Final Budget FY 1983-1984 . ~ MASTER FfLE DO NOT REMOVE. I I OF I I .1 I I --- I I I FINANCIAL PROGRAM I 1983-1984 I I J , '~ I...:.... J _ ~ '~ir' - . - C n-W'D\ V , Qt-\~r\='\W , .' :1 .1 00023 ,I I I C I T Y 0 P P OW A Y 'I " I CI'l'lr '<:DUlCIL All) Rl!DWEWPMENl' ~ I ,'I LIIDA ORAVB:,MlOOR AN) 'C8lURMlW I BROCE TARZY, DEPO'lY MlOOR, AND VICE~ OOB E)!ERY il CARL KRUSE \ I Ml\RY SHEPARD9::>N , ' I I '. J I " I, ,. ---~~._-- --- ----.-, -- ,;f;"~ ....i~'----=.:...;.;;--Cn;.c.:.:.....:.::..-- _~.~...:..'l' _-"":::;'::'~-~~"':"7~ - _.'-- l' " '. I I' I I I I CITY o P POWAY I I I '~U>ISl" REVIEW <DMMI'l"l'EE' I IlCB BRXlKS I JIM HYID1lEIL I GEDmE LEFFLER VEIN MARl'IDN I JOE MENDELSON I . I MaY" r983 PreparaiBy: l\dministrative ,serVices Finance ,Division I John D. Fitdl"Director Candie O1affin, Finance Manager I -- .. :. " ~ - '~ .----' - ~, - I I I I I C I T Y 0 P PO W 'A Y I DIREClORY OF CITY OFFICIALS I I - CI'l'lr MIWl\GER I JAMBS L. OOWERSJX I I ASSISTANl'CI'l'lr ~ DIRFX::'IOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES I .J)HN D. PITCH ALAN D. ,ARCHIBAID I CITY' A'l'ID~ DIRFX::'IOR OP PIANNIro SERIlICES .JEl\NLEOI!WID BARRIS BARRY K. IDGAN' I CITY: CI.ERI<;/.'l'RE DIRFX::'IOR OP ADMINISTRATIVE SERIllCES, I MMJORIE K. WMISrEN .JJHN D. FI'.OCH (ACTIN:;l I DIREX::'IOR OF :(JJl'M1NITY SERlTICES DIRFX::'IOR OP SAFETY' SERIlICES WILLIAM A. 'lOON (ACTIN:; l D~ LEE: !.EMS I I -.,----- I - - - - . --.'----'-.-- -" _.. _ ____._ _n _ --- - ---- -..- --'--. -- ..--.. _._____u____ _ / . I I TABLE OF OJNl'ENI'S I' City Manager's Letter of, Transmittal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Program EXpenditures . "' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hi I Autlx:>ri!zed, Fu11-Tirre POsitions by Departrrent . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv Full-Tirre Classifications. v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I City ofPOway' Financial 'Program: 1983-1984. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SUImary of9:lurces, & Uses, of Budgeted Furds . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Staterrent of FUtrl Balances and Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 I General, FUnd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 'street IIIprpverrentFund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Park lIlproverrent Furxi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ~. .. - -- 8 Drainage Furxi .. . e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . Rel7enue Sharing Furxi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 GIarit E\iril:i'. ., . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ~ial ~~g~,t, Districts FUni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 I ~ci~: inpmvE!!llEnt PUnd.. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U Debt service FUni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' 13 tla.ter~. . e- . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 I SSwer,Fund. . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 caPitai 1leplaceuent Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 TrilSt Furxis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . 17 I Rel7ei1ueS by Ftinds am 9:lurces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Bond Interes.t and RedeDptiOn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 I Departmental Operating Budgets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31. LegiSlative and l\dmi.nistrative: City Cbuoc::il . . . . . . . . . '. 35 ~islativeand ~;iu.Strative: City Clerk . . . . . . . . . . ". 39 I ~islative and,l\dmi.~strative: city Attorney. . . . . . . . . :- 4.~ ~islative and JIditilinistrative: City Mmager . . . . . . . . . . 47 I Department of l\dministrative Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Department of rhmmnrity services. 71 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I J:lep!l.rj:ment of Planning Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '81 Department of. Public services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 I Department of Safety services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 I I I I ---.- -- -.... .-. '-. H"_:- __ .- ....,.- , ~I I TABLE OF OJNl'ENI'S I Capital Irnproverrent Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 PoWayRedeveloprrent Program: 1983-1984. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 I Staterren;t of Fund BalanCes and Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Cornmmity Redevelopiieilt Agency Administrative FUnd. . . . . . . 155 RevenueByFUOOand,9:lurces.................. . 157 Administrative Operating Budget. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 I Appendix A - Resolution Adopting 1983-1984 City Financial Program. . . 1165 I Appendix B - Resolution lIclOptillg 1983-1984 Redeveloprrent Agency Financial Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Appendix C - City Council >Imnediate and S1Drt Term Goals . . . . . . . 175 I Appendix D - Chart of Expense Accounts & Definitions . . . . . . . . . 181 I I I I I I I I, I I ,I I -~ .... ....--' --" -~ '""" -,..,.---- --.- .+ .- , I CITY OF POW A Y i I LI:\DA 01\,.\ VEC, \In'',:.r ~J\~:fs I.~\RZ': D<.:pur" \ bv"r G.-\RL ;"':RLSE. C)l:r1Lih1t.:'ml~l'r " BOBiE\lER 1 C0u~'~ilm~ni[;<.:r I \IAK) SHEP-\RDSO;-"', C~)unciiml'mht'r I May 10, 1983 I HonorabIe Mayor and I M811bets of the City (buncH City of POway POway, California 92064 I Dear O:>tii1ci1 Menbers: I '!he proposei budget. for Fiscal Year'1983-84, sul:II1itteifor City Cl:luncil. 05n- siaer~tibn,is abalancedf!nancial program' which repreSj!nts the benefits. of ,prior years' ctlnsetvativ'e :fi.S~ kOlicieS. VariOus, programs h<l.ve ,been ~ed I and .r...Tnmer1datiofuimadefor rE!!Structuring of operations in regard tp efficiency a@, ch~ges in service. As with prior years, the operating budget is balanced -.. . within current year revenues, I With a .lii1geiing. rec$ionary COllStruction ecx>naIIYc, it is advantagEOUS to,faci,", . . litate 1:he! CDnstruction of projects within the capital Illprovaoent'Budgetthis I YE!arthrough loans to S~i~ .F,unds frail the General Flind. Unless nE!'i07 Solfrces ,of ~~enu~ are; found, or building activity increaSes that loOuld generate capital 'facility :fees, suffiCient furidswill not be avail.3ple f9r future cap~tal impro- vements, As experience iil the maintenance of capital facilities is gained, it I is likely that a' gre13,ter por:l:.ion of the General Funciwill be necessary, to pro- tect this CD~iderable inyestment. By instituting formUlated maintenance, programs', both higher quality and longer life of, the facilities will be I adliev'ed. In I:E:9?9Ili:tionof the ,neal to,effectively address the above CDncel:ns, the I :L983"'l!4: bud,g~ :might be dlaracteri:!:ed as the "Year of PublicServideis." ,Duting the I982:..83 Fiscal Year ,CDnsiderab1e importance was placal UJ.Xln arurlySisof the operatiOn 'oltile Public SerVices Depart:meht With enq;tlasis on engineering and maint,enance. 'l'he proposal budgetreCDll1llE!ndSadditional staff .for the engf-, I neering, street, water, and. facility maintenance divisi.ons. It .is. presUInErl .that there will be a minimum, leyel of engineering neal, which I should be haIldled by City ,staff. SubdivisionloOrk and capital project design l}~ w~)..1 vary with the economy and should CDntfhue'to be performErl by 'o::jritiact . I __n__ I 'I City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Centet Drive Mailing Address: POBox 785, Poway, California 92064 . (619) 748-6600, (619) 695.1400 -- -- .. 00 .~ <I' ii Honorable Mayor and MEmbers of the, City Council I May 10, 1983 Page 2 ,. In order to effectuate a cnst;-saving reorganization, an Administrative ,Clerk, I Administrative Assistant and 'AssoCiate Civil ,Engineer looOuld be hiral, while the Direct.s>r of Public serviCeS looOuld assume theresp::msibilities of City Engineer. In addition, it is proJ:Osed to address field maintenance and custodialneais thrdugh the hiring oft\\UCbnstruction Malntenahcelobrkers in the streetsdivi- I sion, a Utility< System T,ec:fmh::ian in the waterdivis~on, and ~ Building, Maintenance I'brkers in the faCilitieS division.Tofurtller addressinmediate mainte1'l.ance neais, it is proposed that the. Street ahd Drainage Mainteriahce I Operations and Maintenance Budget be incre3Sed'by .nearly $350 ,000,priroarily for the repair of streets. ' Fbw::' other ,ne.r p:lsitioris have ,been included within the proposed budget. ~ ,I pOsitions,Cbde o::mpli~c;e Qfficer in Planning Services and the FirePr~tion SpeCialist.in Safety. Se:yices, will administer ProgiamS previously .apprqved by the City CI:lIlIlc;l. The AdlDinistrative Assistant 'in .Administrative Servi'ces and I ~e MI!1inistrat'ive Clerk in, the Legis1ati~Mnini.stratJ.ve Department are needed to handleinCre3Sed ~rk.1oadS. I As stated, above, the financial c:cndition of the city of R:Jwa.y fran an opera- ti.gM1j)e~specdveis, healthy. Despite a24 peL'ceri~ incre3Se for ~lEiSale water. c:csts, franthe Meti:op,litail Water District and a c:cst incre3Se for ,sewage treatment by the Meti:opo,lita.n Sater District, relatively mi.ror water' and seWer I rate .increaseS will, be needed for Fiseal Year 1983-84. l'owaycnn1;inues to enjoy a relatively unique positioI.1 'aIIOng cities where service - levels can be increased without significant improvement in the natiOnal. eceiloIl:lY. Theiong-term financial criflis facing all levels.of government has yet to De reSolved. It is hoped, thiit the financial fate of California IDeal GoveITlIllelit I will beapdressed by tpe Legislature this year, sUCh that by FisealYear 1984..,85, ~e c3,E!greeof predictability and stahility'of revenue sources 'will, exist as they did prior to the passage of Proposition 13 in 1978. I It is a ple3Sure to again" prop:lse a budget for cnnsidei:ation that provides for c:cntinuingquality services for the citizens of POway. I RESpectfullY.lsul::mitted , ~J~~ I J L. Bowersox, ~., y,Manager '. QLB ;11)1 I '. ~._-- ~ -"- I . --- -.- ---~. - _." __._uo -- .~._- --..-._-,_.-.--~. u._ .J;:--':._'~' -'--~ ..,~- "I: iii ,I' CITY OF FOWAY ProGRAl'1 EXPENDIq;uRES .' FISCAL YEAR 1983-1984 , . ,I Operations 'lbtal and Capital Program 'CITY OFEOWI\.Y Personnel Miintenance Outlay Expenditures '. Legislative am Admini strati ve 303,167 189, 515 35;680 528, 362 ., ~ Administrative Services 536,077 400,480 92,715 1,029,272 'I ~ll'1ity Services 602,449 486,245 62,971 1,151,665 ' , ~I Planning. Services 291,730 272,362 3,200 567,292 \'1 Public Services 1,693,834 3,827,581 226,.710 5,748,125 I safety Services 1,148,240 1,831,492 95,181. 3,074,913 I 'IDTAL. CITY. $4,575,497 $7,007,675 $516,457 $12,099,629 I'" I' I' II' 1- ,- I- --~.__.- :J , , -, __.._L _ _ __ ________.___o ._._.___.~.. __"__ .----" I iv I AUTIDRIZED FULL-TII'lE roSITIONS BY DEPARTMENr I I 1982'-1983 1983-1984 1983-1984 DEPARTMENl' AUTIDRIZED PKl EO SED APPRNED I Legislative & Administrative 7 8 8 Administrative Sel:v ices 18 19 19 I CoIlllllni ty SeIV ices 24 24 24 I Planning Sel:vices 9 10 10 Public Sel:v ices 47 55 55 I Safety Sel:v ices 28 32 32 'lOTAL' 133 148 148 I APPlUTED NEHEOSITlDNS I DEPAR'lMENl' TITLE Legislative & l\dmi.nistrative l\dmi.nistrative Clerk I I Admi.nistrative Sel:vices Administrative Assistant I Planning Sel:v ices Cbde Collpliance,:Officer Public SeriT ices Administrative, Assistant ~I Administrative C::lerk I AsEDciate civ ilEngineer Construction Mairitenance ilbrker I I Construction MaIntenanCe. ilbrlteJ:' II Utility System Techniciah I Building MaintenaneeW::lrker Senior Building'Maintenance ilbrker I Safety .Seiv:,ices Fire pre.rention Inspector Fire Captains (2) I Fire Fighter . I -~- I 'I' v I' CITY OF IOWAY FULL TIME CIASSIFICATIONS I ClASSIFICATION RAN;E N'). SALARY RAN;E I' Accountant 200 1692-2064 Account Clerk I! 154 1071-1306 Ac::count Clerk I 144 969-1183 I Administrative Analyst 205 1778-2170 Administrative Assistant 195 1610-1964 ADministrative Clerk I! 147 998-1218 Administrative Clerk I 137 904-1103 I Ai:lrnini~tIati ve Secretary 167 1:218-1487 Assistant City Engineer 240 2519-3074 NlsistaJ1t City Manager 260 3074-3750 I Assist;ant Civil Engineer 215 15164-2397 Assistant PIanrier 199 1675-2044 Assistant Public services I Operations Manager 235 2397-2924 Assistant to the City Minager 225 2170~2647 Assistalit to the Director' of Public Services 225 2170-2647 m Associate Civil Engineer 225 2170-2647 AsSociate Planner 209 1850-2258 I Bu.i;lding ~intenance \'brker 159 1125-1373 Cbde CompI'ianceOfficer 189 1516:-1850 . , CoIlllUlrii. ty' services M3.riager 219 2044-2494 g Construction M:lintenance . Supexin~t 225 2170-2647 ConstructionM:lintenance I superviSor 194 1594-1945 Construction M:lintenance W,rker II! 179 1373-1675 Construction M:lintenance ,. \'brker I! 169 1243-1516 Construction M:lintenance w:'rker i . 159 1f25~1373 I CustDlrer Services Manager 210 1869-'2280 ,Clistoiler Services \'brker 172 1280-l56'i .-" I DataPfucessingTechnician 169 1:243-1516 Deputy .City Clerk 172 1280~1562 Dfre<:tor':6f Administrative, Services 252; 2838-'3463' 'Difect6r :of Coll1lD.lriity Services 247 270i-3i96 I D~FE!9futof Pla!'uring Services 247 2701-3296 j)i!redor of Public, 'Services 25.5 2924-356~ ohector <Of safety services 252 2838-3463 I Engi~~llgAid,e 177 1346..,1642 ,Engineering g:echnician 187 1487-1814 I ,EqiiipiEilt M:liritenahce SUpervisor 203 17,43-2127 EXJqi.~t ~banic 188 1501-1832 I I vi CrIT OF R)WAY 1\ FULL TIME 'CLASSIFICATIONS I CLASSIFICATION RAN3E NJ. SAIARY RAN3E Finance Manager 225 2170-2647 I Fire Battalion Chief 231 2303-2810 Fire Captain 213 1926-2350 Fire Engineer 201 1709-2085 . Fire Fighter 188 1501-1832 Fire Fighter (Probationary) 163 1171-1:429 Fire Prevention Inspector 192 1562-1906 Junior' civil Engineer 205 1778~2i'70 I Junior Planner 189 1516-1850 Laboratory Technician 205 1778-2170 ~ter M;;!chanic 178 1359-1659 I:. Park Ranger III 166 .1206-,1472 ,!~ Park Ranger II 156 1092__1332 :1 PaI'kRangeJ:" I 146 989-"12,06 I ParksM3intenance IIbrker III 171 1258.,.1547 ParksM3intenance IIbrker II 161 1148-1460 ParksM3intenani:e IIbrker I 151 1039-1258 I Parks SUpervioor 191 1547-1888 Perscinnel Aide 172 1280-'1562 Peroonnel Manager 225 2170..,2647 I Planning Technician 172 1280-1562 Public Servtces,Inspector 201 1709""2085 Public Services OperationsMin<i:ger 245 2647__3230 . Purcmsing Manager 225 2170-2647 Purchasing Technician 169 1243-1516 Recreation O:lordinator 176 1332-1626 I Recreation Leader 166' 1206__1472 Recreation SUpervisor 191 1547-1888 Secretary 157 1103-1346 I Secretary 1:1;> the City Manager 172 1280-1562 Senior Aca:>untant 210 1869-2280 ~ior Building M3.intenance IIbrker 174. 1306-1594 I Senior Civil Engineer 235 2397-2924 Senior Planner 219 2044-2494 Senior Utili ties System Technician 206 1796'-2191 Storekeeper 155 1081-1319 I Treatrrent Plant Operator III 205 1778-2170 Treatrrent Plant Opera,tor II 195 1610-1964 I Treatrrent Plant Operator I 185 1457-1778 Utilities Operations and Treatrrent' Superintendent 230 2208-2783 Utilities System M;;!chanic 186 1472-1796 I utilities system Technician 196 1626-1984 I. I " --~--_.~~- -.---.---. - ------ -------- --- -.- - , .1 .~. 1 'I M . ao.. CJl ,",,' - .;i~ !!~ I . J ' . k j J~ , 1'1 I I Il<o, , 91 : ~, ;1' I - I . I I I' ,. !, J . ;1 ,I , .' .' .' " ", .. !_. ~~G ~i .. .' ~- i_ .' filii.. .' ....'1- i i_ '. - .. ,. f2 CITY OF 'roWAY I' , iI'SCAL 'lEAR' 1983c-i9'84SUM1ARYOF. :SJURCES AND' USES ,OF BuIx;El'IDiEUNDS I: GENERAL . Sl'REE:r. PARK, DRAINAGE REVENUE GRANl' '. FUN:> ~~<.~.--- "-" IMPOOVEMEN!': IMPOOVEMEN!'. ,FUN:> SHARIN:i FUNDS ,SJURCE ,OF' FUNDS ,ReVeniies 6844691 '972,200 24~,,980 175 090 li84,IOOI 129,94,? '0 , .~,-~'" - 'ACCuIraililted I ,Approp. 3',:290,135 875,,701, ,0: 0 0 0' AccUiiilla.ted ',~~-, 0 0 61,159 37,,776: ,269,744 0" ,I , !ll'.lTAI.: $10" 134,'832 $1,'84},901 '$30,5,1:39 $212 866 $453.,:~4~ $7.20,,945 ..,,- ,<- w' USE OF :FtJWs' 'I ~tures 6 ,315 '172 68:1.- 940 0 0, 160,950: 220 497 ,. - r, 'p - -. - ,- . " capi.ta:l. Pmj. 0 1,610,684 .189,433 ,U7,,182 " 0 500,448 86m ;IntereSt: ,&, I ~'"'Ttfrjn 0 , 0 0' 0 0; () Reserves fOr. '... <:hnti' 'es 3,091,749 (9,544') 0 O. 0, ,0 '--~~1.' I Unawzopriated. 'ReServes '0 0 243,180 85,.684:292,~9,4' ,0 TriiilSfers .727.,911 ;l435',179) ,(U7,,474) 0, ".0'. 0 ''lO':W. $10,134,832 ,$~,847,901 $305,B9 $212,866'$,453;,844 '$720,945] ,I, GerieralFuri:i, - The ,pt'i.!iBiy :se\.u:'ee. of'relTeIl1,!E!S tor the ~ ,Funi,are, Iprq{le,rty ~s I aniSlllea taX=_ ~ F\indr~~fJ:'O!!l'''',IL3?ur~ a,r:e}~w.n,p!1' @9es 2.0, '~:apel 72, '~hE!' Genera1.Fiiildf1nan~all9f the) Saf~ty ~l.!=esactl.v,l.~l.~~~IU!iiI1<J thE!: fJ..~e i; seryi~, ;~cs ~ sheriffs a:lrltract.Planning ~iCE!S, ;pa;:]cnaintenance" ;.ec.reati,9g, 'Po"!!iy,~,; Pcirk,gengrcil. engineeri'ngaro the City 1<ilimi!ni!s~ad9n are. ".. financ:edJ;.hrough; 'the .~ :~. A ,sliimarY of; ,the .approved 'bUdget .for the General Fund. is :stx>wn. on' pag:es '32, ani 33~ -" :1 ,stteetIilProvenent, - ThefUn:i is iisE!d'tOfirianc:etheo:lI1stiuct#ln, repair ~,nain- ~ of Citystreet:S. As SIioWJi\ on. page 23 ,so~()f.r.:~~a;-!!. ,from,~soA~ t:ax" 'I in~~~ iIlCXlllle ani del7elo~t fees, 'l'he~roved budget is ,stx>wn' 0..11, ,pi:1ge, 6, '33J'aniJ :1.:26', ' , ParkI/Iprovenents'~'!'h,i!.sfund. i!> u~ tof~nance "'~ 'o:ist.ofp:1rk, o:insi:ruct'.l()n,~eriues I,' :are' shown on page ,23 ari:l., autrorized capital expemitu.rea are ,sooWn. oil. pages r44 and 146. \ . Drailnaqe ,Fund -R~en~_es ;folic 't:hfS ~wxrar_e ~wn: gD ;page .7.3'. ''fl1e priJrary sourt:e' pf, rE!ve- 'pue,is, fJ:Qrns4ail)B,gE;! ~~~:cO!lec:t#as,~e"n~1: occurs. Thils rE!Ven,\.!,e~s used to '1, finailce'o:instruction .of Jlo9d oontrol am dralnageinprovenents. Revenue ,Shai'inq -~~enUe,SI1afi:ng finlJ.sare regeiyeg Fr.om' thrF~€!fal Goy~t.~ are 'I s1DWD Q~ ,page, 2,3'. ,FedE!,l:;ll' '~eyElI!ue'Sl:laJ::iI1<J f~~ <;:aI1\1:le used, to fi~ceCity operatiops' or capitali.Irt>roVerehts. 'Af1.1IXi adtiviW,dej:ai:l ,is .stx>Wn OIlpa~e 9,. ' ._~.1 Grant Ftirids - ~se fiirxis are used ti:l aCOJunt for varioUs .grants 'tnatai"e receiVed ~ the 'I '<:j,ty.. '~ei!ues are ~wnohp:lges2a ani 2.: ,A,tuD:i;acti;vit:ydeta4:'Li~,:sIDW!1 on Page ;rif. SpeCiaiAsses~tFund~~sfund.. is 4sed to finance pubri<:iIIIlJ:Qv~ts or services ,I, that benefits: ,thepropetti'esagaJ;lIst Which the I assesSneiits, are levied.. Reven\ies:aiei stx>wn on 'page' 24. :11, fum' activity' getail is ~~011 'pigE! 11" uo __. . ,< .' ~ r 3 ;1: r I, ,~, ~ _ , ".~ CAPITAL, S!'~ MUNIQliPAL, OEBT WATERSEWERREPIACEMENl' 'musr ,1\SSFESMENr lMm)VEMEN1' 'SERIJ'ICE FUND FUND, FUND aOOs 'rom I, 11,500 71,Q20208,.9~0 '4,?55,3I} 1,483,544 17.8,9,40' 6;226 '15,456,485 I, 0" 0 0l,,2119,'498 4,IT2',228 117';-508 9 ,9,685,070 '0 ,62',~37 290",482, 00" 0" 3,447~ ,725,045" I: $.11'500 $I~3,45'7'$4~9, 4I.~ $5, 64,4,l!11$5, 595,772 $296",448 $9,673 $25,866,600, ~I' 11,500 ,0 0 ~,:2!l3'1704' :1,35~,36!i,68,:.599 0 1.?,0,,~!J'~,,!J. , 0, 601,886 0 7311,529' ,0 0 0 ,3~76~,:l6~i "I'; 0 0 '174,4QO 1,'i49,553 183,275' ,0 0 l,i507<,22li' Oi ,0 0 310,433, '3,926,102. 227,,948 0 .7.~'546,688 c -. ,_ - _ _ r' _. ..".. _. "~ ~ 'I' ~ ,..,,~ o ,(3,293) "325,012. ,0 005,416948,893 ; ,0" ,C465,:136) '~(j 166,592 '129,029 ,,0 4,257 "0 'l $ll,500$133/457 $499,W $5,644,8ll $5,595,712 $296',4~8$~"673. $2~~,,1l66,690 1".Mmi:CipaI. " 'Ilrprovenent ." ~E;!VlaIJUe for. tlrisfurxi Is'.sIDWn, on'page 24. The,fuixi ,is USEid :to " ,finance, i:xmsttuction of, 'City, CCWiW illproveuent projeCts'. ,Debt: Seivice- This,fiiId reCoIOs t,!1e';:e'{~ an:i ~t~asso~ia.~,,~tl!:~ IfinanCih<j' of: ~ ,City'S ,geqeral. ,~t:.~ue, squrces are ,Shown on' page 24. :'lbe , "'~PPt'9v~ bugg!'!t:l.!3' ,~wnon, paC?e B~ I'Water Fu11l:i - The 'Wa'Cer,Ftind. fs'alsa a" self'-SiJpported'en.terpr'ise f~~, '1'he prine,ry j9burce of reVenue for (wEi fifud is ,fn:iin :the, ~e, gf ~~. ,A11, rE!,l1;~llE!s ~"r 'the !f.und" ar.e , sIiown on page :25. AUthOriZed ~t.~" Jor ";i,iscal .~~98~-~84 <!Z'~ ~W,I1', Cln .p:l<]es ,...'14, "32 am 3,3; "~~e' d!!.t'''~l~,breakdo, "wn~~s"~,,:onpa~es,, 10,l,105,aIXi. ,148f The,pr~ , "dIcll;ges tQ ~],s f~,!lJ:e 'fq"r the CDst ,of purChaSlng ,-~teri tIeatlleht, :pUII'pl.Ilg am. IIBtn- t~ce of ,the water system_ ',. ~ ", , " ' I'Seweri'Funi -Tf1e 'priIIBry : sourCe, of, ,revenlie for the, sewer. fifu:i' :isthe, sewer SerVice ' , 'dicU:ge. 'Other" is5urces' of ,revenue 'for.. thi!s'ftiOO are ,sliownorl'page 26. The Sewer ,Furxi is! aheiiterpifse,fiiId that :isused, 'solely to ~uW'.J::t ~~ivi~ies Fela1=:ed" ,to pi:oiiliiIl9~"Sani;.. 'I"t;lry .~ syste.m j.Q. ~,~i.ty,~ ,,~!~pproy'edbudgetfor "the, Sewer :Fundi!s !>lDwn on "pages' 1?,32:;arXl '33", 'The1lB:ior ,CDSt. to the 'fuIXl is' ;for Sewage tteatnent J,rovided by.the'SC1ri Di~ ,~fropoli!taI) seWer' !systein. I capital~ReplacenentFund ..,The capj.W r!'!Pla~tfimd i.s USE:dtq f~nancethe; replace- '~IIeIlt: of. 'Gij:y' v~C;l{!S and .!!Bjor equi~t. .'n\e ,revenue 'for thiS! fuixi a:mi!S' from 'sale of' , .5IlrI!1us :property and rental fees Charged to 'eaCh ofthedivisiohS that havebE$, as,sj.gned, l!vehiCles~'6i E!q1iiP'~~~~~ aresOOl!I1,onpage ~6.ExpeDii:t.J.1$l ,a;e,cm-page, 6!j. ! "Trust, Funds" - ~ ,f~~e ~,.toa~unt for ,pxopri~,trus1:s" J;hathave been ,I'donatai to' ~the Ci1:y., 'Trust ;F\lni:i, Revenues ,are. SIioWrI,6li pages 26, aIXi 27.. . --C-~"-_.. -_---::-'-~.. _ __ ~.-- _.-- ----~.__ ,"-~-- . . CITY,OI!' .~ "" 'S'l'ATm!Nl' Ol!" FUH) BI\UOOPS' ~ 'RESllRi1ES , 1'/ .. , ."- . - ACCili1i \ FlindBAl!ail!,h1er . 1983'"1984 PtoposedEXpenditures Fund Fund, Find - ,-.--c-'" .. un Appp:?p r . ,Approp Balance J' .~s.pf 'BaI:ance,. ReVenues Born Int ' 'Capi.tal 'TrilnsICef", as. off ,(Reserv .i) '7;/1/83- &,,~ Operatlons ".-" .... , i 6/30183 1983-1?84 l'fu:jectS <Iii) ;Out' 6/30/84 6/30/84' Ib " rera1 - , , , 3,290,1'15 6 6'~844, 697 0 '6,315,1-72. o '721, 9ft j.09~i 749. 0 .-"( -.- .-- - . --. .' --,.. I 875;701 , 0 912,200 0 681,9,40 . '1.,6101684 (435,179) '('9' '544' fltrE!Jet, I~ro " 0 Paik Inprove 0 , 6;I.,l~9 '2.43,~Qo. 0 0 .189,.4,33' np ,.74) Q '243'llio: .1 __ Drainage, 0 3:],776 175,090 0 0 ;1.27 ,1~.2_ '0 0; 85,,684 ~ed.~Rev,.Sha.r:, 0 269,7,44 184',100 Q 16.0,950 0 0 0 ,~92, 8,94 GIatlt 0 0 'Z2Q,945 ~Q 220(497 500,.448 0 0, 0 , spec., 'Ms.es, 6 0 :1lj500! 0 U,500 0 !l o ' 0 f.lini. . lBProv 6 62j437 71,020' 0 0 ,601,886 C465!t36) 0 (3,293') , :oeot,SeiVioo, 0 290',482 208,930' 174,40.0' 0 0 0 0 .325',,012 ~ 1,1,4~,_~53 ' 3 283-704 '310 433 .Wat:er' '1,289,'498 O. {4,355,)13' 734/529 166,592 0 ., ., - " U' ~ _., _'_ ; Sewer 4,112,228'/ !l J,48'3,544 183,;275 J,}57"JEi6 0 129"029: '3,926,102 0 ". '.',' eap "Ia" :117,,508, 0, 178 940 0 68,500. . 0 0' 227,9,48 0 ,.Rep ceo '--.. , 'Trust, Q, '3,447 6,226 0 '0 0 4,257 0 5,4.1.6 $9,,685,070. $72!'i, 045$I!j, ~56,,48? $1 i.507" 228~12" 099,629. ;$3,,764,162, ,0' $7",546,688 $948 {893' o . , . " ;.i .. .' :- :.. :- - '. . .. - .. .. - - . .. III, .. .- ' ' r '. Icr-"_"___ -- 'I ~ I~' I 5 C!TY~OFEOWAY I ,GE2ilEElAlO 'FUN), ,J , I 198i-"1982 1982'"'1983 '1982,..1983. 1983.,.1984 1983.,.1984 ',--< --. ~ m5rosm ' ,APPIDVID 'AClUAL BUDGEl', FUN) , ACl'IVITY' DEl'AIL ~,-,,4'/P 7/\-14(- I BEGINNIro.'~' I J1il . 1 >,j" , ,Y , , ReilTenues 5,1~Q, 906 6,467,244 6,581,953 6,708~370 6,'844, 697 : 1 .PiilirYears .Ajjlpropria:twil ~257,97~2'285~476, 2,285',416 :2,"112,292, 3 ,,290 ,'1:35" '!PTAL ,~S 'AVAILllBI..E ' J $11 ,867', 429$9, 429,662 $10,134,'832 $6,,;418;882 ' $8,752,720 ,J '~m;li"rugFs O~til!9 '~" I~ '~i,s~t~ye.! ~, 328,3'94 '505,'276 'lldministrative' 407,958 458,040, 528, ~15,2 AdrD.iIrlstratl ve:Servl.ces - - ~ '- ~- ~3J;0_59 562,264 550,118) 599,275 628, 2~4' O:muninity' 'sery,ices " 1 1I0},'~3~, 92~,,4?8 856,464: 957.,118 991,697' Planni~ ~ices 178; 458 385~~19 :515,'22I 537",469 548,925 Pubnc~ices 68','79'4' 420',606' 335; 641:. 624~786 627,,737 Safety'Services _.. --r:' ,-.,--",.,. 2 ,. 8'58"235' 2',7,02,11.31., 2!,908,050 2,990;187 2,0~4., 4~! _._.or. _,' _....' EncUid)riinceS ,19',318: , ,92,.728 92i;728 , I - - '!OTAt-, EXPENDITURES :$3',889',806 :$5;653,788 'S:S'cSll,043 $.6,Ul,974~ $6,315, i 72,: ~ . .. '. _ ~.. .4" 5 / l~;I;J ,11 DIP .,d ,- I ~ 'TRANSFERS 'IbTrost Ftims - .,. {1 200) - ,- , ,'~'"-- -'. -' ,'~ 1-' FIbin'Grarit FwX1 , .,. 1I~,,812. - I, 'lb Str~t lI!PIOvemmtFuIid - ,(,27 JOOl '(54,200) (196940) \'DI'\435 '],)9 ) ,( 243;,600) p _, I" __ ~ ~"_. '.. _. >,.. {J:65';'904,j ~i69';:515 'Ib It1ni:cipal. 'In'ptOvement ,FUri:l. (B,QOO') (13 550,) ,..,,-~,' ~ ......, -, (T~~Y3.9) \#lh2!:21'7 '!b Pa;k ll!ProV""",rit' 'FUnd - -:: (1,301) Fxorn' Wa,ter ,~ -, . 5,000: I, F,:t,O~~i~ - ,- 5,000: ,- "'ICTAL :FUNDTRANSFERS $(:2~3, 606f $.~2, 54.2 $,( 66'~,251 ) '$('376,~;983 ) $('727,9ir I, ,APProPRIATED ,FUN)S (p ~'liJ\.1 f'~ O:mtf~encieS' 2,285,476 ,}, 141, 414: 3 '290 135' 2' '911 1705 3;091,;749 ,',., ,. .- '---' --. I' 1 'lOTAL APProPRIATEDFUN)S' 3',141,474, $3,290,135$2,911,,705 $3,091,749 " ---, ..,. -' '- ,'" -- - I' EmIR> ~ - JUne', }O 0, 0 ,0 0 0 I~ " l " -, -, -,~ -. -. I) 6 , ~' OTY'OF roWAY ~~, FUN) ~ " 198t~1982'. 1982'"1983, 1982~1983 1983,.,1984, ~83':'1~$~'1 ---1"" :,", '" - u> ~ - :BUIlGET ES'l'IMM'ED' _.. ~<<r_ ~ _ __ ".. , ,AClUAL m:lEOSED lIPPlUVED, , T ,FUND ilCTJ:.JITY DP:l'AIL - , BEf;I~m :BAIJ\!IO: July 1 " - - -, -, ~E!111les '818','502~ 9'34561 879''421 v'" 944,700 9n~20(j I . ~. - t,". _ ." Prio~, "YearsAl;:prol?d:ation 222,773 803,286 803,286 '349;821 875 ,1701 '~~s~vAiIABLE ,~1,041,275 $l>nJ ,8~7, $i,~82,;707 $l.,294;52i $1,847r901 i~~ . Qpet]lgJI1g.~! 674 379 .681,:94: . '.PubliC', 'S!!rv~~; 163,252 632, 698 '4~7,9.3?: , , :~, - 57., 112 57,tr2 '-, sUbtOt:ali $163,252 $689;810 $555',051$674/379, $68i94(l' ' ,- ,,\ ~PI'(;,~/,o<S-cay .' '" '1 eaprtal. l'fujeCts stfeet, LightIng , ),~iQOO ,- - -' Str~ts am.. Higm.ays 85 542':;700; ,2njOOl 786,061 1,461,937 I ,~ ,~". -' Traffi'ciSignals c '7'4, 602~ ,36~ 000 34~154, 22i250 ',148',.741 .. , ,SUI?tOtal $74','737 '$594;790 $306,155: ~$808,311 $1 610 '684 I .;2"14/1",<1'0'& c"'-'tr'U ,~_'" __ ,to _ _...... _ ,~,~~ .$237,'989. \$1,'284,510' $~6l;,:206$t, 482,690 $2,'292,624 <__, '"'. .., -0- 7'1;~/!)\P~ b:- c~ I ! ..F\'.fN) ~ Ffunl<General .~ - 27', 300 54,200 , 196,940. 435 1'19 , , '.. 'IDTAL",FUN) TRANSFERS '-' $i~,joo $54,200 $196,940 $435"l!l'~ APProPRIATED FUN)S (954:.1; :1 street :IIrPrcVeDentil 1803,286, 48063'7 875,.701 8,771 ... _,r '..: ,. -~..' -- $(9 544 :1 ''lOTAL' 'APProPRIATED :FUN)S ~80:3, ,286 $480 637 S875,,70i ~ 18,77'1 <.,r, ,..... , , -.- _.y~' ;' -.", INirm 'BAIJ\!IO " '. ,JUne ,30 0 9 ,a ' ,0, Q\' . l , , ,I: - . - "-"--~ .. . '. , 7' I , c;:rT'i, Q~ro~' PARK IMPR:lVEliiENr EUID , I " 1981-1982 1982.,1983 .1982;;;1983: f~ ~ ~., . . 1983-'1984; 1~~3.,198:4: I, ,AClUAL, ,BUI:GEr. ' :~ ProEOSED" APPRJVE)' FUN) ACITVITY,liErAD:. \.5"I/p3S'c:.~ , , " I ' BEXllNNIN>' BAiAocE:, ;: , ; , , JUly 1 ,- ,234,489 23~, 48C}, l:liC}41 6i,i5~ , I " RSVenues . - 192,,917 224,Q48 ,/' 80,000 243, 980' Pi:ilit YearS~IlJpr4"-.tion ,- -' " ,,- - I " 'lOTAL FUIDS ,AVAILABLE ... $427:,,406 $458, 537 $91,941 :$305,139 , , I EXPEWlTURES " Cilpital 'PIti~eCtS I !i:ltse;tHi.Jtiiij Tiails ., ::- .. - - 10,000. 15~000 \'0 I :LcI.ke Park In'provarent '- - - '8; 000 8,000, 'ElJWayComnunity Park: Feilcing' ... 2,'700 .2',626: - -' _ _c"'. 55,,000, ' E\:>Wlf' CbtImUhiq, Park LiIdScCi .- 66u917 - :55,000 .,.Y.", .. . png ~_-c.~, . _~ -~,ih,8.i~: Billlfi:eldS' ,..' , ,183,522 - - I goway ,West , 155215 21:11:73, '53/080 lll' 433 / .,. ..." . '....",.., " ''lbt" ~t, - '",- 4.005 - - ,I 'lti'l:2U.EXPEmhum;:s - ,$408 '354, t32~,~7C}, .$126,,080 S189; 433' - .t,.__.. 3QSt"::''S c.~ ~ ' : 'FUN?' TR,AN~' '\0'1<' ' I From, Trust. Funds (~ss)' ,- - ~' ?Q,Q.QQ: @* , ~4',257' I , ~~'~ - - ].,301 J;4,J,:t9 \ '-'123;'217' rrom\ MJAj.c;pal l!!Prov~t , '234,489 - - - " , , " I 'lO'l'AL F!JN) TRANSFERS $234/489 - $1,3ql v' $3~,139 $127; 474 . . : . -. .- '.~~~ --- . APPRJPRIATED ,FUN)S :1 I '~APPR)PRIATm,rows OOI~'~ - I J\1ne30 $2'34,489 $19,052, ~61"l59 0 $243,180 l .' 'I '. , - , - --, ,-------- ---- II oTi Of ?EOWAY I: I '~~J FUID 1981-'1982. . 1982-'1983 1982-1983 ~l~-'!9~fI 1983-198 ACltiAt~ 13U1mn" ESl'IMl>.TED ProEOSED iAPPRWED iFUN)'MmVtry DErAiL '~q mmNNIm ~.. "';8"1",]27 ", 'JIilyl, -, 291,8"74 ReVenUeS' 399,060 1:28' u:i, .~ _..t _ ._., , '91;259 175,,090, Prior! Years App.I9priation - ." - - ~", ". .-- ~ ,'lOTAIi FUIDS .AVAIIABLE $399,060' '$419' .986 $383,B3 $,257",417 ."_ 0'","_. ~ITURES Operating ~ ,- - - - Capi,w..ProJ~ 'Fl~ ,eo:Otrol '&'Dmnage: 10J ,18!i i~y Crel:!k' - '. -, -, .Rattlesnake', creek .33(>,000 ,327 ':539 -j - GreeiJiV"116;l Creek ,- . ;1:20,000 17;'818: .1:20,000. 'lb~" Cap;:taJ. Project:::s $107t,186 ~$450, 600 $345' 357 '$120 060 .. .'.- - - .. ", . , , ~ , 'lDTAL EiiPoo~ :$107 186 $450,000 ~"''l5\ ",,",009 Si2'7iia2 . , -~ -' , ; FUID.TRANSFERS 43b {~(Cl " , '~ 'lO'iAL itiM> 'TRANSFERS ,..-, ~~tPPRl:ATED 'roms .. I 'lQ'J.'AL ~~PiUATm FUIDS~ I - ^- -. - .".. i EWIN.i' ~, $13~! 6;4 I. 'JUqe3p ,~291,874' $(3Q,'O~4T $37,;776 $,137,n] ., . t~.' .1 I ~--- .. 1[1 I 9 CITY OF EOI'/AY, I' FED~ ;~: SHARIN:;I FUN)' ," I, '1981~1982 1982-1983 1982-1983 1983-1984 ,1983,.,i984 , ' A1::TlW. mJEOsm, >." -."--'''-''- BUDGE:!' ,ESTIM!\TED 'APProVED FUID;ACITVITY ,DEl'AIL ? ,.. / I BEGINNIm BAIANCE , V- I J)l1y ~i ,., ;,212'288' 212,'288 321,641 26~,744 - -, RevE7!~; 212,288' J99:ii2, ' ,v 184,'100 184,100 ".. ., 317,!,,645 I Priqr; Year!!, AppJ:Opria.tion '- - -, - -, froTAIi~Si ~V~LE $212~288 '$61;2,06Q $529,933 $505,741 $453,844 I E:lCPENQ~~ " Operating ~, ,I PUblic Services - - - 127i~?o ,127;,950 Safety, services - 132,000 128,199; 33,000, :33;,000 SubtOtal -, ~132! 000, $128,199 $190,950 $160 , 950 ' 'I , iCapital. ProjeCts 75,016 ,Streets 'So, Higmeys - ,111,250 '- - I GciverniiE!ilt BUildings, .. 65;000 '56 ':974; -, . SUbtotal. :$176',250 '$,131,990 .- ,., '. ,'lQTAL, :EXl'EN)IT'JRES:, -' i$30B,y250 $260,189 1,/'$160,950 $169,950 FtlH)'TRANSFERS: I I ''lQTAL FUID TRANsFERs , APPR:JPRIATED, FUIDS I I ''li:JTAL liPPIDffiIATED FU'wS )~i~ :j3AUiNCE I, June ,~p $212,288 :$3Q~', 810 $269,,744 $344 (;i9i $292,89~ I I: -' --.. 'I~ 1:0 CITY, OF 'EQ~. GRANl',FUti:>s 0 1981,..1982, 1982;.-1983 i'9!l2-1983 1983-1984 198;3--198!i AC'II'.lAi.. , ...--.'" .... - ,E5'l'IMlmD POOEOSED APPIDVID .BUDGE!' FUN:i 1CrIVrI'YoErAti. ,BEGINNI:tG BALANCE ,JUly 1 ReVenueS! 13'805 902,142 :317' 385: ~.37i, 569 .. ! .t, _..._ Pi'i.Clr" Years Apj;'irop;i.!iH9n ,- - - .~ - " -' ; 'IDTAL FUN:lS' AVAILABLE' $13f805 ;$902:,142 $317,,}~5 $437,,,5~() $720, 945 , , . EXPENDITURES, operatirig Elq5eiis:es " pianni!Ji:J services 11 437' - 30,196 .. 1:8,)67, ~ ,t "_,. ,Cblrn1ur1i ' " serviceS .~ - 60;'000 95.,00g 19~, 191 ," ,",' ty , !?tiI2.lic: services , -, 22,800 :~i:,~~~ I Safe1;Y services 2".368 -, 83,121 41,560: SuBtoW $liJ,805 -, $196,117 $~3j;, 5~9 $220,497 Ca'ita:J. ,PrO,'ectS' PO," ,OJ, , 114000 }24,'05jJ, 'Flood,COntrol 90,930 ,174',000' SfreetLihti i "." - t,~ ,,~~ '~., - ,g ng ~, ?g,99Q - '- ;~ _~~1:.s' .'~ Hi.g~ys -" gAQ!> 30,338 ;27,',000 '31,398 ' "l'raff~cSfgnars -, "' "122',300 '- 100;000 .145/0il()~ I ,9lbtc?tel - ~419,30Q '$1:21 '268, ,$301,J)QO ,$500 r448 ' ,.... .t,_.- ,'IDTAL EXPENDITllRES' $13,805 $419!300 '$317,)85 $437,5.6() $1?Q, 945 I '. , FUN:l' TRANSFERS: I :: ~,~ ~ - O;T.S~ - (82',842) -, - - TO Water FurP - ;c4oo,'00"(jj, ,- ' - ., .~, ~ TRAN~lSt<S ,- $( 482',842') -' - - .. ,~~~S :~ .AP~.tIO~TID (FUN)S '. 'EN)IIi? J~ .~3(); 0 0 0 :5, 0,1 1 :1; < -. ... _u ,.. , ' l , , 'I 11 C!TY OF 'JiUWAY I SPEX:IALAS~ DISTRICTS FUN) , . 1981,.1982, 1982'-i,983 1982-1983 1983..,1984 .1983-1984 1 ACl'tiAi. BflIXEo. ' ES'l'IMM'ED m:l'Eosm APPRJVED " FUIDACl'IVITY Dmn. ~I BEXiINNIN:iBAIANcE I JlllY 1 . t, Revenues' 11 500 , ,- - - -, I' -',- Prlbj:' .YearsAPPropri~ticJ.I1 - - . - - I .~. 10TAL FUIDSAVAILI\BLE - -' - - ,$lJ,~OO, I EXPEmI'lURES o ati . Elq;>enSeS. .,~".>;>,_l)9 :1 I 'Public :seiVicesi . ,- - - 11,500 ' ;Subtotal - - - '- $Ui 500 ... - .. I Capitai, E>IOjects Subtotal , - - ,- - I , . ''lOTAL ~~ - - - '- $ll500 _. or I, .FUID ''mAN~ - I .1OTAL FUID :TRAN~' I, 'APPIDPRIATEDFUNDS' I, ' 'lOTALAPmlPR:tl\.TED ~S I> ENlIN:i BALANCE , JWli! 30 0 ,0, b 0 0 I, . I~ - - ~ II: .. ~ " - _._.~ . ~'.'- 4"_. -,. I CITY'.OF'EO~Y KlNICIPAL. IMPH;lVEMENr' RJNb 198r~1982 ]:982.., 19li3 1982..,1983. ,]:983"'1984 1983'-'1984 ACrUAI;' 'BtiJ3GE:i ' .......-.~ . . __'J.t.. - 'APProVED 'ESTIMATED POOEOsm' FUID. ACITVITY,. DErAH" BEX;INNIN3' BAIANCEi JUl" , 1 583',839. ,290,212 '290212 65 '59.4 y , .._. ...1 _ 0.0_.1,.... ReVenues .198,260, 87.,.696 .28,~53 .~ ,j~".020 Pi'iorYea.t;s JWpropx:ia;icln ,- e , " - - IDTAL ;roNDS ,AVAIIABLE $782,'099 ,$377.,.908 $,318, 8.~5 $1~6,'614 $133, .457' ~:ITURF.S .. Bani Interest am .. - ~:.x- -. . -'- Rede:nptibn Operating' EXpenses Ji3 419 - - ,.. ~ I... .,.1..., Capi.~ ,Pro~ect:s:. , "(i)vgnmeht;, BUildings 487,57.9 49~, EiQQ ,27;0 ;053: ,418,600 ~fic Signal's' . :- 66 ,',750 -, '66~750, isubto't<u $487,579 '$475,350. S27Q,053 ,$485,350 ~."..~ . <. _'u .'ID'l'AL'-' EXPENo~ $500,998 :$475,350, :$270' '053 ~$485"350 $601 886' " - ._...,1..- _ ...1 .. '" , , FuroTRANSFERS [~~'~~; '~ From. Wiiier Fwxi - - ~3 '60 892 Ffum General FUm ':243600 13,5;;0 ~._,I~_- - 1,6,!!,90,1 - ,- .-, ~9;02~.li From Se'.ier FLiri:l. "- 188' 424, 75 12~,528 'To PaIk IDpJ:ovemmt ,FUnd (::234,489) '! -, - ,.. "I '~1~ ''!'IW'!~ $9" lll, '~88 ,'424 ,~~~ 'l625, $3'49':321 ?4:5,136 I ~~~~~~;if~~_ 1€>\5G.l ~ II, tlr!Prov~):.s 290,212 ('9,0]:8,)1 62,4:37 :588: (3,293l - '1t)TAL :M~i()~ 'FUID~ $290',21-2 H.9, 018) $62,~37 $588 $(3'29311 ~f~~ 'I June.' '~Q, 0 0, '0 0: 0' - , , ,I I. ,,- 0 -- ,- --, I' , I: !' 13 - c:rTi OF, EOWAY I' DEBT SERlTICE ,FUN) , , , ;1981..i1982 .[982-1983 1983'"1984 1982'-1983 1983-198.4 I ., 'AcroAr. ,,~ FroEOsED - .<-~'-~ , BllDGEl' rAPPKlVID " FUl>DACITVITYDEiAn; , I ~ ' , BEX;INNIN:; BAIAN::E c JUly (1 233.8.45 ,iS3,644 '283/6.44, 296,982 290,482 I " , , " , ~OS, 930 ReVenues. 224,?99 -203"890 181,,638 208.930 ,_, ,t, .. , PriOr years ,~ropriati9Q 0" - ,.. - - . 'lOTAL ,FlJN)SAVAWIB~ -~458, 444 $487,,5,34 $465~282 $565,\9li2 ($499',412 I EXPENDITURES " BQ@~J:lter~t' 'ahd '" ! I 'Rederrption 174,800 :174 '800: '174';,800 U4,.40g 1-74400 _. _f '.._ ~ ,:, -",.. O~tfIt9 ~, ~ , ~.' . , , 'I qJ.P!ta! ProjeCtS .. " I~ . ! ''lQTAL'm>ENDITuREs: $1-74, 800 :SU4,800 $1.? ~ ,-800 _ '$174,~400 $174,409 , I, PUID,,~" .' , , - I' oprAL., FlJN) TRANSFERS : 'A:P;';~~FUNDS , I, , , l 'lOTAL^APPR5~ FUIDS ENDIN;, ~. , I' 'JUne: 30 - $283 644 $312 ,i7G4 $290,482 $33.l)5i2; ,$325, O~' , __.t,_. ..0., , , " I" I ., - , - - - .. . 'I: . 1,4 ,". . 'CITY 'OF ,J:OWAY, " 'WATmFUNl :1981"'1982' :1982-1983 1982..,1983 198)"19~4 }l~~3,-1~~4 , ACTUAL BllIlGElr' .,ES'i'IMiliD " PRlEOsm, , APPR:lVED , . ,FUN) AcrNITY' oEl'AtL BEXiINNIN;~" ,JUly 1 - -, - ( ~ ... 'Ri!ifer,"-es' .4 ,'ili32 ,'431 6"086 046 4,355,313 , ,'.~ > 3,.716,954 4,043,530 Piior Years ,il'[5propriat~n ,:I.,2!I1,010 1.,265,;254 1,,265.254 1,578,.842. ,1,289,.498: ' $4!982!208 (~ ~ 10TAL FUN)S:'AVAIIABLE $5,4J.:~,44J;, ,$:t,,:351,t~-oQ $'5;622,312 $5; 644'i8ll .. :EX:PENDrroRES Bond, ,IriteteSt\ and' ~iOn' E\99,,~76 :1.,794,,6.36 l,~9"",,6j6, J,,14I,553, i,149,553 Operati.D,;f;~, .. ..' ::~9},:2~~ '237590~ 'Admini!strati'veServices 202!989 225,955 22:i.,~61,' {h~-'nt'?y' :5e!:v[~ ' , - .~ .,... ',y.-. .,- . - .,. .., , ,56'730 ,?,4,;56", '3,029;;788 __,r, '~'''''' ,I'UbliCI5ervices 2,.798,843 ,2', J,l0, 395 ,2,'955',011, ~,?91:5~O: I I ~~.\" 15,834 37.,1'47., ,37,147 -I 'Sl,btotel. $3i248,ill $3,061;945 ~2, 369,203' ,$3',2:1:8,999' '~3,:283;?0,!, 1 capital Pro;ects ,2/225,000 ' '... ,_,J _'" '- 23','871 525',.000 734'529; .. :'~~}:~: S4,1'48!187 1$6,581,581 :$3,687,710' ~4,'893,5521 " ,1'-'- ~5,>167,\,..7,e6 'I .FtJw' TRANsFERl?', ~. Fri:lm Giant, -, CleaiWelf ,..... ,!OO;OO'O; - -, (i6~;59:l I .TO Mifiiclpal rnpiOv,emmt Rim - - -, UiQ,892 >' 'lti Gerletai, Fi1rd ' , - - (5,600) , '-1 -:-' , , IDTAL, FlJN)' TIWlSFERS -, '$400,000 ,$'( 5,000), $i60,892~ ~(.lfi6".$~2 I, , ,'~~~s 121,048 .1' Reserved for ~I5ebt, Service ,1/0.<12';'293, :1,042,293' 843,,543 793,540 '__'- -'... ,'" 'h" - ___,- "r-' ..,' -.- , " 2221961, '127,',426' 445,955 )li5,612)) 189,18'5 ' Reserved for, 'Capital Irrprov. .-.,.. - 1. ---- .... .-.. . ._- - 1OTALAPPro~ ,FUN:lS $:1.,265;254' '$1,169,n9 $1;,289,498 $667,,928 ~J19",,33 ,I . ,,. '-., ..' '",' ootID .'~' 0:1 I .Jw1E! 39. :0 0 0 0 I .. I I I , M qTI'OF R:;>WAY I ~;FW>> II '19111"'!!l82 ~~a,~:';~983 W82~198j 1983,..1984 1983-1984 II ACTUALBlJIlGEll'i ES'l'IMM'ED PR)EOSEJ) ,APPR)VED , ".rom liCTivITY DEl'AILi 1/5'P1/ IAAc~ I . BJ;x;:rNNIN; BAi::A!a' ". i a,J.V I" '. ~.' ,.,',., /', 6J./. '1.3//7b\,C, D." I July'-l - -, '- ~ ..- . ~eI1Ue5 '~,768i489 1,,525,6~:3 -1,5TPJ?.J:,:386,~70; 'l,4.8J,544 I Pr~rY~s~l:OBri.a"tion 3,461,792 3,775,,758 3,7175,'758 3,940,777 4,U2',228 'IOTAI;;FUIDS,'~vAI~i.E$?,2.3Q,2111 $5,301,371 ~5,346,'955 i~5,327,~247 $5,595,772', I ElO?EIDITURES BOnd .Interest: '<l!Xi I .' 'Redenption. 11;1,969 ,188,345188;'345' 183',-275 183,,275 " O!;lerating" El!pen""B .~ .' . '" - ~ - ., ~ .-..~ ..-- :l\diriinistrative seryices 10,00095,'126 196,799 125,145 94,918 IPilb!iC>~~ces -", 1,23~,.~olic ,1,281,658 84j':9~:Sii23~i6i9' I! 262 iM8 . EnCUutlrances 35,348. 543543" ,0 0 I SUbtotal, $1,279,554' .$1,.37'?,',3:2J "$1,041,:307 ,$1"j~J:,764 $i"i57,3~6 'lOTAL,ElO?EIDITURES $1,454,'523 '$1,'565,,612 $1,.229,652 $1,545,039 $1,5:40,641 I"", . - ,.' ".' l/'r~;bt\ c~' , FUN) TRANSFERS, 'Ib M.micipa]: Drprovemerit'FIind -(88,424) (75) ('122,528:) (129,029. 1;'IbGeneral. Fur.d -" - (5,000) ,,' -' , " I 'lOTAr.:. FUN) TRANSFERS - $(88,424). $(5,075):$<122,'528) $(129"029 '. 5,; pOC> ~ APPR)PR!ATEDFUIDS I". . ReServed For Debt ,Service 850,869 781,646 70.9,'579 ~5~8,3.7I 5j!i','~:0:4 eapital IrIpmvement ,505,371 597,696 '598,2_.3959ll,,'7.,82, :~~,1I,.2)9 O:iiltingeneies 2,419,'518 2,267,93,32,804,,410:2',462..527. 2,801,559 I: ''IDTAL 'APPR)PRIATED ,FUIDS $3,775,758 $3,647,275 :$4',U2, 228 $3,;659,~8!l $3,-926,t02 :EHlINi' J3AI.l\OCE .,' ~'39, "-'~, 0.0 O. 0 0 I, I. " . I 16 .. .~ CITY, O!?EO~ cAPI'I'AL '~'FlJN)' " 19~kl~82h -198'2'-1'983 1982-1983 1983-:1984 ""'~"'~ ; ~-.",. - POOEOSED AClUAL, BUI:.GEr' ES'1'IMM'ED FOlD, 'ACITVITY ,DErAIL 'B~l.~N:i 'BAIANCE. .~lJ.iyI. ll4' 31'2/'114 946/ :RevE!!lues,' <3,196 179,'239 _. , ,. . '. I; _ ~ j' '!'riOr;'XearS'lIWf9priatiOh. - 3,196 \3',196'~ 613,lil l' . ,~roms; AV}i'#~RLE, $3,196 $i82, {3,5 $11:7508 ,$788'/05;1.. -. ',,-- ~f~ b~~tJ.ng ~ 6B,500 VetUc1e Purchases - " -, !(Rm>ia~ts.j' ID'l'AL EXPENQm)RES - - -, ~~a ,~90 $i:rB500 ; , -..-.,..,-- FOlD 'TRANSFERS ,- I FIOiUGenera.i :Fund Fitmi. ltiter ,FWiI' ~ : Fl:tim" Sewer. 'Fuild' 'I0'l'AL ',FiJro . TRl\NSFERS ,APPJl)PRIAT!;DFUN:lS ,ReP~~!ReSerVe 111:50'a H4 312 69>5i'85~ '224',752 _~r' _.A_ ,-~""> '- -.- 'O:ii!tirig~es' . '3',196" '70,927 3,1.96 23; 696 3',196., j I '~ :~iKJPRiATED .roWs $3i,196: ,$182,435 $117,598' $7i9,5~1 $:227',948 ;~IN:; ,~ June,,;30, '6 0 :0, 0 I, ~ , I m 17 - . ,CITY OF 'EOWAY "T'. ,I TIW.ST, FUN)S , J. , 1981:-1982 i982-i98j 1982..,1983 1983";198~' ,!983...1984 II -.......4';;,-." iAPPIDVE:> AClUAL" ,BUOOET .ESTI.MATED , ,PmEOsm, :FUN) ACTIVITY, DEl'AIL I BEJ3INNIIG' BALANCE , ;g /33C1.4L( I JUlY 1 .. ,3,178' :3'178/ '3,891 3,447' I " . , Revenues, 3,178: - 4.839 26.. 226 6,226 . Prior Years, Apprq'ptiatlon - - - -, - 'IOTAL FtlIDS ,AVAIIABLE :$3,178 $3,178 $8,617 $jO,il7 $9,,673 , 'I EXE'ENDITURES - 'Operating :Elcpen.ses 97ft I "~t:YSeiVices' '- --~, - - ~etyservices - - - 4.459' ,- - , , ~to~ -' - $5,436 - - I ' , Ca ital \Pro'ects' P ,__ n' ,J,,, '(i:)vernmentBuildi s, -' ,- 12,125' -' I " , -, _ '... " n; , - 'SuPtptal~ - - ,$12',125 - -' - 'IOTA!; ,~~ - - i$17~561, ,- - \'''If~ I FOro' TRANSFERs, Fi:Om General Fund, ,- - 7,200 - - 'Ib' parle IitProvenent E'lint;l , ' - - 20,000 e4',257, I ,'lOTAL rum, TRANSFERS - -' $7,,~OQ'/ S?O;llOO $(4,257 ' '-. ".' <'---'- -.--.- .- " <..-,- ,- '~~iil~ ~s I 'IOTALAPPR)PRIATED'~S ',ENDIN:i ,BALANCE ~ I J\1r1e;30 $3,),78 ,$3:178' :$3,447 ,$1:0, in $5',41,6' , , I , ,1 '". ,I " -- --1 I I I I I , I I , " I I '. .. 'I il 'I I I' I I CJ:Ty"OF lafAY:FINJ\NCIAI< PlOOIIlM: 1983-'1?84 l'CISV.I!l'IUJS:j 'BY'PCNa; ANDSOOlC!S - - .-- I . ~ ._0 . ~ ,-.. .__....._-~ -.- I . OSZ'8TT$ OSZ'8TT$ TL6'EZI$ 006~SS$ ~~qns OSZ-'8TT OSZ'8IT TL6'EZT 006'SS Ba'Rrwad pin? sauT.!l OTZL ~Ta;PC\il pin? satIT.!l OSt'GOE$ OSt'60E$ ES6'SLZ$ gS,L '96Z$ ~CT.lqrIS OOO'LE 000 "LE - - S:l 'PJUad fiu'P{.rE!d 09TL OSt OSf ZOL'Z boo' Ot q'PJUad fiuwezD tSTL oos'z :OOs'z 'tlS'T 000'9 q1=Cld Uaql!A~ ESTL 000't6 000'16 ~OO'88 OSZ'LL ' q'PJUad :reog TSTL OOO'L.ST 60b'LST 6St'951 ' OOO'Z51 q 11JlTcld DuT'-IST.!l' 9TIL ooo'tit ooo,'bz :niL'tZ oob'tit saa.a ..u~~. SBaiqsrig tTIL oos't ' " 't96't OoS'T asua::l1'I ClT::l};::)Ta ETIL ,OOS :r - - , LEZ ~ asua::l1'I '['BI11:UV' rnL q1=Cld pin? sasua::l,rI 06T'9~Z$ ,06T,'9llZ$ tS9'EtZ$ 098' I!E,Z$ ~~qns 06T'98Z '06T',98Z tS9~EtZ :098 ' 8tZ sas~ OZOL sas~ OT6'LS9'E$ ,OT6':LS9'E$' OTS~SLE 'E$ TEE'nZ'E$ ~CT.IqtlS , OOo'OS! . OOO,',OS ZZT'Et , SZ9 ' 8Z ~~~ kir.ldi:iid T"llaH 9Z0L 09('81 09E '8T 599' 51 obti'iT km1ldn:x>o ~TSliIu.L tZOL 088'S6E'T 088'S6f'T OZE'85Z'T 9S8'HZ'T Xl!J.. BaTllS ZZOL 089 'at 089 '"01 - - SUIa:lI TTOli Xl!J. .:ratr-lO nOL OOE "LL oOE'LL - - uon~ li~uallirI sSauTsng 9TOL , -. OOO'OCT 000' OET - - . dnax:;r x'e.L . dCl,Id S I ~lL'\oauCH STOL (faZ'En 08Z'ETT. - I - quanbuTtacI'-Saxe.I; };+7Cldald ZTOL on'z98'T QUi'Z911'T EOt '8S0:'Z OS8,'T86't, quai.:rro-Saxe.t.};+7CldO:rd OTOL /'\; SaxEJ. T - rnn.a ~ I cmAOlIddV CIiISO:iOOd <RL'MLISa J.'3:::x:rna: ta6I-E86T \l861-E861 --- ,_.- E86T..,t861 E861"'Z861 , I s.Dlli1C8 OOi' SON&I AS s:anN:a!Gl:! I A'iMO:i dO l.J,D " OZ " I ~_._~ - - - I' -~" ,I '. OTYOFF6i"IAY ~.RE.vENtiE.S! B,YrumSiAND SJURCES II: 1982'-1983 1982~1983 1983-1984 r983~1984 Bl.lOOEf 'FSrrMATID pooroSED. APPOOVED, 1 GENERAL FUN) 'CDm'INliED' , I Reven, ues '. from Use of , , ,M::mey aIXi'Proi:lerty , , ,-, 7310 Interest Inooue, 296,172 . 365,676 '250,270 250~270 - - .- . "_.~, ~ , ,. .. T ~ . " . ' _~ ___ 1 73},O :rnter," es, ',t,.' ',o.n N'l.te'ReceiVabl:e 1,,780' '1~743, 1, ?,10 1,'~+O 73~1, RentalofP:ropeJ:t.y 12,000' 10/42!l 12,140 12,140 7350., 'SignallrBstei Rent 4,200 3,000 3,00.0 "3,000 7360 FaciritiesRental, 12,606 il/i19 15,000 15,000 'I 7362 Fire Faciliti~, Rental - .;. 1,200 J!,200 73~3. ~~t:;onuFtlUipnel1tRental 200 102 209 2()(), , ~ Cbi1cession:r.ease 9,000 '?,},219,()Op ?,!.900 'I . ;,/380 Group Rei1tals , 5,OllO 6,7!S.? 5,0,90 5;000. . , . '7391Ov~~ CaDpJ~2, 000 376' ' 280 - 280 1::::f:roIii Other,lII;encies $342,352$407.,824 $297,60.0 '$297,600 7410 M:>tor Vehicle in 'Lieu' 920,216 ,989,288 997,840 997,840 I - 1411Q~f:fIig~y in Lieu, " 890 , 9. 00 840 '840 7420Y' State Aid to IDCaJ. Ai' "es - 8 .747 '-, ... ..' ." geDC1 , .. ",' 7440' CigaretteTax 112,000 115,358 aI6,070 116,070 I SUbtotal $1,033,106$1,114,293 $1;1l4,750 '$1;114,750 CUrrent 'Fees &,services: .. 1 7~?,q ,P~ngFees: 60,000 67/890 6Q,00P 6_0;,90,0... , 7571 Environi\Ental RevieW Fees - 1~-, 713 68,000' 68,,000 7572 Mise.Plallrtii1g F~s - 6,000 '2',677 4,obb 4,000 I 7573' ~,Ul..'l)ii, 'nglnspectionFee,.' s 210,000 240.,969 190,000 ,190,'000 , 7575 ErlgineE!ri,ng ~Review,Fees 311,000 10,149 - -. 7575 pran Checit'Revenues - - 130 000 130 000,/ 7576 Misci. Engineering' Fees 2,000 3,358 .:- ----:<-- .'757:"1 I~n;~ees;65,000 j~'435 - .' 1St7 IllSPectloo',Reven1ieS - - 50',900 50,90'0./" 7579 Misc. safetY Serltiees',:Fees - ~,g5 ~Ofl "'-=50-07 'I 7580 r.eisure' COntracts' 100,500 42;858. 40,870 40,870' ,,758I Recreat,ii:i.Il"p,r:9grams r '15,520 32,628 25';000 ,25,000 ?5,,8?, t'9~r:!g Cb.ri~<:ts!MI\1'i:I-\r.,IJ-r~ - ,BOEiOO~, 7+~, I - 7590 AIIOOJ.ance, Fees '40,000 48,105 45,'000 45,000 759iFite.protecti6h Fees ~Ol,6~_~ 448,228 4()2,OOO 421,371 759.2 Weed,~t~tFee~35,00018,812 15;000: ,16,841 v- I: Subtotal $1,246,705 $941,527 $1,030,970 $1,054,297. " ,II " J - . ~ , 22 I CITY OF EOWAY REVENUES BY FUN[)~, ANI:> SJURcES, , . 1982-,'1983 1982-1983 1983-1984 1983-1984 BUI:X;El' F.STIMI\.TED ' ,POOFOSEIj' APPOOVED . GENERAL 'FUN[), Q)Nl'INl:JED Other' Revenue 7640 State; License CoIllIlissions 240 445, 250 250 7654 I)jriatiOris-<ieneriU., * 3,000 - - - 7673 \'Orkers~ti9n Ins. 5 000 50,11~ - - ~., - ~.~, 6,006 7675 Miscellaneous ;!:noorre 4,000 '48 , 662 6,000 Subtotal $12,240 $99,221 $6,250 $6,250 , ,< $6,467,,244' $6,581,953 ---,-""-. .}--. $6;844,697 'lO'17lL $6j,821,370 *Donations are pla~in trUst' '~, per a'neW' policy 'that was'a40pted. by the City Couhci1.. . . - " ., , 1\ II. I I -_... '-. .-.. ! I, 23 1 OTY OFroWAY REVENUES :BY 'FUNDS.AND SJURCES 1 i982-1~r83 1982-1983 1983..,1984 198}';"1984 . , BUI:X;E1' ESTIW\TEi> PIDroSEI> APProVED 'I STREEl' l:MPKlVEMENl' FUND -10 ':1 7310 Interest InCDma J,04,651 107,186' 47,260 74,760 7439 Gasdline 'riix':':i1o"6 199;900 200,578' 214,290 ?1~,290 7431 G11sdllne Tax.,.:ii07 352',510 3'6,Q, .~l}: 460,150 460,150 I. 7432 GasOline Tax~2107.5 7,~~() }.iSOO . 7,500 7;500 7593 Traffic MitigCitiQIl ~s 195,000 156,795 215,500 215,500 7594, TIaffic Signal. Fees 75,000 19,980 - - 7.595 LarrlScape """rf an.Fees - .3,622 - - :1 7597 ,"'""'p,,,.,,u..," _ ~, ~rovenent':FeeS 17, 971 -, - , 7675' ' , . ,Mi.""'" l1,u'leOUs' lIiamIe - 4,878 - - . ~I' "lbtal $934,561 $879,421 $944,700' $~72,;200 :PARK'~ 'POND-11 ,I 7316 , InterestIIlCDIIe ,2,100 9,'557 - -, 7340 Pilrk1.aD:i iJedIeation 'Fees 118,900 53,223 80,000 80,000 7460 Grant'-SB 174 ' 5,000 - - - 1 '.7461 GranfA'ark Bond Acts' 66,917 .161,268 163,980 .'1.63,980 'lbtal $192,917 $224,048 $243;980 $243;980 1 DRAINl\GEFUID - 12 7310 Interest Income 28,112 15 685 ;90 90 I SUDmne 1 &':lone r _,.~''C. "_ 7402 - 20,000 - - 7566 Drai~ge Fees 100,000: 55; 574' 175,'000 175,000 I 'lbtal , ' $128,112 :$91,259 $175,090 $1 is', 090 '. FEDERAL RE.VENUE ,SHARIriG '::" 13' . 7310 . Iriteiest ,I.liCXlJlle ~9, 794 37,432 :20,130 20,1}0 7453' Federalaevenue.:Shari'rig 370,068 280:,213 163,970, , ,163,,970 I 'ibtal :$399,772, $317'645' $184,100 $184;,100 _"0' _ 'mBG' FUND ,- 14: 1 ' 7473 (J)BG".8th Year 114,060 - 174,000 174 000 'lJ '?i?,~ i:DB(}-~ial FuOOiiicr . "~'-'" ~4!l;56L 30,196 - ...1.!l,.3~ I '7478 OJB<rJobs: Bill - '- 109,150 109,150' SUl5totaI $222/563 $36,196 $283,150 $301,517 ., ,I I 0 1 24 " OTY OF EOWAY ~ REVENUES By,FlJN[)S AND SJURCES 19~2~1!'~83 1982-1983 1983-1984, 1983'-1984 BUDGEI' ESTIM1I.TID PR)R)SID 'APproVE) GRANr, FUNJS -15-19 " 7310 Interest I!l'Dne - 864 -, - 7470 'l'ransporlaHon Dev. Agency 24,000 51,872 - - 7475 'IDA ,Art. 4.:S:'Call-A-Ride - 60,000 195,0.99 195,1.04, 7456 Federal Aid' ,to Urban 77,300 402 131,~01 176,398 7455 Health Eki.Safety 144,OQ9 ' , 9~P26 ; - - 7457 Office Traffic safety 82,842 83;121 40~ 90Q :' 96,726 7458 Jobs Biil - ,- (- 40,900 7402 Sub2D1le 1 & Zone 1 - 90,930 - - 7480 ciearweu 400,000 ,- - $728,142 $287 189' . , ,$419,428 &lbtotal , " $374,430 Total 'Gl:ant I!'WIds . $950,705 $317,385 ~657~~0 c$720, 945 " ASSESSMEm' DIsmICl'SFUND ... 20' 7710 l\D83-1 - - - 1l,500 'lbtal - - - . - $11,500 KlNICIPAL IMPR:lVF.MI!m', FUND -30 7310 Interest IIlCDue ' 20 ,,9~6 . 28,653 4','270 4,270 7401 Revenue!t>ther'AgencieS 66,750 - 66,750 66,750 , Total $87,6~6 $28".~53 $'71,020 $71/020 " ,DEBT SERlTICE!.FUND - 40 ! " 7310 Interest IIlCDrie - - 26,,700 26,700 7315 Interest InOoue-Booo 29,090 6,838 7,830. 7,830 7616 Fire Booos 174,800, 174,800 174,400 174,400 'Ibtal $203,890 $181,638, $208,930 $208,930 I " . I: , ,I' . 2~5 I' ciTY oF: EOWAY REVENUES' BY FUNDS, AND EOURCEf> .1' I !9~2i:-1983 1982..,1983 ];983-1984 1983"::]984 BULGEl" ESTIMA.TED, POOroSID APproVED I WATER .FliID -60 'I: 7310 Interest 'InC;l1~ 238',000 209..560 ,218,450: 218, 450 7J15 Interest' lllOOIIe-Debt - - 58.(,880, 58,880 7480 Griint:.:clAA~l:l- - " '1 500'000 - - I ,- 7526 ,!><lIes and'jSerVfce " I ,II 2,202,'378 ,1, n~,177 2, 3~7,850 2, 367;,.~50 7521 Sales'-Untrete'teo..Water 3',599, 6,166 - '~,600 ,2,600 7522 SDCWA/Rarronawater Charges 449 i og,o 365,398' 43,9,960 '439,960 7523 ~~~eSChaigeS 19,000 12,905 15,360 15,~60 'I 7524 21,000 18,142 111,09R 111,,000 . . . 7~25, Hylfraiit Mater Clliffiies ' 350 ~70 ,369. 36()' 7526 RE!cXlnnection " 1 700 },235 ,3,)60 ,3,36(l 7528 ~i~,Rl;!bate/JAterrupt: ~~'Ii: QR,il 70,'543' 90~1l0 !90,1l0 ,I' 7530 ~"'l'.iJ.lli-~' il '90.,750 " 6li',595, 74,520' 74,520 I ,: t5~1 !'lmP!IYj-m ,i4 , 1l,650 ,P,!i30 12 400 ::~,:41i,Q ."r _."0_' I 753~ PuriPi,.ncj.,orchaid et a1 49, 609 3~,~9: 35,460 ,35,.60 7533 Puiipinij-lkjt!lirt' 763 ,651, , . '580 580 7534' PuriPi' ". -<1:lilVair 55C) 1,293, 1,310 1,310 7535' !""'t'l:..~~;t, 6,670 6j:439 " 6,390 6,3~0 II 7-5~!i. 1>lmping~,..r;,_lhelck " 706 '- '4300 4,~0.0 , _n' 7537 1>lmpinq ~-Donart, 2; , 413 "....-."> ... . ],,919; ~,9~0 ',7540 'EXpilnsiOri;Fees', 46,770, '33,~~0 7,880 7;880 ,I 7542 ,QjMec:t:ion Fees 8,990 6,900 7,500 7/500 7544 ~~~~ 2;000 1,113 1,.0.0.0: 1,QOO 7546 Meter. ,InstalJ.ations 7,890 I3,7~5 . '17 500, 17,,590 '. 7610 'Bond-orcimdwater ~Q,41,() 10 257 - _,. ,r _ .~.. '. 7611. Bond~ Water 877,985 735'271 672,320 71:4,698 ~'.. ". ... ,. ',.- . ' 7612 Borid.,.m',n, Tax ROll li,900 3,815 - .:.\ 76B Bond,..ml/2; ;TaXROll 20250' 15',995 - ,- .. 7617 {, "",..7_ . .' .... - ,. r 364,.091 330547 228,480 24050'0 'I Bond-AD 79-1 Tax ROll Co-" ......, :._ _, _ " _.._1.....,'-.."'; 7672 Returned check'Char " . no ,900 1 000 1: 000 7675 " " .,ges 29,658:: ,.r .~ "'::'" f'::,I.. '''~. ~.......ll "'I'lE!ciUs lIIO:iiJI;! , - 14',305 14,305, l 'lbtill $6,086,046 $3;,i16,954.' $,4,-300,9iS $4,'355,313: . :...... :,' . . !I '. , I ~ i. 1 ~. . --, ,I . . ,26.. OTY OF EOWAY RE.VENiJEs' BY, FUNDS OOa:lURCFS 1982~1983 1982:-,1983 t~83"'1984i '1983-1984' ,Bi'JDGEr ' ES'l'l:W.TED m)R)5EI) APproVED 1 ~ FUN)- 61 . '7157 Cbn,sj:ructlon PE!rmits , I - - ;:},?,O~O" 3 500 7310 ~ ~'-' "'.- .~ > Interest ];lllXllle 29l,,4~9' 332,'21Q, ,2'73,810 273,810 7315 Interest Incx)llle~t l,l~,.,12.2 47,,05;1 , 25',2'90 ,25 j290 7520 sales ,&' Service . 686,940 657,078 783.,880 '78~,880 . 7~40 ~si9.l)F'ees - - 310 310 , , 2~~, ~j>:q 7.54,2 Cbmection Fees 250,178 . 33,2, 302 ,2~2,,?OJ) , 7550 Bi,gh )lolUJie, Service 34,740 25,9911 2,11,,999. :211,Q..00 I ' '7551 -' ,-.-.". Arineiratibn-GeDeral ~;8f!0 6,668 4()"OOll 40,,000 7552 Arii1!;!xatip.n~N:lrte ., 3,682 3:867 3;800 '3,682 " 7553 Annexation-F'ozy, ciest '289 257 ~290 290 ... ~tion~ valley __ ."' .'. 7554 3-255 3,235 3'260 .' 'J,~60 .' , r"'~-- '>-., 7555 Annexation':"l'ax aJll Fll" 81/82 - 6i9.75 6820 6,820 1'556 .,1"...-_".., Cbmei::fion.. ~InSpect:ioD8 , '3,591 1,800 ],,800 '7557 - '. -' '01eck' Fees ". . -- ". F7SO' 4-',750 .' -, - ~"'- , " 7558 A1Inelliltion~ - 42,860 6,054 - - 7559 O:lIlnection, Fees'-iCI 47,,008' 136 TIl - - " 5/000, 7560 SIi:tchliiges-"iC[ , 3,000, , 9,056 5,(J00 'I. l'liIIPinq-St. ~,~ ' ~ . \>--,-.., 7562 ,-, - ~,900 .~,'900 7563 PuiJpinq-<:amfm Del Valle', -, - 24,'900 24,900 " . - -,- .-,,,,. f':--' , '620 620 7564, PlmPinq-Del IOniente Area -. - 7615 Bond,. Ihterest &.1 11...=1......,. - - ~,8QO 10,'050 . 7675 ~"':"" 1'1 "riaJuS',IlllXllle , . 200 74, 182 182 '1b~ $1,'525',613 "$1,571,197 $1,483!4Ui Sf. 483'544 . .,. , CAPITAL .'R:E:PIAcEMENi rom - _ 70 c{5r;D ',I ,7310 IntereSt 'Ini:lbme~ 62,731 11, 10,49.0 ~10,4.9.0 7585 Yearly' Vehicle, Rerital 1ll,SP8 113,008 137,250: 137,250 '. Yearly Cap. Oiit.lay Rental . t . 2l,2QO 7586 - - 17,,200 7660 Sale-Surplus ProPertY ,5,000 .1,293: 10,000: 10,000 'lbtal $179,239 $114,312 $174,940 $178,940 I '. I' .i .. - 1\ . 1\ } "~I ;> .1 27 ,1- OTY OF EOWAY RE.VENUES BY FUNDS AND, s)URCES I " 1982'-'i983 198:2'-;1983 1983-1984 1983,..1984 I BUDGEl" ESTIM!\.TED mJroSED: APPOOVED :,1 TRUST .FUNDS CLYDE REXroDE MEM:lR!AL- FUND <~ 80 I 7310 Interest lnoome - 9 90 90 7653 D:lIlatiorls - 2,610 2,000 2,000 l SUbtotal - $2,619 $2,090 $2,0~0 OONM'IONS,ANo .GIFl' FUND - 82 . '. :1650 ()'mm,;u ty setyic:;ea 2;000 2,000 .' - 1,238 .7652 SafetySerVi~ - .4',502 150 150 I ,SUbtotal - $5,.740 $2,150 $:2,150 i I .~, PATRICIA R:lSSTRUST- 83 7-330' Interest-bbte ReCeiVable - 2, 2.71 1,9Q6 1,986 7.675- IIICXlme - Other - - 20,000 - I' SUbtotal - $2,2.71 $21,986 $1,986 .: $10,630 ~I: TOtal Trust FIiIlds $26,226 $6,226 - \ II' , , r ,f lillJENUE,GRAND ,'JDTAL, $17,155,,79_5, ,_$14,,035,-095 $15,292,263 $15,456,485 " . r r . , r i [' I 1: . \. ,[ I "1, I I I I !I I 'I I . I ,I . I I I I I .. I I' I .. ~'OF:' 'IDwAY1 ~CIAt,~~:I l1.983;':I;984, OOND IN'l'EllEST l\ND m:lEMPl'ION' I, 30 I' CI,TY OF FQwAY. I a)ND INl'ERESTANDREIlEMPl'-ION I 19"82'-1983 i984-1983 1983,-;1984 1983-1984 'I BUIX;El' ,'FSTIMA.TED: PROroSED . 'APPROVED WATER, FUND . ,Orchard, .water District, ?.-O.,41<) 20.41!0 u ~ JI9S4' ' ~ - , , '. " -- =..,..' "'.',",~"" 27250 28937 28.,-937 27 ;'250 1916 ,.,1 "I.. 266685 266;;685 266,8'10 266;8'10 " 1972 W'!,,42? '104,433 fQ,2,50B. 102.508 1~7? 41Jf930: . - to .....,~ 47,7,930 4,!lJ., 5~0 48.1,530 u..t!-. "_" ID'#1 if ;',900'. ,1]..;900 11;425 fl.; 425 10 #2 20 250 20,250 19,500 19',;500 7?"',i ., >"><-' ~,' -..,.,." 364,091 ..< ...- ,_.~, 240 ,5iY6 364,.091 240,500 . 'ltiTAL:WATERFUID :$1,294,-636 $1,294,.636'$1,149;,553 $1, :1:49:,'553 . SEWER Fl:Jf;D Series 1 ~~,70,Q 3,?,ciW.0 34 450 14 450 '~ries :2 . . ,or ,,_,~ .q ."....., ~... ...." ,26,500 2~;500 '25; 500 '25'500 " Series A 10,380 ,10,380 - - series B U5 765 115,,765, 123',325 123',325 , " 'lO.Ti\L 5mE:R)UID .;'}'. -~. .- :$188,345 $183',275 $i83Y275 $188,;' 345 .DEBT SER\TIcE FlJN)' r978 'Ffre. Bondsl 114/800 r74,800 '174,400 ])4,460 . ''IOTALDEBT ,SERVICE ,FUND $174,800 $174,800 $174,400 $17,4',,400 GRAND ''IOTAL :$1,657" 781 $1,657,,}81 $1,507,,228 '$1,507,228 1 r. ~ ,. I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I ,I I I' Cl'l'Y OF Eail\Y FIm\NCIAL PRlGlWt: 1983-1984 DEPARINI!Nl'AL OPERATING BlJO<--'''' 'I . .4 _---,-,-____,__-..._..... '_"_=.,_."" __ -. ..~ .-... --~-- .__._~ -- -. -.-- w CITY OF IDWAY N I I BUIX;Er BY FUK> CAPITAL ASSES. REVENUE DEPARTMENl' GEmRAL WATER .s&IER Sl'REEl' REPIACEMENl' DISl'RIcr &GRANl'S 'IOTAL LEGiSIATIVE & ADMINISl'RATIVE City (buncH 50,429 50, 429 City Clerk 152,369 152,369 ~t:y Attorney 88,897 88,897 City M:lnager 236,667 236,667 ,; 'lbtal $528,362 $528, 362 ADMINISl'RATIVE SERVICES Dii:ector 5!~ 69,930 fJ."\ 36,210 J5 18, 7~0 124,870 Fersonnel n 63,830 Q..\ 18,620 7 6,203 88,653 CUstooer Services 50104,130 31 77 ,050 \"'27,070 208, 250. Finance 51" 75, 030 j"1 38~850 620,101 133,981 Data Processing ;5056,710 ::q41,960 1314,742 113,412 Pliicnasing 51 34,320 ':<2- 24,900 ~18,072 H,292 SUw:>rt Services 145,114 145,114 Risk ,MIDagenent 79,200 : 79,200 Capital Replacenent 68,500 'Ii 68,500 , 'lbtal $628,264 $237,590 $94,918 $~8, 500 $1,029,272 OOmJNITY SERVICES Director 128,2~2 105,404 233,636 Leisure Services 2~9,,69Q , 269,690 Lake Operations 312',782 54,564D 367,346 Park & Landscape 280,993 ~3 280,993 $991,697 $54,564 $105,404 $1,151,665 , 'lbtal I .. - - - .. - .. '- - - - - - .- - II!!!!!!I - ..' - - - -, ... .. - - -, ;;;:;I ;;;:;I ;;;:;I - _. - - - - - -, .. , t I . I CITY OF KlWAY ! BuooEl' B'l..FtiID CAPITAL ASf>ES . lillfENUE DEPARTMENl' GENEID\L WA't'ta( SEWER srREEl' REPIACEMENr DISl'RICl' &GRANl'S 'lOTAL prANNtNi SERlTICFS I Director 85,774 8?,71~ Otrrent PlanniDJ 158,857 158,857 Advanced Planning 158,494 18,367 176,86:1 Building & Safety 145,800 145,800 'lbtal $548,925 $18,367 $567,292 PUBLIC SERlTICFS Director 50,060 I!.,o.. 74,330 27,294 \"6 151,684 I Field Operations Admin. 44,60821- gJ 67,230 24,704 \ "6 136,542 I Enginee.ril}9~- " 216,441 ,'l;73,222 70,541 ,'1 7,500 11,500 45,000 424,204 Street ,Miintenanee 224,.65~ ' -, 674,440 _ 127,950 .!!_027.~ -\oat:erSllPPlY - 2,325,133 ' '~2i325;133 - Sewer Trea,tment 902,573 ' 902573 \oater Tra.nsrnission 378,024 __ ~"' 378,024 Sewer O:lllection?-- 218,936 21!l, 9~6 . Facilities ~intenance [01,) ,91;973<"'Q 73,611M> 18,400\0 183,984 "----" '!bta1 -\ ~'l--J~(;/ 627,737 2,991,5501,262,448 681,940 11,500 172,950 5,748,125 /'.# SAFEl'Y SERVICES Director 155,773 15?,n3 Fife Suppression 992,4.84 33,000 1,025'~1l4 Fire Prevention 127,5411 121,5!1l PariiIredics 246,~56 246,956 Law Ehfbrcement 1 ,467 ,426 51,726 1,519,152 / < , , - '!btal $2,990,187 $84,726 $3,074,913 'lOTAL _ EJ{PENIlITURES $6,315,172 $3.283.704 $1',357,366 $681,940 $68,500 $11,500 $381,447 $12,099,629 w w - ., .... DEPAR'IMENrAL CHARI' OF ORGllNIZATIrn ... CITY CXXJNCIL 'I PLANNING CX>>IISSIrn 010 REDEVELOPMENr AGENCY 5005 CITY CITY CITY ATIORNEY - MI\NI\GER CLERKI TREASURER 012 013 011 . PLANNING a:M-!UNITY SAFEll'Y ISTRATIVE PUBLIC SERVICES SERVICES sERVICES SERVICES SERVICES 300 200 500 100 400 010 - CITY COUNCIL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I!!!!!!!!I .. - -, - " , I I 35 CITY'OF., IDWAY DEPARTMENrAL ACITJITYOVE:RlTImi I Dept. 'UJdE Departnent: Fund Distribution: I I.egislative,aIXl. 010 l\dmiriistxati ve Geheral Fund: $50,429 Citv O::lI111cil I EXPENSE. 1981-1982 1982-1983 1982-1983 1983-1984 1983:'1984 CI:ASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGE!' E.STIMM'ED ProIDSE:> APProVED I TOtalEbsi tions - - - - - I Personnel. Expense 11,700 14,732' 14,826 18,092 15,876 OperatioIlS 21,411 35,283 31,310 33,053 34, 553 I and Miintenance Capital Outlay - - - - - I' 'lOTAL BUDGE!' $33,1ll $50,015 $46,136 $51,145 $50,429 I CJVm\TIl!W CDMMENrJ\RY' I 'The City ,OJuncil is OOIIp)Sed of five. IIE!IItlers; elected at large ,by, the Citizens of Ebway to serve for. four year overlapping terms: As the City's pjlley-llBkihq legislative body, the City Cbiincil is responsible to the residentS of, PoWay for I the iItplenentatiOn of au pIOqrams and services provided by the City. AririUally, the City OJuncil reergarii;zes,' cIxlosing one of its IIE!IItlers to serve aSM:lyorand one of its IIE!IItlers to serve as Deputy M:lyor i bOth terms OOIIIIEllcing in APril. I The Gity OJuncil acts upon all legislative IIBtters oonceming the 'City, approving and ad;)pting all oroinances, ,resolutions, oonu:acts and othei IIBttersi'eqW.ring, C)verall pJlley decisions and leadership. The OJuncilappoints the City Minager, I .!:lie. City Attorney and the City Clerk,.as ...ell as various citizen adVisory oom- mittees, Which ensUre bIOad-based inpUt into the affairs of the city.. In reaching.pJlley decisions, the City Cbuncil revieWspropJsals designed, to lIEet I ,CXliIIt1uni.ty needs and sustain c1enanded SeiviceleVels, initiates new progrnmS to upgrade existing City services, determineS 'the ability of the City.to provide financing for the propJsed budget as submitted by the City M:inager. and oversees I the expenditure of all City funds througmutthe fiscal yE!ar. I I I --------,-" - - , -, - . I 36 ~ CI'l'Y OF IiOWAY I DEPAR'DlENrAL AC:rIVrr'f DElrAIL Depa.rblent: Activity: Activity axle: 010 . nistrati ve Cit CbuncH A;nv-L"l"X CDMMBIl12IRY ACrNIT'f OOALS AND o~ l. 'lb provide p:llicy for the establislmimt of programs and services through overall legislative guidance and direction. 2. 'lb oversee and lIDni tor the impleilEi1tation of tile CbuneH's aciopted smrt, medium and long-range goals. 3. 'lb ensure that the deli very of. all lllini.cipal services is <boo in the lIDst I efficient and eCXJnomic nanner possible. 4. 'lb provide for the citiZlmS of ~way a forum for public input and an avenue for the solution of a:lIIl1unity problems. I 5. 'lb provide input to the elected Cbunty, State and Federal .representatives relative to the needs, deSires, and' c1eIIBnds of the citizens of ~way. I SIGNIFICANl' AC:rIVrr'f PRJGRAM CIWGES CHAN:;E CbmIunity relations - F'l 82-83, the -$12, 535 I City Cbuncil autiDrized$10,000 to the E\:lWay Valley ,seniors for~mea:ls _ I program when the State cut the nEal program funds. 'lb! City Cbuncil also appropriated $1,500 for the 'B:)w. itlw ilays~. - ;m-additional $1, SOO was I transferred into' the =unt for Ixlsting the California League of Cities' neeting. ReildJursed' mileage; amended to =nDdate -$4, 640 '. the, change: from rei1lDursedmileage to an autollDbHe use allowance. I I I I I '- I I 37 CITY OFEOWAY DEPARTMENl'AL Ar:rNITY DEl'AIL I ~t: Activity: Activity I Legislative and Admiiiistiative City O:luncil <l:lde: 010 Obj. 1982-83 1982'-83 1983-8.4 1983-84 O:xie ClaSsification Budliet. Esti.nateli Procosed ,ADorovai .. Personnel FOsitionTitle I O:luncil.iIeniJer (5) 9,000 9,307 12,000 9,000 ill Salaries - other 9,000 9,307 12,000 9,000, 'r' I 120 Fringe Benefits 5,732 5,519 6,092 6,876 . I I 'lbtal Personnel 14 :732. 14.826, 18 092 15.876 Ocerations and Maintenance I 260 . Reinblr~Mileage 3,'053 1,~60 4,,500 6,000' 270 Travel alxi .Meetings 6,280, , 6,176 6,895 6,895, . 314 0:lmi1uiti. ty ,Relations 13,750, 13,535 1,Q{)O 1,000 ~ I 315 PUblicatiOns and Dues 10,253 9,366 11,258 11,258 321 0:lmi1uiti. ty Safety - - 7,!l00 7,40{) ill Office ii, StationetYSupplies 1,947 873 2,000 2,000 I I I Total OOF>=tions and Maintenance 35.283 31,310 33.053. , 34,553 I caoital Outlay I I Total. CacitalOutlay - - - - Activitv'Total $50 015 $46,136 $51. 145 $50,429 ',I ,I, - - - -. . ,-, -, - , " . " - ... PEPARIMENrAL CHARr OF ORGIINlZATION co I CI'IY CDUOCIL PLANNlNG CXMUSSION , CITY CLERK - TREASURER 011 011 - CITY CIERK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I 39 CITY OF FOWAY DEPARl'MENl'AL. AcrNJ:r':l OVERITIE.W I Dept. Q:ldf Departnent: Furxi Distribution: I Legislative Iir on Administrative General Furxi: $152,369 City Clerk I ElCE'ENSE 1981-1982 1982-1983 1982-1983 1983-1984 1983-1984 CIASSIFICATlDN ACTUAL BtlIlGEl' ESTIMATED POOFOSID APPIDVID I TcitaJ. EOsi twns 3 3 3 4 3 I Personnel Expense 65,898 85,359 86,674 86,942 92,068 I ' Operations 37,907 37,053 27,992 40,301 40,901 and Maintenance Capital Outlay 1,934 936 973 19,400 19,400 I 'lOTAL BtlIlGEl' $105,739 $123,348 $U5,639 $146,643 $152,369 I 0VERI7IE1<i CD~ I The City Clerk is appointed by the City Cbuncil to serve as Records M:lnaqer and Election Official of the City. In carrying out this function, the City Clerk CXIOrdill!ltes the City Cbuncil agema preparation and oversees the rea::lrding, prep- I paration, and lIBi.ntenance of the official meeting rea::lrd. The City ,Clerk's Office is the central infoIll8tion source for the public and City I staff regarding Cbuncil action and {Dlicies. This depa.rtllent is respOnsible for the organization, lIBi.ni:enance and protection of all official City rea,rds and CXIOrdinates the City-wi.de functional filing system. All legal advertisements, incl\ld.ing 'lXltices of public hearing, call for bids, etc., are placed through this I offiCe. A centralized \oiOrd processing system for all City departlleJits is nanaged by this, office. I 'The City Clerk organizes and oonducts all IIllIlicipal elections, including serving as Filing Officer 'for EexllXlmiC Interest and CaIrp;iign Disclosure statemants. The City Clerk is also cq;p>inted City Treasurer, is resp:lnsible for the irwest- I ment of City funds and has signatory autrority on public securities and in.strum:nts of paymant. I I I H_ - . ." CITY, OF R>WAY DEPAImmm'AL AC:rrVrrY DErAIL Depart:Dent: Act! vity: Act! vity O:lde: 011 Cit Clerk ACnVITf <D!M!:NrARY AC:rrVrrY CDALS AND OBJECl'IVES 1. As custodian of the official records of' the City, to ensure the Safety and security of the record doc:um:nts. 2. Establish a records nanageuen~ pIOgram to provide for efficient storage, retrieval and disp:>sition of reCOrds, including the iJrpleuentationof the PUFFS lEOway Uniform Functional Filing System) througmut all City depart:IJEi1ts. 3. 'lb ];Cst, publish and nail in a, nBnner oomp1ying with the law, all ooticeS of plblic hearil'lgs, ueetings, and bid. pIO];Csals. 4. 'lb record ooncisely and oorrectly, in action minutefonn" the ueetings of the City O:luncil. , 5. 'lb oonduct all nunicipal elections in a nanner to ensure oonfornance with exi.st-I ing laws to preserve the accuracy and ,integrity of the'. process. 6. 'lb nanage the City O:luncilagenda process to ensure tinEly preparation, notice, and follOw-up on all itemsrequiririg O:luncil action. 7. 'lb assist all City depa.rt:ments with their typing needs through a centraliZed .om processing operation. ACTIVITY ii)RKIOAD srATISTICS 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 ACl'lTAL FSTrw.Tm EOREX::ASTED Public Bearing N:ltices 105 100 100 tbCUllel1ts Recorded 45 100 100 Resolutions Processed 139 120 150 Ordinances Processed 26 35 40 Sets of Minutes Prepared 90 75 70 SIGNIFICANl' ACTIVITY ProGRAM CIllIN;ES awGE Travel and - The International~cipa.l Clerks O:lnference will + $ 927 Meetings be in San Diego in 1984. Budget is for' both Clerk and Deputy to atterd. Pmtographic - The original, minutes,ord,inances and remlutions will + $ 1,000 I Supplies be mi=fi1nE!d for off..,site storage 'and in-muse use. Rent -Buildings - One set of microfilm,will be stored off-site in + $ 180 I rented vault spaCe for protection. Capital outlay - Purchase of additional '<erd processing equi~t. + $13,300 I - Purchase of microfilm reader-printer to reduce + $ 6,100 storage space and give easy access to mi=filned minutes, etc. I I 1 ,- I I 41 CITY OF EOWAY DEPARl'MENTAL AC:ITVITY 0 DE:l'AIL I Department: Activity: Activity 'I Legislative and Administrative City' Clerk Oxie: all Opj. 1982-83 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 O:xl.e Classification Budaet EstiIrated Proposed Aooroved I Personnel . ~sition TiUe City Clerk 31,200 31,860 31,200 32,448 I 172 Deputy City Clerk 16,986 17,343 17,868 18,658 167 l\dmi.nistrati ve Secretary 17,143 17,500 17,148 17,840 I 1;10 Salaries - Regula,r 65,329 66,703 66,216 68 , 946 113 Salaries - OVertine 1,370 1,200 1,200 1,200 120 Fringe Benefits 18,660 18,771 19,526 21,922 I Total Personnel 85.359; 86.674 86 942 92 ; 068 Operations and Maintenance I 199 Other Professional Fees 10,000 2,590 7,000 7,000 260 Rei.rd:n1rsed Mileage 720 616 720 1,j20 270 Ti:avel'andM!!etings 1,610 1,630 2,557 2,557 I 280 Advertising 6,584 6,904 6,600 6,600 311 Printing 7~030 6,075 6,300 6,300 313 ,Uniforms, Iaubdry, DrY Cleaning 250 250 - - 314 O:lIimlhi.ty Relations 100 200 120 120 I 315 Publications and Dues 600 730 768 768 334 R&M El:IUipIeIlt 1,270 1,842 2,860 2,860 411 Office & Stationery SuPPlies 2,400 2,133 3,200 3,200 I 413 Plx:JtograPhic 'SuPPlies - - 1,000 1,'000 417 Operating SuPPlies 785 620 - - 512 Rent Buildings & Grourxis - - 180 180 513 Rent Office El:IUipIent 5,704 4,402 - - I Si4 tease Purchase - - 5,796 5,796 / 555 Capital Outlay Rental - - 3,200 3;200 I Total Ocerations and Maintenance 37.053 27 992 40301 40.901 Canital.Outlav 611 Office Fuini.ture 936 973 - - I 611 Microfilmfeader/printer - - 6,100 6,100 611 ,Commmication El:IUipIeIlt - - 3,000 3,000 I- 611 VaJ.idator Disk - - 800 800 611 OCR El:IUipIent - - 9,500 9,500 I I Total CaoitalOutlav .936 973 19.400 19.400 ActivitvTotal $123 348 $115. 639 $146.643 $152.369 I I --- 'w --.- ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x:3NOOI.LV MIJ - no - no x:3NOOI.LV MIJ , 'k~ OOISSlNfll OOINN'lld 'II:::tJflCD MIJ N OOI.L1iZINI:i9l:l0 .ID .LMIiFt) 'IVJR3WLmfd30 ... - '. I 43 CITY OF' roWlcr' DEPARTMENl'AL FCrIVITY OVERVmi I Dept. C1:ldE Department: Furxl. Distribution: I IaJislative, and 012 Administrative Generai 'Furxl.: $88,897 City Attorney , , I EXPENSE' 1981-1982 1982-1983 1982-1983 1983-1984 1983-1984 CIASSIFICM'ION ACl'UAL BlJlXiEl' ~ PR:lOOSED APPOOVED I 'l\:ltal Ibsi tions - - - - - I . Personnel Expense - - - - - Operations 69,337 81,865 ill, 717 88,897 88,897 I and Mrintenance eapi tal Outlay - - - - - I 'lOTAL BOI:m:l' $69,337 $81,865 $1ll,717 $88,897 $88,897 I ClI1mITmi CD~ I " The City Attorney iSi!R;Ointed by the City Cl:lW1Ci:l to serve, as 1E!galadviSJr to the CitY on allllBtters elf law as these relate to the alllduct of lIIJiti.cipalaffairs. The City Attorney d%afts. ordinances, prepa..t:es: contractS, allldUCts 18gll megotici- I tions, reviews legal ooCUIDents for fOJ:III and content, and he or his deSignated legal counser defends the City's position in court cases. I The services of the City Attorney are provi,d.ed to the City by . contract. ,'Itle. City Attorney provides legal counsel, attendsoffic:ial l\Eetings and appears at all l<agal proc:e,adings an:inegotiations relating to land acquiSition, am provides: other : speciaJ.ized services. I In addition, to provi<iing services to the City Cl:luncil,the City Attcl'rney also . serves, as legal advisor to other Cl:luncil-appointed boardS an:iirepresents officials and 'euployeea of the City in IIBtters nUating to City business. I I I --, -. I r I II -- -- ' -- I' 44 cr:rY. OFFOWAY, I DEPAImmNrAL. ACnVIT'l DE.TAIL Department: Activity: Activity O:lde: 012 islative/Administrative Ai.a'~U'l'X CD!!MENrARY ACrNrr'l <DAIS AND OBJEX:TIVES 1. 'l\:) provide legal support to the CitY'O:luncil and City official13 in the' form of research and coq>ilation of legal opinions as requested and required. 2. 'l\:) defend the City's official actions. 3. 'l\:) review all OOCUllE!Ilts prior to submi. ttal to the City O:luncil for completeness and a:mtent. 4. 'l\:) ensure that coq>liance is obtained with the provisions of the l1l!nicipal code. 5. 'l\:) inform the City O:lunci1 and staff of the legislative and other ~egal. devliliJP"" IIE1lts which my have an effect orithe administration and operation of. the City. 6. 'l\:) represent the City in CXlurts of competent jurisdiction on all legalmtters relating to the City. lICnVIT'l 'iCRKIOAO srATISTlCS 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 ACltlAL ES'l'Ilo!M'ED FOREX:ASTED Litigation, .including pending appeals 5 3 18 I Ordinances prepared 48 50 60 O:lntracts, agreements, legal opinions' and related ooCUllents and staff conferenees 375 400 500 Regular and special IlEeti.ngs attended 82 92 92 I SIGNIFICANr ACTIVITY ProGRAM CHAN:;ES CllAN:iE I Attorney fees have increased due to the increased OOCUllE!Ilts; requiring legal review +$2,409 Litigation reflects the costs of legal representation I before the courts -$20,188 I I I I I I 45 CITY OF PO'iAY' I DEPARl'MENl'AL l'CrIVITY DErAIL I Depa.rtlllmt: Activity: Activity Legislative and Administrative City Attorney COde: 012 Obj. , 19~2,,"83 1982.,.83 1983-84 1983-84 I COde Classification t. Estimated PrnrY'L"ed Annroved Personnel RanaE Position Tltle I I I Total Personnel Ooeratwns and, Maintenance I 140 Attorney Fees 43,955 46,131 48,540, 48,540 141 regal ,Fees 1,800 8,099 1,800 1,800 I 142 Liticjation ,- City Attorney 34,324. 56,188 25,200 25,200 146 Litigation '-Oitsi.de Attorneys - - 10,800 10,800 270 TraVel and Meetings 1,086 689 1,357 1,357 I 315 Publications and,Dles 700 557 700 700 4ll Office and Static:inerySupplies - 53 500 500 I . :1 I 'TotalODeratwns..and Maintenance 81.865 111 717 88.897 88.897 ,CaDital OUtlav I I I - Total .CaDltal Clltlav - - - - ,ActlvityTotal $81 865 $lll 717 $88.897 $88.897 I I _ _ ..0- .. . .. - - ... 0\ DEPARlMENTl\L CHARI' OF ORGANIZATIOO CITY <XXN:IL PLllNNING CXMUSSIOO -_.~ .---- ,- CITY MANAGER I U13 PU\NNING <XJ.t.lOOITY SAFETY AaUNISTRATIVE PUBLIC SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES . SERVICES SERVICES 300 ~oo 500 100 400 013 - CITY MI\NAGER - - - - - - - -'- - - - - - - - - - - I I 47 CITY OFEOIiAY. DEPAlm!ENrAL ACI!l'iITY OVERVIEW I Dept. ~ 'Department: FIlIrl'Distribution: I Legislat:ive and 013 Jldministrative General Fund : $236,667 Citv Manaqer I ~SE 1981-1982 1982-1983 1982-1983 1983-1984 1983-1984 trAssIFICATION ACroAL BtJDGEl' ESTIMATED PR:>roSID APPlVVED I Total POsitions 3 4 4 4 5 I Personnel Expense 88,950 162,510 168, 491 187,729 195,223 Operations 24,533 17,041 16,057 24,525 25,164 I and Maintenance Capi tal Outlay 6,724 28,280 16,280 - - I 'lOTAL BUDGEr $120,207 $179,551 $184,548 $240,534 $236,667 :1 ovmvIEW CDMMENTARY I The City Manager serves' as the City's chief administrative officer and is, respon- <,' .. . - .. .. .. .. .. .,........., .. .. .. , .. -~, -. .." .. , "1' sible for planning, organizing and directing thermmicipal activities of ,the City. I This office prepares arid submits the annual budget to the City Cbuncil and, advises the City Council on the financial O)nditions and needs of the ei'ty. 'lbe City Manager lIBkes reQ)"~'-r#a1;ionS to the City CbllIlCil,on the affairs of the City and epsures that all appli,cab:i.eordinanoes andsta~ laws are enforced. 'l'j1e City I Manager attends all Council meetings and advises the Council on legislative and, policy llBtterS: ' I , I I I " I ~,~ I i;1 --~-- -,- , ~ I 4R I crry OF roWl\Y DEPARl'MENl'AL ACITYI:I!'i DETAIL I Department: Activity: Activity Uaclislative/hlmi.nistxative 0Xle: 013 I Ci tv Manaqer 1l1.:.r.LYJ.'J.-% CD_mRY I AC:TNrrt OOALS AND OBJECl'IVES l. 'lb assist the City O:luncil in its developnent of policy to ~~s the needs I and issues of the CXlllllll1nity by providing' projected <Xlsts and benefits for alternative policy decisions. I 2. 'lb develop innovative and creative IIE!anS of delivering municipal services in a high quality, effective and efficient nanner. 3. 'lb provide overall direction .to the illplemantation of City O:luncil policy I through the centrali zation of authority and responsibility. 4. 'lb keep the City O:luncil apprised of pending State and Federal legislation I to enable effective input to eleCted representatives of Ebway. 5. 'lb keep the City O:luncil fully informed of all aspects of municipal affairs and I operations . SIGNIFICANt' AC:TNrrt PRlGRAM CHAN;&S CIlAN;E I The printing <Xlsts are for publishing four editions of Ebway Today + $ 4,303 I The City vehicle assigned to the. City Manager - $ 4,368 has been deleted and the associated <Xlsts are II) longer SooWIl in Vehicle O~tions,' Vehicle I Milintenance and Vehicle Rental. ReiDi:lursed mileage has been increased to + $ 6,778 I reflect an autoDDbileuse allowance for the City Manager in lieu of a City vehicle. The purchase ofa new vehicle for the City - $12,000 I M:inager was deleted with the approval of an autollCbile use allowance. I I I I ,- -- ~ . I . I 49 CITY OF RJWAY. ,I DEPARTMENrAL ACir{r.TY' D~~ p-- ~, /. '"...... . . Departmenj:: Activity: ~ Acti VJ. ty I . Legislative azXiAdrilinistiative city M:lnager ~Code: 013 d\ /' ,\, Obj. 1982-83, 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 Code ,Classification "'if ~ted proposed . AttlIOVed Buddet " I . PersOnnel' - RangE E\Jsi tionTitle ~;-r/ ~,,\,~ i< 1 , I City M:ln<\ger 44,470 ,46,145 \ 44,470 50,000 260 Assistailt'City M:lnager - - " 41,148 38,143 .225. Asst. to City M:lnager 11) 66, 53,S 69,026 30,528 31,770 172 Secretary to City M:lnager 15,974 17,421 17,652 18,495 I 137 Administiative Clerk. I - - 11,52q" 11,124 110 ~ies -Regular 126,979 132,592 145,318 149,532 I 113 Salaries -OvEirtine 300 411 600 600, 120 Fringe Benefits 35,231 35,488 41,811 45,091 I Total Personnel 162.510 168 491 187 729 195.223 QperationsazXi Mtintenance I 260 ~sed .Mileage 600 422 1,200 7,200 262 vehicle 0 tiOns 1,800, 779 1,800 - . .' gera 263 vehicle Mtintenance 2,398 2,365 2,237 - I 264 vemcle Rental" , 1,).24 1,324 1,'324 - . ~ -. -~~ 270 Travel azXi Meetings 2,)09 3,380 4,999 4,999 282 E\JsJ;age 1,;500 1,905 1,600 1,600 311 Printing . 4,062 4,097 8,400 8,400 I 313 Uniforms, ~1,IIldry, Dry Cleaning 12,5 125 - - 314 0:l1lllUlIli. ty Relations 538 7 - ,- 315 PUblications aIxl.bues 785 796 1,065 1,065 334 R&MEXIui~t - 38 - - I 411 Office & Stationery SUpplies 1,200 819 1,200 1,200 499 Other Materials N:lt Classified - - 700 700 I , , Total, Ot:ler"-tions'azXi Mtintenance .17 i041' 16.057 24,525 25.164 Caoital,Qutlav , , I 611 CPr ,\i:irk' Station - - 11,000 i l:l, 000 P<' 611 Office FUrniture - - 2,280 2,280' , I 621 AutoilDbil'e - - 12,000 - 672 RenCdel Office - - 3,000 3,000 ,. Total CaoitalOutlav - , - 28 280 16.280 Act]. VJ. tv 'lbtal S179,551 S184 . 548 S240 534 S236 667 I I -~ -'-- .. ~ " ,'. . " ',; ,-.~ , le-.." U1 a DEPARlMEN'rnL CHART OF ORGI\NlZATION CITY MANAGER 013 DIROC'IOR J\l:MINISTRATIVE SERVIi I 100 PERSCNNEL CUS'KMER FINANCE . DATA PUiPlASING SUPPORr RISK SERVICES PmcESSING SERVICES MANl\GEMENI' 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 - - - - - - .. I!!!!!I I!!!!!I ... - - - .- - ... - - - , I 51 I CITY OF' EOWAY' DEPARTMENrAL ACITY!T'i 'OVERllIEW I Dept. Cl:5dl Depart:Dent: Fund Distribution: General 'Fund - $628,264 I 100 Administrative Services Water. Fund - $237,590 Sewer Fund - $94,918 C'anital'Rflplac:arent Fund - $68.500 I EXPENSE 1981-1982 1982-1983 1982-1983 1983-1984 1983-1984 CIASSIFICATlDN ACtUAL BUDGEr ES'l'IMM'ED PR:lEOSED APPR:lVID I TOtal R:lsi tions 18 18 18 19 19 . Personnel Expense 385,.472 465,166 469,623 5ll,257 536,077 . Operations 216,662 366,922 324,923 399,268 400,480 I and Maintenance Qipi tal Outlay 13, 442 46,450 45,170 92,715 92,715 .. 'IDTAL BUDGEr $615,576 $878,538 $839,716 $1,003,240 $1,029,272 I 0IlERITIEW <D~Y I TheDepart:Dent of l\dminis1;,rative Services is reSIDnsible for CXlOrdinating the day-to~y activities of various internal OpeI:ations and supplying!lpeCialized staff~it servicesl to alloperatingdepartnents. The Department is divided I into nine operatiolllil divisions including the Office of the Director, Personnel, CUstoner Services, Finance, Data PIOcessing,Purchasing, SUpj;oitServices, RiSk ManagE!llEIlt and Capital Replaceuent. I The Director of Administrative Services is appointed by. the City Manager to IIal)age, CXlOrdinate, CDotrOl and direct departJIental programs and to ensure depar1:m:ntal goals are achieVed. 'Within the Department are vested the responsibiliti,es of I fillallcial nanagE!llEIltand CDntml, budget deVelopnent and preparation, adminis,!Ia- tion of the City's ellploynent system, the puichasiilgfunction.of the City, admin- istration.of the rmmicipal insurance programs, Ioater and sewer billing, neter reading;, processing aCCXlunts receivab.1e and nanagE!llEIlt of the City's Central stores I IoarE!lDuse. The personnel in this depar1:m:nt also function in a quasi-<Dnsultant capacity by supplying technical expertise to other City depar1:m:nts and byprovid- ing specialized financial inforna:tion to departIrent heads and other nanagE!llEIlt personnel to ensure effective bUdget I~lE!llEIltation. I I I I - - I 2 CI'r.{ OF 'R)Wl'.Y DEPAR'lM!NrAL ~ DErAIL Depar\:Dent: Activity: Activity Olde: 100 Administrative Services Office of the Director ACrlV1'1'r CDIMlNlUY ACrIYIT'f DESCRIPl'ION The. Director of Administrative Services, is resp?nsible for alOrdina1;i.ng, supervising, and ensuring the effective inplenentation of all depar1:Irental P:r:o~ and activities c:onsistent with City p?licies and s:nm:1 nanag'~tpractices,. 'lbeDi,rector is app:>inted by the City Manager and, through this office, elected and app:linted officials are c:ontinually advised of the City's finances, personnel, arployee rela- tions and data processing activities and requirements. ACrIYITY. OOALS AND OBJEX:TIVES l. 'lb develop overall depart:uentaJ,program objectives, which serve to guide the staff of the ~ppropriate operating divisions and to enSUre that the depart:uent I s <Pals are alnsistent with City ~s. 2. 'lb provide professional expertise in the lIBlIagement of the City's personnel, p,lrChasing, financial, data processing and risk lIBlIag~t progj:amS, and to apply all legislation relating to' these areas as appropriate for R:lway. 3. 'lb provide c:ontinued deVeloplentof ~loyee p?tentialandnorale, to create a IoDrk environment which will eho:Surage creativi.'iy, al1JlllW1i.cation, cJedi.eation and c:oumi. tment. 4. 'lb oversee the deVelopll!l1t of a strong risk lIBlIagement program and ,to stabilize general liability and IoOrkers' <XlJq;leI1Sation c1ai.ms by pmDDtingsuch a program. 5. 'lb provide a c:omplete and current lIBlIageDl!!nt inforIlBtion base to the line operat- ing departments' and to enhance their day-'to~y oPerations. 6. 'll:l pronote c:ontinued familiarity and deVelopnent, by all, divisions, with the data processing function. 7. 'll:l provide an effective cashllBllagi3lent system including the proper administra- tion of accounts receiVable, inveStments and payables. I SIGNIFICANl" ACrIYIT'f ProGRAM 'awGFS ~ Addition of Administrative Assistantp?sition in the + $19,770 I Administrative Services Depa.rt:nEnt that will be prinarily assignei to Personnel. I I ,- I 53 , CITY OF EOWAY' DEPAR'lMENrAL ACl'IIiITY DErAIL . Departm:mt: Activity: Activity Cbde: 100 .. Administrative .Services Office of the Director Obj. 1982-83 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 Cbde ClassificatiOn Bucl.aet Estimated Prooosed Approved I Personnel ~ E\:)sition. Title 252 Director 39,948 39,948 39,948 41,562 I 195 Administrative. ,Assistant - - 19,038 19,770 167 Administrative Secretary 15,144 15,702 15,912 16,548 - 110 Salaries - Regular 55,092 55,650 74,898 77,880 '1l3 Salaries - Overtima 296 U9 600 600 UO Fringe Benefits 15,054 15,369 22,878 24,860 . 98.376 103.340 Total Personnel 70.442 71.148 1 Ooerations and Mtintenance 144 Alldi. t Service 13,500 1l,037 15,000 15,000 199 Other Professional FeeS 250 250 - - I 260 ReiIibursed Mileage 264 316 300 1,300 270 Travel, and Meetirigs 1,557 1,701 1,860 1,860 31l Printing 100 - 350 350 313 Uniforms, laundry, Dry Cleaning U5 U5 - - I 315 Publications and Dues 315 330 330 330 334 RiM ~~t - 38 - - ill Office & Stationery Supplies 400 366 350 350 I 523 Other Fees - 54 - - - I Total Ooerations and ,Maintenance 16511 14.217 18 190 19.190 CaDi tal Outlav I 611 Calculator - - 100 100 611 2 - Desks - - 1,500 1,500 611 Chair - - 190 190 611 File - - 550 550 I I Total Caoita:l Outlav - - 2 340 2.340 Activitv Total $86 953 $85,365 $118 906 $124.870 I .. I - I 4 CITY OFEOWAY DEPARTMENrAL AiiWrn DErAIL Department: ACtivity: Activity Cl:lde: 10 lIdministrative Services Personnel ~ CDI!MPB1'ARY ACrrJITY DESCRIPl'ION The Personnel Division is responsible for the City's eoployuent and personnel lIBIlageuent system. Included in the Division activites are': iJrpleirentation and administration of personnel policies, practices and procedures, for classification, recruitmant and eoployuent,eII9loyee benefits, ~tion, training, develop- aent, safety and security, and eoploy.eerelations. ACTIVrn OOALS AND OBJEX:TIVES l. Prepare Eaployee Bandbook. 2. Continue to aai.ntain and iJrpItive the centralized personnel program relative to recruiting, testing, and training and developilEnt. 3. Continue to provide a high level of perfoIIlBIlce in providing sexvices to various City departuents and ilXii.vidUal ell9loyees. ACTIVrn STATISTICS 1982-83 1983-84 ESTIM!\TED. liOREx::Asrm Eaployuent Applications 1000 UOO Recruitnents 9 11 Recrui.tnent/l'rouctional Testing 11 13 Job Interest N:ltices Processed 800 800 Eaployee Evaluations Processed 260 275 Personnel Transactions 170 185 Injury Reports Processed 40 40 SIGNIFICANl' ACTIVrn ProGRAM aJAN:iES CJlAN:iE A preventive health services program for + $3,000 eoployees to help in solving proble11L9 that are impacting their enployuent situation. ~ I I . I 55 CITY OF EOWAY DEPARTMENrAL AcrIVJ:r'{ 'DEl'AIL 1 Depa.r1:IIent: Acti vi tY': Activity axle: 101 I Administrative Services Personnel Obj'. 1982""83 1982-'83 1983-84 1983-84 0x1e Classification Btlii"E!t EstiIrated Prornsed ADoroved I Personnel Pos~tum T~Ue 225 Personnel Minage.r 30 , 530 30 , 530 30, 530 31,770 1 172 Personnel Aide 18,39L 17,927 18,017 18,749 Administtathe Intern 3,899 1,007 - - (Part-Tine) 1 110 Salaries - Regular , 48,921 48,457 48,547 50 , 519 112 Salaries - 'Pilrt Tine 3,899 1,007 - - 120 Fringe Benefits 13,723 14,304 14,292 15,634 I I ~tal Personnel 66.543 63.768 62,839' 66.153 Ooerations 'alld Maintenance 148 Special Studies 2,050 2,050 125 125 I 260 Rei.rltn1rsed MileagE! 240 181 420 420 270 Travel alld Meetirigs 700 595 1,255 1,255 281 Recruitment 1,766 1,863 1,800 1,800 311 Printing 1;700 1,695 1,000 1,000 I 313 Uniforms, laundry, Dry Cleaning 125 125 - - 315 Publications alldDues 610 607 550 550 316 !eii.cal Exams 955 875 1,000 1,000 I 317 El:lJJcationalldTraining 2,140 1,567 3,500 3,500 334 R&M, Equipuent 100 38 100 100 399 ElIployee' Assistance Program - - 3,000 3,000 411 Office & Stationery SUpplies 510 450 \50 750 I 422 Elrployee Awards 2,100 2,078 8,450 8,450 I ~tal Ooerations ,alld MUhtenance 12,996 12.124 21.950 21. 950 CaD~ tal Outlav 1 611 COcunent Shredder 550 550 - - 611 ' Fi 113 Cabinet - - 550 550 I 1 ~talCaDUal Outlav 550 550 550 550 Activitv ~tal $80;089 $76.442 $85 339 $88 653 I' I , I 56 CITI'OF'IOWAY DEPAR'n!ENl2U. Acrrvrry DEl'AIL Depa.rtnent: Activity: Activity Cbde: 102 Administrative Services .00000lDilr Services A1,;unn: CDMMI!:Imlal' ACl'IVITY DESCRIPl'ION 'n1e CUstomer Services Division is responsible for the CDllection and deposit ,of all City revenues. 'n1e Division administers the billing pr;ocess for aJItmlanoa, ~ter and sewer billings. They receive and process apt'llicat.iQnsforwater and sewer services, schedule and perform aeter readings, handle customer inquiries and CDmplaints, mke all necessary CDrrections and adj~ts, proce!ls water turn-Qn and turn-offs, perform mil;.....l "..,,,- eous snail aeter repairs, and pull and exchange water neters. OJstcmer Services perSOnnelCDllect,. receipt and deposit engineering fees, tax m:)rii.es, interest earnings and other City revenue and verify and deposit, funds CDllecti!d by the Recreation, Lake, Planning and Building divisions. ~ OJstcmer Services Division is also resj;onsible for the issiJance of regulatory licenses including dancing and enteriainaent permits, soliCitor licenses and I '''''',......'..!t/entertainaent IIBchine licensing. In addition, CUstomer Services personnel sort i=ming lIBil and post outgoing lIBil, provide telepOOne and reception services. I ACl'IVITY G:JALS AND OBJErl'IVFS I 1. Cbntinue to provide CDurteoUS, professional public CDntact. 2. Cbntinue to lIBintain a high CDllecti6n'rate. I SIGNIFICANl' ACl'IVITY PIDGRAM awm:s CIll\lII:iE Change., from part-time A=unt Clerk to + $9,425 I full,-time A=unt Clerk I I I I I - - ,. 57 I CITY OF EOWAY' DEPARTMENrAr. ,ACrJYITY DEl'AIL I Department: Activity: Activity O:xie: 102 J\dministrative Services CustomeiServices I Obj. 1982-'83' , 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 Chde , Classffication Bn<'!lTet . Esti.Itated Pmoosed APProved Personnel , RJsition Title , I / 210 Customer Services Mulager 25,020 25,560 26,292 27,364 154 ACa:>unt clerk II (2) 26,457 27,135 28,460 29,721 I 172 cuStOmer ~ Seryiee W:lrker (2) 36,641 44,398 38 i 552 40,026 144 ACa:>untClerk -r lfull-tinel 4,415 - 12,132 12,535 144 ACa:>unt Clerk r I part-tine) 3,600 3,110 - - 137 J\dministiative Clerk I 10,726 10,741 11,285 11,793 I lio Salaries '" Regular 103,259 107,834 116,721 121,439 ll2 SalarieS - Part'Tine 3,600 3,110 - - I 113 Salaries - Overtime 992 772 996 996 120 Fringe Benefits 29,069 30,210 36,098 38 , 323 Total Personnel 136.920, 141 926 153.815 160 758 \'1 Onerations an:i Maintenance 260 Reirrbursed Mileage 70 52 100 100 I 262 Vehicle' Operations 2,600 1,842 2,800 2,800 263' Vehicle Maintenance 5,841 2,685 8,987 9,199 264 Vehicle Rental 2,586 2,586 2,866 2,866 270 Travel an:i Meetings 600 419 600 600 \1 282 RJstage 9,653 8,888 10,000 10,000 311 Printing 8,000 6,898 8,000 8,000 313 Uniforms, laundry" Dry Cleaning 1,675 876 712 712 315 Publications an:i;Dues 30 44 50 50 :1 325 Vehicle RSgulations 5,197 5,706 5,600 5,600 334 R&M Equipnent 800 680 1,750 1,750 337 R&M' 'Radios - - 150 150 I 4ll Office Ii< Stationery SUpplies 1,500 1,242 1,000 1,000 417 Operating SUpplieS 325 325 - - 420 SIall Tools 50 36 50 50 499 other EXtW.P. Ii< Material Ibt Class - - 650 650 I 511 EquipnentRental - - 360 360 532 'UIlQ)llectibles - 13,514' 541 CaSh Over/Under 50 -33 50 50 I 555 eapital Outlay Rental - - 2,000 2,000 Total Ocerations and Maintenance 38977 45,760 45 725 45.937 Caoital Outlay \' I 611 Office Equipnent 12,300 12,134 1,555 1,555 622 Other ,Equipnent 400 387 - - I Total Caoital Outlay 12.700 12 521 1. 555 1.555 Activitv Total $188.597 $200,207 $201. 095 $208.250 I I , I 58 CITY. OF IDWAY DEPA!moIENrAL AC:irViTY DerAIL Department: Activity: Activity Cbde:103 l\dmi.nistrati ve Services Finance llL:nvJ.'J:% lD~ ACrNIT'i DESCRIPTION I The Finance, Division is resp:msible for the nanagenent and mntenance of the City's .1 financial infornation, IlBintenance of,the City's fiscal reoords aIld financial COllplter systems and the invest:llents of funds. ~tional~ties include fi~. data, collection, ~ysis and rep)~ng; I lII1plellEl1tation, control and audit:. disbursement of funds l.n aco::lrdanceWlth purchase orders1 purchase requisitions and other' ooCUDents1 preparation aIld distribution of all City warrant checks including payroll checks. I Finance Division also acts as budget coordinator supplying a=untinginfornation to all departllents, CXlnpiling the. budget and. aonitoring the results 1 'coordinates with various auditors; and peiformS i:he custodial and steWardship cash control functions. I llCfiYITY CDALS AND OBJl!X:TIVFS 1. Maintain the present service level to the departllent/divisions and to the I general public. Institute inprovellEl1ts as reo:nntBni:ii!d. 2. Update andllBintain efficient -internal CXlntrol systems a=rdinq to changing I needs. 3. o:>ntinue developnent of a recOrd keeping system which best fits the City's I needs aIld its identity. 4. Provide pmfessional expertise in the nanaqellEl1t of the City's finances. I S. Having achieved CSMro certif-ication, strive to IlBintaintpe .saJIJilhiqh level of perfornance in financial reporting. O:>ntinue lotlrk toloBrd MroA certification. 6. O:>ntinue developnent of.a cashllBIlll,qemant'program that, effectively utilizes and I pmtects available assets and ,an 'efficient~debt nanaqei1ent progTain. SIGNIFIClINl' N::nYrr'i PRJGRAM awGE I N:lne . I I I I I 59 I CITY OF IDWAY DEPARTMENl'AL zJ.i:nSl'fiY. DErAIL I [)epartDent: Activity: Activity Cbde: 103 I lldministrative Services Finance Obj. 1982-83 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 Cbde Classificatlon Budget Estinated Prooosed ADoroved I Personnel, R)sition, TiUe. 225 Finance Manager 28,462 28,389 28,462 29, 600 I 210 Senior AcCXluntant (l) - - 24,919 25,916 200 A=untant (2) (1) 44,'833 47,163 21,378 22,233 ,154 'AcCXJunt Clerk II 14,070 14,229 14,938 15,536 I 110 Salaries - Regular 87,365 89,781 89,697 93,285 113 Overtine - 5 405 405 120 Fringe Benefits 21,337 21,902 24,735 26,546 I . , Total. 'Personnel 108 ,102 111 688 114/837 120 236 Ooerations and Maintenance I 260 Rei.niJursed Mileage 360 411 360 360 .' 270 Travel and Meetizx.Js 2,313 2,226 2,415 2,415 I 311 Printing 1,885 2,034 3,440 3,'440 313 Uniforms, Laundry, Dry Cleaning 175 125 - - 315 Publications and Dues 820 724 1,070 1,070 317 aiucation and Training - - 510 510 0 334 R&M Equiprent ,140 89 230 230 411 Office & Stationery SUpplies 850 821 1,100 1,100 499 Other SUpplies & Mateiicils 175 82 200 200 I \ I \, Total Ooerationsand Maintenance 6 718 6.512 9 325 9.325 Cad tal Outlay I, 611 Office Equiprent 2,250 - 6ll 2 Lateral Binder/Files - - 560 560 611 [)eskTop Organizer - - 160 160 I ,,611 .M:lbi1e rata Rack .- - - 150 150 611 ~iter - - 1,200 1,200 611 Desk _c.:.c..?jJ,:U:"_~ - - 800 800 611 -n:redenzas 3125: ,'2.'0 (Pel) - - 1,000 1,00,0 I 7611- -File ' , 51.7.4D ~~ - - 550 550 ~\)PI'r':.lD~l~ C~t-t:l'I.o.l,"54 ~"-" V' 13..,,- -3'i3.6S ~ Total CaPlta!01;itlav 2.250 - 4,420 4.420 I Activity lbtal ~117.670 $118,200 $128 582 $133.981 lip - I 0.'[/' ,p-rJu ~...v ' I - I CITY OF EOWAY' I DEPAR'l'MENfiu., I>CITnT'f DEmIL Department: Activity: Activity O:lde: 104 Administrative Services Data Processi 1lI..'"nvu'% <DMMERrARY I>CITnT'f DESCRIPl'ION The Data Processing Division is responsible for enteriilg,processing, storing and analyzing lIBIla~t inforIlBtiOn for 1111 the depa.rtInentii'withinthe City. 'n1ese services include developing, IlBi.lltaining and revising systems 'to meet the changing needs of the City. ' 1lddi tional duties include entering and processing finanCial data for. c:ash receipts, utility bills, labor-payroll systems and data for other systems. ACrivrT'i !DAIS AND OBJEX:'l'IVES 1. Institute and IlBi.ntain a lIBIlageuiant inforIlBtion system to suit the needs of the City. I 2. Provide services to various departDents to meet the needs for inforIlBtion I required by a changing envirolllll!nt. 3. Cbntinue to provide usable, pertinent, timely, accurate data for the City's ~ departnents/di visions. 4. DeI1elop 1IO.re efficient new programs that will pmvide lIOre aeani.ngful data for the analysis and decision-making process of lIBlIagement. 5. Create and IIOdify reports to provide lIOre accurate, usable, and tine.ly inforIlBtion. I SIGNIFICANr N::nYIT'fPKlGRAM alAN:;E CHAN:iE An increase in the compu~ ~ry and disc capacity to + $13,350 I aid the system by increasing core, I I I I I I , I 6' CITY OF IDWAY DEPARTMEmAL ACfi)iiTY DEl'AIL I Depart:IIent: Activity: Activity Cbde: 104 I Administrative. SerViCes Data Processina .Obj. 1982-83' 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 Cbde: , Classification Budaet Esti.na.ted Prooosej AI:Droved Personnel ~ . . I BanaE , E\:lsition TiUe 169 Data Processing Technician 17,489 17,742 17,.484 18,198 I Vacation O:lverage 1, 223., 1,081 1,018 1,018 I llQ Salaries - Regular 18,712 18,823 18,502 19,216 113 Salaries - Overtime 51 47 210 210 120 Fringe Benefits 4,944 4,797 4,826 6,022 I Total. Personnel 23707 23 667 23 . 538 25.448 I Operations and Maintenance 145': Datal Processing O:lnsultant 41;855 40,875 34.500 34, 500 - I 260 Mileage Rellrbursem;mt; 100 109 60 60 270 Tzavel and Meetings - - 550 550 311 printing 765_ 718 800 800 313 Uriiforms, laundry, Dry Cleaning 125 125 - - I .315 PIlblieatioriS and Dues 86 80 118 118 317 alueation and Training 100 100 600 600 334 REcM ~r;ment 6,281 6,321 8,878 8,878 I 411 . Offici! << Stationery SUpplies 1,489 2,442, 600 600 417 Operating SuPPlies - - 4,445 !,445 514 ISse Purchase 19,787 18,467 16,620 16,6~0 , 555 capital outlay Rental - - 7,143 7,143 I I Total' 'ODF>rations and'M:l.intenance 70 588 69.237 74 314 -7.4.314 ,canital Outlav I 611 OffiCe EXlUir;ment 1,177 426 - - 611 Table - - 300 300 622 MeDory and Disc - - 13 , 350 13,350 I I Total cani tal OUtlav 1.177 426 13.650 13 . 650 ,ActJ.VJ.tv Total $95.472 S93 330 $111.502 $113. 412 I I , ~ I 62 B CITY. OFR:JWAY DEPARIMEmAL ACrIvrrY DETAIL B Department: Activity: Activity CJ:x1e: '105 I Administrative Services Purchasino AL:rJ. Vll'X a::MmN'l'ARY B . AcrIVrrY Di;sCRIPl'mN 'lhrough Purchasing a nUITber of technical and special services are providai to the I line operati,ng departments of the City on a centralize:]' basis. AirOng the furlctions assignai to personnel within this Division are centralizai purchaSing for all supplies. I and equipnent, and maintenance of a centralizai inventory and property exlntrol program. AcrIVrrY GJALS AND OBJECl'IVES I 1. Maintain the Purchasing Manual and enforce the purchasing policies of the City. 2. POsitive financial CDntrol over City purchases Shall be eKercisai to ensure I adherence to the requirenent that eXpenditures and enClllllbrances do' not eKcee:i the cinDunts appropriate:]. I. 3. Procure equipnent, supplies and serVices at the lowest cost with dean, open cDripetitive specifications to receive maximum benefit iran budget Cbllars available. I Increase the quality of servicesprovidai to the other, City departments thrOugh 4. better cr:mmmication so as to ensUre a Sucother flow of operatien and a better I understanding of existing andftitUre depilr1:ml;ntal needs. . 5. Expand vendor file and develop venmranalysis systan to ensure quality of service 'providai to the City is E!KCellent. I 6. Expand and maintain better control over existing central stores operatien. 7. Develop and maintain IlCre effective fixe:] asset inventorysystan. I SIGNIFICANT AcrIVrrY PRJGIWLCHANGES N:lne. I I . .. I I . I I 63 CITY OF Pa'IAY, 'DEPARIHm'ALACrIVITY DErAIL I Activity Depart:11ent: Activity: I Code: 105 Administrative SerVices PUrchasina 9bj. 1982-83 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 .Code classificatiOn t Fstirnated Prooose:i ADoroved I Personnel Rancn PositiOn Title 225 PUrchasing Manager 28,011 28,514 28,580 29 , 733 I 147 Administ:iative clerk II 16,444 16,449 16,444 16,444 I 110 Salaries ~ Regular 44.455 44 , 963 45,024 46,177 UO Fringe Benefits U,515 U,463 12 ,828 13 , 965 I Total Personnel 56 970 57,426 57.852 60.142 I ClceratJ.Ons and. Maintenance 260 ReimbJ.rSed Mileage 250 151 400 400 I 270 Travel am Meetings 1,300 1,057 750 750 3ll Printing 2,566 2,209 1,500 1,500 313 UnifOJ:m;i, Iaundry, ,Dry Cleaning U5 125 - - I 315 P.1blications am DUes 1,634 1,706 1,,450 1,450 334 R&M Elquipzent 200 181 200 200 411 Office Eo Stationery SlWlies 500 94 1,500 1,500 I I I Total . OoeratJ.Ons am Maintenance 6.575 5 523 5.800 5.800 eaoital Oltlav I 611 Office Elquipzent 2,050 1,756 611 Desk - - 800 800 611 File Cabinet - - 550 550 I I Total eaoital. Oltlav 2,050 1,756 1 350 1.350 ActivitvTotal $65.595 $64.705 $65 002 $67'.292 I I ,- I 64 CITY OFroWAY DEPAR'MMAL ACTIVITY DErAIL Depa.rtmant: Activity: Activity O:lde: 106 Administrative Services rt Services bJ.vJ:n 'CDMMI!'BrARlC AC:fiVIr'f. DESCRIPl'ION The a:)sts associated with the teleplDne SYS!:em, City Ball utiHties aiId City Ball 1!Bi.ntenance, are provided for in theSUpp;lrt Services. In addition, the a:)sts assoc- iated with the copy nachine a:)ntract, p;>stage, fire and burglar 'alarms, are ~ged to this =unt. AC:fiVIr'fOOALS AND OBJE:TIVES 1- 'lb provide naintenance r6qui.rements for City Ball. 2. 'lb provide copying serviCes for City Ball departments. 3. 'lb provide telepIDne service. 4. 'lb provide for fire and burglary security. SIGNIFICANl' ACTIVITY PR:JGRAM CHl\mES CBAl'GE Gas, electric am teleplDne rates are expected to + $15,104 increase during FY 83-84. R:lstage is increased as a result of an anticipated + $ 1,464 increase in items to be nailed. Repairs am 1!Bi.ntenance of buildil19s are increased + $ 4,477 I, because the exterior trim of the buildil19 is to be painted am other naintenance am repairs are anticipated for FY 83-84. I Use of the City Ball CXlpying nachinel is anticipa~ - $ 2,986 to shoW-SOlIE! decrease during the next fiSCal year as a result of the completion of SOlIE! najor copying I projects am increased utilization of the cOpy aachines at other City locations. 1 I I I I . 65 I CITY OF ro~ DEPAR'lMENrAL ~. DErAIL I Department: Activity: Activity O:lde: 106 I Administiati ve Services SUDtxlit Services ObJ. 1982-83 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 O:lde Classification Budaet . Estinated Pmmsed AITlroved I Personnel .. Rlsition TJ.tle I . . .1btal. Personnel OTJeratlOns and Mtintenance '. 210 Gas and Electricity 22,500 22,303 25,000 25,000 215 Teleptxlne and. Telegraph 67,000 56,593 69,000 69,000 216 Trash RaIoval 850 710 1,200 1,200 282 Rl,stage 13,600 12,536 14,000 14,000 I 331 R&M Building 5,370 4,387 6,800 6,800 332 ~ Air. O:>ndi.tioning - - 480 480 333 .R&M Elevator - - 960 960 I 334 R&M ~pDimt - - 624 624 ill Office & Stationery SUpplies 165 259 3,600 3,600 412 Janitorial Supplies 1,800 1,246 - - 413 Pictographic Supplies 20,925 21,586 - - I 417 Operating Supplies 3,723 3,785 4,500 4,500 441 Street SUrface Repair 2,000 2,000 - - 511 B:!UfI1leI1t Rental - - 18 , 600 18,600 I I I ''lbtalO....rationsand Mtintenance 137.933 125. 405 144.764 144 764 canital.Outlav I 622 Other ~p. N:Jt Classified 29,605 29,917 350 350 I . 1btal (',,"oi tal Outlav 29.605 29.917 350 350 Activitv 'lbtal $167.538 $155.322. $145.114 $145.114 I I - - I 66 CI'lY OF .)R)1'iAY DEPARTMENrAL. AcrIVIT'l DErAIL Depar1:Dent: Activity: . Activity O:lde: 107, Administrative Services eBenefits &-nn'n CDMMBIm\RY ACl'lVIT'l DESCRIPTION Risk Minaqenent The CDst of mmaging the City's risks through purchased inSlIrance, claims administra- tion, safety and claims loss is provided for in this CDst, center. During fiscal 1982-1983 the City established a self-insurance program for both liability and 'ol:lrkers' CDupmsation inslirance. $2,500 is provided to be used by the Safety O::lllllli.ttee with the authorization of tl1e City Minager to purchase safety supplies, equi{:llerlt or mterial'that is unanticipated, but my becoma necessary as ~ of the City-wi.de safety program. Fringe Benefits The CDst of all eoployee fringe benefits is iIxlicated in this CDst center. These CXlsts are charged to the appropriateCDst center and noted' here' forinfOIIlB.tion J;mpOses. Fringe benefits include life, health, dental, long tel:m diSability, retire~ I lII!I1t and 'ol:lrkers' ~tion insurance CDSts. , SIGNIFICANl' ACl'lVIT'l PR:lGRAM CIlAN:;ES CE\N:iE I All fringe ,benefit CDsts including 'ol:lrkers' + $77,961 ~tion, health and life insurance I benefit and retireaent will increase due to the addition of twelve 112> new ~sitions. I The City has been notified by the PUblic ElIployees + $70,712 Retireuent System of a 27 .28% increase in retirement benefits for PUblic Safety ellployeesand 3.57% I increase for all other eoployees. The"insurance expense item is increased to show + $35,608 I greater utilization of the speCial events CDveraqe and to provide for an expected increase in the deposit premium for liability insurance and a rate increase for property insurance. I I I I . I I 67 crTY OF ro~ DEPARD<IENrAL J>.C:rNITy Omu. I . Depa.rt:nent: Activity: Activity I O::lde: 107 Administrative. Services Risk E!IIEllt/Frincre Benefits Obj. ' 1982-83 1982;"'83 1983-84 1983-84 O::lde Classifieaticm Su&et EstiDated Proposed Aooroved I Personnel R>si tiOn Ti tie I I I '!btal Pers:lllniti Ooerations and Mtintenance I 120 Fringe Benefits 1955,152 (728,827 ll,065,898 ll,166,161 121 \i:)rkers Compensation Benefit 168,337 135,155 186,899 186,899 122 Health/Life Benefits 290,215 209,423 324,104 324,104 123 Beti.reuent Benefits 496,600 384,249 554,895 655,158 I 416 Safety SUpplies 2,500 1,709 2,500 2,500 521 Uninsuredrl~;~ 5,310 6,344 3,000 3,000 522 Insurance Expense 68,814 38,092 73,700 73,700 I I I I '!btal. OoeratlOns and, Mtintenance 76 624 46.145 79.200 79200 Capital Outlay I I I '!btalCapital Outlay Activitv '!btal $76.624 $46.145 $79 200 $79 200 I I . I 68 I crI!'l OF EOWAY' DEPAR:IMENTAL Ar::rIVrrY DErAil. I Department: Activity: Activity Cbde: 108 I Administrative Services Cacital Reolacanent ACl'lVITY CD!MI!NrARY I ACl'IVrrY DESCRIPI'IDN 'Ibis division is usa:l to replace CitY~a:l vehicles and equipnent which have reacha:l I or excee:ia:l the years of useful life pursuant to the progranma:l replacanent scha:lule. 'Ibe Purchasing Division has the responsibility for purchasing the vehicles and equip_ ment after the Vehicle and Elquipnent Maintenance Division has determina:l that each I item scha:lula:l for replacanent can no longer serye a useful function for the City. 'Ibis activity is financa:l by annual rental rates charga:l to the division utilizing I the vehicles and equipnent. SIGNIFICANT Ar::rIVrIT PRJGRl\M aiANGE: CliANGE I Purchase of vehicles scha:lulai for replacanent + $68,500 I I I I I I I I I I I 69 I CITY OF IDWAY DEPARTMENl'AL ACITYIT'f DEl'AIL I Depar1:IIent: . Activity: Activity Cbde: 108 I Admi:nistrative ~ices Capital Rei:>lacemant Obj. 1982-83 1982-83 1983'-84 1983-84 Cbde Classification Budget Estinated Procosed ArDmved I Caoital, OUtlay 621 Vehicle Replaceuent: 3/4 'lbn PiclaJp'Truck (Pub.~. - - 9,000 9,000 I 1/2 Ton PiclaJp Truck lPub.~. - - 8,500 8,500 1/2 'lbn PiclaJpTruck (Pub.~. - - 8,500 8,500 1/2 'lbn FickupTruck (Pub.Serv. - - 8,500 8,500 1/2 Ton PiclaJp Truck (Pub.Serv. - - 8,500 8,500 I 1/2 'lbn PiclaJp Truck (Pub.Serv. - - 8,500 8,500 3/4 '!tin PickuP Truck I Cbm.Serv . - - 8,500 8,500 1/2 'lbn PiclaJp Truck (Cbm. Serv . - - 8,500 8,500 I . I I I I I I . I I 'lbtal CaPital ,OUtlay - - 68 500 68 500 I Activitv 'lbtal - - $68 500 $68 500 I I ... 0 DEPARlMENI'AL CHART OF ORGllNIZATION CITY MI\NAGER 013 DIRECroR <XMIDNITY SERVICES 200 . IEISURE CDNl'RACl' lAKE PARKS & IANDSCAPE SERVICES SERVICES OPERATIOOS MAINTENANCE 201 200 203 204 - I!!!!!!!I I!!!!!!!I I!!!!!!!I I!!!!!!!I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . I~ :I I I 71 II CITY OF EOWAY i DEPARTMENrAL ACl'IVITY OVERVIEW I Dept. O:ldl Department: Fun:i Distribution: 1 200 ODmmity,Services General Fun:i: $991, 697 water Fund: $54,564 Grant Fund: $105.404 I EXPENSE 1981-1982 1982,,1983 1982-1983 1983-1984 1983-1984 CIASSIFICATION ACroAL BtJI:GE1' ~TED PIDEOSID APProVED I TOtal Rlsitions 24 24 24 24 24 I . Personnel Expense 434,809 541,278 534, 662 575,606 602,449 . Operations 315,146 370,198 303,071 474,860 486,245 I am loBiritenance Capital Outlay 53,384 17,802 17,036 62,971 62,971 I 'IO'l7U. BtJI:GE1' $803,339 $929,278 $854,769 $1,113,437 $1,151,665 I OVERITIEW <D~ I TbeDepartment' of CoIIInIlnity Services is resp:lOsAble for ITeeting the cultural, SDcial am recreational. needs am.deirahdS of 'the 'City. The Department is diVided into four operating divisions whichincillJde the Office of the, Director, I Lake Operations, Leisure Services, Ianiscape am Park Maintenance. The Director of CbllllUllity Services is appJinted by the City Manager am super_ I vises the four operatJjngdivisions.. They provide direct staff 5UpJ;Xlrt servi~ in the developn-en1:. am ~leuentationof programs: designed to enharice the SDcio- cultural needs am, concerns of Rlway residents. I Responsibilities of the Department include: l:l) the =rdinatiell of ,public am private, agency resources to SDlve irrlividualized and. personalfzed ",ainunity problems; (2) prOviding liaiSDn services l?et~ c,i.ty'officia,ls am CD~ty groups; ('3) providing means for CDllIlUllity'input iilto the developnent of leisure I progi'ams; (4') ,providing a balanced program of recreat~on am ],eisure services for th!!CDllIlUlI1i:ty; (5) administering the City"s, transit, cable TV'~ ani.rral CDnttol ",ntracts; <'6) the provision of City parks rrairitenanceprograms; am' (7) coordina- I tiC!}, prE!paratiQn 'am llBnageuent of varieus tyPes of grantS to ,provide additional financial ,assistance to the City in nEeting increased service demands. I I I - II 72 . ~' CITY,OF IDWAY DEPARTMEm'AL ACl'IVITY DSl'AIL DepartlreiIt: Activity: ActiVity,l Code: 200 <b1llllWli. tv' Services Office of the Director ACl'1Vl'1Y CD!HNrARY I ACrrJITY DESCRIPl'ION The office of the Director is resp:msible for the administration and ITanil.g'emanto,f I the Depa.rtnent of ColllllWli.ty Services. The Director of <bmnunity Services ,is .respon- sible for planning, directing and coordinating the programs of the various operating divisions providing services to neet the, sociocultural and 'huriEln needs of the City. I The depa.rtnent is divided into four operating divisions thatiilclude the office of the Director, Leisure Services, lake Operations, and randscape and Park Maintenance. The office of the Director of <blllllWli.ty Services also has responsibility for the I administration and/or rranageirent of the C~tyis grant-funded .programs', transit system, cable television, anilIal regulations, park site acquisition and park developrrent program. The Director of <blllllWli.ty Services is resp:>nsible to the City Mmagerfor ensuring I that all the depa.rtnental programs are iIlplemanted efficiently, effect! vely and eCXJnomically in acoordance with City practices and procedures. I ACl'IVITY OOALS AID OBJEX:'l'IVES 1. 1\:) establish and iIlplenent abaJ.anced program of recreation, leisure services I and cultural programs for the d:::lIImmity. 2. 1\:) effectively administer. and 'rranage the functions of the City within the respon- I sibilities of the <blllllWli.ty'Seriices Depa.rtnent. SIGNIFICANl' ACrrJITY PRJGRAM awm'.s QlAN;E I Special Studies - ~ CXlnsulting services are - $ 1l,840 anticipated. 1\ Vehicle ,Maintenance and Rental. - <bsts for the +$ 3,691 operation of ,a City vehiCle assigned to the Director and his staff. I The Call--A--Ride Program, which is. financed through + $105,404 a Transit DevelopIelit Act Grant, is provided by I contract with the Ji\:)way Valley Senior Citizens, Inc. . I I - , I , I 7 CITY OF EOWAY DEPARTMENl'AL ACrIIlIT'l' DE:l'AIL I Department: Activity: Activity I o:xle: 200 .a:lIlllluni tv Services Office of the Director Obj. 1982'-83 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 O:lde Classification Btidqet Estirrated Prooosed APProved I Persohnel. Ranql FOsition T~tle I 247 Director 39,948 39,948 39,948 39,948 219 O:llTlmmi. ty Services M:lnager 28;760 29,364 28,.764 29, 962 167 Administrati veSecretary 16,792 17,203 17,148 17,868 I . . 110 Salaries -,Regular 85,500 86,515 85,860 87,778 120 Fringe Benefits 23,122 23,304 23,970 25,412 I, 'IbtalPersonnel 108. 622 109.819 109.830. 113.190 Oberations 'and Maintenance I 148 Special Studies 14,809 11,~40 - - 260 Re,imbursed Mileage 720, 473 900 1,300 262 velii.cre Operations 1,000 :303 1,000 1,000 263 Vehicle Maintenance - - 2,237 2,290 I 264 Vehicle Rental - - 1,401 1,401 270 Travel and Meetings 1,880 1,632 1,890 1,890 m Uniforms, -Laundry, Dry Cleaning ,250 245 421 421 I 315 Publications, am Dues 466 311 290 290 -319 . Ani.nal Disp:>sal 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200 334 R&M. Equipn:ent 180 38 100 100 J 399 Ca11,..A-R!de Contract - - 95,000 105,404 I 411 Ofj:ice [, Stationery Supplies 600 379 600 600 417 Operating Supplies 1,200 1,229 1,000 1,000 I I Total .OceratiOnsand Maintenance'. 25.296 20 650 109..039 119 896 Capital Outlay I I 611 File Cabinet - - 550 550 I Total Capital Outlay - 550 550 Activity Total $133 918 $130,469 $219 419 $233. 636 U I - , I CITY. OF ~WAY DEPARTMENrAId~Cl'IVITY DEI'AIL Depart:nent: Activity: Activity Cbde: 201 O:lIIl1luni t Services Leisure Services At::1!N1!rt <D~ ACITVITY DESCRIPrION The Leisure Services Division organizes. ani provides a variety.of activities for all citizens of Poway. The personnel plail, develop, initiate arid administer a CXlmprehen- sive leisure program at the City's parks, playgrounds, sch:lols anc!Conlnuni.ty Center. The adult., teen, youth ani tiny tot progI]mlS offered through this .division include, sports, arts, crafts, dance, d:rana, Qutcloor recreation, special interest classes, clubs and life-enrichment activities. AC:JTJITY GJALS AND OBJECrIVES 1. To ensure that activities are planned for residents of every age group and , interest, group in such a way that a great variety of activities are provided for utilization of leisure tine~ 2. To ensure all availableresourees are utilized to the fullest extent by coop- erating and interacting with other CXlITmlnity organizationS ani agencies. 3. To ensure a variety of CXlITmlnity group ani iIXlividual uses of City:recreation facilities. 4. To I\'Onitor the changing developnentswithin the leisure services field ani apply I where applicable. ACITVITY l-DRKIDAD STATIsrrCS 1981..,82 1982-83 1983-84 AClUAL ESl'IM>.TED EOREX::ASTED I Recreation Classes Per Year li6 92 liD Recreation Class Participants 1,975 1,368 1,642 I Sp:lrts Teams 40 69 124 Sp:lrts Program Participants 600 1,035 1,860 Special Events Per Year 43 30 36 Special Events Participants 4,683 6,185 7,427 I SIGNIFICANl' AC:JTJITY PRlGRAM awGES awm: Gas ani Electric CXlSt increases for operating + $13,193 I the O:lITmlnity Center CXlmplex are projected. Vehicle Mllntenance and rental CXlsts' reflect - $ 1,054 the 'reduction in vehicles assigned to this I division. Uniforms and dry cleaning reflect the CXlSts for + $ 1,672 providing a CXlmplete set of uniforms for division I personnel. Leisure CXlntract and supply CXlSts are increased for + $ 7,603 programs operating sUpplies. Recreation EquifllEllt CXlSts are for items to provide + $ 9,903 I increased recreational programs. I I 0 I 7~ , CITY OF IOWAY DEPAR'l'MENmL AcrrvITYDEl'AIL I Department: Activity: Acti vi ty ., O::xie: 201 I CcmiUni. tv Services Le'iS\JreServices Obj. 1982-83 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 O::xie , Classification Budget Estirrated Promsed APProved I Persol1nel Position Title 191 Recreation ~rvJ;sor 20,061 18,793 18 , 519 19,260 I p6 ReCreation Cborclinator 15,908 15,891 16,696 17,425 166 Recreation Leader (4) (3) 50, 497 50,497' 44,574 47,043 161 Park M:lintenance I'Orker II ,- - 14,262 14,837 I 147 Administrative Clerk II 12,335 12,582 13,250 13,813 , liO Salaries - Regular 98,801 97,763 107,301 li2,378 li3 Overtine. - 165 3,180 3,180 I 120 Fringe Benefits 30,477 29,894 34,024 38,083 Total Persol1nel 129.278, 127,822 144.505 153,641 I 'Ooerat~ons ,an:i Maintenance 210 Gas & Electiic - - 33,800 33,800 215 Telepoone & Telegraph - - 650 650 I 230 Other Utility Charges 24,412 22,037 780 780 260 ReinDursed Mi'leage - - 300 300 262 Veh1cl.e Operations 1,~~0 767 1,224 1,224 I 263 Vehicle Maintenance 8,~67 1,943 2,237 2,290 264 Vehicle Rental 3,270 3,270 1,869 1,869 ,270 jravel an:i Meetings 795 881 515 515 311 Printing 3,150 1,712 2,850 2,850. I 313 UnifoIlllS, IauIXlry, Dry Cleaning 1,000 854 2,526 2,526 315 Publications arXi. Dues :225 194 305 305 318 {Pi ~e COntracts 81,675 33,472 33,400 33,400 334 . 1M ~prent 804 951 1,500 1,500 I 411 Office & Stationery SUpplies 1,650 1,565 1,625 1,625 412 Jani tarial Supplies 1,400 1,041 2,000 2,000 414 MEdical SUpplies - - 150 150. I 417 ,Operating SUpplies 10,050 9,497 17,100 17,100 51i Elquiprent . Rental 432 10 460 460 I Total Ooerationsan:i Maintenance 138 690 78,194 103291 103.344 Capital Outlay U 644 AtlileticEquiprent 2,802 2,802 12,705 12,705 I Total Cap~ tal Outlay 2,'802 2.802, 12.705 12 705 Act~vitv'Total $270770 $208.818 $260.501 $269 690 I I 'I 76 CITY, OF EOWAY DEPARTME:m:2u. ACIT-JITY DEI'AIL Depar1:Irent: Activity: Activity Code: 203 Colll1UJIli.t Services Iake rations ACTIVITY lDMMENrARY ACITVITY DESCRIPrION The res~nsibilities of the Iake Operations Division at the Iake Rlway Recreation area include providing recreational fishing, ,boating, canping, enforcerrent of City park rules and regulations and educating users to DeplirtlTent activities. ACITJITY <DAIS AID OBJEX:TIVES l. To provide. professional CDIlllU.1I1icationand custoner educati.on bet~ facility users and the Iake staff regclrdingState and local r~tionf;. 2. To pro~y enforce rulesand'regulations of the Iake RlWi:lY Recreational area in order to enCDurage and provide CDnsistent public supp:>rt. 3. To ensure that the Dock Operation is neatly naintained and suitable for public use at all tines. 4. To provide recreational fishing and boating programs torreet the needs of the ~ Rlway CoIll1UJIli. ty . 5. To provide a self-supporting Iake and Boating Operation. ACrIVITY IORKIOAD sTATISTICS 1981-82 1982-83 1983,.84 AC'lUAL E'Sl'IMl\TED roRE:ASl'ID Angler Usage 47,000 48,000 50,000 I Facili ty Usage 350,000 450,000 500,000 Boat Usage 11,300 13,000 14,000 SIGNIFICANl' ACITJITY ProGRAM alAN:;ES aJAN:;E I Gas, electricity and telephone CDSts reflect + $ 9,024 the increase in utility rates. I Other utility CDSts are for service of portable + $ 823 toilets and se=ity system at the Lake. I Vehicle loBintenance ref1ects"the increased' +. $ 3,257 cost for' naintaining vehicles. Operating SUpply oosts are for replacenent of _ + $ 2,897 I supplies required to operate the rental boat fleet. Other Fish Stock reflects the increased CDSt for + $ 3,000 I catfish for sumner season. Capital Outlay CXlsts are for 25 new boats, a cash + $21,049 I register, outboard lIDtor, and, battery Chargers. I I .- I I n CITY OF roi-IAY OEPARTMENrAL ACITYrr'l.' DErAIL I : """......v...~,l': Cbde: i03 O:l.......,~,~. Services rake: Ooe: :ations I UDJ. .l.~ll":"'ll.;l "'''0'''-0';> ..."o.;>-lllO .l.~ll.;l-llif CbdEi ' Classification B daet. Estirrated Prooosed ADoroved , Personnel I Ranal 'EbsitionTitie ,191 Park :~isor (0.5) 10883 10,883 10,884 11 319 166 Park~ger III 17~618 17,960 17;618 17;852 I 161 Park Mtintenance W::lrker II i3 J91 13; 639 14,262 14,832 1:56, . Park Ranger' II '(2) 24''329 26 344 27,480 28,585 137 Admiriistiative Clerk I (2) 21;256 2l' 446 22'711 23,619 146 Ranger I ,( 5) (Part-tine) 27,,024 27;899 29;800 32,050 I.ake/Park'Afde (Part-tine) . 4 128 4,,128 5 ;'484 5,703 I Shift Differential 1;040 - , 110 Salaries _. ~ 88,517 90,272 92,955 96,207 '112 Salaries - Pai:t,..tine 31,152 32,027 35,284 37,753 113 Salaries. -:Overtine .1,340 1,225. 2 '863 2863 I 120 Fringe'Beriefits 31,746 33,296 31;862 35;080 'Ibtal PerSonnel 152,755 156.820 162.964 171.903 I Operations and, Maintenance ,210 Gas and Electricity 7' 290' 7,426 14,300 14,300 215 Teleplxmeand Telegraph '825 500 2,650 2,650 230 Other Utili t Charges 2,'250 2,033 2,856 2,856 I 260 ~sed'~l~ge 300 60 300 300 262 Vehicle ~rations 900 1,103 900 900 263 VehiCle ' ntenance 2,856 3,612 6,711 6,869 264 Vehicle Rental 2,173 2,173 3,037 3,037 I 270 Travel and . Meetiiigs 875 834 377 377 311 Printi . 300 207 1,000, 1,000 313 UnifQ~r Iaimi;y bi~;Y Cleaning ~,280 4,272 4,046 4,046 315 Pubhcations and 130 126 157 157 331 R&M - Buildirig 300 42 300 300 I 334 R&M-~" t ' 950 696 600 600 411 Office st.tfon~ ,SUpplies 600 578 600 600 412 Janitorial ~lies - - 750 750 414 IBtical. ~hes - - 250 250 416 Safetb.~s - - 700 700 I 417 ~ 'ng lies 16,697 15,738 18 635 18,635 418 tit StOck. 72,000 71,300 72;000 72,000 419 Other Fish Stock 33,000 33,000 36"000 36,000 ,420 SlIall 'Ibols 200 176 '250 250 532 UIlCDllectibles 100 - 100 100 I 541 Cash Over/Under 100 31,7 100, 100 555 . , Capital Olitlay Rental - - 4,000 4,000 I 'Ibtal Onerations and Maintenance 1:46 126 144,193 170. 619 170 777 Capital ,Outlav 611 OfficeEggipment 950 902 - - I '622' Other~pment;-BattE!!Y Chargers - - 666 666 "622: . Other, ~prept-cashRegist.er - - 2,500 2,500 622' Other ~p.'"15 HP ,Outb:5ard M::ltor - - 1 500 1 500 622 :~~~P.'-25 Rental Boats - - 20;000 20 ; 000 . 651, . 3430 2,715 - - I 'Ibtal eaoi tal Outlay 4 380 3,617 24.666 24.666 Activitv Total $303 261 $304,630 $358.249 $367.346 I , I ~--- - - I 78 OTY OFEOWAY DEPARTMENrAL ACl'IVITY DErAIL Departnent: Activity: Activity O:lde: 204 Comnuni t Services Park and Landsca Maintenance N:rNrr'l i:D~ ,ACrIVITY DESCRIPrION The responsibilities of the Park and Landscape Division include parks and grounds lIBintenance of all City facilities, which amsist of thi:'eeparks, eighteen P'JITl?sand reservoir stations, bo.o fire stations, six City ~rk stations, hiking and equestrian trails, primitive campground and recreation equiprent. ACITVITY mALS AND OBJEX:TIVES I l. 'Ib ensure that pUblic grounds and park equipment are attractively lIBintained and suitable for pUblic use at all tines. 2. 'Ib repair danage to landscaped areas, park equipment and trails promptly .~ efficiently in order to enoourage and provide for the oonstant public use of p.1blic open-space land. 3. To oontrOl weeds in all 'Ixmdeveloped City-owned pUblic ,areas. AClTIVTY I'ORKIOAD STATISTICS 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 AClUAL E'Sl'IMM'ED FOREX:ASTED Total developed, park and developed acreage to bellBintained 27.5 43.84 47.34 'Ibtal undeveloped park and undeveloped acreage to be lIBintained 71 56.5 53 SIGNIFICANl' ACITVITY PRlGRAM CHAN:;ES CHAN:;E Gas, electric and other utility oostsare - $ 6,646 shown in the rake Operations division. Water-Interfund costs are for water used in + $ 3,913 irrigation and restrooIIlS. . Trash ReIloval oosts for refuse disposal + $ 2,760 at rake Ebway. R&M Building oosts are for needed repairs to +'$25,994 existing facilities. Janitorial Suppliesfor all park facilities + $2,900 Operating Supplies have decreased ,inFY' 83..,84 due - $12,975 to purchase of needed equipment in FY' 82-83. Landscape Supplies required to rriaintain developed + $12,749 and undeveloped grounds. Capital Outlay oosts are for tools and equipment + $14,433 necessary for landscape lIBinteriance. I I n I I 79 OTY OF EOWAY DEPARTMENrAL ACTIVITY DErAIL I Department: Activity: Activity I Cbde: 204 Cormnmi. tv Services Park ,and Landscaoe Maintenance Obj. 1982'-83 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 O:lde Classification BiJdqet Estmted Prooosed AIDroved I Personnel" Rana. Ebsition Title I 191 Park SuP,e,rvi:so; <0.5) 10882' 10,882 10,884 11, 319 .. 171 Piu:k Maintenance W::lrker III 18',231 18,271 17,844 18 , 564 161 Park Maint, WJrker II (4) 60,926 60,399 58,562 57, 940 151 Park Maint. W::lrker I (2) 19,718 19,547 25,446 26,377 I 110 Salaries - Regular 109,757 109,099 112,736 114,200 113 Salaries '- Overtine 676 480 3,811 3,811 120 Fringe B~its 40,190 30 , 622 41,760 45,704 ,I 'Ibtal ,Personnel 150,623 140,201 158 301' 163,715 Ooerationsand' Maintenance I 210 Gas and Electricity 2,720 2,789 - - 2.12 Water- Intel-fund 5,700 4,367 8,280 8,280 216 Trash Relrcval - - 2,760 2,760 I 230 Other UtilitY Charges 3,440 3,857 - - 262 Vehicle Operations 6,750 4,887 6,750 6,750 263 Vehicle Mairitenance 9 , 467' '12,829 13,423 13,740 I 264. Velii.cle Rental 9,858: 9,858 7,660 7,660 po Travel and Meetings 2,66: 225 653 653 313 Uniforms, LauOOry, Dry Cleaning 3,.~94 3,604 3,532 3,532 315 Publications and 'Dues 200 105 170 170 I 331 R&M - Building - - 25,~94 .25,994 334 RiM - EX}uipment 400 734 450 450 411 Office .. Stationery Supplies 300 105 300 300 412 Janitorial Supplies - - 2,900 2,900 I 416 5.afety SUpplies - - 950 950 417 O~q.ng Supplies 16,381 15,927 3,240 3,240 420 SlIall 'Ibols 700 580 800 800 I 421 LandscaPe SUpplies - - 12,749 12,749 444 SigilMaintenance - - 1,000 1,000 511 ~~t Rental 300 167' 300 300 I Total Ooerations and Maintenance 60 086 60.034 91.911 92 228 CaP~ tal Outlav I 62,2 . EXIui~t NJt Otherwise Classifiec - - 8,450 8,450 . 652 M::lbHe TOols - - 16,600 16,600 653 . other TOols and EXIuipment 10,620 10,617 I 'Ibtal c;api tal Outlav 10,620 10,617 25.050 25.050 ActivitvTotal $221,329 $210,852 $275.268 $280.993 I I \ , co C.;> . DEPARIMENrAL CIIARl' OF ORG!\NlZATlrn CITY MANAGER 013 illREX:TOR PU\NNING SERVICES 300 ClIRRENI' ADVANCEll BUIWING PLllNNING PLllNNING & SAFETY ThlSPECl'ION 301 302 303 - - - - - I!!!I! I!!!!! .. II!I I!!!!!I I!!!!!I .. !!!! - - I!!I!!!I! !I!!I .. I!!!I -~ -. . ! ,II ! .' 81 CITY OF EOiiAY DEPARTMENrAL ACIT!JITY. OVERITIEli II Dept. 0:ldE DepartDent: Fund Distribution: General Fund: $548,925 '. 300 Planning Services Grants : $ 18,367 EXPENSE 1981-1982 1982-1983 1982-1983 1983-1984 1983-1984 I CIASSIFICA1'ION AClUAL BUIXiEl' Em'IMM'ED ProEOSED APProVED I ,'lbtal Ebsi tions 9 9 9 10 10 Personnel Expense 135,265 243,528 234,808 281,474 291,730 II Operations 27,070 137,446 272,012 252,795 272,362 and Maintenance I Capital Outlay 16,123 4,545 4,905 3,200 3,200 I 'lOTAL B~ $178,458 $385,519 $511,725 $537,469 $.567,292 I 0VER\TI:Di CDMIIENrl'IRY I. The DepartDent of Planning Services is responsible for administering and irrplenent- ing the City's planning, developnent, land UBri! and building programs. The depart- IIe11t is organized into four divisions: the Office of the Director: Current Planningl Advanced Planningl and Building Services. I The DepartDent' s Director is appointed by the City Manager to administer depart- lIEI1tal operations. The DepartDent of Planning Servi~ ensures that a sound and I ~rkable planning program is designed and lIBintained for the City. In ooncert with the City O:luncil, the staff of this departnent is responsible .for the irrplenention of the City's General Plan as well as its annual review to ensure that p:>licies and. codes are updated based upon current planning practices. 'lbrough this review I process, the General Plan -and DelTeloprent O:lde provide for an orderly program of planned developrent wi thin the City. I Other departnental activities include: processing'of development applicationsl reView of environnental ~ rep:>rtsl code oorrpliancel and building plan checks and inspection. I I I I .- I 82 --iI' OTY OF EOWAY DEPARTMENl.'AL Aci:rvITY DErAIL II Depart:Irent: Activity: Activity O:lde: 300 :. Planning Services Office of the Director AL:t.1V.l.'l"% <D~ ACITVITY DESCRIPrION '. The Director of Planning Services is responsible for overall depart.Irental supervision ,. including personnel procedures and budget control. In ooncert with the. City Cbuncil and the City Manager, the Director is ;responsible for directing the City Planning function, preparing reoouuendations relative to environneDtal protection and the supervision, of the Building Services Division. I The "team approach" to professional planning and building is used to assure the highest ];Xlssible developrental and environneDtal quality for the oolIlIlUnity. I ACTIVITY <IlALS AN) OBJEX:TIVES l. 'Ib provide administrative support and assistance relative to agenda preparation, I p.1blic hearing IDtices, uaterial acquisition, budget oontrol and special research projects. 2. 'Ib prepare and provide supervision for the City's General Plan and Developrent ,. O:lde . 3. 'Ib enoourage quality planning of developments within the oolI1IlWli.ty by developing I standards, guidelines and general plan eleuents. 4. 'Ib provide technieal assistance to the City Cbuncil and other City Depart:Irents, the general public and citizen advisory ooumittees. I 5. 'Ib oontinue to provide high quality planning and building services in a tinely and efficient nanner. I 6. ToROnitor and review legislation and programs at the IDeal, Regional, State and Federal levels, in order to detel:mi.ne their inpact on the City's planning and building programs, and to lIBke.. reoouuendations as to their adoption and I inplenentation. SIGNIFICANl' ACITVITY PRlGRAM CHAN:;E OWGE I R&M Elquipment and Rental of Office Elquipreht oosts - $8,396 are reduced to reflect the transfer of the ~rd processor to the Current Planning division. I I I I - .n I' . 'I 83 - OTY OF EOWAY DEPAR'l'MENrAL ACl'IVITY DErAIL I Depa.rtneht: Activity: Activity I O:lde: 300 Plannlnq. services ~ Office of the Director Obj. 1982-83 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 O:lde ' Classification Budl;et Estirrated ProooSE!d Awroved I PersonneL, EbsJ.tion,TJ.tle , . 243 Director 38,002 38,002 38,004 39,524 I , 163 Admi.nistrati ve Secretary 14,408 14,514 14,636 15,222 I 110 Salaries - Regu:lar 52,~0 52,516 52,640 54,746 113 Salaries - O17ertine 948 36 948 948 120 Fringe Benefits 13,758 14,017 15,146 15,824 I 'Ibtal Personnel 67,116 66.569 68.734. 71.518 I. OoeratJ.Onsand Maintenance 148' Special Studies 91 91 - - I 210 Gall and Electricity - 5,007 4,849 4,849 260 ~sed Mileage 800' 767 1,000 2,200 270 '. TIal7el and Meetings 2.4:1..6 2,425 2,257 2,257 313 Uniforms, Laundry, Dry Cleaning 250 125 - - I 315 Ptlblications and DueS 720 724 1,105 1,J05 334 m.M'- ~pment 453 2,138 205 205 411 Office &: Stationery Stipplies 839 948 1,000 1,000 I 513 Rent - Office ~Prent 6,592 9,103 2,640 2,640; I 1 Total:OcerationS and Maintenance 12 161 21 328 13 . 056 14,256 CaoitalOutlav I 611 Office~prent 318 - - - 622 Other ~pment 177 177 - - II I I II 'Ibtal Caoital,Outlav 177 495 - - ActivitvTotal $79,454 $88 392. $81. 790 $85,774 :1 I n I 34 OTY OF EOWAY DEPAR'l'MEm2U.,.ACT:rvITY DErAIL Departnent: Activity: Activity Cbde: 301 Planni Services CUrrent Planni AI..:J:.lV.l'l"% <D~ ACITVITY DESCRIPrION The CUrrent Planning section is broken clown into three basic parts: 1) day-to '-day activities; 2) present projects! and 3) future projects. The day-to~y ,activities of CUrrent Plaruting include' ,the proc:essing of developrent review, crinditional use pecidts, :/One changes, variances, teIrp:lrary uses, parcel Iiaps and tract lIBps. In addition, all field inspections for the above nentioned developlIleritprocessing are oondUcted by the CUrrent Planningsecii,on. Plan checks, 'prelirDinarysite r~i~, landscape plan reviews and building plan permit revieWs 'are also ac::conplished' by CUrrent Planning. Projects Such as i!tPlenei1tation of the Kiosk Program for off'-SLte sUbdivisiol). signs! sign ordinance inpl,el!leDtation! developnent of a ooII;lrehensive axle enforcerent program! administration of the Zoning Ordinance and,related oodes! and inplementation of specific plans are the projects in which the section is currently involved. , Future projects for the CUrrent Planning :section include: the development..of a def>ign pOOtographic IXltebook! development of a citizen brochure! han:lOOok' on. the developrent review procesS! handbook on land use regulations; and studieS of various ordinances. ACITVITY mALS AN) OBJEX:TIVES l. To oonpletethe off-site sUbdivision enforcerent program and inplement the Kiosk Program, 2. To develop a design standards IlaOObook, including exarrples and J;rilicies. 3. Development of a ooo;:>rehenSive: oode ~oJ:cerent program. 4. RefiIlellEIlt of the develcipmrit review. proces!l. 5. Developnent of the design pix:l~phic IXltebook! .a design .handbook and other related handbooks on develo[:liei:it, review and departmental functions, 6. 'Ib oontinue to provide technidUas!listance to the City O:luncil, other City I depa.rt;nents, general pUblic and, citizen adVisory oornnittees. 7. 'Ib oontinue providing high quality planning services in a tinely and efficient lIBnner . SIGNIFICANr AcrrJITY PIDGRAM CHAN:;ES CHAN:;E I R&M equipment has been increased with + $ 4,275 I, - the transfer of a ~rd processor and printer. A O:lde O:lnpliance Officer has been added + $20,604 1 to provide for enforcerent of the provisions of the Development O:lde. 1 I 1 .' . , I I 85 OTY OF ~WAY I DEPAIm1ENrAL FCITJIT'i. DErAIL . Departnent: Activity: Activity I O:lde: 301 Plarinina Services CUrrent Plannina Obj. 1982,..83 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 I o:xJe , Classification Btidaet, Estirrated prornsed Anoroved Personnel c Ebsition' Title I 209 Associa~Planger 23,375 23,495 24,368 25,346 195 ASsistant 'Planner (2) 20,171 14,952 43,132 44,230 189 Cbde CoIlplianCe Officer - - 19,812 20,604 185 Junior Planner (1) 21,339 21,328 - - 1 143 Adminis&ativ,e Clerk II - - 12,408 13,125 133 Administrative Clerk I 11,336 11,501 - - I 110 Salaries - Regular 76,221 71,276 99 , 720 103,305 113 Salaries -'Overtine - - 1,428 1,428 .120 Fringe Benefits 22,0~2 19 , 540 30, 661 33,081 I 'Ibtal Personnel 98 283 90,816 131. 809 137.814 OoeratiOns and Maintenance I 260 . ReintJ1.1rsed Mileage 2,350' 468 3,840 3,840 270 . Travel and Meetings 360 234 1,084 1,084 282.. Ebstage 123 9 - , - I 311 ,Printing 1,210 427 3,700 3,700 313 Uniforms, Laundl:y"Dry Cleaning 250 125 - - 315 Publications and Dues 531. 541 982 982 334 R&M - Equipment 462 462 4,737 4,737 I 411 Office & Stationery SUpplies 2,398 2,296 3,000 3,000 4i3 PlDtographic Suppiies' 740 309 500 500 I I Total Ooerations. and Maintenance 8.424 4 871 17.843 17 843 I Caoi tal Outlav 611 ,Room Dividers (5) - - 1,500 1,500 6l,l Desk, Chair, Bookcase, Pager (1) '- - 1,450 1,450 .. . 1 611 CaIrera Body (1) - - 250 250 622 Other Equipment 177 177 - - 699 Other Assets - Sign Kiosks 4,014 4,056 - - I 'lbtal Capital Outlav 4.191 4 233 3.200 3 200 ActivitvTotal $110.898 $99 920 $152.852 $158 857 I I -. - . I CITY OF EOWAY DEPAR'lMENrAL ACTIVITY DErAIL Department: Activity: Activity O:lde: 302 Planni Services Advanced Planni ACl'lVI'rr CD!M!mMr ACI:NITY DESCRIPrION Advanced Planning administers and lIBintains the elenents of the; Genei"al Plan; reviews and prepares, specific plans, =ilplishe.s aD. environnental ~rk for the City; respon- sible for ,develolJlEIlt IlOnitoring, iirplerientation and coordination; houSing program coordination; energy oonservation projects; development coordination for grants, including, but rot limited to energy conse.t:vation; eoonomic develofuerjt; parks and recreation;ooItlllWli.ty development blOCk gmt programs; resource ci:lnseivatiori; lIBin- tenance of the General Plan darographic infornation and special projects stich .as the 1980 Census coordination; air qIiality plan; and water qIiality plan in coordiriation with the San Diego Association of Gbve:rnuents. ACITVITY mALS AND OBJEX:TIVES l. I1Iplenentation of the General PlaO. 2. Developrent and iDi>lenentation of a program to revitalize Ebway RJad thrilugh a coIlprehensive specific plan. 3. Oxlrdinate with Sl\NDJ\G to assUre that Ebway' s concerns are addressed in regional planning lIBtters. 4. Update the City's environnental review process in a=rdance' with changes to State legislation. 5. Cbntinue to provide technieal ~ advisorY assistance, to th~ City cbuncil, other City departnents, and the general p.1blic. SIGNIFICANl'ACITVITY ProGIWl awGES CHAN:;E 1 Special Studies a=unt has been reduced with - $ 9,568 the completion of the General Plan, ~rk. I Other Professional Fel!S and Environnental Irrpact + $31,083, Review Plans reflect a change In a=unting ,for 1 this review. I I 1 I - - - - I I ~ OTY OFEOWAY DEPARTMENrAL ~! oE:l'iill. . Department: Activity: Acti vi ty . O:lde: 302 PlanninaServices Advanced Plannina Obj. 1982-83 1982'-83 1983-84 1983-84 Cbde ClassifiCation Budaet Estirrated Proi:losed Ar.oroved . PersOnnel Ebsition T~Ue 205 Associate Planner 22,' 599 23,16lj 24,268 25,346 _I 185 Junior Planner 19, 19.7 19,316 20,222 20,603 143 Administrative Clerk II 11, ,966 11,966 12,512 13,125 Planning Intern (Part-tine) 6,739 4,822 5,184 5,184 '. 110 .Salaries - Regular 53,757 54,448 57,002 59,074 112 Salaries - Part-tine 6,739 4,822 5;184 5,184 113 Salaries - OVertine - 311 960 960 . 120 Fringe Benefits 17,633 17,842 17,785 17,180 . 'Ibtal Personnel 78 129 77.423 80.931 82 . 398 OneratJ.Ons. and, Maintenance I 148 Special Studies 28,200 27,935 - 18 , 367 199 'Other Professional Fees - - 60 , 000 60,000 260 ReiIltlursed Mileage 1,675 1,331 1,500 1,500 270 Travel and Meetings 639 528 1,181 1,181 I 282 Ebstage 1,500' 952 - - -311 Printing 8;750 5,526 6,000 6,000 313 Uniforms, LaUndry, Dry Cleaning 250 125 - - I 315 PublicationS and Dues 289 293 ..________588 ' 588 364 Environnental lIrpl.ct Review Plans 28,917 ---." ) - ( \ '- -, ' 411 Office & Statioheiy SUpplies 1,362 1,471 ~2;000: ~2;000: 413 Plxltographic Supplies 1,000 914 600 600 I 513 Rent - OfficeEkIuipment 3,296 - 4,227 4,227 I Total:Ooerations ,and Maintenance 46 961 67.992 76.096 94 463 I capitalOutlav Other EkIuipment 177 622 177 - - I I 'Ibtal Capi tal Outlay 1:77 177 - - Activity.Total $125,267 $145 592 $157.027 $176.861 1 I I 88 OTY OF EOWAY DEPARTMENrAL . ACl'IVITY DETAIL Departmant: Activity: Actj,vity Code: 303 Planni Services Buildi and Safet I on .N:rNITY <D~ ACl'IVIT.{ DESCRIPrION Building Inspection Services are provided through a oontract with Esgil Corporation. The Esgil Coi1;oration provides full building inspection, plan check review, answers to questions via the telephone, and pUblic oontact at the, Planning and Building Services counter. Their responsibilities are for the administration and enforCE!ll'eI1t of build- ing oodes and related ordinances adOpted 9Y the City. They rot only provide . structural, electrieal and I)eChanieal engi.neering inspections and plan reviews, but building plan check services and oonSultation ser'ITices with citizens on require- nents of State, City, and the Uniform Building Cbde. 1 ACITVITY mALS AND OBJEX:TIVES l. 'Ib oontinue to provide oomplete services to the citizens ofEbway who are build- I ing structures or appurtenances within our City. 2. .'Ib oontinue to provide oomplete services to developers who are building struc- 1 tures or appurtenances wi thin our City. 3. 'Ib oontinue to provide a liasion and oooperative environneDt with all City 1 departnents, related agencieS, the County of San Diego and state of California. SIGNIFICANl' ACITVITY PRlGRAM CHANiFs CHAN:;E I N:>ne. I I I I 1 I I -- H_ I I 89 OTY OFEO~ OEPARTMENrAL llCrIVITY DEl'AIL I Department: Activity: Activity I Cbde: 303 Plannina Services BuildillQ' & Safetv I on Obj. 1982-83 1982"-83 1983-84 1983-84 . Cbde . ClassifiCation Budaet Estirrated Pro=sed Powroved I Personnel Ebsl.tion 'Title I I I 'Ibtal Personnel Ooerations and M:Untenance I 143 Building Inspection 67,500 175,745 143,400 143,400 311 Printing 700 557 700 700 I 315 PUblications and Dues 700 496 700 700 411 Office & Stationery SUpplies 1,000 1,023 1,000 1,000 I I 1 I . 'IbtalOoerationsand Maintenance 69. 900 177,821 145.800 145,800 1 Capital Outlav I I Total capital Outlav Activitv Total $69900 $177,821 $145,800 $145 800 I I \D 0 IEPAR'lMENTI\L CHARI' OF ORGl\NIZlITION CITY M1\Nl\GER 013 DIREX:'IOR . PUBLIC SERVICES 400 FIEID ENGINEERlNG Sl'REEl' WATER SEWER OPERATIOOS M1UNTENANCE SUPPLY PUMPING 401 402 403 404 405 WATER SEWER WAREHOUSING VEHICLE .TRl\NSMISSIOO CDLLEX::TION & & FACILITIES mUIPMENT MAIN'lENANCE REPAIR 406 407 408 409 r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I 91 OTY OF FOWAY DEPARl'MENI'AL ACrIVITY OVERVIEW '. Dept. Cbde Departnenh Fund Distribution: Water Fund - $2,991,550 I Sewer Fund -$1,262,448 Street Fund -$681,940 400 Public Services Grant Funds - $45,000 Spec.Asses.Dist.-$11,500 General Fund- $627,737 Rev. Shari no -$127 950 I EXPENSE 1981-1982 1982-1983 1982-1983 1983-1984 1983-1~84 CIASSIFICATION AClUAL BUCGEl' E'.S'I'iMATED PKlEOSED APProVED I 'Ibtal Ebsitions 46 47 47 55 55 I Personnel Expense 1,223,199 1,369,057 1,295,959 1,621,655 1,693,834 I Operations 2,969,977 3,641,103 2,875,805 3,816,558 3,827,581 and Maintenance Capital Outlay 105,499 130,044 130,156 226,710 226,710 . 'IOTAL BUIX;Er $4,298,675 $5,140,204 $4,301,920 $5,664,923 $5,748,125 I OVERVIEW (!)MMEN!'ARy I The Departnent of Public Services is responsible for the administration and imple- nentation of the Capital lltprovenent Program, iind for providing rraintenance services to City pUblic improvenents. The Departrrent consists ,of nine lIBjor divi- I sions which include: Field Operations and Maintenance Aclrninistrationi Eng'ineering and Inspectio!11 Street and Drainage Maintenance 1. Water Supply,Treatrrent,Pun'ping and" Storage1 Sewer Punpihg, Treatmant and Disposal 1 Water Transmission and 1 Distribution1 Sewer O:ll1ectlon Maintenance1 Facilities Maintenance and Warehousing1 and Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance. TheIJepartment of Public Services coordinates the planning, engineering, budgeting, I design, contract administration and inspection of all Capital Irnprovenent Projects for the City. I The IJepartnent of Public Services is vested with the responsibility ofllBnaging and lIBintaining a variety of municipal services and facilities, including streets, safety lighting at. intersections, traffic ,signals, street sweeping, street rrain- tenance, sewer co:u.ection, municipal buildings, vehicles and equlPt"ent, water I treatmant, water distribution and water-sewer lIBintenance and cohstruction. The Ilep<3.rtrrent of Public Services, together with other City departnents, is respon- sible for reviewing proposed developrrents, reporting to the City Manager, imple- I nenting City standards, plan checking and iIispection of private developments. 1 I I 92 CITY OF EOWAY' DEPARTMENrAL ACTI"JITY DEl'AIL Departnent: Activity: Activity Cbde: 400 Public Services Office of the Director ACl'IVITY ,CD~Y ACrIVITY DESCRIPrION The responsibilities of the Office of the Director include direct supervision, coor- dination and oontrol of all departmental activities for the Departnent of Public Services. The Director of Public Services/City Engineer is appointed by the City M:lnager and functions in a staff capacitY' to advise elected and appointed officers concerning the City's public services needs and requirenents. Staf~ assigned to the Director's office ,ensures that the personnel and financial lIBnagenent program of the Departnent is oonsistent with city Policies and procedures. The Director I s office is responsible for: (al coordinating the City's Capital IIIprovenent Program of Public Services construction projects; (bl seeking possible alternative funding sources; (c) increasing the efficiency of the Departm::nt' s efforts through cost-benefit analysis of all naintenance service oontracts; (dl nanaging and directing the engineering section to provide efficiency and adherance to City's policies and directions relating to the development of other Public Services functions. ACITVITY mALS AND OBJEX:TIVES l. To. achieve departnental goals through the establishnent of effective systems, procedures and programs. 2. To oonstantly evaluate departnental programs, projects and reports in an effort to rraxi.mi.ze productivity and eliminate duplication and obsolescence. 3. To increase the efficiei1cy of the ~t' S efforts in the areas Of engineer- ing, contract lIBnagenent and lIBinteilance services. SIGNIFICANl' ACITVITY PRlGRAM CHAN:;ES <:::HAN3E The Office of the Director reflects the + $5,527 addition of three positions and the transfer of t~ positions to the Engineering division. Vehicle Maintenance and Operations Rental costs - $7,718 have been transfered to divisions where the vehicles are assigned. Capital outlay costs reflect the purchase of - $3,6!?0 one bookcase. I I \ I I 93 OTY OF EOWAY DEPARTMENrAL Ai:iNiTY DEl'AIL I Departnent: Activity: Activity I Cbde: 400 Public Services Offi.'ce of the Director Obj. 1982-83 1982-83 1983..,84 1983-84 Cbde Classification Budqet Estirrated Pro\Xlsed ADoroved I Personnel Ebsition Title 255 Director 39,229 39,229 41,148 42,821 I 221 Associate Civil Engineer 32,011 26,452 - - 195 Administrative Assistant - - 20,010 20,820 183 Engineering Technician 24,09"7 24,097 - I 177 Engineering Aide . '- 5,549 16,110 16,754 167 Administrative 'SeCretary 14,161 14,161 15,392 16,334 137 Administrative Clerk I - - 10,692 11,120 Vacation Cover. - Part'-Tine - 216 - - I 110 Salaries - Regular 109,498 109,488 103,352 107,849 112 Salaries - Part'-Tine - 216 - - 113 Salaries -Overtine - - 1,200 1,200 I 120 Fringe Benefits 31,351 28,173 33,353 34,355 . 'Ibtal -Personnel 140,849 137.877 137,905 143 404 I Ocerations andM:l.intenance 260 ReiIItlurSeci Mileage 900 893 800 1,400 262 Vehicle Operations 500 532 - - I ifn Vehicle Maintenance 5,071 1,256 - - 264 Vehicle Rental 2,647 2,647 - - )~ 270 Travel and Meetings 2,73~ 2,001 1,980 1,980 I v- 311 Printing 300 158 '500 500 313 Uniforms, Laundry, Dry Cleaning 300 125 - - 315 Publications and DtieS 990 965 1,000 1,000 334 R&M - Equipment 950 854 750 750 1 411 Office Ii Stationery Suwlies 2,000 1,298 2,000 2,000 413' Plxltographic Suwlies 120 34 150 150 420 SlIall 'Ibols - - 200 200 I 'Ibtal Operations and MaintenanCe 16,517 10 763 7,380 7.980 I Capi tal Outlav 611 Office Equiprent 3,950 3,443 300 300 I I Total Capital 'Outlav 3,950' 3.443 300 300 Act~VltYTotal $161,316 :;>152,083 $145,585 $151. 684 I I I 94 OTY, OF EOWAY DEPARTMENrAL ACITVITY DErAIL Departnent: Activity: Activity Field Operations and Cbde: 401 Public Services Miintenance Administration ACITYITY (l)~ ACTIVITY DESCRIPI'ION The Public Services Operations Manager is responsible for overall lIBnagenent and administration of the City's water and sewer utilities field operation, ,warehousing, vehicle and equiprrent lIBintenance, facilities lIBintenance, which includes, City Hall, Cbnmmity Center and recreation buildings, and streets and drainage rraintenance. Through this office is lIBnaged the water supply, treatnent, ,punping, distribution and storage, sewer CXlllection, punping, treatirent 'and diSt;Osal, street and storm drain cleaning and repairs, City building facilities, warehousing and vehicle and equiprent lIBintenance. ACTNITY mALS AND OBJEX:TIVES 1. To plan and ooordinate all water, sewer, street and drainage ~rk activities. 2. Cbritinue the City building lIBintenance program. I 3. Operate and lTBintain the City's warehousing facility. 4. Maintain the City's vehicle fleet and equiprrent inventory. SIGNIFICANl' ACrIVITY ProGRAM QWl;FS QWl;E I Four water lIBin oversizing agreenents are to + $ '9,651 be paid during F"i 83-84. I Water Project Engineering CDStS for outside - $ 1,528 technical assistance and Water System Analysis. Sewer Project Engineering CDStS' for outside + $ 5,000 I technical assistance related to sewer projects. Vehicle Miintenance and Rental oosts have been - $ 5,859 I transferred to divisions where vehicles are assigned. Capital Outlay reflects the' oosts for a new + $15,000 I 4-wheel drive vehicle. I I I I I 95 OTY OF EOWAY' DEPARTMENrAL AcrrJITY DErAIL 1 Departnent: Activity: Activity Field,. Operations and O:lde: 401 I Public Services Maintenance Administration Obj. 1982-83 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 Cbde Classification Budaet EstillBted ProPJsed ADoroved I Personnel RanaE Ebsition. Title 245 Public Services Operations I /oBnager 37,253 35,869 37,248 38,765 177 Engineering Aide 18,936. 18,126 18,936 19,766 147 Administrative Clerk II 11,608 10,727 13,152' 13 , 012 I 110 Salaries '- Regular 67,797 64,722 69,336 71,543 I 120 Fringe Benefits 19,763 18,742 20,602 22,482 'IbtalPersonnel 87 560 83,464 89.938 94.025 I OIl!'!rations and Maintenance 161 I'l:i.ter Project Erigineering 7,500 6,528 5,000 5,000 I 162 Se\Iler Pro ject Erigineering - - 5,000 5,000 260 Rei.rrbursed Mileage 60 15 60 60 262 Vehicle Operations 500 613 525 525 263 Vehicle MaintenanCe 2,39.8 3,591 - - I 264 Vehicle Rental 2,180 2,180 - - 270 Travel and Meetings 640 171 645 645 313 Uniforms, Laundry, Dry Cleaning 786 562 391 391 I 315 Publications and Dues 6,040 6,046 6,015 6,015 411 Office .. Stationery Supplies 150 97 230 230 446 Oversizing Agreenents - - 9',651 9,651 1 I Total Ooerations. and Maintenance 20 254 19' 803 27.517 27 517 Capi tal Outlav I 611 Office Equipment - 3 - - 621 Autos and Trucks - - 15,000 15,000 I I Total Capital Outlav - 3 15.000 15.000 Activity Total $107,814 $103 270 $132.455 $136.542 I I I 6 OTY OF, EOWAY DEPARTMENl'AL, ACTIVITY DErAIL DepartIrent: Activity: Activity Cbde: 402 Public Services and I on N:I!IVITY (l)l't!ENrARY I ACrIVITY mALS AND OBJECl'IVES 1. To provide general and technical data necessary for the City to rraintain and operate the utility systems and street and drainage fa~ilities. 2. To assure top quality public irnprovenents by developers through plan checking and field inspection of oonstruction pro jects . 3. 'Ib provide for safe passage of traffic on City streets through resp:>nsible design, specification and construction of public rights-of......"y am by continually IlOni toring and correcting probl.em areas. ACrIVITY I'ORKIOAD STATISTICS 1983-84 Forecast Developrent Processinq Tentative Maps 5 Tentative Parcel Maps 15 Final Maps 20 I IDprovenent Plan Checks 30 Inspection 1 Excavation PerIni ts 100 Curb Grades 20 Cbnstruction 30 SUbdivision 20 I SIGNIFICl\Nl' ACITVITY PRlGRAM01AN:;ES O1AN:;E Personnel costs reflect the addi tion' oft~ + $114,131 I positions and the reclassification of the Associate Civil Engineer position to Assistant City Engineer. 1 Travel and Meetings reflect the costs for + $ 1,005 engineering staff attendance at conferences. 1 Plan Check and Map Processing re,flects the cost - $ 6,980 based on the anticipated ~rkload. Other SUpplies and M3.terials are for records of + $ 2,000 I survey and final rrap rnylars. Capital Outlay costs are for office furniture for + $ 2,895 I acldi tional staff. Cbsts for construction of W9.11 to be paid from + 11,500 I property owner assessnent. 1 I II I g" OTY OF EOWAY DEPARTMENrAL ACrIVITY DErAI'L I: Departnent: Activity: Activity I: O:lde: 402 Public Services Enaineerinq and inso..ction Obj. 1982-83 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 Cbde ElmP..nseClassification Budaet EstillB ted Prooosed Approved I PerSdnnel ExDense Ranal POsition Title 240 Assistant ~ty Engineer - - 34,584 33,390 I 225 Associate Civil Engineer - - 28,344 28,889 201 Public Ser. Inspector (2) 49,672 48,652 46,736 48,496 187 Engineering Technician - - 24,096 24,096 I 110 Salari..s - Regular 49,672 48,652 133,760 134,871 113 Salaiies -' Overtine 7,680 3,660 3,500 3,500 120 Fringe Benefits n,541 17,969 42,096 46,041 I 'Ibtal Personnel 74.893 70,281 179.356 184,412 ocerations and MaintenanCe I 148 Special Studies 81,619 56,272 15,000 15,000 160 Engineering 28,910 25,120 15,000 15,000 163 Traffic Engineering - 1,364 8,000 8,000 I 260 Re.intlursed Mileage - - 600 600 26;1 Vehicle Operation 4,180 2,347 4,800 4,800 263 Vehic:leMaintenance 5,254 3,838 4,474 4,650 264 Vehicle Rental 2,803 2,803 2,803 2,803 I 270 Travel and Meetings - - 1,005 1,005 313 Uniforms, Laundry, Dry Cleaning 630 541 634 634 315 Publications aild Dues - - 400 400 I 360 Contract Inspection 50,000 1,015 - - 363 Plan Check & Map PrOcessing 250,000 126,980 120,000 120,000 399 Traffic Control Study - - 45,000 45,000 411 Off~ce & Stationery Supplies 3,200 2,647 2,400 2,400 II 413 PlDtographic SUpplies 1,350 675 500 500 49.9 Other Supplies & Materials - - 2,000 2,000 t '710', Assessment District 83-1 - - - 11,500 -' :.....----- - I - - -- 'Ibtal Onerations and Maintenance 427.,946 223,602 222,616 234.292 II Caoital Outlay 611 Office Furniture 5,500 5,500 - - 622 Other Equipment Not Classified 2,800 2,577 - - I I 'Ibtal, Caoital Outlav 2.'800 2.577 5.500 5 500 Activitv 'Ibtal $505.639 $296.460 $407.472 $424 204 I I: - - I 98 OTY OF RJWAY DEPlIRI'MENrAL ACrIVITY DErAIL Depart:Irent: Activity: Activity Cbde: 403 Public Services Street and Draina e Maintenance PLJ:J.v 1.'l'Y CIl!ot!ENrJ\RY ACITVITY DESCRIPrION The Street and Drainage Maintenance activity undertakes a variety of lIBintenance func- tions, including pavenent repair, ,traffic striping of all public streets, bridge, and traffic signals, signs, storm drain, curb, gutter and sideWalk lIBintenance, and the repair of storm danage throughout the City. ACITVITY mALS AND OBJEX:TIVES 1. To ensure that a oonprehensive'lIBintenance program is continued for City owned facilities in the pUblic rights-of__y. 2. To, forestall future capital experxlitures through ongoing preventive street I muntenance. 3. To insure pedestrian safety through the lIBintenance of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, I tree and shrubbery oontrol. , 4. To provide drainage of rainfall from p.1blic rights-of-<oay. 'I ACITVITY \'ORK STATISTICS 1983-84 I ESTIMl>.TID I Streets Maintained 108 miles I Streets ~pt 130 miles/Ircnth I Storm Drain CUlverts 496 Signs Maintained 1,556 '. Shoulders Graded or M::lwed 86.2 miles Street Legends 141 Open Channels Maintained for Street Drainage 5 miles I SIGNIFICANl' ACITVITY ProGRAM CHAN:;ES QlAN;E The personnel costs reflect the addition of t~ p:lsitions. + $ 55,564 I Street light and signal p:lwer oosts reflect additional lights. + $ 13,391 The costs for vehicle operations,. lIBintenance + $ 26,093 I and rental reflect the increase in vehicles. Weed abatenent, street sweeping, sidewalks, signals, + $342,761 I street striping and roadway lIBintenances costs reflect the City's intensified efforts in these areas. Operating supplies, tools, street repair, storm repairs + $ 48,042 I culvert cleariing, sign lIBintenance, cons,truction rraterial and equipment rental relate to the City's increased lIBintenance program. I Capital Outlay costs are for equipment and vehicles + $ 53, 687 required for the rraintenance program. I I I 99 I CITY OFFOWAY DEPARTMENrAL ACTIVITY DETAIL : : Cbde: 463 I Pul: lic Services Street & D ainaae Main enance UDJ. "'::70"'-0';> -~o.> ...::70'>-0'* .l.~".;l-o,* Cbde Classification Budaet EstillBted Prorosed )\nnroved I Perso'nnel Exoense RanaE Ebsition' Title I 235 Assist. operations MWr. 34,318 34,318 34 320 35,094 194 Const. Maint. ~isor 22,093 22,366 22' 428 23,338 179 Const. Maint. W::lrker III 17,226 17,950 18;696 19,584 169 Const. Maint. W::lrker II (3) 31,332 31,637 47,710 52,647 I 159 Const. Maint. W::lrker I - - 13,302 13,846 Salaries - Standby - - 1;046 1,046 ,110 ~ \ Salaries - Regll:4r 104,969 106,271 137,502 145,555 113 Salaries - Overtirre 3 000 1468 3000 3 000 I 120 Fringe' Benefits 39;261 41; 539 53 ; 561 56;287 'Ibtal Personnel 147 230 149.278 194.063 204.842 1 O=rations and Maintenance 163 Traffic Engineering 40,000 19,614 - - 212 \\ater-Interfund - - 350 350 I 216 Trash Renoval - - 3 510 3 510 218 Signal Ebwer 37,600 32 111 37;600 37;600 219 Street Safe~ Light, Ebwer & Main 22,500 21;498 29,400 29,400 260 Rei.rrt>ursed' leage - - 90 90 262 Vehicle ~rationS 6 000 5 576 12 000 12,000 I 263 Vehicle ' ntenance 12;936 30; 518 31;323 32,063 264 Vehicle Rental 7,059 7,059 25,183 25,183 270 Travel and Meetings 500 42 300 300 313 UnifQrIllS, LaurxJ.nrbl~~ Cleaning 1,485 1,307 2,417 2,417 315 Publlcatlonsand , - - 115 115 I 316 Medieal Exams - - 225 225 324 Weed ~ aixi Abatenent 4 000 617 5,000 5 000 350 R&M Si and Barricades 10;000 185 10,000 10;000 351 R&M SigIlals 23,560 11,042 20,000 20,000 354 Street Striping 37,500 8 264 65 000 65 000 I 355 R&M Roadway 35,000 22; 333 297;000 297;000 357 Pavenent EITaluation 42,500 19,278 - - 358 Street Sweeping 47,300 42,520 50,000 50,000 399 Other Contractual Service - - - - I 417 Operating Supplies 50,000 31,506 2,000 . ,2,000 420 Sirall 'Ibols 1,200 523 4,000 4,000 441 Street Surface Repair - - 40,000 40,000 I 442 storm Repair and Cleanup 10,000 862 20,000 20,000 443 Culvert Cleaning - - 6,000 6,000 444 Sign Maintenance - - 25,000 25,000 445 Misc. Construction Material 2Q,000 14,168 2,000 2,000 I 511 Fqui.pnent Rental 11 ,000 8,89g 5,000 5,000 I 'Ibtal Ooerations and Maintenance 420,140 277.922 693.513 694 253 Caoi tal Outlav I 621 Autos and Trucks 88,700 74,263 96,200 96,200 622 5 Mbbile unit Radios - - 7,650 7,650 623 Const. & Street Maint. Fqui.pment - - 24,100 24,100 I 'Ibtal Caoital Outlav 88,700 74.263 127.950 127 950 Activitv 'Ibtal 1!D=:.')..Cl'\ ~ I $656,070 $501. 463 $1. 015. 526 $1. 027 04, '-L, D~ Q) C/ , ) I (no I CITY OF RJWAY DEPARTMENrAL ACITVITY DErAIL I Departnent: Activity: Water SUpply, Treatment Activity Public Services Purrping and Storage Cbde: 404 Utilities Division I N:fiVITY <D~Y ACrIVITY DESCRIPrION I Within the Utilities Division, the water supply, treatnent, punping and storage opera- tion and lIBintenance section is charged with delivery of highest quality treated p:ltable \<oater to consuners. M;!.jor functional areas of resp:lnsibility include obtain- I ing a raw water supply, operation of the water treatnent plant andpunping and storage systems. M;!.intenance of the abOve is also part of this activity. This division is resp:lnsible for ensuring water storage to supply oorml and energency I condi tions . ACrIVITY mALS AND OBJEX:TIVES 1. 'Ib IlB.intain the rake Ebway raw water storage at optimum quality and levels con- I sistent with Seasonal oonditions and recreational needs while ITeeting peak system dellBnds and energencies. I 2. 'Ib provide highest quality treated, p:ltable \<oater at the nost eoooomic level to consuners. 3. 'Ib acrornplish repairs and lIBintenance wherever p:lssible without outside assist- ance at a lower cost to the City. I ACITVITY \'ORKIOAD srATISTICS 1982-83 1983-84 ESI'IMP.TED FOREX::ASTED I Acre feet of water purchased from SDCWA 8300 9033 Acre feet of water production 7900 8580 I SDCWA water costs $124/AF $154/AF SIGNIFICANl' ACITVITY PlOGRAM a1AN:;ES rnAN:;E Gas and electricity, punping power and bottled + $ 67,731 I gas reflect the increase in utility rates. Water purchases, storage and chemicals reflect + $740,434 I the increased costs for projected increased demnds. The oosts for Operating SUpplies has decreased as - $ 86,377 I items were detailed in separate accounts such as chemicals. Capital Outlay costs have decreased. - $ 5,920 I I I 1 " I I: ' n 1 DEPAR~. ACTIv'ITYDEI'AIt ut:par~,~.~: "=~\T~"Y';,. .~""er~,,Pf?::,l':' uea ~~~~404 I Pub ic Services PurrP~ng and 'Storage UUJ. .1."0'::-0'> .1."0"-0", "'''o.;>-O<i "'''0';>-0'' O:lde "'- Mse Classification Budaet EstillBted Prooosed Approved I Personnel =se RanaE Ebsition Title I 230 Uti1. om. & Treat.S)Jper. 32,633 32,633 32, 628 33,390 206 Sr. Uti i ty System Tech. 24,144 25,359 25,284 27,983, 205 LaboratoH TeChnician 25,020' 20 442 21,736 23 086 205 T.P.O. II. (4l 98,727 102;600 99,979 105; 533 196 'Utility ~stems Technician - - 19,224 20,370 I 195 T.P.O. II 18,637 19,490 20,508 21,697' 186 Utility ~tems Mechanic 20, 713 20,888 20,712 21,928' Salaries' ift Difference 2,196 - 2,196. 2,196 Salaries -Standby' 1,800 - 1,200 1,200 I 110 Salaries - R~r 223,870 221,412 243,467 257,383 113 Salaries' - Overt:ine 3,200 .10,949 6 204 6 204 120 . Friooe Benefits 83.237 81,234 95'346 101; 578 I 'Ibtal PersOnnel 310 307 313.595 345 017 365,165 Operations and Mtintenance 147 Chemical Analysis 900 461 1 180 1 180 I 210 : Gas' and Electricity 13 ,800 8,886 10 ; 185 10; 185 211 Bottled Gas - - 1,390 1,390 212 Water - Interfund - 507 - - 213 Water Purchases 1,174,866 882, 778 1,391,082 1,391,082 214 water Storage Adjustnent 52,080 (84,950 56,980 56,980 I 215 Teleplxme - - 300 300 242- 254 PuIiPtng Ebwer i All Stations 395,852 . 265,808 330,850 330,850 260 Re~frbursed M1 eage 60 - 60 60 I 262 Vehicle ~rations 3,000 2,708 2,900 2,900 263 Vehicle intenance 9,023 6,741 6,711 6,869 264 Vehicle Rental 3,785 3,785 3,785 3,785 270 Travel and Meetings 102 16 102 102 313 Unif';>nIlS, Laurxi.IT~ry Cleaning 3,200 3,051 3,560 3,560 12P-4 315 Pubhcat~ons and. s 255 128 225 225 331 R&M - Building - - 240 240 -}~~ R&M - Outside Vehicle Repair 11,000 10,906 12,400 12,400 360 ,Cbntract Ins~ion 4,508 4,508 3,500 3,500 411 Office & Sta ionery Supplies 190 191 240 240 1 417 O~ting SUpplies 126,792 121,021 39, 050 39,050 420 small TbOls 500 632 500 500 423 Chemieals - - 90 , 200 90,200 499 Other Materials and SUpplies 200 12 - - 511 ~~nt Rental 1,500 647 1,500 1,500 I 555 capi 1 Outlay 'Rental - - 1,010 1,010 I Total Ooerations and Maintenance 1 801,613 1,227.836 1. 957 950 1.958.108 Caoi tal Outlay 651 Slx>p Tools 8,732 7,780 1,240 1,240 I 652 M:lb~le Tools - - 320 320 653 Other Tools and Equiptent - - 300 300 I 'Ibtal Caoi tal Outlav 8.732 7,780 1.860 1.860 Activitv 'Ibtal $2.120.652 $1549',211 $2.304.827 $2.325.133 I I I OTY OFEOWAY DEPARTMENrAL ACl'IVITY DErAIL Departnent: Activity: Activity O:lde: 405 Public Services Sewer Treatnent & Dis sal N:nVITY CD~ ACTIVITY DESCRIPrION Within the Utilities Division, the se..er pUllping, treatnent and disp:lsal operation and lIBintenance section is charged with the P'JITl?ing of sewage within the City. Major functional areas include transfer of raw sewage from t~ low areas to the lIBjor gravity system by punping from the N:irth to S::lUth Basins, operation of the Sewage Treatnent Plant on a prirrary treatnent basis, netered delivery to the Metrop:llitan Sewer System' s Penasqui tos line. Maintenance of the above areas is also part. of this activity. This section is resp:lnsible for ensuring the operation of the punping stations under IXlrml and emergency conditions to minimize health risks. ACITVITY mALS AND OBJEX::1TJES 1. To lIBintain the sewage PUIIping stations at optiIlUlIll performnce arxl,reliability,. 2. To lIBintain the Ebway Sewage Treatnent Plant at a minirrilrn operational node wi th- out fUrther deterioration. 3. To acComplish repairs atXi lIBintenance wherever p:lssible wi th:ltit outside assis- tance at a lo..er cost to the City. I ACITVITY \'ORKIOAD STATISTICS (in millions of gallons) 1982-83 1983-84 I ESTIM/I.TED FOREX:ASTED Sewage delivered to Metro 1106 1217 Sewage delivered to RB/EscondidO 4.5 4.7 I Sewage punped by St. Andrews PImp Station 25.2 28 Sewage punped by Camim del Valle PImp Station 137.9 152 Sewage pUII1;led by Del Ebniente PuIIp Station 1.9 2.1 I SIGNIFICANl' ACrIVITYPRlGRAM CHAN::;ES CHAN:;E Capacity charges for the Penasquitos System, + $205,130 I Metro System and Bernardo System reflect the increased oosts paid to the City of San Diego. Eb..er for the plant and punping stations + $11,612 I reflect the increase in utility rates. Vehicle operations, lIBintenance and repair are + $ 2,820 I oosts for servicing se..er vehicles. Operating Supplies have decreased due to rrore - $ 1,798 effective lIBintenance. I I I ., , 1 1 103 OTY OF EOWAY I DEPARTMENrAL ACITVITY DErAIL Depart!lent: Activity: SeWer pUIlping, Activity I Treatnent and Disposal Cbde: 405 Public Services Obj. 1982-83 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 1 Cbde se Classification Budaet Estirrated ProPJsed ,ADoroved Personnel =nse RangE EbsitionTitle I 195 Treatnent Plant Operator II 21,524 22,888 21,736 22,549 196 Utili ty System ~Technician 21,473 23,004 22,504 23,471 Salaries - Standby 600 - 1,200 1,200 'I 110 Salaries - Regular 43,597 45,892 45,440 47,220 113 Salaries - Overtine 384 891 660 660 I 120 Fringe Benefits 15,207 13,490 15,844 17,024 'Ibtal Personnel 59 188 60,273 61.944 64.904 Ooerations and Maintenance I 210 Electricity - - 132 132 220 Capacity - Penasquitos System 218,576 203,815 147,443 147,443 1 221 Capacity - Metro 'System 606,687 378,307 632,186 632,186 222 Capaci ty - Bernardo System 7,260 - 7,623 7,623 230 Other Utility Charges 1,700 1,350 - - 249 PImping tI:lwer - Plant 2,850 - 3,367 3,367 1 244 Purrping Ebwer - St. 'Andrew 3,050 3,673 6,082 6,082 246' Purrping Ebwer Camim Del Valle 18,950 19,798 25,642 25,642 253 PImping Ebwer Del Ebniente 550 463 455 455 I. .262 Vehi.c1e Operations 1,300 873 3,000 3,000 263 Vehicle Mtintenance 3,312 1,632 2,237 2,325 264 Vehicle Rental 1,137 1,137 1,137 1,137 313 UnifoIlIlS, Laundry, Dry Cleaning 500 507 1,112 1,112 I: 315 Publications and Dues - - 45 45 335 R&M - Outside Vehicle Repair 4,000 2,427 2,000 2,000 417 Operating Supplies 6,500 6,298 4,500 4',500 420 Srrall 'Ibols - - 120 120 I 555 Capi tal Outlay Rental - - 500 50b I 'Ibtal .Ooerations and Maintenance 876,372 620.280 837.581 837.669 CaDi tal Outlav 1 645 Laboratory Equipment 1,807 1,807 - - I 'Ibtal CaDi tal Outlav 1,807 1 807 - - Activitv 'Ibtal $937.367 $682,360 $899.525 $902.573 1 I 1 & OTY OFEOWAY DEPARTMENrAL AcTIvITY DErAIL Departnent: Activity: Activity Public Services Cbde: 406 Utilities Division Water Transmission and Distribution At::rrVrrY <D~Y ACTIVITY DESCRIPI'ION Within the Utilities Division, the wa"er Transmission and'Distribution division is charged with the lIBintenance and repair of the water transmission and distribution system. JlBjor functional IIainteriance and repair areas include, pipeline valves, air releases and blow-off assenblies, City fire hydrants, water service laterals and meters, extension and reloCation of facilities to clear new construction. This activity also aids in lIBintaining optiIlU.lIl1 water quality throughout the City by an annual water lIBin flushing program perforned in conjunction with the water lIBin and fire hydrant valve exercising activity. ACrIVITY I'ORKIOAD STATIsrICS 1982-83 1:983-84 ESTIMATED FOREX:ASTED Water Main Valves and Appurtenances 2721 2750 I Fire Hydrant Assenblies 803 818 Miles of Pipeline 150 155 1 SIGNIFICANI' ACrIVITY PRlGRAM CHAN:;ES OlAN:;E Trash Rerroval oosts for disposal service. + $ 3,516 I Vehicle lIBintenance, operation and rental oosts - $ 9,258 I reflect fewer vehicles assigned to this division. Capital Outlay reflects the pUrchase of + $19,933 a bulldozer. I 1 1 I' 1 I 'I 1 105 OTY OF EOWAY DEPARTMENrAL ACrIVITY DErAIL 1 Departrrent: Activity: Activity Cbde: 406 1 Public Services Water Transrrdssion, & Distribution Obj. 1982,..83 1982-83. 1983-84 1983-84 o:xl.e Be Classification BUdaet' - Estirrated Prooosed ADoroved Personnel . Ranq, Ebsition TiUe 225 Constructionl>Bintenance SUperi,ntendent 31,818 31,818 31,824 31,824 194 Construction Maintenance I SUpervis::>r (2) 40,395 40,812 43,162 44,964 179 Construction M9.intenance W::lrker In (2) 31,494 37, 081 36,093 37,258 1 169 Construction Maintenance W::lrker II (3) 49,030 42,005 49,502 51, 578 178 'Mater Mi!chanic 38,264 37,408 19,128 19,964 Salaries - Standby 2,196 - 3,138 3,138 . 110 Salaries - Regular 193,197 189,124 182,847 188,726 113 Salaries - Overtine 3,000 5,074 2,650 2,650 1 120 Frinae Benefits 75408 66,339 70 882 74;551 'Ibtal Personnel 271,605 260,537 256.379 265,927 O=rations and Maintenance 1 210 Gas and Electricity 7,246 7,596 5,500 5,500 211 Natural Gas - - 1,800 1,800 215 Telephone - - 300 300 216 T:rash Renoval 354 354 3,870 3,870 1 260 ReinDursed Mileage 75 23 75 75 262 Vehicle Operations 10,000 7,809 10,000 10,000 263 Vehicle Maintenance 34,'209 25,221 17,897 18,600 1 264 Vehicle Rental 17,909 17,909 13,081 13,081 270 Travel and Meetings 150 95 200 200 313 Uniforms, Laundry, Dry Cleaning 3,600 3,226 3,779 3,779 . 315 Publications and, Dues 45 102 100 100 1 316 M;dieal Exams 140 140 225 225 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 150 100 150 150 417 Oparating Supplies 27,925 28,949 29,900 29,900 . 4.20 SlIall 'Ibols 1,000 1,000, 1,050 1,050 511 Equipment Rental 2,500 2,085 1,000 1,000 555 Qipital Outlay Rental - - 467 467 I 'Ibtal Onerations and Maintenance 105,303 94.609 89 394 90 097 Caoital Outlav 1 623 BuUdo zer - - 22, 000 22,000 645 Laboratory Equiprent 2,249 2,067 - - . 'Ibtal Caoi tal Outlav 2,249 2,067 22.000 22,000 Activitv 'Ibtal $379.157 $357 213 $367 773 $378,024 .. . I 6 crTYOF KlWAY DEPARTMENrAL ACTIVITY DErAIL Departnent: Activity: Activity Public Services Cbde: 407 Utilities Division ~ Collection M:l.intenance ACrIVrrY. CDIotoIEm'ARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPrION Within the Utilities Division, the Se\oier Collection Maintenance division is charged wi th thellBintenance of all City ~ system rrains and their appurtenant service laterals. The rrajor functional, I!Eiintenance and repair areas inclllde cleaning all sewer lIBins on a regular schedule, cleaning sewer laterals,. lIBintaining all lIBnlxlles to grade, inspecting sewer lIBin oondition by use of. video equipnent, eliminating growxl water infiltration by in-place grouting and/or repair. ACTIVITY mALS A.'ID OBJEX:TIVES 1. To prevent all sewer backups due to blockages caused by grease or solids and ~t penetration. 2. To ensure uaxill1LlIll sewer lIBin capacity available. 3. To lIBintain optimum access to sewer facilities for rninill1LlIll resp:mSe tine handling oomplaints. ACTIVITY I'ORKIOAD STATISTICS 1982-83 1983-84 ESTIMATED FOREX:ASTED Footage of ~ Mains Cleaned 370,000 450,000 Nl.mt>er of Sewer M:l.in Stoppages 15 10 Nl.mt>er of Sewer lateral Service Calls 50 60 SIGNIFICANl' ACl'IVITYPRlGRAM CHAN:;ES CHAN:;E Vehicle lIBintenance operation and rental reflect - $11,878 1 the savings of replacing Vactor gaS engine with diesel. Operating SUpplies have increased due to the + $ 3, 457 I need to stock ,additional repair parts and other supplies. Capi tal Outlay reflects the oosts for the die,sel + $39,777 1 engine for the Vactor, the upgrade of the sewer lIBin video carrera and trench safety shoring. 1 1 1 1 1 I 10 , OTY OF, EOWAY, DEPARTMElfflIL ACTIVITY DErAIL 1 Departnent: Activity: Activity 1 Cbde: 407 Public Services Sewer Collection Maintenance Obj. 1982-83 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 Cbde Exoense Classification Budaet EstillBted Prooosed Approved I Personnel, J:.:Xi:Jeiise RanoF Ebsition, Title 194 Construction loBintenance 1 SUpervisor 20,303 19,071 22,246 23,282 179 Construction M:1intenance W::lrker III 18,077 18,327 18,996 18,258 169 Construction loBintenance 1 W::lrker II (3) 42,823 38,292 47,268 49,292. Salaries - Standby 1,464 - - - 1 110 Salaries - Regular 82,667 75,690 88,510 90,832 113 Salaries - Overtine 1,008 1,332, 1,500 1,500 120 Frinqe Benefits 31.470 30.472 ,34 119 35,931 'Ibtal. Personnel 115,145 107,494 124.129 128,263 1 Operations and loBintenance 212 Water - Interlund 800 27 625 625 262 Vehicle Operations 7,950 6,179 9,700 9,700 1 263 Vehicle Maintenance 20,.694 23,220 8,949 9,300 264 Vehicle Rental 15,492 15,492 14,013 14,013 270 Travel and Meetings - - 50 50 1 313 Uniforms, Laundry, Dry Cleaning 1,350 1,266 1,595 1,595 316 ~ieal Exams 70 70 170 170 417 Operating SUpplies 5,500 4,763 8,220 8,220 420 SlIall 'Ibols 500 476 500 500 I I I 'Ibtal Ooerations and Maintenance 52 356 51 493' 43,822 44 173 Capital Outlav I 621 Autos and Trucks - - 19,000 19,000 622 Other El:IUipment - - 27 , 500 27, 500 645 Laboratory El:IUi~t 7,159 6,723 - - I 'Ibtal Capital Outlav 7.159 6,723 46 500 46.500 I Activitv Total $174.660 $165,710 $214 451 $218.936 'I' I n, - I gTYOF tOWAY DEPARTMENI1u. ACTIVITY DErAIL Departnent: Activity: Activity Facilities Maintenance Cbde: 408 Public Services and Warehousin lV..."J.'.l.vJ.'J."i CD~ ACrIVITY DESCRIPl'ION The Facilities Mtintenance activity provides in-house janitorial service to' the City 1 Hall, ColIll1UIlity Center, including the expanded Waingart Center, and 'Planning Depart- !lent building. Building lIBfntenance and repair activities for the above facilities, including the Field Operations, Vehicle and Equipmant Maintenance Centers and the I rake Ebway Park buildings are petiorned by this division. The Warehousing operation will oontinue to provide physical lIBterial control services 1 for all City departnents in addition to handling utility division IlBterial. ACTIVITY mALS ANJ OBJECTIVES 1 1. To provide illproved in-house janitorial services to City Hall, Col11l1lll1i.ty and Waingart Centers and the Planning Departnent. I 2. To provide as nuch in-house facility lIBintenance and repair service as practical. 3. To oontinue providing physieal lIBterial oontrol for all City departnents. I SIGNIFICANl' ACITVITY PRlGRAM CHAN:;ES OWGE Personnel oosts reflect the addition of a + $62,654 1 Senior Building M3.intenance \"biker, Building Maintenance W::lrker and Storekeeper. Vehicle Operations, Maintenance and 'Rental + $12,575 I reflect the costs for an additional vehicle. Janitorial Services has been deleted and + $ 4,060 I R&M Buildings, Janitorial. Supplies and Operating SUpplies reflect the oost for the City 'staff 'providing this'service. 1 Capi tal Outlay costs reflect the cost of + $' 1,748 a truck and professional vacuum cleaner. I I I 1 1 . 1 109 OTY OF RlWAY 1 DEPARTMENrAL ACTIViTY, DErAIL Departnent: Activity: Activity 1 Facilities Maintenance and Cbde: 408 Public Services WarehousiIlq, Obj. 1982-83 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 1 Cbde ~nseClaS~tiOn Budaet EstillBted PIOIDsed Awroved Personnel nse RangE Ebsition Title I' 174 Sr. Bldg. Maint. W::lrker - - 15,444 16,062 169 Purchasing Technician 17,489 17,489 17,489 18,187- 169 O:mstruction. Maintenance W::lrker II 16,142 16,142 - - 1 159 Bldg. MaintenanceW::lrker (3 15,592, 21,746 42,818 44,568, 159 Storekeeper - - 19,125 19,125 1 110 Salaries - Regular 49,223 55,377 94,876 97,942 113 Salaries - Overtine - 3,536 - - 120 Fringe Benefits 21,161 20,309 40,650 43,907 1 'Ibtal Personnel 70.384 79.222 135.526 141 849 Ooerati.cms and' Maintenance 1 262 Vehicle Operations 1,500 1,635 2,250 2,250 263 Vehicle Maintenance 5,711 2,231 8,948 9,300 264 Vehicle Rental 1,137 1,137 6,028 6,028 1 312 Jani torial Services - 1,009 - - 313 Uniforms, Laundry, Dry Cleaning 1,540 665 1,592 1,592 331 R&M - Buildings - - 2,200 2,200 1 332 R&M - A/C - - 100 100 411 Office & Stationery Supplies - - 240 240 412 Janitorial Supplies - - 2,825 2,825 417 Operating Supplies 11,700 10,499 10,900 10,900 1 420 SlIBll 'Ibols 500 537 600 600 511 Equipment Rental 500 - 500 500 I I 'Ibtal Ooerat~ons and Maintenance 22,588 17.713 36.183 36...L 535 CaoitalOutlav 1 621 Autos and Trucks - - 5,000 5,000 622 Other Equip. N:lt Otherwise 4,557 3,852 600 600 Classified 1 'Ibtal Caoi tal Outlav 4.557 3,852 5,600 5..,:600 Activity 'Ibtal $97,529 $100,787 $177,309 $183 984 1 1 I LID 1 OTY OF EOWAY , 1 DEPARTMENrAL ACTIVITY DErAIL Department: Activity: Activity 1 Cbde: 409 Public Services Vehicle and I'n11i"""'nt Maintenance ACl'IVITY CO~Y I ACTIVITY DESCRIPrION The Vehicle and Equipnent Maintenance Division provides vehicle, equipnent and field I lIBintenance supp:>rt for the City. The activities of this division relate to rrain- tenance, repair, !IOdification and fabrication of all types of City lIOtorized and construction-naintenance equipment from Fire DepartIrent purrpers to Park. Departrrent lawn !lOwers. I This activity is financed by Charging each of the oost centers that have been assigned vehicles and/or equipment for the a:lst of rraintaining their vehicles and/or equiprent. I ACTIVITY mALS AND OBJEX:TIVES 1. 'Ib extend the anticipated service life of all City-owned vehicles and equiprent 1 through routine and preventive rraintenance programs. 2. To insPect, rraintain, repair and overhaul all City lIOtori,zed equiprent. 3. 'Ib evaluate service vehicles, determine their service life and' advise replace- I !lent needs. ACTIVITY I'ORKIOAD Sl'ATISTICS 1982-83 1983-84 E.S'I'IMI\TID FOREX:ASTED 1 Passenger Vehicles 8 8 Light Industrial (1 ton and below) 31 33 I Heavy Industrial (over 1 ton) 4 5 Tractors 6 8 Safety Services 16 16 Miscellaneous Equiprent 82 85 I SIGNIFICANl' ACTIVITY' ProGRAM CHAN:;ES CHAN:;E Gas, electricity and natural gas a:lsts + $ 1,498 I reflect the increase in utility rates.' Vehicle rraintenance and vehicle operation cost - $ 6,062 I reductions are due to the equiprent replace- , !lent program for older vehicles. Operating Supplies reflect the a:lsts ofautollOtive + $ 4,211 I lIBterials necessary for vehicle rraintenance. Capi tal Outlay rental of equipnent needed in the + $ 1,000 I lIBintenance of City vehicles. Capital Outlay oosts decreased due to the purchase - $ 6,381 I of necessary shop tools in FY 82-83. I 1 1 111 CITY OF FOWAY DEPARTMENrAL ACrrVITY DErAIL 1 Departnent: Activity: Activity I Cbde: 409 Public Services Vehicle and nt M3.i ntenance Obj. 1982-83 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 Code ExPense Classification Budqet Estirrated Prooosed Approved 1 Personnel ExPense Ranqe Ebsi tion Title 203 Equipnent Maintenance 1 Supervisor 23,077 25,425 24,429 25,397 188 Equipnent M=chanic (2) 43,581 44,703 44,610 45,467 Salaries - Standby - - 2,092 2,092 1 110 Salaries - Regular 66,658 70,128 71,131 72,956 113 Salaries - Overtime - 1,941 - - 1 120 Fringe Benefits 25,238 25,885 26,267 28,087 'Ibtal Personnel 91,896 97,954 97,398 101,043 1 Ot:erations and M3.intenance 210 Gas and Electricity 2,666 2,702 3,600 3,600 211 Natural Gas - - 600 600 I 212 water - Interfund - - 240 240 215 Teleplxlne and Telegraph - .,. - - 216 Trash Rerroval 354 354 360 360 1 262 Vehicle Operations 750 642 900 900 263 Vehicle Maintenance 45,500 40,320 34,000 34,000 264 Vehicle Rental 1,401 1,401 1,401 1,401 270 Travel and Meetings - - 300 300 1 313 Uniforms, Laundry, Dry Cleaning 1,345 1,294 993 993 315 Publications and Dues - - 30 30 316 M!rllcal ElGms 70 14 135 135 331 R&M - Buildings - - 500 500 I 335 R~~ -Outside Vehicle Repair 7,000 4,639 3,000 3,000 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 100 23 100 100 417 Operating Supplies 5,970 3,689 7,900 7,900 1 ,420 Srmll Tcols 330 328 - - 531 Expense Credits <167,472 <153,360 <154,457 <158,102 ' 555 Capital Outlay Rental - - 1,000 1,000 1 TOtal Operations and Maintenance (101,986 (97,954 (99,398 (103,043 Capi tal Outlav I 651 ShJp Tcols 10,090 8,381 2,000 2,000 I I 'Ibtal Capital Outlav 10,090 8 381 2 000 2,000 Activitv Total 0 $8,381 0 0 1 I ,... ,... DEPAR'IMENTAL OIARl' OF ORGANIZATIOO IV CITY MANAGER 013 DIRECl'OR SAFETY SERVICES 500 FIRE FIRE LAW S(JpPRESSICN PREVENTION PARAMEi:ncs ENFORCEMENf 501 502 503 505 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 113 1 OTY OF EOWAY DEPARTMENI'AL AcrIVITY OVERVIEW 1 Dept. Cbd, Departrrent: Fund Distribution: General Fund: $2,990,187 1 500 Safety Services Revenue Sharing: $33,000 OTS: $51,726 I EXPENSE 1981-1982 1982-1983 1982-1983 1983-1984 1983-1984 CIASSIFICATION ACTUAL Burx;Er ESTIW\TED proEOsm APProVED I 'Ibtal <bsi tions 28 28 28 32 32 1 Personnel Elq:ense 993,487 1,022,976 1,049,351 1,128,089 1,148,240 Operations 1,014,795 1,802,784 1,713,578 1,829,998 1,831,492 1 and Maintenance Capital Outlay 46,162 32,225 23,024 95,181 95,181 I IDTAL Burx;Er $2,054,444 $2,857,985 $2,785,953 $3,053,268 $3,074,913 1 OVERVIEW mMMENrARY 1 The DepartIrent of Safety Services is responsible for rreeting the public's safety needs and derrands of the City., The Departnent is divided into five operating divi- I sions which include the Office of the Director, Fire SUppression, Fire Prevention, Param=dics and Law Enforcerrent. The Director of Safety Services is app:>inted by the City r-Bnager and supervises the I five operating divisions. The resp:>nsibilities of the Departnent include protect- ing the lives and properties of all citizens from fire or other disasters, carrying out a planned fire prevention and fire education program for the entire City, 1 providing for high quality emergency medical services for those suffering from injury or other medical traurra, administering the City's contract for Law Enforce- !lent and safe effective traffic enforcement through the San Diego Cbunty Sheriff's Office. I I I I I 1 114 CITY OF R)WAY DEPARTMENI'AL AcrIVITY DErAIL Depart.rrent: Activity: Activity Cbde: 500 Safet Seivices Office of the Director ACl'IVITY CDMo!ENrARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPrION The resI;Onsibilities of the Office of the Director include direct supervision, CXlOr- dination and mntrol of all departnental activities for the Departnent of Safety Services. The Director of Safety ?&vices is apI;Ointed by the City M3.nager and functions in a staff capacity to advise elected and apI;Ointed officers mncerning the City's safety services needs and requirenents. Staff assigned to the Director!s office ensures that the law enforcerrent programs, fire protection capabilities and building mdes and ordinances are mnsistent with the I;Olicies and procedures of the City. ACTIVITY <IlArS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Refine the present programs on weed abatenent and the abandoned vehicle program; 2. Eliminate the threat to public safety that abandoned buildings rray cause. 3. Inplenent the procedures for fOllow-up on Ordinance No. 26, the Burglary Alarm 1 Ordinance. ACTIVITY I'ORKIOAD srATISTICS I 1982-83 1983-84 I ESTL'lATED FOREX:ASTED 300 , Fire (Structure/Grass) 250 Pararredic TransI;Orts 700 750 I SIGNIFlCANI' ACTIVITY ProGRAM CHAN3ES CHAN3E I A new vehicle is to be purchased for the Director. + $9;500 The old vehicle will be assigned to the Fire Marshal and a surplus vehicle will be reassigned 1 to Public Services. A new I;Ortable pager which also has a bo-v.e.y mrrmun- + $1,250 I ication function is being purchased to provide the Director with better mrrmunications capabilities. A new typewriter is being purchased to replace + $1,100 I existing typewriter. I 1 I 1 1J.5 CITY OF EOWAY DEPARTMENrAL ACTIVITY DErAIL 1 Departrrent: Activity: Activity Cbde : 500 1 Safety Services Office of the Di:rector Obj. 1982-83 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 Cbde ExcenseClassification Budaet Estinated Prooo sed Approve:l 1 PerSonnel Exoense Ranae Ebsi tion Title 248 Director 39,948 37,190 39,936 41,533 I 227 Fire Battalion. Chief 30,335 31,539 32,412 33,719 163 Administrative Secretary 17,331 17,331 17,331 17,840 143 Vacation/Sick Relief - - 2,162 2,162 1 . 110 Salaries - Regular 87,614 86,060 91,841 95,254 120 Fringe Benefits 31,956 31, 578 31, 585 33,908 I 'Ibtal Perscnnel 119,570 117,638 123.426 129,162 Operations and Maintenance 262 Vehicle Operations 2,400 2,305 3,000 3,000 I 263 Vehicle Maintenance 7,920 3,949 2,237 2,325 264 Vehicle Rental 2,802 2,802 1,401 1,401 270 Travel and M=etings 1,020 1,003 2,030 2,030 I 311 Printing 109 100 150 150 313 Uniforms, Laundry, Dry Cleaning 677 606 665 665 314 O:lrrinunity Relations 200 161 240 240 315 Publications and Dues 400 383 400 400 I 316 Medical Exams 135 45 200 200 317 Education and Training 460 456 200 200 325 Vehicle Regulation 500 335 500 500 1 331 R&M - Building 200 122 200 200 334 R&M - Equiprent 750 672 1,050 1,050 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 350 342 500 500 412 Janitorial Supplies - - 200 200 I 417 Operating Supplies 950 875 500 500 514 Lease Purchase 1,200 1,267 1,200 1,200 I Total Operations and Maintenance 20,064 15 423 14,673 14,761 Capi tal Outlav I 611 O:lmputer Terminal 3,750 2,970 - - 611 Office Equiprrent - - 1,100 1,100 621 AutoITDbile - - 9,500 9,500 622 Pager - - 1,250 1,250 I I Total Capi tal Outlav 3,750 2,970 11,850 11,850 Activitv Total $143,384 $136,031 $149,949 $155,773 I I 1 116 ,I OTYOF .EOWAY DEPARTMENl'AL JI.crIVITY DETAIL I Departnent: Activity: Activity Cbde: 501 . Safety Services Fire SUDDression ACJ!NITY CD~Y 1 AcrIVITY DESCRIPrION The Fire Departnent is charged with the res[:qnsibility to protect the life and prop- I erty of all of the citizens of Poway from fire and other disasters. The Fire SUppression Division resr;onds to all ,energency calls for hel? to render the proper assistance to those in need. EEergemcy resr;onse is the llOst obvious way of ful~ I filling these resr;onsibilities, ,but.noh~rgency activities are also essential in this division. N:m-emergency calls, lockouts, snake rerrovals and, flooding incidents are handled by this activity. Training, lIBintenance of equipm=rit.i irairiten- ance of station and fire hydrants, pre-fire planning, fire ccrrpany insPection and I bicycle licensing are other activities, In which the Fire SUP?ression personnel are involved. ACl'IVITY OOALS AND OBJEcrIVES . 1. Maintain the high level of service that has been proviq,ed in. the past. 2. Strive for llOre oontact with the, citizens; inform them of available services I through enhanced oorrrnunity relations programs. 3. Create a training program to provide aJ.lpersonnel with infornation and train- ing for new technology and the latest state-of-the-art tactics and strategies. SIGNIFICANl' AcrIVITY ProGRAM CHAN3ES CHAN3E " 1 Travel arrl Meeting oosts have increased to provide + $ 2,059 I training opr;ortunities for Firefighters. Vehicle Rental acoount has increased due + $ 7,521 to prior year's purchase of new apparatus. I Replacenent fire hose, fire ladders and other + $18,450 safety equipnent to be purchased. . Six traffic signals are to have ,the optioom + $37,500 equipnent installed during FY 83-84 and five additional emitters are to be purchased. 1 The shower in the Fire Station Headquarters is + $ 6,800 to be tiled. I I 1 ". I 1 117 OTY OF EOwAY DEPARTMENI'AL ACl'IVITY DErAIL I : ",",UVll:Y: SaJ etv Services Fire Sunnre ssion Cbde: 501 I UDJ. l~~-o.;> .1.'0"'-0.) -'-::70.)-0" -r.10';>-0" Code ExPense Classification Budaet Estirrated procosed Annroved Personnel ExPense I Rana< Ebsition Title 212 Fire Captain (6) 109,002 110'152 133,801 135,815 200 . Fire Engineer' (6) 150,424 150 15 151,368 153,646 1 187 ,Fire Firefighters (9.4) 170,890 196;612 183,058 185,813 Callback 12,000 12,000 6,960 6,960 110 Salaries - Regular 442,316' 469,079 475,187 482,234 I 113 Salaries - Overtime 68 867 68 867 65,698 65 698 120 Fringe Benefits 164;196 162;630 190,837 193;218 'Ibtal Personnel 675,379 700,576 731,722 741,150 1 Onerations and Maintenance 131 Volunteer Service 17,250 13,888 20,000 20,000 145 Data prdcessing Consultant 1 650 1 640 1 000 1 000 1 210 Gas and Electncity 25;400 22;888 26;400 26;400 216 Trash RerTOval - - 840 840 260 Reirrtlursed Mileage - - 250 250 262 V~cle ~rations 15,000 14,016 15,000 15 000 263 Vehicle lntenance 21,508 29,866 24,609 25 '575 1 264 Vehicle Rental 27,639 27,639 35,160 35;160 270 T~vel and Meetings 2,600 2,541 4,600 4,600 311 Pnntlng 775 742 850 850 313 Uniforms, L3.undIT, Dry Cleaning 5,600 5,620 5,800 5,800 314 Communlty Relatlons 300 270 300 300 1 315 Publicatlons and Dues 520 376 900 900 316 Medical Exams 2,255 95 2,700 2,700 317 El:lucation and Training 2,360 2,246 3 090 3 090 320 Outside Emer€ren~ Asslstance 9 000 605 15;000 15;000 I 322 Dl~tch Con a 23;273 23,273 24,914 24,914 331 R&i - BUildings 3 125 3,055 3,050 3,050 334 R&M - EqlJ.j. prent 3'113 2,655 3,000 3,000 337 R&r>1 - RadlOS 4;500 3,950 4,800 4,800 399 Contractual Services - - 3,500 3,500 1 411 Office & Stationery Supplies 2,100 2,124 1,500 1,500 412 Janitorial Su~lies 1,400 1,344 1,500 1,500 413 Photo~raphic pplies 240 145 240 240 417 Opera ing Suppl1es 13,090 13,214 13,000' 13, 000 , 420 Sfiall Tools 500 474 750 750 I 511 Equipment Rental 1,210 - - - 514 Lease PUrchase 5,990 6,529 5,990 5,990 555 Ca'pi t:al Outlay Rental - - 1;875 1,875 I 'Ibtal Onerations and Maintenance 190,398 179,195 220.618 221. 584 Capital Outlav 1 626 Safety Equipment 25, 375 17,010 - - 611- 672 Outlay - - 62,750 62,750 I 'Ibtal Capital Outlay 25, 375 17,010 62 750 62,750 Activitv 'Ibtal $891 152 $896.781 $1.015 090 $1 025.484 I I I 113 OTY OF;EOWAY DEPARTMENI'A.L Acrrv:ITY DErAIL Departlrent: Activity: Activity Code: 502 Safet Services Fire Prevention N::rrJITY CDM0IDRY ACrIVITY DESCRIPI'ION This activity is devcted to the prevention of fires within the City of Ebway and. to lessen the inpact on the City should a fire 0=. A program of Fire Preventi9n Inspections is carried out in 'allo:lrmercial, industrial ar:d, insti tutional facilities throughout the City on a year around basis'. This division carries out those o:ldes and ordinances adopted by the City, such as the UnifOrm Fire Cede; Building Cede; an::l any related o:ldes ar:d ordinances. The State Public Safety Code, Title 19, is also enforced locally by this office. In addition to the fire prevention aCtivities, all public education programs regard- ing the hazards of fire are handled by this division. Programs for schools, institu- tions, clubs or special interest groups are"provided with the"e services. New programs developed are also handled by this division, i.e., Fire 'Flow Program, Weed Abaterrent Program, Vehicle Abaterrent Program (Abandoned Vehicle Program), an::l Nuisances. 1 This division also carries out the fire investigation needs of' the department to ascertain the cause of fire on any incident of questionable origin. The fire losses and saves are also calculated here. I This division also provides consultation services to the public to ,advise how adequate fire protection can be achieved. Plan checks for new buildings and sub- 1 divisions g:J throlJgh this office as v.lell as corrplaints and weed problems. ACITVITY <IlAlS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Centinue to rraintain the inspection program. I 2. Increase the public education; program on the hazards of fire in the City's schools, pUblic assemblies and residences. I 3. Develop and cocrdinate <fire conpany inspection program. SIGNIFICANT AcrrvITY PFOGRAM CHAN:;ES CHAN:;E Addi tion of a s~rn Fire Prevention Inspector. + $19,060 I Vehicle rental and rraintenance ,has been increased as +, $ 3,761 a result of transferring an existing vehicle to this I, division for use by the Fire Prevention Specialist. Nuisance abaterrent costs have been increased by $12,000 + $ 2,000 1 for the rerroval of abandoned buildings, also, decreased by $10,000 as a result of illproved collpliance. Capi tal Outlay items include canera equipment and + $ 3,765 I office furniture. 1 I . I I 119 CITY OF, EOWAY DEPARTMENI'AL AcrIVITY 'DErAIL 1 Department: Activity: Activity Cbde: 502 1 Safetv Services Fire Prevention Obj. 1982-83 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 Cbde ExPense, Classification Budqet Estirrated Prooosed Aporoved 1 Personnel. ExPenSe RanaE' FositionTitle 227 Fire Battalion Chief 30,033 30, 511 32,412 33,692 1 192 Fire Prevention Inspector - - 19,060 19,060 1 110 Salaries -Regular 30,033 30,511 51,472 52,752 120 Fringe Benefits 10,955 10,727 18,517 19,861 1 ~ 'Ibtalpersonnel 40,988 41,238 69,989 72 , 613 Operations and Maintenance 1 262 Vehicle Operations 1,200 1,506 1,500 1,500 263 Vehicle Maintenance 1,881 795 4,474 4,650 ,264 Vehicle Rental 1,401 1,401 2,569 2,569 1 270 Travel and Meetings 840 824 800 800 311 Printing 450 422 456 456 313 Uniforms, Laundry, Dry Cleaning 525 525 470 470 314 Cbrnmunity Relations 385 358 996 996 I 315 Publications and Dues 550 497 757 757 31:6 ~cal Exams 90 - 100 100 317 El:!ucation and Training 50 76 200 200 1 324 Nuisance Abaterrent 35,000 20,024 37,000 37,000 411 Office & Stationery SUpplies 240 167 252 252 413 Photographic SUpplies 120 62 120 120 417 operating SUpplies 500 516 500 500 1 514 Lease Purchase 600 682 600 600 I TOtal Operations and Maintenance 43,832 27,855 50;794 50,970 Capi tal0utlav 1 611 Office Furniture - - 2,165 2,165 611 Carrera Equi puent - - 1,600 1,600 622 De;ronstration Kit - - 200 200 1 626 Explosion Meter 1,500 1,479 - - I 'Ibtal Capital Outlav 1,500 1,479 3,965 3,965 Activitv Total $86,320 $70,572 $124,748 $127 ,548 I 1 I 120 I OTYOE: ,EOWAY DEPARTMENrAL AcrIVITY DE:l'AIL Departnent: Activity: Activity I Cbde: 503 Safetv Services Paranedics I ACl'IVITY OJ/ot!ENI'ARY AcrIVITY DESCRIPrION The third division of the Fire Departrrent is,,the Em!rgencY M=dical Services \?rogram. I Developed over the years from a very mi,nirral, first aid \?rogram, it row \?rovides a highly so\?histicated level of errergenCY rredical treatnent to needed victims in the ,I field, bringing the errergency room from the oosptial to the scene. There are nine firefighters on the Ebway Fire Department that havepara.rreqic skills. Each has passed a five nonth oourse, of intensified errergency rredical training, j;ermit- I ting them to perform advanced errergency rredical assistance under the direction of a nedical doctor or certified nurse. These paranedics are part of the Fire Departnent team, and rot only serve as I Firefignter/Pararredics, but also as teachers. Cb1lIl1UI1ity education 'as well as CPR classes are handled by this division. The operation of the Paranedic team is rranaged by a Captain/Paranedic CbOrdinator. I The coordinator rraintains close oontact with the other \?roviders in the Cbuilty errergency health care system, ensuring up to date and snooth operation of ,the Ebway Pararredic team. I AcrrvITY <IlALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Increase the skills of each team 'llEIIlber through attendance at rredical education I \?rograms. 2. Increase the flow of inforllBtion to th,e ci ti zens on errergency rredical services through the \?ublic education programs. I 3. Increase disaster/rrass casuaJ.ty planning and training. SIGNIFICANI' AcrIVITY proGRAM CHAN3ES CHAN3E The Vehicle Rental rate was increased to provide + $4,995 I for future replacement of the new ambulance ~~t was purchased in IT 82-83. I The new'vehicle reduces the Vehicle Maintenance acoount. - $1,122 Education and Training has been increased to +$3,356 I \?rovide for paranedic recertification classes and other related training programs. M=dical Su\?\?lies have been increased to \?rovide for the + $2,825 I purchase of needed replacement sup\?lies. operating SUpplies have been decreased from IT 82-83. - $2, 221 I Outlay items include a Cardiac /obnitor/Defibrillator + $8,606 to be \?urchased to replace an existing rrodel. I I . I I 121 CITY OF EOWAY DEPARTMENI'AL AcrIVITY DErAIL I Departrrent: Activity: Activity I Code: 503 Safetv Services Paranedics Obj. 1982-83 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 Cbde ExDense Clas~tion B - t Estirrated Prooosed Approved I Perronnel nse Rana, Position Title I paranedics (5.6) 113,926 116,964 117,404 119,170 Special Proficiency Pay 17,400 17,400 18,000 18,000 I 110 Salaries - Regular 131,326 134,364 135,404 137,170 113 Salaries - Overtirre 10,000 10,000 13,928 13,928 120 Fringe Benefits 45,713 45,535 53,620 54,217 I 'Ibta1 perronnel 187,039 189,899 202,952 205,315 Ooerations and M3.intenance I 262 Vehicle Operations 3,000 3,189 3,500 3,500 263 Vehicle Maintenance 8,426 5,772 4,474 4,650 264 Vehicle Rental 4,905 4,905 9,900 9,900 I 270 Travel and Meetings 1,200 1,188 1,980 1,980 314 CoIlIIlllnity Relations - - 200 200 315 Publications ,and Dues 410 283 410 410 I 317 Education and Training 1,900 1,834 5,190 5,190 334 R&M- Equiprrent 1,740 1,725 2,180 2,180 411 Office & Stationery SUpplies 300 141 200 200 414 M=dical SUpplies - - 2,825 ' 2,825 I 417 Operating SUpplies 3,203 3,021 800 800 514 Lease Purchase 1,200 1,267 1,200 1,200 I I 'Ibtal Ooerations and M3.intenance 26,284 23,325 32,859 33,035 Capital Olitlav I 622 Safety Equipnent 1,600 1,565 8,606 8,606 I I 'Ibtal Capital Outlav 1,600 1,565 8,606 8,606 ActiVlty Total $214,923 $214,789 $244,417 $246,956 I I I 122 I, CITY OF KlWAY DEPARTMENI'AL ACTIVITY DErAIL I Departnent: Activity: Activity Cbde: 505 I Safety Services Law Enforcenent ACrNITY CDz.tlENrARY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPl'ION The San Diego COunty Sheriff's Department has furnished the City 'of Foway with I rontractual law enforcerrent services for the past. three years. As we enter' into the new oontract year we have seen an overall reduction in Part I ciirres (nurder, rape, robbery, assualt with a deadly weap:>n, etc.) of 7% per 1000p:>pulation.part I II crirres (vandalism, disturbance of the peace, trespassing, etc.) have droppeSl 3%. In individual categories, residential burglaries have dropped 3% and CDIl1TE>rCial burglaries have dropped a significan~ 36% over the previous year. We attribute these reductions to the City's total law enforcenent program with high visibility of I l:oth patrol and traffic cars in the rormnmity. The interest by the public in' the Neighborhood Watch Program indicates that something can and will be cbne when the Sheriff's Departrrent is called. ACTIVITY <IlALS AND OBJECl'IVES I 1. 'Ib rontinue to reduce crine in the corrrnuni ty . I 2. 'Ib reduce the nurreer of traffic accidents within the -Ci"y with a oontinued errphasis on the intoxicated driver. 3. 10 highlight pedestrain safety programs for older citizens, increase school programs on pedestrian safety and to alert the coI1fuuJiity in general of the I necessi ty of safety for the pedestrians of Ebway. SIGNIFlCANr ACTIVITY PRJGRAM CHAN;ES CHAN;E I The Vehicle Maintenance and Vehicle Rental + $1,150 acrounts have been increased to provide for mintenance andreplacerrent of the rrotorcycle I that was purchased in FY 82-83. The contract services a=unt has been added to + $6,000 I to srow the cost of rrerrOership in ARJIS (AutollBted Regional Justice Inforrratlon System). A Sheriff' s school safety program has been added + $9,430 I and safety films and lIBterials will be purchased. A Chromatograph Intoxineter and a srrall refrigerator + $6,250 will be purchased to mintain evidence taken using I the intoxineter. A desk chair and rrovie projecter is also to be + $1,200 , I purchased. I I - I I 123 OTY OF EOWAY DEPARTMENrAL ACTIVITY DErAIL I Departrrent: Activity: Activity I O:lde: 505 Safetv Services law Enforcerrent Obj. 1982-83 1982-83 1983 84 1983-84 O:lde Expense Classification Budaet EstillBted Procosed Aoproved I Personnel Expense Rana1 ft>si tion Title I I I 'Ibtal Personnel I Operations and Maintenance 262 Vehicle Operations 1,200 534 1,340 1,340 263 Vehicle Maintenance 1,000 1,467 2,237 2,325 I 264 Vehicle Rental 1,500 1,500 1,800 1,800 321 O:lrrrnuni ty Safety 1,518,506 1,463,709 1,488,997 1,488,997 325 Vehicle Regulation - 570 750 750 I 399 Other Contract Services - - 6,000 6,000 416 School Safety Patrol - - 9,430 9,430 417 Operational Supplies - - 500 500 I I I Tbtal Operations and Maintenance 1,522,206 1,467,780 1;511,054 1,511,142 Camtal Outlav / v I 611 Office Equipment - - 1,450 1,450 621 I-btorcycle - - 5,760 5,760 622 Safety Equiprrent - Radar - - 800 800 I I 'Ibtal Capital.Outlav - - 8,010 8,010 Activitv 'Ibtal $1,522,206 $1,467,780 $1 519,064 $1,519.152 I I --..._-- . -. -- . I' > , , I 1 I , 1 - 1 I. , , , I~ , 'I' ~ I \ I I I ~ '1 I I f I , IC::1TY. OF 'Et'lWAYFlNANCIAL PHlGllMi 1983-1984, J CAPITAL IMPlOVIHNl" p~, ~I - -- - _.. - - -- - - __0 - \ I -1!26 ~ I i CITY,OF :row ,i ~ITAL ~ :PR5GRAM6~l'EW " , , II , REVE:NuE ,00 . EXPENoITUREANALYSIS , qT0op, 'R)w!\y , ,I, ,s::i~ AND' .APPLICATION OF 'row,s , " I .,~ -. .' -. ... ," - .. -- f -, -- .. \ , " FISCAL "YEAR ,198;3'7198:4 FUNDIN;' I:OURCES:, I. $1 "GiO 684 I Stieet IitPfuveirent F1.frii ., GaS TciX: :383, n8t ?',\,.3RBt- 4-8/' .;;~-= 44i ;11 , .Ttaffi:i:: MiticjatiOn Fees .613,'51:4, . .- Tfuffi'c: Si'gilal Fees :2i '908 General Fuild ICai1 ~~;~~~~~ ':. , DeVelOpers Fees " , ._..,r.... _ Park, IIiP,toveuent . FIirid $189,433 ii' .---, - . &:las TrUSt :4'/257 ~ FUnd IOOh , 123',217 j?a::rJiliuxi 'DediCation :Fees 61,,959 lcd)~~~) I; priUnage FurXi ~l27!,:l82 ~~p..f .InP!OllellEl1t 'F\1Di " 70,000 ~601 ;.88,6 I ~9.ipa.l: II!PI,OYE!IIeIltFuni:i Balance' .' ..or 'Qth~fig~j;~ ;Pa~t .66;,750 ~, Fw)t:i PaYJl$lt 169;'515 , _ ,,'~ - - I, <1 j'la,1;erFl1ni:j. ~~!.- 166'592 ..c-..I u', ~ .~ J?ayrnent 129:'029 -!' Grant, Funds $509.1<448 Ii -' ,'... cOliuumi.ty 'DeI1eloprent'BlockGmnt ,(cDBG) 1'74,000 ~. W'~::'::t-) Hazard Eum:Lil. &. Safety&Fed.~ AJ.d'1o Urban, ,,176',-398 C ",.?"g, i 001, CJBGiJobs Bill ., - '''.'~ < 109,'150 ' Siiall :BusinessllCmiri. ,Jobs Bill 40,,900 I . \'Ja1:i;r ':'wld' $7G4 ,.529 16TAL , I $3,06:4","162 ; rFUN:jjjN:; APi>I.ICATIbNS , I , Sj:.;-~~ ag:! ,J,ii,.gfu!ays 1 Aio' 885 , ..-." ~..'.-~ .. 'Traffic Signals ~6!-r, ~97 I f~OJn.~i ~'Dra,ipage. ~~?,08g ,Govemnent 'Bw.ldillgs ' 535',136 -r~" -- D -'. _... ~. ,- ."~.~' ~, .-_. -. ~~ '~'9peg ,Spa~ . 189' 433: , .,-...... - ,... '" ~ .watt:.r IIrpz:o,y~~ .526,129 :. ~ S3{7641.62 , . 0' ,__" ... , , ~ , " , ;1 '\;' II~ ., - - ," d - '-~ - ,- .~- ----- / I 12'7 I CITY' OF' Few cAPI~ ~)@GAAM'QVERVI~- I :~t;' .- CAPITAL '~'POOGRAM . I '1btal '1btal ;i.siliated 'Act! vi:tyClassf:ficatlon. . '1btaI Prior 1983~1984 OoIIbined ';";''';'''remmtsi . . - ~<. .- -,. - -.. '., .<" ~ ..- "'",' ~r . ~.- ExDerldi. tUra , ' tures . tures , I $3 692 120' ,~t,ree:ts' .~.Hig!1~ys $,289,.~6~ $1,910,.885 $2',200,854' ..,..' ~ , '. 522,496' ,Traffic, SfgilalSi 162,.999 260,.497; .423,.,496 I '2' 200" 626:' : . FlOOd'. o;ritri:i1 '& Diainage, 332,544' 342,082 674,626 , or . 2',415'1773' GOvernnent Bililditigs 615,.537 535;136 :1,156,673' . I 1,646,715 ParkS and.Open 5Iiice 465,456 ,189,433 65,4,889 ' I, ,-4,'155,'000 .water IiiProverentS 23,871 526;129 550',000 I $];4-'632' 730' $1,,890\,-376 ,$3 '764, 162 $5., 654,;53~! .' 'lOTAL BUEGEl': ,~ , . - -- '.. , I: i oyER\TIEl'1. CDMo!ENrARY , II ,T~Capi.'jo"r:~J:PYe!llj!Ili:.,) p.mgram,:9f t:h,~ Ci.ty of. :R)way, Fep~ts '?Q' 9~zed plan ~or, ~ess~l!9):h~; P!1Ys,!Ca.! nee&! iQf the 'CJ:?III!)!1I1i.;y.~' pag~ ~ch! follow add tol j:he.Jive:-:lE!a! ~ital- IiTpIOYE!l!E!!l~ Pnlgram thaJ: ,~dur.il!9Fi,SCill:Year 1982:"83. .:. ,~ the ~et,.rs apptoyed ,~~ fi~ ,y~, it.jdll :~ J;Ossilile to review progress' being, rrade, costs, incurred to 'date,. ,and 'theinpHcations of j,Iiflatic5n' on future, -~, "F .. ,~ - - - .. - . - -, - . ..... --- rcosts. j. , I~' TlieinpmveuentS as set. forth in this budget fall iritothe ,f6lloWihg' six. n.ajOr' 'categories: streetS, am Higti\oays,. 'Traffic Signals, FloOd. O:ititrcl,afid Diainage, GbvernuentBUildiiigs, ParkS ,aiidOperi sp,.ces, 'ahd .\ti~ IiIpioveuents~ In the luture, ] asrieedS!.,are IderitJ:fi:ed, atteixpts 'Will be ,iIBde to prioriUze:addit.i:o,nai. pmj~ as, well as! .identifyj robable furili.'''. The fiiTe-"to raIn, w1Uch: Will be, up:lated, ,,' --'. P.. ,','" ng. ,yeaJ:,pg"" '. "'" '"'' 'annuallY" ..Will ~slstl if\;;allOcatfng '~ital Iijp~yt:1!~t;F)Jnds ~J ~,le; 1;he, Ci,ty'of l'bway 'to attaiIl'.1ts goars in" a rea&mab1e periOd of! tiIl)e. J , 'In 'addition, this' pJ:Wram, pmvidesa ,Street rIllproveaents and, Water ExpanSiori ~ --',' '.'. 'V'~' I'> ... .", .'~- _ _ -' _ '.'-~ --~. ,- _ ",.,. ~._ .<- loan program designed topmvide 'citizens a low ,interest long",t:errit lOan to provide, fiJrthe '~ioveirent of private streets and ,the elimination of'teiiP'rary, Water ] ClJIlIleC:#ons, , I , J i J . , L: ~ " , - - -, , ~ -- " " I , ""~I , , , - . g,ty 9~ FOWAY CAPITAL '~\!:EMENl' ProGRAM'.DEl'AIL 'Depa:rtlteht: Activity:, I T PUBLIC:'SERlTlCES , ,STREE.TS. 'AID'HIGHWAYS " :f!::I;NrrJ '(l)~ " i~Ol MN:PFAKSRlAD ~ .&li'i CblMimTY. RlAD. .'10, MIDIANo' IDAD: ',I' I .,... b;Q ~W''''_fuoo~,",<, .~'<9' 'Ii< ""'" "'_'_"->,ty ~ ~ J:o ~~ 'llOadWi.tlbeawarded'<;1~_il).g' FY .83:c-84. The, project: inc~udes a J:raffic ~CJIJ9.l "it ,cqmlUn4-"t:y,aro. ;Hillildale! a, ,ctil:~c 'at, tbn.alk, left turn t:D,cket ,at Victoria . ~ta~~ rand;a ~y., .O:lst 'EStiItate- i$9i2'; 000, FWldi.iiq sourCe '" 'Gas Tax $359, sob ~ , ~tigation' :Fees ~t}g:~~' '.' FY82)-83:.., '$'~~,Jijl. pe5igli'. (GaS: Tax> ~elOper. 'Q:!ncribiitioris ;py :83'-8~, c-' i$8?2',lQ9 ' 'GeneraJ.FwXi' :$162,000. \ .. 'water :Furii . ,$1'69,000' . .1202FOWAY,R5Ab RAISED' PAVDlENl" MARKERS .., GARDEN ~R:iAo 'm '8TATERlUTE67' .'Ibis project,.is PJ:OP9~ 1=0 be ftiIXied thioug'lia ~,t'fC>.r ;~j.Jpipcl,gon of'!lazaros' on' the ! . ,federill, aid, SYste!n<-1I.-E.S. i;JrantJ; .'lhegrant 'pays ,90%) 'and,City :10%' pltis"any, a:lIitiihgencies. J. OOst, EStinate - $3'~,Mo ,Fundinq '~urcei - I FAD (BFS J G,l:,an.t $3[,800 'I FY' 82-83 - $. 1,602 "'-cr, ~ Gas. ,Tax, -, $ 1,-200 FY'83-84 - $31,398 :1 1703 (!)~TY ,RlAD WIDENIN3, lSIGNM. M:lDIFICATION AND BIKE, ~ I ' . I .. .~ This ;p!:Oject 'was a~tfudzed guri!19 ,~ 81-'82 FY' am. a:ll1Pleted durigg FY: 81-ll,3.~ ~ projeCt , '~~ CblIllUl1i:ty'Road from ,~way,'~ 5!?uth to Civic ,Cei1t:er Drive and ,IlCdi,fie<;1 til~' sigI:ial I ~t tile i!l~se,ction 'to' allOw, for a,let,t !:urn ~,w iilid.a Preempt device to ~w ~,9cesS' ac:cross t!JEl inteiseCti6n:for ,the Fi;-e 'Si:a!-iop #J, during euErgEmCy ,runs,. 'and t1il!' in9.l_~i.o.n of, " ~bi~-~. $,0,,-/(.,))44- ' { I.' 'OOst:'" '$195',627' ' :Fundinq ;1burce-~:tiga.tion FeeS'$J.6,~143 Ii, '~l'kellllliY Grant ,$29 ;0484 , '1204' ESFOIA',RlAD' ,WIDENf~l VALf.E'VOOE' '10 WESTERNLIMrTS I ".. .,.,-. -- -.J; ";,..,,. - ,."., "" · ,"",.,.", "" -,..;, ,-."",", J vei:'de~lmd to tlle, western City .limit;~ o,n ~ra PIJild. I Qjst EstiItate, -, ~390, 000 F'lIixifnq' soUrCe - .. 1 Traffic' Miti tion Fees $344 461 " GeiletalFUfij~ '- '$ 4~:539 j D~ I -I FY ~2-.83 .., $ 22'1722/f~l':deSign~'r:i9I1tC9f~y ac.qu,fsi'~ion :1Geiier;U ,Fund,'h. , F:Y' 83-84 - $367127,8 ,for'CXlnstructioQ ('Mi,ti<:1litiOnFees$.344;461,Geneial F'\ln:l. $22,81,7,J,,, \ , '1 " , r.<J \ rl,~ ~ ,- Ij - - ~ - .-- - 1)1 ',.;c~ ~-v~, 129, , I CITY OF ,RlWAY ~TAL ~PRlGRAM DE:rAIL il DEPARTMENl': AC:nVrrY : PUBLIC $ERVIc;ES S'l'REEn'SAND HIGHWAYS I"., 'lbtal 'lbtal Pro jeci . Project Description EstlnateC Prior 83'"84'. 84;';85 8!Hl6 ,86'"87 87":88, ,J. . Code Cbst . E'.stiDate Estirrate, E'.stiDate E'.stiDate , I 1201 Twin 'Peaks Road lIIpmveaent from . Commmi.ty Road .to ,I Midland Road 972000 89891 882109 " I .. 1202 R:lwa.y Road Raised ,PaveDent Markers Prom Garden Road to. StilteRoute 67 33000 'l.602 31398 I , I- '1203 CbIJ11lW1i. ty Road WideIUlXJ and Signal , ,M:xlification' at ,I R)wayRoad ' 105820 ' 1056,27 ,. .1 1204 Es{x>la Road Widen- tlXJ:-Valle Verde to WesternLimi tS 390000' 22722 367278, I .' I , ,I Af::ITYTI'i IDTAL' I ~' . l' i~- -" . . -- -------- - --..-. ! (JI .,.' .,,1 -,--~ , " , 110 .- - CITY OF EOWAY' CAPITAL IMProVEMENr ProGRAM ,DEl'AIL. Depar1:nent: ~vity:: , I; PUBLIC sm\TI~ Sl'REm'S AND HIGHWAYS (cont'd) ACITtr'fY cDMMENrARY' 1:' 120.5\ Sl'ONE CANYON OOAD'IMPIDVEMENrS 1 , :r!ris project loDuld wi~ the travel way.,.ilrprove:,the drcilnage, and ilIprove t11e. 'curve on ,J stone ailiyon. ' nti.s project, when colIil1eted, will serve as an alternate, access to the Green Valley area. tbstEstlmate - $322,400. . Fundinq Source .., qenera1. Fund $170.,365 I ol"" Gels Tax $10.3,635 FJ '82-'8} - :$ .35,0.03 for design lGerieral FUrXi) Water Fund $ 48,400. F't.83'-84 - $287,397 for ~nstruction 1206IDWAY' OOAD MEDIANS '. 'l!1is pJ:Oject provides for the installation Of~pedrai') necllansafong E\:lway Read from Tarascan-Driveto Bowron 'Read. (I=O~\;;J.~. I CbstEstimate,- $ll6,90.<!.~ t.'j) ';;J(,,4-~.Fundinq. Source- , 'I, -' '" c... 'l^-' l; Mitigation Fees \0 $ 2,75Q F't 82-83 - $ 2,649 for design cDsts :Jobs.Bill \~ " $10.9 '150' .1 .,. "t 1~#cMitiga~ri, GeneraU'Urid.J. Gerierai' :Funi~~ $ 5;0.0.0. F't 83-84- $,10.9,159 for co~n, (JObs Bill) $5,10.1 for, design costs (Traffic'Mitigation,. General :Fund) I , 1207 EOMERAOO BRIDGE AT EOWAY' CREEK, , .This project ~uld, addtiio travel lanes and pedestrian =ssing to the sUbstaOOard creek '. crossing, . cbst Estimate - $60.0.,0.0.0. . 1208 EOMERAOO BRIDGE AT cBEE['ER"CREEl{ .' 'l'lli.s project w::>uldadd bo 'travel 'lanes and J?edestrian =ssirigs to the .substandard creek, I =ssing: . Cbst Estin'ate ,- $40li"aoa 1209 EOWAY' IVAD 'SR 67 EOADWAY' WIDENIm I 'lbi;s project w::>uld \riden E\:lway .Read to 'allowforright and left turn acveuent and the I construction oJ a signal at the in~section. . ,Cbst Estimate - $140.',0.0.0. \ \I. ' Fundinq Source - Mitigation Fee~ $l}Q, ago 0-"'''' Gas Tax $ 10.',000., I, F't 82-'83 ,-, $' ,ll, 54810r design cost. (Gas .Tax) t .. F't 83-84 ,.. $128,452' .for constiUction .. . ,I, , , . ' .J - -'-- -- fl - ~~ ,.;- ,~- "" " ~.. '--Sa ^ , , I . - --....-.....,...~-- --.. ,-, -- - .- _._~-- -- ~ - --- '...- ~-. ~ - ....:or-..... n -....--- . . . - --- -- - --. --- ---,---- - ._-- -----.- - -- - , - - -. ----- ~ ~ - ~ '- - ~ - --, - - ..' , -- -- ---- -- -, ------ - ---.,-- - ----- -- ---- - -- - ,- - , ~:"""'__..b -- n . , I " ----- ----- ...". --- --- -<'" -'. ~-._--- - -- - _. - - . - _w ___ ----- " -......- -......- .'.. .. - -- . - ---- ------ -- .- ---- ---......--. n, - . -,..-,.... - -- ----------- ,- -.--.-. - - . . , ----_....._--~~- -----.. n .... --~-_.- --,,---- -....-.. . -- , . - - - , , " '. . .' ~._--- ---- --"":"" --_.--...-----------:--""----.......-.~ --'----.- --- ....-'---~ ..--.~""-~ - - -- -.- . . --'"-~- .~~- - .-... -- ---........ ~-_._~ -- ........--.. ----~- ~--~-_. - , ,~. , . -- -- --:~~- ----~ .---...-,-~------..-.-,..-- -t::-...".",":~-- , --------- --- - " , -, _...:- __~__4________- .-.-. ._- ........---,.--...--- - --- ,- , ~ . , , , ~ J' - , - ., . .-_!.._..- _._-~> , 5.~_~___--!-"';_~.... ....;._~ -~_-"":'-r---'-""-----:-- .---._---:-.';...1---.,....__ ,-~_ -- , . " > -.' " " " . , ___ __._~_ i.. -:.. ----.----:--"'-~ ~ - ~. -- ~- - ---- . ' - ----------- --- ----- ~. ___~__.:...........____________......':"4_....,..----_._...__ _---_ < < ..~~- -- ~-- --- -- _..~ __"..".~ 4__'"-:----___ __~___:'" -- , ' , , ' , . - <OJ 7 - - , , --- - - 0 , -- , ------- , , , " , " - ....~._-- . --.' ". , . ~-"~. - . -- ------ ..::r-~----- , -, , -- ." - .- .' .", , :------c; , .. .. 0 J:. ~ , --- - . ".:- ,- . , --~-_. . - ,. , '- .. ~ - . - ., - - -. - ~- -'\>- ..---,... - -.1' - - ~-- ~- " , , ,- ,:.:.:.;...-", -:.:;;;::-- - -' - " ..' \"W / 4 I .; ;.,\ ~ ~{;/.... . .\ " jk: ". ~ l / ,. , '- I, ;:~j;;:s~~~,.' ---:' ~,.., ,A.' ..dun... tn. "~' (j~t ~ /J Q, ' , ~ (J r~t~ .. "~ I.?{, -,\f~,~. - '. .' "-. . ' . ... ,.. __ _ _ 0-. ., ,~.:~J;-~,1, ~ 11C, .1~'~b'-tO:;~i()1 -:. .l~YI'l6\ ;, I " - , - . ',0 F Y ~ ft ~ -.? 2> :-, 1;' ':> (,r J'a '..-tll ~".' :.", J-. ' .' , ' , . c,) :or " 7[" . .-<.{i,...... v~ . 0_' ' , : . ',' , " (1+~r~l~~) , ~. ~,~. --'. "~"~q ~FY g>J -, 'l Y :--..jO~.))SiO_.' "f ~,(.[4, '~.).- - . ..h_ . -~ '. }, -'-"_,,__~ .]o)~~~-,It-'~'@;;~~',~J~,'1'l ~O,~bJ.. - :', '."" -'-' ,',-- '-. -00J.~J:~ ~'~'(~~'~r~&0) ~. " .., ';t __ ~~ -_ ------,... -- - ----.-..- +~ _ - -.. -: + - - - c _ -~._ ,- ~_ oJ , __ ._', _F'U...,.J~A '~PA._,: _'. __ ,:..,: " '. . ~. j " . .'. '. . - ,-- -..., . -. .. ~. " '~~/F/th - '- .F/ _ : _ ., ,_ _c. -4~~'~. ~ ~ .. '-:p ~/~.s__o.u _ __ .. --- J, _, -'_ _._ d~_JU:.e _~_". P" /.P2Ij~~9 ',' -~--- _.-,--- , "" _ '~__,_~t..Q€}d J'bh,~.,_ _.__ --,~7t.?)~-- , ,:,'-,'7- _ __,'_", ~' E~~' .. ,'67 " .. ,~___ ___,_ .'".,._~_ ..~_.__,___:::,S:',_~JIo., . . - - ,~.. ._--.....- "--- --...... ---- - "---:- .------ .-..~--...:----.---_.-:- ;.------.-.:....:-_..____o:_._~-..i..---~.-::__.--:---.--.-. ~ ., - . " -'-- - - ~-_.~ -40... . --- -- - -.-- ;-~-....;... P.-~""';O.-....--~-.....~-~-.-- ----;- - - .... " ---r- - - - - --- - - .:.....----. -~~- -.::....-.. ..- - - -~ --- ----- -- '-~-- - -- --- .. . . ~ . ~_._._ _____~ ___~._ _ _ .___. ____~__ __ _____"<__._ ___..._ _.--<o.._~_ _ _. _.... ... -.. ~----~-_._----------_....- --~~;--_.._~- -- -- -- --~-- ----- -.......----'- _ ____. _ _._ _ ___ _ _. .. _'""'C:...-__ .-_. -.--___ - -- ~--- .-- -...;- --- .... - -~ ..~ -~ - _:.. .. -- ~ -'-' ~ .., - ... ..- .- - - - . - - ---= , I . I 1'11 'CITY, OF 'EbWAY I I' cpI:r;.L ~~ 'i>roGRAM,',' '-,, '.riETAiL , . l . " , ~~:",', ,~yi,ty:, '_,' .' . L , _, ,fPBLIC SERVICES 'STREETS' AND HIGHWAYS (oont'd) 1,1 ,." ., ,'lbtal ''lbtal " " - ' ,.. " , , Project, Pi"oject :Description 'EstiIIBtet: .Prior. I '83'-84" 84-85 85'-86,86,..87 87-88 . - -- " .- - - ,-- - -- ,'~'.-- -~ - ~" I Code, Cbst' ".' E:Stirlate:" Estinate : EstiItate EstiImte. : 1205 storte,eanyoh :ROad IrrProverents 322400 '35003: 287397 , I , , " ' I'. , " I ' , .' . 1206 ~waROad 'Medi.a.ns ' , ,Y. - , , 'betweenaOwron ,Road I ,and 'orarascan Drive ll690li.264911425:l ,I / ' 1_, L2(j7 ~',Briqgl! "''''.t' EU~Y:~ iJ!pn:>'l~~~'1ts6Q()OOO . 69.0,0_0_0 I - J,' , _.... I I l,~08 ,RlIrerado' 'Bridg~ at' , ,.Beeler ,qreek 400000' .400000 ' ,. , 'I, 1209 'EUwayRoad&' ,SR' 67 :' "~~y,wicieOing . {40000 E.548 '128~52 ' I I :1: , I r " :1: . '~ITY rom. III' ~' ---- --.----. ....---- .--.- , ,., I , 1-32 CITY oF, RlWAY I . _ """ _. j.,,,,- r '-. ~~, _ .. . i qu'ITAIi, IMProVEMEm'I'IPG.F1\M DE;l'AIL Department:, Activity: , ' rostIC. SERVICES STREE:l'S,AND HIGHWAYS ,( cont"dl :L .l\C1'IV1TY '~ARY ,1210FSroLA roAbWIDFmNG 'IbIs :Pri5,ject '~.~ wicl.eni the travel way' alOng E'sp:>],aR>ad eas.t .onq' 'SOUth. of the intersection WithOld'a:.ach. ,Ib'3J:t. 'CDst'ESti.triate -$?q9 ,'009 1212: OW' CDACH~. roAD REPAIR . 'IbTs projeCt provided for emergencY "",iiitenance 'for !storm damage :torepair Old cti'acn,lbad. ' ,. - - -",' ,-- --- -'. ""' - ,~ r - ,_. I CDst. EStimate;-' $12,000 FUndinq' Source- ,&.!<;']:'ax. $.12" 000 1:299 STREEr IMProVEMENT :rbiIN ,I 'Ibis. $j~ ,~videsa ,1oaIlRrDgralll 't:or;pavin!i: M!iliiimpioVa:l. stre,ets 'w!tl}J.n the, CXllIIllUlll.1:Y, ,PY: .,pnvate property ~,ers'. " roo __ I -, ", - ," FUhdihq Solfrce - ~eraJ, ~d $;100,000: O::>st :E'stirnate, -$100';000 IDan'Program' L I \'~J- y\ '\ '1. c.." ~,2, \ ""tV>1 '2. j"A;<\ I I 'I ,I I I I I , ,I --- ' -- p . - .' ~ : ,- , ~)I '133 I ,CITY o~roWAY OU'ITAL IMPOOVEMENl' PIDGRAM DErAIL I DepartJlent, Activity: RlBLIC SERlTICES: Sl'REErS ANDI:lIGHWAYS (cont'd) I , 'lbtal 'lbtal Pro ject ProjeCt Desciiptioh EStimateC Prior 83-84 8.4:-85 85-86 86-87 87-'8,8 J . 0:xJ.e O:lst . ,Estinate Estinate Estinate Estinate I .1210 EspJla. Road Widefiing 5000'00 500000. , .1 I ,1212 Old Coach Road Repair 1.2000 20~27 I 'J. 1299 Street Il1proV6ll!llt I 'IDan Program 100000 100000 I . I I ~I I " I , I I \ " ACrI'lrrY 'lOTAL $35921~0 $28996' $181088 0 . $110000'0' $40000:0 0 I wan Proaram ,$ 100000 $10000 " I -- -- - - - - -- '. "- 'I , , , ,. ,CITY. OF FOWAY I CAPITAL IMPRJVEMENr ~ DEl'AIL - Depa.rtIrent: Activity: RlBLICSER<iItES TRAFFIC SIGNALS PCITiITY ,<D~Y 1301 ESIQIA OOAD.Am FOWAYIDAD I Thi"s project provides for the il}Stailation of a traffic si<mal, safety lighting, and {Ul advance ..arning at the ,intersection of EspJla ~ ana EOway Road. I O:lst ,Estinate - $120,000 Fundinq S:lurce .. 'Gas 'Tax $ :3,000 FY 82-83 - $ :3,2~5 fpr deSign ,IGas Tilx, Developer Fees) ):.ieve,lo~rs Fees (bPDS) $ 7,(\00 I FY 83-84 - $llO, Oil!> fo~ 9JnstrUcti.o,!I' 'F?\U :Furrlf! ,$100. OOO~ $ 6,705 for'deSign General Fund $ 10,009 1302 FOWAY roAD siGNAL, INl'ERCDNNEX:T I, ,The contract, for this project will be awarded, i,n FY 83-84. 'Ibis, project win 'interoonilect I the signal system ,along FOway Road from 'Rmeraoo to Midland to allow a continuous flOw of traffic. The project iSipl:Op:lSed to be ,~through a grant to' elj.minate hazardS of federal iiid systeln'streets. O:lst. EstiiI'ate - $55,000 Fundinq S:lurce,- I ~ (HFS) Gr{Ult $45,~0 FY82..,83' - :$ :5',192' . GaS 'Tax $10; 00 FY 83-84' - $49,808, I , , 1303 'lWIN PFAKS AID ESFOIA,.IDAD I 'Ibis project provides for. the instaliation of a' traffic, signal at Twin Peaks Road and F.si;ora Road.' , '.' , , , " , . O:lst Estinate roo $80,000 Fundinq Source ... I Gas Tax $80,000 FY 82-83 - $74,674 I :FY 83-84.- $ ,5',326 " ,1304 FOMERAOO IDAD AT'FOMERAOO EDSPITAL This projectpfuvidesfor' the installation of' atrafficsigncil on EbiTeradQ Road at the I E!lIt;ance.to I\:lIIeriido Iilspi~.This project will ~' :joi!ltly funded l:iy' the City and, the ~rth O:lunty IilsPital Distric::t. ' <:bst Esthmte - $89, 000 ~ Fundinq S:lurce -, I '34'll~~) 'J:'raffic Signal Fees $,22 , 250 ()th~ Agencies ' $66,750, I ~\I't'').-''6.'3 y,'\ ~~..'6c\- '6~/V5~ ,. -, :1 - - _.------ ---- -~- ----~-- .---- ,- ~ --. .- ,- -, . 'I' '; I r35 I~ CITY OF roWAY . CAPITALIMPR)VEMENf; ~.fiE:rAri.. I' - DepaitIrent: " Act;i.y;ty,: RlBLIC SERI7'lCES .' ~CJ siGNALs :1 Total. !.l):ltal , PJ;:o jec 'PmjeetDesCription' Eit:iJIBtel Prior' }3:"8~ 84'-85 85"86 '86""87 87-88 Cede ." ~ - E'stThate E'stiniite 'E'stiaate ,E'stiirate " O:lst . :I~ (1:301 . 'E,s1D,la. .~. and 1200'00 ,'~way !'Pad. .3295 ,1l6705 , 'I I I , ' I ~I I I ' , 130?; ~way Road Signa;1 i ..c' - _ _ ~__ ......... --- -_, I Intercxmnect I' 'R:lIlera&o to' l>l:i,dfand 55000; , 519.2: 49808, ' ,1 - I, ,;1: ,13{)3 'TWih Peaks: azxl ,ES(:rila ROad' 80000 7'Hi74 5326 I "1' 1 I, , , , I, , , 1:304: 'R)uerado Rcaa.at 0: P6Iieiado BOSpiW 89000 ' :.34,2. ~8,65,8, " ,I " 0, ,I I AC:ITlITY.'IDTAL ,0 I 0 -'- I --..- ,- - _. - --- " '-. - - I~ ....-.. q:'J.X'W~~WAY '1 ~Tl)L '~iiEMENr PRJGRAWDE:l'AIL r !DepartIiEht': Activity:, RJBLIC, SERVICES, mAFFIC ,SIGNALS (cont'd) ~i1-yr.'~'i(IJ~Y lf3Q5 . EOwAY' AT GARDEN lOAD This project provided for 'the ~instaliation of.: a"tiaffici SfgriaI. at the, intersection of RJ\.ay. 'ROad ,and Garden ROad. '. . 'H ., '.. .. . - '.- ~ ... ,cOst... $79,.496 '~ IT ~l.-~~" ~5~, l.,4J .F'[ ,82~83, ,"" <$2.5,)53 . :J.:307''lWJ;NiPEN<s'IOAD' AND MIDIAID lOAD il'his .,roj~ 'pn)Y~Qes forthernstal:iationof:a tRlffi<;sign.{J. .at' .~ri .PeakS. arid. Midland, Road. COst, Estimate ~$99,OOO .. _J1 '_ ._" I l I I " I I I , , . !, -- ,I " - -- ,0 ,I ,I 13-7 ! , ,CITY QF ,EOWAY, (CAP:rJ:2u, 'IMPOOVEMENr, PRJGRAM. DEl'AIL I " ,~t:, ' ,Act! vity~ - 1. PUBLIC 'SE:R<J;r<::ES - , ,'lllAFFIcr SIGNALS (lDnt ',~n: I', '!btal, ,'!btal ~jecl PtpjectQescrj.ptiOn.1 t~tec' . Prior 83-84 84'-85 85'-86 !l6-87 '81~8il 'Code 'cost; , ., ExPend. Esti.nBte Estinate EStinate' Estinate I l:~05, xl ~l"IiYc~,~ , ,; ~ :Jlpa4 7?~9.6 ' 79496 " , I , 0 " , I~ - , ' , '. , r. 'I '130'7 Twih' PEiakSRoad, and, 99000, 99000' I :1' Mi'dland Road, - , I " II: , , , , " I, 0 I, , " 'I' c " , , " ,I' 0 - , I- , , ) :1 . , ~' - - - AC:TI\Q:TX ,~ $522496 $i,6~~? _ $260497' 0' $9~09b- , 0 0" ~I - I "I j' , .. -- -..---.--- -,- --.' --- --~ - - .. . I , CITY ,OF ,EOWAY, ~Ijiu; ~VEMENl' ProGRAM DEtJw:. oepatt:Ireht: 'ACtiVity: RlBLIC SERV'iGE's FIOODcDNIroL & DRA'tNAGE '~TY CD~Y , 1'40i'RATl'LESNAKE ,CREEK 'AT,cDMMJNI'rYIDAD' . I This ,proj'ect ,pmv1ded for tlle CDnStruction, of' arErlriforcea, ooncreteoox' culver1:unjer CoIrmi:ini~y ~RI:lad ,iIiCludin<i,in1ets'anct' dbWnStteam rip-rap, The project 'was cilupleted dUring ~I F'i,82"'~3;, ,,- ,,- ," " --,-, - O::lstEstiirate, - ,$314',726' Ft:1rxtihq source ,- . ;Dev'Eililpers IIrpact 'Fees ~314,7.26 I ,","'- - . .. lI:" . -- 1402 'Ml\RTINCDIT" RJAD' Nr. GREEN; VALLEY, CREEK, :l'!Ii!s, P!=gj~': JIs' fortherecoristrUctiono,~ tl)t;!draiIla9'e st;1,1ctui~ Oil'lmtihctiit. lbad', at I ~ \Talley' Creek.,f\ ""'6-8~'T 0:<;: 't4~~ :~~'~_'~ vvr\,,"-.:\'1"-\ LI,":'as cbstEstinBte ""$i!45,OOO ~Ft:1rxtinq 'Source: - $J:~5"OOO 'I' , '!levelb -, s', '[j~pt Fees' yi-' 82"8~ -., $ el:?,,~,f~;9~design _ .s~ ~Y'€3A-). '("'~ F'i 83,..84 --$IP,,-J.8,2f.or CxipsfrtiCtiOn :::>"", " ~403 ,FIooD OEl'ENrfON' BlIsINSONroWAY CREEK . I, --,j This pi::Oject;p'~vide,s t;o~ 'boo 'de!teI!.t#oh 'lJaSinS on upper Ibway~, i:g l~~ t,lJe dClWnstIe/lm' , ". ~w;~~~ ~~ti~;:;.~~k~ 1~~~~~,,~S;~j~119::~ t~~~,' ~~1i6~' I nentar re\fiewbei leted,.the first' :ea:r, am' CxinStiuction be'i CD leted the sea:lOO -119 ~__'" ,'1 ".. ., 119)~ ,__ ,'" , _ yeat., ,COiistructionCXlst 'will 'bepa.rtJ:iiIly ,financed with, $1!37,000 fn ~ZOne 1 Flood I 05iitiOl :oistrict '~,$i97"i Q,OOfrom9tii, Year CDBG:FUOOsazxL.i fqt;u:re' atrb<.:a-~on df: J9th Year 'CDBG ,FUri:iS. _ Cbst :Est1xa:te '": ,;$1,500;'000 FuDllnq SOurce- I, FY ,83;"'84-$ '1741000 'CDBG 'Grant ,F\iI'rlS (8th ,yr.) '$17,4,'000: 'Iii '84-'a~ ,-' :$1.i326000 "- ~ "~- -~.., _., , J ,I l:406;IDMERAOO CREEK 'AT, OAK KNJLL RJAD- . - This p~j~provi~' Jor tile', CDnSttUc:t:i.6niofa.:box-culvert 'UI)lier, ~KtxlJ.,ll~ad, at I, .~.~, ' ,tDst'E'.stinate.--$290"Mo 1407; CREEKi,rANnstAPm;i I- ,This. projedt~vides' for, thfa reforestation ,6fithe 0iiiiikS. of Ebway' Creek. 'from, dlmnunity,&lad to, the, CXlrifiuence,~'~.it;~~Oai<e ,Creek.; , ' -- ~ ", n '" ", ~.. I , COst EStiJIate, -- ,$,40,90Q Flindfnq S:lurce. 'Jobs Bill 1,sna1!J,,~us., ,)\Ani;}l") $40i 9,00 'I, - " Ii { -\ -_.- --..,. ~ ~ - --'--- ~ -. - " - .- - , ,I ' , , , 1'39 ,I, CITY ,OF' roWAY CAPITAL, IMProVEMENr PRlGRAMDE:1'.!IIL I Depatt:nerlt: Activity:, , RlBLI~, SERVICE'.S FlOODCDNIroL &, DRAIJ:w;E - I: 'Projec1 T6tal ''lbtal Pro jecit bescr.iP:tion, Elltlnatei: Prior '83-84, ,84'"85 85-86 86.,~7 :87'-88' ,COde, ' COst . 'EStinate" EStiIiate . Estinate 'Elltirrate, 'I , Rattlesnake creek : ,1101, at <:Oiniumi:t ' Rcirl 31,4726 ,314726, I , " - ,Y, ~ 'I , , 'I , , . ' , r402 Martlnooit at Green ,I, vaiie'yCreek' '" " '1~5(jQO" 1:7iflB 127182 ' - : 'ReconstruCt: drain- " ,age :facility 'in - i 'I' cxmj~d::i.on ,w;i't'.!1 :. ' I' , dev6loJ;UeIlt I ' ' Flood: oetentiOil, 1403: ',BaSins oil ItiWay 1500000 174000 13260'00 ,I' , , ,Creek' , , , 'I , ii, , 0, 1406 ~ deekat , ' Oak, KIriU Iicad 200000 ,2000,9:0 , ' , , ! I' , :1, i407 creek IaIxlsc:a:ping, ,40900 '40900 I' ,~ , :' .S2200626 $342082 'ACITJ'ITY 'IDTAL S33254 S1526000 '0 0' o ' 0 I)D~ ,. , ' - ---~~--- - - ' " - ~ I \ .CITY OFroWAY - ~ ....=---,-_. "'""'" ~ . ..- 'cAPITAL :~YEMml" ProGRAM DEl'AIL ~~t::l J\cj:J,yit:(: ,~' - PUBLIC'SERVICES' GJVERNMENl'. 'BUII1)Ul;S N;:!'~V~i'!1' CDMMENl'ARY :1502,; M!\INrENAto: FACILITY ,This' project, provides; fuirlS for the mDdification 'of the ,fonrer: Fire; 'Station N:). .2. dn, :rake. 'R;wa ROad, fnto a, Cit:"Veh'icre am 'FI:IUi -- --, t'Milntenance,:j;aCi'irit.l\ppt6xitrB:te1 '$18,000 , '-- 'i '." , .' :f ,__ --, . pnen . ,,,__'' ",''''', __ y.. .., . " y,____ is, ~ to be ~ in 1982-83 'forarchitectura:l design' am. PLIDs'; The. cOnversion, pIt)j~,* J;s', p~p:)~, for Cbli1p1eti6n dui'ing .~ -- i~83.t84, t'i~""'-ly~', ' , 'o,st, EStin-ate."' $278,000 , ,Funding SJurce. -, , ."" ;~Fu"xt . [34--'), :/95,000 ' ,,' . ' "", ' . ""~" FY' 82"'83 '- ,$ T15. for design Csewer;cF\mdl /olmicipai, ~roVe!nentFWld(fP $ i70,000 FX 53:.!l4 ;-$277,925 for. o:Jnsfruct:i6h' , ~ter~: J ' 4- \ \.. $1l3~ 000 1503 CITY ~'NoTE, These 'o:Jsts repr~t.t:llerepayuent' of'the promisso,ry lD,te ~cqUJ.L'ed. to cti1iStiuct :cicy, Hall., Cost :Estinate' ,-,. . $1, ]j9"i773 Fumi'rtq Source ~ ,-. -.- ,$155'-904, Genetal Furrl . . Water Fwxf ' -~ .' .- $1?3;'5~2 --. ---- ~, 'Fund .$: .34)'104 I~-t, , 'd'O ' " l: '. . . ~TY, CENl'ER' 'EKPANSION TlUspi:oject',providecl.o-for'a, <mUtt to the R)\1iay Vailey Seii:i.6r: Citizens 'Inc., 'for :the, purchase: of IlEiteiilils'tO o:JoStruCt a. 4,;Sg~O ~, :ft. ,addition 'to ,the nutrition cenier. ., ", -- , " Qist'Estfiraee, - $78,000 'Furldinq5;)uree ,- " ~ 'Federa1.Revenue' 'Shari!hg., $!i5,000 '~,.'~ ' '$13:':000 I, 15Q!i"CrTY' VEm:CLE' AND EWIPMENl" SlORllGE :BUIUma:; ~s' ,PI?ject p~'liJes~or ~ptti~1if<Us€Udy~_il."'..\ptf07 ,the C9!U?tr\,!::P9!1:'OX l'! ~gl,gg I and, storage facJ!,~J.1;-Y' ~()r 9i~Y: 'o~tfpg;;~ IlBJ.ntenance, vehicles, aOO, eqtgpl~~t.. .~ 49,00. !sqUare. "foot tilildingif> to;~ lOc;:atEl!i, .inthe Ci1;-Y',yam' on, lake' Itlway' ~d, between. ,tI1e:Field oPeratiOnS Building a@ ~~Ck PUi!pStatiOri. :I'Iie, project is P!OPJ.sed ;orCX)pstruc;-' I, fion, dUi:-ingthe 1984-85 fi.sca,l year. .' COst. EStimate - $120,090 Fuiidihq' 5;)1irce - I General Furrl $IQ;O,OO;, EY 82-83 - $ 4, 510 for design !study, EY' 83-84' - $ 2...,490 stuqy , . ' . " EY 8:4-85 '- ,$1l0~ 000 'O:lnstrucj:ion, I: I' il ~ ,- - , - ---- .. .. .- I \ 14'1 :. - CITY, OFFO\'iAY' , ,CAPITAL .IMPROVEMENr: PROGRAM DErAIL I' :Departinent: ACtivity: 'PUBLIC'SER\lICES , ' OOVERNMENT'BUIIDIN;S I 'lbtaJ. TOtal, I . ,Pro Jec:t :PniJ'ectDeSciiptiOil ESt:i.m;itee " Piior' 83-84 84-85 85-86 86-87 87:-88 ,COde .Cost -- -- EStinate EstilIate , FStiiiate EStinatei . ,I :1502' Maintenance'FaCilit' .278000 ,75 27if925 " ',' ~J, , , 'I, / 'I' I , ' ;1' , 150(31 City aap:N:l~ 11;3~7i?'3 54107'3 24(36<)9 2_4(3600 'll,l:500 .. , . , , I I' , , , :1; - 1505 . CbIrriuiility Center EXpansion, ,78000 69879 ,8121 , I . > , , , . ,I , , I' , 1:506 , yehj,cle ,&. fAuiplE!111:. '- ' ' ?tonlge Buil,g.ing 120990 4510 ' 54,90. 110000 '. , I 1 , . , . , ,I , ,ACIT'lITY. . 'IDTAL I I: . " ~ ,~I, '. '-- ~--~_. - ' . .- - -----. - . . ,,' I lA2 - .. CITY'OF' rowAY' CAPITN, :n.iPR5VJ;:MEm PIDGRI'M :DE:rAJ:L; -. pe!PaJ:t!neht', ActIvity,: RlBLIC SEMtES cDVEmMENr.. BUILDINGS. Ccxiilt'dl , PIVITY ,CJ:lMMENTARY , , J;5~7, CrrY'HALL EXPANSION '!his p!:?y'!4e.!3 fur, ,anildditionai '8iOOQ',~e fe$t to be; added to City)'iaJ): to ~d the . 'cbll!lc;g OlaInb,ers .aI1d' 'to 'prciTide sP1lce fg:r J?lanrii~g ServiCes. . cbstEst'hnate- :$800 !OOO . I , ,I I ,'I . Iii I I '. ,. I' . I, '. I " I', ~.."'----- - - -.---.--.- - ~-. - - - ~" "-..... - - .' I,. ~. .J D' 1'43 , , qi'i, Q~ roWAY , , CAPiTAL~VEMENl'PR)GRA/oI DEirAIL I' . oepait:IDant: Acti:l7ity: roBLIC SERlTICES GOVERNMENT-BUiLDINGS: (oOri~!di D . . , 'TOtal ,'lbtal Pitldect Pnj~eCt :DescriptiOn EstinateC ,pri.or~, '83;-84. 84;-85 85-86 ' 86-87 87-88 Cede ,Chst ; Esti.nate' . ' EStina'te, 'Esti:nai:e Estinate I ~507 Ci."ty Haii Expansio!l 8QQlibli; 8.09..0,.0,0 " D , , ;1 ' . I , 'I' , I , I ) ! I , g . , LI , , , I ' . , \ I - . , - , ; I '~ ,~ 'lOTAL $24157:73 ,$61553 $535136; $353600 '$91150.0 , 0 .0 I: II, " "c""J - .. ,.- --~-- ----._..~ - - - -"-.- - - - " . :1' i4~ PTY0R KJWAY _ '_ _..._,_ . '",,, 'J"" ~ cAPITAL ~.PR)<>RAMDEl'AII1 , j ~t'i 'ACtivit:y~. I! , ,<:Dl-MlNITY SERVICES PllRKSAND: 0PENSPA.CE. ~,cb~ , 1603 .'rAKE: l'OWiIY, WEST. ,EXPANSION ~sproject IPt?v:i"d,~ 'tort:hecOnst.ru~~n of -'~ ~1:fp~Se bai1~~~ld. am~~ s1f-1:i.on , at ,Lake iI'\:lway: ,Park dUr:LJ.1g iFY. ,82-83. DUi:Lllg FY 83'-8,<t:t:he oackstcP,l lights'" scoreboatdsand other ,iiiprovener1tsif9rEhe' [nuit:iJ?iiiPSse, baITfi~d '~J:f'.be :phrc:l\a5ed~ . '. . ,Cbst'EStiJrBte- ,$4J:9 ,~O~5 . Funding Source'.- FY,81,-;82, - $:'66, 777 ~:~v:is; ~)" :[)aY~fl/GJ::1.1r1SkY,Flirids $145..000 FY,82,,83 - )$180,,875' <-$6.?,~gZ .~i,},Z8,223 D!G" ,PailCl:andDedieation Fees '$58,266' f' 0." > '$35,168IDF $567Gehetall ,PIm. Funds. '$:66',917, ~ . ......... . '-' _ ".." , ~.-- ~ .~, .~: ~148.:902 FY ,~3"~4 -$m,433 {$:/},Q9.!l POR, $88,'335,GenenUl' FY84,..85 - $ 60;000 ,... '~ 1604 COl-MlNITY' PARK, BAJ:.LFt'ErDs 'rhis Rl:03ect piovided fQr 'f!1!!~nstructiori of nu:I1tiPfu:J;ose M,n:i'iel!ls' and a. pla~rouOO ,at I ~w:lY: C6iin1uilit'y, park. ' ' , - (b'st Est1mate,- $207,082 Fuiidfnq' S6urce' =", " $llS, 099 :Parkland, Dedication Fees state. Park, Bo'rxiAct .', '$ 9:l983 " i605,sPrJ:T",RAILFENCINiATi rAKE 'rowA'Y ,A sp'~it'trailfence ,waS' 1installei: a;o~ ~i pe'rih:eterof..tl1e ,L3ke ,""way, '~k till the ilXllJ--' I ,~~ngar~topteiTent pa;ple .fD)m pa.r.kipg'oll thE! lan:lseaped ,area'. CbSt,Estinat:e ..., '$2', 626 ,Fundincj ,Source - ;1 PID)'~ '$2',626' 1606. KJWAY CDl-MlNITY'PARK:-IMPmVm;m T~SLPtijdect. p~videS 'fOr the Mast!!r ;,Planinp:royeuents' 'at ,the Cl:lillnunitYPark.i!ncl,iiil}'flg " I CDIIpretibn of-the 'landscaping .am>a1kwaYs" ;lan:lScaping of the, entry, road, and ,parkiflg Jb.t ~i'AAs, :OO~~ctforiof:a stc~ge ,tacii);ityazij, 'the' CXll1struction of 'a. t~~'@riSi!l9' I Jbt.1:9 p,royfde for ,overflOw ;ci:o~.. . ' o:,si: Estinat:e - $285;.917< Fwiliriq' S6fiice - -- R:lss, EState $ ~, 2.5.7 I. FY ~~-~4 - ~, 55,000 Patklaro Dedication ;Fees ... -- . , $??,PQQ FY ~~-~?-$).06!,917 Generid FUrij- '!Dan $1.5,74~; FY 85-86 - $124';,000' "I ;-,;~~ ,I !,' " I, " ..-_., . , -,- -- -- - - -- --- - _._- ---.- --- --- -- - --. ,- -- , l I I I, 145 II CITY OFroWAY' CAPITAL IMPIDVEMENl' ProGRAM DErAIL .. DepartIrent: Activity: <D!MJNITY ,SER\TICES PARKS AND OPEN SPACE I 'lbtal, 'lbtal FtOjed Project Description Estinatei Prior 83-84 84-85 85-86 86-87 87-'88 Code Cost . .EstiIIate EstiIIate . EstiIIate .EstiIIate I 1603 rake EOway I-est Expansiolf 419085 247652 111433 6000() I , I I 1604 iJ:l!lI!nlni tyPark I~ . Ba:lifiel$ ~07082 2E.l13 . I , I 1605 Split~l Fencibg at rake EOway 2626 2626 (I I , 1606' ~y Q)lIIIIWli.ty Park' Iandscapi:rig iS5917 55000. 10691-7 124000 ,I ,I . - ,I ,I I'll ACTIVITY IDTAL ,- I, ~ _m -- --_._-- - ---- -- , I' 146: CITY OFroWAY' cAPITAL ~ PRlGRAM DEl'AIL oepartnent: Activity: <DM!OlITYSERlTICES PARKS ,AND OPEN SPACE (CXlrit'dl ACr:IVIT'l <DMMEmARY 1607 rAKE. roWAY' FISHIlG FroAT #2 rake R:liilay presently has one fishing pier.. .'lb lll!lp offset the over=wding on the pIer and the iInredi.ate 'area, a ,semIXi pier Wlu1d ~ added an:i placed at a locatiOIt further dOwn the s1Dreline', 8 CbstEstinate-$50,000 , ~698 <D!MJNITY CENl'ER'SWIl'MrlG: EOOL, <DMPLEX <1>. .'to ~R:lway O:lmmriity Park M:is!:er Plan propJ~ tl1a.t a swimningpJOl CXlllpl~ be lOcated on 1 th~;west; si:~ of the p.<u"~. 'l1:1e ,project Wlu1d iI.!9J.udea25: m 'k25 yd. pJ01-, a diving ,tabk, } ..s wading I child) t:col,anddressing amwloler fa~ilities. (fJ GOst Estimate - $600,000 I -0 I' (1) 1609 GARDEN OOAo .PARK 'lOT IDT .~ . <:f I This prodec:tproyidedfor'the repla~ and upgradill9 of t:neeXiSting playgro~ - equiJ;llEI1t.'lbe project included new cli.lJDlng uriits aIXl, swings. - I <) GOst Estinate- $4,005, .FundinqSource - 1 PUX) Furxis $4"OQ5 :t6ll. rAKE roWAY" PARK IMProVEMENrs / I ~, . '. " / , ~[ This project provides for the .CXlnsfructi.on of a storage., facility for equiJ;XlEIlt,at rake ~way and a landScapedmadian striploeat.ed' ~n ,tile' parking lOt at theso~ e,nd of.'~ I R:lway Park duiingFY 83.,84.) During. FY 84-'85 the' 2.5 acres reiaining in the :rake, R:lway wast 1 Expansion Plan,oorth of the new biillfield, will be l"rYl",",,~ and pic:rii.ctables,barbecues and fire ,rings will be installed. 11 " ~ GOst Estinate - .$63,000 Fundinq Source - J General FUnd $4,139 FY83-84i -,$ 8,9QO Parkland ,l:lEdication Fees $3,861 II' FY84:-85 - $55,000 1612 EXlUES'1'RIAN.AND IlIKIlG 'mAILS '.1 <r '!'lie trail 'will C1:lpsist !If an east/l.:est trail begiiming at the R:lway: Valley, Riders J AssoCiation area that .Will .ci:oss Twin Peaks,and. run alOng the oorth side 'dfTwin 'Peaks'and f . - .'-. ... . ". _ _ .< _. ,,_ ,CariiiIio 'dell'Orte t:o RlDerado, Road. .. ,.1 GOstEstimate - $15,000 FundinqSource .. 'GeneralF\1nd' $15,,000 I ~ . '. ,:I!I ~ \lp\'"2J ~,-"",~~,,- ~~....a.c-" ~d~"O'~ ' j, .:j \~D\"\ \D-\\-~~A~~ \. 'I [Y1 S?~~ ~o-~....~ \^,-=-;..Q., \~\\ - \ 'IS\eS 41 ~ooo ~"ll-,e~~ ~ ---- '3 '" \-t.R- 'N\..""" \" ^"""....Q. ~\\ \ - le\ \5\~:t . ~DC>- . ...9 - """ -YI'>.'-'-Gh '" ~~ 0,\ \ - CI. -, Ie ~.:='OD - -"......... - ~ - '--- , - r , "r ,~' , !I - 1'4.7 , ,CITY OE FoWAY , ' - -. ~ . -' -- CAPITAL ~..PIDGRAM DErML I - , ~t: Activity: I CD~TY SERIlICBS PARKS AND OPEN SPACE ( ront' d) I , . TOtal Total , -- , Pl:Qjec1 . PIoJE!ct .DesCiiptlon EStiitatec Prior: . '83";84 ' 84.,85' 85'-86; 86'-87 87-88: ecae. O:>St i' - 'EStiIiate, EStiIrBte; Estiitate' . E'.Stlnate, . . 'I: i607 Lake, I'Owa FiSh! ,. ,.,Y ~ FlOat #2 ' 50000r 50000 ,I, 'Ii 1:60,8 ~way; CQImumity Paik Swimni .l'Ocil I~ .-, ,. ng ". 600000, 60.0000 O::lInplex 1(1 . , . ,\?y 6 y t , ).:0 fllb 1:60':::; . I' I L ,1609 ~ '1!Qa4 'Park 'I, ., --, 'lj:lt (Ib~'~,laceJ!lE!Qt, 49,05 '4005, , " " : I ! , , " I 1:611 ,rake' "'way Park , . .:rn-pfuveuent, ~3000 80.00 55000. ., " I' I I '! , I , , 161'2. El::JUestrIan and 'I Hi:kIng' TraH.s 1!?QQ9 ,15000: , I , ,I ACITVITY 'IDTAL $1646715 .$465451 $189433" $221917 $174000 $600000 0 " , , , I, --. - - - - - ----,....-- - -- . , - - ,148 CI'lY,' OF .R:lWAY ;CAPITALIMPro~~:~,: 1;lEr~ :oepartnent: Activit:: " _" YL PUBLIC, 'SEI~lICEs\ t: 'WATER IMProVEMENrS ,ACl'IVITY Co~, -- . -,- . - 1701 CI.E:ARM;:u; 'criVER, I ~ 'rhiisproject provides ,a floattl1g a:ivet 'for the. 10 !it;1 'treated, ..ateJ::' storage, reservoir adJ~centtothE!'water trea:~~ !Plant, en' rake', ~WaYR.Oad'.' ' ., .. '. I 0:fst EStlnate- $500,000' 'Fun:tinq'Source - F'f82-83 -.$23'871. \!lJ:eI fund $500,,000, I c ._~ _.,_~ .....,__ ,.._' , __ ;FY83i-84 -$476;129 ,forCOQStruct.iOn, :i702AOBREY Sl'REE:l' MlUN I Thi~ptl:lj~' ;is lOcated in the,715 qra;ITent, system. An 8"' "~n ,is:'~ ;1:9 provide addi'tioria:l water'silpply to reInforce the area fto thia east of COmnuni1:-Y"!1oiid' 'am. to provide. I: - --f -- ,. _, .._ _ -<_'>,""" ~ _. _ _ _, .- -- ..-" -,._."_ _ __. .. ; .. _ .,_ , . _ _ ... _ ___ _ . all a;l~te emergency 6erVlce 'wem: ,0f'Cb1Ii1]Uhi.ty .~., 06st. Estirrai:e, - $30,000 1703 .rAKE roWIDAD ,MlUN ,I T~fl :p.l:9j~ is lqCar~ ,in the 1865, @'a4i.~t ,Systeln~A,;20" min'is ~. to,para1iEil. an ,I exi:ati 20" ,lIBin to :be ihSUilled' rior to; the,. rovenent .of' Lake R>wa . Road' - . ",ng.,,~ ,p, ' , lIIp" "..y -, ' 'f~ct N:l,' ~99()h ., ,CbstEstirrate. '''; ,$45, QOO, " 1704,WEL'lUN'ID .W:XlDGATE MlUN ~ . . .Tlti.:S'p~O'jeCt',is! 'locata; -in, ~. 865 Gradient ~stem,~jecJ:. 'isne,eded :to, deli:vei' '-Bter ,to ,'I tlie. 71S Gradient ;system. ' " <'>'_..- O:.St, EStirrate ... $l:QO.~ 000 :1 17.05 WE'SItATE, 'lU <DMMIlNITY' EOAD-MUn 'an1 PresStiie, RedUcing system: T1Us proj~, is lOca~ fnthe 7l5~en1;.~s~. . ./>., i!4~ iiain 'is ~ed. 1;0 :~el; an I eXis1;-ing ~O" !!Iii'! i'n R>~y .RCad.tOi=~t:he, 'flow; into the. 71:5 Giadient System' frolll, the', ~to,n ~iir. ' - - -. ,'- 06st ~Esti.nate ,- $100,000 I f' .._, I' I . I - '- I, !I ," 149 I, CITY 6~-,>pWAY, CAPITAL .~;:~ DE:l'AIL , , 1 ~t:, ,Acti11:~ty: - RlBLIC SERlTICES ' WATER ~s! 1 ,'!btal.. ,'!btal' ProJ~'cPIoject ~iption-, EStimate(; PiIQr. . 83-84 84-8~ 85-86 86-87 87~88 ',O::lde '0:>8t' ," ~ " . EStiliate EStlnate EStinate .,Estinate 1.l'701 ~J,l Coyer, :500000 2387r 476129 ' , ' , I' , " , I ' " . ' i " , l , ., I ' 1702 AUbrey Stree,t lim.~ ,30000 30000 I , li7Ji3 , . rakeEbWay Rd.!tUiI, 4500,0 450-b0 I, '., ' , - , l ' ; :1 17M ' ~}:ol1/1bxigate - !tUn, '100000 lQ.000,0 I: :1 i70Swe5tgate}0:lIlllUmity _: '!tUo' 100900 100000 I ' , :1, , . 1 ~ '~ :1 _ . Ai:fT#,T':i'1O'l2'.L , 'I' " ' ; ~ ... '. --...._- -_...._-.+- - 'I' I . ,15'0 I: oW :OF :EOWAY ' , ~ ,-."'.,~ -.co. _ ,,,,._c r ,CAP~IMP,R:lVEM:N'rJ?R:1GRAM DErAIL \' ~t,: Activity: ,,.,- PUBLIC SERIlItFg " WATER' IMPro~ (ClJllt'l:i'l 'Al::ii i:l'l'~q:>!H:lWIRY l:'7'o"6:/om'ATE IANE-8",~10" aIll:r.t2~ lIBin!(~ssiori) I' thiEl, .project' isi16c:atea iii,the, 7l? ,G~~E!Ilt, ~l>te!il!.The~ ~ac::ilities ,are needed to CloS!'! I 1:heejaP betiA3en existing mins, locat,ed, 'in: M:!ta~e lane "and RiO ReaJ.R6iid'., Cost .EstDxa:te! -$42:; 000 I: 1'707 M)N!'AUK RF.SERII0IR :(1: loG) ~ ~ T!lj:l!' p~j~;il!. fl.....,""'. ~eii nBjordeveloPJ.!E!1~o~.s.'at r~evatiollS! abOve 575' 'S:llith of' I' r,Eta~~, '~" ~~tJ.:~,r~ir., 'wilJ;rE!l!'l3,illJuJ;;l'~ '~e onII<ls enei;gency'storage, TI]e, ~. ~eservotrlo!J.'ll then reigtilatedemand Ifo~, tt:!.e 7'l:~' Graclient,:systein. CostEStimate.~ $600,POO I 1708 ESEoIA IDAD'l'RANSMrSsroN'~ , I' TIll,!; ,projec;!; ~Eld '~t ~..ater, ~~~stone~.Q .~ ~,Mn PeaksF<<Jad120~inBln) 1:.<:1'~ t{lehydraulics of ..the :southel:npart oftl}e. Gityc~ Cost J~stinate ,"" ,$'488 ' 000: ,I' . . '_.0'_ 1709 ,ooNART"RESER<Jcjm (:2'.0: r-i;j Tltisproject 'willserve'as:addi:tiOnaI 'storage; tri the. 865 .Gradi.'ent System,p1!r1:.iculariy if I: OOditioiial iransmissI.oll~ns are instal:led.iDrtho'f ~J.aROad: ""..,. .. , , :CoSt."EstiJiate - .$lilOO,OOO , I ' . :1710 !IREATMENT'PIANriEXPANSIoN. Tf1e,' jJa,rr:lipg~:fil.~s.at the' ioater' treatment ,p1aJ:lt .e,r!'istertil)g'to !soowg.epayin ,tOe'iDrous: I: plop~' and, :~! 'filter plaj:es, are' ~sing fil~, !media.., 1'-i,efilte.J.:s ~:tl. be'rep,laCediri ~,87'-'88 .wi 1;l1' ,a:my,erjtiOl]iil !Dfxed. irIilia: filters. COst Estinate,"", $:1:,000,,000 'I - . '" . - ..~-" , , 1711 WlI.TER'.EXPANStbN' ,rOAN! PR)GRAM This, program isde~.i~ t.o,;pxgyidewat;er, CIiSt:oIIerS! oil: :~rai'y water 1i~, ~tl1 a, low I: iri~est, ra~ i,O~ l:Q. PlDV.ide f~r:~'.loBter) .ilIproveireilts. , 1 CostEStinate. ..,~150 ,000 19an :progIlUl! F'Und1nq' Sburce,-' $150,060 waterFund.c:~). ,I 1 - u I " - " r--:;'~-.:::."" 1 '" ; , 151 I CITY, OF :KlWAY" , CAPITAL IMPffiVEMENr proGRAM DErAIL, Depart:r\'l2ri~: Activtjiy: t-; WATER IMPROVEMENl'S (cxjntll d j PUBLIC ,SERVI<;:ESi ''lbtal " Pro jec project,D!=scrWtion Estirri:,f ' 83~84 8:4".85 85...86' 86"087 87-88 ~ " "..- mi'. ,Estirri3.te~ Est1rrat.e Estirrate .Estirre:t.e' COde 0:lst 1706 ' Metate Lane M3.ifl ,42000 42066 - , IiZ01 lW,ntauk: Reservoir 600000 600000 ;'1 , n08 Espola,Road' M3.ifl ,488.0.00 488000 ],709 oonar:t.' Re~~oir .1100000 ., 1,}'00000 -..- -(; 'TreatrrentPiant HID -'Alteration 10000.00 I711, vater' Expansion wan 'Pro,graII) J590~00 ~.o.oOO . 5.00.00 ?.oOOO (loan) f16an), lToah) (loan) AerIVITY 'lDTAL $4.oQ599.o. $2387'1 $476129 $215000 $U3000{) 0 $210.0' ~ ~ ~'l"~'" " -.-4.+- .:0-'< ;'j . ,-~""-,,. -roAN $ .150000 . $ 500.00 $ 5.0.000 $' - " , " " -.;.--.. , - , '. ....1 ..~.. I. I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I row REDIWEIDPMENr ~ FINAY:IAL PR:lGRAM: 1983-1984 srATlM!Nl'S OF J1CR) BALMC!:S ANl RESER\TES I , I I ~- . - roWAY REDBfEWPMENr AGm::Y I-' U1 ... 9rA'l'JM;Jlr OF FUW BAIAK:ES ANl RESER\TES Accum Fwrls Available 1983-1984 Proposed EXpenditures Fwrl Afprop Fwrl Fwrl Balance and as of Balance Revenues Capital Transfers 6/30/83 7/1/83 1983-1984 Adminst. Reserves Projects Out/lln) 'lbtal 6/30/84 (bum. Redev. Agency Admin. Fwrl 0 0 151,200 151,200 0 0 0 0 I I .' ': I, ---./ T , . 'lOTAL 0 0 $151,200 $151,200 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " I I I J 155 L roWAY REDE.VEIOPMENr AGENCY ~I CD/oMlNITY REDE\lEI.OPMENr AGENCY ADMINIS'l'RA1TiE row I 1981-1982 1982-1983 1982-1983 1983-1984 1983-1984 AC'lUAL BUOOEl' FSl'IMrd'ED Prorosm APPRJVEIl . row AcrrJITY DJmUL BffiINNIIG BALAN:E 0 0 I July 1 Revenues 151,200 151,200 . Prior Years Afpropriation " toTAL rums AVAILABLE . ~1"1,200 ~Dl,200 ,I EXPENDlTURFS . '. Operating Expenses Redevelopnent 151,200 151,200 I toTAL EXPENDITURFS $151,200 $151,200 I I rum TRANSFERS Debt Service 0 0 I 'lOTAL row TRANSFERS 0 0 I APProPRIATED rums I I toTAL APProPRIATED FUWS EmIIG BALAN:E I .June 30 0 0 ,<- I . .- . - -- - , - . '. I '. il " 'II III i . ,. I l . I I I I I IDWAY REDDlEWPMENr.AGE.N:Y FINAR:IAL PRJGRAM::1983-1984 RE.VENlJES BY FUNDSAW SJURCES I ~;I .... - ~- II " 158 IDWAY REDE.VEIOPMENl' AGENCY RE.VENUES BY FUNDS AND SJURCES 1982;';1983 1982-1983 1983-1984 1983-1984 BUDGEI' FSrIMA.TED OOroSEo .APPOOVED CDMMuNrTY ,RWEVEIOPMENl' AGENCY ADMIN. FUND 7401 Other Agency Contributions- City of Poway 0 0 151,200 15I,200 T9~ 0 0 $151,200 $151,200 REVENUE GRAND 'IDTAL 0 0 $151,200 $151,20Q I I I I I I I '. 1(1 ~. -- - - -- - ,- - -I 'jl 1 I . I I , 1,1 '. :. I' I 'I ,. '. I I I '. 10WAY lU!DEVEWPMENr .AGEtC' 'FINlUOALPRXiRAM:1983-'1984 ADMINIS'mATIVE OPEllA1'IlG RIlI'imP' ,. II -- . , I I DEPAR'lMENl'AL CHARr OFORGl\NtZATfttl - - , G!.TI~U; , " , \PLiiNNrriGfuMrSSlOO ()!Q ~__ - _.. .'" _._ -0 _ __ __. . Iti'iAYREm:vEWPMENr 5005; AGE!'ICY ----, -, , - ................. ,,," . --~. c:rt'Y . ,CITY CITY . ATIORNEY 'MANAGER CLERK! , ,TRE!\SURE:R. l "." :012 '013 011 . .- I - ~~G qM!UNITY ~ ISTRATIVE PUBLIC; pER\rrcEs' SERVICES ~~qEs SERV:rCE;S' SERVICFS 300 200 50.0 , ).lJ()- , 400 ,...~OQ5 Pa'lAY REDE.vEJ1)P~ _~ ALmNISTRATlOO --j -: - - - _i -' - - - - ,- '- - - - ,. .. ,----- ...- :~,_J!! , .. - (. ,I ,1"61 OTY OF EOWAY DEPARTMENrAL ACITYrr'l OVERVIEW I " Dept. o:idE . oepart'Inent:, . FUnd ,Distribu:tion: :1 ' Ebwav Redevelli~t "," ~.- CbIllllUIii.ty RedevelO~t Agency 5005 AdIilinistratlveFuDd.:' $15i~ 200 , 1 ,EXPENsE: 1981..,1982 1982..,1983: . 1982,..1983, . , 1983-1984 1983-1984 ~~~~ ,AClUAL BUDGEl" ESl'IWd'ED l?R)EOSED APPRJVED - I . TOtaL Ebsltions 5 5 " 'I, . PerSorinel Expen~ 5,400 5,.400 OJ;>eratl'cifis 1'45800 145,800 -. , ~ - I: and .Maintenance (-. CapfWOUtlay ',' - - I:, - " . 'lOTAL BUDGEl'. - -, .- $151,'200 .$151,200 I, " ,OVFRJT:P!,V' (I)~Y I' ~ '~y Il,edev:eioP!EIlt~gericY' was. foIDBlly ,establiShed on .April 26, 1983, wlienthe Cl'i::Y ~u:nci,'l?OOptei:i OrdirianciU~ .96., niEi Agency :lias initi'iitedan eXteriSi vereview ~. ',~ey; ot apJ:9je<:t, ar~ to deteJ:tri:!.ne ifoligtiting crilxiitionS' eXfst.TI'ie, Agency I 'functions, under ',the' -autoority,' granted:by section 33000: at'. 'sE;q. cifi 'the. California" :~~1 tb'anr:l' ;Safe~y O:xie. ' ' I !tJe~elo~~t; Agency ':!i priirl!..r:y,_'.PUrP;?~' i,!i,toPI.,epare, 'and exsc,ute, p.fazls desi'gned :to aCldress bJf,gh1;J:ng oo!XligOl!5Io!i;hi:ri the, City.. 'This, year 's: bUdget Ilegins the ffrst year of' ac6.vity oonsfstil!9 ,ofadministrauve operating eXpense, crists advanced to the Agency bY-the;qity~or s4f{~ryi~:~ <?~er o~ti'!,g ~.J:ures. These I oosts' Wi:ll De reirrbursed to ~ <:;ity, oUj:, of. futurei'ncr~t; !ll:lIli'E!s. 'I , , ,I , ,-., I ;:....:. I: , ' ,I ~. ..- . - - ,- -- I' , , , , - r62 CITY, OF'EOWAY; iDEPAR'l'ME:I'lmLACITVITY, O~, i~t: Activity,: Activity, , ClJde : ~ en ".l\clIiinistration 5005' N:rMTY"'<D~ Aci'IVtTY DE&:RIPrION: , ,Wi,'W;q ~s~,activit:~ are buqg7t:~ .gOnies to provide for,ti!e' oYerl!ill~,11B{la~enent. .arid, ,. ~l1i!~tratli::>n,of~the, EbwaY"i~~~t{'gf!hcy.Thea~vf)::yi:.!l'furi:ied, qut: of "~e ~~~t,Agencyc's SPe<;:J.al_~ru!l;tr!'itive' FUnd as autl)J.r.J!z"'!,i, ~san,t ~_,section '3},6J.'3gJ:.the He.iltl'i am Safety. "~P~' the 'State, of Califon:ii'a, ari:i,1!l, e,stal:lliShed to I nreet. the !O tiOnaJ. - ,,' . of. 'the A en '. ' - ,_{)era_., .. expenses",." .g,C'f 'TheplffiX)~ gfthe !;ir1;"iIiiStrative, ~~vJty 'is! ,to ~ure, that.a Pro9~iof !l9uOO fiscal iTailag~,t i~,pI!J.vided to the Ag~ <D~j;Stent Wi,th acCepted prac1;.i1ces ,~pio,Cl;!ijures . reqw.r~by 't!1filQ)nminitYRedeveJ.o[:lreIlJ:.., La\.", . " Persbnne!l, ,~~~,Whi.ch ,include, lIB1'la,gernen,t s1JpP::lrt" Willl5e prOviti"ed '1:0.' tJ:re 'Agency I, oy thestaf,~;gf! tbf1!. City. ,These per~~ 5e!Yf~s,,_togethet,Withtlle~SE:!s '. ieqW.red' to, disserrii:nate'redeVelli~t infoI'llBtionaild the' 'variOus'other. ~s reqw;site 'to; the, l.gency operations, are adVanceifto tlieAejeriey 'from the CIty'.!l~- Geheril Fwxl and.. Wi.:J.:i be, ieliii:mrsed biiCkto'the Cit :fa 'futUre 'A" 'fwlds. I' - --- " '", " , , , . '.... ,y, ,gEmcy '-'-, , , .1, ,. ,I . :. 'I , I " .. f ,.1 I ?1 - . I 163' CITY OF R)WAY DEPARl'MENrAL ACrrJI:rYDErAIL . '. , Depar1:IIent: Activity: Activity I Eb.,;ayRedev8J,cpnent O:xie : .. Redevelocnent Aaencv , Aaencv Administration 5005 Obj. .1982-83 1982-83 1983-84 1983'"'84 O:xie Classification . Budqet :Esti.llated PrOrosed . Anoroved . Personnel . RailqE Ebsitioh,Title. I' Agency M=Ittlers /5) I: . lH salarie.s - Special 5,400 5,400 I. 'lbtal Personnel 5.400 5.400 , Ocerations and M3.intenance I: '1U Legal Fees, 20,'250 20,250 '144 :A\ldi tservices 5,000 5',000 I' 148' Special 'Studies 56',500 ~6~'50() '2'69 Rei1tb1ll-sed Mileage. 2POO 2,700 270 Travel , !oEetings 500 500 ,280 r.egal.N:itices/,Adverti'sing ~"iJii6 1,000 I' 282 Ebstage MilO 4,500 311 . Printing 1"ClOO 1,00q 315 Publications:, DUes. 350 JSO I 411 Office , Stationary SUpplies -300 0300 I : 413 P1Dtogr.iphic, 'SUpplies. .200 200 523 Other Fees 3,~00 3,500 560 AdminiStration (Staff Tine) '50,900 50,000 1 ['I 'lbtal Ocerations, and. Maintenance 145,800 145.800 Caci tal Outlay 1 1 1 'lbtal Caoital.Outlav Activitv 'lbtal. - ,$151. 200 $151. 200 1 I -' - --- I - " "1 I '. I :1 I I I I 'I I I .. I I ., I --, APPEN>IX A .' RBlIlIDl'IDNm. 83-077 AOOPrIR; 1983-1984 PDWI:IAL l'RJGRAM . 166 I I RESJLUTION ill. 83-077 I A REs:JLUTION OF THE CITY (l)mK::IL OF THE CITY OF EOWAY, ~RJRNIA, I APPRJVm:; AND AOOPl'IN> THE 'ANNUAL BULGE:!' FOR TIlE FIsCAL YEAR 1983-1984 AND APPOOPRIATIN> THE ~S NEOsSARY 'ID MEET TIlE EXPENDITURESSEl' FORTH THEREIN WHEREAS, the City Minager of the City of R)way has submitted fu the City I O:luncil of the City of BJway a 1983-1984 Fiscal Year Operating andCapital I. lqiroverrent Budget in the anount of $17,182,446 in proPosed expenditu!,:"es for general and special City .purp:>ses and reflecting funds available in the total anount of $15,292,2631 and ~, the City O:lunci1 of the City ofR)waY has heretc!fore !DllSidered I said budget and fi.Jled the date of June 7, 1983, as the date for \xllding of a plblic hearing relative to its adoption; and I - - ~, .following duly given IDtice, the City Council Of .the Ci1;yof R)waYi did\xlld such plb1ic bearings, receiviBJ,cxmsin..ring and eYal.uauBJall plblic I CXl1'lllPI'\ts . NOW, 'l'HEREFORE, the City Council of the City of BJway dOes heieby FIIDi DEl'ERMINEAN:l DEx:IARE as follows: I Section 1: 'ftle City Manager' s propo~ :1.983-1984 FisCal Year Budget. for general and special City purposes is hereby amended as follows: I lA) RE.VENJE. AMENDME'Nl'S AlIDunt of I Revenue Fun:i Explanation of Revenue ,Adjustment Description -, ,~,. ~ I Increase: +;oecrea.se: -) Revenue AiIendrlent 1 General Fun:i 7589 - Towing O:lntracts + 2,115 I 7591 - Fire Protection.Fees + 19,371 7592 - Weed l\bateDent Fees + 1,841 I 10 Street Fun:i 7310 - Ii1teiest Ina:me + 27,500 14-19 Grants 7476 - CDBG-~ial FUMing + 18,367 7475 -'lDA~-A-Ride + 404 7456 - FAU/HES + 44,594 I 20 Spec. Asses. 7710 - AD 83-1 + 11,500 60 Water Fund 7611 - Bond- General Water + 42,378 7613 - Bond - AD 79-1, Tax Poll + 12,020 I 61 Sewer 7552 - Annexation DelN::lrte - li8 7615 - Bolld Inte]:est & ~~ion + 250 70 Cap. Replacenent 7586 - Yrly. Capital Outlay Rental + 4,000 83 Ross Trust 7330 - InterestN::lte Recelvabie - 20,000 I Net Total 'Revenue AiIendrlents + $164,222 I I' I 167 I Resolution N:>. 83-77 Page 2 I I lB) EXPENDITURE AMENDMENl'S I Object of Auount of Project Budget DepartIrent Explanation of Expenditure Ajustllent I Code and Activity Expenditure Allendrtent I Increase: +/Decrease:-) IeQislative/Admi.nistrative Services I 010 City Council 2~0 - ppi nn.Jrsep.Mi;I.eage + 1,500 011 City Clerk 260 - Reinilursed Mileage + 600 013 City Manager 260 - Reinb1rsed Mileage + 6,000 I 262 - Vehicle Operations - 1,800 263 ":Vehic1e Mrintenance - 2,237 264 - vehicle Rental - 1,324 621 - AI1toDDbile - 12,000 I SUbtotal $19,261) Administrative Services I 100 Director 260 - ~inn.lrsed Mileage + 1,000 102 Custoner Service 263 - Vehicle Mrintenailee + 212 I $1,212 Cbl11llUl1i. ty Services I 200 Director 260 - ReinDursed Mileage + 400 263 - Vehicle M9.intenance + 53 399 - Cal1-A-!lide Cbntract + 10,404 I 201 reisure Services 263 - Vehicle Mrintenailce + 53 203 lake Operatioris 263 - Vehicle Mrintenance + 158 204 Park & Landscape Mrin. 263 - Vehicle Operations' + 317 I Subtotal $11,385 Planninq Services I 300 Director 260 - Reilttlursed Mileage + 1,200 302 AOvanced Planning 148 - SpeCial Studies + 18,367 Subtotal $19, 567 I I I il , ' 168 I Resolution N::>. 83-077 I Page 3 I Object of .AIlDunt of project Budget DepartllIent Explanation of Expenditure Ajustrrent I Cbde and Activity ExpeOOi ture AireIldnent I Increase: +/Decrease: - ) Public Services I 400 Director 260 - ReixdJursea Mileage 600 + 402 ~ineering 263 - Vehicle Maintenance + 176 I 403 Streets 263 - Vehicle Maintenance + 740 404 vater Supply 263 - Vehicle Maintenance + 158 405 sewer PImp 263 - Vehicle Maintenance + 88 406 vater Transmission 263 - Vehicle Maintenance + 703 I 407 sewer Collection 263 ,- Vehicle Maintenance + 351 408 F8cili ties 263 '.-'vehicle Mrlntenance + 352 409 Vehicle & Equip. Main. 531 - ~n_ Credits - 3,645 I n SUbti::ltal $(477) Safety Services I 500 Director 263 - vehicle Maintenance + 88 501 Fire Suppression 263 - Vehicle Maintenance + 966 502 Fire Prel7ention 263 - Vehicle Maintenance + 176 I 503 ParaDEdics 263 - Vehicle Maintenance + 176 505 law Enforceuent 263 ... Vehic1eMaintencUice + 88 SUbtotal $1,494 I 110-120 'lbtal Personnel All City Departments + $164,653 Net'lbtal Expenditure l\I!endIrents , +$188,573 I Section 2: The City Manager's proposed 1983-1984 Fiscal Year Budget for I general and special City purposes-, as ariended 'in Section 1, subsections lA) and lB) thereof, is approved and adopted in the ancunt of $17,371,019 for expen- I ditures and $15,456,485 in rel7enues. Section 3: The ncnies necessary to offset the expenses in=redas detailm in the 1983-1984 bu4get doc:uuent, as adopted by the City O;>uncilfor the City of I IQ~y pursuant to Section 2 hereOf, are autmrized by this section to be appropriated out of the fums available to the City during the 1983-1984 Fiscal Year. I Section 4: The City Manager is aut.OOrizm to nake such changes in depart- rrent operating budget totals during the 1983-,1984 Fiscal Year as he .lIB.y, from I tine to tine, deem desirable and .necessary in order to iDeet the City's needs. .' I. ! I, - ~" I 169 I Resolution N:l. 83-077 Page 4 I I WHEREAS, it has been detenninej that appropriating unappropriated reserve nonies' in various funds in a \'IB.nner CXlrresponding to the operational llCde of the City is reasonable and properl and I WHEREAS, furxis establiShej and nonies appropriatmshall rot be CXlnsidered as restricted totally in their availability and use and anountsnay be adjustea I between funds as necessary to serve the future needs of the City of E\:)way. IDW, THEREEORE, the City Council of the City of E\:)way does hereby direct that any unappropriatea balance in the General FuD:1 as of June 30, 1984, shall I be autollBtically' appropriatea into the ContingenCy FuD:1 therein1 and That any unappropria~ ~ in the Water FuD:1 as of June 30, 1984, shall ,I be autouBtically appropriatea into the Contingency FuD:1 therein1 and . That any unappropriatea lvI"'~ in the SeIEr.FUnd as of June 30, 1984, shall I be autollBtically aWmpriatea to the Q:mtingency FuD:1 therein. AOOPrED October 12, 1983, mmc pro tunc to June 28, 1983. I '~L.~ Linda L. Oravec, yor I A:J;!'I:~:iJ: : I '1r1~rW.. k' 21Ja.M~ Mirjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk I l I I I I I :1 I I I I' I I I I - . I I I I I I I I I APPm>IX B I: Rl!S>Wl'IOR rD. R-83-o4 AOOPTIR; '1983-1984 mm, JSLOPMI!Nl' JlGI!JC' FI1WI:IAL I:'!ic>Glwll ~ I ----------~._-_._- "--"-- .~._-------- 172 I I RESOLUTION NO. R-83-04 I - RESOLUTION OF THE POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT BUDGET I FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1983-84, ACCEPTING A LOAN FROM THE CITY OF POWAY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADMINISTRATIVE FUND AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES THEREFROM I WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of PO'ollay (the I "City" ), in accordance with the provisions of the California Community Redevelopment Law, has created a Community Redevelopment Agency Administrative Fund for the purpose of I accounting for administrative expenses of the ~oway Redevelopment Agency (the. "Agency") and keeping funds advanced therefor by the City Council: and WHEREAS, the City Council has approved by resolution of : I even date herewith, a community redevelopment budget for fiscal year 1983~84 ano has approved a,loan to the Agency in the I amount of ',$ 151,200 to bE! dep.osited in the Community Redevelopment Agency Administrative Fund: and WHEREASi the Agency desires to approve a cOmmunity I redevelopment budget for fiscal year 1983-84, accept said loan from the City and authorize the expenditure of the proceeds of said loan in accordance with the approved community I redevelopment budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE POWAY REDEVELOPMENT I AGENCY AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The budget attached to thisresolution as Exhibit, "A" and ,incorporated herein by reference is hereby I adopted and approved as the 1983-84 budget of the Aqency. Section 2: The loan from the City of $;-151.200 I appropriated to the Community Redevelopment Agency Administrative Fund for adm~nistrative expenses of the Agency. as set forth in said budget, is hereby accepted by the Agency I and the Agency agrees to pay interest thereon at the rate of 12% per annum. The loan including interest thereon shall be repaid in accordance with the Schedule attached hereto as I Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by reference. The Agency acknowledges that said loan constitutes an indebtedness of the Agency within the meaning of Article 6, Chapter 6. of the California Community Redevelopment Law. I I I I 173 'I '. Section 3: The expenditure of monies from the Community Redevelopment Agency Administrati,ve Fund for administrative expenses of the Ag~ncy as set forth in said budget is hereby I auth~rized, subj~ct to ~ompliance with the same procedure e,stablished by the City for the expenditure of funds .byother agencies and departments of the City subject to budgetary control. ,. Section 4: As required by the Community Redevelopment Law, the Agency sha;11 file with the City Council a detailed '. report of all of its transactions with respect to the Community Redevelopment Agency Administrative Fund, including a statement of all revenues and expenditures, no 'less than annually. I PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a, reguJar meeting of the Poway Redevelopment. Agency this 27th day of September, 1983.. ! . ".'- - 'I l . I. i '.. (\~n") ~() L .~(6 Chairman of the Poway I Redevelopment Agency ATTEST: II /11 CL-;<\~ k( .;1L~ I' Secret,fl,ryto the Poway Redev~pment Agency Ii I' ( I' I. I ,I, 58301'/2345/00 , -l- , ~~ r h I m i ; I I I ~ ~ , r , c i , i f , : ~ I I 1 ~____~_________~__.i 176 I APPEmIX C I CITY CDUNCIL I~IATE AND SBJRT TERM OOALS I l. Redefinition of procedures for response to public oomrentsand inquiries. 1 To the riaXilllUm extent possible,sta:ff has endeavore<i to respond to a public CXlnnent or inquiry within one~. A postal c:ard system,or teleplxlne call I to ackoowlmge receipt has been instituted by all City departItents. 2. Compilation of a listinq of. appIicablepermits and licerises. The purpose :of this project is toha~e a readily' available listing of n~essary' permits ahd I licenses that will enable an indiVidUcii to understand at the first rontact with a Citydepartnent what will be required. This .netter has been ofoon- cern since inCXlrporation. While specific listings have rot ~. prepared, I staff has been able lwith experi~) to give IIDre CXlmplete, information to the public. With the admiitistiative staffi,ng pIOpOsed .in, the 1983..,84 budget, it is expected that this .pzO~' will be oonpleted in :final fOrm by I Dec-.i~r 1983. ThePlanni.gg.aII:!, Public Services DepaitJIeDts, listed on pages If.I. ani 91, are responRible for admiitistration of this project. 3. Review ani cmend as ~"""ry 1Dn-General Plan or' zoitinq related regulatory I ordillallCeS. As the City ,Council is well aware, a llImn..r of'6l:di.riances. have been recently adoptej that have the effect of ncleaning upn the rei:Jul.\ltory ordinances. 'Ibis is an orxj:li,ng pro,cess which will be sUbstantially CXlmplete~ I with the publication of the R>loBY ~cipal Code. Il>\iever,as circumstances d1ange, scme existing oxdfnanceS which are acceptable, at this tine my need revision. .'ft1e City Clerk's office, 'Page'39, and AdVancedi?iannlng Divisioli of the Planning Services Depa:rt:m[mt, page 86, are respJriSib1e forth1spro- I ject. 4. Assignuent,..oisposition Schedule. Slxlrtly after inoorporati9n,the city I Clerk instituted an nAssignoent Di~sition Schedulen ,in order to ensure that mtters discussed at. City CoUncil IlE!etings 'Nere oot, forgOtten during thetiiIe wtJen the transition loBS occuring. As staff, was hired.ahd ihteriJal I tracking began to occur, the diSposition schedule loBS dropped. At the City Council's request, this schedule has been reinstituted anf is prepared ~ distributed after every Council IlE!eting by the City Clerk I s office, page 39. 5. Open Forum Meetings for ,public input. The City: Council exp,res~'a desire I to sponsor open forum public neetings at VariouS locations within the City. Staff will ootice such IlE!etings as the City Councildesiires.ihe city I Council goals are discussed on page 36. I I I I _ ..,,-.--,..,.-....-.-- .----.-...-., -..:-. _.__.,-'----_..~--_._~- - -.. !I' " '. 177 6. Litter cleanup and enforcenentof illeqal dUIIPing. Since October. 1982, ,. ,spiff :has 'b<:en v.orkingwitl:f:theSheriff's DepartllEnt, through its juvenile diversion v.orkprogram for litter cleanup" This is in addition to existing Court referral 'and .orkfare programs. Volunteer!; such as Boy Scouts and church youth groups have occasionally provided assistance. Beginning in . early July, an honor camp crew will bev.orking specifically along Fbrrerado Road. I' Through the weed abatement program, iritensifim efforts by the Sheriff I s l' ,~ Office, ~ sigiling by Public Services, an effort has been llBdeto cuib Hlegaldunpingand cleanup existing problem areas. Other programs that '. will ,be revi~ this: com:i;ng year inClude, ret~ CXlllection fr<lIlclrlsing arXi, the feasibility .ofalocaloollection and'trawsfer station. with. the nUlli:ler of ' canyons and other :secluded areas, illegal dUnping is probably going ~ be a CXlnstant aggtavatio'n. These programs are irriilerrentm thiOugh the Safety I Services, O:lImnmity Services and Public Services departIrents, pages 113, 71 and 9l. I 7. BUSiness., RegistratiOn orilinance" An adVisory CXlllllli.ttee has been app:linted .to drai:t ,~. BUSi~s 'Begi,stration OritinailO:! t1eji9'@ to, protect CitY busi- IlE!SS'i!s. ~" ordi:~ ,will be Q:lOsi~~by,the City Council -1;1 oqt.oI:ier. I The preparatJon ,am: 'adDlinistration of theord,inance will" be (X)()rllinatea by the Adininilifrative'services DepattDent, plge 51. 8. Plan fOri "Old B:noey.. 1!le City ())~l h!ls"reoogmzeci-the .11l!i9cLfor a plan I for "O:J..d'ptJoay,- 1!\e'current mixed pat~. of ~pment occurt'J!d thxough, property owner desires and the (bunty's inability to plan. The draft eonprehE!nsive plan .suggests a 11Imr...>: of :general prop:lsals for the area, I ineludi'ilg preservation of histoiic l3frIictUtes, scenic preservation, clear definition of land uses, and the need fOra BpE#ic ,plan to lupleuent the Genera!1:~1an.~n: "adoption of the Gez1eraJ.,Pla.n in fall 1983, allOrk I piograma,uld be developed to facilitate this goal. In addition, this nay "lie an area wheie.tedev'elopment my be of great use. The plan is being drafted by theDepartIlent elf Planning services, page 8l. I 9. ReClevelopomt program for ~y. 'ft.1e Ci:tY():))J!lCil has activated the R>way RedeVelopilentAgency, 'and has directej staff to ,solicit for, p~p:lsalsfor oonS\JltIilg iservi'ces. In J\Jly, staff wi,ll berecormelxHng a buqget for P1an I preparatiOn and the hiring of specffic:: oonsultants. The Redevelopment AgenCy BUdget was awroved on Septellbei:' 27, 1983, and is shownoh page 160. 10, Acquisition ofBIM lands. The applicat,i.on 9f '1;l1l;! City of R>Way.for acqw.si- 1 tibnoffiveparc;:els with acreage of',;nearly 1900 acres" is~ceeding in a p?sitiv~,naOner. It is~;an4cipatedt!lcltbY the endoF~: 1983,1:.he City, Win receive an exclusive,oo'-Q)st~'lease on the. propert.y .Fillai patent I or deeding or the property willoccil.i,whei1' the .CitYCXlil1pletes' the propoSej iJlProveitents . The lease. and deVeJ.opnent program for the BIM laixis were approved onOCtoberll, 1983. . I '" '. -'I' " -,_..~ ~...:..---.-- '-- -- ....--...---.. ~----.- ._._~ .-~ -". " -- - -.. - 178 I 11. Comprehensive waterCXlnservation plan. This goal llOtOnly -includes Water I a:mservation, but a.lso includes direction to study future Water needs as well as locations for future water storage. with the eompletion of the Housing Needs Assessrrent Study, evaluations of the water needs can be deve- loped. W3.ter needs can be develOped using various estirrates in ronditions I such as drought and/ordisaster'- This project is ~ing ,developed .by. the Public Services W3.ter Division on page 100. Considerable IIOrk is still necessary before the re];X)rtcan,be' published. 1 12. Revisea Transit Plan for 'Poway. 'J.'tti!s project is=r,e.n):ly underway. DKS aOO Associates is uOOer CXlIlt,J:a,ct wi_th tIie City. A fj,na]. 'feP;>rt will be pre- I pared so a new system ~' ~ XnP.leiIeii~ during tI)e 1983'-84 fisca,l y~. The transit program is admimstered through the Collllll1lli.tyServices Depai:i:neilt, page 7l. 13. Increasea efforts for upqradingroads. A loan progranl of $lOb, 000 was I authorized within 1982-83'. The City Manager' soffice; with theassistarlce of the City Attorney, has beeI:!' ~rking on deveJiipingp;o.granl cleWIs. I IDPleuentation of this phase. is ~. dUring the '1983,-84 fisccl1' year. In adCij,tion, the: City Q)une:il' hliS. approVed OrdinanceRl. -103,Wiu.dr tequitel; dediCation aild. iDpJ:oveneiit' of ,roadS.' . n issuaix:e ofbuildl ." 'ts. 'DIe ..,. ,. " ,upo. .,' ng pexIII1 I pI:~_'will be administered bY' the Ptibllc' Services DepartmeIlt, page 91. 14. Coniltrtiction, of -a swimninq'IXJo1atthe ()'wmnt'1i.ty Center. ~_s. p!=oje:ct will be included-in the redele1oplleli~ studY. P'I1rther, as ~.capitali.DptcVeineI1t, I, it is'stCwn as pmjeCt 1608' on paqe.146. 15. senior' .Citizen lxlusinq. The ~ of this project. is to 'idep.,t,i:fy, am I --. -. l:osSiblYdeS~gnate future sl~ ~arapartnents and IIObile~, Jar ,'Senior citizen' !Dusing ~ TheCollp~ve PlanaOOthe pzt?poseaRedeVelOpmmt Plan, which will be a4mintsterm by the PowayRed,ev~pnent Agency, will address this issue. The '~way Redevelopiiient Agency is 'li~ on page 154. I 16. ConOOminiUIII Q)nversion' Stanhrds. Thelll:lritorium on oobdOmihi.uiii oorWersions expires in July 1983. .'1tIE! !IeW' tb.!rPrehensive Plah, sugg~, ?!Ost,rateqies -. for this issue. 'DIe first. creates, 00 :mnes, one for apartmants.aOO one ,for, CXlnOOminiUIIIB. 'rtlls wiil- hefPtO, preserve a~t~as 'a.viabl:e'lxltisitig alternative. The 5eCXlnd strategy ..cUld allow CXlnversions of. 'the a:part:nents .' that are ofa densityieSsthaIt twe1v!!~ling UItits per acre, ,have 'o;>n- <bminiuin :mning, and meet the stari:lards as set forth on page 330 of' the Conprehensive Plan. 17. Alternate Access Route. This pJ:lJJeqt . provideS for an iri~i'\7!! E!ifort. to I locate' a sUitable second route ,bebieen . SR 67 and I 15. 'Staff is IIOrking with the City of San Die<p anCisillioilGon a SR 125 s'tudY. ill: addition, lit+:- I gation over the Sclbre'Springs C611111l1l1i.t,y Plan has. l:leen' initiatmin order to preserve p:ltential aligiment:s. Fti:ttl!er, a property owners 9;rouP ha.~ begun studies pertaining to the developnent of S:lUthPo~y: aiidha~ identi:fi~ the need for this route. ThE! City's Comprehensive General Plan; Which was I adoptm by the City Council, CXlnceptually designates a route for SR 125. The Advanced Plaruling Division listed on page 86 is I.orking wiihother cities and governIlel1tal agencies to finalize the location of this route. I I I -- ~, " I' 18' Old' n.-. Mi' , Par' 'k Th' I'd' .. --' to rd' th 'bl __-' f 179 , '. ""way - OJ" . l.S goa .1.S l.rect""" ,wa ,e poSS1. e n""", or a - 'park in the Old E\::lway area. As discussm, the park v.uuld have an area of at I: least one ;acre: ' Through the Rmeveloprrent Plan, adrninist~red by theE\::lway Redeve10pllEnt, ,Agency, the specific needs for this park will be addressed. The Redeveloprrent AgenCy is on page 154. ;,1 19. Establishment of a local cable corrmi:ssion. The City is currently reviewing the status of the Cable Television Ordinance and FranChising through the I,' , ci:msulting firm, of TeIea:imiu.ini.ca:tions M:lnageri'ent Corporation. Upon CXlmple- : tion of the stlldY, the City O:luncH nay CXlnsider various optionS, inclUding , a cable CXlmntssion. The study is being administered by the Colllllllllity , , Services DepartIrent, page 71. 1 20. TJpqrade of Powa,>, Hiqh ScOOol football field. This project proposes to assist, _Po~y Unifim Sclpol, District with '~ upgrade of the, football field 'I' at E\::lway' High Scmol" The project will be CXlnsidered in the Redeveloprrent Plan of theE\::lway Redevelopment Agency. The Redevelopment Agency is listm on Page 154. 1 21. Update on Letters of 'Availability. The Ci~O:luncil has app:rovm a ,netf sewage, capacity ordinance and has directed ,staff to obtain capacity in both the PenaSquitcis Trunk, SeWer,Line and at the, Point,!DDB Treatmi!llt Plant. The I SeWei Division of the. Public Services Department is, working, to acquire the additional .....r=-dty. The Sewer Division is listed on pages 102 and i03 of the' bI:Idqet. ' I 1 I 1 I . .' ',I' , :1 I I I --_..- "~_.____ ____ - _.0- ~__. _ ___ _ ___, 1 I Iii i ?:,' I I ~ I: . -' - -,-- r"-.- ;-... .. .... .,- - _. --- - _i _.. - -- --- - - 182 I EXPmSE llCCCIJNl' DEFINITIONS I 100 PERSONNEL SERVICE. Salaries, wages and fees for personnel services not I involving'the furnishing of materials. 110 Salaries - Reqular. Ca!lJensation paid to regularly enployej personnel on I the City's payroll, assignej paYroll nuri1ber and suJ:?j~ tel. normal payroJl deductions, such ~tion includes staIXi-by lcaIl"'OJ.tJ pay, .pafana:iic pay, shift differential, etc. I 111 Salaries - Special. Salaries paid to comcililembers and arty others not subject to the najority of the normal payroll deductions. I 112 Salaries - .Part-Tine. Wages paid to enployees who are classifiej as pait-tine eoployees. 113 Salaries- OVertime. Portion of the salary subject to premium pay. I 120 Fri.nqe Benefits. City paid beaefit,s lIUch as PERS, heaith i.nsuranCe, CaD- I pensation insUrance and other benefits as negotiated in 'theKIJ I s. 121 N:lrkerS~~tion ,Benefits. Total City paid workers ........?-..,,'ti9l1 benefits. ThiSlll'V",nt; is used' orily in theRislt~jjivision. I 122 Health Life Benefits. Total City paid hea1thandiife. insuranCe and other benefits . This "ccomt' is used only in the Risk MaIla.gem:!nt I Division. 123 Retireuent Benefit. Total City paidPERS contril:l1tion. This account is used only in theRislt Mimagement Division. 1 " 130 Telq:x)rary Services. Cbst of Oltside 't""'tY'rary perSomiel hirej on an "as J"eE!Qejn basis. . Volunteer Service. VOlunteer 'workers, such as volunteer firefighters on 131 call for fire suppression. I, 140 Attorney Fees. Co>1?e'l5ation paid to the City Attorney. 141 Ieqal Fees. /'"rnp'"'l5ationpaid to lawyers other than the City .Attorney I for legal advice. 142 Litiqation - City Atterney. O::x\p2nsation . paid to the City Attorney ta I represent the City in court ~rances. 143 Buildinq Inspection. O::x\p2nsation paid for providing wilding inspection I Service . I n, I 1 " I 183 I 144 Audit Service. Corrpensation paid to certifim public accountants arrl other outside acCountants engaged by Council. 145 Data, Processing Consultant. CorrpenSation paid to data processing con- I sultants. 146 LitIgation - Other Attorneys. Conpmsation paid to attorneys other than 1 the City Attorney to represent the City in CXlurt appearances. 147 Cherriical Analysis. Compensation paid to chemists and other scientist." I for analytical IIOrk. 148 Special stUdies. Cost of special studies and analysis perfonred by out:- side CXlnsultants and other professionals for specific programs, e.9'., 1 personnel study, needs assessrrent study, etc. 160 ~ineering . cDrrpensation paid to engineers for general services IDt I otherwise - classified. 161 Water -'Project Enqiileerinq . ~tioh paid to engineers for ~J:,,;:r I projects . . 162 Sewer Proiect E'.nqineering. Q)npensation paid to engineers for sewer ~~- jects. I 163 TIaffic ~ineering . ~tion paid to engineers for traffic projects . 1 164 land DeI1elopuent Enqineerinq. (kI"{'e'lsation paid to engineers for laM developi1ent analysis including right,..of....a.y' erigineering. 1 165 (kInstruction Enqineerinq. (kInpensation paid to engineers for CXlnstrlIG- tionsurveys, mterial and o:mpaction testing and CXlnsultation etc., that occur during, the 'CXlnstruction phase. I 199 Other Professional Fees. Other services oot ,otherwise classif-im, such as electiol1 fees, CXJdification, surveying, etc. . 200 Ul'ILITIES, 'mANSRlRTATION AND CDfMlNICATIONS SERlTICES. Utilities, allow- anCes inlieti ,of' City cars, City fleet costs, travel and subsistenc:e 1 allOwances, advertising, recruit:nent and postage. 210 Gas and ;Electric! ty . Paynent for electricity and gas usej for general I purpJse activities, rot otherwise classifim to provide lighting, heating and power. 211 Natural Gas. Cost of fuels such as propane and liquid natural gas. . . 1 .-- ~- I .._'.0._. ---- 184 I 212 Water - Interfund. Cost of water provided to other departnents/divi- I sions external to the water fund. 213 Water Purchases. Cost of buying water. I 214 Water Storaqe Adjustnent. Account used by Finance annually to adjust water inventory to' the actual level. I 215 Telephone. Cost of telepoo~ charges for service, installation, local and long distance calls, and CXlSt. of sending telegrams. . I 216 Trash, ReiIDval. Cost of contract to reDDve trash. 217 Gasoline and Diesel fuel.. Cost of gasoline and diesel fuel plrchasea for I . - ... use in City vehiCles and equiprent. 218 Siqnal Power. Cost of electricity usej for traffic signals. I 219 Street Safety Liqht and PcloIer. Cost of electricity to provide safety lightinq on City streets. 220 ~i.ty - PeDasQuitos Syst:eIL 01arge,s paid to the City of San Diego for I efflueDtthro1qh this system. ' . , 221 Capacity- Metro:l:: "and Maintenance and Qperation. Same as,,220 and I includesrelatej tenanoe and operations. ' 222 Capacity - Bernardo System. Same as 220. I 230 other Utility Charqes. Minor utility charges for. gas, electricity, telephone, water trash reacvaJ. etc. where specific identification of ser- I vice type is not necessary. 240 PUDpinq Paway - Plant. Utility charges for pullping to water or sewer I facility. 242 Plmpinq PcloIer - rake. Utility charges for pmping water to this loca- tion. I 243 PUDpinq PcloIer - I.D. 1. Utility charges for pullping~ter t!lrOlgh this pmp station location to Serve the utility COI1SUII'ets. 'Theseooats are I passed on to the consUmers as a pullping charge on the utility bill and returnm to the City as revenue. 244 PI1"l'inq PcloIer - St. A!xirew . Utility charge for pmping wastewater I thrOlgh this pmp station location to serve the utility oonsumers. These CXlSts are passed on to the oollSUIlersas a punping charge on the utility bill and returnm to the City as,revenue. I I I I --- __'_.___.n..__~ _ -- .. --'---.---. - . -- - , , 'I, 185 I 245 Plmpinq - I.D. 4. Sane as 243. 246 Pumoinq 'Power - Camino Del Valle. Sane as 244. ,I 247 Pumoinq Power - Orchard A- 73. Salle as' 243. 248 Pu1Ipinq Power - Donart n. Salle as 243. I 249 Plmpinq Power - Convair and Padre. Salle as 243. I 250 P\mpinq Power - Filtration Plant. Salle as 243. 251 P-mpinq Power - Teiemetry. sane as 243. I 252 P-mpinq Power - Camel Back. sane as 243. 253. P-mpinq Power - Del Poniente. sane as 244. 1 254 PlmJping Pcliier - DoIlart '2. sane as 244. 1 260 JleoimhlrSed Mil~. M:lIley paid to City staff and others for use of thei1: own vehiclesooa ti.mebasis or mileage basiseStabllshed by theCCiUncil. This payment ~ either a mileage reimI:ursement or a car '"llOo'a"OO I paid to designated eaployees in llel of an assigned City vehicle. 262 vehicle Operations.. rn-1D1se cost of fuel charged to City departmentsl divisions. I 263 vehicle. MainteDance. Labor, IIBterials, parts and other costs associated with. oaintenance of City~ed vehicles. These costs are norDBlly in- I hcuse chargeS by the City's vehicle and 'EqIilpoerit Maintenance Division to other City depart:mE!nts/divisions. This accooll1t is also used by the vehicle and Eguiplient Maintenance Division to acquire parts and IIBterials . to provide t:hese ~ices. This acc001l'lt is, also used by the sheriff is Depar1:Dent for Oltside oaintenance. The charges to this acexunt are scrutinizm by Finance and the 8Jdget Ccmni.ttee. Transfer requests are disCOlragm. .. 264 Vehicle .Rental. Rate paid to recover the anticipateareplaceuent cost of City-owned vehicles and equipoent.The charges to this account are scru- 1 tinized by Finance, and ii1dget transfer requests are t'li"<:Xl'll-aged. 270 Travel and Meetings. Costs of atteriding ueetings, saninarEi, conferences or IIOikshopa-; SUch charges" include neals, transportation , lodging , I 'registration fees, etc. 280 Advertisinq. Advertising expense for plblic notices. I . 1 ,. , 186 I, 281 Recruitment. Expenses associated with hiring and praroting errp10yees, I such as fingerprinting, adliertising, testing and costs associated with interview boards. I Mailing expense including parcel post. 282 Postaqe. 300 CONl'RAClUAL SERVICES. Labor an4 materials CXlntractea for Oltside the I division, nedical exams, subscriptions, mamberships, prarotional costs., I 311 Printinq . COsts paid to Oltside firms for printing, birxling, and dupli- cating . 312 Janitorial Services . PayDents to ootside firms for providing these I services . 313 Uniforms ~ and 'D~ Cl~. COsts to plrchase uniforms; lauridry I and dry ~l....n''19 of fabr cs incl.udiIig uniforms, draperies, cleaninq rags, etc. 314 I"rnwn"li ty Relations. cmts. of decorative and pl'CIIlUt inruo li1aterials used I to plblicize the City" includinq such things as 'plaques, prnt"l..""'tiOnS, floNers, """'001 safety patrol, etc. . 315 lUblications and Dues. Payments forElUbscriptions to jcAirnIiis, ,news- " . papers and plrchase of books and other paDphlets to prCJllJte the inter- I change of ideas, """"'he-cship fees and associatea 'costs fof officials and key eap1.oyees to attend variOls III.U1icipal organizations toprCJllJte the interchange of ideas. Also used for the City's momhership in the BaDe type of organizations. I 316 lkw'l; r-a 1 Exams. Cbsts for periodic physical e"""'; I1lltions required by the City for City eap1.oyees and for prospective eaployees. I 317 Mlcation. and Trai.ninq., Used for training at local colleges, for guest lectures and educational films where overnight travel is not included. 318 Leisure Contracts. Olsts paid to Oltside recreatic;m leaders for pro- . grams . These expenses are offset by revenue generated by these prc:lgrams. 319 Animal. Aba1:erlent. Contractual ag~t for rE!lllOVal of' dead animalS, I animal regulation, and animal CXJntrol. 320 outside, Dterqeney Assistance, Used by Safety Send,ces for costs that .are I paid ta other agencies for their assistance at a fire or chemical spills such as costs including meals, support, etc. 321 Camuni ty Safety. Olntract costs with the comty Sheriff's Depar1:nent I for police protection. Also includes other costs associated with poliCe protection. I I I , I I 187 I 322 DisPatch COntract. COntract cost with the City, of San Diego I s Fire Depar~ntfor ,dispatch service. . ~ 323 I~~~~-~~~~~ ~ 324 Nuisance Abaterrent. - ~t~of S"te 'iTrZ'atJ:Oii",and/or ~ed abaterrent and/or I vehicle abaterrellt at off-street locations deerred to be a public nuisance. I 325 Vehicle Requlation. COsts asSociated with traffic citation processing, 32 bicycle li!cerisingprogram, and towing program. I 331 R&M Building. COsts associatea with repair aIldmairitenance of the Ci. ty' s buildings ,and structures. 332 R&M Air COndi tioning ~" Costs associatea with the repair an? naintenance I: of the Cit.y' s air 60ndi tioning, heating, and ventilation units. 333 R&MElevator. Costs associatea with the repair and naintenance of the I' City's elevator. 334 R&M Equi~t. Costs: iIssociatea with the repair and maintenance of other . .' '. . - '. City equiplel1t ~t otherwise classifim. , ' 335 R&MOutside vehicle Repair. ~;~ of vehicles ,~ equi.~tperfoIIlE!d by outside shops