Final Budget FY 1984-1985 - . , MASTERrJU A I " DO NOT AEMO\1I. I I I I I I I I I I Financial Program I 1984 - 1985 I I I I I I J '\ ...... ..... . ~--- ~ I I I I I I C I T Y OF POWAY I I I CITY COUOCIL AND REDEVEWPMENI' l\GOCY I I BRUCE TARZY, MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN roB EMERY, DEPUTY MAYOR AND VICE-cHAIRMAN I CARL KRUSE I LINDA ORAVEC WIRY SHEPARDSON I I I I I I /71 .""'- ......... I I I I I I C IT Y OF POWAY I I I EUI:X;El' REVIEW CCMlITI'EE I I BOB BROOKS ANNE GRUENZNER I KATHY M: INl'YRE ,I VERN MARSTON GORDON MEYER I I ,I JW1e, 1984 ,. Prepared By: Administrative services I Finance Division Kay D. Jimno, Director Candie Chaffin, Finance M3.nager I I ~ ,/' -,",- I I I ,I I ,I C I T Y OF POWAY I DIRECTORY OF crTY OFTIcrALS I I crTY MAN1lGER JAMES L. ~ I I I ASSISTANl' crTY MANAGER DLRECTOR OF FUBrrC SERVICES JOHN D. TI TCH ALAN D. ARCHI BALD I, crTY ATl'ORNEY DI RECTOR OF PLANNI NG SERVI CES I STEPHEN M. ECKI S BARRY K. IKlGAN I crTY CLERK/TREASURER DIRECTOR OF AJ:MINI:STRATIVE SERVICES MARJORIE. K, WAHISTEN KAY D. JIMNO . I DI RECTOR OF CXMIUNI: TY SERVI CES illRECTOR OF SAFEl'Y SERVICES I D. LEE LEWI S WI: LII AM A. 'lOON I I ----- - I I I ,I' I 'I C I T Y OF POWAY :1 I REDEVEWl'MENl' ADVISORY CCHIITTEE I RICHARD ADAMS I PAT Bl'lSSE NEVILLE BOI'!lWELL '. WIS OCNINS I ALAN DUSI RILEY FIEISCHMAN :1 JOHN GA\lARES JEANNIE GRAHAM I GORDON MEYER JOHN MULLIN I JOYCE NOLTE I I" I I -~ ~ - I I TABIB OF CJ:JNrENl'S I ,. City Manager's Letter of Transmittal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Prog~arn ~dit~es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hi Authorized Full--Ti.me Positions by Departnent . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv I Full-Time Classifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v City of E'oWay Financial Program: 1984-1985. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 'I' Surrmary of Sources & -Uses of Budgeted Funds . . . . . . . . . . . 2 S~.terrent' <?f Fund Balances and Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 'Ger1er~l Furld. . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 I Street Improv5lEl1t - Gas Tax Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 park Improvement Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Draina.ge -Fund . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 8 Federal ReVenue Sharing-Fund. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 9 I Grant Funds . . .':. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 Assessrnent,Districts Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II Street Develo[:tlent Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 11 Municipal Improvement Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 ..oept '~vice Fll;nd . . _. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Water F1.lrl<.i. . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Se\oler J;und. . . -. . ,iO r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 I Capital Replacement Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Trust Funds . . '. '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 I Revenues;by.Funds and Sourc~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Bond Il1terest and Rede!I1lption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 I Depart!rental Operating Budgets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Legislative and Administrative: City Council . . . . . . . . . . 35 r.egislative and Adm,i:nJs_trative: City Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . 39 ,. legislative-and Administrative: City Attorney. . . . . . . . . . 43 Legislative and Admfnistrative: City Manager . . . . . . . . . . 47 Depart!rent of Admiriistrative Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 I Depart!rent of Comffiunity Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 I Departnent .of Planning Services . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Depart!rent of Public Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 I bepartnent of Safety Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 I, I I - '. ,. TABLE OF CON1'ENl'S I, City of PcMay Capital Improvement Program.. . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 125 ',I PcMay RedevelO!;rient Program: 1984-1985. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Staterrent, of' Fund BalanCes and Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 I Camlunity RedeveloPreritAgency Administrative Fund. . . . . . . 155 Crnmunity Redevelopjent"Agency Capital Projects FW1d. . . . . . 156 CarmW1ity Redeveloprent Agency 'Grant FW1ds. .. . . . . . . . . 157 '. Revenue By FW1d and Sources. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 159 Administrative Operating Budget . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . 163 Redevelopnent Capital Improvement Program . . .. . . . . . . . . . 167 I Appendix A - Resolution Adopting 1984-1985 City Financial Program. . . 189 ,I Appendix B - ,Resolution Adopting 1?84-1985 Redevelopment I Agency Financial Program. . . . . . 195 .. .. ": .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . I' I Appendix C - Chart of Expense Accounts & Definitions . . . . . . . . . 199 I Appendix'D - Chart of Revenue,Accounts & Definitions. . . . . . . . . 213 Appendix E - Status of City Council Immediate i I and Short-Term Goals. . . 227 . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . ,I . I I I I I I I I I' i ,I CITY OF POWAY BRVC~ ,IARZY,,,Mayor BOB;.EMERY,.Depury Mayor I ~~~L;, ~RU~.E, Cou~cilm_~mber LINDA ORA VEC,CounCiimember MARY SHEPARDSON; Co.unc!IIllember ,I I' M3.y .24, 1984 I HonClrable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of P=ay P=ay, California 92064 I" . . ,I Dear. CoW1cilinernbers: \I~ Thebqdget as presented .to the City Council for Fiscal Year 1984-85, was prepared I . in'al} environment of an .improving econc:xny and cautious optimism. At this time, I am ,encouraged that the State 0% California has final.ly deCided to address the issue .' of stabili zation of local goverl1lOOnt financing. It wOuld appear at this time that the Legislature is prepa,ed to guarantee that :, cities will no longer have to be cOncerned with the potential loss of rrotor vehicle in~lieu,fees and cigarette taxes. The Operating Budget of $13,345,527 is presented as a ~petualization of prior :1" ,yea!7s"programs. No new .prpgrarns have been included for Consideration in Fiscal , . Year 1984-85. The proposed increase. of eleven staff positions is primarily in ;response to either a workload iqcrEXlse for parks, streets, W<iter ,sewer, and tree l maihtenance or public requests for improved levels of service in engineering and ,recreation. 'During ,Fiscal Year 1983-84, Jlei-haps the rrost financially significant long-term I 'comnW11ty' need was addressed when the City CoW1cil approved the R.egeye19P!"!=nt ,Plan for the 8,200 acre paguay Project . Area . This plan prepared .. pursuant to the State of California CamlW1ityRedevelopmentAet, gives the City of f'c:Miy the,'lleCessaI'Y ,financial tools to address such cOrrmW1ity needs as 1'106':1' eol1ho]:,; ,trafflc,andeconornic revitalization. It is esti1rated'.that the Poway 1- 'R~~v~lo~ntAgen~;' ,in partnership with private industI'Y, willuhdEilitake $247 million in projects during the life of the plan. The Redevelopment Agency budget lor Riscal Y~ 1984-85 provides constr~ctioQ fundiQg for '$2,041,500 in,projects. ''['he funding forthisworkprog:r:a.m has beenrtade possible through grants arid a loan ,- 'from-City contingency funds which were accumUlated through conservative fiscal rranagenEnt during the first three years fOliOwing incorporation. ," , I- I . ' City Hall Located at 13325 Gjvic Center Drive ':Mailii]g Address: P,O Box 785,Poway, California 92064 . (619) 748-6600, (619) 695-1400 I ii ,. Honorable M3.yor and Members of the City Council May 24', 1984 t Page 2 .. In sulmiary, it would appear that the f-iscal ,future of PcMay is healthy. Our local econany is experiencing real growth ElXCeecling inflation. This will provide stable I revenues for municipal opEll"ations. with the approval. of ,the l'oWay RedevelofX1l=l1t Plan, t_h~ City will be able to begin the process of elimination of blighting con- ditions which have J:1ad an adverse impact on the ccmniliJity. ~I' It is again a pleasure to present to the City Council and citizens of Poway a balanced budget which provi'des for quality services at a reasonable cost. I Respectfully sul:mitted, I (:~' if ~'~! \:r s L. llc:Mersox :1 ' Y Manager "I .1 I ~I ,I I I I I ~I I iii I CITY OFPa'1AY , PRo::;RAM EXPENDITURES FISCAL.YEAR 1984-1985 ,. Q:>erations Total I and Capital Program CITY OF PONAY Personnel M3.intenance Outlay Expenditures '.' Legislative and Administrative $ 379,760 $ 196,180 $ 1,150 $ 577,090 I Administrative Services 642,854 418,737 130,112 1,191,703 I Community;Services 731,1l0 542,387 60,350 1,333,847 , Planning 'Services 301,409 396,440 1l,234 709,083 I Public Services 1,910,545 4,158,867 108,235 6,177,647 I Safety Services 1,233,303 1,978',854 144,000 3,356,157 I TOI'AL CITY $5,198,981 $7,691,465 $455,081 $13,345,527 I :1 I I I ~.'; I I I 0 iv D AUlliORI ZED FULL-TIME I PCSITIONS BY DEPARI'MENl'; B 1983-1984 1984-1985 1984-1985 DEPARI'MENI' AUlliORI ZED PROPCSED APPROIIED I Legislative & Administrative 8 8 8 :g Administrative Services 19 23 * 23 * CarmW1ity Services 24 28 28 I Planning Services 10 10 10 I Public Services 55 58 58 Safety Services 32 32 32 I TOI'AL 148 159 159 I APPROIIED NEW PCSITIONS .' DEPARTMENl' TITLE - I Administrative Services Administrative Clerk I Data Entry Clerk I Carmunity Services Ranger Aide Park Ranger II Park Maintenance Worker I (2) I Public" Services Assistant Civil, Engineers (2) Construction M3.intenance I ~ker I (3) I I *Includes transfer of the warehousing function and the associated two staff positions from Public Services to Administrative Services. I I l v I CITY OF POilAY , FULL TIME CIASSrFlCATIONS ClASSIFICATION RANGE NO. SAlARY RANGE '. Accountant 205 1778-2170 Account Clerk II 159 ll25-1373 Account Clerk I 149 1019-1243 I Administrative Analyst 2:r0 1869-2280 Administrative Assistant 200 1692-2064 Administrative Clerk II .' 152 1044~1280 Admini~trative Clerk I 142 950-ll59 I Administrative Secretary 172 1280-1562 Assistant City Engineer 245 2647-3230 Assistant City'M3.nager 268 3328-4061 I Assistant Civil Engineer 220 2064-2519 Assistant' Planrer 209 1761-2148 Assistant Public Services Operations Manager 240 2519-3074 I Assistant to the' City Manager 230 2280-2783 Assistant to the Director . of Public Services 230 2280-2783 'I Associate Civil EDjineer 230 2280-'2783 ASsociate Planner 214 1945-2373 Building M3.intenanc,= Worker 164. ll25-1373 Code Campliance'Officer 194 1594-1945 I CalmW1ity Services. Manager 230 2280-2783 Construction M3.inteilance super'intendent 230 2280..,2783 I Construction M3.intenance Supervisor 199 1675-2044 Construction Maintenance worker III 184 1443-1761 I Constructiori Maintenance worker II 174 1306-1594 Construction, Mairitenance ,. I'KJrker I 164 1183-1443 CUstomer Services ~nager 215 1964-2397 CUstomel'" Services Worker 177 1346-1642 .' Data Engy Clerk 154 1071-1306 n::puty C~:ty CJerk 177 1346-1642 ,Director' 'of Administrative Services 260 3074-3750 Director of ~W1ity services . "255 2924-3568 I DirectorotPlanntng Services 255 2924-3568 Directot'of' Public Services 263 3167-3864 Director of'SafetY'Services 260 3074-3750 ,I Engineering Aide 182 1414~1743 Eng ineetihg TeChnician 192 1562-1906 Equipnent MaintEmance Supervisor 208 1832-2235 Equifll1ent Mechanic 193 1578-1926 ,I I ,I vi I CITY OF PCklAY I FULL TIME CIASSIFlCATIONS I, CIASSIFlCATION RANGE NO. SAIARYRANGE Finance Manager 230 2280-2783 I Fire ~t~lion Chief 241 2544-3104. Fire Captain 216 19.84,..2421 Fire Engineer 204 1761'-2148 'I Fire Fighter 191 1547":1888 Fire Fighter '(Probationary) 166 1206-.1472 Fire Prevention Ihspector 196 16i6-1984 I Junior Civil Engineer 210 1869-2280 JW1ior Planner 194 1594-1945 JW1ior Progranmar 204 1761'-2148 Laboratory Technician 210 1869-,22?0 ,I, Lake Supervisor 181 .1400-1709 l>eter Mechanic 183 '1429_"71743 Park Ranger III 171 1268:-1547 .' Park Ranger II 161 1148-1400 Park Ranger I 151 1039-1268 Parks ~intenance ~rker IU 176 1332-1626 ParKS Maintenance Worker II 166 1206-1472 I Parks M3.intenance Worker I 156 1092-'1332 Parks Supervisor 196 162~--1981 Personnel Aide 177 134~'-.1642, .' Personnel M:lnager 230 2280-2783 Planning' Technician 177 1346-1642 Public Services Inspector 206 1796-2191 Public S~ices Operations M3.nager 250 2783--3395 I Purch.3.sing M3.nager 230 2280-2783 Purchasing Technician 174 1306-1594. Rang~ Aide 142 950-ll59 .' Recreation Coordinator 181 1429:-1743 Recreation Leader 171 1268-1547 Recreation Supervisor 196 1626,.,1984 I Secretary 162 ll59-1414 Secretary to the City M3.nager 177 13~6461:i Senior, Accountant 215 1964'-2397 Senior Building M3.intenance Worker 179 13n"t675 '. Senior Planner 230 2280-27~3 Senior Utilities System Technician 211 1888-2303 Storekeeper 160 1136-ol:387 I Trea1?rent Plant Operator III 210 1869:"2280 Treatment Plant Operator II 200 ll;'92'-2064 Treatment Plant Operator I 190 1532-186"9 utilities Operations and I Treatnent Superintendent 235 2397-'2924 Utilities System Mechanic 191 1547--1888 utilities System Technician 201 1709--2085 'I I I ~I co.' "'~ ' o-i . ,I ....' CO, "', 'o-i ...~' Ii ~ i~ /;:l~ II ~~ ~ '~ tl . i ,-, i_ :_ i" :_ '~"...-i"_ '_~ I . '.... '.. ~~ .... !_, ;-.... '.' . .. :2 CITY 0F'rowAY, ,FISCAI,. YEAR' 19,84..,1985'SUM>1ARY OF S0URCES AND 0SES 0F BUIX;E1'ED, ,FUNDS, ,I $PEPrA.L SP~IA8, CAPITAL GENERAL REVENUE ASSESSMENT' ". f.....,.-... PRClliEI' I FUND .FUNDS ",,'0 ~- .'__ -. FUNDS: FUNDS SOl:JRCE . OF, 'EVNDS Revenues $ i 715 '187 ~2,53),274 $ll,173 $460,340 :1 ., .-". AccUmulated \ Approp1'-la.t~ons 3,,368,m,o ~96,798 0 0 Accumulated .r'Und,OOance 0, ?rtf"539 ,11,356 387,095 'I TOI'AL $11 ,.Q83, 197 $':3,.707:;611 '$22,52? ~84:Z',435, ,- USE OF FVNDS, " 'EXpenditures $ 7,118'i 685 i$l,018,9J;7 $}l,5,OO $ 0, c4Pita1 Projects' 0 1,370,084 '0 770,,312' B6i1d Int~rest,& J ' Rede!fIPtlc:>n:, 0 0 '0: ,0 ;Res,e.ryes {or conHng~nci:es 1,807,05~ 840".I!02 0 ,0 I Unappropfiated Resefves () 629,075' -li029 751;043 ,Transfers 2',09':7 ,458 (150',1567) ".- ." (673~920), ;0, TOI'AL ,$li ,.083, 197 $3,7,97;',611 $72,529 ,$847,,435 I ' " GeneraiFund ,- ,The prfuari source ,of! 'reveI1~e", fqr tl:1e General Fund are proP,erty taxE}:> , ;1 Ci"na" ,sales 'talC. General ,Furid re1!.enue,s 'f:r:an,all squrces are shown ,on pages 20, '21 and 2~ The G~eralFUna. finances aJJ of't,ne;saf~ty Seryices, PlanriiqgBervices" ~?mlunity Se:r:vicesi' ,g~heralengin~er:fQg ancI 'the'CitY' adnlinfstrat-i'on, :As@lnary ,of !,he, a.pp~6ved I l:iudget, fbi,' ,the Genera], .~d; is shoWn' .on 'P3.ges 32 and, 3~, Special Revenue Funds'; , , , , . , I ,Ga~ Tax/Street,~rovement. - 'I'lie! fimd:is usE?d t<:>,!i:nance, the; cOl1struct.ioh" ,repa~'r a~d i lIB"nteflC!.!}ce, of flt;y.streets.AS shown. on' pa,ge 2.~ sources of' re.yenl,l~ 'ar,e fran gasol1ne ' 'tax and, i'nt~est fJ1cdre .', 'The approved' :budget is, shown on @ge$ 6"33a.n.d 1:26. ,street Developnent Fund - 'The 'funa. ls,used' .for-st,re.ei: C9nstfuctiori ,projects fclhanced, I '1::1t.:,dev:~J;oper '~: ,;.ee,s" Revehuesare, snOwn omfag~ 2'4.] The approvedbud9,.et is shoWn, oh <"J .!pages :q aDd ];26'. , , Drainage. Fund, -R.!=v~ues' 'fbrtn~s, fund are ~h9Wtl 'op. fa,?e 23 .The:priirriI'Y~Sblil;'ce;ofl' 'revenue 1sfran dra:Lnage fees. collected as develoj:glent occurs. Th1S revenue 1S used. to, :f.inaqcr;; SOl1llJ::ructlon. of HoOd coritr~l, gnd draknage-,!dTIPro~~nts.' , '~ 'Revenue Sharing -Reveiiue. ,Shai':ing funds are; received 'fran the Feaeral Goveimrent and are', shOWn .on pjge 23. 'Federal. ,RE!veJ},y.e ~,h(l!,;~ng f~ c;:anbe 'USed to finance City. operght()Qs J oi;' Capital: iin,proveI'rE!nts, ~. fllll4 ,~c(1v'itit detai'l is shown on'page 9,. _ Giant FundS,. - Thes~, funds:ar:eused to account, for' various, grants tnat are '~,ecEdved kJ.Y .th~ City'.. Rev~nyes<l!e. Sh~ :on~ge_2a. A f~d'activity~taJ~ ii> s;howlY ol1~.:.e roo '.' Spec:LalAsSessment Fund - ,Th:LS fl}lld ,:LS' .used to' .f-1nance: pul?lJ,c :L,!!lPr9v,~Qj:,? o~serV1Ces " ' t!,1at beflE!fi:t;s 't.he .p!:,oper;t:i'es ggainSt'Which the, as,?ess~nts;ar,e .leviea. Revenue~rare' I' sh~ OD ,page '24. p,., fUnd, actiiJitydetail IS shO'!!Il'l:, pn, page .11.,; , :1, '- . I I 3 I DEBl' <::Ap~TAL SERVICE ENrERPRISE REPIACEMENr TROST 'REDEVELOPMENT, .' FUND ,FUNDS: FUND FUNDS AGENCY TOl'AL - $ 94 ;880 $ 6,282,243 $240,245 $2,750 $ 0 $17,340,092 I 0 '4 532' 464 233,760 0 0 8,531,032, , . t,_, I 304,584 0 0 27,955 0 1,508,529 $399,464 $10,814,707 $4'74,005 $30,70;;' $ 0 $n, 379,653 I $ '0 $5,035,Og5 $lOl,400 $ 0 $ 0 $I3 ,'345 ,527 0 710, 0.00 0 0 0 2,850,396 I 173,.700 1;358,153 0 0 0 1,53l,853 0 3',271<,283 372 , 605 0 1,718,117 8,009,161 I 225,764 0 0 25,805 0 1,642,716 0 440,246 0 4;900 (1,718,117) 0 I $399,464 $10,814,,707 $474,005 '$30,705 $ 0 $27,'379 , 653 I Capital ProiectF1fu.ds : . Municipal Improvement. - Revenue for this fund 'is shown ~:m page 24. The fund, is used to 'finance construction of City capital improvement project,s. I Park Improvements - This fuhd ,is 'used to finance the cos:t of' ,park construction. Rev- enlies are shown on page 22 and authorized capital expenditures are shown on page 126. Debt Servite -This fund records the r:evenues, and expenditures associated with the '~ina,qc'" I ing'of the City's general debt. Revenue sources are sh~ on Page 24. The. approved budget 'is 'shown on page 14. ., Enterprise ,funds: - (Water arid Sewer) I'Bter Fund - The Water ~ is a self-supported enterprise fund. The primary source of revenue for this fund is ,fran'the sale of Water.. All revenues 'for the fund are ,shown I 011 ,page ~5. 'Authorized expenditUres, for fiscal year 1984-1985 are shown on pages 15, 32 'and 33, . S€INeI' :Fund - TP.e primary,so\lrce of revenue for the. se~er fund is ~e sewer service ~ge. Other ,sources of revenue 'for 'this 'fund, ate shown on ,page 26. The approved I budget for the Sewer Fund is shown on pages 16, 32, 33'and 126. Capital Replacerrerit.Pund- 'The capital replacement funo 'is, used to f1nancetpe ,replace- I rrent of City'vehicles and major equipnent.The revenue for this fund canes fran sale of' surplus property and rental fees chaJ::ged tg each of the divisiolls that have ,been assigned vehiCles or equiprrent. 'Revenues are shown 'op,page, 26 . Expei1ditures ate on page 3'2. I Trust Funds, - These funds are used to account for proprietary trusts that have been oonal;ed to the City:.. Trust Furid Revenues ,are shown on page 27. I Redevelopnent Agency - The funding for the Redeveloprent Agency includes 10Cins fran the City: which are. inc:1ude<i. in the; c:ity' s .budget surrmaries ,for display purposes onlY'. The 'total budget. for the Redeveloprent 'Ag~cyis shown on pages 153 thru :185,. I cITY oFR:w.Y "'" STATEMENl' oF ~ BI\IMt:Es AND RJ;SERVJ;S ACCum Funds !\vailable 1984~1985 Prqposed Expenditure~ Fund Fund Food Af>prop . Approp, Balance as of' Balance Revenues Bond,Iht Q"pitai Transfers as of (Reserv. ) 7/1/84 7/1/84 i984-1985 & RedEfup ~ations Projects (In)/out 6/30/85 6/30/85 FUND General $3,368,010 $ 0 $7,715,187 $ 0 $'7,1"78,685 $ o $2,097,458 $1,807,054 $ 0 . Gas T~/Street 817,40-5 Inproverrent 191,454 0 806,340 0 166,792 (211) n,808 0 Park Improve. 0 98,249 460,,340 0 0 78,593 (48,834) 0 528,830 Drainag~ 0 100,079 523,690 <i 0 53,45~ 23,000 0 .547,315 fed. Rev. Shar,. 0 677 ,459 295,300 0 90,000 , 806,000 (5,000) 0 81,759 Grant 0 1 225,896 0 111,512 114,384 0 0 1 Spec. As,sesrnt. 0 n,356' 11,173 0 11,500 0 0 0 11,029 street De,velop. 205,344 0 682,048 0 0 229,454 (1,68,356) 826';294 0 Milnicip. Improv 0 :2811,846 0 0 0 691,119 (625i086) 0 222,213 . Debt. Service 0 304,584 .94 ;889 173,700' 0: 0 0 0 225,;764 Water 748,673 0 4,796,433 1,175,332 3,579,365 0 291,783 498,626 0 ,sewer 3,783,791, 0 1,485,810 182,82]: i, 4'55,660 710,000 148,463 ,2,772,657- 0 Capital Replac._ 233,760 0 240,245 0 101,400 0 0 372,605 0 '!Crust 0 27,955 2,750 0 0 0 4,900 0 25,805 Redeveloprent 0 <i 0 0 0 o (1,718,117,) 1,718,117 0 " TOI'AL S8 53l 032 Sl.508.529' $17.340092 Sl 531 853 $13 345 527 $2 850..396 $ 0 $8,009,161 $1,642,71 - .. - :.. - - .. - - .. :- ;- ... - ;. .. .' .. '. ,- , I. s I CITY. OF 'P<?!&AY I GENERAL. FUND I 1982'-1983 1983,.,198i1 1983~1984 1984~I985 198'1-1985 'ACrUAL iiJi::i;Ef ESTiMATED .PROB:JsED. APPROVED .FUND .AcrIVITY DErAIL . .. BEX;INNIN3' BAIANCE-JuIy 1 '- .- - - - Pr.i9r Yeais:Approptiation :$1,.929,,792 $2,934.,600 $ 2,934,600 3 368.010 $3~c368,010 , ,. Reyenues i5 /460,9,40 6,844'".697 .7,476,438 .7 ,1724,393 7i715;18'7 :, 'fcJrAL FUNDS AyAI,IABLE ,$~:, 390,732 $'j,,779,2~7. $10,4Il,038 .$11,092;;403 $il(083';19i7 . . EXPENDITURES' Operating ~nses:: , ,I' legislative! Adminisf'rative $ 459,072 $.623',502 ~ 624,342 $ 565,356. $1 5;].1, 690 Administrati ve Services.. :5i19,236 646,1!i7 655,226' 732;055 748:; 479 J' Q...lI!lunity ~S~viS:es . '857,638 1 003'850 ),,9).1; Q25 1,122,834 :1,165,.703 ~. <0., ~,_~ , .~. ~, .. ~ - Plalll)ing, 'SeI:'vic;.es 514,2.69 651 '981 622 706: 7I4,895. 709,083 ,_......"""'-.f,._...+- ._" ,.,f, "_" Eublic' p,ervic:es 3~J',~3,,?' ,6~5,,~~Q _ ~~.1, 75!~ 689,296 712,173 S.3.fetySet:y-lces .2,682,446 2,997,518 2,920 ;461 3.,274 ,906 .3',266,157, ,I. TOtal operating Elf:Pehses $5,392,798' $6j'548'~ 228 $.6,138,5:;9 7099342 .$7,1'78;,685 , " .' .'. 'TOI'AL EXPENDITURES: ~5,392,798 $6,'548,228 $6.138 559 .$7,099,342 $7,178.,685 0' '! '1\ 'TIl@$F~~l:lflI'NS'-In (Qut) 'Tral1s.ter' to, ~ey~nu.e .Sl]arl!w .- ~ - $ (5000) $ (5,000> ,.c,.,' Tral)sfer '1'.0 Muni..'~rove,. $ <l.a,ISO) $ (169,'515)' .. (184,840 ) (1@',840) ~',. ...,.....- '.~ Transf.er to ,Waj;er, (3,196). . - - ~ ~ '. . Traiisfer'coRexrode G,200), - _. - ~ Transfer,.. :to st. ~tove . (54',200) - - - I: 'Ttansfer.. ,to Park. .IIij?iove. (1,301> .- $' (2,000) -. - ''l'r~nsfer'ftan 'water. 5;000 50 50 - - :'transfer' :fran .Sewer' 5,000 - - - - 'Trarisferfi:an .Rexrode - - - 2,900 2,',900 I 'Tra;;~t~ :f1:cm'ri:i!,fhc .10,P13 - - - - .Loan to: st'.. Irriprovarent - (5 000'). (5 000) (~0,368) (123,850) . . Loan t.o; sf., uevelOl;Ulel1t _'c _ , .'".-,~; '0 - --- ._.",.-~ .. -, - (.467,'221 ) <-467. 221.) (29,435 ) ('44',717 ) -' ,- -', . ""'" ,~.~ I Loan. to. Park In1provarent ,- ('270,}Uj (nQ.'3.94) ,(22,600) (46,834) I.c>cln ~oRe:rl~Ye.i6i;xre'lt Agency .- <151,200.). (<159,,904.) (l,69'5;tI7 ) H,695,117) . . I, TOI'AL. TRANSFERS/UlI\NS .$(63,334:) Hi,063'/28b> $('~OA,.469 )$~2, 0~~,{60)$ (2,097 ,,45!J) I , I tC1);'[u:., t'PPR9fl~TI9~S $2"~~3;,.600 $~ ,.167,789 $3,;368,010 ~1, 968,,601 !$1,807".054 I ENDIN3, B.l\LAOCE-J1.lrle 30 0 0 Q O' 0 ,I, '.' 6 CITY QE,I'CIi'lAY SfREEl'. IMPROVEMENl'.,GAS 'rllX: I[UNo 1982..,1983 1983-1:984 1983'-198'4 1984'-r9S5 . 'AcrUAL .BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPoSED 'FUND AcrIVITY DErAIL BEJ:;INNn~, .lJi:uANcEo..duly 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - ,~ . .:' . -. - _ - - ;1. . - 795,2;1.1 ~~:0,,566 .940,'566 191, ~,54 ,PrlOr y~!? 'ApprOm:ratlOn ~!,veI}ues . 879,422 965;4::48 857',173, 806,3:40 , , -- - _." . " $.99,7,,:794 ,TOTliliFUNDS .AVAILABLE $1,,67,4,633: $'1;906,014 $.1,,797,,7,39 EXPENDITURES .Qper'at,ing ~!)?es: ~ ,l'L1f)l}.,c .geryices $4,76 ,80'9, $711,4ii $706,599 ,$794-, '191 Total Operatin~ EX]?erises $476,8:09 $711 417 ,$i706,599 $79'1,'49.7 , ~ ,,' Capi'til projects:' Street.s~, f.!ig!:>ways ,$311,458 $ 748,,4'77' $34,~,; 353 $ -' TrllfUc Sig'lCils ,- - 53,170 144,841 Tot.q1 Capital 'Projects '$311 458 $ 948,477, $ 39.7,523 $I44,841, _.,f _ _ ''r0rAL EXPENDITURES $788,.267 ',$1! 459" 89::4 $1,104.,122' $9'39;,33,8 'TRANSFERS/LOANS'-'Iil (Out,> LCan 'Ei'(;m, GeneraL 'Fur)d $ - '$100, 000' $ '5'000 $ 29 435 " ",... Transfer To General Fund 54 ;200 - .., - . _.,;." '"- ('507, ,163,) ,[1S07"I63,) '86,659 To street DeveJ.qr:m=nt:, - TorAb TRANSFERs;/ipANS , $54,,200 (407,163') $'(.50:;,163 ) $1'16,094 $ " t " TOrAL APPROPRIATIONS $940,5~6 $38,95i7 '$191,45'1 $J!7 4550 $13i801 '. ,~., ~ . ENDING' ~-J!llle 30 0 ,q 0 0 I -" ,I, "I 7. I~ GITY'OF PfJNAY' I' PARK ,IMPROVEMENl' FVND 198'2~1983 li983"i984 1983-198k 1984-1,985 198)l~1985 'A0rUAL I3t.lDGEr ~ -; /T, _. . .,..., ., ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED " FUND AcrIVITY :DErAIU I , $. $'(;;21, 95~) $(2i,951) . BEx;INNIN3'BALANGE-Jilly 1 - $ 98,249 $ 98i249 :Prio~ -Xear.s 'AppropriatIoh - - - - -, Reyenue,s' 224,048 243',980 'l08,52'4, 460',340 460,340 I. , TarAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $2~4., 048 $222,029 $,86;573 $558,589 $558,589 I. EXPENDITuREs '8peratrng 'Ex~ses: I' , . .Total ,qRer<iting Expense? -. '" ,- - - ,I, , ) Capital projects: , 'I ,Paiks& Open Space $398,935 $336,HO' "$264,975 ,$24,600 $78,593 ~. - . ~ ,Total &1pitalProjecti;; $398,"9~5 $'336.,110 ~264;9,75 .$24,600 $78',593 I; T0ri'L :EXPENDITURES: ~398'i935 $33'6,110 $26A,,?75 $24,600 $78',593 I: TiW<~f$/~"'In (Out) ~ Frctn,i:!urii<::ipah i:J:!prove,. $151,635 -, $ -, $ ,- $ - 'Fran,. Generg1 .F;!JIlg " 1,301 2,,000 2000 'L- '" J' '. .LOan fran' Gen61:al FlWd 17.,000. 270,394, 22,6QO 46,834. . . 'Fran. ROSS Trust - "4,257' 4,257' 2;000 2:,000 :1 TOI'AL TRANSFERS;iLQl';NS $i52',936 $23,:251 $276f651 $24. 600 $48,834 .. 'I " TDrAi., Af>I:RQPE,IAT.J:ONS - - - - - . I ENDIN3 BAIANCE-JUAe 30 $"~J:,951) '$(90,824) $98',249: $558,589 $5~8,,8:jO I I 'I';' , I . 8: 'CITY OF 'p(JflAY DRAINAGE FUND , 1~82,-gl8:4 1'983;-1984, 1983'-198'4 1984...,1~~5' 'AeI'8AL BOEGErJ ,ESTIMATED PROP3sm ~. . FUND Acrl!VITY DEl'AIL BEX;:tNNfl'i;'~:..,:ruly 1 $291,874 $ 37,,775, $ 37,~775 $100,07,9 .~100, 07 " ~.. ' --"I'""" _ _ - - :;', ' . P.r;10r Ys;:s. AppJ;o~nat1cin - -, ,- - ,.R,evenu~ 182',189, 215,9'90 2i4,,799 523 ;.690 TC1rALl"liNpSAVAILABLE $474"Q63 $2,53;,765 $252/57A ~623 ,769 .EXPENDITURES ,qiei'aUfigExpense;; : T~l bperatjing ExpenSes ..., ,- -, - ,- : capital Protlects: FloOd.. Control & prail)ag$ $436,288 $27,t,082 $t52,495, ,- $ Tot!jl Capi~Cl: Er6jects ~436,-288 ~272,082 ${S2,495 - $ '. .TOJ;'AL,EXPENDIl'QRES $436,288 ,$272 ;;082 $152,,495 w TRANSFERS;,(LOANS'-In(,Ou~) wan ,to Redeve1;o~tAgeI1CY - - ..., $, <'23',000') TOI'AL' TRANSFERS/~ - - '- $. ('23,0'00) ,TC1l'AL ,APPROPRIATIONS' -, - - - - ENDI}~~'-"J~e30 $37" 775 '? (18, ~:r7.) $100)07,9. '$600,769 I; I '3 I' , :1 ~rty (')F'~Y , .' FEDERIlliREVENUE'SHARIN3 FGND \ l , 1982'-19.83 '1983~1984 1983;,'1984 1984-1985 1984-1985, I -~- .'" ".,~ ai.ID;;Er' ' E3TIMATED j FUND ACrIVITY. "DErAIL, AcrDAL, PROPOSED" APPROVED F 'I t. $371;458 $6~7,,459 $67';1" 4!?9 ! BEJ3INNIN:;' BAIiINCE.,Jilly 1 $314,002' ~371i458 i PJ:j:or y~s Apprgr;>r,iati9n .. '- "- - - ReYeQues .. 317,645 , 184,100 ,378,101 295,306' 295,30t!, I i (TOI'AL FUNDS' ;AVltlLABLE $63J,647 $555,5.58 $'7'19.,559 $,972,759 $972!,759 I - _ - --- - , i I .. EXPENDITURES i I aperat'ihg ExPenses: " . I: ,fupJiic 'S.ervices ,$ - $127,950 .$' - $' - $ - ,~fety :Serv!ces 128,1981 33,000 31,475, 68,830: 9'0,000 , Ii Total operating: ExPenses: $128,'198' ,$160,950 $31,475 . $68" 830 ~90,OOO I Capital ,Piojects: ,TraffIc .SigIiaIs ,~75, 016, $ - $32,599 $ - $ - ,~ernment BuHdings 56,975' 8,121 '8,,026 40,000' 40,,000 . , I ParJi; & 0Qeg Sp:i<;e, .. '- 766,000 766,000, , Total Capital Projects: $BI,9!jl $8,121 ,$40,62!:i .$806,000 , ,$806,000 ," I Ti::JrAt.EXPENDITURES $260,! 189 '$169;071, $7'2,100 $87'1,,~30 $896,000 .' TRANSFERS,{LQIlNS-Jn(Out) Fran Genera:l! Fund: $5;000 $5,000, .. - '- _. -a _, _ , .. I' TqrAi. TBANSE;ERs/tJ::Jf\NS' - - - $5,000 $5"000' I - '" TOl'AL' 'APPROPRIATIONS', .- - - ~ .. I' . . ENpIN;MfAN"CE'0,une 36 :$371 458' $386,487 ~677".459 ,$102:,929 $8"1;',759 , . 'M. ,_ I' I il. 10 ' , CITY' OF' .F<:fIlAY GRANI'FuNDs' ),9'82-1983 1983-1984 1983-1984 1984-'1985 EsTiMAri:D -- '.,'---,>.' "".- AcrUAD, BUI:X;EI' PRO~ED FuND AGTIVrTY DETAiL. BEx;INNI~ 'B.l\I.lINCE-Jtll 1. ;$ - ,$ 1 $ i $ 1 $ '.. :r'" ,.... , " .,' ,. l::". 'Pr..~of 'Years, Appropnacion - -, - ..c. - RevEmties, 226.053 544,547' 398,324, 244 ISO 225-89 , ' , . TOI'AD FUNDS AVAILABLE $226,,05'3 $54'4.,548 1$398,325 $244, :i:51 ~'225i89, " ,EXPENDITURE'.? ~i'ltJAg~nses:, $115,452 ,,$125,392 CaT,munity,Ser.Vices $ .82,'800 ,$129 ,,76~ PlanhiJng'ServiCes ..... ',,"""-. 18",367 18',350 ;39,648 - - PublIc serviCes - 45,000 .45',000 ,.. - Safety' SerVices 83',i2i 51,,726. '30,431 .. - 'Total 0per{ltimg '~es $196,,:569,' ,$230, ~4..5 $219,1[73: $1,29,,766 '$lIl , 51 '8apital ~rojec~~: - -~~veXoPrw=.nb Agency: .Streets i& HigliWaY - - ,- .. .Tota:l.Redeveloprent Projects - ,- - -' - . ' ,. ~. , , Capttai Pr9jec~s ..,' City: $1l4,.384' Sg~tfl ~ !{i'ghways ~29~48~ $J79,1~9.. $1:79 15t $1l4~3841 ._ -A' .Traffic S.tgnais .. ,.. ... - - . -'- ..~ - ~- ...... -.... ..- - ,,1:44,900 , 'Fl9Qd.: ~n?,01 & D,iai'nage, - - - ::::=~ T9ta~Gity P~oj~~ '$29,483 $3,24,0;;0 .$179,,151 $\1'14,384 -- ---. 'l'0I:ALEkI>ENDITU!<Fs :$226,052 $554 '595 $398,324 $244,,150, -, '- ,-' TRANSFERS!tDANs'...,Ip (Out) 'TGrAL TRANSFERSi::'LOANS - - - -. ,.. . MAL ,APPROPRIATIONS ~ - - - - "ENDIN3B1UANCE,..June, :30 $1 .$tlo,64"h ~1 $1 .' . I -' 11 I 'CITY OF POV1AY I: SPEJ::IALASSESSMENT' OISTRIcrS FUND 1982"'1,9.8[3 ,198B",1984 1983~I984 1984-1985 198'1'-1985 .. , ~/-. ~ ~ .--'- .~" '".- ~ . PR0P0SED" APPROVED :1, ,AC::rUAL BULGET ESTIMATED ,FUND Am'IvtTY,OErAIL 'I' BEGI~n~B'\I.lill!:E~uly 1 ~ ,- - ~1l,356 $11 ,)56 Prior Years Apj;lropria!,'ion ,... - - -' - _ .._ c." $U,500 $11,-356 $11,500 II,1?3, Revenues - I, TorAL FUNDS 'AVAILABLE - '$1'1500 $Ii,35.6 $"?2, 8?~: $22,,529 . " , I EXPENDiT,tJ.IlES Clp!ll'ating ~hse~: > I PubriciserviC:es - $1.1,500 ._, $11,500.: $II,500, " Total. Operatihg ExPE!iises, $11;500 $11,50Q $1I 500 - - , . .~., . I, capit;il ,PI:,oj'~t:s; , I .Total <:api tal Projects, - ,- - - - I 'fffi'AL EXPENDITURES - $11,500. - $1-1,,500 $11.,50.0 'I TRANsFERs'/:'rDANs-In (QUt) TOI'ALTRANSFERS(UlllNS' - - .- - -' I, I; . . I Ti:J!'AL Af.PROPRIATI0NS - -' '- - ,- :1: ENDI~ lliuANGE'-J9I1e" 30 0 0 '$11,356 $il ,356 $11 029 . ~. I ' i :. " J , :1 :1, 12 CITY OF KNVAY srREET ,DEVEIDPMENr' FUNP 19!i2'-1983 1983:;-iL984. 1983-1984 198~-1985 ACl'UAL BOIGEI' ESTIMATED ,pRoPosED:, FuN6 AcrlV:rTY DErAiL . - , . ~INN:f~ BI\IANCE...,)'1l1,Y,l '- ~ - -, - Prior Years Appropriation -, , $205,,344 ,- - Revenues, {;..;, $249,906 $316,294 682,'048; TorAh FUNDS' 'AVAiLABLE - $249,,900 $316',294' $887,,)9,2 EXI;ENDJ'l'~ OperatipgExpehses: Total operatf~g'.EXP€iises '- -' - - Capital Projects: 'TWini'>eaksRbad. '- $ ,'152,590 $ 422"874, $5~ ,GOO i-ii'itinc:oib Roa:d' -.. ". -- -' ~ - Esii>iaRoad'Wide,hing :- 352',278 ~~}/02}i - St,6l1ei Canyon Widening f3~;B6j 1:35; 362. - '- Pc7Nay /~oh Read: ,Median - 26 ;A60 25,674, - '- Pdiii.y Road and SR 61. -, .143,452 141; 962: I2 , :318 >, 'j. - -..... Espola;;Pc7NayRoad - 16;705 6,769' ..,. ,- 'Pqnera_do Rqid/~qspi!:.a.J. - ,32,590 19 ;671 26.,05'0 Tota,i: '<::g.pitaJ f'I:ojeci;s -, $1,159,347 $1,085,334 $90,368. TOrl'L ~JTUBES - $1,'1~9, 3!4? $1,,085,'334 $9'0368 ,.' .-4 _.." " . TRANS~;;IBAl:'S-Ih. (out) Lci3.nE;rcm, General E;und -' ~ $~'i?;1i,.2~i . ,$931, ~~~ Fran (To) Gas.TaX' FUild - $507',16'3 507,163 (86,659) TO!'ALTRANSFERS!LQl>,NS ~ '$507' 163 $'974 '384 $3~'709 .or . .' -'~ ' TOl'AL APPROPRIATIONS - - $2'05,,34:4 $800,"1"33 ENDIN;~-June 3.0 0 $('402,284) 0 0 - . I I -, 13 ,I: CITY OF pr:jJf{Ay -I. WNtCIPAL IMPRO'mIEtIT 'FUND I 1982-1983 1983-198~, 1983-1984, J98+..1985 '1984-1985 AC'l'UAL BUIXiE:I' : ESTIMATED, :PR0POSED APPR0VED FUND AcrIVITY, DErAIL I ! - , BEX;INNIN3' BALANCE-July:. i '$5%:4,,701 $149"816 $,1't9,,816 $288,846 :$288,846 ,.,. '" '- . - , -- Prior Years, Appropria'ti.o!l - ~- - -, - I ~eyenues 28,,653 4i210 - -' - ,TOI'AL, f~ 'AI.iA1i.IABLE ,$553,35'4 $]5'4,086 $f49.,816, $288.,,846 ,$288,8,4,6 I ... EXPENDITURES; Debt. $&vice $243,600 $243,6.00 $,243.,600 $243,600 $243,666 I: Operating 'Expenses: I, Total,~at:iqg ExRe,~es -, - - - . - , 'I Capita'l.. 'FtO]ects: G:lverrurent ,BiliIdi!ng'sl $26,453 $283,415 $: 7i,895 $510,385, $691,719 , ' , 'I, T~l Capital. Project,s $26,453' ~283 ,'415 $' 72:,895 '$510,385, $,691,,719 TOI'AL EXP~I'i'0RFS $,,270,053 ,$527,,0115 :$3i!;6,,495 $510,385 $,691, 7J~ I TAANSFERSf,WANS'":Iri (Oilt) . -, . T9 ;Park Improvement $(15'1;635\) -, ~ '- , - I: Transfer In-General Fliiid 18', ];50 $139 ,515 $1.59;,2<i~ $184'840 $184,840; Tpin5~er ~n-wii'.ter fund " "_, .'-..b- -. 166,592 166,?92 178,,783 -291;783 Trahsfer In~sewer' Fund - 129,,-029 :129,,029 fi5' ,'977 , 148',463' ~I' ->,---=-,-. ~ ,TOtAL 'TRANSFE!3S/ipANs' .$ (133,485)' $435,,136 '$455,;525 ,$'189,600 $625,086 I I I 'TcirAL );;~P~OPRIATlONS - - - ~ -: :$149,8I6 $62,207 $288 ; 846' $268.,.061 ,$222,;/1-3 ' "ENDIN3 BALANCE"'June :3.0 " I - I '. 14, CITY: ,OF PCIilAY I DEBT SERVICE 'FuND, " 1982,..1983' i9.!l3'-:i;984 1983,-;1984: ,1984-1985 'ACTUAL ESTTMATED ~. - "',.,. -.,". 'BUrX;ET ,PROPOSED, :FUND . AcrIVITY DErAIL BEGINNI~ !3AI.Al'CE-'JUly 1 $283,644 '$290, 4~J; $296 '481 !$304,58'4 Prior Years b-wrOl;iifa:tio,n. ,,__ 0' - /....;, - ,- '- 'RevEm\!-e!, 1811,637' 208,9'30 188;622 94,880, .Tffi'AL 'FUNPS AVAILABLE' $<i~5,i8.'l $499 4ii $479,103 $399,464 . _.' '-- .-.. .. ~ - '. , - "- -. - EXPEljDITURES "Bond ,Interest, & Redemp~i'on: :$174}800 $174,,400' <$1071',,51.9 $113',700' Operating :IDffierl~~:, TP':tal 'OperatingE:ifP.enseS - - - -, Ca];?ftcil Projects':' '1'0411 Capft<i:L 'Projects - - - -' - rorAL EjCPENQ,ITURFS' $17.4,800, $174,400 $174i'519 . $1 n,700 j' -.. TRANSFERSiLOANS- In,( Out-) TarALTRANSFERS/LOANS' - - - - - _.. ..... TOrALAPPROPRIATIONS ,- - - '- ENDIN3; ~-'JUI1e 3Q :$290;481 $325,0],1 $30'1 584 $225,16~ ,-. -, '-, I , I I 15 I C:::ITY OF PCWAY I WATER .FUND . 1982'-1983, 1983-1984 1983-1984 1984-,1985 1984-19~5 ACrt1AL l3UI:GEr ESTIMATED, PR01?0SED APPROVED I FUND AcrIVITY DErAIL I BEX;INNIN3 BAlAN<:;E-July 1 - - - - - 'Prior 'Years Appropriation $1,383,849 $1,646,837 $1,646;837 $ 748,E?!3 $ ?4~,6n r - - 3,9'28,524 4,'484,200 Revenues 4,355,313 4 ,589,~357 4,'796,433 I TOI'AL FUNOO AVAILABLE $5,312,373 $6,002,150 $6,131,037 $5,338,030 $5,545,106 I ' EXPENDI'J?URES Bond Interest [, Redemption. $1,259,067 $1,149,553 $1,174,111 $1,175,332 $1,175,33~ I OperatfngExpeI1ses: Administrative services $ 193,821 $ 237,590 $ 208,419 ~ 241,063 $ 247,367 eatmunity .Services - ,?4 ,,5~4 8',621 53,374 56,632 I J>ublic ,'services 2,186,973 2,991,550 3,616,i71 3,234 ,893' 3,275,366 'I Total, Operating Expenses $2,380,794 $3,283,704 $3,833;211 $3,529..330 $3,57~,365 Capital Projects : . $23,871 '$821,942 ,- Watei:'Impiovenerits $208,400 - - Total Capital Projects $23,871 $821;942 $208,400 ,. - I - TOI'AL EXPENDIT:URES $~,,663, 732, $5,255,199 $5,215,722 $4 ,7.04 ,662 $4,754,697 .. .. ~. I TRANSFERS/UlANS-In (Out,) To General Fund $(5,000) $( 50) $( 50) - - I Fran General Fund 3,196, - - - - To Municipal Improvenents - (166,592 ) (166,592 ) $(178,783) $(291,783 I TorAL TRANSFERS/IDANS' $ n,804) $(166,642) $ <166',642) $(178,783) $(291,783') I I ,TOI'ALAPPROpRiATIO~ $1,646,83'7 $580,309 ;;748,613 $454,585 ,$498,626 I .ENDIN3 BALANCE' - June .30 0 0 0 0 0 - I 16 '., CITY OF 'PCiiYA.Y SEwER FUND 1982-1983 1983,-'1984: 1983-1984 1984~1985 1984-1985 ., ' ACI'UAL I3UI:GET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED FUND ACTIVITY DErAIL Iill3INNIN3 BAIJ\l'.K:E-Jul Y 1 - - - - - Prior Years Appropriation $3,054,935 $3,374,429 $3,J?4,429 $3,783,791 $3;783,79 Revenues 1,595,047 1,483,544, 2,006,905. 1;476,575 1,485,810, TOI'AL FUNDS AvAIlABLE $4,649,982 $4,857,97-3 $5,381,334 $5,260,366 $5,269,60, E1G'ENDlTURF.? Bond Interest & Redemption $188,167 $183,275 $183,458 $182,821 OpetatingExpenses: AdnUriistrati Ile Servipes $ 95,126 $ :94,9],8 $ 97,264 $ 92,.019 ,Public Services 987,260 ,1,262,44"8 1,187,792 1,345,201 Total Operating Expenses $1,082,386 $1,357,366 $1,285,056 $1,437,220 Capital Projects: Sewer Irrproyerrents - - - $710,000 Total, eapital Projects - - - $7I0 ,'ODD T0rAL EXPENDITURES' $1,27Q,553 $1,540,641 $1,468,514 $2,330,041 TRANSFERs/UlANS-'In (Out) To Ge11eral, Fund $(5,000) - - - - To Murlicipal, Irrproverreht' .- $'<129,029) $ (1:29;,029,) $ <125, 9.77,) T0l'AL TRANSFERS/WillS $ (5,.000) $.(129;029) $( 129" 029) i$(125,~77) . I TOrAL APPROPRIATIONS $3,374,429 $3,188,303 $3,.783,791 $2 ':804 i 348 $2,772,657'1 ., "~. ENDIN3 BAIJ\l'.K:E-June 30 0 0 0 0 I I 17 I CITY OF PCWAY CAPITAL REPIACEMENr FUND I ,1982-1983 198,3-1984 1983-1984 1984-1985 1984-1985 I ACTUAL BU/X;Er EsTIMATED. PROPCSED APPROVED I FUND ACrIVITY DErAIL BEX:;INN!N:> BAIANCE-J~Y 1 - - - - - Prior Years Appropriation $ 3,196 $113,401 $113,401 $233,760 $233,760 I ,Revenues 114,048 178,940 192 , 648 240,245 240,245 WrAL FUNDS AVAIIABLE $117,244 $292,341 $'306,049 $474,005 $474,005 I ,EXPENDITUREs , Bond Interest & Redsnption I Operating EXpenses: Administrative Seniices: -, $72,190 $74,973 ?101,400. $101,400 I Public Services $3,843 936 (1,784) - - .: Total Operating Expenses $3,~43 '$73,126 $72,289 $101,400 $Hll,400 I Cap~tai, Projects: Total Cap~tal Projects; - - - - - I TOI'AL EXPENDITURES $3,843 $73,126 $72,289 $101,400 $101,400 I I TRANSFERS/I.DANS- In (Out) ,TarAL TRANSFERS/r!;lANs - - - - - I I TarAL APPROPRIATIONS .$113",401 $~219,)15 $233,760 $372f605 .$3~2 ,605 I 'ENDIN3 BAIANCE-June 30 0 0 0 0 0 I I I, 18 CITY OF PClNAY TRUST, FUNDS ),982;-1983 1983-1984 1983-1984 ;1.~~4-19,85 'AcrUAL Bl.JDGEr ESTIMATEJ5 PROPOSED FUND AcrIVITY DErAIL BEl3INNIN3. azuANCE-July 1 $ 3,1:37 $2,799 $ 21'799 $27,955 '$27,95 Prior Years Approprjation - - - - - Revenues . 10,023 6,226 30,198 2,750 " $30,,10' _ T<:Jl'AL FUNDS AVAILABLE $13,liiO $9,025 $32,997 $30,705 EXPENDITURES Bond Interest & Redemption' ~ating Expenses: Community Services $ 97,,7 $1,090 $785 '.~ - Safety'Seivi'ces 4:,459-' "513 - " - - Total Operating Expenses ~5,436 $1,603 $785 '- - Capital Projects: Government Buildings ,$12,125 -, - :-J - Total Capital Projects $12,125 - - - - TOI'AL EXPENDITURES' $17,561 $I ",603 '$785 -. - TRAl>!SFERS/LOANS- In (out) Fran General Fund $7,200, -, - - ,- To Park, Improverrent 'Fund - '$ (4',257) $(.4,257) $(2,000) $(2,00 To General Fund - - - (2,900) (2,90 TOl'AL'TRANSFERS/IDI\NS, $7,,200 $'( 4, 257) $(4,257.) $(4,900) $(4,90t :i TOI'.AL, APPRJ)PRIATIONS - -, - - - ENDJ;N3 BAIANCE-June 30 $2,,799 $3,165 $27,955 $25,805 $25'805~ , -- I 0 " f--. 'I" . - ~.' -<---~_. I 'I: , . .. , .' .. :t I , I I I , " " I I I I I , " ," . . '1,' : I I cr TY OFPCWAY'~ NJ\NC[ALl'ROGRi>M: 1984-1985 REVENJES BY FUNDS AND OCORCES .' . , \ 20 I" CITY OFPOtfAY 1\ REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I 1983-198'4, 1983-'1984 , 1984-:19?5 1984-1985 BUIX;El' 'ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED; I', GENERAL FUND :f- 1 Taxes I 7.010 'PrOpeI-t:Y Taxes-current $1,862,410 $1'216,964 $l,98~,15Q' $1'982 150 . , _~o-, , -.-"_ 7012 Property Taxes,...oelinqUent Il:),280 100,96? 9? ,.O.?Q 92,020 I 7015 HaIeoWI1er 's, Prop. Tax Exemp. 136,006 75,891 75,700 75".700 7016 BUSineSs Ihventory Exemp. 7.7)306 72 ,929 76,580: 76,580 7017 ot:hetTax Roll Items 19,680 12,237. 18:150 18,150 7020 Franchises 286,190 290,877 280;100 ,280,100 I 7022 Sales Tax 1,395,880 1;548;020 1,5lt,000 1'-51},,000 7024 Transient Occupancy 18,360 20,817 21,.200 2,1,~QO 7026 . ---. i"- - - - _ - .... Regl Property Transfer 50,000 70,302 50 ,0001 50,000 I Subtotal $3,944,lQO $4 ;'199,005 $4,109,960 ,~4, 109,900 I: Licenses and Permits 7111 Anirral ,License ,- $ 396 $ 300 $ 300 I, 7113 l3icycl~ 'Licen~e $ 1,500 995 1,000 hOOQ 7114 Bu,siness Reg~stration 20,000 20,547 16,ilOO l6,()QQ 7116 fishiryg perihi ts 157,090 147,433 1~7 ,099 157 '000 I' 7151 f~' , Boat pernu ts 91,QQO 89,,656 91,000 9ijOOO 7153 EXcavation Permits 2,500 330 2,5(),O '2,500 7154 GradihgPerniits 450 2,574 900 900 I 7160 Parking. ~ts 3i,006 22;388 54',070 54',070 Subtotal $309:~.450 $284,319 $322,7,70 $322,770 , , I: Fines and Forfeitures I 7210 Fines and Penalties $118,250' $163,101 $141,400 $141,400' Subtotal $118,250 $16l,101 $141,400 $1'41,400 I' I' I: I I, I , 21 I .. CITY OF'PCJ;VAY .- ~~ES BY FUNDS AND SQuRCES I' '. ....; 1983-1984 1983,,1984 '1984,.,1985, 1984;-1985 I . BUJ:X;EI' ESTIMATED PROpOSED APPROVED . GENERAL. FUND C0Nl'INUED '. ' 'Revenues ,from Use of' ,t-bney and ,Property 7310 Interest' Incare $250,270 $447;8~1 ' $32ih 600 $324,600 I 7330 < Interest on NOte: Receivable 1,510 1,568 :),,365 :),,365 7341 ~nt4~ of,propei'tY' 12,140 12;887 12,140 12,140 7350 ,Sfgnalmaster Rent 3,000 3;075 3,000 3,000 I 7360 Facilities Rental 15,000 ,10',8'78 15,000 15;000 7362 FfieFaciiitfes' Rental. 1,200 2,-785 3,000 ,3,000 7363 Recreation iquIprEnt.Renial 200 ' 16 20 20 I. 7370 COncession 'Lease: ' , 9,000 10,SP:4 12, 000 12,000 7380 ~ Group,Rentals 5;000 10,379 5 i,OOO 5,000 ,7391 Overhight,eamping Sites 280 433 410 410 I, Subtotal $29),600 $5QO,)56 $376,535 $376,535 Revenues frdni. Other Agencies - 7.410 t-btor Vehicle in,Lie!1..1 $997,840 $1,,057,5;21 $1,195i,09.o $1,195,090 7411 Off Highway, in Lieu 840 889 780 780 7440 Cigarette'l'aX' El6',070 109,300 :lO~f, 570 109,570 I', SUbtotal $1,114,'(50 $1,167,716: $1,305,440 $1,305,440 ,CUrrent Fees '& Services' 7510 ,candidates FiHng F:ees. - -' $ 500 $: 500 ;1, 7544 Administrative, Fees - $ 84,98~ '60, 000 60,000 7570 Planriing,Fees $ 60,000 57,722 4Q,000 4Q, QOP .. 7571 EnviroilIrentai Review ,Fees 68,000 -. 66,000 66,OQO I' 7572 Misc. ,planningF:ees 4,000 2",280' 1,000 1,QOQ , 7.573 aUiidi.'ng Ins~tion :Fees 190,000 382,654 365,000 3!5?,qQO ,--.";,.1 Plan ;Check 'Revemues ' 7,,575, 130,000 38,376, 150,000 150;000 7576' Mise. pu)5:hc: Service Fees - 9,333" 5,Q(jQ :;iOO,O I 9577 Ins~ion,R.evenues 50,000 26",457 50;000 i50,099 ': :-" 7579 Misc:- Safety Services Fees 500 900 1;000 1;,0,,00 758'6 ..".,<', -,- -.... -. .- . 40,8'].0 60,183, ,86;500 86~500 ;'Le:Lsure Contracts ';1 7581 :ReCreat1on 'Programs, 25,000 27,640, 44,100 44','100 75~4 V~icle Miiint". fee:"Sh~iff - -; 73,163 73; 163 7589 Towirg ContractsjAl:atemants ~,zJ,5 1,3,35: 2,700 1,408 ;1 7590 Amb..1lance Fees 45,00,0 24,,5Q? 50"OQO 50,000 -, -"". 7591 Fire Protection Fees 421,37~ 424,.5~1l ~30,000 423,993, ,7592 ,weed Al:atemant Fees 16,841 n,893 20,000 18,093 ' , ' :. ' SUbtotal $1,054,297 $1,188,852.. $1,444,963 $1,435,757 l I .' 22 0 -, 0 CITY OFPCWAY I, REVENUES ,BY FU!IDS AND SOURCES 0 " ,l983'-l984 '1983-1984 1984'-1985 1984-1985 'BUI:X:;ET ESTIMATED ProPOSED APPROVED 0 GENERAL FUND ,CONTINUED 1 Othei';Revenue D 7640 state License Fee $ 250 $ 801 $ 1;250' ,$.',1,250 7670 Mandated Costs Recoveries, - 379 1135 ',1;135 I'brkers 'Catip. ' ins. Refund ",f I' 7673 - 48,.866 - - 7675 Miscellaneous Income 6;000 13,043 21,000 '21 ;000, Subtotal $6,250 , $63,089 $23 385 $~), 3'85 , I ' , " , TOl'AL $6',844,69,1 $7'~476,438 $7,724','393 $7'~''7l5', 187. m ; ~4' I, - .. STREEI' IMPROVEMENl'..,.GI\S TAX FUND - 10 I 7310 Interest Incare $ 40;360 $ 19,366 $ 62,060 , '. ?62',060 ' " 7401 Revepue}d!:her Agencies ;66~ 750 60,000 - - I 7430 Gasol~neTax-2l06 214;290' 2'22,594 196,770 196,'770 7431 Gasoline~ax-2i07 460,150 '494,312, 435 130 435,i3d Gaso1in~~T'!X-2i:Q7.5 -'.'- , -:_~_4 :7 ;5QQ' 7432 7,;;00 7,500 7,5,00 m, 7456 Federal Aid' to Urban 176'398 53,400 100.. 000' lOQ ,,000 ,of, . 7675 MiscellaneOUs ,Income - - 4';880 , 4,880 Total $965,448- , $857,172 $806,3!10 $806,340 . - . ,- PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND- 11 , I' 7340 Parkland Dedication Fees $ 80,000: $103,274 $460,340 $460,340 746i qrant-,'r>a:rlt"Bond Acts 163,980, - - ." - I, 7650 Donations, - 5,250 - - 'I Total $243,980 $108,524 $460,:340 $460,340 I . "' .. E: ., . _"~ w ~ ,I 23 .. CITY OF ~y REVENUES BY,PUNDS AND'SOURCES I 1983-1984 gt83'-'198.4 1984:-1985 1984-1985 I , BUIX;El' ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED 1 DRAINAGE. FUND - 12 " .. $ $ 12,879 $ 12,690' $ "-2,690 7310 Interest IncOIre 90 i402 Subzone 1 & Zone 1 - 4,320 90,000 90,000 I '75'1;6 brcilnageFees 175,000 197,600 421,000 421;000 Total $175,090 $214,799 $523,690: $523,690 I FEDERAL REVENUE SHARIN:;- 13 " " '7319 Interest IncOIre $ 20,130 $ 53 '046 $ 56,,020 $ 56,020 Federal. Revenue ,Sharing -,'- . I :7453 163,970 3:15,055", 239,280 239,280 .. Total $184,100 $3713,-iOl $295,300 $295,300 I :CDB:; ,FUND - 14 7458 CDBG-Jobs Bill $179,150 $179,151 - - I, 7473 cDar-8th Year 104,000 - - - '7476 rnBJ-s{:lecial Funding 18 , 367 18,350 - - 7477 cDaG-9th Year ' - - - - I' 7478 CDB:;-lOth Year - - - -, Subtotal $301,517 $197',501 - - I , GRANr,FUNDS - 15-19 I 7470 Transpprtation Dev.'. Agency, - $ ;;,600 $114,384 $lJ;4,3~4 7475 IDA Art. 4.5 eaii-A-Ri'd';' $105,404 109 752' 118,615' 100,361 OfficeTI;afficSafety .' -. 7457 96,726 75,43l - - 745? .. JO~ Bill 40,,900 10,040 - - I 7520 Sales: '& Service - 11,151 101,15L ,Subtotal $243,030 $200,823 $244,150 $225,896. 1 TOtal GraiitFuhcts $5:1<4,547 $398,324 $244,150 $225,896' . I / I I I 24 , " , I CI'l'Y OFPCfilAY. REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I: 1984-1985' ' . 1983-1984 1983,..,1984 1984,..,19,85 BUIX;EI' ESTIMATED PROPCSED APPROVED I ~.~ , ASSESSMENI' DISTRrcrS FUND - 20 I , $11,500 7~19 AD 83-l $ 11,356 $1I,500 $11,173 .Total $11,500 $ 11,356' $11,500 Si1,lii I - STREEr DEVELOPMENT FUND ~ 21 7310 Interest' IncClle $ ~34, 400 $ 11,126: ,- - I 7593 Traffic l'litigil.ti,oll Fees 215,500 178,730 $67} , 048 $677',048 7594 trafficS~~nal;Fees - 11,273 5,000 '5,000 7595 Lan~(2pe Media~" Fe:g - 91,322 ~ I 75~~ Rgad,Ii11pv., - Midland - 23,300 - 7675 MiscellaneOus Income - 543 - Total $249,900 $316,294 $682,048 $682,048 I MUNICIPAL IMPRCJIJEl.'lENr 'FUND' - 30 I 7310 Interest, IncClle $4,270 - , .. Total $4,270 - ~ - I DEBT SERVICE. FUND:;., 40 I 7310 Interest Il1cClle $ 26,700 $ 14,222 $21,'280 $21,280 ' 7315 Interest IncClle-Bond 7,830 - - - 7616 Fire Bonds 174,400 .174',400 73'; 600 73,600 I Total $208,930 $188,622 $94,880 $94,880 I " I I I I I -7 . !~, '1~ 25 ., T'-. <"- CITY"oF R:;'WAY ,I ,RE,vENUES BY FUNDS ANDSQURCES ", .' 1983-1984 1~~3.f~984 1984-1985 1984-1985 :1' .. BiJI:X;Er ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED " ,wATER, FUND - 60 I I ! , 32,685 7310 Interest IhcOllE $ 218,450 $ 49,116, ?, 32,685 $ . 73'15 Interest Income~Debt 58,880 103,721 155,845 155,845 '75'20 sales' and Eervice 2',010,127 2,'171;,763 2,250,000, 2,250,000 '. 75'21 Sales-lirnret~,edWat~ 2,600 ' ,3,454 5,209 5,200 7522 SDCWAIRarl'onaWater Cl1g.rges 439,960 401,5g 37,?, ~38. 503,178 7523 InterdepartIrental Chatg~s 15','360 "26 805 17 , 360 p,360 . ,t...,.., I 7524 DelinqUencY Charges 18;000 23,.480 18,0.00 18 , 000 7525 Hydrant Meter Chit<;jes 360 375 360 360 ,7526 Reconnection 3,360 '8,376 5,040 5,040 '7528 Agricul. Rebat~/Int~rrupt. 90,11,0 10~,6?2 90',600 90,600 . 7529 Sales-Gapacitycharges 357,123 3~:;;71~ 375,000 375,000 '7530 __,j"' _'. ._, " u Pumping~Ip, '#1 7,4,520 6}, ~6l 78,,040 78,940 7531 Pulrping,..,IDH . 12, .400 6,9?8 14,467 14,467 I 7532 Pllrrq;>ing,..,Orchard et ai. 35,460 33,?1l :37 434 . -37,434 - 4" : 7533' Puriiping-Dbnart 580 ' 59'l. 623 623 7534 Puriiping-c6nVair 1,310 1,332 1,090 1,090 7:;35 Pumping-\~dreTrallf!it 6,'390 6,456 5,675 5,675 I 7536 Pumping' 'gower-~ll:ac,J~ 4,300 . 1,075 1,075 is]"! Purrpingl?c1tler-WOodcIi'ff 1,040 57 763 763 , ' , 40" ~75 7540 Expiinsion Fees 7,880 64,290 64,29Q I 7542 Connection Fees 7,500 :;,M,l, 6, QO,O ,6,000', 7544 Ac'lministrati.ve Fees 1,000 1,+01 ,900 900 7546 Meter Installations 17,500 42,1:34 22,400 22,400 7577 Inspection Revenue,Fees - 765 - - I 761.9 Bond-orchatd Water District - 794 , - - 7611: Bond--Generalwiter ' 714 , 698 801,943 776,592 853,428 i6~i Bond-ID #1; TaX Roll, - 297 - - I 7617 BOnd-AD 79-1, Tax Roll 240,500 '197,:;44 ,239,000 23~,000 7672 Returned Cheek Charges, 1,000 710 1,000 1,000 7673 OOrkers Canp. 1m;. Refun'd - 8,-357 - - I 7675 MiscelraneoUs Incare 14,305 25;,264 16',980 16,980 ,TOtal $4 , 355, 313 $4,484,200 $,4,589;,357- $4,796,433 . I .' I I; ... I' \ l\' 26 ,~ , CITY, OFPOtfAY REVENUES BY JiUNDSAND',SOURCES . '. -.- -, - .. 1983"1984" 1983,..l984 lQ84'-'1985 1984-1985 . , I?lJIX;ET ,ESTIMATED -PROPoSED APPROVED SEWER FUND - 61 7157 Construct'ionl?enni ts $ 3',.500: - $ 300 $ '300 . 7310 Interest il'l!cane 273\,810 $ 351,007 363 '730 363,730 ,.....,.."',..\ 7315 Inter~st Incc;m:'-Debt 25,2~0 39,678 44;,'705 44,705 I' 7520 ,Sales, & ServlCe 783 , 88,Q 803,i84 863','800 863,800 ' , 7540 Expansion Fees , lJ9 - - - 7542 . COnnection Fees ;162,500 702,381 , 71,650 7l"E;?0 7546 ,Sewer cleanoUt Installation - - 9',250 9,:250 I 7550 High Vo1Un'e Service ' ' 28! 600 31,350 -' - 7551 Al1l1exa tion --General 40,;000 17,525 4?,120' 42,126 ' 7552 Ann~tiog~De~ NO~te 3,682 2,890 - - I 7553 Annexation-'KozyCrest 290 267 289' 289 7554 Annexatio&-<>reen Valley 3,2Ei,Q 3,23'0 3,25~ 3,255 7555 Sewer;Serv.-Tax'Roll FY 81/82 6,820 1l,718 720 720 7556 Connecti6n 'F~-InspeCtions 1;800 4,145 3,325, 3,325 I 7557 AnneX-'MapClieck Fees .., ,>~.,~.~ 1,200 4,750 - 1,200 7558 Anheiiat'ion-\'l:I - 3,522 - - - .-'- 7560 Surcharges 5,000 2,013 !!,,QQQ 8,'99.0 I 7562 Pumping,-St'., Andrews Area ,.4;900 20,504 ,5,124 5'~24 7563 Pumpillg~no J;)eJ: Valle 24,900 601 23,7'7,8 23,778 7564 Pumpillg-Delponiente Area 620 10,2'74 ' 849 849 7615 Bol)d~J:1teiest ,&, Rederrp. 10,059 716 34,300 43,53"5 I 7675 MisceJ!lqneolis'Income 18? 400 180 180 7676 I'brkers Canp-.Ins. Refund - 1,500 -' - Total $1,483,544 $2,006,905 $1,47Ei,5J5 $1,.485,810 I .. CAPITAL REPLACEMENT "FuND - 70 I 7310 Interest ,Income $ 10,490 $ 24,4?7 ,,$ 26,270 $ 2Ei,270 7585 Vehicle & ~P. Rental 137,;250, 135,094 163,383 16:3-,383 ,I . - '-"' ."><' 7586 Capital gutlay Ref}tal 21,200 21,195 30,.592 -3.0,592, 7660 Sale of Surpllli!Property 10)000 11,895 20,000 20,000 7665 Miscellaneous Income - 37 - - I t Total $l7.8,940 $192,648 $246,245 $240,245 it I I I "" I r. J' '1 27 .. CITY OF P<:fi:lAY' , I I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES 1983-1984 1983"'1984 1984-'1985 1984-1985 '. J3Urx;Eri ESTIMATED PROPOSED, APPROVED I TRUST FUNDS CLYDEREXRODEMEMbRiAL"f'UN[) ~ 80 , I 7310 Interest Incorre $ 90 $])2 $ 20 $ 20 7653 DonationS 2,000 260 460 460 - - I Subtotal $2,090 $372 $480 $480 - , PavAY RD. JlE1\lJrIFICATION 'TRUST' -81 , ,I 7310 Interest Incane - $970 - - '7654 [):)nations - General - -24,,903 - - ,'I Subtotal . - $25,873 - - DONATiONs AND. GIFT FUND, -' 82 ;1 7650 Community Services $2,000 $1,455 - - " 7652 Safety Services 150 513 -$ 200 $ 200 ,. Subtotal $2,150 $1;968 $ 200 $ 200 11 -MARY PATRICIA ROSS TRUST '7 B3 7310 II\terest .Incorre - - $ 100 $ 100 '. 7330 Interest-tbte Receivable $1,986 ' $1,986 1,970 1,970 Subtotal $1,986 $1,986 $2,070 $2,070 I, " TOtal Trust FuhdS $6,226 $30,199 ' $2,750 $2,750 1 ' - ii' REVENuE GRAND ,TCJl'AL $15,456,485 $16,663,582 $17,151,568 $17,340,092 '. ,I: I " I, I: , ,I ':1: I 'I :1, I' , 'I' '. I: I I '. ;1 , 'I' < , I , I' , : '. :1 , 'I Cl:TY OF 'EOiAYFINANGlAIi',PBQGRllM: 1984",1985 ,IbNDINl'EREST'~' REDEMPflOl! 'I' , , , 30 1/ GITY'QF Pi:;JNA'l I B<')ND INl'EREST, AND, 'REDEMPrION' , !I 1983-1984' 1983-1984 1984,-'1985 1984,..1~85 BJIXiEl" ESTIMATED PROPOSED ,APPROVED, '. WATER FuND :1 '~~5}1 $ 27,,250 ,$ 2'7,~250 i$ 26,125 $ 26,125: I ,1970 266:;840 266,840 265,637 265,63'7' 1972 102';'-508: IOf,5,Sl8 100,422 100,4P ,1975 481;5.30 481,530 488:,'ho' 4?,l!.,~?Q li,42!? -';""( - ,.lo'-" .~. .". '''' - ........ 'ID U }1,g5 ,10,831 ;LO,,8~1 ,I, ID ~2 l~ ,599 1~,,500 ,'tii',5.Q'o ~8 ,599. 79-1 240,500 240,.500 239',000 2391,;000' .'J\rrOl:iizat:Lon of Discount' -, - 23)88'7 23,887 - ,~- -,- - ."" ~". "'" - - --. - -. ~ . -- p- Pr:oce.ssil}g E~ - - 2,'000 2,,000 I' $1,14'9,:55), $1,175',,332 e ' ,TOrAL 'WATER FUND. $1,I49.,553 $1,1-7,5,'332. SEWER FUND, I: '$~i;es ;), $ 34,450: $ 34,:450 $: '37',925 $ 37.;925: 'I , ,Series ? 25,/500 25,500 :24" 333 24,,333, . , :Seri:es' B 123;:325' 123,325 '119 ,963i 119,963' 'Processin'9 F,ee - - 600 600: .1; ,TOrAL 'SEWER, FUND ,$183,2'75: ,$i83,275 $:1182:,821 $182,821 :DEBT ,SERviCE FOND, .1: ,,19'78, ,Fire Bonds ,$174,400 $1'74,400 $1:73',609 $l'7'HOO' I .... . '. - --.~-- - ;!;i >.- Proce?sing E.:e.e , -, - "100 100' TarAt. DEE':r :iERvICE FUND $174,400 '$174,:400 '$1D';700 $17:3,700' ..' GRAND TOrAfj, $1,507,228' $i, 50'7" 228 $1,531,853 $1,531,853' :1, .' ,I, :1: I I: I; S~ ~mtH:3:dO 'IV.IlrnmIVcmG I SB61-tB61 :W\nIDOOd 'IV DN\iN 1iI 1.VWJd ;ro XJ. D . I I I I I . . I I I . I . ,. I I 14 CITY OF POIlAY w N EUDGE:r BY FUND CAPITAL ASSMI'. REVENUE DEPARl'MENr GENERAL WATER SEWER SfREEl' REPIACEMENr DISTRICr SHARI~ TOO TOI'AL - LEGiSLATIVE AND AJ:MINISTRATIVE City Council $ 49,147 $ 49,147 City ClerK 146,995 146,995 City Attorney 126,113 126i1l3 City M3nager 254,835 254,835 , Total $577,090 $577 ,090 AJ:MINISTRATlVE SERVICES DireCtor $ 80,305 $36,861 $14,481 $131,647 PerSonnel ~i, 2?? 19,531 7,~90 88,776 Customer Services IOti,433 69,590 28,655 2Q4,.678 Finance 95,52,8 5Q,I~3 16,12,1 l,til,912 Data Processing 66,489 4?,46~ 17,899 127,847 Purchilsing 95,Q5} 27,724 9,241 132,018 S~pport Services 158,525 158,525 Risk Managerrent 84,900 84,900 Capital Replacerrent $101,400 101,400 Total $748,479 $247,367 $94,457 $101,400 $1,191,703 CXM1UNITYSERVICFS Dir:ec:t:or $133,783 $11l,512 $245,725 Leisure Services 314,148 3~hm Lake operations 338,772 338,,77,? Park & landScape 379,000 $56,632, 435,632 Total $1,165,703 $56,632 $1l1,512 $1,333,847 - .. '- - - - ... - .. - .. - .. - -, - .. .. .. , , . ~ .. - - - - - - - - - - - ... - - ... - .. .' - CITY OF POi'IAY B.JIX>EI' BY FUND CAPITAL ASSMI'. REVENUE DEPARl'MENl' GENERAL WATER SE1'IER SfREEl' REPIACEMENr DISTRIcr SIlARI~ TDA TOI'AL - - PIANNI~ SERVICES I Director $137,49~ $137,494 I Current Planning 132,567 132,567 Advanced Planriing 161,547 161,547 Building & Safety 277,475 277 i 475 Total $709,083 $709,083 PUBLIC SERVICES Director $ 49,053 $ 68, 378 $ 31,216 , $ 148,647 Field Oper. Admin. 39,125 54 ,539 24,898 118,562 Engineering 353,485 23,307 1l,653 $ 7,500 $1l,500 407,445 Street Maintenance 198,991 809,905 1,008,896 ,Water Supply 2,653,512 2,653,512 Sewer Treatirent 1,057,917 1,057,917 Water Transmission 418,416 418,416 Sewe~ COllection 221,215 221,215 Facilities Maint. 71,519 57,214 14,304 143,037 Total $712,173 $3,275,366 $1,361,203 $817,405 $1l,500 $6,177,647 SAFErY SERVICES Director $ 167,473 $ 167,473 Fire Suppression 1,080,271 $90,000 1,170,271 Fire Pr<=vention 139,227 139,227 Paramedics 237,022 237,022 Ulw Enforcarent 1,642,164 1,642,164 Total $3,266,157 $90,000 $3,356,157 w w TOI'AL EXPENDITURES $7,178,685 $3,579,365 $1,455,660 $817,405 $101,400 $1l,500 $90,000 $111,512 $13,345,527J w '" CITY <XlUNCIL PlANNING COMMISSION 010 REDEIlELOPMENr AGENCY 5005 CITY CITY CITY ATTORNEY MANAGER CLERK/ TREASURER 012 013 all ADMINISTRATIVE CDMMUNITY PlANNING PUBLIC SAFEI'Y SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICFS SERVICFS 100 200 300 400 500 010 - CITY <XlUNCIL - - - - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - .. . - \,. 'I 35 , , I CITY OF PCWAY DEPARI'MENl'AL ACTIVITY OVERVI~ I Dept. COde DepartJrent: Fund Distribution: Legislative and I 010 Administrative General Fund: $49,147 Citv Council EXPENSE 1982-1983 1983-1984 1983-1984 1984-1985 1984...1985 I CIASSIFlCATION ACTUAL BUIX;EI' ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED I Total Positions - - - - - I Personnel Expense 14,826 16,236 16,266 17,719 18,127 Operations 31,453 42,283 42,735 31,020 31,020 I and Maintenance Capital Outlay - - - - - I TOl'AL BUIX;EI' $46,279 $58,519 $59,001 $48,739 $49,147 I CWERVIE.W CClolMENl'ARY I The City Council is composed of five rrembers elected at large by the citizens 'of poway to serve for four year overlapping terms. As the City's p.:>licy-rraking legislative body, the City COuncil is resp6nsible'to theresidentsofPoway for I the implementation of all programs and services provided by the City. Annually, ,the City Council reorganizes, choosing one of its rrembers to serve as Mayor and one of its rrembers to serVe as Deputy Mayor, both tenus carrrencing in November. 1 The City Council acts upon all legislative rratters concerning the City, approving and adopting all ordinances, resolutions, contracts and other rratters requiJ;'ing I overall p.:>licy decisions' and leadership. The Council appoints the City Manager" the City ,Attorney and the City Clerk as well as various citizen advisory oom- rnittees\ 'which ensure broad-based, input into the affairs of the City. I, In reaching P91icy decisions, the City COuncil reviews proposals designed to meet gammunity needs and:sustain demanded service levels, initiates new programs to upgrade eXisting City services, detennines the ability of the City to provide I financing for 'tne prorx>sed budget as suJ:mitted by'the City Manager, and oversees the expenditure of all City funds throughout the' fiscal year. I I I I' 36 CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTivITY DErAIL Departrrent: Activity: Activity I COde: 010 Leaislative/Adrrdnistrative City Council I ACTIVITY COMMENI'ARY ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJEX:TIVES I 1. TO provide policy for the establishment of programs and services through I overall legislative guidance and direction. 2. To oversee and monitor the irnplerrentation of the Council's adopted short, I rredium and long-range goals. ' 3. TO ensure that the delivery of all <municipal services is done in. the IIOSt I efficient and economic manner possible. 4. To provide for the citizens of Poway a forum for public input aild an ~en~forthe ool~ioncl ~uni~~oM6ffi. I 5. To provide input to the elected County, State and Federal representatives relative to the needs, desires, and derrands of the citizens of Poway. I , SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PR03RAM CHANGEs CHl\lIGE I Publications & Dues - The IIOSt significant + $1,376 I increase of $1,199 is due to the City'.s I membership in the League of California Cities I , based on population increases determined by , the State Controller . , Carmunity Safety - Costs will decrease since - $7,400 '. the contribution made by the City to the ASTREA program is not a recurring budget item. I I I I I , I , , I . I i I I , I , , I I I I I I I 37 . CITY OF PCf/lAY DEPARrMENI'AL AcrIVITY DErAIL . , Department: Activity: Activity Legislative and Administrative City Council Code: 010 I Obj. 1983-84 1983~84 1984-85 1984-85 Code ~---se Classification , Budaet Estirrated Proposed APProved Personnel .EXDense '. Ranm Position Title Councilmember (5) $9,000 $9,031 $10,750 $10,750 . III Salaries - Other 9,000 9,031 10,750 10,750 I 120 Fringe Benefits 7,236 7,235 6,969 7,377 ., -. Total Personnel 16,236 16,266 17,719 18,127 ~atlons and Marntenance . 260 Reimbursed Mileage 6,000 5,321 6,000 6,000 2'70 Travel and Meetings 9, 7~5 10,269 7,886 7,886 I 314 Community Relations 5,830 7,030 3,500 3,500 31.5 Publications and Dues 1l,258 , 1l,346 12 , 634 12,634 32:1, Community Safety 7,400 7,400 - - 334 R&M Equi~nt 100 83 - - I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,900 1,286 1,000 1,000 -. I I, Total ~ratrons and Maintenance 42,283 42,735 31,020 31,020 Cani tal Outlav I , I Total Caoital. Outlav' - - - - Actlntv Total $58,519 $59,001 $48,739 $49.147 I I - -~- ---- --- ~._---- - w co . , CITY CDUNCIL PLANNING c::a'-1MISSION , CITY CLERK - TREASURER Oll 011 - CITY CLERK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. .. - - I 39 I CITY OF J?CNVAY DEPARTMENl'AL AcrIVITY OVERVIEW I Dept. CedE Depa,rtIrent : Fund Distribution: Legislative & I Oll Administrative General Fund: $1'46,995 . Citv clerk EXPENSE 1982-1983 1983-1984 1983-1984 1984-1985 . 1984-1985 I ClASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUI:XOEI' ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED I Total Positions 3 3 3 3 3 Personnel Expense 86, 674 92,068 89 ,,638 92,039 95,563 I Operations 28,029 56,019 50,682 50,282 50,282 I, and Maintenance Capital OUtlay 1,603 19,400 18,386 1,150 1,150 I TOl'AL BUIX;El' $ll6,306 $167,487 $i58,706 $143,471 $146,995 I OVERVIEW CCM>lENl'ARY I 'l'he City Clerk is appointed, by the City Council to serve as Records Mansger and Election Official of the City. In carrying out this function ,the City Clerk coordinates the City Council agenda preparation and oversees the recording, prep- I 'paration, and maintenance of the' official rreeting record. The, City Clerk also serves as Secretary of the P<:MaY Redeveloprrent Agency. - I The City Clerk's Office is the central information source for the public and City staff regarding Council action. 'This departIrent is responsible for the orgaqiza- tion, maintenance and protection of all official City records and coo~dinates the City-wide functional filing system. All legal Advertiserrents,includingnqti"e!" of I public hearing, call for 'bids, etc., are placed through this office. Acentralized i>brd processing system for all City departrrents is managed by this office. I, The City Cle~k,organizes and conducts all municipal,el~tions, including serving as Filing Officer fo~,Economic Interest and Campaign Disclosure statements. I The City Clerki~ als() appointed City Treasurer, is responsible for the invest- ment of City' fUndS and has signatory authority'oh public securities and instrUments of payrrent. I I I 40 I CITY OF POWAY . DEPAR'IMENTALACTIVITY DErAIL Department: Activity: Activit:y. . . Cede: Oll Leaislative/Administrative City Clerk N::rIVITY <XMMENl'ARY I ACTIVITY GJALS AND OBJECTIVES l. To serve as custcdian of the official records of the City i ensuring the 'safety ,. and security of the record docurrents. 2. To establish a r~rds management program to provide for efficients.torage, . retr ieval and disposition of records, including the implE!rientation of the PUFFS (poway Uniform Functional Filing System) throughout all City departments. 3. To post, publish and ,mail in a manner canply.ing with the law, all not-ices of . public hearings, rreetings and bid proposals. 4. To record concisely and correctly, in action minute form, the meetings of the City Council. 5. To conduct. all municipal elections, ensuring conformance with existing laws to . I preserve the accuracy and integrity of the process. 6. TO manage the City Council ageiiaa process to ensure timely.preparation, notice and follow-up, on all items requiring Council action. . 7. To assist all City departments with their typing needs through, a centralized wordprocessingcperation. 8. To serve as Secretary for poway Today, Inc. and PowayRedevelq:meht Agency. I ACTIVITY mRKIDAD STATISTICS 1982-83 1983-'84 1984,..,85 . ACTUAL ESTIMATED .FORECASTED Public Hearing Nbtices , 168 130 150 Documents Recorded 109 100 100 Resolutions Processed 112 80 100 I Planning Resolutions Processed 72 50 ,50 Ordinances Processed 41 25 .40 Sets of Minutes Prepared 70 65 60 I I I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I other Professional - Decrease in codification C9st is offset by - $ 800 I Fees increases in qUarterly supplements for , Municipal Cede, and Regisl:!ar I s cost for .. I conducting Nbvanber 1984 election. I , Increase in Chieftain,' s advertising rates ~ I Advertising - + $1,100 , . and election advertising. I Printing - Anticipated decrease in bulk of agenda - $1,500 , , package. . , . Photographic - Decrease in usage - $1,000 , Supplies I I , I I I I 41 I CITY OF KMAY DEPARI'MENl'AL Acr.IVITY DErAIL I DepartIrent: Activity: Activity Legislative and Administrative City Clerk Cede: 011 I Obj. 1983-'84 1983-84 1984-85 1984-85 Cede Expense Classification Budget Estimated Proposed APproved Personnel se I RanqE Position Title City Clerk 32,448 31,263 32,448 34,391 '. 177 Deputy City Clerk, 18,658 17,977 18,744 . 19 , 706 172 Administrative Secretary 17,840 17,188 17,844 18,749 I 110 Salaries - Regular 68,946 66,428 69,046 72,846 113 Salaries- Overtime 1,200 1,152 1,200 1,200 120 Fringe Benefits 21,922 22,058 21,793 21,517 I, Total Personnel 92,068 89,638 92,039 95,563 Operations ,and Maintenance I 199 Other Professional Fees 14,400 14,400 13 , 600 13 , 600 260 Reimbursed Mileage 1,320 1,236 1,320 1,320 270 Travel and Meetings 2,207 2,045 2,125 2,125 I 280 Advertising 6,600 7,317 7,700 7,700 311 Printing 6,300 5,886 4,800 4,800 314 Cannunity Relations' 120 99 200 200 I 315 Publications and Dues 768 791 765 765 334 R&M Equipnent 4,900 4,480 3,868 3,868 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 3,200 2,878 2,880 2,880 413 Photographic Supplies 1,000 ,1,000 - - I 512 Rent-Buildings & Grounds 180 97 180 180 514 Lease Purchase 11,824 7,253 11 , 844 11,844 555 Capi tal Outlay Rental 3,200 3,200 1,000 1,000 I I Total Qperat10ns and Maintenance 56,019: 50,682 50,282 50,282 ' Capital OUtlay II 611 Office Equlpnent 19,400 18,386 1,150 1,150 , I I Total Capital OUt:lav 19,400 18,386 1.150 1,150 Act1 vi tv Total $167,487 $158,706 $143,471 $146 995 I I -- ---- ----- ------ ~ N CITY CDUNCIL PLANNING c::a'-1MIssION . CITY ATTORNEY 012 012 - CITY ATTORNC"Y - - .. - - - - .. - - - - IIIIi - - - - - - I 43 I -CITY OF KMAY DEPARTMENTAL AcrIVITY OVERVIEW I Dept. Cede Departme!lt: Fund Distribution: Legislative and I 012 Administrative General Fund: $126,113 Citv Attornev EXPENSE 1982-1983 1983-1984 1983-1984 1984-1985 1984:-1985 I ClASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUCGEl' ESTIMATED PROPCSED APPROVED 'I Total Positions - - - - - Personnel EXpense - 18,150 18,098 54,437 53,473 .' 'Operations 111,716 170,807 182,798 72,640 72,640 I, and Maintenance Capital Outlay - - - -' . TOl'AL BUIX;El' $111,716 $188,957 $200,896 $127,077 $126,113 I OVERVIEW CCM1ENTARY , I The City Attorney is appointed by the City Council to serve as legal advisor to the City on all matters of law as they relate to the, conduct of municipal affairs. , , .. The City Attorney <4"afts ordinances ,prepares contracts, conducts legal negotia- I tions,.reviews legal documents for form and content, and he or his designated legal counsel defends the City's position in court cases. I The services of the City Attorney are provided to the City by contract. The City -Attorney provides legal counsel, attends official rreetingsand appears at all legal proceedings and negotiations relating to land acquisition, and provides other specialized services. ,I In additio~ to providing services to the City Counci-l, the City Attorney,also serves as legal,adv.isor to other COUncil-appointed boards and. represents officials I, and enployees of the City in matters relating to City business. I 'I' I I, 44 I CITY OF POWAY I DEPAR'IMENTAL ACTIVITY DErAIL Department: . Activity: Activity g Cede: 012' Ledislative/Administrative Citv Attornev I N::rIVITY <XMMENl'ARY ACTIVITY OOALS AND OBJECTIVES I l. To assist the City Council and staff in 'the development ofi procedures based' on I sound legal principles which will enable the City to accomplish its goals. 2. To prepare ordinances and resolutions, consistent with the, law, necessary . to carry out the policies established by the City Council. 'I 3. To review documents prior to sul:rnittal to the City Council for legal cOntent. 4. To ensure that compliance is obtained with the provisions of the,municipal . code and state law. 5. To inform the City Council and staff of ,legislative and other lega], c;lev:elop'- I ments which may have an affect on the administration and ~ation of the City. 6. To represent the City in courts of jurisdiction on all legal mat.ters . relating to the City. ACTIVITY IDRKIDAD STATISTICS I 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 ACIUAL ESTIMATED FORElZAsTED , I Litigation, including pending appeals 7 18 17 Ordinances prepared , 43 35 40 Contracts, agrea:neI1ts, legal opinions and I related docurrents and staff conferences 410 500 550 Regular and special meetings attended 78 100 i08 SIGNIFICANT ACrIVITY CHANGES CHANGE I I Personnel - City Attorney's basic service costs + $35,323 I I are included in the personnei costs. Attorney Fees and Legal Fees - A portion of City - $24,540 I I Attorney's recurring costs are shifted to personnel. I I Litigation - Anticipated settlement of pending - $67,160 \ disputes will cause cost decrease. I I 1 1 I I '. I I , I , I I 45 I CITY OF KMAY DEPARTMENTAL AcrIVITY DErAIL I Depart.rrent: Activity: Acti vi ty Legislative and Administrative City Attorney Code: 012 I Obj. 1983-84 1983-84 1984-85 1984-85 Cede ExPense Classification Budget Estimated Proposed APproved I Personnel Expense RanqE Position Title' II City Attorney 15,260 15,259 45,600 45,600 nl Salaries - Special 15,260 15,259 45,600 45,600 I 120 Fringe Benefits 2,890 2,839 8,837 7,873 I, Total Personnel 18,150 18,098 54,437 53,473 ,Qperatlons and Maintenance 'I 140 ,Attorney Fees , 48,540 60,087 24,000 24,000 141 'Legal Fees 6,550 6,545 - - 142 Litigation - City Attorney' 102,360 48,138 36,000 36,000 I 146 L,itigation - outside Attorneys 10,800 65,945 10,000 10,000 270 Tr~y,el and Meetings 1,357 1,168 1,440 1,440 315 Publications and Dues 700 814 700 700 I 411 Office and Stationery Supplies 500 101 500 500 I I ,I Total QperatlOns and Maintenance 170,807 182,798 72 640 72640 'Capital Outlay II I I Total, Capital OUtlav _. - - - Activity Total $188,957 $200,896 $127,077 $126,113 I I --- ------..-- --------- ..,. 0'1 CITY cxiJNCIL PLANNING c::a'-1MIssION CITY ,MANAGER 013 ADt-lINIsTRATIVE CXM1UNITY PLANNING PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES' SERVICES . , SERVICES - 100 200 300 400 500 . 013 - CITY 'MANAGER - - - -' - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - I 47 'I CITY, OF KMAY DEPARI'MENTAL AcrIVITY OVERVIEW, I Dept. Cede Department: Fund Distribution: Legislative and I 013 Administrative General Fund: $254,835 Citv'Manaqer EXPENSE 1982"1983 1983-1984 1983-1984 1984-1985 1984-1985 I ClASSIFICATION AcrUAL BUI:GE:I' ESTIMATED PROPCGED APPROVED II Total Positions 4 5 5 5 5 I Personnel Expense 168,491 174,163 171,700 203,831 212,597 Qperations 16,084 28,096 29,495 42,238 42,238 I. and Maintenance Capi tal Outlay 197 6,280 6,659 - - 'I TOl'AL ,BUDGEI' $184,772 $208,539 $207,854 $246,069 $254,835 I OVERVIEW CCM>IENTARY I The City Manager serves as the City's chief administrative, officer ,and is respon- sible for planning, organizing and directing the municipal activities of the City,. I This office prepares and'submits the annual budget to the City Council and advises the City Council on the financial conditions an~ needs of the City. The City Manager makes recornmenda~ions to the City Council on the affairs of the City and . ensures that all applicable ordipances and state laWs are enforced. The City Manag~ attends all Council meetings and advises the' Council on legislative and policy 'matters. :1 II I I I . . 48 CITY OF PONAY 1 DEPAR'IMENTAL ACTIVITY DErAIL Department: ACtivity: Activity I Cede: ,013 . Leqislative/Administrative Citv Manaqer N::rIVITY 0>>IENl'ARY . ACTIVITY OOALS AND OB.ID:TIVES . l. To assist the City Council in its developnent of policy to address the needs . '- . . and issues of the community by providing'projected costs and'benefits for alternative policy decisions. 2. To develop innovative and cr~tive means of delivering municipal serviCes in, a '. high quality, effective and efficient manner. 3. To provide overall direction to the implenentation of City Council policy . through the centralization of authority aiJd responsibility. 4. To keep the City Council apprised of pending State and Federal legislation . to enable effective input. 5. To keep the City Council fully informed of all aspects of municipal affairs and . operations. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I' Personnel Services - Increase attributable to + $38,,434 full year's staffing of positions. . Lease Purchase - Cost for IoOrd processing + $ .3,864 equipnent. I , Travel and Meetings - Increased cost for staff + $ 2,.759 , I attending meetings. I OUtlay - No additional outlay itans will - $ 6,659 . be purchased. I I '. I , I I' I . I I . I I I . i I 49 ,I CITY OF KMA'f DEPARTMENTAL AcrIVrT'f DErAIL I Department:, Activity: Activity Legislative and Administrative Ci ty Mimager Cede: 013 I Obj. 1983..,84 1983;-'84 1984-85 1984-85 COde EXPense Classification Budget Estirrated Piooosed APproved Personhel se I Ranqe Position,Tit:le City Manager 50,000 50,000 50 , 000 53,000 I 268 Assistant City Manager 29,245 27,706 45,000 ~8,734 ,.,.,' _n, _ .~ 230 Asst. to G~ty Manager 31,770 31,770 31,764 33,390 177 Secretary to City Manager 18,495 18,495 18,748 19,,766 142 Admin. Clerk I 5,562 5,562 11,748 n,933 I 110 Salartes - Regular 135,072 133,533 157,2!iO 166,823 I 113 Salaries - Overtime 60 46 600 600 120 Fringe Benefits 39,031, 38,121 45,971 45,174 I ' Total Personnel 174,163 171;;;>00 203;831 '212,597 Qperationsand Maintenance I 199 Other Professional Fees 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 260 Reimbursed Mileage ' . 7,200 7,050 7,800 7,,800 . .. .. 4,999 ' 270 Travel and Meetings 4,812 7,,758 ~,758 I 282 Postage 1,600 3,578 3,772 3;772 311 Printing 8,400 8,261 9,156 9;156 314 Community Relations - - - - 315 f'!,1blications and Dues 1,065 9,34 1,196 1,196 I 334 R&M Equiprent 200 179 2,860 2 '860 '. -.". 411 Qffice& statione,ry ~uP91ies 1,000 1,069 1,200 1,200 499 Other Materials NOt Clas!"ified 700 197 700 700 I 514 Lease Purchase 1,932 2,415 5,796 5,796 I . Total. Qperations and, Maintenance 28.096 29,495 42,238 42,238 I capital OUtlay 611 ' 9ffic'!lEquiftnent 3,280 3,595 - - 672 Rerodel Office 3',000 3,064 - - I I Total ,Capital,Outlay 6,280 . - 6,659 - - , ,ActW1ty'Total, $208',539 $20",,854 $246,069 $254,835 I I ..---- _.__..._._---_...._~._--~----_.__. --- --~---~.-------~------ ----~- '--. U1 0 CITY MANAGER 013 DIRECroR IsTRATIVE SERVICES - 100 - I I [ .. _n] , , PERSONNEL, CUS'l'a-lER FINANCE MTA ] ,',--,-,'.'", -, ._--- SERVICES PRlXESsING -- 101 102 103 104 I . [---- ___~L -j PURCHASING slJP.f'0R:l', RISK CAPITAL SERVICES MANAGEMENT REPLACEMENT 10~ ..106 107 lOB --_.~~~~-..-.....~----.-~... . .......~=.,....,.-...,'~"... _,_~~~O-"."_ ,..,-_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 51 I CITY ,OF KMAY DEPARTMENl'AL AcrIVITY OVERVIEW I ~. , ~ Dept. Ced~ DepartIrent: Fund Distribution: General Fund - $748,479 I 100 Ac'J.n1inistrative Services Water Fund -,$247,367 Sewer Fun9 - $ 94,457 Caoital Reolacemerit,FUnd - $101,400 I EXPENSE, 1982,-1983 1983-1984 1983-'1984 1984-1985 1984-1985 ClASSIFICATION ACTUAL BOLGEr mIMA7'Eo PROPOSED APPROVED I Total Positions 18 19 19 23 23 I Personnel Expense 467,843 511,769 498,836 621, 688 642'854 Operations I <!ndMaintenance 279,030 439,140 454,678 414,737 418,737 Capital Outlay 45,170 85,644 86,664 130, 112 130,112 I TOl'AL BU[x;Er $792,043 $1,036,553 $1,040,N8 $1,166,537 $1,191,703 I , OVERVIEW CCMMENI'ARY I The ,Departrrent of Administrative Services is responsible for coordinating, ,the day-to,-,day activities' of 'var.ioUs internal operatiops a~d ~upp1ying specialized staff support services to ,all oPerating departments. The.cepartment is'divided I into rine operationa1divisions ,inclUding the Office, of 'the Director,Personhel, Custarer sery~ces, Finance, Data Processing, "PurchasIng and warehousing, ?upport Services, Risk Management and Capital Replacement. " I The Director of Administrat1ve Services is appointed by the City Manager to mal1age, coordinate, controi and ~ireCt depart.nleni:a.ol pr09ranlS and to ensure departmental I goals are achieved'., Within the Department are vestEid :the .responsibirities of . finahCfaLrrariagement and control, budget devel~t and ,preparation, admiI)istra,.., tion of the.City 'cSerriployrrent, system, the purchasing function of the City i"admin- istration, 6fthe muniCipal insUrance programs" water and sewer billing" neter .' reading, processing, accoUnts receivable and managerneQ~of the City's central stores warehouse. ,The Personnel' ,in this departIrent also func:tion in a quasi,..,c6ns'ultant 'capacity'oy'supplying technical expertise to other' City departments. arid, by provid- I ing specfaIized finanCial information to departIrent heads and other management ,personnel to ensure effective budget implementation. , I I I I 52 CITY OF KMAY I DEPARTMENI'AL AGrIVITY DErAIL DepartIreht: Activity: Activity I Cede: 100 Administrative Services Office, of the Director I N::rIVrrY CCMlENl'ARY ACl'IVITY DESCRIPl'ION I The Director of Administrative Services is responsible for supervising, coordinating, I and evaluating the operations and prOgrams of the Finance, Personnel, Purchasing, Data Processing, and Custaner Services Divisions. s.ub-programs include Risk Managerrent, Support Services, and Capital Replacerrent ,activities. The Director is appOinted by I the City Manager. Through this office, elected and appointed officials are contin- ually advised regarding the City'S financial operations, health, personnel management, custarer relations, and data processing services. I AGrIVITY GOALS AND OBJEX:TlVES To improve and develop: I l. Accounting procedures, especially with regard to deposits and fees: 2. Personnel management, through a re-evaluation of the City'S Personnel Rules-and I procedures. 3, Central Stores and Warehousing, by bringing this operation under the supervision I of the Purchasing Division. 4. City regulatory ordinances by revising them fran the County rrodel to conform to I the City'S General Piap and to provide for appropriate City administration. 5. Banking services and relationships in order to maximize the City's cash I managerrent. 6, Employee training and evaluation. . ~. . . I 7, oata Processing Services by establishing a short, and long-term plan for system development and utilization. 8, Risk Management, through evaluation of the City's current insurances, claims I . '. - management" and accident loss prevention activities. " SIGNIFICANT AcrIVITY PRO:;RAM CHANGES I None I I I I 53 I CITY OF PCIiIAY DEPARTMENTAL AcrIVITY DErAIL I DepartIrent: Activity: Activity Code: 100 I Administrative Services Office of the DireCtor Obj. 1983-84 1~83-84 1984-85 1984-85 Cede Expense Classification Budqet Estimated Proposed Approved D Personnel Expense RanqE Position Title 260 Director 41,562 '39,563 38,460 42,821 0 200 Administrative Assistant 5,592 .5,588 20,200 21,339 172 Administrative Secretary 16,548 16,566 17 , 394 18,286 Intern - Part Time 1,170 1,170 - - I 110 Salaries - Regular 63,702 61,717 76,054 82,446 112 Salaries - Part Time 1,170. 1,170 - - 113 Salaries - OVertime 100 - 600 600 I 120 Fringe Benefits 19,720 19,597 21,996 23,024 I Total Personnel 84,692 82,484 98,650 106.070 Operations and Maintenance 144 Audi t Service 17,463 16,861 16,93Q 16,930 I 260 Reimbursed Mileage 1,300 1,206 1,650 1,650 270 Travel and Meetings 2,618 2,202 3,980 3,980 311 Printing 100 100 350 350 I 315 Publications and Dues 430 429 685 685 317 Education and Training - - 350 350 334 R&M Eqiriprrent - - 187 187 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 500 546 720 720 I I I Total, Operations and Maintenance 22,411 21. 344 24.852 24.852 'CaPItal OUtlav I 611 Office Equiprrent 2,340 2,098 725 725 I I Total Capital OUtlav 2,340 2,098 725 725 ActiVIty Total $109,443 $105,926 $124.227 $131,647 I I I 54 CITY OF PlJWAY I DEPAR1MENTAL ACTiVITY DErAIL DepartIrent: Activity: Activity I Cede: 101 Administrative Services Personnel I ICrIVITY CCM>IENl'ARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Personnel Division is responsible for the City's employment and personnel manage- ". ment system. The Division activites include: implementation and administration of personnel policies, practices and procedures for classification, r:ecruitIrent and employment, employee benefits, compensation, training, developnent, safety and security, and employee relations. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I l. To implement revised Enployee Evaluation System. 2. To prepare Supervisor's Manual. . 3. To develop and implement a centralized employee safety program. 4. To review and revise Affirmative Action Plan. I 5. To continue to provide a high level of performance in providing services to var ious City departIrents and individual employees. I ACTIVITY STATISTICS I 1983-84 1984-85 ESTIMATED FOROCASTED &nployment Applications 1300 900 I Recrui tIrents 22 15 RecruitIrent/prarotional Testing 27 19 Job Interest Notices Processed 900 700 I Enployee Evaluations Processed 330 350 Personnel Transactions 170 150 Injury Reports Processed 42 45 '. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PRCGRAM CHANGES CHAN:;E Employee Awards reduced due to last year's - $4,630 I initial start-up costs. I I I I I I I 55 I . CITY OF KMAY DEPARTMENTAL AcrIVITY DErAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Cede: 101 I Administrative Services Personnel , Obj. 1983-84 1983-84 1984-85 1984-85 Cede Expense Classification Budqet Estimated Proposed APproved I Personnel Expense RanqE PcGition T1tle 230 Personnel Manager 31,770 31,682 31,764 33,390 I 177 Personnel Aide 18,749 17,733 18,744 19,706 I 110 Salaries - Regular 50,519 49,415 50,508 53,096 120 Fringe Benefits 15,334 14,981 14,751 14,474 I Total Personnel 65,853 . 64,396 65,259 67,570 Operations and Maintenance I 148 Special Studies - - 125 125 260 Reimbursed Mileage 420 398 420 420 270 Travel and Meetings 955 940 1,341 1,341 I 281 RecruitIrent 4,475 4,694 3,500 3,500 311 printing 1,500 1,500 1,400 '1,400 315 Publications and Dues 550 538 525 525 I 316 Medical Exams 3,350 3,392 1,400 1,400 317 Education and Training 2,800 2,610 3,000 3,000 323 Tui tion Rei.mb..rrsernent - - 1,500 1,500 334 R&M Equiprent 100 35 150 150 I 399 Enployee Assistance Program 1,500 - 3,500 3,500 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 450 421 525 525 422 Enployee Awards 8,450 7,795 3,820 3,820 I I , Total'OperatlOns and Maintenance 24,550 22,323 21 206 21,206 I Capital OUtlay 611 Office Equiprrent 550 527 - - I I Total Cap1 tal Outlav 550, 527 - - Act1V1ty Total $90,953 $87,246 $86,465 $88,776 I I I 56 CITY OF KMAY I DEPARrMENl'AL AcrIVITY DErAIL DepartIrent: Activity: Activity I; Cede: 102 Administrative Services Customer Services I ACTIVITY ~ARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Customer Services Division performs the accounts receivable function of the City. I The Division's personnel are responsible for the collecting, recording', and depositing all of the City revenues. This includes follow-up on delinquent, closed, and unpaid accounts due the City to assure a high collection rate. I The division administers the billing process for ambulance, water and se~ service. They receive and process applications for water and sewer services, schedule and per-' form rreter readings, handle customer inquiries and complaints, process water turn-on I and turn-offs, perform miscellaneous snaIl rreter repairs, and pull and exchange water rreters . The Customer Services' Division is also responsible for the issuance of regulatory 1 licenses and business certificates. In addition, Custane.;- Services personnel sort incoming mail ,post outgoing mail, and II provide telephone and reception services. ACTIVITY GOALS AND O~IVES , '. i l. Continue to provide courteous, professional public contact. I Continue to maintain a high collection rate. I I 2. I 1 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PRffiRAM ~ NOne I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I . I 57 I - GITY OF KMAY DEPARTMENTAL AcrIVITY DErAIL I DepartIrent: Activity: Activity Cede: 102 Administrative Services Customer 'Services I Obj. 1983-84 1983~84 1984-85 1984-85 COde Expense Classification Budqet Estimated ProPOSed APproved Personnel se . RangE Position Title 215 Customer Services Manager 27,364 27,323 27,360 28,760 159 Account Clerk II (2) 29,721 29,628 39;576 32, 130 ,. 177 Customer Service Worker (2) 38,726 31,913 35,949 37,769 149 Account Clerk I 3,731, - 11,940 13,020 149 Account Clerk I (Part-Time) 5,300 5,531 - - 1- 142 Administrative Clerk I 11,793 li,756 12,386 12,477 Vacation Relief - - 1,530 1,530 110 Salaries - Regular 111,335 106,151 119,741 125,686 I 112 Salaries - Part Time 5,300 5,531 - - 113 Salaries - Overtime 1,350 1,227 1,440 1,440 120 Frinqe Benefits, 34,353 33,.452 36.909 36,188 I Total Personnel 152,338 ' 146,361 158.090 163,314 Operations and.Malntenance 260 Reimbursed Mileage 100 329 1,044 1,044 I 262 Vehicle Operations 2,800 1,913 2,800 2,800 263 Vehicle Maintenance 9,199 4,303, 3,768 3,768 264 Vehicle Rentai 2,866 2,866 1,387 1,387 I 270 Travel and Meetings 600 539 845 845 282 Postage 10,000 9,689 10,080 10,080. 311 Printing 7,255 7,049 8,000 8,000 313 Uniforms, Laundry, Dry Cleaning 791 650 6,50 650 '. 315 Publications and DueS 50 30 50 50 325 Vehicle Regulations 5,600 5,197 4,500 4,500 334 R&M Equipnent 1,750 1,696 1,450 1,450 I 337 R&M Radios 150 120 180 180 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,082 700 900 900 420 Snall Tools 50 53 60 60 . 499 Other Equip. & Material NOt Class. 650 555 900 900 511 Equiprent Rental - - - - 532 Uncollectibles - 17,687 - - 541 Cash Over/Under 50 28 50 ' 50 I 555 Capital OUtlay Rental 2,000 2,000 2,600 2,600 Total, Qperatlons and Maintenance 44,993 55,404 39,264 39,264 I Capital Outlav 611 Office Equiprent 3,005 3,070 - - 622 Radio Frequency Change - - 2,100 2,100 I Total Capital .Outlay 3,005 3,070 2,100 2,100 Actlvity Total $200,336 $204,835 $199,454 $204,678 I I I 58 CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DErAIL Department: Activity: Activity '. Cede: 103 Administrative Services Finance I N::rIVITY CCMIENl'ARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPl'ION I The Finance Division administers the fiscal operation of the City to assure account- ability and compliance with established policies and procedures. This divi~ion admin- I isters the financial operations including general accounting, accounts payable, pay- roll, budget C9Qrdination and investments; lIDni tors revenues, expendi tures, and encumbrance docurrents adhering to City coqtracts and agreements and complying with I the City's approved budget. Financial and managerial reports indicating financial , , . status are prepared for the City Council, City Administration, and the general public. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECI'IVES I 1. To increase reporting tineliness by providing reports to the operating depart- ments within seven (7) working days after lIDnth end. I 2. To provide professional expertise to operating departments by: holding semi- annual training seminars to familiari'ze new staff with payment processing. 3. To 'strengthen financial reporting credibility by achieving MFOA certification for the annual report. " 4. To establish a staff budget review Catmittee and start phasing in an autanated budget system for fiscal year 1985-86 budget. 5. To rronitor and revise procedures developed to assist operating departments to I process deposits and fees collected during the year. 6. To develop an alternate financing source in a proposal for funding through tax anticipation notes for possible implementation in fiscal year 1985-1986. I ACTIVITY WJRKIDAD STATISTICS Actual Actual Projected Estimated I 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 Financial Report Processing Days 11.8 12.6 16.6 7.0 I Investment Avg. Portfolio (in millions) $8.2 $10.0 $10.6 $10.5 Investment Earnings (in millions) $1.3 $ 1.2 $ 1.1 $ 1.1 Investment % Yield 15.4 11.6 10.5 10.5 Purchase orders Processed 769 2,085 2,553 3,200 I Payroll Wll'rants prepared 3,510 3,725 4,144 4,414 Vendor Wll'rants Prepared 4,108 4,640 5,600 6,780 Budget Adjustments Processed 50 100 110 120 I I Supplies & Equipment Reg. Processed 420 1,154 1,546 2,000 I I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGE CHANGE 1 I I ,Change from part-tine Administrative Clerk - + $10,604 to full-tine Administrative Clerk. I I I I I 59 I, CITY OF KMAY DEPARTMENrAL AcrIVITY DErAIL I Departrrent: Activity: Act~Vlty Cede: 103 I Administrative Services Finance Obj. 1983-84 1983-84 1984-85 ' 1984-85 Cede Expense Classification Budoet Estimated. PropOSed ADoroved I Personnel. Expense Ranoe Position Title 230 Finance Manager 29,600 30,954 31,764 33,390 I 215 Senior Accountant 25,916 25,891 27,012 28,760 205 Accountant 22,233 22,060 23,265 24,455 159 Account Clerk II 15,536 15,097 15,732 16,534 I 152 Administrative Clerk II - - 11,500 11,.745 142 Admin. Clerk I (Part-Time) 3,060 3,004 - - . I, 110 Salaries - Regular 93,285 94,002 109,273 114,884 112 Salaries - Part Time 3,060 3,004 - - 113 overtiIOO 405 64 100 100 I 120 ,Fringe Benefits 26,546 26,900 32, 396 29,500 . Total Personnel 123,296 123,970 141,769 144,484 I OPerations and Ma~ntenance 260 Reimbursed Mileage 360 267 432 432 I 270 , Travel and Meetings 2,262 2,059 2,688 2,688 311 ;printing 4,153 4,153 4,515 4,515 315 Publications and Dues 620 657 1,135 1,135 317 Education and Training 50 20 755 755 I 334 R&M, Equipnent 230 94 274 274 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,300 1,311 1,290 1,290 499 Other Supplies & Materials 200 180 300 300 I: I 'Total Operations and Maintenance 9,175 8,741 11,389 11.389 Caoital ,Outlav I ,611 Office Equipment 5,349 5,156 6,039 6,039 I I -' ,Total Capital OUtlav 5',349 5,156' 6,039 6,039 Activitv Total $137,820 $137,867 $159.197 $161.912 I I I 60 CITY OF POWAY I DEPARTMENTAL ACTloVITY DSI'AIL . I- DepartnEnt: . Activity: Activity Cede: 104 I Administrative Services Data Processinq N::rIVITY a>>IENl'ARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I Data processing is responsible for information processing via the comp~ter. Functions I provided include prograrrming, data entry, and payroll processing. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To conduct and participate in cross-training programs between data ,processing and the user groups. The purpose of such classes is to increase understanding, I improve carrnunications, and ultimately enhance the overall supPort function of data processing. 2. To increase program documentation to, facilitate program maintenaneeand trollble- I shooting. 3. To upgrade the 1ll2llOry and disk on the minicomputer to support the users of '. personal computers and word processing and connect these 'users with the data stored on the minicanputer. 4. To phase into in-house prograrrming While maintaining a high level of prCJgram I maintenance and developrrent. ACTIVITY I'ORKIDAD STATISTICS I Actual Actual Project~ Estiirated 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983"71984 1984:"'1985 No. of Payroll Checks Run 3,510 3,725 4,144 4,144 I No. of Utility Bills Printed 63,894 64,540 65,200 66,100 No. of Cash Receipt Entries Keyed 4,800 6,024 14,016 19, 000 Payroll processing Hour per I El:nployee Record .180 .195 - .208 .192 utility Billing Hour per Bill .008 .010 .013 .015 I Payroll processing Hour per El:nployee .79 1.17 1.40 1.64 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGE CHANGE I Addition of Data Entry Operator position + $17,452 I to reduce the workload of Jr. Progranrrer. Reduction of Contracted Programrer' s' Services - $14,740 I I '. 61 I CITi OF KMA'j DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DErAIL I DepartIrent: Activity: Activity Cede: 104 I Administrative Services - Data Processinq Obj. 1983-84 1983'-84 1984-8S 1984-85 Cede Exoense Classification Budaet Estimated Proposed ADoroved Personnel se I RanqE Position Title 204 Jr. Programner - - 19,146 21,655 I 174 Data Processing TeChnician 18,198 15,916 - - 154 Data Entry Operator - - 12,540 13,174 Vacation Coverage 1,018 1,479 - I 110 Salaries - Regular 19,216 17,395 31,686 34,829 I 113 Salaries - OvertinE 210 39 100 100 120 Fringe Benefits 6,022 5,822 10,686 10,092 I Total Personnel 25,448 .. 23,256 42,472 45,021' Operat1ons ,and Maintenance , 145 Data Processing Consultant 34,500 34,499 19,760 , 19,76.0 260 Mileage Reimbrrserrent 60 40 108 108 I 270 Travel and Meetings 670 668 650 650 311 Printing 800 389 825 825 315 Publications and Dues 268 335 365 365 317 Education and Training 480 305 600 600 I 334 R&M Equiflllent 6,026 4,474 5;552 5,552 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 600 656 950 950 417 Operating Supplies 4,445 4,379 4,280 4,280 I 514 Lease Purchase 19,472 18',656 20, 388 20,388 555 Capital Outlay Rental 7,143 7',143 12 ,000 12,000 I Total Ooerahons and Maintenance 74,464 '71,544, 65,478 65,478 I CaoitalOUtlav 611 Office EquiflOOIlt 510 391 3,998 3,998 622 Menory and Disc - - 13 , 350 13,350 I I Total Cap1tal Outlav 510 391 17,348 17,348 Act1vitv Total $100.422 $95,191 $125.298 $127,847 I I 62 I CITY OF POIlAY . DEPARTMENTAL AcrIVITY DErAIL . Department: 'Activity: Activity I Cede: 105 Administrative Services Purchasinq ;. " N::rIVITY CCM<IENl'ARY AcrIVITY DFSCRIPI'ION I With the assistance of the Purchasing Division, a number of technical and special I services are provided to the line operating departIrents bf the City on'a centralized basis. Among the functions assigned to personnel within this divisibh'are centra- li zed purchasing for ,all supplies; services, e::.!uiprrent ,ahd maintenance of ~centra"""" I lized inventory and property control 'program. Also, control and responsibility for City warehousing operations is assigned to the Purchasing Division. AcrIVITY GOALS AND OI3JECl'IVES I To maintain the Purchasing Manual and enforce the purchasing pohcies, of the City. 1. 2. To exercise positive financiai control over City purchases to ehsUre'adher~nce I to the_ reguire.m;mt that expenditures and encumbrances do not exceed the arrounts ' appropriateq. 3. To procuree::.!uipment, supplies and services at the lowest C()st~ith,cleani open competitive specifications receiving maximum benefit from budget dollars avail- , able. 4. To continually work to incr.ease the quality of services provided to the, other City departIrents through better cornminications, thus ensuring a srroother flow of I operation and abetter understanding of .existing and futUre departmental needs,. 5. To expand vendor files and develop a vendor analysis system to ensure quality of service provided to the City is, excellent. 6. To maintain control of existing central stores and warehousing operations. I 7. To maintain an effective fixed asset inventory system. SIGNIFICANT AcrIVITY PR03RAM CHANGES I The transfer of control and responsibility for Cjty warehousing operations to the I Purchasing Division will provide an even, more central ized pUrchasing system and enhance better fiscal control. Along with this transfer comes the responsibtlityfor all expenses incurred by that I operation: CIlAN3FS Purchasing Technician + $26,185 I Storekeeper + $27,207 Operations and Maintenance + $ 6,953 Capital OUtlay + $ 2,500 I I I I 63 I CITY OF PCJ/IAY DEPARTMENTAL AcrIVITY DErAIL I DepartIrent: Acti vityc: Activity Cede: 105 I Administrative Services Purchasiriq Qbj. 1983-84 1983'-84 1984-85 1984-85 Code Expense Classification Budget ' Estiffi3.t.ed Proposed APproved Personnel Expense I RanqE Position Title 230 purchasing Manager 29 , 733 28,404 31,236 32,829' I 174 Purchasing Technician - - 18,187 19,1,2/i 160 Storekeeper - - 19,125 19" ~~6 152 Administrative Clerk II 16,444 15,718 16',454 16,'453 I 110 Salaries - Regular 46,177 44,1.22 85,002 87,,534 I 120 Fringe Benefits 13,965 14,247 30,446 28,861 Total Personriel 60,142 58,369 115,448 116,395 I OPeratIons and Maintenance I 260 Reimbursed Mileage 400 286 500 500 262 Vehicle Operations - - 900 900 263 Vehicle Maintenance - - 1,884 1,884, 264 Vehicle'Rental - - 1,137 1,137 I 270 Travel and Meetings 750 646 895 895 '311 Printing 1,500 1,115 2,000 2,000 313 Uniforms and Laundry - - 580 580 '. 315 Publications andOUes 1,545 1,599 1,715 1,71:5 334 R&M Equipnent 200 35 700 700 337 R&M Radios - - 52 52 I 411 Office & Stationery suppries 1,405 278 360 360 417 Operating Supplies - - 1,200 1,200 511 Equiprrent Rental - - 1;200 1,200 I ,c Total Operations and',Maintenance 5,800', 3,959 13,123 13,123 I Capital Outlay 611 ' Office Equipment 1,350 1,179 - - 622 other' Equipment ,Not Classified 165 170 ~ - I 699 Burglar 'Alarm - - 2,500 2,500 I Total, Capital Outlay 1,515' 1,349 2,500 2,500 Achvity Total $67,457 $63,677 $131,071 $132,018 I I 64 I CITY OF POOAY I DEPAR'IMENTAL ACTIVITY DErAIL ~, I Department: Activity, Activity 'Cede: 106 AdministratiVe Services suooort Services I N::rIVITY <XMMENl'ARY AcrIVITY DESCRIPTION I The costs' associated with the telephonesyst~, City Hall utilities, ,and City Hall I maintenance, are provided for in "the Support Services. In additi6n,the costs assoc- iated wi tho the CClPY machine contract, postage, fire, and burglar alarms, are charged to this cost center. I ACTIVITY GJALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To provide maintenance requirements, for City HalL I 2. Tbprovide CClPying services for City Hall departments. I 3. To provide gas, electric, and telephone services for City HalL 4. To provide for City Hall security'against fire and burglary. I . SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I To conduct special studies for a City_iqe energy + $1:9,000 audit, and a telephone rent vs. purchase study. I Gas and electric rates are expected to increase + $ 2,~500 during FY 84-85. I Postage is decreased based on the past few years - $ 2,000 experience. I Substantial decrease in repair anp maint~ceof - $ 4,400 City Hall since much of the maintenance has been absorbed by Public Services. I I I I I I 65 I CITY OF KMAY . DEPARTMENTAL AcrIVITY DErAIL I Department: Activity': Activity Cede: 106 1 Administrative Services supoort Services OOj. 1983-84 1983-84 1984-85 1984-85 Cede Expense Classification Budoet Estimated Proposed APproved I Personnel EXPense RanoE Position Title I I Total Personnel Operations and Maintenance I 148 Special Studies - - 19 , 000 19;000 210 Gas and,Electricity 25,000 23,881 27,500 27,500 212 Water - Interfund - 2,443 - - I 215 Telephone and Telegraph 59 , 000 60,767 69,000 69,000 216 Trash Rerroval 1,200 691 1,200 1,200 282 Postage 14,000 11,799 12 , 000 12,000 331 R&M Building 6,800 6,968 2,400 2,400 I 332 R&M Air Conditioning 480 149 - - 333 ,R&M Elevator 960 1,092' 1,000 1,000 334 R&M Equi pnent 624 1,203 700 700 I 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 3,600 2,261 2,400 2,400 413 Photographic Supplies - 2 - - 417 Operating Supplies 4,500 3,905 4,725 4,725 511 Equipnent Rental 18,960 17,501 18,600 18,600 I I I Total OPerations and Maintenance 135,124 132,662 158,525 158.525 Capi tal OUtlav I 622 Other Equip. NOt Classified 185 - - - I I Total Capital Outlav 185 - - Activity Total $135, 309 $132,662 $158,525 $158,525 I I I 66 CITY OF KMAY ;. DEPARI'MENl'AL AcrIVITY ,DErAIL DepartIrent: Activity: Activity I Cede: 107 Administrative Services Risk Manaqerrent/Frinae Benefits I ACTIVITY CX>>!ENl'ARY ACrIVITY DESCRIPl'ION I Risk Managerrent The cost of managing the City'S risks through purchased insurance and self-funded I programs are detailed in this cost center. Monies go toward insurance premiums,and contributions to a pooled risk joint powers authority for claims ,adjusting and stop I loss protection. Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500) is provided to be used by the, Safety I Committee with the authorization of the City Manager to purchase safety supplies, equiprent or material that is unanticipated, but may becare necessary aspar,t of the City-'Wide safety program. I Fringe Benefits I The cost of all employee fringe benefits is indicated in this cost, center, under each benefit program. They are: life, health, dental, long-term disability, retirement and workers I canpensation insurance. I SIGNIFICANT AcrIVITY PRCGRAM CHANGES CHAN:;E I Reduction of uninsured claims I::ased on prior - $41,200 years I experiences. I I I I I I I , I I I I I ,I 67 I CITY OF KMAY DEPARTMENTAL AcrIVITY DErAIL I DepartIrent: Activity: Activity Cede: 107 I Administrative Services Risk Manacernent/Fringe Benefits Qbj. 1983-84 1983-84 1984-85 1984-85 Cede seClassification Budqet Estimated PropOsed APproved, Personnel ExPense I RanqE Pos1tion'Title I I I Total Personnel OPerations and Maintenance 120 Fringe Benefits <1,166,161) (947,392) <1,283,230) (1,237..156) I 121 Workers Canpensation Benefit 186,899 130,199 192,A52 200,008 122 Health/Life Benefits 324,104 2~3,146 350,545 369,420 123 Retirement Benefits 655,158 564,047 740,233 667,728 I 260 Reimbursed Mileage - - 200 200 270 Travel and Meetings - - 1,000 1,000 416 Safety Supplies 3,723 3,058 2,500 2,500 I 521 Uninsured Claims 45,200 45,312 3,500 3,500 522 Insurance Expense 73,700 90,331 73,700 77 ,700 I I I Total OPerations and Maintenance 122,623 138,701 80,900 84,900 Capital OUtlay I I I Total Capital Outlay Acti vi t v Total $122,623 $138,701 $80,900 $84,900 I ,I I 68 CITY OF POAAY I DEPAR'IMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL - I DePartment: Activity: Activity Cede: 108 Administrative Services Canital Replacement I N::rIVITY CX>>IENl'ARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I This division is used to replace CitY'"'0wned vehicles, equipment; and capital outlay I items which .have reached or exceeded the y~s of useful life pursuant to the programned replacement schedule. The Purchasing Division has the responsibility for purchasing the vehicles and equipment when the Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance I Division determines that each item scheduled for replacement' can no longer serve a useful function for the City. This activity is financed by annua.l ~ental rates charged to the divisions utilizing . the vehicles, equipment, and costly capital outlay items. , I . SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGE - CHANGE Purchase of vehicles scheduled for replacement + $29,400 I Purchase of equipment scheduled for, 'replacement + $72,000 I I I I I I , , I I I , I I , I , , .- i , I I i I I I 69 I CITY OF KMAY DEPARTMENI'AL AcrIVITY DErAIL I DepartIrent: Activity: Activity Cede: 108 I Administrative Services Capital ReJlacerrent Obj. 1983-84 1983-84 1984-85 1984-85 Cede Expense Classification Budget Estimated Proposed Approved Capital OUtlay I 621 Vehicle Replacerrent: 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck (Pub .serv. ) 9,000 - 9,800 9,800 I 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck (Pub.serv.) 8,500 8,769 9,600 9,600 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck (Pub.serv.) 8,500 8,769 - - 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck (Pub .serv . ) 8,500 8,769 - - , 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck (Pub .serv. ) 8,500 8,769 - - I 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck (Pub .serv. ) 8,500 8,769 - - 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck (Can.serv.) 8,500 8,769 - - 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck (Can.serv.) 12,190 12,190 - - I t Ton Pick-Up (Admin. serv.) - - 10,000 10,000 Backhoe (Pub. serv.) - - 52,500 52,500 1 - t Ton Roller (Pub.serv.) - - 12,000 12,000 I Air Canpressor (Pub. serv.) - - 7,500 7,500 t Ton Van (Pub. serv.) - 9,269 - - I I I I I I I I Total Capital OUtlay 72,190 74 ,073 101,400 101,400 Actlvity Total $72,190 $74,073 $101,400 $101,400 I I --' 0 CITY MANAGER 013 DIRECTOR (XM.1UNITY SERVICES 200 LEISURE SERVICES LAKE OPERATIONS PARK AND LA!\1])sCAPE MAINI'ENANCE 201 203 204 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 71 I CITY OF P<::fiIAY DEPAR'IMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW " I Dept. CedE Department: Fund Distribution: I 200 Camlunity Services General Fund: g ,165,703' Water- Fund: $56,632 Grant Fund:' $111,512 I EXPENSE 1982-:'1983 1983-1984 1983-1984 1984-1985 1984-1985 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BlJDGEl' ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED I' Total Positions 24 24 24 28 28 '. Personnel EXpense 534,662 586,849 583,252 684,983 731,110 Operations 386,117 520,375 531,957 560,641 542,387 I and Maintenance .. Capital Outlay 19,664 60,942 57;987 60,350 60,350 '. 'lOI'AL BlJa;Er $940,4'43 $1,168,166 $1,173,196 $1,305,974 , $1,333,847 I OVERVIEW crMMENTARY I The Department of Camlunity __Services is responsi.ble forrreetingthe cultural, social and recreational neecIs'cand danands of the c:ity,: 'The Department is I divided into four qperatihg divisions which include the Office of the Directcr, Lake Operations, Leisure Services, and Landscape and Park Maintenance. The Director of Caimunity Services is appointed by the City Mallager and super- I vises the four operating.' diviiSions. T~y provige direct staff support services in the developnent and implementation of programs designed to enhance the socio- cUltural needs and concerns of poway residents. I Responsibilities of the Department include: (l icoordinating resources ,of publ-ic and private agencies, to solve individualized and persorlal'1?ec; ccmnunityproolerns; (2) providing liiii'senservices between City of,f icials and carmuni ty groups; (3) I providing rreans for cartrnihity input into the developnent of leisure programs; (4) providing a balanced pr()gram of recreation and 'leisUre services' for the oammunity; (5) adininisb;ir'ing thec{ty's transit, cable Wand anima..i control contracts; (6) I providing the City's park maintenance programS; and (,7) coordinating, preparing and managing various typeiS'of grants to provide additiorial financial assistance to,the City to rreet increased service danands. I I I I 72 CITY OF I?<JflAY I DEPAR'IMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL ,- I Department: Activity: Activity Cede: 200 I Carmunitv Services 0ff'ice of the Director " N::rIVITY 0:H-lENrARY AcrIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Off ice of the Director is responsible for t~he administration and rranagarent of I the Department of Carmunity Services. The Director of Carmunity SerViCes is respon- sible for pianning, directing and 'coordinating the programs of the\(ariou5,' operaj:ing divisions providing services to rreet the.soci9Cultiital and human need,s of th'? City. I The department is divided into four ,operating divisions that include the' Office of the Director, Leisure Services, Lake Operations, and Landscape and., RCirk Maintenance. The Office of the Director of Carm\.mity 5erVicesalso has responsibility for the I administration and/or management of the c;ity's grant-funded ,programs, transit'system, cable television, animal regulations, park site acquisition, al1d park devel0flllent program. The Director of Carmunity Services is responsible to the City Manager for"ensuring '. that all the departmental prograIllS, are iroPlenented efficiently, e!'fectively; and econcmically in accordance with City practice's and procedures. , I AcrIVITY GJALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To establish and iinplement a. balanced program of recreation, leisure services I and cultural programs for the carmLmity; 2. To effectively administer and rnanage,the functions of the City within 'the respon- I sibilities of the Community services Department. 3. To ensure the best possible cable television service to the citizens of Poway. '. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I Vehicle Operations, Maintel1al1ceand -Rental - -' $ 4,691 . , - ~ Vehicle transferred to Landscape Maintenance I Division Decrease in Call-A-Ride Service - $ 9,391 I I I 1 I 73 " I CITY OF PCWAY DEPARI'MENl'AL AcrIVITY DErAIL I DepartrlEnt: Activity: Acti vi ty Cede: 200 I Ccmnunitv Services Office of the Director Obj. 1983-84 1983-84 1984-'85 1984-85 Cede Exoense Classification Budqet Estiilated PropOsed Approved R=rsonnel, ,Exnense . Ranoi Position Tit:Ie 255 Director 39,083 39,~48 39,948 42,821 I 230 CcmnunltyserviceS,Manager 29,313 ' '~29,884 29,928' 33,390 172 Administrative ,Secretary 17,482 14,966 15, 604 16,453 I 110 salaries - Regular 85,878 '~4" 798 85,480 92,,664 120 Fringe Benefits 25,41~ 25,296 24,988 25,324 ~ .. I Total Personnel 111,290 110,094 110,468 117,988 --or;;:;rations and Maintenance 148 Special Studies 8,660 5,759 - - . 230 Other :Utilities - .- 360 360 260 Reirribursed Mileage 1,300 1,355 1,680 1,680 262 Vehicle Operations 1,000 - - - I 263' Vehicle Maintenance 2,290 - - - 264 Vehicle Rental 1,401 1,401 - - 270 Travel and Meetings' 1,890 1,435 3,255' 3,255 I 313 UniformS, Laundry, DryCleanihg 421 380 390 390 315 Publications and DueS 290 .153 590 590 319 Animal Disposal 4,200 4,637 5,400 , 5,4.00 334 R&M Equi r;ment 100 ,35 15,0 ' 150 I 399 Call-A-Ride Contract 109,752" 109,752 129,766 100,361 Office & Stationery Supplies ..... .--" 411 600 -602 1,000 1,000 417 Operating Supplies 1,027 1,003 2,000' 2,000 I 444 Sign Maihtenance - - 420 420 511 Equir;ment Rental - - 150 150 531 Expense Credits - , 10,040 - 1l,15l I , Total 'Ooerations and Maintenance 132,931 136,552' 145,16l 126,907 capital ,OUtlav .. I I 611 Office EquipnEnt 550 530 400 400 I Total ,Capital outlav 550 530 400 400 ACtivit\! Total. $244,771 $247,176 $256,029 $245,295 I :1: 74 I CITY OF POWlIY .- I DEPAR'IMENTALi'ACTIVITY DErAIL Department: , Activity: Activity I Cede: 201 Ccmnunitv Services Leisure Services N::rrVrrY 'p:MolENl'ARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION , The Leisure 'Services Division organizes and, provides a variety 0# ~stivities f~r all I citizens of PONay. The personnelpliln, devel<>p, initiate, administer, and evaluate a canprehensive leisure program at the ctty's parks" playgrounds; schools', alldCdfuiuriity' Center. The adult, teen, youth, and ,tiny tot programs offered through this division I include, 'sports, ,arts, crafts, dance,;, drama, butdOor recreation, special interest classes, city-wide special events, and life,..,enrlclIilerit activities. .. ACrIVITY GJALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To ensure that a~tivities are .pl~ed for residents of every age group and interest group in such, a way that a great variety of activities are provided for I utilization of ~eisure time. 2. To ensure all available resources are utilized to the full~stextent by CO()p- erating and interacting with othet,commuriity organizations~d,agen~ies. .. 3. To ensure a variety of o:rnnunity' group and individual uses of ,City recreation facilities. .. 4. To rronitorthe changing developments within the leisure services field and implement the changes when applicable. I AcrIVITY I'lJRKWAD STATISTICS 1982-83 1983""84. 1984-85 ACTUAL ESTIMATED FORECASTED I - Recreation Classes Per Year 85, 110 320 Recreation Class'participants 1,250 1,642 .. 3,520 Sports Teains 65 124 180 I Sports Program Participants 975 1,860 3,240 Special Events Per Year 6 36 28 Special Events Participants 2,100 7,427 7,800 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE' Increase in activities offered by cOntract + $21,795 I instructors Increase in operating supplies for lncreased +,$16,090 I activities offered by City Decrease in capital outlay -$10,,105 I I 1 I I 75 I CITY OF KMAY DEPARTMENJ'AL AcrIVITY DErAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Cede: 201 I Cammni ty Services Leisure, services Obj. 1983-84 1983,...84 1984 85 1984-85 Cede Expense Classification Budget EStimated Proposed ADoroved I Personnel Expense RanqE Posltlon Title 196 Recreation Supervisor 19,260 18,794 20,241 23,806 I' 181 Recreation Coordinator 17 , 425 17,513 18,248 20,546 171 Recreation Leader (3) 47,043 47,043 47,979 50,471 171 Rec. Leader part.-TirrE( 3) - - 14,472 22,310 I 166 Park Maintenance Workef II 14,837 14,837 - - 152 Administrative Clerk II 13,813 r:3,798 14,488 15,254 110 Salaries - Regular, 112, 378 111,985 100,956 110,077 I 112 Salaries - Pait~Time - - 14,472 22, 310 113 Overtime 2,080' 2,052 450 4,50 120 Frinqe Benefits: 36,583 35~318 31,633 ,33,046 I, Total Personnel 151,041 149,355, 147.511 165,883 Operations and Maintenance . . 210 Gas & Electric 33,800 19,~25 22,680 22,680 215 Telephone & Telegraph 650 ,969 360 -360 230 Other Utility Charges 780 522 580 580 260 Reimbursed Mileage 300 35 180 180 I 262 Vehicle Operations 1,224 1,421 1,832 1,832 263 Vehicle Maintenance 2,290 2,994 1,884 1,884 264 Vehicle Rental 1,869 1,869 3,270 3,270 I 270 Travel and Meetings 515 454 1,163 1,163 311 Printing 2,850 458 2,175 2,175 313 . Uniforms, Laundry, Dry Cleaning 2,526 l,Ui7 1,130 1,-130 315 Publications and Dues 305 130 325 325 I 318 Leisure Contracts 53,700 52,819 75,.495 75,495 R&M Equipnent 1,031 500 500 . 334 1,500 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,625 1,217 591 591 I 412 Jar.itorial Supplies 2,000 1,854 - - 414 Medica.l suppli<:s 150 - - - 417 Oper~ting Supplies 17,150 17,293 33,240 33,240 511 ,Equipment Rental 460 91 260 260 I 'Total Operatlons and ,Malntenance 123,694 ,103,969 145,665 145,665 03.Pl tal OUtlay I , 611 Off ice Equij;Jrent - - 250 250 622 ,Other Equip. &It Classified 11,425 11,382 2,350 2,350 644 Athletic Equipment l,280 1,295 - - I Total,Capita'l OUtlay 12,705 12,617 2,600 2,600 Act1vity Tota'l $287,440 $266,001 $295,776 $314,148 I I , I 76 CITY OF KMAY DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITY DErAIL Departrrent: Activity.: Acti vity Cede:' 203 Carmuni t Services Lake ations .. lCrIVITY~ ACTiVITY DESCRIprION . The responsibilities of the Lake Cperations Division of the Community Services Department is to provide recreational fishing, boating, camping, hiking ,hor!?eback I riding, nighttime softball, arid,other le{sure, activities generally associated with, parks and recreation. The LMeCperation {s also responsible for the security of .. , property and the health and safety of facility users. Much of this is accanplished I by routine patrol of the facilit;ies. The follOWing areas require security patrol and law enforcement: Lake Poway,Lake ,P<:May Park, Ccmnunity Center and Community Park, ~den Road Park, and the BLM equestrian and hiking trails. 1 ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To provide professional cornnuniCation and custaner ed,ucation -between facility I users and the Lake staff regarding State and local regulations. 2. To promptly enforCE! rules arid. regulatigns of the Lake Poway Recreational areci in order to encourage and, provide consistent public, support. I 3. To 'ensure that. the dbck operaUon is near.ly maintained and suitable for public use at all times. 4. To provide recreational fishing and boating programs to m=et the needs of the ,. Poway Ccmnunity. 5. Tb provide a self-supporting lake and boating operation. ACTIVITY WJRKIDAD STATISTICS I 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 ACTUAL ESTIMATED FOREx::l'\STED I Fishing Permi ts 48,512' ;;5,000 49,647 Boat Rentals 14,540 13,986 17 ,498 I Facility Users 347;000 400,000 415,000 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PRCGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I Increase in personnel costs for addi ti:btial + $ 741 staff at entrance station and transfer of I aeintenance staff to Landscape Mairitenance Division Increase in trout stocking for year + $14,000 .' Decrease in other fish stocking - adequate - $36,000 catfish stock in lake I . I I 77 I GITY OF PCJio/AY DEPARTMENl'AL AcrIVITY DErAIL I , .~: -'-1',: C6d~~L2t3 Conmunitv Services Lake f"lnO' tions I vuJ. J."O.J-O" J."O.J""O., J."O"-OJ J."O"-OJ Code Expense Classification Bldqet . Estimated ProP'sed Approved Personnel ExPense I RanqE Position Title 196 Park SUpervisor (0'.5) (0) 11,319 11,073 - - 181 Lake supervis'or, 17,852 17;464 18,744 20,505 I 166 Park Malntenance Worker II 14,832 14 ,509 - - 161 Park Ranger II '('2.), (-3) 28,585 27,963 42,884 45,620 151 Ranger I (5)( Par,t-tiire ) 32,050 28,845 30,949 33,343 142 Administrative 'Clerk I (2) 23,619 23,105 24,,819' 26,210 142 Ranger Aide , , ' - - 11,124 11,685 . 142 Ranger Aide (Part-tirre) 5,703 5,133 5,424 5,843 110 Salaries -Reg\llar 96,207 94,114 97,571 104,020 112 Salaries - Part-time 37,753 33,978 36,373 39,186 I 113 Salaries - 'OVertime 2 863 2395 3,000 3,000 120 Fringe Benefits 35;080 . 42;223 35,700 35,612 Total Personnel 171,903 - ,17-2,710 172,644' 181. 818 I Operations and Maintenance 210 Gas and Electricity 14 , 300 12,096 7,800 7,800 I 215 Telephon~,~nd Telegraph 2,650 608 624 624 230 Other Utlll~ Charges 2,936 4,724 3,556 3,556 260 Reimbursedleage 300 57- .100 100 262 Vehicle'~rations 900 1,615 1,831 1,831 263 'Vehicle Maintenance 6,869 6,274 3;768 3,768 . 264 VehiCle Rental 3,037 3,037 2,800 2:800 270 Travel and Meetings 377 39 855 .855 311 Printil1g 1,000 304 2,841 2 841 313 Unif9rms, Laundry 6uDry Cleaning 4,309 3,658 4,682 4'682, 315 Publlcatlons and es 157 80 122 '122 . 331 R&M - Building 300 218 - - 334 R&M - Equi~nt 600 539 1,140 1,-140, 411 Office & 5 tion~ Supplies 600 617 '804 804 412 Janitorial Supplies 750 671 - - I 414 Medical sup~+les 250 - - - 416 ,Safetr sup~ les 700 404 144 144 4I7 aperaing upplies 21,579 21,047 14,737 14,737 41B Trout Stock 72,000 70,950 86,000 B6,000 419 Other FiSh Stock 36,000 ' 36,000 - - '. 420 SlllaH ,Tools 250 81 250 250 532 Unco11ectibles 100 - 100 .100, 541 cash O'\Ter/under 100 919 100 100 555 Capital OUtlaY-Rental 4,000 4,000 - - I Total Operations and,:Maintenance i74 , 064 167,938 . , 132,254 132,254 Capital Qutlav I 622 other ~ptlel1t' ,~t Classified 21,722 21,655. 24, 700 ,24,700 651 Shop Too s 915 915 - - :. ' Total, Capital OUtlay 22,637 22,570 24,700 24,700 Activity Total $368,604 $363,218 $329,598 $338,772 I I I 78 CITY OF POilAY I DEPAR'IMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity': 'Act:oivity I Cede: 204 Ca11nunitv ServiCes 'Park and. Landscaoe Maintenance N::rlVITY aM-iEN'l'ARY I AcrIVITY DESCRIPTION The responsibilit;iesof the Park and Landscape Division includeboaj:s, docks'" and I m.:>tor repairs and ,maintenance; iraihtenance of public restroans, pul:l;I.ic recreational facilities and equipnent; maintenanceaild construction of hiking!and eqUestrian I trails; grounds and park maintenance fpr 3 ~ks; grounds maintenance for 21 purrp stations aild reservoirs, 4 buildings, the pr imiti ve campgroUnds; POWay ROad medians, and landscaping along poway Creek. ACTIVITY GJALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To ensure. that public grounds and, ~k E\CIUipnent are attractively iraintairied and suitable for, oUblic use at all times, I ..... ~ 2. To repair dan<l,ge to landscapedare>as, park equipnent and trails prarptly alld efficiently to encourage and providE! for the continuous pUblic use. 3. To construct hails in accordallce with. the City's trail plan. I . 1982,..,83 1983-84 1984-85 AcrIVITY w::JRKIDAD STATISTICS AcruAL ESTIMATED FORECASTED I . Total developed acreage maintained 43.85 47.34 66.91 Total undeveloped ~k acreage 2 ,30q.'5 maintained 450.5 450.5 I Total floor. space maintained 10.,300 15,300 18',4.00 Total number of restrOCms, maintained 8 9 10 Number of hiking and, equestrian trails I maintained 5.} 12.5 27 Number of boats .maintained 75 75 75 Number of docks maintained 2 2 2 Number of ball fields maintained 2 3 3 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE Increase in personnel costs for transfer of iraintenance , I workers from other divisions +$90,645 Increase in vehicle operations, maintenance, and rental . + $19,87'3 I for vehicle transfer from other divisions Decrease in Building R & M costs - $20,994 I Increase in both oper~ting and landscaping supplies for additional median and 'trail maintenance ' +$18;,782 I Increase for purchase ofa turf mOwer +1$ 7,600 1 I I 79 I CITY OF KMAY DEPARI'MENTAL AcrIVIT~ DErAIL I - DepartJrent': Activity: Activity Cede: 204 I Ccmnunity Services Park 'and Landscape Maintenance Obj. 1983-84 1983-84 1984-85 1984-85 Cede Exoense Classification Budget Est,irra ted ProPOSed APproved I Personnel Expense RanqE ' Position Title 196 Park Supervisor (0.5) (1) 11,319 1,1,073 22,656 23,806 I 176 Park Maintenance Worker III 18 , 564 18,510 18 , 564 19,510 166 Park Maint. Worker II (,4) (7) 57,940 57,940 104,182 109,373 156 Park Maint. WOrker I' (2')( 3) 26, 377 26 ;377 38,794 40,744 I 110 Salaries -' Regular 114,200 113,900 184,196 193,433 113 Salaries - Overtime 1,011 834 2,400 2,400 120 FringeBenefi ts 37,404 36,359 67,764 69,588 I Total Personnel' 152,615 151,093 254 , 360 265,421 Qoeratlons and Malntenance I 212 Water-Interfund 8,280 22,,027 28,953, 28,953 216 Trash Reroval 2,760 4,293 6,200 6',200 230 Other Utility Charges - - 390 390 I' 262 Vehicle Operations 6,750 ~,922 8,100 8,100 263 Vehicle Maintenance 14,646 27,,522 30,141 30,141 264 Vehicle Rental 7,660 7,660 10,688 10,688 I 270 Travel and Meetings 653 457 1,359 1.,359 313 Uniforms, Laundry, Dry Cleaning 3,795 3,340 4;680 4,680 315 Publications and Dues 170 80 170 170 :331 R&M - Building 21,994 31,976 1,000 1,000 '. 334 R&M - Eguipnent 450 255 450 450 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 300 274 300 300 412 Janitorial Supplies 2,900 3,136 6,270 ,6,270 I 416 Safety Supplies 950 1,092 500 500 417 Operating Supplies 3,529 2,677 13 , 610 13,610 420 Small Tools 800 703 1,400 1,400 I 421 Laridscape Supplies 12,249 12,347 20,950 20,950 44'4' sign,Maintenance 1,000 860 1,400' 1,400 511 Equipnent Rental 800 877 1',000 1,000 I Total Operations and Maintenance 89,686 123,:498 137,561 137,561 Capital Outlay I 622 Equi~ritNotOtherwise Classifiee 8,450 8,150 32,650 32, 650 652 I<rlbile, Tools 16,600 13,535 - - 691 Non-Structural Improvercents - 525 - - 1 ,Total Capltal OUtlay 25,050 22,210 32,650 32,650 'ActlV~ty Total $267,351 $296,801 $424,571 $435,632 . I co 0 CITY MANAGER 013 DIRECIDR PIANNING $ERVICEs 300 CURRENI' PLANNING ADVANCED PLANNING 'BUILDING & SAFEl'Y INsPEcrTON 301 302 303 - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - I 81 ,I;, , CITYO~ ,KMAY , ' DEPARI'MENI'AL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW; , 0 I' - , Dept. COde Depar,tIrerit: Fund Distribution': General Fund: $709,OiD 300 Planning Services I .. . , 1982'-1983 1983-198;4 , EXPENSE 198?'-l,~84 1984-1985 1984-'1985 .' ClASSIFICATION ACTUAL i3uI:x;Er ESTIMATED PROP03ED APProVED , Total Positions 9 10 10 10 , 10 .. 0 Personnel Expense '234,807 29l,73~ 280,512 307,221 301,409 -..,; '~ '. , OperatioI1s 272,343 373,970 357,,220 , 396,440 396,440 and/oBintenance " , I , Capital outlay '7,415 4,648 ' {4',261 11,234 11,234 . .' TOl'AL BUIX;Er $51:4,565 $670,3481, '$~4i,~,93 $714,895 $709,083 I OlERVIEWCCMlENI'ARY . The Departrnent of Planning $~vices is respons~9l~ fo~'administering a~d imp~ement- ing the City's planning, deve,loprrent, land use an<l,. Q)1iJ,ding programs., The depart~ merjt is organized into fq~, divisiofls:, the Off~ce of, the Director; Current , Planning; Advanced Planning; and Btij:lding SerVices,' > I The DepartIrent' s Director is appoirited by tli~ City/oBnager to administer, depart- rrental operations. The 'Department of 'Planning Services ensures thiit a soUnd and l workable planning progr1lffi' 'i!s designed, and maintained 'foJ:"' ti1e City. In concert with the City Council, tl1!'! !staff of this departIrent isre!?poi1~Jble for the irnpl,ernention of the City's Gener<il Plan. as well as .its annual tevfew to ':ensure that p()l,icies I and coc:l.es are, upda~ed based" upon. current plannillg practices. Through thi!? review proc;ess, the., General plan and Developrrent Cede provide ,for an orderly program oj: 'planne,(i deve~oprent within the ci'ty. ' I Otheideparbnenta'l activities inciude: processing' :ofdeveioprent, applications; review of .~nvfronmentai impact reports; code canpriance; andbuhdingplan checks an<:i inspeefi'on. " , I , 1 0, I 1 I 82 .1_.1'. I CITY OF POWAY, DEPAR'lMENrAL lcitvrTY DErAIL Department: ACtivity: ,Activity I . Cede: 300 Plannina Services Office ,of the Director, I ACTrVrrY c:ciH:NrARY '" . '.,..... ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I : The Director of Planning Services is responsible fqr overall. depai"orentiil su~i!sion I including personnel procedureS and bUdget control. In concert, ;rith theC:ity Council and the city Manager, the ;Director rsrespoIlsible for dir'?Cting i:g~:U;:H.y Pl,;mning function, preparingreccrrm=ndations re1.iit'ive.tQ environmental protection ,and the supervision of the Building Services Division'.' I The "~apPfOach" to profesl?ioll<iI planning and' 'building is used ',to'a5sure the highest ,possible develo~tal and enviroiuriental quality for the ccxi'ii1un'ity. This year I the position of Senior Planner is added to the Office of the Director to assist in the the responsibLtlties of ' the DePaftment. ' ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJEX:TIVES I To provide adminJst,rative'sli-ppbrt 'and,assistance relative to agenda preparation, 1- p,ublic;:hearing notices, material acquisition, budget Control, andspeeial research I projects. . , 2. To prepare and provide sUpervision. f9r the City's General Plan?J1g :Developrrent Code. I To encour~ge quality plapiiing of developrents within the ccmnunit:Y bydev~oping 3. s~ds, guldelines ana geJ;1eta1 plan, elements. I 4. To provide technical as,sj,st:arice to"the. City COuncil and other City Departments, the genera:1.public and citizen aClvisory ccititii.ttees. .' 5. To continue to proifide high qUality' plahhing and building services ,in a timaly and efficient ri'anner. ' . 6. To IlCni tor and revieW legislation ,arid programs at the IDeal, Regional, State I and Federal l.evels, 'in ordet,to determin~ their i.inPact' on 'tiJe cit.y'splai)j1ing and .building programs, and to make recanrendaHonsas to their adoption and I inlplernentation.' ',' .' , . SIGNIFICANT AcTIVITY PROGRAM ,CH1iNGE; .. CHANGE Increase in personnel costs for transfer bf I Senior Planner into division + $39,928 Increase in capital outlay for purchase of I microcanputer + $ 7,125 I' I I 83 . I CITY OF KMAY; " DEPARI'MENl'AL ACTIVITY DE:r~L - I .. Department: Activity: Activity " Cede: 300 I Planninq Services Office of the Director Obj. 1983-84 1983-84 1984-85 1984-85 Cede se Classification Budqet Estimated PropoSed ' APProved I Personnel se', RangE, Position Title 255 Director 39,524 39,524 39 ,540 42,821 I 230 Senior Planner - - '. 29,202 30,229 172 Administrative Secretary 15,222 15,708 16,900 17,417 I 110 Salaries - Regular 54,746 55,232 85,642 90,467 113 Salaries - Overtime 948 - 948 ' '948 120 Fringe; ,Benefits 15,82"4 , 15,845 24,856 23, 604 I Total Personnel 71,518 71,077 111 446 115,019 I Operations and Mamtenance ~ ., ..-,. . ... 210 Gas and Electricity 4,930 4,294 4,900 4,900. .. 260 Reimbursed Mileage 1:529 1,261 2,010 2;010- . 270 Travel and Meetings 2,257 2,08,7 3,,743 3,743 315 Publications and Dues 1,105 881 1,380 1,380 334 R&M - Equiprent 205 230 629 629 I 411 Office & stationetysupplies 1,203 1,006 ' 1,200 .. 1,200 513 Rent - Office Equipment 2,754 2,,966 1,488 1,488 . I " I I . Total operations and,Maintenance 13.,983 l2/725" 15,350 , l5,350' I Capi tal OUtlay 611 Office Equipment 7,,125 7,125 - - I I .. Total ,Cap~tal OUtlay - - 7,125 7,125 Act~v~ty Total $85,501 $83,802 $133,921. '$137,494 I I , 84 0 CITY OF POWAY I DEPAR'IMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL ,- Department: Activity: Acti vity: . Cede: 301 Plannina Services Current Planninq . 'N::rIVITY '<XMMENl'ARY .' ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION' : The Curren): Planning section is broken ()()wn :into three basic paIt:s: f) 'day~to-day I activities; 2) present projects; and J) future projects. The,day-to~Tactivities of Current Planning include the processing of developnent review:, cohditioruu use permits, zone,cl1a9ges, variances, te!Tq;Joraiy uses, parcel naps; and traCt maps. In I addition, all :field inspections for, ,the abovementioned devel6pnent ,processing are condlicted by the current Planning SeCtion. Plan checks, preliminary site reviews, landscape plan reviews, and building plan permit reviews are also aa;:anplisheci,by I Current Planning. 'projects such as implementation of the Kiosk Program, foX' off-site - , subdivisig!1 signs; sign ordinanc::e impl,~tati9n; develq;:rnentofa Conprehel1siv~code enforcerrent program; administration, of the .zon'ing Ordinance and :related, COdes; and implementation of specific plans are the present projects in which the section is I currently involved. ., Future projeCts ,f9r the Current Planriingsection .include: the,deyeJ,~j:ofa_ des~gn I photographic notebooJc; develo~t of a citizen brochure; handbook on the ~yelotment review process; handbook on land use :egulations; and studies of various ordinarices'. AcrIVITY OOALS AND OBJECTIVES I. 1. To implement a ccinprehensive O:rde enforcement program. 2. To develop a hal}dbook on review, procE;!ss and fees. I 3. To prepare orqinances needed:..to fully inI>lement the General Plan. 4. To prepare and implement a deVetqioonf ]lOnitoring system. 5. To continue to provide technical. assistance to the City Council, other City Departments, general public; and d tiien advisory ci:mni ttees. I 6. To continue to provide high quality planning Services in a timely arid efficient manner . SIGNIFICANT PCrIVITYPROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I: A Sign Maintenance account for the' Kiosks I: has been included , + $ 1,000 Decrease iri personnel costs for the prcm:>tion of an Associate Planner toDirector's I Division as'a' Senior Planner - $29,327 Increase for special canputer studies + $ 5,000 I . I I I '. 85 I . CI'r-Y OF PCfIlAY DEPARTMENl'AL AcrIVITY DErAIL I -, H _ _ _ Department: Activi ty: Activity Cede: 301 I Planninq Services Current Plann'inq , .., Obj. 1983-84 1983-84 1984-85 1984-85 Cede se 'Classification, Budqet Estiiiated Proposed. APproved I Personnel Expense', RanqE Position Title 214 Associate Planner - 25,346 26,,664 '- - - 1 204 Assistant Planner (2,) 44',230 44,845 46, 2_69 45,383 194 Cede CanplianceOfficer 20,604 13,598 22,200 23, 338 152 Administrative Clerk"rr 13,125 13 , 077 13,731 14,492 . '. 110 Salaries~- Regular 103,305 98,184 82,200 83,213 113 Salaries - Overtime 1,428 - 1,170 1,170 I, 120 Fringe Benefits 33,081 30,161 25,995 24,104 Total Personnel . 137,814 l28 , 345 109; 365 108,487 I Operat~ons and Ma~ntenance' 148 Special Studies, 5,000 5,00g - - 260 Reimbursed Mileage , 2,500 1,907 2,520 2,520 I 270 'Travel and Meetings 959 762 562 562 311 Piinting 3,940' 3,936 1,850 1,850 315 Publications and Dues 982 941 -735 735 :1, 334 R&M - EquifllY=nt 2,033 '1,733, 1,376' 1,376 411 Office & Stationery' Supplies 3,000 2,904 3,250 3,250 413 ' Photographic Supplies 500 466 700 ' 700 - 444 Sign Maintenance - - 1,000 1,090 513 Rent - Office Equiprent 3,354 3,355 4,263 4,263 I -, . I . - ,Total Operations and MaintenanCe ,17,268 16.004 21',256 ' ' 21'256 .. Capital Outlav, " . 611 Off ice Equiprrent 4,648 4,261 2,824 2,824 , I I Total. Cap~tal OUtlay 4,648 4,261 2,824 2,824 Activity Total $159,730 $1:48,610, $133,445 $132,567 I 'I I 86 CITY OF PC1iIAY ' 1- DEPAR'IMENTAL ACTIVITY DErAIL Department: :l\Ct:ivity: Activity I Advanced Planninq Cede: '30~ Planninq'Services !, j I! ' - AC:rIVITY <XMMENl'ARY - , .' , '. I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION - Advanced Planning administers and ffi?li!1t:ains the !el,enents of the General P~an,r~views . and prepares spec if ic plan?, accanplishes' allel1virohmental Yi:>rk, for the 'City" respon-, sible for d$"velopnent rronitoring,implanentatibri and coordinatio;(l, :housin9 ,program coordination, ener,gyconservatiofl projects; develq:m~t coordin~1:ion'for gr,ants, , including', but not limited to energy' conservatiqn, econanic developnent"i?ar:ks and, I recreatiol);, ccirrnunity develq:ment block grant: pr.9grams, resource 'C()nservation, ,main- tenance ,of' the General .Plan danograppic infoI1ni!t,ion and special Etojects such as the 1980 census coordination, air quality plan, and 'water quality plan in coOrdination I with the,~ Diego Association of Govei::nments. ACTIVITYOOALS AND OBJECTIVES " ~ l. To implement the General Plan. 1 . 2. To develop ,and implement a program to revitalize poway Road t:&bugha I comprehensive specific plan. , 3. To coordinate with SANDAG to ,assure that Pcway's concerns are addressed in regiorl!il plarihing'matters. , 1 . . 4. To Update the CitY' s environmental review process in accordallce with; changes to State legislation. I' , ' , 5. To continue to provide technical and ,advisory assistance to the City Council, other City departments, and the general public. SIGNIFICANT ACl'IVITY PROGRAM CHANGES . CHANGE I Decr~se in Special Studies accotilltbecause I of the canpletion of General Plan <i.urk, - $ 8,867 Decrease in other Professional Fees, reflect a , challge ,in accounting for the enviroriIiental - $35;6'85 I, impact review fees. Increase' in Envi.ro~tal IIrpact Review Plans I reflect a challge in! accounting for the' review. + $60,329 I " - 1 I :1 87 '. . CITY OF KMAY , DEPARI'MENl'AL AcrrVrTY DErAIL I Depart:rnent : Activity: Activity Cede: 302 1 Planninqservices Advanced'Plahninq Obj. 1983-84 1983-'84 1984 85 1984-85 Cede Exoense:Classification Budget, ' 'EStimated Proposed AWroved - .' . 1 Personnel,E:xpense RanqE Position Title , 209 Ass~ia~e,Planner 25 ;346 26,664 27,,096 23,824 1 " 199 Assistant Planner 21,654 19,524 - - 189 Junior Planner 20,603 21,132 - - , . " 147 Admini$trative:Clerk II 13,125 ,12,:;12 12,486 13,118 I Planning Intern+Part-tiroo) 5',184 4,967 4,488 4,493 , , , 110 , Salaries ',.., Regular " 59,074 60,308" 61,236' 56,466 112 ' Salaries - Part~time 5,184 4,967 4,488 4,493 I 113 Salar tes - Oiiertirre 960 - 960 960 120 Fringe Benefits 17 , 180 15,815 19,726 15,984 , , 1 Tota'lPersonnel . ..82,398 '........ 81,090 86 410 77.903 OperatJ.Ons, and"Maintenance . : 1 '148 Special Studies 18, 367 18, 350 9;500 9,500 199 Other Professional Fees 35,685. 11,495 - - I 260 Reimbursed. Mileage 990 896 1,000 1,000 270 Travel and ~tings 541: 453 1,296 . i,~.96 311 Printing 7,l50 7,133 2,000 2,000 315 Publications ,aI,ld Dues 588 559 619 619 I 334 R&M - fqUipnent' - - 975 975 364 Environmental Impact ,Review Plans 1,671 1,671 62,000 62,'000 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 2,000 1,945 2,400' 2,400 I 413' photographic Supplies 600 489 500 500 513 Rent - Office EqUipnent 4,227 4,206 3,354 3,354 I ~ I Total OPerations I and Maintenance 71,819 47,197 83,644 83,644 ~., Capital OUtlay I I TotalCaoi tal OUtiay - - - , - Activity Total $154,217 $128,287; $170,054 $161,547 I 1 I 08 CITY OF POWAY I DEPAR'lMENTAL AGTNiTY DETAiL DepaJ"tJ:r.ent: 'Acti,v'i ty: . Activity I ~lanninaServices Buildinq Inspection Cede:' 393 I, , , - lCrIVITY.o:::MM'mrARY - I ACTivrrY DESCRIPTION Building inspection ,services are provided through a contract with Esgil cOrpOration. I The EsgH Corporation provides full, building inspection, p1:ancheck 'review ,ansWers to questions via the tel.=phone, and, Pul;)i::19'COl1tact - at the Planriing:~dBu:.i!iding Servic~s counter.. Their responsibilit'~es are ,~~orthei '?dmil1istration and ,enforcement 'of build- ingcodes and related ordinances adOl;~ted JJY :the City. They not qnly provide I structUfal, eJ,ectrickJ, and rrechanical ~gil1eering inspections and ,plan reviews, 'but building plan check services and consulwtion services with c1fiiens on require,-, ments O:f State, City, and the Unifoim, Buildiilg Cede. '1 . . . ACTIVITY OOALS AND OBJECTIVES - 1. To ,continue to provide canplete..s~ices to the citizens of'PdWay who are fuild:'" I ing structures or appurtenances wi thin our City. 'I 2, To cOntinue to provide canplete services to developers who are ;bui14ing',struc- i tures or appurtenances within our, City. ': , r dO,. 3. :ro con1;inue to provide a liaiSon, and cooperati_ve environment ,with .all City I departments, related agenciesi,tlie' County of Sal1 Diegocimd' state of California. " SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES .." tHANGEl I . " Increase in, building' inspection f~s to' .,+ $5,290' I reflect increased activity . I . , I . . . I I I I 1 I 89 ,~ :1 CITY OF P0NAY DEPARTMENl'AL ACTIVITY DErAIL 1 DepartIrent: Activity: Activity Cede: 303 I Plannina Services Buildina Inspection Obj. ~ 1983-84 .1983-84 1984-85 1984-85 Exoense Class1fi6ation 1>.-, .. Cede Budaet Estimated Prooosed Aooroved Personnel: Exnense!, I RanaE Posltion Title -- I I , .1 Total Personnel Ooerations and Maintenance ~ ~ I , 143 Building Inspection 269,100 280,022 274,390 274; 390 311 .Printing " ioo 69 100 100 I 315 Publications and Dues 600 145 700 700 411 Office & stationery,suppiies 1,100, 1,058 1,000 1,000 . , " I < I I < " Tbta~~Ooerations and,Maintenance 270 900 281. 294 - , 276,190 276,l90 I. ,Canital'OUtlav .. .. . 611 0ff~ce FurnitUFe - - 1,285 1,285 .. I ! I , Total CaDi tal OUtlav - - 1,285 1,285 Activitv'Tot:al $270,900' '$281,294 , ' '$277,475 $277 , 475 I . ' I '"' 0 .. +:~.. CITY MANAGER ,. 013 . DIRECTOR " - PUBLIC SERVICES .J 400 " , .. .. , " > FIELD ENGINEERING sTREEI' WATER SEWER OPERATIONS & & SUPPLY PUMPING' INsPEcrION DRAINAGE .. . 401 402 403 404 .' 405 . , " "j ~ , . , -WATER SEWER .. FACILFIES .vEHIq,E'& .. TRANSMISSION CDLLECl'ION MAINJ'ENANCE 'B,:)U:j:PMENT . MAINl'ENANCE " 406 407 408 409 - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - "~I 91 I CITY, OF PCJi[AY - DEPARTMENl'AL AcrIVITY OVERVIEW I " - Dept., Cede Departrrent: Fund Distribution':' Water Fund $3,275,366, Sewer FUnd - $1, 36L 203" Street Fund - $817,405 . 400 Public Services Special Assessment 'District - $11,500 General Fund - $712,173 1 EXPENSE 1982-1983 1983-1984 1983-1984 198,4-1985 198~";'1985 ClASSIFICATION ACIUAL BUI:X;El' Es1'IMATED ' PROPosED APPROVED I Total Positions 47 55 53 58 58 . Personnel Expense 1; 326, 312 1,684,240 1,6l2,~12, 1,804,271 1,,9;1.0,545 - , Operations 2,550:, 026 3,778,433 3 443-'000 4,162,881 4,158,867 .f. , I and Maintenance 108,235 Capital OUtlay 277,924 242,423 227,900 108 , 235 1 TOrAL BUJ:X3E;l' $4,,154,262 $5,705,096 , $5, i83, 312 $6,075,387 $6,177,647 '. - " OVERVIEW CQI1MENTARY 1 " The DepartIrent: of Public' Services is responsible for 'the administration ami imple- , rrentation of t.he Capital;rmprov~nt Program, a.(ld for :i:>roviding, mainteqance I' servi~es to City publi:c improYeIlEnts. The Department- tOflsists of nine rrajor divi- sions which include;, 'Field, Opeiations and Maintenance ,Administration; Engineering and Inspection; Street a,nd Drainage Maintenance; Water ,Sl,lP91Yi TreatIlEnt, Pumping and stora,ge; s""wer 'Pumpil)g",T):eatment and Disposal; ,Water Transmission ,and, I Distribution; Sewer ColleCfionM3.intenance; Facilities i-Bintenance; and Vehicle .. ,and Equi];Xl'ent Maintenance. I 'The Department of' fUblic SerVices, cOordinates the planning" engineering" budg~ting design, Contract adiilibistration and inspection of ah Capital Irrproverrent Projects for the City. . I The Department, of Public Services is' vested with the ,responsibiYity of managing and rraintaiiling.a variety, ,of municipal services and facilities, including streets,- safety lighting at inter!>ections ,traffic sigl]als, street_ sweeping, street main- 1 tenance, sewer collecqon, municipal buildings, vehicles andequiprrent, water treatment, water distribution and water-sewer maintenance and construction. The Department of Pu9lic Services, together with other City departIrents, is respon- I sible for reviewing prOl;loseddeveloprrents, reporting'to the City Ma_nager, imp1e- IlEnting City standai"ds,plan cheCking and inspection of private developrrents. . I, I I 92 CITY OF.. PCf(fAy . I DEPAR'lMENTAL (\CTIVITY DETAIL , I DepartIrel}t: .Activity: ," Acti v~t Y .- Cede: 400 Public Services Office of the Director . J>CrIVITY" CXM!Em'AAY , , ACTIVITY DESCRIPI'ION I The responsibilities of the Office of the Director include direct 'supervision, coor~ , . . - . .'. . . .. -. .- - ~ .,... '. dination and control of all departIrental activities for the DepartIrent ,of: Public I Services. The Director of Public servfces/cfty .Engineer is appointed 'by -the city Manager and functions in a staff 'capacity to advise elected and' appointed officers concerning, the City's public se.rvicesqeeds and 'requirements. ~taff 9,ssign~ to the Director's office ensures that the perso~el,and financial mana,gement ,progr~of the I ~rtment is consistent'with ci~y policies and procedures. . The Director's office 'is responsible for: '. , (a) c()()rdinating the City' sCapi tal Iirprovernent Program of all construction, projects; , (b) seeking possible alternative funding. sources; , , 1 (c) increasing the efficiencY' of the,oepartIreht's efforts through cOst-benefit I allalysis of all maintenanceseiVice1contracts; (d) managip.g and directing thE!. engin~ing section to provid~ efficiency and . adherence to City's pol'i:cies and'directions relating to the aevelop:rent of ", .. ". '---"ll .'..... . . -.... . - other'Public Services functions. - -, ..' I, ~ ACTIVITY GOALS AND. ,OBJECTIVES I 1. To achieve depart.ner1tal goals through the establishment 'ofeffet:tfiTe systems, 'I procedures, and programs. , 2. To constantly evaluate departIrental<programs, projeCts, and repOrts in <1!1 effort " to rraximizepioductivity-ane. elimi,nate .duptication and dbsolescence. 1 3. To increase the efficiency of ,the Department's efforts in the areas..of 'engineer- ing, contract nianagement, and maintenance . services. I,. - ..~ " > -. " , sIGNIFICANT'ACTIVITY PRCX;RAM C~ None. , I . I , .., . . " I 93 .. .. I CITY OF KMAY , DEPARTMENl'AL AcrIVITY'DErAIL :1 " l-~~--L, ,r~ Department: Activity: Activity Cede: 400 I Public Services Office of 'the' Director Obj. Exoense"Classif:iciltion 1983-84 1983-84 1984-85' 1984-85 ' Co:ie Budaet' Estimated PropOsed Annroved , Personnel '~nse 1 Ranm Position Title , 263 Director 42,821 " , 42,816 46;369 ' 42,756' 1 200 Administrative Assistant 20,820 15,126 20,623 21,694 182 Engineering Aid", 16,754 17,323 16,569 18,827 l72 Administrati vesecretary 16,334 15',,776, 16,832 17,751 142 Admin. Clerk I ,.. Part-Tine 4,726 4,735 5,790 5,585 1 ,110 Salaries - Reguiar-c 96,729 90,981 96,831 104,641 I 112 Salaries ,- Part-Time ' 4,726 4',735 5,790 ' '5,'585 120 Fringe Benefits 34,355 28,896 29, 619 28,640 1 ,Total Personnel 135,810 ,124,612 132.240 138,866 ooeratlons and Malntenance' " .. ." 1- 260 Reimbursed Mileage 1,400, 1,290 1,440 1,440, 270 Travel and Meetings ,- 1,980' ' 2,355 /3,141 3,141 . 311 Printing 500" 201 500 500, . 315 Publications and Dues 1,QOO 741 1,000 1,006' 334 R&M - Equipnent .750 519 750 750 337 R&M -' Radios, I 50, 36 - - 411 Office & Stationery supp1ie~ 2,000 '. 1,906 2,000 2,000 ,I 4)..3. photographic Supplies 150 171 150 150 420 Small Tools 200 - 200 200 555 Capital OUtlay Rental - - ," 600 600 I " , ' , :. " " " , . Total~ations.andMaintenance '8.030 7.219 9,781 9,781 ,Caoital' OUtlaY 611 OffIce Equiprrent 300 317 - - 1 1 Total, Capital Out1av 300 317 - - ,Actl Vlty Total $144,140 $132,148 $142,021 $148,647 I ,I 94 1 CITY OF PCfiIAY 1 DEPAR'IMENTALACTIVITY DErAIL , 1 Department: ,. ACtivity: 'Activity Field Operations and Code: ,401 PUblic:' Services Maintenance Administration I " N::rIVITY CXM>lEm'ARY - AcrIVITY DESCRIPTION 1 The PUblic services operations Manager is responsible for overall man~gementand administration: of the City's streets ansi dra~l1<"igELmaintenance, water and s,ewer I utilities field operation, vehicle and equipnentmaintenance, and facilities mainten- ance, which includes, City Hall, Planning DepartIrent, CaTmunity center and the: ,recreation buildings. I Managed through this office is the, water ,supply, treatment, PUlll?ing, drstr'ib~tion and st9r'flge; sewer cOllection, pumping; 'and dispOsal; street and storm drain "leaning and: repair; City building facilities, warehousing ,and vehicle and equipment 'maintenance 1 and repair. , ACTIVITY mALSAND OBJECTIVES , I . 1. To plan ahd: coordinate all water, sewer, street 'and drainage work activities. . .:1: 2. To maintaF the City's vehicle fleet and eqliiprnent inventory. . . 3, To continue \l1?:9rading the Ci,tY'5, building maintenance program. I 4, To phase in the maintenance of San DiegoF~ocd Control Facilities with the ongoing creek and drainage '~iptenance program. . . I' " - . SIGNIFIcANT, ACrIVITYPROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE Water mainoversizing agreement" are to be paid I: using other accounts ,in FY 84-'85 . - $9,651. Sewer 'F'roject Engineering costs for outside 'techniCal I analysis related to 'sewer .projects. - $2,500 , - , 1 , . , I - 1 I I I' :1 ...: 95 1 " CITY OF KMAY DEP~AL ACTIVITY DErAIL 1 I~'{;() w.',~ DepartIrent: Activity: Activity Field Operations and Cede: 401 - Public Services' Maintenance AdITUnYstration 1 Qbj. - 1983-84 ;1983-'84- 1984'-'85 1984-85 Cede se Classification Budqet EStimated , . PropCsed Approved Personnel' se"" 1 'RangE Position Tltle Public Services OP,erations , 250 , 1 Manager 38,76::; 37,673 38,760 40,743 182 Engineering Aide 19,766 .19,209 -,' 7,654 159 Account Clerk II ~ :... 13,176 ~4 ,368 152 Admiqistratiye Clerk II , 13,Ol2 ' 12645 , 13,676 14,374 " 1 . Salaries - RegUlar, 110 71,543 69,527 65,612 77,,139 I 120 Fringe Benefits 22,482 23,112 22,'294, 20,918' , - - , , 'Total Personnel , 94,025 92',639 87,906 98,,087 1 OoeratJ.ons'and Malntenance '.. 160 Engineering - .4 - - I 161 Water Project Engineering 6,009 3,542 5,000 5,.000 162 Sewer Project Engineering 5,000 833 2,500 2,500' 260 Reimbursed Mileage 60 23 60 60 262 ,vetJicleOperations 375 2~9 500 500 .1 -263 ;Vehicle Maintenance - 2,360 1,884 1,884 264 'vEiliicle Rental - - 2,286. 2,286 270 Travel and Meetings 645 612 ,1;325 1,325 I, 313 uniforms, Laulldry, Dry' ,Cleaning 470 403 280 280 315 Publications and Dues 6,015 6,211 6,155 6,155 337 R&M - Radios 10Q 84 120 120 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 234 95 240 240, .' 446 Oversizing Agreerrents' 9,65l - - - . ( Total, Operations and Maintenance 28,550' , 1:4 ,"416: 20.,350 '20,350 l 'Capital OUtlay , . 611 Office Equipment , 125 : 125 - - . 621 Autos and Trucks - J5 , 000,' 14.,380 - , , 1.. . ,I Tota1'.Capital OUtlay 15,000 .. 14,380 .. 125 'i25 Activity Total $137,575 $121,4'35 $108,381 $118-,562 1 'I 96 I CITY OF POWAY . 1 DEPAR'IMEN'rAL ACTIVITY DItiAIL " 1 Department: Activity: - Activity Cede: 402 Public Services, Enciineei'inn and Insoection.. " .. , 1 " ' . N::r~ a:M>lENTARY ACTIVITY G:'liILs'AND OBJECTIVES 1. To improve efficiency and reduc:e costs to private develoPitentby assuming respon-;, 1 sibility for portions of developrnentprocessing performed byouts~d~ qgq~ultant!". 2. To revise office procedures and, office layout to increase efficiencY., ~ _. .~._ n. ~. . " . _ ...._ <'y'. _. ..,,, __ 1 3. To utilize the newly acquired:~croqomputer for word processiQg" data stdrageand technical calculatiqns. ' , ..' 4. To . organize and purge the fgesfran,~ ,special districts and the :CoUnty,. _ 5. Toprepare an engineering Clesign, manual" ,an off ice procedure manual, and, a set 1 of, standard plans and specifications tb improve efficiency. 6. TO prepare in-house conceptual designs and cost estiinates for capital improvement . _.r .. ,. projects. . 1 ACTIVITY WJRKLOAD STATISTICS 8, Month~of 1:984-85 Devel6]::ment processinq 1983:...84' 'Actual 'Forecast 1 , . Tentative. Maps 12 1:2, Tentative Parcel Maps .. 11 20 Final Maps 28 30 1 Inpr~vanent Plan Checks 20 25 Gradillg Plans 44 60 . " Boundary Adjustments 4 6 I, Vacations 1 4 Cert. of Canpliances 4 ....""" -i 10 Developrient, Reviews 13 20 , Conditional Use Permits 3 5 1 Variances 3 5' Excavation Permits 67 .. 100 , CrP Projects 16 10 I , SIGNIFICANT ,ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE Personnel costs iilcrease to reflect addition 'of staff. + $ 96,722 I Reduction of outside consultant f~s resulting fr~, increased ~ff. ; . - $110,l81 V~icle Operation reflects the addition. of one ~icle. + $ 2,55Q 1 Travel andMeet,ingsreHect the ,needs of additional staff and include attendance 'to NIW/A' conference. + $ 775 Printing and supply neecl,s ,increasebecause;of@ded staff" I' canputer usage, and publishiqg various iraniJ,(ils. + $ 2',600 Capital OUtlay costs for offi:ce furniture for added staff, a desk 'top ,prograrnn.ible calculator; .and for map storage. + ;$ ,1,300 Increase 'in 'plari checks 'and nap ,prOcessihg;, ,+ $ 55,484 1 , , , - 1 , 1 , I 97 I, CITY OF KMAY DEPARTMENl'AL 'AcrIVITY DErAIL, I. f I DepartIrent: Activity: Activity Code: 402 P1iblic .services Enqineednqr and Inspection,-' I Obj. 1983';84 1983-8~ 1984-85 1984-85 Cede s~ Classification Budqet Estimated PropOSed APproved Personnel Expense ,RanqE Position Title 1 245 AssistanbCity Engineer 33,390 . ;34 , 384 35',970 37,807 230 Associate Civil Engineer 28',889 28,889 ' 30,858 .- 33,258 220 Assistant Civil 'Engineer (2) - -, 48 , 3~6 54 , 72~ ' I 206 ,Public ser. Inspector (2)' 48,496 48,649 49,818 52, ,359 192 Engineering Techn~cian 24,096 24,096 18,294 19,788; 142 Administrative Clerk I - - 11 ,124 11,685 I ,110 Salaries ..,Regular 134;'871, 136,009 194,400 ,209,626 113 ,Salaries - OVerti~ c,3,500 ' , 4,242 3,200 3,200, 120 Fringe Benef its 44,041 ,43,604 ,65,663 66,308 I, Total Personnel, 182,412 , 183,'855 '263,263 '. .279,134 Qperatl.ons,andMal'ntenance '. , 148 sW9ial Studies 57,947 31,487, 10,000 10,000 I 160 Engineering 24,234 23,516 10,000 10, 000, 163 Traffic Engin~ring 8,000 8,793 5,000 5,000 260 Reimbursed Mileage 600 ' 460 600 600 I 262 Vehicle Operation " 4,650, 2,903, , 7,200 7,'290 263 Vehicle Maintenance 4,650 ,5,140 3,768 3 ;76~, 264 Vehicle Rental . 2,803 2,893 34Q3 3A93 I - 270 Travel and Meetings 1,005' 788 1,780 ' ,1,780 311 Printing , ' ~ - 2,000 _ 2,000 313 Uniforms, Laundry" Dry Cleaning 713 612 700 700 315 Publications andOUes 400 174 400 400 I 317 Education and Training' - - , 206 200 334 R&M -'Equiprent - - 750 750 337 R&M - Radios 150 ' 126 250 250 I 363 Plan Check & Map Processing 4,516 4,365 60,000 60,000 399 Traf.f ic Control Study 45,000 45,000 , - - 411 Office & ~tationery Supplies 2',550 2,469 3,000 , 3,000r 413 Photographic Supplies 500 430 500 500 I 417 Operating Supplies - - 500 500: 420 Snall Tools - - 500 500 .4~9 Other, Supplies' & Materials 2,100 2,011 ,1,000, 1,OQO, I 710 Assessment District 83-1 11,500 - 11 , 500 11,590 ., ,Total OPerations; 'and 'Maintenance 171,318 , Hl,077. 122,841 122,841 Caoital 'Outlay - I - , ,611 Office Furniture 5,500 5,414 5,470 5,470, 622 other Equipment, Not Classified ,27 - - - 1 Total Capl.tal 'OUtlay 5,'527 , .5,41'4' 5,470 5,470 Actl. Vl. tY' ,Total , $359,257 :$320;346 $391,574 $407,445, I I 98 I CITY OF ~AY I DEPAR1MENTAL AcrIVITY ,DErAIL Depart:rr-erit: ACtivity: Activity' I Cede: 403 Public 'Services , Street and Drainaoe Maintenance - , I PCrrVITY, <XMMENl'ARY -, , ACTIVI'TI DESCRIPTION, ,The 'Street Maintenance activityundert:akes a variety of maiptenaqce functions, I including pavement repair, traffic stiipi!1g of all public streets; bridge, apSl traffic si,gnals, sigris, ,curb, gutter ,',and sidewalk maintenance, and the: repair. of storm damage throughout, the, City. ' 'I ., ACTIVITYGJALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. TO 'ensure that a canprehensive ,maintenance program is continued for ,City- , 1 "owned facilities in the puBiiC' right'i;~t:..way. ",' , 2" To forestall futur;.e capiW eXpendituresi:J:u'ough ongoingpr~vehtive street maintenance. I 3. To'ensure pe<J6strian safety through the maintenance of c1irbs,gutters',,, sidewalks" , tree and shrubbery. control. , .. , I: SIGNIFICANT, ACTIVITY ,PROGRAM CHANGES' O!ANGE "- The personnel 'costs reflect the add'ition of 3.5 positions. + $92"444 I , Weed abatement and tree trirnning, street sweepihg,barricades, signal's,stieet striping and road~y,maintenal1ce costs reflect I the City's intensified efforts in ~~ "areas. + ;'$96 ,225 , Equip:nent'Fen~ reflects the City's' increased street . maintenance prograxn, + $ 6,610 , , I . , . , , .' .' .. .. .. I , - I " . I '. I il 99 . , I CITY OF' PaoIAY DEPARI'MENTAL AqI'IVITY DErAIL r;,^,J. I() ,,~: f\C1:1Vl1:Y: 1:!et;lVl~O I Put 'ic Services stteet:'and.Drai'nage,Maintenance Cede: ',1 3 uu]. .L~O"'-O" 'l.~O"'-O" l.~O,,-O:> l.~O"-o.) Cede ~ Expense 'Classification Budget ,Estimated Proposed APproved I Personnel Expense . R3.nqe :PoS.ition Title 1 240 ASsist. Operations Mh1r. ' 35,094 ,35,064, . '35,100 36,885 199 Const. Malnt. s~. 1) (2') 23, 338 ' 23,301 45,928 48,254 184 Const. Maint;' Worker III , 19,584 19.,584 ,20,019 22,507 ~, 174 Const. Maint; Wki::' H (J) ( 4') 52,647 46,218' 66,708 7.0,858 'I.' 164 Const; Maint.'WKr. 1(1) (2) 13,846 ' -- 13 1846' 13 , 848 '29,325 164 Const, :Ma,'int. Wki:. I (pt-tm) - - 7,213 Salanes" - Standby 1,046 1,046 2,4~8 2,448 110 Salaries - Regular 145,555 1)9",059 184,051 210,277 I 112 Salaries ~ Part~Time - - - 7,213 113 Salaries ,.., Overtime 3,000 ,2,089 4,200' 4,200, ,120 Frinqe Benef its - 56,287 48:,711 ' ,80.498 75-,596 1 ,. Total Personnel 204,842 189;859' 268 749, 297,286 operations ,and Maintenance . , 212 'Water-Interfund 350 438 316 316 I, 216' Trash Refu:Jviil 3,510 , ,4,421 , '2,655 2655 , 218 Signal Power 37,600 -, 26,998 33,600 33:600 219 Street Safe~ Light, Pdwer & Main 29,400 10,770 16500 16,500 260 Reimbursedleage 90 .71 ' 60 60 I 262 Vehicle ~ati6ns . 11,800 7 594 8,'700 ' 8,700 ,263 Vehicle interiarice " 32,063 27!062 30 406 30,406 264 VehIcle Rental, 25 183" 25'183 ' 28"843 28,843 270 Travel and Meetings '300 '201 '300 '300 , 313 Unif9rms, LaUI)Clry 6u Dry Cleaning 2,496 1,862 . 2,628 2,'628 :1 315 Publ1catlOns and, es 115 III 175 175 , 316 MediCal EXaniS 225 ,165 270 270 ,324 weed s~aying and Al:atement 5,000 ~2,426 . 2,100 2,100 337 .R&M - dlOS ' ' 200 268: ' 540 540 350 R&Msidewalks and Bairicades '. 10,000 ,3,747 28,430 28,430 'I ;. 351 R&Msignal!? , 20 000 n,795 15,000 15 '000 354 Street stnplng 70'380 48,875 61 500 61:500 355 R&M Roadway " 289:485 195,049 300;000 " . 300,000, 357 Pavement EValuation 8877 '8-,877 - - 358 Street swee 'in' " 50;000 41;881' 45,;600[ 45,600 J 416 Safet Su" ~i:e~ '. - 2,250:- 2,250 , 417 ~aLnl~1ipp1'i:es 20,406 2i,684 1,000 ' 1 000 . 420 Sfu3.11 ToolS 4,015 3"521 3 100 3:100 441 street Surface R~ir 40;000 35:35l 39 : 977 39,9p I 4'42 s1;:orm ~pair and Iveft Cleaning 26,000 1 530 - 444 slgn"Malntenance, ; 20,000 20: 137 13,152 ' 13,152 445 Mise,;, ,Construction Material 5 435 4,706 3,598. 3,598 511 Ec:fi.ij." 'nt Rental 10:800 7,Ql9 17,410 17,410 I 555 Qipir:i OUtlay Rental ,.., '2,150, 2,150 Total Ooerati'oris arid Maintenance 723,730 518,742 660 260, 660,260 Capi tal OUtlay 1 621 ' Autos,and 'Trucks, 96,200 86,966: 40,000 40,000 622 Othet"~~t NOt Classified 7 650 7'227" . 2,100 2,100 623 Const. ',:Seet Maint. Eqlii.pnent 24' 100' 16:011 9,250 9,250 640 Traffic'Controls 5:000 :4,988 ' - - 1 , ,Total ,C3pi tal Outlav 132,950 . 115,192 51, 350' , 51,350 , Activity Total $1,061,522 $823,793 $980,359 $1,008,896 I -I , 100 I - -- CITY, OF PCIiIAY . I DEPAR'IMENTAL ACTIVITY DErAIL , 'Department: Activity: Utilities Divisiqn, Actiy.ity 1 public Services Water S.upply, Trea:t:n1ent, cOde: 404 P1.lIllPina and. storaae' " , ~ l'CTIVITY <XMmNrARY . .. 1 ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION " Within the UtilIties Division, the water supply "treatment, pumpi,ng 'and storage <>peg:-;' 1 tion and maintenance section' is chcg"ged w.ithAelivery of hig!1es~"crualitytreate<'l potable water to consumers. Major functional, areas of respOnsibility. include ootain- '{ng a ,raw water supply., operahbnofthe .water treatment-plant, punping; and seciure 'I' storage systems. Maintenance of 'the aoove is'also part of this activity, This' division is responsible for el1surIng water storage to suPPly normal and"emergency conditions. 1 . ACTIVITYGJALS AND OBJECTIVES ; ~ " - ., 1. To @iiltainthe Lake, poway r'!,w ~ter storage at <>ptimum quality and levels, con-, 1 sistentwith seasonal conditions and recreational needs whil~ iileeting:peak.' system demands and anergencies. .' . 2, To provide the highest quality treated, potable water at the m;>st 'ecoipnic ,level".:' 1 to th\,!' consumers. 3. To ilic:r:ease. cost etficiency by accanplishing repairs and maintenance 'iJsin:g' City 1 staff rather than outside assistance; " 0 , 4, To provide a service that responds',to the needs of the, carfuunity. 1 ACTIVITY" ~RKIDAD STATISTICS 1983-84 1~8'Hj5 . ~ ESTIMATED FORECASTED , 1 , Acre 'fee,t of water purchasedfrcm sIX:\'iA 7,375 821:6 Acre feet)5f water, preduction 7,000 7850 I sOCWA water Costs $207/A.F. $207/A.R. Water treatrrent for Rarrona 2298 A.F. 2337 A.F. , 1 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE ", Water, purchase, storage and chemicfll account reflect + $323,596 1 increaseddeman4s , capital outlay CC!sts have increased. reflect:ing needed 1 plane Cannunicatioris, chemical feeder;, vehicle 'and , safety. storage requirements +;$ 32-,818 . 1 , , 1 1 . I: 101 : ,. CITY OF KMAY DEPARTMENl'AL AcrIVITY DEtAIL .. {(J , " "",pa. ~,~u~:, "Cd'(~~,L,,,a,,e,; "!llPl?:'--!:, uea C@~~~404 I .. PumPxng and,storage ' Pub ic services vu],. .L~.o"-o" .L~tjj-o.. .L~o..-o.J .L~o..-o.J Cede ExPense Classification Budget Estimated Proposed APProved I Personnel ExPense RangE __ Posi tion T,it:le , 1 235 ,Util. .~. & Treat " SuPer. 33,390:, 33,396 33,396, 35,094 21:1 . Sr. Uti 'it:.y syst'i!ffi,Tech.' , , 27,983 26 292 26 292 28,239 210 LabOrator1 Techn.LClan 23 086 ' 22 "207 23:862 . ,25,)93 I 210 T.P.O. II (4) (5) 105: 533 119 :488 128,316 ' 135,712, 201 Utility Systems Technician 20,370 . 17,090 20,856' 22, 565 200 T'.P.O. II . ," ,', , 21,'697 - - - 191 Utility s~tems/oEchanic 21,928' 19,934 20 943: 22,510 Salaries hift Difference ' 2,196 2,'196 2:190 ' 2,190' , I Salaries - Standby' 1,200 . 1,200 1,~00 1,200 110 Salaries - Regular" 257,383 241,803 257:' 055 272,903 113 Salar.ies - OVertime. -- 6,204 " 'n,398 ',11 ' 561 11 561 120 Frinqe Benefits 101, 578, 99,,163 103: 69.4 104:288 ,. Total Personnel 365,165 ,35;h'364 . 372.310, ' 388,752 , , Operations and Maintenance 'I 147 Chemical Analysis. , 1,2?0 1,022 1,510 '1,510 161 Water Pr6iects E~ineeiing 1l,219 - .2l0 Gas and E ectrici y 10,,185 - , ,,9,487' 9,487 9,487 211 Bottled Gas 1,390 363 956 956 213 ,Water Purchases 1,391,082 " , 1,632;810 1700712 1,700,712 I 214 Water storage'AdjustIrent , '56 980' , " ('246'556) , 80 "660 80"660 215 Teleghone . '300, ~249 "220 '220 216 Tras 'Rernova,l 425 369 ' 300 300 240- : I ,254 ~ingPowe~l Aii :stations 330;850 343 564 " 304 ;990' 304,990 .260 Re.Li"r1blirsed M.1 eage 60 ' ,35 60 , 60 262 Vehicle ~ations 2,600 3,105 3,750: 3,750 ,263 Vehicle intenance 6,869 3,679 "3,,768, , 3,768 264 Vehicle Rental" 3,785 3785 5,',505 "' 5,505 I '.270 Travel and Meetings 102 ",215 352 352 313 Unif9rms I Laundry &,;Dry Cleaning 3,639 3,416 2,232 2,232 , 315 PubllcatlOns and ' es 225 165 290 290, 331 R&M - 'Building 240 194 500- 500 I 334 R&M - 'EqiJ.j.pment 12,501 13 ,046 12,000 ' i2'ooo 337 R&M - 'Radios 300, _ 427 .300 "300 360' Contract Ins~tion 3,500. 2445 3,500 3,'500 411 " OffiCe & ,sta i6nerysupplieS 240 "'244 ' 300 300 417 , Op<:ratinej"supplies 44,975 41,517 27,620 27.,620 I '420, . Sfi\3.1l Tools 589 458 500 . 500 423 Chemicals 78 "558' 75"578 68,838 68,838 511 ' . .~'-' - nt ,Rental 1:500 534 500 500 : 555 capi~ OUtlay Rental ' 1010. 1,010 510 '510 , I Total operations and Maintenance 1,953.,155 1,902,380 2.229,360 .2,229,360 ' " Capi tal out-la:y I 611- "Office Eqw.Prent and 2,582 2,670, 653 . Tools; , 1,350 1;350 622 Camumications, Equirent - . - 30',250 30,250, 645 Lal,Jori?tory EquiHll=n - - 2,445 2,445 672 ' Bw.lding , - - 1:,355 1,355 ' I Total ,capi'tal OutlaY" 2,582 2,670 35,400 35,400 Activity 'Total $2,320,902 $2,257,414. $2,637,070 $2,653,512 I I 102 . CITY OF KJilAY. .' DEPAR'IMENTAL ACTIVITY DErAIL > - . DepartIrent: , Activity: 'Activity , utilities ,Division - Code: 405 Public services ,SewerPurni:>inq, Treat:in~nt' & Disposal N::rIVITY ,CCMMENl'ARY I AcrIVrrY DESCRIPTION Within the Utilities Division, tJ:le' se~r pumping, treatment ,and disposal: qperation . and maintenaI}ce section ,is charged witl1' the pumping of sewage within the. City'. -. ~- Major flinct,ional 'areas inClude, transfer; of raw sewage frantwb lowatea5 to, the major I gravity,system by pumping fran the' North to :South Basins, operation 'of the Sewage Treatmerit Pl9l1t ona pr~ treatmeritb<isi.s" rretered delivery'to 'the ,rii\:,ropolitan Sewer System's Penasquitos line. Maintenance of the above,'aieas is alsc, ~t: of . this activ~ty. 'This, section i? r~sp'onskbl~for ,ensuring the,'2peia~ioD of the,pumping stations, under normal and emergenCY cOnditions tomintiniie, he.?lth dsks. : ' , , AcrIVITY 'GJALS 'AND OBJEcrIVES " . . 1. To : maintain the sewage pumping station!", at:, optimum ~rformanc:e and reliability. I, I 2. To maip,t:ain the Pow~y Sewage .Treatment 'Plant at a,minimum operatlcinatrrodewith- out further deteripration. , 3. To. increase' cost efficiency by acc;"ilplistiirig repairs and maintenance using City .' staff 'rather thal1 outside assIstal1ce.' , ",' , , " 4. To provide a service that respqnds to.tiie .tleeds of the ccitmunity. I ' , ACTIVITY w:lRKIDADSTATIsTICs (in millions of, gallons') 1983-84 1984,..85 " ., ,ESTIMATED FOR.EC:AS'rED Sewage delivered to Metro " 1095 rI68 I Sewage delivered to RB/Escondid() 6.1 };.9 sewagepurq:le<i by sf:. Andrews Pump stati~n .2,6.,4 21~b Sewage punq;led' by ~ino del, VaIle'~!:lffiP"s~tion l23.1 125.0 " I Sewage pumped by Del poniente Pump; Station , 4.2 4.5 , " : , . .sIGNIFICANT ACTIVrrYPROGRAM, CHANGES; J CHANGE The Metro system 'and'capacity Costs, refleCt the', . increased useplUsp~()PoSed increase irii3ewef capacity fran 4.0 to 5.0 MGD. + $152,:j:OQ I Capacity charges for the Penasguito.!>sy~tan reflect the increased cost paid to the CitY-oJ: San Diego + $ l4,125 , . I , , 'c- o , . , , .. 'I 103 l CITY OF KMAY DEPARTMENTAL AcrIVITY DErAIL I C /, DepartIrent: Activity: SewerdPLimping, Activity Treatment and,Disposal Cede: 405 ,1 ' Public 'Services Obj. Expense Classification 1983-84 1983-84 1984-85 1984-85 Cede , Budqet Estirna ted Prooosed Approved '. 'Personnel,ExP€inse RangE POsition Title 201 Utility System Technician 23,471 22,148 23,835 24,798 :1 200 ,Treatment Pl~nt 'Operator II 22,549 21,254 23,628 25,081 Salaries -Standby 1,200 l,200 1,200 1,200 I " 110 Salaries - RegUlaI 47,220 44,602 48,663 51,079 113 Salaries ,bvertime 660 881 1,200 1,200 120 Fringe Benef,it:s 17,024 17 , 382 17,639 17,572 I Total Personnel 64,904 62,'865 67,502 69,,851 Operations and Maintenance I 210, Electricity 132 - 421 425 425 220 Capac~ty - Periasquitos, System 181,230 l81,230 195,355 19,5,355 221 Capacity - Metro Systeni' 583, 06~ 573,03? 735,164 735,164 I 222 Capacity - Bernardo' System 9,558 9,~58 7,623 7,623 230 Other'Utility Charges - 105 - - 240 Pumping Power - Plant 3,367 4,361 3,650 -3,650 I 244 Pumping Power - St. Andrew 6,082 4,902 5,183 5,183 246 Pumping Power Cainino, Del Valle 25,642 21,992 22 , 148 22,148 253 Pumping Power Del Poniente 455 1,34]., 1.,27~,' , L.2'12 262 Vehicle Operations 1,750 1,150 2,7;]5 2,775 '. 263 Vehicle Maintenance 2,325 2,065 1,884 ' 'l,884 264 Vehicle Rental 1;137 1,137 l,I37 1,137 '313 Uniforms, Laundry" Dry Cleaning 1,191 619 525 525 I 315 Publications and Dues' 45 15 35 35 334 R&M - Equipnent 500 - 6,000 6,000 337 R&M - Radios' 250 186 '120 120 417 Operating Supplies 7,,0'00 - 6,572 4,650 4,65q '. 420 Small Tools, 120 - 120 120 555 Capital OUtlay Rental , 500 500 - - . 'Total Operations ,and Maintenance 824,348: ,809,192 988,066 988,066 , Capital Outlav I I . " Total. Capital Outlav - - - - , , ACtlVltyTotal $889',252 $872,057 $1,055.568 $1 057,917 I / 1 " I 104 CITY OF PCMAY I DEPAR'IMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL Department: Activity: 'Activity 'I, .,.. utilities Division - Cede: 406 Public Services Water Tiansmii;;sion arid Distribution . I' - 1lCTIVITY '~~ ACTIVITY' DESCRIPTION . Within the Utilities Division, the ,water,transmissibn and distribution section' is I charged with ,the maintenance and repair of the'ivater transmission, and distribution system. Major functional maintenanCe ,arid repair areas include pipe];ine val:yes,air releases arid blow-off assemblies, ,Ci,ty, fir!: l1ydrants, water seryice laterals and meters, and extension and relocationot' facilities to clear new'construction,. This 1 activity also aids in maintaining q;;tinlum water quality throughout the city by an annual water main flushing program' ,performed in conjunction with thti'water main and fire hydrant valve exercising activity. -, I ACTIVITY WJRKIDAD STATISTICS 1983-84 1984-85 1 ESTIMATED FORECASTED' Water Main Valves arid 'Jlppurtenance's 2750 2770 I Fire Hydrant Assemblies 818 828 Miles of Pipeline 150 152. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES; "CHANGE~ I Operating 'supplies reflect $35,000 cost for purchase 1 of,600 3/4" water rreters to be used as replacement rather than rebuilding old'meters + $3~,~94' I Capital outlay reflects, the purchase, of ty,u 90 pound paving breakers needed for e'f~i"ientcut,t,ing of- thicker asphaltic concrete road.,surfaces and two-way ,I' , radio carIDunication roodifications' ", ,,' + $11,260 , , , '. , , I , '. I " I, I ' ' c->' 10.5 l CITY OF KMAY DEPARI'MENI'AL AcrIVITY DErAfL io '. . DepartIrent: Activity: , Activity Cede: 406 , Public Services Water Transmission '& Distribution I Obj. Expense ClaS~i~n 1983-84 1983-84 1984-85 1984-85 Cede Budqet Estimated ProPOSed APproved PersonneL se. , I RangE Position "Title 230 Construction Maintenance Superintendent 31,824 30,518 31,812 33, 390 194 Construction Miintenance :11 Supeivisor (2), (1), " 44,96~ 43,119 23,340 24,52~ 184 Construction Maintenance , Worker III (2) 37,258 35,729 37, 164 ' 40,990 I 183 Meter Mechanic 19,964 ' 19,145 19 , 908, 20,979 174 Construction Maintenance Worker II (<3) 51,578 49,461 . 52,164 54 , 169 164 Const. Ma'irit. Worker I - - 13,848 17 , 237 I Salaries - Standby 3,138 1,894 1,320 1,320 . 110 Salaries - Regular 188,726 179,866, 179,556 192,612 113 Salaries - Overtime 2,650 "2',939 " 4,200 4,200 I 120 Frinqe Benefits 74,551 ' 83,944 73.994 70.542 Total Personnel 265,927 266'.749 257,750 267 354 Operat~onsand,Ma~ntenance I . ' .. 210 Gas and' Electricity , 5,500, 6,191. 6,500 6,500 " 211 Natural Gas 1,8QO 1,084 1,700 1,700' I ' 215 Telephone 300 368 ~08 ~08 216 Trash Reroval 3,870 ,545 2,670 2;6~0 260 . Reimbursed Mileage 75 134 , 75 75 262 Vehicle Operations 9,550 :, ' 7;466' 9,500 9,500 I ~ 2'63 Vehicle Maintenance' 18,600 32,132 24,930', 24,930 264, Vehicle Rental 13',081' 13,081 22;05l 22,,051 270 Travel and Meetiflgs 200 164 900 900 .' 313 ,Uniforms ,LaundrY, Dry 'Cleaning 3,858 3,i09 2,700', 2,700 315 Publ,ications and. Dues' 100 81 110 J,10 316 Medical Exams 225 132 225 225 337 R&M - Radios ' 450 366 - - I 41:1 . ,Office & 'Stationery SuPplies 150 91 150 l50 ' 417 'Operating Supplies 29,242 17,66,7 65,4']6 65,.4)6 , 420 Small ,Tools 1,050 407 1,000 1,000 I 511 ' EquifXilentRel1tal 1,000 544 1,000 1,000 555 capital OUtlay Rental 467 467 .967 967 Total 'Operations and'Maintenance 89,,518 84;029 140,322 140'; 322, I Capital OUtlay 622 Mobile Radio Units - - 8,400 8,400 I 623 Street Maintenance, Equipnent 22,000 21,995 2,340 2,340 TOtal Cap~tal. outlay 22,000 21,995 10,740 10,740 Act~v~ty Total $377,445 $372,773 $408,8l2 $418,416 I " .. 106 I " I CITY OF' POt/AY' >..;-','. DEPAR'IMENTAL ACTIVITY DETAIL . '. i)epartment: ACti'{ity: Actijrity , Utiliti~s Division - Cede: 407 Public Services Sewer CollectioriMaintenance I lCfrvrrY. a:MMmrARY AcrIVI'l'Y DESCRIPTION l Within the Utilities Division, the sewer collection maintenance, acdvityis'charged ... . ....._. ... ", '-.' .. c with the mai~tenal1ce of all City s~wer system;,mains and their. ,appurtenant set,viCe ,I laterals. The major functional maiQtenaqce and repa~r area:s incluae, cleaning 'all sewer mains' on a regular sChedule,-,cleani'ng sewer laterals, maihtaTnTng all manholes to grade, "inspecting sewer main coniht,ion by 'Use of video eqUipinent, eHminati(lg I ground W<iter infiltration by in-place ,grouting and/or repair. ' ACTIVITY GJALS AND OBJEcrIVES . l. To prevent all Sewer backups due to blockages caused by grease or Solids: 'and I root'penetration. 2. To ensure maximum sewer main capacity available. I 3. To maintain cj;>timum access to sewe~ facilities to minimize -resp()nse time 'Whenhalldling complaints.: - , AcrIVITY \'l)RKLOAD STATISTICS I 1983-84 1984-85 < ESTIMATED FORECASTED Footage of Sewer Mains Cleaned 450 ,000 450:,000 " Number of Sewer Main ,Stoppages 10 8 Number of Sewer Lateral Service Calls 60 100 - - " '. -SIGNIFIcANT, ACTIVITY' PROGRAM CHANGES' , ' ,CHANGE . - One additi,bnal construction main.1:.enance ..orker required ,I for sewer main video inspection operation ' , + $30,162 - . . I , I '. . , I , I I I' ;1 H17 ",,1 CITY OF KMAY , DEPARTMENrAL ACTIVITY. DErAIL,. n - .. _rl." I it Departrl\eI1t : Activity: - Activity '- Cede: 407 1 'Public Services Sewer Collection Maintenance I Obj. 1983-84 1983-84 1984-85 , -1984-85 Ccxie. Expense Classification ,Budqet ,Estimated , Proposed Approved Persoimel ExOOnse I RangE P6sitionTitle 199 Construction Maintenance Supervisor 23,282 , . 22,689 , 23,340 24,587 :1, 184 Construction Miintenance , I'klr ker III"" , 18,258 18,596 - , ' - 174 Construction MainteQance " Worker II 0) (4) 49,292 39,499 70,728 74,752 .. .- 164 Construction Maintenance , , Worker I - - 13 , 848 15,675 - I - 110 Salaries - Regglar 90,832 80,784 107,916 115,014 li3 Salaries - Overtime' 1,500 258 _J,200 1,200 Frinqe Benefits " 29',8'68 :1 120 35,931 42 005 ,42,211 Total. Personnel, 128,263 . ',110,910 151,121 158;425 . Operations and MaIntenance . . . Water - InterfUnd l' 988 988 " 212 625 - 262 Vehicle Operations 9,500 ~,177 6,108 ~,10~ 263 Vehicle Maintenance 9,300 18,434 19,766: 19,766 264 Vehicle. Rental , 14 , 013 l~, Q13 16;588 . 16',588 I . 270 Travel and Meetings 50 100 . 600, 600 313 UnHorms, r.3.undrYi Dry'!Cleaning 1,674 1,578, 1,809 1,800 , 316 Medical Exams 170 '- 240 240 I 337 R&M -, Radios 200 144 - - , ' - 417 Operating Suppl~es 8,220 8,523 9,910 , ' ,9,910 420 Small Tools , 500 310' 400 ' 400 I. 555 Ca:Rital OUtlay Rental - - 4,290 4,290 , , I. I , Total Ooerationsand Maintenance 44,252 48,279 . 60,690 60,690. - capital ,OUtlay .. I' , 62:( Autos and Truck$" 28,9'64 28,868 - - 622,' ,other Equipment Not Classified 27,500 27,229' 2,100 2,100 I ,I - , Total Capital ,OUtlay 56,464 56,097 2,100 2,100 " ACtlvlty Total $228,979 $215,286 $213,911 $221,215 I. " 'il . . I 108 CITY' OE J?CNVAY I DEPAR~AL' ACTIVITY DErAIL " ,:,. Depa:tt.rrent: ACtivity: Activi t:Y Public Services. o;xJe:408 ,I , Facilities M3.interial1ce , , . '1CrIVITYCCM0n'ARY ; ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION ~ I T~E!'Faci:'nties Maintenance activity provides in-house janitorialserv'ice, to the City I H<i.,H, Ccmnunity c::enter, iqcludingth~ expanded W:ingart center, 'and Plal1l1ih<lf Depart- ment building. :Building maintena~,,-e' andiepair acti yi ties fore', theabov~ faCilities, including tlle Field O[:>erations, \r~i9le and ~prerl!: Mai.fltenaJ;lc~ ~Centers and the Lake'P<:May; Park' buildings are ~fObredby this division. ' ,. ACTIVITY GOALS:, AND OBJECTIVES I " '" 1. To continue ,providing in-hous" janitorial services, to City:il'aU, Carmunityand ,W:ingar;t Centers and the PlitimingDe~trrent. "',' ; :1 2. To provide as mUi::h in-house facility maintenance an'd ,repair service as practical. SIGNIFiCANT, ACTIVITY PRCGRAM CHANGES' CHJiJ:.GE I Operatipg'supplies cost reflect :the material an~ suppiies' , I needed for the in-house modification and repair of all City buildings. , + $",9,,'875 . 'I ' Budg~1:: also reflects the transfe.r i9f, I'Varsmouse: Operations toplirchasing ,Division. The following expenses are being decreased because of the 'transfer,: " , .~.....' . - ,..- Decrease of one Purchasing Techniciai1 - $26,185 I Decrease of one Storekee~ - $27,207 Operations and,maint~ce , -, $6,953 '. .. , Capital outlay ~'$ 2,500 'I , " " I + I: .. , " .1 I' :1 109 ,:,1 . CITY OFPOtfAY DEPAi'TMENl'AL Acr:tVITY DIITAJL I - - to " Department: 'ACtivity: Activity , Cede: 408 -.' Public Services' Facilities Maintenance Obj. 1983-84 1983'-84 1984-85 1984-85 Cede ExPense ,Classification " Budget Estimated Proposed APproved, Personnel Expense '. RanqE ,Position Title - 179 Sr. Bldg'; Mairlt\ Wo~ker 1~,062 - 7,163 16,459 18,}12' I, 174 Purchasing Technician 18,187 2 :18 192 - - -,',_. . 164 Bldg. Mainteriancel40rker (3) 44 , 568 ~6,998 47,991 50,368 160, Storekeeper 19,125 19,128 - - '.' " , 110' Salaries - Regular 97,942', 91,481.' 64,450 69,080 113 Salaries - OVertime - 1,010 1,500 1,500 I Fringe Benefits., - 120 43,907 : ,36,544 27,161 27,877 , - Total Personnel, 141,849' ' ' 129,035 93,111 98,457 I Operations and Maintenance, , , , Water :. Interflind " " 212 - 382 - - I 262 Vehicle Operations 2,100 2,060 2,700' 2,7QO 263 Vehicle Maintenance 9,3QQ, 5,635 ' 3,768 3,768 264 Vehicle"Rental, 6,028 6,028 3,848 3,848 I, 313 uniforms, laundry, Dry: cieaning 1671 .' 'l,383 1,160 1,160 " 331 R&M - Buildi'ngs 2,200 708 4,200 4,209 .332 , I R&M - Air Conditioning 100, - 600 600 337 R&M - Radios ' 150 84 104 104 '. 411 Office & Stationery Supp!ie~ 240 71 300 300 412 Janitorial Supplies 2,825 ],,960 6 , 00'0 6,000 " .417 Operating Supplies 11,925 11,951 21,000, 21,000 I, 420 ?mall Tools 600 684 400 400 5U 'Equiflllent Rental 500' ' - 28 500 500 , , , I - I Total Operat-lonsand' 'Maintenance 37,639 30,974 44 ",'580 '44,580 , Capital OUtlay , I '621 Autos and Trucks' 5,00q 9,pO - - 622 Other Equiflllent NOt Classified 600 565 - - , . I' Total capital Outlav 5,600 9;835, - - ActiVltv Total $185,088 $169,844 $137,691 '$143,037 I " I 110 I, , ,9TY, OF. rfYNltY . DEPAR1MENTAL ACTJ:VI-TY DErAIL - - . I DepartIrent: Activity: Activity Cede: 409,i - Public Services Vehicle and EauiJ::Xrellt Mafntenai1ce ,: ~ .. 1lCTIVITY~ARY , ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION , . .' The Vehicleang Bguipment Maintenance Division'provides vehicle, equipment and field maint,enance support for the City. 'l'he activities of this division!'telate toin3.in- terlance, repair,rrodificat-ionalld fabrication of all types of City riotorized and ,I Cons~Uction-maintenance equirinent fran Fii7 Department punpers t9 ~arkDepaitment lawnrrowers. , This activity is financed bychargil1g each, of the cost centers Jhat have been .' assigned vehicles and/or equiprnent for the Cost, of maintaining ,theirvel1icles arid./or equiprent. ' , , I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES , .. ,~ I 1. To extend the anticipatedseP"ice life' of all City..oowned, vehicles and equiprnent through routine and preventive naintenance programs.. " " 2. To ,inspect, maintain, repair and ovethaulall Cityriotorized' eqUlprent. 3. To ,evaluate service vehicles, determine their service J:ife, and advise .of replaceirent needs. , > I ACTIVITY I'ORKLOAD STATISTICS 1983-8"4 ,1984-85 . ~.- --'-'. ,-" ... 0 ESTIMATED FORECASTED ", Passenger Vehicles , 8 9 Light InduStrial (1 ton and below) 33 37 . Heavy Industrial (o'ler 1 ton) 5 6 ,...~ I Tractors 8 -- , 9 ;" safety services 16 16 < Miscellaneous Eq\.iiprnent 85 90 . , ,I SIGNIFICANT !\CTIVITY 'PRCGRAM ~ CHAN3E -- - Per,?onnel costs reflect addition of part"t~' helper to handle the change of City maintenance crew's vehicle '. maintenance procedures + $6,878 Cas and electric increa!ies ref],ect the expanded'facility I' use by additional personnel and'\\QrJ(-load - , + $3,000 " . Vehicle outside repair costs refleCt foreCasted expenditures related to aging equipment -- + $2..548 I Operatin,.g supp~ies and J;~@irparts in vehicle l\\3.iqtenance, arid veJ1icleand equipment repair accounts reflect the 'I~ increased 'Cost of'autcm6tive materials necessary for operatioQs + $2,795 Capfial outia~l cost reflects eqUipping' the seCtion serviCe truck I with a mobile 2-way radio and' one mechanic's service tool set +$1,050 , 1- ,I ' , , ' 111 ,I, " CITY OF KMAY DEPARTMENl'AL AcrIVITY 'DETAIL I 7rJ, oepartIreht: Activity: Activity " Cede: 409 I: Public ServiCes Vehicle an,I.*rmi''''''''nt Maintenance Obj. -. , 1983-84 1983 84 1984-85 1984-85 Cede EXPense Classif-ication Budget Estimated Pro~ed APproved Fersonnel Expense' I RahqE Position Title 203 Equipnent,Maintenance " Superv'isor 25,397 25 ,3~7 is ,?24 2~,290 :1; 188 Equipment Mschcinic,(2) 45,467 42; 013 46,538 47,631 155 Equip. Mechani'~ )iEHper - - 6,168 6,818 " Part-Ti.Jre ,I Salaries - Standby 2,092 2,092 1,224 1,224 110 Salaries - Regu],<ir 72,956 69,502 73,286 77 , l4,5 t 112 Salaries - Part,..,Time - - 6,168 6,-818 In Salaries - oVertillle - 1,221 1,500 1,500 120 Fringe, Benefits:" 28,087 28,801 .29,365 28,870 I, Total Personnel 101,043 99,524 110.319 114,333' OPerations and Maintenance 210 Gas and Electricity 3,600 3,571 6,600 6,600. I 211 Natural Gas 600 548 1,800 1,800, 212 Water:" Interfund 240 - 240 240 216, Trash Rerroyal , 360 423 480 480 262 Vehicle OperatIons' 900 1.277 900 900 '. 263 Vehicle 'Maintenance 36,748 44,801 720 720 ; , : ,jw 264 Vehicle Rental 1,401 1,401 3,8?0 3,880 , 270 Travel and Meetings 300 50 .. 300 300' I, 313 Unfforms, Laundry, Dry Cleaning 1,-072' 1,452 1,lQ2, 1,102 315 Publications and Dues 30 15' .- 50 50 " 31:6 Medical Exams 135 - 135 135 I, 331 ' R&M - Buildings 500 - - - 335 R&M'- Outside Vehicle Repair 6,032 6,438 8,580 8,580 337 R&M - Radio ' - -, 60 60 411 ,Of rice & 'Stationery'Supplies 100 20 - - I, AI'! Operating Supplies 2,977, 2,057 1,?OQ 1,800 420 ,SiM11 Tools; - - 1,2QO ,1;200 '499 Vehicle :&' EqUipment Repair - - 40,OQ9 40'; 000 il' 531 EXpense 'Credits, <158 ,lQ2) -166,361 <182,216) : n8.~,230) '555 Capital.Otitlay,Rel1ta'l 1,000 l,OOO' 1,000 '1,000 Total Operatlonsand Ma1ntenance <102,107) , ,('103,308) (1:13,369) , U17,383) , CaP1.talOutlav " I, 622 M:}bileRadio - - 1,050 1,059 651 Shop 'Tools' 2,000 2,000 - ,699 security Alarm .. 2,000 2,000 - - I Total, Cap1talOutlay 2,000 ,2,000 3,050 3,050 -Act1V1tyTotal $936 $<1,784) 0 0 ,I :1 \ ,.- c. r" , r" '" . " " - '0 . . CITY MANAGER , 013 " , " : " DIREC'IDR .. SAFEI'Y SERVICES " , 500 , , " , - , , ' ~ , '" FIRE - . FIRE . PARAMEDICS LAW I SUPPRESSION ' · PREVENTION . , ENFORCEMENT , , " 501 502 503 505 , " . ..' .' ...., . - _! '. ,.', '.. -, .. -: -.' - ...' .. "" IIIi . ;1: 113 i,li CITY OF KMAY , , DEPARI'MENl'AL AcrIVITY 0I1ERVIEW 1- Dept. CedE DepartIrent: Fund 'Distribution: General Fund: $3,266,157 .' 500 Safety Services Revenue Sharing: $ 90,000 I EJa'EN!';E, 1982-1983 1983-1984 1983-1984 1984-1985 1984-1985 ! CIASSIFICATION AcrUAL BUI:XOEI' ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED 'I. Total positions 28 32 32 32 32 I, Personnel Expense 1,Ol6,738 1,120,682 1,088,88l 1,220,882 1,233,303 Operations' 1,633,135 1,827,478 1,803,208 1,978,854 1,978,,854 'I and Maintenance ' Capital OUtlay 33,185 134,084 132,767 144,000 144,000 I - , . ,I ' TOl'ALBUIX;El' $2:,,683,058 $3,082,244 $3,024,856, $3,343,736 $3,356,157 OVERVIEW Ca1MENTARY ~ The Department of Safety Services, is responsible for meeting the public safety needs and demands of the City. The Department is divided into 'five operating'divi- ,I sions Which include the, Off iCe of the Director, Fire SuppreSsion', Fire Pievention, Paramedics and Law Enforcement. I'. The Director of Safety i3erviSes is appointed by the ,city Manager and supervises the , ! five ,operating divisions. , The. responsibilities of the Department include protect- , ing the lives and properties of all citizens fran fire or other>.disasters', carrying, I out a planned fire prevention, and fire education, procjram for the ent,ire C,ity, providing for high quality emergency medical services for those suffering fraTl . injug or' other rredical trauma, administering the,city's contract .fOCI..El.w E:Dforce- ment: and, safe effective traffic enforcement with the San 'Diego CountyShefiff's 'I Of(ice. I ,I ,I,. I, I 114 crJ'Y OF KMAY ,I DEPAR'IMENTAL ACTIVITY DErAiL Departrrent: Activity: Activity I Cede: 500 L s.3.fetv Services Office of the Director ,I PCrIVIT'! iXM'lENI'ARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I, -, The resp;)nsibilities of the Office of ,the DireCtor include direct supervision, coor- I dination and control of all departmental activities for the Depar.tIrent of Safety Services. The Director of ~afety ~ices 'is ,~ppointed by the City Manager and functio(l,;; in a staff capacity to advise elected and appointed offiCer:" C9ncerning the Ci ty:!s safety services needs and. requirements. Staff assigned to the Direct.or' s I office ensures that the law enforcementprbgrams, fire protection-capabilities ,and building codes arid ordinances are conlHstent' with the policies. and 'procedUres of the City. I' ACTIVITY GOALS !\ND OI3.:lECl'IVES 1. To refine the present programs on weed abatement and abaI}doned vehicl,es. ,I 2. To eliminate the threat to public Safety that abandoned buildings 'may cause', II' 0 3. To develop a standard operating procedures manual and administrative manual. 4. To develop a disaster preparedness plan for City-wide coordipation. t ACTIVITY ~RKLOAD STATISTICS I 1983-'84 1984-85 ESTIMATED FORECASTED Fire (Structure/Grass) 200 250 ,I Paramedic Transports 900 1,000 , , ii, SIGNIFICANTACTIVrTY PRcx;RAM cHAN:;ES CHAN3E . New cannunications equiprent, for better agency ;1 coordination '~t incidents and disasters. . + $5,,050 Increase for data processing consultant to I develop software for microcomputer + $2,000 'I I I' I 115 " ,II CITY OF ro-IlIY DEPI\RTMENTI\L I\CTIVITY DETiuL, r I , Department: I\ctivity: I\ctivity Code: 500 I Safetv services Office ,of the Director Obj. , 1983-84 1983-84 1984-85 1984-85 Code se Classification ' Budaet Estimated prooosed I\pproved ,I Personnel ,,,,,,,,,,,,ise RanqE Position Title ',260 Director 36,533 40,113 39;552 42,821 .1, 241 Fire Battalion Chief 33,719 33,120 33,720 37,253 172 I\dministrative, Secretary 17,840 17,844 17,844 18,749 147 Vacation/Sick. Relief 2,162 930 2,250 2,250' .' 110 Salaries - RegUlar 90,254 92,001 93,366 101 ;'073 120 Fringe Benefits 33,908 33,384 37,812 40,)22 , I Total Personnel 124,162 125,391 131.178 14h 395 OPerations and Maintenance , I. 145 Data Processing, Consultant - - 2,000 ' 2,000 262 Vehicle Operations 3,00q 2,633 . 3,000 3,000 263 Vehicle Maintenance 2,325 3,577 3,768 3,768 I 264 Vehicle Rental 1,401 1,401 2,000 2,000 270 Travel and Meetings 2,530 2,532 3,200 3,200 311 Printing 150 16 150 150 313 Uniforms, Laundry, Dry Cleaning 415 413 550 550 . ,I 314 Community Relations 240 113 240 240 315 PUblications and Dues , 600 609 700 700 316 Medical Exams 284 250 80 80 I' 317 ,Education and Training 200 73 300 300' 325 Vehicle Regulation 250 215 250 250 331 R&M - Building 200 36 240 240 334 R&M - ~ipnent 1,108 " 937 1,000 1,000 II 411 Office & Stationery SUpplies 600 585 600 600 412 Janitorial SUpplies 200 140 200 200 417 Operating SUpplies 750 670 750 750 I 514 Lease Pu1:chase 1,200 1,189 1,200 1,200 Total Ocel:ations and Maintenance 15,453 15,389 20,228 20,228 I Caoital Outlav . 611 Office Equipment 10,100 9,946, 800 800 ,I 621 I\.utarobile 9;500 9,325' - - '622 Pager 1,250 1,156 - - 622 Radios and Mobile Phones - - 5,050 5,050' 626 Fire Fighting I\ppatatus 14,578 14,578 - - 'I Total Caoital OUtlav 35.428 35,005 5,850 5,850 I\ctivity Total $175,043 $175.785 $157;256 $167.473 '. I 116 I - , ,I CITY OF PCfiIAY DEPAR'IMENTAL, ACTIVITY DErAiL " Department: , 'Activity: Actiyity ,I Cede: 501 Safetv services Fire Suppression I lCTIVITY, <XMMENl'ARY , AcrIVITY DESCRIPTION I, The Safety services Department is, charged with the responsibility to ,protect, the life and property of all the citizens of PoWay fran fire and other.disastgrs. ,The Fire ,I Suppression Division responds to all energency calls for help to render the proper I assistance to those in need. Emergency ,response is the rrost,obvious way, of ful- filling' these responsibilities, '9ut non-emergency activities are also eSsential in I this division. Non-emergency calls, lockouts, snake rarovals, and flq(xling' , inCidents are handled by this activity. Training, maintenance of eqi.Iipnent, mainten- ance of station and fire hydrants, pre-f ire planning, fire' CCIllpally ins~tion and . bicycle licensing are other activities in which the 'Fire Suppression persohriel are I involved. AcrIVITY' G::lALSAND OBJECTIVES 'I - , 1. To maintain the high level of service that has been provided in the past. , 2. Tb strive for rrote contact with 'the ,citizens; informing them of' availab~e I services through enhanced o::mnunity relations programs. , 3. To crE:<ite a training program tc provide all personnel with inforniation, and train-. I ing for new technology and,the latest stcl.t~f-the-art in tactics and strategies. 4. To develop an emergency response manual for a City-wide disas1:,er plan. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE Increase in salaries and related benefits for ,I second year 'of a two-year contract + $74,836 Increase in capital outlay for purchase of I new brush tanker + $60,545 , - .- J , I .. I - , I I I 117 " j, CITY OF POWAY DEPAR'1MENTAL, ACTIVITY, DETAIL 'i- ; , """parulLenc: i\Cuvu:y: - ~'=1v156: I Safetv Services Fire SUOPrE ssion Cede: 5 1 UUJ. l.~~..l-~q .1.~O:'''''O'' .1.~O"-O:J .1.~O"-O:J I Cede se Classffication Budaet , Estimated Proposed ,APproved Personnel se RanqE position Title '. 213 Fire ~tain <(6:), 135 ,815' , 130,520 172,7.78 172,756 201 Fire Engineer'(6'l 153,646 147,655 154,552 154,577 188 Fire Firefighters (9.4) 185,813 178,568 188,193 186,723 Callback 6,960 6,,960 7,236 7,236 :1 110 Salar ies - Regular ' 482,234 463,703 522,759 521,292 '113 Salaries - Overtime 64 718 65,,785 58 551 58 551 120 Fr inge Benefits 188;218 l85~670 218;391 , 230 ;163 I, Total Personnel 735,170 715,,158 799,,701 8l0,006 Operations and Maintenance I , 20,000 131 Volunteer Service 20,246 18,569 20,000 145 Data processing Consultant 1 000 778 1,000 1 000 210 Gas and Electr1citY' 19;800 19'322 21,000 21 ; 000 I 212 Water - Interfund 1,500 1;399 1,800 1,800 215 Tele~oone ' .. 4,000 3,127 4,600 4,600 216 Tras Rerroval '840 880 1,020 1,020 260 Reimbursed Mileage 100 , 201 .250' 250 262 Vehicle ~ations 10,000 ' ..,7,59'1 10 000 10,000' :1, 263 Vehicle intenance, 25,575. 31,315 32;022 32,022' 264 Vehicle Rental 35,160 35,160 36,328 36,328 270 ~~vfl,. and Meetings 4,600 4',280 5,100 5,100 311 r'lll lllg 1,050 936 900 900 , 313 UnifoJ:ljlS, Launc4"Y" Dry Cleaning 5,300 ,4,864 6,,350, 6,350' ,I 314 cCll1l1UlUty Relat10ns ' 300 ' 304 300 ' 300 315 ,Publicat10ns and DUes 900 876 900 900 316 Medical Exams 5,270 4,454 1,300 1,300 317 Education and Training 3,090 3,402 3 000 3 000 I 320 OI,itside Elner~:;t ASs1stance 15,000 12' 821 15;000 15;000 322 ~tCh Con ac 24,914 24;914 27,405 27,405 331 . - Buildings 4,700 4,648 4,500 4,500 334 R&M - f.cNtpnent & Hydrants 6,750 5 413 5,100 5,100 337 R&M - Rachos 4,800 4;634 6,225 6,225 :1, 399 Contractual Services 3,500 2,658 3,000 3,000 411 offtce ~ Stati9n~'Supplies 1,500 1,456, 1,500 1,500 '412 Jan1tonal ~11es ' 2,000 1,872 2,000 2,000 413 photo~aphic ~plies 240 884 240 240 417 ~a 1ng SUpp11es 13 ,000 12 ,584 ' 13,000 13,000 I 420 SfuallTools 750' ,778' 750 . 750 514 Lease Purchase, 6,170 6,127 6,000 6,000 555 eapital OUtlay'Rental 1,875 1,875 1,875 ;1.,875 .1 Total,()perations anCl~Maintenance 223,930 218,128 232,465 232,465 . Caoital Outlav I 626 Safety Equipnent 1,350 1,348 - - 611- 672 Outlay 67,255 66 ,615 127,800 127,800 I Total Capital Outlav 68,605 .67,963 127,800 127,800 Activitv Total $1 027,705 $1,001,249 $1,159,966 $1,170,271 1 I 118 I " ,I CITY OF PCJ.m\Y DEPAR'IMENTAL ACTIVITY DErAIL " -, Depat~t: , , Activity: Activity 'I Cede: 502 Safetv Services Fire Prevention - - I ICrIVITY ~ ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION , I, This activity is devoted to the prevention of fires within, the City of poway and', to lessen the. impact on the City shouid a. fire occur. A,program of'l"irepreyenqon, inspeCtions is carried out in all commercial, industrial'and institutional facilities throughout the City on a year round basis. This division carries out codes and I ordinances adopted by thE;! City, such as the Uniform Fire Cede; Buildil}g, Cede; and any related codes, ~d-ordinances. The State Publ1c Safety Cede, Title 1:9, 15 also enforced locally by this office. I - In addition to the fire prevention activities, all public'education prog~ams regard- ing th~ hazards of fire are handled by this' division. These' prograrns"are proviqed for schools, institutions, clubs or special interest groups. Newly developed programs are I, al59 handled by this division, Le., Fire FlOW Program, Weed ADatEment progr~, Vehicle Abatement Program (Abandoned Vehicle Program), and 'Nuisances., This division 'also carries out the f~re inve~tigation needs of the department to, I ascertain,t:he' cause of fire on any incident of a questionable origin. The fire losses arid saves. ~aie also calcii1ated here. :' , ,I' This division also provides consultation services with the public 'to' advfse on how adequate fire protectiori can ,be achieved. Plan checks for new buildings "and 'sub- divisions are processed through tQis office as well as comPlaints andwe€d problems: :1 . . ACTIVITY GJALS AND OBJECTIVES , I , 1. ro continue to maintain the inspedtionprogram. : 2. To increase the public education program on the hazards of fire in the City' s schools, public assemblies and residences. I 3. To develop and coordinate a' fire campany inspection program. , SIGlIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGEs CHANGE I - Personnel costs increase for full year charges for Battalion Chief and Fire Prevention'Officer .' + $32,167 ,I Weed and nuisance abatement is down based on this year's ,experience. Canpliance is I improving. - ~2,000 , -. I I- it ,I' 119 lli , CITY OF Pa-lJ\Y DEPl\R'lMENTl\L J\CTIVITY DBI'l\ILi, 'I, .. " . : Department: l\ctivity: , l\ctivity Cede: 502 I; Safety" ServiceS Fire Prevention Obj. 1983-84 1983,..,84 1984-85 1984-85 Code Bxpense Classification Budqet Bstinated prooosed !i,ooroved I Personnel e;Xoense , RanqE Pcsi tion",Ti tile - '24~ Fi~e Battahon Chief " 15,114 18,501 .33,585 37,253 I 193 Fire Preventi6nInspector 19,060 19;060 23,808 21,641 . . " 110 Salaries - Regular 34..174 37)~6l 57,393 58,894 :tl3 Salaries.~,Overtime 2,000 '454 3,240 3,240 120 Fringe Benefits " 19,861 15,373 28,014 26,068 I I Total Persol1l1el 56 035 ,53,388 88.647 ' ,88.202 Operations and Mairiteharice .. " 262 Vehicle operations 1,500' 1,583 2,500 2,500 263 Vehicle Maintenance 4,650 .4;541 5,652 5,652 264 Vehicle Rental , 2,569. 2)569 2,802 2,802 I 270 Travel and' Meetings 800 633 1,300 1,300, 311 printing 956 909 456 456 .. 313 Uniforms, LaUndry, Dry Cleaning 375 375 475 47~ ,. 314 CcmilunityRelat:ioils 1,92)- 1,83'0 1,000 1,000 315 Publi9ations ,and Dues 75'1 621 1,210' 1,210 316 Medical., Bxams ' . 284. 284 130 130 --. ,~ . "-.."-.-".." 317 . , 200 Education anq Training 175 200 200 I 321 Carmuni ty Safety , 744 744 - - 324 NJ.!i sance l\ba tE!llEil1 t . ,32,000 .' 35,834 30,000 30,000 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 252 238, 300 300 .Ii 413 Photographic Supplies 120 259 200 200 , 417 OPerating Suppli~ 500 . 569 500 500 514 Lease Purchase 640 640 1,200 1,200 I Total. Operations and Maintenance -48 ,268 51 804 47 925 " 47 925 . Capital OUtlay' I " 611 Office Equipment, 3,765 3..697 - - I: 622 Other Equipnel1t lIlot Classified 200 192 2,4,25 2,425 626 Safety Equipment - - 675 675 I. Total caoital Outlav 3,965 3,889 3,100 3,100 Acti vitv Total $108,268 $l09j081 $139,672 $139,228 I. I \ I 120 - CITY OEPC1{{1;Y, ;1' D1<;PII.R'IMENTlIL l'CTIVITYD8T,l\It Department: .' II.ctivity: Activity, I (Code: ~Q3 Safetv Services Paramedics , I I\CTIVITY CXM'IENTARY; .,. l\CI'IVITY DESCRIPTION " I, The thtrd, division of the Fire Qepartment is' the emergency,medical service~~program. Developed over the years from a 'verymini..rn<!i first: ,aid p,ogram,it now provides a highlY sophisticated level of anergency medicql treatment to needy ,victims in the I field, bringing ,the energency r6om'frctn the hosptial to the scene, ' There are ten, firefighters on the PoWay Fire. Department that, have paramedic skIlls. 1"ach has passed a five rronth course of intensified emergency medical training., perinit- I hng than to perform advancedanergency ~ical assistance !IDder'the directipn of a medical doctor or certified nurse. These,paramedics are part of the Fire1Departrnent team serving not ,only 'as " .'I Firetighter/Paramedics, but also as teachers. Ccmmunity education. as well as ,CPR classes are handled by this division. , I The operation of the Paramedic team, is nanagec'l by aCaptain/p~amed+ccoordinator. The coordinator maintains close contact with tj1e other providers in the <;:ounty , cFlnergency Health Care System, ensuring up to date and srrnoth opera1:;~on 6fthe Poway ,I~ Paramedic team. ' ACTIVITY OOllJS I\NDOEmlZTlV"S '. I I' 1. To increase the ~kills of each, team member through attendance. at' medical education programs. I 2. To increase 'the flow of information ~ the citizens on emergency mediciiJ!' services ,through the public education programs, I ., 3. To increase disaster/mass tasualty planning and training: , SIGJIlIFICI\NTl\CI'IVITY PROGRIIM CH~ CHI\NGB I The ffiedica,l, suppli~ accoUnt has been increased to pay the, rron!:hly Palomar-Pomerado Hospital Distric~ I bill for me:li.cal supplies used by paramed.ics., 'This was a change initiated by Medic.are, in October, 1983 causing us to bili for medical supplies instead of the 'hospital. + $1,238 Increase for replacement reserve, for equipment used $2,606 I for paramedic purposes + .. 'I , , , - . I I ,I j121 ,I: CITY OF I"CW'\Y DEPZ>,RTMENTl\L Z>,CTIVITY DE'Tz>'IL I' l)epartment: z>'ctivity: z>'cti vity Cede: 503 I Safetv Services Paramedics Obj. , .. .' 1983-84 1983"84 1984~85 1984-85 COde se Classification, Budaet 'Estimated Prooosed Z>,pproved Personnel "~se I Ran'" Position Title Paramedics (5.6') '119,170' ' , 97,556 ll2 , 116 105,032 '.1 Special Proficiency'Pay 18,000 18,000 25,200 25,200 " no Salaries - Regulap 137,170 115,556 137,316 130,232 I 113 Salari~~,. -OVertiine '13,928 13,288 15,,321 15,321 120 Fringe Benefits 54,217 66;100 48 , 719 48,147 ,I Total. ,Personnel 205.315 194.944 201.356 193 700 ~atioris and Maintenance . I 262, Vehicle OPerations 3,500 3,264 3,000 3,000 263 Vehicle Maintenance 4,650 5,464 5;652 5,652 264 Vehicle Rental 9,900 9,900 9,900 9,900 'I 270 Travel and Meetings 1,980 1,420 1,255 1,255 314 Cammunity Relations 200 203 200 200 315 Publications and DUes 410 376, 770 770 I; 317 Education and ,Training 2,810 - 3,136 5,850 5,850 334 R&M - Equitment 2,180 2,081 2,580 2,580 411 Office & Station~ Supplies 200 186 200 200 414 Medical SUpplieS 4,325 '4,327 5,565 5,565 I 417 OPerating 'SUpplies ,800 . 767 , 800 800 514 'Lease Purchase 1,200 1,189 1,200 1,200 555 capi tal Outlay Rental - - 2,000 2,000 II :. ,Total t"lnPrations and. Maintenance 32.155 32,313 38,;972 ' '38,972 canital Outlav , . I 622 Safety Equipnent 8;584; , . 8,606 4,350 4,350 I, I Total, ca-;:;lw OUtlav ' 8,606 " 8,584 4,350 4,350 z>'ctivitv, Total $246 076 $235 841 $244,678 $237,022 I I 122 I " CITY OF PCWAY I DEPAR'lMENTAL ACTIVITY DErAIL Department: Activity: Activi~y ;1 Cede: 505 Safetv 'Services Law Enforcement I " N::rIVITYO>>lENl'ARY AcrIVITY DESCRIPTION I The San'Diego County Sheriff's'DePartment has furpishej the City!of Powaywith I contractual law enforcement se.rvicesfor the past, tlu;ee years. As 'we enter into the Pew contract year we have seen an overall reduction in Part I crimes ,(murder, rape, rObbery,assualt with a deadly ~n'"',etc.) of 7% per 1000pOpuL~tion. Part II crimes, (vandalisn, -disturbance of ,the peace, trespassing, etc.,,) have cu.-oppE:d 3%. I Individual categories reflect: residential burglaries have dropp~ 3~ apd ~rc~al , burglaries have 'dropped a significant 36% over the, previous year. We Cittribut:e these reductions ,to the City's total law enforcement program with high visibility of both I, patrol and traffic cars in the carmunity. The interest by thepubli'c in the ~ -. ~..-'.' ~ ' .- . . . .. Neighborho9d Watch Program indicates tha~ ~thing can and will be done when the Sheriff'i'Department is called. " ACTIVITY OOALS AND OBJEcrIVES I , 1. To continue to reduce crime in :the carmimity. I' 2. To reduce the number of traffic accidents within the City witn,a-continued ~hasis on the intoxicated driver. I 3. To highlight pedestrain safety prograiiLsfor 'order citizens, increase school . programs on p8destrian safety and to al,ert the carmunity in general o.f the I necessity' of safety for the pedestrians of Paway. , SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY, PROGRAM CHANGEs CHANGE I R & I:-l Equipment has been added for maintenance of the radar units. + $1;250 Travel and, rreetingshave been addea for, the " I Captain to attend League of~'Cities Conference + $2,850 Increase in police protection costS" based on, I increase in sen;iceandcontract ,agreanent + $84,547 Increase ~ Vehicle /oIaintenance for maintenance I on all vehicles in' Sheriff's fleet + '$44,702 - - ., , " I I , ,,'. I 123 ,1 CITY OF PCWZIY DP'PII,R'IMENT1I.L 1I.crIVI'l'Y m:r1UL I Department: II,ctivity: II,ctivity Code: 505 I Safetv Services Law Enforcement Obj. 1983-84 1983-84 1984-85 1984-85 Code ~~se Classification Budaet Estimated ProDOsed II,nnroved I Personnel !<:Xnense ,:lalla;; Position Title I, I I TotaL Personnel ~ations and 'Maintenance I 262 Vehicle Operations 1,340 991 1,200 1,'200 263 Vehicle Maintenance 2,325 3,857 47,027 47,027 264 Vehicle Rental 1,800 1,800 1,623 1,623 270 Travel and Meetings 500 251 3,350 3,350 I 321 Carmunity Safety 1,480,017 1,457,973 1,564,564 1,564,564 325 Vehicle Regulation 750 195 500 500 334 R&M - E'quipnent 1,150 855 2,400 2,400 I 399 Other Contract serVices 6,460 6,460 6,750 6,750 413 Photographic SUpplies - - 250 250 416 School Safety Patrol l2,8~0 ' 12,6'75 9,500 9,500 I 417 Operational Supplies 500 517 500 500 555 Capital OUtlay Rental - - 1,600 1,600 ,- I, I Total~ations; and,Ma'intel1allce 1 507 672 1.485.574 1.639.264 1.639,264 CaOl tal Outlav I 6rl ,Office Equipment 1,650 1,600' - - 621 MotorcyCIe 5,780 5,77i3 - - I 622 'Other EqUipment Not Classified 4,050 4,042 2,900 2,900 ;645 Laboratory E'quipnent 6,000 5,906 - - I 'Ibtal CanhalOutlav 17,480 17.326 2.900 2,900 'ICtivitv Total $1. 525', 152 $1.502.900 $1,642.164 $1,642.164 I I . i : I :' i. I I I: I Ii I :1 I 'I I, I I: 'I I '.' , , , , I I a,TY'Of. Ff1tlAY FI NIIN,C(AL PROORllM: 1984"'1985 MTAL I.fotP~,,~ ,I I: 126 , ~I , __ ' , . ..., _C:~'fi .CJ[:~y, GlIl':rTAIJ IMPROVEMENI' ;P!{CGRAM ,OVERVIEW " " - REVEIiUE AND' EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS , , CITY OF PailAY. ,I _ ." .- _ -~ -- .~"'''~ .' '. - SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF, FUNDS , FI.SGAL,iEAR,1984=i:985 fUNDI~ S08RCES , , , Street'Iinpr 9vementFuJ:l<1 $,177,,474 Gas' Tax 28,.3'16 ,I:, Grant Fund 104',44'1 ~erai 'Fund Loan, 44',,7'17 , Street ,Develor:rnerit Fufi:1 $218,,'1'22 :1 Geriera1, .Eurid, :r..oai1 i2'3,850 street ;Fees -. -.' ,. ,~ 61098 .f.. Gas: Tax 33.,824 . .1 fark Impr()YEOmeIlt .F;una $7.8,,593 'Ross ,Trust ,2,000 Q:nerai 'FUnd Loan 46~834 . ., ,I - ..Parklan<;i ;~'lcqtIon, Fee,s 29,7.59 Revenue, 'Sharing 'FUI1a $806,000 I' Gerieral FiihdTiailsfer' 5',600 RevenueSliaring . _' 'd__'" 801,000 ,Munici]?al ,InprOVetEnt Fund, $691",719 ~I' . 't:!'JIlic!PaJ 'YinProv~tfund' Balance .66,633 Ge!1erq;L FJEld. Piiyment '184'; 840 Water' 'FiJ.nq ,PC\YJ!ient .291; 783 'I Se<lerf\li1d Payjreot 148, 4~3 [)rainage FUnd $53,,4511 I GraritEuridS' '$114,384 ,"-,,--, , 'TDA Grarit T14' -384' -' .r .~.' ,SeiNer fund $7.1b.,o'(j6 I . TOI'AL $2 ifso', 396 I '.._.r. . ;FUNDI~; APPLICATIONS , , '>Streets and Highways ,$238,833 l 'Tfaf{fd sigilai's' - '2n,,79."r FIObd Cbntibl,ahd:Drainage \53 45~ .~,..,.' '" ._L. GoVeti'ln1ent Buildings ',731, /719 ..." - ""-";'~ .""", I Pafks if'ndopehSpace 84A, S~3 'Water Improvements - =- -- ",.. .. ~- ~ 710,000 'S~r ';rrnp,~9v~nts TOI'AL, $2,850,,396 ,I .. " I' J:27 I; c'r'tt OF P<ifvvp;I GAP:rTAL: IMPROYEMENI' PRCGRAM ,OVERVIEW I Depattment: I: GAPITAL,IMPROVE1>1ENr, PRCGAAM " Total ., ,Tot:a~ ESb.rrated Ac;tiyftyClassiffbqtfon Tota:l Prlor ,1984'-1985 COnbined. R~;uI:r~nts ~riditures EXPendiJ:Ufe~ Expenditures, t 2,193',027 Streets"Ei Hlgh~y,s 1,954,,194 238,833 ,2,193! 027 ,I, 360,236 Traffic Signals , 88,,439 ,27-I,,7'J7 3@,236' 165,993 53454 , 219,447 219,447 :F-lpOO Control &',D!'Ai[lage: " __.f,., 'I I '782 820~ Gqver!]lll<:)1t 'Buildings :939';601 731;,'119 1,671,-320 " ' - ~ ,-~ - ! ' 1;599,63'1, ,Parks and,Open ,Space 512,627 844,593 ,1,357,220 'I , 571,706 Water Improvements ,571,,70p - .571 ,,7Q6 , , 710;,000 "Sewer Imptovements ,- 7,10,000 710 006 ."'- I , . $7.,436,8;;(3 wr~,i3UfuEr' ,$4,232,560 $2,8'50,39'6 $'7'082 956 -, ,- .-- .. ,- ,._--- I' . .. CNERVIEW CCW1ENrARY, I The Capital Improvement program of 'the Cfty of Poway ,represents' anorgaIlJ!zed pian !PIi (i~essi!lgth~.physicalne~ot the,'cam\1IDj.tY''I'he,;,p3.ge~; 'Which' fol~ow,a,dcf';to t the tJ.ye-y~ ~p:ltill; ,Improvemellj:'Prpgram ,!chat ,began_ duping' f~scql Year r982~8B. , As, j:he lJ\tqget: 'i's"apprpveid,each fisCal year',,~tw!ll ,be J;pss,ibJ:e':to 'reyi'=W"p,ogress beip.g I]I3.dit, costsibc:urJed, to date, and, the irnpIleafiolls of inflation on futurel costs. ' I 'The imProvements' as set 'forth in, this budget, 'fall ,into the following seven major categoiies:streets ,ana Highways, 'Traffic Signals, Flood ControL and Drainage, 'I: ,GQverruilent Buildings" Parks, and 'ClpenSpa,ces, Water' Improvements, and ,Sewer, Iinprove- ii'ents. Iilthe ,fuiureas needS: areidentifiErl, a:ttemptswi.J.I be rrade to prior,Rize additional 'proj~ect5as welL as 'identHy pr.obablefunding,. The fiire-y~r ,progr(illl', I' whichwil:lbe updated ,annually', ,will assist in al.iocatingCapitq~, :Impr9y~nt FundS ah'd enable the 'City of PowaY' to attain :L't;5 g9<:l1s in a' r~s9nableperiod of time. I' I 'I a 128 CITY, OF P(J;VAY CAPITAL, It'lPROVEMENl' PRd;~DEJ:'A.It ,Department: Act~icVity: mBLIC iSERWOO srREEI'S,AND HIGHWAYS' ACrIVITY, ,CCMMENI'ARY' 1201 cooW 'PE'.AKs, 'RCllill, It'IPRQVEMENI'i FRCM CcM1uNITY, ,RCllill T6 'MIoi:.AND R<::lAD ,The .8i~ for, tliis project to con~truct a, Fo,c!~y, (,4'o'i, R/~t and 28'.'pav;ngl frail' Catfufuii~y 'ROOd to Mfdlaiid ,ROad .wasa~rded dw:::tng lfY83-84. The:, PJ;'oject includes 11 traffi'CsigruH 'at !CainlUility and HiHnc1:ile,a, cul~e"'sai::, at, Norwalk, lefttiiif1 pOCket at victoria Estate~ i'!nda i"@lkwclY,'. Adj:J..i':tii;o}iiiIly~ flashers and stqpslgnS' will be installed .during IT ,84;'8~. . Coste 'Estimat.e -, $997,,325 ,J;'uildiilg Source; ",All Years (^2:l.~:f2Q)) , . Gas Tax .$)~2,A?:1 FY 82'-83-- $89,891 design (Gas 'Tax) >Street' Fees :$.:306';273 FJ, .83'-'84 - $'821 i610; 'for :designaoa , generaJ~dLoan, :$168 ;601 construction (GaS:'Tax,n3~,?,36: W3.ter F,UI}i:J. $160':,000 st. rrrprov. '$260874':' 'W'lt~ F,und $160,000; Genera'LFurufioan$1:62, 006,) FY' 84"'85 ~ $ 85 ,824 for constructiort ~(~s TaX ,$33 824' -. . - .' .~. -- . ... --" !"...-, .,.... .---" - . '. .', , St, Irrp,qV'.$45',,399;, 'General Furid'Loan' $6,,601) 1-i02PCJilAY ,RCllill RAISED :PAVEMENI'MARKERS - GARDEN RCllillT0 STATE:ROOrE '67 Thfs,ptqject is ptopOsed'tone funq.eq tiu::qugh. a' gran,t; for, elt,tnin,ationof' ,hazards on,the fedetal,:aid s~stem";H.E!S, gran):'):.:: 'The gI:qrlt, ,p:iys: '90% and Cict'( rot, plas, ,any contingenCies:. Cost 'Estimate =" $14',91:8 F\lnding Source, -' All Years, (,10~1202') . ,J -- -.' - . py' 82"':83i~ $1,662 for engineering ,FAU (HES)Gtant, $12,/241 ty' ~3-;B4, - '$?:,/3()8 {oJ;' ~gin~ingahd c;as: 'Tax $'2,677 constructi"on, py:, 84"':85' ~$6,bo8 'for eonitructibn n. .. ~ _ . _ _. _ __. __ __ _ 1204,ESl'OIA ROAD WIDENI~ ,VALLE VERDE TO, WESTERN LIMITS Th.i!~; p'roJect adds two traveLranes~,a-'turning l"l)e',andq, bi]{!;! raIle, Qn,i'Otle 'sige of Espola Road Eran ,Valle Verde, Road, to, fheweste,r,l) Cl,ty HI11ijs'., ,COst Estirrate - $35},,444 J;'uriding ,Source -',Afl Years' (21-1204') Street Fees $311,,905 General ,FUhd $ 45,539 ,._....u.._" FY 82-83 -:$ 22:1722 for' de~i,!:~ ,an~ ,r.ig!1~-qf~y acql,lisi~tqn, {Gen~aJ ,F:lm~)', " ", ,FY 83"',84,- $,333 i 023 for construct:lOn (./'Il,tl!ga,ti.ol) FeE*.li ;$310,206;, GeneJ;al 'F1.u1<:l$22,,81'n. FY' 84~85' - ,$1,699 fo~ i::onstruction{~nalization, " . -0- _ _____ ..__ I , II' I29 I ' CITY OF ,J?IJtlAy CAPITAL IMPROVEMENI'PRCX;RAM' DErAIL I DEPARrMENI':, ACrIVITY:: '. ' .. PUBi.!C: 'SJ;;RihGE:5 ' .. srREEl';3, AND HIGHWAYS I 'Total Total , Pro~ec pro~'ec.t Description Es~imaEecPi'Ior :84-85 85:-86 86-878'7-88 88:-89' , , Cooe, Cost d. ,Expend.' ,Estimate ,Est'imate ,Estimate Estiifute I' '1201 TWirl PeakS Road Irnprovarent iran , CanTIunity Road,to ,.,., <":'"' ." "t':.-.'-. _ - _ ,. ._,__ .... -. . ___ ,I Midlanc! Road 99;7325 ,9:J:15QI 85824 , I: I ' I , 11 1202 PaNaY.Road Raised , l?~veIJl?nt '~rkers Fran Garden Road, to' 1 ?,ur~R()ui:e ~7" 'l(~18 891:060:08 ,I, I, , ,.',' 1204 ~s~l~ :E9'l4 ',:',W,i,1iel}- . ' l!flg'-:-Vqll", Verlie, to " ' , We,st.er!l,Limit~ 357444 355745.. 1699 ,I I I I' , : AGrIVITY TarAL :1 , ' . I 'BO '" CITY OF'~Y: cAPITAL IMP~9~ ,PR,Q;if3J\M p~Ait, CiE:partr!Jel1t-:' 'Acj:i vi):y: roBLfC',SERVICEs" srREErS' 'AND, HIGHWAYS rcocit'd) ACTIVITY CCMMENrARY }205STONE i2ANYONRClAD 'IMPROVEMENrS lt1ispro~~t w::>,ulq I<!.f~ept.he travel v{aY"i ill'iPJ:oyetheCltainage"afid', :itnprove !:he, curve6n' StoneCa!}yon. !I'liis project" ,When cC'mpreted',will 'ser,ve as an, aIterriateaccess fo; :tlie~ Green Valley area; - . . . ., " ,C6St'Estirnate - $321,655 'F.\.inaing Source - M,l.Years, (IQ~1)..95J, General Fund '$ 35" 004 FYi.82"83- $ 35,004, ,foi,deSign (GeneraIFund) .Gas !Tax, :$162;889 EY 83'"'84 -$282,051 for ,construction andwafei:; FUnd,S '48:,406 ",' , rigl1t,",of~Y'!'lc,qui~ft~()n si:ree1: iulld' (loa:n'fr,c:Al\" $1.35"J62 pi, 8~":85 ~ $ ~,690 for' ,coI]stpuc:ti.on 'fina1:izat;ion'General FilnC!) " 1206 ,KJHA,Y ROAD' MEDIANS This\'project pr'ovfdes for ,tne instaUat,ion oflandScapedrai'Sed: medi:ans' along Poway,Roag, ffdfi ,Tarallcan DiTve;t6 BcMronRoad. , 'Funding Source,,"; Al1Years c:OstEstimate - $207,473 Street fees'S 1,962 'jobs 8'111"$.109,151 ", PW82"'83,- $ 2,l?4'9 fqr 'd~ig!1 ,co~ts General Burid' Iban,S: 26p360 (street, Fees and General Fuhd) cDs;; 8th"Yeat :$ '70;000 " '-'-..~ .. '"'" -;1. . FY,:83,'":84 - $i79,151 (or' c;onstiuction (Jobs, Bill. CDS;;l: $ 25,673, fOI'aesign 'OOsts(General Furidi) '" 1209: ,PCfiIAY ROAD & SR H ,ROAcwAy,w.rOENIN3i ,C ThiS,' ,pro, ject would widen ,Powa,yRoad tp a;U9W for ,right ,a, nO. l~tt, ~,,~, ."''''''' ~, construction of a, signal at tte inter,se.<:tion, , Cost Est, imat,e -",,$,16,5,'8,2,8; '," ,',' " ,F'un,',d,ing,, source-,,'All 'Years ('2l:"~269')," '~, . ," :General FuridIban $ 12,318 FY;82-83 - ~ 1115,48' (ordeSigh 'cost '(Gag, Tax,) Stieet rnpI'ovement ,$1.41.;962 FY::83'"'84' - $141;962,,'for c6nst:tuctiof1 and Gas TaX $11,548 " excavation (street Iinprovrrent) FY,84'"'85 - $, 12,;318, for, ,eoilStruct'lon '(General Food) I I 13'1. I GITY 0E ro..tAY- C1'f'I1'AL IMPROv&\1E:Nr' PR0sRAMr;lEI'MI1 ,I . ~partirent: Acti'vity: PUBllW ,SERVICES STREEI'S AND HIGHWAYS Ccant 'd) 'I, Total ,Total Project Project DeScription EStima tee Prior, 84"'85 85'-8.6 86:"'87 87~88 '88-89 Code Cost, 'ExP€nd. :Expend. Estimate Eshmate ,'Estimate: 'Estimate I 'I' 1205 stone,canYQfl'goad rrrproveroonts, 321655, '317055 4600 I; ,I I' , ':, ~ ii' ,T~O~ F.>oway,R6ad,Medians , , between Bowron, Road andTaras~n prciv.e i0747c3 207473' I, 'I I' I ; '.' 1209 ' POWay ;R6ad & SR '67 " ROadway Widening! ,165828 , 1535rO ,12318 ' .., I' , ..' I .. I ACTIVI'rYTarAL 'I -I' 132 GJ;TY OF POiIAY dAP:ITAl. 'IMPROIlEMENr PRCGRAM -DErAIL Q<?patt:m=Dt:: Activity: !'{JBLIC, 'SERVICES STREErS, AND HIGHWAyS ('cont5d'j ACrI\[:ITX C~NrARy' ,-I 121'3 BICYCLE' ,lANE :'" :CAMiNo DEL,NoR!'E, I ..,. -, I. . T.h~s ,grs:>jectp.E,Ov!dEls ~9r the ,construction ,of a btcyCle; l'aneon' CaiiUnQ Del, Notte ,frgn the J ~st 'G~t,y liITlit,s: to :PanEiraQb Road. [~ 'Cost Est"irrate:- ,$'73',.321 FUndi!ng 'Source ,~'~ 84-85 (l~0121}TJ '~ ' . '!'iI' "'..". $,".,.3" :~ . ~-- ' 1:~14BicYcLE1'fANE, -,GI~IC 'CENl'ER DRIVE , " ,I This"pro~e::tgrovidesiiJoi::the construCtion: ofa biczcle ,tqpe onQiyicGElll.ter Dr,ixef.l;:an 'I Bowron Road" ,to, Q:mnunrty ,Road "I COSt Est1rrafe: -$41,063 Fundi!nq ~0urce- FY 84-85 C'f6-;12;L4:l' '" TDA,Gral1t ,$4:1 ,063 'lil,5MARl'IN20IT ROAD, SAFEI'Y IMPR0\IEMENl'S , This project provides' for il1ll?roveU p,edestrial) ,sqfej:y or i>a~t~ncoitRoid .bet~eni'~trata Road arid Paintea Rock Elementary Sc;[lool ,il)cl1.rlil}g reflector::; i 'l'uardrails and, oflier safety ,items:" COst Estimate -;' $14,000 ,Funding Source, -,Py 84-85 :(2];-'1;!15) 'Street 'Illlprov:i?rrentFee :$14:',000 ,..,- 'I '] . I, I , Be} 'I 'CITY OF' F'\JIlAy, CAPITAL 'IMPROVEMENI" PR(X;RAM DErAIL I Department; HjBLIC S.Ei3vr,GES' ,~tivi!j:y:' srREETS AND HIGHWAYS (c:oht:'dl , I' ,Total Total ,Project ' Project Descr'ipt':i!oh, estfmatee Pr:for 84:-85 8?~86 86~87 87-88 88",89 'Code COSt Exn<>na. ' EXpend. Estimate ,Estimate Estimate Est1rrate , , I 12B BiCyCle, Lane ,- CamIno ,Del, ,&crte 7:3321 73321 I' " .. I :' ! 'I 1714, 'Bicycle Lane '~ ctivic Cegter Drive 41Q6) 41063 I' "' ." I' 1:2i5 Marbincoi t Road ,-' 'Sqret~ ;:Ilnproverrenb f4000 1400'0' , :t I, '. ' ' , I~ .' I I I AC;l"IVr1Y, 'T6.r~ ,$2193027 $1954'19' $2388'3: 0 0 0: 0 I I 134 ' , CITY OF T?ailAY CAPITA[; IMPROVEMENr' PRCGRAM DErAIL Department: ~Ctiyity:, ,fUBLtc sERvICES: TRAFFIC SIGNAfS ACrIVITY CCX>1MENrARY; :t30i 'ESl'OI:AROAD AND T?ailAY. ROAD ,Thispfb]e<::t T5fbvfdes fof the ,installation of a. traffic 'signa]", safety 'lighting" and, an advancewarhing :at: the, 'inters~tion of- ESP.Olil Road'~ncl?~Y' Roac:J,.' " , -, ebstEstimate ~ $:L20r4~9 furiding' Source-Ail. YearS (10"'1301) Gas Tiijd $ 3,000. FY']'2-,ij3- $ 3,g95 tor :gesfgn (Gas~Tax, Develo"perFeesi) 'Developers' Fees $1 7',00Q EY 83-84, -$, 6,"769 fordesfgli (Developer Fees and FAU Filiids, $100,000 General. 'F'urid) ,GeneraCLFund' $10,,49!f FY 84-'85,- ,$1l0, 000 fot cdnsthiCtion (FAU':~ General Fund) '$' 435 for engineering - 1302 ,T?ailAY:ROAD SIGNAL -INI'ERCONNECr 'AND LIGHTi&; '- AwaI'd~J in 'E1~~-8!t, !:hl~ p;:.oje.ct; intercorm'ectsthe's,ig!)al,systerrt aloqg PO.iay 'Road fran ~ado"JRMidlq!2.dan<:li!>fuiidedthrough a grant. AdditionaUy inFY ,84~85" .theihter.., section lights 'will be,converted'to,low,pressure:sodium Vapor lights. Cost, Estin-ate,- $85,fl1, FuiJding Source"Al!.'Years ,(IQ'-l;JQ2j> :FAu-'nlES,) Grant' $45;000' ""''' ... .''-.. . ~ - , '"'""" 0..<"0'.... Fi. 82-83 -$: :5,192 (aesign) ,Gas Tax. S40,'I'H BY 8}~84 -,$53;:179 (~sign <Lnd C9l!sJ:r:,\lctio!l'j n_' .u , FY !l4:,..8,5 -$,2~A49 ,(c9.'lstru<:t.fon') r . A ~, -. _..~._ .- . r. _ _ . ", _ ,_ _ m.94~, ;ROAD ,lIT rolERAOO, HOSPITAL This pr:oject, provi<ies for ,tile! ,illstqli:at'ion of a traffic,sighal oii Parle.raooRoad at the enj:r8-hc~; t,o, ~aCi9, Hospitql. This,projectwfllbe ~6intly fUride:l by! ,the Ci t,Y: andtl1e, North C9Uflty Hospital District. ' Cost Estim3.t'e- :$135",626 ,Piliidihg Source..,All Years (,21-.,130' ,Traffic SighalFees $27,,8'70' - ,FY 82-83 - '$ 342 for design, (Revenue :Shafing) ,othei AgenCieS' $60"QQO, _ ,FY, 83-84 - $ 19,671 for o.es'lgn, and ,construction Rf!venue Sh,ar i ng ,$' ,342, (,Traff.ic' Signed Fees & Other Agencies,) Generai FuIJdIpa,n $4.7,4'14 IT 84'~85 "-. $!lS ,613 for construction' (General Fund, loan) L _. _ _. ~_. ,.. ,p _ ___" _ .. _ _ ..,. _ _.. _ ... ._, ,I, I }35' '. CITY OEroiiAY' CAPITALL\!PROVEMENI':PRCX3RAM ,DErAiL:, 'I 'Department: l;c;:tivity: PUBLI<::~Ei\V~CFs TRAFFIC ?IGNAIS, , I Total '-Total 'Projec ' " tee Pi:lor Project DeScription Estinat ' 84...,85: 85-86 86:"87 87-88 88~89 Cede cost ,&wend EXi5end. Estimate Estimate Esti'rrate, EStimate, I 1301 :Espola, Road :ana .POWa.y Road' 120499 100Ej.f n04~5' :1' , I' " I 1\ 1,392 .~y R9adSi~~l ,Interconnect :~qdo' to' Midland 851n 58362 26749 I; I" I' 1304 PareradORoa:d, at, .'\ ,:E'i:11'eradoHospital I)56~6 ' ?Q,Ql3' '1J;.5EjI3 ii, I I , II I A9J:'IVITY'IOi'AL I 1\36 I dTY'OF PdNAY I. .__'~ "-.'~ H....' q. GAPIT.AL, IMPR,QI,7EME:~PRCX;Ri'M DETAIL i~PartmeIlt,': 'Actilfity,: FUBL-IC" SERVICES ,TRAFF'IC' !SIGNAIsCcont! d) ACTJVI'rY,c~NI'i\RX I Ij080PfIC~. INsTALIATION I " Thi.s proJect provides fortne installation of' bpticClll sIgna}; controller,s at, :fqW; ,siignaliZ' intersecfiOns. It 'lncbrles the .P'lirchas~ ,afld, !instal'~at'f9Q 9f ,t,h!O' '!}ece:s!?ary trat:fi:c ,c;on- , tfollers.and emitters. ' , . Cost Estimate - $1~,000 Ftfutii'f1g'so\lr,ce -FY, 84-85. (10,,1308) I 'General Eund$19,000 '" I '-, , I I 1\ I Ii ,: 137 I , CmY'OF: POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENrPRCGRAM DErAIL; a Depa.r'trnent: 'bf:tivity:' PUEiLiG SERVICES' .. - - ., .-.. --~ 'Ccont.'d,) .. ..' TRAFFIG:SIGNAIS Total Total, I, Project pro!iectDescr~ptfon Esti:ma tee Prior', 84,-85 85-86 '86-87 87':'88 88-89 , , Gooe :CoSt " d ' "," d ,EStfrrate Est irrate , EStiirate Estimate ' . I 1:3.0~ 0P.ticqn 'I' I,nflta.llatig,n 19060 , ~19000 il ,I I I' I I I .' I , , I , I , . 'I I I " ACrIyjTY" r01'AL $.360236 $884.39 $27]:797 6 Q '0, 0 " I 13? I CITY OF POWAY, I '....' _ _ _ __. n-__ ~ _i",,<, ~."'.."_' _ GAPIT~IMP~0VEMENI', J?RQ:?RAM. i:lETAIL Department':. Activity:' " " fUBLIGSrnVIctEs. FLOOr)'CONrROL, ii,' DRAINAGE - , ACTIVITY' CCMMEWflRX :1 1402 MARI'INCOIT R0AD Nr ,GREEN VALiEY CREEk' I This 'project is f9r1:h~ reconstruction of the 'drafnage .structUre on r-artincoit ,Ri:?d~ 'at' ,I Green ya:ney C:.reek,. '- CoSt Estimate - '~iI9,44~7 ,Funding Source! ,-, 'Ail 'Years, (,12-1:4.92) . FY'82~8J- :$ N ,818 for design 'DeYE!J;op~r~;Qrp1lct Fe<:s.' $219,4M7, ' FY83-84 -1$148',175 for constructcion FY 84-85 -$ 53~,45J f!=lr"onstru>=~.{on finaJ.'i Zati'on I .. I " I: I' '13~, 'I: GITY OP'PCNiAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENI'PRCGRAM DErAIL 'I " ,Depart:r!l2nt : A9tivij:y:, J'Q.BLlt ~ERljJ;tES Fr:.OOo CONI'ROL & D&J:$GE' 'I I ~ojecj: :pescriptfon ,Tot,al Total ,proJ~ct EstinBtec Prl'or 84,..:85 85-86 86-8,7- 87-88, 88-89 cooe :C6st EXPend EXPend. ,EStlrrate, Estlifla te Est-iiflate Est-irrete I ~49~ M3.r'tincoi t' 'at- Green Val-ley Qr~ ' , '21944i7 16599'3 5345,4, " Reco.l1!?bzl,lctld[a~.I1- " 'age, facility j:n 'I con~unctiori' with devel6pnenb ! ., I :, I: I I' ) I' , I , ii' :1 I I, , I , I 'IICTI'A:'l'Y T0I'AL $219,447 Si6599 $53454 0 0 o ' 0 I NO I CITY, OF, 'i?CNYAY CAPITAL ,IMPROI/ElolENI' ,PR<hRAM, DErAIL Depai'tinento : Act'iyi!j:y,: RlBLIC :SERVICEs "- GOVERNMENI', BUILDIN3S ACrIVITY CCt>1MENl'ARY ,1502 }lAINrENANCE'FACILITY, ,This project provides ;funds for the, rrodiflcahon ,of the former 'Fire station N:,. '2 on rake Poway, :R6ad, 'into a City 'VeJ:ticIe ?1)4mUi:~nt,1.\3:1ni;enance;Fac{iii:y;: The'conv~sion 'pro]'ect is' to:be c:anpleted' during 'tiliE! 1:984-85 fi'sca1 yeaL ' Cost Esi::'imate -$274,663 FUhafng SOUrce- )U1 Years ('30d50~:j ,. " sewer fund' $ 95,,000 Pi ,82~83 - $, 75>for,desigrl '(-Sewer" Fund} lIiimi.cipaJ, ImprovEn1enj: f~g "$ 66,,633 PY83~84 - ~ 72,439, .for,ei1girleering' and' @iter Elm4 $11:)',000 ,construction PI 84~85 ~ ,$202, lr~ for const,lillct.t9!l ,1:503 ,GITY IlA.Lr:; N6rE' Thes~ copt;s represent the :repayrrent of the picmissor,y note' acqillredt6 cbnscruct City ,Hall" Cost :Estimate; - $1,'139';773 ,Funding Source ,'"'FY 84~85. r30,,1l?.Q~) , General Fund' ,m,5,904 PY., 84"'85 - ~24}, 600' '" ..~ . ----'<'>. .~.. water Furid $ .53,,592 Sewer F:und' $ 34~>104 1505,fulMUNtTY- 8ENI'ER EXPANSION :r4is' proJ'e<;:t, ptovfd;":i'for'a grant to ,thePOway Valley SehIor Citizens Inc. for ,thepurcli~se ,of'rna:terials t::> const{uct 'a ,4',500 sq:. ft. addihon to the nutrition center;. This. project. ~s, ,canpleteil, ili FY' ~83~8:4':. ' Ccist Esttirate -, $7.7,904 :Funding'Source' ,"" .All 'Years .. ,Federal Revenue :Sharing $6$4 ;~9~ Generii1 Fund $.1t2; 995 ]506 VEHIGLE AND, Er;;lUIPMENr, lSTORAGE: BuIWIN; JNs pr9je<;:t proviqes for th~ depign apd' .,constnlct~pn of a gqrag~,~an(jsj:o;:age .facility:fbr City, vEillic.les al1d equi~nt to be locat,ed neXt to the OperatJons ,Cef\t:eJ:';. CoSt Estimate ':',$208'51:0 Furiding'SoUrce -:FY 84-85 <:30',,1506) GeneralFuhd $ 18:,360 FY,82~83 - $ :4 ,510'for 'prelirriinary deSign Water Fund', $108i,120 , (Gei1eran 'Se~ FUnd, $ 77 ,5~20 FY, :84.,.85 - $204 ,,000,fbrdesigri ,and, C9nstruction h I" " ,141 'I, CITY OFPCWI\Y CAPITAL IMPROVEMENr PR(X;RAM'DEl'MB- I :Depar;tment:, Activity: ,.roaPCSJ;:R5{ICE.$ 'G0.~' BuI:LQIN3$ 'Ii ,Total, ''l'oj:al , , ' Project pr9Ject Descqptibn Estimate<: :Pribt 8.4-'85 :85-86 86:-,87 87";88 88-89 Code COSt, EXPend EXDend" ,EStlirBte ESt'iitate EStimate EStimate I T502, 'Maintenance' 'Facilit\ .274633' '7,2514 20,21],:9 ~I , I' ... ' , " l " I 15Q3, C1ji'y; Hall. ~t~ iJ:i3~97'n 78467H 243600 111500 , ~. ' I I, 1505 ca:cmunitY; Cent,~ 'I' Expahsion 77904 7790.4 , .. I " I , 1596 'Vehi"ie ~ ~fXl!=~t ~tc~rag~ Bui:):dj.'!!g 208510 45JO; i6A'b.oo I I, , I , I , ACrIVIT-ywrAL I I , 14,2 I GITI OF~ PJilAY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENr"PR6;RAM DEl'l'\IL, Department: Activ.ity: - ' ,RlEW;; SERVrGEs GOVERNMENl'iBUILDIN::iS (corit,'dl , ACrIVITY CQ\1MENrARY, lSIl F:UEIiIN::i ,FACILITY AT THE, ,OPEAATI0NS ,GE&rER This project 'Provi~ fqr i:nstall(ij:i,on ?f ~uE!lingta.pksi :and reThted,~w:.pnent at tlie, 0perations, <;!ent~r.. Design,' aI1d, construction ls s,clied,iiled ,for. 1984-1985. 80st Estimate -$~2,,(iOO EUnairig ,Source ... FY :84-85' (130'-15Il,) " -. ~~'.1. ,- -., General :Fund. $.10,.51fi ,Ioater ;Fund $1:7 0'71 ' .'_'~'. J',... -'''''_ .S~e)' FYffi $1'4,353, 1512 SENIOR CITI:ZEN ,ADDrrION: 'This' ,p'ro~ect provides for the RUfchase of l@ter'~aJs ,1:0 use inti!~ c;onstruct.Jon of a foUrtgei 'area and, conference ,room fqJ:' SlIlall ,!l!=e!cings neXt. to 'the Senior .Git-tzeilS, .off~cie' area. Tne project wi~l be constructed ~ith volunJeer ~~bor. ;Goot Estimate. ,,- :$40,,O,QO FUndirig ;Sburce,~ EY'84~8S' (13-1512 ) Federal Revenue Shari!ng: $40.'IQ()0, ~ -" " - I I -I I -, I I '." 143 I; 9J'l'Y' 0F pcw)W , _. _..,"h _, _'~'" ". . _._ . _ . _.. ,'~ . " ' ' GAEITbL I~R01lEMENI' PRCG~,DEI'f;.IL I Depcirtinent:: Actl'lIi ty,: , RlBillc SERVICES' ,G0VERNMENr ,OOIWI~S' (cont,laT I' 'Tota'l " Toj:ql, , Pr<oj~t: .['rojectDescripttol} ES~ill'<lteC ,J?r,io1'8f1-85, 8,;;-'86' 86~il7 ,jlJ-'88 , 8~8"'89 Code . €cst EXpend. 'ExpE!nd' 'Estimate, Estimace Estimate Estimate 1 " .' " " " . IS'll FileTingFaci.lity' 4200042000 'I: . '. ., [ .i r ,1512 Senior Center I ' ~ AariTtioh,'" '4000040000 I; I' I ' '.' , : i '. 'I I I ,AcrIVITY TOl'AL, ' $1'78~820, '$,~3,9~0) $;731?19$ll,150,O 0 Q 0. .1 144 I CITY' OF PCWAY . ~.,"-. - . - ~ " ,CAPITAL' 'IMPROVEMENT' P~~RA!'1".Q~III'L I .Departrnent.: Actiyict.y,: CCMMUNITYSERVrGEs PARKS' '00 ,OPEN SPACE A8rIVITYCCMMENrAR'{ 1603 'lAKE PfJ/IAY WEST,EXPANSION This, ,pr()jectpr.ovide? ,for:: 'th~ ,<0l}str\lcti9r! ,of the ,ITnilt'ipiitpose,b3:11field ,ana. eritfysta.tion i't: ~~ ~aYPap~ c!iJriryg FY 82-83. Dliriij9'; F:Y '83'-8'1 ,the baCkst<?p, T,ights, scoreboards 'an~ 9:tl1er, irrpr()vE!J!l"!n,t,s, for 'tne nillltipur~se, ,funUeld were purchqsed' ancI insJ.cQ,].ed, C6sfEst1mate - $4'12 (1'77 F,unding, Source '" AJ:IYears. 'IT :8lc-82 - $ 66,777 (Davis; Gi:i.ihsky) , Davis/Gruris!<y ,Funds $145,00 FY,82-83 - $180,;875' :($66',917 PEoo" $78,/223 DIG, t>ai:kiafld pedication Fe.,;s :$, .58',26 , -- --., ~ .. '. > ,$35:168' IDE" $567 General) E>Lq) 'F1li1ds\ :$, 65:,-305 ,FY83'-tf4'~ ,,$194,,525 ($~1,486PDF:, H73,:6~,rGel1erau. General: Fund ,IDa:h$l73', 46 , , l!6Q6 'ID'/AycOOtlNrrYPARK IMPROVDlENT' , Tqi,s'pr9;Ject ,p,rov1des,for :thel-BsterPlan, 'irrpro'!-erref.ltsat the, Com,rtunicy~rK"iJl.cl~ihg 'OOppletioi) of the landscaping and wal~ys, laQds~piDg of ~h!!,entryroa,t and parking rot: medians; construction 6f' a" storage ,faci-};jty', a l:end,;Cqpe 'l1B!:nt~gance' ,facility and the, c:i::inst:rucfi6n 'of a t"empciraryparking lot to' provide! .for overflow, crowds:. 'DUring FY' 84..,85, picnid:abl~and l5aibecuesi wlIi. be {n!3t<i.ned~ ' ", . , - ,Cost Estimate ~ $2~~"i49 FuiJdimj SoUte€!' ~'FY .8'1;",85 (;1l-16Q6.) , , ,RQssTrust $ c2,000 IT' 83"'84, - '$ 56; 239 'for construction and Generai'FuQd)43.n .',...", - $26,(2.34, ...... . . ... J lahdcapiilg (Ross' $4,257 and ,Iiarkia,I1d ~!cat.iQn 'Fees '29,759 Geileral.Fund '$51,9821> -, , " FY'84-85- $ 57;-99'3 F,Y' 85-'86 - :$~30o,9l'7 I, I ill , 'I, CITY OF ~y , ' CAPITAt iMPR~VEMiNI' PR.CGW\M;DErAU;, 'I" '[iepar,tme1}t:.: Activity: ' , ,C~iT~ 'SJ;;RVICES PARKS ,AND OPEN 'SPACE Tbta:lTotal .. pr6iiect Project, Descriptibn EStimate< Prior 84~8S, ',8?~86 ?,?:":87 87,-88 '88-8'9 Cooe Cost ',Expend. ,Exoend. . Estimate, EsUrffite, EStimate ,EStimate .' 16Q3! lake Pa:#ay VJ?St , ~'" , " 'Expaflsjon '4'42177 .442i77 , I' ',.' 0 , , . 1, ~ I 1606 'PoWayc&riiUility I Park randSc:aping ;34.5.1:49 5.6239' S}99.3 '2309!? 'I' "~I ' , , 'I' I, I . I; "I '. ' , II ' . ,ACTIVJTYTOT~ . I 146 '- :CITYOP,tx::!tlAY. CAPITALIMPROv&'lENl'PRc::GRAMDE:I'AIL Depar\t.meht: A"Uvi:ty: COOuNITY SERVIGES PARKS ,AND .OPEN SPACE (cont;'d) ACl'IVITY COl'MENI'ARY 1611 ,IAKE,PCWAYPARK IMPR01JEMENl'S 'This pr9jectprovides fgr: '1ohe, devel()~nt' ,o.n the, ~est sidEi,of 'the park.. inClwing lah,d- scaping, developing an equestrian ,staging ,area; ifght'i!ng;, p1'mdng lots" teriodeli'ng rest-, r~ apd cQ!l~~ssio'l bll.flillng,aI1Cl' d:tne., f~'cilittestciliaX1mrze the us~g-e of ,the park.. CoSt Estimate, - ~$i7i]9~,:243, Runding- ISource " FY 84,..85: ~,I3'-lf5,r!) , " General 'Fund $ 5 ;000' ,FY 83-84 - $'B, 2H .for design [Parkland Revenu!=S~qril1g $761,:0'00 . ,DedicaHon, Fees,j py- 84,..85 '" ~'766:;000 'for'con<;t~uctj'OI1 (~erai XUl1d)' 1612 El;jtJEsTRI:AN ,ANDHIKfN:> TRAILS, fl\.E!Qa,i!1 wi):l con,s:lst of aJ1 eastjwestttail begiJiini:flg at thePcMaY 'Val'IeyRiders As?oC~ation area, that l~wii1, cross Twin ,PeakS and run along- the north side, of 'l'winPeaks ,.and _ Camino del Norte'tO"Pctreraao ROad. CoSt Estima:te - ,?:I25,000 Funding ,Source ..., F1Y 84-'85 (1l-l6flJ~ ' 'G~~al FUJ1d ,LOan $15,000 16ij ,BIl-1. TRALIs ~. Th.Ls, is a fOUr'-r;:hase "PL'Oject to c'ohstnict trails in accordance with an agreemenbsigned 9Y,' tiie City w'fth tneBureau of, Lind Miiilagerrent. 'The fkst trqj.:l, wa,s 'f!?€! ~. WOQdSon, T..r;a,i1 ,cdppletE<l, earlY ,in '1984~ The second .trafl is Iron MOuntain which.was completed ,in 'October" 1984-. !'l'he:thifd ,Phase j.s :FostEfr Truck. 'and ,Dos Henna Trails ,scheduled for- Sept:enioer 9f 1985. Green, VaHey TraU is thel fi'ilaltrail ,sl?ted for c,omplet,ign in SeptE!lllber9f 198.€i. ,Cost ,EstIirBte' - $,181'068' ,Funding Source I'-FY 84,-,85 (Ii""1.6k~]L" ' ~ef.a~ .F'Uf1.d L()an $5,,60,0 . 'FY: 83-84 -$ 968' ,FY'8~~85 '" $5',6.90 I ~fY B~'-?€i, - $,},}.99 I '" ""''' - 1llt2" . I I " '. , \ I ~7 :1" CITY0EP&AY' '~;r1AL, IMPR0~ PRC:G1W1 DEI'AJ;L I'Depaftiient': Activity: , " CCMlUNITY SERVICES 'pARKs ,AND, OPEN SpACE (cont,'d) I' Total ",pfbjec Project Description Estl~t '85'-86 , 86-8'7 87-88 '88:-89 Code Cost Estimate EstimiiteEstimiite: Estimate 'I: i:611, ,LaJ<ePg.fayParK , ! rrnproverents, 7'7,9243, I3243 766000 :1; ,I , . ., 'I" , ,:l!6l-2 EqueiOtr,ian and , ' Htking ,Trails 15000 I?OQO I ~ ; " J :1: ,I' 1613' ' BIM Trails;180~8 , 96~, 5,609 '3300 8200 ,. I I ~I 'I A I / , ' ~ I ,ACTIVITY' ,TOl'AL $1599637$512,621 $8~4'459J $,23'1211$8,200' 0 / " / I < , " ~ ~48 I CITY'0F'PO.'/AY CAPITAL IMPROV&'1ENT'PRCGRAM DErAIL Departmeilt :, Activity,:' FUBLIC SERVICES' WATER IMPROVEMENT'S - ACTIVITY CCMMENI'ARY l'70ICLEARWELL 80VER This'project' provided iL Hoating cover for the' rO:.Mj treated, water storage xeservoir - _ . ,'i . ,:. _. . ~. _' '.,' -. -., .-'-'__ _ , ,- ,. . - -._....., . ': A' r--.:<..' adJacent' lioline ,watef,treal:rrEnt plant on i4J<e;PowaY 'Road ,andwgs coanplet,es1 i'p F,Y '83~84; 8cst -Estimate " $571,7,o6 :F\iriding Source, - All Years, W3ter :Fliha., $:;71,796 EY8!l:-82' -$45,681 (design) IT 82-,in - '$,i3Sfl ldesi\tn) FY 83"84, -'$502 754 for Coilstruction,and,surveying ~ / ., I 149 '. GITY OFWfNAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENr PRCGRAM DErAID ;1' Qepatt:rrent: Activity: PUBLIC SERVICES wA,~ER IMPROvEMENrS I Total Total P.tS~~ect ,Pr9ject, DesCS:iptioll E:,st'i.'rIl3,teC Prior. 84-85 '85'-:86 86-'87' ,87-88 '88'<89 Cooe Coot ExDefld. ,EXPend. ,Est-iniate Estimate 'Est-ima te Estimate -, I' ,17,01, Cleaj:"We:r:r Cover 571706 '571706 I: :1; I- I ,I ~ I I :1 I :. j I I~ ,I I , , I ~CTtVITYTQl'-%L $57,170'6 $.Sti70E . 0 0 0 0 0 , I " I ,150 CITY OF PfJilA'l d>.Pj:~bL ,ri1Pl3O~'Pfu;x;BAi1liEI'Ai):, ~tioonti ACtivity: FUBLICSERVICES ,SEWER' ,rMPROVEMENrS Co .. ACT~TY~~Y; 18~oi PEWiSQUrrosSEWER, SYSTE1{ cAPACITY Tnfs prbgram ;-iill 'prolii'de 'for the increase 'of I mi':ll1cifl gallons aday,(M3J)l Capacilfy in, :the' P8i1ilsqu{tos: 'se.eriSystem" Which wilLbring the totqL caf"ld1iyto 5 z-GD. Cost, Estimate ,- ,$710,9_00 " . ~ _ < . '- ,- , ,- ~,- . ~. Ii-. , Fundinq, ,SOurce - FY '84,c85 ,(~I-;L~Of) sewerFuild '$710,000 I I, 151 '. , efTY, 'OF ~y' ... ".' - ~ .. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PR();RAM DErAIL ii' .DepaJ:it:rnent: ActTv~ty: , , PUBLIC:SERVIGES SEWER IMPRb\iEMENrs 'I, 1'91:al 'Total ' Proj~t l?rog~ct QE!scpipt:iop EStirna.tee Pri'or, 84-;85 85-86 86":87 87-8888.,.8'9 Code . Cost ' : d-; ,Exoerld. Estimate Estimate ,'Estimate, ',Estimate ,I '];801 : Pehasquitos , SeWer '. System Capacity q'lOQOO '7l,b,Qo,o, , ~I Ii :. , I 'I ' , . I l' ,I' I '.1' 'I' I I , 'I !'Cl'IvITY, 'rorAU ,$710000 0 '$710bbb: 0 9 :0 0 . -.. 'I I, 1 . ,I I, 1 I 1 I ,. I 1 :1 I I I I I FaoIAY REDE.VEIDPMENr AGEOCYFlNAN::IAL PRCGRAM:: 198,4-1985 ,~,._- --;. -. .... ~ ,... -..._'. -... ~: ~,' -", "."""""~ ;;'-'-'-" ~~ OF ,FUND Bl'lLAKZESANDRESEJ:WES' I ;1 K-WAy RE[lJNEI:DPMENr ~ :1-:-' U1 ",.. STATEMENr OF FUND '~'A,NI) 'RESE:RVE:S 'Aceum - Funds, Available 198,4-1985, Prpposed EXP,=ndit:iJ.res FUnd - . d - , Fun Approp FIihd Balance and' as of, &lIance, :kevenues CClRf tal Trarls'fets' Reserves 61.30/84 7/.];184 ~ = ~" .,.. ~--'- ,Adrni.nst:tatiori 1,984,.,19!,l5 projeCts Out/ (In) 6/30/85 _ t.._ _.. -. ' - - - - <':CIJlllunily. ' i3edey~lofl!l811t - Ag~nc:y , ,Adrrillrii~tratiqr (i4,636) 0 235,435 188 ,'617 Q l1811.,61'lj 220",799 Iirpr6vffieht: .. Projects! 0 ,0 :0 0 1;529 !,500. (1,529,500) '0, .. .. . ~ ,C1ty F~qs <Ifla}l) 0 0 0 D. 0 l:, 7111"it7 0 . GraQts 0 0 512,000 0 512,00'0 d " \ , . TCJl'M :.$(14,,636) 0 nn,435 $188.,6I7. $2,04,1,5()0 0 ,$220,799, - .. , :- - '-, - :- - ,- :- - -' - '-, ,- -, - - - .' - ,I 155~ :1 ?@IA~ BillEVEwPMEl'!1' AGEOCY' , 1 CCM1UNITY 'REDEVEL0PMENl' AGEN:::Y -ADMINISTRATION , , 19,8?~19:B3 i983"'1984 1983:-198il 1984-1985) 1984-1985 PROposEb "',,""'}.' ."-' '.- 1 ACTUAL B8LGEI' ESTIMATED APPR8IlED ,F,UND ACl'IVITY. 'DErAIL I BEX;INNIN3' BALANCE - '- - - - , ' 'I .:ttily' 1 R~yen!les - - - $2:?0,1~2 $235,435, 1 Prior Years 'I\pprqpriation, - - - - <14,636) T8l'AL FUNDSAVPJEABLE - '- - ~27 0 ,182 ~220,,799 I, ,EXPENDITuREs Opera.ti!ng' EJcpense~)' ' . ' "- $15~,'700 $174,336' $18861:7 $188,61~ I: Redev:e,lop1!en,!:: - ~, . , - 1 'Capital 'ptojects: Streets and Hignways - ,- - - - Traffic! Signals ' "" - c- - ~ F~ood Contr~l a!)d bra,inage, - -, - .' I Gover}lf[el1t- Bui ~dil)g" .- -, -, - - Par~,and,OpeniSpace ,- ,- - - - SUbtotal - '- - - - I, 'TgrAL 'EXPENDLTl:JRE's, $15~ ,'700 $17,4 , ')3~' $188,617 g88,.617 I ,:rRANS.FERS!LOANS-In (l'lutiJ> I. ~11 frO!" city ,- $159,700 $159,,700 $188,617 $188,617' , TOI'ALTAANSFERs;/~S' - $159.,700' $159;,760 $18'8,61'7 'S188', 61'7 1 ,I, yarAI, bPPROPRIATED FufujS - - <14',636) ,$27Q,182 $229,,799 I, ENolf,x; "BALANCE 'I June 30 I, I J!56 Pa'/AY' 'REDEVELoPMENr AG~ cCMMUNf'!'Y ,REDE-"iEWl'MENi'-l,',GE~' - Q\PtTAL,PFOJIrrS 1982-:L9831983~I984 1983,...:L984 1984-1985 1984"'198,5 ,ACl'UAL ,BUIX;ET ESTIMATED' 'PROPOSED APPROvED 'FUND, ,ACTIVITY DErAIL' BEX;INNIN3 BAIl\NCE. july" 1 ~~~ , Pri;,or 'Y_eats Aj?proprfati'bn , TOl'AL 'F,UNDS AVAIGA.BLE, EXPENDITURES Cpefatil1g ~D"S.e?: RErl~veloPJE!l1: capit:alPr6jects: _ ,.. _ . SfreetsandHighways ,... - -, ;$602; 000$602 ;:00 TtafficSignals - - - 22; 500 22,/50 Fl00dCohtrolana Dra_il)age - -, - 23,000 23,000' GOverruwnt;: Bu~:~(lj!!)gs - - - '82,000 '82;09 I'iirl5. anCi Open Space, --" - ;800,000, 800:,00 SUbtotal ~,... --,' $1 529' 500 " -" - - , -~-~, TOI'ALEXPENDITURES- , , - $1,529',50'0, TRANSFERS/WANS-Ih (Qut'J' LOan, ftCrriCity: -' - ~ $1,'529,'500, TCJI'AL ,TRANSFERS!IDANS ,- - - :$1,529,;500 TOI'AL,APPROPRIATEDFUNDS - -,... -, ENDIN:;, l3ALAocE "ll!!e 3 0 I" I 157 I :F@lAY REDEVELOPMENT, .AGENCY I c:tMMuNIT,YREDE\iEtf)PMENr ;AGENCY ,... GRANI'1 FUNDS " 1982-"1983, 1983'-:i984 1983-'1984 19,84:,1,9~5' 19!1,4-:r9~5 I ,AcrUAL., l3l:lLGEl', ESTIMATED PROP€SED APPROVED, F,UND, ACTtVITY' DErAIL I BEX;INNIN3 ~ JUly' 1 -, ,- - - - I Revenues ~, ,- ,- $51..2,,000, $5f'2 , o'b 0 I Prior' 'Years'Appropr.i~hon ,- - -' - Wl'AL FONDS' 'AVAILABLE $5J:2,000 $512,000 - - - - ,- _"_.. .1 _ _ 0._ I EXPENDITURES OpeiatingEXpenses :' I ,I Capital proJeC~ts; ~3~1,:S06 Stteets'~Qd,Highway~ -, - -, $?,81'200 Tt-affic, 'Sigrials - - - l!27,500 12'7,,500' I TOtalptoj~ts ....; ~ - - $512,600 $512,000 I TOI'AL, E:XPENDITURES -, - - $51:~JOQO $512,000 TAANSFERS,zIlJANS:'" In (Oilt') I Loan,frOl1!City I TOrAL, TRANSFERS/W\Ns I I 'I'OI'AL APPFQPRI.A'TED EiJNQs - - ,- . , - ENDIN:3: 'BAlANCE I June 30 1,1 'I I I', ,I I' ,I ,I ,I ' I I, J I . . I' I I I I -, I I / I , lOiAY RIDF.VEIDFMENr,'1\GENCYF'i:NANCl:AL m:JGRJiM: 1984'-1985 ,-, . .-- --. - . - '.' ' -,. ,. - . -" ~. '." .', ., , Rl'.'VEWES BYroNoS AND 9XlRCES I I I 160 fXJffAY RED~PMENl' AGEN:Y " I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I, 198:3~1984 ,1'983-1984 1984--1985 12?4-),9?5i ...-,*<--. ,- . -" _:n. _'L_._, I BUDGET' ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED I' CCMMUNITY REDEVEWPMENT I AGEN:Y ACMINISTRATlVE FUND - 39 7010 PropertyTax~Increment $270,182 I - - $235,435 " 7401 Revenue other.Agencies $159,700 $159,,700 - - I Total $1.59,700 $159,700 , $270,182 $235:.4.35 I, , CDBG FUND -: 14 , 7473 CDB3-"8th Yeu - - $104,900 $1'04,,909 I 7477 CDBG-9th Year - - 196;'100 196i~ 100 7478 CDBG-IOth Yeu - - 83',500 83;500 SUbtotal - - $384,500 $384,500 I GRANT FUNDS ~ 15-19 I '7456 :Grant Rfi!venue - FAU - - $127, sob $1ir; sob I Subtotal - - $127'500 $127,500 Total Grant.Funds - - $512,000 $512,000 I I I REVEI'UE GRAND TClJ'AL $159,}00 $159,700 ,$782,,;i,82 $747,43:; I I I I' - ~'~ m' .-'l I, ...' CD " ~fi ui ~~ .,~ ~I i~ : . - ~'~ , .,~.,' I' .. I 1 '~. \ .. ,- , .. '- c " " , '- " ... . ."" ", - - .. . -, -. ..._. -... _. - _1_.- ------ >-' '" tv CITY COUNCIL PIANNING COMMiSSION 010 . REDE\1EwPMENT AGENCY 5005 , .. CITY CITY CITY ATTORNEY MANAGER CLERK/ TREAsUJ3ER " 012 013 011 , ,- 0, ADMINISTRATIVE CDMMUNITY PIANNING PUBLIC SAFE.TY - . SERVICES' , SERVICES SERvrCES SERVICES SERVICES 10.0 '200 300 - 40.0 500 5005 PavAY REDEVELOPMENT N'~CY J:\t:MINISTRATioN _--:r. " ~-"-- ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -: .. ',";.:; ~" ,I . 163 I -, , .. - 8I'l'Y OF.',~Y " OEPi>.R~La.cTrVfTY OVERvlEW . .. . -.. ,..- ~'ll, - -.< _. ..- : '~ , ,F\ihd',Oisttioiltfon: " , , . Dept. 'Cdd~ DepartInent : . I, , " Poway Redevel~r ment Aaencv' Carmun,ity ~eqevelop:nent ~g~_cy' , 5005 'Administrative Fund: $188,'617 ,1:982-1983 . 1983,1984 ..... . 1984-1985' I 1':XPENSE 1983-1984 1984-1985 CLASSIFICI',TION ACTOI',"[.. BUIX;ET ESTIMATED P'mPOsm ~P<KJV8D , '. . ';Total Positions - , -, " - - -, ; Personnel Expense .. , - iO,524 27,925 l. 5,400 27,925, , " - . " 'J Opeiations . , 154,300. ,- 163 812 160,692 160,692 -'. '......- 1 and Maintenance , ~pital OUtlay , - - " , :1 .. . , . . , 'IDI'I',L Bt:Jti;Er, - ,$159,700, ' ,$174,336 $188,617 $188 ;617 I; " - , ;<M;Ri1Thw ~RX' - I - , , The Poviay ~edevelopnent}"gencywas:~fo,rrnally ~tablisJ1ed .on IIpril26, 1983, when the city'Council adopted Ordinance NO; 96. .a.fter ah,extensIve review, and sUrvey I, of the projei::t area bY.,the. ,Redeveloprent 'Projectltrea- ,Mvisoty Cdilni ttee and the City Couricil,the Paguay~edevelopnent Project was adopted in December of 1983. The ..gency functions undertheauthotity granted by ~Sectfon 33000 et. seq. of .. the CaliforniaH"",Ytih and?afety Code. ' . I , - The, Redevelopneni:"g~cy I s ,primary ,purpo~e. ,is to prepare rang ~eci1te plans de- , sigl1ed to, adcJi;ess blighting1.c:9nditions within the, City., This year's budget. - I, . begins therfirst .full year of' activity,of a rmilt{yearprogram designe4 to in\- lement, the, provisions of ,the Pag1iay ~edeveroPnent"Plan. -'The administrative 6petaJiin'r expense costs advanced to the I',gency"'bY.,the' City of Poway for :staff s:erviceS;:and'"othef 'bperating expenditUreS ''l'UI be i~i.mbuised to the City ,oot, , I' of futUre. i,ricr€merit:'rri:mies: ' " ,.. . , I - " l I -. - I' 1 1 ;"' ..Ll'~ - " .. CITY ,OF PC1ilAY " I .' DEPAR'll1ENTAL. ACTIVITY 'DEI'AIL ~ .. .. " I- 'DepattIrent: - , Activity: Activij;y , 'Code:' - .. I Powav Redeveloareiito. Aaencv Ai::lencv 'AdminiStratIon. , 5005 ." " .. .. llCTIVITY <:x:HmNrARY , , I ACTIVITY ,DESCRIPTION .. , Within this ac;tivity are budgetednpnies tg, provide for, the CJverall ~gerreI1t ~d I. administration of tj:le 'Pow,ayRedevelo~t Agency.' The acti v~ty is, tUIiged 'out of the; Red.evelo~t !\gerl9Y's Special 'Administrative Fund as authoriied pUrsuant to Section 33613 of . the Health. and SafetyCodebf tlle State of California and is established tq, ' rreet the lopetatfonal expenses of ;the p,geney., , ': 1 The pi1rpcise of tI'le administrative '~9tivity is"to ensure that,a prograJll.ofJl~unci g~cil1 managerrent is provided..to the",1\gencycCJnsistent with accepted practicesandprbCedlires 1 required' by the 'Ca:rmUnity Redevel:opne.Ot r.aW:~ ' " ' Pers9nne1 :services, which include rtanagerrent, support ,ar,e 'provided.. to",the Agency' by the staff, of the City and by, a' consultant. These Personnel seWkes, 'together. with, I the expenses required ~to. disseminate redevelopmnt,inforIDation ,iIDd the Various 'other expenses'requisite to, the AgenCy'os operat~ons, are loaned to th5! Agen(:y<frq:t\ the ' City"s General Fund and will be r~id tb the City frCill future Agency funds. , 'I , sIGNIFlCANTJ.\CTIVlTY PRCX;RAM CHANGES CHAN3E The increase costs for'legal fees, 'travel,artd; ,,' + $' 3,,965' , , I reetiIlgs, postage, and printingdeflect tne '" actual costs foithe ,Agency's first ,full 'year ' 'I. of operation., ' , , 1 Redevel6>Eerit COOrdinator - While the 'Gonsult.?r1t' s "~ $19',091 '~1 services are added to the payroll syst~ resulting, , 'I in an increase,cost,of$20,725'to the'pi:rsonnel services, this "hange is offset by, adeCreasi; of ' ; $39,816 in the 'special studies account,rnost' of ,.' , ' " I which is 'attributable to 'this sWf'ing.:change. , ". , Tax Incrernent-<:ounty - Represents' a ,furiding , . +$28-000" " .,.- allocation toihe County of San, Diego.'" 'I " .' 1 , " l l,l . 1 , .. I . 165 I " - . , ,CITY,OF ~y , [)EPARI'MENrAL ACrIVITY DErAIL , I Depar~~t: . 'Activity:,' Actinty .." , Poway Redevelopnent Code: I' ,Red. .evel0J:ment Aqencv "...:, ">qe.ncV 1iidrriinistrahon 5005 Obj. ' " 1983 8,4' 1983":'84 1984""85 1984 85 Code . Exoense Classification, ',Budget' .Estimated PrOlJOsed Approved , Personnel 'ExPense I' Ra.riqe Position ,Titre , , Agency Meml:lers (5), 5,400 5,040 7,200 7,200 ,I ROOevelogrentProject ' , Coordinator. ' - 4,523 16,800 16,800 . . ~I ll~,sa.laries -SpeCial 5 ;.400" 9,563 24,000, 24,000 . 120 Fringe Benefits' - .961 3,925 3,925 I .' '.' ' - Total Personnel "5,400 10,524 27',925 27,925 I OPeratlOnsand Ma~ntenance' , . 1~1 Iffl'a.'.l Fees ' ' "20,250 21,07~ 25,200 25,200 ...../......'4 .-.-: t44 Audit ServiCes 5,000 -. 5,000 5,.000 I' ,148 Special Studies . ,:~5,00'0 65,53,2 28,200 28,20.Q . 260 Reimbursed Mileage, 2, 700 . '836 504 5.Q4 ,270 Travel &, Meetings' : :500 1,136 2,688' 2,688 :1, 2,80. r.e:g.alNotices/AdV~iSing 1,6cfo 4,2P 1,50() 1,590 , ,~82 Pqst.age '4,.500 3,120 2,090 2,000 .. '311 Pr'#iting, '" '1,000 5,675, 6,000 '6,000 ' , 315 Publications & Dues "350. 450 900 ' 900 'I' 4h Offfce& ~1:iitionary Supplies 300 590 500' 500 " 413 Photographic Supplies 200 96" 200 200 '523 Othei,Fees . '3,500 3,350' - - "I~ 625 Tax' lricr6rent "" CountY., "'" , , ,.:. 28,OQO 28,000 I .560 Admipistrat~on(S,taff Tlme" 50,'OQO 51-;741 60,000 60,000 .. - .. ,,' Total OPera:tionsand ,Maintenance 154~ 300' ,163,8]:2 '160.692, 160.692 ',CaPital iOutl'ay .1'" , " , . 'I" l; I ,', . ',Total', <::apitaL'Outlay - - - - :1., ".' Act~v~ty Total $159,700 $174",336 $188,617 $188,617 I I' ,I: 'I , ;1' 'I: .1 .. I I' I I I: I' '. I ' ' Ii 'I' ,. I: I, I ~'REDE.'I1EIt1~ ~L 19~.4"-.l985' , , CAPIT~ IMPRlJIlEz.!ENl PRCGRAM " ,I " , l 168' I" , -roNAY REDEVElDPMENT ,AGENCY CAPITAL', IMPROVEMENr PRcGRAM. OVERVIEW REvENuE. AND EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS' I' PCIilAY REDEVElDPMENT ,AGENCY' I, SCORCE AND APPLICATION0F FUNDSi I, FISGAL' YEAR" ,1984~1985 FUNDIN:; soURcES' I, " ~veiogl'leQtoFi.mg: 'I .- ~uni,'ty QeveI6ment Block Grant $ 384,500 .FEjderalAid ,t.6 Uibarf 121,500 CitY; LOans r, ~2~" 500 ;1 General, Ftirta $1,506,500 Drainage Filiid, $ 23,000 1,,529.,'500 I , 'TOTAL $2.;041,:500 " I :1: '1_ FUNDlib .APPLICATION 'I ~ S.tr~t. .~<:l HighWays, $986;500 I T1;afnc slgnels ,n , 150.;:000 FJ:oo,IControl and Drainage' 23,000 Gbv~nment Bu,frcif'ngsl ' 82,.000 'I ' , Parks ,andOpel1, Spaces, 800,'000 ~ . 'I " '$2,041,500 I: .~." 'I ' , 'I " j', , I I 1!69 I .rowAY 'REDE\1EIDPMENl' AGENCY" GAPITAL, IMPROVEMENl' PR(x;RAMOVERVIEW' :1 Depal;~.t,: 'I' CAPITAL,rMPRoVEME:NT PRCGRAM . T()~l ' Activity: 'Classffi'catioh, ~ . ~ ToEa'!, ,EStimated 'l'6tal prior 1~84-1985 ,Cdnbineci. o;;.m{;/rements, ~ " ditures, .. ai'ture~ :Exnendftures' ,I ,$1,863",500 streets' &' Highways, -' $986,500 $986,500 'I 150,QO.0 TraftJc ?igi)!l,Is -' I~O,OOO 150,900 i ,,793,00'0 gloog; Control ~ i;>raipage - 23,000 2'3",00,0 1,1': ,3,832;,000 Go\termrent ,Bliildi'ngs -, 82',000 82,0'00 , 800,000 parks: and CJpen S]?ace - 800,000 800,,000 I ~75,"9bo Wa.~erIn;>r;9,,~ts ~~, -, - 106,00,0 S,ewer: 'IrrProverrent.s , - I , ~ '$1:5',019,500 TOI'ALBUCGET. - $2;041';500 ' '$2,041,500 I , :, I , .. 0liERyrEl'i ~~y i '(~e~y~~~iot:rre!)tMency ''e capital :In;>EolTerrent, Prbgfam ':represen~an ef,:€or"t to . ,;\ cilloc,ate ):,he potential ,firianCial resourc;es ,of tpe Ag~cy 'in ,a 'rnarJ,!l~'l'lhich" \0(.111 benefit the 'RagiiaYProj~ Area. Contaihed 'witl!i'n, the' Agency,ts ~rk., progr;am ,ar~ I ,prc~)ects deSignea:to eradicate brightiI1g 'Coiiditrons outt'ined,.in pagiiay'Redeveloprent ,PIan. ' ' ....' ,I Jh~ project:sdescribed,in'this budgeb~all intq the,following,fivema~or'categories: ~tr~~t:.s ,~d !iig!!ways" Traffic ~jgnaisd'lqod ~ntrol; ai1? Drainag~, Government BliHdings" and, parksJand'~ Space; Thepa,ges that, follow cover the,RedeveIoprent, ~~<;Y "~ fiv~:";y;;'''r gqpii;aJ, lnipro\7~f. ,progr~ 'o/h~ch will,"qe ~tedaimulliy'. $ar!=, I, o~; the~jo:r c;qpit:a,l 'iI!1Pf6v~t? ,to" be!!Ilder~~ duri?,g,th~ 'fir;~t year of~his 'PFograll\ rn<e:l,uCie a carm\l!l.lty SW.ll11n,:l,ng pool at t!l~ CcJ:\nIurutY,E'ark." t,he ~letroll pf the P9Way Road;,rne<lians",iIrpr:ov~t.S' <tolt:Jie,~ciuth" ~idepf ,~~n ,~ Road, and Me I: ,installation ofa ,trafJicsi'3'hai at"TWi:nPeaks"ROad and Minl":nq ,!<<Ja.d. The ptqj~ts Cbnj:a,ined ,in the tIve,;:-year :CiiPi tql lIlproY~t:- 'PrQ9'rar.!l are, proP9sed t9 ~ ~f),lIld@ thI:ough loans :frari the City; ,federal flindS fraIl, :fl:1e .CannUl1i,ty >DeyeI9~t ,I Brock iGrant Program or any :other federal program, state'"'~unded :2I'ograjns and the 'RecleveI6J;111'ilit 14'ericybondS. The l'ijencY anticipates ,issUing; bonds ,auri'hg,the . 198s~1986 ffsCaI year. ',The aIiOlint, of the l50nd issue and theptojects to, befuhdecL 'I' will de~nd on the potentiaitqx incren'ellt ~V<ii4blelto :repay the prinCipal arid iI!€.e!rest. ' I ~~ad~c€d, i;o't,he,!l.e!Clevelo!;llenj:Ag~CyCapita!L !Inproy~t. 'prograII\:wilLbe reirtlDufsed to the. Cifyof'POWay out of' futUre'taX increment Il'Oni~s.- :1 '" :. ' ' 116 " ,\ REOEVEI1)P~ AGENCY CAPITAL TMPROVEMEN!' PRCX;RI\M: DErAIL Depar~ti ACHvi'ty,: REDEVEWPMENr, AGENCY SI'RIillrs 'AND HiGHWAYSi 'l\cjIVITY 80MMENi'ARY 5iol SIDOOLK', dJRBS" AND El;lUE'STRIAN/HIIHN3 'TRAIL ON" SOOTH 'SIDE ,OF ''IWIN.PEAKS;:OOAD, ,This project provid6S' ,for. the, design' and lconsguctX9n ot 1i12e~ IS,id~I]{" c;ur_~, egt!e~t,r~an and fiiki'iigl trail, fencing, J:andsC3.pingl" ,and l19i..s~ ilttenua~ion v,rctCJ..l.for th~(il1ill 'right~f-, " way, aJ..6ngthe sOuth ,side of Twin. Peaksil,oag f.;:Cll!, the, Ra!\cP.o:AJ:'bolitos supdivisiof:11oo M.idland Ro<;1d. The design\~d 'engin~rim fqr the pr8j~t an.d ~he, constr,qction of" a}~)r~ion:of thE:, ,norse attenuat:lonwaH ,are proposed for PY,84-85,. It, rs proposed 'that the rerrarndei of the; pr()jecj: wj,liL" be S:O,nsi;ry,ci:e<i 'bn IT 85..![6;, ' ", ' Cost :Estimate -"$84'7,0'00 FUiidihq 'SOurce ~ 'py 84-'85' 'I: GeneralFuridIDan $166',OQO py 84-85 - $166,600 (design '$70,250, cOnstruction :$95',,'750:) " I , - - - --".- ,I PY:85-86 - $681~000 I 5202 ,ro-JAy' ROAD MED:IANS ' , ';""",qj!",C",,,,,,,,,,.,,;'" .,,,, ""'Wlati=.of.,.... ,...inf;,g. """- ""., ~ "'''''''I ~y._., :Cost Estwte, -,$43,4~ 000 Fundinq Source~, ~FY 84---85 , ' , ,; CDBG $301,000, ~ Py 84"'85 - $434,000deneralF),m? ,Loan$E:3.:6601 l 5203 ;SIDEWALK tNSTAt.tATlbNAIb~,I'CJWAYROAD I~ , , "l'hi,~ ,pro)e,<:,t, p.l'o,!:i(jes. feqr; 'the J;nshJ'iatton' \ofcol}crete sfdewal:ks'" Cutbs; gUtters', 'and ,Wheel c.llg.i'r:r~ a,t, ~rious :];()CatJ:ons aloi1g'POwayRoad., ' , t:pr,t.,!} Is,ig,e of road 'qt '~y ~I'8r:i:ai - $ 49,600 'South ,side of road ,west ,City linUts to 'Q-ikfuoll goad " "", , - 101,180 I' BOth !s~qes of roadPai'erado to carriage! - 18,7,40 BOth sides of road cardage'to Tarascan .- 31,820 BOthsl.des of rOad !rarasciin, fu Camumity 9,:370 r . ,: BOth sides of i9<:ld Cannunity t,o Mtdlalld - 19 Tao -,...,,, ',",,~ <:-. BOth ,sides of road Midland to ,Evanston - 7?,56Q Boths'ides of road: EvarlstontdGai'aen ' - 10,260 ~,.., -- . . -,. ~ - - ~ . -, -- ... -- - -. - ..., WheeiCha~r, Ramps, - 10,290 ,'~: CoSt ~Estimatel- $273,000 'F1.ilidi'ngSource ~FY 84-85, , ,general Furid If>aIl $P3,000 ,FY, ,84-85 - ~2'Z3, 000 I r .1 f71 " 'REDEVELOPMENr' AGENCY, cAPITlIl:,tMPB~~PR~ DE:r'Ii1t, I ,- oepar.tmerit: ACtTvify: I' REDEVELOPMENr ,AGENZY 'STREEI'SAND, HIGHWAYS Totai 'Tot3_' Project ' Pro:ject .Descdpticm, Est~teC Prior 84~85 85-86 86'-,87 87,-88 188-.89 ,code . , Cost r'c'-- ,. - " d. Estimate. EstiIiate Estimate Estimate, , , d. il 1 ~:2Sil Twin, Peaks-Sbuth --,.-,---, --,.-. ,.. Side ,IrriProverrents '847000 166000' 681000 J I, I I, 'I 5202 ~Y' ~9-;Medians 434009' 434000 , I, , 'I 52C)3, _.r-....;;' .... :1 Sidev;alks aYong - -" - -. ~Q" 2730'55 PaNaY;Road 273000 I' ~I , :1 I, , I .ocrLVITY TOrAL :1 ;1: , , 172 ~ REDEVEIDPMENT AGENCY , CAPITAL, IMPROVEMENT PR(X;RAM DETAIL Depqrtl1)ent; ~tWfty: I' REDEi.TEI.GPMENr I\GENCY Sl'REETS lAND ,HIGHWAYS, (Cbht"d') 'J !\CTlNITY'CCtolMENl'ARY' ~~04'I'REPI:J\NN:m:; FORNEIGHB0RHOOD .PRaID:TS ~his. proj~t, proyid'?5 1:he f1lllq.iEg 'fop engil1~dl}g and des,ign costs fo;- ~ious'neighborhood, projects that will j:>e identj!ffed during the fiscal year' for, consfnict'ion in 'subsequent, years; " J_" - .. 'cOst EstlriBte, - '$30,600 F(mdfng source -,FY"84~85 General. Fund 'LoaIi l?30,000 I, :FY 84-85 -$301,000, ' , 5205 POMERADQ"RoAD. iMPROVEMEmS I ~l);S proJes:!:' P,Fovides f91 thig!2 design 'angrlgtit~f-entfy ag'reenents for the,flitbre JCoilStiUc-;', : 1;,ion of, a blOCk ~ll." sfdewa~~ and landScaPed 'walkWay aloq'l (the east side, of' Patefiido ROad" ,fran,Ro~isbn: Boulevard to GleriOOk: ROad. It is antiCiPated tliat tliis project, Will l'ie , :financed bY: :IOth, llth i 12th"aoo 13th, YeaICDBG' fui1d.s. : ' Cost EStiIra:te-$910! 000 F'i.mding ,Source '" pY' 84,.'85; " '" _ _ ' CDi3!:2' 19 Year,~83;5QO, ' ;p,y 84-85 - $: :83', 500 : ij 8:5'-8~ ~$8;i6,,5bb' ,I 5206 , 'l'iUN 'PEAKS 'ROAD - MIDIJ\ND' TO AUBREY, I 'Tlifs, prorlect ,p;:oyiClgii for, COmpletion, of'the UltInat:e' solitliside ,infproverrents' ,to TWin PeakS " ,ROad 6etweert' Midland :Road ahd AUbreY-Street. Improvements' inbl'\.ide cUrb, gut':ter" ,sfdEiWalkS, , 'ahd horseti'af1s,.' " '::6:;::~,,';::6'OOO " , 5207 ,'!WIN, PEAKSROi\D - MIDIJ\ND' TO. ,ESP6IA ~: ~:s ptqJec~ Pfovi~s fQr the, widening 'to tne ulttira.te'rigi1t~f~y, cffTwi:nPeaks ROag " l5etween .MidlaildRoad ,and Es~ia Road. ' " :Cost, EStiiiat'e- 1$4271,000 ~ ?5-8_6 -$' ',~3,00O p,y86-87 ~, $3,?4,000 ". I ,I, 173 'I ,,' REbEVELb~ AGm:;y' ' ' . .~. ~.. -- -., ,~-.-,.,., -~.. CAPITAL; rMPROIJE1.1ENt PR03RAM DErAIL I "'" ,.. ,', , " II, Depcirt:ireritT ACtivity;, ., ,REDEVELOPMENI', !\GENCY, STREE:l'S AND HIGHWAYS: (Cont,l;dl' I' Total " TOtal ' ' I " :F!:9je,c!~ojectDes<:::ript:i()n ,~j;1ir~,i:~ .. ir,ioJ:"' 84""85 ,,8?"'~_6 ,~!A'7 ?,7:1S8 , ,88'-'8~ Code Cost d., ' d. Estimate ,Estimate:, Estimate Estimate, ,--. I I '520:4 ,NeighborhOOd, :1' ,Pi"ojeCts 30000 ' 30000, , I: I 5205Pareriioo ROad 910000 83500 826500 Ii ,Improveiments ~I. . ;1, I ,5206 ,'l\rinpeaks Road -, " "" r@dlandto Aubr:ey 70600'0 -'106000 I, I: 'I' 5207 "Twih ,peaks 'Road - . Midlaild to 'ESpol'a. ,427000 43000 38<l000' ,I ' II. ' , I I !\CI'IvITY. ''rOrAL ' I '. .. ' 17.4 " 'REDEVEIJJPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL, IMPROVEMENT PRo;RAM DBI'AIL Depcu;trieht : Activity: REDEVE:L0PMENT~, 'STRE:ETS:AND HIGHWAYS: iCoiit'dJ 1\CTIYITY CCMMENTARY' 5208 ESPOIA :ROAD, - :IAi<E, POWAYROAD ,TO ,QLD,CoACH;ROAD Pi traff~ic, Circulation system. irnproverent :projec); r,elateq to, 'th~ ~t 9ft' ~pola,~d between, Lak'e' ,F'ow.:!y Read ,arid Old COacl) ,R9<:\4" h<:lyigg a,lII3.jo; !'&1ster Pla~llI}ed' cJ:as,~i,ficaq9n. ,<;:ost Estimate - '$1,035,QQQ 'EY 85-86 -$105:660 , -' _.." _P EY 86-87 - '$930iOOO 5209 NEIGHBORHOODREVITAcIZATION - Thispr9ject 'provid~ forilnP,rov.~t, 9f !~~g~,rhQqq't.o:, be~s!gnatea by: ,the R~~V~()prent, OO~9Y', C6nstructiop ~lJla, 'iIICludeapprbxinately' -2 ",5 m1'lesj.of .IQtaI roags, n~8d drainage ,sewer" and ,water ,facilities. ' " . --... .._--~.. .,~ -" .- -. .~-- -- Cost Estimate- ,$673,509 lEY 85-86 -~673i,500, 5210 ,SOUTIi ,f!&Ay 'COLLEm'0R, "", PH1iSE' ONE A ~tr,';;.ets" aIl4, highr@Ys pr:ojest;, p~oviding,fos, i:he<;1?c9i9'~~,'c9nsi:.ruc.tto.n of q 1)a~?r 'aJ:'1oen:al ,ct.!!, the 'SQu1:J1 ,~y P,larm}ng 1l!ea'" wluch Wldllulj::lmately ,pronde, a c011Ilect:lon !:>=t~e,en !3tate 'Rot!.te p? 'iiIl9- 'EIlte,rstate ,15. .80st Estimate ~"$2, 528,990 FY '8~-88 -$~ '252,000 IT 88-89 - '$2';-276,0:0'6 ~ ;1: 175 'I REDEVELOPMENT .AGEN3Y ,cAPITAl; IMPROiIEMENr,PR('X;RAM DETAIL I oei;(ar~t:f ACt,i,vity:: , ,1: REDEVELOPMENT 'AGENcr, Sl'REETS' AND, ,HIGHWAYS' (Cont'!(j) , Tcital ,Tcital projeCt ProjeCt DesCt,iption ,E5tiliatec ,Pi:'ior, 84-85 85'-86 86-87 '87~88' ,88,.,89 . '- ExIle!, """"'"' EStimalie 'Estii'nate, 'EStimate EStimate Code Cost, nd. ' a. I , 5208: LEspol~"Roa9- - Lake' 'PCMay Road to I Gia ~c:hROO~' 1035QOO 105000 ~3Q-900 '" r " '" .' I " ' '5209 ~eig!1l:~:)]::~c:x:>;4 67350'0 /1: ,Reyitalization' 673500. , 'I , , , I I: 52~O Sgu~ ~y ~ ' Collector:, - phase :, One 2528000 ' 25.2009 22'7,6000' I ' ~,"" I' ;1 ,I I, , , I -- .'- I 'ACTIVITYTOl'AL, ,$786'3500 b~ $986500 ~$3035000 '$1314000 , $252000 $2276000 '\.. ~ , / I , :11 176 , . ' ~ ~ REDEVElDPMENr ,AGEOCY l , ' CAPITAL> IMPROVEMENI' PROSRAM DETAIL J, :pepartmeritc: A<;:Uv~ty,: :. -- -, """"'" _^'" """"c,,""'" :, 5301 'lWIIf PEAKS' ROAD AND )MIDLI\ND: ROAD 'This 'project, provides for the insta.llaHon of; i! traffic !3igna], ,a~ ''!Win ~~ClaCl 'gIld 'Midland Road. '~ Cost 'Estilnate. - ;SJS'o,OOO, FGridfnq' Source:-:F'Y 84-85,' ' , " FAU" $12'7 ,500 ~ ' F'Y 84-85 - $150",600 GeilefaI,FUhd 'LOan $ 22,500 - ; , ,I:: < I I 17..7 'I: RiIDEVEWPMENI' ,AGEOCY , . , CAPITAI;, IMPROVEMENT,PRCGRAM, DETAIL I:' 'Depar~t: ~tivtty: , ' ',I ,REbEl.iE:rJjPMENr'AGENCY' . , TRAFFIC ,SIGNALS ' Total Total project Proje.et DeScril?t1on :Estimate: Prior' '8,~-85 85,-86 86-8787'-'88 88-89 Cooe' " COst EXDend'. , d., Esffrnate :EStfrnate,,' EStimate EStiinate :1 ' , ,5301 TWin PeakS aild ,,: Mid:Land,Rp3.d 1500,0.0 15()000 I; 'I, 'Ii . l : ,~' , " " " I , II, I' . ~I .a , , , " , I, I 1 I 'idfN;T'i, 'IOl',!ili '$150000 0 $150000: 0 0 O.i 0 '. I. I _.J 178 ,REDEVEl0PMENI" '!\GEOC'{ CAPITAL IMPRO\TEMENI' PR6:;@M ,DE:I'~L Department;, ACtJ y_i liY: REDEVEwPMENr', 'l1GENcY FEIJODCONTROIi AND DRAINAGE JICl'TVITY' C<*IMENTARY, 5401 .PCMERAoo cREEK AT OAKI<NClLL R0AD " f;pis' prQj~~pro,yf.d,es 'foT ~th~qesig!l ang <:::onshuction ,ota bolC, culvertUriqer Oak KnoJ:i, Rooa' at. ,~adoC.r~.' ,Cost, Estirrate,- $293,'000 .FUi1iiinq Source, - FY, ,8<l,~85 , Drainage Furid Loan $23;,000,! FY' 84,..85 - ',$ 23,000 (ae.sign) FY 85,..86- :$270,000 (construction,)' 5402: ,~y ,CREEK :bETENl'ION" ,BAsIN " A h~ control illlptolienie]1t project to design ahdci:>nstr\ict ,a detention :basin' ,on the, north, fork 6fPctvrciycreek.., east of <;il?C:l.enR03.d. ,COSt:, 'EStimate '- $].; 500 iOOO FY 86-87 - i$ 150,,000 It, F:i" 87-88, ,~$1,350,QOO '. 'I " , '" I '179 I REDEi!ELOfiMENT Ai:;EocY ""'- ..' "'.. .,...,~.- - ~ '" .. cAPITAL I,MPRO~ PRCGRAM DE:l'AIIi I 'DePaI',trreht: Activity: I' REDEVELOPMENr, AGENZY ,FLOOD ,80NrR0L AND, DRAINAGE , Total, 'Ipt,al ' " Projec> prpject'Description Estimate.: ,P~cior:, 84-85 85-86 86-8~ SF-88 88-c89 - . 1'-'.' d. 'Code Cost, . " Estimate Estimate' Estilrate Estimate ii, , i ,~ i 5'401 PareradoGreek,a:t _c ~'_~ ." .. .. ,_' _._ ."'__" ,I' Oak, KnOll:. ROOd 293000 23000 27000.0 I: 'I' 5407 PcMay epeek I, Det:ent.1on Ba:Sfn ,1500000 ' IE1D,OO,.o l.35000.o , , , I '; , :, , i 'I . r ;1' , ,I: I I '. '" I llCTIVITY'WI'AL ~n93000 0 $ $2;J,O.oOO $1500.00 $13~0000 .0 , . I ". , I ' , I~Q, REDEVEIJJPMENl' ,AGEOOY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENI'i pRiX;Ri\M DErAiL, Department:; ACt~vity,:, REDEI!Er:.6PMENrAGENGY 'G:JVERNMENT' BUIIDINGS ,Jl.CTIVITY' COMMENTARY. 5501 ,PLANNIN3 DEPAR'IMENT, ,ENTRANGE Tl;1if3 :pr9jec:t prQyi~esfor 't:QeA~3ta,n~t'io,n oPi!c:reciRr9C,!l ?r,iv~y~s~t tlJroughfu:1e' agja,c,en,tc,~ciaJ ,center',s, parking lot lIAdaddi tio!Ja1 ,park,way l:andscapi~g. <Cost. Estimate ~,$'1:o,o06 :Fuhding source - FY 84-85 GefrietarFurid,I&n :~IO, 000 FY: ,84;.-85' - $10,,000 5502, CIWCCENTER PARKIl'G' AND LlINI5sCAPIN3 Thi,s',Pf()j~t,pr?yi~ ~()rth~ m;!,-i,gn ~d in~tai'lqtipn of, 50 add:Ltiona.i&J4i1,,! ,1!~c<=!3~ the I:eal'-1gm?Il,1;;'Qf the drweway, at)d the l~gssapn~g of 'the :PI:operty owned ibytheCOunty of'San Di;ego 'ill',f,ront of PawaY City 'Hall on 'CiV:Lci Center ,Drive.," , , Cost' Esti'mate - ~72fOOO Furidinq SOurce, -FY84-85 Gerieral Fuhd, Loah' ,$72,000 FY,'84;.-85: - $72,000 '5503 iSHERIFF'S SUBSTATION A pub.lic; ,fa,~U,_itJ;~ proj<:cJ:' 'to, desfgn and, Coi1shuct a SherTff ';s' substat,.ion on Civ,:Lc,. center, i 'Driv:e'. CosfEstLnate -$'2,006 ;000 py, '86'-8'7 ,- $ 200,000 . FY, 87'-88, ,- $r,800;000 550,4: ,JOINI' USE FM:ILITIES'-CITY/SC:HOOL, DISTRICT, Fi'tst'pnaseof a poo1!k faCilities project improving buildings and, groiliids at PC1feradb, Midland,,'Gaiden ROad"Mea.dbwbre,ok,Twfn Peaks aild Poway IUgh. school's: and constrUction of: a petfofnUhg afts thea:frear.Poway High Sc.hool. Cost Estimate -$7~p,000 FY,'87~88- $;750,000 . .u 5505: 'CITY, HALBi EXPANSION. A punlic,fac:i:-lifies'improv'arentproject, expandingGiW Hall10cated oneiv:i:c qei1ter Drive" CbSt 'Estimate, '-': $1,000;000 F,Y, ,85~86 - $ioo,ooo ~. ..- -. >-'-'_.~- FY. ,86'-87 - $900,.000 I' 't ; ~' ~ :181 I REJ5EvELbpMF.:Nr ,AGENl:Y ,CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRCGRAM DETAIL I Departrivei1t :, ,Activity,: , , I ' _ ,REDEVELoPMENri ;AGENTI' roJERNMENI', OOHDIN3S Tptq;L, Totgl ' . , 'pr()j~t Project '~crip.ti.ion. Est'imat:eC pri,6i: 8~-85 '85"'86' 86-:87 ,87""8.8 , 8'8'-789 Code ,- Cost, d-. ; d. Estimate ,Estfroate, 'Esbrrate Estimate :1' ' , 5501 Planning' Department Eiitiance 10000, 10000 ' , I, 'I., " 5502 Civic center ?arkin, I, 'am LandScaping 72000 72000 , Iii' I: ,5503 :sherIff's sub,-, '.. , ,t, station 2000000 200000 1800000 , :1 ' , 0 , ,I ~,504 Joint use 'Facilities City/SChool: Distric 750000 750000 ,I, :I. " - 5505 , City ;Hal{l EXj?a.nsi,on ):0000'0'0 · 100000 900000 , I K:'l'IVITY TOl'AL. ;$3832000 '0' :$82000 $100000' SIlOOOOO $2550000' 0, ; , I , , , .- I 18~ 'REDEVELOPMENT ~' . " " "'>>J,._ ,"<. ~ - """ ' ,"',," -~ " -"C"'~ ...,..... _. _ <:i\PI,TAL ll1PB01JEl11ENl' PRC:X;Ri\M DETAIL , DeQartrrei1t: ACEivity-: REDEIIELOPMENr AGEN:Y ,PARKS' 'AND 0PEN SPACE: ACTrVrTX '~ARY} , _ / dO>.___" _ H. .... .._. "-__ 5,6Q~ <:xM1UNITYiSWIMMIl'G l'00L Tllfs ErClJec'~PIQv'.id~s tOr the Construcdcin6f .<1 ,rriili1icfpal '" concession stand" ,cashier area 'aild parking lot to coSt EstiirBte -$800,000 Eunding'Source .., ,FY 84~85' ~eralFUnd 'I/:laJ1 I :1 'I' I 183 " ' REDEvELoPMENT' AGENCY, .' '.' _ _ _ _ _~ __ __ ... .>. ___. ,_b.._' ~_ . ._,~ _ . ~ _ CAPITALIMP~0~i PR~R.I\!1 DE:r.AJ;r; :I'oepar.qrent : Act:ivity: I ,REDEVELClPMENTAGENCY PARKS ,AND OPEN' SPACE , , .. ;" , TOtal Total , ' ,:Project Projecto."scription, 'Est~teC,Pr-iqr 84,..8~, :85-86 86-:8'7 8'7-88 '88-89 .. 8ede, cait, ,~~d., d. Estimate, Estimate 'Estimate Estimate '.' , ,,' 5661 i Carnumity 'SWirrming , '. Ii PoOL" ,8.00000, 800000, 'I' '.: r. I' l . :~ 'I , I l' I I - 'I I , .. I II' , , '1' ! ': I ,. I, , 'I' ~IVITYTOl'AL $800000, 0 '~800000 0 '0 0 0 ' I - 'I, '184' , __.J~ 'REDE\.7ErEPMENrAGOCY - ~ "-"-'" . ~.- .'~ ~,- .. - P' . , CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PR03RAMDETAIL DepartriEht: ACtivity: . REDE\7EIDPMENr AGENCY' ,WATER. IMPRO\iEM:ENTs' !\l;I'cIVITY ,cQrflENT.f\Il.X! 5'70i 'LAKE 'roiAYROAD wATER, MAIN _. _.~- - . Av4t~ ':system, tiwro~erent projeCt' to ;desIgn and constr\iCtaWater maih 'aicing :rake P&ay Road frcm ~pola 'Roaa, to "the' ,Ttea:trrentPIarit. Ccist, Est1fuate - ?45,000 EX ,8?"8,6 f$45,QQO: 5702,ESp.QLAR8AD'WATER,MAIN: A, Water 'system ,in~tOV6rerlt, project 'to design aha construCt a water lIBin within :Espola, ROad." " " ,Cost Estiroate - $400,090 ti 85-'86 - '$40,00'0' e-,-.. ~"""-, ,~~ ...., -.- FY'86"':87 - $360,006 5703 ,AUBREY: 'STREET 'WATER MAIN A water' system ,irtprovement pr;qjE2!ct to ~sign and co,nsguct- ~water lIBim, along Aubrey:' $geet; fran Ca11nunity Rl:lil.d to' ~st, o~ ,.Migland'Road. Cost EStimate'" $30,009 IT 8.,5-86 - ,$30,0.90 " " 1_., ~ :1 'I 185 ",I: REDEVEUlPMENT. ,AGEN:Y' CAPI'rAL IMPROVEMENT PRCGRAMi DETAID .' , ' '~par~nt:: ~tivity: I REDEVELoPMENI', AGOOY WATER rMPROVElilENrs '1'6tal Total , Project Pro~ect Description EstImateC Prior, 8:4-'85 '85-86 86-87 87 -88 88;-'89 ,cOde COst ''''''....'d. , "-'d. Estmte Estimate Estimate. Estimate 'I .. ' . :5701 Lake, PdWay Rood' water' Maih 45000 45000 ,I: . I it ;5704 'Espola Road Water, '~in 400000 ,49000 360000 I, , , , 'I :., '5703 Aubrey ScreecWater , . "+,I: . - . - ~ '~OOQO> 1~n ' 30000, I I ;1' :1, , I . I, ~I, PC1'IVITt Tbr,AL $~?5boQ 0 0 $1):5000 $360000 0 0 '- :1" ... " 1:s}i . REDEVEIBPMENI" ~, r - cAPITAL :rMPR0~PR,cGJW1DE;):'1UL Deparurent: Activity: ~: - REDEVEt.opMENt', AGEOCY . SE.WE:R IMPRO\TEMENrSi ,1\C'l'IVITY' C<:M1ENrARY 1 5801, SAGE.WX)DDRIVE SEWER MAIN " t:i se~r' system ,j.rnp.!9v~nt: prqject, Jor the cJesTgn, aiid' cohsir-uction of 'a, sewe:J.JlI3.in ,a:Iong Sagew:xxl Drive ,east of Orchard 'Bend'. -, -, - .- - - .~_. -. _.- " .-. Cost Estimate -;$76.,600 ,PY 85-86 - $76,000 . . 5802 ORCHARD' BEND, SEWER ,MMN: \. ASew.=r sy.sten.ri,mp~.overro:n~ project for the deSign ailCL consfrUction :of a ~ewef ll<\in ,along Orcharg )3epd 'frO!!! 'Sagewood DriVe, "to ,Rosfrat:a :Road" 'Cost ,'Estllrate, - ,$301!b60 F:f86:...a7 - $30/000 T ~; I, .~. '" I I' Ill? 'I " '.RE:b~Pt:1g:Nr'~Y c.i\.PITAL ,IMPROVEMENI' PRffiRAM 'DErML, I De~t:ireI1t : Activity: REDEVELOPMENT, ,AGENiZY .. 'SEwER, IMPROIlEMENrS~ , ;) , Total 'Total Projec Project' ,Descr,iption, E5t~fe: prior 84-85 85~86 86"'87 87':88 i 88..,89 cOde ' 'eoEiE ' ''''., 'd. Estimate &;timate Estwte, EstirrBfe I :5861 ~g~~:))r~YE;l , , I SewerMiin 76000, 76000 I . I 5862, 'orchal::d ~d :~r Main 30000 30000 il I' :..,'1 ." i I, , I' , I , , , , I' , I , , , I I I I ,AGTIVITY TOTAL ~106000 0 0 $76090 $3QO..90 0 '0 :1:- :1 " I, - -. - - I ,) ~~ 'I ,I: ,I; I " .' " , :1 'I, I '"I' I ~. ; " I I, 'I APPENDIX A I: RESOLUTION NO. ,84-057 ADOPTING 1984-1985 I FlNAOCIAL PRlXiRAM I~ 190 I RESOLurION N:). 84 -057 I A RESOLurION OF THE CITY COUN::IL OF 'lliE CITY oFroliA'i, %LrFORNIA, " ,'APPROVING AND AOOPrING THE ,ANNUAL BUJ:GET FOR THE I - ....-., - ~. FISCAL YEAR 1984-1985 AND APPROPRIATING THE FUNDS , NECESSARY TO MEEI' THE EXPENDITURES SETFORlli THEREIN . . W!-jEREAS, 'the City M;inager of the City ofPc1NaY has subnitted to the, City I Council of the City of PcMay a 1984-1985 Fiscal, Year Operating 'and Capital Inproverrent Budg",t: in the anDunt cif$I~,104,3~6 in proposed~ditures for I general and speCial City purposes and reflecting' funds available in the total amount of $17,151,568; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City 'of PcMay has heret:ofore c09sidered I sai4 budget and fixed the date of Jill1e 26, 1984, as the date .for holdi~g, of a public hearing relative to its adoption; anq WHEREAS, following duly given notice, the. City Council of th,e. Cit,y of Poway, I did hold ,such 'pUblic hearings, receiving.; ,considering and evaluahngall publIC corrrrents. 'I NCW, 'r'HEREF'ORE"the City Council of the City of POWiiy does hereby FIND, DEI'ERMrNE AND DEX:LARE as follows: I section I: The City M3.nager's proposed 1984-1985 Fiscal Year, 'Budget for gerieral and special City purposes is hereby amended as follows: (A) REVENUE 'AMENEMENI'S I AIrount of I' Revenue Fund EXplanation of Revenue Adjustirent cescription Revenue,ArrenClrrent (Increase:+/oecrease:-) I Generql Fund 7589 - Towing Contracts - $ , 1,292 'I 7591 - Fire Protection Fees - 6',007 7592 -Weed 'Abatement - 1,907 14-19 Grants 7475 - TDA Art. 4.5 Call-A-Ride - 18,254' I 20 Special Assessrrents 7710 - AD 83_1 - 327 60 water Fund 7522 - SDCWA!Ramona Water'Charges + 130,240 76ll - Bond - General Water + 76,836 '. 61 Sewer Fund 7615 - BOnd' Interest & Redemp., + ,9,235 Net Total Revenue Arrendments + $188';524 I I I I I ,- " " 191 ., I Resolution No. 84-057 ' , Pag€!2 'u , ':1 i il (]3) ExPENDITURE AMENDMENI'S 'I Object bf AIrount of Project Budget Department Explanation/of EXpenditurerAjustment Code and ActiVity ExPenditure Airehdment (Increase: +/Dectease:-) I: Administrative Services I 107 Risk Ngmt/' ,129 - Fringe: Benefits + 46,074 Fringe Benefits, 121- WOrkers Carp. Bei1efits + 7,556 122- Health/Life Benefits + 18,875 01,23':'" Retirerrent Benefits - 72,505 'I' ~22 ~ insurance,Exp€hse ' + 4,000 Subtotal $4,000 I iCdrrnurii ty Services .. 200 Direc:Cor '399 ""Call-A-Ride Contract - 29,405 ,I' 531 '" ExPense Credits + 1l,151 Subtotal $(18,254) I, Public, ServiCes 409 'VehiCle & Eqiiip. I Maintenance 531 '" ExPense Credits -, 4,014 'r.. ' Subtotal $(4,014) " , Capita.I'Improvement Program -. ;., , ' I .~, Sti€ets and HighWays , 1201, 'rWi'n Peaks Rd. ;681 - Streets, Sidewalks & Trails + 33,824 ,1202 FcMay.:Rd. Raised 'I "Mil:' Kers 681 ,- Streets, Sidewalks & Trails + 4,935 1:204 EspolaRd. " . widening, 1681 ~ streets, Sidewalks & Trails + 1,699 I: 1405 StOne,eanyon, Imp. 681 - Streets, Sidewalks & Trails + 4,600 ]:2]:5 Marhncoit Rd. safety Imp. ;681 - Streets, sidewalks & ,Trails + 14,000 " ' :1" Subtotal $59,058 , 'I' , ' I, " """ 192 I Resolution ,No. 84~057 I Page 3 ' . I Traffic Signals I' 1302 PoWayRd. Signal . Intercon . 640 ~ ,Traffic Controls + ,12,4:):6 I 1304 . PCrrel:'ado Rd, at ,-Hospital 640 -Traffic Controls + 78,881 Subtotal $91,297 I Flood Control and: Drainage , I 1402 /oBrtincoit at G..V. creek 666 -Drainage structures + 53,454 SUbtotal $53,454 'I Goverllll'ent Buildings - 1502 M3.int. Facility 672 - Builclln9s + 160,549 I Subtotal! $'l,pO,549 I Parks and Open Space 1606 PcMayPark lands. 692 - Trees & Landscaping + 53,993 I " SUbtofal '$53;993 Total capital Inprovement Program $418,351 I 1l0-120 Total 'Personnel All ,City"Departments $191,910 I Net Total ExpenditurelArrendIrents '$591,993 I .. . '. Section 2: T.he City M3.nager' spropos~, ,1984-1985: Fis<::a1 'Year' Budg~t, for I general anq special l2ity purposes, as a.r,nended in Section i', subsectiofl.s(A) and (B) thereof, is approved and adopted in the"arriJunt ..of Sp,696,309 for, expen- ditures and ,'$17 , 340,092 in revenues. I " " . Section 3: The rronies necessary to offset the expenses in=red 'as' detailed in the 1984-1985 budge~ docunEnt, ai?, ,aclOptedby ,the Cii:y~Courici'l f()r"t.he 'City o'f I PcMay 'pursuant to~ion 2, her~f, are, authorize?- by ,this, sect,I9!'\. ~to be appropr~ated out of the, funds avaHable to'the City' during the~ 1984-1985 Fiscal Year. I I ...., ....\ I 193 l' , I Resolution No. 84~O57 Page 4 I ,I,' SecUoh 4': The City l<'anager is authorized to make such, changes in depart- rrent operating budget tofuis' dUring the i9?4c:.i985 Fiscai Year as he rray, fran tiffie, to time, deem ~sirable 'and necessary:inorderto meet the City's needs. :1 WHEREAS" it has ,been determined that appropriating,"unappropI'iated reserve monies, ;in various fundS ina nahner corresponding to' the' opei:'atior1a1 mode of the City 1's'reasonable and,propei:; a.nd 'I: WHEREAS, funds esta:bli,she<:i qnd, rronies approp-,iated shall not be considered as restricted totally in ,their availability andlise ,and amounts may be adjusted I between funds as !1ecessary'to serve the futUre needs of, Hie', City of Paway. N:lW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of, P<:Jway dOes hereby direct I that any unappropriated balance in the General FUnd' as ,of, June' 30, 1985, shall be automatically appropriated :intothe Contingency Fund therein; and That anyunappropriat,e5l' b3,lqnce in the Wat,er Fund as of June 30, 1985, shall I ~ automatically appropr,iated into the Contingen<::yFu:nd therein; and That any unappropdated teJ.ance in the Sewer Fund as of June 30, 198~, shall '. 'beautomatically.appropriated to the Contingency Fund therein. , PASSED, AOOPl'ED, ,AND APPROVED, by the Git,yCounciI of the City of PcMay" Ca'liforriia, at a regular meeting thereof this 26th day !Jf June, '1984. I I: ,~~,;1"~ ' , Bruce J,.Tarzy,l<'ayor ' J 7 I ../ , ATl'EST: 'I: -Y"-. ' I( -;{'(U;v'~t~ I ) ; IJ. ,_"t.~L.- Marjorie'K; Wahlsten, City Clerk I I; :1 I I I' I .. I . ' , , I I " -. " I , ~.. l' ~ ~, , . '. ~I: , ,:1 " , ~, ,- , . ,. 'I" , - . , ". I . , - "Ii ", " " 'Ii " ,. , " " . , :1". > , , . . e - , I' , , . , '. .t' . . , ..I , I' '\ . APPENDIX B . , I RESOwrrONOO. R-85-01 ADOPTING i984~i985 ~EI/EIJ)FMENl' AGEOCY, FlNAN::IAL PROORAM , I, ~ I 196 RESOLurION t:l0. R-85-01, I A RESOLurION OF THEREDEVELOPMENl' AGEN2Y " OF THE CITY OF, PCfIiAY', CALIFORNIA, 'I APPROVIN3 AND AOOPl'IN3 THE ANNUAL Bi..JDGEr FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1984",85, AcCEPl'tr-ii LOANS FRCM'THE CITy10F'J:'ClWAy'ro'THE_ ' I a::MMuNrTY. REDEVELOPMEt1A,(;ENITAI:ffiNiSTRATlvE Flmo" AND AUl'HORI ZIN3 EXPENDITURES THEREFRCM ' AND RESCINDI~ ?ES0LurION NO. R-84-01 "I WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of PaNaY. (the "City"), in,accordance wi th the provisions of' the Califorhiacclrrnunity~~vel:o~nt law ,has ',cr~t~' ?' I, Cannuni tyRedevelopooht Agency Administrati ve,Fund for the' purpose of 'accounting for admihistta:tive expenses of t.he ~y Redevelor:m=nt Ageni:y(the ;'Agency") and fund adliancestherefor; and ' " WHEREAS, the City Council has' approved, by resolUtion of: even, date ,herewith, I -~ ... . - a c~unity'redevelopoontbi1dget fbr,fisCal year 1984'-B5,and has ?pproved a 1~11: to the Agency ,in the arroUnt of $188,617 to be deg::>sited in ,the O:xnnunity I Rede"elo~l Agency Administrative :Fund 'and a loan to - the AgenCy-ill' tlie;:~unt of $2,041,500 tq be deposited in toe Car!nun'ity Redeveloprenb Agency , , Administrative Fund; and ' ' ,I WHEREAS, the Agency desires .to;"approve a ccrrmunity redevelopreht budget for fiscal: year ,1984-85, accept said .loans from the ,City and authorize the iexpen~ ". -. .. 1,0,' .... . , ~.. n. _.' diture, of the,proceeds of said leans ih accordance with the approv:~: cornnun~ty I redevelopoontbudget. NCW~THEREFORE! BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Pa-lAY REDEVELOPM!;;Nr '~GEN:Y fE' ];'orp:wS: 'I Section 1. The budget attached ,to' 'tt)is"resolUtionas Exhibit i~A!,' and. incor- porated herein by reference is,he,eby'adopted'and'approved,as the 1984i85 'budget J of the Agency. " Section 2. The loan fran the '9ity ,at' $lBB, 611' ,appropriated ;1'.0 the Carrnuni ty RedeveloP.reI1t Agerz<;:y,: Administrative Fund -for ,administrative expenses, of the "- I Agency, as set forth, in said budget, ishetebY-accepted by the ,Agency and the Agency agrees to pay interest thereon at the, tate of 12% per "annum. 'Ttie: 'AgencY acknoWledges tl1at.said 'loan i::dnStitlltes'ahindebtedness of' the Agency within the . neaning of Article 6, Chapter 6, of .t:he California Ccrrmunity'Redevelopoontlaw. '. o _ .... _ Section 3. The ,loan fran the"City of $2',04r,500 appropriated-to the, Cam1Ul)~ty Redevelopreht Agen.cy!'dministtative FuhdforFqpit,at improve.rei1t' :experydit.uresi of "I the AgencY; as ,set forth in s~id b~get". ~e ;l1eJ::eby ,acc!'ipt~ ,by the Agency, and the Agency ,agrees to pay in.t<=Fest t!1ereo!l'at the rate of lQ.5% per'annuin, The Agency aCknCMledges, that said loan constitutes an indebtedness; (of the Agency, I within the ~ning of Article .6, Chapter '6, of the California Cimrl1lnity Redevelopoont law. .. I I ..'. I , :1 197 " , , " I ' , Resolutior. No P-85-"01 \ Page 2 ,I' , Section c4'. The expenditure of mo~ies fram tqe,Community Redevelopment Agency ',', Administrative Fund for, administrative expenses' ,and capital projects asset . _ "'_.. . ",.'"' _ . ~. __.." _. _ _ , ~ _ _ _'C' , _'- forth' in said budget is hereby authorized, subject to 'compliance with the same . . . - . -'. - ", -.. -, - ~ - -~ ,-' -~""I,--_.".. , . . .' -.. . ,-' ,.. .. . proc~ur>e est:ablishe<iby,ti~e 9ty for the expenditure of funds by otl'!er agencies and aepartments of the city ,s!lbje<:t to budgetary control.. I' 'Section'. 5.. .. :As reqUired by ,the -Cat'munity'Redevelotrrel1t, Law, the ,Agency shall 'i I . ~tle, with the. CityColll}~i):' a detailedreporto.f all of its transactions with , respect,_~o the Carmun,ity j~~~yelotxOOnt Agel)Cy lldrninistrative Fund, including a "I: statenent of all revenues, and' ex];lendi tures, no less than annually. .. Section 6. The, pro'pased1984-1985 Fiscal Year Budget for theCannuni ty .. Redevelopnent Agency is "herebY-iime!\ded as followS: Section, 7,. Resolution No,',,-R~8'H01 is hereby rescinded. - .. r I (A) REvENuE AMENLMENTS I , ,AIrount of " 'Revenue Fund ,ExPlanation of Revenue AdjuStment Description Revenue .ziirendrrent (Increase:+/Decrease:-) '.. , 39 Redevelopment .. Agency 7010'- ,Property Tax - 34,747 , "I $(34,747) , I PASSED, ADOPl'ED ~p,p!,R~, by the Re;l.evEjlopment Agency of the City of ~y, California, at a J;egular meeting thereof this 5th day of rch, 1985, I; I ' ' ATTEST: i Ii: "y)l{)~ K2J.Uil;J0,1i0 I ,Marjot;~e"\f<. Wah~sten" Secretary - \J . ." ,. I: , .. .' -"< . ~~ ~~ ~~ ~, , I.. I:,' ~..' ~. . ~. " " i . - ~ . . . :.,.., ,. ,- - ,- .- ...- .... .. ,_ :.' . ....... :... i_ .. - 200 II .ExPENsEA02OONl', DEFINITIoNs' I 'IOO~ERso~.', ',' SERVIc;E'.. '~laries, ,.wa,!!=S',~d ,fees for 'per'sciiihelseryices :rlpt I rJlvolnqg 1;11e ;furnl!shtng' of maJ~ral.s.;,' " ilO salaries - .Requ1:ar" Canpen~ati:onpaidtO regularlyenployed per~Ol1I1,e1,9n '" tiie,. Ci~ylslpayr,?l.I,.q~si~n<;;d,p<:-xron.r:Urilbet and subj!=Ct::1;o 1,l1O.rrral P,iy.ro-h1 deduchons,',~l,lSh ~satwn: rncludes' stand-by (C1!;Lj.-,p)l!:') pay" pararred,rc, . J?Cly" shiJt, QiHepmt'iali etc. 'U1Salar:Les 1'" Speciai. 'salaries paid, 'to, Couns::j).~ber.s 'and any 'others not 'I s.tibjectto,thel ifujodty of the norrra,l payroll @Cluc:ti'OrtSl. .. . 11:2: i~laries - Piiit:-Tirre. wil'iles paid to anployeesWho are classified qs I 'part-t~ empl9yees. , . 113 ;salades ~,0vertirre.Po:i:ficiil of the sal~rysulJje,c;t to premi!llIIlpat. I I:20Frinqe Benefits. city paid~eMt~ such as P~" :health tnsufance"ccrii~ . , . pensati6h ihsuranc~ an4ot~~"tler1efits as ~Ef1oti.3.~ed in the, M:lU's. .1 1:21 W::lrkers, Canpensahon Benefr'tS'. ,Total Crty pard w::>rkers ~S<l,t.roQ benef.its . Thisaccourit, ,iSlisoo 'Cirily. in the, ,Risk, 'Management Division. ,~ 122 Health '~fe' ~efits . TcitaIGitY',J?Clid health ClIld fife,~nsuranCeai1d ,. . . 'oth~. benefits'.Thj:saccoun~ 'is 'us.ed, ,onlyih. the Risk M:iriag~t Division. I ,123 Retirement :Benefit~To1:a1 ci'i:~( paid PERS Confrj:Dution~ This account ;i~ . . u.sedonly 'in;t,tle'Risk Malla,gerrerif'Division. 130 ,Temporary' Services. Cost of Qutsidetef!lporary persol!!}el hiLr,ed on an, ~Ilas .1. '~ed:' P<:lsis, 131 Volunteer 'Ser:vic:e: VolUiiteerw::>r~s', such as Voiuhteer firefIghters on ,. ,Call for fire :suppr'eSsion, . 140 Attorriey Fees!. Cdnpeiisaticm pafd~ to' the: City Attorney,'; ,I 141 Leq1il ,Fees, CciJipensation paiQtp. lawyers other than ;the cfty'Attbrney ;fot legal advice. '.' 142: Litigation - Cit.y, Attorney. Canpe11sation' paTd' to'the Ci'ty Attorney to' repteserit the City~n'c;ow;t apJ;leatances. ,. 143 Building Inspection. ,G:anpenS:tionpaid,fbi' ,ptbviding l:l1,1i'ldj;ng {il)spection '. service.,,' I I I " / I , :I~ iOI '- I: 14f\ Audit !Service. CanpeIlsatio6 ;pard toc:er,t'i!fled' punlicaccountailts and otliet 6l.ltsiqe qccQ,W1taI}t:s' 'eIlgaged, by~ Couilcil. ... - I: 145 Dataprocessihg "Cohsl.lltant. Canpen!3atiqn paid' ,to data processing con- s)iltaJ:l~'.,. I 146 J;:i.tiga:t1on '- other, Attorneys'. Canpenscition f.l3.'id to ,attorneys' ,other than :theCity .Attorn'eyto ,repr'esent the City tin wurt appearances. 147 ", 'Cherili.cal AliaIYsl's'. eanpertsatiqnpaidto, ~h!=fiU:st5' and 6ther 'scJ:ent.iSts ,I for; ana1yt,i<:a}l>Ur k. 148 SiE:ia1 Studies,. Costofj special 'studies 'and' ;analysis perfonned. by. out- ___ on 0 - - -~. ~ - -, H_ I' :sideconsultai1ts, :andother professiorill:s for 'specific' programs, e',g:., personnel study'('needs ;assessrrenIstudy, €.tc, ' - 160 'Enqineeri'nq , ~sation, paid,to engineers forg~eral services ,riOt .' otherwise, cl:as.si:f.i~,. ..,. 161 Witer Project, Engineering.- C<:rnpen!>1!ti9n J?Clid'foengfneers' fjo,rwater I, 'projects'. " {liz, Sewer, proiect 'Enijineerinq~'. , c:c::mpen:sation J?Cl~d 'i:oengin~s for ,sewer: ipro-' ject!3' - . .' 163 Traffic :Engineerfnq,. ~~ti66 Piid to eqglneers l:ortr~fjig' projects . I ,164 !:and DeveloPiOOnt ,Eng'ineer'ing, ,Canperi,sai:ig.1) p3Jd ~, engiheers for' land develoJ:li!E!lt analysis 'including iight-Qf~yepgil)eeL'i.J.lg,. ' I 165' Construction 'E:nqfneering., 'eanpeiisati'on ;paid,to eIlg'in~s_fp;, construc,- tioh, sul;vey.s, 'rnatex):ar, al}d ~ctioh testJing'ano: copsultation et.c,".' th.3.t oCcUr,;duriI}g .the' 'consguctJgn, phase. I ' l?~ 'other PtofessionalFee5' Other services not othei:wise clas'sif:i.ed'" such , , _...'. 0 ~ ~ . _ , --- - 0 - d..V _ ,as election fees, 'cOdifi&.tion, suryeying, ,etg... . I . 200 urILITIESi TRANSPoRTATION AND cOOuN:rCATIONS SERVICES; pti1.kt~es" ,allow,,; :1: '~s in hell; 9.t c~tycars; City fleet COSt'S; .travel and subsisten.ce 'allowances; aqyert;.isiIlg" rectuitri'eritaildp6stage. 2rO: Gas and Elechicity;"raYflEIlt .for elecfridtyand' g?S l!Sed ,fQr, gen~.al ,I': purpose activ'j:ties,no,t 'oth~ise 'Classified to praiiide' lighti'ng; ,heating ,andi,:>ciWer. . .. " ,211 :Na':tural <GaS: Cost of. fuels sl,l~.I!' ,as'propane anaJ:iqilidnatural gas'. J, I I I 202 I 21? ..water, ,- 'Interfund. Cost. ,of; 'water,provfded to other, departrrents/diXi~ I 'sionslEiX:t:ernal to; tile water,furid. ii3 water ,PurchaseS. C6St of' ,buying 'water.. I, 214 water' _Storage Adjustrrent , ,~COUl)t l,lS~ p~( E>nanc:e anhuaHytoadj\iSt: , water ,inyentory to'tl}e' act~l . level , ' 2b~ Telephone" ~;t of telephone. 'i;:'hai"ges-'for ser,vice, Ifnstallation, :-1:%ql: arid loo,?'distimce caIrs" aild cost of sendi!ng' telegral11@, ..I 216 Trash, ReToval" Cost. or ,c:ollt,ract, 'to rertpve; trash'. , 21.-7 Gas01ine'and Diesel Fuel: ,cost' 'of :gasoHne! and' diesel ;fueI purchased ,for I use.' 'in Cit;rvehicles and eqUipreht,. 218 si'gnal. Power,. Cost of electricity llS,ed for ):raf#c, ,signals;; .;, I 219 street, safety Light'and POwer ': bosb of, elec:tficity ,to provide, safety J:ight-ing on 'City ,streets. 1 220 capacity - :Penasquitos System'.' Chcirgespaid to, the City. :of ea!1' [)i~o, .tor effluent, ,through 'this system. a 221 CapaC'ity -: Meao, System:,and Miii'Iltenance and Operation; same; as 220 ancI inCludes, related 'Jl\3.:i,ntena_nCE~' ango~ratioris '0 222" " Capacity, -, -Bernardo System; SainS' as; 220,., I - . , 230 Other 'UtiHty, Charges, ". 'Minor ;utIlity charges' for gas', electricity, I telephone, water-trash 'teiri5val etC. where spec'ificideiltification of ser~ vIce t';'Peis nc,t 'neCes~afy.. ", ' ,-,. 240; . PumPing Pdtier' -' Plant. utH~:Lty ch<:l.r::g~ tor purnpin'.1 1:0 water or sewer I 'facHity,', 242 ,Pumping E'ower ~ 'lake. bti~fty ,cnarges':for pUmpin~ Wqter' tothfs. loCa- tion. I ,Pumping Power,..,! ~hDo L . ,U:t%i~j:y charg'?s. for ~ilii1pihcjwatei' ,through this 243: 'pl!fl1pSlt:<:lti9n .lsx::aj:i,on to 'serve the, u:t;Uity c:onsumers'. These ,cotts are I pas,sed Clll,; ,~, tile'; consUIre:r:s' 'as apUll1i;5ing' ,cnarge on tne 'utility' oill and !~e.t~Iled to ,the' Ci1:y 'as revenue. ' - , 24;4 Pumping Power - St. 'AndrewS. utiHfy charge for ,piiroping; .wastewater I 'through this piirop:station locatiori to serve the 'utility cons\lirers. 'These, ,Costs 'are ]?Clssoo on to. the consumers <:l.s 'ii',puinPil1gc_~rge oll"i:he u;t.iii~y :biUand retutiled'to tpeCitya@ reye!1\lE!. ' I ,I I . I: ,. ~I '203~ I, 2~'5 Pumping, ~ ,Lb., .4" 'Same (as 243; ~ ....~_..~ ,- -' - , , . : I 246 ;PlimpiilgP6Wei - cami:no iDeI'Valie. sarre, a~: ,24'4'. ?47 ,Pumping Power ,~ .Orchard A-'73:, ~: as ,243'.. .. i4S' Purnping ,Power - Donart, Sarreas '243. , 249 ~ing 'POWer -. Convair' ahd Padre'. sarrE:as' ,243. I 25q Pumping Power ,.. Filtration,Piant. ,Same a,s, ;2)3:. I, .251 Pumping ,Power -TeiEfuEtiy,., .Same as 243'. :252' PLiInpin~,PoWei .,. Cainer !BaCK.,Sarfte as 2p:. I( c253 Pumpimg,' ,Power, f DeLPoniente, Same as ,244\ ..-,."'- - _. ~-..j :2'54 Pumping Power -' woodcIii:f'. :Sarre as 244~ I, :260 Reimbursed' :Mileage. Mdrieyp1fid toCitistaff: ;anCl others for, use of their oWn \feliicles'oi'i a t:ime,basis>or 'mileage'basis' established'Oy ,tlie,C6Uncil. Thispaynient represents: .eit:her, ,ami!leage, 'reimbursement, or 'a' car allowance -," '. .,...,. , "" -_.- .. <. -"'. '. .,,' -. ',- I @~cl, tOclE'lS)..glliited enp1:oy!=.Els, .iI} 14:ell of an' 'as,signeii C,ij;y v$icl:,e. '262'. ' Vehicle 'Operations'" r'n...,house cosecif fuel charged to 'Citydepar~ts;/ , diVi:;ioris'" ' , I: 263 vehiCle Ma'1ntenance . raoor, rrafer'ials, patts and, other. costs aSSOCIated with, :maintenance' of' City"cMiJed vehIcles'; These: costs'! are homlly 'in~ I hoiJSe cha?<jeS' by, the, City '$ Vehicleqnd &:nllfJl\entMiintenance Divisfon to, other City, .de~t.nEntistdivisions . This 'accoUnt 'i's aiso used :bythe, '" . . .-. - - - '" _ -~-l'," ~"'" ---",,- '" _..._~.. <. , ~-.'_.- ,,~^..- ,-" ',- ., , - Y$icle, .\!,nej tmmp:nent. J"13.iritena!},c,e bivision to ac:.qui,:re J?Clr,t,Sl a,nd, ma1:eJ:!a,J1,S ,I' to 'pJ:'pvide:~heSe., s~N.lces. ,This accoUnt is ar~o us~ by the,S)1Elriff, \s' oepart.nEnt'for oilfside maintenance. Tne:chatges' tOl tHis,acco\mt are, scrutr-ni!zed oyFifuncearid the, :BUdget CUlllLiitee: TransfEfrU:eqilests, are, discoura.'jed. I .2tiA, Vehicle RentaLj:lat;e pa.iq: ,tQ,lr~ver; the, a9tii,cip.:j~~ r<=pJ",q~i; c:o"sJ of City-=amed' vehicles and equifrnent.. The charges' to this account 'are ,scru.,... I: hnizedby'Finance, and buqgej;'transfer 'iequests areldj!scoUra~., '270, ,TraveL'and,Meetfngs'. cOOtsiof" <7tt!"ng(ng,ll\I\,e.t,ingEj, 'Ej~Il'!r~\" cgnfere,;ces 'I; or .w::>rksh?ps, :"USQ c@rges ~1.n~.lude~1~" ,tra,[lsportatrpn" Jcx:lglcI1g, registration :fees, etc'. - ., . ~ - -. .- -.>'-- '2110: ;Advertising..Mv,eJ;'t'lsi,m expE!~eforpulJl~i.'c) nodces,. !I I, . I .1' 204 I - ,281 Rec:rlliti1'ent.EXpenses associafed with hiring' and"praroti!ng eI1ployees, I ";>uch, as fingerprinting, adYElftising, tesj:il)g' ~d, co~ts':i~,soc:ia\edtd'i:h. i!nterview boards. (282 Postaqe. ~iHl}g, expe11se 'inc;t~l<'liC!9' parc~l ,po",t. I 300, CONl'Rl\eTUAL SERVICES" labor' and: materials' ,contracted for outside. the' I division, rtedic~lexains, subscr:iptiq~s, ~~5ips;prOl1Otionai: costs.-' 31J Pijmting'. C9sts, pai!i to9U1::!>.ide 'firms for'printil}gi "tl:i;hdill:'!', ;and dupri;- I c.at~ng. ' ,312 ,JanitoriaI, Sefv:kes. PiiyrrEht:5 to outside fiirnS' for providing theSe I, seEvices. '313 Uniforms, laundry and Dry. Cleaninq. C9~tsto Pl!!cl1ase, UI1i:~9rms; laundry 'arld dry cl<=a!ling 'of fa.bricsini::luding, uriifotinsj' draperies', cleaning rags; I ~~' ' ,- ,314 carmuilltyReIations. :COsts of decorative and,prarotional matedais us~' 'I ,to ,pUblicize 'thec;:ity, incJ,::r1ingsl,lC,h1ohi,l}gl;! ~ pla~" !pr.9c;larI)C!t1ol}s, ,HeWers, sch<;>ol !saf,e,ty ,pa~()l, etc, ' f3J,5 PubI'icat'ions:andc,Dues, l>?yments' 'for sUbsqdptlgns 'to Journals; newS- I :PeR&;l '~d ,p\irchase iof'bo<:)KS! aM' oilier -parrphfet:sl toproiiDte,the iritet'" diange of ideasi rrembersnipfees 'and associated CostS ,for; offiCials and ,keY, ,einpioyees, to atterid vfu.rous >1'mirifcipal organiza.tions :t6 prarote ,the ,I intercllahge of ,ideas. Alsqused forth~ CitY',s~;;hip iIJthe' ~: type ,of organizations., " 316' ;~cal Exams. q>sts, f.or, ,,*,i'odic pi\:ys~cal eXaminations reqili:redby. ,the I City for City employees and: for prc5Specti ve emPl6yees. ' , 317 ,Etlucatton,and ,Trainirig'. Used for' 'trainii'ig"at'localcol'leges, ,for, gUest ., ,leCtures and eduCational films whereovermght travel, .is, not inclUded" 318 'LeisureC6ncracts. COsts, paid' .to outside reCreation .leaders for pro- 'grams. These: expenses are dffsetby revenue,genefated by,tnese;piogiams, I .319 Anirial Ahaterrent. ContractUal, ag'rearent' for, rerroval ofdead,ariimals, - lariirra,l regulation', and ,ariimai contr()L ,I }20 OLitside Efu:r'qency Assistance, used by iSafe,ty ~~c;,es fq~cos~.s that ?Ie paid to' other; ,agerl,ci,es ,for:; th,eirassi.s~tance ata f.,tre, OF .c;h~c;:al i3P~'n.s I s1.16&,~ costs' 'il!.cludingmeal5.., sUPf?Oit', :etc:. '321 ecmnuility Safety. " CQntract costs 'wfththeCo!ih17YSheiiff is '~trrent, :f6r parfee' protection. Also inclUdes' 'ot.her oosfs: ,associ'atedwit.n' ,[:'plJiee' I protection. ' ~ I I , . ,I I, I , 2051 I '322 Dfspatch,Coritract. ;Con~act" ,COSt' wi th 'the, City 'of San,Diego's FCire, Department 'for dispatch,ser,vice. I '32~ Tiiition"Reimbursement. Cost, of reir1\b\.irsiilg 'GiE1 ,stafff6r, feespafd to, ea,u~a~ional, i.~j:+j:';11::J9,n.S. . This ,qc;collrit :~,~, ~ed <;miy in ,~t~e 1'~~o.r;nel .1 D.:lV1S.lOn, ,CiIJ.d admiIllsj:ergd rn accor4qgCE! ,wl!1;llt.J:le Cfty's tm,twn reirril5ur-' sement,l26licy .' .. f324' Nuisance Abaterreiit.. 'Cost: ofl steriJ!i'zation and/or' 'weed 'ahai:errerib ,and/or I' 'v:eh!cr~abateIreJ1t' ,at' ci~f'-sgeet l,ocations' deemed.' (fu De: 'a' ;pu1ifc n!,l~ll~c.e" , J. 325, ,vehICle, 'Requia:tion'.. COsts' ',as,sOciated 'wj.j:h trqffic citation processing, bieycle' licensing, prc5<;jram, ,and towiI19' ,PrOgram. }}~ R&M: BuHdinq'o> ~sts associated'with repaf.r' and lI\3.intenance, of: 'the G;j;j:y's I ?uilld,i;!!(~s: ''qI:ld!str~tures' " .332 ;R&M"Alr. Conditibninq,.',.cps~~ 'asBocia,t,ed,wi1;;l1f.J1e, X~pair and lI\3.intena.nce I ()fthe, city ',sail' eondit:i6riing>,headrigi and 'ventilqtio!l' ,unj)t~'h . 3' R&M :Elevator,'. COsts 'ass6C1'ated, 'with, 'the repair and lI\3.inte!n.:u1ce oft t.l]e: [3.3' ' Ci:ty'll'- el'evqtor;. .' 334' R&ME'quiprertf. "Costs a,s!3gciat,~wij:q~herepakrapd ilna'iritenance 6fothex" Git:( equiprerit not otherwise iclassifi:ed.. I 335 R&MoUtSide iVelllCleRepaii:", Repair: of yehj:cles, aIlq. EquiJ:X!lE!llt. ;~~()nnec:t; by guts ide shops for the Vehi~le ,and ~prerit'Maintenapce Divisiol).., '. .336 R&MPlayground iFquiprent" '~st,s ass~iated ,witti., 'the' :,repaIr and, ffi3.in,- .t:eriance) of; ,p1iiyground, equi~t,. ,. 337 R&M ,Radios. Costs ,of contract to, :repair ,apg ~intai.n' r,,!qios~d .ilssC?c;'- i~ted, radio ;egw:~t. Also inClUdes relat.ed liaj:eria:ls and,pupplies. 338 R&M ,Fire Hidiant.s'.. Cbsts. as'soeiatea, wr'th feparr 'and :rraintenance of c~ty ,. fi:re'hY9Ijiflt.s., . 350, R&M' Trees,., side<.o1<ilks ,and, Barricades'. Trim. ,arid/or cree,remc;-Jal, teP,<iir I "and/or repIa:ce' 'concrete sidew<Hks and curbs, repaiirand/or ,replace road- sfd,e1g(1arfu-aH!? . . . "'" ,.. .". ,.' ,', I 351 R&M signais; CbPtraq!:_ services 0th' pdyqte' -finn' 'for city traffic signals) 'and associated flashers. SerVice includes, but is not l!imi ted ,to, ,repair' :ana ,irairitertal1ce of s'ignais, safety Ughts;' s~eet :lights and I kh6c:k-ooWi1.re~:i'r . 354 ,R&M street, Stif.ipiiig,. C6fifract sEitvice fbr'sttipinC] roaClwaY traFfic lanes I, .islands, aild':bike ,lanes, I' , I, I 206 .1 3~5 ,R&M Rba.dWaY' , Cq!}tractfor' pa:tchi!hg,repaiting,~d: ~I.ll:?facing 'roadWays" I This: ,also .inc~Q9,~s;, If"ljor re@ir: ana itBihtenance of the rpad!'l3-Ys not otherwise Classifie<:i. 357\ 'Paverrent EValiiati:on. Engineering study df, ,r9<:ld!'@y q:>ndiit5ion for,prtotrty I of J;'epa,f.r:t. 358, street Sweeping. Cont:J:,qc:t cost IOr provimng street sweeflin,g's~yice,. I ,360: Cohtractlnspe<::tfon. S~i.<3l ~g~lleering 'inspeCt,ionson c6rittact,e# p.fi,- vate, or pUbHc l1nproverrerit. ' I 363' pIan 'Cheek and Map Prex:essing, Contract enginee;J!lg .C()~tsfor. checKin,'J. a:Qd: proc!,!ssi,ng ,pl<:in!'! a,nd, specif-ications to: deterniinec:ortE9,rIlI3.I}.ce '\'lith I city" reqmrernel1tsan,d, spec'ffi..catiops, , 364 'Er1vJ!i6i1riehtal ::rtnj:JactReview'-PIans, Colltrl1ct, 'costs ,for. 'review of plans for' .enviroruferital. 'conSideration'. ,Thfs: ~se is offset' by frevei1ue for I envi!ro~tal ~ct plail :fees., . .".- -.-- - -. .('"~ -- ~ , '37.0 0therContractual Services Redrnblifsed. OtI1erc:ontract1lGli !l~iY1cee '1hicJl I repres~t a "pass t,hro';!gll" aCC;9unt and reimbUrsed, services, not,othelJ"-ise Classified such as knock,downrepair,. ., ,~., -- . ., -, " ~ '399 'other ContraCtual Sefyfces: :Not Classi'f-ied'. b11 contrac:tuaI servfces' not I assiglle.d to one, of the 'foregoing designations'. 400 iMATERIAIS AND SiJppf:.IES,,~nda.b.le ,items ,uSed by: City depar~tshi1y'ing I 'a riohet.arY ValUe, iof re~s: 'tha.!l, '$10.9,.,90, orwhich,areenEirely :conslJlTE!i or arefast:eRed ,to a' !struCture or rE!a1 Pr:o~,ty:to become patt' ,of such item. I 411 Office~;& stationery Supp1!ies'. cons\.lllB91e ',H,ems \JSed ,in all office" such' , -' 'a;('wper,', ,pens', 'ribbOns'l hote: padS', "etc.. 412 Janitoriai SuppJJies. Those items 'uSed for 'Cleaning, 'such 'as' ;r.ags, rrops'" I 'OCOblnsi' SOaPi, c):~er'?' etc,AIso, c6hsurraole :items such as paper. towels, soap"etc. I . 413 photographic Suppl,ies',. Consurraole items Used ,for, J?l1otogJ:i~Rhy anq:.phot9~ copy proC~ssin,g, I, 41"4 r-t=dfcai Supplies., Com;uII.:aRI~items' such, as bahdage5, oxygeg,;Md d:her, first' aid items. ,This: !acco',lIlt' ~~ used, pr~ili~bY tne Pararredlcs,.. 4If? Safet:y,Slipprr-es. Su{Jl?lies 'usedi,n, S<!fe:typrograrnS'. I, 417 Q:lerating supplie~. SilppliJ:es! Used 'for'rra!pt~cE;l and operafions6f 0ity- owned ;prope.r:Jy" wQich is 'unique to: each, ,acti vi ty. I ,418 Trout Stock. Cost, of si;ClCking trout 'in 'the ,lake. I - I; ,I , I 207 I 4+9, Other' Fish' Stock. 'Cost of' stOcki~g ,all other, .fish, except: crout ,hi' the! lake\ I 420 &rail, TOOls. Hiind, ,tcic5ls, irea.sur~ng tools, and, ;other, 'toOls and Instru,- rrentslvalued at less than '$100..00 ana, often porUilile. - , . I 421 Iandscapi'nq SUPPJ.:ies-, ):.3.r)decape and, pJ.~nttng ,rrateriais and ,supplies. 422 ~ioyee' AWards'. A\liar4~ i?r~~t~ t9'iE!!IP.loyees~nr:ecogl1itiqn of' their' I sefVfCes'arid otherspeciaf"aWards 0 423, Chemicals.. COst' ,of acqUiring. ,cheinibirs. This 'account isprimariJY used I !:>YPt1bli.c ;,Seryice!lfor ;~teror ?e~gE;!,treatITent,' 441 'street, Surface' .'Repair,. M3.t'er:iai1j ~4; "suPpJ!~ IUSegto re~k aild iiaih- faih ,roadways', f;;'fdewalkS', curbs', and, center rredian~~, etc', .' 442 Storin jl.epair&' ',CleanUP, 'M<iteriaIsiiSed '00 repair danagesc:ausedby st9~' I ,443 Gulvert.; deaning.Ma,t,er:ia.J;~and ?uppl:ies used;todeanaild repaif CUlver,t? "storm, drairts'anq other wate.QVaYs'. I ; .44'4 si'qn' :Maintenance. Materials ;and supplies! l,ISed 'fgrsi,gI)s anci lJ.illboqJ;'gs' resurfacing"atid, c:6hscr1iCtiori,' , I 445 Miscellaneous Construction, Ma:teriais, ,~nstiuct:ion ,ifuterlaIs"oot 6ther- ~iseiclassified. 446 OVersiztIlg 'Aqreetrent-'. :Materfils ang sUPP'iie~ ,us.ed :to eI!1:arg<: lines, " beyond :normal: parameters.. ~99 'other Supplies, aild MateiialsNot Classified. Mat&l,als and, suppliesn.Ot' I pj:.l1erwiseproperly cJ~ssified a!Jo",e, 500 FIXED CHARGES" iDEBT AND 0l'HER coSTS. .Rent%, ;insura,flc::e, boQd... cha,rges cmd I fees, uneollec:ti:bles, transfers; aild other eltpeIlses' not: ()th~ise 'clasSified. Also, expenses for redeveloj;Irerit. I 5U EiJUiprent .Refiful. Payment to rent machinery ,and. 'Equ4.pnertt inclll(lfn~ ,such :items, ,astrehchers~cackhoe, etC. I 512 Ri=nt":IiuHdings and :Gi'oUhds, Pi3.yiieritfu,fent' 'fiiChities bufld:Lng?! ang .. grounds including ,storagefiic:i:lIitieS'. . 51-3 :Rent ,~ ,0ff-ice F4uipnent, Pay'Irerit,fu rent, .off iCe filrilit'Ur.ea:nd eqUltnientj '. .ip.clud1~9 sllch,-iteffiS'.as~ desk, tYWWl'iter ,..etc. 514 Lease ,Purchase. '~ynentsmaae 'to anq obtain equi];lllerlt per, a 95e II ccritract. '0 I I 208 I ~21 Uninsured Claims. Payment of thei:City',s co,s,t ~or claims'. ;,1 522. -Insurance: ,Expense, 'PremillIlls for, insUrance and I:xm&;' 6thcicthah, fringe! I renefi t 'insubilice prog'rams. '523 ,other Fees. Includes ,fiscal agent ,fees ass=iatedwfth ~nd i~sues;, or' ,bbiid'pr=essing', 'taxes' lor, other fixed: costs" I _~. -_ 7.' ... _ _ ,... __ '. _. ',_.. ' 524, Interest and: Pr,indpaL Expense. pa~t of' interesj: landprindpal, on '. 'b:Jnd issue, not6and other debt. I, 525, 'TaX Increrrent -, County PfiriC1pa'l Payri'erlt" :EXpense of' the :R8developnent, Agenex; in, a.C!:or<i3.nce ,...itg ,qg agr~t l4t:htile County of ,SqgI5ieg9. I' 5,31 Expense 'Credits~ to recor,q tr:aQs~ers' aI1d expense reall=at:ions not" otherW~se claxij:ied'. 532, Uncollectfbl:es. Baddeht' wi:"i te-off . I 541 cash ,OVer!Uiidet,. Acc:?Unt 'Used by Ciishiersunqble t9 balanc;:etl1"r.. I ,542, iRefund~ geimburs~tot :9yerpayrrent, d]1e to error" rni!stake' or 'ani~sio!l. 551 Administrative, Overhead, ,To reCOrd ~sesforove:i:'head and : surcharges . I 552 DeJ:irecia f'ion. 'The pOrtion of, the Cost Of ,a fixed asset charged as, an, expense. I 555" Capi tal OUtlay RentaJ!" ,~t~ pa{<:ttp 'recQY~, th.e,antj.cj,pa.t~. \replql:.~nt c:o~t: oJjC;itY'-ooIhE!.4'equi,[:I!leI}t;.. The: 'charge$ 'totngs' aCCOunt, are ;scrut~n~' ii.edDY. Finan~e, and ibudg'rt transfer'reqUests are CITsCoUraged.. I 560 : Administrative , 'Cost. IAn ,account, USed to accllIlluIate RedeVelopnenf: AgenCX' costiL I 57.4 Redeveloprent" Aqency ;IDnq..,Term Debt ,Principal. ' E><pense' for, ;princ'iipa). payment of Redevelop~t ,Agi!nCY:, ' ,I 580 ,Unappropriated, Reserves" 'Funds set asiCieby ,blldget qcti9n,foraU=gti9n, qt,a,later date, . I 58 I, Transfers to other Funds. ;M:>vB!leIlb pf resourc,es bet~, fUn<'ls,' 582 CIearingAccount. Account us_edJ I?Y Fil]allce. I 600: CAPITAL OUTLAY &P,!XED ASSEl'S. B':fuipient', ,:!:ahd, buildi!ngs' ,and other; assets Which retain 'their ideritity when, in use. '~irment and tools I '!'7'lued at :~,100. 00 or l~so;;,aQd!o~witt1'~,ant:~c;:iP<it:~ usef1,11 ,li'fe ,of' Ie!;;? t.hap ,ol}e (','1:) yea;'s,houlg Qe. ~seg; u1:the ~o.o ?&:les. I - , ,I, I' " J ~ I 6ilOtflceFi::!Uiprent: ;oHj:c~ IT'C!.chines; ,tYl7wr':i!t~e', adding' ,n'achin~s"cqlcu,. , l:ators, 'c:h~k,Wfitersan<:l. sUC;h :othei'equ~~i:o i?lld: IlBchines as'are I. - ~~&~' ft~:f~~~~~~~e; ,otfi:r~~~,C;C~:~;<'~~J, 'c2i~k~, '~@9'~~~~~+' , eq\iipnent rand H~~ ,~t~. ' ' 16iI~~~::'~~ '=~t~{~'~~~~~=lfJ.t,ral.Ier_s" motorcycles' aIlqi {ill ~ _ _ __ '_, J . --. -- - ,- ~. - I' 622Oth.' er &ruipnei1t hOt Otherwise classi.fied, Ei:fUiprentc un!que tq operating, ;001 t'.' , 629' 'C:onsfruction,& street Maintenance :EqUij:roent. ,'!'raCtors'" ;powersh9Y'?~s, I s:rqn~s, ,rrobire' 'h01sts" air, 'CO!IPressodi! ,anasimiiar" ~ctlineS,includi!n9 the vehicle carrying or suppo:t;ting ,sucn ftemsj streej:cleapingeq1iipnerit. - "--. -' - . ... ~_. 1'626\ ~~~:', ~f;:(s,=:as~~i"a/~i~~ ;:;:~it:~~t~'fi~f~~:e:~~ , toot clre prgcure<;J,fqr thepr~ ~purpo_se cif' extinguishing., fiFes, "I' i.;nd, iJdih,g vehi:cles, .fprmovenEi1t of fire JigQ.tj:ng personnel 'aIlath~iE eguiprent. ' 63r FheHoses, tfre, hose ,of ,all s:i:zes when in, the hands of:t:l1e FlrE! oepart~ -.' , rrerit;~err,. !us.'..' ed for. :6ther pun;l9ses;" such, ,as .fluShipg .str~ts', I should be :In 623, ,categ9ryj. . , ".' 640 Traffic Controls. Signs ,and sigha:ls used for directional or :s~ co!)ttol ,ofvehicfesi[nd'~~s parking' .1l:rriii:?dclIl '.signs, 'inci,ii.Ji'pg _ 'attached hghts' ,arid Iarilps and. traffic signals' and blirikers. _._.. .,. - J'" ,. ---- . - - -, ~.~ -.- I "642, Str, eet,:. ',Light. Rep,laCemarit: ,Stree..'. t ,:Eigh.ts" ,thefro, S~dafgs.."" ". ~,",' I~S, starters, ballasts, ,and other parts', used, :for street' and 'walk, .!:lll=na- . tion"When '.p~c~ Pe.tween property .f~i>es' ~in c;Ity-owned str~Es; ~en 1 b,ehfild property .lin~, th,~.~ate'pllt of such' ,prQperty,', 6~3 street' tight Other', other '.str,eet equir:xrent:'. '.- 6~4 Athretic:' pquipnerrL Llne rrarRers, si,g~,l, gunS 'for games, hwcdl.es, oaCK~ ;stops :an9- other's.imil.?-L items When portaBle 'Qr 'rrobiIe'. I 645 raooratory,Equiprerit. ScieridHC!:lQ~tr~ts. 6,~1 Shoj5Tools. ,Toc:ilsand '~L'm=ht used il1 ):l1~ shop. I ,652' ,/obbiIe: ,'l'oOis;, EqI.1iHWntmouilted'onWheel:s 'for ease of ,!irivement, but, ,not ,,~nclUdirig.' th'b,se ip otll~c.ategories aoove (6'23.>:c '!'bod !Ch~~Si ,rot.illY t:L.,:J.rei,lliWil rrOwei:'s, !=rirrlreJ:::,s, etc." ..06.10. cc.ma und~, this heading:. 1653 ,Other' ,TOO~S ,and ECIUlpreht'. Those ij:eIl)S ncit otherwise clqs~i#etd! , I !662M3.ihs;andAppurtei1ances'.M3.inSi ~ie,\" covers', an9-' struct1J,.res. I ,I 210 I , '666' 'Drainage, Structures.', pitches" culverts, 'and "Uhderground pipe,s ,fof',mov,e-, I " rne,nt, ,of stprin'watersi. 6~i I:a'nci~ Land, valued at:' ,riore than g, QOO ,Op. t 672 BUildings" A,: st:ru<:tur,e cif 'three, or ,lll:)r,ewalJ!s ,ana a roof", capable of I housillg p"!:,sonllel ,egUifllll2nt ,or ffi3.cl1fiieiy, 'valLie ,of. '!1l:Jre, tl1all '$590..00, 67.3 ,MiscelianeOlis strucfufes., A special category, ,Eo!:,' 'reseryofJ;!;"bridges, ,sWirrming flbols, etc. . ' I 681 'Sffeets" Sfdewalks,and .Trails'., Land. p,J:Ocured an"d improverrefiti;: ,thereon , for thelTDX\'!'ffint pftfle!:>g~~, :~n :footor in veni'cles'" incIilaing' biKe 'lanes I and relaJe4 dr:ainage" ut'iTity 'use', imcludes an fpothohsdedfcated 'tc') P)ll5J.ciclli5e;, " 691 Non-;Structural Improvement's, Fenc;es" tpej,r gilte!; ill1d, parts" waHs 'not I slippOrting roofs,. 692 Trees 'and Landscapingc-' :r'feesj,shru6s, plants'" ,ete . that 'are par:t ofia I ~otal,proj~ ,for !:leautific:atioh ,ofgrotlldS, ei'thef 'a1:one or at,b~ildiDg,. 699 Other'Assets. Those' hot, properly' clqssif,i~ ,i'n a' Ji;>reg()ing c~,a~".i'fica~ I tfon; . 700 ASSESSMENl', DrSTRICr 'CIlARGEs.c;ha,rges fe>!'rrai[ltenance;, r:epa'hs" cbn~ I tractual, services qE9 other rrat,erials ana, supplIes: ,neea.ed to' llaTntaTh the a!;ses~llEl1t :di,st,ridts. '71.0 AssesSllEnt Distriet' 83-1. 'COsts associatedwifh rrahitaining, this: I specific: randscape m!l.1nteilanceassessrrent 'district,' Which' inclUdes RaJichbAtbolft05, ,Barratt andStandard' 'i>a2'lffc' tract"s. ",',' .' - .'. - ., ~ .." .. - . -. ~. 711 ASsessllEnt District, 83-'2; Costs 'associated with ,rrai'ntiibing this' I ,?[Jei:Hic' l:~nqscape'rrai;l)t,enarice assessirierij:distfict';, wni'ch, includ~s the SUhwood, tr,aCt:'. I 800 DEPd3IT AccOlJNIiS'. 129:>..ts for ge[>Osit 'accounts cbHect,edf6r:engiileerihg and inspection; by Public 'Services DepattIri2ht.' I . - ... - n.. . ,- . ---- . .. J 81'~0 Grading 'Elan ;Check., COvers' all City charges ,for grading, plan ,r,?view --.,.. (including' q:>nsu,ltantS').. I 8'1.2 Grading' Iilspection. !,U,City ch'!rges '(qr 9'r:.ad,t!lg i,ll,?pe<:tiqn U!lclud,ing 'consilltants) . I, a;l4 - -. '" F'ina'l. jMapGhecking" ALii; '~i.ty chqrg~s (or' checld,ng m3.pS'" :pr6<::essing ;requiredfqIJ!lS, etc., (in9luding consultants,)';. . . - - - I I, 'I 'I: 21I, I, 8:JJ6. ;'IrrproverentPlan ,Ghecking;, A'LI City charges' fOJ:""improlteireht plan 'review n:ric:IUdifig' 'Consultants)" 'I" 818 Iiriproverent- Inspection ,AlL .Citycharges for ins~ti9n' of <improve,., ments'(incl:uding' comlulta.n,t~L I 820 Boundar,y AdJustment ;RevieW,; All ,City char:ges, for rel!iew of Boundqry' Adjusqrent'i ,Cettificat'es ;ofCCItlpHance.,Cert:fficate 'Of' ciiriplii:lrice for' P&eel iMapWiiiveii\ Merger wit'.hout fJarcelriap., :1 82,2 Miscellaneous ,Engineedng' 'Re::(uests. fiU C:::ity cos!,!> 'fpr, !'E9-yapprica.::: tj;oQ, re::(\!e5'S; ~y,eet or: 1eaSelIEl!t l/acat~()g;,s~ia.~" ;te~ta1oi v,ef@,p P1,'O=- I: cesSJ:qg (BSIcosts) ;temporar~ sewer and ,water al?l?lrcatrons,. 824 security ,De~itsi (cash'''' Cash deposits ,to secure" construction of' reqUired' irnproverrents (riay J:le total security or' in caribinatiori with: I bC?nd, letter, '9f, c;:re,dit,~J:c..)" ! " '999 SUSPENSE~CCOUNT. '~ccoUrit used ,onlY, by ,theF,ifunce Di'vision. 'I' I 'Ii :1' ,Ii '. l: , II' , 'I' If 'I' :1, , I . 'I' . , Q~ ~H r.; ~.~ ~~ ~ ! , I i - ~' ,~. '~ ' , A , , :_~ -- - -- _.. -_:~~-'~-- - -,~~~ - , ill I REVENUE' AtcooNr DEFINITIONS :. 700'0 TAXES': Revenue 'ih'the 7000 series represent '1:axeson retaH sates;" I , property taxes, fianchises or hE??4.. '<1:~T iti;X; '~i: '9(the tal.:es iIi' 'this, ,category are paid, ,dir:~tly to :the' City by tne wl:i!t,that co11eefs: I the, ,tax. 70.10 ~l?ropeti:y. Tax ,- cirrrent: Sei::uredarid, unsecured" ,property, :~egoca~~' I " t9 ,the Qitg-, bY, ,th~ CouilfX' ,at the 'ri:l.te o~~ l~ of.! th~ (ts,se!3!',~ ,va]1,1e ,~ot ' , tre, property. ,Payments are' rradet9the G:rty, qb:J..uI:, l,tt~m.;s ,a Y,ear.wr,th, tl1e,jrejodty ;pa1'd, in Decen1fer;, ql)d. AP.r:fL " N:?rmallyprqper'ty' value is, , ' anticiPated'to grow .<ii;.e;" 'Nflate,) >at '2% of the, pd'of' Xear's Values,. I 7012 ,Property Tax;- Deli'nquent: Secured and', liliSeciited property taxes t~t, !"~x,,e',l, ev;i:~\ ~lJprioJ;",tax'~ear(s) I :fut ,were n,9t ,paid w,hen, r,'?.v:ied:. As ." the, County, colleCts 't:hese iate' taxes', 'it' ispai,d ,to,th? C.iy.y" 7015; Hcireowhers' ,properW Tax Exernptfon~ ~A '$'7,000 exemptfon: ,pr,Ovided for l'n. ,the State 'Constit.utioll.7'12e ~empt:iQ!l is "deducted ficin fhe,'flill 'Value, I of the ~lHng: iUl}it ;{rqnt;he, ~x bia paid bY. the diti'zens.The :State _ 'then ,reimburses tihe County WllO"in, flfrri; 'teiinl:iUrses the, :City 'for th,e ~oss, of' ,n~, v.:~IlI~e,; T~~',exeijEtiori" is cons~ifu~ional~y ,gua,ranteed,c, to 'the 'I' 't:q,XJ?ElY.ef" ~t, ,thereirilbursement" to ,the, Crty ~s subJect, 1;0' aj1Il)Jql '.bupg.e1o :r:.evie'f!' by,' the] State.' , 7616'~~~~~y, I~~e~fo:~~:~;J. ~{~ \~~n::s~~~~~era, :fu '~ ,~t: I 'riesses . 'The City' is ,reirnJ:ill:sed fdrthiS revenue 10sssUbj~Ct to annUal " ,fudget approva:lbyt,he ;sfaie;, ," " "'" . 7017 Other; Tax :Roll :Items':, This, is a ser,ies of,. miscellaneous taxes ,. . . - ... ~ ~ ~ - -. - --.. -,,-.- cbllec;ted:bythe ,County," and~id to the Qi;ty 'on persoQal Rroperi:;y including such itemS' as, itirailers" race, hor:ses,and ,aircraft; , '0 I 7020 Franchises: "Revehues for us~oJ: p1,1bitic' right-otway' 0,1: exci'A?.!:ye;r~ght t.e) f,urnis,h gas, ,e,lec:trlcit~,'~ :cab!,e,1oe,le,v,iS"i.oI1,,' a.l1~ oth,~ iU~i1"t,t!!"S,', t,a .' ,the ,City., Thes'e ,taXes, are paidtotheqity ,qll<!J;"t~rly I:ly the, two larger , franchises ,and annually' by 'the,sqe~~~r fral1~hise~ ' 7022 sales; Tax::" A portion gf !:l)e '~"t:<:lt~".!'i_de.sal~stax coIlec:,t~ ,oy,busi,- 'I' 'nesses: and ,]?aid to theSt:qte".' Th~ '~tat~, ,emits a,portion .of the: ,taX to' ' , ;the City leach 'lTOnth, 'Ehe'1" ~iodicaHYii (qUarterly in lTOst cases:) , ~,d, ~ili3tsttw, pa.,Ym=n,t,s;,,:to , ..~Ctua~,~' ,',amounts., ,Th, e, - taX, ,':i'S,taid, to,' "th~ Ci~y '. l:a!>ed 01} po.!n~ o,f: ,sale c;oll'ectwns., ClJI'rently the' local 'allocahon.rs' , : ;H percent '''.!'.itJi. 1, percent rbeih,g ielnitfed fo, cities: aridtheaddit'iona); ,ti 'perc;Emt, ear1n3.J:'!<e<;J. fo, tranS.0rtatioii: ,fundS to counties:. . I I, I .' , I ,2).5 I 7024 ,TransIent' Occuf)aocy:' ',TaX:, A',d:ax co1!J:ect:ea frcrn.hoteFitotelJ ,guests' as a percentage6f their roam rate. The tax~fs collected by. the hotel=moter owner and remitted, q~rtedyt9 ,the Gfty,', I, '7026 ,ReGiL Property Transfer ,Taxf TaX 'irrq:,osed.' oQ '(fl,e hansf~r.oJ J:eai ;pro::- pef;ty ,at 'a' rate' pet ,dOllar, value of 'saile .'rlli'stax is ,cpll'ected and. I :eai'd:'~to 'the City" ':tilr6ughout :the 'leaf: ,a~paft:" ciflhe'14.t:aXincrement ]?ayrients'. " I 7100 LICENSEs' AND PERMITS, - Revenue in .the 7100 series' represent"! ,collec-, tfons for licenses and permit.s issued ,direCt:l~ 'by ,the" ci;'1ty' or, bY the City f6r' another governmental"unit. I nil Animal 'Licenses:, Licenses .issued to reguiate"and control dogs' .and" horses; The libenses'are .issued !Jy the coUnty Wlth -the City receiving I' '~, I1ii~9r f~;lIiM'()ry of; th~. ~'F~~nsJng~;, Th!i!:,fEie qoHe2.teclfofhpr:se lIcenses, :is, eventually returned ,'to the ,City :for riding 'trails. CCnltiU!)lty ser,vl'ces'and ~tciiersei:Vlces" 'coordinate these' prcXjrams Jar 'the CRY'. I 7;113' Bicycle. Licenses:, Licenses ,issued 'to, re<Jlilate and control. ,bicycles. ,orne l~tc;eJ!.~~s '<g~e! r~Q1;:ded: by,t,he "s"tate,and :issue!4. ,by the'GAty. ~e ,I c::;{ty'pays '(or li9~nse ,fonns, and fret~~ais arid receive,s '~' mi'llor license fee: safety;SerVices C90i:dinates 'thisprogramfor!:the 'City; ::r:he':rev~- nue cOlrected are ,lised for 'filstallaticin' arid niaintenance of BicyCle' :Lanes . I 7n~, BuSiness Regulator Fee: An arrount'collectedfor,regulati'on of ,Dusi- ~el?sesi:.[l,1=l'1e City _.: ,Tl'1il?' pL:9':1r~ ~s'J9In.tly. c:9l}trof'led by ~fety '. '~ervi.ce,siPl:aMi[lg SElryice5j, al1c:i,Admil1is,tiatJ;ve 'Serv-ic~,. 7116' 'Fishing Permits;, A 'permit issued bY: CdrfuUility, Services' ,f6r ,the privi- lege of f-ishingat' ,the Lake. .' 'ZT51, ',Boat Permits:: Ape,r:nrit 'i~~1led' iby Cann1lIlity S~vis:E!'s, Ito obtain :the,use Of a ~tol1't;he'la~, ' 'I 7Ei3C 'Gonsti:uCt10n 'Permit,- EXCaVation: AperijUt Assuedby ,Publ'i'c S~vic:::,~ to ialloW f,orencroacrurentpl1 public, rignt-of-wa:{. .' Tge 'rat~ch?rg€!i 'for' the p-=i:nlitare'Cas~ ufi'OP: vafj"ous unite prices t!:Jat relate to ',the: type of, 'WOrk t() i:le:pe;-foJ;IIl6d. The .r~tes, ,arep}lt'" ,;Lined, 'rg, a" <;:ity resolUtion iC~,rentlyResolutfol'!' '325) and the auth9rity '. fpr the colTe6ticin i!> part of ,the Ori:Iiniince 80. 7154, :COnstruction ,Permit'- Gradihq: Aperinit' iss\1edbyPliDlicservi'ce~!tbat ..' allbWSfor, grading:, The rates 'are also outlined' in, a, City resQlutio)1 Cc1.li:"rently ReSollrt:'i6n 325L. 7155 'Construction' l'eirrift - ,other: A permit issued: by 'PubH'cServicesfor Ii lll,ics<:,~llane.ous cons.t,r1.lc~ion:.,' This 'acco.YJ!t is r.arely used. 7f57 c6nstruct-ion iPermits, "-Sewer,: ,An 'acc.ougt for tqe is,suenceof, tempofary . ~eWerservice c()nnec~ions. This, account is seldCm, 'used'., . fu I 7160 ParkincjPe'rmit:, A S)Ile~y permit i,ssued f,qr ;J?3r:kil1~ at ,tne, 'rake. :1 Ccmnunity S~r:v~~,s coLJ<=S:,t:~, '8.Qg ~ssues ,the perffiits. The: retes, are ,,' esl:ilql~sJ1e9 lJy <::-!:ty ,Resolution 83-04'1. 1 iiOOFlNESAND 'FORFEITURES "", RevenuE;l ~J} tl1e, !20'Os~:ies, rep;'iO!sei1ts coilec:- tion of' ,fines levfed for ,ci1oa1i,io!1s~, , , ,',' , ' "I nto Fines' and 'Penalties: :rh~irevenqe generafea.' by CitatTons, issUed by' ,the .- Sh,eI}:f:fs :', Mye.llUe rep!',e:;;entscbllect~6!l,S fo~citations, ,ficin the, courts I oK' ;fr:a1!tne hrm, that, processes!the,Crty' s hcke!ts,,, " , 'I' 7300 USE OF, MONEY AND, PROPERTY ~ !3ev~ue in tt!.e,7,300, s~iel? rep'r,e:;;ents , incare :generat:e(j frOl]lt,he rej'ltal :qf"property and E9ui~bt, ,Of ii&'iVed' , <f:ra1!th~ ,i,nyestme,nt of the City.!.sfiiiidS. ' , , 73}0 ,Interest~ Incc::.ma: Inci:iiE, generated,fiemtl]e inyes~nt, of" g.i!:ty t):l[l$l. I The, interest ind5lle is apportioned 'to 'the funds based, .upon 'the posi'ti ve ' cash,lBia:nce,;{ in, the fund at the end of' ea.6o.' 'riorih'h . Any ,triter-est eat- niFrigs n,ot buq,get<?diS', allocated t~:f the' gehe;-ai-itind.' Investirerit, of '. g:ity 'fundS ,is ,~rJo~, PY' A,dininis!:,rat'hie servi'ces. , 7315 Interes,t, Incare -, Borid: IncCtrE, gener"ah!d ,fran, the inveStmeritof, 9i,ty 1 fundsJ:'iO!ceived as' learning's on, caSD' collecte9- forq,nded, d~t WYDJegts.. 7316 Interest IncCtre' -POOL:' A. temporary account used, to 'accllIllulatel interestincOrre duri[lg the mo,r}th,pioiorto ,ailoca.t'ingtt to ,the'funds at, I ,iIDrith end'. ' 7~30 'I~t,er" 'est. Ihcare,', ,- ,No, te, Receiva,b~'<=:",' 'Ai1acc~Uht €,6, fecor, d, ,irit~~, st 'ear, ','-' I ,!)}ngs on 't !19t<='~cur:renny, ,thrs' account, rs used tg' ,record }'nc;<::m=, to, 't.Qe, gel)er;al, fund for an Orchard, Water District, 'note wi1is:tl.. ,w~l>l '8e,]?afd) ,~ off In ;abOut 1994,. 'The account is ad1]ti!,ni,stered l:JyA<:lminis.trat4ye . Services. 7340 Parkland Dedfcaficiil' Fees: Fees collected' ,f-rem :deverooersfor ,construc- ,', . - _. _~C_'.' . __ , ..' "'_ __ .'. _. H. ~ _. tion of 'J?2'rks' 'in accordance 'with Ord'i:nance .i24. , " , " " I 7341 ,Rental 6f'prOpetty.;: Rental oJCgeA!=o!~j; 'cityproperh, ~tJy ,pI:\:Iia~' cOI);:- " cerIlS . CurrentJ,y: th~s ac::cqunt r~rds ;:e<::()!iq~re<::~tp:ts '.f9rt:,he .Q<ik ',KIJol+ _ facirtt'l'.This'site :rE;!Ilta:l is adrI]in~stere<i' ,Py A,dIJri<nis,tr;ati ve I ,Servrces. 7350 ,.s,igna~sterID,' 4 ,Il.~t.: ,Rent J?3-id",by s~,,~;na,lliast& ,for property rented I' ,I;>y,\:.,h.:ls,@ble !-eIev~sr()n, ,c;omparyy foreqmprenj;, (e.g'., antennas" etc.) :locatedin' m, 4 at the Boca,Rafon ,Reserirolr .site. 'The ,si tehilital is ' ' adfiil:!li:s.t~'ei:f, by ecInnuni ty :services. ' I 7360 'FaCiiiUes Hental: A fee 'paid by' the ,pubHc t9"reserye <!nd ,s~e t:.l}e ' USe of park sites! ,and structl,lres. Thisrent,ql fee :il>' admini,,::;tex;edby, CCnlnunity Services, I , I I I \ I , 217 I 7361, DoCk :E:qlllf;ri1eht, Rental: :Rental of fishing apPiratUs used cat' lake,Pi::May,. Thfsr ,accqunt l}as, been' combined into: account -7}6). I .7362 'Eire FacHitles Rental:: Rent-, ]?a'id, by other' fi're. departments to use ;crainihg, ;structUreS ' and, eqUfpneht "Such a~;' the' 'tralriing tcMel:"., This account is ,aCrriinrstered' ;by: ,Safety' Services'.. ' I 1%'3 RecreationE:quipnent'Rental: 'Re.n~;Lfe€! s:wrg~ 'to' ,tl'W public to ilse r:E?f.,rE:<!ti,oQ E:'<Jui~nt at.~th~ ~, a[lq CCilI1\unit.Y Ce[lter. ,ThA'! ,accpunt,is I a~Dister:~by'eommunity ,s~rces~ " - 7370 COncession Lease; Rent: 'Ar-ental fee, paid 'as'o[ percentage'TOt inCane: for on-site services',offerted bya private concerr:i 'tlicitoperatesati if city I faci~ity" ' COf1ces~iO:n,:i[lc~ is prilraJ;:i.iy gt;!neraj:.ed' by,' 't:l1e cogcessignaAr,e'?I~ :th~, I' Dake . 'Additional revenue ISI 'detiVed, .'iran ,0[' snack bar, (jperat&?'atthe, Carrnilli'ity Cenfet'. Ccmmihity Servfces iiOhitors the concessionaTres. 7~~9 Group 'Rentals: ,A f~ 'pa"id byth!,,"publ{ic ,to reserve, and ,secure th'e,use I 'OP @f~' ~i.tE;!F! ,'rlJ.<='J:"eset:Y/l:t,f-9rl'prqc:e@s isa.dmipist,!!red bYG~uriity S,~yices." T!1.i,?accopnt is being p'haSed1 out aIfc1 reYe9u~ r,~qr:d,'=<ito 7360'. I 7390 Day" ,camp, rSite Rent:ai:, Rental of'ateasfoI:' !~fngat the' lake'.. This, ,accoUrit'has been, canbined' intgaccount, 7390. I 7391: 'Overnight Camping Si'te: Rental: ~(:!I1l<J,I, fee ,pai(j, by 't.11~ ~ubl'ic to camp '~D ~s,i~,rliltedr sites ,~t: ~he !~roUl}d.?i.att.h~~e:., 'l:h'~s :qc~i vi,ty ,is IIDmtor:ed by Corrrnunrty Services. Tlirs' a.cco,unt' wrll be c.9rnb1:.!1!0!~ wrth, I 7360. , 7~00 REVENUE ,FRCM' OI'HEr' AGEN:IES'" Gity'S ,share of tevenue' ,eolleCtea, by other',goverrurent:al units: and ,then, paId to the :City as sUbventions;: also ll!'e9' (to, 'ac.cquntfgF 'f4,!:K!il}g reqei:y,ed ,from ,fed!=l'al" 'state, 'or other' I 2llblic a'JencJ,esf.orspec:i,fAc ,programs; ~'1ran1;:S'Qr prOj~?, 7.401 ;Revenue iftem Other' Agencies - Piibric.:ReV'enue reCeived' ;fran othet: pub1:ic entities', such, 'as schools and< :nosp1t:aTs, for a partiCular pro- ] . - ...,. - ,_. -" ,- ~ec:t' oraCti viti. ' 7,402 Subzone ,and ZOne']: Speciii'l ,assessment district c6Ii~:tions'that reiin'r- :1 ~ bur,:,e<the City.for flOOd, lcontrol l?r6~eCts as approved bYa CoUrity-'Wide agency .' 7410 M:itor"VehiCIe!in Iiieu: :rnclUdes revenue <derIved 'ftem Section' fi66s of I Revenue ana, 'Taxation, Code. 'The 'iirii1&dfee,is set at :2~ of 'th~ 'depre- ciated narJ<et' valUe of motor' vehiCles'. Tne SUite keeps, ;abolit '50% of ,the' collection, and distr-ibutesche rest, ,to cities, ITi::>nthl}i",ori ,the oosis r-~ _ - - , . I oJ:fXJpl!la j:i911' I . 218 , , I 741,1 otf~HighwaY'MJtor VehiCle In-li'eu,Eees: State'rerm.ts this fee sem:Lan~ I nlJC!I:l,y' .t::othe'C-ityas a Jier capita arrC)\ii1t-.~Tf1,i,! EeveD~~,,'t~ 'fPPof.Horieq land colJ:ectoolindei Vehicle' <::ooeSections 3,R240ta') q!1~; 38230,.,' I, 7420 St:ate, . Aid to Local" Agencies: 0ther: stat,ec revenue hot ,otherwise, classif'ied' ISl,l9h' <if> 'a:' 's\!b.yegt:iOn, or $rant:. '7421 ,E<;rleral Aid to Local 'AgendeS: ,Feder<iiJ. revenue' receipts n9t 'otn~is~ 'I 'C;lassifi'edsuch, as' a 'grant, construction, in..,KiE?u tqxes" 7430' .Gasorine ,TaX -2iJ.06: IncLudes revenue. derived fran, secbo!1' :2'1.06:,of 'the I "street arid Highway, CCde.,:r'he ;state 'rertJ: tS,a f1x~ arrO\l!lt n'onthlj' 'to the City. !\CJdi't):onally:, ~h!=, city, sliares in aporti6n of) the: overall I 'oosesum,tI1a.t is not 'dfSfr,ibuted ,to the counties and, this aIOClunt is apportlohed on a montnly ibasis. ", " 743'1. Gasoline Tax: - 2107': 'InCludes revenue'derived frctn SeCtion,nO,? of the I . ....-,.. ,+ ...", - -~,- ':.-_-~'. ..-- -."+..... yr _ .,. -._"__ . ,. '5tateand Highway COde'. The 'payJ1,'eIltpatternfor' 't:his account' is 'the ,same' as for 7430' .,;Thetax i'stolIetted is an ,arn:jt.iritper gallon and is distriputedtQ; ~i\-ies'as a:PEh' 'cagita airOUI1t. ' , I 7432 Gasoline Tax -2iO'i'. 5:, InCLUdes "revenue, derived 'tranSectIon.210it. 5 " of, the Street? land Highway' 'COde. These' funds'ar(;'aiJ.'iocateCl. annu:rrly:to the ,Cit:y ,based, uponpopu~tiClJl fq'nge~.'" :rhE: "city,!s ',Pop,uladon' 'mUst I :ihcrease ,to :1:00,009' before 'thE?J;:e i,s q cha!1ge'i~ntne ,bracket aIOClunt'. 744Q " Cigarette Tax; Includ.e~1 ;revenue der'ived Iran 'Section '304~2 of'the ~~epu~a:,n4, ~axatiqn, Code., Th~,State..remfts.~ this "~ fl19nth.lyto \th!", I 1),tate ,aQd,:aqJ!!,st:f> th~s! 'aIOCluntquarter,IYi' Thrstax 'l~ :aUo.:::.<:lteij tla,S~ , 09: ,a ,serlef> of formulas that:' caribe, roughly, equi va);ent; toa peJ:' c;aP~t:q' ajTOun~: and~ t,o an fairoUrit: that appfoxl.rrates a 'rati() qf dity),s ~:rest:qx I to: 'Other ,Cities,! saleS ,tax,thr,?ugbout the G9UJ:lt:y,. 7450 ,Grant Revenue::, s;ene;;e.J, ~a:tegonrheading used to: ;ihdlcatetbat: accoUi1t:s: c6dedfrCJl!l 74~O 'tg 1499 re~resent ,giants. ' I 745~ Grant ,Revenue -"County;: Reyei1ue receTvro, 'frcin the! countY' for specHic: prggJ;:am,s., , Cul:renqy 'the: :Citynas, received' fundi~g. ,for a, ,fish habi'ta't, I' at:, thelLaj{e., ' , '7453 tooeral, ReVenue: Sharing: , InclUdes ,revenue: Pafd,quarter'ly :bythe, I f~eraJ., gov,erlJ!lEI},tunget' thel \State 'ana Local Assistance ,Act 9f f972. ,Rev~ue\ is; di'~tl',ibuted:based on,:a ,formula :that'ccmbj!nespopulqtion qnd' taXi,ng'aU1;:hority. '?455' Grant, Revenue, HFS"F1\.U: Revenue r~eiyeq~rom' 'rjazaJ:'.d; ~EliI.tWnaj:ion.' al}d I Safety. '(HFS') AND FeclJ?ri!I, Me'! ,t()',Utl;lan ~FAU). CurreQtly fevenues' in: thIs account a~~: J9r speci!\j:~ ~st,reet ,,impro.venErits proje!Cts ,where I fllIldingi,s f,r<;xn trlestate as adinini"tered ,bY ,caltrans. 7456, Grant 'Revenue ,- FAU" 'TilEs accolint:has, :beenccmbined', with, 7455., , I " 'I I, 0 .." I' 219 1 ' . I 7AYI Grant Revenue- :0I'S: Revenue, receiVedfrQ:h, the state 'Office, of ,Ttiiffic ',safety for specifit ,grants. Cuf.rent1y this accoUht ,is inactivE!. I J458 Grant,Revenue -jobs Bill: 'ReyeJ'lue received ft-CXTl ttJe. ~~erq~ gi?VerP-' rent 'under the, jbBs bills 'prcgram. Cui'tently this accoilrit ,is inactIve. ., I. I 7460 ,Grant ReVenue, -SB.I74:. Grant. revenue 'fran the sta'te ,for ,spec'ific, ,parK: 'imprqv~t, projec1::!'l' ,i'isapproyed,llI}9-er 'S~te ~Ki:t ,1~74" CtrrJ:!=Iltly.thisl I ac,coill,11o is '!,'l}a.c;tiye., 7461 ,Grant Revenue' Patk,Bond Acts i980, 19'76i,'etcli Grant revenue fJ:'Crnthe, 'state! for :sPeCific park' ,improvenent projeCts as approved oy' voters' ,I :under 'vadouS bond acts,. .' ... -., ;'74'79 .Grant 'Revenue, - ,Transportatfon Deveioprent, Act': ,~1:a1;e':l:'eyenue fE2I' @,s,s' I trans):t' ilI1p}'2venent"p,rograinS sUch,as! bicycle il11l?rov~ts~ Revenue ilOml:lypaiq ,as reimoor~eirentsto the, GitY for :Specific ,~r~;lVenent projects fUhded as a portion of :fhe ,Artic:l:e: '3;;alloeati6ns, adnifriister,ed ',t5y'SANDAG. ' ' I ;1471 Gi-ant:,Revenue '<:' Off,lcel,of'CXllninal Justice: [state revenue for a cr,ime , --.- y- ~ -'- ,. - .-",- 'Pfeye,n1::iOnpr,Cl9-;-am c:qrr.elJtly~ing pJ;'eS!=.Ilted ~,i.l) th~ City, ~cj1ool,s" 9Y I the,pafety Services De];i3.rtneht iI), corijilliction 'with the,sc!1ool,s,. . ,,7,473 Grane'Revenue. - CDBG' 8th', ,Year: Ad::c5Uribfoi 'revenUe fullded by the: federalgoverrnrentunder ,the 8th allocation year for'the Ccirmuhity J Developrent Block,Gr~nt'~progr~,. ' Thi'prog.r;am rei.:~ses cO?t incurred ,~bI' ,qpproyeq' prqjeet,s;. 'Tqe <::O\ll'l1:Y is! 'the prin:aryr~JP'ierlt, <if t,hg f\1!1~ " I 7474 Grant' Revenue" - 'HoUsing and Ccrrmunity Develo];lll'e'nt:' F<;d'erai graDt program 'that is n6 longer, :ui3ed. I 71,75 Grant Revenue 7::',TDA"Art,lcle, 4,.5:, ,State grant administefe<i 'bY .5ANDAG: f,9rth~, ~1'I."';1\:Bi~ prSl'J'r<:ll1l JQt; '.Sh~ e1-<l~iIY;C!!1d~!l9JcapP,Erl ~i~i!~ens. ~ilnq,i!lg, is r~ttel:i) rroQthJY 6y SANpAG. :rh~Ol::Jgihai allOGati,of!.,~_s par.:t I of' the a-q:Qt-, 'WA sales!' tax and spEdat disfrict au~ntatJoll ~or:' revenuEf." 74'7,6 Grant, Revenue -0)8:;, speclalFuriafng~ ,Ac:coill1ts fo,t teveny.e ;for ~ral1si;t ,. "study' funded by a, spec:ialalloc:ation bf Carmunity Develor;rr.=nt Block' ~.!irlft <CDBG). o:r:h",;Gity, is; a iseccindar,y r'e6i'pient 'for t,he federal CPBG: fiihds,,that rare admin~stered t5ythe' coiiritT. I '747,:7 Grant, Rev'enue, -GDBG 9th, year,:, AccoUnts f6r,'ferleral revenue Junded as fBrt, of the ,9th y,ear allocatiori,of Camhfuit}i' Developrent Block ,iGrant. '. 74'78 Giant Revenue - CDBG rOthYeaq same ~s account 747'7 except the: funding yearo is ten'. I I I 220, I 1'479 Grant ReVenUe ,CDBG ,'9th and lOth Year,: sarreasqgc;o~nts 7'4,77'''-)19. (;74j8., I 7480 Grant Reveriue'- Glearwell: An agc9wlt ,~e.t!lP ,to !,~cc>rcil 'grp!}t:' (tmd"s to ,I ,fiiiancethe' cover :for ,.the ,clearweEL . This account' was budgeted 'by 'the City !Jut Jlll1dS w~e;nevei::apRr'6vedby anYa:gei'lcY.. '. 7500, GURRENr 'FEES, :AND 'SERVICES:, 'Revenue .in. the, 7500 ser,ies' ,represents I .Charges;to ,the public fgrs~,~i,'g.es 'or ~iffe~'. Reverll~e"i'n the~e account series represents ,fee;,>' fq, serv,ices' orprod\lcts. -, I 7510' Candidate Filing 'Fees:' fee paid W cafldidate forJCit,y c6undL6ffiCe. ,The' City Clerk estilla:tesi and 'ronitcirs thTs ,account. :Revenue ,is , r,ec:ei,Yed 8nlY IIi, erection years. 7520 !sales' rand ,Sei;iiiCe: Revenue ,received f.rom. the saieof water., sewer'; ,ami., 'transit services" ptiJi.fy re\Z<:I}\!e isi~Srdeii.,:bitrOht:hiy', ~~., bdled., 1 Transit servicE) revell!l"e ):,;3 recbr:.aedmohthly aIidrepreserits\the opei'a- f9r's +Q% Ja~,e! il)g" ,collectibn:Whichi's parfof a gross ,revenue' concept required by 'the state for audit purposes'.. The utfHty rates :norrrally I a,eset 'annuiB.I~ oyresbllihon," " ' 7521 &Ue's. :-urnetered Water: 'rriterimWater service: provided ,at sites Where, -, ..'- -._- ,",~ ,-- -=- ...~'" -- .. "l'......... .,-' -..__ . ,"" ~ ...... I there are no llEters 'for activities such as Construction 1and land- . . - -. , 'l. _",.n ,_,. - ".~...' r-.) .~ -, . _ _ _. scaping., Water seryj,ce i.s 'bi:ll~ :manually ,~sed on ,minimilm charge, for residentiq.l- y.g;<=!'s and, area, si!'ze :for. '~tered slope water.., " I 7522 Sales -.SD2wl\jRalrona wateL': Wafer sold, :by theCitirto the ,san Di~!? County' Water Authority for' use, :oy, the, :RarrOna Municipal Water DistriCt 'in;accor,dilIlce' with a contiaCtiJa;L ,agreerTlent. 'gevi!111.e '-is: r:ecorCi~ irOnthly as~ 'service is oi'lle(i, I 7523 Interdepartmental,0tilit~ Gharqes: 'Gharg~ for' watet and ,sewer, service Pf'lyJd!=<:!.Jo,r j'nt,ernal use with, ;the' cfty:. The billing :system.autOlTl3.ti'~' . caIly,bllls th~met:.ered aCCOUrtfS'. 7524 ,Dellnquency ,Charges - 'sales; A ,~te fee, 'assessed to 'llt:ility Custdiie.rs, 'who, 'l;i?ve fai.ledto pay their, bill~ .iri a ,t:ifitery irrariner.. Tfie fee I cuge)1tly ii's 'apercen:t:age, of the, \fupaid balance'. '7525 HYdrant 'Meter Service charges: A"fee chcii:'ged to persons WboiuS'e fire I hydrant water llEters 'during constitiffiori\, CUirei1tly a Hat, fee ,of ~IO _. ". _ ~_., ""0" _ d.. _ .. " . ill> charged. " 7526 ReCbtinectiori and,TJih~Oh Fees; A !fee charged ,to: 'uti'lity' custarers to' I -'~ .' . ,.'. ~..... .,,_ _.__ ~ _. _,>< ._c 'reestabJ:.ish:rservice.. 'CUrrently ,the' fee ..is a ,flat fee. assessed 'to ,cover ., -. - - ~.,," .,' ~ . ~.-. _,,__...,. - _...... C'T:. . .L~.~" - '... . -,'.r --, 'the: labOr cost, of( -the ,meter r,eac1e:r agpvaries from: ,$lc5 to $35 depending on the hours, ,the ,s~y~c;E! is PF'oyidedI. ' . '. '7528' Interruptfble Water!Agricui'tural Rebate: Actedi't Is,siled by iSOCWA 'that r<;iduce,s ,t,he c()~J of Wa:ter. to: the,cit1~and the CitY's,<:gr'icliltural ,. '~ers:. ''I'heg.i:scbunted ,ate P=tfriifsc ,~tne tight to ,deer-ease (interiligt) delivery ,by' an agreed upon, arrount, . 1 :1 . , . I ~ 1 i7529 ,sales: Ca.paclty' charges: Fixe<:i. c,qst J)3,Se.cI, ,01) 'meter: srze a@,socjJ~teCl, with ,toe 'wat'er.tretet; 'i:e'.tretef. reading" repafr;l;replacement of, mater, etc. '~.' , 'I 7530 ,Pump~ng ,-" 10. ,n:Ci'l!l-rg~' bi'Hedto, water ut-frity,us~s for water ~fl)g 'J;',~up:e(t toservJ,S~ an ~ea. , Ti)epUf'PQS<= 'ff; t() r:ecov'fL' the " el<=stris::al e!lef'9Y ,cost!3r,''l'h~ p'urnp'ingfqr ,ID#i 1,S to lift' wateJ: to the 1 High VaUe::t area. " 7531,PL1Iit>frig ,-, ID #4: ChargeS' billed, f6rpumpirig 'in ,Pahoiaifu 'HillS, Ldncis 'I ,yerd~", and,po,rt" :i,on,s' of' ,stonericlge1!reas. ~so: see .accouilt7530, for f1ll"t:.her;. 'ex.p1i!.na!::W,Il'. , 7532 ,E'1.1ITPi'ng - :0rchard,shv&,sadclle" A73~: Charges biJ:led for ,pumpipg, in, ",I j:heareasifdentified as, Northcrest" oel.Porifehte and J?brtioris, of'the Green valleci areas'. 'Also ,see accotirit 7?~0:for further' eXplanatiori. 'I 753) ,Pump, 'ing "'Dbnarb "Cl)arg~S bg~~, fqr p\fllPi,ng in t:pe Dc;lIlart Drive _ S.er.v.,icE! ra,r,ea Als;o'seE! 'account 7530 for J,ur.thE;!r ex.p)'anatiog. , 7534 'Pumping '-, ConVair,:, " Charg~s ,bhled for pilinplng to) Con\'a,ir-Sycarrore 1 canyoq/ParonaF.acility, ih the iCity of 'sari Diego A:lso seeac'count ,7530 f()r further', explallji#9n. ;1 7535 Pump, r,',ng ",-. 'Padre, "T, ransit' 'M1" "x: , ~,J;cl,~, br,':l,le,d" fO,r ,p',a, sJre ''!'r?\nsit Mix water :fi!er,l1ice. Also '.see, llcco!lnt i7530 "for fUJ;'j:h<;lr. exp;1.al}'ltioQ. " 7536 'Pumping - &ul'elbacki cHarges b'1'lted, totlie ,Aita Mitra Reser.voir ,s~vj:ng 1 Lak,' e' ,P<::May' ;park and Water :SehT1ce,A'rea, VI'. ,Als6;seeaceoui1t, 7530 for further,explanatioh.' " ,> I 7537 Pumping: ",'~c~iff~, ,glJa.rg~, bi'lle:d to ~ter,puIi1pi~g to, 'Water Assessment Dfstrtet 79,~L Also, ,see account ''7530 ; for' further' . ""-,_.'.- '0;;...". --"",-, .'.._, ., . '. u_ - -....-. -, . ~ . . . , , eXplana(ioQ. ' " , . I' '7540 EXpansion 'Fees: ,d1arge paid' fo'r ,thepdvileg~"o{ Joining~t.he:water or ,seWerutili ty 'sei"vice' system. iThfs ,fee' ,is I;i3.id Whenever' developers or' new utility, Users apply' :fot' .service in, anew 'area. ~1'15;42 Connection Fees:Cl]arge ~id, fClr:,lIt:,ii1fty. se,r:yice, based on, meter ,s1'ze, Gpnnection' ,fees are, nonnaHy ']?aid only bY, , indiv1'duals requidng new' "I ser'vic~ 'ri!th~ th!in bY' th~ ,la,rge developeri 'WIle> eJi:pand ,theutiYity , ~Y'?tern,' 7.$\'4 'AdministrativeRevenue:Cos;t ~~ov~y _~Clrs:t:a..#iperfoIJ!1i.ng '~eryic'5"s 1 'that benefit a., limited pu,bliic. ,OJ:; different ,accounting entity" , AdIililli,S:trai::ive j:everlll,e; :iQcFMe.,<iU9l1 tt~:as c,Yer:hia!f _c.~rgeS; ~a!l9., ~t, 'reC9very for s!:afJ;position perfonning woJ;:j{' :for't:he 'ReeeveI9~.!}t " Agency. I 7546 ~tei'Installat{Ori: ,Charge fb'rsettIng"andc:onnectfQ<j,wa,ter meteralld , , laterals' When'riecessat'y'WheheVer.a new' ,insta1:laGon, is reqtieSte8.. I /o1eter, i'ns,tanation, , ',is,' ,'fuSedori fixed c, harge. and, lateral clic1rgesare , ~s;E!d on. a 'fi,~ed f~\ andror 'qc,t@} 'cost,. 1 1 ~ I 7550 ,High Volume Sewer: :$~~r, ser;v1.s:,e charg",s'biJ;ied. 'to cctmErCialus&s' asl P'irr()f the ut,ilitysystem., BiHin~' IS based on 'Water cohsUlrtption, ' 7551 ,Annexation fees - ,Geneial:'Feepaid' for fhe privfl~e '()f joiQing 'tho: '. " 'sewer district." , 7552, iAiliiexation Fee -, Del, Norte Taxes:" Whensewerser:vice was'offered ',to 'I tJ:lis 'a;eq, ~l,ie cons~s'had la'cho'ice of,u'sing :several ,p:iYmeiit options.) , ,This ~a~cqunt ~recbJ;"dstliisl fee charged, in 'ten annua'l 'i!nStallrrent~ ' recotged on' 'j:he pi"opert:Ytax rolls,. This ,area is <!lsQkI1QW)[qS '.' , 'AssesSmEmt "Dlstrict ,,73~I, Revenue fr(;lTl 7)"':I:Qa,s. ,bas1caJ,lYOOeg collecteo.with the exception 'of tihed.el~~llq\lenc.ies'.: ' 7553~~;~~~,'~~ea~Ji~~s~~::~i.~~~Kri:Ci~5:;~toR:~~:t i'~~~;ti~~~;~: 'I ':11~~~. .'.... ",,"-'~- w _ "__ _ through 1990. 7554 Annexa:ti6n Fee'- Green Valley'Taxes;: s~rrg:Iaxt9 accourit)7~?2 but}9r . the Green. valley- area" ,Assessrrent 'Dlstnct 80-1, Revenue :rs, antrcL- , , p3.tedthr'ough J,9W,." ' "" , , ,", , , 755'~ Sewer Service ,Tax Roll - Fiscal ,Year, 19,81-1982: . :In' preVious: fisca'l . years, the sewer serVIce 'charges :were collected, oil' the.'taX ron, as a tl"at~a~~, c,Jiar,'Ie. ,This: accoUnt' "recordS fhese ,deI'inq\leIlt chqrg~s as' I" , they are .tJerng collected. , 7556 Inspection; Fees: Fees char:ged'bymey,puI:>}Jc ,'N()rJ<sdepar~!l.t. for, on~ site, inspecti()n ,of water and'sewer, 'lines, grading', :inspection, etc. . 7557 Annexation" 0-' ;MaP :Check Fees':' 'Processing fee ci5nect~ 'in.cOnnectioh ~ '" , " \\ittp: ??ewe~ lllwr:eviews ~O~_~~kupchatg",s: '." . 7560 Surcharges: -I'CI: Sewer serVIce charg!" for wastewqter :caPJ:.taJ, J.Jnprove,;-, " " :rrent., , 7562 , J?\lmPing' :Cfurges - St "Andrews: ;Eevetlue, ~J;"ived ,frgn 'uj:i'i:i'tY,cu~j::anets I Who: are assessed fcpr th.e en,~r,gy 'costs 9E tr'!ll?!l1issi,on t,hJ;ough tjie J?LIIlIJ?" stat:i:oo, locatedonSt, P.ndrewsi;o .s~rv,tce thIs area., , " " 1 7563 ,'Pumping' ,Charges ",Camino del VaIle: 'S<lmeas 7,562~ J)(jt for :theCaIrU:noi del'Vane area'.' ' 7564 Pumping'Charg~S '"" 'Del Poniente: SanE. as,! '.7562, bUt for ,the :Del Ponlente" I, ar~_. '7.?66J Drainage Fees: :.F,ee charged toass'ist 'in' ,over-aIl 'erosion anddtainage . :protecti:on',fac.Hities,' cihdterracIngi" ' 7570 planning Fee~:~ F~.~haiged for the ,review'Qf' geyel'opn.=nt, 'appI-ica,t.ions 1 ~ the Plannrng :Servrces De~r~nt. j; - .. .. -, .... ..." -,-- . -"', ..,- :-. '... . 7571, ,En,' vironme, ntal,:Review :~eesLE~,s paid for~consultants hitedqy 'the",:C~t};; . 't;p ,PFepar;e PF~ft EnvHonme,ntal Impact Reports; ,(E1R) for; the :Pliinmng Service!> j)ep3.rtrnent., -. 'I '.' " '223 ~I ,I ,75'72 MiscellaneousPianrf~ng Fees: FeescolQeCt~' by planniilgServic"s ,to rE!coyer !;ne cost, of' services, s\.lch as photqcopies,; I:xJOkleti <'!nd '.flE\pS. 75;7) ,Buildfrfg' :nispectlon :Revenue:Gliqrg~ .for _building~ts and, ,asso- 'I cTated,.iinspec;t,ion foi; siich, items' 'as 'rellOdel'ing, ,fence,S, etc'. 7575' l'tan <::heck -Revenue: CO~ges; fb~ ehg~n~rfqg, ~eview of' cbnstruct~on '. plal)!;; 'aJid 'ITl3.flS., ,ReV~ue recorded' repre.!>en1os~ toe 'overhead cha!ges .f9r ,egg~neerJhg conS\.l1tants and salary'and overhead 'reiITIDu:rsement. for City engineering st~1jh _ I -,,'3;-76 Mi's'cellaneous 'PuOlic SenTices Fees: Revenue received for :sale of j;>lililic:ati,9ns1" bia, specifica:1;%ons" et:c. bY the ,I'1Jl:ihc services ' ,.' De]?af'br1e.ntj. . 7.5 T! tnst.::>ectIon, Revenue 'Fees~ Revenue rec~ived lior ol}-s,ite inspec:tionp made bY .the Publ~c; !~vices Depa,rtJi!=nt other, than t:hose iqspec}:ions con- lIJeCted to utiHty ,inspection,. . 757~ MisceHlaneousSafefy Services Fees :Revenu~re<;:eived ,bY,' the; safety' S.~llic:~< -Departirent fOJ: the" sa.l'e:of publ~ica1;.i9I}s:, .permits, 'hazarOous . mater,ials'cleahup" !'ltc. . <'7,58,0 r.e'isure, Contracts: ;Revenue' ,receivedf.oJJ:"ecreati6n proejiilIlIS t~t, <~e ,. fed '9Yout~A~i!l5truCt:brs;e "g~ ,gyIllIla~ti'cs1 nhytot,,~ra1;e.; 'i'tJe ,fecreat,ionpaftid,ipanfspay. 'a tee' 'that offsefs fhe cost'of thE!,indivi,.. dual class.' - -'-- ~.- ,. 7581, Recreatfon "Pr'cqrarii: Ba~icaH.y the !Same !is acc.ount 7580, ,Out :the recreational clq~s 'js] conducted 'by' City 'emplOYeeS; " :,. 7584 VehiCle Maintenance Fee' - Sheri'ff: Revenue, received 'from the: county' ~or' prbvi4tng :minorserviee'on,.s,h~{Hs';' 'Vehicles assigned~,it.o .l'<1,'KiY,. " 3585 Year.lYVetJiCle ;and Eqiiiprerit. -Rental 'Seriiice: Fee: JeIlta.l fee' charged to I 1lS.ip<J~partirents\ t,o r:ec.oVe.t" tpe'cost .of '~cq1,lir,i'lJg' ,a replac~nt 'yehi'cle. or' frri5i1eequ,i'pnent, ' , , ~I ;75861 Year-ly capi'tal0uHay' Rerttal:> .Ri:nt,al. .f~ charged to 'using .qeparprents to recovei:' ,1:;hereplacen'ent cost, of' acquiring rraterial assets such as word pr:ocesi!ors.! cCmpuf.ers ,;etc. I 7589 TCMing Contracts;' 'Revenue r.ecE!h'~' ,to' reirill:ili-se theC:i.~ty for h~rin<Jj priyate cdnp;lni~t6 tCM {i veililcie as part of' i?," nuisance abateuErit prwram. . 7590 Ambulance' Fees: Rever:iue. received from uSers of the 'paramecilci ambulance sElrYic.e. prbvfdeo. oySafetY'SefVices. '.". ' I .75,91 Fire proteCti'on\ Fee:, A ,fee based oh' al Hre flow calcUlat'ion., This fee is c:blleC!:ed on,tge t:qX'roll. - ", I 759) ,Weea .Afaterrenttll.eVenuerecei'vE!d f:ranU~,r:opert:Y:owriers, 'fsr '9iear,ing. Weeds, ana. de!)~..i~, frc:m, thei'rpr.operty;.Tne weed' .and veh,i,c;J:eab3,tE!Jl'erit: prq9'ram itS! a<'l!!dnistered ,by 8?fety' Ser)iiCeSl.~t, O~ the', revenue. is . cqJ:lec:1:;~ OF toe tax. ton, I , I, 224 , 7593 ,TriifHc, MifigatiohFees:,Fees :~,i..d by'g,e'\iropers to, impri;Jye ,traffic 1. flON, 9r '1J1itiga,te )ora'tJJ'c: PO])g"-Sj:i9n pear their' ,deviHopirenf sites. ~594 Traffic Signal Fee: F~SIliid '5ydeveropers Eo, install, or ,improve I tFaf~ic 'signals ~ear their development sites, 7595 LandScape 'Median Fees: Developrent :f~paid tCl imProye. lCl.n.~c;qpipg I near"the ,development qrea, 75~7 ,Road Irnproverrerit, Fee: ,..S_imiiartb account' 7593, buf, 'theCi~y CoUhCil I 'llBY' !3pecify the part1;culat ciitDuntor Usage. " " ,7598 I'OIiiay and GardEin Rood,; Signal: R.eyenue ,received. ,to, IJenefi~ a wr\;ic::ufar I site. ,Tllis' account' is no longer' i'l.C1;.iye. . , . - ~ 7599: Road :Iinprovement '" Midland: 'Revenu? received to 'renefif'a ,Ilirtic1ilar" '~i'te. Thie' 'act;:ol.l,I1t 'i}3 no 'lon,geract:ive. " I 76()O: CJl'HER REVENUE: Revehue ifi the' 7600'series' represents ; col1ecti9n , .of ,geJ1eral 'obIigati6n 'debt" bond proceegs, gpna1:oionf;',sa:leof p"OQE!r,ty '. refundS and other.lI1iscenan~u13 ill~'" 7l;i10 Borid, i & ,R:-; 'Orchard ,Water District; Taxes: Interest, ,and, principal I )::~,t~glt <CS>.:Llect.ions, for]?a.'fm2nt, of, iOfChafd,Watef:Di'striCtbohds. EUl}.dS c:ollected: fhrc5ugh property' taxes' ,ate fram del::inquentacC9unts 'Clnly as ,the:bondS'ha'Ve been paid. , . 7611 Bona I ,& R - Geriera'l water'iBondS" Taxes: :):I}t;er~!3t an.d ,p:r;i[ls:J'~l "rEidehlptioh, c61!lectionsfor@Y!lElle ofgeIlera,): 'o,bfigation. water: OO!)dS ,issue<:i :by ,PMID.. ,Collected t,h,rougl1 ,p:r;:Opel;',ty,t:axes) a!3 (a rate per I a.s?ess~ ~lue."Tl1~' l;~VY i,s in ;eXcess oCthe' one Percent ,propetty tax; 'rate. .- '7~1:2\ J . :Bond Ii &, R - IOn, ,TaXes: Interest. ana principal red~tion 06ll~~ 'tibi'\sonthe ,taXi ,rolls'for. payn:ent Clf Jinpr.ov~nt Qist.:r;ict 1; 'High 'Valley,area, b6nasorigli1ally issued by PMWD. '''' ' , - ~ ,. 7613- ,BondS I" &Ri - ID '#2'- Taxes; Interest ap,Cl.principa! ~ed~ti.o9cg,ges- tions ion .thetax rolls ifor paYJl1l"nt ,of ,jinprovem=nt D'i'strTct 2, bondS orlgfhaHy i'ssueo. ,byEMID'j ",-'. " ,.", " ",. '. ' , '" I 7614 BOnd I & ,R'- ,19.75 :BOndS,'Taxes:, Inte,e,s~ al)~ pr;i!1s.fpa:':h,P~1:t:Oll collections for payrnent of 19% bondS ilsed to fi:nance the fire :station I ariOfelated struCtures' and 'eqUi.rnent: 'ftlis' fssu~, [s: ,ca - genetcii 'OblIga- tion :bond h;s!l~ by,~~.," " , ," . I .1 I .1 :1 ;2'25 .. 76;];5 Bond I & R ,- lSewetBOndS, TaXes: Int~eres,t,' and, p~i'riciP(ii redernptioQ collections 'for 'payrrent' ;of general ,obligaUoii, sewer oondS.. Collected I .thi'oughpi'opeity taxes as a rate, ,per assessed 'Vcll,ue., 'The 'levy i:i:S in' 'exC;e,s~ qf theon,e 'f€crfent prgpefty, (~'r.9-1:e andrepres_ent,s vafi9us, d<;ibt issues ofK:wD.' ' , ' .. ~_. - '.y'-- - "'C - -- -.' ~ ., , ..~~ '. 7616 BOnd I & R' ~1g;78'Fite BOndS, TaXes: Interest and pri,nci]?ai redempti:ol} collecti6ns, for ipayirieht of 1978' Fite' ,BOnds. ,COllect:ed ttirough property ,taxes on, annual ';fusis. . 7,E11? 'BOnd .1 &:Rl '-At.>' 79"'1,,'Taxes: .:triferestand pri'ncipal redemption; cOned,-, 'ti9l}S fo}," 'j;layqept: 9fAD ,79-;L ~boq~. Cof:.l~ted ,1,:l}fQL1gh'propeft.ytax.es '. on al)nual .l:asis,;" 7640 -State LiCense 'Cdmiissf6ns: Hiindling fees fOri 'SeillfngState,.of ,California, ,fishing licens~. collected .at, 'rake PiMay ona dailY, ;. ;~sis", ' {6?:0, Donations - ,Carmuni'ty'Senrices f ~nt.ributJ(:)Il!3'!!I'!cle by s~ti!~gn!? ,of; . :Powa,y f6r plirchaseof eqiii~nt. fot ,Cdrrttun'ity Seryices :~part.rreri1::. 7651 ;Doiiations - Fire station: Contributions liade. bY) ci.nzens'and orgarii'ta- tions ,of PcMay for, nater,i:aIs and'~pnent for, safefy ,services. :. . iJ,65.2, Donations '" Paramedic: ContribUtions' nadeby cfthens' and: organ:i!za'" ti9n,s!;.Q' ,benetitpararredicsfor."'silth ii:.ensiisr:ar~c ~iID=lJh I (safety f.i!1ins, eitc., , , " ,. '. 7653, :D6n.3:t'ions -, Clyde ,ReXr,ode M2ir0dal: 'COritt'ibutiqrls;ifude 8Y,c'it~'zeJ}s '9l ;~y:, "in IT8lory 6f! Clyde' RexrOde', the,City"s 'first mayor!., ThefiThdS '. ,cOllected,.are, paying: for' ,tne coristruCtion 'of a :ffierrOrTal, pavilIon'at? Lak~PowaYt.. . f7.654 funat1onsl-General:,\ GegeralcoJ1tributi~o.l!s 'nad~ t9 t,he City. ~ftqgu~ specif!cat:ion:as' to: use of f~dSi for specific operating units. Usuapy, riDhey isreiCeived fcit-'speeific programs, ,or prqDeCts on, a non-recUrririg ]:asis. " . 7655 ,r::bnations '0 ,Bette : Bencihen : Contri'butio!,!s naOO by,the estate and, the, , , 'Citizens in mem::lry ,of; Bettesenciixen 'fbr, 'de;;elo~t 101' 'riCling and :. ~iki'."g trai;ls 'in: ;i:>o.wqy" Do.~tion~a:FerElceived ped.o<j{ca:i~y' througliorit' ,the 'year,. :1 J66~ Sale of ,Surplus ,property:, Prqc::~ifsi'le 9fs.l,lIpllJSproperty owned 'py c::itY'.~lli;!<::t,e4bJ;, '~ch<:ls)!Ilg J:l.epat:'~taft.,~ S<:ll~ of propert.Y ~lared, .qS sUJ:PlusbyCounci'J;. '. 7665 Developer!SubdiVisionDeposit Revenue,' Depgsits, nade, with E'uPHc SerViCes Department by, ,developers"to ,Cover engineer.i'ng'i inspection and' nap ,chec~iiig, -Of developersll'ccinstrUction, 'pro'jects. , I '" I I ,n6 I 767,0 ,Mandated eosts Recoveries': ,collections ftdii :the state for .:Fficreases' in. ;C:Osts ililpOsegby legislatIon. CYaifuS, 'filed annually 'by,Pinance iDepartm=rit .. .767l. ,other Refunds: :RefuridSfbi:" oV~Payments 'tha_t ar~' Qot;"ac~ountecEfor il1: 'other, :refund accounts. . " ,Im Returned Cheek Charqes:', ~rges. t,o 'cystOl1lel'S for cnecksreturnea 'byl t;he.ir :.bank. Co;L'Yec:ted by. cuStciIEt. Serv,ices at,fime of ,restitution. '7673.workers:1 C(]11flEinsation InsuranCe:, Dividendsjreceiv~ on W:;)]:'k~s" '. Cal1pensation Insurance Premiums. J:aid in prior tiscaT, years a.n.d ,i~s' ' reCeiVed ,annUallY" usu.a.1ly tn ,tune,., ' 7674 ,Insurance lSettlerrents:I'ropert'( TS,ettlementsawarded by, insUrance'. I ':161'5 i-ti,"scel:lan, eous" :1" ,n,c, Olre" : " Used :fof'recoid~hg ,iE;'venU:es,hot, ,classified "tn,' I any,otherrevenue account'.. Col1ectedat vanous,tlJl\es throughout the year'.' :MLscelTane6u:S inCorce tnclu;1~~ 'su9h tl).tngs',asRhoD~ c~s!3iOElj' , .piili1:i'cationsal~s i j:rans9ript1on'!, yendor re,fUn?5'i' :etc ~ 7680 Iriterfund Transfers: Used .to' :tec:ordt.ransfers of. furids as other I - 'filliiflc,ing :sources or loins; 'isi:tWee~'fUndS. " .7690 Year'-end ReVenueCleaitng: Used, at .fiscal year end'te> c~9S~ reyenu~" I acc:ounts' 'to ,fund baYance, under ifhe old acc.olfIlting~y~t;erl).. ':!hi!3 ac,col!!l.t.; , ~s t?OlOrig'et' active, but remai'nst,o ,pre>viq~ tit,le .file (or tl)~, 91~ I sys em'. " 7999 Suspense Account:, ,Used for uni&ni:ifie<:L revenues. When, "revenue iSI ~deIltified the .~unt' is transieir1,d to the proper account. I 7'l00 ASSESSMENI' :DISTRICTS: Revenue .:i!n, i{he '''700 5efJes ;:.eprell~t~ ',!S_Se.!3S11~rit I distt,ic:b filndtng" 7710 ASsessment 'DiStrict 83-1:: 'Col~<=ct.ions of (i!3,se~sr:rval1.t.< ,fr,ajl pro~ty owners,inthis:areq for lan.ds99pi!,g, :a!lC!l'Bi'nt~nal'!ce ,9fslopes. I. 7.7U Assessii'e-nt, Distr,ict, 83'-2:' Cofl~i:ion ofla,sse,ss~,t.s.fr_an property . owners in'.Asse?!3!l.!=.Ilt Distb<f; .~3'ii for ):aI)AAcapi!ng' angiraint~rianc~ of 1 sl'ope ,in SunW<J9d' ,TJ;:qqt ,a],ong Me~te; 'La~, T,he revenue, iscollect;ed oil ' property '1:ax rolls .with asseS?ffientj ,bas.edonacreage'. ' I I I , .. I .. ~ ~;:~ il ~~: ~, ~ i(l) !~; . , ,~ :1 ':-ij: ,~,. I ~~. - ." 8 " ~ \ , .. , -, - - .- ~; -- - j -, ~. _. -" -'.' ~J .' - - - .~ ~-~,- - ~ ,... - , - 228 . ,APPENDIX: E' I " sUi6is Of Gity council ::IJmediate and, Short-Term Goals I 1. Redefinition ,of pr6ce<iuresforrespons'e 'to public C<::mrerit'SI ahd ihqiliries'. I Totne "maXimum,eXtent' possible, staf,f has endeavored to respbnd to'a, public C:c>i'ifuent or inqUiry within one week. A,postal card system cor telephone Call to, acKnowledge' re<::eipt, has' 'beeninstic.uted by/aj.~l" 'city departrrents. I E;1:q,t:.~: b sys~~ha?~' eSt!!oli,sl1ed by ,~cI1d~pal'tl}Entt9 ac;knQ\olleggg (hE3 '!:,<:ceipt 'of a public, cament :or, inqUiry witl'ti!none week" . 2" canpilatlon,of a I'ist'fng of applicable p&ii\i:ts iirid licenses, ,The' pUtpose ,of this, projec:t is to nave a 'readily 'available l'isting' of,nec:essary perini'tsand licenseS, that, ,will enable, an individUal to understand' at ,the f-irst contact' . with a City' &,par6rent 'what will be required'. Thlsmatt.erhas been, of'con'" c,erns,!nce ,:iricorP9raf~QI):: 'Wi1H~ ,sP<0gIc ~ist:.iIJl~s bave '!l~j:~~n' prepar~", ~tqff ~!?~n a);1le, ,<,~ithexp<=Fie[ice)!togi:Ve,,:rrOre canpli2,te,il)f9pl13.ll9,n tg .. th~. ,publJ'c, , withtheadininistrati,;ve, st:af(ing propb~ecl;in.._,JihEl1,9l!3-~:4 fudge_t,'; itisexpec:ted that, thi's .project ,will be cOitq;ileted in finalfOrrri;by DeCember '1983 . Stafus: ,ThePlarinirig and: p\ll:il!ic, SeNices departrrerits(,nsted' oil, pages ,81 -arid .. '91) ,are in the process, of' ccropiring a listing of: applicaole, Pernlits'and 'licenses reg1lired;by .!'l1e, cii::y,.,The~e will qe, .Pl,lt', into ~ brocl1ure 'that I will, be ,aya:t],aRIl?, ,to, the, plililic. 3.. Rev1'ew, and: !amend,as necessary non"-Geheral PYa'i1:or'zoning related, regUlatory ordinances'" As:tne City Cbuhcil is ,well ,aware, an\lrrtber .of ordinances' 'have I 'been' reCeI1i:Iyaoopted that have the ef,fect of "clea.-riing up'" the fegii1.atory, ordinances" 'This is an: ongoing ,process which,willbes1.ibStantially cdilplete with the 'publiCatiori, of' the Poway 'MuniciP'!1 COde. However". as Cfic1JrrStances . chang~, sgtle,exi~fA,ng' ordip?nces Whicnaz:e'acic<:pt:al?ie 'a,t :(h,is tille, may 'n~ revision., $tat-us: fThisprQj~tw.a~ ;~~t~nj:\atly c.c::rnp~ete<:i wi[1oh, the, :p~li.cqtion of tne . ~y Minlis:ipar, Code.!iavever" i,i~- c;i,FP~1:qnc~scJ:!ame, satE' eJ{isting 9rclinans:;~~ .n.aYl)~r~vcision,,; 'f'l1e ,c:;j.ty,C1er!C':;; OEfiS~i P<;!g@ 39, ia,ncl. 'Aavanced pianning' DiVIsion, of the,Planning5ervices De]?artrrent, page I' ~,"_.,-- --. -'. ....~..,- " --.. -.. -''''~~ -,~. - -. -- '.- ... ._,-.- 8,6, :are re.sponsible 'fo!" this project . .4,. Assignment"7D:lSpbs'ftion ScheduIe'. Shor,tiy aft~ i!1cpq~ratio.n". the,City Clerk instituted, an' "Assigrurent DisP9si'tionSchedule~ in cOrder to 'ensure ., ,that' rna't.t~s' 'd!sctissed at dtycoUncii,if'eetfngs were ,not }bfgott,eli ,CiGrJog the time when .thetransiti6i1was 'oCc\1r':i:'ing". As'staf,f was fiired ,and interl)ai trackihg began to IOcCur; ,the ,disP6sition~schedule 'w.;fsdr6pped. . At, the City, I, 'Council' srequest" this,s'chedule.has been ,reiilStituted, and ,1's: ,pre"par'ed,ana ,distribUted.after everyCOilncil,meeting\ Status: The },ssi,glJ!!.l<:m): pisposfti9n, Schedul~' has' ,Qeen i;mp).~f)te<:i Cl.pd< ispre-i I pilr,!=(l an9. Clj:~t!"iRuted' after ,every Council 'meeting: 'by the ,{';ity G1erk's 'OffiCe, page. 39. .. I ,I '22~' , I '5'. 'Open Forum MeeCings! tor puljllc input:. ,The <3~ty S'PUlfS,1;l expJ:ies,!ed a, d~s~re ~9 pp<:Jnsor. ,open forllIll" pUblic ,meetil1gp:,at various loc;.atJo,ns' wi thin ,the City,. I Staf,fwiip: Il.qtice,su.:;n'rneetfngs a's, ,toe' City CoIihCil",desires; status:, This is ,all 'O!1-gq~f.!g: flrg::~s,~ ,encJ., qS' ,the cft,y CoUnCil desires; pubiic: forilin,i'reetings y;iJ:l be"schedul~, a!lcl notXced.T.lie 'CitY'8Juncrt,gbals I ,are discUssed on page ,)6. :6., Litter cleanup 'and 'enforcement of' ,illegal dilillping., '~ince, October 1982" I ,s1;.,aff ']:)a.p' bet:l1;,,!:orking with, the Sheriff's ,Depai:t.rrlent, tQrqug!1 itsjuve!li];~ di,ver?tol) wor,ls, pr:ogr:an,r:~op f,itter <!j.~nup,~ "This is in :addiLtontoexj:.,til)g Coill-,t, ,ref,eq:al a!1cJ.' YlQrkfa,.r:e Pr:og,r,~}, Volunteers such as ,BoY Scoutsapd I ChUrch yputh, gr:Pl!P5 Qave oceasione,l}.y pr:~yidedassistance'"Beg,inning ~!l earlY JUly", an; :honor camp q:ewwni be wor1d'l?-g, s.~cif ieany ,along 'P<irei"ado !l,O?-d:. ,. - ' I ':fhfgugh, tl1~ wegd 'q~t~nt, program, ;fntens'if,i'ed efforts, by the Sh~:Hf,' s Ot{ice" clod, pj:gI1jng 'by ;PLiJ)lic ServIces, an, effort' ,has :ree'n I1\adet,o C!IT,!=' ilJ.egai d1.lq)iJlg'qnCi, deagl,lpexis.tingproolemareas. Other.' ptogr~' that J will ,be, I:'}~-"':-,i'<?Wed' tlli."cCm.jfggY,f:'o,r ,i!lc:liUl:l~,! refuse collectiol1 fral1dlising '<.lnd 'the, feasibility of ,a local, coUection ,and transfer 'station. with' :the:l1Umber <of Canyoris, and'othef seciti:ied:areas;i~leg~I clumpi:l1g .i., :pr9bablygoihg'to be ,a constant, aggravat'ion. ' , , I Sl:;i1;.us: !I'he'weed'a.~terrent pri:lgfam ,intensif,{ed, effgrts.byfhe Sl)e,riff:'.'s ,<;1e]?art~, ~ri):., ,!-n,\:fth,~ iGity's keepP6way OOiufHiil,si:g:nih<j ,program have,t)~J,pell to, ,I qll'PoJIleglll, d1.m1i>}:I1g; 'Theqity :hasadopt:ed ,<1 'ne.rrefuse colJ.~cti:on; francl1i~e a!l~,wiI1,~ons.~der, tl1e f~~bi]jt~ of 'a lOcal collec~ion an~ tr1iilsfef 'station, after' January 1, 1985; These :prC?grainS areilnpleriiented through tl'ie 0:xIfuunity, !serviceSJ Publici Set.Ylces qiid,~f~ty iServiCes' I departments" pages 71 ,,9'1, ,and ti8. ";J,. Business' Registration Ordinance, ,An adviso:r;Y cartnittee has~n, ,a,ppointed I to draJ:t'~~usi,Q.e~s ,gegi~trati9n; Ordinance designed to pr,otect' City l:Ju,si,- l1esses~ The 'or;dinanGe w~li '~9qpside.red"bythe City Coiiiicil ,il1 ,(ctober,'. 'statUS: !I'he' City 'adopted a, new 'Business'RegistraHon Ordi'ilance;, 'and in cooi;>er:a- I Cion :vii~htl'ieChart'ikI:', of' ~ce i J:m:sp1.$ki?l1ed?, brochiire on "Doing Blisiness' in PciWay. n "The Adininistrati veSer,yiceS,Departrrent, :page 56!, admi:niStersthe 61:aiilance. ' . ,I' ~; ,Plan for "'''Old PoWay.n The City'Colil1cil l1as ,r~pgn.t~eC!'; tl1e n"ed 'fqr, a, plan ,fQr' '!Old Poway.]" The current' IDfxed 'pattern bf'~y'elogren1;., !OCClJIred through property OWner" desires land ,the C6Urity',S' inabi:j,ity' 'to ,plan;, 'Tl}e dr,!ft ,I cpnprehensive Plan .suggests ,a i\~ pfgeh,erql p_r,op<:Jsq:l? 'fo:r;t:I1e> <.lL'ea" i(lc1uding ,preServation ,of,histod:t structUres,,;sq,ii!ni:c p,reser,vq,j:;;i,on, clear, definition of, land useS, and the need for a sPecfic plan' 'to ,i!!q:i1ement the I Gen.<!!'aJ;~laF' Up<:Jn adoption of the General! Plan, Iii fil.l 'j:9J33, 'a~wor~ :prC?gI:'am cpulji Re: d.eyel~pedt,9~aci1f~te tpis ,goal. In addition, this may be', an ,area W1iere' 'r:eqeveloPJlE!n~ Il\;iy be 9fgreat use'. ;1 . I 230 " I '?tat\lS:, Th~ ~fty ',~;llCJi:>pt:~CarPrehen~ive, ,Plan 'suggests a p\1ii1i:;2tof;general ~ro;- 'I fO!>,~r.~for: theOld.Poway, area. ThelCft:y,'s ,RedevH6prent:lii]eoC'j ID3.y a!>,s,ist, in the 'irnplernentat:ion, or a, work prcijrain for ,tlifs, areawhei1 i~ is I completed. The i:!lanswiu 'be the responsibility of, the Planning' Ser,V'ices, 'depart:lit€nf'" ,P,3.ge 86. ' , ", 9.. ,Rerleireloprent ,program,for, Paway'. Th~ <city, .Coy.ncilflas..achvat:.ed the.' P,o.vay 1 Redevelo~riCAge!lCY" ,and .has directed ,staff' :to soltictt for proposals for ccnsult:.frg' servi<;,~s, ,111 Jrij,y" ,13ta:f;'E'';h'i be 'rec~rlci.lng';budgE;t Jbr ,prall, 'preparatiol1 and"thehiring ,of speci!tic, consultants., .. I ,StatuS:, The city has adopterl'areo.evelopneriOplan for the PagUay' ,project:' area, Dui'frig'the 'twenty~yea.i ;Life ofth!" 'projecj:. ar,ea ,t.he R.edeveloprent ,AgencY'. ,will construct ,Hood control, facir:iUes,; ,traff,ic: circulation 1 ,!y'stemimproverrents,,'irrIf!rc:iITEim.=nt,s fo;su~~n~Fd' ~l,~~, s,t~eej:s!,,'s~g~, sy,stell}' improv~nts'ji"B1t.~r "sy,stem, i!!pro\T~ntsi,,~uth 'PQ!:iay 'Plql1nf,P.,g 'llr..~ d~fovem.:'nt!>", 9bd, Coach Nor,th ?laQnl!r:lg, afea l.mproYements "Publl,S I f?c~.ri~~i~",?ncl,.,@rk impr9verrents'., ',Thell,edeveloprent Agency Budgeti i~ shown 01} page)!53. ' 10,. Ac:qW.sition of BIM' ,raiids., The ,appli'catlon of;the"City of POWayfbr,acguiS'i- I ti9n oe .f.ive parcels, 'with, :acreageof near'IYi ;1900 acres is proeeedingin a positive Jra:riner" 'It is anticipqt.~, ,~l1aj:. by,tlie enci of Sept~ 1,9f!~'"t,h~: City:wi'J.,:rr~ei)'~ ap !'!Xc:::I;\lSiv(;! ,DO"'cqst~~se,ontQ,e pr9pe1:',tY,. '~iQ<i.lp3.t~n~ 1 or, <!eedl!!lg,o]ithl'! pr;<?per,l:Y 'wiJI occ:urwhen' the Cityc~!'P.let~s ,t:hepfoposed iWFovege11t:.'!. ,~he' ,Tease land developreilt 'program ,for the 'BIM, lands 'were 'approved 011 October' U, 1983. I Statlis" 'The city has 'received an' excJusive,'f:i~e;-,y~r 'no-.cqst :~e<ise on, the Bll1' bandS, Dudng this five-:-Year, perto<!, if tlfe: Ci,tY<ieveJoP:!lt_hepl~nne9 'hiking and ,riding tra,l1s' 'for thi:;; area, Bl11~ wfll,gr~!lttlJ~Cij:y ti tJe 1 to 'th~ ,Iqnd. 'n i,canprehensive' ',watericonser,iJat'ion plan. , ,This goal_ 11ot, 'only ,inCl:udeswat.er I co11~eryat-tonibut also tncludesi directiontb "studY 'fu~lire' ,water ,needS ,as well ,as locations for' rufl.fre water storage. Witlithe cCitiPlet:ionof \Ohe ;Hbusing Needs; ,'Assessment StuCIy, evaluatibnsof ,t.he water ,needS cah;be ,deve- 'lopS,t. ~water needs" can, ,be developed USing vadous ,estimates ibeondit:ions 1 such ,as drought and/or disaster" ' Sta:t:tis :' SubSfuntiiilwark j'sstill necessary !before a draft ,CanPrehensTve Water Cbnservatibn,Plah ca:n '00 reviewed by' :the ,Cit:y COuncil. 'This: ,pfoj~t is I' the resBOnsibil'itY6f 'tne PUblic, ServiCes' ,oepart:irieht, page9:l. " 12. ,Revised "Tran'sit :Plan for I'Oway,. 'This project is currently underway,. DKS 1 ' '~ndAssociat.es is under, 'co,ntract ,with tl1e Gity" 'A, fina~ r~pQrt, w~,l:1 :6epre- pareCi s9 ~ llE!W' systelll g1I1'i:Je iIJPJ,:~t~' clUr,ingtl)e 19,83~?A ~i,scql y~r{. Status:: The 'transit. pfun, fof. pgway has, been ;J.mp,lement~using a caiha-;-fde; 1 system. a devfated fixed,rollte system and an airpoi;!" ,expte,ss 'service. Each 'system is', evaluaTeq,regular~y and as; :irOOii:icationsooc:cme, necessary"they ",i'l1 be ,revfeweo. arid approved bY the, city COUncil. 'The, I transi't \);irogram, is, adrrUnisteredthrougli the qCrimuriity Ser:vices :depart- ment, ]!'6ge' 71. I I I 231 I 'B., Increase<3. :effor:ts' for:' Upgrading,rca&'. A_ reall, ppogra,m of $AOO,009 'was authbr:ized, within :1982"8),. ,The City ,/oBnager ',s office, with the assistance I 'a,fithe ,Gity 'Aff6fhey!has been worKing' ,on dE!vei9ping' 'pfc:igriiJl1 'detaU:(>" I!!lflJ~Q~t:,toIl2f :thi~ph.a,se is expe6fed1diJ.i:ing the I98B"'84 IiS'cql year. In a~dct~ti!?g; 'the qity Cguncil h,as approved .'OrdirianceNO~,lO.3'; which re<;luires I Pe4,r~1!tr,ol} agd, 'rlllppoveIl'@r!t, 91: roads ;uponrssuance of bur ldrng perm:lts'. status:, A, ,loon' p,tbgtam 'hafCbeen approv:ed.by' t~,e Giiy, ,itO\lllC,.i;1 ;to qssist, heigh- 0 bofhoOdS iriiipgbidihg" ;their 'roods. to ,City, ,standargs. Tl}edetai.'l,sof I, ~his program are, being, develbped: 'and ,'wii'l" ~l1ev~e.'f~" 9Y :~~~:(}i~y ,~1'1:qtlleT in the' near ,future. 'The program will be adrtiinIste[ed,thrc>ugl} tol1eP,tlbIi~:{S~v:~C,e.s de@rtrrEnt,page ~l, I '14:. construct'ion, of,a swiimUngpbOl a~, 'the CCmnuni'ty <::enter. 'This project' ,will 'be included in 'the' 'r:ede\telopm:nt, 'study'. I ,131;:aj:uS), Tile c<;mstructiOIll iof a, ,swiiIinfhg'poolat 'the Cdrm',l!1it,~~ cenj:~, t~ on~of the 'Pr:oj~ts 9utHned in the' R~evelo[irerit PIan (or 'the' Faguay project area . The Capital Irrrprovement ,pr:Ogram bUdget begins ,oh page:'i2SC., ' .. -. -- - .. ---.... ,. ~. _.~ -. . - . .. . LI ,IS" !senlor: citizen housing,.1'I1<= ,g<;Ja1l: of'fhisprojecf is' to fdehtify~nd 'pOssibl~Cdesignate,f~tute sites, tqr' ,a]?af;~ll.t.~a!!9, Ilpbi'Ie homes fbisenior citizerinousil}'j,. .The Canpr$eQsiy-e' I?lan alldltl1~ 'pr:OfXJsed" Iiedevelopnerit I Plan, which, 'wil:l.be, admlniStered iby, the Pd,./ay ,ReqE:ve.i()~nt ~AgenC't, will 'addr,es~ tl}isissue, ,I ,Status~ 1he; C~ty~ungil i,n <::cll1pI:~<:lJlce. wi,ththe ,CanpteheilSiiie'GeneratPlan ~as 4es~gnated site~. ;al)q .<:lpppqveg gE:v"elo~nt for, apclftriiants and 'other fadlities pi'ovidi'n,g fgr't,h.EO} ;geeClf; cif' !S,eIlior citizens. The POWa~ Rede!\telopnentAgencYBu<l'9'et ,begi,:ns Oil page, ::IS3. I 16., ,Condoffiini'uin.Conversi6ri, StandardS,. The :rroratodum ,on 'colldani!nium conversions , , '~ires 1.n July 1983 . The, new' <::C:rriptehEif,lsIve pian sugge~t,i );,.~" ,s~t'.a~egi'es I for this issue. 'Thefifst creates tWo zones'; one for aPartrrEnts ,and one for c.onda1ii,!!i~,,'l'h_i!5wiU ,help to :pfeser,vel,apartinehts:as. i!: viiibre: hous'i.'~g' ,alteJ:'Ila1:ive;.. 'l'_hE:!sesoPg s_tF~~E8Y',woJ!l_cl al-lowcohversions.of. the ,a.partments that, are ,of a 'density less 'than twelve dwel,1'ingunits 'peracr'e, 'nave cori- I dcriiiriium zohi'ng; ahdineet 'the istin<Ja:rds' as 'set 'forth on page 'BBO of: the <;:Cnll;Stehehsive ,pian. ' ",. - "" '-, " ," I' Sfatus: ,The City',s Cdnpt,ehemsfye" Geni?ral P,lan, approveS! by the, City 80uI1Cil, confainsstrateg,ies ~nd standai'~ fo~ thE:!_CPEV~sion ~f ~partments t6 c6ndCtni'ni'UIris. 'The General, Plan 'is, adininistered I:)y the Planning ,", - .'_'"' __< _.._ po' .. , ,serviCe's ,department; ,page 810 I I .' I ,I ,I 232 I :1.:7,. Alternate Access 'Route. Jhis project proviqes tor" an intensiye ",effor,t to I' l~t~ 'a ~sui,t;.g.ble secoh4rO\~te l:let:.ween 'SR 6'1, and I );5 . ,Stag j!sworkTrlg! ,with th~ C~ty of, '~nDiego and, SANIJAq: on', a' SR ,125 stooyc, ,Iriadditiori, lit'i- :1 gat::ion civerthe sabre;Springs Ccmnunity' ,Plan nasbeeri 'ih'it-hited in ordeito, pre~et,vepotential al'ig,hmeii1ts. ,F1lfthet, a Qropefty ,oWrietsgrouphas' ,begun, studies pertairif'ngto :the :developrent or South Powayand has identif-iea the, ,rieed for' this route~ 'The City's C~rEihensi;'e GeI1eralPl:an;\$hlch' was :1 ~d9pte<J. J::>y t,he 8i1:Y ;Gouncj), 'concep,1oUil.iiyd~signai:es a:-rou.tefor, 'sRlis; - . ;sfat\lS : The ?taff i!"w::>rJdngwith calTrans! 'tq destgnate,an eXisfi'ng roLite bet- ,1 ween 67 and 1-1:5 wl'ifch, 'WoUld indooe ,the state, taking ,over the :riai'n,-, tenance, of'.POWay ,grade., J@ the SouthPOway,Plan develops" 'analigi\rnerit fcir SR 125, will have to be de!signqted'n~nfI app'r.9y,~ J::>y' th<:' city (;;qunqi~. 'The ,Advanced planning, 'j)ivf!s-lol), }i.st~ 9!l 'P.3,ge ~'6 ts ;vorkAng~i.:tho1:h'?l' I' cities qnd goverIlJ!lel1t:~J..c agenci,'es 01}, this' p'roj~., ~'l . l{l.Old POway -, Mini,Park., Thisgoa'J,)s dirept.El!i toward thel fpssfble ,need f;2r a I 'p3.!"~ rn the, Old, 'PoWay"ar!'ia. As disCUssed'; :the 'park wolil:d:havean 'ateaof at leqst' one ,acte . Through 'the Redeveloprent Plan'" ,adriUnistered by the P6.1/a}" Redevelot:f[lEilit AgencY', the ispedfTc needs, for this parK, win be addtessed. ;status: Th!,! d<:velop.1leIlt'ofc 'a. 'olleacre I]!il)i....parJ~, ,for! tqe Old,?gNay ar~, "ha~ .Peen' I inc;:J.ude(:l, i!} the ;Re4eyel<?p!y=nt l'lan: ,for t,he 'Piiguqy' project, area,'" :i9. 'Esi:ablistmento(:il roea'!: 'cable canniission. The city' is cu.rrently;revieWing 1 thest.a.t,us :ofth~ 'cable Television Otdinance ahdF'ranchis'ing 'through the, consulting firm Of Telecamninications Manag~nt Corporation. , 'Up:>n :cCJlliPle- I .tion of the~ttidy,;, the 'City COuridl, may, cbnsidei' varIous options", indUding a' table'camUssron. 'St,qtus: '1l:!.e City GQl,lIlc.i.J,hgsadQpte(:l q 'Pew Ci!Qlet,el:ey~s.iol1J~,r;a!lcli~q~;aI}g ~~! 1 Cable 'is, ,in the, process ,of acqui1ring Signal Master,. At:this'tirre, the ,onlyr:enaining ~e;'~~oPedareas' in 'Poway not~,er:Vedt5y -cabie>are'Green vai1.ey High~anas and ,Hig~vaney. GOxCaDle, 'is, iprefijfiinga repoi't for- I reviEi\.j' bJ':the, City 'COuncH on,'ttle, feasibilit:'yof sei'viciii'g:,thesear'eas. Tne COX "Ca,ble repott is, due, to "the City: c6uritil 'iih January of 1:985. iTheCcmn1initYServices department, ;page '71, coordinates'ptcigresstdwatd, thiS <;)'001. ' ' , , I ,20. Upgrade of ,POway High ,School footb3.11 field, ,This ptoject, ,ptpfXIs~~ to assrst PCh@y 'Unified School. Distr,ic:t with, ,the uwtade, of the ,football field, 1 at" p(Y..iay ,High ,Scnool. The projectiwi'll 'be cons''fdeted in the, Redeveloi;Ihent, Plan ,of the,POWay: ,RedeveloPment Agency" page 125. ,StatuS: Imped'al CorfXIration,owner of'the .fIitsCh Ran(;hdeveloprerit, ,through 1 the efforts of the school, ,cli!strl'ct,ano, the City has agreed 'to, acce"'J lerqte "t:he "pa~nt o~ {u(1ds "(:$400',@:9T f,oi th~' r$qEj[f!'ta,#~sn ot the, ~y High lSc:h9c>.l }Oo!:Q<:ill ~ta<ii~'; _;6J:.t~~~ei fun.~" ~2~00"OdO iY'()uld. Qe~ I us~.,t;9_ 'iJflflrovephysical e!iucat;IorlfaciIitifes w.ithin tile stcidium ar.ea and ~20p",000:,woy.1d beqsed for stadium Jmprovenents. ' , I I I I 233 It 21. ,update ,on ,Letters ofAVaHability,'TJJe~'GitYL 'C9q11ci'i has apPl'()vega :n.~ ,sewage capacityordinanceand:lias dicr,e<::te<ist:aff :to 'obtaIn caPacity ~tn ,ootn . thePenasquitoSTfuriksewer,rffne and at ,the P6irit ,LaJiaTreatrn;;;ntPlant., I staff: ,is' working' to acqUire ,the iiddi'ti6i1al ,capacJ.ty,. ,I Status.,:' 1;neGi"ty, GQl,lIlcil 'he" 4!Xect,ed, staffl ,to obtain ,ca~citi 'i'h'ooth .the :~"guitps TfUIlk. S€'&er: Lin,ea,nd' at 'th~, ,point ~ Treatmei1tPlp.rit. ; Tl1eJ1ecessaryagr~nts~,wh~chwi]) Pl'O\lJq~ ttieGi:ty with ,the addi.- tional :sewer caP,i:lcity and ,tre.a~nt!have :been ,~ecuteg'i.Tl1EE! ac:k!i-' ,I 'hciilal caPacity 'will be, 'aiiailaI51etb'the City:.on ,January, ,I, 1985. The ;Sewer 'Div1sion, 'budget ;appears on', P3;ges' 102 ana 106. :1 I ~ ,I I :1 '.-..~ " I' I I 'I' I 'I; I 'I I