2,000 68 2,000 2;000 I 311 PrIllting 2,500 26 2,5.00 2,500 314 C~unij:yReilationS 800 87 :).,,000 1,000 315 Publications & Dues 1,000 680 1,000 1,QOO 334 R & M B1Uil:Illent - - 480 480 . 4n Office &' Stationary Supplies 1,200 1,O5.~ 1,325 1 ,:~25 4].3 photographic Supplies 300 3 300 300 522 Insurance Elg;>ellse 1,250 2,'195 5,000 5,000 I 525 Tax ;rncrEIDerit-QtherAge;1CY i\gree. 30.,228 30, ?28 32,344 32;344 560 Administration (Staff Time) 72 ,000 71,337 82,800 82,800 I Total OPerations arid Maintenance 233,668 153,737 273 969 273.969 , CaDi tal Outlav I 611 Off ice Equl pnent - - 15,32,0 15,320 I I Total CaDital ().Jtlav - - 15,320 15,320 .Activitv Total, 5261.084 $180.423 $315..980 ' $315,980 I :1 :1 I I .. ,. l , I: I, I ,- I' I I: . I ~ I I I 'I ~. ~~ ,AGm:Y: 1986-1987 C1\PI~ IMPROI7El>1ENl'PRa;RAM I :1,8.2 . PailAY REDEI1ErJjPMENr AGENCY I ,. .._",',.. " ',-.' , ," '" """ 'fCC, , " ~:r:TAL 'IMP!<Q\lE1'lENTPRCG,MM OVE,RVThW , . I REVENUE, AND"EXPENDI'IURE ANALYSa:S' K1fiAYREDEVELOPMENT Ac,;ENcY I : SooRcE. ANj)'APPLiOOloN 0F' Fi:iNi5S' ~'- ~ -. - -,.,.. "- ) .... "~'-- FIScAL YEM )986-:1.9,87 I FUNDING: SCURCES' I, RErlevelopneritFund I Q~ty ip3.n,s: ,$ .. 440,456 R<3:iev~lognent Ag~cy I Bond lssue , , 7,'351,927 , TIJrAL. $7, J.'l92 '383 I, ,~ I ". <+ , _ ~ ;. .. .. " 'I FUNDING' APPLICATION ,Street and HigtlwaYs' $A,,137,Q62, '. Traffic si9!1?-ls. 220'1"000 GcWer~t' BuiJrn.:pgs 700;000 .Paik and 0ger,. SPace 750',000, ,".- .-' ""'.," . -," - -- ~.. ~yitaJi:z.atiol1 J;'roTIects 1: ;985, 321. I ,$7,792,'383 I I I, , I I' I 'I T~3 . , F01VAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ., ~ ,". "'- . . -- . I CAPITAL IMP~PRCGRAM OVERVIEW Defiart:r:l\e!1t, I CAPITAE> IMPROVEMENT, :PR<:GRAM Total ,Total Estimata:J. ACtiliit~C41ss~lJcati,gll ,Total :Ffi6r ' I . 1986-:-19FJ .' . "tanb~nro. '. ';~';.ranents ' AooroDr.ratron~ '~to~~at~oosAoorooc~at~ons I :$;7,57,0...560 Btreets! ,&'Hi:gnways .$3,,006,.498 '$4'.,137,062. $'7,,143;,,560 -, . - '-' - ,. -" !I 567,,7'69 Tra.ffic'SignaIs 347,,769 220,000 567";769 1,833,600 ,FlciOd control &, Drainage 333,600, - 3)3,600 .' -.. ...-" -'-'- -~. ,. 4,97-2,'000. Governinent, Bui1din",s: 1",292,000 700 {OOO 1,99"2 ,.090 750,000 P?i~ and, 0gen' Space 750.,000 75'0 ; 0'0 0 :1' 64r, 01;9 'w<l(er D.nP!:,ovenents 64oi9 - 64,019, , - Sewer 'Irnprovenent,,' .~ .. - - - \ 11985,321 Revitalization Projec.ts ' - 1,'985;,321 J,,9~5';32l , '. $17,;,143:,~6~ MAL BUIJGE:l' ;$5~,643,i 886 $7',792,383 $r2,836 ,269 :1' diEI{vIDi' <;:a1MENTARY rTtle paway Ra:J.eveI6];inent ,l),gerlcy'e Capit?,l Irrigrovalierit Pri:lg:ram repr~~ts:l~effort, to I ;,aJ..losate the J'otential fiiiancia.+ re,sollI'c::es of t!1e Agency ih ,a .oonnep .whichV?il1 benefi;,!: the .~aguayFf6ject. Area. .Contained~~I1Jn :the AgencyYs work program '!I:e' PJ:Clject,:S q,esi9lle4 'to eradicate: blighting ,condi.tJ:Oqs otltl,ina:J. intheFaguay I' Ra:J.evetOpnerit ,plan" ' " The prqDects descJ:'il5ed 'in tJ1is J:lUdg~:t: fan .into,the foIlowing eight .@]or 'categories: I, Streets, arid 'Highways; TrafOc::si;9!l'!'l,s" Flood Contrcil ,arid Draii)9.ge, Goyernment . Buildings'" ,PatkS aria 0Ren Sgace'"water Improvenents:" ,Sever Irnprovenents ,and ~eyita:lization Prodeets'. ,The ;gage,s that folloW' cover tlie 13eijeveiClr:in~t ,Agency's f.ive-year, e<fPiful i\nprovenent', pr,ograJ!l. ,~ich, wilL be 'qj;ilil.tEil ailm~lly. I :rh,eproj,ectscoiitaiCna:J. Jh: the' ,{ive..,y~ g,pi~l 'ImprovenentPfOgram are, pr;owsa:J.to ,be f~ded througn. loans" .fran 'the <::ity, iE<leJ;:g,l. 'funds firan ,the. Q:Ilrnun'ity' Deyelopn~t I Blsck'Grant program or' any other. fa:J.eraI prqgragJ~ s1:ate"'fundoo prOgrams and the ReOi?ye!,Om\ef!,t Agencyboilds. . In De::enber 1985', t.h~ Agency issued' ,a Tax Incr;;ment ,. BOridof $4,260.jQQO, '?Il9- in p:ugci;t, ']986'" 'another issue, Qf'$.I? ,000,,000, ,proceeds of 'theSe issuesate;t:o beU!J.eO, !o:r- pL'()~~ts in streets and H~ghW<iYs <'$,3.,€,~6i,606), . I I 'Qit,y!SchooLjoint-usefaci!i:!j;,es t$7.00 ,000,) , ;ParkS ana open '~p3.d= C$7~9,000)" apd ' R,ev:i!taCl'ization. 'Pro~ects ($1 ~985 :321) . .. I fl.1Q<ic; advcm.ca:J.' 'to the Ra:J.evelcifIner'lt Agen,Cy Capi.,t9l Improvement Ftogram w111 b,e r~sed 'to, Eh~ 'GityofPaway'frdh .futUre taX. i'19rE!lJ?l1tI]n[lies, I ~ , ~~ ' I RED~Pt1Etff;,,{.:P.ilcX w:r'rAL wPR0vEMENr PRcx;RAM'DErAIL. De c tmerit: Activit: u par "_ y ;REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, ,STRE:lITs AL'IDJilGHwAYS' ,l'el1;.\rrTY C~AR,X 5201 SIDEWALK, CURBS, ANDB;lUESTRIAN!HIKINGI TRAIL 00 'S<:Xl'I'H SIDE' OF 'IWrN ,pEAKs ROAD . I This" .pr.'Oj.eCt, prOVid. es.' fo r.th e.deSlg..n an.. a..c..onstru. '. ct.. ',1'. o..,n..' Of:. four .....tr... ,a f'..f'.'l.'iC'.]; an. ,es ..,...Si'.d ewalk.. '.: "..' 'I' ~ curbs, eguestr,ian. andhiKlng tr?-il-,~~c::l.ng, };ancl!?GaPj.ng;an('tfl~isea;:tenUatjon ~Jfbr . the final right'"0f..,way cilong 'the south side at' Twih :Peaks Road l' tan the Rancho Atbcilit6si subdi visbo~ t9 !1fdl?J1d 'R,pa.{., 'Tli~ bid: forthe,g:rad'ing, .oi the trl'ahg"ie: :at .the ,soUthwest . corner, of GarmunTty Road arid Twin peaks ahd.the construction of ,tlie: hoise ,attenuation' ,wein \'@,ia,War4e} 'iri,~ .84;-'85~ .'!hEi I?9th ,on the, south side of Twiil Peaks ifrcrnRaOcho Aibci:titosto the. triangle ~i.'l, be, }~J!"'adedduring.FY 85-'86 With, the rariairidet of the project' 'plannalfor eons;t1:uction durin,\!' FY 86-'8'7., Cost> EstirrBte, - ~],342,439, ,fundinq Source, ""FY '86'-.8'7, FY. '84"'85 ,.. $ 24 .939 ..., ,.. - ~.'. .,..' . .' ,FY,:85'-'86,." $' 181,500 RDA,BonClProceeds$I,136,000 ri,86;-'S;7.- $~ik3'6;b6'5 ' ~ ' '5202P'JiVAY ROAD MEDIANS! I ,Tliis projeCt pr<;,vided "fbr'the ,insUl.l1,a,t,i~on pf,the ~~il1ipg J'IDdE;~P.e:iI:.raised.m,e'j3:smsl along, I .Paway ,Road. ThJ!s. proJeqt was, ccm;l1e.t."q1p 19!!5-;8~. ~ " .. ' '",. Cast. Estimate ~ $485,099 -.... . ..-~. FY8~-~5 ,- $'2j2;?50 I. FY.85;,..86 - $21:2/8,49 ,5203' 'SIDEWALK INSTALlATlOO. ALONG :Pr:MAY ,ROAD' .Tliis: ,otoject provi'dEil :for .the ,installation of concrete ,sidewalks, cu:rbs"gtltters, and, \vneel , chaiL"ramps at' vaii'ous 1bcaUons'along Poway Road. This project' was canple,j:ed ill f98~.I$6:,. Cost -Estimate '-$382/880 FY84;-,S5 ~ $ 35:,,70:0 FY .,85"'86- $347.,).80 I , I \ 185 I, , ''REDEi.TEI:1:>PMENT AGENCY ..,-... , - ", CAPITAL rMP.RO~ P~c;:x;RAM :DETAII:. ',- I Depan:rn~t:; Act:iV'~tX': :REDEVEIBPMENT AGENCY ,STREETS AND, HIGHWAYS' I 'Total 'Total Pro~~c proje5"t 8escript;ion Esttnatee pr-ior' 86'-:87 87-88 '88':'89 89-90 ~9'-'91 0:>de Cost l\pprop, 'l\porop., Est:iiMte, EStimate Estlmite; EstImate .. I 5201 'f',;'ih Peaks - SOuth Side tITptovements ,1342439 206489; 113600.0 , 0 I , , . :. ~ , ;1. . " , ,I' - 5?O'2 Poway,ROad'Medians 485099 485099 I I I 5~~Q3 SiaE,waiks alon,g' 'I poway Road :382880 382880 I , , ..' , , il , - " " I, bel'II[I~' ,MAt., , I: 186 ~.. :1 'REDEVELOPt.JENT ,AGENCY CAPITAL IMPRClVEMENT ,PRCGRI\l4 DErAIL . Degarbiteht: Activity: ,REDEVELOPMENT. 'AGENCY STREETS, 'AND ,HIGHI'lAYS (Coot 'd') 'i\ct'rvrTYC(]<.1MENTARY 520,4 ,MIDLAND'.ROAD 'IMPROVEMENTS AS proposro, by ,tl1eRedevelopDE>n! ~V:~,s~QJ:'yca:rm,i!:~ee,thi~ project. will 'ptovi'de' sidewalks" curbs, . and. gutters, caongMidlandRoad to NorwalK ,L3.Ile and Various ,traffic arid. pedestrian safety improvanents. qi~:.;addit'iof1,fhe t>rbD~t will provide' fb'::EuiLimgrov€ffientalong ~ ,i:iid1aru:1 Road, fraU', 'N9rW<l'ik 7Stteetto Twl'b,PeaicSi Road.'. ,. " " Cost Estl:rrate - $). ,200., 000 'Funding Source',~ FY, 86-87.. . RD~ Bond Pr"oce8::1s . $99,266. FY 85-,86 - $'1,100,794 ,I: FY 86-87 - ,~ 99 ,206' 'I: ,5265 "rO-lERAD0 ROAD., IMPROVEMEN'IS ~ PHlISE, I This,ptoject provides forth.e desi<JIl '?Il4, c9n91r'uct,ionof ,a plock,wa:1i, ,sideWa<lk, curbs, ,gutters"and lands,capjpg al)d sq~t ngh~. aIon:~,the tffi~t side. of'l?di1efado :Road fran M~eron,~oacl ,to Tass,~.Bqa4! It, ~s ahtfcir:atErlthat' 'illis: J"roject will 'be ,finan,ced py rQtJ1,11ti1" f'2,th', and 13th. year. CDBG funds.. COst Estimate - ~250,550 FY. 84,-85' - $ 18 ;000 (GEmeraolFund;j FY8SC,86- $232;550 (CDBG. and ROM 5206' ,PCMEAAD0 ROAD Jl[fJ VAUGHN.., WARNING ,LIGHTS ~, j'lroP9,sE'f,'fpyfue Re:ie'Z~opnent .Advi'sO'ryCcirnilittee, to instaU warning' l'~gl).ts t() ?lIert" rrptorists to the qross~ at Panerado [ROad and Vaughn,.' Cost Estwte ,- $16,,000 'Flmdinq. . SOurce, ""FY 86'-'87 $11,,400 RDA Bond Pf'oceeos EY8S-86,.~ $4:,600 .ty '86,-'87 ~$[ll,,~Ob i. .' :1: I 18.7 - , I REDEVELoPMENT AGENCY . .~. ~-,<, _ -<.- "., >-. 7_,__ - _ . ... ,. CAPITAL IMPROyEMENT P~RAM DETALL'. I , , 'Department: 'l\ctivit~ii REDEVELOPMENT AGEN<::Y STREETS,ANDHIGHWAYS (G:onti'dl I TotaiJ: Total 'P)'oject pfo:ieCt,~crijJtiori Estil]ataJ Prior, 86,,87 87'-'88' 88-89 89..,90' 9'0'-'91 '€c:de _ Coot, . AboraD, Aborop. EiSt'.irtate Estihiate Est'llnate Est,ilna:te I' 5204 Midland Road --.. ~ .) 1'7QOQOO' UOO,79~ 99206 I Improv~ts I ,I I' - ',I 5265 :~<'1do R<J?l9, , Improvements - ;Pnase I 256556' 25Q;;50 :1 - " :1, - I :1' 52Q6 Pcmerado at' Vaugfui- W?I'ning LightS 16000 4600 1.1400 I . I , I I 'l\CTIV'ITY'TOTAL I I ]'813 :1, wEilELoPMEN'r' AGENGY, _ --,' H' .''"-, -,.. _ ,.-, .~. . - CN'I'l'AI; ThlPROilEMENr PRCGRAM DErAIL 'oepartfuei1,t':! .Adiv'it:y;:> ,REDEVEJJ:)PMENT AGENCY, ,srREEI'sAND. iflGfu'/AYS. (Gont',ai !!!fJsVrtry G~ARY , 5207 ''IWIN PEAKS ROAD' -MIDlAND 'TO ESPOIA ,.. -'~ - ,This'projecf pi'ovides.for 'the ,.widening to'theulti.n.:ate -rigl'1t,-<!f.-\'@Y 9:1=, 'l\vim:Peaks goad, between 'Midland ROad and' EspOJ;a '~Oi!d. €ost..Estimate, ~$42'hQQO - py'87..,S8- ;; 85iOOO ", '''.I'' FY'88'-89 - $342iOOO 5209,Gi\RJjEN roAD iMPROvEMENTS k; profl9sed 'by the, RErleveIopnent Advisory' Ccilmittee',to ,provi:dei pedestiiariand traffic, s~fEfty lrngrc>venents on Garden Road and co'i'\sttuct'ion of a 'Perfuafi~t sidewcilRion me, south- \-: side~ Cost. Est:iffi3.te -$:L72 ,106, 'IT' '85,.,86<-,$172 ,10.6 52ft MEl'ATE ,'Il\NE SIDEWALK, Th:tSl project J:ji'ovi:dSfor'the construction of s~qewa1ks>on the sClu;tb s~d~ 9f~ 'M,!?fateran!~ , fiCin MciitaUk ,street, t:o' Pancicido Road'" and on the nortnside fran,Mop.tguk tCl the e!19. of :t!Je starIi:,jnt' StableS. CbStEstimate,- $102,220 FY, 85,.,86.~ ,$102,,229 :5;<X2' 'ESPOlAROAD STREET LIGHTS' ThiS, pro,je(:tprovides for street' ,lights .along ESpOla Road ,f,ran Poway High School to .old, Coach ,ROOd. . , Cost Estimate. - $133,,000, .- FY;85-'86. ~ $B3"OOO " ." -.' -,." '1 - . ,;. 189, I , REDEVELOPMENT ,AGENCY' CAPITAL. IMPR0VEMENT, :PRCGRAM DETAIL I D~tment:1 :Activ{ty: '. REDEVEL0PMENT..AGENCY SrREETS~ ANDmGHWAYS icont:'d') I ,TOful Ti::i1jal r 'Rr9Ject 87'-:8~. ., - ...~. Project Desciiptioh EStilnat:65 pdor 86'-87 88-89 89,::90 90'-91 Cede Cost APProp. APProp. EStiiPate ,EStiriate. Estimate Estiliate I 5207 Twfn PeakS Road .., I ' Mi'dl1u,d 'to EsPola 42'16,00 '859.90, 342000 , I '. I :;209 Gardenc'Road I' '~~oYan'Wt:.s 1721'06, D2106 I . , \ 5211 : Metate lane , " I sfdEiWaik 102220 '102220 .. I , I ,5212 Espo1a :Road , Stfeet;Lights 133000 .133066 ~f - I , I. ,I ACTIVITY 'T8rAIi , I 196: :1 REDEVE.:L6PMEm AGENCY, _. - ,-- .. ~~>' -- GAPIThL IMPRCNEMENT PR&3RAM:OOML , Department: ACtivity: REDEVELOH-1ENT .AGENcY Sl'REETs: AND HIGHwAys, (Cant:'.d') :tCrD[ITY C~y, 52i:J;: MIDIAND IDA[,) EXTENSI0N -,SOOTH OF Pl::WAYROAD This, ,project \..QuId proviae for the .mooi~icatioh of" ,the ,traff.iC signal at Miililmaana,Ftmay ~dsandl,v.ould extend, MiClland ROOd ,southerly fran, Poway, 'road to Fairgate di:iveby constructing tlvo tra:Ef.fc lanes,. ,As 'a. -result of this .project,Gate drive v.ould 'be closed -~.-."c ~:~"',;,-._, _" _.."... ,-1"""_. -."... - -----...-,.. _ -.. -.-.' . .,- .~. -~." ....- -,;<~ - _.~"'= so.ut,l1 with the r~val ofth"'9r.idg~ 'over f'0:'laY: cr,eek a:,t:'~tepr~v~'l'.~n~!;)l:i:9,ge ~~d<be cOflstriicted,at :Midland' Rood to .provide .a,ccess to., the's\Jlx1ivision via Mi9J.anclRoad ancI 'Fai:r::gateDri VEl.' Cost, Estimate - $r,019 ,100 . 'Fuhding. SCurce -,FY .86~87 FY,: '85~86 ,- $ 69,,100 REJA Bond ProceEds ,$,950,000 f'{86;':87- $950 ;,000 . 521'4 CCMMuNITY ROAD WIDENING Thisi,pro,jeet\o.tiill.d provide far thelmpn5V61Ient bf Community Road, ~o1,ith ftol11POw<!Y Road.to the r!odJ.y ,creek BfiCIge.to, prbVide .for foUr traffic' 'laneS'ahd the: ihS'tiHlati6fi6f 5-'f60t sidewalKs,. The bridge at. 'I'=a:ycreek would, be widened'aiid toe, re::rW:rec:J: .,r,ignt-of-way c;btained.. ' ' cosbEstimate "" $520, 7}0. F\mdl:nq Source' c-' ,Jfy, 186'-,87;" FY '~5.r'?6 ,..-; $ ~~,t7fO .RDA 'Bond Pp:>c@,g, ,$4~5 ,00.0 EY86'-87- $465,.000 :521i5, 'KMERADO ROAD. IMPROVEMENTS- PHASE II This ;project prov'idesfar:' fhe 'deSIgn and. constructional'- ,a block wan" IsidewaC8ts" cirrb~:f" gutters, landscaping, andscreet lights along the 'east side of i?anefado:RDad frcrn, .TassiH .,Road-to'MeadowbrookIane. It is anticipated ,that tfie yar,ious ghases:of,tI1is projeCt,will :Ge ']i~cErl by' lO.t:h, Uth ,,12th ,and 13th, year CDBG ,funds,., ' ,Cost Estimate' ..-;, $294,456 Funding Source., -'FY. 86~87" iFY 85-8c~ -$1{"OQQ,'(RDAAClinin 'r:una) iCDBG. ~ 11th, l'2th; FY 86-87 -$250 i 456, . ana,i'jth,yeaJ:s $ iSO,.456 52:16 'MARK, sTEvENs. ',R6ADM:JbiF.icATI0NS LThj.s ,proj<=c~, PF9vid~ f.or 'the constructJon of'a,. 'r~d C9nnec:ti,ng ~rk' .stey;ens 13pad, an9;' Igava Drive; el'iliU,natiqgthe current' access to Poway Road~. ,Cost EStilra:te - $35:,'000 F\iridiriq~ SbUrc'e' - 'FY 86-87 IDA BOtidPr'eceeds' :$35,000 ~ 86~87 -$35,'000 ' . ;1 " I 191 I, r:; REDEVELOPMENT. ,AGENCY cAPITALrMPI3OVEMENT' PRCX;RAM 'DETAIL, I , Department. : AcHjrity:' I ' ,REDEVELbPMENT AGENCY, STREETS AND HIGHWAyS' (Cont!d') , Total Total 'Project ProJE=ct Desc~iption Estimate: prior' '86-'87 8'7-88 88,..8<9' 8'9-90 90..,91 Cooe Cast: . AroroD. :AtibroD. EStimite' Estiinate Estimate 'EStlIrate I .. 5213: Midland Road, , ,Extension, 1019100 6'91,QO' :95900.0 I I I " I , 5214' , 8arrnunXtyRoacl wfdeliThg 520710 55'7l6 4,65000 I , I I " I , I 5~~~ J:ianer~do'Road Imgroy~t.~ - Pi}a.se II .294456: 44000 250456, - I I 'I 5,2116 Miu'k ,stevens ROad Mc;d~'f-ications 35000 35000 I I }\CTIVITY TOTAL , I . " ~r~2i 'It ,REDEVELOPMENT: AGENCY. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRCX:;RAM 'DErAIL IJegirrtment: Activity: REDEvEL0PMENT AGENGY ,1srRE:ET.3.AND HIGHWAYS. (Cant'd) ACTIVITY CCMMENI'ARY 5220 'PCMERAD0 RQADlMPRCivEMEN'Is. ,- PHAsE In. TIli,S ,prpj~~Rrol.d.des, fo.r;the 'desi9Il apC!, sonstrudtiol} Q.f a block' W?ll, :sidewalks, =bs, gI,lt.t~s, laI!CI$cag'ing,a..l)d's!=reet l,ight!?, aloJ\g tD<::;6?5tstqe qt ~a90 ,B9?9~rr;I11: M~c1qyibr"!9l<Lari~ ,to' Yitugt,l<\!1" ,,;It, ;,S, ari(:i!<ii~l;ed .1iha(th~yar~o~s ppa:3~oftnj!:3 project '\vill ,be finaqcEij" by 19th,1'l:th,;, i2tl1, and 13lli' '[ear. GBBG fli[ldS. CosfEstimate: -' $255,000' Furidlnq SOUfce,-' 86~87 GDBG $190,000 ,FY 86,"'8'7 ~ $255,00Q ,RDA:Bondproceeds $ 65;000 :5225 PCMERADO,ROADlMPROVEMENTS -PHASEiN 'This ;project, provides', ,for tl1edesign and construction of a block wall , :sidewaJJ<s,cuibs\ gI,ltters;" icmdsc:aping, .and: ;street ,Iignts 'along the .east sfde, of FCineiad6 :Road fran Vatigfuul 1;9 iGl<=l} 02J.k anO., fr(:m!'1'2f~o!1soui:b~rg ,for <;J,f?f?roxiI)'ately; ,500 freLR is anticipated' that the ~io~ p.h8s.el?' .o:E.,this; '.pr9j~t w:i:l;L, befiI'larlce<:l i:)y: 1.0j:h, Il!fI:1, 1t2th:, and Btl1! Ye.olr' .COBG funds. Cost ,ESt'i!na:te, -' $935),000 FUnding SoUrce - 86-81 IDA, BOnd prOCeeds $935! 000 'FYi 86-87 -' ,$935,'000 . ~ " I . ,1 . 193; I , REDEVELoPMENT ;AGENCY CAPITAL tMp~ ;PRCGRl\M DETAIL _. - -- . - ...... -", -~ . _.___, r- .. 'Department': ,lictiyi):y;: I RE6EVEr.bPMENT~CY STREEl'S 'AND HIGHwAYS (Cont"d) Total, TOtal , 'Project ,pfoDeCt pescription ~tfr.rateC .Prior 86~87 ' '87""88 88-89 89'-90 90'-91 COOe ' cOst APProp. ,1\ooroD. .Estirrate ,Estimate Eit:iInate" 'Estirlate I 5220 Eanerado .Rbad' }mpJ:o,,~ts - I J:'hase :HI 255000: 255000 , I '. :1 5225 Pdrierado Road , 'rrnprov'e1ferits - Phase Iv '935QOO 935000 '. I; . 11: I' , I I '. , I, , , I 'PCrMTY TOrAL, $7570560 ,$300649E ~413706" $85006 $3~goOO 0 '0 . .". - ___ _", ___'~ .1 I . . ,I 1'94 REDEvELoPMENT AGENcY cAPITAL IMPRoVEMENT l'RdiRAM DEl'l};IL E>~f??l'.tm~t: , ACt,iv:it:y; .REDEVELDPMENT AGENCY .TRAFEICSIGNALS - ACTIVITY CCMMENTARY 530A'IWIN PEAKS roAD lillo, MIDLAND ,R0AD ;Ttt!?! pr.oJeci provi'des, for the, ,installation of a, traffic .signal at 'IWiih ~ ;Roa:d ahd. Midland ,Road '. ' Cost ,Est,inia:te - ,$34.7,7.69' FY84,,85' - $ 13",769 IT. S5j-?~ - $33t,.QQO < ~ 5302 ,sTd-JE 'GAl'lYoN MID ID1Elw5o TAAFF.iG 'siGNAL, This'proJect provi'des for 'the installatl'on of a traffic sigt1al at StcirieCanyon and, Paneradb Rba~?" 'This :nji'( be, a. jO,int J?to~ectwith ,the dty.of ,San :riieg6 paying .sane p:>rtl6n, 6ftlfe . cost" Cost. Estimate M $IliO 000 Fundinq Sourcei.." FY '86"'87,.. , . ,I, .F'i'S6~B7 ~ Sl10,000 ,R)['.J39ljg ~ClC:eErls' $110,000 ". ,- .~. ..". ".-.. 5303GCMMUNITY' ROAD AND AUBREY 'STREET TRAFFIC, SIGNAL This' project:: provides; 'for ,8le installation, of ati'affic ,signaI at CcirIl\liniEy. :Road and' 'Atilirey'Street. :80st:Estimate' M $l.IQ','OOO, 'F\.mdinq Source. ,., FY, ;86.,87., . . "IDA ,Bond J:>r<J<':eEns: Sl::LQ,.oOO FY ?6"S? .., $:(10,000 , I I ..... 195, I , REDEVELOPMENT,' AGENCY CAPITAL ,IMPR(JI1EMENT 'PRffiRi\M DETm I Department: 'Acti vi ty: ,REDE\1ELOFr-\ENT AGENCY, TRAFFIC SIGNAlS I' TOtal Total { Project Projectbe?cription Estinate: Prior '86-87 87-88 88-89 89-90 90-91 Code Cost Armron '-roo. Estirrate Estirrate Estirrate Estirrate I I 5301 '[Win peaks and Midland Road 347769 347769 , I I I I " 5302 .?tone Cahyon and I Panerado Roads ,110000 110000 I I , I I 5303 Communi ty Road and Aubrey Street 110000 noooo I - I I . I Al:'l'IVI'l'Y ToTAL $567769 $34776q $220000 0 0 0 0 I { 196 I REDEvEWPMENT AGENCY I CAPITIIL ,IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL , Departmen t: Activity: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FLOoD .CONTROL :lIND DRAINAGE ACTIVITY a:M1ENTARY I 5401 PCMERAOO cREEK AT OAK KNOLL ROAD I' 1'nis project p!:,o'vides for. the design anacoristruction of a box culvert 'underQa;c' Krioll Road I, at panerado Creek. Cost Estimate -$333,600 I IT 84-b5 ~ $ 21.60U . . 'k' ~,,,.~ IT 85-86 - $312,.00V I I 5402 POOAY CREEK DETENTION, BASIN A'flc09 C9ntrol lingrovement project to design and. construct a detention ba~in on the no!:'th I iorkqf, PoWay Creei<:., east of GafderiRoad. Cost Estimate - $1,500,000 '1 FY 88-'89 .- $ 225 ,.OOu FY 89-9U -'$1,275;000 I I - .1. I ,I I 197 I REDEVEIDPMENT AGENcY CAP ITAt IMPROVEMENT', PROGRAM DETAIL I ~partment : ,Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FLOOD OJNTROL AND DRAINAGE I ,Total. Total projec Project Description Estima.te< prior 86-87 87-88 88-89 89.,90 9,0..,91 Code Cost AoDroo, AoDroD. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate ,. 54ul P<:trLer adoCr:e,ek at OaR Knoll Road 333600 333600 I ~ I I . I 5402 Pow<iY CreeK I Detention Basin 1500000 225000 1275000 , I I . I I , I , ,1, I' - I , ACTIVITY TOT,l\L $1833600 $33360C b 0 $225000 $1275000 0 I .198 I \ REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVE11ENTPRCGRAM DErAIL DepartmeI)t: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OOVERNMENT BUILDINGS AcrIVITY CrnMENTARY 5502 CIVIC. CENTER IMPROVEMENTS 'This project provides for the desigI1 and in~tallation of 50 additiorial parking spaces, the realigment of the . driveway 'and tl}e landscaping of the property owned by the County of San Diego in front, of 'PgNay City.Hall on Civic Center, 'Drive and,tl'ie design and construCtion ,of al1 add:hl:.iop to Poway City Hall. Tl1e imgrovEIilerits to the property owne:]by the County , ~d the hi~ing of a consultant to detetmine the futUre needs of city Hail will ge done durjng FY ~6-87. Cost Estimate - $1,072,000 FY 85-86 ~ $ 92,000 'FY,88-89 - $980,000 5503 SHERIFF'S SUBSTATIOO A' public fadlities project, ,to design aIld construct' a' 'Sheriff"!> substation oriCivic' Center Drive. I Cost Estimat.e - $2,000,000 IT" 88~89 - $ 200,000 PY'89-90 -'$1,800,000 5504, JOINT USE FACILITIES - PCWAY,HIGH STADuJJ;1. This project, begun in 1985-86, provide:] lighting of the 'stadiUm at Pooay High School.. The rS1\3.inderof the projeCt provi(fes for Ag~Cy shar,irig with the costs, of, ,seating, field . .. imgrov611ents, all.,-weathertrac,k, snaCK bars, restroans, ticket booths and parking. Cost Estinate - $6@,000 Funding ,Source - 86~87 , IDA Bond Proceeds $350,000 FY 85-86 - :$250,000 FY B6~87 - ,$350,000 I I '. './ I 199 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENc::Y CAPI'I'ALIMPR1::JIID1ENT PRCX>RAM DErAIL, I Department: Activity: REoEVELoPf\1ENT AGENCY QJVERNMENT BUILDINGS I Total Total Project :Project Description EStimate: Prior 86'-87 87-88 88-89 89-90 90~9l CCxl~ 'Cost APProj:'" APProp. Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate I ,550.2 Civic Center inprovailents' 1072000 92000 980000 I I I I 25,03 'Sheriff's Sub- I station 2000000. 200000 1800000 I I I . 5504 Joint Use FacilitfeE . . .' - Poway High staquim 600000 250.000 350.00.0 I I " I I I i\CrIVITY. TOl'AL . I ,200 I REDEVELOFMENT AGENCY CAPITAL :IMPROVEMENT' PRlXiRAM DETAIL Department: Activity: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY GJVERNMENT 'BUILDINGS (Cont"d)' ACTIVITY CCMMENTARY 5595 JOINT USE FACILITIES - PCMERADO SCHOOL This project provides for the :irngrovenentoftheplaying fields at Panerado school to bring then up to the standards of other playing fields that are' CitY-ffi3.intained. Cost Estimate - $65,000 FY 85-86 - $65,QOO RDA Bond Proceeds '5506 J0INT USE FACILITIES -~1IDLI\ND .sCHOOL, This project provides for the :irngrovenents of the playing fields at Midland School and the consj:ructionof ii. coricession standjrestroan: faciJ:ity. Cost EStimate - $135,000 FY85"86,.., $135,,000 RDA Borid ProceedS 5507 JOINT, USE FACILITIES - 'lWIN PEAKS r1IDDLE SCHOOL This project provides for the, construction of a gymnasium, at Twin Peaks Middle School. Cost Estimate '- '$1,100.,.000 Fuhding Source - 86-87 IDA Bond Proceeds $350,000 IT 85..,86. ~ $750,000 RDA Bond Proceeds IT 86-87 -. $350;,0'00 RDA Bond, Proceeds . I I 201 I REDEVELOHvlENTAGENCY CAPITAL l:MPflOVEMENT PR03RAM DETAIL , I Department: ~ivity: REDE\1EtbPNENT AGENCY! mvERNMENT BUILDINGS (Coot'd) ,I Total TOtal 'P-rClj~t Projeet.Description EstinatEil Pdor, 86-87 87-88 88-89 89-90 90-91 Cede Cost , ' ADDroD. ArnroD. Estinate Estinate, Estinate ;EstiIra:te ,I 5505 PanerSidoSchool ImprOVEments 65000 ' 65000 I I , I , I I 5506 t1idland School ImproV611eIlts 135000 135000 I I I 5507 ',Twin P?aks 'Multi;.., I gurpDse Roan 1100000 750000 350000 I I I. I PCl'IVITY 'l'Ol'AL $4972000 1$129200C $70'0000 0 $1180000 $1800000 0 I 20.2, ,I REDEyEwPMENT AGENCY CAi?I:rAL 'IMPROVEMENT PRCX;RAM DETAIL Department: Activity: REDEVEUlPMENT ,AGENCY pARKs 'AND OPEN SPACE lCTIVITY C2Cl>1MENTARY 5602 t1IDLANDROAD PARK Thfs project' ,provides for the' acquisition of 4.5 i'icres o~ property -to develop apatk in the' Old FOOayarea. Cost, Estinate - $750,000 Funding Source -'FY 86-87 IDA Bond Proceeds ,$759,000 FY 86-87 - $750,000 ... I I 203 I REDJM:UjfMENT ,AGENCY CAPITAL IMPRtJV1;MENT PRCGAAM DETAIL I Department: ,Activity: REDEVELOPMENT ,AGENCY, PARKS AND OPEN SPACE I ,Total Total Projec Project Description Estimate:: Prior 86'-87 87-88 88-89 89-90 90-91 . Cede , Cost ADorep. ADoroD. ,Estimate ' Estimate Estimate Estimate , I 5602 Midland Road Park 750000 750000 I I I I I I , I I I I I I . I I ACTIVITY 'IUrAL $750000 0 $~50000 0 0 0 Q I 204' I REDEVEWPMENT AGENCY' I CAPITAL IMPROvrnENT PROGRAM DETAIL Qegartmen t : Acticllity: I REDEVEIDPMENT AGENCY WATER IMPROVEMENTS ACTIVITY cx::M-lENTARY I 5704 FIREHYDRANTS/WATER MAINS I ,As progoBed, by the Redevelo[:rnerit Advisory s:mmittee, fire hydrants ahd Water mains wiIl I be provided, to ,three areas of the Ci~y to reduce fire hazards. The areas are Roca Gra.nde" Leona Lane" ahd. RirnbaCK Road aIld ,Mountain Road. Cost Estimate - $64,019 I FY. 85'-86 - $64,019 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 205 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPR0VEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL I Deparfuien t : .. Actiyity: REDEVEWPMENT AGENCY, WATER IMPROVEMENTS' I Total Total projec, project Description ESi:ilnatec Prior. 86-87 87-88 88~89 89-90 :90-91 .Code Cost Aoproo. ADorop. Estimate Estimate Estimate EStimate I 5704 Fire Hydra'1ts/ Water Marn.s 64019 640i9 I I I - I I I I I , , I I I I - I ACTIVITY 'lUI'AL $.64,OH $64019 0 0 0 0 0 I 206 :1 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I GAPITAL IMPR0VEMEN'f PR03RAM DETAIL Department':; Activity;: I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REVITALIZATICN PROJECTS AC:TIVITY Ct'MlENTARY I 6901 CCMMER':IAL REVITALIZATION I, The sum of $796,721 has been allocated for use ~n cammercfalrevitalization'projects. A regor,t containing specific. prop()salswill be presented to the Redevelopnent: 'Agency during the fiscal 'year. ' Sost .'Estimate - $79.6,.721 Funding Source ~ FY86~87 RDA Bondr>r:oceeds $796.,72i FY86-87 - $796.721 5950 HOJSING 'REVITALIZATIQ:>l The sum of $950,000 has been allocated for use in housing revitalization projects. A repor,t. containing specific progosals will be presented to .the ,RedeveloH1len,t,l\.gency during the fiscal year.. ,cost. Estimate - $950,000 Funding Source - FY'86-87 RDA Bond prOCeeds $950,009 FY 86-87 - $950,000 5999 NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVElolENT PROJOCTS The sUn\ of $238 ,600 has been allocated for use in neighborhood revitalization proJ'ects as recarrnended by the'Redevelopnent Advisory committee. A report . containing specific progosals ',111 be, presented to the Redevelopnent l\genCy. in the fali of 19~6. COst Estimate - $238,600 Funding Source - FY 86-87 RDA BOnd Proceeds $238,600 FY 86-87 - ~238,600 I I 207 I REDEVEw~AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEl-iENT P!<CGRAM ,DETAIL . I Department: Activity:: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REVITALIZATIoN pROJEC'IS I Total Total Project . Project,gescriptioh Estlmite: Prior 86-87 8:]-88 88-89 89-90 90-91 Cooe Cost ADDrop. ADorep. Estirra:te Es t'iIia te Estiliiate, Estirra:te I 5901 Cditnercial Revitalization 796721 796721 . I I I 5950 Housing I Revi1;ahzation 950006 950000 I I, , I 5999' NeighbOrhood , Iroprovenent I fr'ojects 238600 238600 I. I I I , I , , I ACTIVITY :rarAL $19853,21 0 $1985321 0 0 0 0 I I , I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I - I I APPElIDIX A I mSaw'l'ICE NO. 86-074 ADOPl'Dli 1986-1987 RESOwrICE N9. 8~120 FINiIN:IAL m:x;R1\M I 210 I I, t RE'SOLUTICNNO'. 86-074 I, , A, RE'SOLUTIOOOF 'IHE CITY, COONCE :..'.:.i OF 'IHE CITY OF 'i'OIfAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND ADOPrING 'IHE !\N~AL BUI:GEI' FOR 'IHE 1'7 FISCAL 'YEAR 1986-1987 h'ID APPROPRIATING'IHE 'FUNDS NEX:&)SARY 'ID MEET THE EXPENDI'IURES SEl' FORI'HTHEREIN ADOPl'IOO OF ANNUAL BUEGET 1 .r. WHEREAs, the City Manager of the p:ty of l'cMaY' has :sLihnitted to the city 1 Cooncil of the City ofJ?a.1ay a 1986:;"1987 Fiscal Year operating and Capital Improvement Budget in the amount. of $18,637,526 in proposed expenditures for. geheraland special, City purposes and refleCting ,esti.m3.ted revenues in the total I arnountof $21,822,289; and WHEREAS, the <;:ity Counc:i:l of the. city of ~y has neretofore consfdered I said budget and fixed the date of June 10, 1986, as the date, for holding of a pililic hearing relative to its adoption;, and WHEREAS, folloWing duly given notice, the City Council of the: City of Poway, '. did hold ,such 'pubHc hearings,reeeivin9'" considering and evaluating all public cOmnehts. l I. - THEREFoRE, the City Coilhcil of the City of J?a.1ay does hereby FIND, N(W,~ ~ AND DECIARE as follows: Section 1:: The City Manager's proposed 1986-i987 Fiscal Yerr Budget for general I and speCial City purposes is hereby amended as foLlows: REVENUE J\MENa.lENrs I (Al Anount of I Revenue 'Fund Explanation of Revenue Ad justment ~cription Revenue Amendment (Increase:+/Decrease:~) 19 Gas Tax FAU'all=ation + $392, 29~ I 18 ors Grant Office of TraffiC Safety Grant + 125,878 . Net TOtal Revenue I\mendmeilts + $518,174 I l I I " I. 1 211 I Resol~tiqn No. 86-074 Page 2 [' I""':. (B) EXPmDI'lURE AMENCMENTS Object or Anount of .1 Project Budget Depar,tment EXplanation of Expendi tureAjQStment Ccxlli and Activity Expenditure Amendment, (Iricrease: +/Decrease: -) I' Ccrrmihi ty Services 1-200-314 Office of Director Recreational Needs sUrvey -I' $. 2;800 I' Safety services 1-505-321 Law Enfor:ceroent Increase, in Sqeriff's I contract + $129.,378 Public Services 1 10-403-355 Street Maintenance FAU + $392,296 10'"403-355 Street, Maigtenance Unused 85~86 '?llocation of R&M Roadway + 390,000 I 10-'403...,356 Street Maintenance SB: 300 fundS ,received in 1985-86 - R&M Roadway + 356','188 61-405-221 ,Saver PiJrnping" City of San Di:ego rate Il'ii Treatment & 'Disposal increase + 191,563 \:~L 70-409-531 Vehi,cleMainterlance Expeqse Credit!> + .5 ,378 SUbtot:al- PtiDlic Services + $1,335',425 I nO-l20 ,TOtal Personnel All City Departments + $379,241 I Net TOtal Expenditure I\mendrnents + $1,846,844 I Sa::tion2: Tpe City M3i1age:c's proposed, 19l16-1~87Fiscal Year Budget fo.t: general aild special City purposes, as amended in Section 1, subsections (A) and (Bl thereof" is approved and adopted in the affi:junt of $20,484,370 for eXpen- ditures and ~22!340,463 in 'revenues. I' Section, 3: The rroniE?Snecessary to offset the expenses in=red as detailed, in the, 1986-198'7 budget d=ument" ,as adopted by the City Council for the City of I' l'cMay pursuant to Section 2 hereof, are authorized by this ,section to be appropriated ,out of the' funds avail?hle to the City during the 1~86:;"1~87 Fiscal Year'. I Section 4: The City Manager isauthori~ed to m3ke such changes' in depart..., ment operating budget totals during the 1986-19.87F~scal Year as he my, fran time to tirre; doou.desirable and necessary ili order 'to rreet the City's needs. I Section 5. The Capital IllVrovement projects, of the: city of J?a.1ay. areih conforrrance with the city of Pc:1<Jay Canprehensi ve plan as governed by Section 65402 of the Cafifornia' Government Code. I I. 212 I Itesol~tion No. 86-074 I Page 3 [" rr. APPRoPRIATICN OF FUND BALANCES I WHEREAS, ,it has been determined that appropriating unappropriated reserve '. .m::mies invarioi.1.s fun&? in a nanner correspbhding, to the operational mJde oftlie City 'is reasonable and proper; and I WHEREAS, 'fundS established and. rronies appropriated shall not be consid~eR as restricted totally :intheir availabi1;ity. and. use andarnounts nay be adjusted. 'I 'between funds, as necessary to serve the futUre needS of. the City of Pa-Jay'. lopI, 'IHEREFORE, the City Council of the City of l'cMay does hereby direCt 'that any unappropriated ~ance in the General Fund, as ,of JW1e 30, 1987, shall I be .autanatically appropriated into the Cbnting~cy Fund 'therein; ahd That any unappropriate:J. balance' in the \'[<iter Fund as of June 30, 1987,shall I- be .a)ltanaHcaily appropriated into the Contingency Fuhd therein; 'and Tl1atany \mappropiiatedba],ance, in the sewer Fund as of June ,30, 1987, shall I be autanatically appropriated to we contingency ,Fund therein. l~' nr. COJ:.LElZITON ANI') EXPENDI'lURE OF DEVELoPER DEPCsITS '1 .'~".. WHEREAS, deposits will be accepted in the The Developer DepG!3it, Fund. (Fund I 84') dhringthefiscal ,yea,r based upOn the levels' of developrent activity; 'and WHEREAS, the~ity is responsible ,for adrtiini!>tering these deposits, including , . c:ollection and disbursarieht of funds as necessary to Pay for devel~pnent I serv~ces. NeW, THEREFoRE, be it resolved that .the' City Couilcilhereby authori zes I expendit;uresbf developer deposit fundS on hand' at July 1, 1986,< together with any f'undS collected during fisC?! year 1986-87. 'IV. CAPITAL. IMPROVEMEN'T POCGRAM APPROPRIATIalS . WHEREAS , the financial plan provides for the apprporiation of IIOnies for :. capital Improiranent Projects; and WHEREAS, these projects, IlI3.yspan multipre fisCal years. I [, I;, I I I 213, ReSolution No.. 86-074 .' Page 4 [ .. " ."~' .-' NCW, 'lHEREFORE; the City Council herebyauthoi:i:fes a continuing appfop- , ' ~.'~'~' riation for the _balances remaining in Capital IrnproveroentProjects active. as of June 30, 1986, and directs 'that" the authorized approprigtion shall be brought I forward' to be' used in the fiscal year 1986-87 Capital Irnprovanent, Project program or until' the carpleticin of these projects. ,I PASSED, ADOPl'ED AND APPROVEl)', by the City ounc:Ll of the Ci~y; of Pcrilay; California" at: aregular~meeting thereof this 2 day of June, 1986~ -', ,. carl R. Kruse, Mayor . ATl'EST: 'I ; J l t . , '/ r, :.. l"iO-,,_ ':L,.~ k: ,.J ,;ic-tL/" t~ Marjorie K'. Wahlsteri, city Clerk , I \ --' , [" I' ,":- . , -~,. I I I . I I I 1 [ I I I 215 I REsOLUTIOO .NO. 86-120 A ilESOLUTIOO OF 'IHE CITY caJNCI:L [ .;, 0F 'IHE qTYOF PgflAY, CALIFORNIA, ., 'I": l\MENDING 'IHE ANNUAL BUIx;El'FOR , ' FISCAL YEAR,1986-19~7ANQ f ' d APproPRIATING 'IHE FUNDS NOCESSARY 'ID I MEET, ,THE ExPENDIWRE'S SEl'.FORTH THEREIN I WHEREAS, th~ City Council of tl1,~ city of Poway approved the 1986-1987 I Fiscal year OPerating and Capital Improvement B1ID.-get on, 'June '24, 1986; and 'lYHEREAS , the financial plan proV1des for the appropriation of rronies for I cap~tal Improvanent Projects;, <mg, WHEREAS, folloWing the, date of. the adoption of the 1986~198? budget, the City of l'cMay received approval of the bond issues and prOCeedS therefran and I WHEREAS, the ~le of CE:r'tificates of PCl!"ticipation provides the City of PovIaY with additional. fundS, to be used for Capital ImprovenentProjecti. 'I N<::w,THEREFORE~ the City Council of the City of Poway <loes' hereby FIND, D~ AND DECIARE as follows: I section 1: 'J,'he 1986:;"1987 ,Fiscal Year Capital Improvement, Budget is amended as folla.<iS: It'i~ (Al REVENuEJ\MENCMENTS Anount of I gevetlUe Fund Explanation of Revenue Adjustment Description Revenue Amendment (Increase:+!Detrease:-l Capital Project Certifiq,tesof I FUnd Patticipation +$7,000,000 Net Total, RevenueAmendrnents + $7.; 000 , 000 'I ('Bl ;EXPmDTIURE 'J\MENCMENTS. I Anount of Expendi tlire Activity Explanation bf lrl justrnent Project Gede Classificatibn Expenditure I\mendment (Increase: -i'!Decrease:- I Government Joint Use Facility- 1512 Buildings PeI'forming ,Arts Genter + $4,500,000 I ~arks and Cbmmurtity'Swimming . '. 1629 ~ Space Pool + $2,000,000 1[,_ Parks and valle Verde! 1630 Open Space ESpola Park + $ 500,000 . I TOtal Capital Improvement Program + $7,000,,000 I 216 I Resolution No. 86-120 Page .2 I [, , "" Section 2: The City Manager is authorized to rrake. such, cnangeS in the 'I operating .and capital improvenentbuaget totals during the 1986-'1987 fiscal year as :he rray, fran t~ to ti.ine, dean desirable and ne<:;essary iil order, to meet. the b City's needS. I SeCtion 3: The Capital Improvenent Projects of the City of Po\o;ey are in Conformance with the City of Poway Canprehensive Planas governed by Section , 65402 of the Califbrnia'Goverilment Code. iSecti'on :4: Cbly 'those portions specifieallyaddressed ilithis 'amending ,I res.olution are to be considered as, budget amendglents. ,All otheraspecti; c5fthe. budget,adbption resolution 'remain in force. PASSED, AOOPl'ED AND APJ:'ROVED, by the Poway, I Cal!.ifornia, ata .regularmeeting 'thereof, I earl R. .Kruse, Mayor ATI'EST: I to"', C' C1' I " 't'k~,J(~,,-,~C7( c\i..-a-J , tCP-L~t 'w 'M3J:'jorie K. WahJ:steii, City Jerk I, I Ii I :1 I I t. ,~ . - I :1 .: ,: ,I I' I :1, 1 I' I I, I I I: .. I I I ,APPElIDrx B I RESawrICE NO. R-86-12 AIJ()Pl'm; 1986-1987 REi;OIiJTtCE NO. R-86'"19 REDE.VEIDl'MENl' AGEN:Y FINANCIAL PRCGR1lM I 218 ;1 RESOLUTIOO, NO. R-86-12 ,I t., A RESOLUTION OF 'IHE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF 'IHE CITY OF 'i'CMAy. ,GAIJ!ClRNIA, I APPROVING AND ADOPTING 'IHE ANNUAL BUIX;ET FOR ,THE FISCAL ~ 1986-8'7, ACCEPTING LOANS F'R(M''IHE CITY' OF :I?CWAY 'ID 'IHE I CCMMUNI:.r,y. REDp;vEI{JPMENT AGENCY. AI:mNISTRATIVE FUtID, AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES THEREFR{M WHERFAs, the City Council of the city ofl'cMaY (the '~City"), in accordance I 'with. 'the provisions of the Californi~ 'C01TJlunity Redevelopnent raw ,has creat~ a <;:cmnuniti Redevelbprtent Agency ~nistrative FuIld for the purpose <Jf accoUl)ting .1 for admirifstrative expenses of the pPmiy;Redevelopnent Agency <,the' "Agency"') and fUnd advances therefor.; and 'WHEREAS, the city council has approved by resolution 9f even date herewith, ~I a carmunlty redevelopnent budget for fiscal year 1986-87 and has approved a loan to the Agency 'in the amourit of $440 ,':\'S6t'0 be deposited in the Ccmnunft'y' ,Redevelopnent Agency !\dmini"trative 'F'1Jnd; and . I WHEREAS, the Agency desires to approve a carmuni ty redevel,opneqt budget for fiscal y~ 19~6-8'7, accept said. loans, fran' the City and 'authbrhethe expen- t diture ofth;= pr=eeds of' said loans in accordance with the approved carrnunity redevelofI1lent budget. f" NGI ,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'IHE, 'i'CMAY .REDEVELOPMENT 'AGENCY AS j;'OLI:.a'iS: :1 '..... " Section i. The. budget attacl1ed to thi!3 resolution as Exhibit "Pf" ~d incor,- poratedherein by reference .is hereby adopted' and approved as 'the 1986-87 budget ,I of the A9!=l1CY. ' Section 2. The loail fran the City of $440,456 appropriated to the Ccrnnunity RedeVelOl;inent ,Agenc;y AdministJ:at~i'ye ,FuIld forcapitaliIriprovementexpenditures' of .J the Agency, as set forth in said budget, is hereby accepted by the Agency and the A,gencY agrees .to pay illteJSest thereon at the rate of 8% per, anpum. The Agency acknowledges that said lOan constitutes an indebtedness of the, Agency I within the, rreaning of Articie 6, Chciptei; 6, .of the California Carrnuni!ty Redevelopnent : law . .. ..' . , 'Section 3'. The expenClfture ,of 'rronies franthe, Ccrnnunity .Rt3:'levelOp1El1t Agency I Administrative Fund for administrative expenses and' capj.t,al proj<:ets as set .forth, ,in, said ,budget is hereby authorized.. sUbject to cq$liance wi'ththe same 'pr=edure established by the City for the expenditure of fundS by other agencies I 'and departments of, the City subject to .budgetary contibl. SeCtion 4. As requir,ed; ,py the, Carmunity Redevelopnent Taw, the Agency .shall fHe with the Cit'y C~cil a detailed report of all of its transactions with ,I. resPect t,o ,th~ caimunity Redevelopi\ent Agency Administratiye Food, includi'ng a statement of ail revenues aild expendi!tures, qo less than annually . L ,I' 'I 'I 1\ '219 I Resolution No. R-86-l2 Pi:!ge 2 [' I ,: Section 5. The protx>sed 1986-1987 Fiscal Year Budget for tqe, cCmnwiity _.' .:.w Redevelopnent Agency is hereby amended as follows: ,,".; ..,", I (Al REVENUE AMENCMENTS I Anount of Revenue l"llnd Explanation oj Revenue Adjustment ~criptibn Revenue J\iIlenclment (InCreaSe:+!Decrease: - l ,I I (Bl ,EXPENDITURE: AMENCMENTS Object or AAoUOt of Project Budget Department EKPl,anation of E><periditure Ajustment I 'Code and ActivRy EXpenditure /\mendment (Inctease:,+!Decrease: - l I NEl' 'IDTAL EXPmDIWRE ,J\MENDMEN'IS -0- Il{ . , '. Section '6. Th~ Capital ~rovement Projects of the Pc/,<Jay RedevelO!:inent Agency, I' are in conformance With the City of Pavay CanprehensivePlan as governed. by Soction 6540'2 of the California GOVernment c:cde. I Section 7. The Redevelopjlel1tAgencY hereby authorizes a continuing approp- riation for the balaIices reraining in Capital ~rovement Projects actIve as of JUne .3,0", 1986, and, directs that the authorized appropriati,o!l shall be brought forward to be used in the fiscal year, 1986-8T'Capital ~rovement Project I program or until the <:arpletion of these projects. PASSED, ADOPl'EDAND APPROVED, by ,evelopnent Agency of the City of .. l'cMay, California, at a regular meeting er f this, 24th, day of June, 1986. , " I R; Kruse, ATI'EST:, I 'l 'l. '" ./ -, L L--J. : ) :l ~~ A- \;,,- k ~~.~, ,,~ t::..,u...._ Marjorie K. wahl!>ten, Secretary I l - I I. -." I! 221 I . RESOlilTIOO, NO.. R-86-19 RES0UJTIOO OF 'IHE PC1iIll.Y REDE:VEI:BPMENTAGENCY [!\MENDING 'IHEANNUAL lllJD3El' FOR I ','" '," FIscAL ,YEAR ,1986-1987 AND . .' APPROPRIATING 'IHEFUNDS NOCEssARY 'ID ,~c"MEET'.'IHE EXPENQITURES SEl' FORI'H ,THEREiN ,I, WHEREAS, the Redevelop:nent Agency of the City of Pdway approved, the 1986-198'7, Fiscal Year ~ating and Capital, Improvement Budget on 'June 24, 1986; :1 and' '" , WHEREAS, the financial plan provides for. the appropriation of mSnies for 'I, Capital Improvenerit Projects; and , . " , WHEREAs, fo~lawing the da:te of the adoption of.: the' 1986-1987 bu4get, the I City of l'cMay/Redevelopnegt !\gencyreceived ~pproval of' the bond iSsues and pro-' , ceeds therefran;and WHEREAs, the issUance of t.i>X. all=ation bondS' in August, 1986 has, provided I' the l'owaY RedeYelop:nent Agency with ,a<iditional funds to be used' for, Capital , Improv6!lent ProJects; and I . NCW! 'THEREFORE, the Redevelop:nent Agency of, the, City of l'cMay does hereby FIND, DETERMINE AND DECIARE as follows: Section 1: The 198"6...,1987 Fiscal Year Redevelop:nent, Agency Capital Il""~ Improvanent Budget. is amended as follows: , , (A) REVENUE A.'1ENIlMENIS I ~.~ , Revenue Fund Exi?lanationof' Revenue Adjustment' " ~cription Revenue Amendment (Increase:+!Decrease:-) 'I Redevelop:nent 'Fuqd TaX AllOcation Bond, Pr=eeds, ':t $4,c737,65'7 I, CarrnuniEy Develop- , ment Bl=k Grant Gran,t Rev~ue + 57',614 ,I .' Net .TOtal 'Revenue Amendinerits + $4,795,271 (Bl EXPENDITURE '!\MENDMENl'S I Am:Junt 'qfExpenditure . Activity Explanation of Mjust:merlt 11 Pi::oiect Cooe Classification ExpenditureAlrenrnrent (Increase:+!Decrease:-) ,Streets and Twin .peaks ,.., L' . 5201 Highways 'Improyenerits ;l- $ 4,200 Ii 'Streets and Midland Road 5204 Highways Improvements +. ,99,'206 I ' I II' :222 Resolutiqn No. R"86-19 :1 Page 2 [." Anpunt of EXpenditure I " Activity Explanation of Adjilstment ,~.'" Project Code Classification Expenditure Amendment (Iricr.eaSe:+tDecrease:-) Streets and Midland Road Sooth I 5213 Highways Extension. + $ 594,880 streets and, Carmunity, .Road 'I 5214 Highways ' Widen.in.g + 87,650 Streets and Panerado'Road ,I 5215 Highways Soundwall + 1,057,614 Streets and 5216 H,ighW1!YS Mark, Stevens. Road + 35,000 I Traffic Stone Canyon/}anerado 5302 Signals. Traffic Signal + .no,ooo ,I Traffic CarrnunityRd./Aubrey st. Signal!> . 'W . 110,000 5303 Traffic Signal + I Gover=ent l , 5504 Buildings l'cMay High StadiUll1 + 350,000 Goverriment '!Win Pe3ks Multi- I 5507 ,Buildings p.rrpose ROan + 350,000 Parks and I 5602 Open Space Hidland Road Park + 250,000 CCmner.cial , I 5901 Revitalization Revitalization + 796,721 Hoosil!g I 5950 Revitalization Rev,itali zation + ~50,000 Total capital Improvement Program, + $4,,795,271 The'amended 1986-];987' Fiscal Year .Qipit<!l IJriProvanent, Project I Section ,2: BUdget as attached to thts resolutIon is Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by I reference is hereby amended and adopted. - Section 3: The Executive Director is authorized to rrake such changes in the I operating arid capital improYenent budget, totals during the 1986:".1987 f:i:scal year ~ he ;nay:, fran time to time, dean desirable and ,necessary in order to meet the [,. City's 'needS.. ,. I 1 I 22-3 I :Resolution No. R786-19 Page 3 ['~ . I 'Section 4: ~e loanfran the City: is amended to $440,000 approPFiated. to " j the Cartnunity,Redevelopnent Agency Fund for capital llnprovementexpenditures' of " tJ:ie ,Agency,as set forth il1 ,~id budget, is ha:~y: ~cceptedby the Agency and '..-. I, the Agency agreeS to pay int~~t 'thereon at the riite of 8% per annum. The ,Agency '1-c!mowledges that said loan constitutes an indebtedr}ess of the Agegcy within the meaning of Article 6, Chapter 6, of! the California Carniilnity , ' . I ,RedevelbpnentLaw, Section 5: The Capital ImproVement Projects of the PcMay Redevelop-ment Agency are in conformance with, the City ot'PcMay: e:;anprehensive pIan 'as'governed I; by Section 65402 of the California Goveirnment Cede. , . . Section 6: only thbSe portions specifically addressed in this amending reso- I lutioh ate ,to be considered 'as btldget amendm~ts. All other aspects of the I:iJ.dget ad~ption resolution renaih in force. PASSED, ADOPTED ~ APPROVED, !:2y the .,REdevelopnent Agency, at a regu- I" .lar ,meeting thereOf this 14.th gay of O:;toberU~6. , ,,~z.--- I c Kruse, Chairman 'I {,', I\Tl'EST: I (;' 'jJ,-~q..::J }\" ; t,L,J,1c~ I'Marjorie K. Wahlsten, Seere, I I I , I 'I: [, l I I I I I I I I 'I '1 I' I, I I I I '. I ,I ,APPENDIX C CHARI' OF EXPENSE, PCCCXJNl'S AND DEFINITIcm :1: .' 226 .EXPENsE ID::i:IJNT DEFINITIOOS I PERSONNEL SERVICE. Salaries, wages and fees for personnel services' not involving I ~ . - - the furnishing of l]aterials. 110 Salaries -Reqular. CaripehSation paid q,reg14ariy enployed personnel on ,I the City's payroll, assigned payroll number Cl!1d subjeetto norm?lpayroll deductions, such. cornpensatiq,n includes stand-,by (eall-out), pay, pararrecl.ic pay, ,shift'" differential, etc. I III Salaries ~ Special. Salaries paid to Councilmemberl? and, any others not subject to the majority of the normal gayroll deductions. 112 Salaries -, Part -Time. Wa,ges paid to enployees who are classified as I 'part -'timE:i employees. 113 Salaries - .Overtime. portioll of; the salary sUbdect to premium pa1'.. :1 114 Salaries -, Tanporary. Wa,ges paid to enployees cla,ssified as temporary enplp1'ees'. ;1 120 Fringe Benefits. City ,paid, benefits such as PERS, nealthihsurance, con- ' , pensation .insuranceand other benefits as negotiated in ,the MQU's. I 121 Workers Canpensation Benefits. TOtal City paid ~rker:s cappensation benefits. This'accounj: is used ohly in the Risk r-Bncl.genent. Division. 'I 122 Health Life Benefits. TOtal City paid heal,th and life insurance and other benef its. ,This acc,ount' is used only in ,the 'RiskManagerent :Divisioh. " 123 'Retirerent, Benefit. TQtal city pa~d PERS contribution, 'I:'hisaccount is ' ",' used only in the Risk Manageneht bivision. l 130 'Temporary Services. Cost of: outSide temporary .persol}Ilel lUred on an '!as needed" basis. 131 Volunteer Service. :Vo;Lunteer ~rkei's,suchas volunteer firefighters, on I, call for fire suppression. 140 City AttorheyFees. Canpensation paid to the, city Attorney. I 191 Legal Fees. Cdnpensation paid to lawyers other. than the City Attorney 'for legal advice. " 142 Li tigation - City Attorney. Canpensation paid to the Ci"ty Attorney to repre,sent the City in court appearances. I 143 Building ,Inspection. cgrpensation paid for providing building insP.€'Ction servJ:ce. .1 I I I :227 I .144 Audit Service. Canpensation p3idto cer;tifiedpublic accountants 'and other oUtside accountants engagoo by CounCil . ' I 145 cata Ff=essihg Consultant. Canpensation ,paid 'to data pr=essing cOn- sultants . I, 146 Litigation - Other Attorneys.. &:inpegsation paid to attorneys other than , the city Attorneytorepresentth'e City in cour.t appearances. I 147 Chemical Anaiysis. ~sation pard, tochanist:;; aqdother sCientists t:or analytical work. 1:48' Special Studies. COSt of' specia).studies and analysis performed by out- I side consultants and other professionals for specif ic' programs, e.g., personnel stup.y, needs asseSsri1eht study, etc. I 160 Engineering. Canpensation pafdto engineers for general setVices not otherwise classified. '1 161 Water Project Engineering .. CanpenSC!tion Paid to engineers for wat:er prqjects. 162 SBv'er Proiect Engineering. eanpensation paisl to engineers for' sewer. pro- " jects. I 163 .Traffic Eilgineering. Canpensation paid to engineers for traffic -, projects. 164 Land Developnent Eilgineerihg. Canpen;oation paid to engineers for land ,I develo(inent analysis including right-of-way engineering. 165 'Construction 'Engineering. Canpensatfon paid to engineers for construc- tion surveys, m:iterial and canpaction testing and cqnsultation etc., I ti.m,t == during the construction phaSe. 199 Other Professional Fees. Other senrices not otherwise classified ,such I as elect~on fees, ccxlification,survE7ying" etc. UTILITIES, TRANSPORmTIOO AND CCMMUNICATIOOS SERVICES'. utilities, allowances in I lieu of; City' cars, Cit'y fleet CCY.?ts " travel and' sUbSistence allowances'"advertis- ing, recrui tmeilt and postage. 210 Gas and. Electricity. PaY!fiSlt for eleCtricity' and. 'gas ,used for general I purpose activities; hot otherwise' classif ied to provide lighting, h~ting and power. I 211 :Natural Gas. Cost of' fuels such as propane and Hquid natural gas. 212 Water - ,Interagency,. Cost of water purchased fran the City by'Landscape I Maintenance Districts.. I I :228 I 213 Water Purchases. Cost ,of :ooying ralq' water for resale, ,I 214 Water storage Adiustment. Account used by Finance annually to adjust . water inventory to the '~ctual level. I 215 Telephone. Cost: ofteIephorie charges for service" installation, J=a1 - and .long distance calls', and cost of seng,in.g telegraIllS' '. 216 Trash Raro"al. CoSt of, =ntract to ranove trash. 217' GaSoHne ,and Diesel FUel. Cost of gaso~ine' and. dieseifuel purchased for I. use in City vehiCles and equipnent. 218 Signal PoNer. Cost of electricity used for traffic sj,gpals, I 219 Street Safety Light and PoNer. Cost of electricity to provide safety lighting on ,city streets. 220 Capacity ~ penasquitos System. Charges paid. to the City of San Diego for I effluent through this system. 221 Capacity - Metro systEm and Maintenance and Operation. Same as 220 and ,I includes, related rraintenance and operations. 222 Capacity - Bernardo System. Same as 220. I 229 . Tciemetry. Telephone ;1ine lease charges ahd electricity cost for signal 'transmission invOlving measurement and control of water and sewer pump 'I stations. 230 other utility Charges, Minor utility chargeS for gas, electriCity, ,- t~lephone, .wat~ trash ranoval etc',' where 'Specific identification of ser- Vl.ce' type i!> not nec:es,sary" ' 240 Pumping PoNer - plant. utility chargeS for pumping .to water or sewer' I' facility~ , 242 PumpingPoNer - Lake, 'utility charges for pumping water to this loca- I 'tion. ' 243 Pumping PoNer - r.D. 1. Utility charges for pumping water through this .pump stafion location to serve the util!ty com;ulner~,. Th~e costs are I passed on ,to the consumers as apUIJlPing ,charge on the utility bill and returned to the (;ity as reverlue. 244 Puri1ping ~er- St., ~ew:" '. Uti:i:it~ chargeJ~o~ J?umping I'lastewater .1 through thiS' pump statwn locatwn to serve the ut~ll.ty consumers. These co13ts are passed on to the consumers as a purriping charge on the utility I bill and returnro to the City as revenue. I I I .' 2'2'9 I 245 Pumping' ~'I.D. 4. Same as 243. I 246 Pumping ,Power - Camino Del. Valle, Same. as 244. 24.7 PurrPing Power - orchard A-'73. Same as 243. .' 248 PurrPing Power - Doilait. Sail'e as 243. 249 Pumping Power ..., Convair 'and Padre. Same as 243. I 250 Pun'ping Power - Filtration Plant. Same as 243. 252 PurrPing paver - Camel Back. Same as' 243. I 253 PurrPing'PoNer - Delponiente. Same 'as 244. I ,254 Pumping Power - Woodcliff. Same as 243. 2GO Reimbursed Mileage. r-bnel' .paid to City staff and others for use of 'their I' own veh,icles 'on a time basis or rrdleage basi~ es~lished by the Council. This pa~t represents either a mileage re~ursement or a car allowance paid :to designated employees in lieu of an assigned City vehicle. r, 262 Vehicle Operations. In~housecost of fuel charged to8ity departrnentsr I divisions. I 263 Vehicle Maintenance. Labor, materials, parts and other costs assqciate(l' with mainte.naJ15:e of City-awnedvehicles.. '!bese costs are nOnnal1y in..., house cha,rges by th~ city I s vehide,an9, El::Juipnent Maintenance Division . to other City departrrents!divisions. This account is also used oythe I Vehicle ahd El:Iillpnent MaiI.1tenance Division to acquire parts ~d materials to provide ,trieS€! services., '!bisaccount. is also used by the !:;heriff I s Departrreiit for outside maintenance. ''!he charges to this account are ~I scrutinized by Finance and the Budget Ccmnittee. Transfer requests are discouraged. 264 Vehicle Rental. Fate paid to recover the anticipated replacarent cost of, I Ci tY'''''OWned vEilii<::les. '!be charges to th:l~ account are scrutiniied by Finance; and budget transfer requests are discouraged.. . ' I 270 .Travel and Meetings" Costs 'of attending, meetings, semi~~, conferences or Workshops. Such charges ,inClude mea}s', transportation, lodging, registration fees, etc. . 280 Advertising. Advertising, expense for public notices. 281 Recruibrent. :Expen~esass=ia1ied with hitingand pranotil}g ernp19yees, I such as fingerprinting, advertising, testing and costs ass=iateCi with intepvie~'boards. , 282 Postage. Mailing expense including parcel post. 'J I .' '.. 230 I CCJNTRACTtJi\L SERVIcEs. Labor and. llI3.tetials contracted for outside, the division, I medical exams i sUbscriptions, rrenberships, prarotional cOsts. 30'5 ContraCt. ,LandscaPe Maintenance. Cost of contractual llI3.intenance for' I LandScape Districts. 311, printinq. C95tSpai.'d to outsIde fi.irnS for printing, oindin9'J ana dupli- I catil1g. 3~2 Janitorial ServiCes. Payments to out!>ic.'le firms for providing these I services. 313 UnifoDllS, Laundry'andDry Cleaninq. Co.sts,toPurchase,unifoDllS; laundry and dry cleaning of fabrics inchrling unifODllS, draperies, cleaning rags" ,I etc. 314 Ccmmunity .Relations. Costs of' decorative and orarotional llI3.terials used' I < . to pUbliCize the City, including such things as. plaques,. pr=l~tions', flowers', school ;safetypatrol, etc, 315 Publications and Dues. P?lyments. for subscriptions to journals, news- 'I .papers aqd 'purchase of books and other-pamphlets to prarote the: inter-' change of. i'deas, rrenbersnip fees and ass=iated costs for officials and key employees to attend, various municipal organizations to prorote the I interci1ange bf ideas ..Also used, for the d ty 'Si memJ:ieiship in th~ 5aI1le' type of organizations. 3+6 M2dical Exams. c:osts for per,iodic physical exarniriations required. by, the I 'City for City employees 'and for. prosPective emp19yees.. 3i7 Education and Training. Used for training at l=al colleg~~" for ,guest I lectures and educational filmS where overnight travel is not inclUded. 318 Leisure Contracts. CostS paid to ogtsid~ recr.eation leadersfoi" ,pro- grainS'. . TheSe expenses are offset by revenue generated ;by these programs. I 319, Animal Abatffient. ContraCtual,agr~nt, for reiroVal of dead ~ill1als, animal regulatio!,\, and animal control. ,I 320 Oltside. Efi\erqency ASsistance. UsedlSy Safety Services' for cO!'ts th?t are paid to other agepcies fbr their aSsistance at a fire' or chemi:cal spins I such as costs including meals,support, etc, 321 Ccmmunity safety. Contract costs: wfth the county Slleriff's Department for police protection. Also includes other costs; ass=iated wi~ police I ,protection. 322 ,DispatCh Contract. Contract cost .with the City of San Diego's Fire I ,Departrrent f,or dispatch service. I I I I 231 I 323 TuiUon. Reimbursanent, Cost of reiri1l:Jursing City staff for. fees paid to ~ucational institutions, This account is used, only fn the Personnel I' D~vision ,~d adniinistered in accordanc~ w~th the City's tuition reimbur..., . sanent po1J.cy.. , 324 Nuisance Abatement. Cost of soil sterilization and/or weed abatanent I an~/6r vehicle abataI1ent at off.""5treet lOcations deaned to ,be a public nu~sance. '1' 325 V~icle R~~ion. ~ts ass=~f:ted with traffic citation proc::essing, , btcycle hcenswg program, and toWing ~rqgram. 'I' 331 R&r:I B1;rilding, 9=ts j'lSs=iated With repair an9. rraintenance of the City's bmldihgs and s,tructm:es. 33,2 R&M Air Conditioning. (bsts ass=iated with the repair and rraintenance . of;the City"s air conditioning, heating, and ventilatioh uriits. , , 333 R&M Elevator. Costs associated with the repair and rraintenance of the '.City;!.s elevator, I 334 ~ El:juipnent. Costs ass=iated with th~ repair and rraintenance of City equipnentnot otherwise classified. This account includes the cost of, t serylce/rraintehanceagreeroents , ' . 335 R&M outside Vehicle Repair. Repai!r of vehicles and equipnent perfonned I by outside shop!> for the Vehicle and .Equipnent Mainteqance ,Division. 336 R&M playground, El:juipnent. Costs 'ass=iated.with, the repair and' rrain- tenance cif playgroUnd equipnent. .' 337 R&M Radios. Costs of coo,tract tq repair and inaintain radios and ass=- iated radio equipnent. Also. 'includ~ related inaterials .and, supplies. I 338 .~ Fire Hydrants.. Costsass=iated witi1repair and rraintenance of City ftre hy!kants. I 350 R&M Trees, Sidewalks and Barricades. Trim and/or tree raroval ,repair , and/or replace concrete. sidewalks alld curbs, repair and/or replace road~ side guardrails. I 351 R&M Siqnals. Contract se;vices with. private .firm for City traffic ,signals 'anda.ssociated flashers. Service inc1udes'"but is' not 1imiteq I' t9, repair and rraintenance of signals, S9-fety lights, street lights and , kn=k-oown repair. 354, R&M Street Striping'. Contract service for striping roadway traffic I lanes, islandS', and bike lanes.. .' . 355 R&M Roadway. Coo tract for patching, repairing and S;urfacing roadways. I' This also inelUdes major repair and l!Bintenance of the roadways ,not otherwise classified. I I 232 I 356 ,Street Repairs: ..."SB 300, TO a.ccountfor, eligible street' repairs finan9ed I by the City'sSB 300 all=atfon. 357 Pavement. Evaluation., ,Engineering study of roadWi3.Y condition for priority I of repair'. 358 Street Sw=eping, Contr:act cost for providlng street sweeping service. ,I 360 <::ontractInsped:ion. Special engineering inspections on contracted pri-' vate or I?ublic improvem:nt. I 363 Plan Check and M3p pr=essinq. CO!ltract engineering costs for checking ahdpr=essing plans and speicH ications to dete:ctnine conformance with City,reguirements and specifications. ;1 364 Envirol'lllEntal impact Review-Plans. Contract costs for review of plans for environmental consideration. This expense is offset by ~evenue .for '. environm:mtal iIj1pact. plan fees., 370 other Contractual. SerVices Reimbursed. other contractual services which represent a "pass through" account and reimbursed serVices not otherwise I classified,suc~ as knock, down' repair. 399 other Contractual Services. 'All contractual services not assigned. to one I ofithe .j:oregoil1g: desfgnatiol1s'. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES. Expel1dable items useq by city depar.~ts having a mcne- I tary value, of less 'than' '$100.00 or which areJ entf-rely consumed or, are fastenel to , . -' a scructure or real property to becane part of such item. 411 ,Office & Stationery Supplies,. Cons1.IIl'able items' used,. in an office, such I <lli paper, pens,ribbol1s, nOte' pads, etc., 412 Janitorial Supplies. ThoSe. items used fgr cl~ing such as rags, ,mops, I: DrOCms, 'SOap, cleaners, et.c. Al,so, cOl1sUll'able items ,suCh 'as' paper tOwels, soap, etc. 413 Photoqraphic, and Phot=opy 'Supplies. OO~s~te items: used' for ,ph6to~ ,I c:fraphy arid phot=OPy pr=essing'. 414. Medical Supplies. ConsUll'abl~, items, such as ban9<tges, oxygen and other I first afd items. This account is used prirrarily.oy ,the Pariimedics. 416 Safety Supplies, Supplies used in safety programS. I 417 c:perating Supplies. suppl'ies used for maintenance arld operations of city-awiled property, including items which are unique to each activity. I . 418 Trout St=k. Coot of'st=king trout in the, lake. 'I I I I 233 I, 419 Other Fish St=k. Cost of. st=king all other Usl} except- trout, .in the lake. I 420 SnaIl Tools. Hand tools" ,rreasurihg tools, and other tools and instru- !\Ents valued at' less than $ioo.'oO and' often portable.' I 421 Landscaping ,SUpplies. LandscaJ?€ and plaqting .mater,ials and supplies. 422 Elnployee AwardS. Awards presented to errployees in; recognition of their I services and other special awardS. 423 Chemicals. Cost of, acquiring chemical,s. This accoUnt is primarily used I by publ:ic Services for water or sewage treatnent. 441 street Surface Repair. Materials and supplies .used to 'repair and main- tain rpadways" sfdewalks, curbs, and center medians, etc. I 442 Storm Repair & Cleanup. Materials used to repair darr\3.gescaused by stormS . I 443 CUlvert Cleaninq. Materials and supplies used to Clean and repciir culvefts, st()rm drains and other waterways. I 444 Siqn Maintenance. Mater,ials aiid supplies USed for signs and billboardS resurfacing and construction, I 445' ,MiscerIaneolis Construction Materials. Consti:ucticin ,materials n<:>,t other- wise classified. 446 Overs'izinq Aqreerrerit. Materials aruj s;upp:):ies ,used to enlarge lines I beyond riormal parameters. 499 Other' .supplies and Materials Not' Classified. Materials and supplies ,not I otherwiSe prope:cly classified above. FIXED CHARGES , DEBT AND arHER COSTS. 'Rents, insurance, bond charges ahd .fees, I uncolleetibles, transfers and other experises riot otherwise Classified. Also, expenses for, redevelopnent. I 511 FlJuipi1ent Rental. !,ayment to rerit machinery and equ.iprerit including such itemS ,as trenchers., backhoe, et9' 51.2 Rent -Buildinqsand GroundS. Payment to rent facili ties buHdings and J groundS inCluding, storage facilities. 513 Rent ~'Office Equiprent and Other Equipnent, Payrrent to rent office fur~ I niture and equipnei1t, including such items as desk, typewriter, etc. 514 Lease, Purchase. Payments' lll3.de to use and obtain equiprrent. per' a I, cOntract. I I " I 2'34 ,515 Intergovernmei1tal ,Fees. 0 Re9U1oltory f~ 'tq the State of California, I Ci:llilty of San Diego or 9ilier governmental 'agencies. 521 Uninsured claims. Payment of the City's cost 'for claims. I 522 Insurance Expense. Pranfuins for insurance and boI}dSother than fringe benef it insurance programs. I, 523 other Fees',. Includes fio~cal ag~t fees associated with bond issues', or bondpr=essing, taxes, or other fixed costs. ;1 524, Interest and Pr,incipal 'E:xpense. Payment of interest arid principal oq bonCi issue, note and othef' debt. 5,25 Tax Increnent - county principal Payment. Expense 'of the Redevelopnent I Agency in accordance with an agreement 'with the county of San Diego. 531. Expense Credits. TO record transferS and expense reallocations not I ochePWiseclarified. 532 Uncollectibles. 'Bad debt, write""0ff . I 54'1 Cash Over/Uilder. ACcount used by cashiers unable to balance till. 542 Refuild. Reimbursement of oVeJ:Payment due to error; mistake or anission. I 551 Administrative Overhead. TO reCord expenses for overhead and surcharges. 552 EJepreciation. The., portion ,of :the cost of ,a 'fixed 'asset charged' as an I expense. 555 <Capital Oltlay Rental. Fate paid to recover ,the ,ant'fcipated replacanerit ,I cost of City-owned ,~pnent. The charges to this account are scrutin~ ized by Finance, and bud~et transfer r€queSts are discouraged. I '558 Relocation, Assistance., ,Eiq?enseS inCtirroo to ,help relocate businesses an;i. res.iClents reqw.rEi:J. to rove by City/Redevelopnent Agencyimprovanent projects. :. 560 Redevelopnent AqencY Administrative Cost. An account used to accumulate Redevelopnent Agency costs. I '574 'Redevelopnent Agency Lonq-Term Debt Princip3l. Expense fcir principal paYment of Redevelopnent Njency debt,. 580. Unappropriated. Reserves... 'Funds set aside by tiudgetactionfor all=ation ~I, at a .1ater date. 581. Transfers to Other FundS. Movsnent of res9urces betw.een f@ds. I 582 Clearinq AccoUnt. Account used by Finance. I I 'I I 235 I CAPITAL aJTIAY; ,& F:bCED ASSEl'S, B:Iuipnent, land, "buildings aiidother assets w):l,iS:\1 retain their identity- when in use. El:1W,[:riient and tools valued at $100.00 or l~s ,_ , an. d/.or with an anticipated useful life of less than one (1) year should be expensed ~n, the 400 ,series. 601 .TelecarrnunicationsEquipnent. B:Iuipnent used to send .or receive data. ,1. Ihc~Udest. r. adios, transceivers", m:Jdems, antennae, teleX andteiephQne equtpnen . ' I 605 PhotogfaphicEquipnent. B:Iuipnent "used to take; develop or display pic- , tures, sUdes 'or film. includes cameras, CciirCorders, slide projectors, - and like items. I 611 Office Equipneht. Officerrachines, tYP,ewriter.s ,adding machines:,. calcu~ lators., chec~ writers and' such other EqUipnent and machines as are .required to facilitate office prOCedure; desks, chairs ,beds, tables, 1 standS, file qillin,ets.' ,:, pictures, rugs', carpets" ,clocks,audio visual equipnent and like items. , 615' Paramedi:c, Equipnent. Includes biCllledical equ1pnent use:! ,by the City's I' paramedics. 62lAJitos' and Trucks. .Autaro15iles,.trucks,. ,trailers,. ,rrotorcycles and all I autarotive eqiJ.ipnent not li!>ted elsewhere. 622 Other Equipnent. Equipnent not 'otherwise classified. I 62-3 construction & Street Maintenance B:Iuipnent . Tractors, power shovels , ,CFanes, rrobile hoists, air canpressors',and ,similarmachi'nes, 'includillg ,the vehicle carrying or supporting such items;' street cleaning equipnen:t~ :1 626 Fire Fiqhtinq Apparatus. :Fire trucks" rescue vehicles, salvage trucks" fire eXt.inguisheis.,speeial vehi:cles or other items not listed elsewhere that are prOcured for the primary purpose of extinguishing fires, I i~fluding vehicles for rrovement of fire fighting personnel and their equipnent. I 631 Fire HOSes.. firehose of all sizes when in tl)e handS of the .Fire Depart- ment. Wl:ien used :for otherpurposes,such ,as fluShing streets, snould be in 623 category. I ,640 .Traffic' Controls. . Signs ,and, signalS used, for directional or speed control of vehicl~; iflcludes Parking limitat~on signs, including attached lights an'!. lamps ,;n,~ ;:':-lffic signals, and blinkers. I 642 Street L1qht' Replacement. 'Street lights, their standanls, arms, lamps, starters" ballaSts, and other pi;U'ts, used for street and walk 'illUl1!ina- I ti9nwhenplaced between. propert., y lines, in. citY-'OWned streets; when OOhind 'property lines, these are part of such propei't:y. _ 643 Street Light other. Other street equ1pnenL I ~ I I 236 I 644 Atl11eticEquf[:lllerlL , Line;,rrarkers i signal gUns' for games, hurdles, Pac);:- I stops and other silnilar items when portable or IlObil,e. 645 Iaboratory Equf[inent. Scientific instruments. I 646 Piirk Equi[:lllerlt. fuk benches, picnic tables, barbeCues. 651 Shop Tools. Tools and a:wipnent used in the, shop. I , 652 r-tilile Tools. Equipnent,Iiriunted on wheels for' ease of IlOvement" but not I inclUding those in othet' categories abov,e (623 l.. ~ chippers; rotary tiller, 'lawnnowers, triiriners', etc., would cane under this heading. . 653 Other Tools and Equipnent. Those items not otherwise classified. .' 662 Mains and Appurtenances . Mains, m3.nh61es, covers, and structures. 666 Drainage structures. Dit'ches" culverts and undergr()Ul1d pi~ for rove-, I rnent of" storm waters . 671 Land. Land valued at IlOre than, $1,000..00. 'I 672 ,Buildings. A structure of three' or irore Walls and a roof, capable of housing personnel" equi[:lllerlt or rrachinery, val~e of rore than $500.00. I 673 Mfscellaneous Structures. A special category for reserv6ir:s, bridges, sw'ifuning pools, an4 parkigg lots. I 676. PLibHc Trans1tFixtures. 'Bus benches and shelters. 681 Streets, Sidewalks, and Trails . Land pr=ured and improvements thereon I for the royEfuent,bf. people on foot or in, vehicles, iqcluding bike .lSUles and 'Felated drainage, utility use, includes ,aU portions dedicat'ed to pililic use. '. 691 Noh-StructtitalImpfovenents. Fences, their gates and parts, walls not supporting roofs. 692 Trees and. Landscaping, Trees, sl1rubs;plants;" etc . that are part of a I tot<dprojectEor I:leautffication of groundS, either' alone or at building,. 699 ,Other. ASsets , Those'not properly classified in a foregoingclassifica- I bon. ASSESSMENT DrSTRICT :~. Charges .for rraintenance, r~pairs, contractual "I services 'and other ,rratet'ials and supplies needed to rraintain the assessment districts. I 710 ASsessment Distr,ict 83":1. Costs aSs=iated with rraintainingthis specificli3ndScape rraintenance. assessment district, whi<;:h includes 'I Rancho Arboli tos, Barratt and Standard l?acif ictracts " I I: I 237 I 711 Assessnent. District 83-2, Costs ass=iated with. maintaining this SpeCifiC, 'landScape, mai,nteqance' assesSment district"which, ,includes the I Sun~ fracto I ,DEPOSIT JlCCOONTS". costs for deposit accounts collected for engineering 'and inspection bY Public Services Departffieht. 810 Grading Plan Check. ~9Vets ,all City charges' for grading plan review I <-including consultants). 81:2 Giading Inspection. Ail City charges for grading:inspectiop (in!==luding I ,Consultants),. 814 Final 'Map CheCking. All city charges for checking maps, processing ,required fbnns; etc' (inCluding consultants); I 816 IIrprovement Plan Checking. All City charges for improvement plan ,r::<;!view('includihgconsul tants )., I 818 IIrprovemant Inspection. Ail City charges for ins'pection of iinp~ove- ments (including consultants). I 820 l3ctll1daryACIiustment Review. ,All City charges .for review of Bdmdary AdjustJneiilt, Certificates of Canpliailce, certificate of canpliance for parcel Map' WaiVer, MerSjer wit,tl,out parcel map. a 822 Miscellaneous Engineering Requests. All City costs for stay applica- tion request; street or easement vacation; special tentative .map pro- cessing, ('BSI.costs);. temporary .saver and. water applications. , ., I 824 Securi tyDeposi ts (Cash). eash deposits to secure construction of required iinprovemants (ll!Clybe total security or' in canbination with I bond,leEter of cred:i:t-, 'etc.'}',. 826 County Deposits Unclassif ied. Cas9 deposits remitted to the City fran 'the c~ty and lacking detail for all=ation by type of expense I category. I 999 SJSPENSE'l\CCaJNT . Acc.ount used 0111y'by the Finance Division. I I I I I .. I .1 I I I I I I I I I: I , . ,. I I I I APPENDIX D I CHART' OF REVENUE JICCCUNrs. AND DEFINITI,ONS I I, 240' <. REIimJE JlIXDJNT DEFINlTIOOS I TAXES AND ~SES: Revenue in the 7000 ,series represent, taxes, on retail I Sales, property taxes; franchises or h~d (roan) tax... M:lSt of. the taxes in this category are paid directly to the City py the unit that eollect'sthe tax. I 7010 Property Tax ,- Current: Secured andunsecuted. property tax alloca~ to the City by the coUnty .at the rate of 1% of the assessed value of' the pr?~y,.p:T~ht:s are'made to the, City ab9ut']:4 t1m:s aY,ear wi~ I the '!ffi.Jonty pa~d w DecernbeI' and Apnl. ~nnally property Value is antiCipated to grow (Le.., igflatelat 2% of the prior year's Values. 7012 Ptoperty Tax - Delinquent: Secured and unsectrred pr6pertYtaxe~ that I ~re, levied in prior .tax year(s), but were not paid when levied. Ai:; . the County coiiects these late taxes, it is paid to the City. 7013 SuppYemental "Tax Roll: Secured and llpsecured, property taxes generated .' ftcin supplemental assessrrents which 'are the result of increases in assessed valuation du.e to changes of CMl1ership or new construction aild I are billed at the tll1]e .of their =currence. 7015 Haneowners' Property Tax Exemption: A $7,000 exernp. ' tion provided for ~n '1 the state Constituticin. The exemption is deducted fron the full Value of the dwelling unitfron the tax bill paid by the citizens. The State ' then reimburses the County who, in turn,rE;!irr,tbUrsesthe city for the loss cif: revenue. The exemption. is constitutionally guaranteed to ,the I taXpayer, but the reimburserrent to the City is subject to annual budget review' by th,e State. 7016' Business Inventory Subvention: Once businesses paid a tax on their I inventory on a specific date. This tax is no longer paid by busin~sses. The city is .reImbursed for thisreveque loss subject to annual budgetapprovill by the Stolte. State law i'sphasing' out this .' revenue source over a,5-yearperiod. 7017 Other Tax Roll Items: This is 'a series of miscellaneous taxes I cOlleCted by the county an<i Wid to the, City on personal property , iilclLiding such itemsastrail~rs, race horses,and aircraft. ' 7018 Trailer License Fees - Property Tax~ Motor' tJ::ailer license fee revenue I collected by tQ", Sitate, of' Ccl.lifomia fion trooire hone oWners not, on the ' : currept' tax roll. 7020 Franchises: Revenues for use of public tight""0f-way o,lC exclusiye, right I to, furnish gas, eleCtricity, cable television, and other utilities to ,-' . ., . - -' - - .,- --. - ,-' " the City. 'The"se taxes are ,pa.id toth5lCity~. terly by the two larger, I' franch~ses and ,annually by the smaller franch~se. I I 'I I '241 I 7022 Sales ,Tax: '!' portion of the statewide, ~es tax co,11ected by 'busi- , nesse? and paJ.d to the State.'j'he State rern.ts a portJ.On, of the tax to th,~ City each 'rronththen; periodicai1y, (quaJterly in most cases) 'I' 'adjusts the payments tb"actual" amounts. The ~ iSJ?C!id to the city based on poirit ,of sale collections. eurrentlythe l=al allocation is Ii percent with 1 percent being remitted to cities and the additipnal t , percent ,earrriarked for transportation fundS to counties . I 7024 Transient Cl=upani::y'TaX:' A tax collected fran hotel-iJOte1 guests ,as a perce[ltage of their rocih rate. The tax, is collected by the hotel-iJOtel I CMler and r:emitted quarterly to the city. 7026 Real property Transfer Tax: Tax imposed, on the' transfer of' 'real pro- I perty at a rat,e per dollar value of, sale. This tax is collected and , paid to the City throU9hout thE! year as part of the 14 tax increm=nt payments. I 7031 Taxes, - Subzone 1: property' tax coliections witl!in ,this area for drainage, flood contro~, etc., used for operations and maintenance. I 7032 Taxes - Zone 1: Property tax conections within 'this area used for capital projects and debt service. . LICENSES AND PERMITS -Revenue in' the 7100 series represents c;cillections for licenses and Pennits issued direcUy ,by the City or by the ci:ty for another goverriIrental unit. I 7111 AnirncilLicehSes : Licenses i,ss,!led tg regulat'e and contJ;ol dogs an'! horses. The licenses are, is~ued by the county with the' City :receiving a minor portion of the dog licensing fee. The fee collected ,for horse .' lic~s is ~ventually returned ~ 'the C:i~y, for riding trails: ctmnunJ.ty, Serv,J.ces aJ]l'i' Qlstarer ServJ.ces coordinate thE!ee' programs for the City. I 7113 Bicyde Licenses: Licenses issued to regulate and coritrol Qicydes. The licenses are recor9.ed by the State and issued by the City. The I City pa, ys for license forms and mat,erials and' receives 'a minor' hcense fee. Safety Services coordinates this program for the city. The reve- nue collected are used for installation and maintenance of Bicycle Lanes. I 7114 Business Regulator Fee: An arrount coliected .for regul?tionof busi- nesses in the, City. This program is jointly controlled by Safety I services, Planning Services, and Adrnirii'strati ve 'Services. '7115 Sanitation Permits: Permits issued to f.innsto negotiatE! trCish collec- tion within the City. I 7116 Fishing PernUts: A, pennit is!,ued by CCl1ll1Iunity Services for the privi- lege'of fishing at, the Lake. I I I ~i I , _. 7,151 ~t, ~~nits: A, pem1i issued by Carmunity S~ice!,\ 'to gbtain, :the ,use I Of, ,a mat on the, Lake, ..' ,7]:53: :C6nstru,ction P,', ernu,':t, -ExcavaHo,n, " ,A, J?E!rmi,ti,ssued 'by P1ilil'ic service to _I: aJ.l~ :for, encr.Oa:chrrent' on- p'UbliC ,right:-6f-,WaY. , ,TlJ?ra:t,es 'cha.I;<jed. for 'the permit ,are ,based ,upon varioq!, l,lI1it prices 'I ~at relate,tothet~ 6f work to 'be pesC:ofITle&. _ ,The. J,,!:!:esar:e out,.. , : ':tinesJ, in ,q,'city, resolution (cUrrently,REESolutiqn! 32,~) ancl'the authority, for the ,c61ieetf'oni's part- of. the Ordinance '80. j15~ ConsttUc1iiori;permit -Gradinq: :A permi:;ssued,bY Public ,services that, 'II, allows for' 'grading'.; The rates' are irlso outlined' in a City resolution, .. '!; ,_'~ - -._'_.. _',', '_. .. . "< _ _ . _ .~" _ ...V,' (ctU:repA~ Resolu~lon '325),. ,,' ," " ',', _, . 'I 7.155. ConstructlOn Perrru't - Other,: A' pemt ':LSS~, 91 Publ,1c Serv1C,es for ' ffiiscellaheolis constructJon. ,This] acco\1r1t i!' rarelylis,ed. " 7157 CoostfUctJ.onPermits, - Saver,: '~,account for the, issuance of, tanporarYl seweJ;' service conrteCti'ohs,. This' accoiirit is Serdan used. 7160 pmokingpermit;" , 'Pi. one-<3ay ~rmi!t issued' for E&king ,i'!t' 't)].e flake. 'I C\-'!lliilDityServicescollects and', ,issue!,. th.e ,perrni,ts. :Tb:e ;rates are, -, eStablisned by City Resolut'ion,:83"'044. I FINES ,AND FORFEI'IURES: ~. R~enue in the" '7200 ser,ies: represents coll~.tion of f.ines l~vi'~ for' citaJ,ions. I 72iJ.:0 FinesanCi' penalties:; ,The revenue generated by,' citations :i,s,sued' py :ffie sherfffs. ,R€lieriiie ,repr,esents c:<),lJ,e<it,~9I}s: fO,r c,ita,tfon!' fran the coUrts I or frcrn ,the, f.irii["that' pr~s"es t.l;1.e ~ity '.5' tickets., , USE OFMJNEY AND ',PROPERTY ~ Reven:uei ip.the' '7300 'serIes;represehts incane I generated 'fran th,e ;:er!=9i of property ,andequij:Xnent, or derived frc;mthe 'invest~ rrentofi the,Gity'!, fiund,s. ' 7310 In~e7'est 'Inc~;'II]~ j3'en~ated ,frOn'the 'investment OfGitY;f'fJ<;ls.'. 'Tge ,1gt~e.st 1nCane, ~s apport,lOned to the, ,funds, based upon tbe' P<:lS~t,~ ve ' , cash baiahees In 'the fund at' the end'of' each month. Any Interest ear- ni!}g~~qol'j);idg",~ ji; 'allocated to 't:he ~eneraI ;fund,. Ir1;"",s~t b,( '.' City-funds Ii5 performed by, 'Administrative' 'Services. ' ' :7).15 'I,nterest lnei::1Tle', - Bbnd: Ih,"cCine,', generated fran, , th,e'~l!ve.spn<=nt of c,ity 'I" fuDdS ,received as earnings, on caSh 'collected forbohdecf debt payments'. ... ~'... _. - n. . _ . __ , , 7316 Interest ,Incare ,~poo1:' A temporary account USed ,to acCurriiilate 'i!1t~rest' i,nc:~ during the month' ,pr'ior to aIIocatfqg ,it tl? tbe f.ungs, i'!t .' ' moIlthend., _ ,I 'I 'I I 24,3 I' 73l'Z Interest ,IiJ.cane -', ,Loans:' Iriterest ,earried on' piinc{Paldue, to another ei1ti tY . .: 733q .lnterest Iocdile-Ndte,. Receivable:: 'An acc~l!I1t, tores:.oro,'interellt ~~, ,!}.ings - on ~ note. Cui'rentlytliis'accoliIlt, ,~!' . USed . tOfecorq., ~npane 'i:g. the general ,fund for an, .Orchard, water. 'Dlstrictnote ,wh~:ch ,will be pai,cl I off' in abO,\lt f9~'4. ''!he account is adiriinistered oy Administrat~ve "SerVices,. 7340 <Parkland. DeciicationFees:.: Fees coJ;J,:,ecte<:J, 'frcm,developeis for .,coristr\i.c:;" I tion of parks in 'aec'cjrdallcewith, 0:rdimance J2~., 7341 Rental of Property:, Rental. cjfgen~al ,d'typrc;>perty I:JY p.Fiv,!~e 9?n~ I cerns.' curreritly this account, recordS receipts fottlie, oaK .Knoll faci,..~ if ty,.'liifs sftere~&i1 is a(jministeredby Adiriirifstfa:ti ve Seryices. 7350, sJ:g'na:trnaster .ID4 Rent: Rent., paiq,l:JY Si~b:~r, for property, rented I by ,this' cable ,tel!evTsiori cc:inf>ariy' ,for equipnent (e'.g'.,' antennas, ,etci) :L0:9?lt,ea in ID 4' at the' ,BiJCa'Ratoh Reservoir site. '!'he siEe' r~W .Ie; admin4i!?,ta:ed by C<:mnuni ty Services'. .1 7360 FacH'ities, Rental: A 'fee paid ,by the pUblic, to resenie 'and Sect1re' the r ~..~ -. -, , USe of patksj.,tes i?Jld struc~ures. Th~sfental fee is adinirii:stei'ed by I ccmmihify' 'services. 7;'391 Dcx:kEtxuiplEnt-Rerital " REfutal of fishing appar<itus:used ''!t Lake. PCMaY,.. This account.has'peen C9Jlbined'irito 'accoilnt 7363. 'Ir 7362 Fire, Facii1-i!ties .Rental: !lent ~id ,by orner fire departrrents touee traihing s~tur~s a{l~ equirm<=Pt, !;3uch, '!~ the. trainiqg ,tCNier. 'This 'I: account is 'adffiiriistered by Safety SeryiCe.s . . I 7%3 Recreation ECrtii[:lrentRental: .Ren:t.a). f'e<:l,C,I1!llged to. the pUblic to 'Use rE?Sr~tion eguipi1eht at the LaKe ,arid carrnunity Cegter., ThJ.sacco!Jllt is 'I' adrJ1iIlis~r~by, :CarrnunityServiCes., , ' I 7370 Concession Lease Rent~ :!'!c reqta:l 'f~ ,paid, as a' percentage of;in~for I, cil"':site services' 'offef~, ,by a 'pr_ivate 'concernt!lat operates, ata -city facility. " Concession incOme is, primarfly generated by 'the concessionaire at tlie I LaKe. Additional revenue is: ,deti'vecl ficm' a snack bar ,operated at the, caiinUiii tyCeriter" cCmr!uhity~lce<:; rnbnitor:s- tli~ con~ssionaires. I 7380 Group REilitaYs: ,A fee, paid. by the' :pul:>).'ic to rr~~rve ~d 'secure 'the Use of; park sites. Tfiereservation process is admil).i!;3ter~-, by ~qt1IJlU11i'ty '~e:rYicE!s. 'Thi's account is being phased out. and reven}le, r:eco.rqedto I 7'3!iP. 7390 ,D3.y Ccirrp' site Rerital" Beotal of!?f~ ,for c::(l[TIPing at the L3.Ke. This! 'accoUrit has bEieh cdnbined into accoun:t'7360.: I ,I ,.. I 24'~ .' . , 7391: Overnight camping' ,site Rental: R.enW:Eee, patCi 'bY 'the pl1lSHc'to dunp ,I in, 'c;!esi;gnaj:e<i, ,13ites iOitthe .c~rol1i'1ds at 'me I.aJ<e, This :qctiyity i.s IlOnitored by Carmunity' 8erVices~ 'lhisaccblint will be' canbined' 'with, ~'"- c_ - - ~ . I' 7360. REVENUE FRCM alliER :!\GEOCIFs: Gity' ~ shar:'? of' ir,?v~ue coHected by other 'govern".., I mehtal uhits!:aM then, paid 'to the; Gityas Subventions;, also uSed to accoont for' func1lng reCe'ived franf~a1, ~ta:te';,' ,or pther,'pJ1ii'c agenCies' forspeciffc progrGlll1S,'K@t!, orpr:ojects.. :1' 7401 Revenue hen ,otnet Agendes -' Public: 'Revenue, received' ,fran other' 'p'ubrlcl eritIties"such 9-5 :sdi091s ~!'l hospT~s, for;;' Patt'rcula.r ;pro~ ject. or activity,. ' '.. .' 7402 Subzone, and iZonel: SwciaI a!3sesS[rerit district eoHectfons: that ,reifu...,' lJur'2ethe' City for' flood. c6ntr61 projects as approved by ~,county--wige I agency . 7'i;uo ,Motor vetiicle' in Lieu: Includes reve[l,ue der:!-\T,e<,1,frqn S.ectfon 1l0'OSof Revenue:af1d Taxation g(::<:l~. Th<=' 'WU!ual fee., ,is set a:t2% of the, depre- I, dated 'mar'ket ycil:yeot m:>tpr veh,ieles.Th~ S,tate, ikeePs 'cibbut 50%: of the collection ,and distributes the rest tb cities. ioclnthly on, ,the 'basis .>'0, - '"'.., ~ ..... " - . of l,opulatiol}. I 74U '0ff-Highway'Motor'VehiCle lii-'lieu Fees:,IState remits this feeSE!l!li,an,-' ..-'...- , nUiilly to, the Cft'i asia pet ,capita arrount\'It!is'n,'y,egu,e. i;:sapportioned I and cOllected UiJder Vehicle Code ?ec;tions,,38240(a-land, 38230. . 7420 Sta.te'Afd to LOCal. Aqencies: Other ,~tate revenue not otherwi!se ClassHieCi, S!l.cb, as a subyenti'op or gr.int. .1 7421, Federal Aid :to iL=al Agencies: Ferlerirl ,revenue ,tecefpts' hot otherwise, classiffed such, as, a grant, :construction, ,in":lieu, tax,?s. I' '(430 Gasoline Tax- 2106: InclUdes revenue derived iran ,Section 2106 of"tI1e street. 'and Hignway Code. ''lhe Stgj:e rani.t" a fil!:e<;1' aITqw;t p..:mWY: tp ,the City. AOditTonally" the, sii;y: sh')Ie13 fn '! portio!} pf the OveFafi '.. tasesuro ,.that 'is' 'not distributed 'tothe'cgunti'<=saneJ, tllisarrount is apportl.oned ob a,.iionthly' :basis. ' . ,'7431 ,Gasoline TaX - 2107,: Includes ,revenue derived, fran 'Section 2107 of :the :1: state and Highw'2-yc;~e, ,The pa~t- ~f-1:;"pl ,forth;';":' iic:cotirit' is the 'same as for 7~30. The tax ts cci1J:ect~as an.arrbUfitper gaHon. alld 'is: di,,'tr,ibute4 to cittes as a' per capita atiloiint. ,I '7,~32 Gasoline Tax'- 2'107.5: Iricludes 'revenue derived fran,ISection 2107.'5" 'of. the Screeiiaild HighWay Cooe. These fundS are 'all=ated anriually to ,. the, city ,Oas'edupon popliIationranges., - The, 'd'ty'! s R:>PlliaE'.i'on must ,.... - - -, . 'fncreaseto 10o.,00g before,th~e.is ~. chiiJ1ge ill j:he bracket ,amount. 'I I I ~. I 245 ;J :7440 Cigarette Tax: ti1c.l~~, 'r:evenue derived fiOri Sedtion, 30462' of the, Revenue and Taxatio,n Cede. .The, S!,al:@ remits this 'tax oonthly ,to the, Stateaildadjtists this arrount ~terly ,T!:ii?~i .is allocatoo oosed I ona series of formUlas I that can be roughlY equiyalent: to 'a pet caP,ita 'allk)unt!IDd' to an airouhtthat apptoXima;tes a :r:aho ,ofeity',s ~es tax 'to 'oth~r ciUes I sales' tax ,thtoughoutthe ,CQ11r1ty;. :1' 7450. Grant Revenue:, ~e~~ qat~qry headiilgused to indIcate' that aCcount.s! ,Coded frdh ,7450 ,to:, '7499 repr:esent gragts,Oj 'I 7451 Grant Revenue ,- County: . Revenue. rece~",ed ftrgn t:he Cgunty ,fqr 1ipeci!fic, 'progr~. ~rent1y the city, has receivea. .funding for 9- f,i.s!1 h<iliitat at the ~e. .. I 7453, FroeriR.Revenue, ifhar'inq: tnc;ly.des revenue, paid quarterly "by 'tl,le federal goverilfrlel)t under' theS'tat~andi=aiAssistarice ,Ad' of, 1972'., I ~eventie, ,is' distr,ibuted ,based 011 'a ;tcmlluill., 'that canbinesI popUlatiori and taxing authority,., '7455 Grant Revenue HES"FAU: ,Revenue received [ran Hazard El'pnilJ9.tionand I Safety '(HESl AND Federal 'Aid to UrDati (FAlJ). Currently r:eVerlues ig this~ actbunt' 'are for speci,fic street iJiiprov6rerits 'projects Where fUriding ;liS' 'ft-an the state as ad@.ni~i:ered 9Y Caltrans .-' I 7.456 GrankRevenue -: FAlJ: Tliis accoLin,thas been. canbi~with 7455. '745;:7 Grant'Revenue - ars: Revenue reCeived, ftdll the ,s1:a:te 0ffice, of,'l'taffic I Safety for sp,eci{ic gran,ts. Curren.tl'jC tliis' aecOurit is iI]actiy~. '7A58 ,Grant Revenue -' jobs. B'i!ll': Revenue received frdh the federal 'govern- jobs .bills ~ . . .....- --- - . --, I rreht Under the .P.r:ogr:aJIl, Curr~qi this' ,accoUnt is , . j,nactive.. 7169 ,Grant .Revenue -,SB 174: 'Grant revenue, frdll i:he;,13tat~ torspecffic '~R, :1' .:irnpfov'E!ik:nt projects as '~pproved under, senate Bin 174. Curreqtly tpi:!l 'account i:s iI]aCtJ,.ve. I 7461 Grant' Revenue Park. Bond 'ACts 1980, '1976" etc:. Grant: tevehue .fran the, state for ,specific parK ).r~rov6tent, project? as approved 'by vOters, under variouS, bbridacts.. . .. 747,0 Grant RevenUe -'!l'ransportation, Developnent ,Act: state revenue for mas,s' transitiriiptovel1Ei1t 'pragfains 'such as,bi0'clei!nproyements. . Revenue norrnaIl~ pala, as reimbursements ,to the,' cjty fQ1i ,sQeCffic'impfovemei'rt I proj~t:;f\mded as apbrboh of the ArticTe 3 allcx::ations ,admiriiistered 9Y qJ\NDN;, 7471 Grant Revenue ~ Off,ice of Cf,.i.rnirial. JListice: state revenue fora, cr-i.rre I 'preventionprogri'!ril C1ll'r~qtiy beingpfesehted ihth~ City~chools,by t1ie safety Ser)iiCes 'D.=parj:rneqt, inconj,uncti'on with the schools'. I I , I - 246 I: 74:Z~ Grant ReVenue, - CDBG, ,8th, Year.: " iicf!?l1!l~S' for reve[1ue ttinp.ed ,'bY, 'the ,I federal goverrnnent un9-~the 8:\ih ,?lloeatidn year for the Camllunity :DeVelqroent Bl=kG!aI1t, 'progral1]S. The. program reimburses cOst'iricurred 'I ,for; appr,?ved, prQDecl.si. nie Cbuhty' 'ls. ,the pi'iiiiarY recipient of" the " furyis . 74:]4, Grant Revenue - Housing and: 'C':arrnunity,Deve:toprerit: .pederai ghirit -I .program that is no. ,long~ use9, 74'15 Grant Revenue -IDA ,Article -4-.5: State grant.adriiinisteredoy SANDAG I' ,forthEl . C?l1-ATI9-9cEl' ,p:r:ograin, for the-elderly and han{Iicappeq p,i:iizeJ}p: Fund~l}g is remi~terl, rionthly,py. [SANDl\G. The odgiri.ciiall=~ti;.oQ ts, Pa.,it: of 'th~!-,cel1t,TDA 5al'es taX .aM. speciCl1 'distriict a.\lgIIel1tation :for I reYe!lue:~ . 747J Grant Revenue - CDBG 9th Year,: AcC.otints; PO!, feaeral revenue funded, as' part, of! the 9thy~r aJ:1cx:i!tion of:Camfiimit:}j DevHogrent' Bl6Ck Grant. I 7478 Gtant'Revenue -CDBG lOth Year: same, as' ,accoUht '7477exceptthei - -,". .----- flli)slipg 'tear .is 'fen. t 7481 Gran't :Revenue -CDBG :Uth Year: 'Same as 7,47.,7 ,,e}{cept the fundlng year fSereven . 1482 Grant RevenUe - CDBG. 12th Year,: FedElrai Cannunity Develq:irncilt :Blbck', I Grant, allocation; twelfth year' entitlerrent., - --. - ,. .,," -. GURRENT FEES AND SERVICES: Revenue ih ,the 7500, series ':r:eprEls_<?l1t~ c))a.rgesto the I 'p!1)51ic for 's~0irces o'r cCiriOOdities. Reven~ in tilese 'account series\ represents :feEls :for services 'orprbducts., I 7516 .&irididate, FiHng 'Pees; feepaj,a by, caqdl'date .!;orcity; Council office., The 'GityC':lerk estimates' and rocinitors1this. account. 'Revenue is ''-: .~.. ',"-- -- --.. - ~-.~ .... - - -. -. . - - .. . .' receiyerl"only il1,election:years. 7520. Sales and SerVice: ~Re"el}~e ,reee:Lved, 'iran the 'Sale, ~of water", sewer", ,and '" tra,ns,i't ,~_rjTi~El$.i utiiity revenUe is recorded bim::mth11; '3?~ ,b,il}e<h :1, 'Transitserv'icerevenue 'is, .recorded rronthly and represents $eQPera- tor'. s, -19~~till'", ~box cofi~t:i6n'which is part of a gro~ reyej:lUe cOpcep,t requir~by, the ?tate for': ,aUdit purposes. ''l!ie util-ity;ratEls norma.lly 'ar~set a,nilually' byresblution. I: , ' 75-21 Sales -Unnetefed, watei:':Interim "waterseJ?lic",: provided Sit sites where 'there' are ,horreters for 'activiti'essuch as con'stniction ana. land-' cl ,scapihg .> water 'serv~cei!s 'bi:ilEl.(r~nll;''fiy 'Sase.j bh minimUm. chargE! .for, . , ,residential, users and area is,ize for. 'unmetereo..slope water: 7522 iSales"" SIX;:WA/Ram::lna WateJ:': 'water, sold 'by ;the, CitY to the,San Di~o I Gciupty y/'a,ter ,AUtboj:'ity Ior' USe by theliarronSi Muni,cbpal Wai,er: Dbstrict in acco,r:dance\'htl'i a,contraCtUal ,agreeIllerlt. '~Ve[1UEO 'i!, r.ecorded monthry as setviceis billed, ',I '.' > , ~:. I , I 247 ;1 '7523 InterdePattmental utility. Charges: Cparges for~t,~' and ~ewer ;service provided fof inteiTial. uSe with the city. The billing !3Y,stem ,!1jt~tf- cally ,bills 'the metered, accounts. 11 , , 75~'4 Delinquency: Charges, ,-, Sates:. ,Pi late.! 'fee assessed. ,to utiiity ctistcmer" Who ba)i'e .failed .1:0 Wy tpeir:l:?iI),s in a timely iiafui.er,. .Thefee I ctirrer,tly is a :percentage of,t;.h<: 't1DW-rd~ balancE:;!,. 7525 Hydrant Meter' SerVice, charges:, A f~' charged tq peJ:!30.n~ :-mp \lSe fire I' hydrCilltwater metersdiitillg constiUCtTon. Currently a flat feel of $10 'is ct)a,rg~, ' , 7526 Reconnection and Turn~Fees:,A .fee charged:, to IitiUty ctistarers to '. reest:ablish servIce. Currently the fee is anat ,fee assessed tb 'cover the: Tiilior Cost of the' rreter':reader' and varies fran$15 to'$35depenaing' 00 the .hours the,servide'is provfde2C' ' ,~ , I 7528 ,Interruptible Water/Agficiilt:ural Rebate: 'A credit issued, by .8DZWA, that ..-.,. ..-, ..~ ~ -..,., reduce," th~;cosj: ofwa,ter to the 8it:y ahd the City's agric,tiltural users'.: :rhE! Cjj:sco1.ll}ted'rate pemiits; J'~ the right, to'decrease I (~nterrupt'l delivery by an ,a;Jreed, upGll illlpunt-., 7529 Sales ,capacity' Charges : FiXed, Cqsj: baSed oq meter iJi,?!" a!,s~iateO. wHh- I thewatel.' ,rreter, Le.rreter, reading,! repair/replacement of' Illeter,; etc. 7530 Purrping '",m, #1: 'Charges birIea 'to water, utility, 1.lse,rs for. "!ate!: 'piirrpfll9' r:~guire.j 1:0' s~rv.icean' ilIea. The puipOse 'is to recover ,the' I 8lectrical eI1er:gy, cost,s., ''l'!1~ pll1lpin,g for ID u: 'f5t6 lfftwater to'the High ValleY' area~ I 7531 ;PlinPirig - ID#4":Chatges billed for pur:rping' in' pa;:1orarra HillS, Lanas, 'yerS}!,s ,and ,portions ofStonEfrid<je areas., Also see, account '7539 for fur,ther: ~Jangtion, J I 7532 Punping -= orchard, Silver' Boodle" 'AD':, Charges blued for punping' 'in the 'ai'e<iS identified as 'Northcr!=.st, ,Dgl poniente arid poJ::tiolls of the Green 'Valley areas. ,Also seeaccougt 75)0 for' fllrther .eXplallclt'fbll. I 7533 PuifPlnq - :Oonart: 8harges biJJ<;d for ,pw;lJiQg in the 'Donaft Drive' Service area ,'Also .,see aceoiillt 7530, for further eXplanaj:iqn" I: 7534 ,Piirrping1 - iGonvafr: 'chargesbifled~ for P.lli!'Pingto :Conv<iir"':sy"carrore can~on/pOmona"Facility;'in, the city of san Diego 'Also ,see account '[530 ~9r further 'explanation. ' :1: 753,5; ,Purrping' ~ Padre'Tfallsit Mix: ,Charges 'billed for' paqre Tr;ansit ~ 'Wi3.ter' servi<::~. Also see, account '7530 for fUrtherexplariatfoh. , . . I' 7536 Purrping .'-, ~lback:: ~rgesbillE'!d to the 'Alta Mi.'fa ;Reservo'ir servillg Lake, ;pa.vilyparkahd Water s€ryiceArea 'vI:., Alsp ~,,!ccount ,7530 ,for fUfthel:' ,explanation. I '. i, :, I' ~48 I 7537 ,I'i.mPing ~WCodcHff: . c:;har:ge!" bi':Lled '1:9 water .PUl!Piqg to Water I ASsessrnerit, District, 79-T.. Also see occOUrit ,7530 for flfrther eJ:CPlanat~ci~.' , " . , I' i5~0 Expansioh Fees: Chafge.paid for:: the privilege of' joining the wa!:eF ,or sewer 'uUlitYServ'fcesystem. Thisf~, is w.id' ,Ifu~ver cwvelopersor rei,; utility Users' apply' for servicE!' ill a, new 'area.' I: 75.42' Cbrinection Fees: eharge: Pfig for,tit.iJ:ity seI.Yiqe.,pased. oon mete,r'size. .' . t'LClnI2ectiotl,feesl !il'e,!1O~l~l.. paid only bY, i:ridividili'll's' ,requiring 'new ,-;ery;lce rather than by. the large deVelopers ,Who expand, the utility 'I' !3}'Stern. 7544 ,lldiitiilfsrrative, Reveiuie: CostrecovePj :for stgf.f,' perfonning s~rvi(::e'" I that benef-it '~ n,rni,t~, p~llc, or difJ;eref)t, accoBAhng ,entity. Mmini,stratfye, reyenl1~ igci~s sucQ it,elJ1S as overhead charges; 'and CO,sJ;, recovery for staff position petforiiiih~ work fbt- ,tile Rea.evelopnent :- Agepcy. 754,6, 'Meter. Instal:lation: Charge for setting' and connecting' WCl,ter ,meter' af!9 .1aterals ,Whei1necessarywhenever, a new'installatlon .isrequested. I, Meter installat-i'onis bo!s~ on' t'j,-eed.cc\1c1rge; Mcila~E!ral cl1~rgesar", msed'on a Hxecl f,ee arlsll.or,act)la1 cost. ' 7550 ~Hiqh Volume Saver: sewer 'service char:ges bified to Camiercfal, Users. as I :pad 'of, the utHity system. Billfng 'is cased on water, c6hsUri'Ptioh. 755.1 Annexatfon Fees! - .Geheral:, Fee paid. foi' the :privilege: of joining' the I ,SeWer ,distrTct. 7552 AnneXation ,Fee ~ Del .Norte 'Taxes:. When :5!=W<:I' ~ic,e wa.!> offer.<:dto I thisar,ea, t:p.e consurrers'~d,~ c,tloj,ce of us~l'\g 'severalpaYJl'e,nt, options., This account'. records this' fee; charged. in teil aniliial' installInehts .recorded blithe pr~rty taX rolls:. 'lhis 'a:tea dts also known as' Assessrrent ,District "13-1. ' Revenue, frCIn' 73-1 has, basIcally beei1 I ".~. "--.'~' . :. - ,coi:lected 'w1ththe, excep:tionbf the deliinqy.ehCies. ~!)53 Anhexation Fee' - Kozy' Crest 'TaXeS:. sfrn~i'lar,to accoUht 7552, 'bUt ,the I K6zy Crest' area is .ASsesi3inentDiscr,ict, 80-2.. Revenue is, anticip<l.ted through 1990.. 7554 'Annexation F~- Greeh VaHey Taxes: Silnirar ,to accouiit 7552 but ,for, :1 the Green Varley area, cl\ssessmeht. Di~tri.Ct, 8_0,~ 1., '~eyenu~ is, <l.l1tici~ pated through 1990. I' 7555 Saver Service Tax -Roll ,- .FiscalYear '1981-'1982;, In previous fis,cai, . , y,?ars" the' ",ewer' Se'tvice,chafges i~ere c'blleeteddn me' taX roll. as-a flat :tat~charge.. !Ibis ,account' reeoi'ds tliese 'delinquent charges 'as I: they (ate ,be'i'hg c6llected. I - ,I " I 2}19' I 7556: Inspec:ti'onFees:Fees q,qq,r;g~ I:>ytq:le publ'ic'v.orks depar,t:ment, for, oli- . . site inSpeCtion of watep'and s~~t lines', ,graging, i!lspE!<ftipn" etc. I .7557 Annexat-i'on- Map Check. Fees: Pt=ess'ihg fee cOllected in connect-i'OI1 wiW sewer 'mapi"evi~,s; :fpr ',hookup charges. ,I: 7560' Surcharges -, WCI, Sewersety~'ce s::harge ,ferwastav"ter capitcil, ,irnprove-' merit.. ~562 Pllllpinq Charqes; ,- St. 'Andrews,: Revenue' . derived , ,frau utility custaner:s :1, who are' assessed for 'the 'energy cOsts ,of ,trarismi!ssAon through the 'Pll!!P statfpn located on, St. AhdreWs to serVice thb, area; '. 75~3 ,Pump'inq Charqes ;- Camino del Valle: Same as' 7562,btit for thecamiho del Valle area; 7564' Pumpinq Chatges,-Delponi'ente: Same as, '7562" but for 'the 'Delponi'ente I .' - - -'.. ,- --" area, 7566 Dra.i!naqe Fees:' ,F~ charged to ,assist in'overalI ,erosion 'ahd' ,drainage I protJ=s::ti09,fa!= Ll'ities, and terracing . 75'70 ,PiLannInqo'Fees: Fee s::~geci {qJ:' .trl~ r:egiew of! ,develop'nent applications' I oy me PIanning services DepaJ;,i:men,t, 7';;71 ,Environir'erital, Review :Fees ~ Fees Wid fer COI1!3.U:l~!ll1,t~ ,hireqby the City' to ;prepare Draft, Envirbriinental Impact Reports (EIR'l :\or the, 'Plapn,ing' ,I Ser,yices. I5epartment,. . 75,72 ,MiScel1aneotis, Planninq Fees:., fees collected by PJ.:annfn,g' services to I recoverilie' 'cost' of. serjifces SU<:.I1: ',?S'phot=9ples, booklets ,ahd 'Waps. 75'73 Bui'ldinq Inspect:loh, Fees: Cl}arge~.fbr building peIInits an<'i ass=iated irispectiorifbf such items asremDdeling, fences, etc, 1 7~]5 Plan, 'Check Revenue: Charges' 'fbr engineering review ofcop.str:ucttonl plans,an<'i maps. ReVEm1,1erecoided represents the, o.v'e.t'head, charges f,or I eqgineer-,igg con~ultants and salary, and, OVerhEiad reimbtiisement for City engineering s.!:aff., 7576 Mi'scellanEibtis Public, Ser,vices, 'Fees: ReV""'lue, received for sale: of I publicaEioris, bid sp?cff-ic:Cittons, ,,,,tc. by the Public, Sei',viCes De15artm~t . I 7577 Ihspection,Revenue Fees:Rev~~ye reg~~ved '{pr og-sit~ inspections, made by the ,PUblic ~vices ,Departmentotl1eI:' th(i11 tl:!ose inspections' ,con- nected to utility inspectioq. I I I . I '2'50 I' 757,9 ;Miscellaneous Safety :services Fees 1~eyenl!.e ,p;!ce,ived!)YtheSafety I Serv!9,e!3 DepaJ::t1rtetit for-the: '~le' of publications" ~t.s"hcizard6iiS , rratenal", cl,eanup ,etc:. ~58Q ..Leisure .Contracts:' ReVenue received ~fot recreation programs' that are ~I led by outside instruCtors; e.g."gyIDnastics, .tiny tot" ~a:te,The recfeafi'oh. !?,ill'tiCipailts pay a fee that offsets the cost'of 'tIle'ind.ivi- I 'dua1Cla.ss. '7581 ReCreiitfonpraqraln; 'Basj'c:~!yt.l1e S?,lll€! 'as account '758'0 but... the '. _. .---' O. _" , 'I, r~reat.i,opaI ~lass is coqduc~ by'City €mf'loyees'. 7c5~2 "Recrea.tl'on ,0fficials f Rev'ei1ue colleCted, for, softballll111?ites f,ran th<;) :lea;JUEi teams. City remits ciin6ifut to softball, of.ficials. :1, 7584, 'Vehicle Miiintenance Fee - Shet-i!Ef,: Reven~ ,receiyed ;from th,e CO\lilt.Y fOI'providing :minor service :011 ?h<;)rjiff",' veh,fcie,s 'as!'ligne& t.oPr:MaY-' .' 7585 YearJ..y: Vehicle and Equipnent 'Rental Ser:vice; 'Fee: 'RemtaI fee charged to us,i,l1g <'!l=i?art'n,1e.ht:s tq r~ovet the cost of acqUidng a teplacerrent veJJidE! or rrobile eqUfprent. 'I, 158,6 Yearly Cap'italOOtlay Rehta.1: Rental Jee charged tq using ~flar~ts to recover the' ,repJ:ac~nj:- cost-,of :acquiping rrat~ialassets :suchas I WJrdproc~ss,or!3' cal1put.ers, ,et.c., 7589 TOwing, Contracts: ~vel1ue; recefved to reimbili:'se the Git:[for, hihhcj .'priVate c:d1,1Pahies to tow, .avehie1e as pai:'t of a nuisance abaterrEnt: I ,prqgr~'." - . , 7590 AmbUlance Fees; Revenue received fr'arb users of' ,the ])?raJ'll?4ic:: <J!.lIbqlaqCEO! 'J ,serviCe provided by Safety IServi~<=s" 7591 $iie,p'rotection Fee: A,feej9a,sedoq ,a {ire fl9W calculation. .Thls, fee' i!'l cqllected on the tax' roIL I :1$92 weed' 'AhaterrEnt:: Rev,E!nue': peCei ved Han propertY. OWners for' Cfearihg ,~', ,and ooj:lr}:s.: fran, j:heii" ,property. {I'heweed and vehicle abaterrEnt :1 prc:xJrarn isadini,histered .bY.Sa:fe~YeSerViCes. ,M:)St,6f 'the .revenue is :collected .Ol,lthe ,faX roll. '1593 ,Traffic Mitiqation Fees: Fees paidoy developerS! 'toiri1;;>fove traffic I :Uow of,<mitigate traHic' congestion :near. their developnent s'i't\'!s, 1."_,, .7,594 'l'ritf.fic ,Signal Fee: Feesipaidbydevelopers to ins~l or ::ii]q:lJ;:ove I traffic sig~s near,1;.!lei'r <:1eve1q::t1lellt sites, 7595 'landScape 'Median Fees: Devel6prent fee paid to .ilnprove li:uidscapfng , I near' :the ,developnent area. 7597 'ROOd rrrprovenent ,Fee '-Developer: ,Similar 't9 ,aCCOlIDt:7.593;,puttIle' city council rray s~ffy' :thE!lparticul~ aI!OUflt.' qr usage., .1 I I , II :25'1 ,I 'i598' J?a.1ayand Garden Road 'Siqnal,:' BevenuereceivecJ. Eo beilefit:a particular site. '['hI's accoillit i5'oo rongeI:"'ac:t:ive. ,Ii 7599 Road Iiiprovenent -lMldian'd: Revenue' receJ.'ved, 'tobenef.it a'W,r:tq,cu,lar s,it~. 1'hfs !"ccounb is:oo longer actiVe. '17 0I'HER RE.VENUE: Revenue' in, the 7600 series represents eolleetYoli of general i Obligation de8,t, bond' pr=eedS, dQ.natioIls..- sale of prqperty ref1inds and other iiiiscell:ane6us incare. ' . I 7610' 'BOnd I& iR -orchard Wat:er District; Taxes: InteJ:"e?t and.grincipal r,~tlop, collec~io!ls ,for paymerlb of'Orcfufrd 'Water' Distri'et bon~. ,I: Fur)dS colJ"e<;:teq ~ro1,lgpproperty ,taXes. are frcrn delinquent accol1rits ,only as the, bondS have 'bee!l paiC!. 7611 Bond I' ,& :R -, General Water Bonds , Taxes: Interest ana principal . - ,-' I redrn1ptiori, CClHections for, payment ,o( general,. obJ:J,galoion ,~terbonds 1,SS\led, ,by, PONay MUriicipa:I Water District. ColleC'jied through property "-- . - - -- -- ~ ~ 1:i!Xe,s as ara.te per aSsessed. value. The leVy, is ,in ~ess ,of the one I pex,ceIlt property' W rate. 7,612 Bond I &R ""tn, '#l,Taxes:Ihterest and.,ptiriCipalredaTiption collec- tfons on, the. taxroll~ fQr pa~t qf 'Impr!?varent District 1, Hi,gh I VaHey area, bonds ,0rigiDally 'issued by PONay 11\m1c.iw,l wa,ter Distr,ict. 76)) Bonds I&;R;-'ID #2 -Taxes: IntereSt anCi principal I:'edernptiol,t cqllecc"" I ,tfci,~ 0]1 tI1e tax roHs f9r payrrerit of rrrprovaiEnt DistriCt 2"lxlIlgs orTginallyiss~ed tJy. ~Oi<ISlY Municipal Water Dist:i:i'dt'. 7614 ,Bond I &, R, -, r!175Bonds',. ,Taxes: Jnter~t and ;principal, rederrpt16n I c6lteC'tions' for payment of 197?i 'J5qnq,s 1J51,ed tp (i,llaflce 'thE; fire station and related stiucttiresahd eqW.pneiltc. 'J:'hiS' is,su~ iSia general obliga- tion bond' .issued by Pi:Jway' MliriiCiPal water' District:. I '7qlS, Bond r. & R - Saver ,BOndS, TaXes:, Interest: and principal r~tio_q collectioris fat ,paym,entof geIl~al obligation, !sewer bonds. Conect~ I ,t:nibugn proper1:y'taxes. as' arat;;,e per,as13essed, value.; !ffie'leVy is; in eXcess of'the one percent p,roper.t'l t:.'ix.: rate; an!'; ,r,E?presents var.-iousdebt, issues of ,Parerado, Coillity, Water 'DistriCt. I 76I6 Bond' ,I&R - 19,78 Fire, Bonds;, ,TaXes: Interest 'andpdncipal -redemption, - - -. .~ . ~~-~- e<;>l1ect-ions fat Pi3.Yrrerit of, 1978 Fife BOndEr. Collectegthrough'prope,rty' 'taxes' on annUal basiS. I '76.1'7 BondI &R -AD ,79-1, Taxes':, Interest. and principal regernptiog 'cqHec-' {ions; tOF.payment of [ID 79...,1 bondS'. Cc3rIeeted 'through property taxes' oo:anJ)ua1, 'bas<j:s. I '7620 proceedS FrcrnSa1e Of Bonds: prqceed,s ,fr~ scilE? of debt. inst.l:uireht, e,g. oond, note., etc'. I I . I 252 I: 7939 Premium ,Oil 'BondS/Notes: Airi:>unt collected in, excess of.: the ,face value I of an6tEf, fund',. ,or other debt :instruJfui1.t.. 7640 state. License .cCmn':i:'ssioils: .Handling .fees for- sei1):im ~~te Qf ., carifo,riiia' fishing'lip!"nse,s. COl:[e<::t~; 'a.t ~e P,Ot?ay 0013. aaiiy oo.sis. 7650 Donations: '''" .Garmuni'ty' :Services: Coiltrtbudons ,made, by' .citizens of .. Pa-laY forpurcnaseof equI[xrentfbr CdillilUi:iity Services DE=QaFtment. '7651 Donations' - Fire ,StaEion: Coritributions made.b;; c:iEizen~ and. organi,z9-- :1' trons 6fJ?a.1ay for ma}:~i,~s and equipneI1~ for saEety '~ices. 7652 Donations ",Paramedic: . 'Contr:;.ibutions ~qe, PY :ciHzens ~dorgflI1iza- il ttqns tqMhefit PaiilI!ledics ;Eorsucli iteins~aS paraffiedi6 ',equipneiit, safety ftims, .etc'. ' ' , 7~53 Ibnati'ons - cJ.ydeReXt6de ME'fficid'al :Conti'ibutionsinade, by citizens\"f :1' pooy, in 1reiOry of qlyde R,exr"pd.g, th!" city} s pip3t 'lIlayor::. 'rt\~. fUl}ds coLLected are ,wying for the coflstru,~tionof., a. f!\2lTOrial 'pavil~on at Lake PC?NQ.y, ' 'I 765'4 ,Donations -': General:.: General: contributions rrao.e'to the city without specification as to:tmeof fUndS for>sPec'ific o~rating units'. Usually :1 !inn~y is: received for. ;specific progtall1s ,orprcijectson a ,non...,recurring resTs. '- _.' 7655' Doi1a:tions- Bette' Bendixen: Contribu,tions 'rra.d~by the: 'estat.e :ai19, tihe :1, citizens irL I1'e1IlOry ofBE;tte, B.en9.ixenfor.. gev~9~:t ,<it riding, alJd 'Qikingtrai'l1i inp'a-lay.8Qna:t10llS are received ,peficdj:cally ,throughout tl}eYear:c. '. 7660 Sale of' SlirplUSprope:cty;: PrOCeeds of sale 'of sUrplus' ,property owned 'oy cifY.. 'Co1'lected bYl'un:hasing' ~~t, ,aftersal.El Qf prOJ?&:ty I declared, as surplus by ,CO\IDcJ!1.. . . 7665 oeveloper/'SUbdivision Deposit :Revenue:DEl~sJts !'Qade ;vi,t!2~liS ServiceSDe~t:mept bydev~gpe:r;s b;lc6yer engtneerJng, ins~tioil aild I map checking of deve1oper:s" ,con!'tr:lJ.~ti()1) prqjects.' " 7670' /oBndated Costs Recovedes: Collections' Eranthe :state for increases in I :c;ost!', impi:lse<:'rby le<:jisl'ation:;' clain\;;;, filed. 'aniltiaily ,by ,Finance '~parbr<2nt . 7,671 other RefUnds: Refunds .for .,ovetpayrrents that are, nob: accoUrite:l for in . other refund, accourits'. ' ., 7672 Returned Check Charqes: Gh?;rges t.o cqsta!l?'is for 'cEeeks :re1;-url)ed :by I th,ei_r~. C.olleetecl :by eustaner. Services. at: 'time oJ: restitution. 7673 Workers" Canpensation ,'Insurance': Divideilds :received, Oh workers,', 'Cui~hSi'!t1oh ,InsUrance prEmiti.iriS pa:id in pdor, fiScal years and' is I .received annUallY" ,iisuallY ih June. I I I Il 253 , :.1, 76:74 .InSurance SettienE!lts: pro~y setti~ts a~ded by'i!nsurance., : 7675 Miscellaneous lneaoo:Used, .for reeor:dl:!lg reV<=nw:is no.t cla:;;sffied i!n :I,any oth,~r~v~ueflcC01.Int., G:oIrecte:1 .at 'Vafiolist~s': through6ut the, 'I . x~, ,Mi'~cellaneousl incaile i!iicrooes 'sucntliings as .phonecarrnission, .ptililic;atfqn !>ales, t,l'anscr~ptions, vendor refufuiS,. etC. .1. J680IiiterfilndTransfets: . Used to record trans:fe,t's off\ill~ eS othe~ , financing sOlirces, or loons between flihdS'. 'I' 1,681 Interfund I.oans:Loails :betWeen fuDds'.ACcount used for, budgetary :purposes~ . . 7690 Year,'$1d.Revenue Clearlnq;" U!,.ed atf}:.scal ;y~ end to cl6se revenue, .' aci::ciiihts,'tci fuiid balance'Under .tile 91d accoU!)t~!lg system. This account . ,is ,no longer aCtive :but reijJafns ,to proVige title til,e for the old .systan., '. . ASSESSMENrDISTRIGTS:, Revep.l1e ,in the .1,700 series (represents as'sessmef1,t district ,. 'fUridi~g. I 7710 ,I l\Sses'smef1t. District 83~1: c9rie<::t,io~of ,<,!s:;;essments' frcin propett:y " a.vners in, this area for landS<;:apiiig and maintenance of' 'slopes, ,. 7711 l\SsesSIterit Dii,ftriCt ,83'-2:: CoHection of aSses,~~f:trom pr~ty 'omets .in 'Assessment District 8'3'-2 for 'landScaping and rilafritena:hce of I". siope'in-'sun, ,~T,raE~: along Me,fcl.,te,Lan, e, Tfie,teVehue..isC:OIIect:ed on , proPerty'tax rolls witnas,se!,.srp<:lnti' !:,lased on acreage, I' , 7999 ~SP~S~, ACCaJNT, US~ for Upi~t~fied re:,~u~s.~eI): r:even~ is .. , :ldeIlht:Ledttle aIlOunt lS transferred: to 'the proper account.. 1 I . I I I' I I , I "I I . ,;1: ,. I . ;. . I . I' . I . J I I APPENDIXE . I crrY ~ ~IATE ANDSHORl' ~. GO!\LS .. '" 'I 256 CITY' a::llNCIL .GQ.l\IS 'I FORi FISCAli .YEAR J986,.87 L 80nclude Negotiations with the city 'of San,Di'eqo for an 'acCeptablei Bouth I PowaYArteria~ 'RbadAliqnrnerit ('Ell)eiY'"Khlse; oravec, TarzY) Staff, has been'mrking~withthe, city of San DiEijo t6 designate a 'South PCklaY' 1 i\rteriaIa~eptjhle -j::obotlidlties. ,It i"sarit-iciwted tI1.~t an' a,gr~t .on an accept,able'aligrtment can oereache::J.'.., ' I 'status: The. 8ity bfSan Diego on 'Septanber 16, 198'6, 'did'aclopt the, . . .~~ ". <- ~ . . Pi:n1eradoRoad Alignment 1111\ ,The' City of san:Di"ego also allOWed the' cltyof'Poway'one to three ,years to darbnstrateithe enVIron:- I ~~:(a:nd'.eci:1I1<imic vicibfIhyfof'Alteinate 8 alignment on !l'uesda~, Septanber '16, the CitYH,X:Rln~i'l dir~~ "tafj:to pre;- 1 tare. a plan and tiIretab:Le for a' 'thorough ,feasibiE ty and envi'ron- ,riieritaL stuq.yc for,', Aitej:-,~ti;'e '." Siw1J Pa~apo ~dt6 PtPieSs Canyon ,Road. ;Staffwil1 present, the. .p1an 'to the City CdmciLat a. ".. -. - -. ,. n_ ."... -. "'-.~- -'1 - - - " mr;kshop, s€'S_~i_on in Decanber', 19,86;, '2. Worl<:wi\:,h CalcTrans, ,to: aCcept 'PtJ.ilay 'ROad 'into ,their state 'llI3:intained, 'road- I' ';Naysysten" (Kiifse! oravec, : Shepardson , 1'qrzy'l The city has coritiact~ ~t.h '1. coQ!'~:ltant ,to,?Ssist ~ll'tve negoti9-ti6ils With CalTr?J1s." '1'l1e.co[lquJ,tant wiJl.acl.viSe' the 8ity" .sfuff of' 'the. varTbus'proce- :1, 'dl,rresto ~ f.o]!.lOWeclto gainsta:te a.ccei?tance"of'PONay :Roaa.. Sj:,atus~: ''l'l}e, :g'e\1el'clper 'foj: ea.trnel Mt'.Riilich. is cOnstructing the Link 't<;>r 'I ,. RoUte 56 frail the, I-I5 to Panerado'Road.) The ,gey!=loper of tl1e :-- ..: GEMZO' site Will construct a por:t-ion of' ]'l,oute 5<1 over :t:rqIl' Panerado Roadto:twimp~, ,I<oqd. ,I When a, trav~s~1;e~te, 5~througlJ., the8ity' .of: '&;n D't~6and 'the :9itY'qf ,~y 1:!3 ~leted; a, conci:rte:i.effortWill, be taKeri to l1aYe ~'l'r:<ll1P a.ccept, l'aoTciY Road into tlieirstateinaintai"rierlraad- :. "fa y ~Y!3ten, . 3. Overa<11 Istreet :hI3.iiltenance prbcjfain .(~, Oravec, .sheparason)' I An',engineei:i'ng firm 'was hi:red .to eValiJate, all the roadS, in the city. ,Based' ori,tlie~ resultS of the study" tlie engineer,ing: fi:gn recarrnend~'?- c,i:t.y""yd,Cii 'I street'inainteriahce, progi"am,The 'progr9llll)C!!' beeri"revie~ed'byci'.ty' staf;fand was .imPlemented durIngEY' l15~8l?! wijfu '9:v.<1il.~re, fundin9 ,sources: status: 'the.citycOUl}cfihaS :authorized the. ~dltfire bf' $400,000 in I . -'. . ... . - FY ',86-87 Jorrepai.r-ing :aha. resurfacing' roadtf<l.ysas: part of the cIty-wiiie, street 'rrainfenance, program. This year's allocation of l - ' ~ . .-.. ~ ~ .--. - fuiJdS'reptesents.the second phase 9:t:' tJ1e city~d~ 'rn1J.l1;:j...,year ,l streetmaint~c<=progrClJ!l.,fl}e 8Jty COul2.cJ!. !Jas gIso cifl=ated ,g28:,16Q f.rcro SB ~OO to ,s:t,reet repaj!rin,FY'8,6~87 I I I I 257 , II Cwncil Goals ,; Fiscal Year .1986-87 Page '2 I . 4. CCri1plete l'cMay Road sidewalks and medians (Oravec, ShepardSon, Tarzy,) _ The Poway ROOd median project began in 'rt 84-85. Tl1e rariaining seven I medians under the CDBG giant: were canpleted in FY 85-86. The sidewalk pro- ject \<as canpletedin January, 1986. I 5. Resolve lightinq district situation (Erery, Oravec) TJ1e County has' repe3:tedly dem:>nstra!=-ed an 'inability to respbnd in an I efficient l!I3.nner to both the City and the citizeg requests for service, in tne Coonty maintained lighting district. Staff has initiated an engineering repor);, to determine the EeasibiHty of the City taking 9ver the lighting I district. The engineer's report will 'include a study' of' the existing and proposed lighting for the City, the district bouhdaties,and the ,assessments necessary to maintain a l'cMay lighting di~trict. The engineer" s ~eport, will be presented to the City council during the, 1st quar,ter of. FY' 85-86~ I Status: The City COuncil approved the fonnaticJn of a city-wide lighting ,district on r-aY 20, 1986. :F:iscal year 1986-1987,wi:;n, ,be the 'tran- I, SitiO.ga1 year. for the transfer of cXJnttol of street lights in the existing cwnty disj:rict to the City of J?a.1ay. Improved aclmi- ,niscration and' maintenance of street lights iii Poway' Will result I with the City's' take over of the ilistrict in FY' 1987:;"88. 6. AdOpt and implement plan for reduction of non-essential outdoor lighUhg/ I Inctease tate of conversion of existing liqhting to low pressure sodium (ShepardSon) In addition to the 'feasibi~ity oli the c;ity's. assumption of the County I lighting district, staff will prepare a report on various alternativeS to reduce non-essential outdoor lighting'. The report will also consider the costs to increase ,the rate of conversiop of existing lighting to low I pressure' sodium. The repdrt win be presented to the City COuncil ata v..:>rkshop session in FY 1986-87. . I :status: The City is, currently requiring ,ail new." develofIllents to install low pr~surescdium lighting. The repoft which, will be presented to the City council in FY 86-87 ,..rill include the costs to increase the rate of: C()nverEJion of existing lighting to low pressure s0ium I lights. I I I 258 ,I Camcil Goals I Fiscal ,Year ,1986-87 , Page 3' I 7. Developnent of asrrall park in Old Poway/Specific plan for Old Poway I (:&nery, oravec) The City's adopted canprehens. ivePlan suggests a number of general proposaYs I for the Old J?a.1ay area. During FY 87-88 staff will develop a specific plan for 'the area which will ill elude preservation of historic struCtures, sceriic ' ~ preservation, anq J:and uses. AS ,par.t 6fthe specific plan for Old E'C';-Jay, I' potential park s~tes can be, identified and, if apprbved by the City CouncH, a wrk site ffi3.y be acquired by the City. ,status: ,The Planning staff is preparing a "specifi'~ plan for Old PcMaY "I' which will include potential park osites:. The conceptual plan for ' this ar~ Ivill ~ presented to the City Council at a workshop session in FY 87-~8. A park site can reacquired and developed at 11 the dire<.::tion of' the City Cfuncilthtough the Redeveiopnent '. ~enq. ' '8 .PeI'rnanent or on""';l'oinq creekcleanout program/Execute takeover of' Fl00Ci il Control Subwne (Emery, ShepardSon) During fisc:a,l year 1985:-,8b,~e Camty of San ,Diego dissolved thePOtiay I Flood Control Subzbne. The City 'receiveS annually .fran the county, Flood . Control funds to ll\3.intain all oUr .flood control channels and creeks. 'The City has ~ a perffi3nent on-going flood control ffi3.integance prOgram <Nhich I was illlplemented in EY 85-86. Status: The l'cMayFl00dControl Subwne .'11as been dissolved and the City I ha:;; entered into an agreanent. with the County of San Diego for creekffi3.intenance. Under the, agreenent, the County provideS the eity an. ,a;rmual aiiocati()11 of {lood zone rronies fo.r the maintenance . of the flood control facilities, in Poway. The Public ServiCes staff has ir11plemented an annual flood =ntrol ffi3.Intenance program. 9. Implement at least: one "City assisted" private road ,improv€meht I' <:&llery, ShepardSon) A loan program has been approved by the City Council to assist neighborhoods "I' in upgrading their roads to City standards. S~tus: ~ J';IDe l~J 1986:" theCi~y Coun~il authori,zed a. loan prograll\ for .'. the ll11provements on Old Coach Road. The CJ.ty staff has also'oe<=r\ , working with various neIghborhood groups Ivho are interested in partiCipating in this program. '. ,. -I , I 2.59 I 'COJJlcH Goals Fiscal Year 1986:;"87 Page 4 I 10. A reactivation proqram for thesewaqe treatment plant 1 (-Ell'ery" ShepardSon) ,At the direction of the city COJJlcil, durin.g the next ffscal year staff wi,ll. begin a fe<J.Sibilitystudy to determine if a. prpgram for reactivatil:\g the I sewage'treatment plant .is viable for the City. . status: At a workshop sessiop, on October 9, 1986, Bert Elkins fpl,lI, the !'an I Diego "Water Reclaim3:tion Agency will rrBkea presentation to ,the City CouiIcil on the Ceba proces" for sewage treatment. I ll. Obtain parcels in front of City Hall for .expansion of Sheriff's facilities, Planiling Department and Council Chambers (Kruse" oravec) I Staff is working with the County to lease the t~ parcels in front of City HalL During the 1986-87 fiscal year .<3. ll'aSter plan for the City Hall ccxnplex will be developed to address the future filCilities 'on the site. I StatuS: The.Coun.t:Y has agreed to lease the parcels t() the City. The city staff and the 'CoU1)ty are in the process' of finalizing a 5-:year renewable lease agreement for this property. I 12. Developnent of a canprehensive brochure listinq city services and permits I in a useil.ble, readable form (Kruse, ShepardSon) ~he pUrpose of this project is to have a readily available brochufe,listihg all city services, necessary permits and licenses. The br=hure win enable J an individual to Understand at the, first contact with a city department what will be re::xuired in l'cMay. This projEct will be canpleted dilring FY 85-86: I :Statllil: S~f has prepared a draft, step-,by-step br=hilre for those resi- dents who are building or 'improving their CMr) hane. The br=hure details the, pr=ess to be followed, thet-ime requirements for r:eviewqf plans and issuance of permits" and the various types 'of I fees re:IUired . The. draft will .be presented to th,e City Council for comment in October 1986. I If! addij:ion, staff is preparing a brochure Eorresidents which will provide then with the phone numbers for all the servi~es availabl:e, tothenl'il1cludigg cable T.V." refuse collect,ion, SDq&E, I pacific Bell, and city services. Thebr=nilre Will also contain information about the City and city departments. The br=hure will explain which department to caU when they need assistance. The draft'will be presehted to" the "C.lty CouncH, for 'ci:'mnent in I Novenber/Decenber 1986. I . '260 I Camcil Goals I Fiscal Year, 1986-87 Page '5 I 13. Acquisition of ballfield/park at. Valle verde and Espola (KrUse, Tarzy) I, staff is working with the J?a.1ay Unified School District to obtain a portion 9J: their property at thiS' location for a city: par:k. Acquisition of a park . I site will '=cur during FY 86-87. ' Status: ensepteitber 2, 1986, the City of l'cMay and the, PoiJay Unified SchoOl District adoptega Memorahdum of Agreement for Joint Qse I Projects. Under this agreanent, the District hasdeclaroo as surplus a parcel that was previouslyolanned for a school at Valle Verde and 'Espoia Roads. The 'District ,wili give' a 4.6 'acre iBrk . site to the City, in exchange the City!Agencywill prepare and process a subdivision. gap on the rei3idential portion of the property, at 'tJ:lis l.oc.adon. I 14. Carrnunity swirrming pocil (oraveC, Tat'zy) Thecopstructfon of a s\virrming 'pOOl at the earmunit,y Cent~ is one of' the . projects outlined. in the RedevelOl:rnent planf.or thepaguay project area. status: en Septanbei" 4, 1986, the City Council'directed staff .to negotiate I a ,contract '4th .Milton Johnson for the design of the CaJ!l1UI1ity Sw4l:n!ing 'Pool; The contract will 'be scheduled for ij., council meeting in, October, 1986. The design, will,tcike approxi.m3.tely four 1 rronths. 15. Canplete Twiri P€aks loop and Iron Mcuntain Trail and on-qoinq hikinq/ I 'dClinq ,trail improvements (Shepar:qson, Tarzy) The conpletlon of the Twin Peaks and Iron MJuqtain trails will be canpleted I dUring FY 85'-86. Orl""';l'oing impFovements will be implementro as part of the City's overall plan for hiking/riding'trails. Status: The City Council has authorized the expenditure of ,funds during FY :1 '85-'86 to 'bring all, existing hiking/riding trai1:s ..into conformance with the City's adopted trails standardS. The south loop of the Twin.Peaks hiking/riding trail has 'been canpleted. 1 The City' has acquired a license iran SDG&E to use their easement for a hiking/ridillg trail il? part of the north loop of "Twin Peaks I trails. The renainder of the north, loop trail will be ,canpleted infY 86-'87. The' rronMountain Tiail' Will be canpleted by the California Conservation, Corp in FY 86-87. I 1 I ~ ,I 261 I Ccuncil Gc>i:ils Fiscal Year 1986-87 . Page 6 1 16. 'Adopt Sphere, of Influence ,Study (El:nery,) Staff has, prepared a Sphere of Influence study \'Ihich has been revieWed and . approved, bY the City Cquncil,.The ;iphere,of Influence study has 'peen sub- ,mitted to IAFCOfor their review and adoption. The City's Sphere of Influence will be considered by IAFCO during tl1e 1985-1986 fisCal year. I -status: on August 5th, IAFCO Cdtipleted. their hearings' and adopted aSphere of Influence for the Citybf l'cMay. The only area remaining for fildusiop in .gq<@Y'<3~phere of Influence, is thesycarrote .Canyon I area.Il\FC0 Jstentatively scheduled to consider this area in January, 1987. At that time, IAFCO will consider if SYCarrore Canyon win be' included 'in J?a.1ay's Sphere of Influence or whether {~ will be inclUded in the boundartes of the propbsed diyof I Uikesid~ . I 17. Lessen visUal impact of' 1/2 hill at Carriaqe and PowayRoads C&nery ) I,f the City eouhcil approves a project on this site, the developers would be required to extensively landscape the 1/2 hill at Carriage and Poway Roads. I The landscaping would lessen the visUal impact of the,hill. status: At this time there have been only informal inquiries about this I site fran potential developers. '. '18., Aqood steak house or restaurant. (Em:ry ) The Stone ~den project approved by tl1e City Council on Panerado Road 'con- tains ,a .pr<;>posal for. a good ,restaurant. :J.:n addition, staff is working with I developers to locate a quality restaurant in, J?a.1ay. . status: Staff has been dis9U!>sing potential sites in Powayo/itl1 various I marketing representat,i ves. TO: dcite 'no formal plaqs for a reStaurant have been suhni,tt,ed. - I 19. Develop inventory ,list and future location possibilities of senior housinq' developnents (Kruse) I .The ~taff 'has canPleted a List and a. repor.t on future l=a:bons for senior housing developments. The report was ,presented to the City'Council during . the .rrbnth of April" I Status: On AprH .2, 1985" the city council approved various sites for future .senior housing developneqts. I . - 262 I Council Goals I Fiscal Year, 1986-87 Page. 7 I 20. Finali!ze Redevelopnent Capital Improvement goals (Kruse) The'City Couhc'll haS, imthori:zed ,the 'eJqXmditure pf $250,000.in.FY 86-87 for I redevelopnent projects recarmended by the Redevelopnent Advi:~ory Carrni ttee. The Carrnittee will suhnit their recarmendations to the city council in January', 1987.. 1 status: en ,July 22, 1986, the CitY Council prioritized th~ projects to be fUfd.Eri ,bi the,' 1986 Certificat~ of ParticiP.'ltion and TaX .1 Allocatwn Bond Issues. These pro]ect,s are as follows: , Carrnunity Swirrmipg Pool $2 million perfqrmingArts8enter $4.5 .million I Val-le Verde/Espola Park $ .5milhon , Panerado RCJ1!.Cl Wall $1 million, Assist Mobile .Hane Park J?Urchase $. 95mi'llion, .. NeIghborhoOOReVi tali zation Pi'ojects, $ :25 mii1:~on ' commercial, Revitalization Projects $1 million 21. Review of Kiosk. proqram (Kruse) 1 The city planning staff wfl'l prepar, e a report on the KiOSk: progr."am. . The I report will reviav the locations of the Kiosk signs to determine. iftlie existing locations rneet the intent of the program and are providing the necessary directions to locations in J?a.1a'{, The report will be preSented to I the City Council during FY,85-86. status: The City Plannipg staff. presentedthei,r report on.tilie KioSk program to the City Council' on ~y 21, 1985. I 22. Sixth Anniversary 'Celebration (Kriise) I The' city staff wil1propcise including fundS in, the 1986-87 fiqcal .year ' bud,get to provide a ,celebration for J?a.1ay' s' 6th anniv,er:sary 'as a city. Status: The City Council during the PY'86-87 budget hearing appropriated :1 fundS for the City I s sixth anniversary' cel$ratioIl 'to be 'held in eohjUhction with the City spol'1soredSundovmer. ,I 23. Sponsor "Simdowner," at Carmunity Center (Kruse) The City Councflapproved flindS in, the 1986-87 fiscal year buggettp sponsor I 'a' Chan10er of Carrnerce"Sliridawner" at the Carrnunity Center. The city spon- Sored. Sundowner will provide the busine"s ccrrrnunity the oppertunityto ffieet I ,their l=a1 elected official,s and to becane rrore familiar with city provided . services . I I ~F' ',1 263 'I' Ccimcil Goals Fiscal Year 1~86-87 Page 8 . Status: The :City Coofic'iL wilisponsor a, Chamber of Carrne:cce "Sundowner" at I the Carr:nunity center onDeC~ 4, 1986. I 24. Biief staff prepared analysis/recannendat:ions on itE!l1S appearing on pend- ingSANDAG ,agenda (Kruse) I Th, '" city staff WJ., 'lldevelopa procedure for reviewing SANDAG a':Jenda items and providing analysis and recannendatiQns which represent the view of the city of Pow<ly. Tllepr=edure wilL be, developed ancl irnplenented ,during the 1985-86 fisCal year. I 'Status: The staff, is ,prepariJ1g a, pr=edure for receiving SANDtif' agendas to ~termine what itenis may, impact the City ofFOiiay and to prepare I the appropriate reCarrnendations. 25. ,Reviav of' street .sweeping services under contract to the city (Kruse) 1 The staff has deve:roped naY street sweeping bid specifications to improve the level of service and in M3.y of 1985, the City awarded a street SIN,eeping I contract to the firm of R. F'. 'Dickson. - status: Q1 Sept:enIJer 16, 1986, the City' Cooncil authorized staff to imple..., rnent 'a city-wide, cleanup prog'ram..As part, of the ,program, the' I. staff recarrneJ1ded increasing the sweeping in the carrn, ercial areas , iran bi-'WeeJ<ly, to ~y and residential areas, fran, rronthly to tWice. rorithly' fran~ M3.y, tI:rrough, October. The staIf wHlpresent a I cost proposal to the City Council to increase the level ffiY'eeping ip theccmnercial areas in October, 1986. In April, 1987, the staff will 'request: the City: cQuncH to appropriate. .fundsto increase the level of street sweeping in residential areas for the 1 [)eriod May tI:rrough October, 1987. I 26. Recycling center for the carrnunity (Oravec) The City's existing refuse franchise contaiils a provision to allow a I recycling center,. During th~ 1985-86 fiscal year, the staff will. prepare a repoi't for the City Counc:(L on potential sites,that may be used 'for a recycling center. 1 Status: city staff is prep3Iinga, report on potenUal sites. that. II1aY be' used for a recycling center. Staff has also received informal ,inquiJ;:,es frqn individuals \vho have expresseq an, interest in I eStablishing a' recycling center in PcMay. I, . ~~...,- '-..'~\ 2~ I Cwndi Goals . Fiscal Year 1986-87 Page 9 1 27. site for future \vater storage (Oravec) I ,The city' CoUncil directed that a woE~1l9P on the ability ,Of the san Diego Coonty Water Author:ity to provi~e water storage sit.esbe scheduled. I' Status: The City C9uncil has ,had a .w:>rkshop oQpotential water stor<).ge sites outside the City of' l'cMay. fhe. pann Dam which is being, '. constructed north of' IGm:mq can provide ,teroporary water storage ih the future. 2B. Publish,booKletoi. c:cmnunity hikinqJridinq traiYs '(Oravec>. Staf.f is preparing a booklet on. the. eXisting 'and futur,e hikipg ansJ, riding . tr,ails In l'cMay. The .booklet will beavaiJ,able to the public this s1.inTIier'. status: Carmunity servicesst:{lff ,has prepared 'a b=klet on, the existing hikif!g ang riding trails . The,b=klet, contains descriptions of I various sites 'and pOints that nay be of interest to the rider ()r ' hiker. The b=klet has been available to the public since trail ~~~.~~ I 29,., Throuqh access fran Carriaqe Road to Metate L3ne (Oravec) I staff will reView potential designs for a through access' fran Carriage Road to Metate L3ne. :fh,ereport 'will take' ihto consideration variOlls alter- , :natives for the through access_. status: In ,,?eptenber of 1985; the City held pUblic hearings on t.I),e tenta- tiye, nap for, thePCmerado business ,Park. !\t that time, t:f1e I Planning staff presented a report on the project's ov:erall traffic . imwcts to the city's Circulation e],e:nent" Th~,rep'ort also included an option for a through access fran., Carriage to Metate I Lane. 30. Underground utilities fran' Fire station #1 to Ketron Avenue (Oravec> I The City ;staff 'wiU rE;yiew1;ihis project for pcitential. funding using the city I s underground utility all,ocation. A, report to the city Cow;1,cil on ar:easfor undergrodnding of utilities will 'be presented during' ~1e 1~85-86 1 budget hearings. I 1 I ,- j2' 265 , Camcil Goals' II Fiscal Year 1986-87 Page 10 1 Status: 'Tl;1e Pdblic services staff hcl,s requested SDG&E to canpile a list of eligi;,le projectS that could ~, funded with Poway's underground I utility allocation .SDG&E win also 'provide the City with an esti.m3.te of our current arrount of underground utilityfurtdS and antfcipated arrounts for' future ,allocatIohs,- The Public serviCes' staff will prepare ar~rt for city Council consideration on the 1 costs f~r each elfgi91e'p~qj~t and whi~h projects could be~d~- takeq I'llth the c~ty,'sexJ.st1ng all=at~on of underground utlhty fundS. ?:'his report 'will be presented to the City Council 'in I JanUary, .1987'. 31. Sidewalks, landscaping fran Poway/Panerado 'RoadS to, Glenoak :Road '(Orayec,) I The City Camcil haS authorized staff to sul:mit this project for funding under the Carrnunity Develdpnent Block c;ratit (Cl)BGl program. The Departrn61t I of Housing and, Urban developnent (HOD) in Washingtpn, D.C., is currently reviewing the city'sappltc:;:ation, Ftelimfhary .indicaj:io[ls fran HlJD seen to indicate areluctaJ'lce on 'their 'part to approve the panerado RqadPioject:. 'I St.aft.'~ is. working with Coog:r;essnaq DunqanHtihter's representatives in Wash~ngton" D;8." to resolve the concerns of HlJD, status: The Panerado Road wall project has been approved by HOD. Phase I 'I .of the project fran McFeronto Tas,sel Road was canpleted in . AUgUst . Phase II will be awarded on. October 8, 1986. Phase III will be out to bid on September 26, 1986. II on JUly 22, 1986, the CityCouilcil authorized the expenditure of , , $1 ,million inredevelopnent funds to canp1ete the PaneradoRoa5'l project fran RObison BoUleVard to Glenoak Road. This projedt will, I be canpletEri during FY 86-87. I 32,. Park ail.d Ride facility for Poway (Oravec) Staff is working with CalTrans 1:0 identify potential park. ,and ride sites in J?a.1ay.. CalTrans currently has 'a site available in ~y that could be used 1 for' a park ana ride fa,cility. .. ~i:aff will present a report to the city Council on the status oJ a CalTrans park and ride facility in Poway during th", 1985-86 fiscal year. ' I Status: The city is currentl:(" usiqg the parking lot at st. Gabriel's ChurchJasa park and nde. s~te for tqe express bus. CalTran,s has: a potential park and 'ride. site 'locateda~rossthe. sueet fi:'i::rn the I Church at the corner of Budwin Lane and Twin peaks Road. At this . time, the tideJ:"ship on the express bus is notet a, level which \'Kmld warrant CalTransexpending funas to install tqe necessary I' ,pili~ic;: irl)ptovenerits to upgrade their site to a park an9. ride . fac~hty.. I I .-J.(.-."',"" ~'\ 1~ I ~ili~ 1 Fiscal Year 1986-87 Page ,11 I 33. Helicopter (Redevelopnent Agency) ,for mappinq, fire, .rescUe , law enforcement I (oravec) The C,ity ~oonc,il/Ra:ievelOpilent Agency may consider this ite:n during the I 1985-86 budget hearings. , Status: The City council on Septenber 3, 1985, authorized staff to prepare a report on the fea.sibiUty of purchasing a City helicopter and I sharing its cost ancJ. use with other goverrunental jurisdicti<?I},~! : througrr the fiqrmation of a JPA. The prirrary purpose of the heli- copter would be to transport traurnapatients, respond to vafious medical anergenCies, assist in search ,and 'rescueoperati'ons; .1 assist with fire suppression, assi'it law enforcement activities, and provide the ability to undertake other acti vit:iessuch as . rnapping, code enf.or~ement, disaster [?reparamess and <::apital I Iffiprovement planning. .34. Road signs for PcMay in tan/sand colors (oravec) I 'Staff, win prepare a 5,-;yearprogfam for, rePlacing exist,ing signs at rnajor _ :intersections in PcMay with new signs in contrasting brown colors. A I prog;ram fior sign. .replacementand. ~. s<:UTIPle of the new sign win be presented , to the City CooncIl during the 1985-86 fiscalyeat. .. Status:, On l-larch 25., ,1986, th,;" City, Council .directed staff to 'ys,e ?&!cl brown porcelaw type Slgns Wl,th bone' colored letters. The Slgns ' should cont.ain the street :names, block number, and city logo. The 'signs are onl'y to .be 'instal,led on .rnajor sqeets, new subdivisions, .. and where sigilS need repair or are',kn=ked down. The street name sign prog;ram will be impiemeni:~ inFY 86-87. .. 35. Marketinq br=htfre for PcMay (Oravec) I The City Ci:xmcil :as awarded a contract. to the. strategy Marketing Group, to I develop a marketlng br=hure for the Cl ty. A draft of the marketl[1g . br=hure ,Jill be ,presented too the, City Council at a workshop Sel?siol.l: i,n FY 1985-86. I statu,?: Ii. market.ing ht=hure for' the City of 'PaNc1y,has been :developed by' the City staff aild the Strategy Marketing Group, ,The br=hure was j)resentErl at the Econanic Conferenc,? sponsoreg. by t.heCity and. I Chamber of Carrnerce on Sept,enber 11;, 1:985,.. Copi'es of'the ,brochure are availaple through the City and the Chainber of Carrnerce. , 1 1 ,I f - ,- '26-7 I Cooncil Goals ,Fiscal Year t986-87 Page 12 .' J6. Construction of an all purpose roan at Twin Peaks (Tarzy) I The construction of an ail purpose roan at .Twin Peaks :School will .be con- - sideredby ~1e City Council during the 1985-'86 bUdget hearing. . status: en Auggst 19, 1986, the Poway Redevelopnent Agency :approved a , ' contract, between the Agency and Hufbauer, Humphrey, & worthington, - Architects, inc. for the design of a'multi-prrpose roatv'gyrnnasium I at Twin 'PeaJg> Middle School. The working drawings are 60' percent COIilplete. Theproj~ will be tinder construction in FY 86-'87. . 37. Canplete construction .at Lake, Poway (Tarzy.> The. west expa,nsion ,project at Lake Pa.iay will be canpleted in fiscal, year I. 1985-'86. This proje,ct irs:ludes additional paridng, landsc4ping, tot ,lot, horse shoe pits , Sand volley ball court, new concession stand ,restroans, concreteamphi theater seating, covered cEri\ent patio .east of. the eXisting I pavilion with barbecue pits, and a grad,ed area south of the park as a poten- tial site, for a ,historical s=iety building. These ,project.s will canplete the nester plan for Lake l'cMay. I StatUs: The west expansion project at Lal$e Poway inclUded additional parking, landSC<l.ping, tot lot, ball .field lighting, 11 new con- ceSsion stand ,restroans , and covered cement, patio east, of the I existing ,pavillion. Tl1e project Was canplete in FY 85-86. The City has also received state grants to ,buHCi a new fishing dock an9-, instan neW fi"hing trails around the lake. These pro- . jects will be canpleted in FY 86-87. . ., 38. R6I'Oval .of billboardS (Tarzy) All billboardS on J?a.1ay ,~have been reroved by ,the sign. cal1panies as a . result of City Council initiated action. status: This goal has been accanplished and no fur.ther action is nec:.essary . I 39. Upgj:ade. of medians on Oak 'KnoU, Road east 'of Carriage Road (:&rery ) I The existing ,medians lack adequate landScaping atld an irrigation ,systen. The' Pub1!ic 'Services Elepartment will recarrnend a progra,Jn ,and cOst esti.m3.te . upgrading these medians. The program will be preSented to the City Council in FY 86:;"87. I , , .'