Final Budget FY 1982-1983 - --- - t:1 --I MASTER FILE ' ,; I - DO NOT REMOVE. I , I I 'f I - I , . . I 'I . I - I " . '1 , , FINANCIAL PRO'GRAM '. FY 1982-1983 I I I I . "J I -~. I , ,I OJQ(i9 I I I CITY OF POWAY . .' . . \ .. CITY COUNCIL MARY SHEPARDSON, MAYOR' :. LiNDA,OR!l:VEC, DEPUTY MAYOR BRUCE TARZY ,. BOB EMERY CARL KRUSE . I . uuuu~~uU'~U.~ ~,,~,,~..................... ... '. I .1 I: I .. I I , I C IT Y OF POWAY '. DIRECTORY OF CITY OFFICIAlS I . CITY MANAGER I JAMES L. BOWERSOX I I ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PUBL!C'SERVICES PATRICK R. FOLEY ,AIiAN' D'. ARCHIBALD I CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF PLANNING, 'SERVICES '. JEAN -LEONAljID HARRIS BARRY" I( . 'HOGAN l CITY'Ct.ERK/TREASURER DIRECTOR' OF ADMINISTRATIVE 'SERVICES MARJO[!IE K. WAHLSTEN JOII.N D. FITCH I" DIRECTOR Of ,COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR'OF SAfETY SERVIGES D. LEE ,LEWIS WILLIAM B. BOND ,. l ,. I' '. TABLE OF CONTENTS . City Manager's Letter of Transmittal . . . . . . i Piogi'arif ':J;:xpemditures . . . . . . . . . . . . .' iii Authorized Full-Time Positions by Department . . . . iv I Full-Time Classifications . . . . . . . . . . . v City of poway Financial Program: 1982-1983 . . . . . . 1 I S~ry of Sources & Uses of Budgeted Fun~s . . . . 2 Statement. of Fund Balances and Reserves . . 4 ,. Gerieral Fund Detail . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Sewer' Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Water Fund . . . . . . ,. 7 Street' Improvement Fund . . . 8 :1 Park IrnprovementF~nd . . . . . . 9 Capital Replacement Fund . . . 10 D_rainage.p~d. . . ", .'.'. . . . 11 I Debt Serv~ce, Fund . . . . . . 12 Municipal Imprbvement Fund . . . 13 Revenue'Sliaring'Pund . . 14 Grant,Fund . .' . . . . . . . 15 I CDBG Fund . . . . . . 16 Revenues by Funds and ,Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 I Borid Interest and RedemRtion . . . . . 24 Departmental Operating Budgets . . . . . . . 26 I Legislative and 'Administrative: City Council 29 ~egislative, and Administrative: City Clerk . 33 Legislative 'and :Administrative: City Attorney . 37 I Legislative and! ~dmlnistrative: City Manager 41 Department of Aqministrative services .' 45 '1 Department of Community Services . . 63 qepartment of: Planning Services 75 I' Department of Public Services " . 85 ,Department of 'Safety Services . . . .. l07' ,. 'Capital Improvement Program . . . . . . . lIS' Appendix A - Resolution Adopting 1982-1983 Financial Program 144 'I' Appendix B - City Council Immediate & Short Term Goals .- . 148 Appendix C - Chart of Expense Accounts & Definitions . .. '. . . 152 I- 'I :1 I: i -.,- CITY OFPOWA Y ;1' COUNCIL <MEMBERS, tvlARY' SeHEPARDSON, M,ym ,. LINDA ORAVEC;' Deputy'Muyor, ~QJ?E,Il:r c. EMERY, Co~~cil ,~eml:>er' BRUCE:' T ARZY.. COlindl',Member C~~I.; R. KRUSE;'Council Merribe~ I June 1, 1982 I '. Honorable Mayor 'and Members of the City Council City of poway poway., California 920'6'4 '. Dear Council Members: ;1 It is again a pleasu~e to ,present for your consideration, a balanced financial program for Fiscal Year, 1982-1983. This budget wasprepared'with consideration given to maintenance of, a' consistent level of,~service~ within th~ cons~raints :1 of financial uncert"inty. Thi~ year the City of "Po,,!ay wiH not be required to expend prior years' 'appr.opriated contingency, fun&;. However, the financi"l prob~l?m~ be~I1g expeY).:el1:ced, rat "!:he Federal and', state level may cause severe problems if State subvention cuts are perpetuated. I In order to present to tlie'City Council a ,spending 'program that could be rationally, di:scussed, this budget was prepared'with' the 'presumption that I allState' subventlonsforMotor Vehicle In-Lieu Fees and Cigarette'Tax, totaling ?L 2 'million, would not be forthcoming. The impact of this decision is not ful~y represented.'i~: proposed expenditure reductipns inasmuch 'as locally generated revenues such as sales tax have improved during, the ,past ~I 12 mOnths. In order to maximize the. 'limited resources available for the first fiscal I year in which the City of' .poway is responsible!,"" ,all services, a nlJTI!ber of sigD..ific?-nt chaJ:.1ges '~~~, p~opos!3d which w~li, ~a~e,'delivery Of services mor~ c9st effective. 'J;'!1e,:bu~get ,proposes the es:tabl-,i~,~ent of a s1;re.'e.t',_ maintenance crew with the, ,transfer of four empToyees from t!1e water' divi.:'sion,'. ~-' -. -- - - " ,. '..;.... - ... - -. .; "-. ". - - ." "'.. "' "'-- I ,I~' ~51Cli,:t_i9n,two emp~oy~e~;r -Fro~ t:.he watel;: divisfqn wi-II ,be trans-f~;:.reg.;' to buildiI}g. )~n~inte.~ance., Otl1:_e~cost' effective measures' proposed iD it1i~.;'budget include c9ritr~cting f~r c6~ptitei programming a~~.d~letion of the park,~lanner ,. positfohin C6~unity Services. This' budget' includes the addition of two new ~ositions to ad?ress inc~eased workloads' in the customer ,services division and the' landscape maintenance I divfsion. The proposed clerk position in customer :services is contingent upon "approval of a business, occupancy licensing program.rre proposed maip~en~nc~ ~orker positi~n is' ne~~ssa~yto maint~in the addition~i 15 acres I of ,landscaped .parkland to be added this year. I 8.dmlhistrative OfficesLocated at 13325 Civic Center Drive il M~LUng Address: PO Box 785, Poway, California 92064 . (714) 748-6600, (714) 695-1400 0 :1, ,-.---- ii I \ I Honorable Mayor and' 'Members of the City Councrl I June I, 1982 Page 2 I During ~he fiscal year, revenues from both State' and Federal grants are' anticipated which will provide funding for a number o~project~. While it is proposed that the balance of 'Fiscal Year 19~1-1982'~evenue Sharing Funds I be allocated to capital proJects, it is re~o~el}deq... t.his- year"s allocation. be held as a' contingepcy 'ag~inst unanticipated needs in both the operating and capital improvement ~udgets. I Two new and uniq~e programs aria proposed in this year's"budget. Street and watermain cons~ruc~ion loan programs may 'be established to encourage voluntary upgrade 'of dirt roads and the elimination of temporary ~~~er I connections.' While specific criteria has no~ be~n de~~~9P~d, it i~ believed that low-interest long~term loans would provide the catalyst to upgrading many neighborhoods. I. In ~urn!tl~ry., it i~ sigi!f~i:ga:nt to n,ote. th?t, the C:i-ty of powayis .able to ~~~htain ~,responsible revel 9I services when many are cutting back. This is not a result of: an abunaance of revenues, but 18 due to the conservative I fiscal poricies implemented:by the City Council. Such policies will continue (to provethei-r worth i~ succeeding fiscal years. However" the experi~nces 'this year with major reductlons in State subventions traditionally allocated - .' - I to local governments underscore the need to develop, both locally and in S~~~arnento, ~e~ur~, reven~e 8ou~ce8 which will ensure the continued delivery of. quality services to' the citizens of Poway. I Respectfully submitted; 1 ':J ) "tiY\.... '\ -/ l561.v.f:.')vY;j I J es .L. Bowersox .1 Ciity,Manager ,. JLB:,lf '. I - I I I I' -.' ,I' iii CITY OF POWAY . PROGRAM EXPENDITURES FISCAL YEAR 1982-1983 I Oper_ati<;ms Total ~nd Capital Program I CITY OF POWAY perso"nnel Mai"ntenance Outlay Expenditures Legislative and .1 Administrative 263,'871 128,983 800 393,654 Administrative Services 468,264 380,922 39,000 888,186 I Community Services 539',808 370,610 , 16,060 926,478 I Planniqg Services 243.,'528 125,495 -0- 369',023' I Public Services 1,,364,386 3,622,008 127,245 5,113,639 I Safety Services 1,,022',976 1,808,384 26,625 2,857','985 I TOTAL CITY 3,902,833 6,436,402 209,730 10,548,965 I I .,1 I I, , I ,I' ';, 11 , . :1: ,....., -.._- '" - - _. I: iv ,I: AUTHORIZED FULL-TIME I POSITIONS BY DEPARTMENTS: I I 1981-1982 1982-1983 1982-1983 DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZED PROPOSED APPROVED ..I Legislative & Administ.rat~ve 6 7 7 'I; Administrative Services 18 18 18 I Community Services 24 24 24 I ,Planning Services 9 9 9 Public Services 47 46 46 I Safety Services 28 28 28 '- - I I TOTAL 132 132 132 I NEW POSITIONS Title Department I Community Services Park Maintenance Worker I I '. I '.' '" :1: , . 'I' \ C,ITY OF f'o'iiAY \ v Fl:JLL- TIME ,CLASSIFICATIONS -I CLASSIFICATION RANGE NO. SALARY RANGE I AccoUnta~nt 196 1626-1984 Account Clerk II 150 1029-1255 Account ,Clerk I 140 931-1136 I Administrative Analyst 201 1709-2085 Administrative Assistant 191 1547-1888 Administrative Clerk II 143 960-1171 I Administrative Clerk I 133 869-1060 Administrative Secretary 163 1171-1429 Assistant CivilEngin~er 211' 1888-2303 1 Assistant Planner 195 1610-1964 Assistant Public Servie'es Operations Manager 231 2303~281O I Assistant to the' City Manager 221 2085-2544 ASs1stant to the 'Director of Public Services 221 2085-2544 ,I Associate Civil Engineer 221 2085-2544 Associate Planner 205 1778-2170 , - 155 108l~1319 '. Bui~?ihg Ma~ntenance Worker Co~unity ServicesManage~ 215 1964-2397 Construction Maintenance Superintendent 221 2085-2544 I' constr~ction Maintenance Supervisor 190 1532-1869 Construction Maintenance I Worker III 175 1319'-1610 Const~uction Maintenance Worker II 16'5 1194-1457 I Construction Maintenance. Worker I 155 1081-1319 Customer Services Manager 206 1796-2191 ,I Customer 'Services Worker 168 .1231-1501 Data, Processing 'Technician 165 1194-1457 Deputy City Clerk 168 1231-1501 I D~re~tor of: A~ini?tr?tive Services 248 , 2728~3328 Directo~ .of .Cq~.~ity Services 243 2595~3167 Directbr- of: PTannrng. Ser,viC'es 243 2595~3167 I Dfre6i6r of'-'Public Services 251 2810-3429 Director: of' 'safety Services 248 2728-332.8 Engineeri~g'Aide 173 1293-1578 I Engineering Technici?~ 183 1429-1743 Equ~pm~Dt ~~in~~~~~c~ ~uperyisor 199 1675-2044 ,Equipment,M~~hanic 184 1443-1761 :1 1:- I CITY 9F POWA Y vi 0 FULL TIME CLASSIFICAcION5 CLASSIFICATION RANGE NO. SALARY. RANGE I Finance Manager 221 2085-254.4 D Fire Battalion Chief 227 2213-2,70i Fire Captain 212 1906-2326 Fire'E~gineer 197 16.42~:2004 ", --" I ,Fire Fighter 187 1487-'(81,4, Fire Fighter (Probationary) 162 1159-l4l4 Junior" Civil Engineer 201 r709-~085 I Junior Planner 185 1\157-17.78 Laboratory T~chnician 201 1709.,20'85 Mete:.r; Mechanic 174 1}O6~1594 I Park Ranger III 162 1159~~41~ Park Ranger II 152 1049-1280 Park Ranger I 142 950-1159 'I Parks Maintenance" Worker III 167 1218-1'187 Parks "Maintenance Worker II 157 'll03~1346 Parks ~ajnt~nance Wor~er I 1.47 99S.,i2i}l ;1 Parks 'S~pervisor 187 1487-i8i4 Personnel Aide 168 1231-lo.501 Personnel Manager 221 '2085-2544 ;. Planning Technician 168 1231-1501 Public Services Inspector 197 1642-2004 I Public Services Qperation Manager 241 '25'1'1~3104 Pu~c~asing. M~nager 221 !2Cj8S-2S4'4 purchasing 'Technician 165 1194-1457 Recreation Coordinator 172 l280-J:562 I Recreation Leader 162 lr59-,14lo4 Recreation Supervisor 187 1487-'181fl D Secretary 153 1060-'1293 Secretary to the City Manager 168 123l~J:501 Senior Accountant 206 '1796,-'2191 I, Senior Building, ,Ma;irit,eI1ance Worke"r 170 J:255-'1532 i Senior Civil Engineer 231 2303~28io Senior Planner 215 ~~64-2397 I Senior Utilities System Technician 202 172.6~2167 Treatment Plant Operator III 201 1709-2085 I Treatment Plant Operator II 191 1547-'1888 Treatment Plant Oper~tor I 181 1400-179.9 Utilities Operations and Treatment Superintendent 226 219i~2674 I Utilities System Mechanic 182 1414-1726 Utilities System 'Technician '192 1562-1906 I 0 I - ..- -~ I '; I I el " . I ,; I I . , - . 'I '. 0 'I; I . I ,I: , ., ,I' , , I I, c'jTY IOF. ~f?6WAY FINANCIAL PROGR8-M: 1982:"J983 'I, " STATEMENT OF FUND ~LANCEs !'ND gE~ERVES :1 , ". ~;1 \ 'i. ,I . ~21 c \ I \ eLI-V,ofP.OWAY' :~ . :FISCAL 'YEAR I982,,:i983 "sLit-f.tARY OF SOURCES .ANO 'USES,'Off BUbG'ETED FUNDS 'GENERAL. SEWER ,WATER :Q~:Bf _ STREH. I !fuN!)', .~ !FUND' ,SERVICE' I MPROVEM:NT .. ,SOURCE 'OF FUNbs'; I RE!"venues :6.4(';7';'244, 1,525,613'6',086,046, '293 "B.90 '934',.561 Accumulated, . , 3, 085i 137 I i28' 240' ,693'..054' , Appropriations 2 ,!~~4i882 , ,~ ,...~ :0: - ~-.. . I Accumulated ~~~ 6 Ba\l.~~~s 0 " 0 207,788. ,0 , TOTAL 8,,802,1:26 4,6I'Q"J,?O ;],,8J:t1 ;,'286 411,678 i. 62'7 615 ,'-' --,' " _.'~ , , ,. USE OF FUNDS 0" i J;:?,p~ndit~~'s 5,.514, 68~ 1',3,76,,784 3,02t1';,7,98 0 6-32'698 " ' ",.'.. -. C~p~t,a'l Pi:ojects 0 0 2.,225,,000 Q ~94'i;?,OO I (~q,!l~' II!:t~rfs\ &;; . . , '~e"c;~J#pti9n (j 188,345 1,294'",6-36' 1'74,,8012 0 ---'. " , ,Resetrye13-' :fgr,' COfl'1:.ingencies 3370 283 !}',9~;?;, 19;7 J ,669'!,852' :9> 400;2r7 I !. '..i ,Urjappr,opl'iated' , , Res"~rves; Q' 0 0 .236\8)78: '0 'r~ansfers" ,j82.,842) 88',.424: (400,000) 0: 0 I TOTAL~. , 8802 1'26' 4 t610 ,750, "7 '81'4 ,286 41,1 ;,678: ~l, 62r7',61.S" ~, '__', ,f. _ ,~ . ,'; . , . . General; 'fund:;~: Th~ p!;i~;t"i s6iij?ce of revenwfs _f_o~r' ,tp~ G~~,er}il, f:Undf 'are "property- t~}{es\ I, ~and 'sales tax. General EUnd revenues from al~ sources are shown on pages'lS and~ 19. The, General F,und ~fip_~nce5' ail of the' ~Sa'fety serv~c~s activit-ie-s incl'uding the <fi\.r~.- 'service" ~ara~~"d;~~ ~Ad' ~h_eilf.;s contract., . p~;n~;h~ _?efr~.(p::e-s'igark main'tenanc~, - I recreat1on,. Pbway Lake p~rk"general engineering and the City: a-drninistration are financed through th~'Geheral 'FUnd., A summarY'~f th~ r~prove~ buaget for ,the G~~erai : Fund' is shown.,6E :p~g.,;~~2,T 'and 28. - ,_..,'.' , .' , ., ,- I ' ',s-ewer'F.und' -: 'The, 'prima.'i:y source .of'frevenue lor, the s-ewef funa. Is the sewer servi"ce ,charge"e 'Otr1Ei~~ ;~c)tii'~es~ ~of, ;revenue 'for. ,thi~: fuifd: ',,ir&.. ih6wnon,.page ,-20'. The S~w~"r ~F,Und ,i;s~, 'an: (~nte~~-rrS~el i@~' ,tnat' J~s, ,use~: :soi~~y ~:~o;.:~ti:"P~9-r.~"~ac_tl vitie:' re>l,ated to :P~~~i4~rig, '. I 'a !sanitary,' _se_wer' ,system' lin 'd1e, 'CitY'. :,The, approved -budget: for, 'the :Sewer. ,Fund' is' sh9wh~ "on'; pages: :-i7" ~~-~. '~?"~ ~ The, ;ma,~orl.cost 'to' t'B.e:'lf~d" i~; J6f Lsewage .treatment :p~ovd:~~~" ',~.y: ~itfe . 'San, \Die,go. ~l1et;-ppql-l'~.an: "sewe_r' system'e ~ ' \w~ter <F~W1d, .:-.... 'I:h"~. ,.Wa.~te'#~ :F;iind ,~~s~ .'al-so ,a, ,se'1f.~suPP9:r;,te4 re~l}.:t)ffp'i'i:sei ~fimd'. T11e' prima:t:y; I ,source of' revenue for- ~this ,fund iis .from"the, :sa'ie. ot water,;; ;A:ll -reVenUeS! 'for ~thel ,.fUnd T .' _~ .., "" . __ _ ,_, '"_ .' '. _ _, _, are shown, on pag~ :21., !Ali~hoi'lzed' ~xpenditures forf}_scaJ" "y,e.1.r '1982-r983"are, shown 'on P,ag,es 7., 2,7 aic4 ~B. Mar" Mtailed, breakdown i's shown, em, pages 96, 100 an<=!, ]/4) ..>J:he I ,primary charges ~to 't.li.is fund, are 'for 'the cost df purchcfsirl"g w~ter" ":,treatment, p~pirig: ~ ~.' - - -- ,~ --, '" -' - '.....- '",' , .. - and ma.i'nt,eI}igls.~ bf :tl:fe~ab3r 'sy'steme .. , , ,Debt Serifce - T.[~s r~d records the r~v~p~es a~d eXp'end~tures 'assocfated w~th,t~~ I: ' 'fi[n~u}cJ;p.g' qf~he' Ci til's gemeral a~e.~ ~ geyejl1.ie' s-o~rces are shown on p~ge 22,., 'rte' , appr6yea 'O:u<l<:jet i's shown on page 1.2" Street. Improvements ':"'The f.J1J1~4 fs llS8,d to finance the constrtict_i:'9~h.' f~pa).:r,irid ~a'in~ l -tenal1ce oJ' City ,str~et_S; L?-:.S! sh.9.\'ii1,: ,on; ~p-age: ,21, sources. of'ir~~~h~e s(r~ fr6m gasol\.i'ne tax', interest income ~.d de5TeJ.6p:tnep~ tees'., 'The~ ,approve~ ~9~y~qE!--t is sh"o~ on -page 8; 'and' NO, , , I , " . I , ; I ,:" ~--_.. -,--' 'I 3 ,- I WI1'AL REVENUE' PARK RE~L.ACEMENT ,DRAINAGE M..JNICIPAL GRANT ,CDBG - J>"~ . . SHARiNG 'FUND ;iMF?ROVEMENT' FUND RJND' IMPROVEMENT., FfUND TOTAL '. t,9:2,,9:i.7 179'~239 128';iLli 87,696 J,?9.,,7r7?- ,,28,142 ,174,006 ,1:7,107,232 0 0 0 Q. 0 0 0 '7,'841,313 I 15,296 5,600, 323,'';:J!8 ,299.',,230' 118~059 0 'OJ 969,'0'9'1 208,213' 1'84,'2)9 4_51..830 ,386~'926'1 ,517 ,831 '728,142 ,m4,090 2'59J!7636 .of.. .."H"_ ,. 0 0 0 '0 0 0 Q ro,'548,965 74,ii'1 0, 450;900 475,!'350' in,'250 Z{5 ,JOO 1:'1.4,000 4.,'349, ,17 I, 0 0 0 '0 ,0 '0 0 1,,657; 781 ,. 9 ,184,. 239. 0 6 ,a. Q 0 8; 581,}8B ,1:34'096 0, 1,830 6 406 i5,8], A, 0 7,79.. 385 ~ . ~ - of. , '" ""' 0' ,0, 0 (88,424) ,0 482 iB42! '0 0 :1, 208/213, 184',239' 451,8~ji 3'86,,92~ 517,i 831 728/142! '174',000 ,25,917',636 '. Park Itnprovements-This, fund :i;sus,,,a to ;in,,y,c:e tlie cost, of' .park constru_ct,iO,,:., -B-~vei1ties'are' ,shown ion ,pa~~ :22: and~ ,au1;h9~ized c~pTtal ex:penditures :ar~. 'ISJl9WIlQI1"; :p?-g~,s PI 'ana, 1139. 'I' Capital 'Replacement' .'Fund' ,-, t~e capiJ;al ,r~placeri\ent 'fund, is ,used, 'to, financetl1e. :replac'e- ~erit O'f '.City, 'vehicles: -arid l'!'C1:jor t~quip!iieJi1:;.:' The revenue for' thiis 'fi!nd co~e~.i tfrqIIl ~~le ' , of surplus property and' renj;,,:l feeJ; cliarge'd' to each of the d.ivisi,?n,s, tllat haveoeen assigned, vehfc'l'e or' equipment';; Revehties .'are ,shown on, page 22'.. c,_ _ , "" __... '. _ , , I Dra~nage Eund "'~"v~nues fp';f,tli:i!s ,fUnd' 'are ,shown on page 22:.. TJ:~~ p_firi}ary: 's'cnirce~ of :revenue~ "i/s :(rgm c!~~i!j.~ge;, .fe'~s: ,collected', ;as, ,devel:opme!lt <?cc;::~r$;~ This rev,eriue -is ,used; , to f-ina}lC~9o.i}S.t~ct-i.:9ri of' 'fl';JOd contro":L :anddraiI).~g~: irnpI:9y~ments. '. ,Municipa"l, Improvement, - R.~"Venue :for 'fhi!s' 'fl;1.n~ i_is' !slio~' qii 'page' '2~:;. The fund is used t~ f~h~~S~ c~ristrftctfon of City capital '~~~~9~~~~Dt 'pr9ge~ts~ 'I ~Revenue Sharing - 'Feyeriiie Sharing 'fund.s are, 'rec;:e):ve4' 'f.ro~; 1;hef Feder~..l 'Government and tare. 'shown ,ciIj.p~g.e: ?~,~ Fe"der~l Revenue 'sharing' ;fu~~ ca,ri, 'q~ ~?eq, 'to: fi}lance 'City ,operations', :'or, '<;apiJ;2!~ i_fRprovements 0, A fund ac'tivfty ,deta.:i.;i :i:.e.: ~:S_h'oWif. 'on' ;p~'Ie. ,1.:4; '. 'Grant',pund-, \~, Tllis', i"f"iip.d, is, used to i;lccount 'for various grants' .that_., are ,reC"eived ;by, the Cfty-'. IRevEmu~s, ,-~~- '~h9~~ prY ~Ifage, 23'.- A 'funa ac't:Lvfty' 4~t'a'i?~ ,f~- '~~9wh '~ri' .-page: ;i5:~ CDBG,"Fund,~'The' 'C:,o'!'i!tUnft'y: Dj,vei16prneiit ,Block Grant funo is a,Eedera1 gr"rit.p,i6gram to prorno"te crommtinity developrnentthat' is' ,adrnini'stered :for n6h-en'fi-tTerrie~rit cities,' (less' 'I than sO,900i?";p.ul,ation) .by tlie' County.. :Revenues-are sho~ .on p,age 23. Afiilid a~tlvity a,,€ail ifs shown. on, page ,16. - I. I, :1 ~" e . .. , ~ , - . . - " ' , " , , ~ " , , (flY ClFRMI\V ~ , . STA~' OF FUND~(:ES~JlND~RESERVES ,> ,I ". " , .' . }~q9~ ,Fun<is Aii~ilahle i982~i98~ Proposed' 'E!<i>ejidl,1;ure,s f~n~ , , ,Fund Fund . :l\pp,rop ~ . APPFOP Balance , > 'a_B, .6! ~~Y~J1ce ,Revenues Bond 'Into ~~ransfers' ~_. .if':-. (Reserves) , c"pf!:'!:l' ,as ,of 6/<36/82 Jury 1:;19>82 198~~!98~3' Ii. Redem~ C?pe,rat:i~ns 1?r:!,jecJ:~' (rilllOut 6/,30/83 .6"':,30/8,3 , " -- ,," FQND , , " " Genera'l Fund 2;.3;J~;,8!32 0 ,6,,46,7;; 24' 9 " :"14 ,685 0 (82,842) 3,3'16):283 0 ,I,. ...Ir__ __'_ ';Sewerl -Fund '3 '085"1'37 0 1',525,,61" t8B ,345 ,j' '376 784, 0' '88,,424' 2,957,,197 0" .,,-- - "..--.. ",,,1,_,- .,1,.. _.< . ;Wa ter 'Fund', ]J(7:~8i2~0 0 6', 686'i04~ 1,,29,!,P6 3,024,798' 2,,22~i600 (400,000j i 669852 ()' . ' .~ I _ _~ ,Street. 'Tmpr6,!-~:. i693';Q5~ 0 '934,56j 0 EiJ2,';698 '59;l;7QO, .0 AO'o' iVt 0 _ "r__ , ~Pad(, amprov~:'~ 0 1.5,,296 19'i,91~ 0 0 74,U7' l:cf ,'Q B4,'096' ,.. . ,'"..~...- , ',CapHdl, ,Repi. Fund 0 5;909 'q~"i23~ 0 6 6 0 ,18.;\i 2~9; . () OrainaSJe: ,Fund 0 323,.,,7'1,8 128"rn , 0 0 45'0,600 ,0, 0 J.',MQ '.- - ~, - '. c . Debt, ~Serv. 'Fund 0 267, ',i88 ,203,8~O 17:WfjOO 6 b, 0 (). 2},6';'8'78 ." -",'. " " Mun-icipaL ;Improv.. ,0 299 '230 8?';~6.~6 10. . ,0 :475,35"0 ,(8~8 ,424)' 'Q ~.O .-.-' -'" _, -..0.,. _. Revenue Bharin,9 9 ,118,g59 399 ;772 ;0 0' hI, 250 , .01 '0 '406'! 581 " " Grant Ei.mq '0 0, c ;7~,1! ,;r4 2 0 0 245,,300, 4'82,84,2 ,0 ,0 i,'74 ,000 - CDBG Fund 0 0 I,74;,00( 0 ,0 9 '0: '0' ;." , .. , , " , ' ,7 841 SI'3 ,969;091 ]:7,; I()7.;} 3 , ~1.,.65ryt!781 '.fa! 548 /96St l4:,,349c,t1-1-7 0 8 ;581i788' 779,'385;' ',1 '.._ u._. , , . " , . " , , , " , . ____ '-_D - -..' ~ , , , - \.. !IIIII. .' :- :.. - - - :- :- . -, ~... 1_ - ,- - - , , , , " '~I ,I " I CITY OF, 'POWAY' '5 , I GENERAL'FUNo I 1980"]:9&1 1}3!3,l.-"i.982: 1981"';1982' 1982-1983 J:982-1983 ACTUAL, BUDGETl 'ESTIMATED PROPOSED ,APPROVED: I FUND: 'ACTIVITY ,DETAIL BEGINNIljI;' B~<;'E' 'I :1 'Ju),y' 1, 736',56:!! 1,;fci:i,,3Ci!5 1;, 'iQ3 ,31'2 Q I: 'R~ve~}i~_si L,994,615, 5,..r8'7",046 5,657:,,']!42 ?,4)5,/028 r6>,46,7'! 244 , , .l'l'iory:e:ars, IipP'rop'i'~ation ,0 b 0 2,334,:882 2,;3'34 ;882 I TOTA;L fUNDS,' AVAII:ABLE, '2,,"731,2,76' 6'.890,.3601 ']" ~66i,A5] 7',;,7,69,:910. ,8,802'; 1.2,6' , " E~ENDITURESi .' Bond Interest and Redemption '0 0 0 0 . 'I q,p,erati,,:g Expense~ \ LegiJslativeand., Admi'nistra'ti va 437';7'59 303.466 :3!] ;85;7, ~77,;4~9 393,;654 .: Sa'fety setvic,,"s 4p6;4~6 ,2,.67,9,.215 2 , 098;i~BO r 2 ,,836,n1 2,; 857;,985 ~. - ~'=-"- pubiirc s~rvfc!=~ ,34[7 ~~8:i51.,2; 438:,512, 2~O,>750 400",4~0 . , 850 ;448 926',:478 C?~~Jty ~e~;~e? 1'46 ''71J' '8B9, 555, 786'i 855 .' ._~ " , ...' -- ~dn.!~n~'ir~tr.cf:t';i.'i{e Setyi>ces, '39'''],1!5 :536,,104' 543,;253' 5-31,,288 567,105 I Pl~lf,~-;ri;g Se~i'~e's 0 l!82,; 915' 246,,69,7 360,984 ,369,,02J Subtotal, 1,,024,430 4,,429',.7,67' '4:/43~i /.9:15; '5,;20,7,909 :5'/514,,685' Capital Projects ' :3 :531 0 '0 0, 0 I 'TOTAL 'EXPENo'fTURES 1;0,:27",9,61, '4,,429,;,7,67 4,431,9'7.5, ;.?i;'29?;.90Q,' 5 i5H ,.685, :1 . 'FtiJ:ID TRANSFERS From 'Grant' 'Fund '(0'1'5 Grant) 0 0 0 '45,',130, 82842' . -. " . ~~,-., ;!.o'~.quipi :R",pl,?:ceme:nt , 0 0 0 'O~ 0 To 'Municipal 'Improvement 0 ('243,606) (.243,600 ) 0, '0 !C?' ,~~~~~. '~d" 0 (200,000) ('299"0.0.0>: 6 ,8 I 1:'0 "S.ewiarF:und', ii, (1'50,600). (150 ,OOO'~ 0 TOTAL ,FUND 'TRANSFER';' 0 (?93,,600) (293) 600) .45,,130 82.'84,2 :1 'APPROPRIAT~D'FUNDS :Conti!ngencies! ,l~ 684', 541 t,866,994 2,,334,88'2 2,,60il.;.4.o '3.,:37J~, 283' UIlexpended' ~BudgetedP IB,,17f74' ._.,__...'" :p~Q~.l?c;::t:_s" _ . , 0 0 .0 0' I ,TOTAL' 'APPROPRIATED' FUNDSi .1....703" :i15~ It ,'866'~ 994' '2; 3301., 882 2,,60'7 ;140 '3,37,O,,"2B3 ENDING BALANCE 'I ,Juri~j 30' 1; 7,03'pl:5' 0 0 is 0 :1 '. ~ I - - 6 'GIi1'Y 'OF ,P.OWAY I .. "'~'.. _" .f..._ ~EWE:l\FUNo I . 1980-'1981 ~981,,,,1982 1981~1982: 1982-198~ 1982-1983 I iAcrUAi ,BUDGET: 'ESTIMATED PROPOSED ,APPROVED FUND ;ACTIVITY' DETAIL I 131'GIIlNING,BALANCE; 'Jlil'y"l, !3;' 105,-724 ~ ,461,7,22 ) ','4_61 ;792' iC)' I Revenues ,818'(416 i2;,Jg9"804, 2,,41~ (41:4 ,1 ,4:1:l ;87-3: 1.'52'5:;613 I, 'priIor. .Years Appropriatfon '0 1.0; ~O ,3 ,.o8~; 13.7"3'.085:,137' " ''''- ~ ~ TOTAL FUNDS AVAI4BbE \3 ,,~24,'lio '5 '54cl596< 5,,899,2015 " 4,49,7",010 4!6io'!.750: I ,I ,~. t~. .' EXPENoITUR.E:S .Bond Interest and I ,Redemp,tbon 6,0,;7,9,5 193;375 l!93,;375 Hl8 '-345 1:88,(345 i ~.. 6f>erat~.g, ~r;~erq~~~~ , I P\lblfc Services :401:,553 1,019,,878, '1' ,'034 ,204 '1,266,135 i 281658 iqI~Iijf~t"~~ii~ii' S~iYfce5 ' 10:;000 16,0-60 _" ~_H"' ,_ .~,' 'V'. ,,,.of .~.,~ 0 88,874 ~5"p6 I, +'-oi' ".~ - Capit'al Outra;: ,0", '35,959 30,,500 0 0 Siilit'ota:l' 401 ,553: i.cJ65"il37 '1, 074 .704' ",,3,55;;,609 '1 376' 784, I '" " -,,'I "". ".'_,,-,. v.I". _ 1....1..... .1... ,Capi~~'l, ,;prq~ects, '0,0. -~ . '/ - 1.;695.,.99.0 '0' . 981,'181 0, iTOTiIJ.,EXPENDITiniES 462',348, 2',240,,39'3, 2;,.96:4'i Q~~9 1, 5"43 954' 'i, 565' '129 I "~'__" "_. - - I . ,E:UND' ,TRANSFERS ,~o; ~~}.1p_i'cipa>l '-I~proyel!1_eiit, ,0 0 ,0 (88' 424) '(88',424.) I, _~ .1)'.," ~_ ,.-' '~.-,,-- ,To 'Eiplipin,mt "Repl1icement ,~O 0 0 '9~ '0 From, Generfri ;F,und - ,0, '9, ,~501.'000' 0 TQTAJ:" 'FUNDTRANSl"ERs: 0, 0 156",oqQ (8,8';,424') (88" 424j~ . I APPROPRIATED 'EUNDS -,Reserved' -for' ,Debt, ,service; ,1/665,.009 ,98! '375 850'869, '781.,;946' ,781:;6'46 Wastewater 'capita1 ~rnprov. '..,-- .. -,-_., .-<< Q 420'; 049, ,505i,.3}1, 52g;239, 598,,239 i i' 1,?96 "~.9}" ,...... '~. . - "i"~ I 'Contingencies' 2i782,p~ h,728.89,.7. 1,,,48~,,,7.47 ,1",5,7~7"/!lr2 TOTALAEPROPR:rA~ED,Frmp,s '3,.461,:7,92 330i, 203, ,3<,OSS) 13:7 ~; 86:4:;63~ 2:"957,, 19.7 I r.. _ I. n of. ,_.J 'ENDING'B!\LM!CJ:: J:Un<g ';30 3":461: ,,7,92 0 6 '0, 0 I , ,I ," 'I .. ' :1 GLTY OF' POWAY 7 I WATER~ FUND' I 1989,-198}: 198~-'1982 1981-1982' .1982-1983 1982-1983 " ESTcrMATED, PROPOSED' ,AP~iROVEb ACTUAL BUDGET I FUNo; ACTIViTY'DETAIL jjEG:tNN~NG"~"'E, I j Jlily' '1 '829,183 1)il~i,,758 l,l:f1"jI58 .9; 'I B~vehu~s l,917!370 ~,O;13,El,91 5",4,;26",96B 5,,964-,'321, ,6,086',046' Pr~or Years Appropriation, 0 0 0 1. 72B'.240, 1,72B,,.2'40 I 'TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE ,2,! 1.46 ,55cj', ,!;,'191,649 6j' ?:44~/\?26 7,692,561 '7,,814,2"86' EXPENIlITIJRES I " :. Bond Interest and Redemption ,313 ,233, '899;,576 899,,576 1,294,;636 1,,294,&36 ~.._.~ , I Operating E~~nses PUblic SeJ.:v:f'c~~s ,1, :i'J;5,..562i ,2,578,,395' 2.,592,750 2,747,,816 2,;798,843 I Adfuin~stra~ive Services ,0 26"2:,989 202,,,98'9 ih,'142 225,955 , , Subtotal r'315 5K2 12 ~781,:is4 2Iif7~?'ia3~, 2,95,8,9,5,8 3,024"7~8 , ,--('...- - -, - " capital 'projects ':l!90'..n4; l,321./1}1 2,225',600 0 2,,225;000 I ' 'TOTAL :'EXPENDITURES 1,628,7,95 '3:,'871 !',93<j, '5;;016,,486' 6',478,594 6,s44!434 FUND TRANSFERS , From ~rant~C1earwell 6 9 0 '400,0.00 400,,000 :1 'To; EqUip"ment' ;Rep"i-acement' 0 0 0 0 0 From :'Dsot. :serVic-e '0 899;,576 '0 :9' 0' n :From._ IGeneiaI~_ Fund 0' 0 200 ,,6'o~0 0 0, ,TOTAL'FUND,TRANSFERS 0 899!,5i76' 200,000 400,000 400,,000.: .,. APPROPRiATED' ,E'mIDs 'Reserve for :Oebt Service' 1,096".7,40 899 ,,5'Z6 1,642,293 '1, 042:,,293 1 ;iJ4~,2~) 'I Res~iye, fqr,~~p~tal ; ,Expel1ditures :21':OlB' ,I,! 3J:9:,'7.l5 685,,94;7 571: 6;74 617,,55_9 _,' ._1,,__.,. ,OJ?erating' 'Contingencies 0 ',0, 0" 0 0 I TOTAL, 'APP'ROPI<I.1'.~F;D E'Ul:1PS 1,,11,7',758, '2',219",'291 '1:,7,28,:240' 1,'613,',,967' 1,,669,; 852 E~IJ~NG, iBALANS;E, :1 Jti,I]e: '30 1 ,lr7,,~7"58 '0: 0' 0 0 I .- I 8 ~' I ,CUY' OF, P0WAY c'-' 'STREET' IMPROVEMENTFtJNb I 0 :i98iJ;"1~8J" '}'981,..1~82 1981,..1982 1982-1983' 1982-'i:983 I 'ACTUAL BUDGET' J!............: PROPOSED :APPR01/ED ESTIMATED, ,FuND ACTIVITyi DETAJ;L, ~ I BEGINNINGiBALANfE ~uli .~ ' 0 '222',774, ,22217,74 0, I " ~e..yen~~~ '222, ~741 878';'659 '7.96'.276 9'34',561 934,,561 I, ;p"-rJ~91'; ,Y~2!J;S Al?~io~ri;'at~ori 0 0' ,0 69:3',,054 693,054 TO:I;N. ~,UNDS ,AVl).:rLl'BLE / '222,.7.74 1,1'01;433, 1,,'019:,050 1;'621',615 1,Kn" Gis, I El'PEllil:):!URES . ;1 B$~d Interest ana Redemption 0 0 0 "OJ ,0 'Operatinq,Expenses I p:ubl''ic.. Services .. ~ d.. 2;],'1;5'14 27.1;5'14, 632,698 632'/698' , Subtotal 0 27,1,:544 27,1,5,44 632,;698 163,:2;;6~8; I ,capftal P~ojects }~6i"Q90: ~ I ' , , Streetlr:ighting 0 0 0 '16,000 , I Streets & Highways 0 0, 54,,452 5t42,,70b, 5,\,2"700 I -. ..' 1 '0, ji;"o06 :36',060 T",!ffi!c Signals '0 '0 sulitotai capita,lproJects ''0 0, '54452 5'94, ioa, '5,9'1,'700" __ ~ C~. .. _ ~ .__."~" _.< " , > '~O!~,~XP~NDITUBES 0 2}.J,,:!?44, ~2;;,,:ij96 1 ;2,21',398, '1,'227.,'398, I ,FID!PL~SFERS I, T0T1>,L tfllliD TR1\NSfEgS, I ~gl?!,OPR:I;.T,ED, ftmDS, ..~ ~ " 460)21,7 Street' I.Il).;prov~ments 0' B29,,889 ;69:)',05,\', 4'00:>217 .. .." ~., .. 'I, ,TOTAl; :APPROicRIATED ,FUNDS: '0 8291.'889, 693,9;;4' 4,00'.'217' 400 ,,'2i,7 I, ENDING: 'B!itAiiCE ~ ,June, ,30': :2221,7'74; 0 :6 '0 0 ,I' " I :1 :1 Clili~ OFP0\'1Af 9 I PARK 'IMPROVEMENT :FUND . :1, 1980-1981 198]'"..1982, ,1981",1:"982 198'2,,198'3 .:f982-1983' , ,ACTUAL BUDGET ,', " ~ , 'ESTJ;MATED PROPOSED ApPROVED, " I 'E'UND,)ACTIVUYcDETAJ;L I B,E,c;JNNIN.G ,Bl\LiIN.CE, 'JUf,y 1 164.569 l:i~. 2i:f';l 1:39,209, ,lSi,'2961 1;;.296, ,I, Rev'enues~ 0 3?5,5:1'3 ~~55..)7B '192"91>7 192,917- l: .. .,' ~ , ~ri6r'Yea~s, ARRropriatibn 0 0 9 ,0 0 I TOTALE'J]NoS; AVAILABLE 164(,,56,9 ?04.1n~ 3'94,587 208,,'2'13' ,208,,213 'EXPENDITuRES :1 'Bond, Interest 'and' . Redemption, 0 0 0 0' 0" ' , , I 9p,e,>;a~i!lg ,Expenses, ,0 6 23..000, '0 0 , CapitalProject:s ~E!1"X~: ;~, 9R~.h~ isp.aC~Si 25~. 360, 322.,i:1'4 0 0, 0 ;1 Ban, ,f ie1Cl 0 0 1:94,791, 0, 0 . ...,. " 6 1:61,;'500 If3J{e' :Pbway; ~e-sJ/ 0 0 0, - poway;,C6i'rllliuniit'!, Park' 'E'encing 0, 0 0 ,2,700' ,2',700 ~powa:y 'conmi. Park ,Landscaping, 0 0 0 ,66';91-7 66,'917: , I ~ ;1",,506 Gaidj'ri R()ad, Ti:>.~;Lo,t 0 0 0 4,;500, ~\lbtot~i,capit~l 'projects 25'.360 , 322,H4 3?6.291, 74;11 T 74..,in I TOTAL EXPEJlDITl,JjlES' 25,;360 322.. H4 3:7,9,,29,1 74,117 7,4. lIT :1 E'UNo, ,TiwlsFER~, \ , TOTAL, ,PUNb, TRANSFERS I I 'APPROPRIATED E'ONDS' I I !Q.T!\L, A.pPI30PRIATED, F.tJ1lDS' l'l;lDING BALANCE, ,. June, 30 139j, ,209 I8?..,6Cl8 ])5,296 ,i,:t4,;096: 1-34,096 I t:;--.~; I . ft.!? CIH'OFPOWAY I ,- cAPfTAL,RE?LAci:~N'l' 'E:~ I r~8(),.198:J! i\lBl,.'l'J82J 198J.~i982 ,~982'-1983 1982-1983 I 'ACTUAL,. ,BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED .APPROVED 'FuND ACTIVITY- DETAIL, I. ~EGJ:@JllG.B~CE, '. JulY: 1 a a '6 5,660. 50.0.0..' " ,..,,''e _ '~e.veii4~~ () 5,,0.0.'0. 5,,:60.0 17,9:,239 1;79 2'39 I . -", "~- . 'P#,~~:i#, ~e_~'r5 'A~gro~~rfatTc5ri a a 0., 9 a ~;1 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE: a '5..,0'00. 5"noa 18.4;.,23Sl 184;,239 I EXPENDITURES Bond Interest and- I Redemption 'operating Expenses I I . , c , I ; I , " G.~p~i~al p;,()~'~5it._~ , , , TO>r:AIi EXP.J::NDI1,'URES a' :0 ,0. r91 I " ~UNIl TM!l,S,FE~? < . .. . , TOT1\]. FUN!) !~$fERS Q a 0 a, a I APPROPRIATED IDUNDS . Repl'ac6merit: ResebVe a .6 0 ,IiI ,50.8, 11'1-,50'1? --- ." -- --, . --- -- - ~Oiifirigenc-i"es . a -a a 'Z2mi 7'2,'13,i. . --"",- - -," -. ~ . " iOTAL APPROPRiATED FUNDS a 0 a 184" 239, 1,84, ~}.2 I ENDiNG BALANCE J~e 39 a :;,,0.0.0. 0., a a I l,_ I " ,I , , l , \ 11 GHY Jij= P,OWA Y I DRAINAGE FUND :1 1980-1981 1981':1982' i9!l,1~i5182 ,i9}l,2-1983 1982"'1983 , AcTUAL ,ifuDGET, ,ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED I 'I FUND ACTrviTY'DETAIL ~EGINNiNG;BALANcE I July;l 0 0 :0 32'3,718 32:3,718 :Revenue~ 0 gl,l!?O' ;323:/7,:l!8' 1,28:,112 128,112 I, 0 0 0 0, , O. Prior Ye~Fs ,Appropr;,ation T6,T~"FtJNDS'l\YAJ;LAB.LE, . :1 0 8 ,,160 ~323,7t8 ,451,,830: 451,83D' EXPENI1ITpgES; I ]?ond, IIi1ferest, iiild Redemption 0 0 Q;\ '0\ 0 ,I Ogeia ting E"J?enses, 0 0 g 0' 0, . Capital, Pi'cidects: I: Flood Ci:mtrol '&:Draiilage.: .Ilattlesnake; ,creek 0 0 ,0 '3'30,.000 330!,OOO Green Valley ~reek (j 0 0 120',000' 120,000 " " ,I .To"ta:l Capita.} ,proJect-s~ a 0 0 459'990 4,50",0.00, _, c _..,. "._. .~ _ ",' . .. I 'TaTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 a 4'50,00.0 450,900 :.F~ '1:'RANSFERS '. ~OTAL,F~, TRbNSF~RS a, d) (j Q 0 .I ,:!'.li'!:R,OgRIATED FUNDS :1 ,TOTAL 'APPROPRIATEO'iUNDS a, 0 ,a a '0' [I " " , ENDING BALANCE .1' June ,30' ,0 8,J6a 32:3/:718 1,830 1!830 , , l 'J ,I ti:2~ " I, -, - -' - '" - '?'~. . '0HYOF !'0WAY , . , I , DEBT SERVICE FUND I - - ,'~ --- - '.- ~- -..>. ~ . 1980'-1981, 1981-1982' 19fHi-' 1982 1982"1983 .i'~~2-:i?l8.3' I ,ACTUAL; :BuDGET' _ <:: ~.__~-'" "'-z_' - -~. - . '. .ESTIMATED.. PROPOSED APPROVED " , ,FUND ,ACTIVITY, : DETAIL .: 'BE9INNING ,BAIANCEI ,Jilly,l 163" 1:98 233,,845 23,3 845 2071,p88 207,,788 I '! ,Reveriues~ 7,I ,446 ,202,259 148",7.43 20'3,89"0 2,0.'3",,89.9 .Prior, [Years' "Appropri:atism'\ 0 6, O~ 0 0 I; ,TOTAL- 'Jfiliios; 'AVAJ;tABLE . 234,6'44 1:3~, 1Q'4 382,.58'8 4l1> 678 41"1:';6,78 - .-.',,;..." - ..--" ~- .~ '0. '_n .',___ I, EXPENDITURES" ..= .. 'Bond; Inter~stj :a,I!cf I ,Redempt:i!;,I)" n9 .17~.i 800 P,4:;,800 I74,i'80'O' 174,ilOO ope;a~igg'EXp~nse.s , I , I, , : .. cag.i'tal. pro"jects ., TOT~IEXPENDITtiREs, 'J 799' 174',800 17,4'.!80ii' 174,800 174,800 . 'FUt/D' TRANSFERS I,~ ,TOTAIi. F,UND,TRANSFERS API"ROPRIATED FJjNbs I. i , I~ TOTAr; AP~R0.Plj,IAT.ED FUJlP!, I E,liDJNGIlM'!\!lCf; J\ljle 30. 233"'845' 26'1 304 '267 ,-f88 2~6 j 8:78 2~61i8:78' I l_. , ~ , -...---",'..- '- __ Ip....._ I ':' I I Jol;TY QF' EOVf.4.:J B :1 MUNICIPAL UiPROVEMEN'r' FuND . :J 'I '198a-HBl 1981-1982 1981~198'2 '1982-19'831 1982-1983 ACT,UAL BuDGET ;ESTIMATED' PROPOSED , ji.PPROVED , ~ , I r:tiNi5 AcT'tvi:TY' DETAIL, . < _..~.. ,~ . -. ~ - - BEG~NNIN~iBAtANc,:E, ~I .:[ui~ 1 1,.,101,!57Ej 688:.'23.0 688';'2Ja 2;1,9.;-2,3.0 299.23.0 ~~.;.r.,eIi:u~.s 143,.,4.06 48;95.0 ,34,.0.0.0 B7,..699 87;696 :1' P~~o~ ,Y~ais Appiqpria~fQ~ a a, :.0 a a 'I 'TOTAr, EUNDS AVAILABLE' 1!,244 ;,982 737,;18.0 722,,23.0 386926 386.,926 - .,;1._...- EXPENDI.TuRES 'I! '~ond Interest and, Redemption , :1, 'Operating Expenses 'Capital ;projects, . . - . ~ Gq,jermnen~ .,llui:l,d],rigs 556 ,'752 '53'8'/43i '666,; 6.0.0 4.08,.,6.0.0 -408,6'.00 'I' ~_.,-', - -- Traffic Si'fr'als :0 a, a 66,'7,56 6~',750: ,I 'I' 'TOTAr: Exp'EriDITuRES 556;7,52 ;5)B;431 666:;69.0, 4'75;,,;35.0 '\:7.5.,35.0 FuND 'TRANSFERS I' ,From General Fund ,a ~24.~:ii"~90; 2,43';'Ejaa a a ' , ~:E'rom Sewer F.und a 'a, 'a 88,,474 :f:l8';424, J: 'TOTAL' FUND TRANSFERS a 243;,6.0.0 743[,'6.0.0 8,8..&,24 88;42'( APPROPRiATED FUNDS "Reserve for Ca~l'taJ: I, IlI}Provernents 688 ;~23a a: ,a a a: ,I, ~OTAt APPROPRiATED i0Nbs 688.23.0 a ,a' 0 'a lENDING B~AN~E 688,1230 442 !349 299,,23.0 a a I: June '3,.0 .' I " I . " ./ \ 1"4 . G HY 91' FQ,WAY I I FEDE:Rl\L RE\(EN1JE: SHARING: FuND I 1:981-'0119"82' '1982.'-:J983 ,. 1980-1:981 ,1981-19B2 1982:-;1983 I, AcrUAL BUDGET ,- ---- -, - .. PROPOSED: ._ F . ESTIMATED, APPROVED , FUND ACTIVITY, DETAIL I BEGINNING BALANCE . Ju-ly 1 0 0 0 -ii8,059 1::i8 059 I - .'..-->..> Revenues 70,0,.909 3r5;059 399',7,7,2 399,.7,72 \prior Ye~rs;~pprqp.~~~tto~ 0 c5 '0 0 Q :1 _ ~,J , 'TOTA!; ,~UNos AVAILABLE ~i 200,;000 '31:5;059 5i7",133i -, 51,7,,8311 ,11 ~ .~:- - --~ ;E'XPENDITURES ~ond inter~?t' ~n~ ,I: .Redempt'ion " o __ _~ ~... _._ Op",r,,1:.i4g, :Expenses I: i ,Ambulance Brush Truck 0 0'" =132 ,000 0 ,0 .." ~ ., ?r,. ~j, t,i:Z.E!I}? B~(Ig,", EXj;>:.' 0 0 65';000 0 0 I; . , S)i!;>t"ta! 0 0 19,7";000 0 :0: I ,ca.J?ita'l p:ro~'ects ,. 6 rir ,'250 ' lIl,250 0 0 .. ,TOTAL ,EXPENDiTURES' 9 0 1 ~ij.,rfob' 11.1 ;2:;0 :11'1, 250 I: ,___.,.' ,t_ _'.n FUND TRANSFERS ,.~ :1' , TOTAL FUND' 'TRANSFERS APPROPRIATED 'FUNDS 11: , , :1, , , 'TQTb,L~PRQ"RIATEI2 'FlJ!lDS: I, E:NDING '!3ALl\.IJCE ,Jii!ie,30. 0 0 l'1'8,;059 406 581 40.6,;'5,~1" :1 ~ __. '" .' u I, c I . , " , - , " 'I crfY OITROWAY 15 GRANT 'FUND ,. , ;1!;)8,O"'J~.8l .':1~8l-:1982 1981'-19'82 1982,.'1983', 1982'-19'8~ I , ACTUAL BUDGET, ,.ESTIMATED PROPOSED APIiROYED I 'FUND, ,ACTIV:tTY ;DETAH: 'B.EG}!lli,I~GB~CE ,I July ,1 0 0 '0 0 0 " ~ev~niies: 0 IE. ~O,i,OOO' ;l '8',729 ',690,,4'30, '728,,1'42 , I r~rior Years. ;A.ppropriation 0 0 ,0 0 0 TOTAL' tUNDS: iWAlI:ABLE 0 40",000 178,,729 ,690,430' 728,1'42 I EXPENDITURES :1 Bond., Interest. "and' 'Redemption, 0 0 :0, 0 0 pp~r4,ti!,g 'J;;!'Pen~es' 0 40! 000 78,729 '0 0 I Capitalpro:jects 'pol'!.ay ,cre.e.J!:plood' co,IltJ:()l 0. 0 190,,000 '0 6' 0" S~.fe..tHglitiJ1g 0 0 0 7.2,,00.0 72'90,0 :1 , Streetsl'&I.Hig!1way~ 0 0 0 51,,.000 5;1 ;000 Traffic'Signals' 0 0 0 122:,300', :122,,.300 . , , Ca~ftal Proj~cts Total 0 0 1:00,000 245,,300 245;,300 -- -..' ._~. . 245,,300 :245,300 , '. TOTAL E~PEND]~U~e " '0 40!000 17.8,,729 - i: FUND TRANi2,FERS To GeIleral Fiirid-O,T,S. '0 0 0 (45';130) (82"842.i I j:'OWater" piind '0 0 .0 (409,000) (400',060), 'TOTAL ,FUND TRANSFERS (482',8:f2) - ~-"--'-- -~ - -,. '0, 0 0 (445 i 13.0). , 'I APPRbpRIATED;FYND~ , I < r T9TA~~APPFO?gIATED :FgNDS :1 E!:lPING;BADANCE '. June, 30 0 0 9 0 '0, , , I ( 0 c ...--~~-~~ ,I f 16 I' ,- - ~nY Of;;POWAY' , CpBq: 'f,~ I' ::1~l~6-j~efi ,'1:981-'1982; 'l!982C,1983 ...1-- _ _, _ _ _ I :1981-19,82: 1982"1983 i ACTUAL, BUDGET ESTIMATED 'PROPOSED APPROVED ,... 'FifNjj AcTIiJ:r'ri DETACfL I , '., . , f,BEGiNNING~BALAN.GE 0 Q 0 o ; ; - I ,,July 1 0 0 0, '0 R_ey~~~~_s- 0 40;000 60,660 m74000 '_._ _ct _ _ _ I' J?F"i:or;' ';"e:a_.i,:s' '"Appropr1.ation 0 0 0 )) , :,TqTAL, :F,UNDS, ,AVAILABLE 0 40,600 60,500 174-000, I ~ 0' _. EXPENDIT~S: Bond interest: ~d , I' Redemption 0 0' 0 0 , operatin.gEXpe,ns~s: I I, Needs. fi\ssessment' :0 ,40,'000 60,000 0 , ",~ , "., I Flood' Control '~Drain,!ge ;Q 0' '0 1;74",00-9 " I , ~p':i/~al prc)~~_ects rO~AL EXP~NDITuRES ,,0.:. 40~ 600, :66',60b 1'14', 000 I . -'!> j-~"_. FUND TRANSFj::RS , 1 , 'rOT!Ui FlJND ,TR,NlS:tERS I ' ',APPROPRIATED FJJNDS . I: T8TAL ,APPR8PHATED FUNDS I . H_ '",,_. :ENDII!G 'I?A~CE , ,'!,'!!':E> 3Q 0 0 0 0' I ,I .. - I , .' I i\, I I I I 1. I I " ,I :. I I I 'I ,I . <?~~T'iQ'F F>OWP"Y FINANCIAL PROGRP,.M: 1~"I1983 I . REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES' I I l,~ I qTY OE' )?9WAY I ~UEp BY FUNDS ,AND SOllRCES 1981-1982 1981-15)'8'2 !'2S7-f9,~3 1982-1983 I BOOGET :ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED GENERAL, Fu'ND I Taxes' I 7010 GeneraiProperty 1..5,78 !,902 1,835,048' '1 981 ,850' 1)981,'850 , ~ -~ ,...., -- ~ax~s :~ ?C!.r_~1 , .i~"!)9<~ - ,-, 7026 Realpr.Qper,t:[ TraIl,sfer 40,,000 3.6,50":; 28,,625 '28,,625' I 7440 fi;g!i.:;.e~te Ta"~ 95, doo, HeIr, 969 - n!2;000 70:2'2. ....1.... Sales Tax 896 ,~90., '1- 004 651 1: ,2l:3!,856 1,21:3,'B56, ,.-,'." jl, - 7024 T~ap~i~nt o~cu~ancy .J:4",OOO 17i,.,76'4 1:7,,000 1,7 ,006. SUbtotal' 2, 6~4.,'3g2 3,015,;'8,33 '3,2'41,,331 3. ,'353" 331 I, FranchTses '7020 Fr~ncJiis_e- 185;000 237;639 2'38,860 2Ts ,,860 I siIDtq:tal iS5;000 2'37;639 2'38 ,86'0 238,86.0 :Licenses :and ,P:ermits', ( 'I 7116' ,FiShing, ':License' 0,; :26':4, 2:4g 240 7111 Anirna<l License , 4"i;000 - -, -.J , 7113 ,Bic:ycle, ti:cens~: - ).,~QO :1,500 , , I:, '7U4 :Business' "RegUlatory. ;L'l:ce!1E;ne. - ,10,525, 120,;000 '70 ;ooQ 'H54, ,Grading' Permits' ,-, :8,478 4q,qqO '49,,000; '7:153 ~Excavation~' Permits~' -, 62 :!';'OO ~,OQ9 6;000 , ''U52' Bu{lding' "InsE~<?tr9.IJ,~e.imi t's' 1l'4.'500 65,000 65,:000, 65,000 I 'SUbtotaL 15,8,1500 146",767 'J!3'2,740 J.X~?, 740" Fines and" -F:6rteftures I 7210 'Ffnes 'and -Pe;1aTties. . '40,000 38,140 ,55,9'00 55",900 , SUbtotal 4Q,OOO '38"J:'40 55~,906 55 ,,90Q " Revenues from. Use of, I: Money and Proper,tY:, 7310 Interest on~nv~stineAts " _ 27?" ago t:7,],821 296,,172 2~6:;ln ,7.3,30 Interest on Note ~~c~~y~~~ 2),200 1:;964 1,r7EfO },,780 I" .7J4I Renta1 of proper~y 18,; 000 - i2"biio ~2,; 000 ;7..350 Sl~naimaster R~nt - 2,,'9175 ,4,,290' 4.;'~OO 7,363 Recreational :Equiprneri't 'Rent-a,'1 400 356' 20.0 200 I 7,360 FaciJ.'1tie--S :Re~nt~l " -. 20,66'8 10;915 12>,000 12:,000 . r~-' -~ ",'- - - '8,.00'6' '8,685 7370 COl1.ce~s.i:9I}1 }~o~~_~.e '9,000, ,9;'000, - 7:380, Group ,;ll,,,iJ1::a;lS 6\ 200'> 5,600 !51,999; 5;,:000 ,7-391 Ove.r.nighl' 'Campirig 4;00-0_ ,920, '<21,:0_00. :2:,,'000 I ISybt'oj:a1, 'f34 , 468: ,298',639 332",)52: 342" 352 L I ,~. ~ , 'I .~, I 19 CITY' OF 'POWAY' I ~N~~ .By~~~~ }\ND :SOURcES I 1981""1982' '1981.,1982 1:982-1983 1982,..:1:983 BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPRovED I ,GENERAL ,FUND CONTINUED Revenues. from otner, Agencfes I 7410 Motor'Venicle in ~ieu 1;092;418 1 ;'092 ;418, - 920';'216 7420 :StateAid 'to LocaJ: Agencfes 7,,1:20 -' - - 7.411 Off' Highway in ~i:.ieu " 700 7,20\ :B9O B90 'I i, 7060 :Local ,Assessments 22,000 -' - .. SUbtotal 1',122.,238 .f 093 138: 890 921,106 , ,~ ,I CUrrentl ,.Fees' ~&' Services 75'IOi Candi'date, FiLing 'E'ees - :500 -, - 7580 ' , 102,0'38 53.'564 :Hio ,500 100 ,500 'Leisure' Contracts . . '-7581 ~R~cr~at.ion'. :'~rC?g:r~ ~3,p~OO ,29,,~~8' , '1};~2() 15' 520 ,I '7i16 . ~. ~ ~, ."'- :Fish,:i:ng, ;Fe~?' 155,E,09 1'35,.607 1'52',000 152;099 7],51, Boat', 'RentalF..",,: 8g"o.q,0 68 ,4.1$ :7'/250: 7].259 ,..."",,,- ..... -.. . -- -~_. -. '. ~..~ 7570 ,P..l~i.rig.Fe,~s 19,5,,900 Bl 800' 69',000 6g"Q,OQ o-~. . _~ ,.,..', L I 757)., '.E!!vi:r;.9$erit5'iJ, '~eV.ie~ Fees 3,0',000 n;~500 '25,0,00 ,25',0,0,0 . 7,575 EI!g.iii~ei.JA.9' ,ReY'ie_w ',Fees,; 116:;,000 23;082 286;000 '286',000 7591 F,i'j:e, -P_J;ot:.~ecd:io:n; :Fee~s 350,; 000 '384 ;004 401,685' 401;685 7590' 'Ambulance; ,Fees' 45; 000 34,:481 4'0,',000 40,,000 I '7577' 'Inspection' ,Fee t, 210;000 no,; 000 - 101,800 7592 .Weed ,Abatement ,Fees ~ - 35,000: 35,; 600 'Subtot..l 1,006,038 825.,.7.14 1,402,955' ,1,402".955 I .Other ~Revenue, ,76,73 ,Workers 'Comp .-Ins. :Refund's /74,,88"3 5,,600 :5',666 . 7615 ~~ , .~ 60'.,600 4:,049 4" oo6~ 4,606 I Mirscel-laneou;.;- ;Iflc;::ome, 765'0 Dona tion~s -CommUn i ty,:'; se!:.iice s' .. 4';700 '3,:090 ,,'3"000. ~.,-'-- -~ ...~ .,.. ~ -- - ("-- . - .- -' , M~~~~ tIQ~om~~S?~~~~y:~~ryic~~ '1:,600 3n - ,-' . '7616 ,:-. s..... 6,QOO ~i!sc'~ ~I~90IJl~~ ~ l~I.:ln),~ng 3,5()0 ~i",94:6 6,666 'I i ':765-1", ~DOl!<3:_t.ipn~s:"~i.re ~S'!=~ti99, ?2J - 500 ". - 7652 'Donations~Paramedics - 585 - - i678 " '~__ .___ _d_ ;_ ' _' 2,000 Mi:sc,~ .~Income;"'Fire - " - I ' 7677 !:1i:ss:'; Inco~:;"'~ng~neering '" 2,,3'10 2,00'0 ';2,,'600 ',>' Subtotal, 66,506' 91.,215 ;20,,000 'i20',66Oi :1 TCJTAL . '5',537,046' 5:,657,142 5" 43'S, 028 6,46,7,244 ,--' '. I I' I ':,1 I \ I 26 'I, CITY'OF;POWAY IREVEN{JES ,BY <FgNIl,? ,AND SOURCES I 1981c.,,1982 1981,,'1982, ,1982,"1983 19Bi"'t9J33 I BUDGET, 'ESTIMATED, :PROi'OSED ,APPROVED " SEWER FUND I 7550 Service High,Yolume - 30,265 30,000 34,,7.40 I 7542 Connection Fees 615 '3H '~'79,326 109,,686 109;;686 .....",..., . 7551 Annexa'tion Fees ,7.,~OO 3;815 42,860 42,860 ,7577 -Inspection Fees ?:,500 618 - - ,755,7 Map check Fees - 7,026 - " I 7520 S~,~~2.~ 'c~~~~~s * 639,188 667',,936 71S,432 S:2:7;,'t32 ],558 weI ~ne.:x:~;.~9~ Fe,!=! 9;:726 3,815 42,860 12. 8,~q ;7559 wq Col}i:le~):,~on F~,e 265,,'597 76:',854 47.,008 4f!t.,.?.9,? I 7560 '\;leI SUJ::clJ~rge Fee 135,000 4\;653 3',0<)0 .;l"oe,.o ,i310 ~Et~re~t ~g~o~~-I~v~stment? 255,996 349,,154' i2~J,479" ?~l,~i7?l 7315 Interest Ihcome~Borid 14'4',,750 1441,,750 119,,1-22 :J:19J}22 I, ^_C'> ,,,A _", -... <r _ . . .' ...,.. ,,~ 7615, Bond Interest &~Redempticih - 9,848 ~..;. - ~-"''' ^' ~. ~ ."., - ." - '-- .. " ""c_ 3';6821 3:,fj~2 '7552 'TaXEi'~.,De1 'Nor,te 3;,,~82 "'-,-'<.... 7?5:3, 1Ta,xeS-KozyCrest <-, ;Z89 ,289 289 7554' Taxes-'Green Valley " - 3;..255, 3,.255 I . 'Gi-c;ii.t'Revenue; A~,,72,? -- .. ' , - ,-- CIP ,pomerado Trurlk Relief, t-! 940,,'000 -' - 76:7.5 Miscel1aneous! Revenue' ,500, 3'.654, :ZOO ,200 'Subtotal 2,079,/?0,!, ~2~;4)?,41~ ~l,411.'B}.3, :i ,:525,'613 I ~*Inc'luc;Ies' :-regu1:ar 'servi:ce ,dl.arges', ,tax .'e'*~!!1Pt-, :~~~i:vi~~ .~lia.?:,g~s' !~_i}q p'r~1'ayment" ;fees. I I I I . I I I I I . I 21 , CITY" of: POWAY' I ~m;s !l,Y ~m.ms i\ND' SOURCES '. ').981-1982 1981-1982' 1982",,1:983, 1982~r983 , BUDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED APPROVED I ;WATER FuND , -,. 'C." - h" ~. ~" - ~ '74~0 ,ClearweU,LoanAdvance , - - (l"~5()p,,O.q,C? l,5Q,O"POO 7520 Meter'ed Water ,Charges 1,944,822 i,,89lc,503: :2,,080;653 2,202';378 I '75:21. ,u.;unetered' Mate~ 'Charges, '9",784,:.),,2])1 ' , ~l, 59g , , 3i50Q 7523, ,Interdepartmental Charges .. ~~, ~OO J~/()99" 19';00Q l!?24;Oelinquency Cha.r:;g,!s " ;n:, 096. J,:9,,~OQ '21'.0.9.021,000 'I 7525 <Service:'ChargeHyqrant'<Meter - 400. 350 350 . 731{> 'IIlt~:t''!=t:ih~()me-InyestiI!ent;s 392:,.020382 ;4602313';000 '238~000 , 752,8, 'Agricll'ltllral :ReDat,e' ,- ,~ntertup,tible,: Water, 62,;020 131,703 130,000 130;000; I 7526 Rec:o,I}i1,j!c::ti'ori - ,1 ;;670 1,700 1; 700; 7672 Ret1irned'Check, :Charge - '490 '720 7,20, ,7527A'dinijii:,iti:'a"t'ive:Charge 6 ;000 '330 -' _ I" -- AD 79'-.1 ,Refund 'on Advance 103,; 236 103 '236 . . 7530 ,pUm~ingID: n 88..B25 9:2;800 '90',750:9Q.,7}9 7531 ,Pumping ':I:D ,#4: 10,26535,950 'l>l,~50 1l,,6~0' 7532pumping.,.orchard, 43,605' 5>1,,920 '49.66649'.600 I 7~:3'3Pumping,",Donart' 6J3' '?:~2 " 7,~3: " 7,63 75,3~ Pumping COl}v,!-~r' ,- , 4,50 '?50 550' Z~35 Pumpm,g-J;>ad;-e' 5;,52} 5.,09~ 6;,67,0 6,67,0 'I 75""49,E,XP,,ansiol1;, F~..:S,t, 5,8';1,2,5 30" i5}5 46,,7, ,7,0 ,4i5';,PO '72.~ Cqnn.,ecti!on~ Fe,es< ,1!8:, 70,0 12,,;500 8,OPO 8,000 7?j,4 oV,erl}!'ad Clja~,ge. ,- 2;,006 2,OPO 2,;000 '75'16 l'1e_te;: l",sta]1.ati'on 'l:,9,,'045 10;8,65 .7:,:890 7" 890 I i5:2.2: s~cwA/:Ra'moria, water: Charges' :391,2?3 450'; 000 449,,000 '449:,000 i761Q,-14' BOl1)l. Intfifest & Redemption :899,5'7,6\ 7170,927 L,'29f1:, 636 1,294; 636 --, Proc'::ee'ds on 79-'1' '-' 1,456,,912 .. .. I '7536' pumping power-Cal))elback - - 706. ,706' '753;7' puin~in~ Power-Donar,t, ,#2 - . 4lc3 ,413 Suj:lto.ta,l 4'~07'3,891 5,/426',,968 5~,964, 321: :6,,086',,646 I STREET IMPROVEMENT 1':UND 74':lQ Ga,s Tax 21:06 21'2';61Ei :199;,'225' 199,,900 199',900i I 71~1 ~a'!i :raj{ 2107 1:99':8",,2, 4, 20'h30, 3,1 352,510 352;,510, . '743~2 'Ga~, T,ax 2iL07:.5 7"500 7';500 7','500'7,'500 -- !<oa'd tmpi'ovemerit Deposit: ~OT,4T8 ,1:55 ;405 - - I '1, 593T~,,"'<:,f,f.i.C M.i.t,j:g:~tio':i,Fees9'l.,756 120, ,:211 195,000 r,',9~ ',000 ~5~,4,Trafhc S19O,,1 1':ees 49,:,;545 36'!.446 75i,OOO 75,,000 70'310 Interest Income-'Investments 3'0','000 1703,;:I''86' 10'4.,651 1'04,651 -- liid to Urban Hfghways 80,:000 . '" " ''':'' I SUbtota'l &78 :6~9 %96,.229 '934.,56). 934',,561 I I I ,. _._~, '. '22, I CITY, 6fPOWAY, ,~~~, BY, 'FqNDS':AN]l ;~OURCES I ..1981-1982 ,1981;-J9,8,2,' ,1982-1983' ,1982,..1983 I -- - ~ ,. PROPOSED ',BUDGET, ESTIMATED 'APPROVED PARKIMpROilEMENT F:UND I 7:3'46 Parklana Dedication 92;026 126,,233 118,90,0 .. H~ ;9,00 I .;. -"''''''' -'~ _.. -~_.__._,,_.,. ...--...- -- S~~74~J9irit P6w~is 60,;6.47 - - - 7460 ,SBN4' 5,,000 - 5;,,0,0,0 5,;,0,0,0 7031,0 I.ht~e,;~~.:t qIj. lrives1;Ifient-s 48,,950, '37,162 ~il,o,o, 2"'1,0.0 I ~.,... ."",,-,"_,n 7461 park Bond Act 198,0 Grant 158 ,,9,0,0 91,,983 66 ;917 66,,917 Subtotal' '365,52~ 255'378 192.i~I7 192;,917 , ...".., CAJiITAL REPI.;ACEME:NT, :FlJNll I, 766,0 Sale:of ~urplus'pr9perty 5,0.0,0- 5:;,0,0,0 5';,00,0 '5,,0,0.0 I 735.6 Interest .on Investments - - 62,73'1 ,62:,73,1 - .-- .- - ~ -,- - ~. 7?!35 Yearly vehicle'ReIlta1 .'Fees, - - Ill, ?,o8 '1'11,:5,08: .. SuDtotal 5,;00,0 I 5;",0,0,0 179;,,2'39 17,9,239, .. I 'DRAINAGE, FUND -- .F1Ciod' ~Zone ,Fees '8,16',0: - ,- .. I 7,56(5, ..or~i.~?3:ge 'f~~s" - 316,,158 100,00,0 100,,660 731,0 IE1J_~ie_s~~ 9.1] IJ1:v~~~t.rnei1t::s' - 7',56,0 28:,112 28,Il2 I ',S;ilit6t~l' " :8',16,0" 323:;'7'18 128,,112 128,r12 DEBT, ;SERVICE' ,FUND I 7310 ';.I.:rl_t~ies~' .olf ,I~v:es~ep'tJ:i": 27,;45~ '5534 '29' '09,0 2,9, ,09,0, I ".~ ;17.4,>:1,06 76],,6, ~ire :Bonds 1,74';8,0,0' :1'U;'2,o9 174'/8,0,0 sUbtotal, 2,02;;;259 T.48,743 2,0'3,89,0' 2,o'3;t89,o MiJNYcYPAL,IMPR,oVEMENT EUND I , 74.91 '~~~~n~~ f~Qrn 9tJ:l~r ~g~IlC;Les - - 66,75,0 '66 ;75,0 I 7,31.0, .rh teres:~ .;r!lC:9l!1_~ 48,,950 '34,,0,0,0 '20,;'946, :2,0',9,'16" S,ubtg!:AJi 48,!,95,o 34..,00,0 8;1" 6'9"6 8:7;,'696', I ,I I I ; 'I , \: ,23 C,'['!'Y' OF'I?O!.'l~Y , , , I " !tEVENUES BY, FUNDS AND'SOURCES I 1981-1982 1981,..1982 ]982-1983 1982-,;1983- BUDGET' ESTIMATED, PROPOSED APPROVED < I ,FEDERAL REVENuE! :SHARING ,FUNo ; I ' 7453, Feder~~,RevenueSharing 200,000' 305,142 370::068> :370,068 :Interest' 'on. ~Investments. '. - < 7310 ~ 9,917, 29',704 '29...704" , CSubtotal ,200',000 31'5,,059 '-399 "n2 '399,/772, I ,GRANT' FUND I '747,1 !lis:ycI<e, G;ant' - "!' ]4,.QOO ~24" 000 -- Bicy.cle }lIiPr9vellle"t ,St!Jdy ,- 7';000 - - ' , -- P6way CieeJ<,.Cojint.y' ,- ~OOiOOO - ,- -- stilt", Clean, ,Water - 1'1,,729 - -, :1 ' 7,,457 Office, Traffic: 'Study - - 45tl'30 82',842 7,455 Hazard Elimina tioO' 'safetY' - - t44 ,000 144';000 7456' Federal Aid to, Urban " 77,;'300 77'''3'00, - - I ' 7480 Clearwe1:1 '- - ,400,000 400:000, Subtotal' - U8,,729 690,,430 728','142, I ,CDliGFUND , , :7.47.6 CD<BG,- 8th, Year 40,09,0 60 000 - I . d ~ '-, '1.<17,3 CDBG,..8th,~eat~P9way CreeK - - 174,,000 '174,000 SiiI5,total '40,000: 60;"000 1,7,4; 000 '17 4,000 I , I . , - I REVENUE GRAND ,TOTAL, ]:3:,439,,'292: ~5",'5-,7.8;,.42~7' 15',801; B39 17",l07" 232 < , ,.. I " , I , 'I , , , ,I . ,- , I I . . ,. I . . . I - . I I . 1 CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM 1982;-.'1983 BOND INTEREST AND REDEMPTION I I , 25 I CITY OF POWAY BOND INTEREST'AND ,REJ)EMPTION I 1981-1982 - 1981":l982 ljl82":l983 1982-19S3 I BUDGET' ESTIMATED PROI'OSED AI'PROVED WATER FUND I Orchard Water District l6, l28 l6,128 20,4l0 20',4l0 1954 29.,500 30,063 28,937 28',937 I 1970 266,116 266,110 266,6,85 266,685. 1972 lOl,533 lOl,533 104;433 104,1:33 1975 473,930' 473,,930 477 ,930 '47'7,,,930 I ID #1 l2,375 12',375 11,900 l;l 900 " , ID #2 - 15,750 20,250 20,,250, 79-1 - - 364,,091 364;091 I TOTAL WATER FUND 899,5'76 915,889 1,294,.636 h294,636 SEWER. FUND I Series 1 36,950 36,950 35,700 35,700 1 Series. 2 .27,500 27,500 ,26,500 2'6,500 Series A lO,760 lO,760 10,380 i6" 380 Series B 118, l65 118, l65 li5,765 115,765 TOTAL SEWER FUND 193,3,75 193,375 188,345 188,345 I DEBT SERVICE.FUND I 1978 Fire Bonds 174,,800 174,800 174.. 800 l,74', 860 I TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND 174,800 l74,800 174,800 174,800 I .1,657;781 ,:, GRAND TOTAL l, 267" 751 l,284,064 1; 657 ,',781 I I I I I ", I I, I. :,i . I' . I' I . 'I I , , ., l t I ' ' 'I I I , I I I I I -.__ "'r .- - l 19$2-;1983 I 8-1'[0'. OF P0WAY F.INt,-NGML 'Pf<.OG~. DEPARTMENTAL OPERATING: BUDGErS ,"'::i. ,I ; l ..- , , \ , \ 'I' 27' CIffY-Of F?OWAY BUDGET. 'BY FWD I DEF!ARYMENT GENERAL 'WA'fER SEWER' s:rREET ,TOTAL, LEGIs!.:AnvE' & :ADMINISTRATIVE I" CityCouncil 39,,055. -3,9"P,?,5 .City'Cierk 12 ::3" il~2' , 12-3',71"2 I C~ty Attorney i ;;7',406' 5,7',406 'CitY. Manager .J',7'j.,48l. 173,481 'Tota'l 393,6;;+ 393,6?4 I; ADMINISTRATIVE sERVIGES fDirector . 42,,237 ,3l,n.4 13',172 86,703 I :perso~)1ei 62;050 10~,62l '3,;9l3 76,584 'C~'d..stoJn~r :S~rVi:ces: 713"1'2'1.7 79;; 9'10 33,,990 187",l4;7 , .f,i),!~ce, I 46', rJ3 50; 3'70 2-1,417 H,7'920 ' I: .g~_t_a1 ,Proc;essi~g" 35;;222' 38:,.455' :16:,35-1 -",-:'.,_.,., 9Q',028 , l?ur9J:l~s_ih_cj; 44,,436 :1'5',2i75 ,6:,''-2831 'E>5;,994, iSuppoi,t: .'s~rv:ices' ~61 ,310 161,'3l() . I, Risk' :Management" 16 2'~'500 ;102:,500 ,Total 56i7,105 '225,955 . f'O ;888',1'86 , :9~'"l'26, I " COMMUNIrysERVICES Director' &14,,9113 Tl4,'91'8, I ,Lei'sure Servi"c~~ 280".'~40 '280,,940 Cont'ra~~_, 'Ser.vfc~s 16,;,200 'l6;"200 ' L~kE?' Ope:r;:atiTqI)..s 298;;'231 298,'231, ' I ?~rJs'& 'L~!1q~caEE3 216',189 21'6, t89 .--' i Total 926,,4:7.,8 '926',,47.8' : PlAJIJNING SERVICES , I , Director 75,'036 Is ,p36 . Current Planning - .'..<:'-.-." -1'39>198 139 ;l!98 , I Advanced Plannrng 84,8~9 '84 ,,8fl9 Buf1ding & Safety 69.,9'00, 69,900 , I 1'ot,a':C :3~~e,(J.23 369".023 " ,I \ I' , , , I " , I I .' "- " I: I I . I. I I '. I I: I I I. I', .' I , " GUY OF POWAY F,lNANCIAL PROGR;AJ'f, 1982-1983 I DEPARTMENTAL OPERATING: ~U~E~S I , I, r' " \, I 27- (TJ'i( OF POWAY, BUDGET 'BY FUND j DEPART~NT GENERAL WATER SEWER STREET' TOTAL .- - LEGISLAT,LVE & ADMINISTRATIVE .' ,City Council 39,,055 ;39 '055' " , . -City Clerk ~2'3 ,j-i.2 -123,7<1:'2 I 'c;~tY,AHorney. i 5:7,406 5,!,4('!6 'City, ,Manager. ~:7(3, 48"- ,In ,481, 'Total, 393,654 393 654, I ,. ~.. ,AOMI NI STRA TlVE 'SERV,J GES, "lpirector 42',2:37' 3l,29!l,: 13,1:1-2 86,; 703 I: r' " . - . - '3~,-913 'Perso[lJJ~..l 15,2;050 }C,,621 7,6,584 'Cj.,1stp!'!1~r .S~rv..icesi 7:3,.2[7' 79,,9110 33,.-,99,0 187,,1:47 I ".[i;.!1_a'pc~. 46:; 133' 50,,:3:70' 21';A17 , l'[7",920 D~t.~ !1>i:9c~S.S'~i:Ig 35,,222' 3,8,,455 l6:,351 90".028 :pirr~,l:1_a~ij1g 4!l';4:36' ,~5';2i75 6',,28:3 65 ,994 :S.lJ.ppo~tj ,.?e'ryj~es. 'l6l ;)10, 16l,:3l0 I, 'Rfsk' 'Mana - e'ifient:' ,102" 500 102,500 " ' '" 9 < , TO,tal 567-'"lQ5' :225','955' ,95\126; 888,rl86 I COI"M:NI TY SERVICES , O-fiectoj:' n4'~9l'8 ~l4r918 ,. ~efs~reServfces :2'80,'940 280,940 ,Coritrac"t. 'Serv:ices 16,:200 ,16',.200 Lake, Operations 298:,,231 298,2'fl :1- Park,&\ Langsca,F?e 21'6,189- 2'16,,189' Total 926,478 '926:,478 , '. PLANNING SERWCES Dfrector i5 ,036 7.5:'036 Current Planning 139 :1'98 '139:,198, I ,~o Advanced Plannin9 84,889 8'4,,889, Building & Safety 69,~j9,O.o . 69:,900 To:!:,aI 369.,Q23 369,,02'3: :,. ,. l I .' I " , I I I c IT~ OF P6WA Y 28 BUDGET BY FUND . I DEPARTMENT GENERAL .WATER, SEWER .S1REET TOTAL - - I PUBLI C SERVI CES Director. 43,780 83,,258, 34,278 l61,.3:L6 ,I ,Field .0perai:ions ,Admin. 44.676 5'8' 443 '1,2195' H531'4 . .. ~., Q ~ ." ~., ',c...... ",t- ~ >, !'Eng,ineering . 1-79 ,'~ 7~ 146,887' t1'~, 852 l05,328 545,,639' iStreet~ 'f1~i:Qt~nd;fl.c_e 88 ADO ?~:?~/3TQ E216.,; 070 'Water' Suppl:he,tc.. 2iQ~~,019 2,.096.,03", 11 .;~~~erJ :~re_atlt!e~t.,., ~,tc~~' '938;4'I0 938.410 ,.-. , ':Wa_te~, 'Tr..-ansI:niss~.on 379,24E!; 3'1,9.,-248 ~Se~~r 'C;.o.1)~eC;~~9~ :174;/181 -l74,:L8l I 1:f~~J:li1;.ie.s' '-~a~~t~h.~f1ce 43,,7:12 34.,968' '8';742' 8,7,,,-422 Total 400,,4,,\0 2 ;},98 ,-843 1,'281,65,8 632,-698 5,113 ;63", I ,SAFETY ,SERVICES Director 140,4l9 140,419 I ,oBi-re, :suppression' 905,,367 905,:367 'I ..' . -- . 85,420 85,,420 Fi:re. ,Prevention Paramedics 204',57,3 204,,5iB iiaw,Enforcement 1,522,2'06 ,1, 522'~ 2'06 i ,Total 2,857,985 .'2:,85;7,985 I ,.. GRAND TOJAt:S' 51,5"-4,,,685 :3,024,,-,798 1,,3'76,,784, '6'32,698, ,10',548,,965 '-... I ." c I I ^ I I I' I I , cDEPAIl:rMEN:rAr:. 9W'!l'!' .or.: ORGiONI ZAT.ION, N <0 ; - CITY COUNCIL, , 010 PLANNING coMMisSION" - - , . ) / CITY CiTY CITY -' CLERK;! ATI:OllliEY MANAGER TI1!,A.S.\lIlEB "on' \ , ob' , .oN "- . - , pLANNING COMMUNITY e{\FJ';T'f bPMINI,s'!:ilATIVE: PUBLIC: SERVicES SERVICES SERIQ'CE3 SERVICES SERVICES; , 300 '20.0 500 lOl) 40.0 / . . " 010 ~,CITY' COUNCIL _I - - -, - .- - - :- ...' '. -, - '.-. .. .' - ... - - L_ J. I ; I .\ C:ITY OF' POWAY 1 ,IlE,PARTMENT A~ .ACT! V.IF OYERY.!iEW 30 ;:, Dept..Code oel?_~nt: . ' ~.F,und ~pl's..tr :i;\bu.t ion,:~, ,I 010 Legislative & 1i:drniniistrative Genera'l Fund:. 39" 0.55 , . c:i.tv' <c:~unciiJ: .. . :EXPEI!SE 19'80.'198l 198'ld982 " I 1981~.l982 19~2-1,98~ 1'982-1;983 <C:LASSIF'ICATION A<C:TUAL I .BUDGET 'E.~T~M!\1'EQ ?RO!,O,s,ED . "APPROVED I - I To,tal,P'o s'ibi on s ,- .- - - = I P.e.r5onn~). E~p,en'5!e' 10,,426, "9,000. H,,585 17,;209 '15 ,'2f2 , I, oper'a;tioris , , i la.nd M'a'i~n.t~i].(a'!'Lc...e. 5,,505 ,2:7 ,652 24,555 25,97j ,2,3:,783' I - Cap.! tal, 'Out'lay - - = - ,- I - ,TO,T A'L BUDGET ' ,15i,93'1 3,6" 65'2 3-7,>1'40 43,'1'82 39,,055' ,I ! _' .r,_.- ;i , 'OMERVTEW COMMENtARY I The. \'C~~y CounCil is, co.IJlPose_d oJ. ~j:ye IT\e~e;:s ~'.f>e5=ted. <~ft; .;.large~ ',by ;t~e ci_t~zens .of P,oway -to. ser.\r"e for" ~our year, over,ra'ppirigt.e~!5,~ __ ~?'t.n~' Cfty"~: 'P9'1j~cymaktng, _ I legislative: 'boi;lv ; the city Cbii.ri~6i~ ~~ r_e)3p9ifsib~'~ t,9 tJ:fe rE.!~i-dents of ~Poway for 'ine iIl}pl:ernent~ati6n ,of al'l ;pr~ogranls aifd. sery'fc~s l?rqyi?e-d.~y ~he, :~ity.. AnnuaJ..-lyO!. the' City Council reorganizes;,' cho~si_:q.g .one . 9~~. its merrilier_s _to ,se~v~~:~s M~yor and , 'one, of. its~ ;rnembers to serve as DeputY ~.aY9t,:" odt,h 'terms ;cc)Il}l1le}19ing in, April-~ ~, I 'The', .,Ci~y. 'Council acts ,.upon all legislative ii1fi'tt~r~~ ~c6n~erfl:in-g' tJie, ,C.i-~y.;-; ~P9r~viflg, and adopting a'ii. ordinances" resoiutions r co~t;racts ,ari&' ~o":l:tfe~i '~~q:ters r~qii:~rihg i I 'overall 'poiicy ,decis~cns and leadersh~i:p. The ~9.uii~il_ '?ppqints! t).1~, :Ci'ty :~~rag,er." tne: 'd::ity' p..tt~:rne;YJ .and t:he G:lty Clerk a,~ wel)" ,i's y<,?-r'j,;qy._s;; ~:::itiieJ)', a4y:i.:~9:ry. coI,Tl~ mittees' which ensure ;broad~based inptft Hi.to ;the a~~~J:fs'; \o.f 'tl:1e,Ci!:y'. I "Ih. ,reaching- -p.olicy c:leci'sj:6ns, the C,ity G,q_UI1..c.:i,)~. ;ey;f~ews, ,pr:,oposals', ides-l.gned ;to Iffieet ,community 'needs and sustain gern?!:!ded service ~;v~"i-s', 1ini~j:ate:~' 'ne~ "pro,grarns .to ',up.9.rade: existi.Il<i~ CiJy, ,~er.V:i:.~_e~'" q.~t~tm~hes ,t}:1!? abi~J.l~_ty of 'the- ctty 'to) provide I' fi!1anci,ng fori, "the" 'prcil?Qsep ~l::?.~stg.e~ ~s su~n.f;i't~~q ET ,the, :c;fty' Manager ,and over.sees ( '. ,the expend'it:ure 'o{ a"ll ~ity ~~.ind:S"l;hf6'4gtout ,ttJ.e :fi'-scal. ,year. I , : I , ;,." , ,0 .' , I 31 C';ITY'O F pOW~Y :DEI?';\;RJ1l1Et;lTAL. ~C:rI:V,1 TYDETAIL DE'PA,RTj!E'NT :i AC,TI';V,IT,Y: ACT,I,VI,TY, .C'ODE-.: ' , 'L~.gisla,.tJv~' &':, !,Ad!nini~"trua t;iy~' City,.CounCi1 oI'o ACT! VI1Y COMMENTARY ACTIV-ITY,GOADS: AND OBJECTIVES ,1. ~To, :pro~]:de ,policy fqr- tJ~e, es_1:apl.1:.s~~t1t :9f. ;prog,rams and serv.:i1ces ~through ,overall ~ll;;'!<gl:_s],.ativ'~.' guidanc-e_; ,an{:l di:r!=!<?t'ion~. , 2, 'To-' 'oversee :az1d' 'mop:J:.t::or; ,t.he' iinpleItu~nta_ti.9I).< '9lth.e Gf)tinc~i1-:ii~ a~g:CJP-1::~d 'sbo~.;,t~, ~med'~um' :and long,--::range ,goals, ~as ,describe9. ip ,App~n~qi)~ B,,';' )'. To' ensure' "that <tne- delive:z::y of' all ~m0.nicipal ser:vic:_~-s fs, d9j:te i:P th_e most ,efficient and economic imanner: [po~siDle.. 4. 'To., provide, .for, ,the citizens' 'of ,poJtciy ,a fQrurn fQ.t: p~'ti_c ~;}'P.tit a9-~ ~!] ~yeiiy.~ for' ,the' solution "of cciil!mui1~~y \p:ronletns~;, 5,. To provide' .input ..to' 'the.. ,elected CoiintY'J St;o:i'tE? ~.nd F,eiieral r.ep'i-Fff}5~fl.t?t4:v,-e~ :relative~ to: -the meeds~. desires J and. ,d~mands' ,c)f, t.tle ci:tiz~ns o'~ 'P"Qw<3:y.-. 'SIGN,"F1CANT, ,ACTIV:~ITY', ;PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE i~Fi!)ge"B,enefHs .ref'lect: the 'cost 'of 'health :+$ 6,,27.2 and. life insurance. ;Community ,relations 'provide for ;plaguesr -I- $ 7.50 proclamatlons. ,and. 'Iother com.munitypromotional~ ~ype. rnateria'ls;. , - . .' I I crt'( OF POWAY I \ 32 DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY DETAIL ,I Department: Activity: Acbvity Legislative and Administrat!ve City Council Code :010 Obj. 1981~82 ~981~82 1982-83 1982-83. I Code Expense Classf!ica~ion Budget "Estimated Proposed Ap'proved ?erso~~l Expense Range Position Title , I Co~cilmember (5) 9,006 9',000 9,000 9,000 .. I 111 Total Salaries-Other 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 I l20 Fringe Be>ne'fits -, 3~, 585' 8',209 6,272 I , I Total ,Personnel 9.000' , 11.585 17 209 '1' ? i.? Ooerations and Maintenance I I ,260 f~e~mpur~ed Mile~ge 6,000 '1 /000 4.,500 4,500 2,70 'Travel ~nd Meetings 9,954 9,975 8,470 6,,280 I 314 Community Relations - 2,050 750 750 315 'Publications apd Dues 11,448 11,200 11,753 11 ,,753 411 iOfff'ce & 'Station'ei:y Supplies '250 325 500 500 .1 , I I I 'Total Operations and Maintenance 27 652 24 550 '''Q" 2-3 783 I Capital Outlay. I .' T~tal Cap~tal Outlay , - . - - - Acti vfty TO,tal 36,652 37 ,~3S 43,132 39,055 -, , ' ~.. , " . 'O'EPARTMENTAL CHART. b~ ORGANIZATION IJJ, w., ,- , - " , " :ciTY COiJNCIL - ., , PLANNING cOMMIssioN " '. , - qTY CLj:;RK ~ " " 'l:R.EASURER , .Oll 'l 6f~ -,CITY, CLERK - . ... -' - -\ '. -! - :... .. -: .. - - ~ ~ -," ,... .; II1II ;.' :- :- ,I , I CIIY OFPOWAY ,. ;DE f'ARTMEt-,Fr-AL '"". ''i'''-'''''''''' OVERYI:EW .34 MT Pi !-TY , , I ' Dept.'. Codel' Depar;i:men t" Eundr Dist~ibut'ion~ _.. l~~.gJ_s~~t~ive & Admi'n-istrat':llte i ' 01,1 Ci!ty Clerk _ Gener_a1~uri.cl: l203'',7i2 - ," ,~' 1, I EXPEiiSE, 1980~i98r I 198i",l982 1981-1982, , "l!9~2-1983 1982":1983 'CLASSIFICATioN -, -.'. "AS:TU~ ! BUOqET E~TIMA:!,Ep: P!'-9,POgD APP~OVED , I ~T)),:t'~\l; gos'i\t :f'~~_:s :2 , 3' 3 3 .3' , I " 'I " -1 Per.sonne~1 ;ExR,ef1.s~ 44,4,8;2 '6$,95'5' 76'1,808 80,325 85,489 ,) , 'i - 'I i IOp'e.ra',tj~on;s' 7',-500 , '2'1,.;592 251,625 .]1/'1'23 .37,1'2'3: , a~9 ~M_airi,te~~.h'c"'e . , I , i l:ap:iJt"a1 Ou.,t1ay - 3,,100, l 4',,250 800 800' , i' , I: I TOTA'L 'BUOG,E,T 51,982: 9'1';647' 1,0,6",68:3 112,,518 l!'23,7l!:2 0VERVI,EW, COMMENTARY I The Cft'! Cler!s, irs appointed 'by the, Git,y Council to s",rve as Re!5oids ,Manager-arid', El'ec;tion Oi:i'idai pf' the c,!:ty. ,'In ,carrying out this functi'cin, the CitY' Cl"er}C' ,I: c6o:(9.inat~~ ,tJie 'cfty COUnci!li 'agenda' preparation and oversees the recordfri-g', J?r:e,~a.;-a_tiQr:u ~a.f1d- 'niaiCD~e_nal)c~ ,qf"the, offlcia:i 'meeting: record. The :Ci'fy. .CYark !i? Of~fce iSI epe. ce,1J:~ral information source for thepubl'ic ,and Cit;.y I 'staf.f cregardirlg: COuriC1J,..,r~c.t_io.!1.' '~l')4' ,p'(;)ii_ci~.s,; Th'is aepar,tment i's responsible~ ,for ,the ,organization, 'maiilcenCincef ,:and; ,pro't:ecti!6h of ai;'l offi"c-ial CitTreCOrc.s" :and; c9ordfnates. ,the' 1_CitY'~wid~ uri.i:f~~ f';;;''ctibnacl filing sy;stem. Aii'lega'l 'adver- "'.' --", - _ ,,- .. - ~ ~,~ - ,~ . -.' I t~se1TIeiits'il in::-l~qir.ig' nO.,~fces~ ''of p~l:i;,c hearing" ca-ll for bj!ds" etc., ,arel :piac.ed. tniciugh th:i!s' ,o'ffice'. ~he)~ity' Clerk 6rgan~zes' an&,conducts ail!rnunicipal elect~ons, including (serving I ..,. . _..- .. .. ,- - - ~ . - " ;~?' ~~ling,~ffi~eL;f9~'Ec9no~ic ~n~er~~t and' Carnp~fgn btsclosure statements " " , .The. Cft"y C~e.tK Js; a;lsq ,~pp_oiI}t~.ci' ,8i.ty. Treasurer",; i's responsible' 'for the .invest~' I, ment:' ,of:.:'City p,und's' aD9- 'l1.a~~ ,s~,9l!a~to~:r;y, ?~~hor,tty on pubficsecuricties :and' ,instruments of paynfent. 'i :. , , , I .. ,- " Ii , t ,'3ii CITY ,OF POWAY 'DEPA'RTt:1E'NTAL Ac;tl VJTY "DEI A I L DEP"iRTJ1EN~': AC,TIYI,T,Y: ACTI'V,'t'TY, CODE: Legis'l"iitive & AdIrifnistratJv,e City Cl'erk OIl ACT IV IT.\( ,COr:1MEN'r:AR'Y ACTIVITY ,GOALS AND. OBJECTIVES 1,. 'As cus,tc5dian. of the offfci'al r-ecoi,ds of.the Ci'ty;;to ensure the safety and secur i'ty oft:he r'ecord documents. . ,2;.' Establ'ish a records manaqement program to prov'i'de for efficient storage, ,retrieval., ", . . ._',. ,'._".. ....-. '" 1J('i arid dfspositIon of records" 'inc'lui:l'ing the implementat:ion of the P."YF~ (p'oway phifo~l!," : <:unc'tional Fi!ling system). .throughout a,H city depar,tments. 3. To post, !,ubl!fshand mai'lin a manner coIi,piy,il)g with' ~!>!' taw, ".1':1 "o_ti~es Q,f .pu!>Hc' . > heai'ings,. .meetings and bl'd proposals., 4.. To record concfsely. and cO~F'eci;~Y" 'in ~9t;J6Q !!li!nu.t_e '~oP'T!-, tJ:le rrieetings q.f the City Council.. 5. -To conduct all munfcipa:l elec'ti'ons -in a ~manner: to ensure conformance wi'th existing ,. _ ~"H' ., _,' ,'_ ._.~ . _ ',' _... ... " . laws to preserve the accu~.i'CY a,,4 i'ntegr,1ty qf th~ proces". 6. To manage the ci'ty Council agenda process to ensure t'ime!\, preparat-ion" noti'c'e, arid. follow~u'p .on ail l}:em,s' tequi'r ~~g~Co~~~ii i'c~iq:n: ' ,_.. ., ,.. . ACTIVITY. WORKLOAD STATISTICS:.. :1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 .ACTUAL ESTIMATED, FORECAST 'Plib,li;c; ;l!ea;r ings' !!otices 12; 120 100 'D9cu!l\ents, 'Recorde.d 30, 75 ,100 ~e-~olU: t ipris1 .Pi~pAr ~q ,119 130 .150 'Ordin'lI;ce~ Prepared' 37' 2,1 50 (Set's foJ;Miii'iit~_~ J?rep~-I~41 64' 90' 75 \ SIGNI~ICANT ACTIVITY, . PROGRAM CHANGES: '.CHANGE: , . . , -deieted 'by, C"fty' ,Gouncil, dur.fng employee :liuto .Allowance, , ' , 1 ,:ZOO, ,(evaluation, process. - 'Off'ice' s'l.lt1l?lies; - ;reflects. 'actua:i: ,expendltur:el' p'Iojection, '" 1,-i966 'Pr-i:pting ,- :Ci!ty- 'Council. ia,gendal packages ale,~ being printed by" ~an outside, ,vendor ,rather than on ,the C'ityHall copy'machine. COst savi:n9sare .'Ieflect:ed, ;in1 cfty-' ~i4e copying .account. ;+- 3,;920 'M.y.e~;t}~ing '-iI For"the', "fi'rs't ,year -of ;~ricior,poration; no'tices, could beR6~te'd, Crath"r ,tl1an pUl:ll!i~lied. Wen6w, arerequiied 1;:0 do .legal ad"ert~'sing and all 'C'ity legal adver,i:'isin9 'goe'sth-rolightli'is ac<::oun~. ,+ '3;"200 pr"f~ssronal, Se-rV;fces-Ther:e ois no "'gulf<ii muri'icipal election scheduled I 'in ~fscalYear' 82-83. ' - 15,;'000 ,~, , CodHfaa:t'iori -, Work wf!l begin on Poway,'s MunicipalCodethi:s P,i'scal i , Ye"'ilr through -contract with a codI'flcaei!on fIrm. ~ 9,,900 L , I, , , I I ,I, - ->.- GI,JY OF POWAY 36 ,11 D~I?A8Th1EJ'IT j~gINJ;r:y. DETA1L bepar,tment :. Activity;: . ActiVity :1 ~~q~~~~tive ~n3 bdmin~strative City Clerk Code: 011 Obd.. 198'i~82 r981~82 1982,..83' i982-~l3 'Code , 'Ex~ense, CJ:assificatipn BuClge't Es't:Lmated 'Proposed ApJ;>roved ,. I' Per_s9.nn~~1 i~xpel'!.se ~ge f~6:s..irt:~0li' ITj;_~le i I , ; i city Clerk 25:,138, , 30., ,755 31.,200 .3l,200 Deputy C~ty Clerk. 'l4,,400 103;398 . 16,,156 16:,986 I ~dmf~i~tr~tive rSecretar~ I 13','998 16;,4'4-3 1"6,.764 l7,l;I3' Meri:t -Increases .'2',1:44 - - ~lb I ~a{~ri!~s ~ RegulaJ;' '55:,680 60.,596 64 ,.1~20 65' ,329 ,,:1 113 SaJ~i;.~_~ """ 0y,,-e:rtim..~ '2,1,60 ,500 l,800 f 1,800 , I F~ing~ ~e~~_fit'~ i, 18,669 I 120 'l-2:,1l:5' 15,,'.H2 J4" 405. < ~ , .t, , Total ~erson~el: ',69',,9,55' 76),808. ,812,,325 &5,7Ei'! i 1 : QtieratJ:o-ifs and, Mai!n't:enaI\ceJ " . , 'I: , , , 199' Other ~rofessional Fees .15,.J:00 1?,P5,O 10" pOp 10,000 260 iReiffibursed Mi~eage 1,609 . 725 7,20 '7,20' I 2:70 ?Travel and' Meetfngs '2',049 2',066 1,.610 1,610 ~ ..... ..- . - - - . ,4,000'" ;7,,200 2~0 ~..Adve~r,~is~ng 4,000' 7,200' 311 Pri_nti,ng r-< 3,,920 3,920 ;1 . 3_13, 'Unifo~s';If~ul1dry." Q~Y ctea.fl~ng 750 75i} ,509 . 560 3'~4; Co~~~ty Re~aftqh~ -, 1'00 ' 166 315 PUblications and Dues ?'l.il 400, 600 600 --- -, , -~ -- : 33<\ R&M Equij:>m"nt - 1012, 288 '2!?~ I 411 Office t Statione~y Supplies '500, 2:,600 2,,400, '2 400 , --, 4'1;) Operating, Supp:hes ' . -, - 785 7,8;; 513 Ren_1: - o'f.f fee Equipment -, ,- '3..3.0,0 1.9,,-Oqq, ,I 1 i I , , i' T9~fa.:~ -pper~~t'i9.-i!_s -ari.dJ Ma'irit:~Ij'~_;1c.e" :24,592, , , 3'b423 37,1'2'3 , 25,,625: CapftaJ: b,utlay .. , 6U Office Equipment 3,100 -4,250 800 80,q .~ I , I Total capital butl'ay' 3,]!00 ,,411'2'5,0 80,0 80q 'A:ct'f"V:l:,ty ;T6tal 97,64')' 1O~, 6,33' H~,.s48 1'23;.71'2 I "h DEPARTMENTAL,CHART'OF' ORGA~I~A~IQN.' w '-I' " " , ; , , - CITX ~OUJ~IC]L " '~I]\NNIJlG COMMI_SliIO!,/ , , . , , - CITY ATTORNEY 6i2 , " 01,2:.-: CITY" ATTQIlI:lE)' '-, .- _. - _i - i" '.' '. ..' '. - - ,- -, - .' '. 1_" ,;.., . I: . ' , ,., C-lTY OF POWAY '., , ,_,_ ..< -,-', ,.,., ~,-.- ,44 OVERVl;EW 381 , DERARTMENTAL, ACT,]VITY , Dept,gode 'Department: , E:u,!d, I:li;;tribuj:i!on" , '.. L~gisla~ive & Adm~nfstrative 012 c,itY Attorney Gene"i'al 'F:tihd: 5,7.,;40(; I - I . EXPEN;>E '1980~198l 198'1-l982 1981-1982 ,1982..,l98'3 '1982~198'Cl I I, 'CLASS~FICl\.TIO,~ 'ACTUAl:; I 'BuDGET ESTIMATED PROPOSED ,APPROVED ,I To,j::'ai P'6s,i:t i 6ns - - - -, - , ., :1' P,ersonn'e1. 'E''xpen'se ~ - - - - " ;1 Op,e,r:at i q,n's and 'Ma"in',ten'ance 32;403 46,400 ~8,41'4 :5:7 ,406 5'7,406 , , I: Capi.t''''l '0,",:1:1,,'1 - - - - , I f I : " 'TO,TAL, BUDGET 32,,403 46 !400 ;58,414 :5;7,406' , .57'.409 'I , ': " OVERV+EWCqMMENTARif t " The c'fty Attorneyfs appointed,by ,the City; Cotii}<;:'il to i#er,ve a's ;Le.ga-J.' ady,f"or tg the City on all matters of hw- as, :t.hese relate tbthe con'duc:t o'f munk:Lpa'l ---,- < i"'> - - <.. ._, - .- ---.. - .. - -~--. '" -.- " - '.' ~Ff~_'~~S.1 T!:'e ,S:ity At'torney ~rafts, ord'inances"~ prepare~ C"oJltract:-s" cotl9.U~'-;s l_eg~:1 negoti!at~~<?ns,t,reviews .regal, 'documents; ifer,; form and coriten't a:pCl ae'fe.~9s tli.e~ qit:.y!.l.s P9S'I~t~qn fhari 'c~~_;:t cases': , I j ,The ser,vi:ces "o'f tne ,City' 'Att.oriiey ,a.re, ,prov~ded to the 6ty 'by contract. The Gi:ty Attorney provides,h;ga1 counsel, ,,,ttends 'offfcia"L 'meei:'il1gs and appears at all -'1ega'l pr.oc-eedTpgs 'arid' ~,~.g6ti~!-i!p!i_SI ~re'J:~ting to lana ac~:i!sition and" provides' I 6th~); spe~.~al'iz~d,,~s~fVrc-~Ei.- j In ~d~J':fj!ojj ~t6 Rr9,vf:~JI}g ,~e:r;v:i!ces, to the leity Council" "the Git~ AJ:~Ori"-Eiy '<3.1"so " serve's as .rega>i -advisor to. other ,'Council-appointed' :boards a,-nd -represent.s I , o6if~~~iai~~ ~-I!~.' efup~~qyeesl al: ,the ,ci.ty in 'matt~rs ieia,-ti~~ ~q ~i.:ty Bu~~_i!:nes~: I , ,,' I I, 'j .. , , , I I , OF.POWAY \ '39 C,Cry D"EPARTMENJ;AL .ACTIVITY DETA'liL DEP',ARTMENT: ~ ACT,IVI,T,y,: 'Ac.T'rv,n'Y- CODEl:: :~g~slative, ,& .Ad1ninJ.str~'t:iv~ C;:,it}F Attqrney ; , Ol2 ACTIV I TY CQMMEf-i:r:ARY - - - ~ ~ ACTIVITY' GOADS'AND' OBJECTIVES; 1- TO provid~ ~~g~l ,s~pp~r~,~o ~he c~tyCouncfl rand Cityoffici~l~ i~ 'the form of ,r~sear..c~, '~!1~ ,C9,~piratio-n of 'le9ai,oginions as requeste~: :<l;ndl r,equirea.. 2, To d~J~.-'24 the cJ'ty"'s offi'cia'l ~c'ti'ons. :i. To '.;:-e~re~ ?:11 qocti,ments .prior ,to submitta'l ~t'9 1;:h~ C~-ty COljh~Jl, <for; cornplete-' hes~s atf9 don_terit'_~ 4,,' 'TCi ensure tliat comolTance is dbta'ined 'with the proV:i"sd.ons of the rrniriTcipal 0'.. . _...~.. _ _, _ . ..~, . . "." ., _~__ _ _ . _.. _.. ."' . co.<;i~:~. , 5. T~ inform theCity:Council and staff 'of 'the legislative and other legal i4~v~j-oiSrri;rit:s\' 'wni~h may ',have' .an .effect '<~m; .t~.e .aanii.p'i~t'~_~tio~ arid qperation o'f ,tie, City. , 6~ ,To' 'represent' ,the. City' ;in 'courts, of. corlfpetent~ .,jur~sdlction.," 'on a'll leg,a,i matters relating to "the City, " ACTtVITY'WORKLOAo STATISTICS , 198,0-,8l 1'981-'82 :1:982":83' '" ACTUAL 'ESTIMATED FORECASTED, ; LOitiqatfon, fncl'ud1'ng, pend'ing a.ppe~{~ 5 5 '3 Ordinances pr~pared 18 50 43 I c::ontz-acts" agreements;", .i~g~i: oP~iE1iq!,,!s I , and related docurn~nts ~n~ ~~a~t conferenc~s no 375 400 'Requ1ar a1').d ~pe~i~I "~e'~~t~ri5~fs' a..(~~n~d~d' <:18 , 82 92 . SIGNI'FICANT. 'ACTIVITY, :PROGRAM 'CHANGES, :,CHANGE Legal, .fees: ,have .been, ,seg~ega~e~: 'tc?\ ,re:;~"e-c..!~ pnly - $.40,!,SOO ,those, costs' for outs i-de; 'atto.:;-ll~Y ~se~y''i:C:f{S.:. " p~ofessionaL servl:ces; .reflect only ,tJ.1e 'Ie-g~'l +$30,7,20' " 'fees ,for' the C'Hy 'Attorney, Llt~gatlon ~as been s~9re9&ted ~o acc~~atety -1:$20,,100 ~. re'flect ,the costs o:f lega'l iepresEm"tation r :. " .. _," _ _ _..~ _T . be fore ',the courts.. , , '. , > 'I' ;, , I , :1' , , I: - crr:Y0~pbWAY 40 I DEP,ARMNT ACTlv.l;Rf DETAIL Del'artrnen!O: Activity': ,Activity ,I '~'l?"grsl!a t).:ye, 'and Adininf:stra Ed. ve" City ,Attorney ~Code :- . ,Ol2, , '19Sp8) , Obj,,' ' 1981-82 198~-82 :l:982~~3 Cb,d~ :Expe!1_se C:las~ifl.cat'ion j3uC1get EstimaJO,;cl.' propo~ed , Appr,,~~d; I, Pl.ers6~el. 'E~ei1se !Range' ,Posftion 'Ti t1e , , ,Ii , , , , ., i I , , , , , I: , I ; , , i , , 'I , 'Total i?~rs9nne~ , 'Onerations'iand Maintenance. I , , :1 ,140 Attorney Fees 3',606. 4,2'64 " :3}" ~20 . . 33,,720 l41 Legal Fees 42,360 5)" ~~~4' 1,800 1,,800 ' 142 IJi!ti9'at'ion " - i ~0)t60 '20,100' ' I 2070 Travel and Meetings 409 , 1,-40gi J:,i.()8.6 1,,086 ' ' :315 ~ubl~cat~o~s anq p~~s 700 900 70,0 700 ,I , , 'I , , , I I , I -'Tqtai. '0perat:16ns aha Ma'intenance'" . ' 4,fS,400 5,8" 41:4 607',406, 57, 406 I Cap,i ts'lQuUay I: ,a TO,t:a,l CaPiSii'l Q1,lt:l:i'Y ""'- - '" , - Actiyity, Xotal ,\6,490 ' 58 414 " 5'7' 406 ' 507 ,4()6;' : .-.!'.., - "..u'__ . " I . , , ) > DEPARTMENTAL CHART"OFOgGANI!1:ATION J;. ,",' ... CITY COiJNCI'L , PLNlNI,~G, COMMISSlbk " I ~ .,.;, .. CITY' MANAGER aD " 0:;\ PLANNING" " ,- ... " . , ., , ", -- .. COMMUNITY SAfET)[' .ADI:IINISTI'.I\.TIVE 'PUBLIC SERVICES '. '.' . , , - SERVICES SERVICES~EI'.VICE:S ;SERVICES .. 300. 20p '>,Op 10"Q 400 " Qr2' - CITY MA~AGER '. ... --'.' '.. ,.' -' '. :., ;-- ,-- '.' '_'_I<~ '; - ,I ;1' CIiY' OF POWAI( / ,DEPARTMENTAL ACnV,ITY OVERVI.EW 42 "0 :1." DePt.codeIDepartment: . ;F"u~~4:. g,i_s t'r;i.b,u.~'~o~~: . LegHi-1at;Ive 5. }'l.dmii1ish'at1ve 0-13. I ocitv ,Manager Genera-1F,Urid: In,481 "'"-. ..~, , I EXPEN~E 'J,980-I98l -198l-l982 0198l-'J:982 ~982-'l983' J,~?2-l9.8.3 CDi\~S:rF~Cl'T:IO~ ACTUAL litiJidET . I ESTIMi"T];;D ~ROPOSED. APPROVED , Tot',H 'P6,l'itio'ns 3 ,3 3 4 4, '. f II: Pe'r,sonne'l Expen'se 89,,496 '1,90,,82,9 ,i6'4 ,229 1:53,0'11 ~62 ;8l0, ;. -' . I Qp-e,r~t-io~s ,I ~O" 6'1ol and' 'Ma,i:n.ten'a'nc e J:3~,,928i '8',-788', 10i,:09~ 11 ;-246 "- _. I Ca:p it,a-1,o.uJ:l<;:y - r3~"1:50, 1,298 ,- .' I I' T,OTAL BUDGET 22 5 ,'~-34 1:2'2,767' 115.,620 l64'",32il' 17-3,4!!l 0- OVERVIEW COMMEN[ARY o 0 , The:,8i,ty Manager- !serves ,as, 'the. :ci:~y IS cl1ief, adminis"trative 6fficer- 'and is: ;1 responsib"le" ;forplann-inq', org,anizing and :diredting the rnunfcipal-activ-it-ies, ~of' ,the. City. This"officepreparesoand'submits the annual budget ,t:o: 'the City Counc:ll. ;and:' 'adv:l:ses' t:he",-'ctty,Council on the 'f-fnancial cond'.ftions 'and' ,needs~ lof; ,the city. The, City iManager 'makes' ,recommendations to ,the City' Counci'l, on: the I, 'aflca.irs, of' 'the: di:;y 'and ,ensures' 'that a'l1: appl-:i:cabre ordinances and 'state ,laws a~e eq-.force~'~ ~e~ Ci: t..'i~ It:1~ra..g-~~' .at.tends, all. G:ouncf1 meetin9s and. advi:ses; the Cb~ciJ' oI2. ~r~gi~~1:a.:l7iyet ,a_~~'; P91iqy :matters.. , I I I I , , :1 . , I 'I CITY OF POWAY 43 DEf?ART1'1ENTAL. ACT)'V'ITY cDn~I b DEP-ART1LENT'; ACTIV,I'TX: ~CTI-.v:ITY COi)E': 'Legis'lative\ ;&, IAdininils~ra...:.t:J.ye' , , C:i;tYl:la:nager 013 AC~TIVITY 'GOMMENTARY 'ACTIV:ITY'GOAI:S 'AND' OBJECTIVES' L <J::oassiSt the City ,CoUncil in, 'its development of' <po'Hcy to 'address 't:l1ei .Il~.eq.s a:fid, .i:'s.?ues .qf" ,the Community; by prov~din,g projectel:f tqstSj la.h~-, 'b~enefit.s .for -a,Ice:fnative policy; decisions. 2;1 To develop innovativ~ and creative ~eans of deiiv~_ri.ng' ftIu!:!.i'cipal. 'sery.~<e.:;;, in a Jligh 'qualfty> effective", and eCffic:t~n~ ~a~E?:~'. 3.. To provIde overaII direction to the i~p~ement~t~on of 8~ty'COUD~f} po;~~y through the centralization of autho~it~ 4p~ resP9~si~f+~t:~~ 4', 'To keep the City 'Council apprised ?t,penaJng 9ta!~ a~g f~deial Yegiglation to enable. ,effective i.:nput to eh.ected representatives O"f P,owiiy.., - - ,- --'.- - ';0' ... ~ ,_. -- - 5. TO ,keep the ,<City Council firih in:fo)crneg of ,,;1'1, aspec,fs oJ munTcipal affaIrs ,and operations'. \ SIGNfFICAfu: 'Ac:r,NITY;PROGRAMCHANGES CHANGE The, <ad2fi:1;10D-a'l- posl ti9_n: '6f; ~~.s).:_st:a~t t:~, ~hr:= + S, ,41, 215 C"it1"Man~ger' f$"f-l:~~ts !:t\e tra:r:s:(er ,~~; '~h~"' 'As~i~~tan!:; to. -~l}e Di_.t~cto.r' 'cf'_PUblici 1:~~r:vige..~' <,to. 'the, -r:t~n~Sf.E~rlrs' ,office-J~ j'hisi ,ad\'lii:ional - ;pqsirtiqn, '~n.: tJi'e City' Ml3.fi~ger I,lsi o~~:tde: :Will, " ~,b~ 4ss;L.:gn'e.9.'. qo'g#q:i"f].at.'j;on o,f ispe~Jfal. ,,pro-:ject:s; I, 'Travel an~'meet~ng?' O~y~ been d~~t~ased to - $ '2,,5'19 " provide attendance oryly ~~ '~~et~~gs'w~~~~g the State of' Ca~iforni~~ I I' :1 I I. 'I 'I I' I I ., I CITY OF POWAY 44, - .. -, - DEI?ART1'ENT" ACTIVITY DETAIL _.. 1-. - -'" .. . .~ __ . I ':Q6paI'tlnent: Activity: 'Acd.vi:~ty \ :Uegi's'1atd.ve ,and. .Admini'strat-ive' City:Manager ,Code":M3' Ob), , i!981'-'S'2 ,1981~82 1982~83 'J'982!-8'3. I' pede Expense Cla~~~ficat~on, , ' 'Blldget' Es tirna ted Proposed, ""pproved P~r~6~~~~'~ E~p'eri~e , , : !Rm:>ci" ~"o.srt;iq"f1' TiEl'e I: City ,Manager -4'0';000, 42,4'41 4'3;;80.0 44,,4:),i " Asst. ~o City Manager (2)) '25,,320, 26,,899 6'4,;800 66,535 rl: , Secretary to the cl~y Manager 1'3:,,032 1.7-,73) L5,.1:32 1:jt973: , I}it;~r_I1 4,000 - - -, M~j:'i~ Ihcr.~a'~~s '3,1-34 -, - - I , " ': 110, .~ Sa~aries - ~~g~lai " 85,486: 8i7,07~ 123,,5'32 '1'26,9'7.9 " , 113: ,/ Sala~fes - Ov~r~~m~ - 50 600 600 :1' , . , V? ,'102' l20: I BringE! Ben'Ei;~J;ts :-15 343 28,945 35;231 ",_ 1 . I , I , - , To:~at personnerr lei"0'8 2 9~ 10,4',,229 153 ;0,77 1.62 1810' , ,.Operations and 'Maint_6_Dance ~ I jRei~~r~~q M~~~ag~ ' , 360' 600 600 260 ,360, 262 : vehi'cTe 0pera:"C'foqs ,l,,6?0 'L,680 1,800 '1,'800, 263 ,': Vehrc"l,:e :.1a"in.:ceZf9nc.e - -, 2,323 '2.,,398 I' 26i1 1 Vehicle Rerf~a-l ,'-, ,() - i ,,324 1,;324, , 27,0 : Trave1 ,aifd M~f:_t:~ngs 5~, 9~>3', 5.,08-3' -3,214 2;56'1': ,313 ' : Un-j!'forms 1 I;auiidry, Dr.i' 'Cle_anfIi'g, 500 ' '750 - ~ I 315 , : Eubli'cations and, ,Dues, 665 665, 1.85 785, " {fi9 3'34 R&M, ,'Equipment. - - - - 4.fl otfilce' '&~-stati!onery~ Supp"L~es 5.00' 1,..356 1 ,,200 .1.,200 .. .. I " , , l , , " " , I .. Total Operatfons: ':and- :Hainteharic:_~. 8",7,88. 10,,093 n,246 'JJo, '6i71 I (Oapital ,Outlay, 6i'i: Furniture and. Equ1prnent, 1;,950 '300, -, - I '6l'l Typewri:.ter 1",200 ; 998 - ,- , .~~-:tcrno~b tle 10,000 - ~H - -, , I ''l1ota..l(O"pita'l Outlay 13;, 1,59 ' ' '1,,'298: ' - ,Act-ivity 'T:o~t'?-'J.. 122,;/16) : ' 1;j)S,620 '164/i2), , 173:,48i I .~.. " DEPl\RjMENTAL CiiiIR'i' elF o'RGANI'ZATION' ,j>' ~ , , - c':i:,h; MANAGER. - . , ,DB: , . :D'I:R~CT.o!l ADM1~1~~~~IVE S~RVICES - 100 , - - , , - , , , . , , 'CUSTOMER 'DATA SUPPQR,T IUSK IOER!?9N!!EL .'.- FINANCE rilmdfASING 'SERVICES PRO<:;ESSING SEj<YJ;q:S t1ANl\<:;EM~NT . - - , , 101 102 ,i03 ,1.04 105 , 106 I07 - -' \ .' ... .1iIiI' .' '.' .. - ,- l_ '_1 ,- - - - .. - _. ... i_ I:' , I. CITY' OF' POWAY DW~R:rt-!1ENtAL ACT I 'tHY QVERVJE\:I 46 I cePt,C99,el 'Department: . - I F,un d b i s'tr-fbu tcion~: 'Qener,a'l ~F1.g'id -$ 56'7" i05 I JOO lA4m~rii?t~~~~ye ?efV~CeS J )''!te.>:. Fu<:1d - $225,95~S.ewer; Fun<i - 1$95;'l~6 EX~EN~E '1980",1:981 I 1981-19"82, 11982-]1983 , I I t'981'-19~2 , 1982,,-;1983 c::LASSIFJCATION ACTUAL BUDGE'):' ESTIMTED ,PROgOSED I .. ' ., APPROVED ., , I Total Pos:itions 'n 18' 18 lS :181 , 'I Pe'_~so.I}'1)e): E_xp~.rt;;?~ , 304 ,~082 391,198' 368,912 4'38,,065 468 ,_2~4 , I I Ope,r.a,tioh~ , a'nd f1 a:i!.n..t'e n'ance., 395,,1,7,9 '345,1'95 3'75',:402 380" '7,'39 e 380,9.22' 1 'Cap,i,t'al ,Outlay ~ 1'2",700 '1'1 i,?28' 12,,500 39,000 I' , , TO,TAI: BUD'GE,T 699j,26l , - 749",09'3 756 ,,24~ '831! 304 888.,186 ,I m.fERVIEW COMMENTARY I' 'The 'Deparltrnent ,of ,A:amin'istrative Ser;vi.'ces' is organized, and. .f-esponsiqle foi:;; coordinating the ,day;.;...to-;day. acti'v-.r:t..:tes, of var.j.io'us lnterna'L~perations: 'and! I' supplyj~-ng specia1:J..-zed sta{f suppor.t serv:.i:'ces ;to ai'loperating ~departments The ~Department' is div,ided into- 'efqht operat1!onal divi1s:i!ons 'i!ncludimg, the' " . < -. , . ~- - ". '0ff-ice .of' the ~Director" PerlDonne'l, customerServi!'ces, Finance" Data~ :Process- '" --'-' -- - -"'. - .- - .'-, ., 5.:1].g;" p-\lrch~~J.:'~g!" S1.!ppcrt' ?ervices and Riisk Mana,gernent. I 1'~l]..e' D~.:::-"eC!q.r. (if! hc;imi.n:i~:trai:_~ye ?er.vlc.e_s T~ a'pp6{ntect by the iCity'Manager to -gtapag,~':, 'C99Z:9_iii,~t~" c6tft.r.ol ?Xl9.. ~~r.es:,t. d~p'arbrter}tat ,programs 'and to'dinsure! , 'D'epE!r1:ri!~.n~'?-:1:. g,oa:..ls _ a-re: achieve"a. w?th,fnthe Dep'artrnen tare\ ,vested' 'the I :respbns-ib~il:i,ti:es' 'o"f financia'l manag,ement and control'l budget. dev:elopment" .a~d: p~€!p:;'~at1on'" ,~drnl.n15tration o.{~the G-iitY"5 employment, "sy.stem', ehe' < 'purchasing' :Eune-t'ion. of the City" adm.in'~s'tra"tion of -the rnun{cipa'i, ,insurance' I 'programs' ahd' management' ,of the Cl:ty" 5 central" 5'tores warehouse. }rhe,.personne-l ,of, this! \depa.r.tment' a'lso funci10n 'jJn a quas1'-consul'tant capac i!ty to iother' Ci~y , ,d'epar,tments' for t.h'e supply, ,of' 'technfca.i eXp'erti:se in ,the ,accornp'-iishrnent' 'of: I "specia'l-ized flnancia;l information requ{'re<f b~ depar,trnent 'heads, and "other --ift?-f1a.9,ef!1~_i:li;;' 'p~i~~o'Dh.e~ to; i:nsl.;lre ef-fectj~ve bud'ge't 'im.piementa'ti!on. I. , I - I .. I ,47' CITY O.FPOWAY. I " DEP ART:MENTI>:LACTI V n:,y DETA],L DEPIABTME,~T ,AC<pIVI,TL A'CT,I'V,IT,y CODE .Adn:liDX~JiAt~.v~. ~?epiice~ ,Ot."~~ce gf tl1ei. p~~r~"c~~i er99 A9T IV Fr:V G"O'MMErt;rARY - - ~ - ' . - . ,ACTIViT~,DESCRIPTION 'The Ol.rec.tor, :of: ,AdIDinist.rative Services i?s responsible for coordi'natfngJ, sUp'er- v,l.singir ..and: 'ensur,ing the. effecitive implementation- of a'11 depar,tmen:tal pro9r?J,ms ,and: activities. consistent: with C:-ity ,policies~;and sound !management prac,t:iJces. 'The ,Di~ector; is' ,appointed' by' 'the: ,cZl:ty :Manager ,aryd'l through this o'ffi:'ce I' elect"ed and' ap.pointedL officia'~s' ~are-conti:nu~'li.Y' ,adv:ised' of, the ,ti"ty;"'s' .finances:n 'personne'l.~ ;ernplqyee .relations and data; processing activi,t.ies, and req;u-irements. ,AGT'IV~T.Yi ,GoADS AND 'OBJECTI'VES: L TO.;develop 'ov~ra,if.' 'depa~rtmenta'l program. 'oojectives<,. '~h'ich' serve to guide the" ,st;~-ffl ,of; th~ej '9PprC?pri?-~e, opera~d!ng,' ,divisions' anci' to',ensure, that the d~p~.rtE!e_ht ',;.?:; :gp~J:Sj !~re, cqn~ist~ht Mitb1 'C:;i'~Y' goa'l~' 2', 'Tel Pfov~l~d~, p:io'fes"s~iqri..a)experti~s~; ,~i;i' th?) :~iTI;a.p.~g~rpe'n!;i 9t the '~~_ti"?~-:pelsp;!I1~'l'! 'pu~c:l:la'sXrig; ,firiari:g:i1a"l, d.~ta ,pfoc~.s~ing fan,~, ~ri:sJs ;@a_nagel}\?I"l:.t ?rogr~_ms". _,and ,to 'app;Ly~ :!3-:1:1, le,g"ij3):,atd:ol! ;:,eJati:ng,'t;..o' t_h~~.e" a~r~-~'s~; la.s qppr9P~_i_ate f9r "Pow~y. , :3. !To: prqi.(iIge' .cco(l,t.i:n4.ed ~deveJ6PIllent. 'of !ernp).:oy~e: 'p'o~ft!~t:i.a'l ~!ld' Iflor~'i~" to ,create - ~a.' 'wo~JS :~Ji~'i..fj:lii.l'hetit' .~h"ich\ 'v.:11-1. e.n~o~i~ge cJ'e~_fi_yi'ty', co~tinication" dedica~~ ~i9P ~c$.-ri~l ',c_o~ftI!lent ~ '4, To ovefs,e~~ the:, ,gev:e:.ioffmep.t of '~a, sti6n.9" rd!sk!!l~nqg,ezr!~ii.t. .p.rpgrB;I'n ,a)1.9-~ to I Istabi'lize' Hener~<L TiabiT.fty' ansi', workers,' compensation ,~'l_aifns, bY- J)iqI!'!9~i.ng, .,' '< -~ .. .such. ,a ,program'. I 15, To, provide., ,a ,complefe\ ;'and, ;current: man<3:gement 'i!n~orrn~ai:i6n :p<:!.se: ~,to~ ,tl\e. .+iIle 'operatin9' 'departments "to 'enhance: thei.r' ,d2iy-to,..,day' op.era-r.~i6ns:,. , 6. To; ,promote., cont.inued, famil'iarity 'and, deve'lopment,! by ~all"9,:ivisiqnsll with 'th,e I ;d'ata ,prpcessing,' fi.mction. .J, ._. , 'S~GNIF~CAN'r ACTIVIT..Y PROGRAM CHANGES" \ None,;, , I', :1 ,I- I, ;,1 I I 'I' qTY-OF pOWAY' 48 , , ])EP~.RTMENTACTIVITY DETA'IL: I Departmen t ;: Activity: .ACj:,iyij:y A~ihistratfve; ~efvices Offif5' of" the, qiJ:'e!=t:o,r, Code,: 190 Obj, .I; 1981,.:82, 1981-.:82 1982-83 '1(982~8J' code i( , 'I Expense ~C1:assificat~oh. Bud~"t E,s,tima ted 'Pro~osed Approved , , Pef~onn,~'~ ~xP~~~.e ,. , Bange 'P6s"~t~-Cjh, ~T~tl"e :1, , > , TL,~'54 ,)'9,',948 ')9:;948 Dire9:tbi .. "30,83,6 , Admi'riist:ra'fi"te :.SeC:fet~_r.Y' '1'2',4(),4 H,n~ '];5 ,'4{3 15'1~'144 ,; ,I I! Merit Increases , li73()' - - - I 110 I Salaries - Regular , '44',970 42',569 55,;3!H 55.,092 , i l20 '~ringe -Benef {ts, '8','869, ; 9,000 . '12,053 'l~" 92~ . , I I :1 , Tptal :P,ersonnel 5' 3'., 839 ' 51,569 ' 67,434 '7.9:/021 ~6perati6ns and Mafnterianc~ , : 1 l6',,000 , 10" 000 i 13,500 '13,,500 ! 14'4 \ Ai..l4i:t S~.ry~"c~ 260 ; 'Reiinburs'ed "Mi!~+~'age i.,'2pO j60 ,360 360 2,70 i Travel: and, Meecrrig,s:, 3i,m ~",500 . 1 ,'557 1,557 I 31'1 Printiq,g 100. ,100 'joo' 300 , ! .tJnj.tforrn's." Laundry', Dry Cleaning: '~:50 250 ,313 500 2;;Q 315 : 'P,ubl~icatlons and Dues, 300 :300 '3:15 ~15 41'1 : 0ffj]ce r& 'Stationery S~pp;l~ies, 200 400 400 ,400 I r ' . , -... " , I' , ., J . , r: I I , .TOta.:t 'Opera'ti:ons:,"',and"'Maintenance' - , 15!,/7~i7.s I3 ,,850 ][6.;,682.. l6;,,682, . , I ,c,ap~taf bud'ay '6rl :r.ypewr:it.~i' 1,10:0 975 ,- - 611 bo~curnen E ,shredder. ~ ,- 500 ~ - ~ I :611 6, lcub t:op - 249 - - , , I 'Tofa'l,capftal. ,Outh,y' 1-,600 1,.:2'2,4 - - - . --". - "~- Ac.tiv:.{t'""'y '-Total 71. 2 >l4 66,,643 i84)oH6' 86",70"3 .' """,- I - I ... -, \ ~ . G I TY OF 'f'OWAY 49 . . . '. .,. , DEf'Afff:MENiI'AL AGT I V I'l:'Y DE.T:AR DEP A:RT,ME!,!1'!A:CT);YIlTY{,' KC1::!-V.ITY 'CODE! .Administrati"Te' Ser;/.ice?~ I Pers,on.neJ,. rOl .ACTIVITY COMMENTAR~ _ ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I' j Th.e~ gersi::ipnEi:l" 'QiyisJ.:qh is, responsible. ~for' the: i.tity;'.Sl employment and personnel trtj9._9age_rri_e:~t.lsy"~te_rri'o .lnc.luqed in. ;the- biy-fsion. ,ac,t:rvit-i:es' 'are:: _.i~~le~entation' ,~.:fi_<;1, 'adiIi;rt}.~stration, ;of" persanne"1 po'l'ici:es I ,practices: -and' ',proceduresi for' ~T~ssific~at:Lo..n" .recruitment.and em!? 1:oi/llen t" empioyee, benefi-ts', "compensation, :traiiii.iYig i ,p.eveJ.!opment,~ safety "and. 'secl1ritty,a-nC1,ernp'1'oye;e re,ratic;ms ACTIVITy C-0AI:S 'AND OBJECTINES 1~ Revlew and revtse personnel perf9~anqe ~~~~~~ pt~gfa~; 2. Devel'op ana. rna.1:ntain a more ceritta'~1!_ze-? per~c;:'-~ilel pEOg,t.:'~mlrel'ati've to, recr,ui:i:.ing-:-, testiing" and ~~~'f:I].~-n'g ~rl~ d~v~lqpm~nt. 31. Review ahd rey:i.:,se ~)TI.p'lo-Ye:e. ?~~et;y :Efs;:tgf~p1-.; ACTIVITY 'STATISTICS, I -1;,981:-X982 19'82~~198j' l Estima ted 'Forecasted E.ITIP~loymei1t 'Applications 3,-090 2,!'s6o Rec-rui-t~ents '30 :20 Recruitrnent/Promoti'ona'l Te~t:1'ng '-?O J:S . Job interest, N0tic~~ ?r-ocess~d' 600 '800... , ,Employee ,'Eva;luations' Prcces's'ed 250 260 ' _J' _ a '.."' _ ~; '-P?;-sonnel 'Tr'1l.nSacti'ons 1)0' -. i-70, .In~,ury' ,'Repor-ts, ;.processed 41 40 , , I , . I , (;ITY ()PPOWAY :1 50 > DEPARTMENT 'ACTIVITY DETAIL Depar.trnent': Activi:t-Y': ,Activit:,: I AdffiTnrstra~ive 'Serifises P,er,s.onnel Code:; 101 'Obj. i}9~i-82 ~98i-82 h8~~~3 '1982'-8;3 .Code' Ex~ense C!assification, 'Bu~get' , ~'E~,t~~~~-~g. gi:op.,.<?~e:9.; Ap_p~o"y'~~~ I 'pei~on~"~~~ ";s_;,'q?en,~_~ \ Range Post,fiori- ,TjJtle ~.." ',.C' _ _..... . , I l?,~:r~C?np_e~ ~n~g'ei 25'i OQO ~6"i 212 '30 '252 30" '0:30 .' - "--~ Pcers-oI1.h~ 1 Arde .14,,593' 15'1;.620 1'],;:593 ,I8/iOn Meoi:'J:t -Lllc~eases " .1 ;960. - - ,-, 'I 110 , Sararies - 'Re9Ular 4-1.,,55'31 41 8'32 47,845 48:,547 , .;! f , 120 Frili1ge Benef-~'ts :8.,3<14. 11,1"30 10,.293 , '13\ 547' I I , , I " ! I ."fo.t.al Personnel 49'86'7' '5:3'i56;2 ,58,,1:38 ~2 ,,994 .-- , .-' 'Oberations\ an"'d ,Ma<inten~nce. , I 148 Special' Studi'es 15:,000. 17,,,700 roo '100 260' R91mbursea. Mfleage ,200 200 240 240 270 Travel ana Meetings a,roo 516 1,100 '1"J.!OO 281 Recruitment 4.,100 3,,060 , :i,3CJO 3 :300 ,I 31i Printing 'i 000 l'ilQ,Q9' 900 900 un~~orrnsJ Baundr~~ Dry Cleaning ,.~, . ,. 2'50 :250 3'1-3 500 500 315 Pub}~cations and Dues 450 600 450 450 ,I 3--16 . "Me'dicaJ Exams 1,,000 i 1.,.800 1,.800 --3~Lj, Edu~atfon ~d Tra~ning ,1 ,'20CJi i. 600 2,900 2 ';900, :JJT4 R&!1 Equipment 200 200 100 100, m ot:f~c~ .~ S.,t:21::t'!.orfery, .?tipp~:1!e-s 750 iso, 750' 7.50 :. 422 E.mp'~qye" Al{a'rd:s 1,,'809 1;;9-15 2.,.100 ,2,;1<50 " . I . ' I' , Tot.al, Ope_ra t~Qn$' and; .H<fi.:r1,~_E;!_q~nc_e- ,26,,300 28',,981 13,99'0 i:i,,;99 0 , I Capitai,Outlay . 6I,,~ .D99um~nt ShreddeL -" - 500 500 '61"- , ~ypewr r~~er. ~,lCJb '9;76: ' ~ - '~ '250 I' ?11 G2~'lc\1'i~t-or 246, - - , , , , I , ~Tbtai ICapitai :O~tlay 1.,,350 li~22 500 .500 :\Act~ivrbi T9.tal 71 ,:511,7 8'3.,''765' ?2'i62~" ' < ;?\6'-'t-??4 ... I, , ,II CI TV 0F POWAY 51 bEP~RtMENTAL ACTJ~ITY DETAtL DEPARTMEN,T ACTI.VI.TY: ACTIVIT,Y CODE: 'Administrative Services Customer services ,102 .' , ACHV ITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The ~ustomer Services Division is responsible for ,the collecti9':1 and,. deposit, of all City revenues. The Divisi'on adm1ni!sters the biil'ling process for ambura-nce, wa"ter and. sewer billings. They receive ~nd process-applic~tions for water and sewer services, schedule and perform meter readings, handle customer iric~ui-ries and corripla.l:.!1ts i make all necessary correc,t.i:ons and. adj,ustments, process water' .tt;rri.-on. a:1d turn-' off 4pd pull and exchange water meters. Customer Service's personnel correct, -receipt and deposilt engineer'irig fees" tax moni:es, interes~ ear:nings and other City revenue and, verify and'deposit funClE 'coll,ected by the recreati"on., lake, ,planning' and bUilding-divisIons. Th~ <;:us.torn,er 'Serv.r'ces Diviston i:s arso responsibJle for the ,issuance. of jregulatory licenses including dancing and entertainment permits, solicitor licenses and ainusernent/ehterta-inment machine 'licensing Customer 'Services has, assu'lled, ithis resp(;H}sib~lj.ty d~.;-.tng ,the past year Prior to that, Customer ,Serv.ices hadb~en responsibre for :water ~I].d ambu):ance brl~ing' only. .These'activitieshave been assumed without providing addition~l person~el in addi-ti:on" CustomerSeivi:ces persoqnel, sort in99!T)..i!ng 'ma'il and, post! ,outgo.i:ng' mail, provide tele}?hone operator and. 'reception se-rvices. ACTIVITY, GOALS A.'iD OBJECTIVES 1. Continue to provide, 'courteous, pr-ofes~i'9nal 'public c9ntact 2. 'Continue '.to' maintain a 'high, leve']. ,of' pe:r;forrna-ri'ce 'and, accur~cy' 3 Continue to ma'intain a high collection rate. 4. ?repare.division procedures manual. 5'. 'Prepare business lic_enser-egu).:'atory .proceq.ure~ SIGNltICANT ACTI~ITY PROGRAM .CHANGES. A new ,custornerservice -positio~ is' proyided for inl the proposed' budget to administer the business regu1at9ry function in 'the event the: Cit~y Council :adopt's' a bus)'f1ess regulatory-'ordinance:. It is, est.imated'. ,t:hat,t:he' direct costs' for' this, p~bgram would be. .approxi- I mately $17,557. Revenue esti~~tes are based upon 1,000 licenses 4t $20 eac~ +17,557 I I I 'I .' CI,TY OF POWAY' '52' D~p'~RT~NT 6CTIVIW DETAIL 1 'Acti'Cfty': , 'Activity I' Department: , - Admin'iis'trattve 'Services' 'Customer. Services Code:" , 192 Ob~>, 1981~82 'j!98>l-82: 11982-83 1982.-~3 I 'Code ,E_xpens_e Gla,s.::;-f~.i:cra'~i9n ' BUd9'et, ,Estimated ,"Prop.o::fed ~ M)P)'.9;iei~d , ~J?ersonnei :E~en'se - " Raifg~ ' '~os_i'tiPI~ t~~~~. " , < I Customer Services: Manager , 19",,9'28 2b:.,'!:bO , '20,496' . .25,020 , 'Account Cl'erk 'II (2) 22jJi74 ;23,,,52'3, ' '25,40l, 2_~r, 4,57 : 'Customer 'service' Worker (2) 2?,80,E;: ;Z9",~20 ~5 i~44." ~6,64l, I ; A~m_~.~i?triti~e ~_c;~;rk lI: 9.,398 9".500 10/726 ' 10',726 , ~9m~I~f~~s~'~aJ;tv,e' ,~.lef'};' "II' - ~ 11,040 .n,52.o ~ Standby 3:,'660' 4',,20A - - I Merl:'t Increases 2,8;)2, .- - - no , : ?alAr~rej: -: f.?eg:ul!9-r .87:nl'l 88,787 10,6 /5,9'1 110>,064 ,I .', , 113 :: Sara~i~ffi - Over~fme .3:;021 ,- 1",992 1,992' I 120 E:r~fnge> Be-ne'fJ.:ts )7',i9i76.i 22:,,312' 26;002 34';1'14 , - I ~Total P~rsqnne~ , 108; 73.5 111,099 1'34,.501 N6,47,0, Operations and Mairit~n4n~e ., , , . ." ... , ."-" I ~60 ~e~mb~r~ed ~i+e~ge , 100, 50 100 100 26:2 Veli'~c'le Op~~atiQ'n~ .3,,200, 3',000' ' '3,009 ,3,000 2,63 'vehicle Ma~DtehAn~e -, - 5'i:ii58 5 ;84l I 264 'Vehi,_~'le Rei1ta;l - ,- 2.,586 2,,58,6 ,2:70 Travel and.Meetings .300 100 600 600 282, 'Postag.e 13,750 11 !OOO' lI,OOq 11.,,000 311 'printing , rL80Cl 1i.,'SOCl' 8,000 8,000 r. 313 ~UniformslLaundrYH Dry Cleaning 1.,50Cl i.,3'o()' , r. 67,5' 1,;'675 325 .. " .. , Vehicle "egulations - - 2,,850 2 ,850 3M, R&M. Equfpment" .860 '880 800 80Cl I' 414, 'Q~JiS:5= &.. St-atiQ.gery ?~ppJ~i~'s ,500 1600' 1.,500 .i,500 1,?9 :9th~r; ?~ppJ.i~s' ~n5:i t1~te~.~~:1::s. 750' 7.50' . 325'> 'j'25 420: '?ma"111~90~~' 50' .25' 50 50 532' , .~' , l -uncol.iectibles , 11,,100 11,,100 - 5'41 <2ash "Over/Under - - i 50 50 , i , i I , I, : Total OP.er~t:j,c9ri$ aI}"q.. :-l.atfi.:1;-e!1,?-Jic-e 4C3..,S'SO , .40,605 38:,194 .]8 3>77 J capital 'Outlay " 'i. 611. 'Caicu'1ators' @; $'150,00 ea'., , i7:50 739 30Cl '3ClO :&'i1 Typewriter , L100 97.5, 1.,200; 1,200 I 6'i:l ,Se-cretarial Desk1cna.ir ~ - :800, 800 611. ~~ouc~ "L?-.rnln~Yor etc;.- - 48~ , - I. .Total G"apita), .outlay 1,,,850 ,"2,,'20'2 2',300' 2',300 Acdvity .TO,ta:I 1'51;;432 1'51,,90'6 17'4"995' 18P',J4'7 '_ 0' ,,,",,,' I I l ~I'-r't: 0FPOWAX .53' DEPARH1EN'EAL ,A0TlYI T:V DE:r;AIL DEP AR'r'MENT,: 1,Jl;c':!:'.ivI,TY':' ".- . A'GTIVITY C'ODE Administrative Services Fl.nan~E! 'lO3 ACT I,V!'TY ,COMME NJARY . - - -, ..". ,,-. ",'- ,ACTIvrfi lDESCR{PTION The !Finance, ~Divisron\,. ;as, a ~dlvision: -ot ,the, l;,dlnJ.:-riist-rative, Servlces Depar;t- -c. .~.- -~ '-.c;."' - - - . J'-'- - ",' ."-. _.~ -. ~ -' ." rnent, l's' ,di:rectly' responsihrle, "f6r,the ti-nfeJ.~y'release' ,.of the CitY finaridLi1 ,;;; - - , . . - . -- . . -. - - ".. - - -. - - .... . fi",nJ3?,~ti:oh::, '~aifl.tE:m~fice' q( 1;l).e. ,Ci_ty'~;S' fisc~J ~fe.S.9x.:9~ ,~ri"di inyestrnent.~ ;9F funds,. "lJ.dd).'tiohal .duJ:.:j.:_~s~ ,~hclude ,f'irianciEd date? ,co~llec:cion..i, t,an.a'lysis. and re:por;ting~/; (i.I!1P'I.~!fi~lf~.at:io!l', 'co~frol ,in9 l.a\la.l~', .dj,:sbursement :of: fun4J;,iin' ;ac.c:or<;lance wIth' :pu~.r::.c::h<?-_se ',oidjirs" :pti.rcn~se, regui:sitions\ (and' prepaiat~ion' ~of; :allCity 'war-rant ichec~s~ 'and ,P?yrQ';L~i ,checks. F.l.!nanc.e' Divi's~on :also~ :acts1 'as! 'budge:t cQoid-inatqr ;~upp~y.fljg, cac~c.opntin~' ~nfciim~tion, t9 ;al'l, 'depart~en~s iand' ,monitoring, the: results,. eACTIV,IT.Y GOALS"AND ,OBjECTIVES L Con,tinue and, 'improve .the .-p'resent Iservice oleve'l.to ,the, 'departrnent/div.i'sions, and.to the;gen~rar pubiic'. 2. ,Update and, matn't.ain e,ffi'cten't ':iJnternal iconirot. 'systems,. 3" Deve~,?.p a record; :keepi'ngsystem wl1-itch best. ,(itts. ,the ,CJJty,irs ;needs', :and:: ,itsl identi'tY6' " , ~ 'J?rovl:de professiJonat exp.er-,tfse in ,the managemen't, of ,'the Cfty"fs, finances. :5, Conti?nue work rtoward. MFOA c'er,titficatfon. (; ~ompr~te i~xed ass~~ ~nv~ntqry' " 'J. ~Implement revi;se'd chart Of, accoii!lt~s,; -p' ,- __ F -- ~'_ .- - --- ..,._. - ~ - \ 8. pr:niide a more "e~ffectfve ca'sh mana~gement prograrn~ .' --~. - --. - ,-- ~. - .."..- ,-,.. -I -- ~ --. ...,.- SIGNI~ICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM 8HANGE 8HANGE Transfer. oCf a hookkeeperto Purcha~-in.g as a p,urchasirtg clerk and reduct-fon' of' temporarY; he-'lp wiit' Y l.~i~i'-~'~'ii.1'ji~~- tien of. Fin~I1ce MaI1~(ier" ClI1d ac!=ountants., ~'$ 5.,323 ,I , I I I CIJY OF pOWAY '54 . DEPARTMENT ACTIVI,TY QET[\Il I Del?arl:n1~l1t :' Ag::i_yitYF:i Activ~ty A~fp.fst:F'a.tive' 'se;vJc.es F-fnance Code:: 103 - db:f, 198'1-8-2 1981-82 , ,r982~8'3' 1982~a3 I coae,. ' pExpense Ciassif-i1ca't..i:.9I).' ,Budget ~ Es tx'ma'ted ;j'Proposed Approved, -.,,: ',1 ~~rsoripel ~Expense !Range 'Pas i(tion" 'Ti t1!e'l I' I , Finance Manager '18'.'~90', , ! y,,4'!,9 -28,,5,23 ,28,,462; ,Accountants (-2.) ?T,286 , 53,q14 44,,925 45,/969, 'j .Account Glerk I'I ,N,'l"12 13:,419 ' ;13,,75'1 1,4',,0}0 I IBookke~per 15 ,.2 24 1:5)828 - - ,Merit' :Increases' 3 '332 - - -' , I' . :110 Sa[~r~e~' - geg~~?I 86,62'4 '96,,707' 87,,20-2 88,,501 , , , 1-20. , E'r'~.ge 'Behe.fi_t_~ , 16.,6t2 ! l!8:', 286~ 18",148 24,219 r I , I . , , I " , - Total P.~i_so-,in~el : 10'3 '236 11'4,:9.9,3 10,5',,9500 11~" ,no m._._._.,I., _~~ Operations ana Malntenance " .. .. -- .. .. I , qo ~_eInP9_rary- '_S~rvi!j:.~~; !7v.200 7",200 - - 260 'Bt?iri1l?h:rsed MiJ.;e:.:igel 200 286 ,360 360 I 270 Trave':l .:aI).g Meetings~ 500 1, foo 1,110 . 1:A'lO' 3n 'prin'ting- 450 1,149 '1.,420 1.,4-20 313 Unilforms."Lau;ndry', ,Dry 'CJ.lean.l:ng 1,2,50 1,25,ii '250' 259 315 P.ubltca-cfons, and~- Dues,' 1 :ioo 220 ,820 820 I: , -- ' . 3Jf\ R&fl'cEquiprnent, ! -206 ,foo HO 140 4n Of-f-ilce- ;&:Stati:onery .'Supp:l.i!es' 860 't.,r~OQ 1,'100' 1 , 1.00 , . I, , I , , I ,- i , - T?ta~l -0gera!:ions~ .~d; )'l,:!:i;.I!t~ila:fl'c.e H~)!, 900, 12',496' 5" 200 5,200 I ,'!:ap_ital. Qutl~y ,j 0 611 5' Ca'lculators @ $250.,00 ea. 1,2'50 1.,-2'31 - - ., , .' I Total, Capital !Outlay li2~.0 ' 1,'23':[ - - Activity Total- US ,,386 128,,7,20 111,.159 ' , J."!-'7,,920 .. '. ' , , "- :, \ 55 CITY OF' POWAY \ DEPARJi:\ENTAL ;t\CTlVHY ,DETA! L " tDEprl'iR'l.'ME~,T' ACTcr)1I,TY: ACT,r.it'T'{ CbDE '.;'dini!nistratiY,e .S~e.rvi_c~s_' D~:t~~ I{ro,c_es::;,rn<i " ".- 104 , A(?;J! Vrn00MM~Wr;AR:f ACTcrvITY' DESCRIPTION, ,The: 'Da-ca jPr6cessingDi!vi:siori ,is' 'ie~fponsihle' ,f(2.l~ rnputinSh ;pro(es?1.ng'f stor~.tn5:J and. analyzingmanagernent.. informatiion\ for' ;aTl the: ,d~partments :within'- t.he' ,city,. These, 'services 'include! agressive', ,programming! 'setups., :upc;1ates, and changes that meet the needs of' .ai'L 'the -depa-rtments' -. . ACTIVITY GOADS AND; OBJECTIVEs - 1 Keep aIr systems ,upda'ted , . , 2. Provide use'ful" ti:nely and accura'te data to the- :'City.I;S' 'departments'; ..' . divis,i:'ons. 3, Provfde services t:> .various dep'artments to rnee-c"t:.:"1e needs, 'for~ ilnforrnation~ required by; cha~gfng envfronment. SIGNi~ICANT ACTIViTY '~ROGRAM,CHANGE Dedet-ion' lof . Data' Processing Manager wfth addft-ion of outside consuI'tant, ',.,ho. .i:'SI I pard on: ..an' hourly 'basis.. This ch'ange -wiIl bring net sav:ings in the longo, run. . ' -. - , , , The Ci~y will, rea'lize a .net savings of. ~pproxlmately $9.,.150 9ue to ,the Ci:.ty, I Counci"l-'d'ecision to p.urchase the IBM System 34 comp'ute~ i-atnei ..ttjan,.cont".(Ijuing. to lease: this equipment. The 'monthly lease purchase cost -is '$r,407 plus $4~7 " . , 5 . . . - ,per :month. for a comprehensive ',ma,intenance agreement.. The p'i-ie}:" re~nt-al price I I 'was $2,,666 per !month,. - I - I I 'I I I , , - 'I ~I G17t OF POWAY ,I' 5,6 DEPARTMENT' ACTIVITY DEJAIL, , - DepArtm"nt': AC"tivi:ty': As:tivity' I ~~i~~~~rative S~~~ice~ Da'te ,process"lng. G6de: l04 . 9cj, f981-82 ']981-82, 1982'-83' 1982-83 I ,.c<od$ ~~pen9~ C+aft~~~Ca~~9~ , Budget Estimated" . ~p'roposed Approved; Personnel 'Expense ' , - Range, , ,pbs-Ltion ,Ti tIe I, " , Rata?~qc~9~i~g i~a~~g~~ 2,\,;,3Q8' - - , ,- : D~-1::~ J?~Eoc.e!'{~if1g ~_~c;:hij)!.ci!~,r!' 15:, ~,'76 16..6,6;7, 17,.'243 '1}',4?<i ' I M~,r~gt 'Irfcr'e.~s~s~ 1.,534' - - -, no . sa>l~ri~s - Re~gtiJ.!ar" 39i8l8' 16" 667 " r7,243 :17,489 I , , I no F-r-inge ,Benef~ts 7 ,6~'6' 3.,.746 '3,'522 , 4:,62'6 I i , I, , t , I , To:tal 'Persc:lnIi'ei, 4i7 ,~fi'4, ~OI'.;l,J,?, : ~9 ,.,~76~ 22,U5 , . ,.., -- -. '.. Operations ,and' iMaintEm~nce ,- - : , I , 5','0001 " l45. Data Pro~essing Consultant 33,000 30,000 30 '900, 260 ,Mfleage Reimbursement - - 60 ,60 '1 270 "T-r,?:ve~ and Meetin9s ,300, 300 630 630 ' 3-11 Printing 1:00, 25 1,r45 '1,'145' 313, Un{~orrns, Laundr~, bry 21ean~ng' 500. 256 250 250 ' :il5' Ptibr~cations and Dues - '2001 220' 46 46, I: 3W Educat~on and Tra1ning '1,'500' 300 foo 100 334 R&M Equipment :2;]00" 3:,836 6,892 6,892 , , 411 O'ff.ke& S'tationer'i supplies , 7,'500 3,6"00 2,,520 2,:520 , , I 5'>14'; , ~e_ase P"~rchElse '3!J"gOO 2,8,093 It;.,6;2Q 16,,620 .. , , , I , , I " ..Tg'~a,l '9pe,_r.?-",ti'911_s" ,and' !0a~_ri~~t!a:rfcif .50,200, 11;9',6'24'\ 58:,26"3! 58,263 I ;Cap'~ -t;:al rj~il~y 611. 'Calcu1!a tor - - iso' ' 250 \6'li 'Two, Chairs - -, 400: ; 400 I 611 Word, Process;ing So~ftware '& ,pr-i'nter - , - 9,600 611 Forms Burster 1,666 i ,OO0~ -' iSH Decol_ator 606 -' - - I " ; Tqt_a'l, :Capi -;ai 'Qutlay _ 1 ;600 'l,gOO 6 .5>0~ 9,,659 , ~ActivitY' T'otal 99,264 191,03'7 79",6,78 90.,028 ' I I 5.7 GITV 0FPOWA;f l . _ , ~ _ ", ~ DETAr;l , , DERARTMEN'[!AL MT \ V I TY DEP,ARTMENT I ,ACTIVITY!, AC.TIV,tTii CODE: :~am.i!rd;str_a ti:v:e~ ,S.eFvices, ,purchasi:ng , 105 ! - .~.-".,. ACT l-VI.TY COMMENTARY. ACTIVITY DESCRiPTION' ~ . - . - - Throu,gh,;Purchasln,g' a. number of t~hnical: a.rfd. ~speci~l isef".yis:esl ~re P.~-py~.de_4: ~o .- - .. ~ . Aijlcmg the, ,the 'l~ne operat1n,g:' 'dep'ar.t.rnen'ts of ,t?e, i9i:t~(' on','a ,:c7ht):'alirz_~d' :t;:>c3:_s.:i~s': .functi:ons ass~sned, to ,personnel ,T,.;ith.jm tthif~ Divi:si:o}} ~<?-;-e: 'iflc_lq9-~_q. ,c~l}t_r?)iz~~cl purchas.i:'ng for aft suppJ:.ies and equfprne;n.t, m~inte!l~lJ.9'e; 9i' ~~; ,ceI}(iaAiz"~d;, inventor.y. and I?,roper:ty contro1 pr~g:r;{un. a,nci.; qpe.rat.fbh. '9~ a 'c_eDJ:r~l \_sut6:(e~~'1 warehouse. ACTIV~T~ GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1, ,Ma'intaip' 1;.t~ P~.p:~ch'~si~g M~.!tq,a'~: a:tfd enforc~ '~l1,e piJ,ichas~n9 p3Jli~i'es of the, City', 2," ?os,i::tiy~: {i.Darl'~_:kaJ. cP"ntf9) 6'~l€d, G~_~y "pui~5_@._ses' .sQ.a'lT be exe_i'f5ised.,1;.b insure' ;adhereri'ce, tb..'th'e requirem-ent .th,3,t exp"endit,'ufes and enc\tinorances --<" - '<> - ~. .-,~ ~ ,-' ,.- - . - - ~_." - [d'9' not' :exc;~e:q' tt(e, ,a~.9~!lts' ,appi;6pri4.te:9. , 3. procur~.teqq.:LpIp.$_t}'t" suppt~~s, '~~,9-~ seI1'i~es ~_t: tp.e lOYl~'ffi~t: c"o"s..,t .,.j'.i!'t~ cl:~ar., 'op~n' co~pet,~'s.i'y~~ ,s:fles:ijfi:C:<3;:~iorts" 'to: ;~ec.e~ye_; ~xJIJ!._t@ ;oepefl t .ft9r:fi bl!dgef dol~~rs' ~v~ilaple~ 4. ~IA~~easei 'tb,~; qua'li~ty ~of 'sei:v~c.~.~, p.b5v'id~d 't9 ci'ther- 'Cify d.?'p~il?,tI:neYlts' tnrol.i9:.h ge_tt;e,i iC?I:rrim.mi:~_atl9.ri.iso., (~S' ~to, ,in,sure "a, :?l}1oother, flow ,o,f,opei'ation ani;; a ibe'ttei' :,U1?defs't?-n.9-1ng. or 'e:x~sting, ;.'in,d_! ,future' .depar,trnen:tal .needs:,. I '5, E~p~n4 vef1jjo~\ :fi1.:~ ,an~l ,dev,e'l:op' Vendor' arialysi:s ,sy:stem- .to~ insure' quality of' ~?~rvicel p~I:>v.igeSl ..tol :the; 'City i_so 'exceTlent '6. E~p~qct ati'q... tII~~ilnt;a;fD., p'etter :cPptr9J o~ exi:stfng, cenfi<,3.'l ~st6res ~oper?t-ion. I v '\ ~. 1, -Develop 'a_hd;!1a;iri1:a_ifl Itiqre e~fect~iv~. ~i~x.eq ri{s~e~t i~f1veli.toiy syste,m. ,. .SlGNIFICANT ACTP~TT~ ~Ro.GRAM CHANGE :The Bookke~pingC:l~ik '. wh-ich' was 'previously .as~igned to Acc.ounting, has been I transfe~red to c!)e p-ui:,gnasing' ,Divisi:dn-. TYlj;S: ,ass,ig'i4!t-~'ri~ ,more, clea~,fYi reIie-~~,ts the 'dut~es 'requ.i::b:i.dl ;9'f. -Chis' 'posi;t~on-. . H' -- I I, ~ .1 " '. . . I , , C.ITY OF POWAY 1- DEPARTMENT AGTI~ITYDETAiL 58 Degartinen t : Aci:ivHy: Ac.tivi:ty I" Administrative, Services Purchasing Code: 105 Ob~' ! J!98.1-82 1'9si-82' 198'2~8'3 19-82 ~83', I <;6de '~~p~nse' C~a~sffic~t~qn Budget, :Es,t-imated Prooosed 'APP":lVed , -'-'- ,P,ersonnel E~ense - , , Range 'Position Ti.tle, I , , Purchasing 'Manage~, 22",308 14/408: ' 25,352 26,,:29l Administrative Clerk II - - 16,,444 16;444 I 'IMerib _~Increases 892 ~ - - }iO :' ~'S~~lari~~' ~ '~~g,~iar, 2,3" ~O,O 14 A08' , 41, i~6' 42,,'7~35 ..1,_ _., _" r ..~ , I -1:20 ,;~r~nge' :Bene....(its, 4: ,B 5'7, ' 2,86,8 ,9',48.'1 l2,"109 I ~ 1 I " I , I 'Tota'l, P:ersonneI. 2.8,,05;7 1 . 17;,,27,6 ,;>1,277 54;,,?44; 0peraiions an~'Maihienahc~ , I 260 ;Rei~uised M~~e~ge sop 150 ,250' 250 27,0 , ~ ~ravel "and Meetin,gsl 600 600 1.,300 1,300: 31'01 ,4 ;,000 , I' ; 'P:riri"i::iiig 600 i 4,,3,7,2 4',000 ' 3n \Un.i:'forms", Laundry, 'Dry 'Cleaning 250 ' - .250 250 I J:l5 ~Publicatfons and Dues 200 ' 5.50 1/600 1,600 334 R&M"Equil?n;ent , "1,795, : .];1/910 200 200 ,I. 4iA Office&, stationery ,supp-li:es, 300 2,:351 1.,'500 '1,500 , I: , I , , I , , '. , " 'Tota'I 'OEerations 'and, Ha-fntenance;--" , 4,,245 11.,933 9,IOci 9,100 I ,G:al?i!tal Out.la,y ! 6l'l' T,ypewrftei 1-. - 1,.200 I 1.,200' 6n Ca'talog .Racks (3) -, - '600 ;600: . 6tI Bookcase - - 250 ,250' 6n (2')' 4',,803 " Cop ier s 4.,,800, - -' 6iI ! Ca"lcul'ator 250 2'46 - -' - 5',05,0' I ;r:ota-l CaEita~ outlay 5".049 s;050 '2./050' Ac):J,:v:_f.ty rrO'tal 3;7,3,52' 3~',;~58. 9,2,4P ,6 5;~94 I. - / 'I -,.-.- ,59 CITY OF POW&Y DEPP,i,Rlt1E1':IT AL A&T rY'jTy DE;r flJ L DEPARTMENTi" A CT~:V I,T.Y : ACTIV'iT'i C'ODE Administrative Services SUPl?or,t Services 106 AC1T j il,i fy: GOMMEN-TA'RY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 'The c~os:t_s :associated 'wi th the' C'i ty te lephone sy,stem,. ti1ty Hal~i' uti',Ii!:t;J~!? and-,tlt~ '~~Efva't;or, ,maintenancecon.tract- are ,provided" for. '~n' ~ul?Port ~erYi!<;"e? ~ :fh 9-d~d~"!=~?rl; the! "cost~ associated! 'with ~he' Ci.ty, Hall copying mac>hfne~ co~tfCl:<;-~" ri,l~~o~ C.~(ty 'Hj3.11 "J:11aiJ,itenance' ,and' ,Ci ~y .postag,e. are. charg:.ed to, -th.l's, ,account'. 'ACTIVITY "C,o'AI;S' AND, <OBJECTIVES, ;: '1- To 'provide minor ,ma'intenance, <iequi-remen tf? for~' Gi ~y HC!'J.i., I, '2', iTo; provide c.op:(i.ng- ,services to. meet: ,t.he ~needs ;bf' 8~t;y. 'f!:a:i,~ ,P~.tsRI].n~e';l...! ~3\ T'6 ~prov:ide' 'for' Ci-ty te'l'ephone servige!?;. " AC;nVITY ,PROGRAM; 'CHANGES' 'The .proposed bud;.g~t: ,pr9y.~~~~ f.(jf' '_~_he,p~f9fiase~ ~and,inst'al~1<ition ,6f' ,a :burglar and I fire -aJ:a-rm" syst,em'; to ,p~ay~.t4e :?equE-il~y fat 'Cf'ty .B.c;J.:-l,z SiGN-l:hcANT 'AtO:TIVITY' 'i;>ROGRAM' CHANGES /supp.pr.t 'servi!c~~~ fs a ,get:{ ac,t~y.~.ty center: p~e~)':9\Islyt:n:e$e"i:tem-s'Yi~ie: ~c.onta'ined' in I ,the 'purcha-s.iiig b!lc4geJ:.. F:b'i ,fi"sc~:J; y€!~r ~9~82- t9J!J ~opy-i'ng 'S:p~sts,.ai:\e i!ricreased' 'to; provf:de. 'f?~r '~Jl~ ~~n:(al 9~f ~ :1"~fget capaq,~ty ~.c>?~,in-g-l ma~Dirie. The, 'f?revious cOp'ier' 'wa's unabl~ tq e.ffe~c;'ti'yely, rt~hqreth~e c-opyii}g worl:<l'oa<;1 'a:i1sl via's c_611'-tfi1liarl~, maT;-.' a fU!}~,t_J=.c;n~iDg".. '~p aq.p.1tXoh',. tl1e small ~opiei; 'f's p'rovided ~s a backup. , <r:b~' co~t c;j'f gc~s a_D,4 ~Tect.t~~city. arfd ,:t.etep'hpn_e services is an'ti!cipatefl, .to increase ,a,s; I: ~'_ ~_~~,~.'J.;.t o'f -(~tf? 9-_9j,U:5!:me,rits ana_ as a' resuJ.'t of bein~ -i:n ,t.he new' rcitty' Ha'll 'for ,the. fidig. f~2~C~11 Ye..a.r-~; - , ,I , I I, I, , ,I ' , , 'I "- , CITY ,OF'R0WAY 60 .1 DEPARTMENT' A0fIVITY DETAIl:.. .,,, . Acttvity Department: 'Activity,: I ~~~~~i~trat~y~' ~~~vices 'Support servifces, 'Code: 106 ,dbj i98i~82 , 1981"82, 198'2~;8] ;f982~8]; , I -Code' Expense Classi~tcati~n 'Budget' 'Es,ti,rnete,d ~rqpo~~~ {\pptove'd . Pe..;~9ii~he'~ '~:xp-eI).~e :Bange gos~i;'j:i6n-! ;Tf'fI:e I . " 1 " , , ., 1; , .- I I " , , I , , I ,Tcta-l P.ersor.nei , ,'; , .. ;, Oper"'ations' and MaOfnteiiat:c,~ " , , , 1 216. Gas and Electricity } ;55".958' .20,528 ~?,,590 22.,:500 - --".. ," . . , 215 .Telepnone ~d Telegraph 40.,169 6'7;" QOO 67.,000 ':216 Tra_s.b\ Rerpoycil - , 850 850 I :,282' P()s,tag", 1'8 '506 ~.9,:8.1-'-2~ 12,000 1'2,,060 ;1, ~ ,,331. R&!;j . B)iildi:iig': , -, 100 1,260 1",260 ' , 4i'l Pffice~ ,& Stationer:.y, Supplies - " '8:,600' 8.,600 ~J!2 Janitorial ,Supplies ! " - ,1,'800 1,809. I 41-3 Photographici ,Supplies , 10:,800 16,'000 1'8,600 18:,6'00 499 ' .o'thei'~~Supp'lj:es" ia_n"d> :M.?t$ri~.'1:~s.' - - '4,200 4:,2,00 sn E,quiprnen E'Ren tal 6.',562 ~.,452 - .- I' 512 Re!it~Bldg,&'G:rounds 5,,005 5,005 - I , , , , I 'Total :Operatiori.s- and Ma'fntenance ... :96,1125 98096: j 36 8le) cf36 810 I" Cap!ita:-l- 8utla:y. '. 622, ~ufg~ar, &i Fire' ~l~rm - - 7',000 . 7.,.0,00 6_2,2 'Vigeo C,?-ss'ette: ;Recorder Equ~prnent - - ,- 3),00g I 622' Gasoline! :pispensing System , - - -, -l-4,50Q. , -- , I 'Tb,-t.aJ~~p'~ t~~ 0P..tla-y - - 7,00.0 :2 4), ~O.Q, Ac:t~i:;/i.ty Tot_a'l 96;,.825 98;'996 143,;8{0 16ii,.310 / I , I ,61 CITY 0F P0WAY - ~ .. - -, - DEPARTMENJ'.A:L .AU INI TY- DE,'(A1L DEP'ARTMENT :" ACTIVI,TYI:' ACT,I VIT}l tODE: 'Administrative. 'Services. 'Ri~SK\ 't-1a,I"1a,g~-m~rit;-X~i~ge, ~~hefi ts 10,7 ACTIVITY C0MMENJ"ARY ACTIVITY DESCR~RTI0N Ri!sk Management :rhe cost at managing .~qe <:Xty I s ':f:~_s~s t.hig.ugh :P~uicha.:~5"ea.irisuiance,~ ;c'iairns; adrrG..nistrati'6n', sa"fe'ty arid craims Toss' 'is p-:fo"vfd'ed .fcir imthe,cost' ;center. bur~n~ fi~c~,i ]~_~_82--i-~8J "Gc'1;: i~ ihii.ti'p~J:~P (Deft 'the Cf~!,:wi[rlestahii:sh 'd s_e~'1{.;,;I:ns~re9 .p:f9gf.a~ t6i:, 'PQ,th 1i'~l?i:'Vi':.y ~nd ~or.keis I corngensati:on, insurance. $2:,~q0.~Q ~~ ,pr9yld~4 ~o.be used by the Sa~ety Comrn~ttee w~ththe authorization 9i th+~ ,~i~y. M.~.n<~g,e:t to purch2i:set safety supplies.-" equipment or material ;that; 'i!s ~a:nt~~-i!pa't~1',; :l5_ui: may- 'becoITlenecessa~y as~ par,t of 'the City wJ!de sa'fety program'. ,Fiinge' 'Benefi ts' Tpe"; 'CQ?.;t" ,'6f' ~a;ll :emplpyee, f.,rfhgebene-r::.. ts, is indIcated" in. this cost center Tb~~e ,c-os~s.' ,are c;:p:'ar-ged' .to' the' ,ap-propr-iate: cost' center~ ,and n9ted here for. :iJl,fgrm4i;':i:Qn ',pur,pose's'~ Fi;inge.nen_efits.l include": life:,';' 'health',! d'enta<I'" long term d<is~il~i'i:Y' ~4nSr. ',w9iRers I ,'cqrnpensation. ,insurance, .costs. ( " I .: ii, I r 'I ' , , I: 'I' I , CITY OF F'eMAY' I DEf?ARTMENT Acrr;lvtr?' DETAiL. 62 , oepartm.an.t::, ~ctiv'i'ty : "Activity I < Code: '107. Adin~his~~ra.,!:.~ 'r6 Sety~ic.~.~ ,Risk, Management/Fring:e ,Bemeffts Ob'j. 1981-82 ,i9~l~82 i982~83 I 1982-83 , I Code' :-~~~.~e ~_a~.s~f_i<:=at:i;on i Budg~t E_S,t:i'!',a,ti;<! 'Pr"ppse,d , !J.pprov<id Eersqnnel '~~e,nse ~el, ;Posi tion Tftle , -,- , I I , - , I ., 'Total: Personnel , 'nnerations and Maintenance I 1:2.0 Fring~ Ben~fit:5 ,( 62;'1";,7 35) (751,401)' .(833;430)' (955:,'152) pl! Workers compensation. Beriefiit :131,.l94 l5T,,794 l7,5,,338 168,'337, I 1:22 Hea:lt:h/Life Benefits 232!, 589, 278,018 3fo '340 '2.90; 215' '.'~ , 12:3 Ref;frernept Bene'flfts 260,:952, 315,589 347,752 496,600 416 Safet'y SuppHes - - 2 ,500 .2,500' '521 Uninsured Claims - 3:,000 5~000' '51,000' I 522 InsUrance Expense '94, 100, 96',000 95 ,,000 95,000 523 Bond i?rocess'ing 3:,000 ,817 ,- '- I ~, I , - I I To'tct~ qp'eratfons: 'and. :'Maintenancei" - 97,,10.0 ;99./817 102,; 500. 102 500 I Cap1!tal Q,jtl.'ay " , I I TOt:alCaE~tal o.lit1ay - ,- '- - Activity 'To,tal 97~,;!OO I 99,8l'7' .1,02,500 102,,5QO " I - DEPARTMENTAL 'CHARTOF:ORGANIZ~TION '" w , .CITY MANAGER. , , OF3 - , 1l.IIlEC'rOR , , COMMUNITY SEil\IICES .- 20'0 , I " .. .- . I .- . , , , . LEISIJRE C01'TRACT' , UAKE' ,PARK.S &, PAl:lDSCAPE 1SERVicES' SERI1tCES -- Op"ERATIONS MAINTE~ANCE '2Ql 20.? 2.03' 2.94. ~ -- ~-- , . - - .' '. ',' ... ,- !- - - - - - :- :.. r_ '. .. '. '. 1 , I' CITY OFPOWAY' DEPAR\TMENTAl A~'T I V,I TY OYERY1EW 64, . -. ,- - .. _.~ "~ - . ,..,- . , l)€pt'. qode ' 'peP~.1lt,: , " F..uil'd bistri:bu.t'ion: I 200 lconununity Services GeneraLP,und: $926,,4'78 E](PENSE :l980-198l 198'L....19'82 'ljJ8l-l9!j2 'l982-1983 1982-1983 I C~SSI:F;rCA'nQ~ ' ACTUAL BUDGET ~STIM]',TED ,PRO~OSED " APPROVED , , " - Tot:al 'Pos'i:tioris 19 .24 :24 ;25 24 1 , '. I Personne':l, Expense 2'49yli2 436,,~5l0 4'17,754, 474',,434 5)9;808 ' . - , I 9p~ r:.at'iJ'~'s_ ~9E?, 845' 295',224' 369,,~5,<i , 370,610 and, 'Ma'i:'n,ten"ance ,l:1,2'i 150 , I Cap'it",l,Outlay ,35.525 57,,680 (. -- .- '6;'060,' 16 '060 73;877 .' .. " I , - , ,TOTAl. aUo'GET 40'6,'847' 891,055 786,,855 850,,448, " 9;26,478 I . - OMERVI.EW COMMENtARY I ,'.tgec '~~p~r1;n!~D1;j _of~ 'G.q~uni<1;Y' :.Ser~:i;.~~s' ~s: r~sI.'9i};5.~b~e f9~ ~e~:rtizlg the! C:;i:l!t':l~<a'~, sacred, 'anq. ;:f"ecreationa'~, needs- ,aI:Ld ,demands' of the Citz-; Tl1.e Departm'en't" fs; '!!i?" - . ,_ " .- _." ~ :~,".--'~-'--' _ ~.-'-'- ._~_......-:-- -. - ,',:,""" .- ,'-.. ". .- .-.. :." - .. d;i videg,irit.o five, op,erating diyisi6,nswhi,ch iriclu.de tJje Office of 'the Director', I Lake 0perat.tons, <Leisure ;Services:, .Landscape &, Park Maintenance and, lZbntract Serv:i:ces .. , I The Dkectc5r Of COrnIDlinity :Serv'ices is ai?i?ointe~d by t:he CHy Managerfand.supei'- ,v;.iises', t.hef five~ 'operating; ,diyisions.. 'They. provide direct staff supp,or1t, services. -in, ,~the' deve:lopment', ,'and 'implementation 'of "programs aesigne.a to enhancei ,the, ~9ci-ocurtUraL 'needs' and: ,concerns; of," ~Powa~i .,ie-s'ideh~s',;. , , I ;Re,spo.h~ib:i:l'itieis. of the' Depa:rtitlel}t, .inc:lud,,:,( 1-) the coorqinatxop 9~ p~r~c .3,1:1.9, ,'P~i'Y5~>t:e.; ,a:g~i1cy' or~:s.6u~,ces .to ~,sb;1y~ ing.iyi~~a).~z~q anq j?e~son~al'i.z~d I 9_ort.fni@it.y probl~e~s."; ('2) providing liaj,so!l. se,rvj,.ce~ bepile.en t:;ity offi,,;,aXl!s an!i csmmunifty ,gr~:fi.ips"; ('3) ,]:ll':oviqing .itteifns tor, cOrnrn,,!,ity ifip.ut into'tp.e deyelopllie!;1t ,0; 1!~ejf~:ure, .i=)r9g~~~'; (''il) Pl:79V-idi!ng, fa~ 'paJ;~n~ed 'progf~ o~ 'r~ci.eat..~brt 'a~.d 'reiffi.upeJ"~sePii!ce~; fQr' 't;p.~,\ :co_Iitrriliti:j. ty; (5) ra.4#iiFi~ft~rifl.g the. Cf~y If::; ,t~ans.~t i . caJ>le TV '''-ng .ani11la.l control ;co.l:itiapts; (6) the \provision of City; ]?,arks ma:f:rl'terUinc"e' progr?lIrls~, ~aI1d.. en ,coordination, ,prep~ia1;iciIj {:lnd ,ma:nag€Ine~t o~ " 1,C!~"fq.us 't.ype~ 0;' "g,rants' ,--Co 1~~9vide' :i3,ddl't.ibifal fihahc"ia~ ~ssis'~aIi2_e ;tq 1:,116 I ,cify.' ,ip., m~e'ting ,in:~-fe~sep. 's'e~i!ce: 'deinands!.. I ,~ I ,. I 1'( , . ~ ~ ; ._- ._~ 65 G'ITY OF PQWAif D_EPARJ.MENJAL AG1IVI TV DETAIL DEP'ARTMEkT,,' A C'T:'IoV,'I ,T,Y' : A:CTI'V~,TY, CODE: ' t'o~unity 'Service Sf Office, of the 'Director 200 -. -..., , ACT I VIP; COMMEN1ARY ACTIVITY DESCRIP.TION I The, Office of' the'; 'Direct9~ is' r~sPo9s.i:bie' ,fci~r ~~ ~a9mil)._i)~~r._a~1o~ ..l~hd' I!!aI?:.~g,~~ijt i of the Department' of Community :Services, The, Director of: :commUnity. ,serVices ". . - - ~ -. < - '. . -. ~ -.. ....-" ' '- --, '-r _" ~- . '" ..' - :is. responsible for planniI)g, q.,~1'ectin.gl an.4 coordipa1;ing'1;lie'p,bS'gr'ams' ,of. ~e various operating dJ.viis:LOIls proyiding ,services; 'to, meet the' s6cio6-ultifra.:1; and hum~ needs .of ,..Jthe c:r~y., ~~ ~'~~p~r~e.I.i.t---i:s';,,4i.,v~qed~-~in~ol.fi vel ,rop~.iati.i).g; .--- ?iyi:sion~ whi~!'1 inc~ud~ ,the Of~i'ge; 0; . th~. 'pi:;:~ctot., 'L~~.5u~e ?~rv.i'c~s', -Lake Operation~'J! ~oti1:~act ~~ryices al}.d, L~qS?qap~\' J3.riP. 'Pa,Ek'z..1aliltenance'. The Office or 'the Director o~ 89mmunfty Se~ices also 'A~~ ~espohsib~Jity for the adminis.trat-ion ana/or, ~a;,gemer(t o""f the City, ':5 ,gJ:._~t-'~tili~ed Ero~ grams!, transft syste~, cableterev'isfon" animal re,g,itatldiis -, park: 'site, - aC'Il;lisi'tion and park. dev:e1"oEmeht1?fog'i~.. . - Th~ Director of c~mmuni;ty'servi;.c.e~ '~,s respol),,-ibJ:~ 1;0 ,the Ci:tY ,Manager for' -, ~ ,. - .. -.' - insuring that !!,H the i:lepa~tIn~l1ta:l pr~gr"!lls fir.e iriipl'emente:d efUcieritly i e'ffectfvely 2!rig ~co~ortiipa~l~y' ~~ ~.C~O~~~9~ ~14f~ C:j.:.~y. pia~tices,: 'a~d pro-' ceCJ.Ui::es.' ACTIVITY 'GOALS: AND ,OBJECTIVES . 1~,. iT?' ,~_s:-t;ablA?p. an4~ .4!tpleme!i:t ? b_ala~:ded p:i'-o.gra~ ofrecrea:t.ton; 'leisui:e: se_rvices' a.lid c~l ty.~,~l ~p'rog'~ams" fqr, tl}e c,om;mtP1:ffy.:.: 2. 'T9 ef~~~t~ve~y a~g~s~er~a~~"~~nag~, th~ f~cttq~s qf th~ Gf~y,~tt~rn t1}e 'r~_s~:gsi.pi:,lj!ti~.s' q'f' ~.~: Cqi:!J!ri\:fu,i;,~i Seb{i~.es-' Depa.r,tIrtent_.? :SIGN:rE'ICANT. 'ACTIVITY 'PRCGRAM 'CHANGE' Ad.did:on oJ. C6l]littliit'ity 'Participat'ic,nspecial s)lpplies + l",oOQ , , I I I , CITY OF. POWAY ___J., ".__ _.J' 66 , \ I DEPARTMENT' A0fIY,ITY DETAIL -.' -, -,< -.. ... ',. ,Department':. Activit;.-: Ac'1:i,v'ity, Community Services Office of 1:heOirector CodE'" 20.9 I obj. 1981~82 1981-82 1982-83 r982~83 Code. Expei1se crassifi~~i,ori Budget Estimated. [prqposed , Approve.d I :per_s,cihn~l E!<p~en:se ~ Range' J?osi tiori lit],..- .1 ~ 1 'Diiectox\ :f3 ':984: 38,249 39",948 '39,948 Community Setvices Manager " 21,.996 28,760 '22,,60.8' ,2Si,'8641 .. . ,Park: ;P1annei 17 ,.448' 1:8,0.91 - I , ,Administrative secreta~ 12,420.,: .9,892, 15,,156 16,792 Community .par,ticipation coordinator, "" 10.,.212 . ':1"0.,,507 '" Merit Increase 3,,864, ~ , ~ -, , . I . 'no ~Saiaries '~ 'Re~.far '190.,536, ClO2:?D9' ?3'i~lo.g ~5.i_50o. , , I ,1:20.' '~ringeBenefi t,s 2:3,i 320.. 25;'223. l7,327 2.3,,']2;2 , I 'TotalP,ers.onnel 123" 856 l'i7,,9'32' . 100.,422 , - :10.8,622 bberationSi :and- 'Maiiitenance. I 260. Reimbursed ,Mileag.e' - J,2?9 729 no. 262 vehide operations. ~,"~Q~, "~,_~1i5 i,9DD 1,0.0.0. . 2'z0 Trave~ 'and,Meetings 4,322 ;2,,89'3. l,8l:lD ]',880. \ ',-. - __,- I '3:i;:l Printing' 700. 54.3 ,- - 3J3 Q.~i~l~~~::>;, 'L?UDQ.ry, qrY Ci"eap.iAg , l'l25 885 250.. 250. -.-".-. - '3l.,~. Ptili1!ic:a:J:ions: .and:. Dlles ,784 514 i 566, 6.66 334 . R&M: Eg\iiprneri't , 450. 380. :180.: l8D .' 41:1 Office':& Statio'nery :suppli....s' l,lDD 892 :50.0., 600. , 417 Operat:Liig Suppl!iesi ' 2;lo.D, 1,896 l!:ODo. .l} ODD . I , I , " I, 'Total. 'Operations, 'and' ..Ma'i:nt-,eIiaitce . - :,1'2".581. ii"H8. 6,295 .5,296\ ' - 'Cap Hal ,Outlay I , 511 , T.ypewr:j]ter 2,,200. 2 ,'l98 - - 611' .-, ...j " 500 'i93 . Calcul:at~r ~ - 1 , 'Total'CapitaloOutlay 2',70.0. 2,,69l - - I Actfv-ity. To.tai , 139,rJil 1,41,741 . rD6,,7,18 114,9.l!8 I , I 67 cH.TY 6j=' POW:AY " DEF1AR[MENl;AL, !\'CJ;l V I TY DETAIL> DEPART.MENT': ' ACTt'vn;y : AC,TlOY"I'l'Y' CODE;:; Community services pe~;:;~~~'SerVi'.ce? 20i , ACT,IVI TY ;CO~MENTARY ,ACTlOVITY DESCRlOPTION Th~ Lir?~e ~~~~c~s Di~is~6n of the De~aitment. of Community:Services 'organ~z~~ a.Ilr;; p~qvid~s ~ variety of I,teisure t'ime' aqtiviti!es'for'ali cfti'zenSi "'of ?o~ay:. PersoI;l~el ~s-s'igried to .~his_ division p~an, develog, ,in~tratel and<<9,dhli.nisteF ~~' 'C9I!).pz;'~!le~~ive ~e~5ure ,prog~aln at:. the_ C~ty:l,s schools, ,parks:, 'tot l'otsand Cc;n!un--, unity :Ceriter.~~ Pers-onnel in this Qivi:sion aIsc scheduie':'and 'coordinate.'thefuse ~f .C.ity.re;,r'eationfacil'iHes and City schools 'for department, sponso':'ed progr~s an,d cQnm\"unity-groups, The adult.. teen, youth and tiny:to"t prograins, offere.d" thrciugh:.this'1d:ivision i'nclude spor,ts, arts, craft:s", dance_, drama, cmt400r ;rec- ~ j:'-e~tioris',,' s'pecial interest ,classes". clubs',_, and !;lfe~enrfchn}~Bt ~_~tjYft~.~~. . ,ACTIVITY GoALS .AND.OBJECTIVES :1. To.~nsure: that ,activities ar~ p~_~~~~ f~r re~~~e~~~ of ~ve~ age grqup' ah4 interest group in- ,such ,a :w~y 'th?-t a: 'g;re~t v~.~ie~y of cfc.'t:ivit.i:es Cii:~ pi9vided, :fqrr..utilizati:on 'of lej;sure. ... 1 -, '2. To, ensure all" 'avail:ab:le" -resources are, ,utilized to, the. ~fullest extent by c6op-erai"'iii.~i aI).d. .,inter~ct~g' ,with 'other con;m~ity or~anizations ;and agencies:. 3\. -To en_sure,:a variety of cOIIll!lun~ty grpl:ii? '~,~d i;n9.iviti~~l ti.i:f~_s; ,of Cit~; Recrea- .tiom ,FaciJ.'iti:es. 4-. To' coritinue. :a'; 'Pul:iii:c' ;,R~la1;i:onsi pl'ai]... 'for thE!r ,-p~rq~o~icj"{1 :o.f; ~omIJli;u1.ity Recreation ~aciiitfes: indruding:weekly pressi releases; quarteily~brochures, flyers', e'tc'. . .-__ - - .. _..., - .. . n.. .. . . 5. TOl-monitor ,the: ~han.gi:!l:(~r <d~ve19P~~n1;s',w.fthi.f1 ,t;lje.; :lei_su're, ,services field and apply where, appHcable.: " ~-- " 6. cprovid~ .a ,friJ',f i~e.ryic; "?'p6.!:t-~_ p~9_g:ram ,incluq.i-ng: ,leagues:, tournaments ,and I open, plait,.. j., To plan' a;~ est~I.i!"l1 ,a, ,;:aiiety of' ccqltura.l, :arts: ,programs, ,l ACTivITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS l!980-81' 1981-'82, .1982"'83 I , ACTUAl: .--. , ,fORECASTED ESTIMATED' Cultural Pro,gram~ 160 278 '300 Cultural Program par~~~ip~h;~ 8".16.0 i~8!,980' 75,060 Sports Program (,Instruct:!on/r;eagtie), ~ :30 36 , . -. c" ..' - _.. Sports Program Partioipants 2y190 31;200 '27,:,570 I, ." , -. - ~ 12 12 ~pecial' -Events Special Events Participants 4,,400 7,050 lO",500 ,General Park Participants 'MIA' 10,9,,279 80,548 . (Not. counted- ~ov'e) I: Contract Instructors 1_0~ 130 l60 'Tota'l use of! School S\tes 84, 52 52 , I i ,I I ;l .' ,cIW OF JiOWAY I ~,8 DEPARTMENTACTIVI~'DET~IL , oe'pai'tIrierit: 'Act~vHy", ''Act.i.v;]ty I CC?~\ll:1ity' ;~~ryiges, Lefsure Services: 'CP9-e":, ~.oi, Obj; .' :l981-82' 1981-82 19~2-'83: 198k83 egge", } ~xR~q~e Cl~5Si~~~~~~9~ Bud~"t ,Estimated Proj?osed' APproved. I PeI;'sonne:J.: ,Expense; , " Range Pos'ition, Ti'tl:e , I , Re9~e~ti~n ?upe;y!sot , l~, 070; i 16'; 520 19,70,4 20,; 794" ~~~.tea~i:6I1 Cool;4~It~tbr 1!3;749 ~ '9,,259 14.-5t14 15;~98 , ! Rec.re~tion L'e@er (4) 11 ,232 5:,2'72 1!2,816 56:.-80,7, I Adininh'frativ" Cle'rk .II 38,,795 .40,211 ' 45",792 12,'-335 Shift Differ~n~ial - - - 780 ,Me'r"it IIi9reases 2,'823' , '- -' - I I 110, Salaries -' Regular , 80,160 '?l,262 92,,856 106,624\ 120: Fringe' .Benefits .-t.- ..- ,14,;587 25",295 32,824 15" l62 I , , : , I 95,322, :85)849 118,15l , , 13'9" 448, Total P,ersonnel< , ~0peratfons and Maintenance ' ' ., I ' 230 other \iti-lity c.liarges 3'0,000' 25:,061 25"'394' , 25,394, '262 Vehiql~ Operations '2,800 '1,482' ' l,260 LZ60 , !'2;1~~ Vehicle 'Maintenance - -, 8;,2~8 !!,,5;:;7' ~2~4, 'V~h.~~~i~ "R~~t~-i'.' ....- - -, 3,,2'70 3-;270 . I nO ~,Tr~CiYl31, .3.49.' '!1ee'tin(is' 8,00 '7,Ocr1 795 ' :J9'e 311 .Pr-il].tfng 2,,400 . -4,'192: 3,150 ' 3,,15..9 313 Uniforms i Lawidry,,, Dry Cleari,i'iig l.,QOO !899' hOOD 1"ClgO' I ' 315' PUblications and.'bues . '410 410 225 ;!25 ~ 318 ,Leisure' Gontracts 80'; 000 35,2:22 83,.-675 83",675 , 334' R'&i1 Equipment l;'200. 772 ,7-14 714 411 Office & Stationery Supplies ',900 1,122 l,,650 l;650 I 412 janitoriaL supgHes, ' - - 2,000 2 '-,000 417 4,'960 1 Ope~at.i.rig ?~P~~~es 6',255 7",450 7,,450, . ,511 'Equ~pment Rental '1/200 L,2ll 432 432 I , , , , , I , , , , ~~t~~ 9p~tatf~~s '~d ~~intenance l25 ;:67,0 77 ,.3'3,4:': 139,.313 l'39,t5,82 " CapI:j:al O~:flay , I, , .6'44' 'Tug of War, Rope' - - 110 no 644. ;Turrlblin9"Mat~ 4[1; x 8:' (6) - '-' 1,125 1;r25 '644' PA System -' - 500' , 500 I 644 E~ec~ric In{lator/Compressor - ~, 175 l75 644 S~PP?rt Eq~~pment '25," 330 ,2,7',6'03 - ~ I Total Cap~ta1 Ou~~ay 25.'330' ;2;; !603' 1,910 1,,910 Achv~ty ,Total 246 '322 190786' 25iJ ..F4 78.Q,i,94Q >-----", - V" f...._ '. I . i I. - .- . ~ . 6.9 CITY (OF' POWAY DEP~RTMEt:lTAL AGTI'VI TYDETA I L I AC.T:Iy:r,.T,Y: I ACTiytTY,C9D.E: I :DEl?Aj\,T,MENTi: , ~ommy.Il~ty .?~rVi~~-s 'Contra~t. 's~rvlces~ ,i02'. ACJIVITY ,COMMENTARY ~~I <C.' .,. ~.. ~ '. , ACTIVITY' ,DESCRIPTION ~j?:I}t.ractil.~e.rvices (are .,providea:-, to 'the .~itY"~9" s4pply. ~di!iinistration and se:;v'fc~s Ifor.fUri'ctions!not' .staffed by Citypersoilhei"s'uch .as janitorial services, cable -- . -..- . . . -, '6, ___.. _, . _.. ._ , . , . _ _ . . tedev'i:s.ion' administration'" 'anl.ma::i>,control, 'bus' :-~ransp-ortation", and .dead anima-l disp6~al. Adinini'straHon.Of, these'c6ntl::act's :for tli'e-.City is provided :by the - o'ifi:ce. of t,h,e:D:l!rect= 'of' cO,nuriui{ity;servic'';s. '. . ACTIVITY GOALS AND.. OBJECTMS, - 1, To ~roviQe serVices to the co~~itynot staffed by Cftypersonnel. 2. To ensUre an i'~proved -leve.!: of ~~!7t.;ic.~ -Co ,the community ~'in ,the; area~ of' tra_I1's'ibi cab1:e :f'elevist?!\". aE-.d a.ll~1l!C3.'.~ ~6n:tiol_.; - .ACTIVITY;PROGRAM;CHANGES L f Animal Control Seryice~ a're provideq,by the County of ; '$44,000 'san Dieg9 with. expe,,!>es peing offset .by, fees coHected I ,by the ,Co~ty. , . I : I. , I . '- I , .. :1; F .' I - I 1 .. \, I <::ITf Of; .PfJilAY ,70 I IJEP~NT AcTIVITYDETAJL , ~Eari:meni::;, Activity,,, 'Acdvi ty I ~~~ity ,Services Contract' Services code"202 , .-. \ 'Ob~'.1 - 'l9'l1l,.8'2: 19sh82 1982-"83 'r98i-"83 'Code Exgens~classific~~~9n 'Budget' J::stimated P,"oposed 'Approved Q"", '. I E>,~>;,~,oMeJJ::?'P~ns~ , , , Range p~s.~:1;fPri .Title I , i , , , I I , , , I ; , , I ; " I I Total 'Personnel Oneratfons aild, Maintenance, - . '148 ' ~Speciillstudies,(&ibie TV) 'to ,150 ;10,'150: 1,2';0012 1,:2 ,000 I :>>-;;' ~,' t 'i'ifslO ' ' ,3i2' 'Janitorial'Se~ices l6,,82O ~~ - ~'Animal "Abatement ,'.= '..,. '319, 44,000 ,~,.'970, 4,200' 4 ,,;SOO I' " , , I , I , , , I , " I , ,Total Operations' "'and" -Maintenahce~ 7.0 950: 25 630 ',~. ?nn 16 '200 ' 'CapHaJ. :OutlaY' I , , ; I , " I Total Capital Outlay - - - - ,Actfv:ity> .Tot~l 7,0 i;9SQ ~2;;-;63g 16",2.00 16,,20,0 I , - ,', I~ '7'I. CifTY OF PQWAY DEPARTMENTiAL!l:NI VLTY D-I;TAIL _ .. _ _ .j. _ . ',. _.~ .< ., 0 _ ". DEP'ARTMENT.: Ad.t:vI-TY : ,AC~:r-VITY' C_ODEI: J:5inmWlity- (SerVices LakeOperat.ions 203 I ACrI-vfTYCOMMENJ,ARY 'ACTIVITY DESCRIpTION The~ responsibii'ities 'of: the -Lake Operations' !Division ,at the Lake ,poway Recreation ~. "'" - --."-' -~ ,,- -~- --- ."'" ,- ~ - .-.. -- -.' ,area' ,include, 'proViding. recrea):..io!la'l~ :fi~~n~~~.9:-" 'b'?~.'I::_i~g:;', c~pin(:h crowd. control; enforcement-,iof: ,(:i~ypark4s ;rtil~si 'aIid: Ir-~~1:at.i:ons'ap:d.: ed.llca:tipg. users to <- . 'department., 'serviges. ACTIVITY GOALS,ANDOBJECTIVESi , ,I.. "To Rr<?,!ide ,pl'~~_s;m.:t:', ,and. ,profess"ic:iz:fa.1 communication- ;and' customer, education betwe_e,nne,. a!":l'Rreseflt facility, .users and tile, :'Community .Services statl:' regard,fng' state arid 10i::iilt,e.gul!'at'ioris, 'Cftyevents. and :programs sponsored or ,co-"spon',?qr",;:lby.t:he depar:tment.c 2. T_o ~~~qi9e: rU;1!e~ ~st ~'e"gula.tioris of :the, Lake' Poway' recreationai area' ,prompt'ly ~n o",de:i'to enCQur'a,ge, and grovide. consisten't pubifcs..~port, '3.: To '~llsure th'a,t the dOCK op:eratiori is neatly maintained arid,sui table' f",I: p)ll:iiic use 'at ,,11 times, ~~. To,ptovide recreational f:i:shlng and boating progr"!1lE to, ,meet, the;needsi of. the Ppwa~Community,. 5'., /['0 provide a self-'suppociing lake and boating ope!,ation. - -_. - -- -.' - ,-- ACTIVITY wORkLOAD STA'frsTrcs l~?l'-?;! 1981-82 1982'-83 ,ACTUAL ESTIMATED' E:ORECASTED, Angier, ,usag,e 4?-,9PO 48,000 49 ;QOO .Facility usage 3QO,,9PO 260,;000 '350,,000 'Boat usag.e 1-1,300 12-; 200 t2,OOO . I . - , \ - ~ , :1. I, , ,,,.-.- q;ry OF PCMAY 72, I: DEPA~NT ACT:I;VIT'( DETA!L , " . :Departlnent:; Ac'tivity: Ac~ilyity I~ community\Se~ices L~~~ 9pera't::Lg:n~ Cod." i 203 'Ob,~ . .. , 1981-82 :r'38~-82i 1982-83 191:l2'-~.3 Code, E'EPe,I!~e CJ!;>ssi'f,ilc:aj:i9.t1 Budget Estiiilated Proposed l).pprove<l, . I 'Personnel Expense . ~ge: Pos:\:.tion r:iItl,e , I I ,Park, "upervisor( 0 .'5) 9,,36'0 10,,773 . '10,764,: lO,883 park, 'Ranger j:II, l6,632 ' , 17';60,4 17,;l5lB .'14",470 i Park.Maintenance,Woiker II lO,452 n;97,7' 231/556, 13:; 391 Park Ranger ~~ ~~l ~ - 9',264, .24,329 I' , Administrative Clerk,:I ~2) ~6,,94'4 1'3,,7..40 18;504! "2l" 256 shUt Dilfferen1:'i:a'l , .- - - 1,040 , ,Ranger 'I, (5) (Part'-time) ,23,760 34,,520 2l!. ~24' 2l.;624 - . I. . . _ . 7,920 l-I,506 ' I , L;>,k~/park Aild~, ~?art-tim~) '4,128. ,4,l28 , ~e~):t J;ncreases' 3',780 ." - '- ):..10 sa,'lari'es - R..gtil'ar ,517';,168 ' ~gl,,969 ' 79,692 :88,5l7 tl:? ,.; " {l.;:-.., ,is :752 .25.,752 I Saljides - Pa",t'-~im.e: 3,l;6!J0 4~j,~215 1;1'3 : Safarfas .- Overtime: 2,;298 i 550 :2 ,'3~() "2',340 '-,. ~ 120 Fi,'i,n~e Benefits! , 17',199 2~",482 ' 2;!, 7,9~ '3~(74'6 , , , I I T6t:('ilPersOnnel 'l08, '~56 122,,0..18 '1:30,577, 1?48,355, , " :~bperat~ons and MaInterianc_e -,--" - , , , 210 Gas and,Electricity '7,; 290, 12A98 '7,'299 '7,29.9. I ,. ;215 'Telephone and ,Te:legraph l;325 2,;:):89 l,325, :l,,325' , 230 '.. - -...., I' .' .- 240 240 1,(;50 'l,65,O , Other UtiJ:ity Charges. ,260 "'Reimbursed, M.iheaqe~- 200 527 300 300 I 26'2 ! Vehide Operations, 900 1?,864 .900 900 26'3 ,: v~~~c]~ M~:int~nance'. - - 2,:766 2,;856 ~_64 . Ve.!:,-iS1e' l\!,ntal , - - 2,173 2,173 2:7Q Travel and. Meetings. 1,52:7 1.,471 '875 :875' I ,31'1 ' pd~tif1g' ,'. .' sob 446 l"b'oO :l,OOO 3i:\3 tJl!i!_~o~, {JalJI}.~;"Y i ,Dry '9ieah~ipg 4,2175 '3,,7.19 :4,280 4,;280 , 3l:5 p1iliIi'cati'ons and Dues' 100 .:Frs ,~io 130 . u - .-~;;.;-' .' --~~. , I 33'1: R&M-BuHSI.i:ng 8000 ~;lA56 9'50 950 , .' , 334 .R&M'-Eqiiiprneilt . 1:159 819 300 :ioo - ,~'" ~ '.<"'-' , 4:l,l Office, ,&: stationery .Supplies: 600 62l '600 ,600 41'Z Ope'ratirig "1ipj:l,ti,,s: 11;6'4'15 ~1,6~6 16,69.7 '~6:;69:t ':''-' '" ~ 66. '3YO ' 72,000 '72 ; 000 I 418 T~Q~jt\ ,'sJ;PC1<:.1 70.,090 ~ .. -. ~~. '; "'-. ~ ' 3'3,000 "33:,000 ; ,4t9 Otli"rE:r~h ,stock' 29,300 ~9'681: 420 Small Tools . 200 'l94 .200 ,200 ~~- - , .. ..-.; i'oo 'ioo , 532 Uricol'lecti:bles, i 100 - ' 5'({i Cash overJUi:dEir 100, 100 : 100 1."" Tot~~ Op~~a~i~qs i~.4M~~~t~ri~hs~ E7;.()"4l7 ' i:1!3,lC)6 , 146,636 146 726'; Capi'ta:J: Qutlay , , . 6J:1 Lake 0per~~~oris. Equ1pm~rit 7,,950 7,;950 - ~. 611: Eattery' Chargers (3) - - ~~6 ' 900 622 ,poldi'ilg' T,a15ie.s, (6) ,- - 759 '750 m 65l Pavi1HoriHeatirig ,- - )!,5.60 :1,,590 I '.Total Capftal, Out:lay '7,950 7:;:9?0 3,)50 ,).,'150 ,,_. 'A"ctivi'ty'Tota-i 253;, l53 27'3,,0,74 '280,36'3 :298',23l I :. '79 CITY' 0~ POWAi( DEPARTM!;NJAL .AGTI'YtTY DE Ti\'I.L DEP'ARTMENT,: ACT'~V:I\T~;j 'ACT,I);,I,TY C'bC'i::i:' J;t?~~~ty, :$~rv.i6~s '?C!.:t'5 .a~<;l' :?~!1P.,~cC!-R~ ~J.l}1;~!1~.ge 2i)4 U'_" ACT IVITY COMMENiI"ARY ACTIVITY'iSEsci{fp,TION' The responsilJi'lJides, of the Parks &, Lari:dscape,'D:l.vfsi6n inClude ,parks' aridgroiilid,i c . .~... --' - -, -- ." .~., - - '.' - . .' -.-. ma:l.ntena""e of al'j City' fac:Hftte~s wjl.ic)t cC;Il@fst' of't:hree,paj:'ksieigntee!, 'Plili1P 'and reservof~r ':;.tat.io~s, !=Wo 'fi)::e,~s~atfQt.tSi. ~~}C:' Cft:Y ~o.~~\ s"ta:ti6ns:, 'liiKing,1~d equestri'an t:r:,aiis:,J 2~i'~i!:~ve ~ffinpg;:~~:f4J ~.1)~9.. 'r~dfe?ti~:m' 'equipIIlen~. ,ACTWITYGOALS AND OBJECTIVES, I- Ta insure that pub~fc g~o~ds ~nd p~r~ eq~ip~ent, ai~ at~r~ctiiely maiQ~9i~ed and suitable for ,pUblic u~e a~ af~ {t~es. 2, TO, rep,air damaged lan9,sc,1lpea ar,eas a.114park. e<!uj:'pIiie~t: 'aJ:td ;trai):s' promptly ,and efficiel}tly i:11 ,,,rder: to erico,t1r:age "nd ,provide forth... c6nst""t j3tibUc, use of'pujoloi!i ,qper, spa,ce 'l4!',;'. 3. 'T!;> '~9n..~rol,we'e.9s' ~ a'~_l. .no~-4.~y~lop~' phl:j~i9 a;~.eas". ,ACTIYITYWORKLOAD STATISTICS 128li82 1.981/82' 198_2/83 'ACTUAL 'PROPOSED F:ORECASTED TotaCk. .deveioped park' 'and acreage: ~~. .' - .- -, - '- - ~'.- "- -, --.-. '1;0 -b~f ~aipt~i~ed', ,28'.'84' 28.84' 43.8<1 Tot.a.l ,und€ve:ropec:j pa"k andac"eage. to b~, ~aiilta;L~fe'd', 71. '7,l 56, , , , " , ,I' - .' CI TY' OF Pr:JWp.. Y I -, 74 PEPARTMENT AqINiITY DEJAJL ,oepar,tmE'.I1t::: " ACtivity: eoAc:t:ixi1;Y I Community 'Ser;vi!ces, Park and :IiandsC'ape i1aihtehance.. ',Code i 2"04 ' , , , Ol)~ , Ji98l!-82 1981~82 19'82-83 ,Ji982-83 Code ~EJ5P.e-nj3e ~a~~~iJfi'"c.~~~9~ Budget Estimated Progosed Approved I: Personnel Expense Rar"ge posij:ioh 'title I , P,;rk 'Si.1peprisor ;(0,.5) 9,;360 lO,; 773, : 10,',76'1' lO,882 Park Maintenance Worker III l6;392 18 r97 18,,240 l8,23l .! ,Park 'Maintenance 'Worker, II,('4J: 3'1';452 23,404\ ,37',188 55 ;016, I , Park Maintenance 'Worker I '(2.)' i 2'1,948 23,963 26,,,792 l7,,805 , Merit :Ihcrease 3,108 -' '- - , ,no, 'Salaries' '- ,Regular , 88,,260 76,,337' 92,984' lOl,934 I ,11'3' isa:];aries~ ,.... '9verEime 1,,463 425 31;606 3A06 I 1:20 'P,ringe ',Benefits 19. 473 ::r:U574, 2!h694 37,,843 -. . ~'''''"-' " I 'Total 'Personnel ; 109,,:196 100.,.336, , 'l!25,28<!! ! 143',-:383 ooerat'ions,aild,Mai'ritenanC'e , - " ; I 210 Gas, 'and ElectriCity 3;,720 - ,3:"nO . 3',;720 212 Wat:er-fhterfi.1nd ' 7",200 - '7',200 7;200 23'0 ' 'Other utility Charges '3',,950 602 ,2,540 2,!540 27,0 Travel and,Meetings , 242, 242 386; 386 I '262 vehicle, Operations' 6".750 '3,486 6',750, , 6",750 263 Vehicle, ',Maintenance - - , '9',170' 9,467 264 Vehicle, 'Rental , .. '9.;858 9,858 , I 31'3 , Uni:Eorms,'Laundry, ,Dry Cleanin9, I 3,506 3,,632 '3,604 3,,604 '31'5 .puhltic?~iql?-s' ;~nd, ~Dues ,300 300 '200: 200 :33:1 ~&M,.. Bui'~<!in.g' , ~ ':3:,'1:1,"0 - ~ '334 I!",'l-j::q\1ip]1ie!1t' , , , 400 232 406.' 400 I, 4Jh ' Ofhce '&' Sta.tionery :Supplies' , 297 300 300 300' " ". ~ -.. .---.... .,-- . '..- 16\''3,89-- 417 opera:ting Supplies' a,63;; 23j,63~ 16,,3Sl , 420 S~H Too1;s' t-~,<?02 , 925 700 '700 I 5),i Equ~p,!,_ent :Re,nj;:al 'l.,600. 1,57,9 ,300 ~()o .' I , , ~ ;T9t:al 9pe_ra:t~.on~ ag~d Ma,:iJl.t~e;~~qe ,50,,597 '3:a,036 61,,',5C)9 .61,806 I capito,;!. Outlay 653 , weedea1;er' '" - 500 500 653 Walkway Blower -' - :500 500" '653 . Turf :Tractor - ~ ,-, '10,,000 I '653 Main~enance E~ipment , 21,700 35,63;3 - , , , I 'Total 'Capita;!. Outray 21 ,,7QQ i35i,~33 .' . 1 ,goo, )) ,'000' .Activi,tyTotal 18i, 493. . JR4,605 . f8? ,793 . .216','189 I DEPARTMENTAL CHART OF ORGANIZA~ION ..... lJl '., , ,~- CITY. MANAGER . 013 - ( DIRECTOR PLANNING SERVICES ~ J 300 '. . , CURRENT . ADVi\NCED BUILDING PLANNING PLANNING 6; SAFETY INSPECTION .301 .302 303 ~ - - - - - ..- - - - - - .. .- - - - - - - - .-0' ,I , -- ., " I, C'lJYOF POW'iAV QEPARTMENJAL ACnVl,TY OVERVl EW, ,76 , Il<>pt', Code DeP~"i;': , Fund' Distii15uti:on: I ':ioo .Pl:annin9,' ,Services General EUl1d:' $369.!023 , f E;.X~ENSEi 1980-'1'981 1981"1982 r981,..''1982~ l~~~"l9,83 1982-1983' I 'c:IiJ.l.SS..F;Il;:ATION ACTUAL BUDGET ,. E,ST~TED. 'PE9pogp . APPROVED , 'Tota'l P.o s i t:i\ori!s, - . , 9 9 9, 9 'I '. I . 'I Personned ~xpense 121",720 . , i'2~" 952 ~:35,,489 '2t13,5,;!8 , ; , I QRe,:~a t.'~~ori:S\ I ~ , and :Ma~i'n'tena'il'~e , - ,i55:i67O ; lOo.,i794 J,;25,49? '125,495 , ., , ; CapHal Outray - 7,6qO lB'95l' ' - - ~_.I _.. " I, "TOTAL, BUDGET' -, :274,990 246,697 360.,9B4 . , '3;~9', 02:3J 'I , ,.- -. . , OVERVJEW COMMENTARY I: ; The prill1aJ:y resP9""ibi'l~ty' oft:i}e :D~p~,tmerlt ,qj: Pl."-!Ulir;9 s~rvices. is, 'to~p.rovid" i?lariii'i'ngse:ri.ric'es' .to1;lie. .p,Ublic ,and Ci:.ty C.oliil.c,il. !-n,il.l:iJ!!""ly .rn.at!'ler wl)i!l~, , mid'ritaillirig; a good. rapport with .a"-lof 'j:h", 'pa:i::t~c~Patlts i:riyolVEi!d, ; I The ,department, ,is, :or'ganfzed' .irjt.o ttliiee sectio!ls~: Current Pl'~iI1.g', Advapcec: " 'Planning, and Building, ;.Services':. IThe. act_ivities 6fthe Guir~ri:t Pl~_irig "?ect.i9n can, be broken. ,down, ,into t:hree, basic ,parts':' l) day ,to day a<;:'tivities;2)preserit . projects;. and 3) 'futllre, projects. .Day .to ,day activi'ties' include: proce'ssirig deveJopmemt., app~lfcat.ions, field inspections:" .plan reviews, counter calIs" . ~e~~p~otie ~ai~s., _review:of: environmental impact re~orts and, env~ronmental assessments ,staff1 report'. ,preparation, ,and code enforcement work. The, .Advanced I, Planning' Sec'iion 'administers, such' things' as the elements of the Ge_peralP!an, ,their' maintenance, revie~ ,and, 'preparation'; revJ.ew and pr~para:tion:9f .'speci!fici , plansr 'all envi-ronmenta'l work. :f6r,~.the C::i_ti; deve~C?P~ent: mon:i,:tg,rih9' ,~~pi:~me.ht'?lt):.()I}; 1 coordination" of, 'th~ housing, program; 'enetgy ,coiis-eriat"i:6Ii p:ro~e-c'ts; g~4.f.1:t:Sffi:ai.ls!1iI?; communfty' developmeri:i;:; blo,ck:'~gran_-t;. rprdgr~s-; '~d coordina'tion w~th tIi~ ~.aI). Dieg-oi Associat~on. of'_GOv~r~ents~ The: 'Bu::lldlng, '$er~ic~s di V~'5ion .~'? ,'in:tplen[eh'te"q, , through a. contiact, ,with. Esgfl 'Corp,oration, The' iesp6nsibfl'ities inclu.dethe, I revfew. and,p1!an :checking; 'of~pl'ans: for develqpICleht const"rUct~onr ,tne; iiss.!i~ce, qf bui'lding' permits;, ,the' inspechon' of' .building'constfUction-;' and all either :items' as .they'relate, to 'the. Uniform "Building. ,Gode. . -In, addi:i:ionl ,to ,the lmajorareas ~iisted ,aDove, the ,Department of 'Pl!anning' 'Servi'ces, coordinates 'activities' reiating -to development' with vari:ous c1ty Departments: i~to maintain 'a, smooth 'how 'of' the :development:al 'processing.. . -" - ~.- .--- -, -.-' .' - -- -.'. . I , I -- , .' 77 CloTY,OF POWAY .' D~Pt>:RTMENTAL ACTJV,I TY DE,TAfL ' ' ~E,PAll,T ME N,T': ACTJ;VI'TY : 'ACT'~~OI.T"!:' CODE~I :Pla~ing 'Services Office of thebirector ACT LVHYCOMME~T~Wr'. ., 'ACTiVITY,DESCIUIiTIOil ~ .. ; ,The Director of 'p'lanni!lg ',Seryi<::!~s ,i;,. r~s~nsible !,qr oVerall depai.tIilenta:J! :,1 -' ~ . 'supervision, The .pril!l<':"Y 'r.e,s~nsibHity :as :Directof is the adniinistration and coordination~ oil the entire\ department", iincludiri'g. the :niaria'gement of such functOions' -, - - ~ -. ...- -- -,. -<~ ' . ,," -. , .. - - 'as: personnel 'systems', procedures. 'and' 'budget, ,control. ,Incorice:<:t ,with the City . coundl and,.tJ;1e. City J.!aI!ag';r,'th.'eoirector,'fs r~sponsible for comprehensively ciirecting' the City planning, 'fuh6i:i6ni preparing 'recpnnnendations for elected ' , .. - -, - - - - ~." - -~. .. - . anCi,appointed' offiIcers, rela'tive\ .to environmental./protection; and ,t.he supervision . <>' ~ . .~ --. . - . . ",,". . . - .... . ~- . . . -- ~f~e Bui~a;ng'~e.;vfces D~vision. Tll~ overaA:l. gga.! of' the Diri:!Ct,or is ,to p:roiride:the' administrative, support ne<::,~ssarY: to eIlsiire ail, i:!.f:i:icient, and"e'ffec1Olve, departmental, operation 'and, 'to ~9ordi:m.te ",n ,prilri.riing an,d, bUilding activities of :the department.. 'The ''''team apprga,c,h" to .pio'fe'~sionaJ: pranning and. bui'Iding ,is used to, assure, the' highest possible developmental and environmental quality ,for the connnunity,. . - .. _. ." ,-.. I ACTIVITY, ,GOALS: .AND OBJECTIVES "l.~ 'T9' 'prd~ide, administrative sup2Qr,t and assi!stance retatlve to ag~nda. pr,eparati6ii; ,'fJ\wlici ,hearing "notices:, -materia<l '~9~isi_t.i9.ry.:, budget c.onfror :and ~spec:iai research pr~:jects. '. \ 2" \TO!:prepare' 'and ~provide 'super:v'ision :tor,. cl}.e ,9_ity.' s G~!'ier~(l ~'l~ ~d Development''Code. '3. To, encourage'.,qua:J!ity planning, of develoP!"~Ilt:s and redeyelopmerit 'wlthin the communilty"by developing standards, guidel:ines\ general plan element's, aild working' with prop~~ty' C?wEe-F,;\' :to.: ~~p).:~~.i.~_, t_he ~qY9i:ltag~'s: and" ,:"mti~ualbehefi ts of' sucha,prog~~. 4. To provide 'technicaJ assistiiIlce totj,e <;:,fty C<;lU"c,:i:l, [and' other, City Depar,tments" .the" generaf- p"Ubifc and. citi:~~n, advi_s9:r;y';co~~tee's'! . . 5., To continue to "p.Fovi'de high. cwa:l~j]tT p)!~~tngar.!d; l;>.u{1.19-;LP9 's-:e.i-vice~~' ,_iri.ra timeiy and efficient;. manner by con.tl:nua:11y i_mproving' ~tlie" development review, :,process, to ei'iminate time lag:s" _ and !?Y, ~g!lti~~~i:;I.y' imp;ovijlg ,pubii!c~ :;.e.1!atlons' al1d r~pportwith the citizens and develop',e:r.~~" '6,_ 'r9 :It)9D.;tor ,arid review legislation and'i?rograms a1; ,tJ~e ~9c~ai_-, g~gi'o1'19-;t" ~1;a~el ;.@d~ F~edei'.a:'l levels, ;in 'order to determine the~r irnp~~~ op. the City':s P'~ranjlfri.<J ~_n_g' b~,i:l:di;i1.ii, ;prog?ams', :and 'to :make ;recommendat:i_o~~ a.1i to i;ji_~~f a:c1.9pt::i'o~ ~d ,i'fnpl~rnen1;ation".' - . . [, SIGNI'mcANT ,ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES, . , Office supplxes 'costs' 'wer~~, ,pr.e~.is:n~_s-iy, -cEarg~d', ':1;_0'- tlje ,pir:~<;:t,o"r:lf's office:. Th-e propo-~ed.. bud.get (ref-lE?cts, these '~9?~~) 'qeiflg t:h4,~,gect, tp I~~.irent; "apd cAqvaif~eQ Planning and ,thee{ ;B\}.~idiF9, 'I_n~s-pection :Di.y;i;,si9J1:. '~tie~ ,reI1t~;Leqtiiprneht:'account' is' i'ncreased; to ,provJ!de ~fbr -tile rental rof 'the, ~wotd .processing ,eqtiipmE!Ii.t;, previously shown in pUrchasing_. .. ".. -- ~,. - . .-.-..... . - . ;- I: eIr:v oj: PrMA'f' 'DEPART1i\ENT ACTtv.ftv DETAIL :78 1 :bepartment: ., .. Activity, ;A.c!,iyi:ty: Plari.nin,g Services: 'Office ()'f the Director' Code: '300 'I' Obj. ' 1,9,8,1-8] :L981~82 .1982~83 1982-~3' 80de Expense :C1ass~fica~ion . , l!udget, 'Es;ti"""t~d . ,Proposed APp'rov:~,.c;1' I :1Sers.otitie,lExpe,rise i . IRange, ~Pos,itiori 'Title , : ! . I' ' D~rE7-f~or. , 33,852 '33',25,<1' 38..406 38,.002, 'A.cjminist.ra.!,ive Secr'eta:r'y, 12,'420' ;6;078 15.,108 14;<408: " , '~r;it :Inc:reases l,t5.7 - - - I I , HO' . 'Salaries '-Regular '47,,429 39,332' 53,514 52,,41'0 11'3 i iS~Jlaries ,-, 'Overtime - ~ '948 948 1 120 F:dn~e'Benefits 8,,869, rO.,494 '16,898' , ~'3 ,,758 , i I r , : , . - I: ,Total Personnel, 56,,298 49,826 :65.,'360 67,U6 Ooerat:.ions .and',Maintenancel . - ! . t'48 Special Studies 4~., og,o 30,,978 -, ,- 'I' 199 , Other pr6fession",} .Fees, 3,.500 '3,500 - -, 260 Reimburs~d M~leage) 200 209 89.0 ,800 2;)0 'I'rl!-',\.~l <g1d M~e,t_ings 2,. 6~5~ 1,.286 1,848' '1.,848' I 313 UnifprIIls ,L!,u,!db', Dry Cl,eaning ~OO, 500 250 250 ~~.-.. 315 P"ub]!.:i)ca~i!9ns 'and, Dues~: , :B50. 850 620 620 334 1<&M-Equi'pili~Ilt - - '106. 'i06 I 41'1 OfUce& Statii'ollery Supplieso - - 1,000 1,666 417 Operating Supplies ,1,500 5,249 , -, 513, Rent - Office 'Equipment, 2;)0 3,,29~ '3,2,'36 I , I : I , ,Total: .Op.erations ,and:'Ma-.i!ntenance"- , 54,,195 '.42:.'833 7,,920 : 7.,9;1.0 , CaR:Ltal o.utl~y' I : 611, Of-fic-e' :Furrdture 2,,000 13.,7,78 ,- , - I '611, Noi:se, :Meters 1,,660 1,17'3 - - : Total ~apjta1 0u:tray ;3,,6,00 l!4,,95i - I A:CtiyityTo,tal ],,14,,093 197!,,610 '7,30:,290 '75,,036 I I GlTYOF P0WAY' I' 79 nEPABTMENTAl,'AGT!;Vl;ry DETAIL . ;, DE-PAIl:â„¢EN'I.'i:i_A.gTIVI.:n;: , AC.T.I,)TI.TYCODE: I' Planning 'Services, cUrrent Planning 301 , -- :]' -""'- , ,_' _ ,',.'. ,', ACJ,IVlT7' S:OMMEtiJP.RY I 'ACTIVITY. ,DESCRI'P,TION, , 'The Current 'Planning ,section (is: ,broken down' into three basic parts: 1): day' to I d~y ractiyhies; 2\ 'p,re.sent"projects., and 3) future projects. The day to day, tc;cti~iti:es_of: CUrrent "PlannIng ~i:nclud~s 'the :process1..ng-,of ,developmen't revi:ews;~' .'_. '~N' -0 _ - _. '___ -,- .- '" . 'conditiona1 ,iise~ 'pe'rmits, :zone~ !changes', variances,. temporary: 'uses", parce1 ' :1 _~ ._ _ _ _ .__ ...' . _r .. 3. -," . - . . - : maps" <,aIld 't_ract 'maps. ,In' add'ition, Cil.! 'fieid inspections for. the above meiltici'ped' d~ey~1;op~~h.~ P.fo,c~-;:3~'ih9~' ~~r~' '4~~e:-'by "{~e_ C~rreht' tPlanning section. P,Lan checks'; ,prelirili.iiary, ~si te\reviews"I lCiIldscape ,plan reviews'" and 'bui'iding plan permit '.:teviews<are" ra'lsor ,~d~cl1it~llsh~d~ ~b~/ Crlrt'ent Plan~-ing:., Projects s~ch as - off~silte, 1 'I 's~ui5C4-ifi~si9n. ,~i.g~' ~~"foi-c;~~~~-~; ~~grr '~9rtii~ti9'n) ~eve-lop.ment o'f a comprehensiv:.e. .. code, ',e'rffO'rc-e_meJ].j;:. .-p'.rogr~; j~~;rte' 's~Qedi.ile5; It;!hfPJ;cement ,of, ..tenworary ,,9ccu'pati:oIl "'I?~rm, +,~,~;e rey;re, W," ':9, ff t,_ ~~, ,zo,nin"g ,Ordit'aIl,c,e, a"d' -related codes r im~lemen~atio~. o'f '-I ispec~f,w ,p.1ans; 'aIld complet~o,! of (:o.YJ!ty, ,prp]ects are the p,rolects ,~n, ,wh~ch, the, seciticifl' is{::q~~e~J;li invQlye~:. - t ,Future ,p~6~'E=ct~: .for.the' Cur~eI1~~ ,?,l_~i!.l:g, se.-~t;:ioll: ;.~c)~ucie~. tl1.e cieve~opment of' I 'a'~.desigh ,photographic ;-riot,ebOolf; 'd~v~_~oprij~!.t!;~oi c,l c::~tiien b~o~J:lur~.f l:1eil~,?k, on . "the ,development ,reV:l.ew "process"; ,handbOok on land use 'regulat~ons:- 'arid; 'stud~'es of' 'various ,oidina.iices ,that .may iriC'l"ude, 'b~t 'ma~ not b;>-l,imft~d-'-to, d~ping', 'I \maintenance'~ ,outdoor, di~pL~'r'i' ,;t-~(;:i:e~a.~.i9H?1~ v~~ic~e~~',; ~I1d ~~ji9TI o.:r;:di!:l_~Il<:~S'.' .. ACTIVITY GOALSi ,AND 'OeJECTIllES. ' " 1., To complete 'the :off-site, sUbqivigii6ri enforceme:n.t p,rog:r,iimo, I" 2.. 'To develop ,a landscape .design 'handbook, ~.ns::l.!J..4~hq i:it.an._d~~d~ .i3A.?i P_~~.i~cit;!s. 3., Development of a comprehens~ve coae enforcement p'rograni.. includirig 'fine, I, .~ ." sched~g.;es. 4. Refinement :of the development review p',rocess.,' I 5.. Development of the d_esigr1 ,ppotograpqic_ no~~e~6k~" ~ de:~.;gri :!j.~Ildb.<291<:: ~l}9 0" i otner :related handboQks 9h' 4everop!rien,~ :r:eyi~~ ah.d ~~p~rt~eilt_a)... :fl.p].,~tiC?~~'.. I: 6.. To continue to ,provide technical assistance to the City Gounc~~; ~iher City . ~_..... -... .. -~.. -",.-...-.~_..._-<.,- - '... --'" ->.... .._~ ~ departm~'!ts, ge'ne7~~ P~liC ~d, ci:t~~e!l ,,,d'Zifsory, conmi~ttee~: _ . I' ,7,.. Tp con1;.:l.:D.ue ,provJ.d~~q n.~gQ.J ,qua).:_;ty P).'~~.J.!~!lg s_e~v.JIc~s ~na t.lme:l:y and e'ffi'"cient : manner .: , " !SIGN;;~;ANT' ACTIVITY 'PROGRAM: 'CHANGES ,I, T.tie, reJ-@ours_!=c1' mfleaqea_ccourit nans Deen. infreased, ,due" ,t<? ,the. expected ,increased work- '16ad ',~of 'tti,epranning' staf-'f and,. in :(ecognftion ,that "the"Divjisfonwill ,bel complete1y- 1'1 s~~F.~~~(~t ,.;9r>~t:.H~,",:'n~i're year,. O~;Ef,b~ .s~~?~i~.5 ",,~i~h.., were; Rr~v-i:~usly" :charg:,ed ~~' ~the" , D.J:r~~t<?f 15, .Qf-fJ;c_e are :shown as a, cost, ,to lthl:s DJ;:VJ.:sJ.!on. ,Pr-J;nt~~ng ,costs, have been' ~ fI}5::re~ased', ,to. ,provide ~f9r' printiri,g of the ,dra'f,t, and ifina'l. ,copies; "of~ .the~ 'subdivi'sion. ~ 6Ec;l~tia{ice : -.', . ".1 - ' ~I "' ! , I -- - cITi,OF ,POWAY Ii DEPARl'MENT ACTiVIJYDETAI L, 80 I' Department: 'Activity:, <~ctily~;y praplii~q; lServices Current p~ann'iqg 'Coae:: jOl " - Obj. , ,1.9Bl"':82; 1981-82 1982-83 19,82-83 I Code Expense Classification Budget , Estimated Proposed Approved . Pej:'s,gnnel' Expen....e " , itIDge position, Titre I Associate -Planner' ,. - 2:J! 164 23:,3'75 . -'- "," ,Assistant Planner' 3~', '744 3~.1'$,6 40,,944 29'/:1]1, I " Junior planner (,2) ;1~,'l!lO 14i987 20-724 40.;531 ,1,..,- ,i>.dmini,strative Clerj< ,I - 6','596 11.5.4'1 11,'336' , '-Merit IJlcre~~~~ ' , 'l,j297 '-. - - I : 'rlO SaJ-",,,1es - Re91l1iir .50.221 :5.5',839 , 94,3'76 '95..413' 1:20. iFi:irige Benefits ,lO:,~,641 :1:4',939 27,8'72 28/395 I , I, , , Total 'Personnel 60.; 862 70 ;778 , 122,.248 12 3 ,808 OperationSl :and', ,:Maintenance -.. - , .. ,I 260 Reimbursed Mileage, 400 ,859" 2.600 2,600 TraveL 'and Meetings ,300 0300 ',200 -. .~ '270 200 .. 282 ' Postage' . ~ 1,590 1,.590 ' .311 printing 1',,590 1,,~46 6,;) 'H) e;,2j:Q 31'3 'Uniforms, >Laundry, ,bry, 'Clean~ing. I 7'10 '?5.0 12,5,0 25,Q , '. 315 ' p.ubi.,t'catfons' :and.~ '~es 150, :1;50 531 531: ,334 R&M"'Equipment - - ;99' 99 411' Office '&' Stationery 'Supplies - - '3~QOO 3',000 413 · ~hotogra~hi!~,'~~p~ii:es ' , ;30P ~,74 "lj,lQOO. 1,00.0 :. , , . l . , I, '\ " , , 10~~~ Qpe~atfq~~~{ahe'~~~n~en~~ce 3,4D'O' , 3;479:. , 15,,390 . J!5,'390' I , cap'i!tai,Qutl!ay I ,I '):6,ta~ gapHalQut}'!y - - .. ,-, - Activiity'To,tal, 64,,262, . ':74,257 L37,~3_8 '1;39,,'198 I 11 ; ; :1 ',, ,a) G-I.'fY\ OF ,F'owAy' D_EP.ARTME~'fAL ACFI'vt i'Y DETA It. DEP'AR,TMENT,:' ,ACT-IYI,T,Y: ACTI:<lIT,Y CODE::, ~~lc::i.I).n.ii\g: $E(:r;'J;i:pes. Advanced planning "~DI , ACTIV'i;TY 'CQM!'1;N;rARY 'ACTIVITY, :DESCRI'PTION :bc1vap.c~.d' Elanning, ,administers' and\ .maintains: ,the. .elements' of the General- ,planr reviewsj '.~,d ,p~ep'a;ies' :s'peci:fic: 'plans:, 'accompli:shes, :a:li 'envi-ronmeF1t~~, ,~e,;r~ ~i9~ 't~~ c;f.ty;', -- ~, respoiisilile~ for 'deve-iopm.ent:'monitorinq.,: impl;emen~atJ;<?n ~~d ','~qqr~.~rh~~~Opj !J.~qusJng'~ program, coordination.; ,energy' conser:vation, projects; ,development coordination for " .' _, .. ," , _,J,__. ~". '_ _ '.' . . _. ..__ ~___.' . ~.__ _ ."" ~>-.~, ,. _ ~ _ ,',__ .gr-ants, including, but. 'not1.l:irn..fted 'to ene:r:gy ,consepratlon"; eC"onomid deveTopriuant';, '.~_." -' :"-.~ "., ,.~ _ ,,'.~ ,'7 :'_,.., ,"-~ -:------ -- __--' _' , _ ..,-'" ,-~ parks and. :recreation; ~community develop~ent~ 'p;lock 'g~.~t ~p~ogi:~; r~,$gt.trc~' ~-oifser:y~- ,tionr maintenance ot the, ,General "?lail, detnog-raphic' inf6i1nation an_d- speci'a:1 ,pr-6j'Efcts - _ .. -or -----. . ,-' " . - _ - - ,- ~-- ... ~ -.' - .. - ~ such as ,the HaD Census coo.rdin".t:io!!1 "iirqua'l'ity.,'~ari;"i1.(I ',wat;er 'quality ,plan in - ,; coordination wfththe :Sal}' Dieg9' 'A~,?o<;::t~t.io~, oJ' Gbve'inments'. ~ ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES . 0 1. To co~ple~e the ~nd~~d state ~leme~t~ of the ,General, pran'within the 3D months a1,Ioca~ea to t~e Cj!ty !?y ~~",te la,,!;Tjiis goal will, be, 'accomplished ,in the fo~low~l:!g, 'mar.![ler,:.' I ~;) ;~y, iniLt,.i!E-t~g ,1;l:1~ q~v~;l~opme[t qf ,t.l'fe hoti!;i:LPg' ,~]teinefl_t, ope~ spac,e, element'" 'p\i.9~ic saiety, ele!ll~,:t:" sceni'c llighways 'elell1enti and, land use' e-lement,'by,cthe :1 Advanced planning Sta'ff; 0) By, in'itiating contrac'ts with,consultants,',for, .'~ ~---' ,~ - , -.-. -' , . ... -- tF~ ,i;i'eveQc?I?'rI!~ii"t of seisrDic safety" 116i:)-e, and c~rcuTa'tion "eiement, of.:the' 'G,ene.ral,Plan'. c) BY;PJ:CesE",ting the' Genera)! P,lan" elements to, the, public, ,and 'the CitY CoUncil for, review' and ado~,tion. . I .2'. I!!ip,J,:errie.ntation' :of ,the Gemera1 Plan and its elements wtl~i be accornp:l'ished, 'in, .the" ,f61lo~i~1,(:j" :nt?l1riet,: .. 'a) ~y :completing the' .preparationand review of a new development cope . , ,o~in..aIl(jei" ',concurrent'l:Y with the General Plan.. b') By fni''tiating and com~~ '. ,pleting 'fnililic ,hearings" 'concurrently:, with the city Counci~I 'on the Oevelop~, I ~ri.1ent' 'Code: ,and' '4€neral'ptan. - - . - '3',. '!=oritinuia 'e~~orts ,to encourage' ',specific pl:anning .of larg,e parcels of 'land.. ~h~'s ~i:noe, accomplished' oythe;'followin,?.' I ra) _I?Y ~d~yeloping .st_andards!,guidelines~# Genera-l ;Plan' 'elements:" and deve.iQP~ ' ' l!\eEt. o.t-dinan~e~ to eQcs:iurage: "spee~~ic p'lannirig. 'b) ~By, 'wor'king with sma.r-'ier I pa~ceJ o~~;:~! ,tq "e~pl~dn_ ,~lie ra'dva_n1=ages, ~of:, ,spec i-fie \plans and the 'mutua'l be})e~it.s ;~.?r- ,the, '~ity" a.rid the:'p~9P~"i~ty! oi.1her"'si. 4,., S:~I)tj.;-t1U?_ ,t? p~.;-ov.i:d~ t:~~h.QtC:a); a's'sis,tagc-e ,tq' ,the Ci~T ,Councfl., (other, c'ity depari;;;, '. rne!}t_s ,tp'~ geb~r~'l ,publtc.!;, '2l'11d cftt_z'en. ~aOdvfsory committees. SIGN~P,ICANTACTIVITYPROGRAM CHANGES ':. r:rhe ~~val1c.:e~q. PJ~n~:r:(i:ri.g D~visiori was pr-eyi0:1Jsly, provided, ,for ?s ,pari. of' ;tl1e; Office :9f' , tne Dir-ec:t6r~-~ For fis,cal year 1982-1983" ,th:1's'-Oi:v:i:sion. 'is shown., as. a ~separate'; cost, ' . - , ..--~ ,. - '- - -' .-, " ~-~ -', - "~I c-eriter,:;; I ,- ; I , ,-" 0 CITY OF POWAY I '82 DSPARJME,NT t\C1;IVHY I2ETA!L I 'oepartment:, : Acti vify: Act;ivi~y p~anning, Serv~ces j\dvanced,?)a"ning Code,: "302 Obj. 19B1:..,82 '1981,.82 1982-83 1982"':83 I" Code, Expense Classification i Budget' 'Estimated 'Propo'sed ApproYi;!,d ~~rsonnel Exp,,~nse Range!, PS?s~:tiol1 ~i:tJ.e , ,I Associate Planner ,- 1,609 ' 21 164 "22'i 599 __"t,.. ' Administrative Clerk II - 900 12;,'495 ni9~!i , p-l'annwg Intern (Part-time) 4,,560 3,,223 ' 5,,184 6'i739 .' " 110 , S#Ai'.rj,e.!' .. ~~gu:1a.~ 4,,'560, 5,,',72'3 '33r659 34:,565 I ).,17 , Salaries - Part..,time ~, ,- 5,,184 6;739 I 120 E:fing'e Beriefitd" '- 625 9,,038 11 ;'300 , ~.. V"'" .. ',_. .. _'" _ " I , , , , I , Total Personnel '4;560 6,348 47,881 '52 ;'604' :Operations an~ Mixnterianc~ I 148 : Speci"l Sttidie's - ,]:8,000 1:8,000 260 'Reimbursea Mi'leage - 2",000 iOc ,2;000 270 ,Travel and Meetings - - " 260 '200 .a 2B2 iPostage - - },'S()O 1 ,'s6'0' 311 : Printing - - ' '3;750 '3,,756, , , 313 I uni'formS ,Laundry" Dry Cleaning'" - - 2;;0 256 ,315 . Publfications and," Dues: - - 28"1 Za9 .. 4cL'1 '6fffce '& 'Stationery ,Sup?lies, - - '2,,00,0 .2,006 41'3 'Photographi!c SuppLl:es, - - 1,,00.0 ;1,'090 Sl:'J Rent .., Of~ice Equipment' - - 3,~96 :3,'296 , 'I I 'I' , ",.J , Tota'l Operatfons "aiid~~'Mafntenaricer G2 ,285 , ,32,;285 ,- " I: Capita:1 Outray , , , I' \ " . , , ,I ,TotalCapi.tal Outicay - " - '-, _ _ . _... _ _. . "v Activity TO.t.al 4,560 6',,348 '80' ,.166, e8:h 889 .. , I: I ,- - CITY OF' POW,AY 'I ,B3 DEpARTMENT At'A.CTIY!.TY DETA'l L , DEP'ARTMENTc: AC:TJ;V:tTY, ACTIV-ITYCOOE :. Ins ection 303 ' , Pla.hi1in '~I ;,Services Buirdih " Safet ACUV I TY COMMENTARY I, ACTIVITY' DESciUIiTION. Building Services are,provi?-ed, t:hrou9l1', coritract .with 'Esgil Corporation. The Esg:i!i Corporation provi:des 'fuJ!l',btiildirig iinspection; plan check reviews, '. answeis to que:stions via 'th~ ,~~J:~phC?.Q.~,~, ~d,.pul:51-ic' cO)i:tac/tl 'at, the: .Planning, . and BuiJi'ding serVices coun~~.#.'~: :1.'hEd':~' 'i:esponsibiliities' ;are\ "for. the administrat'ion and enforcement o'i l;>~,iidi.ng cCia.,." 'ap.a related ordinances adopted 'by, the city. They not ,only provf'1e structural'. electrical and mechanical .engineering inspections -~~ :p),;~- ;,~y~.e~?',;, -~ut pU:ildiilg pLan check', 'services' 'and ~consul-t~tion s~rVices' wi:~ c~ti:zer,H3 011 ~eq~.~r~e:sjts c-f ~tate.t CftY~1 and. 'the, tihtformi fBuildip.g Code., 'ACT'IVITYGOALSAND OBJECTIVES .1, "ro':c?Sri1=-iIjue -to ;provide ;complete services to the citizeg~ o~ ?9jY'ay' ~h9 a_~-eb 15uilging~ ;s-guctures' 'or,' "~l?puitenancesi"'within', our c'~~YI:' 2,. ,Ti;) 'continue ;to' ;provide. complete 'services: to ,deve19P~,~s, '~ho a_.te 15tiiJ'd'irig ~~ru~t~r~s or' ~ppuitenances'within'our,. City. . J" To con_ti_llue to prov:i!de, 'ali:asion :and, cooperativ~, '~nv~.Z:~z:ur!.,E!_g~' wtt;h a~l Ci!ty departmerits, related,a,gencies'. the C;oUnty of '?all' 'Dieg!" .ilj1aStat" Of Ca'l'ifornia. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM,CHANGES . Buit,lCiinginspection act'i'liity is ant'icfpated to 'increase due ,to 'the"amdi.ii1t (:jf ',p1:c:1I1S -'-'- '<'C'" .,,, ....-- - -. '. '0' -, ' . . .. ,".- . 0_, _ ~'''_. . _~ ",," tl!~t h9:y~_ ~.een ~pproved g.ur-ihg :the last y:ear. iri acldi'tfon, quiiicifI;g. "I!.1spedti9n ,fees' ~r~: qeA)ig ins_reaseg. .9Y six ,(6) ,"~ercent. I , )'. " I I, .. ---- CITY' OF POWAY I , 84, DEPARTMENT AGTlV-ITY DETAIl!:. .. ....-.,,- .. _.- .. -', .,-,' I Depat:tment}.. ActivTty: Actiyity I :Planning Se~ices Building,&;SafetyInsp,e5'tioIl Code,: 303, .. Opj. 1981-82 1981~,82 1982-83 l!982-83' co4~ 'E~~.n$e_ q.~~.~~:fil'~?::ti.:o~ Budget ,Estimated ' Proposed, Apprd~E!d :1 Personnel. ,Expense Range', Positic;>n:ri:~le , , I J', , . ,. ,I, ; I i I, I: I , : " I 'Total- :p,ersonnel 'operations. land ~Mailitenanq! , , i I 1'43 BuUding Inspection B5;;875 52,,282 67i5Q9 $7;,,500 2.7.0 Travel and Meetings 400 '400 - - 3H 'Printing 709 ,700 700 , 700 , ,I 31:5 'p,ubHcahonsandDues, 600 ,600 lOa 70.0 ' 4H Office, ,&, StationerY' .su,Pplies, 500 500 :1,000 1';-,000 I I " , .;. .. i , .' , I' , : 'I' .. Total :Operation_s! and :Ma:intena-nce 88';0:75' , 54,,482 ,69',900 ,69';900 I: CapftalOutlay, .. 61): Offfce F~-~i:t~re 4;900 4',,00,0 - - - I: " .. , , :1 'Tota~ capital ,Outiay 4:,000 ' ~~090 -, - 'Acti. vity TO,ta!l. , ,92,,'075 58".482 , 69 ;~OO 69;990 ., If " PEP~RT~MTAtCHART OF ORGANI?ATioN Ol, 1.1" CITY' MANAGER - at3 , 0 - DlIUiC'rOR PYJi3LtC SERVICJ'S ^ ~ . 400' , " ,,, , 0 nELD STREET WATER SEWER' OPERATIONS EN'GI'NEERING ,!lA]'NTEN!\NCJ;: StJ~PLY ~\l.MPING' - ~ 461: 4Q2, 463 404 40~: . - , , WATER 'SEI'IER 'WAREHOUSING VEIIICLE TRANS'MISSION ",COLLECTION & & FAClCLITIJg> EQUlCPMENT MAIN'!'E.l'l!'H~C,E REPHR , 406: 401' 40,8 409 - ',- - - - ,- - .- - - - .. '. .... - . -, .. ',,- .. ; J "I .1 -"._--~ ~ I ClT,y OF POWAy DEPARTMENTAL. ACT IV I TY OVE,RVIEW 86 I Dep1;.Code Department': F,unYd Dis:.t..l:ibuti;on,; 'Water FUnd - $2,7,98,843 400 , P.tibI'i:c Se),~ices ,S~,!,~r ;Fu!ld - '$'1,281,1558,; Street Fund, - !$n5'. 744 General, Fund "". ,5257"-394' '19BO-1981 I " I' EXPEllsE 1981'-'1982 1"f8~"f982 il!182..,19B3' 1982-1,983 CI.,AsgE,:.:r;~l\,:rION ACTUAL B.Uoi:;,ET j::ST,I~!~ I?RO,PQSED APp,ROVEO . l Tot'a1 posi:t'ions 47' 46 , 46 ,,46, ,. .' I, Personnel Exp,ense 1:,);87.,,47): 1,24'3,,882, 1;151i~,,444 i:,-3ti4;'3f;!ti " , , ;1: , OP,e'rationi; , and Ma,fn':t'~p.'~I!'~e, 3 "OGO,,475 2.,972 ,831. 3',679,,900 3.622,008 ..1 ~ _cl ,___ ;I! Capita'l OutUi 126,.342 120,297 35,65.!j 127,245 ',--'- . I' " I TOTAL .BUo'GET ! 4 ':344 ,288 '4,33'7,OiO, 4 ~;897 (999: 5" 113" 6G9 , l OVERVIEW ~COMMEN:r'A!~Y TneDepa.l'tIrientof p\lbli'c Se!\V:j,ce's fSfe:SporlsibTe ~6rtheadn\iriis1:.rati9n,an_q , , implementatio~,of. tli~ G~pif~l I~p~oyement P~og~a~;a~q~ for 'p~oviqln~;~ig~~q~nce I Is~'r.:vices- to, :Cit;y fpUblic '~mp,t;'-oyefueli't"s; The Dep~(r,~rtt~rlb 'con_s"ist.s" of-qine TI1~DO~ ,divisions- which include:, 'Op~rati6n and Maihienap,cel' Adniib-is-c:r~ti6n;, '~n_g:irj~er:iXl~ :and Inspection:, Street and '-Channel Maintenance, Water ~supp'ty', Treatmerr6-" p~ping , I and Storage" S~wer, ~pumping\, 'Treatmertt. and Di.!sposal" :wa:ter' ,Transmission and' - IDistributi'on" Sewer. dc;:;iiecti'on Malntenance" Faci'l.l't.ies. Maintenance ,and Ware- 'housin~~ ,and! Veh~c~e and Equipment Maintenance. 'I 'The: :oepar,tment' of. PubI'i:c' Serv~ces coordinates the engineering planning" 'budgeting.., 'design,. .contract ,admin:lstration and 1nspection, of' all. capitai ~Improvement ,Projects ,for, the City'_ I ,-The: Department of iPuD~ic, Services i!s vested wyth ,the: 'responsibfli ~y -of; managing , , and' ;maintaining a\ 'variety of 'municipal ser.vices and, :fac{lities;, :i:nc'luding .streed:s:,. ,safety lignting)r .-tralfic' s.i!gnalsi,. s'treet sweeEin.g, 'street, ma-intenance" sewer " J , .. ,.., , ,k , ,I ,c_ol:Cection"rnunicip~l '[lUildin9si,' ~ehicIes a~d equ-i'prne~t" water treatment,! 'wat~r, :distribution: and, 'water;... sewer. ~maintenance and constructiion. I \The )DE7partment 'of: ;Pub-lic serv-ices" tog,ether wifth other cf"tT departments., ,is ~res:- ,ponsible, ,:f"or :reviewing; ~proposed' ,d~velopments, repor.ting ,to 'the, cftY' 'council, -implel!lenting City, ,st,andarcl's',,- 'P1:<;1f!.' c~~ck-ingf'; ?-nd :~nsp~c;;t-i!on of .privacei -d\~ve'Tqp~!=pt~_'., , 1 , " , ,I' - ~ , . - -'-"~-- ~ , " I , , 1 i CITY OF POWA~ I 87, !)~P.A:R:rMEN;t-ALACT I V IT;Y' DEiTA [I.., I DEPiARTMEN~i: '~CT.'t'VIT.Y ." ACn~I:r:r CODE,:, ~, ",' om _ __ , PJ.ilil1.icl Services, Office. of, the Dir~c~pr 406 il: ACTIN! TV ~OM!'1EN;r)liRy, ACTIVITY DESC~PTION " iThe aresponsibi.li!ties of, ~he Office 'o'f ,the Di~ector include di:rect"'supervision,; 'coprdination, ?nd' ,c?~.t;91 Of ~11 .deparitmentai -~9t~'v::ttr~_s ~qr '"ther bep'artme~t, b( ~lic, ,Senrices. The ~D;rect'or ,Cif. ,pUblic services fs apP,9'iIl'tea, by the, City' 'Mart<jg""r. ,and: ,functions ,in, a .staff 'capacity .,to' advise "elec,ted and appointed,off,"cers, c6nc~rriing the :Ci~Y'L;' -i:{~li,ci 'se:t;Vices' :needs. al},rte~i_~~m~nts. Staff,' 'assfg;1~~, tg' thei'O'irector I'SI office' ,ensji.:res; .tnat' the personnel- and. f-inailcial management pro,gram df' ,:t.he. 6e:!?artmeI)~t: ',iis' co~sis-tent',with 'mw1icip~i poii.~ies', 'and -procedures. - -.., ,The birec,!:or"i,s oJfi"cel is, :resl?onsible' :fb;- ~ fa')i coordfnating ,the city; s Capital 'IIilprovement, 'Program of ,PUblic ~-- - - ..- . - -., ?~r:v:iges 'coi1'S'truct10n pro j ~9ts ;; (b) i~an~g~~g d~partmentai progr~~ ~h~ pers8rinel; eel ~eeking.~os~ibie alternat~ve fvnd~ng sources; , . . (d) .prov;,iding ,a variety 'of da,ta ~g, iIlJormation vital 'to th.~ City"'" dec;:isi'on":'i:nciking tprocess: {and ,pqli.dy formation to elected 'and ,. - u,. ,< ,'_ _', _ _ _ ,. .~., ~ apPointed,City officials; I \. eel !=:q fricrease 'thei ef(ilciejic:'y 'of' 'the) Depar,trnent,i:s ,effq.r,:c_s through " cos-t-benefit, anaiys.i'"s< ~f' all~ ,maintenance, iservi'c;:e. .'contra;c'C's; , - - 'ff) manag~_~g 'cgl~_ direcjil1,gthe: engineering 'S~f}~~on\ '1;0.: ',p~.ovl.de' e'f-ficiency and <3.dherance to ~i'ty 1'5 po.tic"i~s and di:recti:ons f~J2a:t_ing;, -t_6.~hel <!eyel~pment of a~he:r P,i.;bli"s:: S~1;'ii\=es .tunctfons-. ACTIVITY GOALS AND. OBjECTIVES , P -Toaq,lJ.ieye de-p03.itmenta1 Igoal's '~hX:9~gq {h,e 'Ef~ftablishment of etfecJiv~ systems ~ ,i. pro"ced~e~:fl -aiid1 ,p-rogra.ms'. , ,. . , 2. To' constantly evaluate departmental_ programs" \proj~cts' and' repor,ts ih 3_n e'ffoi,t to maxim~~e 1?Jo.9.4uc;tivi'1;yr 'and, elirnfnc~:~e~ ,dupli~~tion, ,:and' obsoi~s'c~zi~e,:,' '3. To .i;ncrea~"e_ th~ef:frcien!=y of ,the De:p..g-tn'terit_,!'s effqrts ~in' 't11e areas of contrAct: manag,eme!1t a!}.9- rnaif1t,~naric;e services,. SiGN~~fCANT, ACTrVITY PROGRAM CHANGES i ,Publications ,and diie_s ,have, 'beenl ,:decreased as a result of moving ~the cost, of 'f[feInber- 'ship ..in ,the' :s~~', 'Diego 'Region, :water oRecfarnat10h' Agenc-y,to Qperati'ons 'a~d M~filte~ance' 'c . _. ..... ~... _~ _ ._. ". , '. __ _.. _ '. 'Adinlnis~r.a~~,~rn.. Vehicle' (maintenance. ?!l-~ ,ten~~a'l. ,ar-e 'propos'ed toee c;:ha.,;g~~d to each o.ff th~'.co~::t;!c:efn:~:e~_s: ~with, 'vehicle~' 'to ~r~c9ver :maintenance costs' and .p"ieV~i;1e 'for ,the .fj.;.!}~I:1c;lrig '9f f.uttii'e' 'vehicle\ r~p_la.c~)!l~D~~~ - , ..- ~ - j , 'I , CI TV ..oF POfiAY BB' 'I \, , IlEPARTMENTAGT'IVITY DETAIL iJ!Opar,tmen t:, Activity,: Actiyity I - Publici ,Services, Office of the Director' Code: 400 Obj. \ 19B1"B,~ : ):9~1-!32 19B2.,'B} '1982~B3' I coqi", ' Expense Class~fica~;on , B~dge:t' f .E~ti~~~d l?:ropps~d Appr~;<led , 1?,,;r1!o!meI E1<lie,tise Range PositJ.j"ri Title I pirector , 36',007 4',BO!? '3B,J~2() ii9',229 "Assoc'iate C:J.vTl Engineer 32:,011, 32',010 3~,,094 \32,'/01-1 ,Engineering Technician '22,422\ - ". ~ , :1 24', 097' t1'OZ~ ~4.,09,7 . -'.';"",1.: , ,Administrative Secretary ,:J!2,,\17 1,3,,41:6 ;14;,,066 ! 14 ,161 ,Assistant ~9 the ()~rector 3,h 129 3)",.199 - - :Merf:t Increa~~ ~,?I7 ,- - - I ,110, : Salaries ~ Regular 14.0,57/3' ,1.95',S29. 10,9.,;; 062 109',49B' ,1\26 i 'fr.illge, 'B,,_nef~ts '. 31 ;330 ~26i,382, 25,,9,01 31,351 , ,i , i ;1 , , Total P,ersonnel' , 1,71 903 13'1, 911 134 963 140 "de, ,Ocerations and Maintenance , - , I " 'I ' ,260 Reiiilbursed', 'Mileage 1,500 l,OB7 1,220 1,200 'VehiCle ',Oper a tions 1,'200 1,1'lB ~ ~ - '" 262 500 500 ;263 ';Vehidle, :'Maintenance ~ - 4,,912 s,oii , I ,264 ,Vehicle, Rental, - ~ 2' 647 ?,647 , L'\_ : 270 'Travel, :and,M'eetings :'3J,9()0 .~ , 711.1, 3,,08,9 3,0,,9 3J:1 ,prin'ting, - 4~2 - - '313 :Un-iforms" rLaundry', 'b~ q,leaning i,:,,756 1560 ,5QO 500 I ~ I, ~ _ ,315 p~1~ca~io~~ '~~'Dti~~ ,5,690 ',5..,B2B' 7,90, 790 " ,334 !,&M-Equfl'men:t' 6()O 600 600 600 : 4fi OffJc" '&, 'Stationery' supplie'~, 1,650 , 1..5B9 '2 ,000 2\,000 "'''ii" , I '41'3 p~o~pgraphis 'Supplfes . 300 150 120 120 ! . .- ~ \ I \ I , , , I, , ~o~,a~ 9t:)e~a:~Xon:s' 'a..g~c?-MaJI}t'~!lan<;:~ 16,590 . "6 ";;7 16,045 .Ji6 35B ,I capi tal 0ut.lay 611 \ Eig:ht (8) Fi'l'ing Cabinets L.i50 ,i,l'~O - - - 611 ',Off:i'ce E~i'l'ment 1,BO:7' 4,525, - - . '6-11 "Co11.lpu'ter Termina'1 - ,- - 2.,BOO , I ~otal Cal'Ttal Out ray ,1,807 4',52'5 1,150 : 3,,950 , Activ'i!ty To'tal +,90,'300' 152,4B1 152,!l'?'i,' iM ,316 .1: ,', i I Gny OF! flOWA.y, ,89 DEPARTMENT~L AGTIVJTY DE;rAIL, DEPiARTMENT,:ACTI'VIT,.Y: F' Id 0' t' , d AC,T'I,.v,IT,Y' CODE" . - ~ ~ .' - .' f ,18" - pera J.:ons an ~ - ."" - - .~, - . y~!~~ Se.~ice~ ~Maintenance Administration 401 , ACT I V I:T:Y COMMENTARY, - , ACTIVITY;DESCRIPTION ,The',Water, Operations: 'Manager. .is'responsible for .averaii: 'manag,ement and 'admmistration Ofi t::he'; iCity,I"s, water ,and ;sewer,.utiliti.es field operatlon,. 'warebOl.1.sinq,; v~hr~'l~- ~rid; ";,j-- ~~~PInent "maiii,tenance, ,facilities,. ,In,",addition,. "thi.s' 'y~.ar, ,~~e ~d~e~ ~p~ ~ si're_~t~ -.' -, - . ... r.. ,...... . and drainage. maintenancei 'and' ,City building ;faciliti~s in,cl,u<jlhg the c;;i.ty, Ha:II, Community Center -and -recreation',;bufldings. .Through ihfs:, of.fi_ce, 'are. :mima,ged ,tHe -water ~supply, tre~~~ez:t.t, 'pumpJ.:1}g J d~5~riJ:jutioz:t ~and. s'tcrage" :sewer ,collection, pumping, treatment laJ)d cfisposa:l~i' s-creet' and "Sftorm drain, creanin~r and, repai:rs,' Cfty-,bu11dlng' 'fac~f'.i:ti'es,'~ 'wai-eh~q~i~g ,a~~' y~h_~c.le ~~Ifd equipment. maintenance. , . ACTIVITY GoALS ANbiOBJEC'rMS 1., To p,lan and coordilnate aol'i water,', sew~.z.:,i ?t.;:~et, la~d"\ 'dta_inage\ ~6rR, ,activ.tti_es uS1ng existing staff. 2., Commence the City bufi'diilg mcfintenanceprograln~. 'w _ _"_ <. r_ _,., . _. _ ". '.~ 3,. ',Operate ?ha, 'ma~_n(ai!'l_ ,tIle qi~y I ~ ~~_r~~hQ..tfsii1g' '-fa;c;:iTity/~ I~ 4.. ,Maintain ~he GitY".5 vel}i<;::ie ~'l~et and eqUip11!ep.t: ;in:ven~ory;. SIGNiFICANT ,ACTIViTY PROGRAM CHANGES The: ,pUbl-ications' 'and. dues ,acc~burit is iIiCi:-e"asea to provide :for membership 'in. .thel .' S~nDi.;;~;'- R~9'io"" 'Wiiter R~ciamati6n ,Agen'Cy . at ~ cost ~f $4.950. MemberShip .was, pre'" .----- - .' ._".. . - -. ... '. . ~ . " vi'C?~sly ;p.~~ge-:te_d fb~r in the 'O,ffice of the "birector '5 budget. The -San hiego 'RegfoI1. Water. ReC:la~ation A<:fency"s, '90al is' t9 develop :6etter, methods of treating"and; - I ~~ciai~~hi'~~ste~~~~r tfiiougp.iese~tch,primaril~:by contract. This activfty, ~s ) .ffuidedoyniember.- :,dues:'plus State' ,and ,Federal -grants. The City does notanticl'pate' eb.t~-;"ing i-n-to .~'ny 'agr~ejQ€!:9(s' to" ,ptdYi:9~~ the 'addltiona'J,. ~9st ,of fnsta,:ti'ing over~f~ed, water _Limes, to ,prO~;i:g.f~\ fo~r' Juj::ure' 'ne~_Q:S;., Tner-efore,; ,no ~Inonies are budgeted in the 'rfiscal, 'Year ot982-19$3 :pu~lge!=~~ Engip:e~~"rifig ,co_sots; fo~, ,the ,sewer system ~re anticipa'ted. to, decrease, next' ':y~ar !si.nce; no' ,~la"rge, ,proj',~-cts Icfre' ;p,lailned". .The, :Assistant. Water 'opera~i6t:rSi ;~_aI}ag€!r itJ:al?' be.eri' ti~f[fe_,rre,9 to: the Street ,and Channe'l, 'Ma'intenance <bivi<sibp' ,tq' ,prbv.i:d.e: ::sup~r~~siQI]., 'of ctn~t?: JUriction ,in addi-ti,on to supervising' ,the: 'fac.flj;efes, IJl9:J~t:ltetj.'4nc:-e ;and: ~~aj:~~l?o\ls,in.g ,fu.ncJion'. I I '. , " , , CITY (iF PrJrlAY I DEPARTMEr'rrActi'viTY DETAiL 90, c, 'pepa,rtnlent), !,>ctivity: "Activity, I 1?1il:l,lJc sei;r:L.c:es Field Operations & Maintenance, Admin. Code: 40'1, , obj,. r98i"'82 f1981-82 1982~8) 10982-83 .E~ense Cl'assii.ffca~2on , ".m " 'E."d....t,ea , I C:ode . ,B)'f!get, P.ropo,,!ed' :APp.rovEid ,'l?ei)39i1I)e,:J, Ei!:Pe'ntie ., iRa.nge~ ' Position Title " I PUblic, 'Services ,Operations, . Manager' . ;J6,358 37r, 024, ' 38' 424 ' 37,,,25} , ",- "' Engineering )..i.de l,!l",492 18A~1 'lB, 4~2, , 18,936 I ' Administrative. Cl!'rJ5: ~u' 10-360 12,,165 12,588 . 1I!608 ..,' u , ,~A~s-;',,'Wate~' Qpez::a~19~sl~Mgz:~ 30:,34" ;3,4;:3!7 ,- - , Meri't, "Incree.se, 1;428 - - - , 'I 'sa,ia,ries - ~e,gu.'lar 110 '96:;'985 101,99.7 '69,'504, 6",797 .~ : ' " i20 Fr!Ilg" Ben~fits: ,20,,886 2:7,,402 .l!5,844 :J!9,76:3 I. , , :1 , 'To:tal :personnel In ;'8:71 129:;399 85,348 8T ,560' 'Ooerations ,and Maintenance , " :1 161 -Water 'proj~e~~ EpglI}ee~i-Pq J;O',0.90 ,10,838 ;;',,500 7:,500' 162, Sewer ,pro,j'ect .Eng,ineering '18, 000. :21 iOOO ,7,;500 7,,'500, ""'0' 1260\ :Reimbl.!rsedi IMileage ,100 ,so 60 60, ;262: -~. ~ .-- -,' --, 'I < "vehic~~ '9p~r~.t~i~oIl15 780 :568 500 500 '263 Vehicle iMaintenance - ,-, 2,,323 '2,398 '")-.i'(!" - _ """-"~ -..-, _. '-- :264 V,,]}icle 'lj.en:t:a'l - - 2: 180 2 ~ 180 2,7'0 ,Tr"vel a,,4!1e,r;\tihgs i 1,060 684, 640 640 'I ,31:3 :,pnifoims'i 'La\lri.'diY-, Dry C:leaning 630 ,477' 786' '786 '31.5 ' 'PUblicfttionS' ""d'Dues , :6',040 , , 90 95 6,,040 411 :Office, ,S; 'Stationery Sqpplies 50 '250 156 ISO '. 4'46 :,Ove~s"izin9:' 'Agreements ' 3,914 , '3,:914 - ~. : I , : p:' ; i . l , ' T9t~~1 Oper;:fti{ons and, ;Maintenance " 34' 624 ~"1- P.'7"- ' , '27,679 27 ;'75'4 'I, 'C:apftal Outlay ; . , 6U \'brattfng & Prihtihg' 'Equipment' 18 300 15';4~2 - - _ H~_ - ,.-_"-. I ! 62:t Compact Vehicte ;9;"77,5 9/,,7,75' - - , ' il To.talCapi:t:al0i,1t;lay :28,,075l 25'.267, ". - , I ;Activity 'Total .. ]80';'570 192,5:42 If3" 0';2.7 'h5.,3r4 ,I I ' 0 , ; " . i cHyo.f POWA)': I 91 I DEPAR:rMENJAL ACTIVITY DEJA i'L I, ~ - . .~." ..' -. . . IbEP'ARTME NT", I ACTI;VI-TY', ACTIV,:r1Y COQE': i.: PtibJ:ic ,Services oErigij1eerihgi '402' 11! A0r't viry' COl1ME t:lJARY I' I ACTIVItibESCRI'PTION, Engineering s.e,~:L.c::"s a.r~ pr9vi'ded,to,the City by the consulting HrlI1 ,of Beq:y!!,an" 'Stephenson 'Incor2orated for basic engi'nee'i'ing' support, ,for' City activities such as Pub'ric Work~-,p~C?j'~ct" ~~n~'~'~iat.i!ofi; :~tree't~, water-,and ,sewer: l~prc?;';'~~~t ,pl_~nitig and desi~~", ,trafffc engineering serv"i'c:es,; ,surveY' 'and' ~inspection:se:rvi:ces'i developme~~ ,Pj"'; 'fh,eck~ng 'a;"d'related .tasks such,asproviding eng{nee;"~"g supp,or,t for th", P.l,a,n"~!lg D,e2ar,tment., ACTIVITY 'G0ALS ,AND OBJECTIVES 1, To, 'provide genera'! ,and technical data necessary for the City ,tb maintain and' ~. . - .... ._ u_. _ __ _. _ . ,_, . _ "" ,'. '9P~~ate., "-t;.~~, 'uti;liti" systems and !street ana draJ.:nase facj!iit;i:_$s'-; ,2. 'To ,a~,~\li"e ,top ',\iualit;j',?Ublic ~provements O;f deveiop,e,r!'t.J:!roUO;lI1J plan che<::kiI1~, ~d, Jield ,iIis~p'.e~tion, of. .construction' 'proj:ects. '3. Tg; p~qv"i.:.d_e. ~fq);, ,safe. ~assa~e :of" 'tra~fic ~on, "~~.i;.~~y ~tr~~!=-:? i~~_9~9ti.. responsible, d~sX9'I1, :spec'i:ficaHon ,'and construction 'of 'Pllb1,ic dgl}.t:s~of-way, and by' co!}.:ti~'4al.moni toring- :and, correcting "of' 'problem. area:s~ - - - - n_ _ . _ ~ _ ..., . I '4'0 .Toprbvide the< engineering lsupport' p_ec:ess_a:qr. fqi: a, r;:ompr-~he~ris-fve P:lann-iing' i Q,epartinen t ~ i " I ~CTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1982"".198:3, ,'Forecasted i: " Development'. Erocessing, Ten'tative, Map, 40 , ,Tentati've:' ,P,arce'l. MapSr 49 Fina'l Maps, '200 "Grading' Plans 50 Im~rovementJ Plan. Checks ,h "Inspedtiori Excavation permi:ts 'Ill0, ciii:b Gr'ades ,19 ,I Grading l,j(). C5Sristrl.;idtfon 3-9 suhd~vi;9Jo!i ,io, SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES 10" The: .a'ddition of two (;2.) inspectors to thfs activii'ty. deleted, .frOm\ 'the constnfC:~.'" --.--.-- - - - - - - . , . - .- --'"' .- ~4::dn',a9;tiyitz anq'tne aacfftJ.'on of co_ntracte~ .iinspe<:1:or on,"an as, n~eded 'l?~si!s' t9. 'li?nCll~_ tl1e adaitional in~pection workload .trans'fer-re-d fr9m'~1;l:e, '~O,uflt;y to',tpe , C,j.t'ij. ,2'; Adaitiona~, activit~ in.Development ,processi~g ~n4 Tr~{ftc ~pg~Qeet~ng'r~l~~es' to the transfer ,of ~at;responsib~ilty from t~~ CoUnty oJ ~ap Diego ,~o ,tpe ,City. I . I, .. ! . - -..,,-- ~ ; , I CITY OF ROWAY ~ ,92 , ' , DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY DErAIL I ~partmerit1. Ac;:tivitj'i Activi ty PuI;,lic: 'Ser:v:ices E:n,~ineering 'CodM .402 Obj, , l!981,.82" 19,81-82 1982-83 1982,..83 I Code: E~pe}~~e .9i:a-s~J~Jit~a'~;on. Bud'!..t :~:Estimatea Proposed Approved ~ Personnel Expense I Range Po~i't'fo_"., T:i!tle , , E1.!bfic S..r:v::i!ces 'Inspector ('2} , 41,466 41,467 42,,463 45,001 I 11,0 salaries - RegUlar 41,466 41,,467, 42,463 ; 45,,001 - -~-- -"--~ .---. " ll~ Salar:i,es - OVert'im_e - ,- 7",6:80 7,,680 I; , , 120 Fririge Bel!e~tts ~6,,90?' 16,90,7 1:'4,.185 17,541 , : . I , " , , : I " Total:' Personnel ,5!3;37.2: 58:,3074 ' 154,)}8 -70,,222 ':Operations and Maintenance . , ~ I ,148' Special studtes '50;000, 72,,944 ' 80,.000 8.P,Sl09 ,160, Ei1gineering - , - 40;,000 40',090 I :163: 1Traffic Enqineer-ing 11,,6'67 l8;000 40,,000 ' 40'; 000 262 'Vehicle Operation '- - 4,180 4,'180 263' ~Vehicle Maintenance - - ~',089 ,5;254 _,l.._ , ,264 Vehicle Renta-I -, I - 2,,803 2,',803 I 313 'UE.i~fp~.!?;" ~all.!1dry:~" Dry cleaning' '- - 630 '630 36'0 ~p~~~ast ~h~pection ,87,000 '40,,000 ' 50,,000 '50 ,000 , :i6~ Pl~~ Ch",ck ~~ ~p P~9c~ssing - - 250,,000 250;000 , 4:11 'Office & St~a't,;;one!'Y ~uppli~~ , - ',- 2!20'o' 2,200 I . , 4.13 PtQt9graph~<:: supph~e~ , - - , 350 350 , , "I , , , ; , , , , I , , T<J_t~l Opera'~.i'ons and Maint_en.'arlce 14,8'/6,67 ,130'944 475,'252 475,41:) I ". ,f., ..~_ cap'ital Outlay: , I I Total Cap~ta1 o~t1?y ~ '- ~ - Activ~tt ,To,tal c 207','039 J189" 318 539,580, 545! 639 I , :1, " , --- .- 'J I CiJ'Y OF 'POWAX i 93 I DE'pART:MENTAL ACTI V'I TV- DEtML , -,-!. I' , I DEP,AR~MEN"T: ACTIVI,TY" ",cTI,V,I;ry CODE;: '- str~e~' and Chann_~l M_ai~1;e_~~ge, 493 ' , I ,Public, ,Services , AgnYl,JY COMMENT:~RY l. I ;., ACTiVITY iDEsCRI'PTioli r - , The' ,street, ,and, Channel "Maintenance activity undertakes a va"ri!"ety of milirit'enance, .' - - - .. ~ ,-- --~ .. _.~. --~ ,- _.,,~,' ...--- - ... -..... - - ',- ,functions I f"rmerlY'p"r.fClrmecl. 'bY. '~he CO\ll]tYClE S~ Dieg" R~p'artment, of Tra,zlspOr- tation-. '.These ,activitfes, ,include 'pavemen."t repair,," re'surfacirig: .and. !:feali"ng;, ...:. , - . ,~". .., _ '-2" - . <<. - .- <.- - - ., --' -, ..-. -.- . , . -- traffic! marking, ,aJld :stripj.ng, 'o,f' ,a:llpJ!bli" sr-.reets arid h~ghways" J5riclge, !:iox' 'and, culvert' d:;-ain'~il!teD:~!l9-e_, '~r?Kfif: s,i9TI.i3.J.s" sign' ~lrt4 ?~te~e't: nazttes ,sign maintenance 'and~ repJ.:acement',storm ;drain.,-. 'cUrb", ',~tter, ,and sidewa'Lk maliit:enance and, ,th"el - - - _. ~ - '.' . ~~- ~-' - - .'.- ~ - - '.. , - -"', . - repair of storm' daJll?ge,to 'public ',w"rks t)u::ptighout' th~Ci:ty, , 'AcTIV:IT{ GoALS! 'AND OBJECTIVES: L 'l'0' 'in~.ure t!(at' ~Lco.!tlprep.eI1si-ve; iriainJ:,enab,C'e, ~:p~.o_gi.am ~s' imt>).emetlted for !l,lUI1i!!:ip'aH~ <<"fried, facilities! iii, lOne pUblic h'tJ1ts~of-way. :2,,' To, pro~ide 'traffi:c', safety' tnrpiigh 'lOhe'rnaintemmce of safety aevices '''J1d signs. ). To foresta!l futlii'e, capital expehdittire& througp ongping;preventive s-creet riiai~.:tehance', , .. .-. r 4'~; ~.~ inl?ui"$' p~g~sfria~ s~a'fety' i.tJi:r~ough 'the rna,.j;ht:enanqe; of >,CUrDS!,. guttersL, j: . ,s.idej<al1(s', tree arid shrUJ5bery' cc:iiit'rol; .j,- j' ACTIVITY WORK, STATISTICS 'I I: ;1:', ,1982,.83 ESTIMi>dED, " .... " Streets Maintained 'loa ,mii:es, Streets Swept (Comm!,rc.i.ai"'~wept,t1"ice, ~ Illollth), 'ISO miies1month Siaewalks 60.0 miles S~O~. Drai~' Culver~s .496 S,J;gris t1ffi.'~.pta~pe'd; '1,556 " A~q. B~.r;nls Maili'ta;:rn~d. ,99.'5 miles! ~liotirders C;raqed 16.'2: ,miles' , ,Str,ee,t ~"gerids 141 S~6uldei~ Requiring Mowing 10 "iniles' M,i"+.E(S ~f S_~;-e.et :E3-~ql:i~r_i)lg Strip'ing' 48 ;:96, miles' 9p~n C~~ne~s ~ai~t~i~edAf9i stie~t Dra~nage 4;'96, miles SIGNIFICANT ACTiVITY PROGRAM,CHANGES prevfousiy, thi!s functfon had been p,rov'ided on a ,contractual. basi;~) :,witn. -t.he: County Q.f SaI'! Diego. During fiscal year 1"9-82-1983 the street maintenance}.funct~on' will.. be' provid.ed at- a si'gn{flcantly. reduced 'cost by o(:ft~ persC!nnel. .The. personnel ~for,-this activity, have been transferrea from wateractivft~es. - " ~ -, ' '- ",-, " ,I r I ,., - .. ! I .. ~~_.- I " Gr:rv 01' PrJiiA Y '94 " 'DEPARl'MEN'r AtTtYlti DETAiL I ~par.tment: , AC1:lyity,; '~ctiv:ity PubJ:iC Seryices ,street ,and ,Channel Mil'intenance' ,Code :403 __ ..__ _ .._._ _ _.. . U' . _ ._ _. . ,1982,..83 1982-83 ,Obj'o , , 1981-82 1981-82 '., CRd~ , ,Expense: c;iasslfica~~on Bud~ret Es'tirila ted', ~Pr~po~E!d Approved' PerSOIlOel ExPense , ,~g.. ' Position Tit:Le I ; Assistant ;PuB~i<::' :servic:e.s : Operations' '~n,ager: - - '35\,616' 34,3'18 I, rCon~t~u~tf9~,~ittenarice SUperv:;is9r ,- - '20,6()4 22,;09.3 i Cpnstr~ctT9n.~iri~enanpef Worker' III - - 16,579 1'7'226: " , '- -. .. . - '. . 'CoJ~.structi6n M~In'tenance WorKer II (2) -' 31.,195 31,j3.2 , ,110 ,Salaries, ~ Regular - - 16~l, 29;:1 'J,04 ;,969' I , ,113' , ,Salarles.- :0vertime ~ ,- ~J,29,O 3,.00.0 '120: Frin';Je 'Benefits - ,-, 28;'lBO '39,;,261: I , , Total, P,ersonnel, - - 135,,174 1'47,230 "Operations and: 'Maintenance , : I ' 218, fSiT'a1 ;P"wer, ", "I , ' 18 102 ;1:8';1'02 37,600 37,,600 'i19 ~., ~... :Street; ,,safej:y,L:Lght, ,Power & ,Ma:Lnt., 11,885 'l'l,8Efs: 15,000 15;000 I '2701 'Trailel :and',Meetings, , -, 500 ' 500 '262 r~eh:i:cief '~9per~ tionsi : - - 6'/bop 6,000 I- 263 "lVehic'le., Ma'intenance - - ,12,530 12;936 ,264 fVehicle, Rental, - - 7)059' 7,,059 , 313 },unfforms-:; 'Launary,', 'pry CleariIng. - - 1,485 1,,485 ':324 iWeedSprayl:ig''and' 'Abatement - ,- 30,gOO 30 "Q()() I 350 ;R&M' Tree', :si'dewa:lk:, iBarrfcades 20,889 20,,889 10,000 ,10" 000 351' 1l&M Signals " 18,.50,4 {8,'504 -,23:/56.0 23:,560 354 'Street"Striping 10,000 10,,000 37,.500 37',500 ,355 'RiiM 'Roadway' ' 106';,666 106~, 666 '35,000, 35',000 . ,357 'paSiement Evaluation, ~ - -, :50'; 000' I ~;;8 S.tg~Ei1;, sw!,epiiig 22,000 22,,0'00 47",:ig,0 47,)Og ,:399 Other Contrac'tualSeryice' 4;7;659 47,,659 -, .' 4]:;7 operating Supplies' - - 30,,000 .'30',000 420 snia'n' foots ' , - ,- 1,200 -~1,;'206< I ; 4"42 St6rm_Re~alr and Cleanup 40,390 40,390 10" 000 m ,.000' ,443 Culvert _ ~lea.n~ng IJ,:.3M' 11,,34,7, , , j4~'4 Sigh Ma~ntenance :6'.-991 8',0i)0 - - :~4;; Mise,. constructlon Materiiat - ,- 20;000 20,,0'00 511 E~ipment Rent~l ' -, ,~ S,,'oOO ,5,,0,i)0 I ! r6~~'J; 9p~e~e!:-~:ori.~ aI}d: Mairi'~:e!i~!}sei :)14411 ,:' ,o,;jo AAO. , : o:in ,"',0 A' ,>in' An 'I~ Cap{tal O,utlay ,621 I $ign ~.?iint-.;'.Truck, Conver;.., ~ - 10;00,0,,, ' 10,,000 I (;21, .F:ron't End Loader (Used) - ,- 50,,000 6,21 'Ro~fa;fy ~l-1or1ei- ,Attachment - - - 18,ilOO , 621, ,WOod'Chi'pper - - - 10,boo 'I ' , Total Cap {tal Outlay' 10.-060' , ,88:..700, - ~ , ' Aciivfty,' Total 314,4'33 3l!5,442 4:;:4 i 908' 616','0,70 ,I' \ , .' I _ __0 + , \ C'ITY OF POW:a,V I ~5 DEP:A:RTMENTAL ACTIVITY I DETAIL, DEPARTMENT!: Pub'l!i:~i- iSeryice.s f 'l\C,'r,IVI,T,Y: ,Watei' ,Supply" Tre;>trnent, ACTI.'<,I,T.Y I' P,!JIllpi.ng,& storage. 404 " " AGT I,y i TV COMMENTARY. Iii I' ;; t ACTIVITY' DESCRiPTION' Within the Uti!:Eiti-,,:; Di'{i:;io'!" t,lle ,w_ater' supply', treatment"pump~ng 'and storage operation and maintenance section iscnarged~ith adequate'deliveryiof'highest ", - V'""'-" . ',,"~ --. - ~_., ...-. -- - qual!ity .treated potab're water ,t'o City' water' consumers'. 'Major' :functional a.reas . , . '__.'. __'", '" - u_",_ '. _ _ _ ___ _ _, of, r.,sp,o"sii:,i)i.!=y ,t!lslude optairfing a, raw, water ,supgly"from bothoaqueductand' 1~~ke squ.r.ce,S,. qp~r-21t~Q~ c?f th~ ~cft;:i:!:r" .tre~t;J,t1.ent i ptunl?i:ng;'and' storage. .throucih te'lemetry and r,;lated control systemS'. Mai:iltenance. of' an the, ,aflove: major - - . -.>('- ~.. ....' . - .- - - - - - - - . 'fuhct'~dJ:l~'l: ai~is. :!1~ ~l~-?o pa~~ crf.the activity.. Thi!s ~section, 'is: re~ponsible for. {~suring aEe_qu~te., water ~tor'cige to supply, norm~l 'and emer<2ency opera~ing, .con4itions'., ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I- Ta :malhtai-n tne Iiake P6way, raw water storage at op'timum cp..1ality and' 'leve'l's~ -. ... <- - . . ._-~ .....-_. - - ..-. . -. . , . " ~ ~Q~$ist~rit ~~~~ $eason~~ cqnd~t~oris and recreatfonal needs. 2. 'To 'pro.v,i.de' l1ighest quality t'r'eated, pot~le water atthe'.most e<;:,c:inorrd,c level to - . - - , '<::oJ;1~~e_~?'. J. To' :.~,95:o~pli5~'; frepai:rs ,ahd' ,maintenance 'wherever ,possibI'e w~thout 9.l.!.t_~i4e I i~ssi~j:_ai1"cenat ,a "lower. ,cost ,to' 'the City. e j 4. :.To} ~n.~hre ,effi;cieht:' operation ic;>f ,system' pumps and ;rneters'., i ~'l'.9: Ie.hsu..bi .adequat~ei :sYstem 'stora9.e:~ '.reservoir levels so "pe_ak ~y..st~zn' 4eniap.d~ I 5. , ~rid_ 'emer,genc.;:es~ ,can bel 'met. , 1981-8~ ']982'-'83 a~ 'ACTIVITY WORKLOAD ,STATISTICS: 'ESTIMATED, FORECASTED Acre, feet, of'water purchased f~om' SDCWA 9,000 9,,20.0 ~~te: feet ,of; w~ter pr9duction, 9'"200 9;,.40,0, '- - ~ eD~A' ~~t~r ~o~ts $105JAF $J..24'IAF SiGNIFtCANTACTIVITY I'ROGRAK 'CHANGES' , Wa-ter" purchase costs are a{l~~C'lp_ate9., ,tq j.i1creasel next. year asi'a result ,of'more demand and higher water qo_st;S. f'he San Dl.ego County Water Auiboritty is, raising~ the-.ir rates to ~$<1~,~4 P~J;" ~,c;-~. f90.t,i' ~hic::h represents 'an,1FS.r,% fncrease. 'In a:ddi'tj::9h, ,the, lCi~y ;is an-t:-f~ip<3:~)p.g !1~v,ihg bJ BUrch-ase an additional :200 ac~e fe-et oj -w~.tet to; ,meet" ,the' demand for 'w.ater,. - .. ~ - - --. , 'I I Gl:TY OF P9WAY 96 ,DEp,AR1'l"1ENf, ActIVITY, DETAI L 'Department:, Activity,: Water Supply., Treatm'!llt, Kct'i ijf ty I ~Publ.:ilci ,Services, ~umping and Storage Code: 404 '~ , Obj,. 1981-;82 [9sl~82 ']982-83 1982-83 I ' Code ,EXpense, C1ass~fication B!Jqget Estimated : "Proposed Approved' ~ -~ Rerso~~~'~~e~~~ - , . il!arige,i , P.9sAtion' T~ tie: I , ,Utility ,Operator & Treatment . , ' Superintendent . ~36",181 34,,4'36' 33,B6'4 :32,633' , ',Laboratory Technician '[2,i5'2, ,23; 951' ' 23;928 25,'020 I : T.'P,.O. I'I'l(4) 81,780' 89 "303 ' 90,,496 98;,727' I . . e ':.~ _ , T,.'P,.O., II, ':ilS..94S 17 ,'84 L IS" 228 18.. 637 t'iit:ility ,Systems Mechan:Lc '39,,660 . 44., cf79 20,568 2b p,t3 :1 $,enior' 'Ut:i;CLij:y SY:,s,telll Tech. - 24;M5 22.,680' 24,1!44 : saCLa,ri,es Shi,ft Dfff~re!l"e I. , vt~o , 2il}6 ;1,19,,? , S~tari~?~~t_~~4b~ 1,13.00 - l,,80()o , -1 , 8.0,,0 I ,;Merft Increases 7.,,558 - , - - ll!O' : ,sa"i';d';s ,- ,Ri.g'1.l1ar 201,'266 '233,,90.1 ,213>,,760 ~:2h81.o " , ; ;S~la:i:ies ,-~ 'OV-erti"me '113' - 6,420 -, 3.,200 3"i200 I' :120, 'Fringe Benefits 5,5,,251' 7.2,,427 .' 66,,119' 83 237 ,Total :personnel 262,.937 306 "328' 283,;,079, 31030,7, 'One rations and~ ~Maintenance' , I 147 , Cheniical,Arialysis 890 890, 900 900 , 210: ,Gils :andElecti'ic::ity 10,,298 , '9,,74'2 ,13,,800 . 13/BOO .2 1:2, Mater' - ,Interfund . - :2,372. ' - - .213 ,Water ,Purchases 976,500 ,951,409 ,1,140.,800 1,140" 800 I, 214 Water 'Storage,Adjusi:ment 44,,100 . 12 ;186 .52:,080, ' 52',680 '243,.' ,25'3: PumpfngPowe~, !A~l ,Siations , 362,,873 ' .352,'5,64 :395>;852 395:,852 'I '260 ' . IieJ..mbUrsed' i'Mile-age 125 '65 60 .. "60 262 Veh~d1e' :op"rationsi iJ,815' 2",7,3'9' 3:,()00 3:,00.0 263, Vehicle' Maintenance - - t8;,-7ilO! 9~O,t3 '26!l' '1 ',' '/C" ,", ,," - "'~' :3'" t85 Vehicle, ,Rimtal, - - 3".78,5, 2"10 ,Travel. and Meetings , 10'0 50 ~lO2 102 'I '313, , !Jnifbrml3 , Laundr:y , ,Dry ICleaning , 3",!l21 2.,.355 3',200, 3,,200 ~l5 'Pub~~cations ;and~DuesC - 245 ,606 ~~551 255 3-31 ,R&W- Builditig: 400 '365, -, - .33'5 R.~-o,i~siCie)..V:ehiq'le, ;R~p~.ir 11",7i:io 9',,)44 2,IQQO'r' ;2t,OOO ,I 3'6,1, In~pect.ion Pe;mi ts' and' .F~est 3" 00'0 3",000 3,000, ,3',000 41:1 Office': &', ,Stationery, ,Supplies' 50 446 ;190 190 4).7 ,Opei~}ing',suppiies ,,' ., , 125,,8Ot 125,003 146,,'~Q9 '146,3))0 < f 420 : 'SIna:HToc).ls ' " 500 250 500 500 ,4'99 : Other 'Ma"t,,,,iaisand ,Supplies - '". Nl ioo I. ~ 200 511 Equipment Rental 3,,300 1',606 1,500 'i,500 " , . !~~'t~~, :qp~r~",1;.;9n;;' .and Maintenance ,b S'H', H9' 1:..47',5",.757 1~77.6,:'264 1 ,'7~.6, 54;"" 'I I :Capital 'OutlaY' . , 651 Centrifugal, 'Slud'ge.'pumps .4,320 3,,865 -, '-, 651 Co"ilcrete Stud :<:;tin, . - - 340 340 651 CbJ:or~fne: Gi=t~?r ~Air' P.acK - - ~2 ,6001 2:,600 i. 651 ,Cheiilirca>J:, "Handl5'i:il' ,-"Ho'irst, - 3 ,,7'25 3',;7,25' 652 CoraJIEfs s- ;-Rerribt'e~~ /fe"l:ephonel - - :950 '950 653 'Electric tReFiair ,TOO_l Kit\ - - 600 600 g.~~ 'soMerc, Bane ' - - ~68. ~38 ' -,Ton',1Hy raulic' ,Jack - ~ , I Tcifal ,C,<ipij:al '()uj:1:ay. 4,,320 3,865 9,185 9',185' Activity'rotai 1,8014,,376 1,,,785,,950 .2,068,'528' , ,2 ~ 096,039: I " , ,~-:.....:...;-- ,I , J CITY OFPOWAY I' 97' (I, DEPARTMENT:AL ,ACJlVITY 'DE1A! L I .' - . ,DE.\ARTMENT: Ptibli.p 'S~iy:~c.e_s' r ACTIIlL~T.Y : ,Sewer Pumping"t Treatmen'E AC Tn'"I 'r:,Y COD,Ej I ,and D'isposa:l ,405 'I ACT,IVITYGOMI1ENr,ARY I ! I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION .. I WithTnthe ,ub:li!hes Divis iQn 'I the sewer pumping"treatinent and di:~Eos;;l I op_erat'idri" 'and, maintenance :section. :is chaz:ged 'wifh ;tl)~ pumpiE.g aIj~ ~_~~V~ty" for' "di,sposal of 'the; 'sewa,ge, coliected',wiEhin' the 'City.. Major ,fUii~tional, areas,. of' responsibl:1J!tY' ~include' transfer of Jra'!'l sewage -froIn; -. q,o- .' .. - ,_. two 'r6w'corIection, areas to ,the major ,gravity 'system by pUl)'lpihg fi::om'~9rtji , ,Basinto,,'South, Basin;: 'operation, ot2he' ,powaYSewage Treagnent 'Pla.n:t <?I1 a rn1i:niri\\.mii ~rimarx' ,treatmemt, '~a5is;i_ and I'CIet~red. ~~~~age eq.~~).v~:ty;',1:9 ':~e' ~et-r6,p~5iitaf1 SewerSystem"s Penasquitos <;:o1J:ector s,ystem. ~in:t~nanc~of; ,alA the aboy,e major funct-iona'r 'areas is o3>lso part. of.: ;l:1~; a.ctivJ;t;y... rr:h~.Si ,s~9~A9n is responsible for insuring :the proper'operatfon of'the: ,sewage 'pumping stations ~. . - - """ ~~~. "r' .-. - -'-.- " .. ..,. . unoer normai eme!g~ncy' condi'tion~ to mi~I}i~ze. '~t3_~);~~. ,ri.sk, .1=cf~ <the co~ilii<ity.. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES l. To maintain the s.~wag~ pump;J}g c~1;~~~~n.~ a1; 2Pt~~ilin: ,p,er.fq~~cel:;anq' rel':i!abflfty,. . 2- To maintain the ,poway Sewage Trea:tment ,PJiant, at, a, minimum"operat.ional 1 _ . - - c",~.,_ ..' ,.. _ - .' - _.- ,>.1 _ -. -.' ',_.., __. - i mo.d~ 'w~th-9~,t ~m;:tl}_~; stete;~C?~at_~o~~ I 3. To accomplish rep-a''ir"s ~~d mairitenan'ce wherever pas'sible withqut, :outside' ~ '" ~,- , .'.". --, ,," .~- ~ . _.. -, -. -' - i ~~sis_t~ge ?t 9- l_o~e~i co~sf to ~lje ci!t;y,. , ACTIVITY, 'WORKLOAD STATISTICS, 'ein ,m.iH'ioii's of gallons) 1981-8) 1982..!83' ESTIMATED FORECASTED ~ I Sewage deiiver~~ ~o !M~t:t9 1]205.0 1205.0 Sewage 'd'elivered 'to, lR~B;JE.sCOFd1:dSi 4.6' 4..9 -, . Sewage 'pumped'by' ;St. And:rews '?~p Sta ti9n 2.13.0 ' 29,0 .Sewage pumped by,. !Camino Dei yall,eP"'!'p S~,a,t:i:orl i59'.0 1:226.0 .--,..\, Sewage, ,pumped' by ,o'ei .poniente :pump Sta_ti5," l.5 1:..9 , " SIGNIl':ICANr ACTiVITY PROGRAM CHANGES ,- No si~n~ficant activity ch~ge~ ~re a~t1c~pateg. - . .. i ,I --~ I' CI;J:Y OF PCNlAY 98 I DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY DETAI,L I ' DePE-.?=~~_~t'~. As;ti:yiW, :, ,Sewe~~ 'pU1!iping'l 'TrEfift~erit "Activity, ;public sePfiC~!" ilndDisposar Code:: 405 , , OQj. 1981:-82 1981:"82, ,1982-83 1982-,83' :1 C;:,ode 'Expense, ~Class~fica!:ion Budget Estimated' :h~posed Approved P~rsori.nelEXpense , Range Position Title I . , 'Treatment p1:ant, Operator' II' ,17,577 18,949 1:9,932 21,524 i. , ; tJt'~~J!ii:-~. By~,~~~_'T~~~~f~i~ri :16',885 18',903, 19,712 '21,'473 , Startdb' Pa' :60.9' '- 60'0 600 " .y ,y I : Me:r' i:€ liict~a;~e , 1 ;378 - - - , ,110 , Salar'ies - ReTiIar 36,440 37,B52 4'0,244 43",~9i , , ' I: . 113 ' ' Sa~~ries - Overtime '780 ,2j7 0384 '381, , , :120, Fringe Benef {ts Sl",~OO '11 /;;00' 11 ,,767 15,,207 ;1 I I , i , , " ;1: I Totalpet'sortnel 47,1'20 ,49,'5'79 ?2. 3~5 591!88 '- .,'.--.- ~ , Operations and Maintenance , I ,199 Other' Piofe!"sionai 'Pees 450' , , - - Capaci ty~,Penasquitos ,System 1:58,000 d ""',~ 218, 576 220 ?04,.00? 218,,5'76 61'2,470 ~ ., - , 221 CapacHy-Metrol5.ystem 6l:2,,47,0 '906; 687 60,6';',687 ". "-~ ~_. - . I 222 ,CapaCity-Bernardo ,Systell1 5 ,,000 5,;000 7';'2~0 7,'260 23'0 other ulHity ,charges 8,,550 '3,,694 '1,7,00 1,.700, 240 'P,umping lower' ,-, pilant - - 2)850 2,,856' 244 ,j?,umpingpower -St. 'Andrew ?J,t70Q 3,,390 3",'0501, 3,,056 246 . ' - ~ ~ < ..,. . - t8,950, :i!S\,9S0 I P~pi~gP9wer C~igo 'Del Valle' 19,,300 16,!o391 253 P)J!llpi!'lg 'Pow~S' DiHpol}ieiftj" 300 363 ,550 556 2'62 Vehfcle 'Operationsl 1,3i5 2,387 '2/500 '2,500 26'3 - '. '.-. ". -- '. Ye.1ti:~J:~e Ma-i.-!1t~ep.aAcel i '- - 3,'208 ,3' ,~3i2' 26:4 Vehfc l'eRe-ntal - - 1,,1'37 1,13;;7 JB Un~:fobijs_;: Pa.4nci;:Y:, Qry Cleaning 600 394 500 '500 331 200 , R&M Bu'i1din 106 .., -', .., .., g 'I: 3)-5 R~ O~t_sige VehicIeRepak '2,000 2,65'5 4",000 4",000 417. ,Op'e}':'ft:q;:g Supplies :5' ,200 4,7" 6,,000 6 ,OCJO ,..-;~. ~ , 420 . S~~:J, Tools ,100 , 50 - .., :1,) 511 ' I E~~P!1.~n,1;: g~ht:ffi:~J; '200 100 - - , T~ol:-a:l ;,cqp'~~~:t:,~qp.s ~9 ~i~~~~~"c~ 8)'7,,(;)5 '851 '926' !376,968, 87,~ ,,07c2 <". ,-- . Capit;,,'l. o}itliiy , .' 645 . Sewer P~p Sta., Tel_em,~~e"F.J-ng ('3) ;2Q .'5.00 '2D;500 - - , , 645 'G~s Det~ct-9r ~j_t; 2! 150 2,,150 - - :1: To~al ,cap.ital ,Outlay 20" 5.00 20;'5,00 2,,150 2 ,15,0 .Acti vity Total 885,,:2,55 ,922',,005 '931!513' , 938,410 I " . , I, " " i <:1TY: Of po WAY i '99 I , DEPARllMj:NTAL AGrtvUy 'DE'T;A'I'L I I DEIiARTMENTj:' I ACTI-V-I,TY,: ,. Eiill:51ic Ser:vices ACTIWrT,y, <;:o.DE;: I W~~er Transmxssion andrDfs~r~but~o~. !lQ6 , ACT I;" IrY COMMENl:ARY I , ! ti ;1 ACTIVITY ,bESCRIPTION , J :Wf't:hin' :the' Util.lities. :Df\i'":i:sJ:on, ~the: Water' .Transmission and Oistrilitit:"fon ina1ntenance' .'~ ..- ... - ~ .' '"'" -.,. .-.. ._.' . no' __ section. is. ,charg'ed. :w-itht!le, maintenance~ land :repair o-f the water t,ransiii.i:s~fion ,and. dist:r;fb.~~i:o~~';9:Y~5tein. '~i'or' ,fWlctional:1maintenance, '~hd -~kpi;.ii ~r~'~~ iriclude pfpe~ line, va:Iv~s, 'a~:r' :i;e':l:e-~sesand olow-off, "assemb(l!i'es" 9~ity' t:ij:'~ ~hY.di:'~'fits:,- water servfc;~, ,~~te,ra):s ~d' rnetei:'~s,. ~~tension\ and. .reJ':oc~1;:);9tl' o~/ ~~cil~1:.ii?s to clear new cons\ruct;o~_.. ~1ifs sefct~6n aJ,'so 'aids, in. maintaini~g: ,opti~'!:iin' 'i.{at~r, quali t~ througqou,1: ,t;he City by' ~an annual wa'ter mainflush~ngprogra,mperf6hiied' in ' conj~C;:J;.i;~on w~t~ ,th~ wat_er main and, ,:fire hydral1t y.a'lv~~, e~e~cising ,actlvi:ty,. , " AcTIVITY'WORKLOAD STATISTICS' 1!98):..82, 1982..,83 ESTIMATED ,FORECASTED ." Wa~~r '~.~p valves and ~ppurtenances 2660 2780 =;'i):e: )'ly(iran.:t lasseniblies' 790 825, Miles, Of, 'pipeline 1:45 '1'55, J f !: 'SIGNFICANT' 'ACT'riiITY' PROGRAM'CHANGESi :If The one crew leader' and, three (3) ,utiJ:ity' 'workers' have ,been transferred to the J 'stree~. a~d 9h~~'l!i~J ~ M~iri~_ei-i_arice a~'tivf'ty 'to" provi~e'a, f~~eid: ,crej{ 'fpi _'that; '~~:c;Jt~ vi ~y~;;. , $33'/135 'iis proviaed 'for'vehiicre maintenance 'and $1,7/909' ,has, been ,budgeted' for, ;(/eh'fc~~ .r~E~'~_c~~~t- ~s P~'~,t of ,th~ Cft:y "5 comE~~~eIJsiy~ ~qu_ip~n~1 ~~j..ri:-t:~Igihce: 'and' repiac~IJl~~'~ p.~6:gr~~. -~ 'I ! - I - CIW OF PfMAY :1 1.0.0 'DE.p~N:r~g,I"'1TY DETAJL , :oepartment: , Activi'ty: Activity 'I P\lb:J!ic Ser:v'ices 'Water. ~Transmission and Distribution Code: 4.06, \ Ocj. 1981.,,8'2 198'1:":82 1{f82~83 : 1982-83, '.' Code ,Expense ,Classification , Budget, Estillla!,e4 ,Pr9po,sei:l. !\cpproved _.1, 'Personnel !E~ense ' , , , Range posi't}.9n Ti!;:l"e I ! <;:o.I}~t;i;J:c't_i:-ort' '~interl_aijce , Supefifitende"t 2,8,912 :34~J17 ,33:,024" 31,,8i8 i C!?,I)!l,ttttc1;.i'9!l' '~ip.tJ~l!~c::e~' " , I supefvisiJr '(2) '4.0,,141 4'4,417 , 4D~ 251, 4.0,395 I 9onstruc'tion. 'MaintenanCE!' , Worker"III (2) 122,;.99.0 127",2.02 I ,3'.0;,'818, , 31,494 I : Construction, Maintenance, Worker II (3) ;..; 49,888' '49" .03.0 Meter Mechanic, '(2) 34,2:i4 '39" rD4 38:,10.0 38,264- , ' Standby Salarie~, 21,196 , 2;196 2',196 I . Meri't ':Increasesj ,,7, 5~f - '" , ,- lio 'Salaries ,- ,Re,gtilar 236, D~,4 245,,446 1:94 /2'77 i93,l~i 1B 'ffialar~e? ~ 0y~rti~e 3' .021 . 6,8? '3 .9aQQ 3,.9.0.0 -.".,' ~.<; . . I liD' , lFrinq~~e_l:'u~f ~ts, '9~i,733 , , 1.0,,74) 6.0 ,:902 ''75,,4.08 ,Total personne'l ,3.02, 768 3"6 865 258'il'l9, 2"'~i665 Ooeratioris arid'Maintenance ; I 21.0 ,Gas and Electricity' 6,.'6.0.0 5,9(5) '7,e.qQ 7',6DQ 260, I ,. - .._ - . '125: 65 75 '7.5, Reimbursed Mi'leage 116', 7~4 , " 262 ~Vehicle Operations 11;886 1.0 .0.0.0 .IDiODD, ' , ,.- .~ --,', , 263 ;{Vehicle Ma~te.nance - '- 3,3./1,:35 34,,2.0,9 I 264 'Vehicle Rental ' - - 1~7" 999 I7;,~C9 , 2,7.0 ~T"rav~;J: and M~e~:tngs ~5.o 1,.0.0 15.0 15.0 311 ~'Prj;pt:J..~g 15.0 15.0 - - I 'lH ,'un~:~o_~r, Lafu:l~4B'~' R:r:.Y <;:+."e~c;ni:rig '3:;65.0 3!i 182 3,,60.0_ :3,6.00 . 315 fUb),::i,ciit:i,ons ahd pue's 45 43 45 45 , i 31~! :"'MeaAE~:~ ;::~~~~, '14.0 :14.0 . 14.0 14.0 . 335 ,R&M Outside Vehicle Reparrs ,_. 71,8'7.2 - - I , 4:),1, ;Offic" " StationeVf; $uppLies , '5.0, 12'2 I5C 156 417 pperating, Supplies ,40 ~556 15:,'862 . 29,925 ' 29,925 ! ,42.0 ,.~~all Tpols: -- 1,6.0.0 ,1,.000 1,,0.09 1,.0.0.0 , , I ',499' Othet Supp,lies ana Materl:al"s - .2.0.0, - - , ~'.- ,'5,l~, ~E~ip~~nt;~e~t~~ - 5~2, 5.0.0 500 ,I , .Total Operations;'" and- 'Maintenanqe" 69,2.04 47,;1.'75 , , 1.04,229 1.05:,303 cl ., Capital '()l.lt1:ay ! , ~?l 'One VehlC're~ 8.,.0.0.0 '8','.0.0.0' , - - 652' ~:E)!~ctro~j:c' 'P~ip'e' L9.ca.:1;.R~ I 1;45.0 1,,45.0 - - I . 952 ~~lkieVTAlkie; with, Charger - - 89.0, ! 89'.0 , " I ~6tal Capital Outlay 8;".0'60 '8,.0.0.0 ~'2!, 340' 2i3,tlO J 'Acti'i/ftY'Total, 3;;'.9",972 37'2,.040 364,748, 379,,2,48 , I II ,. ~t ~ CI1W' OF POWAY i ~ql DEPARTMENJALACnV!TY DUAI!L 'I I DEPiARTME'NT1:: PUbJ:'ic Sen>ices I ACTIVITY;: , " , ", ' '" ,,:ACTIVITYCe:iDE:_ ,I Sewer collectxon,Maxnt~~"Il~~'" 40" I .. . ",' '" .. ." I A0TlVI.TY COMMEN:TARIf t . J ,ACTIVITY, ,DESCRIPTION within the ~Utilities<Division,; 'the S"ewer Coiiectibn Maintenance ~ection .i:s .,,,,,," __.. _'r' _.. _._ __ . _ _ _ '_ ,_ ~~ sharg'e,cl, ,wIth 'the 'maintenance :of,allcJ;ty se,wer ~ystem.. ma.ins and,their' ;apt'-u.rt~_naI).t .service laterals'. The maJpr f~~tio-!ia'l_ $i~tehailce and-';,repair '?-r~~s', ,iJi.cl1.ig.e~ cleaningl :a'll :sewer: :mail"!-.:a: "911-" ,a rr~'~lar schedule." cleanin.9 :sewer' 'l_a.1:#;r~ls. 'on ,demand, .providing' 'they' hay~, tat) ':acc~ss.iple cleallout ap.pur,tenance, ~iritafriing; ,al'lmanhO'les.to' ~ade, ;d.nspectIng1 s_ewer. imain ,conditi'on by use of ~idEi6' ,equipment, el'iminat.:l.:ng' ,groundo~~tei" ~infi1!tt:ation' 'by in;..opl'ace grout.f:n_9 ' , C'__'. . .~. __ _. ., _,_ _ . and/or repai~. . , I ACTIVITY ,GOALSANo: OBJEcTIVES, . ,I' _ J:.' To prevent all sewer backups q,ue to b_~bgkages' ,d.used' by 'g,rease or solids c;nd root penetration. .. f:~:: To insure iUlaxi'mum sewer main 9?-P3:ic"~t;:y a:y~'iTabre'.' 3...., 'To ,iqaintain' ~opti:mumacce_~s to se~er ~~ci:]'rti:es 'for minimum' ;responsei 'time ,handling ?omplain,ts, - " I: i 'ACTIvIT'{W6RKiOAD ,STATISTICS , I ,j -- ~ I 198i~82 i982~83 ii ESTIMATED" FORECASTED , 'Footage.of :se!""r ml>ins, :cleaned' 450"ood 45,0),.000 'Footage' of' 'sewer: main's 'i'nspected 50d',000' 560,,006 ~ -' ,- .. ~. ~ Footage. of' ,sewer rriains grouted .-:.:.. ;-As' needs- ~ - -- - - ,-.- -- ---.- - . -- .. r- - -" Nturtber o'f s~w_~;- r~,~e.r~J.. se_ry]:ce carls: :50' 40 ,SIGNIFICANT., ;ACTIVITY. PROGRAM CHANGES , No -significant ,:act3...v'ity. changes 'are, ,anticipated'.' , _ __ __ _ _ T ~. __,__ .... , , " : 'I \ ~, ,,' I CITY' OF' PfMAY " '. t02 DEPARTMENT ACTiVITY DETAIL ,~par.tment '" ~ct:Lvity : l\.<::tivi;1:Y I , ?\lbH.9 ?epTlces iSe~er' ,Col'lection Maintenance Code: 107 Obj. Ji913).-82 ~98~-,82' 1982-83 1982:-83 . Code E~~ense Classificat~on ~1idget Es~:Tmated Proposed Approved I 'Personnel 'E '" eii'se , , ",....,...', xp" ,'" iRange, [ Posi,:tion' 'Ti tle " - I Construction 'Maintenance, I - ~ ~up'~~~~_q~' - <" - .-,. - .. 1;7,,588 20,,;752 "20','7,85' ,20,303 ' ; Go.~t.rl.lct.toA; r-tai~t:enance' I WOZ:K~r' I"rI ,16',25'1 18,644 '18,240 ,18',07'7, ~ corf::;tfuc:'t~-on., ~iini,~ij.ance, worlser' ":n (3) 40,560 ' 43,687 4t,i94 42','823 Standb'l Salarfe's: '1.;464 ,- 1,464 '1,464 l - - -- - . H~ - . . ..- . 2;9,76' \ I ; t1erT€ :thcr~a-5es ,.. ,.. ~, , 110 Salaries - 'Regular '7'B .'839 83,,083 83,,€j93 , 8"2,667 11:3 ,Salaries ~ Overtime ~2;084', 890 1,008 L(j08 I 120 : Fringe Benefits '2:2,,898 30', 27'~ 2J;,815:i , ~1,4,?0 , , ".. , I Total personnei ,103','82'1. 114,244' 111 ,:568 11'5,145' v-0cerations and, Main't:.enance, - , , I :212' :~ater - Interftirid ,,630, 545 800 '800 '262 'vehicle Operations 4,,960 9i,46? ' 9,,750 9,'750 '263' ,Veh~cle ~~ntenance . - - 20~045 20,,694 '26'4' :"Vehicle Rental -. -, :J!5,492 15,,492 I' 2?,Q 'Travel, ,and 'Meetings 140 70 '" - ,3D' .Uniforms',. :Laund:r;Y1;' Dr~ Cleaning ,1,502 '1,,0,3"3: i.,.:J50 ,r,3?Cl ,,316 ,Medical Exams ' ' , 70' '70, 70 ~O I ,334 ,R&,M-Equipment , 1.9.99 r1iOgO: "' - '4I? 0pe~~ti,ng",s"pplies 2,,0.00 ?,,905 ~i.Q99 '3',.900 , , ,426 ,Sll1!\H Tp91s, 50,0 502; 500 500 I :"., , I " I , I , ~9t~.1 -'operat~6h~ anq ~a~~~~~~i?c~ 10" BO 2 18 '590 '51 ;.00,7 51,656 . ',., I Capital Ci,titla,y 623 'Five', 'Hydrau'lic' ;Shoring 'Units{w 'Pump - ~ ',3',3gQ 3.,300 ,623 ' 4'1' 'Sewer -Latera'I' iRouter -~ .. . . "- - ~ '1,650 h~50 ,645 Gas, ,Detector i(it - - L2~, i~5o: 2[,15.9 I, , 653 TWo ,Traff'ic' 'warning, 'Kits ~ ~ '286 ?,.so 653 0peration Equipment 10.,000 4",;500 - ,- I, 'Tota;l Capit;id Outlay 10,,000 . 4,,500 7,380 ' '7 i'~80 ,Actiyi ty Total J.. 1,2'4,,623 ' B7,334 169:,955 1,74,)81 'I: ,,' ,,' 1\ 1--,' " " " , i ~ C\ITY. OF P.OWf-.Y i ,lOJ I :DEP,ARTMErfr;~L ~~J1'V,nYIiEjA IL I DE'P"ARTME'NT':' pubiic IServ~ice_si '~ACTt:ii'ITY :. A'CT'I,VI'T'y COD,E(:, j, . ,a.qi]~.:1;ie_s" !~intejiarice aIi9. 'warenous'in.~ _408 i; ACTcNlrY ,COMMENTARY , i! I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I ,'l'he E;acJ'.J;'it.i;es ~iriteriance activity win. provide' 'in,...house 'custodi~)./j."":!.tpt:i_ai I s.etii!c..tg ,t.lle Cit'y Hall' and Community center repl:acing previo;>sco!'t'ra<:t se,ti.i!ge., Btii!ldiiig" ri1a.J:ritenance and.: repair' activities. 'fb~ ,the' above faci-iit::Les ",:,ci'in:cliidr;''g t.he LaKe Po way, ~ark buirdJ.n~s are to be,performed :oi~fii,s' S~ctron.. The 'warehousing operation'wirI continue ,to provide physical material control ~.- ,'...-..-'......-.,. .... . - ~ ~ '" .-- seryices, fo~ a~l City departments in add1tion to handling utiiity division .. ", --.. - - . - '.. I .. -- ma_t~ri:~:l. ," ACTIVITY, 'GOALS ,AND OBJECTIVES L ''l'D :provide ih-nouse custodiaI/janitoria:J! servl'cesto City Hail" <:<Lmmuni,ty G~rft"~r, Weingart ,(:~nter;" p'tannfn,g' Department, F'~'eJ:4~ Ope.1:'_at;;fQn.s an,g."Vetiicle .:andEquipmerit' 'Maintenazjc'e. 9~B-~~_1;:!..:: . - - -.. - ,. - - ... - ,2. To' :provide'. 'as ;much in~house facility :maintenaric~ and~ ;-epax1; ;~eplJc_~' as ,practicable. 3. 'To 'contiilue. "providing 'physical ,materialwar..,ho,usil}g con~,z;"lJ:or all: City I departments. i SIGNr~ICANT"ACTIVITY:~ROGRAMcHANGES , i , i ,The; tdivisibn ,Wi!l :now :ber :responsible, for, :providlng, for ,a'-ll faci!:ftfes 'mal.ntenance I _.c_ _ .... _ _. _ .. . ~. " ' __ __ _ , (inc_IucU~ng-j in:-:nouse, ,custodi'al"ser:vi'ces. ,ancf'-,building' ma,intenance., P:r~v:t:c:i~~'J.cy,,,,,ctis,... ~tod~al 'serixces' '~ere, provided' by' :outsi:de ~contract andi 'emergency ~1Juj.:bCii~g ,m~:'~- fe-nanc~: ~-as~:~alJdred; on', .'an', as' needed basis, by :fle'l:cF .crews.. '" . ,. , - I , _.~...._~,-- crti.,OF,pOWAV , " I \ i04, DEPARTMENTACTiVtJY DErAIL " - oepar'tmeht :; :A~tiVity : -Facil'ities' 'Maintenance 'Activity I ,Public services an4 )I1a:r:ej:1ousing, Code:' 468 'Qbti:.; , ,19.?:!.,..~2' 19~1,..82 {9~2,,8~ ' ,1982"'.83 ..' r ~~Ee~~e,~~ssi~~~a~~~n I Code' B!J,dgej: : Estilllat"d 1?rgpo'sed, ,,'\pproved , Personnel,Expense . Range pos:i:t:i:on Titre' , . j.'urchasing1'echnician 15,,433 17.,,558, ,1.?i6~8 l?7,,4S9 " : 'Bldg. MaintenanceWoiKer 121,9IS I -' ""--"'-' 14U9 "1:5,.:189 015",5,92 ,'"' . : 'Constructiom :Maintenance I i Worker 'I-I, 1q,;O,7,9 .16 ;'268' ):7',',984, 16,~42 . Meri't. -Increases 2,239 - - - . 0, . 1:10 ' . 'salaries. -Regular 43..,666 48;245 4~:;8'H 49,.2:23 0120 : '~r~iti.ge~ rBe!l~(i1;~ 13,,4'25 n,,425, :16~, 569 , 21,,161 " , I , , I " , , , , I ,Toh1 'personnel 57,;.9,91 l?,I,6l0 66:,419 7,0",3'84 . Qpe"ratloh's' 'and~rMaintenance , . 262 Vehicle,Operations 7';Q37 ,6,4'74, iAo!) L50b 26'j Vehicle Maintenancel '" - - 15';,532: - 5,'7iH - ;264 ,Vehicle Rental ,"o,..,.,c". - - L;B'7 1",13,7 , I '31} 'unHorms, l!aundry",Dry C'reaning 1,502' ,1,100 L;54D 1,540 -. - - . - -- - ~ -- - , 500 ',337 '3€11 IJ1s.pe~ti;~!}.'M~p.ePm..j;~ ,~~d 'F~es - - 413 Photqgrapli,:i!c. 'S1,1pplies 50 '50 - - 4l7, Operati~g 'Supplies 9,,20b, '9,200 1 2',700 2,,700 . 420 S'!l"Il ,Tools, 200 100 500 500 1511 E~ipmerit ReI!ta1 - ~, 500 500 " . , - " 1 , < 1 13" 588 ' " To't~l ~Op~,r9- ~ion~ ~:q' Ma;,~~,terian.<:'e ~ 1;8,489 ~17;2601 13',409 I Capi tal Outlay '62,,2: W~re~p~s~,Shelving - - ~,540 1;540 622, I:Iareh';l1-!.se, ,St_e>rage Area i./ight - - 960 9,60 '. ,,' , '?:22' ,Port<ilil!, Cordle~ss Telephone - ..- '950 ,950 I; Total caprtai Outfay ~ - 3,,450 :3 ,,4'50 ActIv'{.ty Total ,7,5..'58Q 7,~ ; ~13'1 83!,'7?~ 8.7;,.42;2 ,I " I, I '-.-- :I 1 - ,+. ; C,ITY ,OF POWAY< 105 DEPARtMENTAL" ACi"rV,ITV DE;f,A1L '.' ,. . -. - ." ~ ,DEP'ARTMENT,:' p~,iii:: Sei'Y:ices' AC.TIYI,1'Y';! Ac.TIVITY CODE,:: , 'Veh1,cle and EquIpment Milinte!)"Ec ~09 ACTIVIT'Y COMI1ENJARY , .ACTIViTY,DESCRIP,TION Thel '.Ven_i:c:le~ '.:;n~' "Equip'mej:1t l<f4~iftenari.ce ,Section, provides ~B-~ter~~_~ yeh~~~:l!e" , , eqi,1,ip'm,el1~.M('b 'Held', Irijl.intim'ance: 'supportfor"the ,City'. 'The ,ac:t;,iviti'e:s of j 'thi2 ~e~~~9!1 -re'l'a'tei ~~on@..:Hitenance'~. 'repair, modi'fic~..~i:f.:i~ .~~' f_ab):'~.~~1;'~O~ of '!.h 'type", o~ CitY! inotodzedand'co~struc'hon_maintenance ~qu~pme'iit f:rprii F,i;:e Depaitriient .pl.UIlpers to'Par~, Departmen't, lawn IlIOwers\ ACTIVITY, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES , '1, Tp ~~t_e_~~ ,ttle an~icjJ)atea service J3-i!fe of ai'i Cj.t:y,~o.~~g' :.vehic);es :aild' e~~p.~~n;1;. tb.i;'o~~~h routine ana. p,reventi.'v9', m~.i!1:tep.~ge.:~ 2: '~9, ~,~sp'ect.'l' '~,i,.~tain'r repair and overhau.1 aj,'],' Cj;ty Iil.otorfzed'ecpiipment. ~ ~. 'T.9 ~ya:luate ,service 'vehicles" dete~h.~. 1;.he.tr ~erv:ice li'fe and 'advise 'r!2!p'lac~ent needs. 'ACTIVITY, wORKLOAri' :STATISTics , : 1981-82 i982-83 ACTUAL' FORECASTED \, P~ssep~er~vehicles 7 B ,I Light Industrfal (1 :ton, i&below) 30 ]:1 HeaVy IndustrfaI (over I ton) :3 ] Trac'tors ~ 4, 5 , Safety Services i6 i,6: Misceilaneous: 'E~':i:-pi!leEt 81 182: SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES Thts ac~ivfty, ~s f1~~~C~4 b~ cFargi~g each o~ ~he cost, centers ~hich. have. ~~en. , assigned vehi'cres a vejiilcle '~irl;ai~nten_ance cnarge b~sed upon the ..~ost., of' maintaining the vehicIes,., prevfously, ~!:i~~~.' 9.?~.e~~ ~~~e p.oJ~. spre~q irl thfs ma,nner". I ._..--~" CITY' OFPOOAY I :106' .DEftA~If'1EN ACJ!VITfDETA'lL Department:, , , ,o;'cti vi!ty Activit:y:, I 'PUblic Services Vehicle: and' Equipment' ,Mai!lt,e'l.agce coae':4091 :Ob). 1981-:82 1981-82 1982;'83, 1982-8:3 I Code , EXpense 'C:l.assffie,':ti6ri :Budget Estimated, ,Proposed App;'oyed , ; Perso,nne:!;, ,Expense Range Posi)::Lo,,:!' Title, I , , ~Eguipmeht Maintenance '2'3,077 \ S\:lp,erii'sor 19,490' 22'110 2:2,,576 - to .' ~ :EquJ;pinent Mechanic ('2) ''3'3.'''14,0 35,,245 ~B,:2'3:2. 4'3,581. , . ..~~ I I 119 ;~~ia~ies ~ Regular '52,6'30' 57,355' 65,,808 '66;658; , 'I' i,20 : Fri'nge Benefj,cts 1'2,,'958 18,157 20,,83'3 ,25,:D8 ,1 . -.. .- _.- - , , , '. i , , I ,i ,TotalPersonneil, 65,,588 75:,'512 86,6"U , ,91,,896, 'Ooeiat::Lohs arid Milihtenanc:e ' ' . I 210 ,Gas arid E1ee:tFicity - &BO 2,540 2,'540 212 ';Water - Irite!=,f\ln:j ~ '240 240; 215 'Telephone iind Telegraph . - 240 240 'I 262 'Vehi~le Operations' ' 959 1,200 '750 750 I ' 263 ' iVehicle Maintenance 43.. 12,9 38,986 45,,500 45,'500: 26'1 "Vehfcle Rental - - '1,40'1 1;40'1 313 Uni'forms" Laundry" Dry Cleaning, ! 1,,345 1,'345' 1,713 1,311 , I 316 Medical Exams , : " , 70 70 ,7,0 70 335 R&M,Outside Vehicle Repair . 4,500, 9,978 7,,000 7,ogo 41:[' qifi'ce& Sta'tiol?erYSupplies ,50 99 100 190 ,.i<:. Operating Suppl~es ,6,009 I 417 , .2\~ 000 6;,616 6,000 4?0 Sltl9'l';L TODl!~ , 500 2,,8,75 300 300 I, , I' , I, 'Tota'l ~_Operatibns:- anq .,MaiF~e-n.anc_~ , , ';? '"? 61,B;15 65 486 65'486 I: Capi tal Out'lay 651 !Automotive ;Supplies' 53,,6,40 53",640 io"ggO 10,990 I: I - ~ ....-1 53,,640 53",640 '1'0,,020 10;090 Total 9apital Outlay 531 EXpense :Credit ! 162', 217-) '( 167 ,47,2) '" ,Activity'Total 172"; 140 , 190,,967 - - I -. -- - - DEPARTMENT~L 'CH~T,Of ,OR~A~IZATION r-o- 0; . ~! -," CITY MANAGER , - -- -0.._- i I I on - . - '" 0 , QIREc,TOR , SAFETY SERVICES, , . . - ,500' , " F'IRE F~IRE LA,W SUPPRES!HON . P'REVENTION , 'P_ARAM,EDIC:S ENFORCEME:~T .' 501 :,S02L 50} 505 - -; - :- .- :- - .. .. .. ,- \~- - -. .. :- ... -., '- - ,- - - \ --- " i I , , gJrYQF R9W~Y ,,', ' I 168 " DEPf>:RTMENTAL ACTIVITY OVERVI EW " " . Dept,' Code , .Department:: ':Fu,nd'D:i.:striputiion: . , 50,0 ! -Safet:-y, ,serylc~~ ,General F\J:i1d: ,~- $2.,8517 ,985 , 198.0-19,8:1: 'I; 19,81-);982 EXPENSE: 1981-'1982' 1982-1:983 1982":1983' 'I ctA~SiElCATION' ACTUAL , BUDGET ESUMATED ' PROPOSED APPROVED :1 'T,o'tal POS).!.;tj}O~'Sj ~.2_8, 28' '28 \28' 28' , " , . :1 . v p'e-r,sonnel' ~Expense 865:,,320'. 932~246 1,,0.19,898 1,006 ,009 '1 "Q22j976' , " . " , 'I '9Ee ~,~,t~iTOftrS, a-ncr ,Main-t'en'ance In :17,3 1,049:; 398 h033',329 ,1 ,,807 ,l,:n 1,808','384, ,I , ! , C ap,i'ta:l OU,t:l:'ay ,l!6S'/690 45'" BSO i 45,,57,4 , :2'3,825, 26,625] , I T,O,T,lI.L BUDGET 1,142',183 , 2,.027',494', , 2,,09B, 801 J 2,836,971 " ~,,857,985: :. . , OV~RVrEW GCMMENTMY I, \ The Depar.tment o't Safety' Services is, ,responsible, ,for, ,.meeting th!, pUbli!c' S sC[fety 'I ,ieects 'Cl!lsl ~emands of ,the City,' The, oep:,rtment', is. divided ii>to five operatr.ij:'g p,ivi,.., slans whi'ch include the O'ffice o'f' ~the. Director, ,Fire, ;S'uppression'f. Fire PreventTon, -." _..' 'V,-'-' - ---. -> . - - . . ?a.i'~e4-~~-s ~d 'La~~;;!l~~o~rc.~ment. :1: The Di're'ctOr Of S,afety'Senifces is ,appointed by the, City:Manager and superv'i:ses ,the, five' o:pe-rat-iflg., d{vIs'ions'.- "The ,tespOri~i~ililiti!e-s of, the,t-oepar:tment inclu"de protectTtig, ., -. ..- .' ,-" -'-. -'- '...- ~ tJf~ ,l.i/v'~$ ~4 E;-.ope_rt:i:esr, of ~(11 ,~.iItrzens .from' :fi:re, or, other, d,isasters" carrY~ng cut I, a planned' f.i!re pr_eventfon 'and, fire' education, program for, the' ent_fre City:" p~6viqi~g~ fa; ~ b.rg~ q~~ii{ty;- "emergency medical, ,services 'for' those, suft_e~iqg ':Ero:!!1 ,ff1,~n.i;y o~ ot-ti~F meciiica1. ,trawna." admiinis't.~ri'n.g :the~ city '.s co~tract ~or, ,Law. '_En.f~:)2:cerit~nt ~;Q.d l?~~e" effect'ive traii1c enforcement,through,tne, ;San :Oiego Coiinty 'Shedfj" ~ oJf1ce,o< I , , I: , " I' , .. I .. , " .. , .' - - , I ,.: " ; I 109 \01T)( OF R'OWAY DEPil!RJM.ENT!\1.. A~T;I VrTY '.DETAI L 'DE,P;ARTMEN.'I\:' iACT'I,V;I,TY: ACTIvt,!"i G()D,E: ~-- '.<, ~".. Safety Services Office of the Director 0 iSoej' ACT I'V.! TYCQMC)1E,~T~8X , / ACTiVITY 'DESCRIPTION 'The 'responsiblities 'of' t.he 6f-f.5..ce 'of the Director include di:rect,.superv~sfon', ,coordlnaj, ,'" --" " , ',"'" - - ~ .. , '.' . tion, ,and' ;controlof ,al,i departmental activiti'es for the Department of' Safety' ;Services'. . _ ~ ,~_.__ __'_ --0" ~' ~ -".. ," . '_ '. -. __ ,-- - . , 'The, 'Director, 'of' ,safety ,Services' is' appointed- by the cfty Manager' and functiOns "in a' . . ~' . ~ -- '- ;0. _,~ - --, "~',-'.." "" ~ , ~-.' , :staftcapacity: to ,advise elected' and ,appointed' ,off,fcers conc'erning'the City"s' ,safety , ,. _ . _ _ , _ ~ _ . ",_ '_ ,." _ '. _r __' . ,,,:,_, . :services ',needs, and.' !requ~re~ents'. ,'?~~_~f ~~s~g:I}_!!J4 ~C? :the;, I?f:r~;:t_or "5. qff_f9~ insure,s; " - that' the :law' :enforcement 'programs:" fi-reprotection capabil:i!tfesand buiTding codes. and, ,ord::Lnances: 'are' 'consistent' ~tth" 'fti.e po':i~icies\ ~~-nd 'pr~cedures ,of th~ Ci;ty..- .AcnVtri ,GOALS: & :OBJECT:fVES' 1. ..Development' 'and -implementation ot weed aPa.temeh~t 'pI:'og_rarn, abandoned vehIcle proi- ,gr~, $?Ad,9!1!3d: 'b~i~ldrI!g,~ Rro.g.F~' fir~' 'p;r9t.~st_io'h: ~'ee.' P~O.9,:r:.ain, --B~c:y~~~ '~)!c?_n~iI.1g prqgr~ 'and'training pro,gram. .. - '~'... ~ --, - ACTIVITY, WORKLOAD, 'STATISTICS' .:J!981-B2 1982-83 ,ESTIMATED :FORECASTED 'Fi:r~.s (s'tructure/,grass) 300: 400 j par~edi'~ Tfansp,or:ts '950 1",100 'SIGNIFICANT. ACTIVITYPROGRi\M ,CHANGES' !,h.e only s~gni'ficant:. change to'thirs' 'cost, ,c.fip~e;-' .:1.:S, :associated ',with, the 'vehicle . r~p~~ce~ent a~d_ maintenance c.h~_~g~.~, '1Jli!~h. ~i:lre" included'~ ,to: ,provide ;a.im~t'h~'(ito !, ~_i;nap.ce yeh'icle replacement aI!d !tq 'spfe~4, :th~cost, ,associ!ated with .vehnidi~,',~in~.. ~enanceto the cost-i: c~nter_s r!=cj;dvin,Q" tn.8 ser,v:-ice. ,- -.-- - I , ~ . I ' ' ~- -" , CUYOFPQWAY , 'I no , DEPARJMEJIT .A..CTtYIJ'Y .D~AIL:, Department: Act'i.vi~Yi:' ActiJifty,' ' I ,Safety' ::;er'i<ic'es .office '?E the D.ir:Ei!c~or C"de,; SOD db)i. t981-82 1981-82 1982,..8'3, 1982-83 Code Expense, ,Classification' :Budget Es't1mated, Eroposed ~ppr6yed I .. , pers6,'l"elExpe!l.se ~g~" .p'o.~i1;ionTit1e. '. i, ,Direc'tor 36,,83:7 44,,862 39,,948 39.;,948 : 'Fi,r'O' J?attahon Chief 3.0<,763 , Al,,6B6, '3.0;63.0 3.0;3;15 ,I : ~~~~trativ:.e, ISecretary 16".047 17;296 I :n; 364' 17'",331 3,345 , : 'Me:~ft Ip:creas"es ~ ,3,'516, ' - ,foj() : Sararies, - 'Regular 86,992 1.03.,844, : ,,91,458. , B7,,614 :1: ! ~- - - - -.~ , ~ 12.0 ,:nirige,Be'!.lefij::s, 2]' 613 26,.047 :25,628' , 31,956 ~,' .-- , , I' , . , ! :1 'fota,!personnel ,. 'g~.,6Q,5 t,29"891 -1'17 ,086' 119,5:7.0 .operations, rand 'Maintenance, , :1 262 Vehicle Operations' 4,.7.0.0 , 24 2',4.0.0 204.06 ,263 VehicieMainteriance - 22,5 '7',67\ 7,,9?-.o '264 VehicJ:e' 'Rental - - 2;8.02, 2,,8.02 270 Travel 'and. Meetings' 5.0.0 71!5 ,1,'02.0 1",.02.0 I ,.. r. :p'r,iI) ting 1.0.0 1:.0.0 1.0.0 3H 1.0.0 ' ,~B :Unifo~,,'.Laundry, "Dry Cleaning, 725 7.0.0 72il ;72? 31,tl <;:oftin.!~i'tY. "R~e'1!.a~i,q~s' 20.0 20.0 2.0.0 2.0.0 I 3~5, P,Ubli::;'at~q~:5' ;a~9.; [Dt;ies ]5.0 '35.0 '4.0.0 4.0.0 ,3115 M~dic'a~~. Exa~s: ,70 '22 86 , 80 3J:T 'Egupa.~i:OJ)..; taJ!9/ TraDi'ip.g~ - 2.0.0 2.06 , , 321 ~ommuni1;y 'Safety ~ 2'1" - - :,1 325 Vehicle Regulation - ,506 5.0.0 , 331 R&M~Buil<iing ~;, 2.0..0 'tDO' iDO' 2.0.0 ]34, R&I,i- Eq\iipme":t: ~ ,i'78: - - 'I, 411 Office' &, LStj3J:.iohEi!:Cy 'S,t1Ppli_e,~ 200 12.0.0', 3.0.0 3.0.0 41? op~ratir.>g, Supp'l;ies 'l"lD~D . 9~53 1,2.0.0 1',20.0 ., 'Total ;Operations' and:Maintenance 8;i},!5 j~, 794 17.'800 18,,049 I Capital ,Outlay , 6rl, ~CornPut~i:' IT~~iriifl ~ ", ,- 2,8.00 I: 1 . To~ar C~pit~l b4~lay I - - 2,,80.0 ,Adtiv-iiy, To:tal 118,7.5.0 133/6El5 13~" 886 14D"inQ I ,. "- CITY OF POWAY III DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVIJY DETAil DEPARTMEN,T: ACTIVI,TY: ACTIVITY CODE: Safety servic~s Fire Suppression 501 A'GTIV'!.TY COMMENtARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION " The, Fire Department is charged with th~responsibility to' protect the rife and pro~ perty of all of' the, citizens of Po way from ,fire and other disasters. The Fire Sup- pression Division responds to all emerge~cy cal~s for help to render the proper assistance, ,to those. in need. ~erge~c:y response is the most obvious way..of fulfi:l-J:ing' these, responsibilities" but nO!1-erp.e~ge.ncy activ:ities 'are 'a'lso essential in this activity. Non-emergency ca~ls, lockouts, snaKe removals, and .flooding incidents are handled by this department. ~raining, maintenance of equipment, maintenance of station and fire hy4~ants" pte-fire planning, fire company 'inspection" ,bi~ycle Ifcensfng~ req~ire ~i;me 'and ~e'f!ort. . - AcTIVITY GOALS & OBJECTIVES l. ,11aintai'.1 t,he high le'vel of serV:Lce that has been provided, in the, past. 2. ~trive for !l1ore contact with the cftizensr. inform them. of avai'lable services~ SIGNIFICANT .ACTIVITY,PROGRAM CHANGES , More emphasis has been placed on providing specialized training. $2,360 is pro- vided'to send ten (10) fire fig~ters to ~he ~ire officer ce~tif~cation program, twenty-six .',26) personnel to' "tJi." oil Ere ,school at Mira_mar arid for lectures,. R _ _ ~ An .adcfi ti:onal ,$2', 600' ,~'s 'provide9 unde~, 'travel a_DO rneetin-gs to pay_ for sendjJng four (4) personnel to tne -National Fire A~~demy (food cost ,only-all other costs are reimbursable) to send' four (4) Fire Captains to the State Fire Academy and to send the, 'training Captain to the- ~res~o ,Tr~ipi'ng. Offi.cers: woik~hop. The only other si9nificant ch~g~s are~associated' with the vehicle replacement and maintenance pr~g~am~ , ,I ........ _'~'1" , - - city OFPCMAY , I i n,2 DEPARTMENT .ACTIVITY DETAIL \ " iDepa.~tme!'t:!.' Ac~iv..ity: Activity I Safety Services Fire ~uppre~s~on ' 'Code:'501 - , qbj, ':I:981,.82~ 1981-82 1982-83 1:98;2-'83 cgqe' 'Expense Classification Budget 'Estimated Eroposed 'Approyed '. . , J?e-:tsoI1I!el EXp,en,!e i Rimgex ' PosiHonTitle ,I Fire captaih (4~) ,106,228' lIB;; 266 a'3 , 6'40 109,,602 .~ . -, - Q- . Fire J:ng:i.ne~i:".. (61 138';094 .,163;703 ' 156,,102 . 150,424' iFi,refighte.r;; (8.;.M J:'47;527 21:6',,"606 176,010 170..B96. 'I . c..'!!1.back 12,000, - 12,000 ' 12,600 'Meri'f ~ncr~ases 1:6,173 , - ~ -, 1.10' 'S.Haries - Regtilar 420,022 :498,'575 457",75~ 4.42 ;316 .. ! TI3! Salaries - ,oVertime 63,,566 20:;470 7B;,,8,67 78,867' I , I 120 Fringe 'Benefits iJ.26,,5_Si .130 '277 129;,,226 164..196 "......." ;, , I Total 'Personnel iHo"f69 649,;322 6650'845 685,3'79 Operations', 'and :Maintenance \ I IJl VolUhtee"r. 'Service, 20,,060 [9,,990' 20.';000' 20,000 i1:o Gas' and, :Electiicl.'ty 37,,, 820 '32",988 38,400 38,400 262 Yehicle:Operatfons) J,,4,?99 ];4,'165 '15,~'000 15,000 263 Veh~cle Maintenance - 95.0 201,,833' 21,5,0? 264 . 'Vehi'cle Rental ~. __,I. __ _ . - - 27,:639: 27',639 :1 :2;19 Ti"~ve'~' and n'ivfeetin9S' i,6'50' '1.,575 2,6Q.D 2!;60() , -3'1'1 Pr~inting-' '. 200 181 77;5 7'75 . 31:3 Unitt-o'rms, baundry,-, ,Dry Cleaning, 5',200 ~1,4'70 .? /400, :5,4Q() 314 Community Reiatforis 300 J:79 3(),.o 300 :1 315 P:ijblYca'tCions~' 'and -Dues' .450 450 520 .520 jT6 M6'Cifcai-Exams 8~0 350 960 960 31:7 Education and Training - - 2,,360 2:,c360' 32'0 ,Outside Emergency Ass~stance , r15~, QQQ, 15';000 !, 1'5 ~OOO 1'5,,000 322 ~""-'- ~..- I Dlspacch Contract ' , , 21,000' 2'6',9'43 23,,273 '23.,i2'i3, 331 R&i1~BulTrdin,gs 900 ' 900 2,,}25 2;725' 33,4' ' ,R&M"Equipment - 11,7 4,,1:13 4',1,13, 33,7' :R&M-Radi"o's ~. ,~ , 490 '490: I: ~lt ,Office & Stat~onery' supp'Vies :J!;8,56 l'I'l50 2-100 },);OQ n" _~__. , ,41.2 ,Jani to'fial SuppI'ies - ~ 1,,250 1,250 413 ;r;hotographic Suppl'ies " 6" 2AO "240: 417 ;Operatirig ~upp~i~s 13,750, ' ,13',756 L2,,15,() 12,,750 I, 420, ,~M"ll. 'TOOl", -' - 500 -560 511 ,Equipment ,Rental -, - l,210 1;210 ;TOt'~~ 'Ope-F~tion~s' ,arid- 'MaintE:man~ce 133,160 ,126';86~, 198,,438 199"TU , I :Capi tal, ,Out:J!ay 33,,000 29,,875' ,6:26, :Safetx :Equipment '32',782 20..8,75 I I Total. ,capital Outlay 33,,000 '32,782 20"1'l7.5' , :20,8:75 , 'Activity ,'Total 776,;'329 8OI'l,968' '885.,158 905,,'36,7, I , I' . 113 C)IiIV' OFPOWp.,y DEPARTMENJALAC,TWITY bETAl,L . .,- -.'-.-" -'" . I DEP.ARTMENT': ' AC.T.I-",I~Y : 'Ac,Tl:,VIT,Y CODE,: SafetiService.s ~J:r~ ?:i';~y~t tj~b!l 5 ACTJVI TYCOMMSNT,ARY '. ,ACTIVITY, :DESCRIPTION This ,activiW is' ,devoted \:,0, the preventl(Jl1offirr~'s ."ij;)'iin .tJie city of'Poway 'and ~o ,le.ssen~ 'the ,impact, on the 'City shoulcj' a fi;.r,~, o,cc4r,:., A program, of 'fire, preventlonins- p~9~ions' i:s' (carried .out ,in. ,all. .cgmmer.c':ila,i.". ~~.Qu~_t~J.~,~,l.\t and fnst-itu't.ionai facilities thrcfugnoiit\ -the :ci ty ,on ,a. year: .,around: ~basi.s'-" 'Tti_is' 0.1 vlsi'on carrTes out. those codes( and ~rdinances 'adopted ,by thecJ.ty;' s:".'c::l]. '",~,tj.,e tlniibi'ni if'r,e Code, Bli:l1dIng' Code 'and: ,.~y' '.re].'ated: codes and' ordinances'. 'Tlle, S~ate 'POOli,:' .SiHety c:ode" Titre 19" 'is also cenfoi;c::ed: 'locally by, this of nee, -Ih 'a~di.t.i,ojl to ,the: .fire. .prevention ~ptiy_it{~s', :a:i'~, 'pUblic ledu~atibnprog,rams re,garding ~~ haz~.td$ or fiJre are,. handled' :by ,tJ,.~s,ciivi:s~'qI"!,~ Programs: ~9r,. schools" linstftutfons, qJJtib~ at speer-al interest ~r.oups_ 'a,re',J~rgyi'ded, ,~fth,1;:liese, .ser:vices'. New, ',programs developm~nt rs also handled by, ,this div~sioni i.ft, ,fire, flow~rogram, weed abate- ment pro,gram ,mct '{el1_icore,abaj:el)le1'l,t, pj:og:rain, (aban,doried' veliicle, program) . -, Tp).s qivision aTso carr'ies OU~ ~e .fE.r-~ ;inye.~t~:g.atioii. needs, of' ,the' (department' 'to as,- 'c:ei:"t.ain the cause of, ii're 9I:t ~y ijl_~'~'de!11;: of qu~s.t.i:onable or.i'.gin. .The. 'frre' losses '.3.rJ._d- saves are also ,ca,rcui.,!teCi. ~efe.. 'This! 'division also ',provides c~rl.s\J:~.:t_~~ic.f~ s~f:yiqes to tne public to 'advi'se how. 'adequate, 1 rfti:e~,protection' can~ "be acg_i{eye9:. ;.~~_~' cfiec~s 'f~, ne"w buildings and 'suhCiivi:sfons' go' through thisl office, as' ,,';eh, as' cOl)lpJaints and "1eed probtems. ACTIVITY' GoAtS' &' ,OBJECTI'VES' L Cbntfnu~, t,g; '~iii:t_ain it.he insp.ectioil, "program. 2. Incre~ase ,the. .p\ibl.i!c. 'education:, .program on" ,the hazards- of fire in the ~it~r' s' o ~ _..",~". "._ . _ _ .. ". _~" . _ ."'~ ~.choo1!s . SIGNI~ICANT' ACTiVITY PROGRAM 'CHANGES, ;'Ft€!; only"' :s~gilf~:i,:C;?~t,. change i!s ,the:,,'inclusion of ~~e,' 'uI?~~f.:ont" '<?osts' ,assog~ated: ,,!,i~h !adfuii:d;s.te-ff'rig '~tne weed" abatement program. $35,000\ 'i;s' -budgeted to'- P'?iY' a, 1corj"tr~c;:-:tqrl ,to od~s6 or "'ieniov"e weeds ,fiom lots ',thoat., have "been, ordered. .to" be, 'abate-d:. iTlie, :$35\O.OO~ is ~~ffieque~tiy, ~~e'ttirned!to the Cfty 1:11': 'b:il'Iing" the propertY' own~r 'fb:t'th;" '~eqQ:.~r~~d ser;y"f9~ ~p4 '~$ ~nown e~s~where iri the budget as a revenue. / ~I c; l;r;f' OF POWA Y 1:14 I DEPARMNt AcrI)iITY DETAIL Department': , A9tiiiity. Activity' I S"f~ty :s~ryic~~ Fire 'Prevention' Code: 50.2 I o.b~', 1981-82 1981"'82 1982-83 1282-83 ~od!, ~Expen5e classx-ffcatibn c, B,idget. Estimated "Prgposed Approved ,I ... .-_ . .- 0 _ -- - .' . _ - - .~' , ~ Personnel :E~erise , , , Range; Position Tftle , I '. ,Fire 'Ba:tt,alio,n Ch'4:ef ?~i9i.6 39,228: : 30..,63.0 30.',033 'Mer-i-t' ti19rea+se " I 1,,160.; - - - , , , .X<D salaries. - Regular 3();176 39,228' 30.;630. 3D ;.033' c' :1' ,120. 'Fringe Bene'fits 9,10.2: '9\,JD2 9",238 J:D /955; 'I , i , , ,I 0 'Tot"i.'l Personnel j~.'2'7B ,48,330 39,,868 40..,988\ ,o.oerations: and Maintenance , " ~- 'I '262 Vi:!~icle Oper~tions , 1i,~()D 1-,20.0. iiioD ' , ,- 26;1' Ve,hicle MairiterianC:,e ~ 38? ],,8;22 J. /~.al , ,264 veh'icle' ,RentaT - - 1',4])1 1,40.1, . ~ . - - _u__ .-.....- - 270 'Travel 'and 'Meetings 20.0.: 12,5 '/,9(j 790: ,I ' 311 :Prii1t~in.g , 40..0' 3,75 450 450. 313, Uniforms,!, Laun9.iy" bry CIe~aning '27.5, ~275 275c 275, ' 314" ,Community;Relatfons .sDD' :50.0. :385 :385 I 315 .PUblications' and Dues , :550 6,50 550. 550. ,316' $iedical Exams' 35 35 40 40' .317' ?Edi..1catilon and Training . - -' 100 10.0. 324 weed' Spraying & Abatement , - 35" boa 35;,00.0. - I 'I ,334 'R&!":-E,q1lipment _4 96' ' - - ,".- .. " 206, ,2M i 240., 411 o.fEice ~'S:tAtionery Suppli~s 240. , 4):~j. :Photographi"c supprl:es - - 120. 120. ,4!7 o.perating,Supplies , - I 350. 50.0. 50.0. ,I ,350. : :1 'rc;>'~,a'l.- '.9p_e,~~ti.,o~;? iu)g. _~9-;!?-t~~,n-~~-~ 4.,110: ,,2,'891, 42 87.3 42 932 1 capJ. tal d)itiay , " , . ,,626 ,Camera ,E@.ipl1!!,nJ 790 '70.0., -' - - ,626 .Iriyes_1;.:i.gat~6!l Eqtiiprne'fft 650. ,6?D - - I' 626 'E5<I,~os-iq,n' 'M.~~t-e_r - - l,5RD :1,500 I Total Capital o.utlay -, 1,)50. :1,350., 1,5,0.0.' 1,50.0, -" " ActivFty, Total !I4,738, :52,,'5']'1, ,84" i41 85,4'i6 , , I I, 115 CITY OF POWAY DEPAR~MENTAL .ACTIVITY DEJML DEPARTMENT:, ACTIVITY: ACTIVJ;TY' CODE: ,Safety Servicesi P~r~~4.ics 503, ACTIVITY COMMENTARY 'ACTIVITY DESCRIPTioN Xhe third division of the' Fir~ Department is the Emergency Medical Services Program. Developed over the years, from a very miniinal first aid program, i't - -.." . . now provides, a, highly sophisticated level of emergency medical treatment to needed victims in the Jield', bringing the emergency room from the hospital to the scene. There are nine ~irefighters on thepoway Fire Department that have paramedic skills. Each ~?~ p~ss~d a five month course of intensified ~mergency medical ~ training permi~t~ng ~~m to perform. advanced emergency medical ass~st~~~e un~er the direct~on qf ~ me?d~ca~ doctor or" certified nurse at the 'hosp.j;tal.~merge!l_cy , ,room. ., These Paramedics are part of the fire department team, and, not oniy serve as - , --. ., . -.- -' -- W:i;refighter/Paramedics",butalso as teachers. First Aid. lnst~uctfon as well as C.P.'R. c,lasses ,are handled by this division. t . 'ACTIVITY GOALS '&, ,OBJECTIVES' l. Increase the 'skills of each team member 'tl,>rough attendanc'e at medical educational. .programs . I 2. Increase the .flow of' information 1;C? the- citi?:ens' on Emergency'Met;lj.cal Servic~s through the public educati9n progr~s. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITYPROGRAM'CHANGES - ~ No significant changes are ant~cipated~ I I I I' , I I ~... _.,- '. C,ITI QF PQflAY 116, I 'DEPf,.~ f\GT:JNJTY'DEJAl4. - -- . Depar,tinent: ActivitY: Activity I Safety services .Paramedics Code: 203 , , 0))+., l!98l!-82 198'1~82: 1982~83 1982,,:83' Coa~ !E;~~n~~ ,~ass":frf-~c~ti.OI! 'Budget Estimated , Proposed, Approved I " Personnel 'Expense , IRange; , ,liosition TitJ,~ , I ' ,Paramedics, (5'.6,) 119,,005 11.1"1:57 'E9'.,75~~ IJ3,9?6 , Special" 'Proficiency J?ay 17",400 17,;406 '19 2DO 17,,400 Merie,rncreasesi 3,934 ,,' "" - 6.Q89 ,- - , I ,Ho salaries - ,Re9Ular' ,140,339 1;2SA5] l'~'7 .949 1:31,326 ,113 'Salaries :... Overtime',: - 2~,'34:5 - - 'I , 1'20 , : Fr'inge Benefits ..31 855' 61;,~53 4,6,170 45,.713 '-'-';' ,,-.- , .. I , I ,Tot'al,gersoilne1, , l!7;?:r9'4 19.2.'i'~ 5,;;, , l!83 ",210 ,~ 1:77';039 i ~ " --. Operations and: Maintenance " , " 'I 26'2 'Vehicle ,operat~ons '5',520: - 3,.000 3,000, 263 .,...,..,. -~.--~ . ',,- ----. --.-. " I tvehicle l1aJ!ite,nails:e -, 91 8,162 8,,4'26 , '264' V~l)icle Ren!:a1 '- i - 4,905 4.905, ,I ,1270 iTra,v..l,and Meetings '2,,235, 2:;I63 1;200 t,ioo :3:1:5, :PUbl~6ations:ana'Dues 310 .. '.3'iO 410 416 '3'17' :E:d.~ca'1;ion' 'arid 'Tr~ining - - 2.960 2,,906 , '334 ,R&M-'Equl.pment '500 '1,'798 , 1,;z4~ 1;,749 I '411 '~6ffice &''',Stationery Supplies '3cfo '300 300, 306 ,. --... " i'~.-~ ~"" u 414, :Medic~lSupplies ! - , 21149~' 2,.403 : .417 10peratin,g\ ,S~pplies 800 BgO ,8pO 890 I , : I 1 T9~~1-_ 9ft~ra~L;L9_n~, }1I}"d' ,~~i~~.~=tna.nse 9",6'65 '5,462 , 25;820 , , :26,;08~'. ca:pital,6,utl!ay 1 ; 626 SafetY' Equipment 11.500 I,O",6'59 1,;450' 1';45,0 1 , I, Xotal Capital Outlay' n,500 1O.,b~" 1.,450 1..450' Activfty" ,Tota'l - ,l~,3!, 3??J 208i'47~ 21.0 ,,480 204,'573 I, .' l I \ \ CITY OF POWAY 117 DE8ARTMENliAL ACT.IV.lTY DET.AIL DEPARTMENT: ACTIVITY: ACTIV~J;TY CODE: Safety Services La)" Enforc.ement 505 ACTIVITY COMMENTARY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION - ., , The San Diego CoUnty Sheriff's Department is under contract,for lawenforceinent serv:i.ces in the City of Poway. As such, they are responsib!e for the preye~tion of crime, apprenension of offenders, recovery of stolen p~operty'and the ~nf9rce- ~e_nt 0:( .r_egu1ati9X1S for ,preserving, the 'peace and p.rotection of ,ttIe ci1;.izensl' of 'poway. To' accomPlish these objectives, they will' prov{de patrol and traffic . - . ' enforcement; criminal and accident investigation; neighborhood w~t~p/crime prevention' ,programs; juvenile diversion. ,services ~n~ ,programs ~hd other public s~~ices'and ,records. Patrol will ,be concerned -wi1;{l. th.e r~gu:lation of cri::minal and non-crimina'l conduct, 'and in general, 'the enforcement o~ regUlations which insure the peace and security of th,e community. ' .. ' , , The Traffic Division, of: the Sheriff ';s Department is 'responsIble for, traffic accident prev~tion. and 'i~ve5t~g~~i~n and'th~ safe '~ovemefit;"of veh~cles and pedestrians through the c~mmunity; The Investfgations Divisio~ must~~yest}gate all crimes repor~ed tq, or ,discovered by the Sheriff's Depart~ent. The ~uvenire Division Officer nandles' follow-up and appropriate prosecution and dispositig~ of all juvenile offenders and also assists with the investigation of child abuse and related, 'sex, crimes. The, Crime Prevention Section -is concerned with publfc aware~fe5s" pubJ!ic, education "and' crime preventio~ fri 'gene~al.' The" serVic~~ and Records Division witl'maintain all " - - . records and statistics pertinent to ,the'deEartment and the City of' Poway. ACTIVITY, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES l. Redyce crime ih the community. , 2-. Ihcrease the community awareness of the, crime ~roblem and enlist~heir' sup- por,t' .'o?rid ass'i.~itance tnrough tne Neighborhood Watch Pro9'ram. and other' criIl!e, ~revention programs. 3. Reduce the number, of traffic accidents within the City. 4. Reduce; d'estpic'tion' ,to, ,the' ,enviz:pnment: and provide .ft;>r response to isoIated areas' of the ,City 'through effective use of the offroad detail., ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS Estimated 1981-82 Forecasted 1982-83 taw' 'Enforce,ment 'Serviqes Requests 10..240' 10,550 Total Reported Traffic Acc~dents 470 430 ~ Traffic C~tations I~sue4 6",568 9,600 ~nvestiga~~ve Divfsiop cas~s assigned, 1,030, 1,295 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES The increase ~n the budget represents the additfon of one ?-day car' 'and a5~day motorcyc l~-. Botti un~ts are to be assigned t9 traffic to provide a greater emphasis on traffic .enf~rcement and safe~y., I " .. '- CIJY OF RowAV I 118' DEP,ARTMENT ACTIVU:;f DETAIL. oepaitmen t i Mtiy;Lty,: ,Activity' I -Sat'"ty' 'Services :taw Enforcement Code: 505 .._.. Ob~;.; , 1,~81-82 1981-8,~ '1,982"83 1982'"83 Code 'E~eIise~ ,C1:assification Budget E.o:iti!"ated: 'Pr<?posed ~ppz:oved I _ J . _ _._ _H_ _.. -. _,__ personnel, Expense ::RaI1ge i :Positfon'Title I , I ' . , I , , , I , r , 'I 'T6ta:i. '.personnel. Operations-, and' 'Maintenance , , , I 2(;2 V,elli!,l,e OpeFatio,!s' - - 1,290 11,209 ' :263 :Jehf"cTe MaiJ1J:.eil~rice: ,- - 1 000' ),.009 . I... I ~64 Vehi"le llental, ,- ~ li~QO ,1; 500 321 community Safety' '89f1',318 B9,4' ,.3 I? 1,,~18)566 1 ;'518,,5,06' , .1 ...., , ! , I , , I , I , I' Tq!:-al qperations and Mai:nten-anc'e~. , 894;,-318 1;522.206 1 '522,'206', '894' 318 I' Capital Otit,lay 622 Safety Equipment - ,783 - - I " I T6taJ tapit,al Otit;,lay 783 - - Activity Total :~.?l4"J18 895,,1:01 l' "5,22,,,209 1,,522 ,206 ,',' ,'"'--- " I I' 'I ,I I I 1 I 'I' I, - I -' I I 1 I I I I CITY OF POWAy'FINANCIAL PROGRAM. 1982~1983 I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PR"Oc;o/'M I, / I ----. l20 CI:TY OF'ROfIAY CAPITAL IMJ;'ROVEM:NT RROGRMlOVERVIEW REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE' ANALYSIS CITY OF POW.AY SOU~ AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS FISCAL ~~ 1982~l983 I FUNDING SOURCES "'.. Street Improvement Fund 594,700 I Sewer Fund 0 , Park. Improvement Fund 74,ll7 I Drainage Fund 450,000 Revenue Sharing Fund ll-l,250 I Municipal Improvement 475,350 ,', I Grant Fund 419,300 Water Fund 2.225.000 . ; TOTAL 4,349,.717 FUNDING APPLICATION I Street Lighting 88,000 . Streets and,Highw~ys 593,700 'Traffic Signais 336,300 I Flood, Control & Drainage 624,000 Government Buildings 408,600 I Park .arid .Open.Spaces 74,117 I Water'~mp~ovements 2,22,,:000 TOTAL, 4 ,34Q ,717 I: '. I '~ I CITY OF POfIAY: !, I CAPITAL If/PROIDENT P,~oGRl:lMOVERvIEW l2l , Dept.jCoCle . ' ' Department: Fund;bistribution: I CAPITAL, IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM otal ]gt~l :~.rior 1982-'1983' Total stimated Activity Class~fication Combined Requirements 'EXJ?endi tures Expenditures, Expenditure, I 88000 Street Lighting 0 88000 88000 I 2587700 Streets & Highways 0 593700 593700 , 425300 Traffic Signals 0 336300 336300 2324000 Flood Control & Drainage 0 624000 624000 I 2736873 Government Buildings 377473 408600 786073 1109408 Parks and Open Space 35629l 74117 430408 I 7884000 Water Improvements 75000 2225000 2300000 I l715528l TOTAL BUDGET 808764 4349717 5l5848l I OVERVIEW CCM-ENTARY I The Capital Improvement program of .the City of poway represents an organized plan for ,addressing the physical needs of the community. The 'pages which follow will become the foundation for development of a five-year, program which will be assessed I annually. As the budget is approved each fiscal 'year". it will .be possible to 'review progress being made, costs incurred to date, and the ;implications of inflation on future costs. I The improvements as set for.th in this budget fall into the following seven major categories :, Street Lighting, Streets & Highways., ,Traffic Signals, Flood Control & 'Drainage, Government Btiild~~gs, Parks. and Open 'Spaces, and Water Lmp~oyements. I. In the future as needs are identified, attempts will be ,maqe to prioritize as well as identify probable funding. An organized five-year ,program,. which is updated annuaily, will assist in allocating Capital Improvement Funds and enable the City of poway to attain its goals in a reasonable period of' time. I In addi'ti'on" this program'~ e-stabli:shes, a street Improvements and ~.{~ter Expans:.iqn loan program designed to provide citizens a low 'iritere~t long t~rm loan to pro~ide I for the improvement of private streets and the elimination of temporary water connections. I I, '. , I , I - --- 122 CITY OF POfIAY \ I CAPITAL IMPROva-ENTPROGRJIM DETAIL Dep.."rtmen t: Activity: I PUBLIC' SERVICES, STREET LIGHTING , ACTIVITY COWENTARY I This prqject provides for 'safety lighting at, the ,intersections: Oak Knoll and poway Road', Community Road and Camino Del Norte, 'rWin,Peaks and Midland Road I and Espola' Road and poway Road. Cost Estimate ~ $ 88,000 Funding Source, - HES Grant $ 72,000 Gas Tax l6,OOO I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I , ,- ,'e - i: ' . I CIJY OF POW~Y l23 , ~IJAL IMPROVEl'1ENT PROGfW-:1 DEtAIL 'DEPARTMENT: ACTIVITY: I PUBLICSE:RVI~E~ STREET -LIGHTING PROJ~.9l e JOTAl TOTAL 82-83 83-84 84-85 85-86 86.,.87 PROJECT DESCRIFTION ESTIMATED PRIOR , PROJECTED, PROJECTED I CODE - COST EXPEND, EXPEND, PROJECTED PROJECTED I Hal Safety Lighting at 81!,000 88,ooiY various inter- sections I , I , . I , , I " I , ,I , I , '. I: , , ,I . I , I , .' 'I' ACTIVITY TOTAL " ' , 88,000 88,000 , l I l24 .,. CI1Y,OF POilAY I CAPITAL IMPROIJEIo'ENT PROGRAJot DETAIL Department: " Activity: ' . PUBLIC SERVICES . , STREETS AND ,HIGHWAYS , -. - - ACTIVI1YCOI-T1:NTARY I cAMINO DEL NORTE IMPROvEMENT, FROM COMMUNITY' ROAD.TO .'l'WINPEAKS, ROAD This project is to construct a pilot roadway (40.; RiW~!1'4 28' paving) from Conununity Road to Twiri Peaks Road. The project. will include, a traffic signal,at' Community/ I Hinndale/Camino Del Norte, a ~ul'~de-sac at Norw,,'lk;' Ye.ft turn p';cket at Victoria Estates and a walkway. Cost Estimat~ - $ 359,500. Funding Source - Gas Tax $ 359,500 I POWAY ROAD, RAISED PAVEMENT'MARKERS ..: GARDEN ROAD TO STATE. ROUTE 67 , This ,project is proposed to.be funded through a grant for elimination of hazards on the ,federal aid system (H"jj:.s.grant).' The grant pays 90~ and City 10% plus any .. contingencies. Cost. Estimate -. $ 33,000 FUriding Source - HES Grant $ 27,000 I" Gas Tax $ 6,000 COMMUNITY ROAD WIDENING & SIGNAL 'MODIFICATION This project was authorizedJdllririg the. 8l-82 F.Y. by the City Council. 'The project I would widen Community Roa,,l, f'rom'.Poway Road south to civic Center Drive and modify the signal at t.l!.e inte_rsec~i(mto 'allow for a "left turn. arrow" and a preempt device to allow aqcess acroScs the intersefction for the Station- '#ldu.ring emergeI).cy:.runs.. ._ Cost Estimate - $ 10l,200 Funding Source - Mitig"tion Fees $77,200, I " Bikeway Grant $24,000 POWAY ROAD MEDIAN I' This .project .provides ~ot .the 'iii~tallation of a landscaped raised- median in, poway , Road to combine the Planning Services driveway and Samba f'5 briveway in'to one access with a ,project to combine park~ng lots. I' Cost Estimate ~ $ l5,000 ESPOLA ROAD WIDENING VALLE 'VERDE 'TO WESTERN LIMITS ;1 ThiSf project' would add t;.W? travel lanes, turni~g t~~e,: .i11d a bike lane on orie side .. from-VaIle Verde ,Road to the 'western City limits ()!l E~pola Road. cost:'Estimate'- $ 464,000 I.' POMERADO 'BRIDGE AT POWAY CREEK Thi:s' :proJect\.'lc>urd: add, ;two travel lanes and pedestrian crossing to th,e substandarq. 'creek crossing. , I Cost'Estimate - $ 470~000 POMERADO BRIDGE AT BEELER' CREEK I This project would add two travel lanes and pedestrian crossing to the. sUbstandard, cre"ek crossing. Cost Estimate - $ 300,000 II I . I I I CITY OF PCNiAv l25 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL -' - -.. - ., - -... .~ "- ~ . , DEPARTMENT: ACTIVITY:: I PUBLIC SERVICES 'STREETS AND HIGHWAYS TOTAL -TOTAL! .' PROJECl , PROJ.ECT DESCRI.rnON. ESTIMATED: PRIOR 82-83- 83--84 84'..,85 85-86 ,86-87 I . CODE COST EXPEND. EXP,ENDJ: 'PROJ ECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJ ECTEb' , f. I 120l Camino del Norte Imp!::ovement from Community Road to Twin: Peaks Road 359500 359500 'I .'f.. I l202 poway'Road'Raised Pavement Markers , . : From Garden Road to State Route 67 33000 33000 I , (!' l203 Community Road '. Widening, and Signal Modificati:on at PowayRoad -lOl200 lOl200 I , I , 1206 poway Road Median at I Bowron , 1:5000 15000 'I', 'f.. l204 Espol:a Road. Widen- ing--ValleVerde to Western. -Limits 464000 464000 , I ' ' ,.,0 1:207 Pomei~do'~r~dge 'at '. o~ay Creek Irnprqve- , mel1ts 470000 470000 I , ",0 'n08 pomerado Bridge at Beeler Creek 300000 30,0900 ..' . I I , .'ACTIYITY TOTAL , - ,I I , - , 126 CITY OF Pr:MAY .' CAPITAL :If>1PROVEI1ONT PROG~DETIl;!L , Department: PUBLIC SERVICES Activity: I STREETS ,AND HIGHWAYS (cont'd) , - ACTIYJJY COi1"ENTAAY , .' POWAY ROAD & SR 67 ROADwAy WIDENING' - , ThiS project .would,'widen,Poway Road to alTow for right. and left turn movement in I , , conjunction with the ~Ignal at,the intersection; , . I ~. Cost Estimate - $ l20,OOO I , STREET IMPROVEMENT LOAN PROGRAM This 'project provides a l.oan 'program for -the paving of unimproved streej;S within. I the community by private 'property owners. Cost 'Estimate - $ 10,0,000 LOali ,Program 'STONE CANYON ROAD .IMPROVEMENTS I ,This project would widen' the; travel way, improve the ,drainage, and i~prove the curve on Stone Canyt?n. This: proj'e~t-; ~;"wnen ,completed', will serve as an altern~te acce;::;~ to the Green Valley area. I Cost Estimate..-,. ,$ l25,OOO ESPOLA ROAD WIDENING I This project would widen the t:ravel way along Espola Road east and 'south of the intersection with Old Coach Road. ' Cost Estimate - $ 500,000 > I 0 I I I I , I I 1 I . . " I . , . I " I CITY OF PCNlAY l27 I CAPIJAL IMPRO~NT'PROGRM1 DETAIL DEPARTMENT: ACTIVITY: I PUBLIC, SERVICES: :STREETS"l\ND HIGHWAYS (cont'd) ~ROJE~ TOTAL TOTAL 82.,..8:i 83-84, ,84~85 185-86 86~87' PROJECT DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED' .PRIOR CODE COST El5PEND, , EXPENDJ. ' ~ROJECTED PROJECTED ~ROJECTED PROJECTED 'I I / l209 poway Road &,5R 67' Roadway W~dening 120000 l20060 : I ' . I l299 .Street Improv,ement Loan Program '100000 100000 I , V l205 Sts:me Canyon Road. , , ,I Improyemerits 125000 l25000 , , I , l2'10 Espola Road widening '500000 - 500000 I :1 :1: - I , , , I , 'I '. I ACTIVITY '.TOTAL 2487700 0 493700 724000 470000 500000 300000 . ~ Loan P;ro,g,ram 100000 100000' ,. I , I l28 CIlY OF Pdf/AY , \ I CAP!TAL IMPROVEt1;NT~ROGRAMDETAIL , , 'Department: Activity: I PUBLIC ,SERVICES TRAFFIC SIGNALS ACTIVI'TYCOWfNTARY I ESPOLA ,ROAD AND POWAY .ROAD This project provides 'for tlte 'instaHation of;:a ,traffic si'gnal, safety lighting, I and ,advance warning at the: intersection of Espola. R6ad,and poway Road. - ..' ~... . - Cost' 'Estimate - $ l03',300' FimdingSource'- 'Gas Tax $ '3;000 I Deveropers,Fees 23..000 1978 FAU Funds T7 , 300 POWAY ROAD SIGNAL INTERCONNECT' , I This. ,p~9ject will intercon_nect ;the signal system ',along. poway Road' >from Pomerado . to Midiang to allow' a contiriu()us flo.," , of traffic. .The project is proposed to, be. fund~d,through a grant to eliminate hazards of federal aid system streets. I Cost Estimate ~ $ 55,000 Funding Source - HES Grant $ ,,45,000 Gas Tax 10', boo I TWIN PEAKS AND ESPOLA ROAD This project provides for the installation of a traffic signal at, Twin Peaks Road I and Espola Road. Cost Estimate - $ 89,000 Funding Source - Revenue Sharing $ 89 "O()O I POMERADO ROAD AT POMERADO HOSPITAL This, project' .provides for the installation of a 'traffic signal on PomeradC? R09-d I at the entrance to PomeradoHospital. 'This proj'ect 'wili be jointly funded by tlie City and the North County Hospital'Oistrict. Cost.Estimate - $ 89.,000 ;Funding Source - , I ~even}le Sharing, $ ?2,250 Other -Agencies 66',750 , 'I TWIN PEAKS ROAD AND. 'MIDLAND: ,ROAD. I This'pioject?rovides for the installation of a 'traffic signal at Twin Ipeaks and Midland' 'Rea'r. I Cost .~stimate - $ 89,000 , , , I' ,I I I 1 " , CI1Y OF P!JriAY l29 ,1 CAPITAL IMPROVEl'ENT PROGR,AMIiETAIL , I DEPARTMENT: ,ACTIVITY:' , i PUBLIC ,SERVICES .TRAFFIC SIGI;lALS " 'TOTAL TOTAL I PROJE9 'PROJECT DESCRfPTION ESTIMATED PRIOR 82-8:> 83-84 84-85 '85-'86 ,86-87 ; "'CODE" COST EXPEND, EXPEND" PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED ,PROJECTED I ( I I- ! iQ01, ,E.sp9,la Road and . , ;P"!,,ay'R()ad 103300 l03300 , ~. , :1 j 1302 poway,Road Inter- connect pomerado to " Midland 55000 55000 ,I I '/.., 1303 Twi,n :peaks and 'I' Espola Road 89000 89000 , , , , 'I' : ' X 1304 'pomerado Road at I' pomerado Hospital 89000 89000 ..' .' 1307 Twin Peaks Road and Midland Road 89000 89000 I 'I ,I I ACTIVITY TOTAL 425300 336300 8,9000' " , I -,- I" l3o. CIlY OF POfIAY 1~ CAPITAL IMPROVEl'ENT 'PROGRAM DETAIL Departmen t: , L Activity: PUBLIC SERVICES FLOCD CONTROL & DRAINAGE ACTIVIl)' COMYENTARY ill RATTLESNAKE CREEK AT COMMUNITY ROAD . I This project consists of' 'a reinforced, concrete box culvert under Community 'Road including inlets and downstream,rip~~ap, Cost Estimate - $ 330.,0.0.0. Funding Source - I Developers Impact Fe~s $ 330.,0.0.0. MARTINCOIT AND S/O PAINTED'ROCK' SCHOOL I This project is for the' reconstru~tion of the drainage structure on Martincoit' Road at Green Valley Creek, Cost Estimate - $ l2o.,o.o.o. Funding Source - I Developers Impact Fees $ l20,o.o.o. FLOCD DETENTION BASINS,ON POWAY,CREEK I This project provides for two detention basins on upper poway Creek to lessen the downstream flow during heavy rainfalls, and will result in cost savings in I downstream improvements. The project is anticip~ted to be. a phased 'two-year. project with the design and envirorimental review being completed the first year and cons'truction being completed the second year. I , Cost Estimate - $1,874,0.0.0. Funding Source - CDBG Grant Funds $ 174,0.0.0. I I I I I , I I I '. I CliY OF PCJfiAY l3l i CAJ>,lTAL .IMPR0vEM:NTPROGRMtDE:rAIL ..... ..,.. '.,.. , - DEPARTMENT: ACTIVITY': I PUBLICSE;~V~,c.ES ,FLOQD CONTROL & pRAINAGE PROJEpl , " TOTAL i . TOTAL 82"'8~ :83-84 84-85 85-86 86-87 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED: ' PRIOR. : CODE COST EXPEND: EXPEND; PROJ ECTeD PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED I ~ I l~Ol Rattlesnake, Creek at COIIml1ini ty Road 330000 . 330000 , I . : I 'A : 1402 Martincoit at Green Valley Creek 120000 120000 I .Reconstruct drainage , , ' , 1 r,"- '.,,'- fac:,H~ty in con- , junc:!:;,bn ,,!ith