Final Budget FY 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 - CITY OF POWAY CALIFORNIA PROPOSED FINANCIAL PROGRAM FISCAL YEARS . \,: 2007-2008 -"" ' : i, I i:~~~' '.-" 2008- 2009 : i,......, I ~'l , t. _____ I ----- 'l~i-, . : I . ~t-., . ! : ""~ - , .' j I 'l',' <:;~J ,I "t,' r :11: J I .~~....-' ~ ". . .~' i (. _i ",,,-:, _ _~. . - _ " J j " 1/-. c' , '~? " . ~ l ,'~ ;.,. i ._~ it L J I ..t.:~:>~ t- ll~! ' 1 ---../... I~ ~ . "\. ,j ,.,: L......---- .':\.~ . 1'--'1 -...,' "', , -- ., ~ . A " : . -- ~ ' '- -.. ".-,,", . '1, ~,I '. I : 1'- ~ ...... - ~ '~".. ,'"- ( ~( ,. ,i,.: ')" I :. I ! : 'l'~~~-~:'~' . ~l;"~ \....~ 1_1..,)' .. . L-~-::1_M~ a .-' ~. . I - j I" - .~ _' . -, . I" . : ", ~ .'t,r . - '0.... Q -Jill . '''Ii " . -'- .~H ... " I -P'" . '\ \ 'i.":b WI ,r~.. ~~~ "l~-J, -. :,:.' "t I; I (3711 POW ... -: J = ____ __' It. ~ ~, . . .' ~ ! ,:,' I .!!- .:..!1.:J . -';ilo I. I,r . A. :. -- -~~-= Cy ."L~V'V'~~ __~' c' <..' .'- \ ~ h -:--- - , -. , , ' / " / ~ .f \ \ , ,', ,I:) . --.. " ~~/!f ., ,;r , .' -. . '. ~ ,?' , . -. " ....~ .,~~,....../. / -, .-1'-_"' ,r-........ ~ $"" .-,~ )~.r - -".,' ",< ,/ ~ ~ ' \ J - i--J I '7"1 ~,,' j, ...;,,'--__- ,- ....... ..'~. ". ~ /- ~!I . ,,_', ". ,-...-- ,- ~ .( J -I 1. 1, ~ ~ _____ ~ - '.J L .- - _ -__--- ~~- --~---~--- -=--------_..------ ~-~ ----------- - , -- H,""_~," . I CITY OF POWAY I I CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY , I i. MIC"EY CAF NiNA, MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN MERRILEE BOYACK, DEPUTY MAYOR AND VICE-CHAIRMAN BOB EMERY DON HIGGINSON BETTY REXFORD .' ---'",", -""~ ~-'",""""'-'""'''''' I ... ~ CITY OF POWAY BUDGET REVIEW COMMITTEE I MARY CROSS I . JANET DIPRfNZIO JERRY HARGARTEN DAVID KNOPP I RAGHUBIR MATHUR I I I I I i I i Prepared by' I Admllllstral1ve Services Department I Tina White, DIrector I .1 Peter Moote, AssIstant Director Andrew White, Finance Manager l________ ""''''"""",,,''-'''''''''''' ,'..... ..--<>< . CITYOFPOWAY DIRECTORY OF CITY OFFICIALS CITY MANAGER ROD GOULD ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER PENNY RILEY . CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LISA FOSTER NIALL FRITZ CITY CLERK DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DIANE SHEA JAMES R. HOWELL DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SER VI CES/ /TREAS URER DIRECTOR OF REDEVELOPMENT SERVICES TINA M WHITE DENA FUENTES DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR OF SAFETY SERVICES ROBERT A. CLARK MARK A. SANCHEZ , , I I i . I I I ..".."""',-"'"""'""',-",""",'....',-,,,,,,""',,,,,,--,,, . I CITY OF POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE JOE BALDING . PAT BRESEE ALAN DUSI KATHLEEN MUELA LOIS FONG-SAKAI STEVE STORR MARGARET ZAJDEL . - ---""""-_.,- . -_..._~ - ~~.;.. '- .....,--- ! I :"ABLE OFCONT-ENTS I . G,'i~s't~R":.C,lingth,,,~u.9gel,Dq,~ltl11enL......... ........................ , i I . Clt) Mdnagcbs Lettel of;J;lansl11lttal ,....................... yil I ' prQ-g!~~I~ll~r~p.ef!.d..iJures .:." xiii 13udoet bV Fiii1G :. xv e . I 'IOll,dloyce;}'ositions. Classi lications, and'Salary. Ranges.... xxi 1 RevenlleS by liGnds,a'hd SOlli"C"S . . . . . . . , I I I'un.d ActiV,ty'Ddail II j GCljcmiJ"~lili'd Oiilnd 100) .- -. .---- 12 ...... ."'" 'Stote I:conol11lc Uncertainty cund.,(Fund 101) 1'3 \ ~Slii:cfaLRr6jeets,hmd,(Fuiicr 1'Si2) .. ,'".. ....... 14 :Si'rcet ,li11pr~vel11ent" Gas Tax Fund (<Fund 2] I) ] 5 . Strec1.l~eveiopment'Funds(l\lI1ds ,i~'1 &:i22) 16 ... ,...... ................... , .- -- . Rl"Opositionh Sales Tax Funds (Fuhd 223)....... 17 ~ 'Fmi'llc G;ongestipn 1,\8 29~8 l:ung(Fund>224) ']8 . .............. . Drainage'Fund (Fui1ds2J1 & 232) 19 , (iplJ.l F,unds.(Funds"241.thr..u1259: 2.s:3~25~1 20 I H1abitat,M itiglition, IIFLieu:Fuli'ds .(FuIi'11:252) 2] d l)cy"I'oper 111.I)jeLi FUl1dsJFund is ]'l,.."., ' 22 1 .,.".".............................. .~' .~.. ,~ \ S,pecili!f,\sscssnieiit DistriCts .fFUhds,26I e'27S) 23 I Eirecl?.xolectiqn Fund (Fun\l"28Q),..,.."., .. , 24 , .800 Mllz Systein Fund'(Flitid:28r.) 25 I I?allj 'lh)JJ[o~enl.\"'\ !'und (Flmd 4/1), "..".... ',' 26 , Ntunicipal ],npi'oveii1ei1t Fund (<Fund 42] ) 27 ! '0al)i ia] I mproven.,entcllroj'ecis"O IdCoach \Vaterl i netFund:422j...... 28 ;'. Debt Sei'"ice Flllia (Fund 3,11:) 29 Debt Sqrvice I'und',- Community Eacililies District #1 (Fund.331.)' 30 ! Debt Sel',,,;,,e Fuh&, CoiiillYuni'fy Faci'lities:Distrieti88-1 (FLiliil'j'35)'". ~'.l I Debi' S,rvi,e Fund, 1-1 igh Vallc)"Road Wund 3-34) 32' . - , ~. - " " . '. - -. i Delit, Se,;v,ice Fuiid- 01diCoacli Waterline (Fulid 336) 33 \I'alor I'und (Fund 510).. 34 'So"'ei' !'uiid,(FlIIYd:52Q).. ..... ....... ......., ,,,,,., 35 I Gapiifil.ReplaeemenbEquipment;Fund:(Fund6 n).. 36 , Capit,il'Rcl,lliccmellt,i'aeifltlcs Fllnd (FuIid'6 17) ..... ~.f , .......... ."....,......... . .,u._ , Li l,'rary,i:nd'owment Funcf''(Fund 7] 2'). 38 I . ~ . .-. -. ~ - - '.,' . " ~.,. 39 TllISCI)mds:(Fulids ,7 I 4,'tliru 774 777),..,.......... ................ ..... I Bemav Valley'Sr !Center'(Fund771) 40 I I!o\vay 'Flne '!I~~s,c;enter ('I\W,d;n.s:l',.....;".....".,. 41 , ~ '--, 'I<<Lii"evaay'Etiaowll,elit !'und/Fuiid:77 6'). 42 ! tlond '1lltereshand Redempti'on ................."."., 43 I IlitcIJlindJ;j-iliis[crs 111i8 Lo.illis "......... 4'5 \ .", .. . Statement of Fund Balanccs 49 j 1~"clcveloRlnenl Age"cy L:o_~nsLi~3~rilile 16 City',,-,,,,,, 53 : ...... .............. I Dqlarllllcnt' O.~)\"'r'atillg 13udgctS 57 J . i~~gG~t~l~ivc ~1.h~ A:~.iJ1jlJjs!Tf!tiye: Ci.ty Council ......... 58 , .... ...... ........... , :Legisl[l'tiVe and Adlniliistr-alive-; ;Citj Clerk 62 , I Legislative and Administrative:' Gity Attorney 66 Lcglsl~livc and Adi,iili;sll''';!i"e: ,City Maiiager 70 I ,DCI)aFtment orAd m i nistrati ve:Services 74 , IJeji'''rtiMiit or COll1tllU@y See"ie"s. 9') ;. J)epaFl"ment 01' DevelopmenhServiees no \ DC\;'jl[ti1Yeht 6rh,b,lit Works 126 . Depuri'mcnt or Safety,services I'S8 ~ ; , ._, . - .J_____ TABLE OF CONTENTS City of Poway Community Programs.................. ............................................ .................................................. 171 City of Poway Capital Improvement Program 181 Parks and Recreation Plan Map 194 Poway Redevelopment Program: Revenue by Funds and Sources 195 Statement of Fund Balances...... ......... ...., ........ .................................. ...... 199 Fund Activity Detail .203 Redevelopment Agency - Administration Fund (Fund 437) .204 Redevelopment Agency - Debt Service Fund (Fund 321) .205 Redevelopment Agency - Capital Improvement Projects - 1989 TAB (Fund 432) .206 Redevelopment Agency - Capital Improvement Projects - 1993 TAB (Fund 434) .207 Redevelopment Agency - Capital Improvement Projects Fund (Fund 436) .208 Redevelopment Agency - Capital Improvement Projects General Fund Loans (Fund 438) .209 Redevelopment Agency'- Capital Improvement ProjeCts Sewer Fund Loans (Fund 439) .210 Redevelopment Agency, Capital Improvement Projects - 2001 TAB (Fund 440) .211 Redevelopment Agency - Capital Improvement Projects: - 2003 TAB (Fund 441) .212 Redevelopment Agency - Low/Moderate Income Housing Fund (Fund 471) .213 Redevelopment Agency, Non-Profit Capacity Building.Fund (Fund 472) .214 f Redevelopment Agency- Low/Mod Capital Improvement Projects - 2001 TAB (Fund 473) .215 Redevelopment Agency - Poway Royal Mobile Horne Park Fund (Fund 293 )......... .216 Redevelopment Agency - Poway Royal Capital Replacement (Fund 615) .217 ~ Bond Interest and Redemption........ .219 Interfund Transfers and Loans .221 Po way Redevelopment Agency- Administrative Operating Budget .223 ~ Redevelopment Agency Organization Chart .224 ~ Director of Redevelopment Services .226 p t Redevelopment .228 Economic Development ............... .230 1 Housing Programs....... .................. .............. .232 ~ Po way Royal Estates Mobilehome Park .234 R Redevelopment Agency Program Overview - I'lousing Programs .237 1 Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Program .243 ; i Map - Paguay Redevelopment Project Area 258 { Appendix A - Resolution Adopting 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 City Financial Program .259 Appendix B - Resolution Adopting 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 Redevelopment Agency Financial Program .265 Appendix C - Fund Detinitions .269 Appendix D - Chart of Expense Accounts and Definitions.... ................. ........... ............ ................. .273 Appendix E - Chart of Revenue Accounts and Definitions.... ............................. ..................... ............... ...... .289 . GUIDE TO READING THE BUDGET DOCUMENT Every year the City of Po way prepares a budget for the upcoming fiscal year which serves as the City's financial plan'. Although the budget serves as a control document for the City Council and staff, itspnmary purpose is to provide infoniiation to citizens and other interested parties about the fimmcial health and activities ofthe City as a municipal corporation. Thisgliideiwasprepared to assist citizens and other indivIduals who may not be familiar withpublic buggeting and finance to read and iriterpretthis document. A great deal ofinfonnation is provided in the budget beyond dollars and cents. One just needs to know how and where to look for it! Gettinl! Started An excellentplace to begin to examine the budget is the City Manager's Letter of Transmittal which provides a philosophical as well as factual summary of the City's financIal plan. Next, the' Budget by Fund pages showexpenditufes for each Depaltmentand its divisions spread across the City's major funds,> You will note that the General Fund shows expenditures for all Departmeilts, while the other funds.showexpenditures only for certain departments. This is another illustratIon of the fund accouhtlllg nature of governhlent which restricts certain revenues to . expenditures for limited purposes. The next pages summarize and describe the City's work force The number ofauthorizedfullctime positions is shown III comparison to the prior year New positions and pOSition deletions are mentioned by title. Each fullctIme job classificatIOn authorized in the budget is then listed alphabetically by title with its corresponding monthly salary range. Next, you will notice that the budget is actually diVIded into two plans. One is the Operating and Capital Budget of the City The other is the Operatlllg and Capital Budget of the Poway Redevelopment Agency An operating budget IS the financial plan for the day-to-dayoperationsof the City or the Agency; a capital budget is the finanCIal plan for acquiring or constructlllg major municipal facilities sucl1:as:streets, drainage systems, and parks. The City's Operatinl! Budl!et The first section following thiS guide is "Revenues by Fund and Source." ThIS group of pages outlines the CitY's revenues, or the dollar resources the .City receIves. Government's account for money in funds, which separate available dollars according to how they may'b'e used. The largesLfund is the General Fund whose revenues may be used to provide . any,governrTIent service Other funds arerestncted as to how their revenues may be used. There will be more mfonnation on the City's vanous funds later in this document. I Guide to Reading the Budget Document . Page 2 Notice that the revenues are shown by fund and by revenue type; for example, "Property Taxes-Current," under the General Fund. Every type of revenue has a four-digit number in front of it. In the back of the budget document is the "Chart of Revenue Accounts and Definitions," Appendix D The four-digit numbers are listed m ascending order and next to each is a description of each revenue type. Analyzing the City's revenues will give you an Idea of where the City gets its money, how much of it is restricted, and how much may be used for generalpurposes. You will also be able to compare amounts of money between the prior fiscal year and the proposed/approved new fiscal years. Kev' 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Approved Proposed Proposed 7111 Property Taxes-Current $6,493,277 $7,207,040 $7,765,000 $7,997,950 This number identIfies the The total The projected The The projected revenue source in the actual revenue for projected revenue for Revenue Chart of Accounts revenue for current fiscal revenue for fiscal year and Descriptions in the prior year 2006-07 fiscal year 2008-09 Appendix D fiscal year 2007-08. . Followll1g the Revenue pages is the "Summary of Sources and Uses of Funds." These pages list all of the City's miljor fund types, describe them and display summarized dollar amounts of money gomg into and out of each fund. These numbers are broken down into more detail on the pages following the Summary Note that the page numbers directing you to each fund's detail are referenced in each fund description. The Fund Activity De1ail pages allow comparison of prIOr year budgets' actual t10w of money, in as revenues, and out as expenditures or transfers. Some funds have bon'owed money (incurred debt) through the issuance of bonds. On the page followmg the Fund Activity Detail pages is a summary of the bonded indebtedness of each fund. These dollars arc used to repay interest and principal on the debt. Next, as a grand summary, the "Statement of Fund Balances and Reserves" follows all the prevIOus pages described. The City's major funds are listed vertically on the left-hand Side of the page. Horizontally, dollar amounts are shown to track the status of each fund from its beginning balance through to ItS expected year-end position. I\fter the Statement of Fund Balances and Reserves, more detail regarding the expenditure stde of the budget is provided, again movmg from summary to detail. . II . Guide.to Reading the 'Budget Document Page] The.Program Expenditures page liststheseven major City depmiments'and what each plans to spend iii the, three major program expenditure"categories: 1 Personnel" The cost of salaries, fringe benefits. and other employee-related costs. 2. Operations and Maintenance ~ The cost ofdomg btfsiness.d:iy to day in supplies, materials, and services. 3 Capital Outlay-The cost'ofmajor.nontecurring purchasesof$500 or more with a useful life of three or more years. Examples are office fumiture,vehicies and larger pieces of equipment. It is common for the total ()fallprogram expenditurest(),bereferred'to as "the budget," even though it is only the'expenditureside oftbe entire budget picture. What follows, next is the heart.ofthe.City's Operating BudgetdetaiL.For each of the City's seven major .departments, an activity overview IS provided in which the major expenditure categofies-~persill1nel, operations and maintenance; :and capital outlay--are summanzed and . comparedtopnoryem's. A narrative commentary providin,g a,description',ofthe compositionofthe departmentandjts purpose in the governmental organization IS backed up by an organization.chart on the facing page. Following the Departmental OVervIeW, each division ofthedepartment will show two facing.pages of actIvity detail. The narrative page inCludes'a descnptlon ofthemajor fimctlons of the division, the divis)on's goals and objectives, work load actIvity statistics for prior and proposed years, and a section entitled Significant Activity Progran1 Changes. This,lastsectionpoints.outand expl<ims larger do,llar increases or decreases and the expense account where each signijlcant activity progral11 change is ret1eded. The'facing page contains the actual dollar' amounts to be,spent.to achieve the division's goals and obJectIves. You ~jll note that the major expenditure categories (personnel, operations and maintenance, and capital outlay) are:fUliher divided into partIcular types of expenditures. Each expenditure typehas'wthree-digit n)lmber preceding It. Inthe back of the budget.book is the "Chart of Expense Accounts'andOefinitions," Appendix D Expense account numbers are listed m _ ' _ i order,' with 'a definition following each one. These definitions give a more detailed descnptionof what costs'areincluded in' each expense accoun! . III Guide to Reading the Budget Document . Page 4 In comparing the expense account dollar amounts between fiscal years, the narrative section, Significant Activity Program Changes, is the key to explammg major differences. Kev: 2005-06 2006-07 2006-07 2008-09 2008"09 Actual Approved Estimated Proposed Proposed 4922- Printmg $287 $300 $295 $300 $300 This nwnber The The The The The identifies the actual approved estimated proposed proposed expense account amount budget amount budget budget m the Expense spent in amount for spent in amount for amount for Chart of Accounts FY 05-06. FY 06-07 FY 06-07 FY 07-08. FY 08-09 and Dcscriptions. The numbers in parentheses next to Position Titles indicate when there is more than one positionof . that title authOt1zed. If there is an FT, PT and/or T after the Position Title, this indicates that the position is fulIctlme, part-time, and/or temporary The City's Capital Improvement Budget Capital Projects are the acquisition or construction of major public facilities such as streets, sewers, water systems, parks, and government buildings. They are often the kindofprojects that takemore than one budget year to complete. The Capital Improvement Budget shows funding sources as well as project budgets and expenditures over multiplc budget years. The Program OvervIew pages indicate which funds are contributing to the CapItal Improvement Program, summanze expenditures by type of improvement, and provide the proposed years' appropriation activity, as well as totallife-to-date appropriations. TIle Program Detail pages list each project with a short description and code nunlber corresponding to the activity AppropriatIOns by fund, aswell as Iife-ta-date expenditure and encumbrance actIvity are also reported. . IV . Guide to Reading the Budget Docwnent Page 5 TIle dollar amounts budgeted for the proposed fiscal year can be tied back to the operatmg budget's "Statement of Fund Balances and Reserves" under the Capttal Projects column. The Powav Redevelopment A2encv Bud2et The organization chart of the Agency indicates its relallonslup to the City of Poway' The City CouncIl acts as the Agency's Board of Directors, and the City Manager is its Executive Director The budget of the Redevelopment Agency IS patterned after the City's budget and mcludes the same elements--an operating and a capItal Improvement budget. Revenues of the Agency, like those of the City, are listed by the four-digIt account numbers found m Appendix F Fund activIty detaIl pages follow, ,md the Agency has its own "Statement of Fund Balances and Reserves." The operating budget covers thc day-to-day adnllmstratlve affaIrs of the Agency Note that the format of the Agency's operatmg budget detail parallels that of the City's operating budget. Thc Rcdevelopment Agency CapItal Improvement Budget IS set up usmg the same format as the City's . CapItal Improvement Budget. More Information is Available The Adrl1ll1lstratlve Servlccs Department prepares the budget document you have Just read about. In addItion to the publIshed document, City staff retains files of detaIled backup matenal. Backup documentation IS reviewed by the Budget Review Comrmttee, which is appointed from among Poway's citizcns by the City CouncIl. ThiS Committee spends many hours with staff each year prior to budget adoptIOn, examming the detailbehmd the proposed budget. These files are also available for revIew by the general publIc, by appointment with the AchTIll1lstrative Services Department, as early as the month of May pnor to a new fiscal year The Budget IS conSIdered by the City CounCIl m public hearings at every regular City Council l11eetmg m June. Public eonllnent is mVlted and WIll be considered by the City CounCIl at these hearings. In addition to the above, any person havmg questions about the financIal plan may contact thc Admll1lstratlve ServIces Department. We are pleased to answer any mqumes to the best of our ability . v ,. CITY POWAY OF MICKEY CAFAONA. Maym MERRILEE BOYACK. Deputy Mayo, . BOB EMERY, Coundlmember DON HIGGINSON. Councilmembe, BETIY REXFORD, Councilmember June 6, 2007 Dear Honorable Mayor, Members of the City Council, and Members of the Community' It is my privilege to present the proposed Fiscal Years 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 City of Poway and Poway Redevelopment Agency budgets. A great deal of deliberation has gone into crafting this policy document for Council review and approval. It represents a series of course corrections necessary to maintain Poway's progress into the foreseeable futu re in light of changing economic, demographic and regional circumstances. Allow me to summarize some of the assumptions, constraints, indicators, and recommendations contained in this document. In December 2005, the City of Poway celebrated 25 years of Cityhood since incorporation. Many noted at the time that Poway was entering a new era in its maturation as a safe, high-quality, family-oriented small city in the San Diego metropolitan area. . One of the most visible aspects of this change has to do with growth. Poway is approaching buildout. With a population of a little over 50,000, Poway will grow at less than half of 1 % per year over the next 20 years before reaching expected buildout at approximately 55,000 people. This represents about 45 new custom homes and a similar amount of affordable housing per year The South poway Business Park is 80% built out with little opportunity for new retail growth, as has benefited Poway in recent years. As development levels off, Poway must live within its means. Staffing has grown to provide the high levels of services and capital projects Powegians expect and deserve With growth in revenues from sales and property taxes tapering off, so must growth in expenditures. Poway must find a financially sustainable course and hold to it. The overarching goal must be to avoid diminishing Poway's enviable strengths as we do so. poway is, according to SANDAG and FBI reporting, the safest city in San Diego Courity Our'fire and emergency services, due to recent investments in Station 3, the ladder truck and training tower, are arguable tops in the region. Residents enjoy a high quality of life with excellent park, recreation; open space, and community services The City's infrastructure is in better shape than the majority of cities in the nation, due to . preventative maintenance and capital replacement. Growth and development is City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive Mailing Address: PO Box 789, Poway, California 92074-0789 . (858) 668-4400 @ rniit<::d ()~I Rticvt:led r:Jpel Mayor, Councilmembers, and Members of the Community June 6, 2007 Page 2 . carefully metered to maintain the "City in the Country" feeling. This is consistent with the City's General Plan, which itself has remained remarkably consistent since incorporation in 1980 The 2006 Resident Satisfaction Survey showed extremely high levels of satisfaction with Poway's services and community character The question becomes how to maintain and sustain all that is good about Poway, while adjusting to new economic realities and community needs. This two-year budget is a start in that direction. It begins with the prudent financial principles adopted by the. City Council in 2006 It builds in conservative revenue and realistic expehditure predictions, and sets Citywide goals to continue Poway's progress within its means. The overall budget for the City of Poway is $75.9 million in 2007-2008 and $76 million in 2008-2009 Redevelopmentis $4.2 million in each of the next two years. The utility funds are balanced in the coming years, assuming multi-year rate setting starting in January 2008. The focus of the budgeting work has been on the City's General Fund from which the majority of municipal services are funded. The General Fund is challenged in a number of ways. First, sales tax revenues which represent 35% of the total General Fund revenues have fallen significantly short of . predictions in the current year, and are expected to recover very slowly Recently updated sales tax data for 2006-2007 reveals the sales would be 6% below last year Sales tax for 2007-2008 are forecasted to be essentially the same, reflecting an expected 5% drop in vehicle sales. For 2008-2009, the budget projects a 4.3% increase in sales tax revenues versus 2007-2008 Even at this growth rate though, sales tax revenues in 2008-2009 are forecast to be less than those in 2005-2006 Property taxes are expected to grow much more modestly than in previous years, due to the slump in home sales in the nation, State and region. Further, this budget no longer relies on pension stabilization funds that were used in the previous seven years to. help balance the budget. These funds were set aside during the boom years of the late 90s and are now exhausted. On the expenditure side, staff has identified the need for enhanced funding of street maihtenance. At the same time, the cost of street paving and sealing has skyrocketed, due to reliance on petroleum-based materials, like asphalt. The City is at a point where it needs to significantly increase spending on street maintenance, or risk falling behind and suffering rapidly escalating costs for street reconstruction. This puts a significant burden on the General Fund, which is expected to double its contribution to street maintenance.in the first fiscal year and triple it in 2008~2009 . Mayor, Councilmembers, and Members of the Community June 6, 2007 Page 3 . The City's contract with the San Diego Sheriff's Department for law enforcement is approaching $9 million. It is up for renegotiation for the next 5-year period. The budget proposes realistic increases in this contract, representing 25% of General Fund expenditures. The Regional Water Quality Control District has recently adopted a new National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm Permit for San Diego cities and county This forces a significant increase in operating costs with no reimbursement from the State and federal governments. The new budget includes full costs of staff and operating the new ladder truck at Station 3 Further, we will begin contract negotiations with the Teamsters this summer fora new multi~year employment contract. The labor agreement with the Firefighters Association expires in June 2008 The results of these negotiations will directly affect the bottom line In previous years, Council adopted budgets which proposed to fund only half of street maintenance and capital equipment replacement costs. VVhen revenues exceeded projections, the Council would then restore full funding whenever possible to these two important functions. This year, staff proposes full funding of both street maintenance and capital replacement at the outset in this budget. . This budget proposal will maintain Poway's high levels of municipal revenues and enhance infrastructure maintenance. Ho,^,ever, leveling revenues and rising costs force four key shifts in the current budget proposal. First, staff is recommending over $670,000 in cost reductions, largely to do with contract and consultingser\tices, materials and supplies, and not filling a number of vacant positions. These reductions are to be viewed as permanent. They include. ~ Elimination of non-emergency business office phone reception services from the Sheriff's contract. ~ Elimination of two part time Receptionist positions. ~ Elimination of a vacant Administrative Assistant III position in Community Services. ~ Reclassification of a Senior Civil Engineer position to Associate Civil Engineer ~ Elimination of a Development Services Technician position. ~ Elimination of daytime janitorial services in City Hall. ~ Reduction in part time Seasonal Parks Worker hours. ~ Reduction in part time Open SpacefTrailWorker hours. ~ Reduction in the use of outside vendors, consultants, and services. ~ Reduction in funding for supplies, publications, and other expenses. ~ Reduction in travel and conference spending. . Mayor, Councilmembers, and Members of the Community June 6, 2007 Page 4 . Second, careful review of the status of the Agency's debt service fund indicates that it is time to begin repayment of a $5.1 million loan made from the General Fund to Redevelopment in the early 1980s. This can be accomplished at $500,000 per year over the next 10 years. Third, at your May 15, 2007 City Council meeting, you considered a report on an overhead cost allocation plan. This was the first comprehensive review of how to systematically allocate overhead costs throughout the City's budgetary structure It results in: ~ A benefit of approximately $400,000 to $450,000 in each of the next two years to the General Fund, ~ Reduction in contributions by the Water and Sewer funds to the benefit of the ratepayers; y increasing overhead costs to the Redevelopment Agency; and, ~ Acceleration of the need to adjust fees in the Landscape Maintenance and Lighting districts in the coming years. The assumptions of the cost allocation plan have been built into this two-year budget. Lastly, the City prudently set aside $3 1 million in an economic uncertainty fund ir:1 , ' " . FY 2002-2003 and FY 2003-2004, due to increasing State raids on local government revenues. Since then, poway has participated with other cities and counties in California to urge and win the passage of significant constitutional protections against further diversions of sales apd property taxes, vehicle license fees, and gasoline-related sales taxes for street maintenance. The 2007-2008 budget includes the use of $700;000 from the economic uncertainty fund balance ancl an additional $650,000 in the 2008-2009 budget to partially offset exceptional expenditures for street maintenance and the unforeseen downturn in sales tax revenues. The City's sizable operating reserves are untouched in this budget proposal. I n fact, they are likely to grow slightly in the next two years. The proposed budget is balanced. It has been thoroughly vetted by the Council appointees on the Budget Review Committee. The Committee's report is supportive of the staff proposal. However, it should be noted that there is more budget balancing to be done in the next three to five years. Staff will carefully monitor both revenues and expenditures and report back to Council in six-month intervals. More budget work must be done on both sides of the ledger to prevent budget deficits from occurring in years three through five and beyond This will include examining opportunities for right-sizing through attrition, contracting for services, and shiftirig resources for greater impact. . Mayor, Council members, and Members of the Community June 6, 2007 Page 5 -. Furthermore, staff will present a comprehensive fee and charge study to the City Council tl)is fall, which examines the degree to which the City's general taxes are used to subsidize services that benefit individuals. The last time these fees and charges were thoroughly analyzed was in 1993 Greater cost recovery for these individual benefit services is highly recommended. The City's budget is more than a spending document. It represents policy decisions by the City Council about what the City of Poway will accomplish in the coming 24-month period Some of the key goals for the City between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2009, include: ~ Continued emphasis on strong financial planning, including the long4erm fiscal sustainability of the City of Poway ~ Commencement and completion of 71 infrastructure reinvestment projects throughout the City ~ Continued planning efforts for the proposed Town Center ~ Adoption and State certification of an updated housing element and significant progress on three additional workforce housing developments. ~ Enhanced economic development, especially as regards attraction and retention for the Business Park, local auto dealers, and the Poway Road commercial corridor . ~ A multi-disciplinary approach to neighborhood problem solving. )> Completion of organizational wide technology initiatives, including the geographic information system (GIS) and the City's new web site. ~ Completion of important human resources projects, including new labor agreements with the Teamsters and Firefighter's Association, and organizational development initiatives around communications, evaluations and recognition, and career planning and training. ;.. Further strengthening ofthe City's disaster preparedness systems and training. ~ Revision of the transportation element of the General Plan. City staff is committed to carry out Council direction encompassed in the budget to continue Poway's civic enhancement. I am particularly grateful for the expert work performed by Tina White, Peter Moote, and Andrew White of Administrative Services, Assistant City Manager Penny Riley, the DepartmentDirectors, and the Budget Review Committee in ,shaping this document. The proposals contained in it are prudent, realistic, and focused on the opportunities and challenges facing poway in the early years ofthis 21st Century Respectfully submitted, Rod Gould . City Manager . . I' . CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 2007-08 AND 2008-09 PROGRAM EXPENDITURES -_.. CITY OF POWAY ~ PROGRAM EXPENDITURES 1 ' " ,'" . >"',"' . , " ....~i~ ,> , , " ,",. '" " , , , , " " , ... . .. l. ~' " 9Ilerition~..a.nd ,CluHtal . rTotiil,fr(;lg:r\!.m., ' ", "I' ~. ker,s<i~hcl .".~".:'>.>...~. _.'" _,._ ';"" '4 , puthiy .' ," iEipendit~i'''ii~1t;; Depart!l!.ent. , Ml!t!lJ~mm,fel, , FY 2007-2008: Legislative & Administrative 1,401,020 707,450 1,600 2,110,070 Administrative Services 2,755,490 3,142,110 1,251,770 7,149,370 Community Services 3,345,740 2,576,320 49,350 5,971,410 Development Services 4,005,330 1,354,020 78,320 5,437,670 Public Works 7,914,030 28,243,800 501,100 36,658,930 Safctv Serviccs 7,255,840 11,036,190 234,480 18,526,510 Total 26,677,450 47,059,890 . 2,116,620 75,853,960 FY 2008-2009: Legislative & Administrative 1,410,520 713,560 - 2,124,080 Administrative Services 2,773,730 2,907,790 951,970 6,633,490 Community Services 3.377,350 2,609,530 34,200 6,021,080 Developmcnt Serviccs 4,045,360 1,286,210 5,250 5,336,820 Public Works 7,991,790 28,767,350 174,410 36,933,550 Safcty Services 7,324,970 11,404,410 213,830 18,943,210 Total 26,923,720 47,688,850 1,379,660 75,992,230 . xiv . . . CITY OF POW A Y FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2007-08 AND 2008-09 BUDGET BY FUND iltfDGEWSyiFUN'D . ,',;,.f' ~'; '" . " ~:" .' " ,," T . '1r:i:: .....'...'-"""~"-....., ;J.,. "., "...... .~,.,_..,." ..' i~. lI' .... "l; " -1') _0 \J _",0 r ef' . "-_ .....y:;._..:....' ..~..., _"0.' ", _ '- "! , , c [- .,~ . ~ ' '"t.' "_0 "" '. ' ~ F-Y ,2007'-'08,RROI'0SED, .... , "'. '" :"" ' .- -'-.'" .'- <,,,,.- .' i'" t , ,',' ' "l\"",," " . " : '" - GENERAL' 'WATER' SEWER >DRAINAGE'GA!LT.A:X.' Legislative and Administrative . City Council 132,091 45,031 18.551 2,149 - City Clerk 182,726 62.293 25.662 2,973 - City Attorney 98.437 33.558 13,825 1,601 - City Manager 537,792 183,279 75,504 8,746 - , DC'R;;:tmcnC[ot;], , , "951:9.il:7.-. '324'161 ,f, 'J-33;~,--.!2.47,Q, . ';\ ,.,,-~ ...:..-..,- "0'" ". Administrative Services Di rector 229,710 109125 51,980 6,322 - Human Resources 623.108 56.620 21,233 9,437 - Customer Services 119972 381.527 370.433 988 - Finance 411468 152,580 89,102 6,516 - Information Technology 681,965 120.253 89.415 7,279 - Support Services 407.320 117.640 48.463 5.614 - Risk Management 477.689 162.796 67.065 7,769 - Equip. & Facilities Replacement - - - - - ~.DeRaffmcnt.Total . 2;951 ;232 1,100,541 ' 73'7:691 43,925 - 0 Community Services Director 999.200 - - - - Recreation I 176.640 - - - - Lake Operations 853.620 - - - - Aquatics 735.770 - - - - Performing Arts Ctr 1,331.240 - - - - Old Poway Park 397,380 - - - - Library 337 750 - - - - I nterpreti vc Services 137.810 - - - - _"Q~hartITlcht~;DOhll .~- ..?f,9]~J-: __. ~L ,-'I ~ -'. - 11 ' ~ I' Develonment Services Director 607.528 96,595 57.260 7,381 - Planning 1.028,570 - - - - . Building Inspection 515,390 - - - - Capital Projects 75,026 136.435 RO.877 10.425 7,500 Land Development 564,540 , - - - Inspection 282.323 112.942 66,950 R.630 - Traffic 389,591 - - - - ~ Dcpifftmcnf"@L , -.'- 3;:!!?g[967" .3''45)73 ~05,087 '26,437 '-~"2..Il.9':' Public Works Director 254,20R 345.831 142.469 16.504 - vehicle & Eqmt. Main\. - , - - - Water Supply - 12.873,310 - - - Sewer Pumping - - 4,373.010 - - Water Transmission - 1.121400 - - - Wastewater Collect. , - Y27.530 - - Maintenance Control 263.953 35Y.088 147.931J 17 136 - Street Maintenance 1,593,557 160.800 66.243 - 1.287,130 Drainage - - - 5R3,980 - Facilities Maint. 610.745 171,817 62.508 6.8R7 - Trails & Open Space 196,350 - - - - Park & Land. Main!. 1,686.825 198.450 99,225 - - Stann Water Management 1.032,300 - - - - Reclaimed Water Supply Storage - 459968 114.992 - - Landscape/Lighting Dist. - - - - - -Department tOtal,--" --:-:=5J;:n;2J!;.---:'-Fs:690Tii!i4-5:9:l3;907-- "-624;507 1~287)30: Safety Services Director 561,800 - - - - Fire Suppression 7,653,000 - - - - Fire Prevention 763,3YO - - - , Paramedics 318.280 - - - - Law Enforcement 9.230.040 - - - - . . DeQurtn1cnt'Total ,.,............- ,1'8'526'510 . '= "'"'-~r--r-" '. -. ._~, _..,.'.~,----.. ~.~ _......._,---.-....._, Indirect Cost Allocation (1.288.593 ) 499,717 259.274 22,990 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 36 212,510 17,961,055 7,269,501 733,328 I 294 630 xvi .r '8.~-~~ , . ,i.~tI'ri ;, ~{"i':"':5i' , .,. ,y-,", ';..' .._-",~i-7i9~i ,:r:(i)TA:fu',',,<" . Legislative and Administrative City Council 8.811 126,426 17.240 350.300 I City Clerk 12,189 174.889 23,848 484,580 City Attorney 6,566 94,2\5 12,848 261,050 1.014.140 -:~~l2dl;Q;070 ' Administrative Services Director 13,751 196,031 2,no 609.700 Human Resources 4,718 19.156 7.078 741.350 Customer Services 5,401 10,277 1,092 889,690 Finance 19,656 90.272 5.247 774,840 Information Technology 5,127 31,473 13.388 948,900 Support Services 23.019 106.361 4.654 713,070 Risk Management 31.854 147.187 6,440 900,800 Equip. & Facilities Replacement 1,571 ,020 1,571 ,020 ~p'ai1:'fue-r&1:otaL"','-= _ ,_. ~ ~ ~, . ;- .;~- 1..57.J'020""";" '1'03"576\ -':-:60o.;'7S'r'::-;40[67,'7 .. R,~1;49lJ70 . - " ., "~ ~-~ . ,~,_,!-.iiJIl'"~' -). Community Services Director 999,200 Recreation 1,176,640 I Lake Operations 853,620 i Aquatics 735,770 Perfonning Alts etr 1.313.240 Old Poway Park 397.380 Library 337,750 Interpretive Services 137.810 -, ' , '''''!'';-~', ~=='~~_-=:~:~'~::~~,1L-_ _.-..:~~_____ :~ ~_~_ '(5:9.7,1.,4'10', ~p':artmeht~Total ~ -----,_..~ Devt:lonmcnt Services Director 32l),435 \ .098.200 . Planning I,On.570 BUllding Inspection 515.390 Capital Projects 465,3117 775.570 Lane! Devc!opment 564.540 Inspedion 385.185 856.030 Traffic 149,843 57.424 2.513 599.370 ~_h'artment'Total _._. ,.. , "':~':L, ' '1'49'843 . 1231,352 --:':2;:S'H '5,43.71670' '-...-...---..-- ~""- " .___'_"....-,,,.,,........1......--, _,."".,.,_..__,_, ._"._ -,,--~ Public Works Director 67.669 826.680 Vehicle & Eqmt. Main~. 1,070,610 1.076.610 Water Surply 12.873.310 Sewer Pumping 4.373.0 I 0 Water Transmission 1.121400 Wastewater Collect. 927.530 Maintenance Control 70.263 ~5~.3 70 Street Maintenance 2,568,350 5.676.080 Drainage 583,900 Facilities Maint. 42.573 40.M3 8.607 943.800 Trails & Open Space 196.350 Park & Land. Maint. I 984.500 Stonn Water Management 1,032,300 Reclaimed Water Supply Storage 574,%0 Landscape/Lighting Dist. 3,610,050 3.610.050 ~tfep'artm'eTmctouif---:-'- ..1< " '--c.. . ,2,568,356. . '-'W,ti"L6ffiJQi,...rJ;y.90154--::::'::"f4()SQ3..,' . "-=='8'6Q7.: '-::-]~:6$~!9:\oI r--d. ",,,- ' , Safety Services , Director 561.800 Fire Suppression 7.651.000 Fire Prevention 763.390 t ""rnm~ rn 318.280 . Law Enforce~~ '> _ _ _'''''H'''_'_~" ";""V- _.__ " ".'~'."'_ .____ _ _" -r- 9.230.040 " -,," 1'f'lit526;510' "._~Rartmcnt..-Total ~_ ,__",,:.... '...."""", _301~ _"," ~,,~ .,~ _,. ",-,---.i::<:..,,_ '_ _,,,.,,,,,,~_'~,,,,,,,,,,',,.J,J,.<,," Indirect Cost Allocation 78.205 415,479 12.928 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,568,~2,647,630,.....i,185,556 ---1.,~55,488 125,911 75 853,960 xvii Legislative and Administrative . City Council 132,126 46.966 1 R,745 City Clerk 1 RR,750 67,094 26,778 City Attorney 100.422 35,696 14,247 City Manager 521,938 186,548 74,455 -',~!'<!"":':':':::':.H''"~<C~~:#''',''',,'''""-'''"''''" 1 f'-"" q:;, ;..... -1943'2IsC " 'sw:3o'4",-,. j}.3<;225\. , ., . '~RaItme~t-'Tot~~__ .. ~ ....~'....,.......- _"-'-""'-'~""""'-' -'.,....,.,'''".'.,','',.~..."...... ,._" ..- ~.~, Administrative Services Director 227 .834 112,040 52.280 Human Resourcl:S 549 774 49.956 18,734 Customer Services 119.978 385,223 373,339 Finance 4 n,4 70 158.094 90,462 Information Technology 683,709 120.921 89.697 Support Services 381.019 138,315 55.204 Management 491.543 175.684 70.119 Communitv Services :Dircctur 1,020.840 , R(;Cfeation 1 170,120 Lake Operations 870.600 Aquatics 738,620 Performing I\rts Or 1.339,5RO Old Poway Park 400,030 Library 346,450 I nterpretive Services I 34,R40 UQ.epartmenfWbt~ ." , ~ ."H :6;02r;'080: ~,,~ , li'::; .{ ., . ". .c. ., __"""""""_'_"'~'M~____"_____'_'_"___ -- .- ~--'.~ DevelonmentServices Director 610,725 97 104 57,562 Planning n3.920 . Buddin,!! Inspt:c1ion 515.390 Capital Projects 76.59R 139.035 82,41 R 7.500 Land Develnpment 55R,620 IInspedion 258,607 103 454 61.326 Trafflc 390,262 ~DeRanrrteht\j'ot<ilr:- ~~~~.--,--_...Jl~~;122 ' . ,339;523~_}2Qi~05;' ,< ';;f'7;~@ -.,-,............" - .-...-... .- Public Works IDirector 243,664 357.076 142,515 'Vehicle & Eqlllt. Maint. I,051,4XO Water Supply 13.502.910 Sewer Pumping 4,474,R30 I Water Transmission 1.137 <)70 \Vastewater Collect. R54.500 Maintenance Control 254.359 372)';80 148.823 Street Maintenance 2,459.610 151 474 60,456 1.005.3RO Drainage Facilities Maint. 612.654 182.535 63.R50 Trails & Open Space 198.3RO Park & Land. Maint. 1.665.60 I 195,953 97,977 ~Storm Water Management 914.210 'Reclaimed Water Supply Storage 475.672 118.918 Landscape/Lighting Dist. - - - - - I :Q1R'~'iIffi~Iit:TQt1em~=. .. -":::==_: - - ,~-- =:'iQ;M.&;~77~_.J:g;3],6A~9: '~\9.@~~9r '':''.GQ~f3,j\(ii':~.l::Q$I;t1BP:! Safety Services Director 557.130 Fire Suppression 7 722,940 Fire Prevention 771,470 Paramedics 305.170 I jLaw Enforcement t},5XO,500 . - =-=:~~..,.-...",...<",,,,,,,.,.,,_____.._.......--__..~,.~.,,,____r"''''''''''''''''''"_'-'r-. .......-:.. .....-..-... ,:::: ~;':=:'::::~'" '."'.'::::..."",- e:1 i..Psr..a_itln".!11,Total. ....----"-., ~~,L&;2.;l~rW].._.'----"-__ .....c.2....' Ilndirect Cost "'llocation (1.275.723) 497.673 254.303 22.474 ~ TOTAL EXPENDITURES .n,241,729 18,690,273 7,J.l!1.,~. 1.,935,354 2,110,480 xviii .. ~ " h' . LeQislative and Administrative City Council 9.119 2.154 136.688 7.403 353,200 City Clerk 13,027 3.077 195,268 10.576 504,570 City Attorn~y 6,931 1.637 103.890 5.627 268,450 City Manager 36,219 8,556 162.944 7,201 997,860 I ,," --~,-" ~.,._;;;t~'-~'~'-v"~" ~:'?'"'''''"'''c''''' -;l. -, . ,,:} , .' '--"~42"";'---"'~<::~;";"-:- f -mo-, ," "-:---(F8b~r ;2,1-24,080 ,~,.Qel'gji~T;ota . ", ,,,,,..' ,(j2,,,2~1j,,,-,,--!j;'-'~L',.," ,,__ 598.120,,'.._~..._~ """.,--,,--,"...'~ Administrative Services Director 14,171 6,331 196,936 2.817 612,410 Human Resources 4.163 8.326 16,902 6,245 654, I 00 Customer Services 5.600 991 10.376 I 113 896,620 Finance 20,437 6.5R2 91.507 5.358 785.910 Information Technology 5.IX8 7.299 31,565 13.432 951,X 10 Support Services 26,855 6.343 120.814 5,339 733.890 Risk Management 34,110 X,057 153.455 6.782 939 750 Equip. & Facilities Rcp]aceq1~ ~, 1,059,000 :,'~_,,'!il.im"rtmellt2Total ' ,.' -'__:.."_J.!11Q:924 ".43:9'3(j~,:._ 1'0: ' . '. [6.21;~25' . -'."-~'.-"----Y :1!'Qll2c ~.!2,633;:J20 Communitv Services Director 1.020,840 Recreation 1,170,120 Lake Operations 870,600 Aquatics 738,620 Performing Arts Ctr 1,339,580 Old Powav Park 400,030 Library 346.450 Interpretive Services 1 34.X40 . DiRart'hillhQj]Qt~I_ ,__ _ :::~:::~:~~=H .. { ~'~:=~~':'~':~~'~~ c: . "----:--;~:;~;.;..-~.-.---:6,O21\O~O' "_._-~_._._._..., .........".,."",-=-=---.....,..""","""', -'- .-----:;.j. Dcvelonment Services Director 7420 331 169 I 103,9XO ~ Planning 9X3 920 Building Inspection I 515,390 Capital Projects 10,624 474.175 , 790,350 Land Develorment 558,620 Inspection 7905 352.82X I 784.120 Traffic 150.110 57,527 2;2:41.. ___..<,,.,jOO.44O ._:1[~}t~7fm.cn(Tg'~:~1,__~_ 156Dr~25949 ',-'.' .I,~.5.f699' _~2:541.1_,.._j5,336,820' ~ _,______._____.___...__._______._.l______,__.......~ __ "__'_""'.""__'..___"- Publ ic Works i Directur 6LJ,329 16,376 X2X.%0 ! Vehicle & Eqmt. Maint. 1.051480 Water Supply 13,502.910 Sewer Pumping 4.474.830 Water Transmission 1.137.970 Wastewater Collect. 854.500 Maintenance Control 72,3'17 17.101 865,560 Street Maintenance ] ,621.320 5.2'1X.240 Drainage 5XO.200 5XO.200 Facilities Maint. 44,466 6,951 41,504 X,R40 960,XOO Trails & Open Spacc 198,380 Park & Land. Maint. 1.959,530 Storm Vv ater Management 914.210 Reclaimed Water Supply Storage 594,590 Landscape/Lighting Dist. 3,711,390 3,711,390 :;;:r::1i;:?fpaitrt!:~!i!11i0t3I:~~~'- --' 3;~<[(;t8T-. jj20;629".':::mi2T:32Q::-',3'f!:;@, .,.~"IIl:8..4.0= ==3~:23370Q Safetv Services Director 557,130 Fire Suppression I 7.722.940 Fire Prevention 771,470 Paramedics 305,170 ..'M~_l~~s!,:tor~~~~~~!.._~. ,-'- .. Department"l'ot~I:"''...... _ ~- I Indirect Cost Allocati()n 7R.745 409 793 12.734 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,223,5 II 705,93 I 1,700,065 2,887,340 96 008 75.,\l~_,230 xix d , ,.) e ., .1 g CITY OF PO WAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 2007-08 AND 2008-09 i EMPLOYEE POSITIONS CLASSIFICA nONS AND SALARY RANGES i :%t("",;c"''''hWFKU'''.:_D1,.:.'''.::.1':.:.::.~!''-Bi.:.'.:.:''':';:':':''''':'':?;.:i.:.'''~'''':''';:'''__':''':''',,^,'.:'.i,.'.'i..:.:__"';.:..::'-...::'-.:..:.>,T.".:../''-:..::':':':';':''':';'':')':':'-':':'':'..:::.':.,''.'.-.:__.'',.:.,,,.,.:..;.-:..,.;o.,=,,.-,.~~:,;;.-.-..:.,.~:__.:.;.:.-.:.:.:;).:.:...:.:..-,..-.:.:.-,.,.;.:.):::.-.::.-.;.:...:..,.:.-;;.:.-.:..............;.......;;...'......;,r__.-.-'''.-.-__.,..;,.~..-,-..;~.--,.'*..=,,~.--.-<- CITY OF POW A Y AUTHORIZED POSITIONS BY DEPARTMENT and Administrative 10 j 10 -! Administrative Services 27 2.25; 27 ,Community Services 27 2971 27' Development Services 3(i Public Works Safety Services , 'Redevelopment 10' Services Housl11g Services . r ,<;; !l, ! XXII CITY OF POW A Y POSITION CLASSIFICATIONS 4,372 - 5,314 . - 3,341 - 3,712 Administrative Assistant I 2,427 - 2,950 Administrative AssistantlI------.--- '39.0 "',,---- 2,613 - 3.176 2,613 - 3.176 Administrative Assistant III -_....__........- 45.0 -_._.,.,-----". 3,031 - 3,684 ,.-.. 3,031 - 3.684 Assessment District Specialist 58.0 ..",."." 4,178 - 5,078 4.178 - 5.078 Assistant City Engineer ~<f2.0 7,55(, - 9,185"-- 7,556 - 9.185 Assistant City Manager 92.5 11,476 : 13,950" 11,476 - 13.950 Assistant Director o(Administrativc Services "si:S-" 8.158 -9,916 .--- 8,158.9,916 ".-.. Assistant Director ofPuhlic Works 8'2.5 .......- 8,158 - 9,916 8,158 - 9,916 rH ,- Assistant Engineer -."",-...-...-... 65.0 -..-.-..... 4.966 - 6.036 4,96(,.6.036 _..- Assistant Planner ,--."..,---.- 61.0 .... 4,499 - 5,468 4.499 - 5.468 Assistant to the City ~~l!~~er 75.0 -~S7 - 7,727 6,357 - 7,727 --..- ........... .-- , Associate Civil Engineer 71.5 5,960 - 7,244 5,960 - 7,244 Associate Planner ..- ..-- 64.0 4,845 - 5,889 4,845 - 5,889 i \"....'''....-...... Box Office Attendant -.---..,..--... 36.0 ......".- 2.427 - 2.950 2,427 - 2,950 I ~..,...- Box Office' Coordinator '''"'-'''''''-''''--''''~ 40.0 ,.", 2.679. 3.256 2,679 - 3,256 i City Engineer _"O"H' 84.5 '"'".''' 8,567.10,413 '8367-10.413 City Planner '''_H+'''_''''''''''''''_'''''''~ -sTs-' 8,158 - 9,916 8,158 - 9.91(, Code Compliance Officer '''''''''''' .- 58.0 4,178 - 5,078 4.178 - 5,0'rX Community Services Manager -"",,,,,,,. 78.5 7,266 - 8,759 7,206 - 8.759 Computer Aeplications Coordinatoj-~~~~ . -.....WS".. 4,3'72 - 5,314 4.372 - 5.314 Construction Coordinator ..-.....67.0 "'4);45 - 5,88-,r 4,845 - 5,889 ---Construction' Maintenance Crew Leader ---.... sT() 3.602 - 4,379 3.(,02 - 4:379 Construction iVIaiiitenance W orkcr I -,,'''''' 41.0 2.814 - 3,421 2,814 - 3.421 Construction rVimi;-tcrt',"i'n"c-c"'Worker II .--.... 450......-... 3,184 - 3,87(~ 3,184 - 3.870 ~ Construction Manager .".."""" ,__".",,_ H'~__"__~ 69.0 - 5,48 I - 6,6(,3 5:481 - (,.663 .,".".",,,,,.,,.,,.,,-,,. Contract lnspcctor H<"",""H 55.0 .,"_....-'3,879 ~ 4,715 3,879 - 4.715 Cross~Conncetion Speciali'S't...+-.------ 58.0 -."""".""".- 4,178 - 5,07X '4Jn - 5:0n . ~- Customer Services T e~l1nlc,]ZlI1~i ..--.- -"'-40.5 _...,,-- 2,749 - 3,341- ......-.2;749 - 3.341 Customer Sc"rYlces .'fC-cfinlcla';"iT---- '-'44.5' . .... 3.054 - 3.7T2-~054 - 3.712 1--- Customer. Services Worker 50.0 3 :429 - 4, [(;8-"-'3,429 . 4:1'68 -- Deputy City Clcrk < <__H"""'''H'' .""."".,,_,,_.,,______,,__,,_ 56.0 ..-. ~376 - 4.X33 3,976 - 4.833 l_ Development Services "f'elTl"]1iaii-n - "'50:0"'-"- 3.429 - 4,1 h'S-"'.'-j" 429 - 4.1 (,8 Director of Adili'{illSt'ratl~:c ~~'-er-V1ces -'''8ifs-''-' 10,396 - 12,636 10.396 - 12.636 Director of Conl"ml:lriTt"y''''Se''''rvices '.'-8lf5"'" 10.396 - 12.63-6 ""To~:jij(; - 1 2 .63 6 Director of Develo~pnlel1t S-ervlCc-s"-"-"'"'''''''''' 88.5 -.... ...----.-10.396 - 12,636 -"10,396 - 12.636 .""""..-,,- Director of Public Wor~""'''' 88.5 1 0.396 - 12,636 I 0.396-:T2.636 L, ~"Director of Redevelopment Services ."...".,,---_.. 88.5 ....10,39(;.- 12,636 10,396 - 12.636 ._-~ Director of Safety Ser~lces ,- '.....-.SX.5 10.396 - 12.63'1;-'"'1"0,396 - 12.636 Dock Attendant 270 '''''.'''''H 1.943 2,3(;2--....1:943 - 2.362 Economic D~~clorrl~nt M,lnagcr . "-"7i;T-"---" _T". L"",,_ r"_.. 7.206 - 8,759 7.206 - 8.759 ~ Engineering. Inspection Sprvsr/NPJ:?i:S 6"ij() .... . 5.48 I - 6,(,6T----5~4RI - (,,663 r- Enginecrliig-'nspcctor ------- .....-59.0 4.282 - 5.205 4.282 - 5.205 " Engineering Tcclillici~.inr'.-'-._- "5~""'''-''-'3Jf79 - 4;715 -" 3,879 - 4,715 ~ Engineeri ng Technician ""I 1--""::-"""":""":""""""""""":"""""":""""""":""""""""""""""",,- 59.0 4.282 - 5,205 4,2825,205 - Equipmcnt'Mcchanic'--'- .____H___ 52.0 ......--. - 3,602 - 4.379 3,6()i - 4,371i "",,,,,,,,,-- Executive Assistant to the City Manager -' "61.0 H"',,_ 4.499 - 5.461;--""-4".499 - 5.468 ~ Facilities Maintenance Crew Lcadcr~"'- '5'50 3.879 - 4.715 '-""3.X79-4.715 Facilities Technician -".".,,_.- -"""""."",,,,,,- .-""-- 49 0 3.345 - 4,066.- 3,345 - 4.066 [ Finance M ana&~~___"__"""H"_'_"'__'H -"._----_.,,- 7K3--'-'-. 6,202 - 7,538--"-6;:1'02'=-7.538 Fire Captain 274.2 ...-... 5.457-6.661 5,457 - (,.(,(,1 [~:- Fire Division Chief 82.5 '''''''''''''''''''-'''''''''''-''-- 7,745 - 9,414 '''-7)"45'- 9.414 Fire Engineer H"_H+~""'"''''''_+'''''''''+''H''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ~H"_""""_ '-2599 5.078'~ (,,20()-'" '-5..078 - 6,200 L Fire Prevention Specialbt -....-.".-"....---.-... 603-' -.--....--." 4.499 - 5,468 -----:[49.9: 5 ,468 .".".""""".,,- Firefighter/Paramedic 249.3 .- - -. '4.153--=-5,069 4.153 - 5.069 . i==:::!:leet and Facility Mainten"n~i~~ur.e::::.~.!'.,... .._12.40 ..,,,--.-.-.- 4,84~:- 5,882:=:. 4.8"4'5..- 5.889 I Front or House Assistant 33.0 2,253 - 2,739 2,253.2.739 . Front orHouse Coordinator .....- .......--- .5[j:O--..... 3.429 - 4.168 3.42'9- 4}61r-- :-~-~""'- "I lousing Program M::lI1agcr -"'-78.5 ....... '-"-.'7.206-:-8,759 7,206 - 8,759 r----"Housing Programs Coordinator "... -6:1:0 '''-'''-''- 4,845 - 5,889 - 4,Ms-=5,889 0'" Human Resources Assistant 47.0 ~ 3.R7i'"j"---...."3, 1 84 - 3.X70 " Human Resot!::c~J:1~~,<:~r -.-...'-.-..'-...78..S--.--....--.----..1;206:-.8:7'59 7.2()6=-8-:759 Human Resources Technician 53.0 ........._.,..._..2.692,.;: 4.48~.=.-~..2 - 4.488 -~~ ..-..-.-....... -.-- CITY OF POW A Y POSITION CLASSIFICATIONS ~"'..>~.'~0:.~$.lh~,~ ~~"r:,;}':':' : ".++.,""':" ",' ~I.~. '.~':';,;~~;.r;::"" T' ;;",~:'~~{~:~+:~~~[. 11 )iI~';/:~~~i::illllllll~lllllllllllllw::mm~~it <;::m:"m~I:~~[Z":f:~; ji~: ;' .:,fAlRPR 0*IM~JEE M 0NmH10M " ~ l' . ~ .~. , .~.. ,..., -iJ:-,- ~~'.:'.: ::.,".,-,.:::::",,:. l'e:.."";.:.;.:...:.::.:::::"".... .".:j.:........:.......,.::.::...,.::..,.:..........:.,,- ..","', ..'., ~ .~,,,, "' .",,~ ,,;/, " "', , olf' "~" ~ _--="."~;;K] ; ......,L.:..."...:.i::f:::::::::::::::~~,,3.., i!.t.~~:::::::.::::::::::::::::::::t}":!::::T+.:.:."""'4?:"'+-""""'" If ~. :r )t: "y,,:::._, . ""~ ","""_'" "'t......,.. '. 'b;"'" #ill ~~ .,~ " i!=L/A'SS UJ::IOl\:'l'I0 N,;';!Ji:illllim"',Ii~,, ,." .1""""'1';';"; .'" ''''. ',RA']'jGE', "".,.....".:;"'...''':iiI~mf",.. tIliY,20Q7,2008" ~::,,,,c, ,IF,\'! 2008,2009 I--- lnfom1ation Techno]o~y Managcr 78.5 ,__ .._...._...__.7.,2.!l6 - 8,759 7,206 - 8,759 L- }nte'E!::~.':: SpecialistlNaturalist 500 _._.. ..._~~429 - 4,168 3,429 - 4,168 . Lcad Customer Services Worker 56.0 3,976 - 4,833 3,976 - 4.833 'LeadTitEguard/A.g~~!LCS Spec!".list,.. 39..0 ......=.:=_.2.6] 3 - 3.176 2,613 - 3,176 I Llfeguard 29.0 2,04 I - 2,48] 2,041 - 2,481 --~-----'" .....-........ --.---.....----. I _.. .__Llfegu.a.rd/Swim Instructor ._.......... 35,0 _.,___ 2,367 - 2,878 2,367 - 2,878....-: Management Analyst 65,0 4,966 - 6.036 4,966 - 6,036 =I Management t:~~i?ta.!'.t_..-":::=:' ..- .......- 61..0 _........_.........._...~,499 - 5,468 .-....--:(;499 - 5;468 _.,......~.J.ti.n:edia Specia~st 58..5 ...__.. 4.372 - 5,3]4 4,372 -_?3 ]~ _... Network Administratur _ ........... 69,0 5,481 - 6,663.._..~c~~,663 i Park Attendant 27,0 1,943 - 2,362 1.943 - 2.362 Park Ranger ...-- -....... 41..0 . 2,746"~3.337"-" 2,746 - 3.337 Parks Maintenanee'C:oordinaior 58,0 ._....--4.178:..5,07[( 4,178 - 5,078 Parks Maintenance Crew Leadcr .. 51,0 -. - 3.514'.. 4.272 3,5]4 -4,272 Parks Maintena'nc,'-Superv";'sclr'-'- 64,()-------4"]45..~5,lr89 4.845 .. 5,889 Parks Maintenance Worker I -- ---.. 41..0 2,679-~T,256---' 2,679 - 3,256 Parks Maintenance Worker II ...... ........- 45,0 3,054.. 3,7T2 3.054 - 3.712 Public Works Operatiuns Manager .......- 78.5 6.846 - 8,32T-'-(;,846 - "8,321 Public Works Program Coordinator ..- 62,0 4,966 - 6,036-'''-:i;966 - 6.036 Public Works Shop Assisiant ....... 43,0 2.8:r4":}";'n)6"~'-:r,884 .. 3,506 C:~..R..eceptlOmst.. .:_.... 36..0 .:~:: 2,4.'1].. 2,950 2,427 - 2,950 1 Records Technician 47,0 3.184 - 3,870 3,] 84 - 3,870 1"--' Recreatiun Leader I "29,1)""--" 2,041 - 2,481 2,04] - 2,4'8] Recreation Leader II ... ... ..... 3.3':0 2.253 . 2.7'f9-'''-'''''z,253': 2,i39" 1 Recreation Specialist - -- 39,0 2;613-3.176 ..-- 2,613-3.]76 : Rccrcation Supervisor -- . .. 5Ki)" 3,976 - 4.833 3,976":'4,833 -......'Ticdevdopment Coordinator .......... '6"5.0' -,,--. 4966 - 6,036 4,966 - 6,0~iiJ' -.-'.-Rcdevelop';;enTManagcr-....Tscs ..--.... ... _....-7'.20i\-:R-:-75') 7.206.. 8,759 i Redevelopn;;;;lt Project E~ministrat::~...._........ 69..0 '-"--"'-S;=nrr':()'-i;r;'j-:"'::S,481. ~- 6,663 Revenue & Business A...::~,vity ~~~lgcr .__...,....78.5 7.206.. 8}59 ...___.......7.20~.: 8,75.L.... Seniur Fire Inspector 2699 5,078, 6.200 5.078.. 6,200 ! _.._._.____._ _........,............ __..___.__._.M'_'--'/ Scnior Accountant 69..5 5,759,7,000 5.759.. 7.000 I Senior Administrative Assistant'- ---.............49,0 3,345,4,066 -..- '3,345.. 4,066" ,-'--S'cnior Civil EII-ginee'.....- --....-.-. ...-...-. 78.7 -""'--7~i8T~R.851-'-'-' 7,2~1- ~,851 :-"""'5enior Dock Attcndalit......----.....,....... '''JTO.--...... .-..... "--2,145,2:"607- 2,145.. 2,607 i"''' ....... Senior Equipment Mechanic ...--.S6,S--..-...-'......-4.115.. 5,002 4,] ] 5.. 5,002 L..-...- Senior Fire Prevention Inspector _...___..__._=:"::_.?""6Y)---=-~=__.... 5,078 .. 6~200-"-="=:'5~<i]I: 6..~(jO .... I Seniur Management Ana]yst 69,0 5.903... 7,] 75 5.903.. 7.] 75 I '.. ..............--......-.........-.........-.--..-..........-.....,.....-,... . Senior Parks Maint. Crew L~ader 55.0 3,X79 - 4,715 3,X79 - 4,715 r-._..........""......_-~.,.,,-_.- ...--.-..........-... '..-" _..... -......".---.....-..... I Senior Planner 70..0 5,61 X .. 6.X29 5,6] ~ .. 6.~29 - .._"...~-"-~.._._..."..._..__._......"-".,,........_,,.._" --"-.-"--.--:---.-.--.-.-.-.--...--.-..-- Senior Rccn:ation Supervisor 60.0 4,3~9 - 5,335 4,389 - 5,335 ,-.....Seniorl'ra"fr'e Engineer 78,7 7.2i<~8,'if5I'-" "7,281.. 8,851.... _..........S..cnior Utility Syslc,"s'Tcchnician -.............-...... . .....6..4.0 4,845.. 5.889 .. 4.8;1'5'=5:889.... Stage Technician ..... ....... --45,0 ..-.. '-''jO'3r':i;"684 3,031..3,684 . -....-..--Streets and Drainage Sllpervisor 620 ,. ...-.. -'4:6'1T-:"5/;o)" _.. 'U'I1":"5:'605 ;.- ..........., t ccllnicayTheatcrCoordinatc;r........ _.....,..,',2~..::::::=:-:,==)..~29 .. :i.~168 :::=... 3!129 .. 4,168 . Theater Volunteer Coordinator 50.0 1,429 .. 4.16X 3,429.. 4.168 j- ... UtiliiiesManagcr .. ...-. ........ ..:_ n.5_ _..7,206 :Y,.7S9"--"-7'Z06.. ~ZS9 , Utility Systems Mechanic 60,0 4.389.5,335 4.389.. 5,335 UtilityS"ystems Supervisor 70.0 5.61 ~ .. 6.829 5,618.. 6,X29 Utility Systems Technician 60..0..---....-.......----4,3X<7:..5,33'S....--.-4,389 .. 5.335 ......... Warehuuse Assistant ...---.--...-.............-- 490-.......--....'...-..."l;345:;r.06r;--..... 3.345 - 4,066 ~asicwatcr Otil,;ies Crew Leader .-. 530 -, - 3.692 .. 4.48X 3.692 .. 4,488 .... -Wastewater Utlll!les Supervisor 64 0.......-.. -"'4,845 ~'5,~X9 4,~45 .. 5,~X9 Wastewater Utilities Worker I 430 2,8X4 .. 3,506..-'----:r:884 .. 3.566-; ,. .___.. ...._..__. ___......... ..._...___ .....__.. .....___ .__.... .._... .__.. ..._... ...___.._..__.t , Wastewater Utilities Worker II 47.0 3.184.. 3.870 3.] 84.. 3,870 - -' - . i Water Tr.::::t~nt Plon~()p'erator I ,........_. ?20 3,602,4,379 3,602.. 4,379. . Water Treatment Plant Operator II 58..0 4,178 .. 5.(17~ 4.178: 5,078 :. Water Treatment Plant Operator III ......-- 640--.....-...."4)i45-:s,889.-...-..4,84'S.....5,'889.., I Water Treatn1ent Plant Supervisor .,_......, '70.0 5.618 .. 6.829 5,618 .. 6,829 , -. 'Water'utifities CrewT,'adCf"......... ......."-.... .........5'30-..'..--.'.-3;692(4..8'8.'-.....3.69'2"=-4":4.88 , -....'Wate,.OTilities Supe'rvis;;r-' 64.0 ...,-.- 4.~4';.. 5.889 -- 4,845.. 5.889 ! Water Utilities Worker I ..., ...---..-.-- ....... 43,0 . '-'2";884.. 3,506 .. 2,884~S06 C:'" ...Water ldt,ilities ~Vo~k:~ -... ._ .....'"=--..4TO~..:=.....-=-j.!..84 .. 3.810 :::-=':TIs4-:-3'""I"870 ~'"~,," -,-~~ --. ~~~~" . . I I . i I ., CITY OF POW A Y FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2007-08 AND 2008-09 , REVENUE BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I i ~ ".....,- .''''-'...... ."""' _._...._._ ....._._.__._._......__..m....._._ _'_..__....___.____.__~._......_ "_'______....._'.'. REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES City of Po way }:T,",,~r.,' ...,'T ,., .'; ,c, ,,,,:,.:' .""";~;c;;':'lIiY~,2005106f.~F;Y2006:;07 > FY,"'2007,!.o8',~fEY)Q098'i09 f ':<'1< .. 1" ''''',~l "JI!-~ ,.l:l,.,:'..,>..w.:...I..f.:......,..;".~.t".. ..0 d<':" " .,"" :",:/'~.:..;t"('''~;'?'~':'_ .",j"tii.-pt<. FUND 1 00- ~;NE~L' ;~~D ..' . '.' '\!\Clua..",,(,~p.move.. (, <RrQpos,jj,-, ,.proposea,". Taxes & Franchises i r 7111 Taxes- Current Secured & Unsecured 6,493,277 7,207,040 7,765,000 7997,950 7112 Taxes- Delinquent. Secured & Unsee. 75 733 65,000 75,0(lO 75,000 7113 Taxes- Supplemental 1,226,847 400,000 400,000 f 400,000 7114 Taxes- Homeowner's Exemption 92,889 92,000 93,000 i 93,000 7115 Taxes-Propertyin-lieuofVLF 3.388,459 3,377,100 3,612.310 3,720,680 7117 Taxes, Real Property Transfer 338,791 205,160 200,000 200,000 7131 State Sales Taxes 9,783.358 9,654,470 i 9,151,450, 9,571,680 7131A Sales Tax Compensation Fund 3154,525 i 3,218,150; 3,050,280! 3,159,890 7151 Transient Occupancy Taxes 190,097 . 187,510 I' 206,810 435,950 7\72 Franchise-Sdge 788,037 835,700 920,690 948,310 7173 Franehise Timc Warner 64,505 57,000 I 60,000 63,000 7174 L~,::~~;~e'-~;~DtotaJ._l'axes~&I$raIlChises 2'(j'~;~~;:~~i' ~~i5~~~~:~:~~lk126~~;~;~~~' ,T27/~~~~~~~' Licenses & Permits 7213 Business Registration 10,890 11,000 , 12,000 12,000 7214 State License Commissions I 2,614 I 2,450 i 2,450! 2,450 7232 Fishing Pennits 105,670 i 99,7501 99,750 i 99,750 7233 Boat Permits 107,7981 119,9001 115,000: 117,000 7234 ConstructIon Penmts-Exeavatlon . 11.115 i 4,7501. 7,O()0 L 5,500 7235 Construction Pernllts-Gradmg : 5,744 ! 4,500 3,000 2,500 7236 Park1l1g Pernlits 53 104 55,000 52,500 52,500 C"_. - =: :::""" ,,"'., :ff"""" & """;i'/' __''''''~. :29.7J50j.: :'291.70il",~_'i'I"''', FUles & Forteltlll ," "~~I I : I . 7310 rmes and Penaltlcs : 732,633 . 582,200 , 644,000 , 664,000 i --- ---:;:-. ",. -- ,..,.--.".-.- -I.. ~ ....".. ~ ~ .- -- -- -..- t.:" ~-. "~'--"--";":;C"";; '-'''-.~'.~ -.............. ~_ _ ,,,-Sul5total.Fmes,& Rorteltures 732.633" ~582,200i,.,_.644,OOO:L ~:66~t.OOO.u Use o(Aloncv & Proner!v i 7411 Interest Incomc-Genera1 ~51,003 984,830 1,259,550; 1 174,420 7414 Interest Income-Loans 196,115 204,060 257,360 221,960 7415 Interest Income,Notes Reeeivable 1,061 12,310 12,010 7441 Space Rental 9,010 10,500 , 10,500 10.500 , 7461 Lease Revenue-Telecommunications 355,781 I 305,430 I 518,930 542,240 1 7471 Rental 220,753 221,530 251,140 I 251.640 i 7472 Rental-Swimming Pool 43,137 I 35,000 i 36,000 i 36 (lOO 1 7473 Rental-Swimming Pool Locker : 374 i 500 i 500 ' 500 i 7476 Concessions Income i 105,~46 109,750 I 102,660 105,350 I 7477 Rental,Parents & Kids Sake Trailer I 4,201 4,200 4,200 4,200 : 7478 Rental-Sports Park . 92,620 97,500 97,500 97,500 Revenue/Grants f;.vm Other A r!encics : ! n T 7512 PUSD Contribution To Perf ArtsCtr 152,209 I 155,000 I 150,000 I' 150,000 'I' I 7521 County Revenue/Grants-Other 78,152 ] 55,030 : 55,030 , 55,030 ! 7530 ~henfrs Contract Rebate f 282,8971 167,470! 170,000 180,000 I i 7561 Federal Revenuc/Grants,Other I 239,041J - : - , i 7581 MotorVehic1e In Lieu. ' ! 391,467 449,120! 356,460 363,590 I ,7582 Off Fhghway Motor VehIcle In LieU I 773 - ' - - I j C[SutltolaF ReYen1l2s:fromtQ)tnei,A"gencies~=-.:fX~~:;-S40.J ,::' -,--:826:6fo-=1::=C731i490.,~ _.74Kii20:1 I Fees & Services !: r I . 7611 Candidate Filing Fees 'I ' 400 : 400 I 7612 Water System Analysis Fees 15,075 i 10,000 10,000 : 8,000 1~~3 Administrat:~e ~evenue uu_ u. -L2,~~\~~~_! 2,374,850 297,1601_298,300 2 I _._._._._- --- -'. --.- ----.-,. REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I I City of Po way r',.. 'I ,,:;,"'f 'f",' ~ - "I"".:~;;IF:I' ifY,20@~06''''E'Y;,'2006'07 'FY.200"'f]8'FY.Q008-'09,. ,. o yl '," "" 1 !., ,'c" ~-,:;.~:,"i""~ .. ,,:",,'+/';;',.c' ' '"'0;""'" :.'-',":/t- '--- : ,"....'f.y;!..."l.;;j;.~ . ""',, . '"t ~ ,';'" .,,}'" '-'. ,Act4al " -':s,lqmrOyeOi, .' Rroposea ",~;Bi6Rosed"'; I FUND 100- GENERAL FUND ICon't) i I I Fees & Services (Con't! 27000 ! 7614 Mise. Legislative/Admin. Fees 27,896 2,000 26,000 ' 7616 Passport Services 68,652 55,000 55,000 55,000 7617 Live Scan Fees 2,184 400 7622 Ticket Sales 16,405 2,760 2,760 2,760 7623 Staff Serviees 58,347 58,510 65,000 65,000 7624 Aquatics Recreation Programs 66,783 68,890 60,320 60,320 7625 Leisure Contracts 235,356 258,970 264,340 264,340 7626 Recreation Programs 95,256 86,790 87,890 88,190 7628 Swimming Pool Admissions 43,166 69,750 71,000 71, 000 7631 Lake Poway Ovemight Camping 489 350 350 i 350 7632 Ticket Handling Charges PCP A 4,898 12,750 15,400 15,400 7674 Storm Water Reg Fee-Residcntial 638,639 630,000 630,000 630,000 7675 Storm Water Reg Fee-Commercial 100,668 97,950 97,950 97,950 7697 Swimming Pool-Birthday Rentals 2,890 3,400 3,400 3,400 7698 Swimming Pool-Passes 19,204 12,940 18,170 18,170 7699 Swimming Pool,Private Lessons 4,595 8,400 5,000 5,000 7731 Planning Fees 152,967 61,000 60,000 60,000 7733 Misc. Planning Fees 4,170 2,900 2,500 2,500 7734 Building Inspection Fees 850,555 650,000 650,000 650,000 7735 Plan Check Revenue 286,118 155,000 95,000 80,000 7736 Misc. Engineering Fees 19,816 10,000 15,000 15,000 7737 Inspection 178,976 100,000 114,000 90,000 . 7738 Engineering Stafl Time Reimb 75,974 27,00~ I 54,000 44,000 7739 South Poway Engineering Fees 7740 Inspection-Mobile Homes 11,4] 0 6,000 i 6,000 6,000 7752 "'Iann Registrations & Penalties 53,715 57,600 i 57,600 57,600 7753 Safety Serv Plan Check/Inspection 112,597 125,000 I 115,000 1]5000 7754 Misc. Safety Service Fccs 33,794 14,500 14,500 14,500 7755 Ambulance Fees 788,442 1,000,000 I 875,000 I 900,000 7756 CPR Class Revenue 5,820 3,000 400 I 300 7757 Vehicle Abatement 14,997 15,000 ' 15,000 15,000 I 7758 Towing Contracts 25,625 20,000 20,000 I 20,000 7760 WccdINuisance Abatcment I 1,351 35,000 35,000 35,000 7771 SewerImprovcments , 41,437 39,900 30,070 I 30,070 7772 Street Improvements J 2,474 2,470 2,470 I - 7773 " Solid Was,t~ .':~ran~i~:_!:e _ _ n _ __ _, m:~4! 380,000 , 794,000 794,000 I i..:.. ~Subtotill Fees & Ser.vices ~ ,6.804.7,06 ':6;458:480 I:' 4:666.28'O~_:4:638:550-= Other Revenues I 7815 Loan Repayment 10,000 10,000 i 10,000 I 10,000 7830 Donations 13,259 7881 Sale Of Surplus Propcrty 9,433 3,200 I - i 3,500 I ! 7884 Returned Check Charges 2,775 3,500 i i 7885 Worker's Compensation Insurance 99,909 60.000 60,00~ ! 60,000 I I 7886 Insurance Settlements I 33,704 . i 7888 Reimbursement Agreement Fees i 1,6R8 - i : I , 7891 Miscellaneous . 176,223 152,830 104,120 104,280 i 7892 Mandated Cost Reeoverics I 49,291 25,000 25,000 25,000 . I ;~~: ~~:sr~~~,;~,~e~1~~~~d~~~e__ ' ~ =c".".,"",..""L~i~:~_~~ ""..,.". ~)I~~~ q' ..;~~~~~ _,___ ;~:~~~ ! :', ',.__~",:'~_Jsubtota~;0ther:~~ey:nul__"S.:8;8~6~:. "3:6:23?".:_2:A;82?~,':: . 274~980" L____ ITot[\uQel1~ral}:uf1d~ . ': .'::~' =_' . _ '~:7:53J;Hlj. '36,~33:31l!..~35;2~8:4~.llf-.3_6;339;63,O 3 _...~_........._ ....._....__............_ _______._...m.._ ......_.........._ _..,..._............. .'__'0'__'.'_ REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES City of Poway : ,;,' < f~" - ;~;,. ":~: : t .. .~=;-:: " rr, '~',l:iF.\i:200SJ06Il"iE~i20'Og~fl'7:,.M'Ey,,200,:[AQIEi7,JRM,20, Q8,091' "'l.li\ d, . '-c ' . ;;:>..... ," -,.", ...'_ -, . .."....... ::::( , /;......::,.."'.~"""'" '''''''i:".. '1+;';",,',:V'.;:::::."'*, :'>'d' ~~r,.",..,6.':'.,,"''''''''''''''::::::'''''-' ,;,"" }, ':, , ' "'." ',... ';:"rA'Cttial';"";"~jAnnr6Ve(li::",..:Rr6n5SeCJ" ':"BfoP6Sed\'~. -- , -....-r""----'-."" ~'''' i i FUND 102- SPECIAL PROJECTS FUND i 7131 State Sales Taxes I 735,747 400,000 I : 7131A Sales Tax Compensation Fund I 245,249 I 133330 : :illOBi:isrreet'IDeveloprtJent,P,iiild.: , ,,< ",/;. ":980:9961"':' .:'>533'330' ,~""~": 'i.lj,~: ':~:,i ';~~~'~-:I~;~:;E~;M~~~~ENT~:(GASO:I:E ;:;;~~D ' I-~-- -, "1 7411 Interest Income-General I 17,184 19,720! 22,410 i 21,370 7561 Federal Revenue/GrantscOther 2,595 - I c 7591 Gasoline Tax,2105 309,130 324,760 321,620, 328,050 7592 GasolineTax~2106 205,H48 217,390 214,160' 218,440 7593 Gasoline Taxc2107 412,286, 424,160 42X,940 437,520 7594 Gasoline Taxc2l07.5 7,500 ' 7,500 7,500 7,500 7891 Miscellaneous 38,083 : - : c - 7411 ~::~~~;::=::;;:~Lj[~:}:~,--"~;}-~:;;:;l. ~;~~; 7411 Interest Income-General I 50,512 i 118,310 40,600 30,970 7713 Traffic Mitigation Fees ~ 53,053 i 34,650 34,650 34,650 7891 Miscellaneous 27,702 i - : , , !:~::'~f<?9J[Sir~ilt ,Beve]op:m~Di;rF,u1id;~".l : --~1~~'~~Y?l~:~:~1~:j;2:liQ'i~-='~~~;!~~ >.: :6~{&2iE. :l'otaLi?t.re~t.~ye1opm"-I).tFui1sl};E: ___.,~.P2;~t.l,-,--3:;,~\~60'J,---_,"-8~1~,(), _:. -.Il;230', I [ , FUND 223- PROPOSITION A STREET DEVELOPMENT FUND i I 7132 CountySa1esTaxes-PropAl/2Cent I ],lXI'OOOI U13'OO(~' 1,751,OOOi 1,611,000 7411 Interest Ineome-General I 25,456 19,720 21,650 i 10,320 (:tofal::~~9]JOslfi9.!!'AjStr~et;15~Y~l'QQI1l~iii:fu+,.ll'~~.!!6;#'$~':'~.'"j}1l~7Jill..."" HV~\!i50~~-:i;;~71,c1~if FUND 224- STREET DEVELOPMENT- TRAFFIC CONGESTION AB2928 FUNDI 7411 Interest Income-General 7,1)70 I - ! 13,530, 12,900 7541 State Revenue/Grants-Other 225,928' 210,760 j -I 519,060 .[tQf~I~TraffiZ:QQl1g~mjQ!i'A:B,~2~"E1\iill-'=: ,~Ji33)l98~'""- "'~lfm"lliO':.' . .B;~JlTi '5.3.1;2,60! , I FUND 231- DRAINAGE FUND ! 7119 Taxes-F1oodzones i 531.562 658,220 I 709 180 730,450 , 7411 Interest Income-General : 29,715 65,850 i 48,220, 45,990 I' 7(j13 AdnllnlstratlYe Revenue I 18,977 14,010 I -I - '"'I ~~~::~:~:::~NAGE ;dcT'~;:;;''- ~",~ffi};J., .~;..~~--".~ 74/1 Interest Income-General ~ 23,569, 24,710 37,890 i 30,970 I 7712 .,_~~ina~,~:~:,,_.__c,___ ,,'___" ~9:H5,?,1__;,~'~~", 36:?~!,__,. 30,000 i~,:~:t~~;i:~~::~~~~eg~~a-~ = ,~.. =-'<'1 ~'~-;~"~~~~:~I=8::;~~~~f':':8~~':':;~:~~::~~~;~~~ · . I I : I ! I I ! I "-.-........" .-.".......".. -_., ,.--,."""" _._...."..._."""".~._._",,'-_. 4 j......... -_.~-- -...-.-.-.......-..--.- __on .......... -.-....-.....-.-.-.-.- REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES ~"'''''''h ,~ City of Poway ,}r~.,." :,~ ~".... .- 'I ~.-'t--)F;YI~2005h06F~"200oi:0i!" F'Y;,200J,kOK,,' iF,v,2b08e09'" '. ~ h ..- ,. !I.'~\\I/"-"''''-':' ........ ..,:."....,...... ."..." - ."-"""';', ~..~. "It.'- ".,::: _. -.- .:" ~ . . C'~"<. , "'" '"",""".if_/XCttiril' , ')'\r.RrovedU' . RrqRoseo' , 'PfORosed..,,,' .. '.. " FUNDS 241 thru 250 & 253 thru 257- GRANT FUNDS 7411 Interest Income- Gencral I 31,772 14,130 48,670 41,240 7511 Grant- Local Revenue (Othcr) 18,750 56,250 ! 7521 Grant, County (Other) I 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 I 7525 Grant- Used Oil Recycling 3,764 13,070 12,000 12,000 I 7527 Grant- Beverage Containers I 13,X38 I 13,830 13,600 13,600 I 7528 Grant- Safety Serviccs 100,000 i 100,000 100,00~ ! 100,000 /7529 Grant, TDA Bus Stop Improvements , 806,5651 7534 Grant- HHW AB939 237,603 172,800 190,000 I 190,000 7541 Grant- State Grants (Other) 496,387 , 7561 Grant, Federal 352,066 7579C CDBG-31 st Year 273,756 193,630 7830 Donations 4,647 7891~.i,~~~llaJ~e~u~ R:ve_11l~csl_.,,__,~,,1',503 , , ~~;OOO.l _. ~~;~:J ", 4~.OOO ITbt~i:'Qgnt,Eunas:_,., , '. f,2;i!!l5,,65L ,41;i;!l80tt-J@.!'!;900, .40:7;8<t0', FUND 251- DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION ON-LIEU FEES l- ;r:, , 7741 IT6~i';~~~~~~'~:~~:'~f~;~~~~~~jj)1ee.~ '-'=~~_:;;~;?=_~~~;~~:~J+-==~~;~~~~~;~~~~~~ ' : i ! FUND 252- HABITAT MITIGATION IN-LIEU FEES 7743 '" H,~l~~~~,itig~ti~~l,,:.~I~~pcnsatlo~,,~, 6~;~20, 25,00~ 25,000 25,000 . rIot~!.cfl~tiltat'M Itlgi\llqIl ~n;LI!<llifYYL'_'l-"--;62;3m. "~,iiii~ _'-::"h 25;oJill --:'':';15IOO_0\ FUNDS 261 thru 269 and 271- LMD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUNDS 7411 Interest Income- lieneral ! 75,979 I 85,590 I 119,090 113,5~0 7841 Assessment District X3,O 1 A 165,565 1 165,750 ! 165,750 I 165,750 7842 Assessment District 86-03A ! 25,802 ! 25,920 i 25,920 I 25 920 7843 Assessment District 86-01 j 242,436 1 239,150 I 240,370 ! 240,370 ! 7844 Assessment District 81i-02A 20,864 i 20,4XO i 20,41W ' 20,480 17846 Assessment District 87-0 I 1i24,42R I 638,920 I 638,920 1i3X,920 7X47 Assessment District 86-0213 45,755 48,230 51,770 53 680 i 7848 Assessment District 83-0 I B 23,282 ' 23230 , 23,230 23,230 7849 Assessment District 86-03 B 14,555 14,600 14,600 14,600 7852 Assessment DIstrict R3,O I C 12,266 12,600 12,600 12,600 789\ Miscellaneous Revenue ! 13,549 ~' , ... ' I i,T:9talLMD>A:sseSsmimPistrict;JtllgdL -. ..!,.,.1;cz-till.;181-f' r,2iJ;;!;4,7.0~~= 1,3J2;ii30p;3JI.~,Dtf, ; FUND 275- LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUND I ' , i 7111 Taxes- Current Secured & Unsecured ! 276,700 I 277,330 i 299,250! 308,230 i 7411 Interest Income-General I 100, 1~0 ! 122,250 i 170,2R0 i 162,390 I 7861 Llght1l1g Dlstnct Zone A 315,6)2 i 318.940 i 315,660 i 315,660 7862 Lighting District Zone B i 14,789 i 12,670 I 14,790! 14,790 ! 7863 LIghting District Zone C 340,465 I 335,460 i 340470 i 340,470 '7891 Miscellaneous 38,634 1 - i - ! - . , '::=:~~::=~"~~:ll:;~~:=~i;~~:r;::: ! 7750 ,,;'re ~':"":'~"':, ... .. ,_ __,l59~~9l600'?OOL~6?O'~" L~6'.",OOO L-_!~talFlrei!:role"t!.o_n Fees:.fu!lil': ";l_;i9'1,!l9.r.._,_~00,0~0 t- :c=,60Q,OOO!<::~_!i00,000~1 5 ! U_U REVEN'iJESBY FUNDS AND.SOURCES---- I ! City of Po way I'. ' ',' '/~".,~,'::;:.\": " iRei::. 2005~06.'FiY'2006:!0j7,'"lFY:;:Q"O,Oi), ",','0, 8",~l',E",Y2M8jO, 9,,~ " . " ," ,~ mm' '",i", .;.;;::::;:,,"i::,,:'--l' Ji,' "",,,,,:,,~ ~}\:'~;<";:~;"<"J~~"" "_":,""'....;".~',';;;'::::;;;"';'~"':Tj1::::,,"~~ , . 'f,L~ ~ .._ _'", .J.c, , ' n L.. r 'l:\'cfual,+ ( })I;'QRroyeor ':i~:,pr5Rosed'( - P,roJj'osed!:'" . FUND 281- 800MHz COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM FUND I 7412 Interest Income-Restricted 'I,B67 -' 1.500, l.500 7851 800 MHZ Radio System Assessment 1 134,386 130,000 I 134,000 ! 134,000 I 7R91 Miscellaneous I 5,037 " - I I t~~~~~~~I-~:~~~~I:~~&~:~~~~m;~1 ~j'~1.;296tr _'PO;9llJl;,t -:]!35~;;"iiO! "".: "iJ35;5JlO'~ 7411 Interest Income-General '157,326 I IRI,400 286,890 283,910 7412 Interest Income-Restricted '34,104 45,260 50,920 50,920 7462 Lease Revenue-l 996 COP I ;~4,500 284,500 2B4,500 284,500 7463 2LQ~a~~~~t:;:;;~;erVi(elEun~: -..:. 'l . ~~::~~1'" ':'t~~~~~'~c 'Ji;~;'~;:~~:,..4;:;,~;:~1 I FUND 331- CFD#I DEBT SERVICE FUND 7411 Interest Ineome-General L;2,566 19,720 , IB,960 18,080 7412 Interest Income-Restricted 57,395 59,090 ! 75,530 75,530 I 7R75 _~,~,~mul11tY~:1,=il~,?~~trict~-~urrent, '" ,_2,362, 19I,c._~}:396:81 0 J.P' ,2;,~,65}90. 2,365;660; i l'f.oti!LiBED#1 Qebt Symce;F~nd '~'-l~~;lli,l~Z"I~--1;i!1~;!1I!!;! ,2;460;illlJt :ZA~2,Z701 i FUND 334- HIGH VALLEY ROAD DEBT SERVICE FUND, 1 i 7411 Interestlncomc-General i 9531 B50 1,210! 1,150 1 7412 Interest Income-Restricted I 1 968 i 2,150 2,420 ! 2,420 1 7BM , ,Assessment District 96-1 High Vally ,,[ 46460 i.", 55,080 :1,5::660150,630 I !::::1:~:i~:~:9j:9(::~~:~:~i:::~:JE ';~N~;:{iU i' .58\080::I="-~@90; r= ~i5~tiQQri!. 7411 Interest Income-General I 114,814 40,040 i 57,8BO I 55190 , 7412 Interest Income-Restricted 213,929 224,200 i 221,530 ! 221.530 ! ' . 7875 :oml~~~lty. Faci!s:Dlstr~c~s-ClIn:~t,... L 3.359,08,9_ _, ,~4.:6,840 i --2,~27,5~<:"I. 3,4.:.s,6.~,: I !Total~.QfD1l..8~LQ~_Qt Syrycce, FU!ld___ '-l' '3;63J.;832.i__'3,69I,080': _1,7Q.!i;~701--- 3,70:;;350 .\ FUND 336- DEBT SERVICE FUND. OLD COACH WATER LINE BOND ~ i 7411 Interest Income-General 1,437 I 1,470 2,460 i 2,350 . 7865 ~:S!l~t~i~I:.:-_Old Cllach.~:~e~I~~::~ 1.,__ 3 ~ <J6 ~___ 39,:60 _ 29,660!_ 2~.590 I I().larE)ldCoach:W.at~r,m.ineJ;:J~bt Sv~cFd. <,!- __,~~:J9J!'i!: -- ~3,Q;nO' .:~Jz,Hl,dc~J.:L~iHL FUND 411- PARK IMPROVEMENTS FUND I I 7630 Parkland Dedication Fees i 170,580 , B 1,600 6R,000 , 6B,000 "-'~~""""""""'"" ""-"-- ..-:--:::"~r... ...:.::...::......" :-~..~l-- -c.~"...........:........._..,J.....F...- -~;'".~. -_.........:::.............::."::::(:::,~......~1......,.....-........,. -':""'....^ ;rotaUP@<:7ifuprQYeinelit~JiuIl.d", '>---1 ....Jj:z.O;:;,~Jl~~. $1;@();I___.:6~;OOU'_:!111;()O() FUND 422- OLD COACH WATER LINE FUND 'I 7411 ,.,,!~~:r:~~.!~~~,nl~,G~~~~~l;, ,r-,-J , ~. ,10:: ---,,~:~i,,-_,I.~~ 170 ''Fotal @ld,Goach:Watet,.Lll1c,Fund, . ", '102 120',,~ 180 I ....~~... ,~....~.~-, l ..-., ---,---.. .-,. ""'-"~---I I I ! . I I : . · I i ! I J I I i ~._........___.. ._ ..__' _. .--L_ _..._ ._..._.- 6 r-~ -..-.-.-....-.-.-.-..---- ........-.-... ------.--- I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES City of Poway ~Ir: ., ':7''2' " :', ",1, Z',' '~!i"'''; ", '," ' " ./ ,;' :F;y;Q00's~~o.rjimF,~1~QQbf07, '" if,)' '209'7-::08 ,F,y>21')0ScQ'fi ".....:::.~r': ", .~..,~ -;jl f" ,::}" "''''<'';'''.' l.' 1.'" ','A'- '-'"1' . " ~\J::',,:':,:::,':C. Pa'''' ' ""R~ "" "il:d, r :n"""""":,,,;J,...1I~"~l;; . t..;, ':; "'" ," .... ' ','......, . ',' " ,.,l.t,' '.-:\.... ~ '/lc\ctua" i' ~nnroy.e,v.. ,ronose .,roposeu,f' ~."".... ... ......"'.........,,"'.....,.... ..,... ..-:...... ... ._-I;:;~--::T::.~t:: FUND 510- WATER UTILITIES FUND i '1 7411 Interest Income-General 202,837 "I' 254,160 . 275,040 159,040 7412 Interest Income-Restricted 12,666 11,220 I 12,620 12,620 7613 Administrative Revenue 66,840 27,510 : 27,510 27,510 7641 Sales & Services 12,426,519 I 12,820,660 15,521,640 16,314,820 7643 Water Sa1es-SDCW A/Ramona 115,025 45,000 111,720 111,720 7644 Delinquency Charges 81,593 92,000 85,100 85,100 7645 Water Hydrant Meter Service Charges (51) 100 7646 Reconneetion & Turn- On Fees 27,290 8,150 8,150 8,150 7647 Water Agricultural/Seasonal Storage 16,287 7648 Water Capaeity Charges 1,909,978 1,770,550 2,000,000 2,000,000 7649 Reclaimed Water Sales 502,200 476,530 495,690 7651 Water PUl1lping-ID#1 86,340 85,780 70,090 75,890 7652 Water PUl1lping-ID#4 51487 46,470 33,370 34,680 7653 WaterPumping-Orchard,Sil,Sddl,A73 111767 112,010 103,040 /12,150 7657 Water Pumping, Greg Rescrvoir 1.405 1,230 1,230 1,230 7658 Water Pumping-Camelback/Svs 6 72,744 66,730 54200 57,360 7659 Water Pumping-Woodcliff179.1 13,960 13,000 16,070 17,230 7660 Water Pumping.Community Road 29,505 29,170 21,050 24,010 7661 Water Pumping-Welton 41,289 37,650 34,580 34,130 7664 Reclaimed Water Pumping 14,730 16,940 19,000! 19,000 7665T Water Pumping- Old Coach Way Pump S 30.004 27,360 i 18,040 i 19,960 7667 Watcr Service Connection Fees 132,384 69,010 I: 43,780 i 43,780 7669 Water Meter Installations 19,516 I 3,940 3940 i 3,940 . 7670 Water Tag Fec . - 36,000 i 36,000 7685 Inspection ~ 360 : 360 I 360 I. 7871 Bond-Water Debt 309296: 2,000: 1,000 I n9 I Misccllaneous 233 674 - . - i 'm I :~:~:a~:::~:~~t~~~':~~IES FUND 16,6iEW8~, :".1!i;O:llJO,O~l :18;9i5m<!OtF~~6l}~;3iZ1[ 7411 Interest Income-General 210,955 270.240! 261,780 I 198,020 7414 Interest Income, Loans 130,512 123,930 i 152,310 I 148,690 7613 Administrative Revenue 3,856 750 ! 750 I 750 7644 Delinquency Charges I 46,494 32,000 i 38,500 , 38,500 76R 1 Sales & Serviees 5.764,645. 5,684,490! 6,180,000 i 6,365,400 7683 Sewer Service Connection Fees 341,104 ! 85,6RO I 50,000 I 50,000 7685 Inspection 700 , - : - ! 7687 San Diego Sewer Trans. Charges , 54,3R4 ! 43,000 'I 43;000 i 43,000 768R Sewer Capacity 1,19X,294 I 1,200,000 1.300,000 i 1.300,000 7691 SewerPumping-SL Andrews 4,819! 6,640 5,000 I 5100 7692 Sewer Pumping-Camino Del Valle 42,558 : 48,390 I 41,220 I 42,050 7694 Sewer Pumping,Highlands 1,373 I 1,460 I 1,360: 1.390 7695 Old coach sewage lift station 16,33R ,. 19230 I 17,800 II 18,160 7696 Old Coach Drive Lift Station : 928 1,110 I 2,470 2.420 7771 Sewer Improvements 11,455 : - ! - i 7891T Mt"liSScellan~Uot~sl_t" F d' .- '8533043~0~7~-8~,J--=-7 .51-6J92.0:';"'-.8""'O""'.9"""4""1"9-0-,L '8"213'480-j ;;;'.oa~ ewerL:~JJl~~L~,!ln ' ;.. ~J ,', 't--'-"'; ".., .." .~~~ _~_~~-'--__,_Lj:.:-.,__t ~' . ',;~- eLl " , . If! . I ' L .._".""" I_L...,.._, ,l._ i _..J 7 - -- -REvENUEs BY FUNDS ANDSOURCES----l City of Po way : ~.. ,"', '~. i -,--- c/o. ..~.-"-';r>~';:, :'., .... ''''. 'RW"20i),s, f06,,:: 'FY,\W06~00, . ",;, F~, "iQ@O,8",J:::Eur:i200Sc09,~" . "" '... ' ",,-' ,. -, ....4.T.......:...... ":...+;....:.:r~''fjt..."......:..'.":''.:" ]..'...."......,-":""...+ .:......., .:.::..::...~::. ." ," , 't.' .t' Sic,... S' ',:; ( Aduat" '~:t'~RRroy'ed: 'r !iPrOQ6'sed:""?J';jiroRoseil':'i . FUND 611- INTERNAL SERVICE/CAPI,TAL REPLACEMENT FUND L' 7411 Interest Income-General i 122,259 157,740 270,650 271,000 7475 , R e, n",t"",a""""""l-,.ye a."",r"""I""y"""",c,a P,i t,a. "I""",O""""""""'",'",t",,,I, a y , , ",' I"" ,1"""",_,)"",3""""),'"""",'"""",,,7,"",0",,0 ,',' ',"""',',,',', ,6 I 8 ',680 \',2,37'3, 6" ,0", '" ""1,,,,237, '360, 7850 Vehicle Maintenance Revenue '90I'6'~)2 1,068,880 1,076,610 1.051,480 7881 Salc Of Surplus Property , - 10,000 10,000 10,000 ~::::~:7:::':~:;~t~-:~:::~~"s"-,.... ~"';'!9l""~"~ 74l \ Interest Income-General I 91,665 102,530 173,210 i 175,510 LI9f1!JF~tiIili;ITlR~R1ilcemeffl~~Bui lOihgl~~~~:}.,,;!i~'i~65!; ;I02;~,30 _'):2!i7,3}i:fQc~' ,,- 1'7 5;510~ fj"bliiIC{oiiil5iiie'd:Canil.I)Renl'accmeritr:Eurtc(s;-(ci,"351,:316 '.1,'95i7,l8YO: . ',' ';2.,~767','8:f0.:;" ;2,'745','350, ~"""""""""""'-""'--~", """_""_"_1__' ..", ~ _n~' .. ....,- ". -.. '1=-- I FUND 712- LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND I 74/1 -2~~::s~Inc~me-General ", ""',' ,-.1-,.. 2,8:288 ", 34:3~~..,;7:610J, 45,400 ITol~Lm!?!arYA,-nd9Wrl]~ll:l1IjtiI!Q.,._ .:~_,,--,-;:~li!~l!lL :..... _'::'34;,3l!0' ",;~4i'Zi610 'I,' .. . ~ .4~l4Q.!1" I '! FUND 714- PUBLIC EDUCATION TRUST (COX) FUND J i I 7411 ~;e~::t~)me-General _ .".,.,.1_ ..,1. 997 _..--:~~~~_ _ .. ,~,,220 , 3,070 I mfiilBub1ic Eoucalion'T;rus!'Eunc!" ' '. '. ,,1997".. , '2'780" - '::rno',;,. "'Y070~; .~-" .. ,-.-. ___~CL-_ -,--~~._'"_.......... ~""l-"-"'."""'" -. .. ...."....-""__.........,_ .,., .. ..........".c.."'-......._.......,.___._ Ii' FUND 715- RT 56 VERNAL POOL FUND . 74/1 ~:t:rest.I~~om:-G:~er:~_____, __.H.LS.36l1 _,~"::O r-,~,:},~(),I,-w, """",~,_:-.,8, 60. T_QtaIRoule'!i.6YernaIPophB,und_. 5;361,1 _,_';6;4.50'. ,. ,!)i29.!L:',:":..J.8;l!!i.!>' FUND 716- COMMUNITY SERVICES TRUST FUND I I I 7830 Donations I 42,023 i 1= - I ) ! iI91arQQ'r.rj!ll~nlfs0Ser,vi\5~~:JJ:i'ii;tJjJiid'..:,;.:~ ',,4Z;Q7.'Er---: "~"i:'=_ '===:~'l'r ":":.' ~ " , " , FUND 717- POW A Y ROAD BEAUTIFICATION TRUST FUND I I 74/1 Interest Income-General i 283 : 340 ! 490 ! 470 l'oJaFJ'QwayKoiii:I;BeautH'-ZU'i!:O-fiEDi\'a"":,...j==:: ";2S:fr --= -, . ~340i:!:, .... ;~49.!EF'=-,., ,;170: , Ii, FUND 718- LAW EI\'FORCEMENT/FORFEITED PROPERTY FUND ' 7411 Interest Income-General n ! 450 i 420 'I 7887 Recovery Of Stolen Property 7,812 , - - i - , f ot5I'baW ElIf6r6';;:!Fbrfffi6d'P'r6 ert,FtF -C-=-:--'7'904.!n~ ~ c..;- --'--'45O'Irr - -0 742\111 ".. ~ -- .." .~~_.- ...,__.,,,.,.",___..~__....._~......1_<P~...Y.. ...................__...._...~..._..... , ..... ,_...co. ~~ -'r'--."-'-"_._'""'...~......'T.........."_...............,,_.................._' FUND 741- MARY PATRICIA ROSS TRUST FUND I i 7411 Interest Income-General 2,411 i 2,900 4.180 i 3,9XO i iI.9t~tM~ry,"P.lilHf!fuJ{O~~'tftlst~Flrn(C~~=l----. ''i\JIq:-::-'-, 2;?QQI ----:=.4:1@!.. . ~ 'Q;?8QI FUND 742- BETTE BENDIXEN TRUST FUND I i I 7411 Interest lneome-Genera1 i 575 i 690 1,000 i 950 ! \~ x.............;.. ..,....,~'7...;..'::'......~'::'...... ,..~.,...;;..;; ..:...... ';'c.'-;=OC-" ........-.-..;;............:......;",.t.:.,-,----,--."""~.,,_.~- l ~ __ ..0-:.........----.- ........ ........-.-:;..........::...-.--....,1.............. - ......... '-;:".1 :TblalJlettY:;'Beiidixen,Tfiii.ifEun1L:,..:,t,J 157:5~'-' _ '!690, --1,000.:cr-_____19_50.1 I I. ___.____ __._.._______1 ,_ _ _L _ _J 8 ..............___._.__.. _ _......... u........... ................_...___ REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES City of Po way .,< < ,'-"'"'';';''c~-:-T--7''-''' ,"1"" .' ~ ,: '~':4J:;',;'''' ' J'fY"~qg~;;p:~., ,~:~~;:~99?JggC:i~~!g007#~~i:' ;~~:~OO~"99 ; ei"", .Yi ""',,.:,,, '", t.,""",,~~.,i:,;:...r....., .'l;J;ccActmU,,:.,:,.,.i,\:l:mto\>eo. Er6i>6sea.:.:."Pi'oQosed:'.' i FUND 761- DEVELOPER DEPOSIT TRUST FUNDT i 7411 lnterest Ineome-General I 558 i 670 970 920 ! Ff6t1il:DeVeJ()'erDe-'osit1ftIISiEul1<I,'- ;',l";~l;,' c 558:l,';:""7- ';670' T'97O': ,,920' ...._"......~._.._.".,.._~..P~..._..__c._._P~....".."..c........,...;c......... ..-'.,;<".,............ _.~.f_.~....o.__._..... ...... ............. "'-'-'-'" ........__..,...._.~........,.. !iliot.iill1:I'0I;:gJjn<;Im;Z,1!fz:&M'/:_,::'::_::,J:.:.:'QI,H~ t,,-1~;8IO~,T JMOO' ;"'~'jW670' i i I FUND 771- POW A Y VALLEY SENIOR CNT ENDOWMENT FUND 7411 ;,}~t~rest Ine~~~:~~~:.~al , ""..".,.,,~:::..~2,6 7~l,_. ,15,77~hl~:.,S.0 ,~~940 ,1'9J[l1, RO.'Y!'l);'Mly."S.n~;)~!1r E.m!<!'YmentR.9,.' ,,~.J~;6;7j. . J~~7;7,0*" ",,_...::n ,9,50 ~....:~!!;9_49 ' FUND 775- POW A Y ARTS FUND 7411 Interest lncome,General 4,496 6,910 6,220 5,930 ! i,sotaJlgQ~v_~)\'Arts Run&::,~, _ j~,:~/4;496', _-:--:;9;910. l " : I I FUND 776- KUMEEY AA Y ENDOWMENT FUND I 7411 Interest I.neome-Gen,erall' 1,001 860 7830,..~onations """"."'."""', 19,673,1 ,"" llli9!<.IFXu!peeyaay,JEl1do).Vnlet}'t;;E1wd, ',J, ., 20;'9E4;l'~_: 'm Ji;o , , I ; 7411 fF~~~;~~,~~:o~n~~.~~~~~,~:T7~,~~~JR _~_~:~_ ~_,.,_._.______ ~,:(1---~:~; l'TotalF'9,'Y[lY~E![1",Oj\Its;.GJ.el1!~rF;!1.!lSL'_-l__,__._8~1____ -- ..:: i'" ~ ~,15!!J - ---=, 1'1!!:,: e FUND 779- SENIOR VOLUNTEER PATROL TRUST FUND 7411 , Interest Income-General, , j , ,- , ' , "".'" - - , - ['jjotaIiSerilor 'y;OllllitcerR~lJ'()1 Trust f'J,ll1cl==t '''''''':'0':--.. _ >2 t -,,= :---..___' ,~! 1 I j I' I I , , , , , " , " . .. I \ . I . , , . j ! . I I : , I e ' I : , i I I , l_ ___ _. __ ____ L___ _I 9 . . . CITY OF POW A Y FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2007-08 AND 2008-09 FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL GENERAL FUND Fund Activity Detail (Fulld 100) . ;;:; -....".. .'f"""""',;---'-,?W'-'- ~""''''''-''~''''7'- ....,.,.-;--...........- ._..-'~r.-:-.'.'".".""'.._'-:"':'~- 2008:09 t 4Qq?~06' ,20Q6,07' ;2006c07", .2007-08 ._._~ . ~._- - _..,., g.:ctuaL ._~pp'roY_S'L '. (s.tiin~te'L .frQP~i?~e_d , .!'ri?pos"a FUNDS AVAILABLE I , Beginning Fund Balance- July I 13,924,690 I I ~,406,904 I I ~,406,904 17,398,023 17,147,722 Revenues by Fund Schedule 37,531,1111 I 36,985,414 35,268,480 36,339,630 36,233,310 , TOTAL FUNDS A V AI LABLE , 54,640,2141 51,455,801 : 55,392,318 52,666,503 53,487,352 EXPENDITURES I , , Operating Expenses I , I 1,823,120 I Legislative and Admin. Services I 1,839,464 1,701,609 951,047 943,235 Administrative Services 1,953,315 2,119,7331 2,191,909 2,951,232 2,867,327 Community Services 5473,810 5,872,410 5 798,537 I 5,971,410 6,021 ,O~O , Development Selvices 4,700,1731 5,172,057 I 5,084,~52 3,462,967 3,394,122 Public SClviccs , 3,403,602 3,407,002 I 4,705,326 5,637,938 6,348,477 Sarety Services , 15,990,7641 17,571,700 i 17,703,894 I ~,526,51 0 18,943,210 Indirect Cost Allocation I 35,966,02; I (1,288,593 ) (1,275,723) - , Total Operating Expenses 33,361,128 : 37,186,127 36,212,5 II I 37,241,728 I I Tax Shin Payment (ERAF) Program Expenses I Comnmnity Pnlgrams 32,500 17S,092, (24,630), . Public Safety I 050,000 3 12,~00 150,940 Total Program Expenses I,OX2,500 178,092 288,170 150,940 Capital Projects GoVel11ment Buildings 234,019 Parks and Opcn Space 248,869 Strcets and Highways 212,063 444,619. Tolal Capital Projects 212,063 927 ,506 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 34,655,691 35,966,022 38,291,725 36,51l1l,68I 37,392,668 TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS I ,61l6, 794 339,61l1l 297,431l 9SI,9lJO 921,61lJ . NET FUND ACTIVITY 4,482,214 606,888 (1,IlIlS,881), (251l,31l1) (131,42S) ENDINGnJNl!,j3~ANC:E 18,406,904 19,013;792 17,398;023 17,14},nz 12,016,294 12 STATE ECONOMIC UNCERTAINTY FUND Fund Activity Detail (Fund 10/) . - -:H____ ~~<<" ., ---%Q05!06 '-"200~;O.y;---'2906i(rJ--20Q7:08' ~b'Q8'09, ,; FUNDS AVAILABLE h--'_ ...... ....:. - " ..:Actua1_-._ -^!p.pfoved'_j Estimated 1 Jroposed_r -Pfopo'se,!' . Bcginning Fund Ba1ance- July I 3, I 00,000 3,100,000 3, I 00,000 3,100,000 I 2,400,000 Revcnues by Fund Schedule - i ' ' : TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 3,100,000 I 3,100,000! 3,100,000 I 3,100,000 I 2,400,000 1 ,i EXPENDITURES ,! I Operating Expenses 'I! I i I -I ,I - i Total Operating Expenses I - I - I .. I I i Program Expenses I Total Program Expenses - I .. Capital Projects I , -! - Total Capital Projects ' TOTAL EXPENI)(TURES .. .. .. . TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS .... (700,01l1l)! (650,000) . NET FUND ACTIVITY .. (700,000) (6511,000) E;~D1NG,FUNri'BALANCE _<~.2,100,Q90 3,10Q,000 ~;100;OOO 2;400,000 1;750;000 13 SPECIAL PROJECT FUND Fund Act;'l;ty Detail (FlllltI102) . --.-.. y -r ---,,-- 2005:006, ,; -:iQ06.'O'7~' . hQQ6!Of' )007:::08--' "--2008'09- " ---- ACtual' . ,AprrovedEstiinated Broroseo Pr6j:':osed FUNDS ^ V AILABLE 1- .--- --,"~-' ----...,~ '-~"-'-r-"'-- -....".... j - ",,-- I I Beginning Fund Balance- July I (450,037)1 130,959 : 130,9591 130,959 ' 130,959 Revenues by Fund Schedule 980,996 I 533,330 ' 130,95~ I - TOTAL FUNDS A V AlLABLE I 530,959 I 664,289 1 130,959 I 130,959 , EXPENDITURES I i I ! I 1 Operating Expenses , I -I , I -I I , , Total Operating Expenses , -I -I - , , I Program Expenses I Public Safety I -I Total Program Expenses -I - I i , Capital Projects ! I , -I , I Total Capital Projects TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - TOTAL TRANSFm{S/LOANS (400,000) (400,000) - - . . NET FUi'iD ACTIVITY 580,996 133,330 ENDING,FUND:BA'LANCE 130;959- , 264,289' 130;959 ,130'959 130;959 14 STREET IMPROVEMENT- GAS TAX FuND Fund Activity Detail (Fund 2/ l) . ----~-_._._.._..--- - -..-----.'...--:"'--- ..,--,.....,.".."''''''''~_._._'-- 1008'09 " " , :2005'06' ,'2006707 '! '2006~oi, 2007:08 .: _., .."" ", 1 ~--. . - ,.~... ,proposed ,_.~. ~____. . I' ACtual. I_.bp'pjoved .~ ,Esti.rn!lle9. T ProRosed FUNDS A V AILABLE i; t 42.374 Beginning Fund Balance, July I 792,796 i 460,736 460,736 I 342,374 Revenues by Fund Schedule I 992,626 I 993,530 994,818 i 994,630 1,012.880 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE ! 1,785,4221 1,454,266 1,455,554' 1,337,004 1,055,254 EXPENDITURES I , Operating Expenses I i , ! I Development Services 7,500 7,500 I 7,500 I 7,500 7,500 Public Services I 1,317,186 990,680 , I 105,680 1,287,130 1,005,380 Total Operating Expenses i 1,324,686 998,180 ! 1,113,180 1,294,630 1,012,880 ! , Program Expenses I -I Total Program Expenses - ! , Capital Projects I , , '1 Total Capital Projecls , , I TOTAL EXPENDITURES ] ,324,686 998, 1 110 1,113,]80 1,294,630 I 1,012,880 . TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - - . NET FUND ACTIVITY (332,060)' (4,650) (118,362) (300,000) - - ','._-r"- __.._ _ l ENDING FUND BALANCE 460;736 A56,086 342,374 42,374 42:374 15 STREET DEVELOPMENT FUNDS FlInd Activity Dctail (Flllltls 211 anti 221) -,~- ._- -- ~ ---." - ....-.-.-.."'.'.."'...-..-..- " .- ,-~ .-~""""""'--.- ..~-".,~.~,.". -""--""'-""">--.=:'-:"\- . d, 2005':06: ' " 2006,07' ;," ,2006'07. ' :'2007'08:, ;20,08'09, < ._'" -.0 - ,.. ....., .'._-,-, _ 6.~t1,!~f~, 6PRro~~d 'EStitiuiled, .~ro(losed. _l'rClP'QsefL --+-. ~- --. - -.-. ~.~- --.. '~---~-~---' - - FUNDS A V AILABLE , i Beginning Balancc- July I ( 468,899)1 (677,644), (677,644)! (300,171) (251,9RI) Revenues by Fund Schedule I 266,3 70 i 122,262 ' 152,960 I 48,190 37,230 TOTAL FUNDS A V AILABLE (346,637)1 (524,684)i (411 ,274)1 (251,981) (214,751) , , I EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses I I 'I I I -I ! Total Operating Expenses I - , -I I -, Program Expenses i I Total Program Expenses -I -I , Capital Projects- City 235,700 I Streets and Highways (III 103) i , ,I Total City Capital Projects 235,700 ' ( 111,1(3)j TOTAL EXPENDITURES 235,700 I (111,103). - - I . TOTAL TRANSFER/LOANS (95,307) ! - - - . NET FUND ACTIVIT\' (208,745): 152,960 377,473 48,190 : 37,230 -- ,--. ~-""""" I.. <,5i~~684) '(300,17i)'(251,9ill) ENDING FUND, BALANCE (677,644) (214,751) ...-......-.--- 16 PROPOSITION 'A' SALES TAX FUND Fund Actil'ity Detail . (Flllld 223) - --, --"1QgS'QQ, " 2!?06'0;f<~~O?J::07 ,~u', 2~?Z'08~, ' }09~,Q:{:~ l;', . '; _ :A.~!.t@L , r\p'p'roved r'!'Sjlmat~~_ ;pr()p'ased . ProP_9.sed'. --- -- - FUNDS AVAILABLE 511,913 I 1,060,379 I 1,060,379: 795,7051 5 Beginning Balance, July I Revenues by Fund Schedule : 1,206,456. 1,332,720 i \.3257281 1,772,650 I 1,621,320 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE I 1,718,369 I 2,393,099! 2,386,107' 2,568,355' 1,621,325 EXPENDITURES , , Operating Expenses 1,047,4431 Public Services 1,703,930 1,590,4021 2,568,350 1,62\.320 l' alai Operating Expenses 1,047,443 1,703,930 1,590,402 2,568,350 1,621,320 I I Program Expenses i I - , : I Total Program Expenses I i ,\ Capital Projects- City I I -I Total City Capital Projects - , ,\ TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,047,443 1,703,930 1,590,4lJ2 2,568,350 I 1,621,320 . TOTAL TRANSFER/LOANS 389,453 - - . NET FUND ACTIVITY 548,466 (371,210) (264,674)' (795,700)' ENDING FUND BALANGi~ 1:060.379 .689.169 795;'7lJ5 5 5' 17 STREETS - TRAFFIC CONGESTION AB2928 FUND Fllml Activity Detail (Fund 224) ~- .> -- - ---.- ___;,_n__ - - 2005.;D(i2006,0;, -:, 2Q06i.07'-,,""ioo"i'Q,Ri -. 2QO:8':9~,q . Ii , ,', ___ Aeigal' ,L:A.p'pro~~~ ,_Estiinated ~~PE(jp'oseQ:.. PI-'m~e(U .__._ _.!o .._..:_ '_"'_~ :, ". .---,--.-.-- FUNDS A V AILABLE . , I Beginning Balanee- July I 5,164 ; 239,062 ! 239,062 I 394,245 , 35 725 Revenues by Fund Schedule I 233,g98 ! 210,760 I 3g9,081 j I 531,960 , 13,530 I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE : 239,062 ' 449,822 , 628,143 407,775 567,685 ! EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses : , -I Total Operating Expenses I -I - I I Program Expenses I -I : I :1 Total Program Expenses -I I Capital Projects- RDA I I , Streets & Highways I I Total RDA Capital Projects - , Capital Projects- City Streets & Highways 233,g98 372,050 519,060 Total City Capital Projects 233,898 372,050 519,060 . TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - 233,898 372,050 519,060 TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - - . NET FUND ACTIVITY 233,898 210,760 , 155,183 ' (358,520), 12,900 - ,. ENDING FUND BALANCE 239,062 449;822 394,245 , 35,725 48,625, ]8 I """ DRAINAGE FUNDS i , Fund ActMty Detail . (Funds 231 alld 232) ,..----- . ,.'._""""..,,,,,,,...-.....-'..'(.......:. ~__.,;'_"'............."'---,-...__..::, ....__..............."...,_ _ ._~'.:.....":,,"',,.=_""''''''..w___.,~'\;I'= .' c~ ' ',' 2005;06 2006,07' , 2006"071 200.71081 .~2008~09 .'. , i. ~~".:?' ,'; ...... "" " ,,',""'''' '--~-'.;::_'.'. ' "":""'"'7-'''~'''~# I. ". .~ ACtu~I-. A~proved ".E~timiitei:I' 'Brop.osed:,c' ProRosei:t. l,"".....-!.. "i:."......:.l:L...........: FUNDS AV AlLABLE --~ '. 1,02~,~~~-' 6:2,0~~ [--.6~2:04~ ~(~5:~:! ,.~ ~:,:: Beginning Balance- July I I 737,098 i 804,790 741.206 R31,290 I 837410 Revenues by Fund Schedule . TOTAL FUNDS A V AlLABLE 1,757,932 i 1,426,832 1,363,248 755,884 859,965 I I I EXPENDITURES I I I I I I Operating Expenses ! 26,18~ I i Legislative and Administrative 26,95~ I 15,470 15,424 Administrative Services I 29 460 43,925 43,930 Development Services 13,7331 16,2251 ]4,255 26,437 25,949 Public Services 430,205 : 461,655 477,58R 624,507 620,629 i Indireet Cost Allocation _I 22,990 22,4 74 Total Operating Expenses 470,118 504,832 521,303 733,329 728,406 I I I Program Expenses , : I Total Program Expenses I Carital Projects Flood Control and Drainage 26.299 646,391 . I Total Carital Projects 26,299 646,391 !TOTAL EXPENDITURES 496,417 504,832 1,167,694 733,329 728,406 , !TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS (639,473) (270,960) - I ! I , . iNE1'FUND ACTIV~T~ (398,792) 299,958 I (697,44/1) 97,961 109,004 ...-.;" ~ '--... . - '" II):~pIN(;~!1.I2.~D;BALANGE -......- .h~ _ _ 621;042 ,." <)22,999 ~, ,,(f75,~06),~_ .22,555 ~ 1~!i559, 19 1 "". ..... -_.. ..... j GRANT FUNDS ! Fund Acth4ty Detail (Fl/l/d, 241 tlml 250 alld 253 tltru 257) . ",. -...".l....-.:...........'.... _.;....~._-"."'.~.. .~..."""'-,.---..-_..... --.. -- ---..". - -- =- ,..- ,.." .' " , i'", ;200S-06' "2006"07;' ":2006'07, '2007'08" .,2008:09 ' ,- 1.:, ........c,. "'.-~ l' ":,." ~ , ' ,",. ,""",' _ ." ','" ..""......... _ . -_ ~1.' ~~..:::::... _ ....::-.:.!__L.4."', ' i\ciuar~ . JApprovei1~' EstimiltNi., 'rffiIioseo ProposedL' I FUNDS A V AlLABLE - -' -'-' "'1"'" ....'.-'..T"-...~- ,.., "~~~T' . ~'-'~ . , Beginning Ba1ance- July 1 I 501,549 503,0~81 503,0~8 87,349 . 137,659 Revenues by Fund Schedule 2,405,651 ! 415,080 ' 734,848 i 608,900 407,840 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 2,907,200 I 918,]68 I 1,237,936, 696,249 545,499 , , , I EXPENDITURES i I I I 1 ! Program Expenses , Community Prograll1S 13,750 i Envirol1ll1ental Programs 255,698 I 258,500 i 256,742 264,960 264,960 Safety Progrmns 569,958 I , 4,284 , Total Program Expenses 839406 258,560 : 26] ,026 264,900 264,960 , I Capital Projects- RDA Housing Projects 258,052 i i 227,037 140,000 -, Total Program Expenses 258,052 ! 227,037 140,000 Capital Projects- City I I Air Quality - , Govenunent Facilities 90,000 23,991 53,630 ' Parks/Recreation 100,000 295,311 Public Transit 13,79~ . Streets & High\Vays (9HI5) 261,972 , Trame Signs & Signals ( 18,750) :\ Total City Capilal Projects 109,983 562,524 53,630 . TOTAL EXPENDlTU RES 1,207,441 258,560 1,050,587 458,590 I 264,960 , ,TOT >\L TRANSFER/LOANS (122, IS]) (1011,0110) (HlO,OOO) (IOO,OOO)! (100,1100) IOUTSTANDlNG GRANTS I Change in Grants Outstanding (1,074,490). :TOT AL OUTSTANDING GRANTS (1,074,490) - , I i i I I I I . i iNET FUND ACTIVITY 1,539 56,520 (415,739), I 42,880 50,310 IENI.i'N:(;'.Fljl~;!J.KLA~~E:" , n 13'7;65L ','..180:539, -------------"'-,......_-- ~,J:;93;08L 55.9;@~_ . 87;~19' 20 , -,",- ." HABITAT MITIGATION IN-LIEU FuNDs Fund Activity Detail (Fund 252) . ---. ~,~, '~. . ...,.. . -'-' - '2b05roi:;--':~2006-07 ,..--"2006'0'7-.-'-- '2007'08 "':2008id9~!' Q' .." "--",-""..,,,',. "", -- .," ~ ' ,,,~_..~--,_......," 'i""F--"""''''"''''''' ~ . e ' ", ;"'''' . " .,: "Actual' iA"'roved:, " ,E'st,hfuted .,Pro"sed)' ;proosea~'i '_L.......> .. ~~-'r"'" ....- "RP~.".,..,_, -_.. _n__ RQ...." . __11.._ !FUNDSAVAlLABLE i' Beginning Balance, July 1 2~5, 7761 122,9281 122,928 i 187,217 212,217 Revenues by FundSehedulc 09,320 ! 25,000 . 04,289 , 25,000 25,000 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 355,096 I 147,928 187,2171 212,217 237,217 I , I EXPENDITURES I i Operating Expcnses ~ I I Total Operating Expenses , , I I Program Expenses , Housing Loans I ~ , -I ,I Total Program Expenses I - I , Capital Projects- RDA I I Housing Site Acquisition Total RDA Capital Projects Capital Projects, City . Sensitive Lands Acquisition Total City Capital Projects I !TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - - - iTOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS (232,168) - - - - 1 I ! I , ! . NET FUND ACTIVITY ( 162,848) 25,000 64,289 25,000 25,000 lENDING Fo&o,sALAt"iCE' . 122;928 147;228, .. 187(217" "",.--,.',,,""""" --*..... "....------...-..... ' zg,Z17 ,237;2117, ]] '''' ! HABITAT MITIGATION IN-LIEU FUNDS Fund Activity Detail ,.. --;~ -., - ;'t- .. - -, ,2(j;:i2~2~'ct[9F9i?17':7C1b~~~{:'iC'" ;_2007iO~\~,;;::w:2:008YOJi)1. , " i I, ~ ,,''>-' I -' ;~t:1 .. ._c Aqll}.aI\",.:~pP..tgv~9.,_ F:stiiriflleg~, Prop"6j~~",..~PfoR2sea.l. FUNDS A V AlLABLE I ' I , Beginning Balance- July I 285,776 i 122,9281 122,9281 187,217 212,217 Revenues by Funu Scheuule 69,320 \ 25,000 64,289 I 25,000 25,000 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 355,096 I 147,928 187,217 212,217 237,217 I I , EXPENDITURES , i Operating Expenses I I Total Operating Expenses I -, : I I i , Program Expenses I Housing Loans I -I - i Total Program Expenses I Capital Pmjects- RDA I Housing Site Acquisition , Total RDA Capital Projects , I , Capital Projects- City , Sensitive Lands Acquisition . Total Cily Capital Projects TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS (232,168): - - - - ! i I I I ! '. i jNET FUND ACTIVITY (162,848); 25,000 64,289 25,000 25,0001 IEND~GFIJNn;BKLANCE" _'W " '122;928 ."",."...,J87,21:7".",. rlf2,2!Z".. i.3);2.1.J " 147,928: 22 ........ ---_.- SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS FUNDS Fund Activity Detuit . (Funds 26/ through 275) -,,--_~ ..,~~..,----'",,,-::-;,-- '--"t' -.- -.. .. . . ",'~"''''''''--'''-'~,~'''''''Y~ '~"";;c,,:..;..:...,,,...~ ----.,......"...,,:...~.....--:.r-.-~ ...~ .1" .- (. ", ,,2005~p6, J2QPf!'Q2i" '::2,Ql]6,Q,I. ., ':70,07,081 ' C200~"09.:; , .. .. j '.. ~ '... ., . -.: "'. .".' J"( .:~,,,';';.._. .. ... . "'..;. .jii , . '.'. . ., . '. ":',, ;"", A:Cllial" _ Approved :EStiniated' ;ProRosed, .,PfoRosed,,! ;F-UN~:g~~~~~~~alanee~ 1Ul: ;,.>' - ~~-~~0:~,:99- r-~,2'~'~':7~r 5,~5~,571 r-'~~~:6,~::r:~5::'~:- Revenues by Fund Schedule I 2,350,851 I 2,341,120 I 2,295,151, 2,453180: 2,450,670 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 7,371,750 I 7,598,691, 7,552,7221 7,450,080 I 6,006,373 I I · EXPENDITURES :: I Operating Expenses I I . , Admin Services . 53,525 57,120 I 56,265! 166,9551 175,820 Development Servlces I' , . i 149,843 150,110 Publie Services, I 2,160,6541 3,158,3491 2,633,314 i 3,790,554! 3,897,581 Indirect Cost Allocation '- I 78,205 78,745 'I ' Total Operating Expenses I 2,214,179 3,215,469/ 2,689,579 4,185,557 4.302,256 Program Expcnses I ! Total Program Expenses : I Capital Projects Government Buildings : Traffic Signals . Streets and Highways (23,757) , , Tutal Capital Projects (23 757) TOTAL EXPENDlTlIRES 2,214,179 3,215,469 2,665,822 4.185,557 I 4,302,256 I 291,180 I 298,570 TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS 10n,000 I 110,000 IW,OOO , , I , I / I i I . I INET FlIND ACTIVITY 236,672 i (764,349): (260,671) (1,441,197) (1,553,016) , , IENDiNG'EyNIfIJALAN€![; ... --"...,..,.."cc-....... J.. .~._.. " _ <,,", .o....or .: '5,257;571,.e ;4;493:222 ,__~;996,900:. 3;555,.703) ,2;002;687: 23 1- FIREP~,~~;n,,2,N FUN~ - I I (Fund 280) 1 I ~ ' .)' - -" '__,n_~:~'~;WQP-Q6',~QO~;m' .2006:07;- 'Z{)OnoS:' -:QOos;p9-.1 . , ;j. , "' '" ";' .~ T ";; '-."", j. ,. ....." "'.....,..'''" 'f; ,',,, ,. ...." .."'''':-,>0 ',I' . I I>' ,': ." . ";A:c@il'fr,A-rovea, ,. Estii11ated" Fifo 'o'sei:!" 'Pro oseu," l~u'NDS AV.A.ILABLE ~'-'~ '.' r",PL~, , -, I .~p.._._." ..- p- ., Beginning Fund Balance- July I 2,849 2,S49 ' 2,849 2,S49 Revenues by Fund Schedule 599,091 , 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 599,091 I 602,849 I 602,849 602,8491 602,849 " j EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses \ I I ' , - , Total Operating Expenses - I - I Program Expenses ! ! - , Total Program Expenses - I Capital Projects , -I Total Capital Projects ! - , I TOT-\L EXPENDITURES - - - - , TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS (596,242): (600,000) (600,000): (600,000): (600,000) . I I ! , I i I : i i I I , i I ~ I . INET FUN)) ACTIVITY 2,849 - - -I IENDINGFl:JNJ)'BM,~9k _~~i8'19 2;84~.~._,2,849.:L . ,."J21849 ...2,84~d 24 ,,-,. -,."._-- 800 MHz SYSTEM FUND Fund Activity Detail (Fund 281) e"" -;: ::c }~Q9j~~~-- '20pOi07 ':20(J6'07~' -- -;200'l!O~' '., g9Q~"QW,' "", " ___. ,~" ___)'.;cf~ift,E,', '.)\pprov~cl._F;~tifuiitea',",_ ,gr:qpj~~g;:~-1':,gpose(J~J ~m~~~ I,: I BeginningBalance-Ju1y I 71470 ~ 71,525 71.525 i 64,665 57,375 I Revenues by Fund Schedule 141.290 , 130,000 , 132,000 I 135,500 135,500 TOTAL FUNDS A V AILABLE I 212,760 201,525 ; 203,525 I 200,165 192,875 EXPENDITURES I i I Operating Expenses I I I Administrative Expense II 53.525 51.150: 51,150 55,080 57,120 Total Operating Expenses 53,525 51,150 ! 51,150 55,080 57,120 D b S . ! I e t... erVlce 1 Annual Debt Service I R7,71O I 87,710 87,710 87,710 I 87710 Total Debt Service 87,710 87,710 ! 87,710 87,710! 87,710 I "I Program Expenses I ! I " ,1 I ' Total Program Expenses I - I I ?OTAL EXPENDITURES 141,235 138,860 : 138,860 142,790 . 144,830 . TOT >\L TRANSFERS/LOANS -- I ! I I ! / I I i I .1 INET FUND ACTIVITY 55 (8,860) (6,860) (7,290) (9,330) I I ttNOING,FUNpnALANG& __ 71;,?25, - 62;665 'L.~_64,665. _ 5];375 , .48 Oil5; 25 -"""" .;. "'" ~~;-~~ PARKIMWROVEMENTSFUND Fund Activity Detail '.. " ;J .:.,;~~;~:tl)"I--;'i006](r'r; '2666'oi;;- I' 1206iYos I ',20ii8~09~" . '. 1: .... ," : '~_' ..~ .."..,,~ .,::' ,.,~.,,/'" .::" ........~ ",..11"'. ...." _ ", - . Achiiil, 'A "foVea' Estimated, Pfo.'oseCl :Rioosed' ." ".....__,.,pp__.. _ .".,- '.. "" p ..._.._ _ P.., FUNDS AVAILABLE ': Beginning Fund Balance, July I 3~7.3041 411 760 411 760 I 474,645 i 542,645 Revenues by Fund Schedule 170,5~0 i g 1 ,600 59,520 6R,000 I 6R,OOO TOTAL FUNDS A V AILABLE 557,884 493,360 471,280 I 542,645 i 610,645 i . EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses _ i _ ; Total Operating Expenses - I -I-I Program Expenses I I .. _ 'I - I ' ..' Total Program Expenses - - : ' I Capital Projects I Parks and Open Space 400.000 (3,365)\ Total Capital Projects 400,000 (3,365); TOTAL EXPENDITURES 400,OUO.. (3,365)' .. .. TOT.\L TRANSFERS/LOANS 253,876 - .. .. .. i . , , i I I ! ! ! I I , ! . I NET FUND <\.CTlVITY 24,456 81,600 62,885 I 68,000 I 68,000 i ENDING FUND,BALANCE ,)11;760 - '493,360' 47~,645' }542;645'6JO,~~ 26 ," ". MUNICIPAL !,~~~~~~NTS FUND . i (Fund 421) i, .. -_ d _n-:..,,. ~----;;2005106;'--1066*677-'i2006~07" '12007"08' -- ~Q068~09~ " ;" I' , "....:~' ,;'-':""~"'-'--',_ tt,~,'-~' <.;~:"::"~,; ':::-;;"- ':,',', ',.'''"'':,'.....;.t",.~.'"~: FUND~ ~V~LABLE----. ....- :'-~-T_&Chial.! c6P'hEQ.'C!:'sE:, H's.rtDE!t~(!, .i1lrop.Qsed; ,p'rQP.2~d\;i Beginning Fund Balance- July 1 i 40,704 ' i Revenues by Fund Schedule' : TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 40,704 -I - - - EXPENDITURES , Operating Expenses I I Total Operating Expenses : I - I ! ' ! Program Expenses , Total Program Expenses i I Capital Projects I Govemment Buildings - I i Total Capital Projects I iTOTAL EXPENDlTUIU~S - - - - I - .I..-OTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS (40,704) - - - ! I , , I .1 NET FUND ACTIVITy (40,704) - - - Ig,NDING'FUND;BAL~€E- .." __. _ ..,,, ,. "" , ' 27 -- OLD CO~,~,,~:2:ER LINE I "" - , , ~- <, " . 1,,'~i1~;~~2;'2,g;Q~2B!: ;2QQ~~(j,7 ~ ,,' ,?WQ}i2~8r -';29.~0~;'. ~UNDS A 0' ~ILAB:E /1' , "~ Ail).!.al;~::.&PP'!OVed,E_slLl11~~5E_Erqp2sed'--r" ,~t<:iP.2,,~~~f_; Beginning Fund Balance, July I ,3,137' 3,239 I 3,239 I 3,346 i 3,526 Revenues by Fund Schedule I 102 120 107 ] XO I 170 TOTAL FUNDS A V AILABI~E : 3,239 3,359 I 3,346 3,5261 3,6961 , I \ I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses -I Bond Issuance Cost , I T utal Operating Expenses I , I , , Program Expenses I , I I Total Program Expenses -j Capital Projeets , i I : I Total Capital Projects , - , , I , , ITOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - - -. 1'1'0'1' AL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - I I ! 1 j , I I I , i I I I . , iN~:T FUND ACTIVITY 102 120 107 ' 180 170 I lli,N'mR~".~()ND' BA~ANe~.. 3,526, ---""-- "_........,, .___};239~"",",.",_,,-'3;359' ...l,346f '~;6~61 28 I --_. DEBT SERVICE FUND Fund AdMty Detail . (Fund 3Il) ~- ._-.,."...,.,....,.--.--==---....... ....l.'':"..''..--.'........ ,........,.-.~._- ,- --------.-"--r,,_ ", ... '. .......;n'-~.~ .. .U"~~_~.- ....-....,....\:"_7...:'>;.. ._, "",......~'~;; .", , ' , '" >, " " ,'2Q95f~6' .. 20Pti'QJ' . 20q6,1~70' '1'2292'9,8J '2~Q~".Q9>i' FUNoiAV AlLABLE .~ ~- ,...:L". Actual :; -; 1\ppidvsc:L 11: .E~tiiliatec:l': .,. "~1'[2P.2segT,.Pi'<5P2Fe(Ji: ! Beginning Fund Balance- July I 5,094,613 , 5,276,3221 5,276,322 3,487,800 I 3,337,820 i Revenues by Fund Schedule 948,530 : 983,760 I 983,738 , 1,094,910 : 1,091,930 lTOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 6,043,1431 6,260,082 : 6,260,060 4,582,710 ! 4,429,750 I I , EXPENDITURES 1 : Bond Interest and Redemption Expenses I : I 1986/1995 COP 876,030 : 1996 COP 309,820 ' 2003 COP (City Office Building) 1,139,033 i 1,137920 1,137,920 1,135,620 : 1,137,020 : 2005 COP 552,851 I - , 722,860 722,660 ! 720,960 Total Bonulnterest and Redemption Expenses i 1,691,gS4. 2,323,770 I ] ,858,280 ! 1,857,980 1,860,780 , I Program Expenses I Total Program Expenses i I Capital Projects . Total Capital Projects !TOTAL EXPENDITURES i 1,691,X84 2,323,770 1,860,780 1,858,280 1,857,980 613,390 I h'O'r AL TRAi'lSFERS/LOANS 925,063 1,502,240 (911 ,480) 614,800 , , ! I I I i I . INET FUND ACTIVIT); 181,709 162,230 (1,788,522) (149,980)' (151,250) I -'- -- ",..", ,,. ..,-- -.-. .s;438~552 3,487;800 .. ,3;;11.7;820 '.3'18(;15'70 I ENDING'FiJJNQ:)BALANCE 5,276;322 , ......,..' 2lJ COM~TY FACI~;TIES DIST.-'#l- DEBT SERVICE ~~ "I FU1Id Actil'ity Detail I I (Fuud 331) . ~.i, - ~ ~;" 206'5%06,,1 n'2066:'07 "?"'-""":-""'" -';' ::.,:....:.='''::...::-~"'''-''''-~-,''~::..'~ ~._.<:::."..~ ;2006':0'7' ,,,;;2001:08 ,2608'69':, ,.";C" ::.0 ~-_ __ ~-'~ff'"".":'oc~" Oo~'~"""":::'~': ;:'~"l'~(" _',_ ," ':,c '-, .: - ActUal iApp;:(j~ed E;:~lil1)~te~.. P[bp~-,]: ~]k9P2~ea ......._....~------';O._.,.,_....;.._ .,,_ FUNDS AVAILABLE 1,443,9531 1,429,119 I I 1,429,1191 Beginning Fund Ba1ance- July I , 1,468,971 1,462,961 Revenues by Fund Schedule 2,442,152 i 2,475,620 I 2,500,132 I 2,460,080 2,459,270 ! TOTAL FUNDS A V AlLABLE 3,886,105 \ 3,904,739 , 3,929,251 1 3,929,051 3,922,23] I EXPENDITURES Bond Interest and Redemption Expenses , I Annual Debt Service 2,456,986 2,460,280 2,460,280 I 2,466,090 I 2,464,340 Total 1 nterest and Redemption Expenses 2,456,986 2,460,280 2,460,280 : 2,466,090 ! 2,464,340 , I I I Program Expenses , I I Total Program Expenses I -I 'I 1 i Capital Projects i Total Capital Projects I I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,456,986 , 2,460,280 2,460,2811 2,466,090 ' 2,464,340 TOT i\L TRANSFERSILOANS - - - . I j ! I 1 I I I 1 i I ! i I . ! I , INET FUND ACTIVITY (14,834)0 15,340 39,852 (6,010)1 (5,1170)1 I ~NDING:f0ND,.!!f\LANcif .> "'~_" i,429;J,12.._".i;444;459 ,. .... " ,I 1,4!i~,?,71_.l;462,961 ",.1.t!;;1!891 I 3U I COMJl'IUNITY F AClLlTlE~~~~; !':.~~-1 DEBT SE;V1CE FUND (Fund 335) .I~" $ , ,......._"_.~~- "n''2005;06 i -;2006,07 ." 2006!07' ., ,2oo"7mS,O-Y'joosgdiFKi (n k...t _ _ w'___~_ _, ,', -.", ,'j;, ~.",_"_(:"__mm_":,,,._",,,"_4' .,~",i~t ~ _d':-^~,' ';,,~..r' FUNDS AVAILABLE .k _. ,;,~: ~~:;; i Ad\tiil ;'- _1RR[OVea . T 'E.s.!imil!e:d: nRrqpli~~9""I_proP()S~d:1 BegilUling Fund Balance- July 1 I 3,900,098 3,112,493: 3,112,493 I 3,161,372 I 3,226,032 Revenues by Fund Schedule '3,637,832 3,li91,080 ' 3,(;94,469 3,706,970 i 3,705,350 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE I 7,537,930 : 6,803,573 6,806,962 6,868,342 . 6,931,382 I EXPENDITURES ! I Bond Interest and Redemption Expenses 55,320 I Annual Interest on Loans 64,XI4 I 47,020 47,020 55,320 Annual Debt Service 3,659,525 3,598,570 3.598,570 3,5R6,990 I 3,582,080 Total Tnterest and Redemption Expenses 3.724,3391 3,645.590 3,645,590 3.642,310 3,637,400 ! , ; Program Expenses I I ! :1 -I : i Total Program Expenses -I I I , Capital Projects I I , , I Total Capital Projects -, TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,724,339 3,645,590 3,645,590 3,642,310 3,637,400 . TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS (701,098)' - - - I I i .1 NET FUND ACTIVITY ! (787,605)! 45,490 48,879 64,660 I 67,950 I ht&PlNGFUNOiiiALANCE - _..'~ 3iizi493c '3;is17;<Ji13 .' -,' "''''"'"""'' , , 1:161,372._..~22~,032: .... ,3 293,982' ,----.""------~. 31 -,,,-- ",- .,- ! ! HIGH V ALLEY ROAD DEBT SERVICE FUND i Fund Activity Detail I (Fund 334) . " "",-I,', '~ ," '." - - ,~,,,,,""''''~.~",,-,-,,,,,,,,''~-[J;~'''=-~'' ~~.~,.. , __..,,..~._u ",-.-- ' '20Q5,0"(j" ;~t)O(jW ','7006,07; '20t)'7,08; ,2008,0~.', I:' '. '~.~' , ,. ",t.., " ;, clo ,,',':, ,._" .,." _ I~ ...~"_ ::, .,.. "j'l """",~:,:,;,,/~''''~''' -".'-" ~, r r ,Aetu~I:_~_1;:6Pj:>~Q,y-"g;' rg~!!mi!!~g.. .lliQr:o~e1L, '.P&9P()s~it FU1\TDS AVAILABLE ' ' Beginning Balanee- July I 44,7101 44,231 ' 44,231 53,790 52,870 ' Revenues by Fund Schedule 49,381 58,080 58,239 56,290 54,200 : TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 94,091 I 102,311 102,470 I 11 0,080 107,070 IEXPENDITURES I I Bond Expenses: , I I Bond Interest/Principal 45,625 i 44,380 44,380 I 50,940 52,810 : Bond Fees , 4,235 4,300 4,300 4,400 i 4,300 Total Bund Expenses I 49,860 i 48,680 48,680 57,210 I 55,240 I Operating Expenses I -I ! Total Operating Expenses -I : I - , i I I I Prograin Expenses , : ! , - , Total Program Expenses -I Capital Projects I Total Capital Projects . iTOTAL EXPENDITURES 49,860 48,6811 48,680 I 57,210 55,240 jTOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - - I I ! ! I , , , . , I I !NET FUNDACTlVlTY (479)j 9,400 ' 9,5591 (920h (1,040) i , ,..... ... ._.. .............--. ",~ .,~..~." .._~ ....,' ............-- ' ~ . 53(631 L . __",. IENDlNGfJJNP;BALANGE , M;~;H .53;790.., ,,52,~?O:' :. "' S1l830 .,---...."",. 32 OLD COACH WATER LINE- DEBT SERVICE FUND Flllld Activity Detail . (Flllld 336) ""'......~,___" '.r..~"'l-....:._....T-.~......, ., " .,,,",.,,...:::..,,.,,",.~..,,,,.. l"'fC""''0'''T'~~,-,'''~' ~1.- ,. " "'., ,,' . ',2005'06,. ',2006'0'7 2006cO;Y: 2Q97'08,," t2Q9,8~Q~,;P ~, , . ,; ~~'I~'" _".:l, ~ ''''T;';'' r:1.-\. 'j~ ::", '.'" :,"'" .";,J.;;L.. '" -- ,.'" ..;._",,~etual I .Epj:m'>\I~c!_rgstimat"d ~i6poied _ ',Xr2P'osedU FUNDS AVAILABLE I : Beginning Fund Balance- July I 53,360 ' 56,281 ! 56,2R I i 56,015 57,705 Revenues by Fund Schedule 33,398 I 32,120 31,940 30,730 I 30,1841 TOTAL FUNDS A V AILABLE 86,758 87,011 I 86,465 88,135 89,645 , i EXPENDITURES Bond Interest and Redemption Expenses I I I I Annual Debt Service i 30,4 77 30.450 ! 30,450 I 30,430 30,400 Total Interest and Redemption Expenses I 30.477 30,450 30,450 30,430 30,400 I Program Expenses I i : I I Total Program Expenses -I I , I I Capital Projects i I -I - i I , , I Total Capital Projects - , -I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 30,477 30,450 I 30,450 ' 30,430 ' 30,400 , . I I TOTAL TRANSFER-',/LOANS - - - - I , , I 1 I I I , I I I I I I . I i 280 I INET FUND ACTIVITY 2,921 (266) 1,690 1,540 I IENQING:FlJN!:L~~Aj"CE - - i 56281 . ;;&,561, "'.,::"'""'...- ......... ,-. ,'56'01'5 ' , '5'7'705' , ,59;245 , C..~_ '".. 33 -~.- -- .-.. --~"..... WATER UTILITIES FUND Fund Activity Detail (Fund 510) .......- '-,r-..----- -_.- ~---~,., ...___..--_"~_~_,.".....,.,......."....",..._.....,........ '~-_:"""":"". '-~'?,\...,.- "",':__U>~""" ~ ,.......:"-_,-~:~~" . I', ' .' , " " '2005,06"",' 2006'07" :",,2006'07," ". 200?~08' .,2008W91;, "i-". I,.... f., "." .... . ". -.. ,;t..... "J...." ..".~..' .:. ':]:""",., .'i" , '\,. . . co . .~ , . '." - I " " ., ,Actual' k.'r6vfCl" ;Eiilimale,l ,.pi,n5sed" Prct'osed" ....::... ~".........'" ,.-.t..A:......" _~_ __...,~~.r"";""~.",..".... -~:'''''.J,.prL.';;''''.'''''''''''''''''':'''r~;b..",..,.,.,,,,,"-=-=""''"'''..".?......_.... ....P_. 'T-- ~:.....:_.p;"".. ,._-~,.' FUNDS A V AlLABLE 'I I j Beginning Fund Balance- July 1 i 1,017,6951 1,614,550 I 1,614,550' 344,682 ' 1,8R9,~06 Revenues by Fund Schedule 16,U07,OX5 l 16,041,2UO! 16,231,2751 18,975,060 i 19,695,370 TOTAL FUNDS AVATLABLE 17,024,780 i 17,655,750, 17,845,825 19,319,742 21,585,176 , I EA'PENDlTURES I I Bond Interest and Redemption Expenses I I Annual Expense 810,846 278,220 I 278,220 274,890 ! 275,960 Bond Issuance Cost lU15 -I Total Bond and Interest Expenses ~21.960 27X,220 278,220 274,890 I 275,960 , Operating Expenses , I Legislative & Administrative Services I 221,623 219,653 205,0131 324,161 I 336,304 ! Administrative Services I 1,559,445 1,747,838 1,7~9.371 , 1,100,541 I 1,140,234 ! Development Services 104,569 118,810 111,661 ' 345,973' 339,593 Public Services 13,078,433 14,706,607 , 14,553,643 15,690,664 I 16,376,469 I Indirect Cost Allocation 499,717 ' 497,673 Tutal Operating Expenses 14,964,070 16,792,90X 16,659,6XX . 17,961,056 18,690,273 Capital Projects Government Buildings 301.324 I . Streets and Ilighways (939 150): \Vater Improvements I X5.592 2,345,80U Total Capital Projects I X5,592 1,707,974 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 15,971,622 ' 17,071,128 18,645,882 i 18,235,946 18,966,233 , , iTOTAL TRANSFERS/LOAl'\S 561,392 552,8911 1,144,739 : 806,010 I 805,760 I , I I i ! I , i i I ,. INET FUND ACTIVITY 596,855 i (477,038): ( 1,269,868)1 1,545,1241 1,534,897 !ENDING1F1JN])BA'LANGE 3'i4;~82 . .. ~ ,~"L.~ -~ "'~, -~ 1;6t42?.L",--!,137;5.l2, 1;889;896' ~,_"1;4290311 ,"-~---..........",," . "..."".--.,,- 34 ---"-"-"._-- -~-~ ----- SEWER UTILITIES FUND Fund Activity Detail (FuIll1520) . -:;-, '. -'---c~,-, -""'--",(2005'06- 2006~07'!20()6LQr ". ;;d)O:f68'-~ 200R[09~, .~~ .t . " "" -, _""" ,~'. .. " t _ }<~"\< ~y-~ . . '-. ,~_~,,,.i '"'" FUNDS A~AlLABLE - ,..... '_T;~A'cii!a~_MpiOVl'LT J{~,fi!n~kg ; P"t'!P'Q~,-(LT I'LQiiQ~~!&.: Beginning Fund Balance. July I I 4,462,386 ' 6,011,640 : 6,011,640 I 1,341,312 I 2,525,521 I Revenues by Fund Schedule I 8,333,078 i 7,516,920 I 8,036,842 i ~,094,190 I 8,213,480 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE I 12,795,464 13,528,560, 14,048,482 I 9,435,502 I 10,739,001 , ! I EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses , , Legislative & Admin. Services 155.136 153,757 143,508 133,542 134,225 Administrative Services 942,151 l.054,OOX 1,071,690 737,691 749,835 Development Services 142,740 123,959 118,114 205,087 201 ,305 Public Services 6,391,530 6,776,R07 , 6,796,040 I 5,933 907 I 5,961,869 Indirect Cost Allocation -, 259,274 ! 254,303 T alaI Operating Expenses 7,631,557 8,108,531 8,129,352 i 7,269,501 ! 7,301,537 I I Program Expenses I I , , -I I Total Program Expenses , Capital Projects Govemment Buildings (7,500) . Streets and Highways (223,205) Sewer Improvements (323,530) 2,668,913 Total Capital Projects (323,530) 2,43X,20X TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,308,027 8, I 08,531 10,567,560 7,269,501 ' 7,301,537 TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS 524,203 856,400 (2,139,610) 359,520 359,270 I I I , ! .1 I ! NET FUND ACTIVITY 1,549,254 264,789 ' (4,670,328) 1,184,209 1,271,213 IENlJING':EUNDBWJLANGE',. : i 525'521 - "'-c-.. ~--",.~ _.~!OII,6.~O 6;276;429 X;J41,312 , .~_........ 3;"196'734, 35 r-.." "'"-",,,,-,,-_.......... -....-..-........- I CAPITAL REPLACEMENT-EQUIPMENT FuNDs I Fund Activity Detail I (Funds 611) . ~. 2005106\ 00 ;2006197:";""2006"97 : 206'7c08 . "2008~O9;!:: \>, - ,." "',,. "",,~""'''' ".....' ,........?.. ""- ""....",. ,1",', ~, , ..:J\efuaJ:,,,, .' .~pprov,~c!, ' EstirrJ;!!e(]; '.I?rop_osec!:.JIlt9RQl!~' - FUNDS AVAILABLE I . I I Beginning Fund Balance- July 1 3,X82,70l 4,08!l,X] 5 4,OR!l,R15 4,341,903 ; 4,!l87,393 Revenues by Fund Schedule 2,259,651 1,855,300 ' I,RI7,4R2 2,594,620 2,509,R40 TOTAL FUNDS A V AILABLE 6,142,352 5,942,115 5,904,297 6,936,523 7,257,233 EXPENDITURES ; , Operating Expenses , , Administrative Services 163,2421 4]6,190 I 481,712 1,172,520 X73,020 Public Services 907,207 1,073,950 I,ORO,6R21 1,076,610 1,051,4RO Total Operating Expenses 1,070,449 ' 1,490.140 I 1,562,394 : 2,249,130 ] ,924,500 i I i Program Expenses i : I - Total Program Expenses I Capital Projects , Government Buildings - , Total Capital Projects TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,070,449 1,490,140 ' 1,562,394 ! 2,249,130 ' 1,924,500 . TOTALTRANSFER~LOANS (985,088)! - - - I I I I i I ! I . I NET FUND ACTIVIT\: _~;68"t393""5,~I$7J3J ,_......,"-'..._,_....;.,,=. .-. '""-,--..,::-...-;..... :..- ..-.,-,p .~....., .,' "'." ,-,-,.,:"," ~, 4,451,975 4,341;903 El'ffiING:FUNDBAB\\NCE', 4086'815' ,- -', .... ._~_F_".".___.__".._...._..._t."'...,,,_.~ ...-- 36 --"- --- CAPITAL REPLACEMENT-FACILITIES FUNDS Fund Activity Detail . (Funds 617) r~ ,-. -,-- '7:; n,,_... ~:26o~~q6'<;2p06,97:;- :;'006~07', 2~jq7-08;C-2QO~'99]'~', .. ::... ~" ' _" _, '6's@i.\, _" ,ApP!ov~g,-~stihilit,e~:, ~rgp9~~9;~,_l'rOppse<!l': FUNDS AVAILABLE I I i Beginning Fund Balanee- July I 3,150,632! 3,053,069! 3,053,0691' 2,409,359 2,581,999 Revenues by Fund Schedule 91,665; 102,530 I 96,249 173,210 I 175,510 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 3,242,2971 3,155,599 3,149,318 i 2,582,569 2,757,509 EXPENDITURES I I! Operating Expenses I I Administrative Services I 985,088 1,372,200 1,479,696 398,500 185,980 Public Services ' - I Total Operating Expenses 9RS,ORR 1,372,200 1,479,696 39R,500 185,980 I Program Expenses I I ' I -I I -! Total Program Expenses - ! I Capital Projects ' Government Buildings I Total Capital Projects - I . ?OTAL EXPENDITURES 985,088 1,372,2011 1,479,696 398,5110 185,980 ITOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS 795,860 397,930 739,737 397,930 397,930 . NET FUND ACTIVITY (97,563) (871,740) (643,710) 172,640 387,460 ENolijGF:'Ul'l'i}BALA:'t"-iql H,,3;053;()69 'Z;JJll,329 2,492;359 2;581,999" ,2,969~459,1 37 "'"''' """"-'-~'._'.'._--'.- I LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FuND I Fund ActMty Detail ! (Fund 712) . j- - , :"",,":-"'-'-'..._~~""""''''''''T''''T''''''''''''_''~''"''",,"'''~ .", '_-''F''''""''''''""'''---=-'-''.,,,,,~:.,.---- "''''''''=,''''',:,"'''':~'''''''1 ,: i" '''"''''j-=' "'1,,1 ;:, ,(. ;2005f06 " " 2006~01' 2006,07 i!2007,l08 2008'09 ' hij "" '1' . ", . ~tjj~!; '~,-6p~r:oi~'~;;: ,~,~itinj~f~L _ 'Rr()p'b~~'g: o:j)!~PQ~e_<t i:.. Il "'1,' !FUNDS AVAILABLE ' I Beginning fund Balanee- July 1 R7l,862I R74,69I 874,691 877,663 882,423 Revenues by fund Schedule 28.288 34,JRO 29,702 47,610 I 45,400 ,TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 900,150 , 909,O7l ' 904,393 925,273 927,823 EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses I I Total Operating Expenses -I Program Expenses I I ! I Community Programs -I -I Total Program Expenses I Capital Projects , ! -I Total Capital Projects , TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - - TOT,\L TRANSFERS/LOANS (25,459)1 (30,950) (26,730), (42,850) (40,860) . i I , I I , ! ! . INET FUND ACTIVITY 2,829 3,430 2,972 4,760 4,540 ! ..',. .. -- .. ,)Efu 121___ 877;66:'-;:-- "_,,,,~82i,i~3~'.. IENJ)lNG'FUNQiBALANQE .1l74;69T .. 886;963 J 38 I TRUST FUNDS . I Fund Activity Detail . 'I (Funds 714 through 761&778) ,_ _ ~~"_-----......__ ,,_,_ _ _ __~ ,,'~""~~~"';-';_'_-:-~,':"."'f.'_""C~r_, "-,".,.-.-----""__:~-"'-- . ,.' " .' "j2QQ?;,~9~' ~QM'07'lg9QI2iOl/ (!,Q07;08, ~'2008~??;,,~ I, ~ . " ",_" .,P;~lmil~~_ApPL()V~9.t ,g~tiri1~ted' .. ~[()P.2~e-<L:.. 'i';toP9t~~ J FUNDS A V AlLABLE !" I Beginning Fund Balance- July 1 I 3U7,797 i 368,9941 368,994 i 3~0,250 I 400,000 Revenues by Fund Schedule ! 61,1971 13,830 11,256, 19,750 I 18,810 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 368,9941 382,824 380,250 ! 400,000 418,810 ! I EXPENDITURES I I I Operating Expenses : ' , Annual Expenses - , Total Operating Expenses - I - ! I , Program Expenses I Community Programs i-I - I , Total Program Expenses ' . I - I I , Capital Projects ! Buildings & Land - , Total Capital Projects TOTAL EXPEl\UITURES - - . TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOA,\1S - - - I . NET FUND ACTIVITY 61,197 13,830 11,256 19,750 18,810 ENDlNGFUNDIBAllANCE '.. 36~~9~ .'382;824., j80,2~0;t60;ooo "18;810 39 ",.. _*'__m_ ,,-- Pow A Y VALLEY SR. CENTER Fund Activity Detail (Fund 771) I :Jt,'" . ,. " FUNDS AVAILABLE Beginning Fund Balance. July 1 390,710 403,384 416,692 43~.642 Revenues by Fund Schedule 12,674 15,770 13,308 21.950 20,940 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 403,384 ' 419,154 416,692 438,642 459,582 EXPENDITURES ! I Operating Expenses I T alai Operating Expenses , Program Expenses I , Community Programs I Total Program Expenses .! Capital Projects I .1 , , :1 I Total Capital Projects I '1 I 1 -I TOT"-L EXPENDlTUlmS - , . , i I -I TOTAL TRA1"iSFERS/LOANS I , . -I -, - ; ; , \ I , I I I I I , i , I I ! , I I I , 1 , ! ! ! I I i 1 i , , , I I I , ! I I I i I I I I , I I I ! ! i I ! , I I i ! ! I ! I , I I I I I i . . I I I ~ ' NET FUND ACTIVIT\' 12,674 15,770 13,308! 21,950, 20,940 1--. -.. "-'-'. ,_. --- "' ~! .'" II -'~... I "" ~'"'." J - .-. ,L. ,'-'" '" J iE~J)L"G;F:!JNmll,\6ANg~:~:' ,_~~,\ '_ 40~i38,L~-,419,154; "AI6j692"'; ;, 1438;642., lil5'1;,S8~l 40 Pow AY FINE ARTS CENTER Fund Activity Detail . (Fund 775) If').'Z:;;~:d!iii:> "c:.:~f"'_',.~' ~";'.'~,;.;., ,"::I~~.'J~~, . ~!_.~_ ,..~..,,, ".,.. ,,~. ......:...._"" """"':""':f::""~""_'_~'>"-,;_-,:~"'_'_" "'-"'.:~" ". ,,2006t07. ; .::-2006:07', , "'Q007:08~ . f2008f09Y'; i:)!!:'~';:1': "n~"~, .',," ';~. J"~'."{( ~. :;..~ ""-,'~~:& """"",.' ~ t.___.?Y;'*'~ ';;r~ ~- ,~ ,,""""'''t''E'-''I-'- t""p""",,, FUNDS AVAILABLE I ' I Beginning Fund Balance. July 1 19,157 23,653 ! 23,6531 28,374 34,594 Revenues by Fund Schedule 4.496 6,910 ; 4,721 6,220 , 5,930 I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 23,653 30,563 28,374 ! 34,594 I 40,524 I I I IEXPENDlTURES I ! I Operating Expenses I , I I : I : ! ! Total Opemting Expenses I j i Program Expenses i Community Programs ., Total Program Expenses ; , I 1 I .1 ! Capital Projects : , - j , Total Capital Projects .1 ; i -' iTOTAL EXPENDITURES - - ' - . I , !TOT AL TRANSFER..<;/LOANS I - - I - I I I I i I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I ~ I t I I I I I , , I i ! I I I I I I I I I I , , I ; I i I I I I I I I i ! i . , I 1 , I , I I I I NET FUND ACTIVIT\' I 4,496 6,910 I 4,721 I 6,220 I 5,930 , ,.... ,=-~_..~......~~."." .".""~.-.",..,.,..,."..k._=.",,.,.,..=-=._ ~ 1:-_ ~:=;",_=_r """'-'=,__,~_,,_,",,",,~ . ,..'-. ""'~,." ,-~ 41 KUMEY AA Y ENDOWMNET FUND I I Fund Activity Detail (Fund 776) . ~'''''Yl'' ,," ' ','f' ", 'l " , ':QOOS'D6; 2006.,0~: 200(;~0'7"': ',200i7..08'~; I '2'0'o8'09\.t 'l" ,~"" ~ ;;, i' ',,:~i"',f';"-.. ..... :"4" ;,,--:,;V":l: ,:m'{.t~ <~.~',.,~'l.'"" .\:';,'tt'1''":'>):'.':' 'm_~\:~.L: 'O";:::,~:...,_;"::,!L_~:,, ::...J~'-o:";"::'.--:L,~"..---':'~,_,,,,,,;Actuat,_ ' '~P'RrQ':Ie4:;'!:r1F~tirmtteq""1~,, .EI2P91'.~~t2 ~__~pt2R9$~d.1:~' FUNDS A V AI LABLE 'I I Beginning Fund Balance. July I 34,676 31.100 I 31,100 19,428 19,428 ! Revenues by Fund Schedule 20,674 860 34,953 . , I TOT AL FUNDS AVAILABLE 55,350 31,960 66,053 19,428 19,428 EA'PEND1TURES I Operating Expenses t ! . ! Total Operating Expenses '1 , j , i Program Expenses , Community Programs I 55,000 I . ! 46,624 Total Program Expenses I 55,000, 46,624 Capital Projects I i ! Total Capital Projccts ! - i '1 i TOT "L EXPENDITURES 24,250 46,624 -, - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - - i -I . , : I I I , , , I , I i , I i I I I I I I I , I I i , , I I I , , I ! I , I , i i , I I I 1 I I I i i I I I I I I , I I , I t , , , , i ! i I : . I , (3''''')1 '60 I ( ",'''' - i -I I iNET FUND ACTIVITY i.,.-.,--,~ "'--', ,~. j: , ......,.-_,.. : __L_...._..~ .,1 .._".~ - .-_. ",.._-,.",.",,,,,~,} r'--":::,""',"r---""""l lENDING!FUND! Bf\LAN€E! ," ':",", (,'""J19<\9t::-11;960".,:' ;l9,:t28,,, 19;428", '19,'1281, r;;....~"""'.."..................."""""........ ... ~..- 42 . ,,,,,,,,. "",.." -- . I I I ~ 1 i ~ I ! , I ~ I CITY OF POW A Y FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2007-0H AND 200H-09 i BOND INTEREST AND REDEMPTION I L """,,",,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, """"'''''''"'-''~'''''- ....",.."."."-,."."",.,.,,, """-"""',""--,,""',,,,. I BOND/L~NINn:~ST AND REDEMPTIO~ .-.... City of Po way ~; ......",."'C_u." ~ ,206&:07\ ~1Q006,0'7 ;::~'2007'O8\ -"'-'2008JQq;'"~ . <;i I, 2005'96 ., l' ~, .,.,-.....:'>..... -.., ..,,;,,:,,';P' .~_<. '..' ""'."'- "'0.:' ':- '~_"1":'::"',:", ""...':.'.. ~ i -, - .Actlk'il' 'ApRroves!:-:' 'Es!iin,ited... d:lr()p()~i4:'-'1.,:R'QP9~~m . WATER FUND [" ".-., 1995 General Obligation Bonds i 6,402 - -I 1995 Revenue Bonds 797,331 273,020 273,020 I 270,760 269,690 i Bond Issuance Cost 11,115 - ; Processing Fee 7,113 5,200 ! 5,20() : 5,200 5,200 ! i TOTAL WATER FUND 821 ,960 278,220 ! 278,220 : 274,890 275,960 1 , I I DEBT SERVICE FUND I 19~6/1995 COP X7l,030 - , 1996 COP 1 304,820 2003 COP (City Office Building) 1.127 115 1,127,520 1,127,520 1,127,620 1,129,020 2005 COP 549,079 I 714,660 712,960 I 712,860 I Processing Fee ! 15,690 20,400 20,400 ! 16,000 16,000 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND 1,691,884 2,323,770 : 1,860,780 i 1,858,280 1,857,980 I , i i IHIGH VALLEY DEBT SERVICE FUND 52,810 I . 19lJ6 Assessment District \)6-1 ! 45,625 , 44,3XO I 44,3RO 50,940 i Processing Fcc i 4.235 I 4,300 4,300 4,400 4,300 : , 1 I i I TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND HIGH 49,860 ' 48,680 I 48,680 , 57,210 55,240 I 2X,950 I , i jOLD COACH \'vATER FUND : I I 200 I Old Coach 1 2X,977 28,950 i 2R,930 28,900 , Processing Fee i 1,500 ! i 1,51111 ! UOO 1,500 1,51111 , , TOTAL DEBT SERVICE OLD COACH 30,4 771 30,4511 30,450 311,430 I 30,41111 I I SOUTH POW A y cm DEBT SERVICE I 1998 CFD III A 1,745 196 1,745,630 I I 745,630 1,748,440 1,747,430 , Processing Fee 3440 4,000 I 4000 5,000 5,000 , I 2004 CFD III 708,350 710,650 I 710,650 j 712,650 711.910 1998 CFD 118X-1 I 3,656,937 3,594,570 I 3,594,570 I 3,582,990 3,578,080 Processing Fee 2,5RR 4,000 4,000, 4,000 4,000 ITOTAL DEBT SERVICE CFD , 6,116,510 6,1158,850 I 6,058,8511 ! 6,053,080 6,046,420 I I Ixoo MHZ SYSTEM DEBT SERVICE I i I I , i 1996 Backbone Debt Service 87,710 87,710 I 87,710 ! X7,710 I 87.710 I , TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 8110 MHz 87,710 I 87,710 . 87,710 87,710 87,710 i I I ,G~B:r9TAL 8;?9~;40~ ~;~n6~O 8'3M690 ", ,- ~-_. <-'::"il,."."h ."........,....- .....---- ';;.;~;;";;:;"';:i' -- '" 8il~1.,(j9.Q, .,!!;~~~f?l() J 44 ,0. e', -"'".,,-- "''' I . ! ~ i . ~ , i I I I . CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2007-08 AND 2008-09 INTERFUND TRANSFERS AND LOANS iJ """""." -,"'"" .","'"",,"''" ...". - ".........-.. .- -.......-.-.-.-...---.-- ---.--- --~._.__._._._.- ~~~ "~:-;\i; : ~~'I~~~><~,.;,;-~~~~,~~;~S:~~O::~, B~;~~;!7'FJ1,:2~6;o7l'f-fy'<~?OW8.;:.;~~O?8bO?!.: ~- Fu'ND'100--G;~EiiAL F~'~.; ><,.. ~_'''-I__",''.!ua]''--..,,,..:..t;pPrP~~t.:.>< I..::g~!lma~d' rIh9PPSed:': 1',<~RLOPO[edt'I" I Transfer flOm SLESF Fund 102,6gS 100000 I 100,000 I 100,OUO I IU_ " Transfer from St,ate Economic Unccl1dlllty Fund I . '[ 700000 650,000 j Transter frum Spec Projects Fund 400,000 4()(),OOO . I Transfcr flom lap. Rc:placement Funds l)85,01~8 - I Transfer from LIbrary Fund 25.459 ~O.l)5U : 2ti,730 : 42;850 I 4U.860 : Transfer from Municipal Fund 40,704 -! Transfer from Fin: Protection Fund 596.242 ClOD,OOO 600,000 l 600,000 I 600,000 ' Tmnsferto Facility Cap. Funds (542,120) (271,060) (271,060)1 (271,060): (271,060) Tr:msferto City Debt Servicc (4]{),X55) (410,290) (4 ]0,290) (398,7] 0)1 (399.1'120) Transft:r to Lighting DisttictlL/\.:lD's (10U,(100)! (1IO,UUO) (] ] 0,000) (291, 1 RO) I' (298.570) Loan to Fund Projects - RDA Debt Service Fund (414,1'.70)], 1 (1,600,aOO) - Loan to RDA Admill Fund (3,931,034)1 (3,662,670) (3,608,C176l (4,582.XSO)!. (4,537,650)1 Loan Payment from SCllsitive Land Acquisition Fd 232.16X : ' Loan Paymcnt fwm RDA OS Fund 3,Y3],034 'I' 3/162,670 I 3,608,076 I 4,51'.2,850 4.537.650 Loan Payment from RDA DS Fund 'i2,820 , - 1.962.050 I 500.000 i 500.000 Loaa Paymt:nt from Drainage Fund 639,473 1 I Total Generat Fund t,606,794 339,600 297.430 981,900 ' 921,610 I I FUND 101- STATE ECONOMIC UNCERTAINTY FUN I? ! Tral1sfer to Gent.:ral FllI1U (700,000) (650.000) Total State Economic Uncertainty Fund (700,000)1 (650,000) Ii' FUND 102. SPECtAL PRO,IECTS FUND ! ! 1 , I ' Transfer to (ienc-ral Fund (40{),OUU) I (400.(){)O) I I I J TotalSpccial Projects Fund (40n.OOO)! i400,OOU) .1 FUNDS 22t & 222 - STREET DEVI':LOPMENT FUNDS I' : I Loan Pnymcnt t(1 Walcr hmd ({)5.307l/ ! I Total Street Development Funds (95,307)' I I , I FlJNnS 223 -PROP "A" FUND I I Transfer from Bikeway Grants Fund 11) 496 j I r~oall P,lyment from RDA Debt Service fund 20D,OIlO I I Loan Payment from RDA Deht Service Fund 1 (ll) tJ57 Total Prop" ,\" Fund 389,453 I FUNDS 231 & 232 - DRAINAGE FUNDS , Loan Pnyment to General Fund ((131) 47)) I I Lml1l Payment to Sewer Fund I (270;l)h()) I Tohll Drainage Funds (639,473)1 1270,960) FUNDS 241 - 2511 & 253 - 257. GRANT FUNDS 1 Tmnsfer SLESF 10 Gcnera] Fund 1102,(85)1 (]OO,OOO) /100.0001 (]OO.OOO) (]OO,OO(l) Transfer to Prop" 1\" Sales Tax Fund I] 9 4%, I Totat Graut Fnnds (122,181) (100,1100) 1100,000) (1011,000) (100,000)1 FUND 252 - HABIT <1.'1' MITIGA nON IN-LIEU FUND I Loan Payment to Sensitive Lands '\cl]uisition Fund 1232.16S)1 I . I 1 Totalllabitat Mitigation In-Lieu Fund (232,168)1 - ! I ",___,_ I 46 ~,:." . ,': .' ~--~.. i~:~;:;~~~~~:::rr~'~r'" '~,~7l'!i- ,~'t"$il'( ;" ~~ -" .II ;, . r, '~-:l: ;!, ." _ <<,,' "'l~" .f .,",,c': ';:;~,,;';"')lh ~. ~l ~.~ ,~qu~!j'~ ., lApPJo'yed'L.., (~Est!D1~at~gL, ,,," iP.fQP~Q~e(l:Ji ,.,'i;;J~r.9PJ!,!?!l.d .Q.- > . FUND 261 - 275 SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS I I Tr<lllsfer from General Fund I Of WOO 110,000 I 110,00U 29] 180 298,570 Total Special District Funds 100,000 110,11011 ! t 10,000 291,180 298,570 1 FUND 280. FIRE PROTECTION FUND Transfer to General Fund (596.242) (600.000) '''00,0(0) 1600,0(0) '600,000) Total Fire Protection Fund (596,242) (600,000) (600,000) (600,111111) (600,000) FUND 311 . DEBT SERVICE FUND Transfer from GellerJI Fund 4'O,X55 4]0,2~0 I 410,2l)() 198,7]() 399,620 Transfer from Water Fund , ]0,6]5 ] 10,460 ] '0,460 107,340 '07,590 Transfer from Sewer Ftllld 110,6]5 ] 10,460 I ] 1O,41i0 ] 07.340 107,590 Transfer fro)l1 RDA Debt Service Fund 292,97~ 87',030 I 442.988 T]Qn~fcr \0 Water Funu , (]4',X4~) ! Transfertn RDA Debt Service Fund (1,302,022) Transfer!o Facility Capital Fund , '34',X07) Total Debt Service Fund 925,063 1,5(12,240 (9t 1,480) 613,390 614,800 FUND 335 - CFD 88-1 DEBT SERVICE FUND Loan Payment tn Sewer Fund (70],0~R) , I Tutal CFD 88-1 Debt Service Fund (701,098) I I FUNt) 4t t -P<l.RK FUNt) ~ Lll:lll Payment fmm RDA Debt Service,Fund 253,:~n6 I Tutal Park Fund 253,X76 I FUNt) 421. MUNtctPAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Transfer to Gelleral FUlHJ (40,704) Total Municipal'Impruvcmcnt Fund (40,7(14) I FUND 51(1. W>l.TER FUND I Tmnsfer from Deb! Service Fund (XfJ,65ml 34].~41) Transfer to Facility l,lpital Fund ( 1"73JOO) (S6.650l (86,65())1 (86,650) Tr:l.llsfcr to City Deht Service Fund I (110,6! 'i) \ll0,4(,(}',i (1IO,4t>Ol (107 ~4())j ( 107.5{)O) Loan Payment from Street Funds 1)'i.30"7 Loan r~lymcnt from RDA DS Fund I 750.000 750.000 I I,OOO.(){J{I 1,000,000 I I.DUO,OOO I Total \Vater Fund 561,392 I 552,890 ! 1,144,739 8(16,010 8(15,76(1 FUND 520 - SEWER FUNt) I I I I 1 I I , Transfer to Facility Capital Fund ! (6h,2~O) 133.140'1 ,'\]401 (]],'4(1)1 ,33.]4011 Trallsfer to City Deht Service Fund i 1]0.6]5)1 ( 1l(),~6011 ,] '(1,460)1 , ](17,34(1) ( ]07,590) ! Luan to RDA Deht Service Fund I (1,9()O.OOO) LO<l1l P<lvment from CFD 88 ] Debt Fund 70],1I9S I i Loan Payment from Drainage Funds i 270.{)('() Loan Payment from RDA Deht Service Fund , ),000.111111 ].633.030 5()OJHJO I SOO,OUO ! Total Sewer Fund I 856,4(10 I 359,5211 524,203 ' (2,139,610) 359,270 - ! FUND 611 - CAPI'IAL REPLACEMENT FUNt) i i Transfer tll General Fund (W:;5,(I~SI I Lu Total Capital Replacement Fund (985,088) , , ___,~__,~.__m_ __ 1 ,----- -.-- ~m"__ 47 '" .-- -----.- ..,.,--- .....-......... , , TRANSFERS/LoANS BY FUND I i,;;~ ,,',' "',"'. .",',', "", ' ,''', oj: ", 'rr;::----:- , .,...',.'.''1' ' .;;; J' ;};YI2iJ05'06~/ 'E,~tiOii6.67' ~F,y;2006~d'7;;;." 'E"",',I{;-'.200"7jj'.0 .81, $" ir2,008C09i"! ".t;Et '.l h'C':I,,';' ,.,'>.... ..;.,.... ... '-"'"',<11 ,'" ~*~,j1l;7' ~'ill ,""'It. "". ;Jt.'j{:~'" ,...l>->"7" ~ "_"''W''''"-':(,,~Yr::/';,:('''''; ;'}~"'~.T'8,~.*~k-~~. ..,., ~,,"~ . "o~;w...... ~ .,:i._::U_" ,~.~~~... .:d....~i :~.6ctualll...:..."'.. ApPJ:ov.ed...:~E2!l1llateil'~:-~,.~Br.qp_qs~d~-eLoposea"jF FUND 6t7. FACILITY CAPtTAL FUND !' I .; Transfer from General Fund 542.120 I 271,060 I 271.060 271,000 271.060 i Transfer from Debt Service Fund - 341,807 Transfer from Water Fund 173,300 S6,650 86,650 :--;6,650 R6,650 Trallsferfrom Sewer Fund 66,2.s0 33,140 33.]40 ~3,140 BJ40 Transfer from RDA -\dmn Fund 14,160 7.0S0 7,OXO j 7,080 7,01\0 Total Facility Capital Fund 795,8()0 397,930 I 739,737 I 397,930 397,930 : FUND 712 .L1BRARY ENDOWMENT FUND I I i Transfer to General Funu (25.459): (30,950)1 (26,730)j (42,850) (40,860) Total Library Endowment Fnnd (25,459)1 (30,950) (26,730)1 (42,850) (40,860) FUND 714 - 774 & 777. TRUST FUNDS i ; i '1 . I Transfer from Habitat Mitigation i 232 l6g I i I I Loan Payment to General Fund ' (23~, 1(0) I I L ," Total Trust Funds .--....,.1~,- -~"~_. ,..' -.,.-L_.,._", I"~""~I! _ ~ ~,,_--.:.-._"""^'~__'" _ :-P3~~~2~~..;, ~~L~~~tmH:, - ~(1~7~!i;~11)4- ,~+~Q7~O~~;L)~;"" 2;'Q.Q,7,O~8q:l', I ' I I I i I : I ! ~ I , I I I I : I I , I I " I I I I I I I I . i I I : I I I I I I ! I I i : I I I I I 1____ :__; : u_, 48 ~ ... ~ ""''''''''' I ! , I I , f I . i ~ j i i I I I t i I ! I . I I ! CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2007-08 AND 2008-09 i STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES I I I I -~ "''''''''''''',-.'','''''' --'" - , ST A TEMENT OF FUND BALANCES .r.'. ~ ",~~ '."~ ~- - ~::' t' _ '"'= e- ~'.,;"'" :"ji"_->C> .~ . " "" ,,;~ - 'w .~'f'''' "" ..-_,. '" ."'"~, :!~, ..1" lJ -f f ,:fBeainning ,.;. - I , ..~ ;1 .~. '~'~i'};"~;'~~"'- _ , 1 ~1~:Fund;Balance II _ riI""':- ie, '_ ~ I ' i....:.f..'" ,.....~c - -' .,:-~- ..... , ' .;,_ ~~ ~:l1llJl<!C: ':"~ !. +1l!"L2~Q'o);" '" ,,!:B'~y,~I,iU~S; ___......_____ _. .._" ____.~".< "'-_= .d _ '_0 ~....".~ ._._"'_~....,,,.> Genera\Fund 20,498,023 35,268,480 36,212,511 288,\70' 281,900 19,547,722 Special Project Fund 130,959 - - - 130,959 Gas Tax Fund 342,374 '194,630 1,294,630 ! - - 42,374 Street Development Fund (300 171) 48,190 - (251 ,9~n) I , Prop A Fund 795,705 1,772,650 - 2,568,350 - I : 5 i Street Traffic Fund 394,245 13,530 372,050 - 35,725 i i I Drainage Fund (75,40fl) 831,290 - 733,329 I ' - 22,555 I '" I , a Grants Funds 87,349 608,900 I 458,590' ( 100,000) 137,659 Developer In Lieu Fund 356,407 60,000 - - I - 416,407 ' Habitat Mitigation In-Lieu 187,2]7 25,000 - - 212,217 Special Assessment Funds 4,996,900 2,453,180 4,] 85,557 - 291,180 3,555,703 Fire Protection Fund 2,849 600,000 - (600,000)1 2,849 800 MHZ Fund 64,665 135,500 87,710 55,080 i 57,375 Park Improvements Fund 474,645 fl8,000 -, - 542,645 I Debt Service Funds 8,231,294 7,350,550 8,054,320 , ! 613,390' 8,140,914 Water Utilities Fund 344,682 18,975,060 274,890 17,961,056 806,010' 1,889,806, Sewer Utilitiies Fund ],341,312 8,094,19U 7,269,501 - 359,520 2,525,521 Capital Replacement Funds 6,751.262 2,767,830 2,647,630 i 397,930 7,269,392 Trust Funds 1,722,407 95,530 - : I i (42,850h 1,775,087 _ , '--~~~T,:;"'-->-~t,:,;.._ ,"' "," >~~"....:"',c-.' ...._._-;-::::\'_c_...,.<:.-~~,tiT..-,:~....-:-li'~~_ ... _~ ..;r_''".....,::'~':. :,' l~~;'..~.:):,:.~;;:.r;;;::c";c-:;.,-.,.. ~~~li'~-:::;;;;~-.....:,:~~m;:Q,? , , ~ .:.~~.. ~~~~.~.!Z~ ~;1";"" ~Qi!,~di?J~,1l-I,~~~J22.0i _,!.tc.~0,~,;.9.~,ZG,~~~~::,~i~i~i~i~L~."li.~1Q-,89{,~.~2i~2,i?~~ . . . . . . --.. - _..- ~........_......_.. -,..~ I ST A TEMENT OF FUND BALANCES , ! , - -....:Y--~_.--' .._- --...,:;-- .:~ rj~ '" . - , , . 0 ,,='" - I~' -= 0 " ,. ... J ~ "in ;B e~~ illn~in '.'! .~ ..'"., 0 "c",;,g, ",g" , 'Full'il'l3liili!i'ce 'and'B'6nd , "" , ...."......... :p., ~.._-~,..,- ~ .~__ . .r~..~._,r _-''' <'~_/;: ...:F\LlJQ~ n' _~~. 7ii!2~9 ,6'~: _0 OR~yeE~l<:s~L~_ , General Fund 19,547,722 36,339,630 - 37,241,728 150,940 I 271,610 18,766,294 Special Project Fund 130,959 - - - 130,959 Gas Tax Fund 42,374 1,012,880 1,012,880 - 42,374 Street Dcvclopmcnt Fund (251,981 ) 37,230 - , 1 (214,751) I , , Prop A Fund 5 1,621,320 L621,320 , 5 - Street Traffic Fund 35 725 531 %0 - 519,060 - 48,625 I , , v, Drainage Fund 22,555 837,410 728,406 - i 131,559 , - ! Grants Funds 137,659 407,840 264,960 I (100,000 ) 180,539 i , 476,407 I Developer In-Lieu Fund 416,407 60,000 - I Habitat Mitigation In-Lieu 212,217 25,000 - - I 23 7 ,2 1 7 Special Assessment Funds 3,555,703 2,450,670 4,302,256 I 298,570 I I - , 2,002,687 , Fire Protection Fund 2,849 600,000 - , (600,000) i 2,849 ! 800 MHZ Fund 57,375 135,500 87,710 57,120 . I 48,045 i Park Improvements Fund 542,645 68,000 , 610,645 1 - - Debt Service Funds 8,140,914 7,342,860 8,045,360 614,800 8,053,214 Water Utilities Fund 1 889,806 19,695,370 275,960 18,690,273 - 805 760 3,424,703 , Sewer Utilitiies Fund 2,525,521 8,213,480 7,301,537 - 359,270 3,796,734 , , , Capital Rcplaeement Funds 7,269,392 2,745,350 2,110,480 - 397,930 I 8,302,192 ; Trust Funds 1,775,087 91,080 , (40,860) I 1,825,307 ' - , ',s2'.;21S'S8()- '1il4'09',(f3'()-.::73,bi6~OO'O" "~::::~lT1J6o';' '4}:i~:O\O~i08'Oi;~'\ ~-:1~865060'4' , ;_"".'_~\~'..~' ~ _ .__ _. _u ~ ;:---::.,. -.. -_.. -'-";'~l-':" ~' " C'Total " -'16,052934, ,m;;m.:,..,,;t....Kk-.~ ::."_~.~:<-:::-:-'~ .::.- ~....'::'! _.~ ;; ,,. :""'.~':T -^~.c)_--_" ~L" :':':;-. :C("'. );;.:_~2,~~""..::_-* --"""_:-"(t!''''';'''''"''~fc:-;;.c-:,_,,,,~,.t'~,;I'~;~, "".;__m.",,,,_ :_' ,J.;,~,.""",!,~..;.J_"','f,;;~;jH;;';':C,"''''''",''''~I!~~,.i!.~~ly,r _ ~,-~~"'- - ,~. "'"- - . I i ; , I i . I , , , I ! , I I . CITY OF POW A Y FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2007-08 AND 2008-09 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOANS PAYABLE TO CITY , '.'.'<'""" ----'"..".'"-,"-,-+,."""""-,~-,-"."'-"'.,- I'...._.._.~- REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOANS PAYABLE'.TO CITY ....1 l-..:- l'-~~lti~n:i~g,~alance;2:ii~~ I, ... Fiscal Year ZOO.7'=20'08 .. ,T'E~:~~~~t~Ia.!?ce;:.?{;~~~08,,:;,.~~,1 ~'t""''''''~' -'.'.''''''' ~" ' : '''+';~';''~ ~ ,. -:::v--:a',{"" ..t\'"' .~~.,--'i.r: j;',)'", ,,- ~ ~ @i.1rr:-ent:.~' '" ,~ , !:J' c ~,,;'1 ,~ ~_' 5 rG'.:~~ ~:~,:>(ri"'f"jl~ ~::~7i;~::~::Y":~::L; .~~!~1;:r:.:~':~71'I'!"~)I-~':::':57 In"""" 2.077,156 2,427,'94 4,505.050 I -I 111336 -I 2,077,15612,539,230 4,616,3R6 Street ! I : I Development 1.642.944 967,211 2,610,155 i-I 88,062 1,642,944 I 1,055,273 2,698,217 .~ Water 3,804,911 1.434.459 5,239,370 I 203,943 i 1,000.000 3,804,911 i 638.402 4,443,313 i .4 Sewer 7,948,623 894,714 8,843,337 i 426,0461 597,001 I' 7,948,623 i 723,759 8,672,382 I 1 ' I j I ' 1 1 , Iii I I I ! I I ' I i I I I I I I' , I ' , i i . I i '-TQ,,",A'L' . ~ 20'"Z"5'091-' 5 ""2.~4"Z"8' j "2' 5"9~9'9-3'-69 L-3 7...'l-6~.l'''-0J.I'.O''''8'6'''.A5 I "6'0" ,,'0-"5'-29 i '1'9 7.7..5-C'091J;;\9'5'6;6.'..6.4"~I.Z-,-41"31r7...5.5-"I 'j, " .: < JLtt: ~ '1 ffi '~1,' '~~", {. - t ", .' / ., c::/_ . "', ," ~/~ ," ~I - - :" ;', '. ,: "-,, ._', -. ~> ,,','," ,"it: :c_',' ',.:1 ~--"'....Jh1k;:::c:,],,,,,_. ... '4~, '...." i'-","_ ~:!,:.:". _;.);".::::'y,:';:::::.-';-~,~,'~,~~-.!,~'""~,. ~'""---~'-O".2:::'-#-'---' _~-",~,~,-<.'..;;;;;.~:;:,;::;:::, ..,~~';';'~;::;,";"':~""":~,A'" " ,'~- ._2;_~.,L";~,1,-:~,;,:;:;,::~ I For reference only.not accrued III eIther receivable or payable fund, 2, Interest rate for loans using the City's estimated average ll1vestment rate of return for FY 2007-2008 - 5.36%. I L,~ Also, assume ~~ans and paybac~, occur at mId-year o. <" I . . . . . . REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOANS PAYABLE TO CITY I Beginning Balance-7 11/08 I Fiscal Year 2008-2009 I Ending Balance-6/30/2009 . . "', , , . . ., ,Cl!lxrel1J' . , ':]"1.. ' ., " . . ~'.. . EUIfd .; Principal I'lterestOJ Tptl!r ,New, Loans Interest (2) j~ayback! P:rincjpal H\jel'est;: (1) " :I:otaL",~ T -r ;3{1l457l3,74;,~OO 221,9551 : 4,243,600 General 4,30 I ,457 221,955 3,801,457 - 3,80 I ,457 I 2,077,156 2,646,411 Drainage 2.539,230! 4.616,386 - 107, 18l - , 2,077,156 4,723,567 Street I Development' 1,642,944 l,055,273 2,698.217 ! - 84,776 1,642,944 1,140,049 2,782,993 ~ ~ Water 3,804,911 638,402 4,443,313 - 196,333 1,000,000 3,639,646 0 3,639,646 , Sewer 7,948,623 723.759 8,672,382 - 410,1491 593,382 7,948,623 540,526 8,489,149 i , , I I , , , .,J", , I -~j , Tof%L l 'f9fi'75,091 4,~,56;6()4 )4;73),755' 3,-:-743;600 :1,020,395. '6;()5~;9~1 ,1~,T,OJ,~26 92'6,9,~:;>' ;23-'ft36,8f3i~ --~_.. __,_.c_.~_',.<".~_ _ _ _.,---.....;.."'_ _ _=_ ~~_"'-'___' __._. '__ '-'-'--_ _____1-- I For reference only-not accrued 111 either receivable or payable tlll1d. 2. Interest rate for loans uSll1g the CIty's estimated average II1vestment rate ofreturIl for FY 2008-2009 - 516%, Also, assume new loans and payback occur at 111ld-year _._- --.....- -.... ........ _._........... --.-.--.-....-.........-.-.-.-.-......-.-.-.-- ._..._~ . . . CITY OF POW A Y FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 2007-08 AND 2008-09 PROGRAM EXPENDITURES L_ ---. .................-..........-......-.-.......-.-.----._.......- ...-.--.-....--........-.- -' ". ."""- ......'-,~ I , ! LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE . i I I 1:<'<---'---'-<---11 , i City Council! i' I ~lanningcommissi~~J . i ! i :edev::~pmen::genCYj . I Lc,f .' , " ..::: I ..' ---::z:::..:. .:' r----. - ,-L---- L.._. --- C~~-R I , Cty t City L Ma~ager J I Attorney J Clerk . 012 013 011 i T~'r:::~_:i.:....:?:!r- ..y.' i,' 'f~--:::-:: . I ! I , i - i Administrative ~, i Services .. 100 ' i 200 tll , 300 J '-L~.,--<=-~.,._.".r ' ' ("---:. -'j I I-c:::::::...._-......' ,.,.,.-..".. ..-.----"".~ ~,,_:'i~..:~~__~_ --, i ' _"L_",,,--'~_._ii ~""__:_~_.,.~!;\..t.: - "~,, i , ..... , -"""""""-<< "-'-"'--' J I , -.-.--.. '-<-'''11 " -..........-...........--.......-. , Redevelopment j i Public , Safety I, I & Housing Works Services '.\ I : Services '! I 400 , I~ ~~~C7",-~:j i ! 1 i ~.. , 1000 ! I ..- -,. !..~_.. I I , I I . I I I , ! .._.._.,._~"--,_. ...._._.___.~_.__._.~_;;_;_".,.,,""..'_,,__......._..__._"_'''_H'''''''''' ,......".........--.,.....,.....-..--.-.-. . I' -- ....., '-'" '".---,.-...--''' --",.......,_.. I CITY COUNCIL I Legislative & Administrath'e Department ~ Department Code: 010 .,..."i-.._-,--..'..~-,,--T':"IC~ . .~"""T___. .. .,.",....~ " ........ "':..I',~,"""" ,E;;JCPE&SE "." . .. ;" .. "i006ft26061", \206(}20(j1i).,.,:I2b06~2b67,'' QO(jiZ~2608 ,r,2008~2do9~:'\ . """~"",>,,;:''1'~' - " ... , .. f' .,+'J,",!.~:;" 'C,';C" """,,,,,:.:<.A.'i"""";:::',;,;).Yo _" :..;,'" ;"~J:>:~;]~,,>::::~,~ -Y_:<~:~'__2' _ -""".' ,;r:- -<;:, ., ,. T.,..~~.;...~.r< "GEA'SSlFICA'mrON ,A:GT{ijA'hARPR0.~.mD ESTlMATEEf.. "PROP@SEDi, ,'i!BR:@POSED' ..... .._- .. ....----r.. - .:~=----.: '. ".:.:":"":.. j ".- " ;:;,,' "c,','; , :':;;;:..~ ,~'1: ", ...., ,.. ... .... ~ Total Positions .! "". -I . ""',.,"~".,.".". -i - i p~:~onnel'Expe~nse .~ _". -~';I~:~,~~~ ..$125..~00 1,....,,$~2~,7~~l. $1~.:,12~ $138,650 Operations and 266495 1 222,610 I 210,4371 214,180 214,550 c~~::;e~:~l::"'-- -t":-T-"-'_"i' "',..+......, 1,000 !-...__.. , ""..-L..~.,.,__..--L..."...._,,___..,L ._'.....__....., I. ___ I (~ " 'f~'".i".. ... .,"""H " <I. .., ,~it, " ' -'...'1'"' : '1:Q1:A'&a3tJBGET' "f:k3ll'ih40S'" ,$~~'8,2'i'or $332;'I'M' ,.$350:::l00: ,$3'53';2(0)' r' ..,.,.., ,..... '" ,''> ...... F." '....' , ."......" ~', ".'t" .;.... "',' '~,", ~- -~ - - ~_.._.- --- . OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I The City Council is compnsed offive members(i.l}c1udingt~')'~~;t"large by the citizens of Po way I , to serve four year overlapping terms. The Mayot'\IS ~1i~tjW'elected hy the citizens o(Pow1!y for a four-year term. Annually, the City Council reorganizes'isele<;t'iiig'lEGolIhti!hi€frilJer to serve as Deputy Mayor.. . /" . ... q. -. ..,. 1 , ~~ ~ , The ~ity Council is accountab1c,t;{&.efr.e:sicLkJJtl',~Jt~?~~Y'f2J:~Jts_g~S and programs provided by the City The CIty Council serves as the Clty''S?Qoltgy~mg)gl}g,\I,oa~;j,t~hngjactJon 011 all legIslative matters 1I1volvmg the ~ approval and adoption of all City ordil;hce~;,r~,i\j~~:iii~lltraCtsiaIfd ma~~s rcquiril}KPolicy_decision and I leadership. In reaehmg pohey ueclslOns, the'eouncil,h~tens to'~hc,testllnony and revIews proposals deSIgned , to meet community needs, while maintaining desireas~rvic-;i~~ii:'---. ! ._-~..V' m~')~ ~ ~-_.._- n --- .- .'- ........... ... ...--. ...... .' The City Council appoints the City Manager, City Attomey, and'Cit)"':"lerk anu establishes various citizen advisory committees to ensure broad-based input into City affairs. The City Council oversees the expenditure of all City funds throughout the fiscal ycar, initiates new programs to upgrade existing services, and detemllnes the ability of the City to provide funding for the proposed budgct as submitted by the City Manager The City Council also serves as the Board of Directors for the Poway Redevelopment Agency " .1 i I L_"...,,_,..,.... .-'" '.~ __'"".. ,,~..,....,.. ",~'~'.~_.~_,,,, 59 ':c;'L:::,:~ - ."..l;.Cc.'::<I=~::",:~"',.,.~~,?~."",,,=.,,::~ -_=,n "''''='c'''':'%.:::::;::::::h CITY COUNCIL Legislative & Administrative Department Division Numher 00/0 i I ~ To ensure that municipal services are provided in the most efficient, effective, and responsive manner possible to meet the needs and desired service levels of the community , ;.. To provide legislative guidance and direction for the establishment and maintenance of City programs i and services. ~ To provide an open forum for direct public inp}lt.ait'dihf!)ilyfnue for resolving co;;;muui!y issues. I ~"',:",=c ,~.~i)~ ", ~ To establish and oversee the impIe7tl!l1k!L9Jih_~r~ity.j~~H9ti ahdJ~range goals and obj~tives. I y ~ To 1I1form local, county, state, and fed(~raf'fepreseri~YeS~abOUHhe neeas, concerns, and issues facing the citIzens of Po way ~~ :;~. .,,~ _.'_ .._ ~ -_..~LJ>~ .._ y To ensure that the City mall1tall1S a fiscally souna on:eniling'oudget::::::::'. ~..-' ."li",. ~~~- - ". To oversee and monitor the expenditure of all City and RedeveloPll222!-Agency fiinds.- y . i I , ."_..",.,.""".,'..".'"""'".,..,...,.....-""c,,,.,'''',,,,.,'''',.,''_..,''...~ .' """""""., " "'_~'--_""" ... .. ~ . _,_" _,..~.c<""~' -~ ._--, ." c' ........~ ' SiGNIFleANTR<i'TI~I'Fy'PR0GRAtvIitHANGES " 'GRANGE, . " . ,.....,.."._ I>~."._ ~"-':'.,,,,,../,,....l. __, _ ~. . ." . "_. _ '." .,,' " " _.. :'FY 20~RI"C]\; 2()~~ ': '~._;...i;'...-...--..k..';-'" ___,,________.r'" ,.",,,_. _~.',,,,,,,...__.~__...il..:......._ _. None I I ! I i , I I , I I i 1. - .. . --'-""~ '''''~ 00 ,,~ CITY COUNCIL Legislative and Administrative Department Division No: 0010 . . "'~:"'J-.-' ~;r:.- "--'.,."'-- ..... """""."' ....---'.. -"-"--~'''.- .. "~-"''':r;;c;'\G ~1;Jj:II:;~'''j. ,::.~~ .,"'}:' , .if:~Q2'Q? '7.9Qg~Q2.;; ~2q03'~~~;' ;2997'08;;",,:2008'-29;....\' CbQ6':':1;:rs~~~;ren[~~~ill.C!!tiQ!l~ _ Li'A:<\\1'!1,': ,ApPI2yed.~.. .Esti!ililt~iLJ1.!iPQsf.d, . "1:wp_ole<( i Range Po~i~i{?T"l Tltle ; Elected Positions - M~y~;'-' .. 'T -Tr-j'- l' 1 ----. 1 I louocilmcmbers I -4""1"- ....41 -... ::;-j - -_.. 41" - ...'.....4. ,- _..,...,~.~,."""','.,~v;:-~--.".;,i, .,.;;:~..,::...~~"."r""-.. ---...,.. -"-'''~t :,._.".--".",.,' --",." ' ~'~--,.......~".,._"..l..,~---,.".....""..'~'"~'\r . . Totalf~~titl!onze:atR(isjE&il~L~.. __-'-_____.5!QO._?100 ,_ ~."__ 5rOO - ,'-; .~.QO"'$iggJ '1120 Special Salaries 61.59~ L 61,360 l.. 65,~~~ i 67,65Of 67,650 1300 En.'pluyeeBe!,ef.i~~.. 55,315 ...6:4..240.. 56.'..~ ~7,470 L ...21.000 -...,..,.:..,.... .' c....... ."C'.,... ..'. . .,.."-."..,........." '.' ','. ......,---.,. .'] "~r,~" ..;""'~ 1~;r::~::7:~~xZ~f;~::a;;i~._~!::-)Jm,(W)ir;;~Jt2'(jQRr J2)~~,!y' 1?~,J22.!_ '.l.?&i6~0} 1799 !Otherprofessional Fees I 15,000 i 15.000 i - i i 3110 I Reimbursed Mileage 22,587 i 22.500 I 22,500 1 22,500 I' 22,500 3140!Travel and Meetings ! 21.605 i 20.530 20,530 'I' 25,310 24,650 3310 Telephone I 2,689 3.000 2,497 3,000 ! 3,000 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies I,SOI 3.000 3,OOO! 2,000 i 2.000 4904 ,Commlll1ity Relations 108.685 45,550 47.750 i 44.650 I' 41,850 4908 Education & Training (230) - ! 4922 Printing 5.248 6.500 6,500 I 5,000 I 5,000 4924 Publications & Dues 86,850 105,400 105,400 I 109,460 i 113,290 5530 ,Capital Outlay Rental.Office 2,260 I 130 2.260 2.260 2,260 I i . I I ! i tohiI:0peraiions &'lVlaintenance 266,495 222;610 210,43;)214)80. /~...:.::::.~._~. ..~.___, " ,.1 .. , ,.' - . -- Capitat Outlay . 6128 Photographic Equipment 6136 'Teleconmlllnications Equipment 6410 Land 1,000 __.....~.,.. '.' ,- ..'_ -F -, -.--~-, 'f~tarqgpJ1pI911t1ay - - I.,QQQ .,. " _ ,.,"'~_~ ................ ..J>. ~_ r_' ," --_ :Division Total 383,405 348.210 332,147 350,300 353,200 ~'- "'-"'" 6i' ... -----..." .,.- .- """ "","",","""",,,,, ,,,,,,",.,", .""""" LEGISLA TIVE AND . I ADMINISTRATIVE 1 I I ~ "City'" Council ti ! ; j_.... ...... ,1 ~l,~~~~~_~ ...~~~Il1~SSiO~ , , i I I " \! i 011 IJ I C:::~:::~::::~;71"~"-":""i~'i\i::'," .1L~.'~~~:;:-r' -'( ; j , I ! I ! i I I I j . t~ _... ...._.. 'C... . . .. _ _ ._.. .. CITY CLERK Legislafh'e & Administrative DepartmCl11 . ,_-___ , Deportment Code 0011 ...... "E&iENSi..' :. '.~ ~-,""~ :( I ~20oV:~005 J::llr 2Ml:r200~~' , ';;2006~~00il;~. - . '12~OO~~200'f ,~'J,' '~200~~20~~ '<lLW'sllil""'''ol'l: fcll.,:;m; " .""PR~;.am.' "ES,iNIiI',15!;! :PR(jj,@SEO" ,) f.R0.fulsI1l~ r"'\.ii:".. ~ Of ~- ,":~' . ~, ...:L~",,'''-- _ ~~.:"1:-b: ~o - .... . ':.'" ,.:~~'::'-_.. ". ~ _l'.~._~.:.i.-.l.t~'\r*:: fl ~. 4< ,x ,~ l ~ I,' l:l",'1< Total Positions 4 4 : 4 I 4 i 4 . I j '.. Personnel Expense $329,443 $368,230 $351~"-- $362,8~'0 -.. $365,020 Operations and ~.~.- --;41950 140574 121 no ';';9550 MaIntenance ! 91;4~ ',' , , -.. t "'- ,.....",..- .-+..,." -- Capital Outlay I 500 - 0,_. _,-"--" _" .V'.;mm. ~';;')r:<- ~~'_ ::_~::~':"~,V:~,-~ w,'~ .,j mO:mrrIBUDGE;r', $42'1-439'.:;' .,' $5:10'180,' ;r.'"t'~\--':'l:>-"';"'''~ '~'f'~- ',}::~.' \,"" ' "",,' "::;" ' OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The City Clerk is appointed by the City Council to serve as Clerk of the Council, Records Manager, and Election Official of the City In carrying out this function, the City Clerk coordinates the City Council agenda preparation and prepares the accurate record of City Council proceedings, actiOrfs~and.documentation of City Council meetings. ? " . The CityClerk also serves as. Secretary ofthe PO~rrYiR......~,c!evflopment Agency, the Plan~ng Commission, the Poway PubliC FlIlancll1g AuthOrity, and on the,~ui'fOf'R())Y!.lY~TiOQ~Y--2 Jnc. ''',,-- ! <<l"" '" .. : .. .... ' ..:"..;;") The City Clerk's Office is the centrahinfill1:p~iiomsPllrce f61i:tl1epublicJ;md City statfregarding Council action. ThiS department is responsible for th~oiganizat1(i~MaTilfel1'al1c'e: ,iiilci pfoteetion of all official City records and coordinates the City-wide functional:fij!hg~Ystein'ai\d'rR'e;;oJclsMiip<!g'ement Program, The City Clerk's Office also maintains and manages the City's ':!:f~siif Rec6r(](~%.~g~a~iliiyrAlIle~c!ve[lisements,including notices of public healing and calls for bids, are pface;rtllroLlgij'ihis.offic~,--RecOraing of documents for all departments is I coordinated through this oftiee and cod~ieati()ll!2tS'ityiHlProved c>rdiiliiiicesinto tQe PO\\l~y .Municipal Code is also handled here. The City Clerk's Oftice coordinates appointn)ent of Council-appoiilled committee members and maintains infoffimtion regarding the committees including eh;rters,=iigendas and minutes, Additionally, the City Clerk maintains the infonnation for the department's webpage on the City's website WWW.Cl.poway.ca.us. The City Clerk conducts all municipal elections through the San Diego County Registrar of Voters. City Council candidates receive their nomination papers from the City Clerk and all candidate filings including campaign disclosure statements and economic interest statements are processed by this office. All eitizen-ll1itiated petition processes, such as initiative, referendum, and recall, are filed with this office. Other services available in the City Clerk's office include: voter registration, operatIOn of Passp0l1 Acceptance Facility; certification of City documents; acceptance of bid proposals; and notarization of City-initiated documents. . '"' ,.. ,"""",_", "I"""'" =-..,.,.",,'"'. 63 CITY CLERK Legislative & Administrative Department . Division Number 0011 "T" ~ fi.. ,,.-; . Prepare the Council/Agency agenda for all meetings; manage all records pelialnlng to Council! Agency legislative actions and proceedings, minutes, ordinances, resolutions and l11dices. . Admimster general and special municipal electIOns; meet all filmg deadlines for electIons documents with the Registrar of Voters; and adVise public OffiClUls, candidates for office and the pubhc of electIOn matters., "''''I~/--~~ . Continue ImplementatIOn of Recorf1s:~.~pagel~nti::ogram to ensure that mUQ!clpal records are protected, preservcd, accessi.pJe]~di~Bcised'i5t;iin;ompliance With State law and tl1e-G:ity' s Records Management Policy -( ,~...(_ ~. \ ",:,' 'l.~", ' . Develop Organization-Wid~I],P;2:~~'m~g'l?..e,'29J!Wr,9"c,edirre[ for electronic documents, including I emml, and Incorporate Into tYieiannu~lfrecordS'h'aml11lS"-':-= ( . . _ ..-=:C?':$lU'~o r',/J- ..___ .,../-- . Hold tramlng sessions for employees"on agen-SJa r~rt,prep@?n, records retentIOn and destruction il processes, public records reql!ssts,.and's,e~f6wpr.ocedures on LascrFiehe.and.-:;c;;Jcrk:s.Index. i . Develop a departmental procedure, within 30 day~~~au~ch, to assess wcbslte content ,'.' ensunng all departmental informatIOn remains current, accurate and relevant. ; . . Coordinate community outreach activities to encourage voter registratIOn and provide Increased I access to election information in comphance with the Help Amenca Vote Act.' :I . Provide passport applicatIOn acceptance services to the public in compliance with the Department of " State regulatIOns. \ ~, " _ -- - ,,- - ~1- '2006cz007il' ,i()'O~20{)8.' - -, Q008t09'<' ,,' t " A.C;ItYi:f,y~\f$Tfstl~$~ _..:._. ,l~ESq:[MA:rEL _, ',"BrZqJii(jfugp; . " Y .~~Q'jEG~Epl ':."~ L-- Leg~1 Ads & Pllblic~leanng Notices_L._qJ35 ....1--- 150 r ,,-l~?-l Documents Recorded i 105" 110 I 110 . .. ''''--'-. ------.--.,.--. --r .._- q ,-...\--.-... "----'-:'..-'--. ......,.... ~, City/~lanning Resolutions Processed__1 11~/5W .___} 30/60 : 130/60 -' I ' , '__ RDA Resolutions Pro:~.~d .__ ,.1. 1?..--1 ... 25 :.._q,___2~~ , . I I I Ordinances Processed ,19 25 25 ~ L~in~:te P~~es Prepared :C-C&RD~)- iu2~0/7~ ~_~~9/85"'_I-u - .__2j(YX5~....J ~C;it~~_RDA Con.!:!:.c.ts/Agreements.-L._ 5115 .f-..--.. 55/~__+..__" 55/10 Pubhc Requests for Records t= 205 I 230 I 245 .c---.,-. . -, ..-....,.. -'-""- - j'.........'...... .".'1 ..,-- ,..-- , FPPC Filing Officer Activity... 200. 200 I 200 . ;.. Passp~~s ~roccssed ..m' ., . 2'~9~-r .__~. 3,0~9 .. !. 2,500 ... f . ~ .~ .. ,,_' ,"... "" .. ..._"",, ~'" ,"'.. ...," '*- ''''<:to .. ,.~,., t .. t, SIGNtFICA'Nill:.A:e:r:WI;nY"PROGWA-l\1{'3HWNGES ~. ",', 0 -, i.CHANGE A . ."......"..,,-". .~.~. _..,......,...~ _..........."......~~........"',._ ~'~___'-"""'_""_H~!.i.._ " _____ None ' ..". ---<>J;". .,<;;;.... ...-=-, ",,--~~,~_ .,,~ ..... = ., == __no', ..........~o..... ~ 64 _._.~-- .- CITY CLERK Legislati~Je and Administrative Deparfmellt Dil'isiofJ No: 0011 . 1<;5[;(-:;-__::"--;:-' "-=-;':~, .1'-2605!1$~lpq~:Q7, ,,;~~iJlJ6:07 "'S9Q74os-';j.lj'i>M9f IQ'Og~~,. ..!~?SP-,,!'i~;QLa,s~ification.. . ...--'-.. ActUal' ,.A\ppiQY~' ..",g~!it$teil~....,Bf9P'oS~(]'o~.fl()]'i9~!<!r~ :Personnel Expense i I rRange Position Title Full Time EqUlvalents ,"" Cir;;Clcrk-'- - -- .-- .. .~ - '],()()l-- 'iooT --i~n '1:00 "100 I ' , , . i 56 Deputy City Clerk 1.00 I 1.00 I LOa 1.00 1.00 I 47 Records Technician 'LOa I LOO LOO . 1 00 I 00 J.,_45M~nistratI~;Assista~tl!L."._._ 1._----.lJl2L.__ 1-00-,__ .~L90 L 1.oo.1..h" JJ;2.. ~ ,!:otali~uthoiizeilm~~ifionsI(I"fE.~ _~ m ",-.~2'\u . .:i!!Qg;, 3,90'- "" .4:0Qf;_,,,.""ril'pO\ ] 110 !RegularSalaries 1220,596 r 248,640: 241,069 254,120' 254,120 ] 130 !part Time Salaries I 3,2151 . , 629 1140 Overtime Salaries : 514 3,000 I 1,499 3,000 3,000 1199 I Vacation and SfL Adjustment '7,063 Ii' i . i 1~02jEn:plo~ee~~r~e~ts,.,:._ ~ !--,--.28,~5S.,~ 1~?:59g:J:./~~';?0 1~,05,;?J2;i , ....I?,:,9?O': ""-'...,.... f1'O!!!l,p.ersoJ]l1eIE1pelJ,dltw:e ,. .,.__~. mi--,---,:?;1~;4!l3 . ......:3(j~;:~\l9._. .l52112i!< )}!1:Z1~0 ,~65;Q:zOl Operations and Maintenance I ~ 1799 I Other Professional Fees ; 16,511 18,210 18,2051 14,150 14,150 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 4,873 4,900 4,894 4,900 I 4,900 3140 Travel and Meetings 4,606 3,430 i 3,349 4,890! 3,310 3310 Telephone 960 1,08~ I 945 480 480 , 3311 . Cell Phones & Pagers 5,OO~ I 600 : 600 . 3320 i Postage 3,806 5.500 : 5,500 I 5,500 j4308 ,Equipment Repair & Main!. 500 ' 250 I 500, 500 ,4710 omce & StationelY Supplies 3,X52 4,500 ' 4,472 I 4,500 . 4,500 14760 ,Operating Supplies 1,857 2,500 J,613 I 2,500 : 2,500 14799 Other Supplies and Materials 370 .1 4908 Education & Training 2,164 , I 1,597 1,60~ 1 1,600 1,600 I 4910 Election Services 405, 20,000 ; 20,000 211,000 I 4922 Printing 9,105 : 15,000 14,895 15,000 I 15,000 !4924 Publications & Dues 1,591 I 2,030 1,949 2,110 I 2,110 '4932 Advertising 33,196 . 55,000 ' 55,000 55,000 I 55,000 14938 Rental. Building & Grounds 4,800 , 6,000 5,003 6,600 ! 6,000 3,400 I , 3,4001 3,400 ! 5530 Capital Outlay Rental.Office 1,700 3,400 I i I , , , ! I ! " ]:41,950 'j'JOSJ4 - - -'F..".' T otal ,Opera~i(}Ils'&lVlai~felf~iice 91;496 ]2 r,7301 13~i550 -r . ""':-:::;." "h .__~.;.'::.!.. .. Capital Outlay I . 6122C 'Computer Sotrware . i ., I 16128 Photographic Equipment -j !6136 Teleconununieations Equipment 500 . , T6tal..<5~pi@Q)utlay +..'''''."~.j . -~_""l~- _.,- 500, - ., ~ .,- L, _ Divi,sion Total 421,439 ' -- .- r' "".~-_.,_.._.,.- 510,180 I .. 492,03.~ I 484,5~~ i 504,570 ..... '-65--'-' ,"-' - 0'_ ="". "'~,~ " ! . LEGISLA TIVE AND ADMINISTRA TIVE I I r ".-,.""" 1 , City Council B -,. Planning Commission I ! . City Attorney 012 I ,. , L_" i "-,.,'-".,""'-,........-,-,,,........_~_...........,,."'...__....." ..J r--..... . -'- -,.--. -...- .- I CITY ATTORNEY . I Legislative & Administrative Department Department Code: 0]2 I'GLA~SIF!CA'T;IC)N. 'A:~:;:lit!~h ,@PErQ~JD :.E~n~IEQ PRGP,<DSED, RR<DP@sJ!:!l. I Total ;:::llons~:~~~. ~-~.L~~l_ _, .~~ I .,-~.-.~~, ! Personnel Expens~J $lR2,410 L . $178,240 _,.,.,.,_1. - --=-1 Operations and ~ 190,484: 136,150 $190,434 I. $261,050 $268,450 MaIntenance I, _._........_~..m . _ _ --.-.......T..-.- _._._..---1~._. .._._._.~- ; C . 10 I I I I I . aplta lit a', , - . I - I . i J i I...-L- . I : '~;"':"__~':-"~' .--. ' ",., ',tr .'....;...............-. (('~' < ~- T~~"~" ,....<~~::::_,J~~'". pii.~::~;~:.; F~~?,i!N~It~ _ __","72,~9~:-: "'~~"~,,- "J~*," _' \l.<!l!Q'-<j ~~ · I I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY . The City Attorney is appointed by the City Council to serve a0egal-ad~odQr all matters related to the . operation and admilllstration of the City The C:~:r"fM~:,:l}~tKeeps the City Council and staff apprised of any legislative or legal developments that may Impact tne1e,iWv '-t. "--". ' I J...,.;v-' ',0 \l",,, ~":,.. i i Through a contract with the City, t!11e.;<';Lty,,1&f19.h!~~;p.~Qyig~sJ~gplS~~~el, attends oftieial meetings, appears at ; all legal proceedIngs and negol1alIon.~ rel'llIngjtQ'ilaI}d,aequISll1on,}andcprovldes other speCialized servIces. The j City Attorney also drafts ordinances;trel)aresc~oi'ftr:lc:ts1coJ1l'mcts;l~af negotiatlOns, reviews legal documents, and defends the City's positlOn in ,court6as.es1Zt~Nr12.f12ej;,l)i~6;s~rves ~~.lega.ladvis'2!-to.other Council I appoll1ted boards and represents CIty ofticlals and,emplo"_ees'll1 matters,relatll1g to City busll1ess, I . [" J._c" ~ '--.. ,," \L -'_.... ~ ~ L"~~":::;:J'__ .... .,----- .~ , "-=:::::::-' I I I I ..I I I I L. '_' .____.__ _ _ __' "_""'__.' - ....... .,_. b7 I'~---"--- ~"""""_'O"''''''''_'___'''_''''"~''_'_''''''.'''' ........" ---l i CITY ArrORNEY Legis/ative & Administrative Department Division Number- 00/2 . ".., "- '~{'" ,,","-^ ,....-" "'"'-$"~~'~"-' ,,- " " " ""~ t, !,!AGTm>VIiTh';i@OMtS~\GBJEGTI~Si'!'l ;: , ,,""'1!'24cl" 1('.' 'J c,,;r~' , , '.f':,,'~ '\1,:\:.,1;,;' ,.:1.", ,~:.,i!;':1!I!f;,~~ ,.";w.._,, "",., ., ""'."...~.,,",. ..._~" ".. ~~T'",~~."...'''''''' _'_""_0 ....""~,',.,""...........j~.-. ,-'- ?......;;:',;':';; "...,..."""~,;~...;....,,..." ,~ '.0 '''--:..\;};;;::::<::' ~ ' , "" ".; I > To provide the City Council Wlth assistance m the development of policies based on sound legal pnnciples, which enable the City to accomplish Its goals and obJectives. I ! > To be available to City officials and staff for legal advicc and consultation. , > To keep the City Council and staff apprised of any legislal1ve and legal developments, which may impact the City > To prepare ordinances and resolutions necess.ary to imple~ityCO\incil policies and to keep the ! Municipal Code up to date, as appropj'!!\:lr ~: ~. \ d ft rct;' I' ,.,. "''ll,\\", '~db h C C '1 ~, I 'Y To ra contracts, agreement~fal1 :.(Jga..Qpm1on.slas reqLUr(': ",y t e Ity ounCI, e eve opment i Agency, and staff '~ '<" W ~ 'f' 1 f$:J G" ' > To review the legal content ohoclJme.tl\S'80f~~9"~>:!Jnfidity Attomeypnor tO~~~!11Ittal to the l City Council. - .~U'<~'==zr .___ .... t.~..- ..... . i ---...-::::T......'_.~h........., > To ensure that the City maintamscomphance\witlutl1e Poway Mu~pal.:9?ge;:and-state and federal ! I '- ..... -"-'- I laws. ----..<~. ,.- I ! ;... To ensure that City officials and staff are proVIded with all mandatory legal training, I I * > To represent the City in courts of jUflsdictlOn on legal matters relatmg to the City I i > To oversee City hligalion in whIch the City Attomey IS not the attomey of record, I > To keep the City Council and staff mfofllled of slgmficant dcvelopments involvmg City hl1gatlOn. I ! I I I i h.'SfGNIFfG;~:UTi~P-ROGRA~M;HANGES:;:" ,- ;. - I """'--,""- - ~~"""""""""":':':";:::"."':;,. .~ r"~'''- ... _.. ----1 i \>, .<SH*NGE, _ rc,,:;:>,:'..~.~_..........,.:..... ......~"~.'"'.,;.;~,(,_.~;;::......:;J:...=,;(.,..+.."...:::""'~:.:"""""-'=.,:i,_";;~-=":."",,,',,~'.., ;o.-.~.~~.",'.~..._ --rpy 2008~ FY 2009 ' ~' ____n_.____ -~-- - - - - -- '--- -" -,- -----,-, '-l None i ! I I L.. _._-_..........~.._"".__.. _.~._'. --- - - -....-- - --.- ---- ,......- ______1 oX - "'~.'"'" - CITY ATTORNEY LegislCltive alld Administrative Department Divisioll No: 0012 . O~'", ". ,:--,.~ "C<-C ,- (2005106; <-'2006@'.', . 2006;07, . . 2007~08.'-~ .~2008~09:i"l ~. {..~ " ......_....,........ ",'.,.,...,i'~........_ ' .. ce..,,,,::,,,; '....c...:..' "',., ".' "-,,","'""" ,...._~~?"1- ~"'1,P" '''"J:' <",> , . rijde . ~.~.,,:.Exp.!cn~~;(j!ias~ificai;6ti'; .-.:.._ ~..L._~.,/;"A".t1!"L '.,:AP.lJrovecE. "Eslill1i!led ";~ropos~d. ;Pro'p:6'seCl;;" i i Personnel Expense Range Position Title Full Time Equivalents _. __, _'''' "~___'--' ._ m _ _ City Attorney I I I! Special Counsel ...l_.._.J.~ ~- .:fQtiiliA1Itl!~[~~q:~Qsi!ion~,\l'''IiE)-;. . ;~ '. , 11204rSpeci~ISa]ari~;.-.. _d ". r -13R,159 ! ]26,410 ; 13~0 J~PIO!~.':-B-"nefits; >_-;' __..,:'4,251 51"~0 -,~ - ~....;~.-:-------~...",,""::,,~~ - , Totai Pers"6nnel 'E~R~l1cliti1i:~': . . t87A!(} l,i~!~4Q .':'<, -:;'"'1;""~3',;,~ ..-r~-..~.'._."'.._..._...... .,....,_. ............."._~- I" '1--" "I-~ .. Operations and Maintenance I I 1702A I Fees- Attorney 143 72g i 73,000 i 135,078 i 172,000 ' ] 79,250 I 1702B ! Fees. Outside Attorney 1,5791 10,lJOO I 3,993 10,000 I 10,000 I 702C I Litigation. Attorney I 40,413 ,,; 000 ! 43,245 60,000 ! 60,000 I ,., '17020 Litigation. Outside Attorney I I 10,000 10,000 ! 10,000 I 3140 . Travel and Meetings 1,437 ! 3,940 I 3,940 I 4,610 I 4,760 4710 IOmee & Stationery Supplies 37R 900 9lJO 900 ! 900 '4924 I Publications & Dues 2,489 I 3,OgO 2,g18 I 3,ORlJ I 3,080 5530 ICapital Outlay Rental.Omcc 460 ' 230 460 I 460 460 . I I I , i I I I , . ",' 190,484' Li6;i'50 190,134 !i!5S,450; ",H2!4L9,perati~ns ,&IMaintenance 261.050" ~ --- ~","..,.~.~ Capital Outlay ifbtalCapiiiil.Oiltiay . - "'-F~" I -, - ,..,. -. '. .. ~ ..1..;1..: . - -. _.~..,......-'.- [Division Total 372,894 , 314,390 190,434 261,050 268,450 .-......- .....-...... ...... _._." 69 ii'" -""."""~ .,.-~""""""- ,,,-". """'" ~ LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE I , .-------------.-0 I ~~ty__Council_,._~, Planning Commission tl ":":S':>""" - "" T """":""""::,,,,,,7':7' ":"" " " '::i"",,~ I I 013 11 ~~-~:l=~' ~ _ ~ I . ! I ! Adm;nistrati~el ;' -commnnity.: ~ev~l~pmentll I i_service: ~ . _ serVice~j1 I :Vices__' L ~" ,l~O .. _, ~1 ,i '.. 200 ." j L-. 3~~ j ,-.._.~._.,.. I L_......... $, ,.'--' I- _._.~-,,_., ,..~ I ,--.-..---'.'.[. ,.- -1 I-p-;;bliell--s;~~;;' i; , RdA & Uonsing ~ I ' f "" " Works i. I Services J Services fj ... 4?0 .' L,,~500. __~ r..,-!-,OO~ _~ 1 I '_"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ ~ .~""",,'" ,,,.,,,,,,~.,,__.:,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,.,,' _.m.< !_"",,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,"__,,,,,,,:::,,,.),,'"'"-',,.", -~m_"m_ I I :. i I I L....,._...,.__.__..__._,_......._,............__.__.,..."__' .__._,_.........____................_. I 1- *'--.....H''''''',,,,,,..., ,.,.,...",,,- ._..o."...~.,..".,..... CITY MANAGER Legis/alh'e & 4tlministrative Department . DeparlmeJl/ Code: 013 --:~~.'eE':'~', '.:;r~it....:t,;.:;.\;.~..~,,,,,.:'::i:c;i_:!::"~--"":~~:_" ~j:\.;:~....~~;~ ""',' ,:.-,::,_,,;,.,. c_",':-~' . .-W-''''''1'!!' '~_. <E'XPE!\!SE ',;,"':::;' ,'QOdgc"ii5b6::2'ifoti"20<W:--', o....2'Obs,2'60'l1 ~]ioo;f-io08~" ;2008:200~t .,.:!,"'!'''' '-, - .. ....",' _', _<. '- 4$-~. -'.J...., ",".i. ,': .::::~ '';'' '..... ......;;-:::,"('.....::;~",i':. ... -,oJ.:'_"''':,",:"'';,,. -;''':1/:H<'-,___ I -." '" ,i/t' --Ji;,,;r~ _ jJ [; ....." f ""t" -C"'~ '" ;qL1}S.SIEICA~J0)~: ,,~(B;TP~ . *P,P.R~YJ:;R"F,S,J!ltiW~'TEQ,\'\R,;~J?Q;;~~ ,R!:.QR~SE~to~ Total;:sitions' 1 --";'1 -~'[-""~-' ..,..... .... --~ or~-- 6 ~.. ... .---'-.... --- --, Personnel Expense I $922,120 1~~~~!4_6,727 $903,050 I $906,850 -- ..-...- Operations and 11] ,627 I 88,070 I 88,791 110,490 91,010 Maintenance ----_........._._-_.~ --. - ._--f- -_.~._~ -"."---'.'-. ,'.....-'- , . I Capital Outlay I 4,739 , - 600 ' - I I ~' _..._..~~ ~, .--.,.-.... '.. - ........................- "'...........~_. ~'TIO+A'IL,BUDGET '$f,638;4~6i" - ',."r".~............'" '''.'~'"~. ;..' '$I,'ihs':mi,8'" "$'I'Ot!ii,t!J.O: '$r;028;3,1'0~ . , .t" ..~ ", ",,,,,......,,,,,,,,,,}',,,,',,,,.,,, 'l..# .. ,'l~"'."" ".,.. ~. ",', ), r --...- .._'-~,.., ~ ....~ .~. .......,_...-'.,.~ . ~;..",';.. ~ ... OVERVIE'N COMMENTARY I I I I The City Manager is appointed by the City Council to serve as the City's chief executive officer responsible for . the overall planning, organization, and direction of municipal activities within the City In addition, the City Manager serves as the Executive Director of the Poway Redevelopment Agency and is responsible for the I planning and directIOn of the Agency's activities. , The City Manager advises the City Council on all legislative and policy matters and provides recommendations 1 i to the City Council to assist them in making the most effective and efficient policies to address the needs of the community The City Manager is responsible for implementation and enforcement of all City ordinances, laws. and regulations, To ensure efficient and effective administration ofmattcrs within the City, the City Manager I provides directIon to all City department directors and employees. The City Manager is also responsible for the preparation, submittal to the City Council, and management of the 1 annual budgets for the City and Redevelopment Agency, as well as the City's CapItal Improvement Program (CIP) In addition, the City Manager regularly advises the City Council on the linancial condition and needs of the City , , , I I i - L,...____._____. ~_ ""'-...."...-."."..-,","'" ..."..~-~_. .".".,...~...~.. M._ ~---- I 71 I' -' "m, , I Legi~~\:YA~~~~~lI1ef1t I Division Number ()()13 . ",'^ , ." ~"-""'''''''''''''', ,,~, ',~ ,~ ,"';:'FY~'1~ T.::.;,;:,.; ,:c-....,;:uT ~~-~.........,.:;,..,.~.~;;r:"_-:_;~~~_.~mm__...,. H...-~8';:;-::::;;;._--~-'!-*^-,::-:;:;,;;:O;.i".._:1 .,<t4'B_;;Tl?~'JT:liY~'S"i--:..;h~_" ... "''''T;{j:'''''; Il\,..~",..._,~!',> _ ,_.'lk, -'-"'f".,...'_,<>,(, -'~1,t" .~c.c';"#,"-';"';k,: Y3 1'" 1\.';.;-:-::H:h-"W~ ,~,...\'J JG"'.'~;.:.ulCi~,L....,."~,.",~'JL",--"",,,,..,,",,,,, ... ' . ,..T., ".,,""'. ''N,'" ", ,"""J~,"1.:L-'-'__',""-,''-''--,,,,,,,,,,-~ I .,. Continue Emphasis on Strong Financial Planning . Remain focused on long-term financial sustainability for the City of Po way I . Initiate a comprehensive annual fee and charge review process, I . Implement multi.year rate setting for water and sewer services. beginning in 200~, I >- Work toward completing the two-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) , The CIP includes 7 I infrastructure reinvestment projects throughout the City The goal is to design and at least commence construction on all of these projects by June 30, 2009 >- Continue Planning Efforts for the Town Center Select a development partner, begin the design process, complete a new Master Plan for Community Park in conjunction with Town Center planning efforts, and establish project feasibility >- City Council Adoption and State Certification of an Updated Housing Element >- Workforce Housing Development Begin construction oftwo developments (multi-family development on Brighton Avenue and 30 for-sale single. family homes on Metate Lane) and continue planning one dcvelopment (on Monte Vista Road), >- Enhance Economic Development Activities Renewed focus on business attraction and retention for Business Park, auto dealers, and Poway Road commercial corridor >- Implement New National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Requirements, including . Necessary Changes to the Poway Municipal Code, >- ,\dvocate to State and Federal Legislatures to Protect Revenues, Local Control, and Redevelopment Capability ! I >- Implement a More Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Neighborhood Problem Solving Better integrate the efforts of the Code Compliance'division, Fire Department, Sheriffs Department, and Public Works Department, as well as regional human service agencies, to more effectively resolve neighborhood issues. >- Coutinue Implementing Organization-Wide Technology Initiatives . Launch new Geographic Information System and continue to develop department-specific GIS data, I . Unveil phase 1 of new website and begin developing phase 2, including on. line bill pay for water/sewer customers, . Explore on.line service request tracking systems, , . Provide video archiving capability for OIl'line viewing of City Council meetings, I >- Complete Important Human Resources Projects . Negotiate labor agreements with the Teamsters and the Firefighters Association. . Complete a comprehensive cmployee Classi I,eation and Compensation Study . Implement organizational development initiatives generated through the three employee think tanks on communications; evaluations and recognition, and advancement, career planning, and training. y Continue to Streugthen the City's Disaster Preparedness Systems . Providc additional training for City employees who serve as Disaster Service Workcrs, . Refine department.specifie disaster response procedures, , >- CO~Plete D~aft of the_Tra~s~[)rtationE.:m~.~t~f the General Plan _" . _' _.. .' ..i , iSIGNlFIG'ANTl:'\CT.IMIrFY'BRGGRWNfiCHANGES ',' ~CHAN@E ;ii;, !I' , . - -.--..~ ""~~"~"'-.-'~-~'- ---~ -' --- FY 20080.,- -- --FY 2009 -, , . 1 None I I I ' , ~,~~'"_,.,""'_,___"'_....." __._ ,_._ ".......__ ...~ _,,'"__ I 72 CITY MANAGER legis/atire alld Admillistratb'e Department . Divisioll No: 0013 . .~~~ .." }' '----,. ...____,,' ..._,.-_.--"T.....~ .--. ... ._...._~.'c,"'.",.,...''''"............".......~............................::...-. -~. ......,..........: .,.,. -d'_ ~'''T"----''';ll(" -.-- -...... ,~,-,.~ 8bjY': ' .", .'!, :..' .. :2005'~6;" j'~~?q6007'.. ,,:t?O~;Q7: ' '2.987,~Q8;;';20??p~);;i' goa~'-.-_ ~E.~ps:nse. (;@ssifjcatioIl.__ ':'..' _._ ,~cffiii1' ";,4ppiii\f1ii!. ,;E.~ti~ted _ .1'ri~ij.Q~~(J 'l'l13lRQ~~~~, IPersonnel Expense !Rungc Position Title Full Time Equivilants ,- -...............-....--..,-...- - .. ._--......,.--~ --(""- --.- City Manager 1.00 I 1.00 . I 00 i 1.00 , 1 00 92 Assistant City Manager . 1.00 I I 00 I 1.00 I 1.00 I 100 75 Assistant to the City Manager I 1.00 1.00 1.00 , 1.00 ! 1.00 I 65 Management Analyst i 1.00 I 1 00 1.00 i 1.00 i 1.00 61 Exec, Assl.to the City Mgr 1.00 1.00 0,75 I . ~';~;, ~dn~!~i~t~ativ.~.Ass~tant III 288,: ;,~2,J . 2~~lT:00 I ;:~?~ _19tqP\.ut~,~l1zed,;POSI110ns(F;T&) _ _._ ., 7:,90., ,''i':c2c2~~ ,.~6,'~~':'-~_!);;~2 ,'6:0.9' 1110l'RegularSalarics I 615,0971 1i51,020 I 657,300 I 624,390 I 624,390 1140 !Overtimc Salaries I 3,6071 3,000 I 3,3101 2,500 I 2,500 1199 IVacation and SfL Adjustment 32,373 i ': ~ . I I ' , J300i!'n:pl~Jec Bel1:fi~~_, . ,'_'U__' 1 ;c7~,g~3!, 28,~3?2 J . ?~6, I! 7 ,_ 276~160 i 279,~6~, '. '[:qt~",perS9nnel Expenditure ' ; Q22!J.2Q<J,4Q!~4Q24..q}1?~ ", J,0~(Q5Q; 906,850" ._~~--;-._-'---:'_....~-'- -""-r - -'! '~T--"-"''''''-~ ,,,"'''~ OperatIOns and Mamtenance ' I 1799 ;Other Professional Fees 31,420 2,200 I 2,200 24,200 2,200 3110 jReill1bursedMileage II,SIS 17,4601 ]5,722: ]6,060 ]6,060 3140 jTravel and Meetings 13,967 19,250' lS,83sl 14,270 17,730 3310 :Telephone 1,949 1,800 1,141 . 3311 Cell Phones & Pagers - , 1,560 1,560 3320 ' Postage 11,315 I 11,580 I 11,580 I 11,890 12,450 , 4308 Equipment Repair &. Mam!. 691 970 970, 2,350 , 2,350 4710 : Office & Stationery Supplies 2,461 I 2,750 i 2,750 2,500 I 2,500 4730 : Photographic/copy Supplies 332 ' 400, 200 : 200 I 200 4799 'Otber Supplies and Matel;als 6S9 I 330 I 330' 330 . 330 490S Education & Trairiing 1,462 1,500 1,500 3,()OO I 1,500 4922 I Printing 21,544 I 21,580 I 21,580 i 21,5S0 1 21,580 4924 Publications & Dues 6,5291 4,530, 4,530' 5,110 5,110 I 5530 ICapital Outlay Rental.Office 7,440 ' 3,720 I 7,440 ' 7,440 7,440 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 10. I 10: . , , I I , TotaLOperatioris & MriintenaiiCe; 'r 11'1'(,27' .i~~~70 ,88;791 ,110;490 '91010 . 'cO' ,- "".- ....... C""""_" ", , .. -- 1 - Capital Outlay 6122A : Equipmcnt. Office General I . , . 6122B ,Computer Hardware 2,7]51 . , . , 6122C Computer Software 1,5521 . , 6136 Teleconm1Unications Equipment 472 ! .1 600 i - ~t- , --- - -"...- ,- ' '-'-'''''--~ Total:CapitillGlutJay 4739 , '600 ~ ..,,-. -,'.,- . ~ ,- >'., I 1,028,310 I -'/- 1,014,140 J ~._-- Division Total , 1 ,038,48~.l 1,035,518 997,860 _......~ -- ."",- 73 I ........ ..._-_..._-- .-. ..__....... u..... I I ADMINISTRATIVE . I SERVICES I , r'---' ..- I City Manager L I 013 ., . . ""~1."" "':ill" Director ~ b A. dministratiV.. e serVices. /Treas u rer ~ 100 , ,...,.......>..I"'.".......2~Jilli'....,. .~., ......... ","- Y>:;L..,,.,,'j,>/,',,, .. .>,.:;;,;."......1;~ . '..,,' '.';;'::;:"':-... ,....~.... . r ' -, ~ Iifu~an r lC~st~m~;'l' -- '-F..L ~; Infor~ation ~. l:u U I. mance : Res......o...urces :,: 'LserVlces ,i 103 J: Technology. . 101 ;", 102', ,; 104 . J:. I -"'" ,-" '. u..,.- _../'''':" _" ''''- "'...0 . -~~;~-' ~'l 4"),")~..:~.:..;:~",j~_"L ';':;:) .' -.' ,---'- "----'1 --~ "I,~ : General Support ~l ' f' Risk ' 'Ui. Services J\; Management , 106, 107 ,~.. ..... ,.' ..' . ........... II, ;fr:,t:':.. . ,ll' ", . ';'L':'/;"m. -1;.J~~:...:>.,,' '. 't..t._ '1!1, .,;;::::;'):H:,....ll.J:;.;:;},.;.;..".i ,~. . --.........-. , ,_ L~ F .l.t. i Capital "I'jl aCl lies ' 105 Repl~~~ment ; I I . l 1111 "" _'" - j. ";i:i::~ ! . -...................--" _................._..""._...........,,""""~-- - - - -- - -~ ......_..~...._.........._._................_........_.......-.._.~- I ,,~ "'-"",.- ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES . Department Activitv Overvie}!1 Departmei1l Code (Jf(I(J " "",,"" '",' ,,", ,",~,; ""'''''. .' "'t",, ""'..' .. ~ '''''''''' , ':;"" I~::.'..~' .'~ "',y '~lt ,,"I , ~I. ~J ...--i",;E"ii' ... 'ft.. /\'; ":r ~,., ", "(iI~'''' "~," ~'I3~.IBt'JSE7'(",; "Ili i~, ,,;;:29Qpo2001l'f 1 ~::::~QQ6e2007'! = "'i'G~A:SSrFi@A;PI@N'::i;;t'>>:@';fW~Ii' j ~i'!IiRR@MEr:)i;'" ~:'~:~:~tl:n:"~ "~[';<':~;;;r:~~' "m:~:7: 27 __ __2!, 27 Personnel Expense $2,447,496 I $2,697,020: $2,576,466 $2,755,490 $2,773,730 - ." T'~-- _._.._..', ....-.....-.... Operations and 2,143,479 2695725 2916061 3 142110 2907790 Mamtenance ", , " " Capital Outlay 1,091,975 I 1,451,846 i 1,607,576 1,251,770 951,970 :,'~"~'''.- ',,)I~...;:., ',', .., " . .,:':~+'''t' ""'" t" -' ,,']1 '''''!':'';,:'~'~ <I " t: ~- , , " ", , ~< ',''''' " ,,:.:', i: '--'!i' _ , '.,>.,'" ",' < ,,'hiot~;13UI5~~J[;' /~ '$,~;6,~2i9~Q~J'~' ,:~i~44';i?1;!J ".$?iloo;io~I~:~ ,; f~Jkl:49,~~76q;,j;' ';$6;9,?~;~90"."~ ... " "" ,," ""',..."1 .'''''~. ..1 _.."J,j ',""'."~' .","'" ~~,. ~" ~p '" .<, ."J: >'""",,:::,/~,," 'O"j<'; 1;; 'tW""" ')!''it,~.~; OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The Department of Administrative Services is divided into eight operational divisions including the Office of the Director, Human Resources, Customer Services, Finance, Infonnation Services, General Support Services, Risk Management, and Capital Replacement. These organizatio1i1i1'divisions.eoordinate the day-to-day . activities of various intemal operations ofthe,Cjt)(,an~d.supl;iy specialized staffsuPP?rt services to all other City depmiments. J 0 '''. .. ~ j ,.1''''1' "".'''- The department's staff is vested \~i(hiMrt:ljJlD~1111W!ie,~'Qft1)'~hJ~ managemeut of the City's finances with a focus on maintaining the City's flY,f\1}8<1L;y'i~Qi!.Lty~)iPI:~p'~r~tiimfhd maintenance of annual balanced budgets, (3) administration of the City~s,emRloynl~9t:~ryiees;}~4J\faeilitation of positive labor relatIOns with City employee groups, (5) doeuJ11~ati~ 'oHiqi'iiitii~t~~~rJlo1jc'itsind IJ.1:?~re~,.(6\provision of staff development opportunities throughout the organii~tj9h;-(,7.)'ifff~rpfOcJuction of water and sewer billing and meter reading flmetions, (I)) promotio~L~~~P&?uctlve worKenvirolill1e!)t, ~clQ.Vllistrati()n of the municipal insurance and risk management, and (10) mairiten,!nceg,fthe,City'seomputer system. ~'~'''''''' The personnel m this depaliJ11ent also function in an in-house-consultant capacity by providiug technical expertise and specialized financialmfonnation to other City departments, 1 i .1 i I I t"''' _',",;__,;;;"'"'_""''''''''''''''''''_'~'_'''''''''_'_'''' ~,," =,~"~~'" --' 75 \" ....---.....--..----,-.,." '_.~ I DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES I ~. 4dllllniMratllie Service, Department i Division Nllmber 11/00 . '" v ~--.---.-..""",.!, ~4 W. 'w' ,+~ '::!i?'t::;'1,"--;:"""".r,"""'1y....:;~~."...........~~","...,.,.. .:-'-"',,,,"'-;:/, 11..... ."..,..".T.:......:~_ ::.:"~(?~OOIy.~E~~ISW"ill0~__1 ,tl b f i.i~"~"_<;.;~::.:j,,."'-""j.j~~, ,,':.~ h~"t~;.:.~L:~::}~."" 'f:~".:r'"." "', ~~:,l}Jl".. '~~:ri:1~~ ! . : The Office of the Director of Admll1istrative Services is responsible for the eoordinal1on and management I ofthe ll1temal operatIOns ofthe City and Redevelopment Agency DIvIsIOns under the direction of the ' Director's Office are Hwnan Resources, Customer Services, Finance, Information Teclmology, General Support Services, Risk Management, and Capital Replacement. I Ongomg tasks of the Office of the Duector include: j, . Prepare and administer the City's financial plan in conformance with the City CouncIl adopted I Financial Pnneiples . . Manage the City's finances in a manner that safeguards the long-tenn financial health of the City . . . Facilitate personal and professional growth by creating and rnall1taining a work environment that I encourages creativIty, eOll1ll1umcation, dedicatIOn, eOll1ll1itment, and continued learning . Improve the City's eOll1ll1unieations and infommtIon technologies, providing staff with an effective means to Improve operal1ons and administratIOn of personnel and fiscal management I · ProVide staff assistance to the citizens' Budget Review Committee. l'.-.-~".7..t..~"_.~''='"~._.:,..::.:.."'::. l '. ::r,...,..:x::~......O!c~-:'"";~.-.tt::.. -=--V'-"--""~ ~"':'I"'::'tt7""'7 -""-'"'F''J9''' .. A\G[lI\VITIY'G0ARSAND'0BJE(j}'I'fY,ES,~.. ".. ~.. . ,." . -,: . . ."..",,- "','''-~~L''''''',C",,,~-'-'-~..L,,'.~_ /~":___"""'''~_'_~' ':L~ I ." Successfully negotiate labor agreements w~lb,t1];;;'Iearr\~ters and Flrefigh~lPlOyee associations . }- Launch a new City webslte, based on cQn1ent;,rrum~ge:rnci1t~ystem technology ~ i )>- Develop and propose for Counci1ad~lbf),'athi;e&yfa~I'1ite~tructure for water and sewer services " 'r Install a CItyWide Geographic l~f~~~~o~;SY~k\\]:(6!~) access;me~y allllsers and integrated with current City data, San GIS data mrdqlg~talr?r;tliqr~t9,.l?,J'fP2Y I I }- Complete a comprehensive employe\0QJ\a~~Jf~~g~~~d:GQJ1.1.r:en~~tlOn Study '. _ I }- Advance the City'S managemen!.and_Q!:gal1~za~~o~a7-vet()&mentJI~I,tl~y.~,mcludmg-Implementation of I recommendatIOns from the employee Thlllk Tarlkworklllg-grouR~.., ~ Implement on-line bill pay for wate~and sew'?.r..btm!y~stomers --~.:-:::::::=-,...__ I ;- Prepare the nllldmg plan, mcludmg the Issuance of new debt,.~e,Gltyarid Agency Capital Improvement Program, years 3-5 }- Develop an mformatlOn technology strategic plan to identity Opportlll1ltIeS for integration of the City's , current and planned systcms and apphcatIons : ;- Extend mfomlalion technolob'Y services to field personnel, mcluding e-mail and network access L.._._~._,_..-----c--....c ,= - ~,--~~~ '~L: ,. .:~ ..,...-~' ....- ..- - -- c-c--:-' ,-.j I.. SIQNIF,lQ~A€JIv:;rW:PRQG~N1CHANGJESI,,, " :G.B,IANGE1'!:~ r-N;ne"'~"- ..... .~_...,-,_...,-_.. ----...---..- -'---" ,,-, r -. --- ~~,- "', ,_"_' __u"_ _____ _______.. _ ___ __, _ _ __ I I . I ~. "~-"...._.'" - ~...____ -_ __._....._ _..'".....___~ ~ _...._....____.".J 76 DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Admillifitrative Services Depmtmellt Division No: 0100 .~5rd'-:-'""","~'t . .-,-~ '2()(J~;p6j.'2b06i07_;~Qog:67;" ,"2Q8JEJ1t.. '~~?9~t.g~ @Sde:,~. '!2fp~~e;~!~i!I~~tion. d ___ ,_ J:;e;.s!.MI' kRP.:mY~Q,_Pl'ljniaj~q ;'Fiop.qjeil'--" Fn?!,osea;.l Personncl !Range Position Title Full Time Equivalents 188' . Direct~r of Ad,;,in Se;;"ices .- - - I <io 1 - 1'.00 1-" 'I'oar '1 001 .. 1.00 '82 Assistant Director of Admin, Svcs, : 1.00, 1.00 I' 100 100 i 1.00 69 Sr Management Analyst I 1.00 I 1.00 1 LOO 1 00 1.00 49 Sr Administrative Assistant ! 1.00 i I 00 I 1.00 I 00 1.00 36 Management Intern 0.50 I 0.50 t 0.50 0,50 0.50 , ' - ,"liif'-~ .;~'I.'~~,,-:.,__;-t'::;-r----::_=:_::;::--"_;-------"" ',- ~___~__"l_..,...--___~"____~_ ----:r~, '-"'7~)$;;;"'1.--"- "IIi""''lr."",r . To!:jl'Aut)iQ[i~~g;E9~itlo!i,SI(!,]EJ:' , ; '4.504'50,' 4'15.9' !' ,4'M" '~J9Q,'; ~_..._......_._.__~""__,.,_..._..........~...~_......,.._~-,_..........., i'__"-~""'""""'----r"" ," ""-~'~-r---;:.....";:l!J;.."_.," _..,.,:t.--'-._....." ..~i!I;;;;;.."il 1110 I Regular Salaries I 320,942 ' 384.930 i 369,153 385,290 385,290 1130 I Part Time Salaries I 35,414 I 14,250 i 12,843 'I 14,680 14,680 1140 IOvertime Salaries 17 500 . 300 500 500 ] J 99 I Vacation and S/L Adjustment 25,067. " - 1300 Employee Benefits 132,128 139,880 I 156,063 166.61O! 169,880 I . , i I --- ......:......~._. .,"- ..... -> ......~ ';._".,'"''',...,.....~...~- --;:......,....".......... ,............,.....:::;: --...-,- -.r-..";".._.-"._-~'-'-'-,'..'w"i;:"'~ Totcil;Persolll!el:Expenditures' 5)3;~.6.~ ;5l2;~.6,Q ;52,~;?~9,:,567,080, "57Q}35Q, .. .-- ,. ,...".._..~, .---. ~ . , . .._",',,'~~... ....~'--"r.--" "'-r- ....'-- IOpcrations and Maintcnance !', 1704 I Auditing Fees 10,063 15.500; 15,452 I ]6,]20 I 16.120 1799 Other Professional Fees 12 - : . , . 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 6,268 7,450 7,370 ; 7,500 I 7,500 3140 Travel and Meetings 5.696 6,980 8,616 , 8,060 8,050 3310 Telephone 449 600 1.085 3311 ; Cell Phones & Pagers , 1.200 1,200 3320 iPostage 23 360 180: 360 360 4308 I Equipment Repair & Main!. 145 110 115 ' 180 : ] 80 4710 'Office & Stationery Supphes 1,597 1,400 1,3391' 1,400 1,450 4799 'Other Supplies and Materials 282 60 1,100 1,100 14908 ,Education&Training 378 1,040 1.000: 1,040 1,040 '4922 :Printing 18 500 100 500 500 4924 I Publications & Dues 1,490 2,670 1,680 1,820 1,820 5530 'Capital Outlay Rental.Office 2,740 1,370 2,740 2,740 2,740 _ TotalJ.>pe~Jioiis~&:N!~ititellilnc~ 29,16137;980 ,39,~~7 42\O~Q 1i;Qfjlt !CaPitalOutlay 6122A Equipment-Office General 600 6] 22B ! Computer Hardware 162 . 6122e Computer Soltware 388 ,6136 'TelecommunicatlOllS EqUipment 493 , , l T~t~I~Cajiital.Oiit]ay, .~9.:;;, 388600' .,..:. --, D;visio~ Total ' .." "__. 543,3_~4.., 577,5~?,. 578.484 ?'?2:.,?00 6~2,4'1O 77 - - - HUMAN RESOURCES 4dministrative Services Department Division Code: 0101 . :"':." ............ ...../,,:~~ .... <........... ....."......,,- .. ,,' "-'. ,......... ....,.......-.... ........ ......". " -. ..''''''~ 'A:Cltf\i,lTY<"TIlESGRIRWION' ""1',," 'C d'::"_ ',"':::.:,', -": ";i~:' .,.,;.~[,,' "~."" ::" .':h:"","I": li,'~ , ~':.l-. ;.~. ->}",}"".", : .." ,,"..',.},~_..: _, TIt..,..II'.,' ...;;:i..~ ~~.:"" ,"': ll4>. \':~"~ .;," ,"ilt ~ \ I. ~17r".,,,: c, ~ 1;".;..-;1 It is the responsibility of the Human Resources Division to provide comprehensive centralized personnel services to the line operating departments. The division's activities include the overall management of recruitment, examination and certification processes for selection, and promotion of personnel in the City's workforce. The Division implements and administers personnel policies and practices, employee compensation and benefits, training, and labor relations. The Division is also responsible for maintaining I all personnel records, classification system, coordinating special employee events, and the employee service awards program, Ongoing tasks ofthe Human Resources Division include: i . Provide helpful, courteous and quality service to City departments, employees and the public i . Foster employee morale and potential by providing a work environment that encourages i professionalism, communication and dedication ..--.... I · Utilize professional expertise consistent with <:;i,ty_policies'ihProvidijfgguidance to operating departments concerning personnel issues "C,' ~ ., '-..._, ..~~ . Coordmate speCial employee events tQrm,ql))til!nal]<lJg~o,b~te,lCffectlve employee morale'-...,. . Facilitate employee personal and.,1?ffi'fes.sion~,~gr9):,vt~;9>r~preat~.and maintaining a work environment I that encourages professionalisn%oif~]~i1)caiig-n1i~i1d'deaic~tiOn., '-1'( I - 0 Coordinate special employee even!~ltolmaiiitaif{\and'Pr'Otftote eff~ctive employee relations P 1 I ' . '.... ,:"\,., f\ ^'/~I"h I d" d II 'I ' II. o rOVll e emp oyee trammg programs to mamtam-c\mm la[lce wn.'state an Ie era eglsJIJlOn,as we as .. ~',J"..I.,~,<;- liF,)f, m_____m_~'__., training to develop skills and mcreaseknowledge'Ilase ofeniployees..---- " . Deliver timely and etfeetive labor relations and dgllket~ainingservis:es on behalfofthe City _.~",~ ~". --._......_.-..~~--- -" -." ,.---"..............- : "AG'ifrvirlt"G0ALS' ' ' ",~~,-'-- ", "'.... ,....,.--~7 '~':: "';.i' f.o ,,' -"c;c.;;,,, '__~., ; " ., .,' ,......., _~"""';,;,;,;;__""__.____..;.._~"";'"'_",,.. 1~ , ..'...."__.,, ".'-0' >- Successfully negotiate labor agreements with the Teamsters and Firefighters associations '1 ' Update the employee classification system to rcfleet the duties performed by employees, in conjunction with organizational goals, through completion of a Classification and Compensation Study , ! >- Improve opportunities for staff development and skill building, to include on-site workshops and II implementation of concepts developed by the employee Think Tank groups >- Initiate a competitive process for the selection ofheallh program brokerage services to ensure maximum , utilization of the resources available for the employee benefits program ..,..--..... .....-. ",,' ." ""... .",>;.,.'(;,, -, ......'.... -".._..--_-'l':J'7':";.;..,__~.". .....-.-....--.-;"10:;- _~."'7--y-~-;-,"':-'-".<.,' ..""'----. ..........,_... -~.._- , ,.. "._.... ,fI;;;:. ," ' .. , " ,,~PO..6;,0i7J' ;- gOO'iSO.8 " ,,2Q08"09\ c , .~ ,. . ," .,,' "', ... ,..', -." '. .;' ESTnA'^'TE"" <c. 'oR"uEC TE" Iii'> - , <, oR'OJERTED' . .; j '". I ''',..,,1 ........'.. ,,'~ ,,-..' ....;. ,,:'..~_h:)AX~~.,.',~~~; :'~ :, ';~F_.\!JJ_".:}.:.'..,-t2" ," : ,;r.." T".' ",07L" "" , .,=-'- ,C .. , ... ,'de" ' cO,_.'", ... ,,' , 'c.., c...'.. . ""C. I ..' . '.._ ..., -.. . . ' I Employment Applications . 2,200 2,500 2,500 i Reemitments (Open & Competitive) I 45 45 I 45 I Recmitments (Promotional) 10 7 I 8 i Employee Evaluations Processed 350 375 400 I Personnel TransactIOns ... .. . ...... 320 1 340 350 . r'~~~:;:=~~':::r;i~:;;~~Q~Sf ~. .. ~_~- ..=- :"::~:;~4 n --",,- ""-"" HUMAN RESOURCES 4.dmiJlistratil'e SeYl'ices Department _PJ[;~~'"' - "':',,,~' ,- >.,: 'L~' ':" Division No: 0101 - . , I;7PP5.r6~~~,,~' :~00@[1'~.2006;Qr'~:200%;P~ .~!;iO()~09.~! ' " -,~ 1i::'AttUal\,g. '[()ved ~EstimaieCi .;Prooiea:,; 1iPr6 &fJci(!\ f"().cI~___... ~ ,.E!f~!}~e[Gli!~~lfi.catlOn> , , ,'.. _..,.....,..". PR....,.,.,._ ~...,..~ ,..........,R, ..~__.P.__,.l I Personnel i I Rang,,- Position Title ___ Full :[i~11~ Equivalen:~ I 78 Human Resource~ Nfunag~;- . . I - 1.00 I 1.00 I 1.00 ' -1.00" 1.00 I 53 Human Resources Technician . 1.00 1.00 1.0~ 1.001 1.00 __ __;~ i~._!r~na~'\Resow:c~s ~si~tal1~ .., '__'_ _'. . . __ l-O!! l. 1.00 1_ _,.l,~O ;'i "l ~ . ._, .]~~~ ,~A,o;l!'!Jg"~4fl""'lWm",- '~. ., , "oo~ :'~1' ');99 ,'. ":r'c> ",00; 1110 I Regular Salaries 189,384 199,430 199,414 205,400 205,400 1130 I Part Time Salaries . . 9,000 . - 1140 :OvertimeSalaries , I 6121 2.8101 1,054 2,000 2,000 1199 I VacatIOn and S/L Adjustment 2.035. ; - , 1300 IEmPIOyeeBenefits I 82,940 I 93,370 I 91,554 99,200 I 101,550 ~ ~_~,,~_,_~_n__.._~_ ~ _"'._,_~ -~,"'''''_'''F--------:-._- n_~ -~ .......l'~ , .. ;I:bi~tI'er$()nnel , : :274;~jl cf95;fi10 ~Q~;600!"308;9~O': ---r,~'--'----- - -~'l'"-'-C'--~''''' ..,'~ Operations and Maintenance r I 1510 Temporary Services I. 3,JOO 3,300 3,J00: 3,300 1702B Fees. Outside Attorney . : 25,000 I 25,000 i 25,000 1799 'Other ProCessional Fees . i 35.500 . 23,500 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 2,4551 2,800 2.787 2,800' 2,800 .3140 Travel and Meetings 2,39~ ! 2,700 : 3,417 3,410 3,410 3311 ,Cell Phine & Pagers (iOO 600 3320 : Postage 13 t 4120 : Other Contractual Services 16,742 : 17,750 I 17,750 : 107,950 18,250 , 4308 Equipment Repair & Main!. -I 90 I 90 2,850 950 4506 Employee Awards I 31,055 i 39,JOO 39.292 40,100 ; 40,100 4710 : Office & Stationery Supplies 2,459 i 1,700 2,058 2,200 2,200 4908 : Education & Training 45,430 i 68,200 I 59,200 65,000 75,500 , . , 25,000 4916 .Medlcal Exams 15,506 I 24,000 , 20,000 25,000 4922 ,Printing R57 i 4,000 2,000 4,000 ' 4,000 4924 Publications & Dues i 7,6181 7,550 7,550 8,lOO 8.200 4926 :Tuition Reimbursement 20,955 ! 18,000, 29,905 32,000 35,000 4927 ,Wellness Program 26,780 26,780 4934 Recruitment 53,629 36,150 36,132 46,320 46,720 5530 Capital Outlay Rental.Office 1 3,840 1.920 ' 3.840 3,840 3,840 I ! It 2021949: 22'7460, 'l:gUil~<?r>fraiionsf&Miliritcifatice 1 m'?2'!; 434:7?O Jil5,)50} . . ....._,'~-,~. ....,.. -, .. .. c_~:.._,.;r - ~-T- ,,,,,. , ~"~'-'JI . "",""'" --_.~ ,Capital Outlay 6122A I Equipment. Office General . , 356 'Toeil;{i:ap!1i11 Otii[ay ., " 356 c -, -- -- ...~- ~- -~ , :,:' -..' , Division Total , 477,920 ; 523,070 1 553,699 741.350 654,100 _..........._____..0 -...".....-.... ....-..- ....-... 79 ",_. -..--. ,-..--, '--"'-' ,,,--..,---- .--1 , ! CUSTOMER SERVICES l Administrative Services Department ~Vm\M DESC'RljiJ;IRN.~..'. ..-,;",.;::"":."":;.:" ;.,,-; -';.'~;'J ",i '~'" ",,J 1 The Customer ServIces divisIon administers the billing process for ambulance, water, and sewer service, It i I receives and processes applIcations for water and sewer services, schedules and perfornls meter readings, I , handles customer inqUIries and complaints, processes water turn.on and turn.offs, perfonns miscellaneous I meter repairs, and removes and exchanges water meters. The Customer ServIces division manages the City's cash handling systems and performs the accounts receivable function of the City The division's personnel are responsible for collecting, recordmg, and I depositing all City revenues. This mcludes follow-up on delinquent, closed, and unpaid accounts in a I manner that assures a high eollecl1on rate, The Customer Services dIvision is also responsible for the I processing and Issuance of regulatory hcenses and business cel11ficates, and for provIding mail processing I and City Offices receptionist services. I ! I ; i h~j\g:rI~(T~~iJS;@pEr~:~JY,Ei'L,~.."?::t:"~,,:~~~,':, "'-:,'~" '''':,: ut~ .,': ;~..:i I ./ ------~._-., ./ '--. i r Maintain an accounts receivable eol~tlOmfate of greater than 99 90/o'-for utilitIes, and greater than 98% I" "~, ---.... . for ambulance services ::.~.... :.. '0 .~.~~:t"",~., . ....., .~, i :r Implement on.lme blll,pay forJeustomer water and'se}Ver ul1lIty servIce bllls I :r Assess and update CUstomer, Se'I'vlce~''bivl~;6rbB'tltihe}s~processes . I :r Work with the CitYAt~~l'ri~~:~T~o1bP;~~e;.~~c~mj5f~~.ensi\;e revlCW and update of the Municip~l Code, to : Include regulatory IIcenslllg'atl~~mcofP9ral1on(ot:all'rules and regulatlOns governmg the CIty s Water , and Sewer services ___'. .-=::--a~:::3:u~ci' S".rJ ..._,u --.-- >- Estabhsh criteria and an implem-;;nt:i1ijin~()['on-gCiing.replacement of residentlal water meters ,,,I ','" . . .^"~ \;"".. --". ~ 'I '-'-'.'=-"'--'-. ,-' '" ---:., '--:~r""-. '-.' ....--...,---.--,- .,.-..:............ .,..,..' DlVISIONWGRKL0A'D 2006c07! 2007.081 2008,2009 _S~~tlsTies_~,~,__ .,. 9ST-I~~TEJ):.. I P~~JECTED 1..~"_PR0J~~TED I Meters read for billmg I 84,000 I 84,000 I 84,000 ! Past due notices 8,050 I 8,050 i R,050 ; Delinquent accounts (doors tagged) I 2.600 I 2,600 i 2,600 '1 Delinquent tum.offs 265 I 265 : 265 Miscellaneous servIce orders 5,000 5,000 5,000 i NewiClos1l1g account service orders 1,307 1,350 I 1,350 ; New business registral10ns/renewals 1,074 699 ., 1,058 ! Regulatory LIcenses Issued 120 120 120 Ambulance invoices 1,700 1,700 1,700 I -- ----.-.- -"---'---' .,.,-,..--...-...----'T- SI GNIFICANTACTIVITYI;>R.OGRAMCHAN'G;E:S, "CHANGE ---.,-..-, . ~,- ,-,- ..,- --,-, '-" r' --. ,~, ' 1 I~ . I I , I 1 ; . ,,___._ ,..__. ____. ______., ._, ..'_,~._ __.,..._ ...-L___ .____ ,...-' 8U "'-~- CUSTOMER SERVICES Administrative Services Deparlmellt Division No: 0102 . i015j.q--., , '..,.", ".' ~ ; -20QjiQ9' ",::::wo6iQ:i "'-iq06:0i" '2601'08-""" 200~~: ._,.~~~ '. '> _, ,"_ .... .. """.... .'.. "' ..'.. f .1, -' 0 _ ' '';e ~ ~t' f'~.. ,,'./>_ 'I C...", ,_ .., ,.... "' _,. , ,," '" ~ g;g~" _.J'~pense,@l<,t~sification: "...~!', 1- ;ActU~l. --J-!6'ppi'ovei:l_ J;;~ljtm~9;~ "Pf2P2g~i1 ~ ;EI9posed." , Personnel , !Range Position Title .... ' Full Time Equivalents '-78 ~enue &Busine;~Activi~y'Mgr. : - -1 00 - -TOor-' 1.00 i -. 1 O(lT 100 I 56 Lead Customer Services 'Narker ! [,00 I 00 1 00 ; LOO ! 1.00 I 50 Customer Services Worker ,3,00 3 00 3 00 ! 3 00 I 3.00 _,.' ~ ~:~~~~~i~~~~n~:Cl1:::~,:, .__l____~:;L ~:~~ ,. ~.~~ L_~O~I .~~:, , ,,_ .-'1', ". . T'I" ; "L" ,'" -',.. .................. , < ,,- '-: od < ~...,.- -, , .",.-., k"'..,.- ~ ",t, :-... -, ,,, ". ...,.....,.. ";;.- 'T()JakAuthon~e(l'Positisns,(FTE)', ;'!,O:DQ' iQ,QP: . '..1.Q,gg ...;9W ' 9,00: liIo~;i;:';-;;lar;~s- '.,-- '-42i~883 '[ . 477,O!OT"449,634/" 48(J,380 I 480.380' 1130 I~art Time Salaries 39,293 32,770 I 33,480 I . , 11140 ,Overtime Salaries I 6,996 i gOO I 4,639' 2,000 ~ 2,000 : 1199 IVacahon and S/L Adjustment I (5,103), '1 '1 . i 1300 ) Employee Benefits i 197,497, 229,650; 215,127 220,970 I 226,130 I ' , , I ~_m'_~ _~_=:-"'-:-'_~_~___'_ .:..:;c""-'--""-" .-. - ~-, .. .....,-......--;-~-x- ---:::-;--~~_~__ ,,_~-"-- .----:-",' ,'"l"-;--, :"-"--~,.~~;~!!t~; __ f'1.:?taIPei'S'6illiel'~X~ndij'iJie} '_', '660:!i~o6" :749.1230 _ ,~~031.~~2,:-_ ?0~~?50, _?2.8:5lO. Operations and Maintenance 'i' , 1 1510 'Temporary Services . I 1726 Special Studies 4,713 20,288 17,500 I 15,000 I 15,000 3110 1 Reimbursed Mileage 2,123 2,400 2.459 1 2,400 2,400 , " . 3130 Vehicle Mamtenance and Operations 23,717 I 2g.4 70 n,4 70 : 29,430 28,960 3140 'Travel and Meetings 572 : 6g0 680: 1,130 1,170 33 10 Telephone 25 . , 3320 : Postage 43 22,005 ; 8,000 I 8,000 4120 'Other Contractual Services 47)56 i 68,540 80.540: 84,500 I 86,700 14308 : Equipment Repair & Mam!. 5,240 ; 6,090 5.589 5 450 I 5,450 14516 Small Tools 33: 750 438 750 I 750 47!0 Oflice& Stationery Supplies 2.3561 2,940 2,841 i 2,640, 2,640 4700 Photographic/coPY Supplies 127, I,ROO 564 i !,l00 I' 1,100 4750 Safety Supplies 13 , 10 'I . 4760 Operating Supplies 430 I 480 1 .1 4799 Other Supplies and Materials 585 I 2.600 1,396 2,600 i 2,600 4908 Education & Training 421 1,550 1.300 l,300 ji 1,300 4922 Printing 2,083 ! 5,000 2,693 5,000 5,000 4924 Publications & Dues 115 250 165 1 250 250 4928 UnifOlms & Laundry 2211 1,920 1,216 I 1,920 1,920 '5510 Capital Outlay Rental.Vehicle 7960 I 3,980 7,960 I 7,960 I 7,960 5530 Capital Outlay Rental.0ffice 16,860' R,430 16,860 i 16,860 16,860 5720 Cash Over/Under (3)1 50 38 I 50 , 50 I I 1 I , ,. c,_. ,". ~_ _,', ___ :" 1 , _" __ L_ ~.~ .....1 ...,_.,;;\_~,_. T6talOperati6rs&,Maiht~h~'lC~' ". 1~1~,?90 155.'738' 193,204" 186,3~Q \,88;j,lQ, -'.. 0' - n... .',,------ 'r-- ...........................".._~," ~r'- -,~ _._"H . . Capital Outlav I : 61228 Computer Hard;vare . I - , ' 16199 Other Equipment 14)041.. 4,245 4,3_4~, i 1._.__, l Totai',Gapiti1.'QutiayILJ,70il 4,245; ,4:245: .-.- . ~'~, Division TO!~!._... ,.... 79(;'660 r' 900,213 .. 900)29';' '_889,6'901" '-89~,620- 81 I ""-"--"-" .,_.._...,.......~._..__.._._-- ~.,.._._,._,..,~.,. ._~ ; FINANCE I I Administrative Services Department I ~ D"",", N.m'-,' "" I !~:7;::~"~;:~;~'1~~;':b;;~' ,:, 2;~g;~~, o;'bc;L';~,~:'o":'O~;h~ c,: 'I';" ;h:~~' . of thIs DIvIsIOn to assure accountabilIty and complIance wIth generally accepted accountmg pnnClples and ' cstablished polIcies and procedures as well as government codes, Areas of responsibilities include mternal , control, investments, financial reporting, budget compliance, fund accounting, accounts payable, budget I coordinatIOn, payroll processing, revenue forecastmg, expenditures and encumbrance accountmg, and I I bond administration, Functions include financIal data collectIOn, analysis and reporting; implementatIOn I of City's financIal policies; fiscal control and audit; investment of surplus cash; monitor tax rolls and special assessments; disbursement of funds III accordance with purchase orders and adopted budgct; , purchase requisition processing and other related activities, The Finance division strives to . Promote communication between the Finance Division and the other City departments concerning the budget and expenditure monitoring process I . Update and maintain efficient internal control systems consistent with changing governmental rules ! and regulations and the City's nceds, \ · To eontmue accurate financial reporting and continue to receive national awards for excellence in I ' finanCIal reporting. rA'GT,(V:ITYGOAIbS ,ANBIGB.fE@illF~XESP--'.;,'~-'_.;-~"'7"""~.;"-"- , '-';;", ',~.J ~"~'"".:.....-..:.,..".. ~~._"...."..-J......."--':""",;~..""".........' 'O"'~-'_""""""''''--'''''''''''_'~:~'''''~''"'''':'''''.''.......-..;._.......::.--<--....>..""._ ".~..~ ___" __~ [ ;Y 200708. , '. r,-, ,/.,..~........" ,: I ,. ASSIst WIth ImplementatIon of the upg~.<l,cI~C1"Pl!QI!~>l~nance and payroll process~g appheatlOns . , :r PrOVide budget management, pUSShil,~iJl~ipr6c;ess,~~n'(r[!!1ancial system trammg f6r.d<;pm1mental I I adnlllllstrative and budget mUl~<lgem~D.tsJaff .' 't'l.,., ". '-- I I ~ Enhance and integrate the fi~9!:!~~~ft}1a.:n.~(~~~)1!jStSIeT .~,~ , ,; I ,. Further secure funds dlsburser!l(mJ:Al1rQ!!g;h,!l'pw~,%;ent'l.tlon of,fosltlve Pay advance check venficatlon ; FY 2008-09 "--\,n' n;,,:lk'P '...,." ,J I. .,. Expand and Improve departmentaL'l~ss~tQjtag,fijj~P'c.iti1)ifrid,?~YlQll.system, includmg'-- , , ImplementatIon of on-lIne l1me keepIng '1 t'_.. ..-=::::::_....... "._ , '. ~ ,. ;_A~~IS.~ ;~.11 th~.fi:__.lrst~~:ll~.~llP~~_oft~..~.:~aSmfcj~~t;:d.,ule.,. O.k::F-:.ee:,~doPte~m.!~e~.s pnng,of ~O.'.'? 7 .... .1'" "]' . A:g:1JYITX :WD,RlQ,OAP 2005,(1)1 @06:O7..' . '2887'08 " . 12008'09.... "' i,S1TATISTIGS, , " " '1\GTUAL ,'ESTllviA1"EDI. .' ," i~I~0JE:GTEti~ ,RR0JEGTED' \, .~..~"._,,-,",- ,- ,,-~._~ "'~~.~-'-- ."'~"" ".. ...L.'''' '~""--l Investment Portfolio (average in! $11 g,l $110.0 I $ I 06, I $90.7 ~~) i ~ _.-,"---- ----, ,- '-'- -, ,-" -.- - Investment Earnings (m $4,2 $46 I $56 1 $47 I '1~~~~~~ll~tYield uA~ __-_.1- 36 I -----u: -53,--1- ... -5,'2-1' --, -"'-'- --- .-t-u, -,,-,.- -, --- -",..,- -_.- Purchase Orders Processed I 534 :1 560 600 I 600 ~~~~:(~:t::!:~)Jar~d --.=--_ -IO,782~ I 10,899 -1__ 10,900' ~~-'iO'900"l uP~o~ess~s! _.___ __. IJ?5_ .1_._1,000 .1__I,OQO._~_._. J,O~ __ ,,~!:~:r;~ ~11e~~:~Pl:~~~S~~~, ,.,,':c.::: ,:~~?~-=~.=; =--,,~,5:00 :__~..::--=:~,5QQ-,:.::L:~5~Q.:.e ;21Q.Nl!&IQ~liIb,@,T;I}/.!]Y'!U~Q,QRiThM'OIj&~ffiP;~. ~.. ;,.:,.. ~,,_~ __q~Qs'!"~j None ! - - ~ --- ,- _._.._.~ i . - __ '_'_" __ - _. '''__'' ____ _. I 82 -.......-..- FINANCE .'dministrutive Services Department Divisioll No: OJ 03 . ,.w',>"",- ... '--'''''-''" _.'~'. 0'_,; ~ -"7:~gp5i09(-2006!ifrr . ,:~.g0(;:Q~' Fgz92IQ~;~ ,;gJW~~gi~;'; !!>bj, . .,; '" ,,,., , Gode' ;ExRense!@!iissifiC;ation, ,~<' "A-cl]J&l ,txPREPy,d _Estim.aiea: ';Pr9]J2~\,d .iPr2]JQ~~~ ~'''' ,_..--""'~","",'''_ __..Jil:_..,.--',.....,',..'"..'"'-..'"~" __.... ! Personnel I ! I3~~g:_ Positi~,!) Title _, +-- -- Ih __.."""""'..'~ W'_' Full Time Equivalents - -- ",-- --)I 78 Finance Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00j 1.00 69 Senior Accountant 1.00 I 00 I ],00 I 1.00 , 1.00 58 Accountant I 2.00 I 2.00 ' 2,00 , 2,00 2,00 -; ,.";'!:I~:::~.~t!l1g :~-"~:ni~I:,:!,-_.. __n~' ". ~,c~\U _~,_.}goL _._ 39~J;c-- 3"ogL, _':"~~I " Totat1>.uthol1z\,GPOsltJ()l1s:(fTE:) .1 :~;QQ ..' . ,7,09, . '{'OO ... ,,7,00' ',C),oO,' 0,:1"""" s;;.;;" .- .." .- - I'. m:,,; 1-'33:"OT' 'i<~- Ms.no I M8T30 1140 Overtime Salaries , 87 600 , 360 600 I 600 1199 VacatIOn and SIL Adjustment I 10,553 -I - - . 1300 lEmployce Benefits , 163,492! 208,600 I 187,529, 205,890 I 210,560 -_..+.-,..-.".;......r.-'._.':"~~__.Y'.,- -~~:.---~---.-" .- - ~""--~-- '-'~""-.'" - .~-7;:"'\""-...",.~~-:~.._--"---:"~ 't9.!?rE,k~9jjJ1"1)J.'%p."i]4jtu[es ",5;l~,42'7642\430', '6i~i@4, '~~~,2"Q; '6~~;~2'O; ,--'"'---""............ .__....."'......,...............~..~~_....,.......d:io_~."."."'._.._..__~......._~.. ........r""-.".._,.,.".,-'".....'_.."""'I.--".-"_....................,..........~...--- '"....................,...........~,~,..~ Operations and Maintenance. i I 1510 Temporary Services I 9,554 - . - 1799 ,Other Professional Fees 56,007 65,000 I 63,500 i 62,500 ! 65,000 3110 ! Reimbursed Mileage 2,417 i 2,650 r 2,480, 2,600 I 2,600 3140 Travel and Meetings 1,7021 3,800 i 3,766 2,800 3,150 3320 'Postage 80 i 100 80 100 100 4120 1 Other Contractual Services 29,209 i 31,030, 30,785 32,450 33,600 . 4308 'Equipment Repair & Main!. 500 300 500 : 500 4710 !Oftiee & Stationery Supplies 4,732 5,100 4,S74 ' 5.210 5400 4730 Photographic/copy SuppJ ies 44 4760 Operating Supplies 2S 4799 Other Supphes and Materials 133 , 200 ISO 200 200 4908 Eclucation & Training I 2,150 1.425 2,150 2,150 4922 Printing 2,667 8.700 6,571 5,790 8,000 , 4924 Publications & Dues 1,337 2.190 l.782 I 780 ' 1,780 5530 Capital Outlay Rental-Office 4,040 2,020 4,040, 4,040 4,040 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 91 T()!~I Operatiol1s'&,Maintenance fii950 '123"440 119 844- ,129;.]20' q6,520! ..."..c....,.....,... --;,.; ;:+ ~~ . ---'" - .-,-- 1 ._, .- _. ........',..'."I,~."'- . Capital Outlay ,6122 Office & Computer Equipment , ,- ~ , Total CapitaL0Utlay' ,> , .f! or ..." --." ~ Division Total 658,377 : 765,870 732,868 I 774,840 785,910 ,.. .._....... 83 ---- ----- ------ -- --l INFO~~~~~!~~p~2LOGY I Division Number OllJ4 . ~~'''''~~~'-: "" '~..'-'--__~:' "7-,.--.,7'l;'.-A--.:r"----J.,,-~- '-__::~-;~----:c---.,;",:.-~-n,:;:~.-"';,;;--.,<';;;t--~_ _,.,,' . --'"~ ,:A,,1'\:C!1'fIM!~IDE;;9RJ1',:II2N, ~ >_:.,._.__.........,~, '~'",".. ' ,_ !'.':..."--L."\(<I" :;,-,.,),,4 ,,~:, .,w,...', The lnfonnation Technology division perlolms overall management ofthe City's informatIOn and telecommunications systems. Functions directly pelformed by the division Include the purchase, Installation, administration and maintenance of City servers, network infrastructure, personal computers, I printers, and tclephone system. The dIVIsion coordinates the citywide geographIc information system I I (GIS) and basemap data, The division serves as a help desk for the City's 300 computer users. The ! division utilizes contractual services for specialized technical support and new software development. I The Information Technology divIsIon supports citywide applications such as Microsoft Office, Microsoft i Exchange/Outlook and the Banner Financial and Human Resources system and coordinates the I I development of new applIcations and reporting reqUirements, The division also serves as a resource to I departments investigating the implementation of pre-developed vendor supplied systems. The division ! provides multimedia, video, and Internet web support and coordination. ~ The Division strives to continuously Improve the relIability of the City's computer systems and network I with a goal of virtually continuous (98%) up-tnne, Available resources are utilized to keep technical staff I abreastof the latest technology infonnalion and maintenance techniques to improve theIr support desk capabIlItIes. I ~-,--- . --- ----- -~.._' ~--_. -- ,'"---' --'<< .,,- _. '<<'..- --=--,~'. .. :"'1\CTIVlTW:!!JQf\L~\~ffQBJEC:;'TIVES ',' ',', "'~ p",-"",,~, <~.~.,- -~-~- .. ~- - -. ---'1,.......- - -~ --- - ._-~ - ._...."'...._.~ #. /"" --~ I -./ ,-- I > Install a citywide Gcographlc InfOlmatlon Systen'h.i\(;cessible by all users and Intcgrated WIth current City data, SanGIS data and digital OIi~9Ph-btograRRy 0 Li,. , .. " > Upgrade computers to the current,ycrsi0"ti~iOf"Microsg~Winaows, Microsoft Office and Outlook > Implement improved internet &fhtranet~e15JsL~tl!~ (;'6nt~lii~.~~ntent management system , > Provide users with better informarf?il, pro])lerri'~~iidling{and'om'lill documentatIOn to reduce the I number of servIce calls . ""'\.("l,," ' u ,'1'@:'" i > ProVIde tralnmg classes on clty~dcs9Jbvare'1llPR'IS~tJonSyl'r,rl ..__ ....--- ,- I > Further standardize dcsktop PC configllrationSt'6{mimn~erera.~~,recovery efforts and to optimize I the hardware replacement cycle ..,~,,) '''-.'' ___..,.,..=, .._ ~="~""~"~"-_.~ ,~-', ~::=::.~:=-=::=. .~.,-_... __~.. w~ ;A9:gYl!~W0RKL~~D2006~m( ", r~,oOF.;Q~' l. ,~0.08-0J. .,' .. .. ST:A,TlSTlCS' !" ES1'IM*:rEDJ RROJEGTED. PR@JE€l'ED '~i <J '-'''''o''.L~~'' ...__*'"_"'iiL......~._..._ -i' _" d. J-_.".."L........'."""'<-.Q;.'.:"'?<.."'..>"""---..... ,~._."',.;,.":;"'=,,...,-t.;.:;..:;;;..._;,<.;:,:_._....,,: PCs and Servers m Semce ' 263 270 I 275 I -.-..............--",--. -_.~- - --.....,.,.-....- -..- -- ..' ....- --....-.-.--..-.----- -, Phones in Service 424 , 430 I 435 1 _.__.._._..._....~'" ,"-- _...._...- - _. '1 - -- 1'-' ------ --- Help Desk total scrvlce calls 1,842 I 1,950 1,650 -..,..c~~~~~~I.,~p~a,~:~::lts/lnstallatl?ns_l. ", _~_. -~l~~~-T .___ _ .._.-1~0_,.-,:.. _~ _l~~;,:. .SJ@:r-:-r!.F..!~~~~CTIVJTYPf.~!~Ij~g~ 1_,: . _"-.. '~:"I----'f~N:(:'JE.,._~f~C~ 1130 - AddItion of one GIS Intern and one IT Intern $27,440 - -- --- - .. . . 84 ~ ,-- I INFORMA nON TECHNOLOGY Administrative Service.\' Department DMs/on No: 0104 . Gbr, , ::""" '.-'-, -.."r" c, ...~. --;, -----'1,'; 2005:06. .. 2006-07~"--2006-0~, j2007?(J8r--~:;20()8io9i:~ ,-":,.''': ~ .,....~:..,.. :....:.:::::::.,. :.I .: ..,.:: .. ~, ,,~ ,. ". ,,,,,,<,- ,..<~ .\........:... .':.....~.. .. ""~'. "....~.x~ Pq2~L '... "_ Exp.~nse_C:fii1sifit.ati()1J~......_._~'_. :.:' ,"'A:cml!j~:.:: Appt;,oved. :1O~timate\l' .fnip'ose1i';.:J2:gpjid~[; Personnel ' Range Position Title Full Time Equivalents '78- I,;foml~;i~n Teehnol(;~yMaI;;;ier LOO:. -l.Ooj-Loof -... 'Io0l '100 69 Network Administrator LOO i. 1.00 I LOO LOO 1.00 5R Computer Applications Coord, LOO : LOO . LOO I LOO i 1.00 58 Multimedia Specialist 'I 00 ! 1.00 1.00 : 1.00 I 1.00 ~~ '-. 3~. Info~ati:mSyst,,~~}~tc~. ,~I___" __.;-'-___ .::,~_;;~OO.,' .. 1,;00, , ' , I()l~kf\uthorizedPositions(F:rE). .' 4'09 ,~,.Q.Q. ",,~rQO. , , .5:09 StOp; TilOlR~g;;br Salaries .- --~. ----~- - 286,172T-- 303,480T' 263,7651- 3U7:56OT 307,560 1130 i Part Time Salaries I - I . , . I 32,200 i 32,200 Ii 140 tOvertime Sabrios 124 i 2,400 I 500 i 2,000 i 2,000 1199 Ivacation and S/L Adjustment 8,315 ! -I . 1 . , 1300 ,~r::ployee El~n~~:s.,,,,____ _' !\,.!7-,03?1 d 132,290!1~'Z:!l.L 137,1701 >I,~~'~~,~ Total PersomfeI,ExpefldiliJr~~i!VI.,(i41438,1.70' 37Q;0081 478;Q3i}, ' 4.8f,(jo.Q' -, ,--------- ,'<----...,' , ~ --.,,-'" . '~--" r-"-"-'-"-r ' , 'Operations and Maintenance I 1712 Data Processing Consulting Fees 65,8R5! 87,190 : 61,2 j 8 : 86,830 86,830 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 2,556 i 3,940 ' 1,673 i 4,250 4,250 3130 iVehicle Maintenance and Operations 1,533: 1,590, 1,590 1,470 1,410 13140 iTravel and Meetings 2,5391 4,r,OO 1 4,268 4,600 4,600 3310 iTelephone 1,188, 1400 2,IR9 . 3311 'Cell Phones & Pagers 2,400 2,400 , , 3320 Postage 2RO 16 600 , 600 ,4120 : Other Contractual Services 52,322 117,250, 127,34R 81,950 i 81,950 !4308 ,Equipment Repair & Main!. 4,127 ' 65,000' 53,399 64,100 64,100 4516 : Small Tools I 107 4710 Oftice & Stationery Supplies 156' 3,330 2,617 3,330 3,330 4760 Operating Supplies 9440 ~ 15,550 15,469 15,550 15,550 4908 Education & Training 5,759 ' 26,950 26,000 29,950 ' 29,950 4922 Plinting 18 350 200 350 350 4924 Publications & Ducs 300 2,650 2,586 2,650 I 2,650 4928 UnilomlS & Laundry 100 100 100 100 5510 Capital Outlay Rental.Vehicle 2.020 1,010 2,020 2,020 2,020 5520 Capital Outlay Rental.Other Equip, o;R60 3A30 6,860 6,860 6,860 5530 Capital Outlay Rental.Office 84,560 42,280 84,560 84,560 84,560 . .!.QtiiIi0P8'fltions'~lV1fli!!Leri~q~~' 23~:543 -376:620 .39g,220 '39;I,57031.rt~.m"1 ,Capital Outlay 6122A 1 Equipment" Office General 1.200 I, III 1,200 , l,200 ' 61228 Computer Hardware 46,563 48,500 61,147 43,000, 43,000 . 6122C,ComputerSottware 32,776 !7,500 47,401 33,800 33,800 6136 Telecommunications Equipment 3,960 400 700 ~ :;:- ,..... "I' _.'" ... c -,~ -. ::: . ... , ._ _ . .~.". ,_-c., " :.i:ly' _,..+ ..,:~ TotaIg'apitaLQl\!ljiy?3;299' 67;200 109;659 78,49.0 r?8~1i}Q L Di~~i~n Total'" __ 734,4R3 _. 8Rl',l)~?.. R80,88~, 948,900: 95i,81; ss .~................_",_...,,-. - '"-""" '--"-'-"~""~- .._._~ ....., I GENERAL SUPPORT SERVICES .1dministrative Sen1ices Department ! Division Numher 0106 . ~'."~7'"~-':t~':~-~"'''''''''c''-_. '~;':'-_.'P;;;;""" ~ tr. ..:;.. 'f\.'.....ji.'-::;w...,o,l iJ,.,\;,.~~;-:....;; 'lc ~ ..':\',T"\';'". ,""'}.. ',,;0'''j~;P' ,y'.:,~,. "'...'.. 't:;;;:7"~~ I" p.:err:rV]f[,Y]DES6RIf!1l10N~t""" ' " ;"" 1",,,,, , L' ,,,,'> .;'"" "" : "~'ie"~ . , ",-", ".'jj'. ,~;'L,./;._.:.'.."...,..,--..!i.,;;..,,~....--.'-'" ,-...-- " .,..,,,..... "".. "HL.. ,-'. ~ . 'f.., .-'..,'.' " . ....J>.~~...~.... ., -Pk<,<,'..:. ..~~_.....' "E;!..':u,....~.:....:.-..._.......A'_~..'l.\". . ,) .,".. ""';1 The costs associated with the citywide telephone system, City Hall utilities, and City Hall mamtenance are I housed 111 the General Support ServIces DivisIOn, In addition, costs assocIated with the City Hall fire and I security alarms, central office cquipment and citywide postage are charged to this cost center 1 r ':C~~~:::~~eS~:'::~~:~:~~~::~~iOn~ :2~~~~ :he ~:~;;~r:~:~el~~::r'~~~~:i'~:i"e:L ,"i%~: ! rehabilitation program:" ,~6. ~ r" '-., , I : /, " ", "', I '1:,. b ''b "",,~' .. i > Further the development, departmen;al,~iQgla1i~~g~6dher~!tY)S electronic document pr~tion t @ 0 i};, , i , Cd' I . f h '1fi' d ., ..., .., bT'~fi 'fl' '1 '1 d t: . I , y oor mate Imp ementatJon 0 t e un,,"~.ir.r!<e~~i!~mgfeapa;:l qYi QF1,<e\emm , vOIce maL, an axmg I capabIlItIeS ~.rL~Orf' p". ,:~'_.c_.. ,_ i -...... _________ ",:. v " ..- > Coordinate the upgrade of the City Offices seeuritY/jLJ!):pai:lge'systenl:::::::-~ I _" ~V'",,:~ .:::==".- . i ", ...-:.-::-.--' . I ' , ) -;~'"':'~'''2l'~~:,~">2~:~:.:::7t':;;(;fu.~~_"..-;?A~'~~"::.,,,~m"~;r""'--:-~~'..m...,,~ - .~- -~-.-~~' ., , tSIGmFIGAN!f:A.GTIYFnY~BROGRAM,GHA'NGES '9', . ~, :' (i:HA'N.9)3"J L ,t ,l-~:,: """'''''-'<'__~_'''''_''..;,""""",~.,~......,,,,...''_~._~'" -- . .ci.."""....---.,;,.. .m. __ ._...-,-",-- _~ '-_ ___ , I . .!t!.crease in Gasand Electricl!YJ~cct.lllQL,__ - ._c +$41]00.1 Established Property Rental (Acct 493R) to reflect transfer oflease with +$9,230 I ,,?!?<!~E !<:.~!3u9wm Lal1~pfl!:.king lot _._ I : -""",,,-,,-_.- ",,-- _. --,....__..~ - - I 1 ! I I ! 1 , i , , I I I I I , , f i I ! i i I I . I I I I i i I L I --~"...".,- ~--"......".".~"..,,,.._,,,..~,--- ".._~ -.~."..._-_....~~."..,,""_.- '''".-- .' 8(, GENERAL SUPPORT SERVICES Administrative Sen';ces Department . Divisiol/ No: 0106 0bj,~-' ,'''.. ",,- -- ": ~'1;~',;:io05m6;; ';'i0015do'i; ~2006~O:Z" ~o07!68-_ ~2008~09'J ;':':~",:, '" ,., ,".. ,1 ,";- " _I " _~; (, -'.!>..,~:'i ...... ...(';-"",:::::;,"'1" )-.-;:;~"::''';:,',,~;h f',;::""'r:"~ ~ .-~ ,,- "'Y"'~t,l:,rt;<i'1/~~'! ',~,~' hLq~_,:'~_,ffi;spe~~q<g;sillS~Ug~ ..~ ., ,",,'Acfu~l ::;Apprq~1!L_::p;sljf!ElJel:l. c,Pmpgsed' ,~!!1.9P9.~g;;J ,Personnel Expense Range Position Title El}ll Time Equivalents _. .L-:~ ~ A~::t~tl~e Ass:t~nt~~~__.__ ..,0',75 r . 0~.J.-=-'~75 r~ 07~L,0: "Tota!'Autliorizedig*sitlRt!,s'fFT.E) " ".Q!?$ '.. ;0";7) . ,O~-5,' .0:,75J, , :,' " ,.Q:,~5( ~- ~.._-~.~.",---, ,ul---"~t' ~)i(j()f" ---. ''--I ' 'F"-'-' 1130 I Part Time Salaries I" 30,952: 32'~~~1 31,908 33,1501 33,150 1140 Overtime Salaries -I 500 . 350 500 I 500 1199 I Vacation and SfLAdjustment 1,138. ., ~300 /EmPIOyee Benefit~. i 8,233 , .~J30 i . 9,915 II,I~O.,I Il,~80 ~. _",\,J,.. .U..._"~.".'.....",.IL':'.""",:" ,,"" '. "",'11 ". ['''''''''''~~'. . Y"...-.." ,."".;...1IL<;..q :I9talI'~r~9~11~I'gxi!en.(t\t\ire. ., .' 4Q;323i. "41,020: 42;h73; i.M,8;1"o:", .. 44,9,39r ~ '~.~--"'=--''''~'_.,_.. "-1'-"'" - ,~.., ----~r-".."'''-~.~'' Operations and Maintenance I I 2110 ,Gas and Electricity 238,419' 258,800 266,031 I 300.000 315,000 2200 IUtilities.Other 2,197 4,510: 3,965 ! 4,250 4,250 3310 I Telephone 1 84,469 86,140.. 84,5491 87,790, 89,470 3320 !Postage I 32,758\ 59,080: 58,983 , 59,080 61,400 4120 ,Other Contractual Services 10,175: 21,050 19,784 29,400 I. 29,400 4126 [Telecom Services 40S I 398 9,610 9,820 4308 'Equipment Repair & Main!. 25,382 30,710 28.520 29,050! 29,840 . 4710 Oflice & StationClY Supplies 445 420 410 720 720 4730 Photographic/copy Supplies 7,864 7,320 7,037 7,500 7,560 4760 Operai.ingSupplies 14,717, 18,200 16,060 18,280 I 18,280 4799 Other Supplies and Materials 102 ! SO I 72 LOOO I 1,000 4918 Radios Repair & Maint 53,144' 57,120 56,265 4922 Plinting . I 9,230 9,570 4932 Advertising 87 5520 'Capital Outlay Rental.Other Equip. 16,840 I S,420 16,840 It\S40: 16,840 5530 ,Capital Outlay Rental.Ol'ficc 69.160 I 34,580 69.160 69,160 69,160 5730 lntergovemmcntal Fees 16,949 25,870 25,870 26,350 26,650 i ! Tot~I{)peraiions&Mailitellinlce'~7J,IJ6 6Ig;,3QQ 653;944 ,668,260: , 68S:9f;O; -"_ _.' "~,__~~ _ _ ..;. _ _ _ .._ l.h..,,,,.,." ..,,, "".... ,,' J Capital Outlay : 6122A I Equipment. Office General 1,527 I , . 6136 'Telecommunications Equipment 1,125 ! .. , 6402 Buildings 5,577 : 7,440 6,500 l' , , I .-- : '. '~~:I;~~:~~;tl.~y, J' 6~~:~~LI.. ~6~~~~:, 7();~~7;: , 713,070 I 73~89'~ 87 I -",,"."'-,--- .._- .,..,...._.....- .-......, ,- l I RISK MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Administrative Selvices Department Division NlImher OlU? r',*CTlMii~IDESCRIPitl@N'" ,....'. ;-"'-;;r--'-'-'-' ". '"' ,,:',,'~., .."" 'j' . "'i" :'" ;'- , '". " "I'- tRisk~a~:~e~e~t'~:~' . , . .'c ,k:.',.u:"i"U~..._._,'." ,~..:..... ""'''~'''&''''I I The coot of m,""iog the Chy', I"k, thloogb ,",d",,' ",",,"co '0' "If. 'mdc' pmgmm, ,re ,,,,, led I I in this cost center The primary coverages include General Liability, All-Risk Propetty, and Workers' . I Compensation programs. Momes go toward insurance premiums and contributions to a pooled risk joint i powers authority for claims adjusting and stop loss protectIOn. I 1 Through utilization of the Central Safety Committee, Risk Management prOVides loss control amI minimizes the City's liability and risk wherever possible, The division functions to educate depmtments on current risk management policies, lisk transference methods, and contractual requirements. I J ! I ,1 Employee Benefits The cost of all employee benefits is indIcated in this cost center under each benefit program. They are: I I health, dental, long-term disability, workers compensatIOn and retirement programs, I ~f1oi'f~~I;siiilID'@BiEC'I""S::,:-:-.'~:r~, :' L '~:' . :::'L'T"'7> ' ,:cd -...<....-. ,."""",,,,,,-,,,,-,~.,",..,,. , .. ,'-"",,,," .. ,.....".."~.."'_.~ ..................__.........._........._~.......".~~"'1 /' ~.. i I :;;.. Update and expand the InfoSource intranetres'OUfce~f6~.proccssing insuranc~cettlfications I .Iir'~"'-' ~ . ~ (l P;' ! :;;.. Update the City's Safety Manllal)!.!)~~~i,~ CQI~lJil;h~c$,\\!';fu\tbe Safety Program and C~I/OSHA ' I injury and illness prcvention rcqlJjI(lml';n!~i ~,~" . ~ ' .,.,'" I I At";,,, .." t ';;;:1,).' , t , I ~ Develop additional templatcs for Re'We~~~for]!.Sl~iPct'ichase;~greements, and standardized : : contracts for profeSSIOnaL techmcal and 'generaLservlces' i~.. _ ,,- ,-'-' I ,- ~ - ::j v'(= "J -- '- ' --=::::-. [.. SIG.N.fEtQANJ,AG.Ti\~j~RRGdRhN(cfrAN(;m:s~~-':::::-- ''T'''~~~;. &! ,,',' -?BB~NOE";j d,"',~,~~"",,'- '."".,,,,,~........,,,,,,,.,,,,, - ..,,,,.,,..... _.'","'......,,"__'__---' ., .~,_""_"',..,.......~"-'~~",'O,.-.~......,..,., ~_ I' .-~.-, i ~~, ; , None I ~ I , i , I , , i --..-,.- ",,".- '--=<----....,..,..--..... -'.~ - .-..-.,...- ~,~-,,-_. ., - --------.,'. J ss -- _..,,-- EMPLOYEE BENEFITS City and Redevelopment Agency Tota/* . 815/ ,"''''1 ", -,'-~..{-=; :2Q9S~06 "-:- ";2006'Q7,l "'20o~o7', 2007~58,'- >'QOo8i09~;"; Godt ,_~,"":>ml5P'!<[1~e.;glassifie;tioi,.' ~_ ,_ "'-; ~stiiMf ,:RiMb'?ed ~i;iua!ed;;' '~~'r~P~J~1,1~1' :t@osea~ I 'I I r 1310 Health Benefits 1,660,691 1,950,000 1.850,000 1,905,500 2,029,360 l13s0 I Retirement Benefits 3401,8891 4,050,000 I 3,850,0001 4,870,000, 4,900,000 1360 Workers Comp Benefits ' 686,21S1 7S0,000 618,340 S63 720 ! 58S,390 13?9".jL~f.:;~ICAlRef~~oIl~p:/?~h~~_, _ _ _L ,,~~,::32.3 __" 881220 I~ ' 8,~1,,660.J __.29?;~OO j~;OO,842.. CJ000 EmployeelBenefits",otaW,; . . '6:633,H8:7i631;320,' '\7;200;000 , ;,8,230,020 '8,M'5!5QQ ~;;"'._._ ......... ,..."...""'~".......,,~~.__u......................... ...........___ ......."".=-'.....__ ......". ............~~. ~..~ ~--'--,--'.~ ..." ...,,,,,,,,-,----..,h;., ~~ * For reporting purposes; Custs are included in each division ~y cJpenditure detail ,,, ~".- .,-'" RISK MANAGEMENT Ailmini.\'trative Services Department Divisioll No: 0107 .",.."......-.......,..~....,.._"._...,..""- .,.---.. .-...- -T"'","" , -"...,....... ":200510(;' .' ::L2006,07',. -I2006~07--, - ~26o~~9~ _. 20'08,091,,; 0b', . t ~.;,,~.., ".' . .. . ;..;.... ',' .... _ ..::J!~: ~()sl5!,' ,.-'- ".E^'p--'lJSeiS.I?~sifiCiidqi!'-'..._ '. ::;;\~h1~] ApP'r~V~a' "E~t;h~ated'. .rr'or.6sed" ;Prop6~cf,,; T~"-;;-S ,-~' "---". ," "--r '-''':r- ~._~ 1799 I Other Professional Fees 2981 350: 250, ISO I 150 3110 . Reimbursed Mileage I .. I : 3140 Travel and Mcetlllgs 791 no I 720 ! IAOO I 1,340 ,4710 Offiee & Stationery Supplies 040 S99 ' soo SOo . 4750 ;Safely Supplies 3,658 3,500 3,292 4,000 I 4,000 4760 I Operating Supplies 38 650 350 650 ! 650 4924 'Publications & Dues !,I 85 2,060 1,510 1,900. 1,900 15108 , ! Insurance .PremiUllls-Othcr 729,943 736,410 804,667 I 876,9S0 I 915,960 15760 ~ Uninsured Claims 3,744 15,000 15,000 I 15,000 ' 15,000 I , 1 I I 1 I I i I I t _, "''<-''; ,,,,-,,- ., t9\al:~~r~tions,&:.M~1~nt~napce '74Q,,:I]2- 759.330 '826;388 ?ob~?so, .939:506' - , .., . ,. ~ .., , " c-'i "....,,_.....,.~........."....'_..- . Capital Outlay I YO) 6122C Computer Software I 250 ; 250 ~) , 250 , 'E , .TotalQpifaL9_uHay 250 -1'..-..... . ,,""--""; "":':',,~...."~;::;;;; \ ...,- 250'" ;259 " ,~f2?Q' 826,6381 . -- -1- ---'" Division Total 740,472 ! 759,580 , 900,800 I 939,750 -----.-....-..- -, ....... 89 ", ..-....,-.-.,,'" ~ ..........., -l CAPITAL REPLACEMENT 4dminislrative Services Department Division Number 0105 & 0108 . '%!@TfMlFy'BESCRUl'Ti0'Nl" ;.,' '".,j" ,(' ':"''1~,:'' '"P', ':''11 7., 4 W'"r'~ ~.' "::,~,,,. :i;' '", \::.> -.I'''" ','!:'l. _~..,-_.,-,._:"'''i;.;._,.}:":._...._._.._...,._'-:,,;,.:.;,, '.~. ;Lk,'_-'.<+':;'J"'"--f:,".',,Nd~;~;;L'- '''___ ,."-",,,-",,,,.::,j~_~_~,",,:r .,.." ..s.~ ;;;":" :...:. .,'>."." ..f":':;~'.?i<i The Capital Replacement Fund is designed to accumulate funds to provide for the replacement of the City's capital equipment upon their obsolescence. This actiVIty is financed by annual rental rates charged to divIsIOns for assIgned vehicles, constmetion equipment, office equipment and other capItal outlay Items. ., ". w.... .;' ~'...,._...1'_-:.._ _"_',.....:'""_.~_...{,_....,.,,"" ~.. .. M.....,..;.:C ",;...;:;~......,..",. "'............,,""".. '.... ~ ... ,( ...... """--:---., "- - .' }r~f-.",.;;c.-' ,hi' ,A(E:.JiI:Mr:fY'iCiQAJ:p~ ~D;OJ?;g<:Gif!>YESL", ""'.,n ; i'l> .t .. .. ..' '" ~, ,.3 I "---., -" ! ~/, >- Ensure that the City has sufficient ca~}!,'!I\~ll..i!.~'~X~I~~I~Jor the replacement~f';\ll'vehic1es and equipment and for major repairS~f''Cit)';fa9ili!ie~.. ..........<11' ~ ~ -{ ,.~ t ..,..... . , 'Y Establish equipment rental rate~iatriin,bRtliTI~I~veiJihl(')f(;!~Efo.;pj'ovlde a sufficlCnt fund balance while minimizing fiscal impact on operiltirig\ae'paf!J.ri~~ .0 ,( 'V .' ~ ,(ll, ,'" .....".,,~l,._ "0,.. ,,'rl m m. ------.-.- ". '/~"-" ,. Monitor the program so that pie'n~;ereplace~enQvOlded--- ,-' r r -. --- J.. --"''''',._ ,,~._~:i>.;l. I,.~ -- ,.~~-^_.~ - - "_.---~~..,-_...._-- A._ . '-""~."""":",,,-".'C;""'~~""::':""'~,,_.,~,"~._.,,,,:, .. _ ...,,,- A...."..___..'''...'r ~'",.,., ","... "u~.' '~;'1 SIGNIFI€AN1i\X..ccrlv.I'rN PROQRkMGf.bXN@ES I CHAN@E ' "",.".~;,;"""",,.,,"';".;."""-!""""'..,.:'.,."""._._..............:>...,.~~ ".,.,.,"'-'-'-" ,..,..._._.,_.---...........".L......~;><~.,.;;....'_.~.,...." - None i " ,...,.J.... ..-.-------................-..-.................--............_.......- -..---..-.....--,-.---.........-.. --I i I i ! i . I ! L_..,.__ <<-..-."......"'" """-----"""~-,,_., -- .,.,--.,,,._,~"".,,"~ .,,"' 4() ~APITAL m:PLAC~~~~~::~~~S RESTORATION Division No: 0105 & 108 . 0b{,~' ..~ -. ,,' "'" I~' "~,, -,- " -200~;Q!,::" 2QO_6~11Y. WOf{-97 }OQ~~8,"'.~Q.<&~QJ1~ €oCle;" ,.Exg:SIis'WT1astjficatjoli~"""T 'c\Ct)lab_, 6PPLOY~,9 E~tirrul!.yd ,::p.rop_()~_e~d,_.;_:Prop6sel:l;] Facilities Restoration - Division No. 0105 J r 1 I Operations and Maintenance , I ! 1714E iConstruction Engineering 4,800 I 1 : I .1 1799 I Other Professional Fees 1I,OO~ I 1 I 4304 I Building Repair & Maint. I 398,500 ! 438,063 ! 185,980 4304 1 Building Repair & Mainl. 102,939 : 402,857 i 4308 Equipment Repair & Maint. 343 -I 4932 Advertising 258 : . i 5730 [ntergovernmental Fees 11,52~ I '1 6199 jOther Equipment I 6.482 i I i i , I I, I I i I , i . .. "...."".".-.---."..,...-..."...,. _.,.,...........- ~"..." -----, .'.- ~...".~...... - ! Division 0105 Total 130,517 402,857 ! 444,~~~ 398,500 I 185,980 , ...._- ".-..-....... -, I Eljuipment RepJac;;I~,nt- Divi~ion N,'!, 010S..'., !CapitalOutlay I til04 I Autos & Trucks [02,996 I 151,000 [51,000 ' 166,nO 310,320 , 30,000 : 6106 tConsl.Street Main,Equip , 50,000, 91,651 17 900 16110 I Fire Fighting Apparatus 434.549 ' 300,000 300,000 .. . 300,000 16122A;Equipment. omce General 38,325 '61228 I Computer Hardware 155,216 286,800 , 3 15,865 262,800 130,ROO 6122l Computer Software 190,757 1 J? OliO I 158,457 125.000 60,000 -, 6[24 Paramedics Equipment 300,Oli0 I 300,000 368,000 19,000 6126 Park Equipment 21,297 38,900 30,000 10,000 10,000 16136 Telecommunications Equipment 6,296 6199 Other Equipment 73,977 134,011 94,396 2 lO,OOO 25,000 1 I . "..'" - -,.-- --985,088 I """,,- Division 0108 Total 1,372,711 1,479,694 ! 1,172,520 ! 873,020 L ,.,.-- --~-_..__.- ._-" 91 I" .,,,,,,, "''' COMMUNITY SERVICES . I i I I I .....-..--..-......,...-- ..~.~... .~ ~'li" . .:~ ~~a~~'. ,,' .,. J j I r-'--'" Di~ector .. ---'1'1 I~ommuni~ Servkcs ~ ! 200 n L,.,.,.... ~,,.. '?- ,....::.......:::..............."'. _:.._.: ~i'"., .","~..1I~ _.,~:~ .:-:",,---:':..- ~-L~kel] I. i Recreation li 201 IJ , I Operatioos jj , ; 202 .: i~ ._..._~I , ',."":~:::-,'.'-i~:".~~." t...:.:.:.,,;...r- .. f. ________-i '..."~_.__.--,,.._:.... .. I , , , .....................-..-.",...::-.-- -, I I I I !AQn::s ~ I , performi-~~l~ I I Arts Center , ! 203 I! ~ 204 J.! '-r-.' ." "'- , ~~..:..,.........:::.....::_"._-......l.-" , "" , .,' I I n -:..- r--- ...----'-- - 'l ! rOld~way r I L~l ITnkrpretiveR I .. " I rary I r 1 I Park ; I 206 l" Serviees ~ . 1~,:,:",:,,~:5. ~ I." LC:lli:'--'----; 1111, . . i J l...,. , .~~:::.'---:-:-::III~J i I ! --~..::::'" -- --:_~." ~---_.........:._:--..".., ......:.......,.-."",.............-- - ""."".",,, ... COMMUNITY SERVICES Departmental Activity Overview . Department Code: 200 ''''"''?'f~;':~''~~1)";:r-~:'~,,,~~, F,q~':i;"~~ "_ ;:::;~X".-""~~' .e<~J]~",,,,",,,,,-,,~S._,~:; _:",:.""",,;'.'~~'-,'-', ,~;_, -.o~i";,,,t,.,,,;i'> c "t '{ :.;C;t'L;~' ' 'f-.!~:':'~?J'r:';~~,t. ':;1T''',,':J:i''ts'f " l.(' :y.j'i-_"'r;l~: ;tlji~PS~'?~2:':".. .~~ ,>>1' ~2Q2~t~60,6~'; :~2,]!1~~7~bo,1:1'-~;Jl~~';i9Q~!gBP.;7,"o' .'."''<';~:~:97ig~2~~7'& ,'~~fiQ~t2:o,,62~~1; i;9t1.}S~JEl~~'Wlq?,1:; ~. ,~@~:W~9~ ,~PJlK\D\0~.Ii)1f_ i, ~~~IJ$\!\:q'~~~il~~?~~,~.f'J.:;;',f'~!;::i~;~P,R~Ep,S~~f~: -"-"'" r" '~. . 1-'-"--"'....."..i..~'.'_..".,'..__.,..... , ' , Total Positions 28 29 i 28 i 27 I 27 , P,,;oMd "pCM" ' $2,947,472 I $3.385,070 I $3,246,823 $3,345,740 ' $3.377,350 O&er.atlOns and 2,389,956 2,620,400 I 2,479,912 2,576,320 2,609,530 umtenance ,;; Capital Outlay 136,386 124,840 i .71,7991 ... ...49,350 I 34,200 'TiiitJX:h~ ;UDGE~:~I" :'$5!'~)73' 8'1 ~'J~" $;103'0:;)'1 ~\~ ~$5~~9'~ 537 J:" 'f$5:~~1.~j~b !":; :-'~$~;~68d'1 _'~ __:_~" "----!~. ~:~o.f'.n 2"'::~~ ."T_ 1" ~~"..t"" 2,"'\ ',. ~:J:,:,,:,:,:?t';1k~,~.-!-,..1 .. "- __',,,, ,,~,,~,:'-' "1 , OVERVIEW COMMEN:r.A~~.~ The Community Services Department is resllo,m'i~~ng cultural, social:'';;;;a'fee-!:~ational activities for the residents of Po way The Department !:iQ!2j?~&!!Lnt$.i.~igpt!,!,?t5jfat\pg divisions, which are morcorJess determined by operations at key City facilities an4!ij1dlude~the,~ffjceofrJj]9;,[)jft'Ct,or, Recreation, Lake Operations, the Aquatics Center, the Poway Center for the ~el'f<irnl\n~!iit's;j0'~:P6~~~P'iisj(:~jfe Poway Community Library, and the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve. Under the'S'.lie.~ry!~iQnrcW!h~~t~.toJ:;iS\"ffQfvelops and implements programs designed to .SigniflcantlY enhance the quality oflifet'of~2,\Y-t~ra~~~~,!s:5,<,IBh'?ivision I~esta~~.d_goals speciti_c to its pUll'"se, whIch are outlined 111 eaelrdlvlslon-s,summat:y;sjjeet>>'A ~f1et.desenptlOn ofthose goals set as slgmhcant to the department as a whole are' 1" 1 ~---- \ 1~ ___ __-"''''''~~d'JtK_--...~ FY 07 lOR and fY OR/09 '-- ,-..- > Provide 24 community events, 36 unique leisure opportunities, and three City Hall-sponsored programs, " Increase Internet registration by 10% each year through press releases and other marketing matenals. ,. " PartiCIpate in Community Park Master Plan project as a liaison for park users and community input; and as a ,. resource to identify design and usage ttends, ,. Enhance staff development by identi fying enrichment needs and providing opportunities for continuous growth ,. and learning, Hold one, half-day Department-wide session each year Develop groups to implement internal employee..driven development initiatives, " Develop Website content management system, ,. FY 07/08 " Refine disaster preparedness systems and training by coordinating with City departments to create procedures and ,. instructing appropriate staff in emergency care and shelter operations, > Staftlng, programming, and procedural analyses of various facilities such as the gymnasiums, Community Park, and PCP A to improve public service, staff utilization and concession transaction functions. " Execute an agreement with the friends of the Kumeyaay for the proviSIon of interpretive services at the ,. Kumeyaay-lpai Interpretive Center , . fY 08/09 'Y Coordinate with the Poway Historical and Museum Society to create a brochure for the Historical Marker Program describing locations and pertinent information for each. .> Contract with a consultant to develop an historic records storage needs assessment of the Po way Histoneal Mllseum in first half of FY 07/0R followed by an appropriation during midyear or FY OR/09 to fund the ! recommendation. t.", .'T'.. .,'-~"- .",",",",,,,~~ 'm..mm'___~_"""mm."._ -~'-''"'''' 93 --- DT~ECT~~ 2~:S~,~=~:-~~RVTCES -l ! Division Number 0200 . !"~;q;-'~" .....oc'""",,'"c,....w.,. ;-__.,;""r.,,~ ---.,;{",XY"''''-. ,'er-"',,,, :" .,,:::;~';F~-...... .,,~~"'4'_ U . 'j;;.., ,:,...".,:w'<';r~~~";JI: L~@:rIWT'y'DESEBcIP:ri!QN!,'i!\;>.,,,.-\," c,":j..L_,,~~',,__0,:,i; ,'" __::':j_:,#,,~.J;;:~;;' ",,0", ,.i.::i;'~,'1 i The Oftice of the Director of the Community Services Department is responsible for administenng and 1 managing all operatIOns within the departmcnt, including the divisions of Recreation, Lake Operations, Aquatics, the Poway Center for the Performing Arts, Old Poway Park, the Poway Community Library, and the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve. The Director's staff are responsible for the City's animal regulation, cable television franchises, administration of the PLA.Y (Poway Leisure Assistance for Youth) scholarship program, and park site acquisitIOn and development. Division staff act as administratIve liaisons to the Metropolitan Transit System, the Blue SkY' Ecological Reserve, Goodan Ranch. the Kumeyaay-Ipai Interpretive Center, the Eseondido Humane Society, cable providers, and the San Diego County Library By planning and coordinating the programs for each ofthe Department's operating divisions, the Director ensures that Department responsibilities are implemented in an effective and efficient manner and that community needs are met. The Director also ensures that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, Performing Arts Advisory Committee, Community Fine Arts Advisory Committee, Goodan Ranch Policy and Operational Committees, I and the Poway Valley Senior Citizen's Corporation receIve sufficient administrative support and guidance from the City The Director is also an active member ofthe Poway Center for the Performmg Arts Foundation, the Blue Sky Community Foundation, and the Poway Senior Center's Board of Directors. -,' AGTIY:iTY;GGm;,S,k&'D'@B:JEG'I'iVES,~7-" ---_~,~;, ," ,~.~.' ___~"""'>""'~""'-'-'. ,;,;.,c::,...._~..~f"'::;...~"'.:...:.,....h,,,.~,,...:........._ - - _. _. ___..~ $:~._" 1'&: FY 07/08 and FY 08/09 . ~ Successfully design and implement, at a mmlmum, ~._"~ I d" 0 '1/ ......-,/----- I o vo U11leer appreCiatIOn mners s5,rYj~g.~~P vb unteers o groundbreakmgsand dedlcatlql1s'<lrgefn]~dappropnate. -" }- Cooperate with other publie<lgS!l~i(:~:j!1'm~,pry'~~,at\~n and publIc enjoymen'( ot:.~!.ue Sky Ecological i , Reserve and Goodan R~ellt;" " ,',~>,'\ .~ ,'L .~ ,. 'I 'y ASSist local partners suer!~~:SR\C~J:)Q\V_<l7~i!lleY"~l1!Qr Glt!';,yn's CorporatIOn, Poway-Mldland Ratlroad " , Volunteers, and Fnends otJ~Cj;~u!:::Y~~y'~~:~y;p~\<r';:'lth the Clty through then' volunteer efforts. ,. Represent reSidents needs anQgn~urei~e\JiIgliestiquahJy!ser:vIce pOSSible with animal control, cable, and transit issues by serving as'a-liaisOQwilli~f'o~~g,ag@leles. ..__..~ - " > Coordinate with City departments to ereale'u".I's'a. Sfer'prepa;:;;d,ness.:..p.. roeed.. ures and tram staff in emergency I I I I. ,\II \, -~...- care am s Ie tel' operations. _--"..-____ '"""-. ..'~-,.. ! > Enhance the ability ofresidents to gain access to DepartmeIitseI'vlees on the City's websIte. I I. > Continue to identify staff development needs and proVIde opportullltIes for continuous growth and ,_..-..~~,~g~,,=-~-, ,~.".,_......-~- ,- --- . ~-". -.. ,,'-- ...... -1' t f~~~i/i~\(iltV~;rA(j?~iYt.Iil'~~~O:G~~fvI;GBW~~E?2,~" __'~.~==~__:L_'_ - LPJi~gEc" !_ _4,,9~_ Transfer()f~~ndO\vner Blldg~t()~erforllli~g~rts c;ellter Divlsion.__.. __ __ _:52,509____ : . 490R..._Staff d~vel()pmen!...'Ics well asa hall day,jepartment-wl~e trallung event . ___ +~I, 700 ~ 493R. Budwin Lane contract management shifted to Administral1ve Services -$11,800 i ~~~R.~~~Pla~e eq~~i~~nt us~~for public fllnction~.l~ the Ci~i~aJJ Pati~G~;d~I;- _ _ -__ , +s[3oQ l , _,~"I 02..,.......Potentialillcrease to,anim!.lL con,t.rol~..t!:act,--",____ ___ ___ ,,~_ +,,$9,652,,_. I...... 4.?.o8 Staff(Jevelopment as well as a IIalfday department-wide training event +$1,700 ; 1- -6199' Repia~e eq'llip;:;:;ent used f;r publIC nmctions ;;;-ihe City HaJJ Pati; Ga;:de~ +$'i:5oo ..,; L _ ~_..__,._...._. n_ ,_ _.,.. _.1 94 r - .... .- DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Community Sen'ices Department Division No: 0200 . '~Bj.~" . ':, :;' --: .", ".i20e~~qg:-2006~0'7'~-:';~Q'06io7i:,2697K@. - t?9Q~g9$~~: ~2<l~: "...~~. ..Ep",,-nse:p~ssi!is.<!!j9n' . ,.. .'_ ~~~t\i~l~RPr,.,ie,L !i~iiill~!~..'!i~RroP9~e(J P!2Ro~ei!.a I Personnel I Range Position Title Full Time Equivalents - ^....-.-. - - - - .- .-. ---.-.,- -~""""""".'..'.'~ -,~_.. -- -~ 8X Director , I 00 : 1.00 I 1.00 I 1.00 1.00 i 82 Assistant Director of Con un unity Svc' : I - I 1.00 1.00 69 Sf Management Analyst I 00 " I 00 [' I. 00 I 1.00 I. 00 65 Managcment Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I 00 49 Sr. AdministrativeAssistant I 00 ! I 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .~!i5..;.~~~':~~~.~.~atJ,-~~~~!sta~t';;~'r L , . /;?,O,L ." 1.00, ';;, /;0.2.1~-".14~0 ,'~" .1~0", Total ""utli()me(L~5'Slt~(m~ W'!Rl" . , ..." ,'. ',5:00 ,5,00, '. r 5-0.0'__ " "1,6:0.0," i~!Q<1, Ii1OlRegularSal';;:i~~- .,,-, -, '-128i:i5~(t7iiOr- ''31~'42S,006! -434,360' 1130 !Part Time Salaries I - 71,184 70,320 77:.442700 I 79950 'I' 79,950 1140 !Overtime Salaries I 8,515 ! 7,000 9.000 I 6,000 6,000 11199 'Ivacation and S/L Adjustment 458 I - . 1300., I.Elnfloy:e(~en!,fits" _"" .'_ 1~,!~~3:s.~5~-,1~P,;I~~ L... 1~45,31? 1\~~1,~60J _ ,21~.~,~ " ,;r,!iaLRersonpeIExp~ndiiure'4Q2;:;21 ,'!i8:2;g9,Q' 5,\21?1:3, " 722;51 Q '. 73~;2~0 1 "-",~-"""""""""",~,~""""""",~-"~'~'...".,,-- .-. -- - --- -r "'-'_.'~'---r"_.""""'c~..,........."..~.. - -,..,..,,-'..........."'~r. "-""-'--r ~,,",--.,.,~ IOpcrations and Maintenance I I , ,1510 'Temporary,Services 4,118. 5,000 i 5,000 : 11702B I Fees- Outside Attorney 10,000 ' 10,000 I - I 2110 i Gas and Electricity 833 1,560 I 1,451 I 1,680 1,740 , . 3110 ,Reimbursed Mileage 4,882 6.11111 I 5,430 5,500 5,500 . 3140 Travel and Meetings 5,104 I 7)70 8,270 R,360 X,550 :3310 ,Telephone 623 ' 600 770 3311 Cell Phones & Pagers I 100 1.100 3320 Pusta~e 168 500 167 500 500 , .. 41112 ,Animal Regulation 179,233 i 147,200 147,200 149,300 156,790 4120 Other Contractual Services 6,880: 11,710 10,090 6,640 6,640 4304 Building Repair & Maint -I 1,900, 1,9011 1,900 4308 Equipment Repair & Maint 686 : 750 563 7XO 820 4710 'Of lice & Stationery Supplies 5709 I 8,300 8,300 R,1I00 X,OOO 4730 Photographic/copy Supplies 946 : 900 I 500 i 9011 900 47110 Operating Supplies 1,455 2,0011 2,000 : 2,0011 2,000 4799 Other Supplies and Materials 1,211 2,000 ' 2,000 4904 Community Relations 138,133 ; 73,000 78,000 63,500 63,500 14908 Education & Training 7,849 i 2,1100 2,1100 3,700 3,700 I 4922 Printing I,OR5 ; 1,500 3,120 4924 Publications & Dues 1,753' 1,700 1,700 2.450 2,480 4938 Rental- Buildiug & Grounds 9,741 I 15,400 I 15.300 3.600 3,liOO 5520 Capital Outlay Rental-Other Equip, 5,]20: 2.5611 , 5,120 5120 5.120 5530 Capital Outlay Rental-Office 11,660 5,830 11,660 11,660 11,660 .___ .__ .________ _" _. """,,.1 .. l'ojaW~PE~ati(ms~8I.~~fii~ienance: ,3~7)89. )6'7,8&0', ':21?@,J; 276;690 284,:SOm Capital Outlay ! 6104 ,Autos & Trucks 15,000 15,000 6122A: Equipment- Office General j 424 , . 6122B 'Computer Hardware i 2,086 f I , I 6122e ~Computer Software I 388 6402 ,BuIldings _ J2?5_1870 , , "" '" , .".. - ~ -"" (-' Total,Glpital putliiY,:2~:;5), ):;;8'70, ,]2,000 '- DiYisjo;~iotal " -. ", ('" 884,264"1 861,010 876.154 999.200 1,020,840 ....__.- .._- ......- ...._...._-~ 45 I - "" -,_.- RECREATION Communitv Services Department Division Number 020f : "A"CT,IV'I"'r'--'":,'E'--'ARl': -"T': ",:" "iF~"-".">'" ','vf'"f7 'c" '.," ,,-, "::':: '," ,-- '",p" . " .. "ii:":S'" ", <fu " "','1 "'!;j:\ "".. ", .....,.- 'l\c,v!...:~JI-'[) ..S~, :R'ION'''",.",.",:",,.,t.....Jl. ,'"'",,,~.. '-,'!1;:..:' p..'P k". , '.. . , ~".",;, L!c. ""1h1h!1 Thc RecreatIOn Division of the Community Services Dcpartment is rcsponsible for providing programs and serviccs that bring pcople togethcr, foster human development, promote health and wellness, Increase cultural ' unity, and provide rccreational cxperienees for people of all ages in Poway Tasks pcrformed includc marketing, programming, and opcration of Community Park, sports facilities, Dog Park, the Skate Park, . Mobile Recreation, and two gymnasiums. Recreation staff is responsible for scheduling cltywide reereahonal I facility and ficld rentals, and registering all recreation class participants, By coordmating with thc Poway . Unified School District, Poway Semor Center, Poway Youth Sports Association and local nonprofit groups, the City provides programming that is reflective of the community's needs, Through the Poway LeIsure Assistance for Youth (P.LA Y ) scholarships program, staff expands recreational opportunities for low-to- I moderate income families and individuals with special needs. The diviSIOn staffs, develops and hosts cOnll1mnity events including Community Day, Fourth of July, the Holiday Festlval/Candyland, Springtime I I Celebration and Dog Day, as well as has responsibility for the design and implementation of sunmler day camp ~. and recreation programming at the gymnaslllms, Poway Teen RecreatIOn Club, and through the Mobile RecreatIOn prsgram. .' ;J\:@;rI~T,Y<iiOAtSj%:r':m:9~!~:MES '_~.E;- , f ~ .':;,";' ~r u_,,~, ',"). ,_.,. ".' M_: FY 07/0~ and FY 08/09 ,/ ,- ~" ..-----', i J- Increase Intemet registratIOn by I 0% eash~k~ """", i 0 Evaluate current third-partx"r41istrat~9n~~ys~m..and idenl1fY steps needCd,tQ, enhance Internet i registration process fO!'An.f;purlic aiidi~il!~rq1~~ in!ci,-"~~l controls. . 0 Produce quarterly prf~Sf!~leasc~:ai{~t~hcrJri~r~~tin.,}i!-,:TI,~terials to promote Internet registration. . r Annually ralSC $15,000 for..f:lrcW&rks:,~t;tPS-FQuI1h;lof',JtllY and Community Day events through community partnershIps, enhancs~.~'!r]{~~~~~~~~lercid;:9~lIonlbenefit approach. . . I .... Provide events, programs. and aetIvllIes:.oy suecessjj.tll)\,deslglllng and 11l1plementmg at-a'mmllllum, 5 ' --", ------. v~ ?-.,- community events, 75 qUaJ1erly recreation cl1tsses,aniUiMobilc Recreation sIte VIsits. FY 07/0g ,) I.' ~----"__ _...~~,.-..;. ~" ~"""""""""""- J- Hold monthly Free Style Skatc Days at the SkatePatkto,promot.c safe skating for youth ages 14 and under >- Assist in the revitalizatIon of the Poway Sp0l1s AssoeiatiilliiJY1;onvening at least SIX meetings annually of : members and stakeholders to work together to equitably share fields amongst sports organizations lI1 Poway I >- Participate m faeilitatmg a community-based working group to reenergize the Poway Days cclebration. . J- Conduct a facility use analysis to restructure staffing allocations at the gyms and Community Park to increase particIpation by 10%, PrOVide gym staffwitheomputers to improve eomm;~~](;ation: 1';:,~P;W~~!TYWQRK;E0~p.;,r'. ;;';" - I, 0 , '1:2926~0~; -~Y.' ~. ... ~0.Q6~07;,>";']id'.,:, :.~o.)iiZ~b.~L. '.' .'~ , :..~Tt>':HS'rrGS' '..~' ...... ';'"" - ..=~;: ' .A(fT:W"*-k,::.,, ,RRill.TE01WE~,,".l:;; .ER0>J,g.~TE:P' i;1 ~-~:::~::: ~::;e;::,:;~:;----+- I;;: +-------- J,;H . Jj~ I ;-.---."---. ---..-f----. . .$=..----".'.'.--........----- r=-~~~i~:1~~~~~~;;P;~;~;~~n~:e~ts._=-._=_.._63,-i~6. -:..=' 6~O~.~ ---I., - ,., 66,0~6__' i . FacilIty Reservations "._,...;,_..__,.,,5,100 . 6,~OLL 6,gOO F' ._ Pub.lic <;:ontaet b~ Rec. Admin. Staff 24,200 - ---- - 22,000 --f=""-- __...12,000 Sf@NIFICA:NT-;AGDIYlTI: PR0GIMM,GHA"NGES' ., " : ,,' ~ 'ctIANGE; . 'T;;;:-n;fer F~ii; CaJ~~ O~lt~ 't~ -020tLak~ Pow~y-~educlllg various ex~~nse- aceounts':--' ,< - ~$2.80ci . . I 7626 Transfer Family Camp outs to 0202 Lake Poway I -$2,600 j 6l22B &....' 6199 Ad d...e..omputer equipment and nI. odular fumllur c... to bO..t.ll b'Yms. '..+. $15,000 I I ! ! L " ,___, ___. ___ _'_" I.. _" ..... 96 .,. RECREATION Community Services Department Divi.,ion No: 0201 . ,".m,_' ,- m .-~.,~~, ,___ .. ~~~~h.,~_.' -- '" -. ~....,_ ,~. (i)bj:' ," ,.,'... .... ...... '" >; , . ..' .~905~061, ',.. 2006~O7,"" ,2096;07, ,;:2007-08'" 2008:09",,' Go'd~': :' . .'Exp'c~~~:GJassifi~ation'i" · ~ "" ,J\ctual !" " ;j.;'p' r~~ea' .:~Esi;fu;~d: .', -Pft5-';os6& "'!p.ro~~i~ii~J -~, T,;::".. --. -". -~~~~~, ..--,-. ,., --- --,,,. =->0..',.. --..,..-.,,~ ,,,"-~" ._J~ I Personnel jRange Position Title I Full Time Equivalents r'" -" _. .... ........._- - - - - '".,"""..,.........- - ,,.,--- -- -"" .. ",'. _..~- 78 Conununity Services Mgr I 1.00 i 1.00 : 1.00 I 60 Sf. Recreation Supervisor I 1.00 : 1.00 I 1.00 1 00 1.00 56 Recreation Supervisor ,2.00 ! 2,00 I 2,00 2,00 i 2.00 , 45 Administrative Assistant lI/I11 I 2.00 "I 2,00 .. 2,00 1.00 i I 00 I 39 Recreation Specialist 1.00 1.00 j 1.00 1.00 \ 1.00 33 Recreation Leader II Parttime 0.52 I 0.521 0,52 0.52 ! 0.52 .C'....... --:F~c-__~ecreatigp !.:ead", Partt'me ,_' _,.. ..~,1- ,~.93 ___~,2}_ 896J.._ ~ g.?.? ~_ ,T6tiif,~\1t1)QUici(P,oii!i~~g:JE5.,~~).i~~.. _~~?~, ,16:4:;,:' ~" J 6.;15 .'l.._.J4}~'1 ,,;1"!i;l?] 1110 IRegularSalmies i 360,160 [ 393,750! 387,9781 256,250 I 256,250 1130 IPaI1 Time Salaries : 203,3761 257,920 I' 255,834 235,660 237,620 11140 Overtime Salaries ' 20,679 17,300 19,300 17,200' 17,200 1199 IVaeation and S/L Adjustment 16,668 , ' , - - . - ~Q.O..J E~plo~~~~~~rfIt~","c,,,,.,,,,:-c_ ,,J.91 ,~5J , 232;2}.iU,_ ~ 21911?~.. ,_ .J~,O 12.L..1..61~~, .~::. 'ITota]'Re!'s.9JlnelIE2'P~nditrJrLL, ._"..",,..,,:. :79i:1,8Jl8. _ ,20h~BQ"r ,!Jj8i:1i128l i' ii2Q2;lQO ,,~.:.674~5:Wl Operations and Maintenance 'I I: 2110 :GasandElectricity 106,211: 127,090; 127,090 131,050 I 135,000 2200 ,Utilities-Other 8,890 9,140 8,580 9140, 9,140 3110 I Reimbursed Mileage 2,400 2,880 I 2,880 2,880 I 2,880 3130 'Vehicle Maintenance and Operations 9,013 9.320; 9,320. 8,570, 8,180 . 3140 Travel and Meetings 67 4,490 4,490 i 4,930 :, 4,970 3310 Telephone 5,739 I 7,100 6,422' 3,800 3,800 3311 Cell Phones & Pagers I 4,080 ! 4,080 AI18 Leisure Services 130,274 I 140,430 140,430 139,980' 139,980 4120 ,Other Contractual Services 28,553 I 31,990 33,990 I 35,440 35,440 4304 Building Repair & Main!. 418 : 3,500 3,500 I 3,500 3,500 ,4308 Equipment Repair & Main!. 4,825 7,860 7,860 ! 6,290 ' 6,290 14318 Radios RepaIr & Main!. 600 600 ' 250 : 250 4514 Sign Maintenance Materials 156' 1,200 500 1,200 1,200 4516 SmalITools 180 250 150 i 250 ; 250 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 3,614 3,500 3,517 ! 3,600 I 3,600 4720 lanitOlial Supplies R72 ; 1,000 <'150 1,000 I 1,000 14730 Photographic/copy Supplies 141 700 275 500' 500 4750 Safety Supplies 852 I 1,000 1,000 I 1,000 ' 1,000 4760 Operating Supphcs 35,393 I 34,340 34,340 , 35,840 , 35,840 4904 Community Relations 11,983 I 12,000 12,000 I 12,000 i 12,000 4908 Education & Traming 1,350 : 2,350 1,839 3, ISO i 3,150 ,4922 Printing 7 '55 ' 8,800 6,340 I 7,900 ' 7,900 1'4924 Publications & Dues 655 1,150 590 1 150 I 1,150 4928 Unifon11S & LaundlY 5,422 6,910 6,644 II 7,900 7,720 4932 Adve11ising 5,467 , 4,790 4,138 6,680 I 6,680 4936 Rental- Equipment 14,931 I 13,700 14,900' 15,500 15,500 4938 Rental- Building & Grounds 1.937' 1,610 1,610 3,600' 3,840 5116 Other Fees 5.165 ' 3,300 3,300 6,300 I 6,300 5500 Capital Outlay Rental 29,740 I 14,870, 29740 I' 29,740! 29,740 . 5720 Cash Over/Under . ..,. .. 4 I 100 '. 5". ,,100 100 T66!;Qf:i~t~@hs &: lvtaintel1.a.ttee. 4::1'1,~Q7', 455;97Q;~_ 466,796;~ '187;Jgo:,5A.2Q;9jQf Capital Outlay i I 61 00 Eq~i!?ment ,~,:~.7,: , 19,730 2};JOQ,.,2.Q:~gO) .' ._ 4,629 ; Total CapItal Outlay , f;:647 )9:n9 .:1J;709., _:~Q,2Q.0":' _ __Jl;600] L_ Division,Total ,__._ 1,223,1Q:2,,:"_l,377,28(j 1,370,698 i 1,176,640 r 1170120 97 I.. ... ~~,~,~;~~~~~~~ I c, ...._.''"~ ,~"~. ~;~:::';"~:"r~"~" .. . '.~"~."'-=1 ,:~~~ '~::~:~r~:i~:~~:~I~iO:~~: ~~:I::::I:C=~:~~ D:~:rtm:~;~:~e:po:::;~;o:'~:'n~~:::l~~t:~-'~:' ..... Lake Poway Recreation Area. The Division oversees boating and flshmg operations, IS operational liaIson to the Lake Poway Concessionaire lease, and offers a variety of recreational opportunities and programs for the community Lake staff coordinate year-round fishing opportunities and recreational activities such as pleasure boating and sailing, fishing derbies, family eampouts, sports activities, picnicking, facility rentals, and outdoor leisure programs, as well as facility support for the City summer day camp program. Staff also host community events such as Earth/Arbor Day and the Summer Concert Series. \' FY 07108 and FY 08/09 >- Market year-round water-based recreational opportunities through qual1erly media releases. Focus on trout a11d night flshmg season, holiday fIshing and boatmg hours, and pleasure boating options. >- Provide recreational opportunities for youth. ._'_ o Annual Youth Fishing Derby, serving 500 participants/' ~- :>... o ExperientIal recreation classes (60 par~~Jfit:~ts~~l~~nd youth fishing (25 partis~pants total). >- Coordinate the Summer Concert it}:t!]e,'Baj:K..JSefies~with",staff at Old Poway Park 'and host four summer , concerts at Lake Poway drawin~:a!t~~~i;o'tj;~\4q~<!i'ti(;it1t'ht~~, ~, ,. Host three addItional eommunlty,/eY~{:Js...,' '\~liJ. t"". .' r.,,~ o Open Trout Derby (350 p1'lfticipa"ht~j,l\'iIi1jqjghi',;<'?affi1Il/@i.aze (300 participants), Earth/Arbor Da. n ,500 participants). ~ " , Cl)"<I~ A . ........ .-.J .,. Offer contract yoga classes and mark~l1ii](itfg7cJi')jj~luiJ\!i).51:toYocus o~1health,and-wellnesc I FY 07/08 . 1 r ---,::::=:. .' .,. F1l1ahze the transfer of famIly eamp~fromJ1J(:' ,Recreal1on DIVISion totheLak~(l~y_DlVlslOn I o Host two eampouts and develop'marketmg that hig\1lights lakeamenitles.to-increase attendance by 15%. I ~-'--"" ' >- Offer four contract instructor archery camps and two archery classes to a total of 50 participants to promote . use of the Lake Poway Archery Range. .,. FY 08/09 .,. RedeSIgn and produce the Lake Poway Parking Pass With implementation by April 2008 ,--- -.- -';:;,,~""'" - ~E .,."I'~"''''__ .,.,__..,....... ___...'H........_..<.~..._ ..,....--~-;............" ... ..__.-t~ . -Y' ',,' <' ,.:..:.... -";' . .,. C-"'-- . "'~.'\:-- . ~~_ , " . ' A€nV;ITYw'OR~E'OA,DSrATlSTIGS.,',~.\j " ' ", r'"." ,', .. - - .-----. . '" ~ '--l-.-!g~~~6L.--r--~R~JO:C~ED ., r~Rb~~~~~~- Fishing Permit;' . -------'-26,406-r------ - 26,000 2/;,050 ., , Boat Rentals 10,4(i0 IO,SOO 10,550 I Facility Rental Reservations 1,180 1,200 . 1,200 fr~r!~~~-.pe,r~~.i!S'f.---..... ,.~-=~, "'<-"-'C:.- ........._....,-_.,-___-- 132~2!L- .,~"....13,.75,0..1-r)4,000-.d J'IG1':lIFIgb'.Nn:;I~g;:lTJX!ili:Yi.P,I{ElGJ~A'M,CJjA'I)lQj;:~__..:.., "'c~'.'L_ : ',---- · . ,,,-_ --=-""'\1 FY 07/08 ------, , I Earth/Arbor Day transactIOns in vanous accounts transferred from 0205 Old Poway Park I +5, II 0 Family Campout Expenses In various accounts transferred from 020 I Recreation I +2,800 7626 -- Family Campout Revenue I' +$2,(i00 . FY 08/09 , 4922 -Lake Brochure Ptinting I +$1,750 i 0136 -- One P25 RadiO for OperatIOns and Emergency eommul11eation I +$2,750 16199 - Battery Charger Box, Tarp and Battery Charger i +$2,500. . . I .__."._...._'___r........, ......"___..__i...., I 9~ _........ LAKE OPERATIONS Community Services Department Division No: 0202 . 8B~~~~'~ < ~.:r, "~:""'" .;'""m'.,,:~~:-~- --", ':--''':"'1'''.''' "-".'""'~; ~,'"~'.--'''''''L,'.-''' ,m.".,""'''''---'--~_ <1.c . m-c.........,... ~_~..""...:..m......'''''..., ...,..,.,..";"._____"""..,,...,..,'''.."....,:.,,~...''''.,....'~ ': ., . "" '2005c06h r2006~07'"";2006C07' :" ;"2007"08;'i,,.2008'09," ",.' -~":'"'"'~ ,..,.,.. ":'~'"U'::''''~T''' ~+ ':"''t'"':'''~'-''''' ", '''''~>':~ -, ..."",.-f1.;,t~, God~_ :~F2'pense'6Ia~ific~tj6n\. ,..:'-~;A.sfuL_ffi.:P1:,E9~.:&sii~I~4'::~~~rr(!P.~s~a .....'~~~~cii'-6se.<L1 i Personnel i [ , !Rang~ _ Positio~I~m'.____ -'. 1 Full Time Equivalents j 60 Sr. Recreation Supervisor r 100 I -1 00 r-----I '~l-- Too, --100 56 Recreation Supervisor 100 IOU I I 00 100 i 100 41 Park Ranger I ~~~ I 2.00 2,00 I 2,00 2.00 , 39 R~crcation Specialist 1 00 I 100 i 100 100 31 Sr Dock Attendant 2.00 ! 2.00 ! 2.00 I 2,00 2.00 41 Park Ranger Parttimc 096 ' 0,96, 0,96 0.96 ; 096 29 Recreation Leadcr 1 Temp, PfT ! 0.66 0.66 i 0.66 i 0.66 ! 0.66 27 Dock Attendant Parttimc 144 1.44 j 1,441 1,44j 144 -~._":....~--,..."'"""';-r-~~..,..,....:.....~~... ---,....-.. -. .'-"- --t~':.!,""i"r- - ,."....". '--". ""T,0':":;'::;--~:~'/'):"- --''f:o:'~~ 'fgt~lf\\'thorized'P,Ositii:ms;(F~) . ,.' i ... \0'06; . '" .1.0:Q6; ...1,9:22: . + ,19.,0~'1"' .' ,;IO:O~t 1110 IReit;l;;salari;;-s-~~"'-----r -260.927T 293.9~~r 275J63T 300.890' '300:s90 1112 Shill Ditferentia\ . - 4.000 I 4.000 ' 4.000 I 4,000 1130 jrart Time Salaries I 57,4051 g2.020! 79.633 I 74,400 74.960 1140 Overtime Salaries ]g.789 15.000 I 15.000,' 18AUO, 18AOO 1199 ! Vacation and S/L Adjustment 6.154 . - . - 1 - i !]9Q.L~~.Y~~~~~P~.,._.__ _ .L2,Q;~.l9 I ,".~Jj};2~Q.J._ .iL~.2.;.?2~J-JS!}i;;,6Q"1 .1~7~850, ..,.,,___ .IQ.t!'LRer~Qllllel Exp.e)1d1h!rL.__ _ _ A711A94;. ..:5.d8,311.o,. .?17'224~6,1;>l~Q"T~,~.566,-!QO.l I Operations and Maintenance I i 2110 :Gas and Electricity 19.544 I 20)00 [ 20.200 2U,700 I 21,320 2200 Utilities-Other 1960 ' 2.1 10 ' 2.235 2.840 i 2,900 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 447 , 550 550 550 550 ~I 13130 Vehicle Maintenance and Op(;rations 20,3391 24,760 24)60 25 780 I 25,410 3140 Travel and Meetings 1479 I 2)60 2.660 2,970 2,990 . 3310 Telephone 2,367 2.XOO 2.15X [ g60 860 13311 : Cell Phone & Pagers I I,XOO 1.800 "3320 Postage 411g Leisure Services 4.814 7.220 (\6351 6.96U 6.960 4120 i Other Contractual ';e",ices 30.689 33,230 }g. 187 [ 37.1140 I 37)80 4304 Building Repair & MainL 1.531 : 1)40 800 300, 300 4308 Equipment Repair & MainL 2,502 ! 3,540 975 2,790 ' 2)90 431X Radios Repair & MainL 100 1.250 ' 547 1.150 LI50 4514 Si)..'ll Maintenance Materials 929 I 900, 1,398 I 600 I 600 4516 Small Tools 611 1 600 700 ' 800 I 800 4522 : Fish Stock 93,629 " IU2,420 ' 102,427 90.120 I 93,300 4710 'Office & Stationery Supplies IAII' 1,400 1,400 ' 1400 1.400 'Photographic/copy Supplies , 4730 796 gOO 500 500 500 4750 Safety Supplies 522 500 420 500 500 4760 'Operating Supplies 22)X4 25.200 23.859 ; 26) 30 i 26.910 4908 . Education & Training 920 1.680 1.680 1.650 1.510 4916 ! Medical Exams -I 200 200 ! 200 4922 Printlllg 8.778 ' 5,820 ' 6,547 9.000 I 9,630 4924 'Publications & Dues 300 400 485 ' 630 ; 630 4928 Uniforms & Laundry 3.%3 5.540 5.291 5,890 6,010 4932 Advertising 3,140 3.960 3.959 4,120, 4.190 14936 .Rental- Equipment _I 2.520 2,520 5108 Illsumncc PremiuIlls-Other 20.800 21,680, 21680 I 20.180 22,55U 5116 Other Fees 1.932 2.000 2,077 2,200, 2,200 5500 ,Capital Outlay Rental 20,340 10.170 20.340 I 20.340 ' 20.340 5720 Cash Over/Under 21 100 5 IOU: 100 . 5730 Intergovernmental Fees '. ,?Oll : 200 , T~t~l~bperai;onsl&.lVIaiiiteiia'ilce ,26M4~ 784; O:J'Q~ .......~. i2.&7A7Q. , . . j29O;&7011 :298;90Q" ........__._" . ......., ~. ... ..m....." Capital Outlav 6100 Equipment 7,250 2,990 1,600, 1,650 I 5,600 - tbtliEcapitalOutlay 7.25(5: 2990 '.-~---:; .~ ~"'-'-::l I '1:2,,00, .1;650" ".'5600'. - - .~. .. -. ',,__...J.--" .'. .!i2.2,,,620-j' - 87'0' 600 , Piyision_T!!!.!!L_._,.... ~-_......,~ __]'lli,087 ,~32~ 400 801,409 99 I'" -------...-,.. -.-.."-.... ,.--.- -'--"--l I AQUATICS ! Community Services Department ; I ~~~ ~ !A@;]I'VIT\;~I5ESCRjRill[G.)],r"-';:i,:h,'.':::-'.... ..' ~.;~"f7" ",' )'-:;--- -', " , "':"";j (- .,... ..... .. -.. _.".._, ._, "a:~......"....."" ' ... .....'.....,....."'.......""~..a_---'---...., .,'~. _."..........._ . ; '_ - ,'>l,. ,.........,....--..L......}:....'l I' The Aquatics Division of the Community Services Department is responsible for providing a safe, well . supervised recreation facility at the Poway Community Swim Center for mdividual swimmers, and for I Poway youth sports organizations practices and competitions. The Swim Center provides a year-round . outdoor swimming pool with long- and shOJi-course lap lanes, diving boards, a wading pool, and locker room facilities. Aquatic staff are certified in American Red Cross Lifeguard Training and proVIde lifeguard i services during open recreation swimming, swim lessons, swim team practices, and lap swim. American I I Red Cross-certified Water Safety rnstructors offer learn-to swim programs to students of all ages and I I abilities, as well as Junior Lifeguarding, First Aid/CPR, water polo, water exercise, divmg, and pre-swim I ' team, Staff educates swimmers on the importance of water safety and offers water safety classes such as .. i Lifeguard Training, CPR for the Professional Rescuer as well as for the lay responder, First Aid, Oxygen : Administration, and Automated External Defibrillation (AED) training. Dunng the spring and summer : months, staff hosts community events and unique leisure opportunities, and offers private lessons. i ':;~~J'ily,I.;(X;:W:QA~$.:l~tIR~Q.B,'J~Q~lcM~~J y~~.....~--'. '\j,' ,...:,~.-':'_--.:--:i"-"~:,.. "'~I'" ,.'.:1 FY 07/08 and FY 08/09 .. ~.'~/'"",,",'-... ! ;.. Establish an evening Watcr Aerobics prograrnJ6{Jou,bkpa;:tieipatlOn in this program ovcr the two-year i period. Market the increased serVice leveI5bJ6tigh;pfe'S~ir~leases, Poway Today publications, and local ; . news articles f""', "'., ,.,: lr;,,,,,':"\,, , ~ " ~ Incrcase training and readiness dfi,if~~'~1~9~.d!~~t6Rt<nJS}Vim;ffi~~&~ . , " Perform ll1-SCrVlee trmnmgs on a 1)'~nt~!gr:"~<IS)~:Qllf-~\illtc!.:lOI w~aJhcr,plonths. and tWice-monthly dunng . ! warm weather months.,~. .. "0 '",,:i9' .,0 - .. I " . ." 'In.. ./1". ,,,,,.' ;Y ~;~~I~ ChampIOnshIp tltle for the;:\I~'~e,\~'~:~~?~:a~!Jd<lrnes._,_'- " Update the eXlstll1g operatIOns mallual.3.!.Jhf...sJ:'.!I~€enter to IIlclude thdatest.!Elll1ll1g gl!l.qelmes for I sa"fe.ty,.....u.. se Of. new eq.uI.pment integrated into the faClliiYsu,C..h.......a..s,g.}!JOmat.ie..,v......a...c.....U....l..l.m. ~miea.. l.f<.e.e.di.n.g J ~ _~_rSy:..t~m.~ a nj~~cuntt::~~~~:...... ..~_~ w'"="."~', ,,_ _~'''''''~.._ . ,. _'.'_. ,..".,....",___." ACTWFI1Y WORKkOPi.D '200~_O~ ,;200ti'OJ' ... {'200)'O~I, 'S'';' ;,;;"r's' ;"r' ns' .. ,..' {mrut\~" '~RGji:iG:fEb ,PR0JECTEW ' . 1,ln,~l;'m ;'1. \::.0 . " ".'. ... 'I,,"'" ,,----~i:. __mm"__"~". __ j 0'--''''''''''--:''''-':-'''''--,1 i l_s~i;;'c\~;se's/Priv;te Les:;(ll1s--~- m___ n ,,__ 325_ -'_ 350. _I_=-' ~5M ! Swim Lcsson Participa~ ,__ __ _.:._ 2.50~_ 1_ 2,~00_+ 2,809_' ~ j'otal D.!:i!y..!-ttendane~,(walk-il!L_ -,l- ,.QQ,OOo.~ ___.QQ,oog(ig,ooo-j , Community Events/Unique Leisure I 6 I 6 6 l , Opportunities ': ! ~"~:~~~~~i'~:t~:d~;;~ort~~it~ p~rti~pan..t~ .. -~::r ,l~-.J~:~~~,j- - l~~_~~ .. ;~,.,=-d~6~L_.1 L :~~I~:;,:::~::::~~~~:~M:~;"ffi",_,~_ ~- - -- , ._'C::~:: - ~ I ' : FY 08-09 I : l-None--- , - - -, -r--- -, --, 1 I r. I I ~,_,_, __ _,__." ____. ~. . _,,, n ,__J 100 AQUATICS Community Sen';ces Department Divi.,ion No: 0103 . ~~.I), -,~~". ",k., __u, , p~~Q6q5f,66-"-2PQ6~07',,-'W9,({:QZ ':~9,Q}-Q8',:-'~,JQOP~@j~ ~2.?~_"",Expen,:~e Chfssjfi!;'1!ti6n' _ _ _," if\cltJul ",6PPLoyeq, _:E~tiirtat~d. _' P.r9PC\~~.c!_ ~,Pi9P91eQiJ I Personnel ' JRange,,~()s,~tion Title...., ,,_ Full Tim,c Equivalents :56nR;crcatiol1S~J1c~:;;i~~r" TOoT- 1.001-1 00 i - 1:00' ._~o- 39 Lead Lifeguard/Aquatics Specialist 'I 1.00 1.00 ' I 00 ! I 00 I 1.00 33 Rccrcation Leadcr 11 I I 00 1.00 ' 1.00 1.00 I I 00 I 35 Lifeguard/Swim Instmctor 2,75 2.75 2,751 2.75 ! 2,75 i 29 Lifeguard 4.79 4.79 4,79: 4791 4,79 I 29 Recreation Leader 1 I, - 1 J ,25 I 1.25 ,_ .L~27_,~~:I'-,~ttc~~;,,:,..,cc,'" ,...,.J _....167 ~__},()7.L, "7'1;~7_ --:-,'------>)i!!','" lii~~:::;~u~~~:~~sdlt?~~15JnS"O:j[5L ,~.~- I 0 :~i~li2i:~~ir 1 ;!1:~~~ i 12;\ ~r ';2'~~:f~! I 1130 Paft Time Salaries 2U4,517 , 236,U70 ! 236,070 I 246,99U : 246,990 1140 Overtime Salaries 12,760 I 13,41J1J 17,400, 13,900 I l3,900 1199 Vacation and S/L Adjustment 4,490 ! - ' . I J]..o.~ !~EE!Jye",:I3,:neWs. --;:1 ._,"" ,.,.. 8?:8821 , ;_,_~1,8()SJ 87:4~8-1.. ~,~'44~1.:,6~410" ,-,---,-,~~~lr:~~:n;~Jx~:i~t!~~~;;-- .. .. ::~~;~\.__";l63,~8[,(456,00~;'r ,A~~!~QQ ..:4?i\:i?,2l 2110 ~sand Electricity 102,575 143,690 I 143,690 i 143,700 I 148,000 2200 I Utilities-Other 1,630 'I 1,580 1 1,380 : 2,250 II 2,250 3110 'Reimbursed Mileage 140 250 124 300 300 3140 ITravel and Meetings 135 850 I 850! 2,110 I 1,900 , I . 3310 iTclephone . 1,990 2,060 1,841 870 I 870 3311 'Cell Phones & Pagers 600 600 4120 : Other Contractual Services 2,739 3,900 3900 3,900 3,900 4308 :EquipmentRepair&Maint. 9,044 7,100 7,100 10,640, 9,640 4502 ICliemicals 32,135 ' 16,090 35,947 37,180 38,300 4514 'Sign Maintenance Materials 48 700 198 700 700 4516 Small Tools 149 , 200 100 200 , 200 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies I 173 I 1400 1400 1,450 : 1,500 4720 IJal1ltOrial Supplies 251 I 500 250 500 I 520 4730 IPhotOgraphic/cOpy Supplies 156 700 700 800 , 800 4750 Satety Supplies 1,330 1,080 1,480 1,630, 1,630 4760 jOperating Supplies 5,347 : 6,650 6,588 7,260 : 7,260 14908 : Education & Training 480 1,840 1,840 2,930 2.930 '4916 I Medical Exams - , 200 100 200 I 200 4922 [Printing 1,383 1,200 1,500 1,500, 1,500 4924, Publications & Dues 160 450 350 750 750 4928 Unifonns & Laundry 3,541 4.620 4,620 5,190 5,190 4932 Advertising 388 no 400 780 I 780 4936 i Rental- Equipment 4,500 3,400 3,400 3,500 4,000 5116 Other Fees 815 800 800 800 800 5520 :ICapital Outlay Rental-Other Equip, 15,660 7,830 15,660 15,660 I 15,660 5530 i Capital Outlay Rental-Office 1,400 700 ' 1,400 1,400 I 1,400 ,5720 Icash Over/Under (12)' 100 (7) 100 100 5730 Intergovemmental Fees 573 820 784 820 820 ..':';-- ;::"'.-''''';;:,____~),;;;:'';'' _. ' , ,"" _." '" ,,,:,0<::.;;":'1 :~=:-~i . ,&~~6~~~~&:Iv!i!iTIlrl1~ll(:e 187,730 :229,490 .236)95 ~4N7:2Q,~~ti?Q~; 6402 iBuildings 20,494 27,330 5,550 1,650 ~.~'__::;-;;~:-'>~:;,_ '''.,.~ ~~" _ '". '. _<. "'"';""-;:;r:-: TQtaPs:apil~l~ut.I~y 20;494' 27,330, 5:5~Q., 1;659; __ ..:J.__"'-,.,.,,,....... __.___.._... !. ' .,..".....~ ~~vision Total ___ ___..._____..__..~4,497 720.700 69~A03.._ 735,770 738,620 101 r -.,,- --_.. C___.__ ..--.-. '''C''_ ..'-- i PERFORMING ARTS CENTER I Community Services Department i Division Number U204 . h,. .. . . - ", ," .. -... ... , ... '. ~..,....,...~~ ,,,,,,,,,",~ ," -v"_ . ... 'F--r, "", "" '",'" 'lrC"", , ~'" f~r~~~~~!~t~~if~~;~:"~;~~::;n i~.\:~l{C;~~;;;5:;;;y '~~r~;~~~" ~l:;;rt~~e~t"r~:"r'~;::::ib:'!i~~'::~:~':'~t:! i management, operation, and maintenance ofthe Poway Center for the Performing Arts (PCP A). The PCP A is : I a municipal and educational facility designed as a venue for the visual and performing arts, and educational I ! programming to entertain, enlighten and enrich the community The Division coord mates equal access to the PCPA for the Poway Center for the Perfonning Arts Foundation, Poway Unified School District, and community-based arts organizations or public rental clientele, PCP A staff provide facility users with professional technical theatre services, box office ticketing, ushering and front of house services. Staff provides supPOli services to the Perfonning Arts Advisory Committee, coordinates with community arts I I groups, and orchestrates month-long rotating lobby art exhibits. ' f' ' t,{(j!Tml'YG0mJS'kND=6B1'E€TI&ES~-:-':::----:-:~' '\''''''' :'" ,~'" ._; ';j J ." '- ..""I;.......,,...'-..,L......~,.i.."'-._._c,.._....~........_; ',., ,. ;"",,(..." ';;'.';_"",,_ .. "'"'~ CI _ "....." """"'-~;;;,::..:. , FY 07/08 and FY 08/09 >- Coordinate 2,100 hours of available facility use, Communicate on scheduling with the PCP A Foundation, the Poway Unified School District, and local, community-based arts groups and ensure access is assigned in accordance with use agreement requirements and programming priorities, i >- Provide financial, technical, box office, and front of house support for the PCP A Foundation professional i main stage programming. i >- Partner with the Poway Unified School District to students studying the arts with 700 hours of rehearsal I and programming use in a professional quality venue. 'Y Recruit, train and maintam an efficient and professional corps of at least 100 volunteers to provide ushering and other front of house services for all events held at the theatre, >- Continue to provide professional techmcal theater services, box office and on-line tIcketing, and . , concessions and bar service to meet the need: of approximately 170 performances per year I 'Y Coordmate the revIew and selectIOn process for nll1e exlllblts of fine art 111 the PCP A lobby >- Coordinate with Development Services the completion of three capital improvement projects: a two-sided digital monument sign, theatre speaker upgrade, and digital sound upgrade, ' FY 07/Og >- Conduct an analysis of concession pricing and practices to improve operations and concession transaction processes. L' .,. ReView histonc uses for Lobby, Courtyard, and Green Room and develop and implement a polley that . _ ", .}~~.ets!J~e.2e~~;~t~ser ~[~~ps~:nd main!ain~ ~:easo.pabk ~tat'f ~~~, f?el!~t; n~~!int~nanee c<!~:s._ " .J i ;~e,lflYE'~,~ORJ(1;OA.D, \. ", ,2?05::~~: " :."P2Y'?2 '. .)Q.9i?;{).? . '," ,! I", i~[:A:TIS!T!G;S, 0 .,.' _---.:__" ,:~t~1'LlI\[;.",_ ",:!_ fRQ,!~~T~~._ ~, ;P;~qJEc:rEI?JjL J E- TCJ.t'.l.I...f.~.rfonllances -.~- ,_..:::-I__ 165.._). _167 -; _ 170 I -~~:;j ~~t~~~:~~: - . ---- ------ t-. 67:O~~ ' - - -6g:3~~- -~ -70,2 ~~ ' i --."'--....-...-. ---,--- -,- --,----,-, ---...'...-.-j Average Attendance per Show I 406 I 409 I 4 t 3 i'" Toi;JI-loursFaeility-Used'" --"i 1,639-1 1,712 r-- -1,72-9 1---.....-.....,.....'" --'~'-::-.']:::",...;''T""':-~c ~'~.:.;'::;.:c~.,;.:::::::::':,'~.-:::-:;:.:.......[':'"".'::::-~--:"...~:"":~ "'''''''-~;r----" -- _..~ ,-_. '--' T"""~ -"-~".' ,,',.-' ~~-~.-,...._._.....".......,." ~ ~T<\rl\!lgIG',NN.T~~:rrg!.TY:t?R<i.>yRP;M:~H-AN@ES' ,,' . "'yJfA:Nm; , "" :, "',, J" h v -='FY07/0~_-'-=. _':-=:=:~_ ~"-_.._--- ~--~-! --::_~_..=. J 4904 - Sundowner Event moved from 0200 I +$9,500 : c'-,..,.-. - -, .--,--,..-.._.._._.....-_, ___ .. __I I~ 16 - Credit card use re~uJ.ts in inc.reased b~n.k~l<l~g:s._ ,...,.,., __ I +$5,900... I L.._ ___,_ __.,__._,,,_ .._ __....,'_~_.__ __ ___"" 102 PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Commllnil)' Sen';ces Department DivitliOIl No: 0204 . ~"~-"-"---"'t"-~_.-.._--..". -- --_.._...~. '....0 < -,_. .'. -~~,.--"_.,, :--'...,~;--~. ~_._""- Obj,._ ,,'w .". ,,' 'i:: ~PQ5{Q.9' _ 2.0Qp-,Ql,:2?06,07 '2007.'08'_' )QQ,~iQ~~i Code ,'E;qJensefGlassifieati6i1 ."ACtHa1' . Approyed,cEstimated ,J>ropo'sed, 'Rioposea:' I Personnel Range Position Title Full Time Equivalents ! -78 - Conmnmit};Serviccs-rvtanagcr IlloT- Too 1-" --- 1-6()\ 1.00 i 1.00 50 Technical Theater Coordinator i 2.00 2.00 2.00 I 2.00, 2,00 ! 45 Administrative Assisrant III 1.00 1.00 1.00 I 1,00 I 1.00 i 50 Front of House Coordinator I 0,75 0,75 ! I 0,75 075 i 0,75 I 45 Stage Technician ! , " '" '" l '" I 173 , I 45 Administrative Assistant III-PT 0.96 0.96 0.96 OA8 OA8 40 Box Office Coordinator Q~ Q~ Q~ O~. 0,75 I 36 Box Office Attendant J~~L-J~iL__JjK, ____J~~ I , 0,98 33 Front of House Asst. -.". 0.50 -.-.-'-'- - 0., ,~ ,"'<:' Total AutJ\orized.J>osiiions (FTE) 8.87 8.87 8:87 '9: 19' 9]9' : Regular Salaries , 175.612 i 242:080 I WM'I 239,550 ~ . 1110 239,550 1130 I Part Time Salaries 209,385 184,830 186,270 199,000 1 199,000 1140 ,Overtime Salaries I 21,914 19,000 2 L285 22,000 I 22,000 1199 !Vaeation and S/L Adjustmenl I 2,797l - 14\~?O 1_ - L 30Q.. ili'!.~ployee Benefits _ -'- ..- ~,.'.'-' __J. 111,351 132,850 146,m 148,910 t.qt~lj Personnel.Expenditure , ',r-" .-..-:;. "~::- e..... ~~!8,~53~ 6p5,~b ' ""'.' 521 :052. 578,%0 609,~60' '.,'>', '-'--jOperations ;ndMainte~-a-nCc -' - r --.....r"--'. '" i ! 2110 I Gas and Electricity I 170,484 i 167170 I 187,532 ' 187,000 192,610 2200 I Utilities-Other 3,589 I 4,000 I 4,000 5.550 5,650 3110 ,Reimbursed Mileage 1,826 I 3,100 3286 3,200 3,200 3130 Vehicle Maintenance and Operations 2,871 3.070 I 3.070, 2,850 2,720 . 3140 ITravel and Meetings 607 ' 1.020 I 1,020 980 1,230 3310 'Telephone 4,377 4,800 4,704 4,830 4,980 3311 Cell Phones & Pagers - - . 600 600 4114 Janitorial Services 47,824 44.830 50,123 53,830 56,490 4116 Landscape Maintenance 12,206 I 12,980 ' 14,480 ' 14,500 14,500 4120 I Other Contractual Services 213,552 223,600 : 223,800 251,100 238,940 4302 ',Air Conditioning Repair & Main!. 33,058 35,430 ' 35,430 35,430 35,430 4304 lBuilding Repair & Main!. 74, 744 ~ 45.900 I 0 AOO 10,300 10,500 4306 ,Elevator Repair & Main!. 3,008 i 4,040 I 4,040 ' 4,300 4,430 4308 : Equipment Repair & Main!. 5,297 : 11700 8,310 12,100 12.100 4516 'Small Tools 65 ; 500 : 450 500 500 4710 jOmce & Stationery Supplies 3292 ' 4,200 3,501 4200 4,200 4730 I Photographic/copy Supplies 1.221 I 1,250, 1,200 1,300 1,300 4760 Operating Supplies 15,756 ! 16,000 : 15,167 19200 20,520 4799 'Othcr Supplies and Materials 9,434 ! 10,000 : 9,926 10,500 11,000 4904 :Community Relations 1,462 ' 11.700 7,200 14,000 14,000 4908 : Education & Training 930 ! 630 I 693 2,260 2,260 , 4922 ,Printin.g 5,556 ' 5,780 , 4,518 5,610 5,610 4924 Publications & Dues 472 590 580 520 520 4928 Unifol1lls & Laundry 941 2,370 1,910 3,300 3,420 4936 : Rental- Equipment 1,1 87 , 2,600 I 1,810 ' 2,600 2,600 5108 I Insurance Premiums.Other , 6,500 I 6,500 I 6,650 6,700 6,900 ; Other Fees , , 5116 8,707 : 15,110 16,781 21.010 23.970 5500 ,Capital Outlay Rental 40.120 i 20.060 40,120 ! 40,120 40,120 5720 ICash Over/Under 15 I 50 31 ' 50 50 5730 (!n~!:g2.ven~~!~l fees ,::, -cl~..; IIQ., 120 120 . ?ot~l:.2Per~tions~~ ~.aiJl!:r1~nee 669,10 1 659:100 660,~4~ 718,560 ~20,470 I _.._~._ _._I____'_.~...c.,~._. Capital Outlay 59,~23J... _44~Q.I_ 6100 , Eqwpment 32,~92 8,850 .2 '?29.. -"~~---::z--_ , - Totar GapitalQutlaf .. .., 59,62344;04Q ~2,899: 8,850 .. 2,!,5cQ: ---..- - --_.- ..._.~ -. - _..,-,...._.......--r--~~-._~' , Division Total 1,249,783 : 1,281,900 1,269,394 ' 1,333,240 1,339,580 103 OLDPOWAYPARK Community Services Department Division Number 0205 'AC:TIYITY.'DES€Rf~TlON: '" tf:,;jJ~:' ! ";,:~ - 'f;t~;~, ~ ..,::.:,..,,,,~. , ".: ,},~-""" "" >/ :.~ .. <,.' """. "';'iI. . ; .. .r,,_, .'" ~ . --' "-" .. .. -.,'" . ...1. ,'~. _ _ " ..,.. ,..~ ..1R ..f:...._.,."" _,,, ",'. ," "';....f,,.t. The Old Poway Park Division of the Community Services Department is responsible for management of the City's tum-of-the-19th century park. Staff coordinates with the Old Poway Park Action Committee (OPP AC) to provide the community with historically themed onsite events, historical and interpretive programming, and recreational opportunities. They also work closely with the Poway-Midland Railroad V oluntecrs (PMRR V) for railroad operations, the Poway Historical and Memonal Society (PHMS) for museum operations, administer the contract for the Farmers Market, and coordinate park operations with the onslte restaurant. The Division oversees the Reserve Park Ranger program, which provides volunteer assistance with events and the Tour Committee, which provides educational programming for school-aged children and community groups. t> .. - ,"'" .-', p. .... .~', ." -- -'..' .. .. - ~ . .. . . -". , :k' '~ ',"t ACTIY.ITy,Gi,OALS-ANDOBJECTIY.ES, . ,',,", " .'. ~,. ~. , , FY 07/08 and FY 08/09 . ~ .---" , ~ Coord mate and host tour summer concerts at_Old Poway'Park drawmg a total of 2,200 partICipants. :;> Coordinate and host five tum-ot~the-19th'etntu1y,th~ned community events~ :;> Recruit and maintain an effective corpsQif50 ReserlY~:Wrk Rangers to ensure volunteer~sistanee at 15 events throughout the eonun;;p,ityLR~V'iew(ai\i,lle:vallla~e;d~ting program and implement improvements "- that will better meet eommun\ty.ne~i1'9onc)uet\atJe"MQl)e ann'tljll training academy , y Offer SIX contract art classes IneP~'I;lg; ,flIU,pr~2~~r,~,1,)d..fi:x,~~esslOns of creative arts III the summer ~ ProVide tours to 1,500 partlelpants"!!n~b<2,~age~~!!~r?l: 21rough volunteer partn~::shlps. , ~ Contract with a consultant to eomplete.a.Powayfbhstor\f'allVluseum.storage'needs-assessment III the first half of FY 07/08, followed by an appropr~ltlorl i~e.reco;;;;:;:;endation during midyear or during the FY 08/09 revision process. ~__ \~ I, ----_____ . FY 07/08 ----=::::::- "- Review the scheduling process and fees for the Tour Program and implement recommended changes, y ,. Coordinate with OPPAC and PMRRV to commemorate the centennial of the City's steam locomotive, , FY 08/09 "- Coordinate with PHMS to create a brochure for the Histoncal Marker Program describing locations and y pertinent information for each. , AGTIVITY'\YQR.klGAO' ~ . .- ,QQQ?:gji' QQ06-07 -~-'-"r' . . . 2007-08 STATISTICS, Ag:ruAL PRqJECTED'. PROJECTED < Community Events' I 10 , , 9 <) ".. - i Event Participants 1 10,000 I 10,250 10,500 , I Poway-Midland Railroad RIdershIp I 28,712 30,100 I 31,000 Poway Museum Attendance I 3,200 3,300 3,400 I "-~ I Facility Rentals I 854 I 940 970 Facility Rental Attendance i 21,590 I 23,749 I 24,450 Field Trips/Tours Participants 1,900 I 1,250 ! 1,500 Fanners Market Attendance I 58,000 I 58,250 58,500 SiGNiFICANTACTI'lITYPRQGRAMCHANGES CHANGE '.. ,.-- . "-.....---.". -- - FY 07/08 Earth/Arbor Day transactions in various accounts transterred to 0202 Lake Operations -$5,110 4120 - Po way Historical Museum needs assessment +$5,500 451..~ - Poway" Histoncal Museum signage_ replaeem.ent - +$1,800 . FY 08/09 Opening of the Train Depot affectll1g vanous accounts +$4,880 I 104 I ~~~u!ry~~~ ~ep~~ , Division No: 0205 . <5&::-"', . ,". ~':;-f-:I ,--.;--...,-. .- T20b.5c06f' -:2506~.!07"=.", ~tZoo6.C,b7 '.'.'~ 200710.8'. -'r'~20b8-I'o~ .".J"". ". I,' .""":~,-~-; ,."".,:.":":i",. ,'__.:,.:,,1:"':",' '",,"~ "".,:I"'::';::,,""""W-' QQ~: .::.....~".!E~Rense(GI~ssifis~Ji91L _' ,".. .;6;~t[ah _ ':A.i>P"foycd-,, ;~sih.lli!i&l' . ]rsiP2~~~~ .....fu2~Qf<;d.-f ! Personnel I Range Pgsition T~,~le '" " Full Time Equivalents 56 -R";;:;;;;;;;;Supe;:;'i~;;;: - I I 00 I 1.00 I '-'IJiOI' -- , TOo i 1.00 39 Recreation Specialist 1,00 .. 1.00 : 1.00 ! I 00 1 1.00 41 Park RangerParttime I 0.75 I 0,75 i 0,75: 0,751 0.75 .... _ .' .. ?~.,_ ~:cr~al1on L~~dcrIPa:ttime __ .L,. ,~J?i . ,g.9.,Qj. ~ .~;2~1 _ --.2~i, ,096T ..~:rota!>&utli()l}zed'RQ2!!lons;(BI!D~.:,,~ '}'@'r._...2F7~.l' ....,..,....,~~,'7;!;._ -,-,02711, .. ,3f'W ] 110 !Regular Salaries I 82,535 ' 91,550 81,707' 91i,120 I 91i,120 1130 iPart Time Salaries 47,820' 53,740 53,614 55,220, 55,220 I .,..' 1140 IOvertimc Salaries 4,786 ! 6,500 I 5,987 6,~00 I 6,800 1199 !Vacation and S/L Adjustment 3,450! - , - , , ~ :: I"" 12-09."JEIl1~~oy:~~~~cfi~_.,~., ..._ _ !_ ~6;.659, i_..53,300 l 49,5261.. 52;Z9_0~ _ 5~910 --." -'~~;r~~i~~;;~~1~~~~i;~ance -- 1 ,J _gS"gsoll' . ~'090r -,L~gi~;34T'k..,~j9;'!21~.Jg Ig;912.: 2110 I Gas and Electricity 14,7221 21,200 20,880 I 2],150: 23,410 2200 IUtilities-Othcr 5,589: 6,290 6,2lil I 1i,700 7,680 3110 ! Reimbursed Mileage 60 i 100 I 98 ' 100 100 3130 I'vehicle Maintenance and Operations 2,359 ' 3,070 . 3,070 t 3,390 3,380 i3140 Travel and Meetings 1,2311 1,330 i 1,281 2,880 2,650 :3310 Telephone 1,511i 1,790' 1,556 1,090 1,120 3311 Cell Phones & Pagers 780 780 4118 Leisure Services 10,221 7,860 10,308 11,670 11,670 . 4120 Other Contractual Services 30AOI 31,500, 31,408 i 43,750 39,010 ;4304 Building Repair & Maint 364 1,940 1,834! 2,700 3,760 '4308 Equipment Repair & Main!. 5,253 1,500' 94~ 1,410' 1,660 4318 Radios Repair & Main!. 250 ' 150 250 I 250 4514 Sign Maintenancc Materials 1,149 1,200 800 \000 1,600 4516 Small Tools 75 50 50 50; 50 4710 Omce & Stationery Supplies 1,141 1.200 1,200: 1,200 I' 1,200 .4720 Janitorial Supplies 189 300 300 300 450 i4730 Photographic/copy Supplies 587 1,000 I 800, 1,000 1,000 4750 Safety Supplies 175 liOO , 200 : 400 , 600 4760 Operating Supplies 4,997 5,870 I 5,866' 1i,130 7,120 4799 Olhcr Supplies and Materials - 1,450 ! 2,500 2,500 4904 Community Relations 10,000 I 10,000 : 13,250 10,000 ,4908 Education & Training 1,900 3,060 3,Olil' 2,liI0: 2,610 4922 Printing 8,72~ 10,360 10,360 I 10,350 IO.8liO 4924 Publications & Ducs 451 2,580 i 500 I 400 400 .492X Unifonns & Laundry 2,553 7,200' 5,618 7,3]0 7,450 4932 Advertising 6,249 : 5,920 , 6,418 6,220 1i,350 4936 Rcntal- Equipment 6,166 7,670 I 8,013 ' 7,100' 7,250 5108 Insurance Premiums-Other 12,839 14,480 14,480 , 15,690: 16,800 5510 Capital Outlay Rental-Vchicle 2,200 1,100, 2,200 2,200 2,200, 5520 Capital Outlay Rental-Other Equip, 2,780 1,390: 2,780 2,780 2,780 5530 Capital Outlay Rental-Oftice 5,840 2,920 i 5,840 I 5,~40 i 5,840 5730 lntcrgovenullental Fees - , l,li99 I 1,500: 1,5.22.. ",. ,"'-" ...:.,' . . ,.' ',' .. , _ ," .,.................""..." ",-" ...''')''...'.'''\ T9,t~l.g>peE.'lt!ons;<%'MaintSllanCCi i 129,'7;3'7 153;'(\,9 .l59.;!I~9". 1,85;]00 184;9fQ: . 16100~~~i~;~e~~~I:Y . ':74~ _-;..~~~. ~~O 7: k~~~,1 I '"Tot~LS'P(!a~~Jl~r\ .. 4)45.. . _ _ _ _,~~O " _ ,:,'7?O_ ""J:~ I Di.'Vision Total ......... 319,732' 3lil,070' 350,854 ! 3Y7,3~0 L."..~00,030 I 105 i'---- - C"=~~:~~~""m,"~- -l DlvlsfUn Number 0206 l;,~ffl-=-~", "" ,,''''''='~'''~-' "~'.. "'''''', ""., ..~',~' ".~.,O' "'" ",1J'". ~,#ml'ww;nJli'_GI"~no~~""I\' .,'.", . ~~~:~.,_~li,":',_ ':,..... . ';L1'''1 , , The Poway Library was constmeted by the City to house County of San Diego library operations, The County I provides the statTing and support services to operate the library with the City eontnbuhng 100% ofthe Sunday ! hours from 1'00 p.m. to 5 '00 p.m. The City also annually budgets funds for fiction best sellers, reference i ! materials, magazines and periodicals, and other book materials as needed. ! I Within the 20,000 square foot facility, the Iibrmy has a 2,600 square foot children '5 area, a separate 1,250 ! I square foot meeting facility, a l,g80 square foot reference service area, a young adult area, a casual meeting I . room, study rooms, and an outdoor courtyard, The library is also equipped With 16 public use Internet-access I computer stations. ! "gGTIMI[~G8~DSjj~N~13'l3..JE1?illiV:ES~'~:""~-i ir~";",, ~.:': '.~:' :'" "" #v" ~';; L':~;~;~:,,;;:: iJ,.__ .. . ""."...".....". "' "" .." A. .~."~.. .. ......." " "."".....~;.. ,",""..."," ' .. ........."... ,,- ".."..~"______........,, '""",~.",.J. I FY 07/08 and 08/09 >- Maximize the public's use of the library through extended hours of operation on Sundays, :,.. Provide funding for new fiction best sellers, reference materials, magazines and periodicals, summer 1 reading lI1eentives, and other book materia)s.,as needed~ ---....,.~.." .,. Ensure that the library facilities are fl.1..1,j.~49};~~S'iQI~t? disabled persons, staff; and the public in II accordance With the Amencans j~i~b'~L~:iIJjlhJ!:e~~h. "-......"- : .,. ProVide a Wide vanety ot 1I;~oflTli!h911j~pg:J'esO~!rS~Ett9 th~ lw.\Jlic In a user-fnendly environment. :1' ; FY 07/08 r...' ... "\ ,~.. ..." I i >- Improve extenor environmJi1tIiY:c.61~j:lletillg.cto'UrfYafd\fiihlilufe purchases. . FY Og/09 "~~1,' ',~ c;_.~l,~, :..,' i~S.. ,. >-.'...... ..1.'.11 rro,v.e e,.x..........t...c,r ior e nv.....'......r...'.' 1lI1.1ent-b y.....r..e..' Pl~!W,"io".l"..'I1.hiW()2,aejl'b'C,'_ne h es a. n ('I.-t...r...a..S.h -e. ans..'.. vi \li new metal j I benches and trans cans. .~... . l,.......( ""'..'..-_____ ''''__ I .. ~,~ .-' F~'SIGNrE;reANj'A!cilvriyP,ROGRlAM~CHJ\N6ES: , ,', - "-~". ,...... '" r ,,~G,_HANGE:_)~~ ii r.~FY()7708-.'~---'~...--_::=:~ ..-=--:=:::=~~=-"~'''''---''-.--,. ..--:--=-::_ =', 2110 Increased gas and electriCity costs, +$15,000 I 4304 Decrease due to one tune pnor year rollover of lightmg project funds. -$9,000 ---" -_..*--,,_. - --- - --- .--.....-..1 F _~720, h~.~~~jalllto!:!al supply cost due to new metbod ofrecordil!g~~p~ns.!::.... .. _ :~~1,s00; ; 6199 Purchase of 4 umbrellas and bases for ncw courtyard tables purchased in $8 000 : __......._.FY 06/Q7.'~nd one.additlOnal tabl.':.!.o comp_lete the set. . ___, ___" _~ _ ' FY 08/09 -'-'" '---. --....----- ~- .------- --'.' - -...--.......................-- _.- ..........--." -_.. 4120 Anticipated 4%, increase in Sunday hours con!raet costs. +$4,650 _,_,~" __.....__.....o.__~ _.......~_ __......~..... ..",',," __"......._...........__. 6199 Purchase of new metal benches and trash cans in Library courtyard to +$g,500 , replace weathered wooden benches. : - -- -.---.............-..,-............................-......"_......,,....... - "",,--- - - ",.- ~". I , I i I , . I , , , : I I ! I I L. .._ __ _ ._._.. _ __....__..._. .. _ _. _ _ ...._,__,...__ _. _,____' 106 - LmRARY Community Services Department Division No: 0206 . ,....~...~~ ,-'" -- ,..... ,~.. ~f' - -''''''''.........~.. ,O:--"":;?"(:~:-:'''''''''''''''''~'''''~:'"--1('''''''''' :.".- ~';~'""'"""'"""1f-"""'.-'. ;!:>-'''''''''''''''';~-----"1:i' ," .....,.-......- @bji, ,;; . , ',.2,02~~6;;;~9Q9m'", 'f;,2999j,9~~ "i~Qg?~<?~,: ~,i:282~;~~9,~~ ....:.........:. ~.. .... 1-, 0:'Cide'l .Expense[<tlassifi6<itii)1;! !~ctual ';-:';PRf()ved" Esl1matedt, ,j.jroposed,'J'?roposed'. ~"",'--,"...''''' ~'"-",.~.- ~ ---" ....~.__.,......""."'""""""-'.~...... ',.-"~- '_."''''''",' ~~_"b"''''<'''"'_'''I' ._""""'~ ',.",~ --''''''''.'' -"-'_-=-.___-,-'.l".........'.'. .. ...........~ Operations and Maintenance 2110 Gas and Electricity 51,305 I I 68,400 71,000 j 75,000 56,000, 2200 Utilities-Other 4,080 i 6,330 ' 6,330 6,510 : 6,510 3310 Telephone 8]] i 900 I 900 960 j 960 4114 iJanitorial Services 17,845 i 20,670 I 20,670 21,650 I 22,300 4116 Landscape Maintenance I 14,5861 16,000 16,260 16,XOO 16,800 4120 i Other Contractual Services 94,616 99,450 99,450 100,050 104,100 4302 !Air Conditioning Repair & Main!. 9,115 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 IBuilding Repair & Main!. I 4304 ! 16,658 23.980 I 23,980 14,980 14,9RO 4308 ! Equipment Repair & Main!. - i 4.500 4,500 i 4,500 4720 .IJanitorial Supplies 2,660 I 3,500 I 2,190 5.000 : 5,000 4780 ~ Library Matelial I 86,297 86.300 ! 86,300 78,300 , 77,800 ! I i I I I I I .' i , I T6t~16p,,~atLon~<iL!Maintenahec ,297:973' 3275630 J34,480329}750 ~3[Z:~50 .':",:~_.' . ,..I>..~..J.."'" .,._..: : ,j . Capital Outlay 6122A Equipment- Oftice General 61'19 Other Equipment 8,000, 8,500 T otal,!=apitaltOutlay ,8,000 'i,,,:rf":;~:" " '8'500 _r::',.~~...:._..:..: , Division Total 297,973 327,630 334,480 337,750 346,450 I - .,'~,',""'~,---,~ 0"",.. -_.." ",- 107 r------ --"",-", -'-""',", ",,"--'-'''''''.;~--' -..., ,...-......." .--. . '--"-'-"--1 Interpretive Services I i I , CommuniZv Services Department I ~... ' -~-~--~:':"."""':~"-~~~ .~, . , " ",' " .<..;' ""wX,.,.,,. ~ "..:- ,<.'<1 I. '0', , ,,",~. " -... ..' '/' ...- ''''','' ". '. A:<s:nVFf,iY,f)ESCER1:HT;!@N,,'>.$'~ ',ii' I"" ',\4,: 'If!' "'" ,. " ~A, ":? ,';'.'lli:.': r";'..;-:".o.ili./,;;~"".";.i<'~---.........:i".;..1....y~.",," :;:',:::,':/;:",. ;:.,.~..:_.~.:jliL."...".",,~~,,",;::_",."":-~iL:...L;m,:t!.,~_,_____:t:<;;:};::W,~:L"',\,L_.",'+.'::a,_._.,;.~~",,~'::'::2"':::::.':L"", ! The Interpretive Services Division of the Community Services Department is responsible for the management I , of the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve. This is in partnership with the State Department ofFish and Game and the ! County of San Diego Parks and Recreatiun Department. Cooperatively we address and resolve land management issues to ensure preservation and protection of the Reserve. Blue Sky staff develop and implement interpretive and educational programs and actiVIties that promote the public's enjoyment of the Reserve in a manner that ensures its preservation. Blue Sky staffalso oversees the Kumeyaay-Ipai Interpretive Center in Pauwai, assisting the Friends ofthe Kumeyaay to provide historical education opportunities through a volunteer doeent"led tour program. '-, "._,._~~=__,: 'ii, :,'.~~ .:~ ,.~;::. r:_:_,;~~:-,,:,f;:'::~ " W9tIS0\T,y;G0i&Jjs1~doB::JEQillt~E$'~', ,"-_....._.,,~:: FY 07/08 and FY08/09. . '_ /'-~'., ' >- Provide 12 umquc leIsure and mterp~e$Ive~PP8rtuOltles and 140 publlc'sehool and scout hIkes. I ~ Recruit, train, and maintain a knO\Mie~g~dJjI~~!lalProfessional corps of 50"volunteers. 'Y Coordinate the enforceme~Q~i'~~na,V,9Q.~.iiji:tIW\al~S~~ Ecological Reserve will1the State Department of Fish and Game and the9()l~':!t~:2.Jj~;;'9pleg()Ip,ill'KS;imgJ~~e<;reatlOn Department: I o Provide weekly stfiff; 'aii<:liii:i:iv6Ihifre~r)p~t\2ls '()J;;R'eThve and interact with visitors to increase ! . 'V>., < ><.u"",~ ' f preservatIon awareness~ ""':~"~" .,." .[~Il 1m.."'~' ~O,," ........" ..;. " Serve as an educational r~~r~~for~bm'~~~-Cl1il!1re}l-and co~nitZlSrours_ ,. o Orgamze tours and exhll5lts.to'edu~[[t.ftlin)~aboUHhe natural flora and fauna of the Blue Sky Ecological Rescrve and the impoTSaIl,cc of preservatlOn-fur.fi.I~lre general1ons. . o Organize tours and exhibits'to sli"afe:tll't'Significanee ofP,o):y'?Y':slles:to'theNative American Culture at the Kumeyaay-Ipai Interprctive Center at PiiUW'iii::-' 1 ,. Providc community outreach and publlc educatiun about the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve: i ,. 0 Participate in City- and County-wide events includlllg Earth/Arbor Day ~ Provide liaison services to committees, nun-profits, and community groups who are lllterested III ,. fundraising for site improvements or supportmg interpretive programming at buth sites. ~ FY 07/08 I Dev(~}.~p,a,J?i;~,!,Ys:,A,g:.ce?lel~t... bet';Y!;~!~ the CitYJ:nd thS fnends uf the K~1.neyaay__ , _.......",,~~" _ _~~ "A@;PIV'HYW@RKiU@l\'f) , 0 , .' 2005'06 ,,200Mot " 2007008' " " '" ,> .... " ' ''', . "-, " " , .)" . " -< 'P', 'I ii~Il~J.S[10~1,,_----,-:::--e ,'_ u.__~.-'-+_ ,AC1i~:_ ___ ~R,J)JE.st.1'ED':"_: "pg8:JE<.3:~D .: I. Public School and Scout Hikes - Blue Sky 125 I 140 i 145 ~-DiscovelyTables-Blue Sky~_ - u__ I.u- , . 20 _=- - ~~,--l~'= ~. ~2 ' ! Pubhe Programs - Blue Sky I II 7 : 9 I -...-".............-.,.-..-.............-._...__......~ -- _....._-1_~ ___.~_ ___ __ _~_ _....., __ _~.. ,,_, ~ Ye1"',r'" H-,-,-,_~_ ____, _. --L _ _ ',660 ; _ ___1_,70"--., _ .')50..j Public Contacts I 4,900 I 5,000 5,200 ~~::~:: ~:~isP~1~:~~~~~~1~~;:;aay cet~t~t_- ,_- ~ ,-. _ _5 ~~ \ ~= 5~_ _; _ --- ~j~~ 1 i......_....._._...._._.~.~"',..........T........,.:~~.........._~.~., ~-.. . ~-~...,_.,~,.,".-~,~- - --. - - ~ ---, ,._~ I 'iSIQNIEI~$~;r6s::;t'I};.l[YJ>,R<DqRA:MQHANQES:.~ . 'j ('BHA:NGE ,,' ... _ _.__JI _,.... ............~...."-_ ___." ), ''', ."- ---. ......""......,.,-.:..:.L....':... . FY 07108 --.....-.....-... -.-.-.--..---- - -....-......-..- ......- -~~ - - -- - u -, . _ :f:$-~OO__ 1-"""--'-'hOOI Rmgmm ~;"o"O'K;" -,-, _~ - -- -- Addition uf the Kumeyaay-Ipai Interpretive Center affecting variu~s accounts +$13,720 I 1 I 1_,. ___w__.,..._,___..._,.."..._,..,o.""..."._. -- --- J. --.J lOX ..... _.- - INTERPRETIVE SERVICES Community Sen'ices Department Division No: 0207 . Ot>?" '".., .;._-~", ~-,,' i";,'~;,':i()9$!Q&~ ROQfi-.9iJ "20qpW/ "c19Q.7~P,8'; t~gQ~o?V' 'Q.;;le{,"_-,-- ..: -,ExpfI)$;~\glas~mc~1j6iL .__ 'Lc6f.tll'!); '. ,Appro~~L~.E~tilJ.iated;~ T,t9K~~i~j1l19P9~il1 I Personnel ; Range Position Title Full Time Equivalents -_..,....-._....._- ~-- - ~~- -. --'-~. ..----.-...._..........,...---- -- -, .--.,.- , 50 Intclpretive Specialist 1.00 i 1 00 1.00 I 1.00 i 1.00 _.~l....Par~!-aEgcrP~~"~lC __ ....' j 0.48 ! 0 48!' __ O.~H_ U.48.L ' .048. ._ :iTqi~i6utnori~~t~ti(j~s.,t~TE\:,~._ .;:!~,81,l _~~~48~ ,_ .K1I8~ 1110 !Regular Salaries I 38.583 . 43,980 43,326 i 47,630 I 47,630 1130 jPartTimeSaIaries I 12,8141 16,930 I 15,449! 18.,310,' 18,310 1140 I Overtime Salaries , ,758 I 1,300, 1 181 ' 1,400. 1,400 1199 VacatIOn and S/L Adjustment I 1,25U ; - j ..' ~ I i 1300 jE~ployec B~ne~t~_,,___~ ,,_., .-L..,- '?~l~?1 2~,g~ ._.?~,~~L,,3~d~0 1_27:050. <'T "1'P . 'I'E' d". '''4'326 "85'980" '82'1'83"9""00'" 94"390"1 1 0, :', 9ty,. :"".c:r~Pl~?' xpen!ture J., i .., II.. ." . .',",~ ~ . ,. :. :.';I.;_~~ . ,. ,1:";' "';'fl. ".." h_~'...,...A h _ ~,.....,"'~"'.......~~."''''..........^__....,,....---''-'_..._.... .-----r-. -.... ._..o:l<-.. .......m.....m'.~"....:a.___, ,,~._............. _:.=.~..,.."....."~ Operations and Maintenance i i I I 2110 Gas and Electricity ~ I - I -I 2,400 'I 2,400 2200 Utilities-Other I' I - I - I 1,680 1,680 \ 3110 i Reimbursed Mileage -I 200 ! 100i 200 ! 200 '3130 iVehiclcMaintenanceandOperations 1191 I 1.44U I 1440 i 3,400: 3,810 3140 ;TravelandMectings 313 1.190, 1,1901 1,980; 1,980 3310 'Telephone 1,195, 1,200, 1,300: 1,980: 1,980 3311 : Cell Phones & Pagers 600 I 600 4120 Other Contractual Scrviees 2.4;17 2,810 2,657 3,690 3,690 . 43U4 Building Repair & Main!. 2 200 IOU 200 200 4308 Equipment Repair & Main!. 200 100 200 200 4318 Radios Repair & Maint. 300 100 300 300 4514 Sign Maintenance Materials 37 250 200 250 250 4516 Small Tools 254 300 261 300 300 4710 Office & Stationcry Supplies 5U8 ;/00 7UO 1,500 1 1,450 4nO :Photot,'faphic/copy Supplies 262 300 300 300 3UO 4750 ;Safety Supplies 250 400 200 ;/50 750 47(,0 Operating Supplies 3,U09 3,2W 3,199 i 4,0(,0 4.060 4904 Community Relations 10,000 4908 Educat!on & Training 1,330 1,330 1,205 1,590 1,590 4922 Printing 1,837 1.870 1.867 4,070 4.150 4924 Publications & Dues 215 230 200; 420 420 4928 Unifonns & Laundry 4,482 3,080 2,861 : 6,820 6,820 4932 Advertising 714 1,080 1,08U, 1,17U 1,170 15510 ,Capital Outlay Rental-Vehicle 1.900 95U 1,900 1,900 1900, I l' ,_ .. _~ . .. ,.. ..,(..... .. '... " . .. .. ,. ._. . 1" "~ .~i . TofuLQperations'&Mairitenance'29;976 21;0290 20,9601 39 7('0~, ,40:200 ," . :..:"'." ".::i.- .::..",-.""r<." .~ """. ' .. . , .. .-- -, -. ' - leapital 6~tiay . .6104 ,Autos & Trucks 23,if31 6122B iComputcr Hardware 3,300 (, 122C i Computer Software 25U 25U 250 (, 128 ,Photographic Equipment 300 . 6136 'Telecommunications Equipment 5,584 (,199 Other Equipment 2,if59 50U ~- .,.~ _.- -~ ... ... II TotriliGariilalOutJay, 3~;97425U4;350 '2S0; -. ~-.;.".._.".".._.- - ,,- - ----.... Division Total 13(,,3;/6 107,520 103143 137.810 134,840 ~" _.................... "...... .............. 109 ,- -- -"'" 1 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES , I r---"'~"""'""'--"""- l~ I City Manager i J I 013 J ~,:;:,o"O!oc;Ci.C~ ,',0"._ .' ' ". ~~. . .... I _.....-L..... .___.. . i Director r I Development Services :'1 ~=t. .' ~,.,~._- l:tyPI~oo,,-~ ~ CHY~Og;O'" J l 300! ! 300 ~ .... ':::U'=='~"'I r:-r'::::o" '-:" ' ... .'."...".....,.. .._ft_.."'" ~ r----~,._' -11 I ,[--'" 00 .caPi~al' Ii I ! Planmng :i--.Il Projects t i I : l 301 j' ,304 i:I I ~-';"":-7--=-:-1(..""._,~,.j I 'i'~"~~ -,--,c,,,'.-'::::::::::';: j ! .""-'-_.....).. " .. c.----"'--.~..._..,. , I I 'Buildfng ---f' r-" ,-.- '--, I Land D~velo~ment ~1 , . , i and Safety ll.-! .,., .., Engmeenng , ! ; !" Inspection \~ 1 305 J! i 303 '1 '--r;;::.'...........'.....--".-'....:;:'j '-r:::::",,;,-->!:..:..::-:,====,,;~.J .1 ~ .::~..........."..... ......,. ;i;...L..._-----..:.-~J...".., I ._._-~_._-"'"..........._......, I I IE' . "\ , , i ngmeermg t . ~[O'pectioo . 306 ' , ~_.__=__-;;::~~.~.~o~::'~ .;;.:...:.:_....."...; 00,.. .-"".1 I Traffic ! i ! L_ -I Engineering, :. I 307 ~, l___ I Lr:'~~. ill:'~'~~:;JJLC"" ,- '" "" , _.,....~..,,_.._:...=;..,_lJ ! , .-.,..--=.--....'" "''''''''''''_,_""",,,,~___',,q. ".___,__,,___,___'___._m"'.'m__ I ,-_._,--- ---~ --.-- "...._,,;.;,_.....,--,p,_....,~"',,","- I DEVELOPMENT SERVICES I , Departmental 4ctil'ity Overview . Departmel1t Code: 300 ,~n~G"',",_,",",,,_<4- ~_:y, ~, ...,~ "l"~ ~."""~'1>'f"" '-~Jt~'\'~~~ir ._ ~:",r:',H""', ,.)~":?/,' ,~."..!t,:w-"..~,,!.,,:i." .,,",. '\.,,,;~,,y,",>-~<-,,"M'''''~r)''''l 't?,::;",,,,,,-,~ ' \i~:ii' , 'Il~r;}?'~~L'.':~~. .i,,~: .~ '. :~flSt5.j,~2~?,t",t ;'#l~.(!P6'7~gll "f/,~,~.2~~~~0P;~~' r .j2,Q9ZJgg~~~'.":i:t;t2,0"gS:~~9R2}1~c f' qr:~~~IF{~~J;Ig>~) , {;:. ,g.OIm~1{~ )'b::i~l?PRcp~D).' ()J??J"rI'\.1W12EBJ!I,'lI;;,PE,~}l~~~~~(I:;ieB-Q~\2.ft~,f~\ ITotal P:si~;ons 'I .' 3; I ""~~'37"r'L""" 3'; 1"'" ~ -~. - " ;6 r;::"".---.-+-- ___i_,.._ i - '--"'1"'--_..-- -..-' l_perSOl~nel..~xpense 1_ . $3.45~~=9~ $3,93g,c}?~3'634,478 f $4'o.?5~3301______ $4,045,360 rrP"""~""d I I 505 187 ' I 526 "6 1696 412 I 354 020 I I 286210 Maintenance ' , , , l ! l' , " " ca~_ita~~U~lay- ,:. -oh, ~~;:~~+=-.. . 2~::oO .:-' ,~^ 5,~~;I~:'-_ --~8,320J < "" 5,250 r"i1kb ,,!(jOGEV . · "'$4 '968'7.;'+ >"'461l'",6"~ ; "'33;';38)-', ""t,j>,;o " ""336'''; : '.~~, ...... "'~.:.- _::.--1':.:.::'" ,'~, - ~'''''' J ,I" ~., ~...;j;.; _ _, _ . ''''~ !..'" ~' ;.t~~ ,:_~ ~~i-$-" -..tl ?'f- ". '"';"C ~,:;~::,:,! Q OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I The Department of Development Services is divided into seven divisions, the Office of the Director, Planning, I Building and Safety Inspection, Capital Projects Engineering, Land Development Engineering, Engineering Inspection, and Traffic Engineering. The department administers and implements the City's planning, land use, I building, and engineerIng functions. Other activities include providing customer service for all permit activities at .ne location, developing land use ordinances and various specific plans, and reviewing development plans, This nsures that a sound and workable development program is designed and maintained for the City I ! Department staff completes inspections of all Capital Improvement and Development Projects. StatTalso manages ! land subdiVision, traffic safety, and design and transportation activities, In conjunction with the City Council, the department is responsible for the implementation ofthe City's General Plan. Department statfprovldes assistance to other departments with regard to planning and designing public facilities and performing environmental review for : proposed projects, including Engineering and Redevelopment Agency-sponsored Capital Improvement Projects, I The Department manages enginecring conceptual designs, monitors and reviews environmental documents, I administers buildmg safety programs, maintains demographic information, researches and analyzes policy i alternatives, and serves as a liaison between members ofthe public and other departments involved in processing I development applications, The Department is part of the Storm Water Management administration and is actively educating the business community on the prevention of discharge of pollutants into the storm drain system, as well as responding to public i concerns regarding storm water pollution. , I I i I . , I L___ _u.__,__., _~ "'W"'_'__ _..._- -~, - -"'- - . -..... _.....__._~ ..- - ---. i 111 .... --"...~~.... ..._-~..- ,...,,-.......,.........,-. ,,_.._....... .k".....__.._ .._.",.., i DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES i DevelrJpment Selvices Department I Division Number 0300 . f,~e1fIWilFi'fuESjfu'iPiIifojf ,"iF" t." 0',~ .. ,"'--"""" "'o"'-';':,!'"",, .. ~~r ....:,:;..,...,rc~;,1[ '1l.;~ " .. ":., l. ~~it~ . -.';"., i!;;;i.._i!./' ,. . a'~'W' ~ J'~ ,{ .".,!..... ...., \- .. .... ~;';.~="".'~'. ..0......'C"".. ..,. ,,- .'C."~~._---""_,,.,,'"....... '.. 11:...' ........._..._., . ..;0;>,"............,,.,,..'-'. u.:..,......,. I The Office of the Director is responsible for the overall administration ofthe department. Appointed by the I City Manager, the Director is responsible for managing the operation of the department and ensuring that all ! goals are achieved. The Director plans and coordinates the goals within all divisions to ensure the department's responsibilities are implemented in an efficient manner "4"'''',~ .....y..;:-.-, .. g"~-J.Y;;;r~r~":.,~!,'"',:,,,~";r;~"""""";! ~'iii~"'"'f.,.,,,,;,,t~, ... "..... ill .:::.:)\'''.';'.<>r~ l' ,f\'€;JH\\&Icr'YYG<DRt.S."AND1GBJE€TFv;ES '.', i,>i!''', .. ,., '.,'i '. "1",,'~ ,",."" "}., . ',;')', ~....~."....... .. ....,,~.;.<'".~. ."". ....""'~.,,~~~""'~..,............~~... '''~'' ,,,';...'-''''''~'~-'. .. ...........::L......J~ .f.,j!. ,+ ,'.. ',- ~., I , j;;- Complete the aggressive 2-year, 71- project Capital Improvement Program approved by the City Council ! in January 2007, which will include street, water, sewer, and other improvements. I ,. Complete the Town Center Master Plan by June 2008, I /~-------,~~ :r Complete the Poway Community Park /<;.s..t@P,I!!!,l,il),Conjunction with the Tow~nter Master Plan. j , I ", , w l". ", :r Complete the 10-year review oft2e;PO"\\iay HaJ)j~t~6'1)1S"n:;rtiQn Plan by July 2009, whichwill ensure that I the City is implementing the HeR's! goalsianCl1Rolicies,to,achie'v:i<lhe required preservation effort. ~ Lr' ~. <z/, r . '7 " Complete the update of the Housin~E~!':I1l'e~~Jo1Th'~G~ll.erai;Ri~B by December 2007 , r ~ , I --x..""]~~" ~ ---.' \, ,...""'__ ~,{.;:, ~~:~m t' _m ..---:~_m.' . ' I r Present to City Council by August 20()Ta\Vor~;Rlan-forthe~:s.ion of water to East Poway ~~. ---..lL'-:.1.., --- '--__' , I I I >- Implement the requirements of the new National POllU@1.~.LQischmge-Elimiiiaiion Program Pel1111t, I including revision of the City's Municipal Code as neeessary-::- in accordance with the time frames 1 I established by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. ! . I I h Complete the update of the Transportation Element of the General Plan. ! r i ,- Install pemlanent traffic counting stations along Pomerado Road to collect data as part of the 1-15 r . Integrated Corridor Management project. The City will seek federal funds for this project. ! , .,. Perform assessment of pavement conditions throughout the City as part of the Pavement Management t i I Program, i !_,SfQJ1I1ilCW~I\i:c:'T:IVITY;PJ3.0G1S~'.GIi~1)JQ~~'T,. - .... . , , -0 < -CHA>NGE" . .....~.....::~ " . " ~___ " ~_._~;."............-=a.:,_..---1_.j ! None I , -- ~,,---""'""".- _._._._............~ --- -- -- -- i ; I i . I i , , , .... ._.~-~ '.-' -- .__ .u.__.~".._....~ " ~.__., ~ .=.............--- ...- .....__.....1 112 DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Development Services Department Divisioll No: 0300 . .Qbf-' -,' '-. .-.---,----,--:;-~---:.=--.2005.06-. 2006,0f':~ 2606~Qr 20im9C "1'oQ8i09, ' <;:Qg~._:- Exr.ense:Classificatioh ____....:rAetual'.; Apr.roveaE~li'lli!~d . Pror.,osed, ProiJQ~ed : Personnel Expense I !Range PosItion TItle i Full Time Equivalents :88 - Director ,-- . -. I 1.001' ., I OO~ ' I'OO!' uio 1~00 194 City Engineer 1.00 I I 00 I 00 i I 00 I 1.00 S2 City Planner I 1.00 i 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 169 Senior Management Analyst I 00 ; 1.00 1.00 I 00 1.00 149 Sr. Administrative Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 45 Administrative Assistant III I 4,00 4.00 4,00 4,00 4,00 I 139 Admin, Assistant II Parttimc I 0,50 _ 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 36 Management Intern --'- 1.00 I I 00 I 00 1.00 LOO Total Autlicll-izedP6sitibl),('(FTE) 10!.50 10.56, -10:50 ,- ']0,5.0, -Iofilg! 1110 Regular Salaries -'. ',-565,9261 665,400 '-652;181 ' 688,980! 688,980 1130 Part Time Salaries 42,965 44,610 29,849 45,770 45,770 1140 Overtime Salaries , ; 6071' 1,250 I 6391 1,250 1,290 1199 VaeatlOnandS/LAdJustment 12,756. I . . . 1300 i~n'PJ<;Y~~,Ben<:!~~_. I 23~~.92.l ,,??.s,~80j 273,939l.3.~~?_~o..._ 3.2!.d~ ... , , ;~",,' ... ,.., q,'-'~ . Total PersoimeL 855;249 986;940' '956;608 1,031,540 1,03i7;320 . ;Ope~ation~ and I\.fuintenance _. , .,' -r- -,-- 'I "I - - " ----"'-'- 1714G I General Engineering . I 400 ' 400 ' . i - . 1726 I Special Studies . i 2,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 1799 Other Professional Fees 680 I . . , . - 3110 Rennbnrsed Mileagc 8,600: 10.030 10.030 10.030 10,030 3140 Travel and Meetings 8,579 I 8,420 8,420 9,310: 9,310 3310 Telephone 1,460 2,000 2,000 ; . - 3311 Cell Phones & Pagers ... , 1,800 1,800 4308 EqllIpment Repair & Main!. 5,708 , 3 420 3,420 ' 3,430 3,430 4710 Office & Stat lonelY Snpplies 2,398 i 2,790. 2,790 I 2,790 I 2,790 4730 Photographic/copy Supplies 321 I I 790 1,540 , 1 790 ! I 790 4760 Operating Supplies 878 I 1,250, 1,250; 1,250 i 1,250 4799 Other SupplIes and Materials . i . . I 400 ; 400 4908 Education & Training 245 I 2,000 2,000 3,800 i 3,800 4922 Printing 1,1131 1,500 1,250 ; 1,500 1,500 4924 Publications & Dues 1,712 2,060; 2,060 i 2,680 2,680 4928 Unifonns & Laulllhy 299 I . ; . I . I . 5530 Capital Outlay Rental.Office 10,360 I 5,180 10,360 10,360 " 10,360 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 9,854! 11,550 11,545 14,280 14,280 I I ; .. ~- :'". .., - .-,..-- Total Openitions& Maihtenailee 52;207 54;390 59,065 66,420 66;420 - . . . ".----.,-. --." -I . -- . -,-~ Capital Outlay I' . 6122C ComputerSoftware 1,5941 240 740, 240 240 ! I Total CapitabOutlay 1;594' 240 740 240", ;240, 1 .., .... __'..:,......__ _A __J! _";......;-:.:... l,':"'.....';..,.:;:-';';,I::::":'" Division Total 909,050! 1,041,570 1,016,413: 1,098,200! 1,103,980 I 13 r"'---' ,---.--....-,-. _"0'0' --".p ~,..",,_..',".d~ I PLANNING I Development Sen/ice.\' Department Division 'VI/mber IJ301 e f....~'H""I;'_""'..HF..::"':::.;I;':-'-:::::n&0L:::.~~:(.. .i "'., '" ,,,..."'....~':7'mr.:".".""" .....~.2''''. -J"!'r'''~'~:''''.'~':;''';:'''''''';;;'.~;'s,',2~;::,:'''''''' """"""":1'0'::::'''';;;;;>+''''1 ),,;'::,W~I~'YliF~~QE~JfR!FP;iD!_~~~ '1' ~~',)',;.~~..t,~~~j.~'.:\~:S~.:':;" ':" ;;'~.", ;~~=.'< ~:.:iiL~ \_.~j.1'~.,.~.L; >s" t'f~'~"l~I.~~k.~\t~~~:~~.. r:e Planning DIvIsion processes dIscretionary land use applications and assures compliance with conditions of i approval through grading and buildmg plan cheek reviews and field mspections. The City Planner is responsible for the day-to-day operatIOns of the Planning Division, replacing the Director of Development Services m his absence. The City Planner assists with establislunent of processes and procedures. Staff members provide informatIOn about land use and development regulations at the counter, by telephone, by email, and through correspondence. The two Code Compliance Officers are responsible for enforcing a wide range of City regulations, meluding those concerning SIgns, graffiti on private property, illegal commercial businesses, buildings without permits, I noise complaints, home occupation pennits, substandard housing, weed abatement, storm water pollution, alarms and penall1es, and vehicle abatement. t~~~."...\.." ";' .. ~. "', ,,' ....~.~.""~~;.~"'::T:;----""-_...~:.".- :., .'.~'-''"lr''"''~:r''~,",''- ;;;,' 't'-; '~,. ".,' .,~ !C. :~j\GTT~IT,Y4GGlm;SI~~0~:Jfj,g\jiI:ME\,\?"1''-', .~,~,-"~:,__~,,j~_ :;V'" .' .. ~ ... ,~. ~ >", --it...... ,- "".."......... "~b," /"'~-" >- Complete the Town Center Master Plan by June 200~," ", ".#> " ., Complete the Poway Community Park M~~!ef"man in .Sg.!,lj)JJ1~lon with the Town Cenler<t\:taster Plan. >- Com~lete the I O-year review ofth~?4;~ BiLJ;l,i~aL~~Tl~.e..tv~itQllg1.ill,!ty July 2009, which wi;i'~ure that the Clly IS Implementmg the HCP s goals'an.-S!iP,~e:'~oil~hl:y,e .tl1~!:JegUlred preservatIon effort. . ,. Complete the update of the Housingi~~;WoJ~:\.!~~TatP!alrb;:Pecember 2007 >- Present to City Council by August 2007.a work<plalifforJthe extension of water-to. East-Po way- _.-._~ 'J-_"'\.:1' .,_ I ., Coordinate mitigation purchases and monitonng of:'Ij;1\t,iga;;(naIfuthrougho1!!.~ City ----'''~'''~ '-. .~- .- .. .. ---".. L':~-W- """tt~...,---~~ :.:' :.--:~~r.~:""'!i;,":'t" ..f,:,:",j""'"'::;~".-;;:- .- __"P.~_.~_::7:"~':,_'-'~--==--"._.....__ 't" ........ .' :< A@T!VITNWORKI;:@A'Ji)lSTiA\TISTI€S" 'A "" i ',t . "'- r~"""~"i'~~~~~:'= _c,_ --~__~ .~...~ .'~.' ..':" -_..~"4 l~ctiVitY___ I FY 06-07 EstimateLI FY 07-08 Projected I FY 08-09 projected-.J ' . Development RevIew 1 77 ,60 65 I i !-Ten!~tive}VI~p - --.=-r-' -iu=- --:1=-==-10 -~~~ ~ ') -=: I i ConditIonal Use ~enlllt _f .!l.... ___ _....'1.._. <} __ _I ' I I Variancc I 12 12 12 I i I iSlg!!!,el~~It~=- - -~I 70___ l - _60 - ___=- --=60 .~ I i Temporary Use Pem1it 106 I 100 100 IJlomc Q.~ellpatI~!!. Per~It__ J U8 -=---'=- 1751_--=--125 - _ ..==1 EncanJpmerI!..Abatell1ent _1_. __~_" _I "'_ 12 -L l~ .1 i Abandoned Vehicle Abatement 1 100 _J__ 100 1_---1()<L..._, ,..~._............_ ,.. .._ ..~...._._.M._..~~ _.........__...._._........~ ~._....._.. I I t-....'.."."."._,___n__... 'T--_n'-'...~-___'----'--i.'-'~'~~:~';~' ." 1 ! ;':~~~;~~I~~~_1'i~ACTIVITY,~W:~~[l~~N~E.S;=~. ,_,,1'__-, I" '.'" __'-_ :eH~9.E.. I I I I . ," - -- - - .~......,._..........=~-~. - - -_.....~-~p- .---_._.._--~'"".. 114 PLANNING Development Services Departmellt Division No: 0301 . Gbi, .-- ,',",' ~'--,', ,-". 'i'2'005~Og'~2006!6;F"- :200(;1070" !2007!08~:';,2008!091'R. "-7:_ if .' .,. , _ ":." ..." _r- '.-'''' ';'-:<:.A. ---~ "-','" ,"";,:_'. '<-'~','Bi ',', _----;;;;:::::':_..-"":-~'-___:'::<!l"::',','''''''~,:,'i\ ~9lk. :-,. ',,:Ex~!)'i~!2.!\si!fi.s4!ion. :'-' ",- 'bctuaL:::A.PPtoy~:~'.!!l~{@al~4,;,:. ]rQIl6s&l.:l.IRtQP~s,eil3 1 Personnel I Range Position Title Full Time Equivalents - . ,......- ~. .-.-.-" ~ ..........'J- --- -,--' '70 Semor Planner 2.00 2.00 : 2.00 2.00 2,00 h4 Associate Planner : 2,00 I 2.00 2.00 2,00 2,00 ~1 Assistant Planner 1.00 ; 1.00 1.00; 1.00 1.00 Code Compliance Officer I 2,00 L 2,00 2.00 : 2,00 2.00 50 Development Services Tcchnician l.00 1.00 1.00! 1.00 ! 1.00 ...::---, ~___~_-:-:-:--;:;_:_.~-_._.-- ,,_,___ __~~. __ _,_._ _~__.~_____.. ..W"'"".__--.L ~~; ._~" 'l'otiiL\<\uthonzeii'Posilionsi(l':rE)" "8;00 8100' , '8:00 '8!OO '.f18?oO 11101 Regular Salari~~"'~--~' --~, ~-' I :174:9461'535,450 I 527,873r-S403sor 54~~50' 1140 ,Overtime Salaries 7591 1,250 I L250! 1250 i 1,290 i 1199 Vacation and SIL Adjustment 4,364 " ,1300.. ,:~p~o~ee Bene,tit.s.:.,.." .. . _ I ~ JI~~:~71:1. _~3~,2~~", .:,::::5). ;::5:,:::L~:::,92:, :[otal,RgrsQl1J1"L1E'j{pe,n(jl!tJ[e, 678;\40 '774,980, ?5M:z.8':,:;;,~?;21Q;'?n;g6Q.1 '- -.. - ""- ,.' ,'. --...~=- ....' - . ~r ' ,.~. .--.. ''1'' '-~' ...= ! Operations and Maintenance I. I 1726 Special Studies 31 IO~ , ~0,l26 I 80,126 IOn,OOO I 56,000 179901her Professional Fees 44,58X' 56,160 I 56,160: - I , ' 3 110 Reimbursed Mileage 642 I 1,800 ],800 I,ROO: 1,800 . '3130 Vehicle Maintenance and Operations 5,650' 7,620 7,620' 8,430 i 8,430 3140 Travel and Meetings 220 I 1410 14\0, 1,530 I 1,530 3310 Telephone 1,545 ; I 400 1,400 3311 Cell Phones & Pagers . i . , 1,200 1,200 3320 Postage 226 i I 19 4120 Other Contractual Services 32,4221 58,040 58,040 33,040 33,040 4126 Telecom Services 814 1,250 1,250' l,250 l,250 4308 'Equipment Repair & Maint 215 : 2,300 2,300 2,300 , 2,300 45]4 Sign Maintenance Materials . , 1400 1,400 1,400 1,400 4710 Oftice & Stationery Supplies 2.176 4,960 4,960 4,960 I 4,960 4730 Photographic/copy Supplies 393 1,790 I 790 1,790 ' 1,790 4799 Other Supplies and Materials 400 I 400 490~ Education & Training 535 ' 3,200 3,200 3,600 I 3,600 4918 Nuisance Abatement 36,735 45,000 45,000 55,000 I 55,000 4922 Printing 2,783 5,920 ' 5,920 4,570 4,570 4924 Publications & Dues I,X97 2,460 2,460 2,4~0 I 2,480 , ,4928 UnifornlS & Laundry 225 , 140 140 . I 4932 Advertising 224 ; I~O ' 160 5510 Capital Outlay Rental.Vehicle 4,160 2,080 4,160 4,160' 4,160 5530 Capital Outlay Rental-Office 5,440 2,720 5,440 5,440 5,440 15730 Intergovernmental Fees 1,280 1,280 1,850 1,850 l. ...... ','.' ,," _' , ... "'~.." ~. , ." "',,'~ "-"":, ' +. , -1' ,- ~- , I l'ot~I'Operatibn5'&Maintenance 171,998, ',?81,056, 2~S;875' r241,360' 191~~.i . Capital Outlay 6122B 'Computer Hardwarc 1,738 6128 Photographic Equipment TotiiICapittil/%tlay 1;738 ,-- '. . ~;', I ~." ;. -,: " ..:... I Division Total 85\ ,876 1,056,036 1,044,353 1,028,570 983,920 , _._..~- _._~."..."..~ . 115 1-- - B~LJ)JN(';'~~e~"~~~ir,~,~~~PECTJON -I I . Division Number 0303 ....... .. ... .. . .... . "" ,.:,,,.,,,,,;=-:~,,,,.,, '....."'~i'c,..-~7"';'~I;~t'i1...ii'<;;. ""'. ~~,,,,,.,,,':~"g;-""';":... 'f..r'~j'i%"'~ r'!.~ ,fp,:GmI~I;PY:",QES(j]R<IP.lTIQN~"-;" :' ""~ ,'''',.",:'ill<X.,.'<i",;l".'"",~ ~,',. '... "'~v ",~ -,,,,,,>.~,,,",.it*.c"f "..",f.. Lt..'!>- r'.-..""...... .. -- .... '"",..~-"\,.,"".,.~.."--"...~~,,.,,.. '''''-'<' ".. .-.......".......___--..J;~."..,,",...,...." . ,,,.......... , ',Ai .........,.. ! The City's Building and Safety Inspection services are provided through a contract with Esgil Corporation, I 'I' General responsibilities include providing assistance and infoTInation to developers and residents concerning i , construction code requirements through telephone and counter contacts, plan cheek review, and structural, . I 'L electrical, plumbing, and mechanical inspections. , ~"ri:::;,t:-\, L ,,":.",', .~;t.~~.;~;, -', ,.,t.-.'.,.<TIt.,;:::.''7r'.~.!r"'?;......." " i ~:-:: -W" -r-:r-:~~"A ~;;\;--::-:-"\:r.;~.ik"~;r:;,:,::.z,ij...... ,,,AG:,T-IV;IfP-'YlC]0AILSAcN0,GlBJEG'l'IW,ES, , ....-,. ".' ....~. ," "..;",,-"', " ~,"""" ,,<, ,,~~. \." . ~".ioI"""",,,.,,, "."""""",."""." ~ -" ",h"""",."""~-~<.,,,,,,,-.<.-,j':L.,"" '.".' ~ .~..~_ __--"",,,,' - "',,"~' _..;,."C. I ~ Provide the highest level of customer service while offering accurate information and plan cheek and inspection services to developers and citizens of Po way building.or~ering structures, /' " " ..r"\. ...,'"""l "-.... ~ Monitor and implement changes in law:.:;,:o(les,j~~~Af~shniques that affect the buil'ding,industry, and , ensure that these standards aremail~aine(L...il.Il<~~ .---......, I ~;.. 'R!'(!"->' ....'.\. I I >- Communicate with other City d~R;,~rt~~nt~~Le~~~tlg ~~-!P'~ps"lrrb~lding laws and codes that affect I , development bemg mltIated by th~lty, '0 ~~' ...' 'I \. '/\.:.." '.."" . .', '. r , ........' """"-':;;:J., ~il.P p><r", ___' .,~_.---.- , ~ Promote cooperatIOn and eommumeatlon-wlthrelated.a,g(lneles, tlle.County of San Diego, and the State 'of California. __~. J (' "--=="---"''''_''__ I I -- ~~, .- . ! ).> Maintain and update the database record of all stored pl~s. --= --- -- , , I I I ''''......._'''''....,._~ ,~_ .""~'.., __._'...'__........._..,'.."._ _~. _,_.~.~ r~..".-s\-€n~IIY WQR'Kir;;0AJ,)ig;~T1S'l'ls~r -- -..:.:..,...... ~ - ",,, -. .__-'---=--....4.. '~';'::l -"-' .~._,,'- - - - _.~:,~ -" -. ;JI I Activity "_...__ FY 06:07Estl1l1ated 'FY 07--0~ Projee~.E.Y 08.09 ProJe~te~\ , Plan Checks I 455 I 450 I 450 i' iBuil~I;~g Per1l1it~ .=. ~L___ l.394 ,..-.J _ I ,350-1l,350.=" [Inspections .. _ _ I 11,163._ _ _ II ,OOQ..... ..~i 11,000 The average time to complete the initial plan cheek is 5 to 6 working days. To meet its goal of providing I accurate yet expedited service, the Division attempts to complete all inspections no later than the end of the working day after the date the request was received. , _~l<'1&Wj@~"'~0itWA"'i!l:"N~.fu; _" ~=-- ' "- ~' ~-,: =it!l'i!l.!i!j I I . ,__" -_.-----', ___ "'_ __ _ _ - _ ,,__J 116 ,- ..,,,_.. BUILDING AND SAFETY INSPECTION Development Services Departmeflt Divisio1l No: 0303 . ~i:;'''' "', - - -, .~.-". ,"'_-:<""-"" --",,"'_'~r"~---" _, ,___ [>'ii~"~~","'-'~-~'~~.' Oh" <"'~' <'ZOO5,'PSi ";;2996-97?<" ;1006.'91" 29R7~o.?, " 2oo.a9?,;:;; q,q.de ,",-",i.. ."E~~fis;;;~iasili~~:atiofi!<, - ,.. AS!it~l.... , )\P1;.Icive~.:..:~.~.fl.~!~i~c!i..." ,,!,f5p~~d "..Fr6'Ro~diJ ! Operations and Maintenance i "I I t 1705 I Building Inspection Fees-Cedar Fire 3,078 15,000 ' 15,000 I 15,000 I 15.000 1706 :Building Inspection Fees 633,606 487,500 596,330 i 4~7,500 i 487,500 1707 jBuildmg Inspect Fees-Mobile Homes I 11,440 6,000 12,021 I 6,000 i 6,000 4308 jEQUiPment Repair & Maine 215 280 280, 280 ' 280 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 420 730" 730 ! 730 730 4922 l Printing 2,574 3,100 3,100 3,100 3,100 4924 I Publications & Dues 360 500 500 500 500 5530 !CapitaJ Outlay Rental-Office 2,280 1,140 2,280 2,280 2,280 ! ! i I I i I ! I I I i , I I I . I Jotal:Qperatio'1s, &Miiihtenance '6~3,973 814,250 630;241 ,515,390 515;390; .........~..,.,"....,.,...._~,_. - - -- -_. -.- I' . Capital Outlay I I iI ':;'."," ~tat-GaBit~l<!{UtIay < ._~ ~..: .f': ".~ : Division Total 653,973 ' 514,250 630,241 515,390 5 J 5,390 ""~,". ,---." ,...... 117 ,. ....-..--...-....-,-,--, -, -------,- I CAPITAL PROJECTS ENGINEERING i Development Sen1ices Department l ,. "''''''''''''''~-~''''''''7''' ..,..."~'_ . l'", ..D~VlS~; :;n:her 03~:,-;~,;:,,:,. " ~ ."$'~;'~"'" ",::;;;-~_,.' l~"~:~::~~:~i:l:~~~~~~;::~'~~:;;:;';l~:~~~~~:~~:~~'il:~'~i~:l~n'~~c~~~~':a:;~:' ::~~ov:m::t ;::j~':t :~' surveys, design, constructIOn administration, Inspection services, supervising special studies, and engineenng I support for the Community Services and Public Works Departments as we]] as similar duties for the i Redevelopment Agency ~ ?"~,,, +,.,. "...... ,,':"""'_':' ..,""-:---or..:'I..,_'.----:-.. '" " :', ',',,:",'::"i'::"Y", ,,'f"""~- ,:' :1\\;tIltI;;y~~",,~Si"'l@@BlI!jjf,iMES, '4;;, "".i~ ' "l..' d,?",," :", ;, '':;.l''''' , ~.. 'comPlet~::~::lv::e~r,' 71..~r~ject Capital I:P~O~=. ;rogral~l'a~;~o~~:~y the City C:U~o/Cil In i january 2007, which will include street, water, sewer, and other improvements. I i , i ~ Perform assessment of pavement conditions throughout the City as part of the Pavement Management I Program. " :;. Provide quarterly updates of the CIP program, evalua~ing the budgets and schedule of individual projects. I :;. Prepare a 5.year CapItal Improvement Program for fiscal years 08.09 through 13-14 I i ~ Provide assistance with project and construction management to the PublIc Warks Department, I Community Services Department, and Redevclopment Agency I I ~ Upcoming projects include: I . Midland Road Widening: Turn-ot~the-century.style street nnprovements will be installed on Midland. . Road, ; I . Old Poway Street Improvements, Street improvements will be installed on Sycamore Road, York I A venue, and Norwalk Road near Aubrey Parle . Oak Knoll Sewer The existing trunk sewer from Bowron Road to Pomerado Road will be replaced to meet future demand. : . . Oak Knoll Road ReVitalization. Oak Knoll Road will be improved from Poway Road to Carnage Road, I ! . , " ~'~ "0"_'.""'''-'''' -"""'-:-'~r'~~'.,:~.:. __~_..."...., ___~_"_"""""""'-""""'" .__ _ _'. __ __ __ __ ~, : ACTIVITYWORKLOAD'S:r-AnSTl€S ,," - ," ~ ' , ->. . 1 . ',_ _ ' " . . t-- "'.~'...FY-06-07- '---T--Fy 07~08--'--"T --- FY0tt9 _.. ". I Estimated I Projected I Projected . .,.. ......-.........-.-....-- -.-.---........-".......- - ---1--- --.-..........-- I ~~~j~~~: ijn~~;ig!2. ,. -j- '-i~ ~i-; ~~ i '~onstructlOn i I I f~ SJGf;TE1~~Aej'[.V1WPROi;KA 1"1 ,<i~~tiI,,,,,,,:Cc:-;' ~=:,,' <on ~,,~ " SH1>NQE: "-i : None I ~ . I I! ~..___._,.".'"_, _"'"._~.,....__._.._ ..~ ...."._ ___..'''_._ ....._... _ ___ _ A _I I J8 -"",- CAPITAL PROJECTS ENGINEERING Del'elopment Sen4(.'es Department DMsiol1 No: 0304 . "_' ...~.._ .. _,." - _~ '_a,.". __. ."'_...."'....."..........~._.'_.. '~. _ ,.,,~. "'~'. .. "__'~. ~<I!< lilbj, ..' " '".' " ,J. ;., '.. _" "?Q9,~'9Iji ."tQQQ,Q?" , 29@jqi .. ;20Q7'.08,i~.?2~-09i; e6aeT~~~~~~:rt'is~61aSSi~,]ltion..: _~ ':" t Acfui!L..;~PPLQY~~'SI\iillaie(L;,; !~!PP9~\LiR~Qpg~ed~ iJ3.ange,Position Title , mm Full Tif!1e}~guivaJ~nts r8i.Assi~tantCi;yEngineer -. - '1:00 ..' 1.0<}f'u,:-,- -,.. t I ' 78 Senior Civil Engineer 1.00 ' 1.00 .. 2.00 , I 00 I 1.00 : 71 Associate Civil Engineer I 2.00 I 2,00 j 3.00 I 4.00 ; 4,00 i 69 Coru;tmction Manager ,I 00 I 00 J . . I 165 Assistant Engineer 1.00 I 1.00 I 1.00 I 1.00 , 1.00 ~.__~,,:..m~ ...~..::,.".;::__~'__'~_ ~ --;;;'.': ~~'" < ". r-"""""'-'" ,":"__'~,GL "'.,,'-~-"-;' , ,'[()ta) 611thonzed,POSjl1onsi(fTEj, , "", I " 6:QQ ':' "!j:,QQ 6LQQ: ,'6:QQ , .,6,OOi 'lilO-, R-;;;i;~ Salarie~' ..... ,.~ ,.... .,-".- .... -~.. -r-432,762T507:2601 440,7091 -'510:2'10' !....-sTs, II 0 1140 Overtime Salane, ' 1,531 I 2,000 I 2,000 L500 I 1.550 1199 I Vacation and S/L Adjustment IX,071 j .. I I , 13~~,Emp~~yee!~n~~t,s __._~ ,_I~~,~03~I?,21?j,~~5::27 L:19,no 226.470, T91~jPersciime!,Expendjttu;e, .' 6z~;6.E7 .,'7,@;~ZQ '~g~;5;36;, [7a'j;;l80 '7:'16Jl}0!i - .. ~._""-.._...".,~,..--,,-~--,- ~--~.. "'-T ,...'=.T. -----.. ,,",.... ,.......-. -...~"'~ ,,,", loperations and Maintenance I . I I I7I4G General Engineering 2)00 2,200 I 2,200 I 2,200 1726 : Special Studies . i 1,000 1,000 I 1,000 1,000 3/10 'Reimbursed Mileage 9,331 I 9,260 I 5,8% I 5,300 i 5,300 3140 'Travel and Meetings 1,015 3,420 I 4,720, 4,040' 4,040 . 3310 ITelephone 2,116 2,720 I 1720 3311 I Cell Phones & Pagers . , . , 2,nO ' 2,280 4308 Equipment Repa" & Maint 225 2,0 I 0 2,0 I 0 2,0 I 0 2,0 I 0 '4710 Office & StationcIY Supplies 1,192 1,950 1,950 1,950 1,950 4730 'Photographic/copy Supplies 3,032 , 3,950 3950 : 3,950 3,950 4760 Operating Supphes 491 350: 350 350 350 ,4799 iOther Supplies and Materials 7X2 600 600 !490X 'Education & Training 1,381 2,400 3,400 2,700 2,700 4922 'Printing 51 500 500 ' 500 500 4924 Publications & Dues 1,115 1.670 1,1i70 2.600 2,600 4928 UnifOlTI1S & Laundry 165 I !5530 Capital Outlay Rental.Oflice 9,980 4,990 9,9~0 9,l)~0 9,980 T6tattmeraiioris~IV1'a.ihten.fl11ce30;8%: -,36;420 39,346 39:460f3,9,46Q' --__ -- -- ...,- "'-~ - 7"<'- - - , Capital Outlay 6122A.Eqmpment. Oflice General I 2)80 I ., . 6122C 'Computer Software 2,185, 2,430 i 4,501 4,630 4,760 612X Photographic Equipment 454 I "','. "-'T ....... - t:-p' -','.'"""- "..c'" ...... ...', ,;' Tota!cimitQI.0l!t!,(lY' 4,919 2,43Q 4;2Q.1 ,4;6}0'4;760; Di~isio~ i~taib .. . 66i:462 T 765,320672:3~~" 775,570 790,35; "--.,' "'~....~ -.-.----",.. ....._._...- 119 r-"-'''-~- '---'-" ..---,..-".." --- .....,.........,... '] I LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING Development Services Department DiVISi()n~Wn~el: 0305 "TT . '!iT .T., ' .,.. "".. . ", . ..,. .......,..'.... ...... . I ::::~::~:::~::::~:~I~:;:.:~~:;:,=::::;:=':: .:~:~~~:~:ji:1 I accordance with City standards and specific conditions of approval to the highest degree of quality This goal I IS accomphshed whIle assunng the most benefit to the communIty as a whole and nllnImlZlng disruptIOn of : neighborhoods, businesses, and traffic. At the public counter, the Division provides infonnation to developers ! and the general public from the Department's comprehensive files and mapping systems. The Division I manages and maintains extensive engineering records and files including grading, subdivision maps, and . public improvements, in addition to subdivision project files, r1.,'~~J:I~t1;Y..G0ALs:..~1::im @BJEc;f,Jy'ES!lI~,._' " ;':,i'r;~. ',. ~ ,:~r--;;-~ ,,- ',' <' 'L';b: ":]jj ~_............"_."'..._- _.~._...."'_.........._.....--'"..... .;...'"',,'-;;...~...,....."....._-". .0......;.... _ . ....--............"'. .. -- -- ........'-"'-,~. ..- _ -. "I , )> Create handouts for the general public on Land Development Engineering applications such as " Tentative Maps, Grading Pennits, Boundary Adjustments, Lot Mergers, and Street Vacations. I i , Complete initial reviews of proposed grading and improvement plans within 3 weeks of submittal, ! I and complete subsequent reviews within 2 weeks of submittal. I '" Implement the requirements of the new National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit, : including revision of the City's stonn water and Standard Urban StOffi1 Water Mitigation Plan i i ordinances. . I ~IA::;:~,"'ATlS'fIGS ~. '~I~Y [);>:)~ ~)~d) ~~~~8 :mJC~N;~:; [);~9 ;:;C~~'~ , Conditions for Residences 61 i 50 50 "'I, I I COl~;'nereial-L~t Cond;t;~~ -j- ~ 4 iu 3 u_, ,... -- 3 - , I I Right-of-Way Pennits_i-- _..1J4 _~- ~. 200 ----=-1_200 -I I ; --..- --...-'----. . ~..!'c~~,__""'''''~~ '-'~ .-- ----,.. --', ---..;,-~ 'L ::":~;~~IFlCAJ~T.~CTJpg;rY..Il3-QO~M;C;;Hbit:LGrES ':-....~ ': , ~. ,......::_g:HAN~E;;'\c:!..i - --- ,. - -- -- -- - -- - -- --' -'- ------- -'-1 L i ! , I I I i . i I I L _ ___. __ ..._____ , ..,_......,___._..."_....__ 120 -- LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING Del'e[opment Sen';ces Department Dil'ision No: 0305 . Ji>9J~:-~~:i _ -~"itp.,"""-.f' -r"'iiil"--~' 'l' ~"';"2005i6(, "';-'2006:07" ",2fj()6'61't~';20O:j:'Qr '26q:~t6~r! :f$91lliL__"" ,Exp~rl'~;gl~~~iflc4t~ ,.~,,.-~.-- ' ':':Ai!!li~r_ ::~;;ptiV~~i' ~gsiim;;f~L~Btq~iiie~ 'Pr[;p~~~QF, I ! Personnel i~ang~ Position Title _E~~,~,! Time Equiv~,~nts "'--"""",,,~-- .-.. - -..- - , - 1.00 ' .- ---- ;7~ Senior Civil Engineer i 100 1.00 ! 100 I 1.00 71 A<;sociate Civil Engineer I 2,00 i 2.00 I 2,00 2.00 : 2.00 165 Assistant Engineer 1.00 i 1.00 1.00 I 100 ; 1.00 50 Development Services Technician 1.00 I 1,00 i 1.00 ' - ,.__L""'-T"""-~"- --r,' '~""'--- .-.! ----,cc' -'-"::'f~;~ . ~," ',.t::\l.. :, .,J / ~-~ -111;;-i~~~f;;~=e~9:POSiliO~i(f2E)-,,-, ''~T301~~~r 37d~.f~' I >-,5,00, A,OO : ..,,,1:4.00., -~~~~~,~.~;,-'" - ~ '_:,';'"",;~ 301,7191 344,~48,360 1140 jOvertime Salaries !" 750 I 750 . 500 520 1199 iYacation and S/L Adjustment i 6,644 ' - - , -I , 1300_]mPlo~~:~ctits_,_,_ _.._ _~~0,99~J~161.:.~70! 12~,7;51 ,,1:~'?~L.l;~~.60. T6taLP~i'~Qiil,)etE~peji({;iUi-~ " . .',. '+130;344' '5,37;'130" 431;2611. \ ,48J;iZ6P; ; ;42~i$~QE ---, 'r-'------.--'-'.'.--..' .---" ~-"..----,..." 'I""" -~ ~---", ,._~.,_..J,_""',. Operations and Maintenance I I I ' , 1714A !Land Development Engineering -I 2.000 i 2,000 . 2,000 ! 2,000 3110 :ReimbursedMileage 2,551 3,600 i 3,600 3,600 j 3,600 3130 'YehicleMaintenanceandOperations 175 I 100 100 -, 3140 I Travel and Meetings 46, 1,270 , 1,270. 1,420 1,420 3310 : Telephone Ii-,O i . 4122 Plan Check! Map Processing Services 139,422 140.000 ' JOO.OOll I 40,000 30,000 .4126 'Telecom Services 816 1.250 1,250, 1,250 1,250 4308 Equipment Repair & Main!. 413 2,000 2,000 2,llOO 2.000 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,291 4.200 3,550 4,200 4.200 4730 Photo~,'raphic/copy Supplies 1,785 U90 1790 I 1,790 ' 1790 47liO IOperating Supplies 330 330 I 330 330 14908 , Education & Training 1,089 2,000 2,000 2,250 I 2,250 4'122 Printing 845 1,000 1,000 1,000 ' LOOO 4924 Publications & Dues 619 ' 920 920, 1,400 1,400 4928 Unit,mns &Laundry 12-' -I 5530 Capital Outlay Rental-Office 11,840 5,920 I1.MO I 11.840 11,840 , , ! i I , Tqtal, 0P,:'i~t!~i~~ &'Miihtenahce , 1M,() 17, 166,380 ,1'32(300 7);O~0 -",;"",._, ,6;3;989. -..-- --,,',F"':" . ',0' . Capital Outlay i6122A Equipment- Office General 3,200 ; 6122C Computer Software 320 ' -I TOta!,Capit#VQqtlqy 3;200 -t-~-'-' :320' ~ -"< '-- '- --~.~~;- Division Total 591,681 703,510 563,564 I I 558,620 564,540 , ..._._,._......- 121 ! .,''',,=-,_._~...,., ~.....---..,..,'--,.,._....- ~.."......, -. - , I ENGINEERING INSPECTION I De\-cI'!J:ment Services Delf,artment iVlSlOn Numher 0 rJ6 ",~ -'''~'.''~'''-'' ... '..,..,--,,'..-- '-'."1'7:-'- . ,. .f' - . -v ,. ~.. - .... -^ ~ ;r ~ J! ,,';; ';l 'w ,,' ~, - 'K" ." ,,'" .,.". ""~ i ~.t&G._"Y;~ES.G~I"'I@W ' . · :" '. ,., .",., ".C, ,. ;' .,', . ,. , '.;...' ~"'" ~,. .""",' '''<', :..~."""...._~.~: .~.~~~,,-~"'~ .~_...........~ ...__..~,.~.. .,. The Engineering Inspection Division's primary functIOn is to ensure that all public and pnvate constructJon proJects are in compliance wIth the CIty-approved plans and specifications and meeting State requirements to , , prevent stonn water pollution. The Division is also responsible for the administration of the commerCial and I I industrial aspects of the City'sStonn Water Management program. ! f~~:::~,~:~::::~:~::::",~;:: ~~:~':12:::~::.:,:~,~ .~:~:m::'::~::' single-family residences, subdivisions, and Mmor Development ReVIews (see table below). ;.. Oversee more than 200 right-of-way pennits per year from review of plans to final inspection of project, and coordinate with utility companies on work done under blanket pennits. ~ Respond within 24 hours to all citizen complaints as they relate to construction activities. r 'r Update and ensure compliance wIth the City's Jurisdictional Urban RunofI' Management Program and related State"mandated reqmrements by January 24, 2008. I 'r Perform yearly remspections of storm water pollution prevention measures at all hlgh-pnonty industnal businesses. and inspect othenndustrial and commercIal businesses as needed, I I " Tram all Engmeering Inspectors annually on NatIOnal Pollutant Discharge Elumnation System. r requirements and other techlllcal inspectIon issues, i " ProVide excellent customer and CItIzen servIce through contact, response, evaluation, follow-up, and I r resolutlOlL ~~ .. '.. ."---" i ~ ProVIde a quality inspectIOn service through a,team cffortthat IS committed to.ex.cellenee. , i>"" -..J>.' \"") ~ ! F AGifIVITY:'S'l;AT-lSa:ic~. ~m 'l '" ."'~ "{':""";:--'--;:"'- -,-~- -- ,,,, , -- ~r.j ~............'.::"..>"~"...','-i,.....'.....'.. ~._:._.,-,.~..:..,,':.'.-'_;..J.'_...'....,... "'. "~.~ '~':' i'Y- ," '. <-.. '.,..'.:",1 "J_, ." ..:.z,.,-.", 1;\ ".m'... ;.",1 ~"L~ .=.~ '--....,r" '. rJ;' D ~,~ _.............,.........~..._..,.._,.._...---,..... I~";';.y~ - .-=- .. ...~ t.~Oli{~tI;"(;m'!i.d~.l;\'V)i,O~:P'OJ'''cr1 FY 08.09 PmJIT"" I ! . . Ongomg WorklQo1d_ _ L 'L', ,', . <~i ~ ~~,.I' __} I _~, . I I - Gradmg P~Jects __1_-.::... ~57 ~~ ~ t:::r'~.r_ ~5______-' -1-- 55 C,p""'lm'm~om'"'" I 7 . I ~ '-. 6 ~ - MORAs - -- i - ~-'50 _:- c' ~-- 50 -. ~. ..-:si) I Total :r~:~t~f~:a~~~m1its_ ]_ -. -_~7 -- - I':'''':: ~~.5-..'..~-l=-.- 35 '_ ~---~- I _QradingProJects ._1 _105 _ _ _.1__ _--.JOO I __--.l00 ___I '-.-9tPltalJE.1provement~l_ _~ _ ,.__ _..il_ u__l_ ." ~ __I 1~lght-of-way Permits ; _ _.?40 __ I _.__ 220 __J_ . 220 .- i ~,.:~hGNtF7GkN.f,~GfuIV1TYPR6GRWNfGHJXN@ESt,:-,. -.. ---','GHWNGEl',. I~ ~ ~,.~ '''~'.~~'=.c' ,.~...~,-,., " . . <=,.'*~ . -...... '.... - .. ' -,... _... _. ---, "'--...-- '" , ~~ --...., ! N01~e _. _ __.._u _____, __.,_._ I , I I '___ _",__.., _. _.,....._...~ .....,. _._ __".....,............._....__......,._..._ __ .~.. _.. ~,__.._ .........J 122 "'"'''''' ENGINEERING INSPECTION Dc.'elopnrent Sen'ices Department Division No: 0306 eG)bj:!:,' -~' ~"""'~ ,___-c ';:;~2p5~6iC ,2bQ6,m~J'I~QQ~!9,i' ~,gp~7rO};,,~i!~Ij~~~ Q.(ii!L,._ ,~Expe~~@assjJl~~i!.oF._~ _, _,' ", ~.fruaL~ Applove'&;~slih.l'!k<Lc.~1]2P.Q~Q::'I?fgR6seCl~ , Personnel Range Position Title Full Time Equivalents 69' _. En~i~, Inspcc SupvrfNPDES Co~rd I 00 I 1.00 -,. I <lilT"' I 00 I 1.00 67 Construction Coordinator - I 1.00 ! 1.00 i63 Lead Engineering Inspector ! 1.00 I I 00 i 1.00 ; 161 ManagementA"istant 100 i 1.00 I' 1.00 100! 100 59 Engineering Technician II J - 1.00 1.00 '59 Engineering tnspector 4,00 4.00 4,00 ! 3,00 i 3,00 _--'-c. ~"",_ _, ..,_. -,. ,~_., ...'.'. .... ,,_I '-,---' ..,._.. L~,,,,,,,'."r , " 'FP!~fi~~fh,orized.Positio'n~~f.TEX ;,! , . ,7!09' ~71QQ ~LOO:,,:: '~;OO' .,;7.;90' l..............'-'-""l-.... " .,_.._..':..~.~.~.....~._~ ..,..~"'._"..... . .._.~-"'" ---r ,'-"'--""", ~-_.~~......; dL..""""'-_"'.~.-"_._J"".'"".~ 1110 Regular Salanes ; 416,364 442,010 I 427,037 i 476,830 I 471i,830 1140 iOvertime Salaries 22,156 I 21,000 21,000 I 30,000 I 31.050 1199 i:raCationandS/LAdjustment 14,100 -I 1300 JEmPIOY~~Benel1t'-_.. .... _ .'., 186,8581 2]4,020 .. 2~9,491 L _=~3,700 I 2;8.500 oq;6tal'Person]1el Exp~nditili,,: '63~.4:?S~ ,6.?iZIQ;30 65'7!?28" ,720,,530 726r380: _~_ _ ....."...r......"-< .h............~ ,I' _ ___,,~I........ -" _.,;;." ~_ __.._~('__ --"'--->"0 :Opcrations and Maintcnance I I 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 8,182 8,170 8,170 8,170 250 ,3 I 30 ,Vehicle Maintenance and Operations 19,798 : 23,700 23,700 26,890 27,050 '3140 Travel and Meetings 1,1591 1,040 1,040 1,720 1,720 3310 Telephone 4,614 6,360 6.360 . 3311 Cell Phones & Pagers 4,200 4,200 4112B 'Engineering Inspection 40,06(, 4308 Equipment Repair & Main!. 2] 5 710 71 0 710 71 0 4318 Radios Repair & Main!. 600 600 1,700 1,700 4516 Small Tools 20) 530 530 530 530 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 321 I 980 980 980 980 4730 Photographic/copy Supplies 978 ' 1,320 920 1,320 1,320 4750 Safety Supplies 83 i 490 490 490 490 4760 Operating Supplies 123 ' 350 350 350 350 4799 Other Supplies and Materials 350 350 350 950 950 :4908 E,hlcation & Training 199 2,400 2,800 2,700 2,700 4922 Printing 251 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 4924 Publications & Dues 98 660 660 650 650 4928 UnifomlS & Laundry 583 5510 Capital Outlay Rental-Vehicle 10,900 ' 5,450 10,900 10,900 10,900 5530 Capital Outlay Rental-Omce 1,840 920 1,840: 1,840 1.840 , , # , " ,', "...... .,..... -' , "" .... """ .,,,,,.. '.,. ' "."...-..,,;:-"""" ~ TbtalOj5eratiol'is&Mairitemince '89:961 55;180 ,61:550, 65;250 ;5:7,:49()! '- " --- -., _..~, Capital Outlay . 6104 Autos & Trucks 70,000 6128 Photographic Equipment 164 250 250 250 250 L._~~~~~~~t~llaY . _...__, . !29,~~ 732,~~~ 719,328 8;::~;~ !'7~~~~i 123 r "'" ~o -,,~ 0'_''>'_ TRAFFIC ENGINEERING I Development Services Department Division Number 0307 ."^'"' "'" '""~''iC,,~'rv-'~. t.....:.,;,... "<.r..... -.. ,.~. ..;....:.:7'y;..,..,-~'" .., -','-"" Fk''''', .:.:1"[C1.;jji'Q:,~_. ........ ,:f'0?A~Y:","% ~ ' .~ t~~,~lr:~f r . ,~t;.,,;~"'@;T.J~l\!]':M>,.E:$QRJiPwIQN W'c'~~~!: ""," '>x,-f ; ,.~~ \;,'}~__ ;:..::"r....~~? ?_':~:~.-~:,.~.("Vd, f,p'.0E%-;i ,":-- The Traffic Engineering Division is responsible for resolution of the City's traffic engineering and I transportation planning issues, Division staff oversees the operatiun and maintenance of the City's computerized traffic signal system and ensures optimal timing of the City's 55 signals. The Division oversees signal design and construction, makes modifications/upgrades to existing signals, and sets design criteria for street lighting systems. Traffic Engineering provides roadway signing/striping design parameters and ensures proper installation in accordance with State regulations, Division staff reviews and approves all work area , traffic control designs and maintains records including traffic volumes and speed surveys. The Division , responds to traffic-related public complaints and serves on the Traffic Safety Committee. The Division sets threshold criteria for traffic impact on the City's circulation system and reviews traffic impact reports for new land development projects to evaluate their compliance with the criteria and the San Diego region Congestion Management Program (CMP). Staff collects traffic data on Scripps Poway Parkway needed for the CMP analysis and report, Traffic staff prepares roadway segment and intersection capacity analyses for system improvements to meet the growing demand on the City's circulation system. Traffic staff is also involved with SAN DAG staff on the 1-15 Integrated Corridor Management task force. "'---'-l~'~~'::"";""'''~~'''~":"..,__JlT?'V':t-: _ ~_\,~,:".~m"'r~.n;-'~~~"'7;"~"'~"'''-'''--;-'''''''-'' ~ .f! . ~_,:___~~:. '~6':_ .:~~'~-: .~~:r: ,A€;rWITi'"GOA'bS,A-NjD'OBJE€TIV:ES' <, ' , ""I' " _::;....:~.1i...,l~.:":"::.T..... ...._.._ __"..,......'..,,~,,:;""'''';.~.,.:..,.,..~,.. -...., "'.................._..~_....".~......... ,1 ~ Review traffic-related public inquiries; prepare and implement neighborhood traffic calming measures, ~ , ,. Maintain current, court-certifiable speed surveys and establish new speed limits in accordance with the , requirements of the Califomia Vehicle Code. " Manage the computerized traffic signal system and implement signal timing modifications as appropriate , :r Manage and maintain the red light photo enforcement program. :>- Work with community groups on traffic safety awareness in neighborhoods. ,. Collect traffic data for SANDAG and review its CMP report. , ,. Review traffic impact reports for land development projects. , ~ Complete the update ofthe City's Transportation Element ofthc General Plan during Fiscal Year 07-08. , I :>- install permanent traffic counting statIons along Pomerado Road to collect data as part of the 1-15 i ~ [,,,,,,,,,,<1 C'ITidoc M ~'g"rr"" ,wJ'" Th, Cicy will ",k "'b,1 ficod, !o",lm project ~-= ~~t::"~."~. ~~ ,~ -.-- -... ---.,~----~.._-,-~ ,..._,---" --"'~~""'f...... :,,-',,", ,...-. --- AGILV,TrY STJ[TISJUCS' " . I, j'~ . - -i,_ '..- _ ~_ _~...;". ~_ ."'ItL........._...... ___ ..",._...... _..__m_._....~ , ~Ael1Vity -=~ -I FY 06~)Z ~stllnated ~~FY 07-0X ProJecteQ. +FY OX-09 pr(]Jee:J , ; I , Traffic Counts I 100 70 100 I1raffie Safetx, Conmllttee lt~ms - ~ - -=- - -=__10 _~-I_ ~l 0 - , Traff1.~ontrol !,lan RevIews. 1_ 2~ J.._ . 250 _. _J.__. ~ _ _I i I , t ' . ~9WI~!~~.lilff;~q[WlTyii{og~I&(~.HANGES-:- ~.-'._-~~ i~ -:7;':' ..... ' '- .--Te ~ '. ',' 'iCHA'I':-!.0E,.,' .. ' None C': _~ ~~__'~j -........- - ~.._.....~...--...~......_....._....- - -- ... -- _........- "."............--. ~...,-~...._- _...,,_........~~. 124 I ~-""'- TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Development Services Department Division No: 0307 . g.~t. - - ~ ~ ;--,~:-' ,::-::--:~~~:-f':":~,'~,,'~ -", ,:'"-;'~!i'r'v2605!o6,''2666)o'f ~;-2006i(h,. ,~i!2007~oI; r'2oo8209"':i <e:- , ~'" _ r- i" ,"'t,;; "':,,:'" (,'t.; .:.,,'-- _.:"!,~ "::"JC:-'t :1'.~.r:r.:~'r,;:,,':t_./,-<,.li, w Gode" " . 'EXRimse:Glassificaholl. :. "t.,_." "... ~.-:i\~J.uat .,',.,.'.~p.proiea' ;gs\jjnate!!::,Er2P.Qs..ifd., '. th)RQi~g1 ,"~- t-~ --",---,,-_,_,,'._.-'''-"~'' "-,,,._-~.~,,,,,,",,' .=~.'~""' , Personnel I , Range Position Title I Full Time Equivalenls - -"""~-~".,,,".,,'-- ---. ",* ........."..._-~_. ....._,--' - 78 Sr Traffic Engineer 1,00 . I 00 j 1 00 ' 1 00 : 1,00 165 , _~~slstant ~ngl~~~~~~'-__r . ..1...,. Ll;~..~, ~~O _~~O I ._"~~oJ ,~~~, [fOtaL-AuthorizemPositions,WfE) " , '},QO! i :2mQi ~2~Ob c,,2':QO;:",:2;OQ{ - ....--""-'--,'.~..!..,.---". ,....-. '...' ''''"r-..---''..,,;c'' -~,."'.--"'.'..'I------""~~" 1110 /RegularSalar;es 161,247 167,260' 139,991 I 175,190 175,190 1140 ,Overtime Salaries - 500 500 i 500 520 1199 iVacation and S/LAdjustment i. 2,773 , . i -I - , - 1300 _l~mp!oleeBel!."r~~,._~ ,____ I }1,~9~ i .;~8,5~9,L" 61,572, . 70:6~O~i_--,-:47.~~., ; ",''fotaJPersonnel;E'xR~n(]itureL . .::2~?;9;19!., ,~36,35Q"''-' 202:06'1'.. 246;3<10.. .2'l~P,430:! I '--!Op~i;;'~~nd Maintenance u_, ", - _'_L~I '. "'1- -~I~"T ~ ...~ 17140 ITraffic Engineering ! 6,9961 11,200 : 38,200 6,200 : 6,200 1714G :General Engineering - 500 I 500 500 I 500 1799 iOtherProfessiona1 Fees .: 65,000 100,000 - 3110 IReimbursed Mileage 2,51J8 2,520 i 2,520 2,520 , 2,520 3130 !Vehicle Maintenance and Operations 3,137 3,1S0 , 3 180 3,290 3,240 3140 iTravel and Meetings 1,348 ' 3,060 3,860 3,830 3.830 3310 ITelephone 1.212 1,400 1,400 3311 ,Cell Phones & Pagers 1,200 1.200 . 4120 Other Contractual Services 322,200 322,200 326,498 322,200 322,200 430X Equipment Repair & Maint 215 I 190 1.190 I 190 1,190 4516 Small Tools 35 230 230 230 230 4710 ,Office & Stationery Supplies 1.0X2 U50 1,080 1,250 1,250 4730 'Photographic/copy Supplies 900 500 900 900 !4 7 50 ISafety Supplies 23 150 150 150 150 4760 IOperating Supplies 230 600 600 600 600 4799 IOther Supplies amI Materials 200 200 4908 :Education & Training 800 SOO 900 900 4922 : Printing 223 ' 730 500 730 730 4924 Publications & Dues 772 810 SIO I 150 1,150 4928 Unifol111S & laundry 54 4932 Advertising 900 900 900 900 5510 Capital Outlay Rental-Vehicle 2,OSO 1,040 2,OSO 2,OXO 2,080 15520 Capital Outlay Rental-Other Equip. 1,000 500 1.000 l.OOO 1,000 5530 Capital Outlay Rental-Office 2,040 1,020 2,040 2,040 2,040 J,g!~I2E~rq~9~~~'M.a!nten~~ce 345,i'55 41"9180 488;0381 '353060 mib 16 ;, . ~.... .. , , . Capital Outlay 6100 Equipment tg!~1"Qapi1,:Yt('li~~y~ - ,..:" . . Division Total 571,074 655,530 690,102 599,370 600,440 ....,........_~, ...._..._..._....,..,. .." 125 ,- """__.,,,,.,,,""" _ ".,"'","'" H ...,,>,,"'_,"',~ ....',,'.... PUBLIC WORKS i i CIty Manage; ~ · , 013 1\1 l...,.. __~,,_ ...1 L!I'~;,.';"''''I {, ~ . 'i ~ f I ,- .. Di~:cto~=-tJ . i Public Works :) . 400 bl ," ...~! L,!~'" '.' .-""1 Special Districts L: " .., NWl.j , , '......A.. dmi~~~ra...t.....I.'.on IJ...'.. 'I I l. ,.---..,-.., l<:''t',,,,,,, ',', .z'<':\:>~.' "., : , ' c'.. W"":~~/"~': ,m}--i [M:,:~,"::~m#"n: J I """1' .,......f' I .,. .....~,_. -'"'' '" '-'" ,__u 'L' , .. . L ' : '. 1(' I L'''-''--_.. ,.'.-. ---~l MalOtenance '.' I .. '- 0 t' j .~- -.""-'-, ......_.._-1-.._ _. ___ n pcra Ions "I " Water Supply." " [~I 406 Treatment, Water, Reclaimed i I , "... & Storage II: 404 I., 413 ! FIn & F "/:/' n . 402 ' : , I . (et au ( les '. Ij' , . '. j j .. :, ~_...,.! " .,~..,_,-ll ",...._..,....---1 .,-~...... ~ " ...., '.., I j,---..t;L......._;'. __..--1 ">,,"~"",s,,:':,,~ ~~:"",,,,:,,,_-,--,--===:-:c,~:::,~-,"-,,- t I i !~;~:;: h' [~:aci;i;;~-: I :-- "..._--,,,-, -', .1 Maintenance r I : Maintenance 1'1 i. wastewate.r Utilities ..J' J ' ,I . . ,,~lll,. j l" ~o,~ rv~i : T'~'-"",:, ...[...d] ,~...... -ru=::. -, ' r-. ~I..,,"'- ...':t'~H' 'L'_ ,i_ 11".~tre~t,;Operati~;J's ~ ' . S 1 '1 _'''''''~__H''''''~'''" , ewer ' L~.":'~...~'..m.".~;>~,,+....:....: . ' - ~ Pumpmg., Wastewater " "" I ,. , . IMe~ering &..... ':"1 Collection I r Streets ~ . D~ail1age [J I DISposal 1--. 405! \ Mamtenance .!, I iVlamtenance II , _.,~ ,.-J: L. ._1 i 407 i, , 411S ~,,;, .....-. "to<" -'---J ,',.,,' ~ . .,.-..."'........-..._"..' , _~___':'..I"'.........~_t.. I ~.- c , " ,....j c.c...."...:,~."."'.~) L--..".~',,_'~ , ~.):..t., , Ct~-~m Wate~""b1 . '1\, i 412 , . .."....;................... I ............-.-"..,. ~ . ...-=.----- I " ".-" h ' Parks.&... .LandsCtl..'P...e I J' i ,....~.--,- .... ,.--I I !." ':=r:,' .~!~ i i ! pa~~-~~, I ~'i1S ~h . ! ..... Landscape : ! Open "I I -1 Maintenance I, l. Space iJ I ! 411 ~ 410 ." , , ,__ ,"""'",.__ --1"! : I~~,._.._.. _....._...~.,....._..,..= __0",," ~~.=.'"'"._....,,'''~.._._=.~/ -~~....:....._",_.:.:::.'.'.::.~,.....:~:2-" .._J ,_.. -...' ,., I PUBLIC WORKS . Departmental Activity Overview Departlllent Code: 400 ~EiP~ksii .; ,> ~'1' 'i'0",!do"~ :,' :Io06,roiiilr 7"!,J0'6t:l'!!ii;;;~j6li:. 4'? ,:'1e08'roii,'i\, le:twssfEICAT-Y(i)N" !. ,i~;rTiAD. i j~RER0\~EP' ',i ~ES;rI'M~;fEii>':'f',};'EROR0SEQjo:" 'YR~'PQS~~;, r'<;"~" .' ''l2~..,;.".~,"""_,,,:s,~ '1' ':'~:":''''''"'~t;lL,:,:J \, .~,~.~" ;t ,~ '_.~~,,,,:,. . ." l' "_"'d""":~,,,"._.::~~_:!:"~i I Total Positions ..! . 87 i 90 ... .... ........ 90 i 92 I 92 I . . .. . , . ...-.. ,- ..,.....,............., ,'...----..--,.., ..'" '--r'-'-" Operations and 'i I ' Mm"~"""" 1.~'~69:61. .24466,'.17 I .2:~2'7412824]800'. 28767]50 : I ' [~]~~ o:~"yj~. 41';.~, ,.;:;::;:'1 ] 'l<:~18~:. c ~~,pl:'4;~ !;'];C)1:A'1:i3VOGEfl'i, 1,. $28';f29"'95'o;"'; $32'7:f4066',): i$33,1':fiP990:l' 1-$36 6S8430~t +".:$36'93~5~- t.': ". .,...' 0; .; - t .~:__~:~:.~~' -~!..J--'rL~;:>J';__," - -~'<";,~-;-l~.-':."1~,_~ ,'~:-:.4r:Jt:. ~,);~~,,",'t ,':.R._~;;~~;,'.&\--".-\-.'~~.",'~:"t," :: "'~jC~'"' :t~J~~7'. /-------- I OVJLl!)VIILW~~MMENT ARY""'~ .v/ · The Public Works Department's missjon,islto pro,Vide ~ffiilibi;;s"rvices and project a positi"ve'publie image to the 1 Comn:unity to ensure a higher q~,@}~~filif~~~I\~:'~~~~~~tslo!t~ay This is accomplished through responsible _ of public resources, partnersWp's'ahd.lea11)~()rls',(en1RJqyee",ti'ammg and development, and by contmuously ving to improve. ~. )",g ~ ~ . ,~[ . . ,_ ! I .,--c ~ ~-..,-d1ir;'.".!'~' ..--..'.:- , ,I The Department consists of 14 DIVISions rcport1l1~ito,the 0ffice.otthe Director Mamtenance OperatIOns, Vehicle I and Equipment Mamtenanee; Facilities MaintenJncb, Street'M:imtenanee;.Drainage Maintenance, Storm Water Management; Park and Landscape Maii1te~-a~~~Ti,~il1-and-2Es'I1..~pace_Maint~~;lliCe;Water Supply, Treatment, Pnmping, and Storage; Water Transmission and Distribution, ReClaimed Water Supply and Storage; Wastewater Pumping and Disposal, Wastewater Collection Maintenance, and Special Lighting and Landscape Districts. The Public Works Department is responsible for administering, operating and maintaining the City's infrastructure. Included are a variety of municipal services and facilities: water treatment, storage and distribution, water testing I and cross-flow connection programs; wastewater pumping and disposal, administration of sewage treatment agreements, paved and unpaved street and sidewalk maintenance and repair; safety lighting; traffic signals, street sweeping; solid waste and household hazardous waste management; parks and trails maintenance; administration of lighting and landscape maintenance districts, tree maintenance; municipal building maintenance; vehicle and equipment maintenance; storm drainage maintenance; and coordmation with other agencies as necessary to provide the above services. The Public Works Department, together with other departments, is responsible for the review of improvement and development plans, and ensuring the City's compliance with state and fedcrallaws and regulations. j e ! , L.., ---"'~_.,~~. ---'.~=,'"''~''''''''''''' ,,~ """" ~~."',.=.,''',~'.'~_ '.,"'_"'m"'_~m' _"mm,,_ . 127 "'",,_. """""..-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, c"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"'-.....,, ."."",,,...._,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. I DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS PI/hUe Works Department Division Number 0400 . 0 The Office of the Director is responsible for the overall supervision, coordination and control of the operatIOn and maintenance of the City's public infrastructure including: water treatment plant; water distribution system; wastewater collection system; streets; solid waste and household hazardous waste disposal, drainage structures and system; vehicle and eqUIpment fleet maintenance and repair; parks, trails, and open space; special districts for lighting and landscape mamtenanee; and pubhc buildings. The Director of Public Works is appointed by the City Manager The Director functions m a staff capacity to advise the City Manager concerning the City's public works system needs and requirements. The Director's Office is responsible for' . _~- ~ I >-.r~ ~ Managing and analyzing the operations of e~til,;PulJ!iC'Wbrks Division to ensure th~hlgh quality, professional services are provided. ...~. ... ../ 'l>'\l~1~'1\~'h ~ i ~ Ensuring that all maintenance andtati6hJrunelions';are e'arfieQ~out in a fiscally ! "-""-~""""] responsible manner " ' '.4;> .. , i ~ Providing professional advice and tec.ti~j,~'nrc;~q~9ecijiQ!t~2ikers, committees, staff and cItizens. ;'\}lfl~ -J __ ,_,.---... ~ Ensuring the City's compliance Witllstatcand-fedej.i!lllaws:,a.riU~gulatio~ water, y wastewater, StOlll drainage, solid waste and househola hazardous waste;--specjgJI districts, and fleet . . _.._" '-.'''"''4,-,V'' ~::! .. ....,._~-~.,~,.....,..._ operatIOns. '.. ..-"'" '~~~:~~.~ , I ! ;---. 'S."~"lr-'~~"" "~ ,~.-~. ~. ""'" ;Jt'~~'._-- .,"~~ '--"'--'" ..-.....'".. -.~-- ~- - \', 'y. -. /' rfPrrTYl'TY Q<?~LS)\-Nl? 013.JE!",;Tl~~S,~,,"::~': ", '.. , " ~ ,', :: .:. . , ...._"'~ , -,.. Coord mate the achievement of goals and objectives for all Public Works DIvisions. y Update the Department's GUIdelines and Procedures Handbook. y Contll1ue programs to mamtain state-mandated solid waste reduction goals. . , i Y Contmue City and regional programs to comply with the new 2007-2012 National Pollution Discharge , Ellmmation System (NPDESj Perulit I ~," . J~i9ili!!ilCi:~bJI;AJlT!.Yfrx p.RQ:O~f~f{~r\rsiESf;'J~~-C--l~ - ~-_. _._............,,~- .......,,-....,,-....-...-...... ..._.~~,..- - , I . 1 ! I - - -- "_..---_. - ...._._- - -.-...- ~'.~'''.._'' ,,--_.....~~._~- -_... _....__.~ ~.. 12~ ,,-- -~ DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Depmtment Dlvls;oll No: 0400 . ~W~-" ',--'~- --. ;:"',","2'665706" -'3906;07{ . ";i~g9~6;C~-: "~d9Z!9.8j <',l2Q08?Q~ gQ~; '_ _~] .2.gxpen.~~GIa'ssific<ltiQ.h.:.~"~' _ ..:~', :'. tAC14~i:'._ 'APP'fQ'v~~1 EJ!LinA!~",: ,JiroP9s'e&c _CRr6p.Q~e~.:;j , IPersonnel Expense I i iRangc Position Title Full Time Equiva1cnts , - ,-- - ,.",.- - _..~-, ---- r- -- 88 Director of Public Services 1.00 I 1 00 1.00 1 00 1 00 82 Assistant Director of Public Scrv 1.00 ! 1.00 1.00 i 1.00 i 1.00 : 69 Senior Management Analyst 1.00 I 1.00 1.00 , 1.00 t I 00 65 Management Analyst : 2.00 2.00 2.00 2,00 2.00 -~c'!S-;: ~:;A~m~";istrati~e.~ss~~,"(_,. .--..",1 .L!?~I ..l~'. I~~, 1.99, - ,!,o~, <. . ''f9tg!~1itI1QDz"g;P9s1tlOns(FTE); " ','~'006!09'.6.QQ t' "g:go!, ", '~1QQ, - -..;.c>l~-""'---'-~""-'~-"'''-'''-f-----' -~ ._.,_L.~ -~".,.....,= IUO !Salaries. Regular 408,252 i 522,230 513,517' 544,250 'I" 544,250 1130 . Salaries - Parttime 46,491 I - I - I - 1199 Vacation & S/L Adjustment 1,056, - I - 11300 iEmployceBenefits 172,540 I 21U,410i 214,956 i 219,890 I 223,290 '___. _, ~:"';:"~_:;::_" ~mm__~ ,m_--;:;-_., ..__J....- --'--;"-""- .~ L _'-;~~ -, 1'.~ . ,.U"""'. _-' _..J}).f"rr~r~Q!1lleLI:.c-."..~~ __~ . ..._~P3?~ '.. '732;6;'10' .72~\47~ ~ ,2()4; 149. , " 767;5~9.:; IOperations and Maintenance I i i 1726 I Special Studies : 1,667 6,000 ' 6,000 I 10,000 II 10,000 1799 'Other Professional Fees IS ; - , - 2110 'Gas & Electricity 11,363 12,282 i 13,007 13,470, 13,940 2200 Utilities- Other 3,181 I 3413 3,296 ! 3,590 i 4,090 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 7,760, 7,970 7,963 I 8,070 8,100 I . 3140 Travel and Meetings 4,948, 9,500 9.251 9,990 11,030 3310 Telephone 2,369 2,160 I.lJX7 960' 1,020 3311 Cell Phones & Pagers \,200 1,200 3320 Postage 83 100 99 100 100 4308 R&M Equipment 486 855 853 770 780 4318 R&M Radios 100 100, 100 I 100 4710 ,OlIice & Stationety Supplies 1,978: 2,500 2,353 2,400: 2,520 4730 iPhotographic/Copy Supplies 144 220 418 500 : 550 4760 Operating Supplies 44 4799 ,ather Supplies & Materials 121 100 100 IIJO 100 4908 Education & Training 598 900 700 3,000 600 4922 Printing 61 170 100 170 170 4924 PubJicationsand Dues 947 1.490 1.078 1,540, 1.540 4928 Uni fomlS and Laundty 13 300 205 . 300 i 300 4932 Advertising 100 100 . 100 I 100 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Onice Equipment 4,500 2,250 4,500 I 4,500 I 4,500 i , , . . -.... .,.. . '. . .....,.. ~""" -". ,<" " ~.< To~al Qpergtjon5. ~Maii1tenance; 40;278 5~~;~:'0 :?~;:nO~9i~p91iQ~7f!0~ Capital Outlay I . 16122 OlIice & Computer Equipment 642 600 578 680 , 680 [6136 Telecommunications Equipment - I 1,000 I . . _". .'. . .. '. . ' .." .. :t:Ii""<;';;::~:;:fPj' Tbt:il,C~pitalOljtlay 642:600.. 578' 1;680' ';: '::;;680 .,..... Divi:ion Total ___________.__,.. ._....~69,259 _Jlii,650 7~.~.161 f 826,680 i 828~%O. 129 I"'-'--"~~~CLE AND EQU;PMENT MiuNTENAN;~-'" "'l I Public Works Department DIvisIOn Number 0401 . , ~~. ........" ............ . - -. -. ,." --~ ~ >~. ""- L:ti...~4".,..._,:}--.""':',.h~...".".~,..'.'u.~. ~ ~--:-r---:7l;/"k7""'i,; " . ,"'~ ~ " ..=r . '~f ~~ ~.:~.:1,l"A~'{fI~JITJ~~.~,QR-I~IT~~::!lt!~.~ ,;' r>: ~:l'f,! . 'h 1':."' ~( ;~~4, : w~.l. :, 7"'. '" '.'ti1;1,:r'l =-;"'''''~ril I The Vehicle and Equipment Mamtenance Division manages Citywide fleet operatIOns mcluding repairs, : maintenance, and fueling of all City-owned vehlcles and eqUIpment. Fleet Maintenance provides fuel for all City ! vehicles and equipment through mobile and stallonary fueling eqUIpment, ensurIng all underground storage tank (UST) regulatory requirements are met. Work activities include preventative mamtenance, repair, modification, I and fabrication of all types of City motorized and non-motorized construction/maintenance equipment, ranging I from Fire Department pumper trucks to Parks and Landscape Maintenance lawnmowers, Staff maintains complete , inventory and cost accounting records for all vehicles, eqUIpment, fuel, parts, and maintenance performed, The i ! division also oversees admmistration of vehicle/equipment records for maximum operatmg efficiency, specIfY ing.J,. .: I replacement vehicles/equipment suitable to City needs, and ensures the Air Pollution Control Board and , Underground Storage Tank certification and mspections meet regulatory reqUIrements. ~."""_ ~ _d"""~""""""--'~'," >, , v~,,~-'.= ~~'''''''''''-'''-''tC~r. .-.~_", .'....., ..~, f"..,,,,,,,,,~ ',.lXC:JlIVI~'@@WS<AN9 GBm<'3;fI'VES " ',<..:" . :: ',,,," .~ ,,:~ u: ,~..".. ';. ,-:"" "', ':''1"lii' "~..'L.'.... --........ -_..".......~_.! ,-' ...................~....,.- ~....." .~...:::.......--. f.... '....... ",,>--->....".}...,..._ . J!.~~....'" r" ~. 'Update vehi~l~'and equip~ent capitaj'~eplacement inventory list by M~y 2008. ,,,.. - -1 ~ Prepare specifications and replace 7 autos and trucks and 7 pieces of construction/other equipment in FY 08, I Ii and replace 8 aut~s and trucks and 5 pieces of constructi6n7~ilier'equij5inent in FY 09 , ~ VerifY feasibility and purchase two hybrjd.,y;mi.91t~:for Development Servi?es,a.Q.d put into service F'l' 09 . I ~ [nspect, maintain, repair, and overhau('.!1l;<:Bi!y,in()S9i.i~sl and non-motorized equipment. I ~ Extend the service life andr;;.d;:~2~t;ogse(vi~e;ti~?lof'{1W City-owned vehicles andequipment through i ! routme and preventatlve mamtenanee'progIZ,an't, 0, ~ I I ~ Purchase and dispense appro~l~a.tel~'b~,OO.9~J~s,1i.f .?\!scJltn~rand 23,000 gallons of dIesel in compliance i wlth all state and federal regulatlw}s\rof!safegl)9~enY1rQJ)l!lel)tillly sound practIces of fucl storage, . 1 ;... Ensure DOT and Bureau of Automotiye'R~i~{jn~ctions'<)ccur every,90,days,and'corriplcte smog/diesel , __ '1-, z; ""1...1"'__ ! smoke certIfications according to regulationhypccember..3:L..,___.... . I ~ Ensure the City's emergency gq]eratOlcsysteh1.s!at~ in peak conditioirand~l!~or~gatlOnal ready mode at all i time' ---......:..-.~ . s. ___...,...<,. ~ )..- Coordinate the disposal of obsolete surplus vehicles and equipment through local auctlOn services. i f'-'-~'"c;;.~ '""':~ ".......,,,,,,,,,. . - ..'q.-............-..'\"..--.....,............--O",,""":. ---...-.--: . ~"_ . ":.-..":......~.....-~"..r.::::.:."....,'",~~..,-.......--."."'.":'$;;;;;'!1,~.=.'"~"'.- ~::;;:~. f ,AE:TIWiFFY;'W,ORKLOAD 'i '2006',01 ' ,200%~08i,l\ ',"14 .2008c09~",,, '1';;) ,_....~1f"'^_~ _ ,', . ,-_..,,-- _ "<~"''':'''''''''"'''.,",._ "'.,,,.....:i.._h.lt....i^~.,.,~....~.,{;" . STAnST,I€SI' . , " ,ES[jlV1""-;q3Q, I'R0JE~WED,.:. I p,R(i).TEGTED:r" ,.'1 .~~~~;~g~:~~i~~le~-~~SuV's'. ~ ~+,-- '3~ l .......:=-~-3~i.----'--"..3f~1 Light;~dustri;T(l io;~ andbe~owL-=- _ -r_~-=- -47';'" ~__ .___- 47' i=~-_ . 47~-j ,_I:!~av~~IJstri~(over.l.!2ll)___ ___ 26 I _ 2(,_1-_ __ 26 i Tractors 13 13 I 13 , :C" OthcI~e.9.~lp1!lent =--- . - ,--=-, ~--375 '~=_}75 ~, =-_..,,-=)75_~ !Vloto:.cXcles/T~<0..~.~l1!.~l.~.~ __,..,._.._+__, .._~6._i_._ _~~__,,_l6 I Fire apparatus 14 I 17 r 17 i r'-i01'AL "'~ehi-~Ies and ~quip;ent h - - '525 -1-- - 528! .- ..,"530' i="~=~._m.~ _~-~-~."...~""''',.._~,:),:~~,-~,~_~"=~-=-____,~.=---- ~ ~~~- -- -~==,~.-:--=~~:=-~J , .jSIGNIEICAN;:rA.GTIVITYiPR@@R'A:JY1ASH1\NGES.',,' "~' ' .. ,1G:HANCJE' " " I..."_"~._._"..."..:.;:",~""",.".~,.^,.,,,,.~:"~e'~'''~_,;.""'U.~..~;:.-o.:.=.".:.":~"-~~,,,,,,,,,,,:,,"'~,,h~__. ,...~.:rtf.__.__~"__'-_,...;.."::P."'-----.Ii'~"'.::..:.:.::,,:..:~"'.,,""".~ , 3120 - Fuel cost (increase 200/0 FY08-(9). I' - $80,690 FY 08 . . .... , +$56,700 FY09 . [ ... 4312 - Diesel Particulate Matter Control Measure for on-~oad heavy-duty ~ehici~~~r '+$35,000 FY 08' I I I '_ '_ ' - __ _.,_ ..._.,__ __ __..J 130 ---- VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE Public Work, Department Division No: 0401 . Ob.:."',.,._-;'.'-:'- -'.~.. ," ..- . T,;.~".,ioos:..06'2oo6167!'"\W006iof;'-:. 'i2007~08ri:. 2.068!09i~ : ~ :;" ' '" """"". "m .'" ..... ''"'' " , .::...,:;:~",,,,,,,;,~",-.,,,, .i'i...,;":.i;;".'''''''-,'''''''''' "v '0 -"'_,I'""'~'~I -. -",. """. ,~', -'~';~ - ,'I. @()d~ Tp;~;;nn~~~:~~~~ass;~t~ti9h.- ~_ -i'.: .t\9Nal: 3PR(QV!;9~,.:g~IiDBlf~sL_ ,PrQpo~ec!:, ,;;:pf6~sJci.:1 iRange. Position Title __.! .. _ . . _ Full Time Equivalents __ _ _ _ ! 64 Fleet &Facility Supervisor LOO LOO I' LOOT 1.00 1 00 56 Sf. Eqwpment Mechamc I 2.00 I 1.00 1.00 I 2,()() II 2.00 I 43 Shop AsSistant I 1.00 LOa 1.00 LOO LOO -"'. ----";:-~, .._... :;."'''r::'T'''~;' u, _ -- " J--~_"" - .,'-' ._....~~~. -~:;, --":-~'~ ( '''''--- . ;rolaLAutlibi'iz~c!.Positi6riS (Er~):' . '. : .. 4.09:1'" .. .4~Q9d. ~ '. . :4:QQ '. 4'00', ''',:}o<,( IllilfS;I;;~s - Reg~i;;---- ---.-.-- -r.. '219,05C . 222,OsDl 212,lO;;---232:80(Jr' 232,800 1130 iSalaries. Parttime I - - 943 , , 1140 jlSalaries - Overtime 5,643 6,000 6,000 8,000 8,280 1199 Vacation & SIL Adjustment 5,041- 130(~__~~p~~:tee Ben,,!!ts, c9Z,262i_ 1~~:130 L H)3,1,~':.", )~?,5QO l ,1IO:~20 ;:t6tiiip~tsonnel, . ' ,32\>;997; 334,2!Q' :322,;248. ;34~,3QO~ ,.ij5j',~j'6.0 ~-r-'-'----- - -----,-..- ....._....._,,""">-...~ _._-~......-,_.-._. !'~' ,.,~.._~..4<..-f.. _" ' ";-- -~",-..- ' .___---.-a..._.. IOperations and Maintenance i i 2110 jGas and Electricity 6,258 8,1 70 8,136 8,460 8,750 2200 'I Utilities- Othcr 528 I 700 i 700 700 700 2910 Hazardous Waste Removal 1,597 , 2,500 I 2,500 2,590 ! 2,680 3120 I Vehicle Operations 263,828 I 364,000 3M,OOO ' 283,310 340,010 3140 'Travel and Meetings 2,089 I 2,500, 2,951 I 4,300 2,400 13310 Telephone 1,209 1,150 982' 430 430 . 3311: Cell Phones & Pagers 680 , 720 4120 IOtherContractual Services 2,625 5400 5400 7.370' 7,370 4308 iR&M Equipment 11.904 12.000 12,000 6,700 6,700 4312 R&M Outside Vehicle Repair 93,394 75,000 75,000 110,000 110,000 4318 R&M Radios 300 300 600 600 4516 Small Tools 1.534 1,400 1,400 1,450: L500 4710 laffice & Slationety Supplies 296 350 242 350 I 350 ,4760 'Operating Supplies 7,560 3,500 9,232 6900 t 6,900 , . . 4799 IOtherSuppJiesand Materials 128,371 132,000 126,000 136,620 i 141,400 4908 [Education and Training 367 780 605 780 ! 780 4916 iMedical Exams 145 240 120 360, 120 I ' 4924 ' Puhlications and Dues 230 140 620 ' 500 4928 jUniforms and Laundry 2,636 2,560 2,560 2,930 I 3,010 4932 Advertising 106 - 5510 !Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicles 9,920 4.960 9,920 9,920 I 9.920 5520 : Capital Outlay Rental- Other Equipment 27,340 13,670 27,340 27,340 I 27,340 5530 : Capital Outlay Rental- Office Equipment 2,260 1,130 2,2/l0 2,260' 2,260 5730 'Intergovernmental Fees 15,3lU 13.540 13,540 14,440 14,440 i'fotaE<:lperations&Maintenance 579,17,1 646;080 ;665,43~' 629;jjo,688,8801 ",-"""",:",,:':.;,.._ .__,.. ._,To'" .0., ,,"" ....__'".- , ". .,.. ...- ,,-.-...,.~< "--"::'~'...~:"'., ;C~pitaIOutlav ' , .,..... ,~ hl22 I Office & Computer Equipment 3,000 3.000 8,000 11,500 6130 'Shop Tools 545 . 6136 'Telecommunications Equipment 200, 6199 !OtherEquipment 90,000 90,000' 91,000 I 6402 ,Buildings 494 660 - ! '~~tilll€apital0titJ~y 1';039,' 93:?~Q )93,000- 9Q;200': ~;i:J\~.9& I ' ,Division !.~tal ...~............_ 907...20.7 1,073,950 1 ,080~~:976,61~.L._1 ,051,480 131 r---"'-'-'_._......., --'--"'- -,......-.,.,..-..... "", I WATER SUPPLY, TREATMENT, PUMPING AND STORAGE I Public Wurks Department I Division Nllmher 0402 . ~~--~~'~~'m~r':;:,'c~,,, ,,~'"'''.'_.'' _<,:,}'i';:'7'~i'~"~"1,,,p': 'r!!"'J"":;:;;~:'~':"'"'' :;;. '. 1"'::;:' ''''~ J, ~ 1/", i .~l '4ffi~~;"~::;""W'J-t"j','i """'1'1"' ~" I". ."m ',,;:~ "," "A,@'FIMITY'IDES@R1P;PI0N. ' }" .c'~' ;!; -" .", ,. .' ';., '.;......"., '.".'f,,, !....,..,:~1 ,i....~....:...,;",",;l,I~;..." J.,. J!:..' _ , ,_~',~ "';"~'*..;.~it;,,,,i.L."";;,~l ,Pil' ", - ,~,., I'i-..c".,;t, ',' 1" ~_.~T"1.,."':";;:':;,,L;;~,;::;:':~~~~,..i',..._-- ,;, <M~"J;::::,~~':ic, I The WaterSupply, Treatment, Pumping and Storage division is responsible for delivering potable water to ! , City consumers. This includes receiving and treating raw water purchased from the San Diego County Water I I Authority; inspecting and maintaining Lake Poway Dam; monitonng and maintaining the .water quality in I Lake Poway; operating and maintaining Poway's Lester J Berglund Water Treatment Plant, the distribution I I system, pressure-regulating and pump stations; monitoring and operating treated water storage reservoirs to ; , provide both normal and emergency supply levels; and implement the additional regulations mandated by . ! California Department Health Services and The United States Environmental Protection Agency ~ ~ iliF'~":" , ,'/,~:' "r ( ~ .;. ",',;f':"~:'~"'" --" ,,"~'5"""~""""" -:,,'=' 'V' ~ f'r'"", ;.;' , ~ r"'''''':'lf;:':' "'.1";' I""""""""""""'''=-;;:''::;'':~':\' . \. -~~ :',~ ,A'GTI;vrT'Y[i2Q:@.S,~,Q~.fE.~TI~ES':iL.."::':'::":'_:i~..." ,,:,l~L, <iiu.M . "'-!'L;~;'~";".~. - ',.:- ' >- Provide City consumers with the highest quality potable water as economically as possible while meeting all State andFed~ral regUlation~,,~ .....---.''>-.. . I II :>- ASSist Development Services and bnng'.' on]l1ne'tWo.newplllllp statIOns and one.new reservOIr as part I "~' . .,,' . ", .... "- . i . 01 fthe11CIP program, L.t ~v ,,' '_h..,~<,'.~~.~c:'';l'" b J I 7008....... " I ,. nsta one emergency genemg.!'aI)l!"pur<;"aseron.e;eme~g~l1eY4generator Y u Y _ , , I,. :>- Implement required EP A a~t€t5.~$ir~g~12SrIiIThBjUWhg: L6hg Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water ! Treatment Rule, Stage 2 DiSl11'fectal1.!~fih~J1{:Si~fJibii,BYJPj-~duet Rule, and nex!!()lInd o,fLead and I Copper Monitoring. prepare"tofllpeom~u~iiatlciContaminailt Monitoring program per I I I ~...---- regulatory schedule,."" Ik, ~'_",_ _ _ . ,,- -"",,'''',,------='''' "" - , Upgrade Influent, CW A and Distribution metering deviees,legdinlffo impr;;-;d flow monitoring by ! July 2008 , , . I" "^,," '''---;--.om '-- -,.."".,,"...---------- - ........... ~." - "'! . m""t -, . ...-,--;- 'fii ,~C.Tlxr!TY'WOfKJjQ.~q: ;~].06W r" ~6(17~28:." I ,,3qo~:2~'. ! STW:rISJ:ICS\' " '" i ESTIMl'X'fED;'PROJEGTED. PROJEG1'EB:. p'm.~~....",.,,,::,,:,~~.--,-_:.'..._-A- -.:.... .~_ _ _:;'''::.~_=_::':.::'' -.- .~~..., __l:.:::..:::~.:.., ,._, ":L "~r ,- ~,:.i"'~.:~;.2.;:_; ::..:~- 'I Acre feet of water treated for Poway! 14,977 15,826 r 16,126 ;.m_..m......._ ._............_._._._._._._m...m.......m.......m.._ _",. _ _._ _~_....__ _........m..m__ _ ___ __._.. .__ Acre feet of raw water purch~sed for 548 I 51 g I 600 ' i Stonendge and Maderas golt courses I ' I I ,....w_.. """""".~...."".- -.......-.. ........_- -- _ I , Acre feet 0 f raw water adj ustment for i I L ~~~~;atlon and seepage, La~_ __ 1_ _ 279 L _ __ 30: _ i __ 30~--J ti . ..~;;~..~~ "fW"'.,,~. ":h,,",~'m L '.'303+ "~4' ._. "~26 : ,-i~~~; Of,~~~:.t~:ate_d for'ho L~~.. =91 I ~~2()0 _. _~ ,~l~(~ j I '~i~f~t~;~~g~~~~:~~;~&~~ fi~~~:;~l~~~~~~'dified p~e;t tariff;. -'+ '~~6~~:;::~ I Projected merease m power costs second year due to addItIOnal water I + $72,940 FY o~ I I ~. _produ~tlo1!:. _____.. _ ,__ .. ___ ~___"__' . _ _ ___'. I 2710 - Raw Water' Overall increase in raw water costs from MWD and additional I -I- $1,319,390 FY 081 , _' _plal1!.pc!:oduetion anticipated, ~._ _ _ _ ,,_ _ I + $7~5)2Q.f'V:_02..1 I 4120 - Other Contractual. Overall increase for increased landscape services, + $166 086 FY08 1 painting offactlitles, clearwell cleaning, and BMP 5 compliance _ 15.378 FY 09 I ' , - -_.............- .".........-.....-- _. -- --~-- 132 I WATER SUPPLY, TREATMENT, PuMPING AND STORAGE Public Works Department Di>'ision No: 0402 . J5lij.- "! "':'""', , ~~ -' " ; -," --,;- 2()0'5;()6-~:'~:2006:jj'7~"" b2066~67 y -';2b07:;08' ,~-~, -2008[09-:}; ~oa~__,,,.~.,~;EkpinJef@lhsslt1daBonC_~~(~,,,,,.,,,~,;t{~:~~ ~~':~A<!tUaih_.~..;,ApP~b_Y~~t_""__'.'E~~t~d' \', ~ ~roPo;ea ~ ~.Y?f6p~Sea!~ I Personnel Expense Range Position Title i Full Time Equivalents 1.-... ...._.._....... _ __ ~ ."" ,..-.., ----., - ~ I 78 Water Utilities Manager LOO : LOO I 1 00 I' LOO j LOO I 70 Water Treatment SPVL 1.00 I 1.00 I 00 1 00 I LOO , 64 Sf. Utility Systems Tech LOO ' LO~ L001 I 00 1.00 , 64 WatcrTPO I1III]]] I 7.00 6,00 6.00 7,00 7,00 60 UtIlity Systems Mechamc '2,00 I 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 60 Utility Systenl' TechmcIan i - - - 1,00 LOO , _L:I~__:~I;r:trat\,:; A,s;l:tantPl ,_' i _, [00 '-;.J",OO,,_,_~'p ,_ ~,QQ{,.J~OO. , '" motal"Autlionzed Poslltons (FTE)''' . .. 13.001 'E2:00, )-2'00', ,14'00 ,":lfI:OO. 1'110' iSalaries - Regular - -, --, " '..' '1'-'S13,48:i'T--' 873,570 ' U~07:3"5iT Y45jOO 1"95O,ili) 1112 I ShIft Dlfferenttal 17,590 17,590 15,410 I 15,900 1114 iStandbyPay 3,315 3,900 3,900 3,900 I 3,900 "140 : Salaries - Overtime 35,247 , 53,680 53,6XO 61,390 : 62,740 11199 I Vacation & SIL Adiustment 21,581 -, -1 -. l3..o.Qjg~p1oy~ Benefi!s . --c' .. J ,_,.}~j~l ,.....}Z4,Q~0~... ...........3.4J.\~~~ .:1.97:930 J. 4?Q,90Q. , .__,:Fotal'Personnel'--__~~_'-:.- _ ~H;J98;l3'7~ _. r,322,8001,' ""f_)l~224\~9,IA33:0.30~r:::'il:;t53:9bOo !Operations and Maintenance i J! 1726 : Special Studies I IS 154,300 195,100 104,000 I 104,200 2110 !GasandElcctricity , 2,171 15,330 I 4,002 ~ 16,370, 16,370 .2140 Pumping Power 540,242 I 723,960 I 6XR,X21 I 634,300, 697,260 12200 I Utilities- Other I 440 ' 1,580 1,580 2,7XO 2,780 12310 Telemetry 9,565, 9,000 10,734 10,520 12,600 2710 I Water Purchases 7,690,329 R.149,990 R,149,990 R,853,420 9,528,920 . 12900 Trash Remuval 3,000 ' 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 '3110 ,Reimbursed Mileage 2,442 2,700 2,700 2,800 2,850 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 2973R 37,580 37.5XO 40,170 39,850 3140 Travel and Meetings 1,500 3,190 3,191 6,4XO 6,590 3310 Telephone 4,318 6,500 4,659 6.500 6,500 3311 I Cell Phones & Pagers 3,260 3,260 3320 IPostage 3,213 4,260 4,260 5,160 5,RIO ,4112b ,Engineering Inspection 8,140 20,750 20,750 21,620 22,200 4 I] 6 I Lamlscape Maintenance X5,000 93,500 4120 I' Other Contractual Services 172,577 272,190 259,ORO 340,210 311i,290 4308 R&M Equipment 140,592 284, II I 2R4,112 166,060 126,030 431R !R&MRadios 515, 990 990 3,490 3,490 , 4502 ,Chemicals 23X,618 413,260 413,260 483,090 519,400 4516 'Small Tools 2,5X6 500 500 1,000 1,200 4700 I Office/Safety/Photo Supplies 10,196 : 23,992 18,335 28,050 25,480 4760 'Operating Supplies 104,446 95,320 95,321 323,720 307,570 4904 I Community Relations 1,297 2.100 2,100 3,000 3,200 4908 jEducationandTraining 9131 20,180 20.180 27,210 27,ROO 4916 I Medical Exams I 427 2,250 2,250 2,700 2,700 4922 I Printing 6X 800 800 XOO ROO 4924 'Publications and Dues 22,520 33,600 33,600 30,870 31,880 4928 ,Unif0I111s and Laundry 3,403 5 770 5 771 6,430 6,550 4932 'Advertising l,R08 300 300 2.000 2,000 4936 'Rental - Equipment 2,000 5,000 5,000 5500 ICapital Outlay Rental 40,620 20,310 40,620 40,620 40,620 . 5730 11ntergovemmentalFees . .' ,4~,592' ..66AIO ,,66,410 ,61,590 ,61,590 Total<2IJemt;O'~:i\klitt~rulllce ,9,094'509.' 10376223', 1O,"3'7:l,996: 11,323;220' 12i6iijt29<f. r~'-"''''''''''--~'. ._--~,"--~..._. ....-.....- .,', .,.,-",.. .- ....,....'.. '., . -, . '".".._,',~,"".~. Capital Outlay , 16100 Equi~rn,-llt.. .. ..., 84,157 , 53,810 35,834 117,060 19,660 . -T6bKGap!t310utla.x:8f1;rs~ :53;810 , :35,834 lW1060 '~i9;6~(). - (Divisi~~ ;r~tai . 10,376,803 11,752,833. Il,~34,279 12,~7]}I.o,J3,502,9IO' 133 i W ASTEWATE~,!~;P~~,~";ND ~;S~OSAL---l I D,VISIOIl Numher 0403 . r::~~~€Tj;\hj'fNiDES@RIR:m@N/ "~'.:; '~ ,,,J" "". ,"",_, ':rd :l;[ -,~",,-"I.. ";".,~."/ .~,,=;7~ 1- ~I~'I~ divlSlOn pu~::: :oni:or:ast:::r 'flOWS prIor to ltS' d~SC;1arge to the' Cay :r ~an"DlegO :o~-- ti I I treatment. The focus ofthis division is to maintain Poway's sewage lift stations, momtor sewer flo,:scOlmng I I Into and out of Poway and minimIZe health nsks In normal and emergency pumping. thiS divIsion also i oversees the City of San Diego Metro Wastewater Disposal Agreements. I ,-------. I ,. Maintain the City's five wastewater I.iftl~tations-t.o".p erfonn at peak efficiency I ",;:.-J'~' ,_ . "r. , . .6'" , Y Bring online one new developWpr951jSI~ii::Hf!:'i~t~t,jQt\~n 2008-09 i 'y Install emergency gene'~i~H';i1inh~~~iMall,~i~!~t~Jjy July 2008, : , E I t h . ~t :."i,.,t..... .n~g-b- J ...r 7008 I ,. va ua e c ange In pow:r. anl~:~~~~p~~~~:~anua~: ,.~~_ _,_ . 'y ASSist Development Services 111 the de~9}n!plsslOn of St. Andrew~ewage Lift Station. i __---,,-'\-t\:<:,;:;:.~ - :~:::::::::-- I ~~,:~'-~-'-~:m m'-:-~- ___..-_m. -~'- ---.-":::_~-"".",,,,: ~~'~L",,'-'~-'- _ '__" '-~'''''-i't1V. '~c;I!yjIT5vqRKTIo0A1Q' ,,' l:~20,~!~7: .... " '?OO}~ot,;.i908'D9: ,,~;":::f~ , :S:~,:rIS:~~S:~, ,> _, ,,_. .~~.~..:S~TIM?:'F~W, _ ' ,,~R~~~_!rT:~ i, P,~0JEq;1~~~r]j r Poway wastewater delivered to 1237 MG f 1,246 MG \,271 MG ! I _Metro, (Contract all'1..ount 2,127 Mgl.. __' ____ __ ___ : I W~stewatertransportationthrollgh I.. 1,237MG 1.237MG 127IM;-l Penasqmtos ].. .. ' :..; I City of San Diego wastew~;t;:;:--" . -j - . '~;'M;;-I 451 MG '- .. 4~6 MG ~ . delIvered to Metro ' -- Combined flowofwastewater-I----~;~MG 1~8; MG 1727 MG delivered to Metro ' : ' , Powaywastewater'deli~ei:edto ,._, 1--' -16.0'~G' -- -16.9MG i 169MG-- ; Escondldo ._ '_" ,_ ,_ __ ..____, __.. I.___~ - ",~",,""~'~"'-''''"''''--:'''~>'''"'"'''~'"'"'''-'-'.'"'''','r ~''''''''''''..t:v'''---". -~-,.""""\-'---' ......_....'"i-"'~ ,._',--" - - - - -- ._'. - ,-,-..,.. -~-...,..,-l] , 'SIQNIFICANT A:€,'fTViIJ'WPg00~iC.~9F:~:':':~_, :,..$' "" <':-,~~,,'.'" tIQ\:~GE;,:Jl, 2810- Metro Projected Poway flow decrease and based on costs estimates from I - $582,270 FY 08 City of San Diego. + $73,~90 FY 09 , - -'--'- , - --- --'1-. ~ "I 2840 - Penasquitos: Based on cost estimates from City of San Diego. ! + $144,080 FY 08 ' ____,.__._,,_____,__ ..._....___,_ ,...,. _"_ : +,$21,I,~g,FY09 4308 - Equipment repair and Maintenance: Changes in SCADA and software I + $22,420 FY08 support. I + $2,500 FY 09 -- _. .--...- -- ..-- -.....,.--.. - ...---......-..,....-,----- ---. ._~ I , I ......"".........._..,... ,_~_ ..,,_. .._ _.~.",",..,.~_"'_"._,..._"." _..."..........""_.,,..._~,,~.~ "'.,...., .,........"'''.___ .... ,,,_i 134 W ASTEW A TER PUMPING AND DISPOSAL Public 1Fork"! Department Division No: 0403 . \6'bj"1' ;- -'-~ .:; '; ^. ;'~' 2005~o'6;"': ;2006;0r:""'ir2()06f07, 19:2:i1e' _ .:c;:~xp';mse;G]assifica!i9!' ,', ;,"di\-~~~i ',':Aijjii11~<l.'.._:.J;isJiii1atedc I .- "I ; Personnel Expense I 'Range Position Title Full Time Equivalents I ,-70 .' Water Utility Systems Supervisor 1.00 i .. ---I-:on--' I 00 1.00' I 60 Utilities System Technician l.OO i I 00 l.00 I 1.00 - _' '-"'-,,:,"'"'""."',-__":""''''',~''',~--~.'' ..:'~, ~'--"':--'~"i"'-~---"''1' -~-':: ;;,:",~:-::-' > ~-' fn~ -rf::f~~u:t~~:[:~:iO~S(~TE) .~.',. I 2,715 -~14i~i!T-~i4;~[r~(' i'~~r~~~r' I~~!~! 1140 Salaries - Overtime I 6,829 9,740 I 9,740 i 5,720 I 5,920 1199 VacatlOn & SIL Adjustment 3,2ill _, .,,: I - I - , 1300 :i~m"~loyee.~el1efits _,~__, _h _J_ 4~:,642 _~~,L.~.~~;,nJ1-I;;;;,~.~-l!,,*!.Q) 29,~62, _ _ _ <'fot~~\Personnel~ .. ,__ ~ :7. __'_ '__...~!)~_ '20R'2]~\!~';2%~??';;218;?~qr! r2J9!?~2i Operations and Maintenance' ' 1708 ,I Chemical Analysis Fees I 1,746 I 3,700 3,700 ! 3,000 i 3,300 1726 Special Stndies 24,454 37,000 47,000 1 43,360 i 44,~30 2110 I Gas and E]ectricity I 212 500 I 500 I 440 450 2140 Pumping Power 50,280 76,X50 67,309, 66,490; 67,910 2310 iTelellletry 7]2 3,210 1,62711 2,920 2,970 2810 ;M&O- Meh'o System 3,327,902 3,657,390 3,657,390 3,075,120 3,149,010 2820M&O - Bemardo System 46,444 34,130 34,130 36,540 37,270 2840 ,M&O- Penasquitos System 8]6,606 619,550 I 619,550; 763,630 7X4,790 2900 Trash Removal 3 166 5,000 , 5,000 ! 5,000 . 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 7 164 R,~90 I 8,X90 9,470 9,380 3140 Travel and Meetings 215 2,5401 1,692' 2,400 2,IRO 3310 Telephone 726 1,480 1,204 I ' 13311 Cell Phones & Pagers , ,1,560 1,560 4120 .other Contractual Services 4,1170 19,5110 I' 19,500 ' 20,750 20,750 4308 'R&M Equipment 15,604 23,700 15780 3X,200 40,700 4318 'R&MRadios - : 220 220 1,220 1,240 4502 Chemicals 7,325' 9,000,' 9,000 10,000 10,800 4516 ,Small Tools 2R6 , 500 500 500 500 4710 Omce & Stationery Supplies - i 79 47511 Safety Supplies 1,261 2,300 2,300, 2,000 2,500 4760 Operating Supplies ]0,295, 27,500 I 26,165 33,0511 29,200 4908 Education and Training 2,157 lO,OOO ! 8,614 15.600 12,850 4916 Medical Exams 276 450 I 450 450 450 4924 'Pnblications and Ducs 341 950: 950, 790 810 4928 Unifonns and Laundry 647 1,190 I 1.190 1,220 l.230 4936 Rental- Equipment 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 55lO Capital Outlay Rental- Vehicles 9,520 i 4,760 i 9,520' 9,520 9,520 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment 1,980 , 990 ; 1,980 1,980 1,9XO 5730 Intergovenllnental Fees 4,676 9,000 i 5,897 9,000 9,000 I 1 I T6tai~Operatii:ms'&,Nfiiintemirice 4;338;065 4,565;300' 4~555,1'37 14;154;210 ,4,255;180 i Ca~ital Ou;l~y ';,-"'.' --c:-'i' ,. '. . ,6136 Telecommunications Equipment - I 3011 100 16199 Other Equipmellt 3,309: - , i 'TbtaliGakJtaliQtiil~y' i3;iJQ9' -3<1.0' ;100: L_J)iv;Si~~'f~!~C ~ _____.,__ ,_ 4,538,47'7''' 4,773,510 I 4,763,362, 4,E~,01g ,~:474,1s30' 135 -"""-""""""""-""""" ,-"""""'"''''''''''''''''''--''''''''''''''''''''''''-'''''''''''-,,~,,-,,~'"''' -, .". ., - ~,-,., I WATER TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION Public Works Department Division Number 0404 , -, .. -", ,,'wc,,_ -"'h'''''''''>-~'''', """ . , . ",,'"'' ~,,,''',\ ,,""","""---',,):---T"" ",,, ~ 0' iA:CTIIMIT<1-~(QESGRlR;r;I0N;;: "" : ",'.. ,,', ," ',," :',< '.""~l __",,,.,,_.'I,,",,,,,,,,_,,~,,,,"~,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,--,,,.,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,;.,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,""_~ ~,",""-,,--~~U~i?:,, e,. "'.".,,, , The Water Transmission and DistributIOn DlVlSlOn IS responsible for the maintenance and repair of the City's potable water system. Major functIOnal areas melude repairs on 4-inch through 36-inch mains, air releases and blow.off assemblies, fire hydrants, water laterals and meters, and the installation of new water meters. This I Division also aids in preserving optimum water quality throughout the City by both the Annual Water Main i Flushing Program and the potable Cross-Connection Control Program. I ""'''''''''-'''''''''''''''':r::::?r.,,,~,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.-.,,."" "'" ",,,,",---"~"-"'''' ~~~ ~;'Ak€TtvfT~'@6A1.5S~'@B:ri'@T,I~Sb-" ,,0. ;~:i '1'" We' .'," ,l: ~' .~ U:::"";H",,>;, ~' \';"":ib'l~~:'t~~,;,;;,::~~IU:~j::~';!' ~.:.'~ '.,"",:t~'''''',,','t......:;......,,}<,'.'..... ,'., ,/ ",,'"'''''' "".::'h.,....~'HU;"~""""""",,.,,~;:""" ,,'.' '!"'~' "I .., ; ., ~ Upgrade 12 tire hydrants annually I r I >- Replace three hundred (300) residential water meter~annu,!lly I I ." "",.,..."..,....---....., >- ProvIde continuous and etI:;;~XVjQbi~~zens resulting III h~'CU~ satisfaction. I 'b -" ".,,~ >- Replace five (5) compo1fe~,asel.m\t~m_u~f1~, ,. , "':' , i >- ExerCIse one hundred (1 OQ2:;l!)Y~SjilI1QiP!;!.s;~'SI~ty(?Q)''!RP1Jrtenances weekly I . , ~ fi 'I -w~ort'~Q' ,~" ffi "--'''-Ji r Test Ive (5) 3-mc 1 and largerwatermete{s,: o.rp~p~ n~lenng'e IClencyannua y , X C -- ~ P fi d f2' h .\ d ' k r-tld 'ty -ffi . ,. er onn ran om tests 0 -mc'compoun 'meters,.,. Ive year~a~~r,.to:ven -e IClency . I -"""-~::::.."".~ I :;.. ASSIst Customer Services and develop a residential water meter replacement standard by July 200R i f r- - ~-.-.:7~~.~:-~T.-;"''''- ._~ ~;--~.._" - --::". '--~~~f---..-n-:c--:-.--"-- "'-'-.~ 7"~ ~:~:cr""""1 , A€jh;vIT,Y;,WOR~C0AB ""1 200~col'; ,- { ',260-11:08', ~.r '2008~69 ,Yl~; ,"":' :~""':. ... ,'~"-","--'~. - - '. r'~~' .,..-:%0> ':.~, ....":.n _ "",," ,,;,;J:;~;';" : _, .~.. . t,\) _.~ ..,,_.A. q_ ... .,. ->l: . * "S..FATlS'fI€S: ESTIlvE<\TED RR0JE€q'ED~ ~'.. ,EROJEGTE-D 't .,-;..." ~..'..:" '. .." " '" ..<: C'" '~""",,,:~':,:'-'-"""'''''''''m''''' .... ," .. ...~"f ;"=-M';l~s ofw~t~r dist;:i~utlon p;pell;le .-, ' 27~--r-"~' , ~;~; T"'-" . -'. );9' j __(~'jIi~meter through 36" dmmete,r)_..'__ ,. .,__, '___ - . , ~ Water main appurtenances I, I 07 1,172 1,242 -- --- -'. ---""'.""'--.-----",_..""',,.,,"'---- -,-_. ,...,-- - -". -"",,--,-,--: I , Fire hydrant assembly inventory 2,213 i 2,261 2,318 i - - -- ."""---~~~--""-".,,""-- '-"". "'--" --"'- Water distribution main valves 5,013 j 4,897 I 4,973 , - 'SIGNIFicANT:'AC;r;ixh;rYPR@GJU{M'GHWN'(GES ,'--::-' ~', .; ,,: -GHAN(f;E"-'<' ","--i".""'''''''''-'"''''''''''''''''''''''+''''='''"''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~''~".",~",,,,,,,.,,., "'" ", .- "~~"",,,",,~:r,,c~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.:;-i.-..,",,"._.~_.:..___jH.~'__''''''''___'~' _;""'_""""'_~~~''''''''',,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,,,,,,,e,,,''',,,,,,,,,,,,,,.;._€_,.,,, 4120 - Other Contractual. Overall increase due to GIS services to digItize maps. I' + $15,200 FY 08 i I + $4,270 FY 09 I 4760 =- Oper~tl;~' Sl;pplies, Overall increa~e fo~ operatmg suppi'i'~s~-" . -.-,. I + $33,201 FY 08 __ _. _ ,,_ _ _ _ ________" ._. ~_~",.",_",_, 1_.~?,~?OFY09..... 6199 - Other EqUipment: Overall decrease in need for addItional field equipment. I - $5,500 FY 08 ; , ! i I - -- _ ''''-~ -.- --- ------ ,,-- --- ,~"".'."."".."'''''',~=-.'','',''''.~''''',~''.,,--~=--- H J_ _".__ ---~~ 136 --",,- ".---- WATER TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBITnON Public Works Deparlmeltt Divlsioll No: 0404 . ~bjt'-' ,::::,.';:;-""".' . ':" ~:.I~" :,~.~ ,-' .-: "~~~Q~1::'i;~g9~'Q7'\:,,;z0,6]'91~! --i~QQ7!Q.8C'.~26ii?$(l9;~: G:Q4""-r::J.w~.,:s~re,i~~Qlas~jficati8!!L_, .,.,',~.., ' _,.:, ASMk' .",.'.6PPI~X@~ 'Es.ti.m.~l~d' ~" Brgppsed, , ,,' P,rgp'Q~~gl; Personnel Expense I Range Position Title Full Time Equivaleuts 64 \V;t~rUtiiitie;S~p;;;',;is~. 100 -Liia ;---IJio" LaO LOO 58 Cross-Connection Specialist I 00 LOa I LOO ' LOO : LOO 53 Water Utilities Crew Leader 2.00 I 2,00 i 2.00 I 2.00 j 2.00 47 Water Utilities Worker II : 3.00 ! 3.00 II 300 : 3,00 ' 300 . _.:11., ~~~Ytllitles':"'ork:<;;I~ ,_ J ,,_ 200,1_.., 200 , h'__)~O?). 2:92. _~,~.o~, __ TqtaL;(\uthon.:<;5:~:P,Osltlf;ms(J;tt) ,___ __9JOOi _h'_ 91001 .9'.00. 9100; -0.-' '.9Wl 111ifTI;alaries - Regular T 427,2~6 449,320 r 442,.216 i 453,77.'0 : 453,770 1114 iSalaries - Standby 3,601 7,030 7,030 " 3,000 I 3,000 1140 lSalaries - Overtime 20,465 I 20,610 , 20,609 18,000 18,630 1199 I Vacation & S/L Adjustment 3,573 I - I - I - I '1:13~9".jE;n~JgY~9;B:~dits" 'h. ", n__} 9X,2lZ..[ 223,220 i _ 21 !,757L_,?22;~~.L ~228,?90c 'Jotal';Bersonnel ,', ,,653;583 700,180< (683,612'(#;697,020; 703,490, ...---"~. ..........=..~.:.........~",.o"..,,""_""_.................,,"'........,.~'_ -"'.,......_ .......,..._ ~_. "0 .,.;... ....,.,,_.. - .,",..,',........~",',......_~ """",..,.,,}...-'>-h~i -""~ '''''''''(''C'" 'Operations and Maintenance ! I I 1708 !Chemieal Analysis Fees 1,8371 2,130 I 3,640 2,200 I 2,200 2110 Gas3ndElectnclty 17,620, 22,500 I 19,~99 24,750 24,750 2910 Household Waste Removal 295 i-I " I - , 3110 ReimbursedMileage i8 I 100 70 120 120 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 74,090 I S6,790 86)90 X7,830 I 85,970 3140 Travel and Meetings 1,035 2,350, 2,350 2,210 2,380 . 3310 Telephone 3,045 3,020 2,4R3 460 460 3311 Cell Phones & Pagers 1,~30 1,830 4120 Other Contractual Services 17,661 23990 20,330 35,550 39,820 430R Equipment Repair & Maintenance 227 4318 R&MRadios 990 990 1,940 2,050 4516 Small Tools 71 ~ 500 920 700 750 4710 'Office Stationery & Supplies 495 I 530 350 550 580 4750 ';arety Supplies 1,444 2,327 2,327 I 2,650 , 2,760 4760 Operating Supplies 146,170 130,520' 103,849 I 137,050 142,540 4904 'Community Relations 150 150 150 150 4908 Education & Trainin>( 2,667 6,700 5,60~ 5.200 5,230 4916 Medical Exams 1,342 2,380 2,3RO 2, I SO 2,060 4m ~~~ ~ 4924 Publications and Dues 2,422 4.340 2,125 4)20 4,nO 492~ UnifomlS and Lmmdry 3,205 4.730 3,451 4,840 4,930 4936 Equipment Rental 7,207 5,000 3,500 5,000 5,000 :5510 Capital OutlayRental- Vehicles 39,040 19,520' 39,040 39,040 39,040 15520 Capital Outlay Rental - Othcr Equipment 2~,020 14,010 2R,020 28,020 ' 2S,020 15530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment \,800 900 l,800 I 1,800! 1,800 15730 Intergovemmcntal Fees R5 1,200 1,IR5 I 1,440 1,610 Totalglperatigns& Maint~nance) 3:;0,44~ ~~4;6'7f1 }~I;~51 J"[<ii:2)j,i ':328n\Illi: Capital Outlay i 611 S Mains & Appurtenances 4,911 30,000 30,000 i 30,000 i 30,000 6122 Officc Equipment 5,000 4,400 ' 2,000 ; 2,000 6128 Photographic Equipment 709 - ' . 6136 TelecommunicatJons Eqlupment 150 I ISO 6199 Other Equipment 10,915 7,500 7,500 2,000, 3,500 I 6402 Buildings 97 , 4,400 .: .. 0 -;~: .~.~ p' '.. ''',. 'Il -;",. ";I",n~. ,,.;j,' , O"'i''!:/'~.~r Tot~I"Qapit,ar{)utJay . __J.(j;p3~, _ '16,;2.00 '~1,9~9 ~4,15.Q.~ JE;6:;Q~ Division Total 1,020,65~ 1,0~1)57 1,057169' 1,121,400! 1,137,970 ...-.--..........-......- -.-.----....-.....-...........-. 137 -- - "'-_..., """....- ..__..,,~~,-_... I WASTEWATER COLLECTION MAINTENANCE ! " Public Worh Department J :. "='"'' _ ~ .... .,"'~., . " ,m~'" ~,,'1:1O~1 ~1":bel~:4~__;-;r,,',~_ '" "",' . . _c'4J. I '<W€1T\(.lij';Y<BES€R>IPTI0N' .. '''f'-' '. -'''I , ,.., , '. ' - > - ,f - .,,,, ":"" "'1 ' t,i92~::\,,,. '/;::'~':;::;':::2;>"'-~ ...Ctg~' ",~_.;".., ,.- -.:. ,';,. 01 .. ",,",~i~".~::~1!,,,..:L.L.k-.;;.J:'_ t :~I ",L'> .._ j 1'i! "- ffi 'i ~ ' ''{, ~_.:,,::...,}.....,",,_.~ r:~. .-,.\:..""'i;,....~\,~.l1-~'h~;. -: )J :: I The Wastewater Collection Maintenance Division is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the I I City's sanitary sewer system, access manholes, and appurtenant sewer laterals. Major functional areas include ! I repairs on 8-ineh to 33-ineh mains, 4-inch through 6-inch sewer laterals, and maintenance of off-site access easements, This division video inspects existing sewer mains and laterals to detennine conditions and . maintenance needs, and conducts an annual Preventive Maintenance Flushing Program for cleaning and inspecting the City's collection system. ~ Implement the Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements by January 2008. 'r Ensure maximum sewer main capacity by proactive colleetion~n.maifitenanee and implementation of .t::::' / "- Best Management Practices (BMP's) and stpve fo~;i~ewage spills by August 2007, ,..;. ....._~ '--.. 'r Issue sixty (60) Fat, Oil, and Greas~,\fQq)iE!:":jr"-etfn()Q!;p.e.Jjn~nnuallY for food establishments. 'r Maintain optimum access to sewe(tacilities'throu~ihhe.Easeiilelif:rvrllintenance Program. 'r Rehabilitate 150.175 sewer manhgie~'iiilii~laiI'y:'~artr6f:me,S~5ver:;~~nhOle Rehabilitation program. ~....:.. Q"":lil;:{'. .. .\ 'r Identify and replace ten ( I 0) agin~ll1.~~~!...WB--~;pliCirY~,a~~!ials. ...__.._ _.._ . ~ 'r Reduce inflow and infiltration by an additionaIIO;Yo:1 >- Locate 2,000 ket of cracked collection systeinpipink\nd,produce a CIP litioLDe\ielopfiieht Services hy 1 ~'-" l [ March 200~, i , !'7 -~ --- - ----.--"" re' - ;-, ,.":-, -- '... '~-1" I!< ," i"~,,,~ I ,., ".""HLr ',4 " . ,- '2006107 ,,'2007108 "-2008/,09'.' '-. "A'C':TrvITy,.'WORK:LOAD .' ","0""""'" ., <~"", ' '-' .,. ij" t 'c,,':::_"< -~. . : ,- ,', ESif,IM1\TED ' 'PROJECmED ~r' PROJEeTED,,";;\ f- ",,:Sl'A'.TISTICS, " , .,' .,- " . .' ','''''''i <., ~ r~~"'~'-"-'"'~-"--"--"-~- ..C._,..,'. -- '--- ", '- ",-~"" ..,'.'~ I I . Annual FIt;=hlllg Program footage . ___. 560:0~ i _ _ 5~0,000 ._ _ 580,000 l Footage of sewer maills vIdeo-TV i 170.000 200 000 I 230 000 Illspeeted '1" i - Mainline sewer blockag~s -- -.. - - -- -2- T -- 3 -"1- -- 2 i Sewer lateral service calls -. - --~-,- ,.." ,_.. 62 ..--" -_.,,- 65 }-" -,....--....-.....~.....-.- - -- -- '.,- - ..- - - ...............,.--. '. -~ . -~- -- I Miles of Wastewater Collection I System (6-inch diameter and 174 175 177 - aJ2ove)_ _..............._- ---- -- -. --- -. -- -I . "~...:...:r.....--T...... ~.~~~_:-""~,~-~."........:;;.,.:,~,;,,,:".(~.::..;.....,.:..........."._.__..~-- .. --~ - ,-t - _. _.~~:"t':~....;,~~-...."..,.-..:........!1 I "SIGNlfIf"lN,T~fTIY,].TY HR(')GRfili!CH.A'NQES ' __~__J '_~,___(i;~Nq,S~~J ; 4120 - Other Contractual. Overall increase for specialized services such as root + $21,289FYOX i h"OO,"'lli'" .p"'" ""omg ~m"; m ili, ",II"""" "y~m , "$2,1XlO FY '19 I 6199= Oti~er (:;I~tra~t~JaL Overall increas~ to repl-;ee video i~;p~ction van ~Ised to _1"_ --- --, locate damaged pipe and manholes, roots, inflow and infiltration. ' + $75,000 FY 08 , I - $75,000 FY 09 I L.. __ ____.. _ ._. _,___ _ __ _.. __--..: 138 I - I W ASTEW ATER COLLECTION MAINTENANCE I Public Works Department DMsioll No: 0405 . @e, :,: --.- i', " - - - ,- - -, ,::r~0051l06,~,:2066i67i':;g2bog;oi; r;2607i58'~:-''ibo8-~69'~j ~";~"" L """" _," ,11' , "~::"',-t";t:-':':"'~",, ---_"".,:~,:, '":',,',1,'" -, --,: ",-..' ,''''''",";-;;'[jja'~', Q.99~>, -'--" Ji .:~ Exp~!!s~'q!iissifi.~ation _ _, _.__ ~1..:~t!;~L:" i&PRr1?Yt.&: 'gstiiriat~d' 'P.r.2RQ$~g:;,:ciBt'gp~eh~i , 'Personnel Expense I , :~+a.Ilg~ Po.sition Title I ~.:rime Eq~ivals-,,-~. I - .~"',.,---- - - .-- 1-- -1 00-'- i:'ooi 64 Wastewater Utilities Supervisor 100 ' 1,00 I 100 53 Wastewater Utilities Crew Leader 100 100 100 2,00 ' 2.00 47 Wastewater Utilities Worker II I 2.00 2.00 ~ 2,~ 2,00 i 43 Wastewater Utilities Worker 1 -_...---' - 38.8,1 -. -~-H9L--L~~ -~9~~r"c~~~ __ _.....__~....,..., .-r-' -..__ ,r,........L- ,'__ .. ,'.k '1'" .'. "'.....'.~,j....""...". ~ "T9t~I,~JithoQz,ed-Pj;1silignslW!J~)' , 7;00 ;7,00 ,,],00 "' ,':7,00, -7:00 ,"it~:'<:"m._,":~"::,'::~':::'L,,,,:'::"___,~' "~----",-_",;~_(,-",,. - - __~~Ik.. "".,.,,,.,,,''''f',:.....-..'n. ','. ~ ~~_,~"~,:jju.,...,"".,."_,_,."_,,.. 303,435 333,620 ! 333,6191 352,550 T 352,780 1110 Salaries - Regular 1114 Salaries - Standby I 1-941 1,800. 1,923, 3,000 3,000 1140 Salaries - Overtime 8,013 i 10,990 I 9,464 , 11,200 i 11,590 1199 I Vacation & S/L Adjustment , (1,8~ I I - ,1300 ,Employee Benefits 129,914 149,0301 147,337 I 155,810 : 159,]50 I--'-"--'----'c--- .------ --. "N . -''', :"':~~ ,::,:,:""",:,,,,';;r-'~~', ~ -;---;--, '" '+':""~""'1' , ,: 'Total Hersonnel, : ". ' , ", ,~i 4'41,455: '42~f' .I!!>.'~r ;ll,""' 52.2;;~go' ~~-~'''''''''''"'--~-,._---'-'"'''''''' .'._,,-~" .'---,.".,," .- 3,1301 Operations and Maintenance 2900 ITrash Removal 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 3110 ;Reimbmsed Mileage 58,53~ I 110, 110 130 130 3130 "Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 69,550 , 69,546 j 71,240 6<},940 , , 1,756 2,210 ' 2,208 i 1,990 3140 ITravel and Meetl11gs 1,940 3310 iT e1ephone 974 ' 1,300 1,021 r 3311 ! Cell Phones & Pagers i 1,360 1,360 . 3320 Postage 39 220 220, 220 220 4120 Other Contractual Services 79,587 85,890 116,501 , 137790 139,790 4318 R&M Radios 770 768 ' 2,400 2,400 14516 Small Tools 1,139 1,000 952 1,000 1,000 4710 Office StationclY & Supplics 120 1,100 UOO I 800 800 4750 Safety Supplies 1,401 1,667 1668 1,850 1,950 14760 iOperating Supplies 21,068 29,600 25781 31,800 32,800 , 4904 ,Community Rclations 150 ISO I 150 150 I 4908 i Education and Training 726 4.250 4,209 4,400 4,400 4916 i Medical Exams I 939, ',670 1,670 1,590 1,590 4922 Printing 18 1,100 I,!OO' 700 700 4924 i Publications and Dues 729 2,590 2,590 I 2,530 2,530 4928 Unifon11S and Lmmdry 1,797 3,120 3,121 3,1<}0 3,250 4936 Equipment Rental 3,000 3,697 5,000 \000 55lO Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicles 33,460 16,730 33,460 I I 33,460 33,460 I 5520 Capital Outlay Rental - Other Equipment 14,300 7,150 14,300 14.300 , 14,300 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment 1,360 680 1,360 i [JOO I I 1,360 i I Total !0jJenllionsi8.clY!'aii1leiiance 221,080' 238,857 290,532: :31~;2,1O 32.4j~Oj I Capital Outlay 6104 Autos & Trucks 37.928 6122 Equipment-Office General - , 4,000 . 6128 Photographic Equipment 368 600 411' 260 360 6136 Telecommunications Equipment 2,205 , 3,500 3,500 6199 ,Othcr Equipment 2,093 2,500 75,000 ' L Total.C~rltal Ot,ttJay 42,,594 600 2,911 82,i/60 3:8~b; "" ,,--> - 1.;.~.Jj:';:~~:::,) Division Total 705,129 734,R97 7X5,786 927.530 854,500 ----- ._,-"",,,,_. ."~-- _'~m'm"'''''_' '''m~_ ~ 139 I --- -~;'TE;:"~~~;D~~~"~TION~ - -l 1.__ .. _._ __ '" _ _~iViSion Number 0406 _ _.. " .. . , ~^'c';rlnI+'T'n=E'S~-R'InTI"'N -' '~,_" ", ' " , 7. ~',' 'i,,; ~ ,',L ',- " . ..." - \>ilmf~ ,n'."'....:!:',jV-,'~J.,fJ.'.l_l".fd"-' ,:"'",::~,::,-"--,,, "~"':'-...i:'.' ,._..::',~ ;1i!l"1",.,.t~ I The Mamtenance Operations DivisIOn IS responsible for receIVing and generatmg repair requests, work order ! management, coordmating public reimbursables, and providing admmistrative support to all maintenance I operations divisions for repair and mamtenanee ofthe City's infrastructure. The Department generates more , than 4,000 job orders annually, which guide all fieldwork including: Facilities Mamtenance, Parks, Streets, Drainage, Fleet, Trails, and Utilities DiVISions. Additionally, the Division maintains an active database, with details of all work performed, in order to keep a proactive focus on the City's visible and non-visible infrastructure, The Division also maintains and operates the City's warehouse, administers public works i annual maintenance and service contracts, volunteer programs, manages and inspects public works capital i improvement projects, reviews all private development and public improvement plans for conflicts with I ~. ...........eXis.tJ.n, g C...I.'.t.y infr.astnl.ctu re, and I,nvestig,ate. s ADA Issu.es.. involv.I'n gaeeess to City facilitIes and fu, nctio n s',,! ..~,,,{,,',.,,.~~"""F"--'~'-~-~-, =" ~..c.t'" ,,~,..";m<N,".~1.1:>1.."lT..~:._._,,___.~....~,...,~,.,. , """:;+.~:~ '....~"~ " .. m_...." k' ,. 9.d":".,,7...s:q/......:i'...._...~~"'. ", ' ,,,,:.;"'.,: ~.;'!"A:€.;rF\hI1W'GG'N10SANB:0B:TE6g;lW'.ES":,- ,. -: '~,' ,.-:"",,' e,"'& , '! ~.' ,,,,;,",'\-' ...~.~,,:.:::::::::~,,:"""..-- .~ ...........~<,.._....:"'''"'''':~.,::,,::-:"':.'.,_:,-- ".). '~:'.'" " ' -',.~. ,.........."..~.2t''''.......;_~.- ........,. .. ~, ,,' ...\" ...........l.]f;;..,._,.___~.q ,/ .. ----------" I j ~ Manage the work order management systenh!.fin<;,I,,,g~-lapproximately 5,500 wmk,.orders annually, and ! mfrastrueture inventory/scheduling. ,,;J.'~ " 0,' '~ ~ I ~ Review and coordinate the revie~<'9fe$OO~S.50,I:l[L~e,~cl~~1Jrm~~1~and pubhc Improvement plans annually to ensure the plans do not confhct"wlth,Cltyll~a7tru<,:ture"ll1eet'@I\Y standards, and are meluded In the I . public facilities inventory ~or ll1~;rt~~~~te':'.:~ ~~'Qr'h,~"'i':~.j : ~ Administer twenty-five (2)) annuaI1Ila111tenance<and~pul5hcworKs.lmprovement contracts. . i ;... Generate 25-40 invoices annuaUyJo'f" rd'LhlDurseq]'f~ticsfrepair7re;lae01ent.eosts-for-damage'to public , I propel1y - . --l f '-=-:-.:::::- I I >(:~":OC,,:W~PIc"c'_2 P~k ~I~grr'""d "0':""00 ~~w; ~~ M'"c,"OOX:=~ _~ ucn J ., ~C,!IYIT.l;'~j\V@RK;D0~D , \" " . iJ;z006,~Qr " - 2QQ1.!08 . _, '?-P.9~cJl~) ,h~ ;'~'~~~:~~;~enerat~d'd ,- -r" "ES~IM~:;:;_r ,- FJ:0;TEjG~::~' I ~P-R.Q~G;~~:;~~i ~'-"--' ".-. . --,-- -'--t--- .-- ,.-., -- u__ ---,~", ---- ..- ., ~_::;;;:s~~;d:::~l;f~;:entrlans_____ 1"____.._ _4~:__r - .._5:~ J ___ 5:: ~ 1--' ,,- --, T ---. I U - 1--- -, · - "'---..--..---. -----.- -- -- "'" -- -- -. -----.I None : ._ _ _ __uu uu___ __ __ __. , I _.,-,..._~--~-_._-"- ,.... _. "'. - ,j 140 --- .,.",,- MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS Puhlil' Works Departmellt Divisioll No: 0406 . -.'''''.':'".~-- ,'r;;; " ,- ""-'."'" "--" _~""..,"m_;""'er-""i",":"T""~"'" __._"-_~~~.".~.' ----.. '-''''. .' -"'.' ,.,ee',,.."-.-T.T'!.-..".......".- ,-,~t: 0bj, , '. >'''' .'. . " ". " 2005,06 . 2006-0l" 2006'07~" :2?01~0~'2008,09r' 'G:~Be; (= _'-'Exp!Z!!~~i~iiiss;ij\"<!ilofi...~ ~_.' "i;, ..ic'riiaJ' \~RRr():y~d,~-'E.sliftia!%d':;_!ilg~:2fid '.. ,,~p;~ti9~~ Personnel Expense I lRange Positiun Title Full Time Equivalents J. - -..------ --~- - -- 1 --r -- _.......-......__. - -~---_...- 78 Operations Manager 1 00 I 2,00 , 2.00 2.00 , 2,00 .. J j 62 Park Mamtenance Coordmator I 00 I 62 Program Coordinator I 1.00 : 1 00 i 1.00 !, 1.00 1.00 1 I 55 Contracts lnspector : LOO . LOO I 1.00 I" I 00 I 1.00 I 49 Warehuuse Assistant : ~'OO LOO ' LOO I 00 l LOO I 45 Administrative Assist,mt III 2.00 2,00 , 2,00 l 2.00 2.00 ._,L.3L:.1Ylc~~ag~~~I~te~-,:-:-::~_ /:,O~ .' _.l:9,q;L ":~~ic, ,t:~o" -, }/~g. Jo~L~l!tl1Q.[1Z~,st~\?~J!l9.J1$,,~f,.Bi)' _ _ ,_,~'P2T~'98.. __b~QQ ._.....,'~;QO; _ ;, ~;,.qQ,~ 1110 Salaries, Rel..'ular ; 347,314' 452,4501 41O,79OT 454,150' 456,160 1130 \Salaries-Parttime ! 29,572 i 2~,500 I 26,3361 29,210 I 29,210 1140 iSa1arics-Ovcrtime 1 1,617 i 2,500 I 1,250 - ~ 1199 Vacation & S/L Adjustment ! 20,540 I -i - J 113Q() !Et,:'SI;<;Y~,".fu:.!'efits __,~,___ I ~656 _ .",!91}.2Q" l~l~Z,; 1~2~ 20\620, L _,;Total:Rer~2!2!le,L --"-_'_,Q-",~ ,5;4~;ZQQ, ~J1E:,;y.?Q" 61g;Ql;,3;:" (j@(j20ii_81l,99Q,' lOpcralions and Maintenance I I 2110 !Gas & Electric I 1,845 3,840 3,~40 I 3,990 I, 4,150 2200 'Utilities- Other 3,072 3,740 3,740 i 3,740 I 3,740 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 3, 7~3 5,250 5,250 I 5,290 : 5,290 3130 'Vehicle Operations & Maintenance S,452 9,420 9420 9.340 I 9,100 . 13140 Travel & Meetings 2,535 6,690 4,170 4.270 4,270 13310 Telephone 3,S41 5.350 5.350' 5.510 5,510 3311 Cell Phones & Pagers 2,400 2,400 4120 OtherContrach131 Services 14,020 15,900 15,000 17,400: 18.300 4308 'R&M Equipment 133 1,710 1,710 2,460 2,460 431 ~ I R&M Radios 700 700 3,500 I 3,500 4516 ISmail tools 75 4710 ; Office & StationelY Supplies 3 117 4,250 4,250 4,250 4,250 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 442 ~60 860 1,000 1,000 4750 Safety Supplies 4~ 110 110 110 110 4760 :Operating Supplies 2,058 4,000 2,100 4,000 4,000 4908 'Education and Training 769 1,000 1.000 1,000 1,000 4916 Medical Exams 50 160 160 120 120 4924 Publications & Dues 590 560 527 560 560 4928 Unifonns and Lawldry 824 1,100 1,100 !.l00 !.l00 5510 :Capital Outlay Rental- Vehicles 6,000 3,000 6,000 6,000 (,,000 5520 ICapital Outlay Rental - Other Equipment 3,000 1,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 5530 ,Capital Outlay Rcntal- Offiee Equipment 6,260 3,130 6,260 6,260 6,260 5730 'Intergovernmental Fees 81,102 84,450 ~4,450 84,450 84,450 ,- .' .... - -"... '. ""f'" '.. -. , ,". "'" ' -..-. . -,' ..-"""'-~~'-' },6fal&iRe,r<lt~Q!]~*')yIJ!int,Dance _' ___ r K4;2,842."r 156;72015<);97'2'169;750 I,!O;!j.7P" . 'Capital Outlay 6122 : Office & Computer Equipment I 9941 1.900 1,000 1,000 16136 'Telecommunications Equipment - I 5.000 5,000 6199 ,Other Equipment ~75 , 5,000 5,000 I ' T9f!JL~~RMi'Ql!tlliy 1,869 '5:000 6,909' 6;OOQ,j;QOQ' ! 'Division Total ,____,. 1 690,411. 836,470 788,8~5 858.3?(),__.,.. ~65,560 141 ~'",~'~'~ ,._....,..>_..._.._.,._~..........'S" o.......~ ~..~ ..~ STREETS MAINTENANCE ~ '.- -7- ~?:::,~'~;::::~;;;'"~ ,. -"q,~~ .." ' A'C]IVlT~ IDES6RIP;rrON' "-' , . ' , '"' . - """ .,~ . .,~ ' ,,' '",,, '~I '.;.... ~ \. ., ." "r, , ~. P.,,:.. ~ .... _" t,;T ::l:'~"''-" '. ~,jrl"" - (fi" .. ......,....., ,.1 '. (.:;;; .;:. "..'f f' 4 rL.."..- ""':""::"'..~"......j..""~",, "!'.:';.;.~}.",..." "p.-..r ~"'~... ".''''.. .._,;.'.,....L.".::.:::L~.~."' (, "'_~~X:f.,.;.:;.._..~';' ....Jl~>..:.._. . ". I The Streets Maintenance DIvIsion IS responsible for the maintenance and repair functIOns for 184 miles of I roads and rights"of-way that include legends, traffic strIpmg, sign testing, replacement and inventory, tree and ! shrubbery trimming, curbs, gutters, sidewalk replacement and weed/litter abatement along the roadside. This i I I';~;O;;;;;;;~:~;':;;;""'~:;;~~"~~" 'if~JJi':' ~ Develop a comprehensive public right-ot~~~!'~~.~ction program to include sIdewalks, curbs, gutters, i . trees, shrubs, and other public st~?~e;~1A~~~29~,I;?1M "---, I " Conduct roadside cleanup and veg,e.m!~?n'c;mlrg!\y:ef!~~1Jnd. ,",-, , ~ Inspect 1,357 traffic signs fQ~~~p~e:Jii!l1'~~W?~:Ydllli!i!~~nd reflectivity requirements from July- i Aug. "''''':i.~:'' .,~... '.1' I ~ Replace approximately 500 Sig~J?Qm;s,~~tem~~tcta,iW,""[ i ~ Perform sIdewalk inspections and'C'ontfa.s,tThrirWing){Or~2S01jec'tions of sidewalk frq.rn Jan.oMay I >- Deep patch approximately 200~0'00-sq:-ft-fr~lN1~.flttfein Zone-4' iotY 08 and in Zone 5 in FY 09 I f"':",cI~ I I ~ Seal coat approximately 5,000,00~~,! ft:!r.\):~;I~Sept. in Z6we-4m.FY 08 and in Zone 5 in FY O<J ! ,. Prune approximately 2,200 trees; usmg botn m':fiollse.~d contra c.! labo~ : i,: cr~ek~eaI40,0~0 If:OIJlJUne-AlIgu:t in z~n: ~1l~:~~8artd-in zo: 5 ~ F: 09 ,~"C,~~. I A'CTP';'lifY'WORKLOi'l:D 2006-07, . ", 2007,-08: .2008~09' "--;,-j 1" "1 . .~. ,'. , , ~ . ~'""'"'''''''' .'.." ".--'~' ~ '"." .' ' ,,~ - "- - " ~ ~' .. .. ............,. ..-.~ ...-'~........... .....L.,; " "l!:'-1 1~}~~!:7::Sr~Placed==-~-J<_ I'" ES];!N,I~T~; ~~- ~ROJECT;~~~:J~.~gB~J~8'f:~~~~~J Square feet of concrete sidewalks 1 4583 5 000 5000 I replae~d i'" . _~().!!1pIeted_ ___._ '__._ _ _ __ ~ ___ Trees pnmed by contract 2,200 2,200 2.200 Square feet of Se~l ~.~.~;- , j' 5'ooo:oool'=-5,0_0(J,(~00 _ 1_.5,000,oo~_1 , , ~ S!@]!FI'B~~l!1~g~~t!YILY RR:O'Qi3f~'ilii~!i}J;J>fg!SS'i :: *~- ':-'=-:...1. ~... :~. '@E~tl@g'i'o~ . -'"';.: I~' { 0407-43208 - Roadways Repair and Mamtenance / Engineering I + $2.560,000 FY08 : I- Services. .....i\nnual Asphalt Slurry/OveElay Program ,I - $ 270,000 FY 09i ()407-619<J - Other EqUlpI~ent: -Purchase of~ew retro~ - -----1 . - --+ $19,000-FYOS '. . reflectometer gun for annual inspection program (07- . - $14,000 FY09 : 08), and GIS software/equipment. ! i I . j I , I -. j I L _............._-_.......,~ ._................_- ----......-- .-_.. 142 ~-~ -.,- STREET MAINTENANCE Public Works Dep(lrlment Division No: 0407 . ~f--" :-":~ ..'" .':,0-< . ''": c ,-. '0' ," -=-706$rg~:::;ig9P~1o7~" ,:~qo~f61,; "::~097'08i'. ::;'20Q?;q9)J, g,qii'e;' .;:...~:.._.E~p'ense(G:l~~ifLCEcti9!)_ c ',.' 'A.sl~;al' ~p'provedL J::gtima'i~<K~' !Pi',Opo~E9~'''~1i>R9A~it~ i Personnel Expense ,Range Position Title . Full Time Equivalents ,62 Streets Supervisor" - 1.00 , 1.001 - 1.00 -, .. 1.00 1.00 51 Canst Maintenance Crew Leader 3,00: 3,00 3.00' 3.00 3,00 , 45 Canst Maintenance Worker 1/11 ,5.00 l 7.00 700 i 7,00 ; 7,00 .1 36 Seasonal Streets Worker Parttime ' 1.00 1.00 1 00 ' 1.00 I 1.00 .-- .--........-...........---....... .-."~:-" .~:::....~:..:...: ~-.'-- ."...:........:.;::.:..,,:.....:::::.::'-~" ';'.::..:""::':".::..: -_.~.. f" ,',. ~<_. ~" """e':-~_.:"..,. ',"-' ' ;rotal1)\llthorizcc!'l.'osition~,(FtEt __" _~.' :10;09, ;, 'fZloQ ..' ,12~(j0/\1_ .12\00' _ ~ ,,:12,190\ illolSalaries - Regular -: 413,545 ',I 484,420 I: 461,911: 476,590 . 478,320 1114 Salmies- Standby , 6,701 9,010 9,010 9,010 9,100 1130 Salaries-Parttime 21,9911 24,250. 24,250 22,510 22,510 11140 Salaries - Ovel1ime 28,407 28,000 . 28,000 27,990 I 28,920 1199 ,Vacation & SIL Adjustment (6,360), - I - - 1_2-00_J~ployce Bcnefi!~_ _,. ,__. ___ 1l)~;I;I~.L }2?!?90L222;2?~J__~4c!;050! .248,t~Q, . ~_;Tota(!?ctsoijllel,~ _ _1'__~ __ ,.' 6,5.~~I3JT__:Iii5.;1!J.9'......::::Z~,(j;q,,4.~~ _'13g;1~Q' r 387;Q1gi IOperations and Maintenance i I . : 2900 .Trash Removal -I 1,000 I 692 i 1,000 i 1,000 2910 IHazardous Waste Removal SOl, 1,500 I 1,500 i 1,500: 1,500 3130 ; Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 134,3781 154,010 I 154,010 I 154,670 I 151,100 3140 Travel and Mectings 3,343 I 2,660 , 2,660 I 2,590 2,590 3310 Telephone 1,306 ' 1,300 I 1,300 3311 ICell Phones & Pagers ' 1,200 1,200 . 4120 : Other Contractual Serviccs 47,170! 57,400 57,400 57400 57,400 4318 R&M Radios 402 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 , 4320 R&M Roadway I,S04,931' 1,631,114 2,714,S75 3,902,950 3,523,390 4324 R&M Sidewalks & BatTicacles 49,417 65,000 62,614 50,000 50,000 4330 R&M Street Striping 247,896 ' 150,000 150,UOO 150,UOO 150,OUO 4332 Street Sweeping 181,770 275,000 267,268 270,150 279,530 4514 Sign Maintenance 37,107 35,000: 27,391 35,000 : 35,000 I 4516 'Small Tools 2,189 2,000 2,000 2,000 , 2.000 'I 4520 Strect Repair Matelials 58,6S6 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 4710 Office and Stationery Supplies 121, 120 -I 4750 ,Safety Supplies 1,214 3,500 3,500 3,500 3.500 I 4760 ,Operating Supplies 23,620 I 22,000 22,000 22.000 22,000 ' 4799 Olher Supplies & Malenals 337 4908 Eclucation ancl Training 5 766 9 100 9 100 11.200 11,200 4916 Medical Exams 298 ' 750 650 no 600 4922 ,Printing 223 III 41)24 Publications ancl Dues 430 " 600 565 ' 600 600 4928 Unifomls and LaundIY 3,75U ; 5,940 594U 5,600 5,710 4932 AdveI1ising 364 : 4936 Equipment Rental 9,947 ! 12,800 12,SOO 12,SOO 12,800 5500 Capital Outlay Rental 116,400 58,200 116,400 116,400 116,400 I I . '1' 'T6tai'QPc@ii6~s ~:Maii1t~narrcc 2,73lJ~(jgl f2;5~~H27g '3;689;096 4;8?,7;4804i503;Z20', .. Capital Outlay I I I 16\04;:::~~~;;~~Itlay 112,556 ;_= :~;::~ ~~:::~ ~:;~~.,;;;,~; L..__!?ivision Total 3,503,155 I 3,390,n:L.....:!,476,021 5,676,Q~.Q,__.~J298,240 143 _~.~~..."...-..........-~._._."""o."_,...."."""-,,,, -- ,......~_._.,-_..~ '",,--,.,'- ~ DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PuNic Works Department . Division Numher 040R t '~A<BTiMIhWBESGRIPTI0N'"'f-;;:-:''''--~''~k -"--':';;:'7'~,"f' 'II';:" .;;;-: '.i:"l~' '~. ' c';':,r~ ;;--"~"~If~ --'....".. ~.-'.. -~'=__--'-""""'~'''''''''';'_..~'-';,..L.~.............''''--.."".._...",....,,.~._...;1....."". ..../I--....J.1."""-"... "'._~,., ..... ~......... ! The Drainage Maintenance Division is responsiblc for the repair and maintenance of 172 miles of improved I drainage facilities. Work in the improved channels consists of silt, vegetatIOn, dcbrIS and graffiti removal, I vegetation management; concrete/fence repaIr and access maintenance. Work in the major creeks consists of debris and hard stem plant removal and weed/grass mowing where appropriate, Sandbar and silt removal within watereourscs is performed to maintain the hydraulic capacity of the streams. Drainage culverts, , catchldesilting basins, drop inlets and brow ditches are mspccted annually, cleaned and repaired as necessary ~..:, ~Q!~I:ri~"QQ~S"WN0i,G:)/3JEeTiME[:~~:,.,',~_;::i' .~;. j:,,~,;(?:;~' ;';'\. :.~ ~,.,:~ I;~ ~E::"~" ! I ? Inspect and clean, as needed, all catch basins, stonn drain inlets, and open channels annually from ! May-Sept. per NPDES permit. . /~~ I ,tMcr".~ ~/ > Replace 6 to 12 corrugated metal pipes (CMP))j9-1.~g~r'4}il-l~Y 08 and in Zone 5 il1'F..x..09 > Comply with R9-2007-0001, 2007 Natio.!l\l!;R9JljjtiQi};'.misi:;l\~f:ge EltmmatlOn System (NP9I;S) pennit ','''''''o.c ' -'..!C\.i.""'~ --..:...: ? and required best management prac.\!ce$~~~1~?:D~:fo~S~~I0Z:J;t ,'. . j Improve surface drainage by annuaI1Yt:alntain]J~'ttij'a]cstre~~lb~~Slm a clear unobstructed condition, free of debris and excess\g,r9)Mt\),. ''"," ~~, J, ..': f ? Reduce floodmg of low-lying areas 15y'Iiaih(a.i~!IlgaWi~age sy~t~lijSjjat optimum hydraulic effieicncy ? Reduce street and roadway tlooding.dUling7Q!~-S~~~j:b~;'C1&Plt!ti\~g~1l11l1Ual-inventOry'Ofallstorm . drams and perfonmng annual maIntenance of etilvert$lana"eatch'bas1m.[rom May-September ,. Remove debns and vegetation Crom City-"owned.pdW6nsofmajor ehannelsand'det~n.basins by ,. December 15 ~_...-c::::::--.,- ".'- ,~ Upgrade storm water asset mappIng system. ,. > ObtaIn a RegIOnal General Pemlit to allow the City to properly maintain the CIty's storm draIn system. j ---------- ._~ -.-- - -- - --",,-"'~ - - :'U~ -.~..,--....-...,--.-.,.,..,..-'O -'--r- """ "-=--"..:,.... -,---- .,;--.1"'........... ..,""".(!"-' , ,,, '. ' . " . " " ,'... ""2006~'07" J ~26b'7C08\ ;;,299&"09: AGTIV:FPY\W0RK't@ADS+A:::r'[STICS"':'_,~,_",,: ..-.., ' ",,' .-' ." ,', "f ',,--, ',-, , ! '~:,;, o~;;: ;:'O";:'~';i~~';c: - " '1I""';:J r .!~~F@:~ c f .nR0K"'~~ i I Miles of pipeline facilities maintained: 64 I 64 i 64 Detention basins maintained, including i : I I four (4) manually operated Standard I Urban Stonnwatcr MitIgatIOn Plan i I j (SUSMP) compliant basins , 16 16 16 I Box culverts I 44 44 44 I Drop Inlets I 1,396 1,410 1,453 I Miles of brow dItches 20 20 20 !I I , iSfQNjFleA:NT;~<:::riYXg:Y'fR.(DQ~le~~j::S, _ .__~~. ,l> -, ''',tGHA'NGi1-i: >r~ - l' -. None I I . I I ! L I .-.-....,........,.- - -,,_..........~~..... "'-_.. -, _.~ ......- ---- -.-j 144 DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE Public' JVorks Department . ~~J,;"c',,:-. ","~;' .~--<, r- Division 1'Vo: 0408 ---:-~'-'r - ~ , ." """-"'"T'~'$''' ; , ,20.06-07 2006'07 2Q.Q2.,08; "2QQ8,iQ'L.,, ,QQ\!t'iPe~~on~~i~;~~~~as~jfi~ati01} - -- .-t- ~jJpIill'ed' ';!,~tihla.teq,',> Pr9.R9!'~~:":l1r6fQs~gE! I I Range Position Title Full Time Equivalents I r-62 Drainage'S'~pervisor- 1.00 I "100 I ---",,"'- 1.00 1.00 1 00 : 51 Construction Maint. Crew Leader i 1.00 1.00 i 1.00 I 1.00 1.00 . __ _.L._4~.. Constn~<::~,,-~.~i.,:!,,:Workcr IJ.IL._ 2:00 2.Q,Q. 2,:0~i. . 2.00 2.00 :"'--'" ,,-'-. ~'..,.'tt _.""t. -'f''',,~<l'''-' ...Ilt.""~' ".'. ,'.1"'=-, :,,-~,,<;; .:.".. . ~ Tb@A:tlthQri~e(J;Rilsition~r(F['IO)t:I,OQ' 4,(jOJ;l:QQ ~" . i1io'Tsal;ri~:;-:--R~gtllar-'-----------'l-'188'286T--'200'900 r-199)lS'I-- 204,830 204,830 1114 lsalaries' Standby , I 4,210 I 4,210 : 4,210 4,210 1140 ISalaries - Overtime : 10,807 12,000! 12,000 I 12,000 12,420 1199 Vacation & S/L Adjustment ' (4,395)1 _ I - I gy2J!-:~ployee B~~l!.s___,___ _ _,_. ._..,.1.. _83}Ol 95,5~O.i_.26,461 I. _,94,700 L-:..2?,7?~, . Tbtal,Rersoruiel' ' 278A02: 312;}.oO 3l2J522 315;740 '318,250; ~..,_..,._~....._.. , ....-.-. -' . ---T ',.~..- . "c_ '.,., .~~ loperations and Maintenance 1 I I 2900 ,Trash Removal 3,129 4,000 , 2,769 4,000 I 4,000 3130 lVehicle Operations & Maintenance gO,442 98,540: 98,540 103,100 i 101,750 3140 iTravel & Meetings 131 3,550 ! 2,260 2,360 ' 2,360 3310 'Telephone 1.00Y 600 946 I I , 3311 'Cell Phones & Pagers 1,0gO 1.080 3320 Postage 3X - , . 4120 'Other Contractual Selvices 56.538 60,000 60,000 65,000 65,000 431g 'R&M Radios 400 I 385 600 600 14516 Small Tools I,OXX 2,000 I 2,000 2.000 2,000 ,4710 OtTice Supplies & Stationery g32 ' - , -I :4750 Safety Supplies 3,396 2,079 2,000 2,000 l 2,000 14760 :Operating Supplies 13,497 9,000 9,000 12,600 ' 12,600 4904 iConununity Relations 90 4908 : Education & Training 555 2,150 2,150 2,150 ~ 2,150 4916 Medical Exams 633 600 240 : 1.020, 1,140 4924 Publications and Dues 134 300 276 300 300 !492X Unifornls and LaundlY 1.002 I,XYO 1.644 2,330 2,3 70 14936 Equipment Rental 5,31g g,OOO X,OOO' X,OOO X,OOO 15510 Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicles 12,940 6,470 12,940 12,940 12,940 15520 Capital Outlay Rental - Other Equipment 34,500 , 17,250, 34,500 34,500 . 34,500 15530 Capital Outlay Rental - OtTice Equipment 460 230 460 460 ' 460 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 1,500 1,038 1.500 1,500 -;-"--,,-- T q!;1l' 0p,era,!j?11s,&Hviaint~nany" ,'2(5;652, :H855'5:' -239'238' 255940 254,75'0: <8" .. ... _. ':: ~-:;;:<'dl'" ".--"""'<-",:"" ::C"~",.::"- .",. '__ .;.t.":...~~ff_-::;:h1l& Capital Outlay ! , 6106 Constmction & Street Maintenance Equip. 514 l,gOO! l,gOO 4,300 l,gOO '6122 Computer Hardware/Sol1ware 1,562 : 600 600 i612X Photographic Equipment 226 ; .1 . 16136 Telecommunications Equipment - . 3,000 I 3,000 3,000 400 i6199 , Other Equipment 2,338 ' 5,000 : 5,000 5,000, 5,000 I ! TotaI'C~8aaIOliH~y 4,640; 10406 - -- ."'~ --, _12;3_00 ",.... 'j;~qo; 10;400, I -'~'~ ), ~ - - --', 58'3,980'1 . 580,200 L Division Total 49X,694 541,659 , 562,160 ; ~_~........."_.~",.u "'.~,. 145 i _. ---,. .._,. .,--- --'--", l__~___ __ '-_ F A:[~~~;:.~;~~:NAN:"~_,.. _~~ t," rAeTIMlif~ DESeR:lR:'FI€>N~ - . ,= I' - 1'~~~' ,#. '~"~' if'" ..,-~Ij. !"'ti'~~.,.,"'"",...J;. j ~~I~ :.M If:",''" J~,,:; "",,~"'.~t i'{i~ ",,~,",,-..:1,_._'C.~ .' ,_.~,.,,,<~ t.~!I\I.:'.-_~~_~n .........t;,.""'" _ "t. ,?J1;.yt;.,.",.--3...,.bttr~",~,..,.,~ "it>,i\... i The Facilities Maintenance Division provIdes both contract and in-house repair andjamtorial functions for all : l City buildings and structures, extending the useful life of all buildings and preventing premature capital outlay I . for replacement. The City maintains 56 buildings rangmg in size from 200 to 60,000 square feet, and will add . five facilities totaling 5,500 sq ft. over the next two years. In addition to many activities which focus on the I functionality and the appearance of buildings, Facilities Maintenance provides a variety of support services and I 1 capabllities that include: fabrication and installation of cabinetry and casework, upgrading electrical and I environmental systems to support new equipment and special needs, custom metal fablications, door hardware, and capital facility upgrades. Facilities Maintenance is dedicated to customer service and quick response. ~..." "'1 :" .""':"~ ";: ""::'~" -;;-"C ',' '~"'--"':"'"::.... ":'-~-rlr, ,,'~\ ",:,p:"j"---":---F""'~" ,gj.'.T~"~: ~,,'$l' '; '" "~ "*,,. '\ ---o'r.....]\::::0.:~'.:';;~ 4"', ,.;, ;_.W>g:TJlYlr~G,QAItSi~DOllJEC;rIMES.:.. "!:'.l\;~'~.;f" ~",1 '''.e', ." :,.j~.:,,,,:,' ",:1:;:"";'" ':".Jj:,~ i >- Perfonn the start-up operation for the new Kumeyaay-Ipai Int~rpretiv,t9ntec facility and Aubrey Park facility in FY 08, and for the Iron Mountain restr()()111s, Big-Sione restrooms, arid,Train Depot in FY 09 >- Administer the janitorial services contract fo~'Gj:r~:~~~iWID~~:. "'~ }> Effectively and efficiently administer~Qj\!}r..9~~ttifc.t'ren~ir~'Kncl~:nPlete approximately f~IOO)n-house facility nlai~tenan~~ ~nd. repair se1~"~~'!',~~,atk~~J~'t~WJl~;. ~i'~';J '.~~. >- Complete CIty facIlItIes mventory~~J~~~~~,~~~~i~g~!i;-~~{~,g~.91~~ltst by January 2008., .. >- SupervIse and manage the FaellItIes. ~~.~~ ~J\~n~~~~v.~fr.9je(1t!,~,q~ram mcludmg the extenor pamtmg I' of the Poway Center for the PerfOlmmg ArtsiQYJ~"ptf1]Jb~2Q7.Ll~'Hamburger Factory ro::1!'eplacement , , by October 2007 . --~ 'Ii lrlf~-=:::'''-- .. y ProVIde mamtenance and repmr of the CIty S IlIne electronIc secunty gate.systems. . >- Conduct annual HV AC systemlduetwork'inspeefibil'avrd'cl!~n,~~x.l.!lnt216:-:Ci1Silfing-qUa1ity facility.' envIronments. '''- \ J-- Maintain facilities in a condition that ensures all blllldings are sale and attractive for the City and the I community to conduct its business. , r- 't:::""'1\'~::":::;""",:;",_";,,,~,,~,,,'1";'~::!!X'C;;;;;'~':'.,." ._~. "1o "-.,.-,, ._->- h "'",.. -" -.: ..-- . ---""'::i::<:::':.;:::;'.:-~ -r-- __"r.,- - ~'~:':~-.-;"'~c+~ ~ ~.~, I, ACTIVImy,'W0RKi.G)'A:]])' 'f" ',,,..... ." ';'2006'07' ; .'200:7~08i" ,,' ." ;'2008"09:, ~;'ht '.. ,,;... -<t~. ."",~';', '......"'--.'" ,. .. ' .."'_...." ';:~" .~. .. ~I,"';I;"..- ~ ,.. ,,,:.....<A r .,..t....,;:",;;. '~J "hi,.." \,.;,...k.--. ~"X:." '~:~,-'...' ..:d~.' /' , "SJlATIS'fI€S! ' ;,; ,,', 'ESTIMATER,I! RR0JE6'TED- . PROJECvE]]),~,' "J ,'I , '"--"'......~....:..~_..,,;;<.,..... _ 1--;..;',:;"::;:,;",;,;::,,;::!,~.\:,:-;:;,;~_u....,,... '.,., '.,.~ '," -;,,,._,,,,,,-,;,,; .~......::.....~'..;;::~.:....~ Square footage I 298.862' 300,762! 304,362 ~~lberoff~~i-liti~ - -- - 1----- 56-- 5X-- u_ 61 ~ --- - - -'" ----....... r -- --- -- Number of toilets 339 354 I 362 -~~mb~~~f~ll1ks -- - 2~2 -, -- - 212 -T---- -, 212 ! Number of fire extinguishers - - ----. -.;()- ---310"-1--' 3-;-01 - -..........-.----- --- r - - ----- 1----- .-.---. L Number of emergency gen~r~ltor-=-___ _ ~ _ 8_ _ __ _ _ _ ~ '___ _ ~_I l~...'.... _~xtcrior pa~kll1g lot lIghts/light fixtures ~ 8_~ .t. _ X25_ 'u_ _ ~82' j Completed work orders 986 I 100 I 1100 "-,",-,-,-,-,-'""-,,,....,,'_..__..........,,..~.,,............~_.................~... -- - -. -,_.- -.-" - '.- , Number of security and fire monitoring, 37 , 38 I 38 ! systems : ,..............".:k"''''"??'.:.......,~ :..,......:.;::: ..;~_~.-:.......:.:.....~..: '-,;: .;:~"':~:;:."..~''7;,,~'''-''''~_ '7:/.'::.;J:""".~-:,-"::-.. - "', iJ.,'-- '~'-~'-""'" ,..- ...":'......:"u":"..":~',f'l!... ........ ,,-,.~~,-:r, ~"..,f..-~."..'"....,....~..""''''';;,l ~, ';SIGNIFICANTAc:r.WITY'I"Ro.@RAMJ€f.lAoNGES , . .~. ,,' ,':" Cf.l~N'<'JE; . '. - ,. <,':~~ r--~..~. "'- .~. ....H..~"..~""~",~_ ----.........,,~~-,.,.,'~.~,~ ....._'. 4302 - Air Conditioning Repair and Maintenance: Increased costs plus I' + $54,980 FY08 addition of an annual HV AC controls maintenance contract starting in I FY2007.08 I: ~. _. _ _ 1_ ."J 146 ~"' ~~,,-'''~''-,-~'''' FACILITIES MAINTENANCE Public Works Vepurlment Dil,is;on No: 0409 . 5bjc,,,., ~'/~""'"" r~~ -:,: "')2005"or,2066;Qj-2006'-W;-~ ,2007'08;"'. .".2.o.'68159~)1 ~-"". ",..., ", . ,;"~","",, 'r,-"r,';~",~(:':'~' '" > " -"" "~"'C' .''''''-,'>-''H,'~" ,~,;;:\~<r~i""'ll\r!"'I'i\U" ,g:,2ge I p~;~on;~~n::~~~asSif1S~1j2ri_,_, ' _.!!:\.s!!l!!':' ~.-6PPI':1y~d' jostiinated' _!!:]',r2Rosed.o:. "!.'rgpQ@',i i Range Position Title Full Time Equivalents -- - ----------- - - - I ---.-,-------- ------~--~ -.--.- 55 Facilities Maintenance Crew Leader 1.00 I 1.00 I 1.00 1.00 , 1.00 49 Facilities Teclmician 2,00 , 2.00 ' 2.00 , 2,00 ; 2.00 +-.," ~-""-'i~"I'"'r"""~'---:-~~ =-....':-r::.,,--_._.- -_.-.- -~~'~"--'~"-:'.- ---:'\--------:;r-r,:,..-.J. . ''''f''Y',,'''''''''''''''''T,'1t..., .~~ i~:Total'Autliorizea.Ro~itio!,s(Ff.E)' > :'" "TOO' 3WO: ~3:O0. ',3.00"3;00, ~-. -~"-..<',."..~.~.~.~.., ~---_.- --- .....1- --.- "--.^, _..~~._.,......._.. --"---"'-"-.--1- -~------ 1110 Salaries- Regular ' 145,878 149,680: 149,680! 154,170 154.170 1114 Salaries - Standby 5,824 6,120 I 6,120 i 6,120 i 6,120 1140 Salaries - Overtime 36,449 35,000 45,768 : 45,000 I 46,580 1199 Vacation & S/L Adiustment 4,572 -, - I - I - 1300 iEmployee Benefits ~,..~,_ ~___.~_ _J ,~~,356, __ ~7,52~. 71.,.Q9ll.._ _ 23.!80-1 __._.z~,92Q.. ."::L;{;()!~l~1iyrsgmielc :':..., ~ '_ '_____ ~__3?\2.79~~~,~20.- 27.?;~7~_:37.:~~.:. ?81;~?2.. : Operations and Maintenance I J ' t 2200 Utilitics- Other 325 - 480 - - 3130 :Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 15,5841 20,320 , 20,320 22,110 : 22,030 3140 fravelandMeetmgs 1,117 i 2,000' 2,000 2,000, 2,000 3310 Telephone \,203 I 900 I 1,768 700 I 700 3311 Cell Phones & Pagers 1,770 1,770 4114 I Contract Building Maintenance 218,956 258,750 247,050 245.650 255,950 4302 ,R&M A,irConditioning 53.941 83,240 83,240 138,220 140,910 4304 IR&M Building 85,649 92,147 92,148 103 700 103,700 . 4306 I Elevator Repair & Maintenance 2,707 5,404 5,404 4,500 4.500 4308 I R&M Equipment 900 900 900 900 4318 'Radios Repair & Maintenance 300 300 600 600 4516 Small Tools 1,431 1.500 1.500 2,250 2,250 4710 ; Office & StationClY Supplies 38 300 265 300 300 :4720 'I Janitorial Supplies 64,780 65.000 65,000 65,000 66,300 4750 Safety Supplies 485 ISO 150 ISO ISO 4760 I Operating Supplies 50,514 54,890 54,890 56,810 58,800 4908 I Education & Training 975 960 960 1,920 1,920 4916 'Medical Exams 98 300 120 360 4924 iPublieations& Dues 65 160 145 190 4928 iUniforms and Lmmdry 930 1,090 1,013 1450 1480 4936 ,Equipment Rental 2,534 6,750 6,750 6,750 6,750 5510 I Capital Outlay Rental- Vehicles 7,340 3,670 7,340, 7,340 7,340 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office 4(,0 230 460 460 460 I TotalcC)jJerationsi& Mairitei1Unee: 509;1'30, 598;962 592;203' ,663;'130'678;810 __...........,._ ~' ,..,.L_,,_ i Capital Outlay 6122 IOffiee Equipment 1.813 2.000 6136 Telecommunications Equipment 200 200 . 6199' Other Equipment 1,268 , ", . ,'''','l Tot,!I.~,!pltal.QLitl,!y , 3;081,., 2;200"200" .~ .._::.....~...,< - . -.. 'Division Total 767.290 857,282 864,774 943,800 960,800 ..- ----.-....,-..-- ........-- ,.--....-..........------.- ....--................- 147 -...",,.., -------------- ---- -- --I I i TRAILS AND OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE I Public Works Department I Division Number 0410 . ! . ~':~""A@T.i1!r",~~" --s'c',', ~"(ir;': >', .' 1IP"--'>"'~!iJr' >~'.~ r:;;r ,.."~" ::':-;-;:,i". $ " ~~"v'7~'!~" ~S r''''''' .,.'..,J3')f.QE 'R1P~l'I'J':,f"" W','~'" ,(, ~",!...~..!t"""'''';'''iF ".".',,,L,'q!.. ",'~"',:iIJ<."""""",,,," ... J.''\''i. "A'" .1' ._""'"."-..<.~,,,.,...,..... . - m''''''''"''...............'''b"'......",,~_.....,,''',..,'',~.. ._ __ m."''''''.""............",..~~.'''''''''... . . ......,_....,..........,;.,.=. .....,...,..."...,,,..~ . mm._ , I The Trails and Open Space Division IS responsible for the operatIOn, development and maintenance of the City's trail system and open space, The Division coordinates and supervises volunteer groups and programs, including Eagle Scout Candidates, California Conservation Corps Interns, Adopt-A- Trail program, and local civic organizalions. The Division coordinates the planning of trails systems, obtains necessary easements, and I is responsible for the eonstmetion of new trails and improvements to existing trails and open space, liJl"~~GtJ:~IllY;IGi(fJ~~;~~Qj31E!DfJ;0E~,; ,,-.'~ , :,~d }'~.':..~.~,": Hn '~~.~~,".':f , ',:::~ ';" L..:I" ;~';:\':::~i:.'-);' {f' ..i.~~:::C~~..;;:}' ^ i .'~ ' ;;.. Master Plan and develop the recreational tr<\i!!iJbe,i~,.c9PStiueted in the Old C6acl1 and South Poway areas, ;;.. Utilize the Honor Camp to assist in the ma'iiiteJ'ianc~tof,trails and tree planting inthe,City's open space. ;;.. Meet riding, hiking, and alternat!,X~f~~p~~'afifjfifi~1ist6t;the community ~, > Ensure effective maintenanee,O!RitYitr~iJ~;.~il~\9Ite"~'~B~*$~X~.)'1l~.'}~~eeommodate continuous public use. > Increase the use of volunteers ariqQiJJ()rrsg.S!<$f~i~~;~9~ggt9~:~::f~t trail eonstmction and maintenance. ;;.. Provide volunteer programs and(pJ4~;gr,?nWaYaJ~leJ{Qf}J;t?JI.9onstruetlOn. . ~ Manage the Habitat Conservatlon Plan to'I~~l51~Plten_a.ru:e~onttonng, and reRortmg,-, ~ Manage the constmction ofthe'Herifage-lI-trailiconnetfiVt;, conneetifiiflo'San Diego 1'\-'...., ~_,~--",.,i:__.,J",.,=~~~,. .- '$>""'-':- ,.',., "'---:.i ',~'." .,,~'-IJi;-:-'~':; - .'...2006,oi, ,,'-.-' ';;'2007J08 ---:'.-' r- '-;;:'2oii"8K09,&Ce AGfIMIT:Y W@RKt.OA'DSiT-ATISnc;:s "." .... ".",..',.., "". <.J... L ,~'r:,~..,..-,-..," .~;_=-'"-.:.~:_..:...:~ ,~: ._', E!lL~!MA]E:J?L. ;!:R(2JE:fiTEQ ~ '!3ROJ.s('IE:9,,~>-.1 '~lcs oGlevelop~d an~~ai!:t~ned tra~, . l ~2 __ ,______ R2 -l R2--j Total undeveloped park acreage (open I 3,602 I 3 ROO 3800 I ~pace) mamtamed _ "_., __, _., _ _ '~.._ '._. ___ ", ,. ' r-'-""-""-"'-"'-"'-- .,".-.- . "-,,-,,..- ---'. ,- .-'- ......'i!f':. ........ ...,..-,.' , ~..};IQJ:\!~EI9'~N'JjK@'ifFWf'i:it[R<5X3FiA.;~:f;:QB~glESmry'198,,_ ,~ .. .Q-HANGE: ;......!....~.).;;<;.:...;=....,,~~'::l I 4120 Other Contractual Services ARC crew + 16,~RO !--.-, - . -- .... -,,.', -' ."-~' ,..' ......... ---.--- - -... -- - - .....-.. -- f .~IONJJ:;I<;~Nit~~6:rI~IfY;1~R,9q~N1'0H;A:NGESiFY 09'" "~" ,- .."."~ ~, . 6HANGE'. .,," 7,' ";,.. ,. . _ ~.., ..... -,'..' ....~..:...-..:~~:::...,~;, .._..~~........:.~.::,"",--_._._..:::.......-",_"~.....i... :. __ _*__ _ -4..,,- '- - -~ -'"""............ "._ _J' _;.~ ! None -_..............__.. - -....................-..........-----.....-----. ---- -~- --1 i ! I I I . I I I I 1....- ___ ...~,,_-...~....._ ""'-_,,,.,,_,.'..'"__.~. .....~~ -- ___J 14g ----_.. TRAILS AND OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE Public Works Department . Divi.\'ioll No: 0410 -";:,;r- ....\. .- r '''=".. :c-..~-"2oo5i66r- '20iill'07~-20b6!07! -"200:11.081": "20oiffo9' ~; qbr,.i~' , . " ,~. ... J , ".,iji, :'" " 'G .... ,- - ...~ -_ '~;',i"''''--~~"'"':,:'''Bt, -, c-,... ,"",,,:-.Ai. 1"~"_'''':~i''",:~'. go]~, '~_L ,]l5R~l}se;gl?~sjfi~aijQQ 0_ _~ "c1\~ti13L: ':. ~PRroveij~ 'E~timate'C!1 . )Pr()Rosed. ",BmRoseCll: Personnel Expense Rang~ Position Title Full Tirn.~"gg~liva]ents - ~- 51 Park Maintenance Crew Leader LOO LOO' LOO I LOO , 36 Seasonal Parks Worker 1 17 ' 1 17 ' .",IX7J 0,00 , __.., ,,,.--.1, - '" - >;-~:::::::~r:;~:";;::7~.7-::;;;::-:,_..~~;:;:r;::::;,:;.;; .. ' 2'.'f:111 .. t l:T'l' 2.;1'7: ;" _ T ota.l-0\!!lj9i1z,~9lcQ~.~.8~~,!ff,T!'J. " --'--------T-4ii:506- - ~ 49,770 -,- '-~~:''''::';-r'~':- 1110 'Salaries - Regular 49,770 I 51,260 51,260 I 1114 Standby Pay I 2,040 2,040 i - 1130 Salaries - Part Time I 14,971 35,630 35,631 I - 1140 : Salaries - Overtime 2,690 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,590 1199 i Vacation & SfL Adjustment 1,0441 -I 1300 I Employee Benefits I 22,010 I 23,350 ' 23,350 ! 22,440 I 22.930 ! I ._.__..__...L ..."........,..."...; ., - .' .-:;:.."';;.'..-'.-"'......".......'...;.'C....j"".. .....,-- ....--..---,- 1;13:290' , ,."-- . TbfiiJ'RefS6iinel ' 113,291' " 7~,20.0' ~.... . - ,. .-.......-.............-- ....---'- ~. ~ ----~~_., . 'T . --_., j Operations and Maintenance I I 3130 ' V chicle Operations & Maintenance 6,814 I 8,470 8,4 70 I 8,930 ' 8,830 ,3140 'Travel & Meetings 181 ; 240 240 240, 240 , I 13310 Telephone 632 650 650 13311 Cell Phones & Pagers 650 650 I 14120 Other Contractual Services 56,968 51,880 51,880 70,540 72,090 .:4514 Sib'll Maintenance 2,252 4,000 4,UOO 4,OUO 4,000 14516 Small Tools 1,232 1.500 1,5UO 1.500 1,500 4750 Safety Supplies 060 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 4760 Operating Supplies 12,848 12,500 I L400 15,UOO 15,000 4904 Community Relations 199 I,UOO 1,000 ; LUOO LOOO 4<)08 Education and Training 60 60 6U 60 4916 Medical Exams 81 4922 Plinting 443 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 14924 Publications and Dues 74 100 100 100 100 4928 'Uniforms and Laundry 027 970 970 ' 970 970 4932 Advertising 109 4936 Rental- Equipment 1,464 1,052 5510 Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicles 2,500 1,250 2,500 2.50U 2,500 5520 ,Capital Outlay Rental - Other Equipment 2,200 1,100 2,200 2,200 2,200 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Omce 400 230 460 460 400 ! Tota!~OpefatiOils&: Miiiiifenat1ce 8~!749 88,150 90:682 .rI2,350 1103/800' . ~-'-------- ._- , "0;'. Capital Outlay 6199 Other Equipment 11,985 7,800 7,800 7,800 7,800 ;rotd!I@~Jl!!~I\Qllt[ay. 7;800 '7;800 --,'~-':;';' 1'1'985 7;800 7'800 .. __.........,.___ ..t,. e;" "-!....... Division Total 191,502 209,240 211,773 196,350 198,380 -.--.-----..---. ........-.----.-- --_... 149 ~","'''_'''''_~' .,,~~~._..,_,~_,<......___~....~ "..~.o o....._~".....o....,,;._ +...~~._+...".,. ""'''+_"~~ i i P ARK AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE I Public Wor0: Department . .."' . _ ..~,.. Division NU:,ber 0411" """_.__ b,.,~".="._., - -~', cd, . "',..."' ,~,' ''''. ' ,"~" "'''';'''':'1 I' A:G'Prw:I;rYT)ESG)RIP;;rION,,,,'r;"",~-, '.t'~, '.' :Ce,.::'. ,,'""';, ";'~, '~ ,;" ',', ~': ". ;'; ,.', " ",j '-".", t~;i"",+7.1'.,..~\,n....,~",,--~ ,',-- ~~, ..-., "=~.:;.'-"';;;~",.._""._" " ri ,II .c.', -, .. .;;;."",...--",-",,~~ "" - ., -E,c,;.iE{L."t' .., ,,''''''- ^" ....,' L<<;.21> ,," ' i The Parks and Landscape Division is responsible for the maintenance of 16 public parks and 19 restrooms, 26 I water pump stations and reservoirs; Lake Poway wilderness campground, Poway Road medians, landscaping along Poway Creek, Ted Williams Parkway, Community, Pomerado and Twin Peaks Roads, and Espola Road south of Twin Peaks Road; Blue Sky Ecological Reserve; Budwin Lane and Titan Way parking lots. The Division is also responsible for the grounds maintenance around all City facilities and one-half mile Oftraijn ; track at Old Poway Park; twelve acres of citrus groves, and all the landscape, playground, medians, and I hardseape at the South Poway Sports Complex. The Division coordinates the Adopt-A-Park Program. I." ,," :''''" .., ','i'.". ,:"~'-, ;' ." it:-. :'rr'T"l:"~;'" ,.:"J'" ' ;,..,,"}',O'''':---:';':;%r;<:r~l',''''" -'\;\J" '"AG1dfVlif~ ill,Q,'l\E~,f\'NPg>I2[!'\Jl'l;,!,IA;':E~~~, ":c;jL...:.....,,;:.,,~.,lll!:;,;.., ....',i,'. "fr.' ",' ",',i: ',~,' C"~C"'" .~,~ r ~ Maintain the attractiveness of public landscape areas Citywide on a year-round basis. ' :;. Efficiently maintain park grounds, facilities and equipment to ensure continuous and enjoyable public use, ~ Effectively utilize volunteer labor force. ~ Provide priority response to vandalism in City parks and facilities. ~ Work with Community Services to establish a Major Gift Program for City parks. ,A'ETrwf:Y ~ORKLQ;:IiIDr';-;-rF":-::;"":~, ;~',2606~6't .. ~-2007A68 - ..''1' . :12i508,-09~:14~t ; " '" '..' , '.,. ~....~.".~."". ""'" ~o ..,...,':".c.1'.""".~"",...., <.,..,,^_,,~, _......_~'O..._.-~Ir-- .'...., l' S!f1\CTIS1[J(rsl ,;;" ;,ESJ,IMAiI;ED' 1BRGlJE<0TED; . ';,PR_O:JEcJfEp"" :,:Ii r--~:rea~~maint~in~d' .. __ uL::~~~~.T:"-=="-3~~J -_....=~30__ 1_,,~estr()om~I:r::ailltained r:-r:'--' " ,~..1>":a,~~,.",J- 19 T _. I ~_l 1_,Ball ~clds maintained (,. '.. '."~";~ :. ':9: },iRI" q 1__ ~-l I ..m.. mm.... ! ',.' ,:i~;;iit:'!"" "" m ~;m..4. ~ I ,,~oceer fields maintained '-'~'~"'~':',;:;~I{(.~' i~r ',' .~ ~-' _ ' ~\ r ~1: "'<:.\," <'~ '.. .f" ...v.....> , r. :~::~"~:::,:::':::::::"Cd - ~:e--J,C'~~~~~=--~- .; j l. :~a~:::::~_;~:~~ailltained~=:_I.__ "."""'~ ~';~~-;:==:l~i !- I~___! ! ~''''''''~''''~~__ ,.. ", ".,-'~.,.---..--------."". "" ',-.-", _"'_"..,-' ,_ 'u' ,,_ ._ ' , __'."'. "Sn;]NIEIGANT AG'fI~FfY:PRGlGRlAM~GHANGES'FY10gl" ",' I' ;" CHANGEt~~. ._O.".;".._..,=,,;,.....:.c:,,,..~"'.':."~.h_.i:.""<:.2"'.;::.j,,:..;,;;".=:....''':".'*-....... ,-,"',. -'" '.-, .,,'.. '~".,;..,,,,t.,,,,.~.. ....:...._..............., '-----' _ _ __ _ .;........~,; " Addition of three new pieces of equipment (mower, utility vehicle, and l + $40,000 1 skid steer trailer) to support the parks infrastmcture : Replacement of park benches at Old Poway Park +$10,000 ~ I l-- Kumeyaa)' Iflterpretlve Center landseaIJ~nl~llt<=l1anee _.._..,__ _ _ ' +$12'(~~1 I ' , . l _____~_ ~ __~___~ J 150 I PARK AND ~.~i;.,~~A;NTENANCE Division No: 0411 . i2~t:~' ,iC .," --.'-" ,'. "" >-~'! '" ,~'5{66 c~"20!f6f97,~"~':lP86f9'E::~?9,7~q$T;'.: '~~08~R9?: G2.d~," ~,_3EP'eJis,,:(j2I~~sific;ilti9f1' _"',A'c;ti.tRr A'RRIClveCl: E~!irriilf"Q' ',PfOpQseo'.!. gfQR9.~futj;: i ....mmm. --- Personnel Expense I Range Position Title Full Time Equivalents -. 62 Pa;ks Maintenance Superviso; 1.00 , 1.00 I - 1.00'1 - I 00 I I 00 I 55 Sr Park Maintenance Crew Leader 2:00 j 2,00 2.00 , 51 Park Maintenance Crew Leader 3 00 ; 3,00 I 00 I 00 i 1.00 i 45 Park Maintcnance Worker II I 6,00 i 6,00 R.OO 8,00 ' X,OO 41 Park Maintenance Worker I 7,00 I 700 5.00 , 5.00 I 5,00 41 Park Maint, Worker 1 Part-time I I 44 ii 144 144 i 0,96 I 0.96 ~--L"..,}:~,,: Seaso.n~~fark~/OpenSBa,:e~i:;t~ - ..L~e ".,,9',~~ ... " 9i':!.~ , ," i. '. ' -" _.1- - ~''''':' , TotalAuthonzed PosltlOns:IRFB), ,",' . J;8,92' ,.18,92: 18.4;1,.. 1'7-.96' , '1'1,96 :,__",.""",._'___"'__'~"''''''''''_'''_'''''--'''''''_''''_''''".....__ ...._."". "__~_..."_"""-...__.,,_.__..._"'_.____'_.-----~'~"'--.~.~'---J,-""."""",,'" ~~' '""_~,_ __~~ 1110 Salaries - Regular I 661.496! 727,950 727,950 I 76X.41O i 768.410 11]4 Standby Pay 10400 i I 400 ! , ,1130 ISalaries.Pm1time 26,362 49,980' 49,nO I 31,630 I 31.630 II 140 I Salaries . Overtime 22,167" 25,500 I 25,500 25,500 ' 26,390 1199 I Vacation and S/L Adjustment 19,251 ! ' - 1300 !Em~eeBen~tits~_ l. 3l~,5)21 361}30 __}2.L?2939cq,~xqi i 491,449 .':_ __ "L9J'!!'RersojineI ___, _ , ."". 1'\04T~ll' ~ ' I, t66:06Q; I ,1.126,Q60"1> .'1,t'!(j;420;., ;Lf22;~7Q:: Operations and Maintenance ' ': I 2110 Gas and Electricity 27.26ti I 35,345 i 35,345 26,760 27.X10 2200 Utilities-Other 2,OR7 2,780 : 2,7RO 2,nO I 2.780 3110 Reimbursed Mileage lOti 410 410 490 I 490 . 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 105,711 122,040' 122,040 122,240' 119,330 3140 Travel and Mectings X I X 4,650 3,431 2,040 5,9RO I '1310 Telephone lJlfi4 3.600 3,600 :3311 Cell Phones & Pagers 3,600 3,600 !4116 Contract Landscape Maintenance ] 11 466 106,972 ! 170,064 171,910 173,240 4120 'Other Contractual Services 53 154 5X,000 58,000, 75,800 ' 75,800 4304 R&M Building 15, III 15,500 15,500 : 15,500 15,500 4308 R&MEquipment 7,572 15,000 15,000: 15,000 15,000 4318 R&M Radios 545 1,500 > 1,500 3.000 3,000 45\4 Sign Maintenance 213 , 1,500 1.500' 2,500 2,500 4516 Small Tools 3,969 4.000 4,000 i 4,000 4,000 4710 Otfice& Stationery Supplies 36X I 2,100 I,OO~ 2,100 2,100 4750 Safety Supphes 3 103 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 4760 Operating Supplies 30,724 32,070 ; 32,070 32,070 32,070 4770 Landscaping Supplies 64.198 , 73,325 ~ 73,325 I 73,330 73,330 4904 Community Relations 500 ' 500 i 500 '\00 4908 Education & Training 10,013 8,200, X,200 I 8,450 8,450 4914 Joint Use Agreement-PUSO 34,250 34,500 34,500 i 34,500 ' 34,500 4916 Medical Exams ~~2 900 900 i 1,620 1,620 4922 Printing I ~ I 340 340 : 340 340 4924 Publications and Dues 1,140 2,ORO 2,OXO I I.~~O I,BRO ,492X Uniforms and Laundry 5,I3R X,530 ~,530 8,550 8,720 4936 Equipment Rental 1,347 1,500 1.500 1,500 1.500 5500 Capital Outlay Rental 71,620' 35,810 71,620: 71,620 71,620 . ;To!!,liQ;;er~ti;m~:~f1ainte[lance /25];Q1} ~fJ:4;@' 6ii".24fC,-@$?0 682';-JIiQ'" Capital Outlay ! 6100 Capital Equipment 118,631 53,700 53,700 82,500, 42,500 "."""-'-.--"'-:-"'~-.'--:, ,,- ,"',' ..,' .-- ~, o''''tl'"-.. ,"';"':."..,..",,, . "'. . T6ti1LCapitiiI'QtitJaym8j63-ri' ' 53,700. ,c53,,700 82;c500 A2;500 ~"" .,.............__ ...'~,"_...".............. _-"'__' .._.." _ __,......_ '..........___ h.~., ,-><~.,._ Division Total . __ ,J,.7M,485 1,854,412 1,~21,Q()} I 1.9R4,500' ',959,530 151 I ~-~-~'" ~'-,," ~'''''' I STORM WATER MANAGEMENT I I Public Works Department Division Numher- 0412 " .-.,=....-'"..~~"..,,-,.'''''~~ ...~..~~""--~q.~'''~~'' .,-'~ "'''''--,..~. "<M'A"'-" ,--,.....,..,.,..-..............,.._.. ...,.......' ""."i!"'- ......L.f.-....:..... "'.. ..:-~. :'l!,""'-"" .-.......1".-.. "'"".. ....., , ' ~- ,'U.......,,1\M.., .", "'-', ' "'."" _,,,.." ,,"'.... " iV'.-" .....f" ", '. 'k. "", ^ . "', ,_." .. "., ",' , .. ii> ' . '. ' _' "'". ,," ".., ',' -~ ''0, 'iC..'. ,."," ...... .,' '. ~,:; ,,' . rlXC]IMI~;:~ ,:0 ESffiRIPjB () N .~",,;..,.~ ",'~;h' ':;*"'{~ "'"-'t-""'>';;~'"'' .;... '.' j~' "!ffi~ ,_~_t ~ i':~'i;Ii~" ']!k,,< ~'i~ ~>t, .::,~;si{'\rJoJlf ,1' ~:i'~~:. _~<i ~. -l'(~i(~ ",,-,...,...,,~,_.,.,'" . "".,. ..,.-",_,,,,,-,,_,,...,.){.. """"''''''",~..",' '." ~_..._.._....._... ......".......,,"'...;>,r- ! The Public Works Departmcnt and the Development Services Department share the Storm Water I Management Division administration. This division is responsible for maintaining compliance with the new National Pollution Discharge Elimination System tNPDES) permit through preventing and reducmg the amount of pollutants that are discharged to the storm drain system through inspection, response, education, and water quality monitonng. This includes increased maintenance of the City's stonn drain system, conducting compliance inspections of constmetion sites and industrial, commercial, and municipal facilities located in the City of Poway, identifying and responding to illicit connections and illegal discharges to the I storm drain system through ficld inspection, investigation and enforcement, implementing a comprehensive educational program, and conducting a dry weather field screening and analytical monitoring program. .;.;.~.~"v..-~...:~'(":.._..,~::::;'m..~'<:, ~ 1"--" J. c::.~-':~..;::::"".,.,~"::""~.~ .. ~ ~ ~'t~"::,::("",,,~,-::,}~;'?':2', ,~, _ _ ",;:::::~&Km~,-_.;,. ',"':. ,':2cG~~~~~~~~:~~~:~~:~ ~fF~~~~~~ F ede;al ;l~~~' ~~~'~~~lll~t;~:!;~~~~~::g ~~e' ~~~h~rge of p;~~;:~ts- ";::'1 to the stonn drain system, including implementation ofthe 2007 NPDES penni!. I >- Revise and update the City's 'Storm Water Management and Discharge Control Ordinance and I Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Program (JURMP) by January 2002, I I Y Prepare and submit a standardized channel mamtenaneeapplicationto regulatory agencies, >- Update and continue enforcement ,,gf,rtlie~s!a!fd~d Urban Storm W';rter"fv1itigation Plan Ordinance (SUSMP), and maintenance of~,!~!~~~j~ip~Eaciljties subject 10 SUSMP '~ ,. Conduct approximately +,p/irl1J1\La)c\ in'~~~c.ti~rl'1<1~h_tgh priority industrial facilities, as well as ,.. approximately 150 Illspe~Qtisl~f:ind\lstn.e~~D9.;.c6im,nerci]n;bl)sinesses subject to the N PDES pelmit; and . provide guidance on hOw~~g:P.!'t:~gpJ'tpe:~i~#we'<if]!Qniltflts to thc storm drain system. I );- Provide 12 educatIonal prese~9'itiQ!)~;~~~1l?gl~<;I~,~~<jJ}il~J1, 4 presentations to adult ciVIC groups, and dlsselmnate edueatlonall1li!tc[l,aJ~~Eatt..J:j,1.)l,Slltan~ommu~~y..on stonn.water pollutIon preventIon, " ,.. Serve as the lead agency for the Los Pen.~~~U1tos'RLver~~ed and partIcIpate III the San DlegUlto , River watershed to update th~ersh"'(Lqr.P'+\l,RllnoffManagement'f!rograIIl~,(W-URMP) January 2008 " Continue collaboratIOn wIth the San Diego COlmtY_<;;9P~-mIttees-on-regional stoml water pollution r preventIOn efforts, including the Regional Urban Runoff Management Program (RURMP), Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), and hydro-modification requirements. Work with Copennittees to create a Hydromodifieation Plan by January 2009 ~ Obtain improved mapping ofthe Municipal Separate Stonn Sewer System through the Implementation r I and use of GIS : --;AG:TIv'iTrY"WQ~0*i5' 1"-;"-'-r~2006m;7 -1~- -200;7~aS:-:--i~7~008~9, "':if ~ -_J~~~~~~~~~~dll';t~ial ~~d CO~;ll~~~I~1 :L~g~IPIM~TEDir" ,PRQJE;~jEI'L_f;~~0fg:Qt~0., ";~ b",i"~, oompli,"," m'pe",,""" il 150, 200 I Number of educatIOnal materials , distributed I 70,700 RO,OOO 80,000 ! _ "Nu,mber oZ dry weathcr...~itc~. tested " ., _.\~~..",~.,,50 ~_ '.... ._5g,,~L, ., ".~...,~ ___LSrQDT!.PI~,esJ:;!TACmIVlJ;'):'j[>,RQ~'i&A~Iyl..:.GH\II.NGES~ " .~, _~..: ~ .,c:Glf'l~NGE,~~,' J 4120 - Other Contractual Services I + $166,553 FY08 : I - $100,000 FY09 . 5730 -Intergovemmental Fees + $21,000 FY08 I 6199 - Other EqUIpment (Camera - annual storm water + $14,500 FY08 I inspections I NPDES compliance, FY07-08) I - $14,500 FY09 I ~,..,-,---- "...._.~........"."._..."'" _....~_.. ""......--""......-._.._..__....,,,....,,..,,......,,..~ . 152 ,--- STORM~~i:J~~~a:~;GEMENT -------- I Division No: 0412 -;'5;.- ,- ."..w""-';C' '.." -~::2005~06';"'l20.0,.".6Co1,~.'.'io06_W "2:'007!08, '",.'2l)08!09~t; ~.~~. .. .. .," I,. ,"'" ".'" "'" ",., 'm-~-"~''':''''':::" '"""-"'?":':"';,;;,~'~:;,' ,~~=Xr""" .,';l "\:::";'~c::~' ,."l Co~de' , Expense1dlassifica!tbn,,'. -, ,);': if\:aUi!! AjJp'r(,~ed ffsliInated" 'ProP9s~iI __Prap'M~tl'J """- ..~." _~_, _, "',",.,..,............,_,_____,,,.~, d...._ ____ ___..-.c.<._ .,""~..."..".... ___"....;,~, ~.,-.. .~ .................._;"'.~,....k "_..,._-'-"-'" 1 .,,<;,. ." Personnel Expense : _Rang~ ._. .__ _ _ L _ _ _ full Time E9-~ivalent~ _ _ . 51 Construction Maintenance Crew Ldr ' I 00 I 1.00 ' I 00 I 00 I 00 41 Construction Maintenance Worker I 2.00 I 2,00 i 2,00 I 2.00 , 2,00 - .;;;;:c:....,':~ _--:~"'::::::~''''T:::::::::t~-~ "1- , -- - - ~~ --:-'~'" -------:--..:- '!Fatui 'Alifl\6rizeU Rositi6fis(F'I'E) '.;3WO, . .3l00" . TOO,1 ,. fT.60 ' , _ .-'-""...~'''''.~'''.,'".,.'""._.''',.,'~.,',..~".,",..~ ~ .__ --- -- ""-.~."'.."......_--, ."....... ....~.."..~'T"~. _.L....__..", .,".,.L.,'"-".'".'~~ 1110 ,'salarieS-RegUlar I 96,929 115,230 119,2761 131,500! 131,500 1114 Salaries - Standby I 2,040 , 2,040 . 2,040 I 2,040 1140 iSalarics - Overtime : 1,416 9,000 . 9,000 I"~ 9,000 : 9,320 1199 'Vacation & S/L Adjustment ' 7,829 - ; \300 IEmployee Benefits I 46,440 58,210 I 58,554 i 64,8\0 I 66,600 ~. ___r_ .~~ ... ;:~'-,-';;;r"'E'''''<:'-''----''''.~'''''''''''~'''"'- ....,...-.. - ,- - - - r_-r:'.. .J":. - : " : : ;"'\"""'",,, )~. ' "r"--""'''''.''~'-'''-- ---'5'.-~"." '.. ....:fi!'-- ~~ o TotalRetsonneL, "L'i_;6IA, .I 84,480 > J8$;870. :~0:7,'350, ,20,9,46Q." -. - -1 --~-Operations a~dMai'ntena~~; -- --rH"!-''"~'-'-T ......' 'T~----'-'- 1726 I Special Studies 2,307 : 10,000 I 10,000 10,000 10,000 :3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 19,887! 22,120 I 22.120 I 21,470 20,790 '3140 Travel & Meetings 304: 1,220 I 1,220 I 2,700 2,700 I ' , , 3310 Telephone II i 600 415 i 33 II Cell Phones & Pagers : 600 600 4120 Other Contractual Services 122,909 338,670 29 I ,699 ; 467,000 367,000 43 I 8 R&M Radios 300 300 600 600 .4516 Small Tools 1,344 1.600 1,600 1,600 1,600 4710 Office Supplies & Stationery 107 440 330 060 220 4750 Safety Supplies 64(, 600 600 600 (,00 4760 Operating Supplies 11.001 10.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 4904 Community Relations 1,000 1.000 I 2,500 2,500 4908 Education & Training 1,560 6,050 6,050 ' 2,900 2.900 , I 4916 ,Medical Exams 387 300 920 800 4922 Plinting 1,066 6,920 2,920 8, 180 6,260 4924 Publications & Dues 65 200 170 350 280 4928 Unilorms & Laundry I 185 1,880 1,732 1,450 1,480 4936 Rental- Equipment 6,582 8,000 8,000 , 8,000 8,000 551 o Capital Outlay Rental-Vehicle 5,600 2,800 5.600 5,600 ' 5,600 5710 Administrative/Overhead Costs 212.043 180,620 218,843' 180,620, 180,620 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 34,322 43.000 47,000 75,000 75,000 I I 'Iotal'Op'erations& Maintenance 42l,325' '636,320 629;599 80Q,750' ii9~.;550: , "-" -., -- -- -, ---. -- -- "'" nr -- - ,,',', , Capital Outlay 6104 Autos & Trucks 6,541 308,929 308,929 : 6106 Construction/Street Maintenance Equipmcr, 1,028 2,200 , 2,200 I 4,700 2,200 .6122 Computcr Hardware/Software I 1,562 600 600 I 6199 Other Equipment l,376 I 5,000 5,000 ' 19,500 I 5,000 :. " ":' ......"., . _, . _. ....: ..... ......,', ,J ~,' "".........,..".. ..Y'. ".'.- ~.. Total ~apitatoutlay m,Mi" }L9;~2~3i't5;722~,,, ;24;%Q.Q "_d1~2, _... Division Total.... ___.. . __..___~4,44(' I 1,137,529 1,135,198 I 1,032,3001 914,210 153 ,'" RECLAIMED ";~!~~, ~e~~:~ y & S-TORAGE ... I Division Numher 0413 l.,,~ 'T"'~'~"~",""'J'''' '.' ".I',."'~' ""'/'-"---,,," --"I" c'.;, ' 'I',;"-'~Af '. ~-" ""1f""',*,' ~"!. !"i;AGTFV1T,yl,DES0lIlli';r;IGlNSlW;I, .'c ",,'J _~i">" i:-~""'; "",,,' ,I,.,,:, " ~.",:..'.:,,- ''''1 '.~i.'" ',;;'; ';~ '"", '.."'. /",~";:.,,;:".-_,- ...."",.'v;,~.. .~- ~- -~.,..l,_____<'_'" :-~::::;:1L._~TIC,::;~_~{~" .' ,,~'~:__:C-----L."" .~- -' ,.~:,:-::;:;-:c,,'" _.b. -,,::31't2:;;-~L;_,;;_ Poway has used reclaimed water for commercIal landscape irngation purposes since 1998, and it is currently I available only in the South Poway Business Park. With the City's commercial growth and the addition of the I 1028 Reclaimed Water Zone in 2002, this will be the third annual budget to define those funds assoc13ted I with the reclaimed water system's maintenance, operations, and revenue, Poway receives its reclaimed water . supply from the City of San Diego's North City Reclamation Plant. The Reclaimed Division is responsible I for monitoring, operating, and maintaining Poway's two recycled water distribution system zones, Including , backflow prevention, regulato,ry testing, one pump station, and one recycled water storage reservoir F~~:~=:~=~:~:::h;5;~':;:'::'~OO :"C~i~;",::~::::::,;,::-:1 I possible while maintaining State andCity standards. I ...-........-----.. I . >- Perform fifty (50) four-year regulatory shutdo.Wh.testsiannually for the 1 028'Reclaimed Zone, I "d'. .. ...., \.- '- I ~ '~;_' ~ *L:~" ~ ___. >- Perform four hundred (400) on?-x,tfaf:}~g~i~~r1:(;h~faQ.wwtests annually for both ;1;~'895 and 1028 I i ReclaImed Zones, 1,. '. 'rIP ,,;' '. ~ , ~ _.';".__-- ~____~" q;._i:"~ .""m,) ~ Update Tokay software to ul1prove'vfeto..'ri:l."ac8uracy.oy laBClai", 2008 , '. "'<. ,....,~._~~' ~ "..c,~f'G... . "::J' ,. '.. . , ~'t"'(' a,;"\J.~ ' __'''_. '''" ~/.'" ..---" . ...,..-.- I >- Complete Tokay water record link to significantly.'reduee maI~road for data Input and correction by . , January 200B. "I\.. -". _ _ ! ! - _"m,,_,mm.__ -~_" m''''~ ~ ' ! ',-....---- i I >- Continue to prOVIde prompt, llirect contact with City cust~mer~~d reduce uscr site violatIOns. I'"~ ~,--.~.... ~....~.=,,~- ""'"=",,,,, ,.- r'~w"'"'' ","" -"" - ,-- ..----,.- --~., r. Ae+~~Fty:WORKE(')A:D:, L,'~906~0?._.r,}~~}~08~. I.' _~Q:q8~9?I ',. 'S;fAiIISTICS ..' -, .. .. I E.~T[M-ATED !PR0JE@'TEI~ l'PRl!1JECf!lEQ.: ".~. '-....... -..-............ ...'.-.. ...... ....., . ... ~.--,.._-_... -',..~I= --.. c"~," T-..."---=-'..,.~,..,...... ,. Acrc feet of reclmmed water , 357 550 I 550 ...,JJurchased !rom C,ty.ofSan Dlegu,____ ,_ .._ ' ,_ .. .. I 24-hour reclaimed shutdown tests 30 200 200 , ",M , mm I , ,:- 4-hour reclmmed/potable water" - . -1-' --- -- "--- .---. shutdown tests 14 50 50 r New r~claill1ed ~;ier ~It~users '.' __~7 .. !-=--=- - - ~___ _- _--=-- X .. ~,._....N.l~n.~,~~. ~fr..e'~,lai..n.le,d \Vat e~m.e...t....c..._rs.. ,_ !9~.._.1'._ _ __ 2qq 1_ _.. '. _, .....2~.2, Miles of reclaimed water maInS 12 , 12 , 12 ~mmm_'_ , m"m, "'mmm_'''.'r,.__ ~~_""'mm"m"m.__m_mm_'.._'_''',}......,~-~..- ....,_'_'_'.m'_J"..,'''-;----.o_..."."~~.~."...w''".,''"'......,...-.....- ~ :SB;;I)JI,fIGAJ'{iF~!;mYlTy I31\C?G~CHff;NGE:!:'L..:....'.L ,,-_'" .__. ,.... .- , '~~.@E' I 2740 - Reclanned Water Overall decrease in amount of recycled water r_ $ 12,620 FY 08 I purchased. I ~ $ 8,911 FY 09 _. ....~,_,_,..,',.,_........__,_._<. ..,."."'."._.".."____ _ .~.__'~'..'m'.'"""",.,"'_,,,.~"",,._, ".,.."".,,_~___l __ ~ ~_ ____" ! 4308 EqUIpment Repmr & Maintenance: Overall decrease 111 amount of outside I - $ 4,167 FY OX I . I '.. , repaIr requIrements. 4760 - Reclaimed Wat~r' Overall incr~lsc il-;Parts to -;p;lir eql;;-plne;~t - -.., + $' 7,897 FY OX ,- ; I L,.__.. ,_,"'''"'"...'--=''','"''''~"_",,.,,.,,,'___ _~.,..."""~"",,.~. _.. ."".., I ~..",""."",,. .; 154 I RECLAI~;D ~~~:~~:'LY, STO~GE DivisioJ1 No: 0413 . 0,~J,C ~. -"I .... ....~. jt '~Q053(j~F -2Q062ii7":~io96;(i7;:: ~2?PW~8k; "'200,8f9~ Cod~ '; , ., . 'ExReits,'i' &~(;tUiif~'-APRrO"ed: ;" Estlrii&ea JiioR6sed',' :i'P~&pgsed:. - "~-----'1- "r___ -_..._._........'"'~-- ,.,.,~..~---r- .........:.......;<-". .. ~;......_....'...._.-,,8' " -,-"",,...."",......_~,.,.....- "-.- , Personnel Expense l Range Full Time Equivalents - - - - ...,._" -- J ~ .,. .'. - ~_.,,-- " - 60 Utilities System Mechanic 1.00 , 1,00 1 1 00 I 00 ! I 00 58 Cross-COlmection Specialist ,I 00 : I 00 i 1,00 I I 00 1,00 :" .~;\Totiil;~:;~?~i~d'PQsjii~~~i~PtE1 .~ ~ "_ --:1i~==-;~ 3,00. .~;7io2~ ~" <,.i c"~tg9~ III Q!Salarics - Regular r 108,5591 118,360 I 117,542! 124,960 124,960 1114 Salaries - Standby i 1,800, 2,930 2,930. 1,950 1,950 1140 Salaries - Overtime ' 1,400 I 4,520! 4,520 I 5,800,' 6,000 11199 Vacation & S/LAdjustment i 12,767 : - - 1300 ;Employee Benefits 'i 54,580 52,017 ! 56,450 ! 57,790 ~. ~._.,,-.____ ,'_,' ,,~". ....... -'-- ;,."." t"';"'~" .~."~"...,,..- ~""""-r";..,;,..;=,~",,..--~;:t,:,:;~,,,,,,;,,"l,._.- .,...~".".',! . 'J6fi1I'Berslmhel .. 180t390 ;n7;009~ ,189;'160, 190nOO} '~-r'."------"""'--"'''''''''''''''''''-''-''''''-- -, -.............:.-' ""'._-".~._-- '~'-"'----'r~ ----~, '~-t'-- ."'-~~ , Operations and Maintenance I' 1708 IChemical Analysis Fees 5720' 3,810 6,240! 6.500 2140s !Greg Street Reclaimed : 11,965 16,940 16,940 19,000 I 19,960 2310 ISignal Transmission 1,000 i 666 1,000 1,100 2740 I Reclaimed Water I 232,886 287,550 ' 267,300 254,680 I 263,590 3130 ,Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 4,265 I 4.670 3,956 1,200 290 3140 ITravel&Meetings \2 I \,050 699 \,200 1400 3310 'Telephone 763 730 845 . 3311 ,Cell Phones & Pagers 720 720 4120 Other Contrachml Services 2,Y70 5,800 4,844 22,150 13,050 !4308 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 17,376 50, 100 33,367 29,200 31,000 43\8 IR&M Radios 220 220 1,220 1,240 4516 Small Tools 213 300 274 500 500 4710 IOftlce&StationelySupplies 120 166 4750 iSafety Supplies 8 600 500 noo 600 4760 I Operating Supplies 2,084 15,800 11,203 19,100 19,400 4Y08 'Education & Training 1,453 2,350 2,340 2,800 2,900 , I !4916 Medical Exams 235 380 380 350 3501 . , 4924 tPublications & Dues 2,603 3,110 3110 3,570 3,620 I 4928 !Uniforms&Laul1dry 475 1,190 1,190 1,220 1.230 4936 I Rental- Equipment 1,500 1,500 I 1,500 1,500 5510 ICapital Outlay Rental - Vehicle 4.760 2,380 4,760 I 4,760 4,760 5530 ICapital Outlay Rental - Office 680 340 680 : 680 680 5730 ;Intcrgovernmental Fees 3,508 7.630 7,630 7.910 8,200 , , , , .T6talGperiltloiisi,& Maintenance 286,377 409;360 366;380. ,379:600 0382(590" ., - - - 'T --~~.." ~'~'-"''o-..,.J Capital Outlay I . 6122 Equipment - Oftice & Computers - , 500 500 I 6136 Telecommunications Equipment 100 , 300 6199 Other Equipment 6, I 00, 21,000 f<J!ai.Qipita,l, <:)utlay500 5006:2002J~O'Qi ..,.. Division Total.........., ,..~~7,971 .._??~,250 543J].~.9 ' 574,960 594,590 155 i' -,- SPEC~~L ~IGHT:G'~ ~~SCAP~'~IS;RICT~ "'-l : Public Worh Department I I Divisiun Number 0420 I . I M'~i;;:'7;";:';'~..";:~u~e',:,"'~"" -,~;;: ,;;:, . ,::i"~'''''--;;:-F' '",~,-", ,,"--",!\ :;.['".,"";:C: # t'~ "';;'~" ",."~':,M'lt~ tC",,~<i:'PI;I0I~ D.g~GRIP,'mO]\I,mi~' , ,v,u', ib', aft' ,,~,t ..,!ie,. ,,~, '), . 'A:E.(~1:..J , ,y' ". :,.".,\." ;.,i.,,!!I"-", I The Special Lighting and Landscape Dlstnct Division is responsible for the maintenance, operation and ! administratlOn oflandscape, open space, street lights, traffic signals, lighted street signs and flashing " beacons within the boundaries ofthe Specml Districts. City staff administers ten Special Districts I providing engineering services, contract inspection and supervision of contractual work, elerical and : , aceountmg support, coordinates in-house repairs as needed, provides staff assistance to developers, ' I civic assocmtions and the general public in matters relating to the Special Districts. I I.. ~"7,;,)CiT" T'<"I'TY" , ':r-O'c"'''':!'S''';'N'' ""'ABJE'D:;'-!["'ii~E s';"""",:,",';:~-~'-;~;:,:, ",~,"~:'''''''''''U '~'7':::'''''''''.,',; [L..;'~~ _ ,.-n>.w~. -l',~~;~:::L,~,~dfL. ,I2'j!~ - " :.~'!:;-- "Y',_ ] ~ I~ ~~jtihh+::ll; iI. ~;: :;<. ~_~~. -:i-';-'~;i<i~?' "., _.,., -~.. ._~~_ ~. "~!l"~:;._,j~__;;::;;~!!::] . I I TIle Special Lighting and Landscape District Division's p!ll'Pose"is,to,ensure.!hat all Special District I I areas are attractively maintained and suitabl~lr;p,~~l\fl"use at all times, to effectiy~ly administer each , , specml assessment dlstnct m the most co~ti~ffil?,~en!.I!!J'Wt;!er and to ensure all street IIgh~ traffic sIgnals, I lighted street signs and flashing beac~ateJpfoperIy1'~iri'iliihed and are repaired in a timely manner A'/' ,,:;,}'rt .."":4 >.4;/~':~~ ..::t';:o'~r ~~"~ .\:11/.: C] " "', ' "".i""" '.....", ...1lL I ' . .. .1.1." ".....,.,..;\ ....., l.;.....,r ~,...,.....,.,"',..,',.,....,..,""".,1~ . 'Y Contmue renovatIOn proJeet~i~i1iea.<:h'LJlI)9,!illap.e;l'0~mt~!l"I1C~eplstnet. For overall enhancement. ., Cont1l1ue to upgrade portions ~t' 61fe'rJitng~~ilLti;S\\ihc1~ing cOl1.!!:2!krs, _ ..,....._- I ---- ... ,"\(;r-<::;.7 __- _.~'-,<">," 't-...:~.~'"'" ., Replace illu11111lated street name signs at 53. ihtehcctions. -.--..-- "'- I' . "~""'-""'" ~. ""-- -- . :r Upgrade finnware, controllers, video detection and repaint trutllc signal heads and tlashing beacons, , - r-~fQTiYInY:W~Qf,\il:, ~:::~ ,::r":2QO$~9}z~ .~: ~',io67JQ:R; i. - ~90?-',99~~, -j I~'" illT~I~'l:rg~ c' ........_.....c "-:'",' .-,LEi>'E!l'0AjEf:Pl" ~PROJECpE@" ~ J?RQ!E0''JE,!6.: ! Acreage of Landscaped improvements I IXO.6 I 180,6 IRO 6 ; , [~_~inea~FeetofSo~ndAttel~~IationWall~+ =_ --:___5~1_21_u-l- __ 5~;21-_[- _ -~,12! I ~ _p'creag~~~'9pen Sp~ce_..._ . . n~2~n .1 42.4 I 42.4 I Street Lights 2,R76 2,X86 2,915 t ;- -- -- - - - ,- -- I ! Signalized Intersections 55.33 56.33 56,33 I ~1~~l1ing Beaeo;;~-=-___'---- _. ------ is I - -)? _-___-. 25 ' ~'" --. .....-- --~' ~ -~\I ---c --"'~""I1', ~,,~.- - - ':" ~ ~....,...... --r--""""'-- . ,. ~,o:",,; '" :- , SIGNIF;ICANT-,A'0TFI\J:ITY RRGGRA'M CHANGES- -" , .,.. CHANGE I -_.._~",-""-..",,,,-~._- -- ",..>~~.~~~~~- ,- ~ ._""~ .... - - '."", -~_........__.~,. I LMD 83-1 B: Received grant for mbber tirc mulch for mcdians along Camino del 0 I . Norte and Ted WIllIams Parkwayl , ~ Uv!D 86:1-Pl~ntal1cI irrigati@ i~f;~stru~~~ replacen=;~n!.s.a.!?ng E..sp~la ~()<l<L.. I- -+:. _$3Q,_QOO~ LMD 87-1 Continue irrigation infrastmcture replacements. + $50,000 I Street Light1l1g1Tratlie Signals. Add new Old Poway streets and replace street + $152.000 . name signs at all signalized intersections, upgrade finnware to 233 Bltrans at 53 i intersections and paint signal heads and flash1l1g beacons at 53 IIlterseetions, i ,I - ~ - - --...- --- 156 .,- SPECIAL LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPE DISTRICTS Public Works Department Divi,,,ion No: 0420 . (5g;..,.. .c,'"..'.' ...~.>"..'..r . ~ 2005,06'..-2'006;0.7. -',-.2066~07' -'200JH)8T',,,~, Q008";"O~f:0 ~ ..'.!. ", :.', ,,' _,.. .:..........',,""'......::.. ....."........" .' "" ."". ~ r 1,,-' -'",.." ....~.-',,,... -''C'''''_, ...,....w....,....'''-".'':.~~:::: t.iXI~1, ,~. _ _J:;%p~nselcla~M);jc!tiQ!j, ~?', ,., '~srl,a(, .6pp@.Y~1IJ:;stimateQ_~f-t'?p.~~s~!i'gr(m~4~ 'Personnel Expense Range Position Title Full Time Equivalents _.- - ---:-,.~ ---:--:-.- . . ?~-- ,--r-? 7- 5X "Asse,smment D,stnct~.pecJahst, .. ' 2.00 I _.00 , ., ~.oo , _,00 ~.OO " ';ro~[~u,!f;oJzcil~%~;~['(Kr~f-::- .'.. . ",'2:00; .:,2100" ',': ,'. 2:QQ1 --r-......lL..~. ..~ --------' .~-~~"""".........""........_---=-.~~....""'--. - ~1 -- '''-..-....", ,....- --- --~~-"'r"'--~~---- ..-... 11.10I,salarie.S..-Regu[ar, 111.'3,25 118.,320 1 24A62 '.1 12..8..'2.001' 1,28.',200. [140 !Overtlme Salanes , 124, 1.240 - : 1199 Vacation & S/L Adjustment 12,2~~ i-I - !300JEmployee~Benefits ~T----' : _~2~_.55,;570 ,57?051 -,-;,9,170 _;~?~;:~ 'TotaJ',p,ers6nnel' . ,Wq)90, ;],75:;130;: 181,967 ,187;:3!7Q,..tB8,722,) -~ I Operations and M~i~te~a~~-~' _n ."-' ..-! ---.'1 -.....-,,-'"--^~-~ "I ".-,.ch~.tM'~_ LMD 83-01A - 0421 224,947: 297,940: 294,336 I 392.440; 402,000 : ILMD 86-01 "0422 250,4361 358,120 I 350,824 I 452,470 466,170 i ;LMD86-02A-0423 21,7091 18,960 19,677' 31,050 31,510 :LMD86-03A-0424 33,0231 36,580 I 38,1861 41,100 42,310 ILMD 87.01 - 0425 699,085 949,560 I 653,721 1,030,980 1,060,850 , I LMD 86-02 - 0426 39,019 75,676 , 69,537 73,140 75,110 LMD 83-01B - 0427 25,006 i 27,800 25,169 46350 47,500 LMD 86-03B 0428 21,510 63,420 56,083 65,980 66,960 I LMD 83-01C - 0429 [2,654 20,600 20,540 23,330 23,700 , Lighting District 0470 830,120 L324,678 1,124,010 1,530,540 1,573,260 . 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 218 1,000 237 400 400 3130 Vehicle Operatiuns & Maintenance 10,488 13,120 13,[20 13,930 13,800 3140 Travel and Meetings 310 1,000 240 1.000 1,050 3310 Telephone J,284 1,600 1,990 3311 CeI[ Phones & Pagers 1,400 1 400 13320 'Postage 3,850 3.850 3,850 '4126 T e1eeom Services 1,396 1.600 2,069 2,100 2,210 4308 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 90 800 [69 800 800 4318 Radio Repair & Maintenance 513 300 300 320 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 598 1.350 662 L350 I A20 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 336 1,030 360 1,030 1,090 14750 Safety Supplies 4[ 600 109 600 630 4760 Operating Supplies 168 1,000 300 [,000 1,000 4922 Printing 30 2,370 2.370 2,370 4924 Publications and Dues 60 900 hO 900 900 4928 Unifolllls & Lmmdry 339 580 351 5KO 580 4932 Advertising 2.800 2,800 2.800 2,800 5106 Expense Credits (250,344) (260,440) (260,440) (303,770) (305,990) 5500 Cap' tal Outlay Rental-Office L360 680 1,360 1.360 L360 T6talQpe:ations~~!'1~il1t~1~~' _. E92i:3,9(j, 2;947,473 MI5;4703,419;~~0 .}~5J9;i601 ,Capital Outlay I 6122A'Ot1iee Equipment 100 450 [00 100 6122B'Col11puter Equipment - Hardware 2,000 2,000 2,000 . 6122C,ComputerEquipment - Software 83[ 1,000 963 1.000 1,000 6128 Photographic Equipment 200 200' 210 . --~'" ",V:' . ~'''.;''''''''"'''''''C--'''''' , 'tQtaj,~i1pJ!af:@ti![*y.: 831 13:300 1,413 3,300 Ji310i: ... ..,_~.",,,,._ __...,......._+....,.... ,.,'., ._' i Division Total 2,098,517 3,125,903 2,598,850 3,6 [0,050 3,71 [,390 "" ._._ '_..+,0 .++ ._ _..n ~ ...._..._.__.......,...~_ 157 r- --- - - - - l SAFETY SERVICES _ I I t...-.. '-"'-'-'~..........'..... I City Manager I I 013 ~ ; 1~:2ct~ · ., , i Safety Services I' 500 I ___.__1 i ~""r5"''''''=F'''"'''''~'''''~''''''';''' 'Oil ,-' ~,--~ --- ", ----.... I, '_...'..-h........ ' " ,L_._._._.') , I "I " , . " .; I I FIre I,,) I I FIre l'i . Suppression [:1 : Prevention 1..1 i. 'C":::.' ~01 _':.if':':::::}.' I l[__:,~~ j:;"',)] I ~------.._---" ..,..'---..-'----'1 I ,-----....'-L"'-8 !-. .. .----"--l-J ' i . 0 : Law ' Paramedics l" Iii I 503 1'1 i Enforcement I'j I ,,; l 504 il :. _ --""",,"""::;;c--r~'~"',,"'" .~, "" h) [ ~ "_"":':'~"".",:~,.",..,.---:--.I "'1""',,,-~,..,q'-"""."'-'"-"-"L" <j ! . t,. , .C"i______~'. I I , I I I I , I \. i i ~,_""',.,.,._",.,'_..... ._"",,"_~,,,,,_ """"""_~"""'_'_' ._,.~.__'m _ __ ..~~_.... ___,_.--' , \ SAFETY SERVICES Departmental Activity Overview . DepartmeJl/ Code: 500 I _.,....~. -..-- ,.,.<, .. 2006c2007 2006c2007 2007~2008 EXPE;:NSE 2005-2006 2008-2099 '-.. :.-~~ 's ., "C.:.." ..0 "':."'~" <",.,.... .... ,.,......., . CLASSIFICATION ACTU~ APPROVED E~TIMATED .PROI'OSEEl BROPOSEP ,. ~ \L" ~.o-<<~ - Total Positions 53 57 57 57 - - - I --.-.....- Personnel Expense $5,977 ,305 $6,525,980 $6,636,724 $7,255,840 $7,324,970 ~ ".-' _. -- - Operations and 9,734,071 10,567,710 10,662,608 11,036,190 11,404,4]0 Maintenance ------"- __ n__ __,_,_ Capital Outlay 279,390 494,010 404,561 234,480 I 213,830 TOTALBuDGET $ 15,990;766 $17;587,700 $L7~7i)3~894 $}8,526,510 !$,1~;94pJO ....,....,~.~. .'__ ""'V".;;;" --:.._~._.._.~.._.::L'" '-'-"""r''''i:.:' /rj"-' .... OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The Department of Safety ServIces provides fire and law enforcement services to the citizens of Poway The ! Department is divided into five divisions, . . Office of the Director . Fire SuppressIOn . Fire Prevention . Paramedics . Law Enforcement The Fire Department's mission is to fire, medical, and environmental emergencies through education, hazard '-;-'"~'-''' ."-- AC',-.,'" The City of Poway continues to enhance the level of emergencys-er'Vices with the addition of an aerial ladder tmck and state-of-thecart fire training tower. All fire apparatus have been outfitted with mobile data computers equIpped with specialized maps of Poway to improve response times to inCIdents, The City of Poway continues to maintam the lowest crime rate in San Diego County The Sheriff's Department implemented a communitycoriented policing program (COPPS) philosophy The citizens will see a more visible presence by the deputies within the community The deputies will be usmg some ofthe COPPS guidelines to enhance the servIce that they provide to the City of Poway The Shenff's Traffic Division will contmue to emphasis on tratlic safety through education and enforcement to reach theIr goal of reducing the number of traffic collisions that occur in the City of Poway . 159 .~ - -- , , , DIRECTOR OF SAFETY SERVICES Safety Services Department ~ Division Number OSOO AGTFVFrYDESCRlPT10N -- -- ,,,.'.',,",,.~'.'-,,,,,,.._'.-~.'-.":-.",,"",."""" .~._'" .-.-",,,. ~ The Director of Safety Services is responsible for the quality of services provided by fire and law enforcement to the citizens of Poway Four Fire Division Chiefs and one Sheriffs Captain manage the operational divisions, which consist of Director of Safety Services, Fire Suppression/Training, Fire Prevention, Emergency Medical Services, and Law Enforcement. - _u , , Complete two Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) certification programs during FY 07-08. ,. ,. Provide the community and community services groups with educational programs related to disaster preparedness, home preparedness, and home fires. , ., Update and maintain the City of Po way's disaster plan including training City staff ) I ., During fiscal Year 2007-08, develop and implement a Career Development Program. I .' Develop and implement a drivers training program for four-wheel drive fire apparatus to certify all ,. I personneL ,. Upgrade mobile communication radios standards by Jllne 2008. ,. I " All fire fighting personnel to hours of training and'prqfessional development ,. per month. ,. Increase staff retention to - , , , Reduce personnel 1 ,. , Initiate, track and all business occupancies, apartment ,. complexes, and public , , " Adopt the Intemational 2007-08. ,. Mmntain the current high levels provicied to the residents and visitors to our eommul1lty .~ -..'.. ,. Participate in regional emergency medical studies and cooperate with regional paramedic training programs to assure training intemships for future paramedics. , Expand the Community Oriented Policing philosophy ,. , Reduce traffic-related deaths, injuries, and property damage collisions by five percent. ,. " Reduce crime and calls for service related to multt-housing units. , Maintain a partnership with City schools through the use of the School Resource Officer program. ,. SIGNIFIGAN;r ACTlYITY PR09RAM <CHANGES CHANGE j ... FY 07-08 Equip altemate Emergency Operations Center at Fire Station Three $ 7 ,500 l - - FY 07-08 Purchase EOC 72-hour sustaming supplies $2,500 . 160 .. DIRECTOR OF SAFETY SERVICES Safety Services Department Division No: 0500 . .~';-b..'~:.";'!!"".'~' -.~"".";""':' ..... -:-.. ~.: '. ;.. ..' ~;- -. :.-"' n - ..,,,,"'":;i:-~'."'''' '-. "'. .'-- .,.-- -......"......:.......;.......' '" ... '.. .'.".~.._-.::;,'..." ..'" '."-';'''iI' ........_.;..-.'N-~. ..~~~:i ~ij"- "., ..... "',..,,~" "" .., r2~0~:0S..' 2Q06;07,2?0~,07' 2007,,0~g9g~;g~i" g~c!~_ ~ ..J';xpcl1serg;1!i~~LfisgtiIi[;: h.~.!, :ij\'sti!al ,~ppi6ye,! -EStj!\ilitefl prop.osed( :jl?[()P'~~g;,; Personnel Expense Range Positj{)n Title Full Time Equivalents n'88.HDirectorofS;fety Services 100 I 1 00 I . loaf 1.00 1.00- 82 Fire Division Chief 1 00 , 1.00 , 1.00 1.00 i 1.00 I 49 Sf. Administrative Assistant I 00 i 1.00 ' 1.00 I I 00 I 1.00 I . ......J t -,.." ~;~~t;..::th--:-"::::::;-,_ -'-;"'~ ,,- ~!:,:';:;':"-:::"7-.' ~>~ -.:;;,,""""""- .... ,,_..:-J -''''''~l~_'" ""-"'. 0':_ . ". . Total AuthOlizCQ Positioi1si(F'f,E~ "'3.00. ., 3.00 ' d,OO \ "cjiOO.' k)3!00: -'_...:.<--....'c:".~~. ,,,,,,,..-=.-,,-.,",,,,,.~,,~,,, -.~" .:::...."".:,_::;..;':.:.._;.~".~ '...,,,,,-_' c.......__,__,;,," . .~ __ ....:.:.....,:....:~~..__----=_.~,..:~:W".""..--.-~w--'C.'---':~.f" ~ ".................:::>.. .........w-.:.~ 1110 ISalaties.Regular i 260,6731 315,830 I 307,3281 319.440' 319,440 1199 I Vacation & S/L Adjustment 36,285 I - . '1 1300 iEmployecBcnefits 101,305 109,310 109,450 162,530 165,060 I . 1 I ~,-;:i::::-:,-,:::..-:,"W .,,' --"'''''''''' "'-""~.:', _,:,__,wl__ '-,.~.:-- '--. . .._w_"_~ 1Q!gJjgSi:~Q!m9!' .. : ,398f2'6}, 425;140: .~i6i7i78 . 4&1;270, .~8;i{560' ~.._"~,,,~j,-,-,._,-- -.--'"'. "..... -- --~'" -T-"- ~----,- - .-- '"--"'~"~'----'-"- I Operations and Maintenance I i 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 11,2081 12,390 12,390 I 11,950 11,550 3140 Travel and Mectings 991 i 3,450 3,450; 3,450 3,450 !3310 Telephone 1,344\ 2,400 2,401 i , , i 3311 Cell Phones & Pagers 2,400 2,400 14120 Other Contractual Services 8,632 ~ 11,000 11,000 . 11,500 12,000 '4304 R&M Building 500 500 500 . 4308 R&M Equipment 643 4,900 4,899 4,900 4,900 4710 Office & <;tationclY Supplies 1.060 2200, 2,248 2,200 2,200 4720 Janitorial Supplies 300 300 300 300 4730 Photographic/Copy <';upplic.i 500 200 200 4760 'Operating Supplies 546 1,000 1.000 3.500 3.700 !4904Community Relations 2)56 1,500 1,500 2,000 2.000 14908 'Education & Training . 500 500 500 500 !4922 Printing 126: 1,500 !,SOO 1,500 1.500 4924 Publications and Dues 613 1,420 1420 1,420 1420 4932 Advcliising 750 750 750 750 5510 Capital Ontlay Rental. Vchicles 16,880 i R,440 16.880 16,880 16.880 ' 15530 Capital Oullay Rcntal. Of/ice Eqnipment 8,380 4,190 8,380 8.380 8.380 I . 5720 Cash Ovcr & Shorl (70) I . i . ",,: ,.' . -. ...." . . . -~"..I ,},...."...\ ...~,..." Total Operatibns~~Maintenanee "53;.1:1,9 5~;94,Q '" 6Ml~. ..,7S;330 .7~~~30_ ~~~~ ' . 16122C Computer Software 388 16199 Other Equipment 7,500' I T()t~lC:a~ita10utlay 388 - " '7;590:;,'.:" L Divis~~nT.?t~__._......._ 451,761 482,080_ 485,396 561,800' 557,130" 161 . --. - ! '- Y'- . ,_,_______'._ . .._,~_,__, .__._ i FIRE SUPPRESSION I Safety Services Department " Division Numher 0501 . ~.y-~".~.~,,~. .". ..' ~.: 'C' --.'.....-..--."..... ' . ,~.. '-~~ ","~, .-",,, .. ....1. .. l ":'AG;r,EV;I;tM~IDESGR.J:P;r:ION ,,' ~ i?.l"'.' , ":11..' ';",' ';. 0 i"'~' . , '.~: ',lr':J'":':~I' <:;'YL,......::~':IC'.""'c;a. "','~;:J"".~:::....1..'ll:....'""'1;,~ "',.- -, ~. ...~.;:t;\..:/i.." -0' ~ ;1..........,,~.!," ~ - ~, ._.,,~._" . ..... -, ;. ,.:.;::,';".;,';':';,,,.. >". "~..;;.--'i.k..:::i:::;.~..-....Il..i:W",;::!C,,;,,:::,,::,ti::~;',;:,_"r_; I The Fire Suppression Division provides the community with fire suppression, reseue, and emergency medical services trom a highly trained, well~prepared workforce of 48 first responders and two Division Chiefs. These first responders are deployed among three fire stations staffing three paramedic engine ! companies, two paramedic ambulances, and one paramedic ladder truck. The Division Chiefs manage two I significant areas of the Fire Department - OperatlOns and Trainmg. , The Operations Division Chief manages the day-to-day demands of the department including staffing, , I supervising of 12 Fire Captains, performing administrative duties, coordinating apparatus maintenance, I repailing and acquisition of apparatus, facilitating station maintenance, managing day-to-day personnel I I matters, and responding to emcrgency incidents as the Duty Chief on a rotational basis. I The Training Division Chief manages the department's Training and Professional Development Program, , I reviews and maintains all training records, coordinates recruitment and promotional activities, manages the ' i revenue-sharing programs with Palomar College and the California Fire Fighter Joint Apprenticeship I' Committee, manages the department's fire training tower, and responds to emergency incidents as the Duty Chief on a rotational basis. ! r:,A:@:nlMI;rY!@@A\i.S;A'NDiGlBJE(fih~S; '.". ..--:;:...,;-:-- ' .. '~, -'." cT).l;i~r'''' ;:~'r'.";~, :Ji ". -," .....:......,."...~. '." .' '. "',"".'",~- ..,., . ...~.......,/.." ~._~ ,.'....,....' "-...............,................. .... :1:... _K ................;mCk..."""'" ~'.1i.!.:J >- Du;'i~g Fiscal Year 2007-08, develop and 'implement a C';l;~er Developmel{t Program that 'promotes th~" I professional development of the Depmiment's personnel resources and increases the number of staff . testing for promotlOns. ! " Develop and implement a drivers training program for__.tour-w1:~cl drive tire apparatus to celiify all .. personnel. ,.. /~ -~ '""', . ? Upgrade mobile communication r~g~9~'.t~'~~~1~ national standards by:IUll~. 200~. I . . Purchase and llJstall SOO 1'1.~z;.tI1oJ:lll~'[i,ldJ~Zil6;~fi,l~dardlze to the Regional Com..!::-Ulucallons System (RCS) digital net~yrl!~]'ja Jo) :1i1"'~~Jli\J:i.9:d~h i~tili)d{yds for emergency mteroperability of radio conunulllcations. \1 '.: :1' ~~ . ,~__. ' :,"1;> >- Maintain a highly trained~~':Y;el);mL9p,.ai'~~~~~~~9;r$~~tf'fi[s\fesponders through ongoing traming actIvIties focused on Improvmg \~~poES~tWR;JJ->~l~tl~s~estabhshlllg engllle and,!ruck company performance standards. ,___ .~~;~~(i:> ....__- _ __..--~ . o SuppresslOn persOlmel to complete ~Jftvcrage of-30,hours_~~.trallllllg and professlOnal development per month:--~<"-", . ._~ >- Increase staff retention to a level 01'90 percent or greater.:bTmatching employee interests with , Department programs and opportunities. , > Reduce overtime costs by five percent by provldmg department trmmng programs using in-hollse I ! department instructors. j F~',:'..~ ~,.....,....~.....:...:"" ;='~~.'-.'. .".... "".,,~.,..,:;, >:"=,-:, - .-~J:~.:"_ ~ 1'\" --; ~.!~,-'~- J' ~~~ -~~.~~--. :--~~ ,- - . ...t:.~.'.':;'. "..~'-. ?!~~I .~.q~J~I'TY,'W,QR;J~L.o.AID '. ~QO~H)} , 200[7}08. ^,,': ,.: t9P?l9~,:. .,' :rt STA'flSTI@S' ". , PROJEC'fED' PROJECl'EID. ," 'PR@JE@TEIDi .."! ".~..".,,~.,,~""""'" ~-_._- -. .. ---'--"'--" .'.~ ~- '.........r <".., ........."_....-C...--'--",._.....;".i.~.-""';O.:~'''''..,.."......'''''~-".~ Fire Incidents . 255 : 200 I- 220 j' i - Emergen~y Medical Servl~es 1;~id~l;t;-t--'-'2,570-' - 2,500 J - -- - 2,575 [- f\~I~~rI~~i~?_~ts .--: =-:.:=: -L---:,. 841-or-L' -- ~~__9~L]=.# ::_'c,,?~~ " SIG1>lIFIG~'I3AQ'fl;v:ITYPROGRAN1:GHANGES o' , > ';' ',<CHANGEJl';:;:' ,-.'''...'..-- .,...~cJ~=='L...,.,~..",~~",=..",.,_. ---- --.- --,--~--'~-""- .4.. None : ,,_"'_ __ _ _'.. __, _. _ _ _ _ .__ _..J.. n _u _, ___, I i I ! -- -----~-~ -" -- .- ""~...~.~ -'-'- .,,,--- Ifi2 FIRE SUPPRESSION Safety Sen'ices Department I Dil'isioll ^TO: 0501 I . ,Obi. 2005-06 2006~07 2006-07 2007'08 2008_09 I 'Code Expense' Classification Miual Approved Estimated Proposed Proposed Personnel Expense Range Position Title Fu]1 Time Equivalents ~2 Fire Division Chief 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 I 274.2 Fire Captian 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 I 259 9 Fire Engineer 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 249.3 Firefighter IParamedic 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24001 229.3 Firetighter/Med Probationnary _ i Total Authorized Positions (ITE) 46.00 50,00 50.00 50.00 .50.00 I 1110 Salaries - Regular 2,896,498 3,294,480 3,248,238 3,340,170 3,340,170 I 1140 Salaries - Overtime 805,460 I 1150 Salaries - FLSA 691,678 575,910 864,693 778,220 1160 Paramedic Proficieney Pay 259.653 283,710 276,316 319,800 319,80~1 1 ]99 Vacation and S/L Adjustment 20,668 1300 Employee Benefits 1.331,930 1,527,980 1,428,503 1,866,170 1,902,590 i T ota1Personne1 5,200,428 5,682,080 5;817,750 6,304,360 i 6,368;020 I Operations and Maintenance 1520 Volunteer Service 9,885 31.860 31,860 27,860 27,860 I 2110 Gas and Electricity 50,150 70,850 70,850 69,880 74,080 2200 Utilities- Other 2,676 4,760 4.760 4,760 4,760 I Rcimbursed Mileage 179 I 3110 - ! 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 159,290 191,880 191,880 197,080 193,620 13140 Travcl and Meetings 9,951 17,300 17,300 I 5,400 15,400 13310 T clephone 16,528 25,680 25,680 25,680 25,680 . 3311 Ccll Phones & Pagers 2,400 2,400 , 4106 Dispatch Contract - Fire 87,512 119,590 94,880 119,590 129,900 I 14116 Landscape Maintenance 16,695 23,400 23,400 20,900 21,750 I 14120 Other Contractual Services 60,896 67,010 67,010 69 720 73,210 :4304 R&M Building 21,768 59,390 59,390 56,890 41,940 ,4308 R&1Vl Equipment 16,670 37,450 37,450 37,450 37,490 I 4310 R&M Fire Hydrants 133 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 '4312 Outside Vehicle Repair and Maintenance 2,195 - , I '4318 R&M Radios 17146 38,180 19,691 38,180 38,180 I , 14516 Small Tools 607 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 I 14710 Office & Stationery Supplies 5,080 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 I '4720 Janitorial Supplies 8,548 7.000 7,000 8,500 8,5001 , 14730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 458 400 400 400 400 I 4740 Medical Supplies 384 508 4750 Safety Supplies 1,641 15,440 15,440 15,440 15,440 4760 Operating Supplies 62,225 85,790 89,618 85,790 85,790 .4904 Community Relations 1,1 00 3,000 3,000 3.000 3,000 , 4908 Education and Training 51.314 69,000 60,300 59,500 59,500 14916 Medical Exams 256 21,920 21,920 21,920 21,920 i , , 14920 Outside Emergency Assistance 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 I .4922 Printing 1,313 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 I , , '4924 Publications and Dues 2,481 3,900 3,900 3,900 3.900 I !4928 Unit"n11s and Laundry 39,990 49410 49,410 49,410 49,410 i 5500 CapitBl Outlay Rental 154,800 77,400 154,798 221,470 221,470 I . 5730 lntergovernmcntal Fees 648 Total Operations & Maintenance 801,871 1,054,710 1,085,193 1,189.220 1,189,700 Capital Outlay I I 6100 Capital Equipment 243,032 452,260 335,398 159,420 165,220 i Total Capital Outlay 243,032 452,260 335,398 159,420 165,220 I L_ Pivisioll Tot:!!. ...,~. ~~"_'.~;;.'M 2,2.45)}0 7,189,050 7,7.38)41 .... 7,(>~.3,QQQ U~?,940 163 FIRE PREVENTION Safety Services Department Division Number 0502 . ACTIVIty DESCRIPTION - The Fire Prevention Division provides fire and life safety and hazardous materials inspection services for buildmg construction, annual buildmg assessments, and hazardous materials regulations. The Fire PreventIOn Division provides a comprehensIve fire and life safety onented plan review for land development, new building construction, intenor remodel projects, fire suppression, and alanll systems. In addition, periodic construction inspections are performed to ensure that all completed projects conform to both state and local fire safety regulations. The Fire Prevention Bureau reached over 10,000 people through public education last year The school presentations, the annual Open House, and the fire safety trailer are used to educate the public about fire safety Fire Prevention inspections are the single most important non-firefighting activity performed by the fire serviee. These inspections are directed toward conditions and policies that may result in a threat to life and property Ii'om fire or unsafe activities. Thc Fire Prevention Bureau increased the number of commercial occupancy inspections by over ten percent each year for the past three years. The Fire PreventiOn Division provides an annual inspection program for existing commercial buildings using both prevention and suppression personnel. All Department personnel are part of the Fire Prevention Team. AcTIViTY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES - >- Contmue to widen thc scopc of Safety Services' GIS program . Implement a firc department digitized GIS emergency mapping system by Decembcr 2007 . In collaboration with the Services establish, utilizing the latest . available GIS data, the . Fire Severity . Target and vegetatIve fuel reduction through the weed };- InitIate, track and complete business occupancies. apartment complexes, and publIc Poway . Review, comment and plan check within the City of Poway that fall under the purview of the Fire for fire and lifesafe!y.:cQJ11pleteness. " PrOVide the commumty with four quality public education.opportunitiesitl FY 07-08 and in FY 08-09 ,. Promote the Fire Department annual Open House, provide fire behavior demonstrations to the two Poway middle schools, and utilize the Kid's Safety House at community events such as Poway Days and school assemblies in partnership with the Poway Unified School District ? Adopt, with amendments, the newly developed ICC Fire Code currently under review by the State Fire Marshal, the State Building Standards CommIssion and the Department of the State Architect by the end ofFY 07/08. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD 7006-07 2007-08 2008-09 STATISTJCS PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED Inspections conducted 3,248 3,600 3,600 Plan checks perfonlled 712 665 665 . SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE None 164 1-' .... F~ty~~~s~~:~?N Division No: 0502 . 6t;},~, ,j .,~ ~' ""'. . ,~';:"',;r-'~--:;i {Qcl'.OSZ06':;:;'EQ.OO.(@'i, '.Q006~07.'" ii ','.2007'08;" , ,2.0-o8.'.1.'O.9'~; . ~" I'.,"" ~'" ,,' "~""""I""'" ,""", ",'''-'''-';' ",,,,. _,"-"'(i,C~'''''.r'':t", j_,""" "V,m """:,,;:,;,,,-~-,,~ . '4; . @oCle:... _:,.,-,-~kpr;n~'CJ~~~jficaii~!>, ~. ~ . "Actual" ",;GPR['lvello: . ig,~tj!pjtea'i )?r(]p~W9".lli2P$.sJd~ \ Personnel Expense Range "PosiJio!l,,,])tle ",," ' Full Time Equivalents -82 -Fire Di~i~;ll;- C1;;~f- 1.00 I 1 00 '1 (il)"- 1.00 ,100- i 64 Senior Fire Jnspector 1.00 I 00 I 00 i 1 00 ' 1.00 : 60 Fire Prevention Srecialist 'I 00 i I 00 1,00 I 1.00 I' 1.00 45 Administrative Assistant 111 I I 00 \ 00 I 1.00 1.00 1.00 , . I .,-~" To~;f>Xtlthifuffl6ti1i61i~i(f1]}-'T~". .,. '4?B6 J:-.-.,[,,,OO,, ".,1,00':: . ~~4\00. "i~l":o:o1 i-i'io-TS;i~rie;,R~gtI1ar . -_......_~_.----,1---265:421 I '297,540 r- '286:805-:1' - '. 306,110" 306JJO 1140 iSalaries, Overtime " ! 12,5001 1,023 , 1,400 i 1,450 1199 Vacation and S/L Adjustment '1,7661 - i ' I - I 1300 ,Employee Benetits 111,4261 108,720 114,3681 162,000 164,890 ---.--.-..__._ ___.~,.,"1_..~_ ...........".....--""_7..Lw'" ",..~tJ' ... -~!. ...M....' "~""'i Total'Personnef "3:78'tiP4 '41,8'C76()' 402'196. 469'5:10 4:72;4501 ;- ~::'$':'::~::;~:'::-;';';;"-':~;'C:'~, _.__"___._.'. ~.~'~~.:::...;.~- '..-" _c j ~_ _~~~ '. "~f-:"'- ~"'" .' ~;:o~ Operations and Maintenance ' 3 L]() Reimbursed Mileage 36 i IO() I 100 100 100 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 11,228 , 13,S60 13,~60 : 14,6S0 14,530 3140 Travel and Meetings 2,132 I I ,4~0 1,4S0 I 3.160 3,280 3310 Telephone 2,566 4,200 ' 4,199 . 3311 Cell Phones & Pagers 3,600 3,600 4112a Building Inspection 134,6SS 160,340 160,340 197,670 203 ';90 4120 Other Contractual Scrvices 14,480 14,3XO 27,750 27,000 4122 Plan Check/Map Processing I LX25 35,280 35,200 15,000 15,000 4516 Small Tools 9 150 150 150 150 4710 Office & StationelY Supplies 1,500 1,260 1,194 ' 1,260 1,260 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 63 600 500 600 600 4750 "'afety Supplies 56 1,500 1403 1.500 1,500 4760 Operating Supplies 1.669 ' 5,000 4,X1\0 5,000 5,000 I 4904 Community Relations 8,97S 7,000 6,991 5,000 5,000 : 4'l08 Education and Training 290 450 1,649 2,500 2,500 4922 Printing 1,732 4,500 4,431\ 2,000 2,000 4924 Publications and Dues 2,913 2,960 2,957 3,950 3,950 I 5510 'Capital Outlay Rental, Vehicles 5,300 2,1\50 5,300 5,300 5,300 5530 Capital Outlay Renta1- omce Equip. 2,260 L,130 2,260 2,260 2,21\0 ! T9taLQp:efatili.ris~&'Maintei\ihce 1'87~246" 256,940 261:~259291,480 29q;629' -...:.:.1- _. _ _. . Capital Outlay ,6122B Computer Hardware 2,400 2,400 [ 12S Photograohic Eauioment 1.249 ~-_. .- .. ~ Total:C_i1piUiL~tl~Y , h249 2,400 . ,2;40q, . ~ivision Tot~I-.,,:: _. .. 567109 675,700 663,455 76~,390 7;1,~70 tl\S I ~-,,- "-,-",~,,,.- ----=~."._"'~.~"._._---,,_....... ! PARAMEDICS I Sqtetv Services Department I Divisioll Number 0503 . ''':''':J:i" ' :'''-, :".~ ...........".. .. ~. ..,f';;(.~'"...""~.~..~.t.til:F'''...'"~"......,....' ---:.~...~.."..::UF}i' -~~".... .:;~:..".".~. ":J' .~""')..;:;;;:"._.~../'.' "">)f'lk, : ,.,::::,:~~::~":",,:~, P:~::: w~ ',='".: :~:~,"=::~:,:~,::::~~,:, J Engineers, and Fire Captains. The Department operates two fully staffed paramedic ambulanccs and also ; assures that at least one paramedic IS assigned to each of the three fire engines and one ladder truck. This , staffing configuration assures that an advanced-Jife-support-trained indivIdual responds to every request I ! involving a health-related emergency , ParamedIcs are also reqUIred to maintam proficiencies in operating fire apparatus and modern firefightmg principles and practices. Therefore, when they are not responding to emergency incidents or training ltl i medical-related topics, they sharpen their fire suppression skills under the directIon of their immediate I supervisor or the Trallling Division ChIef ~~-- The Division Chief responsible for the ~,:;er~,\1.QfT):ie Paramedic Divis~'also responsible for citywide emergeney planning and the a~:Ji~l!;iltistn_ ()~~tI11\~.\m~J11~Udget. ~ '--- ., ':!,..","" "',. 4.. eiu'l;; ,d..' -!j;j .., Emergency medi:al response~t~~~.~jt"!f.o~!rP.t?~fT~tfl5;!0~?6tc~nt of all requests fur Sel'iICeS annually I As such, more efhclent and effectlveimethoQs1afmeetmg\response tune goals, customer servlcc nccds, and implementlllg state of the art n.feai~~i:pr~ci,jf~1!Sed~~S;i~~ledical devices are continuously belllg I sought. Rcvenues associatcd ~thJee~~f?r1S~se;r(j\:p.grameCli:_ ~~nt alld.trallspOltto-area hospitals ! represcnts the largest s1l1gle source ofrevenueTJ~rtheDeparJ1!!~~~ety ServIces. . . ~... -- .,'~ --- ..>.- ; '---- _ I L.-...,."".""""".,--,.~:..,~~~::._,_,;.":.,,,~:......,,::....:,.:_"'__~"""_'.._':~_:""'~ .....;"'.,.~.~.;--- .. ...~__ _..~ - _ _ _ ... .....,.....~ J 1- ,k;:@['@1'tY;00AlLSNr';I[iV0BJE@:rJVES" 'f "," ., "';~ 'f' , ,- , -:.'1 _...::......<::~~-'--....,'*,,.,.:"~:.:.A_:;;;;.>~~~:.;..,,,...t...:~,::",.':..::""--:.,_~ ....~",:...".~:~~_ ''';.:.,.,.,,,,.., ,.,...._..'..__~~ &._ __. b.udl't1 , , I .,. Reduce the proccss1I1g time of incident reporting by ten pcrccnt. I : . Ul1lIzing new technological devices such as PDAs. . ! . Obtain two ALS ambulances by the end of Fiscal Year 2007-08 I ,. Mallltam the current high levels of advanced prehospita1 care prOVided to the residents and visitors I ,. to our commulllty .,. Participate in regIOnal emergency medical studies and cooperate with regional paramedic trainlllg programs to assure tnunlllg llltemships for tllture paramedics. b '~;"""'; "ffO"'''''=h~;'''""' dOfib'~""'" ,~,,,,,,g '" C1ry ,"IT 1,,,',,,Ii"g "Ii",""p'" rangers, docents, and Community Emcrgency ---.......':'......'..--...,.".... - ..-.,-.-,-,........-::...................f1:"::...._.- ----r~'::::"..:.::.....:.:. .. ._~ ..---~--' -'_. - --~ .' '~;I('}NrBiC~NJ"i\C:-f,iVi:tYJ'>Rb1iRAM"f:~~13Sf~". .::' :" , .b-L_~_ __,~: _ ;€~,Qgi'.~. i Replace eXisting ambulanccs (2) utilIzing funds 111 the vehtcle replacement ~ $350,000 ! _ funt!.JDl\:.islOn 01,2,8)@$175,000 each. _ ___ __ ___ I I I I , I . I I i I ! _ ."""""""'--,..;...;...<'-=-q....". --,..".-..-.... "..~....._--'.--.~ ..=."....-- ---- 166 I' ..- s~~~~~?a~:~ I Divisio/l No: 0503 . -. T -" "-_'1 _".,." ~'::,~,._,~~,,,,""~"I- ........,.0:".."_..,.;. "" .,.__, ".'.'"_"'''''~ . b'"., , :'~, ;j". \. ":2005,!\~ ':.2091~08<;':\:"2008'09J _" ~ ~ ~ I' .' ~ ~"'; '~~~':'::,'!:<', ,-?:..j}.r L~"":~rj"'~r:,,-: ,_~';.."";j:':; ~!~'!!H'~.:) !2o(l~lc ~.~iP'ense q1l!.~illcatiql!., .. ~ $Slli!!1 d !lt2p.os~<.J:'ir '.I!tgi1!?}.~,4~ , , Personnel Expense ' i Range Position Title Full Time Equivilants i . -. -----=:: _ ____ .'. ,., . l_n-=.--:-:l ~ ,',"ola1'4\iitborizeo;Positions'U;TE) , ,I "' ".. ", ;_ "_~.~ _:~':,.-, ,"_'.iC."__ , ;~ -= ( ._ h) ,_' . ;"""",,, ; '"' . ,Total p:~s5l11112. .~,.~_~"..__-,..._..,_ .':_._ ,"..__ ~..... :__..';"" ,Operations and Maintenance . 3110 iReimbursed Mileage 300 300 300 400 3130 I Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 36,189 i 40,970 I 40,970 40,X30 I 39,810 3140 Travel and Mcctings 91 5,020, 3,912 8,090' 8,140 3310 Te]ephone 2,876 i 3,600 I 3,600 3311 Cell Phones & Pagers -I' 2,400 I 2,400 4120 OtherContractua1"Services 1,501 ! 2,400' 2,400 2,750, 2.890 4308 R&M Equipment 8,274' 17700 17,700 i 25,010 25,700 4312 R&M Outsidc Vehicle Repair 586 . 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 1.500 1,500 , 1,50 I I 1,650 1,820 4730 Phutographic/Copy Supplies 300 300 I 300 300 1'4740 Medical Supplies 41,600, 46,520 54,120 56,Q70 59,590 4750 Salety Supplies 9,873 9,530 9,530' 16.580 17,810 .4760 Operating Supplies 4 III 3,680 3,680 4,050 4,250 ;4904 Commumty RelatIOns 2,362 7,500 7.500 4908 Education and Training 13,9X2 16,770 16,770 18,780 19,340 4922 Plinting 1,565 2,000 ' 1,705 , 2,200 2,310 4924 PublicatIons and Dues 972 1,240' 1,IX5 \' 1650 1,740 55 I 0 'Capital Outlay Rental. Vchicles 90,000 45,000 : 90,000 90,000 90,000 5520 Capital Outlay Rental. Other Equipmcnt 180 90 I DO ! 180 180 5530 Capital Outlay Rental. Office Equipment 2,280 I 1.140 , 2,2XO : 2,280 2,280 'Total 0peiations,~!VlaifitB1~iice 2Jil;?~f" 20j,~qSl. 257,63,,\:,273,120 278,960; Capital Outlay 6122A, Office & Computer Equipment 11,500 ! 6,500 6,500 , 1,000 1,000 .6]24 Paramedic Equipment 6,354 9,250 9,250 13,550 17,910 6136 Telecommunications Equipment 23,610 6199 Other Equipment 7,X75 6,000: 6,000 7,000 7,300 - '-. .. L' Tota1'Capitali0iltlay 25\729 21',750 21"750\ .45,160 26;210 ',_ _ H.._ 4 ,~_ ~ . _ J L,..,__Divisi.'lnT?tal.___.. __ 243,671 227,Ol.2..___ 279,383 318,2XO' 305,170 167 1'--' ---- --I I LA W ENFORCEMENT I Safety Services Department I Division Number IJ504 . f'~~}A:GwIMFId"~'IDE'S<<~Yl).:vION: - .;" j" ~'~'~::, ~ ! I 'i 'j"t-"."""':~P""""'" . .;N'",X".~~ '\ .:~ ' ..': ";f";'" :" ,1;~~.' r -.,,, ~,i,.,':~f1lJ~jl1. Ji.-.._.;'.,.~.~."~ - ... ..........."'..........:...........<.",...fI - '", ~-f.:Lj~<"'...~;. -~ ,....'..;..".,.ff~.","'"'" o' ~.~:."""".J;- ..l._....::.~.... .em The City of Poway contracts with the County of San Diego Sheriffs Department for law enforcement serviees. In 2005, the City of Po way expenenced the lowest cnme rate (crime per 1,000 populatIOn) of I any city within the county The crime rate dropped in 2006 to 17.55 per 1,000 people. I ! The Sheriffs Department IS committed to maintaining a strong rclationship with the citizens of Poway To further this objective, the Sheriffs Department employs the philosophy of Community Oriented Policing, a method of operation in which deputies solve recurring problems rather than simply proceeding from call to call, or to limit themselves to strictly enforcement aetivities. This philosophy was strengthened in 2006 by the continual focus on solving issues of community concern including addressing quality of/ife problems such as graffiti, vandalism, and other situations. //-".__..-'~ The Poway Sheriffs identified sev~"\J%~carrt,interest in 2006-preve'i1ting criminal aetivity from occurring in apartment c~mp!e~~~t;th.~l~rqiY~?g'Thf9Q!~~~f identity then, and traffiC~safety Traming programs were held for apartm~ntm.et~8;g~r~~th~!;,the~1~9];!,11:!:t!~plement programs to hold tenants stnctly accountable for thetr behavio~~~,:~e)l[~~:~h~:'.~~~r~9f;p~ir;.9.ii,e'sts: Numerous presentations have been proVIded onldenllfy theft 1l1c1Ual'l~;a\n]aJp,l(Er~'IJm~~;tq~,!!t,lh:~J,g:lty s Town Hall Meet1l1g. The Shenffs Department eontll1ues to utlll~Jrail]!!'l2I1:~.!:r~ffjJ;,.f.nf~ement ~n~.!!ltRed.LIght.Camera-Program, which has slg11lficantly reduced traffic ColliSions anl'ir\;rll1tersectlOl1~way J ~ '- -",~, ~\ . , ", , -----.~'" . The Poway Shentrs Department continues to utilizegratlLf,l!!lds.fromthe-Stafe'Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to do periodic decoy operal1ons to minimizem' eliminate the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors. "-~. -~.._. ~-:~"............- '" .;:---,-,...,,_..~ 'l:'Y"~"".'>!;-"i'" "','" ,'",,:_-~': "-- ----- --. ..,.~- ..._'.,. ~~ .'- ,.-...,........ -=_ __~~g:rl~yrroy'p01}I;!SkN[),Q!3JgJ.:,TI'YE_~._,:. _____-"'-. ", ______---'-.. ,_,'l. ,-,>-'1:_,.;j, I I I 'Y Reduce traffic-related deaths, injuries, and property damage due to collisions by five percent from the I , 2006 total. I :.- Reduce eril11~ and calls forservice related to multl-housmg U11llS by five percent. . I :.- Expand the COnllllUl11ty Onented Pohcll1g phtlosophy by requmng each team of depulles to undertake I several new problem-solving efforts and to focus on reducl11g the problems that continually reoccur '" Continue to use the Senior Volunteer Program to conduct vacation checks and the You Are Not Alone Program for shut-Ill seniors, , Continue to emphaSize traffie safety by eonducting a greater number of enforcement activities for speeding and for those vehicle eode violations that are shown to result in collisions. 'Y Maintain a partnership with City schools through the use of the School Resource Officer program. -, 1~i@mE~j:DAt,1fA6.:T1y,:f1<~:p[<2QBiA~:(i)ti~N,GES _.~-- ':_:. ':-::~ -,!-' .~ 'GH'AN@E _ . I .:;'Y1TY"'@J<I<I\"A_~.- ;2fiaif.1 pr . ;,~w.28':;~. jiiiiQI'ri!. ..ill S.I~ILST!gS._.. ----__: _!>t>-<;}T;T.TA'L i- ,P,~QJJ2S?~EQ", _..;' L~QI~J:;TEl'>i,. CallsforServiee 15747 I 15,026 I 15327 l. ______ ,..._ _._.... I ...__..... I .""""".""",__,. 168 --~" _..._.._,.~. LAW ENFORCEMENT Safety SenJ;ces Department Division No: 0504 . iJ.""." .....---., ","", .:..:.-',',," a:-.. ..,. ",--",,-- ~".."...:..............:.,~.~....:".:.:......"'."'v':." ....',,- ",,~if-;- "",::.".'t"'''',i'''':''" ': ," -ct.""",,~-:- <!Mi" " , ,," ~:,:~ ~ ..::~ 208~-06"'200i510} ,> ,;2Q9~~0?:',1:<2067,08 ,: 20?8~09t: C,B'de_ _... _' 1 E,;,~ji1;h~e.hCla~stficat!2!l, _:, '.' _ .~!:!U,j!!'. ,_16JipJ;();t!:'&1 ~E,;,~jjm~tesC:PL9PQ~~9; ',' piil))2~~:g~ : Operations and Maintenance I ' 3120 Vehicle Operations - Fuel 2,200' 2.300 3130 : Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 46,4721 51,970 51.970 55,620 55.200 3140 ,Travel and Meetings 4,8191 1,420 1,420' 1,420 1.420 3310 :Telephone 25,064 , 16,7RO I 16,780 13,160 13.160 3311 I Cell Phones & Pagers -, '! 21,840 21.840 4104 I Community safety, 7,955,277 R,426,420 Ii 8,434',546 i R,X56,270 9,210,530 410R Dispatch Contraet - Shenf[ ,I 239,096 243,760 243.760 I 4\09 iContract School Crossing Guard 20,695 18,250 I 18,250: 19,170 20,130 4116 I Landscape Maintenanee 7.121 I 10,650 10,650' 1 L\80 11.740 4120 : Other Contractual Services 28.423 I 43.250! 43,250! 45,410; 45,410 4302 IAirConditioningR&M 7,770' 1,770: 7,770 I 7,770 4304 I Building Repair & Maint 190 - i 430R iR&M Equipment 3.669 7,000 I 3,2971 5,000 , 5,000 4312 Outside Vehicle Repair & Maintenance 6,523 1,067 10,000 i 10,500 , , 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 350 ! - 4750 Safety Supplies 29,451 ' 30,650 I 30,650 31 700 ' 31,700 4760 Operating Supplies I 444 11.500 6,2XO 8,500 R,500 4902 Cal-IDSys.SafetyServices 9,031 10,140 10,140 10,600 IL\OO . 4904 Community Relations 2,991 9.500 7,201 6,000 6,000 49 t 9 Vehicle Regulation 7,51 R 15 700 6.23X 11.700 11,700 4922 Printing I,OOR 4924 Publications and Dues 320 ' \39 5510 Capital Outlay Rental- Vehicles 21,900 10,950 21,900 21900 21,900 5520 Capital Outlay Rental- Other Equipment 4,660 I 2.330 . 4.660 4,61iO 4,660 5530 Capital Outlay Rcntal- Office Equipment 940 ' 470 940 940 940 5730 Intergovemmental Fees 57,28X ' 75.000 75,000 (,5,000 65,000 I , I ' I : I ! , , I ' " ,. ,... i TotaIOpe!~ti9ns&M!iipten~rce ~;f173,~02;, ~,2~3:~2.0 ?;~89:?0?o ':Zi2JO,040 .:Z;22,Q!5.QQ;, I Capital Outlav ' ,6104 Autos & Trucks - , 20,000 47,413' 20,000 20,000 I . 61228 Computer Hardware 2.312 I 6199 Equipment- Other 6,6~0 ~ - . ., -- ,..,.~... Tgi~lQaRit~L(;)ui1ay ,8;9~t ' ~g;QQg 43;~n:, ~Q;QQO M!Q.QO,: L_...-!>ivision Total ._ _._ g,4~2,893 I 9,013,860 9,037,321 9,230,040, 9,5X6,500 169 .- .,. - ".."'.. ~"'"'-'-"--' . . I I , I I , I i. I CITY OF POW A Y FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 2007-08 AND 2008-09 i i COMMUNITY PROGRAMS I k".~"" __._ "'",-""",,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,""" .."."....,.,~........~, ~........". CITY OFPOWAY PROGRAM OVERVIEW Community Programs $6,762,613 i $115,370 I $ - $6,Xn.983 Environmental Programs 2,304,881 , 264,960 I 264,960 2,X34,801 1,050,000 I I 150,940 1,513,740 Public Safety 312,800 ! OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The City of Poway Prugram Budget reflects the allocation of the City's finanCIal resources for the purpose of providing specialized services. The mix of programs funded for FY 2007-08 & FY 200X-09 is designed to provide a broad range of cOlnmunity safety and recreation programs ranging from two to five years in length. Activities budgeted ill the Program sectIOn of this document are distinguished from Depm1ment operating budgets to provide tor tlmding over multiple years. Program funding tor the second year of the two-year hudget will be provided in future budget updates. 172 CITY OF POW A Y PROGRAM OVERVIEW ,it> , "<' ~ " ;:.." " .'. , . . '"",,~,i....!-,,_, 1.r __,~__,h..';"'..~._._~._....~_..._..,::'.......:...-f_ "....__ r...""""! Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Funding Sources 7007-2008 2008-2009 General Fund $288,170 $150,940 Special Projects Fund Grant Funds 404,960 264,9()0 Developer In-lieu Fees Household Hazardous Waste Low/Mod Housing Trust Funds Utilities Funds Total Sources $693,130 $415,900 173 CITY OF POWAY " This project provides funding to enhance the City's government access channel, which communicates information to citizens over the local cable television systems of Cox Communicatiuns and Time W 31ller TIle channel provides information on a wide variety of services, activities, community events and recreational facilities available to Poway residents, amI telecasts of Lity Council meetings. Projected Through Funding Source 6/30/2007 Fiscal 2007-08 Fiscal 2008-09 Total Program Public Education Grant (714) $205,30 I $ - $ - $205,30 I y,:--::--',"':f20'5:j'01. 0- ~-'" ~,t".",,",",.,.lb.' ',- ,'.," .:. Expenditures 17l,522 171.522 Encumbrances Remaining Budget $33,779 $33.779 $33,779 $33,779 ,._.-.......- -.,.. ~', , ,.' ~- ~------_\":~,_.:_~ - Various City grants and projects using funds received for the \Vet & \Vild settlement. Pr{)j~c1cd Through . Funding Source 1i/30/2007 FiscaI20()7-U8 Fisca1200R-09 Total Program Vv & W Settlement (773) $795,500 $ - $ - $795,50() Poway Fine Al1s Cent (7751 20.000 20,000 Kumcyaay Endow (776) 15,1l01l 15.1l01l Veterans Memurial (777) 500 500 Public Art (775) 140,UOIl 140.01l1l ...--., ,.""",.~ - - - "t; ""'~''''~'\''4""",,",'- ",$2?;! ,Qoq --T' $~ _ ...... ~,_ .f..~ i$2,i'b09()1. --- - Expenditures 907.53Y 907.539 Enclllllbrances Remaining Budget $63,461 $63,401 $63,401 $1i3,461 .- - ~."- __...___ ~'. --'--.1, - Program to provide funding for the Poway Senior Lenter Projected Through Funding Source 0/30/2007 Fisca12007-IlR Fiscal 2008-09 T ota1 Program Poway Valley Seniors Endow (771 ) $509.IlOIl $ - $ - $509,1l00 T8fuFBlid1re('=~=:"""~? - :~~- -.~ ",.".,.,..,.'<"':'-- -- -- ~ _;;:;.u - '.-....., ~".,.~..."....',."l.~:l $509000 ' " $509;000; .L.:..",~'~..:::".~.._, _. ~-'~.::;!"= Expenditures 185.178 185.ln . Encumbrances Remaining Budget $323,822 5323,822 $323,822 $323,g22 174 CITY OF POW A Y . ~~ '. '\.- ~.t!::'1r.:::O:::,!::~":':'''':,!''''''',;;'':'''':O:::'C''''~ "'-t. --"-':'~--"=""~""". :7r-'"';o;::'::~':":".":':/""': ~j;::':',r""-'-- '''''''''''-',<'"''-r-'_~:'''''''''':''-:':'''~~ :' U125,.P0W'1:\Y@XK;a;REE W000 ,PR0JE€,T' ,-.*,.' .," .. .'.. .. ,H'; ~~~~:.~~_ ..--",-""",,,,~._ p!'" ~ i}'j :" .' ...;..<.______"'''O:",,:;..:.,.:":c:,,_'..-'.__~..~;''_'lll :- ....,. _.~~" .~_:,;4_'"'""..;:~,,:..........:_~..__....!::'. _" ,...-'..,.....: Use of wood from the npoway Oak" to create furniture, commemorative plaques, a sculpture, guitars and souvenir pIeces. Projected Through Funding Source 6/30/2007 Fiscal 2007-08 Fiscal 2008-09 Total Program General Fund (100) $103,130 ($24,630) $ - $78,500 "'..,..._-.......::".__:~-_.,~ $jb~iii.I[ ,; ;:;:-, ."tbtal. Blldg6ti ".: " . ;;C .' .. ..$'7.8,500, _Ak -.. ._~ ~. .,,-~ .,,,.~.,,...'"....-'---...,.._.__'"..__ l-.... .....\~, -- ;.__ ...d__,u;....;,_ Expenditures 78,500 - - 78.500 Encumbrances - - - - Remaining Budget $24.630 $ - $ - $ - ........-."........ -'" -"."'." .. ,. ." ,,+-~---'-"-~.~,.......'....'"-,-- "..~- '" , ".........~ The "Supporting Home Ownership in Poway" program assists low and moderate income buyers purchase a home in Po way by huying down the market level price of an entry level hume to an Tlaffordable" price. . Projected Through Funding Source 6/30/2007 Fiscal 200l -OR Fiscal 200R-09 Total Program Developer In-lieu (2511 $1.993,5RO $ - $ - $1 L!93,5XO Low/Mod Housing (471) X5,OOO X5.000 ..".",.-.-.....,........... '..".....--.-.....-- .-~$2Wn.5.80; ~-,- " - - ;$;0' - :$2;078;580 ;,tii!iiJ!ifjudg~..r:, '.$ , ~......................._:m....__.._'"_ -- .~. ~ ,.... '.." -~.." ,I~ 11",,".<,,< .,"",-".:' ,- ""'......-..- "....- ---:.-.. .~ Expenditures I 740.257 1,740,257 Encumbrances Remaining Budget $338,323 $338,323 $33R,323 $33X,323 -~._..,."......"~""~...y.;......."........""'............ . .., ~ -- , - -~.'- -- -'. - . .. 1'1;10 GIS SYS]'EM'ElEVEEOPMENT' . . . _~...:..>A<':." ~-' ..J.;.",._~....,._,.... ,-- .c, . ~__."' ,~,---,...-.i..,...,,;.....,_. ...._-.-- .._- --- _...=..-.- -'----_..~. This program funds the initial development of a city-wide GIS system, to includ~ SANG IS base 111apS and updated ol1hophotography Proj cctcd Through Funding Source 6/30/2007 Fisca12007-0R Fiscal 200X-09 Total Program General (100) $14,444 $ - ~ - $14,444 Spec Projects Fund (102) 135.851> - - 135.856 Water (510) 136,940 - - 136.940 Sewer (520) 82,130 - - 82,130 Drainage (231) 10,160 - - 10,160 . :q;ijtiii)Biidget : '''...-....''''..-......-." \$3i79 5>30' ",.---,.- .. ._'_:$e': ---- <----,_..- -- --. ..-.... ,""'---:-'1 . " i$L~ $3i79;cS30 ~=.,'!:',!t:::,:;;:;."-_~.::::_ ..... ~ ~.., ".;;:..:....;.;":~_."' -. -- "'---- ., ,- Expenditures 228.X 17 95,705 - 324,522 Encumbrances 55,l10X - 55.008 Remaining Budget $95,705 $ - $ - $- 175 CITY OF POW A Y , , Beginning in fiscal year 1993-94, COllllllunity Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Housing set-aside funds have been used by the City to support Poway's HomeSh"re and Community Connections Program. The program is administered by EldcrHelp of San Diego. A social service counselor is available on-site at the Poway Senior Center to provide one-On-one case management and referrals for community mClubers in need of regional .support services. Hotel vouchers,. transitional housing opportunities, emergency shelters, veteran's assistance and job coaching are among the variety 0 f social service referrals provided. The program is also specialized in cOllnecting low and mouerate-income renters with homeowners who provide alternative housing options to those who can benefit from a shared living environment. Program number 5960 was established for the portion of the program which is funded by the Agency's Housing Fund, with CDBG funding ret1ected in program 5961 5960 Projected Through Funding Source 6/30/2007 Fiscal 2007-08 Fiscal 2008-09 Total Program Low/Mod (471 ) $262,457 $ - $ - $262,457 "~C" .; \$262'1"15*; ... .$.:';' I :i"':' $'" -..r."':.,.,.,....;'"')"." t" ~11 .>--~..-~._.,_."'" ~,.:::J ' ." _ :!;---'iL- $_6?,45;?,j Expenditures 256,440 256,440 Encumbrallces Remainjng Budget $6,016 $6.016 $6,016 $6,017 . 5961 Projected Through Fundihg Source 6/30/2007 Fiscal 2007-08 Fiscal 2008-09 Total Program CDBG (241) $290.072 $40.000 $ - $330,IJ72 ~- _....- _. "~'r"''','''';''''-''':e.' ~ .'<<:-- ''',' $2901072.' ,-- 'r' -~ -------....~>-'" Total)Buqgetl .' i;" . '$33Q:O)g: ~ ~_.._.....' - - ....._. .- ---"-- -~- [~ " <, ~ .,..~-- -,,_,.,~-';,-+,'----""""" Expenditures 262,560 262.560 Encumbrances Remaining Budget $27 ,5')5 $67,595 $67,595 $67,512 ";5971 .C0MMI.fNiTY'DEYEL0PMENTBk0@@G~FH08SIi\lG'REfiAiBiLImA]W0N'PRG,tGR.~:';' - l~ "~_-'-'.,:' ',":.. :'k,.,,::;;,_:'.:..-.J:...~,.. "..":."".:,'..a;.;:;:;,.;..::.,,.....~'c:, ~.".-,-. "m ',,, ;.,>~;".:'.;<.>::,:::',":":'::n"L,:.iIO<"";,,,:::;;;::.,~;!c'i":,'~""':::"":':,":<::,,:,,:c,;;;;._,;,,c:;;;,,"tl~"'~ ~:'F- ~"~ - Initiated in 11)05 the Cummunity Development Block Grant Housing Rehahilitation Program provides funds to 10w- and Vel) low-income homeowners to complete health, safety and other specified improvements to their- residences in Po way The goal of the program is to preserve and improve Poway's existing affordable housing stock through zero- interest loans tn qualified applicants up to $10,000. Loans convert to grants at a rate of 10 percent each year for every year the home is occupied by the applicant. The entire amount converts to a grant at the end of ten years. This program is funded by the City's Community Development Block Grant Program. Projected Through Funding Source 6/30/2007 Fiscal 2007-08 fiscal 2008-09 Total Program CDBG Grants (241) $1.679.255 $100.000 $ - $1,779.255 :;,~,'_n.. .--- .,.----", 'li.otill[liill@t ,,",*~ - . Expenditures 1,584,358 99,528 1,1>83,886 Encumbrances Remaining Budget $94,897 $95.369 $95,369 $95.369 176 CITY OF POW A Y . "",,",," "",. ;;''';:''',,, ,1,,",~ '! c " 'r" '-:. p'" >"'''~ J":":"",,C;,,,, " Initiated in 1994, the Poway Visitor Enhancement Program was developed to increase visitor and resident awareness of existing shopping opportunities and points of interest in Poway The Program is administered through the Poway Chamber of Commerce Visitors Committee. Activities undertaken through this Program involve the participation of Poway merchants and residents. These include coordinating the publication of brochures, direct-mail campaigns, membership in local visitors bureaus, and promotional events such as the Shop Poway" Program. Program objcctives include the generation of additional sales tux revenue. Projected Through Funding Source 6/30/2007 Fiscal 2007-08 Fiscal 2008-09 Total Program General (100) $284,288 $ - $ - $284,288 "Wotal'Bl'tdaet;':-" , -- . , $28111288 I "~, l;,f'] ~.,... r $,,~' , >""';"1'\"':'1';'- , , " , ,. .,. , .> _ $284'28S ..:.- '. ...,... .:::."..:::.:.:.....:.~o.,. "-. . -. 0......______. _...Ii-"........c.. c:...... . --", ,....-~. -,-,-' .,..~--". Expenditures 259,859 - - 259,859 Encumbrances - - - - Remaining Budget $2442Y $24,429 $24,429 $24,429 . _.....-,."...:.:....,,, , _ r...... ._"~-_..~.- --,.._.."~,-_._.,, ----- _.---..-........ ""-",'.--~'- ,'~~ . ..,,.....,,-.-..._-.. - . .if:f<29R'I\JVIS):JMM.;\;RY'. . . " ~. " - ---~._.._-_.--------.. ,,-,,- .- Projected Tl1l'ough FunJillg Source 6/30/2007 FiscaI20(H-OS Fiscal 2008-09 Total Program "$6)62,6;):j" ' : . $6;87'7J~83~ _. _._, u - '..,...,'",.-"~ - ....,-",", - Expenditures 5.675.030 14'),233 5.870,263 Encumbranc.es 55,008 55,008 Total Remaining Buuget $1.032,575 $952,712 $Y52,712 $952.712 . 177 CITY OF POW A Y This project provides funding from the CA Dept. of Conservation for beverage container recycling ami litter cleanup activities The City is eligible to receive approximately $13.0()0 each fiscal year Projected Through Funding Source 6/30/2007 FiscaI2007-0R Fiscal 2008-09 Total Program Recycling Grants (245) $97,490 $13.830 $]3,830 $]25,150 ~":""m~'~'",,-~,"Y"'~"' ""'-'''1~'~. T'~~iJT836' . l:tiit~]JBiii:i'-'et ' "" '. ' ", I. ' ~......::::.::.~;:../,[.:",.-:,. ""-' .'.... '" ,'_...................:..,~, - ,~... -, Expenditures ~7 ,44R 14,IR5 13,830 115463 Encumbrances Remaining Budget S I 0,042 $9,687 $9,6~7 S9,6R7 "-. ,- "- ' Conduct a community health risk assessment and develop a database fur known leaking underground storage tanks along Poway Road, and for clean-up planning and cOllullunity outreach. Projected Through . Funding Source 1i/30/2007 Fiscal 2007-0~ Fisca1200R-09 Total Program Federal Grant (253) $200,000 $ - $ - $200,000 ; Totalm'{dg:,i;'-" ...r-"'----r".. -"'$,,, - nu .4";, - -:'$.:~ ~ r: '::""i !$Z()(),OOOI '- $2(j6'ooo " ","""'mmm,,,'_~"";'"m.,,,,",,",,,,J;, ".~,~~~, ":,,,,.....~"- .___,"",-L- "'~ Expenditures lli9,070 169,070 Encumbrances Remaining Budget $30,93U $30.930 $30.930 $30,930 """.'!' "''"_ -1'.__.0',' ., '''~''''''''':'. !""'~.~_..~,~.c.".,::,:,.".".. ". .,.~.~,. ...'::':"".....,.".,.~::~ -- H~Qj !lISR[) RltJ3,~YC;;~c;(!tlf.:!JIi~_<}~~Ci'.H:) .1 -"-,. - -. The City ftTcivcs' grant funds from the California Integrated Waste Management Board fur used oil recycling public education and collection programs. The City is eligible to receive approximately $15,000 each fiscal year Projected Through Funding Source 6iJO/2007 Fiscal 21J07-0~ Fiscal 200K-09 Total Program Recycling Grants (245) S54,4li2 S .. $ - $54 462 Used Oil Recycle Grants (257) 102.655 15.130 15,130 132.915 .Tdi~i Bud"ef-..--~--- ----- - ~ ,..~....,.~ ~ . ",., ,0 -..- _ $[t?tl'3Q .. ---,.,,, .~.~- _"",_._.....,",,__ ,.~l"""._.,_."'-..,.. Expenditures 123,140 15.130 15.130 153,400 EnclLlllbrances Remaining Budget $33,977 $33.977 .$33,977 $33,977 . 178 CITY OF POW A Y . AJ"'<""""'1""" _0_"""' ~_'~"~"5"'T'"""':i"'".-.,::"I'.."~_,",, ""...;;n.r.""i'~:'.r.~:::,..""",~'~~:'"o/":':~........,,,:.. " +-::....-.....,.".... ~~r-.--,..., ~::~.,,~~.-.-_'"' r'1697~H@OSEH(i)bDIHA'z:ARB(i)8S,'W1\'STE;,IDISP0SJIlli,PR0GR:A:M: . ,.., , .,'.'- '." ' , ,;;?;.;;,~......". ....,""'_..~ ~ --":","",,,J'=" ~~ .~ ,- -, r;:,!;f:;:"::",::/:,~:.:. :::,::.::.:".:t,,":.,,,~<"-.~....:,;!\:::::,,:;J;~j"''1::::C::t:,:":""",~, --" '~:.;...,,,;:;l:~~...__..............__,.:~"_.';;'-,..,"';;;:"''--_ ":'~_.,,.<...J This program provides household hazardous waste disposal services for City residents. Sources of funding are the A13 939 pass-through fee on EOCa trash bills. and quarterly tonnage payments from the Regional Solid Waste Association (RSW A). Projected Through Funding Source 6/30/2007 Fiscal 2007-08 Fiscal 2008-09 Total Program State Grant (242) $4,994 $ - $ - $4,994 HHW Fund (250) 1,845,280 236,000 236,000 2,317,280 .~Total1\Bi'f<l-;ll;'r"" "~--:.._-~,~ ,I:"~ -;;::1''''' '1.'+ 't,;;'o;',;i(iIT" ~. '~"$23(5'O'bor. " '$2322}'274' ~:;;j;\:::,,;,,:~O~.:; L~L._-,_._ _ ._...... "",......"........~""'-..""..'~ ~_.~~~.~~., Expenditures 1,735,342 236,000 236.000 2,207,342 Encumbrances 32,755 - - 32,755 Remaining Budget $82,177 $82,177 $82,177 $82,177 +~~. ~~---'-;'---'-' ~+'-::---_.._-'-:--'- -~,-'=T'.c-;--:~~_., ';'-'--;-' "-r- ;'"~' .-.. ._-"-" '" _.~..,--"-"""---,,' -".- ..,- Projected Through . Funding Source 6/30/2007 Fiscal 2007-08 Fiscal 2008-09 Total Program c_Ji(,1~U3.tidgeJ' ____ '"" ___ $2;304",881 "~~,_ _ ?~26ill9.6Qc,"~_,yS~~:I.,960".._ '$2,,834;89l: Expenditures 2.115,000 265.315 264 9hO 2,645.275 Encumbrances 32,755 - - 32,755 Total Remaining Budget $157.126 SI56.771 $156,771 $156.771 . 179 CITYOFPOWAY . Purchase a 100' aerial ladder fire truck apparatus with aerial mounted waterway ami equipment. The equipment includes communication radios, extrication power tools and cribbing, technical rescue hardware and ropes, ground ladders. smoke blowers, salvage equipment, and advanced life support equipment. Activity Through Funding Source 6/30/2006 Fiscal 2007-08 Fiscal 2008-09 Total Program Spec Projects Fund (102) $1,050,000 $ - $- $1,050,000 'TBful;B;\i!"et ....Il " :../_. ---~ .. ,;~I!O~q;9Qg" '''''0 ,,",'J" .~_._.J~.... ""r '~.",t,l1t;'U'''L'.' r~~_.. Expenditures 923,626 126,374 1,050,000 Encumbrances Remaining Budget $126,374 $ - $- $ - -?n ".,<..."....,+,."'...."T..~..,_o... ':';.:T,.:..:.o'''':;:~''''''4--;',,:,,,,;::,,,,_.,s-:'''' - --.' ~"""";""-'---'-" '---7- . 'll61 EMERGENCY PREPARE8NESS," . - ~"..." ..;.......~_....,._.. .,..,;~. _.,.......""'..;.~.:....:;;l/;J;;...,i'._.;..."'...:::....,~_ '~';:.... ~ _n........._____._----"'- - The program funds equipment amI. training necessary for updating the City's readiness for responding to and operating during,a community emergency, including woodland fire, eal1hquake or flood. Activity Through . Funding Source 6>30/21106 Fiscal 20117 -o~ Fiscal 211(J~-09 Total Program Gencral (100 I S - $312,800 SI50.'140 $463.740 ",-:> .. ~.~..-.~ ~'., '.- ~....... -.'~. -,1;' $1r50~ij~(i" _JQta(Blj~g.et _1- i$3iI2,800 -- ~~ -~-- - - ,~~ EXPCllditures' 312.8110 150.'1411 463,740 EnclIlnbrallccs Remaining Budget $ - $ - $ - S - RROGRAM:'StJMMJ:l:RcY I " . .- ," c' i,,,,>;;- " ,- .. H ,,~., ,L - , ."",_..~.- ,-- -.. '...z .~~--'-. , _.......\......J<~_'- Activity Through Funding Source 6!30/2(J()(, Fiscal 21107-08 Fiscal 2008-0'1 Total Program 'T6tii.Bud -et" '$,1;05'0;660' $3\I'2T8'60 , - !$IL~9J1O' "i$'I,Yl"j';!'l1' ~.-"" ~,~g . "-- ." - - _~... ..,...............-...>1.- '- c:'-"-..:......._..:,J_,~ Expenditures 923,626 439.174 1511940 1.513,740 Encumbrances - - - - Total Remaining Budget $126.374 ($126.374) $ - $ - . lXO 1- ",,,,,,. ."""".d,",~ ....,." - e i I ~ I i I I i . i I I i - POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2007-2008 & 2008-09 I CAPIT AL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I '-.'''''''''''.-.- ,.........._.""....~"." ,....,,--_.............,. CITY OF POW A Y CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW j .~ . Streets & Highways $162,<)10 $2,092,OO~ I $2,254,918 Traffic Signals I - Flood Control & Drain. 1,492,790 296,480 I 1,789,270 Government Buildings <)0,000 I 1,767,521 l,677,521 I Parks and Open Space 771,<)60 200,000 971.960 Water Improvements 2,264,400 I 4,020,000 6,284,400 Sewer Improvements 2.253,344 2,300,000 I 4,553,344 I Housing Projects I - I I I I . I I i '''j" ,.- .,', .....,.... .....,?-:',"~ -.::~"',.. $i7!03,:;:iW,(7 .' $lOt~8'6 609 ... ":1'8!.~II?l,J:dg~tl.. ~ .'.,~:: .., . . "'~,, , '~J ~~---' OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The Capital Improvement Program of the City of Poway represents an organized plan for addressing the phYSical neeus of the community The pages which follow auu to the Capital Improvement Program that began uuring fiscal year 1982-S3 As the budget is approved cach tiscal year. it will be possible to review progress being made, costs incurred to date, and the implIcations of innalion on future costs. The improvements as set forth in this budget tilll into the eight major categories: Streets anu Highways, Trame Signals, Flood Contrul and Drainage, Government Buildings, Parks and Open Spaces, Water Inlprovements, Sewer Improvements and Housing. In the future as needs are identifieu, attempts will be made to prioritize additional projects as well as identify probable nmding. The Capital Improvement Program, whieh will he updated annually, will assist in allocating capital improvement ti.lllds and enable the City of Poway to attain Its goals In it reasonable period of time. Capital Improvement Project nlllding for hoth years of the two-year budget will be pruvideu in future budget updates. . lX2 CITY OF POW A Y CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW . t~:;r~1~,;'~~"#~T~\\'. '-r''W. " .,_~-;;-?;;;T~""'f 1~::;;I-" '::- ~:,~.- :..t:.;:-i.... ..... '.... t, ~'~-".~ ",,~...,.~[.:,7""' ~ ~~_::.":" ,~~ -, ~f- :"._,.:: 1 ~ if~tt.____,,:, "1,.f -r " "" riJ>1 . ~ !l: , '1lt'1 ".-.''".,. "" ...'J..'''{..... ","'",."'". . ',',f-J-" ......-'.' . , : -." ,. .. .'J" > < . ,~(~'o.!It\tl).aiiaj~p~ffcafjon'lof;F:ffii"i;j)~ . ' ",,', I" ,,"'. r'_",,' ,"" T__ ...,." .. J...... .r'" .~ .;. F.~';2006~071o~F:\\\2008"09." "." /! I' e c~.' ~' '~ ~.'" "I ~,.~t~ . to'''''' t:> ," ,';i, . . , Funding Sources General Fund $2,019,900 Drainage Fund 296,480 Water Fund 4,020,000 Sewer Fund 2,300,000 Grant Fund 374,621 Special Assessment Fund - Street Development Street - Prop A Developer In-Lieu Fund Park Improvemcnts Municipal Improvements . Capital Replaccment 450,000 Trust Funus 'r'Qt!lrShl{rtc~i. - - -,.. . , '$9\461;001 , " ,."",. ~ ''-'~-''''~~~'''''''''-''' "._,~,,- "---<'-~'----'"......I....'..-._- __, ,___o.K,'=_-' __ _ ___h,__ Funding Applications Streets & Highways $2,OlJ2,00g Traffic Signals Flood Control & Drain. 2%,480 Government Buildings 1,677,521 Parks anu Open Space 200,000 Water Improvements 4,020,000 Sewer Improvements 2,300,000 Housing -'''''''':~'~._::,,- ~~ ,- ^-".....~~....-- - -,"; ~',,.........'--,- --- r";"',\\";';;' .,..' ''- ,,"". ,.~.- ~'Iotal'AppliciitiQl1s . <, . ;', ~ . - c$lOS86'~009' " ..""""'-_.."."_"",,.......0.. ---"""""."""'--" "...., "~_ -_..~ - _,_ ~ ::-:<~,.:..i".i&,~.c..::....."...~,,,... _ ~ _ ;~.~~.._."~ . 183 CITY OF POW A Y . This project will fund various projects throughout the city to improve the safety of pedestrians. The current project will install curb extensions (chokers) on Martineoit Road at the existing student/pedestrian crosswalk next to Painted Rock Elementary School as approved by the City Council on May 16, 2006. The monies hom the red light photo enforcement will be used to fund traffic safety projects thronghout the City <\ppropriations Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project $ - $100,000 $100,000 ~h ~:J Tllis project will install approximately 500 feet of guard rail along the north side of Metate Lane west of Community Road. In addition to the guard rail, the sidewalk will he widened and there are sections that will require retaining walls. Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to F\ 2008-09 Total Project . Ceneral ( 100 I $ - Sl25J100 S125.000 I _ i, ,t" ,t"::1"-'-'- ., -- ~-, 'I',~' ~.""",-....,,' ---,.--,,"'1 ','" ~~ " Tot~L~udget"'- :_ .." ..!,:$r~ ~;1.2,55009 . ._ ' I$T25,000,. "", --'- ..- ~. _ ~ ,__.e....; .......,11; --:i~:J{rBOMERAhOBLJSiSHEL:f~R~-'c-- ,--- ..".,.,...--........ ..---- ~--_...-_......._. '"- - ._..-'~ ~~. -_._.~..~."'.~<-~.- ,;~_._","",".~ __"_. - - -, This project will construct a new bus shelter on Pomerado Road north of Poway Road. Appropriations Funding Source Through 61'0/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project Trans. Devel. Grant (243) $162.910 $ - S162,9tO r"~ "~;i..''?'i' , _---"- $(62j~IO~ - ~;.~.."...""....--:--;""T."~.. '- -_._._~-'"- - -~'~-r~- L,!;' ~ 'i:,~ .' .... , -- - ...........,,""-"-'........_- This project will construct the Iron Mountain Trail I-lead Parking Lot. The site wiI1 also serve as a Caltrans Park and Ride Facility and bus stop. This project is currently in the design phase. A portion of the project costs are funded through grants from CALTRANS ($100,000) and the State (S30,000). Appropriations funding Source Through 6130/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project . Ceneral Fund (100) $ - S250,00O S250,000 '7T~itii;Bll(]ieti-C- -= "- -_..~ $' - - -':7'" .......,....-.................."._""..~ _ :$250;0001 .:Jl$...~___ _.~.-.........,.....~.'---'-.<~...,....,...... ,._---. - -_...- ~__....__._.~ --..........1 t~4 CITY OF POW A Y . ":~,:~"'''::c:,:::1:?::1-''F.c; ."...'p- ..'..",":::.."'.....;:...". c" _ "'",<r."::.::.,,,,,,,oh:"~,~. ~..._."", "~~' ~'~:l,~:;::'":BI=~ .:..::~ t~: ~';,~;?u':'""~:-cc~~.~~,__~.="~":,':" 11129:J:HIGHMi>lLLE""EMERGEN<s,;Y:"A@@!ESS, '~'~,"';I' __:" ,...'" ~"".". :;;;;;:~:::.);.;:::"'- "- ,. ... -"""';;;;:;;i4;';d::.~'~.,,~l-),,::;;;;.::Y;:::L,..~ This project will construct a secondary route for emergency access for the residences in the High Valley area. Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30106 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project General Fund (100) $- $200,000 $200,000 ""';fI'ofal;l;ii "': i, ..S,: ~~;$;" i' ~""< ~ ",-.. - . ,I ',"1 ~:::,:... ~":"""""""" '" '" ,........:<',. ,," ~2Qg!~' ".::;,:::- " - " , $200'000 ~'O ''O' r ~ . "-.. ,.....~..:"k~""'---. ,A298h'"wmEAXSIESROLA:'PEDESmRMNTsj;'.'EET;r:IIMP,ROVEMEN;r'S,." .: ~--- . ,,- , , -'"-_...~."..- ,,-,~::...--..::..........::>L:..::.....::".:"<" .,.:;:.;::.:,..:.:::..'..... ' . ~.m.."..:;::..... ." ........~;."....'....~. _ .__.........,,.;,,,;,.~_ ., -... This project will improve the northeast and southwest corners of the intersection of Espola Road and Twin Peaks Road to enhance the safety of pedestrians and equestrians crossing the intersection. The City was awarded a federal Hazard Elimination Safety grant to improve this intersection and will be reimbursed $262.000 once the project is constructed. Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project . General Fund (100) $ - $30,000 $30.000 State Grant (242) - 202.000 2!i2.000 ~_.,.~""'.._.. ,~'T ' --- _- ---'" .. fm9i'60'ili: 2~.=._,' . $29:1-ll06 Totdl'"Budgei, " . " i$b - _._..,,"'_...,...,....,............_--~.-., -- '-.--" ~,,,_.~............,....._..._--,-- ,. . ~ . -. c;.;,..."'....".. ._ ::.,,'i:'.;":~.~,'\[".~, j'29'91sTREE;f kfAIN:fENANGE'PRGJ EGl'; -.,-...._-~ . .' '.....-~_._.. ''';':::''''~'':'''''''-'',,-.''---'.-' , ".;.,"'" --"" T'- '.' ,':':;';'::".-,';=~ "'""'",::i,,,.-"'~'''' - -~..;...:::~ ........;.",;,_,.. . - ~.- -- - .... '-' _...--'- _. + .~ This project is done in conjunction with the street overlay project and is capital funded by Traffic Congestion Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30106 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-0C) Total Project Traffic Congestion (224) $ - $1.J25.00~ $1.125,008 ~:-,...\:::.:~~....:...~-,.,......... .._~._....-c---_' ~) ,.;~ .,$l!l,I~;Qi)l[ .~.',_".:....l:;:~ ;$1 125' OOSi .~ ,~otahBuqg~tt.u._.~..;l-'- ',... j"..... ,,' ." ".).,.:; ...:;:.~ 'eur;~iw;;;;; ",' --...,,,....,, .<:TRI " " " ,,;",.. " _'t-~.._ . - , Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30106 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project General Fund (100) $ - $705,000 $705.000 . State Grant (242) l62.910 262.000 424 Y \ 0 Traffic Congestion (224) $ - 1.125.008 1,125,008 2Tht~~"h~Xi4@t c2nAD~~l!lias~' .~r ~~"'--~--"':~"-:" i;-- '-~$2'f092'O()~8 "'~.~..._~." -- .. . . ..~.~_.-:-....,..._.. r "." " ' " ;; ,,, .$'19219,1 O. ,,,' ,$2 254'9i'8 '-""'--.~.".n._".......L..:."f~ """...._._...,.1....__ ,...... . ~- ~,._"'. '... ... '..:,."., ......, ;"~, _L.::::;:.,..:~.:..".:...,.:h2~ IX5 CITY OF POW A Y . This project provides improvements to the City storm water system. The improvements are in accordance with a system-wide study that established ultimate system capacity requirements. Appropriations Through 6/30106 FY 2001i-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project $100,000 $- $100,000 This project will replace the existing Corrugated Metal Pipe that has failed throughout the city This current phase oIthe project will replace the existing 57" x 83" CMPA at SilverLake Drive andPoway Road. Appropriations Funding Source Through 1i/30106 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project Drainage (231 ) $1 ,3n, 790 $296.480 $1,689,270 .I6talE!~;dget' , " " ,o" r$iI.;~89:276j . \;-; ~ , .. - -- Apprupriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project Drainage (23 l ) $l,392,790 $296.4~0 $] ,689.270 Drainage (232) 100,000 ] 00,000 ~:-'~."'"'",,''''1ij!.''+-::'''''- t-.~"9"~""""-, ...-.-.._- ..--....";""' - ........_""".,"""'-r..." ."''"~~~- :''!'qtglJ?\1.iJIls&:' . $'1;fl92i'?90i. . $29p;f!RO; ,$1,i/,39iPO ,....".~...- ~.A'..~_ - ~- ___~....._.,,",' .h,_"'''----..............__~."'''..." . ]86 CITY OF POW A Y . ~,r:5;i5l&;;';k:Eip0~\(Aiy.;G0M.M'ITNI'fy:jsERVIGESM00BIAR;i3Ultl\)ING" ,,~:';: ,'t, :. '~'... . ."";;1"' - :,~ .:.......::,-~.~J;."":...;;..::'i.. -. <.." "",,-,,;;,\-0::,..... -:""-r......._.~._. _, ',~ ~."',.,~,';;:;u:::::::::::::.:::::..:iL:~"i,;;h;.:"-..",.'."~< .".,~......;:;.,.::::..:::....::.~,:,..,~-,.~-.~~""':~:.,.;1'''''''''''''.:;.--.......:..-':': d. ~_~!.l\ _, This project will demolish the existing 30.plus year old, non ADA compliant Lake Poway Administration Building, which has health and safety related concems, and replace it with a temporary modular building. Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008.0'1 Total Project General Fund (100) $15,000 $. $15,000 Capital Facilities (617) - 450,000 450,000 ~';'-:~...':' " ....', ." t' :::::~;:~;i;~:i!i:0An~.'~" "-:~".~::;.-"._.,.~.~:~'".",. .-",".j..<-.~~ ~.;>J9t}tli~}}qget _ .' ,~........=--:.; ,',"'. ',,,,,, , .. ----"~ ,..~$~2~000~; _' ","".:~~:. ;$4.6:5;090, Q$;f8,~~~,E~B~~I~t1ff3,;[pi't~J!ify~~y~lYtENT~I:'-;;-; t', ~...'::":-~..,,'~~' ff...~' ";."_. '. :'; _ This project address accessibility issues at community parks and public facilities. "ppropriatiolls Funding Source Through 6/30106 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-0'1 Total Project CDBG (241) $90.000 $112,621 $202,621 . ,..... .:'::.:~.. ~.....- _.- . '. . - .-- -". .. .---,.......--,-- ''';'{'ol "-$90;000$112 h2:i $'20i6'2l' j. . '.'- - --- ~~,~-- --- -' "..--:'.--.-;.;- ~ ---" .,---=,'< ,"'" -- --", -:-.~,.~-~:'::'~::~:-:----..~. ... - ~-- .~--- ---'T.--r"""'~ .F550'I'GPi'.' SP.EA"KER;SYSf,ElVi. ' , .. ,....., '" ';;'1 .,;". '[~"';"-:.........::L.",',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_"':'-"_';'____ ____....:..:::,.'.; .. ,~_-'-_~-...~_.... ._._..._, 0...._-..__...: _.... .............__ -'-<.'''__..........._M .,,1. This project will upgrade the IS.year old speaker system for the Po way Center for the Performing Arts. Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30!06 FY 2006.07 to FY 200R.09 Total Project General Fund (100) $ . $134,400 $ J 34,400 , ... ....C""-..,....- - - .-. -,:~u" --'.' -...- "':-."". "'. ....--.-..... .:t~!~!~};\,~&,;i;. ..' .... .~:I;;. ":'~:+F ,'C= .:::.___----.:._,..--!.H~fufOO ;~.,,:--::.::.':7.~-;:'~2/.."',<"..'~___1. .~-"~;:::;"::"~::::;""~~"':.~"'''P_:''_ ~., "",,""O".~ -- l' ~, ,'1(55)] fHTRAIDIGFFAI::,S0UNIiJ SyCSTEM' " , _ .." " ...i;::,~;..~~,..-,.~,,:5:::./>,:::,.i:'''~'''''-"'-:-' ~:::"::.::;;j,:::+:::l....:::'i'.'=':'.... ~~-"'-' .."._ _. _.... ____~...L_~._ _.............,_" _ This project will upgrade the IS-year old analog system for the Poway Center for the Performing Alts to Jigital. Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006.07 to FY 2iJOR-09 Total Project General Fund (100) $. $135.000 $135,000 . 'tottil.Bu4get)"'c~-~ '-:.$c;--'-'~::~ u.$11~;~Q;;'-' . ;$ i3{i ,0_00 . ~ - ---, _.~......_............_- -". --" ~,-~_."~,,.,~-- -~.. -- _.~.._.-. tX7 CITY OF POW ^ Y . This project will remove the existing septic IDnk ~md lent:h field and construct a new force main to the existing sewer system. Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project General Fund ( 100) $ - $133,000 $133.000 ~~~~,'~+:!::'" ,~, "~,~.",.-.":':"::'"'' ~--:-,;::,., ~ '!' -._^._.~ ;. '],,' '., '" '1.$lJ'3iOOO. ',: ,'''' \ $13'3000; ~..__..__..!.....-......_,......<'. ~........._...~,. .' r ......._.... >_......",',<,:tt~"" '''--.' '-, This project will remodel Fire Station I to provide separate living qum1ers and add storage-urea. Appropriations Funding SOl1rce Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 200~-09 Total Project Capital Facilities (617) $ - $149,000 $149.000 '~;7iT :'"'~'~' ,~_ ,\W__'!"- .-. ~. --_..,,~~,' ,..... -,~. ~~~ -il'49~00Oi" - .. ~'($.J'4%()2Pl T'(~jJ3i,-~g"t __-i.,..o- --. _ ,~.c......:~,_" -. . "--'. .. " -,,,,,,,.,.. - ~~~ _;;';::;i~,",,~_ This project will relocate the existing water tower necessary due to the Midland Road Improvement project. Apprupriations Funding Source Through 6,'30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Tutal Project l apita1 Facilities (617) $ - $113,500 $113,500 ""'-:~"-,,::":'~:"'":-:-;r-'m'"- .- ---', -. ~... --.-,.......-" ~~~jI5oo; . .,,:j'uta\;)3,[I(igcj" ".~ .lL._..: ,_~_ _'_'.,"."., ..'' ,"~""~"_"_.__"~::':'" ,,,__:,~",,,,~.,,"_,,.,,, ~_m.,,'.~.~_""_"____ ,~,. ,._._--~ '. " . ''''T'' GOV!,RI:'~ENq- BUICIDI!:'.GSSlJ...MMAiRYL ' . _ ~ ~_ . , )< ,'-" L.._ _m~"'-'--- _................., .....n ""~,.._.__.- Appropriatiuns Through 6/"10/06 FY 2006-07 tu FY 2008-09 Total Project General Fund (\1)0) $ - $1 114,900 $1,114,900 CDBG (241) 90.000 112.621 202,621 Capital Facilities (612) - 450,0110 450,000 "."m. m"i~.j.':"'C<".,;'"'' m. ".,.~ -= .-t'. ". , $9()(OOO' , -- ~ .,': "::" ". -rc--'~:".--- -".".-. ";$.), ?C:"3' '];9!,~)_Eht~~L:,:!;;lJ,fj!'J1~~ .~. ' ." _$'l;67~;5.7'1 , -- ' ,,,"-,._,~., .~..C""""_~' ....J.._.__AA"-'-...~ . IXR CITY OF POW A Y . ....,"".r.."'......-.::.:~''''"": " This project will complete The C.ommunity Park Master Plan, which will review the existing and future usage and needs for the Community Park. Appropriations Funding Suurce Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project General Fund (100) $ - $200,000 $200,000 ~r'~: ,........"..; ;$gQQ)gpoi $" t::, - """,..=.-. r. '"_' =__ _' ;:''''' "' ."",.-,,-,,~~~=-~--"- , .. " .. cl!2Z:.]~~M~~4Y:ii!~AtJN,!,E~R~TI~E,tl'HASE'I~ 1I,~ '.__ ~", . , , ~" ' .. " ___.'-.>1.-.. ...~-- This project is the lirs! two phases for the Improvements tu the Kumeyaay-Ipai Interpretive Center lucated in Poway The first two phases will complete site wurk, landscaping, and provide a tempormy facility to hold educational and interpretive programs. Funding for the first two phases was ohtaincd through various grants ._~_1;.__ &,(\C ,1.ln Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30106 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project . General Fund (100) $61.519 $ - $61,519 Grant Funds (various) 710,441 - 710,441 S:'..'I;'i@ Q';~"A' I- ,..--- ~ -- $771,960- =--=.=-=-=-~~ 'if: =-~~~- " $7i7li?60 ~',0 1..- ,~...____'''__._......." ~"'~""-- ':;:~:,,",'~'":'"":":"':'.c..".'/:'.':"~'---""""-''''''''"...-.''':''::':'~,--:'-~:":._' "",,. -":''''''-~' ~---7'~-;- - --",""-'",,,,,,,,-'> .-- iIi~KSfkNDiOPEN1:SBA'GESIJMMARY . . 3 , , . , - - ~ .'-'----...:....-','"',---,;;' -----'--"";,;', ~.~'.~ ---:: -~--, --~ ~..- - - -_..~._."'....._.."'-""" '. Appropriations Funding Source Through 0/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project General Fund (100) $01.519 $200,000 $26 L5 19 Grant Funds (various) 710,441 - 710,44 ] -.~-'-t.._<;,-'-- - -", -, !$t7{966~ :: "","'..,\>" .,c:;..~~ ~ ~,,,._...,--;...---~._.,,,,,~~,~ . Tqt~I13')<lg~r. ,c' ... :~2jl();QOO . . ,. :$97(9'60. "-- ........ -.,., -- I ,-.,,,;i...~3:..:::::,,,'~c::t&~ . 189 CITY OF POW AY , f c~.., Ii . ,~t'l" This project will complete upgrades to Boca Raton and Skyridge Reservoirs that arc needed to improve the water quality, revise the piping mechanism, and to seismic retrofit the reservoirs. Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project Water Utilities (510) $1,000.000 $1,000,000 ;":iiI1"":"-..,:""':'"....~,'ff'..~.....:./..C"." ~ J " ,'$i~'ooo:66o" "wohinE~4dgC'G ~"<;"-', ,..-"..........~...~ ,r-. 'c.".L.o~.~~ Tllis project will address areas throughout the City as identified in the water master plan that require pipeline upgrades to provide better tire flows. This will be an annual program to be funded through FY2012/13 Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/311/06 FY 21100-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project Water lIt;'lities 1510) $414,400 $500.000 $914,400 ,~. ,~-~... --.--.---._-'" ---.";t".'f;:"::"--:; -..: .-:-- }Totalml!sI~~ _. __. -, ,$4:14;;100 _ . _.^_ ,,~. '.,.._..,......."",,,1<. ~.::"... . ._._...~ - .- . " -~~-' ---"."'------"'-,.'. .-,- This project will compl'ete the reconstruction of the water m3.in in High Valley Appropriati(HlS Funding Source Through 6/3U/06 FY 2006-07 III FY 200~-09 Total Project Water Utilities (510) S746,538 $ - $746,538 :---"'....'''''.,--_.~.- .-.".... - --_~J.~46,538i (~:- ~ - ~ -.-- --_.~ - $i746'ts38" , ." -, '$ -, "'~'._~.~ L -- ~..:..___;.,.'k::""-"'~..."-,>_", ------------.. - ~-. - ~--r--...~~- .--- -'-'~"-"''''''''_-'' ,., " , _. .._4> 'J>.. ., ~.'. -- This project will demolish the existing pump station amI construct a new pump station and building at the corner of High Valley Rood "nd Esp"la Road. Appropriations funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-0Q Total Project Water Utilities (5 I 0) $650.000 $1,520,000 $2.170,000 ;Totil1Budget>::r-- - -- - - --T. ".- ..~~~.. .....~ -_..-':"..__.""-...." '~-"o/.- ',$r'S20,OOO " 1$2,'1,70,000, _ ~" ....," '---C-_._~...._....._...._..._........:- ,,;\;--""'- .- - :c_ ,...,.,....1....>..~:.._.. ~_ -._...~~ ~"""""""""-"""",,,,-""""--'-- . 190 CITYOFPOWAY . ,......,-,." 1f ~, -" -""""~''''''''''' "'," '., 'i'" =-~ _'r_,,^"_"_'_~"""~"'_":_ "_..w.,:.,,,,t.~ 1["- _u"" ~.- .. "C",,:.;, "'. ""~......~:c: -", ",'-', JJE3:}~W{6;PER-!~Il~I!1E}Fr,'!!LA1!T!!,-fl:l.'l.tI!?gg~', ,,; >' C...~ .;"~.I;'~:: "': ~.:;' .:.;:,: ",'",' This project will rcmove and reinstall the launders at the existing water treatment plant. This project is currently under design and is within the project's estimated budget and contingency Appropriatious Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project Water Utilities (510) $1,000,000 $ - $1,000,000 -'f6t;;i:i3(!Ugeij"; "', TC' ~;-"ii~::" "':$'hooo166ih, $:.-', " '" :$'i,;ooo;OOO; ""L.._""'-'"---'_,._"-. ",;:__ ""'---",";;;;;;;'i>-." ""..e.,.,, ~,,,,,,, - ..""., . ~ ";''ffi~,j',',::'~'jl:', n~"",!'r":,;T.~"'f'''''''~' '_" ...._. -"'""'-~'----:-'"-'"'.',"""". ,," .....'_,""t..:..:....."..~~..~......"..r--c"';','''_ -,~",,~ d!iZ,M,~A TI.'R;'t~A:n!YIJ;;r)!Tii3EfiJ!il1):IJI'y~SY;!'>jrEM;jM~LROyE0IOiN1]S.,_-'--__,.. ..Ii " __;c:~, . .~ This project will install security measures that will enhance the perimeter detection and dcter intmsions. This project is currently under design and is within the project's estimated hudget and contingency Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project Water Utilities (510) $200,000 $ - $200,000 -"""''''E: -,----, ., -~. . ....- .-..,-" ..-.", ..'- . " ;, ..., "$200:000". '~$"; .$200;000;- ....~..>...L...... ~...~_,-<_.___,___ __,,, ___ '<:.-....._. ._.,_" _.. _ ..-.- __... -__ ~__ ~.-:~:'<:"~,--,"v':'".:..::::.,~":~_.._,.~,.,,~,,_.. _._..~_~....',.'1\N'~,.... ,_.,,___"';::'..'''''''';n'~'>;'''''.."~,7~''''- .,_ '_., ...--.. -- - ---,,' - ~. ..........--...---...- ,117,?:9;.~5f.I:-t;,g;Il~W,c!rSL!l;@g~:~:r;JjillBj)j~1't:I~tp]egJ.;!N~::i. ~._"'._ __"__..___",,_ This project will replace or upgrade sections of the water system throughout the City or Poway Portions of the existing water system were installed uver 50 years ago and are in need of repair or replacement. This will be an annual program and the amount requested is far a two year period, Appropriations Funding Source Through u!30/0ti FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project Water Utilities (510) $ - $1.01l0,000 SI.OOO.OOO r-.'.:..... '."""". .....- -;,~'--.--..-., ~ ,..,..."..--.".---..-. '. ,'. C':"'-'. ~.-."w._........-._~.~..,~.,....,,-=- 'TotaliBliClgei .. . .. i . '$\;; . _' .$1;000;000 '$1,000;000' ~ .~. ............ .-.-.."'..''',., .....-.-.-'.,-..."'- -- - ~..~., ..,- --_. . '-~ N'''''''' '~'~." . H .~~''''::~'::'''''''' .~.~. ,,_ ~~ ........."-,..",,.:'f:.\/..."M.~ _.-_.~.-:--- ~- - - -~--- -- . W!~TER:IMPR0VEMENTS1SUMMA'R,y . ' _..~ ......_.___..._ ...._._..""...........'" k.............. _ __.._ _d' __ .l.- __ _. Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/0ti FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project Water Utilities (S I 0) $2.264 400 $4,020,000 $6,284,400 - ~'-~-"":.."~j ~....,....-.._.._.""",--.......,~" , '$4;020iOOO';,' ,', '$6;284,400 . _..,_.~.a..~_c ...._. ...__~,~.._ tYI CITY OF POW A Y . This project will rehab existing manholes throughout the City to reduce the amount of inflow and infiltration into the City's wastewater system. Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 200S-09 Total Project Sewer Utilities $1,153,344 $350.000 $1,503,344 -2""""'~~"" "'" ,-, "', . "" ..... ~~.:..,.::::"":::::::"ff'::.... ,,_.. .. '. ,_"...c":"",,::::::::,::::::'''''.' .~""-"'7 -,.., .I!!' ", ~1J i!1l25, ~1:J:*~EJ~I';;~12I~J!IQN EJE8~I2~!.OtlING' ,",. ,c'~~""'_~:' ~' ,_~.,~,c, This project will decommission the outdated St. Andrews Pump Station and replace it with a gravity sewer line The design of this projedis complete. Appropriatiuns Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 200S-0<) Total Project Sewer Utilities (520) S 1.1 00,000 $900.000 $2.000.000 " -'.-'::. .__.' .: 1~L.]6Q!?16o~ _ _ ."__ $~ooT<)OO. ~~-. 1$2,oo6;oo~Tj. '1829.R:ERJ::ACE'/REl:INE SEWERiIilliE1;~ES:; ... - , -- ...... - - .'-: ~.:' ::IL....L.-_--.:;._~_'_. :: t~:::;.."......'..;. ;;'X":~.-_";...~~." .....",,'_..";.,.,-:....i\;l~., This proj~ct will replace or upgrade sectiuns of the sewer system throughout the City of Poway This will be an ongoing program and the amount appropriated is for a two-year period. Appropriations Funding ~ouree Through 6130/06 F'y 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project Sewer Utilities (520j S - $XOO,OOO $ROO.OOO '--~_"'.""-'-'-: - . '~'--' ---- - - -.... ~,..,. ~ - ~_. . "".''''.,.,.-',c. .... . . Total Btldget .,' . I$Silp,oooi. $sob:ooo~: ,....'"----~..... .....,_""._""---......__........_~_.."..".... ~_ ._.-~ .,.................. ,.-'-3.0::;.... ....,,~___ ".."'..;r.../.._.k__---=.J 't83&'I:OOHLAND'S'R-ANCHPBMPAN'OlM0TGR; BCjNiFR6'l!"GE'i'Fn~R'itE~LAGEMBNT , ., __~.~,7'- .':;'.T,~."' ,.~~;.:.",':::;.;;".;.',.";;';:l<;~:.;j-:(.,......,~::.~:>-,..",,.,.;.:.,:'.2;:...~~.;..;.;;;:,....A:"....;.;..:.....K;.:;:;~~~_. .---"'.;..;.......,;..-.-...:...-.... '_. .",,-_' .-=>;.............,.....:..::.... _..;:::. _.. This project will replace the pumps at the Highlands Ranch pump station. The existing pumps arc no longer made and willl110demize the existing Motor Control Center Appropliations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 200R-09 Total Project Sewer Utilities (520) $ - $250,000 $250,000 --- . 192 CITY OF POW A Y . '..." "' Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project Sewer Utilities $2,253,344 $2,300,000 $4,553,344 4$2.:2S31344~ i'- \ .. .. '"$2-"00'00'6;;; . , .." ','$4"553'}'4)I";" " . _,l "J",:!'. t:c~~.:;:~::t~ . ~.. P"" , ~ u"i:':L",~",,' . ,~.. ,'. ';a,; . . 193 PARKS AND RECREATIO PLAN Curren! Sohcre Ekx.1nda, 1 ?': r-~- Lf1 1 " J ~... .5--- _JUL.;- ;--r n_ -~-.., _ ' I ,c,.a",,! Sonere Boun r -- _CJ \ ". , ~ J' r Cu" ",s,^." n",,,,"",, . ,.- , " \ ' ~-~ ~ I I: .. p~... , \ I I' "'... r~j~, I r ~ J \ ....", l' ' , . ' ---, .../ C,ly' P"W~', I' I --" -) I \ ~.,--~. !., 1: \ ,. " \ . j , , P-"I" .,.t "(""11/1,) -1..,.,,) a"IJlJd.Vv_ -: \ . _. ',U! .!j \ /, I : "- , ,~ f I S""m",..c",",,, ..... Z<c"., " P,I'), BOIl[U1,,,y, '~ SERVICE AREAS : NelghborhO(ld Park 1/2 mile Multipurpose Courts 13/4 mile \ r....J \ Communi tv Park 2 miles FACILITIES 1 Panorama Hills Open Space Park 8. Poway Community Swim Center 2 Valle Verde Park 9 Poway Community Park 3. Lake Poway Recreation Area 10 Hilleary Park 4 Poway Center for the Pertorming Arts 11 Starridge Park 5 Twin Peaks Multipurpose Center 12. Meadowbrook Multipurpose Center 6 Old poway Park 13. Rancho Arbolitos Open Space Park 7 Garden Road Park 14 Silverset Park 15. Bette Bendixen Park 194 r-.........-.... _"'''_''''_H . . i , , I I I j , I I I ! i I ~ POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2007-08 AND 2008-09 REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES ~" ....".".""""'--",,.~~....- ... ...-.. ..--- ... ...-.. "-'... ......-....-... ---- '-1 REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES ! "'I'C"""""~"",,, ,.."'...., ",..,'--"..,..,.~_...,"~IY~XE;,8,;:';:.~12P_'!'~6g~Sy~....,"w..,_, "~~,."'~_=.__..,~" i ''''':'.'''" f".,'''''',iJ' '~1,'I' ','- ",."~~'''';;'i', :'if,"""""'l'~''''''.'',,',',''':''',','''''''':: '..'.'.....,...",I.IIII....'I"'...I:FY..2005jO,6;~I';;%Yi ~2006'07,.,i.,.".'.','..,;FY' 20Of7'08 'to "F~~ ,QOO,8m, 9 r""..v~ .... -1; ,'I' , ...." 'I ." ''''irlt... ,,~.;.ri'....)',." ,,-":.::./ ,,~':':::.:: .,.", - '''0'r....''c......,. ""'....'."".,." ,._ .:\'2,' ~"",,,,,.!..::.'!l,f""::"""i.'" ""............" -""....&....",:1,,,,,,.... ~. ".....j.'......,."".',_.. , " ".. .." """ '" . l'iii:" "';";/ ,.., '<>,........,.""^"'t(j-'I" '" ~ ".....,.....- d"".." ,b "p ..<" ..,~ ~ 'R .... "'''';' .. (:.' . ,";""j.,,,,,;: ....... :' '-'" .,.,,:,~. ~..l,!ii' > _.":"i', ,.'...~;l.i.....Ty.:,",!":.:.>..... "'\}r;c~a ":";,."~~;.f;\.Rp:rove,, /"'/\,""..) TonOSeu.- , roposeu'~". ~..~.. ...'." .....,"'~",.,"'''''~'''''',.,'''',.................,."....... ... .,- _--",_.~.",,,,,.,..,~,,,,_p-.., "'" . , FUND 293- POWAY ROYAL MHP FUND : 7411 Interest Income.General 37,617 ! 54,230 51.200 48,820 I 7441 Space Rental 3.18Q)34 I 3,122,820 3,136,870 3)15,290 I! 7442 Cox Cable Rental 147.374 i 158.360 162,800 171,680 7443 Gas/Electricity i 462.4171' 403,880 ! 572,130 617 90~! 7444 Water/Sewer 132.186 135,150 I 145,960 157.640 7445 Storage 48,914 49,000 I 41,800 37,600 "'c..,.'!"-~.."~',-,'''c-x,'--..,..,.'- ".='-'. --'..''''1'-''''pl- .....~.-,.!!..,',.~',.." ,.,...,. :ill9taJ p&>Yiy,Roy,gLMHRHj!in.q, .,.L ," ~'t 4;l)1!l,,7;!JrJ.~2.U;;!~Q!'i-4; 1.1'l),7@,j.,,:J!,~48,230j FUND 321- DEBT SERVICE (RDA,CFD,COP,T AB) FUND I ' I 7118 Taxes.Rda Tax Increment ! 34,109,857 35,578,450 I 38,064,710 39,967.950 7411 Interest Income-General i 275,123 Ql6.890 378,910 361,340 7412 Interest Ineome.Restricted i 1,221,706 1.145,990 I 1,157.220 l.l57.2Q0 7812 Sale Of Notes ' 149,563 148,830 150,760 I 52)OOJ ~T9t~f;R!D~,:1j!)l'br[ei-Y!.c~,B!lnK, \ -- L.;I.:.",c3,?;:z;;Q.~2<i'9. _"117;990; {60[' '39;!2~J;~~ilQU1!::..:.4,1T;(f~9.,2!jL, i :! FUND 432- TAB 1989 CONSTRUCTION FUND i " 7411 Interest Income-General 1Q,643 i 7.890 5.4]0 I' 2,580 ! 7815 Loan Repayment ,5.935 I . : . :~:~.:,:,~'~:,"~:::ftc~:~~:;n;':t~:Ml. ~ ~'''''':'[' :'::=:,~',,', JQ" . .,;;;;m 7411 Interest Inc~,me.Gcneral " I 32.947 , 39440 13,530 7.740 Total TAB 93 Qgil:structiQl1Fund: - .. 'f .,'_'32;9471 - 32.44!"=1 .-=i:3;53,Q::1~_:'~ ,7,740' . FUND 436- RDA CAPIT AL PROJECTS FUND I I 7411 Interestlncome.lieneral 145.728 157.140 18LJ,450 165,180: 7415 Interest Income.Noles Receivable 16Q.988 7471 Rental I 1,501 6,900 . 78Ql Contributions From Property Owners Q25 000 , . I 7X'J! MIScellaneous 43,192.. I . Total' ,B't)A)CapltaIPfQi~s($'!'\lP~r: "." . h'~:~:r8;:!Q'fi; - 1'6?G~4.~ ._~J!:ij"<)i4~QJ..::fli~flll1[, I .mmm.. ..m, m... .m~r" .m.. ....mm, , FUND 437- RDA ADMINISTRATION FUND l l ! 7411 Interest lncome.General 38,293 67,040! 108,261l 103,240 : 7463 Lease Revcnue 2,061. , 7471 Rcntal (2./501 7614 Misc Legislative/Admin. Fees 40R I 7811 Sale or Bonds I . i 7891 Miscellaneous 50.. , , :~::~~~~::,=~~~~ :~~~s FUND JOW,'1' ~'"j1= 1'''''O~ : 7411 Interest Incol11e,General I 10,370 I . ! 13,530 i \Q.900J !'Fota.I;;WQAGJP tener;;Iif:,4ildik63'nsE1JQol ,,;: -=jrii:~R!ll'i:' -., ,.::;-;t: :j,?;~3QU~~ .,. J.il&lFhj . I: I. l __.._ .. _,_____ i ._ !__..-L i 196 ~--- --- -.-.-"'--- -.......-.--.- REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES , , . ' ," . . , " """"",, ':i.-".":"",,,,,:,:F?:>:n R~~~~~~P2m00e5~~0~6,1?enFe{;2006' 0"...'E"''r200'''08' ' ~cv.2008""09'." ~51>''> ' _ I ,;,";~., 'J~f~"';~'~ r'~,,~ '\j:.Jr;;!~';i'::\i'i::"N"t,"~<"~~2';i.i,,1i--"(fs\J:~:~,h"'C~ ii':...;{!t",' , lr_}:iE"~~. ,t!f:,-,...~'-"",..~, kB:Iin:..,.~".,.,t,,=?::, ".<t',;.}../'>~7; -~~, ,,~. -j' &i, '- .;,; ..1';.,- ~ ':' -~,. :~~'...j"'...~"'.;:l'II.''''>H'''lgi~. jf-' , .A."...."""M'.~t"."'.-1~.f:.":I"R".."..__."...;....,;,.-1":<r'.,, .~.h^";.iIji..~";,',;:,..:"~t!. . . · 'L-;;:;;;~;,~;: ~;-, ~~~~~'UN:.t~; ;~~~C"W"'''.'' .,~,-ooc" T ..~""-' 7411 'I.I!It~lt~Rr~sdtI~clo~.e-~~~A~:~I" ...'.,., "'F' ""J. ' . 11 '9988'44,],. C__Z~:886600J ~,. 33 '~~'OO",_w .,e. "33 'Z28800 .l:0 a,;' e eye 0 ment'n..ummstratlOn:; "un\.(",.:,:'>,""-- ,;}< '.t,~ <'" j/ ',.,\- ~'~!-t' it ..:~." ../ _'"'''.''''''''''''''H..-...-,_P_"_'''''.O'_'''~'.'''''___"'_____"T'''"""""""";"'l~~"":L"""''"'I-".,..l''"'~'"''l'''''-''.'_'~'_"'~"j,_.................",---,_.Jl~, FUND 440- CAP PROJ FUND- TAB2001 CONSTRUCTION FUND I ' 7411 Interest Income,General '598,362 i 187,740 462,780 156,260 7463 Lease Revenue 130,000 I 120,000 1 120,000 120,000 lTc;ta'f;tAe'2.QOl:C~i:i~tm9ticinFund,'F:uIt;[<i". ~..::.J7&ji;Q~(4 ,,-=mi1!0~' '.6S'<!,i!fiti:" "~':3Q2~1 00" , , I FUND 471, LOW/MODERATE INCOME HOUSING FUND . 7411 Interest Income,Genera1 I 192,579 236,610 I' 497,990 57B,140 7814 Loan RepaymentCDBG\LOWMOD . 14.775 " 7888 Reimbursement Agreement Fees 78,818 . I . , t;~~~:~:~::j:r:::~~:;~~~::::~,~~'~~~~~::! :::~~\6(Q:F ..' '4-~;991'-'S78~'14Q' 7411 r+:,I~:t~r, :~:~n:~~l:~~~~,~:~ll '~,-='V'.., __,.J __, ~~,8," 88, I~, . ,,27 ~60()L . -c ~.~~!2?J "','", 46,46_~" lI<21i!.kejg.}';!OnRrofI!.g~paclty.@1!1@!Qg!'I'UJ!.C'f':...~"29.l'l.88'1:.~ P;~!l(J'1 L .i!.8;Z:~,Q",l-_. ,jI6;4~.Q' , ! I . FUND 473- C APIT AL PROJECTS- T AB2001 HOUSING FUND l' i 74 \ 1 Interest Income.General ,6,505 ! 2,360 '1 7430 Lease/Rcntallncome I' 900 , . . . 7463 c-c"L~.~:~,.~:;~~:,.. HO' . .." _-----: ",I~'X~~'._,,~.~L _ _~,. -I 1::~J:::~~I:~:~:::~::=~'::~~;~~~tH'P-o;:;~~~~ REP~~~O~LEN;FU~:r-~ ._-"" ;~" 7411 Interest 1ncome.General I 59,815l' 64,360 I 113,670 ji 108,400 7475 Rental.Yearly Capital Out, lay , ! 191,6,,60 191,650 191,650 191650 ~",......."",~,~", ',"'"'''''' 'T",~~"."':""""-". ,'" "~""'~"'~"';>,"'" -,~-,,~, .' """":" "''''''''''''''T'''''''''''''''''''''-----'- ._- '.""., ::'-~ -'-""-""'''''''''.'~''''''','''..,.-.. ilJ~'-talP.oW~~y.'R()yabMJ:lg,QapiW&p.LM~J Z;;!:4!:;h."..~SJi,!DQ j~. ~OSi3Z0 1-. ~Q!!,Q:=;O !RE~ENlJ.E\6AANB!f0Ti-\'L- -. -,1 -4'i4o(j'IIJ(f1c 42=:iOsc260'1--:;j'6t672oo'IT4ifSjj,,{5;f(j i c"",,,,,,,___"._~__,~"...._,,~_~_ -,~----- .-- ---+. -- -~" .. "i-~'''' --,.~.. .,_. - '1"" '" .,,' .-- ",'-",-,..~,:f",,,,,,,,,, ..,.., -~~,,'- ",. -,'."'"", :"..".'."J,., ,..,--,:,_..,,- i I I I I i I I I II I I I Iii i . I I I I I I ' i ! . I ; ! I i I I I L I I ! .._.n.. ..____n. _. __._. -1...._... ~.....___.,__ 197 r "'----""""""-"',,-- _."'..,,-_."'"'".~--- I . . i I I I . I ! I I I I I I I I I I , I . POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY : STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES: 2007-08 AND 2008-09 I STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES I i -_.""~.......~-"....., ,.".-.,---.-..".............. --...-.-'".......- 1-- - ---.-........ -.........---""---..-.................--..-.....-. .......- -I ST A TEMENT OF FUND BALANCES i I Proposed Revenues and Expenditures FY 2007-2008 .- -- + ,,- ~~f' ;t~:.~::,';;;';,/ - ---""r...." .....,..,...,......."".,;~r,:;--~--: [ ., '~ Carfital" I BeginniI]g Interest A'dmiI]i~i"~,, ProJ~ctsl' Loans! ", ;!Enaijig:::,i;"" d ,," __ ,,~l, ,~, ~ ':': ,::~+,.~.: ~ I Fund.Balance and Bond -t'rative,i Hr6:gram~~ ,.:F:fansfers" *.i~'~':'Eu1i.m!Bara'ncec 1 .'h." .oi.... di(ont) . "'''~'fci6'lt6/2(;88T~':! Fund', 0710TI2007 Revenues Rederqptichl "C6si;;:~ .iCosts'l ;;" ~, , .",:;.,--:::::...-~ .-,........10 :~....,.... . ' -. ~:.; .""-.... ,,-"'" , 1 RDA Administration Fund 108,260 4,651,030 33,000 4,575,770 - ! Debt Service Fund 7,583,916 3975L600 25,720,320 ( 10,980,000) 10,635,1961 ICIPs - 19X9 TAB Fund 1 482 5,410 - - - 6,892 i CIPs, 1993 TAB Fnnd 84,3X7 13,530 - 97,917 CIPs - 200 I TAB Fund (239,6161 462,780 - - 223,164 ICIPS' 2003 TAB Fund (19,(167) 656,410 637,343 I RDA Capital Projects Fnnd 120,544 189,450 - - 309,994 . CIPs ,General Fund Loans Fund 50,332 13,530 - 63,862 CIPs - Sewer Fund Loans Fuud 64,318 3,440 - - 67,758 '" 0 Low/Mod Inc l'lousing Fund 8,942 752 497,990 855,760 5,940,800 14,525,782 0 ICIPS - 200 I T AB-Honsing Fund (302) - i (302) - I , INon-profit Capacity I3ldng Fund 825,507 48,720 I 761,290 1,635,517 Powav Royal MHP Fund 1,4 78,007 4,110,760 2,125,220 I (2,304,940)1 1,158,607 Poway Royal Cap Replc Fund 1,589,972 305,320 - - i 1,895,292 i , I I I " <~',' I _-;,,;,;.,-.).. ~"",".':," ",--; " ""., "":' _'n -" 'c,"';F ;""-1 I , total 20482H2 46167 200 2:;,q2Q,3~0 7.&J,~;91:Qi.. t. 3J',!J00: '(2;O!J:ZiQMJ .31;2;Si7;,0,~~;" I ' ,~.._.., - .,..",._- --'t. .- ,~"',,".,_. _.___ __._ .__ ~_ . ,_ _h _""_...,c".,,._.~ ~__h_._. J. ._..F.'_~~,,,.._,L. ......_..:Jl"'_."..".,..,............-....~_. h.......'l. _~.;"<_L..;;.-"""'"..~..,,~,<i'i,;;='!i. L.___., _____, . . ,.-.,-- --- ,....-.,. . ------ _.- .- I ST A TEMENT OF FUND BALANCES I Proposed Revenues and Expenditures FY 2008-2009 . - - ----., '-' :... , ,'" f~" "~".f&." ~l B.'~'g.iriliing~ Jnterest 'Voans'/, ',_.' ,.::Eh'diiig" -- ---"C:~__:-- }....:::::,,::'~". - ......- /Fhnd:Ralance ail(i';_B:~:Dd ~' 0fiakst'~'fs.." ~Fbft'd~Balali~.~ L Red,}llpt'io.\"~T . - iI ;- .~"':~.'::""- ....".. ,- ~:.'""-""""""""~~'(" ~ ,. ., F"und, 011O'l'/2 00 8 ' R'e\'.eIi~$ " ,":In'~Out) , ,!O-6'lj'oi200<f '\ ~-"-'.:!.. ,.", __",~._,...._."_....._.._...........,_."~<--,,,.<c RDA Administration Fund 103,240 I - 4,530,570 I - Debt Service Fund 10,635,196 41,639,210 26.153,560 - - (11,344,830JI 14,776,016 ClPs - 1989 TAB Fund 6,892 2,580 I 9,472 ( IPs - 1993 TAB Fund 97,917 7 740 I 105,657 - - I - - ClPs - 200 I TAB Fund 223,164 156,260 379,424 Iups - 2003 T '\B Fund , , 637,343 307,100 - , - - 944,443 I RDA Capital Projects Fund 309,994 165,180 I I 475,174 , CIPs - General Fund.Loans Fund 63,862 12,900 - - - 76,762 Iv :=: erps - Sewer Fund Loans Fund 67,758 3,280 71,038 I Low/Mod Ine Housing Fund 14,525,782 578,140 833,880 I 6,313,890 I 20,583,932 elPs - 200] TAB-Housing Fund (302) - - - - - (302) Non-Profit ( opacity Bldng Fund 1,635,5 J 7 46,460 799,360 2,481,337 Poway Royal MHP Fund 1,158,607 4,248,930 - 2,223,280 - (2,306,070) 878,187 I , Poway Royal Cap Replc Fund 1,895,292 300,050 - - _ i - 2,195,342 I I , , , I , , , I I I . . 'tptal 31,-25~;0-22 .4,?,;ji7'H?U~ ~26,15~2?~', ,7t,,6~7,;i)",7,~> ----" ,=_"':;7-""-"-- _~~~-_~___ "" -_^,~-,:_,~-'--~'-:~"':;rt:r::;::':::=r~7 ; , ..3.3JOO.0:_']:'.,1(,~,p07\;9_8,OJ'~}~:~~2i:?'2\'l.8:2~_ '";:E' .:--' ,...., "iCe I"~ .,,, ... I I e I I I I e I I ! I I , , I I ! ~ POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS; 2007-08 AND 2008-09 I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL L .~-,~,....~."._.~'" "'.~..~ ,........- ,,_._- .....-. -......-.-.-,.---. "----' REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADMINISTRATION FUND I FlI1ul 4ctivity Detail I (Flint! 43 7) '" - , T'26~5'O(;," ,(2006~67i~;;:' ".260'6J,OJ .'2007'08'))' ,iOoseD')',. . ',' .~" .:.f\'i.tn4i': 'f\:pP,fovecL ,:,;gtl1maieg,;, "p~;PQsed(,.p;[OI;()~f.il I :FUNDS i\YAlLABLE I Beginning Fund Balance, July I 59,483 65,798 : 65,798 I ,I I , ' Revenues bv Fund Schcdule 38,6(,3 67,040 41,5661 108,260: 103;240 I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 98,]46 132,838 107,364 I 108,260 I ]03,240 ! EXPENDITURES 'I Operating Expenses , RDA Administration 4,074,614' 4,064,820 I 4,034,390 I 1,322,940 \ ,240,870 j , Legislative and Achnin. Services " , 561,240 5n,790 I : i\dministrative Services - , 600,760 I 621,560 I Development Services 1,237,350. 1,215,700! , Public Services ' : 40,660 I 41,500 ! , Indirect Cost AJ\ocation - I -I 415,480 409,790 ' Lease Expense 472,600 472,600 472,(,00 I 472,600 472,600 Total Operating Expenses 4,547214: 4,537,420 4,506,990 4,651,030' 4,600,R 10 Program Expenses I: , Intergovcmmental Programs 20,000. l' j 'I l'lousing Programs 40,9<> I 26,100 33,000 33,000 , Total Prob'Tam Expenses 40,961 46,100 33,000 33,000 I ~~~~ · ! Total Capital Projects I iTOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,588,]75 4,537,4211 4,553,1l911 4,684,1l30 4,633,81ll ' I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS 4,555,827 4,470,3S11 4,445,726 4,575,770 4,530,5711 I i I ! : . I I I . I i I I ! I ~ i . INET FUND ACTIVIT\' 6,3]5 - (65,798) i l!'..NPl.N~FUND~~LANCE: ._. 65;]28, 65;791__ . .",_".,_.,: - _ ._L,I_,,_..:_ "21 204 I _......_.- REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY- DEBT SERVICE FUND FUlld Activity Detail (Fulld 321) .~~; i7-; - -:.~ c'~",1'2_0Q5~Q;', ::~~~806r07"" ;'-;2oo~oi: -::-- "iOO7c!OS.j ~7608~0~i'';' ....1 ;." \" '''-'''''.'''." """'.',,' ,',' ...........,.., "'"', "~r':::""l .," "/C"" _" - "', -,,,.. '~'-o' , d(:'~"'.'~ ~', -:'- 'it '1, ;U~S A V AIL.\~tE - ,.,-~~ .. - r Asf1J?t' ~ ~ H':,j}PRroyi!(Ji T 1;;~tiilJ;!I'l(LL" i!'LciP9s!i(L_~~_. ,l)I9R2f;,,-gL~';' Beginning Fund Balanee-luly 1 5,745,0941 6,479,358 I 6,479,3581 7,583,9]6\ 10,635,196 . Revenues by Fund Schedul: 35756,249' 37,090,160! 37,476,387 I 39,751,600 I 4],639,210 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 41,501,3431 43,569,518, 43,955,7451 47,335,516: 52,274,406 EXPENDITURES I I Bond Interest and Redemption Expenses I I 25,215,200 I Annual Interest and Redemption 23,653,047 23,775,810 24,643,440 25,685,520 , Loan Interest- General Fund 196,115 ' 168,050 211,087 257,360 I 221,960 Loan Interest-Sewer Fund 69,548 ' 74,018 97,000 I 93,380 , Loan Interest- OPA J 49,563 148,273 150,760 152,700 . Tax Shift Payment I I , 1,674,851 25,076,81 ~ I - i T olal Bond In!. and Redemption Expenses , 25,743,124 ' 23,943,860 I 25,720,320 I 26,153,560 , i I , 25,743,124 : 23,943,860 I I , TOTAL EXPENDITURES 25,076,818 I 25, nO,320 I 26,153,560 , I (1(1,980,000)1 TOTAL TRANSFERSILOANS (9,278,861 )' (9,397,880): (11,295,0 II) I (II ,344,830) . I I I i . INET FUND ACTIVITY 734,264 3,748,420 1,104,558 . 3,051,280 4,140,820 hi:m5ING FUNDBAL,lli9E: 6,472,358.--!Q;227;?}8' 7,583;916 iiJ'63S1196 i' "" _._--~- - , , 14;7176'016: 205 ,.. .- ~--" ! 1989 TAB CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND Fllml 4cth1ity Defttif I i (Fulld 432) 11''''' _.~.. '"",=-~ 2006~O:7 ~f'2006i67 - :H2607'0s1:~~ -12008'09.,' . 'ii .,. 2005'06 .. . ";:"!if':"" ," "', " "'..~,;, ,,..,," .. .. .. "".. -:" ..,: ~, .. .,'" .:: .",-"",'1" ~ ""';., &t''"": , 'W !I'. Actmil , ,Approve a , . 'Estimated "Propos-ed, ",Proposed' I~UNDS A V AILABLE II ,....." '~"'- _.H ,." .._"..h.....," '."'-T. .." -.- I Beginning Fund Balance, July 1 212.226 0,341 ) (7,341)i 1,482 6,892 Revenues by Fund Schedule 18,578 7,8'!0 7,890 I 5,410 i 2,580 TOT ~L FUNDS AVAILABLE 230,804 , 549 5491 6,892 i 9,472 I EXPEND1TURES Operating Expenses : I -I - Total Operating Expenses : - ! ! - i I I ! Program Ex.pcnses I I Total pf(lgram Expenses I : I i i I I Capital Projects I Streets and Highways 255,000 Government Buildings ( 16,855) ~e\Ver Improvements (36,933)' -, i I Revitalization Projects 36,000 Total Capital Projects 238,145 1933) 'TOTAL EXPENDITURES 238,145 - (933) - . TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - ! ! i I I I i I I , I . I ! !NET FUND ACTIVITY (219,567) 7,890 8,823 5,410 2,580 i , IENI>ING'F@Ij'BA'LANGE" ." _(2.,341),., 549 1 482 .6;892 ,9,472,1 b.i.",,,,.--.~,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,_,,,,~= ~~, .--._-,.~._-_..._-,.,,"""~ 206 r""'" "'~, "'- 1993 TAB CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FuND i Fund 4ctivity Detail i (Fulld 434) . ,P'~--""'".-; ~-r--._~'" '-~,"'''''''",'' ""'-'~""~'J"'-'":~'''-'~:-''''''''' .-,,< ~--;--'-""""r"- -""9' -<_.............,"...."'...................,'.' <~.,.--,''':1':'~ ft' 'j', ' ',:, A ' "';, f20050061, . .2006~07; 2006,0} - ''2007008',,;''2008i09! ' ~ r -.:" "; 'W ' .. ", '~';;,'-[F" - '-;-~.:t, ,._}' :' , ' ,'" ",' ";"'>.," I ,~ ,,_: ,...~ T ,:,' :,.'P,:..~ S,'; :.:...~ ,,~' ,,'.' ','" . ." 'iE.. m ....",. ~" ,A:ctual,\!: Lt~PPfl?\'ed _ _E~tirr[~teQ::; ~",:gfgp'Q.'Lei1~ ..g@p'6sed"~ : , FUNDS A V AlLABLE I :, Beginning Fund Ba1ance- July 1 (6,335) (5,577) (5,577)l 84,387 i 97,917 Revenues bv Fund Schedule 32,947 39,440 19,768 ; 13,530 7,740 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 26,6121 33,863, 14,191 97,917 105,657 , ' EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses I , -I : I ! , Total Operating Expenses I -I - ! i I I Program Expenses I ! Total Program Expenses -I :1 ! Capital Projects Interguvernmental (1.075): - ~ Streets and Highways (14,000) Flood Control and Drainage (1) Govcrnment Buildings 32,190 (~5,121) Revitalization Projects 30,000 . Total Capital Projects 32,1~9 00,196) TOTAL EXPENDITURES 32,189 (70,196) - - I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - - I I i . i NET FUND ACTIVITY 758 39,440 89,964 13,530 7,740 IENDIN6'FUNiYBAL^"'\ie'Ei J . .. - _ ~_(~;5nL"~};863 i05;657: , .;~ .'. ...... ' . ... I. -~-- 8p~7' 97;?17 207 I -..------...---.. --..-.--...-.--- l CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND , Fund ~ktivity Detuil I (Fulld 436) , r;" ;2006~67:;;' 2006,oiC".. 2007'08"'; 20'@097;,;1 . 1\ , ' ..' -~f' ''--; 1 .' '- -t:,~~r :: . ..:i.." '. .__" . jI."'" ~ > m _. '~"~;;"'''' ' . " T_,t .ApP'\'<:lyea 'Estd-p'ated, 'PrOP2S,,(]_ 0 _':J)oposed~ 0 " Jt....' FUNDS AVAILABLE Beginning Fund Balance- July 1 556,S 17 59,S70 59,870 120,544 309,994 Revenues by Fund Schedule 578.409 164,640 131,156 I S9,450 165,1 SO , TOTAL FUNDS A V AILABLE 1,135,226 224,510 191,026 309,994 I 475,174 EXPENDITURES I Opernting Expenses , , i -I Close-Out 1991 COP Fund (40,994)1 , Total Operating Expenses (40,994) I -I i I Program Expenses . Housing Programs 70,950 -I Total Program Expenses 70,950 - i -1 , Capital Projects i Streets and Higllways 245,000 ( I 53,S(9) Traffic Sib~13ls 30,000 , I Govenlment Buildings 191,350 Parks and Office Space 230,000 250,000 Sewer Improvements 100,000 I I-lousing Projcds (20,950) (76,SS3i -. . , Revitalization Projects 400,000 (7S,766 ) Total Capital Projects 1.045,400 70.4S2 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,075,356 , 70,482 !TOT "'L TRANSFERS/LOANS ~ l -I I i ! I i I i I . I !NET FUND ACTlVln (496,947) 164,640 60,674 189,450 165,180 I.. .. ,__, _, 59;~7iJ' n'r;',,,,' 1 ENDING 'F1JNI) BALAN@ -,." 22";51Q,_. ,120;544, 309,99"" "75,1..74' ~_...................".~ ..-.-.- 20X 1'--"--- RDA CIP GENE~ FuND LOANS FUND Fund Activity Detail (Fund 438) . .::---' .",.";_",---~--~:<. ,''-;''<:(:201)5!O~r~~2o6g,67. " ". 2006*5.7"":;200'f'08,..c:-:'2008'09'~: #" ,~,,_' . c. .,t.L . ~ "."''''i(>"::,: ,~,f:;:?"""'~" ~~'; , ., ,~"';:(':,' Ii? ,',I,t,.;it, " ---_..." -;:11' ,T_ . ' . , _' 1 _ < ~ C,:'A'chj~l; 'i<<APp.fove4;', ,.Estim~i~ii." :.:\litt9PQ~ea:~,Bropq~11i~~ FUNDS A V AlLABLE ' I Beginning Fund Balance- July I (90)! 8,209 I 8,209 i 50,332 63,862 Revenues by Fund Schedule 10,370 I 6,222 13,530 12,900 TOTAL FUNDS A V AlLABLE 10,280 8,209 I 14,431 ' 63,862 76,762 EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses I - , , Total Operating Expenses I _ i ' i Program Expenses I , -I ,1 Total Program Expenses I I Capital Projects ! I Interguvernmental 362,050 (321,263 ) Streets and Highways 175,000 -I Govemment Buildings 2,042 2,880 _I Sewer Improvements 1,600,000 Revitalization Projects 52.X49 107 ,4X2 - , . Total Capital Projects 416,941 1,564,099 TOT Al~ EXPENDlTllRES 416,941 - 1,564,099 - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS 414,870 1,600,000 I , I . I I NET FllND ACTMTY 8,299 42,123 13,530 , n:J 1'I!:1'illlNG X!2Mj;BAt~€Ef -. , ,~,' 8;209 .8;209 __ 5OJ~~L 63;862 '. '76;762' -2M RDA elP SEWER FUND LOANS FUND Fund Activity Detail (Fund 439) '-'"1:" '~()66;['ii, "' '~()of;Q~"~ -- ;200sToF: . ,II 2-"" t-~.!. , .. ,. 1 Esiimat~i1; Propqs,i). p[()p(j~jjii.~ FUNDS AVAILABLE Beginning Fund Balance, July 1 (4,337) (2,353): (2,353)' 64,318. 67,758 Revenues by Fund Schedule 1,984 2,860 1,\91 3,440 : 3,280 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE (2,353)' 507, (1,162): 67,758 71,038 EXPENDlTURES Operating Expenses ! , " -I Total Operating Expenses -I I I Progmm Expenses 1 Total Program Expenses -I Capital Projects Strects ancl Highways (480) I Parks and Opcn Space ( 65,Om!), Se\ver Impruvements 3.900,000 Total Capital Projects 1,834,520 !TOTAL EXPENDITURES - 3,834,520 . ITOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS 3,900,000 - - i I I 1 ! i i ! I I i ! . I iNET FUND <\CTIV1TY 1,984 2,860, 66,671 3,440, 3,280 IENDrNGFuNo,BALANCE '"_ ~,l, "c...",...,' (2353) , ,,507" .__~,~JL.---i?(7.58",: 7!;938: ' ,'..._..".~"".--._-_."_.........."....,,--.- ~"",,"---'. -~-........................ 210 ,- 2001 TAB CAPITAL IMPR~~MENT PROJECTS ~ FlIlld 4ctivity Detail (FlIntl440) . .~~-,,- ,~~=~,~",.., 'C"'" ,'_.,-,"-". ,..,'_', ",," "",.,,,.,,,,,..,"~,,...,. -----".cr;""'I":_-.~ ..." """'<'-""""'''''-'''"'''Irr.~'' ....,,~,"'".-1'l""1 " ''', " . :"i"' ..' "lOOJ,'9!i",,(2009~Q'74' ,~O%,Q7r 2007.'08(" "' 2008SQ9'''' 1.,-" "-"..,.."'" ,,,...~. .. '"-~-' ",'" ~ !J.. ,_.' .:."f..cttiiiL' r-,~ppi()ye'(r~__~[~l!i1ai,g':; !1r2pii~~iL; Jfu'-'p'os~d.,' '~-'-~ FUNDS A V AILABLE I , Beginning Fund Ba1ance- July 1 1,634,873 : 1,248,8321 1,248,832 , (239,016), 223,164 Revenues by Fund Schedule 598,302 ! 187,740 608,772 462)80 I 156,260 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 2,233,235 1,436,572 1,917,604 ' 223,164 i 379,424 I EXPENDITURES I -I ii ,1 -I Operating Expenses I , - i , I Total Operating Expenses I -, I I Program Expenses i . , , Total Program Expenses -I " 1 Capital Projects Streets and Highways (425,000) 2,400,662 I Govemmenl Bllildings , 236,000 (481,218) " Parks and Open Space ( 12,567)' (262,965 ) I , Water Improvements 2,97.9 Revitalization Projects 1,lX5,970 491,762 .! Total Capital Projects 984,403 , 2,157,220 - , ITOTAL EXPENDITURES 984,403 2,157,220 - , - 'TOT ~L TRANSFERS/LOA1'1S - - - - ! / I , I I i I . NET FUND ACTIVITY (386,041 ) 187,740 (1,488,448) 462,780 i 156,260 ENDrNGFUND'BALANCE 1~,248;~;l2' 1;436,572' < _ (239;616) .223,1'64, .379'424; -.........." --~...~-- 211 <"""-"--- ,-,,- ".'--'''''~ -",,--'. I I 2003 TAB CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND I Flllul ".ctivity Detail (Fund 441) . " ~. co:, 26Gs::Ol'T""--:g6@[Q? ~;200:j'081 '''',0'''2608,09. " u . ."e", ".J,. " .. ~.-" .',.' A'ellld( &PPi'(jyidc: I!!Qp(jse:4i: '~Rfi5p2~ed~ : FUNDS A V AlLABLE I 1 Beginning Fund Balance- July 1 329,642 893,67R 893,67R I (19,067,'1 637,343 Revenues by Fund Schedule , 299,470 857,042 I 656,410 ! 307 toO 766,056 I I TOTAL FUNDS A V AILABLE 1,095,698 ; 1,193,148 1,750,720 637,343 944,443 EXl'ENDITURES ! Operating Expenses -, 'I , Total Operating Expenses -I Program Expenses Total Program Expenses i , Capital Projects Streets and Highways (4,261,4001 3,162,349 -I Government Buildings 2,14X,950 ( 569,4351 Parks and Open Space 1,826,970 (4,512,592 ) , ! Water Improvements 2,750,000 -J I Sewer Improvements 1.1 00,000 . Revitalization Projects 487.S00 (160,535) Total Capital Projects 21l2,021l 1,769,7X7 ITOTAL EXPENDITURES 202,020 - 1,769,787 - - i TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - I I I , I . I INET FUND ACTIVITY 564,036 299,470 (912,745)1 656,410 i 307,100 , !!j:,&pI'N<';'FUNPJ.3.ALANCE , ,_ _ 893;678_ (193,148 ,_<l~,O!7) - - ". ...",-- ",~."""",,,,,. -".",'" '637,343.,. ,944,443t 212 LOW/MODERATE INCOME HOUSING FuND Fund Activity Detail ., - -2;~:;;(471)_"'20b6'07j" ,.2006'01'::-- 2()07"08' '20os;69';i: "W"''''~''''l:'~"'' ,"~"l."," I"~~,, ,..,' _'_ n.";"",},, "_:_""::!~:,,,,,~.... ,:.:""", ~L_."""",, . .,. ..,.", . . ,,'~s!!!.&::.__ ApPIQved ):;s.!tmated; _ g!'2P.q~,t'1_ "gr"RQ:5.eek, FUNDS AVAILABLE 1 Beginning Fund Ba1ance- July 1 2,019',064 I 4,834,831 4,834,831 I,. X,942,752' 14,525,782 Revenues by Fund Schedule 286,172 : 236,610 211,837 497,990 I 578,140 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 2,305,236 i 5,071,44] 5,046,668, 9,440,7421 ]5,]03,922 EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses Housing Administration -I 729,840 i 73 7 870 , ' Legislative and Admin. Services - , 61,190 I 30,810 Administrative Services - i 40,680 I 41.090 Development Services -I - I 2,510 , 2,540 Public Services - I -I 8,610 ! 8,840 Indirect Cost Allocation - - 12,930 I 12,730 Total Operating Expenses ,I' 855,760 : 833,880 Program Expenses Housing Programs 140,806 730,475 Total Program Expenses 140,806 730,475 I . Capital Projects Parks and Open Space (5,197) Housing Projects 1,932,230 65,000 I Total Capital Projects I 932,230 5l),X03 1'1'0'1' AL EXPENDITURES 2,073,036 - 790,278 855,76() 833,880 hOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS 4,602,631 3,969,280 4,686,362 5,940,800 6,313,890 I , i i , I . NET FUND ACTIVITY 2,815,767 4,205,890 4,107,92] 5,583,030, 6,058,150 ENDING:'iillNDfBA1~~cg!'L 4;~?.i;83t H,2;!!40,72!. _~,9.42;752 14;525,782\20:5831932; 213 r- ".."......-- -----...-----..".-- i NON-PROFIT CAPACITY BUILDING FuND Fund 4ctivity Detail (Flllu[ 472) . ':::':"~,..""''''''',~,~ ---'-,- ,,,~.-,, -"-,.~""'~ ,,-T <: - "U -~ ~ ' -or.- 0- '~'l;-' .::_.;,"'u..,,' ~.',; ~'200Sm6 'fOQ6~QZ' ," ~, 2QQ<t-07.. 2007'08 ~:2008,'OJ::' - ; - ~~- ',"~' '_' ~,;~.." "I) ~ ."", .. .- ~ ". . i , i\stu~!,. f\pprqyed Estimated: \ '::.'Pf(jRos~d..'~ ' ,R(QRQ~e'i:L.:.~ . :c...:L'" ,,,". " ~ FUNDS ^ V AILABLE I Bcgilming Fund Balance- July 1 3034Y7 485,763 485,763 I 825,507 1,635,517 Revenues by Fund Schedule 29,888 27,600 31J83 ' 48,720 46,460 TOTAL FUNDS AVMLABLE 333,385 513,363 517,1461 874,227 ' 1,681,977 EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses , I Total Operating Expenses I I Program Expenses I Total Proi,'Tam Expenses - i -I - . Capita! Projects Housing Projects 531.457 410,550 Total Capital Projects 53! ,457 410,550 TOT<\L t:XI'ENOITlIRES 531,457 410,550 . TOTAL TRAi'lSFERS/LOANS 683,835 644,780 718,911 761,290 799,360 . j I I . NET FlIND ACTIVIT\' 182,266 672,380 339,744 810,010 845,820 END1NG;}~lIND}BALANCK . ,485;763~ 1, 158;1~,~_"""",~25,~,Q?~",,_1,635,~E,-};481,337'" 214 r - .,'~,~,--,-_.- I 2001TAB CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT-HOUSING FUND Fuud Activity Detail (Fuud 473) . ~I;- -'~- , ---~~"'" >1-.----::-.:.~ ~--,-. "- -........"..-....,."r;::""',.-..............-,:+e_:"c.\-b;.';;,.. ,'\- ,-- ,- ~-~~""~' "),"'r . ~""~.... ~ ',. """, .. "" .~ '~ ", gOQ5~Q.6 "'" . '2.!J9~~QTi : ,ZQQ!<+p;7 ,. " 2QQ7'08~~. . i2~,Q~[QJ r . ... , .,.., ."f ,....J ",.Jt-"f', " , I " _"...... _':""~' l .... . , ~... . . ''--_ ,"0.----"_,_ . . _: _,__ ..,. '. _,~ctuaL,. "..;\PPI.Q"~SU_, Estu;pl'ted'...: 'P[9P..C>~LI froposei:!1: FUNDS A V AlLABLE '. I Beginning Fuud Balance, July I I (3,215) (16,025): (16,025)1 (302)1 (302) , , I Revenues by Fund Schedule 20,205 I 2,360 : 11 7031 - ITOTAL FUNDS A V AlLABLE ,16,990 (13,665)! (4,322), (302)1 (302) EXPENDITURES, I Operating Expenses I I I I - , i -I - ! . Total Operating Expenses . - . Program Expenses .1 I Total Program Expenses I -I I , , , Capital Projects , i I'lousing Projects 33,015 (4,020)' . , , Total Capital Projects 33,015 14,020) TOT <\10 ~~XPEN[)]TURES 33,015 (4,020) . . ITOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS . . . I I I ! I I , I I . I I ,j 'NET FUND ACTIVITY (12,810) 2,360 15,723 . .". ',""" .c- ..,...... T..",~,.,?;".... "'1 "...." '. JI6i()25): .(13,665)"-n....-<lQ.t)~.....(302), ENJ}lNGFNNJ};BAbANGE .. ~, 215 I .,,,,,,,,-,,,,, _.'" .."'-....,,..---..........------.,.......-.- 1 Pow AY ROYAL MOBILEHOME PARK FUND Fund Activity Detail I (Fu/ld 293) . ., ---...-..."..... - '-~. - ,~... ~ '1 , ,/ i , :",-'2005'06, . '2006107 ":2006,07,' , ""b .. ,~-, '" ., , ,2008,09,: ,I I ~ , '::,;::~;,::- "... :..- """ '" _ , ... ~t ":.:. ~. ;'7.: '_ , ". it rHo~6sed'll i ,;I>' ':.~".tlt~li;., 6ppr,gV,-g i[jsiiii\gted" ._, ;"'" .....,"" '~.' " " 'FUNDS AVAlLABLE 1 158,607 i Beginning Fund Balance- July 1 1,711,354 1,584,582 l.584,582 ' 1,478,007 Revenues by Fund ~chedu1e 4,010,742 3 923,440 4,254,951 4,110,760 4,248,930 ' TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 5,722,096 : 5,508,022 5,839,533 5,588,767 I 5,407,537 EXPENDITURES I i Operating Expenses , , I , !\fHP Operating Expenses 1,840291 1,831,960 I 2J162,412 2,125,220 2,223,280 I Total Operating Expenses 1,840291 1,831,960 : 2,062,412 2,125220 ' 2,223,280 I Program Expenses -I Total Program Expenses - , -I i ! Capital Projects I I i Total Capital Projects :1 I I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,840,291 1,831,960 2,1l62,412 2,125,2211 2,223,2811 ! (2,306,070)1 . 'TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS (2,297,223) (2,314,670) (2,299,114) (2,J04,9411) i I , I , I i I , , I i I , I ! I I I I I i i . [N",,'UNO ACTIVOTY ('"m, (223,1911) (1116,575) (3 I 9,40(1). (2811,4211) J!:NI)ING.FUNDi.!~I;A1"'tE ___,,_,____ 1',584,582:' 1;361;392 1'-'478007' '1,.1?~;607__ ,,818,187 , , -- ~ 216 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT-POWAY ROYAL ESTATES MHP FU/ld Activi(y Detail . (F1II,d 615) .., :, ,; ,,;':~''QOO5r66$'-;--''2606"07'-'i;J2006!107I,' ""'7...,"'_....~-..~-' :2008"09''''-: ;'2007.081" ; . lil_ "" f;r. "',," """'_ "", ,t -,.,-~-~,,,~<; ~ I[ ,," "'~,' 1"- ,; ~ """1<"1 ;'.'~,", ~ ; _.' '". ..I- . "/, ":. .----'1' ~~:tA.S!~L, Appt~~~!t. \i:,R~fun~ied" ';ho ,." sed' :P0p..o..s",Cl;" _R9.__ FUNDS AVAILABLE - 1 - ~ . Beginning Fund Balance- July 1 1,659,861 1,911.336 1,911,3361 1,589,9721 1,~95,292 Revenues by Fund Schedule 251,475 256,010 i 253,636 305,320 i 300,050 I I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 1,911,336 2,167,346 : 2,164,9721 1,895,292 2,195,342 , , I EXPENDITIJRES , , , Operating Expenses Total Operating Expenses Capital Replacement Expenses I I Total Capital Replacement Expenses ; : I 'I I I Capital Projects I I Govenuneht Buildings 575,000 I - i Total Capital Projects 575,000 , - ! TOT<\L EXPENDITURES - 575,000 - . TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - - , I I ! I I , , ! ! i . i I INET FUND ACTIVITY 251,475 256,010 (321,364) 305,320 300,050 IENDIN:GJlU@\BAVANGE. - 1,589;9726> 1,895;292. " 1;9,11,336.~~,!6.7;346 . .2il9,$'342, -.-.--,.-.... -_..".._, 217 .<< -"~ e: I i I i I ! i , i . I I I I . POWAYREDEVELOPMENTPROGRAM FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2007-08 AND 2008-09 BOND INTEREST AND REDEMPTION ~"",~"~"--"-'."~ -" ~ ." ,,...-........-.....-- I -"."""".- ""_''''_''H'''_'''''''~'_'_'''''''__ ,,- BOND/LOAN INTEREST AND REDEMPTION I I ! , Poway Redevelopment Agency I I,. 2668'091,,[1. , "."'" " "I' -- "\ "'.~''''''"'I''-: ~. ". 2006107.\, " .;2006;07;' ," tf" <- ',...1. '..' ,.... i' ..."..... , :ff~~~~~~c!~'" " ~,:"PRrQY~<l;EstimateU: ' ( 1995 Certiticate of Participation 2,355,951 , 2,404,110 2,404, II 0 2,408,450 2,409,570 ' Processing/Arbitrage Fees 997 9,200 3,850 9,200 9,200 I 2000 Tax Allocation Bond 3,465,5~3 , 3,233,590 2,53g,990 I !,~43,X70 1 ,~44,890 I Procc~singl Arbitrage Fees 2,640 i 6,100 5,140 ' 6,100 6,100 1 200 I Tax Allocation Bond 4,253,161 4,254,830 , 4,254,830 I 4,250,350 4,259,350 I Processing; Arbitrage Fees 2,640 7,100 4,440 : 7,100 7,100 ! 2003 Tax Allocation Bond 9,737,925 I 0,033,630 ~ 10,033,630 i 10,061,370 10,046,290 Processing! Arbitrage Ft.x:s 2,~00 7.100, 2,750 I 7,100 7,100 , 592,700 ! I 2007 Tax Allocation Bond ~ , 1,258,980 I 1,257,930 Processing,' Arbitrage Fees - , 7,100 : 7100 Ovvner Participation Agreements 667,755 816,060 900,000 1,037,910 ' 1,121,OgO Tax Sharing A!:,rreement 3,163,595 3,004,090 3,903,000 4,317,670 4,709,810 . . B~~TOTAL 23,653;047 23,775;810 24,643,440" ,25215-200' -,,' , " 220 ,.._,',"","""""""',,,,.,,.."'~,c,c"",c__""'''''''~ . j I i i . t I I I .1 I pow A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2007-08 AND 2008-09 INTERFUND TRANSFERS AND LOANS . .".,., '.._"'-''''''''''-'',1< TRANSFERS/LoANS BY FUND TWl1slel tn RDA Debt Service Fund {2,3 14,(70) (2,2\)9,1 (2,304,940) Total Pm.vay Royal MHP Fund (2,314,670) (2,299,114) (2,304,940) (2,306,U70) FUND 321- RDA DEBT SERVICE FUND Transfer to City Debt Service (2Y2,yn) , (871,030) (442,Y8X) Transfer from City Debt Service 1302,022 Tran::;fcr hum Poway Royal MHP Fund 2,297.223 2,314,670 2.299,114 2,304,940 2,306,070 Transfer to Low/Moderate 11l~omc 20uI" Incn::l1lcnl 16,838,J4X) (6A47}WO) 17 189 1051 (7,612,Y40) (7,Y93.590) Transfer to NOll-Profit Cap B1dg 2% Increment 1683,8351 1644.nO) (718,911 I (761,2I}O) (799,360) Transfer from Low/Moderate [nl:. 20% T AS Debt S\'c. 1,5%,764 i 1,663,730 1,1i5~,O 13 1.672.140 1,679,700 Transfer to RDA CIP (icHeral Loan Fund 1414,870)1 (1,600,l100) Transfer to RDA CIr Sewer Loan Fund 13,900,000) Loan Pavmcnt to llcllcra] Fund (Admin. Exp.) 13,931,(34) 0,662,(70) (3,608,0761 i (4,5X2,850) (4,537,650) Loan Payment to Geller;:!] Fund ('i2,820): (I 902,0501! 1500,0001 (<110,000) Loan Payment to Prop A i2()U,OOO) Loan Interest Payment to Prop" A." Fund '1109.95")1 ! Loan Interest Payment 10 Park Fund (2Q.!';76) Loan Payment to Se\ver Fund II,OOO.UOIII (1,633,0301 i (500,000), ( 500,000) Loan Payment to Water Fund (750,11001 (750,000) 11,000,000): \1,000,0001: ( 1,000,000) Loan from General Fund 414.tnO 1,6011,000 . Loan from Sewer Fund I "' 900JlOO I I Total RDA Deht Service Fund (9,278,861) I t9,397,R80), (11,295,011)1 (10,980,0110) (11,344,830) FUND 437 - RDA ADMINISTRATION FUND Loan from City Cieneral Fund I :.931,034 '.662.0711 I \h08,076 4,582,850 4,537,650 Transfer fr'oril Ll)\v/Mod Fund 63R.953 , SI4.7l)() ~44. 730 (- Trallsfer 10 Facility ( olpital Fund i ( !4.1(0) l'.OSO) 17,08111 (7,0.111) Total RDA t\dministration Fund 4,5:;;5,827 4,4711,3811 4,445,726 4,575,770 4,530,570 FUND 438 -RDA CIP GEN~:RAL FUND LOAN I Transfer from RDA Uebl Service Fund 414)PO 1.<iOOJJO() Total RDA elP General Fund Loan 414,870 : 1,600,000 , FUND 439 -RDA C'IP SEWER FUND LOAN , I : Transfer from RDA Debt Sl.:ryice Fund 3.lJ()U,UO() ! Total RDA CIP General Fund Luan 3,9110,11011 I FlIND 471 - LOW/MODERATE INCOME HOUSING FUND 1 , Transfer from RDA llebt Service Fund (,,83R,348 !i,44'.X()O 7.IR91051 7,612.940 7993,590 TranstCr 10 RDA Deht Service Fund i 1,596,764)' (1,663.730) (1.658.013), 11.672.140)1 (1.079700) Transfer 10 RDA Admin Fund (63X.953) (~14.79111 (844, TH}): I I Total LowllVlod Incom~ Housing Fund 4,6112,63 I 3,969,2RII 4,686,362 , 5,940,8110 6,313,R90 I FUND 472 - NON-PROFIT CAPA.CIT~ BUILDING FUNIJ , Transfer from RDA Debt Service Fund h83.S35 h44.'SO 7lR,911 I ,761 Nil 79'J360J Total NOli-Profit Capicity Bld2 Fund : 683,835 , <>44,7811 718,911 761,290 I 799,360 -'-". -.:....... .......- .. "~""l... _ --- -- " . _ J ____ .__,. _ ~"~, fTot~rRed~yeiop~~J]'t,~'g~Q.~Y. 1 "'" G,6)R;nll)': W,56,~7L' JhQO?;~~!!L. gWlWtI ._"T. ...................................::......._~.,....:....:........::....._. :.......:..__.~.~...~... .. .._.__,~, _ _' _'_"~__""_'_ - .... .,.. , ' , , ; I I , I I _I ...........-...... - .__.... .- -.---.........--.. ......-- -.... -- ._.~........._...._... -.. -.........- 222 1- ."..,.,0-,-, ~'''- ",,""...--- -. . I I I . I I I j I j i I I I I I I .1 pow A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ! FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2007-08 AND 2008-09 I ADMINISTRA TIVE OPERATING BUDGET - .",..,,,,,.,.,. ,.~~'"~",..,"'''' .. '~".=""-"""""",',"""""'-"'.""".""-_....._.- ~",~=~"~'"-""""~",""""',"-,. -.""""',', . I I I . REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I I "-,,,. .'"'"'.,',',.,,-,,,, .,-"",..,,,,. .-. City Council / Planning Commission Redevelopment Agency I , , Agency , , Secretary , Counsel Director I 011 , 012 013 , , ! , ,--- tt Director of Redevelopment I , Services / Assistant I Executive Director U))O i ~ , ! i Redevelopment Economic Housing Programs , , , 1020 1040 I 1030 I I , I I . I I I Poway Royal I , Estates " .. - , - - - ,,- I Mobilehome I Park 1 . I I _. --- -''"',.."..---.... ----- ._- "'" ""","',"".-"'"",,,'-""" ~,'"",',,'''',- - ,_,J ~'''- .... REDEVELOPMENT SERVICES Departmenllll Activitv Overview Department Cude. 1 (l0IJ .';~'L.L1;:~ .1,;;::....~ o:~' pr~~{;w"" .;,;. .r',~;~i:::"::,f7':'t'<1,,~~~1. :;~""t\~;",:jl~ii:~~4&4~;l-,,,';t.i I:.:f~;;;~:,,'rmLe,,~h"..';~ ~;~ ~.'t';~~:,:~~;I~J~ ,''''''.'v--':: ";'M.. <';;;i::;;:~. ". : .,: ""'~,,,~,, ~~, \~JE~fli~~]'iJ~L~~'i:,' '.~, ,f', ';i~9q~;i,~9,9:st':1::;:i~.2.2,~~~9,,9~~l:'~I":~"2.Q9;~~~g,Q;I~i; ;{.~~PV~290~~~: "'r"'fuQ:Q~[~~~j,\i i'@L~SSmIGii\'lli'I6N:::;: ',ly< ,ArGlj0Ed,;.,;\T!it;,...I:\'J'c~F.J~ME:m~.{~"'JEsillINl'A.a;ED~j,_'PR6R0SEli); ,. 'RR0R0SE~~ ',"~.:"tl!" .';'lZ'~~::">;, :'';';;'I~,';,F,':' ');-<01./1, 3[jl:j;;!:.:i~'t.*";': :~~:;,."":m::;~~~~?t'--.:,-,~ .' lffJ;j;:::'l,','Ir. '~~",l:':"'~-: '\f"~'l,"'52~ :'.i!Hl'''''' '.1:" ,')'ci""r[ "'''o:.p-,. ',:,. '-"~ $" ,.,;,.",.t. T~~~lPosltlons ,''.t--_____..10 I __._.~ .,,4-.--- 9 _,__ 9 I Personne_l Expense, I ..$1,094,R~ $1,25.=:=~0!1,003~~ $1,13~,740 $~,.I_,5_1,400 loper.atlOnsand t 4812,5,351 5"",0",,3,9444 50,,917031 3025330 3,027400 Ivl.alntenance I': -.':'-.-'- ....:...'. :m' i "u ' ! Capital Outlay 7,562 6,950 7,792 14,930 1,590 b",,= .."''''. ... .."",""'''''~'''' . .'" ..",,,,,,,,',,,",','" ". _ ",._",.. """"",,,' . ". ."...... ",,"- ,," '" "er"',,' ',,:',,' ~, "'"'r:'il',, ",. "-.. . .,..,..'... ..,l,., , ",' . ....., ~",' "ie', ,:. .. '.: -. '"~'i'?%''' 1;'iEeTiic;BooGE<E;;Cl';jl' 1 j, $5i9'I'~l905V, $~~298~7t.if!' ~. ~$6tir02;802':~"-'~ ,rliti;i\7S';60d.l "~;rl$4,,(~((jf3~;o };", --.i'i!""iiii~[',',"'~ "-y '- : :)". "'~",.c,"'(":_'.b',_~,;-"r ,~,.. '"' ~,~"jui::co~,ii:_,_" '~i ,. :i ,~"":Smt',~~: --'t'i':~"~ it.~ no.' ..-".."~ :..~ ":c'~"::;;:*, 1 =' -, - ,~, 'e ,," ,::"-;'.:=:J;.. S1i: .,",c< ==.=-- (, "i __ ~;r ! OVERVIEW COMMENTARY i The Paguay Redevelopment Project Area (Area) was established In 1983 The 8,200-acre project area is expected to generate more than $65 million III Tax Inerement over the next two years. The Redevelopment Agency's goals are to prOVide affordable housing options, public facilities, drainage and roadway improvements, community parks and business attraction and retention. The goal is to target'resourees--!o progran;;C pruj;;?;ts;,and activllies that stimulate private reinvestment and create a diversified t3)i.,aff((eil~Rlwrj}en! base that sustains and 'clJhan~~s the quality of life .for Po way resldents, ..,~. . lc, ~ _' "';1;'~ h, I Redevelopmcnt Services con~ists off9qfilj'YjsiCi~siricl\1(]~1~'tI;:'.~rf~~e,z?t~~he Director, Redeve1opmcnt, Economic . Develo~ment, and Hous1l1g. I he Redef.~19~m~nl'~e~';~ggr?:'l7ta~l!s:!1es goals and obJcctlves, which glllde the Agency s actlVll1es. The Redeve1opmenp;;Jrvlees;I9.spattrl!ent'lmple~:!l1S pohcles and programs under the general I direction of its Execul1ve DirectorJCitY,Malb!~I:a~,~~~~e-cUtiv.:,I?~OrJASslstant.Gity'Manager I Smce Area formatIOn the Agency has collected ovcr s1,2::\,!pilll~n' d~~-iiftax-lllCr~1.n..ent revenue that IS leveraged through pmtnerships With property owners;'ueve1optrf,'hon:profit ent~'2ehools,an(l-stateand federal agencies. The pmtners111ps have facllltated various proJects and programs, posiiive1y enhance the quality of lifc for reSidents, increased property values, and made Poway a very desirable place to live. i Notable proJccts completed and 111 process are: t. . <'j " .~. . '. ;;;::If'" . ~.' , .~,_.-.... -, .. : " ;' , ': " "',.: ~ ': ' .,HOt.JpING'" '~" , ,~INERAS",RLJg;J~lJRE: '~~ f PA.RKS, ,:"'" ,=L,gorvrlVflJNrt~ft\(;;JLfHES.,:, DEY;ELg!iMEN":rs7BROQE~Ms'" .'livt;;ROYEM'Eil-ii:s ':.."1 ' J1 I Cumpleted Projects f Aubrey Park ,-- ~ r-F~re Statt~~ Tram[l~g Tower I Sol;ra Fam-i-Iy Apart~l~nts TC~~;lmlll1ity Road -1 I 'Sound \V ails Con~I~l-~nJty P~;k ParkIng "Lot ,Auto Storage F~.~~m"...--._--- i SHOP-Progra'~~'l~nplementation r- Sycamore A ;~~.u~ Street--- ____.. ! ..... _____..: u...". I !.!~~provements __ i Upc(}l1/in~ and in Process .~T;;;in D~po;-;;;-O\d P;~~;y_____rs;g.St;;;~ Lodge d~;;;;;t;Low/Mod .1;~~~;;;~--~i:ll~~ld R~;d lmprovcments Park 1 Homes -----'--__............._........_._..............._._ j......._................................_._.____...._ .._______.k_............_ l= ,i i Monle Vista D;~~lopmcnt Oak Knoll Street and Sewer . .____ .' 1 .. ! .. .. ... ..Improvements . -.. I --. '.. -rBrighton F;~,ily Apartments" - .- - ----. ...~ -. ..-- ",." -, 225 ... .-- -"--<<'" .-.--. -'...-- ._H_' "--'- '.'l ! DIRECTOR OF REDEVELOPMENT SERVICES b Redel-'elopmellt Services Department Dit'isiolt Number- 1010 ," "AGiiUMlillN:~BEs@RtP.;fION .P' r"-Y_;" '",.."'''H. ,'-;:"4;;'" ' , ;~;'-'- .. -,'~~"'~,': ~,. l":""~i'". ,- ~h~ g:~; ~f';h~ D~r~ctor 0; ~:dev:1:n:~ ~~~~c~: IS ":0 pr::ide:or t:e '10ng-te~ ':cono':ic ~;~~~l:~ of the CI~Y' ~ I of Poway and the Redevelopment Project Area, This IS accomplished through the management of thc ! Redevelopment, Economic Development, and Housing Program Divisions. Acting as the Deputy Execulivc ! Director to the Poway Redevelopment Agency and reportmg to the Redevelopment Agency Board (City Councilmembers) and the Execulive Director (City Managcr), and Assistant Executivc Director (Assistant City Manager) the Dlreetor implements programs that enhance, support, and sustain a high quality oflife in Poway In this effort, the Director spearheads all community involvement and outreach efforts m the development and llnplementatlon of redevelopment programs. This Division is responsible for increasing Tax Increment to the City of Poway/Redevelopment Agency by I ! activc1y seeking opportunities to bring in new businesses, revitalize blighted areas, acquire underutilized property, and provide affordable housmg opportunilies to all Poway residents. The Director oversees the I development and administration of Owner Participation Agreements IOPA) and DispositIOn and Development Agreements (DDA), works with other City departments to expedite OP A's and DDA's, I proVides assistance to developers and businesses wishing to relocate to Poway, and works With departments .. to administer the Redevelopment Agency's Capital Improvement Program. This Division budget mcludes the .. estimated administrative cost of City staff time and other direct expenses incurred by City departments in the I course of Implementlllg the Redevelopment Plan for the Paguay Redevelopment Project Area, rg(fWliVlTY GOAI1S AND'OBj-Ec:l'IVES~";-" , .----;,:'~ '" , ,if .. .. ',,;t,..;"" If" >' ;';:l':r~ that a1::~rams an~'aClJvitle: ar:~~n~ist~:1t With Cali;:nl1a Redevel:pmel~tLa~~~d the pagu~~ -. Redevelopment Plan ,. Direct, manage, and support the development and implementation of four division work plans to reflect current Agency Board, Executive Director, ASSistant Executivc Director, and community direction '" Actively follow State and Federallegis1aticimforpotential impacts on thc Redevel?pmcnt Agency, rccommend and support 10bbYlllg eff6rts\vliefl-appropnate, and implement all app1icabh~ provisions of new legislation y Encourage the development .of departmert'g;6.a1s'thIOUlSh aqtiy~ communication and dialog between the I Redevelopment Agency, reSidents, and,the local. buslnessCQnimul11ty ! ! '" Dl1ect efforts to Identify and remediatc pro;ertiCS With hazardous mat~rials within the Redevelopment I " Project Area, through the applicalion and administration of Brownfields Grants; pl'operty acquiSitIOns, and I the implementation of Redevelopment Law ' I I '" Ensure for the Department's timely and accurate response to inquiries from the public, the City I Council/Redevelopment Agency, and other City departments : r Assure that all Agency-owned properties arc maintamed and utIlIzed in a clean and safe fashion ',' . ~--',~I~~'~~~~:n~~~~~~~~PR6GRAM"CHkNCJE~r;;'~'.~' "~!~"-f --';~," -,..2@~~:i;1',1 L-... _ .___..,_...._. _.... _,..._,_ ,-...c ._...., ""',J 226 , ~.~_. DIRECTOR OF REDEVELOPMENT SERVICES I Redevelopment Sen'ices Department Divisioll No: 1010 . 0b'!r";"'-::~~-""". ':------r'.' 'Y",-'.' .....;-..,,,' '20(i5:og;-;2(r66~0T" r ;20"06"07'-- ''2607':O'8''-;~2068-:-b9:' ,"'~2"; ,') t, L,." ,,,.," ~ "~;" -~ I" '"..... ~ .. C r ~; ," "'......,~ _. i* -', ".~'-~~, "'/~iit Q;j, . ~., .""2'" !i1l>wfio;", _. ~___. _ ; ","llL . c4P",w~'.. Em",," ,.lliop""j _f""'" , Personnel Expense , Range POSltlO11 Title Full Time Equivalents I R8 DlreetOJ of Redevel SerYlces 1.00-' 1.00 j .. 1'00 . I 00 I 100 i : 69 Sf. Management Analyst 1.00 : 1.00 1 00 , I 00 1 00 49 Sf. Administrative Assistant 1.00 I 1.00 I 00 I I 00 I 1.00 39 Administrative Assistant II 100 i 1.00 100 ' -I l Agency Member (5) I I -- ~-:~--~ ....~;;:;:--:-'"'"';.;,;;~;" .~~,.'" "', .~----".~. _~,".",..L_...._,.. c4 ;<fo .- 300;. ~,,~, Liio1.ii!;i9thoflt~~!p(,sit;91\.~i(i:'tt~5 . .4!00' 3,00 EX....:.....,....,;....::...:....._"...._.....:.."...;c _ .~. ~",," _.0....""",..., '""_ _ ",,"-,,_ ~...u_ , ... 266,235 ! '-266~140- --~" 1110 Salaries - Regular . 281.165 304,160 266,140 1120 Salaries, Special , 4,920 7,200 7,200. 5,400 5,400 I , 1130 Salaries - Part Time 32,904 6,433 ' 1140 iSa1aries - Overtime 538 2,000 112, 2,000 \ 2mO 1199 iVacation & S/L Adjustment 12,846 .l03,9~-' __~Og,29~ 1 1300 :Employee Benefits 95)88 112,980 110,200 -....,,~- "'-- -...---~... --,,- - - ----.- ~, - ",,--~~,:,,---;-,,-. - "". .....9.... , Total Personnel 42~H~~ " 42~i~H9 '384'-543 ,38 i!830 ;383,81D:i - .---.. .' -~. '" - ~"_ l.,.' . -:> ---,"":" 'cc_ _::-_'':~~~:;;::~ Operations and Maintenance 1 702A Fees-City Attorney 630 2,000 1,000 1104 Audit Fees 29%3 42,670 42,670 34,150 34,140 1799 Other Professional Fees 19,924 50,126 35)26 3\ \0 Reimbursed Mileage 3,303 S,500 S,500 5,500 ' 5,700 . 3140 Travel and Meetings 3,364 6,120 6,120 g)20 9,220 3310 Telephone 1950 4140 4,(142 I 140 L140 3311 Cell Phoncs & Pagers 2.040 2,040 3320 Postage 96S 2,350 4,512 l,glO 1,810 4120 Other Contractual Services 24,3g4 17,500 11 ,500 11 ,230 4308 R&M Equipment 612 1,680 1,6S0 4710 OnIce & Stationery Supplies 2,956 3,540 3,496 3,540 3,700 4730 Photographic/Copy <;upplics 90 !,200 !,200 4760 Operating Supplies 2,331 3,570 7,239 3,XOO 3,990 , 4799 Other Supplies & Matclials I 114 i4908 Education anu Training 1.515 7,000 7,000 5710 5 JlO 14922 Printing 4,623 7,000 12,006 4,500 4,730 '4924 Publications and Dues 17,4S5 22,100 22,160 14,050 f4,110 '4932 Advertising 1.400 1,400 I 1,400 1,400 . 4934 Recruitment 19,762 5106 Expense Credits ( 104,890) ( 105,550) 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment 6,260 3,130 i 6,260 6,260 6,260 i5710 Admin. Cost - General 2,OlJ,2g9 1,966,500 ' 1,926,550 50,000 50,000 Tota!lQp"'r~ii,Qn~'&' MAintellance i'2'iH68~ 2;iA8,r'S6 2'161235 3717:30 ..,- ...,-.~: , -.,.,'.,... ".... ..-.....,........- .,,... ..l...... .. 'om' 55;6~Q Capital Outlay 6122A Equipment Office General 539 . 6122e Computer Equipment - Hardware 716 6136 Telecommunications Equipment 412 633 -I Tot~Lq.ap!tjlI10utlay ;\02481 I,jli' ,- '., j ,.....;.. _0' '''''' ,- _.. , Division Total 2,646,871 2,574,526 2,492,950 419,560 ' 439,440 , u,._ ...-.-- ,>~-,,- _._- 227 .- -- - ---......., ~ -_.. .- .-............... .-................- -- ,.-.,....-....- ---.....1 I REDEVELOPMENT , I I Redevelopment Services Department lJil'ision Nlll1lbe,.~ 1020 , .,~.-,',.,''''',.;- tJr~CTWITY'DESCRipffON--:-""~" ':"".:-.~ ,,-- ,.:~'-~7~~;-' "':: -.-.., , . ."j ,,~:, - :;'''\Pi;'iS ' . , .......2L....,.'" ~~.:_...._.~--<..~...'!....., ...-_ -:....._.~. ~ .:l": -----.JC ._ _...J,........__~L... __.. .-............-....., I , I Under the general direction of the Director of Redeve10pmcnt Services the Division plans and implements I redevelopment activities, The Division analyzes redevelopment proposals and dcvelops strategies used in the I negotiation of proposed rcdevclopment projects, Division staff prepares redevelopment agreements and I I acquires, manages, and disposcs of propel1y consistent with applicable Federal and State laws and all I Redevelopment requirements. I , I , The Division coordinates closely with the Economic Deve10pmcnt Division to identify redevelopment opportunities that would result in thc long-term economic viability of the City Manager serves as Poway's Brownfield coordinator Admimsters and manages grant applications for State and Federal clean-up grants, I and concentrates on Environmental Assessment and remediation of properties along Poway Road. ! I Thc Division oversees the administration of the Redevelopment Agency-owned mobilehome parks and the I implementation of the City's long-term goal for divestiture of the Parks. The Redevelopment Division serves as primary staff to the Poway Housing Commission, an autonomous entity created by the City Council to I administer thc Agency-owned and City"managed mobilehome parks, This Division also manages vacant and other Redevelopmcnt properties, , I !: _':A@,!,IVIT~QOA~S.JANmOBJ ECnVES - .'-'" -. ;~- it I ~-. - - - -' ____n - .,- -_.~. --'" t~~ ..-. - I I , Negotiate and acquirc property for Redevelopment Agency projects, including oversight of I environmental assessment and site remcdlation and manage Agency properties as appropriate, i i I , Manage Redevelopment transactions mvolving existing and proposed auto dealers, I Evaluate the potential for transfer of Po\VayRoyal Estates. , I , i I I , , Serve as a mcmber of the Californiil Redevelop'ment Association (CRA) Brownfield Committee, I addrcssing issues involvingenvirdniiiehtallY'c6ntaihl)lated properties. , I , Scrve as a community resource for Jair hOllsing and.)al1dlonJCtenant issues. I > Serve as a resource for Po\Vay Road Redevelopment. I , Participate In the Old Poway Park Redcvelopment activities. I I ,., Effectuate the transfer of the Poway Royal Mobilehome Park to nonprofit ownership ! I , Complete thc rcquired Redevelopment Plan Amendments. ! - ---""".,--,"',~. ..- @H~NG;E .,.-j " .~-~ .,.,.......--.~.- .-.... ._--- -- _. -- -- -~-~ i ,. .,SJQNIFTC~NT,ACTIVITY.PROGRe:ivLCWA:1NGES - ,. " ." --~~ ,I.. , ~"~':'~~ ' _,,'~"-.;'''' .~.,,,.~~.......,.... .. -.- ~-_._--,,"''''._g ..."-..-.""'"--...- ,~---'"'_." ',--- . - ....- ~, "'. .;;;''''''-- Nonc I --- ---.- -.....,,",...,...- -..........",- 22X ...". .. REDEVELOPMENT Redel'elopment Senices Department . DivisioJlNo: 1020 ""'''''''')(;''('''''''''''''''''''''''''ji"" r~"-~.... ,-- 2005.~6bi"':2b66:6i;- i2006'Oij--:2607~08 -r:" 2008m9~ QbJ"'" ' '":'''''e,''' --~"" " "",'" _ 1;',-""" _ """ , "" ., '\ 'f "~:;)"m,;," ""~",,~;:.i-- '" .,""";":;,,,"':).,''C.. .,,-" ,:0 ',,~ ,1'" '-~~'9." 'G2:~~ 'iP:;~~~;;~i.~:;~~~s~!fl~atiQI]'E' , , .' ActUal' {I!:'rovea:, 'Estimated, Rj'if'osea Bf6' oseil", _~-,-=,..=--_..Pp,..~. '" ., .",...',.,. _" _ p. __. _ ."" p_~, Rang.". f'!.S.i!l?.'.l_Titl~.. -- ~~] Ti!...TI_e ~quival:llts _ : .- Special Counsel 0.50 0.00 , 1.00 I 78 Redevelopment Manager 1.00 100 : 1.00 J 1.00 Sf. Bldg. Maint. Wkr Temp. PIT 0.36 0.36 0.36 ' 0.36 0.36 Housing Commission I - ~--~~ ~........~ ''''-~'''",,, "" , -,~;';;"""~~'-""'" - '-"--" t6.li\1f..@j6mei1l?iJsh~Qfi1;,(t;'!E) " , U6'. ' 1(36; /110 i "--'''s~i~ri~s' Re~;~ .__"c..., ,.. '-. 105,HiD I 'lo;,iOO 94,479 102,050 I 102,036 '1/20 i Salaries- Special 600 56,970 600 1,050 I 1,050 1"30 I Part Time Salaries , 6,661 18,820 5,659 19.300 19,300 1199 Vacation & SIL 6,.djustment 3,0811 - j -I 1300 Employee Benefits , 37,384 64,590 , 43,118 I 45130 , 44,420 I I ~J.--" ~""'<,,:(:''',;:t' 'i'-"'.........,," - .,-1 - - --- . -, _.,~ TotaIPel'sonnc1', , " " '1'42,205 '242,43lH, 1'51 413( , il69;870,._~7011'80i '''-''-~ "-~-"'''''''''''''. .'." '""" ", Operations and Maintenance 1702a 'Legal Fees, City Attorney 6,86~ 20,000 46,226 1702b Legal Fees - Other Altomey 19,852 20,000 13,111 20,000 20,000 1702c i Litigation - City Altomey 11,621 30,000 2\,095 5,000 i 5,000 1702d Litigation - Other Attorney 142,153 ' 90,000 R~ 996 30,000 ' 30,000 . 1726 Special Studies 48,078 130,000 130,000 95,000 45,000 11799 Other Professional Fees 28.631 70,R43 70,R43 70 J100 20,000 31 )() Reimhursed Mileage \672 3,120 2.738 3120 3,120 13140 Travel and Meetings 901 550 545 550 550 3310 Telephone 692 9RO 842 500, 500 3311 Cell Phones & Pagers 600 000 3320 Postage 1~4 200 100 200 200 4120 Other Contractual Services 19,750 A304 R&M Building 14,924 15,000 11,266 . 20,000 20,000 4308 R&M Equipment 159 730 72~ 350 350 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 638 720 723 1,440 1,440 4730 Photogmphic/Copy Supplies 229 760 760 4760 iOperating Supplies 7~0 580 579 700 700 ,4904 ,Comrmmity Relations 3,000 :4908 Education and Training l,7~3 3,850 2,144 2,850 2,ROO 14922 Printing 967 2,310 2,310 2,310 2,310 '4924 Publication & Dues 342 100 \00 4932 Advertising 400 400 400 5530 Capital Outlay Rental, Office Equipment 460 230 460 460 460 ! -Totaloperations{&iJ'fajht"nanee 302;715 393:X73 394;467 ,253 58G T!l?,53b, , ,~, . Capital Outlay 423A'~_"4'1;;11 " TQtaJCilpit~L<4\!l?y, '''''''..:c-- ". """,""'- I Division Total 444,nO 635 703 545,R80 L.."",",,. -"~"""'-~'-"-" "_.,,~~,-_..~ .._,,,,,,,,,,.",,* 22Sl 11.....- ECO~~,~}o~':~~i~'~~~:e~ENT '---1 Division NUlllberc 1030 I r~:"""':::::";"'r"!~_-" ..,"''''i'''.'''''' .~..,.... ".,,,t"'\,F," ''I' ',,"' ~f':~..t':":>',"'"lT"''''':C'''' ,"'.' ' ,.". ,'W ',fE"'''::':;<~~M'~ , '''''''''''''hl'''''':'::'''''''''''''''' ' .:- , -,,:t-':::::::"~':i:'''''';::)':1'::'' ,,' ,','0< . \i"i""AeWIMhl';Y;"BESCRIRH@N;," .!~" 'in. ',,,,,,, (('1, . "fI,;<' ,,' "Ii,' ',' ,i"I,: !,:.<":'< !f.:;,.."~.[!1:'~1 r- 'IJ - ..' --...... '~"",{";,,,'< , .,..-.. , ..:;;".,.;..,....,""""""",",~, .,. ". . ~T.. ,....~;; :;.",- .. ,< .. "''''-''''''1,",~;",.~,;',,",:... - ",,",,' "":::::\:L",,,, -:t"..1.:'.' .~ + ,~. .P::';'~",,:;;;:.."""::::"'- "..;~. . ,- . ::""""::,:::,:~.:if~ I The Economic Dcvelopment Division works to sustain Poway's quality of life by fostcring a strong and diverse ! ! cconomic base, which provides jobs, business vitality and tax revenues to the City Under the direction of the Dircctor of Redevelopment Services, Division staff partners with the Economic Development Group, the Poway Chamber of Commerce, and the Poway Business Park Association to engage the private sector and identify appropriate business and development opportunities to encourage and enhance the long-term economic viability of the Poway community Revitalizing Poway's eommercial corridors, including the provision ofretail and ! dining amenities that complement existing businesses, and continuing to promote the Business Park as a I regional hub for leading companies in the science and technology industries, will provide a spectrum of , employment opportunities for Poway's loea1 workforee. Working together, the Poway Road corridor and Poway Business Park provide the essential components of Poway's eeonomic base and enable the City to implement programs and scrvices that ereate a quality of life that is unparalleled in San Diego County , .".......","-'c ,'--,-> "'~"E'~-=""" .,. ,.,- -"..."........,."~",., ".. , .,,~.,--', ....." ',.>...,..,"',.."-",:'c-9."c'- -. ' :"" ,1\CITtNTTYi'iG@1\I"S,AN010BJE@1',[WiES:' '.""II,/'.( ,~'\"'~' ,;. ",c....."'. ,,,,,,,1(','.,, ';, " ,,' ;r Ensure the long-term economic viability of the City through the development and implementation of ! Economic Development programs created with input and participation from the local business and ; , residential community i ,. Spcarhead the revitalization of Poway Road by supporting proJects consistent with the Poway Road SpeciCie Plan, sponsoring the developmcnt of a mixed-use project, and. implementing programs that focus on the economic sustainabihty and attractiveness oLthe Roway Road retail corridor I ., . ;r Encourage the location and relocatiomot~sale~'tax"gcncrating businesses to the City through marketing efforts and by resolving issues ,and pc()viairi_g incentives .,~ :.- Attract businesses to the rctail,c.e'1ters:a19n:gl6w~y Ro"d(~ndjob producing corporate firms to the Poway Business Park through a strategie,:indtlstlY"Spccific marketing program I , Actively work with pri,ate sector developers 10 addret"il and service oppurtunitics to Poway's commercial 1 nux y Promote and administer the Commercial Rchabilitation Loan ,Program to maximize private investment and encourage revitalization of older properties within the City's business cOlTidurs ,. Serve as the City's ombudsman with the business and development communities I ,. Act as a liaison with business groups, such as the Poway Chamber of Commercc and the Poway Business Park Association, 111 identifying and addressing issues of mutual concern : I'"." ";, . '... .jJi, .,.','.'.".,'.""."'.. ',' ..,;...:,' '" .,.-..',. :,- ",. ''" I,'" ,... ,,2'0...,0.,.3';'04, I"",,'.' ",.""'~,"O,. 0.'4',-0,' ,5,' '",.. -''''--.1'.' .,.'., -2..,..'.b,b".,.5.,."-b.,.,,6).t~';),'" ' EGQNOMIGJjJEYEL0PMENfF. '" ;\7"''''U,o''A''; . 'P'R' ;;""J'E"';'-E' D;' "P'R" ;"TE'C;E"'" tl . ",m. 'm ~, ""';"'..""-", " " 'n(;tl~ hl!: -'(i,. '-.AI" 'J.ij , , 0' .,.-:t' 'v ' 1,- s.b;:;; ;;",,,;;;- G'-;;'"',ecl ...,1,' -.~';"097 r~ $I 05.97 ~~ I ;~; ':4;0 j' : """', ,","" """"', . ".1 """""" , "',', "" Ifsi0i-nFIGANT,iC'1ti.~;c,tty,pitOGi~~iij,B~NGES:_. ,.--- ..-..-,1-. :-;t;." > :., m,_~.;;;.;,,^' -l' ,;,r,.' ';~''',': ~'L',:,','",':<,''''<..:1 ':'~'" "":,',",,,""",;~'c::"'~f~ ;~T''';',::,,:''':- ,_" "~'__"" ',' ',.--"'m" '_. ..'t) ~+-H I 1726 - Special Studies: Tax Increment Audit, Mixed Use Development, and Trade Area Analysis to be I performed in FY 05-0r, H.._.'_'_ ..,. ><._ '_H' ..._..J 230 I"~" ._",,,,,,_.,,-,,,, ~,."".....~.- ,~" --,-~, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Re(levelopmellt Services Deparlment . Division No: /030 '.~j'~l'.~:. ~ ~- ~ ~ ::~",:.,.-.~~~"~~~~~::'T-.:,~~<~ ' ~:: ~iQ605~06:"'":riobb'67:', ' ~2006;;67:"~067;681"; ~200S;09f.', , :,;,~,~;;~'; _:."~!r,.~. i"'>;':~-:: -,y .... ",,1': '",,_ ~ - -~. '11',ij~f" ~~::;;'~~,. jj" ~ -<j;'II,.r"'_'rY~~ {;":'~~"i fijQij~":,~~ _,S)fPml~~~jiicgti()t1" ' " ._ ,~cfujL~'~Plj~cj_ ;I;:s_til'ruJ!!'d..PIoppseilL._ lMRosedi: I Personnel Expense Rang~_ Posi!!9!l Tl~~~_ , Full Time Equivalents 78 Economie Development Mb'f 1 I 061 1.00' -100'- -100 f - 1.00 45 Administrative Assistant 1Il .. j, .'.' L~__'_~OJ.. ,~~o L~ ....:O~, ___ J_ _, .~_...~, ,." , 'Total1f\utliorizeaiPositic)l1s"(t,lbY, , " ' 2!OQ:""" 2.qO..," c .'2,00 . '?.:QO, . 2!001 ~'''''-'''~-'-l,.j;,.:t..:''~~ '=_ - - ;....:.-....;.:..";,;.L..,,.'.,..;.,:.. ~,S,h...:'::.....:.....:::." ---1'-" - -- -'"'-"~-.--''- ~".........."" --_...... <...._._....;i...._._..,........~ 1110 I Salaries - Regulor I 123,672 144,970 I 68,460 144,300 ! 149,300 1130 Salaries- Part Time 1002 - , i ' i 1199 , Vacation & SIL Adjustment I 2,682 - I 34,30~ I 11300 ' Employee Benefits . ~+---"J,~,~03 1"_-J~,.?,6~. 62,950 I 66,390 ""'''.,........)------.-...,...- --..-..----.'}-."..'T..:.."..............,......~"."_:...~..._:." ....,..._..~."..- .. .,'... , ,-,.","0_"",_ ' 'T6fiiHPers6iine( . , . ' , .. ,'!'F7;~?~~' . '-217.,6.)9:' 102 762 207'250", 2-l5'690l ~ "'''''''',.~~::tt>;:~ .",~,",'-'-- ::ilL..-. < ';:.,>....",.." - .:.',......':..--.-- .~~,~_._...;...; :Op~rati~~d Mai~te~;;;;:-e r-r -- 1 i 1510 iTemporary Services -I 5,000 I 5,000 , 28,000 I 1702a : Fees- City Attomey 16,396 I 28,000 1702b ~Fees - Other Attomcy I ~~:~:~ I ~~:~~~ ' 34,066, 30,000 : 30,000 1702c Lil1gation-City Attomcy 1,363 I 10,000 1,523 , 1726 ,Special Studies 68,801 ' 35,000 31,859 67,000, 73,000 1799 Other Professional Fees 33,393 , 43,775 42,805 3,600 3,800 , 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 3,304 : 3,990 2,023 3,990 3,990 . 3140 Travel and Meetings 2,036 3,800 2,000 6,010 6,410 3310 Telephone 2,590 2,200 1,403 3311 Cell Phones & Pagers 1,080 1,080 3320 Postage 1,640 3,170 3,170 (,,600 5,900 4120 Other Contractual Services 35,000 15,000 23,800 14,730 4308 Equipment Repair & Main!. 321 1,000 1,000 350 4710 Ollice & Stationery Supplies 2,388 2,650 2,(,50 4,650 4,650 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 770, 500 500 4760 Operating Supplies 1,239 3,000 3,000 4,300 4,300 4799 Other Supplies & Materials 236 4904 Conillllmity Relations 15,900 20,500 20,500 55,000 50,000 14908 Education & Training 873 3,430 1,700 3,430 3,430 !4922 Printing 16,280 ' 10,000 10,000 18,000 15,000 i4924 Publications and Dues 4,537 4,730 4)30 14,020 14,020 14932 Advertising 55,572 48,000 31,251 28,000 2X,000 493X . Rent - Buildings 811 5106 Expense Credits 132,060) 132,290) 5530 'Capital Outlay Rental- Office Equipmcnt 2,260 1,130 2,260 2,2 (,Q 2,260 Total ~E.erat~b;i;4cM~il1t~riafi<;~J 258209 295l'/I)' 227,836 272;680 261,('30' ___..,l --.,,-.,' , .' Capital Outlay . 6199 Other Equipment 2)72 4,900 4,900 ".- ,.,~ - :Q'J,''f2 'Ti)tiil 4,900 4;900 .., ~~. ' i Division Total 438,541 518,405 335,498 479,930 477,320 231 r-<< <<-< ,.-.......""...-- ,..-.,.-...<...- ._,............._,. <-.-'--1 I HOUSING PROGRAM I Redcl'eloplIIellt Sen'ices Department i i Divisi(}flNllmher~ 1040 I , >"'~' ",.'.><~---,<",':' .,"" " .~"",-" "" """n,~-'-,,---p~-,,, '~~"--'<';'~' l "";,-,,... ;,.,;, _...~_~5L.~~'I:Y~Dl?S,~:~mIIQN.,"" ii.i .:....k ;":"''' '{~>.,J, "I" 7.,.f't" ^t, ." _ , ~"p." rt,: /u ,:;," l'>';: _'""'" ~(.;. 'V ~ In support of Poway's growing economy, housing dlVlslOn staff develop and implement programs and I projects that preserve, enhance and provide affordable housing opportumttes for working ll1dividuals and ! families, persons with special needs and seniors, Housing staff pursue the development of single and multi- family homes that are energy efficIent, dcsigned to reflect the commumty character, and proVide amenitIes and programs that support the growth and ennchment of each resident.. Local housing funds are leveraged I through efforts to secure County, State, Federal and private funds, The housll1g program focuses on I nelghborhood.revitalizatlOn through the unplementatlOn of the Multi-family Rehabihtation Program, the I I Residential Rehabilitation program and the development of high-quality housing with award,winning , design, The housing division manages the City's allocation of federal Community Development Block Grant funds as well as the Non-profit capacity building fund. The division IS also charged with the management of all I existing affordable housing assets and the Redevelopment Agency's Low Mod Fund. Division staff supports the City's Redevelopment and Housll1g AdVISory Committee and its Subcommittees. :~,M,'[IMiTWGG%'eS-AND:.6B:J'Eefl,"ES' ;:::;.r ..' "'"' ,",~' ,:"'~"e ,.lj'.:."...."."';:..,;~r."."~.-.. '"'--;-,.,",.. .~.,:~.;.:;;~~~.".._~~~,,;~ ~..~,. ".... , , I I ,.. Select buyers, Issue and monitor $1 q million in loan funds to first-timc-homc-buyers through the SHOP I program. . ,. Begll1 construction of 59 single-family homes on four Agency'owned sites throughout the Community ,. Complete construction of 56-unit rental hOl)l~'Cor)1Rlex on Community Road at [-lilleary Place, i , Design and finance a 55-unit multi-family clevelopmeht<on north Poway sitc on Monte Vista Road, ,., lllltlate deSign ofBnghton Avenue.mu1ti'fan:iily.deveYopment. " },..,'" .0' ,. Plan affordable housing developi1ienLsiteswithih.the<l6~acfe Mixed Use project area. , Manage 6 existing affordable housillg assetS'::Wit)j;~J6tai,"6r420:'linits worth over $50.0 million to assure I compliance with applicahle agreei1iei:itsahd~pi'ope(repaynlefit of residual receipts loans valued at $ 13 8 million. -..0;" ,.. Service 122 residential rehabilitation loaiis wortli$hO milliqn and issue 30 new loans totaling $460,000 , Manage $250,000 annual Community Qcvelopgknt Block Grant fund. ,. Admll1lster $550,000 annual Non-Protit Capacity Building fUnd. I ,. Manage Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Comnllttee. I ,. Complete annual report to the State Dcpal1ment of Housing and Commul1lty Development. ,.. Develop and implement public outreach and education program focused on the need for atTordable housll1g. I ,.. Prepare and suppoI1 the Housll1g DIVISIOn sectIOns of the Agency's website. I I ;,. Complete update of Comprehensive Affordable Housll1g Strategy I ! Publish quarterly AtTordable Housll1g Newsletter I ,. I i t<SIGNiFiC0:NTA.cf!~!IY~R~QGRi\:MeFI~l'iQES:._,""~ . .-. - ", "._"._",<-",,-,j 4 - ''',<;:H.A:NGE'i <.... "... .. "~'" , '" . ... ' I ~ --_.,.<..~.-. ! 1799- Other ProfeSSIOnal Fees : -$18,260 I i l. I _J .........._.............. -..-- -.---.. ,_. .- _..._._ -I- .._.. ,'--" ......_.. 232 i -~,",",",-,",",",","," HOUSING PROGRAM Redewlol'ment Sen'ices Department Division No: 1040 ~,bj\" ,",',' ",," ' , "';""2,6'05106.,;'-7- 2i'ib, 6,,~01,;-' !:2006!Oijr -r26iJ7:081,d008"O,'9l' Wi--"""" "..........,c':'"... " ...." ................... -> ........:.', ,,:.,...>.;:.......:.n ~_.\,~ , "(~<f'-r-<" ,....'t.:"'",'."".-...~~ I <Co(lej::.,,::!'i:', 'g:~p'ense,Classifica:ti2!J.r"::.....::._=.+" "",'-_b9i!J!il;' ,6pJ5~oyeCl' '. 'Esiirniliec!'~ ,Pi.()RQ~dl '"illi()p(fse~ i ! Personnel Expense Range Position Title.... ' Full Time Equivalents :7R Housing Prog..a;'lS M~~ger 1 '00 100-' -'1 00 I - '] .o?l Too l' 69 Redev Project Administrator 1.00 I I 00 1.00 1.00 , 1.00 _ _ _,~~"..,R~~:~e~:~me~tCoordinator L 1.001__. 100 I ~.OO I 1.00 I 1.00 liota]!Allthorizedpositjqns(fjfUI))' .' , . ,- ,:~!O011 . .3100, . 3100- d!W ~. ...'~,.......... --'" .......".----- ,~~ ~ ._~,....._....,.,.,."...~., -",.,_.__._%: ..._~.__......_..,"._- _...._.~ 1110 Salaries - Regular 238,406 249,990 : 249,988 257,480 257,480 1199 Vacation & S/L Adjustment 5,954 -I' -I 1300 Employee Benetits I 100,344 112,920 112,223 117,850 120,370 I~ ,- ,j~y~~_~___~__",_,,~,_,__.,. ~" J. _L.--..,-c-, I', ," J'otiif;Rersowle1i . 362;910 '362121T 375'330" , 31') 850/ ;:.-. ~"""'::':""""..,.' ",.,.":~;,,,-...._-, '<-'--'-".~. _I ',_.k."""" -"-" ,......_-,....... "~'I_..:,~. ._~'1.i-=--~:. ! IOperations and Maintenance I ! . 'I 11510 Temporary Services - I -, - 5,000 5,000 1702a Fees- City Attomey 4,760 I 42,000 , 40,500 6,000 I 6,450 1702b Fees- Other Attomey 12,064 48,000 43,309 I 48,000 48,000 1704 Auditing Fees - I 8,550 : 8,550 1726 Special Studies 98,388 50,000 57,212 48,000: 48,000 1799 Other Professional Fees 50,758 94,000 <JO,OOO 50,000 50,000 .3110 Reimbursed Mileage 2,416 4,320 3,138 , 3,600 3,600 13140 Travel cmd Meetings 3,889 4,130 3,982 , 5,340 5,340 13310 Telephone 787 1.320 1,065 720 720 3311 Cell Phones & Pagers 600 600 13320 Postage 2,515 2,450 2,224 1750 1750 '4120 Other Contractual Services 163 11.000 11.000 4,170 430R Equipment Repair & Main!. 159 800 800 350 350 4710 Omee & StationelY Supplies 2,420 2,400 1.689 3,100 3,100 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 70 1,000 1,000 4760 Operating Supplies 783 2,040 )J60 1,500 I,SOO 4904 Community Relations 10,139 30,000 30,000 15,000, 15,000 4908 Education & Training 1,090 , 6,490 6,450 6,000 6,000 4922 Printing 5,682 20,900 5,642 : 5,000 5,000 4924 PJ,b1ications and Dues 2,127 1,090 1,090 6,490 6,490 4932 Advertising 1.200 1.200 1,200 1,200 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment 1,360 I 680 1,360 1,360 1,360 5710 Administrative Overhead/Costs ' , 136,950 137,840 Tota10pej-ations &'b1ailitenance 199,571 ' '323,8201 303;021; . 354;510 360:020 . Capital Outlay - I Total Capit~1 9l!tiay, '. ,il _.." " _ ,- Divisiun Total 544,276 ' 686,730 665,232 729.840 737,870 "~-" ."",".."',"-".",'," P" .._~ ~=,.,,","_ 233 ,..,",--,~"",""," ""'_.'. -,"""."','".,",--,, ."- -'"''-''''"-~-,'''''".,,~,.,''' - -,-,'.",,- - - -"""""- I Pow A Y ROYAL EST A TES MOBILEHOME PARK , Housi/lg Services I 1,_ T~-' _. .~=~" __ :i1='NlImher'JJ,40~. ___. __._ -.--..4t h,,. ~1J:~ffiIY:N,y Dg~~E'm;[]&)N;1I..'~~-':::~'- ....: _ ~:.;"._ l./ . "~I ,,,.,:.: _ . _ ,,: !I~., >. ':',,__',_j;'~;~ [ThiS DIVISion reflects annual operating costs for Po way Royal Estates Mobllchome Park This Park, consisting : of 399 spaces, was acquired in 1991, through the issuance of Certificates of Participation, The Agency purchased this mohi1ehome park and limited future space rent increases, through Rental Agreements that tie future reut increases to the increase in the Consumer Price Index. Wakeland Housing and Newport Pacifie eurrently manage the Park. Wakeland Housing provides a comprehensive Resident Services Program for residents of all ages. Management including onsite staff is budgeted within this Division, ~ , Continue to promote mobilchome living as part of the continuum of housing opportunities within the community I ,. Continue to develop positive relationships with all Park residents. , ,. Continue strategies for maintal11ing,,1b\V.'vacallcy factors. ,. Continuc existl11g rent'strll~turetied to the il1cre,.\se in th" Consumer Price Index (CPl) . , Evaluate the potential to trahsferowhersliip.6i:'tfie'Park:e6nsistent with the City's adopt_ed long-term goal. :;.. Maintain and Improve the physical condition of the Park's common areas and infrastructure by continuing I the pre venti ve 111aintenance prognUll. ! j> Implement the Park Rules and Regulations. , ,. Review, approve and coordmate escrows for new reSIdents moving into the Park. ! i ... Collect Park rents. I , ,. Implement the Poway Royal Lawsuit Settlement Agreemcnt. I I: ?J9NtB.I<B;%~i'1}q@!VltY~~~9IY\M.CHA}Jgg~ "_~.._~...;;_r.::: T -", '~-~ : ]fii'1\tIQfQj None . I I . I i ! -.-- ---- .- ---- 234 -"" ~~,~,- POWAY ROYAL MOBILEHOME PARK HOllsing 'ldministrat;o1t Deparlmellt Division No: 1140 .Obj.:.'<- -----;~-.;"r.-'': 7~ '2005006;i~2006-67!'' 2006t07 --206'7'08' ;2008!(j9';:; " _ '" ::.~ _".~" ,,, ..'". .. ",' . "'. ~ ,.".. '>. ,"'" ..1- '" ~'~ 1,;" "i'l>> ,.'1 @ode, ,< 'Ex~enSeOassificiition'. )'!X:ctUitl ,K'royeG 'Estimated; ,!Pfu"osed, 'Pf(f'osed"; ._" _"L_'P_~_..___,. .____ _~.'._,._ ",PPL" __ ___'__"" __..P ," . P......, !Personnel Expense I Range Position Title Full Time Equivalents 1- --' -- .. ...--.. ------. - ,,, -- .... 29 Lifeguard 0.15 0.15, 015 0.15 0.15 , -- .. ""'I ')"". ...;-~' '"". t. - ......-,~. .>-"\.k ~ . ",:;r;G'~ ,,_ 9.:l~", , QJ~j" 'Qt15 , .,:!'[J5! 1130 Salaries, Part Time 2,1481 2,ROO 2,310 . 3,120T 3,120 1300 ,Employee Benefits 31 210 6R I 340 I 350 .,_..",~ ..____ ~~..,-"-...-.'...- - ,_. - ,_.~,..I _.'~';':-"'~-'r ]otal:p,ersofule1: ':' 7,179 , 3,01Q 2,378; ,c3,~60 3i~'1Q\ ... ,J.__ -' .~--~- . '.' '-1' .-. --- " -- , - -, - .- - =- I Operations and Maintenance :' 2110 Gas and Electricity 442,343 417,600, 543,4R7 i 586,860 I 633,R10 2200 Other Utility Charges 330,209 389,910 , 369,706 : 422,130 ~ 450,700 2900 'Trash Removal 60,001 74,730, 72,665 i 80,710' 87,170 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 1,071 950 949 , 630 I 530 3140 . Travcl and Meetings 7Y4 2,4g0 2,480 : 2,4RO ' 2,480 . i I 3310 . Telephone 6.322 I 4,920, 4,924 5,900 6,110 3320 Postage 1,030 I 1,300 U02 550 550 4114 Janitorial Services 430 600 1,530 1,600 1,600 4116 Contract Landscape Main!. 31,045 I 34,000 33,YY5 34,000 34,000 4[20 Other Contractual Services 491,577 521,670 520,952 54g,3YO 575,660 4304 R&M Building 104,373 52,000 51,997 52,000 52,000 . 430R R&M Equipmcnt 14,Y,74 14,730 14,729 12,R90 12,g90 4312 Outside Vehicle Repair & MainL X06 2,SgO 2,5R4 2,5RO 2,5RO 4320 R&M Rmdway 32,35R 30,YOO 116,261 30,900 30,900 14332 Street Sweeping 3,840 4,420 4,420 4,420 4,420 '14502 Chemicals 3,326 : 2,700 4,270 4,270 4,270 ,4516 Small Tools 230 I 400 399 400 400 14710 Office and StationelY Supplies 1,1 XO I 460 1,458 1,460 1,460 4720 Janitorial Supplies 1,147 1,800 I,ROI 1,800 I,ROO [4730 Photographic Supplies - : 600 5% 600 600 '14770 Landscaping Supplies 4,275 ! 3,600 3,597 3,600 3,600 14799 Other Supplies & Materials 8,470 i 11,550 11,550 11,550 11,550 ,4904 Community Re[ations 1,297 720 720 720 720 i4Y22 Printing 1,900 2,400 800 R30 X30 :4924 Publications and Dues 583 . 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 !492g Unifonl1s and LaundlY 2,7X3 3,240 3,235 3,240 3,400 14Y32 '\dvcltising 500 500 300 300 ,5108 Insurance Premiums-Othcr 4,294 5,200 4.600 5,200 5,200 SSlO Capital Outlay Renta1- Vehicles 1,660 R30 1,660 1,660 1,660 5540 Capltal Outlay Rental - Facilities 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 5710 Administrative Cost 5,000 5730 Intergovemmenta1 Fees 92,254 94,000 90,479 93,660 95,530 Tota(Qperati(jlis &Maih.@anc~ li834,sil j ,878,290 '2(659, r~62:'iQ6j830:2:2r8!220 Capital Outlay . 6120 Mobile Tools 550 420 l.210 Y10 6199 Other Equipment 3,542 1,500 1,300 ~ 13,720 680 I " TotaLCujJitill<Xitlay 3,5,42, 2;050 ,,' p201~;930 ~;5~O l_._~~~"..!.l}~~~'___...m_.___m........____,__""__, 1,840,291 I 1,8R3.350 2,063,244 2,125,220 2,223,280 235 1--- """,-"""" ~,-,,,.,, . ! ! I I i , , , i - I I I i I I i I I . pow A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I PROGRt\M OVERVIEW: 2007-2008 & 2008-09 HOUSINC PROCRAMS i I .""...- "'''"''''~'''''''''''''''_............~~H_._ ~._._~.".".""...~._~.__._..._".__..... ,....- POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROGRAM OVERVIEW . Housing Programs $11,733,5721 $33,000 $33JlOO $11,799,572 Other Programs 100000 ! 100,000 OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The Poway Redevelopment Agency's Housing Program Budget reflects the allocation of the Agency's financial resources for the purpose of providing specialized affordable housing services. The mix of programs funded for Fy 2007.0R and FY 2008.09 provides a broad range of housing services, Irom emergency housing to ongoing rent subsidies for income qualified persons and families residing in City.owned mobilehome parks. The Other Programs budgets are for projects that do not fit into onc of the other program or capital improvement categorics. Program funding for both years of the two. year budget will be provided in l~lture budget updates. . . 238 POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROGRAM OVERVIEW . ~ .' ~~ i;.. 1 [,'", ,~ '''. 'I' Si: '"" ~ Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Funding Sources 2007,2008 2008.2009 RDA Administration Fund $33,000 $33,000 Bond Proceeds - Low/Mod Housing Fund - Total Sources $33,000 $33,000 . . 239 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY . ~ ", . '" Beginning in fiscal year 19~3-94, Community Development Block Grant (CDBGI and Housing set-aside funds have been lIsed by the City to support Poway's HomeShare and Community Connections Program. The program is administered by ElderHelp of San Diego. A social service counselor is available on-site at the Poway Senior Center to provide onc-on-one case management and referrals for community members in need of regional support services. Hotel vouchers, transitional housing opportunities, emergency shelters, veteran's assistance and job coaching are among the variety of social service referrals provided. The program is also specialized in connecting low and modcr::lte-income renters with homeowners who provide altcD18tivehousing options to those who can benefit from a shared living environment. Program number 59/i0 was established for the portion of the program which is funded by the Agency's Housing FumL with CDBG funding reflected in program 5961 5960 Activity Through New Appropriatious Funding Source 6/30/06 Fiscal Year 07-08 Fiscal Year 0~-09 Total Project Low/Mod (471 ) $262,457 $ , S - $262,457 ,;,;~-:~ '~~:4j~$262~457:< "4". -'t'j}:d:~r;J C" """."-- '~$ 6 "," :~..;.~..~-,(:;"--_._...;,...;.;',,~._,- -.!II. ....~ ._..'...... ,;_ ~ ;",.~ G' ',,' . _ \"~,, 2,. ?,;!~~ 250,440 6,017 2/i2,457 Encumbrances Remaining Budget 6,017 $ - S - $ - 590 I ICity Funded-Not in Summaty Activity Through New A..ppropriatiolls . Funding Source 0/30/06 Fiscal Year 07,OR Fiscal Year OR-OY Total Project CD8G (241) S2~0.072 $40,000 S - $330,072 ,-' ~"'-"''''''~-''''''..- - - ;~ "., S290;07?~ ' '-~ .$40;O~O," - .,~t_~~_~~~2J ,,~ - cr()jaFI3~~~et ",-- ~,." ---- -'- Exp~nditures 262,560 27.595 Encumbrances Remain ing Budget 27,512 3~,917 39,917 ' 3~,917 ",..'c.'__'..,;,"-...,,',~~,":,>........c.-_- .."~ -=:"- ....--...... "--,.--y' ",........._..". --.._ ~'~"~'''.- '-:'~,;~'J' -~,-~; 59!i.z'BCJw.~Y\iiCm!l).EJIQJ1,I;';;'REI')I5 s l,!.13.2[)y,r~QQR,^M~ L_ ,'" .- -<.- -,--.- -- Initiatcd in 1991 the Mobilclmmc Rent <)ubsidy Program provides monthly rental assistance to income qualified hOllscholdsresiJing in the Poway Royallllobilehome park The program provides a rent credit of up to $1 00 per month to participating households whose incomes dD not exceed 55% of the area median income. Participating househulds must have lived in their PJrk for Jt least two yeJrs and CJnnot be delinquent in payment of rent. Currently there me 26 participating households. Activity Through Nc" Appropriations Funding Source 6/30/06 Fiscal Year 07-08 Fiscal Year 08-09 Total Project RDA Admin. (437) $91 R,OOO $33,000 $33,OO() $984,000 .~t6iXfB_11~g(;t~ _"c. -- S9'f8ToQO{ , ~. -- - "'"'--------'-"'"---... ,'""'------_.... -- --,.' Expenditures (J12,~61 91 I Encumbrances Remaining Budget 5,139 $38,139 71,139 .71,139 . 140 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY . '-"'J(:""''::'~-'''''''~-..", ,,," '.. ........_. .....,..... ~. ",' ~~;:"",""."._." _ ... ~, l.r"'-1:~:~<:~"':-' ,,~ . .. ,>. -!('".-.-_"''f....::(.,.,_.~--.'n- _ 't . :.i112158~IM<!lR,1'qAG~~R"E'IfJI1"0ER1'IljL@'A<rl:lIJl.R,<il,q~@.!4,.,,,:,c:!l:, ;:--",.," :"'::'>:' -''"'-'-, J, . ''1.i'> This program assists low- and moderate-income, first-time home buyers to qualify for conventional home-mortgages. The Program allows qualified home buyers to receive an annual tax credit of up to 20% of the amount of the annual interest paid on their home loan. Participants adjust their Federal withholding tax during the year in anticipation of this tax credit, making additional income available for monthly mortgage payments. Lenders factor this additional income into the equation for determining loan qualitlcation, The Mortgage Credit Certificate Pro/,'Tam is administered by a consultant, Affordable Housing Applications, through a cooperative agreement with the County of San Diego. The Program was initiated during FY 1994-95, and since that time, 23 families have been assisted with buying homes in Poway In FY 2008-09, program availability will increase significantly with up to 33 first time home buyers qualifying as a result of the future Meadows and York Avenue single family homes being developed. Activity Through New Appropriations 6/30/06 Fiscal Year 07-08 Fiscal Year 08-09 Total Project $22,000 $ - $ , $22,000 '';l "$22;066 ' -,---- :~$:;J r~~.$:~;j(' _~.=~ $22'000' ....--------........,..... -_..- "","'" 15,979 15,979 EllclImbrallces Remaining Budget 6,021 $6,021 $1\,021 ,,1\,021 '--,.-'".,""''''':~~:._...,.-..'--;,.:-._.,..:...----~_.~.":.,,..::......:.::....:::....::c:-._.::.:::.:::.:::'..:::..:.:~:::::...:::....:.:::..~_...~ -...........-- ~ _._-~_. --- --- . -. .....~_......._._...- . ..59?6.lMO]\[:rEIYIS;rA,AF!;0R0ml?Pi~II}<?12I~~.]\[ET, """""""""", .' . . ':, ,.' '-~~I;lding ;ro\~;d~(~-f()r :C~:l~;':i~i~~)f-this Aff:~~:b~.l-lL~l~sin~~'~H) ~~:~<y s~';-i~ January 20(-)~ ~~~-~~cvel~~)~~- selection process is expected to commence in 2008. It is estimated that this property will accommodate lip to 51 workforce housing units. ".dditional funds requested in FY2007-08 and FY200~-09 to pursLle site expansion opportunities to increase the nUlllber of future aflordablc housing units that can be accomlllodated on site lip to 101 Activity Through New ".ppropriations Funding Source 6/30/01\ Fiscal Year 07-08 Fiscal Year OR-09 Total Project Low/Mod HOLlsing (471 ) $1,31\2,500 $ - $ - $1,362,500 cT6fai'Bu(j';yer:-"'~' " '7r. ].:.:.: ~~:'"~'.-~F ~-~_1~F~1i~15Q~ .:....~;:.;,,:...::....:.:.::...::..:.;O_l?r._~:............._.~.... _--"~._ ____....,:, _~_' Expenditures 1,311,887 Encumhranccs Remaining Balance $50,613 $50,613 $50,1\13 $50,1\13 . 241 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY . Funding provided for acquisition of eight parcels that comprises this Aifordable Housing (AH) Overlay during FY 2000-2001 Existing residential and business occupants were successfully relocated to alternate sites. Funding was appropriated to cover these relocation costs, as well as demolition/site clearance expenses, It is estimated that this site will accommodate 91 arfordable, workforce housing units. Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 6/30/06 Fiscal Year 07-0R Fiscal Year 08-09 Total Project Low/Mod l'lousing (471) $3,698,615 $ - $ - $3,698,615 ':tothl~Blffi(iet. H l;~ ~ ",L~~'"H c' " ",$3.698'61'5" . ,.~~ ;!i:~;::,~~... ".1. ~ ,'-~- ,.,'. ~'- Expenditures 3,608,153 Encumbrances Remaining Balance 90,462 $90,462 $90,462 $90,462 --...-"'. -._. Purchase of a 2.5 acre parcel as a future affordable housing site. Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 6/30/06 Fiscal Year 07-1J8 Fiscal Year 08-1)9 Total Project Low/Mod Housing (471 ) $970,000 $ - $ - $970,000 "cfola1'BiiCtgel T' -"';'" .- ....... ----- :$<j;).O:oOO~ · u'_ $ --f-" .. $f, $W,Q-:lTQl[ . __ "...,..... .,,_. ~_.__r"......... _ ._~.. _...c~_ ". "'---...:.-;....~. - ' , - ExpcnditllreS 909,953 909,953 Encumbrances Remaining Balance ,60,047 $60,1l47 $60,047 $60,047 i5990 .THE MElhD0WS r- .~-"11 "",. .- -T: ~. 'JL':-",- , , .~,... -".-_" '-"~~",-_,,,: Purchase of a four acre parcel to uevelop single family homes that will be sold to low and moderate income buyers. Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 6/30106 Fiscal Year 07-08 Fiscal Year 08-09 Total Project Low/Mod Housing (47 J) $4,500,000 $ - $ - $4,500,000 '.:~fJ5Jg.1:BEg~~i~ - $4cS(106()(J". - - $4'506000 -- _. ~~:..- .'. _ ~_ ~ '._~':';,~'~';;;"";IiI";i.:d.__. ,-....,. '~:&Ii.;;2."'..<=;.... Expenuitures 4,252,312 4,252,312 Encumbrances 2,000 2,000 Remaining Balance $245,688 .'245,688 ,245,688 $245,688 - ',-- .."........- .<..~. , ~ <\ctivity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 6/30106 Fiscal Year 07-0R Fiscal Year 08-09 Total Project RDA Admin. (437) $ 940,000 $33,000 33,000 $1,006,000 Low'Mod Housing (471) 10,793,572 10,793,572 ~9i~j:B!!~g~f~"'~-'~ a, " .i$'j\1 \i)j'315i72" \r . :$3'3"666; $3'3'660," j" j$irI1:<j9~:5i),;D . , -r ~;l, E~ "_...l;:...=........:....."J;,, ". =.x;,'~>;(~~ ........~_ 4 ::_~2-~~.. _~_'-- _"='.'","'"",,.,,, _._.~~-.,_.,.",(.""'-.".~....... Total Expenditures 11,530,145 33,612 11,563 757 Total Encumbrances 2,000 2,000 Total Remaining Budget 201,427 $200,R 15 233,815 233,815 242 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY . -. '~'.. -~:,.. .", " " "~ . . --~- l<"~""';"'-~~'T:--71~i;;:;-~;' ,"",':~-,~';"~;-~=::~L~,,~'='~'..~::~'_',' -~ ,~51 08 ;Envlroru!lel1tal~N1omtonngl::" .... " - L;,1t~,:,.,~,-,",;:,t~.~\,;:ri.,,::;,-;~i.>'J )' Program for funding multi-year environmental monitoring work associated with capital improvements. Initial funding will be used for the live-year monitoring ofthe Commuuity Road channeL Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 6/30/06 Fiscal Year 07-08 Fiscal Year 08,09 Total Project 200 I TABS (440) $100,000 $ - $ , $100,000 ,Toi~!;B,ua$ir::.... .:'::~ . ,- ~ ' ''''::::-T$T60iooo:' -.'" $ " >, '. ',lE~ C". "MOO:OOO ' \.,,,--,,.:.L; '-""-'.ji:<"':':::':.:t!'",~ _,^,:__ . - ".....2..:.:~.;........; Expenditures - - - - Encumbrances , - - - Rt:maining Budget $100,000 $ - $ - $100,000 :Th"""~- ""~'"'~-~::",,::::::"::::("':_~'," ~,_. ;. :...:"",:;:",;: '''~:T;::''':. '-,--' ~. ~ <> ,...", ~"-r""::---r :GTHER' PROGRAMS SlJMMi'lRY- ." 0:" , ,. . 'T~ :'-'~,,,",,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,",;,_;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,""""""'""~' "X''''''''~'''''''"'" ----- Acti vity Through New Appropriations Fundirig Source 6/30106 fiscal Year 07-08 Fiscal Year 08,09 Total Project 2001 TABS (440) $100,000 $- $ - $100,000 :-~- '1$'160(6oo:'~-'-$ -' .., $1.,,' :;-:--r-$Too'oo-o: ~. .,....._,,.::::.'.::......"~.~;.,.:.::.::.: .__. ._____.."'._ '.'.T._. .~..,..........,........,..._---~ Total Encumbrances . Total Remaining Budget $100,000 $ - $ - $100,000 . 243 r-- H~""'_"'''''~''''_'''"'''''''''''''~ "~"""""",.,,,._,,,,,,,,,''''',"~---''''~~-'''"'''-'''''''''"-'''"-'''"'"''-'' ~ . I , i I I , , , , , I I I , - POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY L FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2007-2008 & 2008-09 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM "~,,,.,,",""'~"'~ ~~"~"""",""""m'_mmm___'m~_"mm~_'~_' __ .. <__,__'___'m__< .-+__...._.____Hmm___'m_____"'_"_,.,,,__,",. POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW ~.I". ...., '4' , - ~, . ,,'_ll Intergovernmental Projects $ - $ - $ - Streets & Ilighways 16,601 ,950 6,896,434 23,498,384 Traffic Signals Flood Control & Drain. 250,000 250,000 Government Buildings 9,088,780 (226, 8,862,660 Parks and Open Space 3,673,280 ( 1,983,4 1,689,866 Water Improvements 1,882,610 2,750,000 4,632,610 Sewer Improvements 6,700,000 6,700,000 Housing Projects 13,171,748 13,171,748 ReVItalization Projects 800,000 725,000 1,525,000 ~ _.- ,;\ .I._ OVERVIEW COMMENTARV The Po way Redevelopment "'-geney's Capital Improvement Program represents an effort to allocate the potential ill1Oncia1 reSources of the Agency 111 a manner which will benefit the Paguay Project Area. Contained within the i\gency's work program are projects designed to eradIcate blighting condItions outlined 111 the Paguay Redevelopment Plan. The Projects described in this budget hdl Into the following ten major categories: r ntergovernmental Projects, Streets and Higll\vays~ Traffic Signals, Floud Control and Drainage, Government Buildings, Parks and Open Space, Water Improvements, Sewer Improvements, Housing Projects and RevitalIzation Projects. The pages that tl)llow cover the Redevelopment Agency's Capital Improvement Program which will be updated annually The projects Cllntained in the Lapitallmprovcment Program arc proposed to be tllllded through loans from the City, federal funds from theComlTIunity Development Block (irant Program or any other federal program, state-funded programs, and the Redevelopment Agency bonds. Funds advanced to the Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Program will be reimbursed 10 the City of Poway from tllture tax increment monies. Additona1 Capital Improvent projects Il)!' both years of the two-year budget will be provided in future budget updates. The Poway Redevelopment Agency amended the Redevelopment Plan 111 1993 As part of the amendment process, the Agency is required to meet and consult with atfeeted taxing entities. Further redevelopment law requires the Agency to pay an affected taxing entIty that amount of money which the Agency determines is appropriate to alleviate the finanCIal burden or detriment caused to such entity by a plan adoption or amendment. The Redevelopment Agency has has negotIated with each entity and has approved tax-sharing agreements with each of the taxing entities in order to alleviate the tlnancial detriment. 244 POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW -..""," .::"",Jr:" .\ ~ '.' ",' ~~'-'.\i: l~ . . I ~. OJ,,"" : "7'- .. "'. \'. '~ ;,. ,> .' S()urc'e,a'?d;AHpIiCl\ti.otl.\if Fun.d"~ ' T. "'"" - ~l'''\ I ......, ~_,.,.., <,<. '~..., ... _" .. 'FY 2001i-07to .F,Y ,2008-09 , J ..c, ,.......'" - 00' ""1" l~ b ~ 'I ..~ 'l~ " if; '" " .., .. " ' . '.:-- Funding Sourccs RDA Administration Fund $ - Capital Improvcments 8,905,240 Bond Proceeds Low/Mod Housing Fund 5,956,660 Total Sources $14,861,900 Fundinl.( Applications Intergovemmental Projects S - Strccts & Highways 6,896,434 TraffIc Signals Flood Control & Drainage Govcrnment Buildings (226,120) Parks and Open Space (1,983,414) Watcr lmprovcmcnts 2,750,000 Sewcr I mprovcmcnts 6,700,000 Housing Projects Revitalization Projects 725,000 Total Applications S 14,861,900 245 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 'i~~bi~IMRRO\(it~~N;r,~ROG~':~'~':,; "(' ' ",!'!) ~1'-'~'" '''~~~~~~'' ~~ ~ .ll '-"::'':'jl};;,.it',> '~:.:" .' . ."~'; ." ,''-,,'<'. S;r;REETS:A'Nb::HrGHWAMS,'. . ;\;;,>1- '.' ,!' ' ~'..".~ P;,' - T '. ;r ':~~~~1:r .1.,., --~'-:]!'_~-."Ii...... 0- i '" ",Q 't( ,t~ oz, "i1" +l.," ,:':r"~F"~ '" ~~: _~:., j .",'d4: '! ,623ii\pOWAY,'GRiA:DE,DEFT~TURNA:;ANE;c MIN1'.:]!>E ORe, 'J' > - , ~, ~ " , , ,~o.J" ~c..!;.,..,,-" ,.,....., ".~.,. "".,.......~..... ,.....:.... ... , _. This project will construct a len turn lane at the intersection of Po way Grade and MinH De Oro. The design for the project is complete and there is a neeu fur additional funding for Right of Way acquisition and construction. Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project RDA Projects (438) $, $175,000 $175,000 RDA Projects (2003 TAB) - 300,000 300,000 -.....----.-'-,.....~ " -- 'J., , -""$:, .",f. ., '-----:;-$'175:000 -...-..----"~" . 1'6talBiIdgOl' , " " .. .';0_ '$fl.75':o.90 ----... . - , . , 5260, MIDLAND RGAB'iMPROYEMENTS -......,...., , . , ~-,,.,,...--::---~<;c~ , ' ;,.;^:~ ,1 -""----~.. ~ ~'-"-"" .-...-- ....-... P-" .__,__,..__. ""~>" This project will reconstmct Midland Road from Aubrey Street to Edgemore Street. Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006,07 to F'y 2008-09 Total Project RDA Projects (2001 TAB) $ , $1,5ti7,840 $1,567,840 RDA Projects (2003 TAB) 3 488,tiOO 1,342,894 4,831,494 ...- -'.--.~ .-- - .."......,..~~..,... ~ '$3;JS8;tiOO' - ,$2,910,734 - --'''-~'''--'-. . Todl 'Blid"ei" ' _ .'__._ ~__ '$6~399,~3i _ .:-.'~" _~...O->,...-~_ ____.~ - . -- -- -----_.._.~- City Funding (Not included in .)'treels Improvements SlIfllJ11WY) Appropriations Funding Source Through ti/30/Oti FY 2006,07 to. F'y 2008,09 Total Project General (100) $ - $277 ,000 $277,000 Street Development (222. 232) - 520,4 75 520,475 Drainage (232) - 350,000 350,000 T6t~iBGdg';- ---.--, -- .- - --'- '''--;$'')' ~~ "~'$I,i1j7Ji5 -'---$1147475: '>0--' '..'~ , _ To/al FUI/ding -,.. .' -'--~-~'''"-''''''''''',.:----.- " - ~3;~~~?6bQj ,---':~~.40s8209' '7-=-_~ .$ffui6ill09, 1.~.:!otaliB'u(J~et ..' ."..' .~;. 1--, .~ ...."-~, ,'. -5 282 tiT~N-M;ii5rESB0l:A LEFTl'f'LJRN L~N ES --..-.. -;"_.....,..~-';-'-~ -'._"'--_..._,-- '_'''''-,.'--'~'~ .-" ':"'_~t_ . , . _ ._' ,::......~...;..:..;..-:..:;';O'.._....,:-...~..,.:.:l.;~:_..c.. ':.:'-J-- ...;::--,;;;;;,,-,.;,:.;, ." - " .. ,~, -~-,..~ ~ _ ...0-.....;;,. This project will rcconfigure the existing intersection to providc dual left-tU111 lanes l'or the northbound traffic !i'om Espola Road onto westbound Titan Way or to the Po way High Schuul Parking lots, The proposed improvcments will improve the intersection levels of Service 1'1'0111 LOS D to LOS l3 and relievc congestion 011 Espola Ruad south of Titan during school peak hours. Appropriations . Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project RDA Projects (2003 TAB) $ - $260,000 $260,000 ~()t~T[i"dg~r" ,,:;'-- - . .. --:;---, -~~260;ObO " -:~;$2~9',([69j ,~"-~ -~~- .::$j~~,! - .."'.' -""..._._----,----_._..~ ,..::.._....................: ....~;~.1__;:::.::.:...:1l;..... -,,-, 246 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ',1, ,t .,,~'~./ ~,'.' ,,' 'L _"'''', _, ,_~>_;.'" 'f '" ..<-:_~~ :, ~ ~ .' '.,- <. 'it"'~. 4 - . ,'CA2RlTAL'IMP.ROYEMEN;r;PR0GRAM'., .: ~:,' .:>.., ;'. i j' "'STREETS AN61i-llGIlWA%S~ ~.('~ . - "il},'?"':"'~,;:; ._ ''".~~. ,~:" .'J ...., ".~"...'''' t- %.:,,' .. . .. r.P ,:...,.,,~ t<' , ',.. <- . . ~'- . ~ ,,' 'c...J . '5288'POW AYR0A[). T0WN .GENTER. .. ,... , ,;-- - ~.'.,.~ .' -. '... , ~., - - " .... . ,~- OJ; This project funding will be lIsed for property acquisition over the next several years. Planning documents and capital improvements will begin in FY 08,09 Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006,07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project RDA Projects (2001 TAB) $3,000,000 $ - $3,000,000 RDA Projects (2003 TAB) 5,000,000 , 5,000,000 Low/Mod Housing (471) 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 'ToiaIiBudgci, .': jt '. .. .. .,~ $9;QOiYoo'o' . ~ - . ., - '$;: ..~.... - . . $9;000;000 .' ....... ~ . ,'.- '-. ,5298 OAK KNOLL ROAD:REVITALIZATION , . ."~ - >--" ' - This project will construct curb, gutter, sidewalk, and roadway improvements on Oak Knoll Road from Poway Road to Carriage Road. In addition to improvements to Oak Knoll, improvements to Carriage Road will be completed 500 feet north of Oak Knoll Road to Oak Knoll Road, Appropriations . Funding Source Through 6/30/06 F'r 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Projcct RDA Projects (200 I TAB) $863 450 $970,000 $1.833,450 RDA Projects (2003 TAB) . 2,030,700 2,030,700 ...:T.!>tall3iif~gi!f ' .=_-=~--:-. ' ~-c;-m ~$863;iI'50 = _~_==-=$tOOO:;700. '$3'864.'i~(f . ~.' '. ". u, _ City Funding (Not 1I1e1l1ded ill Street.'1 Improvements Summm:lj Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006,07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project Traffic Congestion Relief(224 $135,850 $ - $135,R50 ...-_.,,---........"...............~,~ - $135[850 --"'-Y', "I'" :,r ---.. Total-''B'udnet, , $)35i~50" j ..0 . .,. ~ Total Funding ""--... "" ..-. ""'-- 1 [$4,000':000 _ToI~Lcll]~lgeJ' L. .__~. ' $9'.)9;JQO .. , $3;000,700 ---'----"""__._.,..li.:.._.,_"._ __.J__~~'_..~ .,""",--.,.._",-..z-.- ,220,0.1 ].())VAYJ~!p!COMMUNIT,yRQAD [0!SFl'TUl~l'!!MRP.RQY,J3~ !2!Sf;LS: " This project modifies the existing raised median on PO\vay Road west of the Community Road intersection to increase the traffic signalleft-tum phase capacity Appropriations . Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project RDA Projects (2001 TAB) $ , $220,000 $220,000 'l~r6t~Tiftid'g"~~'-;"""'.", ~"'I:~:' 'T"t'.~-:-~t -,:~:"",'" :-- ..l~ ,,, '. $22U'OlJO :-"T""....""~". ,. , .' '$220:000 _1.-.-":';"~ ___...~_,_ __.__"'.---"-- . ....,i'."..,,' ...l~ '''', .' , .-' -- "- 247 PO WAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY _,~. ., _"';1::;';," '_'. :~' .",_ .". ., ". 4::' 'it ~;' ""~r '1",""'" J~~ ,~~r~.'..--> ,','.:' ",:,_" _'1-:,' ~~.;t::--'- jJAPr;TAL~[MRROvEMENiTrR0dR)PI!vl" " ,;' .'," '.' "". iSfREE'l'S'AN];),fllGHW$YS':. . ~:"~r!ii~~-"'.~~>~I~' L.i ," 1'~.~",";1i:' 'j",'j. j?' _ <';;"'ti".~Il';'\~.l; "',"'~',2:'h:-:''''''''~~~ <'~"" ".;.,' ,,-- _;~,,:." 59\r70LD,P.0WAYNElGHBORHOOD,S;f.REE'f IMBR0V,EMEN;rS" 0" .'.. , >. ~ ~ ""'-'- . .. '. l,.. ',," .. ._..~~_ ..."' . ..~_'_'_'"r_ r .~. _~"O. ',. '. , , . . This project will construct curb. gutter, sidewalk, and roadway improvements for Norwalk Street, Sycamore Avenue, and Yark A venue. Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project RDA Projects (2001 TAB) $3,249,900 $, $3,249,900 RDA Projects (2003 TAB) - 184,000 184,000 RDA Projects (432-438) , 66,000 66,000 . ;Totii1 j3uilge,t " ,$);~4?,900' ~ ',~,' - - $250:0jJO --:. $3A?9,~ STREETS' AND HIGHWAYS SUMMARY ;' ~, , " .. .~- '. - . - .._~ . -,' . .. , Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008,09 Total Project RDA Projccts (432-438) $ - $241.000 $241,000 RDA Projects (2001 TAB) 7,113,350 2,537,840 9,651,190 RDA Projects (2003 TAB) 8,488,600 4,117,594 12,606,194 ~{)\:"/Mod ['[o:,~i'~J:2.!]_ _ ___nm__..~'OOO,OOO _. _" __ ~ _ __ 1,000,000. JotalBuoget,'. . ..'S,.. ~1Ji,(jOL:9?9_ $6:~26,4?i. _ _ ..$23,498;384: . 248 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY . l;:5426!iValley'schb61nbi!Jinage:I,nnfovemei;&~~,I:,i~ ,,,.:~.,.-----,-,-:;...,~;, .' ','.,. ,J~ ,~ w,--" -.. .,,"4,' .,.,,,...~,,,,,_. ,--""..,",1''''''''..:...,...:......::-.'"''.:<'-'... ~-..".,., .,,,..... .~...". "":.""m.;";:::'::,~'.~. ..0" ,," --" ''',' . ",)~,,""L.,.............:i"""':"'-.:..-.:;...__"'" "._.~._^...b_ ~.o This project COl1stmcts drainage improvements at Valley School that will allow future improvement in an existing t100dway Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project RDA Projects (436) $250,000 $ - $250,000 ',' ., r " " W'.:-r."'-'-- 1:[' 'T """000; . ".."._,._...._."..~~~ . ,;. _ -'il$2~Q;b601 ':T.Qm!J3[lqg~t, _.",', .,:. . _ i ' \.. -, -~_!$"; "-" ~.,;.".~...,..."..~.......,- -::flo~0ID~@Llli~I(<DI~ANkB~!1~rA"@E-~UMM~~.r=-~u " ~,__" ~------~ ,'- Appropriations Through 6/30/06 FY 2001i-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Projecl RDA Projects (436) $250,000 $ - $250,000 _.__....,._._--".,,_.~-"~ '..t _ '$250-'000" -- -.-. _ ~__"" ..._.."..............',.:.~.--2..;;;;,"L"",,, . . 249 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY . This project will complete tenant improvements of 8,000 square feet in the Stowe Center for the Fiue Arts Center The tenant improvements will include design and fumishings for two inst11lctional rooms, art display area and restroom facilities. Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006,07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project RDA Projects (436) $144,850 $ - $144,850 RDA Projects (2001 TAB) 1,070.204 (407,120) 663,084 RDA Projects 12003 TAB) 1,929,796 1,929,796 ""'~L '~-''''':'>'''':;'/''', "-i': ~ ",-,'."'''1 , ,,.$3,lM,850; ____~, b.' "'.~ , ,- .j ~'551l2fFIRErTR.AitNINGfT6w.ER,' ~~r'-c-,:-~ ' -"-"''''--- , - .!.~t~ ~",~.":..'....~:~'.t="_..""::'.:.......:.~......._~ "~.~.J.:'_..,...___!:........._..:tL...::\_~ ~'. -".---.-- "-', L,";:",,"...,.!.'-' This project provides" training facility for the City olToway Fire Department. Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30106 FY 2006,07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project RDA Projects (434-436) $2,603 930 $ - $2,603,930 . RDA Projects (200 I TAB) 670,000 670,000 RDA Projects 12003 TAB) 1,860,000 1,860,000 ,:"Tota!\!3~at~t ~ ,- '-1 ~ $~\1%3,F:r6, c - - .~, --- , ~;$5n93'936; " $ 0:' , ....--... _.. ~-.=:.. ~_ ,~",:,'5 .....2..<...~ l;':B5'13 BIGS1;ONEi'wDGji ~,. .. .. .- -..",....- ~,~ "~""""'~'-'-"-- e . , .::..... - ' .... ...._::-..::.:..--..~.. ';-~'- . -. -""'-.........," ~ p. ,'f~ ,,-,,-~_.....- _... -- This project will demolish the existing roof and exterior structures leaving the stone\vulls intact. The site-will be developed into II passive park, which will include minor landscaping, lighting, fencing, and restroom facilities. The reductIon to the appropriation is due to a change ill scope from the original project. Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 1'1: 2006-07 to FY 200S-0lJ Total Project RDA Projects 12003 TAil) $750,000 (S394.000) $356,000 T5ta1~Bildget;- --.., ..', .. -',.--'$'750000 ,. '". '($39,*,000) ~...--'-,.-"~_. ..-,;.....-.--......- , . . ,'. ' :' $35q;QOQ __.. .;S,... ..._.. _ d, _ "-- _. ;,"::..'"..;:.2u;",~. -- .. - ............._~ .;,_u..........._~_.__ "..J.._.................._._._ . 250 POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY . . ,,' J C . ,~,. ,- ..".<; .... .... .- ;c' - .. .. f.... ...., .~. r ...'.. 'f:' c- ., ,~ :'i''''''''~'''''''''''''':';'';'''''''''''' ,. J ...:";~~.. -~ ~,'-'"~'-~',"':;r-"-'j,... ~_ ~.<-' ''''5B46ep'0WAY\R0YAE"''P(j)0B~NB'R(j)0E'REPA'IR':,,. . .....,.~_..~~i.;?,,~~.;::~ , 0;.,;.;;""_';;;,:,""';,',:"-"..:::.;:;,[""'" -,._,_. .......:il!'f;.:..::....:..:,;,:.,.Lt;:::.:..:n::r4.c;"''''",:....,.:__."...\ ~_,.,. ". _- ..,J ."-~. .:~. ,.. -,)'-. , This project will complete pool and deck area repairs, and complete roof repairs at both the phase 1 and phase II clubhouses at Po way Royal Mobile Home Park. Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006,07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project Capital Facilities (615) $ - $575,000 $575,000 ;if]Qf1i\~Bft-~iii:ei"::.._,~ ._~ ;""7,~::"""""," -"'''.-'~ >c~~ , - < -. .~..;";.:"~'~ .~, ," , $'57500'cr "$53-5(09Q, ---:-....L-" .,,~{~.._~ ._~..._....,.~,",- 'G0'V"ERNMENif'Ell:JfLDfNGSlSUN!M\\\'RY :~ ;;'::"', ", ~~ ~~ '""- _..".....~........ , .. "'. i:,...;, ,-, .... -.,'. :. ~ _.:._._" ...,.. ,., .....t.... ,. ....~" "'" . ....". ,_. "". . ".. ......~...... "'\'...-,~ ,,--.........--~;.~~ Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project Capital Facilities (615) $ - $575,0110 $575,000 RDA Projects (434-436) 2,808,780 - 2,808,780 RDA Projects (200\ TAB) 1,740,2114 (407,120) 1,333,084 RDA Projects (2003 TAB) 4,539,796 (394,000) 4,145,796 ....,....,.,._.....,,__....._-,..-...' -."W"'. , ",,:co - - -' ~~" .. ,,~ - -_....".~....,..*.,!',..~'...,.,...,.. total B'udgef ',' , :($226,120) . . $13,8'62'666 . -""'--_..._,,..;.~ '.......,------------~ _,e -' ",',;- - ~.~'~ . '.' . .'- _.... .....".,.,...""""~iL:'~ . 251 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY . This projcct will construct the Old Pnway Train Depot at the corner of Midland Road and Edgemoor Street Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008,09 Total Project Parks (411) $400,000 ($400,000) $ , RDA Projects (2001 TAB) 971,310 (80,320) 890,990 RDA Projects (2003 TAB) 2,301,970 (1,503,094) 79~,~76 _. , ' , , ~.....~,,(.........,.~. :~ ',,,;; ,c" ~'Ff(~;Ii2~\JJ;i~. .~... "",i~il;68J:86(' ."", ~:t61'!!JJ:lAgg~!.L,; , ., , "~-"~' "",". ' ',.................... "...,.....- Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project Parks (4111 $400,000 ($400,000) $ - RDA Projects (2001 TAB) 971,310 (80,320) ~90,990 RDA Projects (2003 TAB) 2,301,970 ( 1,503,(194) 798,876 '.-J'~""<l:"---'f ---" ,,"....... ,'.,,$11689 S'66/ . ,']iota!;j.Eigget --.'-'. _.- ~,.._. -- _.__._ ..J ___..u _.... - ';~."~--.....i.?.;~T..,.t; . . 252 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY . .- JS,7,li6?:,ESP@ThJl.,)ROAD" W~.;pERlMPRc5N:E'MENtS' ~t,. v -"i, 1,'\, ". .' ,',p~,'; ," ~Fi~ ,''''-' me< ......l....~.:"'-"~...,W...;;h"."'~:..,,'~", """"'"-"'~""". F"''''},~,;,:~,''~'''''i'' '~~~"">........":/;.;L:;),,,<,,"""'" { ,.. ,.;.:<:LjI:.>;".~" , "" "." "" .'.._..\ . _.!____.........."'..~ This project will install a water main pipeline in Espola Roadway fromTitan Way to Twin Peaks Road, which will increase the capacity to meet the ultimate dcmands in southern Poway and add pipeline supply redundancy Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project RDA Capital (436) $1,800,000 $ - $1,800,000 RDA Projects (2003 TAB) , 2,750,000 2,750,000 ...".......... ,......~ - ~ ..~:...y::::.:.:.;.;..:..:.'0 - ..." J "pc....~.;.,.:;" "'".. _.. ... 'r.~.'"..._..- ....~_. __,~ "";.....". . LtQfal)3ui!~s~; , .' "'~_e " . "', /$'U~00:009J ir.', ___..' ,.$2}7:5Q:QQQ! ~.__ ,'$,!:;?9.0;Q,QQj s:n'sC@M'N1llJNI:IW:R@&liVREDUCINOiSTWmrON"" . ", --~"""":ir., "r .- ,,' ,"-~,.,f"l', ""'~',,,j:::~.~:::.,,~.d~...,.;,~~;;.,,,'.:,,_'..,",,I.:", '..',..~:';,;"", ,- '_""~~~""::""''''~'' . ""_~__ This project will install a pressure reducing station in the business park between pressure zones 895 and 1028. The installation of the pressure reducing station will increase the fire flow capacity in the business park. Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project RDA Projects (2001 TAB) $R2,o10 $ - $82,610 . ~'F---'--' --'-''''-~$82I6i()~- ._-~ '-r "'-", - "',-" ':rotlil;Bildget.. '-_ ~ ___:__...~.....'-_ ,J~-.' " __ $.8,~j!!LQ City Punding (Not included in vVatcr Improvements SWjmla1~v) Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 200R-09 Tntal Project Water(5101 $ - $140.000 $141J,001J ':~, ,,""-~~_"",".,..,._ ._.~....~_ _ n~"'_"'"_''_''''' _ ~"o.. ~"""'_'''-'-'''''' C"',,,==- .......___ ~....,.~..:.~ . "Total 'Budget"! " " $!, ,. " $~.A..QiQ,Q.Q " ,$)~9:()6,D" Total Funding T5talnJifg8t"" ,.' ': ;';,T$82;610j ---r;:--: '~'$'f40l()OO: --', ,$222';6LO' ,...,.,,~W...J' -'" . _;.w!._,""""----_______,_ ~".^w '''''',,, ,~~ ~..""".."",,",,-.._ ~__"'~' "~."',''''......_ _, _~_ __ ---.........:.-.__..._..._ 'v~?\:',r;"'RiiM~'itO~EME'NT ~i~0M:&s:M '._'~.; ..::-~,., . ..~ .'..~_~ -=;. ~'" '::'. -_:. - Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008,09 Total Project RDA Capital (436) $1,800,000 $ - $1,800,000 RDA Projects (2001 TAB) 82,610 - 82,610 RDA Projects (21J03 TAB) - 2,750,000 2,750,000 :..tjj2I~lj~tidg\i!~-=--': ~-~ _ A, '=_:~j;~8_z,~j'9.1.',: ...~: ~~, ~.:_._~~;750:0001:.. ~--'<;~4:612,~f'cl' . 253 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY . This project will increase the size and replace the'existing se\ver trunk from Bowron Road to Pomerado Road. Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Tnta1 Project RDA Projects (436-439) $ - $5,600,000 $5,600,000 RDA Projects (2003 TABI 1,100,000 1,100,000 ""~'~'''',:::':':,H+''"'' r,"~" ~..::'..~.",.,- :'J'Qta,1~~!igg~y i ' ",;, - :$6-'700 000' ""..'..,,.,., ,'..."". A Ci(v Funding (Not ineJuded in Approptiations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project Sewer Utilities (520) $ - $400,000 $400,000 It()ihrB(fcig~t:. "~ .~, .1' -,.._~..,...,,,~... '--':~;:'i$400''oOO' I " " '" 1.$4,QQ;OQQi' :: .., -' ".,.....,.. Total Funding ~Ti5t5b)3_~~~er' _ ',I'" ,.~. -""'"''''~''',c- ~. :g:I'OO;Opo" ';~"_"C'~'~" T ""'- ~ ~...~_. '''''--- -' ., --,.,., -'. .._-....,......... . , ISJ;;Wl'JZ nV1J~RQ~E,K;1EN'F~ SllM~.&!{Y:' , , .' ". , ~ Appropriations Funding Source Through 6130106 FY 2006,07 to FY 201lX-09 Total Project RDA Projects (436-439) $ - $5,600.000 $5,600,000 RDA Projects (2003 TAB) 1,100,000 1,100,0110 ...,;"',.,........'.".'.:',",.:::.,..~-,.."....~ --. .,...,.,.---." -. .-- 'T:QtGIJ~ugg~t " , < ;$(j;7()();QQ()ji ~-~". -' <---- ~,~---~~_.. ,.-............... . 254 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ~S982qS9L*~t~Fq.IS!!l~!?~f!E' N!ffi~]!~F;(i\'l\1!t':Y:lli<i1Usm:gj!?fi~ss~~~J2:r~,'~ 't ,," :-,~"~""0 This project funded site acquisition, relocation, demolition and gap financing to the developer/owner to constnu..:t apartments on Community Road. The Agency acquired four parcels and provided assistance to the developer in the form of a residual receipts loan. Appropriatiuns Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006,07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project Low/Mod Housing (471) $4,274,430 $ - $4,274,430 ~"~. ..... ,_ __.' ,~ W"'."- ",,",--;--' ~F''('--'-~''''' .:.:;,.... '. ".' , ":.'~'''.''~ '0" /."""'-',1 i! Cfotal Bildget' ., ,. ,," ., . F" ::$,,; i:; ." '." :$4' 27'1''130, L".;""""','I'd..;.~ '._~ ,'..J' '-..""......,...~ Ow..d,.;;..~...~~"'.,2:...,..-_.;.,',_.._"_.." ~9.8'3!NON;RR0Fl:FGA<'pAGr;rY~BUlmfN@}S'EE@r);\'LJl.R0GRi\'MSFWEit. ...,. -'~'f;~- __.~......;;,...~;;..::...:..:.,.::~."".:. .. ~_....' .,..",,,-,,,,,""~ " .. ~"._ .. ""'iSiiii'" .~"j.::,,:;~"':::~U-J:.,.:;.,....'.... .,,"~, . _. - ..~", . JI. _ ,_ The purpose of this program is to disburse the 2% funding set-aside under the Smith settlement to nonprofit organizations that will work towards increasing the supply of low and moderate income 'housing in Poway Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-1)7 tu FY 200~-09 Tutal Project Non-ProCCap (472) $3,079,720 $, $3079,720 ;r2i~~I!"~eJ(~:.=~=-_~=-~, .~:: J~~!Q7~~~9 .. L _ -~ ,=-... .. =~"~~1Q:19,(f2Jl "'598li-f;IQUSrNG~AC~I;;ITlQN;;S<:j;BNB.[Q,EvR!(f;Q,;WN:(.f~NXM\ . .--,-,...;..,-,.. ----;' ,"- i~ ...,,,> - .......... . _'. "'"'-=- ~ ________., _ffi'i,..---"--"-........<.........A.l............."....,........... ..,'--......""'"..........".....,......... . __ . .............. ,~_.............._ _ _~__ ._. ~.__ ~_....,....... ...-.......... This project funds site acquisition, relocation and demolition of the parcel located within the Town Center project area adjacent to the Library It is anticipated that gap financing will he required to development an affordable, senior housing project. ApproprLations Funding Source Through 6/30106 FY 2006-07 to FY 200~-09 Total Project Low/Mod Housing 1471) $250,000 $ - $250,000 2001 TABs (473) 2,259,000 ' 2,259,000 - .... ...''':>:l-~" . ."' ._~".~. -. ...,.".""" -----..-----~..--<:..~.-=-""f;" _ ,,~-.r.~ '~....._~-~~""..._.--."'T"~':~ IT'otaliBudgeh ' . ~ " , ., ;$2;509;000, ' $",:' .; \$2;509;000' _'-._...........".::...... . -. .,..,' .,. ". ___u' .1, '. , """---.....".........~.._...!f....."." . 255 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY This project funus site acquisition as part of the Agency's contribution toward developing new housing for a new 11rst- time homebuycr program. Gap tinancing for development and/or down payment assistance may also be included as part of this project. Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008,09 Total Project Low/Mod Housing (471) $132,230 $ - $132,230 2001 TABs 1,176.368 1176,368 32,[~~~€:~~tl$;r~btt}f.'f~~i\iii~~lf~Q~g~g1~Qe::21J~I;r~QN: ~ ," This project fundeL~ site acquisition as part or the Agency's contribution toward developing new housing for first-time homcbuyers. Additional gap financing and/or down payment assistance may be utilized to ensure affordability Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30j()6 FY 2006,07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project 2003 TABS (441) $200,000 $ - $200,000 low/Mod Housing (471) 300.000 300,()00 2001 T"'Bs (473) 1,500,000 1,500,000 '.......-.n":,.~_,' _ ---.,......,'1:./1'--. , , .......... , __," ,;""",~~ ;rota1Bl1qge~: . c_' ~$c2,qygrOQO, .J. ' ~~g)llQ9:9D.91 , "..~ "_.. ....,," , ',"C'.":"""''''""", ._"...".....,.."...,..,. '_,,,,,,., ..... .../.":..'.--,......,:"........__ "'''.,,_ . HOT:J~Il'JGBRQ1.gcjiIS;SUl'v[MI\15)".' ',,', ,.............".....,,_. -.-.........."..~~ <~-"._"._.-.................". ,. .,."......,- - Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project 20m TABS (441 J $200,0110 $ - $200,000 low/Mod l10using (471) 4,956,660 4 956,660 Non-Prof Cap (4721 3,11797211 3,079,720 2001 TABs (473) 4935,368 4,935,368 . "" ..,.'.,:,.,::,.:...::"'."','."'''-::...':"' .,.. . ~-:,' rr--'" "......-----.....-.~.,..:..:.,;.,.,..~"',.,.. ~:'Fotai!3u.dgel .." r _$I,]:Jn]1~ ~,_~ _ ,_ ~ .. _::_' ",:.' Jfi;nM4~~ . 256 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY . This project is to sell agency land to the Midland Animal Clinic to facilitate development in the Old Poway Park area, As part of this project the RDA will acquire the existing land and building of the Midland Animal Clinic to be used as a temporary facility for the Public Works Department and ultimately additional parking for Old Poway n~_IT Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30106 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008,09 Total Project RDA Projects (2001 TAB) $800,000 $ - $800,000 '~',,'e',,"~~"'"""""" .. , , -"..c::....~'.....~',---,.-. ;r:otal',Buqget:: ': ' . "',,,_ ~8QO;ob:Q , ',i"-':'.~,i$~,o.o:Oo.o) . "S~S7,~iirt~'1~Elem~p:r~Fi:s,;;ho':lI;ImpigR,~P.1~nf~' "c,' :', ". _=~',;:", _.."""",'. .ILi This project will i'und the right of way improvements for Valley Elementary SchooL The Improvements will Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Projcct RDA Projects (2001 TAB) $ - $725,000 $725,000 ,t9i~LI.ludget - -,-.-. ---; . .~., '---,' -$i72S;Q'OO ,---",~~,""....."_.~.--._..,","_..... ._.".._.".~----,.,-- - - -"-.- --...... ..~__...,',~'......... . ,REvi'PA'r;I:ZWTl<DNBR0jEeTssi0MM~R;Y:'--, -~,~ '.. '" -~,- -':~~.....C.:" :';;:.~':"""':'''(.:'A':::;.,.."~;.~:._ !,.:':::::::,;.~,-:~.,;::':'.:...:._.,:';:~~,~~':"__. ':::C:.::::..:::::':::::: ~--.I..-_ .~~_ __.~....~_.......~".~_~--.:.-."... ---._---"'__., ...~"" Appropriations Funding Source Through 6/30/06 FY 2006-07 to FY 2008-09 Total Project RDA Projects (2001 TAR) $800,000 $725,000 $1,525,000 7'''C;':'::;''-<'~''''''^''''''''' ,--'--' -~- '~'~"...r~-" -'~--""'---""..."~-:- "-.-.....,..':'~~......~....., ';r9taL,?Jill!;~.t___ _ "_.' $JlQ~0;99Q~ _~ ___,___,~725,OOO, ' $'I~,525,000' . 257 I P AGUA Y REDEVELOPMENT I PROJECT AREA . I I , , I I . , , I , D Protect ArM Boundary ...--, ,. _.: Cty Boln1art ~ Exdu.lon.-.. . _._- _._._-_._.- ---.- ~_._- - -. . . APPENDIX A RESOLUTION NO. 07- ADOPTING FY 2007-08 AND FY 2008-09 FINANCIAL PROGRAM RESOLUTION NO 07- . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEARS 2007-08 AND 2008-2009 AND APPROPRIATING THE FUNDS NECESSARY TO MEET THE EXPENDITURE SET FORTH THEREIN I. ADOPTION OF ANNUAL BUDGET WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Poway has submitted to the City Council of the City of Poway a 2007-08 and 2008-2009 Fiscal Years Operating Budget in the amount of $__,___,___ (FY 2007-08) and $__,___,___ (FY 2008-09), a Capital Improvement Projects and Multi-Year Programs Budget of $_,___,___, and reflecting estimated General Fund revenues and operating transfers in the amount of $__,___,___ (FY 2007-08) and L_,___,___ (FY 2008-09) and proposed General Fund expenditures and uses of $__,___,___ (FY 2007-08) and $__,___,___ (FY 2008-09), and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway has heretofore considered said . budget and fixed the dates of June 12, and June 19, 2007, as the dates for holding public hearings relative to its adoption, and WHEREAS, following duly given notice, the City Council of the City of Poway did hold such public hearings, receiving, considering and evaluating all public comments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows Section 1 The City Manager's proposed 2007-08 and 2008-2009 Fiscal Years Budget for general and special City purposes is hereby amended as shown on the attached Exhibit A. Section 2: The City Manager's proposed 2007-08 and 2008-2009 Fiscal Years Budget for general and special City purposes, as amended in Section 1. is approved and adopted in the amount of $__.___,__ (FY 2007-08) and $ ,__ ,___ (FY 2008-09) for expenditures and $__,___,___ (FY 2007-08) and $__.___,___ (FY 2008-09) in revenues Section 3. The monies necessary to offset the expenses incurred as detailed in the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 budget document, as adopted by the City Council forthe City of Poway pursuant to Section 2 hereof, are authorized by this section to be appropriated out of the funds available to the City during the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 Fiscal Years . 260 . Resolution No 07- Page 2 Section 4. The City Manager is authorized to make such changes in department operating and capital improvement budget totals during the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 Fiscal Years as may be, from time to time, deemed desirable and necessary in order to meet the City's needs. Section 5 The City Manager is authorized to reappropriate prior year's unexpended encumbered funds as of June 30, 2007 and June 30, 2008, for work in progress. Section 6. The Capital Improvement Projects of the City of Poway are in conformance with the City of Poway Comprehensive Plan as governed by Section 65402 of the California Government Code. 11 APPROPRIATIONS OF FUND BALANCES WHEREAS, it has been determined that appropriating unappropriated reserve monies in various funds in a manner corresponding to the operational mode of the City is reasonable and proper; and WHEREAS, funds established and monies appropriated shall not be considered as . restricted totally in their availability and use and amounts may be adjusted between funds as necessary to serve the future needs of the City of Poway NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Poway does hereby direct that any unappropriated balance in the General Fund as of June 30. 2008, and June 30,2009, shall be automatically appropriated into the Contingency Fund therein, and That any unappropriated balance in the Water Fund as of June 30, 2008, and June 30, 2009, shall be automatically appropriated into the Contingency Fund therein, and That any unappropriated balance in the Sewer Fund as of June 30, 2008, and June 30, 2009, shall be automatically appropriated into the Contingency Fund therein III. COLLECTION AND EXPENDITURE OF DEVELOPER DEPOSITS WHEREAS, deposits will be accepted in the Developer Deposit Fund (Fund 761) during the fiscal year based upon the levels of development activity; and WHEREAS, the City is responsible for administering these deposits, including collection and disbursement of funds as necessary to pay for development services NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council hereby authorizes . expenditures of developer deposit funds on hand at July 1,2007, together with any funds collected during fiscal years 2007-08 and 2008-09 261 Resolution No 07- . Page 3 J..'IL, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM APPROPRIATIONS WHEREAS, the financial plan provides for the appropriation of monies for Capital Improvement Projects; and WHEREAS, these projects may span multiple fiscal years. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council hereby authorizes a continuing appropriation for the balances remaining in Capital Improvement Projects active as of June 30, 2007, and directs that the authorized appropriation shall be brought forward to be used in the fiscal years 2007 -08 and 2008-09 Capital Improvement Project program or until the completion of these projects. V. COLLECTION AND EXPENDITURE OF BUILDING INSPECTION FEES WHEREAS, fees collected by the City for building inspection services offset the City's contractual expenditures to provide inspection services NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council hereby authorizes the expenditure of all such fees collected during Fiscal Years 2007-08 and 2008-09, at the . discretion of the City Manager, provided that these fees be spent for the provision of said contractual building inspection services. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway, at a regular meeting thereof this 19th day of June 2007 ------------------------- Michael P Cafagna, Mayor ATTEST -------------------------------- L. Diane Shea, City Clerk . 262 . Resolution No 07- Page 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) I, L. Diane Shea, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No 07- was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 19th day of June 2007, and that it was so adopted by the following vote. AYES NOES ABSENT DISQUALIFIED' -------------------------------- L. Diane Shea, City Clerk . City of Poway m:\director\buli~j!~t\FY 07-08 08-09 city res1.doc . 263 . . APPENDIX B RESOLUTION NO. R-07- ADOPTING FY 2007-08 AND FY 2008-09 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINANCIAL PROGRAM RESOLUTION NO R-07- . A RESOLUTION OF THE POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEARS 2007-08 AND 2008-09, AUTHORIZING LOAN PAYBACK TO THE CITY OF POWAY FROM THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DEBT SERVICE FUND, AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES THEREFROM WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway (the "City"), in accordance with the provisions of the California Community Redevelopment Law, has created a Community Redevelopment Agency Administrative Fund for the purpose of accounting for administrative expenses of the Poway Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") and fund advances therefore, and WHEREAS, the City Council has approved by resolution of even date herewith, a community redevelopment budget for fiscal years 2007-08 and 2008-09 and has approved a net loan payback to the City in the amount of $_,___,___ (FY 2007-08) and $_,___,___ (FY 2008-09) to be deposited in the City's General Fund, Water Fund and Sewer Fund, and WHEREAS, the Agency desires to approve a community redevelopment budget for . fiscal years 2007-08 and 2008-09 and authorizes said payback to the City NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Poway Redevelopment Agency as follows. Section 1. The budget, a copy of which is on file in the City Clerk's office is hereby adopted and approved as the 2007-08 and 2008-09 budgets of the Agency Section 2. The net loan payback to the City of $_,___,___ for FY 2007-08 and $_,___,___ for FY 2008-09 appropriated to the Community Redevelopment Agency Debt Service Fund for debt service expenditures of the Agency, and the gross loan payback to the City of L,___,___ for FY 2007-08 and L,___,___ for FY 2008-09 as set forth in said budget, is hereby authorized by the Agency and the Agency agrees to pay interest thereon at a rate equal to the annual average interest accrued on investments of the City's General Fund as calculated on January 1st of each year The Agency acknowledges that said payback constitutes the relief of the same indebtedness from the Agency within the meaning of Article 6, Chapter 6, of the California Community Redevelopment Law . 266 . Resolution No R-07- Page 2 Section 3. The expenditure of monies from the Community Redevelopment Agency Administrative Fund for administrative expenses and capital projects as set forth in said budget is hereby authorized, subject to compliance with the same procedure established by the City for the expenditure of funds by other agencies and departments of the City subject to budgetary control. Section 4. As required by the Community Redevelopment Law, the Agency shall file with the City Council a detailed report of all of its transactions with respect to the Community Redevelopment Agency Administrative Fund, including a statement of all revenues and expenditures, no less than annually Section 5. The proposed 2007-08 and 2008-09 Fiscal Years Budget for the Community Redevelopment Agency is hereby amended as shown on the attached Exhibit A. Section 6. The Executive Director is authorized to make such changes in the administrative and capital improvement project budget totals during the 2007-08 and 2008- 09 Fiscal Years as may be, from time to time, deemed desirable and necessary in order to . meet the Agency's needs Section 7. The Executive Director is authorized to reappropriate prior year's unexpended encumbered funds as of June 30, 2007, June 30, 2008, and June 30, 2009, for work in progress Section 8. The Capital Improvement Projects of the Poway Redevelopment Agency are in conformance with the City of Poway Comprehensive Plan as governed by Section 65402 of the California Government Code. Section 9. The Redevelopment Agency hereby authorizes a continuing appropriation for the balances remaining in Capital Improvement Projects active as of June 30, 2007, and directs that the authorized appropriation shall be brought forward to be used in the fiscal years 2007 -08 and 2008-09 Capital Improvement Project program or until the completion of these projects. . 267 Resolution No R-07- . Page 3 PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the Board of Directors of the Poway Redevelopment Agency at a regular meeting thereof this 19th day of June 2007 -------------------------------- Michael P Cafagna, Chairman ATTEST ------------------------------- L. Diane Shea, Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, L. Diane Shea, Secretary of the Poway Redevelopment Agency, do hereby certify . under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No R-07- was duly adopted by the Board of Directors at a meeting of said Board on the 19th day of June 2007, and that it was so adopted by the following vote. AYES NOES ABSENT DISQUALIFIED' ------------------------------- L. Diane Shea, Secretary Poway Redevelopment Agency m:".clirer:lcr\budget\FY 07~OP. n?;-09 api-:rICY res1 ,clOG . 268 . . . APPENDIX C FUND DEFINITIONS GENERAL FUND The primary source ofrevenues for the General Fund are property taxes and sales tax. . General Fund revenues from all sources are shown on pages 2 and 3 The General Fund finances all of the Safety Services, Planning Services, Community Services, general engineering and the City administration. A summary of the expenditures and fund activity detail for the General Fund is shown on pages xii, xiii XIV, xv and 18 State Economic Uncertaintv Fund - This fund was created by transfers from the General Fund. It will be drawn upon, as necessary, to help mitigate the effects of possible reductions in state fimding over the next several fiscal years. It is combined with the General Fund in the summary reconciliations. The fund activity detail is shown on page 19 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Gas nIx-Streets - The fillld is used to finance the construction, rcpair and maintenance of City streets. As shown on page 4, sources of revenue are from gasoline tax and interest income. The expenditures and fund activity detail is shown on pages xii, xiii, xiv, xv and 20 Street Development Funds - The fund is used for street construction projects financed by developer's fees. Revenues are shown on page 4 The fund activity detail is shown on page 21 Prop" A" Tax Fund - This fund IS used to account for special sales taxes to be used for street and highway projects approved by a regional transponation group Revenues are on page 4 . The fund activity dctail is shown on page xii, xiiI, XIV, xv and 22. Traftic Con~estion Fund This fund is used for street pavement maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction of associated facilities such as drainagc and traffic control deviccs fill1dcd by the State, AB 2928 Revenues for tl1ls fund are shown on page 4 The fund activity detail is shown on page 23 Draina~e Funds - Revenues for this fund are shown on page 4 The primary sourec of revenue is from drainage fees collected as development occurs. This revenue is used to finance construction of nood control and drainage improvements. The fund activity detail is shown on pages Xii, xiii, xiv, xv and 24 Grant Funds - These funds arc used to account for various grants that are received by the City Revenues are shown on page 5 The fund activity detad is shown on pagc 25 In-Lieu Funds - The Developer In-Lieu fund collects fees under the State Fair Share Housing mandate. The Habitat In-Lieu collects funds when developmcnt destroys habitat. Revenues arc shown on page 5 The fund activity detail is shown on page 26. Special Assessment Funds - These funds are used to finance public improvements or services that benefit the properties against which the assessments are levied. Revenues are shown on pages 5 and 6 Fund activIty detail is shown on pages 27-29 . 270 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS. . Park Improvements - ThIs fund is used to finance the cost of park construction. Revenues are shown on page 6. The fund activity detail is shown on page 30 Municipal Improvement - Revenue for this fund is shown on page 6 The fund is used to finance City capital improvemcnt projects. The proposed budget is shown on page 31 Old Coach Waterline - This fund was used to construct the Old Coach Waterline. The project was financed by property owner contributions and bond debt that is being repaid by property owners. Revenue for this fund is shown on page 7, and the fund activity detail is shown on page 32. City Office Building Proiect - This fund is being used to finance the majority of the cost of the new City Office Building complex. This portion of the project was financed by 2003 Certificates of Participation. The bonds will be repaid by contributions from the General, Water and Sewer funds, as well as by leasing space to the Redevelopment Agency Revenue for this fund is shown on page 7, and the fund activity detail is shown on page 33 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS - These funds record the revenues and expenditures associated with the financing of the City's general debt, Community Facilities Districts # I and #88-1, the High Vallcy Road Project, and the Old Coach Watcrline Project bonds. Revenue sourccs are shown on page 6 The fund activity detail is shown on pages 34-3g . ENTERPRISE FUNDS. Watcr Fund - The Water Fund is a self..supported enterprise fund. Thc primary source of revenue for this fund is from the sale of water All revenues for the fund are shown on page 7 The budget for the Water Fund is shown on pages xii, xiii, xiv, xv and 39 Sewer Fund - The primary source of revenue for the sewer fund is the sewer service charge Other sources of revenue for thiS fund are shown on page 8 The proposed budget for the Sewer Fund is shown on pagcs xii, xiii, xiv, xv and 40 CAPIT AL REPLACEMENT FUND - The capital replaeemcnt fund is used to finance the replacemcnt of City vehicles and major equipment. The revenue for this fund comes ti'om sale of surplus property and rental fees charged to each of the divisions that have been assigned vehicles or equipment. Revenues are shown on page 8. Expenditures are on page xii, xiii, xiv, xv and 41 TRUST FUNDS - Thcse funds are used to account for proprietary trusts that have been donated to the City Tmst Fund revenues are shown on pages 8 and 9 Fund activity detail is shown on pages 42 - 46 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - The funding for the Redevelopment Agency includes . loans from the City The total budget for the Redevelopment Agency is shown on pages 233 through 339 271 . . . APPENDIX D I EXPENSE CHART OF ACCOUNTS AND DEFINITIONS I EXPENSE ACCOUNT DEFINITIONS . PERSONNEL SERVICES. Salaries, wages, benetits and fees for personnel services not involving the furnishing of materials. I 100 Salaries 1110 Regular. Compensation paid to regularly employed personnel on the City's payroll, assigned payroll number and subject to normal payroll deductions, such compensation includes stand-by (call-out) pay, paramedic pay, shift differential, etc ). 1112 Shift Differential Additional per-hour wages paid for working special shifts. 1114 Stand-bv Pav. AdditIOnal pay for being on-call outside of normal work shifts. 1120 Salanes - Special. Salaries paid to Councilmembers and any others not subject to the majority of the normal payroll deductions. 1130 Salaries - Part-Time. Wages paid to employees who are classified as part-time employees. 1140 Salaries - Overtime. POI1ion of the salary subject to premium pay 1150 FLSA Overtime Overtimc paid in accordance With the Fair Labor Standards Act. . 1160 Paramedic Proficiencv Pav Supplementary wages fix employees assigned as paramedics. 1199 Vacation & S/L Adiustment. Expensc for accrual of un us cd vacation and sick leave benefits. 1300 Emplovee Benefits 1310a Health Insurance. City-paid portion of Prcfened Providcr Plan (PPO). 1310b Health Insurance. City-paid portion of Hcalth Maintenancc Plan (HMO). 1320a Dental Insurance. City-paid portion Prcferred Provider Plan (1'1'0). 1320b Dental Insurance City-paid Health Maintenance Plan (HMO). 1330 PARS Retirement System. Part-time employce retirement system. 1340 PERS Retirement Svstem. Employee retirement system 1350 Workers Compo Benefits. City-paid workers compensation bencfits. 1360 Life Insurance City-paid workers compensation benefits. . 274 1370 Deferred Compo City-paid deferred compensation benefits. . 1380 FICA Medicare. City-paid FICA Medicare benefits. 1390 Vision Care. City-paid eye-care medical plan. 1395 LTD. City-paid long term disability insurance. 1500 Services 1510 Temporarv Services. Cost of outside temporary personnel hired on an "as needed" basis. 1520 V olunteer Service. Volunteer workers, such as volunteer firetighters on call for fire suppressIOn. 1700 Fees l702a Citv Attornev Fees. Compensation paid to the City Attorney 1702b Other Attornev Fees. Compensation paid to lawyers other than the City Attorney for legal advice. l702c Litigation - City Attornev. Compensation paid to the City Attorney to represent the City in . court appearances Liti!.!:atlon - Other Attornev. Compensation paid to lawyers other than the City Attorney to 1702d represent the City in court appearances. 1704 Audit Service. Compensation paid to certitied public accountants and other outside accountants engaged by Council. 1706 Buildin!.!: Inspection. Contract building inspection services. 1707 Buildin!.!: Inspection - Mobilehomes. Contract lI1spection for mobilehomes. 1708 Chemical Analvsis. Compensation paid to chemists and other SCientists for analytical work. 1709 Building Inspection - Roofin!.!:. Contract Inspection for rooting. 1711 Buildin!.!: Inspection - City Proiects. Contract inspection for City projects. 1712 Data Proeessin!.!: Consultant. Compensation paid to data processing consultants. 1714a Land Development Engineering. Compensation paid to cngineers for land developmcnt analysis including right-of-way engmeering. . 1714b Water Proiect Engineering. Compensation paid to engmeers for watcr projccts. 275 1714c Sewer Proiect Engineering. Compensation paid to engineers for scwer projects. 17I4d Traffic Engineering. Compensation paid to engineers for traffic projects. . 1714e Construction Engineering. Compensation paid to engineers for construction surveys, material and compaction testing and consultation cte., that occur during the construction phase. 1714g Engineering. Compensation paid to engineers for general services not otherwise classified. 1726 Special Studies. Cost of special studies and analysis pcrformed by outside consultants and other professionals for specific programs, e.g., personnel study, needs assessment study, etc. 1799 Other Professional Fees. Othcr services not otherwise classified, such as election fees, codification, surveying, etc. 2000 UTILITIES. TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES. Utilities, allowances in lieu of City cars, City fleet costs, travel and subsistence allowances, advertising, reenlItment and postage. 2110 Gas and Eleetrieitv Payment for electricity and gas used for general purpose activities, not otherwise c1assi fied, to provide lighting, heating and power 2120 Signal Power. Cost of electricity used for traffic signals. . 2130 Street Safelv Light and Power. Cost of elcctriclty to provide satety lighting on City streets. 2140a Pumping Power - Camel Back. Utility charges for pumping water through this pump station location to serve the utility consumcrs. These costs are passed on to the consumers as a pumping charge on the utility bill and returned to the City as revenue. 2140b Pump in\.( Powcr - Camino Del Valle. Utility charges for pumping watcr to this location. See 2140a for more intormation. 2140c Pumpin\.( Power - Community Road/South Powav Utility charges tor pumping water to this location. See 2140a for more information. 2140e Pumpin\.( Power - Del Poniente. Utility charges for pumping water to this location. See 2140a tor more information. 2140g Pumpll1\.( Power - Gre\.(\.( Street. Utility charges for pumping water to this location. See 2140a tor more information. 2140h Pumping Power - Highlands. Utility charges for pumping water to this location See 2140a for more infonnation. 2140i Pumping Power - High Valley. Utility charges for pumpll1g water to this location. See 2140a . tor more infonnation. 276 2140j Pumping Power - Cloudcroft. Utility charges for pumping water to this location. See 2140a . for more information. 2140k Pumping Power - Lake Powav/Plant. Utility charges for pumping water to this location. See 2140a for more information. 21401 Pumping Power - Northcrest. Utility charges for pumping water to this location. See 2140a for more information. 2140m Pumping Power - St. Andrews. Utility charge for pumping wastewater through this pump station location to serve the utility consumers. See 2140a for more information. 2140n Pumping Power - Welton. Utility charge for pumping water to this location. See 2140a for more infonnation. 21400 Pumping Power - Old Coach Lift Station. Utility charges for pumping wastewater through this pump station location to servc the utility consumers. See 2140a for more information. 2140p Pumping Power - Plant/Raw. Utility charges for pumping to water or sewer facility See 2140a for more information. 2140r Pumping Power - Woodcliff. Utility charges for pumping water through this pump station location to serve the utility consumers. Sec 2140a for more information. . 2140s Pumping Power - Gregg St. Utility charges for pumping to water or sewer t~lcility See 2140a for more intommtiun. 2140t Pumping Power - Old Coach Pump. Utility charges for pumping to water or sewer facility See 2140a for more Jl1fonnation. 2140u Pumping Power - Old Coach Lift. Utility charges for pumplllg to water or sewer facility See 2140a for more information. 2200 Other Utilities. Minor utility charges for gas, electricity, telephone, alarm, water trash removal ete where specitic identification of service type is not nccessary 2310 Telemetrv. Telephone line lease charges and electricity cost for signal transl11lssion involving measurement and control ofwatcr and scwer pump stations. 27110 Water 2710 Raw Water. Cost of buying untreated water for resale. 2720 Water Storage Adiustment. Account uscd by Finance annually to adjust watcr inventory to the actual level. . 2730 Treated Water. RClmbursable cost of treated water used landscapc mall1tenance distncts. mobile home parks, etc. 277 2740 Reclaimed Water Purchase of reclaimed water . 2810 M&O - Metro System. Same as 2840 2820 M&O - Bernardo Svstem. Same as 2840 2830 Capacity - Metro Svstem. Annual capacity service charges paid to the City of San Diego 2840 M&O - Penasquitos System. Maintenance and operations charges paid to the City of San Diego for effluent through this system. 2900 Trash Removal. Cost of contract to remove trash. 2910 Hazardous Waste Cost of disposal of hazardous waste 3000 Transportation and Communication 3110 Reimbursed Mileage. Money paid to City staff and others for use of their own vehicles on a time basis or mileage basis established by the Council. This payment represents either a mileage reimbursement or a car allowance paid to designated employees In lieu of an assigned City vehicle 3120 Vehicle Operations. Cost of fuel purchased by Vehicle Maintenance diVision. . 3130 Vehicle Maintenance. Labor, materials, parts and other costs associated with maintenance of City-owned vehicles. These costs are normally in-house charges by the City's Vehicle and EqUipment Maintenance Division to other City departments/divisions. This account is also used by the Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance DiVISion to acquire parts and materials to proVide these services. 3140 Travcl and Meetings. Costs of attcnding mcetings, seminars, conferences or workshops. Such charges include meals, transpOltation, lodging, registration fees, etc. 3300 Communications 3310 Telephone. Cost oftelcphone charges for service, installation, local and long distance calls, and cost of sending telegrams. 3320 Postage. Mailing expense including parcel post. 4000 Services, Repairs, Maintenance, Materials & Supplies 4100 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES. Labor, serviccs and materials contracted for outside the division. 4102 Animal Regulation. Contractual agreement for removal of dead animals, animal regulation, . and animal control. 278 4104 Community Safety. Contract costs with the County Sheriffs Department for police . protection. Also includes other costs associated with police protection. 4106 Dispatch Contract - Fire. Contract cost with the City of San Diego's Fire Department for dispatch service. 4108 Dispatch Contract - Sheriff. Costs paid to San Diego County Sheriffs Department for contracted dispatcher's services. 4109 School Crossing Guard Contract. Costs paid to Poway Unified School District for school crossing guard services. 4110 Environmental Impact Review-Plans. Contract costs for review of plans for consideration. This expensc is offset by revenue for environmental impact plan fees. 4112a Safety Services Building Inspection. Compensation paid for providing building fire inspection service. 4112b Engineering Inspection. Special engineering inspections on contracted private or public improvements. 4112c Landscape Inspection. Compensation paid for providing Landscape Inspection services. . 4114 Janitorial Services. Payments to outside tlrms for providing Janitorial Services. 4116 Contract Landscape Mallltenance Cost of contractual maintenance. 4118 Leisure Contracts. Costs paid to outside rccreation leadcrs for programs. Thcse expenses are offset by rcvenue generated by these programs. 4120 Other Contractual Services. Any contractual service not assigned to one of the foregoing designations. 4122 Plan Check/Map Processing. Contract engineering costs for checking and processing plans and specifications to dctcrminc conformance with City requirements and specitications. 4126 Telecommunications Contracts. Costs paid to link City's computcr or other equipment with information provider's computer or other equipment through various telecommunication equipment. 4128 Relocation Assistance. Expenses incurred to help relocate businesses and rcsidents required to move by City/Rcdevelopment Agency improvement projects. 4130 Blue Sky Ranch. Expenses incurred to maintain Blue Sky Ranch. . 279 4300 Repairs and Maintenance 4302 R&M Air Conditioning. Costs associated with the repair and maintenance of the City's air . conditioning, heating, and ventilation units. 4304 R&M Building. Costs associated with repair and maintenance of the City's buildings and structures. 4306 R&M Elevator. Costs associated with the repair and maintenance of the City's elevator 4308 R&M Equipment. Costs associated with the repair and maintenance of City equipment not otherwise classified. This account includes the cost of service/maintcnance agreements. 4310 R&M Fire Hvdrants. Costs associatcd with rcpair and maintenance of City fire hydrants. 4312 R&M Outsidc Vehicle Repair. Repair of vehicles and equipment performed by outside shops for the Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Division. 4314 Pavement Evaluation. Engineering study of roadway condition for priority of repair 4316 R&M Playground Equipmcnt. Costs associatcd with the rcpair and maintenance of playground equipment. 4318 R&M Radios. Costs of contract to rcpair and maintain radios and associated radio . equipment. Also includcs rclatedmatcrials and suppllcs. 4320a R&M Roadway - Public Servlccs. Roadway repairs and maintenance materials used by Citv workforce. 4320b R&i\1 Roadway - Contract. Contract for patching, repairing and surfacing roadways. This also includes major repair and maintenancc of the roadways not otherwise c1assificd. 4324 R&M Sidewalks and Barricades. Trim and/or tree removal, repair and/or rcplace concrete sidewalks and curbs, repair and/or replace roadside guardrails. 4326 R&M Signals. Contract scrvices with private firm for City traffic signals and associated t1ashers. Service includes, but is not limited to, repair and mall1tenance of signals, safety lights, street lights and knock-down rcpair 4327 Strcct Lights - Repalr & Maintcnance. Repair and maintenance for City street lights. 4328 Street Repairs - S 300. To account for eligible strcet repairs financed by the City's 300 allocation. 4330 R&l'vI Street Striping. Contract service for striping roadway traffic lanes, islands, and bike lancs. . 4332 Street Sweeping. Contract cost for providing street sweeping service 280 4500 Materials Expendable items used by City departments having a monetary value ofless than . $50000 or which are entirely consumed or are fastened to a structure or real property to become part of such item. 4502 Chemicals. Cost of acquiring chemicals. This account is primarily used by Public Services for water or sewage treatment. 4504 Culvert Cleaning. Materials and supplies used to clcan and rcpair culverts, stonn drains and other waterways. 4506 Emplovee Awards. Awards presented to employees in recognition of their services and other special awards. 450~ Misc. Construction Matcrials. Construction materials not otherwise classified. 4510 Fish Stock. Purchase of fish to stock Lake Poway 4512 Oversizing Agreement. Materials and supplies used to enlarge lines beyond normal parameters. 4514 Sign Maintenance. Materials and supplics used for signs and billboards resurfacing and construction. . 4516 Small Tools. Hand tools, measuring tools, and othcr tools and instruments valucd at less than $10000 and often portable 451R Storm Repair & Clcanup. Materials used to repair damages caused by storms. 4520 Street Repair Materials. Matcrials and supplies uscd to repair and mall1tain roadways, sidewalks, curhs, and center medians, etc 4522a Trout Stock. Cost of stocking trout in Lakc Po way 4522b Other Fish Stock. Cost of stocking all other tish exccpt trout in the Lake Poway 4700 Supplies. Expendable items used by City departments having a monetary value ofless than $50000 or which are entirely consumed or are fastcncd to a structurc or rcal propcrty to bccome part of such item. 4710 Office & Stationerv Supplics. Consumablc Items used in an office, such as paper, pens, ribbons, note pads, etc. 4720 Janitorial Supplies. Thosc items used for cleaning such as rags, mops, brooms, soap, cleaners, etc. Also, consumable items such as papcr towels, soap, etc. . 4730 Photographic/Corv Supplies. Consumable items used for photography and photocopy processll1g. 281 4740 Medical Supplies. Consumable itcms such as bandages, oxygen and other first aid items. . This account is used primarily by the Paramedics. 4750 Safelv Supplies. SupplIes used in safety programs. 4760 Operating SupplIes. Supplies used for maintenance and operations of City-owncd property, including items that are unique to each activity 4770 Landscaping Supplies. Landscape and planting materials and supplies. 4780 Other Supplies and Materials. Costs of equipment, books, and services for the library 4799 Other Supplies and Materials. Materials and supplies not otherwise properly classified above 4900 Other Costs 4902 Cal-lD Systcm Safelv Services. Cost paid to implement a system of State-wide fingerprint identification network and database. 4904 Communitv Relations. Costs of dccorativc and promotional materials used to promote the City including such things as plaques, proclamations, flowcrs, school safcty patrol, etc 4906 D.A.R.E. Prol(ram. Costs paid to implement Drug A warencss and Resistance Education . Program (D.A.R.E.). 4908 Education and Traininl( Used for training at local colleges, for guest lectures and cducational films where ovcrnight travel is not Included. 4910 Elcction Services. To pay for election-related expenses. 4914 Joint Use Al(reement Contribution-PUSD. Cost paid to PUSD for joint usc facilitics. 4916 Mcdical Exams. Costs for periodic physical examinations required by thc City for City employees and for prospective cmployccs. 4918 Nuisance Abatement. Cost of soil stenlizatlon and/or weed abatement and/or vehicle abatement at off-street locations dcemed to be a public nuisancc. 4919 Vehicle Rel(ulation. Costs for processing parking citations. 4920 OutSide Emcrl(encv Assistancc. Used by Safety Scrvices for costs that are paid to other agencics for their assistance at a firc or chcmical spills such as costs including meals, support, etc 4922 Printing. Costs paid to outside tirms for printing, binding, and duplicating. . 282 4924 Publications and Dues. Payments for subscriptions to journals, newspapers and purchase of . books and other pamphlets to promote the interchange of ideas, membership fees and associated costs for officials and key employees to attend various municipal organizations to promote the interchange of ideas. Also used for the City's membership in the same type of organizations. 4926 Tuition Reimbursement. Cost of reimbursing City staff for fees paid to educational institutions. This account is used only in the Personnel Division and administered in accordance with the City's tuition reimbursement policy 4928 Uniforms and Laundry. Costs to purchase uniforms; laundry and dry cleaning offabrics including uniforms, draperies, cleaning rags, etc. 4930 Vehicle Regulation. Costs associated with traffic violation processing, bicycle licensing program, and towing program. 4932 Advertising. Advertising expense for public notices. 4934 Recruitment. Expcnses associated with hiring and promoting employees, such as fingerprinting, advertising, testing and costs associated with interview boards. 4936 Equipment Rental. Payment to rent machinery and equipmcnt including such items as trenchers, backhoe, etc. . 493g Rcnt-Buildings and Grounds. Payment to rcnt facilities buddings and grounds includll1g storage facilities. 5000 Transfer. Debt. and Intergovernmental Costs Rents, insurance, bond charges and fccs, uncollectibles, transfers and other expenses not otherwisc classi fied. 5\02 Bond Issuance Cost. Payment of bond issuance cost on bond Issue; i.e., cost of printing. 5104 Bond Refunding Cost. Payment of bond refunding expense on bond issues, notes and other dcbts. 5106 Expense Crcdits. To rccord transfcrs and expense reallocations not otherwise classified. SlOg Insurance Expense. Premiums for insurance and bonds other than fringe benefit insurance programs 5110 Interest Expense. Payment of interest on bond issue, note and other debt. 51\2 Lease Expense. Lease payments, including 1991 COP payment on Royal Mobile Home Park. . 5 \16 Other Fees. Includes fiscal agent fees associated With bond issues, or bond processing, taxes or other fixed costs. 283 51l~ Principal Expense. Payment of principal on bonds payable, notes and other debts. . 5120 Tax Sharin~ Agreements. Payments made to other taxing agencies pursuant to tax sharing agreements. 5121 Owner Participation A~reements. Payments made to developers pursuant tu owner participation agreements. 5500 Capital Outlav Rental 5510 Capital Outlav Rental - Vehicle. Rate paid to recover the anticipated replacement cost of City-owned vehicles as determined by the Administrative Services Department 5520 Capital Outlav Rental - Other Equipment. Rate paid to recover the anticipated replacement cost of City-owned equipment other than office equipment as detel111ined by the Administrative Services Department 5530 Capital Outlav Rental - Office. Rate paid to recover the anticipated replacement cost of City-owned office equipment. As determined by the Administrative Services Department. 5540 Capital Outlav Rental - Facilities. Rate paid to set aside tLmds for repair and maintenance of City t~lcilities. . 5700 lntcn!:overnmcntal Costs 5710 Administrative Cost. Au account used to accumulate internal administrative overhead costs for the Redevelopment Agency, Housing Operations, and special Landscape Districts. 5720 Cash Over/Under. Account used by cashiers unable to balance till. 5730 Inter~uvel11mental Fees. Regulatory fees to the State of California, County of San Diego or other governmental agencies. 5740 Refund. Reimbursement of overpayment due to error, mistake or omission. 5750 Uncollectibles. Bad debt write-off. 5760 Uninsured Claims. Payment of the City's cost for claims. 5900 DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS. Costs for deposit accounts collected for engineering and inspection by Public Services Department. 5910 Gradin~ Plan Check. Covers all City charges for grading plan revIew (including . consultants) 284 5920 Grading Inspection. All City charges for grading inspection (including consultants). . 5930 Final Map Checking. All City charges for checking maps, processing required forms, etc. (including consultants). 5940 Improvement Plan Checking. All City charges for improvement plan rcview (including consultants). 5950 lmprovement Inspection. All City charges for inspection of improvements (including consultants). 5960 Boundarv Adjustment Review All City charges for review of Boundary Adjustment, Certificates of Compliance, Certificate of Compliance for Parcel Map Waiver, Merg~r without parcel map. 5970 Misc. Engineering Requests. All City costs for stay application request; street or eascment vacation, special tentative map processing (BSI costs); temporary sewer and water applications. S980 Security Deposits (Cash) Cash deposits to secure construction of required improvements (may be total security or in combination with bond, letter of credit). 5985 Sewer AnnexatIon Deposits. Includes City charges for processing sewer dIstrict annexations . as well as annexation fces remit to the Statc of California. 60lH) CAPITAL OUTLAY & FIXED ASSETS. EquIpment, land, buildings and other assets valued at over $SOO 00 and with an antiCIpated useful life of more than one (I) year 6102 AthletIC Equinment. Line markers, signal guns for games, hurdles, backstops and other similar items when portable or mobile 6104 Autos and Trucks. Automobiles, trucks, trailers, motorcycles and all automotive equipment not listed, elsewhere. 6 ]()6 Const./Street Maint. E(/uip. Tractors, power shovels, cranes, mobile hoists, air compressors, and similar machines, including the vehicle carrying or suppOliing such items; street cleaning equipment. 6108 Drainage Structures. Ditches, culverts and underground pipes for movement of stornl waters. 6110 Fire Fighting Apparatus. Fire trucks, rescue vehicles, salvage trucks, fire extinguishers, special vehicles or other items not listed elsewhere that are procured for the primary purpose of extinguishing fires, includmg vclucles for movement of fire tighting personnel and their equipment. . 6112 Fire Hoses. Fire hose of all sizes when in the hands of the Fire Department. When used for other purposes, such as t1uslung streets, should be in 623 category 285 6114 Laboratorv Equipment. Scientific instruments. 6116 Lease Purchase. Payments made to use and obtain equipment per a contract. . 6118 Mains and Appurtenances. Mains, manholes, covers, and structures. 6120 Mobile Tools. Equipment mounted on wheels for easc of movement, but not including those in other categories above (623). Wood chippcrs, rotary tiller, lawn mowers, trimmers, etc., would come under this heading. 6122a Office Equipment. Office machines, typewriters, adding machines, calculators, check writers and such other equipment and machines excepting computers. Such items include desks, chairs, bcds, tables, stands, file cabinets, pictures, rugs, carpets, clocks, audio visual equipment and like itcms. 6122b Computer Hardware. Computer hardware, including upgrades, valued at over $10000 6122c Computer Software. Cost of licenses and documentation for computer software and software upgrades valued at over $\ 00 00 6124 Paramedic Equipment. Includes biomedical equipment used by the City's paramedics. 6126 Park Equipment. Park bcnches, picnic tables, and barbecues. 6128 Photographic Equipment. Equipment used to take, develop or display pictures, slides or film. . Includes cameras, camcorders, slidc projectors, and like Items. 6130 Shop Tools. Tools and equipment used in the shop 6132 Street Light Other. Other street equipment. 6134 ~treet Light Replacemcnt. Street lights, their standards, arms, lamps, starters, ballasts, and other parts, used for street and walk illumination when placed between property lines in City-owned streets; when behind property lines, these are part of such property 6136 Telecommunications Equipment. Equipment used to send or receive data. Includes radios. transceivers, modems, antennac, fax machines and telephone equipment. 6138 Traffic Controls. Signs and signals used for directional or speed control of vehicles, includes parking limitation signs, including attached lights and lamps and traffic signals and blinkers. 6199 Other Tools and Equipment. Tools and equipment not properly classified in a foregoll1g classification. Scales for commercial vehicle enforcement, tools, and appropriate trailer 64110 Fixed Assets 6402 Buildings. A structure of thrce or more walls and a roof, capable of housing personnel, . equipment or machinery, value of more than $500 00 286 . 6404 Commercial Revitalization. Project expenditures to eliminate commercial blight for the benefit of the Redevelopment Project Area. 6406 Depreciation. The portion of the cost of a fixed asset charged as an expense. 6408 Housing Revitalization. Project expenditures to elinunate housing blight for the benefit of the Redevelopment Project Area. MIO Land. Land valued at more than $1,000 00 6412 Miscellaneous Structures. A special category for reservoirs, bridges, swimming pools, and parking lots. 6414 Non-Strucnlrallmprovements. Fences, their gates and parts, walls not supporting roofs. 6418 Public Transit Fixtures. Bus benches and shelters. 6420 Streets. Sidewalks. Trails. Land procured and improvements thereon for the movement of people on foot or in vehicles, including bike lanes and related drainage, utility use, includes all portions dedicated to public use . 6422 Trees and Landscaping. Trees, shrubs, plants, etc. that are pali of a total project for beautification of grounds, either alone or at building. 6490 Other Assets. Those not properly classified in a foregoing classdication. . 287 -~"'" ~~,"-~. . ! e i , I I ! i I I I I ~ APPENDIX E REVENUE CHART OF ACCOUNTS AND DEFINITIONS I i ~","". ---- ~,'-'-,-,.---,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -''''''''''''''''-'~ "'~~ REVENUE ACCOUNT DEFINITIONS . 71 00 TAXES AND FRANCHISES. Revenue in thc 7100 series represents taxes on retail sales, property taxes, franchises or head (room) tax. Most of the taxes in this category are paid directly to the City by the unit that collects the tax. 7111 Property Tax - Current: Secured and unsecured property tax allocated to the City by the County at the rate of 1% of the assessed value ofthc property Payments are made to the City about 14 times a year with the majority paid in December and April. Normally property value is anticipated to grow (i.e., inflate) at 201<, of the prior year's values. 7112 Propertv Tax - Delinquent: Secured and unsecured property taxes that were levied in prior tax year( s), but were not paid when levied. As the County collects these late taxes, they are paid to the City 7113 Supplemental Tax Roll - Current: Secured and unsecured property taxes generated from supplemental assessments which are thc result of incrcases in assessed valuation due to changes of ownership or new construction and are billed at the time of their occurrence. 7114 Homeowncrs' Property Tax Exemption. A $7,000 exemption provided for in the State Constitution. The exemption is cleducted Irom the full value of the dwelling unit from the tax bill paid by the citizens. The State then reimburses the County who, in turn, reImburses the City for the loss ofrcvenue The exemption IS constitutionally guaranteed to the taxpayer but. the reimbursement to the City IS subject to annual budget review by the State 7117 Real Propertv Transfcr Tax. Tax imposed on the transfer of rcal property at a rate per dollar value of sale TI1lS tax is collected and paid to the City throughout the year as part of the 14 tax lI1cremcnt payments. 7118 RDA Tax Increment. Portion of property tax collected on hehalf of the Poway Redevelopment Agency 7119 Pronc11v Taxes - Flood Zones: Property tax collections within tlllS area for drainage, flood control, etc , used for operations and maintenance 7t31 Sales Tax. A portion of the statewidc sales tax collected by busmesses and paid to the State. The State rcmits a portion of the tax to the City each month then, periodically (quarterly in most cases), adjusts the payments to "actual" amounts. The tax is paid to the City based on pom! of sale collections. Currently the local allocation is I percent. 7132 Prop. A Sales Tax. AdditlOual 112 percent sales and use tax passed by the voters in San Diego, November 1987 This sales and use tax will last for 20 years beginl1lng April I, 1988, and cnding March 3 \,2008 The revenue generated by this tax increase will fund many transportatIOn purposes, including transit and streets and roads. . 290 7151 Transient Occupancv Tax: A tax collected from hotel-motel guests as a percentage of their . room rate. The tax is collected by the hotel-motel owner and remitted quarterly to the City The tax rate is 100;(1. 7172 Franchises: Revenues for use of public right-of-way or right granted to SGD&E to furnish gas, and electricity to the City 7173 Franchises: Revenues for use of public right-of-way or right granted to Southwestern Cable to furnish cable television services. 7174 Franchises: Revenues for use of public right-of-way or right granted to Cox Cable to furnish cable television services. 7200 LICENSES AND PERMITS. Revenue in the 7200 series represents collections for licenses and permits issued directly by the City or by the City for anothcr governmental unit. 7211 Animal Licenses: Licenses issued to regulate and control dogs and horses. The licenses are issued by the County with the City receiving a minor portion of the dog licensing fee. The fee collected for horse licenses is eventually returned to the City for riding trails. Community Services and Customer Services coordinate these programs for the City 7213 Business Regulatory Fee: An amount collected for rcgulation of businesses in the City This program.is jointly controlled by Safety Services, Planning Services, and Administrative . Services. 7214 State License Commissions. Handling fees for selling State of California fishll1g licenses. Collected at Lake Poway on a daily baSIS. 7231 Sanitation Permits: Permits Issued to firms to negotiate trash collection within the City 7232 Fishing Permits: A pennit issued by Community Services for the privilege of fishing at the Lake 7233 Boat Permits: A permit issued by Community Services to obtall1 the use of a boat on the Lake. 7234 Construction Permit - Excavation: A permit issued by Public Service to allow for encroachment on public right-of-way The rates charged for the permit are based upon various unit prices that relate to the type of work to be performed. The ratcs are outlined in a City resolution (currently Resolution 325) and the authority f(lr the collectIOn is part of the Ordinance 80 7235 ConstructIon Pern1it - Grading: A permit issued by Public Services that allows for grading. The rates are also outlined in a City resolulion (currently Resolution 325). . 7236 Parking Permit: A one-day permit issued for parkll1g at the Lake Community Services collects and issues the permits. The rates are established by City ResolutIon 83-044 291 7300 FINES AND FORFEITURES - Revenue in the 7300 series represents collection of levied for . citations. 7310 Fines and Penalties: The revenue generated by citations issued by the Sheriffs. Revenue represents collections for citations from the courts or from the firm that processes the City's tickcts. 7400 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY - Revenue in the 7400 series represents income generated from the rental of property and equipment, or derived from the investment of the City's funds. 7411 Interest Income - General. Income generated from the investment of City funds. The interest income is apportioned to the funds based upon the positive cash balances in the fund at the end of each month. Any intercst earnings not budgeted is allocated to the general fund. Investment of City funds is performed by Administrative Services. 7412 Interest Income - Restricted: Income generated from the investment of City funds received as earnings and specifically restricted/reserved for specific funds. 7413 lntcrest Income - Bond. Income generated from the investment of City funds received as earnings on cash collected for bonded debt payments. 7414 Interest Income" Loans: Interest earned on principal due to another entity . 7415 Interest Income - Note Receivable. An account to record interest earnll1gs on a note. 7441 Rental of Prol1ertv: Rental of general city property to various entities and rental of City owned housing units. 7442 Cable TV Services. Charges paid by residents of City owned housing units for reimbursement of eosts of cable television service billed to the City by Cox Cable 7443 Gas & Electricity Service: Charges paid by reSidents of City owned housing units for reimbursement of gas & electricity costs cbarges by the City by SDG&E. 7444 Water & Sewer Services: Cbarges paid by residents of City owned housing units for reimbursement of water and sewer service costs. 7445 Storage Fees' Charges paid by residents of City owned housing units for use of on-site storage facilities. 7446 Mobilehome Repair & Replacement: Charges paid by renters of Agency-owned, shared- housing units for future repair and maintenance costs and repayment of Agency's purchase of units. 7460 Lease Revenue - 1991 COP: Lease revenue received from the Poway Redevelopment . Agency for the lease of the Poway Royal Mobile Home Park. 292 . 7461 Lease Revenue - Telecommunications: Lease revenue received for use of City property by telecommunications companies. 7462 Lease Revenue - 1996 COP: Lease revenue received from the County of San Diego for the lease of the Sheriffs Substation in Poway 7463 Lease Revenue: Lease revenue collected for the lease of all other facilities. 7471 Facilities and Equipment Rental. A fee paid by the public to reserve and secure the use of the City owned facilities and equipment, mcluding park sites, the Performing Arts Center, and fire department training facilities. 7472 Swimming Pool Rental Fees: Rental fee charged for use of City pool. 7473 Pool Locker Rental Fecs: Rental fees charged to the public to use pool locker This account is administered by Community Services. 7475 Yearly Capital Outlav Rental. Rental fee charged to using departments to recover the cost of acquiring replacement assets. 7476 Concession Lease Rent: A rental fee paid as a percentage of income for on-site sales and services performed by a private concern that operates at a city facility . 7477 Rental - Parents & Kids Sake Trailer' Rental paid by a nonprofit organization for use of the City-owned trailer office located at Metate and Community Road. 747X Rental - Sp0l1sPark. Lease and percentage of gross mcome for operation of the pnvately- operated Sports Park located in the South Po way Business Park. 7500 REVENUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES: City's share of revenue collected by other govemmentalunits and then paid to the City as subventions, also used to account for funding received from federal, state, or other public agencies for specific programs, grants or projects. 7511 Grant Revenue - Local. Revenue received f1'om local agencies for specific programs. 7512 PUSD Contribution. Reimbursement for specific operating costs received from PUSD for joint use of the performmg arts center 7521 Grant Revenue - Countv: Revenue received from the County for specific programs. 7522 Solid Waste Reduction (Tonnage): Revenue received for reduction of solid waste disposal requirements. . 7523 Grant Revenue - TDA Article 4.0' State allocation of sales tax funds for use exclusively for the provision of general public transportation services and facilities. These funds are currcntiy passed through to the County for the provision of said services 293 7525 Grant Revenue - Oil Recvcling: Revenue receIved for handling and disposing of used lubricants/oil. . 7527 Grant Revenue Beverage Containcrs: Revenue received from the State's beverage container recycling program. 7528 Grant Revenue - Safetv Services. Grant revenue for operation of the COPS/Fast Program. 7530 Sheriff's Contract Rebate: Revenues received as rcbates on contract with County Sheriffs Department. 7533 Grant Revenue - Household Hazardous Wastcs Discretionary Funds: Revenues received for disposal of hazardous wastes. 7534 Grant Revenue - Household Hazardous Wastes ( AB939)' Revenues received per Assembly Bill 939 for hazardous waste disposal 7541 Grant Revenue - State: Grant revenue from the state for various grants. 7543 Grant - Fucl Efficient Traffic Signal Program. To account for grant revenue received for a study to detclminc the optimum timing for City traffic signals. 7546 Grant Revenue - S 174. Grant revenue from the state for specific park improvement projects as approved under Senate Bill 174, . 7548 Grant Revenue - Offlcc of Criminal Justice: State revenue for a CrIme prevention program currently being presented in the City schools, by the Safety Services Department in conjunction with the schools. 7551 Grant Revenue - Household Hazardous Waste: Grant revenue from the California Interactive Waste Managemcnt Board for scmiannual residential hazardous waste collection events. 7561 Grant Revenue - Federal. Grant revenue from the Federal Government. Generally for spccific program uses. 7574 Grant Revenue - CDBG 22nd Year' Federal Community Development Block Grant allocation; twenty-second year entitlement. 7575 Grant Revenue - CDBG 23rd/24th Year' Federal Community Development Block Grant allocation, twenty-third and twenty- fourth year entitlement. 7576 Grant Revenue - CDBG 25th Year' Federal Community Development Block Grant allocation. twenty-fifth year entitlement. 7577 Grant Revenue - CDBG 26th Year Federal Community Development Block Grant . allocation; twenty-sIxth year entitlement. 294 7578 Grant Revenue - CDBG 27th Year Federal Community Development Block Grant . allocation, twenty-seventh year entitlement. 7579 Grant Revenue - CDBG 28th Year and forward: Federal Community Development Block Grant allocations, twenty-eight year and all future years entitlements. 7581 Motor Vehicle in Lieu: Includes revenue derived from Section 11005 of Revenue and Taxation Code. The annual fee is set at 2% of the depreciated market value of motor vehicles. The State keeps about 50% of the collection and distributes the rest to cities monthly on the basis of population. 7582 Off-Highway Motor Vehicle In-lieu Fees: State remits this fee semiannually to the City as a per capita amount. This revenue is apportioned and collected under vehicle Code Sections 38240(a) and 38230 7583 State Education Augmentation Fund. State allocation to City's meant to paltially offset revenue losses from reduced property taxcs. 7591 Gasoline Tax - 2105. Includes revenue derived from Section 2105 of the Street and Highway Code. Prop Ill, October 1990, calls for 11.5% of the 6 cents additional gas tax to be allocated to cities based upon population ranges. . 7592 Gasoline Tax - 2106. Includes revenue derived from Section 2100 of the Street and Highway Code. The State remits a fixed amount Illonthlv to the City Additionally, the City shares in a portion of the ovcrall base sum that IS not distributed to the counties and this amount is apportioned on a monthly basis. 7593 Gasoline Tax - 2107 Includes revenue derived from Section 2107 of the State and Highway Code. The payment pattem for this account is the same as for 7430 The tax is collected as an amount per gallon and is distributed to cities as a per capita amount. 75<)4 Gasoline Tax - 2107.5. Includes revenue derived from Section 2107.5 of the Street and Highway Code. These funds are allocated annually to the City based upon population rangcs. The City's populationl11ust increase to 100,000 before there is a changc in the bracket amount. 7600 FEES AND SERVICES: Revenue in the 7600 series represents charges to the public for services or commodities. Revenue in these account series represents fees for services or products. 7611 Candidate Filing Fees. Fee paid by candidate for City Council office. The City Clerk estimates aud monitors this account. Revenue is received only in electIOn years. . 7612 Water Svstel11 Analvsis Fees. All City charges for water system analysis (includmg consultants ). 295 7613 Administrative Revenue. Cost recovery for staff performing services that benefit a limited public or different accounting entity Administrative revenue includes such items as . overhead charges, and cost recovery for staff position performing work for the Redevelopment Agency and special districts. 7614 Miscellaneous Fees: Fees collected by departments for the sale of publications, documents and for photocopying services. 7616 Passport Revenue: Cost recovery for staff perforlning passport services. 7621 Advertising Sales: Revenue collected for the sales of advertising space, such as the quarterly perf0rl11ing arts center program. 7622 Ticket Sales: Revenue from subscription and other ticket sales to events presented by the Performing Arts Division in the Performing Arts Center 7623 Performing Arts Staff Services. Cost recovery for part-time staff services performed for School District and third party rental users of Perfol111ing Arts Center 7624 Aquatic Programs and Contracts. Fees for swim classes and for programs lead by outside instructors; i.e. springboard diving, scuba, etc 7625 Leisure Contracts: Revenue received for recreation programs that are led by contract instructors, e.g., gymnastics, tiny tot, karate. The recreation participants pay a fee that . offsets the cost of the individual class. 7626 Recreation Programs. Revenue received for recreation programs that are led by City stafT instructors, e.g., Itfeguards, recreation leaders. 7628 Swimming Pool Admission Fees: Fees charged to public for daily use and season passes for swimming pool 7630 Parkland Dedication Fees: Fees collected from developers for construction of parks in accordance with Ordinance 124 7631 Lake Powav Overnight Campmg: Fees collected for overnight camping programs at Lakc Poway 7641 Water Sales and Service. Revenue received from the salc of metered, treated water 7642 Sales - Unmetered Water: Interim water service provided at sites where there are no meters for activities such as construction and landscaping. Water service is billed manually based on minimum charge for residential users and area size for unmetered slope water 7643 Sales - SDCWAI Ramona Water: Water sold by the City to the San Diego County Water Authority for use by the Ramona Municipal Water District in accordance with a contractual . agreement. Revenue is recorded monthly as service IS billed. 296 7644 Delinquency Charges - Sales: A late fee assessed to utility customers who have failed to . pay their bills in a timely manner The fee currently is a percentage of the unpaid balance. 7645 Hvdrant Meter Service Charges: A fee charged to persons who use fire hydrant water meters during construction. Currently a flat fee of $1 0 is charged. 7646 Reconnection and Turn-on Fees: A fee charged to utility customers to reestablish service. Currently the fee is a flat fee assessed to cover the labor cost of the meter reader and varies from $15 to $35 depending on the hours the service is provided. 7647 Interruptible Water/ Agricultural Rebate: A credit issued by SDCW A that reduces the cost of water to the City and the City's agricultural users. The discounted rate permits MWD the right to decrease (interrupt) delivery by an agreed upon amount. 764S Sales Capacity Charges: Fixed cost based on meter size associated with the water meter, i.e. meter reading, repair/replacement of meter, etc. 7649 Reclaimed Water Sales. Sales of reclaimed water 7651 Pumping - ID #1. Charges billed to water utility users for water pumping required to service an area. The purpose is to recover thc electrical energy costs. The pumping for ID # I is to lift water to the High Valley area. . 7652 Pumping - ID #4. Charges billed for pumping in Panorama Hills, Lomas Verdes, and portions of Stoneridge areas. Also see account 7651 for further explanation. 7653 Pumping - Orchard, Silver Saddle, An. Charges billed for pumping 111 the areas identified as NOltheast, Del Poniente and portions of the Green Valley areas. Also see account 7651 for further explanation. 7654 Pumping - Donart: Charges billed for pumping in the Don~ut Drive Service area. Also see account 7651 for further explanation. 7657 PumlJing - Greg Reservoir: Charges billed for Padrc Transit Mix water service Also see account 7651 for further explanation. 765R Pumping - Camelback: Charges billed to the Alta Mia Reservoir serving Lakc Poway Park and Watcr Scrvice Area VI. Also see account 765\ for further explanation. 7659 Pumping - Woodeliff: Charges billed to water pumping to Water Assessment District 79-1 Also see account 7651 for further explanation. 7660 Pumpll1g - Communitv: Charges billed to consumers in the Pomcrado Business Park - 95 gradient. Also see account 7651 for fmtlier explanation. . 7661 Pumping - Welton. See account 7651 for further explanation. 7662 Pumping - Del POl1lCllte. See account 7651 for further explanation. 297 7663 Pumping - Buehler: See account 7651 for further explanation. 7664 Pumping - Reclaimed Water Charges billed to consumers for reclaimed water . 7665 Pumping - Old Coach. See account 7651 for further explanation. 7667 Water Service Connection Fees: Charge paid for water service based on meter size. Connection fees are normally paid only by individuals requiring new service rather than by the large developers who expand the utility system. 7668 Meter Installation: Charge for setting and connecting water meter and laterals when necessary whenever a ne'W installation is requested. Meter installation is based on fixed charge and lateral charges are based on a fixed fee and/or actual cost. 7674 Storm Water Regulation Fees-Residential. Fee paid by residential customers for storm water regulation costs (NPDES). 7675 Storm Water Regulation Fees-Commercial. Fee paid by commercial customers for storm water regulation costs (NPDES) 7681 Sewer Sales and Services. Basic bi-monthly charge for provision of sewer treatment and disposal services 7682 High Volume Sewer: Sewer scrvice charges billed to commcrcial users as part of the utility . system. Billing is based on water consumption. 7683 Sewer Scrvice Connection Fees: Fees paid by sewer customers to hook up new service 7684 Annexation Fees: Fees paid upon joining the sewer district to cover processing costs collected in connection with sewer map reviews for hookup charges. 7085 Inspection Fees: Fees charged by the public works depmtment for onsite inspection of water and sewer lines, grading, inspection, etc. 7687 San Diego Sewer Transportation Chargcs: Special fees paid by the City of San Diego. 7688 Sewer Capacity' FIXed cost based on meter SIze associated with the sewer reading. 7691 Pumping Charges - St. Andrews: Revenue derived from utility customers who are assessed for the energy costs of transmission through the pump station located on St. Andrews to service this area. 7692 Pumping Charges - Camino del Valle: Same as 76') I, but for the Camino del Valle area. 7693 Pumpmg Charges - Del Poniente: Same as 76') I, but for the Del Poniente area. . 76')4 Pumping Charges - Highlands: Same as 7691, but for the Highland area. 298 7695 Pumping Charges - Old Coach Lift: Same as 769], but for the Old Coach area. . 77]] Street Light Energizing Fee: This fee covers the cost of street light operations and maintenance from the time a light is energized until it is annexed into the lighting district. After annexation, costs are recovered through property tax roll assessment. 7712 Drainage Fees. Fee charged to assist in overall erosion and drainage protection, facilities, and terracing. 7713 Traftic Mitigation Fees: Fees paid by developers to improve traffic flow or mitigate traffic congestion near their development sites. 7714 Traffic Signal Fee: Fees paid by developers to install or improve traffic signals near their development sites. 7715 Landscape Median Fees: Development fee paid to improve landscaping near the development area. 7731 Planning Fees: Fee charged for the review of development applications by the Planning Services Department. 7732 EnVironmental Review Fees. Fees paid for consultants hired by the City to prepare Draft Environmental Impact Reports (EIR) for the Planning Services Department. . 7733 Miscellaneous Planning Fccs: Various miscellaneous planning fecs for zoning maps and blueprints. 7734 Building Inspection Fees: Charges for building permits and associated inspection for such items as remodeling, fences, etc. 7735 Plan Check Revcnue: Charges for engineering review of construction plans and maps. Revenuc recordcd rcpresents the overhead charges for engineering consultants and salary and overhead rcimbursement for City engineering staff 7736 Miscellaneous Enginecring Fces Vanous 111lscellaneous engineering fecs tor maps and blueprints. 7737 Inspection Revenue Fees: Revenue received for on-site inspcctions made by the Engineering Services Department other than those inspections connected to utility inspection. 773'6 Engineering Staff Time Reimbursement: Reimbursement fi'om private dcvelopers for engineering staff time spent on boundary adjustment reviews and other miscellaneous . . engll1eenng services. . 7740 Inspection - Mobilehomes: Charges for inspection of mobilehomes. 299 7741 Developer Contribution - Low/Mod Housing: Fees collected from developer for the provision of low/mod housing as required under the State Fair Share Housing mandate. . 7742 Inspection Permits - Roofing: Charges for inspections of roofs. 7743 Habitat Mitigation In-Lieu. In-Lieu fees that arc collected when habitat is destroyed by development. The fees are used to purchase replacement habitat within the Habitat Conservation Plan mitigation area. 7744 Inspection - City Projects. Charges for inspection of City projects. 7752 Alann Registration and Penalties Revenue derived from alarm registration to bc issued upon first occurrence of first alarm. Penalties derived from fees charged for false alarm in excess of two occurrences in 12-month period. 7753 Safelv Services Plan Check/Inspection. Revenue generated from fees charged to customer for plan check and inspection submitted to Fire Department. 7754 Miscellaneous Safetv Service Fees' Various miscellaneous safety service charges. 7755 Ambulancc Fces: Revcnuc rcccivcd from uscrs of the paramedic ambulance service providcd by Safcty Services. 7756 CPR Class Revenue: Revenue received for the conducting of CPR classes. . 7757 Vchicle Abatcmcnt: Revcnuc rcccived from state bascd on Poway's countywIde percentage oftotal vehicles rcmoved from public and private property 775R Towing Contracts: Revenue received to reimburse the City for hiring pri,ate companies to tow a vehicle as pari of a nuisance abatement program. 7759 Fire Protection Fee: A fce based on a fire flow calculation. This fee is collected in a special revenue fund via the tax roll. 7760 Weed and Nuisance Abatement: Revenue received from property owners for clearing weeds, vehicles, and debris from their property The weed and vehicle abatemcnt program is admimstered by Development Services. Most of the revcnuc is collectcd on the tax roll. 777] Sewer Service Tax Roll - Fiscal Year In 1-19lQ. In previous fiscal years, the sewer service charges were collected on the tax roll as a flat rate charge. This account records these delinquent charges as they are being collected. 7772 Drivewav Paving Fee. Cost recovery for performing street improvement of private driveway areas. Revenue is anticipated through 1997 7773 Solid Waste Franchise Fee: Revenue for right granted to solid waste collection provider . under the City's exclusivc solId waste collection/recycling agreement. 300 . 7800 OTHER REVENUE: Revenue in the 7800 series represents collection of general obligation debt, bond proceeds, donations, sale of property refunds and otber miscellaneous income 7811 Proceeds from Sale of Bonds: Proceeds from sale of debt instmment; e.g., bond, notc, etc. 7 ~':J2 Loan Proceeds: This account is used to account for the receipt of borrowed funds. 7822 Contributions from Other Funds: Contributions received by onc fund from another fund. 7823 Developer Participation - Capital Improvements: Contributions from developers for capital improvement projects constructed by the City/ Redevelopment Agency 7830 Donations - General. General contributions made to the City without specification as to use oftimds for specific operating units. Usually money is received for specIfic programs or projects on a non-recurring basis. 7840 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS Revenue in the 7840 series represents assessment district tlmding. 7841 Assessment District 83-1 Rancho Arbolitos: Collections of assessments from property owners in this area for landscaping and maintenance of slopes. . 7842 Assessment District 86-3 Sunwood. Collection of assessmcnts from property owners in AssessmentDistrict 86-3 for landscaping and maintenance of slope in Sunwood Tract along Metate Lane. The revenue IS collected on property tax rolls with assessment based on acreage 7843 Assessment District 86-1 Hirsch Ranch. Assessments collected via property tax rolls for landscape maintenance. 7/;44 Assessment District 86-2 Sunrise Ranch. Assessments collected via property tax rolls for landscape maintenance. 7/;46 Assessment District 87-1 Pomerado Business Parle Asscssmcnts collected via propcrty tax rolls for landscape maintcnance 7847 Assessment District 86-02B Svcamore Creek Landscape Maintenance: Assessments collected via property tax rolls for landscape maintenance. 7/;48 Assessment District Twin Peaks: Assessments collected via property tax rolls for landscape mallltenance 7849 Assessment District Powav Road: Assessments collected VIa property tax rolls for . landscapc maintenance. 301 7850 Vehicle Maintenance Revenue: Charges to all divisions for use of Vehicle maintained by Vehicle and Eyuipment Maintenance Division. . 7851 Assessment 800MHz Radio System. Assessments collected via property tax rolls to connect Poway fire fighting, police, and public services to the countywide communications system. 7852 Assessment District 83-01 C Kentfield. Assessments collected via property tax rolls for landscape maintenance. 7861 Lighting District - Zone A. Assessments collccted via property tax rolls for Street lighting costs. 7862 Lighting District - Zone B Assessments collected via property tax rolls for Street lighting costs. 7863 Lighting District - Zone C Assessments collected via property tax rolls for Street lighting costs. 7X64 Assessment District 96-1 - High Vallev Road: Assessments collected via property tax rolls for the property owner's share of road improvement costs. 7865 Assessment District Old Coach Waterline' Assessments collected via propcrty tax rolls for the property owner's share of waterline improvement costs. 7Xl! Bond I & R - General Water Bonds, Taxes: Interest and principal redemption collections . for paymcnt of gcneral obligation water bonds issued by Poway Municipal Water District. Collected through propcrty taxes as a rate per assessed value Thc levy is in excess of the one percent propel1y tax rate 7872 Bond 1& R - Sewer Bonds. Taxes: Interest and principal redemption collections for payment of general obligation sewer bonds. Collected through property taxes as a rate per assessed value. 7875 Community Facilities DIstricts - Current. Interest and principal redemption collections for paymcnt of South Poway CFD #1 and Parkway BUSiness Centre CFD #8/;-1 bonds collected through property taxes for the cUlTent year 7876 South Powav Communitv Facilities Districts - Prior: Interest and principal redemption collectIOns for payment of South Poway CFD #1 and Parkway Business Centre CFD #/;8-1 bonds collected through property taxes for prior years. 7881 Sale of Surplus Property: Proceeds of sale of surplus property owned by City Collected by Purchasing Department after sale of propel1y dcclarcd as surplus by Council. 7883 Other Refunds. Rcfunds for overpayments that are not accounted for in other refund accounts. . 302 7884 Returned Check Charges: Charges to customers for checks returned by their bank. . Collected by Customer Services at time of restitution. 7885 Workers' Compensation Insurance. Dividends received on Workers' Compensation Insurance Premiums paid in prior fiscal years and is received annually, usually in June. 7886 Insurance Settlements: Property settlements awarded by insurance. 7S87 Recovery of Stolen Propertv: Revenuc generated from stolcn property auctioncd by the Sheriffs Department. 7888 Reimbursement Agreement Fees: Reimbursement to CF Poway for improvements in Pomerado Busincss Park. 7890 Lawsuit Settlement: Revenue received from court settlements. 7891 Miscellaneous Revenue: Revenue not property categorized in another account. 7892 Mandated Costs Recoveries. Reimbursement from the State for costs associated with the provision of services and reporting requircments which are imposed by legislation. Claims arc filed annually by the Finance Division. 7893 FEMA Reimbursement: Reimbursement from the Federal Emergency Management . Administration for eligible City expenditures associated with repair of public facilities and infrastructure damaged by natural disasters. 7844 Insurance Refunds: Refunds from City's insurance provider for prior year's savings 7895 Dcvcloper/Subdivision Dcposit Revenue: Deposits made with Public Services Department by developers to covcr engineering, inspection and map checking of developers' construction projects 7S96 Farmers Market Revenue' Revenue for City's operation of Farnlers Market. 7899 Developer Securitv Deposits: Deposits made by developers to ensure completion of project in accordance with City requirements. Refundable to developer upon project s approval . 303