Final Budget FY 1997-1998 and 1998-1999 I I CITY OF POWAY I I FINANCIAL PROGRAM I Fiscal Years I 1997-1998 I 1998-1999 I I I I I I I I Scripps-Poway I Parkway Opening Fall 1997 I I I I . I I I CITY OF POWAY I CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY :1 I, ili , I DON HIGGINSON, MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN , BETTY REXFORD, DEPUTY MAYOR AND VICE-CHAIRMAN MICKEY CAFAGNA :t' BOB EMERY Ii JAY GOLDBY I :1" I: ,I I) I' ~ I I ,I I I CITY OF POWAY I BUDGET REVIEW COMMITTEE 1\ \1, CAROL CHOSTNER I BRUCE HAMIL TON (I HOWARD MAHER ,I' ,I' I, II 'I I: Prepared by' I' Administrative Services Department PeggyA Stewart, Director Peter Moote, Deputy Director I Andrew White, Finance Manager I I I ,I , - CITY OF POWAY I, DIRECTORY OF CITY OFFICIALS ,I, I CITY MANAGER I JAMES L. BOWERSOX I' I .f CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF PLANNING SERVICES ,I: STEPHEN M. ECKIS REBA WRIGHT-QUASTLER CITY CLERK/TREASURER BIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES " MARJORIE K. WAHLSTEN JAMES R. WILLIAMS .1 DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR OF REDEVELOPMENT SERVICES PEGGY A, STEWART WARREN H SHAFER I DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR OF SAFETY SERVICES j ROBERT L. THOMAS MARK A. SANCHEZ DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING SERVICES I MARK S. WESTON I I I " I I I CITY OF POWAY REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE I I , DAVID CHURCHILL II KENNON DIAL ALAN DUSI I) EVELYN FRAZIER ,f MARGARET LESTER GORDON MEYER .1 MARY MITCHELL :1' JEFF SCHIPPER I, TOM TREMBLE ROGER WILLOUGHBY I BOB WOLINSKI ,'-~ I I, :1 , .' , I TABLE OF CONTENTS I Guid~to R-eadingcthe Budget Docl:lmel'lt i I GityMalJC!g~r's Letter ofTransniittal vii Prog-talTl EXReriditures ix Bugget!:)}' Fund ., xi ,I ErnRloyee P6si~iOris, Classifications, and Salary Ranges xvii ReVenUes by Flmdsand Sources . . 1 S'ummary of. Sources and Uses of Funds . 11 I FUnd.Activity Detail . . . . 17 ,General ' 18 Fire Protection Fund (Fund 280) ,19 ':1' StreetJmprovement -Gas Tax Fund 20 Park Improvement and CoastcH Sage Fund . . .... ... 21 DraillageFuna (Funds 231 and 232) 22 1 Grant F.unds , 23 SReciC!1 A.~sessrrent Districts Fund (Funds 261 and 275) 24 A{sessnient\District 96-1 High Valley Road 25 II, Street Development Fund (Funds 221 and 222) 26 Proposition"'A"'oSales Tax Fund 27 11 :Municipal Improvement Fund 28 Community Facilities District #1 29 ComunityFacilities District 1990 #88-1 30 " Debt:Ser:vice Fund 31 DebtSer:vice Fund - Community Facilities District #1 32 Debt',Ser:vice Fund - Commuri.iW Facilities District #88-1 33 I' Debt.'Service Fund - High Valley Road 34 Water F.unej 35 SewerFund . .36 ,I Capital Replacement Fund 37 HustFunds 38 Library Endowment Fund, 39 , Bond InJerest ana Redemption 41 ,. I Statement of Fund Balances and Reserves 43 Redevelopment'Agency Loans Payable to City 47 J Depar;tmellJ Opetilti[1g:Biidgets 51 Legislative and Administrative: City Council 52 Legislative and Administrative:. City Clerk 56 I, Legislative and Administrative: City Attorney .. . .. . 60 LegislatiVe and Administrative: City Manager 64 Department otAdministrative Services 68 '1 Department of Community Services 86 Department;of Planning Services 112 Departmentof Public Services 110 , Department of Safety Services 140 Depi:lrtmentof EngineeringSeivices ,: .' 152 ,I , , TABLE OF CONTENTS I Ci,tY of Poway'Community Service Programs 167 - \ I City of Poway'Capitallmprovement Program 173 I Parks:and Recreation Plan 211 . Poway Redeyelopmerit Program --1997-1998 and 1998c1999' I ' Revenue by'Fundsa,nd Sources 213 Statement of FUDd Balances and Reserves . , ,217 II Poway RedevelQpment Agency- Administrative 220 PoWay R~qevelopment Agency - Capital Improvement Projects 221 PoWay f{edevelopment Agency - Debt Service Fund 222 I, Poway RedevelopmenlAgency" 1986 Tax Allocation Bond 223 Poway Redevelopment Agency" 1989 Tax Allocation Bond 224 Poway Redevelopment Agency" Poinsettia Mobiie Home Parks 225 'I, Poway Redevelopment Agericy - !-ow/Moderate Income Housing 226 Poway Redevelopment Agency~ 1990A TAB, , , 227 Poway Redevelopm~nt Agehc}t<c Poway Royal Mobile Home Park Fund 228 I, Poway RedeveilopmElnt Agency" 1,991 Certificates of Participation 229 , ',\ ",. Poway Redevelopment Agencyc Haley Mobile Home Park.Adi'ninistration 230 I Poway Redeveilopment Agehcy~ Capital Improvement Projects - 1993 TAB " 231 Poway REldeVelqpnjentAgency- Housing Administration/Capital Replacement 232 Bon9 Ih!ere~t'ari.d Red,eir:nption .'. 233 :1, Poway RedevelopmentAgency -Administrative Operating Budget " 235 RedeveloRment Agency Organization Chart 236 Director. of Redevelopment Services 238 I Redeveiopment and Housing 240 Economic Development 242 Housing Admihistration Organization Chart 244 I Housing Administration 246 Poil'lsettia Family.Mobilehome' Park 248 Poinsettia Sel)ior Mobilehome'Park 250 I .PO\{ll?y~oyaIEstatesMobilehome Park 252 Haley.;Ranch Estates 254 I PowayRedevelopment Agency Program Overview 257 Redevelopmel'ltCapital..lmproliel}lellt Program 263 Map - :Paguay RedevelopmenfPr()ject Area 300 I, Appendix,A - Resolution Adopting 1997-1998 and 1998"1999 City Financial Program 301 ,I Appenc!ii(B.- Resolution Adopting 1997-1998 and 1998"1999 Redevelopment Agency, Financial Program ' ..:.. ~-, 309 APPEH1~dJX.;'C"" c:haii bf Expense Accounts and Definitions 313 I AppeDdjx:D. - Chart of Revenue Accounts and Definitions 329 ApPl3ndixE- City',Councillmmediate and Short-TermG()als , 345 I 'I' i " GUIDE TO READING THE BUDGET D'OCUMENT I Every year the City of Poway prepares a bLiqget; for .theupcoming fiscal year which - serves as the City~s finanCial ~Iiu)., Although-the:. budget serves as a control document I, .for the,Clty'CouQcil and staff,. ~s primary purpose is to provide information to citizens and oUter int~rested parties aboUt the financial healtt) and activities of the City as a rnuQicipal co'rporation. I . ' , . This guide was prepared to;,assistcitizens ar:td o.ther ilJd[vidLJals who l]1ay.ribt"befamiliar with public budgeting and finance to. read angintf;irpr~t this docurner;Jt. A great deal of I, information is providecJ in th.", tJuaget beyond doilars.and. cents. One just needs to. know hoW aha where to look for it! I Gettina ,Started ' , An excellent place to begin to examine the budget is ,the C,ity Manager's .Letter of I, Transmittal which provides a philasaphical as well as factual summary afthe' City:s financial plan. I. Next, !be Budget,by Fund pages shaw expenditures for each Department and 'its divisions ,spre.ad across the City's major funds. You will note that the General Fund :show,s I exper:tditures for all Departments, while the other funds show expenditures fOfcertain ,anes. This is another iIIustratian, of the fund accour:tting nature of government' whiCn restricts certain revenues to expenditures far lirnited purposes. I, The Qext' pages summarize ahd a.escribe the City's wark force. The numbecafauthorized full-time positions is shoWri in C:ompC'irison to the prior year, New positions and position I deletions 'are mentioned by title, ,Each full-time job classification authorized in the budget is theri listed alphabetically by title with its correspanding monthly salary range. I Next, you will notice that the budget is actually divided into two. plans, One is the Operatil'lg and Capital Budgetofthe City The other is the Operating and Capital BU,dget of the poway Redeveloplllent Agency. An operating bucjget is. the financialplElr:t for the I day-tcHJ?y operati,ons of the City or the Agency; a capitaibudget is the financial plar:t for acqUifihgorocoristructihg major muniCipal facilities such as streets, drainagesysfems, and parks;. " The Citv;s0peratina' Budaet I The,first sectioQ follo.wing this guide is "8.?iieDLJ~s I:>Y Fund and Saurce." ThiS graup of pages' OLi!liries"tne CitY's revenues, or the daliaI' resolirces the City receives I Goveri:uiiegtsaccourit for money in funds, WhiCh separate .available dollars accordl8gta DOW they m'ay be used. The largest fund is the General Fund whose rever:tues may be I, I ii I Guide to Reading the Budget Document :1 Page 2 I used to provide any. government service. Other funds are restricted as to how their revenues may be used. There will be more information on the City's Various funds later in I this document. Notice that the revenues are shown by fund and by revenue type, for example, "Property I Taxes-Current," under the General Fund. Every'type of revenue has a four-digit number in front of it. In the back of the budget document is the "Chari of Revenue Accounts and I Definitions," AppendixD The four-digit'numbers,are listed in ascending order and next to each is a description of each revenue type. Analyzing the City's revenues will. give you an idea of where the City gets its money, how much of it is restricted and how much may I be used for general purposes. You'll also be able to compare amounts of money between the prior fiscal year and'the pro[JOsed/<1pproved new year Key' I 1995-96 1996-97 1997 c.98 1998-99 I Actual Approved ApproVed Apbroved , , 7111 Property Taxes-Current $3,502,197 $3,509,620 $3,629,810 $3:7;52,410 This number identified the The The The The , revenue source in the "Chart actual total projected projected projeCted of Revenue Accounts and year revenue for revenue for revenue for I Descriptions" in Appendix D revenue fiscal year fiscal year fiscal year 1996-97 in 1997-98 1998-99 the final I budget. Following the Revenue pages is the "'Summary of Sources and Uses of Funds," These I pages list all of the City's major fund types, describe them and display summarized dOllar amounts of money going intoandoutofeach fund. These numbers are broken down into I more detail on the pages'followingtheSummary Note that the page numbers directing you to each fund's detail are referenced in each fund description, The Fund Activity Detail pages allow comparison of prior year budgets' actual flow of I. money, in as revenues, and out as expenditures or transfers. Some funds have borrowed money (incurred;debt) thr()ugh the issuance of bonds, On the I page following the Fund Activity Detail pages is a summary of the bonded indebtedness of each fund. These dollars are used to repay interest and principal on the debt. I, I, I .-"1M"'"'" -~. ~ I iii I Guide to Reading the Budget Document Page '3 I Next, as a grand summary, the "Statement of FLiOp B~J.~nces and Resei:ves" follows all I tt)epreviQus pages describE;ld, TOJ3 City's major fLii;fos are,listed vertically Or:! the left-hand side of the page. Horizoritally, dollar amounts are shown .to .track the status of each fund from its beginning balance, through to its expected year~end position, . I h\fter the Statement of Fund Balances and, Reserves, more detail regarding the expenditure side of the budget is provideo, again moving from summary to detail. I The Program Expenditures page lists the seven major City departments and what,each plans to spend in the three major program expenditure categories' , 1 Personnel - The cost of salaries, fringe benefits and other employee-related costs, 'I 2. Operations and Maintenance - The cost of doing business day to day in, supplies, materials, and services. ,J 3. Caoital.outlay . The,cost of major nonrecurring purchases of $500 or more V\iith a useful life, of three' or more years. Examples are office furniture, vehicles ancrlatger , pieces of equipment. It is common for the total of all program expenditures to be referred to as 'lIthe budget;" I even though it is only the expenditure side of the entire budget picture, Wh?tf61l0ws next is the 'liear! oUt)e City's Operating Budget detail. For each of the City's I seVerHiiajor departmems, an activity overview is provided in 'which the major expeQditure -- ""'- < - -" -" --. - . categories--personnel, .operationsand maintenance, and capital outlay--are summC!rized and compared to prior years, A narrative commentary providing a description of the I composition of the department and its purpose in the, governmental organization is backed up by an illustrating organization chart on the facing page, I FQII6Wing the Departrnentai Overview, each division of the department will.show two facing pages of activity detail. The narrative page ir:!cludes a .descriptionof'the, major functions of the division, the! division's goals and objectives, work load aqivi\y s,tC'i,ti,stics I for prior and proposed years, and a section entitle,d $igrijficant Activity Pr()gram' Char<\ges, This 'last 'sedionpointsout and explains larger dollar Increases or decreases :al'ld the expense account where each significant activity program change is reflected. .' The f~cin'g page contains the, actual dollar amounts to be spent to achieve,the, division's goals anQ objectives, You will note that the major expenditure categories' (personnel, I operations and maintenar:!ce; and capital outlay) are further divided into particl:Jlar types of expenoitures. Each expenditure type has a three-digit number preceding it. 'In the I, I iv I Guide to Reading Budget Document 'I Page 4 I back of the budget book is the "Chart of Expense Accounts and Befinitions," Appendix C I' Expense account numbers are listed in order, with a definition following each one. These definitions give a more detailed description of what costs are included in each expense account. In comparing the expense account dollar amounts between fiscal years, the ,narrative ,I section, Significant Activity Program Changes, is the key to explaining major differences. I: Key: 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 I Actual Aboroved Estimated Aporoved ADD roved 4922- Printing $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 I This number The actual The The The The ,I identified the amount ClPproVed estimated proposed proposed expense account spent in budget amount budget budget in the Chart of FY 1995-96, amount. spent in amount. amount. I Expense Accounts FY 1996-97 and Descriptions. I The numbers in pareritheses next to Position Titles indicate when there is more thClnone position of that title authorized, If there is an FT, PT and/or T after the Position Title, this '. indicates that the position is full-time, part"time, and/or temporary The City's Caoital ImorovementBudaet I Capital Projects are the acquisition or construction'of major publidacilities .such as streets, :1 sewers, water systems, parks, and government buildings, They are often the kind of projects that take more than one budget year to complete. The Capital Improvement Budget, like the operating budget, shows revenues, in and I expenditures out, but also details expenditure projections over multiple budget years. , I The revenue page indicates which funds are contributing to the Capital Improvement Program, The Program Overview sl!mi"11arizes expenditures by type of improvement to show the total estimated cost of planned projects, what has been spent on planned I projects, the proposed year's expenditure levels, and the amount of the total estimated cost that has been incurred to date I I , I v 'I Guide to Reading the BudgeUDocurnent ,Page 5 ,1 I The Program Detail pages 'list eac:;h project with a Stlort description and code iiu~tler , , , corresponding to the activity; Costestimatesfor ,each .fis'cal year appear on the left hand side with the contributing funds;,listedto the right,lunder'the project description. On .the I facing. page, the costs are shown spread across the next:five fiscal years according to an acquisition/construction plan, I The dollar amounts budgeted for the proposed fiscal year can be tied back to the operating budget's "Statement bfFund Balances and ReserVes" under the Capital Projects column, I ,: Each 'year the. Program is;adjusted to reflect actual performal'lce so the costs of the City's C~pitallmprovement Program. can be historically tracked. I The poway Redevelooment Aaencv Budget ,I "The budget of the Redevelopment Agency is patterned after the City's. budget and includes the same elements'-an operating and a capital improvement budget. I Revenues of the Agency; like those of the City, are listed by the four"digit account numbers found in Appendix D, Fund activity detail pages follow, and the Agency has its I, own'!Statement of' Fund Balances and Reserves," The orgal'lization chart ofthe Agency indicates its relationship to the City of Poway' The I City Council acts as the Agency's Board of Directors, ahd the City Manager is its Executive Director. I The operating budget covers the day"to-day administrative affairs of the Agency Note that the format of the Agency's operating budget detail parallels that of the City's operating budget. I The RedevelopmentAgency Capitallmprovemerit Budget is set up using the same format aSTthe City's.Capital Improvement Budget. ,I More lIiformation is Available .' The Aclrnirjistrative Services DeR<3,rtment pr.epares the budget document! you have)ust rea<;lab9LJt, ]I'laddition to the published document, City staff retains files of detailed backup m'aterial. I I: I vi I Guide to Reading the Budget Document '. Page 6 I Backup documentation is reviewed by the Budget Review Committee, appointed from I among Poway's citizens by the City Council. This Committee spends many hOLJrs with staff each year prior to budget adoption, .examining the detail behind the proposed budget. These files: are also available for review by the general public, by appoi8tment t with the Administrative Services Department, as early as the month of May prior to a new fiscal year. The Budget is considered by the City Council in public hearings at every regular City I Council meeting in June. Public comment is invited and will be considered by the City I Council at these hearings, In addition to the above, any person having qLJestions about the financial plan may contact the Administrative Services Department. We are pleased to answer any inquiries I to the best of our ability. I I I 'I I I I I I I I I' CITY POWAY vi i OF I 'DQN HIGGINS,ON, Mayor JolEttY,,'RDmSRD Deputy Mayor MICKEY'CAFAG!';JA. ,Councilmember ,BOS'EMERY, Councilmember I JAY'GqLDBV' Councilmember ,I May i, 1997 I Dear Honorable Mayor and,Members of the City Council: The proposed budget presented,' for your consideration"is:for thdirst time in thehistoryofctlie 'I City oH'oway a two-yearbl}(lget.. This budget for fiscal years 1997-98 and 1998"99taRes advantageiof ar.Fimproving economy, known expenditures, and,whathas become veiy' accurate fil1an<:ial;PJojections. Kriown,expenditures, for example, include City employee salaries and the ,I law:el)f'orcemeht contract. These two items are:slibject to Iriultt-yearagreements'thai aC,count for 46%ofilie,:budget. Further, an additional 35% of the budget (maintenance and operations for sewer;,water. and landscape,maintenancedistricts) is offset:by'service feesfor paymenLof I confraCts, InJotal, these costsrepresent 81% of the budget.. For Fiscal Year 1997-98; the ope~a:tii1Mjudget is projectedJo be $37,705,510 growing by 41% to $39,395;460 in FiscalYear }998"99 1n1addiiion, there isa one time expenditure of $2;690,000 in Fiscal Year 1997-98 for 'I street mairitenarice,derived from advance payments ofTran~Net funds, When added to ihe,Fiscal year ;1997-98 budget, thisest!lblishes total available funds at $40,395,510 The proposed budgets ,fofboth,fiscal'years are balanced within the respective annual revenues, I Theradopiion ofatwo-year blJdget offers the City Council,the opportunity to project,,~xpenses beyond ihe'current year thereby:providing a more stable work program, In ad<lition; atwo-year I, budgeLelimin.a.testhe expense'ofpreparing two separate budgets, However, in order to ,insure fiscaloversigl1t, the two-year budget process will incorporawthree mid-year (six month) budget a reviews with the City Council. The City's enviable record of annual balanced budgets has 15een achieved through the City Councikmid-year budget review process 'that permits immediate response to changing conditiolls, I, It should be noted that this budget as presented was prepared,anticipating the ,passage of Proposition A, Fire Protection;Special Tax on June 3, 1997 T.11,atmeasure ,placed before the I voter~in:response to Proposition 218 will convert the e,xisting Fire Protection Fee to:aSpecial Tax, TneFire Protection Fe,ehas raised$525,000'annuallyin,prior,years whichrepresentsd% of GeneraLFimd,revenues, Ifthis,measure fails, GeneralFund.,expenditures will need to be reduced' ,1 in,ofder to' maintain a balanced,budget, Unlike:budgets prepared a few years ago, this year "actions" of the local economy'''speak:loudef; I than,cautiousoptimism, The S()uthPoway Business Park has seen,a remarka,lJIe,'!mpiov~ri1enLiri the,pastsear Over 750,000 squardeet 6fnewbuildings have beenapp...oye(:tal1!,FaJ~ui](ier construction, Further, the assessments'and property taxes'for both communityfacility distn'cts are I currentJor the first time in ove~ three years, New business development is evid_ent tQrQugh6ul all commerciaL areas within the City In order to maintain this momentum, continuing'pl!rticipatio'm.in I econorrii(;development activities is crucial, CitY'HalLLocate'dfat 13325 ,GivlcCenter Drive J I Mailing,Address, PO Box 789 Poway. CalifoYhia '92674,0789 . (619) 748,6600, 695,1400 . ~..c'l' j<.J_,i~ 1''''. FAX (619) 748,1455 vi 11 I Financial Program I May 1, 1997 Page 2 I Lastly, with respect to new capital improvements, there are relatively few projected for the next two years. Thisisessentially the result oflingering,effects of the four"yearr:ecession. It appears I that it will take abouuwo more years for the Redevelopment Agency to receive sufficien(new revenues in order to issue additional bonds. In the meantime, major projects. such as the Scripps I Poway Parkway, the Library and Sheriffs. Station, the water treatmerit plant upgrade, and Arbolitos Park will be completed. In addition, having. capitalized a portion of the City's TransNet funds, major street repairs (totaling. $2.69 million) will be undertaken oil Poway, Pomerado, I Midland, and Twin Peaks roads. The City of Po way has weathered an unprecedented. financial storm over, the past several years I and has maintained; through the conservative fiscal policy direction of the City Council, consistently balanced budgets. The partnership between. the Council and stllffand community continues to insure a high quality ofIifewithin the City On behalf of the 'eni ire staff, I would like I to express gratitude for the privilege of serving the City of Po way . . Sincerely, I J.~ I I .. . I - I I I I C:\DAT A\WPFILES\DA T A\8UOOET.91 I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I, Ii CITY 0F POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1997~98 AND 1998-99 PROGRAMEXPENPITURES I I CITY OF POWAY PROGRAM EXPENDITURES Operations.and Capital total' Department Maintenance Outlay " Personnel Program'" ,. Expenditures~ FISCAL YEAR 1997-1998: Legislative & Administrative $ 776,960 $ 377,050 $ - $ 1,154,010 Administrative Services 1,495,530 1,158,150 642,830 3,296,510- Community Services 1,567,950 1,271,100 77,220 2,916,270 Planning Services 732,990 649,910 600 1,383;500 Public Services 3,771,980 18,572,190 135,240 22,479,410, Safety Services 2,430,150 5,145,560 90,770 7,666,480 Engineering Services 1.366.210 208.510 2.250 1.576;970 Total .$,12.141.770 $27.382 470 $948.9.10 $40.473.150 FISCAL YEAR 1998-1999: Legislative & Administrative $ 794,500 $ 385,990 $ - $ 1,180,490 Administrative Services 1,577,300 1,183,790 800,690 3,561,780 Community Services 1,629,030 1,403,500 52,520 3,085;050' Planning Services 763,620 663,470 - 1,427,090 - Public Services 3,915,930 16,471,600 77,600 20,465,130 Safety Services 2,646,960 5,493,100 32,580 8,172,640 Engine.~ring Services 1.410.550 188.960 1.600 1.601.110 Total $12.737.890 $25.790.41Q $964,990 $39.493.290 .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I CITY OFP6WAY FINANC!ALPROGRAM: 1997:98 AND t998~99 BUDGET BY' FUND I ~ --- - - -- -"_.- -.-- ---- ----.- - -------. - ---- -- -- - -- --- ---.-.- .. -~ -~~._-- CITY OF POWAY - BUDGET BY FUND FY 1997-98 APPROVED t>< 0'~')M~~;~~;lJEn~~~~~I;1 11~~~~~~~U~ID DEPARTMENT.' . ...... .' l(3E:IIIERA~E..U\l\l~}fEB'!\;.IT"SE:WER~.l~A$~TA)("IN\E:NJi;~l...IJ)ISJRICTSQRAINAI:;E'$JP/OJHER1i'lFf,TOTAL',' __"..n_..~.' .~ ...~.._' ..~____..__m_._.~___.~____.._____.....c........_ ___--'._C",-.'___ .____"'_____________m.u.".~u_...:....:..~._.._ ..c.;........:.. ___ c.._n._ .........._ Legislative and Administrativ.e City Council 175,180 21,106 14,774 211,060 City Clerk 240.890 29,023 20,317 290,230 City Attorney 184,210 22,19~ 15,536 221,940 City Manager 357,547 43,078 30,155 430,780 ',' Dl3pa ftJ1l'efut.TCital 1 "" .,.." ,.QgZ,fl?Z!'f'm.;r1,1.&;49J1H:1l11jt11?q;7flfljil!f';:;'l;;:~.If,. ,. 1,.154;010 Administrative __Services_~ Director 177,119 70,721 70,720 318,560 Personnel 187,904 47,110 32,656 267,670 Customer Services 39,688 239,085 199,397 478,170 F'inance 256,382 124,158 67,680 448,220 Data Processing 65,497 130,915 65,458 261,830 Support Services 148,297 90,800 32,7,35 7,115 5,693 .284,640 Risk Management 318,816 195,207 70,371 15;298 12,238 611,930 Capital Replacement 625,490 625,490 Fl])epa,ftfji~i'11'1Tgt.a,lhj' ." t :i.1'i:t\!9jqq911Hl'I,1.~f?glZ:fJil@9.1\Jilg;f5p~iQ.;1;Z;'1ti"";j(81~1%'\1;'lf;;19~7,i~Q$'(}111;.;r;;(' ."w.;:;i.l'imZ;~911[$;;;. ,..,,):n)Ti!'~;~~~;~.10 C.ommunity..Ser:vices Director 361,220 361,220 IRecreation 853,590 853,590 Lake Operations 472,950 472,950 Aquatics 381,180 381,180 PerfiJrmingArts,.Ctr 576,490 576,490 Qld Poway Park 111,640 111,640 Library 159,200 159,200 ';QEip$rtll1emtTotal ...... ...?,~.19}2'7;Q... _.,c;:",:,,~;t "':': 2;9.113,270 elanning_Services Director 242,130 242,130 Current Planning 446,020 446,020 Advance Planning 157,940 157,940 11~~~~:~~:s~e;~~~;""'!."1"'~~~~:~~' .'.,1"',.. ,1t ,.XHi'," . ,'..',....,... 7;ri7\1'\01":;;'".",,,; ...,yi,,':"':;",,'!'1"iY,wTii,in,,;;K1A...,:.':r"i,,; ."" ...., ,'/",..,;;.."1."'1'';'',);,."',, ''';'1;~~~.'':~~ "_::! ._..:__ -:. :. - :.; .', "-., n,_. 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I:=Y 1997~98 APPROVED pEPc~RiT:IVI;NTI.'n\:?M\~i;;S3.ENERAI);;!g\!j,WA-TER1~;ji':$EWER[c!~\.S3A$lmAX..'i4il;i;IVI_E:Nifjm~!QI$mRIPTJl$.PRA!NAGE:;j$JjRI(:).]I;IERj~\$'likl;tt(:)mAI1;.if,kli;i~ Rublic_SelYicas Director 17,966 170,672 170,672 359,310 Vehicle & Eqmt:, Maint. 497 ,520 4_~7,520 Water Supply 7,739,700 7,739,700 Sewer Pumping 4,094,810 4,094,81'0 IVI.'aterTransmission 614,490 614,:490 Wastewater Collect. 272,960 272;960 Maintenance Control 3~,6?1 220,3.88 188,441 44,639 7,341 4~.5,:4~0 Street Maintenance 300,000 60,350 60,350 864,890 3,563,400 4;8411;9,~0 Drainage . 41,425 41.,425 247,770 ,330;6~9 Facilities Maint. 91,223 157,770 98,917 6,630 354;540 Trails & Open Space 88,330 88,330 Park & Land Maint. 858,245 115,245 36,210 1,069,760 Special Assmt. Dist. 27,030 1,745,930 1,772;960 .. n".....rt. .. .....t .T"t "I""" "..'1'-".1"'.4.65""....g'-..ZO.'O".O"""A"963.."85''''''''8.6...-890'..._n."97..520...-.""90..569....~""26...7A,1.~ ""3 '563 "'A 00 ' .....22 '4 79 -410 '" ~L~,~R~,:Jn~-n";~.J}) ,,~t':_i!A??1t~,@~:;&, ,';:;!Lt:~';M",_",,,~%1'{f;~1t,,_,i'~L:_,, __i :.tLJ~~;.,s->~~j'~{J..__I>~JRt1&L.~-,,~t., <>,>,:_i~~:t~~" ..:"';L_,,,,;_);r$@;"}~c~_.~_ f_,,'.._ _-",:~%!~r~~t.-_,,'__:~J;.}tttL~~,wi.j1H.; '. :; _.", ._',j" ,'_.<_:t}b11:H'~, ,~>."~,,,>,>:,,/L, " ._ ' ,: . , -,' " , '" '" " , ..~ Safety~Se[yices . Director 283,700 283;700 fire~uppression 1,84.5,,120 1,845;;120 Fire Prevention 359;610 .359;610 Paramedi,cs 705,430 76'5.;:43,0 Law Enforcement 4,472,620 4,472;620 , '~')'D'-'"~' ",<-""''';J'' }"f."" ',- ~'''t'' :::-t""'t" ""'fl~\' .. ;,'~ ,?",:"'71""'.;"6-"'6P"-6--~."4.,.,..."8' ""0' -'''''''~,;;-$.",:, ';',;,-;_:f''1~~ ;:~%~~~:;'f.;':;>~'''';''''' ..o"'$~~;~~v<\:~<!<.'*!''<'yi0-g,;.!:i\";''wt.'','~f.~~:!--1~; ,;,' ;;,,"i,,'WtJt_';:i.~,,~'"';;iiW;::,.~'A<fK':.'i':"'TI;':(i;7:'ir::'''"';:~:t:<.~~i:a~,;.-oiM"'('<~'~Y':'?J~f.,-~;/t'1'%'*%!f'0{i:,,;;y.;;.::~.<!;~~';;i''$.',;'j'"'' '~~"~;~~::~'f':-:--7.--" '~'6'--"6' ''''~6'^\4''''8-" 0" ,;. ; epal-,Lmen "j'I.~O a ,',<, ,-,'~~",,"'--', ,,', -", , "'''<e'''''''''':'''''< --<",~"">''''''f,"",,,,,rt>l:'''~'''~' :1"1" <"*,~"',<~~~~.,~"'.",i!"r~A"'};..0'''.''',,.r:;.,''P,.'# ..",,'.. "1-i"","',_.,'".".'>:?~'1-,'f'~'0;"h~.,->.,,"",~',!),x~"",~,'""',~,'~"'~,"',"o;,"';'>x'~;l,""""',_',d'jO,~,"',__~t",.,;;(:.,' '"~%,,~,<'.1,;:{...,8,:"'.,^'-.,y;.,--,.\,1*'.,-;,,, ''''';''," "t"", " r. Eng i neering.SeOlices Director 129,660 14,349 28,871 172,~8,0 CClpital Projects 378,36] 12,225 8,152 6,000 8,766 413,510 . Land Ql;!velopment 481;58,3 15,298 10,139 50~,930 Inspection 2~5,810 7,446 4,964 2~8,220 Irciffic .163,581 5,165 3,444 172;190 SPPCont, Mimag, 63;240 63,240 . ~";' '''';''KO:;'.'__", __.-'" "",x,';":'~;--:*,"'\" ' '-' h'k"'",--" ~y__ , ,':""~,~'"'' >ry""'~' ';:';'>:"'~"'''~1:''-'--'': __~,o.:,~".<""..~.."",,,,.:,..,,,,,~,,,,., ;'B-..";'<l'~'~'~~~"5"':5"'''''~r-5''''7 'O""'i'::"S~m;~~',,~~ ",,'^ .<;~, .,;~--;::,:f~~"~";.~~':&~~:m,{~'%'~~.,);:'0'~~~~;''''?,'>;;~!~~''"'<,~~::O:"":7.;:t...,"!:."t>~";,:'" h'.",,,~.,'1':P". ,. .. ...:'i.:;~:\;'~;~F;:,l,~,";''''',:rf,);'l*j!: .~v""",, .1'~*'5--" ',-- "6"'--' ~ >9'~~:0'~"': l~rt1l'?\epa "'m'enti7-Total~,~~",r~ ;1'~1:;j1;0"':A52(Z4.. 'l~f.:,,%.-",:~:t::t54~\3 93... 'j.;~~;J.t?~t::,~ 'i . :t~ '--~~*"1"{"~;6tno 0~R,;"i;~,Wf";;\,.~~i;:%.Jlf&"'v:r€ttJ{.~*I1;~,r:%n;jyv*1~"W:r;-h~0';'~~;j\j,8:'-7766~~;~:f{~\\~~5;~'<';'.~,;-..':,:,~1:'W*~~:t~~~:~;...';:,:'~:~f~; "7 "'f< C TOTAL EXPENDITURE $16 987446 $10,187~830 $5,639,154 $870;890 $1,145,423 $1,790,569 $288,438 ~563,400 $40,473,156- . .. . . . _._ . _u___ __..__________ ~ _ ------.- -----.------- - .~ - CITY OF POWAY - BUDGET BY FUND I FY 1998-99 APPROVED t>< ~. < DEPARTMENT' iJ'iGENERAUi' 'WATER;' SEWER]GASiTAX)."IInENTi"1"$.![:>ISTRICTSri'bRAINAGEiSTP/OTHER' 'TOTAL .m......u.._____ __~_ '_n'.'_' __'..::: ;..:......_...---'-._,.:~:..:.___:..:.._ _______-'.____.___.::.:_:..:.::.:,_:"-_,__-"_______....,:o.;~,:.;...;,;:.:..:.:..::...-..__..._c..c.---'---",'-"'~:::~'~..;:.._c:.:...._."'-"--=_':=~::.__"__--"---'-:c:..:.'-~i:':;;:.;;.::..:::-";c.-c.' . -- " .' ....', , " .c. "'<, - <..e;.;,......,.""--_~_..:.......;:.;;.,-',_.;;...~._~.c_.___..i'__.__:__.,:_:: _.;;~.:.n......_~~.._ ILe~islative and dministrative City Council 177,521 21,388 14,971 213,880 City Clerk 251 ,482 30,299 21,209 302;990 I City Attorney 185,040 22,294 15,606 222,940 i City Manager 365,764 44,068 30,?48 440,680 Ii l'Oepai'tmenlTbtal." " . 979:80T'0", ",,1'18,049 'ji'87:!3:3flj ,..,1,180;490,1 , n.. . ...._ " '. ,. " i ~ :1 i Administrative , ! Services. 347,300 : IIDirector 193,099 77,101 77,100 I'personnel 195,387 48,986 33,957 278,330 ;' Customer Services 40,745 245,455 204,710 490;9101 , Finance 260,786 126,291 68,843 455,920 I Data Processing 68,687 137,375 68;6.88 274,750 Support Services 1'51,997 93,065 33;551 7,293 5,834 291,740 Risk Management 328,167 200,933 72,435 15,747 12,598 629,880 Capital Replacement 792,950 792,950 cOepartmeiitT6tal''''\'' ':"r238;868\~, "929'206 :559284rip :18;432: ',i1,:3;5~1;780 i I":~____' --...:--. ,,- __:'v. ."_j^"f"",^,, :"~'~:". ,,'. -,.,~,:"" ",_t__.;'__. :', __ ",__: - I . ,,-. ~ ,'..,^_." '_;~ ., .--~, : ~". -'. - :""" ,--,. , C.ommunity_8.er:vices Director 373,560 373,560 Recreation 854,7:30 854,730 Lake Operations 462,250 462,250 Aquatics 393,310 393,310 Performing Arts Ctr 580,030 580,030 Old poway Park 110,970 110,970 Ljbrary 310,200 310,200 ,1:0epetr;!rnElntTota.1: 3;p8~;050 :> ,3j9~~;050 I Iplanning_ser:vices i pi rector 251,250 251,250 ICurrent Planning 461,290 461,290 ,Advance Planning 182,130 182,130" IBuildirig Inspection 532;420 532,420, , JLPgPClftrni'lntIQt!iIi,;,. .... '1;42'4,Q99,]:.;.;'J,: .,. A,; -j~~",..- :'", 1427090 ' , .:,.,,1.-,,-...'_. : I.~"..; ~~~~~.==,~=.===,,=~~==..=.;~___ , , - ~--~_.__.._--~---~-- .--~ .---- , -------_._~._-~- --- - - .' - - ,- ., -; .' - .' - - -' -, .', - -' - - .' - - - - - ,- - '. '- ,- - - - - ~~i~" - - - - ~ --~. _."--- -_." - - --~~--=~ -:::::::......::=-=------::;-==- - -- . ~ . - CITY OF POWAY - BUDGET BY FUND I 1i , l_fi~1.r'iiiiilti~i~iit:t11'~lt.i~lIllIfltil. lp.ublic:;.setvices 18,386 174,663 174,662 367,710 Director' ,IVehicle & Eqnit.Maint. 510,580 510,580 'IWater Supply 8,229,190 - ,- c ~ - ~;229i190 : Sewer Pumping 4,174,370 4,174,370 Ilwater Transmission 596,290 596;290 ,IWastewater Collect. 271,140 271;140 ralntenance Control 35,272 224,205 191,704 45,412 7,468 _ 5!l~;0!i~0 Street Maintenance 400;000 60,350 60,350 882,1 90 775,630 2,~78;520 Drainage, 41;425 41,425 233,160 316'010 ",.,1. .c IFacilities Maint. 89,679 155:,100 97,243 6,518 34M40 Trails & Open Space 91,440 91440 ' pilrk & Land, Maint. 907,061 120,988 39,082 1 ,067l130 II Landscape Maint. Dist. 27,030 1,783,120 1,810;15011 {@~P?tlrn~ntTQt~ly~,,,,,,1;!561li897i"i\$;6Q?;2:1:1, {!5iQ4~L$Z4'ill~?;~9Qi,!5.1Q;!58Qi ;1828532'1 ,'[247,146', 775:930 29;465,1301 "__ l~ "".1.,. ......._ ,_.n',.: ....-',. .... ,..-' ~ safety5etvices, 299,690 Director 299;()90 Fire suppressiori 1,927,530 1 ,92~,530 Fire Prevention 409,430 409,430 ParamEldics 760,490 760,490 Law Enforcemerit 4,775,500 4,775,500 1l,i5eartriienfJoial' 8,.t72i64o. i ("".,i""8>112"640" , t. '.,"".-.... ,,' 'I I~P, -" "'. '.,,""" "',,,,' ,'- I.'. .... ....' I "_'''~ ,,",.:;-, : :-,):~.' :::,,--.:_,,~.... , '-"'';'" J _ ., .. ,>1 I, I, I. il , IEngineering Seryices 29,8~5 .I 'IDi(ectbr 134,258 14,858 6,000 179,0101 )Itarital Projects 393,711 12,721 8,482 9,117 430,030 II I Land Development 480,434 15,172 10: 114 505,720' Iflspectidn 29~4,921 9,293 6,,196 309,8101: Traffic 167,714 5,295 3,531 176,5~0 ; -. Ii KP~'R~Ffi}i~oJ*t9t~I':H~;'k1t\,njt~!Q:~~~(%}iiji!i~,,;$t',~3'g.t, ,.."r$?;tj~~;[;;01;rt91QQQru~..;trJ,i;:~tf;il;;it;h,rC; ,;d~i'"H'i'Ei;;~:;"'i.,.:g /1;1 {r;;i~J,<i!!:j.;::iiktl"rii~:;i;1;1':~9~ r;j1i 9,:1 I, I, ii ~ IQTAL _~)(PE~I).lII,.I~.~$J7',~~~,!.~!L$J 0, 70~805 $~, 750,110 __$888;190 $j~~26,57.0 ~.J.1!~2_~,1i]l~~.$~21~,-~2~,,_ _ $J7~&~9 $~9;4.92,290 I . . -~.---.------_. -.--. I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY'fINANCIALPROGRAM: 1997-98 ANDt998-99 EMPLOYEE POSIJIONS~CLA$SiFICATIONS,AND SALARY RANGES I XV111 I CITY OF POWAY I AUTHORIZED FULL-TIME POSITIONS BY DEPARTMENT I 1996 - 1997 1997 - 1998 1998 - 1999 I Department Authorized Approved Approved I. Legislative and Administrative 9 9 9 Administrative Services 24 24 25 Community Services 21 21 21 Planning Services 11 11 11 Public Services 71 71 71 Safety Services 34 34 34 Engineering Services 19 .lli 19 TOTAL CITY 189 189 190 Redevelopment Services 7 7 7 Housing Services 1 1 1 GRAND TOTAL 197 197 198 I 01TYOF POWAY - FULL-TIME CLAS,SIFICATIONS rdlilf&iiar~ll~r!vi'fi~r I .'..........-....-.-.,..,.-'-.-...'..,...-.,.....-'...,-.,..,.-,...............................,......... .......-..........-................................._..................,..,...........'....'..'........ Accountant 252:5: 3020-3687 3126<~816 " ' AccounfGlerk II 212.6 2025-2472 2096"2558 AccountGlerk I 207.6 ,1926-2351 1994"2434 ....:;. 2446-2987 Administrative Secretary 228,1 2364-2886 I ,A,ss[stant City Cler~ 262:6 3338-4075 3454-4218 Assistant Civil Engineer II 269,0 3'558-4343 ,3683-4495 ASsistant Civil Engineer I 259.0 3220-3931 3333'-4068 I AssiStant Planherll 257,.6 3'175-3875 ,3286-4011 Assistant to the City Manager 286,9 4256-5193 4405~5375 Associate Civil Engineer 284,0 4133-5046 4278-5222 I Associate Planner 267:6 3~08-4283 3631-4433 Code Compliance Officer 252,6 3020-3687 31"26-3816 Community Services t0anager 296,9 4702-5739 4866-5940 I Computer Services Manager. 296:9 4702-5739 4866-5940 .. , 252.6 Computer Support Coordinator 3020-3687 3126-3816 I Computer Support Technician 223.1 2249-2746 2328-2842 Construction;Maintenance Worker II 220,6 2215-2705 .2293-2799 Construction Maintenance Worker I 211.6 2005-2447 2075-2533 I Construction Manager 279.2 3!:j80-4859 4120"5029 Customer Services Manager 286.9 4254-5193 4403-5375 Customer'Services 'Worker 226.6 2329-2843 2410-2943 I Deputy Dir,eClor Admi~istrativeSerVic;es 299,9 4890-5970 506 ~ -6U9' Director of Administrative Services 323,3 6119-7471 6333-7732 Director of , Community Services 323,3 6119-7471 6333-,7732 I Director of, Engineering Services 323,3 6119-7471 6333-7732 Director bf.Planning Services 323,3 6119"7471 6333-.7732 Director of Public Services 323:3 6119-7471 6333~77~2 I Director otRedevelopment Services, 323.3 6119"7471 6333-77>32 Director of'Safety Services 324.3 6182"7547 6398"7811 Engineering'Services Inspector 255,2 3099-3784 3208-3916 I Engineering; TeChnician 239,9 2660-3247 2753-3361 , EquipmenH{taintenanceSupervisor . ,. 3289-4016 2577 3177"3880 EquipilfenrMechanic 242,7 2736-3340 283'1-3456 I Facilities' Construction. Main\. Worker 220:6 2215-2705 2293_2799 Finance'rv1anager 296,9 4702-5739 4866"5940 F.ire Division,Chief 305,7 5135"6269 , ?314"6488 I F.ire Captain 274.2 3786-4622 3918-4784 Fire Engineer 259~9 3282-4006 3397-4.14.7 FireW9titer: 249:3 2952-3604 3055"3730 I Fire Preve}itior;llnspector 259:9 3282-4006 3397-4147 Geh~fa,I;Servlces Manager 286,9 4254-5193 4403-5375' , Ho.u~ing Pr9'gramlCoordinator 267:6 3508-4283 3631-4433 ~ab,An~lystJS,,!fety. Coordinator 257.6 3175-3876 3286-4012. Lanascape Maintenance Supervisor 249:5 2928-3574 3031 ~3699 I, Lead ConStruction Main!. Worker 236,6 '2574-3142 2664"3252 Lead Ratiifties Cons!.. Main!. Worker 236:6 2574-3142 2664-3252 LeadPark~Maintenance Worker 234,5 2520-3077 2608"3184, I LifeUard III 198:3 1754~2133 1.815~2208 CITY OF POWAY - FULL-TIM:~~:8~~;~'~~~~~:~9$A~QMO~m~m~" '$1~~~~aNGe ....'........'$l%IIB,'mll\tlI~~ ., Lifeguard II 188.3 1588-1939 1644-2007 Maintenance Control Division Supervisor 261,6 3289-4016 3404-4156 I Maintenance Operations Division Manager 291.3 4445-5427 4601-5616 Maintenance Operations Supervisor 251,6 2990-3651 3094"3778 Management Aide 238,1 2613-3189 2704,c3301 I Management Analyst 262,6 3338-4075 3454-4218 , , Materials Controller 227,6 2352-2872 2435-2972 Meter & Backflow Preventor Mechanic 236.6 2574-3142 -- ".~. - -- "'. 2664-3252 Park & Landscape Manager 284,9 4170-5091 43,16-5269 Park Attendant II 166.1 1272-1553 1317-1607 Park Maintenance Worker II 219.5 2169-2648 2245-2741 I. Park Maintenance Worker I 209.5 1963-2397 2032-2480 Park Ranger 210.2 1977-2413 2046-2498 " Performing Arts Manager 286.9 4254-5193 4403-5375 Personnel Aide 238.1 2613-3189 270N301 Personnel Clerk 218.1 2139-2612, 22,14-2703 Personnel Manager 297.9 4748-5796 49t4-5999 I Planner/Estimator, Control Inspector 241.6 2705-3299 ' 2800-3414 Pool Manager 229.0 2386-2912 2469-3014 I Principal Planner 2974 4726-5769 4892c5971 Recreation Interpretive Specialist 229.0 2386-2912 2469~3014 Recreation Leader II 187.8 1580-1929 1636-1997 I Recreation Program Coordinator 229.0 2386c2912 2469"30,14 Recreation Supervisor 245.5 2812-3434 2911-35~4 Redevelopment Coordinator 262.6 3338-4075 3454-4218 I Redevelopment Manager 299.0 4802-5863 4970-6068 Redevelopment ProjectAdministrator 272.6 3689-4502 3'818-4660 Secretary III 218:1 2139-2612 2214-2703 I Secretary II 203;6 1851-2259 1915~2338 Secretary I 198,6 1760-2149 1822-2224 Secretary to the City Manager 245.1 2829-3453 2928-3574 I Senior Accountant 262.6 3338-4075 3454-4218 Senior Civil Engineer 299.0 4802-5863' 4970-6068 Senior Planner 282.6 4076-4976 4219-5150 I Senior Planner/Estimator, Control Inspector 251.6 2990-3651 3094-3778 Senior Utility System Technician 262.1 3321-4054 3437-4196 Sewer Treatment Plant Operator 2471 2858-3490 2958-3612 I Street Maintenance Supervisor 251,6 2990-3651 3094-3778 Technical Assistant to the Director 291,3 4445-5427 4601-5616 I: Traffic Engineer 299,0 4802~5863 4970-6068 Utilities System Mechanic 2471 2858-3490 2958-3612 Utilities System Technician 252,1 3005-3668 3110-3797 I Water Collection Supervisor 251,6 2990-3651 3094-3778 Water Distribution Supervisor 251.6 2990"3651 3094-3778 Water Treatment PlantOperator III 2571 3159-3856 3270-3992 I Water Treatment Plant Operator II 2471 2858-3490 2958-3612 Water Treatment Plant Operator I 2371 2587-3158 2677-3268 Water Treatment Su ervisor 272.1 3670-4480 3798-4637 I - I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 1.997~98 AND 1.998-99 REVENUE BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I _o,'2..nC.._~= ._-, ,_,n,_ --- u. _ - -- -- ------ ------------ ----- - REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I ------- __'___ - n_ _._ __._ FY 1995-96 FY 1996-97 FY 1997-98 FY 1998c99 I Actual Actual --.-6Pcproved ApprovE!~ ,I FUND 100- GENERAL FUND I 'I Iaxes_&.Er.aacbisfi.s" '! 7111 Taxes- Property Current $ 3,502,197 $ 3,483,141 $ 3,629,810 $ 3,752,410 17112 Taxes- Property DelinqUent 86,368 71,932 100,000 100,000 I : 7113 Taxes- Property Supplemental 73,500 69,583 76,500 78,030 , : 7114 Taxes- Property HO Exemption 87,771 86,481 91,800 93,640 i 7117 Taxes- Real Property Transfer 130,021 175,959 150,000 160;000 7131 State Sales Tax 3,696,899 4,149,019 4,174,040 4,69,5,520 ,I , 7151 Transient Occupancy Taxes 49,168 62,385 49,500 50,000 7172 Franchises- SDG&E 318,183 318,348 329,420 336,Oj 0 I ,: 7173 Franchises- SW Cable 31,416 32,692 36,000 40,000 : 117174 Franchises- Cox Cable 248,182 267,346 260,000 272,000 II $LJbt()tal!T?xes~&iFrai1chises$ ';:''B;223;i()~i~'$':,{:,8,?1,6;8861, r$,i 8;897,010 $ 9i577;~10 '. 117211 Licenses_&J,!,ermits Animal License $ 228 $ 110 $ 250 $ 270 'I 117213 Business Registration 27,138 20,215 10,000 5,000 ' 117214 State Fishing Licenses 1,640 1,514 1,300 1 1,300, , i 7232 Fishing Permits 103,643 98,148 106,000 106,0001 117233 Boat Permits 109,368 92,577 110,000 110,000 ' 1,7234 Construction Permits- Excavtn 8,269 13,408 6,000 6,000 , 7235 Construction Permits- Grading 3,897 7,200 5,000 5,00.0 il 17236 Parking Permits 47,266 49,951 48,000 48,000 ' ;3()~i449,! ,$' ! Subtotal:i,Licenses&Permits $ 283;1?~,:\':$'" '286,55() $ .,281;510, Ii 117310 Fines_&EorfeJiureJ> I, ,I Fines & Penalties 67}99 71,477 70,000 ; $ $ $ $ 70,000 I Sllbtotal!:Fihe~&~()iieitutes $ 67;799,,;','$: '\."'::7,1,'47'7 '($;,"'"'''' ,70;000'$ ,io;ooo : II ",-, '.'- "', " ;'::: ~:";.". ,,:" ;;" I' IJ..s,e_oLMoney_& Property I ,I !i 7411 Interest Income- General $ 317,271 $ 417,791 $ 339,460 $ 358,460 , !17412 Interest Income- Restricted - 2,081 - - 117414 Interest Income- Loans 254,520 248,367 271,640 276,710 11' ; 7441 Space Rental - - 2,440 2,440 . 7461 Lease Revenue- Telecommunicat - 47,200 69,880 69,170, 7471 Rental- Facilities 145,767 130,210 152,000 159,900 :1 7472 Rentals- Swimming Pool 19,337 11,617 23,500 23,500 : ' 17473 Rentals- Swimming Pool Lockers 743 626 1,000 1,000 " :7476 Concessions Income 58,023 73,221 73,870 74,4801' 7477 Rental- For Kids & Parents Trailer 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200 : 7478 Rental~ Poway Sports Park 45,000 24,800 30,000 30,000 , Subtotal L:Jse,ofMbney& Property $ 844,861"" $",,: ~60;11~:\!$)!C 967,990 $ 999;86()I . .---- , , - ---- I 1-' ----.~- ---'-'-~ . - '- '_:'_.-=_ _ _,.~ _-;---=-.::-_==---,,"_~_ __=--_..=:.;:.-_-' ..::..:3:~ :-"'";,,"--'-- --- --------- REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES __ ______u ----- --~_.- --- --- --- --..__.~ I FY 1995-96 FY1996-97 FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 Actual Actual ~~provel!__ Approved ------- ---- I FUND 100- GENERAL FUND (C:on't) 8eyenue/..Gr-aots' from_QttleLAgencie,s 7512 PUSD Cqntribution to PCPA $ 65,180 $ 62,866 $ 63,000 $ 61,800 I 7521 County Revenue Grants (Other) - 10,000 10,000 10,000 7530 Sheriffs Contract Rebate 57,088 - 50,000 50,000 ,7541 State..Rev/Gra nts-Other 37,348 3,919 - - 117581 Motoryehicle In~Lieu 1,708,401 1,835,794 1,850,000 1,890,000 . _ '7582. Off Highway Motor Veh In-Lieu 1,271 - " - - .-- Subtoh3!',Reysf(bm,OthAgeiities" $ 1,869,288 $ , 1';912)579' $ 1,973,000 $: 2;OM,800 I Eee.sJ!L$.elYic..e,s 7582 Off-Highway Motor Veh In Lieu $ $ 729 $ - $ - I ii 7611 Candi.aates Filing Fees - 400 400 ;; 7612 Water System Analysis Fees 22,070 44,630 43,000 33,000 'I ;,7613 Administrative ,Revenue 1,582,348 1,594,095 1,721,440 1,712,030 I !117614 Miscellal)eous Le'gislative Fees 4,933 3,059 2,000 2,000 : 7621 Advertising Sales 200 - - ': 7622 PCPA TicketSaJes 62,930 7,629 10,000 20;000 I :1 7623 PCPA,Staff Services 98 - ~ :( 7624 Aquatics Recreation Programs 52,090 52,889 55,440 55'0440 ,7625 Leisure,Cohtracts Fees 195,069 Hl6;168 201,040 201,040 , , I : 7626 - Recreation Programs Fees 38,175 35;904 45,320 45,320 1:7628 Swimming Pool Admissions 104,365 93,109 104,190 104J90 I [L7631 Lake PowaYOliernight Camping 875 ,521 900 900 11;7731 j Planning Fees 84,586 82;583 70,000 70,000 , ,17732 Environmental Review Fees 138 - - - II !i 7733 Miscellaneous Pla.nning Fees 3,992 2,292. 3,000 3,000 ! Iii 7734 Building Inspection Fees 636,640 958,,184 702,09Q 702;000 , Plan/Check Revenue 220'000. :' - !! 7735 181,886 473:486 221,000 , il7736 Miscellaneous Engineering' Fees 16,503 41,241 10,000 5'000 , InspectiClIJ fees " II! 7737 202,747 249;311 246;500 366;000 :: i! 7738 Eng Staff Time Reimbursement 25,955 87:666 10,000' 5,000 ' " i! 7740 Inspection-Mobile Homes 919 1,889. 3,000 3;000 I :17742 Inspectibn- Roofing 4:573 ~;OOQ II . '177,52 Alarm Registrations &Penalties 40,917 41,979 42,000 42,000 :: TZ53 Safety,Svc!i Plan Chklln_spect 56,851 142,484 110,000 120;000 I i: ;;;~ Mise Safety Services Fees 17,372 44,015 9:500 9,500 Ambulance Fees 225,720 ' " 194,866 205;000 225,000 7756 CPR 'Class Registration Fees 594 510 500 500 I 7757 Vehicle Abatement Fees 30,270 29,024 26:000 26,000 7758 T()wiNI ~o~t(acts 29,423 27,642 50,000 50,000 7759 Fire Protection Fees 569,856 544,162 - - I 77.60 Weed/Nuisance Abatement Fees 31,481 37,792 3,5,000 35,000 7.772 Street Improvements 49,515 51 ,788 35;950 13,200 7773 Solid Waste Franchise Fees 188,961 180,303 185:000 190;000 I Subtotal Fees & Services $ 4;426,625 ,$ ,jS;255;777 $ 41'52-780, $ 4:;259i520 " , c I , ,4 -, - - ,..-.-..- .. -,- , -,-.. '---' - " -, - ~.. - REVENUES-~Y FUND-S AND SOURCES ------- --- - ,-- I _______ ___ _0'.- _ _ _.______~_~ ______ ___ ___~ __ _ ~ FY 1995-96 FY 1996-97 FY 1997-98 FY 1998~99 '1 Actual _ ActuaL._ -.6pproved Approved ' FUND 100- GENERAL FUND (Con't) 'I' QtheLB.e,v.eoues ' , , 7830 Donations $ 1,156 $ 1,148 $ - $ - 7884 Returned Checks Charges - - 2,,100 2,20.0. , 7885 Worker's Comperisation Refund 22,214 14,193 20,000 20;0.0.0 "I " 7886 Insurance Settlements - 86,087 - - ,7889 PERS Excess Earnings 19,066 88,124 - - '. ,i 7891 Miscellaneous Income 117,'489 133,793 176,650 201,650 ' 7892 Mandated Cost Recoveries 3,824 14,024 2,000 2,000 ' '7893 FEMA Reimbursement 29,977 13,063 10,000 10,:0.00 ". ,17894 Insurance Refunds 67,748 - 40.,0.00. 40,000 ,,7896 Farmer's Market Income 18,974 20,855 13,200. 14,400. , ;: 7898 PCPA Foundation Shared Reven - 5,000 - -'I I . . , . ,. Subtotal{l(0thet'Revenues$ 28(i;44~y:f~,;!nH ':':14376,287: '$:"i,t~,;j,I:263;950 '$ 290,250; 'TotaIGerier~ll;dl1dj $' 16;014i1is,'!f,i$;TiH1'r,57E!,242 ,'$';'16;61':1:;3'40 $ 17;4,9Q;610' ':1 !: , " FUND 211- STREET IMPROVEMENTS (GASOLINE TAX) FUND ", 'I ': 7591 Gasoline Tax -21.05 $ 280,8,45 $ 277,30.9 $ 286,460 $ 292,1~_o.;1 !i 7592 Gasoline Tax - 2106 181,835 184,740 185,'470 189~180 : Ii 7593 Gasoline Tax - 2107 385,261 389,447 392,960. 400.1820 ;1 i,;,7594 Gasoline Tax.. 2,107.5 6;000 6,000 6,000. 6;000 III ii 7613 Administrative, Revenue 610 224 - - " ii 7891 Miscellaneous Income 575 1,472 - -:1 :: TotaIStreef1lmpr6v~ineritsFlmd $ '855;1@a~.'::$'" ;85~;192ii:$n:; ;.870,lJ~0' $<, ~88It;190j il ii FUND 221- STREET DEVELOPMENT FUND II i 7'411 Interest Income- General $ 15,483 $ 33,032 $ 20,850. $ 21,560 II I, 7715 Landscape Median Fees - 2,883 - - i, 7772 Street Improvements - 709,000, - , - ii, '1 'I "':''',r"~"",,,,,\,,,!;i'''''4'''i,'9'1'''''j'}''>'''''''''2'0"'8' 50 ' ',I''' "'''1'56'''' I'. TotalStreetDeye opment Fund $ ,15,413,;3,j!j'ith}i,i'ii::;,,",I, ";",5,.",,$,'1' """";'''''., ;,. '. $, '",,;! ",....Q: , rI FUND 222- AB1600 STREET DEVELOPMENT'FUND ill" 7411 Interest Income- General $ 47,739' $ 36,352 $ 39,540. $ 34,060 I ' 7713 Traffic Mitigation Fees 32,328 20,311 _ 19,800 9,900 11 F- ,: Total AB160o.Street Dev Fund $ 80;0\37};:!:,!jj;I'::,"l!~6,663'i'i~1:!,;\')59;340:, $ ,:I:,j!43,~"E!9 !~I , Total Street 'Funds 221 8i 222 $ 95;559i"'$j,II!I".!'j:~p1i57~,"I$ "i"~.();190', $'C65i52JI. !! FUND 223- PROPOSITION A STREET DEVELOPMENT FUND :'. 7132 Sales Taxes- Proposition A $ 1,0.52,0.94 $ 1,20.9,709 $ 3,485,000. $ 485,000, '7411 Interest Income- General 103,647 86,0.76 59,300 34,060. 1 Total Prop A Street Dev Fuhd $ 1;155,741!1;"$,.'1):1,1;295,7'85':$ 1;63,544;300 $--519,060 :; ,I -----, ,-- --- I ."'~ ___,~~..~,_,ll,=~ __._._ __ ____~. _u _ ._ - .__ .n _ __.~ ---------~.. ~-- I ._____ _n___ _.~-'..- ----~.- --~--- REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES , -- n_ --- .." -- -- , - 'I FY 1995-96 FY 1996797 FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 Actual Actuai .......6eproved Aeeroved I '7119 FUND;231- DRAINAGE FUND Taxes - Flood ,Zones $ 312,615 $ 342,397 $ 351,890 $ 351l,930 7411 InteresHncdme:' General 54,430 54,967 60,230 62,270 I 7613 Administrative Revenue 642 - - - 7891 Miscellaneous Income 750 - - , - ,7893 FEMA Reimbursement __(2,844) 28,424 - - I TotalcDr~iri,,!ge-' F.und..";"", .1" ,$. 6 . 93' """"...t ''"':42 ..' , " , 412;120; 5; -421,200 3 5;5'~'!']';'k, 5i7'8~, $' FUND 232" AS1'600 DRAINAGEF,UND I 7411 Interest Income- General $ 1,856 $ (8,620) $ 660 $ 680 I' 7712 DrainageJ;ees 18,840 18,998 60,000 60,000 !Tbt~ FAE3..160Qi[) r~irlag~" I;u rid i(,ii",; $ ," "",'.II..'+t;:.~;;~\,Y~:',:'::-;: .c' ':.;_.-._~.- ,.' 60;660' $ 60;680 I': 20,1)\16" ,]'",~._'.:!i"::;!::i;\,::1Q;378" $ , " 'Iota I Drai~aged:::ynas,?3f!& 232" $" ' 3862891' $"'"1:.;I"'43sr166 "'its ;.~t2'78li' . $ 481,880 , . ,.1 t" :;'\;:/":;';"i:' :"""y .. __J '. :i:'i.~'" " )',.". " I :' ,FUNDS:241 thru 251- GRANT FUNDS " " '7411 Interest Income-General $ 7,873 $ 4,073 $ 22,490 $ 21,200; " Local RevenuesJGrants- Other 63,300 " I 'I 751-1 - - " !: 7521 Grant- -County (Other) - 351,401 - - - ,) 7522 Grant".SolidWaste Reduction (51) - - , I : 7523 Grant" TDA 121,000 - - - I li'7525 Grant- Used Oil Recycling 12,458 - 15,000 15,000 7527 Grant" Beverage Containers - 36,480 - - I. , . :,7528 Grantf .Safety Services - 105,837 - - Ii II[ 7529 Grant"TDA Bus Stop Imprvmnts - 20,000 10,000 10 000 ;. , , i~ 7533 Grani- Household Haz Wastes 73,018 - - Ii 'I Grant- State Off of Traff Safety 29,490 I II 7543 - - - !! ! 7551 Grant" f:tsehld Hazardous Waste 44,794 - - - ,. , , '17561 Grant" Federal COPS/FAST 25,000 37,500 25,000 " - i: I ::7569 CDBG- 14th thru 18th Years 16,336 (q,905) - - 'I , ;,7571 CDBG-19th Year 160,325 26,198 - - I! " ',7572 CDBG- 20th Year 88,565 94,917 - " Ii '17573 CDBG- 21st Year 105,873 140,583 24,840 - Ii I h5?4 " CDBG- 22tid Year 45,221 182,560 :1 - d . -~ .. -..' ~"" - - 54000 153660 il ' ,7575 CDBG- 23rd/24ih Years I II 7741 ~eveloperContribsc In"Lieu Fees 218;834 97,287 90:000 80:000 ,I I' 830'548'" ", '1i:'i;,,:i1"02S'S59' "487 '190' . , 279'860 ,I TotaliGrarif.Fun'ds $ ..'... ,. . ."~jii(,~/,:>-,!:",i'~.J._. .,"_.;._ ;$ i:;:",<;:-:;~,."" .," .," ,," ,$i:>.,--" \' ~ _, ,- :1 :,1 I " , I I '1-- --. --- 6 ---- - - ----- ;;; ,-- ___. - _~ __ _0_____________ ,-- ---- - - ---.., -- ------ --- REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I , .. ..' _ __ ______u_ -- --- ----- - - -------- FY 1995-96 FY 1996-97 FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 . Actual Actual --.A~provecL Approved FUNDS 261 thru 269- LMD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUNDS I 7411 Interest Income- General $ 57,192 $ 81,685 $ 76,790 $ 79,410 7841 Assessment District 83-01A 166,356 169,163 166,700 166,700 7842 Assessment District 86-03A 98,965 33,109 32,440 32,440 ,I 7843 Assessment District 86"01 259,044 222,198 2.19,500 230,209 7844 Assessment District 86-02A 18,505 19,101 18,520 18,520 7846 Assessment District 87-01 644,078 693,468 604,140 558,610 I 7847 Assessment District 86-02B 39,635 39,511 39,990 39,990 7848 Assessment District 83-01 B 26,925 26,927 26,880 26,880 7849 Assessment District 86-03B 20,261 20,483 20,450 20,450 , 7891 Miscellaneous Revenue 8 3,464 - - il ,. ;_..,..,.;.";""''''''''1..-''':--''--' 1 '330'969:' .. $' 1,309;1 09.$"',,,.L1,205;41 0 1',173,200 Total'LMD:AssessmehlcDistsFds $ $ "--; "".",."",-.,-.", ".... , '0_" ",I . . c,' . -', .-,'.'-.- .,.-.,-,,- ,~ :1 FUND 275- LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICTFUND , 7111 Taxes- Property Current $ 145,777 $ 144,018 $ 150,920 $ 153,940 7411 Interest Income- General 72,339 84,073 72,480 61,310 ;. 7711 Street Light Energizing Fees - 15,690 - - ,. 7861 Assessment District'Zone A 271,618 255,673 256,730 256,730 '< 7862 Assessment District Zone B 13,685 14,127 13,880 13,880 :1 '7863 Assessment District Zone C 278,907 281,831 282,680 282,680 7891 Miscellaneous Revenue 10;308 15,973 - - , 'I Total Lighting'Asl}m:i1tDistFund $' 792;634:1;'$'I'i:.'\;: " 811 .,. 385 ;.,i[:, $;~i {1\7i"6 "690.. $ 76B;5AO :. _ _" ,';..;J_;;-';-..I . ',' ,-.-., ","", .. ".;,1.. .. .'"... i FUND 276- STREET ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (HVR) 96-1 FUND " i' 7411 Interest Income- General $ 4,546 $ 4,182 $ - $ ill " :i 7521 County Revenue/Grants-,Other - 99,000 125,000 - 'i ii 7811 Sale of Bonds 457,804 - - - , 7864 Assessment Dist 96-1 High Valley 110,323 - - il " TotalSreet AD 96-1;Fuhd: $ 572;67:3;' :$!',iLi:il163:182.$;;:'..,:r'i:125(OOO"" $;' '; ',;.-ltr ." if " ". .. .", -,- ., . '6 _.-.-,..,'" ,- .. , "~,'''_':' ,,,~.,,,,,, .. ' ' : FUND 280- FIRE PROTECTION FEES FUND ~:I i ,7759 Fire Protection Fees $ - $ - $ 525,000 $ 525,000 !j Iii Total Fire Protection 'Fees Fund $ - $ i$:'!'!11i;i!!"~2,5.;006: ~. '525'000 I ....'. "'.- ,'i FUND 311- CITY DEBTSERVICE FUND '. 7411 Interest Income- General $ 250,015 $ 157,296 $ 181,210 $ 187,330 7412 Interest Income- Restricted - 126,814 142,670 135,390 ' 7462 Lease Revenue- 1996 COP - - - 314,490 . 7811 Sale of Bonds 9,198,882 821,157 - - 7873 Assessments- Fire Bond Debt 175,000 175,100 - - 7891 Miscellaneous Revenues 448 - - I Total City Debl.Ser:vice Fund $ 9,623;897 1"280'815"; J323'880 $ 637,126 ; -1-.,- '. """$.'" ..,.,t , ," , . -,- -----1 --~- --'- "~;;1 I ' - ~==,==7-~~.. -~. ,-- .-- - - --- ---- .-- - --- ----- I -- .- - ----. - -- ~------ --- --. - ~-- REVENUES BY FlJNDS AND'SOURCES .. - - ~--- - ------ -- '. FY 1995-96 FY 1996-97 FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 Actual __ Actual ~ _ Approved _ ...hppro~ed --------- I 7411 FUND331- CFD#1 DEBT SERVICE FUND Interest Income- General $ 164,380 $ 173,874 $ 99,260 $ 102,610 , ,'7412 Interest Income- Restricted - 88,152 146,400 146AOO 1 7875 Assessments- CFD#1 Debt 5,545,876 2;879,383 2,951,050 3,044,650 , ': 7891 Miscellaneous Revenue _ 1I,463 3,925 - - ~- , TotaI8FD#1',DebtiSvcFim.f!', $, 5,727,719 $ 3,145,334 $ 3,196;710'$' .3;293,660 .' FUNDS 332 & 333- PARKwAy BUSINESS CENTER DEBT SERVICE FUNDS ;' 7411 '.Interest Income- General $ 52,391 $ 23,797 $ 3,950 $ 4,090 I"" 7412 Interest Income~ restricted - 45,758 38,400 38,400 'i7815 Loan repayment - 39,300 - ii 7875 Assessments- CFD 88-1 Curr 1.225,589 4,599,378 3,638,730 3,710,890 I' , 7876 Assessments- CFD 88-1 Prior 1,100,462 770,305 - - ! 7891 Miscellaneous Revenue 7,822 11 ,574 - - :, T9tal.Pl<.wY{BTi'sI~ntQ~bfS\lc;f:ds $' 2;386,264, $, I': "5;'496;1'12 $ " 3;681,080 $ 3;753,380 " FUND;334- HIGH VALLEY ROAD DEBT SERVICE FUND . :! 741'1 Interest Income- General $ 211 $ 2,512 $ 660 $ 680 ". 7412 Interest Income- Restricted 1,599 2,820 2,820 I. - 1,7811 Sale ofBon'ds 128,667 - - - 1 ': 7822 Contributions from Other Funds 15,641 - - i' 7864 Assessments-High Valley Road - 53,208 50,920 55,320 . II , Total'iBVR"'Debf'Svc;.l;und $ 128,878 $ C,;72,96il',.$ 54400' $ 58;820 1 i: -,,'.' '.-. , \i FUND 411- PARK IMPROVEMENTS FUND ,I 117411 Interest Income- General $ 39,930 $ - $ - $ - I !i 7415 Intetest Income- Notes Receivabl 49,280 - - , . :17630 Parkland Dedication Fees 62,280 53,180 153,000 153,000 I, " Total,Park,lmprovememts:::Fuhd,i- )$ ,- 102,210 iii~460 ':,$' ...,..". ,,1,,5.~, 090W-$'I: ,:", 15~; 900 I':: $ Ii FUND 412- COASTAL SAGE SCRUB FUND I ': 7823 Developer's Participation' , $ __~54.,~70$ - $ - $ - . ;ilIotarG6a'$t~HSc1geScrLlbFl.Ind $ 254:870 _$, $ $:" - i I: FU,ND ~21-,MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 3,263 $ 4,940 5,110 ' " I' 741'1 Interest Income" General $ 4,781 $ $ 'I "'- 7412 Interest Ihcome- Restricted - 77',428 15,450 - I :17811 Sale,of Bonds - 3,480;026 - - - -- ---- :rota:I':fv1dhi~il?ai,! mRroves'F und $ 4,781,"$ ,;:'3.,560;7,~i7 ,$ ",.~0;39i:l1;$:: 5,110 1 FUND 451-CFD#1 ACQUISITION FUND 7411 '.Interest Income- General $ 474 $ 462 $ 560 $ 570 - . T:otaIGfD#l'Acqusition Fund $ 474 $ 462'$ "', 560,:$, 57:0 , ' 1- -~- -- -~------- -- --.- -- 8 ---- ~---- - --- ---.--- - -- . --- ------ - - REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I -----*--- .--- ----- _.- ---- -- -- -.------ FY 1995-96 FY 1996-97 FY 1997-98 FY 1998~99 I Actual Actual .-..6pproved __.6~JJ.roved -----~ ----~- -- FUND 453- CFD 1990 (88"1) #2 CONSTRUCTION FUND I 7411 Interest Income- General $ _ 2,9~ $ 2,610 $ 3,410 $ _~,-530 I: Total CFD8?c1H::on$tfuctiorilFund $ 2;927; $ 2,610" $ "3;410, $ 3;530 I FUND 510- WATER UTILITIES FUND '. ' 7411 Interest Income- General $ 359,868 $ 280,353 $ 367,260 $ 296,860 7412 Interest Income~ Restricted - 8,274 13,600 13,600 '7413 Interest Income - Bond 330,341 181,810 222:320 159,990 I .'7613 Administrative Revenue 8,349 881 - - I! 7641 Sales & Service 8,256,392 8,684,842 8,372,000 8,372,000 ,;7642 Water Sales- Unmetered 1,279 4,257 - - ,1 I: 7643 Sales- SDCWNRamona 939 9,982 - - jl7644 Delinquency Charges 68,372 83,168 67,000 67,670 117645 Water, Hydrant Meter Charges 430 692 400 600 I 17646 Reconnection & Turn-On Fees 4,175 5,600 4,200 4,300 , !\7647 Seasonal Storage/Ag Credit Rev 134,594 138,223 - - 117648 Sales- Capacity Charges 1,077,418 1,099,137 1,086;QOO 1,086,000 I Ii 7649 Recalimed Water Sales - - 195,500 260,660 " 7651 Water Pumping- ID#1 23;735 32,686 45;340 46,680 Ii 7652 Water Pumping- ID #4 18,230 18;901 17,880 18;420 I '17653 Water Pumping- Orchard, Etc 65,018 47,499 5Ei;520 61,980 I, 7654 Water PumJling- Donart 347 - - - I! 7656 Water Pumping- Padre Transit 37 - - ,I I, ,7657 Water Pumping- Greg Reservoir 20,250 - ~50 1,010 ii 7658 Water Pumping- Camelback 39,292 38.463 29;340 30;220 Ii 7659 Water Pumping- Woodcliff 3,362 3,960 3;960 4,090 7660 Water Pumping- Community Roa - 21,212 14,710 15,300 ,II 7661 Water Pumping- Welton - 1,758 14,650 15,210 7664 Reclaimed Water Pumping - - 14,300 19,810 I 7667 Connection Fees 221 ,422 551,660 228,600 381,000 17668 County Water Authority Fees 13,393 3,710 - - 17669 Water Meter Installation Fees 38,974 34,637 14,000 25,000 I ! 7685 Inspection Fees - - 360 360 Ii 7871 Bond- General. Water 1,223,264 429,959 485,000 485,000 ,7874 AD 79-1 Bond Int & Redemption 2,335 9 - - I 7883 Other Refunds - 577,641 - - 7884 Returned Check Charges 1,852 1,754 - , 7886 Insurance Settlements - 62,221 - - I 7891 Miscellaneous Revenue 17,396 82,094 3,780 ~780 - Total.'W~'tertitillties)FUrid, $11"931064' $' 12'405'383;':!$'~:'iH:F;266'670.1 $ 11 369540 , ,. - -",.. ,., '.' ]. "" ,.' ,_ ''''', ..,....." ,;';-:;-;:<e._,:'. ';~.__ ""'_ . , _ r I I '-- - I , 'l~ ~' .;=_.~ t' _..~' _",.:__ l". _ ~ _ -_ _ - _0_..._______ .- ---_._----.- '9 I ----- --.------- REVENtJES BY FUNDS'ANDSOURCES --.---- ----- ~ ---, ----- ------~-- I FY 1995-96 FY"1996"97 FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 Actual Actual -....68proved A8proved I 7411 .FUND520- SEWER UTILITIES FUND Interest Income- General $ 1,087,595 $ 1,056,649 $ '1,061,590 $ 969,510 , ',7413 Interest Income- Bond 12,826 1,779 - - , 7414 InteresUncome.- LOANS - - 201,930 229,940 I h613 Administrative Revenue 200 38 1,000 1,000 :,7681 Sales &: $eritice 3,779,435 4,613,392 3,968,780 3,968,780 I ! 7683 Connection .Fees (130,462) 352>,854 164,920 .235,700 . i 7684 Annexation Fees 6,6qO 1,678 - - : 7685 Inspection Fees 2,300 3,650 - - 7687 SO SewerTrimsport 39,985 43,818 40,000 41,200 I ': 7691 Sewer Pumping- St Andrews 3,478 2,;854 3,290 3,460 '17692 Sewer Pumpg- Camino del None 45,388 48,199 29,790 30,830 II: 7693 Sewer Pumpg- Del Poniente 952 1,187 1,750 1,820 '! 7694 Sewer Pumpg- Highlands - 700 740 , I' 7771 Sewer Improvement Fees 43,436 55,76,1 47,030 30,300 I !; 7872 Assessments- Sewer Bnd Debt 36,417 1,495 - - , 7891 Miscellaneous Revenue 4,611 813 - 'II Tobtal SewerWtili.ti&'sFurid ;i~il'::;i~'~i!t'4r932,82t' $6;,184,:167:1 5;5?O, 780;,;I'~;':"i:q,513;280 I :1 FUND 611-INTERNAL SERVICE/CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FYND ,17411 Interest Income- General :Ii 207,029 $ 180,712 $ 233,590 $ 258;860 I Ii 7474 Rental- Yearly Veh Svc Fees 300,600 - - - i' 7475 Rental- Yearly Capital Outlay 248,300 488,350 523,410 491,410 " 'i .7850 Vehicle Maintenance Revenue 150,648 270,901 497,520 510;580 I h881 Sale of Surplus Property 25,355 24,078 - - I 7891 Miscellan'eous Revenues 100 - - ; . Capitalized Lease Revenue 1.7897 439,457 - - - I' T 6la1.! ntrnlSvc/CapRplcrntlf~hd, $".1'!'ii:.1;371;489 '$' ,j;i!'9~4';04i.t'1,.?5t1:,$?lj,;;i~";1,260;850i Ii ,I 1 FUND 712- LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND 7411 Interest Income- General $ 37,743 $ 40,079 $ 46,920 $ 48,510 7471 Rental 500 - - - I 7830 Donations 1 ,400 5,000 - - TbJ1iI'~iQf~w!E:h~QWm~btlr:yridf ",., 39;643 $ '45;0'79;$ "',,'\';46(920;'$ "i'; "48;51 0 "..'..--....... ',' ...",......;,.", 1 FliND '714~PUBLlCEDUCATION TRUST (COX) FUND 7411 Interest Inc6me~ General $ 8,749 $ 8,458 $ 10,220 $ 10,570 I Tbtal Puo Ec:f~9~li:9nj;frtJsM:;urid $ 8''749 $' ~'8'458 $",' ",1 O;2?Oii"I:si'I'" 1 0,570 '.' ,- , , FUND 715-RT.56,VERNAL POOL FUND 1 7411 Interest Income-General $ 6,067 $ 5,747 $ 6,220 $ 6,430 Total Rt.56;Ve(n.~lni'si6j[fiynd $ '6:06'7' $' I.;' '5747 $" :;;',,;i~~;/:i~'~-.:~i'?'~9;~B,;'~f;!i:f?' '10 '61430 .', I .-,. I 'I ,-, 10 _u~__ - -~.- - ~- - -- - ~ -------- ------- ------- I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES ----. - --~--------- - ,- ----- -- FY 1995-96 FY 1996-97 FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 I Actual Actual ~QProved ~QProved -- ~------ FUND 717- POWAY ROAD BEAUTIFICATION TRUST FUND 39_0. 7411 Interest Income- General $ 323 $ 261 $ 380 $ ---~- ,-- ~ :: Total Poway Road'Seaut'Fund '\(J" 261' 380$ - 390 $ ::323 $ $ , I FUND 718-LAW ENFORCEMENT/FORFEITEQ PROPERTY FUND '7411 Interest Income- ,General $ 217 $ (56) $ $ ,7887 Recovery of Stolen Property 5,825 6,180 - - . Total LawEnf/FbifeitPrbpt~;: Fund $ \""'''6"042 f' 6,124 $ . ;:;; 'O//~ oi.'." , ~jT$ .L':;'!'J,', "~,-, _ "",.;,. $. , FUND 741~MARY PATRICIA ROSS TRUST,FUND I , 7411 Interest Income-General $ 2,723 $ 2,699 $ 3,190 $ 3,300 , I! . .. _,n _r'.. .. .'.'.. .i ,_, .e, 'l -~-,,':":';:"c,,'H;!'" ,-, ','" , ' 2699, $' "t,At"" ::'3"190';''''''$'''''''3'300 I Total M p' Ross Trust Fund;,; ''';:$ ''';;;,;'i;;,:.,,~,:'2''723'' $:: .' ' , -,,-".' .'- ,.I..... .,.'"'u."")-"""" -,"-".,P___ ., , .. -. ,;.if-,.-:l"!;.::,;; ._:~"iJ!~ :~, ",' ;.' , FUND 742- BETTE BENDIXEN TRUST FUND I; 7411 Interest Income-,General $ 577 $ 600 $ 720 $ _ 740 '. ;i 7830 Donations 264 821 - I Total B Bendiicer'i'1;rustFuhCl, " 841"" $ 1;421 " "iI' I' - --'~ II '$, $, '"" -720:" 740 . ,,' ".,"" .:1. >.' ' ',' i FUND 743- BUD BARBER TRUST FUND I! 7411 Interest Income- General $ 1 $ $ - $ - I Total B', Barber;Meri1orial,~Lihcj;;';:"$,J ,', '~1i,i:.j:;$ " - 'S'" FUND 744- CLYDE REXRODE/LAKE POWAY MEMORIAL FUND 410 '. i 7411 Interest Income- General $ 339 $ 206 $ 400 $ Ii Total C Rexrode,Memorial';Fund' $'::i:i:::f',E339r $ I 206. $' !""i/~,""'!:!:""i'400"}'$ :. 1 ., . . , . ,:.:,'},;,,!::;,,:,,:,-,,/. -..,. ,;';:" , 'I <,:i':: i~1 :~,:,;:,:i';"J; ;'~i 1-:'''::;" , _' ,C';,,.,,;_, _ ,. ~., ~,,' ,,,~,,_:Ly 'I' II' (';;-,.,c:.;,.'hi,", ,{:'t> .,;::;>., -,;';_''';>i~;r'c- :.;;\t'"l":1i::,.:,';!' -.~.;,;I,-! _ .,,' _ :,-~ . ..", ..,.....,....,..., REVENUE GRAND'T0:rAl: $!" 5l!;5El5;!lp:":$;"57;497;254~!" $', ,ci';~0;2~E);2jJQ",,,':'$i!~48;~11!;070" I " ! I I I I . -~~_.. I I r I I I I I I J I , I OJ il , I ,II I II , I I '~ I I I I ~: I I I I CllY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1997-98 AND '1998-99 SUMMARY OF SOURCES AND USES OF fUNDS I 12 L FISCAL YEAR 1997-98 SUMMARY OF SOURCES AND USES OF BUDGETED FUNDS SPECIAL SPECIAL t GENERAL REVENUE ASSESSMENT TRUST FUND FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS t SOURCE OF FUNDS Revenues $16,611,340 $5,980,350 $2,107,100 $ 68,050 Accumulated L Appropriations 6,490,836 2,169,024 0 0 Fund Balance 0 466,605 2,798,235 1,200,325 Transfers in 767 230 0 0 0 TOTAL $23,869,406 $8,615,979 $4,905;335 $1,268,375 . L USE OF FUNDS Expenditures $16,987,446 $4,722,728 $1,790,569 $ 0 L Capital Projects 0 997,357 120,000 0 Program Expenses 55,980 25,000 0 0 Bond & Interest 0 0 0 0 L Reserves for Contingencies 6,825,980 1,380,114 0 0 Unappropriated t Reserves 0 965,780 2,994,766 1,226,145 Transfers Out 0 525,000 0 42.230 TOTAL $23,869,406 $8,615,979 $4,905,335 $1,268,375 IJ 11 IJ FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 SUMMARY OF SOURCES AND USES OF BUDGETED FUNDS IJ SPECIAL SPECIAL GENERAL REVENUE ASSESSMENT TRUST -11 FUND FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS SOURCE OF FUNDS Revenues $17,490,610 $2,759;510 $1,941.740 $ 70,350 I Accumulated Appropriations 6,825,980 1,380,114 0 0 Fund Balance 0 965,780 2,994,766 1,226,145 I Transfers in 568 660 0 0 0 TOTAL $24,885,250 $5,105,404 $4,936;506 $1,296,495 USE OF FUNDS I Expenditures $17 ,942, 758 $1,938,515 $1,828,532 $ 0 Capital Projects 0 0 0 0 Program Expenses 11,490 0 0 0 I Bond & Interest 0 0 0 0 Reserves for Contingencies 6,931,002 1,189,064 0 0 Unappropriated I Reserves 0 1,452;825 3,107,974 1,252,835 Transfers Out 0 525,000 0 43 660 TOTAL $24,885,250 $5,105,404 $4,936,506 $1,296,495 I I I 13 I CAPITAL CAP IT AL f;<EDEVELOP- PROJECT DEBT SERVICE ENTERPRISE REPLACEMENT, MENT TOTAL I FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS FUND AGENCY $ 177,360 $ 7,256,070 $16,781,450 $1 ,254,~?0 $ 0 $ 50,236,240 I 0 0 18,353,854 2,904,374 803,804 30,721,892 (200,116) 16,597,404 0 0 0 20:862,453 I (1 179,616) 1 783.420 0 0 0 1,371,034 $(1,202,372) $25,636,894 $35,135,304 $4,158;i:l94 $803,804 $103;191,619 I $ 0 $ 0 $15,826,984 $1,145,423 $ 0 $ 40,47,~, 150 (1,169,816) 0 422,220 0 0 369,761 80;980 I 0 8,930,900 823,760 0 0 9,754,660 0 0 18,062,340 3,013,471 0 29;281,905 I (32,556) 16,705,994 0 0 0 21,860,.1 29 0 0 0 0 803 804 1,371,034, $(1,202;372) $25,636,894 $35,135,304 $4,158,894 $803,804 $103,191 :619 I I I CAPITAL CAPITAL R~DEVELOP- I PR8JECT DEBT SERVICE ENTERPRISE REPLACEMENT MENT TOTAL FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS FUND AGENCY I $162,210 $ 7,742,980 $16,882,820 $1,260,850 $ 0 $48,311,070 0 0 18,062,340 3,013.471 1,784,170 31,066,075 (32,556) 16,705,994 0 0 0 21,860,129 I ~ 1 784,170 0 0 0 2.352,830 $129,654 $26,233,144 $34,945,160 $4,274,321 $1,784,170 $103',590,104 I $ 0 $ 0 $16,456,915 $1,326,570 $ 0 $39,493;290 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 8,860,600 819,440 0 0 9,680,040 0 0 17,668,805 2,947,751 0 28:748',112 I 129:654 17,372,544 0 0 0 23,315;832 0 0 0 0 1 784 170 2,352;830 I $129,654 $26,233,144 $34,945,160 $4',274,321 $1,784,170 $103,596j04 I 14 I GENERAL FUND - The primary source of revenues for the General Fund are property I taxes and sales tax. General Fund revenues from all sources are shown on pages 2, 3,4 I and 5 The General Fund finances all of the.Safety Services, Planning Services, Community Services, general engineering and the City administration. A summary of the expenditures and fund activity detail for the General Fund is shown on pages x, xii, xiii and I 16 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS, I Gas Tax/Street Imorovement - The fund is used to finance the construction, repair and maintenance of City streets. As shown on page 5, sources of revenue are from gasoline tax and interest income. The expenditures and fund activity detail is shown on pages xiii '. and 17 Street Develooment Fund - The fund is used for street construction projects financed by I developer's fees, Revenues are shown on page 5. The fund activity detail is shown on on page 22. Proo "A" Tax Fund - This fund is used to account for special sales taxes to be used for I; street and highway projects approved by a regional transportation group. Reven(ies are on page 5 The fund actiVity detail is shown on page xii, xiii, and 23 I Drainage Fund - Revenues forthis fund are.shown on page 6, The primary source of revenue is from drainage fees collected as development occurs. This revenue is used to I finance construction of flood control and drainage improvements. The fund activity detail is shown on pages xii, xiii and 19 Grant Funds - These funds are used to account for various grants that are received by the ,. City Revenues are shown on page 6. Afund activity detail is shown on page 20 Soecial Assessment Fund - This fund is used to finance public improvements or services I that benefit the properties against which the assessments are levied. Revenues are I shown on page 6 A fund activity detail is shown on page 21 Trust Funds - These funds are used to account for proprietary trusts that have been I donated to the City Trust Fund revenues are shown on pages 9 and 10 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS. I Municioallmorovement - Revenue for this fund is shown on page 7 The fund is used to finance City capital improvement projects. The proposed budget is shown on page 24 Park Imorovements - This fund is used to finance the cost of park construction. Revenues I are shown on page 7 The fund activity detail is shown on page 18. Communitv Facilities Districts - These funds are used to finance the cost of the South I Poway CommuniJy Facilities Districts, Revenue sources are shown on page 7 The fund activity detail is shown on pages 25, 26 and 27 I I " ,." ;' " '1 15 I Debt Service - These funds record the revenues and expenditures associated with the I financing of the City's general debt!and Community Facilities, District #1 and #88-1 bon~s, Revenue sources are shown ori page 7 The proposed budget is shown on pages 28, 29 and'30. I ENTERPRISE FUNDS. (Water and Sewer) Water Fund - The Water Fund is a self-supported enterprise fund, The primary source of I revenue for this fund is from the sale of water All revenues for the fund are shown on page 8. The budget for the Water Fund is shown on pages x, xii, xiii and 31 I, Sewer Fund - The primary source of revenue for the sewer fund is the sewer service charge, Other sources of revenue for this fund are shown on page 9 The proposed budget for the Sewer Fund is shown on pages x, xii, xiii, and 32. ,I CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND - The capital replacement fund is used to finance.the replacementof City vehicles and major equipment. The reVenue for this fund comes .from ,I sale of surplus property and rental fees charged to each of the divisions that have been assigned vehicles or equipment Revenues are shown on page 9. Expenditures are on page xii, xiii and 33. I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - The funding for the Redevelopment Agency includes loans from the City The total budget for the RedevelopmentAgency is shown on pages I 214 through 315. I I I I I I :1 I I :1 I I I I I I ,I " I I, I .1 I I I I 'I I CITY OF P0WAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 1997~98'ANo,t998~99 FUND ACriVrry PETAIL . .1 -18 -''-,..,-..-- "......",--- --- 11--" n..______ .. ' FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL -- ,. Ii GENERAL FUND :1 I :. , ' ! 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999:! 'I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED!., Ii I Prior Years Appropriation. $ 5,815,846 $ 5,735,258 $ 5,735,25.,8 $ 6,490;836 $ 6,825,980 ill' : I Revenues 16,014,175 16,363,010 17,576,242 16,611,340 17,490,610 " lim0;tip;;t1;tF'l:INDS';P;;\,jAfI!2p(BtE~:tr;*:$;21;:830i02,1;;$~$'22r(598;'26aW;1$'23';31;f:;500;~t$23$1:02';,1'l6;$:24:i3;l6i596,i' II I ",''''. '" ',". "~,"~ . .. ,,,,'.'.....' ',' .", .,,,.',... .,,,......' .,,'-,...,,~,. ...' , . '. "...""" . ", . '.,..',' '.. ." '.,.."'.,, 'I I EXPENDITURES ;, Operating Expenses, II Legislative & il Administrative Services $ 921,055 $ 913,664 $ 1,005,592 $ 957,827 $ 979;807 1\ Administrative Services 1,076!124 1,153,007 1,150.,527 1,193,663 1;238',868 II Community Services 2,694,324 2,798,330 2,701,869 2,916,270 3,085;050 I Engineering Services 1,464,652 1,448,144 1,456,352 1,452,241 1,470,43,6 '1" Planning Services 1,285,644 1,299,710 1,558,8051,383,500 1,427;,090 ii Public Services 1,217,968 1,281,526 1,228;240 '1,417,465 1,568;8El7~ I Safety Services 7,046,693 7,385,490 7,385,796 7,666,480 8,172;640 'I" ;;;;\'t''''I''01 "W"""'t';o,, "E' "'co ,,0"''''''''''''';:;2;o/;'$'1'':'5'';7'O''6'W7'6''''O'''W%'$'''''1'6""2'''7'91'8''7;.f'';;Y$'';;''6' ';'li'8''7;;;;,j:;t;;;?$';;;''6' 'f9'8:7';;:.i;li6;$j"'~;9";r21,"i5"8"'; !I ),;;WOCl "., P!?[:€U.lilg:,,!<P!?,n~E'l!?;":8!iV, At,) '",,';;r,.,..,..,Jt.:~ ,\\..,LJL~i,J0i~,~", }~''',:t.,,:f,r';gt:'.;;;;:, ",'" .'.",,1;,:t:t,. i, ,'''(!'",:t.dL".I,' Program Expenses $ 67,250 $ 51,250 $ 96,210 $ 55,980 $ 11,490:1 Capital Projects: I Streets and Highways $ 23,285 $ - $ 129,533 $ - $ - II Total Capital Projects $ 90,535 $51,250 $ 225,743 $ 55,980 $ 11,490 I ." "if\': '}='7~~;W"_h>." 'E" " ...;.,.~,_. '''":''.:' '~' ~.--' .~. E' ',"" '_?~:.'.".' ~. '.'.'J.\1'0'."f>;';:;Y'f<.'c1-:c r ":'.-"-M":o>,,,>t~ "', ',"~i~./!'.~"~.::Y~_wo. ;;,;~""...,,~,:_,~. -;:J>1'-~'" ;;~'W.''f''~.'. ,_'<:m., ' ":'" ',:." \,";':-;'f....,y.'''~.'>Al!.,'0..% "r"... "'>~">-..i:""-- ~i1"-"._~......,_.?'." ~'.';"'~~'>?"~.-..'t'. "d-: '<',' "-,'i; II : ,,,,Wt\t)'EXR ,.NDVTIIDR .Srdi'<):\\f\,$"* 5i'Z96'995;i!'i$~16'33;h2,hij\>$'16i'liil,2ii8&trg;$)j,q;'0~3!426f$\117r'95~''248! , ";'\""'~'~'''''''~' ,:"J,,,,, ,"-"'';','''''' "',"",'.",,,,,-, ,,',,-,-,- ,,,;,,';',-,,,, .."*,,^...-,,:,~,~,,-,,,,:,..',,-, "_'" " __"""': """,,,,,..,,>.;,..,1,,, 0' ,'_,.'-."'....',,"....s,'. .~'",,"" ,,,I ;."' f __"""",,1 f.',',_.....,'~,,"',':," " ,"__J-'o''"~__'',.-'...^.'',''"'':,, '~',,: 'J__'.,o.,>"".?..,,,""'''' -- ...."/,'u', ",h..,o'"_~~""''''' ':I'...",.",'!.';'""':,.,'",.",,__,, '~"'o',;" "'-' 'I' TRANSFERS/LOANS-In (Out) . Tr.anSfer to City Debt Ser:vice $ (430,00.0) $ (545,000) $ (545,000) $ (695,000)$ (730,000) I,. Transfer to/from Municipal Fund (214;500) - - 200,000 - ~ Transfer to/from Library Fund (74,000) - (100,000) 42,230 43,660 '11 Transfer to Trust Funds 400 - (20,466) - - Transfer from Fire Protection Fu - - - 525,000 525,000 I" Transfer to/from Grant Funds - - 12,686 - - . Transfer to Park Fund (25,000) (58,960) - - -!L Loan payment from RDA 3;142,342 3,134,68,9 3,594,197 3,196,558 2,970,550 '.' Loan to Rda (2,712,342) (2,589;689) (3,049,197)(2,501,558) (2,240,550): . Encumbrance/Payable Set Asid 15,332 - - - - il IlrOTA!: TR.%f\lSF.ERS/ILO~NS.;~'$J:~'(c?~,y~768)~, $\jfrt(~?196df:i$":;~.~(1 (};zj;h8(}l:"$:;:\iJ67;;-2.90;$}'!':5.~8;q60,' '. II II I 'I I '1 II. ' ' i[fOTAk.FUND,BAL:ANGE,,;,p"1;",\ 'I '11: :': :"~:::-'.:: , : :. :: :: : - ,-:;, .- ~ ,ii;"'::: , ::~: 'd}~ (.if. f~..};~..; ;.'.'. '.':.-:~.'.:':. st.: ,;.Lt..).::.t.[;.::.~:c&.-i" ,i.,.';....: . '""'.;'_:":'~"':'<'-"'1- -'.~'i'''':'':: ~~,~;':.".,'.;'>.:''"'1~.'t.;,...: ":~.::"''''>.:- - ;).-w;;.,?3'"q:~",~,,,. .//.\.:..;-..~y':t:.".'~. : '-:<.:;"'.;:<{""'"'{;\'-;~-:'~;;:"'~'.;. :,;,:.".~.,.:.::,:r,:.;1.:,~';.""7' --: "!-';":'?>"""'K"'<'~;f~;:;:.'.i07:'/} ->'J,:,\},,:...:.:e.'~:;' "-~:::":'.; I. IARPRGPRIA'fED:"Y:;.'., ,."",,?,;:".':f1O+$,~5 '7(35\.258":::;;$.::5"708'1-87.'::';;$:':6"'490':836""$;,:6,825'980'1$:"6 93;1'002. ' r _:',..,: ;''-',;,;;-"' ," ," "",_",' r '. . '; -; __' ~,-.,,, '-"____"': ,,:'.'.." """,,,':.":~ ,~';'~;'~'. '-":" "n. ,_,~. :,"..~.", .J. "'..' ..""",/1":,,,,__:,_ ,---~,<, ,',,~A~'.~..""-' I;',-",;:~""..,:" _ :','..":~1,;~,,, .'",,,"-""_'_0'-_"'- -"C, --<-' '. :"':<~1',,-- ""~,:~.~,-,:-.,I,,-,~...,.-,--, >''''--''-"''''''''''-~'- -, .-~,--':-;,",,), ,~"',>_C,,-->',_ '--" ,-,:-'''-,<".''' :1 I ' I ,- III ",.. ... , ~ II \ 19 . "ii FUND ACTIVITY,DEIfAIL Ii .,Ii FIRE PROTECTioN FUND r[,' " !I FUND 28,0 I !l_ I:, 'I 'j I I 1995c1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998~1999 II :1 ACTlJAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPRO\lED II Ii , I: I, IIBEGINNING;BA, L.-,July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - !I' Ii" i ilPrior Years Appropriation - - - - -:i I i .Revenues - - - 525,000525,000 II ,Iir~~---~~~:i' I' I ,I EXPENDITUR.ES !' I Operating Expe,n5~s: I I com, munltyServlces $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - ! ",_ ',II PublicSeiyices - - - - - I I I '1,1 Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I , I 1 I Capital Proj~cts: $ - $ - $ - $ - $: - I , Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $ - $ - $' - I I TRANSFER/LOAN-ln (Out) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ ~ I Transfer to,General Fund - - - (525,000) (525,000) I I 'I I i I , I III il ~~.;W, \ I II FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL !, I STREET IMPROVEMENT-GAS TAX FUND :', Iii , , ! 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999,1 I . ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED!i I BEGINNING BAL.- July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - il Prior Years Appropriation 76,059 469,757 469,760 290,555 290,555 !: Revenues 855,126 837,000 859,192 870,890 888,1.90 II rEOTALtfi:l:JN ElSfAVI AIIi'l'iBE8li%q;gti.f$;%NJ93;1M85qff$;1f3061J757!irif$~X'W328;'952~;f$\%'I'PjJ6:1Ji445i!;ti$!;;:tii:1!Z8f7:451 , ,.J._,', ,,, ". .... .".,' ,:~,,-', '.-....:.-.. '_C_"<_,. ......,...- .. .' "'0 .. ,""C_.<<.;_._,_, "...,. "_ '.,'.. .,.".....q,."._,.'i>< .,.".",.~:h'''''O''''''*.h",,'...' "^>"{;i'..~k', .,<"~.,.,.t{,:._"":'<"..~>'j;;')""''''_>_ ,-.<_. L,.~._^.-,-.,-:" -"','",'-H," ___''''-:'.- .<,_.. , ;,., '>'<~"''''_'''''' .. .~. ,'. _, ,,,,,.w,..,,s. _c_,;;<_, <'.h'''A ,,~t,... .-}: _w;, t_t,,,,,_.,, ,.:..-,-..,-."",-"""./4:;..:...,.. t',,,..,,,~..:;,,;,.,,, _ C.'.',-."" .:" " ..: , I EXPENDITURES Iii 11- Operating Expenses. II Engineering Services $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 il Public Services 455,425 837,000 1,032,397 864,890 882,190,1 i, iii'Fotal;Operatlngi'Expenses*iiii1'iC"$)ij;';46;Ji425J',!;$i'sii843s000,';;cJ$W'i1r038;'3971Rj.0$!lfil!:1x81Z0'890i\t)$\tlml'j888'1901 ! I.,.. .. ..... ..'. , ",'NO"" .".'",."...""."'"".,,,,.,,,,,,,,..,,,,....,,...,,,.,...,.....,,;1.,,,......,,,...,...'.." ",,,,,.........,,.,.,.......,,,,,,, .."...".,"',. NO"",....~.........,'....",.,.."..""....,..,..","'b......""',, 11 CAPITAL PROJECTS "i Streets & Highways $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _ II (continuing approp) Ii Street & Highways - - - - - ii I,' Traffic Signals - - - - - Ii ,.. Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _ III I, , ..",h"... ..,"','',)..,,,... ...,'...... ",.",w"''''''J'i'''''''''''''f!J?,tW.fc'',X'1iP<i''ji'!J)''''''i:'X';W","''i;;.1Fi:!...tJ.''''(''''''0''''' ","S.iijiYWr;.'t"s"'''''''0''',,''/.''si!ip,,;&t\\l1#''''''''''''0''''''':''''';;s",!'''!I)jii:1ii)',,,r..,,,,,gf',~''';; I i.O;rAr:1iEXRENID.lffiURESf4N!'i,,;'t.i;F'0!$i1Joi46.'1'''425w!l)i$''~;i843'OOO./;S$;>,i1"03lJ:39~'il$",Nj\r)81Z0;890,,j\.$.\'til*aa8:11;9o:i TRANSFERlLOANS-IN(OUT) Ii' Transfer From General Fund $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 1'1 ,I 11- Iii " :r 1:1 I: ':1 Ii I' " I, ::, !I , I: i; ::1 < ?1' , Ii, FUND.ACTIVITY DETAIL il ,. ... PARK IMPROVEMENJ AND COASTALSAGE FUND I I (FUNDS 411 AND 41'2), II , ~ I ~ 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996~1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 [I I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED I BEGINNING-BAl.-July 1 $ (40Q,199) $ (238,918)$(238,918) $ (225;558) $ (82;358) I I Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - I Revenues 357,080 154,800 102,460 153,000 153~000 II i,,;~ml~1~m&~$f&f~l~gij:~l~~'il~li[(i~~RGl~}I*~~lir~~lj!ili~}i't1iG~~~t~5,?};(~f![if&~gi~~~}ll~li.lz@;~I?j I I EXPENDITUR~S . I Program Expenses $ - $ 58,960 $ - $ - $ - II I TotarProgram'Expenses $ - $ 58,960 $ - $ - $ - I' I, Capital Projects: '. Park & Open,.Space $ 220]99 $ 3,000 $ 89,100 $ 9,1300 $, - I Total Capital Projects $ 220,799 $ 3,000 $ 89,100 $ 9,800 $ - I _ . TRAN$FER/LOANS-IN(OUT) I Transfer from Geheral Fund $ 25;000 $ 58,960 $ - $ - $ - I I I I I - I 1:1 I ,III III I! 22 Ii :1 " FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I, II I DRAINAGE FUNDS , [, I (FUNDS 231 & 232) III I I ,I II 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997~1998 1998-1999 ,I ' ACTUAL APPROVED ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED il BEGINNING BAL,- July 1 $ 82,604 $ (312,366) $ (312,366) $ (163,451) $ 39,634 I Prior Years Appropriation - - - .. .. I Revenues 386,289 502,480 436,166 472,780 481,880 I ' ^ '.<,' '*"~" ~y;~ ""~ ~,~ '0:~ '''Jti ",~:}>,,, ~^. ".''"'(.,''~ ;/-'1ffi ,>t>"':;;; ,g, ~' ,~. \~, ""{t"';tTI!'-t '^"W < ~ 'f~'o'S\'-f ,.~~t'"'-.^o~O.""l~ "'~O~~"~"'~~ ..;:~,,'\'$I<~~ ' ,,''i ~~<"'\t1!~ ~ ' . <:'YK-i':;,:/;~~~~"':_:i-;'?-~,;: 'J1q>ifitx~:RlJ.lfiD~:,~Y~I~E!_I:\~~jf?i1q~;?,~3%,~\~i!l};~i;1, 9Qr,1~i4i~~ ~;&:~~g~:~O,Q~;t~:Jt1'},l :3"Q~i3,2~i,;:i.~;~'~:'!!?4i1 ~~n:~j II I, EXPENDITURES II Operating Expenses I ' Administrative Services $ 19,304 $ 17,444 $ 17,530 $17,931 $ 18,432 I Public Services 332,224 256,876 261,800 261,741 247,146 I Engineering Services 8,899 8,889 7,921 8,766 9,117 I Total Operating Expenses$ 360,427 $ 283,209 $ 287,251 $ 288,438 $ 274,695 II I' Capital Projects: !I Flood Control & Drainag $ 1,124,032 $ - $ .. $(21,243) $ - I Water Reclamation - - - , 2,500 - I Total Capital Projects $ 1,124,032 $ - $ .. $ (18,743) $ - Ii- ,," >, ,,~-,_.", 'I,,',"" ""~-'i _ '$"~""""'i"'i,i '-,Tii'S'i" '_"" ,,""7"'-' "i"" ",*,,-"'-,' i'*-'''''''' i .. -"'h',-," iH,'" 'i''''', ',",'"~ 'i',i,,""'''_' ..." II ,;:r0m.A;IJ::!2!<:R~~I.?J[m1JI3-.E;3 ~ii'i'$I~J~,~.'ff?~~~\$1~~t6.8.3::f..Q~t;;I~~:~iJ';iiig~7i;4~1l~~~,$j~~~g{t!!';~9B::t:'$,:\~?~~;~~5i I, TRANSFER/LOANS"ln (Out) II Loan Payment from RDA I ' Agency $ 450,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - I Loan from Sewer Fund 253,200 - - - - I" ii, I ill II """"" ,'"", '" """, ,;>1!,"i~it,'ff;""U"\i,fi'iy,">""."''''';'Pf'!i.,.,,'ffn,ff'jffWiC:7M',f~)f"f,ff;"f;jfW;:ili"fl,t''','f''i'''?f;fnffx;'jfr,,:i",,,f')iii"fwq"f.fY'ii'fff;"'t!i!}i:;;"'Yf""''''i'''fi 1,1 'ENDI NG. BAG;;:,(June'.30';r!w',;$iV;;(312;'366)iii$?t);f';i(93'095)t;$':;~;:(f163.45,1)fli$i{..:5-5l",39)634,!tiD$)Y;f'246'i819.: II .. -,............ "c. 0'.,. ".".' .. -"" -,.... - ... -,.. '.' ',_',';.:.;.. 'c- ,,",',_._f:-. :"~',"'_~',.,,-.-,...___''-'"'-''' "~""_"<" ""~T_'.-._ '"-"'.'},;' "d<~o'~'~,S;\ "."",.'....,,,,,",,.,,, '~"',\.".'....',..,-wx.-_ ,.,",",-. oc.,_ :,a..',',""';_, l.~.. .-....".".,..,.,.0.,'""'."..>, ..,'~o,~".""....-....-,..-..__.....,"_".,,...,..,:..<.ow..'" ...,'_-"__'_,,-;' :; II ,I II " , iil ", 'II! FUNID ACTIVITY DETAIL Z31 I GRANTFLJNDS (FUNDS 241 thru251) I 1995"1996 1996-1997 '1996-1997 1997-1998 199801999 I ACTU;A.L APPROVED ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED BEGINNiNGSAL. - July 1 $ 127,702 $ 531,417 .$ 531,417 $ 630;056 $ 926,146 Prior Years Appropriation - - - -' - I Revenues 830,548 527,960 1,025,559 487,190' 279,860 . -. - . :, ':-__q"!'~;':;-/':'-':'::,;:;>,,\;-;;;"'!';";;l"::;,;,:;i,-,i,';:!: (i':';' ;,;,;;":::l'\i' ;; ;:; ,'_~'; _ _:;:::",:_.:.;_.;,:_::<:.;.:,..,:."::,--;,.,,,::>_ ,.. '; "_ ':/_, , , __ " "_"':';'- :,-n-,'_,,::::. "?:')i1:\:?,-:,,;-\?-;'i::"{',; ',.- ;.,.: : - ,,_, j : :n'-:;:;:: , , : ',~"",,:;~,'iJl;b;i1"'I~:'::'_V;}":':;:':i;-,'/:?W:ic':' -,~ , : _i +N;~U_.:.;'t EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses, Safety Services. $ - $ - $ 26,863 $ - $ - Program Expenses 226,314 25,000 49,461 25,000 - I Total'Operatirig Expenses $ 226,314 $ 25,000 $ 76,324 $ 25,000 $' - I Capital profects - Redevelopment Agency Bike P*hs $ - $ - $ - $ 63,306$ - I Government Facilities - - 144,488 53,000 - Library Site - - 185,880 - - I Total Redevelopment Projects $ - $ - $ 330,368 $ 1J6,300 $ - Capital Projects -City. I Parks/Recreation $ (64,040) $ 25,200 $ 53,200 $ 9;800 $ - Envirohmental 200,519 - 159,696 30,000 - I Lanesffrails 82,465 - - - - Haridi(;clpped Access - 226,060 124,209 - - Trafficf.Transit 65,153 150,000 86,859 10,000 - I Tqtal CitY Projects $ 284,097 $ 401,260 $ 423,964 $ 49,800 $ - I' TR;A.NSFERiLOANS-ln (Out) 83,578 Transferto!frqrn RcDA $ $ - $ (83,578) $ - $ - '. Trah,sfe}\to GeheralFund - - (12,686) - - I .m"""."...""'.:;:",,,..',i"".'!;" ,.".,..." . .'. ,!]6TAl.1~iTRJ:>.NSF::ERilOANS? . . ,','.-' _.".;,.'..,,,j,:,.,,..__....,.. ..,.~"',' ..__.0."> ""'<"".1'"."";".";.-", I' :,'I:;]N:";c:',i,~!':;:';:/;J.'.";:;~'j',:'i:,(:.::,q:'<I:';io:~'_ .';;"1)i; '.::" r.::,'.:P'::\::' ."i<, I I ENDI NG1BAlliANGE~tluh'e:30!.', """__""""__"""';"'''''~''''''''.;''''I....1\-:,,;.-,..( "',""""~.','"",,.X _".',' i,-I I I -~~ ----- , '- ii- .. FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL 1:1 II " II SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS ii !: (FUNDS #261 & 275) Iii I' II' il ' II 1995-1996 1996" 1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 ii' II ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED I IIBEGINNING BAL.-July 1 $ 1,520,121 $ 2,213,192 $ 2,213,105 $ 2,933,889 $ 3,005,420 ,i, 'IPrior Years Appropriation - - - - - Ii , '. . 1 'IRe~~n~e~..,.. ..,. ..'v.... 2,123,603.. 1,627,190,.. 2,120,494, 1,982,100"". 1,941,740 ill , :":1":" ~\,'.:- ::;"fU~":L.,_::::i,;k: ;!;\,?".:,;,;~{}:;:': ;i:.i,>:;~i~,,?m\~,;~~~'~'1::>;1i'!;r;/;f0.:;}//?>;1,%\( .:~?('i:};':'i:':::,~,~i.~0t;~;:"<;t':~;};;:fi':::;,t<gi';ji/f,:~~\~{+>:i~':;P'f::c:~:i'frr';>;:;~s,~:ti;:::,~t"\'i;;i/t~\}~0':?iM;'{;?'iir),:'i,S,C,"'1!;."".;"J).<.:'::>t:;~:{~}1~'i.r:'i'</,;~fEi;;,;;-0i',,::'~.~ii<+ I TOTA(}Fl!.JNlDS?A'VAII!!ABILEif~':$il'31643\il24';;:~$;1}318401382lWffi!$'i;E4'13331599lH$W'4!9rr5989'1'HiS'ki419471.;t60! , i "...."'".....".v.., ,...". .,...,......".v,~...,......',..,,'v.,,'..,..,..d,. .,'., "..Ci..,..,,,....,......,..L........",.,.._d. " ,.' . ,...",..'" ..'""" 1\1, EXPENDITURES 1_ Operating Expenses. I Community Services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Public Services 1,430,619 1,652,399 1,374,710 1,790,569 1,828,532 I Total Operating Expenses $ 1,430,619 $ 1,652,399 $ 1,374,710 $ 1,790,569 $ 1,828,532 I Capital Projects: $ - $ - $ 25,000 $ 120,000 $ - ~ Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $ 25,000 $ 120,000 $ - ~ ." , '.OJiAL;.,EXRENlDlmtlRES~,!',",Il",$~,1f430".6;191',,'$'\,i1",652'399,+'ff;"$\f!;1l>399;:Z40'~)"'!4&1"g.,1 O'569,~"'$",,<I'828,'532t I TRANSFER/LOAN-In (Out) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I, Transfer to General Fund - - - - - I'~ il I ,;?..,",,'" ,",;,.......",'."" ';:;izc-W'''';:''i!V"iif,g III imOTAI!'FOND'BAI!!ANGE:i'i'8'''';' II ..~.,t~~~t.l~i~!H 'I 1^""PROPRIA"'ElD' ..'.,. ..', .'..'.$...' ',.....,""....,'$..,..,',' ' "",i""""$"".",.".",t, .."....$"..;...... . ......."..$...."....."......,...,..... II I. ;1 I :!I' ~ II II il j II ;1 ~ , 'I II \ I ~ 1'1 25 ,I FUND ACTIVITY DEJ:AIL II ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 96"1 HIGH VALLEY ROAD I' I (FUND 276) I 1995-1996 1996c 1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 19.98-199911 I ACTUAL APPROVED ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED I BEGINNINO BAL.,- July 1 $ - $ 571,794 $ 571,794 $ (135,654) $ (1~,654) I I Prior,Years Approp~iation - - - - Revenues 572,673 242,500 103,182 125,000 - I EXPENDITURES I o pemiti ng Expenses: Program Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Capital Projects'- City: Streets 8; Highways $ 879 $ 810,630 $ 747,791 $ - $ - Total City Projects $ 879 $ 810,630 $ 747,791 $ - $ - I I TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) I, Loan fromC~pital Proj $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Payable/E[lcumbrance - - (62,839) - - I' I I I I j II Ii 'I ! I, II' I I! ?6 II " !I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL :1 STREET DEVELOPMENT FUNDS ill (FUNDS 221 &, 222) ~; "~I I' 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998c1999 1'1 ACTUAL APPROVED ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED II BEGINNING BAL.-July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Prior Years Appropriation 115,134 (256,152) (256,152) 620,038 50,228 1'1' Revenues 95,550 138,600 801,579 80,190 65,520 , ' ',........... ..'<.'..,'.!...."'....."",'..... ;,'".,',....'.,","',..,.""'".,'"""".,,, '.. . . .....".,."'."'.!:""" . ." . '.' . ..... .... '" ,.,"'" ',"" I tQTAt..j::UNP$'AVAi~@EE:""~ ':I,:'?jQ;984i:i,$"';"Ml7ii~~f):I~!,',545:4f7!ii$"'iZ9Q;2g~:"'~)',1'1 $:i:4~"1 I, EXPENDITURES II Operating Expenses II Public Services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I'" Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Capital Projects, ~ City Street Signs $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 1- Streets and Highways 222,836 85,000 (74,611) 650,000 - I Flood Control - - ., - - I Total Capital Projects $ 222,836 $ 85,000 $ (74,611) $ 650,000 $ - I I I.. TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) !I Transfer to RDA $ (244,000) $ - $ - $ - $ ., I Transfer From Water Fund - - - ., -I' I' II . .'.'.'...................................'.......'..,....... II l;8l;f'-H.FU.~.D...~~EANg~,.i........ APPRQPRIATEDi' "'.1""';.:';"$ '!(2$Ef,i$2)' ~"(26?'~~?)"'$',': ~?9;Q~8:$"50:228 $ 1.1~':748' Iii d I ~I I II " I, ,i II ~ ~I' I l' I' ,I Ii ,II I' 2-7 ,I I' !I FUND ACTIVITY DE'FAIL ii I, PROPOSITION 'A' SALE TAXES.FUND 'I I il (FUND 223) 'I il Ii I :i 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 II I ACTUAL APPROVED ACTUAL APPROVED ,iXPPROVED II I BEGiNNING BAL.- July 1 II I Prior Years'Appropriation $ 1,210,268 $ 1,891,524 '$ 1,891,524 $ 1,258,434 $ t039,334 I' Revenues 1,155,741 1,023,130 1;295,785 3,544,300519,060, I ",_-,::_-:T""t':;;:;:,:j:,;;-;-;~,:?,:;_:,'.i,"i":::':::'::;'\::''';''':';:' 'i,' \'" !,::,:<-'i;'--';';:::::"':'i":; :-'-':":':t;:~:;;f;i-";j:i:,;;'::;:',r'-'!-":lTT;: _', !,' ,," ',"- .,;::;:::;; ; :y.: ' : : ' , , ; "':>:,:';/_':: :::rt)-:;;;,~\;-->:;::"'::': :::':; : :.: >~:';,::_ ",:,: :'-'] : ,j, 11;' : "_.:':: ":~;:':";'::~:~":-::_::_:';":;,_:~:":"'i::;'c:'f;-;;'!_'!1_~:';':~ -',} W'_; I ![9;(1,iXli,l;'q,N[)~L.I;\\(AIIJ!XI3~E$ '2,3!?q,QQg,$ ?,QJ4,654:/~~,J87,3Q!:l' $'4;8Q?:73~\':$!,'1;59~;~~4' I I 1 EXPENDITlJRES II Operating Expenses I I Public Services $ 474,485 $ 2,173,130 $ 1,875,875 $ 3,563,400 $ 775,630 Total Operating Expenses$ 474,485 $ 2,173,130 $ 1;875,875 $ 3,563,400 $ 775,630 I Capital Projects: I Streets & Highways $ - $ - $ 53,000 $ 200,000 $ - Total Capital Projects 53,000 $ 200,000 $ $ - $ - $ - IltO[T'}l.'C'€xkENDiTWRES;$;;;:474l485i$;?;j7'3'1~q; r$;"1;~~8;$7~'$ :~/r:€r3;4qQ,~!;il;,'m;:'1$7~i~~Q::; I: TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) I' Payable/Encumbrance $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Transfer to R[:)A - - - - - .. I ' mOT~t:~lliNb':BA:l2ANdE;\;' i)';:'!'i;"~';;:'t\:i;;:;~~-;;o;it~~~t;:(;;::!:,~:;i;r~i;~::'~;;~~:;:~:rl~;:;{:~l'!.:.::::::i;:,:-ji~f, ",j:-": _ . (t.' '" ",_: "'11:",:;.-; ,,' :t~";:i::';:::: _.!::,:-:).,: ";;,,",;"Y;,>; -;;:;::!iti;w:'-\::f ;")f";;'<"':;;-\;""':'" "':;;"<:::/~Y :.:.; _ ;,;~(.,-':i;_-_ -,' ;~; :.i:~;*)-~0:~\i~~':(%O:%TI:;~::;'-">_::' :';':ii:_;~;; 'f'\!ii;i ,e.RPROR8IAmED"".","""'"r", $, " :1,89.1,524 "$,,, 741,524."".$"",,1,258,434,..,. $ ,.1,,039 ;334"",,, $""""",.782,764 " ,,--..,;.;.:,__, '-\r. -- 'c.,.,, ";,',' .""-"--,,,-,--;;-,,,,,;_._..,-,---.. '. ..., '."" "0'" ..... ,. '.,' d" .. _,"" ..._ ___ 'n____"_".__,'" "'-' .'."." .'" -.;.,.;"., .,."....--. ,:.;',>.'. .. .. .. .,,', ,-- ~.,,,-;;.- .,,,,,,,,,, ,--"'-''-"~,'--'.",.;,.,,,,.-,-...,.. ",-,,-",_,,"--,', I i , ! I I II 'I ~~ - I 'I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT FUND :1. ,! " jj -. ! 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 Ii I , ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED II BE',GINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ (20,575)$ (11,599) $ (11,599) $ 22,574 $ 42,964 1III Prior Years Appropriation ,I I 'Revenues 4,781 4,000,030 3,560,717 20,390 5,110 i I I' "c.".' .' ""-"',' " "" .' '."'" "'."" ",~. '''''~'''''''~.'i'-''.''''.'''''''''''''' '.~'. '-',,<,-' ':~"".""~''''_'l>'''..' ~.,~,_",.,_,_....._~.^,..".o;..^..,_,.^,-.,._",.w,o."~"'O.~"~".'>;"^_.."".~ ".'.'''. N'0."Y'""'-'M<'F.' "~>>"''''.'' '. '0.'"'' "~,",,,O_"".'''''' "L' '''''~W~'_i~.",..'..,.,...,<,>:!<".o.' ..:_,.._....,<,..~": ,,'.~...--,''1),'.'''..''''.-.'''.... 'Y,."":"-".,o,,,,.. '_",'4..""_' .'.'..'".'_"...._~_,. "_'_~ I,' +;;{T'Kh;;eiWN" 'D'''S''Ji!Xiil^~'I'iZ'^'B'T:'E' """j!;,"';;.'f'$"':"w;":t"5"1'79''i~''$'''1>''9'''8''''8'"'}.).'3'''''1'' ;;""$"'3"t5"5'1"9'q!~"Y8""'$"""'Y''';;'4''''2''9'''C;~\;,;;i"$"~",",,,,(I'0'f,O"~4"" I I ill EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses: I '.- Amin, Services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - i' Public Services - - - - - II Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - III , , Capital Projects: II Government Buildings I I (continuing approp.) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - II Government Buildings 210,305 4,000,000 3,526;54~ (1,179,616) II . Total Capital Projects $ 210,305 $4,000,000 $ 3,526,544 $ (1,179,616) $ - Ii I I TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 210,305 $4,000,000 $3,526,544 $ (1,179,616) $ - .Ia TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) I - Transfer from Capital Repl. Fund$ - $ 16,010 $ - $ - $ - II Transfer from/to General Fund 214,500 - - (200;000) - Transfer to Rda Fund - - - (979,616) - I ..' Transfer from Sewer Fund - - - - - I ill II !i I I !:.I " , " il , i!', II' 29 II FUNOACTIVIJY DETAIL I, CAPITALIMPROVEMENTP,ROJECT;S I'll I GOMMUNITY FACILlllES 'OISJRICT#1 ; ,I .,1 ,-, 1995.1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 Hl9,8-1999 ! I ACTUAL BUDGET .ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED Ii I BEGINNING,BAL.-July 1 , 8,379 t~ II $ 7,905 $ $ 8,379 $ 8,841 $ 9,401 ,I IIP~ior 'tears Appropriation - - - - - 474 540 462 560 l Revenues 570 II 1 I EXPENDITtJRE~ :1 11 OperatillQ. Experises ., 'I I Adrriin,Sen(ices $ - $ - $ - $ . $ - II Public Services II - - - - - !I ii I 'I II :1 Capital Projects: 'I I Pomerado Business Park $ - $ . $ - $ - $ -' II I Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Ii TRANSFERlLOANS-IN(OUT) Ii I Transfer To Gel'leral Fund $ ,- $ - $ - $ - $ - Loan To Redev Agency - .. - - .. I' 1;"'''''''"' "'"',"',^^,," 'W"""""","." ." "'"'' .. ,,' "..'''' """'q"'" '"'iir'''''''''''"il'''''''''''''''"''''_''''''''''''''' ..""..... i I'" ^' ,=~ ~~fi. ",-, ~ ~"<~\iJf',~ ';;s,"~" 1i1!''''''l'''!$r",,~'ji,'ff ,t."'~~'"'%" >'<t/,.,."~",,,-... ,~,~~,:;;'.'V ~f( >," me:VA[HFR1\:NSEER:JI10~NS;'?$$"f$' ",~,,:,';,'Y. ',n::'*""~~v~'~ ~ $~ r'.l; g-:;r>~b~:;:;:!'i~r\;$ ~;z~i.'%t..,;>")l' "",,,, '''f'$0":?~~~ ,;,!\o<< ;;'/i_~o{"t${~~f'*;<~,\,..t:~"o;; ~>,:i I . , , ,,~*' %',o"<,f.,S ",~"~k';i{:$"'!t'" ^~",,, ~1'>,,*""'l~, ~ il':.'i%~~,,,~1i~},fi~J,,~ "'~ to ~ ,w;"-." ~'" ~>.>':'" ~"0.,;";:'" ~,'~ , I I >", , ' .,,~ .."" , ~~ "~b '... %<;'" M",'''" 00 ,,,"''-,. ~,. """'~~ ~o>'" ~o~o.'(1!;,.""~.,, ^ ^ ,r ~ ~ _ ,'" wo. ," """'" ,*, ')<"'"" '#.",~.'f;;,"" %f.i'" m.><<:~,.....~;:, O,.H/:N;,{. ~~ '.; ~o~. ',,~ "" '> ~,~'" ,I :' , " li!l:o'iAlli:;rHiJtJrD~:B~~NeE';;\:~ [I L ~,t " "," ,,', ," 'Ii '" ":' ,_" , " . ,,' . , ... ".. _ ,.. " __ n.'."'. f ,I it II ENiDl~G' BAE'."JtiNit3iJ-~^ t:'0~~*,:'" ." ,'8379:', ;f, :''\ <:lli91'9~;'$,:,{',:t";j"8i'84~"';$; "";;1-.:/:', '9::.4o~":':;$r;,:;~-';;i9 ~d1~ II : ~ ,.:-::. '-"""~" ,A"~ \~, 1,,;,.,."t:,,':'...L.~<" < ~- :::~"J,..; o.'\1~.1{iif:J3t:t,~ j "<~^.,'.,<><",,;X""rti;\,,t _~..:<<i~1:',#'i~1'f;~:~ 1~N"'"i..'!j U I ; I I: , '[ Iii i II Iii 30 I II I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL Ii CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS I COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT-1990'#88-1 II I 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 II ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED I BEGINNING BAL.- July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ (5,973) $ (2563)! I ~ ,I Prior Years Appropriation - - . - - _ I Revenues 2,927 3,116 2,610 3,410 3,530 II mOT11\C'F;U t\j IDfdA')IIf,.I~E3I:!E'll!j,$t;'jjl["lji2:92'7'A!;\'$IA\\,:'t1"?'f3~1,;t,61i;,~$1;'(11+!ii1t42'i6,10,#$!!jllik;(2:563)1%.$lrt!"YPI;"rtJ!l"lJ96,; . >'0< -. . _.!.,.,c... ,,,,,.,'~^'--."..'" ........."..,. , ,.......,...".'.,f;N.."'.' ,},"..,'," ."",,,"'"0 ,,__ ,......,..0<......,.. ".>> ,',>'.. ,.c'"~,>>".o'o..'o.,_"o<'o"., .,,,~.,,.:t. .~~. '''''''''''-'0'00''5,.,;,:".."",.,_ "','>;."0,,"_',0, ,'''',...N.....,..._..~".".'"',,,.,,,,~..I;;...,, .." ^ "".' .,..n ,,__"'_.>v',,' ",0>>;" h~'''~'~'"^'_''T''_'' CAPITAL PROJECTS II I Parkway Business Ctr 2,927 - 8,583 - - I TRANSFERS/LOANS , Transfer to Cfd #88-1 (Debt) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - II ""'''$.c."",,K,''''''''''!''''''''','''F''''''f''''(k' I' FE0illAl1~EONmBAIU.;NeE~tl;:';t!; I i~~~gG!;E(~ill~t~t~i~ltil;lrit~.~~~!ll;'!lf~t'llil~ifi~~.ii~ll'I!~I<<il{~}11~li~~~I~f~~4Ii~1~illi'"!ii; II I II I II , II I II I I I Ii I I I 1 " I " II , I j 11 I' II ,. " ,. FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL " " !I DEBTSERVICE FUND ! I" !I q I ii 1995A996 1996-1997 1996-f997 1997-1998 1998~1999 .i I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED 'i IIIBEGINNING BAL. ~Ji.Jly 1 $ 5,29$;260 $ 5,339,926 $ 5,339,926 $ 6,132,073 $ 6,098,1'13 ,i I Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - I Revenues 9,623,897 441,430 1,280,815 323,880 637J20 I Iliill~w).\~~f~~i~E$Y~i~~:~~:ii~.it4:i~~g;sj:~~~N~~j~~~~?~~::;!~~:I!~~~?Q~Z~2:j:j~~f6;4~~~~:~~~'~~~~~~'~)?~~~ ;i IIIEXPENDITURES .. ..... .. ... . . jl Bond Interest & I I Redemption: II 1978 Fire I2pnd $ 176,390 $ 175,100 $ 175,100 $ - $ - 1986/95IGertificatesof I[ I' I Participation Refinance 10,.~67,971 860,660 857,971 882;050 8.83,340 1992/95Ce-rti,fjcates6f I Participation 902;737 907,360 906,101 1,007,150 1 ;006,61 0 1996'Certificates.of I?~rticipation - - $170,608 $252,060 $314,490 .. g:~f>"::;;;};/l,*'>:";'~Yl:W;L;- ;/j':;fW1':'!r:::~1'R>;S:-;:;~1;t~')~;f\(~ 'I' ;;~;:r;otal"Bond;lnterest,3,;'i."'''''''\'' , 1")',."."?.!1p"B~g~J!1pJ!Q!J,w"i~\!",,,,,,.,$,1,l;,~~],Q~2L,$,1.,gt!3,.lgQ\R$"...4"tQ~!Z~Q,."$"g,Mt,4pQ.,,,$'i'ig,4Qi1,~Q.1 I Operatingi,Expenses: Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Capital Projects, Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I . . TO;PAli"EXItEN0I\f.I:JRESi;~~!ii$11{1;;2<t;h"09;Ri!j{:$11l'~43'J12OVi$f~2fi1'09~780;l~$i'l\'2f':'l'451*Q60;;!!i$~,:2J204;4'.4o.!i "_,,",,..~.>,.,, ,,<'n ,_"___'_.. _. ". """,~,"'_""''''''''~~"'''''~'''''' ...,'.,_"'.. _ ..",.._...,._/,.".. ~"..,",.,,' ,__ ,._..... ,'" ',,~ .c,,_ ~'-"~"""""_""~'" '.. .._" , . ,..,., ""....'\-'...... ~".'.. "'_'.'. ... "_'_':'_""'" ........w._.>.~...."..'"..,'_",',..""c~.'._'",""" ,., _' """', _.'\>j"...",,",,>._ ,,".." ",.__, _ ,,_____~.._~..,';_~ i I (Out) 'I I! City II General FUnd $ 430,000 $ 545,000 $ 545,000 $ 695,000 $ 730,000 I Trans, from,Rda Debf!Serv 1,234,866 1,116,410 1,076,112 1,088,420 01,054,170 I! 11 Ii I' " I II II '. il I Ii !I II I, I! I ,32-- - III FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL :i' i DEBT SERVICE FUND !: II COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT #1 Ifl I ,I I ~ 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997 -1998 1998-1999 Ii I ACTUAL BUDG. ET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED !II . . I BEGINNING BAL:A~C~-JUL Y $ 3,209,045 $ 6,005,515 $ 6,005,515 $ 6;059,390 $ 6,161,.050 11 Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - 1'1 Revenues 5,727,719 1,070,520 3,145,334 3;,196,710 3,293,660 II II :~,-"""-,..(;:';}:~:;::,, i,1.%':t'~h:'''f~11t'1''''''*:'''0:<lJ'''<:'';,~~;r~;~,::-:';:~:,+:;F~,,~~,'~,~~)"r%ki;~f{t{W':%::ti'~"'Af'te::%',;:::.:"^~'':~~~~~I';WTIf~~"';~'~i$:~~;,,;t;;.;?c:,;<,"'x"~:;1k~~:~;:,Y~::;::rt,,~1\:T:,~\}',"t',1;:~-$i' {;';;f,'sr,"~:;:~)':S:'Z~'::~~~T;?~"'~"'W7;t~':;;J'j>:-r:7~~'//!;.::r"'~t'~"'i::;: ;';t")~, !! , ,OTAL1',F;UNDS;AVAII!:ABGE;'1t,$\e"8,936,Z64'$i)),Z;076;035%5$"'~9i'1,50'8490'$R;;'9'256',400k)$'i'i9'454'7',1'0', ill 'c"''':' ,,_ c.-"'--,, ,:,_.,::..,_._... .: :<~:::~",,,,,."",, ..',:".'. ,:" ",.~'t.,; '..,,~, _,.i",-..~..,>o',,;, :-.. """.'" ""...";j;;.!O;".l~};;.:~w,.t ~h';:'" ;.':'".,~,,,:~.' ,{'i,,...;,'j,-.,,"~.",;):;k~,'i~J;;,~,-<.',,~\;,,-,'"'-",.1;'6",., ,~,,<'%~c-....-A%~"'."'-.. 'f,i.'"":,,, ,:. ~';- "i;.~ ,~">;>jl(,.,,,;;;:'.';\'-.'~'_' ,.',>$'" ,,;>.-,; J..~ ""'.M.;,..'",t;~.;;;,.." ';';;;~'..'. . ..,::J:il.,._._."" i~__,.-:':"i~_{"o';)' I I I EXPENDITURES II Bond Int. Redemption $ 2,931,249 $ 3,018,100 $ 3,091,459 $ 3,095;050 $ 3,188,650 I! '''':'-~';;''; ;';{.';~:',{;.":?''-~:.}i,~~~:,:..t''~;;'><:;\'i''.'i'."..,):{ '/i.I~'.:t{:("'~W;'l"f'9,;.F.;:~.';""'.'!;).h~.;;.,".:/.-:)T/.".'. ;;:"~~Yi\(';~:.*A~..&-:'i~.:;":-.-~t.JjJr1'(.;'::f",,:~,;'.'c~ty,r"'~-~7{;,~,;;,....{&!'r;.";rf.'.,w~'~/..:~c;."'-':~?i1:..:.':"!'t.:.i:"t...'i1~:.','?'/'w.*"'i..~.~q,!:/.)".;,;,,,,)~~~,,,,:-.."iit".:V'~'9;.-....)_.q.>~.~'~'..:X"-. ?'.,.s';~~}.':;;'.;'>e;,};,~~w:/, ):"'~\i(;;;i: II IT0TAl?\JEXRENlDl;rliJRESlRZ\fi\iiJff$l.'*2!931249'$'!R3'0;t8'100,~2?$\'lt3"09;\Y1459i"J$;Y3"095J050,i,$?J3',;188;650i ' ,,_, ,w~,'; .".' ,', -'. """,;,"'~'"..,,' .'. '_',"_k,"" '__,', "';'".".-, ,."_,,~,,,.-_.". ..'-~.. "",,_.,...,,;.;, ;,',h,"..,-, '_'T . "~"-''''.-.., -.' . , _ '-.-.~..',~,..' J.",,,~, >+ .,d..,....>>.'".,.,_"'".,_"..."",,,.ri'o.._.,,,,~~ :;h~".' __ .,,!,!,,," .' L . ;;"_":'~ ...., J,,;.-.~,,",,,,,,'-...',tc-,.... __,...."-. ...J" > _. ,'_". .f.., '........"...w . .'<<>-; _ --"'~'_ .., r ." ,. ".' . .. . . ,f ".,.....'._.-,' '" II 'i TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) ~ Transfer from General Debt I Service $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - ' Transfer Escrow to I" Capital Projects - - - - - II Transfer to Capital Projects I through City - - - - - I I ~ I II I 'E>,,'N'F;:rl'N<G" Jis''''A''''11''K<Nf''C'''E''Y'U,FN'''''E,'i)\3""0';,i"$,,iIt''6''io'''0"'5V:"5""1"\'5,'l1$0lfiv4,,;i'IO""'5""iii'9.V'3''''5,''t?iJi::Irt6'~'O""5","9,,1'3';"9"'.'0,,1flJifi$+,,"f/?6''';Y1'>'6'''''1''';iIO";5""0'1';tt$,?li,1'6';;;"2'Y"'6'6""0""'6""'0',,1 III " ~ ~ I ~ ! ~ Ii Ilil lif ,3_3- FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL II DEBT SERVICE, FUND " Iii " CQMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT #88-1 (FUND 332 & 333) '[ Iii , I I 1995"1996 1996-1997 '1996-1997 1997-1998 1998- 19991 APPROVED _. II ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ARPRQVEDl! I BEGINNING BAL.- July 1 $ 3,425;235 $ 2,434,052 $ 2,434,052 $ 4,313,136 $ 4,355,486 Prior Years Appropriation - - - - - ,I I Revenues 2,3'86,264 1,547,500 5,490,112 3,681,080 3,753,38011 , 'I h'>''i'"" ,~~'"~ '~'~""'~''%''-'''*''''%!i~";,'''~"ti..''~>~'''''-{>'''''''''N'~'f''''~~~'-*>~'~w.''>''!:i!l~~Y'' ' ;;~~"'!~ ~""'W'.<"'<<"!,,~o o~'~~"'*'""'''<~_''^>''t^ ,,,,..t,,^"~~, 'f;:~'" ,,", <"~'" ( ~'l ^ "' ,,<, ".- ";^ ",,, '>~ ,"'''' \>~; , ~ ^ '- ,'" "''\. ~:'\; 0< C ~ ,- ^ ~~ , '0/ ,,', ~~ "'," ,,'~ ,<, ,"'^ '" ,,,' " ^ l' , F1i0IT':(\L1F;!J~.DS:'AVf'q~~~.~ ::illl.\l?;~jm;~!i~;~;~J~3; 9.8~~55~Ji~~tf:\924;~, !2~]:::~:.f'Zi;9~4i~it~~~"$~?:;"8. ~ .Q!?;866i I:! :1 II EXPENDITURES .1 I I Bond Int. Redemptiol'l $ 3;377,447 $ 3,287,030 $ 3;611,029 $ 3,638;730. $ 3,414,09011 I m0IFAL?E*I?EN0ImtlRES,,;+;'~f'$"';3?3'7!7'447:"~}$;"3'287f030"$\l;;3.6,1~1';029;d$"'3'638.7i'30:';f$"i">3'414".090 II '. ;... ie, ..........",.. ;k.., '" ,I ,j ...L....}U!f&/!c...,';.......X;.....,.i iN..,. .,,;il...!....,;'.. .. Ai? ,.;.. ....A ;V.I. " ....;"i.,.i% ).....i.l..L...'''';;; .f.;"...,.,.?,.......... , . . - i I I TRANSFER/LOANS~ln (Out) I Loan from Sewer Fund $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Loan .pmnt to Sewer Fund - - - - - I I Loan' pymnt to General Fund - - - - - Transfer from. Gonst. Fund - - - - - Transfer from Capital Project - - - - - I I I I I Ii! i I! 1: ,[ !i Iii I i, :1 Iii r-_3~ --- FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL :\1 III HIGH VALLEY ROAD DEBTSERVICE FUND (FUND 334) II Ii ". !I , " 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997"1998 1998-1999 II ACTUAL APPROVED ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED Iii BEGINNING BAL.-July 1 $ - $ 89,312 $ 89,312 $ 92,805 $ 91,345 II Rev~nues ......... . ""n.; '''' 128,878""".,. ... ..C'. " ~2::~~;,;.,,:~:~~~ ..... ....;:.~,'~;~~, II l1QTAliFl:JN[)$,AVAI~I:n.;E'$i .1Zl3il3'tl3i,i:iiWi,"/:lQi:?JZ@$"'1.6Z;?ZZ,$"j\",!i14ZiZOq' :$: '.199:1.95, I 'I I EXPENDITURES 'I Bond Interest Redemption $ 39,566 $ - $ 69,467 $ 55,860 $ 53,420 I, Total Operating Expenses $ 39,566 $ - $ 69,467 $ 55,860 $ 53,420 'I Capital Projects: II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - II - - - - ~ II Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $ - $ - $ I I I TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) I $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I - - - - - I I, I II il ! I, III il I. Ii I , II I ;\1 , j " ':1 " '1:1) 15 FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL III WATER FUND I II 1995"1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998" 1999 I ACT'UAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED I I BEGINNING,BAL. -July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - " " Prior Years Appropriation 7,109,859 5,576,697 5(576,697 5,927,370 5 929 230 'i " I Revenues 11,931;064 9,985,220, 12;405,383 11,260,670 11,369;540: , ' llt',"'''r''':'i1''~''P'1'""'~'''W'',\''''''i''b'~i'''''Ti'Fi,lil.)iPP"/"';"!1"',i"""tlNP,Y""i"i"'9"""V'" "'ii'ii'{"'1i,,ii;h4',i"'Wii"'iPWii;%i~;i'''i;'''T'i';iii';':i;;~.'ii"m", "',"ii';;,, i i' '0wAIE:"iEUNDS:AVAII!ABliE'$,i+:t9i040'i923"$fiJ5i56:tii9:t"l'i$;ii1'7t982,080"$ii",1'7$'488;040'$,,'ei47fi298 "7;70'; , ':'. _:~',-~.f;" :,o'':",;"~"J:;-"..~>';:>.,,, ' ""-''.:''~'''''''''_'0.",~",,,<: ,,,,.~,,..,_.. ",;,., :::.~.:':::'^""->'-,",:-:_"...." t:-, _, ,<",,),~j,:>.;";._ ;~,_ h~.,,,,..L. :'~.-,",} ,;-~)r:.;;;)S~',,;~,_< t", >,,,.",_,_.,, f, ''''._.."i" .,3':~:K~'oL;:t.:;~o,,,.,.,.,,., '.. .'^:~ .y",-, ': '. }~t:,ii-",.;",;;'...~",.., ..,..-1 ,,-,:J. /'- -, ' : . I 'I , ,! EXPENDITURES I I Bond Interest " , , II & Redemption $ 814,053 $ 1,913,480 $ 1,946,902 $ 823,760 $ 8,19;440 'I I I, Operating EOxpel1ses. II .' Administrative,SeJvices $ 832,433 $ 842,769$ 839,774 $ 897,996. $ 929;206 .. Ehgineeril1gSei;'lices 49,688 49,561 50,461 54,393 57'339 , ',I Legis. & AdMin. Services 110,970 110,080 121,151 11'5;401 118,049, . I Public Services 8,227,656 7,837,883 8,587,028 9,120,040 ,9,602;2'11 Total. Operating Expenses $ 9,220,747 $ 8,840,293 $ 9;598,414 $ 10,.187,830 $10,706;805 I I CapitaL Projects: I I Water Improvements I (continuing Approp ) $ $ - $ - $ - $ I - I Water Improvements 3,929,426 376,520 509,394 247,220 - I IjTotal Capital Projects $ 3,929,426 $ 376,520 $ 509,394 $ 247,220 $ - II Ilk~[~laIW~~~r~li51[~fi{~~~'~\i~:~:~~~~4~?~~$:':: 14':J ?O~?9~:~i;;1i2i~$.;~!t 9'~~~~fi~?~?:ij~1l;~~:1"1~5?~~~~5: Ii I " , I I' 'I , 'TRANSFER/LQj\NS"ln (Out) :1 I Transfer t9 $lreet f"LJ.nd $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -I I,' Tfan:sfe,r;tl) CaPJt~1 Repl Fun - - - - - I! \1 Trans,ferto f.{lhlDlclpal Fund - - - - - 11 :1 Transfer from S~wer Fund . 500,000 -.- . . ." ,. ." .:: 1:m-OT:Ab';E'RAN'SFER7ff0'Al1\{S* 'it:~i',h~';:5 ", "'~""'6;' 'Yi'T';ii,ii';::".','i''''':;:'''1'ii;:\&7,eij::~'i;'ii,1.:''"t::ii;,''ii>'\liZ7\Z\i'!I'?"iW';;;:ii<h\"Y.,~i,',,"'~r,...w;:i;W':i I.. " <. ,.' ,-,-,.. '." .. ...... :'!: ,. ...$'....""'~.;"'/"'l:'.,' 001,00 " ", .,,,,..,. c..,....::...'>.'-^l0':~$;"ii,,'~tc.~"'~ .,;,;{,.,~,.'.,.k~'.'i'~'i~'0.'''''-;::;'0;Ct''''' .._....,.,.",y~.,x.c_~~r~o.\J'itw^:<o__._~_,_.~.~ ,~.,'.M.,....ith~""Y~\<.$'~.H,'".,,]h,. I .. _ j;, ~'o ':..'. ,. .....: ;-t;~.?".,. S,.,,;,.,-,,," "~:'~'>''''-/',_.', ' '. "^".': ",~, _, ,,:,__ ,~~:\:'(~'.1k)?::SL;';',,~w~.i ,~:;,,,,,,,,/-~L;:c;':Z:+:':::(''i'{:>-:t':'::::'i;K~:f~:{_s~,:;;%fu:rt';~>t;;';Ni::i;<,'iIk;':.'U:;!t:~:1:[~':?)~'hi/'JS;."~:Jk:;Qd;?:ti~:*t::L$.k$~~~fitiM~~i#i~1bK:'wN':i II I .. .... 1;-::"",: : ,,,"ti':::- ;::i::';',~'i'1'~'-"%~'_fo/1t\K\":;,,'lf."":."\'~-;~)':,-;::.'{;; .J I iJ;@!Te.L.'I:,;.I:)NR;!~&,%!,,!,g:g;;;l\1 ... '.. .' . '.. .' ". . . .. ". . . . Ii , !ARRR08R'i;A5I;EID"'!:;{""<;;!!!;';;:$A",;; g'S7.6l6&7!j$!1 1 '4 "'li3'~"6Z4'ii'$;!ii;5192't:i37,O{$';ii!i\i5t929';230!$ii;!lt5!;~2Pi525" ' 1;.: ,. ;'..::, \..";",,~.':,..;:,,,.i.~- :':"L-:".', :~F<:fy:.(:~),:jl;;;;-,Lt;:'~~~)~~)~~.; -",J.,j,,; ,,~i. <L, i.!L*~f ,'~_'.i,,,.), ,i; '. ":,, .w:.:t..iEiJ1}t,>'3_, -',-,-'~}~:")J"M,;,$"i~},,, _'i~,~,":,'""-,,.t:,:-,~-:"~X: ,iW(:1L:"Y-;-<~.:- "";~,,,:,,^,.:,,j Iii " I :i -,36 I: " I II FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL " I SEWER FUND Ii I I I' I 1995-1996 1996-1.997 1996-199.7 1997-1998 1998-1999 . ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED II " " " I I BEGINNING BAL,- July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _ I Prior Years Appropnatlon 12,709,386 12,830: 11 0 12,830,110 12,426,484 12,:133,,110 ii Revenues 4,932,821 5;076,530 6,184,167 5,520,780 5,51.3;280 I ,~,~,';:;:;}~;i;1!,::i;:;-j':"'''JJ:{'''~;~-;;~'-';;'';~::':~':;;'C':"'_:'::"_" "'A~,\';: ''.:If,,;:*~'r;:w;::::: '''''"!A;Jjffj<l/l;Y:'~::~s<:'?{~\'::.<'~')i':",:;:~\~~''ii%S~~'$f'':f'~;;;:~;::,,?,:!I;~1<Th;'i':-:'~[~<\:;~~~;'i:t:i':,,;,,~,: ~iJ;)~{,;~;";:w:,.,'it,'-.::,,,~~.:,;r;,/,,;%P~,:,,:,,:;i'~"'f;;{{' (\,-;., ,,~,;,g..;,:;,,;\:-~::,;;;.~;~~;'f'~"'W::~~;;M,~"!;~':;;:,;.::;,;'i: . ,0)1i~~;If.UN[)S;1:XVA'I~BLE':;'i$;:fi7);642"20;Z*;;$1!1j'Z':906'640.l:lt1$119!(),1,4"2iZc7{!&;i$;k7ij947j264!$,;;''1;7;X646'390! I' .. ".o_'o'..-V',J.-..; -', ".., ",'..\.'"';.,,J,-.",-,'_-X.' ..,....-...,"....'WN.,~~.'....o'.._..,..,vx;, ",'oo'w >".'..\',"'l>...;.~.,,,.<.._._."-'.'o":"''''W'<'>' ,~'~-,_',w_..~J.rii=-.~,.v'.,_. "1t:J",.~~."...,v~,,;,,,_>_,. '"'<0"",.";" 0.,,-',',-. "...,,,'",,,",' .-,..'-.__,w..."w....>~.r.", "",,,,...s,..-,.,,-,...f, ,,;.-..~, ;00' '. '00<,"'''~ i ,~'x-' .-i-:' "i:<...-, >0',/'<"...,.,.",;."" I.c_-.-...",..".x_,.. : ! ....,. - '-.-- . - jl EXPENDITURES I II Bond Interest I & Redemption $ 158,259 $ - $ - $ - $ - II Operating Expenses. '. Admin. Services $ 495,754 $ 506,856 $ 502,974 $ 539,017 $ 559,284 il Engineering Services 51,308 51,796 52,475 55,570 58,2~ 8 II Legis, & Admin. Services 77,680 77,056 84,806 80,782 82,634' Public Services 3,371,096 4,417,926 3,492,348 4,963,785 5,049,974 Ii Total Operating Expenses $ 3,995,838 $ 5,053;634 $ 4,132,603 $ 5,639,154 $ 5,750,11 0 I~ Capital Projects, il Sewer Improvements I (continuing approp ) I Sewer Improvements $_(95,191) $ 2,t10;000 $ 2,455,191 $ 175,000 $ -. i: Total Capital Projects $ (95,191) $ 2;110,000 $ 2,455,191 $ 175;000 $ - !i '. '. iF0fuA@fEXRENl)i'!f@'RESf~tf,tS?i'$~*4'l\Q!5!8f89~';WfJ*,;1;1~>1"63f63lk'j"!~ftf€I"5a7'Z9'4-'!Sl~'t1'i15"'8!1~#rr5~,~1f;1""5~5a~i'18' !, {."i~'~_3_.::'",,, - "\~ <>-.:",,: .'\,,_,_", ,", ,':".. !,.,': ,1.: .,';, ,;___ .Ji,~1~:SUt4<,&:*~:"J ~,<" ""__"" .,_",;"i:~aL..~9t;_,et.".-_"":,._},,..' ;;'i)~~LJ;L .",,;, ',_ ,.;-;',/;:J;~,'R-,\i14L3'tl,.""(,,,L,-,:,__.,:;L~ _"~,:_,,,;L ,J;:~:0Et. ,3Li~". :,JLn,,~-,"J II II i' TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) I! Transfer to Water Fund $ (500,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - I Transfer to Capital Repl Fund - - - - - 'I Ii Loan To Drainage Fund (253,200) . - - - - I. ,I, OTA't.TRA FER/liD N "'$",,'.(7532. O)"$........"_.!,...""."..$....",-"'",,...!,..,,$(%%h",, _,...~.'''1..$!*!,'"..""'_,,..,'',..., I' 11 >.:>., ,i. ::_:, .", _ : ... - : , _:: ""': ,.., , \; . .',' :', ,,' v"-:,,,,~.:;:-,.:__...;_,,;,'h'ktk, LV;~< ~.;> "',_h' c,"'''',;_","}:;., .},:~:~:r:t,~~;)~~':,:U;"f:J':'&;0':;;.~:~;.,...,,:;::~~~~',~:~t\l":~_;.,:,:;~,:.'t'ft&:;~f~>,'''A" ,L,~,::';~::\,'*:;i;'<~:~4t::~'::-tC'~i.: _,.,.;';;::i.;;SJit:;'rf::i;,~);J;!-:i}(.;\;if:;,$:(f';;:j : :1___;"",. . __,"" "'._'..',' . .:...., :! ii~2mLl,;~,f,~'NR;'$~~,~.~~r~lk~~i)'"",.,,""',.,.,"''''''~''*,'ni'',..'N'"~''',."'",."i,,~''',,,,.,'''',.''.''4'''. ..,""",,,,,,.,.....".".'MN'."''''''u'',,,,.,,,,...,',,..,.,,..,.,,..,.', ..' :'. liAPRROPRIATED',\{};Yi'':\'i;'!;'j!!i!;;r$42j830~.1'10vfi$!10,7;431006.>!;\$fi12;;426!484"!d;!$11,2!1$3f;1110!$,Ji,l'k1;1'1896j2801!' .. i i ,.,.~. ','.",,,-'., . -... ",' .. ,',,'...' ,_. -. _.- .. -'.-' --...,..-;.h r;?m'.'".J~. ,~,.__......-_,,,-Jt.,...,__,,_,,._,,,.",,,,< '"" ..",ie, ,'''',~", '<", .- ,.','" .,' "'..-,~,,- ""'>'-'",.-....---; ~;",S'.-'_'H. ',',',",,"""., ",-""<"~",,,,;,),,,,""'-"-'" ;-"'"" ,....' ""N"';"__"""';''''''''''~';''''~'~'1_\;', ,,,,,""""',.".,-.._.;,,.,,,, ,..,"'" 1\ .. I !i ',' Ii I, I' " " i: ., il i! .! , I 3]_, I: , , . [r FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL 1'1 Ii CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND I; 111 Ii " Ii ' i! " " j' ,I Iii 1995-1.996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 W98-1999 il " A€TUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED ~~:~:: IBEGINNING BAL. -July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - lilp,,, Ye,,, Ap,m,"';o" 3,4&7 ,&71 3,324,1 as 3,324,18B 2,904,374 3;013,471 IRevel'lues 1,371,489 1,106,430 964,041 1,254,520 1,260,8501 1:1];0;f~i1i~illN;Dsip.fAytP,XB[jI?~;~~,,~',e859~60 ;~$!!41'~30'6A8'f~~~"288'228'it'~1~~rt:58 89~:$!:;';:4i2Zlt~~lj:: If" "'<~""""" ,,~,,~,,~ h~ < , ''''~~'''' '" 'Ck~",l-YI M~,,1^ t ,"",,~, ~"l" " "~~""lt_'*~' ,~,~~. 1 " '1-.,.",$: '''',t ,,,,,.J,,, "..., ~"..^,%<"J "I ".,11 ~ I EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses: Admin. Services $ 1,165,095 $ 758,184$ 1;003,018 $ 647 903$ 815,990 ,.' Public Services 370,177 365,950 364,826 497,520 510,580 I! Total Operatin9 Expenses $ 1,535,272 $ 1,124,134 $ 1,367,844 $ 1,145;423 $ 1,326,5701 I ! 11~%"%"""!"\lV"1"''''W"'!W;;";w"~,,,~,,,,,jf%)1~'')),.\!:!V'!P''''''''liH"''''WIi-'':'':!FV:''''Y:!!'''''''':iCliWi,'ii',i''>>''''.''",,ril'i',''11id,N!.'PQ''9Y'"?&:ifi-i';,.ii,:l;;\VW"""",,i''':;':i mOTF>>iI.:'OgERAmING\B<p;,,~*,:'i$r'i1f)535'2ifi2!;;':$,::1&;f;24"13'it'11:'!$",\1\'367}8~!';\:$1l",,1;'1'45:423Y$:!!1k:l;326J570 I ""~;;'^W'~'_'_";)''''''''''~''''':''':,'''~:''''~''',;M'"_O'Z.;,.-i",;,:"""""",,,-,,,,,,,,'.,;3,,.,~...,};.....~~.;;::d,.~.~-;:,";'M'%.~..-"~,.,dt,'.,i..~',^,,,,.,.._......,,.1 v,' .~. ,~\,..,;;;:t::;;"'h,j~"~'ikJ.I.",...,,,.i,,"',f.,i:<,~.:,";~,^~~~<;;~".,..(;,~\.:,:.-...;.-.l,..,_',.~".S' ',o,,~ ,~',;:,."}.J:;i'~,/!;l,';';i,,., '~:;...j;,:"._.", ,"'.:::\'"",.""",,~'ti, ,,,,'-Qik:::'*M',;,' ..".-,~."..~. ,.:: t,,,.,.~', j';;,~,':' , . . .. I II Capital Project: Govermerit BUiiding $ - $ - $ 16,010 $ - '$, - I II Total Capital Projects I TOTAL EXPENDITURES ;:'t~0%i~..t:,'ih'.:~i::""5:'-'(:;'f':11:~\;~~t::;tt:mx~""~!'~0F'~'%*:;{f~~'1'i'~);~;~:~~~f{t'~{*\~f,i.-,*;;{:;,~'4;~1)t~%_~~F:~fMY)'i1';~,'h~'J;;~'.fi!:&P1~*''t'-':')'i::~W;f''''*;;;;'\ $tt4Y 535;'272'f;'$'t,,1;'424'1..34/i!,$Ei%'\!,-383"864\:'i'$,r;,,1?'146:423~.$";iY"1i'326'5;Z;O .- _.,_ct_^_-J._""..'."..."'.-:'<.-.",,!,-.-,_..,,,,......."',,,..,._o.,A . ._->:&.'8,,"~~ "......-..~..,,".~ t"w,"""",,~., ">>'_'" ,,,,_,:,;,,-~,,,,,,J,,_-x;..."".,- ~:_' .'." ""-,"_~d:'~"Wie,€""cf';i...."-<k,,:tr,, "",,"", ",.'",,_, "'. ,_," "f'."_' _ _<e't".")-;:;"]....;"f;:,_.... ~"_'''' _":"""",.,<,~.,.-.. I TRANSFER/LOAN-In (Out) I Trans, from Water/Sewer Fund $ - $ -. $ - $- $- I II Trans. to Municipal Fund - (16,010) - -. - I I. . . ....... . ... I Il~~~~lt~;f~ll~i!I~~li~i*B~~\'3~~,;~f~~lj~$i~~Jg~~g1~z:~itl;{fg:[~gm~~~~1~~v;,~~~9l1~1~~~~~11~~!~~1~~~1il h r _ 1 Ii 'I Iii !I i! " :1 I:! I. J' 'I =38, --- --~~- - " I " FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL il 'I TRUST FUNDS II :1 ,I 'I II 1998:.1999 :1 " 1 1995-1996 1996"1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 I, I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED !i I I BEGINNING BAL.- July 1 $ 301,127' $ 313,632 $ 313,632 $ 350,413 $ 371,543:. i~"O' Ye'ffi Appmp",lio" - - - - - Ii Revenues 25,085 21,710 24,916 21,130 21,840 I' ""'"''''''-i'YW,FY'Y'''''''ji''''',yv''f'iiF,''''r''*\jiiY'''"r'ii'r:1/,",,,,,,wJ;'''fr'i;:;'''i:P'M'''''i1'j'''0'''iii'''I'iY~i''''''"";""P"\,*~1!"'l.ii:qi''''':W<;F'\!''':\;;l&>:!:i$'>1h':''''Y''P'!!",i~ I' :(JJrAILLFLlNDS,AVAII:!ABliiE''''/,''$,,''',,326;-21-2.$,I%'hh133S<3'42+"$""":;:338,548"->:$,,,,.,374, 543""$";;/"393. 383' , I III EXPENDITURES II I Bond Interest & Redemption :1 , I' I !I II Operating Expenses: !I I Administrative Services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - il Safety Services 9,579 - 8,000 - - il Total Operating Expenses $ 9,579 $ - $ 8,000 $ - $ - II il II TRANSFERlLOANS-I" (0",> I~ Loan tolfrom Rda Debt Services (2,601)$ - $ (601) $ - $ - '. Transfer to/from General Fund (400) - 20.466 - -' ~ III I II il., :1 1'1 II II il il iil " !I il , " il. , ! I:' '1q " il , FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL ;1 . ..i , LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND II '1 II i' ii , I I 1995-1996 1996-199.7 1996-1997 1997A998 1998-1999 , , i ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED I) I !iBEGINNING BAL.-July 1 $ 591,191 $ 704,834 $ 704834 $ 849,912 $854,602 ii liP" Y A ' f rI nor ears ppropna Ion - - - - - II , I ,I il~~v~~u~~",",~?" " "'.. I' ""'.~, " "'",~'vP-:~:'~~;:"'''-i i'.' "~::~~~'"".i'iii ,"~::'~':::?'''r..i': :~~,~~~ """"",,,. ~,~,~~: 0, :1 'ffOTAIl.1Snt:JNDS )x\tAI~BI!Eih;~;$~~ :630.83~';$:.J' 7A8'1 0'4' , $t.<\'I'749: 912t\'.$\"i;,: 896 832't:Y$:'~ i 903!\J2 I: 11." '"^" ~ ,"',,,,,,- ,,>~. 0< ,>>,:;..." ",-\.~",~,t''''''''''~k~~~'~.-<'''' ,~,' ,-<' "'''''"'''' o~~~~'" "0.' "l>.'. "10,~"",,, "_~,, I II :1 1 I EXPENDITURES 'I ' Bond Interest & Redemption I Operating Expenses: I Administrative Services $ $ $ $ $ i - - - - - !I I Safety. Services - - - - - I: Total Operating Expenses II $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Ii I I I : , I TRANSFER/LOANS-In (Out) i I I Transfer from Grant Fund $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - (42,230) i Transfer tolfrom General Fund 74,000 - 100;000 (43,660). Transferto Street Dev Fund - - - - - 1l[g:17Afufg;~N'$~~Bl~Qe:~~'~,I~i~t$~tf~iT4'IQQQY~~l'g~lt!i~i.{~I~Ji~t{~~i2tQq\~fg()ll~IIi{~?~~Qll~tltl!(~~~:~~Q) I ,. ~ 'I I ,,,.,"i.i'~"iiii",' ".'- ,.?]",;..,iiVii.('i""'iX"!%"'1itF'i II iIOTAE;FliJND.1BAL:ANCE:::q~;(;?:; I: lir~~B~~~1 I ,I Ii 1,1 :1 I ' . 1 I:! , .' II I: I , , . I Iii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CllY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS:t99'7-98 AND 1998~99 BOND INTEREST AND REDEMPCfION I 42 II CITY OF POWAY_ BOND/LOAN INTEREST AND REDEMPTION ii I' II 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997_1998 1998-1999 I I\l'JATERiFlJNP",',i'i'::", "ii'l BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED [I ,"" II IAssessment District 79 -1 $ 236,500 $ 236,500 $ - $ -. 1995 General Obligation Bonds 1,400,640 1,406,707 541,510 536,690 'I[ 1995 Revenue Bonds 271,,340, 280,726 272,250 272,,750, I Processing Fee 5,000 22,969 10,000 10,000 <; ,.>. ',' :', ',' i i'; '.':; ': ",;:.-,';', '. ".. c',"::; -1~1,";"~{,"~:~1'~T'''t,~'''''V"'!"''<b1;'''i'' ";':'{0;;;r~",;ritf:;'P"'W'~':'.'"~"'~:;"'<'<~,"^" ';*,:i.",;h",*',ii~;"~':{''''''''''-''',~'''''''''''''.\.:,,;~''i;:'-:r,~~~~;;?'r"'!'f:,,,:'''' """"""":'i~"":'r'o :-',: : [ T,:OTAUWATERFUND 'i," "i",'il{$#il,i\;~"9;1':~"'480i Il'$'Ii"'.il'946',902,1'.,'$1!1r,"",82gQ60v,:$"'",",:wu819 ,440, I , , ,',," ,t""'""b."t';L"'i,""",i';"'~,"""'i""."',,,,,,,, ",'..i,'",""k""L,',.."",';'""",,,",,',Vd',,,,~,,,,,, I 1,1 DEBT SERVICEFlJND y , 'il I 1978 Fire Bonds $ 175,100 $ 175,100 $ - $ - II 1986/1995 Certificate of Participation 853,160 853,163 876,550 877,840 I 1992/1995 Certificate of Participation 899,860 899,861 999,650 999,110, ' 1996 Certificate of Participation - 167,733 247,560 309,~~0 II Proces~ing Fee ',", i" , """""""iili"~lT"""_;':~~~:~'''W''i',"ii'_.~1,~,:2'~'%""'I,~,2~:~~"""""'iiiV",,1:~';'~0"il TOTAL:DEBTSERVIGE,F.lJND"""U,~l,*,\1,94g';t,20l'i!i$k>,/\2,';109';Z801H;;$0ii1'2h1.44,260:l,$,;>>:yy;",,2'204'440, 'I I.. ...... .... .... .. .... lti:<, )i.~__,.,,,;,J ,~..~_.".,.J",,,",,,~~,".h;'1....,~~..,,;,,;,,,,,.,".~,.....,.~,..,_,.L,~""""""""""",~,,-!$;'!<""""_"'.J...,._.,,.......;,...,~t._w.,...."_.?"'J!.,..,..._"...",~..,._.,.,,_..,I.,,,_...,_._.',\c_";,.,,,,_., !I IHIGHVALLEYDEBTSER\llCiEFlJNDI 1996 Assessment District 96 -1 $ - $ 69,467 $ 51,660 $ 49,2201.[ , Processing Fee - - 4,200 4,200 I,.-OTA"DEBT 'SERV" I"'E "EnND"H' IGR' T(r$'''i~;'',;%'1'*;;;",'''"!'';;E''Eif;'F$f:.''''',1fic''i'f''6''~9.'f'"6'''9'wrY$""jJ"l!1fC;;05"'5'''!:'8.''6'''0'Fii:''~;;'''';Ji!t'iliI'''5''''''A2''O' II ' Iii ..,......: . .. ..... ". ."'.. '.': i."", . 'i. ' .}r0.J~",TS'i,';,,,%n:<i<<(iik"\f;lt,;'~4'.liWBj,L,,;::!.,}k';rr~,'i;;)ii111;;'\";";t.,,,jY(,f)...,,,:~I~'141;Iil:L,i:t;tt,;;A . SQUTH:POWAYiCFP1'[)EBiE,SER\,/ICE',1"1![li'," "in 1[', 1987 Special Tax Refunding Bond $ 2,9,98,100 $ 3,076,146 $ 3,075,050 $ 3,168,650. Processing Fee 20,000 15,313 20;000 20,000 'I[ 198.9 CFD #88 -1 Debt 2,664,040 2,886;661 2~942,310 2,763,9401' Processing Fee 12,000 47,574 12,000 12,000 1990 CFD #88 -1 Debt 601,990 661,167 674,420 628,150 II Processing Fee 9,000 15,627 10,000 10,000 .. t.."."'''' .. _~..e.:....~."", - . .r.''''~. ".""". ".""". '.....:-*' '.-'1>.0.'.' '."" _.n'..~.'.. "'".."'." '.". ". ....~w.':P... C>'." --.- .~."~.",.,,.....,.,....... '.". .'''' "'.'."-".'~~""" "~'""'.-'''~'' .."."'...1>'<1'...,'.".i,""..i"t.'..."... ..'._-:"..'.'. '.'. ...... .. ,.... ".. .. "..""' "^,<. "'. "'." i ' TOTAI..[)EBTSERVI~E"!C FP,;;!,;':" lYt$i~S~9i;}Q8M;~.Qi'Ii~~i\'2;)7;Qgt1?7;\:4($t,i%!gl.b[~tI!:lQ~,'~~il~1~E?;€!9?i;gflO,lII I - 'I 'I I :.'. I, . il , il - _ . _ I iiGRAN@;IP1:fi:Et"I;'?':1>;;'ki'~;1~:;.~~~m\'f~~;t~'~~ijIQtj:6~;;;'t;~():g~\~~~'~'61~?~;:~~6\;}\$~~,~j,t~~j~~Q;ti;f$;~J;:wli\$I~8O:;Q~()" 'I' II ' .1 I I '- I " I I I .. 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I. I 01TYOF POWAY FINAN0IAL PROGRAMS: 1997-98 'AN01998~99 STATENlENT' OF FUND BALANCES AND RESERVES I STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES AND RESERVES .". .". .~ c," ",. "~''';,'' ":-"'''' ,.~> ~~ .',., ',:.','.~ . :'''';' ,~...., ';;,: ~.~""' '\,,' <~ _." "0 e,f ,. ~.' .' ." ' 'FlmdsAvai/ableF, " ,,' """ 19~17I1998 Approved Exoihditures' ,,~ 0'" "~~,cum.:' ',;' , ", " ': ;"" ;. :;"-i:"";'::;lr':~::",' ;",:Cap!tah :':: ". ," . ". ;' Fund , Fund" , " :Fuiid, ? ';, ,"1: ".~.(.. 'Bond; .. ',' ,I: ,,>'~;:r:ir~J'ect~1 ,; ,. '" -', ,,; :': ,,' 'Fund, Balance! ,~ ' , ,,>f. .-0', ',' > ,~ . (, <u~ ."_' " ,,' . _, '^ _"".u. " > " '. '" Approp, ils, i, '~~i!lnCEl .,;,~~iienu~': ~:'lnt!!r!1stl~garj .'~ ;,', "~I, J:irogr?m ' :r~llsf!1rs' ,ApP'r~p," ,Reserves ~. _, ~_,-",.,' . ofii1/fl.?~:":' ',iii' 711/97' "_ '1~!l7'199~;, ~:R.!!g,~J!j2!11:,_9l"l!.ra.~Q~; cosiipl In;IOut\,; ,~,as Of6/~bI98 '6/30/98 , ~. ," ~'" General $ 6,490,836 $ - $16,611,340 $ - $16,987,446 $ 55,980 P $ 767,230, ~ $:"6,~25;ii8d $ '., - . , '.'; 'p,~'" , Fire Protection Fund - - 525,000 ' - - (525,000; ,,' :'..",; ,- :~<.~ -~~, ,"," - ~ . ~'.~ Gas Tax 290,552 - 870,890 - 870,890 - ':' "~', ~90,55? "'- .~- ' , , Park Improvement - (225,558) 153,000 - - 9,800 -;' ",' ': <: (82,358 "" ' - - - - - - -, -:: ~. . . . '~ Drainage - (163,451) 472,780 _ 288,438 (18,743) _', .,i'\ ..' , " 39,634 , ' .' Grants - 630,056' 487,190 - - 25,000 P - "r",";", ' - ~,' ., 1 - - - - - 166,100 -, .' c.',,' " 926,146 ~, _", _ "< ,~.. ~ 1 ,.-. Assessment District - (135,654) 125;000 - - - -:,." '- " , ',;<'19;654 ~';J -'-.,. ;) . -, " Special Assessment - 2,933;889 1,982,100 - 1,790,569 120,000 - .. ~,:, ::", ".,~,g.o5,;~20, f' l , ~ 1'. . Street Development 620,038 - 80,190 - - 650,000 -. . ',,;"59';2;28.,' ;,,, -' : ~:' . > Prop A 1,258,434 - 3,544,300 - 3,563,400 200,000 - ," 1;p~9i334> ".,,: Municipal Improvement - - 22;574 20,390 - - (1,179,616) (1,179,616' ,: ,N~" ,:F:,. .w' 42,9p4 ',. ;7' ~. 'I-~' ,. . Cfd's - 2 868 3 970 - - - -' ..; ; ,,:" ." 6 838 , I :'t ,j;1':~ ""~,~~~-~' ,,1 - Debt'Servlce - 16,597,'104 7,256,070 8,930;900 - - 1,783,420 ,";' ""'. ~.. ';fp,70!;i,994 , t -,' - - - - "". - '{ Water 5,927,370 - 11,260,670 823,760 10,187,830 247,220 'i., '5;~29;239 '.. - Sewer 12,426,484 - 5,520,780 - 5,639,154 175,000 - '12,133,110 - Capital Replacement 2,904,374 .. 1,254,520 - 1,145,423 - - 3,013,471 - " ' Trust - 1,200,325 68,050 - - - (42,230 -' 1,226,145 =c,=,,~--,-=~==c"T= '''''';' . '';-'> ';',. IA;:;'~':'''';:'~' :;, ';,:,:" ": '0, ,.,""" " , ..,'.. '.i" . "'(. ", -, -:;",.' ;1' ">c- , ", " ' , -.. ".', ", :;,.., ..,'-,.. ~;' , ..~' .' ']':..' '''-''0''-----, m' , Total 0 ,0, . $'~9 918:68~ 'sii6:862'~53:t"'$'~b2;62~O" ::$~ 9754~~60: $'4'04;3'150::, $:45~'~41\"0$ :80'3804 :$, 29281905. $' , 21!86O 129 ------------------- STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES AND RESERVES ~~';4 '~,;::;;.' f l'r ," ~ 'r ~ _ ;' .-:-.v::r'~rl;"~J:" "., , ' ~,:o:,:: "..~ .":_t ,'~~ . , "~;" ' "~:" ~",,~ "~ ' " 10". u '~' ' "0',' ,n ,~ ~~: I .'/' '., J '''t, , " ' ,.;. , ,," Fuiids':Avililable",., :,'.' ,.,,< ", , ~~;~~"~ ~i<;';/iJ:' ;-,YAc~uV,>;>.i ,'",';,7,; .- '~, .';,:: ';~; 'fi';'j: :;;.:,~ ", '\, "f~ :, ;~ " ';'\, ,Fund," ,~"""~:S,",.f!<ll1d"..,, 1 : " .J,F;,ur,d...,: "',f;' '! ',"' ." " 'B,png,""'" , " ""':' ' ,,{und.: : ' ,B~lancel , ~~~~~.~:~ ,t;J~,i';~ ~~\ r,.~ ~ ~,~ ~p~'rop;~~~ ,>;' ~:;; f?~I~:h~;:~ i. -'~~ ~R~Y$_~~~~_.. '1J}:lr!~r~~V~~~,~. '",' , Tf~n~~r~,~ e~, "~~~PPf~,r1" ;,.f ,;' ~~~~rYe~i' ~ ....,_"..."-..~'....~_,."c,~, ,..~,.of.711/98L .,711198.".." ....1998 ..1999, ..",&Redem tn Inl Out)., ,as of6/30/99 ".. 6/30/99 '... . .~ ;,'\~ . ~ . " . f ;. General $ 6,825,980 $ $17,490,610 $ - $17,942,758 $ 11,490 $ 568,660 "$' 6:931,002 $ ." <- ~-. ~ Fire Protection Fund - - 525,000 - - - (525,000 - , -', " Gas Tax 290,552 888,190 888,190 -29Q:552: .:, ':::' ::," " J, , ~ " 'i. " - < ~'1 . ' . "i -' Park Improvement - (82,358 153,000 - - - ' ..',.. -,." ,~., "'. ,70,642 , - - . - - - - ;t~:r:~~:?~:: '~,: ... ,,'~,.r ' c......"_ -. ~ Drainage - 39,634 481,880 274,695 - -,,'246:819 - d ';~' '\! ~ 5 ",,'" '.~ Grants - 926,146 279,860 - - -'" . . 1,206,006 - - - -. - ~ -" - ,~ ,', Assessment District (10,654 - - - -" - OO:65~' '" ~ ." -;: , Special Assessment - 3,005,420 1,941,740 1,828,532 - ;. ,,"~, ,,' .<, .. 3i118,6~?, ,0,,'", , - ,; <': , . ~ ~ Street Development 50;228 65,520 - - - '>,115,748 . .". -, ." ,:'/ ~ ."~ .~ : > ri" ~'" Prop Pi 1 ,039,334 - 519,060 - 775,630 - ".7l;l2,7p4" ,,' ;', ';"" . >.. ,':"'f~ .f,' ;. . " ';" .~" "',","-C;' - " Municipal Improvement 42,964 5,110 - - - -'" "" - ,;' ,,' '"'' ':'4.8;074: '~;<f 1 " ~ ., ,; ~'.':.}_ _~. Cfd's 6,838 4,100 - - - - ,.10,938 " ' Debt Service 16,705,994 7,742,980 8,860,600 - 1,784,170 - .,lt372i544' " -<,: ~~, '", Water 5,929,230 - 11,369,540 819,440 10,706,805 5;7:7?:525.' , ',' .' .~. " , - , . '.,,, 'J '~'-,' Sewer 12,133,,110 5,513,280 - 5,750,110 - ,,1,1',896,280 ',- ., _ ~, ':"; ,:.~.,'~: : ':1 Capit<31 Replacement 3,013;471 - 1,260;850 - 1,326,570 - - '" ", '.2;947;751'" . ~,> '-,,~:'>..},~ ":' ~"~'-~: Trust 1 ,226; 145 70,350 - - (43,660 ' ;,i;, <', ;" ~: <:. :'. \~52,835 ~~<"r-,' ',' ~.;:k ':,: u~::' Jc" .,"'.;;::' ~'t,,""t /., :~', '::, ,t", ,,,'< :~;1':':<~'~;}"""~ '::,' T'" :>:;.;~,:~,;~':::':~ 1Li,:~' ;',>,":~,;' +> , :,; f otar' ':$ ~29i281905' $21\860,129 $4;8i:ito10'~9;6~O'040 :;$'39'~~3:;90:$'-1;1';490$di84,170 '$: ;8;7'36~221$" ~3'315;~32 c.n I I I I I I . I I I I .' I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCiAL PROGRAM: 1997-98 AND: 1998-99 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOANS PAYABLE T0CITY I II b 1 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOANS PAYABLE TO CITY " p 2,501,558 General $ 4;465,265 $ - $ 4,465,265 $ 2,501,558 I $ 263,010 $ 263,010 $ 4,465,265 $ - $ 4,465,265 Drainage 2,077,156 1,467,001 3,544,157 - - 122,344 1,627,156 1,589,345 3,216,501 Street Development 2,710,944 1,510,030 4,220,974 - - 159,675 2,710,944 1,669,705 4,380,649 Water 3,804,911 2,169,035 5,973,946 - - 224,109 3,804,911 2,393,144 6.198,055 Sewer 1,268,327 575,156 1,843,483 - - 74,704 1,268;327 649,860 1,918,187 Grant 11,000 6,153 17,153 - - 648 11,000 6,801 17,801 Park Improvement 125,660 78,913 204,573 - - 7,401 125,660 86,314 211,974 Prop A 200,000 94,460 294,460 - - 11,780 200,000 106,240 306,240 .r():r~L,J(fI$'14;663,263;_);'h6;900\748; ,;;20'664'01;1',' ;;:;2601"66811, ;18;'2'164668: ;i\$i863'613; ,)1$.14'213"263' ;11;16"601'411' ;L,20;11~6Z!J 1, For reference only-not accrued in either receivable or payable fund 2. Interest rate on loans where payable is calculated at CitY's average rate of return ofinvestment in FY 1991-98(5.89%) and new loans and payback occurred at mid~year - - .. - - - - - - - ... - .. - .. - - - - .. - - - ,- ,- - - - - .- - - - - - - .. . ~ ------..,- .-- m - ----- ---- - ---- -- , -- ~_.._- -. --~._-~-----_.- REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOANS PAYABLE TO CITY p 2,240,550 General $ 4,465,265 $ $ 4,465,265 $ 2,240,550 I $ 267,910 $ 267,910 $ 4,465,265 $ - $ 4,465;265 Drainage 2,077,156 1,589,345 3,666,501 - 124,629 1,627,156 1,713,975 3,341,131 Street Development 2,710,944 1,669,705 4,380,649 - 162,657 2,710,944 1,832,361 4,543,305 ~ Water 3,804,911 2,393,144 6,198,055 - 228,295 3,804,911 2,621,439 6,426,350 Sewer 1,268,327 649,860 1,918;187 - 76,100 1,268,327 725,9,60 1.994,287 Grant 11,000 6,801 17,801 - 660 11,000 7,461 18,4-61 Park Improvement 125,660 86,314 211,974 - - 7,540 125,660 93,854 219,514 Prop A 200,000 106,240 306,240 12,000 200,000 118,240 318,240 1, For reference only-not accrued in either receivable or payable fund ",. '" 2. Interest rateori loans where payable is calculated at City's average rate of return of investment in FY 1998'99 (6.00%) and new loans and'pay,back occurred at mid-year I I I I I I I I '~ I~ I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 1997-98 AND 1998-99 DEPARTMENTAL OPERATING BUD,GETS I 52 I LEGISLATIVE AND I ADMINISTRA TIVE I . . 7.~ .- City CouncllI ill Plannina Commission I I iii Redevelopment Agency rn ~, I 'j :w{Si:;-:;:;-..<<<<B.....~, ~:..: .. -i:;:;::'->>>:-;':':''<<:;::'->' ~.i.:;(.:;:::.;.{;:~..:::'~.;:.~~"?.~1 I 1 City i City r; City Clerk! I '. ~1 ~ ~1" Attorney I Manager ~ Treasurer I 012 I 013., 011 ~ '. :;t%.-:::~~:;:;:;:;:;:;::.:;w~;:@ ,"<<::": s::m;.m;:m::m-::;;illw.&lliX~:;;:~~ '.~ ~ I I Administrative I Community Planning . I Services I Services;" Services i I ;=.,,".~>OO'n>, J 2~O" > ,,30,,0 x,> J I I I Pu~lic I Saf~ty, Engin~ering ~ RdA & H.ousing I' :1 Servlces!1 Services ~ Services ~ Services [j 400'~ 500 ~ 600 Ii 1100 [j '. :~::~~::;;:#:::;~~:;::%:;?..::;:;:;:~;:;:;:;:;::~~m;i: ::;~:;:;$;~;:::;W1-@::~~;~i.~:;:;~:;i.%:s;wi :;::;~"::~';:;~*E;:;;;.;mw..i."'f::;:;:;:%;:;:;:M>>>>:md :;::-~@$jW.~;.,:,..~.t~E;;W::wZ::::';':1'j,~ I I '. I I ^ 53 :I :1 CITY COUNCIL . ~ I : Legislative &\Administrative Department Departmental, Activity~Overview ~" Department Code:, 0,10 . I, EXPENSE 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 CLASSIFICA'TION ACTUAL APPROVED AC'TUAL APPROVED APPROVED I '. Total Positions - - - - - I Personnel Expense $ 55,953 $ 48,050 $50,868 $61,880 $ 62,970 I 'Operations and Maintenance 115,306 140,870 162.429 149,180 150,910 I Capital Outlay - - 1,647 - I " , , TO'TAL-BUDGET $.171,259 ' $188,920 $214,944 $211,060 $213,880 . .... ' -. " ...,- I II OVERVIEW COMMEN'TARY The City Council is comprised of five members elected at.large by the citizens of Poway to serve Jor I four year overlapping'terms, The Mayor is directly elected by the citizens of Poway for a four-year term, Annually, the'City Council reorgimizes, selecting a Council member to serve as Deputy Mayor I The City Council is accountable to the residents of Poway for all services and programs provided by the City 'The City Council serves~as the City's policy-making body, taking aciion on all legislative matters involving the approval and adoption of all City ordinances, resolutions, contracts, and matters I req!,iir'ing policy decision and leadership, In reaching policy decisions, the CouncillistE;lns to public testimony and reviews proposals designed to meet community needs while maintaining desired service levels. I The City Council appoints the City Manager, City Attorney, and C;:ity Clerk and establishes various citizen advisory committees to ensure broad-based input into City affairs, The City Council oversees I the ~i<penditure of a II City funds throughout the fiscal yea(" initiates new programs to upgrade existing services, and determines the ability of the City to provide financing for the proposed budget as subrnitted by the City Manager The City Council also serves as the Board of Directors for the Poway I Redevelopment Agency I I 54 I CITY COUNCIL I il' AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES .1 1 'To ensure that municipal services are provided in the most efficient, effective, and 'I responsive manner possible to meet the needs and desired serVice levels of the community ~ .. 2, 'To provide legislative guidance and direction'for the establishment and maintenance of City programs and services. I' 3, 'To provide an open forum for direct public input and an avenue for resolving community issues. ,I 4 'To establish and oversee the implementation of the City's short and longcrange goals and objectives. I 5, 'To inform local, county, state, and federal representatives about the needs, concerns, and issues facing the citizens of poway 'I 6, 'To ensure that the City maintains a fiscally sound operating budget. '. 7 'To oversee and monitor the expenditure of all City and Redevelopment Agency funds. SIGNIFICANT AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None. I '. '. I I I I 'I 55 II :1, CITY COUNCIL :i 'I I Legislative and ,Admi n istrative Division. No:;010 Division Budget D,etail Ii Obj, 1995-961, 1996"97 1996-9711997 -98 I 1998-99 il 'I ,C:ode Expense Classification Actual App(pved Actual Approved Approv~d II I Personnel Expense I I[ , I I' I . Ran e Position Title I 4,8001 Mayor 4,801 4,800 4,800 4,800 Councilmembers (4) I I 19,202 19,200 19,200 19,200 19,200 I I I I 1120 Salaries - Special 24,003 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,0001 1300 Employee Benefits 31,950 24,050 26,868 37,880 38,970 I I 'I ~*"':il:":"'~9.:"~"t~"""'~l-'i{?'r,,:,:p::~i~~~~,}4?,\;,>r;.:.t;{S~~~'/,;:'-~"r~~';I'~""':_':$t-~<' :~~:t~_"<:+~:{.""",,;~:;( '3j"j:;~J;;"~"~~;'$:-""'~""~': }-:'"""'~\i.-'i.~~l_j>~~Il"'~~~<''Jer.'iila'':~_: ;':""'''''''; ""1 ",1;,0~~--" ;"~~f~',,: '-0: 'J !1.;p;ZZ' :~tlr'1t;91t]"TIotah8.ers6hrieJf~~\~ft.,~~~~,~~~%~~~~,~~~ }\~55t'953_~ }~48f050i t1B~.t50i~868~ t~,~/6~;~880; ~1\~t62X:9.7:0~ OQerations'and Maintenance , I j 1510 'Temporary Services 246 - - - - I 1799 Other Professional Fees 15,000 15,000 37,200 15,000 15,000 I 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 18,029 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 3140 Travel and,Meetings 13,793 18,050 13,251 21,160 20,450 3310 Telephone - - 1,117 1,800 1,800 I 4126 Telecommunication Services - - 80 240 240 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,529 2,000 1,932 2,000 2,000 ;1'" Community Relations 33,138 4,1, toO 45,716 41,800 ,II 4904 41 ,800 4924 Publications and Dues 33,571 46,720 45,133 48,850 51,290 I I 5530 Capital Outlay rental- Office Equip - - - 330 3301 'II I II I II !I I' II i~tf6tm;'&~~~iifi&'<<~'!&;M~intgil~~~~;~f~~~~j!\#;;,\l;\ ~~t151:a06'; '\:l1~o18"iQj l!~~62'P429ikI1i4!i1rl18011'it15'o'i9no I I Capital Outlay I I, , 6~28 Photograpbic Equipment - - 498 - - II ,- I 6136 'Telecommunication Equipment - - 1 ,149 - I - II 11 !! II ;,,~:~!".'.r.i: :'''F:'' F-:',:g ~::.::; '<i, '~F;.t'{<~':>:l. ;L:~: ;:0;:;: ;:'>'~"~71/k'f':5: "":;r~:i#;~>'o;~:::,: ~-::: ~"'i~~\~1.'~;i;;"!'~;f ,j ,il 1"','Total'Gapltal' eutlayh'~A"":)"", ","'""h'ji",,""""'7'!' :'$'i~~, -W~\:':;'?;~\.t>"'f~':ll ;,,,-,~, : _, ," ,.><-".,;"".,-,<",..:._<<~_".,_,..,~,.yu.,.-._,..,-,..".....,.;Jf,,,,.;.C.',,,,- '~,:""_,,,,,,~,:),,-;""*-'.-:,,,^ I Division Total : ~171,2591 $jJl8,920~,944 L$211,060 1i..$213,8801! 56 I LEGISLATIVE AND I ADMINISTRA TIVE 'I I City Council , 'I, " Planning Commission . ,I '~:::::..:<.;::~~;:'<<::::::~'t:...:;:.: :::::::::::::::::':<'::;";";::';';..-:B..:;;~;f.ili~*-W{~ 'I' ,. Oity Clerk m I "1 . Treasurer '" m ,;: ;:;: I 011 "~ :~. ~@:" '.. .~ '":0;' .. .. ,I .'1 \1' I t I I I 'I 57 :1, CITY CLERK " Legi~latiye & Administrative Dep~rtment , Dellartmental Activity OvervieW 'I 'OeDartment Code: 011 EXPENSE 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996c1997 1997 -1998 1998-1999 ,~ CLASSIFICA'TION AC'TUAL APPROVED AC'TUAL APPROVED APPROVED I " Total'Positions 3 4 4 4 4 I Personnel Expense $209,473 $215,200 $215,711 $234,840 $240,550 I Operations and 48,655 62,290 92,292 55,390 62,440 Maintenanc,e 'I Capital Outlay 18,416 200 383 - - , .. 'TOTALBWDGH $276:544 $277,690 $308,386 $290,230 $302~990 ...... <- Ii OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I:' The City Clerk is appointed by the City Council to serve as Clerk ofthe Council, Records Manager; and Election Official of the City In carrying out this function, the City Clerk coordinat!~ts the City Council agenda preparation and overs,ees the preparation and maintenance of the offiCial meeting - record, The City'Clerk also serves,C!s Secretary of the Poway Redevelopment Agency, the Planning II Commission, the Poway Public Financing Authority, and on the board of Poway 'Today, Inc. 'The City Clerk, also appointed as the City Treasurer, has signatory authority on public securities and I instruments of payment. The City Clerk's Office is the central information source for the public,and City staff regarding Council I action. 'This department is responsible for the organization, maintenance and protection of all official City records and coordinates the City"wide functional filing system, All legal advertisements, I including noti~es of public hearing and calls for bids, are placed through this office, Recording of docurnents..forall departments is coordinated through this office. The City Clerk's qffig,e coordin-ates appointment of Council-appointed committee members and maintains information regarding the I committeesdncluding charters, agendas and minutes. The City Clerk coordinates information for the City's homepage on the Internet: www cLpoway,ca,us, The,City Clerk'organizes and conducts all muniCipal elections,City Council candidat~s receiveHheir ., nomination papers from the City Clerk and all candidate filings including campaign disclosure and ."'" . statements ofecon()mic interest are processed by this office, Tbe City's responsibilities in the I citizen-initiated petition processes such as initiative and recall are handled by the Ciiy Clerk, i I 58 CITY CLERK I I t AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES I 1 'To serve as custodian of the official records of the City, ensuring the safety and security " of the record documents. 2, 'To manage the City Council agenda process to ensure timely preparation, notice and ' . follow-up on all items requiring Council action. ,I 3, 'To record concisely and correctly, in action minute form, the meetings of the City Council. 4 'To establish a records management program to provide for efficient storage retrieval and I' disposition of records, including the implementation of the PUFFS (Poway Uniform Functional Filing System) throughout all €ity departments. I 5. 'To conduct all municipal elections, ensuring conformance with existing laws to preserve the accuracy and integrity of the process. 6, 'To post and publish in a manner cOrnplying with the law, all notices of public hearings, meetings and bid proposals. I. 7 'To coordinate appointment of Council-appointed Committee members. 8, 'To serve as Secretary for poway 'Today, Inc., and Poway Redevelopment Agency 'I 9, 'To ensure compliance with the Political Reform Act by designated employees, Committee members, Councilmembers, and Council Candidates with timely filing of " Statement of Economic Interest and Campaign Disclosure statements, \1' 10. 'To provide information to the public through the Internet. 1995-96 1996"97 1997-98/1998"99 'I AC'TUAL ES'TIMA'TED PROJEC'TED Public Hearings Noticed 84 90 75 /1 Documents Recorded 136 125 120 City Resolutions Processed 127 100 100 Planning Resolutions Processed 76 70 70 ~I, Redevelopment Resolutions 28 25 25 Ordinances Processed 20 15 20 Sets of Minutes Prepared 45 46 50 II City Contracts/Agreements 85 70 75 Redevel. Contracts/Agreements 32 35 30 Legal Advertisements 171 130 150 I FPPC Filing Officer Activity 208 200 200 SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES I None j '.. 59 , :1.11 CITY CLERK !i .' J Legislative/and Administrative Division No: 011 Division Budget De~il Ii , Obj, I 11995-96 119~6-97 1996-97 1997 -98 1998-99 II 'I Code Expense Classification Actual jApproved, Actual Approved APproved! . Personnel EX[lense I I i - ~ge Position Title I i II City ,Clerk 68,623 68,960 67,504 72,740 72,740111 262,6 A?sistant City Clerk - - I 41,747 48,500 50,550 I 238:.1 Deputy City Clerk 37,738, 37.160 I - - - I 203,6 Secretary II (2) 39,105 52,640 53,60654,220 56,120! I 203:6 Secretary II (PIT) 12;267 - - - - I . ' 1110 Salaries - Regular 145,466 158;760 162,857 175,460 179,4101 . 1130 Salaries - Part-Time 12,267 - - - - I I 1140 Salaries - Overtime 654 2,000 123 1,000 ,1,000 I " 1300 Employee Benefits 51,086 54,440 52,73158,380 60,140] , '~~lt~Z"'~~;~'1't&*~"".',,;,;0.~'~"""'~''':;'1'.iY,t:\'%.''i:'{'{."i';'"':~T~.~~~t,~:~';1j~<i'~,,:,,~,.~,;:,{,,~,*-,..%t; "~."'~.'.N",-,_i-~"''''''''.,,,.;, ';r&'''.:,.~",~,_.;;__:-':'~'''''''',~ ;ii--:''^'"':r,.""~.-,.~.:,..,,,t'<~'~'<k fif"l.".v":t.:~"':"'~).:""--'<;; "~1""O:-1-'-'}'-<'l;''''''~'1f''>~~~! '. . jb)ilii!;;7!sjl;~:tiillotaIi1Persoiifieli!1fk'fil;il&t;p~,t\iZ!,;tjlW;g.;},W.hih1i209?4'7(3; 111;245:200; ;;'i215';P.1i1; ;;(1234"840; :%+2401550.1 ODerations and Maintenance I " 1510 TemporarySetyices 2,741 - - - - 1799 Otber Professional Fees 3,550 10,900 4,045 8,400 5,900 'Il 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 3,657' 3,960 3,607 4,000 4,000 3140 Travel and Meetings 129 1,600 1,614 1,670 1,690 , 3310 Telephone 265 300 333 150 - I. 4308 R&M Equipment 90 700 81 800 800 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 2,085 3,000 2,778 3,000 3\000 'I' 4908 Education and 'Training 228 900 758 1,100 1,000 . 4910 Election Services 121 10,000 48,661 300 10,000 I 4922 Printing 14,796 15,000 10,237 17,000 17,000 . I 4924 Publications and Dues 641 920 900 1,130 1,2101 4932 Advertising 16,656 10,000 13,699 12,000 12,000 'I' 4938 Rent-Buildings and Grounds 2,046 2,300 2,869 4,100 4,100 5530 Cl:\pital Outlay Rental- Office 1,650 2,710 2,710. 1,740 1,7401 I ~ I '''''''''''''' ".......,~..,.~..,','"..""..........".. "',' p.",.,....., "u'" ......'" .... ..,'..... . ,...., ," ,....'.'. '..,.. ,'.,.. ..... ',.. '..".." i . ~ ,.~'-......."'-.""_~~<<:c':i:c''". ''''')<'';;:..,v-.,-i,.-."",.,. -.,"'...-"'"'...."'}:~. '~__.. ro~.{,"'~"iY~.1! '.......".'>..":1:''1i~~'.. .......lli., '''.'' w::'~ ..... -, ?-~k""X '''.'_ ,;J,.;'i,,~,.';;!!'1:K..'.>"X~"""" &,"'."......',...""'''''""<. AW;i~ .'~'~~".'( fl::."j~.. ~">'sf'*. ,.J.}Xt:: ....,.<~-"'~".-!;~,I-'. '.~''t. tW'~",!);;~:;~~,,",-...''''(~::J0iiiO'''''':->i;?":J~*''l,>.':1 ',\,.~~'f,,~-q'l,1t.~~':X';~'~':_t:,_.,~~><' ;:"k~;,~'};_,:t~~.-:-c~*:"'C": :t",)l;b<:~c~;4<W.)'''': ;l,#;f;~'(",<;~"'c--'~':"+""",: ~>:,~M<:f{~<<~:'(.~<) :";ii~~$:M':i~,ztt*";j;ij; , ;;;mbtan0ueratiorisY&';Maintenahce~i;;tt,it,;i;{,i;Y kk;ir48:655J frW/E62'29Oi I\\1'~92'292{ fif;,j'55~390 ~';j;62l4401 i CaDitalOutla)' I i II 6122a Equipment~Office General I 1,621 - - - - II .. I :;~~b ;~:~:~~~i~::~are 1~:~~~1 - 200 I _ 383 I ~ ~ II ,II! i~tfubt~mt'rfPit~l;oGt(;:jyj;;i~~,m~1)XBw\i~;;~,;i!,t~~~~ERI!~~1'1P4~1611~~~t(t;2dolli.~~{~5ig:3831 \I~fJ:~:~it~~~i! I jll Division Total i $276,5441 $277.690 I $308.38~0,2301 $304,~90ii 60 I' LEGISLATIVE AND I ADMINISTRA TIVE I I) City Council I " Planning Commission ~' , . ~ ;::-.:.~1*mw~:==.;.,~:.,"; :X:" Y'::-:,.;=::.::, ". ..~;~., ." y.,:, "~mW..lli"?-~a::;-1t1 'I' t City Attorney I I 012 ~ , " II :<. " % ~:::;;:.J:~;j;'::j$%~4.:'~/;:;:::;;.:<s.:":<<ffim:t.:;:~~~;':""'''':.;.'-j:M~ II I' ,I I: " I I I II 1';1 J: 'I, CITY ATTORNEY a " Legislativ6r&\,Adrninistrative @epartment Departmental Activity Overview ~:i- . DepartmentCode:Ort2 I, EXPENSE 1995" 1996 1996" 1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998" 1999 I CLASSIFICA'TION AC'TUAL APPROVED ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED I Total Positions - " - " - I Personnel Expense $ 113,587 $ 109,340 $1'12,194 $ 112,410 $112,690 Operatibns,and , Maintenance 59,022 108,900 54,352 109,530 110,250 Capital Outlay " - - " " ,I t ! , ',l;OTAbBUD,GE'T $1'72;609' $218,240 $166;546 $221,940 $222,940 , .. ..... ' " I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY .' The City Attomey is appoiflted by'the City Council to serve as legal advisor for all matters related to the operation and administration of the City The City Attorney keeps the City Council and staff apprised of any legislative or legal developments that may impact the City 'I Through a contract.with the City, the City Attorney provides legal counsel, attends official meetings, appears at alllegal:proceedings and negotiations relating to:land.acquisition, ,as well cis provides other I specialized services., 'The City Attorney also drafts ordinances, prepares contracts, conducts legal negotiations, reviews legal documents, and defends the City's position in court cases. 'The City Attorney also serves as legal advisor to other Council appointed boards and represents ,City officials I, and employees in matters relating to City business, The City Attorney also serves as General Counsel to the pow'ay RedeVelopment Agency I, ,I I 62 l CITY ATTORNEY '. ':1' \I AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES ',I 1 'To provide the City Council with assistance in the development of policies t;>ased on sound legal principles which enable the City to accomplish its goals and objectives. t 2. 'To keep the City Council and staff'apprised of any legislative and legal developments which may impact the City 't 3. 'To prepare ordinances and resolutions necessary to implement City Council policies. 4 'To draft contracts, agreements, and legal opinions as required by the City Council, , Redevelopment Agency, and staff, ,I 5, 'To review the legal content of documents not prepared by the City Attorney prior to submittal to the City Council. I 6, 'To ensure that the City maintains compliance with the Poway Municipal Code, and state and federal laws, ,I 7 'To represent the City in courts of jurisdiction on legal matters relating to the City 8, 'To oversee City litigation in which the City Attorney is not the attorney of record, I ~ 9, 'To communicate public legal positions taken by the City Attorney and the legal rationale I for City actions, SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TYPROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE It' , None I I I I :1 III 63~ CITY ATTORNEY 'I !t ! i I Legislative and Administrative Division No: 012 Division BLldget Detail. , Obj, I 11995-96 11996-9711996-97 11997-98 11998-99 II r Code Expense Classification Actual Approved ,Actual I Approved ,Approved 1 I I I I '" ' Personnel EXllense I I I Ran e Position Title I I City Attorney 87,376 87,300 90,257 89,920 II 89,920 !I I 1120 Salaries - Special 87:376 87,300 90,257 89,920 89,920 'I 1300 Employee Benefits 26,211 22,040 21,937 22,490 22,770\1 I I I I I :m*~~7'~'1I~N~*t'~'::*~'T" ~t~~tl},~~'~'ii~~'''',*~~%f1;::4j:~;~<~,:~~;f;;,.,.ti ::<tt0""~:~F')~"';"";"; ii{0''''''''~''\:''4':?'''''_'1 *,~~:;:'\""';' "~r .,..t'~i @Bf';"'-?'~V~'t~'Y''''i m"~'\r'i'" :?,-.~. "''':':; "':r,.i.",i!;"J<'@,"l,'Total,8ersonnelb;;,",k"""'ii"~"1l,~:%t(llj\ \\w;1,1;3'587" \'!ii\i109,340,,,,i1J2.,194' 111ki1!1'2'4)1.0s~jfuM2'690! o erations and Maintenance 1 1 I I 1702a City Attorney Fees 25,313 38,tOO 31,815 38,100 38,100 1702b Other Attorney Fees 6,664 10,000 2,444 10,000 10,000 t 1702e Litigat[on - City Attorney 22,508 45,000 16,185 45,000 45,000 1702d Litigation-Other Attorneys - 10,000 - 10;000 10,000 I 3140 Travelland Meetings 2,610 3,250 1,730 3,380 4,100 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 496 600 733 600 600 , 4924 Publications' and Dues 1,431 1,950 1,445 2,450 2,450 I :1 , 1 'I I I i II I I ! I I I i :"~f /"'!I-;y"yW:','I:;;I:{'*;l:)"',"''''~';:''''''fk"''i;':>,F,''''ti",I));'i;%j' ii/'!'i"""''''''''''''''') '::)'i!I"*,/",,,",I, 1%,::V"0",,",II:, ~iiii"'''''',!i''''''\ 4"''''",/,1'''''''''''''''11 II ,,",otal;@ eratlons,'&;Malntenance,~sJ~lc;:;i:.~' \i,jit59' 022\ mf&t08'9001lrttJ!'i54"352! ,\~t09"530i ,1Ill:rtltO"250;' I C'O;taIO""., I i I ;1 Iii ,I i 'ii II 'I i'll I Divi.~ion Total 64 It LEGISLATIVE ANDI ADMINISTRATIVE '1 C"ty C "I '" i I ouncl I 'j " 1 I Planning Commission I ' :x "<'-""A'" .""',.=W.WU .. .. =,..;~;;' '-'-"'==''''"'''''<:i;:~~~~~~~'''''!'~!'''' ".,., 'X ~~<::,.;<;:'.::.:::::<<<-:;:;:<<<<==;:-;.;:w~. -;:_m;.wW;...:..."" "'%:':<.'>> _ :1 City $. . t I 1\1' Manager d 013 M It . ..,. ~..'" .. . . ill I .,,,"'''.: .~,;>-::i:~:i&::W..m;ff.~}j@4wE.wmmm...m:::;:;:::;::-.;:;; . , I I I Administrative I Community I Planning I' t' Services I Services I Services M I 1 00 J:l 200 "I'. 300 I I' . . q \ ~.w.z...::;,:x,v;''''''''''''>'''>>>::::'>>>''':':'''':''''''':;:;'':;'-W:'';:>, " ". .>,'".,""".'>:-:<,:-....,,,,,,,.,':"z:':'....::::.::>>::w;:= ,,,. ....1;:;:;:;::::'.........".".:::-;.;.;.;.:.:-,.,.,,.,...,.,...-""w,,;:;,, ..".,.,.,.,...,. . ..,,.,....,...'==..n>>....".>.. w,,.,_ ='n'.w.w;.,'"">,>>.w.->>:..-..;,;...~.. " ';."'..;r.,.,l'"m-'.w,W"wU'W'P&:-''''''''''h:< I I' Public' Safety. Engineering I RdA & Housing , 'I' Services ~ Services ), Services I Services R " 400 '" 500" 600 w 1100 '" \) ~~ :~. ~l- ,,",,,,",,,,,,,,",,,.,,,,,,,;11 '"""""",*",,,",,w^^..,,.)~ "}""~....",, ,,,,,.".,^".,.,,,,,~,,W ","'W"",""''''''" .""...,<<., 'oW".'. .' .",.,. '... M " I I I I 'I 65 I, , CITY MANAGER I I l::egislative KAdministrative Department Departmental Activity Overview '" Dep,artment CCJde:: 01'3, , I 1996-1997 1996c 1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 EXPENSE 1995-1996 I CLASSIFICA'TION. AC'TUAL APPROVED AC'TUAL APPROVED APPROVED I Total Positions 5 5 5 5 5 I Personnel Expense $422,478 $347,430 . $44Q,291 $367;830 $378,290 Operations and , Maintenance 65,481 61,620 64;737 62,950 62,390 Capital Outlay 1,333 6,900 7,605 - - Ii, . x.; I: ;TO'TAL BUDGET $489292, " $415,950 $521,633 $430,780 $440,680 .." ,1 ,,_. II OVERVIEW COMMEN'TARY t The City Manager is appointed by the City Council to serve as the City's chief executive officer responsible for the overall planning, organization, and direction of municipal activities within the City The' City Manager:alsoserves as the Executive Director of the PowayRedevelopment Agency '.' responsible for the planning and direction of the Agency's activities, The City Manager advises the City Council on all legislative and policy matters as well as provides the I City C9un~i.l with recommendations to assist the Council in making the most effective and efficient policies that'address the needs of the community 'The City Manager is responsible for ensuring' that all ordinances, laws, and regulations are implemented and enforced in the City 'To ensure efficient and I ,effeciive administration of matters within the City, the City Manager provides direction to all Gity department directors and employees, .' 'The City Manager is also responsible for the preparation and submittal of the annual City budget to the City Council in'addition to advising the City Council on the financial condition and needs,of the City I ,Ii I 66 I CITY MANAGER I 1 AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES .,1 1 'To advise the City Council on all legislative and policy matters. 'I 2. 'To assist the Council in developing the most efficient, effective, and responsive policies I that meet the needs and desired service levels of the community 3, 'To direct City staff in the implementation of City Council policy through the centralization ,. of authority and responsibility 4 'To develop innovative and creativE! means of delivering municipal services to , ensure the highest quality of service is provided to the citizens of poway 5, 'To keep the City Council apprised of pending State and Federal legislation ,I that impacts the City, the San Diego region, and cities statewide, 6. 'To apprise the City Council of all municipal affairs'and operations, I' 7 'To advise the City Council about the financial condition and needs of the City ,I 8, 'To assist the Poway Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors as Executive Director of the Agency 1J SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE None ,I I ,I I t I ,I '7 I ~ '. ' CITY MANAGER ji I, Legislative and Adlllinistrative Division No: 013 Division Budget Detail ,I otij ~ 1995-96 11996-97 '11996-97 11997-98 1998-99 i I', Code EXllense Classification Actual L62llroved Actual Allllroved AQllroved II Personnel Expense I ' , . I I Range I Position Title I I I I,,' . City Manager 109,035 104,560 109,108 107,700 107,700 " '334.1 hsst, City Manager 91,383 - 89,509 - , I 285,9' Ass!. to the City Manager - 59,000 59,798 62,320 64,5001 272,6 Sr ManagementAnalyst 51.,585 - - - - i I 262:0, Management Assistant - 37,360 33,418 38,820 41.320 I 246,1, Sec, to City Manager 38,523 40,200 43,078 41,440 42,890i , ' I I 228,1 Admin, Secretary 28,707 - - - - i . ' 218,1 Secretary III '2,456 25,060 28,583 30,590 32,4001 '1110 Salaries - Regular 321,689 266,180 363,494 280,870 288,810 . 1130 Salaries - Parttime 309 - 819 - - I 1140 Salaries - Overtime 465 500 - 500 500 ,1300 Employee Benefits 100,015 80,750 84,978'86,460' 88,980 !::;~~'~~1;tiP:~'i'''';::'';':.i-'#f-f.''>'mv~;,':\'~\'::'.h~>Vrt~';$~~~l:\t~0ill;~j, ~R!t'''-~~>>~'"'':l TttP'!i~'~-"f,.""i"'V.f.,'r,., ,'~tif:~:;'W-"'1"w.."~:",,,; ':';~'i;-'?'"'"x<''''-Y'-'~'''>~'.,-\, ~;',;,(~."",,,-,,,<;:\.<_,,,,.,--.<:-e_ I, ~~:~::~~~:a;~:r~:~~;~~~~~':%*hi'tl&~S*{;; ';'i422"4'l8, '11\'347/'1301 ~:t449'.29,1t ~~B6'7;"830i :l't37;8'2901 1510 TemporaryServices 5,751 - 676 - - :1, 1799 0ther Professional Fees 4,054 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 " 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 13,152 10,140 9,933 10,140 10,1401 , 3140 Travel and Meetings 7,729 9,290 6,651 10,550 9,840 3310 Telephone 168 360 405 360 ,360 I 3320 Postage 8,760 9,070 8,368 9,580 9,580 " 4120 Other Contractual Services - - 8,548 - - I 4308 R&M Equipment 261 380 336380 380 I 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,231 1,800 1,607 1,800 1,800 I 4730 Photographic/CopySupplies 266 300 174 300 300 I' 4799 Other Supplies and Materials 132 300 40 300' 300 4908 Education and Training 349 1,500 613 1 ;500 1,500 4922 PrintiQg 17,876 21,000 20,433 21,000 21,0001 I 4924 Publii::ationsand Dues ' 2,902 3,210 2,683 3,230 3,380 __ 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Equip I 2,8501 2,270 2,270 1,810 1,81011 I ~W'_:~;:'~S~<i"!~;;:;~,i~~tt;)(~~':1h'iiWr,}:' :,t'.'\*,i~;''tir~.>t\t;'%:>$'t'$,' :;~<g~,:1.:f',-~,;:~:','1'~';:;',:J ~_'~::',:"li';':;i.~i!i&~A :::~~~~"-'''f,>~>~;'':.:;,,~{ xry,:":,,-~,,;,,-~~~:;,-,,,,:SIl:'i/~~ ~;;f~~W,.,,~q~~,'$$'!J..:.,."t,t 5~;\ii,:":'"}~*?4tH~11 l,drotali.operationsi'&Malntenance;:S,;).iJlk~$i'7i;100;i!<65'48;1; ;;lfi.f16,1'620.: '\%~64'o'l3'l" 9)rtt62~95OJ -itii'62l390'!i I CaRital Outla~ I ,; I I I ~ I I,ll 6122 Office Equip.rnent i 1,333 6,900 7,605 - -!! !! 1~'fW'~t~!2.I~f'Ba!~'t';-'t/!.(~r.I~f~O";...t<;t;~I~;~4]Iif~",4~~'4~~~~~~~t~~xm~,;\'(:.~~~;;I~t~~~~'1:-;tf"3\.3~"'3~:;1 tt\1~io~f'6-:f9""0;"'~ot 1 ~'0!~t)~'?i;J'6H>--0":'-:';"5"'":~ '~1.~~l~;~Ei%~~~jH lj ~,__.';I"O a .,v PI a" u ay'<.n':<.",.".,-.--..~..:*.~.,.~v-,--.", _:l:..,._L,"JT~,y.:l:r--,...;l' , _ "'_~""'".~ ',,__"'i...if~ j ...._.,..,>_-~}t:..~.,~,.<,.:; I !i I Qivision Total : $489;292:1 H:!5,950~$Q2l,9331$430.L80 I $440;680 : .I 68 " ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ..' I City Manager ~ '.- 013 ill :::'~,:::"-"'''-'''"''''''-:.'~>>>:''.l<*"y.'>X''''';'l<'W/>>.'1'''':''''::0WH.'W''':'' ..".:::-;:;:~..>;:>.,:.~..>;.;.;.;::::~.}J ,_"=m^'^W'M='M=~I"=>><,m,<=~ ""=~0""~~" 'I' Director!! ',- Administrative Services r . j 100" 'I~ , ,. .." ~'.'. '":::::. . , - . I I I I It P Ii Customer ," F" , ill Computer ~ ' ersonne1. Inance !! "~ 1 01 ~ Services, 1 03 ~ Support Services ~ I . I ~ I' , :~~ : . rn . ; , 1% 102 II }1 104: .... . . .... ,..... '" .... . .... 'm!'1 ,W-:::;"'X~'X-:-;<<<';';~'X"';-"'-:T~ ~::::\':i'':'':w.::::: . .h. ... ....... ". .... ,'.. . ... .... "lli!II' I >>>>;.;.;.>>................,.,w..,...'w-;.....w,..w.>...,..,........... ,=-:~.w=.....,..".,.:<.<:;.w.<&""'v < .v..,.....ww.o_.... .. ,$';: .,...;...................:':<<<O;.:.;..........,.,c.;.,.;.::-..l'l',;.;.,..;.;-;-:::="':.-..:<< . .:*-*>x........,.,.,:. " :.:.....,....:...:.:.:0~>:.:,.'>>,....;.~;.;.:...>>:.;-.>>:0~;."":....;.~ . =; No'. ......WW.-........<<=...... ....N'o'.w......w;<<,Yo......"...'H>..............-.-. .........................,-;.v......... I I t General Support . Risk I Capital I '"' Services I Management I Replacement l' 1 06 ~ 1 07 ~ 108 I __ . d . I ~;3:::;{:':.:t&m:;:$:;:;~:;:.;~-::~:::~~mr:%;3;:;:;:;:;;{&;.:j:m::::@::::s:;:;:&i m::::~r::~W'.#::;;:::;~;-::::;:i:::~$::%t~@:;:ff.@:.:::P:mm t:...;....m>-'....;;X:...~~... ,.;;%l%='d~;.Y&.......~.:-. :. .m...g , : " I I ,I I I f;qi I '. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES t. I Departmental Activity Oveh(iew I 'Department Code,tOO , " I, EXPENSE 1995-1996 1996-1997 1.996-1997 1997"1'998 1998" 1999 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL APPROVED ESTIMATED APPROVED APPROVED I, I ,T otal Positions 24 24 24 24 25 'Personne!,'Exp.ense $1,328;038, $1,397,570 $1,358;018 $1 ,49q;530 $1 ;577,300 'I O~en:itiohs and Maintenance 1,181,985 1,143,010 1;157,200 1,158,150 1,183,790 ,: 'Capital Outlay 1,131;697 737,680 998,605 642,830 800,690 , 'I , , - ~ )TOTAL BUDGET $3:64J,720' $3,278,260 $3;513;823 $3,296;5.10 $3;56<1,780 . . -. , , 'I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The Departmentof Administrative Services is divided into eight operational divisions inchJding the 1 Office ofthe Director, Personnel;Oustomer Services, Finance, Computer Support"Services, General Support Services, Risk Management and Capital Replacement 'These organizational divisions coordinate'the' day-to-dayactivities ofvariQus internal operations of the City and supply:specialized I staff support services to all other City'depaiihients. The departmenfs. staff is vested ,witti the responsibilities of (1) overall management,of the City's I financ~switha focus on maintaining the City's,financialviability, (2) preparation i:lncl,rr,iair;itena!)ce pf annual balanced budgets, (3) administration of the City's employment system'; (4) fa,cilit~tion of positive:.labor relationswith City employee gro!Jps, (5) do,cur'Dentation of administrative policies and II procedures; (6) provision 'of staff development opportunitIes throughout the organization, (7) efficient Pfodu.ctiol) phY"lter and sewer billing and meter reading functions, (8) promotion of, a safe.and 'pro,diJctiv.e:w6r,i< environment, (9) administration of the:municipai' insurance programs,and risk' " 'rnahag~nient, and (1'0) maintenance of the City's, computer system, I, The,Rersonn'elin'this department also function inan in-housecconsultant capacity by proilii:ling technical expertise and specialized financial information to other'City departments, I I 70 I DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES I .,'-':"':',;;'.-'--;--,.--.:.:::--:':.-.-. -: ',"'--:-: "",<' '" .::.::: ' ' '.._,. '" .......".-......--..,--..,..,.,.-. ... .. ---.,-, . ......,.::..' "'.,...-,..,-,.-..,...'..-'.,..,..-.-.....'.'-.. ::....,.,_....... '0::::::..-.,. ,,,._.__"" ...... : .:::..::.::...'.....,:',_:__::,.,:.:::::<:<"::;: , "_"0' :. " .Ac:lmiliistrative Services 1', p~pattmeht AC'TIVI'TY-DESCRIPTION ! " 'The Office of the Director of Administrative Services i~: ~t:lsponsible for the coordinatior:l and I management of the internal operations of the City ,and RedeyeloprnenJ Agency, Divisions under the direction of the Director~s Office are' Personnel, Customer Services, Fii'laQce; Computer Support Services,General Support Services; Risk Management, and Capitiil Replacement. I 'The Office of the Director is also reSponsible fbrproviding staff assistance to the citizens' Budget Review Committee. I' DIVISION GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES t 1 To foster employee pot~l1tial and morale ,by creating"and maintaining:~ wQr~ environment that encourages creativity, communication, dedication,ana commitment. I 2, 'To develop and implement comprehensive management reporting to assist administrative staff with administration of personnel, fiscal management, and operations. , 3, To coordinate de,velopment and implementation of a management and organizational development strategy for the City work force. I 4 'To improve "user-friendliness" of the City's Financial Administration system and provide I continued training to ensure that optimal 8se of the system is achieved 5. 'To coordinate the preparation and administration,oHhe City'sfinantIal plan and, long- J range fiscalfor~cast in cooperation with, other City departments ina manner which maintains the City's financial health with capabilities. 6. To further develop plans and impiementthe Depar1f}1enfs goal to 'provide enhanced , communications, information and support services to our internal customers. SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I FY 1997:98 FY 1998-99 I 1110 - 'The half-time Management Analyst position will increase to 3/4-time in fiscal year 1997-98 and full-time in fiscal year 1998-99, +$11,340 +$14,470 I' I ~I Z1 II DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES il II Administrative Services Dept. Division No: 100 Division Budget Detail II , ' I Oej, 11995-96 I, 1996-97 11996-97 11997-98 I 1998-99 II Code, EXQense Classification Actual AQQroved Actual AQQroved IAQQroved I I Personnel ~~en~e i ' I' Ranqe' PosItion TItle I I, ',323,3 Director 80,127 ,86,960 90,201 89,650 92,780 I , 299,8 Deputy Director 60,334 64,520 68,712 69,840 74,060 1_,. 228,1 Admin, Secretary 32,436 33,620 34,305 34,630 35,850 I 218,1 Secreta,ry III. 13,737 - - - - I 262,6 Mgmnt. Analyst (PIT) - 19,890 19,857' 31,230 45,700 I , I I 1110 Salaries - Regular 186,634 185,100 193,218 194,120 202,690 1130 Salaries - Parttime - 19,890 19,857 31,230 45,700 '1140 Salaries - Overtime 26 650 - 500 500 '1300 Employee Benefiis 60,757 58,910 58,462 64,200 70,080 I fM%t~%,'{f,:i~,'*,';,iE,'iM,',','$t2(..01j8)~",~W'I,-",,}j~;*'~~k~fk'i{;'j;\"'1'I1,.-'f!/0,'~::f$j!~.F';,*:%r"'~#:ttit~lt~f!:~ ;f:1,'t';'~ii7"X~Wfilt~~ ~{~~:tz$t*, ~:r:i;;;iijfi']k~" ,~'it,<<:-1$'t'f.<\?;it~;~;';.fu~t:%f.,'> ',~~t,~th';;.t.~~~'4::Vfu~~ ~,', ~t~:',~:~lf*~S-"i..<'ii'~"',;'~lS f?,\.iil'tll1?!yl4~?'TotahF.lElrs(jn nel~4;il!V,}\l'lW'!lfr~,,7i!iMffi!:<I"'1'i &!:\24WI4i1fl~ ~1&2~"550: !!lt2711~53'l* &1&290'050; ;l'$'3i18'970 , OJlerations and Maintenance I 1510 Temporary Services 399 - - - - I 1704 Audit Service 14,761 9,910 9,988 9,950 10,310 'I 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 5,409 5,850 5,543 5,850 5,850 . 3140 Travel and Meetings 3,458 3,780 4,502 4,330 3,990 3320 Postage - - - 300 300 I 4120 Other Contractual Services 3,280 - - - - 4308 R&M Equipment - 100 29 100 100 .' 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,248 1,340 1,182 1.700 1,700 4799 Other Supplies and Materials 1,046 1,080 828 1,280 980 I 4908 Education and 'Training - 900 151 900900 4922 Printing - 2,160 1,687 2:000 21000 I 4924 Publications and Dues 1,141 1,060 969 1,110 1,210 5530 Capital Outlay Rental 1,930 1,270 1.,270 990 .990 I "n"">";""'i"';"'!f,,)t~"';"0"''i'(!:''''';'''''":'''<f);,\1i$i!J'':%~",,'''Z,h'l" jf:""?""""",~y,, h'&"''''''''''11W.!>. ,,~"~,j","!'i;' .~"*,."",,, *"g?":~,N~~ !&'t'TotaEO eratlOns;&lMainten'arice't';c:&~i~!i.i~ ;;~tt;32~672j ~kI.F2'7j1450;',"',,'26'iJ49i l$w28t510\ ~lti28;'330: I I Capital Outla I 6122! Office Equipment 595 - - - - 'II II i I I . _ __ II !:mTbt~1!2~~ft~{f0'(jtl~"}j;f~;i;Ii,j:~~~Z;i~t~1;tii~~;fi~,'m'~~595': , ~ik~'1r:~Clml I' I ! DivisionTotal I ~280,6841 $292,000 L$297,686I $318,560 I $347;300 II 7 I PERSONNEL I [)ivisior"lActivity , 'I c.;9mmentaiy AC'TIVITY DESCRIP'TION I The Personnel Division provides comprehensive centralized personnE\1 services to the line operating I departments, 'The division's activities include the overall management of recruitruent,examination and certification processes for selection and promotion of personnel in the City's workforce. 'The Division implements and administers per~onnel policies,;and practices, employee compensation and I benefits, training, safety and security, and"employee r~lcitions" 'The Division, maintains all personnel records, coordinates special employee events, the' employe~ s safety program, suggestion incentive. program, and the employee service awards program. t AC'TIVITY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES 1 To continually strive to insure a high level of service to City departments and employees. t 2. To continually review benefit programs thciFmaximiie employee' benefits received from I resources expended. 3. To provide aC9urate information regarding Gity policies when providing guidance to the , ' . operating departments on personnel issues. I 4 To coordinate special employee events to maintain and promote effective employee m' relations. t 5. To provide employee training programs cr:lecessary, to maintain compliance with state and I federal legislation, as needed. AC'TIVITY S'TA'TIS'TICS 19~6c1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 ;IJ ESTIMATED PROJEC'TED PROJEC'TED I' Employment Applications 2,600 2,000 2,400 Recruitments 46 30 32 I RecruitmentjPromotioncil 'Testing 5 5 6 Job Interest Notices Processed 2,400 3000 3,000 Employee Evaluations Processed 300 300 300 Personnel 'Transactions 190 190 190 I Injury Report Processed 32 35 30 SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I Allocation - Parents and Kid s Sake Programs + $7,500 I 'I" I PERSONNEL I I Administrative Services Department Division No: 101 Division Budget Detail .1 Obj, 11995-96 1996-97 11996-97 11997-98 1998-991 I' Code' EXQense Classification Actual Al2Qroved Actual Ag,g,roved Al2Qroved I Personnel Expense I Ran e I Position 'Title I' 297,9 Personnel Manager 65,577 67,470 72,438 69;550 71,989' 238,1 Personnel Aide 37,175 37,160 37,681 38,270 39,610 I 218,1 Personnel Clerk 30,389 30,430 30,601 31,340 32,440 I 1100 Salaries - Regular 133,141 135,060 140,720 139,160 144,030 . 1300 Employee Benefits 42,109 40,740 40,819 41,160 42,560 ;_d~~:t~:fu:_''<<''~':W::'~'::;: ~,*~tt:~~-P.!:h,&~f?VZ,f3 k':"":::;i~"W'::;-t~8,:,.:>:?tl :",*,iW~ii:i'}'%-.';.-Y?:~0~!;}i:$:;f<;,f;~":':,~;~trijX:/:: I 0 erations and Maintenance tft17;51250} ~jj11iZ5G80Qj k;~,181G:53'9; ~&:180i3201 ;\;1\186'590 , 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 1,851 2,000 1,800 2,000 2,000 _ 3140 Travel and Meetings 1,179 970 905 1.010 1,010 'I 4120' Oth.ercont.ractual Services 9,413 7,350 14,001 15,370 15,370 . 4308 R&M Equipment - 30 29 30 30 _ 4506 Employee Awards 14,831 15,900 13,016 15,200 19,590 I: 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 901 800 1,102 1,0001,000 .. 4908 Education and 'Training 26,224 30,600 27,906 30;400 30,400 'I 4916 Medical Exams 5,394 5,470 9,509 5,470 5,470 . 4922 Printing 2,944 3,500 3,321 3,500 3,500 1,' 4924 Publications and Dues 3,931 4,280 2,047 4,280 4,280 . , 4926 Tuition Reimbursement 3,750 3,800 5,450 3,9003,900 4934 Recruitment 4,026 4,910 6,010 5,000 5,000 I 5530 Capital Outlay Rental 2,280 1,600 1,600 190 190 I I I II I I im:i~fe~;}>/:~'~i;;:~-;AJi;4W'i:!f4iWi<$"l';f~P:'~t;;:~TJR.',:'<:~~xS~~1.;~SA~'~T{$~;':~~~~'j~.~;'~/ ~\_~~tt~"'f\"{:~"k:'i-:;: W~~~w:t::~Vf~t{~,~~y X\1i~~""'_1">.i;t~S,}~~i<"~. ,.~~~'~:;;i~~:i:~~;: -.t*.'.'."t;.'-.-'ff.-:;~f;-7)f.:t~':~t~ I !j,J:otal,Og,eratlons;&: MaJntenancellfi\Ye;1iij1!!;il1i):*,,,i7:6*7,24;: :iflll18J1~'2j10" j!lt#J;:86'696),i:jl, 87:..,350; ;0'])119,1"'1'40: ,,- II CaQital Outlay I II III [! II 6122a Offic,e Equipment General 1,084 - - - _:1 ,I '['I ",,,........,.. "....,~'..".,.. .'"'.,..-........'.,........"'i". I",;..' ".. ..,~< '.... ,,'...,... . .." "'" """".... ...,. .,. .... I .c, .....>K _,., .~'.,"',.::;,l,".~""~.t:_.__..'l'l."....,,_..t:. "', _, ~....".@;v~..".<IO:;;:_J_~;."",""~..R '.. .'~"h.....;,':5t,''''~.,,~.>_..~, ,'. ;\".:*$1.,'1'<' ~~.,"-d -,,".~ x",', .,~' ~.;>;.11i.,.'^->.'.1 ..,. :T" ,.... .~ ,- '-."w'. '.', '" '..J .~~.... ',,..."'."-.-.-!:'-,,..::,1\{...-,.-------.--,.--..~R'J?c.:;"'''''-.'' .." --_.,...~>". '",", ~ , -, ""~"_:""'''':>'i% ." .~."'..' .~--;;:;- ,-,-,- "w ..11 i"~~~~~~~i~~p~:i:utlay.;wE,;;'&'$~1iii:))i*Mj%~~~;F~i~:~~~::'li~?;~~:~,~J L$268..2351$267~67.oi~;~:~::l I CUSTOMER SERVICES I I ACTIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION , 'The division administers the billing process for ambulance, water and sewer service. 'They I receive and process applications for water and sewer services, schedule and perform meter readings, handle customer inquiries and complaints, process water turn-on and turn-offs, I perform miscellaneous small meter repairs, and pull and exchange water meters. 'The Customer Services division performs the accounts receivablecfunction of the City. 'The I division's personnel are responsible for the collecting, recording, and depositing of all the City revenues. 'This includes follow-up on delinquent, closed, and unpaid accounts due the City to assure a high collection rate. , 'The Customer Services division is also responsible for the issuance of regulatory licenses and business certificates, I DIVISION GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES 1. Continue to provide courteous, qualltyservice to the public and other City departments. I 2, Implement new customer informatiori/Litility'billing software program. 3. To maintain an awareness of customer attitudes and needs, I 4 To maintain a minimum level of uncollectible,accounts, DIVISION WORKLOAD STA'TIS'TICS 't- 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 ES'TIMATED PROJEC'TED PROJEC'TED Meters read for billing 76,400 76,500 76,700 ,I Past due notices 6,575 6,600 6,650 I Final notices 4,125 4,200 4,400 Delinquent accounts (doors tagged) 1,750 1,800 1,850 Delinquent turn-offs 180 200 220 Miscellaneous service orders 820 840 860 I New business registrations issued 150 170 180 Business registration renewals 500 500 I, SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 6122c - Purchase ambulance billing software. + $7,500 I' 1 I I 7T? CUSTOMER SERVICES - ,I I' ,) Administrative Services Department Ii I Division No: 102 Division 8lJdget D.etail II Obj, 11995-96 1996-97 11996-97 [1997 -9? 1998"99 II Code Ex ense Classification. Actual ,A roved Actual : A i2roved Approved I Personnel Expense I , I I Ran e I Position Title I I 286,9 Customer Services Mgr 58,01T 60,470 60,470 62,320 64,500, 226,6 Cust. Services Wkr (3) 98,736 99;370 99,370 102,350 105,940i , 222,6 ACc;ount Clerk "' (Reclass) - 2:740 - - - I 212,6 Account Clerk II (4) 110,308 1QQ:920 84,919 113,310 1'18,630 198:6 Telephone Operator (2/PT) 21,181 21,530 28,111 22;200 24,120 289,0701 I 1110 Salaries - Regular 267,061 272,500 244,759 27.7,980 1130 Salaries-Part Time 21,181 2rt,530 28: 111 22,200 : 24.1201 1140 Salaries. Overtime 48 1 ';7;60 42 1,530 1;600 'I: 1300 Employee Benefits 98,643 96,600, 90,371 ' 93,880 97:,480 ;;#<f.!i,~><-t>+W"",OC~:;;"j;:,:;;. :;\{:W;;;,,:;~,' ''i'~:V:_~:*,~~,~:\,,~;;:\ "_,, ~.;;,;:;::;~;o~~~'::;:~:" ',Y'?-::'t>f';~,;~-'s,:-:,,";'-f"" !;::!392'390) :1+3631:283: 1:!f395'59m 1l};~;t2i21;O, ."_.^_._, .... ,',._ .". .... " .' ".".',.... ...... ..J......._.... '.' >". _"', , '," -.1 .. _ .-.......' .~.,..,,"^ ..... .f I , Operati6risand Maintenance 1510 Temporary Services 404 - 16,933 - - I 1799 Other Professional Fees - - - - 500 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 1,852 1,900 1,815 1,900: 1,900 a 3120 Vehicle Operations - - 3,387 - - 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 5,712 7,,000 5,460 9:340 9,590 3320 Postage 25,500 31,900 27,602 31,900 33,450 -, 4308 R&M'Equipment 2,043 4,750 5,585 5,500 6,110 4516 Small Tools 236 350 299 350 ' 350 a 4710@ffjce&..8tationery Supplies 3,107 3,200 2,734 3200 . 3'500 , , 4760 Operating' Supplies 96 - - - - I 4799 Otner Suppiies and Materials 2,011 1,750 1,762 1,756 1,750 4908 Education and Training 482 1. 900 790 1,900 1,900 4922 Printing 7,492 12,000 11,903 12,000 12,350 I 4924 Publications and Dues 169 300 79 300 300 " 492~ Uniforms and Laundry 1,075 1,440 1, 1'43 1,440 1,440 I 5510 'Vebjc!e Rental 3,040 560 560 3'120 3,120 " . 55:30' Capital Outlay Rental - Office 3,160 2,490 2,490 2,330: 2,330 ,5720 Cash Over/Under (14 50 (160~ 50 ,50 I 5730 Intergovernmental Fees - I (19 , - . - I {i:::-;\:<?W'l\""~:' :~l;::f:)ji~}::'~ .':~i{2~~ir1:}i':,\~:~;:' ~~''f,~)/t::{!;y;~~::",,;,,~:)';:)i\;,~:-;;:i/''f;,~)\~xr!~:::&i/Jf!/,)jf:!;;-j_0-:~$;\~~t. fi:N.j~:V\:;:;{t"~"!tN',;;t:L~,i''i;~~*HZ::~+::'Ti''Y~t/:.~~;'~~' t-'8'{H<f!~"W~:(\'}:f';\1, ;t~:;;$:,~:i..,4f:&4\1:\<-"~ , \.:EotaIi0peratlons:&iMalntenance'F;;,:>+;[; "),1;56;'365; M;h69'59Q: ;3Y;'.:82;363i~;I)?;'f7;5i08Q; j;;;1':;7.8;6~Oi I I Capital Outlay I I I 61221 (D~~c~Equipment General 2,566 300 - -. - I I 612~2 I' Computer Software ,- - - 'l:500 . - I . ~"i";i7i'i"';;\)f'_i'i';iJ''' ,If((f';i;'i,i''i''''', '..j I\,,,;t&:ii))')""i,...,,,,\ I ,,!,;[otal.,Ca Itali0utla, !,,,i....,,,, '.."i'! '.' """''>'"'';''' .\;2'566, II l~iViS'iOi1'Tot~I' ." ...'.1 ~~~5:8641 $462,280 I $445,,(Hfrh478,170 1'$49Jl910 Ii 76 FINANCE t ...., "" -';;'- ",' .'. .......DiVi~icih"~,~~~~r:103 ......... . ..,..)........,.................. .... . "'n_......., ......_..__._.,..,..,., , . Adri1irlistrativElSElr\li~S Diyi~ionActiYity) . . I Departrnent . . iCornrnebtar)' .. .. ........ .. ,,'. ..;"..... ""':;"':.",'... ..,.'. '''''> I AC'TIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION 'The Finance Division is responsible for the management'of the fiscal operations of the City It is , the duty of this Division to assure accountability and compliance with generally a(;Cepted accounting principles and established polici~s and procedures as well' as government codes. I Areas of responsibilities include internCil, control; investments, financial reporting, budget compliance, fund accoClnting, accounts payable, bucjget coordination, payroll processing, revenue forecasting, expenditures and encumbrance1accounting, and bpnd maintenance, I Functions include financial data collection, analysis and reporting; implementation of City's financial policies; fiscal control andaucjit; invesiment of surplus cash; monitor tax rolls ar:1d special assessments; and disburseme)1t offun..ds in ac.cordance with purchase,'orders and , adopted budget, purchase requisitions, payrolls and other related documents, AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES 1 'To promote communication between the Finance Division and the other ci'ty departments " concerning the budget and expenditLire (Tloriitqring process, 2, 'To update and maintain efficient internal control systems consistent with changing I governmental rules and regulations and the City's needs, 3, 'To have staff attend training seminars which will enhance the department's use of the City's computer hardware and software, I 4 'To strengthen financial reporting by again achieving national as well as state awards for excellence in financial reporting, DIVISION I WORKLOAD 1995-96 1996"97 1997 -98 1.998"99 S'TA'TIS'TICS AC'TUAL ES'TIMA'TED PROjECTED PROJEC'TED I Investment Average Portfolio (in millions) $677 $677 $650 $65,0 Investment Earnings I (in millions) $38 $ 3,8 $ 3,8 $ 3,9 ' Investment % Yield 57 57 59 6,0 'I Purchase Orders Processed 1,870 1,890 1,900 1,900 Vendor Warrants I Prepared 9,755 9,889 9,950 9,950 Budget Adjustments I Processed 159 159 175 185 Payroll Checks Processed 7,859 8,875 8,875 8,875 I SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 1100 - 1300 Elimination of Account Clerk III position -$42,220 I I 77 II' FINANCE , I , ,II ' Administrative Services Department Division No: 103 Division Budget Detail ;1 , Obj, 11995-9611996-9711996-97 1997098 1998-99.1 II Code, Expense Classification I Actual ARI~roved Actual AQQroved L6QQroved :1 I Personnel EXQense I , , 'I I ~ge I Position Title I I " 296;9 Finance Manager 32,230 56,100 57,781 62,.390 67,680 il I 262,6 Senior Accountant 47,047 47,470 48,304 48,890 50 600 II , 252:6 Accountant (2) 84.1 10 85,910 88,056 88,480 91,580 I 222,6 Account Clerk III - 2,740 - - - I 212:6 Account Clerk 11(2) 85,359 86,390 60,628 59,320 61,400 il 207,6 Account Clerk I (J/PT) 2,509 10,930 16,096 17,330 18,860, I 1110 Salaries - Regular 248,746 278,610 254,769 258,990 271,260 I 188601, 1130 Salaries - Part-time 2,509 10,930 16,096 17,330 '9001 , 1140 Sala'ries - Overtime - 900 67 900 1300 Employee Benefits 88,044 96,830 86,256 88,580 92,1801 I :*'%~t~"$;~t~1t~'~?~~:)W~:"~~~~~~%l&~,1%:;1~'s;:~W2Jif0[I'i%E~f&\~~ji~}?tt tmtX~.~<fW:f~~~I>";.';t:t_ -3'&1(;,'!i2~~'bt::~;t,:,Y.,t.%h;~ ;,;;,*'<,k'~,>,,-~:ti:'ti:&i~,~ 136518(0) <t;",*~;o;-K\".;/,:,>,~t.:,;\'~ I S1"''''-'''-'''''--;;''""'--'-'''' ~}f8tii4~~l~A;f@}motalt,Rersonnel'i",f'!t17f:;f,f&tt#(/4fJi!fi~lfflf'/M'fd;\" ~i,;339'299: fllF387?27Oi M~5;Zft188: 1;0383"200 Operations and Maintenance I ,1510 Temporary Services 2,078 - 13,659 - - 1799 Other' Professional Fees 22,045 56,500 39,710 54,000 45;000 I 3110 Reimburse,d Mileage 1,242 2,160 1,991 2,160 2,160 3140 Travel and Meetings 569 470 309 450 450 I 4308 .R&M Equipment 1,289 1,570 1,878 1,750 1.750 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 2,815 5,390 2,418 3,230 3,230 4760 Operating Supplies 194 - - - - I 4908 Education and 'Training 1,314 2,670 992 2,670 2,670 4922 Printing 11,110 11,700 9,313 10,540 10,5401 I 4924 Publications and Dues 1,771 2,370 1,900 2,530 2,5301 5530 Capital Outlay Rental 3,580 3,900 3,900 4,390 4,390 ,I 5730 Intergovernmental Fees - - 1,725 - - I 1,~"To.tal;OD'eratlOnsl&:Mamtenancec;;,,,~;E~ii?k'A [1:&\1'48100;# i1l~86;fl30! '~'\!lflZf795j~:"",81::~20j ft;'l1'i7:2~7:20, I I Capital Outlay I I I il I 6122a Office Equipment 1,175 700 714 700 ~ II 'I 6,122c Computer Equipment - - 1,939 -- ii ,6199 Other Equipment - - 2,291 - - Ii I I' 6402 I Buildinas I - - i 756 ~ - Ii I I:K"""!!/'i""'V ',"':,cy,,:::,v',':'!ii:' ij';J;i,j!'t; ;ti,;,cM?Nf,{".;%;o)', iY,iiit;'j;:!'\j!i!""""; 'lW1,'w'i1i~i"'ii'3\'i 'i"l*'~l",i;''"'i*if:''Wi'i0;iS.\l,,~,q~1 II' b,Wotal ,Ga6itaI;0utla\i,:'ii""",,"~&,"',':K"'~;'~"'""'>.~, ,,<..,\;.1:"1'75i\%'il\'N,,;~ilOO; ,rA",,5',ZOO; ,,'jz{)~il!\.~700,: ! I Division Total 1$388,481 ! $474,700 i $44<1,6831 $448,220 1$455,92011 78 COMPUTER SUPPORT SERVICES I .' ....,.....,..,-..,-.,.,...,-,-..,.,:....,,',.,-,..,. ...........""',',.--..-- ."" "..... ". ...... .............................:.p.....iyi$iqh...A. .ptiV..i..tY I COmmenta ... ..........".,..ry AC'TIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION , 'The Computer Support se.lVices d. ivision performs o.verall management of the City s information I" systems. Functions performed by the division include administration of both, PC and Unix- based networks; repair and maintenance of PCs, printers and peripheral equipment; and the purchase, setup and configuration of replac~m'?9t computer equipment. 'The division also ." serves as a help desk for the Citys 135 compUter users, and coordin'ates,the development of new applications and reporting requirements. ' 'The Computer Support;Services division, wasl!expandedin FY 1996-97 with the addition of a I Computer Services Manager and Compute~ Services Intern. 'The added staff provide cost- effective support for the Citys growing computer system and network in place of extensive use I' of contractual services,and allow the reduction of computer and network down-time. AC'TIVITIES GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVESI 1 Serve as a resource to d.eP. artments. investigating the implementation of a GIS (Geo- a- graphic Information System) application. 2. Provide repair and maintenance servic~ on PCsand peripheral equipment; with a goal of ,- virtually continuous (98%) up-time on all PCs and the computer netWor~, 3. Develop a training programs for the technical staff which will enable them to keep .,- apprised of the latest maintenance, security, and support desk techniques, 1997-1998 1998c1999 ,- DIVISION WORKLOAD S'TATIS'TICS PROJEC'TED PRO:JEC'TED ' _ Service orders for' PC/peripheral repairs 425 475 I 1,035 2000.. Service calls - Help Desk I 15 30 Setup/Configuration of Replacement PCs I CHANGE SIGNIFICAN'T BUDGET CHANGES FY 1997-98 .. 1100- I 1300 Full-year budget for addition of Manager and Intern positions + $83,000 n . I -. 7q 'I,ll COMPUTER SUPPORT SERVicES if 1 ~ I 'Admiri,isti"ative Services Department Division No: 104 Division Budget.Detail .:[ 'I Obj, I .. 11995~96 11996-97 11.996-97 1997"9811998-99 II Code . Ex ense Classification Actual Approved Actual A roved, Approved: I IpetsonneIE~~ense I : . Ran e I Position Title 1 I 296,9 Computer Service Manager - - 3,784 56,97.0 61,910 . 252,6 Data Processing Coord, 43,319 42,950 43,154 44,240 45,790 .,.' 223,1 Computer Support Tech, 32;490 31,990 31,91332,950 34,100 .. 1766 Computer Service. Intern - - - 8,8~0 . 9,100 I' 1110 Salaries.- Regular 75,809 74;940 78,851 134;160 141;800 I . 1130 Part Time Salaries - - - 8,840, 9,100 ' 1140 Salaries - Overtime 538 600 779 600 600 11300 Elllployee Benefits 23,591 23,840 24,370 40,8W.., ~:,7~01 , :c,:;~/}:,,;, :~~(~:1:,' .~:' i \1",1.94.240 , 0 erations and Maintenance 1510 Pata Processing Consultant - - 1,008 - - 11712 Dat,aProcessing Consultant 10,000 12,500 16,280 5,000 5,000 , 3110 RE!imbursed Mileage 535 420 879 900 900 I' 3140 Travel, and Meetings 21 2,090' 59 2,840 2,590 4120 OiherContractualServices 18;219 17,100 21,484 17,100 16,980 ,I 4308 R&M~EguiP~ent, 23,052 23;060 27,048 23,060 23,760 , .4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 613 720 839 1,620 1,620 4760 Operati'ngSupplies 3,5813,120 4,375 3,120 3,120 . 4908 Education and Training 1,625 3,260 900 3,260 6,100 , 4924 Publications and Dues 782 590 618 850 850 I 4932 Advertising - - 934 - - '5530 Capital Outlay Rental 29,130 21,160 21,160 19,290 19;290 II 1 , i I ~ II ~f.m01~(II';'t~ilr~~;r4:~~55g;~~_~llfa~.'11 .,1 Ca'itaiOutlay I I' . ! . \ 6m.a, , Office Equipment - 300 4;033 300 300 II I. II :6i2~c 1~6r)f~L1ter~oftware" ,.. ,... .., ... .", . ,,664 331 - , - Ii I. ,""\:' _" --::,'ik.'.-, :":';"'" :-.:.: ::''':';:':'-:--'' :"":-"':-,-,','_-- ','t",:"": _ '''"_.-;\-'::::'~,:i-: -'::<{:"-::'-'-,~ _:'Z; '<'::;_"-::,__:",,:~'i\:>"-,~Y" 'u: ! II' "....T..o'.'ta..I'C.a""n....'.ta. 'liO'u"tl'a"y:t."..,..,,, ,'..".:,..'.'. .'. '''',,'' ..' "i.'.... ... . . . . .t.....".I....t..'..'.."~30' 0'." , t,f:H:' , ~,' ~, 7,', , ;,,,-:';":<~~:::;"~:)<,':" '~i,""'^; .,::-::-:~:::: ,"" ,?"'-::"~'~"'~',: ill ,I: I, I Divliibn Tot;!1 . ,.,.. ,. .... i 1188.16'O"lSlB3J00 I $203,948: $261,8301:ii74,Bio:!i 80 GENERAL SUPPORT SERVICES .---::::::);H:;.;.r':'::.:,;':);~~(,:: '"c_,"!":",:-. ":'" [)iyi~i8rl~(";tivity , Commentary AC'TIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION 'The costs associated with the city-wide telephone system, City Hall utilities and City Hall maintenance are provided for in the General Support Services Division. Ih aadition, costs associated with the City I;lall fire and burglar'alarms, copy machines and city-wide postage are charged to this cost center AC'TIVI'TY GOALS 1 To provide for the physical maintenancerequiremehts of the City Hall complex. 2. 'To provide high volume copying services at City Hall. 3. To provide City Hall electric and telephone services. 4 To provide City Hall fire and burglar alarm services, SIGNIFICAN'T BUDGET CHANGES FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 2110 - Anticipated increase 'in electrical power costs, + $ 2,000 + $1.260 3310 - Anticipated increase in telephone costs based on + $16,000 + $2;580 Prior years actuals. 3320 - Anticipated increase in postage requirements + $ 2,000 + $1,260 4120 - Elimination of Pest Control (Pub.Svs Covers City) - $ 900 - 4308 - Reduction in equipment maintenance costs based - $ 2,000 - on previous year' 81 III GENERAL SUPPORTSER\.IIC~S ii II Administrative Services Dilpart!l1ent DivisiortNo:106 ". Division BudgetDetail ii, ,Obj: 11995-96 1996.97 1 1996"97 1 1 S97 -98 11998"99 Ii Code EXQense. Classification Actual A roved Actual A proved Approved ii I PersortnelEx~ense 1 I I Ii Ran e, Position Title I Ii I , I ~perations'and Maintenance 211 0 I Gas and"Electricity 41,639 40,000 29,059 34,560 35:820 I 2900 Trash Remo\ial - 1,200 - - 1.200 3310 Telephone 85,877 70,000 86,621 86;000 88,580 I 42,000 " ] 3320 POstage, 43,672 40,000 25,619 43,260 4120 Other Contractual Services 70 1,400 20 500 1,400 , 4306 R&ty1 Elevator 1,055 1,250 1,090 1,306 ' 1,350 4308 R&MEquipment 25,479 30;000 28,294 28:000 28,000 I 4710 Offise& Stationery Supplies 109 - 229 - - 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 6,861 7,000 6,450 7,000 7,000 I 4760 Operating Supplies 7,959 7;000 3,558 7;350 7,350 4922 Printing' 89 - - - - 5520 CapitaL Outlay Rental- Equipment 4,500 3',960 3,960 2,970 2,970 I 5530, CapitarOutlay Rental - Office - - - 8,.130 8,130 5540 Capital,Outlay Rental- Facilities - 37,600 37;600 57,390 57,390 I 5730' Intergovernmental Fees 5,624 1,850 879 2,000 1,850 I I I I I, I, "Y:J[btah0' erati6nsj'8l,Maintenance',,;)g\';;f;;;!:,(;; rt\hJ222;93~i 'i/6k1241{.260i llXi!ii223;379;'\';&~2'l#"200i;;[\;&284\;300' .1 Capital Outlay I i I 6402 BuilCfings I 435,987 - 7,436 7,440 7,440 I , ,I II n~_:-' :,,;;Ci-::SY<;B; }:;:,:~~;:-~' :::-~";::':;'\f:-~;;:~ ;t'-/-y:~~'f,;: 1;:;;j:^;~T;!; ,~-:s,,~;~&?<~;t:\t,'T- ~1~;~;;~~7i44o~.~j~;~~~~z*~tJ::1 '1 h,o,!'otaJ. a ItaJ.Outla ,"'" "".".,,,.,..,,>;I!,,',, ".C;"" , I III I Division Total L$658,921I $241,260 [ ~230,,~$284~640,1 ,$291.,740 II 82 I RISK MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEE BENEFITS I .," ,,-,.'.,'" I ,'..... .A~rnipistrativeSElrviC:ElS " , 'Department I AC'TIVI'TY DESCRJP'TION I Risk Manaaement 'The cost of managing the City's risks ,through 'purchased insurance and ,self-funded programs I are detailed in this cost center The primary coverages include, General Liability, All Risk Property and Workers Compensation programs. Monies go toward insurance premiums and contributions to a pooled risk joint powers authority for claims adjusting and stop loss I protection, Emplovee Benefits t The cost of all employee fringe benefits is indicated, in this cost center under :each benefit program, 'They are: life, healtti, dental, long'term disability and retirement programs. AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES I 1 To focus on loss control and minimize the City:s liability and risk wherever possible. I 2. To maintain the City Safety Manual and ensure compliance with ttie Safety Program. 3. To ensure the maintenance of a safe and productive work environmentthrciugh the I administration of the City's safety program, 4 To educate the various departments on current risk management policies of the City with 'I the use of the Risk Management Manual. I 5. 'To provide safety training classes to all employees in the City SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES I I I I I I 83 III! RISK.MANAGEMENT AND EMPLQYEE BENEFITS " ,[ I Administrative Services Dept, Division No: 107 Division Bu~get Detail II Obj, I 1995-96 I ,1996"97 I 1'996-97 11997~98 1998-99!i Code I Ex~enseClassification Actual ApproVed Actual ApprovedAQ~roved Ii I: I" I Personnel Expense 1 'I I Range I Position Title I, ,I 'I I General Services Mgr I[ 2869 57,058 60;470 62,933 62,320 64,500 II I: 1110 Salaries - Regular 57,058 60;470 62,933 62,320 64,500 " ,I 1300 Employee Benefits 22,143. 17,710 17,538 16,960 17,530!1 " 1~;~4t'80~47.1Wlt;~~79i;280; ;t~Jt~\'82'030' I I 0~erations and Mai ntena nee (3,041,526 (2,856,250 (2,843;403) (2,165.470J (3,005,01 oj, 1300 Employee Benefits 'I 1310 Health/Life,Benefits 1,046,193 1,057,270 986,878' 1,124,2301,16,1,54111 1330 Retirement Benefits 1,601,384 1,373,980 1 ;449,671 1 ;27t;240 1,455,51911 I 1360 Workers Comp Benefits 393,949 425,000 406,854 370,000 387,950 I! 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 II I 3140 Travel and Meetings 706 1,000 827 1,000 1,000 4120 Other'Contractual Services 682 1,000 60 ,500 500 I 4710 Offic,e & Stationery'Su.pplies 723 1,000 448 700, 600 4730 Phot9graphic/Copy Supplies 563 1,000 392 900! 900 I 4750 SafetY Supplies 1,915 5,000 1.563 5,000 5;000 4760 Operating Supplies 338 1 ;400 652 1,000, 500 I I 4908 Education & Training - - - 1,800 - 500 I 4922 Printing 1,050 1,500 294 1,500 I 4924 Publications and Dues 961 1,500 1,212 1,500 1,500 5108 Insurance Expense 615,991 522,000 524,595 500;000 520,000 I 5530 Capital Outlay, Rental - Office 1,140 550 550 550 550 5760 Uninsured Claims 31,856 15;000 32,841 15"000 15,000 ,-. I I -- ." - II i":~::il;~ ,~~~~;:s'&,Malnb"i''0%",;l,)j,i)I''[i,,657>725 ,:.\,:552,750, ,,,,,,,565'234,:v&,53~,25.o,,w,"'54:7,8~0 I 6122a I Equlpment- Office, General 715 - - - I ! 6128 i,P,ti'otoQraQhic~ .ui ment 385 - - I ." 0 a aplta . "utla " \, , " ,." :'." ",.....11 QO,.', """""~""","""'+"~''''c''',,'''''' r-_.-." " _,,', ,', .. "--""""~'"'''''''''-'''''-''''''-''''' -.,',.... ",' '''''", -"-.". , -' ~ .-..... .,.,.', ,-,.- ,..."....'",...,.''C,.."'''w.,,....... .,..,..'."..... .,. I iil Division TO(<I,I ' . ,., ." i ~738,026,i~0,.9~mf' $~45:;~~ L$61k930,1'$629,8861 84 I CAPITAL REPLACEMENT .-....,-;' 0,.""--' I :-., '::,:,:,:;::':::. ,,::;,,;~::..' _..:; --. - ," ",,' . .... - .. ._,....,..", ....,.,.,.','.'.,".--.....--.. '-C'::,".:.", ",.,..,.....___'>.;... ......... Adlllini~trativEl. Services.. ...iOivisiohActivity.. I .' pep.,r1lllent> .'9'Qmq,erhary . . AC'TIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION I The Capital Replacement Fund is designed to accumulate funds to provide for the replacement I of the City's capital equipment upon their obsolescence. 'This activity is financed by annual rental rates charged to divisions assigned vehicles, construction equipment, office equipment I and other capital outlay items. AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES 1 To ensure that the City has sufficient capital funds available for the replacement of all I vehicles and equipment and for major repairs of City facilities. 2. To establish equipment rental rates at a optim,allevel in order to provide a sufficient fund ,I balance while minimizing fiscal impact onciperating departments. I 3, To monitor the program so that premature replacement is avoided. SIGNIFICAN'T CHANGES CHANGE I None I . I I I I I I I I . CAPITAL REPLACEMENT ! I Administrative Services Qepartment Division No:'19Bi Division BudgetDetail I .' Qbj, ' 1995-96 11996:97 I 1'996-97 'I 1997-98 .11!:l98099 'I Code EXl1ense Classification I Actual AQl1roved Actual AQQroved Approved I I. 4924 Publications&,Dues - - I 48 ,- -)1 . 5760 Uninsured. Claims - - 356 - - I CaRital Qutlay I i, I 6104 Autos and Trucks: 19,946 306,000 I 542,9391 330;000 749,200 Ii , I I I 6106 Other Equipment: 193,693 -: 8,269 - - I 6110 Fire FightingApparatus: I I. Ambulance (503) 126,384 - - - - I' Brush Rig #1761 (501) - 240,930 211,433 - - II ,I I. 6114 Laboratory Equipment I Spectrophotometer - - - 5;890 - I I I 6122 Office Equipment: I Copiers (5) 10,375 2!,t,OOO 39,272 53,000 - - Computer Hardware/Software 167,137 90;900 136,588 113,300 43,750 I I 6124 PClramedjcs Equipment 10,422 - 19,511 - - II I 6126 Park Equipment: I . Paddle Boats, (203) 4,485 - - - Aluminurrl Boats (2) - 3,000 8,383 9,600 - ., PoolCbvers/Lane Lines - 9,800 - - - . .. Pool Equipment - - - 23,500 . - I 6136 TeJephone,Equipment , Telephone System (106) 145,391 - 7,315 - - I 6199 Other Equipml;!nt 10,693 61,750 6,991 30,000 - 6402 Buildings - - - 50,200 - I I ~ I I I I I III 1.1 I I, III ii II I, I I' .' I . , I' I 1'\' ';,,\ ,'0 i". i.,','. <.c:e.. c,,0,},'" .,;','''" ,,!'!",!!,.:;,;,,!",,;!, '/'i ",'n"~'''f!!i'''''''!!~p:;; ";:/",!!",!.'I,4:"'&";"""""""" !"',T."';';""""" "''''11 , .,',"Total,C", anltal,O utlay,,' ";."',>;;'b""'),,\;,,i..,.,,, ,Zc;688'.526' ,!,YcH"3. 6'380,'",,',98~',!,1 05' ,;",0'625"A90."".",',;192'950,,1 .,,,:l'~_____~___.~ '--,....,.,~:::;:';........::...:", ".,-'_.,..~'.",',-,,',.,..,'.. ;~"'::;;:."'I.:., ._,,,,.JL"'''''~'M 1~--,,:'~di..I...: --d Iii i DivisionTot<\1 I $illl8;525 I $73g;380 I $981,105.1 $625,490 I $7,92,950" 86 I COMMUNITY SERVICES I I City Manager ~ I i ,. 013 ~j I :::;.:3-:::.:<<.:::: ;::,$;;;$;.{;:",;:::,::;::::,,:.-,o;::::.-:.::,,;:>>, ..;...;.:::~~.,,::=;:.r;;;r;;;.;..;:;.;:;:mw~::::;::-,.:.m-;:;"h..>>~{;:m::::~::,~, ::::N~;>>-::;::';:Mm:;;~ I Oirector ~I ..::~ Community I I [.: Services @ 200 I 1'- I "~' Lake Aquatics !l Recreation [I I Operations 201 I 2'03 * 202 I (:'m.1:::.?-:::;m-'" "'w,;q;::-x:m;:g.-.f.:;$.;:'~~ *>>.:-.:;.;.:z. ;;:;$:"%~:f'::1::::.~ .....tX . $' . .. 'X> 7.$" I Performing ill Old P '" ;p " 'oway lli Library !l I ;~~ ' !j Arts Center 11 P k ,~ ar l ~] 206 204 ~~ 205 ;j I * ,<\ @ w " !j ~:::;:;:::;:@'Y.r::::mm$~~r@i:m~::*::$=.'i.:({:,.~~':t,)>>;;::~m '::f;::':-'%L:::':;:;;.;$.;mx:::;:-{::':.:,.,::~;::;y':~;::mr:*;:;:;~.::::::@ i:;:x:::m20:,::....it;*~<<.::::.. ;m I I I I I I' 87 I I COMMUNITY SERVI€ES , " ,', Departmental Activity Ol(elView' I ' tJepartmentCode: 200 I: ;EXPENSE 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997 - 1998 1998-1999 CLASSIFiCA'TION AC'TUAL APPROVED ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED I I Total Positions 21 21 , 21 21 21 ii $1,465,642 Personnel $1,560,773 $1.543,310 $1,567,250 $1 ;629,030 I 'Expense Operations and 1,098,370 1,189,380 1,172,511 1,271, 1,00 1,403,,500 I Maintenance G.apital Outlay 35,184 65,640 63,716 77,220 52,520 I " " ?- .~ , ~ $2';694;327 '$2;,798;330' $2701'869; $2,916;2;Z:6 $3,085,050 I (TOTAL BliJDGET I _", ,_. , I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I The Department of Community Services is responsible for providing the cultural,sc:ic;i~I, C!nd recreational activities for the City 'The Department is divided:intoseven operating 9ivision~, Whic:h include the Office of the Director, Recreation, Lake OperatioRs, the Aquatics Center, the Performing I Arts,Center, Old Poway Park, Library Services, and Blue Sky Ecological Reserve. The Director of Community Services, appointed by the City M~riager; supervises the seven operating I diVisions.. They provide direct staff support irythe development aRd implementation of programs designed'to enhance the sociocultural aCtivities available to Poway'residents, I 'ResRonsibilities of the Department InClude (1) coordinating:resources of public and private agfi)heies ,to prqyid13 cOIl1ir1Lihity-wide special events such ,as Pow~y D'ays;,(2) providing liaison services"betweeri Gity 9ffic;ials and community groups; (3) providing the means for community input ihlothe I de\i€l19Pment~of ieisure programs;,(4} providing a balanced program for recreation, leisure,an<;J cultural: sewices for the community; (5)admiRistering the City's transit alld animal control contrac!~; (6) I "coordinating;, preparing and managin,g various types of grants to provide additionalfin'ancial assistaRce:,to the City for specialized recreational and cultllfal'programs; (7) development and administration oftheperforming arts,program; (8) to overs.e~ the services and, hours of operation for I the new library; (9) overseeing the State's Blue Sky Ecological Reserve located'in Powayto ensure complian~e with California rules arid regulations for usa5jeand'protection of environmentally sensitive lel!lels; (tQ)E?yaILiatlng new technologies to provideresidents,with greater access'to City programs,and ' Ii servi96,S; :~t(d (11) negotiating leases for the use of City Jacilities by telecommunications providers" ' 88 DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES I .", , ". ':'::"::::';':-"-,:,:,''':::-:','''::-::';--;" ". . I ." "'" ,....-.-..,..". . ','" . ..__...'_,-,-,....."._..-... ...- -"::':"--""'-':" :.,'-;-:'::"._..,:::::-::: ...........'... ,.'" . .' ,.-............" .._, --,"",""" . ", ....-::......:.. ",,:,::"";"",',',"", . -_._",- "-, c..';';-.',......:-.'.-::":'.. .......... Pivisi6riAC!ivitY.., . .Collvnunity..SElrvicespeparimerif.... I ......,-, ..... iiiCori1.IT1E:lntary AC'TIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION I It is the responsi15ility of the Office of the Director to administer and manage all operations I within the department, including animal. regulation, cable television, the City's,grant-funded programs, parK site acquisition and development programs, transit syst~m, the Performing Arts Center, services for the new library, the Blue SKY Ecological Reserve, and to,elialuate new I technologies that can provide citizens with ,24"t')our access to City information and library resources, By planning and coordinating the pr'ogr~ms .for the Community Services' operating divisions, the Director ensures'that Department responsibilities are implemented in an . effective I and efficient manner 'The Department als9 provides staff assistance, to Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, I Performing Arts Advisory Committee, and Senior Issues Committee, AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES I 1 'To oversee the budget and services ofothe new 20;000 square foot library facility to meet the diverse interests of the community". I 2. 'To provide assistance to M'TDB and SANDAG in the development of regional transit bus or light"rail service in the I~ 15 corridor 3. 'To administer the performing arts programs for the poway comml:Jnity I 4 'To ensure high quality animal control, cable television, and transit services for the residents of Poway 5, 'To meet the aquatic, recreational andsociocultu[al needs of the residents of Poway I 6, 'To develop a Comr:n'unications Master Pian to. link City facilities to a fiber optic network for voice, video, and data communications. I 7 'To explore various technologies to develop a 24-hour service"enabling residents to gain access to City Hall and library resource information through their telephone and cable hookups or high speed modems. I 8. 'To ensure that new or upgraded telecommunication systems in poway provide for public, education, and governmental services. 9 'To evaluate the services and hours of operation for the new poway library to ensure the I most efficient utilization of the facility and its resources, 10. 'To cooperate with other public agencies in the preservation and public enjoyment of Blue Sky Ecological Reserve and Goodan Ranch,' I SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 4912 Beginning in FY 97-98, the City s expenditures' for the new library -$208,700 I are show in the departmenf s Division 0206, LibYar9 Services I I II, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY'SERVICES I I ,Cornmunity Services Department DivisiomNo: 200 Division Budget Detail I , . Obi, 1995~96 1996-97' 1996"97 1997-98 1998"99 I I, Code Expense ,Classification Actuai Approved Actual Approved,App~oved I . Personnel Ex ense I I , ,,' Range I Position'Tit!e ii , i I ; 323:3 Director 82,1\75 86;960 87,817 89,650 '92;780 '. 284'6, Sr Management Analyst 58,653 57;420 57,316' 59,,14061 ;210 I', 228'1 Administrative Sec~et~iy 33,621 33,620 34,388 34;630' 35:850 1110 Salaries - Regular 175,149 178;000 179,521 183;420 189,840 1130 ParfTime Salaries - - 109 - - I 1140 Salaries - Overtime 989 , 1;5'00 1,237 1;500, 1,500 1300 Employee Benefits 53,069 51,120 53,712 53';800 56,l20 I " ,~t,::,j~:%":~'$!){N;~i.'~;'4,<0:X :~,'~'::', }:~:",,!~.q,:;s'm:\:;:::%'\i; ;r:,f;;;:+\'fi\Y';'~'{f,;S,t>:>., -,/1,,""\:"}:';'~",""/>,'J:~iS~:~'~ st"&230'620:/':f234:S79: ffi'\238'Q201 i~$247;:560J o erations and Maintenance I 1702b Fees- 'Attorney 9,920 5,000 3,7275,060 5,000 ! , 2110 Gas and Electricity 6,111 7,300 5,295 7',5507,700 2200 Other Utility Charges 634650 530 650'730, I ,2900 Trash Removal 176 420 113 - - 3110 Reimbursed::Mileage 3,994 4,200 4,451 4,200' 4,200, I 3140 Travel and Meetings 4,024 3;400 2,741 4,540 3;740 3310 Telephone 1,276 1,,200 1,258 1,420 ' 1,420 3320 Postage 92 :200 - 200 200 4102 Animal Hegulation 61,464 66;230 66,203 67,480 72,880 I 4120 Other Contractual Services 8,105 17;620 29,845 17,620 17,620 , 4304 R&M Building 9262,400 1,139 2,400 2;400 I 4308 R&M EcjlJipment 1,043 800 60 900 900 , 4710 Office&Stationeiy Supplies 1,318 1,100 1,087 1,10Q1,100 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 42 150 221 500 500 I 4760 Operating Supplies 811 1,000 1,181 1,000 1;000 4908 Education and Training 50 200 95 200 200 4912 C.ontribution - PowayLibrary 76,868 197,700 100,627, - - I ,4922 Printing 267 600 505 600 600 " 4924 Publications and Dues 1,074 1,200 1,683 1,200 1,200 4938 Rent - Buildings & Grounds 658 1,620 660 1,610 1,620 I 5530 Capital outlay Rental - Office 1,830 1,660 1,660177.0 770 , 5720 Gasb'Clver/Under - - (172), - - I ~~!;f~!~~~~h~:&lM~Wit~ii~Wci~1~t1i~~Jr*I;~\:1~o1;g!8:31~~3!1~W6g~l ~!:~2Z'S09::lj~1l:t8*!~OI'~~1f23~180l1 I 6122a EqU,iP, m,ent"Offi, Ice General II 777 730 760 1.340 - I I 6199 Ott]erEquipment - - - - - ! 6~02! ,~uildiOgs 307 1,010 874 2,220 2,220 I' 116410: Land ,', , "".,', ",' ",'," ',' '" ,646", ~~ "~-. ,- ,I, - , d r&t,~,;~~,1;t'::::-,:~r)€'~'!"C';'\^>"U'r"~-:o':~"~'':-:'t'r' :, :iFi!i'::eYiE-,p;J~Ft~'~\~;~i::'i~3;~~f*~~~-~-~:~_~,:;,: c"i~:,:tf~,:1"H2;t{~~,':4:1}~t; ;;~,*;$~',~{"i/,j,'lt,':~,['{~M,/;',:t !t{a;).;,;+<fW~,:_,~,,,.t':f'f:,:;i~~/~(':,'fr;;;,,,"''''f,l, I II ",,/.0 a.. aplta. u ay"""""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",",R',,,13:30, ""."",1,740,4""".1,,634, """",3 560, I if I Division Total 1$411,620 I $547,010 I $459) 22~~[ :$373;560:1, 90 " RECREATION I ~9mrTII.Jhity.$~tvigesD~p~itmem <> "'~~,.._ '.. \1 """""'>00 [)ivi$iqn.Abtivity ........ I . I/i< ............i'.. ..... ............ .'c;ommentary . .......,.... ........ I AC'TIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION 'The Community Services Department is responsible for managing and operatilJg poway I Community Park, 'Twin Peaks Multipurpose Center, and Meadowbrook..~ymnasium. 'The Division provides elementary school-age programming at Community Park and leisure contract services at sites throughout the City The, CO'mmunity Services Department'strives to meet the I leisure needs for the citizens of Poway 'The recreation program provides recreational opportunities for youth, adults, seniors, 'and families. 'The programs consist of recreational classes in dance, art, physical fitness, education, and special interests. 'The Division is also I responsible for rental of City facilities for private functions. The Division m~nages all program registratio,n, and marke~i,ng of recreation programs and facility reser:vations. 'The Division works . closely'with Poway,Unifiec:t School Di,strict, poway Youth. Sports Organizations, Weingart Senior I Center, and local nonprofit agencies to offer leisure activities for seniors, adults, youth, and youth-at-risk programs. .. AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES I 1. 'To provide youth sports groups with year-round facilities at an affordabl~ price. to I' encourage youth to participate in positive recreational activities. ; 2. 'To offer the citizens of P6way a wide variety of leisure contract classes and seek P6way citizens to participate as teachers and students. I" 3. 'To improve the condition of rental facilities al)d promote rentals of City facilities for special ' events, dances, weddings, workshops: and cbi11munity group meetings. 4 'To focus on providing recreational activities to the teenage group. I' 5. 'To streamline the leisure contract programs to offer programs that the community has . shown an interest in. AC'TIVI'TY WORKLOAD S'TATIS'TICS 1996,97 1997'98' 1998-99 I ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED Contract classes per year 700 612 612 I Contract class participants 6,000 5.000' 4;500 Recreation program special events 22 22 221' Programs/events participants 50,000 50,000 51,000 . Facilnies rental participants 24,000 24,000 '25;000 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES 1997-98 1998-99 I 4118 FY 97,98 Decrease due to forecasting actual operated 'classes in ; FY 96~97 - $17,910 6199 Increase due to purchase of replacement community stage and other equipment purchased In FY 97-98 +$12;270 I 6199 FY 98-99 Decrease due to stage and other equipment purchased in FY 97-98 '$17,910 I I 1:1, 91 \ RECREATION !I I' 'Community SerVices Department. Division No: 201 Divisi()il E!.lJdgetDetail I Obj . 1995~96 11996-9711996-97\1997-98 1998~9,9 Code' Expense Classification Actual IApp(oved Actual Approved Approved I l~el'!fonnelExpense I Ranae Position Title I . I 296:9 . GotnmLinity Services Mgr 67,483 66,830, 67,742 68,880 It,280 I . --I"~-' -' Recreation Supervisor 37,022 39,990 39,990 41,210 42,650 :1' 245:5' 22'9'0 Recreation Coord,. \3) 96;297 98:390 102,942, . 102,1'40 ' 106,7101 2ci7~4 Recreation Leader I 27,227 27,340 27,340 27,340 28,300 203:6 Secretary II (2) , 45,413 50;780 51,534 53,570 56;090 I 187,4 Recr~at!on Leader I: ~3,PTl 27,802 30,650 30,650 . 31;230, 31,940 167;8, Recreation Leader I 9, PT 47,166 7,,0,840 58,305 47,550 49,820 167 il Rec; leader I (6 TIP,) 52,471 16,380 12; 194 26,720 27,6301 167,8 Rec,teader Temp (6 T/PT) - - - 16,770 17;240 :1 1110 Salaries - RegulaJ 273,442 28,3,3)0 289,548 293;146 ~05,O,30 1130 Salaries - ParFT'ime 127,439 117,870 101,149 122270 126;630 S~I~ries c Overtime -, 1140 5,949 7,880 ' 6,083 '1,;470 7,4'70 I 1300 Employee Benefits 125,726 126,240 115,955 115,210 119,680 - lr;~~j;~Z~t\0l1:;t~r~~;~W&1)ZTotaUE~ts()dri'e.l~fi~~}ti1%~~~:ak~1a~~lj~1a~11 ;~1j532.~-S.5Q;~ 1fJti35;320! WiK5:l2i73tii J'%538f090i 11tti58;a:l0' I Operations and Maintenance I 21.10 Gas and Electricity 89,991 42,930 69,008 44,900 ' 45,550 2200 ,Gther Utility, ~harges 6;409 8,480 7,459 10;690 10,510 I 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 1,891 2;280 1;800 2200 2,280 ,- ,- ,~ '3130 Vetlicle OperationS & Maintenance 2,927 3;2'00 4,368 4,630 4,750 -,-- 3140 Travel and Meetings 1 ,485 1,700 1,694 2,170 2,240 I 3310 Telephon~ 950 1;760 2,685' 5,150 5;190 ,4118, LeislJre'{l:ontracts 132,260 138,540 124,4 Hl 120630 120,630 Other Contradual Services ~_ I 1 _ nl... 4120 8,633 15,230 13,533 1.8,220' 18;220 4304 R&M Buiiciing 2,169 3,500 1,072 ,q;500 ~i5o.0 I 4308 R&M Equipment 3,647 5,900 5,175 4,850, 3,150, 4318 R&M Radios - 300 - 100 100 4514 SignMairiteriance - 150 129 600 35()' I 4516 Small Tools 35 250 160 350 200 ' 4710 office & Stiltionery SlJpplie,s 2,673 2,750 3,037 2,750 2;.750 . 4720 Janitorial Services 773 3;000 311 2,500 2,500 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 126 450 420 650 650 I 4750 Safety. Supplies 848 ,1,000 377 1,000 1,000 4760 Operating Supplies 13,192 23,300 19,125 26,460 25,710 4908 Education and Training 793 ' 1,350 556 900 900 I 4922 Printing 5,016 3,620 3,670 3,?50, 3,250 4924 Publications and Dues 565 780 615' 770 770 4928 Uniforms and Laundry 757 4,590 4,173, 5,1,60 5,3661 I 49~~ Advertising 4,582 5,500 4,923 4,450 4,450 4936 EgujpmentRental 671 3;260 922 3,530 3,1501 51i'6 Other Fees 3,257 3,300 1,896 3,300 3,300" ,5510' GapiiaJ,OutlClY Rental - Vehicles 4,579 3,190 3,190 ' ,2360 2;360 .1. ... I 5520 CapitaiQutlay Rental - Equip, 5,020 9,040 9,040. .8,890 8,890 5530' Capital Outl?y Rental - Office 2,600 2,730 2,730 2,63,0 2,P30ij 5'720 Cast! 9verl Under 101 250 - 250 250,! '1. 'iifk%~t::~~g~~I~;~;&tMiiiiit~ii!fiiCfj?~~i~;~T!t~I;W!295;~4;1% !i%!2~2;t33()'i '~;)2~6;gf8~1 itza8!2QQl ~lrZag}$9Q;i 6100 Capital Equipment I 6,671 2,550 5,458 15,710 4001! II! 6402 Buildin.~s '., '. ". '.. ..... ...... . . ... . .... ...1 .' 4,055113,320,11,529 H,.530. 1'1,,53011 .I! i"li~~:~:~:"'''''J'''';;'''\!iii'';'''''''';;,r;:;:'i;~; =~;~;~~~;~~~1~~~;:g;I'r.'~'5;g;!1 92 I LAKE OPERATIONS .' .... ....~ ..,.... .......,......,..'...it.= 'i/ / '.','.'."" I ... ... ..,:,.. .....Comh'lUnityServicesDepartment DivisiQrl',Nuh'lber:'.202".'. ":."""."" Divisioh.Activity I ... ...... .".. ., ,:... ....... C9ifll:T)~l1tary AC'TIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION I The Lake Operations Division is responsible'for managing and operating the Lake Poway I Recreation Area. 'The Division offers a variety of activities to the community The ,Division provides water related rentals as well as fac:ility r.entals; Known for its year'roiJnd fishing, Lake . . poway also offers oPP9rtunities to hike, sail, camp, boat, and picnic.. Special events" day I camps, and sports activities are also offered at the park. 'The Lake Operations Division interfaces with the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve for ihterpretive programs and operations. AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES I 1 'To represent the City in a positive and accurate manner with respect to the Lake P6way I Recreation Area. 2. 'To increase water based activities through recreational programming :and equipment rental. 3. 'To work with the State Department of Fish and Game in the development of'facilities and I programs for the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve, 4 'To encourage and promote the continued development of a wide varietY of qu?lity recreational, cultural, environmental, and outdoor leisure programs that meet'the needs of I the community AC'TIVI'TY WORKLOAD S'TA'TIS'TICS I 1996-97 1997"98 1998-1999 I ES'TIMA'TED PROJEC'TED PROJECTED Fishing Permits 38,000 38,500 39,000 I Boat Rentals 12,000 13,000 13;000 Facility Rental Reservations 2,000 2,000 2;500 Parking Permits 12,000 12,000 12,000 I SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 4522a Increase due to additional trout stocks and increase in costs offset by revenue +$11,210 I 4522b Increase due to additional catfish stocks and increase In costs offset by revenue +$4,530 I I I a~ II LAKE OPERATIONS I I', "Community,servicesDepar1l11eilt Division No: 2. 02 Division Budget Detail I . ' Obj, 11995-96 19,96c97 1996~97 11997 T9811998-99 I '. ' Cade, EX.D_en.se Classification Actual Aopr6ved Actual Aoproved Approved I 'I ' Personnel;Exoense I' . ~ge Position Title I ' 245,5 Recreation Supervisor 39,712 39;990 27,053 34;250 -37,220 I. 211J:2 p..ark Ranger (2) 57,392 56;23.0 61,914 57,:9(j0 59.;!il4.0 210:2 Park, Ranger (PT) 13,938 14,;060 14,060 14,480 14,990 , 1974 Dock Attendant (1 PI) 10,138 11,440 11,440 11,770 12;180 '. 170A ..DOCk Attendan..t (5PT) 31,858' 41,230. 28,801 42;070 43;350 . 210.2 Park Ranger (T/PT) 3,464 5,4,19'5,410 6,.160 6,160; , 1074 Dock,Attendant(TtpT) 3,716 4,060 4,060 4;.180 4,320 161 1 Park Attendant (2 T/PT) 3,013, 4,940 4,940 4;940 5,200 . I' 1110 Salaries - Regular ,97,104 96,220 88,967 92,150 ,97;160 1130 8,alaries - Part-Time 66,127 81,140, 68,711 83;600 86,200 1140 Salaries - Overtime 2,477 5,000 4,858 4,550 4,550 I 1300 "i':i:'''i",.;",;",,:-~etl~~I,~:,:~~;~:ntl:'';i'''''t:0,'';',..'..,Jlii"';P., ::":;';~59;3~~;' ilt2'35.35:'~7'82,do; iP/2.40~6;~9.,Q393, ,,'1;'2' ..P33:3;14t90. ""'2'4Ej:35~550..900 Ik%":vt'!t,%,n'?$)~'tJi*~~4:~a:'O a ;~ersonne~~~A*;~&,<';:?{,<&"$7,,':iffi1rM11 :;;~~)G.H ..". ,1F1;;:' -::@t~~ ,< "",, ,', ; d~3' , " , """ ';: ~~{:;' ,'. ~iOh;. , .', i &K~",' :~- '" ODei'ations and Maintenance '1 21.10 Ga,S"arid.Electricity 10,448 11,550 9,233 11,67:0. 12,020 '2200 Other Utility Charges 437550 568 . 1',580 1,080 3110 ReilllburseifMileage - - - 209: 200 I ,3130 Ve..hic.le o.perations & Maintenance 1,896 3;690 5,997 5,320 5,460 :3140 Travel and Meetings 380 250 255 400 400 3310 Telephone , 5671,1 QQ 5Ej5 1,080 1,340 I 4120 Oth.er,€..o.n.tractualservices 22,252 13,110 19,051 '17,1.30 17,'~50 4130 Blue,Sky Ranch!Operations - - - 64,600 51,500 4304 Building Repair'& Maintel'lance - 1,000 4952,500 800 4308 R&M Equipment' . 2,073 3;456 3,100 2,800 2~800 I 4318 R&M Radios - 400 371 150 100 4514 Sign Maintenance 41350 - 650' 450 4516 SmallTools' 35 ,250 227 250 ' 200 I 4522a Trout Stock 67,200 69;750 69,158 73,480' 74,420 4522b Other Fish Stock 13,8729,600 7,974 9;420 9,520 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 996 600, 601 600 600 I 4720 Jimitorial'Supplies 182 - - - - 4730 Phptographic/Copy Supplies 145 400 325 750 600 4750 Safety Supplies 260 500 217 400 350 4760 Operating Supplies 10,793 "15,200 11;581 17,370 16,760 I 4908 Education ~nd Training 99 130 35 600 450 '4916 Medlcal"Exams - 1,000 500 400 ' 400 4922 RriDJiJlg 1,087 2,800 2,342 2,300 2,000, I 4924' Publications and Dues 200 210 125 ,340 340 4928" Uniforms arid~i.aundry 1,762 2,950 2,391 3:250 3,250 493:2 A9xei]L~.ing 1,248 2,280 1,852 2;950, 2,950 ' I 51,16 Other fees 499 500 431 '500 500 5,SOO , 6apita(~uilaYRental 9,800 ~1,400 11,400 10;410 10,410 , 15720 CashOver/Uhder ..,. 50 600 (84 '. 100 1001 III f.t6~t:~~r~~~~~:S'8;1Matnfenaiice:s0};tit:t1110;;g\ ~*i,1A6;322t~\15~~;1f1'48i:Z()Oi \~23:i~2()Oi :i?~2it6i250j II 6122.A! Equipment~G)ffice General - - - '2,600 400 I Ii 6;199 !QlQ,ej',E,quipment I 9,288 1,800 1,231 3,670 360 11'6402 .1,;~~:~~~~sbMll,Oi.itlav:;i~;:;f;,;ij'<!nf5~5':';~;\;~j%~ir:iil:,:'.i;;9;~~& :i;;iW'ii~;g}~ ;t;i"i"~Z~~~". jffi~i&$\~1g; q'ii~iii;.g6g, Iii I Divisioil'Total 1$371,5331$393,210 I $358:6111 $472':950L$462,Z501 94 I AQUATICS I f....., ". ,.............,'-,-.,. COrTimGnityServices,De,P\'lrtmeht ", ii, pil/isi()nActivity " I Commentary , AC'TIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION I 'The Aquatics Division maintains the City of Poways 50-meter year-round swim center:. 'The I Division is responsible for educating the publjc on the importance of water safety'in any aquatic environment. 'The Aquatics Division accomplishes this task by promoting watepsafety, I developing aquatic related activities, and teaching swim lessons to all -ages, 'The Division offers' open recreation swimming, lap swimming, and facility rentals for youth programs such as diving teams, swim teams, and synchronized swimming. Classes are offered in aql!aticexercise, I lifeguard training, first aid, CPR, and water safety. 'The Division is responsible for'the routine maintenance and sanitation of the facility and water quality assurance. AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES I 1 'To promote and el7lsure the safety of all participants who use theswlm QI3[1ter. I, 2, 'To maximize the use of the facility during periods of open recreational swim ,times to educate the public on water safety 3, 'To provide times for youth sports groups to practice and compete in :swimmeets,dive I meets, and synchronized swim meets. 4 'To provide swimming lessons with an emphasis,on safety to youth, adults, and seniors, 5. 'To provide open recreation swimming and lap swimming to the community I AC'TIVI'TY WORKLOAD S'TA'TIS'TICS 1996-97 1997-98 1998C99 I ES'TIMA'TED PROJEC'TED PROJECTED Swim Classes (offered) 367 368 368 I Swim Lessons (attended) 3,800 3,800 3,800 Daily Attendance 94,000 94,000 94,000 I Special Events 4 4 4 Special Events (attended) 1,000 1,600 I SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE None, I I I I 0, I Ii AQUATICS' I Community,Services Department Division No: 21)'3 Division Budget D_etatl Obj, 1995"96 1996-97 1996-9711997-9811998"991 I Code' ,Expense Classification Actual Approved Actual I Approved 1 Approved I I?e~sonnel Eiq:iense I I I Range I Position Title ,. r-zz'9,Q Pool Manager 32,340 33,930 15,310 29,89()I 32,370 198,6 Park .Attendant. 25,743 '25,040 25,040 25,040 . 25910. . _..1 _--', 188:3 Lifeguard Il/Swim Instructor 21,767 21,900 21,900 2t,830 ' 22,530' 207A Lifeguard II (.2 PT) 9,7p4; 1:1 290 11,290 -~. -. - - I " 9,91,0 198,6 Park Attendant (217'1) 18,947 19'240 16,154 10,Q,80 188,3 Lifeg uard II (3 P'T) 19 820' 29;610 29,610 21~O60 21,890 .. .... ' 176,6 Lifeguard I (4 PT) 38,627 34,140 34,137 52,020 ' 54,220 I 188:3 LifeguarCl II (5 T/PT) .16,926 13,330 13,330 22,870 23,670 176,6 Lifeguard I (4 'T/PT) 35,323 21,630 21,630 W,280 16,850 1611 park Attendant- Temp - - - 4650' 4,?10 .' ~ . I 1110 Salaries - Regular 79,850 80,870 62,250 76;760 . 80,810 1130 Salaries- Part~Time 139,047 129;240 126,151 126;790 . 131,520 1140 Salaries- .Overtime 2,799 5,360 3,5211 3;300 4,790 Ell1riioyee BEmeifits --, .~ 46,rt:79 1300 51,353 54,220 ql,990, 54,190 I _ionsahd,Maintenahce i1:~273;Q49' C\it269:139Q, ,f238!4();j;; C$';;2p8i840, *%2'm~3rt()i '1708 Chemical Analysis - 100 - 100 100 . 2110 Gas ,and EIE!ctric:ity 80,889 27,560 90,719 28"390 ,29,240 2200 QWirUtility Charges - 2,260 2,065 2,4fo, 2.410 ,3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 1,066 - 69 - - I 3140 Travel and Meetings - 300 310 430 430 3310 Telephone 824 950 859. 1:060 -1,180 ~ '- . - 4120 Other Contractu nil Services 100 8,960 8,886 10;020 10,020 I 4304 R&M Building 85 - - - - 4308 R&M Equipment 6,357 7,640 5,120 5,600 4;100 4502 Chemicals 22,016 20,880 23,836 22,000 22,660 I 4514 Sign Maintenance 48 300 53 50'0 400 4516 Small 'Tools 25 150 159 250, 250 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 623 550 538 550 550 I 4720 JanitorialiSypplies 1,252 1,600 1,98? 1600 1,600 " , 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 455 68p 598 550 680. 4750 Safety Supplies 565 .750 661 : 750; 750 I 476(j .qpe~~!lngSupplies 2;803 3,400 3,604 3,3QO 3,750 4908 Education and Training 95 400 177 450 40'0 4916 Medical Exams 1.30, 1,000 600 1, OOp 1,000, I 4~22 Printing 593 600 617 600 600 .~ .....::.,'. - - 4924 Publications and Dues - 400 56 4,10 410 4928 Uniforms and;Laundry 1,177 3,850 2.475 3,700 3,850. I 4932 Advertising 150 , - - - , 5520. Capital QLJtlay Rental 3,300 6,120 4,800 7,809' 7,?00 5530 Capit~1 Qutlay Rental -Office - 1,320 1,320 1,870 1,870 I 5720 Cash Qver/Under (4 100 234 1.00 100 5730 Interacivernmental Fees 460 520 ' 405 . .. 520 520 . ;0'Totalr0D;;rati6ii~''&CMairitena'rice,;,th*ii';):t):': ;:1:122'859' Y#!hi'g()'390 i):ii'50'-296' g~~l93r96() tl'l94"e"l()\ I I Capital Outlay I I I I I .. , Ii 6100 Qapital)Out1ilY I 9,610 32:780 I 31 ,101.2?,3!3Q ,2:r,~.:3()J I 'r;'" ,'" ,,"..... " "'."'..'"''''''.,..''~'T7I\''' .~,.. .0. . r..... "'" . '. .,"'. . I. . ,#'illotaliCapltal..OutlaY7. '\'F',;'!; ;;fifw(@f;;;tr"; ..,...... ">';,S.i9;~1,O' ;;'\i:..:32;.'7;80\',-:",31.fj Q;1tti;}t;;;28{380;!Q0;it27;f3:30il I ;1 I DiilisionTotal ! $405,5181$392:860 I $419.4981 $381.,180ID93,31 01 96 PERFORMING ARTS CENTER I Community ServicesiOepartmeht Division Activity . I .....~ofl1fl1ent$ry I AC'TIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION The Performing Arts Division is responsible for the management" operation, and ,maintenance of I the poway Center for the Performing Arts, The Division cooperates with thepoway Unified School District under a Joint Use Agreement, and with the poway Cerifer'for the Performing Arts Foundation under a. three-year agreement covering the professional programming I presented at the Center The Division fa,cilita.testhe use of the Performing ,Arts' Center by community-based arts organizations and other qrgaQiiations as permitted by the ,use policy established by the City 'The Division also provides staff support for the Perforr'ning)\rts I Advisory Committee and works directly with the Poway Center for the Peiiofrhing Arts Foundation, AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES I 1. 'To continue with a'three-year agreer:nent with the poway Center for 'The: Performing Arts Foundation to present a series of J)erforr:nancesbv professional artists' and entertainers' I including two or three one-week runs of theatrical productions, single,dafe concerts by name artists, and a mixture of variety entertainment. 2. 'To provide access to and coordinate the use of the Performing Arts Center by the PowC\Y I Unified School District, and in particular, the performing arts departmeht at poway High' School under the terms of a Joint Use: Agreement. 3, 'To facilitate the useofthe Performing Arts Center, on a fee40r-use basis, by community- I based and other groups and organizations that meet the criteria of the Use Policy established by the City for the Performing ,Arts Centers. I 4 'To continue to recruit, train, and maintain a corps of volunteers to provide usheriog and other front of house services to the City; Foundation, School District, and other. users of'the Center consistent with the safe, efficient, and professional operation of a performing arts ., facility 5, To operate a concession and bar service at intermission of performances at the Center under the terms and restrictions of appropriate licenses and public, health requirements. I 6, 'To continue to provide the servicf:ls of'the Performing Arts Manager as the Executive' Director of the private, nonprofit Poway Center for the Performing Arts Foundationih support of its fundraising and presenting activities, I 7 'To continue to provide the services otthe Division Secretary as recording secretary and for other clerical services to the PCPA Foundation. 8. 'To provide as much preventive and corrective maintenance as. allowed by current staffing I and budget levels to protect the integrity and useful life of the Performing Arts Center facility and its equipment. 9. 'To provide efficient, effective, and professional box office services to the City, the I Foundation, and other users of the Centl'1r as is possible with current staffing. 10, 'To continue a series of art exhibits in the lobby of the Center, including a second annual juried art show in the fall of 1997 coordinated by .the Performing Arts Advisory Committee. I SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 1130 - Increase due to reclassification of part-time stage technician +$ 8,941 2110 - Increase due to lower than expected savings from energy retrofit +$12,200 I 4302 - Increase due to increase in maintenance contract with Southland +$18,000 Industries and one-time charge for repair to, HVAC system 7471 - Decrease due to adjustment'per experiences in FY97 7$10,000 I qL-, 'I PERFORMING ARTS CENTER II I: I C6mrriunityServices Department Division No: 204, Division Budget Detail Obj, 11995-9611996"97 1.996-97 199,7c98 j1998c99 I Code , Expense'Classification Actual Approved' Actual I Approved Approved .' Personnel Expense I '~ Ranel Position:Title I ' , I I 286,9 Peiiorming Arts Mgr 57,751 68,470 58,778 62,310 64,490 218,1, Secretary III 29,948 38,4,30 30,430 31,340 32;440 244,0 Recreation Supvr (PT) 31,739 - - - - 229,0 Mktg, Coord, (PT) 23,936 - - - - . 229,0 Volunteer Coord, (PT) 21,755 23,670 21,323 24',460 25,180 219,5 Stage Tech. (1 PT) 11,167 20,9tO 20,019 29,f\98 30;670 219,5 Stage Tech, (2 T/PT) 10,349 6,840 10,768 10;3'(0, 10;680 I 198,6 Box Office Atten, f2 PTf ' 21,052 22,290 20,886 23;910 24,750 198,6 Box Office Atten, , TIP) . 1,568 5,1.50 5,300 6;340 6;560 1874 ConcessnAtten, (5 T/PT) - - 4;405 5;500 4]20 1110 Salaries - Regular 87,699 90;900 89,208 93,650 96,930 I '1130 Salaries - Part-Time 121,566 78,929 82701" 100:070' 1 02,560, , 1140 ,Salaries - Overtime 889 3000 1,225,' '2750 2,750 Employee Benefits ., , " " 1300 53,464 41.,580 44,061 45,,140 49.,~00 I ~x:?::'~i'}'tf:;t)~'::"}~;Y ?)1i${~;,::?'.'-"<:n,-';c,;.~,::o~'nn~t;t':~>:\:,,,,f' ,:\;:,,\,,::\, ::~~t:;~{;,~->,:,'.:&pj~,-;:,:.,,~ !i;t:24~;4.00';w21;7;,495: ",f;!,2M:;6JO,:,i!;!12~9;:14,0 Operations and Maintenance I 2110 Gas,and Electricity 88,082 68,460 92,237 80,660 83,080 2200 GtherUtility Charges 2,117 8,000 8,242 6,500 6,700 2900 Trash,Removal - 1,600 - - - 3110 Reimbu~sed Ivlileage 1,920 2,500 1,818 2500 2,500 , I 3120 VehiCle Operations - - 13 - - 3130 Vehicle, Maintenance - - - - - 3140 Travel,and Meetings 1,708 - - - - I 3310 Telephone 3,909 4,000 3,656 4,1,20' 4,250 3320 Post?lge 2,883 2,500 278 1,000 1 ;000 4114 Janitorial Services 26,559 22,000 28,862 25,7;!)0 26,5,20 , 4116 GontractLandscape Maint. 5,949 5,500 5,127 5,500, 5,500 I 4120 Contractual Ser:vices 74,994 100,000 101,112, 103,000 106,090 4302 R&M Air Conditioning 12,053 18;500 28,198 37,000 24,000 4304 R&M Building 7,613 10,000 5,054 10,500 11,550 4306 R&M Elevator 2,121 1,690 1,933 1,750 1,750 I 4308 R&M Equipment 3,199 5,000 2,805 5,150 5,670 4508 Miscellaneous Construction 446 1,000 - - - 4516 Small Tools 499 500 347 500 500 I 4710 office &.S,tati()nery Supplies 1,200 1,200 1,111 1,250, 1,250 4730 .Phot9gra[lhicIQopy Supplies 2,594 2,500 2,668 2,6,00 2;600 47~O Gperating Supplies 13,212 14,000 10,966 14,000 14500 . ~ , 4799 Q!bef'Supplies'a~d "Materials 7,957 8,000 6,847 8;240 ' 8,500 I 4922 ,Rfinting, ' 13,355 3,500 3,033 3;500 3,500 4924 Puolications and Dues 967 1,260 1,264 1:,260 1,330 '4932 Adv~r:tising 24,213 1,000 961 5QO 500 I 4936 EqLiipl]'iemtRenial 5,384 2,000 1,613 '2000 2,000 . , 5116 ,Other Fees 4,900 5,000 9,234 :5000 5,000, Ca'pital Outlay 'Rental - Office ., '5530 1,650 2,290 2,290 4;4E?0 4,460 5720 Gash Over/Under 91 50 ,18 50, , ,50 ;6:Total:Q eratlons:&'}Malntenance./i.:::;c:,H;;~ ~ti3G9;5'l5i '\;;292'050: M;3~ 9i65,:hil;f:!J;i:326<790: ,%j'0;;32~800 ICa-Pital Olltla~ I I 6122A' Equipment - Office General I - - 615 - - 640'2' I", BuilainQs 2 84~ 9 340 8 088 '8 0908 890 I ., :I~;i?'i' C';~i'0" II i!':;ii;;;":"',,,*i}i!);;,tiii}i\i!ikl't::<:FS:44' "'i'giB40' ":;i:il.if8'7;63i:,;r.;,\~i1i8i09i0i'!t%;44.;'8'09(} III r'[)fvfs'ib~P~ot~1 u ayw,"". '" "'. '''''Y'i''"il$S;6: 037T$S';'5.?90i'i$s4t.S49 ii$5~6:498':'Ni$'580: 0301, 98 I OLD POWAY PARK I ........... DivisiOn Aetivity I " GOrTlmehti3ry AC'TIVI'TY DESCRIPTION I 'The Old poway Park Division provides educational and interpretive programs to the public, The I Division is responsible for managing ,and operating the Old Poway historical.site, Porter House, and Nelson House. 'The Division oversees the operation of the Poway tI.1idlabd Railroad, and the Farmers Market. 'The Division is responsible for the administration of the'Hambu.tger I Factory and Farmers Market contracts, and works closely with the poway Historicai 'Society 'The Division provides special events and ~urTlrTler concerts throughout the year. The Division works in conjunction with the Old poway Park Action Committee, Railroad Vollmteers, and I Volunteer Reserve Rangers, and other commUnitY volunteer groups to provide recreational opportunities for families to enjoy AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES I 1 'To promote the use of volunteers throughout the community that have special skills, and can I provide positive recreational activities to ttJecommunity. 2. 'To provide interpretive and educational experience regarding the history of powayand the I surrounding community through the use of historic period buildings, trains, blacksmith shop, and the park area, 3. 'To promote Old Poway Park through marketing and fund raising by local volunteers. I 4 'To represent the City in a positive and.'accurate manner with respect.to the operation of Old poway Park, AC'TIVI'TY WORKLOAD S'TA'TIS'TICS I 1996-97 1997~98 1998-1999 I ES'TIMA'TED PROJEC'TED PROJECTED Special Events 11 14 14 I Special Event Participants 10,000 11,000 15,000 Railroad Ridership 22,000 23,000 25,000 Museum Attendance 8,000 9,000 10,000 I Facility Rentals 100 110 110 Field 'Trips/'Tours Participants 900 1,500 2,000 Farmers Market 38,000 40,000 41,000 I SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None I I 99 ,I' II OLD POWA Y PARK I' " , , II I Community Services Department Division No: 205 Division Budget D~tail I Qbj, I ' n 11995~961199Ek97 1996-97 1997~98 ,1998c99 ' Code · Expense Classification Actual Aj:>j:>r<ived, Actual Approved Approved I' , 1 Personnel Ex ense I Range Position Title I I I 229,0 Interpretive Specialist 34,565 33,930 33,932 34,950 . 36, tlO 1874 Recreation Leader c 9,180 7,209 7,760 7,840 I 1110 Salaries - Regular 34;565 33,930 33,932 34,950 36,170 1130 Salaries - Parttime - 9;180 7,209 7,760 7,840 1140 Salaries - Overtime 552 - 1,061 {'ZOO 1.200 I 1300 Employee Benefits 1 t;9{5 14,;390 13,891 13,040 13,500 -.,.~_...:'",' ,~' ':J"'i ", ~ 'c, "o:",~~" ., "___:,;""",,,.,., ',,'_"'j;':'W'_,'_ '." ",'-"""~"'" .'i... ,> V~""""" .~.""fl56f093i lf14'{i56"950't*;;58~7:ifo' ;~,::tA;." .. ,i :00~{~0', OJ .. ' i,';li::\'l~" ,~, ,:" :_.. .. I o 'eratioils and Maintenance I 2110 Gas and Electricity 8,874 9:640 9;055 1.0:070 10,410 I 2200 Other Utility Charges 2,934 3,800 3,450 4,310 4,560 3110 Reimbursed Mileage - 100 - 100 100 .3140 Travel and Meetings - 80 28 100 100 I 3310 Telephone 2,443 2;920 2;352 2,300 2,430 4120 Other Contractual Services 13,965 12,;340 13,976' 12,560 12,560 '4304 Building Repair & Maintenance - - - 2100 150 I ,. 4308 R&M Equipment 892 1,280 526 1.280 1,280 4318 Radios Repair & Maintenance - 100 - 50 50 I 4514 Sign Maintenance - 250 161' 500 400 4516 Small Tools 34 50 65. 50 50, 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 599 400 420 450 450 I 4720 Janitorial Supplies - 150 15 150 150 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 238 460 264 400 400 4750 Safety Suppiies 148 150 - 250 250 I 4760 Operating Supplies 1,099 1,160 920 1,250 1,250 .4908 Education and Training 300 350 272 .590 540 4922. Printing 3,247 4,170 3,745 4.620 4,980 '. I 4924 PUQlicationsand Dues 15 - - 120. 120 4928 Unif9rms and Laundry 1,180 1.520 631 1,540 1,540 I 4932 Advertising 4,647 4,650 4,572 090, 4;860, 4936 Rental-Equipment - - - 450 400 5108 'Insurance Expense 1,234 1,300 1,226 1;400 1;,500 I 5520 Capital Outlay Rental - Equjp, - ~ ,930 1,930 1,730 ' 1,;730 5530 Capital Outlay Rental-Office 1,140 860 860 1,550 1 ;550 I . ' . I 'I I I ::~~~;~%",;d;:D:';',~;,'}[;'(::~ '~;~":~0'{i'jj:;-';:~4:~/~~~i~l: ;:,::;J[~;~)~>~~Y't:;r;:"o;';t<;~; 'ff7A~,it~ ,-~::;:8$~{~'f?::")\->f')!:~1.'f'''J;'::~:%i::;~''it;/ I W;i:$42!989i ktt%!4'7;1660itij,(~44468; ,;l#[W5218~,Oli!n~lf5.1,~8WO'1 I' . 6199 .Ca[lltai Outlay I II dt~erEquipment I 374,2,100 2,3191,!l80 4~oll Rf::"'~o: /,,\{l;?),'~~:;~ "":; ,-- ;,~' "oi: :~': :>':,:;':f<-:~X{-;,~A' :;,;:-,;~~'r~:3"';\t!-.;1':,~~:<fK:,>~/}' ;-', :-:f?<\("-;Jr\;'\~{~~;1~M1?~i(::1;;':i';!;:;Y',,-\i :,;;:~ w~:yt*t~Eijt':\;0-t'~:-W~~'W6:"\'--/;:':~:---~~;:TI ".Tota/tCapltaliOutlay" ip,.tl'!ici1;'P;t.t\\'i'';""",1o/''..,.", 'ci.....}'!)!374,'i",'1;it2,rt.00, 'iJifi0,,1:'880","";"'i'N450',1 I':'" ,- ' _, ,,-, '...''---,''-'---, '-, ,-,..--" ,','-'-",'-""""'"",-',-"-,,,,",',,,-,'-' "',',',, """"""""\'~"c<" "-,,",, .,.h"'",,' "", -' -, '.c_" ",,,\>. _ ,'j ,~:.'M,";___"-""'.).'>' , 'I I I 8ivision. Total i $90,395 [j107,260 i $1 02,llliQJ$111 ;640,I$HO;970 II 100 I LIBRARY I .......,... :..""'.--.... , -._'.-,-,': ,'''''' .Cqmrnllhity' .ServiceSI)~pai:tmElht' Division Actillity> .... I Cornmehtary AC'TIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION I Library services are provided to the City of Powayby the San Diego Cqunty. Library. 'The I County Library provides the staffing and support services to operate the POWCiY COrnmunity Library 'The City provides funding for extending library hours of operation from Ej:30 p,m, to 8:00 p.m. on Monday, and Wednesday and from 1 :00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday. 'The City I also funds a full-time children's librarian and. budgets for new books, reference materials, educational videos, books on tape, and a wide variety of informational resources on CD ROM, During FY 97-98, the City will complete construction of,a new 20,000 square foot library 'The I new library will have a 2,600 square foot children's area, a separate 1,250 square foot'meeting facility, a 1,880 square foot reference service area, ayoung adult area, a guie! room for I: reading, study rooms, and an outdoor courtyard reading ,area, 'The courtyard will haVEll:shade. trees and a fountaih to create a cool and .quiet, ambience. Plumbing and wiring for a food/coffee service cart is also provided in the library courtyard. I AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES 1 'To maximize the publiC's use of the library through extended hours of operation and 24- I hour access to the library collection via a telephone modem. I 2. 'To ensure that the library facilities are fully accessible to disabled persons, sta,ff, and the public in accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act. 3, 'To provide a wide variety of information and resources to the public.in a user friendly environment. I 4, 'To develop fund-raising opportunities for purchasing specialized library materials and equipment. I 5. 'To continue recruiting and training volunteers to assist the library staff in providing services to the public. 6, 'To work in partnership wi!h the County Library staff to ensure that the library's seriiices.and I resources meet the social, cultural and educational needs of the community SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I I m I I :1' -.., - , --''' , ,-- " .. '-- - - =... ~-- ',.'= ~ ~,c, -,_J01~. " " LIBRARY I;: ---'-.~--'---~----_.- _.-. ._~.- --------0-.------------..-.. - ------ 'I: i' ~omm~~itySeryices ~e~~~nie~t~ _, Division No:' 206 ,__ ~ Di~i~i.on B~.dget:Detail , . Ii Obj ! - . , 1995-96 ' 199E)o9T 1996-97 1997 c98 1998-99! :: Ciide .E:xpenseClassification Actual Approved' Actual Approved: Approved I i! -L per~O~-;;;1 Ex~~n~e~~~--' -~--, ----:- ~: Ii l Range! Position Title : I :~ III I I , . !i ; , ; i. !i - I I ii, 'I , I, I I 1'.1 ! I " ' ] I ,I' ;1 . II ii' I I !I ! I I, Ii: III !::'+'crl;::::;;:j:'ljDi:[:!c:':;;-i;::Nii>.,:;,['i:+-,i:i;{~:-",;n. [-',,:,:::,:,}T'iJii:ht';mX:; ::;il III f--o~erations and Maintenance I 'I I. I 21,10 Gas and, fOlectricity I - I - I - 25,000 I 85;0001 I 2200 Othe.r Utility. Charges I - I - - 2:0001 8,000, 3310 i Telephone I - I - -2001, ,200 4114 Janitorial Services I i - - 6,000 I 24:000:1 I 4116 LandscapeMaintenance - i - - 3,000'1 12,060 Ii 4120 Other'C::onfractual Services - I - - 78,000 82,Oooi' 4302 Air Conditioning Repair & Main!. ,- I - - 2,500 10,000 I I 4304 BlJilding He pair & Maintenance I - I - -2,000 8;000 . 4308 R&M EqUipment ! - i - - 3:500 .7,000 I 4720 Janitorial Supplies - I - -2 000 4:000 : I 4780 Library Materials - ! - - 35000 70,000;: . i i I I I I I' II I: I f II Ii . I II I .1 II II I II I I II , ' I I[ ! I II II' i ; I II I I ,I I II ili I I i I Ii I. !i ,liit.:",:i;ci'7f"L':;"';;:<';'::;';:':':''';:'i'''t:,:-.-:"td.,'."", ,,"',.:., :,,"y:....-TT::,Vc'^i;,,"")'i'i:L..:cO':'f:';.;r,y,,!..'i:c"";V""'4I'tP"i"t""""''';! jl,',Tl'otal ,G)neratlons.,&' MamIe""'"""" "'1'" ...... - ,..""..,0..,9c ..+..,' ,,"""c""',I""'159.200' ,;'3~ 0'200'" 'I ,,:',,~::...___.::...._.t::_.~_..n_... ----''-- '. '__;:':"::.:..c::.'::;;~~~;:"';;;_:;.;;. ., "" . ..,-. "_'lIJ.!:"t'-.::: - ".....-<...:.'~I'_"."'.,-: '~-,.,._.-.-...':'..,::.,.~,U.._h~ . '. ".<:l'. il. _ .. :;; It Division Total ,.-. - ' -=--i"'~-"---I'$159:2boi $310;20(01) 102 I PLANNING SERVICES I I I ffi City Manager ~ I , '" ,~13 ,. J :;:-:;~::::m. ..,. .. t,m;:;::/., .... .'. '~;:;:::$"4mlli:::=A.,;>illirmw I F I Director \1 Planniqg Services I I _ d~~ _J I I ill ,~ Building ij I Current ~ Advance 9 d S f ~ PI . M PI. an ' a ety ~ I annlng] annlng * I t" i 301" 302 nspec Ion t li % ;1 .~ 303] I *:':';~::i.~q~~*:::::;~';:*":":~":~::::::::::::::$:Si:::i:S~ ./ .-:...;:;;';:;-" ,*,':::;,;,~::::~:;:~:x:;"'''::;::::':':'y';''xw:':-:'',{,~ llix:.;P::;:.:;':;:::-:i::-wm@:::::::{:-;';;:;.:::;x:::.::::.::::::::::x.;:..A I I' I I I I 1'03' I ' , I I PLANNING SERVICES , ,Dej:?srtmental Activity,Overview I DepartmentCode: 300 I EXPENSE 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 199.~"1999 , CLASSIFToAlclON AC'TUAL APPROVED AC'TUAL APPROVED APPROVED I I Total Positions 9 11 11 11 11 $ 726,440 $,699,639 $ 732,990 $ 763,620 Personnel Expense $ 708,244 I Operations and Maintenance 571,490 570,830 848,209 649,910 663;470 I Capital'OiJtlay 5,911 2,440 10,957 600 - I ~ TOTAL BUDGET $1',285,645 $1,299,710 $1.,558,8Q5 $1,383;500 $1,427;090 I ~ , , , ~ I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The Department of Planning Servit~s ensures that a sound and workable planning ,program is I designed and niajhtClined for theCiw 'The department is responsible for administering and implementingtbe'Cit}"s planning, development, land use, and building programs. In conjunction with the City Council, the department is responsible for the implementation of the City:s General Plan, I The Department of Planning Services is divided into four divisions: the Office of the Director; Current Planning; Advance Planning and Building Safety Inspection" Department activities include. I developing and maintaining the general plan, land use ordinances, various specifitplans and reviewing development plans to provide for an orderly program of pianned development, within the city Adclitjob,ally, otller duties include monitoring and reviewing environmental documents" I administering bLiilciing safety programs, facilitating publiC input, :maintaining demographic'information, , researching. and analyzing policy alternatives and serving.as a liaison between members"ofthe public and other departments involved'inprocessing developmentapplicCltions. I Department staff provide assistance to other departments \!'lith planning and designing publibfacifities and perforrnenvironmental review for proposed projects, irielpding City and I Redevelopf'!leot<Agency sponsored Capitallmprovemeflt Projects. The department also, monitors planning anq delielopment activities in adjacent jurisdictions, and participates in region"al planning efforts, I I 104 I DIRECTOR OF PLANNING SERVICES .( ....... ." . ..... ......... ...... .... .,........ ...... C(...'.. ."... ".. .... I ......, .<. ... ... ... ..> ",.;' .... '.. .. pl\lI~I()nAchvlty Plannllia Services Debartment . ." DIVlslonjNumber:300 .....> ...commentarv I AC'TIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION . ,I 'The Office of the Director of the Planning Services'Department is responsible for the overall administration of the department. APPointed;.bY the City Manager, the Director is responsible for .. managing the operation of the department an9 ensuring that all goals are achieved, . AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES I 1 'To provide professional advice and technical assistance to the City Council, other City I departments, citizen advisory committees and the general public, . 2, 'To continually evaluate and improve departmental program objectives to ensure that the .- goals of the department are consistent with those of the City and its governing .officers, 3, 'To continue to provide high quality plannirig and building services in a timely and efficient I manner 4 'To maintain a work environment that fosters employee morale and stimulates employee I potential by encouraging a high standard of professionalism, creativity, communication and dedication, 5, 'To monitor and review legislation and programs at the local, regional, state and federal I levels to determine their impacton the'City's,planning and building programs, and'to make recommendations as to adoption and in;plemeritation of such legislation and programs, I 6, 'To compile and maintain demographic and land use data bases, 7 'To develop brochures that outline development in Poway, ie, building a house and tenant I improvements, I SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 1110 Reflects elimination of Secretary II position -$30,000 I I I I I II: lOS, DIRECTOR OF PLANNlfm: SERVICES I I, " I Planning Services Department Division N6::390 Division Budget Detail !I Obj, 1995-96( 1996"97 1996-97 11997-98 ' 1998"99 II I Coae Expense Classification Actual App~oved Actual ApprovedApp~oved Ii PersonnerEx ense I I' !I Ran ell Position Title I 'I I :: 323,3 Director 82,667 86,960 87,615: 89,660 92,78011 228,1. Administrative Secretary 31 ;999 34,070 33,41!i 34',630 35,850 d '. 218.1 Secretary III 30;945 30,430 25,430 26,t50 27,830!1 Secretary II 22394 23,100 14,270 203,6 , , - - :1 :. 262,6 Management Analyst (PI'T) 25:265 24,730 20,541 2,1,050 23,340 II 203,6 Secretary II (PT) - 6,580 - 5,280 5,470 ! I 1110 Salaries - Regular 168,005 174;560 160,730 150;440 156,460 I 26,330 I 1130 Salaries - Part-'Time 25,305 28;310 20,541 28;810!1 Employee Benefits 56,698 48,220 I I 1300 59,,050 54,863 50,290 f;~&:'d~:I~,~~'jj_fj_{~/~;:>;;';<'~2"~4~1.0\"''1~''\~;'ZiA'%'{t:i)i'hr\j~:i;:~:2;*~":;:~\'ii,u)~t:gV[4:%:~~'f:\,,~:;::i:~~~':{;'!4.iA:~f;'/~;3,1$!JK'i:;:t;:P~):"W<~:"';~: t;:w:::"":~~:;\C"~\:~;i:~_::,:~{,;;;,\~ ,~i:\;?;'::: ,~t:f'-':::?::,_i;\'~~ '?;:i{1.f:!{ ,:':.,:':,_1~}~~:;:j);~r I '!l%izi'1it!;t11+~9i;J{4~mdtaEeerSonnel;t'Xi,~!~&'.%\!W\f5;0ll'!)!.:\i%~1.'l'.t:,250;'008; ::;;2610920\+};236;134\ ;0;:224:990; 1:'t!235':560 ',,_'0""0 o'..~..'_"."'.."...'... ... .~,v, ....'"'.~.,..^.,.,.~..,~.."..,....,.,',..'_.'<..... <'_..' ,',"',' ... ....'....'...','....0. ....,. '.- ....,.. .'. ....' o erationsaild Maintenance I i I 1726 Special,Studies - - 3,740 - - 3110 ReimBursed Mileage 3,644 3,780 3,649 3,900 3,900 I 3140 'TraveLand Meetings 1,789 2,400 1,538 2,880 2,960 3310 Telephone 225 450 211 - - I 3320 Postage 20 - - - - 4308 R&M Equipment 1,830 3',140 1,554 3,140 3,140 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 717 730 524 880 880 I 4760 Operating Supplies 903 720 792 770, 7701 3001 4908 Education and Training - 390 221 300 I 4922 Printing - - - 7,000 1..0001 4924 Publications and Dues 1,412 1,830 1,141 1,880 1'~:~11 I 5530 Capital:Outlay Rental- Office' 880 1,720 1,720 '790 5720 CastiOver/Under 23 - (44 - - Ii Ii I t~ffi8t~rt6-~;~;f~ti65:~\'~i~:~~iril~H;~R~~~~tl~*~~~~i~~~~111:~r~~i II IffLl'tt;'~;t~Yi"s\:M~<:17,~}tt~mi~:Wcl~~:t~ ,I mIT!"\t5'~6\ :k!i~4,6;540( CaQital,Outlav I I 'i I I, I! . 6122a, Office Equipment 4,082 2,440 3,451 600. - ,; I " , : l~??:;":':':::; '-,;~~.1,~-" "t'&<.'j~1i';.', '_?,:c~;'\7 ~(::r'~Jt.'~";-:~~'_;:;,A;:')"~:'~~Y~7;'L:':-,:!~i.;t:_,;-"~.~io~:.;_,~:,:,~?~:?>~W-~:' :"":_', 1\1l-~~Z~ ~~. e:? ~ ~ ,,;,,~TotaLCa Pltal, Outlay",\"',' "'P"'!''', :,!'n :';"'t, ,,"""" "',\.;Jfu 082, ; .\ ,"';, .,,~ ,~'" I I Division Total i ~265,5331 $279;5201_$254,631 $242,130 I $251'.250,1 106 I CURRENT PLANNING I Planhing.SeNices'[)~partment, .' ..piviSid8I\ctivity .,(::omment?ry . I -" .....,'.,..,-,.......;. AC'TIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION I 'The Current Planning Division processes discretionary land use applications and assures compliance with conditions of approval through grading and building plan check reviews and I field inspections, 'The Division interacts with local citizens and developers to implement the City's General Plan and Zoning Development Code. The Principal Planner is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Current Planning Division, replacing the Director in her absence I and assisting with general departmental administrative duties such as establishment of procedures and review of reports. Staff members provide information abol:Jt land use and development regulations at the counter, by telephone and through correspondence, I The two Code Compliance Officers are responsible, for enforcing a wide range of City regulations, including those concerning signs; graffiti on private property, iIIElgalcommercial I businesses, buildings without permits, noise complaints, home occupation permits, substandard housing, weed abatement, alarms and penalties, and vehicle abatement. AC'TIVI'TY WORKLOAD S'TA'TIS'TICS I During 1996, Current Planning processed: 9'variances; 22 conditional use permits and I modifications; 8 minor conditional use permits;t14 temporary use permits; 57 minor development reviews; 32 development reviews; 11 tentative parcel map; 2 tentative tract map or I time extensions; 32 sign permits or comprehensive sign programs; '238 !:lome occupation permits. Projected activity workload for each of the next two fiscal years are as follows: 24 conditional I use permits and modifications; 25 development reviews, 220 home occupation permits; 6 minor conditional use permits; 60 minor development reviews; 50 sign permits and comprehensive I sign permits; 7 tentative parcel maps; 1 tentative tract map; 90 temporary use permits; and 10 variances, AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. To provide a full range of planning services to local citizens, property owners, land I developers and investors. 2, Continue to seek ways to streamline application processing. 3, Continue to respond to reports of code violations in a timely manner and seek positive I solutions for all involved. SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 1110 Reflects the addition of a temporary full-time Planning 'Technician. +$28,000 I I , 1m 'I, II CURRENT PLANNING ii 'I: I' Plilnniilg SerVices Department Division No: 301. Division Budget Detail: II . , '0bj, 1995-9611996-9711996"97 1997-98' 1,998"99 Ii . ,Code Ex ense Classification Actual .A I2roved Actual Approved ~pr1roVed II I I PersonneLEx ense 'I"'!i . Ran e Position Title .. II i! 'I ,2974 Principal Planner 66,331' 65,260 69,271: 68,000 70,380 II .267,6 Associate Planner 50,142 49;900 48,051 51. .:49053,200 II 257;,6' Assi~tant Planner II 45,441 A5,1.60 45,296 46,510 48,14011 ,I .252,6 'Code Comp, Officer (2) 75,205 81,850 80,023' 84,35.089,310 ill . Planning Techniciari - - 28,440 29;860! Ii , I' !. 11.10 Salaries - Regul~r 237,125 242J70 242,641 250.26.0 261,0301 1130 Salanes - Part-Time - - 1,763 28,440 29,860 , . . I 'I 1140 Overtime Salaries - - - 1,000 1,000 I ,1300 EmployeeBenefits 78,722 781490 7q,9~7, 80;730 ~3,81O I '~;';}:~~fii.~';'\>~;:;h>';;t'1: ~:'i:"j:,;,,"~i1~hl~~~~:{,% :L~i;.2:;i:::;*~\~,~~t~1,~~1:fJ: ~t:f~~-;~:v;;+/t.';A:l:~:1~t :,tW"~-'>0):-:,;~;,'nw~<~~t 'I . ;,':9315841i t<1320.66Oi N.~'321MOiti %iZ'360i4301 ~Wt375':100' I . . . I ,0 erations and Maintenance ! . . 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 1,998 2; 160 2,058 2,340 2,340 . 3130 Vehicle,Operations & Maintenance 1,623 3,940 1,378 2;280 2,340 3140 Travel a,nd Meetings 1,487 3,840 3,134 ,3,MO 3;326 I 4120 Other Contracual Services 17,022 17;,800 16,919 17,800 17,800 . 4308 R&M Equipment 383, 490 130 490 490 4514 'Sign Maintenance - 200 99 200 200 1 4710 Office.& Stationery Sypplies 2,356 2,270 1,914 2,270 2,270 4730 PhotographiclCopy Supplies 731 750 900 900 900 .1 4918 Weed & Nuisance Abatement 38,828'45,000 38,454 45,000 45,000 . 4922 Printing 942 2;890 1,288 ,2,890 2,890 4924 Publications and Dues 778 .910 871 970 1,000 I 4928 Uniforms and Laundr:y 352 420 498 540 540 5510 Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicle 1,250 - - 1,680 1,680 I 5530 Capital Outlay Rental- Office 4,510 3,100 3,100 4,820 4,820 .' I I , 1:;;,;t"z!"t0',U;;'iiS~,t;ii.t;4t:f.'~;;":~~fiffjF;A:;f~~;:Uf:01~:W~:f~;.>.bjm':{:~~:,}.::*.'~ ~'f,~:;J'.~'~:~/!f,?\isd{.!~.:~:.i.'~:l.!i'(':)t;.1%.';,;":if~\ ;.~.t.'~fr';-~ij<~,J.}-'.'i.',).,;j:~-'W;Z.:.,~~f":i-;'i::R1F::'!. ';+:. -;'1 ..' 1"i:::il~~~~~~;S&'Matntenanceh""'!"","";il ..,,72 260. ;,.,.,~83"'ZilO I "':i;85'590"",""85'590il 'I ill:~~~~: 1l;;"~.~.~~U.J;j~~.:;r.~~~l'_'i;'Miu,~,_I,."..ii~"~~'I'''''.';Cf>;~.'''''''w. ..' ..- . Jmp';';~.~.i""JII ih,[6t~i1" Oapital iG iitlay,;:q;i);i....t';;i.i;F...i,i';<b;,'.i~ti;i~1 '829) ;i;':$iitc,@j!i;..i i1ii~%[~;iWH)f i I ii IDi~i~i()~T~.J~1 . i $389,936 i $404..4.301 $399:'650',1 $446;0201$46l,290Ii 108 I ADVANCE PLANNING = ... ... .. .'. '. ,,' -,., .. . .... I "',"-."'-"" ,,"------'" . . ....______,.,_..,_"h .. , '" "'" ,."." ,. 'OivisionAttivity '--'. '" ,., ",." , . . , . .," plaririil'lgSeJ'\lic~!lR~pa~m~hti ,_,n_",_,.". ,., ".".... 'Commeritary .......... ..Oivisibhi,NUl11bel":302 I . -,,-','..- ,.......". ...---.... ........- AC'TIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION 1 Comprehensive' Plan Implementation - Maintain the General Plan and Master I' Environmental Assessment which includes preparation of Ci1:y and privately-initiated General Plan Amendments. 2. CEQA Implementation - Maintain and administer the City's CEqA Implementation I Procedures; initiate and administer contracts between City and environmental consultant firms. 3. Reaional Development. and Environmental Plimning Coordination- Monitor planning I' programs and activities proposed by surrounding jurisdictions; administer City sphere of influence amendment and annexation process with LAFCO. 4, Resource Conservation - Participate and coordinate with affected agencies concerning I, the ongoing regional multiple species habitat conservation programs, 5, Inter~Departmerital Proiect Coordination' Coordinate and provide planning technical support to other City departments as heeded. . I 6, Demoaraphic Planning - Maintain the City's data base relating to population, housing and employment including representation as the liaison for the Census 2000 project. AC'TIVI'TY WORKLOAD S'TA'TIS'TICS I During FY 1995-96 the Advance Planning Division contributed significantly to the following I efforts: Poway Road Specific Plan; Park Master Plan;SANDAG 'Technical Committees; poway Economic Conference; Del Poniente Sewer"Elgension; Regional Biological Resource Conservation Programs; adoption of Multiple Species Conservation Program/Subfltea Plan; I Wef n Wild Environmental Impact Report; Capitallmproliement Projects and interdepartmental Environmental Reviews. Projected activity workload statistics for the next two fiscal years include:; development of I ordinance and implementation of Mills Act (property tax incentives for historic structure' preservation), pedestrian/bicycle trail linkage stuqy"and implementation, coordinating with I SANDAG to update cadastral base/zoning maps/redevelopmentjhillsidecridgelihe and SANDAG Series 9 growth model. AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES I 1 Initiate special studies and ordinances to implement policies of General' Plan, 2, 'To update the Housing Element by July 1999 1 3, Coordinate and implement Environmental Mitigation for Scripps Poway Parkway East extension including the monitoring of land purchased for mitigation, 4 Submit 'Transit Development Act ('TDA) and 'Transnet grant proposals for I interdepartmental projects, 5. Participate in and coordinate regional planning and population projections affecting the City of poway including the Census 2000 project. I SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 4120 Reflects cost of consultant for updating the Housing Element +$20,000 I fiscal year 1998199 , I I , ADVANCE PLANNING II I, , Division No:;:302 ! 'I' "Planning 'SerVices Department Division Budget Detail il I ,Obj: 1995~961996"g7 1996"97199!-98 1998-991 I, Code Actual A roved; Actual, A proved 'Approved I ' II II 282,6 Senior Planner. 57,311 58;138 59,71.;0 " I 57;970 61,800 I 257,6 Assistant Planner'lI 44,530 45,160 45';623' 46;510 4,8,'140 I I Planning Intern (2P'TI'T) 6,074 8,470 5;804 8,320 8,32ol! II I 1110 Salaries - Regular 101,841 103,130 103,761 106,220 109;940 1130 Salaries - Part-Time 6,074 8A70 5,804 8',320 8,320 1140 Salaries - Overtime 1,059 - 961 1,,000 1,000 I 1300 Employee Benefits 33,415' 32,260 31.578 32030 33,100 , ...1... ,I o erations,and Maintenance I 3t10 Reimbursed Mileage 666 2,040 956' 2;040 2,040 , 3140 Travel and Meetings 309 1,240 955 i)'zo 670 4120 :OtherContraCtual services - - 4,522 630 20,000 I 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,387 1 ,490 1,635' 1 ,490 1,490 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 602 880 554 1000 1,000 .' I 4922 Printing 1,860 2,230 1 ,444 2;230 2,230 4924 Publications and Dues 467 480 453 510 540 I 5530 Capital Outlay Rental 600 750 750' 520 520 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 35 7,400 - 1,280 1,280 I I I I I ;;wT;otal;O eratlons!&,Malntenance,:k;;.;i'\i!S):%f !11;i;!5'926:\Ci'i!ik1,5'5:l0' ;;;)ir,i1f1;269f AI7\\10:370; m;.J!i29":Z;70, :1 I I I 1~~~f~;{;fi~l~;~l'; I Total"Division 148,3151 $rt,60,370 1$153;3731:...$157.940'1 $182,1301, 110 I BUILDING AND SAFETY INSPECTION ............................................ ....... I: '. .... ... .... ...... . .' .i[)IvisionAc;tivity. . elallflingSElrViges.Departrij~r\r ..;;e6rijiT1~nt(:IIY .. I AC'TIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION I The City's Building and Safety Inspection services are provided through a c;:on!ractwith Esgil Corporation. General responsibilities include providing 'assistance and. information to I developers and residents concerning construction code requirements through telephone and counter contacts, plan check review, as well as, structural, electrical, plumbing and mechanical inspections. I AC'TIVI'TY WORKLOAD S'TATIS'TICS I During 1996, this division completed 593 plan checks, issued 1,233 building permits, and completed 8,423 inspections. 'The average time to complete the initial plan check was 2 Work I days which is below the state average. With the goal to provide accurate yet expedited service, all inspections were completed no later than the end of the work day following the day the inspection was requested. I Projected activity workload statistics for each of the next two fiscal years are as' follows: 650 plan checks; 1,200 building permits; 8,000 inspections. I AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES 1 'To provide highly accurate information and plan check and inspection services to I developers and citizenS of poway buiiding or altering structures. . I 2, 'To communicate with other City departments regarding changes in building laws and codes that affect development being initiated by the City I 3, Monitor and implement changes in laws, codes and techniques which affectthe building industry and ensure that thesestandardsiare maintained. I 4 'To promote cooperation and communication with related agencies, the County of San Diego and State of California. I 5, 'To utilize a housing database compiled by the Redevelopment Agency (RDA) in order to inform customers as to their location within or outside of the RDA, I SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None I I 111-...- II, BUILDING AND SAFETY INSPECTION , 11 Planning services Depiut!T1eijt :i Division ,No: ,30,3' Division Budget Detail I ,I 'I' " " Obj, 1995-96 11996-97 1996-971997-98 1.998~99 II 'Code Actual Approved Actual Njproliea 'APproved! I I ii I i II I I 1706 Building Inspection 477.852 451,500 735;482 526,500 526,500 1707 Building Inspection Fees- Mobile Homes 1,776 1,000 5,932 3,000 3,000 ;1 1709 Building Inspection Fees" Roofing - - 6,959 5;000 - 4710, Office & Stationery Supplies 537 520 505', 520 520 I 4922 Printing 1 ,400 2,100 2,088 2,:100 2,100 4924 Publications and Dues 295 270 185 290 300 I I I I I I I. I' I I i I I :~";:>';~~';'i;,{'::':':;;X{:;,-:t~' :;~:~_t;~:~~~)~::~>:,\:'~)}f__,,,;~:':'_::~:(,,,<",*~~~:>,A::-'-2;\i-;;:;,::~C:~;"':'_~*':"~\ ,-(;;.;:;:':,;~ii{<_;';J,'t:;:ilf::)!!:~'-;<" \1:":'::'~~(~/'::~::;'-;:":'&("';;;':~:0_'t<_'c:\' (:,..WiS';':'i:;:'l"t:,,,~,~~,,~,::,;:,,>::' ,:";'",f:H;~:~'_*"'>:/':,;l:,:::~:- -"-::i<";"'t.';;c"'i$.;''';.-''(<;--_~"> II !;$;:T:ofaliQ'~i3tatic:>fi$\&';Mai6tenai1~~\iljIV;;;i~j{il!~~\li'fI8.~1860; i~e:455J:}!'!O; Y!J:i7;$~):11$11(( ~t:5(3ff"4:)1'Oli71$:3'2~4!i0 I C'p;mIO''''Y . '.. I II II I II Ii \, J "~;~Tgt~lfG'~C'W~'r:@5t1~"'i0?!!I%~;;jj:jhl!,i\:,'L ,:'LBtii _:iW->';;,"~-r:a;JYi!5:;.:;;;:,l : , :;(/{j-'''-:''_''':~''W'_.-.,,^,,,I! I ::;;:'w~.s..<;'~*;,;"J}:$:''f.-:'.j..C'1 I 1$481 ~$455,390 1$75:1,1511 $537,4jO 1$532,42011 Ii i Division Total 112 I PUBLIC SERVICES '1" Ci~Manager ~ I 013 it ..< """'''Mfu,**,' ';;',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",",,,,,..J! I' Director] Public5ervices '. I '~W#"_ ,'. ~~,~""_^'m>~;'.~..~} 11 =~<<<. . ~<w........w"<<,<<"",:;-:,~>~,~'~m-_~ . -' I ~. , ' Water ;;1 Maintenance w Parks & }~ - Production ill Control@Landscape["I- ~::;: .;:j ~' 4 406 . ~~.o:iM~.:;;~:}..::::'%~ ,",.... "':' . ~ ~". .. ./: .>(.;.~. *,*;$' ^ . Utilities Streets I operations, Operations ~ I %'>>%:::$::::%nill;%s;0.:,;>..':;:'.':;:*8<0.;:~i ~::::@::::j.;*~>:::;::N..mo/J:;::::;;:~.~ Fleet ill Facilities Trails,& I Maintenance "'. Maintenance Open j., 401 .. 409 Space *1 .' .. f h", ~.......,..,.w-".,..".' <''''~:~;:': ,.,.. ..~ >. :.... 41 O:~ , ........:-:-,.".,.,,.,.-,,.>>...........,.. ::::::> , ,... :;-~ . ....w: ~i Water Supply,:; Water;;. Streets t . Treatment, Pumping :i Distribution 0 Maintenance.1 p'ark & @ & s1~;age ;1 ~::~:<~:._:.:8~:~:$w.....>:':..;xJl ~~~,:w~:~:::h~>>~..;~~i~NX..:J' ~~~~:~:~;e:: . % ,_W~, ^......, . , , ww.... ..... ..'. ,'...... ')' ~:H~""m::::%t::::M::::f8;::8:~~::::;i:::?.:~:;::~~~:[.:}h& 411 ..; ~ Wastew~ter;~ Drainage ill" ';""""","',<W.i>",,,,w,,,,,d I Collection Maintenance ; 405 408 , '<< ,. * Special ii I M~:~~~ ~u~~~nogsal j, @',,,"" '." ",',>>m%.M "m % "All Districts I 403 ~ AdministratIOn ;) o 420 ~ """~''''','',"''@''@~%~~@%M''c''![ '*".M""""'i"M:M.i>"."",'''~ . I . ,. l.Fl I PUBLIC SERVICES II DEjI>"!rtrne!1tal Activi,t}t0verview .' pepartment Code:AOO II EXPENSE 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-199,7 1997-1.998 1.998"1!:j99 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL APPROVED ACTUAL APPROVED ,APPROVED "I TotalPositions 70 71 71 71 71 '. Personnel Expense $3,654,777 $3,680,060 $3,673,573 $3,771.,980 $3,915,930 , Operations',and I Maintenance 12,007,080 15,077,990 14,474,075 18,572,190 16,471,600 Capital Outlay 109,506 64,640 69,576 135,240 77,600 . , I TOTAL-BUDGE'T $1.5}71,363 $18,822,690 $18,217',224 $22,479;410 $20,465,1.30 " . OVERVIEW COMMEN'TARY The Department.ofPublic Services consists of 12 Divisions reporting to the Officeofthe Director: I Vehicle and EquipmentMaintenance;Water Supply, Treatment, Pumping, and Storage; Sewer' Pumping, Metering,andDisposal; Water Transmission and Distribution; WastewaterG:ollection, I Maintenance Control; Street Maintenance; Drainage Maintenance, Facilities Maintenance, 'Trails and Open Space Maintenance; Parks,and Landscape Maintenance; and 'Special Districts, I The Public Services Department is responsible for administering"operating and maintaining theCjty's infrastructure, Included are a variety ofmiJnicipal services and facilities: paved and LinpaVed streets and sidewalks maintenance and repair, tree maintenance, solid waste management, safety lightirig, traffic . signals, street sweeping, sewer collection and maintenance, administration of sewage,treatment agreements, 'municipal building maintenance and janitorial services; vehicle and equipment maintenance, water treatment and distribution, potable water storage, water testing and c;:ross-f1ow I conl]ection programs, storm drainage maintenance, parks and trails maintenance, adrriiriistration'of lighting 'angla,ridscape maintenance districts, and coordination with other agencies as riecessEu)' to provide the above services, I Reporting 'to the .City Manager, the Department of Public Services, together withother'departments, is responsible' for reviewing improvementand development plans" implementing City public'works I standards, and ensuring the City's compliance with State and Federal laws and regl'Jlations. I I 1 I DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES I Division Activity I Commenta ' ACTIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION I 'The Office of the Director is responsible for the9verall supervision, coordination and control of the I operation and maintenance of the City's public works system, including: streets, watertreCi!ment plant, water distribution system, wastewater collection system, solid waste di~posal. drainage structures and system, vehicle and equipment fleet maintenance and repair, parks, trails; open I~ spaces, special districts for lighting and landscape maintenance, and public buildings, TheDirector of Public Services is appointed by the City Manager. 'The Director functions.in a staff capacity to advise the City Manager concerning the City's pubiicservices needs and requirements, I 'The Director's Office is responsible for: 1 Managing and analyzing the operations of eCich Division and the employees therein to I ensure high quality, professional services ,are provided by the department; 2, Ensuring that all maintenance and operations'functions are carried oui in a fiscally responsible manner; I 3 Providing professional advice and technical assistance to decision makers, committees, staff and citizens; 4 Ensuring the City's compliance with State and Federal laws and regulations regarding I water, waste water, storm drainage, solid waste, special districts" and fleet operations, ACTIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES I 1 Continue to improve overall maintenance management practices for all divisions, 2, Complete Assessment,Engineer's Report for each landscape maintenance special district consistent with Proposition 218 mandates inFY 1997-98, I 3 Administer mail ballot voting in FY 1997 -98'forfivelandscape maintenance districts to take effect July, 1998; and administer mail ballot'voting in FY 1998-99 for three landscape maintenance districts and City-wide streetlighting district. I 4 Establish a Regional Permanent tlousebold Hazardous Waste Collection Facility at'the Materials Handling Yard utilizing California Integrated Waste Management Boardgrant. I 5 Explore alternatiye funding options for the continued collection of household hazardous wastes 6, Continue programs to maintain state mandated solidwaste reduction goals and control costs to citizens, I' 7 Complete purchase of SDG&E owned streetlights, SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I +5,000 1726 Special Studies: One"time staff development study in FY 97-98 +6,000 2110 Gas & Electricity' New Public Services, admin, building occupied I FY 97-98 I I , ' I ~ DIRECTOR OF PUBLlCSEJ~VIGES .. PUlllic'Services Department Division No: 400. Division Budget Detail Obi. 1995~9611996-97' 1996-971199i-981998C99 I , Code , .ExpenseClassification Actual Approved Actual ApprovedAppioved . Person riel Ex erise ] I 'Range'position'Title I I 323,3 ,Elirector of Public Services 82,777 86;960 88,013 89,650 92,780 291,3 Tech, Ass!. to the Director 62,560 63,180 68,628 65,130., 67,410 272:6Sr.,Management Analyst 45,709 47,070 30,378 50,93(), 55:040 I 228,1' Administrative Secretary 32,485 33:620 34,321 34,630 35,850 272:6 'Sr Management Analyst (Temp) - - 7,404 - - I 1110 Salaries - Regular 223,531 230;830 221,340 240,340 251;080, 1130 Salaries - Part Time - - 7,404 - - 1300 ,Employee Benefits 63,705 66;030 62,617 66,940 , 70;220 . i,?t,"':-f'i:.o>,;j{:f;<.'~?~':,i' ~#;~;0-\{'~,N~~;?~>+ ;~f~~;;,~'i;i<~i'{'i#,'i;.,{",:;cf' N;;'P>'::\;"1'~::>"}~;~';'i,~ iiii296'860ihw29j!'36;1; ,r!k307i,2801l't321,300 o erati()ris and Maintenance I 1726 Special Studies - 15,000 17,315 20,000 15,000 2110 Gas.& Electricity - - 43 6,000 6,180 I 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 4,147 4,,140 4,337 4,680, 4,680 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 898 1,700 1,572 1,800 1,840 3140 'Travel and,Meetings 1,575 2,600 1,306 2,610 3;000 . 3310 Telephone 569 1,200 611 1,200 1,240 3320 Postage 63 220 39 150, 150 4126 Telecom Services - - - 240 240 I 4308 R&M Equipment 81 540 1,428 '1,000 1;050 4318 R&MRadlos - 50 - 60 60 4710 office & Stationery, Supplies 1,566 1,500 1,109 1,500 1,500 I 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 233 400 43 200 200 4760 Operating Supplies 83 - 1,352 - -. I 4799 Other'Supplies & Materials 577 1,000 858 1,500 ,1,OQO 4908 Education & Training 471 500 85 300 300 4916 Medical Exams - - - 120 - I 4922 Printing I 57 300 11 200 290 4924 Publications and.Dues 1,503 1,700 1,627 1;500 1,500 4928 8niformsand Laundry 341 330 359 350 350 I 4932 Advertising 136 250 84 200 200 5510 ,€apital Outlay Rental - Vehicle - - - 1,400 1,400 5530 Gapital Outlay'Rental - Office 3,780 !3, 710 3,710 1,820 1,820, . oc\o a: . peratlons; ,'Malntenance<i'!!)'ij'Mi;:)iiti',16080,l#t:Z35"1,*0:)l0135'889,:Z?'i!i46830n:JYw;41i9;10 Capital Outlay 1-' I 6122a office Equipment 2,272 5,2001 2,444 500 - 6122b C6mputer Hardware - - - 4,700 4,500 . . 6122~ CompUter Software - I 400 - - - ,6131' '",Tel~cori1niuni~ations EquiR,." "",459 - -. - - , t::.:~,t6:t~i:~E-5'pit~I;:0~'tl:~~J:t&\~1~~~:~;i,:;.::.;:&f;1!~-~.:~ti1~':~::~~~};<(!:~~ -~;~~Il:~~~2f13:1\'~111;li&f2oo1. ;~~~~:~500~ II I Division'Total 1$306:0471 $337;600 I $329;694 $359,310:1 $367~710\] 116 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE I "...,..,;-_. ......... .............. "'''',' .. .\.'.', .'c.... ......'.. '.'.", " I ,. 'if>l.JbliCSel"'licespep~difl~hf'" .."DivisionNur'nber:'.401' .'.'.'.Oivision . ACtivity I ..'--- --'" ........ ",..",. .".. ,,'....,. ....."'.........'Qorniflel1tary..'" AC'TIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION '. The Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Division provides first- and, second-line preventative I , maintenance to all City-owned vehicles and equipment, including law enforcement, and provides in- field maintenance support for all City departments. Work'activities include preventative maintenance, repair, modification, and fabrication of all types of City motorized and non,motorized I construction/maintenance equipment, ranging from fire department pumper trucks to Park ar:1d Landscape Maintenance lawn mowers, Work also includes administration of vehicle/equipment ~ records for maximum operating efficiency and to specify for replacement vehicles/equipment suitable 0, to City needs. AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES I 'To extend the service life and reduce out"of-servicetime of all City-owned,;vehicles and equipment through routine and preventative maintenar:1ce program; to inspect, maintain, repair, and overhaul II all City motorized and non-motorized eqUipr:nerit;to,evaluate service vehicles, determine their service life and advise of replacement needs; to fuel Vehicles during off hours. 1997-98 1998,99 I DIVISION WORKLOAD S'TA'TIS'TICS PROJECTED PROJEC'TED I Passenger vehicles 14 15 Light industrial (1 ton and below) 62 62 Ii Heavy industrial (over 1 ton) 18 20 'Tractors 13 1.4 I Other equipment 218 218 Motorcycles /'Trail vehicles 10 10 q SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE ,. None I I I I I 117 ~I' VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENAI\ICE ii I Public Services Department Division No: 401 Division Budget Detailjl , ' Obj, I 1995-961996;'97 1996-97 11997-98 11998-99 \1 Code Ex ense Classification ActualAI2Proved Actual Al2l2rovedAI2Proved i I I Personnel Ex ense :, , Range Position Title ii I' 2577 Equipment Maint. Supvr 43,773 45,200 46,446 46,560 4. 8,190.il 242,7 Equipment Mechanic (2) 77,877 77,820 77,764 80,150 8,2,950[! '. ( 202,7 Equip Service Wkr (PT) 12,418 13,040 12,451 13,430 13;900!1 I 1110 Salaries - Regular 121,650 123,020 124,210 126,710 131,140 1130 Salaries - Part-Time 12,418 13,040 12,451 13,430 13,900 1140 Salaries - Overtime 1'.143 900 267 900 900 1300 Employee Benefits 43,942 42,930 41,739. 41,8"10 43,2701 I Z1:r'k'f.<i'~Y~~~;f0dW~ .:~,#{.(;"l{/tj;ffJ;m\~~;~~~.~-'i&~~t\'?"?;f,tf: <~l&1;;~~~-:'~;;-5~~{1 ~:i~'f~;:'~(ii~'~]:'~1!'';~.l . '\~,~iZ9,;153;.,\%~1iZ9'890,: ~iW1fZ8'667ii '!~,,182'850j i%iR1:891'21Jb O[!erations and Maintenance ' ! , ,I 2110 Gas and Electricity 4,811 5,700 3,724 5,870 6,050 2910 Hazardous Waste Removal 227 340 - 1'50 200 3120 Vehicle Operations 3,443 1,870 2,913 120,000 128,400 I~I 3130 Ve~icle. Maintenance 1,394 3,460 4,107 - - [ , 3140 Travel and Meetings - 300 18 300 300 , 3310 Telephone 246 420 350 360 370 I 4120 Other Contractual Services 552 2,900 3,181 2;900 3,050 4308 R&M Equipment 2,660 3,420 3,296 3,450 3,950 I 14312 R&M Outside Vehicle Repair 32,183 42,700 41,346 42,700 43;9801 4318 R&M. Radios - 230 - 180 180 4516 Small Tools 2,464 2,500 2,091 2,500 2,500 I ,. 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 197 300 108300 300, 4760 Operating Supplies 5,433 4;600 3;706 4,600 4,600 4799 Other Supplies and Materials 90,245 92,450 97,446 92,450 92,450 I 4908 Education and Training 99 600 - 400 400 I 4916 Medical Exams 600 - 70 240' 120 I 4922 Printing 81 - - - - I I 4924 Publications and Dues 209 310 137 310 310; ,4928 Uniforms and Laundry 2,213 2,720 2,309 2,460 2,810 5510 Vehicle Rental 3,770 2,190 2,190 2,560 2,560 I 5520 Capital Outlay Rental- Equip, 6,480 15,710 15,710 24,050 24,050 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office - 580 580 550 550 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 1,608 1,980 2,219 3,480 3,580 iii, 5106 Expense Credits - - - - - i .~ I iI , I' I Cal2ital Outla I II 6130 Shop 'Tools 28,883 - - - - ii liil' 6~99 O.th.er.EqUiP.m.. ent....... ...2,9f:!4..- -. 4,.200 - :1 1/ II 6402 Buildings . 232 780 I 658660 660 ii 111 1:'t:'>:'':;~~i..::'7''::''~.'''''{h~,,:-\~;\:;~c~f;[,,%:::~~;f0:'i4~:::~i.s::~::;~.?/?-~t~,,~'~';=."";.>;;"".'.':~~.:'~k.'._~ :~'0}";;:;;\'1~1.t;l~"~ i;,:.t.i.>l>'\K,';~.;. ~';,,~~Y.t~~'\ iY.f!:).~'-'i!~f"':l~1-';~ 1'2.::<;"! 4.X;~~~':(,:';';'~W,:fd ..;":i~~?t~~~,*"\)::'~~;;:";:.II' III .i:".:~~~~'i~~P~:~~utlaY'~:Cii""';(!i~.:,:'I~"~tT;W<.\it}*'i1:~~~~'~~;I':~~i~:~~'~~~:~:;i~~~~::~~!I:~~~~~::~'!ii 118 WATER SUPPLY, TREATMENT, PUMPING AND STORAGE Public Services Department Division Number' 402 Division Activity Commentary AC'TIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION 'This division is responsible for delivering high quality, potable water' to City consumers, 'This includes: receiving and treating raw water purchased from San Diego County Water Authority; inspecting and maintaining Lake Poway Dam; monitoring and maintaining the water quality in Lake Poway; operating and maintaining the Poway Water 'Treatment Plant, distribution system, pressure regulating and pump stations; and monitoring and operating treated water storage reservoirs to provide both normal and emergency supply levels, AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES Our goal is to provide City consumers with the highest quality potable water as economically as possible while meeting all State and Federal regulations; to maintain Lake Poway's water supply to meet the City's needs as a raw source and as a recreational facility; to optimize water quality at the newly rehabilitated Lester J Berglund Water 'Treatment Plant; to ensure the integrity of new plant and distribution SCADA control system and to maximize its capability; to promote open, timely, courteous communi~ation with all City of Poway employees and, customers, to provide efficient services to all our citizens resulting in higher customer satisfaction and confidence, New in FY 97/98 is to provide to the public reclaimed water for irrigation needs in the South Poway Business Park and to continually monitor reclaimed water quality The implementation of this program is a priority 1997"98 1998-99 DIVISION WORKLOAD S'TA'TIS'TICS ES'TIMA'TED FORECASTED Acre feet of water treated for Poway 12,978 AF 13,199A,F Acre feet of raw water purchased for Stoneridge 400 A F 400 A F Acre feet of raw water for storage adjustment 380 A F 370 AF 'Total acre feet of water purchased from SDCWA 13,758 AF 13,969AF Water treated for Ramona MWD 100 AF 100 A,F Reclaimed Water 300 AF 400 A, F SIGNIFICANT AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 1726 Consultant Services to ensure integrity of plant + $13,100 and distribution SCADA system in FY 97/98 2140A-2140S Increased power rates and water production and + $ 113,640 pumping of reclaimed water 2710 Raw water purchase cost and production increase + $1,330,710 2740 Reclaimed water purchases in FY 97/98, 98/99 + $164,500 4308 Increased maintenance activity in distribution + $ 10,040 system in FY 97/98 4502 Increased water produc~ion due to growth and + $ 8,290 chemicals to meet new regulations in FY 97/98 , 4760 Expenditure reduced in FY 97/98 as a result of - $ 6,250 Water Treatment Plant upgrade project 6114 Purchase new laboratory-spectrophotometer in FY 97/98 to comply with new Safe Drinking Water Act + $ 5,890 r la ion 'II b~ I WA'TER SUPPLY, 'TREATMEN'T, PUMPINC? AND S'TORAGE II , PUblic"Services Department Division No: 402 Division Budget Detail I ,I' O,bj, I 1995,96 I 1996-97 1996-97 I 1997-98 1998,99 I 'Code Expense Classification i Actual , Approved Actual Approved Approved il Personnel Einense I , I Range I Position Title I ! I 67,410i 291.3 Water' Utilities Manager 59,204 6,3,180 63,180 65,130 ih~1 Water Treatment Spvr 51,419 52,200 52,990 53,760 55;640 262',1 Sr Utility Systems Tech (2) 94,309 94,460 94,460 98,500 101;900 I 2,57,6 Lab AnalysUSafety Coord, 43,658 45,160 45,998 46,510 48;140 2471 Water TPO 111.(5) 230,627 224,650 247,196 236,400 244,490 '247'1 Utility Systems Mech, 41,751 40,650 40,650 42,470 43,9401 I 203,6 ' Secretary II 21 ,458 24;890 23,861 25,710 27;900 203,6 Secretary II (PfT) 403 - - - - 1110 Salaries _ Regular 542,426 545,190 568,335 568,480 589,430 1130 Salaries - Part time 403 - - - - I 1112 Shift Differential - 8,550 - - 1.140 Salaries - Overtime 26,301 28,350 35,479 29,400 30,4101 1300 , Employee Benefits 175,110 166,990 167,565 164,600 170,610 I ~~r~~~%~~;\itotaih?ersonnel~~%Rsi~~i~~~;l!rtJl~~~ 5/#11\\1\744'240 iN:ffli:;;1149(08() ;;;It?&'r],7,!F379 l~j;!ltin62r480 Nll&!JIn:Q9()'450 Operations and Maintenance 1708 Chemical.Analysis 3,383 5,200 1,177 5,220 6,660 ,Ii 1726 Specia(Studies 8,767 15,000 8,725 26,500 1,600 2110 Gas and ElectriCity 7,128 6,420 7,047 6,990 7,270 2140 Pumping Power 389,755 311,580 337,675 404,990 425,220 2310 Telemetry 15,730 20,010 16,341 20,390 21,010 2710 Water Purchases 5,690,597 5,220,750 5,938,256 6,108,550 6,551,460 '. 2740 Reclaimed Water - - - 70;500 94';000 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 2,230 2,160 1,866 1,800 1,800 3130 Vehicle Operations &,'Maintenance 11,183 7,030 11,271 14,930 15,320 I' 3140 Travel and Meetings 2,405 1,520 1,659 2,080 2,080 3310 Telephone 1,157 1,200 1,617 1,790 1,810 4112 Contract Inspection 8,275 9,520 8,870 9,970 10,340 4120 Other Contractual Services 332 2,350 1,937 2,000 2,070 ,I 4304 R&M Building 302 - - - - 4308 R&M Equipment 36,001 48,920 52,738 59,740 64:380; 4318 R&M Radios - 200 - 240 240 4502 Chemicals 121,359 115,860 112,174 124,150 126,650 I 4516 Small Toois 254 600 530 600 300 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 963 1,100 1,292 900, 900 4730 PhotographitlCopy Supplies - - - 300 300 4750 Safety Supplies 1,879 2,010 1,884 2,050 1;530 I 4760 Operating Supplies 24,449 43,860 29,129 37,610 36;300 4908 Education and Training 1,887 3,880 3,300 5,800 5;900 4916 Medical Exams - 1,350 600 1,120 1,120 4924 Publications'and Dues 7,422 7,650 7,406 6,780 7;080 I 4928 Uniforms and Laundry 5,333 4,050 4,177 4,690 3,810 4932 Advertising 937 1,150 4,424 1,,100 1,150 5510 Capital Outlay Rental- Autos 7,370 4,910 4,910 6,430 6,430 II 5530 Capital ()utlay Rental- Office Eq, - - - 7,900 7,900 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 8,641 12,700 12,544 13,380 1:3,500 I :h,;r;i5taltqQerati6nsand;MaintElnanCeW:)~N# lR1m61357f7391i,i,i53850)'g80 l%!i?6"i5W549 ~;6l9;W500 ;jll&lli7'~18;;I30 16100 I Capital Outlay I I I Capital Outlay 20,677 - - - - 61.14 Labratory Equipment - - - 5,890 - I I 6122 Equipment- Office General - - - 1,700 - I 6136 Ph,otographic Equipment - - I - 120 - i I 6199 Other Equipment - - I - 400 - :1 I ,6402 ,Buildings 1 - 12,900 8,807 20,610 20,6101 ~'_' ,"""/,',.,, "'" ; , " ,'"'''' ", "c<, """"',41"'" f ", , ,~, ",\ "",,' "111"'''1 C,f""g" '''1j"",m;;'",,,,~,, ,".""~' ,,,,,,",,) , ;,,:rotaLCaQital'0utla\t',,:;, ';;;;7,.,.." ;,;I,If;:,"'''', i",':'.,'O!'20:6v7J~,,:;;',~::12'900 "'o::'),,~8'807, ~r,,':i't'28''720 !l:"1~~(;,'20'61 0 ! II il !Division Total i $7,122,6561 $6,612,9601 $7,351,7351 $7,739,7001 $8,229,190'1! I 12 WASTEWATER PUMPING AND DISPOSAL Public Services Department Division Number' 403 Division Activity Commentary AC'TIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION 'This division pumps and monitors wastewater within the City Beginning in FY 1997/1998, this division will also pump and analyze the reclaimed water purchased from the City of San Diego Metropolitan Wastewater 'The dual focus of this division is, 1st) 'To maintain Poway's se""erlift stations, monitor sewer flows coming into and out of Poway, and minimize health risks in normal and emergency pumping, 2nd) 'To monitor quality and to meet demand of reclaimed water usage, AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES I 'The objective of this division is to maintain. thewast!'lwater lift stations to perform at peak efficiency . at the City's four wastewater pump stations; to monitor sanitary sewer flows both into and out of the City of Poway; make system modifications to reduce pumping costs; and to continue an ongoing wastewater sampling program, 1997-98 1998-99 I DIVISION WORKLOAD S'TA'TIS'TICS ES'TIMA'TED FORECASTED Poway wastewater delivered to Metro 1252 MG 1307 MG Wastewater transportation through Penasquitos 1252 MG 1307 MG City of San Diego wastewater delivered to Metro 393 MG 409 MG Combined flow of wastewater delivered to Metro 1645 MG 1716MG Poway wastewater delivered to Escondido 16 6 MG 17,2 MG SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 2810 Increase due to new development and higher metro +$727,430 rates 2820 Increase due to higher treatment rates,and one-time + $ 17,580 share of City of Escondidido!s Hale Plant CIP project in FY 97/98 2840 Decrease due to budgeted amount for Poway's one- - 181,880 time share of San Diego!s Pump Station No, 64 4308 Increased maintenance activity in distribution system + $ 10,010 in FY 97/98 6104 'Truck service-body replacement in FY 1997-98 + $6,500 (Unit #79) I I 12.1 ~I, WAS'TEWA'TER PUMPING AND DISPOSAL \1 I .1,1 Public Services Department Division No: 403 Division Budget Detail Obj, 1995-96 1996-97 I 1996-97 1997'98 1998-99 I Code Expense Classification Actual Approved I Actual Approved Approved 'I' I Personnel Expense I I Range I Position Title I I ,I' 262,1. Sr Utility Sys, Tech 48,162 47;230 47,066 4~,25.0 50,950 I 2471 'Swr Trtmn!. Plant Oper 40,535 40'650 40,815 41,870 43,340 " , 1110 Salaries - Regular 88,697 87,880 87,881, 91,120 94,290 I 1112, Shift Differential - 600 - - - 1130 Salaries - Overtime 3,067 1,950 4,329 4;210 4,360 1300 Employee Benefits 28,199 26;520 26,313 26,080 27,000 I ,'. ~t:j:2"~';!;~t;~"t!iil.\1r'~~;:jf ~~t~<;:~Y'':/<'Y-.''''':~'~'~1 ';"k:'?t{"i;i-;::%<~1&*G,~'}~ -'''''(ii:'Jlh:^::;~.'f.';''J:f/:';~' ':~~;:~~w~.',.:;_:,:y,~.~,) I ~W,~M;19'963' ;.il,:1,1&'950';l;t';;i\H81523, fff41M21F410,;lj,l,J25'650 o erations and Maintenance I 1708 Chel11ic!ll'analysisFees 1,600 3,800 6,038 3,500 3,500 1726 Special Studies 21,941 36,500 43,009 15,980 16,790 2110 Gas and Electricity 308 260 237 290 300 I, 2140 Pumping Power 28,539 32,560 22,081 :,35,220, 36:540 2310 Telemetry 4,256 6,070 3,351 4,160 4,280 2730 \('Jater - Interagency - 100 - 100 100 II 2810 M&O.- Metro System 1,816,324 2,479,560 2,142,396 2:959,.760 '3,206:990 2820 ~&O - Bernardo System 26,294 30,270 18,103 47,850 34,520 2830 Capacity, - Metro System 162,949 163,000 162,949 163,000 163,000 " 2840 1-18\0- Penasquitos System 535,206 702,090 226,201 669;90,0 520,210 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 4,011 3,310 5,334' 10,470 10,750 3140 Travel C!nd Meetings 262 500 110 500 500 I: 4120 Other Contractual Services 3,948 6:200 3,600 5;600 6,120' 4308 R&M Equipment 4,365 21,990 21,903 32,000 26,850 4318 R&M Radios - 100 - 120 120 4516 Small Tools - 100 51 100 100 I 4750 Safety Supplies 8 - 27 900 910 4760 Operating Supplies 6,065 6,990 2,962 7,800 8,060 4908 Education and Training 386 2,430 2,370 5;000 4,500 j, 4916 Medical Exams - 230 91 160 160 4924 Publications and Dues 137 480 453 210 290 4928 Uniforms and Laundry 453 680 401 830 680 I' 5510 CapitarOutaly Rental - Vehicle 2,200 1,500 1,500 2,550 2,550 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office 940 580 580 - - 5730 Ingovernmental Fees - - - 900 900 II ,I I I , IIJ:::~~':~:~;~1~'X'aYMairi~haf{~e~t~,i\tl({lt~IB2'6261~'i32j,!~3>'499\Gb01 j\t2j663~747;: lli'3f9661g001 ~l4i048f;ii6i \1 6122 Office Equipment - - 1,180 - - I 6104 Autos & Trucks - - - 6,5001- I fl'(''f''t'''i"c'iLt>'r0'''tl'''''''i<\''i,?+,g''',~j~;(,'W,'~''''i\i'\i i>.fk'f!;!;'.I'""""'lf 11",,,....,,,.o<{,,.,"".,,' ;i{C"";:;;\'1:1":'J''"P' III ("~~V~;io~~:,t~'lu aY'''.,.,,,'w8',.;},,,";,~,~';J,,,;,,,, 1$2.7 4Q,j 5.5.1$~, 616"4.50 i'~~~~~~~~ol ;~~~~::~~~'i~~~~:~~io'JI 122 . :1' WA TER TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION I Public Services Department Division Number' 404 Division Activity Commentary l ACTlVI'TY DESCRIP'TION Water Transmission and Distribution Division is responsible for the i ,laintenanceand repair of the t City's water system, Major functional maintenance and repair areas includerepairs on four through I, thirty-six inch mains, air releases and blow-off assemblies; fire hydrants, water laterals and meters, and the installation of new water meters, This Division also aids in preserving optimum water quality throughout the City by both the Annual Water Main Flushing Program and the Cross- ~ Connection Control Program, II ACTIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES , 'The goals and objectives of this Division are to upgrade fifty (50) fire hydrants, replace six hundred (600) residential water meters, upgrade twenty-five (25) backflow devices annually for the next two "I upcoming fiscal years, to enhance two-way communication between the Public Services Department and other departments within the City; and to provide better and more efficient services to our citizens resulting in higher customer satisfaction I 1996/97 1998/99 DIVISION WORKLOAD STA'TIS'TICS ES'TIMA'TED FORECAS'TED 'I, Miles of water distribution pipeline 218 222 (4" diameter through 36" diameter) \1 Water main appurtenances 1,100 1,118 Fire hydrant assemblies' inventory 1,882 1,908 Water distribution main valves 3,718 3,733 ,I SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 1726 Increase for reclaimed water system monitoring and + $10,000 ~ ,I engineering studies in FY 1997/98 6104 'Truck service body replacement in FY 1997/98 (Unit #83) + $9,000 'I' 6414 Increase due to construction of a retaining, wall at the +$11,000 I Operations Center for fiscal year 1997/98 I I I I 123 ~I', I WA'TER 'TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION il I Public Services Department Division No: 404 Pivision BudgefDetail Ii II Obj, I 1-'995::96 I 199'6::97 I 199()::97 199T-98 I r998:99~ii ,'Code,' ExpenseClassification Actual Approved' Actual Approved, Approved I I I Personnel EXDense il I' ~ge I Position Title Ii , . 251,15 WasteWater'Collect. Sup, 42,493 42,530 42,530 43;800 45,33011[ 236,6 Meter & Bkflw Prev Mech 34,284 36,610 36,937 37,700 39,020 I' 236,6 Ld Const Maint Wkr (2) 74,366 73,210 73,210 69;600 71,990 I " 236,6 Ld Const Maint Wkr -- 33,133 33,450 34,590 I 221,6 Canst Maint Wkr II (3) 128,666 94,520 94,520 99,360 '102,780 I 1110 Salaries - Regular 279,809 246,87.0 280,330 283;910 293,710 1112 Salaries - Shift Diff, - 2,700 - - - I 1140 Salaries - Overtime 7,079 7,910 11,493 9,600 10,000 , ' 1300 Employee Benefits 98,381 84,990 92,20791,27.0 94,460 1:"~";@~fi:~~;~":'~~\~;'~'~"''''0:'~;'f.>'t(:'it'';':;0'-~4.;iR"&!$)%,'':~1:<',@:;-~*-"* {i~-~-~:~;::-,'-"~~l':_~,,:,,i;.;;:;:'~1ti<>0yk"*%~~~~'~''';#"$<i" t""~1""-;"'~"~"- ~_>;:1-',,",^'~ ~~"'$,'K;;''''~''''l:~''-~'O\''>>:%'' :.i;"~J>..,~;:,,,,~;~~~;::~~:; ;t"Y;'.~~%;,1m'TotahRersoilnel~~S'lo~~))~4* \)\jti-'i;$385~269; 0irrti)342?4'70~ ~~;~384'030; ~11t~'384'''Z80: 11),*1398';1170 " ...Qp-erations'andMaintenarice I 1726 Special Studies - - - 10,0.00 - , 'I 2110 Gas and Electricity 11,632 11,250 8,635 8;500 8,700 , I 2530 Propane 263 - - - - 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 207 170 44 170 170 \,'1' 3130 Vehicle, Operations & Maintenance 26,015 55,770' 45,841 49,340 50,640 3140 Travel and Meetings 723 1,020 1,193 1,280 1,280 , 3310 Telep~one 367 1,460 374 950 970 'I' 3320 Postage 38 - - - - , 4120 Other Contractual Services 847 - - - - 4302 R&M. AlC 195 - 60 - - I: 4318 R&M Radios 995 450 422 540 540 , 4324 R&M Sidewalks & Barricades - - 297 - - 4516 Small Tools 389 450 353 450 450 I 4750 Safety 'Supplies 889 1,150 822 1,150 1,150 . 4760 Operating Supplies 83,164 88,180 84,746 89,480 ,92,380 , 4908 Education & Training 687 1,200 990 1,300 1,400 " ' 4916 Medical Exams 1,564 1,090 845 1,090 1210 , '4924 Publications and Dues 630 1,540 1,269 1,540 1 :560 'I" 4928 Unif()rms,and Laundry 3,378 4;230 3,2923,.1'00 3,700 ' 4936 Equipment Rental 1,319 1,740 1,503 1,600 1,750 5510 Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicle 15,180 6,900 6,900 11 ;890 11,890 I' 5520 Capital OutlaY'Ren,tal-Office Eq, 24,000 13,430 13,430 14,180 14,180 I 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Gnl. Eq, - - - 250 250 ~1T6l~i:;0i5~fmTrih~f~1l'tf~M~i'ht~h'~h~ llit:i~~1~i2j482:j i~It1~;1';90!0301 ~~~i1;Z:1}~Oj51 ~tt1;;f961:8~'Q; .1~~~at92iQ20' II' ~p-ital Outlay I i 6104 Autos '& Trucks - - - 9 060 - I ' 6136 Telecommunications Equipment - 750 739 6199 Other Equipment 23,427 4,800 4,787 8,500 1,500 III:: "'~:~~~:~;:~,'~':~i~~~~"::~~Y~\ft' ","'F1",::,:~~:"~",:<",,,,~:,::9j~" ""'.w""~",,,,,~1\:,:::~ '~,' ,.t\""~t~~L,, """'''''>'~~::~I,II ,III i';;~~~;~:i~~P;::~u~,,<",;:tln1,\',*?X~gi&1!C;~~;:~;:'I~~;;;~~~::~;I :K~~~~~:~,il~tQ~:~~::~~)1 ifl:~;::~~~'11 124 :1 WASTEWATER COLLECTION MAINTENANCE I Public Services Department Division Number' 405 Division Activity Commentarv :1 ACTIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION 'I Wastewater Collection Maintenance Division is charged with the maintenance of all City sewer system mains, access manholes, and appurtenant service laterals, Major functional I maintenance and repair areas include repairs on -8-inch to 24-inch mains, 4cinch through6-inch sewer laterals, and maintain off-site access easements, 'This Division video inspects newly ~ installed sewer mains prior to acceptance as well as existing mains to determine condition and ,I maintenance needs, Additionally, an annuai"Preventive Maintenance Program is conducted for cleaning and inspecting the collection system, I ACTIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES The goals and objectives of this area of responsibility are to ensure maximum sewer main ,I capacity, prevent sewer main blockages, to maintain optimum access to,sewer facilities, to enhance two-way communication between the Public Services Department and other I departments within the City; and to provide, better and more efficient services to our citizens resulting in higher customer satisfaction, 1997/98 1998/1999 J DIVISION WORKLOAD STA'TIS'TICS ESTIMA'TED FORECAS'TED ,I Annual Flushing Program footage 560,000 560,000 Footage of sewer mains video- 1,000 6,000 'I' television inspected Mainline sewer blockages 4 4 I Number of sewer lateral service calls 42 40 Miles of Wastewater Collection System 135 135 'I' (6" diameter and above) Miles of Reclaimed Water System 8 10 II pipeline SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 4120 Contractual services not required in FY 1997/98 - $10,000 I 6199 Decrease in replacement equipment requirements if FY - $9,730 ,I 1998/99 I - I 1 ?5' 'I, 'I WASTEWATER COLLECTION MAINTENANCE ii , - '" ' Ii ,; I, Public Services Department Divisiori,No: 4Q5 Division BudgetDe.tcIi1 !i Obj, 11995"96 1996-971996-97 1997"98 11998"99 J 'I Code EXP"ense Classification Actual Approved Actual Approved AeErovedi! , _' Personnel Expense I I Rangel Position Title I , 'I " I 236,6 Lead, Const. Maint. Wkr 35,660 36,61 0 37,~89 37:.,700 39,020 I 2216 Const. Maint. Wkr "(3) 121,771 126,030 96,225 94,160 98,0901 t ' I ,1110 Salaries-Regular 157,431162,640134,11413,1,860137,1101 11112 Salaries-ShiftDiff - 2,130 - 1,000 1,000 , ' 1140 Salaries-Overtime 3,4374,230 2,386 4,380 4,610 I I 1130 Employee Benefits 55,324 54,770 45,240 43,410 45,150 I $~~'..~:;}\~~\~j{t~j;ft~'''''~''.J::t.lk. ':\<<{~i~'i'i~;r;::Z0;t;~:~.:r-\"\@iA0"!:i.{~~~:1{"M%';;'f:;t'niN':':" r4f~',*"':;Y!'YJ-W<~%;:~~ :f.:'~~"i,~'':<'':'j.',~~,:~~,~,.~,-"fu-'~ \~tFO:';:'~",t;:*~J:-'/:-:;:';:"';: 1S';\f>;;;~\,"-j;~.;~*,';,-.'{;\ _:~W;~::;';';;'~"~iY" ,','-'.l':t:'i-, id'iii_"f;'i,{~l;otaI1l?ersonnell'~~!~1li#€iLt:~1~t~ Ff2\1,6}\192( ,}~223f'l,il,O! *1f,:18j1~'7;AO! ~,1.8Q:95Q; ~~1,87:l870. I lQper~tions<and Maintenance ',; 3110 Reimbursed Mileage - 80 - 80 80 'II 3130 Vehicle'Operations & Maintenance 21,772 51,290 17,6~7 30,780 31.590 3140 Travel and Meetings 52 800 626 800 800 I 4120 Other Contractual Services - 10,000 1,190 - - ,4318 R&M Radios 799 250 422 300 300 4516 Small Tools 188 300 126 1,800 450 a, 4750 Safety, Supplies 810 800 588 800 800 4760 Operating Supplies 10,347 13,830 9,398 14,220 15,120 ',4908 Education and Training 477 1,110 497 1,410 1,210 4916 Medical Exams 246 960 191 760 1,000 " 4924 Publications and Dues 258 170 - 180 170 '4928 Uniforms and Laundry 1,935 2,380 2,160 1,700 2,000 4936 Equipment.Rental 350 1,500 1,4,70 1,,500 1,500 I 5510 Capital Outlay Rental- Vehicle 30,720 20,040 20,040 22,310 22,310 5520 Capital Outlay Rental - Equip, 8,440 5,150 5,150' 4,440 4,440 I , II .' ')tJTi5i~ltob1i~~tiafi~f~~drM1fi*tgfll~J~I'(i\,>>~~~1 ~,~;i6139~l 1=1'081660i ;:;;159j~5! .laaJo8Ol ~!l81~~70! I I CapitalOutla}' I I I " ! 6136 'Telecommunications Equipment - 750 739 - - II .' il6199 Other Equipment 1,910 '14,000 13,594 11,230 1,50011 ' III IJ't;",~",'F"'in! 'i";!;";';'O,'/1 'i:0j:'!':'i'.i'i:!ti(i';1';Jkr'i:r$,FP;'r:r;;;Wl'ill'Y!,!'1',~i",i'i""'I i'\'\!11""""""",,,,,I'H!;;Yi,\,JF"'Y!"""''l "j~'jf""""""'k"; B<@";;;''iP''~!;: II li;'JFotali6aQltal,OutlaVb2i!i1';;Ji!,'j'):;;n,h)"j""!iViid{;;?i);,4';9,10i 4!0,n1:4'ii750; il;k:;t;1,'l.f333, f#iiMi1'''230i W,1<'i;:2;1r,500' III I Division Total 1$294,496IJ1347,1801 $255,5681$272,9601 $271,1401: 126 MAINTENANCE CONTROL ,I ....,... .-...,.,,,. ,,','.,'.',.,", ,.:.,.. '. " '","',,"'" ." :. -, '''' ....., ... '.,',",' ,'.'..' ........ ".::: ::" . ":,"'::,""",:":"::::':::"':-::, ,',,, ,;~i~~i~~,ActiYity.../t;, I' ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Maintenance Control Division is responsible for receiving and generating repair requests and for " planning and scheduling repairs and maintenance on the City's infrastructure, Through regular inspections, analysis of historical repair records, and customer input, the Division generates more than 'I: 7,500 job orders annually which guide all field work including Utilities, Streets, Parks, Trails and Facilities Maintenance Divisions, Division receives and evaluates customer complaints and emergency work requirements, and assigns work to appropriate operating divisions, Additionally, the ,I Division maintains an active database with details of all work performed in order to keep a pro-active focus on the City's visible and nonvisible infrastructure while continuing to improve on response, cost and job quality l' ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 Continue to implement the annual work schedule for all divisions: paved and unpaved channels, ,I' sidewalks, buildings, trees, streets, water, wastewater, rights-of-way, parks, open space, facility and recreation support, trails and Operation facilities, I 2, Continue to improve a computerized maintenance program and performan'ce standards to include: repairs, preventive maintenance, facility and recreation support, labor and material accounting, chronological work accounting and staff training, I. 3, Continue to implement goals and objectives for the Material Controller, execute:the warehouse work program, develop warehouse procedures, automate job order materials needs, suppliers and inventory \1 4 Continue to maintain a sufficient backlog of planned and estimated work to be performed for all sections and schedule work with completed job orders to the crews two weeks prior to the scheduled work completion. I' , ' SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 4120 - Increase for temporary data entry position to input bar code +$7,000 I information and work orders, 4760 - Increase for additional warehouse shelving and bins. +$5,250 I' 4938 - Decrease for office module trailers. -$8,400 I 6122c - Increase for software purchase of infrastructure inventory +$6.500 II 6414 - Decrease for already purchased pallet shelving, -$10,000 I :1 I ,'I I .... , ?} 'I, I MAINTENANCE CONTROl!1 I, Public Services Department Division No: 406 Division Budget Detail Ii . Obj, , ,,' 1995-991996-9711996-9711997-98 11998-99 I[ ,t Code Expense Classification , Actual Approved Actual Approved! Approved I, Personnel EXI1ense I !! '. ~ge Position Title [I 11291,3 ,Maint. Operations Mgr 34,858 63,180 63,680 65,120 67,42011 ! 26,1,6 Maint. ControlSupvr 46,707 46,780 47,280 48,180 49;860 I . I 251,6 Sr Planner Estiniator 40,866 42;530 43,030 43,800' 45;330 '. 241,6 Planner Estimator - - - 40,050 43,020 I 238,1 ManagementAide 26,606 37,160 37,565 - - I 2276 Materials Controller 33,,397 33,460 34,460 34;460 35,670 .' 218,1 Secretary III 25:983 28,490 28,490 31,130 32,400 " 1110 Salaries- Regular 208;417 '251,600 254,505 ,262;740 273.700 '1140 Salaries - Overtime 6,892 4,000 10,409 4,120 4,210 1300 Employee Benefits 70;221 80,730 75,826 77iQ90 80,080 ~:J:~h~i!J:'$~\i.f<1;;,:"-7?~!":j%~1i1'14t:'~';;tt:;~l~>;.;,q,~:"S\Y::fr.;'k~~?~:t~M~~::f;$,~!t~~~'i:l: ~~1-S~:t,1::~'it~'ifr*"1:~i~'i!,i~fi,?r~K;:::t.ii):~'%~:t~,:"i01' i,~Yf.~:%~($.itt>:'';;;i''{~~~':lti~ .:::;~:\'j)'f':;'"t~:;:::r;f:,~,~.;~:\~~; ~~1$;'.?-f'1,,?~i::J:>: ;,'i,i>-:';, 'I q;;*%;'0~'t!bii:Hotal)8ersoiin'el~~~r~\t\~ifli!iil:1)i!i~\WJ iii!\285'53Ot ilik336'-33Ot i'%t340"740!!~~1950j ,4'1:-357':990 '., . ~I1erations and Maintenance 3110 Reimbursed,Mileage 1,640 2,100 2,538 2,700 2,700 ,13130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 7,212 9,900 7,369 5,910 6,060 3140 Travel & Meetings 1,5792,100 1,752 2;27.0 2,270 1'3310 Telephone ' 3,646 3,860 ,3,482 3;9~0 4,090 4120 Other Contractual Services - - - 7,000 7,000 I 4308 R&M Equipment 3,351 3,810 4,125 5,110 5,210 4318 R&M;,Radios 1,947 1,640 1,096 1,640 1,700 II 4710 office & Stationery Supplies 5,213 1,000 1,680 '1,500 1,500 , 4730 PhotographiclCopy Supplies - 1,750 2,2,10 1,750 1,750 'I 4750 Safety Supplie.s 65 100 51 100 100 i ,4760 Operating Supplies 4,206 3,800 3,775 9,050 7,850 4908 Education and Training 4,133 6;000 3,221 5,000 5,000 'I 4916 Medical Exams 72 240 363360 360 ,4924 Publications & Dues 753 320 620 540 540 . 4928 Uniforms and Laundry - 820 844 700 1,000 I' 4936 Equipment Rental 151 1,080 831 690 690 \ 4938 Rental-Building & Grounds 6,975 8,400 - - - 5510 Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicle 2,730 2,540 2,540 3,540 3,540 I, 5530 caPitai,Outlay Rental- Office 2,930 3,070 3,070 4,270 4,270 , 5730 Intergovernmental Fees - 200 347 82,890 84450 " ~ . I I itt~:r;=:~::~;~Z~iidl~~~t~~h~~ll~~I~il1fJt6~6'831 ~1~5~\73~~ ~\~W9fi~ [~t1~a9!Oooj l~f401080'11 I I 6122b Eomputer Hardware 1,048 470 518 330 990 6122c Computer Software - - - 6,500 5,000 I 6136 Telecommunication Equipment 2,191 - - 4,400 - I .1 6414Ijt~,~jL~~~~~;~~;'~"'~'~ ~~~~",.""~:,~,..,~2,I,,{,:~,,,','%~'>,,':},"~,"",::!:"\'€<r,,,,,~7)r,:_;,,,.,,I,,",,~~t%:i:,;'~T"'n""; l{~,',~-'/:,';~;~~J~,'~r,'~' ,1},~_,>~,~,~i%,~~~~:,.:_,' :,'~yr,~,1,,.,J7,{2~,~,," :~,;',,:>:;t,",'~',\;;:,',~'~"""'F;:;i h.iTotai'GaPltal'OutlaY!H";I)t ""f"'l";""'f'il0l~'+'''', "'''ifW'3'239' ,*'11;\1 O'4'70'ji;'M10'49'l; ",~!)f,12'53Cl; si1tlib;5';990Ii :1 i 'Divis;on Total ' "..",1...." 1'~;~Q,37J$;'~9.~:cl$391,151'1'~~'95.480I'$5'04&QoiI 1 8 I STREET MAINTENANCE ~g.y~!W~!L.l[1!'1 ,Commentary .....,......... t :;:"'>';:';,;"~:...., -- . .f.".... .......... .: ,':" ............. ", ",-,..,,-';:,-:::;,::;,;,:":::,.;'; , ACTIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION Street Maintenance Division is responsible for maintenance and repair functions for 156,5 miles of ,I roads and rights-ohvay that include: pavement, traffic striping, legends, sign testing, replacement and inventory, curbs" gutters, tree and shrubbery trimming, sidewalk replacement, and weed/litter I. abatement along the roadside. 'This Division also performs graffiti removal and street sweeping. ACTIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES ,I 'To ensure that a comprehensive maintenance program is continued for City-owned facilities in the public rights-of-way; to forestall all future capital expenditures through ongoing preventive street I maintenance; to ensure public safety through,the maintenance of signs, crosswalks, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, trees and shrubbery; and to continue roadside cleanup and vegetation control. The following 1997/98 and 1998/99 fiscal year programs have been developed to improve the ,I appearance of and decrease public hazards in street facilities 1 Remove and replace 100,000 square feet of worn out pavement (annually). I 2, Repair and replace 20,000 square feet of sidewalks damaged by tree roots (annually). 3. Continue the Pavement Maintenance ProgralTl' I 4 Continue the 'Tree Maintenance Program using both in-house and contract labor that will provide class II pruning of all City trees every five years. 5. Continue the Reflectivity 'Testing Program of the City's sign inventory and replace as " needed. 6. Effectively utilize all free labor sources to increase the maintenance standards of the roadways. :,' SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 4120 - Increase Honor Camp rights-of-way cleaning program for I both fiscal years. +$' 23,200 4320 - Increase pavement maintenance contract (annually). +$100,000 ,. 4330 - Decrease street striping contract for both fiscal years. - $ 22,290 4760 - Increase for right-of~way herbicide spraying program for both fiscal years. +$ 7,000 I 6132 - Increase for replacement of poway Road holiday lights and decorations. - $ 15,000 I I ,I 'I .,.,--.... ".[ l?q ~ . ~> -....."" STREE'T MAIN'TEN~NCE I i: f>lIg,licServicesDepartinellt Division N():i407 Division Budget,Det,ail 1\. Obj, I 1995"96 I 1996-97 1996-97 I 1997-98 I '1998"991 Code' , Ex ense Classification Actual ,A roved' Actual A proved AQproved i " , I Person lief Expense I I I' . I' :1 lRange I Position Title I 1 . .,' ., '... .1 251,6 Stre,et'&prainage Spitr 41,336 4f,530 42,530 43;830 45,3601 236:6 Ld,Con~t Maint Wkr(3) 140,239 146;430 137,244 114,1.70 118,130[ ill 221,6 ConstMaintWkr II (~) 119,214 120;980 118,980 12'7;37(1 131,7501 .21},6' Construction Main!. Wkr - - - 23;490 25,300 I . lllQ Salaries,." Regular 300,789 309;940 298,754 308;860 . 32~,5401 I 1112 Salaries 0 Shift Diff 6;410 ~:500 - - , ..' 1140 Salaries -'Overtime 5,700, '~:07Q 8,304 9,0001 9,000i 1300 .ErnpIoy,ee..Beriefits 109,002 1.07;930 102,399 .97,050 100,6901 . " I. iiYtff42iigOf "Y"''42S1l'440' 'fXc'409:':45"t,':;:i:w'1l.'14Fgl0' 'i!!:;::;'430'230 ;'*':\t'~':;<r".".\}i:h_J, ,)l';t:,t::",:}""_,, ...f;>,;}.':.,," i)"~g~~-:>;.,_.",_"i"_",.:,,iJ{f')~R....,, ~,j .,L.. ,>:;tt.;:::(,;"". -, ,J>..' .,,: Op~ration~ aDd Maintenance ! 2110 c;asland Electricity 144 - - - - t: 2900 Trash Remgval 6,104 10;090 878 7,000 7,000 2910 Hazardous.vva,ste. Removal 550 4;000 3,745 3,000 3,000 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 56,335 68;450 83,113 86,510' 88,780 3140 Tr~lVel.antt Meetings 855 1,500 884 1,500 1,500 ,I, 3310 TeJep)1()ne 72 - - - - <1120 C5th!'lrG.o.!'"l~ractual Services 40,044 51,000 32,140 74;400 74,200 , <1318 R&MRadigs 935. 600 836 !2(); 720 I . 4320 R&M Roadway . 124,117 2,349,040 2,399,631 3,790,000 1dOO 000 '-.. ". 4324 R&M Sittewalks:& Barricades 19:978 95,()00 34,096 38,000 35;000 . 4330 R&MStreet Striping 48,316 44,290 165 120,000. n5;000 I 4332 ,Stre~CSweeping . 96;425 08,840 99,211 108;840 1.11,800 4514 SignMaintenance 31,269 31,500 30,813 30 000 30:0,00 ~ I,.. ,.. ~'.' , 4516 SrnallTodls 2,531 2;500 2;475 2,500' 2,500 4520 Street'Re'pair Materials 62,582 50,000 51,130 50,000 50;000 I, 4710 Qffice & $tationery Supplies 775 - - - - 4750 Safety Supplies 3,527 3,500 2,324 3,500 3,500 4760 Operating Supplies 14,580 14,500 15,7~3 21 ,~OO 21,500 t, 4908 Education and Training 1,857 2,300 529 2,100 2;100 4916 Medical Exams 378 480 790 600 600 .4924 Publications and Dues 108 500 312 500 500 I, 4928 Uniforms and Laundry 3,534 3,550 3,300 3;050 3;730 4932 Advertising 178 - - - - 4936 Equipment Rental 838 2,000 2;733 2;000 2,0.00 5510 Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicle 35,29(), 18;100 18';100 29:410 29,410 ,t 55.20 Capital Outlay Rental'- Equipment 52,980 32.;990 32,990 3!:j:870 39;870 5530 Capital Outlay Rental- Office - 830 830 580 580 I, I 1~['ot~1i0pet~il(j~$'~BBiMafhten'il112~'~}\~1~tt0'i:; ;;i(t;604~~QZ;.%:2i9~3;~tQ; ~;2n~'d6;&6811t4J;t;f5r5a61~~1~7;3:Si2liol I Capital ;Outlay I .. 6106 Cdnst. & 'Street Main!. Equip, - 1,200 1,293 3;500 - 16122b CdmpCiterEquipment 2,905 - - -, - 16132Street~lgQt EqUipment. - - - 15,600. 15000) , 16199i ether:Equipment 2,490 - - -'- "'.'.' ., ........" y '~.;,,,,__. "'," ,'.' .,..;.. '"'.',,.' "",~'.' "_ ""_.,,.,.-,. .'. ._^._,.".,',,' . . " ".. , __'.' ",."...",.,..;.:; -Y:';__/ '""'""," '-,,;', "......, ....__ _".,,:'" <,'>'" .,,'.;<. .",.',,-,. " -- -.' ,-,,-:,,"~,,-".-. .,'.".,.' ...'.-.' C---"_"'... .." ..,..... .... --;- ..',.-.,'.' -," .". Y'. ",". ",,:'-''-''-' .- .'--'. .. I ,YiT otal,Capllal\()utlaY,"f10i';,,1:Y,,:i,",'::\\::;s>t{l 011:;\)'0',,5;395: .oi<l;\wi:tt;200. .1iivki:illj't293' "iiJ~:181500\1;:;J)"df;.1'5;OOO!1 1IIIDi'Ji;i~~'-rtit~I" ,..... ....,. .",~.". !$'; ,031,5981$i36;,11()'1$3,227':S58' 1$4,'848:99'0 1$2\za:52oi, 130 , DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE C"', ,............ ....__......"..._.'.... I ,~.," " ,. , .-..--, "',. ""'~ .....pdl:>licSeNices Department'.. Division Ac:tivity I. Commenta ACTIVI'TY DESCRIP'TION ,I' Drainage MaintenanceDivision is charged with repair and maintenance ofthjrty"nineand one-half (39 5) miles of improved channels and, drainage culverts and the cl,eanihgbf major creeks ,I throughout the community Work in the ilnpr9ved channels consists of silt, debris, and graffiti removal; tree, shrubbery, and groundcover prunihg; conc:(etelfence repair and access maintenance, I Work in the major creeks consists of debris removal, hard stem plant removal and weed and grass mowing where appropriate. Sand-bar and silt'removal, within watercourses is performed to maintain the hydraulic capacity of the streams, Draihage,culverts, catch basins and desilting basins are :1' inspected annually, cleaned, and repaired as necessary AC'TIVI'TY GOALS AND OBJEC'TIVES I Improve surface drainage by keeping natural str~arn:beds in a clear, unobstructed condition free I of any debris and excess growth; reducefloodi~g of low-lying areas ,by maintaining drainage systems at optimum hydraulic efficiency; reduce street and roadway flooding during rainstorms by maintaining culverts and catch basins; and complete an inventory of all storm drains within the City I' 'The following 1997/98 and 1998/99 fiscal year programs have been developed to improve the City's drainage system and decrease the public flooding risk: " 1 'To utilize the honor camp crewsfor 100 days starting July 15 to remove vegetation and open the channels in Poway and Green Valley Creeks, It 2, 'To clean the four (4) South Poway Detention Basins, SIGNIFICAN'T AC'TIVI'TY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 4120 - Increase for contractual clean out of two large road culverts and +$32,300 I' the number of days of Honor Camp support for creek maintenance for fiscal year 1997/98, .1 I t I I III '. 1'31 :DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE: II Qiyisj9f! N6~ 408 I I Public;Seniices Department Division BudgetDetail I, I I 00: 11995-96 1996':971996-97 1997-98,1998"99 J . Code ,Expense;Classification Actual Apprpved Actual Approved Apprpved I ' Personnel Ex ense I I , Ran e I Pbsition Title 'I i ;1 , 236,6 Ld,. Const. Maint. WKL 34,,191 36,610 36;570 37,730 39 0501 , I ,221'.6 Const. Maint. Worker II (2) 56:027 27,810 ' 30,708 63,000 66,5401 .' I I 1110 Salaries - Regular 90;218 64,420 67,278 100,730 105,590 1112 Sal~ries - ShiftDiff - 670 - - - I, 1140 Salaries - Overtime 626 1,670 1,285 3,060 3,1201 1300 Employee Beneftis 33,563 . 22,730 22,~63 32510 33,910 , , I o erations,and Maintenance 1726 SpetiaLStudies 50,185 - - - - 'I, 2900 'Tra'sh'Removal 941 10,pOO 13,715 7,000 7,000 3130 . Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 24,908 21,0;;0' 31,958 29,060 ' 29,820 'I: 4120 Other'Contractuaf Services 39,116 43;400 44,104 75,706 53,700 4318 R&M Radios 229 150 734 180 180 4330 Street.Striping - - 100 - - I 4504 Culvert'Cleaning 2,088 2,500 2,062 2,500, 2,500 4516 SmalITools 1,724 2,000 2;0~2 2000 2,00Q " 4750 Safety Supplies 832 300 674 360 300 I, 4760 Operating Supplies 6,903 6',000 4;023 9;000 9,000 4908 Education & Training - 400 230 400 600 , 4916 Medical Exams 70 24.0 129 240 120 4924 Publications and Dues 80 80 - 80 80 4928 Uniforms and Laundry 542 1;640 1,140 1,470 1.7:00 J 4936 Equipment Rental 1 ,400 5,000 3,443 4,000 4,000 5510 Grapital Outlay Rental - Vehicle 23,000 '8,230 8,230 6,560 6,56Q 5520 Capital Outlay Rental - Equip, 22,780 16;160 16,160 16,980 16,980 I '5730; Intergovernmental Fees 24,199 38,850 29,660 ,38,850 38;850 I, ". I I ... ..., . . . II ~6tal;Qpe"raHons{ana,(Maintenance;<i]Y,:,:<;i;il< lilJt'9iF997g iYt.156t'666% ~;!1'58t394111t$;1'94lf'320l j2tI~i't3t3961 " ... . " ,. . . ,.... .' ,.' '" " "..', , "I I, ICapitai Ou'tla~ I II I ' , '! ~. n _ I :1 , I i/',jff"t"I''G'' 'p'flia" H'''l];eW!;,'!'i;!;i;''';,,;]( "W::/I" ! )>,.." ..0 a.,. .a I a _'" U aV.l"~~""_'''V:':1'"")"-,~~,;-",-,'3.','~"",,,,, ",.1. ,',"!, Iii J DivJsion Total I $323.4041$245,490 I ~249,920 I ~330,620 Ij3~ 6,01 b J: , I 132 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE I ".;--...;,...;-'.;.;. ,.,',.'_........... I ,.......-.......'., .......'_.. '::,'-, :,:'''::-:-:," Division A(;tiVity I C6r1'irTlenta ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I' Facilities Maintenance Division provides both in-hoLJse, contract repair and janitorial functions for all City buildings and structures. City wilLhave37 separate buildingHangirig ir;t ~ize from200 sq. il ft. to 40,000 square feet. Division is responsiblefor.the recurring and. preventive maintenance programs for City buildings arid provides emergency repair services for other Bivisions, caused by natural disasters and.other unforese"e,11 events, Division also audits energy usage, analyzes I energy data, performs upgrades to HVAC systems. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 'I 1 Provide contract janitorial services'toCity buildings. 2. Effectively and efficiently administer facility contract repairs and provide in-house facility , maintenance al'ld repair service. 3. Develop and implement a preventive maintenance program for all City buildings. " 4 Develop an inventory for all City buildings to include. plumbing, electrical and HVAC equipment. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGES ;1 4114 -Increase of new building space .maintenance by 6,000 square feet. +$12,500 I 4302 - Increase for replacement of two,air conditioning units and balancing of +$16,200 City Hall's heating/air conditioning system for fiscal year 1997/98. ,. -$6,720 4304 - Decrease in contractural amounts for building repairs. - 4720 - Increase in the quality of janitorial supplies used. +$5,600 I 4760 - Increase in facility repair.materialsfor both fiscal years. In fiscal +15,500 il year 1998/99, $8,000 will be added ihto replace shower units at the Community Pool. ,I I I' I I 11'L- 11' FACILITIES MAINTENANCE ' Ii - .. I II, . Pl!bli~ Services Department Division NO:,.409, Division- Buag'etDetail , ! , , 8bj. 1995:'96 ' 1996~~711996-9711997-9811998"99 I Code Expense Classification Actual Approved Actual Approved Approved I ' tl Personnel~x ense ' I Rand Position Title I ii, 2~f?,6, Lead Const. Maint. Wkr 16,292 31,040 37,321 3tlil1 0 39,980 I ., 221,6 Coost. Maint. Wkr. II - 26,720 30,479 32,450 33,590 I ,I 1110 s.a!flrieS, ,,-RegUlar 16,292,57,760 67,800 70;560 73,57011 1112 Shift'Differential 500 - - - I, 1140 ' Sal~ries -Overtime 2,3232,000 6,3971 2,000 2,060 I' 1300 Employee Benefits 4,137' 22,280 22,892' 22,?20 23,730 " , i~tJ;"1P";P~Wi''',W:~~j:1 :i~%V\~<7%1;ftb:~: .iA~m:.:~~:~~"v~}h<.k*'~~!WS:''y:g:.,~~.;:~)''''tif.c;'{ :':;3.:r$)~0f'~i:tf;(';;":;":, II , , "~,,,,22J?52, "",,82..,540' " "",,9"'.089, ..,.'",95..3. 80, "".,99,360, , '~,'Y?_:""_,,, ,':r, .-,",,"',- ..-,,~ _ ,.-'-'. ,<' ',".-,'C,-,-'" ;Ii, '" ,.-, '-""'-"',','-, , ',',' ",",", ", o erations and Maintenance I. 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 5,354 3,210 4,63~6,890 7,070 . 3140 TraVel and Meetings - - - - - ,I 4114 Conttacef3uilding Maintenance 82,3~5 85;000 87,567 97,500 99,950 . 4302 R&M Air Conditioning 9,365 23,000 37:953, 46,400 '29,800 ,. . 4304 R&M Buildirig . 33,476 43,020 29,438 36;300 31,300. . . 4306 Elevator Repair & Maintenance 15 - - - - 4308 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 52 - 35 - - I 4318 Radios Repair & Maintenance - 50 - 120 120 . 4516 SrriallTools 70 600 963 1 ;0001 ,000' , 4720 Janitorial Supplies 14,303 28,400 33,640 34,000 35,700' 4760 Operating Supplies 22,876 14,500 22,884 30,000 38,000 I 4916 Medical exams - - - 120 120 4924 Publications & Dues - - - 80 80 '1' 4928 Uniforms and Laundry 2,527 680 471 700 850 , 4932 AdVertising 243 - - - - 493~ Equiprnemt Rental 255 250 - 250 ~50 I I, 5510 C:apital Qutlay Rental - Vehicles 2,140 550 550 2,050 2,050' : I ;lc~:~::,' ;::::J ~":";'i~..1l'ii;;;;;ii'!.'f;:I~i'~ooi W'9"'" \'2,iB'l~i;' i'255'4:,.,; ,,;2<.200 I' I 6130 Shop Tools I 443 - - - - II I ~ I' ,[ 6199 OtherE~~ipm~nt".." ..... .. " .. ". ". ." I - .. 3,750 I 2,890JI . II " ",.,"""""'.""""""",,,, ""'",,,,"," """.","J,',,W"'l""""""""""'"""""'" '1" . T.t".I'C.......t..I.Q'..tl'.."'..'."".. '" """. " . ,""""'" "", ""..". ".' ". ' " , ',.",.,." '.,..'.'......."..'..'3''750 """"28901 :-- "-0 a -- '-,'anl"a'" "l.~ u"'a"',,'"'';::-;'''''''Ir''''':''' ,.-,-h'f:,-,,,,""1:~":'i.,:"":;":.;A,-,,;...,',-'t "Thi'-'V"'-- '" '~-'",<."""".,;;-" " I " ':_ ""~, ~ ~_:'",'-:'~",~<-;:;,; <,i"'~"_-,,': ~,-,,"'.';" '1O,~.;;;.),:.'-:i l': /[,"I-'.tl!.;.,,,. 'j , , : I: Ii i[jivislo~'-;otal'" 1$196,1961 $281 ,800 I ~;315,2451$354,540 $3~8.540~ii 134 TRAILS AND OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE I , ,. :'.. :".--;';,; I . . . , ---------.."",-,,-,. PublicSel"\lic~s.'.[:)epartn1ent . , ,. . .: ....... . DivisiqnActivity . .. ....Commentary.. .. :-.. .... -,' .., " ,. '. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Trails and Open Space Division is responsible for the development and maintenance of the ,. City's trail system and open space, Divisioncoordil'lates and supervises volunteer assistance groups and programs, including the Eagle Scouts, California Conservation I Corps, Adopt-A- Trail program and local .civic organizations. Division coordinates the planning of trails systems, obtains nece~sary easeni}3nts, and is responsible for the construction of new trails and improvements to existing trails and operi space. 'I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 Meet riding, hiking and alternative transportation needs of the community; to ensure -" effective maintenance of City trails and open space areas in order to':accommodate continuous public use, I 2, Increase the use of volunteers arid other cosH3ffective resources for construction and maintenance. 3. Provide volunteer programs and pursue,grants available for trail construction. I 4 Division has proposed to use the California Conservation Corps. (CCC) intern program to assist in the maintenance of trails and tree planting in the City!s open space. I 1997c98/ ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS 1996~97 1998-99 ,I ESTIMATED FORECASTED Miles of developed and maintained trails 61 63 , Total undeveloped park acreage (open 3,037 3,037 space) maintained SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 4120 - Increased cost to maintain trails with Honor Camp +$10,500 I for both fiscal years. -$10,500 I 5710 - Decrease in California Conservation Corps (CCC) contract for both fiscal years. 6199 - Decrease in equipment purchased. -$5,000 I ii' I 'I ..-- 135 I, TRAILS, AND OPEN SPACE MAiNTENANCE "i, I Public!Services Departhient Division No: 410 DiVision Budget Detail!1 . Obi, I 11995"96;1996~97 1996:9T 11997-9811998:'991 I'. Code . Expense ClaSsification Actual . Approved Actual Approved I Approved I . ,... I, Personnel Exoense!r Ranae Position Title i 'I, 234,5 Park Maintenance Wkr: III 35,536 35,850 34,959 '36;950 ,38,24011 II 1110 Salaries-Regular 35,536 35;850 34,959 36.:950 38,24011 11 1140 Salaries-Overtime 4391,000 818 1.,000 1.,000 II . . 1300 Employee Benefits ". 13,845 13,210 11,616 12;6901 13:130[1 .1. !!~~$ii;itti.;'i"i'Y:\i.i.:;*%\'t'\:IYnii""""""''''''I'}i'i''4izi.i'/'!:fj:;::;tr;i}'ii.%\y};:;; cgf;4"9"i.8"2"'0': "i.:iWf5"0":'0"6"'0";' ,;,;,.;:;;';;;3"9"'3;;;';'::"5"'0"0/640""''1 '>;11.':5""2''%3''7''0'''' I 1~-~"-t','f)^,l;:~;Si'~~'1,';~:'-5;,,{;I:o. a {',G.ersonneJ~;\;~tW~c",>~\"\;~,;t:;?b,%'}:;;'*i;hs:,)~.\(-,, " . . ',i 0.3t;;\~ ,'.".". . ;:?1~~;;:"t'N:1, ',; ~\l'.~::'~ '. . .'.. :' f,',::lPX'" ,','.. . Ooerations.and Maintenance ,I I 3130 VehicjeOperations & Maintenance 1,982 3,320 3,683 6,,1170' 6,330 3140 1ravel &,Meetings 250 - - - - I, 4120 Other Contractual SerVices - 10;500 5,000 10,500 10,500 4318 Radios Repair and Maintenance - - - 60- ,I, 4514 Sign Maintenance 106 1,300 1,293 1,300 1,300 4516 Small Tools 908 2,000 1,955 2,000 2,000 'I 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 101 - - - - , 4750 Safety Supplies 482 500 134 500 500 4760 Operating Supplies 7,870 7,500 7,3656,500 ' 7,500 .' 4770 Landscape Supplies 3 - - - - 4904 Community Relations 2,925 4,000 414 4,000 4,000 '4908 Education and Training - 40 11 40 40' 4916 Medical Exams - - - - 120 I 4922 Printing 437 2,000 1,810 2,000 2,000: 4924 Publications and Dues - - - - 80 4928 Uniforms and Laundry 301 350 419 350. 430 I 5510 Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicle 870 4,440 4,440 1,610 1,610 5520, : Capital Outlay Rental - Equipment - 1,920 1,920 ,2,660 2,660 " ,. i'.'i.mbt~iiOp~t~H6HS;&fM~iht;gri~flB€i.i.,~~'::~Y'1,!;j:t ~W:lii'6i235;*f~;.t37;a7(i ;;t~~t28;~'4~;,1i\\ft371690) ;'1;WiB9'?070')1 I 'Ca(:!i'taLOutlav . .'u, ",", .' .." ....,., d'" '. I I' I' 6136 Telecomm. Equipment 26 . - - , - . I' 6199 Other Equipment 2,7585,000 4,956 - - I' '. ' I ;''i.,.....,.., .".......',..,.).,....'..,.... ...,.U.?:':;~,'.'t'Ai.;'J,.;;.('i:;.;:"''''*;-1;'-'',: ~!I&~l ;;:;~ ! .";r;~t~'::CaPltaLOutlav"._..,.yj',,..........I,.,"'*"2784'1 . ri~ ,1 I : LDlvlslon'Total I $68,839 I $92,9301$80;793'$88,330 I m,440i 136 PARK AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE I ,. I . 'Pi\iisionAc:tivity 'Commeritary I . -"" " ,-- ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Parks and Landscape Division is responsible for the maintenance of 15 public parks, recreational I' facilities andequiprnent; public restrooms; grounds maintenance for .the City:s water pump stations and reserVoirs; Lake Poway wilderness campground; poway Road medians; landscaping along poway creek" Ted Williams Parkway, Pomerado Road, Community Road, Twin Peaks I Road, Budwin Larie "parking iot, Espola ,R()ad south of Twin Peaks Road; gwunds maintenance around all City facilities;administratiqnof sciuthpoway sports complex maintenance contract; a five and six acre citrus grove; one-half mile'oftrain track at Old poway Park; and an active Adopt- I A-Park program. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES To ensure the attractiveness of public landscape areas throughout the City on a year-round' :J basis; to effici~ntly maintain park grounds, facilities, and. equipment to ensure continuous and enjoyable public use; to effectively utilize volunteer labor forces; and to retrofit all of the City's irrigation systems to drip where feasible. During fiscal year 1997/98, Division will assume I landscaping responsibility associated with th,e. MEiterial Handlihg Yard, Public Services Administration Building, Arbolitos Soccer' Park Complex and the landscapecoritract responsibility for the Library/Sheriffs Station Facility I 1997-98/ 1996-97 1998/.99 I' DiVISION WORKLOAD STATiSTICS ESTIMATED FORECASTED Acreage maintained 203 212 Restrooms maintained 35 37 .1 Ballfields maintained 6 6 Soccer fields maintained 5 7 ,. Tennis courts maintained 4 4 Basketball courts maintained 6 6 'I Playground sites maintained 15 15 I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE ,I 4116 - Decrease in fiscal year 1997/98 for trei;ltrirTlmingand increase -$15,000 in fiscal year 1998-99 to include tree trimmil'lg, 4116 - Increase in maintenance of Ted Williams Parkway landscaping +$7,800 I for both years, 4120 - Increase for resurfacing of basketball/tennis courts in fiscal +$10,000 year 1998-99 Increase for additional brick dust for ballfields in 'I fiscal year 1997-98, +$5,500 4914 - Increase for Poway Unified School Districfs mowing of City soccer fields for both fiscal years. -$6,000 I, 6199 - Decrease in amount of equipment purchased for fiscal year 1997/98. -$5,750 I 137 1,1 PARK AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Ii I, . :~bHC Services Department Division No:'411 Division .Budget Detail .il Ii I 1995~96: I 1.996"91' '1996~97 11997-98 I f998-99 I I Code EXfJense ,Classification Actual . ApprMed ' AfJprovedl I Actual . Apl1roved I Personnel Eicoense I Rance I P'ositioi\ Title! I I ; 249'5 ' Lct.n(ti:!cape Maint. Sup (1) 41,568 41 ;640 43,183 4g,920 44,4201 II 234,5 Park~:Maint. Wkr III (3) 105,587 107,54:0 74,960 110"850' 1,)4,730'\ -'", .. 219'5' Park,Maint. Wkr II (9) 303,QO,{ 277,49() 313,092 254,490 263,398/ 2095, Park;Maint. Wkr I (1) 9,40'(' 2},560 2,639 24;860\ 26 1501 ,203:6 Secretary II 24,924: 26,320 27,629 27.,110. 28:060 I I ,209:5 Park Main!. Wkr I (2 PIT) ~6,43t 23;570 20,026 '25: 720 27,720 I "-~ .~ 1110 $al'!ri~s - :Regular 485,387 476,550 461,503 485;950 504,47Oi 1112 Shift:Differential 480 -, - I 1130 Salaries - Part~time 26431 23i570 20,026: 24,640 25,900 I 1140 Salaries - Overtime 6;835 9;000 9,076' 9,400 9;1001 1300 Employee Benefits 189;953. 171,360 164 179 163:240 169:350 1 , ~x,,~;~t!i'~r:t+;$;~~;mo'tal_~.eerson-n€i'B:;1E~~f~1;{:~t?~~::Z~t~jt%f ((iji?,to~N3()6! ,iT!(;!680,:gSO! v;if&65.441a:4! iict468S/230: !'!,'WY',' ..:] , "'''''708 820' o',._-"_~r.. ,___" -c.'....'",,' "'-':<<""._," .. -..'-, ...., "...,."......... .,-' ~".'.V,>ii': ," .. .. Operations.and. Mai nteriance 1 I 2110 Gas,!nd,Elec.tri~ity 14,562 9;300. 13,613 7,870 8,0001 'I, 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 219 400 .247' 400 400 3130 Vehic!e;Opeiatiohs & Maintenance 37,774 44,790 59,797 62,410 64,050 il 3140 Traveland,Meetings 1,804 1,740 1,844 1,740 1,740 I 331'0 Telephq[ie 984 1,980 459 1,920 1,9201 4116 Contrac::t Landscape Maintenance 56,091 56,200 43,850 49,100 64,1001 4fzo Other Contractual Services - - - - 10,000 I 4304 R&MBuilding 3,881 10,000 8,419 7,500 7,580.1 4308 ' R&M..Equipment 8,581 11,000 10,388 6200 11,000 ',,.. >---" 4318 R&M'R'adios 597 650 422 780 780 ". -- '''''-' . - 4514 Sign Maintenance 1,230 1,500 472 1,500' 1,500 .' 4516 Srilf!!lTools 1,596 2,040 2,033 2,049' 2,040 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 1 ,408 1,200 1,951 1,200 1,300 4720 Janitorial Supplies 11,031 - 439 - - I 4750 Safety Supplies 3,623 2,900 3,357 2,908 3000 , , 4760 .OperatingSupplies 22,640 2'3,430 25,477 :28;930 22,730 4770 Lanascaping.'SiJpplies 41,661 406,150 52,451 48,950 47,9QQ I 4904 Community Relations 334 1,500 2,471 1,500 l,500 4908 Education & Training 69 3,450 1,525 3;850 2,050 4914 Joint' Usefl.greement-PUSD 34,250 43,450 34,251 49;450' 49,450 I, 4916. Medical Exams 210 - - 1;680 360 P,r!D!iD9 . ',.-.<. 6501 492.2 187 650 474 650 4924 Publications and Dues 753 870 599 1,350 87011 I, 49:?~ Uniforms .and Laundry 6,180 6;180 6;101 5,120 6;5401 4936. EquipmentRental 621 500 762,: '5b6~.' 50011 5510 Capitai'i)uliay Rental- Vehicle 10,660 9,000 9iOOO~ 14 140 14;;140 !) <,,,1............ 5520 C,!pi!al Outlay Rental - Equipment 15,740 12;560 12;5150 12800 ' II '. 12,800: 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office - 810 810, 940 940 Ii I I, I If t:lTofal!0beratl6ns';and!Mairl!enancel>lH,i.t,W;~2'7:6':686ilaH1V292;:250i "'\\'293'772 t;{@.'alS':42(),jpkl\:33'Z'1'6oli ;~_;:f:,,~^~: -'.i!. ;.' O;,}!it:!.;.",_ '.: l'I'~ '_: !~:;,~~$' : ,it:. '-J: I Capitan:)utlay:' , I I . '-1 'I I! 6122 IComjnjter. Equipment I 2,9051 0 2,052 - - Ii 6126 ! Park. E@ipment 4,266 8,500 5,6156,40.0 I 6,400 II 6199 ! Other'Eciuipment , 8,072 10;400 10;335 '1-;650 14,150" "1"" .' Ie ""'1' 0 "I """'''IC,''..' """""'[""'1' ''1'''''''' . 'r"""" "... 'T""""'" .," ''1'''''''''''''''' ,., I:\! r., ota i,' aQlta, ut ay ,"i,'",:,,;; .;A,:,;, :.:.>;;,,5,243, ':;.}!i;'l18;900,s,,\%.t,j18;002: 't,t1l1Q~;1~050: ':;';;0;v#20,550,[1 i Division Total 1$1,000,5351 '$992.1 tO~66~58~1~~009,700 1$1:067<: 130ii 138 I SPECIAL LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPE DISTRICTS .-;:.".", . ,... ._n.".."..._....,.,"...._...., O' J ',',:-::;;::::':.:.:..._... .-.-.-. :,. -"-'":"'::"''''''':-''' . "I"\JbIiCServicesD~pa~mel'1t.... .l)iVi~i9n1c:tivity I Cgriimehtafy -..-,,--...---.., ,. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Special Lighting and Landscape District Division is responsible for the maintenance, operation, and administration of landscape, open space, street lights, traffic sigl1als, .lighted stre~t signs, and flashing beacons I with the boundaries ofthe.:Special Districts. ,City staff adniini~ters nine Special Districts:provi~ing engineering services, contract inspection arid supervision; cleriCl!1 and accounIing support, coordinates in,house repairs as needed, and provides'Staffassistance to developers, civic associations, and the general'public'il1 matters relating to the Special Districts: I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The Special Districts purpose is to ensure that:all SpeciiliDistritts areas.are attractiYElly maintained and suitable " for public use at all times; to effectively admiliistereach special assessment district in the most cost efficient manner; and to ensure alii street lights, traffic signals;' lighted street signs, and flashing beacons are proper1y I maintained and are repaired in a timely manner FY97/98 FY 98/99 FORECAST FORECAST 0421 - Landscape District 83-1A $195,160 $200,030 I 0422- Landscape District 86- t $222,280 $236,760 'I 0423 - Landscape District'86-2A $26,500 $26,680 0424 - Landscape District 83-3 $37,750 $38;180 0425 - Landscape District 87-1 $506,260 $527,930 I 0426 - Landscape District 86-28 $42,050 $42;460 0427 - Landscape District 83- t 8 $31,060 $28,-750 il' 0428 - Landscape District 86-38 $16,730 $17;060 $1,077,790 $1,117;850 I 0470 - Lighting District 86-4 $69t,200 $694,670 $1,768,990 $1,812,520 I' SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE CHANGE , The additional costs for Special Districts are due to an + $129,470 + $43,530 increase in routine maintehancecosts, administrative !llilary I adjustments, and an,increase,'in facilities and areas of maintenance responsibil ity, Approximately 30 new street lights will be added to the City s street light inventory I [excluding the District s proposed purchase ofSDG&E'lights) , one intersection traffic signal set, and approximately.50'.acres of new landscaping within the LMDs I I ,13-9 I SPECIAL LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPE DISTRICTS :1 II 4 I Public;Services,Departrnent Division No:'420 Division BudgetDetail ii Obi' 1995-96 1996"97 I 1996-97 I 1997'98 I 1998-99 11 Code Expense "c:iassificatlon Actual Approved Actual Approved I Approved I I Personnel'Expense I , , I 1 Ran e Position Title i i 'I; 249,5 Landscape Main!. Supvr 43,278 41,640 42,586 42,890 44 ;400 238,1. Management Aide 39,671 37,160 37,574 38,270 39,610 11.10 :Salaries - Regular 82,949 78,800 80,160 81,160, 84,010, I 1130 Salaries - Part Time 451 ~ - - - 1140 Salaries - Overtime 644 - - - - .' 1300 Employee Benefits 25,664 26;420 26,724 26,960 27;880 I *'>".>"'~$.~"v "'0,",' .-.. ."'N"''':;. "'-"."~"':"""'>i""'~'^" ""..'_'_'_~"":>"', ',.." '.'C.'-,..,."_' ,',-,.'"",,,,,,,,;,,-,;,' '.' ""~"".' ":r'i"i'%,,~' u.' .:._-.,\,,~:- ','C',., .-~--.,,:,) :-1t'_~1:'fz~1051~20;' :::iltk~1~06}884i,(:ffuY:~ltZt08't:1;20; .:~jtt;kl:~;.1itfJ-}:890, , o erationsand Maintenance lMD 83'01A ~;0421 150,434 194,140 135,910 196,580 199,810 LM086~01 - 0422 192,162 205:290 181,935 226;510 237,650 I lMD~6'02A~'0423 20,414 25;910 21,757 26;500 26,400 .L.:MO:86'03A - 0424 18,373 25,220 24,745 37,730 38,220 I lM~;87~01 - 0425 482,605 465,190 463,303 506,190 527,870 LMO..86-02 - 0426 34,520 39,640 38,099 42,030 42,430 LM083-01 B - 0427 25,171 26,800 21,376 .31,300 28,740 I LMD'86"03B - 0428 7,320 17,140 7,792 f6,760 17,060 Lighting District - 0470 499,873 640,,140 481,023' 690,750 693,780 I 5106 Expense Credits (141,418 (102,450 (144,530 (109,510 (113,700) , . I I I, I I , III I 1;;tTbtal'!G)P'~f~tibhs{a'l;'aYMaihteh1in2e~j?!if;!~;;;r1i:!1~289?~5~) ~l;!~'j;53'io20\~f;j;1i231;;[101 :;;l41116641S40ifW$$iffi69Sj260il I c";j,, ""'o, I I II ' . . . 1 'II ri::~Tb1~.WC~Qjt~i?0ima ;1~~~:lx\~~:i:"j;;r:r,;~ ;h-~:~<N;~jt0);jL~?f i2:f:::!\;}~:~i'Z;t~;~LL:i;;;~n:~;t;~{;}~;~/~Xr1M;l~{1if(':~n?i~~*:tE:tt;i!i I 'Division Total 1 $1,399,1621.$1.642;24.01 $1,338,2941 $1.772,i6,ol $1,8t'Q;.150.11 1W I SAFETY SERVICES I I I City Manager I ,_ 013 m I J I . '~:x;:;;:;;:;xw.:x;:;~%:::::"'ht...::,~::x@~:;:;;:@::::::;%;:::;::::::;;::*,A~ Director II Safety Services II 500 I . I' . "$","''&"<~,"",",,,,@ "',@""&"",,,,,,,.,,,",,,0 : , F'ire' F~e I! I :;;:> Suppression Prevention I 'I~ 5~" 502 I . _JS.. ", """"""""""""""", "",.., ' .. ,,;%,_%'i""~ ,I. I I _ I! Law' [ '. P d" @ # ara~; . ICS I Enforcement I ," ,~ 504 ~ I % ~ i'" ::::::-.x~:M....::U>>"::";V~" '::.:;z:~...;;::-.:::::t:::;:...,.;...;{@ ~},;m~~;.:tZ'::,.~.&,:,.z#"'0:W;:i>>:mii;;";:~>>>.".$)'M>>'&$'.;ihd I I I I I I 141 I SAFETY SERVICES I - I Departmental Activity Oit~iYiew' DepartmentCode; :500 I' EXPENSE 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996~1997 1997 c1998 1998-1999 I, . CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL APPROVED ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED ,. Total Positions 34 34 34 34 34 I Personnel Expense $ 2,546,504 $ 2,461,090 $ 2;580,401 $ 2,430,150 $2,646,960 I Operations and Maintenance 4,428,909 4,866;890 4,736,257 5,145,560 5,493,100 , I Capital Outlay 61,696 57,510 69,138 90,770 32,580 I rTOTfI.LBU)DGFT $7;Q37;'1Q9' $7;385,490 $7,385;'796 . $7,666,480 $8;1'72,640 - , . '. I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I The Department of Safety Services provides fire and law enforcelTlehtservices to the citizens of P6way The Deparfrnent is divided into five divisions: Office of the Director, Fire SUppression, Fire 1 Prevention, Paramedics and Law Enforcement. The Fire Department's mission is to reduce the loss of life and property from fire, medical and I environmental"emergenciesthro.ugh,eolJcation, hazard reduction and response, This past year, we adopted the new Uniform Fire 90o'e, received two new brush engines and instructed all City employees in the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS)., as reqUired:by the 'Federal I Emergency Management Administration. Law Enforcement is provided by theSan Diego County shefiffs' Department. This past year, we I signed,a five-year contract agreemellt, created a commUrilty'oriented policing position in the Ju.venile , Diyision, establisl'1,eda bicycle patrol in the business communitY"and continued to maintain the lowest crime (a~e i[11he'Cqunty I I J, I' 142 DIRECTOR OF SAFETY SERVICES , I ..............pi\iisi()n6stivitY I .'.riComrnentary. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Director of Safety Services is responsible for the effectiveness and quality of fire and law I enforcement services provided to the citizens of poway Three Fire Division Chiefs and a Sheriffs Capt8:,ii1 malJage the operational divisions which consist ,I of Fire Suppression (0501), Fire Prevention (0502), Emergency Medical Services (0503), and Law. Enforcement (0504). ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES , The Fire Departmenfs mission is to reduce, the loss of life and propert)/'frmnfire, medical, and I environmental emergencies through education, hazard reduction and response. The mission is accomplished by satisfactory achievement of the following goals: 1, Providing the amount and quality of.erT]ployee training necessary'to provide an optimal level I of emergency services to the community 2. Performing evaluatibnand long"range planning ,t() measure performance and anticipate a changes that will affect the cost or level of services. 3. Providing the community and its service groups with information on di.saster planning and I home emergency preparedness. ;t 4 Continuing to coordinate Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) training throughout the City I 5. Ensuring customer service and customer satisfactiori. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE '1- None I I I I I I I DIRECTOR OF SAFETY SERVICES II Safety Services Department Division No:'500' Division BudgetDetail ,1 ,.' 'obj: I' 11995-96 I i996~9t 1996-97 11997~981998~99 . ,Code' ,Ex"pense,Classification Actual lAP.Jlroved Actual Approved AQproved i "Personnel Ex~ense I' I Range Position Title ' 323,3 Director 87;:09,5 87,850 88,887 90;570 93,730' '13047 Fire Division Chief 72,063 73,000 72,234 75;230, 77;860,1 228,1 Administrative Secretary 34;288.3~,920 34,683 34,630 35,;850 I 1110 Salaries - Regular 193\406 194,470 195,804' '200:430 207,:4401 1130 Employee Benefits '64,057 ,j4,710! 58,353' 44;840,. 59;840/ . ..H%,i~':~~~-;t~.":::;,~-~<C:'*'{ :&,_::2,Y;'\.:'!:i.:Ji~i", ,,;.~:::;.;;,":t\.i t:t.i>;::;~:,,~'q..:A:~.:;~,',o~:;-i';r?\'::O!:+'i:,).::;;~'t-:~;'),:~i~~;m:f,~:%.;1:.i'*''*.7'::k'' ;:'<f ,,,);'25'7,463\ ",0249':180' ,,,,254'457,. tt1,Q45'2'70, 11~i26'7'280 O~erationsand Maintenance I 1712 Data. Processing Consuitant 1,823 1,500 1,1001',500 1,500 .. 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 13 - - - - " 3130 Vehicle, Operations & Maintenance 7,687 4,720 6,~58 ?,100 7,290 3140 Travel and Meetings 2,604, 2,460 2,542 2,710 2,710 3310 Telephone 2,547 3,420 2,992 3,420 3',420 I, 4120 Other Cqlltractual Services - 1,500 660 1,500 1,500, 4304 R&M Building 162 400 20 400 4001 I 4308' R&M I;quipment 2,798 6,380 3,5826,750 6,750 .' 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,556 1,650 1,449 1,650 1,650, 4720 Janitorial SUpplies 166 150 301 , 150 150 .' 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies - 300 48 3M 300, .. 4760 Operating Supplies 719 750 759 750 750 ,I 4904 Community Relations 188 500 501 500 500 4908 Education & Training - 300 - 300 300 .. 4922 Printing 994 930 880 930 930. I 4924 Publications and Dues 464 860 860 860 860 , 4928 Uniforms and Laundry 275 280 246 - - I, 5510 Capital Outlay Rental -Vehicles 8,880 3;0203,020 2,020 2,020' 5530 Capital Outlay Rental.. Office Equip, - 1,750 1,750 380 380 I i''i~+,(%~~'i;1'I'~~O;~J-t5L'r2~:>1*~;'~'!W'J'*;:~:t:{-'::::'?'t:~\;1;~;::':~f'f;;;){:~~;';~':P:::l{0Z%0~g~.:.i<.:'f:,'#r~'0,~'f:,:'A, ;>>, i ;Y,':~,~'i#*~y;,w:,..:?;.h;':'t.~1f i~,~':':,j':-,t,';{\i.T'ii:V~'::t"'})::::, ',ii':.::';Z'?':j.k';~.i;}~~~:}i~}~\. :.;'~:.*.!8.~f~:".~~?'>;::$i*r:f\;,)},<J:~{.~;hW;~:i$'\. ~$~';.I '(;:;lota ! .. ..el"ati()nS!al1dlMaifitenahde):{,~>:if&))tfii t~!&30)8?:6, f$iifV,30i8'ZOi ill't\2'ZiZ681 fJf'1{.3M220X tjl~3;1!f4;1Q I I C'a~ital Oufla}' , 'I I ,. . 6.122aOffic.e ECjUlpment 750 - - 1,210- . 6"1Z2b . Gomputer',tWgyJare 1.,295 1,000 - - - I 6122c Go~~uter Software. '2,444 . - 866 1,000 1,000,1' . 6402 BUildings - - - '5,000 ~ I '11 ~~1!iI1.~'i>IifIi01llI'''V);''if'&~iili''''i:l!i,)11~.,J91_~Q;jffil5'~ EtiW.:1 I . DiVision Tot.aJ i $292,828JJ1281 :050 I $.282.291 I $.263,7001,$299,690:: 144 I FIRE SUPPRESSION I [)ilJi~i()nActiVitY . . I .iCorTimehtary. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Fire Department ~ivision of Safety Services Department consistsof2 personnel which '1 includes six (6) Captains, six (6) Engineers,six (6) Fir~fighters, and nine (9) Firefighterl Paramedics. The mission of the Department'ofSafety Services is to protetct,ahd,educate the public in the areas of fire, safety, and health. I This Division accomplishes,the Department mission. through various fire prevention and educational programs. Fire personnel.providefire prevention measures and numerous services I to the community, such as: pre-fire planning, fire prevention educational lectures and demonstrations, Fire Suppression personnel continuailylraint,obe prElpared for the ever-changing hazardous I environment. Increased emphasis has beel'l placed'of) improved emergency medical services, hazardous materials, environmental emergencies, and urban wildlife interfatefirf:)fighting I techniques, Again this past year the State of California and, in particular, San Diego County experienced a 'I very devastating fire season. Many ofthefactors that 'contributed to the destruction oftheElfin ~ .-,.. -~ - Forest by fire are mitigated by our community's 'stringent urban wildland interface strucll:Jre'fire protection standards and an aggressive vegetation' abatement program, I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1, Train personnel to utilize Firepointsoftware upgrade of personnelal!d apparatus"model. I 2. Train personnel in operatiori and use of new wildland apparatus. , 3 Upgrade the apparatus testing pit area. I 4 Continue to send personnel to Rescue System 2 and Confined Space curriculum, 5, Evaluate and revise reserve firefightingtraining program, I 6, Provide the amount and quality of employee training necessary to erisurean optimal level of emergency services to the community I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None I I I FIRE SUPPRESSION I I Safety Services Department Division No: 501 Division Budget Detail . Obj, 11995-96 1996-97 11996-97 I 1997-98 1998-99 Code Expense Classification Actual App~o,!ed Actual Approved Approved I I Personnel EXQense I I Range I Position Title I I 304,7 Fire Division Chief 70,346 73,000 72,0701 75;230 77,8601 . 274:2 Fire Captian (6) 322,172 335,070 329,820' 343:750 355,780 ~5,9,9 Fire Engineer (6) 298,326 287,210 282,526 297,970 308,4001 I 249,3 Firefighter (6) 254,773 '391,860 385,357 268,020 277,400, , Firefighter (T/PT) 22,375 - - - I 1110 Salaries - Regular 945,617 1;087,140 1,069,773 984,970 1,019,440 I 1120 Salaries - Part Time 22,375 - - - .' 1140 Salarjes-Overtime 124,644 112,480 175,490 116,420 119,910 1150 FLSA Pay 16,704 22,910 18;325 22,910 22;910 I 1160 Paramedic.Proficiency Pay - - - 4,140 4,140 1300 Empl()yee Bef]efits 365,991 352,130 351,956 243,420 330,900 tl~i'~'!f!:.;M'<',-i-'t:,':~1,:~', ~.(\~,,<~~:(""v..'ff.""M'''''~ ,'f~1:)."W;.u.:::~..,-,~';i!-'''''l~>~ 'h~~~f~~""""''-q;i;>\::-l<~'''~t i'0V.lMj".;...;.-,-:~\,=",,"~,: {'~$;1v475'33;li~;'ll1"574'660, ,g~;l'6;15"544: 118\11.",,1'37,1;860; Ali&*;497r"300 I OQerations'and Maintenance I 1520 Volunteer Service 16,967 20,000 17,682 29;000 20,000 2110 Gas and Electricity 22,922 23,960 22,379 24,640 25,320 I 2900 Trash Removal - 1,500. - 1,500 1,500 3110 ,Reimbursed Mileage 7 250 61 25() 250 - 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 40,352 51,340 48,884 63,450 65,'120 3140 Travel and Meetings 2,409 2,310 2,269 4,450 4,450 I 3310 Telephone' 5,195 7,080 6,936 8;700 8,880 . , 4106 Dispatch Contract - Fire 60,069 66:()8() 64,680 69;'100 72,550 4120 Other Contractual Services 29,531 30,250 30,243 31,.180 31,460 I 4304 R&M BUilding. ' 9,914 14,480 11.,214 32,380 35,130 4308 R&M EquipmE!nt 4,825 6:860. 7,411 9,660 9,660 4310 R&MFireHydrants 815 1,000 821 1,000 1,000 4318 R&M Radios 10,811 13,740 11,139 13;740 13,740 I 4516 Small Tools 399 500 239 500 500 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 3,005 2,000 1,8462,500 2,500 4720 Janitorial Supplies 2,494 2,500 2,649 2,500 2,500 I 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 449 350 401 350 350 . 4760 Operating Supplies 18,693 21,230 19,350 21,230 21,230 4904 Community Relations 1,362 750 640 750 750 I 4908 Education and Training 2,785 3,800 3,287 3,800 3,800 4916 Medical Exams 2,553 5,460 5;611 5,460 . 5,460 4920 Outside Emergency Assist. 580 15,000 4,241 15,000 15,000 4922 Printing 605 1,200 323 1,200 1,2001 I 4924 Publications and Dues 1,289 850 717 1,400 1,4001 4928 Uniforms and Laundry 13,298 13,720 17,525 16,160 16,890 I 5510 Capital Outlay Rental- Vehicle 83,290 108,280 108,280 47,030 47,030 I 5520 C.. <IPl.tal Oullay R.ental-EquiP. 1,380 2,110 2,110 1,300 1,3001 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office - 360 360 - -, 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 1,129 1,300 1,070 1,500 1,500 II I ! 111 , I I ";UfotaliO!:1'erati()nsiBifMaifitenancei .:,:Jdi.l!iif;;i.;;1337t128!::t4:&i,[18i26dW;;iltI392!368ll1!;~ff;WllJ40()/i3()jli;i\!\i'410:47()11 I Capital Outlay I I I I I II 61001 Capital Outlay i 54,579 49,480 48,513 '(2,530 19,76011 ..'''''t'J'C ....t...I'O'tl....;..,''''c'iN'':rW:'',''.'','C,'T',.i'i',.5 4i~ 79'w"'4' 9"4" '80 ~",>1""'4 8 '~'13."".""'."'7'2. "53 0' $"~""i1' '9"760'1 I i"'~fv~~~~~:al U_~y,.'''''.,..''i?';';0'';''''I'~~,~6j:j)~81'~;;>~42:4001't$~~~5i425'1;'!i';~1:4~5'; 1201 ';ti:;~7 :5301 146 FIRE PREVENTION I ." ..... -.. I ,.' ., .", ." -...: -..-. -.- ""C":.:: '"", ,. :::-C-.;_"'-"':..,: '''','''. ,'--0--' '. . ""'".-',::,',:- .' ....:.:.:.:..........:....':::::'=-:::::::.::.:::,::<:.-..:.,'-', 'iqivi~i()n A91iyity Safety..Services....Dep~ctrnenti. I . "/'-;/:~:ii:': ........!..c:;om.rneptary ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Fire Prevention Division is responsible for the health; education, andsafety.ofthe City as it I relates to the Uniform Fire Code and local ,adoption o!di,nances. Through,the combined efforts of system design, inspection, regulation and puollc,edu(;ation, our goal is to'limitproperty damage and loss of lives due to fires I In recent years, the Division's focus has, been. shifted to fire protection system design, plan review, and inspection. This shift is the result of significant increases in the level of development activity In I addition, the application of iQcreasinglytechnical methods'of system desigri and system features has required greate~ efforts on behalfofstaff, This increase in effort isa functioriof a growing inventory of commercial buildings and state-mandated annual inspections of'hundredsof specific I types of business enterprises. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 To provide adequate training opportunities to the staff ofthe Fire Prevention Division to address the growing complexity of system design, plan review and inspections. I: 2, To maintain current, however improved, plan review time frames. I 3 To prepare for adoption and initiation of the 1997 Uniform Fire Codes, 4 To maintain fire safety public awareness thrbugh the "Open House"'and.school I presentations, SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE ,I 1997-98 1'998-99 4112 - Increase in inspection cost reflects ir;lcreased demand I for inspection services by our one contracted part~time Fire Inspector +$55;800 +$33,220 I I I I I I- ._.._~ t<lL...., FIRE PREVENTiON I Safe~Ser;vices Department Division No: 502 Division Budget Detail I I oBf 1199Q~~611996c97 I 1996c97 1997-981 1998-991 Code Expense/Classification Actual Approved I Actual Appr.oved ApproVed I I Personnel Expense I " Ran e, I Position Title I 30H Fire Division Chief 71,116' 73,000 76,244' 75,230 ' "j 77,860, I 259,9 Fire Inspector 46,796' 46,680 47,846 48,080 49,1,601 21871 Secretary III 30,733 30,430 31,911 31,340 32,440 I I: 1110 Salaries - Regular 148,645 1,50,110 156,001 154;650 160,060 I] 1140 Salaries - Overtime 1.,078 '-, 5,066, 15;000 ~5,0001 59,6'05' I 1300 Employee Benefits 45;380 47,182 37:;780, 48,970 I I C:$'S'i"t:\'fm~)1::~;;~';;:f, ;.;y):}*).;;;:;:~'!';(;'t i/~ ';,,<:>~>::":>{'r --:.,; ':i.::\ :'Mjt1;!-:i?:;::"{-';:1:I:"-0~,:: .:t:~,~;,t~':!:i<+~':.\,';":' ''':?J ;!,-t209'328i t,';;l195'490J i};'208' 249),r?207J'430'; :>>;\'224'030 O~erations'and Maintenance I 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 23 100 - 100 100 3130 Vehicle. Op~rati6ns & Maintenance 4,783 5,240 3,285 20,980 2,1,530 I 3140 TraveIiand Meetings 1,909 2,650 1,566 3,460' 3,460 3310 Telephone 862 1;200 953 1,200 1,200 4112a Building Inspection 27,518 31,620 45,832 87,420 120,640 I 4120 Other Contractual Services 2,700 - - - - 4122 Plan 'CheckiMapProcessihg 5,164 17,400 13,500 19,000 19,000 4308 Equipment Repair and Maintenance - - - - - I' 4516 Sll1allTbols - 300 - 300 300 " 4710 Officei& Stationery Supplies 490 500 838 600 600 ' I 4730 photographic/Copy, Supplies 93 300 84 300 300 4750 Safety Supplies - - 2,797 3,000 3,000 4760 Operating Supplies 844 3,000 14 - - I 4902 Cal-ID Safety Systems 2,173 - - - 4904 Community Relations 4,823 5,000 4,977 5,000 5,000 I 4908 Education and Training 175 300 299 400 450 4916 Medical Exams - 270 - 270 270 4922 Printing 1,745 2,500 2,447 2,500 2,700 I 4924 Publications and Dues 1,391 1,350 1,376 1,550 1,550 4928 Uniforms and Laundry 275. 280 385 - - 5510 Capital Outlay Rental-Vehicle 4,120 .6,340 6;340 4,740 4,740 I 5530 Capital Outlay Rental-Office 890 870 870 - - II I I" I ,I I "i""" /""""j'f'),'''''i,iiiiii:'}:'if/'o''''''iii, ""j2Z'Hi'i'i,i}WJiINi','i6. ,i,j,,1!i3i!f;',iiV ~ii"'ii!'ii'ii'i?ii "..i''''''";6;,,,"'' """,%i",i.,",i, i0"ii,iiP'i!;j'i",! ii-vTbmEQperatibhsiahd}Maintehahcei'W'tl'W,if)LK 11l;i{: 59' 9'IJ8, .,!1'iZ9'220: ~11M5;5631 :,1(1'50'820, ?!~1'841840i. , ' I Capita/Outlav I' . II 6122a !office Equipment . 1,004 780 680 1,360 560 I II ,)Total,CapltaLOutlav, .."e, ,,,,'i,., ","""'" ..".,..,1 004 .,..... ,,,,,,,.,780 ",..,..680."",.,,1,360.',.560. ,<,.~"_,,_,,,-""."'"'' .,...... ._._...... ....'..,~.-'.'. ,',oo"_"'_' _. _ '.,.....". ", .",< .. ,......,... ...<0"",___ ,_,. ",,""_~'!i ~ ".', .. ,'_ """_";'''_,.~',," ,", I ! i Divis;~ri Tota/ ., . "1 $27'0,3101 $27M901$294,492h3~9.6m 1$40~:43~i 148 I PARAMEDICS '" ,..... . I ...,-....'''.'''...-....'..,--.--....., ., ............ "'. '_,n,"""'" ',..,...,....... ..................,. ',",',',',','- ':'-"'::""""';'-',"--';-,. 'c"'-"",,',-,-,-,--,,--,'-'-'-'.""" ...........:...........".:,..,'-.,-,,'. . ...:...-,....."'.".:.;,..-,.,-.,-...,... ." $afe~.Ser'JiCElS ......Diyi~iPr1.t\fti"'itY I . [)E:lparj:megt iC::9f'!l hiegtEiry ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Paramedic [:)ivision consist of tel) (10) of the,2Tfiresuppression personnel who have I received extensive additional training.the area ofemElr9.Elncy medicine, This additional training has prepared the personnel to utilize sophisticated medical diagnostic equipment.in the delivery of advanced pre-hospital care, Once apatient.has been assessed, thepa@nedicswork closely I with emergency physicians or speciEilly trained nurses to administer'definilive.therapytothe patient in the field who would not otherwise receive care until his/her arrival in:an emergency room, I In addition to maintaining an acute awareness of new, developments in emergency medicine, paramedics must also train and maintain a'high level,of proficiency in the areEi of fire I suppression, This is accomplished through'regular training conducted by their'assigried supervisor and crew On a day-to-day basis, the paramedics operate under the guidanceof'a F,ire Captain; although I the comprehensive program manager is an Administrative Fire Division,Chief The I' Administrative Division Chief serves as the coordinator and represents the City of Powayat the local, state, and federal level on prechospital care'i,ssues, In addition, this Division Chief coordinates theday"to"day financial reporting and processing of matters related' to the I Department of Safety Services as well as Disaster Preparedness. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 To deliver a high level of advanced prechbspital care by providing trained staff with the necessary equipment and training with a reduction 'in response time, I 2, To provide citizens with an opportunity to learn,cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in order to reduce loss of life by cardiac arrest. I 3, To continue to collect data which will determine the.need to locateadditionai paramedic staff in the northern areas of our community I 4. To participate in County EMS pilot study 'programs with Combitube and 'Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI), I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE a None I I 149 II PARAMEDICS ~ :j - I !! , I 'Safety Services Department Division No: ,503' Division Budget Detail :1 'Obj, I 11995-96 199609,7 11996-97 11991-98 ,. 1998"99 'i :Code Expense Classification Actual . Approved Actual Approved lIpproved Ii I I PersonneLExJlense I I 'I Range Position Title 'I I: 249,3 Paramedic (8) 365;9472'18,640 299,654 356,060 369,820 I' 229,3 Firefighter/Paramedic - - - 36,71'0 38,6601 I 1110 Salaries - Regular 365';947 248,640 299,654392,770 408,480 Ii 1140 Salaries - Overtim~ 42,266 54,730 32,24256,650 58,3401 I' 1150 FLSA Pay 7,683 9,710 10,609 9,710 9,710,1 1160 Paramedic/Recert. Pay 43,638 45,570 47,098. 48:330 48,3301 I' 1300 Employee Be.l1Elfits 144,848 83,110 112,848 98,130 133,4901 '. '1~:'6N'0'\~i;'3';i'8;i2";~;lf!i{~~;1'f[=:'6>"0;'j ifft(5""'0:t2;VJ1;5.;t.1;~ It;f6'';0'';5;~'5i('9;;'0;; ~~'w6""5"'8i1t'3' "5"0']. -:{.~l< ,'!'1'.' .,' .>.."~,:-~!'t,, ~c:'1, .,; t',JW;;. ^.... )>..<,)t ,_ _ '. , " ;,;\1;", "I ' I 0 erations..and Maintenance . 3110 Reimbursed Mileage - 200 - 200 200 I 3130 Vehicie Operations & Maintenance 5,159 11,810 3,43,1 26,850 27,560 _ ;3140 Travel ancl Meetings 571 2,300 2;Q86 2,8402,840 .3310 Telephone 880 1 ;800 80,1 1,200 . 1,200 I 4308 R&M Equipment 1,716 5,1 00 2,579 5,200 5,200 4710 Office&,Stationery'Supplies 199 200131 250' 250 I 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 77 200 2:1 200 200 - 4740 Medical Supplies 21,389 18;'720 20,329 19,69,0 19,690 I 4750 Safety Supplies - 1,700 349 1,700' 1,700 I 4760 Operating Supplies 2,744 1,710 1,169 1,710' 1,710 I 4904 Community Relations 808 1,000 1,002 1,000. '1,000 4908 Education and Training 4,339 5;950 '1,620 6,020 6;020 4922 Printing 167 400 215 4,00 400 I I 4924 Publications and Dues 818 990 826 :I ,06'0 1,060, . 5510 Capital Outlay Rental- Vehicles 36,350 22,330 22,330 19,6,10. 19,610 I i 5520 Capital Outlay Rental ~ Gnl. Equip 1,230 660 660 2,,2'10 2,240 1 ,". . . . .~ '.' : '1'~~7;':-~:,T}:~~:~,:ti~/,:th;~<H10~,'::~;: ,:,:/;;:;/L~iz}~<:':"f;';.'Xf:~:*i:?~,'~~~'~~'f\~.4::r~~:;7:,:,!:};:~~j:::'~ ::~:~?;..:t_:::''$l:::r:f';;:t:4\B~:Jt.?~;:'':'.: -5:@{:',>&.i-:~ 'Yi.:mi;~:ht:~::,:i'~~'~>>t Nfty..>.\i~<f;~\:$i.:'t..'~'!?i:;i:,~ '!~;':~~;Ii;f~:'~i'2;;'(*~';1?f,;;;. 'I I' l::m.;0..tal.Operatlons,and0MamtenanCe~i};'iJ;;,f.. )\;;;.76"447. .j~.l)!75"07;0' (f,\.60'549. z;ii;.,.90;,17l0; ;?i,!Jl!!90r880: I' .' . ." ~ . Ca[lilal Outlay 1 if ,I." ,'6122a OfflCeEquipm~nt I - 650 424 350 350li , I 6122b Compl,lter EqUipment - - 3,495 - - I' II 6124 .l....RaramedICEqUIP:ent ...............,..................................,1.,624. 1,077. 10,9101; I 6199 t.;,go~tit:a.;I~~a~~I't~a'.'~I'.'Oe,u~t~I'a'~;',1,~ii{,;;;t,;,,':.,: ":::".'.'.";"';..,.1 L)~.;\'1-i'6"'2""4../ 4,5:14; ;;1 ~~ '1- '2"6''''''0-0,11 : f--'-'Y ".~ .," .1.;:.;~~';:f;<!"',;:,,)\'1,~9.-~,O:::';" ,.::'::,.'~;".:"'--.,~"""1r:"';;,";~;,.;i',:,.' .' ~ .h;1 ' I )1 I Divj~ion'Total .. . .. 1$$82.4531$523,980 I $572.510 I $lOQ,430 I $7~~;490J 150 I LAW ENFORCEMENT I Safety Services Division Number:"504 Division Activity I Department Commentary ACTIVITY DESCHIPTION I The City of Poway contracts with the County of San.0iegoSheriff's Department for law I enforcement services. During the previous year, the City.ofPoway experiences the lowest crime rate (crime per 1,000 population) of any city within the County The PowaySheriff's station utilizes a proactive approach in responding to specific crime areas. I The Sheriff's Department is committed to devel9ping a stronger relationshipwi!h. the citizens of Poway In order to further this objectiVe, the development of a longoterm problem solving I partnership between the community served and the Department wilj be encouraged. The Poway Station has expanded its senior volunteer program, supports the Sheriff. Reserve I program, and encourages participation in the Sheriff's Explorer program. AII'oUhese programs provide additional service to the citizens of Powayat a minimal cost. As a part of the service of the 22 member senior volunteer program, the new "You,Are. Not Alone" program has been I initiated, where PoWay's shut-in senior citizehsare visited on a regular basis to ensure their continued welfare. ACTIVITY GOALS AND QBJECILVES I 1 To continue a proactive posture against increased drug, alcohol and gang activity by our I youth through use of juvenile services; schoolliaispn arid DARE deputies. 2. To reduce crime through use of aggressive law enforcement, Col11n1unit}t'education about crime prevention, the neighborhood Watch program, high visibility of the,Senior Patrol and I solicitation of community involvement. 3, To reduce residential, commercial'andvehicleburglaries by continued surveillance of known and targeted sUbjects. I 4 To continue efforts to reduce traffic accidents and injuries,through proactive enforCement of laws related to substance abuse,safe driving practices, commercial vehicle enforcement, I and community education programs viaDUI checkpoil'lts, deployment of the state-funded radar education trailer and 'bicycle safety programs, 5 To continue to train station deputies regardi[igcommunity-orientedp'oILcjng issues. 6 To aid the City of poway with its code compliance efforts when needed. I SlG.f\JlElCANL~C.J.lVJIY-'=B.O..GBAM CHANGES I The City of Poway and the County of San Diego have entered into an agreement to construct a ~I new 15,000 square foot Sheriff's Station. This newJacility will be centrally<located in close proximity to other City services. The new station will assisrthe City and tne ~heriff's Department in providing state-of"the-art services to residents of Poway I I 1'51 I'll LAW ENFORCEMENT r I I Safety Services Department Division No: 504 Division Budget Detail I' I Qbj, I 11995-96 I' 1996"9'7 11996-9'7 11997"~_8: 1998-99 i I' I Code Expense Clasj)ification Actual,Appro_ved Actual Approved Approved Ii ." I Personnel Expense II ,I ,Range.1 Position Title II I' I I ' I I '1 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenanc 16,704 10,260 13,957 26,260 26;1950 I 3140 Travel and Meetings 2,880 1,630 4,452 2,630 1,630 3310 Telephone 7,850 7,000 6,122 7,000 7,000 I 4104 Community Safety 3,476,994 3,734,230 3,729,195 3,995,040 4,279,730 ,,4108 Dispatch Contract - Sheriff 127,202 134,070 134,064 138,090' 144;990 "I 4109 Contract School Crossing Guard 10,476 14,240 15,701 14,240 14,240 4116 Landscape Maintenance - - - 3,000 7,200 4120 Other Contractual Services 27,860 40,630 22,100 42;660 44,800 I 4304 Buildirlg Repair and Maintenance - - - 3,500 7,400 - 4308 R&M Equipmerit 7,216 7,000 10,179 1.000 7,000 I 4312 Outside Veh Repair & Milintenan - - 250 - " 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies - 350 15,502 350 350 I 4750 Sa,fety Supplies 5,512 27;,950 26,558 29,300 27,950 _ 4760 Operating Supplies 4,220 5,500 5,3915,500 5,500 I 4902 Cal-ID Sys. Safety Services 6,246 8,850 3,771 8,8508,850. 4904 Community Relations 7,383 9,500 7,706 11,250 9,500 4906 DARE Program 133,895 171,890 91,467 89,200 93,660 I 4919 Vehicle Regulation 5,368 7,000 10,274 7,000 7,000 5510 Capital Outlay - Vehicle 5,630 3,620 3,620 2,660 2,660 I 5520 Capital Outlay Rental - Equip. 1,120 - - - - I 5530 Capital Outlay Renatl - Gffice - 4,750 4,7504,0904;090 I 5730 lijtergovernmental Fees 77,924 75,000 65,450 75,000 75,0001 ,)!d' - "'-'.. ',~"C~''';;':'~:~''''_' '-";_':\.. .:"':'..:~'1-r _"{;;~:\::.~,.;>"_,,,,_,.,,.o_.._.,._ "_'_.~,..;~'ij\"- -'\ '-:,~<!,.,;":',.,.. ,_".,,:i.:,W< j,V'" ',< '" '.'.', -,-~,-,-,-,,:''l1'.,.,. .. .. ", "3, ~.",:~:,i,J':;',";"'_':"': tc.-""'-',' ,-...;" ..._~{" A9\.'.~""" ....;,.".t~:",'.- "C", ,,, " .':r~<-:":".?'.""'" ,'i ;f':''''\''':'~'' :~"'-i ;:~, ~:S:_~";"""<':".~""('k -\....,'. 'C'. '-.., II ,~~~t::~P::~~~;!ig$<';jMaiil!enatl9~J&~1~t9?41480'li4;26~itFlO; tr:4V,1ttQll5Q9;!&tf1.V4'7'4t6.20\'~~iW49~5QO)1 I 6122 CapitarOuUay-General - - 868 - - i .' 6122b IComputer Hardware - - 5,204- - 1 16128 I Ph9tograPh..ic Equipment - - 2,054 - - 'I' I r61991~the~~qui~~ent_ ,; . ,-1 - 1,443 - -, , II .: 1',11?~' :'~tj..'~~TIi'6'~ 1%:~~t"")\"1 ?B:" :':"t'I": " ":'~':,~t<,'~:L~;B"t;':;;.~;;~L~):j!+?' ~7::.:t::t\-5:'C ::/~{::ff,:;,;, ~~:~W~~'~~<'d:Y/,i;:'~ -~ ~;;i I' II '!:"'~I~O a ,-ivapl a,;vu aY,_"'i'>;!i'^":"':J."_",;.:..d"-;j.;;~:,_"-,~",;;,,,,,,,-;"':;~-'?,-,~<':~ . ~"f1:';~.t~t:"i;':~;~"i;:<~1 ,._"...,....'.0 ..", .0 ",,' '0... .0. ^,_.,.""''''':'i:~'--,''"',',,,';'''',,<K'',:,,';C,..J._.,,-.,.".....,_:.:,',."l.~",;<...,., .. .,:-..~.,.",.,~,.~,.<\:.:,.".;0i....,_<cf6:",_. I ill DiliisioriTCltai 1~3Jl24.480 i$4263,4IO.J.M, 180.078~A,4i2',6201$4:175';500:;i 152 I ENGINEERING SERVICES I " w. City Manager w I H: I 013 ~::: .::: .~; /~ .~ I :;:~~3::;:-:*;lli@;:>~~m.*8 ": ",:"-*. ~;:::::::::::U::::**~::# :v: I Director J~ 4 Engineering Services ~, I 600 ':;:;:;p....:::;:::J.;;~:;::t:;:.;:;.;.;.;.$;xs:i>->>y..;:;:;.~:;;i:!:. :B;.;$x:*:::;;:::::;:;:$:.;~.;.x~:>>;;;:.;8;~:;:;wA I Capital ij I, ~ Land Development ~ Projects Engineering i I 601 ~ 602 ~ .., ~% i~:::.z0;~;;;'@'mY .. '''''*;:;%~:>z8;.::;,;-;:;:::::::::~::;::<*,;:ill;:;.'i-=-:: :~::;y:-"",,<':'>>::(>'.*"':<<::::;;:;.;$::;.x:;' .>":<"'>>"'~$:;::::.:~ ..:0;::.' ::;:;' :-:-:..J I rn I Engineering .~ Traffic Constructionf Inspection Engineering] Management ~ I 603 . w 605 ~ 604 ~1 w I ~;:;:W;..;:;:;-:<<[0..t;-...:::~: ...vi::.: . .>......>>:<<~::;.~ :::;:;.;:::;:;:;::::::':'im::w.;.":<::::,);$X::::'-:::::::;;::::>>%;:::;:;:;::::::::::::~:;.:;;-* ,". :&"0~:::;..-';:;';:;:;8:::::::::::&:::X;:r..x:::::::W'::::"~'<<4-::-:m I I I I I [, 1'53 I I ENGINEERINGSERVIGES l":l ' , .: Departmental ActivityOverVi~iiv Department Cage: 600: ;1 EXP1=NSE 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996"1997 1997-1998 1998"1999 ,cLAsSIFICATION ACTUAL APPROVED , ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED I Total Positions 22 19 19 19 19 I Personnel Expense $ 1,436,641 $ 1,396,570 $ 1,331,671 $ 1,366,210 $1,410,550 Operations and I Maintenance 142,409 164,480 236,102 208,510 188,960 Capital Outlay' 1 ,493 3,340 '5,436 2,250 1,600 ' I , I .'~' ' ',. - I $1,580':54Gr .' $,1,564,390 $1,57:3;209 $1,576)970 $1,691,110 iT<1>TAL BUDGET .),' . .. . .. I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The EngineeringSer\iicesDepartment manages all City engineering functions within foul"divisions: I 'Capitallmprpvernent, Land Development, Traffic Engineering, and Engineering Inspection. Engineering arid Planning Services Departments provide customer servi,ce for ail permit activities at one location. The Engirieering Services,Departmentmanages,8I1gineering conceptual designs, I budgeting, contracl'adminlstration"and inspection of all capital improvement and development projects witjlin the City afPoway The Land Development Divi1iion manages land subdivision activities. The Traffic Engineering Division manages traffic design, traffic safety, transportation I planning, and traffic signal synchronization. I The Engineering Services Departmerit IS currently managing,the'completion of two major capital improvement projects; Scripps Poway Parkway East End and the Lester J Berglund Water Treatment Plant ImproVements. I The Engineering Services Department is also managing \he implementation of the'reclaimed water system., In':addition, Engineering Se/'vices has a major rcill~in managing the completion of I construction of:the, proposed Poway City Library and SheriffSiation., Land development;activjty'has dramatical!y'increased in 1997 and is projected to continue'through 1999 Major land:developrijent projeCts, if]c1ude,the,byild-outofthe Parkway Business Centre, Old Coach Golf Estates, aJld Rolling I Rills E,sti3tes., Ibaddition, individual lot developments within the Pomerado Business Park, Tech Business Center,8ndFioway Corporate Center, will continue I, I' J54 I DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING SERVICES I '...., "-. . DiVisiClnActivity . I Coml1leritary..... ACTIVI1Y DESCRIPTION I The Office of the Director provides the administration and management function of the I Engineering Services Department. The Director of Engineering Services is responsible for managing four divisions; Capital I Improvement Program, Larid Development'Engineering, Engineering Inspection, and Traffic Engineering. I The Director of Engineeril'lg Services is ?ccountal:lleto the City Manager for ensuring the timely and reliable completion of public and private improverrient projects.throughoutlheCity The I Director serves as the City Engineer and supervises a'staff of engineers, technicians, inspectors and support staff. I ACTIVI1Y GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 Provide timely and accurate responses to the public, City Council, and other City I departments. 2. Promptly provide accurate engineering record information to the public. I 3. Deliver cost effective and technically advanced design .facilities to the pL:Jblic. I 4 Complete the construction of the 2cfipps 'PoY"ay Parkway on time and under .budget. Current projected opening of the Parkway is fate summer 1997 I 5. Process the applications for build-out of the Parkway Business Centre public improvements. I Manage the processing of private deVelopment projects throughoL:Jt the City'of Poway 6. 7 Continue to address and respond to traffic issues throughout the City. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVI1Y PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None , I I v ~5:..-.- 1'.1 DIRECTOR OF ENGINEE,RING iSERVICES f I,' ,Engif!eiH.ing,Services Department. DivisioniNo: 609 Division Bucig.etDetail 1 , , .'obj I 1995c96: 1996c97 11996-97 1997c91!1998-99'1 ,Code " Exp,ense Classification: Actual Approved Actual Appr6ve'dApproved '1' FiersonnelEx ense I . Ran@.J Position Title I I '1' 323'3 Director 83,224 86:960 89,393 89,650 92,780 . 228,1 AdministrativeSecretary 33,137 33',620 33,355 34,630 35,850 . I. 11.10 Salaries" Regular 116,361 . 12.0;580 122,748 124,280 f28,63D . 1140 Employee Benefits 36,012 35;090 35,5,1535,530 37,3501 ,~~~~-:{rA,;>~Y:;'ii,,'j/0i:'~.i,;;,,~tf;K:';,\;Jik':;-(~_':';;1<--i:'_~":;l~<;::--~-;'\:"'::~:A;:~~"~,,~.:;;,_~:-*::;',,,><;:i:;J:'Ji,'>\'?!-;1~i.~-~~A',W,:-"';::f:,'j:;i;,X;';;,_};:;-::':'~') I 0 erations and Mainteriarice~1'52~373)'&fil55'6;Z;O;~1;1158';2631g\!159;MOnl~1(5)9801 1714 Contract Engineering - 300 - 300 .300 I 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 3,600 3,600 3;600 3,600 3;600 3140 Travel arid Meetings 1,915 1,500 1,406 1,740 1,600 .' - , I 3310 Telephone 689 840530 720 720 4308 R&M Equipment 250 800 223 5QO 600 I 4516 Small Tools - 50 - 50 50 , 4710 Office,&:Stationery Supplies 742 1,080 926' 1;080 1,080 I 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 489 300 314 300 300 4760 Operating Supplies 339 300 373 300 300 4908 Eaucation and Training 100 400 - 400' 400 14922 Printing 161 250 37 2,59 250 4924 Publications and Dues 1,128 1,050 1,117 1,050.1,050 I 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office 1,020 1,270 1,270 2,780 2,780 I I I I I ,W".."(i;F,,""'!S:iX':>iti,;j'w'j' "')""""::1;:':'[\'1':/;:,..;1))')/)";;;{;);')';' !"'i,s""T"''''''';f;0)1''''':.'','''''M))I){3!I:'';W!,*';';: I "Total;@neratlons'&,Mamtenance::;;,..,,,.,,,.,,,,,.s,'10 433. ,,%;;1'3'070. ,;w.+1.3. '0""1 I. .,I'<....~......._.....,....... ........, ,,,'......"', ""'" I' ,caPitalOutlay I .- II 'I' I 6.122a.. Eq.ti..iPm.... e. n.'.t- Offic....e....Ge..n..e. r.al... ..' -... 5.4.0.. 5.8.1 . -. -. II I..... ..... I II l i,~T6t~iTd~Bit~WdUllil~,T};;,: ..c"};';).;;3;;;T~~,;,!' "I,:~i~~:'f;;t'\1~y;g;!~1!5~~is;f5811~~tf~$~~0~~~. n:~~r~i~~'W~Xj~ill I", I Divisio.n liotal 1$162,806! $167:950 I $168,940 l$t72,880 1'$1;9.01;!! 156 CAPITAL PROJECTS ENGINEERING I .,'..."...................,..'"..,... I ...:..-:...:...,..',-....,'...'............."...'.'.'.,""'" ,- . .--....- ..... ..... . ' .., . ..... '," ","""', ",....... .......... .....-. -........-.....-.......'.--.. .' . ..... .. . . , ' a~~~d:if~~~serVibeS{ ,I~~~i~~~~~ity , I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The responsibilities ofthe, City's Capital Improvemer:lts Program Divisior:l include capital I improvement project surveys, design, construction administration. inspection services, supervising special stLJdies and engineerjog support for tt)e Community Services, ,F'ublic ~ " Services and Planning Services Departments, as well as similar duties for the Redevelopment I Agency ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 Manage the City. an. d Redevelopme.nt. Agency caPit.allmprovementprograms which ,. includes both iri-house and contractual design services. 2. Assist the Community Services pepal:trrient in constructing the projects needed to enhance the City's park and recreational faqilities. ., 3. Assist Public Services in the construction of new and maintenance of existihg public I facilities in suppor:t of their functions. 4 Prepare conceptual in-house designs and cost estimates for Capital Improvement I Programs. 5. Provide total design services for the City and Redevelopment Agency on CADcbased design center -.. 6. Man'age all phases of construction activities including inspection for Capital Improvement Program. 7 Manage annual maintenance contracts for street repairs and street striping. " 8. The Division completed seven City and seven RDA projects totaling $2 million in 1996. ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS I Construction of the $35 million Scripps poway Parkway continued in 1!:}96. The de~ign pfthe new poway Library began in 1995 and continued through 1996. In addition, a new Sheriff I Station design next to the Library was initiated ih 1996. The construction forthe expansion of the Lester J. Berglund Water Treatment Plant continued in 1996. In 1997, the Division expects to complete 15 City projects and 9 Redevelopment projects for a totalof'nearly $39 million. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE ~ I I I I I: CAPITAL PB,OJECTS E!'IGINEERING I' 11 ~ i I: Engineering Services Department Division No: 601 Division Budget Detail II !I Obi: I ,Expense Classification 1995-96 11996':97 11996-97 1997-98 1998c99:/ Coae Actual .Approved. Actual Approved Approved II I I Personnel Ex ense I I Ran e Position Title I 145,620 I I 299.0 Sr Civil Engineer (2) 142,338 136,600 130,141 140,700 284 0 Assoc. Civil Engineer 58,511 58,790 24,433 49,590 53,890 I , I 2690 Asst. Civil Engineer 1\ 46;1.08 49,160 54,556 52,120 53,950 239,9 Engineering Tech 37,~04 .37,830 39,145 38,970 40;330 218,1 Secretary III 27,952 29;230 29,793 29,810 30,860 'I Salaries - Regular 312,313 311,190 324,650 1110 311 ;61 0 278,068 I 1140 Salaries - Overtime - - 964 - - 1300 Employee Benefits 91,524 90,040 80,990 87,470 90;750, I .. ;-e#'.:.'.."".",~':'"" ~:".,..:. -', '" .', .'~'f;' i"Y"""';""'-';,;/''-''''_'''''':''_: "_ :<':&~;.''''. y,.O:->:"O>.:c.,."""'" ,,:~ WO-<',.,.,-,.-"c:' .,'.,;>~"~" ...~" "~.'h' .,. ~~~1"'- ......"..,:<,~,.,"'...', Yi!"40a"s3I;' ""4aa%'650' '1.1'360'022';;';'398'660' '1";1'5'',400 j:~<L, ',_ ',-,'" ,': _,i: :$;1;" .. :,t,.... .. 'J ",d~t " -," .. " -'; :~~~ ..'~ ,3"f~}i, } :~" , ' 0" eratio'ns and Maintenance , 1714a Land Development Engineering - 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 1726 SpecialStudies - 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 I 3110 Reir:RbJJrsed Mileage 3,630 3,800 3,600 3800 3,800 ..1. _. 3140 T,raveland. Meetings 919 600 218 600. 600. I 4120 Other Contractual services - - 500 - - 4308 R&M Equipment 926 3,930 1,013 1,100 1,200 I 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,884 1,700 1,694 1,700 1,700 4730 PhotographiclCopy Supplies 366 420 416 420 450. 4760 Operating Supplies 56 300 229 300 300 I 4908 Education & Training 867 - 100 - - 4922 Printing 264 100 61 100 100 I 4924 Publications,and Dues 79 290 75 290 290 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office 6,100 3,490 3,490 4,190 4,190 I II . f 'fi4T;t~1'@15~~tibH[f&fM~'iiJt:fj~~8~1~~;~E1~:~1~1';5fo~;1~ [111111'6'i63~iJ~iat1~~9~11$1~1~5'bQ\*~~i~4r6~'0';1 I I Capital Outlay I'. ~ , '[, 116122 I Cor:nF~~ElrEquipmElnt .,... ,.' I 990 1,000 2,981350 - II ,I 1'\]-"" .;'..I'c....,':',.I'O~.. i."""')'i>:i")it','i").~;,)')';;),,.; "(:.N.?,"\ I ' ..' ota.. . a(:llta .'. ut ay..;/ ,;h.0",,,,..,.;..%..,.,,.," "",;,,,,...;990, I ,I, I Division Total I $419;9.1aJ,$419,280 I $374,3991 $413,51OLf;430:030il I' 158 B LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING . EngirieeringServic:es' '.DivisibriAgtivity 0 . ",. -, Department 'CQmmer1tC'IIY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I Land Development Engineering's respon~i1Jility is to assure that private developments are U undertaken in accordance with City stanctC'!rds and specific conditions of approval to the highest standards of quality This goal is accol'npfish,ed wh[le assuring the most benefit to the community as a whole while minimizing disruption of neighborhoods; business, and traffic,At I the public counter, the Division provides information to developers and the general, public from the Department's comprehensive files and mapping systems. The Division manages and maintains extensive engineering records, and filesdncluding grading, subdivision maps, and I public improvements, in addition to subdivision project files. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 Provide quality assurance for construction of private improvements in poway through I comprehensive design reviews and field insl?ection. 2. Continue to streamline and stan'dardize procedures. 3. Participate in the management of the NPDES program for the City I, 4 Process all land development and map ,processin'g in an efficient and effective manner 5. Participate in the management and proces'singof'FEMA maps for the City ACTIVITY STATISTICS I, Land Development Engineering is projecting for FY 1997-1998 a mix of projects consisting of I 20 single family residences, deVelopme_rit of 30 cOrrim,ercial lots in the Business Park, two medium-size subdivisions, 100 right-of,waY'permiti:,;,eight sheets, of final and parcel map, 12 I miscellaneous street vacations, boundary adjustments, 10 flood letters and 39 miscellaneous applications. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None I I I I I . 1.5,9 III LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING II II Engineering Services Depa,rtmerit Division No: 60-2; . Division,Bud9.et Detail i! . '1, g2~e Expense Classification 1~~fu::~6 1:~~~r~ged~f~~ APJ1o~:d I,JJ~~~;:dii I Personnel Expense. I ' I Ii Range Position Title I I' 299,0 Sr Civil Engineer 68,197 68,300 69,982 70,350 72,810 l I 284,0 Assoc. Civil E~gil'l. (2) 115,614' 117,580 121,?79 '121,100125;340 . 269,0 Asst. CIvil Engineer II 49,748' 50;600 43,283 39,610 41;820 I. 259.0 Asst. Civil Eng. I (Temp) 28,303 38,830 31,227 43,770 46:210 218,1 Secretary III 30,221 30:430 29,840. 31,340 32~.440 . Intern 5,336 9,080 2,904 8,320 8,320 I 1110 Salaries-Regular 292,083395,740 295,41.1 306,170 318,628 I 1130 Salaries - Part Time 5,336 9,080 2,904. 8,320 8,320 1140 Salaries-Overtime 442 - 2,141500.500 1300 Employee Benefits 92,743 85,970 78,57688;840' 92,180 I ~1'~4'."0'''0'K7''~.9'''0''.'j. '.~~;.'3'''.':'9HW'0''3''2''1 ~;;.fO"'3N~8"."3"'0':"1:;4?i~i~'9"'f6<2"'0'; · "~(,,.. ,ti" '.". ,t ~,*,:\I;:", ,'. ."- ,~~~:!1:.. .,. ,-_. " } di$:ttAI: ..t, ' ' OQerations:and Maintenance I 1714a Land Development Engineering 1,990 2,000 1,985 2;008 2:,808 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 1,874 2,400 1,843 2,400 2,400 3130 Vehjcle Operations & Maintenance 1,794 1,190 - ,- - I 3140 Travel and Meetings 158 900 75 600 600 . 4120 Other ContractuaJ Services 1,1181,000 1, 120 18)000 1,000 -- - - '" .'- 4122 Plan Check/Map Processing 37,897 19,000 124,183;65,000 65:008 I 4126 Telecommunications Contracts - 1',000 - 930 '930 4308 R&M Equipment 2,840.3,200 2,980' 3,i200 3,200 I 4710 Off..iCe&Station. ery.,. Sup'plies 4,100 3,350 3,79-8 3;350 3,350 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 706 500 - '500 500 4740 Medical Supplies - 100 -100 100 4760 Operating Supplies 9 250 106 250 250 I 4908 Education and Training 325 1,300 54 1,300 1,300 4922 Printing 209 500 832 500500 I 4924 Publications and Dues 1,033, 840 316 840. 840 ,5510 Capital Outlay ReJltal - Vehicle 2,460 - - 1 :820, 1,820 5520 .capital Outlay Rental - General - 1,250 1,250 1,060 1,060 I 5530 Capital Outlay Rental-Office 6,140 2,750 2,750 1;250; 1,2501 5720 Cash Over/Under - - 4 - - I I I I i'N::^-''(':i.:>~;:k'o''-:>,?:'' )~,:;;::~~d:<':;-: ?!~:t'~~}':':A;;;~':~~k/;iir,,',:: ~,3:L:~:::iX~;';::;~':'>::;:.":"'::::,'i':>:-X;;,;,'~~Yi':'!:./<..:-O;;;":'/'.t"",~,;~\:,,:&Y!p;'ii.?~\t':"'''t;':~'t 'ikG.Yi<<f:*;:,;";~w~;,:~,,i-'0 ;jS;,,:;;,;'(,,,"":,;~1"~:,#~:~;,:,;,t;; ""T'otal'0' e'ratlons"& 'Ma'lnte na'n'c e' 'y.",','"",,,,. "'62"653' "'~'4'~"'296' """1'03'~'OO""'*86"1'OO' ',;" '.' .< ., . ," ' "";"""''-':~'''.'.''''#'''',,r'.'''' ,."..,....'.: . ". .; ""''''''-'. 'C. .~~''- .' :';R"~ ,.- ';"." . ,. ,~";':'i \:--.', I , Ica~i~,outlaY'" ""'1'" "" d" ,."h , I III !1tg]a'ti3l)t3'~~'it';jmOiliti~~H .';:; ;It:;;;. dif$.';;C,,; t@;~,;ilt~(~'~;fi)~:1;;f0iJ!k;~1\~j~t~l~rt#'i1~; i();;;~1ft,;1~J'1~1 :&'tgl~\~;~:;d il I Division Total i 5453,257 i$442,320 I $520,3281 $586,930 i $505,720 Ii I 160 I ENGINEERING INSPECTION I . .. '" " , ",. I . . ;ngirieeringServicesi . .... .... Departmerit.... I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Inspection Division's primary function is to en!)ure tt;1at the public and private construction I projects are in compliance with the approved plans and specifications, ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 Complete the Construction Managemt'ilOt responsibilities of the Scripps Poway Parkway I This includes coordination of the cioseout documentation transfer to City Hall and the shut down of the onsite office, 2, Provide construction inspection for lot..development in the Business Park. I 3, Provide the necessary inspection for the construction ofthe Wet&WUd \i,<ater park, Old I Coach Golf Course, Old Coach Estates; Rolling Hills Subdivision, and the Greystone subdivisions, 4 Provide assistance to the various utility companie.s to expedite right-of-way permit activities, I The inspector assigned to the utility company right-of"way permit inspection has been I revisiting previousright-ofcway permit worksites to determine iftrench.or'street repairs are needed. This will reduce Street Maintenance:Fund expenditures for these type of repairs. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM 'CHANGES I With completion of Scripps Poway Parkway, Engin'eering Inspection Supervisor and an Inspectoneturned to this division. I 1997-98 1998"99 Chanae Chanae 6199 - Purchase additional laptop computer for third I inspector +$1,900 6199 - Purchase office furniture, +$1,600 I I I I I I' lFil ,I . , ENGINEERING INSPECTION [I '1'. Engineering'Ser:vices Department Divi~ion No: 603 Division Budget Detail !I ; .' Obj, 11995-96 1996-97 11996:'97 I 1997-98 1998099 /1 Code. Expense Classification I Actual .A:pproved Actual I Approved Approved I I' ,I ,I Personnel Expense I I II '. Ranqe Position Title I I j' I 270,2 Engin. Serv Inspec. Sup. - - - 58,300 60,350 255,5 Engin, Services,lnsp (3) 83,60188,170 90;272 136:230 140;980 I' 1 1110 Salanes- Regular 83,601 88,170 90,272 194,530 201,3301 1140 Salaries -Overtime 6,932 6,000 14,519 10',000' 10:000'1 I 1300 Employee Benefits 30,358 :28,810 28,822 ~\'P"~~~:~~\$\i1",,~;~~~,:~:1 rw264"'Li70i ",,;273'660 I Operations,and Maintenance 3110 Reimbursed Mileage - 100 - 2;200 3,200 I 3130 Vehicleqperati~r\s& Maintenance 3,539.4;320 6,()31" 5,590 10,380 ' 3140 Trayel:a.nd,Meetlngs - 200 12 200 200 I 3310 Telephone 2,297 2;520 3,417 6,420 7,700 4112b Contract Inspection - 20,000 17,589 '2,500 2,500 4120 Other Contractual Services 383 480 - - - I 4308 R&~ Equipment 213 1,060 223 1,020 840 , 4318 R&M Radios - 300 - 550 450 I 4516 Small.Tools 112 200 150 680 410 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 368 480 394 . 670 800 I 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 301 '200 195 930 860 4750 Safety Supplies 153 300 13 350 270 4760 Operation Supplies 56 160 181 150 200 I 4799 Other Supplies and Materials - 250 186 , 250 250 4908 Education and Training - 400 695 1,100 1,000 I 4922 Printing 364 700 135 800 670 4924 Publicationsiand Dues 6 300 118 200 200 I 5106 Expense Credits - - - (46,680 - 5510 C~pital Outlay Rentai - Vehicles 4,560 4,020 4;020 4,:32.0 4,320 155'30C,aPitalOutlay Rental - Other 1,650 940 940 300 30011 !I I j 17'TotaltOpercltionsi&'!Maintenancei~gii)~g;*}4ft::4fi'!i;1;t;:1'sf462i!iAr1tiS6!930!i{j'ifSMQ99il~~j(j{8;456ji~;;~t34f55d;i I I CaQifal'Ouflay' I I '[:i 6199 I Otber Equipment . - - I -1',900 1,600:! :~':.: - '.-."~.',.""-'.,.: -- , , : .. ::.,,-, ' : "-i -,,, ':1.:: -" ' ),:.,,:<-."'.,;',;:.;;,,}.-.-.- - , - ;:, -.; -..::.;::i ;""'}'~"'-.J _;'_'.,_': -i-: '-<"_."-'.;/"..'" :,"'-,- ",',; '.;:' '-,- "';';';...'_F,.;,t.",. .~~n",~ "," ,'.,K.,',. ".,.,_,,',"' ,-"'.' "'r.x.",'. . ':"n.'-_~' ..,.-_'..,.,.c...~:',l..V>~~'i; I "'..-."",-".~;,-:. .- -:..-....- - .,,> ,-",', """'~'-"'''''$ - '_>-'" - - ,. . -;-. ''- I I ........-..0 tal'CaQltal"O" utlay"".,",..,....,""'..".......,.....,. .'<" ,', ...'..,'....., ""'." """."" ' ',..,...,....,.,..,....'.."'.1'.'900'." .,..~"600.1 '--:',1:1 l ,.. .,' ., '...'-i.T",,-;.',-;_",-'.",K,..(11":.~__.,'.'__"",;:.-__,.._.:.~':"''':'->'' '''.-.,-"p. ,,:&:,,'l'-~"'~''-'(~ ,v- ,,,,,,-~.-..,._,-):";.-.,,, _.,_,.".,_,_,';:~O_:f'_'",' .,' '.'''''';,{i'-:''".-.'' "" ""'<''-''l'''i'-~ '(} ,.- I ,[' 'Division Tot~1 ,....,. ........,..., '.' ......., ",,'.' "'li134"293"1'$'1"59:91"Oti1"~:;:9'1Zi$S4a.220/'$3"O~::S1'Q., 162 I TRAFFIC ENGINEERING I I I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Traffic Engineering Division is responsible for operation and maintenance of the I computerized traffic signal system. Traffic Engineering. insures proper'timil'lg and traffic progression at the Citys 44 traffic signals, The Division oversees design andcor:lstruction of I new signals, and recommends modific~tions and upgrades'to existing signals. 'Traffic Engineering monitors roadway signing arid striping and initiates changes or new designs when required. It reviews and approves all Work area traffic control and maintains records and files I including accident reports, traffic volumes andspe~d, suryeys. The Division responds to traffic related public complaints and serves as staff to the Traffic Safety Committee,. Traffic Engineering completes analyses, prepares reports.and makes recommendations on ,all traffic safety related I issues. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 Prepare reports and, evaluations of 'Traffic, Safety. Committee agenda items and traffic related public requests and inquiries. I 2. Manage and maintain the comp8terized traffic signal system. Make appropriate traffic signal timing modifications as required. I 3. Maintain current, court ce,rtifiable speed surveys .ar:ld establish. new speed,'limits iri accordance with the requirements of the,California Vehicle Code. 4 Maintain accident records and man?ge the High Accident Location and Analysis Program. I 5. Prepare a Traffic Signal Report analyzi[1g conditio[1s at existing signalized ir:ltersections and - "-. , evaluating unsignalized locations for future signal installation. Make periodic review.ofstop controlled intersections. I ACTIVITY STATISTICS Traffic Engineering completed 58 traffic counts, 42 speed~uiveys,37 Tr,affic Safety Committee I agenda items and reviewed more than 100 trafficcontro.! p!,:lnS in FY 9629!:The Division managed installation of red light photo citatiol'l cameras in fivesignalizedihtersections, and I managed design and construction of new.traffic signals at the intersectigns of Pornerado Road and Casa Avenida and at Pomerado Road and. Old Pomeradq Road. A similar Traffic Engineering work load is anticipated for FY 1997:'98 and 1998-99. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES I None. , I I . 163.........- 'III TRAFFIC ENGINEERING '--:1 .' [I .Engfneering Services Departmenf Division No: 604, Division Budget Detail :' I Qbj I '.. I 1995c96 1996-9.7 1996-97 1997 -98 .11998~99 'I' Code Expense Classification Actual' Approved Actual Approved Approved 'I I Personnel EXRense I II ", Ran e Position Title ,1 II I 299,0 Sr Civil Engineer 67,56468,300 67,713 70,350 72;81011 239,9 Engineering Tech 38;361 - - - - I I 218,1 Secretary III 30,371 300430 31,294 31,340 32,44011 1110 Salaries - Regular 136,296 98,730 99,007 101,690 105,2501 I 1130 Salcuiesc Partime - - 1,578 - -, 1140 Salaries ~ Overtime. 182 - - - - I 1300 Employee Benefits 44,924 31,,930 35,030 29,620%~t7:~;?~~~ , ...,:135 890 o erations,and Maintenance I 1714 Contract Engineering SerVices - 500 - - 500 I 1714d Traffic.Engineering 6,082 29,600 14,028 30,400 29,600. 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 3120 Vehicle' Operations 280 300 324 - - 1 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 1,2061,180 6251,330 1,370 .' 3140 Travel and Meetings 433, 240 413 240 240 I 3310 Telephone 541 1,000 670 1,000 1,000 4308 R&ty1 Equipment 680 1,080 631 1,080 1,080 4516 Small Tools 47 - - 120 120 I 4518 Storm Repair Materials - 120 5 - - 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 968 1,200 1,287 1,200 1,200 I 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 379 300 324 250 250 4750 Safety Supplies 22 100 - 90 90 1 4760 Operating Supplies 419 650 245 600 600 4908 Education, and Training 736 750 460 700 700 '. 4922 Printing 211 250 148 250 250 4924 Publications'and Dues 230 380 189 350 380 5510. Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicle 4,250 - - - - I 5520 CaRital Gutlay Rental-Other 2,320 1,060 1,060 700 700 5530 Capital.Gutlay Rental - Office 2,16.0 1,040 1,040 770 770 I I. I !'tr$6t~i;6~~i~ti6W~\&;'M~i~1~R~hg&:;~re'f..t"~!I!tj i~~..i22!iZ64;1''2*1{4''1ri55'oj..~i\~2'3r2491It~oj!8801*~~~or65Q' , I CaRital Outlay I I l'lli 612:1a 1~~~~i~,~:~:.~,~~:.~~~..~~~I,.. .., (i"..... I :~;'!..!.,..~'" .. ...m.... ..~"...q..".J".h:~"...," ,.........:, ."'Ili . !"n::,., .',' '-..i, f: "."" ,'.-.' :" - ,_ ", .. "'\"';'ft:,,;,,;, :.;;;,,~;,::. ;(;-':;':":'::r~">:;,:;":,:\::":'" _",', . '!;.:';'~;;,-,:!;;::;,.~_:;t,:',::;::,:~;/?: _::{~'-\~;::'::fH:;;:l}:2~:~~:5:"')<~~Si;~:~:{~T[\t{>r~h'~-0ii~t{.;ry~~,;::,~:.:~g;_:: ";rotal,CapltaI0utlay,,. . .""%.",.$",,,,,,,, .... .... 503 ,we. .,......... ,,,,,,,',.O,,",I<F;.JjY'l!,...Ch.,h' "",,,"'.,~.M,,,,~;...:,I 'I' II I Dlvisi'onlotal I $204..669~172;210 1$158,864 i $172.190 i $17Q,~4011 164 I CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT I _c,' '-"-"'-''''''---. .. ,n"""",. ''''''. ... ...." .......3~g~~~i~~services............... .,.....g~~~2~fiti~ity.. I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Division's function is to completethe construction of the Scripp's Poway Parkway by I providing construction management and inspection services throughout'the:life of the project. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1 Provide construction management, budget 'control, and inspection sUpervision for all aspects of the construction phase of the project. I 2, Provide coordination between the various agencies involved with th~ prQject and the contractor I 3. Provide accurate, detailed docU:rnenta,tionof all construction activity. This information will be maintained Ol'l file to minimize!theirripact of claims if any are filed against the I City SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES I The division is scheduled to be eliminate'dUpori completion of the Parkway Project in October ~ I I I I I I I I I , 5 II CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT -SCRIPPS powA Y PARKWAY ,t Ii " III Engineering Services Department Division, No: 605 '. Division Budget Detail I] 0bj, 1995"961.996-97 11996-97 1997 ~98 11.998-99 I Code Expense Classification Actual Approved Actual Approved Approved , .' I Personnel Ex ense I i i Range Position Title I II , I 279,2 Construction Mgr 59,404 56,610 63,767 - - II 47,571 ... I' 254,2 Engin. Services lrisp 44;080 42,107 - - I I 202,6 Secretary II (Temp) 14,238 22,660 12,962 6;970 - II II 1110 Salaries - Regular 121,213 123,350 105;874 - - I I 1130 Salaries - Part Time - - 12,962 6,970 - 1140 Salaries - Overtime 30,233 28;800 13,536 - - I 1300 Employee BeT]eflt~ 36,088 32,670 32,754 860 - I Ollerationsand Maintenance I 1510 Temporary Services - - 1,137 - - I 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 1,800 2,000 1,800 1,000 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 7,282 4,780 4,103 4,530 - I I 3140 Travel and Meetings 55 200 - - - 3310 Telephone 4,669 5,040 5,396 1,280 - I 4120 Other Contractual Services 303 260 193 - - 4308 R&M Equipment 16 100 100 - - 4318 R&M Radios - 50 - - - I 4516 Small Tools 179 100 - - - 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies' 1,791 1,200 1,173 130 - I 4730 Photographic/Copy S.upplies 489 500 447 130 - 4750 Safety Supplies 195 150 - - -, I 4760 Operating Supplies 53 - 123 - - 4799 Other Supplies and Materials 168 250 225 - - 4922 Printing 177 500 119 - - I 4924 Publications'and Dues 17 200 180 I - - 4932 Advertising 81 - - - - I ,,5510 Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicle 1,070 1,070 1,070 1,660 '- 5710 AdmihistrativeOverhead Costs - - - 46680 - I ,1)"-r""":'<ir);;';-')''.''''V)~~'i'.i'''''''''''''A'i''"..".")"",,,),) ,'"'v"'.";",,' , '.i'mi.,'"",..,.." ' " , , Iii' 'otal, ' perabons'i8(iMaihtenahce"':.f,ii.,i'::;i'l'lfJl&t18'345' lif;;'lil16'/40Oi ~.,~., _. .':.. '~ ' .. .. ;,^~",,,,,,,''''',,,,''.''~'',..,,,...., '-'.<0"'.'-'- ,'.c...-...."'.,..."',.. Y.' . I '~itaIOUtlaY I II I 6122b C.apital0utlay - Computer I - 1,800 1,874 - - II , 'ii, '11~"t~taWeaPitai;,OuHayiith.> "'J;jiiiit:f;i};';;;;:,i;~;):Y::j;;:';:;Ml,j;'iif';800iiii;~11(1;;8"i4;1*'S0jS;i~'{;.;'!:i\;:' !:ri:!i~lF4iii~:il III i Division Total I $2()5,879 I $203,020 1$183J)661,'~6i24'ol "'~. I) I '1 \1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I, I CITY OF POWAY PROGRAM OVERVI~W: 1997~t998 COMMUNITY SERVICE ,PROGRAMS I' ,__168 ~ ~ I CITY OF POWA Y PROGRAM OVERVIEW I I Service Programs $686,909 $80,980 I ""'"q., "",,,,,, "'$686 909 I k:"^V'W\"(~",,,%,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,",.-I"',""F-" , :.: ~,SLt{:~i,:,::~t;,:;.L:.L}:'A:Ytk::'~,,:' " .,. .,; OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I The City of Poway Program Budget reflects the allocation of the City's financiai resources for the I purpose of providing specialized services, The mix.of programs funded for FY 1997-98 is designed I to provide a broad range of community safety and recreation programs ranging from 2 to,5 years I in length. Activities budgeted in the Program section of this document are distinguished from I: " Department operating budgets to provide for fundihg over multiple years. II II " I For FY 1997-98, funding is provided for qmtinujng operatipn of the YMCA PRYDE Program, and the II COPS FAST Juvenile Intervention Program, Operation of the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve: originally I established as a Program budget, has been incorporated into the City's Lake .operations Division. I I I I I I I I I I I : I Ii I II , rl I 'I I! Ii !I \1 II I II !I II I II I' " , ;, I 1 I 1~ . . r-- CITY OF POWA Y II III ' II . ..._.. . ,1 1...6"S....4"Vi;jM'r:NiJ'hR"vD".E''''..hR..O'G.'o'''M',w''.'''''''""''''',, 'w'''",' .,',-,,'/' -" ,,,,,'W~"",,," I Ili,-j;;,;..?~~lG,.;l':,J'I''\'9 ,;;1;+;:~.;;%4;,;;;::E;",Nj',;;':",':",:::.,:.,,;>:,'i,e'''';:~ :;',; '.: "'. ':;;,::';-.";. '1 liTh is is an after school program operated by the YMCA,atMeadowbrook Middle SchooL 'I 'IThe' PRyDE prograril was implemented in FY 1994-95 to provide services primarily to at:. I I II risk youth. T.. ,he program iriCludes homework assistance, t. utoring, ,structured recreational '1 I!activities, comrnunityservice events, leadership training, and career awareness. It is .. I , IIProjec~ed that approximately 120 to 150 youth will participate in FY 1994-95 The YMCA ,I I ilPRYDE program receives financial assistance from the Americorps program as well as"an ill allocation from the City of Poway, totaling $95,000 over a three~year period ' , I I Activity Through New Appropriations I I , Funding Source ; 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 I Total.Program I 11<:-,~~e~~I:( 109~.,. . """I!" ..,.'..,..'....'. ,.,,"',.~ ~!5~q.qq 'II..",.",,,,, '.',....., .,,,", ,"OW',,,...........,....... ". ""."...... ,..............,"'...,J~!5 :g,oQ'11 Expenditures I 73,078 '73,0781 Encumbrances 0 , IIRemainihg Budget $21,922 $0 $21,9221 II. ,I liThe program provides funding for a deputy sheriff position dedicated for performing ~uvenile intervention work. The program is designed to reduce crimes committed by Ilj~veniles throu9,h pro-active counseling 'of "at risk" juveniles a~d by providing reactive IdlVerslon act,vlt.esfor mmoroffenders: The program reach~s Juveniles who do not have I access to either the DARE or Gang"officers, In addition to fundin'g provided by the City of I, I Poway, this three-year program receives $75,000 in federal graritfunds to offset total i I,program costs of $186,750 i I Activity Through New Appropriations I II Funding Source 6/.30/97, July 1, 1997 I Total Program II , g~;e~:~~~~ed Grant 1 $~~:~~~ I $~;:~~~ ~~~:~~~II IT' .....,' "'.,,/. "1 0;.'''-'''$ "'~t^,^"^^ ^ I'''' "Yii' "":''''~' ,^.~ ..-.. -" %>5"'" '~~'''~~*'''."<''.'"N'W~ <" "'~J t~l;otal-Budget>,,\~ 1-::' ~~Q>!.; :,"'" ,", "' " ~~: ,;a~ l > 135,990 :$ '~~: 0<, \',~t~>~P}~~,80:980 ~ "J~~\' >;:~~fZ~~~J5~;4"':>2\16',"97,'Oll I i[Expenditures^ "'. ! ".. ", " 135,989 .... . ...., '" ........, "", 'd%"1"35,989ij ! Encumbr~lnces I I: !:Remaininq Budqet, $1 $80,980 $80,98111 II !' ,Iii 11 I Ii '.1,1 Ii . 'I I' , " " I ,__J7.Q _~c===,~~_, -- .~-- I !I CITY OF POWA Y " " " ili8~M~8~1h-Y'JE~Ytg~:~~~9~,~~*:;,,;,.,it. """" ....;~:~~;.~~:::'-:L....."':,\;-2;,)t-;~')~~),.,...~-=':-".....'.,' ,:...=',; I II ,I I if." '<. .-,...,,~, - . '" "" -." -'--', -- , .. ,--......;..-.c... .,C,'"W . _,.....,~...'_-.-:"..;.:..:.:.; .____.___::. ._._..:.._..._....__._ '" "'-~~;~""'..' 'C:;','.,:', ,:~/~:~.:y",,:.:'.~.~ ","" , " ...,_ . . . . p '1689 RESIDENmSl:JRVE(f' ".. ,."",-,"'-' """,," , , " ".' , "" "'" ,",' ,"'" """""" ,,', "," ", (:,.._____. .::,_:_. ,_ _' ,,_L'i'~'__"':"':":__:_':}_':';;,,;r:~'~:::'"'' ,.-.,t'"..,-"::t~;,::t,:_:,":';":"::'"",,< "" _ -~" ;".r.: ).<:,;;':,:}~L,{n;_;:;"~i;:::~f;i::;;~::i:h' :~'~':'(:"~:"': : ::~,;::;, ,<:,::j:':; :4;;; ;;,;!! IIDUring FY 1994-95, the City started work on a citywide resident survey The purpose of :: I [the survey, scheduled to be completed in early FY 1995"96; is to determine,and prioritize Ii ,community interests and service level needs. \1 I i Activity Through New Appropriations :1, iFunding Source ,6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Program III ,~~ft~[l~~';'~lTI'. ~~"''3~~~:fi.~Hli'~;;lli'm:" .1;>l~ ,~~~1;~~r~:ij I Expenditures I 38,249 38,249"11 Encumbrances I Remaining BudQet I $1,751 $0 $1,75111. \ ,I "I 15971 COMMl:JNI'[Y 0EVElK0PME't\j;fB~o'eK:G~N:tiriQ~SING'R,EHABIQi\tA'DIPN' !iB9,GBJt~'~' ~t-li . Initiated in 1995, the Community Development Block Grant Housing Rehabilitation .' II. Program provides funds to low- and very low-income:homeowners to complete health and II safety and other specified improvements to their residences in Poway The program. has !I I as its goal the preservation and improvementofPoway's existing affordable .housing stock, :[_ Zero-interest loans of up to $8;000 are available, which convert togrants;at a rate of 10 ! percent each year for every year the home is Clccupied by the applicant. Theentire !I amount converts to a .grant at the end often'.years. This program is funded by the City's i III Community Development Block Grant Progr~m. Af:!er'approximately one year'ofolleration, I the Program has funded 16 rehabilitationiprojectsL Part-time staffing is currently provided I I by a consultant, with support from the Division o(Redevelopment and Housing. I. il i I I Activity Through I New Appropriations I I IIFUnding Source I 6/30/97 . July 1, 1997 Total Program 1[. CDBG Grants (241) I $384,320 I $384,320 Ii [ITotal" Budget~.., '... ."", ~;:';"'.I:!;,".it;. 'i'..;tt;iil,i!f;~r384i32bW;?;;;'i'.;~.tW,,;%:,'i;itW;;;';t,;:}4f.?js;;Iii;;;;: ;\,y;;;;;c,,;;;;;-ft;;;;,;;;;;384;3ft6J[ I!E~pe~d'iiures' ... . ,,,. "1,.A'.,., "'"'29S:56S'i''''''''''''''''''''''' ,I."', ..' """""""298:56811 . :Encumbrances I 6,770 I I 6,770 'I 1!.Remaining BudQet I $78,982, $0 $78,9821, !I Ii I 'I P I d i ,: III I ! I i , , ;, I '-' I " ' . , IU1 , .11 .. . -- - CITY OF POWAY Ii I " " I' 1~973;'VfSf;[;()'R"ENht.4NCE'ME:N;t'PROGRAM" ""'"i.~,,,S,i'f'''''''''''''''';''' ",., n " ,.;',',,"',""'(('1:'''''''<-''''''';',. """"''''''':1 ' ,:,' /".L. ',.':",. i: ':',; .,"._f,. ~"\H'.' ': "., ..", , ,,' ,,,"}L>.,,, ,,'.: : :,',,-1' - D'~;G::z~:~:'\}":i~~:,:JD-~?f:;.';~:g~i)h~F;-~::r;\c~Ed~~ ;,," .,:>~,/:" ,,,:~ :'?;~?5 :j~:?1~r"L"':~FH:~'~L :}j"'i;::;,:;~~i;f~-i I Initiated in 1994, the Poway Visitor Enhancement Program was d,eveloped to increase II visitor and resident awareness of,existing shopping oPPortuflities and points of interest in II Poway . The Program is administered through the Poway Chamber Of Commerce Visitors il I Committee, Activities undertaken through this Program involve the participation of Po way merchal'lts and residents, These include coordinating the publication of brochures, direct- mail campaigns, membership in local visitors bureaus, and promotional events such as the 'I Shop Poway" Program, Program objectives include the generation of additional sales tax revenue. 1 I Activity Through New Appropriations ! Funding Source 6/30/97 July'1, 1997 Total Program IGeneral (100) i $31,5991 1 $31,5991 Expenditures 25,299 25,299 ~ I Encumbrances I ' Remaining Budget I $6,300 $0 $6,30011 I IIBB0GfWM',~L!rv1MARY!ii)";:iv)r<:'lt;\)Ul~811i):4iil!)))~1;it~%r:';;~~~{N1V~)ffi~):'1,:!~~lJtS\:;)1'![)L):%f),lr!4'~:;i))!:?;,l",;"":::;:)':'2)';l)~~),"j I Activity Through New.A.ppropriations I ,. Funding Source 4/28/97 July 1; 1997 Total 1Tf"f I B"'Cl"" f -c7""""''''''lr " "'.,,'. .",' ,,", '$686' 909' ;;;~~i)1!4)~;ifl)&);~)t~i~,l!Qjl]flQJI;Lt);).});;L:);tr!;fi);;;),)lf$~~~:~~.~il ;,,~:9.- ~",L,J.L;>9~, :)}::::iLZ~:i':;2,t;',(t*J;"~:;:;~~~~~:,h';:::j\({rt/:t~:i~~'{ ?:': " ',e,"."o; ~A__>_".J Expenditures I 571,183 I Encumbrances 6,770 6,77011 Total Remaining Budqet I $108,956 $80,980 $189,936!1 I I I 1 II 11 Ii I II Ii . I III Ii Ii i ,. I II II " I: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I: I I" CITY OF POWAY FINA~CIAL PROGRAM~: 1997-1998: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM , ,_.. -.- ..... I. 174 CITY OF POWAY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1997-1998 FUNDING SOURCES Drainage Fund $ (18,743) Sewer Fund 175,000 Water Fund 247,220 Grant Fund 113,100 Special Assessment Fund 120,000 Street Development - Prop A 200,000 ~ Street Development 650,000 Municipal Improvements (1.179:616) TOTAL $ 306;961 .. I' FUNDING APPLICATIONS .~ Government Buildings $(1,116,316) '~ Flood Control & Drainage (61,243) Traffic Signal 90,000 Streets and Highways 890,000 I Parks and Open Space 79,800 Sewer Improvements 160,000 Water Improvements 264.720 TOTAL $ 306,961 ~ d ~'. 175 II CITY OF POWAY II I Streets & Highways $3,015,289 $890,000 $3,905,289 Traffic Signals 660,500 90,000 750;500 I' Flood Control & Drain, 1,182,700 (61,243~ 1,121,4571 i G~emmeol ",Ud'09' 4,375,028 (1,116,316) 3,258,712 Parks and Open Space 791,551 79,800 871,3511 I Water Improvements 8,345,329 264,720 8,610,049 .' Sewer Improvements 5,825,321 160,000 5,985,3211 T,"t "1"B'c'd'~t'";'{'t!i",.""...,,,,,,,,..N'''''''~'''''''''''''''''.".."""$24"495."7....8.. "1'%,>,.,.,.",.".." """"$306 "964" '!i&r """'''''''''''''$24' "502~6"79 -:-.10 a~, - U"!--ie \rd~~\*u{+it1;;~;~t,l~:;~~'ii'~~1S1~:)V~U~i:tl'__,::'h(_" /lik(.Z:tk"t~t~%iD~~tit(:!}r21g1$iti : _' .}. _ \I;'~1:1;%ft1~~i,t!k{lltNt,*~j5V% ,t ._" ; ;I{ _ .1 OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I. The Capital Improvement Program of the City of Poway represents an organized. plan for addressing the phy!!ical needs of the community The pages which follow add to the five-year Capital Improvement Program that began during fiscal year 1982-83 As the budget is approvE:!d each fiscal ,I year, itwill be possible to review progress being made, costs incurred to date, arid..the implications . of inflation on future costs. I' The improvements as set forth in this budget fall into the seven major categories: Streets and Highways, Traffic Signal~, Flood Control and Drainage, Government Buildings, Parks and. Open Spaces, Water Improvements, and Sewer Improvements. In the future as needs are'identified, I attempts will be made to prioritize additional projects as well as. identify probable funding The five- . year program, which wilLbe updated;annually, will assist in allocating capitalimprovement'funds and I enable the City of Poway to attain its goals in a reasonable period of time. t , I II : I , II I 'I '- II I Iii I 'I I " I~ I 176 Iii I[ CITY OF POWA Y Ii I, I~Z-;:l;;')~~:f4tt?1r';;~:'~:$.%*-~t~;\~&rt~'\~*~~~~:0~i~~@1;t'.t2t\~J,;~m);:0,1.v"fi!f.~~":~fJf,:';;''-'';:'M't},#:fi;t.;}~-;JVi~k''Vi ~~J.9k"*~~i~\<~,~:t~.:;V~'F~\~~m.)';~i~F<~i?;~i,}r~:t;;~:~'~;:~tltF0}kt2L2~:!Bf:r't'W:'H.tl:;~J\~.:,r::~t:~l?Y I 11€/,I\ffil;rA:l!qIMRR0~EMENT.,;8,R0GRAM~;~11\?r4:ill~tzl,~~\ smREEl1SifAND'\iHIGIifWAYiS,~",~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,>,,",,,,y,'''k,;,. 4",p>!':"';~:~q,~t;;''"-';~'''~i' '<_';,"''>;:~~<tW)'7/''>:':;'':':::'-~~"'"~''':':''''''1">l::, '," '~,:~'''"'.t Y~.t:~. ;,:_:."~..,.".;:tilh~"'~';,, ,""':, ~~~~~l&~:~~~~{~,~;~~~~?1j*fft~~:~d~~tff~~L~i_~;1~Wt1~~;~1~1p,~t;:t'f}~i~~i~~,tlft$}H:-, h", ""'\t}1.:)\~'~''>.f;$r;~,;M''':'''''''il:'li?~I$'Y,&-;.;,>).,i%;N'01'':;!<,jki,~t.M./~.,~-~:,',m'~::'>'''-V\li'~Q.~'i~~''l<,~~lfl~~jt<, I ~."'.vx ,'. . "'_'.~"'_ '." J._' ,...._._.,_ ,_ .. ,"", -_, ,.'.-,;...".. ._.m' __ .. '.... ,.,.,~ <>,"-'. ,~....~...,.,... ',>". . "_.' ,--....._ I 'I 1.~?~~l]J~I[I;'_~..~_~~$~lf~~1i~~~~~i~Ii!~IJlI:~{~&~~~~I~y~~}1\\\~l~_~~~~:~2~li8~E~~~~~:~I1El Installati~n of bus benches at various locations around the City II, Activity Through New Appropriations I FundinQ Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total Project II TDA Grants (243) 1$38,057 . i $38,057 ~"";~:""~~,T.~:"w'i'~~~~.'C?~~~,~}~<t;"'-"""?~~lrl-~';-~'1"~1~;'''Y'':~'5l~''~<~~~''''''-'?"'''.'.~.; 1;~~~':~~~~:;~34'_;'k~~~\\~'f!t~U!i~~'l:"::&~~;\'A~'':'~''~.>,,~,~'$~W!i~~"~~38~~ '''''"'-, imotal..Buaget~l1it~'l.;~ ~ ~!ifJ1f~~11l~Jtii" 't38l051\ ~J_~~S~~l'iti'\'('~\lJ;;j\';{i;I2~8;\"0~Jt':0:j;ii'~t"'">i&. \054 i Expenditures' .., I ,.,~" 38,057 [ " ,,,.,,, "", i"'" "," .., 38'0571 . Encumbrances . I Remaining BudQet I $0 $0 $0 'I 1!:i225~:tLliB~RY,'BifJS'iSBEllimER;)~"'''''me~~;''~~1I(':~1!W'''''!W'0';'Yiiiii!J'6"""""!"'(f~"',n;,w'''%;;{''''r:;'i,.~,''ii'J)~!'\'V''(''''''i' 'i] .,!",,,,,'4!i,,; "";~,,~,,.,";,ili:::,,";" .)...",..!,.,., ,.:It,,,,'kilk:~.~.ik&'i.~~t~lk:~:mllit!!i" ".&;&l:~*g;i&MI&"A.ikt1!?iL~W&;tl));;I;ifWiJ:\i';i~idti:I!;A'!if\&'llt:t!.ikiiYi'ifu:J t This project provides for the design and. construction of.a bus shelter, turnout, .and . landscaped walkway to the new library The I?us shelter will incorporate the unique I design features of the new library and will be Ibcatep on Poway Road.. I Activity Through New Appropriations I I FundinQ Source 6/30/97 July 1,1997 Total Project TDA Grants (243) $150,000 I $150,000 ...'""~'YB"Cf""''''''''''''''\Th'.~'~''-,.,'I''''~'''1i!ill '''~5o'ood' wt4JjJ~~~~~~~~@t~"t.~'t..~;~1fu11~~!"'~'%~~t~~~{~i'f1f5(Food', I mota ~ u get~7;i~M',i;.~i~~~~ Jtt~:j4ih:k~~: iU.~i~~: . .~,',~ -{~%;~~h<J. .~"t~~~~~~'.i;~;~~~~'",--i1.,~~~>._jlf.;<:?";';;''''''-~':';,,:--:e'W Ji'td"k?~'-\M1 i ' "","',,"<<~'---"""'._-^,," ~.",..,~...",..' .'.' ',.... ,-.""",' -".... ~'"",,. ~-" -..""""",, ,,'" ,;>. " .""""",. 'M~''':q . . =,4"'.~' '_-.:}," '-J>.'<i.<-.~._.~y.'-, ,""".^~_~ ~d :_-'",,,......\ Expenditures 1 0,894 '10;894 Encumbrances Remaining BudQet $139.106 .$0 $139106 'I 1Q3'4'7:rR~mGNMEN;r;;sif{tl)DM'\:irB'rG'iH;vk:iJ[E:'(Ij'B0;&;ljl1if:'g:f~~tl!t?!l!if11~t~io/Ar~;fi)j'j~nf.~N;;!(f,i~tlNs1;"k'lii!%il~i\ll~~" I t;::'':',"",~..-::>:J$\.'';;',-~",-,v '. ',~""",,,_'~; ,,_ '1"s.~_,J.,~"""....;:..1}::)).."........."-,...t.-*=:,~..::._&-~,___,,,,,,,~.....--.;. ~'6<':'n~~.~%&b';,.o:..~~J:~';~"L~~'21~S:f..~-'"!~~~!-~k~J.~\h&~~Jk'to1:~"1Pl~'f".M!i:~ This project involves preliminary study of the realignment of High Valley Road, I , Activity Through New Appropriations I I I Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1,1997 Total Proiect , St Devel-AB1600 (222) I $112,800 , $112,8001 I I St Devel-AB1600 (222) 125,000 i 125,0001 Water Utilities (510) 128,000 I 128,0001 High Valley Road (276) 810,630 i 810,630!1 I Street Dev-Prop A (223) I . 53,000 53,000 I 'fmt"TB>>a'''''''f~"<''~'~'i1k'(''"'*'''''''~I"'''t'!lW~'''''~~''1.(:!'Zi>~'~229''430' ~~~'r.'W':;'~.";,-'{"~'-\~i'f'~~lv>~~'l:l"--ii1-;"':~~~",.;.'~~~'t;??fj,"229'-'~-"~~'<:1 L:() ..~,...,sM)l...9~~L~~~'ii}:~t~;;;i:~:;t~;2~~tW'0:;&%2s~,i\1~~;'L''''':'''".....,k~"'....~ ~~1k_~:ti}Jll_~J,j%iL~*1J:~~il7*~~~4t:1i2~1~*~~u1:,."..~,w~~3Q; I Expenditures 1 1,166,591 I 1,166,5911 I Encumbrances , 32,511 I 32,511 . I Remaining Budget I $30 328 $30 328 I ~' , II III 'I I ' ' . ""i.: ~ I 177 II CITY OF POWA Y II 11;,.;:;.:<".iti;d~it1.")~o.\ff~'~<"~Y:0.";;"'.{~:f'~~~1,;,?;''.*;:O;~'~:-::.f\.:;.:t~;t:~/;;~}t:G~f{,: '..:~.:~~Y:::L~::""if?4'f;\};'Qtt'.:i.';:.:''':~:fVffPt'YW~n~;i ~~r.'\.'.>!:\,~.t:/W.' ?'~;J~*'{,t.\'~~:-.'t.;::t,.'~i:~~),i~;)5}f:'i'nii~Z},:?':~AfSh~tw;,'A:1~~~ij:'A~i~~1?J.1~~i-?il*\~'t;';>"I' II€A81;rAI1%IMRR0'11EMEN;r~RR0GRAM!::wc'"l!!A\*:i:ii~!\; STREEmSWANDiHIGf1WAY;Stfi&;j{lNi~$l?!1i;H12!ftli'41'M'f~il .111 ... . . . I 1,_~_,~",___.__~~__"_"""'''''''.''I'';._''~'_~'''_'r;c__r'''''_'''''_ ....<~~,.""-'~"'~.....'t.;1j.;.'.r'..-."~.1~t.,..~.,--' "-'$~-'-~"''}"O~'"-~~"''''{!:.''''~'''''~'~r''^'~''-~''''WY;('1i''''' - <''''~~\''''''''-M--:''C{I<X:;~''''''''''~'' ~""--I . 'il~.~:tQiiB~_M~.~~@1I:l.lI$.!;l~!'lE;iWl~:l;ml'~~~M~~~t-\'J),1~11~1~#i;iE'1}~t~ti~t\;liht:!~tifif{%h?\t{i~fcqi%1i);Ji~.;t[>,Jt'dZ1~~t;~\::E~J, l:rhiS project involves the design and con~truction to widen Pomerado Road for a new bike lane: II III' Activity Through I New Appropriations I I' I,Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total Project ,. ,Il~,..!~.,~.:;.w..;!ai.:. ~.r;~o.:.~;~.~ !.4.J;.}.~~t.~.....1 '.l.'$t"'. ""1:l.:"':.'0.,.;;."'.':."..'jt.'.~. ~1:...~5.. 0 ;.~.~. t. ;"".':.~.'1:!B'.;&'~'.,'..:.1li.:.'.:~.,~. "",J.,.?g2,.;..0,lJ. g'II'.4~'''''''::''':';~'',"1)~:'''''''t1~',;~" 'c~:!.~:..~.,~~~,o.O~~; i I 'illQ!~):;;,~qqg,~~>~;K;~~J:I~;;~~C~':;);iKt!: i:1~{8;?,)\~'k~;~(;1"\~~\~~~:~'f"s.?_5"..q,9Jl~. @Hf~!~~~)'1i~3t~-tii~:g~~~~g9-o. t,qQQ~, ";,:~,~tN:.t~~W'~~:~i:r&5~:~t~{~L~9,,Q;PJlQ.1 E~peiiditures 84~ . 84,494 . Encumbrances 3,460 3,460 I Remaining Budget $162046 $200,000 $362,046 I, 1[24';11\i~I~1ZV@'~!HC;Y~Jfi;ftfR5ili:l~~tJiijtt&i!I1;~~J~f~~!#~~&'W6:t%~1.1~r!f~litlii:I~~J,jjj!lfZ$al~{I~~'II&\~ill ..' This proj~ct involves'the construction of bicycle and pedestrian-related,improvement " programs. This project also proposes the installation of sidewalks on Powers Road, Frame Road, Oak Knoll Road, Glen Oak Road, and Neddick Avenue, I,. Activity Through New Appropriations I ~ ~g Source 6/30/97 Julv 1, 1997 Tiotal Project 11~~oikt~aXI"BaJU''1.I~gre'~t~i~~~~~.?r~J;II~nl'''];l:;ft\'''Ij,iillL'''ll~.22'?5rOo"-00_Oo';I!tifJf<W;;;;;'~ifk.,,\~m;I.~rc%11$~I,{ff'f;,,'l!%t:if'~~>1'!;'\'1'\ltZ';;$j'~2?55'f'Oq,lJoFoJ ~.:I:~ _<' U'~~.fH~~~-:~}.:1;...<:.g!1i;Jo::1~ :,~-~>,'t/%"N',*:r:"::~\~" f'''!}'-\:.:~-~~~tw~, . .' ,l \:~~~:,,~~,J~fWi0r,~'ilZ~'1"~:.',~'11,L",>t;-"'~~'}:i$~~A~. ",~ '~",V-"'~'::'@~~'~~~\;;,~"~'~"..:t":};.''i';'' . .. , ""~"...._"'~'>I.',"__,_, ..._",...N,.",,~'\"'k,-.~...-..j$'i~'~'k;_' .,....S1.J.,""'~..~.,"'.,^.,,:.""",.. ~~"'...b<.'..'..."""""".'."i,'.'..,."',,",,"'" ,,,,,.^.,,":.,...~~,,,.",,~._.~..,,,,,,,,<t;{i.>.~,,,c~,,,,.,..,<..,, .""",~'J.:i,':<:""<o<~t2..< _...~"".)~L..;ii;.. .. ",.~.-<-"",,~..~,~,,~J.i~.,.,~.."'''''''''''''''' Expenditures . 21,692 21,692 I Encumbrances RemaininQ Budaet $3 308 $0 $3 308 , ;:f2;($~OS.E'@~0,(!1~!:tigQgQJ~.lliLG:f2~&~~~iil~1'1I1!i4~11~~~Yt,V~xl;~~li.~ll~-mI~M.l~fi~l~~g~iilili'i{EliB' I This"project involves the establishment of a used oil recycling program. This program addresses residential public education and collection of used oil and oil filters within the I City'sjurisdiction. i Activity Through I New Appropriations I I I Funding'SourGe ! 6/30/9.7 July 1, 1997 Total Project IRe. cYcI.ing G.r.antS(~45) I $36,670 I'. I.. $3.. 6~670 !Re(';Y(';lingGrants(?45) 15,594. . 15;594 _ ."..."...."..,.... ,<""_~,, _", .~' .'.'_."'~" ~. " .. d_". ~.~. ,-".....,.,..,..'.,.,.0 ,".' ,,_',_ .. .' ," """''''_''. ,h 'e, ,....-""...~_.'...- '-'.- "-'. ., "-. ',' " -.--" '-'. "-" '. ",",",' - " -- ." ".' . '. . ,-' , ".'---<..,... ,"~"" - , " . -.' IIl'ffiotaPB uO'g .'et~1f.,~%~k%;?L~~~~ri~':~I.;~;,t'j'}:~11{;filtHi};tl;~?;~:~&52X264't ~fi\;~4~i:,;~;%it~fu~~E?1$$~ll\*M~~~$mJ~.lk:~$:~~g)~~1%~k;:~lliltt?)t:~r$F52~;.2'64~ I.~.~.>:._'."..,""''?.'~:.'_.n ."---'''''''~-''"''''''"'' """='"""'~'"""~"''''''.;,,,,,,,,,",_.,..,, ....-"'., t';"w.""';'i:.",,,_,,,,"""".,*'ih"",,."""b"'~ ",<:,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,,",,,,.,,,,;.""',,,,,...,,,,',..,- ...,.", . Expenditures . 26,608 . 2Q,6081 Encumbrances 9,939 9,939 .~. Remaining Budget $15717 $0 $15.7171 .lli llB II ., CITY OF POWAY ii 'I I III~. ,b:fi'~ill~.WA!!l'l~J~,~~JF.M[::!ll;1];\;~~,~B~MSi'1i.'\.%,,;; ,i ~iEI3[::sill.q~,~.gi!;lI.~fIl.v,y~\f~"'i;;;'~j'4%~~:;';~'0:'ii':P;',,;'l~':t,'&C! . ~1f:;;Y)1;'~~~U\>~~'1r~%;:,N\~'}~$:'t~~.f&:%;~{~~::~""W\t'?;:s?yi";>~ih'!i"!{!'}:c-:#,:~+~~~'9d'~:i~1";,h'-~'ff};;::\':;~ ~~}~'k~~:~#;.:i~~,t~~~{t~;-gi~:Ci;~:;Y;:"~~1i~~~;::''-):~'h:.,~:;i;,/;~~:;::;iTh:,':~,~f'_~'_Cff.~1i~Y$ti~f::~',%;~~f.~'+: , 111.'......._...h.'..""NOO...'..,."'_...""......'_...M^o....",..._~^'^.~'".^............^..".,,!._"-.....,'-~- ...~''''"..,_'~."'1.''''~"~~~''>t'n'''_'..._......>^o'''.o.o~.~.......,...,m'. ^........... ...~...~"'.__.____"....:"i"~O . ,'. ~'''' ~..- .>e' ~':4~"'...,"',. -"..."",."'''''''','' III .. 4 "'4 6""B"'S'Sm0[)'IM[)R'0wEMEN"'S"''''''''''''d,~ '~";""R""'~"''''''""''fu'''''~';'",,''~~ '>>fuW'"''''''''',>>",..w.".''~ '''''''''''''''k',.,..,;,' ~,. '''*'",,' 1~1'L ,~'1j U .~ ~~.'" r::-",~, r::" - <i> ,.V- ,:1' 1.~~':t&~~"'lri,,"%~otf~\~l;-':~i~~~ti.<':;::A;"$}$;~;::";i~~~1~~t:t&~:rik'<~,~-:;:"'JifJ%~-<;1.'f.'&~~'f~~g,,,4.:1-\~W~Jf}€',*\"t:t:..\~t:""t?~~~\t*~;! f "".",,,~=,..,,,..~,,--,..'...,~._..>>.~- "". ..~__.~~..Am=K.._",~".~."'_=,.,~.'=N.W_~~.."',,."",' ~'~==''''''''''''"'''''=~''~'''''''''''"''',''\ijj'''=''''il This project provides for the construction of necessary bus stop improvements to meet I 'I" .ADA standards and other miscellaneous improvements, i I I 'I I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source I 6/30/97 I July 1, 1997 Total Project I TDA Grants (243) I $24,0321 $.10,000 I $34,0321 =-', :*"<:~'I'?tB""~Wd'n":Q.\''''''<',,1'm%;<'~W;'~~f,,~';~J&:;$;.''Si1t~~:~~~~nth'%~~'m~'''!:>.'''1"'2:'tA.r-:0''3''''2''""'I!E~;;,~~~*1.~1~~~~''CY'''''''-''!~'''~'''~'K;.__t:1;,~;;'~"l<''';~'':;:''''-'~''t:P''''''<c'''''''''''''-:1 I b;ota ~ u get~~'l;%:~%;~~~~~~{~}:<< t~';~1?~~_'~~*t~;~m~:<t~~"l:ff~:ir ~,i " - i ~:~0ct~'ry'~1~a~...~tkt,,--::~it.1i.-J,i~-{,,~1~~I:O.'OOOl ,~~~;;d?2j~'gf,~ci'~~\~~7~tt~g~34~,;032' I ,...v"'<-<''''''.,...'".....,......,.,, ,_."'~O,;,...""."'~"""'-.>~:wI 1il-.."_,~~, "*~..~.,;"'-_'-~';I!/$~-u_""''''.".;._...,''''....__. J-,l=.:,;.~"..:ili"-~--=:,,,>=-'A~, """"'~"~<" ..~,~~:,..-,..,~....'"='"'.,''''-..,'''.''(~~;m;.'''''..,;,,''' ,,_...~,... 1 IExpenditures 14,813 14,8131 Encumbrances 4,538 4,5381 ' IRemaining Budget $4681 $10000 $:14681 I II . i - <4';~~4' ...5J!7ul'G.H..Liw..~. ., K,v16-..'l<;rm....:R'.....-E-.E.^<~iii7^.,.t:'fm,.-.;-I.N..' .G,fTc'""'N-lrrS"-*~~~7f?i0:14~r~~~g:~f1:%.~"~it~it~~*f2t:/i~.mtlF4R~j~s11t~;z~s!;E'~~m;~tZf,1 I r!L~"~.-,;!tiLI3!.":.~,..,',Q..,,-::..,,,.~}~,,;:~'.h,,,,':,,~{t:..,L.~'"""".l~<~I.i':;'''~,.>'";".,''''.,,,'d,,m~, ,~,*,,, ,,)$:<~~~w@~,~\~l!l~:"'t3,M-~~mf%1i.wi~Jh~~<<~b.~}~$1{K1?.i{~iid,;,1J}i.:,r1'H~~,$z#;S;+;~>if;1<2t}:~tt:!I',t:{;~;$:$1~~i;;, I, I This project providesJor the planting of 600 oak trees in the right-of-way, Highway 67, I I adjacent to the east City boundary The project is funded by CalTrans, Activity Through New Appropriations 'I Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total Project I' Mise, Grants (247) $85,000 I $85,000 ;r"-t~,.I.;rB..-'d'7,.".~t,.'~-;;',7qlJ,. ~l\,',rr;,1li 1'il]'$';1!1l1ili'"w,n'I':#'t""""-8-5'TnO'O"O'" ;'-";~~!1l'~"';;~_"";Rl."'lfIl',,,'it"'''jfu''''''''1'''''"'~'~'''''l'i>mp/''"'-8'<5"""'O"O'~O'" I' )(,,0 a,' u ge ,t.1h'(>~$~~*~, '>.,;:0.'tPY{-/{f4 ~",",:!~~~<Jlf,.t.;\i:{<,%ib"fj'-~l,Jii~~]:b.~'.;';!ft\'. '.' ~ '" }~~~jfm~"f.~:~,~,;;{~~~~~~.:t.}l-,';~~,~i0ia'%t~~:jl>"""'-.;'-',,.,;;;':':t; {;~PA't~'~"Y:J,,""_~"?'h1t, '\!i~:f;9l,d,*'io~;'!- .~{." : ~'-;''''~'''''''~~';'''''_' ....,""<.'<:t;;,;*~' '~'AA~ ~~~'^Alf~;-~i.:.,?,.,,'.f:;}.,~g~<4t.~.'""'''''''"'_'''''''-"'':; ~\\~1:i~~'~' ..-l"i!:!i':i:i;,'"", 'x~~t-;,im:E:~0i'-i>!;,:":&:nW;:~"ifu,l:;'.;~;h"'~ ~\i&*~.Jii.L~.ti.....,~,I~"",;i Expenditures 56,733 56,733 Encumbrances 1,886 1,886 Remaining Budqet $26381 $0 $26"381 I Y'o""'~~"."'.~'t'''>''~e''e.''<'^''.''.'I's''.''>>mOOM^'0''.-''''''""'l..M^<.Eo..rS....... ...~'^..",...,.M.~"...._.M..~'^"._ ...;._."..,-',....~'~--....":--..~m'1~.~-'J~~..ffiiJj'~'A ~~~~lk"'''irnN~~~*. :'~-~.'~~;~~ ""..rnit.",.,.~.m'4f"~,."';.:~...i\...'&.~w.w"m.:.~~:b'" '1 I~ ~(l~8ft^., ,1,.1 I; II' N'O' A_ "'G&E',ST:REE1T,'l'cIG' H?IS!#.i'l;""'@)?;':jm'~;~";;~'l~'J""W";~'M""!if'ii!iiW;;'Wi;%","iff!;.r,f"!!!;"}\!~'1.\\'""",{;c&'!,""fu's~ . < ~...t..: ~~ ",-:.2-... ., "~~'" ~~LI~_ '~-II:, iI~~ ., ai.,. ~Bi~->~~ _'tf;_''*'':~-iIl_C ".- ,"'%M....~i~'\.,t"'~~>:..~tf:$."Gt.~~~,H~~~~~, Thi: proj~ct i:~:~vest~e a;~u~:itio~~~~~E-~treet 1i9'hting fa:ilities'in POW~y =, = ... . ~"I Activity Through New,Appropriations il Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1,1997 Total Project Lighting District(275) I 5610,500 I $610,5001 , :^',-'o.__".,'~'~:' '-'<W~~~:~;0;"1X::i'\Y~W~~;::'"'i'i:~.;~'~i; .~':"'l'F.:":FO , " ;';c/;,i:;"Ofg?f/J,"$;' Jt~l~~~""~r"'''-'t '~<!!'~h TJr(f'ii'/'{';!:, :7*:':t~~:;.m3f.~':1'~\~;-';*~~1~t" 7V~'1..:,. ::::m:t;';~~';\~;,"T~'J).~:;,~~4,~t'^"":"~Y^.'":,~""1, illotal' Budgetj,;"["1i!'i,\'4'~"''''$!'" z.l''':I''fu;.l'''ijJ~,,:',,1fJ\:!i?J.'1JiJ;;61.0''500: i1im\lll!!"li""l!!ll:"i\"0!!k~\"""""~V;'"j'Pd;,\",';jllA~u'""j'3iJ"!,,,\;j:,\,,~1\,6;1 0"500,1 ,,,.,;,; ,.....-1<.... ';'~' "'...., ~j:<~'\;:~,~,:!t;,~i'l:,,':;::d-,';t;:,,;"."\,' """,;O)i~:",,;;:;,A!t~:,,;'S;;"Wl,-i.I'~>:i~';l,<,,-'; ':~"!~w.,,:,~_,_'!i ~'1;:~'(::.t%1...~~:"i[1-,~~W'~''''0':;;N:''i!f1::~1:'1~"2t,:L;'';'~;_0,~~S;:'.;,*E~&:P.,;'){~".,_~:;,p~r_;_~_~,1J,;.h:~:;'.,-""",..:~,:t...-4:~__i1 Expenditures 19,399 19,3991 ., Encumbrances 5,141 5,141 I Hemaining Budget $585,960 $0 $585 960 I II ii I i I Ii '. ~ .. . '471#<0, .. ~t"'" . " I ; 179 ..11 CITY OF POWAY :1 ~ . I '1/':1 ~i~"';r.'lk;N~'~?~~r~'Jfif~~~cHt:)~)~~'~~,;;;~ ~!..'t~:~%.~,*'j.,:><!d::4'~~?~~t:f4*1~'L ~'~ ~f~~t -it:.: ~':;:{'~'.$t:':{:"::"\'>~~J.1>>'i.;:~'r ~f4f~i~)'-r~\~,n?'~ ; 4:i'r~-~,;:1.:\i"f;~~ ~-:"',%1n~;& ~'--;:"~~~ I ,6AF?lmAbiIMe~@x.:EMEf\Jm;eR€lG~M!fi;:~~~l't;~"~~f' SmREEmS\ANlD1111IGI7lVlJA;Y:S,i~W;;lc<,t*lI:f'!Ji" f'{'%f*,,~'{.'\\' I:'.S,~$.'@~~\ >' }t;,nsSf{ :~y< ~~~,!~~5{ tJff,:~kit;::.::,;~~t';;~~0 ~~~~""'~~~~;ti~KJ-: ,:~;:<1~< i~> ~,~&%~, ~ A~~!f~y:'Jl i~1~<( ->:.:~ ~K f'~;- t "t~~\:~'fY, i~,~,~~~\~ .:1' l' I." 'I . II~g~fiK%i!&Ki;1F1.Q~[8Jf)~!!)1~!~f~~~]gg~~K{WJJ;Ql~W~~.~.~'!Ji~!11~!L{li~i~~~t~1IW;1J~~~l~4gl;\IT~I, ! Ii This project provides for the costs associated with design, development, and ili I implementation of' appropriate landscaping along Lake Poway Road. I. ,I I Activity'Through New Appropriations I :1 . Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total Project . ,-- !?..!~~~L12,~~,;"s,~;,~\~~~1t~I""""".~"'~I'.'""- .~""~ ",$ },Qo2go, ,m'",~'",. '~"'M'l:"" m"l!"''''';''l!N'''''''''"'_''jl..."~.,.,~,..",...",,,,,.,,,,.,.' p,,~~9'9.9,.0'1' ''''o,.ta'I'Bu' 'dg'e' t l!,.,.,.,,,.~,,,,,,;,,,.,,,.,,' "~"';"l!""'" '~"';"".. S'""'30'000' ',."" "';',.,.".,,,,,,,,,w,,p,""m"<''''''P'''''-''''',,,,,,,,,,*,w,,',' " ""''''';'''''''''''''''''''30''000' ,I'. \ ~'t~N;&,,;g.~;.0\%_WJW }:;"'>:';'~,{.i;'~"~;~" ",,;-u::lf:-z,',~_*J:;.;;).'R~Jtb: ',' . l N'i~t::.~i.";::'<:.~i",'t~:':t"",;;~N1:G.~~'i~$~ttc>''';:;',lM~'''',tt.\;t.' ::i"!:f:;";;'i,~t,,;:1*,>),]f40,<~,-.;,:'.\~_-'!i;'-l>'1~!"j-l ", . . , :,_, ,'~ __ ,..,-.., -.~~,-.~.4<,,~:,t,::,~.rt'.i "-",:>::i!:1l'.>i:ir...'<li.';'"""W>>.-"~ ........... <-'Y;->;.~-"_-e'-";'~.~'k~>$.~'-.~'\j;j;,","<"'~'>.~&.;';,;""~'~:':""J<-'.At~'!>',,,,":~~~'"0.;1.'<:("..._",......""...._ ",,--' . . Expenditures .,. ,. ... '9,31'1 " '"" ..." -., .' 9,'3ffl I Encumbrances 114 114 , Remaining BudQet $20,575 $0 $20,5751 I .' ." ""'.-'~__'#A_'_.___,.._.~... ...~_.__..~~_""..~O._~___~M~_'~__.v.........~'" .,~.._~."..~_.,....,"'. ~""""""'-=. . .__ __>....._,_ ",._~_..>>~.,__,_..... 'n..""'-~..,__.,.,.,tt......_"','o"'~,,__.' ,",,_..~n "-, , . > ~.'" ,. ,. ~ . ':~.-~>-- '-- ""~~~"':_I-',,/,.~"'-~,,'-,.-..~:.'~~.o;0'>':, '''''''l1>~}lffi~:<<~'.'''' ~...,<. ',~'''''''--' ''''''-'''-''>'-'-'~ 'O'S'I",~~""''':<:;>;'' ..,."....~.?:.... "V""'S;__~m',;~' '~.'" .' . . ,1'250;'\MEmAThE,I!ANEie0NSmRl!Je'TH€lNi>>,;\'1!>-~~;;'1<.'ltiu~:mt-ii$!i",,"i!;'~i1f:illll*w~"'li"'t.g"2t"'~~~''''M'''''"'~;iAc$R"',w-t1d~1 ~.,.",.;...._....."J",:",...."-.---,..~,_.;....'i.;.;:..i?-___>~2;,.).,~._""-~..,"-,...,..,,,-~c,.,,."",~2./;,..--.....' ;'",~",""""'>_'''$1'}<\''~1%.;r.~~A~,,--~<:w-.~:,.\t1HL:........~i;.;:w.d< . - .. ",""-;:'4)',~~~"",_"':"~~"1(..,,,,,~'~}'-':~;..-1.:;y..>,,~,<-,:~n::,<,,<J;~~%.~1~ , , I". This project pr6videsofor reconstruction of the southern half (20.:ftwide) of Metate Lane i from Pomerado Road to Montauk Street including improvements to the existing , drainage system, I ] Activity Through New Appropriations . I Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total Proj~ IIStreet Dev, C,ur (221) j $128,9041 . $128,9041 ;r---'~~'ot-::O:'I'~"B--.;,,,;.r-d~,~~~"f,;'~~"'t.';i"l'''t~tt~,,''''''~~~'mn~i:''';:tt~~:~;:'''N;''-'''''''''';'I'M~'~1''2'-8''~'''9~0"'4''~ r:,~;1->"~~"f!:-y~.tf~~"!!I!(!!")1.''}"5r~''''w.~~~'it." >>~?"t:"'~";,::;,v'--i;:r;~'&11'.)~.tJ),.:P"';}'1"':-2"""'"""1''''~:<:~~ ,: . ota ''. u et...w,\'.;,. 'l>~f\%';l""l";:i~:}.;~;:;:n:;; \",'li"",~j"'~\'''''~''V~",4. .,~'j;",~""" ~.{. -., ,~' \')'~,~~~';:'~kN'~'~^'#;"~r.~-7';~'1', ~~~""Vo1),~;,,"*kl:';'l'i"W' "_'''':~W''f$.",-_>_....j......,..__.tN,*.,''i>:l(;..._;...l>.. 8'90 A. ;' ,;, ;\ '.' . 'it~:i~-:;\,~~:~C;':J::~~::,;,,"-:~t*,1>"{ 4:"''t{iK~1,~~,~~~ j"'\~~~1T'*'t;;:R~;~'$i: " . " ,.n'%w';.~1ih')\';":ii1':~;-.';;"'%).k4'f*,*:R~t,",,"'Q~;:'';:'':;:Jj.~~i*(-'~{''h\i:' ~~N1;'i1 :";;,:~~~";/M:-,';$~'i.'i':ij::}:,';t~{;:" _..' ,~, ,,,,,,"..,_~,\....,...~,..".,,,.g-i'~"~"''''''~'~~'"S:'o__'''1),~.~\.~ ...-.h~."<,;~,~t\X:it,",...,,,*...".lilt,,,,..<.o-..,..~.,~.~....,.,,_~o.~,o"_"". _"""~~_,~__.~...~....~@l,{.~M,.;t>l~~_....."v,;.;,4f",'fi.,."",.",!Ji,I...,~< L",}$y~"<,""",,,,,,,,~~~:,,,,,.-,,,,,,".,,,,",,,,_,,,,,,.,,,_",,,....,",l ExpenCitures . 128,904 128,904 I' Encumbrances Remaining Budaet $0 $0 $0 I '1 This project involves the. planting and maintaining of 500 oak trees along State Route 67 to mitigate the visual impacts associated with the highway's construction. I I Activity Through New Appropriations I II Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total-Project .'1 ,~~~it~J;~'~t~~~~~lt~l,"~~I;~k~~~~$~l~&#~~~!~~~I~!:~~~!ll~~p~~.si%)ik.il~ti~1iz;~.i{i~~~l~~~~~ IExpenditures 689 I Encumbra'1ces 339 3391 IRemaining Budget $61 ,972 $0 I $62,661 I , i I I II Ii 180 ij . CITY OF POWAY ;11 I: ' I li€1?iRlm~WjIM8R0~EME~m!RR€lGImMt'1[m"!t~ji;'lil~:~}?;' ST;REEiliS1A~[)~RIGf,fWAY:.S!0l\l~~t't\i;~11t;\i)'Rj(i\c\;,;ti!\j1tptF:;1 I li::t:254~R0W},\'(,rGI~h:'IDE'@~rNAGErANi5~GIjjh\:r{0'RA'iUWiMI"R0\1EMENmS'\'i)*Jl'Wi!;'\l'tlPr,~\jfjJ1trf~;;wJ,y:g.';'i1:jiW'lWail'l1~~jil 'I I."...."..~,. ..1.1...LA".~. .,-"'''=".....i.=....d..__'''.. ,-~..".,."...~." ..".._...,_..\."'."...,u.".........."..,.~.A!Ili"""R"''''"''i'''''''';i.'"';jm''''h't"r;,-,.",\\,.n''''':1 .. IThis project provides for the installation of 1,000 feet of guardrail along embankments 11 ,I" ilon Poway Grade and for the construction of three cross-drains. il I \ 1:1 I Activity Through New Appropriations I! II Funding Source 6/30/97 I Jul~ 1. 1997 Total Project II IlffiStrt~.el tB~eO":": ~~~"*~~'~'~)"'''!)j' 't,,\;f'c1'*\:'~'i;~.-" 0';,,~j~33' 00100-00.90:11 " .>"'tl'i'1!l:,' "r,~',jY.'., .;,,'im\']l'i", ':;'II~"I':.lW ~-G',}l\i~"" ';"m",.~,$33' 'og '1 000000 1111~ "^1i,..~",',;.;';;*,..,.""","'<< :!;~k';,;" liJi::~;<;""W.,'.!!i"h,, ",";-". " .~n.<<~~~'~,.,1i,..,.;~~t.:;~".".o"''';~..!:)'- ,~,~ _:< >>.'>.... '""0 ", '" ~ . IliE~:e~(Ntu~:~"; ;j.l.%<.~);?&", lh'fu.ldi6"'_4d"%&~~..,,, '--..,; ilit*i,'i,.!till-dAililU,l"&-::~I!l@ij;w,.'t\,~> 't*,'"","*.~;~"':f'~"''';;;i~L_...~, 'I '.' IEncumbrances , I Remaining Budaet $30 000 $0 $30,00011 'I I I " i...........,. ..."..... ,......"....".......,...,..................."....... ..'...G...."'.'...':'................'.v;-..'.',................="'"''''"",.......>;;\"''''''''''. '.;.nl!1"'''''.'''''''''lilt'lml-''. '."'~. v"..c."'''''''.'...''''. ""'''.''''1 II 1~:gggA~"~gg>~~L~!:2~t~lldtE;~~l~,, l~mf?~f;Et:!~}~~tgEE~~~~_t1.ilit0~~~1~~~~~_~t~~~,~~~%~.~~i~~r; \ This project provides for widening of the north and east sides of Espola Road'from the III' ' I easterly Old Coach Golf Estates boundary to the northerly Bridlewood Estates boundary I . I . . I ill Activity Through I New Appropriations 1 'I ~g Source 6/30/97 Jul~ 1,1997 Total Proiect I' II~l~~. ,El!~~.'::.:~~. ,,~..~.,_~~.~.1.L.. ,II..,,,M.,,....,...,,...,.. .,..".".~~~;5i\QQ9..I..,.._,.._,.. _..~-!&'._..,,~.~...'.lil...'- .,_....~~....,..~.,.,_,,,,~~R,~. OQQjl 1m . t I'B '0>'" t'''''','>:''Ni -..o...~"."~~,,~,,,-~-ti:~~}' '*'~"',"ih""".:>;j.,'"~,.'"",.".~~)},'.'.;.,A'", '. :'155"'000"- ".'*St1t\',"""-..-i$,.:.....~'.'1';r-"~i';/ ..":.,!;~,,,-,,- ,> .~",_,,*~:t<:;}fi;''''''''''-' .:!t!,._~,""","'~'l.,.~~:.,.>,d':". ""~';S'"'' '}:"'~"}5'5'000 I ; ;0 a' u ge u;,>;,-~,;ti;:,\~;;;:.f.;~'J'$.~{f *~~4G''1~C,iR~ctktP'''''Y{''j;,-;.W''E~~\., . l' . .; _B~" "~~;.u_.,.;,_ii"~~";:''':t.'t;', -'~;,'{!::\i' ,;y:">.o,tl&.~~,, ~m "i,i"~N~,,~?;j;~ft>,-+:';$,"'S,%'~ _ 'S:'~'W"1";'11' .,'" . ~\,',:>"""'"'~~~,."..-.,.._. ~li~\~*~u,:i:'f~~~~~ 't~,,!::N.x:~<::':.iiw;s;;~~R" '~ 3"~,1..........":' ,iJSf.->>-~l.;-;m~~~L~'-" _t-5,' ~~,-~i-""'~'1) ~~~ff~'1~rk:1-'1:tt~~........,.-......-",.{ IExpenditures 43,148 43,148 !Encumbrances 5,342 5,342 IRemaining BudQet $6 509 $0 $6,509 'I >....~"'~~~._--.-r..--==r:~_.".'-:~_.~~'-;_o'"'-..,.'-'.,'<-:::':'l::-~-''"''-'~."'~"i{-o-"'~m""'3'~W-:1\: .~''\'..:(rr"$w'm~~;~~''"-''W..:"5;.~~~tWtfu''Ef%.._.,.'~~~m''''~'''w-;~~'m~~~ I ~'256' BEVEF.Q;\GE,€0N;pAINE~i~E€)yjC8ING,,;:'!ii!J,f;}~:,~ '\Iilj;""lt;\'lil,""\T',g,~A:~"icl\,,,4:0.;~s';j),@'i..';,,"'..1\l~~W i)-'W;''''';;i~i\!$i~i''l1l;;'i . ,.:.,..,..........,. ......,.,....,.............:,:;;~""x,"""~..,"""'.~~;,"'1->.....____....""-...._...'-"',.......w,_.__.,-..~.._.__.,.,>...:.-~,,,j:;;:!~i<-;"""!" ... ,,' 1l>i.~~"""~'-"''''''''''''''"-~'I>4<-O",-,."RQ''''=''''1-""",.",.~.=""~"",,,,''h'~'':<;W'''''''~'''''''''''n~. I I " !Grant from the California Department af Conservation to piJrchase 27 recycling I Icluster" containers to be prominently' placed ateight of the City's recreation areas and I '1' Ijfive designated bus stops. I I I I I Activity Through I New Appropriations I IFunding Source 6/30/97 I July 1,1997 Total Project i' II~ElcyCli.'2g Grants ,(?1~) "'~l'''''''''' ',.,.. .E8..,Q,QO I~ ..._....^''' ~"'... ....... ...., ....$~~"9Qoll 1~7ro----t'a-..;-:lrB.u".~:;;..;-:--"te''-''''"tJ.~;~1~;:ti,41j,1ir~J ~;~;,':i<:i~>t\'}..'i;)jk)fif;?,r;,:f}%~qlt~1f>;.38'iO. O. 0::: (;1::~~li~~;!:;~gThr ' &,~":};5?:<i~~W~0i &>~;.\:~,!~~~ ;1i%;1t~:i\~M~,{0r;;:1;,::iJ~~h;~E38%00 O} I :;1, ._.. . lJ ., w~~,;;~'v:>-:;"~,""',:,_~,~~:":i.'" ~'- ':....~'!~,'<3~..-,. ,\,:~,_;~>:~'i""'^:k/j'J~: .. _"..; ,,,,"'\i;M<~".": '''''~~:''':"'::''''';' ,: ,..:t;:";J;,';:>.tt1;'iI:',~- " ';r4~.;r;l{!,'"' !'~('ti;1.~~""" ,!;..). ,',',-',~',/'t>:';<'Iw.'~l;.~,\t':: _ " . '; '. ...........~..".... g ....".. ,,,,,..,.,.,,,,~...,,,..,,,.. ~.".,........!!1'!i\,\"...,. 'ffi..........., .A....."..,.L......"""".,.........,\!i..,.......dll'llt'.h.....,, ,Q,...,.....d1......,.,. .,..~j'iL..",.....,_,_ ,I II liExpenditures 36.3791 36,3791 I[Encumbrances 91 91 'I !;Remainin~ Bud et $1612 $0 $1,~ .. 'I ' I, 'I ii il' .." : 1 II !. , 'I ' , iii ~'P ., I ' 181 . . II CITY OF POWAY :1 II I 11;.:\:~.3j.%1..'.'f',.o;;i~.,.'S;~.~;"%~~::.:t~.~;*:~.~.';-k.".'.1.-';..Ai;f.~r.~.'{T:~....:,t'~.".'.'~.'~'(i:;:~.?'.i~~~.'.~~~-'b.'~'}."*::-.-:'~:.;'.:'.4.~}~&~.::.iiff;.~~.~.'':~.~f.{.t.,.~.,.;~...;.~r(.:~.t.~l.~...';.'~.')~A;:i.'&..'.'~.:%.::L.<:Z7~,.:i~:':.~A\'0..~;f.;:./..q;:;.,~~~.~.~:......>'.S'.~~~~;:~rE.q~,;...~...;.~~.:~.;~t~.~4~.~~.i~...:;:g~:0~~~.iijl ,G~g!ir.:~~IJ~tf,?,cI~~x.~M!?~mdil.!~pp_~Mtil.'F'1',!,';'t~\C" ~T~~s~FSi!%t:!IJ?J,RIGm~~~~,.)l)w'l%k";,"~~;.';\',~,~~~~~0";""! , 1~{,;:$~~'!~i;-to.~'$iR1?~;";;:,),~i\y;,,if::i;~~'J.~~y;~~:fP;C'.p;)">tf~,:t~~\{J;),':'P:?~~':...~1_~~l!,,~;.;/ i<~i~t?>~.,]:~;'(~:}.~iWb;,;.,.,~.,:".&'k\,',:mt~~':::t!~>::}Mrtrb~,:~~~:;:3~f<4'J.\~",)~;>'Z;~<f.;;~#:..t'~b~"'jAi II " I I ;~"'......":.'_~~....-...":^.1"~......~..._.--,".....'.....,..::-,'~T" ~.....'"..-,._.......--~.',."'_.. '~'.' ..,"-'<,-....'..-.'..;"'". ...~~'~~'r-\'4w;;,.'!*'~~,'il:""._~-~.),,~-1~;~~~.r:"-.,,~:";"~,'~.m~~.!~'.~~~;.:t,.,ili\,~;;;fW'I~)~'m'C:~~'-~~jl ~259'.~GlmYf11+10l!lSEI+I01LlD"I+I~RID0li1S:<WAS7TIE'~97i~~i'J~$l\!t"i*Wf".t..,~','i\',I'!:"y;,0\'lj"'~\t'i~" "ifli'",,"'~.ii,~'!li1\ili'i;.+i"'l ~''''''''~''''-'-'''~'~-'^''''"''-''t.-:'I;,?>i_; ';'';''~~';''4.i-""_"~",~"""",,,,,,-,,-,",,i,;''''c..,.,,ji.,.._,",,,""~....,;,........",,,-,,,,,,, _:'._~'".4l-";....tyjL.._~",:._),~ft.L,:"';;'.i";,,,;,;:,o.'3%..~""'~~:.-ti...I';,!~,;'.',>.S;:~"~':lJi."-~,,,<-:___'}l;-J.'_"'_''-<:-i:t~~.;m:'j-",,,j:~~'€.ii-W",ll~$;:;':;;:';'~~~""'>:"-:'~~----:<', - I II This project will establish a permanent household hazardous waste collection facility i'I' . which'will be located at the Materials Handling Yard, It is being funded by a rant from I I the California Integrated Waste Management Board, . . il . Activity Through New Appropriations II Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total Project il 1,'3.~1Y8!i~9,,,S'~~~n,~~';~~~~~}"I' """""""""":","",,,,,,""C ",~},Cl,~;,1,9,2"I".'":''''' "~..",_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,:,..,,,I "_'''"'",'''A,~"""",.",,&~,1g,El!,1,0?,111 '~otal~Su." et';'4:.;.4ihrlh:'~-';"dR"'!f.i.N' ~'0-M"ii:;<:4'.->-~Z#rygm~tiir:!:?'d'it,~~'i,lf'.\,,-i'06'\1 02~ ~l~;~~,~,;"t~';,!:,r{:;~h''';''}~n~t~R~ti",;.."p;~'%;,\:<,,;~,,~~ !i)'~~'>'~t?f..m'<';;;\"8'~-iVf,,*%'A'*"%i4'06"~~1:02; bJL~.",-.....-.L""....-.~g ~"..,..W':':ii'i;;~i;i{t::tt~~%Ji61~ t:E~{*''t~d').~'$;U-*,~:i:m.;i:t.s;:;,1~~{I,',..""...,__i;~.~,.,,_J ,~''\:)t:s'lt::.:.:t~~:&2:;''~~~j!,~':<:t-j'~i~:ti::!:",~!~';:1f,lf:ji;; ~~l',~:l!~~'l'i~~).ti~k,:~U"~(;~";~~~-;":,,,,,,"";'.,,.i..,__,_I Expenditures 26,979 26,979 '1 Encumbrances 60,348 60,348 IRemaininqSudger $18,775 $0 $18,775. 'II II . ".'2' ~6'"0'~i;i'S"'E"d'o'l'i!\J'6"E''i5vF,fi''I''N'''G'''('EI'<:;'i:tiiyi''v,,'KE")Vj;;,;;;i>"!)},??,;';j*;)f~*"i1!;r;'i';;;"^\0:,,,;f''1S;!/i!\'ilF!1l~"'1:"'Z(iW"iiM";;f#S~.ili~;;i!"11 H" . l!(",U, ... u?~ L;' n . '\J.,Ii\J'L! _ . .lfi't R~11Q(~\;I,.I,_\:;i L:.:. . "~_";,i,):~~;l{;~;;"'{';;'i",)"_~';'J:{;l.,<f....i"t:~*;,t;t;.,,1..~-;:';~";;;~~ "K~~'*'<'-'-?~';,.:~q.i: ,~*.;" . ~;~:J")*F~,<:-,~t~ '~1!:"'-~~.kA\li'i'~' '~^ ';;f,:''''~.~..'''--'''-- ~,..' ~~~,~'h"::-~,,,,,,",~,,,,,"~,, ,'.'. "~"",,,,,,,,^,,,,..'i.-1:_ ~""""""""~~~'^_'""""""""'" <,c.;'; ...""">;",..;:;-;,,,~,,:, o""""!1..:,,,,,,,~..',,,..~". ,- _ ',; ,',~c, ,,~:),"" ,.e, .'X'tlC ,,\,'!-.."'~~."'" .".,/":,.,," v'~ ~ "~d:;'<:"';,""N..~",c.'~'/' >{"', ,t.;:~...........o;;,~~~""..),~;~,,:;:}.~~;lo\;(~~., .,.".tJ~L '. ~'-,;'~ .. ,I The City will receive grant funds (on a reimbursement basis) from the California II , Integrated Waste Management Soard for used oil recycling public education and Ii '1' collectionprograins, The fifth cycie'wiil run from July 1, 1997-June 30; 2000 The City II will be eligiple to receive approximately $15,000 each fiscal year The first-year and II second-yeCir allocations can be rolled over to the third year but must be spent by I, I June 30, 2000whenthe grant eXPires.11 ., Activity Through New Appropriations I II I Funding Source . 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total Project I R~,(:x~ling S3rants.12~.?) _I_'~ '., ., . ~_" ,,_ '__," . ,,$3P~.9_9QJ '., '" ._. .. $~..o.,.0.9.o.j ,,-"t"IOS-d ,,'fit"""""'. . """,,,,,",,cm. . ,,,-"")';"'mIilml?~'1)'~,j)'''''_.,,,""m,'' ",.,,'-!k.,,~,.,..Jlt'''''''!l=30'OOO' Jf,'5!lII!!l~""'''-'' _It'~'$i~30'000' I t~.;Q.~~L",!t~ge }i~~~~~a ~~1J1i2~~~~~~~t! .~1~~M,,~~~l~;:,~o~~~ :~~~!t.~i~4t:%~~;...~ I Expenditures . Encumbrances Re'inaininq Budqet $30 000 $30000 '111 I! I ~ ;11 I I I I I, I ,I I ,I II II' . II i il I il ii II! ii 182 II CITY OF POWAY il li~~~im~~"MgR~~~M~~~j~~~~~Mt..l}li\~*g~:~Jir$tA'~~t~!'G~WA~~~~.~fj~iI;f~tllt~t il I I!~-:>..".~ .;;;r..,,?,,*~''K~..,.'.- "~""~'1-1;;';*,.lt" >, '~""'m;'~'~'~;&~. ':\%'{.~. "~-'!,'.~,!,~".l',."*"~~.".-':w.."..,~:::~J1;:",v'" ,'''''',<"') *~.~h~~}}~^ .,..~"t"~:~' -~'.'i ,~."..-~. '....".,. ,,'Wi,l:h''!' ..,~. '~.".'.{{\""''''''l,,,w,,,,,,~,,~''l11,,(;''''~,{:..0':>:i'''~'~'~-J.*,v.;\"'.' $:",<,- '" i ,:.m,:_;'..\~:<il'", .<t';~_ ":~iih'J:f"A;,U'.;:"'f"'.(-$."'R~'t:';,::":i""~-::t~1Y;~-:~:::~~~::::'F:tWJ;''!j.~~~~'1:Z;i>;1,''','' ,:'~$~"\,..N'):~:t:<::'~~ !i'''~-~'''':'I ~4i{;:l~~'~:}:'/;l\:;;_r:) #K~':'$t."~~,,,t:>'f,'?;'d~!}${~"}*,.,~t-,;,:,;,},,~..,,"'~~~~~i!,k~J:i:~'r<t:,C:-?"'i:;.:' ;?!,~~:::y'-<:"::"!t:~,',_-,~',:/,).--;;'~1 r;-,: 1 ' , 'II Ii. I-"~"--''''''':'''''~:'-''''-'-'<-''~'''''''''~'~''''''''''---''''~-~ ~'''~'''''''''.~^"--'''''"-'''~'f.~'''':':;'''!1Jj--~~'1'<-~~le~,<<",,,,,,.'-:t~~''*''~''KIl-~'''l..'''''~:;;'"~'.''$);;'''''-' "~~-'~'>:"='''''''''''~~~If-'--;FY''''~~~~~ fj 1528",;t;A""^SQ''A.'NtR0' '^"""EXi1:ENSIG>, N"'.(t,tt~'1I~'i;'" ~ij':",~'1''i' ",..:;~1]'*""i"E",,'%W;ltil',~(~f"'!lf""'Il~'''\,0i4,-q;. AA~h*\i"",:l(;,,\ "'''~''"(11' ;(f.;,~.",;.; , .1,),.)1', ,r:v;:'\ .~, ,_e. I':'\U."i ___<' ~t " ' , ~"",-""~,-p,,,,,., ~ ;:~,'~v"'~"~,N;~,,"-.r;,,,,,':'J;\l,,,,,,,,:~,:",::,~';\.~,.?~~',,o;:--.,(~.);o,f.!~L ~':>;, " ~,,,-..,,,,,,,-,_..,,,,__,*.,.>J,,,,,_,_,,",,'M-.."'R'l:'~ " ","'."",,,,;'%v ~N~l", ,,,'~ I . . I~"''' -,..".,-~", "",~_._..",,~,,_.,,~. '0"_'".........._",, ,,,',,, "",,,,,'-"''' ",,'..,,"'" ".",<..""",,_..0, ",,,,,'__'.''<M'',,*'=' ......... . .... ,,,' I ,. This project provides preliminary design and right-ot-way acquisition ot the extension ot [I ,I. Tarascan Road. '1 i City Funding (Included in Streets and Highways Summary) II Activity Through New Appropriations I I' - Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total Project I I Street Dev -Prop 'A' (2231 $100,000 1 $100,0001 ' "~-":!.~',__"""".':;;j'.'''"---,,,--,^,'''- .'>~''!.':>f",e''''''''''-''''m''l~~~w'~'''''''''.="., ,:~t..,."".,I-"""""'~-"'-"'~~~ ." '1-W~"'-"'w--m-.~~~~~'''':-'''(<'~:rfu''9:'''''.''I'''\)l'.~'''''''''''''''-;''--'''''~>~o~~~~W:"-""-'~-"."'''j Iffiotal~B'LiClg" egei+i';~~i.\1L~;~tit,~aIt1~~1t4:~-t'-'~~1t.{stOQ:;OOOj b~w?~4~~f},~{{i1~~lJ&~J}t~itti~~~~;,~O; ~~~~1f}~gt~1!tfi('W1A?~~f;.~1:00fOOO:. I '!>.~,,,,,... '_;:<';"""''''~ ".."~<,,,,,,,-~lA"'.w:..&<_,-;'j_,,,,,,,'" ~...:a"",,,,,~,,,,'~~,,,-\..~,,,;;, ',.4-';;'''''W.'''',.,..".....,.'..._..... ....;>>.,~," >,'.!-.'"_,<'--;;n;i~'h<O;""',~~"'M",~"',,"""'>;'a-~,,'; <h~"'..,;;.:"'~'.~~AW~..~"'mt<;~"',.~.,"'....,,~..,'...,,~__.< Total Expenditures 68,249 . 68,2491 , Total Encumbrances 0 01 Total Remaining Budaet $31 751 $0 $31 751 - !II RDA Funding (Not included in Streets and Highways Summary) I " Activity Through I New Appropriations I I: I Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total project 11- 'm.~,~t9,~I}B.~d~..;Ut.~.R34.0. L"If;' .i~,i.iWil?It"I,,,,;B~niC..,.18ilW''''t11''i~26-55-oq+oO,"oq....oq~lil!8iiPItW. 'X.i,..,\i",,,,,..,,,,,q;:,,P,)f?,~ "'fI,~m,~"O-"\ "'.'~'" '''W~'''''~'>''''''''\!lmt''m~2?'52.0q{'09~oq'ooilll '.- , 1\ ':0 a ~- u. ge -,' ':w;..\1S.'''''''*,';*" ,,'Ji.,"t,v.....\;h\''h-;e:''5'-!f a':t.;~\~Hf:h,'4'1' .. ~. ' '~'*:~~~~i~'''~;!~l:~:a~.:.i'(qB','7;i4'~>>;1-~,~'''; f':..'X~<",,,-~,,,;-,,,'~-:'.:>-~,;{;l:fflVt$,'{", "'" " ; ~ . ,. ",. ~.,0'-'~ ~~"'~i"',..,-A~i-:-<...,'!/'m':AW.@i:~" . '~-.,-.u~m.~~~~..j.,--j;,~,t~:..,~.;;~i:<1"'~ .;>;.'<'. -', '- ~.~~~~~.~,&'.'.~~~,;.v~~~ ..', ( Total"Expeild'itu'res"-- . - 250,006' ,,_. ^"",-.-" '-'*'..". - ,,- - '250.oOifl Total Encumbrances 0 0111"" Total Remaining Budaet $0 $0 $011 . I Total Funding II 'I T"t'''I'B '" t &,.., "","'.' " "" ,,,,,"""'''*l ''''''''''''''''1l''350'000;t',.,,,-g-,..,, '''",' """"""'-'"''''''';'''0' '''i1l',*,''''u'''''''''''''''''''--~'350''000 tl~O a: uuge <~~ift0~)~t~~\& }}.*,1~*'f,,",.~t~;~~~ , i~~~~~$)~~Wi~\~~~~~' '1~~~ ~~Il;;;~~ki~:~N~- ; , , fotan~'Xpen'ditur;s ,. -- .. "-3-18:Ir .." .-- " - -31"8,249' II Total Encumbrances 0 0 Total Remaining Budoet $31 751 $0 $31.75111 . ill- ii " I II." i ;1 I 'I II' 11'1 I ~ I ' II 11'1(, II ' I I: i. I: 1'- ., ' Ii I 'I . ii' 'I . ,'Ii I ' 183 II CITY OF POWAY II II €AliiW$~~ilt1F?,~~}Jgk1'EiJT1;P''R0'G~M!i'~{S'~~~~~~~ ST~E~'fuS;AN~~iGHWZ.~~S;i~:~;~, ~:?:~j\~~~~~~~1?{1~~'f: I "'" ,.....,,,, "'I~>~' ..""'",,'" ""'J?;k"~~' ,'~'-<iO ~ ~,"",-~>", ""~~~"-, #- '" 'i""'!:'{' <<,-!,,>- j%;^1>.: "",'"" ,~ ,~~t\ oslG.':~~~\.,"~~} ~'-:,,}f}' ,"\~',;;,/~';;.i'Zqft~~'J"'"\"'~ ,-<;.o",,,,'0#;;~';~'t.\ f{,',~ ",'"~",~~'~'<;,:"..,: ~',,<-'" \, >' ~,,"t\ '''~ft;.'''0: ~';,,:~.\>,,"~\\;\H'I '1 ,II This project provides'.for the widening ofl,400 feet of Espofa Road from Twin Peaks northward. t City Funding (Included in Streets and Highways Summary) Activi~ Ttfrough New. Appropriations I Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total Project ,I. StreetDev -Cur, (22,1) $0 $650,000 I $65.0;0001 I Total Expenditures 0 ,0 . Total Encurnbrcm~es 0 0 Total Remainin' Bud $0 $650 000 $650,000 'I RDA Fundihg (Not.includedin Streets.and Highways Summary) I , I Adivit't Through New Appropriations Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total Project 1.989 TABs.(432) $2,002 $2,0021 I RQACapital(43.6) .'. .400,000 , .400,900 . - - -,~::t:,s'''-- "''''ii~':;-').Y!'t,-'- , '," '-' .. ~ :~r'~F,:lh"~~;::';;0.\~'1'-,~,;;~":\~';ir,,;;,;f1:":'-':~o:':,'";:,'<~"~"miV---'- ,-" ''i\,'":-''' - -'~, ~:~~:l~M~~~]IT~~~lffll~i~~qg!~QQgM ffiotal"Budget'RlDP\''ii'''''''' ,,,,,,,,,,,,,.'1""""'''',,1402''002' ~ ,~v._"_-",.._"""U:,;,,/:_,,,:-, <-:"",:.j;.t" 0'", ",,;~1jr,:::~\;~)b:~~~'~~tf:t,lJX~7i:'tJli~k.'f.ft::~1!{.'-.\ffW;,fi&"~,:~._.<,:,:,~-,tA::-,~,,J Total S)(perfditureS' 8,524 8,524 I Total Encumbrances 4,000 4,000 , Total Remainin Bud et $389478 $0 $389478 I Total Funding ill'" " B"'cf'''f'''' """'".''V''''''''' """""""""'.",,',,' !4'0200Z ..,'N','.'.","'" """650'00'0' "'...p".k.,,......'''''''..''~'.052''(J02 "'ota -',' u ge J""'io'-'-","'-""')-<.<<i'"'''1':''~'-'~M'<'''O,-,/,,,~~,w,,-,-"o'~"''-~~''''i?,~'_''''l,''.~ ,,'~. ,- , ~ ',,"', ~""::;;",~,:>:,-,__'..':-%_.""fu->../,,oo,,-.,~~'",~.__,,* " ", 'N";,c~O"'i.t"'$~.'*';i~q,.-,. ~""'..''''' 1'>' ^" , . i,.~,,>c,"""'~'~"?<_"_"~.' ":,<}~wHit:'~~~g~~"$;t~/(,,,~i: :i{,L:;S~*d;,g~:Jt~0M~IU;~~;h\~","."".,.J\'''A~,_.,.__,t: '~it\(;:~1i~\s:.Q1:31~R~~iGF1~~:ftfrkL;w.:;>.>t_:..~ ,-;,~,t ~*i;'fti11:ti~;x1Nb;:i~X%%it~~1~L,;i~~w_~-..,3:~~,"~,.,:,o) .' Total Expenditures 8,524 8,524 Total EncLJm.brances 4,000 4,000 I Total Remainin .Budget $389,478 $650,000 $1,039478 l" "~''-',,,- , ~ :' -.: : ::m '"""':'.'--1" " . ", ' . ""-,:' ,-- , - - c_ - , . _':";"'"",,-:~. ",/_'-'''''~- - -';. "- - "":" ,-- - ~ - ,';A1,;<':::$~~~:"f,'i:~"i('~:~o;-.y:.,:':;:"^'0;"J:"~;_''':''(*,f:'k-,:",',~-i:,,:~,,:~i%:':i"'<--i':;'1;;;;~'~'K;'V:b,~' :("'\':,1;f;<;~t.'-K"'~~~'" ~'t1f,:,"1"i:~~;~i',~3t~'tfl';,:\~q;~ ""-"'~<;'":;; .smREEsrS::~N DRhllG H\lVA~'S"SlJMMAR~\,*jt';"S:~$\~4"lf!"".k::'~%"~H~';:::~?f!;l"'_;":F:~:qVft~$<lX:'~I:;;;~~{'j,&:~,~,!>~'{~;~',\,)~b1it:;~}~'\""H~'$;'~~";:)'9;,":t:,~tt:~~:?&,;:#j:h~~Z:';~'<;i"'~":0~.~~~1V'*' I . ..;A,....,...",...;..,..' .,.,;%"o<~ ....W ..,..,.. ..;. ........A"., ...............,......;,f".."...;".,"',,,..'..;""""iM,iL""';;;f......."...."l\;'i'V;:'i',i';S.."''''''';5f..,''';;S''''':'';'i{;1''"",,''.;\1i,ii:''CW;\f;;','''f....','''.."".:.> . Activity Through NeW APpropriations .... . I .. 6/30/97 Julv 1".. 1997T;otall?mject I i'ffiotaIiBuaget~; ":',,1,.. ,'" f' ..t;".. ;~pj;*; Fr;g\~t1tl.$3;0.15'289f~; ..:;t.. ";..1;&r"ff:"""?$890'000"';J";;"f'tf~;)~,,:~~;(j'$3i9'05'289 l_."",," ,~"'~ < ,~"' ,,',"I: ,.<~'W."", ,~, -"'''''''< ~"~I!J:i",,,"'~'~<> h'<""''''~, ,,"lio"""!I;'.~ ~'q\j;"'-;'O"~",, , ,I. ~~~~t: ~$;""~,+"",..._!)g~';:.i*4-."-_~~.,1,"",~~","",t,,,,,",~~,,- rIotal E~penditures 1,714,883 1,714:8!33 ,IToiaI.EnCUmbrances' 123,627 123,62], , . IITotal Remaining Budget $1 ,176.779 $890,000 $2,066,779 I' ' I .' . . ! II .II ,I 1M I I CITY OF POWAY I' . !'i~;:t&<1o~';,$:,:t:t;:~;:f~"H;J;"J}<\~,~;;~?t':,~<&;:~~\'~~~;});;;\~\i>J~:5~'S.~~ltf:f0tt~~i;0F~~5KAi:~ilii'fU~ g'~:%~0M~~~{~/:',} ~ :;t~~'>~~;;"~h.YJ'("'~P:';<:':l:t,,;.:,~~;'~-:;;;';t~1::;?::":'s~~~I:f~:,;::~1~il~,:::::;:'#;-%.{:'1:&\i:t\~t~,~~.u:?,,~{~@,~t;:;::%'..::"':5;$.% fM:YCi I" IC;Il;BIIT'AE"IMRR0VEMENmdSlR0GRAM"""f""""'i,ri;r4r,,,,,, illRAF:FI(;,SIGNI!.[S"""k""""""I"1i'i"""""'f'li',"'k,,,"W")'1l""'4;""1 I This projectprovidesfor the synchronization of Poway Road traffic signals, The first. .1' phase of this project includes a study which explores the feasibility, alternative, and costs of a synchronization system. I Activity Through New'Appropriations j ill Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total Project, !.. Street lDev - Cur (221) $514,000 . 1$514;0001 I *'i'?t"}'YI":'~'B' - 'f!~-"'1'it~;_*~\-i'~'~:'''&;lt.'t;;!.i..~f,i~;(1X:;>' -~;i;,i;;;''fF~f{1:P;YJ;:~'$:'f~?f;/S<;{'W3:'{;!''M5' '-'~1- -~:A:\"O''''''O''''O'---':,XJ;'t!f--~''':''i-Y:,'~"1:"i;H;;;;-'J;}~:~'$',*~:~'?~~:~::f/$.~~T;'t:;t<!';;Y:'i.~~'-;~I:~:;~N:*:}:i;;~:X'#;:;'.f:f:'^'~t"~:~;~';~:;<f5"":'1'" ;>AfO....O:--O' '-':j . :iliO S"' Uu e""'-''i','''"i~,x.;--':'''0.,f;'H+'''~''''' >O"'$'~,.,>;~-,o'_Ct',ill.;:';''<*:?tfu,~'$$j1f, . ~'" ~ - .... "'';<;f'''''%$t.>:'''_N",-'' ",~,-,.",~ ~"",,,,,I'.jR"'>o~"\.,'<'>,J1S)j.,,,.:_ ",~<<"'t,_~,_""ol('~"'~"_,o",,*N~,,,-..~.-. -, ~..,:, . : "~"N",<;,,--,>.jiw'~'A...._~ 9,...,. ~r;':-:~.<"::",:1'0!)'f'*1~~,,.,;;;~ j~i/4$W:k.'U!i)t~~::;~~\~)t;\~:i;:&:"i:-';':"'./_J.,.."-I-.,-,o_:;;c:\}~;0';~~::iJit;i1}&i:tt't,;;'f::}i'tii-'~'iIf'iJ$:~~~~;6:;Mif&~;~J;:*m'f;:; ;:.'S';t'.";'",-~v:~-~:,::,;:i--;~t:J-o~;;;:;)};':~';J'i;;{t,,:}~", ,,1~ _:<,;.:' ;.._.,.;,. ,.. ..,~ Expenditu.r eS304,257 304,257'1 I" Encumbrances I . Remaining Bud et $209743 $0 $2097431 ,1"'i'''3'.1''3>i'UI'G': 'u'(Ki5i5'I'ID''''E' 'N" if'\ki::\'i5')dil"0;"N",'j(N'''ATIi\7S'''I'S'''4i''\:\'\'!t1:~L''*;;<!",W,;}jii:1l\\nWY'i'r:'::li'gi'::""T"1i',:0{.,-"ti"",1!*,IP'~i\fi<0W~j1!:'81l1R1!"m:~""';11 .'11 tt "'~kn . FI;4:\\;.o-~' . - 'lIl\L.\Z.r~MT -~r.;\ r\L:;."<v . 'i.O<.'fh'i'T'fft.o":'::",;-)/'I",,*,., "")}, ,>f'lf.-':ft..,~~,<-,-~..,0~.__'t;_"':"'-%0.",,-i$,-},"~,,_._~>-,,~1""'~'M'",;,."",~7K4,.",,,-.._>:<:~~A,.W"~'W<,j;~.k""'ji,,,,,., t..:. -', f"" ,,'<it;;.,) , ., . ',m"'-":,..,~,-."""",,, ;''',..~;,'- ",,; .,\,',fu",,,_;,~ ,.,_.,:i,.;("L~.-,,,.,,~..:;__,,; _:'>'00:,0 ,.,;~,>_,,$:.,,~, ~-,,:-,",,>L~~L;:;?ij;t<:;,;;.i;!';~"""':tNkolli'i;.;:m,,:'t~$.,.,;~,%":,'(,~f!!.,,'!J0..~',:;;i.;Yd{i'?;"J;.;~-}!gtflta>-i:';;:fr,ii!/f'.--~~,,:;/',f.k:~~'t:!t:~E~~#,..;.;~~~}~ This project will study intersection locations where there are a high number of accidents il and will recommend solutions. Activity Through New1Appropriations I " Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total Project Street Dev - Cur (221) I $16. ,.000 ... I. $16,0001. I" Traffic Safety Grt (246) 40,e;OO. . 40,500, ' m.:~,)t'<t' ':'o1"I';TB' '~"?:d:~" iY'-"~'i't";~:"i:-;-~"f;:vz'-.;:r:tw\~:~::n\':;:i. ,~w'{'~'0';'~'~;$;$J(~~:fk.~;f~":Mtf:;';:~:<>'Y:~l~*'5'''"6'^~V5_"OM"O"~"~ li~~~~-ii*~::~':{J(::i:iC;:;;;'){~;;}\r'i(:;;;;;;0~i,,,;:;'ii;?~~WZF'3'3Xt$.W:~~1F~i1t:;.t;Z:r~)':'iJ-;1'~. '~.~"'.'~'."~'1'tlili'~W:~iT5'.'-6^';-F5"10'_o~o'~'~1 .< oa " u ge _'''~~':':-?''''-,*,_(h''jj"",..^(t",.,.-i0,'' ..",.,,(}:;,~-,.jl"~'~,~'f""''',~''''l''{\~^"'''''''''"'''~''){,;)-'''' '...... ";-""~"",:,,-,:,~~,,,,,,,,_._'_~o,,",,,".:%7,,,:,,~,_,,,.,.',.",,,..>~m,~t.,,,,o,~,,'.~.,._lk"',,,,,,. '-$."~,,:;,.,,-,"J;i!;i'''~S<",,;''3f:'-..~.-,,,~,,%-11;'''','' -.,:J.~. " ., '. ~.,..l" ,",w,,;'- '~, ,.';. ....~,: ",.,,-....kyt>';;;;>).>,,)~>i~''fs::%;~~~~,_~~ :-J:i':;r?%:l.t*'0.'{,\G>!:';'f.'-(:i:\t";~'Y!'f:..'f:\t:l~~~L"";"",,,~,,,,,,,",,,,,,,ii, *;ii~r;~h~;;;~:t7'ff;ii':j:fAf:rtl~f,(~4>"'~':;~;:%:"*'%:,01*fl~6 Hi?;~~,~:tf:~\-S:~~4i;::,~t1;r)~lt:;'NiSih};UL%;i;" _ ......<t,."',-;,,~_,~.,,:, Expenditures 44,159 44,159 . '1' .. Encumbrances Remaininq Budget $12341 $0 $~2 341 .. ,. This project involves the North Powaysignal,til1ling project'. Expenses to be I~ reimbursed by Congestion Mitigation Air Quaiity Grant. ., I Activity Through New Appropriations 'I Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect . IIT~~ffiC SafetY,G,rt (246)"", "'" ""<-'",, "', q, J~O.'O.oP I ",' .'''",....,''''....", ",.....,.."., I'"""..,'...."..'''.''., "', ,..,$~P!,OO.~, ;1 T t I B d t'" .. ,.. .. ..q.., "p"'''' ,"'d30 000 ...,....',.. '" ....,,'.....'.,...., "..' ,.. ,,4.. '"'' , ...., .... 30 000 t':I.:o a' u ge ",-~" :o"~y, 0 ,,<'4~,"!'X~ ~) (~:;,~t!t~4'tl-\i.'4,:.";.ffA,:<~' . \ /~J;":'#.o ~~}'t""':~;;'i.l;;q'-S~l.:"* :-,K;i.tf~h!;% ~,"", 0.,":""f1r:.$.."r>/,'''~ -t~~ ~i,~<}'..~'~:nl I IIIExpenditures' '.. '1' . ".. .. , .. n, .. 28,674' ,.. , . ",......'..' ",.. '. ...." 2'8.674 '1' Encumbrances I riRemainlng Bud et I $1 326 $0 $1 3261 . II I,' 1 , . 'I I . ,I ill, 185 '1'1 CITY OF POWA Y Ii I i~iii~_tl~~~i~~~~~I!~~i~~II'ltli[~i~!~~~~~~~lI11_~11Ii~~li"lm{j 1111"""" "',""if' .h""."II,.-'...."... "'........""c: "'''Y''~''''''''~''''I'I'r' 'C"E' ""~'lm*"'.'.5""."""""'.Y\t"''''i;:''''''.'''''''M''1''''''''""'l";'1li"""" "'1;"'$;"""""'''''''''''''''''''1111 -1,323", ,:;;MP\ t;'I 'VI ElEGHnRf.\",,,, I 6'Sl!.I R\ZE I:!I!'A:N ,,,,,,~,,,,,,"I%"r,,,,!\,,,,,~I'?"'V\"''';';\''''ln'''''kl''"jif,,,,"'Ill"':'" '~"K,,,,;.,,M!!'p' ',"'q . I ,." ''''''#'''~''''''~'''''''''''''''"'''''' ""J'eX"";,,. '.' ......L1""'." ,._,' ".1..... ..' "...IIU,c,n,'l'i",I.'I,,,ml',.,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,,,,,,",;'#W,"Ki,'i-'2,fu,;",",s"''''''','''["",>;"hll,k'C''''1 I Ii This project involves the design of video traffic surveillance at Poway Road and Community Road, ,I Activity Through New Appropriations I i '11.~;'~;1~~~~~:..~~~g;ll;lI191wKP'''E'X:~~~:::~I~qkQQg;1(I"''''_~~~'~~:~"~:'~:1~;iiO~"II,,,.,~t:'0~:::::,,::wlJ:i;g~9_00,i,1 ;r;otal'Bu"'get",""l).1%!iiiJli!"";~';"" '''';'d'''''''~'''-o''m'',60'000'''''''';''''''W;!\''''''<''''''%w;.w,,~.;"'.~" '. ')' ;1,,'.. N''',,,,,;,,'''m"''''H,~~'60'000 I Hi. "...u ,'~'"-~*''t'>-'t;~ ~~''''~iiHt, ;;.<":i'<","*','li:'~b.\,,,,-<#{~~V,; .i';;:"-"'~"".~....',., ~ ,3:i:,tB\.\l:,~)N.>i,:x{",g':M:"t..~'1R,W~'l:(;>,.:L;':'<-""i'.".;:,:.' ,',h-.'''1,':'''S,_ "<!o&;:.w/.i::"":''3-M!i;-_-!.t,~,.__.";.,,,,?>, J "'>.....,*::--.,,~.,.,.~,~ ,....~w~_p...-'.._"., ">.<-.,,,_~",,,, t",-""" .;..)."$o..~__~""",,,^"t;~, '"''''~>~_~''''",,,,,, ,._'...._....w ,...."-,'_~'''-'''"~'''.._._,-''''''''.''''..",,.__~'*~~ ,','__ .......,..,~"'.............~,.......,.""""'.,',~._...<.>.',"". '-....... ._""."'.... Expenditures' [ 12,542 I 12,5421 ' Encumbrances 0 ,I Remaining Budget $47,458 $0 $47,458 - I I ,'~__~'~"""~"'~^_'~''<__'~'A__'~_,",!"____'''-~'__~_V,,,,"'''_''__':-'!'""'~''''''~''f~~~~<-.?>'~~~'' ,w",;;;i>4~~~~"$<s:i.~*-:"',~;;~W."~'1':'::"",,,7~~nw;:;m;~;-"'_P"'''''''~ .1'32~,,*tEEl.:llil G IiIT:S'F: 0R'mRf.\EF:10'SIG NA.liSW~"'v,fr~"~''F*(t\l'fu''''''~''''''wl,~'iP'"'",M,'i''''''''M,~ti;",,,,,,,,,'''lft;;''~)1,''i1if4~'''\,'iii411&~l>) "1. """"",,,,,,=,,.,,,,,'=__,2,,,,i,,,,'.",,,,,,w.",,,~",,,,,,,\,,),,,,,,:'''''''''''''M..""",,,''.fA~l\2,,ili,~,,..' "'l":1>",,,,,~,,",,.~,,~,,,,"',\l!,",,,,,,~.,,:l!,,1!il.'jh.$l~,,,ht;lr3ifu(,,,,t,""'Cli' This project will replace all incandescent light bulbs for the red traffic signal lights with I LED fixtures. This project will result in a significant reduction in energy and . , replacel')1eritcosts producing a net savings in the operation of the traffic signal system. '1" I Activity Through New Approp'riations I Funding Source 1 6/30/97 July t, 1997 Total Proiect Lighting District (275) I $90,000 I $90,000 I l11fot'tta'I-~-B' uag~e't~$~,?;~.%~,,~{;tI;~&~~1i1;;~t~~'*N~1~~11S~'$SN;~ ~Tr~~~<WAl&f'r :>;:9"'OftO- 00'-' ~'"1Z~~~7~~~~~rIf<{~:=9'"OiTO'''O'O''' '~^ ,..,._...t~~,.^ _ ,. -:."ft,'l., ~'f^" 'thts;l~"r" waJh}""!><~~~~:iLr~1}\'... ~~~~R:b ~> ~:?fi..~~ ~~h:;"",!~jijil:k' }4~*;i;o').~'t~~~ ^ ",t ,..",;., ~ ~~~0~.~~~~,?~3i~"'1:'J '" ,_"....,.~ Expenditures I 'Encumbrances I I Remaining Budget I $90,000 $90,000 ,;':;:"~t"--'''''''''''~~'''~'''~'V'-~-r.-,.tl-,......t';., _ "--:"'>'~,'~~-'-~l;/(:;:,;'~,:;;~-m:~W{~~"'~~~~o')'\.~.~:~m~~~~,~,,*1A"}.~"'T-'~~#", ,~q, m;~ . ~~~~1~~~...~,_,,-,-.__,,_~~:}! I fJ MEEIG;:~S IG NA12<SliJ MMARYp1tl,~~~~:@t*'~';;;':'~1~%@:1iB~~:'}'kr':$,';*-~~&>>~,;S:\~R~1~%1:1'1'%-~%~':~:i["il)::~'-~{;;l!$;)~;~~1hJ~~~~;~~}~:i';f0i~:*t,~{;$#~~}~~~iU;1~AW! ':J. ',,,"",..,:tr.~.)",",,, _" '~~"""~_"';.$,;",_,,,:,.,.,~~ ,..;. ,~... ". ,.,...,.;:'" .~,~_.":~":.j'!:!?~d~.wm"5',h"-~l\:~:m~'i~i~'>-,,,4l!,,,,,~~~::"W:,I"-:r:,:;f;ja,-..:';~,-"t:'.,If:~:::;,~~~H'"'X?,,:,y,,,'.it~0;,<t'~7:;.;!~;$.~;,:1S:::,..Yf.~~ol,li<~:;';,;.?i",~',,~;.a~ffu.~*,,~' . I , ! Activity Through New APpropri.a.tions I I I 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total ''''''.', ",--,.;,""..".."",.,^.;"":",,--y:,,,"~(,; "3"",:",~.-,,--,-: ;!i"'~""-' ,,,,' 'i'''''' ,,} t~'''''~^., 'I-'l'f' ~ -Ii'<\, ,- N ,,,'q,, ~j(;J; ~ ""iil:\l't ,- , jliotaJ,Bud ett*f"\~l'\'li..ll:\K~i::%'" \;tlr:;h ,l"%;.'il'",*",%:;$660 5001 %""~,".",, '\~'fm'li'i!i;;$90)000: F~,"'jj;..~)~;,;t:'!!ii ,,\,i't~$7i501500 _.,...._~.....,.->"--._,,>:<.~g,.,,",..-,>\_'lKi.,_"'~"""~,.JI..._,.,.. _........'~ ___ _~::i",'"."...\ _'K~.--.~,"" ,_.>"~.....~ ~"."=_E:B.~"_,,,,,.,,,"",,'iilW'i'f .> ""'.... '" "'t~,.:M..~>'~"''''__''> ~~~_ },_.""_~_,-",,,,~", " Total Expenditures I 389,632 389,6321 Total Encumbrances 0 IITotal Remaininq Budget I $270,868 $90,000 $360,868 I: 'I II 1,1 186 ill 'I II CITY OF POWA Y . " ! 1:}"\;'i'ft,""","Wil\'Ay;",".t,'f,,t"\1%&i",cK~V\(J;:;'R'%'!,'''4'd,,,,,,\1W,,("i&"i:fni1'{~i:n'ffl "i ~H'''*;}''i{$O:f;"",,,,'X':i''0:,':W;.,,#lf,*;;'''':':;','l#,;,,i,S"'<~hW*,;:'%'ii;0~"?;11 I iGA8IfPAu"IMRR0VEMENiDRR0GRAM2,,:!;W::l"',,;,.:,% EI:!:00IDYc0N;rR0lb:ANID:IDRAINAGEi;;i."")0,,(iJi'ict",l;\~ti" l't~<K::;"K4+~*li/J;~ti%ff~~g!fr;~\Tt~~~jXt'%:&~t%g;~fit+~t~~~Nt:~i,:;~}ti~\t~;B}!dt:t:~~4ri~r{~:;~;:;;5:~~ :%fh~yt::K/:J~*~$,JtJk;~:0~~.:tV*W1;1~;~::X:::0y.f~11:}:,!:'~j;;;:iKi:~:f~-{t:g~:-;:j':,;@;'i;~~'kt~:;~'~:fi;RTf,~*riJ{ , li'~i;""1i''l'm:N'iif'0~K'K "'.'0I.;r''';....RAljNA'GEfftvfRR0X1EMENm';''".;'''"''''i~l>;i';u;iWilW,.(';J;,i'!'ji;".""i4,l"';'''',r'''iWi;<'';''1'';:''.0,';;i,p~'ill,l' '." 4;1\.' J",s ',. iri:.t, ;~ N ~ ~:C:.~.ID ' - - ,~. :~ -, 'j $:-:t~:-:'i~{~<%t!,1$;;.~t,~~~.,>;,,~~:,,"j;;itF~~t~'~l~\'::~>~'"il:0;..'\f.AA"".)..,~,"'1'~:,*1.\~>.~..>t?'~'1}-;.:l?'/t""');\~iWj.>{$, :~,:-t; 1'_ ",,::.'; "L,.).'i;:...':':. '""",},~&,,,...,;L,~, .;<...,,,._,...,,<,,~,,,,.,, ...~k,.,: ;',..A,,,,,,,,:,,~.;; .,~".. , .:J!._" , ".,>~~\,,,,,.. J, .,L ... '. . . .,~"..!..,,',,-";;::3i.,fZ~~('i~l;.Jl;~ '.tk~,;~g,v~:j:1f~~~.(~~. ~",-,,;-,~"~:+"'0'1~,.-'S,t ~ti,C,~*"i::~c, ,:j..: ',:~:; ~J.~~,J,h,,:~:'0-:.ifi;"~:,i:n-n;~~';~~ I " IIThiS project provides funds for reimbursement to developer for drainage improvements on Oak ii ..I I[Knoll Road ' i I III I Activity Through New Appropriations I II IIFUnding Source I 6/30/97 I Jul;- 1, 1997 I Total Project I . IIQr~,Il,a.~,~:,.e"~~~q~"L~~2tl""""~~<',"~N~"^'''''~~~>"~g.7qq,I_""",,",_~~,.,,,,,,"~,,,~~,~,,,, ",., ',.. ".,,,~~><v.,,,,~.J7;.!g.Q.11 .' . <" '''';' ..". -- --.... ~JI, Ii .:,~"".,~,,,<'<"!:.'~~F~"._ t, ".' .~'^' iK.. ~"",\--,'~~li:"',",-,,,,y.~,,~^,,,,,. ~':f. .". . ~ !.<'. ij "'" ~"",,;,~~',sj,,-, >:~.'~" ',,,,~,, '.",- ;".-'i~~'.':'J '. ;:""~:,"';''''''_'~,,~?~. ":.~'':'',:'-" ,.,.,:-./."...'., %. -,,';'. .~> imotal'!Budget~?$~""t:;t:'t"}iJ!~~)]\'i;.l~l~~l1};;$~:'JWt-w:;~~~"S~~Q~~'r7t.OOi< ;~[~;.~l:t;:r~1t:0t~tt4~~TIf1'4:~:Jlli~:'<4":'?'~;lj~! ~~.::2~~}.}<'~~sr<}),~;jt'$':~1rp~\Wj:.:..yj!'7;;,7;Oo.. I'~~">-'>'w",,,,",,"~,,,,w,,,,,, ....~^,"'" . . "~~"",,,,,~' , . --.,^, ..,.","',' ',".,~.." ,"., ',' .'.~,"",,/'!.,,~'., ""'" '"' ,.""""",..".,, " '.;',-'>>-'", ''''0' "h ''''"~=.=^,,,,' "~'" ,,""".'.',,-.>,>i-, ' ,_'.',',,,-_ .,.,w, 'N,"'"'..-'.,".,,",,,,,'<>' ~"" . '~"~'__'.'-"" .w.~,,,,,,",,.. ! Expenditures 7,700 7,700 I Encumbrances II ~ Remaininq Budaet $0 $0 $011 i- I,,,... ...".'... "_""""'''''''''"..",,,. "....'C-ar ,..''C......"..'. . """._,.._~ -......_........_..,._._._"..."...""_...~ ,."...-"'".-'''''''''"',w'','''''''.,,....'''','',,','',''''''''..-~.rn.. I I' i!'4221;*SRRING}J' AI2EteI:lANNEL?1IMRR0VEMEN!fllN0R;rH/S0l!lmHEi\.'iii'~~~;;;\t7i~~~?tg~l;&~!::0'i;;{'fl1~tlir~'*'t~1fu~0~i;S1 ".";' '''''"''-'''~'''' '.' . ~. """-_.c,,,-..',,,,",',,"""',,,,-,-.,..,,,,, ....._~~."".'_.""''''''.. "~_",," "',__ "'",....,.. .. ." _ ..h"~ '-.",-~'.,~ -., ,.'. .". """""'" "_~'" '.""~.""",,",,.,.J......". ~,"",., .__"'''.J<,.._~'''''''',"~.",~,,,~*-:'',,,,,....,,, .."''fj.,_1i....,.... , x x'. . ,":,",,~<,,"',"'''' .:'...w"'......~ .~.-"W,""i^K,._. .~,. i!."'-""""1t.,,, .., This project provides for the resurfacing of 500 feet of open channel in the Springvale area.. I Activity Through I New Appropriations II Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul;- 1,1997 Total Project 11?~~,i~.~.~~:,.~~~~99~,t~~~'I:""'''P'.''.'''''''''''.'.''..J3.~~9Q9,,1~~"""'''~'"'''''''c~.m"''_'I",''''''.''''~'''.'..:'"I"...'.... ...,..w,,&,~~Q;gg.Q. I fJ mg~~~I~J!dg~,!:iiI&~~$L~~~I~t01.~~~iY~~~r}!;R~t~i1~{~~i~i:E:~.Q;.Q~>Ql[if~~441~'7~~t1l~~1~~~Itf~~t~~I1~ jt~~~::~~~l~2~fl1~~~fr~~G*~tlqq:'PO~i Expenditures I 9,113 9,113 ',1 Encumbrances Remaininq Budaet $20 888 $0 $2D 888 a ~'"~-'~'rr-""-- ...,,~.. '-" ""-,~".,.",~--~,,. ""'~ ~".. ""'_^"U'~'_'_;' ~"'><:;' ""-"$~'" ~',w'."'''''''^"'''-'fJ'''-'''''''"''''''---''''~'~''1'::>;~''''~'tl''tt;~''~M'C>C';!f~r~''~~"";"'''''''''mj'''''''''''''r'~'';'~'''-:m:ff4-:~~'~' ~""mz'~'<"'~'"~"~"6'im !1~23"S;rANIDISlfnR0AlD1IDRAINAGE'IM8R0x/'EMENffi%<€1it;~~t~;~.;;~5jj1'1.%'&1'i%~!*;t;}\%,.y,'3l;i,lf;iti&;'1l51rJ;~1;mi4;:~\!i*;'!tqj!1'1;'\', 1" '"''Y''''' '<"_""~~""".W.O'^"'~"'"''''''_'~'~''''''*''''''''''''__''''''''''''',"",,~.., ',_.n""",",,, < ,_,,,,,,l:..,~,..,,ouA,,~.,,,~.,,,,_,,,,,.,",,. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,,,,,,,,-;:""~'i_~~,,,,~_~;:J:h~-li:',*,,J.jLw;,,,...~,,J-,.',h"'-W.... ..~~..<""v...^."..",;<iI;~~"".....;M._ .1 This project provides for the design and replacement of 600 feet of metal corrugated drainage pipe that has reached its useful life with reinforced pipe. . I I Activity Through New Appropriations II IFunding Source I 6/30/97 Jul;- 1, 1997. Total Project j Drainage. AB1600 (232) I $275,000 I ($268,243~. $6,7581 l I,. ..,~><-.;~,,~., . "",....O',,+Y:"" .". '" 'e.'7''''~<-~'~'';\,'' '~'T"~<D"""" .; . ;fi;:?$;' ^". '.' . ..."."'-.-----".,..~. '.' ",. .'.. -. ,.",-<.,.~. ' .:<')~."m^':'~r'....-.-"l',.-'l'''-~' ':::7;"y.-\.'.-;~-,;' ':''',if".v,.-<,..,..... ~', . #~~.- ...-....1 IWata I ;:Bua et~~~1.~~'~,~t~J~t!lo:zw~~~,~,~~'~f~~~~;@',t~Y{~'i~~27;5~OOO.~ ~s~~~~t*t~~;r4:;t;fa1;i '2681i.,243' ~'l~;'~~:~tt~::0~:;5:~~~!J~~<6t~'Z58' . f~,~'. _. .. ... . ~;.",;.... "''''','. ., g. . .,.,b:'",%!t'~'~:;::;~it~~, .': ,~??L.f",,:;"'SEt. ,',,"~~,f-,~\t'1;/I?itJ';~ti-:..... ~,.,,~""'~ I ,-,-. ,.,,~,'~ ;~};l~m.;:;~;;ti-";"4':Jiill;t~!~'H;l<t (", ""~.".,' I" ..[.,"'''' ':';:.>:~'''~:'ts.;,.'<:~~:'i-)$:i;!W-;;;~:"<;:'ic,~~ii:;{;f{\:;)\'!*:1't,~~,.,,J :..j..."~,,, ~,'. IExpenditures I 6,758 I 6'7581 :1 ,iEncumbrances I liRemaininq Budget I $268,243 ($268,243~ I $P . I II ! I I II ,. [ ., :1 I I ;~ ~ -",. ......~~....' ij- J~ ~ ~~l , ' W '" I CITY OF POWAY II . ' I b~';'~!'5~.s;%Vi~t,~'%1ft~}~~~t'i:-?i't%\.~~t~tjf~k't~%1*S';i;~~~@?0>~;~~~~E,,7:1ibt~oi\?:~# ;~fS':;j;.!;0::::~;~~-t<)~~~,X,,;~~i.j~iWki)1if:U1,'~riJt~,:.:\~'i.{:t:!:,;:~::;.~:.;:1f~t~;~&~r!t::'lit:;~~'~~:;P"~~~ I CARI;r:;~rfllMI?R0N'EMENmtPR0GRAM;'i!~1C1tl~~~'ii F,1i0.00;,e.0NmR0ij.;AN0\0MINAGE1il~~<;f~"t'*~Jj~~ , l~yt:]~1~~Sf,,1t;tj!~~'i~t$~R~e1\1H1~Wi~$?:$~':[Q~l4~gt~jtfu~~~*ii.\i~~~~~jRt!t0~til n;ft.:\fht{/t~ifJfA1t'i<<i*~E~~~):~~\4t~~~J+!:-:~t;,;,~~~~~~~.~r~Er~~~lk:&~\; I II . . '. 'I "~'R___'__""'_'. ".__.w..... ~ ~_~............~~H...,..-._.' .."'..........,_........'.... '..,.. '~.'_' "........... ,", ,'t. """'" . . ,_..,<,,_..-.,.~., "'.-",. -",-~"""",.... ."""."'~. .,., '_;yo 1~~25~EMA'~951:EU0'00.st{~11~l~!$~t~~~~if:tiN~Wt1Ji~~t_~t:~~1~~~~*;1~~~~~~~;~"~'*~~t~%lt~,t~!jj.,1J,~9t%:o.-11 .'"'''~_''_''' ,_,_~"""','"",',""-_""__<c.=--v,_~~"",:"",.."C;.,,.<,,,,,_~,,,__.,....~,.._..,,,",__,~'". _"~~~''''''''''''''<''''_''_'~<I-',*~__"".._._..,"",.",-""-<"",",."..-,_......."~..-.:%,,,,,:W-.~'..I:i:l:;:",__",....:.""",~"",_'J;.~~__._,_,_,..J,,",,,,.,,,,..,,,,,.___~__, ."<..,EifgPF.ft\",..___,.,_,~,,.<.~ __--"'''''< ,,"'O~'."'" I, I This project provides for the replacement and repair of the infrastructure damaged by ! Ithe 1995 rains. Projects such as. trail repairs, drainage structure replacement; park and , 'I road damage repairs are included in this project ;1 Activity Through New ApR!opriations ! Iii Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 I Total Project I I: 1~6~~~ltguBg,Ae"tB~~~g\&~~~~~ ;ltl;$i'~~'J:}\~%~~lf~~'~Oo;g.g,gi 't~''':1: ;j4l&-,\;i~'\~.ill1im?l\l."l;l'{";;;;'11 :Wil" '\''iM!'4ill~'0lJ''tk~'~OQ~'00,gg II ,~__ <<_....;..,....... .."-" ,.",.__d~~~~~ E'"3".\::':"",\~$~~,..~~;lJ:~;:;d~~,~">-..._,"., ._",~..: ~\;,:ki:~'.'}~\~.4%t~...\~~;ra1~~F,::;};;:;l~t~ Z;Wi;;':\'R.\.;-;~~;:t> -:'",,\,"'::1:.'-. ", "'~, _,........... I'. Expenditures I 9'117[ 9,117 Encumbrances - Remainin!:j Budget $170,883 $0 $170,883 '1II,rt.'4..2'..6":'s""mM0...'R'...M"'~0"".RA."w.rl.N.'''''MA''(.PS.''m''E....R..''R''''\.tA.';('''N.' "'l:JTf,?""ID.....A"m'E'. ::".w":w:;;.:'''''':'J'!l!":tii''";1J,:~'''"'':''''''ii''''F';:',F::~:'~"W':':,:Wi.<".":W,':;:'''-''''';'''!W:x.w,'..,',: < '}.,'S:' ':"_ , ~ ll: --" , l'< -:; V,l " ,-_ ~+'r$r,""->-:,>'!;'~""{,?S~;1\-":..~'ci'~">""""'!$l,-*",, ,~,"\"'''>.'R'{&"',, !.(,~~""":><,~~W'"._\-:'__O_)*''''>l'@~,1Y;~'~'v_-:,:{'i'',~l' L~~_,~i-.:J..;,h:",';.e:_~~~~L,:OO':-"-\.'4'~,,J;'""""',,.~'-_~J,J,.....;,.:.'-2;,./i~,,t-'-~'..;;~,..~_L_,...\.;,.-L~>H~~>@~~i:ii1'!$JhjJ<'t'.\~~i$X"f'$;~o ,,:~fh13i:;~~'^ ':' ~~*\;;f,~'f~~;ti~J&t;;:ti'gQitf.th'-fk~:,*~~;t(E .1 This project will update the storm drain master plan. It will provide a map of the existing , system and cost of all .improvements needed, basin by basin. I ActivityThrough New Appropriations Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul}' 1,1997 Total Project , I' Drainage" AB1600 (232) . $100,000 j $100;0001 ~'W:'"Ji~~" -_~""'~";i>~'!$~~':, ,ljf_v-,.~t~ *_;-::ffJ{i!~-" "': "~-,~'tp~~",,,..,-,,~~---~..;-'f l?:~'\'~'-, i-i ,;iN:mz~~t'tl~~~:gt't:?t~ ~r*@t;!-.~:;~;,t... .,.~<t/';i"- ~ .-:-1.-....,.~~'...."'~"'l motahBudget~l\"",,".lf.'1',,;;;~~ kl\!!"":ii~,:$".'1'",,,,1 OOl.,.OOO')"10."'0"'._o&l\ll;~,;)'~\;#,;i1''%1:fu', .t;%l".",~,.;~"",:,,,\!,,~:1.00'OOO . '. ~. :.:&t~~.;'~<~"~~0$ ;"':^-'~c.,,~~m.~~~'-'~_ ' '" ~.~'*"~:X '-" . .",. ~~~.. ,,~~.,,-x;~.....,"'__"~ -~_.:.cA!. ., ., .. Expend itu re-s . ""...... 1'S,'f3'8 - .. ~ '" ,.., -..-- 18;138 '1 Encumbrances Remainin!:j Budaet $81 862 $0 $81862 1 ~""4'2'9?in~M'...E"'bW''''.0;T6'R...E.....E'K''SI.M.nR..0;. V"'E"M~'E'N"";r,S",'~:%Wli10":"i\'''''#;l\1i\i&''i!'i!~1i1'1\Uf' l!..~-2~e", ;-,~.. .r:v:.l;;;I,~~.,~~~:~~.~;.;;;.._.:_,,~>.,_,;.,.llL...i.f~iw},:J}Jffi~gtJ~z~~~z&'4~~4, I. This proj~c! will fund improvements necessary to contain the flood waters within the Pomerado Creek concrete channel. I I Activity Through New Appropriations I I . Funding Source I 6/30/97 .Jul 1, 1997 Total. Project I 1~;~ft~;,~~~;~~..~J,f1Lllii".....',,"~..'",."'%~1,~,,~:i~I"'w...""''''tl'~~-''~''''''''''''''''''''-''!:lrl!'' " ,.."....~"......,~~~,,~~:.~gg. Iffidta It Bua ., etH~:*;:~~~'\:?:'t';~Ai~tt~ ~0tM:\'?{fM~~~';t>:i~x*1~ft~1&4*:'590/000:t -'~t*~;;:{1{~1fu~.:1*;;;~~~i0:tlh~1~j~1P'A~~w~~t1~r~1f1~~*;ggW~~&~I~~~~;{"Tilt~590~OO' 0 ~"':~":""~''''''';'''''~'''''''' '" g,_"",:6:.:i.~":,o;:.':i;3P.i;:?,;w<'_'W!f""''m._~,'' ig;,~~,,~:, >;-"':",~~i;"i:i:,~-i;:;"*;::"'J::{,~&.<i"'M~;~i:'~,,,,,=-~,,,-!, _ . :",,,-,.''''''~' !i11;%t:~i!';:::<::<;~AY.;m~I::i'i~"~::;:,.{;:i~i:>:/:'l~~,,n~,~:!;;'0;';: ~.i$'h,::i';:-i,:'d:i<-:iR.~*~"'K:':;;,;AtrJ;r<M!...;;..,u",,;.' """,.,,,,,,,J '1' EXP'en.ditures W I 523,219523,219 Ehcumbrances I 66,781 66,781 IIRemaining Bud!:jet , $0 $0 $0 III I II 188 i CITY OF POWAY !I I' i&;::~~K1*~';Ft)E!t<i~F\*~t'~t'/:'F$}~~)!f~';::~:'~P;;;~~)f:;,,!:f$:~'~~~~~:t:,:i~:''.:r~:tz;~'J~~!~~~~kh;iifg3;\~i~lf.~'.{itt~ :f\'"1>'1~1;.\'i:iz\.t.tf:1;]~:/~V~~~\i'.T~;S?\<{t~1:~~:~;:V})f;':y~lt~;-I?r~~t>'i:7-:\~\fl;0~~t:~;~U;:IH:r~11 I I@AI;!,I;FAI1>iIMI?R0\1EMENm,F.:!ROG8AM't'4{iV''4'''\\'1:ii*'% rli0(D1D;(UDNiFR0l:!'ANID'IDRl\INAGE'f~*1?\";;'iiQj,";;.i':r; I !~~~~f#(x~~{$*11t~21%~<~~~~{~f}~lHJf;h*1i~}li~};~:~t&~~K~~;~~~0i~.~1:l~~tI~tr4t: A~~K~iff&1fZf4:ft~~:ft~T\\~\~Mf~;;dg;~~~~~lF\;r;';0l*~~~~!gn/~~~t:ttIV.{r~;~!~~~\~':I! 1\i1~2!EC0i';jsmRilJ,€mi0Nr0~J"E3R0WijDjmtffiiANiDjGURBY00mliEt;0N'Pt\8hXG0~r:5Ri\iElt~ i;~~;F;i?,~~:!~tlll "Iil".,..A' -:<1"~<'~~; \ ~..."" ,,< {.""".'!>-~:":';:" "",,,,", ~...'" ~<- "'-'I&~~('q~'it~ ,;~":-..["u,;- J,,:,:{t~,>~,*~<"~"'~m..'l~r;,~ -''I ...~,%.~.e4.'Il', it" '" l-;"9;f:~~" .J;A' f"E,;~~""",,':, ~~,~~"q...'7~, "* ~ k;l I 1.,<;,;" ~,l.t:'" "#^'Nr.\~Blilt;:'KSKIN'>;r;ow'llfu~.'~~\t.~~"'-i'~]~~1>:{;:;>tjti'j'<:j~ii'i:t,",,~.< ,;;:.1.) ~,~~f?t\ ,~, \:'~'\.i-t1v: .o.-,:'....,.;>>':;';:r ,;:;Vf' "< 3~rk,,:$.>iw:)P'...'_~~,,"':~t>\t'f'?'''.: :, ~\ .' ,t .. II "..c0,}.,t;f':\ u~ Uv, ';'I~~l:'.;il:~'~"~~~~<"~"'~~1<",}."<~' ~ ,",'i,~~Y$ ".,~~.~"~*'''~:/f,,,,- ,.,,>-''i ",r:..'f-i;}~""~'c>~f{','t""">".,,,~>,",,,\,'i ""," ,,::;:..~ I 114'" ^'-4',,,,~, -..- ,,'-"....._ M "",._};,~,.._<;'"""",,". ~,~ ~~ ",,,,-:,'"'~ ." "~>....(:i_.t,>,... ~ ~,~",..>~,.. ,,,,,,,,_..~,..-..~>"-.., ,~.,..,^,=~~>, ~ i..~.~, .;...". ,,", "'1, - , liTh is project provides for the design and construction of a concrete brow ditch and curb :1 .1 !!outlet to prevent future erosion on the existing slope. ; . ~ ~I I[ Activity Through New Appropriations :. I Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total Project !I ' . !liID~ai~a~;'-!:~~~:~~;~~~;4 "*"~~"l:; ~'''' 'fifFi.\l,""1i.i;r,m"J''i0.4jl, 1:\tt'lIiJ:M """"'lt~\",q.,!58: OQ"O'jl ,;,' ~,'~'rl'I',\: _". ",,,;;,,;$58: opn1ill ,J ~, "''%'''l':'!'{~ ,,'tili ,,'i$,<'1f ~'" 'i!<.'0~.,,",~""'<;!i!. :'$"""'1" '!t"JK~., -, 'iK(!"~"",~ ;;'t>1.~i~ti:if("""'<1iiJ<\,,''9~Wtfi'''"''''i$A~~ ' ,,~~'\ '<""~" ,', ,p ~l !Ii!~~'~!~~:}:: n.,,,'1l,,\!.\,$h, rldl"" ,;"""":l,;,,,'i,,"",,,<, ,~'$"'''''' ,,,,-, ,,,,ffi.,,, :i:\l'R,~,,~ A;...?.!1, 9,9Q: ,,,,,,,,'{(,,",,,~l,, ,.",,,Ek;,,,p~,Q9Q ii I II Remaining Budget $58 000 $58,000 I !lllf:429'1i8RATN1\GE1MRR0'\lEMENmsr0N\J;'~f\,1E{R0A1D''*Jj,~1.:<P\'i~"''''1#ii'''i~'W;'1\~'<l-Y?1i!lr.w~l\%tfu~!)[~if,l;h'''0';;;~:~i~?ifiii .1 \,~,,,,,_.,>,~,_,,i&~""~M,~,,^.,~,>>,,,,...."~~,..,,~~,.L,.>_,;,,~~,.,._"...__"""J.~".~""L,,,,.:,,,>,",,.L,,--,,,,,,_~__,,L,,':'.,,~,il1:~t:~~1r;~~~;~J.~~t~~~~1i.~~~,JK,;;;;j~~\'i:W3~i-J:fJ~*~.1t~-:;~ ~~;~'b;N}!! I II' IThis project provides for the design and installation of RCP storm drains to replace iil '1 deteriorated sections. ! II Activity Through I New Appropriations i' . Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1,1997 Total Project I I ()ra!~ag,;;;,,!,~,1 ~~~*,<Z~2J, "",,"W' .". ,."""'''~'~' '''__.".,,,, 11,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,",,,",.,,,,.,,~.,,,~,~~9,,o.,~, '''''W:~'''''''."'''*'='.' "J,1.49, 000 ,\1 ;I'~ ;1"0' tal: Bu'(j e't';:\:~'*1>im\ k%ftl.~f,~~<'; :'$.~M~!}~~'I;:JJ,Sif'"IMf!t1!~~'>'.i~';' :~k:~f,l ;';;, :, ~'1\:t:<Vt:'i~et{f~/~~:?;; :'?f;:r'J>P 149'0001 ~~l;::,~:;"r ~~#~~~ "';: 1ff{/:1r,i}F$i~;''i<49~OOO H;.}:- ,'", "*,, ~." '" ~ "',;<' ~ '" ~,,~~ . ~~~~ .,",..,~,,,,,"~ . " ~ "'''''_''''''-''' "". ~",', .",',;1 E'Xpen'd1tu ~es' "",,,,,,!l!,,,, .'.,,,w,, ,i!'i.!&\L. .,." ,,,.~,llii"''''M,''''''''.ildl\.,,,la I ,,,_<liU,...~,,.._,, ~"",'"'' .'"._~, ,",,,,,,,, 'Ifl.. ii" ..' ".,.,,,'lilI,,,,,,,,' " . . " _ Encumbrances I '.' Remaining Budget $149000 $149000 . . I 11- j-'-"',,-, "'..,--. ~--'~''"'-''--'''--...".r'''''''--~:~-~',;,-,,''''''_---'~'---Z'-,,-'<:"-':"r.'--~-~"',"''W:<~ ,t ........-..."".... . .<->~<~~~---""'~~~i't:;~,.,..!:>~~1<1.- "'"-"'m. 1"Elli00' IDTr'0NmR0L""A:NID11DRl\INAGE'SWMMAR:y,;",l!i:"'\iIi~'il:(;1;k~,~~i\4t'&i1ir..\l#J\"v,,~"J'''1\0lil1i~'l''';il''ji'-;:i!~M~~1 t_~,-;',..,~.,_",....4~""".-',J.~,."<,,,,,,,,,,.~~',,,,&:.>~~t-........,l....~,i..>.M...""___'"_~,-_,,",,,>.,..;;.,.w,,,,~,~;&2}ii~$~H-t."%~'1t~~:::s,;1:!~~~~~.;,:.k:;::~~~-;~~1';> ,~.; '~i.lli~:t~,,';{~~'t;:",J4: I II' II Activity Through New Appropriations 'I I!Funding Source 6/30/97 I July 1, 1997 .. Total II l!m'''''''t''''IXB'''''dn''''''t''''W:0':1q''''"~''''1''8~1l1i%'''!li>1fi1icV~'''~t$''''1'''178=2.';Z-''0''0,,,,.II'')\,'$''P~'.- .,,;g;{:ic['!\\'li"~~'l'('''$''''6''1li2'''"'t'3 ~iiriC,:;r1WJilli'C\,wc:c';;';;$'''1'1'1'''2''''1'''t''':5'''l''''I!II- I' '0 a <. U e ,";'~''',U;:, tt:\~\1,.i<~-~'r~",~":,:,,,,,,,,:"i>t~_";"r,f:.;,~~l'jfJi:'S:ft: '" ~":'., ',~..: < ')I ",,,,;,-:./:ili,;:, ,,:;-;:~,~'~%';,l';:;}? ,i$i . .' ;. ,. '. <:'1:.A8':::~;~~{, ,:""M':''''''~~:,'''f;f.,~:;!,':*'';.- ). 1:~,-" :' -.:''- . ':, " ..'. . ,_""~_':'">,""",,,,,,_,,...,;,,,,....,...,., "",,-_:,,,'~,.,,,,,"':iI:<;.._"'..~'. ." .._.,'n,..",';'~1 .o~,"..''-'''"",.,, ,...J. "'"">,'_d"';~""",_",,,",~'_"'_ .'" ',,'.. IIT6taiEXP~~ditGr;:""~' .", ~iI,"',,,~,,A."',, ' 574:045,,;tj~~, "*",.,,,", ".....,....",,, """""''''''''''''''''''''''''''57:fo4s.J, I !\Total Encumbrances 66,781 66,781 il . !:Total Remaining BudQet $541,874 ($61243 $480;631 !I.I " 'I I Ii II~ ii II . ,I 1.1 . , I' :1 ~. Ii I: I :1 'I . J II ii I II" ~'*:, ,.. 10, . " I 1M II CITY OF PO WAY ii II'"~:'>.'~'<:;""J, ~;:'<!';""il!i"\\",>:~~"'\"'~",,%,/,,,: ~'~'i'~'''\^:K~1'i~"~<~"^~;:,,"t'''::;,,,, .~",- ",$:ij;~i>......t..~::, .'~~'';:'':,''I~,~,~^, 'Y.@,<,- '~~4;:"'""e-'0 ,"':'1, """11 '. CAPIITiAI1~:IMIi',R0'f.1EMENm Rge~R}l;M;I'$,ii2;f;::t' ,+t;': Ge'f.lERNMENIT'/Bl!lII!)IDING'S:~:~,:,:;~'!:J~;\):'(;:;;;;:':;':,;;; I h' <\";;f&;F~1;;h~1;~ ~~'~^",t/~,':~" {'~k#':}<~'~:'~i~:~~, \;.~,"',,~~ ^'-~J:10 _~\! ~ ~~~,/ {. ,~::~~: C'~;~~K,:: '\ ;' ~ ' " ','~ ;';' ~",:~,,~_ ~",- ~ ; ,,<' < {""'''~: ->:r;' '; ''; ~I .11:1:&rt,~1J:;.s;R-~1!fimi;,9m~:r~~~;.s;~~J!=R'~)'f~E:Mg>~~,~PffiJf$E:ml~~\$~~~~ii!~::ll?~l~n:;::;i;;W:i!l~~Wi~iitt:jf:~t}~'I!;~;:f$v~!$;l;\'il' . '. ' I I This project provides forremoval of'arcliitectural barriers atCityfacilities in compliance II with Federal Americans,with Disabilitie~ ACt (ADA), .' II I: I Activity Through I New Appropriations I II Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, '1997 Total Proiect II l'II0)0B<:;; Gr~~!.~.~~~1), ,~.I" .", N,,",,"""" ,..~~74,.2,59911" '" .,"" '. ". q' '" ",I,,,,,., ";',J" """"'~.!774;~5~1: \ . "It~'''f "^ ~~ ''"' . "-;.. ~ ,<j"?;:,~,,, ;<;,~ ,'''" "g,0." " ~ ;.,< ,^ "" > , ~,_ ,,",~,.,o ", """.0>"''';' " ) TIiQt~L~>gJ;jg~~~h''i "~~~t:~"::t!J'Jf J~~~A,,';,0!:%;,,:~,;,}<t::;J';t:::*1Jth?q< .' 1%~%~~:"\"' ~:%},,~~'\"~*":'~~ >' <~~"";~:"'l.:t. ~ \~ '.0z,~ \.,""<!,:x;~;:1::~~j<;0J~'}"~~L~~~~,'oth?q~ . EX.. pend it.ure s 174,259 Q.I 174,259 i Encumbrances " Remainiriq Budoet $0 $0 $0 .1 11....5. "'2.1!W^""^,!oSLi'its'''E'TI''I'I>>'g2'''O;''CJ;~e,^rR'!'r.''ID;'''B'''''G:''~;+'';''iiijJi!1!Y'!%''1!''i't:!:,.!!!!i''~ii$;;b;,:;!>>jfh!~;;4YF'i';;m::!!:;!ii!'1;:if':'f\:~';1,'?"&!,l:'ll';f;il! _ .. ':1''''''''-'.r\Lilr'\ J7.:.r::JJ':'\ ." ,,-, ;:Ii.r;:r-,Ti~ ".\,;;.i > ,,,,{,~,",,~,,,,"lI', ,'....\..n~..','r"'.":<',.>,} ')#j_\~''',< ,,,,:,,,,<,'~'.:<>A".. ",{O,."._.....,."",:;'~,..<i,.."..' w,~.,',%<.,....".~.,,,..,....~.,"'..,.>.,~.-:'f.,i/!f"',. ,.,.".,.,'.~%:t'il..."'~<"",'*."..,<'1', .', ; ,>, "A;'..' '()?'., ~,,' ;t~:.,:; ,.";,, ,:;\",,",.,::,;,,;',1 ;\;.".\,.":,,,,,,,3, .. ,; ,,J'.o;:,..,.,;,,,,_..,,, <<1,";";,'.<i3i,~...'"~";~,,,,~j,>":~i.:..,~{;{,~{,,<""-;,-I,,~,,,,,,:%i,-.{t3;<;i,\;~~~{::"S:~':;:;:"<:~:"': ;'.,,,o,<:;;',3:~'t.~.,;;~,;:;';i;,,i''{*.~!~''',:<::}''-~.~..;,%.~,,,,,-~:>i:,;.;,--"'",,"):':'~~"'<i',~.'d '. I '1 This project involv~s me com'pleti?nof.~ccessibility modification in accordance With I . . Phase III of the Amencanswlth Disabilities (ADA) Implementation plan, I .' .. . . I ,- Activity Through I New Appropriations il ,Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 TotalPrpject II ICDBG Grants (241) 1 $85,5351 1 $135,5351 I. !;r""t"','''B'' '"."o.,.,....t.%ix..'Y%7#w,.,..''''''.''.1''.'Y;'.,''"....,,'''''''jj1j'.'Y"'-;""8"'5' "'5"3"'5"',\ "',iVI',""".,',",';""",-"',,,,'",,,"',,,,,,';',",, "''''''''''';''''''''''''''''''''''''''8'''5'Y5''3''5'1 . 0 a':' .u ge ''~'',.'R1.''i,,;;':'^'~'''li:(01),;,~''' ""'h'.\'%ii>~""~~"'"",,,,,,",...('i:,1,!:;i.,~.,'f:d.$.~'''''\'' .'.. ' '~..l'"'''''il'''''"''''' .,'''''-iti."~,,,,,'''''''\";~~'',1;'''''''''''''M'O'''''',,~\~,,.J'..}',<-~, "")::,".,"'1';.,",.r''''U'~'''''..'''''''"'W''<'.''..~~^'K;t;...-.,, 'i<. .' fU'" ."~,,.,;..,;. ,: ,,;,~,,,,.. o""hi'<;';:itAtK::~t~~('~;~~Af~<t\:. ~1;:"g};tY;;;,;,~-L,*t,(~ji~f;2;#~k~~~~iJ~-.:th;:::-g:,,-... w_, ; , . "."",,;;) (}}:i;l',;~~+1m~;r::}}{i}l{(:{1'1,:Ji}"h~lRijt~#5'8i:l:;~~;";~: :t:fPJ~j};}rit-/~:~~~:~~i~4li,\flt&?[f:;lj;~L ">,,,,;,.-., ~,. ,,^" i Expenditures 85,535 . .. 85,535 Encumbrances IIRemaininq Budqet $0 $0 $0 . . I ... . .,.. I I ,."..,..,....,,,,.. " ""w.." ..,..'" "'''''''''''c''''''''''''''''''''''''''R'''''' "...",...,,",... . 'S" "..w.'..."...."""-..'''''.'',,,,'''' '.."'" ".'.......",,,,,,,,."'.,,.,,...'.."............,..,,..,,,,,,.,,.,,,,"',,,,"'..'.,,0;"'"""1 1'1'522' ':"'^'" ^,,,TOO^NSI"'I"'N\D'''^N''IMn """"EM' EN"" 'N'2':1'S",;vO::'^'R..".nBG"."f'i..g,&~"~"W"",,,,t"''',,''0,,''''>it''''''!.:''lAY"'"'''''' ~,: ~,~......i.\;(~.~tr\-::t'l~ ,i' ',"" ,c,t',P ,..;.,.:,:lli..~.."..,~':,.",.",5'1.,~,,,~,;YL...:.:<., ."..,}, :',!:"." .,1.-"_ ,\., "i.I~;;~:I:-J~~~7t:~,..::~~c~,> .'.,".. .,;ff",;/:i:'0i~1.,f<~<i~)::i>;;;;f;~?ne}i,1~~,;~,~~~~J})y;%t~'t:~2if.~J.:'ti:~w,::'C:: This project involves the completion ofthe Phase III and IV AIDA Transition Plan I I improvements, The projectswi)lprovide public street pedestriar:1 curb ramps, I . improv~ments at Poinsettia M6bilehome Park, improvements at the tot lot at Old. Poway II I, I Park, arid other miscellaneous improvements. . . i' . I " Activity Through I New Appropriations i , Flmding Source.. 6/30/97 July :1, 1997 Total Project II 1" !G..~..~,<3" gdJ,?gtS,~~11)"..". ..,)1 ....'" .oo 1'" " ~},89,828"1! "..' ",,' '''O'''''""''',, '''' ". "il""""",..P" W'" "",,:HBO;82,8jlll ~ f]ZotahBu geb:~'ff~,)}'R~'~. ':;,~, ;;fr<(::f~*;t";~!:~?\;~~~~~~180,828v %~~. \ciL"k~~t;,t: ~,:"'~r~)~;,: $~>V ,";; t~"'"V~~1\fik;~~~~ ;'%~jt^:180,>828', ",_~...~ "'~"'~ A' h-..< 0, ,,~, < ~~" """ ~ "~<-o,"",'''''''j".~" '''._ax""" '_" ,,,,-~,,,,,,~'<'f>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,~ ,,',.^" ~..,,<. '1". iExpenditures 46,999 I' 46,99911 Encumbrances 117,312 117,312!1 . IRemaining Buoqet $16.517 I $0 $16,517:1 III ' . ! ~ 1.11 :! 190 I' I CITY 0F P0WAY. .. .1 :~i~~~~~~~~ti~~l~i~I,~i~~I~~l~~~~i;.~~i~j~i\i~J'rrr~I.;1II ,I - 0,"'; "'~''^'''i';:<:~'''' "-" ',Y,,'" "',: -,- 'i'," "1.'''' .--" v. ^ >", ,. '(0':," "-. r -....."."... 'c,:' ':M ^' - "., '-t'<W~;';c;<g,~~ '0i",~,;':)~_~;;0~:~':"i:':;;::'.i<,"i(f'h,<,,~;~e, ':'_",: i; :'F~~\i:.'k0';'W>~','t-;:;:;:\~fr.:t~;~";:\'XY-,'-,:;-):*:;;K{;t:*<~::+?,;.t.:t"(',;;::' !-JV"~:!-':N::<::::li .' 1523,,'R0'^'^V';,SRERIE"',S SlJ BSwA:>710' I'l' "*.1" lX'l""~0"'" M",~""""",,,,,",,,,,'W'"'''irl,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,t''''''E'I,-'v"""";'",)""""., .1" \..,'", ,.,"": ,':,~;" ;_~:__ ___,'V/!,!1'J;>:;.,. - , "";c,,, ' _. , .,'; _ ,. ,..::.f%:'k ' " + ." ,~";,.",, ""_' : _ " ' ' -': ~L-"-,, __,;" ,:;:?o:J,:/fm'{;'~~~i/:; ':.:;;'%:i:,,;:~:W::!%.'<>~~";~,~~,:~\-(;,i";':,;,::,-,:Z0,,;,':'\.:!.;-~~.V::~.::,~:~,:;'~:1:,':,<';;:!.S., '..;}:g;;j,'o;~:''f:,.t:',:,'2:l,\'i~:~>'':'&<':'': :,,:~'~:::;:'Z~;:"it~i;':::':'~'" :.-." ':-,-. , This project involves the design of the PowaySheriffs,Substation located 011 a.two-acre II .1" site south of the Poway Library at Bowron Road and Civic Center Drive. :1 )1 . I I Activity Through New Appropriations I . lirl ~g Source 6/30/97 July 1, 19.97 Total:Project j IMu~icip~llmprovj~~l L jl_,.,~""",J3!(3,~g;q?(3I,,,,,,,,, _"""J~1"17~;E3J6~,~,, .,..., ''';;ii,..,$?..2gq,,~10!11 I" Expenditures I 342,216 342;216 . Encumbrances 2,039;829 2,039;829 Remaining Budget $1,297981 ($1179616 $118'365' I 1'5"2' .4"}y"'R....I.Ii/'..K.. N"G" "E0'" 'i"..".""."N."'R"E.."i'iI'iA'C"'E.....M..y.E'''...i''''''.''ili.'.G''.,"0'.."..M'''''....''T-li/''';rv/i'i'',. ....".'F;;;'''.''~'..''"'F;F''''',''''''"';''''''''''F''''.'',.,'ii;',,"""1111" 1'""", . I . ,'r;' vli/wAI. 'rWc\' ''''F,-' ,i MlJ 1;I,b"'ARK",~i".i""';t,'ii'id-;i,;\-"'"s,,;Uhi,,iii,,;'w;'"'?,",'"",';n'. -".i.,.." .r,-_;;"" ;', , i, .: - - - <,...; .".. k_~<__:". _^.;'" ;.,:" '_'_'_'___ 'i,''-'':'''''''' "::"_ _ _ :"_'_~"" -_ _'MV>~"_,'__ <_o.h.:;'l.;:,,,, ~'"_;_"^_"_ . ",,"'... ..' .. .!\;~,A8;,,-,"'..,.'_',>' _,:.,~.}~,:,~;;;:.;;.i.:;.'~.h,'h"\~~;;~~;g::;;;:;;:,~:v;~,{,;___:".;;':,:~11;:.;.W;:.),;:<,~~'i'i;':o:..:i,:&o";-~'l).:~j This project proposes to replace two (2) outdqor cold water drinking fountains for . 1'1 Poway Community Park that are worn out due to use and corrosion. I Activity Through New Appropriations II' Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total Proiect 1 I ~Pt'~IGB...~d,r~:~tt.~J~~11",...':":II".,k.:,'+,:,:,,:i:"'''',:".."'!l'.::,:,.'''~~;33,OQ09,, '''",",w"::.,,,,,,,,,.:.,,,,,,,,,.,,",,,,::.,:,, ,",:%":".:,,p":mq""!1i::,'w::~'2?:'3q"000Q'1 - I Expenditures J . I" Encumbrances Remaining Budqet $2,300 $0 $2,300 :1 a15?6~1;1QI;R('gQIN$'i;ilifl~l~gt':HQ~}igi;~g~f:;]:<~:r.iJ~#Q~7,\~1t\JJ3Eli\I:~;Lf$;~~~%~i~~t~l*R~l~lliW~t~I~'II~l!~~;!!!! '1' This project provides for the City to receive $28,000'in CDBG funding to complete the _ accessibility improvements to the Poinsettia'Mo,bile Home'Park recreation building. I '1' II I Activity Through New Appropriations II ' Funding Source I 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total Project :1 ,I CDBG Grants (241) I $28,000 I I $28,0001 ''''-' >"'~' I ~-""'" e:.1i_~ ~ A ";"0' W > ",",'"0 '""'~ > '<';:'f,;;.',,,,,,, ,;- , "" ,"~ . "#' "',"'''''' o!O",":WJ^' ,'''',''' ~ -~ I' ImotahBudget~ ~;' ~"},;} \'J ~t. iJ;" ,,,,,;;+~~;('; ~ ""~)~"'?::'~",~-28~OOO' '< "~~~''-'l''t''''~~~ N~~it:';'<.1j';}~.i\1Ji:F; ~;'':t''!i\.;"''~ K'~~,~;J:::;~J~~ ~>'t",<;j&~%;t~~~)t\28 000 I [Expenditures' I :.:'d' '",,,,:- {9"Z5' ,,"" ,,,"d .e.n.,p..:nba.d":,,,,,.,,, :(9251 I IEncumbrances I 950. 950 jl~ IRemaining Budaet $24 125 $0 $24 125 . I" . I i ~ ~ I I I II " ~T l' i' ,,~ '1 ,.. 191 .' . .11 CITY OF POWAY I , I I _"1;:;\f,::~'S:~\X~j?':(i.~;,:"tp',-:f'-~yr;:~:Y:;~'i~;i':'{':t~~?~:~~"~;/;:~::;~I;1~Ji1,s}H~};~~;<E~~:[J/:Z:_~~i~1~\:~h~Vr,;;il' GQ\ZERNMENm, B0IEDINGS",.""""<"""'''''''' ",/",,,,,.,,, . '. ::;;';~::~~(~:AA1~{;:~~::~:JHli:Ti::~~i::,:;.~f%D9.:1:~JK~Q:;~:%it:-,:%~:>:}{!!6,:~r2~:b:',~it]~~?'~~\i:t:d::j:;::$?:;:A'~j,t:;~{]'::tl I I. . This projec:t will provide new accessible,signage within the, city Hall complex in order to comply with ADA requirements I I I Activity Through New Appropriations I I Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1,1997 Total Project . COBG Grants (241) \ $7,500 I I. $7,500i , Expenditu~es I 0.1 I Encumbrances. 0 Remaini~q Budqet $7,500 $0 I $7;500 I " . " . .I.,.. . .. . . ,. I This project provides for the acquisition and construction of anew'community library' I City Funding (Included 'in Government Buildings Summary) I I ActivLty Tbtpugh New ARpropri<3tions . Funding .source 6/30/97 Jul "1, 1997 'T;btal Project - Bikeway Grants'(244) I $0 I .' $63,300"1'. $63,300 ..1' T"O't;;I'"EXP~~"drl'~~~"""" ."""1..",,,,,,,,,,,,*,,,,,"',,,,,,,,..,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....,,,,1,,"',.."."."'~'''..''''.''''''''~'''''..,."..'.'..''I..~.''..~...,.''''''",.,,,.,,,,'fj",,,,,'...,,..'. "''''ei' Total Encumbrances L I 01 il' Total Remaining Budget $0 $63,300 $63;300: . RDA Funding (Not included in Government. Buildings Summary) I I ActivitY T.hrough New Appropriations Funding Source ,6/30/97 July 1, ~997 I Total Pro'ect '1. J~,?'~I~,~,~J1:3.~). . "'''Ii"..,.,. .m'&..."'...>,,$,?!,1}1,,:3'09..~I, ."",.,,"."'''.''''''''~' ,..11'..."..." "....li... ,....."'".. ..,,"~,,l~.:..B..~~.:3gRII " '1; >" ."> '.- ,'" 0' 10,\1:," }'i..;;';:.-'.;;;\ .;;;,;~\'8';~""';.}',%~r:;;t(,., --'''.; ""~~-',:, -<t.." ,'h'^1:~1<'i;,"':$~,~W;;,~~;(.;,,":.;(:"'J:f:;.:7;$,~','>;:.,!i:,$,'~~*i:~> , ',:;~~",:!;,"if;'\''''i'%:i,;';}~,''if::;;_''';~ ~>:< t ~-- .:}< ," ," .;FotakBudge. t. .R. 8. '/[1,... ..... .....,...> ,+"'ii.,..,...4~!.w,..5...134.300, "...,......."..,..,...."........,..%.....".....,..... 0,...... .........,,,..,.fi$,,...,..5,134. .300. F>::"~-;_,,,,~~,,', ,"","'~> , ,._J', ',., -' .. _, };,,~:,;: ~"~~"');;~:1'i,:' :,',:,-~T;H~,*c;'f.:';:i~l:i;;k,:n~~,::_\..":;L" J - ,.<".;~",J-, _ _'.," _ 'c' i..'l,'1K"'~:O:::.:~~~$<~l'::'fg:'>'j.:::;:C-~f~~,'lt_~:i;,'~~'tfi"_:~".~.,,<:!'i.~);'~, ::-:' ,< ,"-'^v.,~Y!,~,:','M!/'!:,':.L,.1j!,-'i&..\'i;ti.:.YJ:%".t:" -;;'"A;~'_~'_,,_,~,.4 Total EJ(pen'ditures 1,540,673 . .... 1,540,673' I Total Encumbrances I 2,904,3982;9d4,,39~ . Total Hemaininq Budqet I $689,229 $0 $689229 IITotafFunding . ... ............... ... . . . .. I 1"[()t~lj~'agg~!~*:8~;:ttti~~\~~,f\ !i;%i"i'i!;;i;;&1di~rt~;;9M?4';@QCli :1'!,~~~ilit;;i;\'!~i$W~~4i!f~;;~9I?0(); j:;iiL'::;i~~ifljii~;'j[~19~jJ~lM"I}Q; . Total Expenditures I 1,540,673 I 1,540,673 Total Encumbrances I 2,904,398 i 2,904,398 I Total Remaining Bud et I $689 229 $63 300 I $752 529 I I lq? '1' I CIT'{ OF POWA Y [i . f~L'?K~1.~::>>7;;,'::;:Y:'><\;p;.~ :,::~'::r;:,.t:';\?~;",\ :~'!;J,:-%'tt~\t\:\:X)F~:>~:;;~~'(:: __'::': )':' 't.<t~::':'}:<>::;::\;<=::~f:X~::-'0'~4t~*:~~,;i)i'\:>~~;",:-;>~1-):;/.:::: :~~_~~-;,~~;';:-:,: <-:.' : , : : : .:"'! :'>,:::~;"'r ,\f~': r:,: _:' :';?':-;-< ).>-,':-/(:{,:~ ;:,:: :' :,~: ; \ii::' :::,;::;;; ::~y>-,; :' 'eAelmAL1IMeR0~EMENm'RR0GRAM'<:'01(;;;",%!9i"!"~ G0\YERNMENm'BUIt:.DINGS.X'!!!!'!'!'0!;!;!,*";"">t,,,,!,,,,,iii' I , . ..- l'M"-"T ""':''',i::^"'U'-',,'',!'"^''''.:''r '-"",''^" ""',.;' -~-\: ",~U,,' ,."""..'..~/-"-'^'. .', .:' .~' "-'" -,.", - '", -" ,,-, .,.^.,.,tU.",-;:,-.~~)"""~": ~'<:;(:<i^:/,~", ,',;:;:~'1?\,;'~:~;"~~~,\""<,,,-,":, ~(\.'. ~t,,,"iZ;,, _:', ;_',~,""'\?;">"';~>):-;""-'tt}:'1:',":"'A-~~';~";:"" - ,<,)J.,~., j , '55~'5 '''IBC''RY'''SI:r:E'BI.'''S 'SUEIi,,:r.ER "ND' ,:r:U' RN0' W.' :r.",;,*;;t"""""'''''''''''''''i"""""",t,,,",,' ",' ,A,,"" "",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,,II . : ',~~_ ~t: ,~'o~_<c _, ,~.;:~j."{'L "'''_ .W: ", ~ {" ",.\;;1;", ,)<;, , ," ~ ,,,",,S;.!s. .. "" ,,;J;,,). ;:;,__ "'_,_{\~ ,I,.: ,., ,,_, _, '; , "i, _ }hi/7,t~:~~:~',':i,f;;~~1:Xt.~:Y::;::h;YrY10H",:::f;~:,,:,:'.::';J.,~,:':L~,~,;f; ~::;:': :::f:":::,-"';(:"i',/z,-{:;~-X~:f"}:';:~,:.:~::,;:;:,}t::,,,z.}t~/}:t1::"~, , , , This project provides for the design and construction of.a transit bus shelter'and turnout adjacentto 1 .,": , the new library The projectalso includes the:widening of thesidewalkialong Poway Road, ! planting of street trees, and the installation of decorative street lights in compliance with the Poway " Road Specific Plan. i '1 Activity Through New Appropriations I i,- Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1,1997 I Total Project, II TDA Grants (243 $185,880 I $185,880 I Lighting District (275) 25,000 I 25,000- l~o":,aIYB,RddBe:~~tj7lD'H"",v,',,, J5Z0Q""""""'h'''''''''''':"'''\'''' ", .,',d' 5]00111 l,Lota ~ u get't:~"- <~, "'l'''-''' '1-':.;-;;,'~C' ':i';:<~.('.;~ %~~~ if! ;","" 1. ,'t'.., 1,2~ 6 580' I'" 1i-.'rj."~ *~,'\~' it'I:iii""~i:',J~~;"^"" I'; ~Y< 0, ~~~~" ,{" ~~ ~<",., l ~2;16'580 ,~ ..~~." , < ~"''f ~ 0' ,'%t:\;.;;; ,~%:}~ ,-::'Jk ,'~'" '<\, : : 't ",' '" :: ~~ ' '",.,' 'v' ~"~, '" "'~" ':J. ~~:,'il.:t ~'W1;;:,.:~', ~ \ ~,,~~iJ<-;' 0"'- :;7-.,"", ~ ""'"~> < 0' %-''''~-'"!-1 ~ > ,< , -" , ' ~ ...~.t.'t<}. ",,'~..' , ,~, Expenditures 00 I . ' Encumbrances 0 Oil RemaininQ Budget $216580 $0 1 $216,580 I I I Activity Through New Appropriations 11' Funding Source I 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 I Total "'''t "1'B"'d" ""'t'':;'''':',,';/:,':''/:''K''':; ""':;:"'(;'''';'';;':';''%'1;''''$4' ~3'h5i{02'8' ;!!:J?",;,i{";?;"",!W"($';1"';I'1'6'3'1'6~","a";';ii;N"'%'''''''''$3'258' 'l;l' '2' 'I~" :<1::0 a .-:; U e "~-":''''-~';\:';'''''-'';,;;.c;,:~,'{r,~'',''",,~,-;,-:-~ ,,,,,<;;:;:;,,,:',ff:-",,,.-,,-,"'t'1t;:'*,:,,,;;{?;,,,,,,,,,,,,,~ '""" ' ,~,."".~"",,,.,,,~~~J:>#'">i'0:k'"':,,:':'wWk,,:,, ~,',~ :;'::' \!Y<>~l;:\;'-;:>'~"",;.-,;"~,~S",,,\~,!,::>:~- "r: ')1~ ,'.. ,;,- " , :" .. l' ,_ " , ,. '" "~-'" 1',.-" ',_:,":<'^'-:~':~'-"'. ';'1'1;""" :;'-"",~~" "<€';-:,",')'- ,',' ,~,,\,,' ,'"'",'-.-- ,:.,-_" ,;, " ._ ", t__ '~;""'_'?:; ~~:~~ "'^~"~', ^'.',*^1"'--;..,..,~"~~' ",' ._~, - '~"j" '. ", " , ,-,~.,-, ':." \.:It,.:. '. ,;, ~'.'" ' ,';,:" ,-- '--"-:",,'-', _ _ , __ __-/~' , TotaT Exp~nditu;e's; .", ". ...... ,~,., .^"""" ..' 6"g'1",9"34 '" K"""',,,,$" ,,,'. ",,,,,,.;,,,,L;#,'1';'=;'~'6g::C934; . . Total Encumbrances 2, 158,091 2~ 158,091 Total Remaining Budget $1 565003 $1 116316 $448687 '1 II I I II I j I " II III 11 II f 193 I'j CITY OF POWAY II 111!~"6"'1"'3',(C"B' "Il' "'M""!FH.RPi'" !..TI.u:..'"S...;.s.z,.,.,.:'vx-;.,<i;"ii1'iiii.!,',i,".\ik-."..,""::iiFi"','!('X''''''''i''''!i",;,,,,,'',,;'Y''''''''I?WY'''N;;;; U!7""""'d;!'!""";''''H,!tii'''i?!'';;C"'!'''''il"'~""'I!1 '. ., .., ..... ' ....... ..'. "....".,... ........ ..........",'... ..,..... ."...,."..., ...~',l*...~....n.,".".t~."'&,";.\'h_',."j'.'.,~.'" -'-"C.'. "';c.~.i1,"'_',.,'<.."'. ,.."",.,-t."'t;.-..,.~~.--<".>. ~"...-~",,-./:j:;::":0 ,,'''''<.fi',~';,,-~,''J...~ I ' i _~:.. ,~. ,; " ,';.~: ." ,..~:,.,,,,r,.L;:,,,...;~:.",, ;",0. ._,_:::.'1;:;;1S'~'<t:;FY~;<L';'3r}D~~;,~w>\r;(f:.~;~;,~;;~\'::~:r:*i,:~~'i?1.::;.:::tj;;:)/0.,;:;,:Y0.'i::'jf:;;~,::'h.~\!;jM:/iJ/t,Y;*,~~~~i}%?'ii.?~:(J$i:;~(;,,:,t"~::~;::i;;';c'.:,:'i;;:~'~::;:~i~;''-'::'':': 3:>i/: r>_t"'\.:;?:,\~'::" :'";:,, :Yt,i','\;{:~:: i';h',t::~ '1' IIThiS is a four-phase project toconstructtrails in accordance with an agreement signed i by the City with the Bureau of Land Management I :1" , I ACtivitY Tbrough I New,Appr6priations I :1 '.. Funding Source 6/30/97 I July 1. 1997 Total project I I Parklmprovemerit,(411) j .. $28,000 I . . I $28,000! '. ,I i~">':';:"" ',y" ,-,',;,n-';':*>"?1t'W,%40;RC;~:{2:J:~:~31.:S\ i~.'-,;.{,1a:::~;Jk:'~i:l'fu1i~~?h':~\~*t,f!?tW- '--_-"~-:':-.':'.-'\:r~~;;$;xt~:f:r;ti~~1.>fklh<?~(61.>:~;X*\{:.~.;t!\~h':;~ L<Jt::~~'::>:):,~I;,"i.T'~^.~~,.$tZ1lt(Kttl;~>>:;"" ~7-.'.-:' -'~~ I .7FotaLBudgeL...," "S""""",. .. ...",. """.l1!:",,,,,,,,,. .28.000.1,.....,.... ..,',..",."."...il.,..,'"...,........I...,,,.,,.,~.. ,.,.."..,. ........28.000..1 " ["""'" "_"__.~_~~.._.~._.,.~,"" "."_k.._.___"_.~. "". "~"_"'_"'.' Expenditures 18,280 I I 18:2801 Encumbrances I . RemaininQ Budget $9,720 $0. $9720 I 'I I This project provid.e~ for the installation of bus shelters at various locations. II~.,...~.,~.,..:.~. ~~~.'.'~u. {~.:z.~.~~l1'....r.;"!.~.)fi:...;"%..(;:II,.i(.;...'i.,.:...:.' '.::..I.:.j.:.,.:.!.I.,~.,;.f.:.:2.U...,5.g.;. );1......5.,. }'.' ::j'.~e...~".:.~~.a.:.:.?:.L.f'if;1:...;i....'.".T.t.:;:;.~.4.'~.,.;.:.:~..~~2.:~Z...;.:,.,1,5."..",.1.,..,.,i )J;9t?!!,!3j,Ld9l=lh,?"",%'Pi)f"."-",, .;-, ",-,,!, Sh: """!iJ;,,,,,,,,215A.J Pit. .\ ,i'ic;".fC"""'~%""'~<W"',,!\~ ;0;'''''';; "2;;.'7.":<,,,, ,.;."".,,,.,.,,,,.g571,;1.151; I Expenditures 257,151 257,t51 , Encumbrances RemaininQ Budget $0 $0 $0 t I I This projectwill provide for the design and construction of approximately 1,800 linear feet of chain link fence and a prefabricated bridge across Lake Pbway Dam spillway for I public access. . I Activity Through New Appropriations ! I F:undingSource i 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 I Total Project , ~'""o~tr.a~l,tBmuPi'g~e~te;~~~t ~4~1.L11,,, ,,",, H ,.;" ,,' "!99:'OOOOOOII.. .."'....M, ,,~,1f," \;\ijF "i" !(;'IL : it;' ";"","'.,'.'''; '~9?io~0202~ ,:.-::r' - u ,~"~~ ~,$'l.;;<:""~ ""~~,,,,,~<<,, ""~' ,~~,%'-.-><)"-' "'~ "".,. ~J;.\..;s~';;':' '0,~",,-,,:'."::;:"',,~~",,", .",~,~,"~-""" H.t~';;>\y:--'a7kt:" , I ~o-<o""^"">> "" ."",,,,)i.;I;,.0:,.~-:;,,,~,,^~.,"~~ > '>~'o,''''' .,~ >0,,&, )i-::'1i,",,,X' ,'.j;.m""~~,,,,~ ,S\i;.""',.;';':~~>0 ~ '..., ",,"~~l ~;';~Ii:."" '4:.'~_, Expenditures I I EQcumbrances I Re'h,aininQ BudQet $9,000 $0 $9,000 I . I I i , I I . I ~lli II 194 I ' Cln' OF POWAY , I I 1~!,~;i~i~r!II~:~~~~i~~mi~!~i~,~~l~~~lj~I~~i!~ I Ir~5P!lil.~ff!lLI!#!i![SJf@gl!ii\liii(>]lJ;M",^""1i~li!!liif~II. 'l'I'ThiS project will provide for the construction of landscape improvements. i.11 II " II Activity 'Through \ New Appropriations I _ liFunding Source . 6/30/97 I July 1, 1997 'TotaU?roject 1 .1 liMisc. Grants (247) $~'?:,OOO I I $17,00011 ' ^." ';,' ^<""\OO~,~ )1:r,.,>:~if:^;:",A. "",,,,,,,..~~ "-"-.:-,'-"S.^, >,~^,'~, ,.( 0-<:''' 'o"~';:"^,\,,~~~(, "",~ :''"^'o''"' "."', '''''otalBudget .... ...."".,,,,, .... .".,.". "'.1...."'.0001.."'....... .,. .., ,. ..."'"'' ." q,', "170001 ,[ " ~~~'''' '^, >'N.~" ''';'' ,"0.;;'''''''' ",1.1,~ .r "",<,'~, ^ <;. <;;.," ,v 'k;" ~ ,J ^'" ",~ ,~' ""~~,,, _ If ~,,"': '/~ , -' ">";~.." ""l'>'", ~.,. x~' '"' ,"'"^' ~'"" ~~,,,,,,~ ~~",'1">: h',,' .,,''to "''<',,,, ,-> ~ ~o>", ,"{ ~".,^~, I .. I I .. . II Expenditures 6,9531 6,953 [! I Encumbrances I II ,:Rema,omg ""'get ..... $10,047 . .. . .. .. $0 .. ... $10,047 ,II ii~.67;~%;;gQMMQf,.lJ~~a@:~I4';Q.@... ~Q.~j=fm~;~N~i~~e\~~lr~:g@;ITh~l;;;t~\f;iI$i:I$.l~~t€1.~~~~~~~:i;i:ci;~i(fj~;;~~;)1;:\lZi':! '1' . . . . i 'This project involves the construction of concrete and shade at the Community Pool. ii . Ii I Activity 'Through I New.Appropriations .. '1111 Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 'Total Project! IParklmprovement(411)I .. ..... $14,5001 . ... .$,14,50011"1' Expenditures I 10,445 10,445 Encumbrances . II Remaining BudQet $4,055 $0 $4,0551 I . " .~. . - ' ....~ .~ ,"-~. ",*,-'R" . ,,,..... ,. ..".. '.. ........ R'" ,.., . ~".,,'" . ..111 1681~}lt^'tzE'nO\'^./'AY.'RES''''R1'OMS "''' .~ ::i; --;'^)':(:'<P";$:',J..,$" ,\", '~L?qi~'i;l'~;~~'%", <,,,,,fi-<;;+-h,,\-.,,,''f> !';\.,,',&,,\Ji~'i;;'t:;'t-ct,. ;''''>' ,<"'~}~t"0:< 1} ~'~n ;;""":i,'f ' ';.\ ~~ IT .Y,Vr\tl~. ~.., \!J '~<',," ~"" ~ v, -o;5"M'-"'{-$" ..t,"'4"~ '-\; ,,~~ ~," J><,,"i'i,,"''\~,'' 0< ''''''~~ \>:;', ',~:}. ."<<..... '~,<;' '>,00 ""0'" ~.""'"" _,",. .,"'.. _"-~ ;_~o .' ''^ ~..,.'o ,..." ~ ~"...,,',....~ ",,,,_,,,,,A::,,,"> ,,' ^ ;"ii.~~~''''Nh.O'''O''"^<,,4M,J:,,..,.~, H^~'^ :J;" 'This project provides for the construction of three (3) Lake Poway restroom facilities to 'III '1" replace existing facilities. I II . Activity 'Through I New Appropriations I Ii Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 'Total Project II, . Park Improvement (411) i $J25;000J . .. .... $125,0001 II !Expenditures 94;0441 94,044 liEncumbrances 19';525 19,525 IIRemaininQ Budget $11431 ' $0 $11 4311. ,I I il I '" II III ,. I. " : 'I ., , , , ' 'I I , fl I 195 II Cln' OF POWAY :1 " 111!~<':?l~rl*,"*~~\k;ti;;*$~~""(~~*';'t~f'i,;?C: 19KfW:~\':~it{(~~~~~<i - w'WJ2~i:.t:t' ~{ ~nm1:~'f""" ,?p~;,~~$l" >." -: '~""ihv,;l,<-""-:;: ;; ;"~">j;ii~t i,): ~~~;:~~~1''';~f~r]~~;-:~ I II~APoI'TI!i.I$-,IM8R0\'1EMEN'E'P,R0'GRJ\Ml"'t.,'\&il\'W,~ilK" RARKS''l!i.NE>i'0RENISRI!i.CEik~.::,,';lt,)j;\!;'~,,!'?!~~'''':\>~~A?: It~. ,-~~&'?00~~:~~~' ,"~l~J1t7~;~;i t! ,.("'ft~~>~' ~;;\ii);~ffi:~:l~t: 0, "~~\S;t~:{:J \.l1tj1(;~" ; ~~~'i:;J~ l~~$~ft''i~W ' :~:<~\~~f'~:;f:' ~ ~~:.%1'~?> ~:~ti:::~~'i(~~;~75:.2~~ ~%!~~~tr ~ "':~ ~ 1'1 i , .1....6..'8.."S..'lI''''..O..''G....'.ri'NR''..K....'f'11ii''0..''M.. "M'''.,,-;...,... T:V'i';'^'''R..K...'''''.,,~;~''!\(','tn'''''''W,';i;.,'N1t','''1t:'';;'*;,'~;T""".;;3";~iN."''li'''~~Tlill''n;;WVO'''''~'''';;:,,;;'"~'TII ~ . " ~,,;r.::;, .;- ' '~r;; 1::'\, <;~'~::"\J'~ U N 1:;lhlitJ7ir:\''::i;~t,lr;k:W'rg,''t:}.~~~.;:-;,,\''i'<:'lf~~j.<<~n{:t-'3,~:~1<',%'~H~~~J'!l:,!:;;~~~~~~.-art;'~.';~",',./.1,?,>{.~'i&%,'1"i)";';~:%..,f,,,';4~~;:~~:-;.:"'''t;\~Jtl'{~~,\,''~~'.t~;;.%l'~'). ~";,.,,,,,,,_ .....i!i/!,:,,,,"- ,.,;""..;,:;;",*",..,%,,,,,,,,,,.',,l;- ,;:L, "":~,_~"",, , '. ,',' '^_' ."";".."i.:.-~:;..~.";}~~J,,.,.~,,,,,.s.,.,Ct.'..,::;'1'i:-:::)+,::,~~'il..B:r,\,\-i~:;<<.:"':~k\;fJ':i~::~:-'':ii\%::lS;\l1!!i...\<:~ct::::ti;l_:;H~ffi~M_"%'''..,,;;;t,;, !~~:I..":t-&;;\1':;:1J'i!.Ik:!a~";.\\'Ji~;,.,0..~"!i,,lf:..W.'!'T'i~th! -"= 1~, . I I 'This project proposes to design, engineer, and construct a fenced-off lease dog area at il P6way'Community Park. 'The dog park area is an existing turfed area of the park and II I ! construction includes chain length fencing, gates, signs, and lights. 1 II Activity 'Through New Appropriations . I ~g Source 6/30/97 I July 1, 1997 'Total Project 1 IlmF'<;tr~IJB.~..Bd,r~~-teW~;~~~}~,l'il "WIW~""ii''''iWqWlil!'.Il..{':*"~.2?S?;000000111~",;~'1f[;J!'fii''''J!'{';~,mJNr_,''Il.Si'';;~I'''''f"W;;;;i''_;"''';tJi1!''J.22..SS+00'00.oOII -, "0 a J U.. e ,~>:ii."&~'S'j(",,}\,4' "1'";h'.vr"~{,<T,:;'''''~''':';;;;,*~,,,, ii".,",,,,,-,:O:;<.",_,k;;" "", '. ;"'."'"""";.;';jf:x,\"'''',J~:,''',,.-"'__,.~.)/__).~SPKv'm'.'.,,"'':4."&:<;'-1 ~'P;';'''''e...;;;.~~.~~..'\~~~~.,.,A.1'''-~o;f.:#::;::~~ " , , ~ \. .'''.' ,,', , " , ,,'-.f".1V~''''''''':l''f_'''''''>'''P, ;,'::,",,," ,,,,:~,)<;,,,.:,,,,,,<;;:,' ,,$,:~:,,:~,,">,<,.- '., ~~~if;~~'~ .,' ,"" ,,', ,.r.. .'.,'i',.....,;".:t:!'''WK;''-~''"A._;.. ');r:',l\~l'l-,:~~,,,.,~,_l~,~~,,,,,,, '1~);,<"',':,;<:" " ,~"r'-,~ $' ~""--'__:,,"--";. ,~,", ~':<',.'i',!,~,jt'.'t~"t --",' " .: 11~~~~~d~~~~::::'L .""."($...,.,, .'o"^I""""N~'.~ "......'24:579.'" .,,,.o,,....~.,... '0,''''''_'''''+ ."'.g..~%,..i>...'1f[;"..'''..''~24:57~. . Remaininq Budget $421 $0 $421, IIL-...... "f;....."...,".,....-.-"'~...._...,-y-o..._""...."..,,-.-..,.. "......._........."......."................~-_..._,...=""',.,...,,1>""'""Wo""-,ll..8l.=-"1~."...",.1 :,1686;,i60MMUNIffi'i'4SWIMt6ENiEER4C@NCREfE,eE6K:RE!?If..IRSIV,;:4l'l,;'i~~R(",~~%,;j1lij~%;ji,,,,~l;j,i~1!,,\~~';~;Sfiml 1:"";""""""""""'1.f;""",~':;:";';"-"""""'''''''''''_''""","-"..~"t:,;,-""""""""c~",~"",~"""""w.t.,,,,,.-.,_,,,,,~~w,,""""~,,,,,,-,,,,^,_,~_,,,,_,,};.,,,,~~,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,",,""""""^,.,.-,_..,^-;.;.-..,&,~"",~"::..,.-.-,,,,"'<"""ti':-:.;;;,_,,:,^,-,;;~,,*"""':~;}~,~-";'~'~"""""-.c;$_~~~~,E:,,.~~ II'This project involves the continued repair and patching to the swim center concrete deck. I II' Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 'Total Project I IParklmprovement (411)1 $3,000 I $3,0001 " ",:\"',$:,,"""'-"-"""'- ~':"~~''''''''''--'l<X'''!V"",',t'"l;','':l"''!'( "'~~'-":,.t,.,: ,~"'.-.:'< . '''''''~':'''''f':'''''-' '~,W"'", ~', "o.",~~.-",W'--' "', ~--, --'-'.,: '". :'~, ':l";j,"'",'''''';"""", "::;w..,,~--:,, .,. '~""':""'m<."'''''J':.,~o.-),,,'''( 'l ',';'i,;:.~,,,,,,,,,.~ "=""""".',-'~,,," ~-",,..-,,... . I ~.. 'otallBu dget,;,""""<"'~.oD""/"~;""'''''Q'''''':ll'!!i''''''1ii''3tOnn' 'il!d1.","",...."'..,..,.. .l1l\"....~ilir'"k..T''' 1l1:!"~',~"r.....,~......."'......R!3.000"1 1 :',~.._<<~,~*~~.-.., """"J~Zilllg]Mt&~~?1;It ~~~1itd~:(SL'i1~~fi~i?:~%hk(.,,.J~"'~R,~~~f~~Yt~\i*sg)1ri..~}ji,hi~~~r&~~fi;~;'~~ ~~,~:Qiimtf&~_&~.~~,i..:>,~..~ Expenditures 3,000 Encumbrances I' Remaining Budaet $0 $0 .$3000 I r168~r,1fiOv\I.~~~e0MMlfiNi~'tSWrMK€'ENttER1G'ONGj'RE;tEl(f@GEF[ERl\jjij0NlYr~i1l.l;"ii%1l[*~~~~tI1\1!0it\i;~ ..-,',""......~..-,p:....._"s'.,''',.,''__.,"..~'''''',;g ....~..,. __~-',,",'"'-"",."-'-'v..',~. ,-".:ili...'o.',-"""-",-,, ""....,~~~.', ".""""",...&,. ,"',"--',,~"'''' '._W""'~""" ,..""",.-~.",.~"".....o_...".....",....,.,,,,.Av.."~"""" ",,,,.,,,,,~!>>,~~,,,,*,,..,,~1t..~....,....J):i:?t;,m\.,,...,::<,o~,,,:~,(.",,~~.<h 'This project is to purchase two cogeneration units--a 60 KW and a 25 KW generator to .. I I be installed adjacent.to the Swim' Center mechanical room..-and constwction of'alsplitface I area trench to Community Park utility 'This project proposes to install two cogeneration units I. Ilthat will PJovi.de electrical and gas needs at Poway park. ahd Community Swim Center. II 1 . Ii I Activity 'Through New Appropriations [IFunding ,Source 6/30/97 JulY' 1, 1997 'Total Project I, 111'T1?~~~~I!)!'!~~~"'rt!i.fJ;~DU~,1"12'11,,,.,,..,,,,. ,..'c._,~.,""..,J,1!~gqg'I"I'''''''''''''''''''''!I1;-'''''' .,."....w,..".....,.,...'II._.,,,.......~~ .,..........,~".1~Zq.,gQq 'ota I' B 'dget' .... i.i""'W'''",,,, ......,..,...' ,"",,,.,,,....,, ""1'7.n ,oon. ^"" ~""""',"\l!i "."......4""'....'""." O' '"~ , ,.,1";;';' ,....""....,,."'1.~J17 n,,'noo' Ii ~., ,~ U. .'Jct..~;\';;>~I1i2~~'lfVt'-i~\~ ?i~{Jt~t3~@G\i..~"';t*~tts~;mt;~~~~;~~ ,'..,vi . " ,~{ ij,.,%~t",'!j(~:-:;%1t,~t~ ~\~'f'~~3~~~t\~i~tr,'*;: ' 1 ;~~R11n~:t~}:;}",~~"i'blBH~::i'xt~;.\1i.k\v','v' . f"'----""'....,<'~.................,., .........~'......-=-' , , "."" """""", , _'"";.;:.,.~.'...-.:""'---'__.e<''''"''_,....~''~'.~ '"I ;~_'''''....."..'''''-_...,iW.';y''''''~~ '_"'~"""''"-N-... ~,_~Oi"'-,."";._>>~~:'"'<-."'-~~~___=;...,............ I. !iExpenditures 0 . 0 I I!Encumbrances 0 0 !iRemaining Budget $170,000 $0 $170,0001 r il 1.11 h ~ II . . 1 II! 1: I' .J 196 i! ' Cln' OF POWAYi I II :,;.}{ftti;~~'~#'t~\~1~!Xi;>:&:;;}::*;~{J..~~;;f.;.'i{m:w?.:,;;-w~<-:;:'\~&:~~';$!;":-,t~~t~':~-::>i:i;"t~'f:l1mi~~1;]{~~({_W,,,\ff.~!-:Bt-~::~-~~~~t),r"~;:,~':,j:i)i:~}!Si;;:i;\C:'~~';'-:~~;,~~~:l~Zi?~~'Z':::':,*f;'~t:?~~t~;~?-~~~;;;r;:::-:?iX,:'ill !GIXRI[FA\Ii1IMF,!R0Y1EMEN;r4RR0GRl\Mt:,$w;J\i1*,'t,,~,f i~lI?A\RKSIANIDI08ENjSRAGE~;'i'i.~'f,igt%'1.&~;~i211~1;1i1;},,;;,;;;n;~" II!" '6"9-'O"""'I1f'^VE':Yi'i.0;'W."~;Kv"';::"I"Su"'N.''''G''rn''0.i'''K''".;~^i^mTw.' ..'^V;.I..Mri'iR....0.:.."TE...M'...E....N....:T:;iiR.."0...JrE."~+.""1"W''''';;''i'\\''''''1.'''''ii''''k'''%iiii'\i''''I~11 ." " III . '~-tLU::\r\.";N" r\,J,::1r:;: nl '~:C1 "". \oJ ~W<Yl"'\crx rv\'<L'~ r;::; -.' N ~I~cr;:'- I \J."h~,r}~~':Ri;~~",j"~".c<N5:'~.d;'i.'\1..<?{.:~':<.)~;..J~)";;>i:"':f'\)-'-,-' , I 'This project proposes to make safety improvements along the southern portLonof an asphalt walkway;! I to the Lake Poway fishing float. 'The project includes a retaining wall handrail, asphalt pavi.1g, and a II , concrete ramp. il ' Iii Activity 'Through i New Appropriations I :1 Funding Source 6/30/97 I July 1, 1997 'Total Project !! CDBG Grants (241) I $3,500 II $3,500j I :'.':> '-~': ";, -'C,.'!e,.c.-'~04-~"" ::<;;~v," '~b7"~~ ~{;~"ti,::"K, ":~_ -~ 'm'i.~ - I. ~....~~ ":ifj"~'--'I~"0" ~~~">;~<",,,,,,~w,,,~,,..,:~;'o;"~~ 'i.'l-:,~"~:,(,~.' ,'. '" , ''?' ;._ <;';,ry~1l'''''':'-;::!.\'t''"~Y;y',f~{; 'u '~~"-"'-"'-I . motal~:Buct etx' \:h!i~:-:~$-1-~~:~~W1i&;~t}~,:'~~\:~k~7;~\~~I'&N0:~3~5()O": ':1'#*f}~~,w't~~1\~~/~f.':;'\'t~~~,'~~~$~tA' ~~'f$:,~;t;:)tt;',,' ~'f'~~;1~;:,$~~>~3~'500- ;..",-.-,~,,,.,,-,>,,,,,,,,~~....,,g',,>c_,,.~1:~~~~;~l,::h~,;X~/\'i~:;'.i,~'i -t'~2:;;:,~...;i$'ii"'~";:1~i;Z!..;;;.ti.~ii~.i;;~.'~:;1"~.I",''''''''o,,t i,:::t~'~;t:J.~~N::i",;dli:i,"";;:~~*;>>~_::',Y;~~~''iUM1',.:w>?_:4:~ ':~'~:SJl.\:,"::i:2;:;;,";;"';~;'t;.ti,~t~'ti,~;.';ib:~f".::;~,}~_,."...c...;,.,.; Expenditures 3,321 3;321 -. Encumbrances I Remaining Budget $179 $0 $179 .116SiiYCOMMIDNi1R(;i8ARK'8I~~GR0i1jNIDTEQ11JrRMENm'RE8J:.?R0EMENm''*\t;;;-%:ti'9.\~~~~~jl~'\f;1!\iil"t';~~~'!t~1 'I t....,'~"'..,,:"'~,,,,.. ,""",,'.' ~~,.....,~..'Jl,;;:;;3&:.~,......J..",,,.,,:~,}:f..._,'f..~.,.~,~~.,-,::,,,-<....'1""'_.~'}""&"""''''''_:~''''M..:,..:.!l!,i.>._~,", _.J;."~,.~,.,....,~..._,, "',~. .a,.l>.5:1~,;~;*~tf;tu~iJt:<;.?en~1i\f!:~~~t$?J1Sit;.,.ut~~':, 'This project proposes to replace unsafe and outdated playground equipment at the Poway Comm- II unity Park main play area. 'The project provides for new fall zone surfacing and ADA improvements. [ " I .. . I I Activity 'Through New Appropriations ill I ~g Source 6/30/97 ' Julv 1,1997 'Total Project [, Iq~.~G,,5~f~0~t~,,~~~J)"""""''''''''''''#!'~'''''''''''1''"'""'~1l1.~.1~,,?20_""""""""_"'"''''~i'P''''~'''''''"',;Jff{''''''''''I'''''R"',",'""'',',,,v'''':ii''ii'''''1.,,.,,~,.~~~;,.5q2:1111' IWota It Buagee~Z>t~~tl1w'kik~~}~~~lSU~i~hJ~=:~,2~;U1}f~ft~th1Yht~;~;b~1,~~50,O; JZ~":t~a'\t4k~it,)f;~@E~i~W>~~%~!~t~~iStt[i it<1g~1l1gii;i~tlG*)tlltt~~~~~Eii:1~\'500:: '""'"""'''''''-~_'''''''_'.'''' .....A>.o."'".~~w,\~'''w..~~, ..,.,"'''''',''''''''''' ""W'_""'_~''''''''<'''''''''~{%.._'''' ....~ '''''.,_.._-.......~.~,~.-_''''''..,'''''"...,~'''',''''''-,,~~_, _~'"'Wr.."i-...............,".""'~""'~___~_.,-..;._"'... ,._<-,..~ Expenditures ' II' .. Encumbrances I I Remaininq Budget $14500 $0 $14,500 II ,- - '" -"',~'- ~- '1'"'" - ~"-,,-"~- - - ~'j;~-- '" -n'''''' ,",l> ..,-....I$;i'l",,~'i;:;;,"~t""'""'...'''''%~:!~''''''''''''~~ -':l"?m-g"';;'H:>"-;1~';:'''- III il692"'S;ri\RRIIDGE PA\RK,PlJ'A~GR0tJ NID\RROtlE<lH\~~,"''';;Xc'.\lf+t, "$,\.'F"',j!~"j;"~",{l.tc@li~'fo";'.';.t',liq'J* ;If.{',,j:'Ll;i'''i..{~!i'i.;''' ~ _,,_ ~"'^" l>;", ,~~. ",-" __ ~""~_""~""",. '"' ~ ~~.....<",__, ""'>-"'" _""-'_, '" _"' "w,,__,~ ....~:t...;:;\<~__ ~ "",QI;' "".." > "'-{,,"""~~...:x>_~_ _ ';"--"~~",,^~':i~1>:':;;":",,,,.~;:;::<.._ .._.....,~~.>.~ ~~, I 'This project proposes to expand and update the playground and play equipment at !II Starridge Park. 'The project would include a fully accessible playground area and II l!sidewalks to meet the desire of the neighborhoOd., ! I' , I ,I I I Ii I Activity 'Through I New Appropriations I :IFunding Source 6/30/97 July 1,1997 'Total Project il !:C D ~9(~r~nt~.(~~~L,,,tki"'ll, ,", . ""ll))' ,,,,,,,,,,...,~,~-..,,l~,~~9.g'li,.....t{"""~""'''1i))''''ili'''''''''''''"""'''''\lJ''.li''w'\1'~~V&'''''''''''''ii&:*'''j' ,~~~~9.9."II,1 IIExpendilures I ! I 1,1 1- IIEncumbrances 1 Ii [IRemaining Budget $4,900 I $0 $4,900 II I~ III'" 'I I. 11 II :' ' , 197 I I Cln' OF POWAY !II ~~~~R%~}~~~;r "<' - jn'fi':'lti~-S~< '''''f'i.'-i:t&,;/'"*'+ '$l1lt,( ;:\~~';'ir: '~:trli~~'k,~^\:, 'l.;f~ i:ii $,"1: -~ ~"::"\~$i'~~$;3;;""1t4;.""i~"1~~ ~~"', I t:; w,+,,.,,4tt~- k "t~'i".,,~$it.ll~ '~;{~ 3; i;; 'ift~::~J':~I," : I IG;6;8ImAL",IMPR0VEMEN)[(BR0G8AM'iJ'!J.~fi1f:%;;i;i!jf.t RARKS?ANlD'08EN\SPAGEt\>''''.~~'''';:.~t;'~'fi;l;i'ilt<il ~~~-~~~,':,~~t~~):~~~~:::L,\:'~~ ::~~-:~~i:~~;'{t ~;~~;~, %~~~~~~~~\ ,,:~~~ ;~:4;.: 'lli"([&f@i&~:~r ~1~~J~1\~i'tt":~?~,::;~:W;;&!3:!~'?~;1:t\:~~;:;~<:' ~;\\~:~~~ ~.J:' " I 1....'6....9.-3>'(lt1!'A..,;'i'rB..."..0:.:'.,~I..;;:.0.;'.'S.,.'.'s'.-.o'0::"'R";r:S'-..'li."-I-E- ";;;>s-'il.;'TIli"ii~1"'.)ffi"".;"'.%":t;.~~ii<\l!F,)1R."Hl'R~.~>1;'1l'i".', :.;m;;.;;'*'.~''"'!?f.,2:.~..,;'.i;:..~.y.;::;'1i;''f:J1i:~~r:)\:1i1\~~O;;P.i;;ll,fBll!~J:f:;;f'i:!11 ~~, ....".~~~.,~,~,. ,..._~.j!J"., >>..,'" . E~,....:d.!:_ ,,~~-(,.........'=,~~..Jtti~~~'t:~"1:~$:~M.m~t~\."~i*t>}Jj;'Y1'~"i3.~~~:t:;:\:i''i,::-':..~,}z;:.;,~~';;':t':J::?:'"~L~~~~:":.;,..?~;-';$o,"-'<i,~~#..\;.;,~'l"~.1 , I Constructi.on of soccer fields, parking; and additional landscaping. !I . , I Activity 'Through New Appropriations I i I Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, rt997 'Total Project I Park Improvement.(411) I $120,0001. . l $120,0001 "-"}7~'1",~":':-<<i)'l';~-;"~-:-'.}~~~ -';!';m~~~'2W-~:\i:'~ u,;;.:i:t(~~~~i;i;:.v"-~l:W:.t':."2""''';;'---0'-''0'' ~~~_._~~"t},.,)'J::"t"it~~if'it?x~.r:~~~~:;if"t~"f,':.,;,r*"t~,~&(~'>j:~;:~~F,":-~',":'.Wrt"2"'O'"0''''O'0-''' . rrotal~Bud et;i~':'i.;'\""'cW,"i:.--K-,J~~.;t,~: "~]!;w'.A,~~~~A~'0-~;'diM~;i.~,*,"'. 0-;0' , :! ,~{f#,,:~t4'?;<,,<.:;~lft-1:'l.~~3$..,-.l'N:~:,<..'S'~%":.J:j_f-"':~':'~; ?},~"'1~~:>f::...;'t-;'~~~j.~ljg~~(,.~--;.,.' . ~ ' , ,~I'.'" ;"',.,... "-.'.:h'-.-........~.,".. ,., , .-..",",,: .,,<,,,~'i'$i', .:'~' ~>.".o.~... ,> H "".,~',"_:<:.'\i i'':' ''"~. ., ~ ',"".' .;..." ,. ...,.hW' _._ , _,'"... ,_, .,..,..,~o ,-' x; .., _ . _._._' s-- . , I Expe~d~u~~~.o,.ff1._"k....,.~I>.~"...,.,~1l)"h"'.=,jili-69:046,,1!l~.>A...'~""""'''"............~'''..,.'".'''.~..'''......."...,,1&1fJ...,.0'*"69, O~461 Encumbrances 16,936 16,936 I Remaininq Budget $34018 $0 $34018 I .."6..9..6..."'IT'j;/v.E....'..6'0.-..i.ii'i'kV'.B"'..0...~^"'."'..0>..-G. v.,..G...A....i..GT^'iA.."V'......'~~'''''''''.=',.'. ''"'.,'''''"''.''''...'''...~''I.li. 'f""'...""...,..,"".... "",,,,,'.i~. "".."N,..."""~.'''''''''......'I I '.I 'll!,o,\,,: 'r; "y,y","\.? '''''If':''''''''''' y,y, "IP,..%"l'lt"'..,"'.''''~.,,,{"'~.lt))'''''''',i1:".&\ii<..,,'',;'~,,!~1m,;,,,,''~,t":!Jijkikiiil""""'::j'il111\;1~)<'i1B':" c.."...._""'_=....."""''''''''... _~''''--..~_>~...~..~-'-.-i.,;""_,_''''''':...l!''''''''''''~$i:>',1i,.b,,,,'''''',.''''''''''.<<t,,,,,>",,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,, '~"h""Alru,,,"'''''''' ., .""""". 'This project proposes to replace the existing gangway to the Lake Poway boat dock I with a new 4' x 40' all..accessible, free_span aluminum gangway ,I ActivityThrough I New Appropriations I . I I Fun.' ding Source . 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 'Total Project I ,gp,~S'Gr_an_~~J2411. _.." _ ,_. " .. .I, .. .,,, $9,~8.Q~ 1_ ,m., .. '..__ $5l,~~g.l ~0'/'ft"a~'I~B'uf"'dg.>-""e-"'t2Mi:41i~:~~:;tt, }f]t'{r~1}g~<%~~~:tm!~':1~~!l;;}:;j;jfiffffi;7t%l~h~Wt:~:~w~>;.J:~~~gt\~~9j8001 }~~~;j\%~!1l~r$~h1W:ft;i~~?9'f800 1 .~t. ". . ."....~..t\,..,.-~ :0.>"*,~~"~g,,,,, ,fI~~If.""J;"J.."'._.'. :~~:;>;-'.1>:"~~,"<~._J-c..o,';\<:;M~.,,~,. ..'''-; .,.,.;^,,,. ;i'i;.. '....?:/-;;.'0"t""..... ""'~~'. .:;;<~""~m,,:(~)..,..,.~<,..:di'>>,.., .;.' ,<:,}Pl,~,.",,,,~..,,~.',;.~.,,. ~'-,~fi,^".,-"-.,,-,,.-,,~l:\~' ., .' .,,",,,,,,,.,,," ...,"'.~-,."".__ .."..,.~.."-...::~,,,,.,~>;:.._-.dki~"'.'" ,,^,,,,,_,,"'",,,",,"_.'1>O4111-,,-,, ~.,"""--",,,""J;..>m:::,;: _.ow ""',-1<."",,,,,,.:>:,, ",.... '..",_._,,",,\1_.""'. ","~,..'li'..'"""",_ ._.,_ .~"t..,,,,:m:~,,~ :__,','__.._~ 'I,......i;..~""'.,.,~,____ ,"-.""""'....,-...,"'^~..<''''., _._~>;;:;::;i"""~~ ......~'._". 1 Expenditures Encumbrances Remaininq Budget $9 800 $9 800 III I, III !I I 1 I I I ~ '1' ~ '. I' II '1 ~ I II III i _198 I' II . Cln' OF POWAY 'I 11~~i'ii~,!m~~~~i~i~rii~~I~JI&II&~1 i~~~~g~~w~~i~~f~~~~~t{1,it1iilil;~~\i~1imJII II III" ,',..... ,.... ...,"."6B....0.:"" 'Tn.S".'.S...'......""".......',........ "''''''''''''''''''\i?''''''''''''1F'''~'. ....'"'''''';;,''''."'',.''',.'''''&'1\...".''"...'''..,,. """'"'''''"';''''''.'"''C#'''''''' "'T!lli!m''''''''''''''''''''.''''''I'[ !5640't~~ ,.0' t:h~0 ~ f?GRmS~FI Eb[)S;;t*;,..,>;:):<1:.e,,~, "'~ ~')~%~~,~~R~;;,M.!$.~;~.~~-\t;H0",~\:,;";-.~i:{:#',~;~~~~~~:::.'';'},\..<.;-~";~('!~1r'~~':':-{:'.,0.A:,;;;*W~'~V:~;~-::~,i{.,;.''''~ '~. ,,:' ~ ,.,L~,,,,,~,,.>^, _, ".' ,~_().....,~,~ ".2,~_,.,.._,..~,/;'.J/:, .._"_.___.._.~,,,,'l<;~%'t;{-,...~i~~i:~~t<~;*"ti!~~'\..'1ifu:h%.l.j~~.;1:"~;jt,~'''i:.~~<::'_~:,~_7lt~~:;.,{~_~'3~;t~.-":~;~,,t~~\:.. ..c~<..~:'iJ;;;;.-r,<"~:ljfif:~?':~,,,-:,.;.'?<.~z~~-:; II I Construction of sports fields adjacent to the Arbolitos Mini"Park. ill City Funding (Included in Parks and Open Space Summary) Ii ill Activity 'Through New Appropriations I il IFunding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 I 'Total Project il Drainage-Current (231) I' $0 I $40,0001 $40,90011 Lighting District (275) 0 30,0001 30,000 , "0, ," ~- ".\'';: -"~~'_'. ''';'",;;;i':<m~~''''''''''''''''IM~~~~'1<::: """."';> r'fi*"::&l'J-":'''~''''~''W_~", ~ Jr.:"I'" ~~-4f'" '-.." O\,...~:~<:;t.""?l'-~"~~ ~"""~;I'm'~ ';..>~~'~~rt ~ ~>'-:::,~,'?~';$t;::' ->" - ". '\ l~ota I '-BuCfget-€ In'/~1 ~"._r,~i5;~ ~'!~:'.t/"t!::-~'i~.*~*{\%~4~4&~ ' ",jt:O < J~~\~Ji<t~ ~~'y1;\.'.:{~~~:t,--:~r'i)70~ OOO~ $~W:t >}t4~~ ~~t~ ~!%~;w~~~10 fOOD .1- 1~~~~~d~~~:~s"\Y~''''''"~" -,,~" ."~,..".,,-~._,, -~" _.,,=~~..._~^- .", . ...~ ".--... ^'^"~'1,,~w'^'^~1 . IRem""'g ""'g" I $0 $70,000 , $70,000: I ROA Funding (Not included in Parks and Open Space. Summary) I . Activity 'Through New Appropriations ] I Funding Source 6/30/9'1 July 1, 199'1 'Total Project I 1993 'TABs (434) $280,000 $0 $280;0001 '1- 1989 'TABs (432) $0 $98,000 98,000 1990 'TABs (433) 0 37,000 3'1,0001 wotallBudg' 'et~RID~~1'~,~'t~~:~~I~~~J!$~~f,@t?f280TOOO"I~~~~it;'~F;i';'~~~4\rf135;O'(jo; ~.g:J~:1~~1i~:1!'t~1r~~~fi stood II' Expe~ditures'< ,~.,..~....,...,~'i;,. .~^ ",~t ..~""-~%;",~"Y;,>~-~,,,,"'-';l;,;''''''''''''3,37''''''9 $- :~~.h, >'!.~~_.^ ,..".~"'" . ~I"..~_,~, ..~~ ~~\I"";:";;;;,^,~",,,,, ,,;>.(h~;;;'; ~"'3:379 Encumbrances I 0 RemaininQ Budget $276,621 $135000 $411,621 I Tota/ Project , .. I Activity 'Through I New Appropriations '1111 FundinQ Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 'Total Project _ 'crt "I" B ',d'" . t' ,.~'l";'}"".'is..,ki," '~~';;;i!"Mi''''ill1;'''",'t!it,*'A;28'0!0'0. '0' ""'"9i~;P,(4"'g.;1'i'..~~>>dk''''2'0' 5\000' ;liir;\'~'*Th',"j1ii!J{!.~;#'i'illi'i!S*"'85iO'0. 0'111 ilO a ~ LJ ge,;;'~l;,i,~~;')i*~ti\"~;:-::,,,';%;$;'~~{~~"i:ry~:,'1-.;-~ifi;<H/)k;~:; ,,' 'f_ ,_~t<i~W~Y<JJf,;~';K~;'Ai~;:,-}~',%~~'<;.~,}',_", .,"\'~,o-;~~1i~,~1tQ-0:;:~~~>'~~_, ___" ' ' Expendliures . . .., '.""'~ .. "'. -~. .. "-},379' .. ._-"....._" ..,.. ..~.. -~..- ~u".~,. .. "". ""3'379'11 Encumbrances 0 0 IRemaining Budget $276,621 $205,000 $481,621 II !1~~RK:$"~NJ:):q~;~r'!~~BA~gIs~:@:r~RX.\()W!t!iI!fi~;i~;i1&\~~1~~'f.\lj~~~iX1~~Wf~~ffi~~'.i.~1l~~fi~t,l\I~11!;W&lli I :'~~t~dl iBn~"ds.?Utrc~,."~;,."".,..,,I;;";~)l:'::::~~'~~:7$0~9g1~'55"1J)N::~~~:i:!~;$t9:8s00~j!,t\\4r'iv."'#.n$i~'r)~;~\I;$ 8"'.'''35"'111 I h~:P,.~, .i......JJ" ,'. g~., :;~:' :':::,:; ;;~:~He~;~)j,\<,L:~~ju:ri~~b~~2:'\:i~AL$$~~W~~~Mt1;~ :(,,,~~ 3., :",. {,j,Ji{;it~i~0.~t~W:&f%i~1Jk~i:., :lf~, i .<.,'":.....~~V~~ii+<;~<~1~\w"!ci1fu\};~~w::~~, ,~~":n:I.-:i"'..,,.,}U II'Total Expenditures 486,8191 I 486,8191 1- :'Total Encumbrances 36.461 36.46111 Ij'Total Remaining Budget I $268,2711 $79,800! $348,071 i, , I 'I :11 " ",' I 199 I Cln' OF POWAY Ii , , 1'1 I :~}{~:,:;"-0!;:i-:;@tt:f$~ie:'~);S:);~,;J{~'hnFM>~:~;.'}"':Z.~fY:ft..~"f+~'i:'(fL'f:'NJ.~iJ:1::~tJ:,:*:;'~r~:~A:~,*4~<~f~:~:W't'0'~~i~~~~~'2~~;},:~:}\~g:~1.;\~i4>i.::iv::ih>'~~"):-~;'\;1';~:\:;i{::;t~S&~~%l~}D~jr":,;",;;~~,,tSt,;:l,:~j€:iJ~:~,~i~lH~M~~~W iGAF.?I'TAk'IMRR0XZEMEN;r:~RR0GRAM,,~\M#"'k"Ri;"ib WAmER;;IMRROXZEMENmS'07~',\,1V"'&1,w;''i.,,,,,,';\i';*''':"'W'i>i,'''~\ l~~1~t?k~.~~~)il;f;~ffiel.;1~{~~?!ii~~~;;/*tF,~I~~~:~~;,~~t%*~~10~~li~J#~~~itt~S~~i$~A~k~~j~~~*~1~X1f:;;$[~ti~~J;Xt~~1~~~~~tY;~~{~~1-i&~f~;~;i;~, I IF"_''-''':-'':o-'';'''.__-''''-,,~<<'''-'~'''..''.';'''-'''''_o''''''~,,<,:,,-,,,,,",_~.,,_.~.^.,_,...,.'_~_o_m.^_.~,.,>,%:_'~O_""<"":\.'1'l.'"""'_~'"-..~;";,,,..~,.~,..'('~.,..;, "'''~';;;;r.''''''''''''''''''''''''<:-'l>'>':ll'*''~~'~i\-:;<~ >.".'" '~"""'\-':~.i:'~~"''-'''-''''<'''''' ';:"~'A~'~'II Inf7.02~=:~NEIG8B0R, HleOID~1Z0ANS1JiW~:nER~!~~i:~:f.iI~~~if~~1&1,~~t~~;~~ft~~~.t{~~~~~t&\;;~~~l~~\~~~l~~\W;.?h~\fk~~llift~~~%1ti~~ ~~"_' '__'_""_~~ ~_~_"<!lt_.. . ,".__",_","~~"';m_",,,n~'_, .' ."mt,,~,=, ._""'~,,"~..",,.^,,"',,',._"","" '~"'_~A%""""'=_I I 'To P, rovide low intere,stloans to citizens for water-related improyement projects for I ' private property I I Activity 'Through New Appropriations I I Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 'Total Project Welter Utilities (51 O)! $50,000 I I $50,000 I I .~~.?""t':~..,~"~~~~",.~~"",,,,~:...,.,,;.~'d "~:'{-I""~M'<~'~~'~y:,"~~"e;.<...<..,...,."--:-:;:..,,,......<,,,. M:l1l!ii1~l';';I".~Ji;t:m.:pt'<"''''''''W~ii-~'::l~-''''''''t~~.w;;;,.~- I'~'-''''''' ~f~~~'1~'~ ...-,...,.~~.....,.~""",<-~,.~. ''''J m6tal~.Bucr" ett':i~<~t~;~t':~fi:i?A,y,\~'b{?%;'4;t~;~;&:!7kt~~R(~;::JF50fOOO} ~\t~;'~~t\~Eii~~~~~'WA~;,~~~:. ;~~~'t},~ ~:~f~!%;w~)i%/:;'Y6~~~{~:~~~!f50?OOO' ';";""~""'^""'~~''';'''''"''o,g''''~~/'''~'':''fJ-'';:;;~-k::*,;'';f:rt~;.; .;;,;j;~~'Tr,:r;;1'~~;.,-1~;~,*"-"~;;;.;i':~;;'~\"_~,"",,',,,,~_,__,j; :~.~m~,:t;,€i$,~;DDl,~t;;";;t:"~"&.i:z.-.~:@;:'::%-(:(;,,~i.i" '.:,~;:j'.w:.f~,~:r.;;....,,,~,,,1'~->~J~'Jk~;~'O<<:.^_,' ^-,....,~..., Expenditures ; Encumbrances i I Remaining Budget $50,000 $0 $50,0001 :1 -:rO'"3^""},Wi)^~.lZ--"'~'--'B.'w.".'f ""v;-w.Y"P^'~-E'-'-"~a:~1^-:;.::'t"':S2:;~r~);pn\~w~~r~'1-(4~iWj,!n.l:~*;tX'~::'~';-}}~'!~{'~~'~~:<f':'>'f~'~<;~'}.;"':~~:';'-'Tt,;i,-,?;,,~~.,~,,:tt;:~:r~~.,.i:,>;i>:;~,!&~~~~;,r:;c~-.ome;~~;tte~,;. . :1tL " %~rxE:;;Ro , 'A'tl,; , M,. ':IJ_ R'~lvIr\IN1~-F~t~.:Jt;nu.~4:~~t2~~~tLk:$~~~+:'~~t~1~~ffitt%~.~~tf;)1~~1~~1i&X~,:;ZilMW;:~:Jt0t~~1{',;\~,~:;'i>,,~\~~~t:{~'{~:;t~~i;~t~t~; ,;,...,"'~ ~,......~.;;.~..~........;...ff.."-..."-~.,. "~"""",-",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,;;"~~<;:;~""""ii$X~~","M'^'''''''___'''''''''-=''''-.,;;....~:;:,:a;. . -. -.' ~~~__;:".""""'-'~".""~~fu':"~.<<"""'.',"""",,,.".,~,.;;...,;:'\.~_),,,,.,,,,,,,,:,.,,,,,,,,,,,-i>-.",,,~~~.;l I 'This projectprovides for thednstallation;of a 20-inch water main between the San Diego aqueduct easement and Espola Road on Lake Poway Road in coordination with the Bridlewood subdivision improvement of Lake Poway Road. I Activity 'Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 'Total Project I Water Utilities (510) $49,000 I ~ $49,000 -"'Wc"~" ;""""-':i'i~r:*'1~"'iIi';,"">;.. "~c.""'!';:;:;::':":":x*'1~~ "''$i';,<':'~~'''''';:'"tr':'!;~~ ':'i:':.' ,.' .'~.~~\< !,\*,'~'<<;"""''''''''''C:;: ;~$; ,,_,)~;~~~::,".. ..~, '. '~~~~""";;,'~,~~, ::.'t:w,>;<<,.' "d;>~C\'~',""- > ,'"il."-C;:!;~~.,.$~, '>r,;.~'?'--:>?' -........-~~ ffiotaHBud et1:tsi~ht::~i."i(~:;i'l~'':;rl\~ ~{i;'1~'\;l,~~;;W%'~,"~?;~:~%Q:~!~91000:: 'j~(~::w'~~~:&'.~tr,t;ifu~~~.~';;~i~j}Yf-1t.:f"%m~:t"7:?;' 'hf1Jh?if:~%t~l~'1.klU,}Th1r,.I~;,{'~.;m[~9;--000 . ,.' " .' .",~..})~{~~'.." '.',~,-",v,', "..,.'."".-""'-"". ~" "~"...",.,,...,.^ .",~.' '~"," .o.,...,o.^,....,..o..J14\il'\....,,,,..<>... " '.'_A."O>>.... ""..--.>.,,;d!ln~~,,.._,~..>..~,~ ~ ,'. ...,'''~'. '. . . """==,.-.~_~>A".-.,,,~,g,,~,,",.',.^., ,.".s....o""',%,.,:'-.."..\"t~". ~':;~-,.N.".~""..._~~:...,.-'*".-;J!;,<>,~"4'.~"""..I."^,"'.-",,..w,.. ....~:i~t"',m*'.",..,'~~""l.>.,"".."".....,-..~"M~,Th"""'..f,;j.>.'. .~'"%i,..,.."~.~,~~~~,~,'".,,._~~l~L,~m,~.,......_''''......;,.w;.'~ Expenditures I Encumbrances Remainina Budget $49 000 $0 $49 000 I 1Jbl2'~D0NARif;{RE-SER\Z01 R;Af'.rb'1tRANSMisSi0NTWNES't1t'W1~%1l'li'~lll.'1~U?Jt'1$~,;!l~'lii~~i/;;'f.iJli~i'ti~'%lrii1l1 :'"'-~' .' ~_,v,4._.:1,_"_;~_~:::.l:.':"_~.."~w';'........:i_..>>_..;o.;,"",~'--"";;:,,,,,,;i..~:;'.~,"_...._.. -".",.,.,,,,;.;$i.;;~__,,,.4" ":." ""'>'~\,-,;.;.~;"l:f.;.'t..t;;;o.:~*~~ilil!:t:;~~~*!~~~iSi~a ' A~ '.; I 'This project provides for the engineering design phase for Donart Reservoir and transmission lines needed for additional storage and supply'for Pomerado Business Park. I Activity 'Through New Appropriations I Funding SO,urce 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 'Total Project I 1~~1~I';=BU1d.iJj!!~~;L~~,2l,"s'j\''''II'''\''''''''%N''~'''''"J&1i7""".,~,~,~.~,\g,1,.g, ,'"my'.'''''.......,''''''.'"""."..$ "'\"""''''''''II,",wN:''llil1l'''''''''"''''m''{!ii)~?41..~,j..,g,1~,1 I&O?!~"L,.o~L<9.!3.t~!trZ:t~;;'i~~'.~n1 ~~&i1ill:~i!b~&f~\i~~~n;:1;:5rqj~tQ.it~} ~~~~0it{;k1:Z2~IfI1iJ:W~~ht~~,11tt13Jl ~:-~t~11;Y!{fltz~._~?J1~19J.1Jg I Expenditures , .. I 255,547 255',547 Encumbrances 1,586 1,586 Remaininq Budget $56,886 $0 I $56',886 II I I,ll I 200 ' . II CI'TY OF POWAY Ii I i6API'TAli'1iIMPR0v,EMENm,,,BROGRAMt;';;:!({,.,;;;'g;;;;; WA'TER:I MPROVEMEN:ES"'''it''/;;:,;,;:,,''':YY':V{,!k;;';7';;;''';'i!;I;.1 . !:i'i"";iPBlii!lii;,;.i"';;ii'il';:;Y;l"i;;;.fiii;:; iw';r'liiiti;;!';i'i;1y;;;;:.;,;Li>!;:iii:!t.%i';:j.:;;;.;P:,i;\;/;:;;;s;1;;;.: i!fi;;;;;.;'!'o',,!i;;!iir:l\':,;l'j:i,;iU'.; ;:.f;lt.::i;"; ,,;".:;. ""'".! I. 1'"''''''''':;''O'''Cj'NE''W''EA;jCEN''''''''' '"el;''' '''., "J')jW's' .'" 'i(""N' "'"''ff'''''''''W' "'"" .""",..;".."'...",,,,,:"''''.,,.. ."...'";"",,,.., .j'''''''..,,, ii I '17;rt',4'"'' z. ,. R . . 'M lli'FlIlt" ',,8[1:\'" mUG"""""" .,.j...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.;., ,,,,,,,;,,,,,,"'''''''',,,''';''''''''P'V' ',."",. ",,','" ," I;"""" .;.:/i,..",,,,,,,;,.: ",.'.;;"". ".,,,..:..C;. . ",,; iI...fi", .'.,,' . ".:; ''c.',,:.,. ,...,' ,,:f .LL,i.;;";;i;::;;;(.X;;;;;;i";;;,,i;;l:'!':&;iL"/:";x,f,,,,;","iDLY''' "';'",,,,,;,'.',,, "K.\",;/'1\;;;;''':;;:'",,;: I l'The project will evaluate the use of ozone treatmentast,he primary disinfectant at the I Ilwater Treatment Plan as an element of the Clean Water, Act, I Activity 'Through New Appropriations I II Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 'Total.Project Water Utilities (510) I . $700 I I $700 Expenditures 700 700 Encumbrances Remainina Budget .$0 $0 $0 I II.".., "''''i'''', .."...."TER'W.. "EATM....""""IDR'Cr..T..'''E:'',.."'"''''''''''''"'',.".,,'',:,,,.,,.,,'',.!'lli";;"ii.""%;i""""",;:,;,""'''''iYi''';''Y'''",,,;,,,,,,'),;,,,,,,"""p';""""",,'j '1718"WA '..R . .... EMTI:" . RAG "''''''''''..!tjf;''''''%''''''''''''''''''''''''"''''jiii'''''''''''''' ",,,,,,,,.. ""'v.........."''',,''"'''.....,, Y''''''i'''''' I i', ,::" :L,." ,-<~~;:, '~_'_"";' ;' ,.'. _:;,~~,..::, ;..:... :./,..:.:) ;___ ;.".""._.', -.iN', :,,_>,;;\;,";-~ ,~,.;" ..: '_", ' .:i~i:&b;;;;;::i,m:;tsx~i~~:;}~~,~q?~tft'2:~1~J:t%I>:iXo"'$J~;~1:$~t;~lH;_;:,:ttk~k+i1<{~\:~;i\ti\:;~t~~,{~'{i{~h:t~);f@t:~;i,$ft/>i~;~i;.'S~:;.f: b- . 'This project proposes to prepare plans, specifications, ahdcost estimatefwthe construction of new deep bed dual-media filters' to replace the nonconventional12 I MGD Hardinage system to achieve compliance with the surface water treatmentrule City Funding (/ncluded in Water Improvements Summary) I Activity 'Through NewApprop~iations I Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 'Total Project I Water Utilities (510) I 6,9('6,750 I $62,2201 7,038,9701 Sewer Utilities (520) 35,000 . 35;000 !;tot~II';"Bu(f'{1'et].€i"~"J1:~'~:~,5~kI;f;W;. -~ii!lmj%SA1~~ii'~lxt~w~1~~tXGl~~1,&t7:5(U~~~{~~~~~?~~~~15~ttf~~:;}'62$22'O!%77*:0t~~i~~S5~4aa~i1i;Xmi~r07~~'Q7Ij;; " E;P;:;~ditu7es,,,JY..., .... ........."..1,,,..,, ,."" "u"",, '''e::1'33:337,L"",..,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,," "",,,u:',,,,,,,,,' '. ......."'""'".,..",,,,::,,,,,,',.,..,...."g:'133r:r37J I Encumbrances '280,1.64 . 280,164 Remainina Budaet $598 249 $62 220 $660469 I RDA Funding (Not included in Water Improvements Summary) I Activity 'Throug.h New Appropriations I I Funding Source 6/30/97 . July 1, 1997 . 'Total Project I 189 'TAB (432) I $1,940,000 I $1,940,000 I i93'TABJ~.3~)",.. .....' ..1...."""'''',........ "'.....~~Q99i999. ". . ... 1,000,000 :mg!i'!I;!?jJgg$kg,I;>A;vi,;ti;;:,12i..l11:,1~IWi'111;{iliif;li?1~:1:g1.Q99J ~~L~Q1it~~i~$t~~~E~l1ji~~&~~:pj!1\;~~1iWi~i!~~~~l4~~i~;~1~Igl~~:~1QQQ' Expenditures 2; 766;676 2,766,676 I Encumbrances 82,228 82,228 Remaininq Budget $91,096 $0 $91,0961 , II IITotatF"nding ~ " \'17' t '1 B "d'" '" C'" ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,." T"",......;.''',.....''...''''''''...995}.750'' .".,.x,;;:"....,"",,,'."'."',, .."v.'6:t'220il~'"''''''''''''''''''''' .." ""'10"'0rt'3970' I IIExpenditures I 8,900;013 .. ,. . 8,900,0131 ilEncumbrances I 362,392 362,3921 ' Ii Remaining Budget $689,345 $62,220 $751,5651 I ,'I: .. '201 II ' Cln' OF POWAY 11 I . €:A:8IlliAIj.'IMRROXlEMENiP'RR@GRAM"""'" ..""" WA'if:ER..IMPR@VEMEN'TS"..v,,";8,..l'J....,'"'w',..,..' II~z%1;~li1W@!~~illf;~g~~l[1;~t1lg@@~~~~~j~B~l1Eii1f~it,\&1f!r,';j~;1fil;~\;~~\i~~~~Tt!i~~);\;\~i,i~f$t\~i~l1f1f1f~iiig!;,!i1z7;~St0!;fw~zrii~;t;~i:;11 , I I This project involves refunding oftoilet rebates underthe SDWA 10w':f1ow toilet rebate program. !. . ,1 ActivityThrough New Appropriations I 'I I. Funding~~urce 6/30/97 . July 1, "1'997 Total Project I Irt~t'.'at,~I;fB.;~U.~d"I,g!!l.e...tWi~~;~!~~ij)%(i;,i.'l.li9,4f!lvikii;i\'fl~@j\'i,i;,1;ii!lJ,.5?99 i34~~,09i!Si~0..i'!1!k$Zik...i,:&!?'&il10\;;i!.;;\jiSi\.!;.i\li,'4iii4,,'iti~ij. ;..ii;'W!ii~11i'589~i:342~og.1 I ~FO ". e .,<-~.<",',..._'.'-"-,,.,.,....<,..":,"<~.,',. ~.",. .._:~"o,>,.,',.>,.,.,.f"M:~'''"',.,.~x:''t,.".,.~"~,,.;.t .' .', .. ", .. ".,~"~""",'A",,,""'::<'.K.,,'_:' ""."~"",';"'.>-M~_""'" .~.> "tv.... >,n :,.... t" .,<,",' _V._"",', .".,,- '''' ".,' '., S"~". :'''". ,'" - . ,> .' " . ,'.<. __'",-.,'-",v",,"'_'_ ,'_ ".:. '.., .." "_'<:""':"".""A,."""'" r..,.,'''''''' ''-''~''''_''~'.". ,--,~., .""",- '''...''-',."...'-<';'t ',.-_~,.,,,,,,,,,,-,"',.o. "o."".,,,..,.~.v.,,,,,..' '_" . " ,',.,....,.,."""., """_ "?,-,',",,.,' '"',"h ~"..,..".,.". '''''....v.''''.~,,_._ "'_'..!':.",.,..".o. '-._". '_'. ,';<'_".""" -, .. '''_'' '-""'",>. '" _".. "w,"1!.'--".'.",,,"'_<.".- .~'~ 1"-"',~"_<..-,.",,, -, . .-,., ::'.,. :- ,,''- I .. Expenditures 107,260 '107,260'1 . Encumbrances 0 O! I RemaininQ Budget, $52 080 $0 $52.0801 n_ - l-"c:":'" -,,-,,~t:t'j":': '/_~'~' ,_~~":;}"".,, ,_ _...-.,':-_" "''',< _ -r' ',--''''V-' 'Y_" '_~'-' ~T.W'fr,:"'"~' 'f":~'I~'-'-R- . ..~' ~':'.' '. .. - -,;,- :._.~-... _";.;:_'_.,_:"~\,._w w~,. .,... "": ,-, '-' . >.~- :;','0~:,'~:~{tk<;t)ti"\'*~:~1{;;,&";'-;-'l~f":ir-i-':;<;;J.::'l'1~~:(~':,.?"~N'~::;~'t"y;Ky~~;~:::~:ill .. . '~'720,,~W.4\'i'iERtS;y;SmEMt,MA:S'TER'.RI:::A:N,u . IDA:mEAND;RAiEE.,SmUllYi"",'i;,'j},''''''I;"'t'Y%fi:\,,,iM.Wiii.\4"1'1,'.\;o.hij",.,,, ,I ,.......... ,;.",..si!,L,j .ci., .i..,;.". ,s" . ,........1.. ".,.......,.;,..,.>.,.....,.,.,;,., ....1;.. ...1;,,;,.. ...'",.;.,....,,;..... ,;"..'..1;........."..,,,.;,',,,,..,,,,,,....,,,,*,,,,,,,,,.,,"",:."',,,,......,,,,,, ,""",...,,,,,,,,,,", ,.... 'This projectwillupdate'the 1987 Water System MasterPlan, develop a water rate I I study, provide technical assistance to system. I Activity 'Through New Appropriations I I I Funding source. 6/30/9.7 " . Jull' 1, 1997 Total Project . . . \(J,..~.!'~."..~"U. '. !..i.l.l~.I~..::,...."\~1.",~.).,;.,......,,,..,. '.'. ,I.".,,,.',,..,,.".",,..,,,"....'. '~P''''.'''.''~.}~.'.? .....~O.,. p.O., .' "'......"."..........'."..."....'.."."".....'..""...,.."...w.""."'''. ...".........1,......".,'.....,..."...."..,""..'.'....... "*'."~...'..,.~. /i?...:.QO.....O.....1 W~t€lIJ:~Jjgg~t~4*~~]ft~:;~&1,R:;Wl~{H t1fi/illi~;~t~~ii;:0~~'$'?1;7%1JffNqO,QA~~~Sh$;~,JW~~~~;1~~at;;~~~lfu1~:*~1~;}~~ilbJ; *~-j~~;i~~~MW&~1~;fdjU~#U:f.r;1}~!~'i.QP'O. I Expenditures I . , 0 Encumbrances 0 Remainina BudQet $197000 $0 '$197000 I I . . '.. .. ... ... ..... I i1'.ii2..1K1j'B....O.'...';,i;,r;\E..R... >W'A'lliTE'M;ni1iM' nE"'ID;'s';r;l;\\o'I\'G'.. "'Ej'nR' t;s'1J;"E..J7"fi:,,\1'i~*;;0;;i;;'~.";;t;,;j'$;j';;ii\jj'!Z;'t:;W\\m1;s"%;j'i;j'j''i';;j''W7$'2!cj;i'i11;'');;j';~ ,':1-:\.,." UL:CI.. "'-,V,/:':\I.;.;~ :.I'i,'r::"U r::;-~.. ~ U\\J,P\I:"\.f':' ,_ v \:j~h".'ti".<~_"~"~,''',......"'^_~""..,.:.,f"",,,-m,'','<,,''''''''4-.''''',,.,,,.,"k,..,,.1,,.,.,',.'1I.Jt*.~,~~':,,....."'~"-.~'~-;:);i; 1:',.~'. _>.- _ ." :<,.'n"~"..-;-,.",":<;,......-,..-;..,-,_..~"'<'..-,,",_,,,'~..:.;,:, .:."0'....,.. 'ow'_ .. ,:',,, ~". ,,<:~'" .-,.-.-. . .,.-;;,;: ".-v,o".,,~,',.,.:_~o<~. _~,-_""~,'..'h\,,.-~ ',-~,,,..>',,,,,,,,;,,,,,,-_""<'.. . ~, .-'"",_ ." ,.~"~~t.~'W,;1\:o<:j~'.;Jj;,(;.?o.~~>~:.:t:{~!0:~:},",.;~_:.~_,,'".~~.-,,'-':t.,',~:~,". '\:.;_~t,'~"~,~~~",.;::..:~~:.;N:i;{*~,y,;:.-,.,,,-...,"<t;A';,:.~~Y;'!:f!$b<<>*.~~.;" I 'This project provides for consultant,ser\iices to evaluate agreement forthe Boulder . Valley Pumped Storage Project. I I Activity 'Through New Appropriations I FundingSou'rce 6/30/97 Jull' 1, 1997 . 'Totall?roject I @fr[~~~~~&\i~41~~lJ%\t.i&gf'\~:;G\;~&&li~~~f.t~~~~J~t~g~1 ~i;~lig41~~!Al'II~S.i~II~~~!!;!j!.tt}~~i}IWI~#t'fii~~~1 I Expend.' itur~s' II I ' . Encumbrances RemaininQ..BudQet.. $15.000 $0 $15;000 Ill, I I ,I 202 ' II Cln' OF POWA Y ~II ;~f.~'?'~:~{:~-~:':-:.\~,)~~~\;t<'''(,;{::'::_:h><~m-:':<,':"~ft,';';;:{'\"';i'l: ,:'~;::~i;&!!~:".-'-'?i~-:l,i::; :;'{)~:~-'~>;:';';1'Z:~1~~&t~1~~;::~~;~~~;'-.: I CA8EfALLIM8ROVEMEN'T"RR0GRAM'fLi,,,,,,,,,,,,;{J,,,,,,, 19:;~;'?i~SJt~~;~xn_;:hX-:-'~'X~:~\H-.:::~:\~-;Y~-;:ih~::Wtf;h~{;~f~SfC,:j!~J;j:;r:[>E1!~/:?:t:~~ti:{;~::!Y:::\';t: ' Ir~17;"2g11WAmER;~~'$E'$$JY1~NJF\l'5!$mgi~ifC;Z~~111\i~J(~;lt1&kZ~rl111'i!:1;~;11'\;~;:;5~;~~1*1&\trfl~;1'1~~~JwB'111i;,,';ill"l~(li;\t. ~;'.';.,}l: I 'This project will dissolve Water Assessment District 79-1 'i I, Ii ... !; II Activity 'Through New Appropriations I I' I!Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 'Total Project I I IWater Utilities (510) I $20Q,OOO I I $20q,000[ iillQl~I;B.q~g131111$t~11;;11l11~111;I~f;1~lEl;'1,,111~~!il~~WigQQ;9,Q1J1R~;11)~~~~&11~111il~11glll~~11;fI!;);~1~1l'1;;,;:?;;1:1;11Jl;f'11fll?QQ;'!)OIJil I Expenditures I I ' , I, Encumbrances. i IRem,'"'" ""'Qet $200,000 $0 $200,00011. [ '. .. . .. ,. .... . ... .... ...... " .. .... .."'... .,......' ... II 1,72q:B0lJLfD~~ MQ)li!~!IJ~IN;I3.~~F~VC1Jg~t~E?:~1;ii;<Q.:~~~FI?A:IR..q;g'!ik;~;:~.. t:::,~;:;;,;'i ~\i\l!' i.~~; ..~',::;i \ Lk,/}f. .. i I 'This project involves the repairs of the interior and exterior base of the tank,and also includes the installation of cathodic protection a[ld retrofit'ofthe existing inner ladder I with a fiberglass unit to eliminate dissimilar metal corrosion. Activity 'Through New,Appropriations .- Funding Source 6/30/97 july 1, 1997 'Total ' ' Water Utilities (510) I , $250,67Q !It9!~E~'U~g~~b~:1fJ_~1;2i[j~j1&%~~~J~bR~~}~~~,{~1~!it(~~~l~~f~gg~~.Q:~ZJ>~ _.1' Expenditures I Encumbrances RemaininQ BudQet $250 670 $0 $250 6701 la\~?4rG~;f;8QQiG;;RRg5;rrgQ;t;I@,~;;FQR);[RI~G:Gll3.l!J~i;igi;Rf:~~'rQ,~i;..~mQ~~E{i:$gE;g@IR~~t~1Kw!:~~w;~t:~:t;II' I 'This project provides for the design and installation of cathodic protection on the;tanks .. of Gregg, Buehler, and Welton Reservoirs. I I '1 Activity 'Through New Appropriations I ' ~g Source I 6/30/97, July 1,1997 'Total Project I lWater Utilities (510) I' $37,850 I, $37,850' I !Expenditures I \Encumbrances I l,iRemaininQ BudQet $37;850 $0 $37,8501, ~ : II II ,I' 'I " I II I' I ' I I .:; ;!l' ~ 203 II! .. . . Cln' OF POWAY . ii I . L"'~"'.~T'''cR'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ."C ....,,,..,. i. ."7' ...........7.'...'......S..', 7 ....,.. .....'.....'...."., .",i.""."."". .'.""...,..,",'.". ..,.......!1i...'..."...hi'.",r...,'.',... ."'...,..,',.,,'.......1" 11i725rAulDllliIO, NAL'"BtJMP,.A'ffi' "'.N0RTiR€RE 7)7,' pl1JMP"SmA'T\ON",M,..""...;r."..%r""".."",."k'''',i"r.."..,*.",t1'%t"'l'h'ii!";", '. ..I....,,",'''''' ..' ,'.......,,,.. "",'"..... ..'.1.1:'..",..{, ,......1, ....,......, '. ..Ih'" .. ,.",..,...'....,' '.. .,...' .ii"I""Sfii,',w,..,'"""',,,.;z.,H''''',.''.,.i'ir,h''',)1''',,",,'(hri 'T'., I 'fhis projecfinvolves the installation of No 4 pump, motor~and piping at Northcrest BoosterStationi II , I Activityi'Through I New Appropriations !i I Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 'Total Project :1 , 1'^.f~!~!.lJJ[li!~.~. (510) ..,.. I"", .. ..._ " .. J759.,000II.... .. t....." '" ,.., '.,.'..' "..r' ".~59,.oqO!11 ""t liB d t'i:O"" ~** ,,~-.- "''-'I'';,~'>''''~Ws~$.'''>;:?'o:;,'*f1>?''':N-.;50000'.~!'^,t~''',~,,'-~ ^'"",d~ '"1"~l'}~ ''f,,,~,~,,>.='1'<''!:>\0~ ~'ck;<"'k>, 50000 1,1<0 a, u ge 1""'*'''~' ,::v, "~"," ,/! >:;~: '0~lf",,~f""W ,~~' },'l:jit",y';~ "; }">>l;;w",,,<\.t" w,"'*P~ d}. .~~"'~ ," ','t"'^"^ ",' ".t!,:!f;fh " f},-, "~,", ~ ",;,' 'I'I~~' > "" "'i5'R"'~~ .'~^<i~ %C;t$;i!1""'%"''',iliJ<!~~'&"''"o.-"". ,1 "~t",,,,~,,,~o ,,,,,""~~;,,w,,^,,,,~, ,~,,*,,,, ....o::~",~1.>~...~',i:~,;. .",-' . Expenditur,es 128 :, . '1 ' , Encumbrances 43,839 43,839 IIRemaininQ "Budget $6.033 $0 1$6.1611 . II " i""2 6."u\.G'ilijit"i,i'E"V.".R.....0. ';'1(''''','','R,K;iiE''''R'' ;'EA"''''S''E'M' E.'N.....''"'',.,!f!'"";''''',..,'''','",..""iJAi,,;;''';;;'''''''''''',,"F""o'",",,,,,g'k"""'fii';;;"";;""""""""'ik.i! .1C',li,...,,)!J,:...fii.li;y,,~S!i . .,!It.,. :,~':k'j!,!d")".;"j.",..."".,..".,., ",,"'ljii,:)l\;i~1fblj~i'~liit!lijt\U0l.\ii1li?!i,i*,j;2'1i'j!,;ik'iillfi~;ii1~1jiii'illiij';)i@\itj;ijj&;)i;i:i;))!i'! This project involves the purchase of a water line easement which connects a 12-inch I ., ,'" -.. . ...., :..',. " .',. ' . - I I watermaihfromthe:Groves subdivision eastward. 1 I Activity Through New Appropriations II I Fundingsource. 61.30/97 . . July 1, 1997 .. Total Project I IW~!El,r"H1M.~!i~~.( ~1,QL'h""'II.........;.....".,,,,,,,,, ...,...",~,J,9.,999J "',; ,,,..,' ..;. ...'. ,,;,...... ,.......'.,,,",',,j...,,.. .,.,..,..."..,.....,,,....,.~J,,Q,~999..,,.1 :*o..,.ta'" ItB'u:';'&g"'''e'.'' 't,~,~~'f\.?k~::~%\;I~<~~~~~~ t~8!>;t;,tc'~~:X~~~iA~10M~::~ttt:t,1.0. /00 O. .~ ~::~~i~:;~,':WL'>,A:'~lZfi;1!;f;;~t\i&~t;;;;::1A/)r~R:(i:~;}v})!.t\;y:!sw;:~~w.1},~<*~l:~'~j,;~~:~~~fY't1.:'0z'0.0. 0 <':1:,... '" u '""..J~-6}..,"->,....j "', ;,.__,.~",."",%, ..".~~"'.,,,..-"','''{,,,.,,,',,.,,,.-,''o _'i;;,.'.__..~d"',''''''~M',C...;, ,., ., "'\""W'~''-'''' ..,' ,...",.::l'....<!'!'.,.,"~".,.,.."--.,...'.,,.--'ii.,:;;;",~,., '.,"~..,.~'j.~.,','-c;, c""j"''J''"'''''''-''''''''l'?",,..,.-.jj,,,... .',. ,,', ~~'~"}<'_ ."',.!'-. ,.. ; :.- .._'...". . ",'C''- . __c",,,,^,,.. ","'" __ ,'-"'"'' .,&\,.,,,,,,,,.,',~".q,,,,,, ,"" -'.", .'. "'.', ,,o,,,,S,-$,',,','" ",.., !":__'~"'--"-.;' ".,"~...."-,~,,,-,,,,..,-. . ',' , . , ,".', ...<",,>, ....,.-'i,. ','. .~,...,-..., ~"'-_"'... ","-"" .'>,. ,"""",-,'<'w,'~,^". ..f,.~". ,'''%',."-4ft;.;;,"~",,, . ':"-,,_..-,'v....""'~."'.i;,.,' """"~' ,z....;."..'.,.- ',' '.J. ',"'.., -,."\,.,>",, "'....."""", I Expenditures I - .. i Encumbrances Remaining Budget $10,000 $0 $10.00011 I " .....- ... ' . . I'."" "~.. "" T .',. TV'" , ,'~~"'^"......--. . -- . .. .. . ""~i . ,. . ..,. : ~..:,.. ~~ . --, .,~,~,.~:,,:, ,; ;, . ::""'0>"'--;'- . '::;. , '<-"'::.:.-J' 'Y i: .~~.~ "'V'I!J'''''''' '~~--".' "y.' c".,.E'.......;,:,~'4"""~'~?'$it'q.,:.'~W1!r.~~:<:,-;:-it,;'iQ~~:"~\;'/'i!f., '~:1!:,.'~);,~(.l;:t':.,(-<~~:)-'''J~'''(,..-::'''w;:t '1,727,I'Al'A:TE"',,'r;\/STRIB"J;r;/0' N'SYS"'EM1MAIN"iINE.XI'A".VEi 'OG"''^'D.' n,*V)~".~)"W'.)'1i"";')")'''))'')R'kV..IN'''),)'))).)' k~tJi,,,,J!f\;,'<v.,Vj,::,~1..',__,..,~'L~,^,,fL:~,:,,,,,:,;Y:'E:0;' ,,;,>,,~~, ,A!L,/c,~:. . . ..,,,j::.. A""': __x__;,J~'N.""" .;..~}(.!.:-t~;S>.). ":.;.ii,;<,:,ry"".."".!;\?rL".,,,,>,..,f;:;:<i:ii..~~i,zX!:i.;:(\*,;r:U!1n::t:\i:'!}:t;)':~.h,"{;,-~;,)<.~~VtKJt~~~%:~~PJ;:;~.;iit~<1 Ii' I I Replace existing 4"-12" distribution system valves due to age and deterioration. I I II III Activity 'Through New Appropriations I' Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 'Total Project I !IWater Utilities ,(51 0) i $20,000 .. ,$20,000 II ''T' ":'>';:.-;' '....', '1'~'.'Bc' ,r--:.:J.''''':'l~,~~o,~:'{;;;:,.~"'t''~'-(;,,,K;o''i;:: ::.;-,:i:::',m<,>>'l:-'~*",~"i"",'t'J--:.@."f."r'.":P,Xj:/i"-f,"V(":'~'fJ':Y:;;"e.'.:'}(;/ )!(:'z,,,z':::"f...O,-:'-,,*?:,,;:'':;;:yt'''/4:i'''''"''fI/'0.~'&~:t..'f;:;''''''O''''';" "',,""",\!' 't-:';.:.;'{,}e0}:'I:I~'''0,ti..ft-'''''~'''0'''~!,'--'V,'fi}')(';''~'''',,~?y ',>:~,---, I ", .- ota #, Uu e-f'''-;-:'''''''~<;;~'' ..,;y...-,...,..,~",:>>.C4, "::;...~..'.:<'';J,?:,'.'-;-,.,'%,~.,,~. -,-" ",,,,,,,,,,,,,'''X''Y;';,>,,',0'',~!.f''S' ,'",'1\;.. "'-" "i;;'__''-'\''';:';':V'''''t.,~,:.~...~.,.."",.*"~s",,i-:'''".',"""2 ' ?OOO" >.-".o;;i~e::.'\...1"'&;""<'$.:.'O",;"io:",~~",--'-.',<",-:;,"~'r.20'000' 1'I:i"L.",."",>:",.., .'.,~~"g,.,.,}2'!jj'i1Ji.:;;'/:?31Yi2X}Nt'i! j'Y~:f1t'%:;:'i''1Zf:&:\*~:};:\\:0'}*,!'*::e}<i'~\Zt{%~':t:;.t?~:;3..1i1 %.~~~1:d~:~g~:d[::3;;%1:~~h:;tij:lkt:~TI:{..";,.3(c,,,:~,,~>:,,'," ~,i~~tWm*ci&.~i!:~l~f~::;:;~gJ't~:~tgf..,o.,~I"",*~,,,,:,} , E~penditures . I I . Encumbrances I liRemainin Bud ! $20000 $20;0001[ II! Ii :1 [I I Ii :1 ., II i! Ii .Ii ii 204 IL___' ,CIn'OFPOWAY 'i I; l\if728*EE0W!M0NFtGrRING\::06i{eAMEiKBAeK!;c.;Nt):N0'F~ifi8CREsffietJMgis\rtA;i';ioNS'iy:~Wi:i\ii{:+\<:;i ,,;1 I' II: ,,:~.\_ .,,,.;;,_.>~ .",,,,, -,/, ;~_.~,__,',~,. _,'.. .; }\""~"">~'~~"_ __ ___~'__, ~-W:;>-"_~~'Y''''''_'' '..,'-___".,'..._'.,",_::,'~",', ."."t..'v__" :".J-,,~,,;.,._,:_,:,_, ''''', .," ._,'_', '"'''' ,. . ",_" _ '~';L, __K.' _,.,::IL, ".:__..,~_.~,),';':<-,~A';J(;'>'1-~;:';~~'''->'-:;,c ,-::1 jllnstall one flow measuring device each station to monitor flow at Camelback and I I[Northcrest Rump Stations. II II I Activity 'Through I New.Appropriations I il I [lFunding Source 6/30/97 JulX 1, 1997. .. Total project. 'II [IWater Utilities (510) I $30,000 I $30,000 i \liITQt,~I\~,y.~9~!\7Z}1!,;~;t~~;~;~7~t;~~~':ful~+~*1i~~jIt~I~~ll:&i~ll:i:~i~~ ~!41\j~~~I~z~Rlil1lt~~i,~aT(IQg':ltl':4'!1;)~;l11:1tli{7it{!itttt(~QiQQQlI' I. !Expenditures ! I Encumbrances I. - I Remainin Budqet $30,000 $30,000 ~ I III.. 7.2'" .9..'R....O..i'ii'i')"'Y,..'..'E.'M..'..E'..R....'G'....E....N"';,.O..'TR... .E'A.ii'.E..'r;Ti'ifiA'ffi'E."'R....,io;-. .O'."..'.'i1rE."'T'I..'O.." . '.'''''''i'''..~';;i'''l.i'''W..,'"......"''w...'.w.."......,,.....,,'....'..."",,,......,,,,..".'.'1'1 I rt."L y .0'V:'II':'f";;'\';'" ", C:lf~L~\l' 'lJ~,V'V~',:I: f\.l ',N.... Cd~ -, N^"':;jfi-h';\\~t.)t:/",:~".,;~~"~-;;;&F:".."\i"":O;"'M':~;-ik"'~~:~\tJ"i"~~H:;~':-.,~-<":;:;~*,,:;:;>,,.;:z?:-s,'~ I ,'.' __, 'n '.. ' .' .:: ",,_, : , ':,'\,.;;_~ '/ ',__ __ , _, _, , u: ,,<<,,':", ".",.;.":1';'""i;..,;:."........,;,,.:., >~ __ '" ,,%;. ;c:,_..~t.j,"; '.. __, t,'L ~ ,~; ,,, _",.1",;. '~'_.".' _ :>,).' J , '?;:(~",~~~:,':;~":-;'~:,::;\:1i;,(':O_",;;H:.~'K"...):~'i:r:-~: :;~~::t~':;i" ,+"l;;%'i.:W':iltz;:'::',:,::i;J,c"{,";'V"" I . Modify existing Ramona connection or construct a newiconneclion to supply City of III' poway with treated water during emergency conditions. I I I Activity 'Through I New Appropriations II ." . Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 199"l. 'Total Project II . IWat~rUtilities (?!OL I ,.."'".., .... " I.. .... ~.., $,129,099,1.. ." $'120,OOO!1 ilTotal..Budg'et ~: >>:^~~~ t^"i>~'1",:z l:?~' ~:t.~'<: ~>l:~1::;1~ ~t~~~~~':tV\;~\{:"f !j\~"'iR 'J~t\*:f.tt~t, 0$'~ ~8/~'" 207000: } .~il'~~ ,>';1fi ;~~f$'S~<h;~ ',\"'20 '000 I .. 'l~':'~ "~'l< ,,':<;' ~-' ,,> ,!;",,~',},"""'^*' ,.,.,~., ,,,-,.,.' ~ ",,,"""i0'" ,."..'~ ", '''' ,~t , ' ~"~..;}'!;. ,-",,'" , ..";' ;.J I I -", ",<h~ ,~,>~, ~~~ ~ > ~:j$i<};;,^^>,.,,~' ",,l:_,,,,%~~,," ~",~~",' lC> '>. ,,,,,,,-,,,,",,,^ ~~ ~>~'.!Ji, "<1;:'-' M ""...o~~> '" .~'" "" :;'1;;;".~l;^..."",*".".,,~,, "- ~ Expenditures I Encumbrances , !Remaininq Budget I I $120,000 $120,oooi,. 11;Z30'WAf.ER;0i2ARfETERJANID\REC0X1ER~HSY;SmEMiA!ti:vEHfGlli8rv;AiNmENANeE"~VTl$,0j;i,.l,l!,'t"T41i{iiii!i'i'ir'I.'" . L, .~, ;~"."'_, ',\ . .'. ,,,.;, ".. '... ..."~/":,,.,",.,,<.,,,1 _c. )'r.,. ,. __,...:.,~;l,,,,,,,,",..,-. .:!\,,,;..,. ,.'.,,, __ ;,.' :" ~w'~~"'-~t"" ..." .!~,,,-.},,,,:'.,~"..,..,),., ,.' Jf.. ,.,.;; ~_"" ~~~,. ,.,'i.~,. ,..,.j;.. ,.~".,j).. "'~"."...~..,~"'''',:,'~,.. ,~;sMkd.t;HVr..~t_'ib~i~~.Gik'NV:; I .. '., . . . i . 'This project provides for the purchase of a water clarifier and pressure washer to be [I _. installed at the Vehicle MainlEmance Facility.t6 meet stateand.county storm water I ..1 l(egUlations. II II Activity 'Through I New Appropriations I ! I i!Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 199"l 'Total Project ;1 !!Drainage.-.current (231) $2;500 $2,500[1 I'jwater Utilities (510) 15,000 15,000 I I Sewer Utilities (520) . 15,00..0 15,OOO! 1''Ti "t' . ..,. B'd' ..'.."t.. .,.' ii""")" ';"'''!!''')'I '..'ffi.~i",!J'Jii"iFi""\ii..*,i"'iT'rii.i '.i""ji"i'iW.'s;".r;;..""'..'!f."";..""""'3.2'T5..0"O...., """"''''''''''',.''''''k'"''''''W%','1i''3''2''''S'''e''0'. .., , 'oa' u ge d, ,v,.,(",.,,,.~.,,,.'~.,~..'<'.t.~'i;"'" "'-:1,0. ,.,'''-.'i!''.~.-.,...,'','~..{.,.<<-,'i;k.;S.''...<i''-'''K''.''''.".."..!;,,'.cf>~.,i~i'!',.' .,. """"~",,,o,,,,o.;,,,..!0'4-" ,,".0. "."C',,,,,"',."'.. '.' '.... ,..'~\!j;'~''':::'-4.,',:!'.6,..'>...,%:-~..,. ,O'^X,g;>"J'f:-1."""\;" .' ." <- 'I Ii', ,..... . L......, .,' ..k'!i..,<',..f\iiii\cck$.;,j ",;!1S1",.?;;h,'fi'l'"";;;!,,f;4l?iY'\2ii'fH<~+i"'lc,',';) '.,,?e,,;,\\...1il1,'~,yj,,;,,;,~,,\,;\;; ,,1 . ...,,) ',,,,,,,,,,j;jjiii"'iji!!1:\i'*i\i2if'iYh,,,J,,... '''. I !Expenditures : iiEncumbrances II i!Remaininq Budget $32,500 $32,500 :11 I; .1 ii II I ."7 ': II 205 II .. ...., , Cln' OF POWA Y II I IMV&if:\g8:jl,tY1Rr30Xi,i:Mgi$]$:i$!!JMMt\I3Xf;:l1i:f)i:~91~~~jI2;:flI~Nll{~tljl*tlmlilill!:;II,;I;l:;t:l;IW;;I;%;ljlllli~li;llllt'l:ll~l:~ll~!~;t.tl~li:ll! I I . I Activity Through New Appropriations i Funding Source 6/30/W Jul 1, 1,997 'Total Ii 'rlTs"d'''f,x.i,''i'''i.xi.i' .Wi",A. "."'$8'345'329' '..hi.., ,","";".',i,,', $8'610'049 t..: "0 a;' u. ge '~<'~C<;':>'''''~'''''.1'':~''''-'/''~\<j;:""",',"'r,.:-.;/;(:''',,,";;~':;'.''';'.''~~-~''''>'.':";;''",.,'J.h.'", .~. {" .' . ' :'- "::r~:;MS~~:~~i~:S~1~fi:{~\ '. J . L. ,Lw.',,,...j I i.",..".,."". ...;;:if",;,,",;;;:i,,,,;,,,,,;;;;; :\iV'i!,'Iif;'iiiii;,\:i:'il', "..,.",,,,- ....: l'Total Expenditures 6,496,972 6,496,972 i 'Total Encumbrances 325,589 325,58911 I ['Total Remaining Bud et $t 522 768 $264 720 $1787488 I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II Ii I I I , I I I II' I !J Z~ I 1\ Cln' OF POWA Y II 'To provide low interestloans to citizens for sewer-related"improvements to private I'I'" property I jl Activity 'Through New'Appropriations I ill Funding Source 6/30/97 Julv 1, 1997 'Total Project ! Sewer Utilities (520) I $50;000 i $50,000 'rf'io"t'a"I'WB"'u""d"g""e"'t;0;,;,.'.;;;\.'.i:;,.Xi,!;;I,,;;tKi;li\i\1;i?Vg;h);;;1ili,)i,!:.'W5" 'O"i'Oi'O"O';;;,iiZ::';Y,\Ii\t'{{;:{;;;;,c';\;:';'+/lW;,;;;;;;1i;,2C;;;;;>:;;;))".')i:r;;>.+;;;5" 0'0' 0'0': I .':1;. .,t_ .. ."",.,?,- ""_.'._K"...""'j;"""'"~"",,\,,, "'%;"..#i"\,..;;",./i...o;,.,,, ," .'t,,"_,_ .~...,.(.'),,"o;~ ,~. .., ..' '",%'f'",!:';.'Ji. ;;'",,:*:'1::"'. J:!:l:'t'.:~,.,.:-.". -,.J',. "~"~'.' "w""""_'''~\'''',');'''Y.' >'.. ,~,.. .,....!,,_.. C', _.. '.,.. .. ".". ....... ".,,__.,.,,0..' _,.:p.",. .. .... '_ ~"~~~"'-'" -"0",,""""-'" .".>>' . , , .,,, c.," ..' '" ;J,.~ -<;,-......-.... ~.'_... .',~"_'.-._:."'~'~,..._.,.. ;'.~:.. ,~~..\;'.,J~...,,~: ..J~,.~_,..~<~..;, _', .tj "'"';"'^,"f1(,,"")<.,..,.~,,_.,>,.. ",,~'.'" ,~'~.-4 .-,,,..:..1;,.~._h'ti..,,"-~~~>..~,.~F"'...'-.....,.-\'6..,'--..-<... '-"--',.>-... :-"-,.:.:". ;"""".,'- ,.,;0--.",,' [,-, ",-,~'",'-;';"~'" ~.,_,:"".;.,;,:'";~.l.~''' ,t,..1 '~.'" .,.,.. ~.. ~.~, ''-^,_'",-", ..,.." I Expenditures I 20,560 I 20,560 . Encumbrances ' Remaining Budget $29,440 $01 $29440 I !'1"'8"0"'3"""O"'E" 'IE' .~'p."O' 'N"I"'E'NT'T""E"'S' "'E" "WE""'" 'R"TI!'''I'N''''E'"n;'","w.,p;;r'''''0;,lt',,,,;d;.,r;",,'v;''J;;''F';;C"""'.'iiki"'"'i,"0y,""""""'''Y'.'it''i'.,'I'''''''i?'',W,'','"",,"',w;,,,",;,,,,,i I" ," .'. ,""':.;' 'l".." ,. .~ ,-',: . .... ':: :>:"""*<-~~..';'r""~,---",,,~'..',,,,,'~,~;;~~1~" ~'ffit""~",;}",,~wJ,.<,:.~,;:.;.:,,,,~.,I~~C.":".""":"".,.<..-~:.~,.:."~.:-;-:."....:~<\-.,~.}S,,~:,,-c.'1,,..__.:.-,.~:":.'~~. '.' 'i<..,~.",.,.v-',,,,,' .,~'&"'..-~.".-..,..:.,-" ;':\':'~""'">'j :2e':"..' ','C.. . ,.-Y,__ _ .:, .. .... . .',:,;:; _ /~" ,:~-:,.-, . ",,;,..,,~t.,L"/~'''':N''-;''''-'' "" ",,_.,.,)L .~ ",-,,; ,_..- ,M:h"'\.\~+M:;:t.::Bl~fi.f:;;,i.t:'f:0"1~:,-!tj&3h;;;,,'it~r:1~~,~:Z:r:&\~B:;$~, 'jt;Yl:i;,'i;'i,;~:;>~::}'P,:'__i;i."~_/:;?;;~:"i:~:'-0.,':t:t%Y::'.'&t!::0,~jX/~:~~~:;:g;r~'i:,,j::~'{:t},:~,,;;, 'j I 'To construct a sewer trunk line to replace the existing Del Poniente pump'station, II I Activity 'Through New Appropriations 'j I Funding s?urce. 6/30/97. ',... July 1,1997 , 'Total Project .11 ,~;~~~,,,~!II~!~~~,(~~.RL"""'..I,,,,,,.,,,,.tw....,..,,..,,,",.,!13,Q~:R"Q.9"I'"'''''''i;'''''''''''""W'''''''''''''''''''''~''' '...."",," ,ly"...". ..,"","'"......M,,,,,,,1€>.2,~',,2,9.0:1 jmQ,t~!:~.9J!9,~!L&f5:HN'-:i:~}5>;Y.;ii:Efflj:. ,tTIit~~_~i~.:l%~71m~~>~1~~;.2Q~i.!lQ9t !1!21:]~lii.&~t&~~~W.:~*0]&~~tZ~~)1k~f#~ki%Q~ ;;f;~1~k:~ii:;1fdi~j~g:~t~~Tt~qn:~:;9_Q€~QQgi Expenditures 532';076 532;076 I Encumbrances 10,678 10,678 Remaininq Budaet $59"246 $0 $59.246 I Extend 8-inch sewer from Adrian Street to Norwalk.Street, .including installation of six I manholes and relocation of existing utilities, I Activity 'Through New Appropriations I ..' Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 'Total Project . Sewer Utilities (520) I $,164,523 t,r"'''t'' """I'B""d"t" ,';:' ,., K.:;;;.XI[,,;'''X0'1i1';;T ;;'<<;;;;"i"'''L'i'~i:;;;1'''''6'\'''5''2''3''i I' ,:~I;O a.' u e ,?:,;,:>:,:,:,;:":"ii-'~;':';''';i,:.A)::''.'''~';',;,*~'-:::-f"'\'1{,,/z':'?M'~:;~'S~i~~'t"t:;:t,~,.}, ~2 ',' ;, . ,x",: '~_",," :-",;." ,,_:_.'> 9,. _'. - , ';;~,:;:".,::'i':-;::f': "t,-;,,!;;-~;::, _;~~;";A-t;t;;'\\'::~~i-.:t'->i'>m;~~~1,,,-,,,~%.;~: :. '_':::'", !;':,",......:,.,,~1 Expenditures '20,776 Encumbrances Remaining Budqet $143,748 $0 $143,7481. III I I il: ~. .~; ''l I 207 II ' CI'TY OF POWAY II 111;?;1:?tBM~[J~oQ~$i;WlgRlQ~g~g;1~~td($J~;~{i!t;;;;X;~%~~)i;~t!t~1$;~;~j;!&~~~~i\;!;~~}\~;;~J;;;;;lWf'i};;;,1N't;:hjJi~T!1;1;0i':'it;~'H!;1};,;;7i~~4iftil ,. . 0 ii' I Jhis project'involve~nhe purch~se of rnetro sewer capacity from National City II ActivityThrough New Appropriations I Ii I Funding Source 0 6/30/97 July 1,1997 I 'Total Project!l o ' Sew~r.LJtiliti~s(520) $2,064,090 I . I $2,964,09011 jf"'~"tc~et'~'I"YB'-"C-rcde~':"":"t"'-?t1"g<ni:i:t::~!;N:g;'~;lt:1}Y;; {Y{~!ff:~i~:t,s$*.~#R~i#;~~;{(2^' rO.'06-^''':4.,.~tO'':>9'''''''0'. iIV%:(i;?;~:~rt~.~:t:'~&$n7;;tWHt2}ir~t::ir?<-<:tiN '; lX(&<~:+to.r$1~,~:~1~"VNn~rt~S'iir2"")(0"'~"64' ";"';~'O'.'9"'-"0""':'11 moa" U ge '""'K:'-:i1'..i"">'';f.>,~.,.."t'"'i,~''"-,~,,,, "Av::~:,_%\_._...~..o{..:~<;<;i_,..,:~;:,,~ffi:j/<:.,,\z;:,. t ; f .. .. .;. ,-"s,,,,'J'':'''.'::t';'>''<'.,,:}k'''';~;''','R~-,.;/':6:>;'';~-';';.-._;;::)Y""';;"*'.:'.1','''''" "'H'~'~.'",'';''''~.';''-:'.' "o;'\<"~",C':'~"'~_>.':-"_ , ' .....J . I Expenditures J ". II Encumbrances ' I Remaininq Budqet $2 064,090 $0 $2,064,09011 I II /"f' ..:". t' 'c~~" . . '~'~""; .':' "'(:,-' "_":~''''~~~:^';'W_''''', -, ,~r")'--jr""'-"i '<', -~.r."., '_ -,' '." '",' '.- : ":{:" " i:i.~,;. -!f;:2"{i:B.i~f};;-;;::J:0,',;1:{~:;~::,~~~.::.;;?$:;:':{>:~~\<':i\.'~;::>;;':~10t{~:~~i~'1:::.i~::$~\:'!,<;~;J';::{;;G:Z:B;~:'~.'rs"11:~;'I' rt 8rt 5,SEWER1,'TREA'TMEN'T~Btlll!!DING.oDEMOl:lml",N,o,,"i;"",i;k'"''''''''',dj"oo,,"' p"."",..i;lf"';;""''*''''..,;,f'NP''k"0.\"",,,..ti0r;;y I ;",,, '. '""",.;,.. ....'" . ;,,;.1,. ."'."0. ,1"0. .0..".0'...'0"'.0 .0"'0"....." ,0.""....,.,0,,,,,0.""';. 0.0"" ',,,,,,,.;.,,,;,,;,"',,;;",;,,;;,','f;''''',,,,;,,;..,.;,,,,;;;,,,"....."..,,,..,,',,1,'..,"",,,""'" "', . 'This project provides the funding for sewer plant demolition, i I ActivityThrough I New Appropriations I . i Funding Source ;6/30/97 July 1, 1997 i 'Total Project: I I 1~~t'!jel;BrY"dti;~!~et?,~(5,?0); *",)".. ,'oJ .';;1";,,,,,,,,,,,,$,2200'000000,1,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.., " ,;,.1. 'i.' ".,'",&",...." """!2?00:00000011 tl~qak,~,g~^-:'~>~~*'"~':;~J,,,<,",o~~'~;:,,\~.,~'1;f_~\:I:)~:~1~\,-~ ;, /;~;f<fS~~;~":~1f\,"'~:t,~~"'J~ ,': t',J~' ~,~h~h~\~;;"~r}~:-~~~~:;:#j~~)', ) , ' , Expenditures 9,260 I 9,2601 "1 Encumbrances I Remaining Bud et $10740 $0 $10,740 I I I 'This 'Project will update the Sewer:System Master Plan for the,entir~ City and provide technical assistance to system operational problems and water analysis sale options, I I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source.6/30/97 July 1; 1997 Sewer t1tilities,(520) 1$50,000 I ii!r9!~I:J~~,Clg'~w~~:~f{(~~ff~)lit'i~~,~~lil,)t~~~~l\i~0~~i!~QVPll9; Expendituje,s' Encurribh3nces I Rernaihr~~ BUclet $50 000 $0 $56 000 I I I I' II ____208 I I CI'TY OF POWAY II r3D!/:!-:_~{(;c:r:~~:!-:_~,~~t:~:'-;~:;:-~':~~t'x:r;;':r _~:; Zi::.'::~~-::-~::-,:::-::"~;\:_:v<:r;,W;'l x:' :)~::::;>:;;'~~;;'??A{<'\Y>';Y:;'_':'i,,?:';g:::. ~'K?,#;}>~~;;%:)<,,'-){,-t:Z;;'~;~; ,: ;,~'-" ':;:.:i:::>~:;;:),::,< --, _ : ;-.' -. / : :':0:': :: ;:: _,;: ~_::-:,::_,::}:>;:iV,'; :; ~i"")Y'.': Y' y:" ;":";: --:',': ': :~I i lGARllliAlii,IfV1I?ROVEfV1ENmiRR0GRAMhti\!i;f;lF;'.';;;;;5! S'EWER,I'MBROVEMENTS;" ,,""""'/;:)1)0,\i'::;;;\');:'::"";.II' 1~'~;j~~WA~]gWA;ffii:!:?.:,~<.).8~gQ]IQN;e:QQg~:~\MA~B~~'i;'lREH~J318JrrAml@N\F;j~qGRAM:i ':';;'+" ':,;T;:\ill, 'This project involves the rehabilitation of existing water, access manholes 'to extend II I [Service life, II I I Activity 'Through I New Appropriations I 1 I IFunding Source I 6/30/97 ' July 1,1997 I 'Total Project I 1~E!~E!r,.~tili!iE!,~,(~~~L",,,il"""""'~''''''z "" "",,,,,~J,~,q,,.Qgq"l ;"",."""""."".,$1 ~.o;OQO',tl ,;'" "",~,~~]g;Qggll I :' - -- - - -:: --'., - > - - - - _"f:;\ii-';';:,:f:r:':,~~>:::'{''':1''T~:i!?'>~~/~j'}>:\\,::::!"~?:'{>ttfJ'.:,,\::>:::: ,/.", ',' :~,~d';f~}:,,~:;~:~:':,~?\~t';;~'~:~~:'f~t;;~~~':, .. - ';; - -, ,~ 4ft:*::~:'i:o:~:,_:;"jkk;:,,:{~-,o"'};)~::)~';,:::t{:\( - '-:' ': "_:: I~~~~~~l~~~~",q" "'''"''';,'''' ";"",."g,&"",\,'t,,s.i,.,.t';l5,(),Q9Q, ;0t'ik'l\'iiV,,;;!ii,"')i",I~',~4,t1,p,Q,QQQ, i,"'">",, "';,2;1'\, "t;'f<;::;,,,~~,Q,QQO'1 ' Encumbrances I I I I Remaininq Budget $150,000" $160,000. $310.000"1 1'1"'8"4'8" ,'OO'''..M''..'E'..RA....;'D.. ""'C"'^'''N'''i'VW.''''''A'S' ''TEi'ir.T'''''E''';' ,; "R""""Aii;' "''';'''''';T;'ni,!,^''N'' '",,'''''' ,'E'...,~,W,'A,';,''';."'''''''',.,,,,,m,''''''','''',,'''''';''',;""'j' I i;,.ip' ,,' ~x ---~C1 - Enl,~' - - }1;r:;:;.v,v'A\,;R..:,m I:;.I::'(I;MEN{17~r;;~ ;:aitSlffi J(;,~;,~,~'t~*"":"'F'>-",,'~"~~'-?-::;~:~'*,*0:~:-7b:;{'~:%:ft,t:,\.f~~:(,~t.~:::"l;~' l >(-;:-: :'~"':i~;,t',;l~"-" ::-:." ,.,,-,.,c,;,,>.;,..: ~~' ',:";"'''>' :'~":;<,(",.:,;":,,, 0';" ,:",~:~?:;;}, HJ'~'\'-:'1'-<: )'o:-.i",<"""",:~:y,:"'i-~:*j1I1iiJ~4::t;0',1~:~,:,~;tt:1.':.~<:'t:'~t<;';:~~;"i~~h",;,<:Ji~:;'b~+di1:>'~ii.::~i,,~JS:,~tt:t'!.2,H$:ff:1X:;,t~;~~<?@*:;'iS;+%~)i"y<::~'::ttpy.lrt' ,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,[), EMO" 'I""I"'N"A'ND' . C.FC^'N"'n'Nji",,,,,,,,,:~:~, .".1." ," ""':,,,,,*~,,m,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1j,,,,,,,:#,,,,.,..,,,,,..,,:, '...'..A......,,,..lh',.,..f/,,,,,,..... ,.,'" I ::';;;,::w,';\:';i~~:'>;k"...;,..,.:,.."^,..""....,,lf.j~. :,;B,;,:.,:,:^,~,,,,,:,,,,',, ;:h., ,1f-.~.,>,,~,r:>v%;:;l:A';;:~'i%~~i*~1V;Jtr;:,;}:;,-glj~i&::~:ti\\f:~:>th;'t1::<10~\;,,"'in;:L;;.it>?J?:jt~:~~;:~~~";:;~~'.if:,,"rk~>A~~~'f~1?{t';>;A:,::.fK'~1\':;'ii,,\;:~;Hi,::t{~,\0;~i,~':';,; 'This project involves the demolition of all concrete structLjres five feet below grade, I 'The structure includes primary sedimentation basin, tricklihg filters, chlorination basin, and miscellaneous concrete boxes, I I Activity 'Through New Appropriations I I Funding so.urce 6/30/97.... July 1, 1997. 'TotaIProject. I Sewer Utilities (520) i $200,000.. . , ., $200,000 I ''T' . '~;s:O";'::I"}!B' ", "';"':d'-1' ,~,~1/),..t,~o,'Y;<W'-,.- ";''''-'''\~''~''''::!'''-F('',~~'''-;:'h';.'j}t;,'<:<''''7f':''~:',:",."r;,:?~~.,;';"',W,',{,,'$ :"', ':, ';;,"f-l'~"''''~'.-'';''''~' -""-',) :~"'~,'"":'!>'1'-,>}o,,~>,,'';~*-,~'Jr'~->'~'~';-;~'''c,<;1t-;,f'''''-: ,:,y,;",~O;~~.'15\~'K:'';>'''~ :''''':~'''X''';'t'>;f'''~,'~'''-''+};~7;~':'~';X,;{~' '<f';;'-:"~' ", '^ ., "" -.'.., 'H:>""..'. '...1 ota ,1 u get~~'s. :''':~' --', ,,,,,,,, ,~,~"""~.",, "'-,",,, "",A.):",<-i;;'!'%"'"",,",<,<', .",,-1''''''''4''~'''';-;;;''':;''*'20 0 '000,--, "^"!0go,.",y,.- '''~~'N,*t,o'''~\':~d!}~"4,,,.. "1'?%-"N"'" ."',~%Ao,-;-it, "'I^,~o""'~ "'~""""'~;i""'<""""".,"""'*i"'~::"'''''''''}200.000. ) "~" ",t."_",,i), ,_ .i,", ,~., . '"., Jii;t~;::~:\~>>1;t~Zh:'j\~0<i; ;;;/f?;l'ff;;~\%-.E\,:R~;~f'7';,:'/?fff;::g..,:::,,,,:\,,%/,,,,':<,..~,~.,,;..~~~,;,~.J~Xb~EL~it~~,t0;t~%~Y;;hiifK'it4[:~'i$rt~fgfi,\i:W%{~;;: ;~~{t;~;~~~~~):1:;?~+iit'}:#*Yifi%t",.,.:",,,.,;',,''O, ' Expenditures I J I Encumbrances Remaininq Budget I $200,000 $0,$200 000 1~8"<'1'9"':\;E""M'ni\E""Wir.iir.:v:;:S' E'..W' E'R" .iE'N'S"'E"M'E' "N" ji}~,i;lii';:q\lT;:~<<<.f!.j';;M4f';;:;i'i;jjj;'Wi;:l'#j;;*XY;i)!'i'M'i':;j0!P:'ii')"riflZKj'i~;.f';:;rij;"'i:i::i)\i,,!;;;;j~:;:;"11 I \1, "','1' R L: ,', V "v r\',,[)., ',''O'O : C/"\ 'O'O'OJ;JcYo>'!',~,:$'~~"~'''',*'''~.i1.''''{''l-.'' ,"~~i "'t!-':;",*",~~,;;v::;:""..};;;,\'" O""~"'c;:.,,,,;it,t'...;., ;:'1t:)"",,<r~~~,;-d~i;,~,,\;'-'J;'h~~"~,~:; ~,';c<;T'- ';o~S~'V'0:'i~~M"':~1c, f h"..,.< "', .."""...,. '.",'"" . .".." , .. .,' . "....,..,,,.... .."""..",..,"", ..."'.,.",......*,,.,.. ~..,"""'..",,...,,"''','' """,'iiI" .."I,,, """""...... ......" ".,%"".";)0\..,..""'.."..",,,, ",,,,.,, I 'This project provides for the construction .of a sewer line from Temple Way to Calvary Cou~ I I Activity 'Through New Appropriations I ,I Funding Source i 6/30/97 July 1. 1997 'Total Project ~e~er~!i1itie~,,(~2~L ..'II"'..........,''''',..'''',.,,,..,,,,,..~.1g;.og,q''',..,,,."''..,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,..,,,,..,,.........,,,.....,,'...."'11'.'..'..,....,,,,...,,,,,,..,.,...."J3,9Jl'02,1 I l'TO' ta' I'B ..d "e.t .,.... "'" ",,,,'"'' ","",....,,,. """""'''''''''''''''''1'0''000' "". ",.,"...,......,':....'"..,."'.i!",, "''''''"...''"..'..'' .."''', "........., '.. ' "...."'""..'''''''''......'''j'O..OOO' ',; : U g " , ',,"'--', '--~"" ',"'",',', ,.'""-",,>,,,':': ,'"',~,:'-".,,I>, '"<'-+--",%",,,,.,"^,, ',', " , ,,",'~',l; "''''~C;-'<:i'-', ^,' ~,.:,: "~",W,""';iI',;l<'~~,j::1P",,,,'$' ,.,.. '",__".',',",0"',..,.'"",, ,-,..,','".'<.,,.,,',",",,O,,'l':-"'.~'"'-i.,' ,,' " " 'I ~: ,O':, . O', . , O', . .O'O": . , : O'O'" . , O'. . . '. O'O', . ." ': :: ':: :: ': ::::: ::?,:;,:;;:'0::::;:: :;O' :i:':>);O'O'i;t:<: :::':~'::L::;::( /:(~~:,):s~j:"m;8:;:;.,;',.,''-';,"''''''&'-:,d:iK:~k:,.ih~;~'k:1)b~ii*:1:t:H2~i:~;;~it;U.?'/~:~~--;;';.\:;t'f~~ t'fi.4<.t<t,~:?~&;~%7'~i:;;l;:;a:;:l:/:2:i;:iiI/:.d:;",~.,.j,"--'-,"eo'". ,h Expenditures I I J Ii Encumbrances " I liRemaining Budget i $10,000 $0 $10,000 II III' 1 ' Ii 1[1 I' Ii II -N .- il l~)" .209 II " "CI'TY OF POWAY '. ... I! II ' Gh'\I?IT&12iIM.h!~!2>~IEMl::l\lm,e~!2>G.Rt\M';,dQt;"""""",.., ,SI::V\(I::R",IM~R~:)(I;ME:;N*?"i;,;":;;;;;;;;;;";;,t;",,,,,.;;:.,"',.1 , bVJ:~AY?t:~~.~::tjl~~'if;~~P~::{~2:!.;~%tt\.:;:r~r~:~S,n'J't; ,j,;~~t:?i\;?:.~Z',:~T>;:(i{;~~::1\~::,~t::r~i'\';:':k::!t;0~:1~;*r~q:(:;%It${(J~z:~t;~"%ti<'bf:;'&:V:0k~'(~)~<,,;,/e:\';~Y~:;J~1');:~;kiJ:)::t>~,::" .t, ':!";'; ':~'c~j:; :4:,:,~NJ!tS:;-::i'~:~;:}\~B:(~~t,h;;':::11 .I II' " . I." ':. ',-,'-' '^'''(:{;?'~'.' ''''''''''',0,," ;. '"j;' -,,;. "w. ,,."n^_':n~t' '..w'. ',' .e"iic,,'""r'" ~"--'-'~ ,,o,,,',w_ ,",,-, M"",^":C' ,- ^<, "" ,." ~. - '';''''-''~ "-"."'Ok:a:l,;1'+~;~:":)';':""'~~'~1.,~::';"::~i:?i;';Yt~ ./:",*~r .__: ~!f$f-': U~'''~:::?~''.:t};~}':~li',';:'i';?::'_'-'-'<>~':',',t''::!{;::,,:.rl 1,.'82 0 ,GREG.' G1S"REE"J7.:.REC' l!AIME""~WA'TER,'RESER\ZOIRS"k,'i\,\,'(i!+",'ild;';'('";,;"I:,,.,' ';,"" "oilii(;';';";:':""";'.";';""";"'1 it i' ,,,,..,, """''''''.' .'e'j, \ ' 'i" ,.,d,...', , "'!.\,... '" . ,;, ,,,, . ",', ,;"., "; "j,,,,,,,,,,p """',".<',,",>;,',, ",',."'"...."',,>.',',..".;.1''':.,,.,,, I I 'This project involvEls the reclaimed,water distribution system developed,by both the J City of San Diegoiand the City of PoiNay 'Two.million gallons df,reClairhed water ! storage will be required to be allocated next to the Gregg Street'potable water 'I' I reservoir 1 I Activity 'Through New Appropriations I I I Funding Source . 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 'Total Project ::;e,,,,,,! "eJ"Lw"l.it.,i!7'~;'(~?'''O''')'''''''''''''.II. ,.,.,.",."''',,.''',J},:Z5.Q;qqQ'i''....'''''' .",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,""",,,d"K'''!I...,.,, w",,,,,,J~,~?:.5, 9;,909,.1 'J;.'t 'I'B "d' "'t.'.""..';"''''''''''''''" ".""'"'",,,,,;,,..,,',,., '.' "'rt'7i50'000' . '""""""'"""""",,,"",,"",,",,""","',,,'.,,') """"""""""""""''''.'''''1''75'0'000' ( '0 a y u. ge. %.,.~.+~t"f>'~'*""';"'8",T...,",X :,m ,~",':-;:;,;"~,,v'-"'.>f.;,-._h".,.0"%"it.~...,..*,)>; """" .'. '. -'., ' ." ji,>~'!i:.-"-"~"''''''_ .",:,:_v",..."", '. ...;>;,'w~.,'"' ''''1".,.',::",...'.0;},';l..,:..,',::..'''".,.'...~h'_, ,...,"~_<"",~'",< ",-""'..,,'~',>. ,-' .,,>,~..,>!:L', .".. .,., I ~\ .,~",', .,"~x,,' ,. '.,' ,-,' .".\ .i:i>~:'*:t,:~,,";;,*,t:l',:::~1S$:~-rm '~,>:,~:,:;-r:,:-i~j;co,*"J:::::::(~~~~('i:~:~;,'l'~,\o:,(j:,~.-"-" i '.,--,,",,' }$~<,,;~::r:,,:'~~>S:'_~;:'{:-f/;;:;5S'!~i/5;~kfW;-;j$~~~,~:t;~;~<'~f1'15J,;;ti:":,;,,,:t<f<;' '::~t~~~~~t~}th{~~:;;,:~~~, )\,.:<.~, ". _.<., ",;>- "~ ~xpenditures I 176,871 I 176,871 Encumbrances 143,389 143,389 I RemainingBud!:let $1,429,740 $01 $,1,4297401 I 'This project provides for the acquisition and development ofa new materials handling I facility for Pu~licS.ervices usaged.n South. Poway Industrial Park. 'The property for the site was acqUlred.m FY 1994c95 With site development to take place dUring FY1995-96 , . I I ActivitY Through New Appropriations I I Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1,1997 'Total Pro'ect SeWer Utilities .(520) I . $200,000 ., .... I ' $2QO,OOO I Expenditures Encumbrances I Remainin Bud et $200 000 $0 $200 000 I I I I I II I I III ,[ I I' I ?lQ II CI'TY OF POWAY Ii I I~ " , '" ,- '" "" f"< -" ^;, ~~' ^ }, ~" '" ,-,,->> "'''' I lie~RIj7A~'lrJiRR0VEMENmiF.iR0GRl\Mt~:i!";:~ "~r:~: ~EWER"IMRR0\ZEMEN];S::'i:;1~<i":,i! ~2~;.'i,': ',.;,: II I : l~"t~",~,>-,$,,~:; ,t~ _':to:,,':;",~;i,>\,~,,;,\;~,~:,~il;Ji~;; ,:,:,h,,~,)>,_-.~.:;}~":: ::~ :~\:,.::~-;::"";. ....:<" :.',,,~,~ ,;,~~:: ;" ;,,\;~, \~,~,:~,:;~,\.;';~,:,\ "'~ "'C(o'" :;:,t::; ':,. : .:: ~,-:.,k_'\,: :,~~,',. "~,;,,,~;-;,~:,,?;,:,: ~ X ,-~;/!::J~;".;-" > ;,,; I:,:.:..;;; I il 'This project provides for the design of a waterreclamation plant at the existing site elT!ploying 1.1' I Coordinate Chemical Bonding and Adsorption (CCBA) process or other feasible altemative, 'Tbe I Ilsan Diego County Water Authority contributed funds tow~rds the feasibility study This includes' il I construction of 5,700 feet of transmiSSion main In the SCrippS Poway Parkway III ' I' . I City Funding (Included in Sewer Improvements Summary) il " I 11 ' '~ I Activity 'Through I New 'Appropriations I jl Funding Source 6/30/9.7 JulY' 1, 1997 'Total Project I .SewerUtlhtles(520) ....1......$564,708 ......... ......... .... .... ,I.... .................. $564,7.0811, IIZEQtel:~9,9g~!t@i~irli,*;;2;t~;;!~~;~i:::ji:~i;l$;~&%~~R,~~i:tJ[~ ~;~b~fJ~:~:!!~!k~;~~6iWt:;~i1~fll{~tQjl*~~1~(&jii;lii;tii;~~&;Q2~~lQ?'i I 'Total Expenditures j 4.11,795 4rt1,79511' 'Total Encumbrances 0 I 'Total Remaining Budget $1529rt3 $0 $1529131 ! RDA Funding (Notincluded in Sewer Improvements Summary) i I I I , I II Activity 'Through New Appropriations I I[Funding Source 6/30/97 I JulY' 1, 1997 'Total Project ! I ,'11986 TABs (431) I $400,000 I I $4. O. o. .00011 ,1989 TABs (432)~00,OOO 800;0001 I iTt"',', 'B""d' ""t'R' . r'"i'i\'i$%!Ni"i'i'" 'PP"',"i,":1ii"iii!'i'",^(;'ii'i"1'i':2"0'" 'O"i'O"O'O"'f ;;:,ii'f"J;/V"i;/y,,":n';t"i",,;,"',"'Ji'iii"r.O...., "'W!~iWfiii;"fgi!'!';;'i"'2" '0' "'0' YO'O'" .0"... '~:r.O a" IJ e - L:;I/":\-,,,,~/,'}"<,:;~',~,1, ~:k~,)..i1;,~>!1.<'}_'W,;{:'0l~'i'\i,;:;t~j));" ," ,,' ~ " J'i\'''')...;~'';.>,:<<~,>'$'''-.:;t'','_,,::.~_.^_'l;~{~,'*b;,~:,.;'",,:~>:,.,,!&," "ilt06;,'Yi\:}i-~}::"''''~~'''':'f;-''~''('~'-;';'';::,I;'V """", ~1 L~, :""'" ','0,;;.,' ?~,,-,.-- ,_ ,,' g,>,..,,~,,;\ ..<" ''''~~:,,:~'i.;,,:::;~~-;,;~~\i.~~:~:.f:;"'::.N;,;;;:,i~~iR'<~~'''i.-i~''''',-:::;~~~~J}.-,I-.,."",,,,:"",, ,...:;. .~,-.",<,Il\:r;M;\,.,j}'1;~;"M ,;::;,~&'Af;i":~I.;(?,,~I:'j;l<;zii;yD:{~1i~~:1;~>>__kll.i-%:;t;{.:4;'N:~"t:.\~t,:(^,~ij.,t~i~;;;{.;;~<:' ,,,.,,~>~".t,",,,-,;,",,-....&J' [1'Total Expenditures 1,081'::1 .1 .,' . 1,081:890.1 Total Encumbrances 0 l'TotalRemaininq Budget $118,110, $0 $118,110 I . I Total Funding i I tr.otaliatJ(jgi.'..elRn~X;m~ttl~it:l1tL~ff'.{%'ie:,~fA@:t0'iW~i'Y~'~~1:/;:~~1:1t764~i'7.08:1 ;1~~1~it~i1:i~~~ili~;:~;t~~_~;tti'(~7J34'Jtz08;_ If~taIExpenciit~re;,'''' ,...,...."" "1 ,493:685'0>"" ","'","~,,,..., r.4'93:68'5. '!'Total Encumbrances 0 0 hotal Remaininq Budget $271 023.. $0 $271 023 ." 'i II !I:!;:~~~i~~:g' 0~~,S.~F;;;'4;g,,;W;;;..II;:;!~;ik:;~'~~~.~$~?::;,324;1;;'}i:!:~~~:{:r~$i~~:~:()O' )'~!;;i;);;;Fi{;'ii~~~~$15;985i:32J I. : :.'.. - , . . . . - , ,; ',- . . - . . ,. , , . " ,; ;;;;,;>i,:;;>.::;:>.':;~\;~ ;~j:"t:: :'\'~<: {";}i~1:~"~''''('' --';:'f;\;'<:;;;;;,';{J;" No-': ,-'"....-.__.. .1, --,-"..,~ -1 ~-!;'t:A:b~:;:_";,>"3~X'_:!d{,~-.,',\}1:~~:kJt::~..,,.i:___'i-..c__w.-.;l wo"''''''':;' '~;~';}ii,'kj;jx~\;,~"'';~i;y;:~t::~J;;::-~k:c... ..."',,, _ -'." '"', .:; <^, ,. ');"1 'l'Total Expenditures 1,17t,3381 1,171,338 iTotal Encumbrances 154,06:71 154,067 II Ii Total Remalnlnq Budget, $4.499,9161 $160,000 $4,659,9161! ' Ii "" I! I (~ ' ~,,- , I 2n I PARKS AND RECREATION pLAN ("f\ ....in, ./ I I !.) ,,/ L.., / . ( . \ I I I A t 1 . i r , i I I. r , , _!.-: - I I I ---- - L'l_ I I I I _. I . ,r-"1' .' ' f ...., / ,Oq_"-r L'11 ---, \ ,-' \ '-~ I I \ ,I \ po.~""--'PNH"""""'. ..,.j,j \ ' .. :~J..n'...nnT , '... I'$---i ~~~ "'.- I SERVICE AREAS ~,- L., @ Nolvhborhood Partl 112. mil. I J MulUpurpos. Court, 1 :1/4 mil. I ~ ~ Community PDne 2 mil.. L .~_ j I I~- I FACI~IT1ES I L Panorama Hills Open Space Park e,;Poway Community Swim Center 2. Valle Verde Parl< 9: POWey Ccmmunlly Pam, 3, lake Poway Recreetlon Atea 10;,HillearyPark 4, poway Centartor the Peitormlng Arts 1,1, StarrldgePam I 5; Twin, Peaks Mulllpurpose Center 12, MeadOwbrook Mulllpurjl<)S,! Center e, Old' Poway Pam 13, Rancno,AtbolllOs Operi'Space'Park 7 Garden Road Pam 14.!lIiversetpark I 15..Balla Bendixen Pari< ,I . I PQWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 1997~98~AND 1998~99 REVENUES ,BY FONDS: AND SOUR€ES I 214-. ___ ___ ___~~ _. il RE~~~~ES- B~ FUNDS A~D' SOURCES I I, " - - -- ----- "I , " Ii FY 1995-96 FY 1996-97 FY1997-98 FY 1998-99 ;1. II Actual Actual Approved Approved Ii ii FUND 291- POINSETTIA FAM/LYMHP FUND- -~ III i17411 Interest Income-General $ 3~ :2!'J7 $ 21 ;940 ,$ 29:24,9 $ 30,230:' i[7441 Space Remtal 642,?54 630,637654:010 673,610! 117442 Cox Cable Rental 23,538 25;410 ,28,:590 31',910 "I i 7443 Gas/Elect~iciiy Revenue 99,245 103,798102;220 105,200 !: I 7444, Water/~ewer Revenue 49,7~2 56,892 52;2_?P 54,770 Ii !,7445 Sto'rage Revenue 2,9852,616 4,000 4,000 "I ' II _. .. ..', _ ,_' _;",'_' ',__ .,': _. :".. ,"..' 'i "';:C'_' ,,-, ',.,;.",_' ,."" '___ .. _,:. _"_,',_,_" '___,', '_ ' III I,T.o.. t'<3F Poinseltia";F;amiiyJiM HP.;Fndi'r$'\I'li'I'~i,849'081)1!$!'\;~i"i"'i:\:\841- 20"3 $ , """"'876\340:" ~$,.1\~~;\1'899'720' I .. .. '," . .. .... "" ,~",,_".-.,.'" "..." -.'.,. .,. "I. ._........; "_ .1i;)JI :e",...."...,<.,r,_ ,'" 0.';.......;'- ,.' ..~~ ,,<c"; .',oJ;.,__ '.' " - , y- I," '" .." ., ";""'Co...' "U,' .',' ,.. -",.. ". l1 II FUND 292- POINSET'TIA,'SENIOR NiHp FOND :'1 1[7411 Interest Income- General $ 25:926 $ 18,173 $ 23;270 $24,060 I:. 17441 Space Rental 503,50,7 520,178 537,;300553,420 ii .7442 Cox Cable Rental "17,883 2t,307 25,480 28,440 i'l 117443 GaS/Ele,ct~icity R~venue 60,00.3 65,498 61;80.0. '6.5,5. ,10 lit , 17444 Water/Sewer Revenue (}3,6Q7 39,963 35;2QO 38,820 Ii , i 7445 . Storage Revenue ".,.. ..~ ,<~6!, " "'" 900 ,"""~,, ,^ ,"'" ~Dol:1 rfl P -. , It' 'S'" ,",' 'MI1P'Fd'$' "<"",,"'''';641,'588'''i'-$'rMMi.,666''019'' $'",,,i~'''':'ll,'6831'40';fr$',;;''''''''7t1i050 ' ; <;> -~ !' > qlnse: 18",..!3 n!9f,jt; ,,:1 _):n, \;0 \i~:i;~:i:'Lh. .:fuu/,,>:~ .,_,,, "";i"}r_,j:;1i:~":';'l;;:;.,.;.\..". ___, _,,~ ,,-' '''.I ;,:;:"\, ,'. ;~;~i" ~~""'-""r-' ,_..l~:.I.i _ _J,r:it;1:l::iii:'<",:(/",;"",,,,,. il FUND 293-POWAY ROYAL MHP FUND. . il 7411 Interest Income-General $ 156:588 $ 117,486 $ 135',460$ 140,040 III '17441 Space Rental,. 2,18_9;~J9 2.222.156 2,2?,g:~, 7.0. ;2;320;?50il ,,7442 Cox Cable Rental 65;85:4 70,709 8?,430,92,020 I, ' '17443 Gas/Electricity Revenue 304;602 308,462 313:740 '332.560 'I i 7444 w.ater/sewer Revenue 133,57,1 152,233 140:25.0, 154,280 II . 7445 Storage,Revenue. ;24,4, ~1 20,531 2,?',OOO ,2Q,0001 ! 7613 Admininistrative Revenue/Other 67.;154 - - " ' Iii 7891 .. ~i,',s~ellaneous~eve~ u~, s "..',".",""'.', ',F" """"","' "," .,...,..,.750..""."...""",.'",'. .,', 2:,0~" 1,., ""',"',., ',...-_.. ,', ,.,...'., -.",'. ',','.',',",.".,.......'.." ....,'..., -...'.','."", ".'."'..,. il; ;rota Ihl;>owa:ilRoya I,' M 11 F?t ~J.! nd ,.,,"'~ $ {'li!;~;~,f!-f~? 1.~;)1~#*iiii::i!jt~i 2; ~,,~~,658i;i!~ iili":;~?;~p~,;82Qi'j\[$i!!:i;~;0~4;;E!~Q!,! . i FUND 294-HALEY MHP FUND I' 7411 . Interest Income-General $ (5,105) $ 1,292 $ - '$ 3;410. 7441 Space Rental 182:235 271,161 289,,1'30 293,64Q 7442 Cox Cable8.ental 51 118 - -I 'i 7444 Water/Sewer. 63, . 16 - - i II ;:~~~ti~~~~I~~~:eSn~:venues _ 5;405 1 ~:~;i _90,0, _ 900 !II ]1 Total Haley .MHP;Funa,"ii,I!'lll'182i649.,,,i!$:,~!~ ,,';~iB4';235\ if i;I'!1<,:'29,O;030\ :$'.',"", ,291.[950jl !I " .' .' ,'''''. ,."""'" .,..' ,,-,.- .' .,.".' , 1"-"...;.:..v'P.'." ~""_''',..'- .' . ."""""'""'" ,,<' -- ~ .~. n. :' FUND 321- DEBT SERVICE (RDM::FD,COp;'rAEl) FUt)lD I,. i 7118 Taxes- RDA Tax l[1crement $ 12,.141..125 $' 11,362,734 $ 12,174,820 $ 12,783;560 '7411 Interest Income- General 1..13,251 18,009 . 41,880 54,500 I 74,12 Interest Income -- Restricted 623:062 610,90,1 571 :530 571,530 ' , 7891 Miscellaneous Revenue t:901 2,745 - - ,I Total RDA Debt;Ser:vi~eF:und@l:j'~$ ,;;i!@87;~r3;39 '$/ -1.2;07'h389 $12;.7:8~:2'!9,;,tr$t3;4Q9;590 'I C,~___~~~ ~.-= .- __I '~'f!; ! . il:r -"~===~'=c--=~.~ . ',. .--- -~~~""=~'--' .~, 2,1"5 ,Ii REYENUESB~ fUNR$ AND~SOURCES " II ---.--- ,-----~ 'Iii FY 1~95-96 FY1996"97 FY 1997-98 Fy 1998"fl9 I, , . Ii Actual Actual, APproved Approilea II -- ~- ,~, ! I: 'Iii' FJ..lND'431,.TAB 1,986 CONSTRUCTION ,FUND , ~ Ii. 74;11 Interestlncbme- General $ 22;861 $ 18;960 $ 22,5,90:$ 1.3,620 illl' .,!1toml\[ABi?6;$9nsir.u~liord;:\ih~cj'c, ..$,::':;,'2?i~61:i:':$lWti::F;:.'(, '18;960' $' 22,59Q: :$ ," J~1!>2,OI . J' . ,FUND43,2~;rAB 1989 CQNSTRtlC;rIQN,FUND. ',' , ,I 11!74.11 Intere~Hncome" General $ ,364,908$333;692 $ 217,150 $ 130;710 'I 'I 7830, Donations 8;400, - - I , ' II. \[I;pj~J~M~i?~';C.ohs!fuctfoi:i,'Fu~6(:f':l:$,:I;~:~~:'J:t~;~Q~'il'::$~it\~~':;~33:692 $ ,,2117\'15Q' j)~~r J39,7~ 0: II ' , FUND433- TAB 1990CONSTRUCrlQN FUND '" ii , I F411 ,Interestlncome- Genera!,$ ,3~,92:,,~ ~,~, ,:0,77? $ 16,63~ $ "..,13;800 '[ "Ii ;r't"I':r'A' 'B'90'C' 't"'%"'t"""C"'''''''''/.\'''31''922' ',,' """"",'120'770' "'16"630",""",I",IlI'13"'8 00' I - '" t; 1;;9 ~~ ,~.I".' _ ~ : ,';':P n 5 f,lJC, u:) '1!:'k~:!D~,'~~;;~~$i'!i~';:;{;21'::i~:: .,:_,-" _ '''', 'i: :~-~~h:ii::;::'!:~li~!;r';:,? ," ~__ r. ,,' '.) ::$1 :::" "'~,_, I.,;"j1i" ;~~' <:-~~::'-~'~;~~'::'".: J, "J"'"_"'" ij " I' I,' ,. FUND 4~4" TAB19g'3,C0NSTRU~TI<jN FUND . ii '" ,7411 Interest Income- General $ 766;280 $ 38};403 $ 304,250 $ 153;620 I' , .j "7830 Donations 105;204 - - - Ii I,' imdtali-tAB\93 'Construclion!'F[jha:1!'~$l1l~!::i:1871'484i!!i$'1:I:l!ii!:i'l"3'83"403;," '364~2501,!$i!::i':!il',i;153i'626(: '[' '. 'I ", I." ,-' .' ,_. -"~.~"'~'."~""'_,."'-"-_-:""'-I;"""""'"".J,',_._.,.. ',-1, __,+"-_'l'C.""!.,.~,_",..l,,,._,,,_ .,,,..,.!--'..,,,,-,,,, "jtiJ.",-:'-"'-'~;'r.-,,,, J'.,.... ',1:, 'I' ' FUND 435" COP 1991" CONSJRUCTIONFUND II ;l741'1 inte'restlncome- General $ - $ 5;4JO $ - $ - i[ (7412 Interest Income-Restricted , 13,,132 _ 7:72fj 13,120, 13,120 il 'I' .',', . -"", . -,,.,..,.., ...' '.'..w',." ,". .....,'""",..", ",,,." ..." ,...". ''"'''''''''''''''T''''''''-'' II " ' ITTotaICOe"'91"C6nstrUttiorf:Fun'a:,p"$Ji/:lil:IJ"" ::131132',I'!$,j'1lMI'lili'i,:13;:136",i'$,,)!'i:!f' ,,13i120il"$!i,li111(;C!,13i,120:,. ! ", ,,~..,',',', .", ;."" ~ . w, '.. .- i"'. ""':'" -,"-4",,; ".....,~i;'.. ,",'~" ~';' _..'e' ._,_"'.]-; ;"V'i -<'<'<r"""""" -- C,,,,"__ '" '," ',;1', ;,- .,' -'1.1-'","' "'~"_"_"'" ""_"""".-"",1"_"",,,,,-,, ',,'n',-_-''"',' , FUND 436" R[lA CAPITALPROJECTS FU}.jb I, 71"32 Sales Taxes- Proposition A $ ,8;426.000 $ - $ - $ '17411 Interest Income- General 34.3;087207A~0 32,950' 34;060 j 1",1,747,' 1,' Rental . 179,894 1,79,8.12 188,600 190;050 ['I' ,7523 TDAGrant 125,000 - - - , 7544, State Grant- SB300 - 1 716000 - I . , . " c~',,_ ,.. II ',.1',77.36,' Miscellaneous!Engineering Fees - _. 25 1,736,990 - ii , : 17?23 DeVeli:)P..erp~rticiPati6n,'(CIP) 201,173 - - 'I' -' 7830 Donations (55,500) - - 'I '117881 SaleiQf Surplus;property -, 3},1 ;612 - - 'I'I , 7891 Mi~cell~be6us Revenue ,.,'. "., ' ",....,.562, v .,907 , - - '. ..,' .,1 I 'jl@?J .R.DAJG~RtPr9jet!s'F@d:l:~ld:!':i:i9;O)f~;()~4,:t;il@'ii,ii:iil~?;;;~2();:t09' '$,\';; 3;67,4f~~()~Si:~;);:~ilii.:8~~?,1i1;1:Q'" !: Iii' i=UND 437- RDA.ADMINISliRAJI0N Fl:.IND ,. ;: ,il7411 .Interest Income-General $ 42,112 $ 5E>:871 $ 79,079 $ 8~;750: '11174.71 Rental -, 2,400 2,400 ! I' 7891 Mi~cellilneOLJSiRevenue 119 206:403 - - I' II ,! T:olaIReg:,Devel~,c.:amn;Funai'j!'! isH '4'2;231 <$i"ri'!!t'I,J263i274$81'4io:l~'$i?I'1';)~Mr841i1"56 ' 'I'll ... '" -~ ,,-, -'-''', ,1, -' . ,'..'.,' ,,,) ",,<, _,l,_ - ,.1" "'~'".-;'>";,,'o,'d~.,,h,C" i'",J,'... ;~ , r i' I" , t~ _ .~_ _ -.- - -,~ - - _____216___,_ __ ..- - - --- - - - ~~ ~--- ~ - ------=~- :.1 ' - - ----- --- ----- ----------.---- ----- REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES n____n__ " FY 1995-96' FY 1996-97 FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 ill i' I' Actual Actual ~eproved Approved 11- -.- , I II FUND 471- LOW/MODERATE INCOME HOtlSING '"'UNO " " -, 689;720 :!I 117411. Interest Incomec GenElr<i,l $ 454;333 $ 530.675 $537;370 $ Ii 7814 Loah Repaymemt-CDBG/LowMo" 2,862 - "ii . , il ITQ.t~fU:::6w/Mqarfnc}17,l6@iflg\:I}~nqi;$i '~:i~~5413:3~';i~:$11M~l~i"lii!,~,~~;53? i$ .,;, , :!:i:3Z';37Q\$i,'r;:'l)_~~;~20. :11 I '-1 I FUNDS 612 thru'616" RSGADMN/CAPITAL,REPLACEMENTFUNDS :i , 7411 Interest Income_ General $ - $ 18,088 $$ - "1 i 7475 Rental~ yeail?qpitarOutlay - 310;410' 31010,10' 310,010:1 117613 i",~~~'!n,I~lst:~tlv~Rev_~nu~l~ther"";"T""'~l"!;:";"",~""},"'I'C69:,:31",, _ ,;' 72;2,90 'r:;,!4;60Cl til I ,[q!?llliOu!5g'Agl"Tln/G.,!p;R!?plc;:Fg,[$';i",:,'"'\";I;;;,(i",~t,:,'$,,1J::,/:3,9(l;4?!!,'M.' l ':38?;~()O" $';"('i,:i:384;61,()":1 II ,'" "" """,~";,l"'('",, I'.''' "" ,_'Ie,],"-,,_' ","~" :'''I'il,,'',',<I'':'' "":",,,,,,,,( "~'''\'i/"",jo:'''%I')'':''',;,!I'!,::!"':.;i'l'.f'~''::''""'1,"-'" C' ,,',' "---" ,,; - -' ,'"""_.'1'" " !' ~:"''''''';;:'';;-''''''"4'"'''''' -, Ii I Ii ,REVEN LJ ECGRAND,;JOifAU'ii",,'!!f!"$ t'28'323'790li:;!$!.i';'.19 "645"414i:U$!1wi22:85~i;:010" \,!$i!,20090'420~" I .1" ,,',', . t'- -.-- - ~,' --,' ......,.. '. ., "'. ' -"'''.,,''"-' .'.' .,_..,',.,_....,~'.,,.......,',,.,.' ,,"'-,,..,,,,,-,J,,,:,.,-',",;<:>:-H,_, "'-'~'-;"-'- :',.,,- f...,-' -- - ,,. ,.",.~';" '., ',.. "'. ~;:*,,' " .'....,..,.."".;' ;',~'''''' , Ii II iil II ~ ' II I 1,1 'I I Itl il ,I II II :1 I II I I , III I I r I , ,il il I i II I, II " " :11 , h [I , " :1 i' I, I " , " I, :1 ii , , " , II I -_._~ II POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 1997-98 AND 1998-99 STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES AND RESERVES 218 I " _~ ~ CD (J) N co /' ,....,.. '"",....'lI::t" /> r- -N 'V~"~~N. ''#t CO't' Ct) -::: en' '~-.;':i m CO~~' 1'~N co ,0-:-.::tr':' ,-,~l"";. 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"0 co Q) __ __ __ _ ""C ..... a.. ..... 0>- r- ei <( U (f) co t) co t) QI ~ co t) :2 c' >- QI ro t) co t) e ro 0 :J I __ Q.) -- Q) rn'- - Q) - ....."C CO'- -- Q) >. ..... Q) '-lIl:=:: L- U. <( <( - ,- '- .- '- e.o .- '- ,. ~ .0 '-'- QI .-'~ C. r7 l ..c 0.0 0.0 00.0> -c ;::00.0 0.0:J ,-.'- ! 00 Q) co'- (0'- 'o-=::: m~O Q):J o-=::: ca'- (0 (tji"- oeo ,{ I Cl: 0:: 0 uc.. uc.. c..'"" uc..-l o::u. c..'"" uc.. I un. IU 220 I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADMINISTRATIVE .. 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED BEGINNING BAL.- July 1 $ - $ 41,371 $ 41,371 $ (43,778)$ - I Prior Years Appropriation - - - Revenues 42,231 74,370 263,274 81,470 84,150 iTOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 42,231 $ 115,741 $ 304,645 $ 37,692 $ 84,1501 I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses $ 2,947,352 $ 2,919,930 $ 3,658,012 $ 2,738,400 $ 2,736,460 I Program Expenses 121,539 120,000 148,711 193,000 - Total Oper.lProg. Expenses $ 3,068,891 $ 3,039,930 $ 3,806,723 $ 2,931,400 $ 2,736,460 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES ' $3,068,891 $ 3,039,930 $ 3,806,723 $ '" 2,931,400 $ 2,736,460: i TRANSFERS/LOANS-IN (OUT) I Transfer from Debt Service $ 2,712,342 $ 2,589,689 $ 3,049,197 $ 2,501,558 $ 2,240,550 thru City I Transfer to RDA CIP Fund - - (13,378) - - Transfer from Low/Moderate Actual Administrative Costs 355,689 33~,500 422,48) 392.150 4JJ,"l60 I I ... iTOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ 3,068,031 $ 2,924,189 $ 3,458,300,$ 2,~f)3,708$ 2,652,310] I , I iTOTAL FUND,BALANCE '" il IAPPROPRIA TED $ 41,371 $ - $ (43,778)$ - $ - I - . I I I I 221 . FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL 'I I !I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I I, " CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS i i II 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED JBEGINNING BAL.- July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Iprior Years Appropriation 2,067,639 (622,947) (622,947) (2,092,116) 2,071,154 11~:~enues _.....,...". _ ..."~,.019,0~3~"",,,J::.203,8:~,"~__9;0~0.9..... ,~~6:4,540 224,11~ I 'T.Q.T1\Lf...~NP.~l~Y6l~B,~E::.$Jj ,Q~p,~~ $k.4...QJ].Q,~~$~ f!t?;r~2>.$~ 1.!?82:1~rW.iQ.~6..1l1 ,IEXPENDITURES II Program Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ 3,000 $ - I Total Program Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ 3,000 $ - II Capital Projects: I Streets and Highways $10,059,504 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ - $ - I Flood Control & Drainage 1,105,000 - - - - ~ G"","me"' .o;Id;"" (B,767) . 27,321 . . Parks and Open Space 53 - (52,000) - - I Water Improvements (4,108) - - - - , Sewer Improvements (42,967) - - - - I Housing Projects 197,082 - (250,020) - - II Revitalization Projects 114,254 - 761,533 - - I Total Capital Projects $11,420,051 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,486,834 $ - $ - ~~OZ~iJ"Ex~E~Ji1(!!!l!'~ 'Ii\if;.m;~<T.'!!?1Jil..::.t."Obl!;Q.OO;::!It."4B!PI,~~lmiii~:PO~~ I,T~~~:~~;~L?~~~~p(Ou-r; _ $ 250,020 $ _ $ _ $ _ ~ T""fee f~m Steee' F"d 244,000 . . - . , Trans. to RDA Debt Service (450,000) - - - - · Fund I Transfer from Municipal Fund - - - 491,730 - I Loan payment from CDBG - - 83,578 - - Grant Fund - - -- II Trans. from RDA Admin. Fund 13,378 1 Loan toCDBG Grant Fund (83,578) - - - - :rrQTAtTAANSFERS1[OANS"$,:~(289,578):$'""t.250~$' ~\96;956'$~ ~491;i36"'$>'l: ..::;;, ~1 ~JOT~~FUND BA~~~E~7- - ~ '.' ,~ . _.~ ~, - ,~- ,.-. ,> IIAPPROPRIA TED' '\' ,,:r'(62i947)~$-:2,~3i:l,lt1~2,092~itp;$ ~r07{J 54\~2,29S;2i4! " I I ~222 I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - DEBT SERVICE FUND I 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997 -1998 1998-1999 I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED BEGINNING BAL.- July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Prior Years Appropriation 14,251,425 14,086,668 14,086,668 11,750,474 11,479,896 II Revenues 12,879,339 12,859,110 12,074,389 ~,788,230 13,409,590 , $ 24,538,704 $ 24,889,4861 I ,TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $27,130,764 $26,945,778 $ 26,161,057 EXPENDITURES I Bond Interest and Redemption $10,196,889 $10,830,550 $ 10,679,396 $ 10,217,120 $ 10,960,480 Loan Interest - City 176,350 172,090 172,087 182,230 185,630 I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES $10,373,239 $11,002,640 $ 10,851,483 $ 10,399,350 $ 11,146,1101 TRANSFER/LOANS-IN (OUT) I Transfer to City Debt Service $ (1,234,866) $ (1, 116,41 0) $ (1,076,113) $ (1,088,420) $ (1,054,170) Transfer to RDA Admin, Fund through City (2.712,342) (2,589,689) (3,049,197) (2,501,558) (2,240,550) I Transfer from Redevelopment Agency CIP Fund 450,000 - - - - Transfer from Poway Royal I Mobile Home Park Fund 1,973,555 1,795,200 1,683,879 1 ,733,690 1,743,690 'i Transfer from Poinsettia Mobile Home Park Funds 799,481 848,000 844,683 946,360 945,820 I Transfer to Low/Moderate 20% of Tax Increment (2,428,225) (2,439,270) (2,276,547) (2,434,960) (2,556,710) Transfer from Low/Moderate 'I 20% of T AS Debt Service 1,427.763 1,430.660 1,403,545 1.380,430 1,482.710 Transfer to Low/Moderate 20% of TAB Debt Service I - Prior Years (130,785) - - - - Transfer to 1991 COP Fund (1,056) - - - - Net Affect of 1991 COP I Bond Refunding 63,018 - - - - Transfer to 1989 TAB and Low-Moderate Housing Funds - - (544,350) - - I Loan pymnt from Trust Fund 2,600 - - - - Loan pymnt to Gen. Fund (430,OOO) (545,OOO) (545,000) (695,OOO) (730,OOO) Loan pymnt to Drainage Fund (450,000) - - - - I , TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ (2,670,857) $ (2,616,509) $ (3,559,100) $ (2,659,458)$ {2,409,210) ,TOTAL FUND BALANCE I 'APPROPRIATED $14,086,668 $13,326,629 $ 11,750,474 $ 11,479,896 $ 11,334,1661 I - I ....... 223-- I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL i" CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS -1986 TAB I 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED I BEGINNING BAL.- July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Prior Years Appropriation 93,048 13,414 13,414 (10,831 ) 4,789 t' Revenues 22,861 18,760 18,960 22,590 13,620 : !TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 115,909 $ 32,174 $ 32,374 $ 11,759 $ 18,409 I I EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Capital Projects: I Streets and Highways $ (5) $ - $ - $ - $ - Traffic Signals - - - 18,000 - I Government Buildings 15,700 5,000 5,000 (11,030) - Parks and Open Space 200,500 16,200 16,200 - - Housing Projects - - 22,000 - - , Revitalization Projects _(113,700) - 5 - - Total Capital Projects $ 102,495 $ 21,200 $ 43,205 $ 6,970 $ - I ,TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 102,495 $ 21,200, $ 43,205 $ 6,970 $ - , I I:TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - _ TOTAL FUND BALANCE I APPROPRIATED $ 13,414 $ 10,974 $ (10,831) $ 4,789 $ 18,409 I I I I, ---224 II FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I , CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS -1989 TAB I " " II 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997 -1998 1998-1999 I II ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED I iBEGII-.JNING BAL.- July 1 s - $ - $ - $ - $ - IPrior Years Appropriation 638,186 171,984 171,984 487,886 1,023,122 I :Revenues 373,308 308,750 333,692 217,150 130,710 i!TOTAL-FUNDS AVAILABLE ','.' ',,", -- -~,"',' ."""'.,,'~~ ~ "'.~ :<:m """ ~... ~, ~ ~~,. ~, $ 1,011,494 $ 480,734 $ 505,676,$ 705,036 $ 1,153,832 ,II ,I Ii 'I I !EXPENDITURES : Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Capital Projects: I Streets and Highways $ - $ - $ (46,320) $ - $ - II Traffic Signals - - (175,000) - - I Flood Control & Drainage 36,915 176,000 224,000 (71,000) - :, Government Buildings (94,394) 349,300 467,946 - - .. , II Parks and Open Space 9,291 - - 190,800 25,000 i! Water Improvements 440,000 - - - - , II Sewer Improvements - - - 50,000 - I :1 Housing Projects (60,000) - - - - 'I ,I Revitalization Projects 507,698 _(100,000) 32,674 - - ,I il Total Capital Projects $ 839,510 $ 425,300 $ 503,300 $ 169,800 $ 25,000 'I. < ,> :'.-, 169,8QCt$. :_~~Q90~ ;: II ITOTAL EXP.ENDITYRE~' $ 839.,51~Q $ 425,300 $ .g03,300 ~ $~ ...... '"" ,-, ". :,TRANSFERS/LOANS-IN (OUT) I ' Transfer from RDA Debt Service (Redemption of 1989 TAB I from fiscal agent) $ - $ - $ 485,510 $ - $ - Transfer from Municipal Fund - - - 487,886 - , 487,886$ I 'TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ - $ - ," $ 485,510 $ - [TOTAL FUND BALANCE ~; i ApPROPRIATED $ 171,984 $ 55,434 $ 487,886 $ 1,023,122 $ 1,128,832 ,I 2~5~ I: FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL 11 I POINSETTIA MOBILE HOME PARKS I 1'1 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED IIBEGINNING BAL. - July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - -~ - Prior Years Appropriation 469,399 577,580 577,580 608,818 459,368 Itevenues 1,490,669 1,527,200 1 ,507,222 1 ,553,480 1,610,770 ., [TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 1,960,068 $ 2,104,780 $ 2,084,802 $ 2,162,298 $ 2,070,138 II "EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses $ 583,007 $ 725,380 $ 631,301 $ 756,570 $ 770,310 I Total Operating Expenses $ 583,007 $ 725,380 $ 631,301 $ 756,570 $ 770,310 Capital Projects: I, Housing Projects $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I, Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - [TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 583,007$ 725,380 $ ,631,301 $ 756,570 $ 770,310 I - TRANSFERS/LOANS-IN (OUT) I Trans. to RDA Debt Service $_(799,481)$ (848,000) $ (844,683)$ (946,360)$ (945,820) . jlTOTAL TRANS~ERS/LOANS $ (799,481 )$ (848,000) $ (844,683)$ (946,360)$ (945,820) , I!TOTAL FUND BALANCE 'APPROPRIATED $ 577,580 $ 531,400 $ 608,818 $ 459,368 $ 354,008 I I I I I ~226 I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL i; 'I LOW/MODERATE INCOME HOUSING I I: :1 I II 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED " I.BEGINNING BAL. - July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I ,Prior Years Appropriation 280,363 1,364,999 1,364,999 1,949,324 3,522,547 Revenues 454,333 273,650 533,537 537,370 689,720 I , ~~ - ~ ).... 'iTOTALFUNDS AVAILABLE $ 734,696 $,.1;63M4~,,$ 1,~98,5315 $ 2,486,694 $ 4,212,267 IEXPENDITURES I " Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Program Expenses 1,831 - - - - I " Total Oper.lProg. Expenses $ 1 ,831 $ - $ - $ - $ - I 'I Capital Projects: I " Housing Projects $ 37,713 $ (355,689)$ 458,040 $ (373,473)$ (178,618) il Revitalization Projects - - 533 - - " ,: Total Capital Projects $ 37,713 $ (355,689)$ 458,573 $ (373,473)$ (178,618) ,I, " ,,' ". l;;' - "".,.,, ,,-, "', e,< jTOTAL EXPENDITURES $ " 39,544 $ (355;689)$ 458,573$ (373,473)$ (178,618)" I , !I 'ITRANSFERS/LOANS-IN (OUT) I Transfer to Haley :1 ,: Mobile Home Park Fund $ (105,711)$ (36,931)$ - $ - $ - o! It Transfer from RDA Debt Service 'I 20% of Tax Increment 2,428,225 2,439,270 2,276,547 2,434,960 2,556,710 i I, Transfer to RDA Debt Service 20% of TAB Debt Service (1,427,763) (1,430,660) (1,403,545) (1,380,430) (1,482,710) Transfer from RDA Debt Service I 20% of TAB Debt Service " - Prior Years 130,785 - - - - Transfer from RDA Debt Service I (Redemption of 1989 TAB from fiscal agent) - - 58,840 - - Transfer to RDA Administrative I Fund Actual Admin. Costs (355,689) (334,500) (422,481) (392,150) (411,760) TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ ,669.847 $ ," 637, 179,~ 509,361 $ 662,380 $ 662,240 ,I ~OTALFUNDBALANCE I 'APPROPRIATED $ 1,364,999 $ 2,631,517 $ 1,949,324 $ 3,522,547 $ 5,053,125 I I' n~. FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL 1'1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS -1990A TAB I, 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED BEGINNING BAL. - July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Prior Years Appropriation 54,184 38,106 38,106 5,684 22,314 Revenues 31,922 24,360 20,770 16,630 13,800 I:ITOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 86,106 $ 62,466 $ 58,876 $ 22,314 $ 36,114 I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital Projects: I, Streets and Highways $ (85,461) $ - $ - $ (37,000)$ - Flood Control & Drainage 93,000 - - - - I Government Buildings - - (45,700) - - Parks and Open Space 40,000 46,000 98,892 37,000 - I Revitalization Projects 461 - - - - 48,000 46,000 $ Total Capital Projects $ $ 53,192 $ - $ - .- I;TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 48,000 $ 46,000 $ 53,192,,$ - $ - I;TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I I TOTAL FUND BALANCE I' APPROPRIATED $ 38,106 $ 16,466 $ 5,684 $ 22,314 $ 36,114 I I, I I =228 'I FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I II 11 POWAY ROYAL MOBILE HOME PARK I II " II I Ii 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 II ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED I 'I I!BEGINNING BAL.- July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - i.Prior Years Appropriation 2,673,221 2,286,731 2,286,731 2,295,277 2,190,727 I ':Revenues 2,942,819 2,938,900 2,893,658 2,969,850 3,064,650 [[TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 5,616,040 $ 5,225,631 $ 5,180,389 $ 5,265,127 $, 5,255,377 I I" II II iiEXPENDITURES I II Operating Expenses $ 1,055,774 $ 1,288,990 $ 1,201,233 $ 1,340,710 $ 1,389,190 :i I Total Operating Expenses $ 1,055,774 $ 1,288,990 $ 1,201,233 $ 1,340,710 $ 1,389,190 Capital Projects: ,I :1 Housing Projects $ 299,980 $ - $ - $ - $ - ,I I Total Capital Projects $ 299,980 $ - $ - $ - $ - ITOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,355,754 $ 1,288,990 $ 1,201,233 $ 1,340,710 $1,389,190 I ,TRANSFERS/LOANS-IN (OUT) I Transfer to Redevelopment Agency Debt Service $ (1,973,555) $ (1,795,200) $ (1,683,879)$ (1,733,690) $ (1,743,690) (TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ (1,973,555)' $ (1,795,200) $ (1,683,879)$ (1i33,690) $ (1,743,690)1 " I \, 'iTOTAL FUND BALANCE <t:;, I APPROPRIATED $ 2,286,731 $ 2,141,441 $ 2,295,277 $ 2,190,727$2;122,497 I ,I I I ?29 . 1.1 FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 1991 CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION I 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 Ii ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED I,BEGINNING BAL. - July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Prior Years Appropriation 269,358 283,546 283,546 46,662 47,782 I iRevenues 13,132 12,000 13,136 13,120 13,120 60,902\ :TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 282,490 $ 295,546 $ 296,682 $ 59,782 $ I EXPENDITURES I Capital Projects: 250,020 12,000 $ Housing Projects $ - $ - $ $ - I" Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $ 250,020 $ 12.000 $ - I :TOTAL EXPENDITURES i $ $ - $ 250,020 $ 12,000 $ i - - ! I TRANSFERS/LOANS-IN (OUT) 1,056 Tran. from RDA Debt Svc $ $ - $ - $ - $ - I Tran. to RDA CIP Fund - (250,020) - - - I, '1:: IITOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ 1,056 $ (250,020) $ - $ - $ - ! I{OTAL FUND BALANCE APPROPRIATED $ 283,546 $ 45,526 $ 46,662 $ 47,782 $ 60,9021 I I I I I ~~~230 FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I ,t , HALEY MOBILE HOME PARK ADMINISTRATION I I 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 ,I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED ,BEGINNING BALANCE-July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Prior Years Appropriation (26) (321) (321) 55,454 71,484 Revenues 182,649 273,010 284,235 290,030 297,950 I , TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 182,623 $ 272,689 $ 283,914 $ 345,484 $ 369,434 EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses $ 288,655 $ 309,620 $ 228,460 $ 274,000 $ 280,940 Total Operating Expenses $ 288,655 $ 309,620 $ 228,460 $ 274,000 $ 280,940 I I ITOT AL EXPENDITURES $ 288,655 $ 309,620 $ 228,460 $ 274,000 $ 280,940 TRANSFERS/LOANS-IN (OUT) I Transf. from Low/Moderate $ 105,711 $ 36,931 $ - $ - $ - I ITOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ 105,711 $ 36,931 $ - $ - $ - ,TOTAL FUNDBALANCE I lAP PROPRIA TED $ (321), $ - $ 55,454 $ 71,484 $ 88,494 I I I I I ,I I I 1.1 nL_ FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I Iii CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS -1993 TAB II 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED I Ii BEGINNING BAL.- July 1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I:Prior Years Appropriation 1,100,531 1,145,282 1,145,282 (9,698) 294,552 I):~evenue~ .,.. 871,484 .. -:5~:830 383,403 304,250 153,620 IrQTAL FU~D~AY61~BLE.... $ 1,972,015_ $'1,991.,112.~ 1,528,685 $ 294,552 $ 448,172 I. EXPENDITURES ,I Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I II Total Operating Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I Capital Projects: I Intergovernmental Projects $ - $ 743,450 $ 743,450 $ - $ - I Streets and Highways 3,446,409 - 248,542 - - -I II Flood Control & Drainage (2,847,000) - (50,936) - - Government Buildings 56,286 34,000 298,623 - - il 1 Parks and Open Space 139,040 - 280,000 - - II Revitalization Projects 31,998 - 18,704 - - II 1:1 Total Capital Projects $ 826,733 $ 777,450 $ 1,538,383 $ - $ - " IJfOl:f\L EXPENDITURES ?, ~ ~ n -, $ 826,733 $ 777,450$",1,538,383 $, ,ci'Q.'>;<JI'$::. ~~ " ",,,.., ~"e: II I tTPT,A.LJ~NSFERSfLOANS $ M - ~~ - $ .' $ - ,,;,: ,,,,~.,.,,$ - .$ - ri,.-: -- , -iI liFOTAL FUND:BALANCE i,,_')'" :-'~, ". ;,;;." """"'''' ,~' . "'t';Jli'''" !'ll1' '""" I lAP PROPRIA TED $ 1,145,282 $ 726,662 $ (9,698) $ 294,552 $ 448,172 "1 I , I I =23;> FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I HOUSING ADMINISTRA TION/CAPIT AL REPLACEMENT I 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 I ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED BEGINNING BAL. - July 1 $ $ $ I - - - $ - $ - Prior Years Appropriation - - - 328,098 638,1081 Revenues - 378,430 398,429 382,300 384,610 I 1,022,718\1 ;TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ - $ 378,430 $ 398,429 $ 710,398 $ EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses $ - $ 71,180 $ 70,331 $ 72,290 $ 74,600 Total Operating Expenses 71,180 72,290 $ I $ - $ $ 70,331 $ 74,600 Capital Projects $ $ $ $ $ I - - - - - Total Capital Projects $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I ITOTAL EXPENDITURES s - $ 71,180 $ 70,331 $ 72,290 $ 74,60011 i :1 iTOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - I , I (TOTAL FUND 948,11811 BALANCEAPPROPRIA TED $ - $ 307,250 $ 328,098 $ 638,108 $ I I I I I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 1997-98 AND 1998-99 BOND INTEREST AND REDEMPTION =234 II I 'I BOND INTEREST AND REDEMPTIONfDEBT SERVICES I' ,I I 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 II BUDGET ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED I 1990A Tax Allocation Bond $ 2,072,660 $ 2,072,655 $ 2,070,200 $ 2,068,320 Processing IArbitrage Fees 9,520 7,522 8,000 8,000 I 111995 Certificate of Participation 1,910,710 1,910,711 1,859,800 1,869,800 I Processing IArbitrage Fees 6,250 13,060 6,500 6,500 1993 Tax Allocation Bond 6,227,850 6,227,846 5,860,600 6,588,070 I Processing IArbitrage Fees 24,730 21,414 25,500 25,500 "Contract Payable- Parkway I Business 578,270 425,625 385,920 393,640 I Contract Payable- CF Poway I - - - - Contract Payable- Tech Business Ctr. - - - - Ii 'Contract Payable- County of I San Diego/Pomerado Cemetery District 560 563 600 650 I t GRAND TOTAL $ 10,830,550 $ 10,679,396 $ 10,217,120 $ 10,960,480 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 1997-98 AND 1998-99 ADMINISTRATIVE OPERATING BUDGET I - --- 236 I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I City Council I Planning I Commission Redevelopment Agency I ...". .'.'''-h.....''': ~.'":... . ....... . ~v.."",..,h.w.r-:.7W'~~~~. I I City Executive Secretaryl I I Attorney Director Treasurer 012 013 011 I , ~",,,,,>:O"""'''''''''''''''~''''''>>~,*:''.........'w.....w.;". t....................w...",.,;::: :,.. .,.......w.w.-.v.w... . ",.,.,..." ....w...........,.................. . . .,..... w... I Director I Redevelopment and Housing Services I 1010 .....;......................,......;-:.:..~.f~;i;i:i..'. I I I Redevelopment .' Housing J and Housing Administration > I 1020 " 1100 m>>'ill>>.~.m:.~.~....~.^J'r?w...'r...~......w. ....;.'.. ........".wmfi ,. ~'~"i::"WCW:'''''"' '~~.. I I I I I 237 I REDEVELOPMENT SERVICES I Departmental Activity Overview I Department Code: 1000 EXPENSE 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 I CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL APPROVED ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED I Total Positions 5 7 7 7 7 I Personnel Expense $ 381,974 $ 554,020 $ 594,199 $ 521,130 $ 542,730 Operations and 2,564,187 I Maintenance 2,346,270 2,913,233 2,215,720 2,193,730 1,192 Capital Outlay 19,640 23,116 1,550 - I TOTAL BUDGET $2,947,353 $2,919,930 $3,530,548 $2,738,400 $2,736,460 I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I The Poway Redevelopment Agency was established by the City Council on April 26, 1983. The Redevelopment Plan for the 8,200-acre Paguay Project Area was adopted on December 13, 1983 and I amended on June 15, 1993. The primary objective of the Redevelopment Agency is to develop and implement programs to eliminate blighting conditions within the Paguay Redevelopment Project Area, as authorized by Section 33000 el. seq. of the California Health and Safety Code. This is I accomplished through encouraging private investment and development, providing improvements to public facilities and infrastructure, creating affordable housing opportunities, and working jointly with the private sector to expand and diversify the City's economic base. I Funding for the Redevelopment Agency is provided through property tax increment generated within I the Redevelopment Project Area. Tax increment is a portion of the property tax generated as real estate within the Project Area is reassessed when it is sold or improved. As the Redevelopment Agency implements the Redevelopment Plan and invests within the Project Area, property values I generally increase. The Agency accelerates the availability of tax increment funds by issuing bonds to finance public improvements. I The Department of Redevelopment Services includes two divisions: the Office of the Director and Redevelopment and Housing. The Chairman and Members of the Agency Board establish the Redevelopment Agency's policies, and these same individuals also serve as the Mayor and City I Council of the City of Poway. This Department serves as the administrative branch of the Agency, operating under the direction of the Executive Director of the Poway Redevelopment Agency. This budget reflects the fifteenth and sixteenth full year of a thirty-year work program designed to I implement the Poway Redevelopment Plan. a 238 DIRECTOR OF REDEVELOPMENT SERVICES I . ..., ,. 6itiSi6~ Acti~~ I ......-'"...... ...." ;R#g~y~19piTlen~,~~rtiC~~. .' , ", Department "', ,.'.',",' """,. ,., Commentary' ,.,"..,.i"". I "_'_m__ ,........ ....,......, ",',",'__" ",,", ...., ............ ..... ..........,.,..--...,---. .. ......".."..- . .;....-.....;.,.,...',:...',..... ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Director of Redevelopment Services oversees the day-to-day operations of the poway I Redevelopment Agency. The Director is appointed by and reports directly to the Executive I Director ICily Manager. The activities of the Redevelopment and Housing Division are supervised by the Director. The Director provides staff oversight to the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee and the Poway Housing Commission. The Director reviews and administers the I Redevelopment Agency's Capital Improvement program, in cooperation with other City Departments. Housing involves the management of the Agency owned mobilehome parks and Haley Ranch Estates, as well as the development of new affordable housing projects and I programs. The Director provides staff support to the City s new Economic Development Department, and develops and administers Owner Participation and Disposition and Development Agreements. I This Division budget includes the estimated cost of City staff time, and other direct expenses incurred by City departments in the course of implementing the Redevelopment Plan for the I paguay Redevelopment Project Area. Secretarial support for the Department is provided by this Division. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. Implement the Departmenf s two-year work program to ensure consistency with the I Poway Redevelopment Plan and California Redevelopment Law. 2. Provide for the Department's timely and accurate response to inquiries by the public, the I City Council/Redevelopment Agency, and other City departments. 3. Encourage communication and dialog between the Redevelopment Agency, residents, I and the local business community on all issues of mutual concern by serving as liaison. 4. Provide staff support to the City's Economic Development Department, assist with 1 marketing the South poway Industrial Park. 5. Negotiate and administer Owner Participation and Development and Disposition I Agreements for the revitalization of the Project Area and the provision of affordable housing. I 5. Monitor proposed and chaptered State and Federal legislation with potential impact on the Redevelopment Agency, implement all applicable provisions of said legislation, and I recommend appropriate lobbying efforts. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I The Economic Development Division previously budgeted in this Department -$116,540 was transferred to a new Economic Development Department. I ?,Q I t' DIRECTOR OF REDEVELOPMENT SERVICES ,I :1 't I Redevelopment Services Division No: 1010 Division Budget Detail Obj. 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 Code Expense Classification Actual Approved Actual Approved Approved ' I Personnel EXQense Ranoe Position Title I Agency Member (5) 6,120 7,200 5,760 7,200 7,200 323.3 Redevelopment Dir. 83,440 86,960 88,035 89,650 92,780 228.1 Admin. Secretary 33,558 33,620 34,446 34,630 35,850 I 198.6 Secretary I (PIT) - 10,360 6,935 10,950 11,480 1 1110 Salaries - Regular 116,998 120,580 122,481 124,280 128,630 1120 Salaries - Special 6,120 7,200 5,760 7,200 7,200 I 1130 Salaries - Parttime - 10,360 6,935 10,950 11,480 1300 Employee Benefits 34,234 35,350 33,576 35,780 37,6001 I t~i"~~""~;;:'i;.iJ"" >--'_, "~, '~";<i "-1"m;' 1~~~15i'352 ~'j,,: :"'~,';: ,A-~" ,.168"752 ~~17821 0 .~184f91 0 'Ii';.~ , Total Personnel ;,"1\.173490 Operations and Maintenance I 1510 Temporary Services - 2,100 - - - 1704 Audit Fees 28,309 26,750 26,640 26,750 28,090 1799 Other Professional Fees 18,600 25,100 18,600 24,600 24,600 I 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 3,600 3,720 3,625 3,720 3,720 3140 Travel and Meetings 1,805 2,870 1,532 3,200 2,990 3310 Telephone 652 600 662 960 960 I 3320 Postage 38 1,900 1,739 1,750 1,750 4114 Janitorial Services - - - 600 600 I 4126 Telecommunications Contracts 1,680 1,800 30 240 240 4304 R&M Building 1,010 - - 2,500 2,500 4308 R&M Equipment 918 1,690 1,153 1,540 1,540 I 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 597 900 1,161 900 900 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 716 1,220 469 1,220 1,220 4760 Operating Supplies 1,200 1,140 1,350 1,260 1,260 I 4908 Education & Training 19 - - - - 4922 Printing 3,542 4,000 2,815 4,000 4,000 I 4924 Publications and Dues 5,075 6,130 6,657 6,020 6,530 4932 Advertising 157 1,330 1,471 1,330 1,330 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office 1,830 4,060 4,060 2,010 2,010 I 5710 Admin. Cost - General 1,360,260 1,596,980 1,355,598 1,600,000 1,656,000 5712 Admin. Cost - Capital Projects 206,390 203,020 - - - 5730 Intergovernmental Fees - 5,440 - 5,440 5,440 II II I r~:::~p~~~:~;s & Mainteft'im~ . ra1"1'1,S'36,398! t1f!l90;7501,f1~42i:562h;.,1;6!l!l;04dl~'1.745,680l 1 6122J Office Equipment - 150 3,652 1,050 - I I 6412 I Miscellaneous Structures 1 ,025 - - - - I I Total Ca ital Outla ','Jj 'iJt,' '..,'.,.., 3652 ~1 050 ,1025 0}.,.150 I 1 1$1.794.775$_2JL64.390 1$1.599.966 [ll..-867.3Jlltlu.a3_Q.~_9_0J! Division Total 240 I REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING li~;~i~i1i~O~~~i~~~~~4:J ';'.';", :,::,.; ,." T\:g~~~~r~~I;i' I .d' . _. ... 1!1,Qiyisi6n ...... ...,.....,.... I .,....w_.,... "_". ......_... .......... ,'.-.-.V,-,',-.':': . .. ". ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I Division staff participates in the preparation of Owner Participation and Disposition and Development Agreements for redevelopment and housing programs of the Redevelopment Agency. I The Division is responsible for developing and managing a balanced affordable housing program which benefits the residents of the paguay Redevelopment Project Area and the City. The CDBG Residential Rehabilitation Program, the Mobilehome Rent Subsidy Program, the Poway Royal I Resale Agreement Program, the and poway Affordable Housing Assistance and Referral Program are administered by Division staff. Division staff also provides ongoing support for the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee, poway Housing Commission, and Economic I Development Department. Division staff responds to extensive public inquiries regarding affordable housing programs, I through the poway Housing Hotline, direct telephone contact and drop-in office visits. Staff also provides information and assistance to residents, the business community, and developers relative to the implementation of the poway Redevelopment Plan. The Redevelopment Manager supervises I the day-to-day operations of the Redevelopment and Housing Division and reports directly to the Director of Redevelopment Services. In the absence of the Director, the Redevelopment Manager oversees the operation of the Department. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Administer the Development and Disposition Agreement (DDA) for the development of the I Bowron Road Affordable Family Housing site. 2. Update the Redevelopment and Housing Implementation Plan pursuant to AB1290. I 3. Administer the CDBG funding for the Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan, a I multi-year program to bring all public facilities into compliance with these requirements, and the Residential Rehabilitation Loan Program. I 4. Assist with negotiating, preparing and administration of Owner Participation and Disposition and Development Agreements which leverage private investment in the Project I Area. 5. Support the operation of the poway Villas apartments under the new non-profit ownership. 6. Initiate the development of the Brookview site as affordable housing for the elderly. I 7. Monitor and provide staff support for legal counsel on Redevelopment Agency litigation. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE 1702 - Utigation - Increase in FY 98 due anticipated litigation activities. +$80,000 I I 241 II REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING ,I I I Redevelopment Services Division No: 1020 Division Budget Detail Obj, 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 Code Expense Classification Actual Aooroved Actual Approved Approved I Personnel EXDense ! Bill}ge Position Title I 1 I 299,0 Redevelopment Mgr. 68,350 68,300 72,441 70,350 72,820 I 272,6 Redev. Proj. Admin. 52,206 52,460 51,792 54,030 55,920 I 262,6 Redev. Coord. 46,911 47,470 49,065 48,890 50,600 I I I 1110 Salaries - Regular 167,467 168,230 173,298 173,270 179,340 1300 Employee Benefits 54,936 53,070 52,423 53,240 55,010 I ! ~l"'" ~l"l".,k'%i'.o/T otal PeI'S6nnel"~'~ ";0' ,,,,,',, . 222403 11;;221"300 ~~~2257i1', ,,:226510 234'350 I ~~erations and Maint. 1702a Legal Fees - City Attorney 13,264 30,000 12,157 30,000 30,000 1702b Legal Fees - Other Attorney 65,721 45,000 124,830 45,000 45,000 I 1702c Litigation - City Attorney 172,575 100,000 590,667 100,000 100,000 1702d Litigation - Other Attorney 429.738 100,000 539,720 180,000 100,000 1726 Special Studies 83,553 50,000 19,708 50,000 50,000 I 1799 Other Professional Fees 26,386 20,000 116,243 20,000 20,000 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 2,013 2,160 2,112 2,160 2,160 3140 Travel and Meetings 2,642 6,370 1,720 6,510 6,370 I 3310 Telephone 114 480 257 200 200 3320 Postage 184 690 70 390 390 I 4304 R&M Building 8,825 7,500 2,274 7,500 7,500 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,580 1,620 1 ,480 1,620 1,620 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 351 680 219 680 680 I 4799 Other Supplies & Materials 646 1,560 633 1,080 1,080 4922 Printing 594 1,200 84 1,200 1,200 4924 Publications and Dues 283 480 353 530 530 I 4932 Advertising - 880 847 880 880 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office 2,600 2,540 2,540 1 ,430 1 ,430 I I I I ; I ~Total Onerations, &' Maintenance'Ij"~,, y~;. 811'; 069.~~3h1'.160, '1 415914. ;'449'180 ; '~'{369 040 I C"ital O,lI., I ' , I', ''''a om" E'"'pme" . 167 - - - - I !I : Total Caoital Outlav' ., T" '7'~1ErZ, <'::'~:"%1'; :;!t"_,;;,, -II II l-PivisjQn ToJal 1$1.033.639 ~2.460 1$1.641.635/ $675.690 I $603.390:1 242 I ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT I .,..,..'.-.,.....,.;,:::: I I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Economic Development Department was established to develop and implement programs I to retain, expand, and attract business and industry. Increased commercial and industrial activity improves the quality of life for Poway residents by strengthening the tax base and I increasing employment opportunities. The Division is under the direction of the Director of Redevelopment Services and is housed at a storefront economic development office which is accessible to the public and local businesses. The Economic Development Subcommittee of I the City Council works with economic development staff and the business community to improve business in Poway, ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. Work with prospects, realtors and developers to coordinate ongoing efforts to market I South poway Business Park properties. 2. Develop and maintain a data base for tracking local demographics, the cost of fees and I services, vacancy rates for commerCial/industrial buildings, and land availability. 3. Implement the multi-year economic development marketing program which includes I advertising, direct mail campaigns, public relations, and specific marketing programs for target companies. I 4. Work with the Chamber of Commerce and local businesses to hold promotional events, such as the annual Business Expo, which stimulate local retail sales by focusing public I interest on local commercial and industrial enterprises. 5. Assist the Economic Development Subcommittee in working with the business community I to revitalize the poway Road commercial corridor. 6. Act as ombudsman with the public, business, real estate, and development communities. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE None I I I I 243.- II ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Redevelopment Services Division No: 1030 Division Budget Detail II I~ 1~1~1~1~1~ Code Expense Classification Actual Approved Actual Aooroved AOProved I Personnel Exoense Ranqe Position Title I 334.1 Asst. City Mgr. Econ. Dev. 2,219 97,000 120,405 - - I 299.0 Economic Dev. Manager - - 19,450 59,060 63,560 228.1 Administrative Secretary - 28,520 27,154 30,330 32,230 I 1110 Salaries - Regular 2,219 125,520 167,009 89,390 95,790 1130 Part-Time Salaries - - 366 - - I 1300 $'\~{' M~:~~~~:~,.~:~:.:.t.::"',",'lIilt,:~'" ", ~3:,~}.~".y.::~.~~\1'l>\!.2:,~0~0 "",..,.,27,6,80 :" " "Total:Personnel~,,:,'1; 1l',t~:;2'219 '.)1159:230 "",199,726 ~l\t16'410 nl"123470 I Ooerations and Maintenance 1510 Temporary Services - - - 1,630 1,630 I 1726 Special Studies 1,601 1,200 250 1,200 1,200 1799 Other Professional Fees 85,864 17,000 7,060 12,000 12,000 2110 Gas & Electricity - 1,200 1,025 1,200 1,240 I 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 253 5,100 3,679 2,520 2,5201 3140 Travel and Meetings 363 3,510 2,350 1,560 2,030 I 3310 Telephone - 1,680 5,688 2,060 2,060 3320 Postage 23 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 I I 4120 Other Contractual Services 1,950 800 - 800 800 4126 Telecom Services - - - 300 300 4308 Equipment Repair & Maint. - - 810 810 810 I 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 302 1,800 3,193 1,800 1,800 4904 Community Relations - 4,800 698 4,800 4,800 I 4922 Printing 4,696 2,000 275 2,000 2,000 4924 Publications and Dues 2.457 3,270 1,790 2,560 2,560 I 4932 Advertising 19,211 20,000 7,966 20,000 20,000 4938 Rent - Buildings - 20,000 34,973 21,070 21,070 5530 Capital Outlay rental- Office Eq. - - - 190 190 I I I .18 TotaIOri-eratiom/S. Maintenance ~,~ 'i."'1~116 720~~a4360 L1169i7"57 *;;878.500~! 79'0101 . ' Capital Outlav I I 6122a I Office Equipment - 15,500 13,317 - - i 6122b I Computer Equipment - 3,990 2,240 500 - I I 6136 _ TelecommunicationsEquipment - ,:<3,907 -. - ! I I TotalCapitaldutl~v "I' "r"":1?'~,"I,. ~"'19'$"490 ~'it19464;"<l" 500ill-.( 11 II I Pivision Total I $118.9391 $263.080 I $288.947 LU95.41 01 $202.480 Ii 244 I HOUSING ADMINISTRATION I Executive Director' I 013 I ....... .-...w.... . ....::sw.....'.. .. .......,. Director I I Redev~lopmen~ and I I Housing Services ~ 1010 ~ I ", ,',..,.... ," ,..U'~..,.. ',',' ..,..,~ Redevelopment I and Housing I 1020 ..... '~'~.' v ..... ~~: ..:..s:~.:...:........ ,... ...... .......~%:... Housing I Administration I 1110 I Poinsettia I Poinsettia I Poway Royal I Haley Ranch Family Mobile; enior Mobil I Estates Mobil 1 Estates Home Park" Home Park I Home Park 1150 1120 1130 I 1140 I , s~:s::~:sm::lli::-~lli@;:::~IDZ~i$lli:-~-':' . ........v. 'm: .,. ....W.............. d...... .. "," .". ......... ~.~~..~"M.~*",...".*::;.::;*.M I I I I 245 I HOUSING I Departmental Activity Overview I Department Code: 1100 I EXPENSE 1995-1996 1996-1997 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL APPROVED ACTUAL APPROVED APPROVED I :1 Total Positions 1 1 1 1 1 Personnel Expense $ 69,745 $ 71,800 $ 69,945 $ 73,470 $75,780 I Operations and Maintenance 1,848,332 2,320,320 2,056,447 2,359,300 2,430,430 I Capital Outlay 10,368 3,050 4,933 10,800 8,830 I TOTAL BUDGET $1,928,445 $2,395,170 $2,131,325 $2,443,570 $2,515,040 I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I The Housing Division of the Redevelopment Services Department is responsible for the management l of all Redevelopment Agency and City owned housing. Primary duties include management of the units in Poway Royal Estates Mobilehome Park, Poinsettia Family Mobilehome Park, Poinsettia Senior Mobile- home Park, and Haley Ranch Estates. This Division provides staff assistance to the Poway I Housing Commission which meets monthly. This Division is also responsible for management of Agency-owned properties along Midland Road, and provides assistance to the Redevelopment Agency staff as necessary. II Housing management duties include supervision of the housing division staff, maintenance and improvement of older existing physical improvements within the Parks to maintain the quality of the :. Parks, community relations with 726 households with an estimated population of 2,000, and selection of new residents for Haley Ranch Estates. Duties include typical property management responsibilities such as collection of rents, coordination of a variety of services and obligations, and legal actions as I necessary. Poway Royal Estates, Poinsettia Family Park and Poinsettia Senior Park currently require annual I operating subsidies, primarily due to vacant spaces. Due to this fiscal condition of the Agency-owned Parks, it is necessary to carefully balance and prioritize Park expenditures. I I 246 I HOUSING ADMINISTRATION I I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I The Housing Administration Division is responsible for managing all City and Redevelopment I Agency operated housing. This includes poway Royal Estates Mobilehome Park, Poinsettia Senior and Family Mobilehome Parks, Haley Ranch Estates, and the EYE transitional housing project. The Division provides staff support to the poway Housing Commission and its various I subcommittees. It also provides support, as necessary, to the City Council, Redevelopment Agency, and other City Departments on matters concerning housing management. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. Supervise and coordinate the management of City and Redevelopment Agency owned I housing. 2. Review and monitor legislation and programs at the local, State, and Federal levels I which impact City and Redevelopment Agency housing programs. 3. Develop and administer Housing Division budgets. I 4. Continue effective maintenance strategies to reduce long-term maintenance costs. I 5. Promote cooperative relationships with residents. I 6. Serve as a resource for City/Agency affordable housing projects and programs. I: 7. Administer the Mobilehome Rent Subsidy Program which provides financial assistance to I! those households most in need. 8. Administer the Resale Agreement for residents of Poway Royal Estates. I 9. Develop and maintain the Haley Ranch Estates waiting list and oversee the selection and placement process. I 10. Analyze and implement the recommendations from the Mobilehome Park Phase I Study as approved by the Poway Housing Commission. I 11. Analyze vacancy trends and develop options for reducing vacancies. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None I I 247 I HOUSING ADMINISTRATION !I I Housing Administration Division No: 1110 Division Budget Detail II Obj. 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 I Code Expense Classification Actual Approved Actual Approved Aporoved Personnel Excense I I Rance Position Title 267.6 Housing Coordinator ' 48,595 49,900 50,094 51,400 53,200 I , 53,200 I 1110 Salaries - Regular 48,595 49,900 50,094 51 ,400 I 1130 Employee Benefits 15,578 15,120 15,218 15,190 15,700 -It~~~t,; '~:JM-c~t;}~~-:::,:~~)t~~'i<<;{~~~~il~~)~t~-:_~~i.1 jli~64tl73 Hr': -; -.. ,',i >~::,'i:til "':>~i~'-. :'-,.;:"..:J:-;V-"':'< ~::J.$,;:- ;~"A*"\ '1:~~,,'~~~~-,_: , '" )'~, oos,",ifotal Rersonnel""%"..,""",),....!t.,.,;lL """'" i1l~1r65 020 ;.;e,k'65;312 t~'66'590 ,#1$168:900 I Ocerations and Maintenance I 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 1,019 2,000 1,852 1,980 1,980 I 3140 Travel and Meetings 150 1,340 1,321 1,540 1,540 3310 Telephone - 260 199 260 260 I 4308 R&M Equipment 52 800 121 400 400 4318 R&M Radios 248 - - - - I 4710 Stationery and Office Supplies 427 400 385 400 400 4730 Photographic Supplies 30 300 300 240 240 4922 Printing 291 300 84 300 300 I 4924 Publications and Dues 365 360 357 360 360 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office 400 400 400 220 220 I I I I I --:_--:-/i~';1;.i _-':-;-'~:V' ~?7f:-: .. _ _~~- !;~2982' ..~i~ .:*tYj,iijj--'.,'rl,{;, '{\jh;,""'''''' ill5''7oo :t:i'..-.--: Total Oberations '&Maintenance,~~~hwlii:t.. ,.,..~6160 ,~~"*5 019 ~ii'\.\f'~'5;700 I Cacital Outlay I I I i tI,"::""'1 I ,. 'Total. Capital Outlav' ,t,;~~"',A'. i~ " "" :!i"":, ." I',~'~,,,, i;,t:~~_ '.. ~--~-:- - I Division Total $67 155 $71 180 $70331 $72 290 $74600 I 248 I POINSETTIA FAMILY MOBILEHOME PARK , " " I ,.' -,' ',.....,..... .- ""', ..... " " .. . ... .. . .. ,,-,..-.-..- ," .',"", ..,.. .'..,...'.,.... . ... ......... . ---. ..--.".... ',',...- ,',-.-..-..,,',.., . . .... ........ .... ',_ ..... -'-"::';:i':::::~:::,::,:;.:~::;: . ",","," -::~ .>;:.: ....- ,.:.:,;;;:::;:,~::::::" Division Nurr\bei:'1120;j!ig~~~~~~~itY I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I Funds budgeted within this Division provide for the operation and management of Poinsettia I Family Mobilehome Park, a 138 unit park owned by the poway Redevelopment Agency, and managed by the City of Poway. Along with Poinsettia Senior Mobilehome Park, this Park was acquired by the Redevelopment Agency in 1988. Through the issuance of Certificates of I Participation, the Agency was able to acquire these properties and limit the amount of future space rent increases. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. Maintain and preserve quality affordable housing opportunities for families. I 2. Develop, maintain, and monitor the Park budget. 3. Implement newly adopted Park Rules and Regulations. I 4. Continue an open dialogue with Park management and residents. Provide timely and I courteous responses to the requests and needs of Park residents. 5. Administer the Mobilehome Rent Subsidy Program. I 6. Continue the preventive maintenance plans for the Park infrastructure. 7. Continue to maintain all common areas, buildings, streets, and utilities in the Park. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I FY 1997-98: 4320 - Roadways, Repair & Maintenance - Repair and I seal all asphalt areas. +$7,000 FY 1998-99: 2200 - Utilities-Other - Assumed 5% increase for 1997-98. +$6,554 I 4320 - Roadways, Repair & Maintenance - Repair and seal all asphalt areas. - $7,000 I I I I ------ ?4q I' POINSETTIA FAMILY MOBILEHOME PARK II Housing Administration Division No: 1120 Division Budget Detail 1 Obj. 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 Code Expense Classification Actual Aooroved Actual Approved Aooroved Personnel Expense I I Ranqe Position Title 167.8 Recreation Ldr. I (T/PT) 1,475 2,040 1,353 2,190 2,190 I 1130 Salaries - Part-Time 1,475 2,040 1,353 2,190 2,190 1300 Employee Benefits 76 100 18 80 80 nt",;' h/?,'::,i\,": ",;i,~CC' '>.;:'.'(i;.;;: ',',- ";,y" ,~'^, ",~}{>", "'k~ '%::,;;:~~'J<"; '::>;P'\'i?>~1~",-'t +/';(;;';:1}551' :t!fi"~!i~~'3i1.,, 'I~::2~i70 ,~~'2f270 i I .oz" t'^."Total Personnel .',jHti,%",,,,.,}~\!\t~)~!;l: h~f;~~~ ' , Operations and Maintenance 110,330 I I 2110 Gas and Electricity 98,300 104,850 91,413 107,120 2200 Other Utility Charges 65,216 86,560 73,453 88,830 95,380 2900 Trash Removal 22,452 23,640 21,310 23,640 24,350 I 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 1,307 950 1,260 3,820 3,920 3140 Travel and Meetings 320 510 276 580 580 3310 Telephone 1,732 2,150 2,008 2,240 2,310 I 3320 Postage 510 310 399 450 500 4116 Contract Landscape Maintenance 1,379 1,400 1,235 2,200 2,200 4120 Other Contractual Services 58,239 66,240 59,240 69,070 71,890 I 4304 R&M Building 16,649 10,000 7,339 10,000 10,000 4308 R&M Equipment 9,512 8,150 3,073 7,000 7,000 4318 R&M Radios 98 - - - - I 4320 R&M Roadway 1,160 2,000 1,410 9,000 2,000 4332 Street Sweeping 1,150 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 4502 Chemicals 2,011 2,000 1,597 2,000 2,200 I 4516 Small Tools 45 200 86 200 220 4710 Office and Stationery Supplies 503 450 544 450 500 4720 Janitorial Supplies 253 300 371 330 350 I 4730 Photographic Supplies 170 300 145 300 330 4760 Operating supplies 247 210 227 240 250 4770 Landscaping Supplies 766 1,000 732 1,000 1,100 I 4799 Other Supplies & Materials 4,704 4,700 4,491 4,530 4,700 4904 Community Relations 714 1,000 699 900 900 4922 Printing 351 300 560 400 450 I 4924 Publications and Dues 707 850 842 850 920 4928 Uniforms and Laundry 445 480 482 480 540 I 4932 Advertising 36 130 121 130 150 5510 Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicle 1,100 1,540 1,540 530 530 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office 1,340 650 650 460 460 I 5540 Capital Outlay Rental - Facilities - 35,310 35,310 35,310 35,3101 5710 Administrative Cost 10,073 10,260 10,487 10,930 11,280 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 24,578 26,050 24,059 24,770 25,520 II I ' ~TotalOoerations & Maintenance,., ~~J<" 326 067, flii 393690r;t346 559 ;\;408:960 ,;;;417'31011 'I ~C1(!ital Outlay I il II 6122a Equipment - Office General - - - 1,500 I' 6136 Telecommunications Equipment - - - 150 170 II 'i 6199 Other Equipment 772 - - 400 2030il , li.l, Total CapilalOutlav ~, ,ill 1<";:1, 772 ,.:1 *._,,~i;Pi'f )h~ .: r 2,050 2,2001i i Division Total 1$328.390 1$395.830 1$347.930 1$413.280 I $421 ,840 It 250 I POINSETTIA SENIOR MOBILEHOME PARK I I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I Funds budgeted within this Division provide for the operation and management of Poinsettia I Senior Mobilehome Park, a 124 unit park owned by the poway Redevelopment Agency and managed by the City of Poway. Along with Poinsettia Family Mobilehome Park, this Park was acquired by the Redevelopment Agency in 1988. Through the issuance of Certificates of I Participation, the Agency was able to acquire these properties and limit the amount of future space rent increases. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. Maintain and preserve quality affordable housing opportunities for Senior Park residents. I 2. Develop, maintain, and monitor the Park budget. 3. Continue to Implement the Park Rules and Regulations. 4. Continue an open dialogue between the Park management and residents. Provide I courteous and timely responses to the requests of Park residents. 5. Administer the Mobilehome Rent Subsidy Program. 6. Continue the preventive maintenance plans for the Park infrastructure. I 7. Continue to maintain all common areas, buildings, streets, and utilities within the Park. 8. Continue to develop and implement a varied program of recreation activities to support an active and healthy lifestyle for senior residents. I 9. Continue to analyze the reasons for increased space vacancies and develop options for reducing vacancy rate. Complete the purchase of three new Agency owned units I within this park. 10. Coordinate ADA Improvements at the Park Clubhouse to remove architectural barriers for persons with disabilities. I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE FY 1997-98: I 4320 - Roadways, Repair & Maintenance - Repair and seal all asphalt areas. +$6,500 FY 1998-99: I 2200 - Utilities-Other - Assume 5% increase FY 1997-98 +$5,332 4320 - Roadways, Repair & Maintenance - Repair and seal all asphalt areas. - $6,500 I I I I III 25~ " POINSETTIA SENIOR MOBILEHOME PARK II Housing Administration Division No: 1130 Division Budget Detail Iii I Obj. 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 . Code EXQense Classification Actual Aooroved Actual Aooroved Aooroved I Personnel Exoense Rance Position Title 1300 Employee Benefits 273 - - - - I *~;:l!k~,~~t~TotaIPersol1nel;~ti", ",,;;'~,;~;;7;; ~~i~}:' Ij;~;1' 2' [,f'!11\ "'i'~ m~, ~~;iJi ~i ,;, ."..273 .,,,",-"'f'.'.<. Ooerations and Maintenance I 2110 Gas and Electricity 62,364 73,720 57,019 72,100 74,260 2200 Other Utility Charges 54,761 70,640 59,081 72,880 78,210 I 2900 Trash Removal 15,900 17,720 14,962 17,060 17,570 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 849 950 618 3,820 3,920 3140 Travel and Meetings 340 510 156 580 580 I 3310 Telephone 1,156 1,610 1,549 1,620 1,820 3320 Postage 125 200 167 300 360 4116 Contract Landscape Maintenance 2,298 2,330 2,308 3,190 3,190 I 4120 Other Contractual Services 56,833 65,960 58,628 68,760 71,620 4304 R&M Building 4,729 7,000 7,245 7,000 7,000 4308 R&M Equipment 7,704 6,650 3,603 6,700 6,700 I 4318 R&M Radios 103 - - - - 4320 R&M Roadway 1,089 2,000 1,785 8,500 2,000 I 4332 Street Sweeping 1,150 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 4502 Chemicals 1,037 1,500 1,253 1,500 1,700 4516 Small Tools 41 200 95 200 220 I 4710 Office and Stationery Supplies 346 450 543 450 500 4720 Janitorial Supplies 251 300 364 320 360 4730 Photographic Supplies 105 300 53 300 330 I 4760 Operating supplies 249 210 227 240 250 4770 Landscaping Supplies 573 1,000 643 1,000 1,200 4799 Other Supplies & Materials 3,612 3,760 3,287 3,620 3,760 I 4904 Community Relations 1,389 1,700 1,004 1,240 1,240 4922 Printing 1,181 360 222 360 450 I 4924 Publications and Dues 287 800 801 800 880 4928 Uniforms and Laundry 444 480 480 480 540 4932 Advertising 32 130 22 600 600 I 5510 Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicles 1,100 1,540 1,540 530 530 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office 1,340 650 650 940 940 5540 Capital Outlay Rental - Facilities - 31,730 31,730 31,730 31,730 II 5710 Administrative Cost 10,073 10,260 10,487 10,930 11,280 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 22,116 23,440 21,649 22,290 22,930 I 1"TotalOberations& Maintenance >iZ535T7 ~'329360 ;;283:371; i~341f240 ,;0/:347'870, I CaQital Outlav ~ 6122a I Equipment - Office General - - - 1,500 - I 6136 I Telecommunications Equip!. - - - 150 170 6199 Other Equipment 772 250 - 400 430 j'T otal Capital 'Outlay ;~ I '1m2 I, ' 250 I ,1iI~,W 1"" 2,050 I 60011 III ! DlvlsiQILToJal I i2_54.622~S329~50 1_$_283,3711 $343.290J $348.47011 252 I POWAY ROYAL ESTATES MOBILEHOME PARK I I ACTI\'ITY DESCRIPTION I Funds budgeted within this Division provide for the management and operation of poway Royal I Estates Mobilehome Park, a 399 unit mobile home park owned by the poway Redevelopment Agency and managed by the City of Poway. Through the issuance of Certificates of Participation, the Agency was able to acquire this Park in 1991 and limit future space rent I increases to a 5% maximum. These Certificates were refunded in 1995 allowing residents the option to elect an annual CPI increase in exchange for agreeing to sell their unit to a qualified- income household when they sell their home. I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Maintain and preserve quality affordable housing for Park residents. I 2. Develop, maintain, and monitor the Park budget. I 3. Implement the revised Park Rules and Regulations. 4. Provide courteous and timely responses to the requests of Park residents. Continue an I open dialogue with Park residents. 5. Administer the Mobilehome Rent Subsidy Program. I 6. Continue to follow preventive maintenance plans, previously developed for the Park I infrastructure, including completion of the Phase I gas renovation project. 7. Administer the Resale Agreement Program for those electing the CPI rent increase I option. 8. Analyze the reasons for increased space vacancies and develop options to reduce the I vacancy rate. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I 4120 - Other Contractual Services - Increase in TOPS employees' I pay, plus increase in benefits: FY 1997-98 + $22,300 FY 1998-99 + $ 9,521 4320 - Roadways R&M - Resurfacing of specific park streets. + $10,000 I I I ?~< I POWAY ROYAL ESTATES MOBILEHOME PARK Housing Administration Division No: 1140 Division Budget Detail I Obj. 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 I Code Exoense Classification Actual Aooroved Actual ADDroved Aooroved I PersonnelEx~ense Rance Position Title Recreation Ldr. I (TlPT) 1,625 2,190 1,821 2,190 2,190 167.8 I 1130 Salaries - Part-Time 1,625 2,190 1,821 2,190 2,1901 1300 Employee Benefits 84 100 25 80 801 ~i'l'(~i\;;T ota! Pe~onnel~t; "t'fkWft ~S'tY-~~'+'---< '.~g~2 290 s<-i}1'tr-;,; l'Iii''''c 2'270 r;, ~".,#-"'; ',,,,,,,&,"',1 '709 ,i;i!I.,( ,1 846 !"",;,~2 270 >",.....",".,"".,':'..'._,';f. ',"_',' ','0',_,_,.,___.""'_"'" :...........-; - . ,'.c< ,""~'" I Ooerations and Maintenance I 2110 Gas and Electricity 300,318 347,420 309.913 357,840 368,58Oi I 2200 Other Utility Charges 195,585 254,200 197,612 260,710 279,210 2900 Trash Removal 50,252 51,500 48,051 51,580 53,130 3120 Vehicle Operations 660 480 644 - - 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 1,800 1,480 1,355 3,280 3,370 I 3140 Travel and Meetings 368 560 415 660 700 3310 Telephone 3,548 4,070 4,346 4,510 4,650 3320 Postage 441 380 699 500 500 I 4114 Janitorial Services 616 500 285 400 400 4116 Contract Landscape Main!. 7.355 8,000 11,429 12,000 12.000 4120 Other Contractual Services 199,663 192,200 191,140 214,530 225.050 I 4304 R&M Building 40,229 50,000 61.537 50,000 50,000 4308 R&M Equipment 9,128 16,150 15,903 13,850 13,850 4318 R&M Radios 195 - - - - 4320 R&M Roadway 40,433 30,000 29,462 40,000 40,000 I 4332 Street Sweeping 3,080 3,360 3,360 3,360 3,360 4502 Chemicals 3.197 4,000 3,095 3,500 4,500 4516 Small Tools 389 300 284 400 450 4710 Office and Stationery Supplies 546 720 994 800 850 I I I 4720 Janitorial Supplies 1,378 1,200 1,435 1,400 1,400 , 4730 Photographic Supplies 254 . 300 286 360 400 4770 Landscaping Supplies 4,052 3,500 3,464 3,500 4,000 I 4799 Other Supplies & Materials 7,379 9,400 9,177 9,050 9,400 4904 Community Relations 692 700 633 700 900 4922 Printing 900 300 602 550 550 I 4924 Publications and Dues 967 950 1,167 1,190 1,280 4928 Uniforms and Laundry 2,153 2,630 2,372 2,630 2,750 4932 Advertising 187 300 350 500 500 5510 Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicle 1,380 1,380 1,380 660 660 I 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Equipment - 590 590 1,390 1,390 5540 Capital Outlay Rental - Facilities - 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 5710 Administrative Cost 33,582 34,210 34,965 36,430 37.600 I 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 69,819 73,600 68,102 70,860 72,990 I i.Tottll'.OoeratioRs,,& MaintEman~;;"id\i':!~n ,,';,[980'546 iii}):,:' '284!380 iiWlit119S' 047 .1'337140 ~:i"/:{"".<"-'" --,..",.;-'."'.- .' on" ~;;i,,1(384'420 I I ~~ital Outlav :1 I 6104 Autos and Trucks 4,132 i - - - - I I 6122a Office Equipment - - 846 - - I I 6136 Telecommunications Equip!. - - 546 , - - 1 I 6199 Other Equipment 2,895 2,800 2,948 1,300 2,5001 I Total CaoitalOutlav" A~~ ~, '" 'Q17,027 ,2,800 t;; _ ~i,~*"0'4340 1,300 ~hi2,500j III P, '__,J_: -.,', , t nivisionIoJal I $989.2821 $1,289,470 lll201.233I $1.340.710 I $1.389,190J 254 I HALEY RANCH ESTATES .:.", -c....-:.... c..-.'........,.,-.- ';-,-.' '.-.. I _' '. ":", - . ~: :.:: c. -, ...: .,,~!d~i~l~~'~~i~l;! ..,.,....,.... "."" ',.. .-.... ...... . '-,' -'- .. 'Y . ---- i Di~isiOnNumb~r:1""..".. I ;Comrrientar.y/ ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION I This Division provides the funds for the maintenance of Haley Ranch Estates, a 65-unit I manufactured-housing subdivision. This affordable housing was privately developed, with financial assistance from the Redevelopment Agency's Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Fund. As required by the Owner Participation Agreement, the Redevelopment Agency purchased Haley in I 1996. These homes were developed as replacement housing for the former residents of Haley's Trailer Ranch, and are reserved for households with modest incomes. ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I 1. Maintain and preserve this affordable housing for families of modest incomes. I 2. Develop and administer the operating and capital budgets. 3. Continue to follow preventive maintenance plans to insure that this development continues to be maintained, and serves as a source of pride for the entire Community. I 4. Maintain a current waiting list and conduct new resident selection as necessary to maintain full occupancy. 5. Adopt and implement revised Rules and Regulations for Park residents. I 6. Monitor and ensure compliance with afford ability covenants. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I Fiscal Year 1997-98: 4120 - Other Contractual Services - Increase due to omission of medical +$13,100 insurance cost for TOPS employees in FY 97 budget, and TOPs I employee pay increase, plus associated increase in benefits and TOPS fee. I 4304 - Building Repair and Maintenance - Exterior jinterior painting, +$15,000 garage door replacement, swimming pool resurfaced, and installation of rain gutters. I 5108 - Insurance Expense - Annual flood insurance estimated +$ 9,750 at $150 per home. 5730 - Intergovernmental Fees - Possessory interest tax no longer charged. - $84,000 I 6104 - Autos & Trucks - Replace electric golf cart beyond economic repair. +$ 5,000 Fiscal Year 1998-99: I 4120 - Other Contractual Services - Increase in TOPS employees' pay, plus +$ 6,134 increase in benefits. I I I 25~ I , HALEY RANCH ESTATES I I I Housing Division No: 1150 Division Budget Detail II Obj, 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 I Code Expense Classification Actual Approved Actual Approved Approved I I I Range Position Title I 166.8 Recreation Ldr. I (T/PT) 1,679 2,250 1,397 2,250 2,250 1130 Salaries - Part-Time 1,679 2,250 1,3Q7 2,250 2,250 1300 Employee Benefits 360 100 19 90 901 I t<'< \i'l.; TotaIPersonnel"';;;;, (1 ",{,r ih\r2039 "ii'$0- 2350 i,i",;il1'416 i~"2340 j",."2 340""' ',..-........'.,,-.....,..j,.. ...' -. \'~-,'~', ODerations and Maintenance 1799 Other Professional fees 22,459 - 5,200 - - I I 2110 Gas and Electricity 6,786 7,690 7,410 7,920 8,160, 2200 Other Utility Charges 8,159 8,940 7,557 8,710 9,150 2900 Trash Removal 8,321 8,340 7,997 8,270 8,520 I 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 1,112 920 810 2,680 2,750 3140 Travel and Meetings 381 400 230 300 300 3310 Telephone 1,746 2,060 1,985 2,200 2,250 I 3320 Postage 175 210 197 210 210 4114 Janitorial Service 175 300 282 300 300 4116 Contract Landscape Maintenance 2,870 1 0,400 3,525 12,000 12,000 I 4120 Other Contractual Services 82,679 81,690 89,921 94,790 100,930 4304 R&M Building 14,618 30,000 29,700 45,000 45,000 4308 R&M Equipment 836 2,850 3,812 4,100 5,300 I 4318 R&M Radios 98 - - - ;,440 I 4332 Street Sweeping 1,320 1 ,440 1,440 1 ,440 4502 Chemicals 568 1,000 568 900 1,000 I 4516 Small Tools 228 300 259 300 300 47tO Office and Stationery Supplies 385 500 512 600 600 I I 4720 Janitorial Supplies 715 800 711 800 800 I 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 172 240 135 240 240 4760 Operating Supplies 13 200 56 100 100 4770 Landscaping Supplies 1,527 2,000 1,287 2,000 2,000 I 4904 Community Relations 359 800 494 700 700 4922 Printing 63 200 162 400 200 4924 Publications and Dues 391 300 218 460 510 I 4928 Uniforms and Laundry 897 730 943 730 730 4932 Advertising 149 400 263 400 400 4938 Rent - Buildings & Grounds 91 ,436 - - - - I 5108 Insurance Expense - - - 9,750 9,750 5510 Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicle 1,380 1,380 1,380 660 660 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Eq. - - - 240 240 I 5540 Capital Outlay Rental - Facilities - 45,240 45,240 45,240 45,240 i 5710 Administrative Cost 13,427 13,690 13,992 14,570 15,0401 I 5730 Interqovernmental Fees 21,375 84,250 165 250 2501 ti'J.TotaIO!ieratiol1s & Maintenance';i,j,,'i!',:'{ [:284'820 ~"367\270 ,,,,226 451 "266 260 ,\'275 07011 I Capital Outlay I I 6104 Autos and Trucks - - - 5,000 3,530:1 II 6199 1 Other Equipment 1,797 - 593 400 L_---.ETotal CaQital Outlav ,",' ofb "i/'. T ~ ,,1' 797 ".:f.t ::r:",[;1I"", 5931"'5400 f!, ,3'53011 III DMsi.9n Total L$288,656I $309~62_0~$2_2_8.46_0~$274.000~i2ltO~940J -- POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROGRAM OVERVIEW: 1997-1998 COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS _~a I r~ -- ,- POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY II I PROGRAM OVERVIEW II I II "~,, "..;;ii' ti Total Prior ''';1 :~_;~;?,%~s/ .1 ,I" ,," ," ','.. Appropriationsltl~", I l ,>;; " ,':,ActivityClassification 'F", :5 Ex Emditures~,::.,i; Housing Programs $1,997,0841 $196,000: I I ! ITotal Bud e!''"';*'' '{ $1 ,997,084 ' : 1 ~>i$196,000 ' I c--- OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I I IThe Poway Redevelopment Agency's Housing Program Budget reflects the allocation of the ,Agency's financial resources for the purpose of providing specialized affordable housing services, I I IThe mix of programs funded for FY 1997-99 provides a broad range of housing services, from ,emergency housing to ongoing rent subsidies for income qualified persons and families residing I !in City-owned mobilehome parks. I IFor FY 1997-99, funding is provided for continuation of the: Affordable Housing Assistance and f, I I Referral Program, Affordable Residential Rehabilitation Program, Poway Mobilehome Rent ; I ISubsidy Program, Mortgage Credit Certificate Program, Poway Villas Preservation Project and I 'the Escondido Youth Encounter (EYE) Transitional Housing Project. I I I I I I I I I , I I I Ii i II I II I II II II I' I :1 I II I 11 Ii I I I I 259 II.. .. , "., "POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ..." . . II II!""" "'".;,;;.-,:"'" "'_',~)t~" - ~>""":Y:;<~ -" - "-':-" "Jj-:;:_:);t<;~;' - /.~-':~:;d\t' ] iPROGRA~. BUDGETS ,,:r" ~",(;. i ',~ .. H()USING.,11' . .>;,.JI> "'"h'i'.."~,C fi.,., t': '~.,- '\"~"'O'_"'",' . * '~'Y ", "," -:j:. '." ,'-;i _ .'4" )'i 'i"'" ','" ":;:':'""'~"':.'(' -.,. ,-:;J, ::,.: t,;,.:,~, ....._.,,,.:::.,' " :~m...<..,.".'('" _,"''' . ....'" '~-i'" ~_).~ '-""; ",' _~: ~. ;':":;'(-~';~;~:;'<:"<':'"t: ;c-".W ~. I I II ~:~~::::~~~~~~~~~~::~~;':~:~'~~'~:;~~~:;~~~i provides a range of services and referrals pertaining to: emergency and transitional housing, itenantllandlord relations, shared housing matching, board and care placement and subsidized I housing assistance. Services focus on persons seeking affordable housing alternatives, especially jfamilies in a position of extreme need, including the homeless and those on the verge of I jhomelessness. Lifeline Community Services of North San Diego County administers the program Ifor the Agency, with staff support provided by the Division of Redevelopment and Housing. There are two sources of funding for the administration of this program, CDBG Funds and the jRedevelopment Agency Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. The subject program account I In umber, 5960, was established in FY 1996-97 to account for that portion of the program which is Ifunded by the Redevelopment Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. The portion liThe portion of the program which is funded by CDBG is reflected in Program account number 5959. 5960 Activity Through I New Appropriations I !FU. nding sou.,rce, , 6/30/97, Julv 1,1997 Total Program lLc?'VII.!~~d Ijo~sing (471) . $23,532. .' " $~~.~~3~ ;-r t' I'B d t~',m- ..._",~~',," " ''', - 23>532' ~" ,..,...-,""..%1.... ..ffll1" ..~ ~-"""~'~),.~""".23.532' 11~~~~~d!~~~::::' " ":\"r.~'lli");t""'i"~- 18:083 ;,"'i".(;.'f"'~.,,'01"'.,~"".Fi ",;", ' , "iitii~~1ii.)t~~1fr08~ IRemaining Budaet $5 449 $0 $5 449 I :5959 Activity Through New Appropriations jFunding Source 6/30/97 Julv 1, 1997 Total Program ICP,~G ~r~.s (~41) "., ,.,., ."."'.$8\~52, ". ..' ,. , . ..'. ,,' , $8_1,552, I J~~~~~i~~=~~~"1 ~T;~t~;'.'~~f~~~t:;~~,:~~;g,~1~~~~~. fl,~,,~.~~~{~_~ Encumbrances 0 I I Remaining Budoet ($0 $0 ($0 I I I I II I .1 II Ii I, . 260 I II Ii iI " POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Ir' .'<-: "';,:.," "" "': .. "."," '- ":"'~ .,.-' ,.~:,_ ,~.'>A~'; '~Ji '~~f~~~:~:2:~~~:fi'tj;:~:i Ji I~ " ~ I ipROGRAM BUDGETS.'if ,,~(<;) :::"'p ~. HQUSING'ttc)^ .-;t"~""""~ ._,'~"'H" -"'J ,,:;i:;. .N..11 ,;..,. ,<." '~-.At oi. '1',,<, ~:,::i- .<,::, .~~/'~ ^ ';, - . . ,':: : II' ,. '-- 'I! ::~.:t~ f<* -.< .,. 115962 AFFORDABLE RESIDENTIAL REHABILlTA TldNPRoGRAM.."':ii~4';~>>;1;'i\,;j~;Z !~):~)"~{:i'f'~:i I I II ',~",-,,<_.~,,"..'- ~,~_""-",,,,'."'v ,~. ....... ..., ..."',,..~, o.JI,..,-."__....'^,:...,_,,.,-~.,.,...-J;:~. ;~<~.;;.-.-.," W,,~.l,....... .~;ilE:i;:L;' h I 11Th is program preserves and improves Poway's existing affordab,e housing stock by providing !funds to low- and moderate-income homeowners for health and safety and other specified !improvements to their homes. It is one component of the balanced affordable housing program I :sponsored by the Redevelopment Agency. Rehabilitation loans have been available at an iamount up to $10,000 per applicant and are forgiven at a rate of 10 percent each year, for every I year the home is occupied by the applicant. The entire loan amount converts to a grant at the end of ten years. The program began accepting applications in February 1994, After approximately three years of operation 145 housing rehabilitation loans have been funded and the entire previous I lappropriation of $1,500,000 has been expended, with the exception of funding set aside for ongoing ,loan monitoring and management activities. The program is administered by part-time consultants I I from the firm of Comprehensive Housing Services, Inc. with staff support from the Redevelopment I I and Housing Division of the Redevelopment Agency. , II Activity Through New Appropriations Total Program I Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Low/Mod Housing (471) I $1,500,000 $1,500,000 T T'TBd""t""~""'~'''r-''''''''.'''''''1I=f500'Obb -~~.E"'~~~-l-1'500~OOO I : 0 a u ge~~'~:'i-I~:{I~:Jl'.' -~!Ii[~:~:i~>~};<> "', I ,,{if'" <~;;fif{J:~\::;1: \'-&'~"kW;~:~~1..ft.~'tJf:~''''',>~~l~~''~ .... " ,-....... "",",.",','.' '.' "._'" -.,. ,.,.,..;~. }.,~ -, .. ..."-_,- . ",' _,,__ 'iJI'~ t Nil' ,_ '" ~ 011 ..t",,_.,~, '........."-"', Expenditures 1 ,488,048 1 ,488,048 Encumbrances 4,033 4,033 Remaininq Bud et $7919 $0 $7919 I iI5'967:lp6WA'tJ-MbBnrEHbME)~ENT~SUBSrDYPR6G>RAM.t"i^,il>_~~~.., t; '~~~ ~jl I I ~" "'. ,,,,:t~. :.._...._~. '.~ ",' ..,.,~ ",~,' u,'" ~;j;~<~_~'<\b~,'~ J!f\'ff~f" 'R\'4--~ '-"~-<'~'~il Ilnitiated in 1991, the Mobilehome Rent Subsidy Program provides monthly rental assistance I I ,to income qualified households residing in the City-owned mobilehome parks (Poway Royal ::Estates Mobilehome Park, Poinsettia Senior Mobilehome Park and Poinsettia Family Mobile- ! !ihome Park). The program provides a rent credit of up to $100 per month to participating households I I;whose incomes do not exceed 55% of the area median income. Participating households must have lived in their Park for at least two years and cannot be delinquent in payment of rent. Currently I I !there are 82 participating households. II Activity Through I New Appropriations I I ; Funding Source I 6/30/97 ; July 1,1997 ! Total Program II :'RDA Admin. (437) $380,000 I $190,000 I $570,000! , . ,.' I ," -I """""""~~' · 'I ,., ..,'~""""" jl 'ITotal Budget' ' ~~. ~ 380,OOOl~i:&1f ~1~.o,000 ',. '*, .1~~.~;"5?0,QOO',1 I . Expenditures 330,3181 1 330,318:1 I I Encumbrances I , Remaining Bud~t $49,6821 $190,000 $239,68211 I d I Iii 251 - POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Ii I ;iFR,?GRAM ,~UDGETS HOUSING, '" ><"" '*' .. "'~ f;-,c 1115968'MbRTGMECREDlt>CERtitICAWPFfOG]W;l ~- "~'"".-r---'" I i ,^,;;., , ,,~ "',',"w,~,..,.;,.,.,""_<o,'" ~,".;,.. ,~~ ,,>~', 'ii;';']ilt;.,:~i" ';:.s,li~.~"':illi~\;~... :'';;i'li.\:.'j I 'IThis program assists low- and moderate-income, first-time home buyers to qualify for conventional II home mortgages. The Program allows qualified home buyers to receive an annual tax credit of up II to 20% of the amount of the annual interest paid on their home loan. Participants adjust their I. I (ederal withholding tax during the year in anticipation of this tax credit, making additional income I available for monthly mortgage payments. Lenders factor this additional income into the equation for determining loan qualification. The Mortgage Credit Certificate Program is administered I I by a consultant, Affordable Housing Applications, through a cooperative agreement with the County of San Diego. The Program was initiated during FY 1994-95, and since that time, 23 families have I been assisted with buying homes in Poway. While Program availability has been substantially I reduced through decisions made by the State, it is anticipated that the Program will be operational ,during FY 1997-98. The FY 1997-98 funding will cover the consultant costs for assisting I approximately 9 families acquire homes through the Mortgage Credit Certificates Program. il II Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 6/30/97 Julv 1, 1997 Total Program I RDA Admin. (437) $6,000 $3,000 $9,000 T~~I'B-(f-~~~ '\.4"",_..,.",,~~~.~I~tt.. )~l_ 11 ~''------ ~,..,.,,~;, ,) 3"000'1'" -~~';a:~~9'0'0d ota u get ''': "";,,,,,,,',,,,,\;, ~,"S:"\f,"!/""" 6 000 c",:'.", ._"..,'iI;..__"-.-'i._ .;>.-.~(l;:~r:C~'-::~-_"'-'" .:J'4: -: )', ');:~..~,-".<. ":;":--'-"'"'~'%"'."'""~,,,,_,.'_ :,_:c_,." ,; ~.,.' ";:f '" .' '"",,,J~'''~, -'.\,.,;'" <,,!<f"'V<, " n__" ..__,.- " ....- '.........,,'-_ ,. .' "_'~'-:,,'::', A"'y4-'.:r ",. """""" J-;,.","~:'.,....::. '-:__"ii ,-_ c. 'C," .',' ',- .' ",.'.: ,_",-,,*,,~,,~ Expenditures 5,837 5,837 I Encumbrances Remainina Budaet $163 $3 000 $3 163 IrI5972'PbWI(Y;~'(i""@PIiE~eR\7AT[ON;~RmEctl"~..~1 ......",;.. ___...~._.~,...r!..,,"__""._~"--_w....,....,<1U....~..~,~..;.A............~<~.,,__~..... ~ ~ l:::~~ \&.". .. - - I I I This project is designed to oversee the preservation of Poway Villas, a federally assisted, 60-unit, I iaffordable housing development that was financed under a HUD Section 236 loan in 1973. This Ilapartment complex is privately owned, and the owners have elected to sell. The City of Poway and I Poway Redevelopment Agency have made a commitment to preserve the atfordability of this local housin9 resource. The California Housing Partnership (CHP) is a non-profit organization with I, Ilsignificant expertise in the HUD preservation process. This project provides funding for a contract ilwith CHP for consulting services to assist staff during the conversion/preservation process. Illr Activity Through New Appropriations ' jiFunding Source 6/30/97 Julv 1, 1997 Total Program I Low/Mod Housing (471) I $6,000 I $6,0001 :!T~f~1 B~B~:'~f~'~~~~" d~:~:;:1 ~~~ ;'P.:~~~~~~..-~~6rbO(t_.~ ;~'~~~rc~~ - .L~ ~... 16f'~""~1 I" 0 a u ge ,--' '" .,," ., ",' ., .".,', ,.'.,,~." - '" 000 liExpenditures - ..,. I -~, 5:34y.... '" '" ~""""""I \j,., ...,....,~, , '''5':34'7', I Encumbrances ' I I i~Remaininq Budget! $653 $0 I $6531, ~ ~ I~ i Ii II I 262 I I' POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 11 " '':'': .. .. ,,~. :\.c......:......: ,:.:'Yif Ilp~OGRAM BUDGE1,9:' :'~ I I! ^" ","" u,: ,,~ 115974,<E,y.ETRANSmbNA[jHOUS)NGPROJECTiiSti~1#;'ri<,1f~":~!&~'F~~t.~~:~~i~"!jl I w ,_, :,,'=....,'~,.:..._>_... "_':"'__ '._._~_..." .0. -,;;_w:' ,.,"j._""_,_",_"",:,~,,^,,~"_,,."",._:',._____"'~...:~."'w,. ."........."_,,. ~Ji-\;...w.."'''~,'.h ~ t~~ ,..d.~,'I',,_. ~sr. .. ..,it ~~"'~ .. :1 " This Program was initiated in 1997 and provides transitional housing for victims of domestic violence. :, I The Program is operated by Escondido Yvuth Encounter (EYE). Housing is provided in an apartment II iunit which is owned by the Poway Redevelopment Agency. Redevelopment Agency Funding will ,I I provide for ongoing maintenance of the unit and for the cost of utilities. EYE is responsible for I! Ipayment of rent, which is fixed at $400 per month, for subleasing the apartment to appropriate tenantsll land for providing case management and social services for the tenants. The rental revenue I I ,generated by this property covers the cost of operating this Program. II Activity Through New APpropriations! I Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro ram ! RDA Capital (436) I $3,000 $3,000 I ,-,,,,,.~~,-..:--. .~'t-, '."-:"": :~~~~... _ .. _,. ,._::" .. .. _, ',' .,..~_~J..,.__.._,..._" ,...__.:~,,,,~.) .. -.. .... ,,_.. ..', ...}~~*~. ,_ _".. -~'-""'-"'-'-''''' ,..c... ',',,' _,:.'_._ ':'.. ...., ~_""" _" ".:__i--~~'h-"""'-- ~~~~!~~~;~:~ 1>l,~~j"~'~I~" J.f~~~"iiii4i'\~\,;\~ ~ii."~'iJ~:i.~,fLQQ. .::'.~~ili.,~:~{:r;;i"2,9.9.Qli I !Encumbrances i ,RemaininQ Bud et $3 000 $3 000 I I tl.oQ2!tiG'P~Q~RAM~~QMM~1~Y:;~ _...~~i\'~iii!:i/,.~%t~~.~~'Iil?(,~i~~~ I I Total Activity New Appropriations I Throu h 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total I [otal Budget;~~,~<~'i:'" ~~.'JS:&$:1',997,084, ~",~i~fa,~,~,_$.192.,000 .'1\ ~","~$2l'193,084 i I Totai' Expenditures ' < \92-9,1'85 "" -~'"-~ 1.1fis:1'ssl ITotal Encumbrances 4,033 4,03311 I rotal Rema""9_B_"",et '638613 196000 2596136 i I II I II , ii I II I il II :1 I Ii Ii II I' II " I I Ii II " Ii I " I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 1997-1998 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I 264 I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW I REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS I SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS I FISCAL YEAR 1997-1998 I FUNDING SOURCES Redevelopment Agency Bond Issue Proceeds $ (338.321) I TOTAL $ (338.321 I I FUNDING APPLICATIONS Streets & Highways $ (37,000) Traffic Signals 18,000 ~ Flood Control & Drainage (71,000) Government Buildings (11,030) Parks and Open Space 252,800 Sewer Improvements 50,000 Housing Projects 1540.091) TOTAL $ (338.321\ I I I I I I 265 POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY il ',.', '." " , "... '.,. .,,~~PITAL I~PR~V~~ENT PRO~RAM~V~~VIEW '" '.,' . "h. " ,I I $l\tl"~''''''';;i'. "...~il'~"'..'!:ili\\ . '$C' "," .' il!: '" j~i!\ ''''';~'i1\'I;iJ!iI'' ,.,'*'~ "'J~""New d~,,,,;:,.,.... .t, , ,'*tr"~\"""!ll"lffi!"'1'!'iijt~"",!t;'''''lll " ""~#l'\i'.""'"~""~Mk' ~~~~, ".~, '.. ,'. ~1Il\t"~ .>>'~" ... ~~1l"'Th",.".m"'.""'~'~'#~>i"""'&"'~ I '" "~- -M;,~ '" "'f>i$X.l'~;a~;: 'it' ~..._, ~'! 'J .~) "",:~,~~fW,'-' -~"_'c'''''~'~ "- ~,. '-'>1~{- - ",,:;-"l'_ '''- ,~,~,-:,~ "?"'l,-,,-':~h;'-:' ~~~:~-:~~ ," ,L}' ><,.-t,'<;;'<i;:'-::O;->~$ I {~; ,; 'i~l~rrt; ~~~~;$"~)lii~li~. A~ ;'~~'~:TotpIJ~ri9r::iiI~tl4; .~i9!~i~pp~op~t~tio~~4f~~;:1 : ;;~.,K~/;P{;%;~l'~Total~'~~fr4~W:~' I '".A:ctivi' "Classificatiorl\i: ",~A rei' riatioris:j\~~ ~;. '*lll:~Julil1~~1997~t.~ ~f\~;f#tt!A' ro riatio'ns~%'iif;~/ I Intergovernmental Proj. $6,393,450 ($~7,000J $6,393,450 Streets & Highways 44,301,900 44,264,900 I Traffic Signals 106,000 18,000~ 124,000 Flood Control & Drain. 2,033,000 (71,000 1,962,000 Government Buildings 7,925,635 (11 ,030~ 7,914,605 IIParks and Open Space 9,034,166 252,800 9,286,966 , Water Improvements 4,767,000 - 4,767,000 , Sewer Improvements 1,200,000 50,000 1,250,000 I I Housing Projects 25,819,877 (5~0,091 ~ 25,279,786 Revitaliazation Projects 38,962,193 38,962,193 I iTotCIlBud I Jk,~~ $140;54;3,221' $3380'321 K i~' "ii:~t$140,204;900 I I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I The Poway Redevelopment Agency's Capital Improvement Program represents an effort to allocate I I the potential financial resources of the Agency in a manner which will benefit the Paguay Project IArea. Contained within the Agency's work program are projects designed to eradicate blighting I conditions outlined in the Paguay Redevelopment Plan. I The Projects described in this budget fall into the following ten major categories: Intergovernmental Projects, Streets and Highways, Traffic Signals, Flood Control and Drainage, Government Buildings, I Parks and Open Space, Water Improvements, Sewer Improvements, Housing Projects and I Revitalization Projects. The pages that follow cover the Redevelopment Agency's five-year Capital Improvement Program which will be updated annually. I The projects contained in the five-year Capital Improvement Program are proposed to be funded through loans from the City, federal funds from the Community Development Block Grant Program or I any other federal program, state-funded programs, and the Redevelopment Agency bonds. The Poway Redevelopment Agency recently completed the steps necessary to amend the I Redevelopment Plan. As part of the amendment process, the Agency is required to meet and consult with affected taxing entities. Further, redevelopment law requires the Agency to pay an affected I taxing entity that amount of money which the Agency determines is appropriate to alleviate the I I financial burden or detriment caused to such entity by a plan adoption or amendment. The Ii Redevelopment Agency has negotiated with each entity and has recently approved tax-sharing agreements with each of the taxing entities in order to alleviate the financial detriment. I I Funds advanced to the Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Program will be reimbursed to I the City of Poway from future tax increment monies. I I : , I I I 2~ I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY '~*::;iR.%;i'i~i;-:-,:,~;/~:~~;&:"i~,>'-;>i;','!kfijii:,'.;" ,:,--; -;;!~/;l,lf';':;';"-i1"-"A~~;,;,j';;!M::i<1~~;1t;~\:;j;'i'1{?z;.;t-(';' ,;.:;;~ ,- -;it~-"\~'-,&,,*' /~,} ;""1i'~;,,Ji~~!:*]~i. )~~;,,\(/,.~-~:,~~;~.-' '~;,:~~~t *,,-'4.~~;'j;'t&t"- CAPITAJ.:l'IMPR9V.EMENT.RROGRAM"''''l~'W,l,)~!I''\'k~ INTERGQVERNMENTA~eROJECTS1ii~,tt~~~''i~~ I \";_', ~ .~.;_ '.n'I'" .~', ,F..- ',~~. .j.;~', _.' <,,-,'(.' ,>'-+- - " _,'co__' ",. ....-,...<,...,. -'-"<.'; . . @. . -,';';1_ ~':., ':"'_~" " .. .,.._,<~.,._- '. , ,', "-:-'''.''.' - .,~".-,~".-" "",..'~.-, ,'"C":-.:.r -,.:"'_:-:....-:.:..;..:.,~;_,, ;c': '}"'" .-~::..}L~T~~~~, /-q;4~__N~%~$"-'q~*~N~'-/' f,(',!:::..-:r,,*,?~~~'f:; '$%:, ~)~, ~\ -- ~~~l~___~~~~~\~~>. <~'Fl' ~~~>/~: :d~.j'kI;~_~~7',~~~~~4,,~~t:'8i~J:;kf1,.'f1ar~,:{t~r>~_:.~~~~r~~n~{';,\:~ I This $5,200,000 grant from the Poway Redevelopment Agency will be used by the District to qualify I" for a $20,000,000 grant to purchase a campus site and will provide a convenient community college facility for the residents of Poway. Activity Through New Appropriations I Fundin9 Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect . ~~'~~9;\~~~~'M~~!~~;~~~g _:l!'''~ ;'~4'\;X,,~~t~i~'~~~~~~~ I ,_"".,.,....,.,.#,~,__.~,_:_~~.'1~~,~}; - ,..,L,~I~~ ,,' , ..,_1.3';!~_~.._~'l. Expenditures 5,200,000 5,200,000 I Encumbrances Remainin Bud et 743450 0 $743450 I 5.l.Q!tP..6![Q.M~g:P'Q.r~ts.8&po;8~9B~IJ.6~~Q1$.LIliCTi_l~I!I~'j!"',K''l'? I This $350,000 grant will be used by the Hospital District to purchase up to one acre of land within the South Poway Industrial Park to construct an industrial medical facility. This facility will provide initial I medical treatment for area employees. Activity Through New Appropriations I' Fundin Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect 1993 TABs (434) $350,000 $350,000 T". otari3Udget~~~ ,,",, ,,&1iif3-50~ocio"c~~1~t .~fIlC356"(lO'O I ,..o'__..,'__......__,~~',. _..w >_.~J,~"....~,,,,,, 1i ,~' _''''''''...,_J,^~h-'.&,J Expenditures 8,000 8,000 Encumbrances Remainin Bud et $342 000 $0 $342 000 I Q,10_5,IS'Af{QII;S?~G9Uff!?f~J.E(Q~g:9IiElLl.}C.A.tJQ~Jlli.~<li.t_.,. I This $100,000 grant will provide funds to assist in the design of a North County training facility for the I San Diego County Office of Education. The proximity of this office to Poway will be beneficial for various training programs conducted by the Office of Education. I Activity Through New Appropriations F.und.,.ing so,u.r..c,e"., ,6/30,/,9.7,.... Jul 1,1,.997 Total pro'e,c,t ", I 1993 TABs (434) $100,000, I $100,000 otarBUa-get0,~'~.~~,~~." ~t.~'l'lP:\&1(01)0-0'~~:~~~k.l'Ji.~~:i&j;1~~1'Oci\>'06[ "~'''''''''''.-_~''''''''~J_<_,__" ,.:,-J.: ,.,,~,N;"'...: "",C~h__"""~~~'C ,~,; .'.'~.....:-NlU:~',., ~~~"" .'~~b'~lil',...ji<,_,""""'-,,,,,,,__,,,,,,,,-l't_ Expenditures I I I IEncumbrances ,RemaininQ Bud et $100000 $0 $100000 I I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ?67 I . < )~~~., ',' 'i:r~~;,,::*;n':lk~.~;: 1.1>~'" '~'- ;~;0~"-*,,{,'~'M,:; ;,~ 'W '-:,)f-,:,\?":'i;:Rf)''r><~:,'Ai*'~~';\f-t-" '/f!)-;"~'';'! 'i$;f';"'<~~! .-~ ~bw n;~1 ~:~~,;' b')"<i.t;~t-\~~""~#{':~ CAP.ITAL~.IMI?ROVEMENT'RROGRAM INTERGOVERNMENTA/.;~I?ROJECTS~i~~1~tl;\A",: ~j.;'1~~l"'i',t&~lit~'>'~~'"'~",J~' ,.'., ...~"'.~llH"~*L',' .*;,~<<. .~~it."4~\"'Sjlf/~;:',U$%:...f;"lf,~til*'Jf!',1I1~~~;it#llf~l I 'C-' ..............,~._. ',.- ,', C ....:,.,~. .- ,-' '" ,,- . ~ ..-.:,.... ."...._"'".~.. -, ::"" I !trr~EJiG.9.'lI;E~ENT At.;::e~q'!5.9.J.$~QM..~RY}ll' S'. 1<'" It~.;iwt.y,/ Total Activity New Appropriations 1- Throu h 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 ,- -:_- 't',;f~q.z~"t;l*"~>\~':''l:;:~','~:<:::-''':'~;:'::tliS:~iK~ ,,',,' ",t5'<':' '-::;;;,<,;i'~,r,'~:-,: ::_T .Q!~J..Bu.Qge.t.',n....ii$"-'"l\; .~~ ~~, ""iill,_&,:a!:t3.",!9Q,"~".!i\Jlll~"ijL;ME.2n~.50 Total Expenditures 5,208,000 5,208,000 I Total Encumbrances Remaining Budget $1 185 450 $0 $1 185 450 I I I I I t I I I I I I I -- 268 II I POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ggtil~:~'iM~R()\}EM~~Td~~11?gf{A~~"I~.\. ,~T~EET~:~'~~cHI~~vY~x~li~'1I.'lil1fjl; I \~~t'.::~.t"h~t~~tflf~''!<J;'f:~~;:f:~~:$:t1'~~~411~;.?{t!-~~:fi: ;_, :~~)~~I~~~, ,::~4~; li:l~~;:.{i~~1tlli:' '''':t-'r5;~1?_'Yi.t;;'~~\~~}i;~,:~~tM*,L;,.~, :~t~*~~if~7{'f.~\~~41h(': 5234fSTA:fErRmr567SYCAMbRE~CANYd'N'RdAD~~~~'" I ~"'_;hj'~i,.i<~-..,,",,,,,,,,,<'" -" -.l1b':~___""::.._""""-'..~;<.,.,..>l>.~.,.._""",,""""'_~~~_,,;,_,,_;,,, _ .>i . _ "" This project provides for the design of State Highway 56 from Poway to Twin Peaks and Sycamore I Canyon Road from south City limits to Poway Road. Conceptual design is cumplete. Activity Through New Appropriations I Fundin Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect 1986 TABs (431) $154,900 $154,900 I 1989 TABs (432) 150,000 150,000 ""''''''''''''''''''''~'I.~l1~-~y.n''I~~ ' I*'"'l~-~""'''- ;r otaLBudget . "'~" ',.,J'il'", 0 f;I!" ,~~)Wi\<; ','cr, '<;', '304, 900 .)f1lr~' , ," ,: '.: i";;;'~~,~~ ",'f' ;,4, '\1(,,' '~,_304;900' -,'>_...."""...._."."" .,..... . . .~~,-_.,. "'~: W. ( ..._",~..,,,..<. ..~"'-..... Expenditures 192,269 192,269 I Encumbrances Remainin Bud et $112631 $0 $112631 I ~~~1}~:[~J~E.S~e:Q~~i1iJSR@YAY'.(; ij1 I This project provided for design and construction of the Scripps-Poway Parkway from Pomerado Business Park to a point 1.2 miles west of the City limits. This is a cooperative effort with the City of San Diego and various developers to link the Mercy Road interchange to the I Scripps-Poway Parkway. The project was completed in FY 1995-96. Activity Through New Appropriations I Fundin Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect 1986 TABs (431) $925,100 $925,100 1989 TABs (432) 3,046,800 3,046,800 I RDA Capital (436) 3,573,100 3,573,100 .~~""".,~."",,,.,..-.,.~~~~ ~ ~;J<!ll1iu_-~~""--iIl_~ J[ ~!i,re,BIB Bi'."''''''' Total Budgetn$l'^'~l"l.%t,,:~,: ~'",'i\\~~lJ~17;545 000, ""fill,q",' , ~. . ;, ';~', <,:'4~\i'%' '],'545000 v".'". 00;0 ~'"...._,,_....~. ...,...._,...,...-w. - . .' ".,....,Ji";",,....'._.l".., . __ .... ,,>.,.J'_,.,~"-"'.....a.'"'""~, Expenditures 7,279,344 7,279,344 I Encumbrances 446 446 Remainin Bud et $265210 $0 $265210 I - ~"O'ERGMOIi1tj,On[irIES~ I wl,....wO'.,,<.>. '_"'>~'_"""""'''' ......""~m_"."'...,,__"'....;._.c,_,.--...."""'_.....__,... . _..... ." _ _ .;! This project provides for the undergrounding of utility lines in a joint project with SDG&E. I I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect I RDA Capital (436) I $18,000 $18,000 ....... .... '~""''''''.' !'!t'''RI~' w.'''q .' ..,,' . . !!im.~""""-" Total Budget'~.g;"TI:t;fY~.$i ;~,'~... ;'e, , ",,18000:;~~J"\lli'}'1Jl'!~\'ii,,&~._#~,,;,"'~i '" ';"1'<,";,;~'0': 1<,18'000' '0_'_ _,,, ":.,._..."",,, ,_,...~~~~,,~. (It. "li: .....:;: .. ".,..'),_...~.......". -: "",, ,,-- ,,' - ".. 1M ,," .- ,..,...."t".,,"'.....,.,., Expenditures I 16,210 16,2101 i Encumbrances I Remainin Bud et , $1 790 $0 $1 790 I I 259 . POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY . ",:,.,:'t'i.~~,.<;"';;:;'*/y>i::~',:g'-':"":'f'i:ii t.'-t<tt-';~'-">"<-" "'-C':>__ ',:-',-~."~ ":j::t%.!~~''%'''' ..., ~,'" 4: ;%:~1'<~~ ,'~", ,: ':iWf;A~i~~~)J'i;:}~~~. :,")C~~~'f~~R!;~~~M~ta~'ltll'(; I :~,i'%:,,~.:;s~,-.",~,;:,-:';;'-":"";" ,,-, '~",:l!-,"(l:~;,.t;:;{'-,'''f''i _,,<f ':/"4{ _,..~'>'[',~ ,'~~~;,;,-t":l;\TIh~' CAt='ITAI!IMgROVEMENT~t='R0GRAMir'.l\li~ $TF{EETS'AN.O:HIGI-iVVAY:SJl~''I~\.'ifitt~, ~,~~:!'"i;;* ~i' "';"'}<'-~if 'AA>~!~"~'-":)~,~ )~}~:{~~'r<';:#~~~'1t~.:.,~..".'ii.:- -'~'*',:'" ii'- ~.-,., ~~'.'~'i$.,*~f-" ?;~~~:~~,:tf:t~'f;?ti':'t,,~,*"r""~~~~i>~1~~$_~M~~i~~,~I~~i~rw?lI1..~:-~;)i;;~ "<'",~\:(I.q;~~~*;~~ ~}!::',~~,~,' :3-,: ~~, -:;;": ,AA-}~:-:.;!:>\~)~1,,~$1..i ,>':,<;.'_~h\,i':.~-_,:,_ ,::;;;~I'~'~'\\:.,::,.,~ I ~~2~)~~g;O~EQ&plCJ1:r,IMAJ.E~W1.ttJ:H'iiMP.t{QY~~Bf~~_IIB'I......~ I This project provides for an alignment study for the ultimate width of Espola Road from Twin Peaks Road to Titan Way, including an EIR. I Fundin Source Activity Through New Appropriations 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect 1989 TABs (432) $100,000 $100,000 I 'otal BTidgeti':'F!:i.,".U"'!~ ~10'O"OQ()' "!'&''liiJ1W!!ifW~~OO;QQQ. ~'_~'",",_."..... ....,.,.~ ,',.. __......~J"'_.,........al Expenditures 71,322 71,322 I Encumbrances Remainin Bud et $28 678 $0 $28 678 I 5257"ESP<5CA~R'OAD'W1BENfNG~~!l'lW~~ :,_,_ .." .. " .. .. -:~ >;t._.{,~ \>i~L:;,~i":_:_' ,,-'-:w;:-,.;-~ ,~p-':o..",-~..W'! -i '~~-~-;<~~-liJ(/:lC>N i,:4'''~-;::: 9",,'\, "~><'>--'{ '<:"':<.~~~~, ':' ',',_ .. .Jo~,.-,~."4~....L...Af..'"J.-',,,,~__,,,~"'."'-"""'_"______ I This project provides for the widening of Espola Road from Twin Peaks Road to 1400 feet north of Twin Peaks and includes curb, gutter, sidewalk, fire hydrants, street lights, and a 54-inch storm drain on the east side of Espola Road. I Activity Through New Appropriations Fundin Source 6/30/97 Jul 1,1997 Total Pro'ect 11989 TABs (432) $77,998 $77,998 -'.ll ',w;"'--' "y:c'-'".-"""" '.'" . ..~_ _' ~:':' _.. .... .. '...', ''''''-',''''''- -,.---"., .." "', "', ',' '_ '," _.. ,,_..: '... .. .. "', _,', '".. ::"" "W-"-, :..9.t~@ggt~~~:',t4l:~7,Z,;g~]..;ii1;n~i1~~.i~~~Z;~~Jl!! ^ Expenditures 77,998 77,998 I Encumbrances , Remainin Bud et $0 $0 $0 I 52!3-:Fs'cRIPPS~PbWAY'PARKWAY~EAS'fiEN5~~~~~.~!?,ll1i'l!ilitU ..__.ioooololIlhi.'~" .J;,-, ",--",-_.. _ _ ,.~.-_~,.. :........~<. _.~,.,."...Jt'i.._ ,.,....._ I This project provides for the design, environmental review, right-of-way acquisition, mitigation acquisition and construction for the Scripps-Poway Parkway between Sycamore Canyon and I Highway 67. The project is scheduled for completion in summer 1997. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1,1997 Total Proiect 1993 TABs (434) $6,856,000 $6,856,000 RDA Capital (436) 27,259,900 27,259,900 11989 TABs (432) 768,100 768,100 , 1~92~ T,!'~J4~3_ ___ >33~,?O~~37'OOOr--~3!.3'O~O I Total Buaget ~f '<"", '~tt,"_A,35;204,OOO '.<,\."!;'~ ",'; &" (37 000 lill' ~I*~'I~Y """,,,,35',1131000 ..,'.....,..l<......,__.., "'" _" ,... ..... . "'--. ,.."..~ _'~""'" _"'-..iIi__"'" . . .. '. ,...~.....,.._.....~, ,w. .",,-,J_~.~__;';: I Expenditures 31,000,490 31,000,490 Encumbrances 3,931,681 3,931,681 Remaining Budaet $271 829 ($37 000) $234 829 I va I POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I 'C,A,'mfA~~i~~.~o,'Vg'M,""ENi'*ieRO"G.'''','AAM,':~.':*.};.'),-t,~,!i. STR'EET,'~lA,'.N'D..'.HI:,,(3,:H,',~.~AYS.'i..".fr.l.1~.~.~;'~,~.0:rr,'~."fr,.,',:','..t~," I /~fi~';~€$Jd~W$'%'<tbWfa~'{t.t~}~~~~'{:~~~:~:<~:1't-< ~';~~:\:d{~;.t~%~\'$;&;if~ll'_-K~~~;-F( .,&': ,;., J\j;t~;'~_~>~w"~:t~',-fW'1~~~t~'Jt:. ft~ -:;~:~~\t~~~.S-:--"~~>.l~r~~\~~~f 52!f1;rstOWErDR'I'ijE{ExTENSJbNlI"l'l.IIIIl.~"1fJ"II';1f&~~~.,I1~~.~i~"'''"1' I ".,..".,"~,....._,_".r.;.'~__'_,_",_._i>",,,,',,,,_,,: ....>__..,.,..,...-'..,f"..._"__...._~~~,,..,,""~,~,,_ i!. .~ .. ..~~ ~~ _x This project extends two-lane streets of Stowe Drive from New Pomerado Road to I Old Pomerado Road. The project will be out for design in FY 1.195-96. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1,1997 Total Pro'ect 1993 TABs (434) $400,000 $400,000 ..,~',,' .,.?_''''''''.~''!\~'~&..~."'?~.~.._...~~~..~.'''''-''''''"'JT~.._~,.. ',' I To~at Eil!.(jget~~.1li.~_~ ~'.a.,' ,'"40Q,QQO;",",, ;V''''.' '.di,' ,:";;"'''''.wlllr.~;w~<!~i!!\':e;tli~~4.QQ.Q90 Expenditures 332,284 332,284 Encumbrances 18,686 18,686 . Remainin Bud et $49 030 $0 $49 030 I 5' '2' '8'3..yTA....RA',...S' .C..'A~'N'~.'R' "O"A"D'EX" TEN"S"'O' "N' ',' ,'" . ',h, ' p' ", '.'. " . "~'~lWl~,.t.~1;~~'1 I -" ......,.,il!.:-._i_."-;;...........~....H:.l!II.<.".,.,_o ,.:<::...__,~, .". __";,,.,",._,:.~ ," ~~, _ ~ .' j1'R\' f!i;f~~\I; ':. :t\ ,~~'..s.>, ",.,: ,",.- '''':_,~~~~t~' .' ":~~ "~:r,,, :;:~,,';:.;'1_}, .' This project provides preliminary design and right-of-way acquisition of the extension of I Tarascan Road. RDA Funding (Included in Streets and Highways Summary) I New Appropriations Total Pro'ect I $250,000 """, ,j,IlJ~*~250"'(jo6 . ,.~._>>",.~t""""",,,l'_..,' .. 250,000 I $0 $0 $0 City Funding (Not included in Streets and Highways Summary) I I Activity Through New Appropriations I Fundin Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect Street Dev-Prop 'A' (223)j $100,000 $100,000 "'~"')"--'-~-"'W-:!'.:'l~~...._.~;'_ ~';"_' '\' ._'.' .'.'.' -~""''''''.'''''''>''''''''... .' " , .'.", ,_.' : .-.' 7: ' """"~;::r~'>>>><<-"~ otaIBudgef!l:;'~1!~'N,! ,~.(m~'ii..1 00,000" 'Ii 'ie,,,. ~!~~1IIIl!IlI~~~"1 00000 I .>io._.................._......_ ...,_~~~m~. \~~~~~~~, .' '._,.,_.".~._.'. '"""'-4<"..3. ~'.. fJi'iifP. ~~~,.>.".,._,.'-.,/..'~.,..._,,: Expenditures 68,249 68,249 Encumbrances Remainin Bud et $31 751 $0 $31 751 I Total Funding I I ",' "..',..', .". """".""'$300 ""V" ""'...'.$ '","*" "'.'''$ , 'TotaIjBudget~...~J.!j?lc~~ :i"'~'~R;2t!";',f,~jWj;; 5, 00 ::i"~.tr,'4~~'illt~!'ifi'jlyli!l <;; O,i:l\il.i;;)i,%l\;ii.~~glliJ€iclf~5 350000 r...~^'_,:.."_._..'."",,,,,..,c ....t......._hlt.' . l.I.lJ:'\.......~,~"""~.""'"'d~h,~,._M....-.._,__~~..... "",ti ,.....oo;;jj,~l;ili~)~'" ..._,..".....,',~,',',._ Total Expenditures 318,249 318,249 I Total Encumbrances Total Remaining Budget $31 751 $0 $31 751 I I 271 POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I cAeTTAit!MR~0VEMEN-r:eR'5G~t1~~II1'i.1 gfR~EETs'.A:N[j~H1GHWAYS~illl~I~%~~i:.I(:: ., . ,:;:c;n'~:;:}*t' ,,:%}'~1M..~~~'. 1:,:' .. i;'f.i!'~ I '4ll>.r,"'cNA{(4)lM'''',~t:m'':;;i!i'''" """"""Ip' l"','l,,,w. ;,;W;,~,,:'1~ ~~~.~'t, i:~'c-;4tt';1:?tTf1&i~J '~'1;~Y~t'~'~~~if2~'!t%~'\1 ~~,"\l." -"', ::-~",<k I \.~<;. _. - '.' '_'''11::. ,,'W.K' "'~, .:--"':;':( >I. .f:t;:."'$R'-8"b..'I'., ">"-ffi..:--'l'.i-'I> "^"!t..d~_,..,~,.<1!:;"',,,,^,, _" '.' . "",".'_', 'C', _'_," ,", ..,..', _"_, ',_ _." _ ,'_' ""_',' .. ,',_', ','... .'. ".>,...,.-.",~:_.,;., "_'" ,." ',' ,"""-,,,",.,.., ,_ ',< '>:"'" .> ,.V:"',f.'.c.O..c._.._...'_.:...,.,.'........: ,\_<....:."....:,.. ,.,' .... '"._ ....,'.,..'...._'_._" _."'''" ".': __,' ,-__",._ 'e"-",,, 1..--,.w_..'I'''' _...~".".,",..,- ~~~1JJIIt~~ 5284lE$RQI;$~R()'.8Qt'BI..Q.E;f&I'.iG.<"'.Wfil,'.~'~H... ." ,".,&' ,.' "...', '., W<!;';.(;<'k ';" '''";w,\''R'llJ!.~~,\t:$:''''';''''''~'~ I This project provides for the widening of 1 ,400 feet of Espola Road from Twin Peaks northward. I RDA Funding (Included in Streets and Highways Summary) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1,1997 Total Pro'ect 11989 TABs (432) $2,002 $2,002 RDA Capital (436) 400,000 400,000 ':',"~'.. -~-"~~, .,' ,. "f"i'02;0'b2' ~'~.O:~~lB'~02''(jQ2 I iT'otaI.Bu8get'N'1'i1\wivll.",j ;l'~, , ,"...... _..iO..~"".. .."". ...,.."............"..,___"..... ... ,.... .:....,... _. . .. II . ......>,*.~~...-; Expenditures 8,524 8,524 Encumbrances 4,000 4,000 I Remaining Budget $389478 $0 $389478 City Funding (Not included in Streets and Highways Summary) I Activity Through New Appropriations Fundin Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect t SU&f!~~~1ii.~~~~;';1~~_~i,~'71Pji~.___f.~~~~~~ st~~~g~~.~g ~,'.'... ......W;, ~..... _. ,,'. ,;~. . ,~. .'. ........-.-....,..........,--"""-^,. ....~,-.j,...,_.~. Expenditures I Encumbrances Remainin Bud et 0 $650 000 $650 000 I Total Funding [Q!~I'Bugg!'lt,~'.i~t1:~~"~ c:~~*$402 002 ;..tll.fi'_~ll,li$650;OOO, .L~f:t~~.$1'052002 I Total Expenditures ~__"'~',"~,_,,"''''..-i'_''~~ Ii .,. . '. _~. ,',.<-.___-..c'. _ ~~. ._~~...""'c._.,I."'...~.~'""': 8,524 8,524 Total Encumbrances 4,000 4,000 I Total Remainin Bud et $389478 $650 000 $1 039478 StREETS~AN.B'F1[GHWAYSSUMMAR'YI_..."~~~.~, c," I .,-~-~,-=- ,._~",""~u,~<&,""'_,_. .-.--" ' , , Total Activity New Appropriations I TotaL Budgetii...iL ~~~4i~~:~~$~~~~1~900' ill~}h~~~~~~':~;7;;OOO i)~~~;~~'~$~~;g~;'9~O .............,li................. .~. _ _. "<_""'-,<,,,,,,,,"<.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, '__..,"-....-,~..-.._""'_^.~..h_$j.'P.~:..lll ._,-"".>.^""'..,.>_,......a.;..,~....~>,_. Total Expenditures I 39,228,441 0 39,228,441 I Total Encumbrances I 3,954,813 0 3,954,813 Total Remainin Bud et I $1118646 $37000 $1081646 II I I I ?7? I 'I . POWA YREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY . , . ., '., II I CAeITAIi<IMP,ROVEMENT~RROGRAMIlf1.,.-\!;~~~ TRAFF;IC(SIGNAI!S%~".l'tJl;" , .' ;!~;",_~,~ff't~~lij' , ~~t5't:l~~~~h'?"F,~it'&lf\~~,~jf(i~~~~;~~-*~,,-~#~a"':~L~~~~\~, !~~~~~;"~ '~~*LM:'j,(~t' ~~~i-Yf1,~~'t~'t~$ftr4*~i~~(, ;f;',,'-"',:~~';$r~\~~;~~-~~~'$:~l{J~;~~~~:' 53'(3J.tMF-EICTSiG'NAU~CASA:AVEN0E1ROM'ERAt)'t:fRbAb]_~illllm_1~IL,.~. I "._""___._ -....... .~Jl__~~,-_,_""'~.AliH';::.b;'~,-"","~-_~,,~~~~~ '. . .. ~"_ ...::i This project provides for the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Casa Avenue and I Pomerado Road. Activity Through New Appropriations I I Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Project RDA Capital (436) $100,000 $100,0001 I :rotarBudget'n,~,,,,W!t.r,li,,.~, %~ \. ,;,.,@;ttO..Q:i!k1ii~~~~~"fJI.lo,Q;QlfQ -,', " "::""--".,_,~ .........",y~~;u, '~'f){in~\;Y . "\' .; ',;~'\",' '~" -',' Expenditures 76,099 76,099 IEncumbrances $23901 $0 $23901 I Remainin Bud et 1?,3~ImQ.Vii\YrC\;f:.ttE~WgI.eEfif~C[~Jf!~..'~F{t&::L:'1QfIIIN~1I.~gKQY.i;M.i;19I~B..~1I1 I This project provided for improvements to the street lighting and addition of signage and changes I in curb painting in the temporary parking area in front of the main entrance of the Center for the Performing Arts. The project was completed in FY 1994-95. Activity Through New Appropriations t Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Project 1993 TABs (434) $6,000 $6,000 I 1986 TABs (431) $18,000 18,000 T?3tal]Wget' '~"""'''''~-'"'''''''''~'-r--' " ',:,?~mi'~; ,'" i>k' "t.',6000 "'.. "~..'!ii}. '.., "'lB1!!'000 "".; , ,@ ': '." "',,2'4'000 ...,l,>,~"",,,,".d. _ W.o _ "'.",~_,,,_.....";' - .. ..,".I'='....~...........^'_"> Expenditures 3,600 3,600 I Encumbrances Remainin Bud et $2 400 $18000 $20 400 I Total Activity New Appropriations I Throu h 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Traffic Si nals Tot81BLldget~~~'I1~~;,~t...~~.~$.106:000. _W'~~1lIl$18000~"$124;000 I ;...~.,..... ,...""~_.,,,,.,..___,. ",llO_, .. .. ;;Ii """".""",, " "" .. ,,' . .",.~1>......-.."..-.....'<.".: , ' ' ,.,--.",...',______." _.,__,~;,I"_""'~-^~'-"" Total Expenditures 79,699 79,699 Total Encumbrances I Total Remainin Bud et 26301 18000 $44 301 I I I I I I I --. T I' 273 POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY :1 I I ;~ARiTA~iIM8~OVEME'NT;~~d~'RAM~I~~~t~;~y;:~ 'Efro~;c0NTRo~~ND1J'~INAG"g.I~&'9.~i1fi.1 I;~ ~'~~~~~~;;*k~'t, ~~t~'~A~1t~l~,..'~~;:~~1:~~J;~t%:~jJ:4fJ ,:,;:~"ri~,~~~~11 :%t~~~~~Ot;~:~ ,:~~'t~; ,~~~'):::~?;~:,t:':_:@~~'t';;i~k~~~~~~~;~}~l~l;J~~ III I I i,54'02.j?'6WAi1CREEK!d'ETENTi6NEi6.SIN:m,,, ':'; · ~". ~ %':"'.t4"'r~ I .,';"';"-"'-'.' """'-"-' .."'-".."._"<....,.,_"._,,._._..!::w_=~..~~....."'~_",.<t<... . . "" ' !.I>:~ I This project provides for the design and construction of a detention basin on Poway Creek I, east of Garden Road. II Activity Through New Appropriations rundin9 Source '. ." , ,6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect 1993 TABs (434) $300,000 $300,000 l.otaltBUclget~.1'Jc~~~._r~3bO:00O '._~'M'y."" . 'l;;4--^'\4,",~__ ".~_~t ,'. . . ".""."".~-' ,~.~ S' -,~,~~~-ft~,., ~J:-~~~~,':WOf.9..qQ) Expenditures 168,056 168,056 I Encumbrances ! Remainin Bud et $131 944 0 $131 944 I" ',." '.' ,. ,,~u._.,"".,u.__~~_ 5415"i[0S0LlVOS'DRAINAGE;~,~,"C.1)t '. .&!"k ,,', " ".';.;,; $'J;~,,&.'<k;'.; "C', '. \4"";\~,:;"~:,":""'ioc)',,,,, 1.3'1'. o.,,,,,.,,,i::_. _...".......,.~..i3<..,.,,~.__~ ,,_. ~ ........-.......... .,.... ... .. dli: I This project will install a new 36-inch RCP from Garden Road up Neddick to near the intersection with Springvale. It will also install a new outlet south of Garden Road. I Fundin Activity Through New Appropriations Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect 1993TABs (434) , $118,000 $118,000 I QjaIBt1dgetdffi~2~~~~1}(Odb'.~, ' ",.', un"" ~:::~1860(J' ._...' ._.'~ "" .'........~ ,. .~__.""'.. 'c...,..",,,.,....... ~,';l-l, ~"."{'. ~~~J'-~~~~ .Y': ~",-.f___._, Expenditures 89,865 89,865 Encumbrances I iRemaining Bud et $28 135 $0 28 135 1115111~mI3B&.~:rl$IJs:Q~tJ~1'i~~!MI18.Q2J;!v1.~BI~~~'&'I..,-1,t~.. I This project provides for drainage improvements at the new library site. I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding source> ". ' ., 6/30/97 . , .' " Julv 1, 1997 . " , Total Project I RDA Capital (436) $700,000 $700,000 l~ot~(Bu1!9E!ti,~''"'~',I~ti:~~I(j!!:qOQ~~;filii~m.~~~ZQ.(j~.QQQ. ,1[EXpenditures 571,460 571,460 ,[Encumbrances 13,460 13,460 I:Remaining Budaet $115 080 $0 $115 080 III III II I I I --- ~74 ii I II POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAgrt~Wll'M~ROY~Mg~T1'PRQ(3Mr;A'";:!~1i. F1ib'0Q~'cC5'NJRO~~A~D\'DRArNAGgl.'1l\" I i X""'1}"),,~JH}'~1j!~i1i;')~~~lil',,,., j0';;#'W<~}~~~,\~,'~.)i"t*~ll;;~fl\~f;"!}F i~;jf;~~1~1tc%\11 ';/,WK*q;1\~1",'~'i'il1l1lftl'~!i!jl'1R~I;~h, f5417~;fijijIr\f[.EAK~R'0Ab1Ali'lICT0RiA''''ESTATES;DAAIN]:GEiJMF[RO)l,Ef\lENtSI"~~~ I ""~~ J,.......,... '''---'"-,", __'..,..._"'.;~ .t""'......._..............;.,!. ..... '.."""''-'-......--..~ .............................. __4": _..-....~...... . , This project will install a subdrain along Twin Peaks Road from east of Victoria Estates Lane I to Community Road. I Activity Through New Appropriations I :Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect li1~90,.T~B~.'433l ,. '" ,',',.. ;;$9.3~O.oQ,;"., ", .,' ~ , rr,. ,$9~;99O I Io~Lf:3,LJ.9g~tr~~~3.;9.QQi~~r~,!;..~ii~~;gQO.. Expenditures 12,730 12,730 Encumbrances I Remainin Bud et $80 270 $0 $80 270 I I $'418ji[E'NE;'STREETrI5RAINAG'E'iIMRROVEMENtS~~~iBIlD' --'''''''"''...._',._-''-~'".....".....;.~..."................~,,~,'''''''._,~~....... -. .~~. ,,--' .. -~,.. - ..- ,'...' , This project provides for the costs associated with the repairs to the drainage system along I Ilene Street and dedication of the property to the adjacent homeowners. Activity Through New Appropriations I Fundin Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect 1989 TABs (432) $20,000 $20,000 1993 TABs (434) 28,000 28,000 I !;~~~~~~._M-:rm--:--:!E I ,5'(liliQ.RJ1(t:lA~S1~6.~~witMI~.aQ~~M~~T$~~QMML.!6to:aY1BP.8Ri~().qtB~QfiLry,ETATF:I!Ar\l.!=~'" I This project will install two slotted drains perpendicular to the direction of travel on Community I Road between Metate Lane and Stowe Drive. Activity Through New Appropriations I IFundin Source . 6/30/97 Jul 1,1997 Total Pro'ect !1!9,~?_ T~B~" ~.J9g.;9<0_ql~ ' \&i',' $90,000 I ',. ^-r; '~"~'. .,': liT otal J3udget", ,..,< ''''''/' A,t,~.)"'tiir ~ K'''''\''''''~ 90., OOO,'~" ,," ,,,,>>i",;.. ~"i~;" "', :t:,. ,""...90000, I ,-,~,",..,._~.""'.,-,- -,""" IN ..- """"""""-~'" ...,~.J,~,,>._...,...: I Expenditures 61,364 61,3641 I' ,Encumbrances I ,'Remainin Bud et $28 636 $0 $28 636 II I Ii I " II I I 275 POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I I I CA~jTA~;'r~~ROYEME'N~;~R'OGRAM'~,~'~t~ii~ fie5oD,C.bN'TR8~A\ND'.DR.A.iNAh~l1J~}~IJ~l. t,*,,~Y;'~~t$;]./~ i~,,~~: "\~~~'J.''.Il ",y . .'Tt.,,~~tflc$i"'f"': "*iJlf~iil~~1l"'~~~~l'~ :::;'~"-'1.I~~~i:"~,*~~;f;;~:~~~h,:.[;!;:~;;:~;}};j:\ ,tI::~.;~,:~ ::?'k~<~,~:}8't,,-, :J~~f,.;f: ',' ' .... .." ',_ .. " .... ,_.....,.....,.. ..",'.,.,...._. ...,.'....'.:,..:...,' ,.'C,_ """',',__'_, _.,.:,:: ,:', -," -y.: ~~.;_.,_:>_'-_. ,,'~:... ....'.,..'1 J""N-, ,'",'">.",,,,_,:- c.' "_.,.,,_._,_);'.,',... 'C"" ,:,,"","':'-:-.;~:' .. .. ~:~."".,\,.., '.}.... .. ......;-,0:.. .... ..~~~;;.........-,,;"...;.. ..' .""," ,r',''''', ""~' Il~2ljl[C1M!'i.~P1?:g)3I;li~:jMFLF[Oj{Et~tl;ttL$"'~'!?r.'))",&l#~ *1~l!tll!.,~!,!.,,!j"!,;,:!I~~' ,,''''_i'1l!.,~... '""7~~_1 I This project will fund improvements necessary to contain the flood waters within the Pomerado Creek concrete channel. The total project is funded for $1,100,000 ($510,000 by the Redevelopment I Agency and $590,000 from City sources -- see Project #1427 in the City CIP Section) I Activity Through New Appropriations I 'Fundin Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect RDA Capital (436) $405,000 $405,000 1993 TABs (434) 105,000 105,000 ~'_r-'~'_r~. .."..~I!, .~~.l!! ..".'C....~.~IB:.."H... I otaIBudget;:'c'+'Jii~\',"')' 'tcli,cl,,:~.ff.!~1q~~1~;-~;510 000" ..iIif' '"<<,;&>..~,''' It"..,.., '......7!"n'1'>,,,..,;,1Ii'.c,,,'510 000; ..........:.:;.Ii.;................ LO>.., ._.. I _ __-....1..,.<._........ .' ..~~rJitj _', _' "". -...,."-.......'.__....-.;''''~ Expenditures 468,088 468,088 Encumbrances 201 201 I Remainin Bud et $41 711 $0 $41 711 I 542)llTOBIASS()N'ROA[)YDRAINAGEjM~R6VEMENTS_~..'I~.1IiI:;\\7a"~ljl'I"" ~,_,~c _,"".."~.__,~o.,.lf",~.',,,,"-<~~.,,,,...'t,.,o..~_,,....-':..,,.f_....$vm_'~--..',.' .'!IIIII "1f" .,.,,~"""_""""" 1 _ .. This project provides for the repair and/or replacement of a CMP on Tobiasson Road that has I reached its useful life, Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 6/30/97 Julv 1, 1997 Total Proiect 1989 TABs (432) $156,000 ($71,000) $85,000 TotarBuaget~~f56"6b(r ~(%.1r:ci001.s\:1!!L~t~~85rciOO ....".~..'..."....~~.,.._,,.., ,^"", , "_'.~_ .' .'.' ~1""",,",-__.,..' '~,<.._".-J~~...._.., I Expenditures 76,429 76,429 Encumbrances 8,199 8,199 Remainino Budoet $71 372 ($71,00m $372 I I ~~~z]tQ.t.YEg;E.~8~B..~::6g~ft'EBfQ.~.E&gI~[rl?~:~I~~Qi=I!~eF,f0;QEJYl.EtlJ:~~! This project will correct drainage at the FFA facility located at Lake Poway. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 6/30/97 Julv 1, 1997 Total Proiect 1989 TABs (432) $18,000 $18,000 I ',-.",-,.-I'.B...d""'ffl- '. ~'..< r/'""",__,-,y.~,~ l.,Ota' ,u, geb,M~~~'" <,'W' "''''',.> ,'" .,<18;00u ,')~,,~"' ,,\\.; 'dr'~}' '; ;rr'.,:I, ";\"',, ",;,q ,,> "~I' ,18'000. r"""',.....,.~"'l'II~.,~_..,."" ,<,_._"ff. _.. , .' ..~..-..... . I.>....'_....-t IExpenditures 3,833 3 833 I ' . ,Encumbrances 8,167 8,1671 I iR,,",""'''' ",dget $6 000 $0 $6 000 I, I I 276 I POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY i C'AgltAU'nMT~o/OVEME'NT1PRbGRA~if'~tl' RLO()b,c1)'NTR0~~'No~b'~i~'}.:(3E~tRI'. I :t~;~:;:~$~~~r~'*;{s~t"*'~;%::i,-"-;;;;,~;~~~" "'>~;'?t1 s~~,_,:_f.m --_1~:~~;'-;. h<'~Ji11~ <"~':':'~';$;;;>",,;'t~<;_~ ;t4i!~:~~8~:::,*~yr':'H_ -;\~j'\:I$;~s*t"'.:k<~'~~~,0"1i})ls;~t~,,~clw*~1~;; FCoC)[)'"co'fRt5Ir'AN'" "FrANA "'SO 'M"'!ffi'~L!lf.~:1I;If~_~ I __~_~~_'--'~. p.Q...._"'o1""'-,~~5~~;'>"CL,~<.~ ~By~~~)lrf~t~4~'-~'>~. -.t*~f ~:~---~";' ",,/'i*.. ~~'. ~''\~~~kj~if;~ \;r>, ~'>'~~ ~.. .~;"-' '*'<1: Total Activity New Appropriations I Through 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total Drainaae \:Ii tiS d t,"i';~ .il.\~"'$2033 O..QO ~~($7j1000 ~_~"""$,U~62iOOO. <_JO.9Jt..,JJ", g~j~~(~,,' '" ,'''''''''; ~" '_~_~_..,O", ,,__. .,.},.-t.; ~ .. .. -... : ~;'>)-"" . ~ <:.~'". ....~W~:...,.~_~,,,,. ^~.. . .', .~..'. ~......_..t_..._~>."" I Total Expenditures 1 ,457,800 ~I 1,457,800 Total Encumbrances 32,691 32,691 Total Remainina Budaet $542 509 ($71 OOO~ $471 5091 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 277 I POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I It., r'f'* t. $ih '*.,.'Iif~1 ~< ~~ '~, ,"',?'<: 'f' ~~I' "~~~I~' ~ \~ 4ry,.:m' l;l!-"*" ~.j $ ",:; f~3:i, 1~ t'"~~f<M :~~lfit;, '" ". ~~IJ~~lfti~~V~~ENT~\~R~RP;~t;~~~~~!~ ~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~)~~~lt'al1"'!'~t:~~t 15504:lri(jIf.'ft:OSE\I7ACn:itIES~FfOWAWBIGFl"'STAbiOM_.~~1 ~,....."""""""""-,,,._._~UO""'-'" -.......""-'*~,~,~>i:..';o<_.""'~~__..."c,~,G.;"""''''~_.,--....,,.-w .,~ '"..<. ' t~~~ I This project, begun in 1985-86, provided lighting of the stadium at Poway High School. The I remainder of the project provides for Agency sharing with the costs of seating, field improvements, I all-weather track, snack bars, restrooms, ticket booths, and parking. Activity Through New Appropriations I Fundin Source 6/30/97 Jul 1,1997 Total Pro'ect 1986 TABs (431) $350,000 $350,000 RDA Capital (436) 450,000 450,000 ._-:"~'"'""'~~-",- !, ~""--"-, '~~"'~.._"'"""-_.._----- I Total:Sudget~f;' "1i{I1f,~m ,,',800 000 ",.."lit" "f.. .. W'Vi~i-' -,i~'-' fi~;;"''ii!"''''''i'II','''1!800 000, ,..........""'...-._..flI,a.II'i.,..." "'ltti: ....'_~"'..,'.,~h.';O'..n-P ..' _ ;- illiiW~!I: . ","",,'... ...,',",~',. Expenditures 600,000 600,000 Encumbrances I Remainin Bud $200 000 $0 $200 000 I ?5ml\L~EJ.i91W.-9QtJ:~RQ.g,TJ.C5.~,", This project provides for the acquisition and construction of a new community library. I RDA Funding (Included in Government Buildings Summary) I Activity Through New Appropriations Fundin Source 6/30/97 Jul 1,1997 Total Pro'ect . 1989 TABs (432) ,$5,134,300 '.' . ,$5,134,300 I 'oial:--Budg-et"~*'~~ilI,;':l.i - - '~"'~"-$1';;;'~'W1l'5'13'A"'3'"0'-0''''' M"_~','''''' 0~"'''~*:r'~5''r1'--34''3''0--0--' ~ .~. .. ..', ,0 a~ "'-~"-"-" .{.~... '.'- ".~tfr~''''''''\''~>''' ,t4W...:!.I,,,,_~,,,;" <.:....,..-',:~:..~~,.:. ,"'_....iiiultl190. ~::~,.'.- ,--: ",_,~",:- ; Expenditures 1 ,540,673 1,540,673 Encumbrances 2,904,398 2,904,398 I Remainin Budget $689 229 $0 689 229 City Funding (Not included in Government Buildings Summary) I c IVI roug f\leWI ppropnatlons Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect I Bikeway Grants (244) $0 $63,000 $63,000 -~"'r-',,::!,~~~.,_.[l!.... ,..: ',' ". ,.'." ._,.,..' _".'10 .- --..~---,....", '.' ". ......n/It.,O ,,'..' 1()1~!..B.,HQ9~1',:'l.'. ~"". """," .::: !it '~~,iB~~,J,~j'l;iQ, '9~q,gQ.Q."'-':~(J,Ib...~.POO Expenditures I Encumbrances Remainin Bud $0 $63 000 $63 000 I Total Funding I +~~~~~~~~i~~es ~I,"~ '~,~ .....,..$.~:~t6:~~~$28,QOQ.I'"'~~::..,~~,,:..?C~~$i:g~~:~~~ Total Encumbrances 2,904,398 2,904,398 I Total Remainin Bud et I $689 229 $63 000 $752 229 --- 278 'II POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I I 'c'ARITAU%"{MWROv<EMEt:JnR~OGRAMt~y~'~~l~~ GOVERNME~T!BlJ'lliDINdS~.'l~'W:'l;1.~~:f~' I ~k'~,~~'\~',:f:'WJ'~~~~~'(~~~~~l;:x'~~_",Ml~B~"';,'l&h~~!~g'!i<if'il!Y iJ:;,' _'>!~'_ ..,';' ~,: ;:<~:Y<:;'~Mt~~~,''''\~''!ral&r$:':;%t~,;;%,,-_''f,%f,~td~~~\~'*,.I~~~~ ,': S:~2dIMAtEBIALS18ANt1ET~13:tt68P.~~}1l.__j I ~hiS project provides for the acquisition and development of a new materials handling facility I for Public Services usage in South Poway Industrial Park. The property for the site was acquired ,in FY 1994-95 with site development to take place during FY 1996-97. I RDA Funding (Included in Government Buildings Summary) I I Activity Through New Appropriations I IFundin9 Source 6/30/97 July 1.1997 Total Proiect 1993TABS(434).... $1,300.000", '.' , ,,$1,300,000 I RDA Capital (436) 50,000 50,000 [~ ~.' ..~ --"~~m ""'~'<I!l!lll~ !._.,.'''...li,hll1!:i~r'!!,ll ~h~'.""'._-' .Y'" 'j . otal Budget "'lill'llY;,~,';,t",'<,': .&~;R:".~E~*'11350 00.0, .' . "",:" ,'..">, '..' " %r,':' ""''''",0, ,:;;~.,;.\;%g':~I,\~i41 350000,. ...._,......-.....,..._,.....,.> .._.,~ IOK ~''''^'." ~.,./..".......""'.-.,...,..~,,...~ ~:"",...' t . l~ ."t;,..".,h.o',....~...".,"_._~~ Expenditures 715,404 715,404 I Encumbrances 460,251 460,251 RemaininQ BudQet $174.345 $0 $174345 City Funding (Not included in Government Buildings Summary) I Activity Through New Appropriations I I Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total Project Recycling Grants (245) $0 $53,000 $53,000 tJ:.("'~" "_."'1IlIIlE'."'~''''''-'_'_~'_.~. ...' "', ""r"'~'~"''''''''' ~"" ,.otaIBudgeh',,'ui'I' w ~'!p~l". l!'!jl,'Y~~"{~"""Q..""":4'v'",w:,,": ''ll'e, '5.:> 000,;, ""7i."., '!i\,<~~~"f")53'QOO I ~.)..~~_~.",,_,>._.' - &.~ ~~ _ _ _ -mm;: ..", ~~""-'"'" ,,~~.I__~,;l Expenditures Encumbrances RemaininQ BudQet $0 $53,000 $53.000 I Total Funding [otal Budgetlil'iiifjii~",i~"'" ~:;:~'it"J.ti{"'i#'""$'1"'350"000. ~$53'QOO' 'i,,,,;,!~i"$,i"~"$'1"4' 03'000 I ~_<,_....,_t/.,. ',",' _.-_~~~'~-':"',m<"'-~} ~_.-t~ ~ .- ,,>~\~""~%..~~ ..L '?-_.-j;(-,,',,:e..__~ ~~,"".~....~L. .~,,>i ~,:. . ';;;'i$>~' '~'~,_,~,~t,>"__,",,.~,,_t_>"__,':: Total Expenditures 715,404 715,404 Total Encumbrances 460,251 460,251 I Total RemaininQ BudQet $174345 $53000 $227345 . I I I I I I I 279 i POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY II I CA,'.~itA@fM~~O. V'.~,M,..E.;(Nt.ffi,,;R,;OG.'. '.RA, +," M,"'.'i~~~,::~;r.,j.:~'5I~,rG.'O~E,",R.(.NME,",NT)BD'.I,('.D.'I'N(;$\1.~~1~1~~ii;~~~'I~~;". :li~;~/f.~~j~!~~~~#i>;ffr, ~~..; ,..~ 04Ri,,~~~. ~~,~~,~:t~'%.. ~'t}~l, ._;".. ,~~'i,~;'_:s~&~i\~h~ ;;W4~;~:~~.l i'>~\<::~'"/-~"'i~;>l'.,>,::~~f;~~,^~\~,;,.:t'j~i~"~;;~~<t;;~~~~., .. '~;~~jJi' I! I........,. .. ,......'.T.'...'. '",'-., -ct. -- -_...~-.._..-....,' Td..... , , ",' '," .m .. ,-_ '!5524"1'"SENIO~.CENTER;REMODE_"";~_$'L~~"'l" I ",.,.,'!.,'l:J.._~._........_,.._."..__".........~.._.~ """", ' . I II This project provides for remodeling of the Senior Center. I: ! Activity Through New Appropriations I II Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect 1'1993 TA.B. s (434,), $456',,3.35. $456.,.3351 1989 TABs (432) 33,000 33,0001 I !TotaiBudgftet"1111i~~ ~~%~;;"489<f35'Y ,."0.',,,.. 'l8933.5, I" ,...II-~',..~. .... .. ~,,--.f~:J- .. ,,,,,,...,.w.I.~__.,,, I Expenditures 456,335 456,335 I I Encumbrances 8,400 8,400 I Remainin Bud et $24 600 $0 $24 600 115528~REC'6NStRuctIONi;tWIN::P~KS"'GYM;ELObR~~~i.j~4~~1!l~.~1 I-">~"" ".' ,'!l.".,....,a.............,..~.._....,..._<.".._-"'~,.~_.,.~,;.,...+'>""""-$:\"_,~"......""-,.,'~_~-...,..s...~ ot;",,'" ). :'1 I I This project provides for reconstruction of the Twin Peaks Gym floor. Activity Through New Appropriations II Fundin Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Project 1989 TABs (432) $4,700 $4,700 11990 TABs (433) 45,300 45,300 Ilfoia(BUdge~.~~~.~~~r600'. ..t'''<''k,q,SO'otio I _"...................... __ ,""----""~.Ji ",_.,..'J.~.".___",' 49,551 49,551 I $449 $0 $449 I ! 5...5:rOJPEREdRMINl3~ARTS"CENTER'M(rNOMENTi!'SIGN~BJ1__1J81;\i;.~jif.r_ .. .' ... ..-,_a..,p.. """-~" ,,-",_~ .>._~,.~~-",__....lIih__...""'--'."",,-.r'_..,...... ~ ~"".' ;..".,~.,'.. _ ___ .Ie.,... _.. __ -" ....<...__.__.,l,._ 'if i ~ .. . This project proposes demolition, relocation, and reconstruction of the monument sign/marquee II for the Poway Center for the Performing Arts. , Activity Through New Appropriations I Fundin Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect 1906 TABs (431) .,... ,. $15,700. ($6,030 $9,670 I ::'g~~~~~~"'~':~~ ~~!:;~~~~l~:t~;~"~~1WJL~..(~rQ~ " " '~~i~ ['Encumbrances 595 595 I i Remainin Bud et $6 035 $6 030 . $5 I Ii I I II 280 ill POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY " "",,",-,,\,, .,'!;>'. ..., ,.Ml'",i!I ,,' ",,,,, """,''" \:,,,,,,,,..,,(,, ' """ ,-, >. '>'''''''''''"~'''> 'My" , " '''lti!.,!\ljjli/,W.',,,,,, ':H 'I I CApITA,g>IMR~qYEMENT~PRO~RP:>t-'1t~~ '~"ij~:f>>~ ~OVERN~Et-tl\lBUltDltJ~S:::'''ltl::~' ~~~,~ 'Ill fl is,!: ':<tJr-~~';;;,~~< .'o/j'i~ :<<};.t''JJ;? ,~ ,ffi'i!< ~~ ' $' ~ ''-''-A #:;,'" ,'\.... ,,'t~, X<....1; ~. '* ~ :;;l.,~~"''''' ~ %;.\~i$:>;~~w<'''' ,;....-li '" - I ',' ," "... ..'," " ,'. .., " .' , II r~$11lQeg~.!jQ~.:Q~t':!II::BiX~RmIM>p~8>9g~M~W:$;~<l"'~~~"811l11B;1 > This project provides for the installation of two (2) electronic gates and fencing to secure il ' departmental materials, construction of material bins, and realignment of the entrance to the Operations Center. I Activity Through New Appropriations I I "Funding Source 6/30/97 '.i, , . Jul 1,1997 , Total pro'ect, I' I !11~~_:r~B.~(432) " ,$35~000. .. ,> ,J. ' ' !35:000 I I[Ptal Buaget~"""35 0001~~"~~~35000 ~_ ' ' ,,~...:- >;,' "."'> _' ',' --'~':;,''S<<:5~~ ",', l%:. - ',' ~,' _.-r, I ,;'" - ;'~~::\ ~"( ,""",4'-,_ ",' - -~"f'?,.' ", '1"':*, .',;~:t',~~-';~'- .""'0<:'." _ _ ~,;~?> ~. _ _ '....1,..- ., _~.M ,'. '-_.io".~,.._:_,."'_'.r - ."., . - '--.".,._,t.,..... IExpenditures 152 1521 Encumbrances 4,654 4,654 I IRemaining Budget $30 194 $0 $30 194 [,. '~' ",,' "~',,_""~n'___"",,>,'~" ..'. ~"~~~i I :'i~;32.:i;eE8EQRMlt>lq;e..RT~~~g!lITJ~B AUDJQU.E8BAQE;~]',"'<,>~ ">, ,:~ "W~' ,H,h\ii" .'~'" " V" ',f,%, \''''';;; Installation of a 32-channel audio mixing board, three 1/3-octave equalizers, two electronic i I crossover units, three compression limiters, and two wireless body pacs. I Activity Through New Appropriations I 6/30/97 Jul 1,1997 Total Pro'ect I $41,300 $41,300 I " . \'''"l'';'~l;~9l>.~.fi&~~~I'.lI~~_.lf4r'i1b.Q 22,807 22,807 $18493 0 18 493 I ~5;3~]e:9.9_Q$.II~::tM.p~9]E.MsIiI~;.tQ:g~BE.Qillt1It:!G.~8.I$;t;,Ef.!Ir=.B.'BB_~~j I I I Acoustic curtain system for the Performing Arts Center. III : Activity Through New Appropriations I IF""d'" SO""", 6/30197 J"' 1,1997 Total P<O'~ I 1986 TABs (431) $5,000 ($5,000) $0 t,- ",.".,.... "....~'-~'.'. ....... .,' ....'. _..:'0...., It."'. ."J:;...~:.H"'~'"'~:;:,., _ .... -,-""1:' ... _:.... .. .. _.-"." fTotal.Budget:;'~"'~~ii:i~~)._~"!(.j,5000 ."f~~(5 OOOJ.~~ I r-o .~.-:. ";:""'''_'~'',,'''__ ~_-~'wU:' .. f ki .. .. ..,,'....-......... . , ",.,',>,....,..."._, ,: .- IExpenditures , , , ,Encumbrances I ;Remainin Bud et $5 000 $5 000 $0 I I il :: I III I I' " I " I I 281 POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I I I !;'::r!0;i~~Xti. ",~i<~;c~j.:;"'t-;~~;"~~ J'~'h! ;~1~:;'m.:>~;', " ,,;<f;i~~;~'*H GOVEBNM~Nt;tB,Ui!:61f'Jq~ii{;ilt.Jtl.~\ CABITAk'IMPROVEMENlj PROGRAM~ii1t~J;I~t .~ .;:~~{~~~~;t",'1t ~f&';.f':~,(~tf~'4..W;>:~~:'~~ ,< .M;:~~>;...,~ ~:,,\ ,~/{:4f%~'l~}~~~J~t{t~i * "'0~'~'s;;;''i;:'~'' y ;~'_,~~~~$St::J~.~;'"f4,!"~; :<>t;:;~ >_.;;,'~!I;r \: " :~~~~~;~..~,;~;,i~t .,;~.~." ",' ,-~. ," ~.,.....:,';- .-i'_,_',....', .', "-" .. .,,:'-, ' '." e'- _ ,", '~""_"" _,.0;.-:",:,_ ),,_,.. ,__, .'. '__' ;.....> >'-.. ,:.... _',', _. ',:, ~ I 5537$~CbMMO'~P:A.RJ<l~Cb:GENERAtlbNiN(jISErCONrRdl~jIB..!1.~~...__ ~'~"""""""..;l....A'... .. --'~""".""",""",,--,.:?_""-"-_:;;,r..... ~"<-:_,.a.............__",."",-",_.-.~...."-...)A.",_"..,..""......:_,},_,,,,,". -' "-' I This project will construct a sound attenuation structure for the co-generation unit at Community Park I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 6/30/97 Julv 1, 1997 Total Proiect RDA Capital (436) I $5,000 I $5,000 '''''"~Bit5ef~I. ~ ~"" "< "1'111:\\% .iE~::.'''___!!'5'i6'do I TotaL udgei 1 Ii,;,' "P', ;1Mi"iS~1lI'" , ~<'i", 5 000 ~',,~ ~,," .,,~~. " _, ".-_ \~ .v".;-,l!:,~;-~,-,:; t%,,;.,:./;:<..,,/i/:'<0~~:C"'~,,'$ ,.:,,~,~~ _'~ .,.,_.L>.___.<'_......._~........"" _.-"" .I~ ~"~'-'-<'f-';-- .,d, ,':'';:'_<-::?:l.._.c, ,;;~~'i'TH'..;~~,j,~ "-~-",I......... Expenditures Encumbrances 5,000 5,000 I Remainino Budoet $0 $0 $0 IG'b\JERN'MENt13Uitbfr;(GS;S(jMiV1AR~~~~~i'~~;H1" "~"_,"'-"1 ___"""""""'-.-..........,.....-.""""',___l;<..........." _, _,', :It Total Activity New Appropriations I IotaLBUdge~'''1Ni1~.~~~i~;,~~~~~635 ~1I1~i~~jjjf1~~9(~~1;030 ~"i~{~~ii!::~~~i~~T914.605 ~';"'"'~_""!-_""" '",/.' _ . ~ tI...""". ~__,'~. ~.. '0. ..-.-J..:.......... "'" ,._.f_..............._ Total Expenditures 3,393,992 3,393,992 I Total Encumbrances 3,383,298 3,383,298 Total Remainin Bud et $1 148 345 11 030 $1 137315 I I I I I I I I I 282 I POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I I c~R1TA~rMPRbVEM~NT:R'R6dAA~IM'." PA~ks1AND:;l1~E'N'rsR'.x.'C'E1_.il:~'r~~(~llf~~~ I ~:'~!f~~~i~f~:~j~~Vi'i~,',"..>:;'~',:*/,~t:f1fl~~-;-:;;1;:~J~~~~;,~;~\~::~-~;,~_{;:rl,'.',_,~if~'" :"~~', '~~_~:?x'i "i~~6#::, .L?4~T_ ,,~~':~.~:,(c~Vt%-f~~~\.';-t~~:',;tll~(:)'Th~~-~~lw.(1~1f3' "''!!!':'"T''''''U'''''T'''~~~~''~~"''' '_I I ~....Q'?~Q.~p&g~~Yael\8.l$.~t4~~; '~',,-~~;"~ .;, ':~:;" >..:,:.~:_",.' :~~ 'T'<~?, '" -..~~;iC~ .~~$;~ - '~~f,.- '~'~>. ~'-',"?"'" '~~~~~..~~~~ This multi-year project provides for the development of a park in the Old Poway area bordered I by Midland Road, Sycamore, Temple, and Aubrey Streets. Phase I of the project included land acquisition, relocation, infrastructure improvements, street improvements, parking lots, storm drains, I safety lighting, and building improvements. Phase 2 provides for the completion of improvements including a train depot, gazebo, boardwalks and landscaping, parking lot a Aubrey and Midland, as well as blacksmith's shop and installation of a pedestrian bridge north of Aubrey. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 6/30/97 Julv 1, 1997 Total Proiect I 1993 TABs (434) $127,040 $127,040 1986 TABs (431) 1,261,130 1,261,130 1989 TABs (432) 1,983,000 1,983,000 I 1993 TABs (434) 1,245,900 1,245,900 RDA Capital (436) 387,838 387,838 I.9iillL~Qgg~.~ __1l!~""T ','. ~~~ .i:~"~i"r.' I 1,' i,,';.' ,,,,.,,~ 004,908 , .ii'''':;' '\';;; .#:0,)5 004,908 ',. . 1",_'WI:~'_"",,,,,,_,<4I'. )i<;$ ~ ~ "',,;; \:\:.,<'0.' t$-, .~~ " .. . .t'.._",Jll.O.I..._.:",,~ Expenditures 4,994,644 4,994,644 Encumbrances 1 ,490 1 ,490 RemaininCl BudClet $8,774 $0 $8774 I 5,62Q!so(.rr.Bl!?'b_0J&:Yi[P..Q.EISTeAal$':~~1UI1~~';~~i'~~~_~'i.~ I This project provides for the design and construction of the South Poway Sports Park. Project was completed in 1994-95. I Activity Through New Appropriations Fundin Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect I 1993 TABs (434) $2,000,000 $2,000,000 RDA Capital (436) 1,261,548 1,261,548 I Ig:t~I)~lT~~~~tiJBf~~T?~1X[M: ~~,~.."._.,~ "-' ,,' '<" ' e" ",'Ae",,', , '..'0''"''3'26:1''548 ,>'>: '.~ ,-.'-.' "",~ 'q.,,~---.., '-.- ".,~ ~.".;--"~..,~~~,.-,,. Expenditures 3,258,460 3,258,460 Encumbrances 113 113 Remainin Bud et 2975 $0 2975 I I I I I I 283 POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I I ~;:~}~'~"~':'},f:~~"!;_.~kr, ~i":~{?:' ,),;;:.." '>'%,f%' .. ,;.;.;- t~r ~":':'i:-" ".'$;).t\!U1j; ,,~j.,;_~ AARKS-fAND';OREN'S~A3~fj'i}I~~1'{~h1'i]~.1i: CAPITAI.:'IM~ROVEMENT~ItRO~RAM:1k~~~;il.:lj~~;~ ,i~i~i. J;r4ilfi\k~'~ +~~,~ )f ",;t-l\i""'1)""'~~Y':~~i~iI"'*Y~~" ;_;f}i;~i~~~,,~~\_':~~ :iJ:-'ft.. '!Y~~->,'~A,'_-''',,, Jf(<,,_,}i!:r$;~;~~:\l;t:~~*f~:~;~~0;)'1> I I' nT'l!\',p_"'~'E?1"'~ '~'''~~~~ 5627J1:ADOBE:RIDG iMINI-PARKf""",,"''!,,:J'} o;"~'N;',;_;:1''''1 ."",,,~\~~:,,. '"'\";~r""""""'i,," ............. "" --....._~.t..U<-"_""...__".,..... - ...........'............. .. . ~ - ~ I I This project involves the construction of a mini-park, including landscaping, playground equipment, II hardcourt surface areas, tables, benches, and fountains. I I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1,1997 Total Proiect I I 1989s TAB (432) '. $12,8:5.10., $128,510 ~,.. ;uc-~~ ~~128 510 ~~f~I.""~""'~'1'28~5'fb' Tsti'llJ:lj:lgElSL "t"%{? ~". _' -'.'. ,\.-,-.1);,;."_' - ->~.~t~ ".._;,,,,.;...,,2 ';, . '-'''''0. . #, : "':~~ ','.0,- "".,,~~&~~,.:.' 'c' ~""':"'" ,f', ;~2'- ,.' '. ':,t.:.,,,....,"', '"""'".i..'".~. Expenditures 125,936 125,936 I Encumbrances Remaininc Budcet $2 574 $0 $2574 I 56i9'OP8'r~FfEAKEP6WAWRESfROOMl,t.~~~~,. -"~-",._.c...-_,.o.l\a,_.-,_""i;\,~_,,__'I,..-I,.-....Ib..,-~,... '~___"'" <-_"" _K_.... __' ,- ,. _ !$.",---", 'l;l- .' I This project provides for the costs associated with the demolition of the old and construction of a new restroom facility at the Upper Lake Poway Recreation Area (Unit 2). I Funding Source Activity Through New Appropriations 6/30/97 Jul 1,1997 Total Pro'ect 1986 TABs (431) $125,000 $125,000 ~~'" "".'_~_""'!l1"~r';"~~"",,,,~""o'~I_ ~-_....." I .,. otaFBudget.A, ~t4>;>'. ''l;~ 'i!".. ';;0""..,".",'.,,~ ,,125 000 ~.,'", ,..,' ". ,.f.'..,. 'f.. "',' .~iR 'ill" '''i'ilh. ...',.~,,125'OOO _<e_.,:J:",._. '''~_'~' ~ K:f...:~"*_ ._...,,,,',.,.,,,___~, ','. .._o_'.,,",,"~_""""'; Expenditures . 88,445 88,445 Encumbrances 17,926 17,926 I Remainin Bud et $18629 $0 $18 629 I @Q!EiIC[EAI{'{~~~K~H~QElsJ:.@nQB~"'~_" I This project involves the purchase and installation of two 16-ft. x 16-ft, shade structures at Hilleary Park. Structures are to be placed over existing picnic tables and concrete surfaces, Activity Through New Appropriations I Fundin Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect 1986 TABs (431) $8,000 $8,000 "r_"" ....'_. """" "'?!l!!"""'T" "''''ii13!'''.J '. _.,'.." t:~~~,,!!~'l;!'~~ll!llll1il;.r' I E~~a~;fa\~~~~r..:..."tf' ,;; " "k"'ii'J;:~i3j"~t;2l""t~~t ~"'ii' "". ",~,,""Af,!' ''.'4, ,'~~Jr:1iiWJ&l'" '".; '" " ~:~~~ Encumbrances I I Remainin Bud et I $36 $0 $36 I I I POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY III I. 6Ae;tA~~~~R9Y~~~~NT~PR~~RA\M~~~l\.I~{; €~RK~!~Nb'QRENis[~gE1;.~li.I~t,'II~ I ;'{;!l!\~,;f;!i!\,~~'li/<~1'1'\""\!!\',,nJ,~~J,~"" "),,,''i0'%,,*,0.!%W;'#:'''~''j~ .,. .'., /, ~",'~~'1l'B~~'" ':'r'l,""''IH ~\,'~l"" Ij .,Ic""",,J\l'''J,) I I 5631~HIE[EARYiI?JS:RKeLAYGR6Di\fd~sl.!rdErC0\1ER'$'FANi:5"$AF~ENCING1I~ I ....___-~&-....-.......-......_'c;&,.._, "~""'__,."-~''''~,,.~'''''''c,~__ .......... ,~-_....._._'''''_,....~"_~''-"...~..$o.i'',,:;;..Io_,~_.._.,~_c'*'__'''__''',.... -__,-",~,,,,,_,,,~",,_."',__., _ - .' , . ,,~ This project proposes to provide three children's play equipment slides with shade covers. The I project also provides for installation of a 4-ft. high fence at the bottom of an unprotected slope within the playground. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect 1986TABs (431) . ' $1~,7~0, $11,700 I T~'f"1 B'Cl"""t_-"~~~1t"'700 ~j!:!~~.~11(70b -~<.B,_,~.,~~.-~4.,9~J ~"B~I.r~" -, '-":{~i";'~.,_f",~...... '''''''~'-);.'' ',' ~ .' }-. .:;,,'<;~<~,,';' "". ,- "-:-.-,' '~. '. >" -,j-.' .;,}L.'-''--.~ Expenditures 7,263 7,263 I Encumbrances 4,437 4,437 Remainin Bud et 0 $0 $0 ~~;i~I~QP"QMQJ:,I'fiE;:6t'!P;A~,~~GJI,>.JJ;:1b",E'g(JJI;:ME:,tjTiRI;~9MI1Q~:i[Qbo;:p"0Yil8'fiJ18!3~_ I, This project provides for the renovation and restoration of the locomotive and associated I equipment, and installation of a staircase and handrails at Old Poway Park. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 1986 TABs (431) $40,000 I 1990 TABs (433) 40,000 ;rQtaiTBudgeti~~~Vlft~~8Q:OOO . K""'_..,_,.__.,_~~o~.__",., .,.,_.,. 'H: _", __,,^._",.._.$!-,~ Expenditures 67,587 I Encumbrances $3,350 Remainin Bud $9 063 $0 I ~R3~1I,IegMp..E:.Qf~fi.QBrgE:.8QJ1~g1SlrgaIi.!'!TA:m:?~Q:!RQ'&~~8EJS..i".~ '>',' I This project involves the upgrade of the Porter House kitchen at Old Poway Park into a food preparation kitchen to health department standards. I Activity Through New Appropriations IFUnding source., .' ,6/30/97 .JUI 1, 1997 . Total Pro'ect I 1986 TABs (431) i $19,500 I $19,500 .- -~..~. "",.,.. "",~ .."...-.,~. .. '.}Mo. , .. .."..p.....-... -'''. ... '. '" > ".......t{...: ','" rTotaI8udget~\\~~.,~I'~9.500.~~9500 _...,.._........ ." _._.__w__ -x .. ,". t .~ _ _"~_I,,..........-.-. '_ ___x_.t~~ :Expenditures I 14,915 14,915 II Encumbrances I Remainin Bud $4 585 $0 $4 585 II II I I --- I 285 POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ! I 1>'1""" '''''4>,{'';';''*''*,;',4 """""">'; ,?,'~"':'J~"i~~ . ,,"! '. "Ii ';"""''''','' "f'f' ';\$(\.W;1';)1t1;:,.xi;;~}';1 qAPITAL IMRROV~M~NT,PROG~M t#,\;~lt);1'c,<~ pARKS ANDOREN,SRACE.' ;i'~ ,,:~,,~'\l;~:~,~'K~t;'~k' ), ~'il;~,:o:~jti~F~(.~'4 ;-~ "'k-' ';;" ~~, -"~:-' ..<<!,'$X;-*':j.Jif..1_l~, :-f}'",~~",,,.....rw4 ~ ,~'i~. 'k 'JI: '-~...,<w~ (If-} $:~;,~;:;;>' w.,;",~,\,,,,";j-':.l;.,~~<1;~'f.';~~;,-n"!kWJ;._ 'I '0_" .... ,-',C..: .. -;. Y'" "w ......,...,.... ""~.<.'.'.,.... ''',... .,.,'~." _" .. " '''''''_'__' .... ;\.;.. ;':"" ;'.-", .... -:,.c. .. '-' c',' ::''''.. .. ~"','" "e'.-,. '" _\'_:~". ,.: .. ,-'-:'-', 'C-' .,."...., .. .' .... :".-..y .. .;'''...:-: -',:. "','._',.. ,:"":" .:_C<' ._X."'-,.. 7,' ",.,,-,',' .. ".', ..:' ..,.y .. -; ":::- ' .. -'-' ,-' I 5635:F?6~ERAb1fS'CHOOI1S0CCER~FIE[D~~~6~1 .<,.~"_~._._~.,,,..,,.}f.:i.~._..._,_. _'. .___,.,_,....,....,:..Mc',__._~....;h__""""_.,,,.._.~...)!.oO~.,.,.....y"".-,,~-.\Il.-~~__~,,__ ' . " I This project constructs a joint use soccer field and parking lot at Pomerado Elementary School. i I i I Funding Source Activity Through New Appropriations 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 1989 TABs (432) $4,300 1990 TABs (433) 45,700 I _M"'""'""~'~E5-~"~"""~" otaLBudget'i'''''~, :>'i!'\;.:~~~;:li'i1.'k};~50 000' ~Tl ....... ',_ ' ,- ',"i._, @lIJlj] _~'........__.-.,. Expenditures 50,000 Encumbrances I Remainin Bud et $0 $0 $0 I 5p3'6Ic'bMM'OrQIu:.:P'ARi~J$ac5Rt$',[lGFltiNt[.~g'tROi;IT~~..~~~~t~.~ ""'-'~'~ .....;:.,_._.,_......'--~._-..~_...-'" ~ . .....__.'"-'o___.""'...A._ "'-..""....,._o"'-..."_...-...u>...._n - '_'___~. "",_ . . _ . I This project proposes to improve player safety by increasing sports light levels on Poway Community Park's two pony-size baseball fields. Four fixtures will be added to the existing lighting system. I I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect :t~~~~:!~~: I ,5637rOED~POWA't'PARK ENTRANCE~SIGNS,f',,";' ''f'""*''' 'v'.,~,,, ,,;< . M~~~~,JJ!~d(,~~r1k;'~~ __."-..............._-'__..................._~"'-. .......... ....... ._~.L."..-~__,' ..........-..-_ . . -".-.~- ,~> .-' "":'. '. - -....., :':--' . :<:[ '. .:~ I This project proposes to replace the Old Poway Park temporary entrance signs with permanent signs. Two signs are included in the project to be located at the corner of Temple and Aubrey Streets. I Fundin Activity Through New Appropriations Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect 1986 TABs (431) " .' " . ."", . ., $5~500 . , , ..,.', ,I .'. .' . $5,500 : ~~~~-:~~~~~:~---:---:~: II I I =286 Ii I 'I POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I C'ABlt~t~tr~~~RQ\}E'M'rni~~b~~M~.II.'iI'~ARR~~~Nh'oR~N;SRAG;E~~~I&'~I~t>~'~liJ,j I 13~~\", i~Wt~~~9I~1t;}5i'?,$;Bil~I*~'~~i\i~~'?:'~% ,~~~\~;;:"~f'~~'f~#l~K '~~i:';~~W>"~i.::~i'~\1J; -~,,~',<:~:, ,"",:"j\~:~' ,;~rp '~J ~1 .<~,::r~:1f'~'t:;.~~~~;~:~Kf~~\,;,~~ft~Z~{;~~i Il5638-WtAKE'P-OWA'(,''i~'fS'AiNG1b0'CR~Ab;t\'IM'R'ROVEMENtS~~~_~~.~ I I~ ~A;;: ,,'.. ;;..; ~ 1.. ' ., , ..'.;\,f"",,<\l;'.. ''" ,;~j;J,.;1'\,,""~~,U"'~).,'" '.i'iiJi "-_..... .~' ~._~.........~___.-.....-.....-0Y _""--"'" ....."", .......~".,.....".,_~.>;.AUl.-"'8II<.-.,,:"" . . _'" :1 This project propos~s the purchase and installation of a r~~lacement prefabricated fishing dock I I !at Lake Poway. This new dock provides full ADA accessibility and replaces a 24-year-old dock I !that has been taken out of service due to unsafe conditions. III I Activity Through New Appropriations : Fundin Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect , I ! 1990 TABs (433) $46,000 $46,000 I """''''''"''-'IIBII~''''''''~Wl'.l_'''''''"~~~'.' " :" qtaIBul:lgetl' '" I,.. ." ,'",.' "'" "!,kl\/, "i" .46,;000:, ..'" \. '_""1:""h(~' ,'~, ~~~),,1"'Y";' .M' ..'b'1I\l.i?!.:..46"OOO. '.."d.'........"..'.-.~. ',''^'.', ~...' "'. .'.'.' ~,_ '_.o!>... I< .. - ... If:. _.'. .Sil. ~'... ",,<<' __. ,_.__ IExpenditures 46,000 46,000 I IIEncumbrances Remaining Bud et 0 $0 $0 '.5q~9:p:g:G:r:A8JQiEmli<?~l~'W~~~;~~.~"_i.T~lj. I , I I Installation of netting at the Dog Park located in Community Park. i ! I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 1990 TABs (433) $6,500 i f'TB-d-t]R'~ ";,~"'m:$:iqC[""_ I I 0 a. u ge"."'04'~_~ ".-,. -....'.'"--""'..........,~ Expenditures 5,802 Encumbrances Remainin Bud et $698 $0 $698 I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I , i I I I I I II 287 POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY !I I . ,. ,.. , ",. .. . . ., ... , ': ! '6"''P'1' .~; ..... ""~~~;i~1~ ".:f',*,D~ii ..:i~i'<" "~7,-,'y{!j,iJ.,~-- '-'~<'~w"';-;;Y';'\>t~~S:~(f.!J\~~,.~;:' ,J\~",.~, ,., ':'~J;>i{:_,' ," ,~,~~,:,;; 'm; '::"~~' 11i, :','0i~~i$;\;'~: ;~~k0l" '~:J~1fl?l~{;/'1; I 1119A~ITAtt'!M~ROVEMENT J;lROGRAM.4Mli:. PAR,~9 .L\ND. OflE~ SP,A.C~14\l.%I~~~)#(}f.('i""." I i c;', .-.-' !j,_ '",-':,~~"l~t~ _1~};f{,;;i!,~~~,_~: _ ,r<1,iJk''::','"""~2i;~,''t~;",;t;;~'Rt:it<.,,, '" ",>*,_,:";_',::'i''f,~~:j:~. -,_A~~~:;~4H~ ' "..,', :,-" ""{%;'L,,',' #~~;;,;"h~~~~;~1i~~:W:~;, ,"~'~_'" ~-~~~A~'':>~''1~ .';.", ,.: Ii :1 156~dJARB'OLltOg:SF'ORTS'EIEUQslIIf~~~1 __~._..l!I "",_ii.:.~J....". ..."".''"'_,....."..........,_ .~".....<..~~~.......,':;(.._,3l:,...._,.,._.,.Jii.". .. ,_ .. .. - , " ! I Construction of sports fields adjacent to the Arbolitos Mini-Park. RDA Funding (Included in Parks and Open Space Summary) I Activity Through New Appropriations :1 Fundin Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect 11993 TABs (434) $280,000 $280,00011 1989 TABs (432) 98,000 98,000 I 1990 TABs (433) 37,000 37,000 II I""" - ..._~~ ',' ""'.. ...~." '~ . ,. '1~I,II'iI'llili~I,!;;f" ~T' l' Ig9t<!)J~.Y9g.~!",j"""..~j;r*j", .", , '.280000>,''''';'.''''''' '& .""135000'" ,..'$,,,...'."'.......,..t'...415 000 i ',""",.;.,..'".- ,'i',-' +".....-.,.'!,.",..',.__lI;.'.~~ .' ...,. "', ".."k< :Expenditures 3,379 3,379 I 'Encumbrances [Remaining Budget $276621 $135000 $411 621 I City Funding (Not included in Parks and Open Space Summary) il !I Activity Through New Appropriations [I I Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1,1997 Total Pro'ect iDrainage- Current (231) $0 $40,000 $40,000!1 [Lighting District (275) 30,000 30,000 I I ~~::~~~~~~~~&~'!l$;~Y!~~~B'~"Jl00j!t_1~tt~i;/,',r'''7QrQ.00' Encumbrances I,Remainin Bud et $0 $70 000 $70 000 I Total Funding I II IQ!SlLJludgf:!1 *~,.,~!,,; I ~~,,'~0.;~-~i~4t~i1h>~ $~~80,QOQ..!i?j~-~r'i*~~t'~~~"$205iOOO.' ~L1h~,*_$485,000 Total Expenditures 3,379 _._.._.~ I ' 3,3791 I Total Encumbrances 0 $481 621 I! Total Remainin Bud et $276 621 $205 000 III Ii II ,i II I H II ii II il II !I " I !I I, III " II Ii " I 288 r POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ill I,CAF?ITACiiMBROV~MENi;j P~OGRAM l~lt'~"'II,:::j!;~ PARKs".A:ND';~OREN'sPAcE~~~~i~JI;!t~&".~':;;~I;,'jlll ~",,, ,^ <0 .. ":_';' ,< , , "Jli!;'\'!f"",' ,'. k'to; ,..~,.",^ wm_..",,~lj,ll i ~-*'~~'t:/1h "" ~"wAh~'<~:".( i>'t1f&.........'{t~~""~ ~ "'~ . ';H~~m:~'W~\::.. '''-t ~~-ft Y1.~,": ~~ ~ .,{~lf$' < ~ ,~A~ ':it;l' ~t. ,~k'~'>>~'~;:1: ~~,,~~tlt'~"i~3?'-P~\-:4i I I This project will provide for restoration of the locomotive and rail system in operation at I I Old Poway park. I I i I Activity Through New Appropriations III \ FU." nd..in.. source., 6/30/97 July 1,1997, ..., Total pro'ect... .. ,I 11~~J.T,A...B~~2) ,', ' ...", $0 $75:.0.92, , ' $75~qO_O iTotaIBudget~\!m:1!ii,W ..,:~" \q5.000.~_~75:000 I ....,"'"....>,.<-.-.....,......... ,~~>8 " " __........._ '. =....,'.............. _ Expenditures Encumbrances Remainin Bud et $0 $75 000 $75 000 I 56421SfilVERS'ET;F'lKRk'SHADE~StRGct(jRE~~~~~'.,j I '~____~4'__ ;.,..An.li........."c->C.~,;~-~. . _...'-~~~'""- """ . .,.-.". - " .. -- -.- --, " . " " .., Construction of a shade structure for the playground at Silverset Park. I ' Activity Through New Appropriations I I Fundin Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect I 1989 TABs (432) $0 $8,500 $8,5001 !oJillli@gitl.~..~~~--=~~-.a.;P.OO~ ~.~.~}[[q. Expenditures I Encumbrances Remainin Bud et $0 $8 500 $8 500 I ....,.'''''''..-'., ""-"""",~-'-' ., .,.. .' ~ .~~l 5643 COMMUNIJ:Y:, t.PARK'PL:AYGROUND\;~""":li"" '~0"~J" w..i" ,'ii;.", ",,!4,''-,'''' """"'""", :r'" $,'" '.''! _."''''''' . ",.""""_,-__..-.""-~",.__,,~_-i>:,__w..._.._....__"_...._~,....,,._~.,,,. -...-"'",......',,, __. ,,_"" ' , , ,." This project will construct accessibility improvements to the playground at Community Park. I I Activity Through New Appropriations II Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1,1997 Total Pro'ect I 189 TAB (432) $0 $19,800 $19,800 I .~ !l'f"..~:_~y::,__~:-~\'lS;-'?'" ",'r,_ __ ,', ,~J(~""~~'l\.,,,l,,~~~_.,, ' ,,_ _,;-.... .'~..'"..-.~~._"":;-/.,:_._""'_.-.:-r .~.:" I otal.Budgeh\\"!'5t"'0,\~it~ ~};!f:l,,"'~~,:"';;;1~~>;41"_ ~~i1,~;800',>~,;"19'800 .......--<.,"~,_w__.,..". .,_.~'b:. ~H.~ .._ _ -__~_ .'._"",,__....<' Expenditures i I I . IEncumbrances 'I Remainin Bud et $0 $19800 $19800 I ! I I I il II I - ----- I 289 POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I"~"""'~ \\0\."" ", '" "W'" "!N~"J,*" .'a'" '", ~)~"~F?~,'gi;;c,:t~er:rj~" ,'" ", ~~'-'h"~';SFiACE.~I1~t:'S1~:",-',ifi~.~~V'd7~ ~~~~~~~~(~~~~~~~;~~~~gRt,M I;?ARKSA.. DOREN '". . ill.ik\!,$ii!>~."~~' ).1'(W,l\, ).f' "-":$V,,>'~;):i.:'t;.$!':":':" ,.il) ai' ,,",, it'' ' ,,~'t\;1=;':/'f:'i;(~~'m~',~~:i:;"J,~~,~ ':,:~~.,~~~~,' ,".,' """_. :..',- ,....w.....,.,,'... ',.',,;',_.,.. .... ',:._..>_'.' '.':.-..,......"..... '!<. ,",",-"",,_ :.... ,_'. .c:. ",,~,_'_'.'. :..,', ',,-",: .. ',' -... ':":"".-. -,_ '.:....'.,_.::. "'~, I 56:i:4LsT~RRID'GEjP.ARKfRT!AYGF(()Dj\jb)r,~~~4Ill.II!IIRIIEll?f!~_ --"""._ ~.......~~_,,~~......~...,''"'~,'~~..._. _ ... 1r'Jr' ~ ___.'.. .. '" . I This project will construct accessibility improvements to the playground at Starridge Park. I Fundin Source Activity Through New Appropriations 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect 89 TAB (432) $14,500 $14,500 I .oiaf'Brragei..Mft~~;~.~1'4't$0(r~"'~14)'5,bO' ;....~>, ."._.:,&;:.,_.,~~^. "...,..'., ."" . ....1 ...~",'__.' . . 'tt- ,Jii.~_._.".,~ Expenditures I Encumbrances Remaining Bud et $14500 $14500 I'~ '..,..~.w_.,_.., "r'''~,~ PARKS AND,OflENSPACE,SUMtVlARY",l!'" ,",' .' ';;."...>j,~'#,: "r" ,,,,,..S.,,~ ,,;~l'. +" )""",,, >_..,_.'...',.8.....""Jl'.""-.;.-"._"..._:iofi....._.~...ao..~....."."'-~,,~....,::..:ij' . ... ...... .... .' I Total Activity New Appropriations Through 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total 'fotql BudgetJ.,~.'\.'...;>.,,~:,,~'*:~~~l...$9,03j:166 <'1*;~~:l;;" $252,800~;~t~.~itl~,;, $9,28,6;966 ,.,...._,_~ _...... "" -I-.. ,..""", "'''~' . __~'_'_"'"'_ .__ '0'''''.'-', ....,-..,,' .. :..",.,...,-,.....,~,.,.,,g."'''_~ I Total Expenditures 8,674,696 0 8,674,696 Total Encumbrances 27,316 0 27,316 Total Remainin Bud et $332 154 $252 800 $584 954 I I I I I I I I I 2~ I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ,C. :.A..'.:,.,p.:I.rAL.'~I.~M~~R,::Q,.,y.:€M,::,:~NT..:P./.:.R..'b,'."G,'~~.M.:',~fi.t,ii~'ji,',J W.i'!~-rE. R.}.I~.~.,'.R,'i,O,t:V. EM.:E~J~.<.:~1'1,.~.!(i:il,'~,If!.'~.,l\.~ I '~'1;**~~;;:)~;i,;;~,>>{:t1te;~~\'~' .~;5:s:&:X~~~'",:~~ \~{~~~. ,,}?;fl,(~;~,j:::;;;, 0~~!~:if,h'j);,Yl~\~~~~ \,*i:' 'h-~~~i:ti; "*~id<4{f~-!'!}:'~:;;~' .' ?)~~.: ~;;~~;.,~~~}1;~~~~t{t~~~Wt~jip '~"~;"-\Q(i~ll~t f51it6JESj:rdl!A~:ROAD:WATER'IMERbVEMENtS~lfj.~"_~~~~!\'li1~~;1 I r~~-~""'~"""':"'_:~'"''.:''''-^_:'-''-~''--'~''' ..." "" . . , KW< " " ,""" This project provides for the installation of a 24-inch water transmission line on Espola Road I from Titan Way to Twin Peaks Road as a part of the Master Water System. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 6/30/97 Julv 1, 1997 Total Proiect RDA Capital (436) $1,800,000 $1,800,000 '~..,."""'_..~'" " :_~' '" .~__~.,"IC'"' I TotaLBuClg' eb:'" ':. '" """ "".\W" ~"""'N"::,1';800 000 ',v " '.,.',y\::","! !',' "'! : ',' ~''.i"X'" ",co':*;.",1:800;000 ~""~..^_...",",-"- .-....~ , .' - .....-~.'.',....-.....- ' .' ..'<"j .. '",._.. '~-'-- Expenditures 7,300 7,300 Encumbrances Remaining Budget $1792700 $0 $1 792700 I 57.'1i!BEEi7ER;'CREEK:,T,RAiEtcC5B13rEStOr:lE"'CREEK1R~OAbi~,h'l~"~'f~~'%l'k'1it'$}~W~' I ,-.-"",41",_~-"",", '_.'.' ."_..,-<,,,.. ,.,.;(,.."....,..... .. ._'" ,'*..."",.. ..... ~ ..",.._.._..~~..,""._..._,-,.i!._'~_'''''__~'''>A..:&i",-_"",.......,_~-!t'.,..._,..__,-,q",_.~~t .. .. " .. ~~ i.. it; -ll: iiliilt. This project will study the alternative means for serving the water supply and fire hydrant needs I in the Beeler Creek Trail and Cobblestone Creek Road areas. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1,1997 Total Project 1989 TABs (432) I $27,000 $27,000 ~.,~- ~-"~~J;.. .. ...._... ...... .. _', '_ ...... _,.''' .. .. "'l~----""",_,_~... .. .. ..... _. .. .. _ ...... .. .._ .. " -"-_-""--v' T,. otaLBudg' et4l'~~~~27,000 :Jfu,~~l"~'$:\\~~''tJr~27.000, I ~........_,~,....,_....^,_ '_" ,._~ :t~. .."'.'-"'<!_,..'..,'""....~d' .. ~.... I ~ "i!; .,..0........_,'"""" Expenditures Encumbrances Remainino Budoet $27 000 $0 $27 000 I I I I I I I I I I 291 POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I, ,:~~?::<:i,';"i'>t->id";~ii:>: @'--'f-1:dtI'.:< :;~~,;~<,?,~' ,b, ,,~~ 'ito.", ,-if' W'~t:i:'~(;.~~,::\:;t;, ";0,' ",~ Ifv~TER'Mf,'RR~~M~N'TS~~.If~~~"~ll\\~~~ I f~~ITAL~!~~~~~~.M.~~~Ti,~R~~~~,I~!'\~~~1 'f(;'fA~._.;,A!:<:;,:'~ ";~> :':'\^";;',: _,it ;~; '''~,<i~>,:,'::->~,~:;::t3,;.,;,,1t13i_,,~',f_<_,;'')' ,} I 1718"{,WATERWREAtMENtOPGRAr5E~~~~~~ ?;"~.......",;;;.i~~<""",~_~~.---.,,,-,,",,,,,-'R..._,",ioM.L."';"...._...~" ',' ~,~:.,-.... ~ '''', >:':>, " '-", ,'. . ',,:-, .$;: .' -"'.-' '."-, '-"c.< "-"'".,' " ,:_.. .,,'. ",' .. -,-- ':'_'-;;"_ r_:_, 'p ....,- >'-- .'- ~ -.,;,'" .. ",': I This project proposes to prepare plans, specifications, and cost estimate for the construction of new deep bed dual-media filters to replace the nonconventional12 I MGD Hardinage system to achieve compliance with the surface water treatment rule. RDA Funding (Included in Water Improvements Summary) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 6/30/97 Julv 1, 1997 Total Project I 89 TAB (432) $1,940,000 $1,940,000 93 TAB (434) ... 1,000,000 1,000,000 T ot'ai'Budget-RD&~d!:-I'~"'~~,\,t,'1~2:l"!;-2 940'060' , ~~"'lf:;'$' '"'"6'''' ,..."~"'."2.'9"ro~60'0 ~,,>-'~>;:'i .:.,;,t:'x ""!'!i'~;i$/,it,'>t;~>,t '.'''' .. -<"jif:if"t:'-'\.'~' .. ....o"',.,\k._........... n..", _.<:.l;.....,.___,~ ,110 m..o~:tt 'f= 1'l" C,' 1.,:._", ,..,......"._..ot. .:~ ,',.. ... "-"'.' ....c. -;:'~k: :...~.:-. _.,-.-~:.io,V,,~~,._~.t_.u.,:_._,.. ,J.,_,.~...,,_. I Expenditures 2,766,676 I 2,766,676 Encumbrances 82,228 82,228 Remainina Budaet $91 096 $0 $91 096 I City Funding (Not included in Water Improvements Summary) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 6/30/97 Julv 1, 1997 Total Project Water Utilities (510) $6,976,750 $62,220 $7,038,970 I Sewer Utilities (520) 35,000 35,000 i(l~i~B'''''(f'''''T'c'~' .,,'~ -"""llllll!:!" .' ,~-,--- ;,"",&'~:'t:""p~~~62~2'20' ~~I~~7'073t970- . 0 a u ge. I il""-" H",...,ftIt, ".:" ,., 7 01:1'750 _,,~_.__-...... .~,_..._ " irlili ~ .~"'~. ._",1...-:.,.':~,,", ,.,u...',.,.......",.,,<>:... J.I ""I.....o\.........t,.....,_. Expenditures 6,133,337 6,133,337 I Encumbrances 280,164 280,164 Remainina Budaet $598 249 $62 220 $660 469 I Total Funding I I2m!J}Jtgg~a.."~":;;'~..... ,z: ifj,t.:...;.'..:.. $99.51,750 1lIii,\e~i:,* .JIE $62,220 ,"Mt~:!?l;;.;,11;'41!;.$10 0,13'970. ''''''''~ ...,..'...... ~~..<"-.'_~.--."" ~~lT : ~ .'~ ..:~___ !It'nn i v.. ,_.,J,;__,_1,,,_..,..,,'_~_,,,, Expenditures 8,900,013 8,900,013 Encumbrances 362,392 362,392 I Remainina Budaet $689 345 $62 220 $751 565 -: .. ., ':' ',.rL..__ ~l-~_U'~1f'~~~ -~ :~_.':!.r~ -.i'(.::,<'ij':!'-';,,;,; 1L I WATER IMPROVEMENLSUMMARYN.';'2E;f!',,:~.~~\)c<,,,,,;t,. .'!j. '*"w'.~'llililit1f,:~'0,il, ,.....~.,... ..,' ,;jl......"....., ',_""0> -.-_.,.,_ .....~-__~~'i\Il.. R/lil - .. ~ ",' " .> Total Activity New Appropriations I r.Plal Bud9e.~ ... Throu h 6/30/97 Jul 1,1997 Total """""-'$4767000 v., jr~N'" ",n:.".' '(, ~. "~('$4'767 000 (~,,~ ~~"1~1'~ ,,-..,I,'t,_.-;.' ,,__,_,~_,,_ '*~~ ."t ..~vw .~ ~ \;,~\' ~ ,~'-}'!ij~':;:\&i: ~'~;'f~l.".."",_l':_.~~ .__....: !Total Expenditures 2,773,976 I 2,773,976 II Total Encumbrances 82,228 82,228 [Total Remainin Bud et $1 910796 $0' $1 910796 I I I 292 I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY il Ii ''''\'''\\'''ii 1~ ~,,""!J!I!';i\8<t"";y,'i~"~\,i"\":: ~'!~'I:'!"{"',lf~..%,\FW".'t~;" ,,,;.'dl, ' ""''f'''CCi,*'''' "M~\Al/i\.~J1;1~1Jrt,$"!0"~~ I I CARITAl.!IMPROVEME~T,PROGRAM~" ,ilf,fl'll'q,Si"', SEWERIMPR0VEMENTS:Y";;~!iW'I:~"',;"~fliil"i\\.,, "~if /~~~~\ ,,~*5<i'~itlJ;t~8A~ii?; ~,-~:~fuii'%~~){:;;t'i~r~~l?%~~~~~4~:~w~1;~1 ~;:{\:.!:~i*;l~!>1t'~" :>\~r;~\<S}j"~:Y:;r'~)tT,,tt~' ~\~,;~,*i\t:~j~f\~%~' <~,\~e:;, , [ I I nV",'__:.' -'"'''<-'-''''' ....w _..~,- ." ... ._-'.1t'..'.....'......u--..."..-,.'.>'..v. .... . ,".".... ", .~.. '0. ~. .'.. . _ .... .14 11 J . ...., .,11 5801~WATER'RECI:'AMATION,eW\N!~4:R'~~_~~~~11 .~-"-'.,:~.~,~_:..-"-.lL-~c.-:.c....,'....-...._......""~..~"'-"'..~:..4;.:._00\,'-'-""*-.:,.~~,..'. ,,'....,...~N~~.."'-., - '0," _' ;,".,'" :,-,,_. '-',- "..~~ ~"'. ','_ ' ,.~-"..-' .-M'",'- "''$ ~.S.,.\...y"..... _~?:; ! This project provides for the design of a water reclamation plant at the existing site employing I I Coordinate Chemical Bonding and Adsorption (CCBA) process or other feasible alternative. The I San Diego County Water Authority contributed funds towards the feasibility study. This includes construction of 5,700 feet of transmission main in the Scripps Poway Parkway. I I RDA Funding (Included in Sewer Improvements Summary) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total Project I 1986 TABs (431) $400,000 $400,000 1989 TABs (432) 800,000 I 800,000 '--_~f"""f"i'f:IO'JllIIIJ!I.I:I:'> ,,','., 1~T;""'-~'''<-''-'~ ~~~lml,,:;~~'f200.00d I2~ill...E!lJqg!'lJijf""">f~lI1Wl.'" ",>,,~. "," 'w,;, >1,,299:Q.QQ. . ~ ','."_ _'W. .;' ,...-.-..;.-,1,.",",,,,,,.,,,,. I Expenditures 1,081,890 I 1,081,890 Encumbrances Remaininq Budqet $118110 $Oi $118,110 I City Funding (Not included in Sewer Improvements Summary) Activity Through New Appropriations \ I Funding Source 6/30/97 Julv 1, 1997 Total Project Sewer Utilities (520) $564,708 $564,708 I tt.(~'~~-. .~~"~.._ .~~;:W.?~ ..~'t~_ _~.'l1'l'l\f564'f'z(j8' ~qt~ILI?yj:!g@! ""'1:>'" ..' .~ . 1< ~ .,!;';;.. ""t.,\~.:l;--$^,.I:'t-;r '_,& . ","- ~ ._'~~~ 0 o..;,~_._.;::q~ . . _- . iUt l' ,....._'"""'.ct'___...;: Expenditures 411,795 411,795 Encumbrances I Remainina Budaet $152913 $0 $152913 Total Funding I [otalBudget1f~i ;.4~%1 . 'W"~$1;'764 Z,Q8 "'i"\'J$;'i.\l'.i~ii.It$O ,;"l" $'1 ''764''708 .".*'_.....-,,'''......__.,.,..,..,'... ".'~". _:'__'"~''' .-:ii..~... ~!t,..,..~~.:"~::-"',.,~,' 0', '._..._t",,:t'~~" .'~. .tkl~i~'w$&' ,,~ ,,' ,-.',-~- ,'" _ ,'~_.~,- ..-t'.:O:4-.-' .__:_ I Expenditures 1,493,685 1,493,685 Encumbrances 0 Remainina Budaet $271 023 $0 $271 023 I I I I I ------ 1'1 293 POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY II ~>'~""-";'~:'>';.i;-':iP,,,,w:<:;:~;~~:;"l~,;~~:-<t~"'i;:}~-;"~.'-",. '-:"~'("_ ",".,"" ,'i.,,_-~:;.. ,~'~:~ ,<,,,",, ' ""';""i!'l'~"'C!i!t""'("'>l1~' I I, 'c. ~ ,,'_'.0. .~.. ,,-,'-- '.'\(>~ttii; 'i:::'~~-''''!1-~7,,,,,.>~t ~ }:'~'<-"~~'L.~~;'''''~: 't,*,~"" CAPITAl:, IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMJ- ::;;~~ SEWER'IMPROVEMENTS~~~"",.i~'\i;fi', \"ik"'''W' i <'''__'> '.; ,- ,,>';~ _. "-"'~_ '" ,~-, ,.C.< <~:~~\'.l'!. ~t~:~+f,f-1::",;~';::~'!%"(f,-!;FS:.,i;_;' )~,~~,_, _~~)y,; '_:A~,r&; ,/ft;d.:~!%.'!y.::':~"'i~;;,_~1~~':",_:: < :\;-:-_-\~" "',~' '1~"~, ,',"}'~-~:~~~1~~~.i~i ~t~'~:;'"~',~ '?$.;JJ'<.,l:<:{fiiii.~~*., '!;~W:~; "~~'i~~~:'h%{~;~"-':~~~~~:}'~''''l\~'~~:'' I .._.".>_":' ""_,_""C:: .^.,',,_,-.~;"'. ;,' .,''''->~'''."._,.-,. -'-"""','_., '.->'.1"" --:; -":',>,"-:'., . ~,,<,-,.. . '. ':'" " ....,..., 11[,..,.".,,,"",., ~,.. " "'." " . .~_~Ji ~~Q?.i,t:!9I~TI!jJ~~~l?l~",~E'tlE:g)~!JJ~.B.f.Q8~E:;M~I,~J:.l!Q.Yill''' 7:,t, '1<> " " ' ;t .',' J.' ,,/ ,~\,,,II.I" "'~I#, 1 This project includes planning, design, and construction of a new pump station and force main to I redirect wastewater from St. Andrews pump station north to the San Pasqual Wastewater Treatment I Facility. This project will divert wastewater from the North Basin which is nearing its design capacity. I Activity Through New Appropriations Fundin Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Project 11~~{C;;~~.~\.~~1~.~&~.E:___~g;'Kg2...~ii~~2tqKgl I Expenditures I Encumbrances Remainin Bud et 50 000 $50 000 1 SEWE~jIMPR~6VEMErUS"l50MMARY 0\, I"':'~ -'-__,..0-,..... ',.....- ~........;.._'-"',........"~__~.,.,,~. ''><'__'''-''''_''~'''''''''''''''''',,, 1 Total Activity New Appropriations Throu h 6/30/97 Jul 1,1997 Total I irotal Budget~'.\\l'Ji.'<_'~~il'_$1 200'OOO'?$PI{ll..,,,ni.'i$50'OOO~~;:.'U.if'':J$1250000 ; ..,.,..~...,- . ..~l" "'_-"'" ,""''''', 1. .~~ ...t'f.:~';:5i~'r: - '. ~-~ "t' ",.<:{ .':~ ,.' "",. .~,,',I ':>......... 1 '"_........~f; ~...,: . ''',-,'-:'};'. ......-. ,--- , . ~ :&~:~.~i@;.;. .........._ ;,.__""..,:' c, '.. ""'. '-"~ ~". :~::'~j.;"" ~,~'- ~':., .:-, '0' _-.....",- __.-.It..,.I,_;~.>,. ...: Total Expenditures 1,081,890 1,081,890 Total Encumbrances I Total Remainin Bud et $118110 $50 000 $168110 1 I I I I I I I 294 II POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY II I ! ~AelT~~~'IM8~qvEM'E~T7p~bG~~,~~,\t" AQDgING;PFid~~CTS\.JI.ltf~~II~~~i(~~t\:~1 ir'~1~~;$f,;lji,\i\,,:1fP')\ii,)~;<""~;\J'?"':iFu\'! ," ;\.,"ei-;'t;j.., ",'f!;";It;.,,;,~v\,,j,ta',' ,'., ':!f,.,. "',..\~81i(;;,..;%~;M'....l?;'itt"';j;1i'~.f\\'1"';.)l1i'.~;~".~,;I I 1I :; I I!S901~FLbWAy,;'RbYA~PRASE11'GAS'DiSTRII3TJtfdN'"SYSTEM~1;,*~~W'~l:i I-''''"'''~''''''' ,.-!.-.~---....,~.....,~._,~<;~,~_~".~",~..__>,,,. .....~..____""'..~.......... . .. - '-,'Ii ... 'lIi>l . ~. -":1 11Th is project will replace the underground gas distribution system in Phase I at Poway Royal IIII !,Estate Mobilehome Park. II Activity Through New Appropriations i'l I I :Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect 11991 COPs (435) $250,020 $12,000 $262,020 I ~~~~~~:~~z@'~~:t~:11 ,RemaininQ Bud et $538000 $12000 $550000 I IS950rHOUSING~REVIfALTZATj()'N.\\Rl;ii ,;~,'\!'1!(i;. I ,..,.'.,"",. ..,.._..~,*,~_.",,~ '" "_~" ~~''''~~',"",';4. These funds were used in the development of Poinsettia Mobilehome Park as well as the feasibility I I study for acquisition of Poway Royal Mobilehome Park. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Project 1986 TABs (431) $446,912 $446,912 I ";~'~'?""-, ~''';;''~ ___-", ',. _~'-"""". ,,'''' -.. .. -,'?-...,.......,.,. ""... ,.,,:!- " ",' .{ .... .:" -. -- ~~ t., . -..~,.-...;.-.-,<-..,,'......'^ T ota'I"B~d g" et' '.',";'~"1k~_;' !;lli~,W~_,' ,q'$i,"'4,,46,912" 'BBi~~~~ ~, h.."l""~ ..l'!1.~tf'';'''l',$A.A ,6'9',12 ~..;~.;;-J!~.,w ~~~f --"'ff " .- >--'-"-~Jt"~ - Z1~~ t, " , . -, ...........'................. ...~.. '" ~~c-.., ,<,' .w:;~/j!:;'1i,~~ '-" <,' ,!i-~_;-~;~'*_",; '-"'. "',,'" .<>~" . -'''''';''''<''~~,~","~ Expenditures 367,040 367,040 Encumbrances I Remainin Bud et $79 872 $0 $79 872 S951"'HALEY. RANCHIESTATES....vgD ~~~~~~~~~~ I .,__'"~.....__"." .."".J!..:..........-..,_......-.....____.... __. '--......~ , ',,,,,, p . This project provides for the construction and acquisition of an affordable manufactured housing I subdivision south of Creekside Plaza between Midland and Community Roads. The Agency now owns this property through exercising its option to purchase pursuant to the terms of the project Owners 'Participation Agreement. . I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect I Low/Mod Housing (471) $11,343,812 $11,343,812 ..~,.' ...-... "'N~'l""_,...~~"""'~,.-....' ..,.~~ 1111: ~., ~r .,'~" 'f'" ...~ otal BudgeM;,'!d13'.",..; Y+'i~tz'&'lm'il\li~'t 1;343"812 " zf'0lI..'" 'l;>}t~~. f,lo, ;". ),L" "';.. ',,~~z ',,0 ;" .)7"'i;1.113~3 812 I ~"'_e~.._~. _-"'_~-~_ ""flj f!.t^", . ... . .,.~.'.__,*"..,...._., ~ . . ..=,.t.._-.:..~..,..'.....,,",,.....-w Expenditures 11,343,812 11,343,812 ,Encumbrances iRemaining Budget $0 $0 $0 I II II I --- ---- II 295 POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I I i C~P'ITA~i'IM~BbVEMEN'~'~RQGBAAA!~~1.1~1t~H,QGSJN~;PfiOJEC-r~,a","',~i~f:,~j~l. ,ci _ ~ _ ,..,<" ~ ~_ -,,;~~~~.. ;.;'~:l'"t'i<; ~~J?W-it-~JZP~ >'1:~ "",iif:}{~-~~Y~ --fl, ,-,;; ~A:$'t-",~i1- ,il_,.:-- ~>;}~-,:Jtii - ';to, '1>$,' Ii.] :5h~~';&:'~~:"''''fr,,''jS:i1:jl-'-'~~-''-'''-t~~ ''i< ,~_i! " '._. '", "_""":\;':'.<1,:,_ ,._",_,":__~"':> ~,,<--_. : '_', ""->;".' .. ..:':'i~'~:' .,'T->>. -',', ,',' :-"'j"',,",'::- ""'~<" '_ ',__ ,....-.t.,-.,_...,. d,_ ,,-" '-':'-', ,'.C. _.'. ",.,__, -.: .. :'C__,_",' ,'",: -:.~ :.,'_' ."~",": "._, _,__"-', -"-,-" ,.. :.,~ ._.. .. _, :_', /._~.." ,^.._,._\.. ..."-.... .". .. ,-.' c. .",,-.','...' ',' I !5952'8bINSEtrIA"'SENi6'R'MC>BILE:HOME~p.ARK;ONrtIACQOISttfON~lf~~ _"'"-''''~~.A~.'''',.''''~~.c~''~"<-"",,,,,,~,~~~",,,",,,,,,,,,,,~----,~. '.~'_~~~_""~'''' ....~....-~~'---,_""-,<.Jt~ II This project provides for purchase of three new manufactured housing units in the Poinsettia I Senior Park for lease on a shared-housing basis. I ! I Funding Source Activity Through New Appropriations I 6/30/97 Jul 1,1997 Total Pro'ect I 11986 TABs (431) $130,000 $130,000! I r..t!l!L~g'!'!'":or .' ., ~ .~~"~.~. :"4)'" '""1,30 OOO~.l :\~* ,.i.y" ,," "",,}',,,,. \,i(+" },'o\, < *,\>>'" "',13Q, 000 '".......-,.._~_-'l-. , 'B. _.,......._ ."-_,_....... Expenditures I Encumbrances Remainin Bud $130000 $0 $130000 I 5'96-3~BbvVRCrN'ROAb,.FAMIEy,:AoUS1NG'1587ELOPiii1ENtiw~~~~ .....,....-..c,~_,......_.w...__~__'''_..__~~_~~._...., 3:...,.., . ___"--........~"...-_,, I This project provides for site acquisition and financial assistance toward the construction of multifamily housing affordable to households with low and moderate incomes. This 4.4-acre property is owned by the Redevelopment Agency and is located at the northeast corner of Bowron I Road and Civic Center Drive. It is anticipated that a Development and Disposition Agreement will be approved by summer of 1996. This will be followed by an application for tax credits to be submitted in fall 1996, with construction expected to be initiated in 1997. II Funding Source Activity Through New Appropriations 6/30/97 July 1,1997 Total Proiect II L~~~.!:!9usin~ (471~, , " . ~6k33,2~58,\ $6,332,581 TotC\!&!J.2get;i'~i~;W.!,,'b. ~~,9;3k3~,,?~.1t ~~~ "'11# ~..,%, .," '\,\~,,6r33'2f58I .t ,.........._'...,.'.~".; Expenditures 2,029,626 2,029,626 I Encumbrances Remainina Budaet $4 302 955 $0 $4 302 955 I :591WtBREIHA"fFAMIC.YAbOf;'ING'15E\1El!:C>~MEf.jt~~~ It,."........ ".,...-_......,~..,.~ ." '. '_'..J_.."., ,. ,.Q",.__.,...,__,...__,,,,,~>...,,"-'~'~"W' ... ".-.. ..,'.'.... '''''.' .', .... . . .' I !iThiS project provides for the acquisition and development of property immediately south of Haley I[Ranch Estates. The Redevelopment Agency now owns this property, and it is anticipated that the I !Ideveloper selection process will be initiated in 1998 for this affordable housing development. !' Activity Through New Appropriations :!Fundin Source 6/30/97 Jul 1,1997 Total Pro'ect I ::~~r'I~'l~ f:ll~~~gJ471~r~~""" ,"~,.~ $~~~~;;~~~ '~'m!t,~ J~ it_!;~~~~,~~{ i~'," 9 ._~ ..;. U, g~"L r:~. .;.;. ~;'~i '~1.,~,'-;iit:tl"i~~;,t/,,," ,...-i.., ";_,.,.,,l~,",,-<... .,' ~t'~' r:i"~~~~fi(t'? ,~~~, ',-~.~ " . /c.;:~~~~ :'Wi',l;'<f"W<~f;;I~:\,~\,,'A.:..,L. ;. ,_",i~~_~ I ':Expenditures 1,669,322 1,669,322 'Encumbrances Remaining Budget $1 868076 $0 $1 868076 I 296 = POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY II C,"';~Plf~~rM~RO{j~M'~N'~7f3Rdt3r.tAM~I"~.~~ ROUSl~'~fR~OJ.f{CJ~11i'~t.~~'~ilfll:ii~Il.~ i ,.,. "M'",^".Jit'w""""r~"" ":''''''!iJ.''*''r~''M;'' '.r"N',""',>@nj:'~""''''~''' N~d.' II''''' '""v", "l'F'!.'.. ,,""''' 4."E,"",~..,,,<'jklt,.. ~.,,'"''''',,''' "~"',U I .;;-._"};'''i'>':;, ~:.,~,. ""'-:'~':'''''Yi-_~~.'.., .. _..~",,::.::._, 1;." ';(~,-,.:.., ,c- .. - d ..... .'e'~; >,.:: """"'",...,,,~: 't.,:_;,),t:~;v ><;~. ..,'8""'...... "". _', i _:'(S;~~ __ ."..L, "t'>7' ,. ,.::it~.. :._'-C',:<.'<:i-' 'C,;,.".,,', _.:: :. ::.A;:f.j, .. 1';_: <;:':-":;""""{''':'''~~'''';''1>~~", ~'}<_':'-_: _ .; .'~~"':'-?"lll ,_.. ,;"_:-"",'''''",,., . '.'.C" .'.~" _ ''',' . ".,_."-,,,,__ '_" __ _~.-._..; .". .,....... ,......, :0:"_:__:". :");~'__':" 'l'_""'~'~ ___"'-'._' """'.__ .,,'* _ _., . __ .A_.._-'_._. .'_<'. .-._'..,-......~ -__.'_,...... ...',_..... """'<'-"'_ ". . ._~...."<,,-,. .~", '.,__ ....-__..",,''':~ ..' .,.',,<. . ',... "_"_.'__..'..-.. .:....,..."..... , II I ~.[~~T~~~'(iee:J3.JSrR"08P:;~~.~I~:ao.,g~[~~,;Qf;)l.J;.L.Q~MENTJmII~1:t~t~'t~;11 This project provides for financial assistance for the potential development of affordable senior ill housing on this 3.36-acre site. The property is currently owned by Retirement Housing Foundation ! (RHF) who has expressed interest in working with the Agency to develop affordable housing. RHF \ submitted an application for the highly competitive HUD 202 program in 1995, but was not selected I I to receive this grant at that time. The Agency remains available to consider development options initiated by RHF; however, the Agency may consider developing alternative sites as funding is I available. i I Activity Through New Appropriations II Funding Source 6/30/97 July 1, 1997 Total Proiect I I Low/Mod Housing (471) $1,756,332 $1,756,3321 '"~"-""W"___""'_"" ~dI: ~', ~"'''-"'~I~~~-~ ,(il"~' ...... '1 Tot~IIBudget~;~"',,:". .,",~,,<,", ,'..t'''1.756;332 'i,';" ;,';("'''.$,\~'J.. "';";;;i~"'A'\_1~756332' Expe~djtures"'" ,."""-' -- '..."3,2'OC)' -- ' ,",,""" . -~-3::;tOO I Encumbrances I Remaininq Budqet $1753132 $0 $1 753132 I [96]~,BRdbK\{I;YY~VIELAQ:.s:gENI6.~!BI:5.QB1tifql(jE~5b9.aM.~tilJ.~~lt.~"~~*1 I This project provides for the acquisition of a 6.7-acre site which is located on the west side of I Pomerado Road, north of Poway Road. It is anticipated that the developer selection process for I I this site will be initiated during 1997. Additional funds will be initiated during 1997. Additional funds wi need to be appropriated as the level of Agency's assistance is determined. Construction of this project is presently scheduled to be initiated in 1998. I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect Low/Mod Housing (471) I $1,170,751 $1.170,751 rT.,..,otilfBui:l9"'er'1~.'4~\'Iff.~ ""," " .",1w176115'1fl!ll:~~~Th;170'fi5'1;1 I . >, .' __ .l;.. ~~_ '.'. .,,____. "''Ii M 1;: ,'..........~........1>l-.."'-.-'I!",. _ ._~J.~....<X5.,,),,""""'..'-~. Expenditures 1,165.821 1,165,821 !Encumbrances 4,930 4,930 IIRemainin Bud et $0 $0 $0 I ! II I I ! I I II I I 297 POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL"'I'MP"~OVEMENT,tPROGRAM~;;~i;~~~~~~{iH'OLJSINGiR~OJE~TS~~~~.6~1!~1;11I~.~ ;;~}/ ;j~~~~~~~i~iArt,~~'t:";~', ''''i4,'~:(;Vq~~,_,?~';'~tri;il'1.*t~:,~,,~#::t~;~i$;t%1f:\i~~'j~.it::~~,;:-::,.~-~_,-' ",,__~~;>ft/~iJ?fst~~t;~1i:-;,1t~~j@:~~"~~~fi,~t~V~~;:, I ~~~~F.6.0BJ?A-BIZEilidO~JNG1R~I.r6~JM:rJ]:l.] " ,,' . ,; ',' I This project provides a contingency fund for unanticipated project costs on current affordable housing projects and programs funded by the Redevelopment Agency. I Funding Source Activity Through New Appropriations 6/30/97 Jul 1,1997 Total Pro'ect Low/Mod Housing (471) $552,091 ($552,091 $0 I ,'.", -"-'-I;.;~I'i&"""liBIB'u".,,,,,,,, '~(5!52'091 ~I~;~"".~,ll!l!.!'$, ,.;)'l1'!\' Total Budget'-l'"''!ii"""" {,,,~_;,"'.,' ";. ;"552,091,;1.,'''' -"-"!"._ ~>,;q~t"'~;-,,,,,'r" :<i'"S~K'~"', >,;';i" _...._~.. ,___ "Ii ~.<;, ..~_,...~ .. "'-.-_'. ...,Ho'p.;,; Expenditures Encumbrances I Remainin Bud et $552091 $552 091 $0 I RbOsJN'G:eRd"jECTS:SQMMARYi~._.~.4~"ll.~.f;~~.~~ _.~_~A....,....,..-.....____,'l:,_.._"~",_" ..,' .,-,_.. ,,_.,,\.,....;1... _ '.. _.k.,. '~_.~'r_'qO_....__ .. ~.. ~ , I Total Activity New Appropriations Through 6/30/97 July 1,1997 Total TotaJ.l;l4,gget;~li..~j.~,,~ ~~4i!f~~~~,$25,8.19.877;. l.lrlt\~~~~"'~($,51Q:P,~j '~W-,i . $.f.R,?l~;Z!3"6,. "'~"_..o"-' ........ . '" '.,. .~ ',_"". '>,' .,",'" " I Total Expenditures 16.578,821 16,578,821 Total Encumbrances 16,930 16,930 Total Remainino Budoet $9224126 ($540091 $8.684 035 I I I I I I I I I 298 POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY i I I }'.<~_.~~>;.$.\!'. ".'.~,'f!:,j:~ :i\.},,*,,-_o,;~;-' ~*_::~'C"'-t~. f'.,...,.:""IW;,... 'tf':"'iif<':~"".'.'.-I~, '^;;'~1-'>j.-~.". ._~:t~'-.tJ. 'f,.'~'-~ ':<~,;:~:~-'.!I!l;;~X'" l%ts;,',"'::_,.\.<:,':,".'-~.i.'..,:..;"1. .. "~"~;?:,:,.~,ii,.'..'1 ~.",-:}'_f',>'~w_~~,' :,"_.~"> -',l' '+"\.';~>;:.':-',':""-'.'-- ~': -::"":::;'_:,~\ -"f',':"'~,k.-~ .iI:.".:M~'K'~'.-"~:~lt."'.~'.;"~~fi::~:~,'~:-~.~."'" ,."}t',::,--,,,:, I CARITALl1:IMPROVEMENT'PROGRAMji~~\%"";.y)~ ,.<1)\ REVITALIZATION. p,ROJECTS~it~~lifh,~~~~Jjj~~ 1:~:~i\#itf~t%i~;~~~r;.~~},-~ ~}:~:~~l'i.~-b \}.:: '1:~: ;:,:~-~~~ ; j;;X ;J;~1~;f:fi. i~,1 ~ - ~ ,. ~ '<'#':;:Zfi ,~",,\"'I'~~ti~~h~-~~>i~\~4t 't.:,.:;.}, ~~~';''-';:,*~~l;<t*'''::';~t~R~~~~~'t~~&:l<\t:'LL 59011Cd'MMERCfAIJRE\lltAmzATlbN_;~~)&~i~~~W.~~~.Il: I '_,~,_,:,<_,,,_-,,,,,,,,'-""'>'''''''.,...>c.___....,_,'dE'~,,.._,,,,.._.,..._.. .~__,.~ __ .........--.,.....___. .."...,....._"~."'l.,._"'..<..._,,. . . . :'li(. _ , .. .. _ ~J-l These funds are used for improving and developing the tax base for the City through I! I redevelopment activities. I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 6/30/97 Jul 1,1997 Total Pro'ect 1986 TABs (431) $842,348 $842,348 1989 TABs (432) 3,417,003 3,417,003 I RDA Capital (436), 1,359,513 1,359,513 ~.,,,,,. """'"""'''ltBBl'''-I~.''-'"'''''~~.~''- 'l'I'!"\~~ '...'.." otal Budget\;\i\: "''''Il>~L :'~,'" ' ,),,, ..:"" ,,~'5618 864":....*"1\1...',,.., ",.'...,.e '!1)!.8i.~Y .,:. ~ '..~N:5:6,18 864' Expe'nditures '\>j,..,,., . ~4:91:(82T ' . ".. -""'{91"4:821' I Encumbrances Remainin Bud et $704 043 $0 $704 043 I ..,..~'._"n......." ,".,.-....".. .~~B~'!1t'!"'fI,: 599\lR.~~~Y!.!aYmN~~~.kQ..E!>lTE,RW..;: ,~M"'.1'It"....'A.. ,..,..'i. ,;~.,:,,\;,!, ,'.. ., '_~\~1 fiJ'\i.4 "; '''':':''~i.~~ I Finance construction of public improvement in the South Poway Business Park Parkway Business Center including property acquisition, construction of storm drains, a fire station, as well as I water and sewer facilities. Activity Through New Appropriations I Fundin Source 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 1988 CFD (452) $26,833,546 1990 CFD (453) 5,336,317 I "I<'-~-T-'- -~.:.. '. _.' . :~~ -t...llo..IA. -'-..''O....,....,..--..._--.,.._______""!': otal BUdgef.! "~inli:":~' ~\*'l'wl&t~ ,,,... 32169 '863 w" 1:'{1"..,'t;' , ,.J....,~,. _'..<..'I..._",",,,~ .....,~.:.. ~ ,fi;fi/ J ~lCt:.~_1_;..........,>,-'!~,;__...._~. Expenditures 32.149,222 Encumbrances $1,500 I Remainin Bud $19141 $0 '. .-W'-"'&"Wi",'-Off'S' -""-".,~ I 59,04.. et : .Id, -,Itelmnrovements' "...."..,'.. ....",:,,''i..,,:.\ .,'..,......,."','k"..'.':.f..:,1&U\,,:,~"',' wi ".r,' -'.-,A..-#'.,,,,..,w..__~,_...._.-J.,-....,.,,,.__.-.-1'~' ".."-.~-,,,.. ... .. t"':,~__.e>; __.--.-.,.,..~~." ~,;; This project provides for construction of storm drains, detention basins, sewer lines, and water I Isystem improvements related to the Wet & Wild project. The costs will be reimbursed to the through future developer assessments. I 1 Activity Through New Appropriations ~ji~~~k~~i~~;~~+~~~~ '''':;~~';:~&ls:'!R\;~~;~_~~'';~:i~:~[& I 'Expenditures 0 I Encumbrances RemaininQ Bud et $735 500 $0 $735 500 I III POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 299 I I, I i'CA~iTALiIM8R'bVEM"'ENT::F?,ROG.RAMas2~.~~~' REviTAmlAiION'PROjECTS:.\"\~.:l-l I ~'~--,/tt" !j;~:j:1 ~~" 'fu, ~~~,\ ~'~'\"'"{~~~ \:, '1'~~ ,,~~'f >Jl~:,~~:,~, ~~ 1',,~, ~:;~~~~~. '/^~'f;J<t >;,\~~'" d*S,'i}:"'H"~;~ '~~',,~~t0~tf1:f 11$~g~~ljlgr;Ji(Jt!g:!tl~Q~IJ~:C,QN.It~~E.N~~~'~'~~. I This project provides for a contingency to fund unanticipated projects on current Redevelopment Agency projects. I Fundin Source Activity Through New Appropriations 6/30/97 Jul 1, 1997 Total Pro'ect I I 1986TABs (431) ...,...,.. . $4,545 $4,545 1989 TABs (432) 433,421 433,421 ;rotarBuage(.~.~ .:r:"1~;__437;966; '" \1lI'~~"4"Wl!.37'966' ~,,'->'l;.' H '''\<,Y:';:''M.-';7'.;.e.',' "O'-c",;"ifi. ,', "" ._...........,."" ........ ..." . :. .~ ........,.r ,.-........., '." -';"::\,..,y.,...~~,,~,........,-,. I Expenditures 300 300 Encumbrances Remainin Bud et 437 666 $0 $437 666 I__u.~,",., ......"...~ " ~u",.,.. "'~~_~ REVIT~L1ZATION RRQJECTS"SUMMARY n~",,,"':, . \,n,,""'.' ',.c;,,;-, ,..~i;'" ....',., 2'1;\."" .,_~ };..O,. :';.'1""'<" ,. " ',. . ' "....... '__""" '"~..... ;m;., ."^..~........"_~._"',.,,f... .' . ~ I Total Activity New Appropriations Throuah 6/30/97 Julv 1,1997 Total I II t I B d t'''''''''''''''''~ ,)i~'ilii'" $38 962i193';'K'i<;"""""\1l"1I\Dl""'$0 Jl:.li,i.! ;.;\zl\tt.., $38 962\193 ' o,a :"U -ge ';-~~..':ti:;2_~"'3;:'~~\lf'" '1;" }""''''>1>;~t.~- ,,", "'~'WiY'~J.'~?~~'':-.:'-f1;;~'' ,','v~iZF :"~'~""""~~'>.""" ,.......L~ ~, '--' l~ ....'._" ~..... l,,.,...-..._,,~ r~ J. . (l l,.,~,';O\ ~ ,__J>J._~"r"..-..-._",.l.::":.,."..~,:' Total Expenditures 37,064,343 0 37,064,343 Total Encumbrances 1,500 0 1,500 I Total Remainino Budaet $1 896.350 $0 $1 896350 I I I I I II I I 300 I I 1- -, ,-... I I , I , " I , I ._d ," , - ... -- . I , / I .. ...-..a......,... . " I , I " \ \ . I . ! I .. . I ..' ...-.' I I I I PAG"'AV REC~VriOPMEHT PROJECT - ~....c,_..~ I _<:In ----. -"a.ll_~ I PAGUA Y REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT I I " I) :1 I I I I I' ,I I I I I I, I' I I 1-, APPENDIKA. I: RESOLUTION NO. 97-051 ADOprIN"G FY 1997~98AN[) fYl~98~99 FINANCj~L PROGRAM I - 302 , I RESOLUTION NO. 97-051 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL I OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE I FISCAL YEARS 1997.,,1998 AND 1998-1999 AND APPROPRIA:rIN,G THE 'FONDS NECESSARY TO MEET THE EXPENDITURE SET FORTH THEREIN /1 1." ADOPTION OF ANNUAL BUDGET I WHEREAS,. the City Manager of the City of Poway has submitted ,to the City Council of the City of Poway .a 1997-1998 aM 1998-1999 Fiscal Year;sOPi!rating I Budget in the amount of $40,473,150 (FY 1997'-98) and $39,493,290 (FY 1998-99); a Capi ta I Improvement Program of $359 , 96~; and refl ect i ng estimated .Genera.l Fund revenues and operat i ng tr~nsfers in the amount of $17,174,630 (FY 1997- 98) and $18,.055,320 (FY 1998-99) and proposed General Fund expE!liditures of I $16,987,446 (FY 1997-98) and $17,942,758' (FY 1998-99); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway has heretofore, considered I said budget and ~ixed the datls of June 17, June 24, and July 1, 1991 as the dates for ho I di ng publ i c hearings reI at ive to its adopt ion; and WHEREAS, following duly given .notice, the City Council of the City of I Poway, did hold such public hearings, receiving, considering and evaluating ~ll public comments, NOW, THEREFORE, the City Counc,il of the City of Poway does hereby FIND, I DETERMINE AND DECLARE as foll ows: Secti on 1: The City Manager's proposed 1997~ 1998 and 1998-1999 Fiscal Years I Budget for general and special CUy purposes is hereby amended as follows:. I 'I I I I I I , L I 303 I Resolution No. 97- 051 Page 2 .' I Additions '(+) .arid Reductions (-) to City ReV.el1ueano Exoenditures Budoets.: Departmerit/Division Description Account Amount "No. I . ,. fY97-'98 FY98-99 .,0' I , Admi ni strat.ive I , , I , , I , , Services I , , I I , I I I , I , I Finance- M~tor yehicle In : 100'-7,581 'I +$100,000 :. +$105,000 . . Revenues Lfeu Fees :. -l .. : ~------------------------- ~-'-------------------------r-------~----,.--------------~~~~~--~~--~~~-- - Risk Education & Training 1 0107-4908:1 +$1,800 ! - Manaoement I ,I, 1 --------------------------r------------,.----------------~------------- . . I , Cap,ital Park Equipment 0108~6126: +$9,600 I - ,1' Replacement Park,Equipment ",' . "",-",. I +$23,500 I 0108~,6126, - 0108~61 i4! . -".-\ I Lab Equ.ipl11ent +$5,890 i - 'Other Equ ipment 0108-6199': +$30,000 : - Bu'i I d irigs 0IQ8-'640?! -,. I ,I +$8,000 I - Paramedic Equipment I 0108'-6!24 : -$16,OQO : - ! ! r '1, I Commun.i ty Servi.ces , , 'I' Offi ce of the Bui,ldings I 0200~6402 +$1,350: "+$1 ,350. I. tH r;ector; . r .I Perf. Arts Center ~~~I~~::. ~ala~l;~ ;1' ! ~~~:= U-~.~ I ~~.~'n~ : .!E'~~~ . . d. I. : : ,j' I Pub Ii c Services I , I I , I I I I , , , Wastewater Salaries - Shift Pay: 0405'-,1110: . +$1,000:.. +$1,000 I. ------------------------- --------------------------r------------,.----------------r------------- I , , Maintenance Intergciv. Fees : 0406-5Z30 : +$82,690 I +$84,250 .Contrci.l I I I ! I ! I Safety Services T I I I , , I I r I I , I I , Law Enforcement Community Safety I 0504-4104 : -$80,980:. ~ I ------------------------- --------------------------r------------1---------------~~~-~~-~~~--~~-- I , , .Fi re Prdtect.i oil. Fire Protection Fee I JOO.~7759 : -$525,000 I ~$525, 600 I ,f,ee F.ii"e Protection Fee ! 280-'7<759 ! " +$525,000, +$525',000 ;'. Cllp'Ha:1 Project/ 'T , :1 I , , Mult.i~year Pr6ahms , , I , I I , I I I I COP~/Fa,s't I'rpgr;am Ulldate actual 1688'-J799 I +$18,730 H' - I program cost based I , I , on Sheri ff's I , I , I ,I' I ,I, ~ I I 304 I Resolution No. 97- 051 I Page 3 ,I: Department/Division Descr;.i pt ion ,Account Amount I No. l FY .98:-'99. FY9 7 -98' ------------------------- ~------------------------ ------------ ------------~-- ------------- SherifPs Substation Reduce Substation 421-1523 -$1,119,616 - :I- budget to reflect 421-5330 +$1,179,616 - actual construction 100-5320 -$200,000 - budget; 432/436- I Reimbursement of 5320 -$979,616 - funds advanced for ------------------------- -~~~~~l:~~~j-o_~_~~_~!~p__r------------_r---~------~~----~_____________ I, I I . , Library Add it i onal TDA funds I 244- 5514 ' +$63,300 I - awarded for.Bike I -. I +$63,300 : I 244-7511 , - Path adjacent to , , . I ,I , I I , I , L 'b 'I , --------------------~---- --l-r~1"j[-~~-------------_t------------i_-----~---~------t------------- ., , , Pomerado Bike Lane Additional I 223-1240 I +$200,000 I - I --------_________________ ~_~~r~2_~i~!J_~~~___~---~~------------~-------------~-_~--~--~------- I , I . , Materials ~andling Additional , 245-5520 I +$53,000 I. - L Yard appropri at ion , I I , , I 'I I , I. Grant Funds " , I ------------------------- -------------------------~------------+-------~-------~------------- Community Adjust CFD 88.1 332-5118 +$230,.16Q +$234,460 Facilities assessment 332-7575 +$2;30 "r~o +$23J,.460 I Districts revenue/interest 333-5118 +$61,190 +$62,330 expense to record 333-7575 +$61 ;J90 +$62, ;330 . collection of loan 100-7414 +$8,630 +$8,80,0 from General and 520-7414 - +$12; 120 :1" - I " - , . I' . - - - I Section 2: The C,ity Manager's proposed 1997-1998 and 1998-1999 Fiscal Years I Budget for general and ~pecial City purposes, as amended in'Section 1, is approved and adopted in the amount of $40,473,150 (FY 1997-98) and $39,493,290 (FY 1998-99) for expenditures and $50,236,240 (FY 1997-98) and $48,311,070 I (FY 1998-99) in revenues. - I " ,Ii I 305 I ~esolution No. 97- 051 Page 4 I Sect ion 3: The monies necessary to offset the expenses incurred as ,detaiJed I in the 1997-1998 and 1998~1999 budget document, as adopted by the City Council for theCq tyot; Po~ay ,:pursuant to Sect i on 2 hereof, are 'authorized.by thts sectionto be appropri.ati!d out of the funds available to the City duffn'g the I 1997-1998 and 1998-1999 Fiscal Years. Section 4: The City .Managel' ~i.s authori zed to make such ;changesi n (jepartment I operating and capital improvement budget total s duri.ng 'the 1997-1998 and 1998-1999 Fiscal Years ~s may be, from time to timE!, deemed desirable and necessar~y in order to meet the City's needs. I. Sect ion, 5': The Ci ty Manager is authori zed to reappy;opri ate pdor, year's unexpended enc~mbered furids as of June 30, 1997 and June 30, 199& for ~o~k in progress, t, Section 6: The Capita] Imp[oyement Projects of the, .ei ty of Poway are in cOl1formance wi th the C,ity of Poway Comprehens i ve PIan'as governed by Sedion 65402. of the Ca liforni a Gov.el'nment Code. I 1L. APPROP.RIATIONS OF FUND BALANCES I WHEREAS, it has been determi ned that appropr;;at.ing unappropriatecf reservemoni es in 'var.i ousfundsi n a manner corresponding to the operati onal mode of the City is reasonable. and proper; and I WHEREAS, funds establi shed and moni es appropri ate(j shall not be consi d.ered as restri cted tot a lly in thei I' avail'ability and use. and afT1ounts. may be adj~sted between funds as necessary to serve the. 'future needs of the City. I of Poway. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the Cityqf Poway d()es hereby direct I that any unapproprfated balance in the General Fund as of June 30, 1998 and June 30, 1999, shall be automat; cally appropriated. into the Cont i ngency Fund therefn; and I, That any unapprop'ri ated balance in the Water(Fund as of June 30" 1998 and June 30, 1999, shall be automatically appropriated fnto the Contingency Fund.therein; ~no . ~ 'I . That. any. unappropriated balance in the Sewel' Fund as of June 30; 1998 and Jun'e 30,. 'l999, shall be automat i ca llyapproprci ated into tneContiilgency Fun. therein. . I, 'I .1 I 306 I Resolution No. 97-051 I Page 5 , .ilL. COLLECTION AND EXPENDITURE OF DEVELOPER DEPOSITS ,I WHEREAS, deposits will be accepted in the D~veloper Deposit Fund (Fund 760) duri~g the fiscal year based upon the levels of development activity; and WHEREAS, the City is r;espons.i b le for admi ni steri ng these depos its, \1 inc.luding collection, and disbursement of funds as necessary to p_ay for development services. ~ I NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council herebyauthori zes expenditures of developer deposit funds on .hand at July 1, 1997, together with any funds collected during fiscal years 1997~98 and 1998-99. 'I- lL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM APPROPRIATIONS WHEREAS, the financial plan pr;ov..ides for the appropriation of monies for t Capital Improvement Projects; and WHEREAS, these projects may span multiple fiscal years. I NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council .hereby authori zes a conti nui ng '1 appropriation for the balances remaining in Capital Improvement. Projects active as of JuTle 30, 1997, and directs that the authorized 'appropriati,on shall be brought forward to be used in the fiscal years 1997-98 and 1998'-99 Capital Improvement Project program or until the completion of these projects. I 'L COLLECTION AND EXPENDITURE OF BUILDING INSPECTION FEES WHEREAS, fees co 11 ectedby the pity for buil di ng inspect i on servi ces ,. offset the City's contractual expenditures to provi de i nspecti on servic'es. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the,.C i ty Council hereby 'authori z.es I the expenditure of all such fees co~lle-cted. during Fiscal Years 1997:':98 ~nd 1998-99, at the di scr;et i on of the City. MaTlager ,p,rovi ded that' these fees be spent for the provi sion of said contrac~ual j:luilding i nspecfion servi ces. 'I I I I, I I :1' 307 I Reso l:ut i on No. 97-051 'I Page 6 ,'~ I I I PASSED,' ADOPHD AND APp,ROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway,. at a regular meeting thereiifjthis 1st day of July', 1997. " ~d\~ on' 1991nson, a i ATTEST: I er I ALlFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN D I EGO ) ,I J, Marjorie K. Wahl sten, C.i ty CI erk of the Ctty. of Poway, do hereby .certifyunder penaityQf perjury that the foregoing, Resolut.ion No; '97'-051' was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of sajd City Council held on the I' 1st day of July, 1997, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: CAFAGNA, GOLDBY, REXFORD, HIGGINSON ,j NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE I ABSENT: EMERY , j1J~L sten I I I: I I ei\c~dmnseiMbudget\97 - 99bgt .res I ,I I I I " I I I, ,I~ I :1, I I,. I ,I I I ARPENt)fX B I RESOLUTION NO. R-97-tO ADOPTING FY 1997-98 AND FY 1'998-99 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINANCIAL PROGRAM I 310 I RESOLUTION NO. R-97-10 I A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I' OF THE CITY Of PO!'!AY" CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR OSCAL YEARS j ~9H998 AND 1998-1999, ,j AUTHORIZING LOAN PAYBACK TO THE CITY OF POWAY F~QM THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DEBT SERVICE FUND, AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES THEREFROM I WHEREAS, the City Counc.il of ~he C.ity of Poway (the "City".), in ~ accordance wi th the provi s ions' of the, Californi a Community 'Red~evelopment Law, ,I has created a Communi ty Redevelopment Agency Admi n i strat i v,e Fund for the purpose of account i ng for adri1i nistrat i veexpenses of the Poway Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") and fund advanc,es.' therefore; and I WHEREAS, the City Counci I has approved by reso I ut i on of ~\le,n date herewith, a community red eve I opmentbudget for fiscal years 1997~98 and ,', 1998-99 and has approved a net 10-'111 payback to the City in the amount of $263,010 (FY 1997-98) and $267,910 (FY)998-99) to be deposited in tile City's General Fund; and WHEREAS, the Agency des ires to approve a community redeve.' opment budget ii, for fiscal years 1997-98 and 1998~99 and authorizes said payback to the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE POWAY REDEVELOPMENJAGENCY AS I' FOLLOWS: ,- Sect ion 1. The budget, a copy iJf wh.i ch is on fil e in the Ci ty CI e!:k's 'I, office, is hereby adopted and approved as the 1997-98 and 1998~99 budgets, of the Agency. Secti on 2. The net I oanpayback to the City of $263,.010 for; FY. 1997-98 '1 and $267,910 for FY 1998-99 appropriated to. the Community Redevelopment Agency Debt Service Fund for debt service exp,enditlJres of the Agency;an~ the gross I loan payback to the Ci ty of $2,720,790 for FY 1997-98 and $2,508,4'60 for FY 1998-99 asset forth in said budget, is hereby authorized by the. Agency and the Agency agrees to pay interest. thereon at a rate equal to th'e annual '1 average interest accrued on investments of the City's General FUl)das calculated on January 1st of each year. Tile Agen~y ackno~ledges that said" payback constitutes the reI ief of the s.ame indebtedness from the Ag~ncy within the mean i n9 of Art i cl e 6, Chapter 6 , of the Cali forni a Community Redevelopment '1 Law. Section 3. The expend iture of moni es from the Communi ty Redevelopment ,I Agency Admi nistrat i ve Fund for admini strativ,e expenses andcapi tal projects as set forth in said budget is hereby authorized, subject to compliance wi th the same procedure established by the City for the expenditure of funds by other agencies and departments of the City subject to budgetary control. I I I "ilt ~~, 1 .. .;, .. ,!, ~ IJ , 311 I' I. Resolution No. R~97-10 Page 2 I' I Sect ion 4., As .requ.ired by the Community Redevelopment Law, the Agency shan, file with the CitY Council a detailed repor..t' of all of its transactions with respect to the COrilmun.i,ty Redevelopment Agency Admi nistrat,i ve Fund, inc I udi ng a statement of .all revenues and exp"enditures, no less than annually. I' Section 5. The prop()s,e.cJ 1997-1998 and 1998-I999 Fiscal Year Budget for the Community Redevelopment Agencyi s hereby amendec! as follows: I Addi tions (+) or Reducti ons(.,-) to Redevelopment A ency Exoenditures BudQet. DeoartmentjDivision Description .. Account No. Amount I , Redevelopment , , Serv\ce's I , I I I' Director Administrative cost - 1010-5712 : ~$~3,240 CaP1ita I Project I I Capital , ,. Ii , Projects/Multi-year I , Prograrns , , L I I Toliiason Storm . --. I -$71,006 Projected completed; 432-5421 : Drain~ge reduce remaining budget , , I'. Improvements .L , ,I; Total Expel1dUure Revisions - Redevelopment Agency Operating J -$63.. 2~0 ., " 8 udej et ., I Tota I Expenditure Revi sions - Redevelopment 'AgenC:Y"Capital I . - - I : '~$n ,000 ProjectsjProQrams , , .' Section 6, The Eiecutive Director is authorizec! to make such changes in I the administrative and capital improvement project budget totals during the 1997-1998 and 1998'-1999 Fiscal Years as maybe, from time to time, deerned desirable and necessary in order to meet the Agency"s needs. I Sect i on 7., The Execut i ve Di rector isa\lthorized to reappropri ate pri or year's unexpended encumbered funds as of' June ,30, 1997 and June 30, 199.8 for work in' progr;ess. I Sect.i'bn 8. The Capi'tal Improvement Projects of the Poway Redeveloprnent .Agency' are. ill conf()r;l1]a~E~ with the C},ty Of J?oway Comprehensive Planas I' governed by. Section 65402 of the Ca ITforn iaGovernment Code. I t 312 " Resolution No. R-97-10 .. Page 3 I Section 9. The Redevelopmi!lltAgency hereby.authorizesacontinuing I appropri ati on .for the balances rellla i n,1ng in Capita I Improvement Projects 'active as of June 30, 1997, and d.irects' Jhat the authorizeg appropri:ation, shall be brought forward to be used in theffscal years 1997-98 and 1998-'99 Capital Improvement Project program or until the completion of these projects. 'I . , PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the Redevelopment Agency .ofthe Gityof I Poway, Cali fornia, at a regularmeet'ing thereof this 1st day of July, f997. ~~.,..' 'I. onlgginso~r:man . 0 ATTEST: , ~k")llwU,tA.. II, MarJorie . Wa sten, Secretary STATE~C~LIFORNIA ) 1, ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, Secrj!taryof the Poway Redevelopment Agency;. do 'I, hereby certify that the foregoing Re~o[lution No. R-97-10 was (jury adopted by the Redevelopment Agency at a meeting of said Agency on the 1st day of I: July, 1997, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: CAFAGNA, GOLDBY, REXFORD, HIGGINSON NOES: NONE ..I ABSTAIN: NONE I ABSENT: EMERY t ,I e:\city\admnser.v\budget\97 -99 rda.res I I I I I t I . I, I, I- \1, ,I, I ,I' .1 I I I I I I APPENDlXC CHART OF EXPENSE ACCOUNTS AND DEFINITIONS I 314 I EXPENSE ACCOUNT DEFINITIONS .. PERSONNEL SERVICES. Salaries, wages, benefits and fees for personnel services not ,I involving the furnishing of materials. 1100 Salaries ,I 1110 ReQular. Compensation paid .to regularly employed persor:mel on the City's payroll, 'I;, assigned payroll number and .subject to normal payroll deductions, such compensation includes stand-by.(call-out) pay, paramedic pay: shift differential,etc.) I 1120 Salaries - Seecial, Salaries paid to Council members and any others not subject to the majority of the normal payroll deductions. J' 1130 Salaries - Part-Time. Wages paid to employees who are classified as part-time employees. I 1140 Salaries- Overtime. Portion of the salary subject to premium pay. 1300 EmploveeBenefits I 1310a Health Insurance. City paid portion of Preferred Provider Plan (PPO) I' 1310b Health Insurance. City paid portion of Health Maintenance Plan (HMO) 1320a Dental Insurance. City paid portion Preferred Provider Plan (PPO) ',I 1320b Dental Insurance City paid Health Maintel7lance Plan (HMO) I PARS Retirement System (part"tiihe employees) 1330 1340 PERS Retirement System I 1350 Workers Compo Benefits. City-paid workers compensation benefits I' 1360 Life Insurance. City-paid workers compensation benefits ,I 1370 Deferred Compo City-paid deferredco'riipensation benefits, 1380 FICA Medicare, City-paid FICA Medicare benefits. 'I 1390 Vision Care City-paid eye-care medical plan I 1392 LTD. City-paid long term disability insurance I I I' 315 '. I 1500' SerVices , , '15;10 . Ternporary Services. Cost of outside temporary. personnel hired on an '~as needed" I: pasis. 1520 ,VolunteerlService. Volunteer workers, sllcnas volunteer firefighters On call. for fire I. suppression. 1700 Fees I 1702a City Attorney Fees. Compensation paid to ttieGity Attorney J. 1.702b other Attornev Fees. Compensation paid to lawyers other than the City,Atlorney for legal. advice. I 1702c Litigation - CitvAtlorneV. :Compensation paid to the City Attorney to represent the City in court appearances ,1 1702d.Litigation- Other Attorney, Compensation paid to.li3wyers other than the City Attorney to represent the.Gity in court appearances. I, 17:04 Audit,Service. GOI1lP,enscjtipn paid to certified public accountants and other outside 'accountants erigagedby Council. I 1.708 Chernlcai Analvsis. Compensation paid to chemists and other sCientists for analytical work. I 1712 Data Processina Consultant. Compensation paid'to data processing consultar:1ts, I 1714a Land Develooment Enaineering. Compensation paid .to engineers for land development analysis ir:1C:luding right-of-way engir:1eering. I 1714b Water Proiect Er:1aineerina. Compensation paid to engineers for water projects. 1714c Sewer Proiect EngineerinQ, Compensation paid to er:1gineers for sewer projects. I 1714d Traffic Enaineering. Compensation paid to engineers for traffic projects. I 1.714e . COr:1structionEndineering. Compensation paid to engineers for construction surveys, material and compaction testing and consultation etc., that occur during the construction phase. 'I 1l1~g Endineerina. Compensation paid to engineers for "general services notcotherwise classified. I -- 1726 Soecial Studies. Cost of special studies and :ar:1alysis performed by oUtsi.de , I cOr:1sultar:1ts and other professionals forspecific!prograrns, e.g., personnei1study, needs assessment study, etc. a 316 I 1799 Other Professional Fees. Other services' not otherwise classified, such as election I fees, codification, surveying, etc. '. 2000 UTILITIES. TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES.. Utilities, allowances in lieu of City cars, City fleet costs, travel and subsistence allQwances, I advertising, recruitment and postage. 2110 Gas and Electricitv Payment for electricity and gas used for,general purpose t, activities, not otherwise classified. to provide lighting, heating and power. 2120 Signal Power. Cost of electricity used for traffic signals. I 2130 Street Safely Liaht and Power. Cost of electricity to provide safetY lighting on City streets. I 2140a Pumoing Power - Camel Back: Utility charges for pumping water through this pump , station location to serve the utility conSl:lmers.. These costs are passed on to the consumers as a pumping charge on the utility bill and retl:lrned to the City as revenue. II 2140b Pumping Power - Camino Del Valle. Utility charges for pumping WatertcHhis location. See 2140a for more information. I' 2140c Pumoing Power - Community. Road/Sol:lth Poway. Utility charges for pumping water to this location. See 2140a for more' information. I " . 2140d Pumoing Power - CaIMat.Utility. charges for pumping water to this location. See " 2140a for more information. I 2140e Pumoing Power - Del Poniente: Utility charges for pumping water to this location. See 2140a for more information. I 2140f Pumoina Power- Donart. Utility charges for pumping w~ter to this location: See 2140a for more information. I 2140i Pumpina Power- 1.0. 1. Utility charges for pumping water to this location. See 2140a for more information. I 2140j Pumpina Power" 1.0. 4. Utility charges'for pumping water to this .location. See 2140a for more information. I 2140k Pumoing Power- Lake Powav/Plant. Utility charges for pumping water to this location. See 2140a for more informaiior:l. I 21401 Pumpina Power - Orchard A"73. Utility charges for pumping'water-to this location. ,J See 2140a for more information. I ~, ", ,I 3i7 .. 2t40hl' .Pumping Power -SLAndrews. Utility charge for pumping wCistewate'rthrough this. " pl:lmpstation location to serve the utility cOnSLimElrs. .See 2140a for more :ihformation. I . . 2140p PumpinaPower . 'Plant/Raw. Utility charges'for pUfnping to water or sewer facility ,I 2140r Pumping Power- Woodbliff. Utility charg~s'for pumping water through this pump : station location to 'serve the utility consumers. Seec2140a for more' information~ I 2310 Telemetrv. Telephonedine lease charges and eleetricity.cost for signal 't(C1[1smission involving measurement and control of water an.d ,sewer pump stations. I 2500 Fuel I 2510 Diesel. Cost of diesel fuel purchased for use'in GityNehicles and equipment 2520 Gasoline. Cost of fuel purchased for use in City'vehicles and equipment 'I, 2530 Propane. Cost of fuel purchased for use in City equipment I 2700 Water 2710 RaiNWater. Cost of'buyinguntreated water for resale. I 2720 WaterStoraae Adiustment Account used by Finance annually to adjl:lst,Water inventory to the actual level. I, 2730 Treated Water. ReilTlbLJrsable cost of treated water used landscape maintenance districts, mobile home parks,etc. I 2812 M&O - Penasauitos System. Maintenance and operations charges paid to the City of San Diego for effluent through this system. I 2810 M&O - Metro Svstem, 'Same as 220. I 2820 M&O - Bernardo System. Same as 220. 2830 Gapacitv - Metro System. Annual capaCity service,charges paid to the.City of San I Diego, 2900 Trash Removal. Ceist of contract toremove:trash. I 2999 Other Utilities. Minor utility charges for gas, electriCity, telephone, water trash 1 rernovar etc. where specific identification of. service type is not necessary. I, a 318 I 3000 Transportation and Communication I 3110 Reimbursed Mileage. Money paid to City staff and others for use of their own . . . . vehicles ona time basis or mileage basis established by'the Cot:Jr7lcil. This payment I represents either a mileage reimbursement. or a car allowance paid to designated employees in lieu of an assigned City vehicle. 3120 Vehicle Operations. In-house cost of fuel charged to City departments/divisions., I 3130 Vehicle Maintenance. Labor, materials, parts and other costs associated with I maintenance of Citycowned vehicles. These,costs are normally:'in-house charges by the City's Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Division to other City departments/divisions. This account is also used by the VehiCle and Equipment I Maintenance Division to acquire P!'lrtsand materials to provide these services. This account is also used bY the Sheriff's .Department for outside maintenance, 3140 TraveLand Meetings. Costs. of attending meetings, seminars, conferences or I workshops. Such charges include meals, transportation, lodging, registration fees, t etc. 3300 Communications I 3310 Teleohone. Cost of telephone thargfils fgr service, installation, local and long distance calls, and cost of sending telegrams. I' 3320 Postage. Mailing expense including .parcel post. 4000 Services. Reoairs. Maintenance. Materials & Suoolies ,J 4100 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES. Labor, s,E1rvicesahd materials contracted for outside'the I division. 4102 Animal Reaulation. Contractual agreement for removal of dead' animals, animal I, regulation, and animal control. 4104 Community Safetv. Contract costs With the County Sheriff~s Department for police I; protection. Also includes other costs associated with police protection. 4106 Disoatch_Contract - Fire. Contract cost with the City of San Diego:s Fire I Department for dispatch service. 4108 Disoatch Contract - Sheriff. Costs paid to San Diego County Sheriff's Department I for contraCted dispatcher's services. I I I I (JI9 .. 41,10 Environmenta"lmoact Review-Plans, Contract costsrfQr r$yieW of plahsfpr consideration; This expense is offset by revenue for envi(onmental impact plan fees. I 4112a BiJildinglnspection. Compensation paid for 'providing bUllding.:inspectibn' service. 41'12l:i Engineering Inspection. Special engineering inspections on contracted'private or I public improvements. 41f2c LandscaDe Inspection. Compensation paid for providing Landscape Inspection I services. 4114 Janitorial Services. Payments to outside firms fbrcprovidihg Janitorial Services. I 4116 Contract Landscape. Maintenance Cost of contractual maintenance. 1 4118 Leisure Contracts.. Costs paid to outside recreation leaders for programs. These expenses are offset by revenue generated by these programs. ,I 4122 Plan Check/MaD 'Processing. Contract engineering, costs for checking and processing plans. and specifications to determine conformance with City -, requirements and specifications. 4124 Public Transportation Service - Community. Cost paid to contract/serVices for I transportation services related to TDA programs. 4126 Telecommuhications Contracts. Costs paid to link City:s computer or other ,. eq!Jipment with information provider's computer or other equipment through various telecommunication equipment. I 4128 Relocation Assistance. Expenses incurred to help relocate businesses 'and residents required to:move by City jRedevelopment Agency improvement projects. I 4130 Other ContractSeriJices Reimbursed. Other cOntractual services which represent a "pass through" accoLlnt 'and reimbursed services not otherwise classified such as knock down repair I 4199 Other Contractual Services. Any contractual service not assigned to one of the foregoihgdesighatidns. I 430b Repairs and Maintenance I, 4302 R&M AirConditionina, Costs associated withtt;lerepair and maintenance of the City's air conditioning, heating, and ventilatiohuQits: " I 4304 R&M Building. C6stsassociated with repairahd hlai.ntenance of the qty:s, buiidings and structures, I: I 320 I 4306 R&M Elevator. Costs associated with the repair and maintenance of the City's I elevator 4308 R&M Equicment. Costs associated with the repair and maintenance of City I equipment .not otherwise classified. This..account includes the cost of service/maintenance agreements. 4310 R&M Fire Hydrants. Costs associated with repair and maintenance of City fire I hydrants. 4312 R&M Outside Vehicle Repair. Repair of vehicles and equipment performed by I outside shops for the Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Division. " 4314 Pavement Evaluation. Engineering study of roadway condition for priority of repair 4316 R&M Playaround Equipment. Costs associated with the repair and maintemanceof I playground eql:Jipment. 4318 R&M Radios. Costs of contract to repair and maintain radios and associated radio I equipment. Also includes related materials and supplies. 4320 R&M Roadwav, Contract for patching, repairing and surfacing rpadways, This also - includes major repair and maintenance'oHhe roadways notcitherWi~e classified. 4322 R&M Roadway- FAU. Contract.services for eligible road repair and maintenance I, under the Federal Aid Urban (FAU) Program. 4324 R&M Sidewalks and Barricades, Tril)land/or tree removal, repair and/or replace I concrete sidewalks and curbs, repair and/or replace roadside guardrails, 4326 R&M Signals. Contract services with private firm for City traffic ~ignals and I' associated flashers.. Service includes, .but is not limited to, repair and maintenance of signals, safety lights, street lights and knock-down repair " 4328 Street Repairs - S 300. To account for eligible street repairs financed by the City's S 300 allocation. I' 4330 R&M Street Strioina. Contract service for striping roadway traffic'lanes, islands, and bike lanes. I 4332 Street Sweeping. Contract cost for providing street sweeping service. I I I I , '. 321 I ,4500 Materials EXf.lElodable:jtel'JS. used by City departments having a. monetary value ofless tha:!') $1 ()O.OO or which arElentirely consumed or are fasteQeo, toa structure or real,property' to become part of such item, I 4502 Chemicals. Cost, of, acquiring chemicals. This account is primarily used .by Public Services for water or sewage treatment. 'I. 4504. Culvert Cleaning" M~terials and supplies used to cl.ean and repair'culverts,storri:1 .t drains and other waterways. 4506 Emolovee Awards. Awards presented to employees in recognition'oOheir services' and other special awards. I 4508 Misc. Construction Materials. Construction materials not otherwise classifjed. I 4512 Oversizing:Agreement. Materials and supplies .used to enlarge lines beyond. normal parameters. .1 4514 Sign Maintenance. Materials and supplies used for signs and billboards resurfacing arid construction. I' 4516 Small Tools. Hand. tools; measuring tools, and other tools and instruments valued at less than $100,00 and often portable. I 4518 Storm Reoair & Cleanub. Materials used to repair-damages caused by storms. .' 4520 Street Reoair Materials; Materials and supplies used to repair and maintain roadways, sidewalks, cl;Jrbs, and center medians; etc; I 4522a Trout Stock. Cost of'stocking trout in Lake Poway, , . I 45220 Other Fish Stock. Cost of stocking all other fish except trout in the Lake Poway. 4700 SUPPLIES, Expendable items used by City departments having a monetary valuegf I less than $1 OO,OO:or which are entirely consumed or are fastened toa structure 'or real property to become part of such item. .. 4.710 Office & Stationery ,supplies. Consumable items used in an office,such. as'pape~, p8,hs; ribbons, note pads, etc; I 4720, ,Janitorial Supolies. Those items used for cleaning such as rags, mops, brooms, soap,: cleaners, etc, Also; consumable items such as paper towels; sOC!P, ,etc. I 4730 Photographic/Coov:Suoolies. Consumable items, used for photograpl;iy and photocopy processing. - I I: 322 I 4740 Medical Suoplies. Consumable items such as bandages, oxygen and other first aid I items. This account is used primarily by the Paramedics. 4750 Safelv Suoplies. Supplies used in safety programs. I 4760 Ooerating Supplies. Supplies used for mainterlance and operations of City-owned property, including items which are unique to each activity I ; 4770 Landscaoina Suoplies. Landscape arid planting materials and supplies. 4799 Other Suoolies.and Materials. Materials and .supplies riot btherwise pwperly I: classified above, 4900 Other Costs I 4902 Cal-ID System Safelv Services. . Cost. paid to implement a system of State-wide, I fingerprint identification network and database. 4904 Community Relations. Costs of d~corative and promotional materials ,used to , promote the City, including such things as plaques, proclamatiorls, ,flowers, school safety patrol, etc. I 4906 DAR.E. Program. Costs paid to implement. Drug Awareness and Resistance Education Program (DAR.E.). I' 4908 Education and Training Used fmtrairiingat local colleges, for guest lectures arid educational films where overnight trallel is not included. I 4910 Election Services. To pay for 'election-related expenses. 4912 Contribution - Powav Library. Costs of equipment, books, and services forthe I library 4914 Joint Use Aareement COrltributiorl-PUSD, Cost paid to PUSD for joint.use facilities. I 4916 Medical Exams. Costs for periodic physical .examinations required by the City for I City employees .and for prospective employees. 4918 Nuisance Abatemerlt. Cost"of soil sterilization and/or weed abat13ment and/or I vehicle abatement at oft-street locations deemed to be a public nuisance. 4920 Outside Emeraehcv Assistance. Used by Safety Services for costs that are paid to I other agencies for their assistance at a fire or chemical spills, such as costs including meals, support, etc. I 4922 Printina. Costs'paid to outside firms for printing, binding; and duplicating. I I I' 32.3 I 4924 PublicatibnE;~ and Dues. :Payments for subscriptions tol,jburnals, newspcipets and purchase of books' and other pamphlets'to promote,tb~ iQte~t:hange of-ideas, membership fees and associated costs for official~ a'ncf l.<E1yemployees to attend I various municipai organizations to promote theintercbCil'1ge,of ideas. Also used for the City!s membership 'in the same type of orgaQizations. I 4926 Tuition Reimbursement. Cost' of reimbLirsing City staff for fees paid to educational institutions, This account is used only in the Personnel Division and administered in I accordance with the City.'s tuition reimbursement policy 4928 Uniforms and Laundry. Costs' to purchase uniforms; .laundry and. dry cleaning of I fabrics including uniforms; draperies, cleaning rags, etc. 4930 Vehicle Regulation, Costs associated ,with traffic dation processihg, bicycle .J licensing program; and towihg program. 4932 Advertisina. Advertising expense for public notices. I 4934 Recr'LJitment: Expenses associated with hiring .and promoting employees; such as fingerprihting, advertising, testing and costs associatedwith interview boards, I 4936 Equipment Rental. Paymerit to rent machinery and equipment including'such items as trenchers, backhoe, etc. I 4938 Rent'Buildings and':Gr~')Unds. Payment to rent facilities buildings and grounds including storage facilities. I 4940' Rent - Office and Other Eauipment Payment to rent office furniture .ahd.equipment, including such items'as desks, typewriters, etc. I. 5000 Transfer. Debt. and lritertjovernniental Costs Rents,. insurance, bond charges and I fees, uncolledibles, transfers and other expenses not otherwise classified. 5102 Bond Issuance. Cost. Payment of bond issuance cost on bond issue; Le.,.cost of I printing. 5104 Bond 'Refundin9 Cost. Payment of bond refunding expense on bond issues, notes I and other debts. 5106 Expense Credits. To record transfers and expense reallocations hot cithe,r,.vise I classified. 5108 ,Insurance Expense. Premiums for insurance and bonds other than fringebenefif I insurance programs. 5110 Interest Expense. Payment of interest on bond issue, note and other debt. I I 324 I 5112 Lease Expense. Lease payments, including 1991 COP payment on Royal Mobile I Home Park. 5114 Long,Term Debt Prihcioal. Expense for the principal payment of bonded I indebtedness 5116 Other Fees.. Includes fiscal agent .fees associated with bond issues, or bOr:ld I processing, taxesi ur other fixed costs. 5118 Principal Exoense. Payment of. principal on bonds payable, notes and other debts. I 5500 Caoital Outlav Rental 5510 Caoital Outlav Rental - Vehicle: Rate, paid to recover the anticipated replacement I cost of City-owned vehicles as determined by the Administrative Services Department I 5520 Caoital Outlay Rental - Other Eauioment. !;late paid to recover th.e anticipated replacement cost of City-ownepequiJJr:n~ht,other than office equipment as I determined by the Administrative Services Department 5530 Capital Outlav Rental - Office. Rate paid to .recover the anticipated replacement I cost of City-owned office equipment. as determined by the Administrative Services Department. I 5700 Interaovernmental Costs 5710 Administrative east. An account used to accumulate .intemal administrative I overhead costs for the Redevelopment Agency, Housing Operations, and special Landscape Districts. I 5720 Cash Over IUnder. Account used by cashiers unable to balance till. 5730 Intergovemmental Fees. Regulatory fees to the State of Califomia, County of Sar:l I Diego or other govemmentalagericies. 5740 Refund. Reimbursement of overpaymer:lt due to error, mistake or om.ission, I 5750 Uncollectibles. Bad debt write-off. I 5760 Uninsured Claims: Payment .of'the City:s costfpr claims. 5800 Unapprooriated Reserves. Funds set aside by budget action for allocation at a later I date, 5810 Transfers to 'Other Funds. Movement of resources between funds. I 5820 Clearina Account. Account used by Finance. I I ',I 325 I: 6000CAPITAbOUTLA Y' & F.IXED.ASSETS. EqLJipmEll1t, Icfnd, lJidildings and other assets valued':at over $100:00 and with an anticipated usefullifE'jof'l!Ioretban one (1) Year. I 6102 Athletic Eauibment. .Une rnarkers, signa,l gjjr\s:f.ot games, hurdles, backstops and other similar items when portable or mobile. I 6104 Autos arld Trucks, Automobiles, trucks, trailers:. motorcycles and all automotive equipment not listed, elsewhere. . I 6106 Const./Street Maint.Equip. Tractors, power shovels, cranes, 1T!0bUe h_oi.~ts, ,air compressors; and similar'machines, including the vehicle carrying'or supporting such Rems; street cleaning equipment. I 6108 Drainage Structures. Dit<;hes, culverts and underground pipes for movementof storm waters. I 6110 Fire. FightinQ ADDaratus. Fire trucks, rescue vehicles;, salvage trucks, .fire I extinguishers, special'vehicles or other Rems not listed elsewherElth?t afe . . procured'for the prima,ry purpose of extinguishingfires~ including vehicles for movernent of fire fighting personnel and their equipment. I 6112 Fire: Hoses. Firehose of all sizes when in the hands of. the Fire DElpartment. When used/fOr other purpOses, such as flushing streets; should be in 623 category: I 6114 Laboratorv Eauipment.Scientific instruments. I 6116 Lease Purchase. Payments made to use and obtain equipment' per a contrast. 6118 Mains and Appurtehahces: Mains, manholes, covers, and structures. I 6120 Mobile Tools. Equipment mounted on wheels for ease of movement, but,not including those in other categories above (623). Wood chippers, rotary tiller, lawn I moWers, trimmers, etc:, would come under this heading, 6122a Office Equipment. Offi<;e machines, typewriters, ClcJding machines, calculators, I check writers and sbch other equipment and rl1achines excepting computers. Such items include desks, chairs, .beds, tables; stands, file cabinets, pictures, rugs, .carpets, clocks, audio visual equipment and like' items. I 61'22bCompuler Hardware. Computer hardware; including upgrades, valueq at over '$100:08 . I 61:22(:: CbmpDterSoftWare. Cost of Iicen.s,es :~nc:l documentation for computer softWare @d softWare upgrades valued at'o\iet $100.00. I 6124 Paramedic Equipment. Includes biomedical equipment used by the City's paramedics. I I 326 I 6126 Park Eauipment. Park benches, picnic tables, barbecues. I Photographic Eauioment. Equipment used to take, develop or display pictwes, 6128 slides or film. Includes cameras, camcorders, slide projectors, and like item!;. I 6130 Shoo Tools. Tools and equipment used in the shop. 6132 Street Light Other. Other street equipment. I 6134 Street Light Reolacement. Street lights, their standards,. arms, lamps,star;ters, I ballasts, and other parts, used for streetand walk illumination when placed between property lines in City-owned streets; when behind property Iines,these are part of such property. I 6136 Telecommunications Eauioment. Equipment used to send or receive data. Includes radios, transceivers, modems, antennae, telex and telephone equipment. I 6138 Traffic Controls. Signs and signals used for directional or speed controlofvehicles; includes parking limitation signs, including attached lights and lamps and traffic I signals and blinkers. 6199 Other Tobls and Eauioment. T901~and equipment not properly classified in a I foregoing classification. Scales for.commercial vehicleenforcemeni, tools, and appropriate trailer. I 6400 Fixed Assets 6402 Buildinas. A structure of three or .morewalls and a roof,. capable of hO,using I personnel, equipment or machinery"value of more than $500.00. , 6404 Commercial Revitalization. ProjeCt.'expenditures to eliminate commercial blightfor I the benefit of the Redevelopment Project Area. 6406 Depreciation. The portion of the costof'a fixed asset charged as an expense. I 6408 Housina Revitalization. Projecte~pen9itljres to eliminate ,housing blighUor the I benefit of the Redevelopment Projec:t:Area. 6410 Land. Land valued at more than $1,000.00. I 6412 Miscellaneous Structures. A special category for reservoirs, bridges, swimming pools, and parking lots. I 6414 Non-Structural Imorovements. Fences, their gates and parts, walls not supporting roofs. I 6418 Public Transit Fixtures. Bus benches and shelters, I I I 327 6~20 Streets. SidewalKs. Trails, Land procured and improvements, thereon for the :1 movement19fpe~YpleoQ;;foot orin vehicles, .including bike lanes and related drainage,i.Jtility use; inch.ides all portions dedicated to ,pl:Jblic use. I 6422 Trees:and llandscBclna. Trees, shrubs, plants, etc. that are part of a tcital project for beautification of grounds, either alone or at bl:Jilding. I 6499 Other Assets. Those not properly classified ina foregoing classification. , I .8100 .DEPOSITACCQUNTS...Costs,for deposit aCCOl:Jnts collected for engineering and inspectiol1 by. Public Services Department. I 8100 GradinQ Plan Check, Covers all City charges for grading plan review (iDcluding consultants). I 8120 Gradina Inspection. All' City charges for grading inspection (incll:Jding consultarits). 8140 Final Mac ChecKina. All City charges for checking maps, processing required , forms; ett, (including consultants). 8160 Improvement Plan CheckinQ. All City charges fol'improvement plan review I (including consultants); I 8180 Imorovemerit Inspection. All City charges for inspection of improvements (including consultants). 8200 BOl:Jndarv Adiustment Review All City charges .forleview of Boundary AC!justment, .. .Certificates' of Compliance, Certificate of Compliance for Parcel Map Waiver, Merger without parcel map. I 8220 Misc. Engineering Reauests. All City costs for stay application reql:Jest~ street or easement vacation; special tentative map processing (BSI costs), temporary sewer I and water applications. 8240 Security Deposits (E:ash) Cash deposits to se~ure construction of required I improvements (may be total securitY or in combination with bond, letter of credit)., Security Deposits" Right,of-Way. Cash deposits to secure construction of required 8250 I improvements for right"of-way permits. 8260 . Gountv Decosits Unclassified. Cash deposits remitted to the City from the County I and lacking detail for allocation by type of expense .category 8280. SeiNer Annexation Deposits. Includes City charges for processing sewer district I anriexations as well as annexation fees remit to' the State of California; 8300 Street'LiQhtina Deposifs. Deposits. to secure street lighting improvements, .. '9990 Suspense. Account. Account used only by the Finance Division. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I 1,1 .AP.PEND{X. D CHART OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS AND'DEFINI;JiIONS I 330 I REVENUE ACCOUNT DEFINITIONS I 7100 TAXES AND FRANCHISES. Revenue in the' 7100 series represents. taxes on retail I sales, property taxes; franchises or head (room) tax. 'Most of the taxes 'in this category are paid directly to the City by the unit that collects the tax: 7111 Property Tax - Current: Secured and unsecured property tax al[bcClted to the City I by the County at the rate of 1 % otthe assessed value of the property Payments are made to the City about 14 times a year ytith the majority paid.ir:l December and .' April. Normally property value is anticipated to grow (Le., inflate) at'2%of the prior year's values. 7112 prooerty Tax - Delinauent: Secured ;and unsecured property taxes that were levied I in prior'tax year(s), but were. not paid when levied. As the County collects 'these I: late taxes, they are paid to the, City 7113 Supplemental Tax Roll - Current. Secured and unsecured property taxes I generated from supplemental ass~ssments which are the result'of'increases in assessed valuation due to changes of oWr:lership or new construdionand are billed at the time of their occurrence. 7115 Homeowners' Propertv Tax Exemption: A $7,000 exemption provided for in the I State Constitution. The exemption is deductedJrom the full valueofttleqyjelling I unit from the tax bill paid bythe..citizens. The State then reimburses the County who, in turn, reimburses the City for the loss of revenue. The exemption is constitutionally guaranteed to the taxpayer, but the reimbursementto the City is I subject to annual budget revieW tly the State. 7116 Trailer License Fees - Property Tax. Motortrailer license fee revenue collected by I the State of California from 'mobile home owners not on the current tax roll. 7117 Real Prooerty. Transfer Tax: Tax .imposed on the transfer of real property at a rate I per dollar value of sale. This tax is collected and paid to the City throughout the year as part of the 14 tax increment payments. 7118 RDA Tax Increment. Portion of property tax collected on behalf of the poway I Redevelopment Agency 7119 Propertv Taxes - Flood Zones: Property tax collections within this area for drainage, I flood control, etc., used for operation,S and maintenance. 7130 Sales Tax: A portion of the statewide sales tax collected by businesses and paid I to the State. The State remits a portion of the tax to the City each month then, periodically (quarterly in most cases), adjusts the payments,to "actual" amounts, I The tax is paid to the City based on point of sale collections. Currently the local allocation is 1 percent with 1 percent being remitted to cities and the additional I 1 /4 percent earmarked for transportation funds to counties. I ", I 331 I 7132 ProD. A 1/2-Cent Sales l'ax:Additional 1 !2-cent\tr~nsCi.cticihS and use tal< pa~sed by the voters io, San Diego; November 1987-. Ih.is sal~~ anqUse'tax wllllasdor20 years; b~ginnihg ~pril h'W88, and ending MCiICQ :31, 2.908. The revenue generated I by this tax incre~se ,will fund many transpor;tation pqrpo;>es; inch:Jding transit and streets and'rbads. I 7151. TranSient OccuDanev tal<: A tax collected from hotel-motel guests;as.a percentage of tt:1eir room rate. The tax is collected by the hotel-motel owner and remitted quarterly to the City. The rate has been 6% since the City's incorpor~ti6'r1 ih 1.980. I 7172 Franchises: Revenues fbruse of public right-of~way or right granted toSGt)&E to I furnish gas, and electricity to the City " 7173 Franchises: Revertues for use of public right-oflway. or right granted to Southwestern Cable to furnish cable television services, 'I 7174 Franchises: Revenl:Jes for use of public right-of"way or'right granted 'to Cox. Cable I to furnish cable television services. 7200 LICENSES AND PERMITS. Revenue in the 7200 series represents collections for '. licenses and pe~mits issued directly by the City or by the City for another governmental unit. 7211 Animal Licenses: Licenses issued to regulateand,control dogs and .horses, The 'I licenses .are iSSl:Jed by the County with the City receiving a minor portion of the dog licensing fee. The fee,collected for horse licenses is eventually returned to the City for riding trails. Community ,Services and Customer Services eoorijinate these I programs'for the City 7212 Bicvcle Licenses: Licenses issued to regulate and control bicycles. The licenses, I are recorded by the State and issued by the City. The City pays for license forms and materials and receives a minor license, fee., Safety Services coordinates this program for the City The revenue collected are used for installation and I maintenance of Bicycle Lanes. 7213 Business Regulatory Fee: An amount collectedfqr regulation of businesses in the I City This program is jointly controlled by Safety Services, Plaoning Services, and Admioistrative Services. I 7214 State License Commissions: Handlingfees'for selling Slate of Californi,a:.fishihg licenses. C611ede'd at'Lake Poway on a daily b'asis. . I 7231 ~anitation Permits: Permits issued to.firmsto,:negotiate trash collectioo'within'ihe City. I i232 , Fishing Permits: A permit issued by Community Services for the privilege of'fishing at the Lake. I I 332 I 7233 Boat Permits: A permit issued by Community Services to obtain the use of a boat I on the Lake. 7234 Construction Permit- Excavation:. A p~rmit issued by Public,Service,to allow for I encroachment on public right,of-way The rates: charged for the permit are based upon various unit prices that relate to the type of work to be performed. The rates are outlined in a City resolution' (currently Resolution 325) and the authority for the I collection is part of the Ordinance"SO.. 7235 Construction Permit - Grading: A permit issued by Public Services that,allows for I grading. The rates are also outlined in a City resolution (currentlyF,lesolution'325). 7236 Parking Permit: A one-day pen,nit issued for parking at the La~e. Commuhity I Services collects and issues the permitS. The rates are established by City Resolution 83-044 I 7300 FINES AND FORFEITURES - Revenue in the 7300 series represents, collection of I levied for citations. 7310 Fines .and Penalties: The revenue generated by citations issued by the I Sheriffs. Revenue represents collections for citations from the coUrts or from the firm that processes the City's tickets. 7400 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERlY - Revenue' in the 7400 series represents'income I generated from the rental of property arid eqUipment, or derived from the investment of the I City's funds. 7411 Interest Income - General: Income generated from the investment of City funds. I The interest income is apportioned to the funds based upon the positive cash balances in the. fund at the end of each month. Any inte~estearnings not budgeted is allocated to the ,general fund. Investment of City'funds is performed I by Admihistrative Services. 7412 Interest Income - Restricted: Income generated from the investment'of:City funds I received as earnings and specifically restricted/reserved for specific funds. 7413 Interest Income - Bond: Income gE1neratedfrom the ir:westm~nt of City funds I received as earnings on cash collected for bonded debt payments: 7414 Interest Income' Loans: Interest earned on principal due to another entity I 7415 Interest Income - Note Receivable: An account to record interest earnings on a note. I 7441 Rental of Property: Rental of general city property to various entities and rental of I City owned housing units. I I 333 I 7442 Cable TV Services;Ch1:l~ges paid by residents of .Qity oWO!3.Qliousing [Jilits fot reimbursement ofcosfs of'cable television service,:billecj .to'the City bYCox G~ble, I 7443 Gas & Eledricitv Service, "ChCirges paid, tlY resider;i!~ 'of pity ()w~edhou,singLJnits for reimbursement-of gas & electricity costs charges by the City by SDG&E. I 7444 Water, & Sewer 'Services:. Charges paid by residents of City owned housing"units for reimbursement of water and sewer service costs. I 7445 Storage Fees: Charges paid by residents of City owned housing units for u?e of on-site storage faCilities, I 7460 Lease ReverilUe , 1991 COP: Lease ,revenuerEl~eivecl.from the poway' Redevelopment Agency for the lease of the poway Royal Mobile Home Park. II, 7471 ,"acilities and'Eauipment Rental: A fee paid by"the:public to reserve and secure' I the use of the City owned facilities and equipment; including park sites,. the ',~I Per:forming Arts Center; and fire department trainihg facilities. 7473 Podl Locker Rental Fees, ~ental fees chargee! to the public to use pool locker. II This account'is administered by Community Services, 7474 Yearly Vehicle' and Eauioment Rental Service Fee. Rental fee charged.to using I departments to recover the cost of acquiring a replacement vehiCle or mobile equipment. II 7475 Yearly Capital Outlay Rental: Rental fee charged to usingdepartmeht,s/to rec'olier the cost of acquiring a replacement asset such as computers, prihters, etc. 11 7476 Concession Lease Rent A rental fee paid as apercentage of income for on-site sales and services per:formed by a private concern that operates,atJa city'facility II 7477 Rental - Parents,&. Kids Sake Trailer' Rental paid RY a nonprofit organization for use of the City-owned.:trailer office located at lV1etate and Community Road, II 7478 Rental _ SoortsPark: Lease and percentage of .gross income for operation onhe privately-operated: Sports Park located in the South poway Business Park. II 7500 REVENUE :FROM OTHER AGENCIES: City's share of revenue collected by other g6ver~men~alurlits'and then paid to the City 'assubventions; ,also used to aqcCll:Jrlt for- f9ndirig rec:eived from federal, state, or other public ag'encies for specific programs, grants,or I projects. 7500 Grant R,evenue: General '.category heading used'to indicate that accounts coded '11 from 7500 to 7599 represent grants. 7512 PUSD,Contribution: Reimbursementfor specific operating costs received from. II pUSD'for joint use of the performing arts center II 334 I 7521 Grant Revenue - Countv: Revenue received from the County for specific I programs. 7522 Solid Waste Reduction (tonnaae\. Revenue' received for reduction of solid waste I disposal requirements. 7523 Grant Revenue - TDA Article 4.0: State allocation of sales tax funds for 'use I exclusively for the provision of general publictransportationsarvices :and'facilities. These funds are currently passed through to the County for'the provision of said services. I 7524 Grant Revenue - TDA Article 4.5: State'allocation of sales.taXfunds passed through to the County to provide for operation of the Call-A"Ride program the I elderly and handicapped: 7527 TDA Grant Revenue - Bus Shelter.: State allocation of sales tax funds passed I through to the County to provide for construction or replacement of bus benches and bus bench shelters. I 7528 Grant Revenue - SafetyServices:.Grantrevenue for operation of the COPS/Fast Program. I 7541 Grant Revenue Park Bond Acts 1980. 1976. etc:. Grant revenue fr9m the state for specific park improvement projects as approved by voters under various bond I acts. 7543 Grant - Fuel Efficient Traffic Signal Proaram: To account for grant.reveD.lje I received for a study to determine the optimum timing for City.traffic signals. 7546 Grant Revenue - S 174. Grelnt revenue ,from the state for specificipark I improvement projects as approved 'underSenate Bill 174. 7548 Grant Revenue - Office of Criminal Justice:. State reven.ue for acclQie prevemtion I program currently beingpresented"in the City schools; by the Safety Services Department in conjunction witli the schools. 7549 Mandated Costs: State reimbursement for:costs associated with programs and I . . services provided by the City under state mandate. 7551 Grant - Household Hazardous Waste: Grant revenue from the California I Interactive Waste' ManagemenfSoard for semiannual residential hazardous waste collection events. I 7567 Grant Revenue _ CDBG 12th Year: FederalCommunit}t Development Block Grant allocation; twelfth year entitlement. I 7568 Grant Revenue" CDBG 13th Year: Federal Community Development Block Grant I allocation; thirteenth year entitlement. I II 335 jl~ 7569 GranrReVenue " CDBG14th throuah18th '(ears,' FecjerCi! Community Development Siock: Grant allocation; fourteenth and eighteenth.' yearentitlemept II 7571 Grant Revenue -CDBG 19th Year: Federal Community Develol?ment Block Grant allocation; nineteenth year entitlement jl '1572 Grant Revenue "CDBG' 20th Year: FederalCommunity Development Block Grant allocation; tWentieth year entitlement I 7581 . Motor Vehicle. in Lieu: .Includes revenue derivedfrorn Section 11005 of .Revenue and Taxation Code~ The annual fee is set at 2% 6f'the depreciated market value II of motor vehicles. The State keeps about 50% of the collection and distributes the restto cities monthly' on the basis of population. I 7582 Off;Higliwav Motor VehiclEhln~lieu Fees: State remits this fee semianmj.i:lfly'.tothe City as a, per capita amount This revenue is apportioned and collected under Vehicle Cbde Sections 38'240(a) and 38230~ 11 7583 Ciaarette tax: Includes Jevenue derived from Section 30462 of the Revenue and I Taxation Code. The State remits this tax monthly to the State and, adjusts this amount quarterly. This tal( is allocated based on a series of formulas,tha! car) be roughly equivaletlt 'to a per capita amount and. to' ap amount that'am~roximates a II ratio of City~s Sales tax'to.other dies' sales tax throughout, the County 7591 GasblineTax,- .2105. Includes Jevenue deJiveo'fr.ornSection 2105 of the .Street ,I and.:Highway Code. Prop. 111, October 1990, calk for 11,5% of the 6 cents .. . , . additional gas tax to be allocated to cities based upon population rapges, I 7592 Gasoline Tax -2106:I,ncludes revenue derived from Section 2106 of tne Str"eet and Highway Code,. The, State remits a fixed amount monthly to the Gity: Additionally, the City'is.hares in a portion of the overall base sum that [s not ~I distriouted to the counties and this amount is apportioned on a monthly basis. 7593 Gasoline Tax - 2107,: Includes revenue derived from Section 2107 of the State and II Highway Code. The payment pattern for this. account is the same as for 7430: The tax is collected as an amount per.gallon and 'is distributed to citiesasa per capita amount I 7594 Gasoline Tax - 2107:5. Includes revenue deJiv,ed from Section 210'Z,S ofilie Street II and Highway Code, These funds are allocated annually to the City based upon population ranges. The City's population must increase to 1 00;000 before~tt'ere is a change in the bracket amount 11 7600 FEES' AND SERVICES: Revenue in the 7600 series' represents charges t6 th~ public II for services or commodities. Revenue in these account series represents fees for.seNices or. , products. II 336 I 7611 Candidate Filina Fees: Fee paid by c<:indjcjate for City Council office. The City I Clerk estimates and monitors this account. Revenue is received only in election years. 7612 Water System Analysis Fees: All City 'charges for water system analysis I (including consultants) 7613a Administrative. Revenue: Cost recovery for staff performing services that benefit a I limited public or different accounting ent'ty Administrative revenue includes such items as overhead charges, and cost recovery for staff position performing work for the Redevelopment Agency: I 7613b Administrative Fees" Special Districts:, Cost recovery for staff, performing services that benefit a limited public or different accounting entity (landscape maintenance I and lighting districts). Administrative revenue includes. such items as overhead charges and cost recovery for staff 'performing work for these districts. 7614 Miscellaneous Fees: Fees collected:by'departments for the sale of publications, I documents and for photocopying'serVices. I 7621 Advertising Sales: Revenuecollectedfor'the sales of advertising .space, such.as the quarterly performing arts. center program. I 7622 TicketSales: Revenue from'subscription.,and other ticket sales to events presented by the Performing Arts Division in the Performing Arts Center. I 7623 Performina Arts Staff Services: 'Cost recovery for part-time staff services pelformed for School Dstrict and third partY r~r;ltal users of Performing Arts Center. I 7624 Recreation Proarams: Revenue received for recreation programs that are led by City staff instructors; e.g., lifeguards, recreation leaders. I 7625 Leisure COr:ltracts: Revenue received for recreation programs thatiare Ie.dby contract instructors; e.g., gymnastics; tiny'tot, karate. The rec.re8ti9~n participClllts I pay a fee that offsets the cost, of the individual class. 7627 Recreation Officials: Revenue collected for softball umpires from the league teams, I City remits: amount to softball officials, 7628 Swimming Pool Admission Fees: Fe'es charged to public for daily use and season I passes for swimming pool. 7629 Aquatic Programs and Contracts: Fees for swim classes and for programs lead by I outside instructors; Lg., springboard diving, scuba, etc. 7630 Parkland Dedication Fees: Fees collected from developers for construction of I parks in accordance withOrdir:lance 124. I I .' : II: .It 337 II. 7641 Water Sales and Ser:vice: Revenue received from i~l'1e,sale of metered, treated water II' 7642 Sales - Unmetered Water:ll1terim water serliicEl provldeii at sites where there 'are no metersforactivitiessLich as constructior;J;and landscaping. Water service is billed manually basedoh minimum charge for; residential users and area size for I, unmetered slope water. 7643 Sales - SDCWAI RamonaWater: Water sold by theCity'to the San Diego County II' Water Authority for use by 'the Ramona Municipl:il Water Qistrict in accordance.with a contractual agreement. Revenue is recorded 'moiit~.ly as service' is billed. II 7644 Delinauency Charaes - Sales: A late,fae asse!?sedto utility customers Who'.have failed to pay their bills ih i:Ltimely mariner. The.fee:currently is a percentage.ofthe II unpaid balance. 7645 Hydrant Meter. SerVice CharQes: A fee charged ,to personswho USE! fir'ElQydr!int; II watefrheters during construction. Currently a flat fee of $10 is charged: 7646 Reconnection and Turn-on Fees: A fee charge,d'to \ltility customers to reestablish I service: Currently the fee i~'a flat fee assessed to: cbverthe labor ,cost' of,the meter reader' and varies from $'15 to $35 depending.onthe hours the service. is provided. I 7647 . Inte'''-rubtible Water! AariculturaL Rebate: A credit issued'by SDCWA that;reduces the costofw~ter to the City and the City's agricultural users. The disco,unted~ ri:lte .. ..,,-. permits MWD the right to decrease (interrupt) delivery by an agreed upon ~mount. I 7648 Salesi Capacitv,CharQes:, Fixed cost based on rheterisize associated with the water meter; Le. meterreadingi repair/replacement of meter, etc. II 7651 Pumoing - ID #1:Ch,arges billed to water utility users for water pumping required to 'service an area, The purpose is to recover the electrical energy costs. The, I pumping for ID #1 is to lift water to the High Valley 'area). 7652 PumpinQ - ID #4: Charges: billed for pumping in Panorama Hills, Lomas Verdes; II and portions of Stoneridge areas. Also see account 7651 for further explanation. 7,'653. Pumping ,- Orchard. Silver Saddle. A73: Charges billed for pumping in theiareas II identifled.as Northeast. Del Poniente and portions of the Green Vall~y areas. Also see account 7651 for further explanation. II 7654 Pum~ing,-Donart:Charges billed for pumping in tne':Donart Drive Service area. Als6seeaccouht 7651 for further explanation. I 7655 Pu"rT1oina' 0; Convair: Charges billed for pumping toCor;wair-Sycamore Ca.hYpn/RamonaFacility in the City of San Diego. Also see account 7651 for II fUrther explanation, 11 338 I 7656 Pumoing - Padre Transit Mix: Charges billed for Padre Transit Mix water service. I Also see account 7651 for further explanation. 7657 Pumpina " Grea Reservoir, Charges billed for Padre Transit Mix water service. I Also see .account 7651 forfurth~r explanation: 7658 Pumaina - Camelback: Charges billed to the Alta Mia Reservoir seNing Lake I poway Park and Water Servi;e Area VI. Also see account7651 for further explanation. " I , 7659 Pumoina - Wood clift: Charg~sl billed to water pumping to Water Assessment District 79-1 Aiso see ,account 765~!f()r further explanation. I 7660 Pumping - COmmunity: CI']a.rges billed to cO,nsumers in the Pomerado Business Park. 95 gradient. Also .seeaccount7651 fotfurther explanation. I 7661 Pumoina - Welton: See account'7651 for further explanation. 7662 Pumping - Del Poniente: See account 7651 for further explanation. I 7667 Connection Fees: Charge p,a,iq)or,utj!itysei':i!ice. based on m.eter size, Connection I fees are norm.ally paid onlY Qyindividuals requiring new serVice rather than by the large developers who expand the utiiity system. 7668 County Water Authority Fees:. Capacity charges for all meters: purchased on or I after 10/1/90. 7669 Meter Installation:. Charge fqr settir;1g and .connecting water rneJer a.ndlatf3rals when I necessary whenever a new ipsJallatioh :is rl}Cluested. Meter iristaliation is. based on fixed charge and lateral charg13s are ba.sed on a fixed fee and/or actual cost. I 7680 Sewer Sales and Services: Basic: bi-monthly charge for provision of sewe'r treatment and disposal services. I 7682 Hi9hVolume Sewer:Sewer seriJige:ct;iarges billed to commercial users,as part of the utility system, Billing is based on water .consumption. I 7684 Annexation Fees: Fees paid upon joining the sewer :district to cover processing costs collected in connection with sewer map reviews for hookup charges. I 7685 Insoection Fees:. Fees charged by the public works department for onsite inspection of water' and sewer lines, grading, inspection,etc. I 7686 Sewer Fees and Services: Fair ShafeVersion - Clean Water: Fee paid as a portion I of sewer utility charges and passed through to the City c:>f San Diego Metro Sewer System for plant upgrades. needed for compliance with Federal Clean Water Act requirements. I I ,. II, 339 II 7691 ,f'umpina Charaes - St Andrews: Revenue derived 'from utility customers who"are assessed fmthe,energycosts of transmission.through,the pump station located,on St Andrews to service this area. II 1692 Pumoina Charaes - Camino del Valle: Same as 7562, but for the Camino del Valle area. II 7693 Pumoing Charges" Del Poniente: Same as 7562, but for the Del Poniente area. I 7694 Pumping Charges- Hiahlands: Same as 7562, bLJt'for the Highland areiL 7695 Drainage Fees: Fee charged to assist in overall. erosion and drainage protection, II facilities, and terracing. 7711 Street Light Eneraizina Fee: This fee .covers the cost'of street light operations and II mainten,ance from the time a light is energized untiHt is annexed into the lighting district. Atter annexation, costs are recovered through property tax roll' ctssessmerit II 7713 Traffic Mitigation Fees: .Fees paid by developers to improve traffic flow or mitigate traffic congestion near their development sites. II 7714 Traffic SiQnal Fee: .Fees paid by developers to install or improve traffic signals m~ar their aevelbpment sites. 11 7715 Landscape Median Fees: Development fee paid to improve landscapillg near the development area. I 7731 Planning' Fees: ,Fee charged for the review of development applications by the Planning--Services Department I 7732 Environmental ReView' Fees: Fees paid for consultants hired by the City to prepare Dratt'Ellvironmentallmpact Reports (EIR)forthe Planning Services I Department 7734 Buildina InsDection Fees: Charges for building permits and associated inspection II for such items as remodeling, fences: etc. 7735 . Plan ,Check Revenue:, Chargt3s for engilleering review of construction plans and I .maps.. Revenue'recorded represents the overhead charges .for engint3erLng consultants and salary and overhead reimbursement for City engineering staff. II 773?, Inspection Revenue Fees: Revenue received for on-site inspections made by the Engjneering Services Department other than those inspections COnnected to utility ih!:)pecti6n. 11 7738 Engineering StaffTirne Reimbursement: Reirnbqrsement from private developers for .engineering,staff time spent on boundaryia,djustment reviews ar;1C:jo,th'er I . . miscellaneous engineering services. II 340 I 7739 South Powav Engineering Fees: This account is used to recover the salary and I benefit costs for Engineering staff time utilized foroversighLofdevelopment of the So. Poway Business Park. 7741 Develooer Contribution - Low IMod Housing: Fees collected'from..developer<for I the provision of low/mod housing as required under the State FairiShare Housing mandate. I 7752 Alarm Registration and Penalties: Revenue derived from alarm registratior;l to be issued upon first occurrenceoOirst.alarm, Penalties derived from fees charged for I false alarm in excess of two occurrences in 12-month period. . 7753 Safe Iv Services Plan Check/lnsoe-ction: R!lvenue gener~ted from fees charged to I customerfbr plan check and inspection submitted to Fire Department. 7755 Ambulance Fees: Revenue received from users ofthe paramedic ambulance I service provided by Safety Services. 7756 CPR Class Revenue: Revenue received for the conducting ofGPRclasses. I 7757 Towing Contracts: Revenue received to reimburse the City for hiring private companies to tow a vehicle as part of a nuisance abatement program. I 7759 Fire Protection Fee: A fee based on a fire flow calculation. This fee is collected on I the tax roll. 7760 Weed. Vehicle and Nuisance Abatement: Revenue received from property I owners forcl!laring weeds,. vehitles, arid debris from ttleir property The Weed and vehicle abatement program is administered by Safety Services. Most of the revenue is collected on the tax roll. I Sewer Service Tax Roll - Fiscal Year 1981"1982: In previous fiscal years, the 7771 sewer service charges were collected on the tax roll as a flat rate charge. This I account records these delinquent charges,as they are being collected. 7772 Driveway Pavina Fee: Cost recovery for performing street improvement of private I driveway areas. Revenue is anticipated through 1997. 7773 Solid Waste Franchise Fee: Revenue for right,granted to solid waste 'collection I provider under the City's exclusive solid waste collection/recycling agreement. 7800 OTHER REVENUE: Revenue in the 7809 series represents collection of general I obligation debt, bondprbceeds, donations, sale of property refunds and other miscellaneous income. I 7811 Proceeds from Sale of Bonds: Proceeds from sale of debtinstmment; e.g., bond, note, etc. I I I 341 II 7812 Loan'Proceeds:tThiS account is used to account for'the receipt of borrowed funds. II 7822 Contributions from btherFunds: Contributions received by one fund from an'other fund, I 7823 8eveloper Particioation - Capital Imorovements: q:lntributions from developers for capital improveme~t projects constructed by the Cif:y/ RedevelopmelntAgency I 7830 Donations - GeneraE General contributions made to the City without. specification as to use of funds fonspecific operating units. Usually money is received for II specific programs or projects on a non-recurring basis. I 7840 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS: Revenue in the 7840 series represents assessment district funding. II 7841 Assessment District 83-1 Rancho Arbolitos: Collections of assessmentsArom property owners in this area for landscaping and maintenance of .slopes. II 7842 Assessment District 86e3 'Sunwood: Collection of assessments from property owners in Assessment District 86-3 for landscaping and -maintenance of , slope in Sunwood Tract along Metate Lane. The revenue is collected on properJy'tax rolls 11 with assessment based on acreage. 7843 ASsessment District 86c1 Hirsch Ranch: Assessmer:1ts collected via property tax ., II rolls fbrlandscape maintenance. Assessment District 86-2 Sunrise Ranch: Assessments collected via property tax 7844 11 rolls for landscape maintenance. 7845 Assessment District 86-4iStreet Sionals: Assessments collected via property tax II rolls for street signal maintenance. 7846 Assessment District 87-1 Pomerado Business Park Assessments collected via I property tax roils for landscape maintenance. 7847 Assessment District 86-026 Sycamore Creek Landscape Maintenance: I ASsessments collected via property tax rolls for landscape maintehanqe. ,7848. Assessment District Twin Peaks I . . Assessments collected via property, tax rolls for landscape maintenance 7849 Assessment District Powav Road II "Assessments collected via property tax rolls for laodscape maintenance I 7:861 'tighting District - Zone AAssessments collected via property tax rolls fbr$treet lighting costs II 342 I 7862 LiahtinQ District - Zone BAssessments collected via property tax rolls for Street I lighting costs 7863 LiahtinQ District - Zone CAssessments collected via property tax rolls for Street I lighting costs 7871 Bond.l & R - General Water BOr:lds. Taxes: Interest and principal redemption I collections for payment of general 'obligation water bonds issued qy li'oway Municipal Water District. Collected through property taxes as. a, rate per.assessed value. The levy is in excess of the one percent property tax rate; I l 7872 Bond I & R - Sewer Bonds. Taxes:, Interest and principal re,derilJ:itiori collections for payment of general obligation sewer bonds. Collected through property taxes I as a rate per assessed value. The levy is.inexcess of the one percent property tax rate and represents various debt issues of Pomerado County Water District. I 7873 Bond I & R - 1978 Fire Bonds. Taxes: Interest and principal Jedemption collections for payment of 1978 Fire Bonds. Collected through property taxes on I annual basis. 7874 Bond I & R - AD 79-1. Taxes: Interest and principal redemptioncoll~ctionsfor I payment of AD 79-1 bonds. Collected. through property taxes 01:1 al:1nual basis 7875 South Powav CFD #1 Bond - Current: Interest and pril:1cipalJedemption I collections for payment of South Poway CFD #1 bonds collected through property taxes for the current year 7876 South poway CFD #1 Bond - Prior: Intere,starid principal redemption,collections I for payment of South PowayCFD#1 bonds collected through property taxes for the prior years, I Sale of Surplus Property: Proceeds of sale of surplus property owned by City; 7881 Collected by Purchasing Department' after sale ,of property declared as surplus by I Council. 7883 Other Refunds: Refunds for ,overpayments that'are not accounted .for in other I refund accounts. 7884 Returned Check Charges: Charges to cl:Jstomersfor checks returned by their I bank. Collected by Customer Services at time of restitution, 7885 Workers' Compensation Insurance: Dividends received ()n Wo.rkers' I Compensation Insurance Premiums paid in prior fiscal 'years and is received annually, usually in June. 7886 Insurance Settlements: Property settiements awarded by insurance, I I I " , ., I' 343 II 7887 Recovery of Stolen Property; Revenue ger;,erated f~6iT1 stolen property auctioneg by the Sheriff's Depattment. II 7888 Reimbursement Adreemerit .Fees: Reimbursementto"CFPoway for improvements in PomeradbBusiness Park. I 7889 PERS Excess Earninas: Current year revemJe collected from the accumulated prior years~ surplus assets in PERS account balance. II 7890 Lawsuit-Settlement: Revenue received from court settlements. 7892 Mandated Costs Rec'overies: Reimbursement frqm the State for costs associated I with the provision of services and reporting requirements which are imposed by legislations. Claims are' filed annually by the Finance Division. II 7893 FEMA Reimbursement: Reimbursement from the Federal Emergency Management Administration'for eligible City expenditures ass,ociated With repair of II publibfacilitiesand infrastructure damaged by natural disasters, 7894 Capitalized Lease, Revenue: Other financing sources provided forbycapital lease I which essentially transfers the benefits and risks of ownershipofthe'leased asset to leasee. See offsetting capital lease expenditures for the same. II 1895 Developer./Subdivision. Deposit Revenue: Deposits made with Public,:S~~!YJc::_e.s, Department by developers to cover engineering, inspection and map.dhecking of developers' construction projects. I 7899 Other Refunds: Refunds for overpayments that are not accounted for in other refund accounts. II 7999 Suspense Account: Used for unidentified revenues. When revenue is identified the amount is transferred to the proper account. I II I II II I I APPENDIX E cllYCOUN€IL IMMEDIATEAND SHORT'TERM GOALS 11. II 347 II II TABLE OF CONTEN1;S I I BUDGET PAGES I . Ensure.a Fiscally Sound City Operating Budget 1 and Healthy Fiscal Reserves II . Resist State-Imposed Fees and Transfer of Programs 1 . Contiliue Seeking Privatization Opportunities 1-2 . Continue Fundraisingand Programming for the 2-3 I Performing Arts.Center II CIllLDCARE I . Afterschool Prbgram,and Care for Middle School Students .3 II III COMMUNITY RELA'nONS II e Increase Neighborhood,C:oAUTIunication 4 . Improve Communicaiion Between the City Council and Citizen 4 Advisory Committees II IV CUSTOMER SERVICE II . Improve Communication With and Responsiveness 5 to Citizens I V ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 0 Expand Economic Development Plan 5-6 II . Attract Family and , Recreational Businesses 6 to Poway Road II e Manufacturing Outlet Center 7 . Palomar College 7 II VI 'HOUSING .. l,o~"and Moderate"lncome Housing 7-8 11 I Goals and:Objectives for-Fiscal Years 1996-97 11 348 I I TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) I VII LIBRARY PAGES I . Seek Library Grants 8 I . Create a Library Fundraising'Foundation 8-9 VIII PARKS AND RECREATION I . In-line Skating Facility 9 I CII Additional Playing Fields and Active Recreational 9-10 Parkland Facilities iii Mentor Program for At-Risk Youth 10 I iii Garden Road Recreation Facilities 10-11 IX PUBLIC HEALTH ANDSAFETY I . Continue Drug and Alcohol Enforcement Prevention 11-12 I and Education . Continue to Keep Law Enfor~eme.nt 011 the Forefront 12 . Personal and Family Emergency Preparedness 12-13 I . Gang Prevention and Education . 13-'14 . Enhance Code Compliance Activities 14 X PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I . Improvements to West Side of Po mer ado Road 14 I Between Glen Oak and 9th Street XI REGIONAL EFFORTS I . Continue and Enhance Regional Interagency 14-.15 I Cooperation I I Goals and Objectives for Fiscal Years 1996-97 I I I 349 - II Tl\BLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) II XII RESOURCE CONSERVATION J>AGES I . Open Space Acquisition 15c16 , . Blue Sky Ecological Reserve 16c1-7 II XIII SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING II . Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Program 17 . Address the Regionai.Refuse Problem 18-19 I XIV TECHNOLOGY II . Technology as InfrastlUctllre 19-20 0 On-line Access to Council Agendas and City Information 20"21 II XV TRANSPORTATION . Address Transportation Issues in Poway 21 I e Work With MTDB to Reprioritize Light Rail Improvements 21-22 To Include 1-15 Corridor . Increase Capacity of the Scripps Poway Parkway 22, II' .. Designation of the:Scripps Poway Parkway 22"23 as a State Highway II e Plan Regional Transit Center 23 e Natural Gas Vehic!es<!lld Pump Station 23724 . Alternate Transportation Links to Poway Road 24-25 II I I ,I .: Goals.arid:Obj~tives for-Fjscal Years 1996-97 'II 350 I I TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) I XVI WATER RESOURCES PAGES I III Pursue Reclaimed Water Agreement with the 25-26 I City of Escondido and the City of. San Diego . Support State aIid Federal Water Resource Efforts 26~2) . Increase Water Storage Capacity 27-28 I . Water Reclamation Plant 28-29 e Sale of Treated Water to Ramona 29 III Implementation of Water Consumption"based Sewer Rate 30 I XVII APPENDIX . Implemented Goals 31-32 I I I I I I I I I I Goals and Objectives for Fiscal Years 1996-97 I I - 351 I I BUD_GET 1 ENSURE A FISOALlYSQUND CITY OPERATING i'WDGET AND HEALTHY II FISCAL RESERVES I It is .the goal of the'City Council to maintain a fiscally sound operating budget and heal!liyreserves for the :City II status. Staff has completed. the mid-year budget review'forFY 1996/97 and aritltipates a General Fund operating surplus of approximately $260,634 In addition, the Geiierili Fund has an outstanding loimbalance due from the RedevelopmentAgency of I $4,465;265 The City corit!n.!1es to explore ways of increasing revenues and reducIng expenditures so that,reserves'will not be drawn upon in the current fiscal year; City staff has also completed.a comprehensive update of a' five-year fiscal foreCast model II which will provide the City with a longer range perspective in setting fiScal policy 'I Project DuratiOn. Ongoing/Complete. c Fiscal Impact: Major fiscal impact. II 2. RESISTSTATEclMPOSED FEES AND TRANSFER OF PROGRAMS I In response to a growing State deficit, the California State 'Legislature has proposed and ,adopted measures in previous legislative sessions that attempt to close budget!gap_s through fees imposed qnlocjll agencies and the transfer of State programs to thellpcal .. level. IUs the desire of the City Council to continue resisting new State-imposeg fees and to meet with legislators periodically to offer solutions.,andto encourage' other budget options. I StlitUs. During the current State Legislative Session, the City, in conjunction with the :1. League of California Cities, lobbied in opposition to measures which proposed to impose fees on cities. Similarly, the City has strongly supported measures which focus on mandate relief. . I'roject Duration: Ongoing. . Eiscal Impact: Moderate to major fiscal impact. CONTINlJRSEEKiNG PRTV ATIZA TIONOPPORTl JNITIES ,3. I 1:hepurposeoUhis.goal is to identify whether certain City programsor,services:may be',Illor~,'s1iita15fdor the private sector' It,js;Jhe desire of the Council to contInue I searching f9!- viabJe.privatization opportunities. I Status. ,City dep;p-ttnents are continually seeking1cost effective and efficient w~aYs,of. proviOing seJv!ces, The Public Services' Departmeni:presently contracts'for m.ajor street maintenAAce'and street striping work, street sweeping, traffic signal alld street I 352 I City Council Goals and Objectives I May 20, 1997 Page 2 I light maintenance, landscape mainte,n<l,nce oftl1e City's LandscapeMaintenance Districts, custodial services for City facilities, and some tree trimming~;ser.vice~, while I the City's Building Services division is completely privatized. Tlie;management of the City/RedeveloPITIent owned housing.is'administered on a contractual basis. Additionally, the Arts Alive! Foundation has assumed full responsibility fortlie I presenting season at the Poway Center for the Perfonning Arts. The City Council has contracted witli"a priVate jOint venture for the operation anc:i I maintenance ofthe South Poway SportsPark. .A private food concessioIgire operates at Lake Poway and the Swim Centerhaipconverted.the concession area to self-serve I vending machines, Following'thetecommendatioris of the Hughes, Heiss and Associates report, the Public Services DepiirtJnent privatized citywidejanitorial services. 'J I The City of Poway recognizes.the need not only to remain competitive witli the priVate sector but to deliver services responsively and at the highest possible degree:6fquality I The City continues to pursue a deeper understanding of private sector-practices and methodologies in every area and, through.that understanding, to improveoiit'proc'esses I such that we clearly demonstrate .a.supeiior efficiency and value. Where itisiiot possible to compete with industry, staff will investigate and formulate procedures. to further privatize. I fiscal Impact: There is a potential for a moderate fiscal impact. 4 CONTINUE.FUNDRAISING,AND. PROGRAMMING FOR THEPOWAY CENTER I EQR TH'EPERFORMING ARTS AND SUPPORTING THE FUNDRAISTNG EEEORIS.DF THE ARTS ALIVE' FOUNDATION I During FY 1988/89, the Poway Redevelopinent Agency financed' the construction of the $8,8 million Poway Center for the Performing Arts (PCPA) Based upon an I anticipated $1 0 million shortfall. the CounCil approved a fundraisirig drive for the PCPA, Status. The City has entered into a three-year agreemeIltwith the Founciation which I will transfer allofthe professional programming' responsibilities for the Performing I Arts Center including those programs previously presented by the City This programming will be financed by a combination of fundraising, ticket sale revenues, and contributions from the City A $100,000 line of credit has been extended to the I Foundation and will remain in place. I I l....... I 3531 I City CauncilGoalsfartd'Objectives May 20, 1997 Page 3 I Fiscal Impact: Transferring the programming resp.orisibilities to. the Faundatian will I reduce the City's expendifures at the Perfarming Arts Center by $10,000 in the'first year afthethreecyear agreement, $15,000 in the ~e.co.nd, and $25,000 in the third year I II CHILDCARE '. 1 AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM AND CAREFORMIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS '. Sincde,W <!fterschaal ac,tivities are available far middle schaal students, it is the,gaal af I the City to. wark with the,Schaal District to. affer afterschaal programs faf'middle schaal ,students Furth!:~, it is a gaal af the City Counell to. pravide afterschaal care at Middle.Schaal (i.e., Middle:Schaal ESS) The COInIrtunityServices.Departrnent I aperatesgymnasiurn faeilitiesat two. middle schaals ill PawayRecreatian leaders ,at these sites are.currently warking with schaal site supervisars to. affer additional I pragrainIIiing. far the middle schaal students, The City', throligh the CarnrIlunity Services Departrnent,.hascantracted,with tJie YMCA '. PRYDE,Program (yauthcat-risk) to. affer afterscho.alpragrams to. MeadawbrQak.Middle Scho.al students, 'The program was develaped based an a City-spanso.red pilatyauth~at~ risk prograrri affered at Meadawbroo.k. I The Schaal District pravides.afterschaal intramural spartsprograms at.Meado.wbraak and at Twin Peaks Middle Schaal. Schaal District staff are affering a fee~based I afterschao.l program at'Meadawbroak Middle Scho.al. IUs 'expected,that a yauth-at"risk program and afterschao.lprograms will be affered at Twin Peaks Middle Schaalance a funding saurce is develaped. II Status. City and District staffcantinue to. meet with PRYDE;program staff to ensure the I success af the pragram. The program services art average af 23 middle-schaal age children perd<!y, Ih!: facus has been providing'<l.qualitypragram with curricululIrthat pravides pasitive educatianal anderecteatianalexperiences. The program cantinues to. I grow and beco.me mare papular fo.rmiddle-sdiaoiage'students. The PRYDEpragram IS in its.last year af funding, Staff will be evaluating the sliccess af the pragram and loaking fo.r new fundingso.urces. City staff has,alSa,begun teen nights at I Meadowbroak Gymnasium and Twin Peaks Multipiirpose.Center I'rrijectJ2uration: Ongaing. I Fiscal Imp.acl: Minar fiscal impact. I I 354 I City Council Goals and Objectives I: May 20, 1997 Page 4 I III COMMUNITY RELATIONS 1 INCREASE' NEIGHBORHOOD COMMUNICA nON I Prior to major projefts or develoPlTIents occurring in a specific neighborhood, staff will I meet with the residents of that neighborhood to review the proposed project and/or development prior to City Council review I Staff has increased their presence, in neighborhoods throughout Poway where Council decisions may impact lifestyles. Examplesiticlude special meetings to discuss I construction projects, traffic safety related' problems , transportation issues,. ahd park facilities. Status, Planning Services staff:continues'to seek neighborhood input on all projects. In I addition to the regular notice to surrounding property owners andhpmeowners. I associations, the Planning Services Departm~nt has attached a notice to the front of the application packet strongly sugge'stingthatapplicants make early contact with their neighbors. I Project Duration. Ongoing. Eiscallmpact: There is a minor'fiscaLimpacl. I 2. IMPROVE COMMIJNWATION BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL AND CITIZEN I AnYiSORY..t.OMMIIIEES It is the desire of the City CounciLto improve communication between the Council and I the City's Citizen Advisory Committees. Status. A joint meeting of the Poway Unified School Board and the CityCbuncil was I held June 15, 1995 Joint meetings with citizen advisory .comrilittees will be scheduled with the Council as needed. I I'rojectJ2uration. Ongoing, Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact. I I I I I 355 I City €ouncil Goals and Objectives May 20, 1997 Page 5 I IV CUSTOMER SERVICE I " 1 IMPROVE COMMTJNICATION WITH AND RESPONSIVENESS TO CITIZENS I It is the desire of the City Gouncil' to improve cOIIlrilliriicatiori with and responsiveness to citizens. Staff wilfconduct periodic Citywide citizen sul'veys through the San Diego I Association. of Governments' Local Technical Assistilrice Program. Consideration will be given by the City Council to hold town meetings to allow citizens to.voice'their views' to the. Council. I Ihan'effortto.make City information more accessible' to, the public, staff is exjJloiing technology for developing 24-hour City Hall accessible by personal computer;. cable 'I televi~ion or new fibre optic networks. Residents wilLbeable to directlye-lIlail the Council onthe intemetirispiing 1997 One of the technologies being. studied is a multi-media,kiosk that. houses all IBM computer, allowing citizen access to government I services'24 hours a day I To gauge responsiveness to citizens, the City has implemented a Customer Comment form for providing feedback ouhow well the City resporids to requests atpublic counters and the City created a Customer's Bill ofRiglits. The "Tell Us HowkIs" I fortnis mailed to residents twice a year in Poway Today Status: Staff continues to explore. avenues to enhance-the'mission of the City.of Poway I through the expanded use of technology The 1996 Citizen Survey data waspres~rited to the City Council in May 1996 The City of Poway is now on the Internet. The Home Page address is www.ci.poway.ca.us. I I'mject Duration. Initiated/ongoing. . fiscal Impact: Moderate fiscal impact. I V ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EX~ND ECillillMICDEYELOPMENI 1 I It.is the goal of the City of Poway to enhance the quality of life through the proIIlOtion of a lie:lithy local economy, which will result in employment and business I ,opp.ortunities, good wages, balanced and diversified economic components;aml:a 'shongtax base. The City is committed toa pro"business climate. The Economic EleveJopment Program. under the Redevelopment Agency, is on course with its I ,marketing plan to attract business and industrY to the,Poway Road area and the,South, :Poway Business Park, It is a priority of the'City CouriciLto focus on the marketing 'of I 356 I City Council Goals and Objectives I May 20, 1997 Page 6 I the Business Park. The City and the Chamber of Commerce are working together to encourage businesses to locate andexP2.u<1 in Poway I , Status, The Council has createdasubcqmmittee to focus the City's economic development efforts and to reyie~'the PowaYRoadSpecific Plan. TliisCOIrunittee I meets monthlywiih business and commerciaL property representatives'to discuss issues and increase cooperation, The Committee also', meets with staff to review City policies I and programs to ensure their effectiveness and ,to recommend poliCy changes, to the Council. The Mayor is now writing a monthly column in the Chaml:ler ofCoIIlffierce newsletter as aineans of expanding.communication. The City has. also moved the I Economic Development operations into;Jeas~d space in the Poway Plaza to make the program more accessible and visible, The City Council and Redevelopment Agency recently approved a recovery plan,for th~ Parkway Business Centre involving the I McMillin Company This action, along!with the'efforts of the other property owners in the Business Park as well as the recovery 'in the region's economy, is leading to major expansion of space in the Park, I Eroje.cilluration. Ongoing, EiscaUmpact: There is a moderate fiscal impact. I 2. ATTRACT FAMILY AND RECREATIONAL BUSINESSES TO POWAY ROAD I It is the deslre6f the City Councilto attract both privately operated familY'and. I recreational business to Poway Road. This project involves working.with.deyelopers and marketing representatives to encourage family and recreational.biIsinessesto locate within the Poway Road business area. I Status. The City has seen a significanUricreaseih.recreational amenities wit~ the opening of Edwards Cinema, Batter Up batting, cages, Sports Park, Stix Family I Billiards, arid the. remodeling ofthePowayFuri Bowl. The Poway Wet 'qWild is slated to open May 1998 This project 'will expand recreational oPPQrtunjti~sand create I jobs for youth. RedevelopmeIlt Agency sta.ff;have met with several business owners in an attempt to locate family and recreational businesses to Poway Eroje.ct Duratiml. Ongoing, I Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact is unknown at this time. I I I . l' :~ 111 357 '1.' City Council Goals and Objectives ~May20, 1997 Page 7 I 3 MM-IlTF A CTllRlNG.illlTLET CENTER I' To continue economic:development efforts, it is the,goal of the City 'Council to'locate a I manufacturing outlet center ii1 the South Poway Business' Park. Status. At the City Council workshop of March 21, 1995, the City Council r~quesied 'I tnat staff review the possibility of attracting a manUfacturing outlet center in' the South PoWay Business Park. The 1996 Citizen Survey'gaveiesldentsan opportunity to specifY the types of development they would like to see in the South Poway Business I 'Park. The number one. chdice was an outlet center Project Duration. OngoiIig. 'I Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact is unknown. I 4 EAL.OMAR COLLEGE I As the Palomar College District works toward the development of a new north.county educatidriai center, it is the desire of the City Council to facilitate construction of.the faCility within the City of Poway I Status: The Ted Williams paikway has been selected by the District as the.focus site for the development of an educational center I I'mjectJ2uration. Initiated, II EiscaUmp.act: The fiscal impact is unknown at this time. I VI HO_llSrnG 1 LillY:c.ANll.MODERA TE-INCOME HOUSlliG I California Health.and Safety Code ~33342 requires that;the Agency expend 20percerit qf'its.tax increment in low- and moderate-income housing. I Status, On April16, 1996, the Redevelopment Agency approved an updated Comprehensive Affordable Hal/sing Strategy (CAllS) which serves asa.five"year I biuepiirit for the Agency's affordable housirig;prdgram. Thefocus of the Agency.'s" affordable housing program is to assist the'clevelopmerit of new multifafnilyhousing I units on property owned by the Agency The-Bowron development (Park.YiewiTerrace) is the Agency's first priority, and the currenheffort is to secureanallocatl()U.oftax Credits ,needed to finance the development. Upon receipt of a tax credit allocation, I 358 I City Council Goals and Objectives I May 20, 1997 Page 8 . construction will be initiated within 90 days, Tht;Agency'ssecond.newconstruction priority is thectevelopment of the Brookview,property The developer selection process I for the Brookview site is expected,to be initiated during FY 1997-98 It is also anticipated that the purchase of Haley Ranch Estates will be completed duringFY 1997-98 .' As prescribed by AB ]290, in'Noverriber 1997 the RedevelopmentAgency will also I review and update its AB 1290 Rectevelopment ahd Housing lin:plerneritatiOIl' Plan, originally approved in November 1994., This process will involve a review of the progress made oil the goals arid objectives included in the Plan aild.anllpdate of the I work program as appropriate, The Redevelopment ahd Housing Advisory Committee is expected to participate in this process, Erojecillurati.on: Ongoing. 1\ Fiscal Impact: It is estimated that the Agency's Housing Fund will contribute I $16 million toward this affordable, housing program during the five-year term of the CAHS. VII LIBRARY I 1 SEEK LIBRARY GRANTS I Faced with reductions in County library operatiIlg'funds, it is a goal of the qty to I begin seeking grants to increasethelibrary's operating revenue. Status- Staff is working with the County Library staff' to identify other gran~s for I library services, materials, or construction. Staff has been informed thau!1e. new library will be eligible for a granLfrom Bank of America. Staff will develop a grant I application and identify a library project for funding by Bank of America. ~roje.cLD.urati.on: Ongoing. I EiscaUmpact: The fiscal impact is unknown.at this time. 2, CREATE A I.IBRARY FlJNDRATSING F0lJNDATION I It is the desire of the City Council to establish a'volunteer group of.professional I business representatives to develop and conduct'a fundraisingcampaign for the new library I I I 359 I City Council Goals a!1d,Objectives May 20, 1997 Page 9 I Status: Oil March 18, 1997, the City Council directed staff to organize a volunteer I group of:professional business: representatives tO,develop and conduct a fundraising campaignJor the new library The staff will identify a variety offundraising strategies I for acquiring computer equipment, CD-ROM programs, reference materials, telecommunications,equipIlleht; and other library resources. I Er.oject Duration: Ongoing EiScal Impact: Funds will be raised for additional library materials, books, and I equipment. VIII PARKS AND RECREATION I 1 IN-I.lNE SKA TING FACILITY I City staff will explore public/private partnership opportunities to develop an iwline skating.facility I Status: The operator of the South Poway SportsPark.is examining the. feasibility of removing;the existingvolleyb;lil courts and instaliinga combination indoor I soccer/roller hockey facility This concept would require City approval and. eliminate the IleedJor a roller hockeyJaciIity I Project'Duratioll. During,the summer of 1997, a determination should be made on whether the conversioi1ofthe volleyball courts to a roller hockey facility will be I pursued. Eiscallmpact: Unknown. I 2. Alli2ITIONAL PLAYIN<TFIELDS AND ACTIVE RECREATIONAL PARKLAND EACILITIES I In response t6 the increased demand for activerecr~ation facilities, efforts are needed to provide additional playing fields. This goal may'be accQmplished througliadditionai I ,joint'projects with the Poway Unified School District. "The. City continues to cooperate with the Poway Unified School District,in the I maintenance and provision of additional school fieidsJoryouth sports. ArbQlitos Park was:ewanded to accommodate two full-sized.socter'.fields aspart of a multi"use'project with a flood control detention basin north of AhraxasiSchool. The fields aresuifiible I for soccer, football, or lacrosse I 360 I City Council Goals and Objectives I May 20, 1997 Page 10 I Status, Property acquisition activitiesbeganJn fall 1995 to site a minjparkin the Larchmont neighborhood, however, funding for the Larchmont minipark was I transferred to the Arbolitos fields. Arbolitos,Park is scheduled for completion in 1997 &oject Duration: Initiated/Ongoing. I fiscal Impac.t: The total fiscalimpact'.is unknown; however, the cost for constructing I each minipark or soccer field will be approximateIY'$120,000 3 MENTOR PROGRAM FOR AT-RISK YOUTH I The City, through the Community Services Department, has contracted with the. YM~A PRYDE program (youth-at-risk) to offerdlftersch()ol programs to Meadowbrook I Middle School. The objective was to il1cr~ase student-at-risk alternatives and participation. Both Meadowbrook: and Twin Peaks Middle Schools provide increasingly active intramural sports programs and provide students with after school I special interest programs. Status: The PRYDE program continues:to grow. in attendance. The program is in its I final year of funding and new funding sources'will.need to be identified. The School District's mentor program, which began at Abraxas High School, has been expanded to I . - - . . ~ reach each grade level within the 'School DistriCt, The City's gymnasiums at both Meadowbrook and T,win Peaks.Middle Schoo!:have I been very active with open play and spmts programs available to middlecschqol age youth. Recreation leaders at both facilities work with School District staffto:prpvide a safe environment for youth activities. I I'mject Duration. Ongoing. Fiscal Impact: A budget of $83,000 for a three-year period will conclude I November 1997 4 GARDEN ROAD RECREAIIONFACILIIIES I It is a goal of the City to build lighted basketball courts in the Garden .Road area. The I City will also begin.a pilot program in the Garden Road area in which the multi-purpose rooms would be open to youth Friday and Saturday evenings with parent I supervision. I I I 361 I City Council Goal~ and Objectives May 20, 1997 Page 11 . Stams. The concept plan for the consolidation (jf::GafdeiIPark and the sports facilities I at Garden Road School has been completed. Inorc1er to ~ecure funding, the project must be prioritized by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and the City Council. I I'roject Duration. The plan has been referred to the Parks and Recreation Corrinlittee, I Eiscal Impact: The fiscal impact is unknown at this time, I IX I'UBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY I 1 CONIlN1lliJ2Rl!G AND ALCOHOL ENFORCEMEtIT.EREYENTION AND EIlliCAIlOJ:l.I I It is the desire of the Council to continue its drug educatjon-and awareness campaign and expand the City's drug. abatement policies. I Since 198~,. the City CounCil has taken an active role in,the'waragainstdrugs. 'This positive approach to drug awareness is being exhibited in the schools through'tlie Drug A wareness Responsibility '~d Education (D.A.R,E.) program, through t.hecomIDuIIity I with drug prevention infortmition, and through the City Council'sadoptionioftlie Disturbing the Peace Ordinance. . I An additional Juvenile Intervention Officer has been,adcted' to assist'at Twin Peaks Middle School, Meadowbrook Middle S~hool, and P6way High School and has begun I working with gang intervention organizations, juvenile serviCes organizations, and school administrators. The,purpose of the program;is,t6 assist in the coordination and implementation of progressive actions that help reduce criminal activities involving I youth. The emphasis of the program is to develop alternative programs foridentifle<i "at risk" youth, I The City has also'been active in ADAPT (Alcohol,and' Drug Abuse Prevention'Task Force), a count ywide"program aimed at educMiiIg'pareritson.tlie pitfalls of!drugand alcohol use by chiictren'and young adults. Staff-will cOIltinue working with the I community, schools,and churches in fighting the Wilpagainst drugs. Slams: The City of Poway is committed.tocontjl)uing !ts efforts toward. drug. education . and, awareness Staffalso continues to actively'wor,k'.with the community<regarding drug aIldalcohol aWareness Likewise, the Saf~tyJ.Wellness Advisory C6inrriittee;is involved in these issues. I I 362 I City Council Goals and Objectives I May 20, 1997 Page 12 I I'roj.e.ct Duration: Ongoing. Hscal Impact: Minor fiscal impact. I' 2. CONTINUE TO KEEP LAW ENFORCEMENT ON THE FOREFRONT I Poway continues to enjoy one of th6]owesLcrime rates in San.Diego County City I Council will continue its effoits'to niain41iu'effective and efficient law enforcement efforts to preserve this standing. The City will continue to explore creative solutions to specific problem areas, like vehicle thefts and. burglaries, through coordinated I teamwork between patrol, detectives, and crime prevention personnel. Additionally, the City supports the expansionofthe Sheriff's Senior Volunt~er I Program, Sheriffs Reserve Program, and encouragesparticipatiort in the Shyriffs Explorer Program. All of these programS provide additional service ,to the Citizens of Poway at a minimal cost. I Status: The Poway Sheriff's Department.contract provides the following level of law I enforcement to the City of Poway' {9):patrol;deputies; (4) traffic units; (2)J!lotorcycle units, (5) detectives, (1) narcotics detective; (1) DARE ,deputy; (2) gang,suppression detectives assigned to Poway .schools,iiand (3) community service officers. Support I services are provided by (4) dispatchers; crime prevention, and clerical staff Project Duration: Ongoing, I Fiscal Impact: Major fiscal impact. 3 PERSONAL SAFETY AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS I Although a Citywide emergency plan has been prepared for responding:.to disasters that I may occur within Poway, it is a goal to extend the plan to include personal safety, and disaster preparedness, This. project would consist of educating and llssistirtg"each I Poway family in obtaining necessary'equipment in'orcter to handiethefirst'72 hours of an emergency PeriodiC'self-defense.and personaL safety classes \viII also be:scheduled each year I Status, During FY 1996-97, training was provided to all City employees to meet the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) state requiremellts. This I included classes in,Orientationto SEMS, the Incident Command,System (lCS), and responsibilities of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) I I ,j ... I 363 I City CounciL Goals and Objectives May 20, 1997 'page 13 I Staff has been working.Closely with Poway Unified School District personneJ.to I complete emergency preparedness training and exercises on each of the 11 sc!j,ools located within the City Tliis training includes thousands of students, faculty ,and I adniinistrators. During 1997, all schools participated in drills. Disaster preparedll~ss, training also included programs for residents to learn what they could do to prepare for a disaster I Community meetings in,areas of Poway which may be exposed to specific hazards such as wildi<ind fires. have been held, Several meetings have oeenheld with High Va.Hey I homeowners. .Positive results in the form of weed apatement have already been observed. Additionaily ,a...wildland fire prevention brochure was delivered door to door in high fire hazard areas throughout the City I Wildland,fire defense plaJining will be enhanced in theurbanfwildfire'interface'areas. I A stronger emphasis on.fire resistive landscaping and fire resistive building construction is needed, The Class A roofing ordinance has worked well and i~;!iljkey reason we had no structures,lost in the Old Coach area during the Fire StOl1l1 gf'l993 I, The,City Council recently approved a reduced buiiding.pernilt fee for new roofpen:nits to eiic~oura.ge the replacement of cedar shake roofs. I OurCitywide.emergency plan will be modified to integrate. all the new Standardized Emergency ManagementSystem (SEMS) requirements. Additionally, ongoing communitywide eniergency.preparedness, personal safety workshops, and homeowner I meetings will be scheduled In the next year l'rojec.lDuration. Ongoing, I fiscal Impact: Minor fiscal impact. I 4 GANG_l'RE.VENTTON AND EDlJCA TTON I In response to gang'activity throughout the NorthC.ounty c,ommunities, it is the deSIre of the City to develop gang prevention and education'programs for Poway I Status: The City of Poway, in conjunction with the Poway Unified School District and ,the Sheriff's Depaitnient, is co-sponsoring a one-week 'day time summer canJ.p targeting Illiddle school students who are considered "atrisk" for drug and/or.gaIlg activitY The I SUmmer camp for "a! risIc" students will.be 'held in '1997 The Safety/WeJIIless .Advisory'Committeewas developed to promote.tommunity safety, education"and intervention through community involvement-bY including representatives, from the, I City, School District, businesses, civic groups, meinbers of the PT A, and interested residents to participate in this effort. I 364 I City Council Goals and Objectives I May 20. 1997 Page 14 I Project Duration, Ongoing. Eis.cal Impact: Minor fiscal impact. I 5 ENHANCE CODE COMPLIANCE ACTIVITIES I It is a goal of the City Council to maiIltain the high quality of life enjoyed by the I residents of Poway The diligence of;n:sidents, and business owners, coupled with the educational efforts of the Citis;Code Compliance officers, ensure compliance with sign, property maintenance, and other zoningdevelopmentstandatds. It is the desire of I the City Council to increase the.Cify.'s Code Compliance staff by one officer as funding' becomes available, I'roject Duration. Ongoing. I Eis.cal Impact: There is a major fiscal impact to add a new staff positiotl,. I X PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I IMP.RQ\!:EMENTS TO WEST SIDEOEEOMERADO ROAD BETWEEN GLEN 1 OAK AND 9TH STREETS I Similar to the project on the east side of Pomerado Road, this project would result in the installation of sidewalks, repair ofretairung wall north of Holland,.. curbs 'and I gutters, landscaping, and street lights. Status. As funding becomes available, staff will develop plans for these . improvements I for City Council consideration, 'These plans would be sllnilarto those:preparedfor the east side of Pomerado Road, less'the sound attenuation' wall. However, iUs'antiCipated I that residents will be requesting a wall. I'mject Duration: One year or less once funding:becomes available~ I EiSc.allmpact: Major impact: $1 million. XI RE.GIONALEEEORTS I 1 CQNTINUE AND ENHANCE REGIONAL INTERAGENCY COOPERATION I Many of the major issues facing Poway are common to our neighboring communities. I Effectively dealing with issues such as transportation, schools, parks and open space, solid waste collection and disposal, recycling, hazardous waste, Water'supply" I I 365 I Qi!J' Council Goals..and Objectives May 20, 1997 Page 15 I wastewater treatment, and,water reclamation will require intergovernmental cooperation I in order to be properly addressed. I Status The.City Council and City staff have always worked towards enhancing interregional cooperation among jurisdictions. The City has continued to increase working relations with.local, state, and federal agencies and legislators. The Pomerado I Road Agreement (Memorandum of Understanding), the,acqliisition of GoodanRartch, the formation of the Poway'Unified School District and Gity o(Poway Siibcim\mittee on Interjurisdictional' Cooperation, the completion of the <sounty Hazardous Waste I ManagemeIlt Plan, and thelforiner Solid Waste Management Authority are a fewofthe. many projects that involve interagency cooperation, I Staff continues to work with other agencies on issues that impact the City of Poway, such as' the wastewater !reatglent and water reclamation project, the 1-15.Light R~il Corridor Study, recycling, .and household hazardous waste collection events, alternate- I fuel vehicles and the national "Clean Cities Program, and electric utility restructuring. I, In addition', City staff has been taking part in SANDAG'sHousing Element Advisory Committee and Regional Growth Management Technical Advisory Conimittee. Planning Services Department staff has also been wor!dllg on the North County I Wildlife Forum. and the Multi-Species Conservation Program. The City supports the-San Diego Area Wastewater Management District and has. a I member on the Board. TheOty has taken a proactive position in resolving traiJ.sitional issues. The City has been active in the former Solid Waste. Management.Authority and continues to take an active.role in the many issues.regarding solid .waste management. I I'rojecLD.uration: Ongoing. I Eis.cailmpact: There.is no fiscal impact. I XII R.ESOURCE CONSERVATION 1 OPEN SPACE ACQ,lJISITION I '1'nis.~oal is to preserve open space areas',thtoiigholit the City in their' natural state,. t1iereby'maintaining the beauty of Poway'vaUey I ~s: The Silvec-Lakerock outcropping has belCnac~quired by the City The.site has. I been fertced,gated, and cleaned up The interWforpurchasirtg the site is to preserve the. area.as an archaeological site. and an educational res.ource for the community .Ort' I 366 I City Council Goals and Objectives I May 20, 1997 Page 16 I May 21, 1996, the Silver Lake site Was rezoned to Open Space. Resource Management (OSRM) I The State has purchased an adjacent property surrounding BlueSky Ranch for preservation as open space, I The Planning Department has completed a Habitat Conservation. Plan (HCP)'for I preservation of coastal sage scrub habitat.in the. City in accordancewith.the adopted Natural Communities Conservation Program (NCCP) This program will further the goal of preserving the eastern hills' by. focusing mitigation efforts in that area, including I mitigation for projects outside'ofthe City of Poway In 1995, the City purchased 140 acres'.on Mount Woodson as mitigation for the I construction of Scripps Poway:Patkway This land provided a valuable link for regional trails and preserved contiguous areas of sensitive habitat. The.City purchased an additional 400 acres of sensitivehal:iitat as~mitigation for parkway construction. I J.>r.oje.cilluration: Initiated/Ongoing. EiscalJmpact: Moderate .fiscal impact. I 2, BLUE SKY RANCli.ECQLOmCAL RESERVE I Blue Sky Ecological Reserve consists of 470ilcres of riparian, oak~woodland,.and I chaparral plant communities. The Reserve was dedicated October 7, 1989. IUs a goal of the City Council to secure a permanerit site for a parking lot and interpretive center while ensuring ongoing funding for interpretive services. I Status. The County staffpositi.on providirigiiriterpretive service will be funded by the, City of Poway through June 30, 1998. I Espola Road Will be widened.in the fall of 1997 which will eliminate the,dirt area I currently used for parking. The City is securing.funding to acquire 16 acres next to the entrance which will be used as a permanent parking lot. A total of $186,OPO in state funding from.the Wildlife Conservation Board and the Department'of Fish and Game I has been pledged for the property acquisition, The City has applied>for grant funds under the Environmental Enhancement and Mi~igation Program for ,the remaining funds I On March 15, 1997, the first-annual Blue Sky Ecological Reserve Benefit Gala was held by the Rotary Club with the proceeds from the auction used to 'create an I endowment fund to offset the City's operating costs for Blue Sky I I 367 I City Council Goals and Objectives May 20, 1997 Page 17 I I Eroje.ct12uration, Initiated/ongoing. I Fiscal Impact: Moderate fiscal impact. The CitywilLbUdget $58;000 in FY :1997/98 fortheoperation and maintenance of the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve. Funds ate'being I sought from service clubs to;partially offset these costs, It is anticipated that~ combination.of state and local. funds will be needed for the property acquisition. I XIII SOLID W ASTE.A,ND RECYCLING 1 HllilSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL PROGRAM '1 I " It is the ,desire of the City'Council to establish a program to safely and ecologically I dispose of household hazardous waste '. Status. hi cooperation with'the San Diego County Departinentof Envitonme,ntal . Health, the City held an A.B.O.P (antifreeze, batteries, oil, and paint) event~in April 1996 and.collected a total,of$39,401 pounds of antifreez~, batteries, used oili and latex paint. Over 600 vehicles, participated, 96 percent ohvhich were from Poway:. I '1 Due to budget cutbacks, the County of San Diego has reduced the numberofl I Countywide events.. To enSure that Poway residents have,'an'ongoing andco*veriient means of disposing their itenis. the City submitted a grant proposal to the Ca\iforniil Integrated Waste ManagementBoard (CIWMB) to estliblish a permanent collection I faCility that will accept all unwanted household items. The'City was awarded'a.grantof $106,000 to proceed with. the project. The facility will be located in the Materials HancHing Yard and is expected to be completed by the fall of 1997 I ., The material handling yard site, located at 12325 Crosthwaite Circle in the ~()Jlth Poway Industrial Park will be primarily used for separating:and storing solid::Waste I materials (i:e. street sweepings, asphalt, concrete, green 'waste, silt, and,(t~btj~ removed from drainage channels prior to exporting to a landfill) The site wjll also'be used for storing useable IIlaterials, archive recotds stotageforthe City'Cler~is:offi"e I 'and:establishing a permanent household hazardous waste collection faciliiy " BriiJect Duration. Ongoing. I ~- . -\'; EscaLImp.act: Moderate. I '1 I 368 I City Council Goals and Objectives I May 20, 1997 Page 18 I 2. ADDRESS THE REGIONAL REFUSE PROBLEM San Diego County landfills will reach. their maximum capacities sometime in.thenext I decade, For various reasons, the San Marcos Landfill officialty closed its operation at the end of business day, March 1'1,1997 Much of Po way's solid waste. has been I delivered to the\Sycamore Landfill since the January 1, 1995, beginning of the City's solid waste and recyclirig franchise; nearly. all of our waste is now beii1gitaken to I Sycamore. However, measures 'need to be taken to ensure that adequate site locations for future facilities are acquired. Status The City continues to,a<<tively participate with other cities to bring solid waste I management under control within the County of San Diego The City was a member of the former San Diego Solid Waste Management Authority I Additionally, the City of Poway and the Cities of Carlsbad, Dei Mar. Escondido, Oceanside, San Diego, San Marcos, .Solana Beach, Vista, and the County of San Diego I received designation as the.North County Recycling Market Development Zone (RMDZ). The purpose of the programk to attract businesses into the zone that!will I take recycled material out of the waste stream arid use it as feedstock to produce a recycled product. The program offers financing,. permit assistance, and siting assistance to potential businesses. I The City entered into an exclusive..franchise agreement for solid waste, recyclables, yard waste and compostablematerials collection services with Mashburn Waste and I Recycling Services on September 20, 1994. \Vhich went into effecUanuary 1, 1995 In accordance witl1 the provisions of the franchise agreement; Mashburn Waste and Recycli!lg Services reduced its Fites onJuly 1., 1995, to correspond with tI1e de(;rease in I the San Diego County tipping fee Solid .w;1ste rates were reduced by appr()xim;1tely 4.39 percent for single-family residential custOlnersand by approximately 6,96 percent for multi-family and commercial customers. In June 1996, Mashbur.n rec~ive.d I approval of a rate adjustment which com,spondedwith a 1 7 annuaLincrease,in the CPI, and a decrease in the San Diego, <':ounty tip fee from $47.50 per ton, to $40 00 per I ton, effective July 1, 1996 This resulted in a 3.percent redliction,inrates for single- family residentia!'customers and an 8,84 percent decrease in multi-famIlY and commercial customers. Rates for services unrelated to the tip fee increased by 1 7 I percent. The tip fee was again reduced in November 1996 from $40 ob per ton to $38.00 per I ton which resulted in another rate reduction of approximately l'perceIitJor smgle- family residentia!.customers and approximately 2 percent for muiti"fainily and commercial customers I I \1L";}.... I , 369 I ,CityCou.ncil Goals andOojectives May 20, 1997 Page 19 I , Department of Conservation. Beverage Container RecycJing Grant - The City was I ;lwa,ioed a $38.000 grand' rom the California Departlnent.of Conservation, 'Division.of Recycling which was used to implement an Outdoor Beverage Container Recycling I Program. Installationof"recyeling clusters" at all City parks and designateqbus:stops was completed in thefall. This program will assist the City in achieving its $tated mandated 50 percent waste diversion goal by the year200d and will reduce littering in I City parks. , 'I AB 939, 25 Percent Solid Waste Diversion Goal - With the passage.ofthe.c~lifQrnia I Integrated Waste Manageme.nt Act of 1989, cOlmnonlY'referted to as AB 93Q; cities are required to implement programs to reduce the amount of waste going to the Hmdfills by 25 percent in 1995 and by 50 percent in 2000 The City'has implemented v:frious I source reduction, recycling, composting, and public education programs fonhe purpose of complying with state mandates. Many of tlj.eptograms have been, successfully implemented through the exclusive franchise arrangement with Mashburn I Waste and Recyeling Services. Mashburn conducts curbside residential recyeling, multifamily recyeling and commercial recycling, which include,S the collection of I source-separated mixed paper and green waste; construction and demolition9~bris collection and recycling; and public education and outreach. The City submitted'its first annual report to the California Integrated Waste K1anagement Board in Augl!st I 1996 and was pleased to report'that it achieved a waste diversion rate of 55 \0 percent for the 1995 reporting year. . J>ro$c.tJ2uration: Ongoing, Eiscallmpac.t: Moderate fiscal impact. I XIV TECHNOLOGY I 1 IECHNOLOGY ~lliERASIRUCTURE I Since technology is expected to playa significaJ1t,role within goverrunent infrastructures, it is:a goal of the Councilt() further technology as aninfrastfucture within the City Using the City's mileage bl\nk with Cox. Communications." c'oaxial I cable, twisted pair copper, and fiber-optic cabl~:hayebeen installed at the qke.Poway facilities. In the future, this network will be able to re<;eive and transmit yoiCe, data, ;1,nd video communications. I To further utilize the advances in telecommunicatlon'technologies, the City 'q;ol!ncil has I authoriz,ed the funding fot a Communications Master . Plan for the City Thejmllster plan'will.identify the action items for the planilirig, design, and implementatiop:of a Citywiae communications system. , I 370 I City Council Goals and Objectives I May 20, 1997 Page 20 I Status: The installation.of the fiber-optics, :tWisted, pair copperand'coaxial cable linking the City's Lake Poway facilities was tompJetea in May 1997 The: COIl}lllunications I Master Plan is currently being deve16pedby DKS and Associates, The plan .willoutline various alternatives to link allCityfa~i)ities thr~ugh a communicationsnetwQrk. In addition to City facilities, thecOImnunicatiolls network will link the schools, :hospital, a I future Palomar education center, Cilltrans, and .the City's traffic signals. The staff and the consultant are meetmg-with representatives from the Poway Unified I School District, Palomar College, Pomerado,Hospital, and Caltrans to ensure thatthe communication needs of these entities are' addressed in the Master CommuniCations I Plan. The draft Communications Master Plan'wilLbepresented to the City Council for Teview I and comment in July 1997 Project Duration: Initiated/ongoing. I EiscaLlmpacl: The total fiscaHmpact is unknown at this time; however, the cost for the telecommunication network'could be funded through the City'scabJe mileage bank I with Cox Communications and state and federal grants, The proposed improvements are projected to result in reduced. costs for.telephone service, enhancedtraIismissionof I data, and the ability for video conferencing among public facilities. 2. ON-LINE ACCESilO COlJNCILAGENDAS AND CITY INFORMATION I It is a goal of the City Council to provide on-line access to Council agendas::ind other City infofmation. Becausecomputer..technology has become avaihible"to residents, the I City will investigate ways to integrate technology:into our agenda..distribiltibn and public education programs, According to,a.marketing survey conducted by Cox Communications in July 1995,approxfmately 68 % of Poway hoilseholds:have'petsoi:J.al I computers and access to Internet. Status. The City'shomepage was:introdilced'in December 1995 Infofmati6n initially I included the CitY Council agenda front-sheets; analjJhabeticallist.ofsetvices provided, and phone numbers titled, "We Work For You", information on Lake Poway, I Community Park, and Old Poway Park;;performaI!ce schedule at the Performing Arts Center; Community Calendar; and Current Issues. There are on-Iine:forms for Community Calendar information and feedback: The City changed Internet Service I Providers (ISP) in December 1996 and had some problems getting listed correctly in the search engines, Since that changlC. we have added a list ofemployment.opportunities with the City, Council,appointed,committees with members and charters, and a map of I City parks prepared and hostedlby SANDAG Next year we plan to add a linkto our I " I 371 I City'Council Goals and Oojectives May 20, 1997 Page 21 I Municipal Code which wilL be hosted by our Code Company and will havefi!ll text I search capability We will also be adding links. to e-mail mailboxes for the , Councilmembers. Public response has been generally favorable, An insert'for the water bill will be prepared later this year regarding the availability for our homepage. I Rroje.ct Duration: .ongoing. I fucal Impact: Minodiscal impact. I XV TRANSPORTATIQN 1 ADDRESS TRANSPORTAIIillUSSl1ES IN POW AY I It is the goal. of the City Council to continue working toward. solving the City!straffic I problems, including the completion of State Route 56, Scripps Poway Parkway, and Poway Grade through a traffic management plan. I Status: The City Council continues to work toward solving traffic problems\in Poway Qn'.odobei9, 1992, a three-mile stretch of the Ted Williams Parkway (State' Route 56) west of Pomerado Road was opened. In addition, the:ScrippsPoway Parkway is on I schedule and within.budget. The roadway is slated to open,in .october 1997; RrojectJ2uration: .ongoing. . Eiscal Impact: Major fiscal impact. The project budget is $36 million. I 2. WORK WITH MTDB TO'REPRIQRITIZE THELlGHT-R1\IL IMPROVEMENTS T.0..lliCI.l JDE TIIE..l:li..CQRRIDDR. I It is the desire of the City Council to ensure that light-niil transit is included in the '1~15 corridor from North,County Fair to Kearny Mesa, I s.tatus, .on January 30, 1997, the Metropolitan Transh.District Board (MTD13) considered the Phase 1 recommendation fromtheJ-15 Corridor Major Invl<sin'1ent I Study .one .of the recorrtmendations contained in the,study was to delete the'~rail alternatives between North County Fairand,KearnyMesa from further cons!~l<ration. The'City of Poway organiz.~d representatives 'from the cities of San Diego and I Escondirl<J'to support the raiL alignment .from NoithCoUI1!y Fair to Kearnyrytesa, Baserl on the support from the cities of Poway, San,Diego. and Escondida; MTDB I appr6ved'the continued evaluation of the rail alternatives from North CoUhty, Falr'lO Kearny'Mesa in Phase 2 of the 1-15 Study .[ I 372 I City Council Goals and Objectives I May 20, 1997 Page 22 I The Phase 2 Study will address the following transit needs. . I a. East/west feeder routes all along the 1-15 corridor including'the future of the Carroll Canyon light-rail'route"and its ultimate termination;and/or junction with transit options on 1-15 I b Further study of combinations oflight-raii and bus-on-freeway concepts. I c. The trip direction complexities of the 1-15 region require that, alternative transit technologies be evaluate(bas part ofthe overall feasibility ~tudy These I alternative technologies may include some other form of light rail. Project Duration: Ongoing. I Fiscal Impact: Unknown 3 INCREASE CAPACITY OF THE SCRIPPS P01YA.Y PARKWAY I To increase capacity of the Scripps poway Parkway, it is the desire of the, City Council I to provide six traffic lanes from Mercy Road to .Highway 67 Status, The western segment of Scripps Poway Parkway located in.Poway has been I constructed as a six-lane roadway to Mercy'Road. Although.theportion of the roadway located in the City of San Diego is presently four lanes, the road has .been'constructed I so that the construction of two addiiionailanes is possible, San Diego amended' the Community Plan to classify the roadway to six lanes. However, San Diego has:no active plans for widening the roadway from four to six lanes with MiramarRanch I northeast of Spring Canyon Roadwithin,San Diego EmjecLDuration. Five years or less to con~truct. I Fiscal Impact: Moderate fiscal impact to Poway Major fiscal impact to the.City of San Diego. . 4 DESiGN A nON OF THE SCRIPPS POWA Y P ARKW A Y AS A ST A 'fE HIGHWAY I The Final Report of the Transportation Task.Force.included a recommendation to explore the feasibility of State Route designation for Scripps Poway Parkway to fund I maintenance, I I l' I 373 I I City'CounCiI Goals and Objectives I , May 20, 1997 Page 23 I , Status: Staff will contact Caltrans to determine criteria and requirements for,luture I designation as a State Route, A report will be submitted which will outline, requirements and advantages and disadvantages of'State Route designation. , I Emj.ectJ2uration: Ongoing. I Fiscal Impact: Unknowna.tthis time due to possible additional design requiielIlents for State Route designation. I 5 ELAN REGIONAL TRANSIT CENTER ... In response to improving mass transit services, this goal would involve forrmllating I plans for a regional transit center possibly located in the South Poway Business' Park, .. . j State .and Federal funding options will be pursued to fund theTransit Center,: I Status. The City 'has constructed community transit centers on Midland :Road soudi of the Post Office and on the.east:side of Midland Road,adjacenuo Stein,MaJ't:: Anomer I local transit center will be; constructed on Poway Road as part of the new Poway.libt,ary prgject. As part of the 1-15 Corridor Study, sites for transit:centers willals,o; be stu.died. The study will determine if a regional transit'center is warranted. and; if so, I the appropriate location fot the regional transit center Rroject Duration: An additionallocal transit center .will be located on Poway'Road' I adjacent to the library Construction will begin in APril 1997 ' Eiscallrn.pact: TDA funds. have been allocated for,the 'library, transit center I 6. NATURAL GAS....YEHICLES AND POMP STATION I In an effort to address air quality within the San Diego,tegion, it is the desire of the City Council to develop a phase-in program to. convert ,all City vehicles and buses to natural gas while'pursuing the installation oh,naturaLgas pump station in Pqway It is I known that CNG can be purchased for approxiiTIately$O,50'per gallon less than g'asolineiOf'diesel, air emissions are reduced by apprOximately half. I. ,StatUs, TheSthool District, through a grant from SDG&E, has installed a natural gas .fuelirigstiitiori for school buses. The SchooJ'District, !hrough.a state grant, ~as. I ,receiveo ten;compressed natural gas (GNG) -equipped schooFbuses. Basedona joint useagreefuerit,.the fueling station maybe1utilized'for City vehicles. Staff is! investigating the opportunities that may beCOme available. as the "fleet refueliIlg.,ceIiter" I 'th,at,lhiis been proposed for development in the South Poway Business Park b(:coll1e~ a I i 374 I City Council Goals and Objectives I May 20, 1997 Page 24 I, reality It may be possible to condition !he. development to include a GNG,refueling facility and to contract with the'company to p~o'{ide:tleet fueling services fonll'City I of Poway vehicles. Weanticipat,e that;this~rriay improve the reiiability of our' fueling. services while reducillg overall costs. It will allow us to avoid the continuing'problems associated with underground fuel tanks that do notmeet current double-wall I construction criteria, Such tanks exist atboth fire station locations. As the City develops the requisite-experience to support a fleet ofCNG or other I alternative-fueled vehicles, additionaf.conversions will be made and new vehicles manufactured for these fuels will be purchased to'replace vehicles that have passed their I service life. I'roj.ect Duration: Ongoing. I Fiscal Impact: To minimize the fiscal'impact, the program will be phased in by purchasing CNG-equipped replacement vehicles through the Capital Replacement Fund. I The City will also pursue additional grant funds tmoffset the cost of converting toa CNG predominant fleet and establislhng a CNG fueling station. I 6 ALTERN A TIVE IRANSPORTA 'nON LINKS TO POW A Y ROAD I It is the desire of the Council to begin planning alternative transportation links to Poway Road, Old Poway, the South'Pcoway Business Park, and B,eeler Canyon. I Alternative transportation systems'inay include atram.system, park and ride for shoppers,. and horse drawn carriages,for weekend us~ from Old Poway to the City' s town center I Status. The City Council directed staff to evahiate .the potential of constructing. a fixed rail trolley line in Midland:'Roiid.from Old,PowllY Park toPowayRoad, The purpose I: of this trolley line would link the'Old P6way. Park area with Poway Road,'creating.a connectivity between thesetwoimportilnt foca.! points in the ,community The fixed rail I trolley line would be located inM'idland Road'possibly"constructedin the Jashion of the Old Main Street Trolley Line reminiscent of.turn-ofcthe-century communities. It will be necessary to engage a consultant to, prepare a'feasibility stUdy including cost I estimates for the trolley line. Estimated cost for the stUdy is $25,000. The study will evaluate the potential alignment costs, environmental impacts; conflicts with other I public facilities, and benefits of the trolley line. In addition, ,the consultant will investigate grant alternatives and options through the Caltra'ns.Trarisit Improvement Program. I I ...1 '~j I 375 I City Council Goals and Objectives May 20, 1997 : Page 25 I I On November 2, 1996, the City of Poway will have the inaugural run of the flew Poway Trolley Bus which Will-serve Poway Road and Old Poway The goalofthe Poway Trolley is to provi!le.a,service to the community that will also stimulate I businesses in Poway, T,he r(lute and schedule for the trolley have been designed to serve weekend shoppers. The trolley will operate weekends' on Poway and Midland Roads serving the Pow~y Road business district,PoWay Coininunity Park, Weingart I Senior Center, City Hall; businesses on Midland Road, arid Old PoWay'Park. the Poway Trolley is a two"yearpilot project that will be' evaluated regularly on its ridership and impact on the Poway Road business district.: I , I'roject:.DJJratiml, The fixed"rail study will take four months after a consultaD.t has been selected. I 1 fucal Impact: There are no. funds currently budgeted for the feasibility study The I ultimate costofa trolley line may approach $1 million which would be classified as a major fiscal impacL XVI WATER-RESOURCES I I PtJRSlJE RECLAIMED WATER AGREEMENT WITH THEC:ITY OF 1 I ESCONDIDO AND THE CITY OF SAN DIE(',{} The purpose ofthis goahis'tb seek an agreement with the'Ciry of Escondidoand the I City of San Diego for <ic,cess to reclaimed water from the Escondido water re'clamation facility The project inCludes ,construction of reclaimed water distribution pipelines I from the City of Escondido across San Pasqual River/LakeHodges and connection'to the north end of Poway I Status: The City of Escondido is'pursuing the construction of a water reclanJlltion facility and low interest loans from the State Revolving Fund, The City of P~way completed a ~aster Plan for the Distribution.5ystem. "The,Master Plan includes I alternatives with and without the City of San Oiego,c(Jnstructing their infrastructure, San Dieg(l is pursuing alternative water management strategies which inClude injecting reClaimdl waierin San Pasqual basin and' extracting water for reuse. I I the <3ity.\ofSan Diego is pursuing expansion of the San Pasqual aquaculture.j:Hant to a 4'mg4' w<isiewater and water reclamation piariL They are not planning to receive I reClaimed water from Escondido PoWay is investigating the purchaseiofreclaimed water from;the San Pasqual facility and to divert Wastewater from nortIiern,P(JWay. to I tile San Rasqualforwastewater treatment, A Basin Plan Amendment with thbRegional Water Quality: Control Board has been completed to allow the City to impleineIiCuseof I 376 I City Cauncil Gaals and Objectives I May 20, 1997 Page 26 I reclaimed water Paway is discussing a purchase agreement with Escandida; and. San Diego.. I Project Duration: The agreement'faf'the'purchase afreclaimed water is expected to. be campleted by December 1997 I Eis.c.aUmpact: Majar fiscal impact: The estimated canstructian casts afareclaimed I water distributian system is $6.9'millian. 2, SUPPORT STATE AND FEDERAL WATER RESOURCE EFFORTS 1 It is the desire af the Cauncil to. c.;antinlle slIPparting Stateandregioqaleffarts to' increase water resaurces thraugl;1 inlPFavements in the State Water project and the I remaval af gavernment restrictians.ta a free market for water resaurces. The San -- -.. - ----. --.-- , ,'.-. --. Diego. Caunty Water Autharity (SDCWi\) llas;taken the lead in San Diego. Caunty in supparting effarts that will eventually resultin an.increase in waterresaurces. I Status., Althaugh the drought has been declared aver. the SDCWA is.cantinuing its lang range program afcanservatian, improvement afwater pipeline impaitfatiiities. I and its program to site and canstruct major water.starage facilities within the Caunty, bath an an independent and a piuticipativebasis. I The intenseregianal studies of various' alternatives to. increase raw water star!lgeta pratect the regian from majar natuiill,catastraphessuch as earthquakes ,are clnping to. I the fmal decision point. The study 'resulted ina,documented draft Environnwntal Impact Report (EIR) that was released for review and comment in Navember 1995 The draft EIR identified a preferred list aUout alternatives each of which is I environmentally sound, At preserit, it appears the 'final alternative Will be the combinatian af constructing anew reservoir at Mo.unt Israel in the Olivenhain Water District, reoperating Lake Hodges, raising;the.heightof the San Vicente dam.by 54 I feet, and interconnecting these reservairs with pipelines and pumping stations to. distribute stored emergency water thraughout the .SDCWA service area. In September 1995, the SDCW A embarked an a stuclyof possibli: water transfers from 1 the Imperial Irrigation District to. the San Diego. Caunty Water Al!ihority Such a I transfer - patentially capable of bringing 400;000'plus'acre-feet,ofwater to the regian - would ease aur dependence on the Metropolitan Water Disirict af Sauthern California for raw water supplies. A preliminary "draft terms af agreement" prapasal was I campleted during July 1996 Thepropasal was wictelypublicized and briefed to. City Councils, Water District Baards, interested sociai and professianal arganizations, and the public at large. Simultaneous to,angoing negatiations with lID, the SDCWA I conducted preiiminary engineering studies to. determine the feasible methads of 1 ,,~r. ~r I , 377 , City Council Goals and ObjeCtives , I May 20, 1997 Page,Z7 I transporting the wate,rto the San Diego Region and,to,determine what would'rbe I necessary fo counteract<the higher salinity water that. would come depending upon the ultimate route chosen, By far, the most costceffiCient transportation methodyvas' I determined to be the useofthe Colorado River Aqueduct. A series offocus groups'were organized from SDCWA member agencycitizens'to'get I direct plibiic'feedback regarding this and other important water supply issilesiin the.San Diego region, Representatives from Poway participated with the focus group : I The San Diego County Water Authority Board of Directors has entered into ~ Memorandum ofUnderst3.oding with the Imperial Irrigation District to investigate the transfer through saleoP'perfected" water entitlementfor San Diego region tjse, The I studies have included: preliminary engineering .studies to determine the feasibmty of a separate conveyance ~yste.Ill' financial implications, legal.'issues, coordinatiori'anlOng the' multiple users'ofdQlorado River water among the seven'basin states, and ,especially I California, and the potential for "wheeling" water through the Colorado Riv~r Aqueduct. I l'mjectJ2utatllm: Ongoing, I Eis.caLlmpact: There is no .directfiscal impact at present; however, the SDCWA Board of Directors (;ontinues,tb consider the impact of capital projects as described a~ove on thnates paid by .ni.emberagencies and. ultimately the consumers for water s~pplie's. I The impact on rates to consumers is the acknowledged single' most important consideration in decisioncinaking. I 3 INC.REASRWAIER..STORAGE CAPACITY I I Since Poway is dependent upon Northern Californiaal1d Colorado River water supplies which may be limited during' times of water shortages,.. it is critical for'the Ci,tyto maximize its alternative water resources. It is agoill.ohhe City Council to.contintle I evaluating increased. water storage capacity in Poway while exploring alternaiive'water resources, I :1 I llis.cllSS.ion. In the City's pursuit Of seeking alternative water resources; five ~est wells were drilled:atCity parks, Considerable capitah~xpense!would be required to. make the water usable,for potable purposes, Other options afe:heing considered,~ suclil:as: (1) I construction of small capacity holding tanks near the: wellhead that could be used for direct'jJarks or landscape maintenance district irrig~tiOIj., street cleaning, 'alldJsewer flushing, (2) pui11pingto the Business Park area for blie!l(ling with treated water for I distribiiti6mand use through the reclaimed water distribution system,all,d (3)ioii~site treatment lisirig:smallpackage plants to remove dissolved solids to ail. acceptable level, . -- -- . ~J . - ,- I 378 I City Council Goals and Objectives I May 20, 1997 Page 28 I permitting direct 'irrigation use. The City is alsQ contemplating acquisitton qf.a'well owned by Standard Pacific that is located in the vicinity of "The:Grove" residential I development. This site may be close enough to the ' filtration plant to make it cosh effective to transport the well .water'to the plant for use as filter' backwash ,water.. Similarly, it may be possible to "re-plumb" the well to directly use the water for I irrigation in the nearby landscape maintenance district. Status: A consultant, Boyle Engineering, completed a detailed analysis of the proposal I to purchase the existing well owned by StaIi.diird Pacific and to usethe water for irrigation along Espola Road and UikePoway Road for Landscape Milintenap.ce I District 86-1A - currently our most. expensiVe' residential LMDBoyle Engineering advised that using well water as proposed would be cost effective but !hat,first additional flow' tests would' be I\ecessaryto d(:termine the sustained flow rate to be I expected from the well. Pending resolution .of water supply issuesspepific to residents along Old Coach Road, all work. on this project has. been discontinued. The City Council approved, in principle, a proposal to construct a new flow 'control and I metering station that would permit bl-directional flow of treatedwatereither~from the SDCW A's Ramona Pipeline to.Poway or fromPoway to thqiipeline;f()!' retail sale of I excess water to other cities/districts. SDCW A Engineering staff has:completed'the preliminary design for this project; the preliinlmiry cost estimate for tiie:projecLis I $110,000 Joint negotiations'areongoing to determine the appropriate apportionment of design and.construction costs, We believe that there is suff'icientopportunity:for regional benefit from this project a1Jd thilt the eptire project should be, funded by I SDCW A through their capital inlprovement program. SDCWA staff is .initiating a new study of treated water needs and capacities which will be completed during the summer of 1997 At thaHime, a decisionts expected regarding funding ,fonhe proposed I emergency interconnection. We anticipate that this study will also lead.to a proposal by SDCW A to fund an additional expansion ,to our treatment plant that will permit dedicated delivery Of water to othermeinber agencies. This will help to delay', if..not I avoid. construction of additional treated water'pipelines from Lake Skitine'r I'mj.e.c1.lluration. Ongoing, I EiscaUmpac.t: Each of the scenarios will benefitPoway customers by offsetting rate I increases for delivery of treated water or by improving reliability of water supplies during emergency situations 4 WATER RECLAMAIIO.N I As Poway.is dependent upon water supplies that are interruptible in times of water I shortages, a .goal of the City Council is to maximize alternative water supplies I ./ <01;:' . 'y"11~ I 379 I City Colincii Goals and ObjectiVes May 20, 1997 , Page 29 I Reclaimed. water may supply. almost 6 million gallons per day (MGD) ofwat~rsupply I for landscape irrigation and unrestricted recreationalpurposes. The goal 9f tJ1e'City Council is to seclire sources ofreclaimed water distribution system to maximize the I supply of reclaimed w'ater to the City of Poway I Status: The City of Sari Diego is constructing the North'City Water Reclamation I project; a 30 MGD 'plimt desIgned to produce reclaimed water for irrigation, . Further, the City of San Diego is sfudyingthe upgrading of the existing North City Water Reclamation plant to an ~dvanced Water Treatment Facility with the goaL of , . supplementing thewaters~pply to San Vicente Reservoir PowaY'will continue to work with San Diego to ' secure the delivery of reclaimed water toPoway A,.reclaimed water storage reservoir in South Poway Business Park required Jor. the distribution I system of North City reclaimed water will be constructed in late 1997 Project Duration: Construct reservoir in 1997 I Eiscal Impact: Poway is el\pecting to secure deliveryofreclaimed water aUh~,costof I potable water with the added benefit of eliminating future expansion of tile water treatment plant. Storage reservoir cost of $1 75 million. I 5 Si\LF:OF TREATED WATER TO RAMONA The purpose of this goaLis to investigate an agreement with the Ramona Wa!er District . for the sale of treated water from the City of Poway's Lester J Berglund Water Treatment facility Staff estimates that sufficient excess capacity exists to sell 3,000- 6,000 acre feet per year to Ramona without diminishing the capability to sen~e the . water needs of Powayresidents. This would serve as a revenue enhancement and would potentially reduce water rates to Poway citizens by distributing fixed costs over a larger base due to increased sales volumes. . ., Status. The draft agreement and supporting calculations for proposed rates ~as . completed, however, negotiations and presentation of ' agreement documents (o.the Ramona Board an!! the Poway City Council have been delayed pending resolution: of'the Hidden Valley Ranch/Old Coach Road property. owners/Ramona MWD water delivery 1 issue Staff hopes to be able to reopen these negothitions within the next two'years. There remains considerable benefit both to PowaYilIid'Ramona, as weli as th~iregion, if an agreement can be implemented. . ~.clDuration. Ongoing, ,I I. Eis.i;;aLlinpact: Over an. eight-year period, the sale of,3,000 acre feet per year oftreateu water could save City of Poway customers $1 9 million. !I .. .1 380 I City Council Goals and Objectives I May 20, 1997 Page 30 I 6 IMPLEMENTATION OF WATER CONSlJMP'f.TON-BASED SEWER RATE The City of Poway calculates sewerrates.by allocating system costs to,all users on a I per equivalent dwelling unit cost. This flat fee distribution results in charges to households which consume small'amounts of water equal to that of a household using I significantly more water It is the desire, of the!City Council to examine a consumpti()n- based, tiered sewer rate. This complex sewer rate calculation study can bepei'formed 1 by the City's new computer system when fuily implemented. Status: The utility billing software is'.antii::ipated to be fully operational by July 1, I 1997 A water and sewer tate study, with a full analysis of tiered sewer rates and.other alternatives fot our. customers and will be pr~seiited to CounciL in May 1997 Implementation'ofwater-consul11ption4)asedsewer rates can be incorporated into I approval of water/sewer rates for FY 1997-98 Project Duration: Completed by July 1, 1997 I Eiscallmpact: No fiscal impactis,anticipated,.since lowered sewerrates for'small I water consumers will be offset.by'.incremental increases in high water consumers to recover system costs. I I I I I I I I I -- ., .. r'l 381 I, IMPLEMENTED GOALS I I I CIDLDCARE . Expanded After School. Hours and Programs I . City Involvement in Ensuring Adequate Childcare Facility Sites I II COMMUNITY RELATIONS Samrday Moniing Workshops . I III CUSTOMER SERVICE I . Management Audit Process IV ECONOMUCDEVELOPMENT I . Downtown Revitalization Feasibility Smdy 1 . Poway Road SpeCific Plan /II Economic Impact Factor I V LIBRARY . Upgrade Library Facilities and Services I . Library Goals VI HOUSING I . Rent Subsidy Program . Affordable Housing Rehabilitation Program I VII PARKS AND'.RECREATlON I . Creation ()fPark Volunteer Program . Teen Recreation,Council I . Additional Soccer Fields I , I I I I I 382 .' . IMPLEMENTED GOALS CONTINUED ., I VIII PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY I: . Volunteer Graffiti Program . Evaluate a Foot Patrol Concept for Town Center .' IX TRANSPORTATION I Scripps Poway Parkway to Route 67 . I I I . I I I I I I I I I