Final Budget FY 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 - I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY I CALIFORNIA I I PROPOSED FINANCIAL I PROGRAM I Fiscal Years I 2001 - 2002 2002 - 2003 I I I .' , I I I I CITYOFPOWAY I CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I I I I MICKEY CAF AGNA, MA YOR AND CHAIRMAN JAY GOLDBY, DEPUTY MAYOR AND VICE-CHAIRMAN I BOB EMERY I DON HIGGINSON BETTY REXFORD I I ,I I II ,I I :1 I I I I CITY OF POW A Y I BUDGET REVIEW COMMITTEE I I LEE HA VILAND I RICHARD HOWARD II BARBARA LERMA W ALTER METCALF I JANICE RUBACKY I I I I Prepared by' Administrative Services Department I Warren Shafer, Director Peter Moote, Deputy Director Andrew White, Finance Manager I I I I I I I CITY OF POW A Y 1\ DIRECTORY OF CITY OFFICIALS I I CITY MANAGER I JAMES 1.. HOWERSOX I I CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STEPHEN M, ECKIS NIALL FRITZ I CITY CLERK/TREASURER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS LORI ANNE PEOPLES JAMES R, HOWELL I DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR OF REDEVELOPMENT SERVICES I WARREN H, SHAFER DEBORAH JOHNSON DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR OF SAFETY SERVICES I ROBERT A, CLARK MARK A. SANCHEZ I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY .' REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE I I~\.\j,/ I I DA VID CHURCHILL./ I ALAN DUSI / :=r 0 AVI floq,/k/ ~ PHILLIP JELSMA ./ I MARGARET LESTER / CATHY LEXIN r/ I KATHLEEN MUELA/ I ANTHONY PAGANO V JEFFSC:HIPPER- I TOM TREM8LE / I BOB WOLINSKI / I 1Vl1.1f7"1 r-V'! 2.J1; c/e--l I I I '. I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Guide to Reading the Budget Document............., ....................... ........ ......................................................... ....... ............... I City Manager's Letter of Transmittal VII I Program Expenditures..................., ......, ..., ....... ....... .............. ............., ..................... ...... ......................, .................. .... .., IX Budget by Fund.......................................... ................, ...... ........... ..............................,.. ....... ................. ................ ...... Xl Employee Positions, Classifications, and Sabry Ranges ...... XVII I Revenues by Funds and Sources f Sununary of Sources and Uses of Funds If Fund Activity Detail 17 I Generaf 18 Street Improvement - Gas Tax Fund (Fund II) 19 Street Development Funds (Funds 221 & 222) 20 I Proposition' A' Sales Tax Funds (Fund 223) 2f Traftic Congestion AB 2928 Fund (Fund 224) ) 22 Drainage Fund (Funds 231 & 232)............. .......... ......... .......................... 24 Grant Funds (Funds 241 thru 250; 253 and 254) 23 I Devetoper & Habitat Mitigation In,Lieu Funds 25 Special Asscssment Districts (Funds 26 f - 275) ..... ......................, ............... 25 Fire Protection Fund (Fund 280) 27 I 800 MHz System Fund (Fund 281) 28 Assessment District 96-1 High Valley Road 29 Park Improvement Fund (Fund 411) 30 I Municipal Improvement Fund (Fund 421) 31 Capital Improvement Projects - Community Facilities District # I 32 Capital Improvement Projects - Community Facilities District #88-1 33 Debt Service Fund (Fund 311) 34 I Deht Servicc Fund - Community Facilities District #1 35 Debt Service Fund - Community Facilities District #88-f 36 High Valley Road Debt Service Fund 37 I Water Fund (Fund 510) 38 Sewer Fund (Fund 520)...., ....... 39 Capital Replacement Fund (Funds 61 t & 617) 40 I Library Endowment Fund (Fund 712) 41 Trust Funds (Fund 714-745) 42 I Bond Interest and Redemption 43 Statement of Fund Balances 45 Redevelopment Agency Loans Payable to City 49 I Department Operating Budgets 53 Legislative and Administrative: City Council. .................. .......... . ............................... ..... 54 Legisbtive and Administrative: City Clerk 5X I Legislative and Administrative: City Attorney 62 Legislative and Administrative: City Manager 66 Department of ".dministrative Services 70 I Department of Community Services...... .,." "".,.,."."..""."""., """".",.""..""".".""""", "."" ,."", .,.,."".", .,.,." 88 Department of Development Services 104 Department of Public Works 120 Department of Safety Services 148 I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS City of Poway Community Programs 161 I City of Poway Capital Improvement Program..,....,....,..,....,......,....,..........,....,......,.........."....,....,......,..,..'........,....,....,..,......, 175 Parks and Recreation Plan Map 242 I Poway Redevelopment Program: Revenue by Funds and Sources....,............,.,..,....,.."..............,........,.."..,.......,.............,...........,.,............,......,..'"..... 243 I Statement of Fund Balances,.. ......,... ,........,.. '......,..,...... ...., ....,.... ....,.."..,......,. ,........"..,...........,..... ......,....,....,.."....., 247 Fund Activity Detail 251 Redevelopment Agency - Administration Fund (Fund 437)......................................................................., 252 Redevelopment Agency - Debt Service Fund (Fund 321) 253 I Redevelopment Agency - 1986 Tax Allocation Bond 254 Redevelopment Agency - 1989 Tax Allocation Bond 255 Redevelopment Agency - Capital Improvement Projects - 1990A TAB 256 I Redevelopment Agency - Capital Improvement Projects - 1993 TAB........................................................ 257 Redevelopment Agency - 1991 Certificates of Participation Fund.............................. ............................... 258 Redevelopment Agency - Capital Improvement Projects Fund (Fund 436) 259 I Redevelopment Agency - Capital Improvement Projects General Fund Loans 260 Redevelopment Agency - Capital Improvement Projects Sewer Fund Loans 261 Redevelopment Agency - Low/Moderate Income Housing Fund (Fund 471 ),............................................ 262 I Redevelopment Agency - Non-Profit Capacity Building Fund (Fund 472) 263 Redevelopment Agency - Poinsettia Mobile Home Parks (Funds 291 & 292)..........................................., 264 Redevelopment Agency - Poway Royal Mobile Home Park Fund (Fund 293) 265 Redevelopment Agency - Haley Mobile Home Park Administration Fund (Fund 294)......,........,.............. 266 I Redevelopment Agency - Housing Administration/Capital Replacement.....................................,............. 267 Bond Interest and Redemption.. ......, ....,....,....,...., ......,......'.....,.........,......,.........."..,......,....,....,....,.. ....,.,..,....,......,.., 269 I Poway Redevelopment Agency' Administrative Operating Budget...............................................,........................ 271 Redevelopment Agency Organization Chart..,....,..,.....,..... ....".......,.... ....,..........".........,....,....,.. ...., ....,.........,...,..,.., 272 Director of Redevelopment Services 274 Redevelopment and HOUSing 276 I Economic Development 278 I'lousing Programs 280 Housing Administration Organization Chart 282 I l'lousing Administration 284 Poinsettia Family Mohilehome Park 286 Poinsettia Senior Mohilehome Park.... ......,....,......"..,......,..........,..............,..".....,..,......... ..,....,..,.. ,..,..' 288 I Po way Royal Estates Mobilehome Park 290 Haley Ranch Estates...........,.................,....,...........,..,.................. ...........,..,........,....,....,....... ..........,..,..". ...., 292 I Redevelopment Agency Program Overview - Housing Programs ...................... ............................. ...................... 295 Rcdevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Program 303 Map - Paguay Redevelopment Project Area 344 I Appendix A - Resolution Adopting 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 City Financial Program 345 Appendix B - Resolution Adopting 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 Redevelopment Agency Financial Program 351 Appendix C - Chart of Expense Accounts and Definitions 355 I Appendix D - Chart of Revenue Accounts and Definitions 371 Appendix E - City Council Immediate and Short-Tenn Goals.........................,......,....... .... ......,.... ..,.............., ......,..........' 387 I I I I I GUIDE TO READING THE BUDGET DOCUMENT Every year the City of Poway prepares a budget for the upcoming fiscal year which serves as the I City's financial plan, Although the budget serves as a control document for the City Council and staff, its primary purpose is to provide infonnatIOnlo citizens and other interested parties about the financial health and activities of the City as a municipal corporation, I This guide was prepared to assist citizens and other individuals who may not be familiar with public budgeting and finance to read and interpret this document. A great deal ofinfonnation is provided in I the budget beyond dollars and cents, One just needs to know how and where to look for it' I Gettinl! Started An cxcellent place to begin to examine the budget is the City Manager's Lettcr of Transmittal which I provides a philosophical as well as factual summary of the City's financial plan, Next, the Budget by Fund pages show expenditures for each Department and its divisions spread I across the City's major funds, You will note that the General Fund shows expenditures for all Departments, while the other funds show expendllures only for certain departments, This is another illustration of the fund accounting nature of government which restricts certain revenues to I expenditures for limited purposes, The next pages summanze and describe the City's work force, The number of authorized full-lime I positions is shown In comparison to the prior year New positIOns and position deletions are mentioned by title. Each full-time job classification authorized in the budget is then listed alphabetically by title with Its corresponding monthly salary range, I Next, you will notice that the budget is actually divided into two plans, One is the Operating and Capital Budget of the City The other is the Operating and Capital Budget of the Poway I Redevelopment Agency An operating budget is the financial plan for the day-to-day operations of the City or the Agency; a capital budget is the financial plan for acquinng or constructing major municipal facilities such as streets, drainage systems, and parks, I The Citv's Operatinl! Hudl!et I The first sectIOn following this guide is "Revenues by Fund and Source," This group of pages outlines the City's revenues, or the dollar resources the City receives, I Government's account for money In funds, which separate availablc dollars according to how they may be used, The largest fund is the General Fund whose revenues may be I I I , I Guide to Reading the Budget Document I Page 2 I used to provide any government service, Other funds are restricted as to how their revenues may be used, There will be more infonnation on the City's various funds later in this document. I Notice that the revenues are shown by fund and by revenue type; for example, "Property Taxes-Current," under the General Fund, Every type o I' revenue has a four-digit number in front of it. I In the back of the budget document IS the "Chart of Revenue Accounts and Definitions," Appendix D The four-digit numbers are ltsted in ascending order and next to each is a description of each revenue type, Analyzing the City's revenues will give you an idea of where the City gets its money, I how much of it is restricted, and how much may be used for general purposes, You will also be able to compare amounts of money between the prior liscal year and the proposed/approved new fiscal years, I Kev' I 1999-00 2000-0 I 2001-02 2002-03 Actual Approved Proposed Proposed 7111 Property Taxes-Current $4,153,744 $4,174,040 $4,769,540 $5,040,930 I This number identitics the The The The The revenue source in the Revenue total projected projected projected I Chart of Accounts and actual revenue for revenue for revenue for DescriptIons in Appendix D revenue fiscal year fiscal year fiscal year for the 2000-0 I in 2001-02, 2002-03 . fiscal year the final budget. Following the Revenuc pages is the "Summary of Sources and Uses of Funds," These pages list all 01 I the City's major fund types, describe them and display summarized dollar amounts of money going I into and out of each fund, These numbers are broken down into more detail on the pages following the Summary Note that the page numbers directing you to each fund's detail are referenccd in each fund description, . The Fund Activity Detail pages allow comparison of prior year budgets' actualllow of money, III as revenues, and out as expenditures or transfers, I Some funds have borrowed money (incurred debt) through the issuance of bonds, On the page following the Fund ACl1vity Detail pages is a summary of the bonded indebtedness of each fund, I These dollars are used to repay intercst and principal on the debt. Next, as a grand summary, the "Statement of Fund Balances and Reserves" follows all the prevIous pages described, The City's major funds are listed vertIcally on the left-hand side of the page, I Horizontally, dollar amounts are shown to track the status of each hllld from its beginning balance through to its expected year-end position, I " I I I I Guide to Reading the Budget Document Page 3 I previous pages described, The City's major funds are listcd vertically on the left-hand side of the page, HOrIZontally, dollar amounts are shown to track the status of each fund from its beginning balance through to its expected year-end position, I After the Statement of Fund Balances and Reserves, more detail regarding the expenditure side of the budget is proVided, again moving from summary to detail. I The Program Expenditures page lists the seven major City departments and what each plans to spend in the three major program expenditure categories: I I Personnel - The cost of salaries, fringe bcnefits and other employee-related costs, I 2, Operations and Maintenance - The cost of domg busmess day to day in supplies, materials, and scrvlces, I 3 Capital Outlav - The cost of major nonrecurring purchases of$500 or more with a useful life of three or more years, Examples are oflice furniture, vehicles and larger pieces of I equipment. It is common for the total of all program expenditures to be referrcd to as "the budget," even though I it is only the expenditure side ofthc entire budget picture, What follows next is the heart of the City's Operating Budget detail. For each of the City's scvcn maJor departments, an activity overview IS provided m which the maJor expenditure I categories--personnel, operations and maintenance, and capital outlay--are summarized and compared to prior years, A narrative commentary providing a description of the compOSition of the I department and its purpose in the governmental organization is backed up by an organization chart on the facing page, I Following the Departmental Overview, each division of the department will show two facing pages of activity detail. The narrative page mcludes a description ofthe major functions of the division, the division's goals and objectives, work load activity statistics for prior and proposed years, and a I section entitled Slgnilicant Activity Program Changes, This last section points out and explains larger dollar increases or decreases and the expcnse account I where each signifieant activity program change IS reflected, The facing page contains the actual dollar amounts to be spent to achieve the diVISIon's goals and I objectives, You will note that the major expenditure categories (personnel, operations and maintenance, and capital outlay) are tllrther divided into partIcular types of expenditures, I I '11 I Guide to Reading the Budget Document I Page 4 I Each expenditure type has a three-digit number preceding it. In the back of the budget book is the "Chart of Expense Accounts and Definitions," Appendix C. Expense account numbers are listed in I order, with a definition following each one, These definitions give a more detailed description of what costs are included in each expense account. In comparing the expense account dollar amounts between fiscal years, the narrative section, I Significant Activity Program Changes, is the key to explaining major differences, I Key: 1999-00 2000-0 I 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 I Actual Approved Estimated Proposed Proposed 4922- Pnnting $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 I This number The The The The The identifies the actual approved estimated proposed proposed I expense account amollnt budget anU)lm t budget budget in the Expense spent in amount for spent in amount for amount for Chart of Accounts FY 99-00 FY 00-0 I FY 00-0 I FY 01-02, FY 02-03 I and Descriptions, The numbers in parentheses next to Position Titles indicate when there is more than one position of I that title authorized, If there IS an FT, PT and/or T alier the Position Title, this indicates that the I position is full-time, part-time, and/or temporary The City's Capital1mprovcment Budl!.ct I Capital Projects are the acquisition or construction of major public facilities such as streets, sewers, water systems, parks, and government buildings, They are often the kind of projects that take more I than one budget year to complete, The Capital Improvement Budget, like the operating budget, shows revenues in and expenditures out, I but also details expenditure projections over multiple budget years, The revenue page indicates which funds are contributing to the Capital Improvement Program, The . Program Overview summarizes expenditures by type of improvement to show the total estimated cost of planned projects, what has been spent on planned projects, the proposed year's expenditure levels, and the amount of the total estimatcd projects, the proposed year's expenditure levels and the I amount of the total estImated cost that has been incurred to date, I IV I I I Guide to Reading the Budget Document Page 5 I The Program Detail pages list each proJect with a short description and codc number corresponding to the activity Cost estimates for each fiscal year appear on the left hand side with the contributing I funds listed to the right, under the project description, On the facing page, the costs are shown spread across the next five fiscal years according to an acquisition/construction plan, I The dollar amounts budgeted for the proposed fiscal year can be tied back to the operating budget's "Statement of Fund Balances and Reserves" under the Capital Projects column, Each year the Program is adjusted to reflect actual performance so the costs of the City's Capital Improvement I Program can be historically tracked, The Powav Redevelopment Aeencv Budeet I The organization chart of the Agency indicates its relationship to the City of Poway' The City Council acts as the Agency's Board of Directors, and the City Manager is its Executive Director I The budget of the Redevelopment Agency is patterned after the City's budget and includes the same e1ements--an operating and a capital improvement budget. Revenues of the Agency, like those of I the City, are listed by the four-digit account numbers found in Appendix D Fund activity detail pages follow, and the Agency has its own "Statement of Fund Balances and Reserves," I The operating budget covers the day-to-day administrative affairs of the Agency Note that the format of the Agency's operating budget detail parallels that of the City's operating budget. The Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Budget is set up usmg the same fonnat as the City's I Capital Improvement Budget. More Information is Available I The Administrative Services Department prepares the budget document you have just read about. In addition to the published document, City staff retains tiles of detailed backup material. I Backup documentation is reviewed by the Budget Review Committec, which IS appointed from I among Poway's citizens by thc City Council. This Committee spends many hours with staff each year prior to budgct adoption, examining the detail behind the proposed budget. These tiles are also available for review by the general public, by appointment with the Administrative Services I Department, as early as the month of May prior to a new fiscal year The Budget is considered by the City Council in public hearings at every regular City Council I meeting in June, Public comment is invited and will be considered by the City Council at these hearings. , In addition to the above, any person having questions about the financial plan may contact the Administrative Services Department. We are pleased to answer any inquiries to the best of our ability I I v I CITY OF POWAY I !'vlICKE) CAF.\GNA, i\-1<:IYt11 ]A\ nOILiB't rJepl11Y I\layur BOB D..fER'y C'iunci!wcmh.T DON HIGljIN::;(IN, C;uncilmelllhcl I BETTY REXFC'IRD, (:,11I1Willlll'tllhel I May 1,2001 I Dear Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council. I The proposed budget for Fiscal Years 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 builds upon the successes of the two preceding two-year budgets, Rather than focusing on an annual budget preparatIon process, the City Council and staff arc able to focus on budget I management, fiscal forccasting, and long-term needs, These efforts are further aidcd by having major portions of the budget and fiscal forecasting fixed through major contracts such as law enforcemcnt and cmployee salanes, Based upon this predictability, it is I possible to focus upon exceptions; that is, new, expanded, or mandated programs which cause the budget to grow beyond thc "cost ofhving," For Fiscal Ycar 2001-2002, thc proposed operating budget is projected to be 549,503,150 or 9.2% greater than the I amended budget for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 In FIscal Year 2002-2003, thc proposcd budget will increase by 3,2% to 551,089 710 I Thc primary factor for the significant increasc in the Fiscal Year 2001-2002 budget is ImplementatIOn of the Report on the Response EffectIveness and Staffing of the Safety Services Department, whIch rccommcnded the addItion of 20 new firefightmg/paramedlc I support pOSItIOns, a new fire statIon, and the purchase of trucks and related equipment with a one-time cost of 55,200,000 and aruJUal ongomg costs of 52, 1 08, 194 During the past scveral years, this increase was anticipated and measured against Gcneral Fund I revcnue proJectIOns. As an example, sales tax, whIch now rcpresents 30% of General Fund revenues, has I mcreased 31 % over the past two years, As a reflection of the ovcrall economy, sales tax receipts from the South Poway Busmess Park have grown with the numbcr of new businesses within the Park, There are now 345 businesses within 6 6 million square fect I of buildings that provide over 12,500 well-paymg jobs, The most recent major addition is Gateway Computers world headquarters With 500 cmployces, I In order to ensure that the quality services provided by the City of Poway are maintained, the primary efforts of EconomIc Development and Redevelopment have been refocused from the Business Park to the Poway Road Business District. ThIS busincss dIstrict is the I foundation for a futurc sustamablc local.cconomy Thc implemcntation of the Poway Road Specific Plan through the projects and programs of the Redevelopment Agency will bear future dividends when new construction will no longer drive growth m revenues, I I Uty Hall L'calccl at U 12, Ci\'IC Centn l)1;ve Mailing Addre," 1'0 !3n" lEN, ['e"\av, CcIlitunm 92074-07(\') · (850) 748-6600,695-1400 I E'\X 748-14~~ I Fiscal Program I May 1,2001 Page 2 I With respect to capital improvements, a varied group of needs can be met as a consequence of new Redevelopment Agency bond proceeds as well as General Fund and I Utility Fund participation, Major proJects proposed include thc widening of Community and Espola Roads, improvement of Midland Road mOld Poway, Fire Station No, 3, City Hall, Fine Arts Center, completion of Old Poway Park, master plan sewer upgrades, and I Improvements to the Water Filtralton Plant. At the time of preparation of the budget, there IS a major unknown that is associated with I the need to comply as part of the San Diego region with the Stormwater Discharge Penn it issued by thc State Regional Water Quality Control Board, The costs associated With compliance including testing, reporting, education, maintenance, and constructIOn could I be as high as $1.5 million annually Funding of this mandate may require reduction of current expenditures, Imposition of a new wastewater fee, or a combination of both. Through the first two decades following incorporatIon, the City of Poway was able to 0 proVIde a number of deSired services through conservative fiscal management, creativity, and postponing nonessential proJects, While unprecedented economiC growth now D enables the City to both expand Safety Services and construct various public facilitIes, the same policies that msured post fiscal stability nced to be maintained for the future, At this lime, there IS a statewide energy crisis, as well as various committees studying local I government structural and financial reform that could have an impact on services and the quality ofhfe in Poway Adoption of thiS budget will not only address the needs for services within the community, but also contmue to preserve future options, B Sincerely, ~-J~~ II \ I II m I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POW A Y FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 2001-2002 AND 2002-2003 PROGRAM EXPENDITURES I - . - ------ -- - ---- --~ .--< .~. - I -. - -- ----- --- --+-- CITY OF POW A Y . PROGRAM EXPENDITURES ~- - ------- ~ ~~ '-'- - - -~'~-' '-- ,I " Total, '" bp,e~a>ti(lIlS !1M. Gap.!!"! ltr.O:gi~it:iJ Dep.!lrtmeAt ~ - p"ersojill.~! M.!liiiten;ijice' Ollt1ay ,,_ _]:!perii1!tUr:i'L I FY 2001-2002: I Legislative & Administrative S 1,016,740 $ 498,440 $ 30,000 $ 1,545,180 a Administrative Services 1,891,600 1,782,790 756,420 4,430,810 Community Services 1 965,600 2,066,270 197,560 4,229,430 I Development Services 2,535,410 1,059,130 6,700 3,60 I ,240 Public Services 4,392,670 20,014,220 115,360 24,522,250 U , I I Safety Services 4,023,760 7,148,790 137,660 IIJ 10,210 0 II Total $15 825,780 $32,569640 $1.243,700 $49639,120 i' U " II I FY 2002-2003: I Legislative & Administrative S 1,053,340 $ 484,020 $ 1,537,360 D Administrative Services 1,982,110 1,539,420 753,940 4,275,470 tI Community Services 2,076,170 2,039,340 61,460 4,176,970 Development Services 2,632,190 936,550 2,200 3,570,940 D ! Public Services 4,576,860 20,725,240 120,1 70 25,422,270 ,I I , ': Safety Services 4,600,970 7,500,580 107,960 12,209,510 , Total U $16,92 1,640 $33225,150 $ 1,045 730 $51,192,520 I 0 Ii : . . - -.. - x . I I .' I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2001-02 AND 2002-03 BUDGET BY FUND I CITY OF POWAY - BUDGET BY FUND FY 2001 - 02 PROPOSED GAPrFAL ASSESS_" ' ' --~~. """,,--....-_-.,..1., ,...,..'"'"''"'-._w_r.. . _ _.~ .d. -'f ~ DEPAATMENT GENERAi: WATER iSEWER' 'GA81'F;\)(,; .REPlJACE" MENir. ' . PROP.~. ' MENT '_DfsTRkts';'J)R\\lNAGE sTPToTHER,'tet-Ab Legislative and Administrdtive City COlmcil 224,017 26,990 18,8Y3 269,900 City Clerk 343,820 41,424 28,996 414,240 City Attorney 202,611 24,411 17,088 244,1l 0 City Manager 512,052 61,693 43,185 616,930 -" ...----"'------ '1',282pOO 1'54:51'8' . 1'08,162 '0 /0,' O. 0, 0, -'n' ~RartrrentTota1 , J;54~,!!Q., Administrative Services Director 224,985 89,833 89,832 404,650 Personnel 224,668 56,327 39,045 320,040 Customer Services 51,356 30Y,375 258,019 618,750 Finance 297,526 144,081 78,543 520,150 Data Processing 125,588 251,175 125,587 502,350 Support Services I 8 1.544 t I L156 40,071 8,71 t 41.910 6.968 390,360 Risk M anagerrent 323,202 197,8YI 71,341 15.50Y 12,407 620,350 Facilities Replacement 429,000 429,000 x Equipment Replacement 625,160 625,160 =mi:>iiltireht'FOtal ' C4i8~869f;T59:83'8~7b2;:4j8, '0""---Cb18';3'~;O' !l-f;'9YO' 1'91375 .-----,..-~.-v-~h"':' '--.:::..' 0, . iI;43Q,ll!t Commtmity Sef\~ces Director 624,900 624,900 Recreation 1,063,000 1,063,000 Lake Operations 598,820 598,820 Aquatics 600,410 600,410 Performing Arts Or 878,570 878,570 o td Poway Park 200,710 200,710 library 263,020 263,020 ~RaftJrt:nt Total {g29I4To 0, '0: IO! 0 :0' ." ~ 0--:-4;.i2~;rut Development Services Director 642,531 22,752 45,7t 7 71I ,000 Current Planning 837,410 837,410 Building Inspection 531.670 531,670 Capital Projects 423.907 13,696 9,131 6,000 9,806 462,540 Land Development 50 I ,543 1-;'838 10,559 527,940 Inspection 328.643 to,378 6,9t9 345,940 Trallie 175,502 5;543 3.695 184,740 _IlepartInenU.otaL ,~~~r,20,6 :@t2:D7' ~7.(j~Q:21 6~g:60. ~OJ '0 '9;8()6 ~~-~.....-o=_ 0......:..J.3.~(jOlt24jt .. .. .- - IiiiI - - - Iiii IiIi IiiI iiiiii Iiii iiIii .. .. .. iIiI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CITY OF POW A Y - BUDGET BY FUND FY 2001 - 02 PROPOSED "I ,€APlTAL <ASSESS- . " "'~"_,;'~",,",- ...",,,.-,,,,,_,~,"J , . REPLA€& , :MEN,T PROP.At }jE}iARTM@cr ,C>ENEID\:.L 'WATER: sEWER' G~s,tA:x ~_-~'~..,"-'-"=_.--'- ~.;;:~--'_''''~'" ~~~ u _~_ -'-;. ~ _ ,,_ ---- - --- :MENT" DIS'FRIGTS ~RAlNI\GE', STP/@THER TOTAL Public Services Director 22,972 218.244 218,244 459,460 Vehicle & Eqm!. Main!. 568,910 568,910 Water Suppty 9,989.250 9,989,250 Sewer Pumping 4,607,300 4,607,300 Water Transmission 748,940 748,940 Wastewater Collect. 481,630 481,630 Maintenance Control 42,329 269,063 230,059 54,497 8,962 604,910 Street Maintenance 700,000 52,850 52,850 934,470 847,000 2,587,170 Drainage 41425 4 t ,425 324,680 407,530 Facilities Main!. 127,242 220,061 137,970 9,247 494,520 Trails & Open Space 148,140 148,140 Park & Land. Main!. 1,076,168 t 40,883 49,029 1,266,080 Landscape/Lighting Dis!. 27 ,030 2,t31,380 2,158,410 " ~paftmei1l'TotiiL Q:;-I'43:;-88'I---:j'r;68-0:7iI6~;8f8;507' 93;1(470 568;9,rO~2:-185,877' 342,8'8-9 8i17.;(j(j'~24i52~,~ Safety Services Director 400,450 400,450 Fire Suppression 2,732,n90 2,732,690 ,.-',," F ire Prevention 544,640 544,640 Paramedics 1,591,370 1,591,370 Law Enforcement 6,041,060 6,041,060 ~12-epa1:tI1ient~TQful ;1'1;:3)'0:;-2'10 ,0, 0 0 0 ,0 , - ,Or '0 ~. _ -',,'- ---ii."'; 'N;310;m TOTAL EXPENDITURES 23,836,096 13,063,279 6,705,128 940,470 1,647,290 2,227,787 372,070 847,000 49,639,120 CITY OF POW A Y - BUDGET BY FUND FY 2002 - 03 PROPOSED - CAPrr~ASSESS~J' . " , . 'REPLA€E. '. "MEN;r' P,R0P'Al, DEViiliiMEN't , , GENER,tl" WATER :SEWER ,J ."'!;' _, ....,_ - ,MENT, - Ins'iRieTs'DRWINA6ESn>7oTuER 'TOTAL 6AS'TAX: Legislative and Administrative City COLmciJ 229,553 27,657 19,360 276,570 City Clerk 326,706 39,362 27,552 393,620 City Attorney 203,699 24,542 17,179 245,420 City Manager 516,052 62,175 43,523 621,750 t:::m:Riiitii1erifToml' r,276~oXo.' 'IC53')36;--]'(j:716 14, 0 10, :0: 0' 0 ~li53,~~ ' . , Administrative Services Diredor 232,858 92,976 92,976 418,810 Personnel 23 1,463 58,031 40,226 329,720 Customer Services 52,035 313 ,465 261,430 626,930 Finance 306,163 148,264 80,823 535,250 Data Processing 123,023 246,045 123,022 492,090 Support Servi<::es 192,062 117,596 42,393 9,216 41,910 7,373 410,550 x Risk Management 338,451 207,229 74,707 16,241 12,992 649,620 ~ Facilities Replacement 340,000 340,000 Equipment Replacement 472,500 472,500 ~Rill1rrerittotiH - 1:;-4i76;055~r;:Y8-3~06-'-------';;7F5!5;)J 0-S'{7i95:71 '41,'flO 20;'3'65 0 .4,2i75;illZ.![ Community Services Director 624,000 624,000 Recreation 968,820 968,820 Lake Operations 605,620 605,620 Aquatics 607,310 607,310 Perfornling Arts Ctr 914,720 914,720 Old Poway Park 205,380 205,380 library 251,120 251,120 ~RaitJnerit'toili1. -41176j970 ,0' 0 :0: '0' ,0' 0 'I;'176;21!t Developn1ent Services Director 666,452 23,599 47,419 737,470 Current Planning 806,310 806,310 Building Inspection 494,270 494,270 Capital Projects 433,660 14,011 9,341 6,000 10,028 473,040 Land Development 490,703 15,496 10,331 516,530 Inspection 332,595 10,503 7,002 350,100 Traffic 183,559 5,797 3,864 193,220 ~e"a~fif-total - 3;1Q;'z}i49; 62;406 . 7'119'5)' - 6T(joo , 10: 0 '10;028 -----.--..~~~ 1"-__lL _m______.. . o '.3;~J!;94!t iiiii filii - iii Iiii - .. - iii iiiii IiiiiI Iiiiii iiii .. .. iiii .. iiii .. .. - - - - - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - CITY OF POW A Y - RlffiGFT RY FUND FY 2002 - 03 PROPOSED - , ,Gl\:PITAL ASSESS-. . , -'~--~"':"~-~."._-. "\'.~'-'~~1 -' ."-<'---.'-- ,. REp,LAGE; MEN-T. .PR0P,y DEPAR'tMENT> .GENERAL WA~ER' 'SEWER ,GASFAX MENir .bIS:fRICTS'.DRtAiNKGE'sT.pTof,HERi f- --.~. -~- T0TAL, Public Services Director 23,733 225,474 225,4 73 474,680 Vehicle & F.qmt. Maint. 59] ,040 591,040 Water Supply 10,239,100 10,239,100 Sewer Pumping 4,855,360 4,855,360 Water Transmission 781,260 781,260 Wastewater Collect, 496,790 496,790 Maintenance Control 43,258 274,969 235,110 55,694 9,159 618,190 Street Maintenance 700,000 86,640 86,640 947,040 9 t 8,000 2,738,320 Drainage 41425 41,425 328,2 ]() 411,060 Facilities Maint. ] 32,509 229,t71 t43,681 9,629 514,990 Trails & Open Space t47,450 147,450 Park & Land, Maint. t,t21,830 146,255 51,7]5 1,319,800 LandscapelLighting Dist. 27 ,030 2,207,200 2,234,230 x ~partrrienCFotiil. '2,ill,810 :J2,024,29'1 6,'f36;I 94' .9.47;040l 59(@fij-2"','262.;8'I4'--:Y4?:i\998, '9.1'8,000 25;42~;~ < Sa fely Services " Director 387,7tO 387,710 - Fire Suppression 3,250,990 3,250,990 Fire Prevention 530,390 530,390 Paramedics 1.692,01 0 1,692,010 Law Enforcement 6,348,4 to 6,348,410 ~B 'Ttai 1'2,209;510 0 ,0 '01 '0 \0 ,0 0, ,H~209;~ """"-~Rartment. 0, - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 24,741,904 13,431,042 7,037,342 953,040 1,428,997 2,304,804 377,391 918,000 51,192,520 ,I ,. I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PO WAY FINANCIAL PROGRAM: 2001-2002 AND 2002-2003 EMPLOYEE POSITIONS, CLASSIFICATIONS, AND SALARY RANGES I I CITY OF POWAY AUTHORIZED POSITIONS . BY DEPARTMENT :2'ooo~ZQili ;:WOl-,!2002 2002~2003 . l\,utMr:i#'4: .~ . 1':', P,r,!p-,j<~'e'd~ ProJiQs,~d: . Dep'ai~biieiit F.~i\-Time Part~Tifue~' ].u.tl~T!me' Jliict~'n~,~*' :f.UlJ~Tiitie P,~tl1:ifue~ ('"---."-., Legislative and . Administrative 11 0,5 II 10 II 1 0 Administrative Services 26 2,0 27 1.5 27 1.5 I Community Services 24 250 26 24,5 26 24,5 I Development Services 34 10 34 I 0 34 10 II Public Works 74 3,5 74 3,5 74 3,5 Safety Services 39 - 54 - 60 - I .T0T-ALC:ITY 2081 32:0' 226' 3r!6' ;2;3'2 3\1{5! , I Redevelopment Services 9 1.0 10 - 10 - I Housmg Services I 0,5 1 0,5 1 0,3 GRANO'T0;pAL ~~(8i ~f3~5< 2';4 320 243' ;3'1:'8' I "~.-'- -'~ -. -- '_. - ~_._- ' , I I I I I I I I I-ull I'IIII~' : '-IlIl\:IICI1I I XVlll I I CITY OF POW AY POSITION CLASSIFICATIONS CL-AS~11,!C:c\I!9N! - R!\~~E; ',URROXlMAl'E MONTHl';Y " Y'" . L~ -..... 't __ ~ ~. I }Y.2001'-2002i FY,.2002i2003' Account Ocrk [J 2]2.6 2335 - 2850 24]6,2950 Account Oerk I 207.6 2221, 27t 1 2299 ' 2~06 Accountant 252.6 34X3 - 4251 3604 ' 4400 I' Administrative Secretary 22X.1 2726 ' 332R 2821,3444 Assistant Engineer II 269.0 4103,5008 4240' 51~4 Assistant Engineer I 259.0 3713,4532 3842 - 4691 1 Assistant Planner II 257.6 3661 ,4469 37X9,4626 Assistant Planner I 247.6 3312 - 4044 342R,4]X6 Associate Engineer 2X4.0 4766,5RI9 4933 ' 6022 I' Associate Planner 207.6 4046 ' 4939 41X7,5112 Asst. Director of Public Svcs 304.3 5~72 ,716R 6077 ,7419 Benefit Assessment Dist Spec. 24LJ.5 3376,4122 3494 ' 4266 I Box Office Attendant ]9X.6 2030,2478 210t ,2565 City Engineer 309.0 6091 - 7436 6304 - 7696 City Plannt'f 300.6 56X3 ' 6939 5XX2, 71~1 Code Compliance Officer 252.6 34X3 ,425] 3604 ' 4400 I Community Services Manager 296.9 5423 ' (,(,20 5(']3,6X52 Computer ~pplications Coord. 252.6 3483 ,425] 3604 ' 4400 Computer Services Manager ]96.9 5423 ' 6620 5613 ' 6852 I Computer Support Technician 223 I 2593,3]66 26X4, 3277 Construction Main!. Wkr II 221.6 2554,3] 1Y 2644 - 3228 Construction Maint. Wkr I 211.(, 2312 - 2R22 2393 ' 2921 I Construction Manager 271.),2 45X9 - 5602 4750,5798 Cruss-Connect Control Maint Tech. 241.6 3119,3R04 3229 - 3Y37 Customer Services Manager 2X6.9 4Y07 ' 59XX 5079,619X Customer Services Worker 226.6 2085 ' 327R 277Y - 3393 II Deputy City Clerk 23X.] 3012,367X 31]R -3R06 Deputy City Manager 301.X 5751 - 7022 5952 - 7208. Deputy Director of Admin. Services 299.8 503R ' 6RX3 5835 - 7124 I Dcvelopn~nt Services Technician 227.6 2712,3311 2X07 - 3427 Director of Safety Services 3243 7131,X702 738] ,91XJ7 Director of Administrative Services 3233 7060,X614 730~,X916 I Director ofCommunity Services 3233 7060, X014 730X - X916 Director of Development Services 3233 7060, ~614 730X _ X916 Director of Public Services 323.3 71l60,R614 730X - XY16 Director ofRedev Services 3233 7060, X614 730X - X916 I' Dock Attendant 1094 1532,1870 ] 5X5 - 1935 Drainage Maintenance Supervisor 251.6 3448 - 4209 356R ,4356 F,.,conomic Developn1ent Manager 29Y.0 5537,6760 5731 '09')0 I Engineering Serv lnspec. Supv 270.2 4t52,50(,Y 429~ - 5246 Engineering Services Inspector 255.2 3574,4363 3699,4516 Equipment Mechanic II 252.7 34X5 ' 4254 3607 ' 4402 I' Equipment Mechanic I 242.7 3t54-3~51 3265 ' 39~6 Executive Asst. to the City Manager 252.6 34X3,4251 3604 ' 4400 Facilities/Cons!. Maint. Wkr 221.6 2554,31]9 2644 ' 3228 Finance Manager 21,16.9 5423 ' 6620 5613 ' 6X52 I Fire Captain 274.2 423X,5174 4344 ' 5303 Fire Division Chief 305.7 5921 ' 722Y 6]29,7482 Fire Engineer 2599 3586,437X 3675 ,44R7 1- Fire Prevention Inspector 259.9 3586,437X 3675 ' 4487 Firefighter 2293 322(, , 3938 3306,4036 Fleet & Fac. Maint. Supervisor 2577 3614,4474 3793 - 4630 I' Housing Program Coordinator 267.6 4046,4939 4187,51 ]2 Housing Program" Manager 299.0 5537, (,700 5731 ' 6996 L'llldscape Maintenance Supv 249.5 3376,4122 3494 ' 4260 I: Ld Construction Maint Worker 236.6 296R ' 3(,23 3072,3750 IXX CITY OF POWAY POSITION CLASSIFICATIONS I '~~lfICATl9N' RANGE .A'PPR0XIMATEMONTHLY ~.- ...~--. --'~,-- --.,. ---.- - ,-,', ,- ',' -_.. ;.....- -~ 0\. ~-.;!,... EY2001'2002 .EY"2002,2003 I Ld. Facilities Const. Maint. Worker 236.6 2Y68 - 3623 3072 ' 3750 Lead Customer Services Worker 241.6 311Y - 3X04 3229, 3~37 Lead Park Maintenance Worker 234,5 2906 - 3548 300X ' 3672 Lifeguard III 202,8 2076 - 2534 2149 - 2623 I Lifeguard Il/Swim Instructor 18X.3 1831-2235 1896 - 2314 Lifeguard I 176.6 162~ - 19X~ 1686 ' 2059 Maiot Operations Div Manager 291.3 512X - 625X 5307,6477 I Managen1ent Analyst 262.6 3~4X ,469X 3983 ,4863 Management Assistant 252.6 3483 - 4251 3604 ' 4400 Materials Controller 227.6 2712-3311 2807 - 3427 I Multimedia Specialist 252.6 34X3 ,425 I 3604 - 4400 Park Attendant I t61 I 13~5 ' 1703 1444 - 1763 Park Maintenance Worker II 219.5 250 I ' 3054 25X9-3t61 I Park Maintenance Worker I 209,5 2263 ,2763 2343 - 2860 Park Ranger 210.2 227~ ' 27X2 2359 - 2~~0 Perfomling Art:;; Manager 286,9 4907 ' 59X~ 5079,619X Personnel Aide 238,1 3012,3678 31iX,3X06 I Personnel Clerk 218,[ 2407 - 30t 1 2553,3117 Personnel Manager 297,9 5477 - 66~3 5669,6917 Planner/Estimator Control Inspector 241.6 3119 - 3XI14 3229,3937 I Pool Manager 229.0 2751 - 3358 2X47 ,3476 Public Services Maint.lConst. Insp. 241.6 3t 19,3804 3229 - 3937 Public Services Shop Clerk 2U2.7 2tt5,2582 21X9,2672 I Receptionist, Part-time t9~.6 2030,2478 2101 - 2565 Records Secretary 203.6 2134,2605 220~ - 2696 Recreation Assistant 149.5 1243,1517 1286 - 1570 Recreation Interpretive Spec. 22lJ.O 2751 ' 335X 2847 - 3476 I Recreation Leader II 1~7,8 1822,2225 1886 - 2302 Recreation Leader I 167,X 1442, 1~22 1544 - 1~85 Recreation Program Coordinator 229.0 275 I ' 335X 2X47 - 3476 I Recreation,Supervisor II 255.5 3567 ' 4355 3692,4507 Recreation Supervisor I 244.5 3244 ' 3461 335X ,4094 Redevelopment Manager 299.0 5537 - 6760 5731,69% I Redevelopment Project Adrnin. 272.6 4253 - 5192 4402,5374 Secretary III 2IX.I 2467,3Ul1 2553 ' 3117 Secretary II 203.6 2134 - 2605 22UX ' 2696 Secretary I 198.6 2U3U - 24 7~ 2101 - 2565 I Senior Accountant 262.6 3X4X ,4648 34X3 ' 4863 Senior Civil Engineer 244.U 5537 ' 6760 5731 ' 6996 Scnior Management Analyst 272.6 4253,5192 4402 - 5374 I Senior Planner 2H2.6 4700, 573~ 4864 ' 5934 Senior Utilities System Tcch. 262.1 3X29 ' 4675 3963 ' 4838 Sr Planner/Estimator Control Insp. 251.6 344~ - 42U9 356X - 4356 I Stage Technician 219,5 25U I - 3054 2584-3161 Street Maintenance Supervisor 251.6 3448 - 4209 356X ,4356 Technical Theatre Coordinator 229.0 275 I ,335X 2~47 - 3476 Theatre Volunteer Coordinator 229,0 2751 - 335~ 2X47 - 3476 I Traffic Engineer 299.0 5537 - 6760 5731 ,6996 I Utilities Supervisor 251.6 3448 ' 42U9 3568 ,4356 Utilities System Mechanic 2471 3296 - 4024 3411,4165 I Utilities System Technician 252.1 3465 ,4230 3586,4378 Water Treatment Plant Opr III 257 I 3M3 -4447 3770 ' 4602 , Water Treatment Plant Opr II 247 I 3296 ' 4024 3411,4165 . Water Treatment Plant Opr J 2371 2983" 3MI 30X7 ,371>4 Water Treatmcnt Supervisor 272.1 4232,5166 4380 - 5347 Watcr Utili~ies Manager 291.3 512X,625X 5307 ' 6477 xx I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POW A Y FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2001-02 AND 2002-03 REVENUE BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I ____ ,____ _,_City of Po way.. ___,_ I .' 'F>Yi'I:9,99~09 -P)j:20QQjOl ,1:'); Z.Qo.!;-;Q;!'ffY/2~OQ6"0,3; -- ... _ ,A:ctual:' ~ ARP.I9..Yedi Pl.Qposedc, :PrQP,Q~eg:.co. FUND tOO- GENERAL FUND Taxes & Franchises I 7111 Taxes- Property Current 4,153,744 4,174.040 4,769,540 5,040,930 7112 Taxes, Property Delinquent 78,909 110,000 90,000 90,000 7113 Taxes- Property Supplemental 323,412 150,000 220,000 200,000 7114 Taxes- Property HO Exemption 90,921 89,760 92,820 94,680 I 7117 Taxes, Real Property Transfer 306,176 180,000 210,000 190,000 7131 State Sales Tax 7,076,323 5,940,480 7,829,180 8,111,100 7151 Transient Occupancy Taxes 99,928 203,000 115,000 120,000 I 7172 Franchises- SDG&E 454,321 376,420 537,380 542,750 7173 Franchises, SW Cable 54,190 48,000 48,000 53,000 7174 Franchises- Cox Cable 396,871 320,000 330,000 340,000 I ~ --:-__ Sji]Jt'otaLTax~si~Fj]m<:..1i'js<cs, _13,03itl7,95;, ,.J,1',:;91;7ML 14,-24 ti;9 2(( 1:;j~71j'2"46(jT _......., ......',v_ -.!__-"-__~,....__._~.___ ____L Licenses & Permits 7211 Animal License 10,551 270 - - I 7213 Business Registration 10,837 5,000 5,000 5,000 7214 State Fishing Licenses 3,3 70 1,900 2,400 2,600 7232 Fishing Permits 99,804 98,500 98.500 98,750 I 7233 Boat Permits 102.789 98,500 102,000 103,000 7234 Construction Permits- Excavtn 22.435 4,750 4,750 4,750 7235 Construction Permits, Grading 3,275 4,500 4,500 4.500 7236 Parkml( Pcnnits 56,997 48,500 57,000 57,500 I , , iSubto~aJ Licenses;&:Retffiiis .. --310:058 .. '261,920~ ~- 3i7Mt5,O~ '276T()]", " , , -----' ,- ~ -- Fines & Forfeitures I 7310 Fines & Penalties 253,586 150.000 200,000 200,000 .. ' .. ~ 'STIbtotaCFiries~& ForfeitUres - , .. 253;58] '-150' 000',' __209!O,O.O... -'200,000' _ _ . 'I ~. 1.:.. __._, _ _'_.n._ U~e ofMonev & Propertv I 7411 Interest 1ncome- General 956.466 719,650 1,241,210 1,1 19,300 7412 Interest 1ncome- Restncted 5,301 - - - 7414 Interest Income, Loans 210,472 227,420 255.140 255,140 I 7415 Interest Income- Notes Rcvbl. 7.563 - 29,620 29.1 00 7441 Space Rcntal 2.911 5,450 5.450 5.450 7461 Lease Revenue, Telecommunications 98,019 50,000 217,300 228,160 I 7471 Rental, Facilities 170,410 172.500 145,750 146.100 7472 Rentals- Swimminl( Pool 51,876 27,100 27,100 27,100 7473 Rentals- Swimnllng Pool Lockers 630 1.000 500 500 7476 Conccssions Income 76,546 79,120 82.550 84,950 I 7477 Rcntal- For Kids & Parents Trailer 6,350 4,200 4,200 4,200 7478 Rental, Poway Sports Park 54,810 30,000 60,000 60,000 :S:ti12tQtiil. U~~ 6}:,Mon~y ,& PropertY. ;'l"'C'" ,- ~, iJ.~3i6\44li . i,'(j~8182(r ~F9()OOo(F I 1,{ittJ,35iL_ _.... _0' .___ 'l _ _'I __ .... Revenue/Grants (i'om Other A\;encies 7512 PUSD Contribution to PCP A 48,801 95,800 144,000 148,000 I 7521 County Revenue Grants (Othcr) 10,000 10,000 50,000 50,000 7530 Sheriff's Contract Rebate 22,947 50,000 - - 7581 Motor Vehicle In-Lieu 2,356,813 2,098,490 2.446,780 2,495,720 7582 Off Highway Motor Veh In-Lieu 955 - - - I 7583 State Ed, Rev AUl(ment. Fund 107,477 - - - Subtotal Revenues:from Other AgenCies. :2,51'6,993) , . - 2,2":;4;29:0' . 2,640;780 . 2~693, 720' - . - -- I , 2 J I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES Clt)! of Pow a)' I , EY 1999;00 FY'2000;OT ;F;Y 200'b02 F~YC~2002~03 - , ' ~A'.cli!al ~ i\,rmrovJ:.dI- _Rtmi.Qse_di , .p:J'.QP..95~ FUND 100- GENERAL FUND (Con't) I Fees & Services 7611 Candidates Filing Fees - 400 , 400 7612 Water System Analysis Fees 47,143 33,750 10,000 10,000 7613 Administrative Revenue U35,842 1,723,990 1,640,980 1,696,860 I 7614 Miscellaneous LegIslatIve Fees 1,893 2,000 2,000 2,000 7616 Passport Services 17,716 ~ 57,800 69,700 7622 PCP A Ticket Sales (948) , - - I 7623 PCP A Staff Services - - 68,790 68,790 7624 Aquatics RecreatIOn Programs 69,816 55,260 55,260 55,260 7625 Leisure Contracts Fees 199,712 211,000 217 ,950 217,950 7626 Recreation Programs Fees 78,797 63,950 83,510 84,010 I 7628 Swimming Pool Admissions 82,602 112,620 104,120 104,120 7631 Lake Powav Overnight Campmg 1,993 1,950 500 500 7731 Planning Fees 129,371 60,000 58,000 56,000 I 7733 Miscellaneous Plamling Fees 5.403 2,250 2,150 1,900 7734 Building Inspection Fees 1.412,122 825,000 700,000 650,000 7735 Plan Check Revenue 594,127 292,500 193,750 155,000 I 7736 Miscellaneous Engineering Fees 23,838 10,000 10,000 10,000 7737 Inspectton Fees 442,079 270,000 100,000 80,000 7738 Eng Staff Time Reimbursement 88,031 60,000 40,000 40,000 7740 Inspection- Mobile Homes 9,340 3,000 2,500 2,500 I 7752 Alarm RegistratIons & Penalties 71,553 48,000 57.600 57,600 7753 Safety Svcs Plan Chkllnspcct 172,510 76,150 76,150 76,150 7754 Misc Safety Services Fees 18,733 9,500 9,500 9,500 I 7755 Ambulance Fees 435,227 350,000 550,000 600,000 7756 CPR Class Registration F ces 1,925 \,000 I, 000 1,000 7757 Vehicle Abatement Fees 29,630 26,000 26,000 - 7758 Towing Contracts 19,089 50,000 20,000 20,000 I 7760 WeedlNuisance Abatement Fees 34.428 35,000 35,000 35,000 7772 Street Improvements 14,032 10,580 9,670 6,270 7773 Solid Waste Franchise Fees 242,651 190,000 244,000 250,000 I r - - ._-, 3ubtot1iC'Feei;:& Services :sm8~655~ . -~;523\9.o.il: ' ;i1~3.76;23J( '-'1'360'510 , - - - - --- - -"-~ -- - ~ -- .. Other Revenues 7830 Donations 2,651 - - - I 7884 Returned Checks Charges 20 2,200 2,200 2,200 7885 Worker's Compensation Refund 118,566 20,000 20,000 20,000 7891 Miscellaneous Income 665,858 176,750 177,000 176,750 I 7892 Mandated Cost Recoveries 130,939 5,000 25,000 25,000 7893 FEMA Reimbursement 3,078 , , - 7894 Insurance Refunds 103,595 40,000 40,000 40,000 7896 Fanner's Market Income 17,674 19,000 25,000 25,500 I c-- "s'uJi.lQt<lt. O.1heIJtevenues J042'3SC ' - 262'950 289 200' ='-28'.M5JL :.-_-~ - ~ - - ~ - -- - ' . . ~ . . ~ -- 'rotal:G~iiei~rFjm.if ' 24;6:il'7,82~ ~2o,Il6I;200 24',091 foo' .. :i4;562:2~0-:- -~ ---~-~-_. ____ _~__ - _00.___ I I I I I 3 REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I , ---~-..--._-- - -- - --- Cit~t1~~~~6oEY''2000 '01 FlY '2'001' 0'2 EW200'2 '03~ I . ..,:~_,I _....,~...,i~~.~"" """"I,t.--.. ''';;;.:r.' _'~ '_ I ~'-l t_::;~r.____."'_~,,:,....__' , . . *cJJ!ill_c~p]J.rpXe(I.' Propose'dp,rrfp_o,s,eg;.,: . ----"'-.... ......- FUND.211- STREET IMPROVEMENTS (GASOLINE TAX) FUND 7411 Interest Income- General 14,069 11,100 2,970 2,970 I 7591 Gasoline Tax - 2105 295.385 286,770 3 I 0,570 316,780 7592 Gasoline Tax - 2106 204,984 201,180 216,760 22 1,1 00 7593 Gasoline Tax ~ 2107 393,259 40 1,480 401,140 409,160 I 7594 Gasoline Tax - 2107.5 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 7891 Miscellaneous Income 5,749 - , - r-,.....,...,..... ...---.,.-.~---~~ --- ~T9..446c - '906''5:3'0 ~1[337~~:40 . '25.6~OrOr ;fotal Strye(linpro\!el11~nts'F.\.md, .....--< _'1__ ..... __ .... ..'l_._.~._ I FUND 221- STREET DEVELOPMENT FUND 7411 Interest Income- General 14,715 16,650 5,440 5,440 7715 Landscape Median Fees 250 - - - I hf(ffilCStfee(])evelopmerit,Ftin~d:- - --, __C4,2..65i:. -- ' 16'650 . 5A40' '5.~4~!l ~----~--~ ,.-- - - - -.- - - ~.....'" FUND 222- AB1600 STREET DEVELOPMENT FUND I 7411 Interest Income- General t 82,780 36,070 84,110 74,220 7713 Traffic Mitigation Fees 369,964 36,900 39,600 34,650 --:~""' ~ --' -~ ,-...-- ~.--- . - ~-r -. -~~- -, -, '72'970' , 12371"0: -~'" L'((Jtah*~t6JlJt.s_tr",e(;ID.exeIQp,m,e,Qt'f,l!.ri,. __ ..c..452,7M' - , .....:'.. .'t, ~ ._ __J,o~;~;7.0.c. I iTotarFiin..q~ 22'!~~J_2, , , .. '--,tt6,7.7c0%: ,- ~89,620' : -129-150' - 114'310, , .. n___ ,"' _.. ~_ _ ...'1.._' '->.....-. -- 'FUND 223- PROPOSITION A STREET DEVELOPMENT FUND I 7132 Sales Taxes- Proposition A 681,000 683,240 847,000 918,000 7411 Interest Income- General 40,009 27,750 14,840 14,840 7881 Sale of Surplus Property , 1,000,000 - - I ,'J'oiar:~ioP'6simlIL:1,"'Streetbe:velopiTI'eh:---- - 772Ir609 ' 1;7io;~9~O: , .-J861;8~0':" 1----' --. 932' 840 I f.---; - ~ - -. FUND 224- STREET DEVELOPMENT- TRAFFIC CONGESTION AB2928 FUND I 7411 Interest 1ncome- General I - -I 9,900 4,950 7541,~~a~ Re,ve~~e Gra?~s' O~er , ____,_ _ -, - - . .. - - -~ -, - --9900: ,4i950~ Totar';rfaJfic'_Coiigestio~B2928,Eiirf(( _ _ __ :J =- ._--- .. - - - 1---_.. - ,- I FUND 231- DRAINAGE FUND 7119 Taxes - Flood Zones 390,556 392,460 448,450 473,970 7411 Interest Income- General 66,910 72,140 74,220 64,330 I 7891 Miscellaneous Income 3,039 .. - - 7893 FEMA Reimbursement 20,374 , - - rT6till'f>r"ainage'EUnd - , , - - _ - 'A80,8.79" ~- -<t64,600 - -~5i2 670' -:. _ ;538,300" I - _. ,. FUND 232- AB1600 DRAINAGE FUND 7411 Interest Income- General (5,379) (22,200) 5,440 5,440 I 7712 Draina~e Fees 505,588 54,000 48,000 42,000 Total AB1600 bi-ainage,Fund i50'0'';f09: -31"800 , ;'53",440: ' "41"440 -= - , ". --- , ..- . . ,. ~ TotaJ'Funds,Q.3T,& 232 , }J8i;088L ,496;4(fO ' 576;I'nF 'S85\J 40 I , I I I I I I , , 4 I " I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES City of Poway FY?2002QQ3T I . FY"'.\999~00 'FYi'2000~Q:I: ,Fo\\' 200J~02 ~_ct.ual .ARProved: ,RiQPosed: ,Pfop6s"ea FUNDS 241-250;253&254- GRANT FUNDS I 7411 Interest Income- General 29,264 23,590 24,590 24,590 7521 Grant- County (Other) - 10,000 - - 7523 Grant- TDA 67,311 , - ... 7525 Grant, Used Oil Recycling 21,042 15,000 16,820 16,820 I 7528 Grant- Safety Services 107,873 ... - - 7533 Grant- HHW Discretionarv Funds 196,750 87,600 - - 7534 Grant- HHW AB939 149,791 100,000 130,000 130,000 I 7541 Grant- State Grants (Other) 200,000 - - , 7561 Grant- Federal 19,453 - ... - 7574 CDBG- 22nd Year 9,619 ... - - 7575 CDBG- 23rd/24th Years 205,1 03 - ... - I 7576 CDBG- 25th Year 36,187 147,000 80,000 - 7577 CDBG- 26th Year - - 97,000 120,1 00 7578 CDBG- 27th Year - - - 40,000 I mQtal'GratitlF)jnds:... -=.- ____~=~ _~~ ' -;IRI42.3~31. 383' 19(f :---,'3!i8:fllO~' --..-:::--"-- .--- .,---- _:3.31\5.10-,,- FUNDS 251 & 252- DEVELOPER & HABITAT MITIGATION IN-LIEU FEES I 7741 Developer Contribs, In-Lteu Fees 212,634 80,000 70,000 60,000 7743 Habitat Mitigation Compensation 54,502 - , - LToJ~lJiajJit!ltlMi!ig~iiin);_e<.c~ fpp_ds. ~~ "'- :267 13"6 . ,80.000' - _ ~7j!,O!l.lL _..._ ...Jj,Q;@_O,~ --' , - --~ "-~- I FUNDS 261 thru 269 and 271- LMD ASSESSMENT DISTRICTFUNDS 7411 Interest Income- General 114,946 88,070 96,690 96,690 I 7841 Assessment District 83-01A 162,915 192,730 194,030 195,400 7842 Assessment District 86,03A 25,899 26,690 26,800 26,810 7843 Assessment District 86-0 I 213,509 253,800 266,800 267,840 7844 Assessment District 86,02A 17,673 20,110 23, 0 10 23,090 I 7846 Assessment DIstrict 87-0 I 475,516 599,330 701,870 704,120 n47 Assessment District 86,02B 43,412 41,350 44,940 45,010 7848 Assessment District 83-0 I B 23,252 31,910 31,660 31,960 I 7849 Assessment District 86-03B 12,051 15,290 15,920 16,040 7852 Assessment District 83,0 I C ... - 12,600 14,330 7891 Miscellaneous Revenue 44,233 ... - - I~--'-' ,--- '--.~.... --"'-' - 1133l:i06t _l;2fi2.2JI.O .. ... h4'1'4,3fo~ _, T;~H,29.0_ Tota!1-:]I;1D ,AssessmnhDistricf Runds' I w_._...___.. .__., _ . ... __ . _ ~ . __ _~. _ . " " " ~ "'UND 275- LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUND 7111 Taxes- Property Current 174,032 181,250 207,110 218,890 I 7411 Interest Income- General 106,468 77,700 108,850 98,970 7711 Street Light Energizing Fees 9,060 , , - 7861 Assessment District Zone A 285,571 262,170 289,450 292,350 I 78li2 Assessment District Zone B 14,962 13,840 15,010 15,010 7863 Assessment District Zone C 313,368 288,330 317,110 317,110 7891 Miscellaneous Revenue 6,821 120,000 120,000 120,000 lt9.t'<i1 :1Jil.?)ftiJ1"'gfAssessment:I5 istrici F;urj "'9'i0;28r n 943',290 f,0S,?:!530j, --'-. ---o:"'r.-~~'~ -. I fman:'M[),:8iitighting Assessmnt Distt . - - -~, - - - . ~ -- -, - --- , ,l;Q6.2,3J,0 '2WI43,6881 ~2-;-f2'570 "N718Sif ... ,[483.62'0, --, , ", , -.-- _ ___,.__ ._..,. u__ I FUND 276- STREET ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (HVR) 96-1 FUND 7521 County Revenue/Grants- Other 125,000 - ... - 7891 Miscellaneous Revenue 4,018 - ... , ~'rofal""Street'Assessmnt;District96, r Fu, "'T29.,OfS!:(=- ~___, ;,_ - ~ '~- -- I - , . 1 , ~_ ...:4.. , ' - - :"~':' I I 5 - REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I -~-----:-- -- -c ------ Cit~~~I~~f6()"'F:Y'2000"bil. Hi'20b'IE'02FY:2002"03' I . ~'C -.' ...... ,. ...- -'" - ..-_. ". ",." :_. - - - '''r-'~ \. ~_. -, .'.,. _. _,' NctuaJ' A:pptj'i'V"ej:L RfoRose'd_ -7f.fOpOse-d, FUND 280- FIRE PROTECTION FEES FUND 7759 Fire Protection Fees 9 564,663 535,000 560,000 560,000 I ,t.9.l,:n;Fj~]'!f6J(j:cii6ii!Fee'sjEi\n(t. __, _ _5~6.4{6,63..L '535~0001 5,6!I;QOJt ~5(i,O:O,O,01 ,~--_.. .~ FUND 281- 800MHz COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM FUND I 7412 Interest Income- Restricted 9,619 - - , 7851 800MHz System Assessment 130,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 I -~ ~ - - C' ,~ -,.------- "-... .- ~c--- - ----:-f39'6(1)";" ;--cl1s;jfoo, . 'H5:0,O,O_ ~t25.0,o.Oi lT9.tal ~8 _Q,Q MHiLGgl11l1lJ!picatiof!!Sxstel11. --.- .~~ ............. -~ . I FUND 311- CITY DEBT SERVICE FUND 7411 Interest Income- General 217,082 233,080 217,700 222,670 I 7412 Interest Income- Restncted 121,774 104,330 119,190 119,490 7462 Lease Revenue- 1996 COP 302,400 302,400 302,400 302,400 ITcitalClty'D~_WService,Fun(r 641',256' '- "639 81"0' _ _63~~"29..0_ ' ,6i1~h5601 I -- -~ ~ " ." -~ ~ ---.-...... FUND 331- CFD#I DEBT SERVICE FUND 7411 Interest Income- General 31,797 16,650 19,790 19,790 7412 Interest Income- Restricted 141,\21 122,620 130,300 130,580 I 7811 Sale of Bonds - - - - 7875 Assessments, CFD#I Debt 2,547,486 2,560,750 2,531,980 2,531,720 ----':J ,,-. -'-', -,- -. ~"'--.- . ,- -- -- -- --M2G.404-:- - ,....,--~- , 3.682;0}cO, , ...l2tQ.8Z.09,Ol I TbJalcCED#JDebt Ser\1ice'Fund ,2. 7cOO,020~ "'UND 334- HIGH V ALLEY ROAD DEBT SERVICE FUND 7411 Interest Income- General 2,833 830 1,980 1,980 I 7412 Interest 1ncome- Restncted 2,869 2,530 2,790 2,790 7815 Loan Repavment - - - , 7X21 Contribs, from Prop, Owners 25,353 - - - 7864 Assessments, High Valley Road 53,083 52,940 5UI0 49,960 I i:t6tarHigh,y.a)teya{o:'i9.D'ebt.~er:Yic~lft '- _ -83.103,81 , 5:6~0() - 56:0-8([ =--15~;7c30-= _. -..--.- FUND 335- CFD98 (88-1) DEBT SERVICE FUND . 7411 Interest Income, General 75,877 16,650 39,5RO 39,590 7412 Interest Income- Restricted 197,550 154,350 219,850 222,630 7811 Sale of Bonds - , - - . 7875 CFD, Current 3,485,262 3,559,560 3,547,260 3,540,520 7876 Assessments- CFD 88-1 Prior 114,092 - - - TO'filICFD'S8::fOebt!Ser,vic'eEundr -- ., "3'8'7:2 78~1 - '", -- '_c__ --, .- -'-'-'-~ ~~3;8Jf2,,7jiJ---: - - ~ ~ ~ ..- __3.730,560_ _'3\806;69,0;" I FUND 411- PARK IMPROVEMENTS FUND 7630 Parkland Dedication Fees 894,309 108,140 95,200 81,600 'Total' Parkifmprovelrtents Filnd :89.4'.:j09~ m -Toil:;I,.1f ' - -]'5~200 ," i81'.600i. I FUND 421- MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 7411 Interest Income- General U87 U20 1,730 U30 . 7412 Interest Income, Restricted 8,237 , , - Total Municipal ImprovementsCFund r (),0-t4.~ ' --, 11.120 r.7~0, . f.~7:3:O -. . -"- --- ----------...-" " - . I . ,I I I' ~ I " , - 6 I , I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I City of Po way FW200I:92:F-Y:2002~,Q.3:' P'YlI999100' F:{i;2000.",0;1 " Actl!.aL Armrovea'PJop6sedl ,Prop'osed: I 7411 ~:~;;t~'~~~~~:~Ef~:~IONr~ .:~:~ .~~ :: - " I FUND 453- CFD 1990 (88-1) #2 CONSTRUCTION FUND 7411 Interest Income- General r 2,004 - , - tTotal&liQ,8)l,n €o-ristfudioil.F,!iiia-.=, -~ , ~:o.oii' . , - , ,- .- - I FUND 510- WATER UTILITIES FUND 7411 Interest Income- General 506,252 462,280 494,770 490380 I 7412 Interest Income, Restricted 14,251 13,180 14,270 14,280 7613 Administrative Revenue 6,292 - - - 7641 Sales & Service 10333378 10,028,570 10,500,000 10,500,000 7642 Water Sales- Unmetered 6,414 - , - I 7643 Sales- SDCW A/Ramona 48,029 - - - 7644 Delinquency Charges 49,891 67,670 50,000 50,000 7645 Water Hydrant Meter Charges 1345 600 600 600 I 7646 Reconnection & Turn-On Fees 5,748 4,300 4,300 4,300 7647 Seasonal Storage/ Ag Credit Rev 77,676 - - - 7648 Sales- Capacity Charges 1,624,284 1221,470 1,600,000 1,600,000 7649 Reclaimed Water Sales - 337,590 302,720 337,590 I 7651 Water Pumping, ID # I 55,062 49,360 75,830 74,750 7652 Water Pumping- ID #4 18,277 23,250 35,940 34,060 7653 Water Pumping- Orchard, Etc 75,345 65,300 111,190 105390 I 7654 Water Pumping- Donart 1,388 , - , 7657 Water Pumping, Greg Reservoir 374 1,200 1,190 U30 7658 Water Pumping, Camelback 46,737 33,120 73,110 69,300 7659 Water Pumping- Woodcliff(A 79-1) 4,655 4,870 11,250 10,630 I 7660 Water Pumping- Community Road 13,318 12,780 18,180 17,230 7661 Water Pumping- Welton 11,326 28,100 32,410 30,770 7664 Reclaimed Water Pumping - 12,110 11,280 11,560 7665T Water Pumping- Old Coach - - 3,900 5,010 I 7667 Connection Fees 918,419 132,690 119,460 100,910 7669 Water Meter Installation Fees 8U65 9,980 4,330 3,680 7685 Inspection Fees - 360 300 360 I 7871 Bond- General Water 433,627 360,000 325,000 325,000 7884 Returned Check Charges 1,450 - - - 7891 Miscellaneous Revenue 198,715 3,780 3,780 3,780 I ~Tl,tj!C:W,atet~.otilities F"U'n11' n - i ~:5'3~;4i8~ 'f2~872.560; '~~-'_~'e__ ---...~_.",......--~ , 13;793;810 H;,790,710 I I I I I 7 REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I . . -- _'h -.- "u' - -- -', Citk~f1~~:6b FY>2000':01 'FY QOOl,02""FY;2002'Ji3'i I -~..'r-'.. -', ~.. .,., ,.-~~----"~' r;- ~'''~ .,"~"',.-,...- _........~..~_""O' "t"-' _ _ _ '___ . , '- _,*~t\!al .._ ~A:lmmv.e_d:"" _~l'.Qp_Q~l.L_ 'Prbp.<:i~e].:... FUND 520- SEWER UTILITIES FUND 7411 Interest Income- General 831,814 774,170 588,780 606,480 I 7414 Interest Income - Loans 183,596 188,560 148,390 129,070 7511 Local Revenue Grants, Other 450,000 - , - 7613 Administrative Revenue U30 1,000 900 750 7644 Delinquency Charl-':es 22,531 - 24,000 24,000 I 7681 Sales & Service 3,719,850 4,564,200 4,\ 00,000 4, I 00,000 7683 Connection Fees 867,209 198,620 99,960 85,680 7685 Inspection Fees 3,875 - - , I 7687 SD Sewer Transport 39,582 40,500 38,500 37,300 7688 Capacity Charl-':es 710,763 , 650,000 650,000 7691 Sewer Pumping- St Andrews 4,248 4,320 5,930 7,480 7692 Sewer Pumpg. Camino del None 31,972 29,580 47,970 47,970 I 7693 Sewer Pumpg- Del Poniente 3,205 - - - 7694 Sewer Pumpg, Highlands 579 590 650 660 7695 Sewer Pumpg- Old Coach 1,854 2,350 7,450 8,200 I 7771 Sewer Improvement Fees 19,968 8,490 8,490 8,490 7891 Miscellaneous Revenue 8,699 - - , [Total Sewef"Utiliii\isrFlm"il -- ' .. .. 6.901 ;2i7,5 '5'SI'1-3S0. ,..lS.721':02,O_ --.15:'W,6.0S0.L h - - ~- ~. - ~ - - I FUND 611- INTERNAL SERVICE/CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND 7411 Interest Income, General 188,230 148,530 197,910 207,830 I 7475 Rental- Yearly Capital Outlay 843,260 825,080 967,080 967,080 7850 Vehicle Maintenance Revenue 541,416 522,390 570,980 593,\ 10 7881 Sale of Sumlus Property 11,603 10,000 10,000 10,000 ~TofalJnIeniarSyc'XC.apit.1!t Repla~ern.eJJ1- l',58.4iSJlit. l'50~6cOOO' -~-~ -n- --r:"'-~- I .- ~ ~ - -. ~. ~ . _l;7_4S~9]0,- ~h;M;Z.llWJOL FUND 712- LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND 7411 Interest Income, General l 43,680 44,950 38,590 38,600 I iJQt1ilI3il:lr-ary:Eriao:.wmenrpunc(' ~,- ..- '~-= jt3~6S:O~ ~--;f;ni50;- ,,,' _-3}l:sfo~ __J,S.@,O';' -- - -~.. - " -. FUND 714- PUBLIC EDUCATION TRUST (COX) FUND I 7411 Interest Income- General 3,921 4,440 2,470 2,470 7511 Local Revenue Grants, Other 7,000 - - 50,000 r--'~-'" -~.-'-"r- --------'''"--:-, .,. -- ~ - -: -'-'..~'''''''--- . - -- TO"92I - --:-.::.4';44'0: ,. h_ ~\~J_O__ .. '.. -,,52.~J"0~ I T,6talp,tllilic Education Trust Fuifd , . ---- ~- FUND 715- RT 56 VERNAL POOL FUND 7411 Interest Income- General 7,118 6,770 6,930 6,930 I 'ToW Route 56''V,emarpool Ftnd -' -,7:HS'f" -,6.7.70' "1l;930 . --, - 6,~30; FUND 717- POW A Y ROAD BEAUTIFICATION TRUST FUND I 7411 Interest Ineome- General i ,~ 7~ { ", 3,~~ /. 360 360 Tofal P.oway.,Road: Beautificationa;;und . - '360 '360, 3'7.6 , ,3601 I FUND 71S- LAW EN];'ORCEMENT/FORFEITED PROPERTY FUND 74 I I . Intcrest Income, General J (53) 80 (50) (50) i Total UwEhforce:!Fcn'feiteiFPiop"eftir'l' (53) "-- - - - s"o - ---.(50) -'(50) I I I I , I l , 8 I I REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I City,...9f P..2~~y~_~, '=~~ -~'~i"V7~~ EY' 1999"00; FY'2000."01. .FY(200 V02' YY 2002,.03 " AdUai' .fki5.P'fQ,.~e,(i'__.Rrop6~ea> _E.i9iJ.Qs:~1f~ FUND 741- MARY PATRICIA ROSS TRUST FUND I 7411 Interest Income- General ~ 3,202 3,050 3,070 3,070 I1QtaI:M~ry~RatF-iciajZoss,TrusJ'.f;liiid= _ _"';~,202 3~()50.. _ _ ~___~;o'7.0 3 ~ 0J7..([ I I<'UND 742- BETTE BENDIXEN TRUST FUND 7411 LE~~~;:~~~-;:~~~~;~~~2Eund~1~~--~~.:;, 750 740 740 1-----'--- ~-.----=:>c~ '-- '-750_ ~_ _ _3_401. " 740 ." .v_ I FUND 745- PCPA 10th ANNIVERSARY FUND 7830 Donations 126,634 , - - ll'btarP~Q.I)b.J'Oth~Al11ljy~rsa1Y.;Furid" ' - ',126~63jt. -- - I - - -~ ----- ~_.__._- ~ FUND 761- DEVELOPER DEPOSIT TRUST FUND I 7411 Interest Income- General 747 750 700 700 ['8~~~---.. '---, _ u_ _24r7!.. ,_ _ ,..:750., -- -, , .~~ 1lQtaFDe,~elQp'eJ Q~p.CJsitiTi'\Jstl;I'\ll1d.__ _ __ _ .10,0;' _ _. --,7,0,0_ I 'TOt''alfI!uhds''1.l"l_761 ,-, -~ - -'- - , - '.<197091 _ _ r(j':~!tO, _ ,__liI;nOL __"':6.4;220: [_____~___.._'-'__il.________...___.~ ~_.. ._ _ _~ __. __ -. . .. ~,.. - fRE.,\iENUEiGMND'TO;f::XL~ ' - ,-- --- 543lWl40 -"""'"'\~"""':::-.:;;..-~. -;r.~.-"~~,,,- I '63' 3211 488: 58.:7t75 '470' 59'361,300' .....,,-... ............""-"'- ....:.-""'""".. --,-.~.:.;. ....- ,'-- ,..- ... - - .::...'~- ~'-=--- , -"'- ,'::. - -- .., -,,'.~ ~ I . I I I . . I I I -. 9 -. I I il I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2001-02 AND 2002-03 SUMMARY OF SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS I FISCAL YEAR 2001,2002 SUMMARY OF SOURCES AND USES OF BUDGETED FUNDS I Special Special I General Revenue Assessment Trust Fund Funds Funds Funds I SOURCE OF FUNDS Revenues 24,091, I 00 3,547,850 2,541,850 52,810 I Beginning Fund Balance 14,756,891 957,197 4,538,744 1,183,931 Transfers-in 323,670 0 0 0 I Total 39,171,661 4,505,047 7,080,594 1,236,741 USE OF FUNDS I Expenditures 23,836,096 2,201,450 2,185,877 0 I Program Expenses (89,988) 276,358 0 0 Capital Projects 0 (96,366) (44,043) (15,260) Bond Debt Service 0 87,710 0 0 I Ending Fund Balance 15,425,553 1,475,895 4,938,760 1,217,271 Transfers-out 0 560,000 0 34,730 Total 39,17l,661 4,505,047 7,080,594 1,236,741 I FISCAL YEAR 2002-2003 SUMMARY OF SOURCES AND USES OF BUDGETED FUNDS I Special Special I General Revenue Assessment Trust Fund Funds Flmds Funds I SOURCE OF FUNDS Revenues 24,562,240 3,610,360 2,543,620 102,820 I Beginning Fund Balance 15,425,553 1,475,895 4,938,760 1,217,271 Transfers-in 323,680 0 0 0 Total 40,311,473 5,086,255 7,482,380 1,320,091 I USE OF FUNDS I Expenditures 24,741,904 2,290,341 2,262,894 0 Program Expenses 0 141,820 0 0 I Capital Projects 0 0 0 0 Bond Debt Service 0 87,710 0 0 I Ending Fund Balance 15,569,569 2,006,384 5,219,486 1,285,351 Transfers-out 560,000 0 34,740 Total 40,311,473 5,086,255 7,482,380 1,320,091 I 12 I I I Capital Debt Capital Project Service Enterprise Replacement Redevelopment I Funds Flmds Funds Funds Agency Total I 96,930 7,184,130 19,514,830 1,745,970 0 58,775,470 1,485,778 17,223,502 14,058,271 4,534,541 1,799,300 60,538,155 I 0 1,792,220 0 397,930 0 2,513,820 1,582,708 26,199,852 33,573,101 6,678,441 1,799,300 121,827,445 I I 0 0 19,768,407 1,647,290 0 49,639,120 0 0 0 0 0 186,370 (26,800) 0 (403,972) (3,700) 0 (590,141 ) I 0 8,303,900 815550 0 0 9,207,160 1,609,508 17,895,952 \3,273,326 5,034,851 0 60,871,116 0 0 119,790 0 1,799,300 2,513,820 I 1,582,708 26,199,852 33,573,101 6,678,441 1,799,300 121,827,445 I I Capital Debt Capital Project Service Enterprise Replacement Redevelopment I Funds Funds Funds Funds Agency Total I 83,330 7,184,120 19,496,790 1,778,020 0 59,361,300 1,609,508 17,895,952 13,273,326 5,034,851 839,640 61,710,756 0 832,560 0 397,930 0 1,554,170 I 1,692,838 25,912,632 32,770,116 7,210,80 I 839,640 122,626,226 I 0 0 20,468,384 1,428,997 0 5 U 92,520 I 0 0 0 0 0 141,820 0 0 150,000 0 0 150,000 I 0 7,413,360 814,950 0 0 8,316,020 1,692,838 18,499,272 11,216,992 5,781,804 0 61,271 ,696 0 0 119,790 0 839,640 1,554,170 I 1,692,838 25,912,632 32,770,116 7,210,801 839,640 122,626,226 I 13 I GENERAL FUND - The primary source of revenues for the General Fund are property taxes and sales I tax. General Fund revcnucs from all sources are shown on pages 2 and 3 The General Fund finances all of thc Safety Scrvices, Planning Services, Community Services, general engmeering and the City I administration. A summary of the expenditures and fund activity detail for the General Fund is shown on pages xii, xiii XIV, xv and 18 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS I Gas Tax/Street Improvement - The fund is used to financc the construetlon, repair and maintenance of I City strcets. As shown on page 4, sources of revenue are Irom gasoline tax and interest income. The expenditures and fund activity detail is shown on pages xii, xiii, xiv, xv and 19 Street Development Fund - The fund is used for street eonstmction projects financed by developer's fees. I Revenues are shown on page 4 The fund activity detail is shown on page 20 Prop "A" Tax Fund - This fund is used to account for special sales taxes to be used for street and I highway projects approved by a regional transportation group. Revcnues arc on page 4 The fund activity detail is shown on page xii, xiii, xiv, xv and 21 I Traffic Conl!cstion Fund - This fund is used for street pavement maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction of associated facilities such as drainage and traffic control devices fundcd by the State, I AS 2928 Revenues for thiS fund are shown on page 4 The fund activity detail is shown on page 22. Drainal!e Fund - Revenues for this fi.md are shown on page 4 The primary source of revenue is Irom I drainage fees collected as development occurs. This revcnue is used to finance constmction of flood control and drainage improvements. The fund activity detail is shown on pages xii, xiii, xiv, xv and 23 Grant Funds - These funds are used to account lor various grants that are received by the City Revenues I are shown on page 5 The Ii.md activity dctail is shown on page 24 In-Licu Funds - The Dcveloper In-Licu fund collects fces undcr thc State Fair Share Housing mandatc. I The Habitat In-Lieu collccts funds whcn development destroys habitat. Revenues are shown on page 5 The fund activity detail is shown on page 25 I SpeCial Assessmcnt Funds - Thcse fi.mds arc used to finance public improvemcnts or services that benefit thc propcrties against which the assessments are levicd. Revenues are shown on pages 5 and 6 I Fund activity detail is shown on pages 26-29 Trust Funds - These funds arc uscd to account lor proprietary tmsts that havc bcen donated to the City I Tmst Fund revenues are shown on pages 8 and 9 Fund activity detail is shown on pages 41 and 42. I I I 14 I I I CAPIT AL PROJECT FUNDS. Municipallmprovcment - Revenue for this fund is shown on page 6 The fund is used to finance I City capital improvement projects. The proposed budget is shown on page 31 I Park Improvements - This fund IS used to finance the cost of park construction. Revenues are shown on page 6, The fund activity detail is shown on page 30 I Communit Facilities Distncts - These funds are used,to finance fhe,cost of the South Poway Coil! unit~F3'cilitl~s Districts~nue sources~re sh;)wn on,{a'ge 7"'--The,fund-activit)l detail is V \ \./ ~"- -- shown on-pages 32 and'33 I DEBT SERVICE FUNDS - These funds record the revenues and expenditures associated with the financing of the CIty's general debt, Community Facilities Districfs # I and #88-1, and the I High Valley Road Project bonds, Revenue sources are shown on page 6 The fund activity detail is shown on pages 34-37 I ENTERPRISE FUNDS I Water Fund, The Water Fund IS a self-supported enterprise fund, The pnmary source of revenue for this fund is from the sale of water All revenues for the fund are shown on page 7 The budgef for the Water Fund is shown on pages xii, xIiI, XIV, xv and 38, I Sewer Fund - The primary source of revenue for thc sewcr fund is the sewer service charge, Othcr sources of revenue for this fund are shown on page 8, The proposed budget for the Sewer I Fund is shown on pages Xli, xiii, xiv, xv and 39 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND - The capital replacement fund is used to finance the I replacement of City vehicles and major equipment. The revenue for this fund comes from sale of surplus property and rental fees charged to each of the divisions that have been assigned vehicles I or equipment. Revenues are shown on page 8. Expenditures are on page xii, xiii, xiv, xv and 40 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - The funding for the Redevelopment Agcncy includes loans I from the City The total budget for the Redevelopment Agency is shown on pages 243 through 344 I _I J J .] 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I . .. '. -. I CITY OF POW A Y FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2001-02 and 2002-03 FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I GENERAL FUND I Fund 4.(.'Ii1lil)' Detail I (Fulld IOOJ . -2000-01 2000/ll 1999cOO 2001 ~02 20Q;Z-Q3 Actual .6pproved Estimated, J'r9poseq, P ropos,ed I FUNDS AVAILABLE Beginning FWld Balance- July I 11,897,876 15,786,646 15,786,646 14,756,891 15,425,553 Revenues 24,607,822 20,361,200 24,437,872 24,091,100 24,562,240 I TOTAL FUNDS A V AILABLE 36,505,698 36,147,846 40,224,518 38,847,991 39,987,793 EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses Legislative and Admin. Services 1,018,429 1,083,823 1,171,478 1,282,500 1,276,010 I Administrative Services 1,219,036 1,300,940 1,439,444 \,428,869 1,476,055 Communrty Services 3,215,249 3,348,890 3,766,936 4,229,430 4,176,970 Development Services 3,824,842 3,161,140 3,509,865 3,441,206 3,407,549 I Public Services 1,922,01\ 2,033,208 2,151,491 2,143,881 2,195,810 Safety Services 9202,193 9,475,060 10,037,608 11,310,210 12,209,510 Total Operating Expenses 20,401,760 20,403,061 22,076,822 23,836,096 24,741,904 I Program Expenses Communrty Programs 367,484 323,355 (124,996) I Total Program Expenses 367,484 323,355 (124,996) Capital Projects I Govenunenl Buildings 458,164 33,000 120,000 (3,785) Parks and Open Space 81,631 120,043 (1,207) Water Improvements (6,652) 9,350 I Streets and Highways 181,875 290,853 40,000 Total Capital Projects 715,018 33,000 540,246 35,008 TOT AL EXPENDITURES 21,484,262 20,436,061 22,940,423 23,746,108 24,741,904 I TRANSFERS/LOANS- 1n(Out) I Transferto 10th Anniversary PCP A F (15,000) Transfer to Trust Funds (13,500 ) - (20,000) Transfer from Library Fund 39,312 40,460 4L796 34,730 34,740 I Transfer from Fire Protection Fund 564,663 535,000 560,000 560,000 560,000 Transfer from Supplement Law Fund 189,735 Transfer to Facilily Cap. Funds (1,600,000) (271,060) (271 ,060i I Loan to RDA Admin Fund (2,153,273 ) (2,375,540) (2,942,447) (3,122,080) (3,023,570'1 Loan Payment from RDA DS Fund 2,\ 53,273 2,375,540 2,942,447 3,122,080 3,023,570 Loan Payment from RDA DS Fund 770,000 805,000 805,000 850,000 520,000 I Transfer to City Debt Service (770,000) (805,000) (805,000) (850,000) (520,000) Loan to RDA CIP General Fund Loar (1,509,000) TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS 765,210 575,460 (2,527,204) 323,670 323,680 I ENDING FUND BALANCE 15,786,646 16,287,245 14,756,891 15,425,553 15,569,569 I 18 I I STREET IMPROVEMENT- GAS TAX FUND I Fund Act;,'it}' Detail (Fulld 2 J J) -. ~ - --- 1999,00 ---- -----~~.--- .20_00'-01 2000,0 I 2001-02 2002003 I Actual I\Pprqyeo, Estimate<.i P,ro~s~9. ,P,jgpose(! -- FUNDS A V AILABLE Beginrung Fund Babnce- July I 226,44\ 233,137 233,137 224,615 221,585 I Revenues 919,446 906,530 913,478 937,440 ' 956,010 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 1,145,887 1,139,667 1,146,615 1,162,055' 1,177,595 I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses Development Services 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 I Public Services 906,750 916,000 916,000 934,470 947,040 Total Operating Expenses 912,750 922,000 922,000 940,470 953,040 I Program Expenses - - Total Program Expenses - I Capital Projects I - - T ota I Capital Projects - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 912,750 922,000 922,000 940,470 953,040 I TRANSFERS/LOANS, In(Out) - - I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - - - I I I I I I I ENDiNG FUND BALANCE 233,137 217,667 224,615 221,585 224,555 I \9 STREET DEVELOPMENT FUNDS I Fund Acfh'i(~' Detail I (Fllnds 111 and 211) -- "- 200:1"02 2062~03 1999,00 2000,01 2()QO-01 Actual . Approved ,E~t~t'?~f 'propgsed PropOsed I FUNDS A V AILABLE Beginning Balance- July 1 (661,135) (1,132,801 ) (1,132,801) (723,196) (604,046) I Revenues 467,709 89,620 407,637 129,150 114,310 TOT AL FUNDS A V AILABLE (193,426) (1,043,181) (725,164) (594,046) (489,736) EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenscs - I Total Operating Expenses - Program Expenses I - - Total Program Expcnses Capital Projects- RDA I Streets and Highways 678,059 Total RDA Capital Projects 678,059 I Capital PrQjects- City Streets and Highways 939)75 (680,027) 10,000 I Total City Capital Projects 939,375 (680,027) 10,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 939,375 - (1,968) 10,000 - I TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) I - - TOTAL TRANSFER/LOANS - - - - - I I I I I ENDING FUND BALANCE (1,132,801) (1,043,181) (723,196) (604,046) (489,736) I 20 I I PROPOSITION 'A' SALES TAX FUND I Fllnd Activity Detlli! (Fllnd 223) -- --,.- --- - ----- - 2002,03 1999-00 2000:01. 20.Q()-0 I, 2001-02 I -- -- .ActLtal t>pproy~d" ,J;:stimated Propol"c1 Pf9p.osed _ FUNDS A V AILABLE I I Begilming Balance- July 1 486.333 (556,506) (556,506) (487,324) (285,558) Revenucs 721,009 1,710,990 790,632 861,840 932,840 TOT AI. FUNDS A V AILABLE 1,207,342 1,154,484 234,126 374,516 ' 647,282 I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses I Public Services 700,810 710,990 710,990 847,000 918,000 Total Operating Expenses 700,810 710,990 710,990 847,000 918,000 I Program Expenses - Total Program Expenses I Capital Projects- RDA Streets & Highways - 32,425 I Total RDA Capital Projects 32,425 Capital Projects- City I Streets & Highways 1,063,038 50,100 (21,965) (186,926) Total City Capital Projects 1,063,038 50,100 (21,965) ( 186,926) - I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,763,848 761,090 721,450 660,074 918,000 TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) I Loan Payment to Sewer Fund (1,000,000) - - TOT AI. TRANSFER/LOANS ( 1,000,000) - I I I I I I ENDING FUND BALANCE (556,506) (606,606) (487,324) (285;558) (270,71~) I 21 STREETS - TRAFFIC CONGESTION AB2928 FUND I Fund ActiJ'ity Detail I (FlIlld 224) 1.')99-00 2000-01 2000-0 I 2001'-02 2002'O3! I 6.s;tl!.al Approved Estimated ProposeQ P~op()sed FUNDS A V AILABLE Beginning Balance- July I 356,424 366,324 I Revenues 356,424 9,900 4,950 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILAHLE - - 356,424 366,324 371,274 EXPENDITURES I Opcrating Expenses - I Total Operating Expenses - Program Expenses I Total Program Expenses Capital Projects: I - Total Capital Projects - I TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - - - TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - - - I I I I I I I ENDING FUND BALANCE - - 356,424 366,324 371,274 I 22 I I DRAINAGE FUNDS I FlIlld Activity Detail (Fallds 23/ alld 232) '. - --~ - - 1999~Q() --.,.. y 20ofar- ~ 2b62~o):i ~ I .20QQ"0 I' 2000-01 M!!Ial J:\pproved Estimated Rro osea. RroP2~a. . - - - --..p.. ~ FUNDS A V A1LABLE I Beginning Balance- July I 102,916 872,326 872,326 1,116,523 1,310,563 Revenues 981,088 496,400 584,997 576,110 585,740 , TOT AI. FUNDS A V AILABLE 1,084,004 1,368,726 1,457,323 1,692,633 1,896,303 I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses I Administrative Services 16,512 19.358 20,562 19,375 20,365 Development Services 8,479 9,606 7,523 9,806 10,028 Public Services 255,187 276,742 286,668 342,889 346,998 I Total Operating Expenses 280,178 305,706 314,753 372,070 377,391 Program Expenses I Total Program Expenses I Capital Projects Flood Control and Drainage (68,500) 41,500 26,047 10.000 Total Capital Projects (68,500) 41,500 26,047 10,000 - I TOT AI. EXPENDITURES 211,678 347,206 340,800 382,070 377,391 I TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS I I I I I I ~l~!lIliGI'F~D'BALANCE 872,:'16 i,021,520 1,116,523 1,310,563. .1 ;~18,912 I 23 GRANT FUNDS I FUfld Activity Dewit I (Fllflds 24/ thru 250 alld 253 thru 255) 1999,'00'. ,.. ~... ,.' .. 2000-0 h 20Qh02' "2602:Q} '2QOO:0 1 I ~"t1tal 'Approv,".d . Estin)ate,d . FiOj3os~d' Propose.d FUNDS AVAILABLE Beginning Balance- July 1 772,434 356,881 356,881 408,025 409,517 I Revenues 1,042,393 383,190 515,275 348,410 I 331,510 TOTAL FUNDS A V AILABLE 1,814,827 740,071 872,156 756,435 I 741,027 EXPENDITURES I Program Expenses Community Programs 596,351 202,600 339,131 249,820 141,820 I Total Program Expenses 596,351 202,600 339,131 249,820 141,820 Capita 1 Projects- City I Government Buildings - (18,108) Parks/Recreation 275,560 - (131 ) - Streets & Highways 396,300 (75,000) 115,611 I Traffic Sif,,'flals - 200,000 (274) - Total City Capital Projects 671,860 125,000 97,098 TOT AI. EXPENDITURES 1,268,211 202,600 464,131 346,918 141,820 I TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) I Transfer SLES to General Fund ( 189,735) - TOT AI. TRANSFER/LOANS (189,735) - - - - I I I I I I I ENDING FUND BALANCE 356,881 537,471 408,025 409,517 599,207 I 24 I I DEVELOPER AND HABITAT MITIGATION IN-LIEU FUNDS I Flllld 4 ctivity Detail (Fllnd,' 251111ld 252) ..-~~- --- _n__ ;1~99-00 )o96~Qi !QQQQ.:Qi - . ~'f:QQ1~Q2' ~ ~Op2,03; '. , I ,- ActU3'1 .Appmv!isl E~fi/m1 t!i(i' Bi:9P~<ecl,_ ,:PjQp()s"ed . FUNDS A V AILABLE I Beginning Balance- July I 824,422 1,024,813 1,024,813 1,266,880 ! 1,336,880 Revenues 267,136 80,000 242,067 70,000 I 60,000 TOT AI. fUNDS A V AILABLE 1,091,558 1,104,813 1,266,880 1,336,880 1,396,880 I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses I Total Operating Expenses - - - - I Program Expenses Total Program Expenses I Capital Projects Habitat Projects 66,745 - I Total Capital Projects 60,745 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 66,745 - - - - I TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) I TOT AI. TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - - - I I I I I I I EN.QIN't JltJl~D BALANCE 1,024,813 1,104,813 1,266,880 1,336;880 "'l - -- ." _. 1,396 880 , ,', I 25 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS FUNDS I FUlld 4ctivity Detail I (Fllllds 261 throuf!.h 275) - 1999iOO 2000'01 ,2000-Ql, lQ.(Ji.:o~ 2002.,03' -',..}':' .-. Actu;ll Appri:iv.e~ . E.stin)at~(L Broposed. ProP<ls,ed . I FUNDS A V A1LABLE Beginning Fund Balance_ July 1 3,453,624 3,534,214 3,534,214 3,271,864 3,601,880 Revenues 2,043,688 2,212,570 2,403,336 2,471,850 2,483,620 I TOT AI. FUN DS AVAILABLE 5,497,312 5,746,784 5,937,550 5,743,714 6,085,500 EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses Public Services 1,648,137 1,822,528 2,317,556 2,185,877 2,262,894 Total Operating Expenses 1,648,137 1,822,528 2,317,556 2,185,877 2,262,894 I Program Expenses Total Program Expenses I Capital Projects I Government Buildings - - (14,517) Traffic Signals 78,961 348,130 Streets and Highways 236,000 (29,526 ) Total Capital Projects 314,961 348,130 (44,043) I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,963,098 1,822,528 2,665,686 2,141,834 2,262,894 TRANSFERS/LOANS- 1n(Out) I - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - - - I '. I I I I I ENDING FUND BALANCE 3,534;214 3,924,256 3,271,864 3,601,880 3,822,606 Note 'l.dministrative Services- Support Services expense shown in the Budget by Fund schedule is included in the I 800MHz System Fund Activity detail. 26 I I FIRE PROTECTION FUND I Fund Actil'ity Detail (FlIlld 280) ------ ..... .u. ' , - 199.9~Q'o - -- - 2001-02: 2002"93', I 20QO,Or 2000~0 I - - -. - -- --~ A<ctua1 Approve,d Estimateo P rop()se,<! Prop.o~~2_ FUNDS AVAILABLE I Beginning Fund Balance- July 1 - Revenues 564,663 535,000 560,000 560,000 560,000 TOT AI. FUNDS A V AILABLE 564,663 535,000 560,000 560,000 560,000 I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses I - Total Operating Expenses I Program Expenses Total Program Expenses I Capital Projects - I Total Capital Projects - TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - - - I TRANSFERS/LOANS- 1n(Out) Transfer to General Fund (564,663) (535,000) (560,000) (560,000) (560,000) I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS (564,663) (535,000) (560,000) (560,000) (560,000) I I I I I I I ENDING FuND BALANCE - - - - - I 27 800 MHz SYSTEM FUND I Fund Activitl' Detail I (Fllnd 28 /) 1999000 2:0QO-Q 1 ... .. '. 20di ,02 :Z002,03 200.0"01 I ActUal Approved 'Es!~t_e~' 'proposed Proposed FUNDS A V AILABLE Beginning Balance- July I 320,916 60,590 60,590 (,2,130 57,510 I Revenues 139,619 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 TOTAL FUNDS A V AILABLE 460,535 185,590 185,590 187,130 182,510 EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses Administrative Expense 37,235 35,750 35,750 41,910 41,910 I Total Operating Expenses 37,235 35,750 35,750 41,910 41,910 Debt Service I Annual Debt Service 87,710 87,710 87,710 87,710 87,710 Total Debt Service 87,710 87,710 87,710 87,710 87,710 Program Expenses I ConmlUnity Programs 275,000 Total Program Expenses 275,000 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 399,945 123,460 123,460 129,620 129,620 TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) I - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - - - I I I I I I I ENDING FUND BALANCE 60,590 62,130 62,130 57,510 52,890 I 28 I I ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 96-1 HIGH V ALLEY ROAD FUND I FUlld Actil'i(l' Detail (Fund 276) .-~. ---- --....----~ iooi~2- - ~6..92-03\' I 1999-0..0 200000 I' 2000-01 - " Actual Approved '!,:stimat'ed, PrqP.9~~Q , Pb?PQ~e4' - FUNDS A V AILABLE I Beginning Balance- July I (129,018) Revenues 129,018 - - TOTAL FUNDS A V A1LABI~~= - - - - - I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses I Total Operating Expenses I Program Expenses - - Total Program Expenses - I Capital Projects I Total Capital Projects - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - - - I TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - - - I I I I I I I ENDI~C FUND BALANCE - - - - - I 29 P ARK IMPROVEMENTS FUND I Fund Activity Detail I (Fllnd 41 /) 1999cOO 20.QOior 2000~oi 'ioo1C62 2002W3 Actual Approved EstimateS! .p.I9posed Proposed I FUNDS A V AILABLE Beginning FWld Balance- July I 412,672 1,306,981 1,306,981 1,482,382 1,571,382 I Revenues 894,309 108,140 213,770 95,200 81,600 TOT AI. FUNDS AVAILABLE 1,306,981 1,415,121 1,520,751 1,577 ,582 1,652,982 EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses - - - - I Total Operating Expenses - Program Expenses I - - Total Prolo'fam Expenses - Capital Projects I Parks and Open Space 38,369 6,200 Total Capital Projects 38,369 6,200 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - 38,369 6,200 - TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) I - - TOT AI. TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - - - I I I I I I I ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,306,981 1,415,121 1,482,382 1,571,382 1,652,982 I 30 I I MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND I Flllld Activity Detllil (Fllnd 42/) ~ - -- - - . ~.;J - - - -~__"""'_. _, - - ~_"_ _ __ __ _._-_~-"" ~.-;:- " , J999cOO: 2000cOl 2000~01. 200 H02) :;1002003" I Actual K'roved' ;Estiffiiited' - Pfosecf' Pro ose,{ - , ...- -- _ ,pp'_ ,_ _P!l.., _~ _,_p___ , FUNDS A V A1LABLE I Beginning Fund Balance- July I (29,971) (20,437) (20,437) 3,396 38,126 I Revenues 10,024 1,720 2,043 1,730 ' 1,730 TOT AI. FUNDS AVAILABLE (I9,947) (18,717) (18,394) 5,126 39,856 I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses I Total Operating Expenses I Program Expenses - Total Program Expenses - I Capital Projects Government Buildings 490 (21,790) (33,000) - Total Capital Projects 490 (21)90) (33,000) I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 490 - (21,79U) (33,000) - I TRANSFERS/LOANS- 1n(Out) - - I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - - - I I I I I I I ENDING'FuND:BALANCE (20,437) (18,717) 3,396 '3lH26 }9;85_~ ,. .. I 31 CFD #1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND I FlIlld Activi~v Detllil I (FlIlld 45/) --:- ~---- ..~~~:-,----:--- 199.9.'99' [2QOO-Q 1 '2QQO-Qt 7QQ[,Q2)' .i.6~Q2@ Actual Approved .E~tjg1lij:~iiJ Prgp.Q.~",it c l'!'()PQ~.e~(L I FUNDS A V AILABLE Beginning Fund Balance- July 1 9,856 - Revenues 390 - I TOTAL j<-UNDS A V AILABLE 10,246 - - - - EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses - - Total Operating Expenses I Program Expenses I Total Program Expenses - Capital Projects I Total Capital Projects - - I TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - - - TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) I Transfer to CFD #1 Debt Svc, Fund (10,246 ) - TOTAL TRANSFF~RS/LOANS (10,246) - - - - I I I I I I I ENDING FUND BALANCE - - - - - I 32 I I 1990 CFD #88-1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND I FlIlld Activi(v detail (FlIlld 453) ----- 1999'OQ 200b~i, - iQ,b6;bl ZOOI;Q2' - ';20Q2!~~' - , I _ ..-- c ~.. .....::.> - - ----- +- .Actual APRrQ'y"q; );:.s.!n!lli!ed, Prqp_oseo' ___ ,p'r2P.9sed: _ ---- FUNDS A V A1LABLE I Beginning Balance- July 1 50,664 Revenues 2,004 - TOTAL FUNDS A VAILAHLE 52,668 - - - - I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses - - I Total Operating Expenses - I Program Expenses T ota I Program Expenses I Capital Projects - I Total Capital Projects TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - - - I TRANSFERS/LOANS- 1n(Outl Transfer to CFD #88-1 Debt Service Fund (52,668 ) I TOT AI. TRANSFERS/LOANS (52,668) - - - - I I I I I I I ENDING FUND HAJ"ANCE - - - - , I 33 DEBT SERVICE FUND I Fund 4ctit-'ity Detail I (Fllnd 3/ /) 1999.-00' :!.OOO'OI .-",::~=,- 2ooi~o'2 Q002;'03; ,20001.0 1 I ~ -. i Approved Estj@teij ~f9P6sed Propose'H ; i\:ctual FUNDS A V AILABLE Beginning Fund Balance- July 1 6,297,065 6,532,725 6,532,725 6,835,523 7,069,623 I Revenues 641,256 639,810 697,088 639,290 644,560 TOT AL FUNDS A V AILABLE 6,938,321 7,172,535 7,229,813 7,474,813 7,714,183 EXPENDITURES I Bond Interest and Redemption Expenses 86/95 Certs, of Participation Refinance 890,797 881,110 881,110 882,340 877,090 I 92/95 Certificates of Participation 1,005,527 1,006,180 1,006,180 1,004,700 ' 96 Certificates of Participation 306,978 308,720 308,720 310,370 306,730 Total Bond Interest and Redemption Expens 2,203,302 2,196,010 2,196,010 2,197,410 ' 1,183,820 I Program Expenses - - I Total Program Expenses - Capital Projects I Total Capital Projects - TOT AI. EXPENDITURES 2,203,302 2,196,010 2,196,010 2,197,410 1,183,820 I TRANSFERS/LOANS- 1n(Out) I Transfer from City General Fund 770,000 805,000 805,000 850,000 520,000 Transfer from RDA Debt Service Fund 1,027,706 996,720 996,720 942,220 312,560 TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS 1,797,706 1,801,720 1,801,720 1,792,220 832,560 I I I I I I ENDING FUND HALANCE 6,532,725 6,778,245 6,835,523 7,069,623 7,362,923 I 34 I I COMMUNITY FACILITIES DIST. #1- DEBT SERVICE FUND I Fllnd Activity Detail (Fllnd 33 I) ---- --- . , - ,. ~-_7 '){._~- ----- - - -- ---~. )929-0Q, "2000;01 ',2000;01 :2.Q91-Q2: 2002W3~ I _.....,._ _ r - .>'.....~ ..~ RioP9S~4 - , 'Actua! APPIqveq , Estimated Rf<?p,o~eQ - --- FUNDS A V A1LABLE I Beginning Fund Balance- July I 4,216,206 4,078,034 4,078,034 4,155,358 4,177,478 Revenues 2,720,404 2,700,020 2,756,834 2,682,070 2,682,090 TOT AI. FUNDS A V AILABLE 6,936,610 6,778,054 6,834,868 6,837,428 6,859,568 I EXPENDITURES Bond Interest and Redemption Expenses I Annual fnterest Expense 2,868,822 2,679,510 2,679,510 2,659,950 2,658,510 Total Interest and Redemption Expenses 2,868,822 2,679,510 2,679,510 2,659,950 2,658,510 I Program Expenses - Total Program Expenses - I Capital Projects I Total Capital Projects TOT AI. EXPENDITURES 2,868,822 2,679,510 2,679,510 2,659,950 2,658,510 I TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) Transfer from CFD# 1 Capital Projects 10,246 - I TOT AI. TRANSFERS/LOANS 10,246 - - - - I I I I I I I ENDING };'UND BALANCE 4,078,034 4,098,544 4,155,358 4,n7,478 4'201 058 ,_... ~,..._.. .. ...en - .,,_ _..n_ ... . .' , I 35 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DIST. #88-1 DEBT SERVICE FUND I Fund Actit'ity Detail I (Fulld 335) 1999~00 2000;01 2000~Or ^ 2,001'02, .:2QQ.~W I ActUal' "tppr6ved Estnmted , "' Prop.osed Prqpo~1i FUNDS A V A1LABLE Beginning Fund Balance- July I 4,857,173 5,863,782 5,863,782 6,165,585 6,580,515 I Revenues 3,872,781 3,730,560 3,792,393 3,806,690 3,802,740 TOT AI. FUNDS A V AILABLE 8,729,954 9,594,342 9,656,175 9,972,275 10,383,255 EXPENDITURES I Bond Interest and Redemption Expenses Annual1nterest on Loans 231,481 245,820 245,820 125,030 105,710 I Annual Redemption Costs 2,681,359 3,244,770 3,244,770 3,266,730 3,411 ,790 Total1nterest and Redemption Expenses 2,918,840 3,490,590 3,490,590 3,391,760 3,517,500 Program Expenses I - Total Program Expenses - I Capital Projects - I Total Capital Projects TOTAL EXPENDITUR.:S 2,918,840 3,490,590 3,490,590 3,391,760 3,517,500 I TRANSFERS/LOANS (In/(Out) Transfer from Construction Fund 52,668 I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS 52,668 - - - - I I I I I I lENDING FUND BALANCE 5,863,782 6,103,752 6,165,585 6,580,515 6,865,755 I 3" I I HIGH V ALLEY ROAD DEBT SERVICE FUND I FlIndActil'ity Detllil (Fllnd 334) ~.._- -- . - - - , 1999:00 2000101" . - -;2000~or - ~ ---.--- ~OQ r,o:!' 2()02~03i .. _. .-- /.,. ----~ -"" ' ~~ I ! " A:ciual Xppr6.ved Es\trn!itel! Pr()PQse\L, ,', ;P,iopos-e~ --- -- --~ FUNDS AVAILABLE Beginning Balance- July I 39,828 66,716 66,716 67,036 , 68,336 I Revenues 84,138 56,300 56,300 56,080 : 54,730 TOT AI. FUNDS AVAILABLE 123,966 123,016 123,016 123,116 ' 123,066 I EXPENDITURES Bond Expenses, I Bond Interest 53,125 51,880 51,880 50,630 49,380 Bond F ces 4,125 4,100 4,100 4,150 4,150 Total Bond Expenses 57,250 55,980 55,980 54,780 53,530 I Operating Expenses - I Total Operating Expenses Program Expenses I - Total Program Expenses - I Capital Projects Total Capital Projects I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 57,250 55,980 55,980 54,780 53,530 I TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) - I TOT AI. TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - - - I I I I I ~~QiN~FUND~A~~~CE 66,716 67,036 67,036 68,336' '69,536, - . ~ - I 37 WATER UTILITIES FUND I Fund 4ctillity Detail I (Fllnd 510) . ~ -~.- -- 2QQ2iQ3 - ~;9Q9"OQ mJOQ-01 2QQQ\Qf ' ~20QXi02'; 'AChu~1 Approve~ 'E,stw,full: prop()seq P~C)P9~"SL I FUNDS A V AILABLE Beginning Fund Balance- July I 5,897,040 5,356,261 5,356,261 6,504,284 6,715,920 Revenues 14,533,418 12,872,560 14,478,971 13,793,810 : 13,790,710 I TOT AI. FUNDS A V AILABLE 20,430,458 18,228,821 19,835,232 20,298,094 20,506,630 EXPENDITURES I Bond Interest and Redemption Expenses Annual Expense 842,951 821,310 821,310 815,550 814,950 I Total Bond and Interest Expenses 842,951 821,310 821,310 815,550 814,950 Operating Expenses I Legislative & Administrative Services 122,702 130,581 14l,l42 154,518 153,736 Administrative Services 945,566 1,004,583 1,100,108 1,159,838 1,183,606 Development Services 66,787 61,005 66,663 68,207 69,406 I Public Services 10,877 ,355 10,419,969 11,051,725 11,680,716 12,024,294 Total Operating Expenses 12,012,410 11,616,138 12,359,638 13,063,279 13,431,042 Capital Projects I Government Buildings 4,678 (28,871 ) Streets and Highways 80,750 50,000 I Water Improvements 2,140,549 1,335,980 100,000 (354,434) Total Capital Projects 2,225,977 1,335,980 150,000 (383,305) TOTAL EXPENDITURES 15,081,338 13,773,428 13,330,948 13,495,524 14,245,992 I TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Oul) I Transfer from Haley MHP 7,141 Transfer to Facility Capital Fund (86,650) (86,650) TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS 7,141 - - (86,650) (86,650) I I I I I ENDING FUND BALANCE 5,356,261 4,455,393 6,504;284 6,715,920 6,173,988 I 3X I I SEWER UTILITIES FUND I Flllld Activity Detail (FlIlld 520) --'- ~ -- - - .2000-0 L ,- ~'-- . :20lJIAi: 2QP2iQ3- '1999;00 : 2000,01 I 'Ac,tUaT A'.".--cf fIs.iiiriated' Br6]5Q2el,L e!:9PQs.ed,- -- - -- --- PPc()vL FUNDS AVAILABLE Beginning Fund Balance- July 1 12,026,480 13,519,808 13,519,808 7,553,987 6,557,406 I Revenues 6,901,275 5,812,380 6,645,963 5,721,020 5,706,080 TOT AI. FUNDS A V AILABLE 18,927,755 19,332,188 20,165,771 13,275,007 12,263,486 I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses I Legislative & Administrative Services 85,892 91 ,406 98,798 108, 162 107,614 Administrative Services 581,411 610,301 669,603 702,438 715,577 Development Services 66,195 58,569 73,128 76,021 77,957 I Public Services 4,405,562 6,582;713 5,538,623 5,818,507 6,136,194 Total Operating Expenses 5,139,060 7,342,989 6,380,152 6,705,128 7,037,342 I Program Expenses Total Program Expenses I Capital Projects Government Buildings (6,062) (16,167) I Streets and Highways 93,907 Scwer Improvements 181,042 150,000 5,764,410 (4,500) 150,000 Total Capital Projects 268,887 150,000 5,764,410 (20,667) 150,000 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,407,947 7,492,989 12,144,562 6,684,461 7,187,342 I TRANSFERS/LOANS- 1n(Out) Payment from Proposition A 1,000,000 Transfer to Facility Capital Repl. Funds (33,140) (33,140) I Loan to RDA CIP Sewer Fund (467,222 ) TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS 1,000,000 (467,222) (33,140) (33,140) - I I I I I ENDiNG F'DN'i):BALi\NC:E, 13,519,808 12,839,199 7,553,987 6,557,406 5' 043004 '.., ". I 39 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUNDS I Fund Activity Detail I (Funds 6JJ&6I7) - ,- .-~- 1999~00' 2000'01: 2000,Oh '2QOI"Q2 .2002-03- Actual .---.,..Tz....-_ I Kpproved :'Estiriiiited 'Propos~d 'Pro)lQs~g FUNDS A V AILABLE Beginning Fund Balance- July I 3,067,870 3,109,853 3,109,853 4,534,541 5,034,851 I Revenues 1,584,509 1,506,000 1,731,045 1,745,970 ' 1,778,020 TOTAL FUNDS A V AILABLE 4,652,379 4,615,853 4,840,898 ' 6,280,511 I 6,812,871 EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses Administrative Services 951,757 462,648 1,308,387 1,078,380 837,957 Public Services 541,659 522,300 597,970 568,910 591,040 I Total Operating Expenses 1,493,416 984,948 1,906.357 1,647,290 1,428,997 Program Expenses I - Total Program Expenses - I Capital Pr~iects Government Buildings 49,110 - (3,700) I Total Capital Projeets 49,110 (3,700) TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,542,526 984,948 1,906,357 1,643,590 1,428,997 I TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) Transfer from General Fund 1,600,000 271,060 271,060 I Transfer from Water Fund 86,650 86,650 Transfer from Sewer Fund 33,140 33,1 40 Transfer from RDA Admin Fund 7,080 7,080 I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS 1,600,000 397,930 397,930 - - I I I I I ENDING FUND BALANCE 3,i09,853 3,630,905 4,534,541 5,034,851 5,781,804 I 40 I I LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND I FUlld Actb'ily Detail (Fl/nd 712) -- ~--- - - ~.- .. - 2000'01 ,- ---"--:::'. - -~--.".... ll}9,Q'QQ '2000~0 r 2001'021 2002"03 " ." I f\'ctual A-'" CI j:':stifuilteq; Pio oseCl' .'PrO osed' - -----. ,- __ pprq\,~ -"p,-- -- --_P-_._~- FUNDS A V A1LABLE I Beginning FWld Balance- July 1 764,597 768,965 768,965 773,609 782,529 I Revenues 43,680 44,950 46,440 38,590 , 38,600 TOT AI. FUNDS A V AILABLE 808,277 813,915 815,405 812,199 821,129 I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses I Total Operating Expenses - - I Program Expenses Community Programs (5,060) Total Program Expenses - (5,060) I Capital Projects - Total Capital Projects - - I TOT AI. EXPENDITURES - - - (5,060) - I TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) Transfer to General Fund (39,312) (40,460) (41,796) (34,730) (34,740) I TOT AI. TRANSFERS/LOANS (39,312) (40,460) (41,796) (34,730) (34,740) I I I I I I I .lj:NDING1FUND'BALANCE 768,965 773,455 773,609 782'529' '789,389 -., --- I 4] TRUST FUNDS I Fund Activity Detail I (FulId" 7/4 throlll!h 745) , ~- , 1999"00' 2000~0l' -2000cOl, ,2001;02' ~2QO,~"m ActiJilf i\ppfovea .Estilmted ,Prpp_os"d' Prop()s"g I FUNDS A V A1LABLE Beginning Fund Balance- July I 236,887 373,156 373,156 410,322 434,742 Revenues 149,709 16,200 17,166 14,220 64,220 I TOT AI. FUNDS A V AILABLE 386,596 389,356 390,322 424,542 498,962 EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses Annual Expenses - T ota] Operating Expenses I Program Expenses I Community Programs 41,940 - (4,500) Total Program Expenses 41,940 (4,500) Capital Projects I Buildings (5,700) Total Capital Projects (5,700) I TOT A I. EXPENDITURES 41,940 (10,200) - - - TRANSFERS/LOANS-1n(Out) I Transfer from General Fund 28,500 20,000 - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS 28,500 - 20,000 - - I I I I I I I ENDING FUND BALANCE 373,156 389,356 410,322 434,742 498,962 I 42 I I I I I '. I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POW A Y FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2001-02 and 2002-03 BOND INTEREST AND REDEMPTION I BOND/LoAN INTEREST AND REDEMPTION I City of Po way I i 999cOO 2000-61 200000 f :z061co2 . ~~ - ~ 2002c03 ., Estjiliate'si' Rfgposeo ProP9se'd, . I ActUal AppToyecI WATER FUND 1995 General Obligation Bonds 535,787 538,770 538,770 535,490 535,790 I 1995 Revenue Bonds 273,905 272,540 272,540 271,930 271,030 Processing Fee 33,259 10,000 10,000 8,130 8,130 TOTAL WATER FUND 842,951 821,310 821,310 815,550 814,950 I DEBT SERVICE FUND I 1986/1995 Certificate of Participation 877,590 875,610 875,610 876,840 871 ,590 1992/1995 Certificate of Participation 1,002,016 998,680 998,680 998,900 - I 1996 Certificate of Participation 302,405 304,220 304,220 305,770 302,130 Processing Fee 2],291 17 ,500 17,500 15,900 10,100 TOT AI. DEBT SERVICE FUND 2,203,302 2,196,01 0 2,196,010 2,197,410 1,183,820 I HIGH VALLEY DEBT SERVICE FUND I 1996 Assessment District 96-1 53,125 51,880 51,880 50,630 49,380 Processing Fee 4,125 4,100 4,100 4,150 4,150 I 53,530 TOT AI. DEBT SERVICE FUND HIGH 57,250 55,980 55,980 54,780 I SOUTH POW A Y CFD DEBT SERVICE 1998 CFD #1 A&B 2,865,251 2,654,510 2,654,510 2,655,950 2,654,510 I Processing Fee 3,571 25,000 25,000 4,000 4,000 1998 CFD #88 -1 2,908,656 3,465,590 3,465,590 3,384,260 3,510,000 Processillg Fce 10,184 25,000 25,000 7,500 7,500 I TOT AI. DEBT SERVICE CFD 5,787,662 6,170,100 6,170,100 6,051,710 6,176,010 I 800 MHZ SYSTEM DEBT SERVICE 1996 Backbone Debt Service 87,710 87,710 87,710 87,710 87,710 I TOT AI. DEBT SERVICE 800 MHz 87,710 87,710 87,710 87,710 87,710 I I I GRAND TOTAL 8,978;875 9,331,110 9,331,110 9,207,160 8,316,020 44 I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POW A Y FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2001-2002 & 2002-03 I ST A TEMENT OF FUND BALANCES I STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES Proposed Revenues and Expenditures FY 2001 ~2002 Loan Pymnts/ Capital Begmning Interest ProjeCt's/ Lo'ahsl Ending Fund Balance and Borid Program Transfers FUnd. BiHance Fund 07/01/2001 Revenues Redemption Operations Co'sts Irt(04t) 06/30/2002 General Fund 14,756,891 24,091,100 23,836,096 (89,988) 323,670 15,425,553 Gas Tax Fund 224,615 937,440 - 940,470 - - 221,585 Street Development Fund (723,196) 129,150 - - 10,000 - (604,046) Prop A Fund (487,324) 861,840 - 847,000 (186,926) - (285,558) Street Traffic Fund 356,424 9,900 - - - - 366,324 Drainage Fund 1,116,523 576,110 - 372,070 10,000 - 1,310,563 ... '" Grants Fund, 408,025 348,410 - - 346,918 - 409,517 Developer In Lieu Funds 1,266,880 70,000 - - - - 1 ,336,880 Special Assessment Funds 3,271,864 2,471,850 - 2,185,877 (44,043) - 3,601,880 Fire Protection Fund 560,000 (560,000) - 800 MHZ Fund 62,130 125,000 87,710 41,910 - - 57,510 Park Improvements Fund 1,482,382 95,200 - - 6,200 - 1,571,382 Municipal 1mprvnmts Fund 3,396 1,730 - - (33,000) - 38,126 Debt Service Funds 17,223,502 7,184,130 8,303,900 - - 1,792,220 17,895,952 Water Utilities Fund 6,504,284 13,793,810 815,550 13,063,279 (383,305) (86,650) 6,715,920 Sewer Utilitiies Fund 7,553,987 5,721,020 - 6,705,128 (20,667) (33,140) 6,557,406 Capital Replacement Fund 4,534,541 1,745,970 - 1,647,290 (3,700) 397,930 5,034,851 Trust Funds 1,183,931 52,810 - - (15,260) (34,730) 1,217,271 --- - -- ---- Total ,58;7}8,8S~ 58;:7'7c5,47:0' 9.,207',f60' 49,,(i39.;J2,Q (40~;';7:7,l rl',>I79.9;'30.0, 60 87J-1f6 . . ._. _ ".. _J._. _n.'_. _,~, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - n_ - ~- - - ~ - _ .u "_ - --- --- I STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES Proposed B,evei).lies ai1d~xpe.ri(f!fijfes' F;~ 2Q02!2QQ3 --<=" --- --- .". -~- L6apPyTtih(s( e~15wl[ I Begini1iiig lliterest Pr6 'ecfs/ ,Eudmg n L <>.' , Furid~Ba1ahc'e and B6iid Program Transfers FUild Bafancej Fund 07/011:2002 Revenues RedemptIon .operations 'CO:sts In(Otit) ,06/30/2003 : General Fund 15,425,553 24,562,240 - 24,741,904 - 323,680 15,569,569 i I, Gas Tax Fund 221,585 956,010 - 953,040 - - 224,555 ' 1 Street Development Fund (604,046) 114,310 - - - - (489,736)1: " Prop A Fund (285,558) 932,840 - 918,000 - - (270,718)1' Street Traffic Fund 366,324 4,950 - - - - 371,274 :, " Drainage Fund 1,310,563 585,740 - 377,391 - - 1,518,912 ' . " ... Grants Funds 409,517 331,510 - - 141.820 - 599,207 -, " Developer In Lieu Funds 1,336,880 60,000 - - - - 1,396,880 " ,I Special Assessment Funds 3,601,880 2,483,620 - 2,262,894 - - 3,822,606 ' , 560,000 (560,000)' , Fire Protection Fund - - - - - I 800 MHZ Fund 57,510 125,000 87,710 41,910 - - 52,890 I: Park Improvements Fund 1,571,382 81,600 'j - - - - ] ,652,982 1 I MuniCIpal 1mprvnmts Fund, 38,126 1,730 - - - - 39856 :1 , .. , Debt Service Funds 17,895,952 7,184,120 7,413,360 - - 832,560 18,499,272 ii Water Utilities Fund 6,715,920 13,790,710 814,950 13,431,042 - (86,650) , 6,173,988 , d Sewer Utilities Fund 0,557,406 5,706,080 - 7,037,342 150,000 (33,140)1 5,043,004 I' Capital Replacement Fund 5,034,85 ] 1,778,020 - 1,428,997 - 397,930 ' 5,781,8041 Trust Funds 1,217,271 102,820 - - - (34,740) 1,285,351 I - ~ -~-----~ Total 60,871,116' 59,361:,300' 8'316':020 '51,192;:;20 291,8,2() ,,8~.2,~[9 ~1~1~~9~: ,-.. .,-- - ., I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2001-2002 & 2002-03 REDEVELOPM ENT AGENCY LOANS PAYABLE TO CITY I I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOANS PAYABLE TO CITY -- I Beginning Balance-7/1/01 Fiscal Year 2001-2002 Ending Ba1ance-6/30J2002 . . Note'2' , ~.~..~..,.,..--.' ".-. ~ " Note'] ,,; ,€iJ."rreri~ Not~.l ;tund~ Ri'illcii!a1 :Interest- IToJal' :ij eW.[;oaDsi }~ay'back', Ifftef(esf . Priifcii'fal Ifite/iest ''totlii - p 3,115,000 General 5,102,868 - 5,102,868 3,115,000 I 255,140 255,140 5, I 02,868 - 5,1 02,868 Drainage 2,077,156 1,770,682 3,847,838 - - 103,858 2,077,156 1,874,540 3,951,696 Street Development 2,466,944 1,865,984 4,332,928 - - 123,347 2,466,944 1,989,331 4,456,275 Water 3,804,911 2,730,585 6,535,496 - - 190,246 3,804,911 2,920,831 6,725,742 Sewer 1,735,549 773,727 2,509,276 - 1 23,360 110,137 1,735,549 860,504 2,596,053 v. '" Grant 11,000 7,944 18,944 - - 594 1I,000 8,538 19,538 Park Improvement 125,600 97,893 223,553 - - 0,780 125,000 104,079 230,339 Prop A 200,000 127,042 327,042 - - 10,800 200,000 137,842 337,842 to/r-AL, l5;52il,088 ;Z;3'73i85i722;li9,7~9.45i 3\1,1'5~0~00 -3'393'500 80'0,9'08 1"5'524,v08'8i l7' 896'265 ',2:3-'42~~ '..............' . ,_"" J' _ ,~ " ,~,_ 1 For reference only-not accrued in eIther receIvable or payable fLUld 2, Interest rate on loans where payable is calculated at City's average rate of return of investment in FV 2001 -2002 (5 0%) and new loans and payback occurred at mld-)lear - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOANS PAYABLE TO CITY Beginning Balance-07/0l/2002 Fiscal Year 2002-2003 Ending Ba1ance-06/30/2003 :tw-se:nt , Note 1 ;Interest, iInterest - """",-'-' . ..'~ __.",_ J> --~ .". --<-' FiI,id: . Pfinci(lai ;Ihtetest' To.tlil N'~w,'Loafis PayJ>lick (~Q!~i2j, 'p'fih~jp.:al {~ot~ 'n ' 'TotllI p 3,016,490 General 5,102,868 - 5, I 02,868 3,016,490 I 255,140 255,140 5,102,868 - 5,102,868 Drainage 2,077,156 1,874,540 3,951,696 - - 103,858 2,077,156 1,978,398 4,055,554 Street Development 2,466,944 1,989,331 4,456,275 - - 123,347 2,466,944 2,112,678 4,579,622 Water 3,804,911 2,920,831 6,725,742 - - 190,246 3,804,911 3,111,077 6,915,988 Sewer 1,735,549 837,144 2,572,693 - I 23,360 110,137 1,735,549 923,921 2,659,470 v. - Grant 11,000 8,538 19,538 - - 550 11,000 9,088 20,088 Park Improvement 125,660 104,679 230,339 - - 6,283 125,660 110,962 236,622 Prop A 200,000 137,842 337,842 - - 10,000 200,000 147,842 347,842 , , .f6:riL ",",..-.,'-t ."";1 '7~S:72;~05 23"396'993 3' 01'6'49'0 3;'29,4;990 'i99;5M 15~524'Ofi!F 8"393:ii66 '139:18' '055 15;524;988' -- ,--...;.......,. ,""'-"=-"" ... ,............;..,--_... '-'~'---' ,'~, I For reference only-not accrued In either receIvable or payable fund 2, Interest rate on loans where payable is calculated at City's average rate ofretwn ofmvestment in FY 2002-2003 (5,0%) and new loans and paybaek occurred at Imd-year I I -, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POW A Y FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2001-02 AND 2002-03 I DEPARTMENTAL OPERATING BUDGETS I I LEGISLATIVE AND I ADMINISTRA TIVE I City Council/ I Planning Commission Redevelopment Agency I I I I I I City City City I I Attorney Manager Clerk 012 013 , 011 I I I I r' - ,- I Administrative Community Development Services Services Services I 100 200 300 I r I I I - Public Safety RdA & Housing Works Services Services I I 400 500 1000 I - I I I I 54 I I CITY COUNCIL I Legislative & Admillistrath'e Departmelll Department Code: 010 I EXBE,NSE, 1999.,,2009 200Q-200 I 2000~200j 20.91-2,902 .2002'2003' GI';M:;SI F1CATlQN ACTUAL APPROVF:D' ESTIMAtED 1'~.oPOSED PR6BOS~D' - ~ --- I ' - - - ,-- I Total Positions - - - - - "--- - - - -- --~-~ - - - ,----~-I- -- I I I Personnel Expense S 73,128 $ 84,480 $ 87,225 _ _$ 87,270 I $ 89,970 , ---~-- - -, , - - - -- -------- - Operations and , 186,600 Mallltenance 159,888 I 165,140 185,063 182,630 : I -- ----- - ~ - -----1- - -- - - - --- - .-- -- - -- --- , I Capital Outlay 846 I - 238 ~j - ~-- , - e I T(ij1'AL ,?UDGET S233"862. $249;6_2.0 $2n,p6 $269;900 ,$276570 O.r ..' .' .,. .. -~---- - - ---- , ---- - ' , - -- -- -- .-- ~ - -- - I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY --- - - The City Council is compnsed of 11ve members elected,at large by the CItIzens of Poway to serve for four year I overlapping tenns. The Mayor is directly electea"by the'citi~e'1s of Poway for a four-year term. Annually, the City Council reorganizes, scIectlllg a Com#i' nl,elJ1\)erJo,setvefas l,),eputy Mayor '''- , ,,- I The City Council is accountable to the residents'ofl~o'way.f9r all serviE€s and programs provided by the City 1_ ,_ f. . . , The City Council serves as the CitY'sfpslicY'ma](i~g,bopy"taking.ili;tion on all legislative matters involving the approval and adoption of all City ordinances,.res<i\Ut;ofis,.contraCis,~an'c! matters requiring policy_decision and I leadership. In reaching policy decisiOris,-the Council 'listc'lls !o~'blic.testinlonYand reviews proposals designed to meet commuIllty needs while maintaining desired,service levels. - I The City Council appolllts the City Manager, City Attorney, and CiryClerk and establishes various citizen advisory committees to ensure broad-based input into City aflilirs. The City Council oversees the expenditure of all City funds tl1roughout tile I1seal year, initiates new programs to upgrade existing services, and detennllles the I ability of the City to provide I1nancing for the proposed budget as submitted by the City Manager The City Council also serves as the Board of Directors lor the Poway Redevelopment Agency I I I I I I 55 I CITY COUNCIL Legislutil'e & Admillistratil'e Department I Dil';.\-;Oll Number' 0010 ~ _ ' ~ -.---. _ ,---- u -- -- _ --~ ,. ---- I ACTiVITY GOALS AND.OBJECTIVES: - _.- -_..._---=----"--~. - -- - --- -- -- --- - - - ---- , To ensure that municipal services are provided in the most efficient, effective, and responsive manner I possible to meet the needs and desired service levels of the community >- To provide legislative guidance and direction for the establishment and maintenance of City programs I and services. >- To provide an open forum for direct public inpyt.ahd':lm av€n':e ~or re:olvi~~~unity issues. I ~ T bl' h d h' I r.Jf Ii- C'" o"h- (.. 'dl I ~d b' . '. 0 esta IS an oversee t e Imp cmenJ<lllon,o ,t e. ItyS s., ort:,an., 9ng-range goa s an 0 ~ectJves. I _ 0 _ _ ~ r To inform local, county, state, and feqenil :repn,sen1;i2ves'~]jou'ithen~~ds, concems, and issues facing the citizens of Po way ,,_ ~;~"\~t:,, ~ _ _ ___ _ I >- To ensure that the City maintains a fiscally sO-lmoo~erating.budget. , ., ,. To oversee and monitor the expenditure orall C~ and R~evelopnlent Agency fun~s~ ,- - I SIGNIFICANTACTlVITY PROGRAM CtIANOI(S CHANG!;: I Conul1unity Relations decrease due to transfer of Volunteer Dinner and (12,700) I Chambcr Sundowner to Community Services budget (0200-4904). Also, thc Watcr Agencics Dinner was a one-time event. I Publications & Dues increase in League of Califomia Cities Dues and 13,840 new expense for San Dieguito River Vallcy Park Open Spacc I Endowment and monthly meeting stipend. I I I I I 56 I I CITY COUNCIL I Legislalive and 4dministrative Department Division No () ] 0 OoJ, _n -- --zQoMI--- '2001-Q";! ):2002'03, I 1999'00 . 2000i:0 1 <;:9i!~, , Expense C~ssificatiqn Actual f:\pproved Estii11at~.9 p'i-Qp.2~,,-d _pro]:iose.5! .' Personnel Expense ~an~ Position Title HE I Mayor 8,952 8,620 11,206 13,100 13,100 Coul1cilmcmbcrs 34,492 34,480 36,744 38,020 38,020 I 1120 Salaries - Special 43,444 43,100 47,950 51,120 51,120 1300 Employee Benefits 29,684 41,380 39,275 36,150 38,850 I Total'Persoimel 73;128 84,:480 87,2,25 8,7,270 8~,970 . Ope rations and Mainte nance I 1799 Other Professional Fees 25,200 15,000 18,600 15,000 15,000 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 18,000 18,000 18,000 22,500 22,500 3140 Travel and Meetings 22,083 20,990 23,990 26,230 26,940 I 3310 Telephone 2,307 1,840 2,740 2,800 2,800 3320 Postage 1(, 4126 Telecommunication Services ISO 500 500 500 500 I 4506 Employee Awards 1,000 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,576 2,000 2,000 2,100 2,150 4904 Community Relations 37,520 47,950 51,150 37,750 37,750 I 4922 Printing 1,000 1,200 1,200 4924 Publications and Dues 51,126 57,950 66,173 73,650 76,860 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment 910 910 910 900 900 I I I I I I Total Operations & Maintenance 159,888 165,140 185,063 182;630 1'86,600 I Capital Outlay 6122a Office Equipment 485 - 6136 Telecommunications Equipmcnt 361 238 I Total qpital Outlay 846 - 238 - Division Total 233,862 249,620 272,526 269,900 276,570 I 57 I LEGISLATIVE AND I ADMINISTRATIVE I I City Council I Planning Commission I I I I City Clerk I 011 I I I I I I I I 5R I I I CITY CLERK Legis/ati,'e & Admillistrlltive Department Departmelll Code: 011 I ~2(PEl':-l~E ,\999:2.000, 2000'20Ql :QPW2001 260 H1PQ2: . 2002-2Q63 GLASSIFICATION ACTUAL pffiPR'o VEl) ESl'll'VlATEl) PROP~SE;D RRQr,0SED .- ~ " ~ , - , , - -- ~~-- __ _ _ _4- _ I Total Positions 4 4 5 5 5 I Personnel Expense $215,299 $217,690 $214,044 S270,760 $284, I 90 Operations and 76,810 II!, 198 113,480 109,430 Maintenance 59,029 I Capital Outlay 2,797 30,000 30,000 30,000 - --_.- ,- I 'feTAL, BUDGET Si?7,125 $324500. $355 242 $j!!4;2fl9. $393,620' .. .. ..~..- "'r" .,.-- . '" ~~" ~_..,' .:<- . .',. 1----,- ---- ,- ---- - - .- - -- ~- - -- ----- I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The City Clerk is appointed by the City Council to serve as Clerk of the Council, Records Manager, and Election I Official of the City In carrying out this function, the City Clerk coordinates thc City Council agenda preparation and prepares the accurate record of City Council proceedings, actions, a~..<! documentation of City Council meetings. The City Clerk also serves as Secretary of th~loway Redevelopment Agency, t!le Planning Commission, the I Poway Public Financing Authority, and on the board.ofPoway Today, lnc, ,.... ,,. ~- . '.. :.~ .\.-. - The City Clerk's Office is the centraI'informatioll's,o!lfce fofthepublic and City staff regarding Council action. This I department is responsible for the organizatioii.;~ m.aintenance and'Rrotection of all official City records and coordinates the City-wide fllnctio~al fiiil1g. sys~~ al1<l,opiicaj imaging program. The City Clerk's Office also maintains and manages the City's off.:site'Recor9s~tonige FaclliiX'- All legal advertisements, including notices of I public hearing and calls for bids, are placed througlf this office. Recording of documents for all departments is coordinated through this office and codification ofCity.approved'Or-dinances into the Poway Municipal Code is also handled here. The City Clerk's Office c60rdilfates appointment of Couns..il:appointedcommittee members and - I maintains infonnation regarding the committees including charters,-agendas and minutes. Additionally, the City Clerk coordinates information for the City's homepage on the lntemet: www.ci.poway.ca.us. I The City Clerk organizes and conducts all municipal elections. City Council candidates receive their nomination papers from the City Clerk and all candidate filings including campaign disclosure and statements of economic interest are processed by this office, The City's responsibilities in the citizen-initiatcd petition processes such as I initiative and recall are handled by the City Clerk. Other services available in the City Clerk's office includc: Votcr Registration, Operation of Passport Acceptance I Facility providing processing of United States Passports; Certification of City Documents; Processing of Claims and Notarization of City-initiated documents. I I I 59 I CITY CLERK I Lexislath.e & Admillis/ratil'e Department Divi.\'ion Number: 0011 - ,- - ---- u._ --- I ___Acttvr(v GOA.:LSAND'OBJEGTIV,t;;S , --- -- ~ To. serve as custadian afthe afficial recards afthe City, ensuring the safety and security of the ,. dacuments. I ~ To. manage the City Cauncil agenda process to. ensure timely preparatian, legal natice and fallaw- ,. up an all items requiring Council action. I ~ To. recard cancisely and carrectly, in aetian minute farm, the meetings afthe City CaunciL ,. ~ To. establish a recards management program to. provide-farefticient.starage retrieval and ,. dispasitian afrecords, including the implementatia;(.;fthe PrJj:'FS (p';;way Unifart11 Functianal I Filing System) throughaut all City deilarlmertts ajd City-wide optical imag'Iiigsystem. ~ To. eanduet all municipal clec..\iari(ensuril1g;cohforrlrinf,e with existing laws to. Pfeserye the ,. accuracy and integrity of.thii:"-ptocess, ~ ~ I ,. To. past and publish in a ,i1anner'compIYitfghvitn the law, all 'I~gal natices afpublie hearings, ~;r'.- -. - . /\"J..-; . 'A./ ;; ~neetingsand bid propasals. __ ^ __' D ~. . ' " fa co.o.rdlllate appo.llltment ofCo.unetl-appolllted.Cammlttee members. _ __. ~ ___ --- , 'tJiL----,;....-- --- "Tor"" ------ I ,. To. serve as Secretary far the PlanningColpmisswn; P,?wayRedevelopment Agency, Public Financing Autharity and Paway Taday, Ine, \" _.,_ ~ -~~........\. ':l.,. --,.- ,. To. ensure co.mpliance with the Po.litical Refo.rln Act by designated.employees;-Co.mmittee members, Co.uncilmembers, and Co.uncil Candidates ~iilttijnely filing af Statement af Ecanamie I Interest and Campaign Disclasure statements. ~ To. provide infannatio.n to. the public through the Internet. ,. ~ To initiate, implement, aperate and maintain a Passpart Services Facility I ,. 2000-0 I 2601-02 ao02-6~ ACTJ~I"!,Y STATISTICS ACtUAL P~Ql!-lcrEI5_ _ __ !,ROJEC1:m.'l I - _.- --- ,- T-'-- ----. - Legal Ads & Publ ic Hearing Natices 186 195 210 Dacuments Recorded 258 275 300 I Enviranmental Documents Processed 103 110 115 City/Planning Reso.lutio.ns Processed 124/1 00 140/1 05 150/110 I RDA Resalutians Pracessed 21 25 29 Ordinances Processed 13 15 16 I Minute Pages Prepared (CC&RDA) 697/286 897/390 1,000/425 - City & RDACo.ntractsl Agreements 88/1 9 92/24 96/30 I Public Rcquests for Infarmatian 29,342 33,400 36,500 t--"PPC Filing Officer Activity 150 155 I 165 I Internet Activity ('97~7.529 '9X=16.4171 57,793 65,000 70,000 Passports Processed 2,677 3,400 4,100 -- - - -------- ---- ,-,-, I Passport Inquiries Answer/Assist 8,214 10,000 12,000 SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I Opencd the Passport Acceptance Facility in March 2000 - 60 I I CITY CLERK I Legislath'e and Administrative Department Divisioll No: 011 ~ - . -, - ,QQoo-oi ---.., 2001-02: -2002~3- I ~bj.. .1999-00 '2000-0 I gOQ,e - . gxp~nse C@ssificatioi! Act."'2.1 '~[iproved. Estilf1at"9 Piopo~e.<:1 ...ef!?po_se4~_ Personnel Expense I Range Position Title FTE 76,440 I City Clerk 1.00 77,738 70,790 75,000 76,440 238,1 Deputy City Clcrk 1.00 40,236 37,070 38,000 41,980 I 43,450 I 218.1 Secretary" I 2.00 46,015 55,270 34,383 62,220 I 67,620 203,6 Secretary II Passport Agent 1.00 2,365 26,920 ' 29,28.2 1110 Salaries - Reguuu 166,354 163,130 147,383 207,560 216,790 I 1130 Salaries - Parttime 2,365 22,278 - 1140 Salaries - Overtime 80 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1300 Empl()yee B",nefits 46,500 52,5~0 42,383 61,2_00 65,400 I Total Personnel 215,299 217,690 214,044 270,760' '284,19Q Ope rations and Mainte nance 1510 Temporary Services - 23,800 - I 1799 Other Professional Fees 5,908 6,400 18,400 28,800 12,000 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 3,800 4,000 4,000 4,900 4,900 3140 Travel and Meetings 4,133 4,260 1,930 6,580 4,110 I 3310 Telephone 1,059 1,000 1,000 2,500 3,000 3320 Postage 17 8,220 9,910 4308 R&M Equipment 800 800 800 800 I 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 3,388 3,000 10,400 8,000 10,000 4760 Operating Suplies 203 4908 Education and Training 2,135 2,400 3,318 3,100 1,600 I 4910 Election Services 444 10,000 7,600 1,000 10,000 4922 Printing 13,510 17,000 14,000 20,000 23,000 4924 Publications and Dues 824 1,740 1,740 \,790 2,020 I 4932 Advertising 16,503 19,000 17,000 20,000 20,000 4938 Rent-Buildings and Grounds 3,995 4,100 4,100 4,700 5,000 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Otlice Equipment 3,110 3,110 3110 3,090 3,090 I I I I Total Operations & Maintenance 59,029 76,810 111,198 113,480 109,430 I Capital Outlay 6122 Office Equipment 2,797 30,000 30,000 30,000 I Total Capital Outlay 2;797 30,000 30,000 30,000' - Divis ion Total 277,125 324,500 355,242 414,240 393,620 I 61 I I LEGISLA TIVE AND I ADMINISTRA TIVE I City Council I Planning Commission I I I I City Attorney I 012 I I I I I I I II I " I I: , 1 II -= -- -- --= ---- = j! I - ~- -.--- - - - -- 62 I I I CITY ATTORNEY Legislati~'e & ~1dmini.'1tra/i1le Department Depurtmell1 Code: 012 I 'EXPENSE 1999"2009' 2000-200 f ,2 600c2 oin ~.o.o 1."2QQ2i ;2002c200~: Cl::ASSIFlC1\TIO~ ACTUAL APPRQV~0: I;STIMA'+ED PROP0~ED P,RORQ$ED I ~- -- -- -- I Total Positions : - - - - , - I , ! -- , , - -~ - I Personnel Expense SI20,776, $118,850 S122,381 $132,110 S133,570 , I I - - -' -_.-- ; -- -- - -- , ---- Operations and 101,762 ' 110,730 110,730 ; 112,000 I I 1,850 Maintenance I ---- ,. -- - , - - '- ' Capital Outlay - - - , - - -- I - -.- ------'- "----- - - - '~ I TOTA'L.Btl0J}E'f' $222'538 ;S229}580' $233\ITI S244;! 1'0.' IS245~420 . , .." " - - -.- ~------ - -- -- - ---~ - , -- -------- ~ --- I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I The City Attorney is appolllted by the City Council to serve as legaladvisCldor all matters related to the operation and administration of the City Thc City Attorney keeps the City Council and staff apprised of any I legislative or legal developments that may impa,c:t:iheCity , ---/ ,~ , , ~ Through a contract with the City, the;CityAttorney,r:~.~9yiges legahcounsel, attends oflicialmeetings, appears at I all legal proceedings and negotiatiol}s;re!~ti\1g,to:Ia!,dacquis}tion, as ~1I as provides other specialized services. The City Attorney also drafts ordinan~es, p'repare~ cOl1t~aets; cO'1diiets,legal negotiations, reviews legal documents, and defends the City's position'i\!'~f'_l!rt~?se()'he,Cityfttorney also serves as legal__agyisor to other I Council appointed boards and represents City officials a--titl employee,s in matters relating to City business. The City Attorney also serves as General Counsel to the Poway Redevelopment Agency I I I I I I I 63 I LeKisS~~:A~:'i~~~~:~melll I Divisioll Number: 00/2 - A0iYIIY~QA!=~Ar'JD()B.iECTIVES ~~-__~-~_- ----, -- I >- To provide the City Council with assistance in the development of policies based on sound legal I principles which enable the City to accomplish its goals and objectives. >- To kecp the City Council and staff apprised of any legislative and legal developments which may I impact the City >- To prepare ordinances and resolutions nece;"s~ry to impl~c~t CitfCouncilpolicies, I /_.~r . '-.r---Il .....~ >- To draft contracts, agrecments, and legaj,'opiriions'lIt:r;sqlli~d by the City Council, Red~elopmcnt I Agency, and staff._ )'. ~ , " , >- To review the legal content of,,(joCi.Ifueiits'n<rlpr!y~red9y'the\G,i\Y Attomey prior to submittal to the I CIty CouncIl. ," > l ,/ - >- To ensure that the City maintains comp(ianc~,with the poway Municipal Code, and state and federal I laws. _' >- To represent the City in courts of jurisdiction on legal mattcrs relating to the City I >- To oversee City litigation in which thc City Attorncy is not the attorney of record, >- To communicatc public legal positions taken by the City Attorney and the legal rationale for City I actions. u SIGNIFICANT ACTrvITV PROGRAMCHANo"E"S- - -- - CHANGE ,- I . .- _ --'-- -- -- - - -.. - - -_.-:........... - - ---....:......- - , _ None _ _ -,- '- ; I I I I I I L 64 II I CITY ATTORNEY I Legislatil'e and 4dlllinistrative Department Divisioll No. 0/2 , - -- I 999c06 - - -- --.- -'--- Obj. 2000-0 I 2000'01 2001-02. ?(lli2~03; I 'n _ , Co"de 8.xp~!!S.e C lass ifi,,~tion. Actual '8-PPL'2ved' Ei;tifiiiite~:l. Prcip'q~!'..<! _ BlQJl9Sed Personnel Expense Ra!lgc Position Title FTE I City Attorney 1.00 100,090 95,940 103,272 103,270 103,270 I ---. n _ 1120 Salaries - Special 100,090 95,940 103,272 103,270 103,270 I 1300 Employee Benefits 20,686 22,910 19,109 28,840 30,300 Total.Personnel 120,776 118,850 I22,~81 Q2,11O 133;570 I Ope rations and Mainte nance 1702a City Attomey Fees 47,011 38,100 38,100 48, 100 48,100 1702b Other Attomey Fees 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 I 1702c Litigation - City Attomey 42,212 45,000 45,000 35,000 35,000 1702d Litigation-Other Attomeys 7,789 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 3140 Travel and Meetings 2,364 4,100 4,100 5,220 4,870 I 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 589 600 600 650 700 4924 Publications and Dues 1,797 2,930 2,930 3,030 3,180 I I I I I I I Total Operations & Maintenance 101,762 110,730 110,730 112,000 111,850 I Capital Outlay I Total Capita] Outlay - Division Total 222,538 229,580 233,111 244,110 245,420 I 65 I LEGISLATIVE AND I ADMINISTRA TIVE I I City Council I Planning Commission I I , I I City , , 1 Manager I 013 I .-_L J I I ,- Administrative Community Development I Services Services Services 100 200 300 I - - --- ----' I I I I , ~ - -~--, r Safety ! Public RDA & Housing I I Works I Services Services I 400 I 500 1000 I I II I 'I I' I ,I 'I ;, , ! I ,I II Ii - -- ---=- ~~II - -- 66 I I I CITY MANAGER Legislative & Admi"istrutit'e Department Department Code: 0/3 I .EXPENSE 199,9'2000 2000'20()] 20QOc200,l 2001'-2002 2002,i603 '(,)l:;A:SSII;IjJA,HON ACTU:~L. i~PPI\QY,H> "- J;>R0R@SED ESTIl'VI'ATED PR~R@SEQ I --- - -- - --- --- - - - -. ------- 61 Total Positions 6 6 6 6 I --- - , - ---~ -I -- -- --- - ----~. I Personnel Expense $426,70 I S436,290 $486,286 S526,600 I $545,610 --- --- - -- - -- - - - -- - -.-- Operations and 76,140 Maintenance 66,073 65,820 58,707 90,330 I ----- - - ' -- . -- - - Capital Outlay 927 - 5,544 , - , - , , - ---- .1_______ _L-_._ I T0TA:L BUDGET 'S49~,10 1 ,$502',Lt 0 $'55b,53~ S616;930 $621,750: - ----------- - - - --- -~ -- -- -- - - - -,- - _.-- ---- -- - I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I The City Manager is appointed by thc City Counctl to serve as the City's chief executive oflicer responsible for the overall planning, organization, and direction of municipal activities within the City The City Manager also I serves as the Executive Director of the Poway Redevelopment Agency responsible for the planning and direction of the Agency's activihes. I The City Manager advises the City Council on all legislative and policy matters as well as provides the City Council with recommendations to assist the Council in making the most effective and eflicient policies that address the needs of the community The City Manager is responsible for ensuring that all ordinances, laws, and I regulations arc implemented and enforced in the City To cnsure cfficient and effective administration of matters within the City, the City Manager provides direction to all City department directors and employees. I The City Manager is also responsible for the preparatIOn and submittal of the annual City budget to the City Council in addition to advising the City Counctl on the financial condition and needs of the City I I I I I I (,7 I CITY MANAGER I Legbilative & Admi"istratil'c Department Dil'isioJJ NlImber~ 00/3 -----.-~--.- ----- I ACTIVITY'GOA[S.ANDOBJEGTIVES. ___" __ ...0....-......._._ _____ __ _ --- - -- - - --- ,- .,. To advise the City Council on alllcgislative and policy matters, I .,. To assist the Council in developmg the most efficient, effective, and responsive policies that meet the I needs and desired service levels ofthc community ./ . .,. To direct City staff in thc implcmentation ofCi&{;oun~;I.Policy through the c~alization of authority I db'! f . 0 L, ..... an responsl I Ity ..Y () \) , . _ o ...... ....... c. ~ To dcvelop mnovatlve and crcatl~~ ni.eans,ofdeli~{rif!g,municip,al,s'ervices to ensure the highest quality I , , .'--' _. ~"'-' (0 . 1 ofservicc is providcd to the citizens ofP6way'~', 5(7:;. ~ To kccp the City Council appnscd ofpending'Sf~M'k~d;Fegerallegislation that impacts the-City'" the I , San Diego region, and cities statcwide. --', -, ,-- -- --. - ~ To apprise the City Council of all municipal artiurs and operatlOns. I , ~ To advise the City Council about the financial condition and necds of the City , ~ To assist the Poway Rcdevelopmcnt Agency Board of Directors as Executive Dircctor ofthc Agency I , SIGNlFJ5:iNT _~C:,'IJY~T.YPR-OG~I~f~HABG-E~ _ ~-~ ' -, cHANG~~- - - I - - - lncrcase Other Professional Fces for Rcal Estatc Appraisals. + S7,000 - ~---- ---- ----- - ___ __L _ Increase Postage lor mailing of Special Edition of PnH'av Tndav (Educational + $2,470 I Supplement regar~i~g NpQES). - - - --- -- n_ ---- Increase Printing for Special Edition of POllY/V Todav (Educational + S6,100 Supplement regarding NPDES), -, -- I I I I I L I 6X I I CITY MANAGER I Legi3'/utive alld Administrative Departlllell1 Dit'isioll No: 0/3 , -'-_. 1999-06 " --:t:~-';' -, ,~ 2000~0 1 -. .----.....-.n-: ~-:- I O~j. 2000-01 2001"02 2002-03- 90de EJ{pense~1a'!.sificati()n Actual App~()y'e9 E~tiri1ated, I3r6po~~~ _ _ ~roP.gs,~c!. Personnel Expense I Range Position Title FTE - City Manager I.IlIl 118,930 118,930 132,000 132,000 132,000 3018 Deputy City Manager 1.01l 87,455 74,390 79,848 84,260 87,210 I 262.6 Management Analyst I.IlIl 48,016 45,050 49,276 53,250 57,530 252.6 Exec. Ass!. to the City Mgr. 1.00 50,658 44,390 47,980 51,010 52,800 228.1 Secretary I I I I.IlIl 13,547 33,570 42,008 40,940 42,370 I 198.6 Receptionist I.IlIl 5,973 24,240 25,930 27,190 198.6 ManagcnlCnt Intern I.IlIl 10,176 10,510 19,808 23,420 24,240 1110 Salaries - Regular 312,292 3 I 6,330 375,352 387,390 399,100 I 1130 Salaries - Parttimc 22,463 10,510 19,808 23,420 24,240 1140 Salaries - Overtime 4,873 1,000 4,234 2,610 2,610 1300 Employee Benefits 87,073 108,450 86,892 113,180 119,660 I Total Personnel 426;701 436,290 486,286 526,600 545,610 I Ope rations and Mainte nance 1510 Temporary Services 2,353 3,000 3,000 1799 Other Professional Fees 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,200 2,200 I 3110 ReImbursed Mileage 10,049 10,140 11,\ 20 12,960 12,960 3140 Travel and Meetmgs 10,993 10,710 13,210 13,440 14,560 3310 Te lephone 320 360 360 420 420 I 3320 Postage 8,857 9,910 9,910 12,680 10,230 4308 R&M Equipment 247 380 380 380 380 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,116 \,800 1,750 1,850 1,940 I 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 634 350 350 380 400 4799 Other Supplies and Matenals 295 300 300 320 330 4908 Education and Training 1.479 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 I 4922 Prmting 21,513 21,000 21,000 27,350 2\,250 4924 Publica lions and Dues 2,467 3,620 3,620 10,300 3,420 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment 3.750 3,750 3,750 3,550 3,550 I 5710 AdministrativelOverhead Costs (10,543) I I TotalOperations & Maintenance 66,073 65,820 58,707 90,330 76,140 Capital Outlay 6122a Office Equipment 483 1,800 I 6122b Computer Hardware 3,700 6122c Computer Software 44 - 6136 Te1eeonununiealions Equipment 444 I Totil Capital Outlay 927 5,544 Division Total 493,701 502,110 550,537 6 I 6,930 621,750 I 69 I ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES I I City Manager I 013 I Director I Administrative Services/Treasurer 100 I I I I I I Customer Computer Personnel Finance Services Services I 10] 103 102 ]04 I I I I General Support Risk Capital Services Management Replacement I ]06 ]07 108 I I I I I I 70 I I ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES I Departmelltal Acth'ity Overview Department Code:O 100 I EXPENSE! '1999'2000' --~000'2001" 2000'01 '2001.-02- ''2002,03' CLASSIFIc:AT10N ACTUAL APPRovED E~T1MAiED APPROVED APPROVED I - I, -- I - - '1 ' - ~- I "J~~~I Po~itions __: _ ~,; 21i 'rl 26 L _ ,,_ 27 I 27 , I~_ ~o~el Expense _ I _~1,~65,372 .:-. $1,719,2~0 i _~1,666,7~ ~ :1,891,600 _$],982,110 I Operations and I 1,254567 ' 1,264,590 ' 1,562,248 1,782,790 1,539,420 Mamtenance --I _ ' L _ _ ..;. '. _ ' I Capital Outlay I 966,963 ! 448,290 1,344,832 ! 756,420 I 488,940 - __ ...1 ~_ I I T0TAL'BtJoGEt ,S3;78(j,(j02 S3,432,080 _ $~,57~?85~ S4,43,0,810$4;275;470 .1 .# OVER\:,lEWCOMMENT ARY I ' . ',' '" \ The Department of Administrative S~rvi~~:ls.divide.c1.into'eigh;pe[ational divisions includin~ ihe Office of the Director, Personnel, Customer Servic~s,.Finance;'Gptrip!!ter;SerVic'es;,General Support Services, Risk I Management and Capital Replacemdnt.These.orgaii\~*toJlatdivlsi()J1s:toordinate the day-to-day activities of various internal operations of the City'and supply speci~l\zed.sta.ffsupJort services to all other City departments. I U _ - I I The department's stall is vested with the resp~nsibiliiies of( I) overall-I;.<!~agement of the City's finances with a I focus on maintaining the City's financial viability, (2) preparation and mainienance of!!l)nual,balanced budgets, I (3) administration of thc City's employment system, (4) facilitation oCrositive lahorrelations with City employee I I. groups, (5) documentation of administrative policies and procedures, (6) provision of staff development I opportunities throughout the organization, (7) efficient production of water and sewer billing and meter reading I functions, (8) promotion ofa safc and productive work environment, (9) administration ofthc municipal I :1 insurance programs and risk management, and (10) maintenance of the City's computer system. I' II The personnel in this dcpartment also function in an in-house-consultant capacity by providing technical I I: expertise and specialized financial infonnation to other City departments. II I I: : ,I I I I Ii iJ I I: Ii I II I IL~,~~~~, ". _ __J I 71 I DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Administrative Services Department I Divisi01l Numher 0 I UO -- ~CTMTY DEtCR1T:r.IQ~ _ __=- - -- -- -.- --_._---.-- --- --- . I The Office of the Director of Administrative Services is responsible for the coordination and management of the intemal operations of the City and Redevelopment Agency Divisions under the direction of the I Director's Office arc Personnel, Customer Services, Finance, Computer Support Services, General Support Services, Risk Management, and Capital Replacement. The Office of the Director is also responsible for providing staff assistance to the citizens' Budget Review I Committee. -- .------- I ,_6ClJYlTY 9Q4~M'b:QBJfj~TIVES'= _ _ _, ___ '-----;;~ u _ -----"--------- / - " :r To increase employee morale and personal,a!ld;Professio~al growth by creatilig and maintaining a I work environment that encourages ereNivity,'commu~i~'atj9D, dedication, cOlrunitl~nt,i!!,ld continued leaming. 0' ' , , ~, ~ ;, I oj c , To develop and utilize a comprehensivemanag~enJr~poiiing,syst~m to enable staff improve administratton of personnel, fiscai maryagem'ey.!:.iti!?~Ope'rations, I ......" -t - _" .J I ;~ _ ....,. ,.J~ , To further the implementation of the City 'sman{lg~ment'andorganizational development initiative, - ~ To improve end user-friendliness of the City's Financial Administration system and provide continued I , training to ensure that the system's capabilities are fully utilized, :r To coordinate the preparation and administration of the City's financial plan and long-range fiscal I forecast in cooperation with other City departments in a matmer which safeguards the City's fmancial health, I :r To build upon the Department's success in providing enhanced eonmlunieations, information and support services to our intemal customers. I _- SIGNfFICANT A~fryIT'(PR09R;'.M'C~GES -- - -, - - .. - ,Q~NGg ___ Addition of part time Secretary III position $16,800 I - - - - -- --- - -------- I I I I ----- 72 I I DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES I Adm;lIistratil'e Sen'ices Departmellt Divisioll No: 0/00 obi. 2000"61- - 2001-02 '-~I~ I 1?99,00 )bQ~,o I ,2002,03 c;~e Expense'Cljlssification ACtlial App'rpv.~d E':,stimated: Pfbpo~e-c! ,~Propo~ed', Personnel Expense I Range Position Title HE 323.3 Director of Administrative Services 1.00 99,873 96,030 99,870 103,370 106,990 299.8 Deputy Din:Clor of Admin. Services 1.0n 77,802 76,740 81,000 82,600 85,490 I 272.6 Sr. Management Analyst 1.00 41,750 48,980 59,948 62,300 64,480 228.1 Administrative Secretary 1.00 36,842 37,100 38,580 39,930 41,330 198.6 Management Intem 0.50 2,562 9,721 11,710 12,120 I 1110 Salaries - Regular 256,267 258,850 279,398 288,200 298,290 1130 Salaries - Parttime 2,562 9,721 11,710 12,120 1140 Salaries - Overtime 500 500 500 I 1300 Employee Benefits 63,165 78,550 72, 130 69,420 73,160 Total Perspnn,el 321,994 337,900 361,249 369,830 384,070 I Operations and Maintenance 1704 Audit Service 10,936 10,930 10,886 1],370 11,820 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 5,527 5,850 5,681 7,400 7,450 I 3140 Travel and Meetings 4,317 4,540 2,496 5,360 5,140 3310 Telephone 340 3320 Postage 191 300 195 300 360 I 4120 Other Contractual Se[\~ces 34,400 4308 R&M Equipment 100 100 100 110 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,781 \,700 \,765 2,040 2,060 I 4760 Operating Supplies 103 4799 Other Supplies and Materials 432 980 343 1,180 1,250 4908 Education and Training 325 900 400 900 960 I 4922 Printing 191 2,000 1,681 2,150 2,210 4924 Publications and Dues 2,038 1,210 1,123 1,500 1,580 4938 Rental- Buildings & Grounds I 5530 Capital Outlay Rental- Office Equipment 1,870 1,870 1,870 1,800 1,800 5710 Administrative Overhead - 10,543 - I I I Total Operations & Maintenance 28,051 30,380 71 ,483 34,100 34,740 Capital Outlay 6122a Office Equipment 4,137 - I 6122b Computer Hardware 720 I Total Capital Outlay 4,137 - 720 Division Total 354,182 368,280 432,732 404,650 418,810 I 7J I PERSONNEL I Admi"istrati,'e Service.fi Department Dit'ision Code 0101 - - -------- --- I ACTIVITY QE~CRIPTIQN _ - _~' ~ _ - _ __ __ It is the responsibility of the Pcrsonnel Division to provide comprehensive centralized personnel services to the line operating departments. The division's activities include the overall management ofrecruitment, I examination and certification processes for selection and promotion of personnel in the City's workforce. The Division implements and administers personnel policics and practices, cmployee compensation and benefits, training, and employee relations. The Division is also responsible for maintaining all personnel I records, coordinates special employce events, the suggestion inccntivc program, and the employee service awards program. ACTIVITY GQt>-kS AND 9BJECTIVES - u - ---- I - , ,. To continue to provide helpful, courteous and quality serViceto City departments, employees and the I r /' , public '^~-; . \ c. -L .............. ,- To utilize professional expcrtis_e COi1sistejjt'\vith;Cit~poli~~e~ in providing guidance~perating I departments concerning pers0111lel ~s~u~~,: ~, ' ~ c:J,j .r. '''\1'- ~ _ h To continually strive to maximize,einpli)ye~'~7ryeft1s fio]11 re,Sl)UrCeS expended. ,- I ' t', ...... - - .- ;- To foster cmployee morale and potentiafbYl5royiding'a work eiwironment that encourages professionalism, communication and dedieatibl)~ - -- ' I To providc employee training programs neccssary to maintain compliance with state and federal ., legislation, as needed, I h To coordinate special employee events to maintain and promote effective employce relations. ,- .. . --- --- - 2~O.oO-Ql u_ - -- ,2QOi~2Q.Q2' ACTWITY';STATI~TJC.S, 2.0.02-2.003 I 'ESTIMATEP' PROJECTED, RROfECTE-O; , - - - - - - --- - ---~-_. Employment Applications 2200 2000 2000 I Recruitments 4R 40 30 Recruitment/Promotional Testing 6 6 X Job Interest Notices Processed 2400 2250 2400 I Employec Evaluations Processed 32X 325 325 Personnel Transactions 210 205 205 Injury Rcport Processed 16 20 20 I - SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES I CHANGE I None , - .. -- I I 74 I I I PERSONNEL Administrative SenJices Departmellf Division No OlO} -. - "--- - ~ - - .--- --- - - I Obj. I 999W 2000'01 ,2000-0 I 2061-02 2QQ;S'03- <;:6de .r~'fPense Classification A,tual Approveq Estimated' PrS>P2~9, Pr_op<)seo' Personncl Expensc I Rang~ Position Title FTE 2979 Personnel Manager 1.00 79,468 74,500 74,503 80,200 83,000 238.1 Personnel Aide 1.00 35,032 41,000 43,711 41,930 ' 45,560 I 218.1 Personnel Clerk 1.00 33,075 33,570 33,557 35,990 37,250 1100 Salaries - Regular 147,575 149,070 151,771 158,120 165,810 I 1130 Salaries - Partt ime 1,340 - 1,202 1300 Employee Benefits 36,754 44,100 39,257 39,950 42,420 I T otai Persqrtnel 185,669 193,170 192,230 198,070 208,230. Operations and Maintcnance 1510 Temporary Services 2,000 2,000 2,000 I 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 1,818 2,200 2,200 2,800 2,800 3140 Travel and Meetings 1,352 1.730 623 3,890 2,040 4120 Other Contractual Services 14,024 15,800 59,690 17,130 17,860 I 4308 R&M Equipment 30 30 90 90 4506 Employee Awards 16,863 16,700 16,700 19,150 19,840 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,125 1,000 \,229 1,500 1,570 I 4904 Community Relations 195 4908 Education and Training 40,484 30,600 30,600 30,600 30,600 4916 Medical Exams 12,038 5,770 10,869 11,600 11,600 I 4922 Printing 3,065 3,500 3,500 3,600 3,750 4924 Publicat ions and Dues 2,698 4,280 3,176 4,500 4,680 4926 Tuition Reimbursement 4,871 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 I 4934 Recruitment 11,929 8,000 21,304 18,000 18,000 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Ot1ice Equipment 860 860 860 2,160 2,160 I I I 'Total Operations & Maintenance 111,127 94,970 157,476 121,520 121,490 I Capital Outlay 6122a Office Equipment - 450 6122e Computer Software 520 I I T otaJ Capital Outlay 520 450 Division Total 296,796 288,140 350,226 320,040 329,720 I 75 I CUSTOMER SERVICES I 4dmb,istratiJ'e Sen'il'es Department Dil'isiolJ Numher: 0102 ACnVIW'DESciU.r.rION - -- - ... ------- -- -.~- I -- The division administers the billing process lor ambulance, water and sewer service. They receive and I process applications for water and sewer services, schedule and perfonn meter readings, handle customer inquiries and complaints, process water turn-on and turn-offs, perfonn miscellaneous meter repairs, and pull and exchange water meters. I The Customer Services division perfonns the accounts receivable function of the City The division's personnel are responsible for the collecting, recording, and depositing of all the City revenues. This I includes follow-up on delinquent, closed, and unpaid accounts in a manner that assures a high collection rate. The Customer Services division is also responsible for the processing and issuance of regulatory licenses I and business certilicates, and City Hall receptionist serviccs. DIVISION GOALS ANDQ~JEGtIVES I ., Continuc to provide courtcous, quality service to, the public and other City departments. I :r To maintain an awareness of customer.altifud;san~needs,' :r To maintain a minimum level of un~oll;etib~ ac~~Uiits, I . ' . -'I!, 4- , "(' , r I .. - - DIVISION WORKLOAD 2000-01 2001-02 2002-2003 STATISTICS ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED I Metcrs read lor hilling 8 \,3 00 81,800 I 82,300 Past due notices 5,600 5,725 , 5,850 I Delinquent accounts (doors tagged) 2,800 2,850 i 2,910 Delinquent turn-offs 320 350 380 Miscellaneous service orders 1,200 1,400 1,500 I NewlClosing account service orders 1,850 2,000 2,250 New bus mess registrations issucd 160 170 I 180 Busmess registration renewals 500 720 520 I Regulatory Licenses issued 150 165 180 Ambulance invoices 1,025 1,050 1,100 -. !... - SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I I Nonc I I I I 76 I I I CUSTOMER SERVICES Administrative Services Department Division No 0 I 0] Obj; - - ---,.....,..--::-.- 200-r:O,2' -- 2002'-03'- I In~-OO 2000~01 2,000:0 I Code Experise,Clitssification Actual ApRr(}Vei:! Estunated Pr9PQ_sed .f'ropo@ Personnel Expense I Range Position Title HE 286.9 Customer Services Mgr 1.00 65,264 59,970 66,104 71,860 74,370 2416 Lead Cust. Services Wkr 1.00 44,695 41,290 42,347 45,650 47,250 I 226.6 Cust. Services Wkr 3.00 95,904 106,140 1]3,341 109,440 I 15,700 212.6 Account Clerk II 4.00 85,203 121,050 100,089 ]23,370 130,090 198.6 Receptionist 1.()() 30,657 25,180 34,289 26,040 _27,560 I I] 10 Salaries - Reguk1r 291,066 328,450 321,881 350,320 367,410 1]30 Salaries - Parttill1e 30,657 25,180 34,289 26,040 27,560 \140 Salaries - Overtime 812 1,458 2,000 1,800 I 1300 Employee Benefits 95,764 126,890 ] 15,034 100,750 107,060 Total Personnel 418,299 480,520 472,662 479;i 10 503;830 I Ope rations and M ainte nanee 1510 Temporary Services 19,837 6,539 1726 Special Studies 4,996 7,500 7,880 8,280 I ]799 Other Professional Fees 1,056 500 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 1,808 1,900 1,900 2,700 2,800 3]30 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 8,455 7,890 7,890 9,710 10,140 I 3320 Postage 26,070 33,450 29,500 31,000 32,000 4120 Other Contractual Services 715 8,920 16,430 9,000 4308 R&M Equipment 8,066 6,110 8,200 8,950 9,830 i 4516 Small Tools 359 400 700 700 750 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 2,257 4,200 3,000 2,800 2,940 4730 photographiclCopy Supplies 378 2,780 2,900 I 4760 Operating Supplies 82 4799 Other Supplies and Materials 2,569 1,750 3,750 2,100 2,210 4908 Education and Training 2,616 1,900 1,900 2,450 2,440 I 4922 Printing 9,494 13,050 9,515 12,600 13,230 4924 Publications and Dues 25 300 228 300 300 4928 Unifonns and Laundry 1,344 1440 2,620 1,700 1,740 I 5510 Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicles 5,700 5,700 5,700 7,960 7,960 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment 7,] 10 7,110 7,] 10 16,530 16,530 5720 Cash Over/Under (II) 50 \15 50 50 I Total Operations_& Maintemince 102,844 85,750 ]05,169 ]26,640 123,100 I Capital Outlay 6104 Autos & Trucks 19,285 6122a Office Equipment - 2,005 13 ,000 - I 6122b Computer Hardware 14,900 I Total Capital' Outlay ]9,285 - 16,905 13,000 - Division Total 540,428 566,270 594,736 618,750 626,930 I 77 I FINANCE - Administrative Services Department I Division Number' 0103 - AcT[yTfY1?E~CRlf>~ _ -:.= -- _:. _ ---- _ _ -- I The Finance Division is responsible for the management of the fiscal operations of the City It is the duty of this Division to assure accountability and compliance with generally accepted accounting principles and I established policies and procedures as well as government codes. Areas of responsibilities include internal control, investments, financial reporting, budget compliance, fund accounting, accounts payable, budget coordination, payroll processing, revenue forecasting, expenditures and encumbr,ance accounting, and bond I maintenance. Functions include financial data collection, analysis and reporting: implementation of City's financial policies; fiscal control and audit; investment of surplus cash; monitor tax rolls and special ' assesslnents: and disbursement of funds in accordance with purchase orders and adopted budget, purchase 1- reqUlSll1ons, payrolls and other related documents. ' u ACT!VIty qo_~(S ~D0BiECJ:lYp~ _ _ --, _ _ / - __ - - _ _ _~__ I , - ' ;;. To promote communication between the .~inafle~'Di;;;ision and the other CityAepartments concerning I' the budget and expenditure monitoring"proeess" " ' , , - " ...., . I, ............. , , ,. To update and maintain effisi~rit ii\,ternal epnfrol s'ysterrisconsi~t.ent with changing governmental rules I and regulations and the City'sil.ee.o~. iJ." , r, ,,1 ,<, ;;. To have staff attend training seminars whi~~,~ili~,nhaI]ce the department's use of the City's computer 11, hardware and software. - i. , - -- ;;. To strengthen financial reporting by again achieving na!!ol1~Las well as state-awards for excellence in ~ financial reponing. I DIVISIONWQRKl:OAB-:-- - --1~99'00 ------ 2000:;;1-- - ---;-001::;;;--- 2002-03 .~T'~TISTIC~ _ACTl:Jj\L, _ 'E.s'f~M~TE.DPR.?JE.s:TED __ PROjECTED I tnvestment Average Ponfolio $88.9 $99.2 $92.0 $870 (in millions) Investment Earnings (in 55.0' - S6.0 $46- --1-- $4.3 - I millions)_ _ 1 _ _ _ Investment % Yield 5 7 6.1 49 I 4.9 - -- -- - ,- - - --- -- - - -- - - , I Purchase Orders Processed 840 800 875' 875 Vendor Warrants Prepared 10,700 10,500 11,000 II,QOO_ _ Budget Adjustments Processed 81 80 80 80 I Payroll Checks Processed 8,053 8, I 00 8,520 8,520 SIGNlFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CI-IANGES - _, ,-:CHi\!iQlf:' - _ - _ _. None I I I n I I FINANCE I Admillistrative Sen'ices Department Dh'isifJIl No: 0103 Obj: --:-:-:r.::.- -.,. ..--. -2Q,02-03~ I 1999.'00' 2000"01 2QOO~0 I. 2001-02) <;:",d(f, E.!'pense ClassTficatiol! Ncrual ~pp~oy"c1 ;Estimated P,r()P'<!seq Pr_op,osea. Personnel Expense I Range Position Title FTE 296.9 Finance Manager 1.<X) 82,629 0 73,720.0 75,1800 79,440 ' 82,230 262.6 Senior Accountant 1.00 54,660.0 52,380.0 54,3890 56,380 58,350 I 252.6 Accountant 2.00 98,575 0 94,780.0 98,571 0 102,020 105,590 212,6 Account Clerk II 3.00 42,554.0 63,560.0 35,607 0 96,190 99,560 207,6 Account Clerk I 0.75 20,420 21,520 14,918 I 1110 Salaries - Regular 278,418 284,440 278,665 334,030 345,730 1130 Salaries - Parttime 20,420 21,520 14,918 1140 Salaries - Overtime 489 900 500 900 900 I 1300 E!"ployce Benefits 82,638 96,990 82,114 90,900 95,500 TotiilPersonnel 381,965 403,850 376,197 425,830 442;130 Operations and Maintenance I 1510 Temporary Services 11,243 22,101 1799 Other Professional Fees 44,242 35,000 51,600 46,000 43,500 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 1,908 2,160 1,956 2,700 2,700 I 3140 Travel and Meetings 1,557 1,090 2,018 4,940 2,040 3320 Postage 81 21 4120 Other Contractual Services 6,509 16,500 17,320 I 4308 R&M Equipment \,008 2,750 2,000 3,260 3,260 4710 Office & Stationety Supplies 2,505 2,500 2,498 2,500 2,620 4730 PhotographielCopy Supplies 210 I 4799 Other Supplies & Materials 24 230 200 240 250 4908 Education and Training 1,247 1,920 2,971 1,900 3,800 4922 Printing 4,656 10,000 7,713 9,200 10,500 I 4924 Publications and Dues 1,402 2,530 2,188 2,030 2,080 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Oilice Equipment 5110 5.110 5,110 5,050 5,050 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 10 30 I I I I Total Operations & Maintenance 75,203 63,290 106,915 94,320 93,120 I Capital Outlay I Total Capital Outlay - - - Divis ion Total 457,168 467,140 483,112 520,150 535,250 I 7Y I C?d~~~I.~~i~~~~/~~/ES 1 Divi.'iioll Number: 0/04 --ACTIVITY'Q~~~~wn~____ ~~ ~ ___ _ ___ __ -:~ __ __ __ I The Computer Services division perfonns overall management of the City's infon11ation systems. I Functions directly perfonned by the division include administration of the City servers (Unix, NetWare and NT), network infrastmcture, and PC workstations; repair and maintenance of the servers, PCs, printers and peripheral equipment; and the purchase, setup and configuration of replacement computer equipment. I The division serves as a help desk for the City's 170 computer users. The division utilizes contractual services for specialized technical support and ncw software development. The Computer Services division coordinates the development of new applications and reporting I requirements, and serves as a resource to depallments investigating the implementation of pre-developed vendor supplied systems. In addition, the division provides internal customer and technical support for the .. City's telecommunications system. .. - - ~ ---,- ~---_.- '=""-- --------- --, - ---, ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES . . - --" -- ~~------- --,------ -------------- I ).- Continue to improve the City's computer :yste'ms'and network for better service an~ reliability ).- Provide repair and maintenance seryice oJ!~PG:Sland periph~talequipment, with a goal'~ivirtually I continuous (98%) up-time on all PCs-andithecqh'iputer network.. ' , ).- Provide the teclmical staff with training\\;'hicl1,:,wili:~~able themto'keep abreast of the latest I maintenance techniques and improve th~it Stipp'9h:,desk~capabilities. -' , - -.:'l ~ ).- Ensure the City's capability of a rapid r:c_overy,.ofc-tj~ieal systems and data it! \!le ~v~nt of a major I system faIlure of commulllty emergency -. - - ,- -- ,- --- -- -- - I 2000,.01 2001-02: 2002'03 - ~CTIVITY~()!3-KLO!-D~TATIS:r~S _ _E:~iIMAIsQ _ __ . _ PROJEctED - r- . l'ROJE~TED,: __ Service orders for PClperipheral _ repairs and Telephone 475 525 I 550 I Se~iee calls - -Help-Desk - ,- - , 3,250 "I 4,000-'" 4,200 . SetuplConfiguration o(Replaeement - r - - --- and ReassignmentPCs 2.0 5~ -- -- -- -~, I S!GNIFICANT ACTI'{l"[Y PR.9G~M CHA~GE~ - - _ _ -_, _ C~~G~_ -- -- --. I 1110-1300 New Network Administrator position; transfer of Multi-media Specialist position from Director of Community Services + $122,390 I L I I I w I I I COMPUTER SERVICES Administratil'e Sen';ces Departmellt Dh'isio/l No: 0 I 04 OEj. 29QO:0 I - 2000,01 .- -- ~-- --- I 1999-00 2Q01~02 2OOf,Q3 Code .sxp,nse Classificaticill Actual ,App,roved . Estimated RropOsE<l PI9pg,s.EA - Personnel Expense I R~nge Position Title FTE 296.9 Computer Service Manager 1.00 75,161 75,850 76,644 79440 82,230 252,6 Computer Appl ications Coord. 1.00 48,162 47,390 49,687 51,010 52,800 I 252.6 Multimedia Specialist 1.00 47,790 51,200 252,6 Network Administrator 1.00 48,580 52,800 223.1 Computer Support Tech. 1.00 34,482 33,540 36,243 37,990 39,320 I 1116 Computer Support Intcm 0.50 10,492 6,670 11,174 1110 Salaries - Regular 157,805 156,780 162,574 264,810 278,350 1130 Salaries - Partlime 10,492 6,670 11,174 I 1140 Salaries - Overtime 2,200 2,300 1300 Employee Benefits 45,237 55,400 46,808 71,340 75,960 Tot~IP~rsonnel 213,534 218;850 220,556 338;350 :156;610 .1 Operations and Maintenance 1712 Data Processing Consultant 22,268 5,000 11,984 15,000 12,000 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 2,157 3,000 2,400 3,780 3,780 I 3130 Vehicle Maintenance and Operation 72 3140 Travel and Meetings 1,749 2,020 2,000 3,400 2,900 3310 Telephone 368 304 600 600 I 4120 Other Contractual Services 32,545 16,980 29,233 31,080 34,860 4126 Telecom Services 450 360 4308 R&M Equipment 6,860 23,760 11,637 18,400 20,200 I 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 269 1,620 1,837 1,920 1,920 4760 Operating Supplies 1,597 3,120 2,823 3,800 4,100 4908 Education and Training 1,145 6,100 22,451 7,700 6,800 I 4922 Printing 63 - 40 100 100 4924 Publications and Dues 1,169 850 975 1,200 \,300 4928 Uniforms & Laundry 212 60 200 100 I 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment 20,020 20,020 20,020 37,820 37,820 I I I T ot~1 Op,rations & Maintenance 90,872 82,470 106,196 125,000 i26,480 Capital Outlay I 61223 Office Equipment 300 300 4,000 500 6122b Computer Hardware 573 1,000 21,000 5,000 6\22c Computer Software 3,949 38,413 14,000 3,500 I, Total Capital Outlay 4,522 300 39,713 39;000 9,000 Division Total 308,928 30 I ,620 366,465 502,350 492,090 I XI I GENERAL SUPPORT SERVICES Administrative Servifes Departmellt 1 Dit'isioll Number: 0/06 ,- -. ~ - ---~~~--- -- -- - I ACTIVITY DE,SCRJI'TION . - ~ - ---""'.------ ---- -- -- - ---- - The costs associated with the citywide telephone system, City Hall utilities, and City Hall maintenance are I provided for in the General Support Services Division. In addition, costs associated with the City Hall fire and burglar alanns, copy machines and citywide postage are charged to this cost center I ~---..------..---- --~-;----- -- . --- - -- ---- "- ACTIVITY'GOALS.AND OBJECTIVES _ , ----- c ---- ---" _ ,c.. --- _ _ --- _ _ -~-- --- ---- -- _ I . -t -... ,_,,~- ~ """'........... >- To provide for the physical maintenance r~q!lifemeht~fbft?~'q!y Hall complex. .... ....... -.. I >- To provide high volume copying ser(!'ces'afCitycHitll. , I \,1,," ..;;-, rT >- To provide City Hall electric and tclephone1service,s, ,::: (,: +'/ -'\. ~, ---- ~- >- To provide City Hall fire and burglar alann 'services, I ,-- I -SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY P_~OGRAM c~N6i~ ~ -- -, :_- - - J;:HM;1QE --=-= =-~ I None - - - - -,- -- -. I II I I I I R2 II I GENERAL SUPPORT SERVICES I 4dmi"istrutil'e Serdce.'t Department Dil'isiolJ No: 0106 - -- - - 1999-00 , 2000,0 L 2QOO~01 2001-02 ---~- I Obj, .2991-03 c:@ Expe!lse Classlficati(}n. Actual Appfo:"ect ,Estimated Pr9pQs~-,- _~"'ropQseo Personnel Expense I R~nge Position Title HE 262.6 Managcnrnt Analyst 1.00 48,480 52,690 218.1 Secretary III 0.50 14,960_ lQ,26Q I 1110 Salaries - Re,,'lllar 63,440 I 68,950 1140 Salaries - Overtime 1.500 1,500 1300 Employee Benefits 15,470 16,790 I T otal Pe~sonnel - - 80,410 87,240 Ope rations and Maintenance I 2110 Gas and Electricity 29,976 41,100 66.502 69,160 79,100 3310 Telephone 72,433 79,300 76,759 79,300 79,830 3320 Postage 35,919 30,600 52,771 38,140 39,300 I 4120 Other Contractual Services 2,943 200 556 350 350 4306 R&M Elevator 1,448 1,640 1,553 4308 R&M Equipment 31,539 31,900 31,352 32,000 33280 I 4318 R&M Radios 37,235 35,750 35,750 41,910 41,910 4320 Janitorial Supplies 101 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 3,115 5,000 4,853 5,200 5,400. I 4750 Safety Supplies 1,027 - 4760 Operating Supplies 4,809 6,000 4,512 5,500 5,750 4924 Publications & Dues 85 115 I 4938 Rental- Bldg. & Grounds 850 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment 29,100 29,100 29100 29,100 29,100 5540 Capital Outlay Rental - Facilities 57,390 57,390 57,390 - I 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 194 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850 I I I I Total Operations & Maintenance 307,137 319,830 364,090 302,510 315,870 Capital Outlay 6122a OlIiee Equipment 2,100 2,100 I, 6122b Computer Hardware 459 - 6402 Buildings 7,436 7,440 7,437 7,440 7.440 I total Capital Outlay 7,895 9,540 9,537 7,440 7,440 Division Total 315,032 329,370 373,627 390,360 410,550 I ~3 I RISK MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Administrative Sen'ices Departmellf II Division Number: 0107 --A<;:TIVi'fv I?..r:~_dRIRTIO~ _ _ _ -- --- ~ - ------ --, I Risk Management ,. The cost of managing the City's risks through purchased insurance and self-funded programs are detailed I in this cost center The primary coverages include General Liability, All-Risk Property, and Workers' Compensation programs, Monies go toward insurance premiums and contributions to a pooled risk joint powers authority for claims adjusting and stop loss protection, I Employee Benefits The cost of all employee fringe benefits is indicated in this cost center under each benefit program. They 'II are: life, health, dental, long-tenn disability. and retirement programs. -- - -- --- ._, - - ----- -- -- - , --~-- ---- I ~qIVITY GQ{\_LS A~I50!3,!,ECTl\Cf:~ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _, _, ~_ ______ .,. To focus on loss control and minimize the CitY'iHabili~ and risk wherever pOssib!~: I .,. To maintain the City's Safety ManuaL~~d ~_nsure'Ci:lIiiplia~c~'with the Safcty Program. - .,. To ensure the maintenance ofa safeand'prbdti~i'i~e work' environment through the administration of I . ~) -. - thc City's safery program. ":1'/ ;, I .,. To educate the various departments on cllITent ri.~'~,-m:~agcl~;.!1t policies of the Ci;y ~it~ the :e of the . Risk Management Manual. _, .,. To provide safety training classes to all employees in the City I - -. - --- - --.--:- ~- ---.r-- --.- -- ---- - - - ----~-____ - , SIGNIFiCANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE'. - 11;-0- j-300 S~lary ~~dbenefits for --';dditi;;n-;f Ma~agem';-nt Analyst f~r ,-.- ~ - ""+ SSO,410 _ p~op~rty ma~g~~!lt and_part-time Secretary III _ _ _ ---I- 5540 Expense for facilities replaccmcnt transferred to Capital I - S57,390 I Replacementdivi~iol1s (0 I 05/_0! O~L _ ___ _ _ '. I 'I I ~I X4 II I RISK MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEE BENEFITS I Admillistrative Sen'ices Departmellt Divis;o" No: 0107 I Obj --- ,- -- 1999,00 '2000-01, ---ZOOO;Q1 QooI"Qi' 2002;03,-' , Goge . E:~pens~ C~ssifieation Actual , Appr9yea 1 E:sj!hmted Propo~,-!! 1 RroP9seg _ . IPersonnel Expense " I I Range Position Title I FTE I I 1 1286.9 General Scrvi';:s Mgr ..- - - -j 100 I 35,389 66,760 : - I' f---- ' , I 1110 ISalaries-R;;-g~lar - - ~ - , 35,389 - 66,760- - -- - I , 1300 I Employee Benefits 8,522 18,150 43,881 , [- '. I':. 1 I ~T6tal Personnel I 43,911 : 84;910 i 43,881 . c j - Operations and Maintenance I . 1300 IEmployee Benefrts : (3,183,280) (3,183,280) (3,233,430), (3,337,720) I 1310 I Health/Life Benefits 1,330,580 1,330,580 1,340.240 I 1,413,810 1350 Rctirement Benefits 1,432,700 1,432,700 1,446,730' 1,457,360 1360 IWorkers Compo Benefits 420,000 420,000 446,460 ~ 466,550 I 1726 !Speeial Studies 400 400 . 3110 I Reimbursed Mileage 900 1,800 I . 3140 Travel and Meetmgs 70 1,000 800 800 I 4120 ,Other Contractual Services 137 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 233 600 350 620 . 640 4730 ,Photographic/Copy Supplies 500 480 350: 360 I 4750 ,Safety Supplies 2,647 4,000 273 2,500 2,500 , 4760 Operating Supplies 187 600 150 630 ' 650 4922 Printing 341 600 350 250 ' 250 I 4924 Publications and Dues 1,311 1.800 1,594 1,870, 1,950 5108 Insurance Expense 522,765 562,000 628,748 597,680 : 627,470 5760 Uninsured Claims 10,188 15,000 13,913 15,000 . 15,000 I I I I , I 'Total Operations & Maintenance 539,042 . 587,900 : 646,395 ' 619,700 649,620 ,Capital Outlay _ 6128 Photographic Equipment 650 I' I ;Total Capital Outlay 650 I Divis ion Total 582,953 672,810 690,276 620,350 ~ 649,620 I X5 I eAPIT AL REPLACEMENT I 4.dlll;/l;stratil'e Ser)!ice~' Department DiI'i.''1;oJl NlImber~ 0105 & 0/08 ~A..!,:TIVlfY:P.liSCRl.PTI0N: _ --- I , , - - - ------ --- -- --- -_.- - Th~ Capital Replacement Fund is designed to accumulate funds to provide for the replacement or I refurbishment ofthc City's capItal equipment and facilities upon their obsolescence. This actIvIty IS financed by arumal rental rates charged to divisions assigned vchicles, constructIOn equipment, office equipment and other capital outlay items. I - ACTIVITY],OAJ;S AND OBJEGTiYES__,_ - - --- , - -- I - - - / , / , ,iJ......1 . ~'1.\...i"-.... ... ~ ... ........... ,. To ensure that the City has sufficient capi!al(tUfIds availa\:>le for the replacemcnt ofallyehicles and , equipmcnt and for malor rcpairs ofCitY.faciliti~s, 0'-, ~ ^^', '- . I " , To cstablish cquipment rental f~tes'at'a'9piirdiflevef:i'!.\order tQ provide a sufficicnt fund balance while , minimizing fiscal impact on operati,\g,departJ,11.erllff~' . , I \;/( I ____ . ....)1,: ' ,_ r -- , To monitor the program so that premature replacepient is ~ay~ided. , - I I SIGNIFiC8-t:!T AGI1Yt~YPRQQ1%t;1t_Ht'iN9~S:-- , --- - - - - _ CHANGE, ' , .- J Reflects the addition of facilities costs undcr D,Vision 0105 + $429,000 I I I I I II I 86 I I CAPITAL REPLACEMENT I Admillistrative Sen'ices Departmellt Divisioll No's: 0105 & 0108 I Obj. - -- -- - 19~9-QO - io06~oi - -2000,01' 2001-02 - -2002-0~-- code ,!;:xpegse'Classificaiip-,! Actwil APRfq~d Estii'natec\ !'lOP'qs~.Q., !'r.opcised Facilities - Division No, 105 I Operations and Maintenance I 4304 Building Repair & Maintenance - 359,000 ' 75,000 , T6tai<Qp!'Iiltjqns& Maihten~nce - 35.9,QOO 7~,090 I Capital Outlay 6402 Buildings - 70,000 265,000 I '[ ot1!1 CapitaI:Outi~y - - 70,000 265,000 Division Total - No, 105 429,000 340,000 I Equipment - Division No, 108 I Operations and Maintenance 4799 Other Supplies and Materials 3,845 I 4932 Advcrtising 291 50 I 5730 Intergovernmcntal Fees 178 I TotalOperations & Maihtenance 291 4,524 - Capital Outlay I 6104 Autos and Trucks: 625,370 347,000 803,119 260,910 192,700 6106 Construction Equipment: 27,250 127,500 59,000 6110 Fire Fighting Apparatus: 255,727 I 61 14 Laboratory Equipment. 6122 0 fficc Equipment: Office Equipmcnt 30,660 27,000 30,000 .--. Computcr Hardwarc 206,057 36,250 104,689 107,800 111,600 Computcr Softwarc 2,031 22,500 117 31,500 42,500 6124 Paramedics Equipment: 24,683 27,850 I 6126 Park Equipment: 51,501 26,700 29,636 32,600 26,700 6130 Shop Tools 6,866 (i 136 Telephone Equipment: 18,894 , 6199 Other Equipment: 8,339 6,000 7,130 10,000 10,000 6402 13 uildihgs - 6,912 I I ToJalCapitalOutlay 930;824 438,450 1,278,157 625;160 472;500 Division Total- No, 108 931,\ 15 438,450 1,282,681 625,160 472,500 II 87 I I COMMUNITY SERVICES I -- I City Manager , 013 I , l Director I Community Services 200 . I -- --- I I I ! Recreation Lake Aquatics Operations I 201 203 , 202 I _ _ 1_,___ r Old powa;- '] I ,.- I Performing Library I Arts Center l Park 206 I 204 205 ! I I II I I II II I " c, ,- __-.~ ..=-~:- -:-.... J RR I -I I COMMUNITY SERVICES Departmental ACfi\'i(l' Ol'en'iew Deparfmell1 Code:0200 I -- ---~ - ---.- - - .-- --- - EXPENSE f999-20bo 2000"200 I 2000~200'i (2001-2002 .2002,2()03 0tA!'5IFI@ATlON AC'fUAL APPR0VED' .EsriMA-l']'m, PROPOSEr:>. 'pROPOSED I - . --- ~- - _.~- Total Positions 20 24 24 26 26 I Personnel Expense $1,627,2 I 3 $1,662,330 S 1,813,508 $ 1,965,600 $2,076,170 Operaltons and 1,596,223 1,632,330 1,875,487 2,066,270 2,039,340 I Maintenance Capital Outlay 75,972 54,500 77,950 197,560 61,460 - -- - I TQIA[,BUDGET $3;299,4.08 '$3,348,8~0 $3' 766" 94'5' $4;229;430' $4,t76,9;7() , , OVERVIEW COMMENTARY - I The Department of Community Services is respohslble'f.9,f,pro",iding the cultural, social, a[ld recreational activities I for the City The Department is dividSd)rlto,s-"y,enoperatingidiv~sions, which include the-Office of the Director, Recreation, Lake Operations, the Aquatics Center, the PerfoQ11i!igc~rts Center, Old Poway Park, and Library Services. ", I The Director of Community Services, appoinied.by the City Man~ges, supervises the seven op,erating divisions. They provide direct staff support in the developjnent and irr!plement~tlon of-programs designed to enhance the quahty of life of Poway residents. I Responsibilities of the Department include' (I) coordinating resourCes-~' public and private agencies to provide community-wide special events such as Poway Days; (2) providing liaison services to various City committees and I vanous community groups; (3) providing the means for community input into the development ofleisure programs; (4) providmg a balanced program for recreation, leisure, and cultural services for the community; (5) administering the City's transit and animal control contracts; (6) coordinating, preparing and managing various types of grants to I provide additional financial assIstance to the City for specialized recreational and cultural programs; (7) administration of the Poway Center for the Performmg Arts; (8) overseeing the City-sponsored services and hours of operation for the library; (9) managing the use of the City's rights-of-way by telecommunication providers; (10) 1 utilize technolOgies to provide residents access to City programs and services; (11) negotiating leases for the use of City facilities by telecommunications providers; and (J 2) managing the City's government channel programming. I I I I I R9 I DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES I Comltlu"it)' Services Department Division Number: 0200 - AstrYITY DESC~PTrO!l~ _~_- _____=_ - --- I .- - ---- -- It is the responsibility of the Office of the Director to administer and manage all operations within the I department, including the divisions of Recreation, Lake Operations, Aquatics, Perfonning Arts Center, Old Poway Park, and the Poway Community Library The Director's Office is also responsible for the City's animal regulation, cable television franchises, the City's grant-funded programs, park site acquisition and I development programs, the local transit system, the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve, Goodan Ranch, the City government channel programs, and evaluates new technologies that can provide citizens with 24-hour access to City infonnation and library rcsources. By planning and coordinating the programs for the I Community Services' operating divisions, the Director ensures that Dcpartment responsibilities are implemented in an effective and efficient manner Thc Departmcnt also provides staff assistance to the Parks and Recrcation Advisory Committee, I Perfonning Arts Advisory Committee, Teen Issues Committee, Fine Arts Committee, Goodan Ranch Policy and Operational Committees and Senior Issues Committee. The Department is also an active member of the Poway Center for the Perfonning Arts Foundation and the Blue Sky Community I Foundation, ACTlVITYGc5AlS 6~ OBiicfl\CES - - - - --- - ~ - - -- ~~-- -----.-- I - - - -- - - --, -- ----~--_._-- ~ To provide a wide variety of programs and infonnation on City serviccs and facilities available to r citizens via the City's Web Page and govcrnment access channels. I ~ To provide assistance to MTDB and SANDAG in the development of regional transit bus or light-rail r service in the 1-15 corridor ~ To ensure high quality animal control, cable tclevi~ion, and transit services for,the residents of Po way I r ,. To meet the aquatic, recreational and socioculnfr~Flee401the residents ofPow-;;Y .....~ ~ To implcment a communication networkt{linkCitY fa:cDities)o a fiber-optic network for _v~ice, video, r and data communications, ,,' , I ,. To explore various technologies enabling:residenifto'gain aecesii-to City Hall and library resourcc infomlation through their telephohe,,!ln4!or cabl{~opkiJps-usjng I1igh'speed modcms, ,. To ensure that new or upgraded telecofumunication'~Ysiemsiin;-Poway provide access for public, I cducation, and govenmlental infornlati~n ~floPfq~gm:.;" I - .---- ,. To evaluate the services and hours of operation for tlte'fiew'Poway libr,ary to ensure the most cfficient utilization of the facility and its rcsources, , -- ....;a..-. - t' '.. To cooperate with other public agencies in the prcservatioil and public enjoyineniof Blue Sky r Ecological Reserve and Goodan Ranch. , To increase outreach and involvement in programs for low and moderate income families I ,. . -- -- - ' -- SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I .. - - - -~- . - -- - - - - --- 1110 Increase due to the addition of a Secretary III position. + $3 I ,910 4\ 02 Increase due to higher cont~a_ct costs and e!lergy co~ts fo~ ~~sp9sal +$21,160 4904 Increase costs for ground brea~ing and dedication ceremonies + $23,000 1- 6122 Increase duc to equipmcnt for the Secretary III position + $2,300 l._ a YO I I I DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Commlllli(l' Sen'ices Departmell1 Dh';,\';OIl No: 0200 I Q15j: ---~-r- 200i;(17- --~-. 1 999-0Q .2000-01 .2000,01 2002'03, Coae ~xpenseClassific~tion Actual ~pp.rQ,v~c!, EStimated Prgposed pr.2p_Q,s~g:" Personnel Expense I Range Position Title HE 323.3 Director 1.110 104,062 96,030 96,366 103,370 106,990 284.6 Sr Management Analyst 1.00 57,876.0 59,430 58,950 62,300 64,480 I 252.6 Multimedia Specialist 1.00 40,297 228.1 Administrative Secretary 1.00 39,548 37,100 38,584 39,930 41,330 218. I Secretary III 1.00 31,\ 10 33,810 I f62.6 Managen",nt Analyst 1.00 31,084 51 ,040 _55,4~0 . 1110 Salaries - Regular 201,486 192,560 234,197 236,710 246,610 1130 Salaries - Parttime 689 31,084 51,040 55,460 I 1140 Salaries - Overtime 2,717 1,500 6,625 2,500 2,700 1300 Ell)ployee Benefns 51,671 56,570 67,188 67,490 71 ,7QO Total Personnel 256,563 .250,630 339,094 357)40 176;470 'I Operations and Maintenance 1702b Fees- Attorney 5,000 3,500 7,000 7,000 2110 Gas and Electricity 5,084 7,500 5,092 6,000 8,500 I 2200 Other Utility Charges 2,6n 1,700 2,618 3;000 3,300 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 3,910 4,500 4,973 6,100 6,100 3140 Travel and Meetings 3,849 3,890 5,921 6,460 6,590 I 3310 Telephone 1,274 1,420 2,894 660 880 3320 Postage 57 200 132 200 200 4102 Animal Regulation 87,678 90,600 98,023 131,750 142,600 I 4120 Other Contractual Services 3,665 10,000 5,898 10,600 10,720 4132 Goodan Ranch Region Park 40,000 4304 R&M Building 12,578 3,720 U7l 3,720 3,720 I 4308 R&M Equipment 1,462 2,000 2,012 2,000 2,000 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,849 1,300 4,615 6,000 6,200 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 500 395 800 900 I 4760 Operating Supplies 1,645 1,000 1,533 1,500 1,500 4904 Community Relations 63,328 23,000 31,000 4908 Education and Training 200 700 700 700 1 4922 Printing 950 600 879 900 900 4924 Publications and Dues 1,796 1,400 1,841 1,900 2,150 4932 Advertising 129 I 4938 Rent - Buildings & Grounds 6,500 6,845 7,000 7,000 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment 4,470 4,470 4,470 4,700 4,700 5720 Cash Over/Under 1 26 I Total, Operations &,.,' Maintenance 133,095 146,500 217,066 263,990 246,660 Capital Outlay 1 6122a Off1ce Equipment 5,078 1,280 7,760 500 612215 Computer Hardware 3,063 1,800 6402 Buildings 874 870 655 870 870 I Total Capital Outlay 5,952 2,150 11,478 3,170 870 Division Total 395,610 399,280 567,638 624,900 624,000 I 91 I RECREA nON Communi!l' Services Department I Division Numher" 0201 ACTlVITYbESt~!PTiQI'J. --. - --' . --::--" =-...... - I The Community Services Department (Recreation Division) is responsible for providing leisure activities for Poway residents of all ages and abilities. The programs consist of independent leisure service contract classes I that include arts & crafts, computers, athletics, health & well ness, dance, socialization skills, outdoor activities, and special needs programs. The Recrcation Division staffs and operates recreation programs for youth (atier. school programs), teens (Teen Recreation Club), adults (sports leagues), and families (by providing a variety of I special events). The Recreation Division works in conjunction with the Poway Unified School District, Poway Youth Sports Association, Weingart Senior Center, and local non-profit agencies to offer various leisure activities for Po way residents. The Community Services Department also manages and operates Poway I Community Park, Twin Peaks Multipurpose Center, and Meadowbrook Gymnasium. ACTivr(y.G0A:LSAND~0BJECffVEs: ------~-- -- ~ - To -P~:vid:~aciliti=~e~~;~me::to'~oC~) :~:,p~ot;(groups an~-:~uth-serV~c:~rganizations at low, or no I' cost as a benefit to the community whi6't\.resuits.iir a'\~1!vings of approximately $1 O,Q.OO per year to local organ izations. \j , /1'-#"' , ............... I ,. To increase participation in recr'eation.programsfor,teenagers,through the Poway Teen Recreation Club and '~.. r,- ,- - ,~ Teen Issues Committee. '. . Jf' -? . :Y To provide youth sports groups with year:;oun'~ '~ac(lities' al]p improve communication with all Poway- ,I based youth organizations. ' , . __ . :Y To improve marketing of City programs al]d !facllitie's'\V"ith the intent onncreaSi~g participation and revenue in programs and facility rentals. .. - I ,. To streamline the leisure contract programs and to offer programs that the cOlhmunity has shown an interest in, with a goal of increasing rcvenue by 5'Yo in leisure Sirvice programs while ensuring 50% cost recovery in all programs. I ... ~ - .- ----- ~._"..---~- - .--.......-- ~--- 2000'0 t 2001.02 2002'03 .ACTIViTY WORKLOAD;SfATISTICS' A<ZTUAL .PROJECTED PROJEG'fED ___._.J._.__ .-----..-, -.----, ""-.--. ." I Contract classes pcr year 612 564 564 Contract class participants 4,500 5,000 5,000 Recreation program special events 30 30 30 Programs/e~ents participants 50,000 60,000 60,000 I Facilities rental participants 24,000 25,000 25,000 SIGN1FICf\NT AcftfvffYRROGRAM CHANGES . - - . . CHANGE- --- t 2110 Incre;;s;fo;g';sand'elect;icily ---. - . T ,-.- --+$30,000- 4120 Increase due to Community Day costs (with revenue offset 01'$8,500) I +$11,000 I 47liO Increase due to first year purchase of volleyball standards, tumbling +$10,000 mats and popcorn machine. -- 4936 ';;-crease due to additional rentals for special events +$6,000 I 6199 Replacement of door on stage at Twin Peaks gym +$6,000 I, I ~ I ,. I RECREA nON I Community Sefl'ices Departmellt Di"ision No: 0201 - -- . " - ----~- ~2por,02 "'2002'03\ I 0bj. 1999-00 '2ooo.Q 1 2000-01 C@", Experise ClassiflCatjon Actual. Appr6'{ed Estiinated propo~eq E!:9P!?sed: , ,- Personnel Expense R~ge Position Title FTE I 296.9 Community Services Mgr 1.00 73,965 73,780 81,246 79 440 82,230 255.5 Recreation Supervisor II 1.00 48,545 48,550 50,413 52260 54,080 2290 Recreation Prog. Coordinator 2.00 74,876 74,880 75,197 8L240 84,080 I 203 6 Secretary II 2.00 43,990 55,760 55,903 58,300 60,460 187.8 Recreation Leader II 1.00 12,598 2 1,900 23,105 21,870 23,770 1(>7.8 Recreation Leader I 573 130,496 135,570 143,803 13 I ,780 139,~00 1110 SaL1ries . Regular 253,974 274,870 285,864 293,110 304,620 I 1130 Sa Iaries - ParU ime 130,496 135,570 143,803 131,780 139,900 1140 Salaries. Overtime 12,751 7,490 13,141 16,050 15,750 1300 EnlJ)loY.<e!' B_enefits 91)14 108,180 10],7)1 91,2'-0 97,340 I Tota,-Personnel 488,535 526j 10 544:519 532,150 557,(;i'6 Operations and Maintenance 2110 Gas and Electricity 54,097 58,920 95,137 95,000 95,000 2200 Other Utility Charges 7,080 10,510 10,510 10,510 10,510 :. 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 1,890 2,280 2,280 2,880 2,880 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 4,668 4,460 4,460 4,340 4,510 3140 Travel and Meetings 2,394 3,270 3,620 3,410 3,270 I 3310 Telephone 2,892 4,770 4,770 5,750 5,250 3320 Postage 28 . - . - 4118 Leisure Contracts 127,858 128,600 128,600 130,550 130,840 4120 Other Contractual Services 19,572 21,870 22,468 34,400 34,400 I 4304 R&M Building 3,297 3,500 5,500 3,500 3,500 4308 R&M Equipment 1,679 4,450 4,124 4,850 4,850 4318 R&M Radios . 100 48 100 100 I 4514 Sign Maintenance 401 600 716 800 800 4516 Small Tools 215 250 250 250 250 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 2,819 2,750 2,750 3,000 3,000 I 4720 Janitorial Services 447 1,000 764 1,000 1,000 4730 Photob'TaphiclCopy Supplies 892 950 1,112 1,700 1,700 4750 SaJety Supplies 623 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 4760 Operating Supplies 31,475 28,590 28,380 37,420 30,160 I 4904 C0I11ITIlmity Relations . - - 10,000 10,000 4908 Education and Training 887 1,080 694 1,580 1,580 4922 Printing 4,109 4,100 5,000 6,200 6,200 I 4924 Publications and Dues 514 770 720 770 770 4928 Unifon11s and Laundry 6,216 5,300 5,300 7,370 7,370 4932 Advertising 3,174 6,130 6,040 6,130 6,130 I 4936 Equipment Rental 2,167 3,170 3,156 9,400 9,400 5116 Other Fees 4,090 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 5510 Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicles 4,400 4,400 4,400 4,040 4,040 5520 Capital Outlay Rental. Other Equipment 6,110 6,110 6,110 7,980 7,980 I 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment 6,960 6,960 6,960 8,390 8,390 5720 Cash Over/ Under (15) 250 50 100 100 Total Operations & Maintenance 300,939 319,440 358,219 405,720 398,280 I Capital Outlay 6104 Autos & Trucks - . . 93,700 6122 Oflice Equipment 943 400 2,142 3,900 1,400 6199 Other Equipment 9,170 - 7,200 6,000 . I 6402 Buildings . 11,529 11,530 11,530 21,530 11,530 Total Capital Outlay 21,642 11,930 20,872 125,130 12,930' Division Total 81'-,116 857,480 92}610 1,063.000 968,820 I 93 - - I LAKE OPERA nONS . Commullity Services Depllrtmellt DiI';s;oll Number: 0202 =_AG.I!Vl'fY'O.ESeRIPnON' , , - I The Community Services Department (Lake Operations Division) is responsible for the operation and I management of the Lake Poway Recreation Area. The Division offers a variety of recreation opportunities and programs for the community In addition to water.related rentals, facility rentals, and park area rentals, the Lake Poway Division also coordinates year-round fishing opportunities and recreational activities such as pleasurc boating, sailing, community special events, summer day camps, sports activities, and picnicking. The I Lake Operations Division works closely with the County of San Diego, the Friends of Blue Sky Canyon, and the State Department ofFish and Game in order to coordinate interpretive programs in the Blue Sk)' Ecological Reserve. I :_ -:-XCr1VlTY 'Q9ALS'~ND1@B.lpCT! VEL . - --'"- -.......... -~-- ...-- -~ I ./ - ~.. >- To increase community recreationa!. <,1,stiYily_thrOtlgh a 2% increase in .v:ater.based equipment rentals, fishing permit purchases, and parking peimit sal~s each year . >- To actively promote Lake poway 'as, a place;f6!.~year.round fishing opportunities.[hrough improved I marketing plans, two tro!lfderllies, oneicaJ,fish,tollrnam'eht, night fishing, and fishing instruction classes. ,. To increase community use ofL2!<:e I>,o~~AY'bY'P~~viding;sp;;Cial events each year, including five summer concerts, the Cox Film Fe~tival."and thre.~J,a.U;)p,fireprogfarps. '. >- To increase use of the Lake Pow~y' Recre\ation:trea~y y'puth, through special prog[al11l11ing, including a 10-week summer day camp, Youth Day;,'th'e(.YQldth Rishi~g.Derby, and tw6Recreiilion Division track meets. ,. To encourage and promote quality re~re'tioi1al use" of the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve through I coordination with the County of San Diego Park ~nd Recreation Department'and special programming. >- To work with the State Department ofFish and Game and.the County of San Diego in the enforcement of regulations in the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve through patrols and increased public education. I :Y To support and promote the continued development of a wide variety of quality recreational, cultural. environmental. and outdoor leisure programs at Lake Poway that meet the needs of the community ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS 2000.01 2001,02. 2002,03 I AC'fUA'L PR'oJEcTED PROJECTED -.fis~ing I~pni_ts I 25,000 25,500 I 25 750 . -- J ----- - ; . . Boat Rentals I I 3,000 13,500 .L 13,500 I - -- ----- - - -- --~ --I -- --- -- -.....- - Iacjlity Rent~1 Reservati,ons j 1,.000 .. 3,100. _ .. __' 3,200, i<ir:!<it1.g P~!,!li~ ... -- _.- --- ----- 14,000, .J,4,500 J.: 14,250__ SIGNIFICANT ACTIVitvPROGRAMCHANGES 'CIif.\..N:Q~ ' I 2110 Increase cost for gas and el~ctricity I +5,060 -I - - --- --- 4522b Increase due to price for lake fish stock and the commitmenl to bi.weekly +4,930 I stockings. - .. - -- . . , -, 4760 Increase due to oper;lting suPpJy pric~ng an<!..support for recrca.tionpr~gramming. +4,060 6199 Increase due to other equipmcnt that docs not qualify for t~e replacement fun~ +$10,230 I I I 94 I I LAKE OPERA nONS I Community Senice.\" Department Dh'isioll No: 0202 Obi, - . . 2000-01 -. 2000.01 :2001-02' 2002'03 I 1999-00 . COd.e .J;xpense Classification Adual ApiStovect. Estimated, Bro;;6i~d Prop6Se'd' . -- _......--..... ~ ~. -- - Personnel Expense Range Position Title FTE I 244.5 Rccrcatin!1 Supervisor 1.00 40,386 37,980 43,622 45,410 47,000 , 2290 Recreation Program Coordinator 1.00 . . - 34,690 37,700 210.2 Park Ranger 3.00 88,1 05 84,070 86,906 92,760 96,710 I 1974 Dock Attendant 3.50 51,227 65,240 70,1 37 70,620 74,640 161 1 Park Attendant (Temp) O.IlO 8,999 .5,380.. 4,388 9,3.iQ 9,670 1110 Salaries. Regular 102,897 122,050 108,697 146,880 153,820 I 1130 Salaries. Parttime 85,820 70,620 96,356 105,940 111,900 1140 Salaries - Overtime 8,294 4,600 9,266 9,550 9,840 1300 E.mqlQyee Benefrts 48,029 53,270 53,270 51,(j70 57,060 Tatar P.ersont]el 245:040 250,546 267,589 316:040 :332,620 I Operations and Maintenance 2110 Gas and Electricity 9,567 12,500 16,856 17,530 17,560 2200 Other Utililv Charges 1,072 U80 U80 1,180 U80 ,I 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 131 100 94 150 150 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 6,290 5,860 5,860 6,220 6,520 3140 Travel and Meetings 1,117 2,430 2,430 1,880 1,890 3310 Telephone 1,130 1,520 985 2,120 2,210 .' 4120 Other Contractual Services 23,018 19,770 20,657 20,260 20,460 4130 Blue Sk, Ranch Operations 49,751 50240 50,203 50240 50,240 4304 Building Repair & Maintenance 1,443 600 600 IJOO IJOO I 4308 R&M Equipment 1,898 3,050 4,532 4,550 4,550 4318 R&M Radios - 270 250 1,250 1250 4514 Sign Maintenance - 450 1,076 600 600 4516 Small Tools 408 200 450 600 600 I 4522a Trout Stock 75,520 76,480 75,520 77,440 78,400 4522b Other Fish Stock 10,400 9,520 11,680 14,240 14,450 4710 Office & Stationerv Supplies 600 600 577 700 700 I 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 459 600 582 600 600 4750 Safetv Supplies 632 400 617 600 600 4760 Operating Supplies 18,569 18,110 18,079 22,240 22,270 4908 Education and Training 581 820 800 500 500 I 4916 Medical Exams - 200 . 200 200 4922 Printing 3,319 2,200 2,092 2,900 2,900 4924 Publications and Dues 75 360 320 780 780 I 4928 Uniforms and Laundrv 3,015 4,260 3,311 5,050 4,970 4932 Advertising 2,855 2,960 2,960 4,150 4,150 5116 Other Fees 730 500 498 600 600 I 5510 Capital Oullav Rental. Vehicles 8,350 8,350 8,350 8,100 8,100 5520 Capital Outlay Rental. Other Equipment 14,790 14,790 14,790 17,180 17,180 5530 Capital Outlay Rcntal - Office Equipment 230 230 230 3,950 3,950 5720 Cash Over/Under (588) 100 100 100 100 I I Total Operations & Maintenance 235,362 238,650 245,679 267,210 268,960 Capital Outlay 6122 Office Equipment & Computers 397 . 482 3,600 . 6199 Other Equipment 1,168 2,660 2,660 10,230 2,300 I 640) Buildings 1,741 1J40 1740 1,740 1,740 'ToiarCaiSitalOutlay 3,306 4,400 4,882, 15,570 4,040 Division Total 483,708 493,5,90 518,150 598,820 605,620 I 95 I como~~~:c:~~~nmellt I Divisioll Number: 0203 .. . A:e'rIV!T'YD!,~eR1P_TION . u_ " -- _. __ ''''_ __ I The CommunIty Services Department (Aquatics Division) is responsible for the operation and maintcnance of I.. the City's 50-meter, year.round swim center. The Division provides lifeguard services during open recreation sWImming, swim lessons, swim club practices, and lap swimming. Learn to swim programs are provided by American Red Cross certified Water Safety Instructors. Swim lessons are available for all ages and abilities. TraIned quality instructors conduct classes in lifeguard training, CPR, first aid, and water safety The Division I is responsible for educating Poway residents in the importance of water safety Staff conducts special events and prIvate lessons during the summer months. The Division also works with Poway youth sports I organizatIOns to provide a safe atmosphere for pool rentals thai Include various activities such as swim meets and water polo meets. . ACiiVIT;Y~90AL..SA~Dg~1E~Tiy~s-:- .. _ _ . _ ---:---- --:- . I ~ ' ~ - :Y To provide swimming lanes and water time for,practicesJor local nonprofit swim.t~ms at low cost to the clubs dUrIng public swim times, and to sybsiqizepi'ivat~'s)"im club practice time fees_'Yhen the pool is I closed to the public. This subsidy ~s~,a:J)ei1efit"to.,the\youtj\ ofJhe community that utiliti;.the pool for . practices, and will result in a savihgsofappr9~i.iPiltety $14';00~'per,year for local youth swim clubs, :Y To provide preventative safety a\yareness'tfaii,1ing .~o. st]lff with the intent of being proactive in risk '1 management. rJ -(~'t;0 :Y To provide quality Instruction in all areas felated\t<?,~q~atic~';ai1d to increase progr~m!!ling,for,teens and young adults. .. ... .. I ,. To maXImIze the use of the Po way Swim Center tllf(:l~ghout the year and to proYIde times for youth sports groups to practice and compete in swim nleeti; and'di~e'meets duringofj~peak.hours~~- :.- To improve marketing of facilities and programs which will resuli i'n Increased attendance and revenue to I the swim center. .'. -.. ' - ':.. - -- .. -,--- '2000'01 _. jiio I ,02 2002.03 I ;'}qJ1Y,IIl:: WO~~LObD~T ATIS:r!C~, ",. 6.f!U,!Ik, . PR9E9ED _, ~.!'!.0.!E.CTED Swim Classes 368 400 I 400 . SwI;'nLessons-Particip~~t~ ' - - -;---- 3,800' . 4,300 I 4,300 . ,- Total ~aily ~tten<!ance(;'valk-in) -' - - :_, ,- 9~,oOO - .. 94,00,Q, t _, 94,000 I Special Events 4 5 I 5 . ,- 1 -.- -, I' .. - Special EveI~ts Partieip~n~s __: _ _ l,OOO __ 1 2,092_, L__ _2,000 .- I ~'_.~. - . -- .. -I SIGNIFIGANTACTIYITY PROGRAM C,HANGES CHANGE 2110 Increase In co;;'of gas and -(;'t~~tric;ty ". " +$8"0,000' I 4502 Decrease due to'lo~;~r~th~n ~nti~i]J~-;'d costs fo~~liquidc~I~~in~. ." :~i9})qo . 6199 Increase due to r~placement ~fhigh rate sa!1d filters +40,000 . I I II".- _ 90 II I I AQUA TICS Commullitl' Sen'iees Department Dil';,,;o/l No: 0203 --_. i9~9.00-' - 2000'01' 20'015.oi - 200'=02 -- '2002;03 I Obj. ... - .,. - - -. ~..2<i~' Expense Clils~ifii:!lt.ion t-ctil~1 Approve~ IOsiiJ.1l1li~Q _ ,~qp:O~eA _ l'rop.Qseo':' Personnel Expense I Rang~ Pas ition Title HE 229 0 Pool Manager 1.00 29,737 37,390 35,156 38,180 41,370 198.6 Park Attendant 1.74 38,739 30,000 37,455 44,260 45,570 I 188.3 Lifeguard IIISwim Instruct. 1.00 16,502 22,520 24,063 25,060 26,780 188.3 Lifeguard IIISwim Instruct. Temp 3.25 56,810 41,230 67,660 70,880 176.6 Lifeguard I 4.10 134,855 61,780 85,107 81,880 89,1 10 1110 Salaries - Regular 57,748 81,000 80,957 90,150 96,000 I 1130 Salaries. Parttime 1(,2,085 128,620 142,054 166,890 177,710 1140 Salaries. Overtime 11,740 4,980 7,980 11,320 11,750 1300 E;mp!,?yee Ben,efits 44,604 52,410 42,803 39,380 42,1~0__ I Total Per~ol1fJel 276,177 267;010 273,794 3of740 32],590 Ope rations and Mainte nancc 1510 Temporary Services 6,889 6,670 I 2110 Gas and Electricity 93,617 85,170 154,757 160,000 160,000 2200 Olher Utility Charges 2,143 2,410 2,364 2,410 2,410 3140 Travel and Meetings 152 530 530 660 660 I 3310 Telephone 400 770 771 1,050 1,050 4120 Other Contract ural Services 6,488 10,920 12,862 14,720 14,720 4308 R&M Equipment 6,221 5,300 5,300 7,410 5,410 4502 Chemicals 28,939 47,470 47470 33,880 33,880 I 4514 Sign Ma inlenance 218 500 430 500 500 4516 Small Tools 107 200 200 200 200 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 742 700 700 1,000 1,000 I 4720 J anitoria 1 Supplies 202 800 800 2,400 600 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 700 680 898 1.000 1,000 4750 Safety Supplies 728 750 900 1,600 1,200 I 4760 Operating Supplies 7,607 3,790 6,200 11,620 6,370 4908 Education and Training 499 470 470 470 470 4916 Medical Exams - 600 300 600 600 I 4922 Printing 626 800 1,695 1,400 1,400 4924 Publications and Dues n9 420 350 420 420 4928 Uniforms and Laundry 3,768 3,700 3,700 4,420 4,420 I 4932 Advertising 93 5520 Capital Outlay Renlal . Other Equipment 9,210 9,210 9,210 10,510 10,510 5530 Capital Outlay Rental. Of1ice Equipment - 950 950 I 5720 Cash Over/Under 418 100 265 100 100 5730 Intergovemmental Fees 728 520 425 520 520 I Tot!!1 Operations & Mainienance 170,784 175,810 257,267 257,840 248,390 I Capital Outlay 6122a Office Equipment - 3,500 6199 Other Equipment 3,539 I 6402 Buildings 27,326 27,330 31,330 31,330 31,330 Tot~1 CapitalOutIay 30,865 27 ,330 31,330 3{83() 31;330 Division Total 477.826 470,150 562,391 fiOO,410 607,3 10 I 97 [, - ~ -- - H_ I l' ... . PERF~~~~!'~~"~~;rl~"~NTER I Divisiofl NUII/bere 0104 ~ .' ACT1VIJY"'bE}>~}~IPTI0N' ._- ~_ I I I The Community Services Department (Performing Arts Center Division) is responsible for the management, I operation, and maintenance of the Poway Center for the Performing Arts. The Division cooperates with the Poway Unified School District under a Joint Use Agreement, and with the Poway Center for the Perfonning Arts Foundation under a multi-year agreement covering the professional programming presented at the Center The Division facilitates the use of the Perfonning Arts Center by community-based arts organizations and I other organizations as pennitled by the use policy, which is established by the City The Division also provides staff support to committees such as the Performing Arts Advisory Committee. The Division provides i free or reduced fees to nonproJit sponsored community groups at a value of $11, 820 annually I 1:- -,ACT{yrrY<!pALS PlND"Qft:!E:C:tiVES ___ -. --=:-,__ " I I >-- To negotiate and manage the agreement with the Poway Center for The Perfonning Arts Foundation to present a series of perfonnances by professional artists and entertainers. ,. To provide access to and coordinate the use of the Perfonning Arts Center by the Poway Unified School I District and, in particular, the perfonning arts department at Poway High School under the terms ofa Joint ' Use Agreement. >-- To facilitate the use of the Perfonning Arts CenJer, ofl,a,fee-for-use basis, by ~,ommunity-based and other I' groups and organizations that meet the criteria,cifthe U~e Policy established by the CJ!y for the Performing Arts Center tt '\\ ~- ^', "'--......... >- To continue to recruit, train, fl,fjd,mainJain a. '1.efficienfrallcl'PEo,fessional corps of volunt~rs to provide I ushering and other Iron! ofholise service~to !~~City, Foui'ldati6'n,.Sehool District, and other users of the Center 'u~ , CD ~ To operate a concession and barseivic~. :c\yvgg:\JK.n.X. '~issibii'citjJerfonnances at the Center_und~r the terms I and restnctlOns of appropnate.licenses and pubjlc,hea!$.h reqUIrements. ,. -- >- To provide professional technical theatre servi'ces including theatrical lighting, audio, stage carpentry, and . . , stage nggmg. , -- ~ ~, ..=-.-' I :Y To provide preventive and corrective maintenance tOProtect th.~.integrity ana useful life of the Perfomling : Arts Center facility and its equipment. . i' >-- To provide efficient, effective, and professional box office services to the City, the Foundation, and other users of the Center I II :Y To continue a series of art exhibits in the lobby of the Center I ; , iSIGNlf1GANTA€TIVITYPR0g,R:AM~QJ.t%]\J<!ES ,-- - - - - ._~ ~ - f3t1ANGE -II I 2110 Increase in utility costs + $81,880 I 4904 New line item for Volunteer Support Activities + ~~50Q, ' 6199 Replacement of stacking chairs and folding tables + ~5,4QQ. . " II I I 4X II I I PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Commullity Sen'il:es Department Divisioll No, 0204 ObC . . , - 1999:66 -20.QOt01 --- . JPO.\c02: '-2002'03': I 2000W1 Code Expense Classification ACfual' .Appfoyed Estimated Propose4 f?rop..9sed , -.- Personnel Expense I ~!1g.~ Position Title HE 286.9 PCrfOnlling Arts Mgr LOO 69,579 66)60 69,579 71 ,860 74,370 218.\ Secretary III LOO 33}22 33,570 34,863 36.140 37,400 2290 Theater Coordinator LOO 28,482 28,080 28,901 40,300 41710 I 229.0 Volunteer Coordinator 0.75 26,582 28.080 24,192 27.350 29)60 219.5 Stage Technician I 76 17,283 16,080 26,596 53,860 64,930 198.6 Box Office Attendant I 75 33,681 40,360 36201 44,520 45)40 I 1874 Concession Attendant OJ3 4,662 6,110 6295 7,08Q 7,340 1110 Salaries - Regular 101,086 100,330 104,200 \48,300 153,480 1130 Salaries. Parttime 112,905 118)10 122,427 132,810 147,770 I 1\40 Salaries - Overtime 3,801 5,000 4)69 6,800 6,800 1300 EmpJoyee B!,nefIls 45,949 4,P90 49,212 53,,2~O 56,090 Total Personnel 2(3)41 272,630 280,608 341,\<)0 364,140 Ope rations and M ainte nancc I 2110 Gas and Electricity 87,891 108,120 192,389 190,000 195,000 2200 Olher Utility Charges 7,510 7,850 7,592 8,100 8,350 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 1,833 2,500 2,051 3, 100 3,100 I 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 1,821 \,740 1,658 2280 2.3 70 3140 Travel & Meetings 285 . 500 900 900 3310 Telephone 3,147 3,060 3,215 3,150 3250 3320 Postage . 1,020 206 1,020 1,020 I 4114 Janitorial Services 33,461 29,000 34,653 36,000 37,100 4116 Contract Landscape Main!. 9,278 11,000 11,000 11,550 12,080 4120 Contractual Services 240,433 134,000 131,560 141,500 148,330 I 4302 R&M Air Conditioning 20,001 24,000 17,106 25200 26,460 4304 R&M Building 15,900 15,000 14,921 15,000 15,000 4306 R&M Elevator 2,174 1,840 2,082 3,600 3)00 I 4308 R&M Equipment 2,438 7,000 6,500 7,000 7,000 4516 Small Tools 508 500 500 500 500 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,632 1,530 2,184 1,200 1,250 4730 PhotographiC/Copy Supplies 2,283 2,660 2,474 3,800 3,920 I 4760 Operating Supplies 13)28 14,800 14,426 15,200 15)00 4799 Other Supplies and Materials 7,331 8,700 8,964 9,000 8,700 4904 Community Relations . . - 5,500 6,000 I 4922 Printing I 177 4,100 3,985 5,000 5,150 4924 Publications and Dues 724 690 628 690 750 4932 Advertising . 500 500 500 500 I 4936 Equipment Rental \,932 2,000 1,671 2,000 2,000 5116 Other Fees 9,639 9,000 11,692 11,000 II ,330 5520 Capital Outlay Rental - Other Equipment - . - 11240 I \,240 5530 Capital Outlay Rental. Office Equipment 5,840 5,840 5,840 9,240 9,240 I 5720 Cash Over/Under 3 50 - 50 50 Total Operations & Maintenance 470,969 396,500 478,297 523,320 539:990 Capital Outlay I 6122b Computer Hardware 307 . - . . 6199 Other Equipment 3,862 600 600 5,970 2,500 6402 Buildings 8,088 8,090 8,088 8,090 8,090 6414 Non-Structural Improvements 820 . - - . I T91a]c:apitaIOUtlay 13,077 8,690 8,688 14,060 10,590 Division Total 747,787 677.820 767,593 878.570 914,720 I 99 -. _ _ '-_~=7'-=O=-==-~"':'.=. I t OLD POWAV PARK Comm"nity Services Departmellt I' ~, A:CTlVITY. DESCRiPTION _ Dil-isioll NUII/bere 0205 ___ I' ~,o, .' ' . h_ .---- -, "-,, ,,--.-~- - -- I I The Community Services Department (Old Poway Park Division) is responsible for the operation and , management of the Old Poway Park historical site, Porter House, and Nelson l'Iouse. The Division oversees I I the operation of the Poway Midland Railroad and the Farmers Market. The Division is responsible for the Ii administration ofthe Hamburger Factory, Fanners Market, and Poway Historical Society contracts and works ; closely with each organization. The Old Poway Park Division provides historical education and interpretive I ,; programming forthe public. The Division works in conjunction with the Old Poway Park Action Committee, I: Poway Midland Railroad Volunteers, Reserve Park Rangers, and Tour Committee Volunteers to provide I, community special events, education programming, and recreational opportunities for family enjoyment I II throughout the year I~ ACTIViTYGOALSf\ND~6BJEcffVES- --- .-- ,- -. '/' ~ -" _ _ _ ~. '- .--- ---.-,--'. -- - ----- ---- I :Y To provide an interpretive vehicle and educati9!1al n~~ource in which community groups and school-age children can experience local history an? int~rpret.iVe,p'rogramming through I~ret~:~n 60 Tour programs'l per year . ij oJ ~(~~\ ....._....... ;;. To increase and promote coml)lUriity,'vo\unt~'er, effoi'ts~'Witliin,the Old Poway Park organizations, in an effort to provide quality recreational oppOi'tul,lWes fqr the,comrilUnity I i ,. To actively promote Old Poway Parkils an ediicatibrn~l1'an~his,\ori~al site through nine special "turn.of.the. " -..I'.~'" century events per year ')'~ -' ;;. To increase public use of Old Poway Park'f6r!a1il.ilYT~gtals1tnd Famlers Marketsales, 1Jy2% each year, I through distribution of informational brochur~s,Jjt.iblicity'campaigns, and one-year marketing plans. .~ _r- ',::- -:..-:;.-- - - , -, -. - - , . - -- 2000'01 2001.02 'i002'03 ACTI\i1I'l" 'Y0l~KhOAQ.:S,TAT1STlC_S . __ --r- _Af,!:~AL _ __ PR9j~(tED _ _,. PROJECTED I Special Even~ _ .i _ ,.9 .. -'!. .1 . _-.-2...._ ,seecial Ev_e,n! P~rticJpants _ . __-4,_ ~OO f- 18,500 I, 19,000 Rai":o,ad)<.iders~p _ _.--.!. ,_35,000. _ 35,500, 35,500 I Museum Alle~anc~ I 9,OQQ. ~,250 --L_ 9,500 f:.acility ~e~als J _ ,! 9<:J. 2.02. 1 210 _ Field Trips/T,!,urs Participants ~ 1,800 .1. 1,950.1 _ 2,100 _ I Fanners Market _, _ ~ _ 4\,000 n __41,500 _ 42,000 ~IGNIFIc:A},!T~c:'qvfTY-P!~D.QRAMCtl~N.9i~:s . - _ ,- -., - '_':- CHA.!'lGE~. I 1130 Increase duc to accounting for part.time Recreation Leader I 1 in thIS division. +$8,940 I 2110 Increase in cost of gas and electricity +$5,410 '! 4120- Increase due to budgeted contractual services and decreased , " 4760 use of Trusl Fund, +$11,920 " 4760 Increase due to budgeted oper~ting supplies for special :1 ) events and decreased use of Trust Fund. +$1,090 4922 Increase due to budgeted printing for special events and I programs and decreased use o!Trust Fund. +$3,470 6199 Replacement of equipment for operations, training, special events, and reservations. +$2,500 I 100 I I I OLD POWAVPARK Comll"llIi~r Services Department Dil';s;o/l No: 0205 I ,bbj. - - -- -- . - '-2000,oi - 2000;0 I 2001;02; - --20Q2'03 - 19?9-00 .' ~, Code, .E.Jlpen!;eqassific:Hion Actual App~o"y'eq" E;s!imated eioj:lg~~: ,~roP9s~d , - Personne I Expense I Range Position Title HE 2290 Interpretive Specialist 1.00 29,692 32,200 34,990 38,100 I 41,200 1878 Recreation Leader II 1.00 25,571 - 25,764 27,780 28,750 I 210.2 Park Ranger (PIT) 0.50 16,923 12,200 12,220 12,990 13,450 1678 Recreation Leader I 0.50 2,884 22,210 5,652 8,940 9,730 J 110 Salaries - Regular 56,928 32,200 60,626 65,880 69,950 I 1130 Salaries. Parttime 18,142 34,410 18,000 21,930 23,180 1140 Salaries - Overtime 2,4 50 1,800 2,548 3,040 3,340 1300 Empl()y~~ Benefits 19,637 26,730 26,730 19,8.90 21,2?0 I TotalPefs.oi1i1e1 97,157 95,140 107,904 110,740 117,740 Ope rations and Maintenance 2110 Gas and Electricity 12,720 10,460 10,300 15,870 16,510 I 2200 Other Utility Charges 3,454 4,710 4,255 4,710 4,710 3110 Reimbursed Mileage . 50 25 100 100 3130 Vehicle maintenance & Operations 2,617 2,500 2,500 1,880 1,960 I 3140 Travel and Meetings 343 310 430 440 440 3310 Telephone 2,519 2,400 2,398 2,400 2,450 3320 Postage 12 - . - - I 4120 Other Contractual Services 14,737 12,390 16,898 23,220 23,220 4304 Building Repair & Maintenance 83 310 1,565 800 800 4308 R&M Equipment 825 1,530 1,000 1,610 1,610 I 4318 Radios Repair & Maintenance - 220 100 290 290 4514 Sign Maintenance 267 600 511 600 600 4516 Small Tools 19 50 45 50 50 I 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 498 450 431 500 500 4720 Janitorial Supplies 28 150 145 300 300 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 532 410 550 U50 1,150 I 4750 Safety Supplies 12 400 398 400 400 4760 Operating Supplies 1,522 1,510 1,441 2,600 2,600 4908 Education and Training 481 650 645 1,000 1,000 I 4922 Printing 3,580 3,240 5,434 6,710 6,710 4924 Publications and Dues 15 30 15 310 310 4928 Uniforms and Laundry 4,878 5,300 4,344 5,600 5,600 I 4932 Advertising 4,239 5,150 5,490 5,550 5,550 4936 Rental- Equipment 1,080 1,200 1,567 1,700 1,700 5108 Insurance Expense . 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 I 5520 Capital Outlay Rental - Other Equipment 1,690 1,690 1,690 2,680 2,680 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment 700 700 700 3,200 3,200 I Total Operation_? ~ Maintemince 56,851 57,910 64,377 85,170 85;940 Capital Outlay 6122 Office Equipment & Computers 1,000 . 400 2,300 . I 6199 ()ther Equipment 130 - 300 2,500 1,700 Total CapilaI'Ql,I!Jay 1,130 . 700 4,800 1,700 Division Total 155,138 153,050 172,981 200,710 205380 I 101 ~I'-:C . _ . ==-==-=--,=--=-:-=-,='," I I LIBRARY I Commullity Services Departme1lf I I Divisioll Number: 0206 .. ~CtfVrTYpESC~PJ19N~ ~ - .~= -- -- _ -, ---. ,-, '--- I I The San Diego County Library provides library services to the City of Poway The County Library provides the staffing and support services to operate the Poway Community Library The City contributes 50% of the I funding for extending library hours of operation from 5.30 p.m. to 8'00 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday and from 1'00 p.m. to 5'00 p.m. on Sunday The City also annually budgets funds for new books, reference matenals, educational videos, DVDs, books on tape, and a widc variety of informallOnal resources on CD I I~ . I II The library has a 2,600.square-fool children's area, a scparate 1,250 squarc foot meeting facility, a 1,880 I I square foot reference service area, a young adult area, a quiet room for reading, study rooms, and an outdoor II courtyard rcading area. The library IS also cquippcd with 17 Internet access computer stations for use by the il public. I I, ,- ---- -~--- -_.,.-.- .,....-,.--~ -------- - --- I ACTIVITY GOALS AND.OBJECT1VES ,. To ~aximiZ: t: public's use o~the library throl!g~ ext~d ~o~rs ofop:ra:lo~. -. .---- ,- - I ..' ~. \ ' . 0\, ., To ensure th~t thc library. facilitiesafe fijIlY,accessib!e.'t9..disabled persons, staff, and,the public lI1 I accordance With the AmencansWlth DIsabilitIes Act: .- I () ...":0 v ,. To provide a wide varicty ofinf6rmation-,aiI9:fesO~~~es"to'the p1,iblic in a user.friendly environment. I ' " 't ,. To providc ongoing fundraising for purch~s~ti kJf-J~I;zed lib~ary materials allilequip';;I~t. - ,. To work in partncrship with the County Libfa;Y'stiiff.to~cnsurc that the Iihrary's:servicesand rcsources I mect the social, cultural, and educalional necds of the community I ' .SIGl'~lIiICAJi(A.C):IV1Tyt.@G~~<:='HANGES- ~ ~ -- - - . ~HANGE --- I 2110 Increase due to higher energy costs +$15,000 1- -- -- .- --- -- --~~- 4120 Reduction due to County funding of Childrcn's Librarian and 50% of the -$35,000 I I' cost for thc extcnded hours of opcration. 4780 Increase due to ncw book drops and workstation. +$15,00~ I I ': I i I I I I l~ I I I LIBRARY Comlllllllity Serl'ices Department Dili{j;oll No: 0206 ,.. - -. _.~-~-- - - .2001-02 - - 2902"0'3', I 0bj;. 1999,00" 200J\.o 1 QQOQ.01 !=od~ r:~pens\; ctas~ifica!ion ACtu.a! t.PP[Qv.'!.<! EstUna:ted' Pr.opq~~a' !:,roPQ~eSl Opc rations and Maintc nance I 2110 Gas and Electricity 31,288 51,000 50,062 65,000 70,000 2200 Other Utility Charges 11,139 11,000 11,064 12,000 13 ,000 3310 Telephone 1,047 \,140 993 1,740 1,860 I 4114 Janitonal Services 10,911 14,400 13,833 13,200 14,400 4116 Landscape Maintenance ] 0,508 32,400 23,813 14,400 15,600 4120 Other Contractual Services 73,414 88,000 58,384 20,000 21,000 I 4302 Air Conditioning Repair & Mamt. 8,691 10,000 9,440 10,000 10,000 4304 Building Repair & Maintenance 8,143 6,580 8,477 7,\80 7,360 4308 R&M Equipment 1,081 4,000 1,000 2,000 2,200 I 4720 J anitoria I Supplies 1,637 4,000 2,573 3,000 3,500 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 51 4760 Operating Supplies 61 - I 4780 Library Materials 70,065 75,000 74,943 111,800 89,500 4924 Publications & Dues 187 - 5530 Capital Outlay Rental- Ot1ice Equipment 2,700 2,700 I I I I I I I I Total Operations & Maintenance 228,223 297,520 254,582 263,020 251,120 Capital Outlay I I Total Capital'Outlay - Division Total 228,223 297,520 254,582 263,020 25],120 I !O3 I DEVELOPMENT SERVICES I I I - City Manager I I 013 I , I Director Development Services I L 300 ~ r ~ityPl'nn" I I City Engineer 300 300 I l 'f ! I - _.~- --- ~ 1 I I I Capital I Planning Projects I 301 I I I 304 r Building -, I Land Development and Safety Engineering Inspection 305 I I 303 I Engineering I I Inspection I I 306 I LJ-- , I Traffic I Engineering I I 307 I , I I' I, I l - -- - ---- - - .-.- :;:"-=- - -- -- - 104 I I I DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Departmelltal Actil'ity O)'en';ew Deporlmelll Code: 0300 I ExPENsE , 1999.2000 2000-20<[1, 2:Q.01"~002 2002"2003 2000"2001 eJ,,5SSIfl~"':r1PN. ACTUAL APPROVED ESTlMA.>fED ,PROPOSED" 'PR0ROSI;:D -- - . - .- I -- .~ ! -----. - _. Total Positions ,ur 34 I 34 , 34 34 34 --. . $2,191,1;6 r - -, j-- ---- ,. . - , I Personnel Expense $2,229,990 $2,343,961 ' $2,535,410 $2,632,190 ~._--- - -- -, . .---_.. ' . - Operations and Maintenanee I 1,746,524 1,066,330 1,311,450 I 1,059,130 936,550 I -- ._1. --- -<- -- - --- , - ---- --~- Capital Outlay ---1 37,625 . 7,771 , ~7~ 2200 -~-- - --.---- - --- - - - -~ , ,- tOTAL , BUDGET I $35>75-305 $3;296;320 $3;663;182 $3 601 j~o; $3',5'70;940 I ,~' , -' ,'. I -- ~ -- --- - - , ' , '- - ----- ,- ~_...._---- - I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY-' , The Department of Development Servic~s isdivided.i~to ~\~veD,~ivisions: the Office of the Qirector, Current I Planning, Building Safety 1nspection,.Capital Impf.oY".!11ent;, LandDevelopment, Engineering Inspection, and Traffic Engineering. The department administerS arid. iitij'lIelfiefits tifu"City's planning, land use, building and engineering functions. Other activities"lnclilcte proviglngcust\llJ1er s~~ce for all pennit activities at one I location. developing land use ordinarices~;p1d variou~ ~pfcific:plans,,~~d reviewing development plans. This ensures that a sound and workable development prognim is,de~sigi1e& and Illaintained for theCity-- - I Department staff completes inspections,9f all Capital Ip,provcment and O"evelopment Pr9jects. Staff also manages land subdivision, tramc safety, and design and transportatio!1.activities. In conjunction with the City Council, the department is responsible for the implementation ofthe City's General Plan. Department staff I, provides assistance to other departments with planning and designing public facilities and perfonn environmental revicw for proposed projects, including Engineering and Redevelopment Agency sponsored Capitallmprovemcnt Projects. I The Dcpartment manages engineering conceptual designs, monitors and reviews environmental documents, administers building safety programs, maintains dcmographic infomlation, researches and analyzes policy I alternatives, and serves as a liaison between members of the public and other departments involved in processing development applications. I I I I I 1115 --- -- ---_.~ ----- I I -- - - - --------- --~---~- DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES I Det'elopmeJtt Service~' Department I Division Number: 300 " I: ACTIVITY DESGIf!IT!QN' -- - . ,-- I " -...-- -,- , - -- --- I The Office of the Director is responsible for the overall administration of the department. Appointed by I I II the City Manager, the Director is responsible for managing the operation of the department and ensuring that all goals are achieved. The Director plans and coordinates the goals within all divisions to ensure the I departments responsibilities are implemented in an efficient manner I i I, Il ACT1VIf~ 96~($AND OBJECTIVES -- , , , -~ - - - ,- I ---..- I' I; ~ To provide professional advice and technical assistance to the City Council, other City departments, i ,.. I, citizen advisory committees and the general public. ./' I '-. - , t 'I' , To manage and analyze the employee~.!lnd ;per\lti.<;ms.Qf,e~ch division to ensure high qu~ity professional ,.. services are provided to customers,'ana:otlief;City'staff.C,. ~'" ", I To monitor and review legislation ana progratfi")!:~ttlielQ.e~l; regional, state and federal levels to detennine , ,.. their impact on the City's planning,\b.ui,iding,a!ld~l)gineeti~g prog;ams, and to make recommendations as I to adoption and implementation of such'legi~!?;19:ri_and~P5')gr3lns. , - ,. To provide high quality planning, building and'engineering services in a tim~!y and efficient manner I ". ~... ---=-. ---- - ---.... ~ To maintain a work environment that fosters good morale' 'and stimulates employee potential by ,.. encouraging a high standard of professionalism, creativity, communication and dedication. I ,. To continually evaluate and improve departmental program objectives to ensure that the goals of the department are consistent with those of the City and it's governing officers. I I I SIGNIFICANT ACT1V1TYp"ROGRA~ OHANGES C~9} I None I I: I , I " Ii I 1: I I lOr, I I DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES I Development Sen';ces Department Dh'ision No: 0300 I O~:, - , ---" -- - '1999.'00 ,206()~1 '2W,O-p12001~oi' - :20()2~03 Code Expen~~ ,Classif!9.~,~Q!2 ActUal Appr{)veA E,stiglated .!~f{)p6s'eq, ProP.Qsed: , Personncl Expcnse I Range Position Title FTE 323.3 Director 1.00 94,698 96,030 105,641 103,370 106,990 309.0 City Engineer 1.00 81,938 76,190 91,189 89,230 92,350 I 300.6 City Planner 1.00 42,460 85,093 83,260 86,180 272.6 Senior Management Analyst 1.00 51,669 25,210 57,182 59,270 61350 228.1 Administrative Secretary 1.00 37,100 36,487 37,990 40330 I 218.1 Secretary III 4.00 68,731 60,640 107,533 135,790 143,900 203.6 SeeretaryII(PT) 0.50 8,441 5,660 11,440 11,890 12,310 1110 Salaries - Regular 313,530 269,960 483,125 508,910 531,100 I 1130 Salaries - Parttime 34,407 30,870 11,440 11,890 12310 1140 Salaries. Ovet1ime 98 3,473 3,500 3,500 1300 Employee Benefits 79,890 78,080 126,244 123,540 13Q,780 I Total Personnel 427,925 378,91,0" 624,282 647,840 677,690 Opc rations and Mainte nance 1510 Temporary Services 29,955 I 1714g Contract Engineering 300 300 400 400 1726 Special Studics - 2.000 2,000 1799 Other Professional Fees 2,300 I 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 6,475 7,500 7,700 10,080 10,080 3140 Travel and Meetings 2,208 4,600 4,282 7340 6,210 3310 Telephone 444 720 720 2,160 2,160 I 4120 Othcr Contractual Scrviccs 15,129 4,000 4304 R&M Building 225 - 4308 R&M Equipment 2,126 3,690 3,690 4,090 4,090 I 4516 Small Tools - 50 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 2,047 1,960 2,549 2,710 2,710 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 546 720 1,920 1,750 I 770 I 4760 Operating Supplics 1320 960 1358 1,250 1,250 4799 Other Supplies & Materials - 4908 Education and Training 700 1,000 1,500 1,500 I 4922 Printing U 07 1,250 1,250 1,500 1,500 . 4924 Publications and Dues 3,018 6,340 3353 14,680 14,710 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment 8,920 8,920 8,920 11,400 11,400 I 5720 Cash Over/Under (17) - (II) I Total,Opetations& Maintenance 75;803 37,710 41,031 60,860 59,780 Capital Outlay I 6122a Office Equipment 593 1,945- 6122b Computer Hardware 400 2300 I Total'CapilalOutlay 593 2,345 2;300 - Division Total 504321 416,620 667,658 711,000 737,470 I 107 I PLANNING Develllpmellt Services Departmellt I Divisillll Numher: 301 ACTlVITYDE^$CRIPnON '-':.. -_. 'u _,_ _ _ ___-_~- I The Current Planning Division processes discretionary land use applications and assures compliance with conditions of approval through grading and building plan check reviews and field inspections. The City I Planner is responsible for the day.to-day operations of the Current Planning Division, replacing the Director in his absence. The two Code Compliance OffIcers are responsible for enforcing a wide range of City regulations, ,I including those concerning signs, graffiti on private property, illegal commercial businesses, buildings without pennits, noise complaints, home occupation pennits, substandard housing, weed abatement, alanns I and penalties, and vehicle abatement. During FY 99/00 there were 566 vehicles abated in the City ----. ~-~' -~-'--. .' ------ ---, .-,-.----- I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES - -. - ------- - ---- >- To provide the highest level of customer service while offering'a full range oi'planning services to local citizens, property owners, land develop,ers.fnd invesl'ors. ",- ",- I ~ A.... ......... . v _.. >- Continue to seek ways to streamline'ap'plication' processing, c - , ~ "j ~~' I >- Coordinate mitigation purchases arfd'nfonitoring',of\fT)iygat~(J,lilTI(tihroughout the City - \' .~ >- Initiate spccial studies and ordinances to iI11Plem'[l}hp~iI~iesJ6fihe' Gcneral Plan. --.. I >- Continue to respond to rcports of code violations irt a'.timely manner and seek positive, solutions for all , _ ~~v~lve~ __ ___,_. _ __ __ _ _._ I Ac:r1V1JY,WO!U~LOAP~SIA. T1STICS _, _ _ __ ' , _ _~ _ __ ^ __ . During FY 1999.2000, Current Planning processed 25 Variances, 34 Conditional Use Pernlits and I modilications, 9 Minor Conditional Use Pennits, 132 Temporary Use Penn its, 176 Minor Development Reviews, 20 Development Reviews, 16 Tenlative Parcel Maps, 5 Tentative Tract Maps or time extensions, I 107 Sign Permits or Comprehensive Sign Programs, 190 l'lome Occupation Pennits and 3 General Plan/Zoning Plan Amendments. SiGNIFICMH ACTI~t{ PR09RAM C1{ANG~S.- ~. ~_.. .::-' .. . J':BM~q,~" :1 1799 - Increase due to contract for planning services consultant + $56,000 4120 -Increase due to c~iract for biological consultant + $50,000 I I I I l~ I I PLANNING I Del-'e/opmellt Services Departmen! Dil';...iioll No: 030 J - --- ~ --- --: -~--:--. --- -- i602-03 I Ooj: 1999-00 2000-6i ~OPO-Q.1 2001:,02 Code j::l'P.en'l~~(J!a ~~,ifica ti()n ACtual Appr9Y!<l Estimat~d' ProP9s~i!. .BL()Pq~~9' Personnel Expense I R_angc Position Title HE - 282.6 Senior Planner 2.00 136,764 136,820 126,990 127,550 132,010 2676 Associate Planner 1.00 55,038 55,060 59,854 59,270 61,340 I 2576 Assistant Planner II 300 128,676 99,640 125,939 153,490 159,020 252.6 Code Comp Officer 2.00 81,735 88,150 91,364 94,810 98,130 2276 Development ServTech 1.00 30,627 33,000 33,006 34,660 36,350 I 198.6 Managerrcnt Intern 0.60 15,778 13,000 13,000 14,120 14,610 1110 Salaries - Regular 432,840 412,670 437,153 469,780 486,850 1130 Salaries - Parttime 15,778 13,000 13,000 14,120 14,610 I 1140 Salaries - Overtime 8,363 2,500 10,337 10,500 10,500 1300 Employee Benefits 120,018 126,740 118,019 127,100. 133 ,290 Total Personnel 576,999 554,?JO 578,509 621,500 '645,250 I Ope rations and Mainte nance 1799 Other Professional Fees 1,150 56,160 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 2,820 4,380 2,859 3,360 3,360 I 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 4,395 4,160 4,160 4,340 4,510 3140 Travel and Meetings 2,881 4,040 2,548 3,940 4,990 3310 Telephone 743 2,250 1.288 1,200 1,200 I 4120 Other Contracual Services 44,502 20,2UO 82,804 73,040 73,040 4126 Telecom Services 1,250 1,250 43U8 R&M Equipment 260 330 33U 330 330 I 4514 Sign Maintenance 200 1,162 1,400 1,400 4710 Office & Slationery Supplies 3,994 3,760 5,152 4,960 4,960 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 1,329 1,900 3,421 2,500 2,500 I 4760 Operating Supplies 168 - 4918 Weed & Nuisance Abatement 40,059 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 4922 Printing 5,619 5,120 5,120 5,120 5,120 I 4924 Publications and Dues 1,820 1,650 1,950 2,350 2,440 4928 Unifoffils and Laundry 60 120 60 120 120 SSlO Capital Outlay Rental. Vehicles 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,160 4,160 I 5530 Capital Outlay Rental. Office Equipment 5,370 5,370 5,370 5,400 5,400 573U Intergovernmental Fees 1,280 1,280 1,280 I I Tot",l Qperatipns & 'Maintenance 119,970 104,560 166,024 215,9io 161,060 Capital Outlay I 6122a Office Equipment 673 6122c Computer Software 246 6128 Photographic E<juipment 345 - I Total Capital Ouilay 591 - 673 - - Divis ion Total 697,560 659,470 745,206 837,4 lO 806,310 I 109 . , --- - --- I I' U --------- \' II BUILDING AND SAFETY INSPEcnON I I Del'e1opmellt Senice!i Departmellt Dh'isioll Number~ 303 ! ACTIVlTybf:SCRJj>lioN' -. ' -- - --- - ----- -- I ,. .. -- -- I The City's Building and Safety Inspection services are provided through a contract with Esgi) Corporation, I I General responsibilities include providing assistance and infonnation to developers and residents concerning construction code requirements through telephone and counter contacts, plan check review, as , well as, structural, electrical, plumbing and mechanical inspections. I I , ACTIY1TY W6J4<L..6Ab. STA tfSTIqS - -. - ,,- _.. . I - . - ' .. -- , I , During 1999-2000, this division completed 468 plan checks, issued 1,610 building permits, and completed i " 16,146 inspections. The average time to complete the initial plan check is 2-3 working days. With the goal to II provide accurate yet expedited service, all inspections should be eompleted no later than the end of the work , day following the day the inspection was requested. I Projected activity workload statistics for each of the next two fiscal years are as follows: 650 plan checks; 1,200 building pennits; 7,500 inspections. I ACTIV1TIGOALS f\ND OB1~CTIVES - ~ To provide the highest level of customer service while offering accurate infonnation and plan check I , and inspection services to developers and citizens of Poway building or altering structures. ~ .. '. ~.r ~... ... I , To communicate with other City depart merits regarding;changes in building laws and ~odes that affect development being initiated by the Ci!y """ '., , " I ~ Monitor and implement changesinJaws,c6des;a~'d techriiq~es, which affect the building industry and , ensure that these standards are 111aintilil1ed,. ~0 ~5;:b, V) (\ ,,'" I ' '- ft/( ~ To promote cooperation and communication-.Jitl-iietar~dagcncies, the Coun1YofSanDieg~ a~ State , of California. ' , -, I .. ~ To create a database record of all stored plans. , , SIGNIFICANT ACTiV1fVPROGRAM CHANQES G~~G!,; , I I None I -- , -, I I' I ,I j' I ,I " I 110 I I BUILDING AND SAFETY INSPECTION I Development Serv;",,, Deptlrtment Dil';S;OIl No: 0303 I O,bj; . . 1999;00 2090;01-' --:2ooolbl 2QOl.-02:20,Q2.,0~' Code .Exp!,fiJ~ 9iassiJ1c~ti(m Actual Approved Estiirl'!.t,d Propg~ecl 'Pr9po~el:! Ope rations and Mainte nance I 1706 Building Inspection 1,065,925 618,750 723,939 525,000' 487,500 1707 Building Inspection Fees, Mobile Homes 9,939 3,000 7,069 2,500 2,500 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 619 520 520 620 620 I 4922 Printing 1,841 2, I 00 \,760 2.200 2,300 4924 Publications and Dues 345 350 350 450 450 5530 Capital Outlay Rental. Office Equipment 430 430 430 900 900 I I I I I I I I I I I Total Operatiofls &..Maintenance 1,079,099 625,150 734,068 531,670 494;270 Capital Outlay I 6122a Office Equipment 340 'I Total Capita! Ou.tlay 340 - Division Total 1,079,099 625,150 734,408 531,670 494,270 I III .__u -, I - . - - .- 1 j CAPlTA~e~~/?e~t~~~~~p~~~~EERING I Division Number: 304 I ACTIVITY DESCRJPT1QN ---. --= __ "-' ...~,___~-' - I I I' The responsibilities of the City's Capital Improvement Program Division include capital improvement I project surveys, deSign, construction administration, inspection services, supervising special studies and engmeering support for the Community Services and Public Works as well as similar duties for the II Redevelopment Agency The Division also assists the Redevelopment Agency with project design work I and construction administration. 1 I,' ACTIVITY GCMUS ANliOBJECTIVES ' -,.. " .. -, , I II . . .,. -- : ;, Manage the City and Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Programs, which include both in. " house and contractual dcsign serviees. /' I " - .' I' _, ..... " :Y Assist Public Works in the project deslgn,aanfinistriti~h and construction ofne~ublic facilities, and ~ provides support in the design improyemeni,s Q~:X-istj~~~pJb.Ii~ !~1cllIties '. I ,. ASSIst the CommunIty ServIces Dep,artment II) constructwg,the.proJects needed to enhance the CIty's I' park and recreational facilities.' cI, "'-'-J;.", , ~ I :Y Provide total design services for the City and'RedeY~]Qpment 'Agency on CAD-baseo-d~~gn-c-;;;;ter " - , ;, Manage all phases of construction activities ihi;ludi~g"inspectlOn for CapitaflinprovemefifProgram. I ~ Manage annual maintcnance contracts Il)r street repairs and street striping. I ~- - _. - -.,..-. --:; - -- - --- -.,~, -.- -- --"--- ----~- I, ACTIVITY WORKLOAD STATISTICS :Y During 199~-200; the cl~arwall Projccl on t~e Lester ~er~I:~d Water Treatm::t 'I~ant ~:d :~' .. -- I ;! maintenance of Celestial and Pomerado Reservoirs was eompleted. I: :Y Bette Bendixen Park.. significant enhancements were made, which included expending $123,000 to I install ADA accessible playground equipment, sidewalks and landscaping. ~ Seal Coat and Street Overlay Project. Initiated Pomerado Road widening and sound wall project. ".. I, :Y Initiated work on the Stonn Waler, Sewer and Water System Master Plans. !' I? SIGNIFICANT-AGrIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES ... , , CHANGE None .. II I , , 'I' I I - .. 1121 I , I CAPITAL PROJECTS ENGINEERING Del'e/opment Sen.jces Department Dit'is;o/J No: 0304 I .. ,,- ~--- --.- -- - ---- 2000-0'j. -2001-D2 - i<)02'OJ, ajj" 1999:00 :2000,01' -- ~ -, Code I;:xpehse Cla~sjfi"ati()n ACtual Approved Estimated P,qpgS!<L fr()posed. Personnel Expense I Rang~ Position Title FTE .. 299,0 Sr Civil Engineer 1.011 74,489 75,360 82,899 81.120 83,960 284,0 Associate Engineer 2.00 118,460 131,290 139,370 I 279.2 Construction Manager 1.011 61,736 62,460 64,858 67,230 69,580 2690 Asst. Civil Engineer II 1.110 132,394 43,250 111,201 60,100 62,200 218.1 Secretary III 1.00 33,184 33,570 I 198.6 Intern Planning Engr Tech 0.40 6,149 9,500 1110 Salaries. Regular 301,803 333,100 258,958 339,740 355,110 1130 Salaries - Parttime 6,149 9,500 I 1140 Salaries - Overtime 4,327 8,000 6,116 6,500 6,500 1300 Employee Benefits 77,342 93,570 64,917 83,070 87410 TotiirPersonnel 383,472 434,670 336,140' 438,810 449;020 I Operations and Mainte nance 1714g General Engineering 229 1,000 600 1,000 1,000 1726 Special Studies 1,000 500 1,000 1,000 I 1799 Other Professional Fees 1,177 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 5,000 5,300 5,300 6,860 6,860 3140 Travel and Meetings 720 900 1,200 2,310 2,350 I 3310 Te lephone 502 960 1,170 1,200 1,200 4308 R&M Equipment 624 1,000 1,000 1,600 1,600 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,723 1,700 IJOO 1,900 1,950 I 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 436 790 1,290 1,540 1,540 4760 Operating Supplies 235 300 300 350 350 4922 Printing 138 100 100 500 500 I 4924 Publications and Dues 716 390 390 640 820 4932 Advertising 190 220 240 5530 Capital Outlay Rental. Office Equipment 4,990 4,990 4,990 4,610 4,610 I I I I Total Operations & Maintenance 16,490 18,430 18,730 23,730 24,020 Capital Outlay I I Total Capital Outlay Division Total 399,962 453,100 354,870 462,540 473,040 I 113 --. - -- - , - - I , I LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING I: Deve/o/lmellt Services D'Ttartmellt I ivishm Number: 05 Ii AOTIVITY DESCRIPTYOiQ' - - - ~- - --- ~--_. - - . __,.A_.__. _.... ._ .... ._.r.__.__ _.~ --- .-.-- - -_._-- I I Land Development Engineering's responsibility is to assure that private developments are undertaken in [' accordance with City standards and specific conditions of approval to the highest degree of quality This goal I is accomplished while assuring the most benefit to the community, as a whole, while minimizing disruption of I: neighborhoods, businesses, and traffic. At the public counter, the Division provides information to developers and the general public from the department's comprehensive filcs and mapping systems. The Division " manages and maintains extensive engineering records and files including grading, subdivision maps, and I public improvements, in addition to subdivision project files. II I, AcWvi-tV.G9A1S'AND OBJ~CTIVES - " ,- I I, !I >- Provide quality assurance for construction ofprivate'iinP~emenis ih Poway through " " comprehensive design reviews and fielctfi~eCti~tl. ' , I >- Scan 5,000 engineering maps.anc;11e)(pan(ri!)e'd~t~ba~e-ilfth~se recurds. ' " (J " I >- Evaluatc and prioritize processes,to be s~amliiIei:l: ~ . . '--'if,>; . , ~~c: .- , :Y Provide excellent customer service at th'e:cbtJI]ter,',!nd ove~ the phone. -' '. I - Process all land dcvelopment and map processing,in an efficient and effective manner - --....... ~ - f\CtlV1TY [[!XI1$.Ti,c;;,s . . ._~ .-- -- - ---~- - - ._--~------ I - "----- +- -- -- - - _._-_._-- Land Developmcnt Engineering processed a variety of projects including writing conditions for over 120 I single-family residences, 18 commercial lots in the Business Park, as well as work on two medium-size subdivisions. The division also processed 110 right.of-way pennits, final maps, 5 miscellaneous street vaeations, boundary adjustments, and flood letters. Staff scanncd ovcr 7,500 recorded maps for inclusion in I thc departments database. SIGNTFlCf\NT ACTIVITY PROGRAI0 c;HANQES (S1j~N9.~ I None " I I! I I: !I I I: , , I I 114 I I LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING I Development Servic~s Department Dh'isioll No: 0305 I 0bj. -- i999~<iO iQQo~Qi-- 2090'91200'1;0'1-- 2002;93~ C~~ "Expf'nse'Classification Ac)mil J\PPIoved Estimated ~r9P9sed', p:r9po~e..d Personnel Expense I Range Position Title FTE . 2990 Senior Civil Engineer 1.00 50,870 75,360 76,073 78,330 81,070 2840 Associate Civil Engineer 1.00 63,668 64,860 67,361 69,820 72,270 I 2690 Assistant Civil Engineer II 1.00 50,529 49,230 57,225 60,100 62,200 2590 Asslistant Civil Engineer I 1.00 47,432 50,470 52,469 54,390 56,290 2276 Development Services Technician 1.00 30,046 27,330 27,175 32,550 33,690 I 218.1 Secretary III 1.00 30,034 30,350 1110 Salaries - Regular 272,579 297,600 280,303 295,190 305,520 1140 Salaries. Overtime 4,176 1,443 4,000 4,000 I 1300 Employee Benefits 77,212 87,110 73,294 72,620 76,000 Total Persol1l1e) 353,967 3~)1O 355,040 371,810 385;520 I Operations and Maintenance 1714a Land Development Engineering - 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1799 Other Professional Fees 345 1,655 I 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 1,656 2,400 2,400 3,600 3,600 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 1J 19 1,260 1,260 1,940 2,020 3140 Travel and Meetings 115 600 345 1,230 1,280 I 3310 Telephone 40 4120 Other Contractual Services 3,500- 4122 Plan Check/Map Processing 266,498 187,500 187,500 125,000 100,000 I 4126 Telecommunications Contracts 292 1,000 1,000 1,250 1,250 4308 R&M Equipment 1,646 2,800 4,80 I 3,550 3,550 4516 Small Tools 13 I 4710 Omce & Stationery Supplies 3,744 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies I,579 1,050 1,955 1,800 1,800 4740 Medical Supplies 110 I 4760 Operating Supplies 172 260 260 330 330 4908 Education and Training 1,300 500 1,250 1,250 4922 Printing 888 1,000 1,000 1,450 1,000 I 4924 Publications and Dues 718 570 413 500 700 5520 Capital Outlay Rental. Other Equipment 500 500 500 3,500 3,500 5530 Capital Oullay Rental. Orlice Equipment 6,060 6,060 6,060 4,530 4,530 I I Total Operations & Maintenance 285,585 216,110 215,849 156,130 131,010 Capital Outlay I 6122a Office Equipment 7,397 4,090 6122b Computer Hardware 28,000 I Tot~1 Capital Outlay 35,397 4,090- Division Total 674,949 600,820 574,979 527,940 516,530 I 115 .. ,- . - - -----_._-- -- - -- I - -" - -_. -~- --- ---. , I ENGINEERING INSPECTION I I Del'e/o/Jlllent Services D~artlllent , ivision NUl1lber~ 06 I AcrivTTY:DESCRIP;ffOI':!' - ----- - - .- ------- ~-~ I I , .. - - -- - ----- Ii The InspectIOn D,v,sion's primary function is to ensure that the public and private construction projects are in I II compliance with the City approved plans and specifications. ACTIVITY GOALS AND O);lJ~CTIVE$. - , , - ~-- --- ---- --~ .. " I - --- -- - - ---- I I ~ Provide excellent customer and citizen service though contact, response, evaluation, follow up, and ,. :1 resolution. I 'I /-<-.., /- ........ ~ To provide a quality inspection service through a'~earil<e.[fort which is committeo.to excellence. I. ,. I , . I , ~ Contll1ue construction inspectionJqr cOl]1mercilj)~Qev~l~pfuerii.1I1 the South Poway Busi~Park. ,. , : Respond to all other inspectIOn needs or reque~i\e. 'capi'taLimprovement projects, single. family ~ ,. I Ii residences, subdiVIsions and M inor-De~elopmen~A1~'Y.s.o . 'r 1 . - . . _ --- " \, " , ~ Coordinate over 350 right-of-way permits frorii~reyiew'ofplans to final inspection of project. ,. I _. .. Respond to citizens complaints as they relate to construCtIOn aellvities. " ,. , I I I I SIGNIFICA.NT ACTlvI'rVPROGRAM CHANGES 'CHANGE I - ,- , " None I ,. I I Ii I I. I Ii I II I " , I 116 I I ENGINEERING INSPECTION I Developmem Services Department Divisio/l No: 0306 - - - -~~ +~ 2000-0 I ,2001.02 2pO,2~03 I Obj. In9-pO 2000:01: Code Expense, Cliis,sificatlon, Actual Approve~ E~i,mated Pt:oPQ5.~4, .1'roPQseg Personnel Expense I Range Position Title HE 270.2 Engin. Serv Inspec. Sup. I.()() 5~,031 56,510 58,683 60,830 ! 62,960 255.5 Engin. Services Insp 3.00 145,696 143,510 149,089 158,130 ' 163,660 I -- 1110 Salaries - Regular 203,727 200,020 207,772 218,960 226,620 ] 140 Salaries - Overtime 24,311 13,500 21,531 16,000 16,000 I 1300 Employee Benefits 57,175 64,200 57,856 57,930 61,150 Total.Personnel 285,213 277,720 287,159 292,890 3.03,770 I Operations and Maintenance 1799 Other Professional Fees 880 - 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 3,000 3,200 3,200 4,210 4,210 I 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 9,965 9,380 9,380 8,680 9,070 3140 Travel and Meetings 199 480 245 710 730 3310 Telephone 3,704 5,600 5,600 4,570 4,570 I 4112b Contract Inspection 116,376 10,000 75,258 10,000 5,000 4308 R&M Equipment 346 840 840 1,080 1,080 4318 R&M Radios 250 250 250 250 I 4516 Small Tools 472 410 410 410 410 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 956 850 850 980 980 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 599 930 1,285 1,680 1,680 I 4750 Safety Supplies 158 270 270 270 270 4760 Operating Supplies 141 200 200 350 350 4799 Other Supplics and Materials 44 250 250 250 250 I 4908 Education and Training 168 1,000 1,000 LOOO 1,000 4922 Printing 580 670 670 700 700 4924 Publications and Dues 562 200 200 270 340 I 4928 Unifrrms & Laundry 410 - 5510 Capital Outlay Rental. Vehicles 6,600 6,600 6,600 10,690 10,690 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment 3,060 3,060 3,060 2,550 2,550 I I I TCltal Operations & Maintenance 148,220 44,190 109,568 48,650 44,130 Capital Outlay I 6122a Office Equipment. General 323 - 6122b Office Equipment. Computer Hardware 4,400 2,200 I Total Capital Outlay - 323 4,400 2,200 Division Total 433,433 321,910 397,050 345,940 350,100 I II? I, - , -, - --, I I: TRAFFIC ENGINEERING I Development Sen1ices Department Division Number 307 ActiViTY DESCRIPTION - - - - --- -~ ~----- - - -.-- I I - , , - , -- -------~ ,- , I The Traffic Engineering Division is responsible for resolution of most of the City's traffic and ,I transportation issues. Additionally, Traffic Engineering oversees operation and maintenance of the I II computerized traffic signal system and insures optimal timing of the City's 49 traffic signals, The Division insures proper design and construction of new signals, and makes modifications and upgrades to 'I I I existing signals. Traffic Engineering makes roadway signing and striping changes and creates new I designs whcn required. It reviews and approves all work area traffic control and maintains records and files including accidcnt reports, traffic volumes and speed surveys. The Division responds to traffic relaled public complaints and serves as staff to the Traffic Safety Committee. Traffic Engineering I eompletes analyses, prepares reports and makes recommendations on all traffic safety related issues. ACTIVITY GOALS AND' OBJECTIVES - ._- I I -- ~ Prepare reports and evaluations for the City Council and Traffic Safety C,?I!,mittee, and review traffic , I I I related public requests and inquiries. ~.- - II ~ Design and construct a fiber optic communjea5i6figy,steln f?r Pomerado Road, 'f0in ~eaks Road and , II Community Road. . . .,.~ .'"JQ,', '., . ~ 1 ~ Redevelop a Red Light Photo Citation progtam'and,contract With a responsive and qualified vendor I , ~ ," " , ".". -~- " , Manage and maintain the computerized.traffic sigiial,~Ystein. Make,appropriate traffic signal and ~ timmg modifications. . .' .. :'~:"Ylrfl " .' . . . . I , Mamtaln current, court certifiable speed surveys. and establtsh new speed limits In accordance With Ihe requirements of the California Vehicle'c:.o,~:~\,l: ),. J ,-- ,. Maintain accident records and manage the High AcciClenl'location and Analysis Program. ,. Prepare a periodic Traffic Signal Report analyzing(conditions at existing signaliz<:.c!jntersections and I evaluating unsignalized locations for future signal installation. Make periodic review of stop controlled intersections. - AcfiVIty .sTAIf~TICS -,--- --- '-- -- ~ ----- -- I - - -- .~- .--.- -- - II Traffic Engineering completed 32 traffic counts, 30 speed surveys, 'I Traffic Safety Committee agenda I items and reviewed more than 300 trartic control plans in FY 99.00 The Division began management , and installation of a new fiber optic traffic signal communication system, and reviewed a design for I construction of new traffic signals at the intcrsection of Pomerado Road and Robison Blvd. Trartic I, I Engineering submitted grant proposals totaling $550K for the design and construction of a fiber optic , communication system for Pomerado Road, Twin Peaks Road and Community Road signals; $95K for I " ,I protected-permissive leti turn phasing on five signalized intersections along Po way Road; and $75K for I' I pedestrian improvements on Pomerado and Community Roads. All were approved. A similar Traffic Engineering workload is anticipated for FY 2000-2001 and 2000.2002. I slcfN1FfCANTACTIVI:ty f,B.OciRt;rv( ~!-!ANC;~S, -CHANGE ., I 'I I None I I .. II X I I TRAFFIC ENGINEERING I Developme1Jl Services Department Dh'isioll No: 0307 Obj. - ~ ~- - --- -- i ~99cOO - ---- -- -- --~--- --- I 2QQQ,0 1: 2000-01 200'1))2' 1002;'03 ~-QQ~ - Expense CiassifitatioI] Actual 1\pproved ,'Estimated Prop~p Prgp_q;;l'd Personnel Expense I Range Po? ition Title FIE 2990 Sf Civil Engineer 1.00 74,489 75,360 80,348 81,120 83,960 2590 Assistant Engineer I 1.00 24,888 44,610 42,036 48.560 52,130 I 218.1 Secretary III 1.00 25390 33,570 198.6 I ntcrn- Plann ing/Eng ineering 0.50 7,772 - I 1110 Salaries - Regular I 24}67 153,540 122384 129,680 136,090 1130 Salaries - Parttime 7772 - 1140 Salaries. Overtime 293 1,000 1,000 I 1300 Employee Benefits 38,520 45,530 32,675 31,880 33,850 T (ltal Personnel 163,580 199,070 162,831 16~/560 170,940 Operations and Maintenance I 1714d Traffic Engineering 8,954 5,000 11,000 5,000 5,000 1714g Contract Engineering Services 500 500 500 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 1,835 1,800 1,800 2,520 2,520 I 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 1,502 1,430 1,430 2,060 2,140 3140 Travel and Meetings 860 490 490 980 980 3310 Telephone 339 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 I 4308 R&M Equipment 726 1,080 1,080 1,480 1,400 4516 Small Tools 32 120 349 170 170 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 960 1,200 I}OO 1,200 1,200 I 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 565 630 875 1,130 1,200 4750 Safety Supplies 13 100 100 150 150 4760 Operating Supplies 598 600 371 600 600 I 4908 Education and Training 48 650 500 500 500 4922 Printing 355 720 475 750 730 4924 Publications and Dues 290 380 530 620 670 I 5510 Capital Outlay Rental. Vehicles 2,080 2,080 5520 Capital Outlay Rental - Other Equipment \,260 1,260 1,260 240 240 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Omce Equipment 3,020 3,020 3,020 1,000 1,000 I I I Total Operations & Maintenance 21,357 20,180 26,180 22;180 22,280 Capital Outlay I 6122c Computer Software 1,044 I Total CapitaCOutiay, 1,044 - - Division Total 185,981 219,250 189,011 I 84}40 193,220 I 119 I PUBLIC WORKS I City Manager I 013 I Director I Public Works 400 Special Districts I I Administration 420 I I Water Utilities Mail/tenance Operations I ~- ~ - ~.., Maintenance , Water Production .- Operations I 406 , I Water Supply r' Fleet & Facilities I Sewer Pumping I Treatment, Metering & I Pumping Disposal 1'- I & Sforage 403 Fleet Facilities I I 402 I Maintenance Maintenance 401 409 I l Utility Operation.I' '---1 Streets Operations n I I: Water I I I I Wastewater , Distribution I Collection Streets Drainage I 404 405 Maintenance Maintenance 407 408 --- - --- I [i Parks & Landscape I I' I r u' I ~ Ii L Trails & Open Park & , , Landscape I I Space I I' Maintenance I' , 410 , , _.J I ~ 411 )j L I , '--_J [, ~ --.- , 'I I, - ,- . "C'. .-1. 120 I I I PUBLIC WORKS Departmental A('til'ity O.'en';eK' Department Code: 0400 I ~XPE!'i~i"--"- - 1'999"2g-00 '2000'2001 ~OOb~561--' "2001;200;-- 2002'2003 I GLASSIFlCA!I_ON AqYAL, APPRQVED' ESTIMAT,ED"I PROPOSED PR6~~SE'?~ Total Positions' 70 : 74 74 : 741 74 I Personnel Expen~e~ ~-~~},970,8~L!,4,046,4'~~ = _ ,$ 4,151,841 i ~~~~2,670 I $ 4,576,860 Operations and I I Maintenance 17,079,008 : 18,383,080 ' 19,194,138 I 20,014,220 20,725,240 I, '____' _ I CapitalOutla>'.... I ,207,6541 95,970, 224,881 11=,36~ _" 120,17~ I .. . ' ','. .' : TOTAL BUDGET $21,257,469 $22,52?,450 $23;570;860 $24,268;;:70Q $25,442,270 I OVj<:~VIE.w COMME~i;-A~;- '- I The Department of Public Works CS,l)1Sists;?nz Divisi6I1Sr~PQt1.ing to the Office of the Director' Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance; Water,Stipply, Treatment; Pumping; arid Storage; Sewer Pumping, Metering and Disposal; Water Transmission a~<!.t:listribu!ion~W'a.stewaterCollectjon; Maintenance Operations; Streets I Maintenance; Drainage Maintenance; FiI~ilities:Maintenance0Trails and Open Space Maintenance; Parks and Landscape Maintenance; and Special Distiicts" - , " I II Thc Public Works Department is responslbl~ !.l!r,administering, operating.and mainta~ni!!g the City's infrastructure. I Included are a variety of municipal services and facilities: paveg a)1d unpaved streets and sidewalks maintenance II and repair; tree maintenance; solid waste and household hazardous waste management; safety lighting; traffic I 'signals; street swceping; sewer collection and maintenance; administration of sewage treatment agreements; : municipal building maintenance and janitorial services; vehicle and equipment maintenance; water treatment and I distribution; potable water storage; water testing and cross-flow connection programs; stoml drainage maintenance; , I II parks and trails maintenance; administration of lighting and landscape maintenance districts; and coordination with I : other agencies as necessary to provide the above services. I I I Reporting to the City Manager, the Departmcnt of Public Works, together with other departments, is responsible 1'1 for reviewing improvement and development plans, implementing City public works standards, and ensuring the ,: City's compliance with State and Federal laws and regulations. i I I I I Ii I I I i - _= ==--c-=__, _'___~ I 12\ 1'--- - - -- ~--- --- -~- ,,- -- I I --- - ------ --~ I DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS I I Public Works DeparlmelJf Dil'i.'~iolJ Number: 0400 I -- - - ------~ , , - -- - -- - I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTiON I . , .... -- .. . -- ..- - , -- [I The Office of the Director is responsible for the ovcrall supervision, coordination and control of thc I opcration and maintenance of the City's public infrastructure, including: streets; water trcatmcnt plant; water distribution systcm; wastcwater collection systcm; solid waste and household hazardous waste disposal, drainage structures and system; vehiclc and equipment fleet maintenance and repair; parks, trails, I I and open space; special districts for lighting and landscape maintenance; and public buildings, The I Director of Public Works is appointed by the City Manager The Director functions in a staff capacity to I advise the City Manager concerning the City's public works system needs and requirements. I I Ii Thc Director's Office is responsible for' - , "- .t'''\~/,- .-~ .......... I , Managing and analyzing the operations of ,9chDivisiontoepsure high quality, professioE,al services ,- , are provided by the department. . t. \) 0 ~ ',< ___., I ,. Ensuring that all maintenance and opera,tions'fU.nct}ops,are caITielfout in a fiscally , I responsible manner ,'!;V , , Providing professional advice and technic:allassi;;fanc~::l9;d~cisioh makers, committees, staff and ,- citizens. . "_\ '-I \1 ff. ",_ I ,. Ensuring the City's compliance with Stille and Federana1'::.s'an~ regulations regarding wate;., waste water, stonn drainage, solid waste and household haz~rdous waste, special districts, and fleet operations, - , . ,- I I ACTIVITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I I I Continue to improve overall maintenance management practices for all divisions. 2. Continue programs to maintain state-mandated solid waste rcduction goals. I I jl 3, Continue existing programs and implement ncw programs to comply with the new National I Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Pennit. I \1 SIGNlFICANf ACTiViTY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None - - , - ' I I I I 122 I I DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS I Public Works Department Divi.,io/l No,' 0400 '.. ~--- 2000-01 . - -- -- ~ -- - I glbj. 1.999.0,0 2000.01. 20Ql-Q2 ~002'03, ~pd~ E"pense CIli'ssiiication Actual Kpprove'q Estimated propos"d Proposed - -. ~ Personnel Expense I Range Position Title HE 323.3 Director of Public Services 1.00 99,231 91,590 100,000 103,370 106,990 304,3 Assistant Director 1.00 74,587 65,860 76,929 84.920 87,890 I 272.6 Senior Management Analyst 0.75 43,828 43,410 47,156 46,720 48,360 262,6 ManagclllCnt Analyst 1.00 47,385 47,350 51,744 56,320 58,290 228.1 Administrative Secretary l.(X) 36,744 37,.1.00 38,527 39,9)0 41,330 I 1110 Salaries. Regular 257,947 285,310 267,200 284.540 294,500 1130 Salaries - Parttime 43,828 43,410 47,156 46,720 48,360 1300 Employee Benefrrs 74,482 78,510 75,251 74,190 78,160 I Total PersoruJel 376,257 407,230 389,607 405,450 421,020 Operations and Maintenance I 1510 Temporary Services 2,490 1726 Special Studies 2,837 5,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 2110 Gas & Electricity 5,936 6,180 6,204 8,040 8,Q30 I 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 5,940 6,120 5,779 7,730 7,730 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 1,706 1,640 1,548 2,230 2,310 3140 Travel and Meetings 4,396 6,490 5,349 7,380 6,900 I 3310 Telephone 1,378 820 1.081 1,200 1,550 3320 Postage 54 60 30 40 40 4308 R&M Equipment 4,566 4,510 4,368 4,010 4,120 I 4318 R&M Radios 60 60 60 60 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 983 1,500 1,226 1,300 1,350 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 100 200 67 100 150 I 4799 Other Supplies & Materials 106 500 367 300 300 4908 Education & Training 524 500 500 500 500 4922 Printing 132 200 493 400 400 I 4924 Publications and Dues 1,340 1,500 1,488 1,500 1,500 4928 Unifon11S and Laundry 242 200 200 200 4932 Advertising 200 100 100 100 I 4936 Renta1- Equipment 52 5510 Capital Outlay Rental. Vehicles 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,020 2,020 5530 Capital Outlay Rental. Office Equipment 5,780 5,780 5780 6,200 6,200 I 5720 Cash- (Over)/Under (26) I Total Operations"& Maintenance 38,246 45,950 51,840 53,310 53,460 Capital Outlay I 6122a Office Equipment 254 300 500 6122b Computer Hardware 300 6122c Computer Software 200 200 I Total.CapitilOutlay 254 600 706 200 Division Total 414,757 453,\80 442,047 459,460 474,680 I 123 I VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE I Publi(' Ufor"s Department Division Number: 40/ .--- - ~ -......,...-----,..,......,- , - I _, ,'\<;:TlV1IY PF~CJ~JPTI6~ -- -- --- ------------ The Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Division manages Citywide fleet operations to include repairs, I maintenance and fueling of all City.owned vehicles and equipment. Work activities include preventative maintenance, repair, modification and fabrication of all types of City motorized and non-motorized construction/maintenance equipment, ranging from Fire Department pumper trucks to Parks and Landscape I Maintenance lawnmowers. Work also includes administration of vehicle/equipment records for maximum operating efficiency and specifying replacement vehicles/equipment suitable to City nceds. ----- - --------,..,- --- --, - -- -- -.- .-- -_. I _ ."9T1'{IIY'Iio1!d> :\ND 0!3-'!'9TIV}?L _ _ -- ----_.~-~- .j , '. I '.' " \., , , ~ Extend the service life and reduce out-of1Service,tiineofa!L<tity-owned vehicles and equ'ipmel)t through , routine and preventative maintenance: progtafii, " I .. .,/, '," ~ Inspect, maintain, repair and overhaul aWCitY'~?tor!~~d :nd,nofl,mbtorized equipment. , ,.- - '.' .'_J~ _--- I ~ Evaluate service vehicles, determine theirservic~life'-ahd'advise of replacement neeas-:- , /--- -- .- I . --- .. - .' -------- -- '. ..,.,~~- --- ACTIVITY WORKLOAD 2000-01 2Q01,02 2002,03 I STATISTICS' ACTUAL PR()JEfTEJ? PROmOTED -'- --- -- . ---~., --- HT .- Passenger vehicles and SUV's 21 21 I 21 h_ - - - -- ,_. ..J. Light industrial (I ton and below) 23 25 I 25 I -- - - , ------ Heavy industrialiover I ton) 60 60 , 60 .- --- - I Tractors 12 12 i 12 - - Other equipment 185 185 185 - , ,- - _. --- I Motorcycles/Trail vehicles 10 10 10 - , - - - . CHANGE I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES , . None I I I !I I " II , ~ .. n 124 I I VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE I Puhlic Works Department Dil'i.,'jOIl No: 0401 ,- - , , i 999-00 ~ _._~--- 20'oo.OJ -+- -. -'~""~ ~ ...., I Obj, 2000'01 2001=02 2002'0~ C~cg Expen~e Clilssificai,iin Actual i\"pproy~d Estimated PropOsed gr9PQ~l'~~, Personnel Expense I ,~ang~ Position Title FIE 2577 Fleet & Facility Supervisor 1.00 66,901 49,870 56,572 52,810 54,660 242.7 Equipment Mechanic 2.00 80,882 85,860 86,657 102,090 105,660 I 202.7 Public Services Shop Clerk 0.50 - 14,390 14,394 14,740 15,2~0 1110 Salaries - Regular 133,732 135,730 143,229 154,900 160,320 1130 Salaries - Parttime 14,051 14,390 14,394 14,740 15,260 I 1140 Salaries - Ovcrtime 2,934 1,200 2,316 3,500 3,500 1300 E",pl9yee Benefits 36,640 43,720 42,062 39,020 4\,140 Totai Personnel 187,357 195,040 202,001 2"12,160' 220,22()' I Ope rations and Mainte nance 2110 Gas and Electricity 4,048 6,380 5,038 8,290 10,780 2910 Hazardous Waste Removal 190 200 200 1,000 1,000 I 3120 Vehicle Operations 110,181 128,400 119,063 128,400 133,540 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 6,218 5,920 5,918 - . 3140 Travel and Meetings 36 360 345 2,280 3,180 I 3310 Telephone 543 410 1,018 1,000 1,000 4120 Other Contractual Serviccs 50,407 3,700 46,917 7,300 7,300 4308 R&M Equipmcnt 4,413 4,100 9,637 5,670 5,670 I 4312 R&M Outside Vehicle Repair 34,034 41,500 41,540 43,500 45,240 4318 R&M Radios . 140 140 140 140 4516 Small TooL, 2,\37 2,700 2,703 1,500 1,500 I 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 272 350 200 350 350 4750 Safety Supplies 309 . - . . 4760 Operating Supplies 6,565 5,000 3,475 5,000 5,000 I 4799 Othcr Supplies and Materials 93,793 91,380 89,264 100,950 104,750 4908 Education and Training 797 530 2,986 1,500 1,500 4916 Medical Exams 75 260 195 240 240 I 4922 Printing . . 20 . - 4924 Publications and Dues 140 410 350 410 410 4928 Unifonns and Laund.y 2,641 2,800 1,910 2.500 2,500 I 4936 Rental. Equipmcnt - - 76 . - 5510 Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicles 6,000 6,000 6,000 11,910 11,910 5520 Capital Outlay Rental - Other Equipment 19,710 19,710 19,710 23,260 23,260 I 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Ollice Equipment 2,260 2,260 2,260 2,300 2,300 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 4,148 4,090 5,773 5,090 5,Q90 Total Operations & Ma'intenance 348,917 326,600 364,738 352,590 366,660 I Capital Outlay 6122b Computer Hardware - - 4,102 - - 6122c Computer Software - - 14,391 3,500 3,500 I 6130 Shop Tools 4,200 - 11,799 . - 6136 Telecommunications Equipment 527 - 282 - - 6402 Buildings 658 660 659 660 660 I Tota I Capital Outlay 5,385 660 31,233 4,160 4,160 Division Total 541,659 522,300 597,972 568,910 591,040 I 125 j-',- = --- ~.._------- - --- -- ~ I -- --- - - ~ , I I WATER SUPPLY, TREATMENT, PUMPING AND STORAGE I II Public Jrorks Departmellt II Dil'ision Number: 0402 Ii ACTIVrtYDE~Q~fp'TIQN -- - -- -- _n -- . ,- . I - - ~ II II This division is responsible for delivering high quality, potable water to City consumers. This includes I' I II receiving and treating raw water purchased from the San Diego County Water Authority; inspecting and 'I maintaining Lake Poway Dam; monitoring and maintaining the water quality in Lake Poway; operating and I maintaining Poway's Lester J Berglund Water Treatment Plant, the distribution system, pressurc regulating I I and pump stations; and monitoring and operating treated water storage reservoirs to provide both normal and I emergency supply levels. '1 I "..\6tiVrrYGoALs.A:~m 6BJ~cT1VES - - . I I ~- , -..... ~ Provide City consumers with the highest qU_1!!i(Y'P,ot,'!RI.~ter as economicaify'as,possible while I , I I meeting all State and Federal regulation~/ . ') ~ " , >- Maintain Lake Poway's water supply to meet the city'Sineed?as a raw source and as a recreational , , facility "../.. ,_ I ~ Optimize water quality at the Lester,J, Berglliri):\lWate'rTreatlllentPlant; to ensure the integrity of new , plant and distribution SCADA contr?1 ~ystem,~na:i0Jiaxim;ze;its capability ~ Promote open, timely, courteous commllnicati6n~i!~IICjtYiofPoway efl}plgyees,and.customers. , , Provide efficient services to all our citizens'restiltihg.in liigher customer satisfaction and confidence. I I , , -= - I; . -' 11 I ACTIVITY WORKLOAD :2000-01 2001-(>2 2097-03 I I STATISTICS 'ACTUAL PROJECT@ PROJECTED , I -- --- Acre feet of water treated for Poway 14,550 15,090 J 15,175 I . - -- --- --~-- -- - -, -- , -, .1 -- - ----.. " Acre feet of raw water purchased for I I' Stoneridge ~n<! Maderas golf courses 450 475 ,I 500 " - -- , , - I Acre feet of raw water for storage I' adjustinent 350 300 300 -- - - -- - - - -- - : -+~ I " Total acre feet of water purchased 15,350 15,865 ; from SDCW A , - ---'1 15,975,_1: I , 1---- -,-, , ------ - , -, , Water treated for Ramona MWD / II SDCW A 30.50 I 50-100 50-100 I -- - , ,I I Recycled water purchased from City " ,:,1' San Die~o 320 420 500 - -, , , SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE , I , 2140 Pumping Power accounts: Overall 33% increase over two years due to higher + $221,810 II energy costs. , , . - - - - ~ , -,., -- -I I 2710 Raw Water' 14%, increase over two years due to increased water purchases + $ J ,078,250 Ii driven by residential and commercial growth. . , 'I 4120 Other Contractual. Consultant services for water quality laboratory services, + $36,300 SCADA integrity, ~nd safety compliance. 'i I . 4308 R&M Equipment. High Valley motor and MCC in FY 2000-2001 - $47,980 :1 4502 Chcmicals: Higher che;~i~al costs; increased disttibution production volul~e. + $54,840 I -- - 126 . I WATER SUPPLY, TREATMENT, PUMP ING AND STORAGE I Public IVorks Department Division No: 0402 Obi:' -, -- - - [999,00 20oo!01 "'2ooo-oT' :2001-02' "2002'03 I Cbde Exoense,Classification . f\ctual Approyed Estimated, Pi-o~~e-p __ __Pcroposep~ Personnel Expense Range Position Title FTE 291.3 Water Utilities Manager 1.00 69,741 69,770 76,749 75,100 77,730 I 272.1 Water Treatment Sp\'r 1.00 57,829 57590 60,067 61,990 64,160 262.1 Sr. Utility Systems Tech 1.00 54,745 52,110 51,500 52,910 57,060 257 1 WatcrTPO III 5.00 299,590 247,850 307,127 266,810 276,150 247 I Utility Systems Mechanic 2.00 96,120 87,530 79,006 87,830 90,910 I 218.1 Secretary III 1.00 33,558 33,540 34,863 36,140 37,400 1110 Salaries. Rel--'ular 611.583 548,390 609,312 580,780 603,410 1140 Salaries. Overtime 26,915 26,850 26,635 35,500 36,450 I 1300 E!11plovee .13,enefits 157,970 p;qlO 158,999 14Q,I.10 154,3~0 Total personnel 796,468 747,450 794,946 762;990 794,210 Operations and Maintenance 1726 Special Studies 3\,900 10,700 10,700 3,000 18200 I 2110 Gas and Electricity 8260 7,350 4,010 9,420 12,050 2140 Pumping Power 438,070 443,480 664,188 629,570 665290 2310 Telemetry 15,996 22,000 14,452 16,800 12,000 I 2710 Water Purchases 7298,928 6,868,470 7,131.871 7,761,610 7,946,720 2740 Reclaimed Water 158,799 239,000 192,000 209250 239,000 3110 Reimbursed Milea ge 1.800 2,050 2,050 2,700 2,650 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 16,413 15,650 15,650 13,990 14,650 I 3140 Travel and Meetings L267 1,940 1,877 2,420 2,440 3310 Telephone 3.166 3,570 2,909 3,540 3,720 3320 Postage . - - 2,800 2,800 4112 Contract 1mpection 10,045 18,150 18.150 13,700 13,850 I 4120 Other Contractual Services 50,831 56,500 56,500 99,600 92,800 4308 R&M Equipment 79,227 75,950 84,950 87,000 36,970 4318 R&M Radios 451 260 140 420 460 4502 Chemicals 143,815 155,420 175,661 193,480 210260 I 4516 SmaUTools 410 500 1500 1200 1,200 471 0 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,1 77 1.250 IJ \5 1,600 1,700 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 449 550 547 500 550 4750 Safety Supplies 5,383 2,860 2,634 3,420 3540 I 4760 Operating Supplies 31,507 42280 39,394 45,110 47,790 4908 Education and Training 2,854 4500 4,185 5,500 5,200 4916 Medical Exams 530 1J00 IJOO 1,530 1.400 I 4922 Printing 322 - . - - 4924 Publications and Dues 18,920 14,450 19,324 2U50 23,110 4928 UniJorms and Laundry 4536 4,3 10 2,750 4,350 4,350 4932 Advertising 1,137 1250 2,600 . . I 4936 Rental. Equipment 10,614. - - . 5510 Capital Outlay Rental- Vehicles 6,400 6,400 6,400 8,650 8,650 5520 Capital Outlay Rental - Other Equipment . . - 8,400 8,400 I 5530 Cap. ital Outlay. Rental. Office Equipment 16,900 16,900 \6,900 15,.050 15,050 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 12,482 23,200 20,845 26.450 27,480 ToialOperaiions & Maintenance 8,372589 8,040,240 8,494,802 9,192210 9,422,280 Capital Outlay I 6114 Laboratorv Equipment 7,079 - . - - 6122 Computer Hardware,SofWare & Equipment 3,947 1.200 14,686 4.650 - 6128 Photographic Equipment 4,756 - . 3500 - 6130 Shop Tools - . . - 2,000 I 6136 Telecommunications Equipment 3,619 - . . - 6199 Other Equipment 51,708 - . 5290 . 6402 Buildings 6,50 I 20,610 20,610 20.610 20,6\ 0 6414 Non-Structural Improvements - 9500 17500 - - I Total Capitill Outlay 77,610 31,310 52,796 34,050 22;610 Division Total 9246,667 8,819,000 9,342.544 9,989.250 10,239.100_ I 127 - - - -, -, -- I " I W ASTEW A TER PUMPING AND DISPOSAL I Ii Public Works Department Db'i.\';on Number: 0403 - --'---- - -. ------- -, I , ACTIVITY DESC8-H'I1QN - -- ---- I' II ThiS diVISiOn pumps and momtors wastewater flows prior to its discharge to the City of San Diego for I treatment. The focus of this division is to maintain Poway's sewage lift stations, monitor sewer flows coming ., Ji into and out of Poway and minimizc health risks in nonnal and emergency pumping. This division also I' oversees the City of San Diego Metro Wastewater Disposal Agreemcnts. I " , , AOTMTY GoALs AND OBJECTlVE~ --.- .. , I' Maintain the wastewater liti stations to perform~af pcak.effu:iency at the Cit~;;-four wastewater pump I II ~ . f ,....._ statIOns. ,/ --, ., ~ -') J' ". ~ '-........ I ' . - . ,. Monitor sanitary sewer flows both\int2:~!ldoutiq~e Ci,ty,qf-P'oWay, c,w;..> 'b ,,,)/, I .. Makc system modifications to reduce'p~mpirigiCo_sts!!~~' ,. , '- ( l" --- " ' " - ---- --- " ,. Continue an ongoing wastewatcr sampling progratrt.t~mainta;n accurate data for strcngth-based billing by , the City of San Diego. -- I I ACTIVITY WORKLOAD 2000-0 I 2()01.02 2002-03 I STATISTICS ACruf\L PROJECTED PgOJE(::TED Poway wastewalcr delivered to Metro 1460 MG 1551 MG j 1588 MG -- . . - -.- -- -~ I Wastcwater transportation through I 1551 MG Penasqu!t<?,s 1460 MG 1588 MG I ~ --- -, City of San Diego wastewater 365 MG 425 MG i 425 MG I delivercd to Metro I .., - I -- -- - Combined flow of wastewater 1825 MG 1976 MG , 2013 MG delivered to Metro ~ I .. , 1 ---- -- -- Poway wastewatcr dclivercd to I 15.5MG 16.6 MG 17.5MG Escondido I I n . -- -- II CHANGE I I SIGNIFICf\NT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES 2140 Pumping Power accounts: Overall 44% incrcase over two years due to higher + $28,330 'I I cnergy Costs, 2810 Metro: Lower Retro Cost for FY 200 I, lower flows than projectcd. . $115,510 , , - , I 2840 PenasqUltos: Overall 8% Increase over two years due to increased O&M costs. + $42,060 I .' 4308 R&M EqUipment: St. Andrews PIS pump and motor purchasc m FY 200 I .. $18,100 I I 12~ I I I WASTE WATER PUMPING AND DISPOSAL Public 'Yorks Department DhJ;sion No: 0403 - . - - - -. ---F"-- ~.- , 12QQlo02 .. '2002;03- I Obj. 1999'00 2000!,(ii' )000-01' Code g.xJJC!,~e (;@ssification Actual Appro~e<:! Estimated Pr6RQ.S~a. p.!opQseg Personnel Expense I Range Position Title FIE 272.1 Technical System~ Supervisor 1.00 52,770 52,110 53,934 58,980 61,040 252.1 Utilities System Technician 1.00 21,337 50,760 52,540 I IllO Salaries. Regular 52,770 52,110 75,271 109,740 113,580 1112 Salaries - Shift Differential 600 600 3,000 3,100 1140 Salaries - Overtime 3,570 2,000 1,812 I 1300 Employee Benefits 13,269 14,610 22,301 2\510 , 26,860 Tc>\ill:j>e.!~onnel 69,609 69,320 99,984 13,8;250 143,540 Operations and Maintenance I 1708 Chemical Analysis Fees 2,910 3,600 3,600 3,700 3,700 1726 Special Studies 18,801 23,050 23,050 15,000 17,000 2110 Gas and Electricity 185 320 320 400 450 I 2140 Pllll1ping Power 40,446 36,630 45,830 61,970 64,360 2310 Telemetry 3,083 4,280 3,228 3,100 3,260 2810 M&O - Metro System 2,40 I ,099 3,933,020 3,369,162 3,600,610 3,817,510 2820 M&O - Bernardo System 28,238 33,170 33,170 29,800 3IJ1O I 2830 Capacity - Metro System 162,959 163,000 162,949 163,000 163,000 2840 M&O - Penasquitos System 581,224 471,640 526,640 492,040 513,700 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 9,032 8,640 8,640 7,710 8,070 I 3140 Travel and Meetings 1,548 500 378 1,000 1,000 3310 Telephone 624 1,260 IJ20 4120 Other Contractual Services 2,619 10,700 10,700 19,800 20,200 I 4308 R&M Equipment 36,429 36,300 36,300 20,000 18,200 4318 R&M Radios 70 50 120 130 4502 Chemicals 4,000 5,000 I 4516 Small Tools 69 150 150 1,200 500 4750 Safety Supplies 459 1,000 889 2,000 2,100 4760 Operating Supplies 7,603 14,000 12,102 16,500 17,500 . 4908 Education and Training 1,277 3,100 2,000 3,700 3,900 4916 Medical Exams 160 320 400 400 4922 Printing 46 - I 4924 Publications and Dues 207 300 300 480 500 4928 Unifonl1s and Laundry 326 360 360 900 900 4936 Rental- Equipment 1,896 7,800 7,800 7,800 8,000 I 5510 Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicles 4,180 4,180 4,180 7,530 7,530 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipmcnl 990 990 990 1,030 1,030 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 900 1,100 900 1,200 1,250 I Total Oper~tions & Maintenance 3,306,526 4,758,060 4,254,632 4,466,250 4,711,820 Capital Outlay 6104 Autos & Trucks 21,451 I 6122a Office Eqtupment IJoo 6122c Compuler Software l,500 6136 Teleconmlllllications Equipment 66 - I To!~IC;apital OutJay - 21,517 2,800 - Divis ion Total 3,376,135 4,827,380 4,376,133 4,607,300 4,855,360 I 129 j-- , -- .. .. I I WATER TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBunON PlIblil' JVorks Department I Dh'is;oll Number: 0404 I ACTIvITYj:)ESGRIPTI0N- -- ~------ -- -. . '. - - I ._, ~--- -- ------ I Water Transmission and Distribution Division is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the City's I potable and recycled water systems. Major functional maintenance and repair areas include repairs on four- I through thirty-six-inch mains, air releases and blow-off assemblies, fire hydrants, water laterals and meters, and I the mstallation of new water meters. This Division also aids in preserving optimum water quality throughout the City by both the Annual Water Main Flushmg Program and the Cross-Connection Control Program. I I ACTIVIT,Y,GOALS AND O,BJEqrJVES - .- f . .. - -- -- ,,/ I I ~ Upgrade fifty (50) fire hydrants. --..., ,. , ~.r\.v'\ ',,- , / --\ ~, " ~ Replace six hundred (600) residen!ial water meters, 'Z-1 '1'" , ,. I I' , " J;. Upgrade twenty.five (25) backflow devices.ari~hy for,lhe'next ~o upcoming fiscal years. ~ ' I J;. Provide proactive Distribution Mainterianc'e p~g~~~r;exer~iSing valves and f1ush~n.g Fater system I , , mains. ) , .... ,. I ,. Enhance two-way communleal1on betweenthe'Pul:ilic Works Department apdj'>ther"Departments within ,. the City ,. Provide better and more efficient services to our citizens resulting in higher customer satisfaction. I ,. . -- ACTIVITY WORkLOAD 2()QO'01 2001'02 20Q2.03 I ST A TlSTI!OS ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED I .. Miles of water distribution pipeline 230 235 240 (4" diameter through 36" diameter) ,.- - -.- . Watcr main appurtenances 1135 1142 1156 i !' -- Fire hydrant assemblies' inventory 1922 1932 I 1953 I I .~- . - -.-- -- -..---.-- . .. I : Water distribution main valves 3760 3758 3795 -- ,- -- ,- . - -- -...-- --- 1~11 I Miles of recycled water distribution 12 12 pipeline I! , SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM cHANGE"S CHANGE , I 4120 Other Contractual. Clearwell utility road improvements in FY 200 I .$17,500 I . , j' I I! I I I 130 I I I WATER TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION Public Work.> Deparlmeul Di";S;OIII\O: 0404 , i 999:0('( '-2000:0 i u 2001'il2'. r-2oQi:03~' I Obi: 2000-01 Code ExpeD}e Cms~ificlltion Actual :Appfoved Estimated Pi-oP.os~cl Proposed' .--_. ---~ Personnel Expense I Range Position Title FIE 2516 Water Utilities Supervisor 1.00 47,162 46,920 45,947 46, 100 47,710 2416 Cross-Conncct Control Maint. 1.00 43,117 40,390 26.805 39.270 42,640 I 236.6 Ltl Const Maint Worker 2.00 80,569 78,720 83,R48 82,820 85,720 221.6 Const Maint Worker II 3.00 106,240 139,040 132,950 112,270 116,200 211.6 Const Maint Worker I 2.00 33,115 - 28,035 58,300 63,340 I 1110 Salaries. Regumr 310,203 305,070 317,585 338,760 355,610 1114 Samries . Standby - 3,990 2,000 . - 1140 Salaries. Overtime 14,541 12,550 12,347 16,500 16,530 I 1300 Employee Benefits 92,019 102,760 97,024 98,710 105,120 TotarPerscinnel 416,763 424;370 428;956 453,970 477,260 I Operations and Maintenance 1726 Special Studies 500 20,000 20,000 . 15,000 2110 Gas and Electric ity 9,655 9,100 15,624 13,200 14,800 I 3110 Reimbursed Mileage . 60 50 70 70 3130 Vehicle OperatIons & Maintenance 63,196 60,440 60,440 56,930 59,490 3140 Travel and Meetings IJ75 2,150 2,005 2,000 2,120 I 3310 Telephone 1,556 1,400 2,554 4,200 4,410 4120 Other Contractual Services 21,147 6,000 36,000 18,500 18,500 4318 R&M Radios 250 650 1,804 540 590 I 4516 Small Tools 136 500 1,100 550 500 4710 Office Stationery & Supplies 680 500 548 550 630 4750 Safety Supplies 1,351 1,200 1,200 IJOO IJ50 I 4760 Operating Supplies 102,625 94,680 89,297 96,150 99,150 4908 Education & Training 3,807 1,500 1,400 5,500 2,600 4916 Medical Exams 546 IJIO 1,310 2,380 1,990 I 4922 Printing 72 - - - - 4924 Publications and Dues 1,672 1,830 1,880 2,790 2,640 4928 Unifonns and Laundry 4,301 3,780 3,308 4,380 4,380 I 4936 Equipment Rental 886 2,250 2,250 2,700 2,300 5510 Capital Outlay Rental. Vehicles 36,130 36,130 36,1 30 40,300 40,300 5520 Capital Outlay Rental - Other Equipment 13 ,600 13,600 13,600 20,380 20,380 I 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment 860 860 860 900 900 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 6,835 7,000 7,000 7,300 6,000 Total Operations &. Maintenance 271,180 264,940 298,360 280,620 298,100 I Capital Outlay 6104 Autos & Tmcks 20,209 . 23,024 - . 6122 Office Furniture & Computers 5,150 - 302 3,800 - I 6136 Telecommunications Equip!. - . 132 - . 6199 Other Equipment 13,936 . - 6,150 1,500 6402 Buildings 1,389 4,400 4,400 4,400 4,400 I Total Capital Outlay 40,684 4,400 27,858 14,350 5,900 Division Total 728,627 693,710 755,174 748,940 781,260 I 131 -- -- - . -,-, I ... ---~- - - - -- - - II Ii WASTEWATER COLLECTION MAINTENANCE I , Public 'Yorks Departme/lt I ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION .._ ~ ~ Di,'isiofl Numher: 040~ , I - -- - - - - - - - - - ~. " II Wastewater Collection Maintenance Division is charged with the maintenance of all City sewer system mains, I access manholes, and appurtenant service laterals. Major functional maintenance and repair areas include II. repairs on 8-inch to 24-inch mains, 4,inch through 6-inch sewer laterals, and maintenance of off,site access I I easements. This Division video inspects newly installed City sewer mains prior to acceptance as well as II existing mains to detennine condition and maintenance needs. Additionally, an annual Preventive I~ _~ailltenance prOgra__~IS :~ducted_for c1e~ning a_n~~nspeC~ing th_e,col~ction ~ystel~ __ I ACTIVITY GOALS AND 'OBJECTIVES r _.............- -----.-------.-- -... -.-~-~--- -- ---- ---- > Ensure maximum sewer main capacity by p.t;oaaiv~'~o!lec;ion system maillte;:;anc~and implementation I I of Best Management Practices (BMPs) t,(j aVert,ai1Y:jJotinti.~I. sewage spills, ---,_ - 0,\\ -'. " ,. Maintain optimum access to se\\;er:faciliti~s" . 8 - I ~, ,. Enhance two, way commlmicatioll'b-"fw,een'th~~ub),iS\Works:Department and other departments within the City . .", ": n - -- I I ,. Identify sections of pipeline for future replacemenJ'~nd/or repair ,. Provide better and more efficient services to our citi~ens resultilig in higher customer satisfaction, I I 266ocOl 20or~02. 2002-0,3 I ACTIVITY WORKLOAD ACTUAL PROJECTEIJ PROJECTED' STATISTICS ." .~ 1 ~-- Annual Flushing Programfootage ,~60,30~ ~?2,3~0 _ 'I ' 600,300 I F~"g' oh,w" m.m,".'oo- TV 50,000 70,000' 90,000 I mspected I Mainline sewer blockages 4 ' 6 -1'-' - - - - 6 _ ~__ ~,_, _ _, _, ,J_ _ _ , Number of sewe! lateral service calls 40 44 , ,44 I' I Miles of Wastewater Collection 162 170 172 I System (6.mch diameter and above) I ' il I . . ~ II SIGNIFICANT ACTIVJTY PROGRAM CHANGES: CHANGEj 4120 Other Contractual. Consultant scrvices for safety compliance and outsidc + $29,500 I I sewer video services. .' I . 132 I II I W ASTEW A TER COLLEcnON MAINTENANCE Public Jlforks Depllrfmellt Divisioll No: 0405 -'- ;200.9'.'01 2000-01 '209H2 2002~63 ' I Obj. , 1999cOO Code 9xpel.l_s~;Glassifbtion Actual Appr~)Ved Estim\lteg !,r.Qp.Q~ed _ ,Pr.<?POJi~4_ Personnel Expense I R~nge Pas ition Title HE 2516 Water Utilities Supervisor 1.00 32,076 50,500 ' 52,270 2416 Cross Connect Control Maint. 1.00 34,306 45,650 47,250 I 236.6 Lead Const. Maint. Worker v 1.00 40,632 40,390 42,203 82,830 85,720 2216 Canst. Maint. Worker II 2.110 65,642 104,310 96,692 70,070 72,960 2216 COIl.'>t. Maint. Worker I 27,969 12,595 - I 1110 Salaries - Regular 134,243 144,700 217,872 249,050 258,200 1114 Salaries. Standby 11,944 2,660 1,330 - 1140 Salaries. Overtime 2,849 6,520 6,414 9,000 9,090 I 1300 E~ployee Benefits 40,646 48,210 59,873 66) 90 69,940 T otai Personnel 189,682 202,090 285,489 324;240 337,230 Operations and Maintenance I 1726 Special Studies 15,000 15,000 3110 Reimbursed Mileage - 60 50 70 90 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 40,076 38,330 38,330 39,800 41,580 I 3140 Travel and Meetings 104 800 801 2,800 1,100 3310 Telephone 74 130 1,316 2,410 2,530 4120 Other Contractual Services 20,132 5,000 9,094 29,500 34,500 I 4318 R&M Radios 52 300 150 360 390 4516 Small Tools 294 300 300 350 700 4710 Offiee Stationery & Supplies 105 200 300 300 330 I 4750 Safety Supplies 785 800 800 900 1,200 4760 Operating Supplies 11,483 16,320 12,543 15710 16,830 4908 Education and Training 1,883 1,010 790 1,530 1,510 I 4916 Medical Exams 372 900 900 1,390 1,130 4922 Printing 16 - 4924 Publications and Dues 210 210 370 420 I 4928 Uniforms and Laundry 1741 2,040 1,236 3,000 3,000 4936 Equipment Rental 1,500 1,500 \,550 1,800 5510 Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicles 28,700 28,700 2X,700 37,180 37,180 I 5520 Capital Outlay Rental. Other Equipment 9,180 9,180 9,180 12,370 12,370 5530 Capital Outlay Rental ~ Oflice Equipment 900 900 I I Total Operations & Maintenance 114,997 120,780 121,200 150,490 157,560 Capital Outlay I 6122b Computer Hardware 2,400 6\36 Telecommunications Equipment - 6199 Other Equipment 12,233 3,500 3,500 4,500 2,000 I T otalGapital Outlay 12,233 3,500 3,500 6,900 2,000 Divis ion Total 316,912 326,370 410,189 481,630 496,790 I 133 'I I I , In I' , II II , II I I!i I, I" , , --- ----,- - - II ,1- -_.- -.------- .--- I MA[NTEp~~;k~D~:~'~ nONS I I: Divisio1t Number: 0406 i~ -. u~,.,__~=_____ - I ,. ACTIVIT,YDEScI9rIl9,N ____ _ ,__ . I The Maintenance Operations Division is responsible for receiving and generating repair requests, work I I order management, coordinating public reimbursable and providing administrative support to all I maintenance operations divisions for repair and maintenance of the City's infrastructure. The Department I generates more than 8,000 job orders annually, which guide all fieldwork including Facilities Maintenance, I I Parks, Streets, Fleet, Trails and Utilities Divisions. Additionally, the Division maintains an active database :1: with details of all work performed in order to keep a proactive focus on the City's visible and non.visible II in~rastruc~r~ ~he Di.~i,si:n aIs:~ai~ta~ns and~~:rate~the ~ity~ warehou~e~_ _ __ ._, __ __ I I,ACT1V1Ty'GOALS:ANDOBJECTIVES . ,~..:;-- ---... - - - -...~ -- - --.- ----_._-~ ,- ---- ----- ------ '\ :Y Administer and manage the workflow for ~he settion; se[section goals, insure prop':!:. quality and I standard performance and resolve pubhc,concemsiand COllfllctS relatlllg to the sectIon. >- Manage thc work order man. agemen(s'y~tem;to,in~I~&~ofk~orders, GIS and infrastruc~' I invcntory/scheduling, . (,'0 0 ' >- Implcment goals and objectives fqr th,e lv1aterials:S~2.,trolle~,.,~2'e<:'\l,te the warehouse work program, devclop warehouse procedures, autoniatejob,ofclep':laterial needs"s. uppliers and inventory and I Implcmcnt the barcode program. , .{ - " . ._ _ ,- >- Continuc to implement the annual work schedti'lf'forall:Divisions including paved and unpaved 1 channels, sidewalks, buildings, trees, ~tr~~~, w,!ter,h,vastcwatcr, rights-of-way, parks, 9P~n space, I facility and recreation support, trails and Operatioi-ts facilities, :Y Review and coordinate the review of all privatc development and public improvcment plans to insure the plans to not conflict with the city infrastructure and meet city standards, Also to add to the public I facilities to the invcntory for maintenance. ACTNITYWORKLOAD 2000~01 2001'02 , 20.02:.63 . I STATISTICS ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED Review of development plans 445 580 I 580 , Work Orders gcnerated 8445 I 9000 t -, 9000 I - ___ - _1- __ _____ , I Emergency Job Orders prcpared, 5~~ , '. 500 ), _ ' "_ _ 500 _ , I I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY,PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None !: I I I I~ I I MAlNTENANCE OPERA nONS I P"bUe Works Deparrlllelll Dil'is;oll No: 0406 -r- . - ----- - - ---.... -:'-~ ------ -- . Qbj. J999~OO: ,206Q:OL -2000-012001.02' 2002:03', Coqe. Exp~nse .<::'];t~sification ActuaL Approved !;:stirilll,te(\, 1'r9P9~ec! ,~ro~sed Personnel Expensc I Range Position Title FTE 2913 Maint. Operations Mgr UX) 71,085 69,770 73,220 75,100 77,730 261.6 Maint. Control Supervisor UK) 46,003 51,610 I 251.6 Sr Planner/Estimator 2.(XI 30,727 46,920 41,671 96.130 98,250 241 6 Maint.lConst. Inspector UX) 35,266 42,410 - 45,650 47,250 227 6 Materials Controller UX) 37,161 36,920 42,356 39,740 41,130 I 218.1 Secretary III WI 33,558 33,570 34,863 36,140 37,400 203,6 Secretary II LOO 31,260 32,350 198.6 Management Intern I.(X) 22,630 23,420 I 1110 Salaries. Regular 253,800 281,200 192,1 10 324,020 334,110 1130 Salaries. Parttime - 22,630 23,420 1140 Salaries - Overtime 3,937 3,900 2,774 3,500 3,500 1300 Empl(jxee Benefits 68,859 81,240 50,164 88,740 94,110 I Toial Personnel 326,596 366,340 245,048 438,890' 45~,140 Operations and Maintcnance I 2110 Gas & Electric 2,362 2,400 2,318 3,120 4,060 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 2,400 2,700 2,693 3,590 3,590 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 9,254 8,810 8,810 8,620 9,020 I 3140 Travel & Meetings 3,067 3,850 2,343 2,650 2,920 3310 Telephone 4,014 4,530 3,934 4,670 4,810 4308 R&M Equipment 6,482 5,530 5,532 5,530 6,010 4318 R&M Radios 239 1,700 990 970 970 I 4710 Office & Statiunery Supplies 1,623 1,650 2,297 2,350 2,350 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 1,560 2,350 2,346 2,350 2,350 4750 Safety Supplies 83 100 97 100 100 I 4760 Operating Supplies 3,773 6,100 5,910 8,300 3,800 4799 Other Supplies and Materials 106- 4908 Education and Training 3,594 5,000 3,497 3 700 3,500 I 4916 Medical Exams 290 360 145 120 120 4922 Printing 156 4924 Publications & Dues 540 470 636 560 560 I 4928 Unifonnsand Laundry 1.059 1,430 1,172 1,100 1,100 4936 Equipment Rental 792 690 640 1,440 I 440 5510 Capital Outlay Rental- Vehicles 9,100 9,100 9,100 9,600 9,600 I 5520 Capital Outlay Rental. Other Equipment 2,100 2,100 2,100 3,000 3,000 5530 Capital Outlay Rental. Office Equipment 9,340 9,340 9,340 9,300 9,300 5730 Intergovel1lmental Fees 81,723 84,450 84,448 84,450 84,450 I Total O~erations & Maintenance 143,551 152,660 148,454 155,520 153,050 Capital Outlay 6122a Office Equipment 569 500 I 6122b Computer Hardware 2,858 6122c Computer Software 3,770 5,000 15,390 10,000 10,000 6\36 Telecommwucation Equipment 812 - I Total Capital Outlay 8,009 5,000 15,390 10,500 10,000 Division Total 478,156 524,000 408,892 604,910 618,190 I 135 I' I II I 'I" , 'I j II I I I II 'I II II ',I . I ' I I , , ' .~----_.- -------- -- I Ii - ----- -- - --- -- II , STREET MAINTENANCE I I Public Work. Depar/lI/e1ll II Divi,joll NUll/ix".: 0407 -. " - - -+ -.- -- ~ __ u -- , , I ACTIVITY D~Q~ r ,-- I I , The Streets Maintenance DiVIsIon is responsible for mamtenanee and repair fimctions for 164 miles of roads II and nghts-of-\Wy that include legends, traffic striping, sign festIng, replacement and inventory, tree and Ii shrubbery trimming, cw-bs, gutters, SIdewalk replacement and weedllitter abatement along the roadsIde, llus I II Division also perfonns graffitI removal and street sweepmg, 'I -- .. -- I I AcriVlTYGOALSAND'O~ i. II I, Perfonn a comprehensIVe mamtenance program for City-owned facilitIes In the public rights-of-\Wy; forestall I I all future capItal expenditures through ongoing preventIve street maintenance; ensure public safety through the mamtenance of sIgns, crosswalks, cw-bs, guttcrs, slde\wlks, ~dshrubDery; ~ntinue roadstde cleanup and /....1 ,.- I vegetatIon control. .,; . J ,', , " . t _""1". '-, The following FY 200 1-2002 and Fl' 2002-2003 pro~liave b<;en developed to nnprove the appearance I . , of, and decrease public hazards in, street'facilities:') I ' " I, i ([I . ' ':Y;-~, >- ContInue the Pavement Mamtenance f'rogram, yl ';, I >- Continue the Tree Maintenance Progrd111'Us1hgfulR'll!;h.ouse ~d contract labor that \Vill provide Class II pruning of all City trees every three years, \ - >- Complete the Reflectivity Testing Progrdmofthe.Ci~s sign inventory and rep~.asneeded, I >- EffectIvely utilize all ftee labor SOtrrCes to increase the-Jnamrena!1ce'standaITlS of the roadways. , ACTlVITYWORKLOAD 2000-:01 200.1-02 2002"03 I , .. " STATISTICS AquAt PROJECrED. _ pRO.JE,ClpD Traffic Sign replaced 774 747 350 I If --, - - -- ----- - - ------ , - -, ~ -' Square feet of concrete sidewalks I , repl?ced_ 17,045 10,000 10,000 , I I , . . - .. - " --- -- -- Square feet of road deep patches complefed 130,124 100,000 100,000 Ii -- 2.500 - j: I Trees pnmed by contact 2396 2500 I' I ,. , " , , I SIGNIFICANT' ACIlVlTY PROGRAM CHANGES CHANGE None I 136 I I STREET MAINTENANCE .1 Public Works Department Di"ision No: 0407 015'!-- - -.- - - . :1999;00: - '2ooo~ol . 2000'0 i ,.,..~.'...:........--. - ,~ 2001,02 ,2002~03, I -- ~, '~"perise; 9tasIif,?a,tlop -', . -....,..., -.,-- ..~-~, ,-,.. ~ ~- ~"". ",.p.- '._, ~... .. .~. .' .- g:gge: ACtUaL. Xj5j5yove-d'Estimated, ProjJ9seQ, ,Prop<:ls~c,1. PeJrSonne1 Expense Range Position Title HE I 2516 Street Maintenance Spvr 1.00 18.475 46,920 34,461 49,080 51,900 '236.6 Ld Const Mainl Worker 3.00 127,383 121,170 132,096 126,810 131,240 2216 Const Maintenance Worker 11 4.00 140,995 163,720 128,363 143,710 150,080 '. 2116 Const Maintenance Worker I 1.00 51,063 55,078 ~~,] 50, J1,670 1110 Sablnes - Regular 319,289 331,810 349,998 348,750 364,890 1114 Sahries . Sl2ndby 2,000 '. 1130 Sablries . Parttime 18,627 9,865 - 1140 Sahlries - Overtime 19,153 6,400 14,912 20,100 20,100 \300 Employee Benefrts 94,829 } Q~ ,980 97)85 ,!8,?20, 1.0:4,350 -~ ,,--..,.., - ~- -. .......,.., I 'T9t~rp~fs6iilie1 451,898 450,190 472;560 46};970 489;340 Operations and Maintenance 1799 Other Professional Fees 1,500 I 2900 Trash Removal 2,750 7,000 3 JlOO 4,000 4,000 2910 Hazardous Waste Removal 5,208 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 102,963 98,340 98,344 105,790 110,600 I 3140 Travel and Meetings 1,420 1,500 1,042 3,220 2,590 3310 Telephone (11) 4120 Other Contractual Serviccs 57M8 81,400 77,841 84,800 84,800 4318 R&M Radios 250 720 500 840 840 I 4320 R&M Roadway 1308,953 1,300,000 1,443,288 1,380,000 1,480,000 4324 R&M Sidewalks & Barricades 18,221 35,000 34,971 35,000 35,000 4330 R&M Street Striping 119,668 125,000 124,749 125,000 125,000 I 4332 Street Sweeping 106,258 118,300 158,253 140,000 143,900 4514 Sign Maintenance 41,785 33,000 28,849 33,000 33,000 4516 Small Tools 2,624 2,500 2,439 2,500 2,500 I 4520 Street Repair Materials 73,768 50,000 43,446 50,000 50,000 4710 Office and Stationery Supplies - 23 4750 Saf;~ty Supplies 2,130 3,500 2,986 3,500 3,500 I 4760 Operating Supplies 20,077 21,500 18,617 19,500 19,500 4908 Education and Trall1rng 6,027 4,370 3,601 4,3 70 4,370 4916 Medical Exams 365 600 580 600 600 4922 Prmting 953 288 I 4924 Publications and Dues 458 500 388 400 400 4928 Um[onl1S and Laundry 3.554 4,080 4,065 4,800 4,800 I 4932 Advertising 833 4936 Equipment Rental 6,586 5,000 6,603 5,000 5,000 5510 Capital Outlay Rental - VehIcles 43,430 43,430 43.430 55,550 55,550 5520 Caprtal Outlay Rental - Other Equipment 61,030 61,030 61,030 48,030 48,030 I 5530 Capital Outlay Rental. OHice Equipment 1,050 1,050 1,050 750 750 Tot,~1 Qp<:ntligl]S &..Maintenance 1,989,498 2,000,820 2,162,383 2,109,650 2,217)30 I Capital Outlay 6106 Cons!. & Street Main!. Equip. 23,383 3,750 3,737 6,050 31,250 6122 OffIce Equipment & Computers 145 - 4,400 I 6132 Street Light Equipment - 4,135 - Total <;:~pit1!rQutlay 23,528 3,750 7,872 10;450 ~1,250 Division Total 2,464,924 2,454,160 2,642,815 2,587,170 2,73~,gQ,. ;1, t37 r"- --- ----------- -l I r- - - - --- - - - ~ - - - - -- I \1 DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE I Ii Public Works Department DiJ-'isiolt Number: 0408 I I' ACTIVlTY-:-b~~c@'!."tIQN. 1 -- -'r~- -.- ~ - -----.. - -- - ~ .. I -, .-..-.- - --~--- --'-- The Drainage Maintenance Division is responsible for the repair and maintenance of thirty, nine and one"half I (39,5) miles of improved channels and drainage culverts. Work in the improved channels consists of silt, dcbris and graffiti removal; tree, shrubbery and groundcover pruning; concrete/fence repair and access maintenance. Work inthe major creeks consists of debris and hard stem plant removal and weed\grass mowing I I where appropriate, Sandbar and silt rcmoval within watercourses is performed to maintain the hydraulic I capacity of the streams. Drainage culverts, catch and desilting basins are inspected annually, cleaned and repaired as necessary I , ACTIVITY GOALS 'ANtNj~JECTivE~ , , . ,I ' , "- I / , I The following FY 200 1-2002 and FY 2002-200}Pfggrams h~ve been developed to 'imp~e the City's drainage I system and decrease the public flooding ri~', " -/ . " , ;.. Complete an entire drainage mainleri~~;cycl~'bY/theleQ(Lqf,:F.Y 2002-2003 ---" I I I, ;..- Oversee the corrugated metal pipe;re~lacemeriliiinMepaif;'pr6gtam. ~ Comply with the 2001 NPDES R~,riiiirail'ci:r~gffiM1':p~st~n),a.1]J!gemerit practices, ,. Manage the Poway Creek Stlt RemQ~aJ,Pr9Je,ct. 'JIU' I ,. Improve surface drainage by keeping"'naKiral stream1Jeils:ih'adear, unobstructed condition frceof any '. I" . - -- - __- I debris and excess growth. ,~ .':...... . - ,. Reduce flooding of 10w,Iying areas by maintain\llg'drainage systems at optimum hydraulic efficiency I ;..- Reduce street and roadway flooding during rairi~ioril'is by maintaining culvertsllhd catcnbasins; and I cDmpleting an inventory of all storm drains within the CitY ,. Remove debris and vegetation from City-owned portions of Rattlesnake Creek and the Green Valley I Creek and detention basin in FY 2001.2002, " ACTIV,iTVWORKL0AD " I '20,0.9.'01: 7(jQ j';02 " ;2,002'93 . - ^ yo._ , ~ I I ST ATISnOS ACTtJAL PROJECTED' 'PROJE,(:J:,Ef:r: I Miles of open channels maintained 13 I 13 13 , , , - -- - -- .. I Miles of pipeline facilities maintained __ ~65 _I, 65 65 " - -- -- .. - - - ~-. - ,-- Detention basins maintained 8 8 8 , - - - -- .. .. - . -~--~-- I Miles of public and private creeks 104.6 104.6 104.6 I - --- . - ---- - SIGNIFICANT ACTIVrrV P~OGRAM CHANGES CHANGE I None I I I I 13~ I I I DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE Public Works Department DivisiolJ No: 0408 91;JJ~ . --- - --- . - 19ij9~OO ''2005!of 200:6.01' ,- 2061:0'2- 12602;0'3:- I . ~,<._ _.-.y_ _.__ L..~. _..,'" Code - c ~J;:xjJefi~e:,C:lassifica:tiQii. Actual" 4PprQye)r E~ti@t~~<!t ;p-'rgp.Qs,e,<jy '.Pr9pos_ed~. Personnel Expense I Rang~:__ Po~ition Title HE 236,6 Ld. Const. Maint. Wkr Ion 39,470 37,550 41,8] 1 43,480 ' 45,000 2216 Con:;t. Maint. Worker II 2.nn 39,335 59,800 61,651 71,760 74,270 I 1110 Sa lanes . Regular 78,805 97350 103,462 115,240 119,270 1114 Salaries - Standby I 1140 Salanes - Overtime 3,900 2,000 5,273 6,700 6,700 1300 , El1!plo)'ee Benefits 24,482 31,~90 28,139 f~,970 . ,J0,?50 TotalPersoonel 167,187 .131040 136;874 159,910 ;\56,520 . , - ~ .' - - - I Operations and Maintenance 2900 Trash Removal 2,750 7,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 46)86 44,140 44,142 50,250 52,550 I 3140 Travel & Meetings 36 1,170 1,170 4120 Other Contractual Services 46,824 55,500 47,833 72,200 72,200 4318 R&M Radios 52 180 180 210 210 I 4504 Culvert Cleaning 451 2,500 12,471 2,500 2,500 4516 SmaU Tools 2,708 2,000 5159 2,000 2,000 4750 Safety Supplies 707 3,300 2,368 2,400 2,400 I 4760 Operating Supplies 8,259 9,000 7,952 9,000 9,000 4908 Education & Training 3,843 3,300 1,000 2,900 2,900 4916 Medical Exams 315 120 120 240 120 I 4924 Publications and Dues 72 80 80 160 80 4928 Uniforms and Laundry 1,384 1,800 1,113 1,830 1,830 4936 Equipmcnt Rental 371 5,000 5,527 5,000 5,000 I 5510 Capital Outlay Rental. Vehicles 11,270 11 ,270 11,270 10,930 10,930 5520 Capital Outlay Rental. Other Equipment 20,200 20,200 20,200 34,500 34,500 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 67,202 45,850 51,875 51,950 51,950 I I I I , 212,630 Total 'Operations'kMainteflance 211,240 216,290 251,249 253,340 Capital Outlay I 6106 Construction & Street Main!. Equpment 3,250 1,200 1,200 3,200 1,200 6122b Computer Hardware - 2,000 I t.otal;<;ajital Outlay 3,250 1,200 1,200 5,200 1;200 Divi"ion Total 323;067 343.480 354,364 407,350 411,060 I 139 r _-_ ~ - -- .- - I II F ACILInES MAINTENANCE I I Public Works Department Dh'isioll Number~ 0409 I ACTiVITY DEscNpl],Q19' r ---------- . - ---;-:- --:;;- --- -- - ' - I , , -- . - ' -- _. I I The FacilitIes Maintenance DivisIon provides both contract and in. house repair and janitorial functions for all I City buildings and structures. The City has 55 separate buildings ranging in size from 200 to 40,000 square feet. The Division is responsible for the recurring and preventative maintenance programs for City buildings. The DIvisIon also audits energy usage, analyzes energy data and perfonm upgrades to HV AC systems. I ~,...-,._..,.,.....,~-- -~''''--'= r .,,,- "',-..- - .,,-- - - - -- - .~,- - -, ~--- -- - f\G.J:lVIT.Y'G9t\GS,f\!'lD ,QIiJECTIVES -- -- _ _ .-'.-_u_._ ,- C -~ I II " ,. Continue to monitor/administer the janitonal;se~~~;act for City bUilding;~->--- :1 ,. EffectIvely and efficiently administer li:!cili&'c9,n!rll~,(j:~p;ir~)ans! provide in-house facility-mail)tenance " and repaIr service, \:~.,. ~ I} ..' ~ - I I' Implement the preventative mainteflaijce~pr6'gtjlt;il'f;;~Jal)~C1!Yi1.\uilliiii'gs. ,. >- Maintain the inventory and assess rrlJi.in~~~nc_7!l~t;a_~~~~dS;rQ[i~1Ij,qity buildings to include plumbing, , electncal, pamtIng, HV AC equIpment and r<j,6f/f~cllity,s,!f,Uctural mtegnty ~_, I , :Y Supervise and manage the Facilities Capital Mainldn~nce'Pr6iec( Program to indtfdi,tneiinnual painting , and carpeting program, renovation of Fleet MainteiJ.al\re -and ~ther facility rl)aintenance and replacement . ,J , __ I proJects. ' " - -- Ii , ACTIYItVWQRJ5LOAb, I' 'ioo}J'-oi 2001 cO2'. , 12002~03~ I STATISTICS' . t\9ItJ 1\:( PR0JECTEl,Q; , :r~9,ffiQTE.P. 1 Square footage 245,000 245,000 245,000 I . , --, ---- ,_. I I' Number of facilities 55 55 I 55 --- ., - -- __ . I - Ii I , Ii $IGNIFIChNT'ACtryITX PR<'lGMM-CMNG,E~ C:!-IAN6g '--, - None ~------ n - - --- - I II I I I , Ii I " I I . _. -- ~ -' - 140 I I FACILITIES MAINTENANCE I Puhlic Works Department Dil';S;OfJ No: 0409 obj" --.- ~ 1999,00 -;'20'60,0/ -2006-0 f ::;1QQ{@ -'2.(29I-(D;- I - .~ . ~Qde ~Xp~I}~~ 'G-'~s.LitIt~iig!} ActUaL A-roved' Estimaled 'IirgP.Qs'~it.1>'[oposed, . ,pp ,...-..,. Personnel Expense I Range Position Title FIE 236.6 Lcau Cons!. Maint. Wkr 1.00 44,798 40,390 43,71 0 43,480 45,000 221.6 Const. Maint. Wkr II 1.00 35}43 34 }70 19,019 37,420 38}30 I 198.6 Intern 1.00 10,943 21,Q20 16,770 23,420 24,24Q. 1110 Salaries. Regular 80,541 75,160 79,499 80,900 83,730 1114 Salaries. Standby 1.000 I 1130 Salaries. Parttime 10,943 21,020 16,770 23,420 24,240 1140 Salaries - Overtime 12,331 2,500 11,308 7,100 7)00 1300 EnJpl()y,ee !le~efits 23) 72 25,960 24,611 22,910 24,190 , . .- ._~ 1 I 1,'l!al.Pe,s_onne1 126,987 125,640 132) 88 .134:339 B~,260 Ope rations and Mainte nance 1726 Special Studies 250 10,000 4,750 I 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 6,551 6,190 6,195 6,280 6,580 3140 Travel and Meetings 26 295 300 300 3310 Telephone 37 - 49 - I 4114 Contract Building Maintenance 110,511 129,330 129,329 141,000 146,400 4120 Other Contractual Services 9ll 4302 R&M Air Conditioning 38,826 49,OllO 62,000 67,600 70,000 I 4304 R&M Building 46,880 48,100 51,002 51,600 51,600 4308 R&M Equipment 1,048 896 900 900 4318 Radios Repair & Maintenance 229 120 795 140 140 I 4516 Small Tools 2,145 1,000 1,493 1,600 1,600 4720 Janitorial Supplies 33,657 35}00 35,693 36}OQ 39,500 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 35 I 4760 Operating Supplies 39}78 35,200 45,082 46,000 47,840 4908 Education & Training 51 4916 Medical Exams 75 120 120 120 120 I 4922 Printing 16 4924 Publications & Dues 59 80 80 80 80 4928 Unifomls and Laundry 1J70 880 809 900 900 I 4936 Equipment Rental 931 250 670 1,000 1,000 5510 Capital Outlay Rental. Vehiclcs 4)00 4,100 4)00 5,190 5)90 5520 Capital Outlay Rental. Other Equipment 780 780 780 780 780 I I TotaVilperati6ps;& Maintenance 287,445 320,850 344)38 360,190 372;930 Capital Outlay I 6106 Street Lights 6,600 - 6128 Photographic Equipment 1,000 6199 Othe! ~quipment 7,343 3,491 1,800 I T 6taTC:apitai Otitla~ 7,343 - 10,091 2;800 Division Total 421,775 446,490 486,417 494,520 514,990 . 141 - .--- - '''~ -, - I I; TRAILS AND OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE I Public Works Department I Division Number: 0410 ACTiVITY DESGRIP,HQN r -- _= =-.- _~:--'=_- , - --'--'-- I ' , I' -~--- ----- .- " The Trails and Open Space Division is responsible for the operation, development and maintenance of the I City's trail system and open space. The Division coordinates and supervises volunteer groups and programs, including Eagle Scout Candidates, California Conservation Corps Interns, Adopt-A.Trail \ program and local civic organizations, The Division coordinates the planning of trails systems, obtains I I necessary easemcnts and is responsible for the construction of new trails and improvements to existing trails and open space. AQTIY!IY'G0?;.c~)~NI:>'b~.fEctW~-- "~ -- - - ., I II - -' , ..... ,....,/ , I 'I ,. Master Plan and develop the recrcational traiI7:Q"ing\cons~cted in the Old Coacli'an~outh Poway " II areas. ./' "- ,...",...,. ,(",.., ~ ......... ;... Division has proposed to use the HO!1or;G<imi:jftoassish~rth~"m.am!<:,nance of trails and tree planting in I: the City's open space. . ;1 ~'. " stJ, : '> ," ..,.,' . I II ,. Meet ndmg, hIking and alternaltvc:trfl!l..sq.o.J:l1lt1.on'll~i;I..sJo(:the!C6mmumty; to ensure effecltve II maintenance of City trails and open ~a~e,area,s;illloxde8o flff~rmngdate continuous public use. II :Y Increase the use of volunteers and other ~oit'effectivrr'es6urces-;for trail construction and maintenance, I I- ~ ,,-- -- ... ,. -r. 7 '- - " , Provide volunteer programs and pursue grantsavai!ilple for. trail construction, I' ,. Manage the Habitat Conservation Planto includ~,Q.1~iW.~,~ance, monitoring andreportillg,,__, ;... Manage Phase II of the Trail Fencing Replacement Project. - I ACTIVITY WORkLOAD I 200D,~0 I 206i ,O2~ -~~ "'~' -- - - I ,I I' 2002"03 - --I I ,STATISTICS) ,I AC'f,UA1. PI~QJE9'rE;l! JjB,9J~GtJ;P I I 'I Miles of developed and maintained 64 68 70 I I trails ,1. .. .. -- -, ---- - - ,I Total undeveloped park acreage 3,337 3,600 I-----'RO<Jl I (open space) maint~ined I - , I ~ SIGNIFICf\NT AcTIVITYPROqRAMCHANC;'ES I " CHANGE 1: Nonc I . -- -~ - -.... I I I I I - ---- 142 I I TRAILS AND OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE I Public Works Department Dil'ision No: 0410 0bj, - -- < " -2000-=Or'" , . """, '-"'- .~ _."-,:;.,-~-"""::--.~; I 1999~OO 2QOO-0 1 2001'02', ,2002'03: ~- ~~. A~tU~i . Approye<!' - - - -~~~~"-" Cod" j:j~p'2!~-" Q~s~ifitatiof!' Estitniltei:! Rrcipo1i..ecf , BtSlP2s>"d : Personnel Expense I I Range Position Title FIE 234.5 Park Maintenance Wkr I II 1.00 44,019 39,550 41,077 42,570 44,060 I - -- . 1110 Salaries. Regular 44,019 39,550 41,077 42,570 44,060 1140 Salaries - Overtime 618 1,000 1,018 1,500 ' 1,500 I 1300 Employee Benefits 10,078 11,070 10,146 10,260 10,810 - 'total p"~rsonhel 54,715 5];620 52;241 i54,~~O' ,'56370' . ...'. ' I Operations and Maintenance 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 7,211 6,900 6,902 6,000 6,290 3140 Travel & Meetings 15 - I 4120 Other Contractual Services 24,529 35,500 35,500 54,390 54,390 4514 Sign Maintenance 1,093 1,800 1,790 1,800 1,800 4516 Small Tools 1,596 2,500 1,742 2,500 2,500 I 4750 Safety Supplies 30 750 725 750 750 4760 Operating Supplies 5,148 7,500 6,826 7,500 7,500 4904 Community Relations 3,356 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 I 4908 Education and Training 40 40 40 40 4916 Medical Exams 120 120 4922 Printing 16 2,000 5,326 2,000 2,000 I 4924 Publications and Dues 80 80 160 160 4928 Unifomls and Laundry 887 940 546 950 950 5510 Capital Outlay Rental. Vehicles 4,200 4,200 4,200 3,200 3,200 I 5520 Capital Outlay Rental - Other Equipment 4,280 4,280 4,280 6,000 6,000 I I I I Totiii Operatiohs& Maintenance 52,361 70,610 71,957 89,410 89,580 Capital Outlay I 6122b Computer Hardware - 2,400 6199 Other Equipment 2,694 1,600 1,600 2,000 \,500 I Total C;:apitM Outl,ay 2,694 1,600 1,600 4,400 ,1,500 ,Division Total 109,770 123,830 125,798 148,140 147,450 I 143 - -- . . -- -= --.- I 1;- " PARK AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE I Public Work..1ii Department II Division Number: 04 J J .AcT1vny ~[Sc:RWT:1QN: ~- -- ---- ---- -. - ~--- -- -- I . -- _._~- --- ,.. -",---------~ .I,_~ - -- ~-"- ! The Parks and Landscape Division IS responsible for the maintenance of 15 public parks, 18 restrooms, 26 I water pump stations and reservoirs; Lake Poway wilderness campground and Poway Road med13ns; landscaping along Poway Creek, Ted Williams Parkway, Community, Pomerado and Twin Peaks Roads, Budwin Lane and Titan Way parking lots and Espola Road south of Twin Peaks Road; grounds mamtenance I around all City facilities and one.half mile of train track at Old Poway Park; and maintenance of five. and six. I acre citrus groves. The Division also mamtains all but the athletic surfaces at the South Poway Sports Complex, The Adopt.A.Park Program grows larger every year I , I' 1[. ACTIV1'rY'GO~QS'@1') QmEC::I:rv~, . . ~ - .-- -- -.. ---. -~..,. ----- - --..--- -,. ~- '. 'I I, j;- Maintain the attractiveness of pubhc landscape areas thrOUgh~lli the City ORa year-round basis. I , :Y Efficiently maintain park grounds, facilit~.~lan'1l'eg.uipr;;~nt to ensure continu~s.a[l,~ enjoyable public I use. . '" _ , ............... I :r Effeetively utilize volunteer labor f6r(e" ",0 " . ,. Assume l?ndscaping responsib~i~t"~~~2~!.a!e.\l~,1\:th~;G~e.~ Striet Reservoir, Sheriff s Station! Commllruty Park landscapmg, Commumty"'Road'Park"N~Ride.lot;,mamtenance of the Pomerado Road I -'-'~____... "__ .... --rw''''-' _ ~ ",".~ -", ~-, Soundwall Project landscaping and:~yc'!ffior~;Cr9,e~'Mifu~PiitkS', I .. f~~~G~ Jr;.. I ~ __ ___ __---.- ifI~iic~6RKi:6Ab I: ;~~~~~ PR~~_~~1 p:t~!~aWjb I 2i7 - Acrea~e main~aint:~" __, 222 222 -- , --- --- .. - Restrooms mamtained 18 18 18 I -- ~- - ~ - -- I' Ball fields maintained 6 6 - j 6 , , - , - ----- I Soccer fields maintained 7 7 7 - - ... - . -- ---- --- -- Tennis courts maintamed 4 4 4 " , , -, -.... --- .. ~ I " 6 6 6 I Basketball courts maintained i I , - - - ------ . Playg2:ound sites maintained 15 15 15 I [, ' , ,I I, SIGNIFlQANT !\GTIV1TY PROGRAM CHANGES ,1 CHANGE :i I None , - I , I I I - " 144 I I I P ARK AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Public Works Department Division /Vo: 0411 !:lbf --- . --.. - ----- :1999=00 - ,20,00,01 . - :2.DPP-?iJ' 'A."~__""""'---- . ~ . _ -, I , :2001.02 12002':03 .1'...".. -~ . - "'r'- ~ _....... -~, Coae' . E;gpeiEie'G1assilicati9n.. Actu~\' .t.pproy~,(} Estiihated Pro- sea ;Pro- sed . ---"'., ,po. .. "llP__. 'Personnel Expense . Ra..:nge Position Title FTE 249.5 Londscape Main!. Supvr 1.00 45,929 45,950 47,531 49,460 51,190 234.5 Park Maint. Worker III 3.00 113,928 114,820 120,073 125,020 130,840 219.5 Park Maint. Worker II ~.oo 292,719 231,260 201,859 321,510 333,230 I 209.5 Park Main!. Worker I 2.00 31,122 85,750 121,095 55,600 58,930 203.6 Secretary II 1.00 29,030 29,040 30)57 . - 209.5 Park Maint. Worker I Part Time 2.00 35,027 32,000 39,541 . - I 1.1).4 Se~sonal Parks/Open Space 0.25 27,552 .2~,4~0 38,391 M19. 8,9.10 . 1110 Salaries - Regular 512,728 506,820 520,715 524,430 546,080 1130 Salaries - Parttime 62,579 57,480 77,932 35,770 37,020 I 1140 Salaries - Overtime 12,429 9,700 21,360 16,000 16,000 1300 Employee Benefits 162,489 189,030 170,741 147,820 152,600 Total'Personnel 750.225 763,030 790,748 724,020 755,700 I Operations and Maintenance 2110 Gas and Electricity 10,392 14,400 12,421 16)20 20,960 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 154 400 377 350 350 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 83,425 79,660 7'),662 84)60 87,960 I 3140 Travel and Meetings 594 1,740 1,709 2,130 2,130 3310 Telephone 1,246 1,920 1,145 1,920 1,920 4116 Contract Landscape Maintenance 60,398 63,300 ]21,422 152,700 150,300 I 4120 Other Contractual Services 13.212 10,000 20,287 20,000 10,000 4304 R&M Building 20,674 20,500 9,141 10,500 15,500 4308 R&M Equipment 30,204 11,000 10,197 15,000 15,000 I 4318 R&M Radios . 780 780 910 910 4514 Sign Maintenance 444 750 1,381 1,500 1,500 4516 Small Tools 1,194 4,040 3.497 4,040 4,040 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 2,508 1,300 2,066 2,100 2,100 I 4750 Safety Supplies 3,105 3,600 3,303 3,300 3,300 4760 Operating Supplies 30,780 22,730 44,269 29,070 29,070 4770 Landscaping Supplies 61,540 41,900 71,675 52,130 53,130 I 4904 Community Relations 1,467 1,500 1,500 1,600 1,800 4908 Education.& Training 12,822 8,950 3,264 6,750 6,650 4914 Joint Use Agreement.PUSD 34,250 38,000 38,000 35,000 3R,000 I 4916 Medical Exams 1,123 360 360 720 720 4922 Printing 543 650 443 650 650 4924 Publications and Dues 1,128 870 740 1,590 1,590 I 4928 U nifonns and Laundry 6,737 6,540 5,092 7,300 7,300 4936 Equipment Rental 1,472 500 597 1,000 1,000 5510 Capital Outlay Rental. Vehicles 25,200 25,200 25,200 33,550 33,550 5520 Capital Outlay Rental. Other Equipment 20,080 20,080 20,080 35,520 35,520 I 5530 Capit~1 Outlay Rental: Office Equipment 350 350 350 600 600 Total.0oerations,& Maintenance 426.042 381,020 478,958 520.2'10 525,550 Capital Outlav I 6104 Autos & Trucks - 26,000 28,983 . . 6122b Equipment - Computers . - . 4,800 . 6121i Park Equipment 10,406 8,900 5,354 8,900 8,900 I 6199 Other Equipment 16,258 9,650 16,887 8,150 29,650 Tocil @aoitaLOutlav 26,664 44,550 51224 21,850 38:550 Division Total l,202,93I 1,188,600 1,320,'130 1,266,080 1,319,8~ I t45 I SPECIAL LIGHnNG AND LANDSCAPE DISTRICTS I Public Works DepartmeJJt Dh';sion Number: 0420 A:CTIVITY J2.I;~<JRI!:i:j'!gi,& [ ----- --_.- -. .- -.."..... --- ---- - -- -'.. I 1. , .., !,'-- - , .. -- The Special Lighting and Landscape Dislnct DivisIOn IS responsible for the mamtenance, operation I and administratIOn of landscape, open space, street lights, traffic signals, lighted street signs and flashing beacons within the boundanes of the Special Districts. City staff administers ten Special DLstricts providmg engineering services, contract inspection and supervision, clerical and accounting I support, coordinates m.house repairs as needed, provides staff assistance to developers, civic associations and the general pubhc m matters relating to the Special Districts. - .~';><- .~ ,. ,.---''''~ ."._--._~_.,.--.,-,,- - - " . .,.-- -- I ACTIVIT'Y GOALS.AND OBJECTIMESi ~- _".._o,_.._-"_,,___..~~" ___"___~>_~'~~' ," ~ "..__' .. ~.- - , --- --- -- The Special Lighting and Landscape District Division'cs-P;;:-e is to ensu-;:e tha~ all Special District I areas are attractively maintamed and suit~lJle"f9.t,15iiI)J\t,use at all times, to effeclivelY,administer each special assessment district in the 1~,o,~Ifq-~~~~~~\ell!1!P:~~et~~ to ensure all street Iigllts;.traffic Signals, hghted street signs andJ1aslilf)gJoeaconstare,properIYima!ntamed and are rep31red m a tllnely I manner "I' ~-,.,() < '~.' q:; Renovation projects have been desigri~ted iiif~d1tt&(\sc'ape:Mi1i~tenance Vistnct and funding I "'-.......':-,J'I'~~.., ,......./" ------------ allocated for Development entryway enhancemeflt,i3s well as for.upgrading a portion of older irrigation faeilities. ' . -' The Lighting DIstrict will continue: I ,. To upgrade the traffic LED (light emitting diode) signalized intersectIOns to include battery backup units and LED pedestrian modules I ;.- Using fiber opl1cs, provide real.time video feeds for traffic management at Scripps Po way Parkway at Pomerado and Community Roads ,. Evaluate further use of vidco tracking systems and continue fiber optics communication upgrades SIGNIFICANT ACttVIlY P:ROGRAM:~Hf\NGES. 'Q11A'NQ'p , I LMD 83.IC The Special Lighting and Landscape District Division +$4,870 00 I anticipatcs commencing with maintenance of landscape improvements, includmg the block walls adjacent to Kentfield Estates Development (TwiE !e~ks an~I~.J~land Roads),. as ?f II:pril I, FY 02/03 , .. - , .. _.~-- .. .. I I I I I \46 I I SPECIAL LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPE DISTRICTS I Public Works-Department Divisioll No: 0420 - - _.- , -- -~ -~---- - i061~02:: - ~2062~OJ .. - ~..-..... _. I Ol5jl < 1929,OQ 2000,01 2000~91 ",.._ .. _ '~_'r~ . ,.~. Codi: Expense Classification' Actual AppfQyed Estliililt~d '8roPQsed ,Proposed .___ . __ - __...... ~~.__.. . u. ... _~_... - ....... ..-,.."-- ".- T r~____ ~_.- Personnel Expense I Range Position Title HE 249.5 Ben. Ass. Dist. Specialist 2.00 92,428 86,950 96,320 98,920 102,380 I - 1110 Salaries - Regular 92,428 86,950 96,320 98,920 102,380 1140 Salaries - Overtime I 1300 Employee Benefits 24,635 26,090 24,879 27,140 28,670 T;oiiil'Reri;oiine] 1 17,063 !q~040 121,199 126:060 ' 131,050 I . Ope rations and Mainte nance LMD 83-0IA. 0421 190,357 196,070 261 )58 239,230 237,500 LMD 86-01.0422 244,519 251,470 331,984 329,420 333,640 I LMD 86-02A ' 0423 20,661 19,520 21,882 21,950 22,690 LMD 86-03A . 0424 23,047 25,250 24,538 26,960 27,950 LMD 87.01 - 0425 553,664 598,770 647,823 624,690 649,300 I LMD 86-02 . 0426 37,696 45,120 37,049 37)00 39,140 LMD 83.01B. 0427 32,549 32,090 27)68 32,300 33,580 LMD 81i.03B - 0428 10,219 13)70 12,474 13,500 13,810 I LMD 83.01C - 0429 - 1,440 4,850 Lighting District. 0470 561,978 622,700 992,092 875,030 915,580 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 1,989 1,900 1,900 2,800 2,910 I 4710 Stationery & Offiee Supplies 283 - 4922 Printing 25 5106 Expense Credits (165,691 ) ( 120,480) (176,012) ( I 78,970) (184,070) I 5510 Capital Outlay Rental. Vehicles 1,800 1,800 1,800 4,070 4,070 5330 Capital Outlay Rental. Equipment 1,930 1,930 1,930 2,230 2,230 I I I I Total,Qperaiions & Maintenance 1,515;026 1,689,3'10 2,186,386 2,032,350 2)03)80 Capital Outlay I I Total :Capifuf Outlay ~ - Division Total 1,632,089 1,802,350 2,307,585 2,158,410 2,234,230 I 147 I I SAFETY SERVICES I I City Manager I 013 . I I Director I Safety Services 500 I 1-. - I -- ~--- I Fire Fire Suppression l Prevention I 501 502 , I J= _ I I Paramedics I Law I Enforcement 503 I 504 I I I I: I I' 'I " , , I I, ,I I I + --- -- , 14R I I I SAFETY SERVICES Departmental 4ctivity (h'erview Department Code: 0500 I ~~-,-:-,:-:;- ---. ,", . - - - -~-- --- ,- .- E2Q~I:;~~g ;r~99,'2jJt!0; , 2000'2001 2000"2001 '2b6i"~06.2 ~iOO2;~Q:t GLASSIFIG-ATION . _-::., . -. ~"- ESTIMAtED PROPOSED PR0POSED ' f\Cl}JAL :A::PPRQ.VED .. ._ _~1 " ' .' . _.____'. __"U'_' ~ '''l~;.e;~___ _-,.~ >--.. ~ I . , - - 34 r , "- - -. 3'9 ] 54 -1- -,,- ,- - '~~ , Total Positions 39 ' I . -- $2,977)841 - -----.. $3,172,0091 - ;~,023)60 I I Personnel Expense , $2,821,970 $4,600,970 . . i- -- , --~ Operations and j 6,098,203..l 6,586,930.., _ 6,613,2831 7,148,790 7,500,580 Maintenance I -- ----- . - , 252,31! l Capital Outlay ; , 126,~06 i 66,160 137,660 107,960 .... ' .. - .. I I TQTA'LBtJDGET $9;202,i93: $9;475;669 $rQ;631l~QC) ;$ U ;31Q,2), 0 $1),709;510 , I , OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I I The Department of Safety Services provides fire and law enforcement services to the citizens of Poway The I Department is divided into five divisions: Office of the Director, Fire SUPPT-,ssi,on, Fire PreventIon, Paramedics, and Law Enforcement. I II The Fire Department's mission is to r~d~ce,~~;lOss'?mlfeand'.P!(wel1y from fire, medical and ",nvironmental II emergencies through education, haf3ri:Ifeduc.tl()n,al]<!'rE:SpOll~:-TI1j~.'past year, we added three '1 firefighter/paramedic positions at Fjrel~ili!ibn;T~o" 'Thj~.P!,~,lVLi!ea'a;i6,tal off our persOlmel on the engine I I company With the approval of a ne~';fireistatioriani:I'.~dAitioiiaI:jlersonnel, the City contmues to enhance the level of emergency service provided to the '(;i\iieris,()r1h~c(jl11imiii!ty' The addition will alsOlna!rrtain or : improve Poway's Insurance Service Office (ISO) ratjilg: which determinesfrre-insurance rates f(,r residents and 'b . I i llS1l1eSses. i I TIle City of Po way continues to maintain the lowest crime rate in the"Co~;ry Poway '8 FBI index crime rate for I I the Year 2000 was 17 1 crimes per thousand as compared to last years 19 1 per thousand. The Sheriff s vehicles I I were uPb'faded with mobile data computers and auto vehicle locators. TIlese will enhance the level of service to I the community by allowing the deputies to write reports in the field as well as tracking the units on service calls. I I Ii I 'I , , I ,. I I ,: Ii , I I' I , " I , 1 ,I I I Ii " 1 " " II ,I I [I - -- ,- , - - - ~ .11 I 149 ,.- --, - --, - - - - I 1- ~ - -- - - ~ - -- - - - I DIRECTO~af~~er~c~~~a~n~II~ERVICES I Division Number: 0500 , I AGfiy.Tf:Y~DE:S€BIp'TIQ~ t --. ''-- -" -- :_" __ ' _, '..~ -" ,- I I The Director of Safety Services is responsible for the effectiveness and quality of fire and law enforcement I services provided to the citIzens of Poway I I Four Fire DIvision Chiefs and one Sheriffs Captain manage the operatIOnal divisions, which consist of I I Director of Safety ServIces (0500), Fire Suppression (0501), Fire Prevention (0502), Emergency Medical I, Services (0503), and Law Enforcement (0504). :ACT1VITYQQ~~8ND.Q~ffiC:TrvES.' - - -,' , --u--~- =- --" I ! The Fire Department's mission is to reduce the loss of lIfe and property from fire; medical, and environmental I I emergencIes through educal1on, hazard reducl1on, and response.' 'The .rruSSlOn. IS accomplIshed by the I, achievement of the following goals: _,..-- " ,,/' ',,- "- i / \._ I, >- Providing the amount and quality of e\~p'I~y~e;fi~in!1JRn~c~sa~,t(wrovide an optimallevel;)femergency I , services to the communIty A new.fIre,])IYlsI9J1'Q,?~~f'YIIUiI(\ m.thl5,..process wIth new personnel bemg I hIred for the new station. I: w,y, , ' " '~.iJ. I I ' I, \ d. ~ I ,. P~rforming evaluation a~d long-range pliuiliing.t~_11J~~(~reIP~rf<.ihllai1ce aud anticip1!!e changes that will I affect the cost or level of servIces mcludm~..~: :~~;~,:a:star!Q!l' paramedIC un~t, ~~w::gm~ company I .,.. Provldmg the communIty and ItS service groups wltn mfonnat~on on dIsaster 'plannmg and home emergency preparedness. I ;- Continuing to coordinate Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) training throughout the I City with the assistance of the Office of Disaster Preparedness, which will provide the necessary refresher training. I " >- Ensuring customer service and customer satisfaction through the use of customer response cards. I .' " ; SIGNIFiCANT ACTlYITYPROGRAM:e:HANOES CH.ANGE' - .. I' -..> .'_<~_____'n . '_ _ _ o. __ ..,_M_~.,_...-'--'_~ ._ None ---- '1, I I' : I . I I . - -- -- 150 I I DIRECTOR OF SAFETY SERVICES I Safety Services Department Division No: 0500 - .. - - . ~. - -..'" ~~....,.--- 70.00:01 - - --...,,- '"-- ---. --- 0b'. 1999-QO :'2QOO;,OI .i001-02' '2002-03:- I -t ~.~> .-.-- )~ '-'~" ,.. ~Q.d~_ :E~Re!1se cil}ssiflCjitlbn ~cfi!a.'- ,.6PPIoVe<! J,stinJ:jlel! 'R.r()RQ~~c!1, ,Rt.9p~s-,<f, Personnel Expense I Ra_nge Position Title FTE 324.3 Director l.OO 97,377 97,010 100,271 104,420 108,080 305.7 Fire Division Chief 1.00 82,511 80,590 83,527 86,750 . 89,780 I 228.1 Administrative Secretary l.OO 37,489 35,290 39,174 39,930 41,330 1110 Salaries - Regular 217377 212,890 222,972 231,100 239190 I 1140 Salaries - Overtime 2]4 1300 Employee Benefits 59,575 64,490 66,265 66360 69,810 I TotaLEersoimel 277,166 217;380 '289,237 '29.7,46Q 309,000 Operations and Maintenance 1712 Data Processing Consultant 1,138 1,600 1,000 1,600 1,600 I 1726 Special Studies 39,620 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 162 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 8,194 7,230 7,230 7,990 8,360 I 3140 Travel and Meetings 2,194 4,360 4,360 5,160 5,410 3310 Telephone 3,255 4,080 3,197 4,560 4,560 4120 Other Contractual Services 3,346 4,700 4,700 6,500 9,500 I 4304 R&M Building 238 500 500 500 4308 R&M Equipment 2,337 6,750 6.258 5,400 5,400 4710 Office & Stationcry Supplies 1,657 1,750 1,750 1,750 2,000 I 4720 Janitorial Supplies 128 200 200 250 300 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 1,547 2,100 1,866 2,700 2,700 4750 Safety Supplies 153 I 4760 Operating Supplies 111 750 750 750 1,000 4904 Community Relations 763 \J50 1,150 4,450 1,500 4908 Education & Training 264 300 300 300 300 I 4922 Printing 931 1,200 1,200 1,500 1,500 4924 Publications and Dues 836 1,130 1 130 U30 1,/30 5510 Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicles 5,720 5,720 5,720 25,340 25,340 I 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment 8,100 8,100 8,100 6,610 6,610 I Total Operations & Maintenance 80,532 51,620 49,673 76,490 77,710 Capital Outlay I 6104 Autos & Trucks 10,000 6122a Office Equipment 1,078 500 2,500 500 6122c Computer Software 1,000 26,000 1,000 I 6136 Teleconununications Equipment 380 6402 Buildings 2,606 I Total CapitarOutlay 4,064 1,500 12;500 26;50Q 1,0QO Division Total 361,762 330,500 351,410 400,450 387,710 I 151 I FIRE SUPPRESSION I Safety Services Department Db'i.\'ioll Number: 0501 AcfIVrTYDESCRIPTION -- L___ -- -- I -- ----------~-=------- -- - '- The Department of Safety Services consists of 30 fire suppression personnel, most of whIch maintain state I paramedic licenses. Currently these 30 personnel staff two fire stations and an assortment of emergency response vehIcles. During FYs 2001-02 and 2002-03, a temporary fire station will be staffed, followed by the constructIOn of I Fire Station Three. As a resuli, the community will realize significant improvement in emergency response limes and a decrease in our reliance upon neighboring, jurisdictions to provide automallc aid into our I community To accommodate the staffing and emergency vehicle response from the new station, 15 additional I firefighter/paramedics will be added m FY 2001-02, and an additional SIX firefighter/paramedics will be added in FY 2002-03 Equipment operating from this facility will include a new 1,500-gpm fire pumper, a medium-duty rescue vehicle, and a paramedic transport capable ambulance. I Additional support staff will also be recruited during the next fiscal year These positions will include a DivIsion Chief responsible for the development of a comprehensive training and safety program over the I next two fiscal years. . " -~-..,....,- ". - -,- - -- --- - ~-...,...~_. - ---- --- ACfIViTY'GOALs:'AND OBJECTIVES ' . , . - ._ __. . 1,1. - -- - - - - - --'"-- - ~ - - - -- I l- Complete the acquisItion of a new 1 jOO-gr~rn)ftfe""engil}~ and equipment, and plac~ mto service. , Recruit 15 additional firefighter/paramedic\personnet"in.FN 2001-02 followed by sIX'additlOnal I fircfighter/paramedic personnel in FY:'2062~03--~'" ~\T'. .,- " '-...... ~ Complete a Fire Academy in both'F);:-2001 "02!an:d'~0~'Q3 tb,provlde training and orientation to the new , firefighter paramedics. " .1:. '.' ~'6.l;f~rJ--. "'. ,... . I .,. In FY 01-02, sIte a temporary firest'lt~0~;m!.th.E:,g~.()7r~!:.vlfll).lty(Qf-the permanent sIte. ,. In FY 02-03, initiate construction of a'peniiarient EifejStatiori.';rhree. ,n_ " ,'-- .-. >.- - .-."\)......../..."'C.... .'/ - - ,. In FY 01-02, complete specifications for a new water tender.~"placing existing water tender I .,. In FY 01-02, complete specifications for a ne':Y !uediu!ll-duty rescue vehicle that 'Yi!l ~ hQused at the new Fire Station Three. " _ .- jr Establish an NFPA. and California OSHA-compliant training program for all personnel. " Create and administer a Fire Captain Assessment Center and engineer promotional testing process and I , eligibility list. ,. ~IGN1FICANT ~CTfV1TY PROGRAKfCHANGE;> , - ' -- -- - I -.- _. - - . -- -- - ~.- Reflects the eosts of the addition of a third fire statIOn I I I . IL 152 I I I FIRE SUPPRESSION Safety Services Department Di.'i.,iofl No: 0501 Q!J.G" - -- -- - - i999'ob-~ .200()fOt'" ''20010'2\ '2002':0:,f I ,20QOfOr C.6di"" _. . .Expense 'Classificatiol1 Actual' Appro'{ed'" ;Esiimated Bfopo>.ej:f~ Broposea . Personnel Expense Range Pas ition Title FIE I 305.7 Fire Division Chief 2.00 82,108 80,590 105.343 164.910 174}20 274.2 Fire' Captian 9.00 379,666 356,460 379,652 504.070 52 \,590 2599 Fire Engineer 9.00 207,583 257,500 261,102 434,550 ' 442,430 I 249.3 Firefighter 6/12 268,608 287,920 287,920 250.860 ' 518,040 1110 Salaries. Regular 937,965 972,470 1,034,017 1J54.390 1,656}80 1120 Salaries - Parttime 13}84 10,000 13,775 - I 1140 Salaries. Overtime 247,456 181,980 75424 228.510 284,060 1150 Salaries. FLSA 20,252 23,580 135,359 - 1160 Paramedic Proficiencv Pav 4,140 I 1300 Employee Benefits 299,284 335,500 363,03 7 433.920 ,5}7,66Q i'ot~i%;s'i>nri~I' " \,518}41 \,527;670 1;621,612 2,Ol5,960' 2(478;500 . .. - ... ~ Operations and Maintenance 1520 Volunteer Service 17,673 25,000 25,000 27.000 27,500 I 2110 Gas and Electricity ]7,720 25,320 25,320 26.660 26}10 2900 Trash Removal \,500 - 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 189 250 250 380 400 I 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 60,171 50}90 50,790 87,250 91,220 3140 Travel and Meetings 3,239 4,520 4,521 16,830 18,830 3310 Telephone 5/>43 12,480 12,480 14,100 15,180 4106 Dispatch Contract - Fire 78,419 79,990 84.790 84.790 89,030 I 4120 Other Contractual Services 30.300 36,090 36,090 40.100 42,110 4304 R&M Building 21 ,689 31,680 40,180 30.340 34,290 4308 R&M Equipment 11,243 11,960 11,960 22,020 25,790 4310 R&M Fire Hydrants 209 1,000 1,000 1.000 1,000 I 4312 Outside Vehicle Repair and Maintenance 15,000 4318 R&M Radios 12,201 13}40 18}40 25,880 30,400 4516 Small Tools 252 600 600 750 1.000 I 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 3,279 3,000 3,000 4,000 4,800 4720 Janitorial Supplies 3,459 3,000 3,000 4.000 4,800 4730 PhotographiC/Copy Supplies 98 350 600 350 400 4750 Safety Supplies - 5,500 7,000 I 4760 Operating Supplies 15,800 22,630 32,059 78.900 59;360 4904 Communitv Relations 1,455 1,000 1,000 1,200 2,500 4908 Education and Training 5,005 3,800 10,400 13.000 14,000 4916 Medical Exams 1,448 8,970 23.370 16.860 40,320 I 4920 Outside Emcrgencv Assist. 15,561 15,000 15,000 17.500 20,000 4922 Printing 518 1200 1200 1.800 2,400 4924 Publications and Dues 1,165 1,450 1,450 2.300 2}50 I 4928 Uniforms and Laundry ]7,863 17}30 22,730 33.020 40,600 5510 Capital Outlav Rental. Vehicle 107,494 107,470 107,470 99.670 99,670 5520 Capital Outlay Rental. Other Equipment 9,500 9,500 9,500 10,250 10,250 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment 1,130 .1,130 1J30 1.130 1,130 ,~ .' ,', -., .. -. .. < 68J.580 7Li,440 I T6tal,.Operiiti6ns:& Maintenance 442}23 49\J50 543,630 Capital Outlay 6104 Autos & Trucks 34,177 40,948 I 6112 Fire Hoses 4,842 5,000 7.000 7,500 6122 Office & Photo Equipment 3.385 3,250 6,200 5}50 6136 Telecommunications 'Equipment 4,327 20,000 8,000 6199 Other Equipment 30,973 54,000 78,876 9950 41,800 I 6402 BuildiDgs . 2,1~3 2,800 71,000 4,000 4,000 Tota!{Cii!iital OUtlilY 79,887 56,800 219,074 '351f50 59:0'50 Division Total 2.04 L351 2,075,620 2.384.316 2,732,690 3.250,990 I IS] F -= '0:; ",_c- -- ----= =..c.-= ' "-'~, ,'..00'-_ -- .. I II FI~",~~V~~:~?N I / DMsion Number: 0502 Ii ACTIVITYDESCRIPJ;ION 1: - '.-, -~-: --~____-.. -' --- __~" - ---, ~_I I I The Fire Prevention Division is primarily responsible for the safety, education, and hazard mitigation of I ' the City as it relates to the administration and enforcement of the Uniform Fire Code and our locally I adopted ordinances. These objectives are accomplished by providing public education, project II development review, plan revicw, inspections, and fire protectIOn system designs associated with land I development and buildmg constmction. .1 Ii The division is staffed by a Fire Marshal, a sworn, full-time fire inspe.ctor, two contract fire inspectors, and I I' a secretary As the City continues to experience significant industrial. commereIaI, and residential :; development, the Fire Prevention staff strives to meet the challenges and expectations of the community I' and our citizens. I ,I '1' Fire Prevention and suppression personnel participate in public safety awareness and education in our community Fire suppression crews deliver educational presentations and demonstrations annually to local I ' schools. In October, we host our annual Open House which attracts several thousand participants. 'I I' A!JTleYj'T;Y-OGAUS ANI);bf3:rncTlv~S' _ _ -- _ _ - -:--: .. '-. I ., "- _.l: L-J l,. ...... ,. Develop and implement an engme comp~nYlf'iie inspect!Q!1 program. '-.. ,'''' "'0;',,,'''.. " I :Y Maintain public awareness of fire ~!t'etfthrouglil'6lihilliiila1'0pen'lHouse and. school presentation I..' ~\.).. " , progrmTI. :i~ q[~ ];.. [' '- I " .. .. lJ 0'_[\' L;..'fk4., ' ,.. Develop a fire preventlOl1 policy al1dproce(\l!f~I?~ual. . _ _ _ _ ,_- : --, - I .' - - I' !: U~~;!!~1d~T~~aT,t~~~~~~~~~~ii~~~~~~~: -1_QIM~91~': $58,~70 I !: --. - , I II , :; I , I d I . ~ ~ - - -- - -- _.- _. - ..- - I~ I I I FIRE PREVENTION Safety SenJices Departmellt Dh'isioll No: 0502 ----- f999cOO~ -- '2000::oi -'2006;-00\'200'1'02"" ,2002~03 ' I 01n .~. ' ,_ __ . ._.~ __, .~..~ '- ...,"_..,. _ 'U~'- '___ ~o4.e Ex,.peiise Chlss)tlGti6!i ActU:l,J' Appmy",d. E~ti;pated Pr.oPQS!id _ '~~6posid,. Personnel Expense I Range Position Title HE 3057 Fire Division Chief 10 80,410 80,590 83,213 8G,750 89,780 2599 Fire Inspector 2.0 50,910 51,500 53,176 98,910 102,370 . 218,1 Secretary III 1 0 32,911 33,570 34,663 36,\ 40 37,400 - - -- 1110 Salaries - RC6'l11ar 164,231 165,660 171,052 221,800 229,550 I 1140 Salaries - Overtime 3,040 15,000 701 11,250 11,250 1300 Employee Benefits 48,045 52,680 55,465 68,050 70,960 I Total Personnel 215,316 233,340 227,218 301,100 31 i,760 Ope rations and Maintenance 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 100 100 100 ,I 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 8,080 7,720 7,720 7,420 7,770 3140 Travel and Meetings 189 3,750 3,750 4,570 4,620 3310 Telephone 2,199 3,600 3,600 4,200 4,200 I 4112a Building Inspection 126,2]3 129,870 105,247 135,050 140,440 4122 Plan Check/Map Processing 23,952 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 4516 Small Tools 300 300 300 300 I 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 793 800 800 1,200 1,000 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies - 300 300 300 300 4750 Safety Supplies 4 1,500 750 1,500 1,500 I 4760 Operating Supplies 835 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 4904 Community RelatIons 5,513 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,000 4908 Education and Training 392 450 450 450 450 I 4916 Medical Exams 60 270 270 270 270 4922 Printing 2,469 2,900 3,650 3,200 3,200 4924 Publications and Dues 1,636 1,700 1,700 2,200 2,200 I 5510 Capital Outlay Rental- Vehicles 7,!40 7,! 40 7,\ 40 9,980 9,980 5530 Capital Outlay Renta1- Office Equip. 2,200 2,200 2,200 1,800 1,800 I I I 'T9tal;Operations& Maintenance 18],675 202,100 177,877 2]3/140 2] 8;630 Capital Outlay 6104 Autos and Trucks - 27.000 I Ii 122a Of1ice Equipment 1,986 500 1,500 - 6122b Computer Hardware - - 2,000 I ~6tilqpitarl?utlay 1,986 500 30,~00 -, Divis ion Total 398,977 435,440 405,595 544,640 530,390 I 155 --..-.. '[0._=' .. _-, _ ,,. , '.. - - , - - -- ---~-- 11 I I PARAMEDICS I 1 Safety Sen'ices Department II Oh'ision Number: 0503 I. II ACTlVITVDESCRif>;pfQ.t!l I, ------ --- - ~~.-._--- -----.- I ' - - , -, ,- - ---~ I There are currently 30 fire suppression personnel, of which 18 are paramedics. Paramedics work on the I I I fire engines and the transporting paramedic ambulance. Currently there is one Captain/Paramedic, four Engineer/Paramcdics, and ten Firefighter/Paramedics. Paramedics provide Advanced Life Support care and have received extensive additIOnal training in the area of emergency medicine, When paramedics I arnve at an emergency medical incident, they perfonnan m-depth patient assessment. By usmg a radio or cellular phone, they make contact with a base hospital and communicate directly with a.specially trained nurse or emergency room physician. Paramedics then administer definitive therapy to the patient in the I : field pnor to their anival at the emergency room. Within the nexi~-year'budget process, 21 new firefighter/paramedic positions will be filled, /r"'\-",~ ~_ '} , I In addition to mamtaining an acute a\Y!\ff~,~~;;'Qf})1~\e:\;~r~ih!Qgil\g;,~lghly-technica1 medl~ssues as well I as new developments in emergency'h1~dicineJ;paranied.i~~'p.~sJ:~i.~oilt~jr and maintain a high level of 'i proficiency in the area of fire suppres~i6i1. Tliis::i's~1:E01TIp1ished'.thfoiigh daily, regularly scheduled, two- I I hour training progranlS. ! I,' 1 I2Jf?~;, to' --.' , " '- , '- '+.il(_~~~ I - -- -- , The paramedics are responsible for teacl~in'g '18 regiiiariyscheduled~,~i:.diopuimonary resuscitation (CPR) I! classes throughout the year On a daily b~s!~, the,pa~ra~~dics make presentatIons to.yi~~s"perfonn I ~ ' , scheduled talks and tours of the fire stations, as well as responding tj) a .wide varietyof assist calls. On a !' monthly basis, they conduct fire preventIon inspections wIthin the business community I ACTIVITY GOALS i\NbOi3JECTivES' , 1 I ,. Continue to deliver a high level of advanced prehospital care by providing trained staff with the necessary equipment and training in a reduced response time. ,. C'ontinue to provide citizens with an opportunity to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) m order to reduce loss of life by cardiae arrest. I ,. Collect data that will determine the need to locate additional paramedic staff in our community ,. Continue to participate in County EMS pilot study programs with Combitube and Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI) I I Provide our citizens with health eare infonnation by means of a health care fair, blood pressure ,. , screening, and handout materials. " I I I SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITY PROGRAM CHANGES , I Reflects the costs of the addition of a third fire station I. I i - I I I ,- 156 I I I PARAMEDICS Safety SeYl'ices Department Division No: OJ03 .. - _.~ ~ - f 999,~OQ , 'zoif6~oJ:- ~"266Q!(J't 200't!02-- -2062!O31~ I Ooj: ,-- ....~ -'-' .. ..- ...' --- ,-.- u"' I, ~. ~~. . - ,.. -,-'"> E)cjieilse blassifi~.~tL6h Actual ' ")}PRr!?,y",,,st ",EJ't~t~Cl' Propo,sedc :~r9Po~e(f G.9(J~l Personnel Expense I . Rang.c Position Title FTE 249.3 Firefighter/Paran-cdic 18/21 584,439 466,080 540,459 869,710 1,024,640 229.3 Firdighter/Med Probationnary 3/0 97,906 109,080 I 1110 Salaries - Reb'1llar 584,439 466,080 638,365 978,790 1,024,640 1140 Salaries - Overtime 134,909 48,640 39,039 134,300 170,000 1150 Salaries - FLSA 11l,517 13,100 70,150 I 1160 Salaries- Paramedic Proficiency 50,637 86,750 54,977 1300 Employee Benefits 186,059 169,010 231,411 296,150 307,070 I Tp1a!'Perscmpel 966,561 783;580 1,033,942 1;409,24Q 1,501,710 _"'- 'I< Ope rations and Maintenance 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 132 200 161 250 200 I 3130 V chicle Operations & Maintenance 14,959 14,060 14,060 20,380 21,290 3140 Travel and Meetings 4,021 3,770 3,770 4,580 4,580 3310 Telephone 1,233 2,400 1,737 2,400 2,400 I 4120 Other Contractual Services 300 200 1,400 1,500 1,400 4308 R&M Equipment 796 5,900 5,900 9,200 9,660 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 477 500 500 1,000 1,050 I 4720 Janitorial Supplies 18 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 71 200 200 300 350 4740 Medical Supplies 27,675 28,130 28,130 41,300 43,360 I 4750 Safety Supplies 1,397 1750 1,750 2,500 2,500 4760 Operating Supplies 588 1,760 1,760 2,500 2,500 4904 Community Relations 3,841 5,000 5,000 6,500 5,500 I 4908 Education and Training 9,926 10,660 10,660 12,050 12,680 4922 Printing 417 500 500 1,000 1.200 4924 Publications and Dues 1,165 1,060 1,060 1,200 1,060 I 5510 Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicles 42,860 42,860 42,860 42,860 42,860 5520 Capital Outlay Rental - Other Equipment 3,701l 3,700 3,700 9,000 9,000 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipmcnt 2,200 2,200 2,200 1,800 1,800 I I I Totar~ergti~n~ & Maintenance 115,776 124,850 125,348 160,320 163,390 Capital Outlay 6124 Paramedic Equipment 4,170 7,860 7,860 17710 25,560 I 6136 Telecommunications Equipment 717 - 6199 Other Equipment 586 7,000 4,100 1,350 I Tqtal CapitaLQutlay 5,473 7,860 14,860 21,810 '26,910 Division Total 1,087,810 916,290 1,174,150 1,591,370 1,692,010 I 157 ~--:-::--- -- -- , - , _.- . I I , LAW ENFORCEMENT I I II Safety Services Department Division Number: 0504 !I " ACT1VITYDESCRIP"TION L --~-----_. " ---- -~._---- I I .. _ .. ...._~ ~.~__ ~_,_ _. J -- - -- --- -- " II The City of Poway contracts with the County of San Diego Sheriffs Department for law enforcement I ,J il services, In 2000, the City of Po way experienced the lowest crime rate (crime per 1,000 population) of any city within the county The Poway Sheriffs Station uses a proactive approach in working to prevent and II solve crime, I ., II The Sheriffs Department is committed to maintaining a strong relationship with the citizens of Po way To I' further this objective, the Sheriffs Department employs problem-solving tactics in partnership with the I :1 Ii community Ii The Poway Station has identified traffic safety and property crime as special-attention areas, I " Emphasis will be placed on the Scripps Poway corridor and school zones. Traffic safety programs include year-around DUI, driver's license, registration, and insurance checkpoints. Operation Impact targets alcohol and tobacco violations by young people. Other programs such as the bike patrol target commercial I complexes espccially during the hours of darkness. . - - - I" ..., . -~. , ACTIVITY GOf\LS AND:OBJECTTVE~ I , , ,. ;... Continue to implement communitywide applic:iti6rH)f~mmunity-oriented p'Olicm.~ and problem- " I' I! solving strategies (COPPS), / " , I ,; ,. Instill a greater sense of identity'~Qd:~1!.$,~rS)1iPt'jili':S~~ff,S p~B!lrtment personnel in ~: I: community r.J;; -' '" ' . I , , ':1'V' " , . .. A I ;... Reduce the incidence of crime thrOUgk'irtnova?~~~f~~ipr~vention methodsjncluding: -- - - __ _... '.,1" .,.... . Establishing a localized, tactical c~e an3'bJ ~p~bility _ ~,_ I I' . Enhancing partnerships with local schools througlithe fr<:quent on,campus presence of uniformed I personnel. I , . Establishing a proactive partnership with Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) through participation I in Operation Impact. a community education/enforcement program designed to reduce the incidence of juvenile alcohol-/tobacco-related violations, I I >- Enhance road safety for motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians in Poway I I ;- Develop partnerships with local schools and City traffic engineers to: I . Enhance traffic safety in and around schools. I . Reduce the incidence of parking-related violations in and around schools. SIGNIFICANT ACtrVrTYPROGRAM'lcHANGES " CHANGE I , None I ." '- 158 I I I LAW ENFORCEMENT Safety Services Department Dh'isiofJ No: 504 01)" ' -, ' - - 'l'" ---:-:~ . '~..~_"'_,._~--:-o---7'"_=---:::C'-':'- - I : ,~.' :J 999,;00: 2000!01: 2000;01 '2001-02' :-2002;03, _: --..> - ;,;;.--< --- ~..9~~ ,E2'pe.ns~ Clilssj[~if!ion, ACtuai ApP.r9V~P Estihiated Rrg'pgg,,g . 'Pr.QP\l~."if Operations and Maintenance I 3130 V elucle Operations & Mamtenance 24,881 18)40 18)40 16,560 17,320 3140 Travel and Meetings 7,661 3,830 6,030 5,020 I 4,920 3310 Telephone , 10,500 13,991 8,400 12,000 10,000 ' I 4104 Communrty Safety 4,809)81 5,180,150 5,180,128 5,449,300 5)41,770 4108 Dl~patch Contract - Sheriff 152,376 152,240 152,240 166,100 174,400 4109 Contract School Crossing Guard 16)85 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 I 4116 Landscape Maintenance 6.566 7,200 7,200 8,430 8,770 4120 Other Contractual Services 23,647 40,630 40,630 42,660 44)90 4302 Air Conditioning R & M - 7,400 7,400 8,080 7,770 I 4308 R&M Equipment 3)78 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 12 350 350 350 350 4750 Safety Supplies 10,953 27,950 27,950 27,950 27,950 I 4760 Operating Supplies 13,546 1\,500 10)67 11,500 11.500 4902 Cal-ID Sys. Safety Services 9,332 9,240 9,240 9,700 10,190 4904 Community Relations 6,584 9,500 9.500 9,500 9.500 I 4906 DARE Program 89)71 103,260 103,260 109,460 114,930 4919 VehIcle Regulation 14,255 15,700 10,100 15)00 15,700 4922 Printing 1,095 - I 4924 Publications & Dues 125 100 5510 Capital Outlay Rental- Vehicles 16,860 16,860 16,860 16,900 16,900 5520 Capital Outlay Rental- Other Equipment - 2,900 2,900 I 5530 Capital Outlay Rental- Office Equipment 7,260 7,260 7,260 10,250 10,250 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 48,238 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 I I I I TotaFOp_eration~ '& Maintenance 5,277,497 5,717,210 5,716,755 6;017,360 6,327,410 I Capital Outlay 6104 Autos & Trucks 20,000 20,000 6122 Office EqUIpment 2,468 1,000 1,000 1,000 6128 PhotographIc Equipment 1,922 733 I 6136 Telecommlll1icatlOns Equipment 12,732 6199 Equipment- Other 17,674 - 3,650 2)00 I 1;9t~J:Gf!llii111,Out[ay 34,796 5,383 23,700 21,000 Division Total 5,312,293 5)17,210 5,722,138 6,(J41,060 6,348,410 I 159 I II , I il I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POWAY PROGRAM OVERVIEW: 2001-2002 AND 2002-2003 I mMMUNITY PROGRAMS I CITY OF POW A Y I PROGRAM OVERVIEW I . ~<iw' H~~ , , TolakP.tig[, Awropriatioits ,AjYpropnlitions; fot~i' I .'.' ., "'A",ilvity'Glassi ~~-,!iL on' '1\'pprop..i'iations ,July.'!:" (999' . " llily"1';:2000' ',\ppropriations Community Programs $3,293,351 $115,264 $141,820 $3,550,435 I I ,~ ".- $~:293,35;1 '$t1'-5,26i1: $iM 820 ,$3,?50t4W Tota1.Budget. , .. ~ " - I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I The City of Po way Program Budget reI1ects the allocation of the City's financial resources for the I purpuse of providing specialized services. The mix of programs funded for FY 2000-01 & FY 2001-02 is designed to provide a broad range of community safety and recreation programs ranging from 2 to 5 years in length. Activities budgeted in the Program section of this document are distinguished from I Department operating budgets to provide for funding over multiple years. For FY 00-01 & FY 01-02, funding is provided for continuing operation of the YMCA PRYDE Program, I Household Hazordous Waste and Recycling programs. I I I I I . I I II L I I I I I' 162 I . CITY OF POWAY I PROGRAM OVERVIEW , ,- I , 11 lS~I"1C:e;OfiFiinds , F.is'ca"Years;200t7200~ and;2002~i093; , " " , " I Fiscal Year FIscal Year Fundinl( Sources 2001-2002 2002-200' I General Fund ($124,996) $0 I Grant Funds $249,R20 $14 \,820 Library Trust Fund ($5,060) $0 Trust Funds (S4,500) $0 I Total Sources $115,21i4 $141,820 I I I I I I I I I I I I 163 I CITY OF POW A Y ~~~~UNI~Y,PR9GkAMS~ ' , ' I ~ ~' " ~ l" ., I j']'01, G0;VERNME"NT< AGGESS\GHANNEL - "'='=-,,"" "'c~.-'-,~ ="<C~_=~ ~~ "."''- .. ~ U I This project provides funding to activate the City's government access channel to communicate information to citizens over the local ca.ble television systems of Cox Communications and Time I Warner The channel will provide infonnation on a wide variety of services, activities, community events and recreational facilities available to Poway residents. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July I, 200] July 1,2002 Total Program I Public Educ. Gmt (714) $126,681 $126,681 ~- - - ---- - -~- --- --~ . "..----., -_.~------ ~~-- ~~ ,.- -. - ---- Total Buaget $1.26'68:'. $0,.$0'( . '$1"16681, - 0:-<-'. .,~ ._ ._._ .. _ ..~ _~.:...._...._~________ _ _ _ ..__ ____L ~-- ~ Expenditures 116,624 116,624 I Encumbrances 634 634 Remaining Budget $9,423 $0 $0 $9,423 I . .-_....e- - ~7"~~- ---_-: - ... -.....- ~ ~- -- _.. - ~ -~- ---- 1~i.ij2.! ::r.)B.R'~YS!A:RT'UP;GOOSTS , -- "'''' .. -- -, ... ----- I This proJect provides funding to purchase necessary additional books and equipment for the new library Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4116/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Program II Library Endow Fnd (712) $90,000 ($5,060) $84,940 1/ .~-~:-----;:- ----....,.......--.., - ~ ---- -~-:. --. - - -.- ----.---." - - --_.----:~ . _.,~' ,.~. . fptaL!3l!9get, $90,000, . ($5,060) ":$0, ,$8tl;940 ~---'- ....;;::;'<' _ _ ....... .,"__. ___ _ . ________ -'--_.1:::- Expenditures 84,940 84,940 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $5,060 ($5,060) $0 $0. I I R U 1M 0 I CITY OF POWAY I ," ~' .. '.. - [. - ,--.:'. - .'....-----.'f-n--F"-,...--...- ~. ;----\ (i;0~1''Y eROGRMY\i" , " , " I ~Yij5 8oo:MiIZ"sN:sTEM.E "NtPMENif' ---~ "T , , , I ~~_c. ~"N" _..L".._~__Q,...., , ---.... -'-'~-~- , This program provides for the purchase of 800 MHz radio equipment for Safety Services, Public I Services and Community Services. The new equipment will be compatible with the new County wide ROO MHz system and therefore will allow the City to communicate with other agencies in the event of an emergency I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Program 800 MHz Com. (281) $275,000 $275,000 General Fund (100) 146,000 (6,805) 139,195 ;'fatal Buag1;H . --- :- -- -: '$!I21'OOo; -- ($(;=805) .-------- --- ~ <j'"' :'!.~ .__.~.-, I ' '1$0' , ,!$4J4;195 -- - .. _----!~,-- ~ -,,'~'- -- ..;;.~ L-_--" __' _~_ ^' ..... ...-.-,,".- Expenditures 414) 95 414,195 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $6,805 ($6,805) $0 $0 I '1 j 06] IiIJM\vIDE- YEAihooo'S::ONmLIANCEEMERGENCY"PRO.rEGl"" " ' - --- E::......:;...:____ __ _. _ _ __ _ - - -.- .. .. - --_. - ---- I This project provides funding in the event of unforseen computer issues related to the year 2000 I Activity Through Ne\V Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Program Gencral Fund (100) $250,000 ($150,191) $99,809 I Total Budget $250,000 ($150,191) $0 $99,809 Expenditures 99,809 99,809 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S150,l91 ($150, (91) $0 $0 I I I I I 165 ~Q"',,"NliY "OG~S I I CITY OF POW A Y -- '" ; ..0- r ~ , " ' .- I " - u I n08 COMMUNICA TlON~Mf\S}ER PLAN --~ - - -, - - I This project provides funding for a City-wid~ communicatians master plan. Acti vity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/0 I July I, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Program Public Educ. Gmt (714) $19,500 ( $4,500) $15,000 I TotaU3udget $19,?00' (~4,500) .$0 $15,QiJOi Expenditures 15,000 15,000 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $4,500 ($4,500) $0 $0 I 1\ 09 LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCKQRANT , This project provides for the funding 0.1' Law Enforcement Black Grant. The purpose of this program is to provide I funds to. units 0.1' lacal govemment to underwrite projects to reduce crime and imprave public safety I Activity Through New Appropriatians Funding Saurce 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Tatal Program - General Fund (100) $4,653 $4,653 Federal Grants (253) 36,452 36,452 Tatal Budget $41,105 $0 $0 :$41 ;\05 I Expenditures 4U05 41 105 Encumbrances 0 0 . Remaining Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 I I D U I t66 0 I ~ONlMUNiJyRROGioIMS I CITY OF POW A Y I , < , I _. -- - 1'1'1 O'BEVE~GE,lCONT AINER RECYCLiNG , I Grants from the Department of Conservalion to promote bevcrage container recycling. I Activity Through New Appropriations Fundiug Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total Program Recycling Fund (245) $14,150 $14,150 I . - . . - Tota!Budgef I $14;150 ~O $0 $14;150 , Expenditures 5,348 5,348 I Encumbrances 1,078 1,078 Remaining Budget $7,724 $0 $0 $7,724 I 111.1 REG!ON.A~ WILDLIFE MONITORING PROGRAM I This project provides funds for the monitoring of Regional Wildlife Corridor Monotoring Project, which is consitenl with the requirements of the Poway Subarea Habitat Conservation Plan. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,200 I July I, 2002 Total Program I State Grants (242) $68,181 $68,1 81 Total Budget ,$68,181 $0 $0 $68,181 I Expenditurcs 38,518 38,518 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $29,663 $0 $0 $29,663 I I I I I I I 11>7 -.-.... IC0"lM'iTv'''O''''MS' I I CITY OF POWAY , '~ -' ~ I " -, I 1 ii2MISCELLANEOUS"GfJ';~R"OJEGt~ -_.- ~,,~-+-- - --.... --....- . , -- , -- I This project provides funding for preliminary engineering for grant application. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4116/0 I July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Program General Fund (100) $300,000 $300,000 I Total Budget $300,000 $0 $0 '$300;000. Expenditurcs 49,407 49,407 Encumbrances 37,503 37,503 I Remaining Budget $213,090 $0 $0 $213,090 i' I 1113 COMMUNITY DIRECTIONAL KIOSK This project will provide directions for community destinations such as Lake Poway, Town Center and the I Poway ".uto Dealers. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4116/IJ] July I, 2001 July 1,2002 Total Program I General Fund (100) $19,000 $19,000 Total Budget $19,000 $0 $6 $19,666 -.., . ~_, r Expenditures 8,049 8,049 I Encumbrances 10,951 10,951 Remaining Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 I I I I I I IllS I I ~Q~IiY"ROOi0M_S I CITY OF POW A Y I .0 I j 114)99:'00 Lq.cXr.:~LAWENFORCF:MENi;B1::pCKGRANT' , , -- - - - , , , I This project provides for the funding of Law Enfurcement Block Grant. The purpose of this program is to providc I funds to units of local government to underwrite projects to reduce crime and improve public safety Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July I 2001 July I, 2002 Total Program General Fund (100) $3,571 $3,571 Federal Grants (253) 33,091 33,091 I Total Budgei $36,662 $0 $0 $36,662 Expenditures 0 0 I Encumbrances 21,798 21,798 Remaining Budget $14,864 $0 $0 $14,864 I 1260 USED OIL RECYCLING (FIFTH CycLE) I The City will receive grant funds (on a reimbursement basis) from the California Integrated Waste Management Board for used oil recycling public educatiun and cullection programs. I The fifth cycle will run from July I, 1 997-June 30, 2000. The City will be eligible to rcceive approximately $15,000 each fiscal year The first-year and second.year allocations can be rolled over to the third year but must be spent by June 30, 2000 when the grant expires. I Activity Through Ncw Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Program I Recycling Grants (245) $63,637 $16,820 $16,820 $97,277 Total Budget $63,637 $16,820 $16,820 $97,277 I Expenditures 54,462 54,462 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $9,175 $ I 6,820 $16,820 $42,815 I I I I I 169 I CITY OF POW A Y '" , J' " , . c:OMlyIUNITY PROGRAMS ,.': " ~ " - - _1~" _ .- . 1684~MCAi>RYbE PRQGRAM .. -- -- - " - - , ,- " - - I This is an after school program operated by the YMCA at Meadowbrook Middle Schoo\. The PRYDE program was implemented in FY 1994-95 to provide serviees primarilv to at-risk I youth. The program includes homework assistance, tutoring, stmctured recreational activities, community service events, leadership training, and career awareness. It is projected that approximately 120 to 150 youth will participate in FY 1994-95 The YMCA PRYDE program I receives financial assistance from the Americorps program as well as an allocation from the City of Po way, totaling $95,000 over a three-year period. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 41l6/0] July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Program I General (100) $207,000 $32,000 $239,000 Total Budget $207,000 $32,000 :$0' P39;000 Expenditures 177,610 177,610 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $29,390 $32,000 $0 $61,390 I 1697 HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL PROGRAM I This program provides household hazardous waste disposal services for City residents at not cost. Other participating Cities are charged a fee for each use by one of its citizens. New appropriation I equals $1 R6,600 per year for each of the next two years. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 41l6/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Program HHW Fund (250) $702,120 $125,000 $125,000 $952,120 I Total Budget $702,120 $125,060 $li5,000 $952,120 Expenditures 660,158 660,158 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $41,962 $125,000 $125,000 $291,962 . I . 170 I I ~O_jN1jW,,",,q.iMS I CITY OF POWAY I I 5960AFFORi:JABLEH6USINGtASSISTANcEANOREFERR;.\[PROGRAM& " ,- , ,___ __.. _ '_.~'" ,_ __.~,._L... "_"~_ _~_.. ..;,,-.. __. "'"~_'_"'_~ ':".~ _ . _~ . ' '. I 596 I CDBGSHARED .HOU~INGcPR6GRAM ~ - I Initiated in Fiscal Year 1993-94, the Affordable Housing Assistance and Referral Program assists Poway', low and moderate income residents by providing services and referrals pertaining to affordable, transitional and emergency housing; shared housing; tennant/landlord relations; board I and care placement; and subsidized housing. The program focuses on persons seeking affordable housing altematives, especially those in aposition of serious need, including single parents, seniors, the homeless and those on the verge of homelessness. North County Lifeline administers the I program and the ~ivision of Redevelopment and Housing provides staff support and supervision. The program has two funding sources: Community Development Block Grant funds and the I Redevelopment Agency Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. Program number 5960 was established for the portion of the program which is funded by the Agency's Housing Fund, with COBG funding reflected in program 5961 I 5960 Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Program Low/Mod Housing (471) $95,511 $95,511 Total Budget $95,5i I $0 , I $0 $95,5].1 Expenditures 94,497 94,497 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $1,014 $0 $0 $1,014 5961 Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/1610 I July I, 2001 July 1,2002 Total Program I COBG (241) $49,675 $18,000 $67,675 Total Budget 49,675 18,000 0 67,675 I Expenditures 40,322 40,322 Encumbrances 9,353 9,353 Remaining Budgct $0 $18,000 $0 $18,000 I I I I I 171 , 'I II I, , ~'6MMiml;Y ;,60""'" I I CITY OF POWAY . - I . - I ~. ....... . -.." .. -.- :.._- .,. ..-,--.. -''-' -"".'---'- , .. ------- --, , 59fj!ci:JMM~)TYDEY~L9frViE.NT B-Lp@KGl~{\:NT'H6J'isri2fi~R..EHABIDITA 1w~ PR0GR'AM I Initiated in 1995, the Community Development Block Grant Housing Rehabilitation Program provides funds to low- and very low-income homeowners to complete health and safety I and other specified improvements to their residences in Poway The program has as its goal the preservation and improvement of Poway's existing affordable housing stock. Zero-interest loans of up to $8,000 are available, which convert \0 grants at a rate of 10 percent each year I for every year the home is occupied by the applicant. The entire amount converts to a grant at the end often years. This program is funded by the City's Community Development Block I Grant Program. After approximately one year of operation, the Program has funded 16 rehabilitation projects, Part-time staffing is currently provided by a consultant, with support from the Division of Redevelopment and Housing. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July I, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Program I CDBG Grants (241) $769,052 $90,000 $859,052 T otill Budget $769,052 $90,000 $0 $859;O:;?' Expenditures 761,628 761,628 I Encumbrances 7,424 7,424 Remaining Budget ($0) $90,000 $0 $90,000 I I I I I I I I 172 I I CITY OF POW A Y I --. -.... . - .. , @MMuNfi\y PRGGRAMS, , _ .... .... __ ._....' ,._. L..- _ _~ >'_'''-T~ _" "''''' . I ~9~3ivI~I'roR 'ENHA!\!CEM.ENT~PR,0GRA.tv!: - , , 0 .. , , - I ,", , Initiated in 1994, the Poway Visitor Enhancement Program was developed tu increase I visitor and resident awareness of existing shopping opportunities and points of interest in Poway The Program is administered through the Poway Chamber of Commerce Visitors Committee. Activities undertaken through this Program involve the participation of Poway I merchants and residents. These include coordinating the publication of brochures, direct- mail campaigns, membership in local visitors bureaus. and promotional events such as the ratiun of additional sales tax I revenue. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/l6iO I July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 T olal Program General ( 100) $[15,588 $115,588 $) l5,5813 $0 ___, ,t I Total Budget '$0 $1!5;58~ Expenditures 114,444 114,444 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $1,144 $0 $0 $1 144 I "' < ~ I PROGRAM SUMMARY I I Activity Through New Appropriations 4116/0 I .July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Program I Total Biidget $3;293,351 $ 1105,264 $l41,820 $3,550\435. Expenditures 2,681,619 0 0 2,681,619 Encumbrances ~R,741 0 0 88,741 I Total Remaining Budget $522,99 J $115,264 $141,820 $780,075 I I I I I 173 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF POW A Y FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2001-2002 & 2002-03 I CAPIT AL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ~ CITY OF POW A Y I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW I .. ~ ~ ..- ,. .. l'. N~w:"- .. New.'- - , i. T6taIiBrjof' AppfqpriaiiQQ~ ' ' ,&.pp.r.Qp'fi~ij9n:s ' Tot~[ l , 1 I $CtlYIt5<Ellissificatign' . . JiIiy! J;[2.ooi " . Jhiy. jl, t2092' . , ' ..~P1~ropriati()nB. I . 'A..Ppropnatjonsl_ Streets & Highways $9,466,671 ($50,841 ) $0 $9,415,830 I Traffic Signals 2,060,523 (274) 0 2,060,249 Flood Control & Drain, 603,500 10,000 0 613,500 I Government Buildmgs 1,719,401 (125,047) 0 1,594,354 I Parks and Open Space 1,753,449 4,862 0 1,758,311 I Water Improvements 11,808,009 (354,434) 0 11,453,575 Sewer Improvements 9,523,990 (4,500) 150,000 9.669,490 I Revitalization Projects 0 0 0 0 I :r otaLl3lldget.. '. - '$36;93Y.5'13 .-, (~5.2.9123~) ;$,150',O()0 ' , $36 565 M9" .:, , ., ". . - c. .'_'."_____'-". , ~ -,. _.,.- .- I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The Capital Improvement Program of the City of Poway represents an organized plan for addressmg I the phYSical needs of the community The pages which follow add to the Capital Improvement Program that began during fiscal year 1982-83 As the budget is approved each fiscal year, it I will be possible toreview progress being made, costs incurred to date, and the implications of intlation on future costs, I The improvements as set forth in thIS budget fall into the seven major categories: Streets and Highways, Traffic Signals, Flood Control and Drainage, Government Buildings, Parks and Open I Spaces, Water Improvements, and Sewer Improvements. In the future as needs are identified, attempts will be made to prioritize additional projects as well as identify probable funding. The Capital Improvement Program, which will be updated annually, will assISt in allocating capital I improvement funds and enable the City of Poway to attam its goals in a reasonable period of time. I I I 176 -L I CITY OF POW A Y I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW I iSourc~!!na,^ppJ.tcl(tion oiWunds Fiscai Yeai"s,iooI ;iQ02Jalld: 2001l:Z003' ~ . . ~ .~ . I Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fundmg Sources 2001-2002 2002-2003 Ii General Fund $33,809 $0 I Drainage Fund $10,000 $0 Water Fund (5383,305) $0 Sewer Fund ($20,667) $150,000 I Grant Fund $97,098 $0 Special Assessment Fund ($44,043) $0 Street Development $10,000 $0 I Street - Prop A ($186,926 ) $0 Park Improvements $6,200 $0 I Municipal Improvements ($33,000) $0 Capital Replacement ($3,700) $0 Tmst Funds ($5,700) $0 I Total Sources ($520,234 ) S150,000 I Fiscal Y car Fiscal Year I Funding Applications 2001-2002 2002-2003 Streets & Highways ($50,841 ) $0 I Traffic Signals ($274) $0 Flood Control & Drain. S I 0,000 SO I Government Buildings ($125,047) $0 Parks and Open Space $4,862 $0 Water Improvements ($354,434 ) $0 I Sewer Improvements ($4,500) $150,000 Revitalization Projects $0 $0 I Total Applications ($520,234 ) $150,000 I I I 177 CITY OF POWAY I ~A'~'[;kkiMR~p~mVl.E~jR~(i)G~M; ~ m" ;Si~ii"'.NQ HJc;Hw~~S' . I , . . "'~'-._"'.., ,"-- .. , I J;224 BBS'BENGHES' . . ._~~ ~_, c..... ___.j~.___._."..._.~_, _ _ _ .~ Installation of bus benches at various locations around the Clty I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project i TDA Grants (243) S3R.057 S38,057 Total Budget S38.057 SO $0 , $38,057' ,I Expenditures 38,057 38,057 Encum brances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $0 $0 SO SO 1'2:26 ESP0r;.A.R0ADrT-~NSFr SHEL-rER 1\ND B0's TURNOUT' " . '--. --- I ",".--..... '-'""'=_-'.:.:.c..~_'~_. _ _ +, ~_':""~______ __ _ This project provides for the design and construction of a transit shelter and tumout on Espola Road I adjacent to the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project ;~~i~~dn~~t~24~- --- - ~~:~:~~~ . - - --$0'---$0" ~~~~;~~~ I .....l::..._~..,-c =."=->"'---' ~ ___ ___. __ _ ';'_.-.:.<l-. __ .~~ __. __~......... _ __ ~ .- ~, Expenditures 1,286 1,286 Encumbrances 24,935 24,935 I Remaining Budget $253,779 $0 $0 $253,779 I I I I I I 17X II I CITY OF POW A Y I . . STREEtS\<\Nj)H(GHW~YS' CAPlTAL IMRR0VEMENT.PF'QGRAM .. ... - I i'246 'BUS STOP IMPROYEMENTS . . .. . -- -- I This project provides for the construction of necessary bus stop improvements to meet ADA standards and other miscellaneous improvements, I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16101 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project TDA Grants (243) $79,032 $79,032 TotahBudget t79,032' . $0 ' $79'(l3'2' '$0, - .. -- ----- ~ ' ,.' ~ I Expenditures 36,724 36,724 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $42,J08 $0 $0 $42,308 I 12'49' LAkE P0\\(A,y:RO'AD'L1\NDSCAI'EPR0.iECi" -" .., I .. - ~~ -- --- ~ -- - ._-~_._- .~- - -->------ -- --- This project provides for the costs associated with design, development, and implementation I of appropriate landscaping along Lake !'oway Road. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project Street Dev - Cur (221 ) $30,000 $10,000 $40,000 Total Budget -------- ~-~- ,., ~$iO 000' ~------ ---- $4Q,066 ____. _. __.$3Q,~O, $0 ... ---- -.2 __ ------_.- - - ---- I Expenditures 17,782 17,782 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $12,218 $10,000 $0 $22,218 I I I I I I I 179 CITY OF POW A Y I -.-, '- - - . " ,- , ~ --<:< I CAPI1iAEIMPROMEMENt':PROGMM :S"'REEJ~ AND HIGHW~\)j.~; t ~ - "...'-~~,---- _~~.o , i262'PEDES'fRlANAAMP~P'R0Gm\:M' " , I " - , , ~ ~ ~.--,....~ .~~-"~,-... --"- .---" -' ".~' This project provides for the construction of pedestrian ramps at various locations throughout the City I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project CDBG (241) $89 193 $116,600 $205,793 I Total Budget . ~ ------ ,~_~._.h $1'j'6,600; ~O' '$i05,,~<j3 ' l$~2J93 . . ::-.;....-- ~ - -- """"'_..... , .- -,.~. Expcnditures 79,035 79,035 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $10,158 $116,600 $0 $126,758 j2651RQM"EF};~tQ~RQAQ"iMRRdY.~r\1E~!Sc,Gt:EN'OA:K/.TEI)'W1wA&fs;PARK.WfS,y' I .. ~,.___.T_." .:..~=""'.. __-=-:. _ __ _ _ ..____ __..__......._<__ _ _.____._.__~~ This project will widen the west side of the street, replace stann drains, construct retaining walls and I curb inlets, modify traffic signals and install fire hydrants and street lights, Replaced by Project 5291 Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project Street Dev-Prop A (223) $161,680 $161,680 I Street Dev -Cur (221) 261,316 261,316 Street Lighting (275) 12,905 12,905 ~.....,. -,"- -~~- --- - -" . . $435:9011 .--.:.... ~ _J2 :-:-- .~~~-_ ~J!t ' ,$435',9.01 '. J:9~13_~(jg~t-{i:ity, _ _ _.....: .. _.-:-""'---- - Total Expenditures 435,901 435,90\ Total Encumbrances 0 0 I Total Remaining Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 . I I I I IXO I ..;.:. I CITY OF POWAY I . GAPr.r.~L IMPROVEMENT:PROGMM STREETS,AND.H1GHWAYS; .. . ~ . - I, C2660AMINO'OELN0RTE'POMER.A:DO/WEST'CITY> ElMfiS , . ~ _.c.__ _ ._,_.. ~., 'd'" , . ,. - - _ -_, _, _ ,-. I This project will provide 165,000 square feet of two-inch overlay along with crack sealing and deep patching, I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/l 6/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I Street Dev-Prop A (223) $268,810 ($186,926) $8 I ,884 Street Lighting (275) 10,000 ( 10,000) 0 1 Total'BudgeC $n8,810_ '($196,926) ,$9_ L $8[,;884 .._~- - - ~- ~ "-'-- ---'- -- -'-. - . .~-- ,-' Expenditures 81.884 81,884 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $ I 96,926 ($196,926) $0 $0 I . - -~c---". --.." -- -- - - 1267' C0MMUNITYc:ROA:DlT,WIN PEAKS/HILLEARY, ;L'_ ~ ~___ _ ~_ . __",,__~_____:;;" - ~--- ;----~'-- - --~_.- ~- - ----- I This project will widen the southbound lanes south of Hilleary add curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lights and storm drains, There will be a two-inch asphalt overlay, deep patching, enhanced stonn drains, and trafllc signal modification. Reassigned to project number 1280. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I Street Dev-Prop A (223) $103,066 $103,066 Street Lighting (275) 1,600 1,600 '$i04,666 .- $0' I '!jtal Byoget $0: u_ _ ~ 104';666. _. p - - - - - ~ -- . -- ---- -- - ,-.. - Expenditures 104,666 104,666 Encumhrallces 0 0 I Remaining Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 I I I I I 181 I CITY OF POWAY <;AP!Tc\~,f!0PISOVE};1ENThROOR1'lM. Sl;ISE.ETS ANQ'EiIQHWA'YS I ... ,___ I 1268 TWINPEAK:S/POMEAADO WALL ,-. - ... -. .- ~ -. ..- - . , This project will replace a wood fence with a masonry block wall at the northeast corner of Twin I Peaks and Pomerado Road. Activity Through New Appropriations I FU. nd. ing Source 4116/01 July 1,200,1, July 1,2002 Total Project I LMD 83-01 (263) $328,500 ($19,526) $308,974 1dtal !iudget __ = -_-~$32it?00 ($(9,526) __ - $0 $308;9)11, Expenditures 308,974 308,974 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $19,526 ($19,526) $0 $0 I '=;>'.-- ~--.--- -:~~~::-~''''-:~'''''~-=-~.---,--~-- - --"------ - ..-..------ 1269 TWIN,PEA!"S'8, GOMMl!NITY ROAD'LAND. - ---- --~..-- --- - --~-- ---- - --- - -- .- I This project purchases land from Caltrans at the corner of Twin Peaks and Community for use as a park and ride lot and potential future transit center I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July I, 200 I July I, 2002 Total Project I TOA (243) $271,300 ($989) $270,311 :rot~I_Ii~g~'t __ -~~- ~'_ $271)00 =-==1~9_891- - ---_$0 $~70;3Jl I Expenditures 270,311 270,311 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $989 ($989) $0 $0 I I I '. I I t82 II I CITY OF POW A Y I GAPFf AL IMPROYEMENT'PROG.I<AiVf STREETS'ANDiHIGHWA YS~ ,,- . , I (i70, ESr'OLA.:ROAD'OVERLA:Y' ',' -- -.. '. - - . - ~-'.-" - -~. - , I Asphalt paving overlay of approximately 5,000 feet of Espola Road from Cloudcroft Drive to the west city limits (200 feet west of Summerfield Lane). I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4116/01 July I, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I St Devel-AB 1600 (222) $815,000 $815,000 T6talBtjdget - - ~-- $6 :$0 - $815,000 $815,000 - ---~ - I Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $815,000 SO $0 $815,000 I 127.1 l'VIARTlNCOIT CURB.,'ANDSn)EWALK>REPAIRS --- I ___~_'_ J.._ r__~..... _&.__ __ _ __ _~___ __~_ ...........0..- -- This project provides for the removal and replacement of 350 feet of curb, gutter and sidewalk I adjacent to Painted Rock School. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4116/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project Street Dev-Prop A (223) $150,000 $150,000 Tota\'Bu<!.~~ ----- $150;006 -. - - - - ------- -~-----~'~ $150;000 :$0 $0 I --_._.. - --, - , '" - - - - -- -..-- --- - -. - ~,. . Expenditures 81,871 81,871 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $68,129 SO $0 S68,129 I --- ---- --.- -- - ----- ----.--- ---- --- I !_2!2 TU~~P;R<?~ 9l,J6RDR"IL -- , -- - - ---- - -- ----- ---- This project provides for the design and construction of a guardrail to meet current safety requiremnets. I Activity Through Ncw Appropriations Funding Source 4116/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I Street Dev-Prop A (223) S50,100 S50,100 1'0,~I.B,~dgei - - -: '. ,'$0 -- - - -- --- S50,I.oO ,SO' _ __15.0,100_ - -- I Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S50,100 SO SO $50, I 00 I I I RJ CITY OF POWAY I CARlTAL IMPRQVE,lylE!'JT PROGR;AM STREETSA.NpHIGmyA~S, I , _, , .C~. .." __ _ .. 1)'74iOLEQTiWNIGBUS 'FRA<;'flNG _ u This project provides funding for electronicall tracking Poway's transit buses to improve schedule times I and connections to other transit routes. Activity Through New Appropriations '. Funding Source 4/16/0 I July I, 200 I July I, 2002 Total Project TD^, (243) _ . ___ _ S165,000 " S165,000 I Total Hudg'et S165,000 $0 SOS'165,000' ~---~- ~-- - - . --- - Expenditures 0 0 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S165,000 SO SO S165,000 I - - -. -~ _......-c--~ - ','__ .,-0__"--- - - ----- ---...-'- - ~ _.- 1276POMERADO ROA:D~BU_S'T!:lR~O_UT _. ---, .--.. - - ------ - .---~- I This project provides funding for the design of a bus turnout and shelter located on Pomerado Road and at an appropriate location. The location will be determined by County Transit Services and the City's Engineering staff. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project I TDA (243) S200,000 S200,000 total,~[<!g~t, - - -~- -- ~-' -- $JQ"Q;Og2 , :..... _ ~- =-'l$,O" '-~-- -~- ._.1D..: S200;QOO I Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S200,000 SO SO S200,000 I I I I I I lR4 II I CITY OF POWAY I GAPlzrfr" IMPROVEMENT'. PROGRAM STREETS' AN D,'HIGHWAYS . I 127,7:P0WA~:rR\.\NSCf'@PERATI0N'&' MAINTENANCE; " _ _ ~ _" __ __ 'n'.. . .,. _, u ' I This project will identify locations for a new transit operations and maintenance facility I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I TDA (243) $291,500 $291,500 Total BjlC!ger $291 ;500 T'.~-- $9 ,$0' . $29.1',500 .------ - -~-- Expenditures 0 0 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $291,500 $0 SO $291,500 I 1278,NORWAl:1<^ rWINPEAKS wAiL REPAIR - ,-- --- .. - _.- ---~~~--'-- . - --~-- - --- I This project will providc funding for the design, removal and the rcplacemcnt ofthe existing fence and retaining wall between Norwalk Street and Twin Peaks Road with a standard City masonry wall. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 r otal Project I General Fund (100) S108,460 $40,000 $148,460 !otai BUdget . - S49,099J. - "s6, _....!! 98;~6.o: ~_ _ _~J48~60 - - - --~- - - -----~ - - 4.- Expenditures 22,592 22,592 I Encumbrances 22,709 22,709 Remaining Budget $63,159 $40,000 $0 $103,159 I I I I I I I IRS CITY OF POWAY I C;'Am~ALi.MJ'ROY;E~W(RR0dRAM; ..STREEtS A1'!b.HIQHWAYS I ., . _~~ ." -- --- I 1:219 S.l5AfE~0ARP;PARKBUS'SHEL'[.ER. . ~hiS project provides funding for the Skateboard Park Bus Shelter, Turnout and Restroom Project. I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project TDA (243) $125,000 $125,000 T-otal B.u.dg~! ,'~~SJ25.000. $0. - SO $125,000 I Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget S 125,000 $0 SO $125,000 1280COtVItVIUNI:rY'ROA:DIMPRQYE~*S - - -, I -.- ---- --- - --""--- - - -- -~- -.- ------ -- - --------- This project will widen lanes, add curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lights and stonn drains. There I will be a two-inch asphalt overlay, deep patching, enhanced storm drains, and traftic signal modification. Reassigned from project numbers 1280 and 5286. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 1 July I, 200 I July I, 2002 Total Project I Street Dev-Prop A (223) S461,934 $461,934 Street Lighting (275) 85,000 85,000 , RDA Capital (436) 823,750 823,750 I RDA Sewer Loan (439) 467,222 467,222 Water Fund (510) 50,400 50,400 ~e~."~u~d 15.2~l. _ _ _ ... 52,00~ _n . n _ __ ____ .__._~ 52,000 I Io!,,-I~13udg~t-C;~~_ SI,940,306_.. ______ ~ _ . ___1Q. ___.!.1,940,306 Total Expenditures 49,967 49,967 .. Total Encumbrances 15,220 15,220 Total Remaining Budget $1,875,119 $0 SO SI ,875, 119 I I I I 1861 I CITYOFPOWAY I CARITALIMPROVEMENT'RR0GRAI;J STREEliSA:NDHIGl-!W~'Y~ 1--- .-- . 1<281,n.;:R0ME DRIVE NEIGHB0R,H00D'l0A.lll' m _ i I This project provides loan assistance to the residents of Jerome Drive for road repairs. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1, 2001 July 1,2002 Total Project General Fund (100) $38,000 $38,000 I TotigSuaget$38,060. __,~ $0 lOS{8&D:O: Expenditures 20,673 20,673 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget SI7,327 $0 $0 $17,327 I 'IJ16 STREEi' LiGHT'REVITAUiA TION --- - -- - - -' - - ; - ,.-- .-._" -:;::---------- - ------- I This project will add additional street lights, street light conversions, and the updating uf photo electric cells. I Activity Through New Appropriations , Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project Lighting District (275) S232,642 S232,642 -~- --" - -.- +--..--- - - ------------- .-. I Toia1Budg:!_ _ _ _ __, ___ _ S~~2;641.S0_ _ _ _ ~O-,- ,__ S232;642 Expenditures 67,206 67,206 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $165,436 $0 $0 $165,436 I I I I I I II 187 CITY OF POWAY I CAPlT AEIMPROY.EMEJ::!T P;~OPRAI0' -STREETS.AND'I-IIGJ;f.wA..~S I .~., d__, .. , I 52831'A:RASCAN,ROAD.EXTENSION. ' ~"--~.--,.=---""':::.....::...~_.." .~- - -.. _. '- -- -. - -. This project provides preliminary design and right-of-way acquisition of the extension of Tarascan Road. I City Funding (In eluded in Streets and Highways SUlllllllll)') I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July I, 200 I July I, 2002 Total Project I Street Dev -Prop 'A' (223) SIOO,OOO $100,000 totalBJjdg::'t~Cit~ _= ~ _ _Hl2.D.cOOO . -----w:- :....____ $0 :$lqo,OOO: I Total Expenditures 68,249 68,249 Total Encumbrances 0 0 Total Remaining Budget S31,751 $0 $0 $31,751 I RDA Funding (Not included in Streets and Highwal's SUllIlIlan) Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project I 1993 TABs (434) S250,000 $250,000 i:i>\ai)l!dg~t:B-gA~--'-='_ _ _ $2SQ,QOO--_~'=--:---. -;-s"0-' - --..__ .1Q~ $250;22.0. Total Expenditures 250,000 250,000 I Total Encumbrances 0 0 Total Remaining Budget $0 $0 SO SU ~~ I Iota[Budg_ej, _. _ _ , $~5=q,000 __. __. $0. _ .__ 'so 'S350,000, I Total Expenditures 318,249 318,249 Total Encumbrances 0 0 I Total Remaining Budget $31,751 $0 $0 $31,751' I I I I 188 II I CITYOFPOWAY I CAPITliVIMPROVEMENT'Pi{QGRAM, ~ STREEtS;':;..N[)'~i9H)VA'YS I ... , 5284.ESrOLA ROA:DWIDENlNG, ~ ~ - _"_k .'. _ _ _ I This project provides for the widening of Espo1a Road from Bridalwood to Cloudcroft. I City Funding (Included in Streets and Highways Summon) Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4116/0 I July 1, 200 I July 1, 2002 Total Project General Fund (1001 S250,000 S250,000 I Street Dev -Cur (221) 650,000 650,000 Tota\'i,!3uqget'c;itY ,.. , __ -: $'900;000' . - _ ~ -- ,SO SO $900,000 Total Expenditures 899,720 899,720 I Total Encumbrances 0 0 Total Remaining Budget S280 SO SO S280 I RDA Funding (Not included in Streets alld Highways Summary) Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project 1989 TABs (432) $2,002 S2,002 I RDA Capital (436) 516,790 516,790 Tota~.Budge(,RDA -:~~ _ $518,72..2. ---- $O_=-~~~--:-$O-- S518;792 Total Expenditures 458,140 458,140 IT otal Encumbrances 992 992 . Total Remaining Budget S59,660 SO SO S59,660 I Totat Funding I Tot~U3!Jgg,t --- .__I,&18J~2_ _9" _ __ 0 ._ _ _ 1~418,79~ , Total Expenditures \,357,860 1,357,860 Total Encumbrances 992 992 I Total Remaining Budget S59,940 SO SO S59,940 I I I II lX9 CITY OF POWAY I -,-- - - .- I CP;PIT At.jl'VlPRo'VEMENT Pjl.0iGRAM STREETS AND'HIGHWA~Y;~ 5285 POMERADO,R0A:D IMPR6y,EMENTS'POWA~'ROf\D/LEONA LANE" I . . - ..-~" =" ".. . -.. ....~ -" ." This project will widen the west side of the street, replace storm drains, reconstruct existing I driveways, construct curb inlets, install hydrants, street lights and a traffic signal. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project General Fund (100) S972 S972 I 1'0i~ll3u<lgei, _ _ . _ .----- S972 SO SQ. ' $9,7), -. . -- --- --- Expenditures 972 972 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget SO SO SO SO I I !I I I I '. I I I I 190 I , I CITY OF POWAY I CAPlTAbIMPROVEI\1ENT PR0G~M STREETSiANQ.Hl}iHWA \S: I 529'I.POl'VlERADOROADIMPROVEMENTi - "'- - '. ... -..- I This project will widen the west side or the street, replace storm drains, reconstruct existing driveways, construct curb inlets, install hydrants, street lights and a traffic signal. I Citv Funding (Included in Streets and Highwavs Summarv) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 1 July I, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project General Fund (100'1 S375,403 375,403 I Street Dev -Cur (221) 678,059 678,059 St Deve1-AB 1600 (222) 400,000 400,000 I Street Dev-Prop 'A' (223) 32,425 32,425 Federal Grant (253) 700,000 700,000 Street Lighting (275) 107,596 107,596 I Water Utilities (510) 78,750 78,750 Sewer Utilities (520) 42,000 42,000 ."'., - ---- ------ ,..--- r-- ~-----;--- ~ ~ To,tal,BudgetcGity ,,_ ,___ _ $2;41!1;23~ ' ~O__ ~, ___ _SO _ _ S2;414)32 .' Total Expenditures 1,022,288 1,022,288 Total Encumbrances 784,899 784,899 I Total Remaining Budget S607,044 SO SO S607,044 RDA Funding (Not included in Streets a/1d Highwavs Summarv) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July I, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I 1993 TABs (434) SI,859,000 SI,859,000 RDA Capital (436) $831,425 831,425 -~-- -----.,...,....--......-:--..,-.,,- - -----,-- - ~-"""----, ..' I T,otal Buuget'RDA' _ _ _ _ $2!~~q;425 SO ___. _ _ _SO _ _ _ -.i.Sbi520;;f2~~ Total Expenditures 0 0 . Total Encumbrances 2,690,425 2,690,425 I Total Remaining Budget $0 SO SO SO Tatal Funding I Total Bti~get _ _ _5;104',657' O~ _ _ '0' __ 5';\ 04;61:7. Total Expenditures 1.022,288 1,022,288 I Total Encumbrances 3,475,324 3,475,324 Total Remaining Budget S607,044 $0 SO S607,044 I 11 191 CITY OF POW A Y I . --,-. ~". ..- - . - - - - - - . .. - , .- I CA:PlTl'iLIMRROMEMEN;f:?ll0GID\JW 'S;rREE'r~!A:ND'HlGHWA1';S, .. , ..... .~-~-~.~. =~ - .. ..---.. -,-_. ..~._....,-"--",>,,,....... --.- I ~rREETScANEH-I.IQtLW~~,S;;UJ'1JV!~R-Y ~.. - - Activity Through New Appropriations I 4/16/01 July I 200 I July l, 2002 Total Project To!aIIBud>\~ $9;466]67.1. -- - ... f"-' . $0" . S9"4T5830f I ~. :~~..:>.,..:...::-- __---'-($50;~_~1 -- . -'----------- . _." ~ _,l __ _ "- Total Expenditures 3,608,158 0 0 3,608,158 Total Encumbrances 847,763 0 0 847,763 Total Remaining Budget S5,010,750 ($50,84] ) $0 $4,959,909 I I I I '. I I I I I I I I 192 I I CITY OF POWAY I C8'PFfAL I~ROVEl'VIEN:r PROGRAM ;fJ3P.:FFIC'SIGNALS I }'312 TRAFEICSIGNAL,SYNCHRONIZATlON I ~. ~ c - - ~--- This project provides for the synchronization of Poway Road traftic signals. The ]jrst phase I of this project includes a study which explores the feasibility, alternative, and costs ofa synchronization system. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project Street Dev . Cur (221) S505,000 S505,000 I Totar' Btl4g~_t --- $0, ~ S505;000 _ ' SO S505;000 .-- -- .,- ~--- --- -- Expenditures 337,698 337,698 Encumbrances 0 I Remaining Budget S167,302 SO SO $167,302 I . , - . ~^ - ,.~> ~- "-., _. , .'.."" .-.,', 'f'" - , ------ '- 1321 TRAFFICtSIGNAL CONTROLS. -. ... '.' ". -'- ~'_- __t_:;~:.:;.:;_~":",,____ _ - . -~--- ------~ ---- - I This project involves the North Poway signal timing project. Expenses to be reimbursed by Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Grant. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July L 200 I July 1,2002 Total Project I Traffic Safety Grt (246) $30,000 S30,000 -- - -- -- . -- ~$O' - ~--- T.otalBuag<:L _ ,g0,000 SO __ ._ PO,009. - --- -- - -. ~ - ~-- Expenditures 28,674 28,674 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S I ,326 SO SO SI,326 I I I I I I 193 I CITY OF POW A Y -.-. --. - ~ . > - - I . . GM.l1.p;LS~ipg,(;jv,'~M~)\f;f'BR09R1'iM' ';fRAi'RI€ sLdliArJS, I 'i3'24\ bED-'DIGHTS EOR,TR'AFFIG SiGNA'es' ---- ThIS project ~ill replace all ineandes:ent lig:llbS for the red traffic signal lights with LED I fixtures. This project will result in a signifIcant reduction in energy and replacement costs I' producing a net savings in the operation of the traffic signal system. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4116/0] July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project Lighting District (275) S90,000 S90,000 T6@]:BucJ~SL_. .__ _ __ - lS_'t9iO.Qo} __SO - ____ _SO .iS9,O;00Qi I Expenditures 83,72R 83,728 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S6,272 SO SO S6,272 I - __"_," .__ ___._ '_,',_'. _________ n_.._ _' ____On _ .' 1325 'Traffie:Signal :Tirfiirig.Ci'ritnIIPO,way, - . '" _ -'~"'=- _.~"'< _.,....--"'.''''''~_.----... _~ ~ . _ __ _ _---a. _ _ _~__ _ ___ ___ -----=-- This project updates the coordination of signal timing in central Poway I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4116/0] July I, 200 I July I, 2002 Total Project I Traffic Safety Grt (246) $22,500 (S274) S22,226 ~~::~~~~;:; _ ~~ - ~ -=-- ~- - ~,;~~~~~ ,=~--- ~($2712 _~:.. __ -: $0 ' S~~:~~~' I ~~~= 0 0 Remaining Budget S274 (S274) SO SO I I I I I I 194 I I CITY OF POW A Y I ~A:~IT Ale !t\:1PROYE,MENT PROGRAM TRAFijI0SlGNALS -. .- - '-~. . ", .,,- I . 1326., .'Fra ffie}S ns[)al' (Ollrrsti11eti9niSo,\lth, ~o~ay -- ---- ---- I This project provides funding for construction of a complete traffic signal communication system at I seven signals in the south Poway area to improve and provide traffic signal timing and coordination along the Scripps Po way Parkway arterial. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project Traffic Safety Grt (246) S288,500 S288,500 I General Fund (100) S182,393 182,393 T<;>ial j3udgei S~~0:89'3 . - - . -l;.o~ , S470;893 _ _'_H_ _~ ~ , ,- . _.~- '''':::'~. . - . - ~ ..- . Expenditures 49,966 49,966 ,. Encumbrances 4.07,946 407,946 Remaining Budget S12,981 SO $0 S12,981 I ~. - ------ - '- ------" 1:329, __ ___ -- .- -. _.- ---- .~ -- ---- . -- .------- .- I CONGESTION MITIGATION GRANT PROJECT I This project provides funds for extention of a Fiber Optic Traffic Signal Communication Line. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project CMAQ Grant (255) S354,000 $354,000 - - n .-- - - ~- - .- - -- --- ---- I Totill.Budget: _P54,QO.9 SO iSO __ ~~~4;~O.9 ~~._~ - -- -- - ----.- Expenditures a a Encumbrances a a I Remaining Budget S354,OOO SO sa S354,000 I I I I 195 I I CITY OF POW A Y OAPIT AL Il'VlPROV;EMENT PROGRAM' t~FFiG~IG1"ALS I I ---- -- -- ~-~ -- - 133~__.___ __.._____. -- I TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM UPDATE This project will provide an upgraded Traffic Management System to allow real time, in office communication with I signals. Purchase of the new Quincet 4 system will allow future intra-agency communications noted in the regional Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) master plan. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4116/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project I CMAQ Grant (255) $40,000 $40,000 ",otal Budget - - - -- - - ...-- ~----~ --~._-- --- '~40,0~0-,- SO . . SO I $40;000' c,,-"."-' .. -.- - ,. --- ----- ----- - I Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $40,000 $0 SO $40,000 I - - - --- -- --- - - - . - I 133\ . ,- - ---~ - - .- ---- - - _. - ---- .~ - TRAFFIC SIGNAL REVITALIZATION This project will provide to replace green lights on Poway and Twin Peaks Roads with LED lights, upgrade I cabinet/controller detector cards and rewire three intersections. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4116/0 I July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project I Street Lighting (275) $428,130 S428,130 ------.,.---- ~-- ~ - - - ------ - -----~ - -- - - - -- '~ _..- TOla! Bu~Z!..._~ $428,132 - SO __ $428;\~CJ.. - --..... - -- --- . , I Expenditures 49,627 49,627 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S378,503 $0 SO $378,503 I I I I 196 I I CITY OF POW A Y I - , ... - .- Cm;fl'ALilRfPR():QEMENJI PROGRAM' 'r!bxFFIG;siGNA'LS ...._ .., _, ___'~ _.. ,nO'_ on ". _., ... _ ~ .,... .~, _ "'-, ' _. ~ "~ '--~"'''''' -.- , - I . ~~ , - um, .' I ---~- -- - , TRAFFIC SIGN REPLACEMENT PROGRAM I This project proposed to fund Sign Replacement Program that will replace approximately 4000 traffic signs throughout the City that do not meet sign reflectivity standard. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16101 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Projcct I State Grant (242) $120,000 $120,000 :j'9t~1'Budget. $ ]'20'000 --...~ -.,.- ------,;~ =--_ ~ _....:_12~ ~ $120'000 . ISO, _.~- - .. ."..,.......... .,,- - - ---'--- "-- . -.'~- I Expenditures 14,828 14,828 Encumbrances 2,007 2,007 Remaining Budget S103,165 SO $0 S103,165 I r.RWFFTCfSIGNA:r,;'SUMMAR~' . - --- ----- ~.:;.:....,;:.'~.~-~~._-- ~.........-"-'- - ------- ~ ~.\I_.... - ._____ ___ . - --_._~-~ I Activity Through Ncw Appropriations 4/16/0 1 July!, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I TQ!",!..!3.\tdg,t - . c ~ ,. $2'060523'1' r- > ---- :~Q.. , '$2'060'2019' ~ -~. -- -- -- - -- -_..!.:.-~--=--- -- . .JE2~) -----. - L....___~ ...._", ,.- Total Expenditures 586,747 0 0 586,747 I Total Encumbrances 409,953 0 0 409,953 Total Remaining Budget SI,063,823 (S274) SO SI,063,549 I I I I I I I 197 I CITY OF POW A Y . -~ .- . . ~." , -" -. .-. - - - I Cl'Il>,rFAL IMBR0VENlENT'PR0dRIAM, _. J _ ..'__.~ FL00ElIC0N;fR0t i'iND'DR~'iNA'GE; .... - - ~ " ". -,. - - " ,'.~ I 1'4121 'HAMBtJRGER'FACr0R.y'BOARBWAIrK~b~TNA'dEi , " - I .-' '~'Jb-~"'_,"',_,_""_,--,,~__,, -- , I This project provides for the construction of a roof and t100r drain system on the City owned Hamburger Factory building at Old Poway Park. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I Drainage- AB 1600 (232) $15,000 $15,000 !i5W)~i!:i!;,et r --- -, ,S'151()(iO; 1$:01. .' .1 . $tFS'OOO. .SO --- - "-- - .- ,- - - ~. --- ~- -- -------'"----~~ ~L- I Expenditures 15,000 15,000 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $0 $0 SO $0 I Nz'i_ S~Rfi.iGYAE1?~IjA~~I~~O'0E~m N6?g~HJ~S1.UjJ.tC -"-~ ~-_ . I This project provides for the resurfacing of 500 feet of open channel in the SpringvaIe area. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1, 2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project I Drainage- AB 1600 (232) $30,000 $30,000 T.ot~!I3lJggJl' -. --=~-~ =- "1 ~--- -- .,....-:~ ~---- ---",--. '-- :SO:, . - ~ . "'y>- '...,.,. ~ __ ;'$39,00<) ",____ _ __ _ ~~S9_ - -~-- . , ' (S3.Q;oOP' I Expenditures 9,113 9,113 Encumhrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $20,888 $0 SO $20,888 I ~-:_-;-:o=.:::-.:-7."",;;-' -~...;::--..~;;; = - ---- .~-- -- - -- - --y--- I 1425' ~FEMA' -,'1995 H:GOnS, ., . .' ::.::I.. n,,," .;...:;' ::;~ _ . ,- . -... _~ _ -. - _ '- - , -- - . - ---_._- -- - -- - This project provides for the replacement and repair of the infrastructure damaged by the 1995 rains. Projects I such as trail repairs, drainage structure replacement, park and road damage repairs are included in this project. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/0 I July I, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project Drainage- AB 1600 (232) $20,000 $20,000 I TotaL Budget . - . '$20;000": , -- - . - - - '$20;000 .$9 $,9..' ., .> - - Expenditures 16,925 16,925 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $3,075 $0 SO $3,075 198 I I CITY OF POWAY I " . ., ", ", '" ,.," g~pTJ~;ii\1P:R0.v:@'!El'(t:tR'0Q~1' Fji;j;)Q:p' QOj'ttj[~4 E1'{I;>;I5R1XiNAGE: - -- ,_. --.. I 1';t26"SJ;ORMDRAli'-nJAs.'(ERJ5bAN{;P-8A'fE! ' ,. , - ...~. ..' >_~~_,,,,""..) 1\'.-- ',~'#'_' ..' " _ _ ". _ . I This project will update the storm drain master plan. It will provide amap of the existing system I and cost of all improvements needed, basin by basin. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4116/0] July 1, 2001 July 1,2002 Total Project Drainage- AB 1600 (232) S100,000 S100,000 TotahBudget_ ___ i(IQQ{QPQ -- ~-,~ __ __~O "$"0, "SIQQ;QQo_ I Expenditures 85,065 85,065 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget S14,935 SO SO S14,935 I 142~"G(;)r"is"'FR.1JQi(o}1;0F:;J:Lt~W tjIIGH,A'ND'CURB\OU1EETJON;P,~AQ0. QRi~l - _ 'AND'8UCK:SKlN~,g; _____ _,":'. _ , _ _____ _ _ _ __ ~_ I This project provides for the design and constmction of a concrete brow ditch and curb outlet to prevent future erosion on the existing slope. I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4116/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project Drainage- ABI600 (232) S58,000 S58,000 ----~-_~ ~~-~ --~ - - -~ ."-~-- _..- ---.r- r"-'~'~.~ Total Budget: S5,8:0,OO $,0 iSO,' 1$58;000 - .---- -~- -- ..-------- ~--._._- -- - - - - - --~. --- ~- ~ ~-_. I Expenditures 0 0 . Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget S58,000 SO SO S58,000 I I I I II 199 I CITY OF POW A Y -- ' .. " ~ - ~ ~ --~ - - ~ - I 6~j>FAL,(MeR6,VEMENl-'BRO(]R>AM~ FL00D e0N\fR'oLANDibR'J'dN:t\'GE. -~~- ..---, -'. - ~- ", . - - . --- ^ -- - , " I L'42'f 'DRA:INA:GE~iMPRO.\lEMEf..n;S\GN FRAMJ::';RG1\D < 't:: ~~._-~~~~~--.::_ _~t - .. -'. _. -_. . , I This project provides for the design and installation of RCp storm drains to replace deteriorated sections. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project Drainage- AB1600 (232) $9,000 $9,000 I Tot~rB,l!d~i ~ _ ~_ _~ . '$91000, $0' . :$0" $9 '000 ~---- .-'r"- .. - -. -~. ~'->"'''''_~ Expenditures 9,000 9,000 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget SO $0 SO SO I "'.=- '~>..-.:-....:-.",---~-~--- -- - r-::, _.... ..... ,_..., --------- ---- 1431 CIT,YWIDE STORMDRAIN'ASSESSMEN1;;PR0JE0T: , ' ~ :. - ----,~---- . -,.- - ~=~---':::"_-_. .. -~.._-- -,------ -----'-..4__ I This project provides for the City wide inspection and assessment of the corrugated metal drainage plpCS. This project should be completed during Fiscal Year 1998-99 I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project I Drainage- 123 I) S100,000 $100,000 \[S't~TI3l1d~~;'-~=_~~~ ~ -.'- .. :- '$~o.Cl;OQQ. :_____~ ~.- :SQ'. -'-- - < ',$.0' , $100;000' - , I Expenditures 59,718 59,718 Encumhranccs 0 0 Remaining Budget S40,282 SO $0 S40,282 I f~2: ~oWErzsiR~;EMERGr:NG'{;p~~it;lAGI.';~P,XTI<~_ _. _. ~. - - - ~ - -- ~- -...._-----~ _.- - I This project was necessary to replace and repair the damaged and rusted.out corrugated metal pipe storm drains in the Powers/Frame Roads area. I Activity Through New Appropnations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July I, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project Drainage. (231 ) $150,000 S150,000 T6tiillI3iidgii " - - --- - . . -, - . ~-150:000 SI50jOOO'. -; $Q ,SO' I " ., .- J>. _ r "......;..,...:. - ~ - - Expenditures 150,000 150,000 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $0 SO SO SO I 200 I I CITY OF POW A Y I ..- ~. r "_. ,.' .' .,' .' .'.' .' I ~ - 7"-.'.' .'" ( C~i'FAbiMPRbVEMEN;rcPR0GR'AK1' EIfGOb, Gi!:lmR:8L '~Nb,I5~iNAdE !r-.' .. -- - - - .-.., ~,--._-...<-- ~P. -~~_.~_ .' . _ ,.' __'0 __.' ""~' '__ __ ,_ ...._,.~.r. _~_ 'J -- I L43"$' :PQ~A:.y"CREEl(,.Silll'~REl'VI.0Y'AL -- -.- .. I This project provides for the engineering study and acquisition of environmental permits for the I removal of approximately 55,093 yards of silt and vegetation from Poway Creek. An additional project will be necessary for the actual removal of the silt and vegetation. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project I Drainage- (231) $RO,OOO $ I 0,000 S90,000 T.otjiirBtJag~( '$80;00'0 ,..----- $'10'006' ,~ S90;000! :SO --- ---~- . - -~-::::_.....:..... ';";':"::!...' ..' ., - Expenditures 900 900 I Encumbrances 79,100 79,100 Remaining Budget SO $10,000 SO SlO,OOO I i'436 R0W%y"GREEK-AGGESS ~MP - - -. - . - --. ,_ .0-"'" .~-->' --_~___~\l...___#":'______L - - _._---------~_.- - - . I This project provides for the design and construction of a drainage channel maintenance access ramp to Poway Creek at Fire Station #1 I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/0 I July I, 2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project Drainage. (23 I) S41,500 S41,500 tollKB.~gg<;t -- ~'-1 '- ---~"",=.,-- , -- -', ',~- -~~~ ---- - - . --------~~~. $4'j '506, i .. .$0 S41,50b --- -- . . _______-..:.._2<l-.~ ---- -- - 1..---- _,__ __~_::.::. I Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances R,785 8,785 Remaining Budget S32,715 SO SO S32,715 I EiO'6B;G0N~R0bAND I5iM:INI'\GEISUMMARY -- - . - - - ------ ------- --- I ~..'. '--'-.. -' >. -- - ,.. ~_ .'~--="~:;.....:.... "":li- _ ___._":...-_ __ - -- . .- - . I Activity Through New Appropriations 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project Tota[Bi.1qget,. S603:,5Q'b' -- '$'J'() 000" --- - ---- -~-.,...-:;..-:.-- ~::~' I SO _ _ _ __ _ S6n\500, ~--- .. ;~l - .~ -= ' , . . 2- '..~.'9". ."::....., . Total Expenditures 345,721 0 0 345,721 Total Encumbrances 87,8R5 0 0 R7,g85 I Total Remaining Budget S 169,895 SIO,OOO SO S179,895 I 201 I CITY OF POW A Y ~ '- ,. - - ,-, .. .-,. .- - .. I <=AI~jT-A;J;'IMP.R O,yEryrnN;f"PROGRW!V1! .G0VERNMENT'I:itiThbrNGSi ~~ -'~"-'."" ..-..-' _.~_.__.. ~......,. ,,' - , . ~ -<> ...... I 132Si,crtY;\PARJ<;INd\ccrrIREStJRF1\'ClNG " . -- , - , ~_ ._~ ._._~'l.;_._ _. ". ~., '_..' ,,-" ." '_~_' ___."____ - I This project installed a seal coat and pothole repairs to various City owned parking lots throughout the City Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4116/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project General Fund (1001 $1 20,000 $120,000 I :!:qti(B!d.i:!get ::----- -...,. $0 $'0 i ;$:[:20'000' SI20,OOO; . -- -- - - - ~ ---....-..;- -- -_. - w . .._~_,.._.... -^. Expenditures 94,350 94,350 Encumbrances 0 I Remaining Budget $25,650 $0 SO $25,650 15.12 'ii:J'ry, HAii~AIRCONBltIONj'F:rG,&iHEMiNG'SY,StEM -" - --~- - I " .- ~ -_......:: _~ _ _~__ ;.- "'-:.o:._.,...;..<=....~-w"'~~--.::c -- ----- .. ---- ----~ This project provides for the design and recol1struction of City Hall's heating and air conditioning system. I This project was completed in Fiscal Year 1998-99 Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4116/01 July I 2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project Capital Replcmnt (611 ) $66,000 ($3,700) S62,300 I General Fund (100) 177,650 (3785) 173,865 Water Fund (510) 87,860 (28,8711 58,989 I Sewer Fund (520) 53 490 (16,167) 37,323 tbi~YBudgei' -,---.- ~ _. --$"3'85000- ----------- -- :---.--,-- --~S-O- S332\M,1 , (S52,523) -----<=>---- _... -.. " _ -.::-_ _ _~:,...-...,.l<.::.;;:"""_ --- - - - _.........~_. -------- -. --- ,. . Expenditures 332,477 332,477 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $52,523 ($52,523) $0 $0 I I I I I 202 I I CITY OF POW A Y I ,.m ... _ _ _ < " G~j>i,T~,iMpR0YEMENT;PROGRA:l'VI: 'GGVI;~l'i:1JON;r,,~1JtbDtNG~: ,.~,-~""- ~-',. .......- "..,.- - ,- ,,~,., .. < I 1'5'22; ADA: 'r'RiAf.TsfiI0N'"ptANUMPRG,\T,EMENtS"J2IST'Y,EARCBB.G, , -. -. _.,~.~--" :~"'-'--- ....._".~_...,-~,~..-,~~--_. ~ - --""';".--'--- - - - . ~ I This project involves the completion of the Phase III and IV ADA Transition Plan improvements. I Curbs, sidewalks, handrails, pedestrian ramps, drain inlets and other accessibility improvements will be provided at six park sites and other public facilities throughout the City I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/1 6/0 1 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project CDBG Grants (241) $167,100 $167,100 I Toial;Budget ____ ,$167,~,{j6i, '_< SO~ ,~ !$167 too' SQ- ___ '--'-'""~.2;...... '-~ -, --~--- ----- . '.-,- ,.. ~', '---...,. ~ Expenditures 166,324 166,324 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $776 $0 $0 $776 I iS26 'GTfY'POrNSEHii\:SE},llORRECREMION;ADA. -- -~---- ~,:...;.;.;;;;.:~.. .' >_"_"_.~h,<>'..L sw-.....;:::...."-.......~ __ ' - --- - -- - - ~ I This project provides for the City to receive $28,000 in CDBG funding to complete the accessibility improvements to the Poinsettia Mobile Home Park recreation building. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project I CDBG Grants (241) $59,929 $59,929 T6ta1'.Bijaet' ' . - - - --~ T - - _~.;t.- :.:-~ =~~.' -=,~?~ -, ~59;929: ' ,'~O~ '. ;$59:929 :-~. .~.-.-.-~-..~.~~-.- - - - -- --. . ------~~ I Expenditures 59,929 59,929 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $0 $0 SO $0 I I I I I 20J I I CITY OF POW A Y , " -., - '-., .. - I ' . . ~ - GAPI~TP;L'IMBROYEl'VIEN;r, FR00MM ,d6YERNMEi-tF,BNIDDfi\iGS '--' -, . -.......--.. -" - . - . -- __ l..J_~,~\' ____ _~._._, __ _..~. ""."~. _--:.:: , I '\'529. YISlJk~ S UR"\fEJLJ;AN:QjjJgQ(JlfiM!ij~rr-~l{E:RiF.g!~:~:T:~l'f0~, - This project utilizes federal funding, with a ten percent match using funds received by the City for I forfeited property, to purchase equipment for the City's new Sheriffs Station. The majority of the I funds will be used to purchase visual surveillance equipment. Activity Through New Appropriations I Ftmding Source 4116/0 I July I 200 I July 1, 2002 Total Project Federal Grants (253) $26,355 $26,355 Forfeited Prope11y (718) 2,928 2,928 I -, -... - ~ -- ---- , ' -- -'l~:;;---- _____.~;,~9' . ~ ~_. $0 ~72;283' Total Bild"et S29;283'. .,..=~<g-~------ --- , -- - - ------- Expenditures 29,283 29,283 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $0 SO $0 $0 -- -" -- ~ ---- --------- - -" -. --.-... - - --. - I 1531 FIRE STATI~N'#2PA..RKINGiE0T_ __ __ ___ ' - - .. _.r ___________ __.+_ ~___ This project provides for the expansion of Fire Station #2's parking lot to the north of the station, I and also for the improvement of the cul-de-sac at the end of Westling Court. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4116/0 I July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project I General Fund (100) S70,000 $70,000 :rot,;rBil(Jg~t~ - - - --- -- - - - - ----- ----._-~ '$;i6000' > $70;000 SO ,SO' .......;.",,--., '--", . ...... - - --. - - - ---""--- -.. .+--- ~__.J!__ - ---- - --~~- ___ l' '_..._.l_~ Expenditures 26,202 26,202 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $43,798 $0 $0 $43,798 I I I I I 204 I I CITY OF POW A Y I C~PITAL..IMPR0V.EMENTrRR0GRktVi' , 'Q9\l;imNK;1~NT',BUIWINGSJ . L~ ."-" " - ."- '. I i'533' FiRE:S'r;MI0N~#2,LANDSCP::PlNG:!\:ND;IRRIG;62Fj0N I ,'_~" . .. __ . __._~_I' ,_ 7 . .' " __ ---- - "_~--=-'""' This project will repaIr and complete the landscaping and irrigation at Fire Station #2 which is necessary now I that the construction in the area is complete, and the grounds are no longer being used as staging area. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project General Fund (100) S100,000 $100,000 Total 'Budget -- $6 .. $1001000} iSlOOi0001, ' __ _ _ JQ . '. ~~ 1---..-__. , J.. I Expenditures 67,766 67,766 Encumbrances 3,615 3,615 Remaining Budget $28,619 $0 $0 S2g,619 I l'5I<i;\Ito B9'\ykY-'PA'RK l'VIPE..sEF_rviiimoOR.!<EZl:1.C~M1f"1f'F' _~ "__ ___ '- - I , - - This project provides for the design and reconstruction of the Old Poway Park Museum floor I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project I General Fund (100) $59,216 S59,216 Total':Bi.1aget, - -- -- i$'S9,2i6 - -- ---~ :$0' lS59,QI i'i ~O' _-..JC .- --.-- - , - , ,-- - ."'"...---.... - ' ------ - ----~ 0..:.. ..'.~.~''J I Expenditures 59,216 59,216 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget SO $0 $0 $0 I lcS35"SENIORCENTER'Kn'@jENANbiADJA€EN't A'REf\:REMODEL - ----_.._~- - --~- - ---- -- ~ I _. . - - .~~,. '-_.. :-' .;:~~:;. ""'T. ~'-. _-_,:-~.,- .~__. "._ __~:..:. ~_ _ _-'- __ _ '. , ~, -- - - -- -. - - --- - This project provides for the design and reconstruction of the Senior Center kitchen and restroollls. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/1 6/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I General Fund (100) $229,776 $229,776 Totar,Budget -- $229'7-76 - -- --:'~--:$.Q~ ,- - .--- - $229;T76 $0' - --- - _. . - ,-- '. .-, ------- Expenditures 229,776 229,776 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 I I 205 I CITY OF POW A Y -- -.' II '.-- ...- -.. ~< '.". I GApftAL"iMPRQVEMENT\PR0GRAM; ,GOMERNMEN;[.'@[kI'iiNGS. ' ~~" _r .._~-'...... -_. .._.,--,._._-~~ "-"~'- .. . '_~_ ~,. - - " . ~'<'. ''<' - ,,- ; ., " I i ~~_g, f!EKFO!W~G/A:R;r:S'CEN:rER)~tJ~T Cl':Ei\NING! I This project provides for the cleaning and resealing of the Performing Arts Center air ducts. This project is proposed over a three year period with a total cost of $1 00,000. The appropriation of I funds for the first two years appears in this budget. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 41l6/O1 July I. 200l July 1,2002 Total Project General Fund (100) $33.000 ($1,199) S31,801 Muni Imprv Fund (421) 33,000 133,000) 0 I .._- -<---- --~ ............... ...........- --. --~ i'$34;TQ9) -- ---- ~9 - Total:~u_dgf! :S6iSo"oo' ,$3:1',801 , - -",--- - - ~=~ .- . '-" ~"~ - - - - " Expenditures 31,801 31,801 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S34,199 ($34,199 ) $0 $0 I 153-7i(liiY~BUIfiDING;'@kRf!&fiNG 'ANti RAOOrNG - , . - .' -" '- ~,,;- -"--~~..;. =- ""...~.~.-.- ".",,">'.:.:-,":"':'; -.:;'<~ ._- - ---- u_. - -----~- --- I This project provides for the reflooring of approximately 22,000 square feet and the interior painting of City buildings. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4116/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I Capital Replcmnt i~'..lJ..__ _. $49,110 $49,110 - ~~~U)O_ ;--- -- 'SO! - - ._~-:=- - 1:o!ai)~~fu~ , . 1.$'6' . s"49~fi'O ---. - -~- +.- -. -'~ -~- . ---- ----- - ~ -- ---- ._--~ ._~--<,--,... . Expenditures 47,989 47,989 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $1,121 $0 $0 $ !,I2l I I I I I 206 I I CITY OF POW A Y I .. ' -. - .- . - . 0"", _ . .._ ..' '(HDY.E~MEN'r BUltDlNGS' GAPITAL Il'VIpROYEl'VIENI;PRQGRWM: -,.. L I ['5j8!ORGHESl'R'A;pi'KHlfDRAtlrI€~rfFT - ~.=.,".- ->~~ . ' " _. I This project provides the funding to cover engineering and pre-construction preparation and post-construction I finish work related to but not included in the original contract proposal to install an orchestra Iforestage lift at the Poway Center for Performing Arts. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4116/01 July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project General Fund (100) $35,000 $35,000 I 10th Anniv Fund (745) 65,700 65,700 Total-Bud --et' ' $(66 700 ' - ~~- $0 ----- :$0::' i$106;f60~ . . _", ..~..g_._i , - - ;---------'-"'::'- ::-~~. - - - -- --'- ---- ---.- ---- . ',;-',-<",'-' "- Expenditures 0 0 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $100,700 $0 SO $100,700 I ------- --=- ~- -- , n. -- - - --~~~~------ -- j'539GI:rY'HALtl~~l'VIOgEL,p~q~Sq'___ _: ' .. -- ---- --- -- --- - - -- - I This project provides the funding to cover architect fees tor space analysis for the City Hall Remodel Project. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project I General Fund ( 100) $23,390 $23,390 Water Fund (510) $4,678 4,678 Sewer Fund (520) $4,678 4,678 I Muni Imprv Fund (421) 14,034 14,034 r----~~ --- ------. - ---- - ,$6 ~ - - - -- . Sp, ,- - -- - -- --p--~:- Tota\'l3ucrgeti $46j38Q. S46'780 ~.........._-:.-_-- --- -- - -, - -- - - ,- - -- -----"'~- Expenditures 41,097 41,097 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $5,683 $0 $0 $5,683 I I I I 207 I I CITY OF POWAY -." ~ - -." ~--- - '"' ',"""'., ~-- . - I GKpTf,~.IMPR0VEMEN'r:JpROGR1'iM" GOYERNMEi~<J;B Uth.:r5jNC;~ y- -- -,-<>'"----., -,- ,~"_. -.".-.--..-'.-.' ~--" '-.--.. ..- .._- - I .,.t'E'T:":... -_..~. c..'__, -- ~ -~. _. ,.. - - - " 1-S40rG1TY BBI8DlNG:EXTERIOR>;pAlNT' ',::C- . '-,---"~--'.-.~--~-._._._-__.- '_h_ - ..-- -- lL_._ I This project provides for the exterior repainting of Fire Stations Number One and Two, Auditorium, and the Vehicle Maintenance Facility I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I General Fund (100) S35,000 $35,000 T6ta1'l3i1ireC' - ---- -- "$0 ' -~..,.---~ $3'SiO(fo , $35;000 \ 'SO,. ,-'.~. ~--,,-~~------_._-_........ --- --- ._--<--~ .--.-. -- - ~~ - -- -- _,.._~l._ ~_ Expenditures 26,790 26,790 I Encumbrances 7,550 7,550 Remaining Budget $660 $0 $0 S660 I I I I I I I I I I I 20R I I CITY OF POW A Y I ~ , .., , 0ARFpAL' Il'VI]?R0~Y~MENJ;iiR.o.G_Rl~J0 GC)MERNNlENt,B 8ILOlNGS: ~ ~_..., "....".;..:; . " '-, I 5S1'4;LIBiMRY'SI1'E/GONS"DRtTG:T10N . , , . .' '----- -." - -'-'-"-- I This project provides for the acquisition and construction of a new community library I City Funding (7ncluded in Government Buildings Sumnwry) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project Bikeway Grants (244) S63,300 ($18,108) $45,192 I Pub. Educ. Grt (714) 20,711 20,711 tll!~] ,I3\1gg~ 'G:llY" " '$84'On - ~ -'-- -- -- $0 S659'0"y JE8)~ , .!- -..:.... -~ ' -- - -- - ~ ~ ~- ...-..,- ';...:L.. Total Expenditures 65,903 65,903 I Total Encumbrances 0 0 Total Remaining Budget $18,108 ($18,108) $0 $0 I RDA Funding (No' included in Government Buildings Sl/mmaJ}~) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July \, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project 1989 TABs (432) $5,134,300 $5,134,300 TbHlhBudgef'RD'A -- -, - , - ~-w: ($0' - - --.- s"~:fG4,306J I - - __ ,_,_ $5:134,390: -- - , , .~---"----'-. "--~ ----- - <-- ----- - .---- Total Expenditures 5,076,452 5,076,452 Total Encumbrances 825 825 I Total Remaining Budget $57,023 $0 $0 S57,023 I TOlal Funding T6tal';Budget; , " - ,$5'218 XU (STS::m8) ;$O~ _, __1~[tOO:20~ '--- --_:......_-~- - - --- . ~ _--"-.- ..:...,.;:.....l '~.::2. ~,..- _,. <'"LJ:-'-_ . - - - -- ...:- I Total Expenditures 5,142,355 5,142,355 Total Encumbrances 825 825 Total Remaining Budget $75,131 ($18,108) $0 $57,023 I I I I 204 I I CITY OF POW A Y , .." .~ - " I ~~, ~''''-''1 """_,v.,n...."._~......_..._~ "."" .-,.'....~-~..""'.. ~G9ME,RNMENi[ B@IttnNGS , GAPITAL Itvlf!ROVEl'VIEN;r PR0GRAM ...-.____",____;t.I,..,. "~, .... '.. . ..__ -- c I --~-""-......-:-~\ ~ .'~ .... ," ,. - -.- 55,15. IcIBRARY( SITEtBUSISHEIHERl:A..NB1.]URNOUI\ " ~ -~. --". ,.... -... -. ~~.- . This project provides for the design and construction of a transit bus shelter and turuout adjacent to I the new library The project also includes the widening of the sidewalk along Poway Road, I planting of street trees, and the installation of decorative street lights in compliance with the Poway Road Specific Plan. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4116/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project Lighting District (275) $25,000 ($14,517) $10,483 I Poway Rd Beaut. (7 I 7) 5,700 ($5,700) 0 .,.,....,.-- . -'.-.' - - -- --,--- -- - -- ':I~!-=-=-- ,_ _ _ _ (~~g,Eli7J. :- -:---:=__ SO: '......:..-___~0,483' ToiaIBudget . I '$30,:700' . ....or ...-. '-.~'" . __ _ _.__ _ ~..~..~~_ I Expenditures 10,483 10,483 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $20,217 ($20,217) $0 $0 I I I I I I I I I I 210 I I CITY OF POW A Y I - - -, " , " C~BI:rA'LIl'VIpRONEN!EN:rPI3-<i>GRt;M~ '$QVERNMENT.mUILDIl)IGS , . ,,1.. "" -, - I .,~ -, {"r .,_.... "~", -.,'-- --:r-"'. "_ '-:- ..' 1 l;' - " - 5520;lvlATERIALS Hfi;NElEING'YARD .' . . - " I _~_.~ '_.~'_.'O_'~_ ~ _~'=- "". -----~ ~ This project provides for the acquisition and development of a new materials handling facility I for Public Services usage in South Poway Industrial Park. The property for the site was acquired in FY 1994-95 with site development to begin during FY 1996-97 I City Funding (Included in Government Buildings Summanl) Activit) Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Pruject Recycling Grants (245) $53,000 $53,000 TotaI.BudgetcCiiy' ""-"< --- ~ , SO - "$53,109_0) " '$5:3\000", . :$0: ' . I - ~ .-._..,,_.<._~... -_. ,- - -- - "- - ~______ ___-.Jo.... ~ -,- Total Expenditures 18,980 18,980 Total Encumbrances II 0 I Total Remaining Budget $34,020 $0 SO S34,020 RDA Funding (Not included in Government Buildings Summary) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 T oral Project I 1993 TABs (434) $1,300,000 $1,300,0011 RDA Capital (436) 50,000 50,000 TotuL!3ul:lgdt ,-:-- -- . $1;356';0001 ----- -- - -'-$0 . - ---- ---- ~-.r- . " = - ~- -~~. I $0 l _ _.~\,,350;OQg; -. ._.~_. ~ -- - - __ __,,<,' ..-_"~ ~t, - - -, ~ - ___H --- .-, - ~ Expenditures 1,276,117 1,276,117 Encumbrances ] 7, 133 17,133 I Total Remaining Budget $56,750 $0 SO $56,750 Totu! Funding I T61,((B.i!\Jg,j; .F;4q3;QOO.' , SO lSO ___~i~.iQ9Qi - -- _. ~-- -, '. - I Total Expenditures 1,295,097 1,295,097 Total Encumbrances 17 133 17,133 Total Remaining Budget $90,770 $0 $0 S90,770 I I I I 211 I CITY OF POW A Y -,' ~ - ' I __,.. ."_.......,.._ _...",.._"~._. ._\ B'" B.9MER1'!MElfri!?lJJLQOO9~ GA'PHAG IMpRO.vEMENT,PR0GRANI' . ___ r__""",,,'..~~.__.. ,_._ ~._,_._. . ~I. J_~_ ._. ._ -- I ~- .---- 1]07 SHERRlF ;SlSTA:TION'Il'VII'ROVEMENmS ... . -- - ..---- I This project provides for several mlllorimprovements to the sheriffs station, including the installation of video surveillance system. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 1 July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project I Sup. Law Enforce. (249) S25,135 $25,135 Federal Grants (253) 7,921 7,921 Forfeited Property (7IS) 740 740 I ,'. ~-,-.----=--------- - ~~- -~"..".,...,... ._~ ,.-- _.._*--- $J:f7%' Total~udgei_ , ___ ~ '$33-796" $0: $0 .. ___.. ....,.;o:~~ ~- ~ - - --- -~-- -_.:.....~ Expenditures 33,176 33,176 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $620 SO $0 $620 I G0\('ERNMENTSUILDINGS1SBtviMA-RY --- - - ------- ~ - '<" ---.----- ~ -.:1' - ...._-.- -. . _ .-' ...::.- ~-~~ -....:.......:.. .0...........;.;.. _- ,,':;'; _ ~- -- - - ---..- -~-- - ~ I Activity Through New Appropriations 4/1 6/0 I July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project I Tota1'BiIdgeh , r$1~7 f"i)"46i ~. ~J$I~5:0!l7,). ~$Oc . , ,SI';-594:35i1 _. _~-...::,..r::. _ -'.. - - - " _:_ ':" .__ ,. u:,:,_ -'.- ----'"-- Total Expenditures 1,341,542 0 0 1,341,542 Total Encumbrances 11,165 0 0 11,165 I Total Remaining Budget $366,694 ($125,047) $0 S241,647 I I I I I I 212 I I CITY OF POW A Y I --~ - , v ~~Pl:r}\Ll!MPg0;(iIjMEnt'PR0GRWM' - . " FARK:S:A:ND10PEN'SPAGE' '.. - '"!'!- ._-~, "- ~ -""""'~" --"'~.-..--. '" . . I T'2i1"B"iKE s;rOR-AGE,ARE'A'SI . . - ....-- ~ -.= <~~. "'_. - -,--'- ~ -- . ,-, -- ---- ' , , I This project provides for the construction of two fenced bicycle ruck areas. One will be located at I Lake Poway and one at Community Park. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 6/30/99 July I, 1999 July 1, 2000 Total Project General Fund ( 100 I $830 (7) $823 TDA (243) 7,656 7,656 I Total I{iiag-et 's"~,[?]3 , jPl Wi, f84:79' ----~ ..:.......:....-i_ ...," ... Expenditures 8,4 79 8,4 79 Encumbrances 0 0 I RemJining Budget $7 ($7) $0 $0 I Fi73'T.RAILiF"ENGING' -- -, - - - ---- ~-- , ~'-'",,-~' -- ----'--- -~--- - -- - --------'- -- _. - I This project provides ti.lllding for the replacement of 4000 leet of trail lencing. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 6/30/99 July 1, 1999 July I, 2000 Total Project General Fund (100) $40,180 $40,1 ~O Total:Biidget, --- ---..- '$40' 180' .~ n ---- -~ - "0: =-=-_~~= =.-_ 4Q: - 'S~6)'86 I ~~ .~--~- - --~ ____~~2.~.....:..;.... _, _. _ _ _ _ .__'.'~ . ""A Expenditures 40,176 40,176 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $4 $0 $0 $4 I I I I I I 213 I CITY OF POW A Y , > .. ~ I Q;f\::PI:f-AL IMP,RO,VElVIENiT I'ROGRA;M -_".,.'_.__~ .~.~_ "'.....,... .""._r"..o IfAI3'J):;;'6'N.P((2PEN'~Pi\:<'iE , .. .. -' .. I !60 I '~OM~QNIl'Y;1?~--'--EkA.ypEq,iftJR~ljH!\S:\'ci. - " " I This project will design and install two pieces of age-appropriate playground equipment in the northem section of the main playground at Poway Community Park. The project includes resilient I till, walkways, drainage and seating. The project meets ADA and safety standards. Citl' Funding (Ineluded in Parks and Open Space Summar,,) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project I CDBG Grants (241) $75,560 $75,560 T6t.~1 'Budg~t -,-- - ~ .....-~-_.- - --~ -- --jP;- -~-- -- ,- 's 76-5-60 , SO" ,S7ScSbo', .. .. ~-'-__ _ _4--. ~ - -- .;-",::,'~ _ _,"- _.....c.. '.' ~----~ I Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances U 0 Remaining Budget S75,560 SO SO S75,560 I RDA Funding (Not ineluded in Parks and Open Space Summary) Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4116/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project RJ?A_S:~r:!t"!.rr_oj (436) S4,240 S4,240 I -- - - $:j~240 ' . - __T- T6tiliiBudgWRDA, ' , ,$0 , ,$0 _$.~;24Q --"'-_;._L '. __ __ , , -- ..~..!.~ - -----=-. - - --- Expenditures 1,873 1,873 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S2,367 SO SO S2,367 Total Funding I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4116/0 I July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project Totiil'Budgen " S79i8_0~ ..' SO '_ _ ___ _ _ {~O' Si~;"8}:i0 ", -=- _.t- - -- I Expenditures 1,873 1,873 Encumbrances U 0 Remaining Budget S77 ,927 $0 SO S77,927 I I I 214 I , , I CITY OF POWAY I T - . . . n.."" ~_r_ 'j'.; '. . _ _ .... < '.' , . ,PARRS,AND'0PEN SRAGE~, Cl\PFFAL..IMPROVEMEN}:'PROGRAM. , --~.. '---."- .......,.,.. ,-.~ ' . . . ._-.--.,_..~-~ ~- -., -"-, . ,~~.." """'.-" - . ;=;--" I .j'602' G0~MfuNITYSWIM'CENtER.,DECK,REPJliiR:, .. ., ., - . _....___.. '_~_ .~~,.~~ ~ '". ~_ ~. .__ .__,'_ -~ ro.. _ _. _ _ ---. - I This project provides for an engineering study of concrete deck failure at the Poway Community I Swim Center to establish a plan for making necessary repairs. Minor repairs to the deck will also be made with these funds. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project General Fund (100) S6,500 S6,500 I Total BUdget: $630'0 - - ;SO! _~~_ ~_s.o: , $q~QQ-Qr " -- ,-~ ~ -~-. -"'~-. , , ~ -.-"'-- - -,- Expenditures 5,000 5,000 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget SI,500 SO SO SI,500 I ['603: ;BEREORMING 'A:RTSiCENTERIW:6iI:KWA:,y iUIGHTTNG' -.- -,-- - .. - -~ .-.-", ,- ~... -.,' --- ~---'---------- -..' = "- -. - _u_ , - ~.- - - ~-~--- I This project provides funding for the second phase of a four phase walkway lighting project. This phase will replace and upgrade the landscape and walkway lighting on the south side of the Performing Arts Center. I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/0 1 July L 200 I July I, 2002 Total Project General Fund (100) S55,000 $55,000 l(,!~IJIuIlg~! _ ~-.-'_= _~~~~J$5.5,02D1 ' - ~ - - -",,,- - --."" , --- S-55,OOO~ .SO: :SQ', . - -~-- -- ---- - .........-- I Expenditures 46,346 46,346 Ent..:umbrances 3,820 3,820 Remaining Budget $4,834 SO SO S4,834 I I I I I I 215 I CITY OF POWAY ~' .... - " - ~ I ~A:jiItA!?,j!\WR:OM_EMENT'P'R00RAM' -- l' ..-...---- :~ ~- - - ~_..o. ,- ~ -,,~ ". ,p;~1' ;~)'!Q'!P.PE1'!}SP;A;_@E:l " . I I I 6'F3BicMftRA'ITIJ~1 ]I , - - "--- ---- " I This is a t'our-phase project to construct trails in accordance with an agreement signed by the City with the Bureau of Land Management. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4116/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I Park Improveillent (411) $28,000 $28,000 Tofal Budget ' . -~ --~ $Q -----'.11 1$28;000 $0, , :$28,000; ____-1..-..-_ -"-- __ ___. ~__ --:......-~~. _ .;;>>f.;...~~--' _~_ WL Expenditures 18,280 18,280 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $9,720 SO SO $9,720 I ."......','. ,.,. _._,,~ '_-"".,...~-_~~=:_....""" ......--_-c: "--.,., . -- ------ -, ,- ---or ' , 1614 BET.TE'BENDlXEN MlNIP:ARK , ,."..'~- ., ",. ~ - "..;7= ,~_..:.- :,-~-'_;:::;.'" .-.. . ~-------- , ,_ 1.._ -------"-.-....- I This project will provide funding for the development of minipark to include playground equipment and other associatcd improvements. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I Park Improvement (41 ] ) $159,000 $]59,000 --'--- - --..-- .----- -~. '="'..-",..---,...- - --- -- ~ __C~.1Q:. S'f59r6Q'0. To,tarB.l!i!g~ii- . ., , S1~9.';oQO ,$0' I .- -- - -._--- --------- -- - ~ ' ,- .,'~ ;<.-. , Expenditures 146,572 146,572 Encumbrances 1,020 1,020 Remaining Budget $11,408 $0 SO $11,408 I I I I I I 216 I I CITY OF POW A Y I _. --- " I" . GAPHAl,'IMPR0YEl'VIENf.'PR0GR'Pil'Vl' " Pf\RKBi I\ND"0PENiSPA'CE' :.+ - ~ ...... . . ~ ""-'" --~:;<~.~~ ...:;.. - -, . I 16 I'5! ;P0W~\\ G0MN1].]NIij;Y:sWiNH~ENtER\GHIJ)]illmiSMSTEIVi - , '--'.~~_-_""'_~.'~"o"_""__~~".~. . ~J,;,_~~w, .'__r .~.. I This project will replace the current gas chlorine system with a liquid ehlorine/C02 system of I sanitization at the Poway Community Swim Center Activity Through N cw Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project General Fund (100) S56,300 S56,300 T6tai Bua\+ rf5~~(f6Ql. ; --- --- -- $0 S,5f;;J9Q: SO, . - -'<" ' ....,g.. , -- -- '-""'- - I Expenditures 53,322 53,322 Encumbrances 1,546 1,546 Remaining Budget SI,432 $0 SO SI,432 I --.---'-- - --- - - - - I 1"64'1 'BtlS SHELTERS ,_':.'--_::..-_~ ~ -.' -- -- ~-.- - -- - r_ _ _~__ _ ____ -, - This project provides for the installation of bus shelters at various locations. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project I TDA Grants (243) S257,151 $257,151 TotiliIiuct 'of . --- - $257,fSt ~_._- fll .....------ !~2_ i~- 'S257""r'5l', ....:::~-==-f!,.o..:':o.!....-__ _ - - -.--- ,--,- ------ "__ _ _ _ _.~.........J,'~_ I Expenditures 257,151 257,151 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget SO SO SO $0 I I I I I I I 217 I CITY OF POWAY .-- . " ".'00:- . p-' -- I ENfTAl:: IMBRQYEl'VIENiJ; PR0G~ I'kRKS,'-:NDr0RENispAGE\ ,," -~~-_.~.--...- T''''~''. -.--..... -~-..--..._~ I 1'645 KIlVIBAI:E,EIWING,TRUS;f' -- - -- -- -- --_. . ---- I This project provides funding for the acquisition of a portion of the Kimball Living Trust Property, ApN 321-110-2 for habitat conservation purposes. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 6/30/99 July 1, 1999 July 1,2000 Total Project I State Grant (242) S200,000 S200,000 Habitat Mitigation (252) 66,745 66,745 r.:----.,--..,.--~ ---=-~ ,SO: --- S'i66"7.4'5 . I toi~ E!'i,(t~,,( .. _ _LS2~6M5: SO - - ---~ - -------- - ..- - - ..,>-.-'~ __ I Expenditures 266,745 266,745 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget SO SO SO SO I ';1':--....... ,.,<>--'-- -', ~...,.",---:- -".-......,.- - -. . -::---------:..~~-- -- -- --, I 16,46'es,0MM;lJNI;r*,pARK<A:UDITORUlM-,RENOV'A,TION , - - .--- ' . " - ~=------ ~- -- .. - ---~ --_. --- -. -- ------~ This project provides for the design and renovation of the auditorium kitchen and restrooms. I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 6/30/99 July I, 1999 July 1,2000 Total Project Park Improvement (411) $52,400 S52,400 I ....",--:-.~~- --" -- --- -- - :~52J~00 _ ~----------~ ~ - - --: ~~':-:: _-=- -~$O~ . 1$52'400 Tota\.Budget _ ___ _ __ ,,'SQ' . "-~<L.:=''-'" '-=". ___ _ _ __,..-..,'1 _._c Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget S52,400 SO SO S52,400 I I I I I 218 I I CITYOFPOWAY I ' , .p}\\RJ(s ANB'0l>ItNISPA'GE ~M'l;r:~b IN!P~O.vE!VIENT;PROG~l'VI .~.' ~. ",. ._, -. .;. '.- ~ ",<> - ~.f"~" " ~ ",- . I ~. """'1 . .--~~~ ~n..._o,.... ,.-w_. To.~ ,,-.~ .. 1651 L-A'KEiP@WA'YDAMlAeCESS I - -~'......" . _.~.>>~.._. -- "' .'. -,'" -, - ~ - .-- -- - -~~-- .. ' . This project will provide for the design and construction of approximately 1,800 linear feet of I chain link fence and a prefahricated bridge across Lake Po way Dam spillway for public access. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4116/0 I July L 200 I July I, 2002 Total Proj eet Park Improvement (411 ) S500 $500 tiita(~uaget , , $500\ SO" ;SO" f5b'Q) .- - --- - -- ~ -- ---~~.- I Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S500 SO SO S500 I - ._ _ ~._ __ __ n _ - - -- -- I 1655 SKATE'PARK'DESIGN . , ~:_' -. ", ,--- ........ .' .-.. -_...,-.'- -_. -- - ~ ' -- ----~_.- --' ----~- This project provides funding for the design of a skate park. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/]6/01 July L 200 I July I, 2002 Total Project I General Fund S41,000 $41,000 TotaFBuogeh ' .,..-::----- ----- --- - $"6" .---~--- :$0" ---- iS41 000 _ _ ' _ _ .Js.4!,_0~2. ~--'-'-'''--'-''''''''-~-- ~--- _.' - -, '-. - - - - - -- ..~ -- - ,,'-' ,"c I Expenditures 13,982 13,982 Encumbrances 20,740 20,740 Remaining Budget $6,278 SO $0 S6,278 I I I I I I I 219 I CITY OF POW A Y - ' '0 ' - < ~:" I CJ\'PITAL;JMRR0V~IV!fNT'J!R<1qRW~; B.A:RKS,i\@I(!)RJoS1SRic~ " .- I ;--~~.~~"""'--"-""'~, -_.'.,--,- '_'\ '-,~"-- ~_,4 I .- 1'656,BLUE SK;Y"ECOL0GIGA'L:RESERNE - :0...'_ . " ", -,~---'-'. ,'-"-- ~-" -. ~.~-,.-~. ~.~.,._....,.., I This project provides funding for architectural services and master plan and construction document preparation for the BlueSky Ecological Reserve Education Center I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project I General Fund (100) $117,300 $117,300 "~-I .----, :~ t;~Z~3Jjp 'j$Q, ~-_=~:~:..c. $0 . "$1'1,7\300 Total.Budgeti '--___ c.-".a _ _ __ ----- "-- --- _. ----~-- ~~ I Expenditures 14,OSO 14,OSO Encumbrances 103,510 103,510 Remaining Budget ($290) SO SO ($290) I .~-- i~.,..,,,,,,_.......,..-- ---- _ -- _____ ----" 1'~7~'c=()!0M);JNIIX PJ:i,OI.::C,QN<?RETE,'l\ND SHADE -- _.- -- ---------- I . , ~._.._~_.~__.~ I~~ ..0.. __ __L_.___._ This project involves the construction of concrete and shade at the Community Pool. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project I Park Improvement (411) S14,500 $6,200 $20,700 ,---~--=:- ~-~~- -- -- _ _.... 4 ~-~ - $6:200 ._~ - ----. Tota1;Buaget' $l4'500 ;SO" :$20;700 -~---=+- ~ .- -- - . - --- _C'~~'-':'- .-----~~=-- ----. .__ __~___.4..-__ Expenditures 12,SSI 12,RR1 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $1,!J19 S6,200 SO S7,S19 I I I I I I 220 I I CITY OF POW A Y I I " , . --, " ~ G1\RI;r.Ai'.~IMBR0VEMEN:rPROGR'A.l'VIl RAR.kS'~ND;0REN!SPA:CE' (~ - .- -'^~""~ ~._. - .. " I 1695' 'GIf~bESPIE7K0HLER R-ROBER:rWP,URQ;HASE " ~-"'. ;-",-"-~~-'." ~ ,-'~ - ," - -- I This project purchased 16.35 acres of land adjacent to the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve. The land I will eventually be used for a permanent parking area and as a protected habitat. City Funding (Ine/uded in Parks and Open Space Summarv) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July I 200 I July I, 2002 Total Project I Habitat Mitigation (252) S25,001l S25,000 State Grant (242) 3R6,500 (Sl31 ) 386,369 General Fund (100) 8,000 11,2(0) 6,800 I ...., '-',--', ,'-' ,,- "-,. . ,$419,500' -- -~ -~ ..,.,-..~~ --~......- iS4J8,:1'69; TQta1jBuslg",t,~i)y , i~P.3J) ,SO, '- ~--~-- ~ --~ .~ ---~.~"' , Expenditures 418,169 418,1(\9 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget SI,331 (SI,331) SO SO I RDA Funding (Not ineluded in Parks and Open Space Summan) Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1, 2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project RDA Capital Proj (436) S59,500 (S481) $59,019 -- i$'~'9r~OQ: - - - ($481,) -~--- ---q:- Totalmudget,RDA: - 'SO! __ ;$59,0.1'1. I _~__i "..~__~ ----_. ... ~~~-;-'" -, - Expenditures 59,019 59,019 Encumbrances 0 . 0 I Remaining Budget S48J IS481) SO $0 Total Projcc/ I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I Tiital'Bifdg'f~___ . - $"79:'000 (SI;812) $0 ~_ J.:I77:188 - ....."-- , -. Expenditures 477,18R 477,188 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget SI,812 (SI,812) SO SO I I I 221 I CITY OF POW A Y .. -- ,~ .. .-- - - ~ - I ~A:!,lt-Ai:,iMliR@Y).lMENJ;I!ROG~~' ":c'<- .. . . ",-,...-." __.._..~_._.,_..t...-.j_!..-._ Pi'iRKS AND'0I!ENISI!A€E. -......;, "'~:--"i'-""'" -, .f..----..'.... -~...-.~_ " I - ,., 1" .....) ',- -'-, -'J "'", -- ~__m., ~.- , ., - . - --- 5643,€Ol'VlMUNI;r,y'I!ARK,I!LNYGR0UND . - ,-=.J~lL::.=--c.-' I This project will construct accessibility improvements to the playground at Community Park. Ci(v Funding (Included in Purks and Open Space Sumnwl:V) I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project General Fund (100) S15,450 S15,450 Toial:i3udget, -- -- - -~ -~'~,-~ $0;, -- -_.~. ..~ I 'S1"5'450 . 'SO' S.15,450' ~_ .;c l._~l _--~ _ _ _ __~ '--- ; -~-,~ - ---.-. ~~ Expenditures 1,1154 1,654 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S13,796 SO SO S13,796 I RDA Funding (Not included in Parks IInd Open Splice Summary) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I 89 TAB (432) SI48,800 SI48,gOO Toial:Bu4i<:~ - -- -- -- ~ -- - 11'~8r8'6o - ., --== ,~~ - - . -- ~-- - ~. ."'- '...-.- - , ., _ __iSQ; L_ --..!!~~J~_ I Expenditures 6,942 6,942 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $141,85g SO SO S141,858 I Total Funding Totai'Bud 'et .. " - . __S'YiiJ.~<!:. S'o' , '$0' ;S;H;4 2Ko I ':';'~',-.:;...o..::'-"'';;_>'~-''--- __ - + -. -- -- :.. -- -- .- ,-- - ~ - ~- ~.'- -"'::"'~ Total Expenditures R,596 g,596 Total Encumbrances 0 0 I Total Remaining Budget S155,654 SO SO S155,1154 I I I I 222 I I CITY OF POW A Y I ,- - u._ --'." €kPIT-ALIl'VIPROMEl'VIENifpR0GRA:10f' 'Ef\:RKS,A:NB;OPENSRA:CE\ r- . - :..__ - _ ~ 0,- - _.~- . _~. . _ - , -r .< "- I 561!"4;s:i;ARRIDGE'PARK:,P\J.A\Y.GROuNDl " I - - ..~-I-.. '" . --~ ,~ ,_..... ...... ~<>. -. . '_ . ---...:._---<>-- .. This project will construct accessibility improvements to the playground at Starridge Park. I City Funding (Included in Parks and Open Space SummGlY) I Acti vity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/1610 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project General Fund (100) $99,977 S99,977 I CDBG (241) 39,900 39,900 ~otal Budge,! , I '$]'39'877' '- -~-___--r------ __, _ _ __ ~W ~ $'139"%''77' , :SO' -- - ~.'._ " ;J., , __4_ -- -----~~-~..'.~.. ., I Expenditures 139,877 ]39,877 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget SO SO SO $0 I RDA Funding (Nol included in Parks and Open Space Summan'! I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 1 July I, 21101 July I, 2002 Total Project 89 TAB (432) S14,500 $14,500 I TotarBudgei - --- --- --- , - ~. u _ ~ ------ '$0' __ _, --,S Ifl,~Oo) SO ,S ]4,500 ~::.'"=~_.~-- - .. - -,....- ----_... ...-'''-...1 - ---- -""--.....--.-. Expenditures 14,500 14,500 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget SO SO SO SO I Tolal Funding ToialBudiieH - , $1'54;37]/ - 'S91 ;SO; ST24;37:7~ I ._;::;;..:r....:~""'"_~_ -- - -- '-- -, -- - -- Total Expenditures 154,377 154,377 Total Encumbrances 0 0 I-- Total Remaining Budget SO SO SO SO I I I I 223 I CITY OF PO WAY 'I - .-..." -.... . ~ - .' eo I ._-" <. ........ ...t!..._ ., _ _ ~_ ._~ ..,~....~ ,_ .......... .~__ ~ , pl\.RK'S\ANEllClPEN 'sP~A6E' f?A:g!:rt\LJIy1rR~VEl'VI.EI;!"J'J.)R0Qm\:M: ~ ; . --" ._""'" ., . - . .- ~ , -" - - -.. -,,' I PARK<:S' ~ND'0PE}jiSpAd!EIStlMK1AR~ - --- ...,.. ......::c....~-,..--,. -=".-- ....... "- _.....~...-. --..-', - - - - ~ I Activity Through New Appropriations 4/16101 July 1, 200t July I, 2002 Total Project I ElliL~U:~g~J; . . -f ~. , . s47862 < -, --y;-'- '$~i"'758';3Yi: . __ _ , 'FZ53\~!l9 .---- iSO) . _.....,.'-t.".......... Total Expenditures 1,442,714 0 0 1,442,714 Total Encumbrances 130,636 0 0 130,636 I Total Remaining Budget S180,099 $4,862 SO $184,961 I I I I I I I I I I I I 224 I I CITY OF POW A Y I .. ,-- ~ ., \:J!'iPJT:A:I:::IMPJ{ClMEl'VIENt'BROGR'A:M, .~,,\.._~~~ _._"-~---- "- '\YiA:5!'.!'J3iJ~BI{<'l Y!'E!l:jNl'~ ,.. ~ I \.702; 'NEIGHBORH00B~L0'ANS!jWATE;R' . - - , I To provide low interest loans to citizens for water-related improvement proJects for private property I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I Water Utilities (5\0) S50,000 $50,000 s50;060 .' - - Jiliil';Biiaget' _ . ISO" SO: __ _ .....!S.Q:OOO '~,~ . ~-- -- -- -------. ~ Fxpenditures 0 0 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S50,000 SO SO S50,000 I lit031 ;.GAKEPCiWAY-WATER l'VIAlN' -- - --- -- -- ---~ --- --.-- ,- - ---- ,~ " ----- - _.__H ______ ---- I This project provides for the installation of a 20-ineh water main between the San Diego aqueduct easement and Espola Road on Lake Poway Road in coordination with the Bridlewood I subdivision improvement of Lake Poway Road. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project Water Utilities (510) $49,000 S49,000 TOtal BUdget ,- -.......~- --- - -~' $9: . - - 'S:Q . - S49'OOO'. S49'OOO' I' --=.~. - -- -- - -- ----'-~.- _, ~ l.o.. ---~-- .-:>' ~ - _ _~_2.__ Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget S49,000 $0 SO $49,000 I I I I I I 225 I CITY OF POW A Y -'- - -, I G'APITA't:1 l'VIPR0 \ffiK1ENT' RROGRWl'VIi --..- ',-- --.-.--, ---"'--'. <- ~_..... .-.- ..--.- WA~ERIK1PROVEK1ENTS :: -... '" - -.. ,- '-. ... - '" .'., :'- --~ ~,~ _.~. ......." ,~. .._'..-.................-.--., -- l:iI2;iJONAR T:RESERw'OIR_AND'TR:ANSMISSION;tINES I .--------- . . - ,- ~ -'- - '.-,"" ".~ -- This project provides for the engineering design phase for Donart Reservoir and transmission I lines needed for additional storage and supply for Pomerado Business Park. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4116/0 1 July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project I Water Utilities (510) S314,019 S314,0 19 J;6tat;Suaget: - '$3'i4'0 19 '$0 . - S}14:Ql9,. SQ' '---____~ :.t _ _ _ -- --~ --- - -- _........~...:....2..:s...;;::.... --- . - - ., Expenditures 256,317 256,3 \7 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S57,702 SO SO S57,702 I . - .._-~ ._,-,,-. ,"- ,-."": '~~~~"'f"--' .-=-,,,,,'P 'JPr ,}:"-".! -;_ . ._._-~ ". ---;r-;r-~---- HI,4 QZ_Ol':lF.\1ISEf.:r:.~~T'.!i!10.T pkAJ)I:r!S:rw[)~ ____~_, " I - , --- ---- -- --- - --. The project will evaluate the use of ozone treatment as the primary disinfectant at the Water Treatment Plan as an element of the Clean Water Act. I Acti vity Through Ne\V Appropriations Funding Source 4116/0 I July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project I Water Utilities (510) $70tl S700 - ---...------- - - - --~ - - -}~ ~-==-y ~ _.- '$0 TotaI!Bud~.\'t --,-', _ . S700) -- --...... ._-~---- I Expenditures 700 700 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget SO SO SO SO I I I I I I 226 I~ ,1 CITY OF POW A Y I " ' - - -,-,-' , . . 9MrtAt'IN.IRR0.MEN.1El\IT'B~0..GRA:N.1', - '-, < -- ~ - - " -- - ---.. '>J, \Y:A;I2E~R1IMRROY,EMEN;rS( ~. - I j~;f8' 'WA.tER~tREP;;f,MEJ'it>iJRGRA'bE , ,.1_' ~ <..;..;~ _.. __, .~.___ . _ ~ , ----- -- .. - - - I This project proposes to prepare plans, specifications, and cost estimate for the construction of new deep bed dual-media filters to replace the nonconventiona] 12 MGD Hardinage I system to achieve compliance with the surface water treatment rule. I Ci~v Funding (Included in rVater Improvements SWlImarv) Activity Through New Appropriations I I'unding Source 4/16/0 1 July I 200 I July I, 2002 Total Project General Fund (100) S20,000 S20,000 Water Utilities (510) 7,885,311 7,885,311 I Sewer Utilities (520) 166,260 166,260 fcit~liJ3l@j<<l;@Y .. $8107,1..57-1 -- - -- -$0- ~- SSfo7157.J, ' ISO, ?.-..'-- _ _ "-1',_ -, ' --,~ ~ ~ ,~ .~ - I Expenditures 8,005,151 8,005,153 Encumbrances 16,453 16,453 Remaining Budget S49,965 SO SO $49,965 I RDA Funding (Not included in Water Improvements Summan)) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project 89 TAB (432) SI,940,000 SI,940,000 I 93 TAB (434) 1,000,000 1,000,000 t<>!~C1i~~gSHli)A, _ -=.. -~ -- --'$9- ~--- :$0' --- --~~- S2;9.40:000 g2-4Q;000' --"~-- , - .. . --- -- - - - "..- -- --- I Expenditures 2,939,432 2,939432 Encumbrances 410 410 Remaining Budget SI58 SO SO S15~ I Tofal Funding I Toial:Budgei; ~_ ___ i$H'O'i.j.'57Y ,SQ: .. ' ' SO~ .- S:lll"oII '571 , . .' '-;"-""" ,- __2.:.....2..::-:...-.... Expenditures 10,944,585 10,944,585 Encumbrances 16,863 16,863 I Remaining Budget $50,123 SO SO S50,123 I I I 227 I CITY OF POW A Y ~~I~Ak rMiiKQ~El\:fEN;r; P~QGRAl'VIw.~1);;]{-JMi!1Z9Y!fM(:fffi[s\. I I _" , ... . < . . . - I 17;\9, T0II:;ErREB1\:TEiI'ROClRAM ' " This project'inVOIVeS refunding of toilet re:at~s under the SDW A 10w.f1ow toilet rebate program, ' I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project Water Utilities (510) S159,340 S36,000 S195,340 l.:qfal B.i1i:1get .,', :- ,~--:='_:~I59,3"O: '~3~,900j L __ _ _ $.1i . Jf95,j~Q: I Expenditures 149,097 149,097 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget S10,243 S36,000 SO S46,243 1729 -WATER:SYSTEM;MAStER}PU:'NOlIl'Qf\{E\Mfu(~fE stBBY,--- -- ~ -,-1 - -~.- -- - ------ ...~~: .;.-----~..._-'-~"~_. -- - - ---- -...~- This project will update the 1987 Water System Master Plan, develop a water rate study, I provide technical assistance to system. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4116/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project ~a~:r lJti~i0,,~10) __ _ _, $1_9J_~000 ~______',~'" _ ~___ _~ S197,000 I T6tal;Biii:lget, , $197,:000, ~ :SO., :~SO! $197"Q.o.o . ..<Y_' ~ _ ____ _ _ ___ __ __ _ __'._.., _..< _____ ...<._ _ . _ _-=_ _.____ Expenditures 184 732 184,732 Encumbrances 1,322 1,322 I Remaining Budget S10,946 SO SO S10,946 I I I I I I 228 II '. CITY OF POW A Y I I ., " " '.' -:(.- - . 'v__ '. G'AP.f;J;k1 'IM'FROMEl'VIENT'PROGRWl'VI: W,l\:,f,ERcIl'VIFROMEMENTS: .. .-...,,-~.. - ,- - -, , ,.-~ ~ -~. .., I erli' 'B:0016ER::vAtEEY P'1'.fMp-E0fSTORJ(GE PROJECt - ._'"'. '-'~.',< -' ".. ~~~_~. _' ,-'--'.-. _. _L , ---- - I This project provides for consultant services to evaluate agreement for the Boulder Valley I Pumped Storage Project. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/0 I July!' 200 I July I, 2002 Total Project Water Utilities (510) S15,000 S15,000 T6taYBu(J'-et ' - ---'~ $] , :$9 -- - ~."...,g, , -- -- :$1'05,000; . - - _ ______J1~5,0~ I Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S15,000 SO SO S15,000 I . _ ~', ,_~_"" ,~_.,~ . "_'._ _~"-'l.~ u_.' ,'._," ), ~ - , -- -~ 1;722" WA'fERASSESSMEN'f'Ji)ISTRIGT '79'1 , I ...........;;.::...-..;...~::;..::- ,.__.~=~- -'~-'-'k""~~.::.+J.""~="--~_~ - - - _.~-~--- - - - - -- ------- -- - This project will dissolve Water Assessment District 79-1 I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project I Water Utilities (510) $200,000 ISIJ6,05] } S63,949 l-iltal;13udget' .. $200:009 ,- -. --' -..... -,----.-". ~- -,----- SO' - S63"949 : (F~:2]gi1~ ....-~~ ----- , ~, -- -~ - ~-- __ _ _ 1.._ ---- - ,'....-" I Expenditures 63,94Y 63,949 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $136,051 (SI36,051 } SO SO I I I I I, I I 229 I CITY OF POW A Y "<"-- - --" I GA-B'!ifi\L INlPROVEMENT I'ROGRWl'VI' ,. WA<f.ER,IMPR0VEMEmS' ___'.~_.._ _, ____.:_~_.41J_.,__: ~ > . . ....-, ,-~-~- ,- ;;,.....~_.".... "-~'-'-"-'''''''- '" . .. WJIB_Q.!J:I:oDERMO,\!JNtA-lN RESEI{Y.~!R'S.~N(it;l. :tQ 31l5EPjiI!(S; --- - I ~ I This project involves the repairs of the interior and exterior base of the tank, and also includes the installation of cathodic protection and retrofit of the existing inner ladder with a fiberglass I unit to eliminate dissimilar metal corrosion, Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project Water Utilities (510) S213,049 (S2,488) S210,561 t5ta.LSLfdgit;::-: -- - :S'21ji049 : _ (~2;~:~}2 . . $0 ~___.J'~(~?jl I --- --.- ".""'''-~~r_ -----.~ --- Expenditures 210,561 210,561 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S2,488 (S2,488) SO SO I El25 ADorfI0N'Ai. P-U"MP.AT.N0RTHGRES:{PUMPISTATI0N - .--- .. ~-'~ . -."...-- I -~-~-. --~-.""-,",,~-";';'~-""-;.""."- .--- .....:..'...------ ".-=--- - --_.._-- ---- - ~ This project involves the installation of No. 4 pump, motor, and piping at Northerest Booster Station. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/1 11/0 1 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I Water Utilities (510) S50,OOO S50,000 ..".---:'.'!; -.."..-~-- -- - - ~: - ~_'1~O::2oO' ~=-~-=--~~, :- _- __ ~~=--,"1o TiitalBiIdget __ _tS5g;000 I _ ___I..:. :... __.,.~,___ Expenditures 44,427 44,427 Encumbrances 5,331 5,331 Remaining Budget S242 SO SO S242 I I I I I I 230 I ,I CITY OF POW A Y I . - - ~A:BHAL..IMB~OYE!i1EN'T'ilRfuGAA:M Wt\'1'ER Il'VI'j~R0vEl'VIENTS. , .'..' ..... . '. .- -. ,'- " -., - ,- ,- I Ti726iHIGfi'Y,AtLENi"R'OADlWA'TEItPASErviEN;f , .~. -- " . ---- .- ~'~-' ----- -, I This project involves the purchase of a water line easement which connects a 12-inch water main from the Groves suhdivision eastward, I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/1610 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project Water Utilities (510) S10,000 SIO,OOO ti&!i?I1cjg,t . , ,$10;000; --- -- :$0; 'SO ___,-,!IO,O.oo: ._---_._--~ - --=~ I Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget SIO,OOO SO SO SIO,OOO ,I I i'j27,c~1\,TEWj)fS'HUfifjf,ioNiSYSTEMl'VIAlNi=INENAr;~mupa-RX:6E' --- - --,-- - - -- - ~ -- ~~.,. ._..--~ . ,.-.""=-:._~;_-_-=-, _ ___ ____.~ . t,;..+ _.__~~_ _ _ _ ___ Replace existing 4"-12" distribution system valves due to age and deterioration. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 1 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project I Water Utilities (510) $20,000 $20,000 ._--- -- $"20'600' -- - - ~- 'SO ,----- - -- - --- ------~-- TotaJ'Buagef. ' - . :So; iS20;OQO, .__ __ ,I.L..__ ___ _ ___ ---- _.. -~,~-.: -.--- ---- _""-...__ ____....... !J__ Expenditures 853 853 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $19,147 SO SO S19,147 I J;721iFLOW!M0NrfoRrNG ()F"CAMEEB1\(i;KANDNOR-tHGRES~-rrp8R1P:STKrIONS:~' - - - . ~. _,--' n_ u..--:...-_...:......-.-__~_. _ ,";:,'_..,;;",__-:,,-,"'_n ::.c-,-';o'--.,-, ',--'''-_"';:'''''''_''-- -~~'-__"_..-.:'-~_ _ __ ,_ _.... ___ _ _ _ ___~ _ I Install one flow measuring device each station to monitor flow at Camelback and Northcrcst Pump Stations. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project I Water Utilities (510) S30,000 $30,000 TbJl\!'~"dgeil . ----- - - --- ------ , - $0 $30~0-OO: ~--_. - S30;000 I$Oi - ,.;:h ~ Expenditures 19,900 19,900 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $10, I 00 SO SO S10,100 I I 231 I CITY OF POW AY - -, , , . -,. .- . -.- - ~ -- I GApFP~ IKrPR0\1'EMENiP RRe)'GR'AM "Wi'\TER~IMBR0VEJ\1ENts ,.- '0 _.' ~ ~~_ "~ ..__.". -V" -- . - - 1-'72"9 ii0WAYE:MERdENe\~'TREf'\TED,;W,^,TERtCONNEC'fION, I - .,. ,.""" . > .,.., ~ __~ ~~ ....~ ",_,'~_"... .e. _.. _, ... _'<__.~ --', . ._ . - Modify existing Ramona connection or construct a new connection to supply City of Poway I with treated water during emergency conditions. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July \, 2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project I Water Utilities (510) S120,000 S120,000 Total-Budget' ~--.-- ~ - --.-.: ~.- ,_.' .. , SO' si'Q()!OOOl 's ].20'000' ,$0' ';~""-,,,~.~' - -- ---~ -~--- ,-..::-~..- . -- --- ~~~ Expenditures 0 0 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget SI20,OOO SO $0 S120,000 I .";~ - ." -....-.- .,.--....-------_._-------..-- .. -- -- inl0LB!COA€H'WATERi LlNE'pROJEt:T I '. ,.... ~_ _ ~_.'-;.. ""' _,_L ~__;.;._ '. __ _ ~ "-_ ----~ - . ----~-- , -- ---. This project will create an assessment district to purchase a new water line installed in the area cast of the Old Coach Golf Course on Old Coach Road. The water line is to be constructed by I the residents of the area and acquired by the City after completion. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/1 6/0 1 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project General Fund ( 100) S9,350 S9,350 I Water Utilities (510) 35,000 35,000 TBJg]~@'1g~<:~_=- ~ =- - .. --~- '~..,.~ ~ --------....,...,-' -- ._----.~ .S~4j;;Q_ _ __ _ SiI~;3~0_ s6 , _ __H_""':'S.o, -- -- -- --~ Expenditures 29,237 29,237 I Encumbrances 15,113 15,113 Remaining Budget SO SO SO $0 I I I I I 232 I I CITY OF POWAY I 9J1iPltALIMPROVEl'VIENT:RR(j)GRk~:" .. _ WAT:ERll'V1PROMEM~Nis, I )''?}Z~G~M~;[ONE'WATEFGI'R!fi:NS~ISSIQ~ gj~E) ~ _, ' , " I, This project will construct a twelve inch reclaimed water line to replace an existing eight inch reclaimed water line at the Greystone Phase I project. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project I \Vat:r Uti~ities (510) S2_8,000, _ _ = S2_8,000 10J~I,Bugget '_ __S2~,Q.O.o _ __ _ _ _ _ _ $.Q7 ,SO '. ____,J2MQO' I' ~~~ 0 0 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S28,000 SO SO S28,000 I (733 AfGH"vALLEY'WA,:rER1,MXIN .REPLAeEt~1ENi - -- - '" - - - --- - - I ".'~~-~O" - ,.. ~'~"~'--'-- -~-- - -,'-- ..---- -- -- - ---- ----- - Replace approximately 4,000 feet of lO-inch diameter steel from the High Valley PwnpStation to I the intersection of Markar Road, Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4116/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project Water Utilities (510) $900,000 S900,OOO Toial:Blidget . - - - , $900:000 -- - 'SO,-- - - -slY - - S900i00Q I --"-" '-'---<'.- ,-- --- -- --"----"'-. ' -'-".--"- ---- ~ --- -- -~~"~ Expenditures 170,751 170,751 Encumbrances 563,747 563,747 I Remaining Budget $165,502 SO SO S165,502 I I I " I II 233 I CITY OF POW A Y ~~RITALt~;?lp~0~~,B-E'N.,rpPt~G~M1 ", 'WNr!':Rt[;',fPR0VEMIlN,1~'- I t ~ _ . .._ )Jz34;~~YBJQG}:lRg}3EB~@IR,-,:7'N!-'EljIONGl\Lt0NS', .' -- I Constmct a 700,000 gallon Skyridge II Reservoir in the High Valley area. I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project Water Utilities (510) $618,760 S618,760 'To~a~Hu_dgei _______ ~_~_ilF8:7@ SO ___ _ SO, ($6,1'8;%9: I Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances 0 0 I" Remaining Budget S61R,760 SO SO S618,760 1;135iPQI0~M6.o RE~~,RVQIRlli'TERioRCOA;j'ING!REH1\i3ILTpATiGNi - - ,-1 ,.. ,.-~....~ ~__ _____ _~.~ ........____. _ .____ __+ _r..__ __ _____ This project provides for the rehabilitation of the Pomerado Reservoir The interior coating needs I to be completely replaced, with spot repairs to the floor plates also being necessary Activity Through New Appropriations '1 Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project ~7aterUti~itiesI~0.!~_ _ _ __~?_~2,5~__ (SI57,070)., n __ _ _, SI:?5,:~~ I 'Tot~I;B.']:qg"el'~ ,,__ $)82C5JQ, (SI5?i97~) ~ _ ~~;~.2~._ S:!:2.~;412 . Expenditures 125,440 125,440 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget S157,070 ($157,070) SO SO I -,I I I I I 234 II I CITY OF POW A Y I Cc\RitAL lMi?ROVEl'VIENT PROGRAM WATER'IMPROVEMENTS' I 1,736' GREEN\VALi&~{WAtERPpR'ANSrviISSION.:LlNE REPl:A:GEMENT J .. .__. ~.~'J" .' '---':--4' - _.. ...__.'c...._. ___ . Replace approximately 3,500 feet of 6-inch to 1 O-inch diameter steel water transmission mains in _ the Green Valley Estate area. I Activity Through New Appropriations .1 Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project Water Utilities (510) S223,440 S223,440 Total $udget , $223.;440 --- - - - $9 so $~21,440 - --- --'----~~- - - -- - --~ --- ---- -- ---- ~-. I Expenditures 95 95 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S223,345 SO SO S223,345 ,I g ITn 'CEl:ESTIAL,kg:SERV0)R r!tl'.~~I9.~ 9()^cTING REHABmTTA'!.Ip~___- --__-__ -~ - This project provides for the rehabilitation of the Celestial Reservoir The interior coating needs to m be completely replaced, with spot repairs to the tloor plates also being necessary Activity Through New Appropriations . Funding Source 4116/01 July I 2001 July 1,2002 Total Project Water Utilities (510) S211,270 (S94,R25) S116,445 ~~-- __ - -- -- -_______ -,...... --,t"' ,----- - --- -.' - - ----,----.".---....,,- . Tot~I,Budget, S211,270 (S94;825) SO' S) r6;445 . Exp~nditur~s - - - - - - - -1'1-6,445 - - - - -- - - - -- 116,445 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget S94,825 (S94,825) SO SO . ~~iER fMgR9\;~"KIEBl]}}JMMA~Y. - -, - --_ - u - " -- --:'.. _- -- Activity Through New Appropriations I _,. . 4/16/0 I., July r, 200 I. July I, 2002 _ Total Project Total Budg.".!......___ __ ___ _ ' ~ 11 ,808;009. (S354,4~4) . SO, :S! r,45},575 I Total Expenditures 9,377,657 0 0 9,377,657 Total Encumbrances 601,966 0 0 601,966 Total Remaining Budget $1,828,386 (S354,434) $0 SI,473,952 I I I 235 I CITY OF POW A Y 6:APIT ALIMP~9VEM.ENiI]l~:CiGIb:M SJWER\jMPROVEMENTS I I 1738;:SANITAR;Y',SEWE~ SYS'fEM;iNfiow:'REDUCTIONiPROGR'AM ""---- ~_ _ W-. ,,_n. __....' _ .;;....__~_ This projcet involve the inflow and infiltration flow reduction to the City's Sanitary Sewer System. I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4116/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project Sewer Utilities (520) SI80,O,O? ___.' S180,000 1- . Total I3ui:lget ____ ~ ,_ , H?Q;O!l!l SO __ __ __ _~$O _ $18.0,002_ Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances 180,000 180,000 I Remaining Budget $0 SO SO SO - ----..... " --"' --~'-' ' --- ------ ---- --- ------ I 1802 NiOI.9HB(i)RJ:IOQP t0f\J'T~-'SE.w!OR: __,_ __n ~_ ~ _ ." _'__ ____, __ To provide low interest loans to citizens for sewer-related improvements to private property I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4116/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project Sewer Utilities (520) S50,000 S50,000 tot~lBiidg,;;- --- ---- -$)O~OOO ~ ---~$O"------- -SO' S-SQ;QQO- I _ __ _ __ _ _ __ ._ ___ _ __ .~_...o..:. ~_ __ ~___ _ _ _. _ _~ _ _ .__ _._~._ ~__----:........~_ Expenditures 20,560 20,560 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S29,440 SO SO S29,440 I .--- -,--, - -- -., -- -- -,- - ----- - ----, '- ~---- --I !807_ MID~,\ND~~OA~SEW!O~ _ _ _ _ ___ ____ _ ,_ _. _____ __ . Extend 8-inch sewer from Adrian Street to Norwalk Street, including installation of six manholes I and relocation of existing utilities. Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project I Sewer Utilities (520) S164,523 SI64,523 Total Budget -- $i64,5i3 . - -SO - - ~ ~ h$Q SI64,523 I Expenditures 20,776 20,776 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S143,747 SO SO S143,747 I I 23r, II I CITY OF POW A Y I ~'-_-'~----l'-'-: - -,'- -,..~- -. ~:..~ _.~-. .- .-.. -' - . -- "-;.-'-- '.. '..... ...- ,. . . " 0 - ". '-.,..-..-.-----s~.. -='- ~--~--l:-""'.-...-.-- 6'A'PIT-AL IMPR0Y.El'VIENTPRbGRA'M: SEWERUMPR0VEMEN:PS, ;. .,.._," _____ ._. _.... _ '_~.. ~. ~._. _ ""."_'~ _..___ ~_'D .n'__~~~ __ _ _........ ~_.c~. ~ _ .. ~._.u._ ._, .. .--.,.._ - "-. I , 1812~ :rvlETR0ISEWER\0A:PA:CITY 0 " < ,-~~'. _ _ '.'>~ ""'. "~ ~ ~~.- ,~_.. . - - , , -' I This project involves the purchase of metro sewer capacity from National City I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project I Sewer Utilities (520) S7,498,500 S7,498,500 T2tal~jIgg~t ~~7:498;5l>Q~ , SO' , . $0" '$:7;498;300' _ __4'___ __~ ~ -.-"'-= ---~-.Q~"""':::"'" Expenditures 0 0 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S7,498,500 $0 SO S7,498,500 I =~. _. - - -., ,-' ~,.._._.-- ------------~.__._-------~ [nij;i~)~~Ri~~S'r}l'v1::0A:~Ti:(RPl~~!il0EQ&Ir;; _, _. _ _ 0__ ---- ---'------ ------- -- I This project will update the Sewer System Master Plan for the entire City and provide technical assistance to system operational problems and water analysis sale options. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project I Sewer Utilities (520) S51,759 S51,759 Totil(Sudgeti -- '----:- $'5\."759; ----.-- --. 1$0: ---- - "', SO -- - S51;75'9 . .,..~........... --- -- - _._-~ ______...o..~. _._"_..i-..- - - -- - ........>'.::ro.- - ~ - _._....'-'"--~ I Expenditures 5],759 51,759 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget SO SO SO SO I .~_.. "'(' "-'"".~,,,~~.~"""''''=_J.''''''''::'''.'''''~'<'''''-~'~~-'r'..,.r,.....,.-~-~-....i...~..,.. .."..=-.,.......:;or--..--~--_._- --- 1.~1'7vt~T~lXl~:rJ;R,~0:5'l.H.!q~J!91'!i~QS;J:\l'SlMi1NJi9'>fl':gE_H~1?II}'1:.~T;I0~.f<~.q~M._ ,_ . _ ~ I This project involves the rehabilitation of existing water access manholes to extend service life. I Acti vit y Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4116/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I Sewer Utilities (520) $760,000 S150,000 S150,000 SI,060,000 1'otal:l?fjrlgef .u ,.- _ . - - - ...............~---. - -- -1$150,000, . .-~-- - - $760;000 $150:000 S1ll!2OjIl00~ .. - _.~- ___ --ll........__ . . .- Expenditures 747,568 747,56R I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget S12,432 S150,000 S 150,000 S312,432 I I 237 I CITY OF POWAY - , ~._ d. I ' , " ~'i'iP,J;t'f\L;IMPR0Y,E!vfENT~RR0tRWl'Vl; S"EWER\IMPR0VEMEN1<S; - - .-- '.., .'" ._, -' '.~ I ~1"--'-- '-~'V-'" ,--'~ .- -,k'--,.~-""~ -~ ""-','-.. . .~ ,-'~.' .,.... 18l8iP0MERPl00iG0UN'l'~ WASWEWA:rER;,;T>RBA:rMEN'f.\pltAcN[f'SITE , r.--'-."-'" ~._., '.- ...." "'.'.-.-, .~~. ~'. ". ' 'DEM0b;Yf.iciN'AN'DfcLEANidR . I >- ."._....'~ ..~ - -.. ~-._-' . '.- ."':;";'=-- This project involves the demolition of all concrete structures five feet below grade. The ,I structure includes primary sedimentation basin, trickling filters, chlorination basin, and miscellaneous concrete boxes. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July \, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project Sewer Utilities (520) S200,000 S200,000 I .'" 1"""'~",--:r------------ ri---' - -n:,,",,,_"'l""';.' --. " ~ ' ,fo" 'fio-6~06o' Total,Budget ' !S200000! -- _~'-'-'.-o..:_-'::"':'__._____~ ~ ____.~' ''''~-.o.::'=,:.....; ~~-- .-..-. I.- .~~ Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget S200,00n SO SO S200,000 -- - r------------ --- -- ------ , -- I 1819TEMPEE WW;YjSEWEREASEl'VIENT . ..:r-_ '-- _ __ ....=;.__--'-__~_._ .' _ __._ .::.. _....L. ______ ___ - -- This project provides for the construction of a sewer line from Temple Way to Calvary Court. I Actlvity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4116101 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project Sewer Utilities (520) SIO,OOO SIO,OOO I T6tarBu(h,t - --- -- ,- ---~~ ---~~--_. =:'.- - - -~ _'_ ff '1'0;00'6 'IO;OQQI _________ ,fl .~~<..g~ ---- . 1._, ...__ . Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $10,000 SO SO SIO,OOO I I I 'I I 238 I I CITY OF POW A Y I , . - - ~' GA'RftA'L'IrvIRR0MEMEN'f'RROGRlA']\1, SEWEWIMRRQ'MEl'VIENTS __ ....- ~_ -_~ ,_~_ ~.... ~ ,'"r .-. -_, --.~ - I .~"... --,- -..--. ~-,'~:y "-~ .,---~,.._. --,'_. -~--~~. - -~-" - I 821.MN1'ERIAESfHANDLlNG'YARD' , u__ _ '_._" _,_~_._ _. ~j~'~ <'~ -- ~--------- - I This project provides for the construction of a sludge basin at the materials handling facility in the South Poway Industrial Park. I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Proj eel Sewer Utilities (520) $196,500 (SI54,500) S42,000 "n- .~- -:1:, , .i, r , 7$t:96'S00' __._ :rsr5~i50<!2 'SO' -'-, --~ 'S42:000; Total Budg~t, --- - - .'. ~-L--- __ ___.___ 1'--._ __ _ __-----"-- I Expenditures 42,000 42,000 EnclIlnbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $154,500 (S I 54,500) SO SO I I I I - . I I I I I I 23~ I CITY OF POW A Y . -0" ---, - - . 7 I ~,. ._._.....~.- , __.,~_~..~...~.u'_. .~~..,.,_' __ _.->~ :'-,' rt" ~.. -- -'-.;. ~~_....., -. -. - -~--.~,- ..-. GM?J1iAl;IMPROMEMENT PROGR'AM ~SE)Y:J;:E"tMP:R9~Y;~lV!IIt:"~~ '" ~___ ~_"_N' ..__~._'_ .".,._____. ...' _.. .__,,_.....,-._ '. . , . 580 I' ,\V;\- TER RE@bAM1-::ri0Nipr.\M-IT-' , I ~... -_. ."--_,..." ...-- - .. --_ ._., ~ ""' 'u" ~._.' ~'. _ - ,- , , " This project provides for the design of a water reclamation plant at the existing site employing I Coordinate Chemical Bonding and Adsorption (CCBA) process or other feasible alternative. The I San Diego County Water Authority contributed funds towards the feasibility study This includes construction of 5,700 feet of transmission main in the Scripps Poway Parkway City Funding (Included in Snver Improvements Summary) I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project Sewer Utilities (520) S412,70R S4I2,708 t8JiL!\\!~~S!.?;;it:y, , __ _ """-~=---~--'1 . rSO - iO)' i $~1;2.q08' I $41.2"708 _ ___ ~__.--,-:Ac..., ,~~ _ -'"------~ -- -~.- _.__.....::~- ~ ___l_.... ~ Total Expenditures 411,795 411 ,795 Total Encumbrances 0 0 Total Remaining Budget S913 SO SO S913 I RDA Funding (Not included in Sewer Improvements Summary) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I 1986TABs(431) S400,00O S400,000 1989 TABs (432) 766,000 766,000 =--~~~- -~ ~_. S'I' 166'000 1S0 .----- !~Q!- SI', j 66;000 I Total\Budget,RDE\ -----=--'----- -- - - - '" ~- .~~- -~ - -- ---- -"""--- -~----'-'------'--- Total Expenditures 1,081,890 1,081,890 Total Encumbrances 0 I Total Remaining Budget S84,110 SO SO $84,110 Total Funding I l6tal;J3'1ggl't:c_.. _ .. S f,S78!708 _iSO~ oSO $'f,5j~;J:08 _ L-_ _0.:"_,. ~~: . - - -- - 0_1. --- , Total Expenditures 1,493,685 1,493,685 I Total Encumbrances 0 0 Total Remaining Budget S85,023 $0 SO $85,023 I I I 240 I I CITY OF POW A Y I 0 T.- ~ ~ , ,- . GAPFtAIc;iMRR@V:E~ItNtji>R(ijGRWM: SEwER~IMP~0VEr\1miTS' -.0--- _0-', "'; - \;~=< - _"~ - '<"'_' ..,.....' o- J _~~___."~. ~".-~'" _~.,'L '~~'~-'-~--'r;-"'l' .~._., - SEWER"IMpROMEMEN'fS~SNl'VIMARY' '. ~.v),... , ._ <___ ~~ ~. _'l."=-~ .".___e ..~........ . ~ .,~~ _ .- I Activity Through New Appropriations 4/16/0 I July 1, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I T otal'Bijdgetl ; :$9!5"ilt990 ; . -, ($!i;5(lO) j$'150:oM' , '$i)t66<}\490' ~ ._'.~-,. ....- ~ -- '. ~ _._.l"""""",. ~--- -~~ '.><' " ~.- ". ' .~ ,j . _ ". ..- Total Expenditures 1 ,294,458 0 0 1,294458 I Total Encumbrances 180,000 0 0 180,000 Total Remaining Budgct $8,049,532 ($4,500) S150,000 $8,195,032 - I . I I I I I I I I I I 241 ~ I l' \'1 "-- \ -1 I .-,;/ ) L P ARKS AND j (' --1 RECREATION .' /G I~ I PLAN I __1 ,-1 , 1- '-., > ~ ___---1- I I Ir-L :_) LJ ~r'- _ I Currenl Sohere Eloundtt'J '1 P" : I : J r-1._, Lr J I I'o~.' ~- .. _JIJi.._ _:- I r--r- - ---I _-1. I 'C""'~f1' Sohertt Boundary r---J \ ~ I:.' , .... J' r C""", S,,^,," 80""",,y . ,.-' , ' ,,~.... \ : i I r.AJi." . . '..l~ "- ,L' I , ./ C">-i"F'o""h L .--~. \ .~-~ .-- 1: \ , I , II , pr:'!.'''.";,.1 r>/,II"""iI 4n,.} A"IlI!l1.lr~ ..:~ ;! I \ -1-" T ," " i , '~c.~ SY<::Jmpr~' CUllY"" P,JrA Bc'''',1:uy, ..i ~''''~ SERVICE AREAS i,. '" I Neighborhood Park 1/2 mile , Multipurpose Courts 13/4 mile Community Park 2 mile. , I FACILITIES I 1 Panorama Hills Open Space Park 8 Poway Community Swim Center 2. Valle Verde Park 9 Poway Community Park 3. Lake poway Recreation Area 10 Hilleary Park I 4 poway Center for the Performing Arts 11 Starridge Park 5 Twin Peaks Multipurpose Center 12. Meadowbrook Multipurpose Center 6. Old Poway Park 13. Rancho Arbolitos Open Space Park I 7 Garden Road Park 14 Silverset Park 15. Bette Bendixen Park I 242 I I I 0 I 0 0 I I I I I I I I I I I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2001-02 AND 2002-03 REVENUES BY FUNDS AND SOURCES I Revenues by Funds and Sources I CIty of Poway Redevelopment Agency ~ ',' " ,EY'f999~d()lF:Y'.2000c,OI:--F,Y,'200)-02, ,f\Y.2002-03~ I ~'.-.-- ~,/- ~, . ~ ~ ~ '\... "'_'" 7 .>-.- -> ~ " A:ctu'al Abbrovea' Rropl>.fiei:L,.,Rrop<fseiL FUND 291- POINSETTIA FAMILY MHP FUND 741 I Interest 1ncome- General 11,017 11,100 9,400 9,400 I 7441 Space Rental 675,143 683,260 737,750 - 7442 Cox Cable Rental 33,826 37,200 40,710 - 7443 Gas/Electricity Revenue 101,031 109,450 126,640 - I 7444 Water/Sewer Revenue 37,675 58,990 40,050 - 7445 Storage Revenue 1,734 1,600 1,130 - 7891 Miscellaneous revenue 5,91 I - - - .' ITota]~Roinsettia Einuil)r:MHP'Flmo 866;33)7' . :901~:6001 .l}55~68liJ . 9;1!!!1.:. FUND 292- POINSETTIA SENIOR MHP FUND I 7411 Interest 1ncome- General 15,861 16,090 14,350 14,350 7441 Space Rental 595,317 602,270 650,140 - 7442 Cox Cable Rental 29,363 33,160 36,290 - I 7443 Gas/Electricity Revenue 69,070 68,160 87,580 - 7444 Water/Sewer Revenue 20,642 41,800 20,520 - 7445 Storage Revenue 1,411 1,390 1,320 - I IT61'iil;Roinse1:tia' Senior NIHP Fund' 73)1:664' rq62~!ii?0. 810,i200 1'4 '350 , ~- ~Tota1,Fuii(jst29,I: &:,292 1,598,901 . -j- . ---1,765;880 23;~ - ---1;664;4:ZOi. I FUND 293- PO WAY ROYAL MHP FUND 7411 Interest 1ncome- General 89,699 116,540 74,220 74,220 I 7441 Space Rental 2,370,623 2,404,800 2,544,230 2,648,560 7442 Cox Cable Rental 97,936 107,300 117,410 ]29,160 7443 Gas/ElectricIty Revenue 339,466 346,000 444,230 462,000 I 7444 Water/Sewer Revenue 117,753 166,140 121,490 126,350 7445 Storage Revenue 30,650 22,440 30,770 30,770 ITht'!.I' Poway.RQy.al'MHP:Fu!!<l' :J\046;'f27! '3'<163'2201 ~;332~35JLL....1\471,Q@L I -,._,~~ FUND 294- HALEY RANCH EST A TES MHP FUND 7411 1 nterest 1ncome- General 9,698 4,990 8,910 8,910 I 7441 Space Rental 357,283 331,130 - - 7442 Cox Cable Rental 30 - - - 7444 Water/Sewer - 1,080 - - I 7445 Storage Revenue 4,071 - - - [Total Haley. Ranch Esliites NIHP FlInd, 3}'!,082! . ::337"200; , 8:'910 8:910' - ---,'---~- ,--.-,-........... ____. __'--'_;..1.... I FUND 321- DEBT SERVICE (RDA,CFD,COP,TAB) FUND 7118 Taxes- RDA Tax Increment 17,276,654 15,523,640 20,173,700 21,182,390 74] 1 Interest 1ncome- General 214,042 66,600 297,350 257,810 I 7412 Interest Income - Restricted 857,962 639,460 787,430 779,880 7811 Sale of Bonds 39,427,650 - - - n9l Miscellaneous Revenues 60,559 - - - I 'Tb'dl RDA- Det)t~SetVice RuM .~~~ 16'229"70'0" '22220'080, --~. .'~ ---'-- ----._.~,""-'--- 57~83Ji,86i7 ~,-,-- ...n,258;~8.!L ---, ,,- I 244 I I Revenues by Funds and Sources City otPoway Redeve10prnent Agency I - ' ,FN'j9QQcO.0 EY:2,QQO"9J :F!~'3QOL~Q2 'FY,2002"03' , A'ctUili.' "A.Rproved_.:......Er.9pose(f'. Rr.QRo~<:i~ FUND 431- TAB 1986 CONSTRUCTION FUND I 7411 Interest 1ncome- General ~ 6,563 2,110 6,180 6,190 IT6tal(H\B~86;eonstructionfFuh(h I 6:563i '2MO' ,;6:180' 6;l9:Q~ I FUND 432- TAB 1989 CONSTRUCTION FUND 7411 Interest Income- General 67,008 33,300 49,480 39,590 7891 Miscellaneous Revenue 361 - - - I IT ola.l T~Bl"89' Gon'~truction~Fund) 6t369.' ;33~300" 49;480; . ,39,590 I FUND 433- TAB 1990 CONSTRUCTION FUND 7411 Interest 1ncome- General 705 - 250 250 {Total Y.AB~90' ConstiUctioii'Fiui'd: '7.05: " '-' t250 250 I FUND 434- TAB 1993 CONSTRUCTION 'FUND 7411 Interest Income- General 185,712 44,400 128,640 113,810 I l'Votal T~Bi93).0onstruCtion'Fund 185;7.1;2, A"~400, , '1-28;6110' 113810' ,.-.- FUND 435- COP 1991 CONSTRUCTION FUND I 7411 Interest 1ncome- General p,802 550 990 990 tTotal CQ'pW rCo1!Sthicti6fvFuhd, i;802t '5501 t')90_ ijijif -----=-.... - FUND 436- RDA CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 7411 Interest Income- General 384,518 194,240 183,060 158,350 I 7415 Interest 1ncome- Notes Receivable 15,868 - - - 7471 Rental 26,390 26,760 13,920 14,400 7813 Loan Proceeds 500,000 - - - I 7888 Reimbursemcnt Agreement Fees 612,082 - - - 7891 Miscellaneous Revenue 144,848 - - - !TbtaL.RDA ('apjtal,lliQjeCts:Ei'uld. 1;683;7,06~ 12H;000~ . j~~ 172 750 __1'!.6;9~!L "__ __L_.n'._l_~..o.... I FUND 437- RDA ADMINISTRATION FUND 7411 Interest Income- General 51,843 61,050 54,420 54,430 I 7614 Miscellaneous Legis/Admn Fees 974 - - - 7891 Miscelaneous Revenues 962 - - - ITotallteaeveloQment\Xdmriistration Fu ',53,-779;. _ ~,050 ---=-54;420. ~_u ,54,430~ . - . I FUND 438- RDA CIP GENERAL FIND LOANS FUND 7411 Interest 1ncome- General - - 9,900 4,950 - ft6talRDA CIP'd1:nehiHilind'L,6ans Eu - '" _1l;90Q~ ,4':950: -~."..~ .._.~ I I I 245 Revenues by Funds and Sources I City of Poway Redevelopment Agency > , ,'FY,:t?99,fOO, Ii'Y;ZOOO?Ol' fYi"ZOOl',,02'F>'i\7.0QZ;01 I ,', ", ,&tiial:IX'jfp'roved, BroQosed\ BroPQs.e.'cL.. FUND 471- LOW/MODERA TE INCOME HOUSING FUND 74 I I Interest Income- General 558,620 640,790 321,600 296,900 I 7471 Rental 900 - - - 7814 Loan Repayment CDBG/LowMod 54,392 - - - 7891 Miscellaneous Revenue 27,160 - - - I i1iotaliHiij.v/M.O'aerate\IhC-Ori{e:HoiiSiiig~ 641;072:- ,640,'790:' 32J?,600, 22!'ii~ FUND 472- CIP NONPROFIT CAPACITY BUILDING FUND I 7411 Interest Income- General - - 29,690 29,690 ~tQt~E<B1P:..:~QI)PL()~f!L.CapacjtYIB1ITlaj!lg - "'22:690 22.l~0", FUND 612- HOUSING ADMINISTRA TION/CAPIT AL REPLACEMENT FUND I 7411 Interest Income- General 1,675 2,500 1,980 1,980 7475 Rental- Yearly Capital Outlay 380 2,320 380 380 I 7613 Administrative Revenue/Other 74,288 77,830 77,830 77,830 ITotill.Housirig Pidinfl/@aQitalRePlacmnl' ,76;343'82\650' 80;190 80;190, FUND 613-POINSETTIA FAMILY MHP CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND I 7411 Interest Income- Gener::l . I 8,920 9,710 ~'900 9,900 7475 Rental- Yearly Capital ~ 36,620 36,620 36,760 - l:Bi!iilROinsettiif Fami12N-1HB Caji:iRePll J45,5401 46;330' - 461660 ," 9;'!:@l I FUND 614- POINSETTIA SENIOR MHP CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND I 7411 Interest Income- General I 8,714 8,880 11,380 11,380 7446 Mobile Home Repair & Replace Rev, 8,283 - - - 7475 Rental- Yearly Capital Outlay ~L-:.:' 760 32,760 33,180 - I lT6tal P,binsettiil SeniOf.MH~CaR,;Rep,757' 41,640;; , 44;560 H,~~JL FUND 615- POW A Y ROYAL ESTATES MHP CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUNDI 7411 Interest 1ncome- General ~25'01~ 24'97~ 39,580 39,590 7475 Rental- Yearly Capital Outlay 191,700 191,700 191,990 191,990 bI.Qtal~Ro\Y<!Y,;.RQYA1~M.HPGapjN(~~pE2r(,. 7,j9 'fi6i(,}r231,~10 >2.11.S,1l01 I FUND 616- HALEY RANCH ESTATES MHP CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND I 7411 Interest Income- General 12,416 13,870 17,320 17,320 7475 Rental- Yearly Capital Outlay 56,690 56,690 - - 789l Miscellaneous Revenues - - 45,240 45,240 I ':r9ta!lIal~y,_Raififi MHP- Cagitill,RepJ.J,-- ,69,{06!-'.'_-.:.'Z.!!i560 ,62;5~!l, _ ~'6~;~@) li'5,tal Eun<!~;612\6J6'-=~ _~-=-- __l--_A57;f~g-!-. 457~85li '465;540 ..:~ ,39~;li10: I 1~]~\Q~fJPE~o.MND.:1i0XAG =:-:-- ~~;95Q;~50 ~22,855\640 ;2?,ii29;t20;:: 26;8)!!,~~Q; I , I 246 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2001-02 and 2002"03 I STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES I STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES Proposed Revenues and Expenditures FY 2001-2002 .-... - ----- - , - QaRital " . 'J;le@i~: Ii'lt~ffisP ~d' "'- hoj"",t:sj !o-,qarisj ghdiJ;1gi ~.....__~~4 - IL~ Eilhd', saJilflce -,iip-d, I3Q.hQ. triitive' 'f' - Transfers" ,Pund:Balimce ~--_._-... _, rOg@ffi ~'~'~'"',---."" -. .-~-=I>--~"""~"""'""",""'" f---.c.. F\ili<f jJ;ZLP:li206:t 'Re"eiilies! :lSe(jemRtiotl.' ,0'osts :cosis: . In(Qut j 06/30/2092- , -- "'--- '~ RDA Administration Fund - 54,420 - 3,303,050 97,000 3,345,630 - Debt Service Fund 23,725,241 21,258,480 13,846,960 - - (5,075,110) 26,061,651 CIPs - 1986 T AS Fund 19,524 6,180 - - - - 25,704 CIPs - 1989 TAB Fund (143,272) 49,480 - - (701) - (93,091 ) CIPs - 1 990A TAB Fund 13,943 250 - - - - 14,193 CIPs - 1993 TAB Fund 244,423 128,640 - - (228) - 373,291 ...., CIPs - 1991 COP Fund 10,878 990 11,868 - - - - "'" oc RDA Capital Projects Fund 471,953 196,980 - - (248,149), - 917,082 CIPs - General Fund Loans Fund - 9,900 - - - - 9,900 CIPs - Sewer Fund LOaf" Fund - - - - - - - Low/Mod Inc Housing Fund 2,436,439 321,600 - - 2,500 2,445,280 5,200,819 Non-Profit Capacity Bldng Fund 401 ,570 29,690 - - - 403,470 834,730 Poinsettia MHPs Fund 261,014 1,765,880 - 884,790 - (954,410) , 187,694 Poway Royal MHP Fund 1,934,552 3,332,350 - 1,588,080 - (1,964,160), 1,714,662 Haley MHP Fund 44,941 8,910 - - - - 53,851 Housng AdmnlCap Replc Fund 1,444,721 465,540 - 84,130 - - 1,826,131 . - - --- --~ ii :3Jll~~~;9~,7 i! .~7j~l9.,~9,Q :: 1~'d~46,96Q:l 5\~~Q;9$O ,:(i49;;;t7,~>.Ui:;;j99,30Q~LM,'i:j8,4~il5 " _ _'f9!al.. - ~ ~..- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES Proposed Revenues and Expenditures FY 2002-2003 ~ . €.!!pit,it: - , ., >- 'Beginning, ;Intere$!l ~gini1JiS~. .f'rojfsisl, 'J~Q}jjl,ii! 'j;!i<!.i!ig ; F;imd'Balahce, and;Bond' .trative, ,!1r9!m!.m ';fransfers F.Und,i3~jance " ~ >~~ - '*~ (' - .-. ,~--~, ..,_.~~.~- -.- , :I;ood: 07/.O1'l'2002. '(Revenues Redemption Gosis Gaits, ' Ih(\2!i.!) ,667~o72063 RDA Administration Fund - 54.430 - 3,313,080 - 3,258,650 - Debt Service Fund 26,061,651 22,220,080 14,164,360 - - (5,148,950) 28,968,421 CIPs - ] 986 TAB Food 25,704 6.190 - - - (31,894) - CIPs - ] 989 TAB Food (93,091) 39,590 - - - 53,50] - CIPs - I 990A TAB Food 14,193 250 - - - ( 14,443) - t~ CIPs - ] 993 TAB Food 373,291 113,810 - - - - 487,101 .p. CIPs - 1991 COP Food 11,868 990 (12,858) - - - - -0 RDA Capital Projects FWld 917,082 172,750 - - - 5,694 1,095,526 CIPs - General Food Loans Flmd 9,900 4,950 - - - - 14,850 CIPs - Sewer Food Loans Food - - - - - - - Low/Mod Inc Housing Food 5,200,819 296,900 - - - 2,634,500 , 8,132,219 Non-Profit Capacity Bklng Fund 834,730 29,690 - - - 423,650 1,288,070 Poinsettia MHPs Fund 187,694 23,750 - - - - 211,444 Poway Royal MHP Food 1,714,662 3.4 71 ,060 - 1,642,450 - (2,007.490) 1,535,782 Haley MHP Food 53,851 8,910 - - - - 62,761 Housng AdrnnlCap Replc Food 1,826,131 395,610 - 85,220 - - 2,136,521 - --- -----~ ~------ ~ ---'~--~-- ------~--, , . :I:otai .__ _'.'~'~, ...,__'""r,,_....-~ '~'_ ,---- 5;Q\,!Q;75Q (f!.J9;Q4.!n A3:;~3~,p.9;! 37,nS,4.S.5 ~6,S~S,9(j1) '\4;1'~<:I~6Q ______L ._ - -----.--- --~~~--~--..--- 0 I I I I I I I 0 I I I I I I I I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY . FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2001-02 AND 2002-03 FUND ACTIVITY DETAIL I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADMINISTRATION FUND I Fund Acti)'ity Detail I (FI/nd 437) --..- - ._- -- - ,------ - - - . :1999"00 ' 2000~OL 2000101 " 200I~oi 20Q2.;Q;> " Acfual ,K"fovect: :Estilnate~d,Bfb-osed Propose!!, I -~-------- ---- ---- -- --"'~----pp-- "" - - ~---p- - FUNDS A V AILABLE , Beginning Fund Balance- July I I (69,232) (77,736) (77,736) , , - Revenues I 53,779 . 61,050, 73,645 I 54,420 : 54,430 I , (4,091)1 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE (15,453) (16,686) 54,420 I 54,430 EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses , RDA Administration 2,404,477 2,656,240 i 3,158,006 : 3,303,050 3,313.080 Total Operating Expenses , 2,404,477 2,656,240 i 3,158,006 ' 3.303,050 ' 3.313,080 I I Program Expenses I Housing Prob'Tams 83,000 - 97,000 Total Program Expenses 83,000 - 97,000 Capital Projects I Government Buildings 14,034 - Total Capital Projects 14,034 - I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,50 I ,511 2,656,240 3,158,006 ' 3,400,050 3,313,080 TRANSFERS/LOANS (In/(Out) I Loan from City General Fund 2.153,273 2,375,540 2,942,447 i 3,122,080 3.023.570 Transfer from LowlModerate Income Fund I for Project Expenditures 60,501 - Transfer from LowlModerate Income Fund for Actual Administrative Costs 225,454 219.650 219,650 230,630 242.160 I Transfer to Facilities Replacement Fund 0,080) (7.080) TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS 2,439,228 2,595,190 3,162,097 3,345,630 3,258,650 I I I I I I ENDING FUND'BALAN,QE II. (77,73:6) (n73~) - - - I 252 I - REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY- DEBT SERVICE FUND I Flllld Ac/il'ify Defllil (Fllnd 321) 1999'00\ 260Mii 2000'Oj;'--1ooh52, -- 2002'03i-' I .-- +- -~ --- _ ::A"Lu~L __6p;roJ~.d_ ' 9~.!.~1;_a~__T _ Pr()p~~~c:!L, !,ro;;o~~.Q' FUNDS A V AILABLE Beginning Fund Balance- July I 11,228,990, 21,411,469 21,411,4691 23,725,241 I 26,061,651 I Revenues 57,836,867 16,229,700 I 20,689,119 21,258,480 I 22,220,080 TOT AL FUNDS A V AILABLE 69,065,857 ' 37,641,169 ~ 42,100,588 44,983,721 48,281,731 I EXPENDITURES Bond Interest and Redemption Expenses Annual Interest and Redemption 44,209,948 12,433,810 13,506,229 13,568,460 13,885,860 I Loan Interest-City 167,069 170,160 170,160 278,500 278,500 Total Bond In!. and Redemption Expenses 44,377,017 12,603,970 ' 13,676,389 13,846,960 14,164,360 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 44,377,017 12,603,970 13,676,389 13,846,960 14, 164,360 I TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) Transfer to City Debt Service (1,027,706) (996,720) (996,720) (942,220) (312,560) Transfer from Poway Royal MHP Fund 1,811,794 1,892,900 1,871,066 1,964,160 2,007,490 I Transfer from Poinsettia MHP Funds 958,302 958,910 958,910 954,410 Trn. to Low/Moderate Income 20'% Increme (3,466,233) (3,104,730) (3,895,543 ) (4,034,740) (4,236,480) Trn. to Non-Profit Cap Bldg 2% Increment (389,554) (403,470) (423,650) I Trn. from Low/Moderate Inc. 20% TAB De 1,369,745 1,500,330 1,500,330 1,358,830 1,359,820 Loan Payment to General Fund(COPs princ (770,000) (805,000) (805,000) (850,000) (520,000) Loan Payment to General Fund(Admin. Exp (2,153,273) (2,375,540) (2,942,447) (3,122,080) (3,023,570) I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS (3,277,371) (2,929,850) (4,698,958) (5,075,110) (5,148,950) I I I I I 0 I ENDING.;YUND BI\:LA:NCE 21,4 it,469: 2f,107,349 23,725,241 26,0~!;~51 2,~,96M2t "- - -- - ' , . I 253 1986 TAB CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND I Fund Activity Detail I (Fund 43/) ,.-+- ,- ~_._--- - .L.~' _ , .'.-.~~' .~-. ~^-~ QOOlc02 __~...;.. '-'l"'. 1999'00 :2000-0 1'2000~0 I, .2,o02!03; "Actua); KrJv~~f1 'E~tirfuiti~(J\ Rrb6sed Propo.sed I . --- -- ---- - ......- - ,~-~---,_Pp--_...- .___ ____.__P._ FUNDS A V AILABLE i , Beginning Fund Balance- July I (433)1 16,514 16,514 I 25,704 I 19,524 i , I Revenues 6,563 t 2,110 7,510 6)80 6,190 TOTAL FUNDS A V AILABLE I 6,130 i 18,624 24,0241 25,704 I 31,894 I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses .. - Total Operating Expenses - - I Program Expenses I - - - Total Program Expenses - - Capital Projects I Parks and Open Space (10,384) 4,500 - Total Capital Projects (10,384) 4,500 - I TOTAL EXPENDITURES (10,384) - 4,500 - - TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) I Transfer to RDA CIP Fund (5,727) (31,894) TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - (5,727) - - (31,894) I I I I I I I ENDING FUND BALANC~ 16'51'4 q:897 19,524 25,704 - I ' , 254 I I 1989 TAB CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND .. FUlId Activity Detail (FulId 432) ~--~ ,-~.-._, .-, ~..".... -- -~--:;-~~._~-:;-,-- 1999"00 \2000.'01 2000~OL 2QOI"021 '2002'03 I --- --- _._--- ,?cJU:aL '~R!ir6.ve:~L__J:l1>j~!~~' _ifi;pps~lt 1 l'hmoie4' FUNDS A V AILABLE I "','IS ' (4,420'1 (4,420) ()43,272), (93,091) I Beginning Fund Balance- July I Revenues : 67,369 , 33,300 73,148 49,480 I 39,590 TOTAL FUNDS A V AILABLE 152,287 ' 28,880 68,728' (93,792) (53,501) I I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses - - I Total Operating Expenses - I Program Expenses - Total Program Expenses - I Capital Projects Flood Control and Drainage (2.167) I Government Buildings (355) Parks and Open Space 191,200 212,000 (701) Sewer Inprovements (31,971) I Total Capital Projects 156,707 - 212,000 (701) TOTAL EXPENDITURES 156,707 212,000 (701) - - . TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) Transfer from RDA CIP Fund - 53,501 I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - - 53,501 I I I I I I ENDING'FJUND;B*LAN9E (4,420) 28,880 (143;272) (~3,09,1) = I 255 1990 TAB CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND I Fund Activity Detui! I (Fund 433) - - . ._-~-- .-- --_. , - --- ------------.-------~-~--- " 1999'00' 2000;01' '2000AiI. .200r;92~ :~9Q2!Q~ ~- ---- - - - - - - -- ,. - - Actual:. ~wro~~ _ ,E~t@ated! ProJl.<>seg,; "J'@poseq,_ I FUNDS A V AILABLE I I , 13,9431 Beginning Fund Balance- July I 11,172 13,144 13.144 ~ 14,193 I , Revenues 705 799 ' 250 I 250 TOTAL FUNDS A V AILABLE II,877 13,144 13,943 14,193 I 14,443 , I I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses I i I I Total Operating Expenses - I I I Program Expenses I - Total Program Expenses - - - Capital Projects I Flood Control and Drainage (\ ,173) - , Government Buildings (94): - I Total Capital Projects (\ ,267) - TOTAL EXPENDITURES (1,267) - - - - I TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) Transfer to RDA CIP Fund (\ 1,442) - (\ 4,443) I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - (11,442) - - (14,443) I I I I I I ENDING FUND BALANCE 'HI44 1;707- Pi')43 14,193 -, I .,- - 256 I I 1993 TAB CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND I Fund Activity Detail (Fund 434) -- ~-~- ~~'- .,.. ~'T" - 7_'~-~~ -.- " .~ 1999"00', 2000!0 Ii 2000"0 I 1001'02, 2002!03, I . ,Actli-ai; 'K-rove-Hf 'Estimatea' Rf65sed' Rfo6id -- ---- -- . -~ - -~- ---- .--,---'pp=:r-'---- - ,- ---P-----T --p-~ FUNDS A V AILABLE I Beginning Fund Balance- July 1 916,315 112,1821 112,182, 244,423 I 373,291 Revenues 185,712 , 44,400 186,241' 128,640 : 113,810 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 1,102,027' 156,582' 298,423 373,063' 487,101 I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses I - Total Operating Expenses - - I Prob'Tam Expenses - Total Program Expenses I Capital Projects Streets and Highways 991,346 14,000 - I Flood Control Drainage (1,501) 40,000 - Parks and Open Space (228) I Total Capital Projects 989,845 54,000 (228) TOT AL EXPENDITURES 989,845 54,000 (228) - - I TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) - , I TOTAL TRANSJ.'ERS/LOANS - - - - - I I I I I I ENDING FUl'i]j,BALA:NCE 112,182! )?M~~ 244,423 3n'291' 487;101. .. _.-' - ";' ~ - . ~'" ......-.~ ,. ". ,'-...- - ... ' - --. - '." I 257 1991 CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION FUND I Fund Actil.ity Detail I (Fund 435) . - ._- ----- --~ _._---~ - -- -- -7"r ....--- . , :r 999"00 ,.~Q,QO'QI'.. ";@QO~OJ' :-gQO}:og @6i-@' - u_." ,"___' I -- -- --.--/..------ - ---- 'Actual A:iJRro"y~d-,-__':Est.iDlateQt 'P.rQRmied';' , ' I\i-op.osed..~ ,- -._-- FUNDS A V AILABLE Beginning Fund Balance- July I 7,035 8,837 8,837 10,878 11,868 Revenues 1,802 550 2,041 990 : 990 I TOTAL FUNDS A V AILABLE 8,837 9,387 10,878 11,868 ; 12,858 EXPENDITURES I I Operating Expenses I , , - I -I Total Operating Expenses - I Program Expenses , , I - ; - Total Program Expenses , , Capital Projects I Total Capital Projects - .. , I TOTAL EXPENDITURES - .. - .. .. TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) I Transter to RDA CIP Projects Fund - , (9,205) - (12,858) I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS .. (9,205) - .. (12,858) I I ! I I I I I I I ENDING FUND BALANCE 8;837 182 10;878: 11,868 .. I 258 I I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND I FUlld Actil,jty Dewit (Fulld 436) , ,"--- . i999'!6Q, ''2(Joo"oT 2'o6o:oC .26o'i,O:t "io02~03~-- I FUNDS A V AILABLE' ,-' - , , - ",Acti!.~I; l.-E~15fo~e\f ,Estii1];it~:(f - rf6pos';;a T 'PrQ~o~ed'_ Beginning Fund Balance- July 1 2,322,533 1,033,006 1,033,006 471,9531 917,082 Revenues 1,683,706 221,000 459,297 196,980 172,750 I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 4,006,239' 1,254,006 1,492,303 668,933 , 1,089,832 I EXPENDITURES I Operating Expenses _ I I Total Operating Expenses - , I I I Program Expenses I Total Program Expenses - - : -- I Capital Projects Streets and Highways 1,628,425 3 I 7,750 - Traffic Signals (23,901)- I Flood Control and Drainage (201) 133,000 Government Buildings - 52,000- I Parks and Office Space 518,9 JO 517,600 (481 ) Revitalization Projects 850,000 I (247,668) I Total Capital Projects 2,973,233 1,020,350 (248,149) TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,973,233 - ,1,020,350 (248,149) - , I TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Outl Transfer from 1986 TAB 5,727 ' 3 I ,894 Transfer to 1989 TAB - (53,501) I Transfer from 1990A TAB - 11,442: 14,443 Transfer from 1991 COP 9,205 ' 12,858 I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - 26,374 - - 5,694 I I I I E,1'i'PING,FiliiIH!A:k~'N,CE, 1,033;00(i 1,280,180 471,953917;08,2 1,095,i526 I 2~ RDA CIP GENERAL FUND LOANS FUND I FUlld Activit)' Detui/ I (Fulld 438) - - ______n -- :1999'00 2000'01-- -"OOOWI -:2001_02 '260i~03- FUNks A V AI~ABLE - " ..:--, A:ctUai )fpP'r6:V~~j'~,j:;:sliirntea, ~ JP~9~~;d ~R~~p;;~d I Beginning Fund Balance- July 1 -I - I 9,900 Revenues : - 9,900 4,950 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE - I - - 9,900 I 14,850 I , EXPENDITURES I I I Operating Expenses , I -' I-I . I I Total Operatmg Expenses - - I Program Expenses Total Program Expenses - : , - I Capital Projects I Government Buildings 1,509,000 - - Total Capital Projects 1,509,000 - - I TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - 1,509,000 - - TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) I Loan from General Fund - - 1,509,000 I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - 1,509,000 - - I I I I I I I ENDING FUND IJAIAN~E - - - 9,900 14,850 I 2~ I I RDA CIP SEWER FUND LOANS FUND I Fund Activity Detail (Fund 439) - -------- , c 1999;00' ;200'1 -0'2' ~, <.~"T7"-;t,-- 2000!0j:, 2000-0 I 20!l2~03; I ~ <r".+/.." -. _-' AchQi!.. 'ApproXed Estiiiiated ~topQ~~d,_,~roR9sed - " - - - - FUNDS AVAILABLE Beginning Fund Balance- July 1 - , I Revenues - TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE - - - - - I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses I Total Operating Expenses - - I - - I Program Expenses I I - - - Total Program Expenses - I Capital Pr()jects Streets and Highways - 467,222 I Total Capital Projects 467,222 TOT AL EXPENDITURES 467,222 - - - - I TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) Loan from Sewer Fund 467,222 I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - 467,222 - - I I I I I I I . -~ " ---. -. _........, ENDING EU~D BA'],;A'NeE! - - - - " I 261 Low/MoDERA TE INCOME HOUSING FUND I Fund Activi(v Detail I (Fund 471) y .~-- ----- -- f999,.o6. '-..io6ocor -, -:200'6,01 ;'iODro022002'03 --_.-- ... ~ --_----.---- _ ___"'--...L- _ -~;,x;.slli.&~Rro~~.41- , ~stih~ted, ..1!'foj5,6sM 'Proposed..' I FUNDS A V AILABLE 7,080,400 i 2,930,966 , Beginning Fund Balance- July I 2,930,966 I 2,436,439 5,200,819 Revenues 64 I ,072 640,790 398,3021 321,600 296,900 I TOTAL FUNDS A V AILABLE 7,721,472 , 3,571,756 3,329,268 2,758,039 I 5,497,719 EXPENDITURES i I Operating Expenses - - - Total Operating Expenses - - I , I I I I Program Expenses 41,6641 I Annual Expenses 95,624 I 2,500, - Total Prob'fam Expenses 95,624 ' 41,664 , 2.500 I - I Capital Projects I Housing Projects 6,505,415 2,966,728 ' Total Capital Projects 6,505,4 I 5 2,966,728 I TOT AL EXPENDITURES 6,601,039 - 3,008,392 2,500 ' - TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) I Tm. 20% Tax Increment from RDA DSF 3,466,233 3, I 04,730 3,895,543 ' 4,034,740 I 4,236,480 Tm. 20% TAB Debt Svc. to RDA DSF (1,369,745) (1,500,330) (1,500,330) (1,358,830) , (1,359,820) I 'I'm, to RDA Adm. Fd. for Project Expense~ (60,501) - - 'I'm. to RDA Admin. Fd. For Admin. Costs (225,454 ) (2 I 9,650) (219,650) (230,630) (242, I 60) Transfer to Haley MHP Admin. Fund (60,000) I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS 1,810,533 ' 1,384,750 2,115,563 2,445,280 I 2,634,500 I I I I I . t__ ~,~.56,50!i 8,132,219 I ENDING FUND, BALANCE 2;930,966, f,43~;439 5,200,819 262 I I NON-PROFIT CAPACITY BUILDING FUND I Fund Activity Detail (Fund 472) ,-, [999'00: ~260iJ-OT .2000;01 -;'2001~oi; -1'002:03 I .. ... ,. ~ ........". ,.. ...,. -. . ..... , A:ctUilI' 'A' 'rovdl! 'EsiiffiatedJ ;Pro osed' :Rro osed, FUN~~~~~Ii~~~~m~-c'e_ July I -'l---~.-"- ~PP~.~~._.. ., ";1'5~O-r ~:4,73~' I Revenues 12,016 29,690 29,690 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE I - - 12,016431,260864,420 I EXPENDITURES ! Operating Expenses ' I Total Operating Expenses - - I I Program Expenses Total Program Expenses - I Capital Projects I Total Capital Projects TOTAL EXPENDITURES -.. - - - I TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) Transfer 2% of Tax Increment from I RDA Debt Service Fund 389,554 403,470 423,650 TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS -.. 389,554 403,470 423,650 I !I I I I I I EN:DU"G;I<;UND ~~I:.*N~~: ' - - AOl,570 834';'iJO- 1,288;.(WO II 203 POINSETTIA MOBILEHOME PARK FUNDS I FUlld Activity Detuil I /Fullds 291 ulld 2921 - -.-- --........--r--__--_~". - - " . __ ___---..:-_~_ i999~bO)2060'or ,2000~0], 200I~02 2002'03' FUl-JDS AVAILABLE' . --- --- -- .ActUal Kppf6ye-d Est~tt@cfJ~tgjJ~s!~_pr9pq~~I.: I Beginning Fund Balance- July I 443,284 ' 375,680 I' 375,680 I 261,014 ' 187,694 Revenues 1,598,001, 1,664,470 1,705,135 I 1,765,880' 23,750 I TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 2,041,285 I 2,040,150 I 2,080,8151 2,026,894: 2Il,444 , , , , EXPENDITURES ' . I Operating Expenses , Family MHP Expenses 388,546 ' 420,900 I 476,787 I 489,550 I Senior MHP Expenses 318,757 I 354,710 I 384,1041 395,240 ' - I Total Operating Expenses 707,303 : 775,1i10 I 860,891 I 884,790 i Program Expenses _ , _ _ _ I Total Program Expenses I Capital Projects Total Capital Projects - -: : I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 707,303 775,610 860,891 884,790 - I TRANSFERS/LOANS" In(Out) , Transfer to RDA Debt Service Fund (958,302), (958,910) (958,910) (954,410) I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS (958,302) (958,910) (958,910) (954;410) - I I I I I I ENDING FUND BALAN9E 375,6.80 :t05;63'jj '261,014' 187,694 211,444 I ~ I I POWAY ROYAL MOBILEHOME PARK FUND I FUlld Activity Detail (Fulld 193) - - -- .;;t..-~~- -- ----- I 1999100' iooo:ol ~oo6;61 '200.i~02' 2Oq2-:QJ - -- -- - .~~ - ----- _~~t~ajl' c_ ;5'ppr6ve'd' ,',~Ijil1ll!~dBi.9p~~a,_ .Eropg~~A FUNDS A V AILABLE I I Beginning Fund Balance- July I 2,086,778 ' 2,023,285 2,023,285 1,934,552 1,714,662 Revenues , 3,046,127 3,163,220 3,286,198 3,332,350 3,471,060 TOT AL FUNDS A V AILABLE 5,132,905 5,186,505 5,309,483 5,266,902 5,185,722 I EXPENDITURES Operating Expenses I MHP Operating Expenses 1,297,826 1,415,660 1,503 ,865 1,588,080 1,642,450 Tota I Operating Expenses 1,297,826 1,415,660 1,503,865 1,588,080 1,642,450 I Program Expenses - - Total Program Expenses - - I Capital Projects I Total Capital Projects - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,297,826 1,415,660 1,503,865 1,588,080 1,642,450 I TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) Transfer to RDA Debt Service Fund (1,811,794) (1,892,900) (1,871,066) (1,964,160) (2,007,490) I I TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS (1,811,794) (1,892,900) (1,871,066) (1,964,160) (2,007,490) I I I I I I I ENDi~G~FlJ~b-'B\(LANCE '2" 023285 1,87(7,,~4_5 1,934,552 J ,7J4;il~2' 1;535.,7~2 , -., .. ~, - ,', I 265 HALEY RANCH ESTATES MHP ADMIINlSTRATION FUND I Fund Activity Detail I (Fund 294) --- - - "' - - - - - ~.---....-- fQ'19:-<i9- 2'ooo,oi ~- -,20()(i!OL -- ,2001';02;- { 2002'03 ., _f):duaJ A ;bv~d' E1iffuated ,Pro bse-d. Rfi)posell I .....-......-~-~ -- - -<~-_.-----"" -_. - - - , PP___. ,___-,-__,~p' _ _ FUNDS A V AILABLE Beginning Fund Balance- July I 156,072 214,667 214,6671 44,941 53,851 I Revenues 371,082 337,200 100,945 8,910 8,910 TOTAL FUNDS A V AILABLE 527,154 I 551,867 315,612\ 53,851 62,761 I EXPENDrTURES I I Operating Expenses I MHP Operating Expenses 305,346 I 308.740 330,671 I I Total Operating Expenses 305,346 ; 308,740 330,67l I Program Expenses I - Total Program Expenses - , - - , Capital Projects I Total Capital Projects - I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 305,346 ' 308,740 330,671 - - TRANSFERSILOANS- In(Out) I Transfer to Water Fund (7,141) - - , Transfer from Low/Moderate Income Fund 60,000 , - I , TOT AL TRANSFERS/LOANS (7,141)' - 60,000 ' - I I I I I I ENDING FUND BALANCE 214"667 243127 44,94:i 53,851 62,761 I _, ., _"0 ~ , . 266 I ~ ,. HOUSING ADMIN.lCAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUNDS I Fund Activity Detuil . (Funds 6/2 through 6/6) --....---,-.> ..------ --~',---~-~~ , '1999~OO iOOO~OI; ,2000,01. 200h022002-03 I ' .A:au~I ,.Apn;o~ed:Estitruiti'(L 'Proposed Rf6iiosed u --. __ ------r'-----. -- r. . _.__' _ X",_, FUNDS A V AILABLE I I I Beginning Fund Balance- July I I 626,751 1,006,374 1,006,374 1,444,721 I' 1,826,131 Revenues ' 457,465 457,850 519,407 465,540 395,610 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE I 1,084,216 1,464,224 1,525,781 1,910,261 2,221,741 I EX'PENDlTURES ; Operating Expenses I I Housing Administation Expenses 76,342 78,450 : 78,893 84, I 30 85,220 . Total Operating Expenses 76,342 78,450 I 78,893 84,130 85.220 I Capital Replacement Expenses _ Total Capital Replacement Expenses ,_ Capital Projects Sewer Improvements 667 I Housing Projects 1,500 1,500 Total Capital Projects 1,500 2,167 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 77,842 78,450 81,060 84,130 85,220 TRANSFERS/LOANS- In(Out) I - - - TOTAL TRANSFERS/LOANS - - - - - I I I I I I I E.~~I~G1FlJ.NDJ!AL~~C.E 1,006;374 1,385,77.4 '1,444,721 i;ii26,.t'31 2,f3~;~21, I 267 ,I I I I I I I ,. I I I I ,1 I i I I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM I FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2001-02 AND 2002-03 BOND INTEREST AND REDEMPTION I BOND/LoAN INTEREST AND REDEMPTION I Poway Redevelopment Agency I ------- "------.-- --.- ,. - ~-- ---~ ---- - 199~'QO i20'00-0( '2000:01,' 2001c02' 2002!03 ,,'+ .0. J Actual 'Approved Estimated Proposed R0l'Qsed_ . --~- ,'-- .----~- - ~-_. "-, - -_.~-- I 1990A Tax Allocation Bond 1,735,503 2,079,990 I 1,407,190 1,411,960 1,4 I 0,560 I Processing! Arbitrage Fees 11,271 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 1995 Certificate of Participation 1,924,064 1,995,490 1,995,486 2,078,210 2,121,540 I Processing! Arbitrage Fees 7,167 ' 10,740 , 10,740 7,100 7,100 I 1993 Tax Allocation Bond 5,826,678 6,614,620 , 6,614,619 6,207,310 6,211 ,360 I Processing/Arbitrage Fees 18,998 25,500 25,500 16,000 16,000 1999 Subordinated Tax Allocation Notes 396,257 377,390 377,388 377,390 377,390 I Processing! Arbitrage Fees 2,640 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 2000 Tax Allocation Bond 637,887 2,275,196 2,271 ,630 2,277,760 W Processing!Arbitrage Fees 4,000 4,000 4,000 Cost of Issuance 1,119,531 Bond Refunding 9,681,371 I Owner Participation Agreements 22,235,967 956,340 44 7 ,850 552,440 614,490 Tax Sharing Agreement 612,614 360,740 335,260 629,420 832,660 I I I I I i I I GRAt'\'D TOTAL 44,209,948 t 2;433,81 0 13,506,229 13,568,460 13,885,860 I 270 I " I I I I ,1 f I I I I I I I ,. I 'I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2001-02 AND 2002-03 ADMINISTRA TIVE OPERATING BUDGET I I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I I City Council/Planning Commission I I Redevelopment Agency I Housing Commission 'I I , I l , , , ! , Agency General Executive , Secretary I Counsel Director I 011 , 013 I 012 I , , - , , , I ,I I Director of Redevelopment I I I Services / Assistant , , Executive Director , I , 1010 I I , , I I , , I I , I I Economic I I I Redevelopment Housing Programs , Development , 1020 1040 , 1030 , I .. I , I , , , , , Housing , I .-- Administration 1110 I I I Poinsettia Poinsettia Poway Royal I Family Senior Estates Mobilehome Mobilehome Mobilehome Park Park Park I 1120 1130 1140 .. I 272 I I I REDEVELOPMENT SEiRVICES Departmental Activitv Overview Department Cade; 1000 I ,,~- .'.. -,. ""-. - -: , 1999'20001 ... -, ._~ , _ ,.ioopi2QQ'f . i(tOj;2~QQ~ t~Q()2"7.Q93 EX'B~~1>~; ; ,2000"20:01; .~ ->-~.~ ;>"- XFRR0MED' 'gST:n0~'l'E!,! ',P,R'Q.BQ~ED PROPOSE]) , ,GbM~SJ.Fl(j;f\~T:I<;lN, ~€T;U~[" .'''W . ---.; .-'. . '-:"'[ I Total Positions 8 8 8 9 9 I Personnel Expense $ 538,497 $ 795,930 $ 622,636 $ 758,320 $ 799,910 Operations and 1,860,342 2,275,260 2,524,297 2,533,180 2,512,470 I Maintenance Capital Outlay 5,639 2,580 11,076 11,280 700 " '$3 303"050 r TQ:j;ALBUDCJ'ET' ~2;4,6~,4i78! '$3Y07-JY770i $)'\]:58 009 ,$3'3\(3'080 1. _ _ . "'..>- ,,!, , , " " :,,_. _.'.. __,.. ..1 .. OVERVIEW COMMENTARY I On April 26, 1983, the City Council established the Poway Redevelopment Agency The Redevelopment Agency I Board of Directors adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the 8,200-acre Paguay Project Area on December 13, 1983, which was subsequently amended on June i5, 1993 The primary-goaloftheRedevelopment Agency is to design and / .. implement programs that revitalize and eliminate:olighting conditions within the'Paguay Redevelopment Project ~, ""~"""'" " ""- Area, as authorized by Section 33000 et. se~L<iftIte;,Galifoniiil,~Health and Safety Code. This is being accomplished I, by encouraging private,investment ~<!,.~eJ<?_Rthe.ni;l:I~r.QtilI,i~1PI!?.!!.c facilities and intfast;;:;Cture improvements, creatmg a wtde range 01 affordable'?0..iI~mg'.!?PP}?rtumtt~~:t"1,ll5J.workmgjcol1ecttvely with the pnvate sector to expand I and diversify the City's economic b,\se, ~ r, Q) r Th '. . f h R d I ~ r'iu11t~,...;-- d . h h p' A T . e actlVlttes 0 tee eve opmen.!.._ g~y~e~~ :\n~~;) y~t~.mcrern~nt g~merate _Wtt mt e- rolect rea.. ax mcrement IS a portton of the property tax generated ~l!enTeal.estate~.!!!~.n the ProJect Area tS reassessed when tt IS I sold or improved, and creates no additio'!~.!tax onpr6P,e1ty~wners within the'Project Ar;:.a.o.. Property values increase as the Redevelopment Agency implements the Redevelopment.PIa.l1~investswitliiilthe Project Area. The Agency accelerates the availability of funds to finance public investment through the issuance oftax exempt bonds. I Redevelopment Services includes eight divisions: the Office of the Director Redevelopment, Economic Development, Housing Program, and the four Housing Administration divisions that manage Agency-owned housing I properties. The Chainnan and Members ofthe Agency Board establish the Redevelopment Agency's policies. These same individuals also serve as the Mayor and City Council of the City of Poway Redevelopment Services is the administrative branch of the Agency, operating under the general direction of its Executive Director/City Manager I This budget reflects the nineteenth and twentieth full years of a thirty-year work program designed to implement the Poway Redevelopment Plan. t I m Il 273 I DIRECTOR OF REDEVELOPMENT SERVICES I Redel'elopmellt Services Department Dil'ision Number: 1010 -"-li!P':~'{ l)~?6RrPTI0N " " ,-, -- J '- - ---~------ The Director of Redevelopment Services Division oversees the day-to-day operations of the Poway I Redevelopment Agency through management of the Redevelopment, Economic Development and Housing Program Divisions. The Director also oversees the operation and management of Agency-owned housing properties through the Housing Administration Divisions. The Director ensures that Department resources are I applied to programs, projects and activities that enhance, support and sustam the long-term economic viability of the Redevelopment Project Area and City, while retaining the essential community character The Director oversees the development and administration of Owner PartieipatJon and Disposition and I Development Agreements and works cooperatively with other City departments to administer the Redevelopment Agency's Capital Improvement Program. The DIrector provides staff support and oversight to I the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee and the Poway Housing Commission. The Director is appointed by and reports directly to the Executive Director/City Manager This DIvision budget in eludes the estimated administrative cost of City stafTtime and other direct expenses I mcurred by City departments in the course of implementing the Redevelopment Plan for the Paguay Redevelopment Project Area. Secretarial support for the Redevelopment Services Department is budgeted in I this Division. --"'F""'= .'. _ . - --~- ACTWITX,G0A\jS:AND Q!illlCTmES' ----- -- -- fl ~ ~-", ;- Ensure that the Department unplementsthe;Redevelopment Agency's wO~Kprograll1 and activities in a manner which is consIstent Withplifort,ia Reae"~wtm~nt Law and the POWaYRed~pment Plan. a ~ Oversee the negotIation and~i_ni~ttat~o~,~o\\:~!:,r-R~1~tjJn and Disposition and Development Agreements to maXlll1tZe revltahzatt9nI9f!lie,Redevelopll1~ntip;roJect Area and City of Poway through I the leverage of private investmeriC" 0 c;~' i _ '1 '-:.~D _ro ~ ___---- ~ Oversee the Redevelopment Agency's Housingt~,witlfihe goal of providing a continuum of I affordable housing opportumties,Jrom ren.lai tO~Q~rship, ~ice-e,:ri~nvironments. ....... - - , Provide for the Department's timely and accurate response to inquiries from the public, the City I Council/Redevelopment Agency, and other City departments. I h Serve as haison to encourage cotnmunlcation and dialog between the Redevelopment Agency I ~ I ,. 'I reSidents, and the local business community I I , Monitor State and Federal legislatIOn for potential impacts on the Redevelopment Agency, reconunend I lobbying efforts when appropriate, and implement all applicable provisions of new legislation. I ' -~r-.v.,..",,,,,,,-~,-~~~-~,, , ,_ ----. ,>.,. . , ,SIGNIFI0ANT.A€;rIWTY RROGRAM'eHANGES CHANGE I I i N~n;' .,---_..,, ------~-~,-..-- '..._- - - -_.. -'--~-r----'.... I I --~- j I ---- ------ . ~--- ---- - '-- - ----. - ----- --- 274 I I I DIRECTOR OF REDEVELOPMENT SERVICES Redel1elopment Sen'ices Department Division No: 1010 00" - -' ~.~-.-,._,.- . ~-;;o' fQoT,O? '- - --- I, . J ~; . 1999.'90 ZQQO'O 1 2000:Q I' ,,2002'OJ COde ,ExiJ€nsefCiassificatiOnI ,~d.!!.aJ _:6.PRroved. ,Estimated !,f(?Rosed<_l'fliP.os_~<! --,._~ ".~~- -- Personnel Expense , Range Position Title FTE 323.3 Redevelopm::nt Director 1.00 77 ,428 96,030 98,648 103,370 106,990 262.6 Manage~nt Analyst 1.00 - 51.980 54,810 I 228.1 Admin. Secretary 1.00 23.367 37,100 37,400 39,930 41,330 203.6 Secretary II 1.00 - 26,920 29,260 198.6 Secretary I 1.00 25,867 13,110 24,195 ,Ii Agency Mcmber (5) 5,730 7,200 6,420 7,200 7,200 1110 Salaries - Regular 100,795 133,130 136,048 222,200 232.390 1120 Salaries - Special 5,730 7,200 6,420 7,200 7,200 II' 1130 Salaries - Parttime 25,867 13,110 24,195 1140 Salaries - Overtime 767 840 900 1300 Emp.!9xee, .!3,,-~~ts 26,055 l},QJ.O 34,176 52,280 55,430 ,- -, ,I Total Personnel ' 158:447 '190;450 201,606: i~2:52~ 295:920 .~~~-~...:.::::...:..:.,.~~_. ~ - --_:..- - - ~'''' .. Ope rations and Mainte nance 1510 Temporary services - 4,900 6,940 7,210 I 1704 Audit Fees 28.110 29,510 29,510 28,270 29,400 1799 Other Professiona I Fees 21,978 24,800 24,801 28,800 29,550 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 3,015 3,720 6,100 5,000 5,500 I~ 3140 Travel and Meetings 2,309 3,230 5,!49 5,810 6,420 3310 Telephone 353 960 1,956 1,560 2,090 3320 Postage 1,678 1750 1,716 1,750 1,750 I 4114 Janitorial Services 489 640 400 640 640 4120 Other Contractual Services 4,500 4,500 4126 Telecommunications Services 240 240 240 240 I~ 4304 R&M Building 2,500 1.500 2,500 2,500 4308 R&M Equipment 772 820 1,633 1,650 1,930 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,856 900 2,296 2,340 2,440 I 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 910 1,220 1,220 1,220 1,280 4760 Operating Supplies 1,536 1,480 2,350 2,630 2,710 4904 Conununity Relations 2,528 700 I 4908 Education and Training 3,060 3,100 4922 Printing 3,695 4,000 4,571 4,500 4,500 4924 Publications and Dues 6,294 8,190 9,337 8,230 ~,240 It 4932 Advertising 869 1,330 700 1,330 1,330 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Oflice Equipment 7,220 7,220 7,220 5,700 5,700 5710 Admin. Cost - General 1,46(),)92 1,()?6,000 1,656,000 1,656,00() 1,656,000 - , I 'tiltal '()peratiOh~ ~ Maintenance 1,549,804: 1,748;510 1,762,299 i,T72,670 1;177,030. ,- . ~- ~- Capital Outlay 6122a Office Equipment 1,000 I 6122b Computer Hardware 87 2,500 6122c Computer Software 713 1,300 700 6128 Equipment - Photographic 1,007 I TQ.iet(J~pi!ilJ,O"t1ay' '87 .- 5;220 1306 700' ,. . Divis ion Total \,708,338 1,938,960 1,969,125 2,056,490 2,073,650 I 275 I REDEVELOPMENT I RedeJ.efopmellt Senices Department Division Number: 1020 , A'enMIT-Y'DESCR:IP;fI0N. ---. " -- J -- -.,. . -- -- - The Division plans and implements redevelopment activities under the general direction of the Director of I Redevelopment. The Diviston reviews and analyzes redevelopment concepts and proposals, and develops data and strategies to be used in the negotiation of redevelopment agreements. Division staIT prepares redevelopment agreements (OPA, DDA, ENA), acquires, manages and disposes of property, in a manner I consistent wIth all applicable Redevelopment requirements and State and Federal law The Division coordinates closely with the Economic Development Division to identify redevelopment I opportunities that would result in the long-term economic viability ofthe City The Redevelopment Division serves as primary stafTto the Poway Housing Commission, an autonomous entity I created by the City Council to administer the Agency-owned and City-managed mobilehome parks, The Division oversees the administration of the Redevelopment Agency-owned mobilehome parks and the Implementation of the City's Long-Tenn Goal for divestiture of the Parks. I 7 :K&IVfTY'GOALSiiiliD'6BJEC'rrVE~si---- - - n_ _ - ...-' ---- -- ,_., * _.. ___~"._E::...:.....o-_._ _~ _.... ___.. __ _ _ _ _ .--"'=- ____ -, ~---- .-," -- .-- -- - --- I /' ' "- :r- Oversee the implementation ofthe Old Poway)ParklRedevelopment Area (OPPRA). ~'---._~ . I 'M R d I . '.'----1" ,...0<:\ d' d d I ~---- , anage e eve opment transact~ons,mvo vmg,exIstmg;!!!1-'prol2?se auto ea ers. ,.J ~,Q !,. {.. . W c "'1 :r- Serve as a resource for Poway Road'R:edeveiopmeilt '" j I c -. . 'O~ 0 , __ . ~\'r:\_o_ ~ _.. '.,.J . ,. Effect the transfer of PomsetlIa Mobtlehome.Parks to,non'profitownershtp...__._- - -~------\-' p----=::-' -- I ,. Evaluate the potential for transfer of Poway, R()yhl~,E~tes to non-~fitownership.-=-- ..... -- ~ ---:=:::-- ;- Negotiate and acquire property for Redevelopment Agency projects, including oversight of escrow, title I insurance and environmental assessment. ,. Manage and monitor Agency-owned properties. I :r- Serve as a resource for fair housing and landlord-tenant issues in the community I I II ,. Evaluate potential of a Redevelopment Plan Amendment. I I I' I, " I I I I _ ""r- __ ,-.,. ..-"" ," ',.'- ~ ~..- ~". ~ ..'_,"_r, CHANGE I SI(JNIFIGANT.6<i:JlY1TY.l'RQQJ3-'AM GHAJ)!GES J New DIVIsion established in FY 2000-01 - _. -- - -- ---- -- -_._- --------- - I I I J I , - ----- -------~-- ~-~ ~. _J .- - --- -- . 276 I I I REDEVELOPMENT Redel'e/opmellt Services Department Division No: 1020 I 200,6,0 I 2oQO-Ol ~ ~2.oOl.02 - --_.--- -- O15j. 1999~00, 2002~03 ~ode _ EXp'ense.'<;:Ia~@ication ActuaLApPLQ~<i .~Es.tiIp<lt~d Proposed P fOP<lse~d - - ./ I Personnel Expense Range Position Title HE 299.0 Redevelopment Mgr. 1.00 84,028 75,360 78,266 81,120 83,960 272.6 Redev Proj. Admin. 57,752 57,880 I 262.6 Redev Coord. 48,898 52,380 Housing Comm. Salaries 2.370 4,200 2.490 4,200 4,200 1110 Salaries - Regular 190,678 185,620 78,266 81,120 83,960 ,1 1120 Salarics- Special 2,370 4,200 2.490 4,200 4,200 1300 Employee Benefits 49,258 54,440 19,383 18,720 19710 I .. , --- -- .- ---. -- ~ _~~alPefs-~~'h ,2,42,306' 244,260 100,139 'i 04,040 107;870, - ----~ ~- ' .. .-'"' Ope rations and Mainte nance ,I 1702a Legal Fees - City Attorney 47,208 30,000 17,986 20,000 20,000 1702b Legal Fees - Other Attorney 33,813 45,000 22.498 52,000 70,000 1702c Litigation - City Attorney 13,895 15,000 99,997 90,000 25,000 I 1702d Litigation - Other Attorney 48,543 30,000 29,997 5,000 5,000 1726 Special Studies 22,651 50,000 88,408 45,000 75,000 1799 Other Professional Fees 25,904 20,000 39,732 40,000 40,000 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 2,495 2,160 2,150 2,760 2,760 II 3140 Travel and Meetings 4,120 7,140 2,251 1,440 1,540 3310 Telephone 19 200 181 200 200 3320 Postage 149 390 196 180 180 I 4120 Other Contractual Services 221 4304 R&M Building 5,525 7,500 5,700 4,500 4,500 4308 R&M Equipment 915 370 354 700 730 I 4710 Office & Stationery Supplies 1,960 1,620 796 600 600 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 901 680 301 700 730 4799 Other Supplies & Materials 1.076 1,080 703 680 710 I 4904 Community Relations 2,000 - 6,000 4908 Education and Training 3,000 3,110 4922 Printing 196 1,200 320 470 510 I 4924 Publications and Dues 708 750 - 4932 Advertising 195 880 336 600 400 4936 Rental- Equipment 264 I 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment 2,580 2,580 2,580 900 900 I , - .-- J'otal Operations,&-,Maintenance 2r:;~074 2]9,550 314,750 274,730 251,870 . Cipiiil O-utlay - I 6122b Computer Hardware 4,980 - 6122c Computer Software 300 I Total C~~ital Olltlay 4,980 300 Division Total 462,360 460,810 414,889 379,070 359,740 I 277 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT I Redel'eJoplllelll Services Departmellt I Dh'is;oll Number: /030 ~)\cTIY(EYDESCRIPrI0N -~-,_._--- - .- -- I The Economic Development DivisIon promotes a healthy local economy which fosters business enhancement and growth, a balanced and diversified business community, well-rounded employment I opportunities, and a strong tax base. Under the direction of the Director of Redevelopment Services, the Division staff works with the Economic Development Subcommittee, the Poway Chamber of Commerce, and the Poway Business Park Association to enhance and sustain the long-term economic vitality of the I business corrununity ACTIVITY; GOALS ANDOBJEl'::TIVES I Develop program activity that wIll resul!.imthe.lon~~itY'Ofthe City ~ ,. /;~ ~ ,I ~ Promote and admmister the ConfuiefCilll'RehaBilitatiQn,L'o,ilB Program to maximize privatc investment ,. and encourage revitalizationcbfjJrop.ertie's ~ijj tli:eQ;>city,~si6iisi?ess corridors. I, ~ Spearhead revitalization pro~cts c(msi~tel)!'~he..:poway R~d Specific Plan and redevelopment ,. projects such as a new hotel:-- v_~-::,~O~ _ _, ,.---- ~ ---- I ~ Direct the City's Economic Dev92m!lentmarketi~Zprogram toauract.busines~~.Jo.the retail centers ,. I , along Poway Road and to the South Poway Busmess'Park~<=-. -- ~ - . I ~ Serve as the City's ombudsman with the business and development communities. I I ,. I ~ Assist existing businesses in business enhancement and growth opportunities. I ,. ~ Liaison with bus mess groups, such as the Poway Chamber of Commerce and the Poway Business Park ,. I Association, in identifying and addressing business issues of mutual concern. 1 ,. Encourage location and rc-Iocation of sales tax generating businesses to the City by facilitating issue ,. resolution. I Acny.tTYW(;0RKL(;0AP. 2000"01 290 !"Q2 :20.o2~03 ,STATISTICS AGTUAL PROJECTED. PROJECTED I II Commercial Rehab Loans Funded 9 \I 13 II Business Contacts 1,000 1,250 1,250 II t II Business Community 40 65 65 I I Activities/Meetings " I I , ' - -. . ~ ~., -- , CI1\NGE -' SIGNIFICANT ACTIVFIYPROGRAM CHANGES. _ .~ "--- -~----'--- ....- _ . -----' "-- - - - ------ -- - -- Legal fees and special studies, revitalization projects on Poway Road, and a $55,000 I new hotel projcct. -.- ,- ,_ -~l I -- --- -- ------ '- --- --~------ ---_.~---- 278 I -- f I I ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Redevelopment Sen'ices Department Division No: 1030 I 0'5':' -.... .~- .._~._.~..., .' _.. ---,~---~-- -- --. ~... 1999'00', '2009-0.1" ;~.o01,Q2, 20.02'.03' Code. EXjJenset(:hsmhcation --' , . _ -- Actii1!L r ApPL2y_"-.iL_ ~EstinJ'!!~d , RhlpOS"-.q' r !,r()jJQsed . I :Personnel Expense I ' I ,Rangc Position Title IHE I I '299.0~ Economic Dcv Manager ' -1'1.00 . 77,688 75,360 I 51,010 76,420 i 82,330 I '218.1 Secretary III 1.00 31,421 I 37,100 32,700 29,600 i 30,640 l ____.. _ ____ _ __ ___ _ ~+_ ____ 1110 I Salaries, Regular 109,1091 112,460 83,71 0 106,020 112,970 1300 I Employee Benefits 28,635 . 33,720 27,911 29,780 I 31,370 I __. J .__ - -- - -- - - -- ~ . - - .. - - - -- ~ Total Bei'soiitlei . ].37',744 ~146,180 1'11;621 135,800' 14434'0 ;_~h'_ ~:._ . ' ~'. , I -- 'IOperation's ~ndMai~t~;';;';e -- --- 1510 :Temporary Services 1.500 5,500 2,450 2,570 I 1702b Fees - Other Attomey - . 40,000 40,000 I 1726 [Special Studies 5,333 5,200 42,507 55,000 55,000 1799 10ther Professional Fees 1,828 10,000 73,418 35,000 ' 35,000 2110 iGas & Electricity 1,680 1,980 1,980 2,100 ' 2,180 2200 IUtilities- Other 109 I 3110 I Reimbursed Mileage 2,437 3,150 1,733 3,990 3,990 3140 :Travel and Meetings 1.017 3,930 2,445 9,010 9,630 3310 iT elephone 2,082 2,320 4,241 4,600 4,520 I: 3320 I Postage 62 2,050 1.076 2,200 2,200 4126 'Telecom Services 90 330 - 4308 IEquipment Repair & Main!. 910 937 1000 I 1,040 , , I 4710 'Office & Stationery Supplies 2,946 2,550 4,009 2,550, 2,650 4760 'Operating supplies 17 - , 4904 iCommunity Relations 6,423 5,000 ]9,692 25,000 23 ,000 I, 4908 iEducation & Training 1,700 1,500 4922 Printing 4,483 11,150 16,501 15,650 15,650 4924 Publications and Dues 2,604 2,700 2,638 3,260 3,260 I 4932 Advertising 38,266 30,650 43,803 45,100 43,100 4936 Rental- Equipment 120 4938 Rent - Buildings 23,907 24,690 24,690 25,240 26,260 I 5530 [Capital Outlay Rental, Office Equipment 2,180 2.180 2,180 4,840 4,840 I , I - ..- . -- I Total 0per~tioi1s ~ Maintenance 9~;4i?4 110,290 247,470 278,690 i76'390 , '. _. ~-- ICapitai'O~tl;y 6122a ;Office Equipment 572 1,500 I 6]22b iComputer Equipment 2,000 - 6122c Computer Software 300 6199 Other l'cq,:,ipme,!lt 4,.000 I 'total Capitalr0utlay 572: - 3,500 4:3.00 .. .-. -.. -~_.- _.....:.. -- -""q ,D'ivision Total 233,780 256,470 362,591 418,790 . 420,730 I 279 I HOUSING PROGRAMS I Redevelopment Services Deparlmellt Division Number: 1040 , )\:0'1fVi1'Y:'DESCRlPTION' - ,~ I _ ________.--L. __ ~ - Division staff evaluate, plan, implement and monitor affordable housing development and programs for the I City and Redevelopment Agency, under the general direction of the Director of Redevelopment Services. In carrying out this mission, the Housing Program maximizes opportunities to revitalize the community, leverage local resources with private investment, and complement and enhance the essential community I character. The goal of the Housing Program is to provide a wide range of housing opportunities for seniors and working families. In meeting tIns objective, the Housing.Program is focused on providing service- enriched environments for residents and a continuum of housing opportunities, from rental to ownership. I The Housing Program Division administers the Agency's Housing Fund and Nonprofit Capacity Building Fund, and the City's allocation offederal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. The I CDBG Residential Rehabilitation Program, CDBG Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan, and the Affordable Housing Assistance and Referral Program are administered by Division staff, Primary staff support for the City's Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Conunittee and its I Subcommittees is provided by the Division. Preparation of the Department's Annual and Mid-Year budgets and annual reports are coordinated by staff of the Housing Program Division. :, ,KCTwl'fY'Cib:A1.s AND1OBJE€TIVES, , f - I ~ Work collaboratively with the development teams selected for the Hillside Village workforce housing !I ,. and Los Arcos senior housing sites to secure fmancing and commence with construction. " Issue a Requestfor Proposal to select development teams for the Brighton Avenue and Monte Vista ,. Affordable Housing (AH) Overlay Zone sites, Negotiate a Disposition and Development Agreement I with the successful development team for construction of workforce housing on the Brighton site, >- Initiate the Multifamily Rehabilitation Program. Pre-qualifY development teams through a Request for Qualifications process and issue a Notice of Funding Availability II >- Develop a first-time homebuyer program using the City's In Lieu Funds generated by the Inelusionary Housing Ordinance and evaluate the potential for program funding from the Agency's Housing Fund. I ~ Evaluate opportunities to integrate senior and workforce housing on the sites designated for Mixed-Usc ,. development, as part of the overall revitalization of the Poway Road Specific Planning Area. ~ Administer the annual funding cyele for the Agency's Nonprofit Capacity Building Program. ,. ~ Work with local and regional agencies to develop a public outreach and education program that I ,. discusses the need for affordable senior and workforce housing for a growing and sustainable economy ~ Monitor Agency-assisted housing for compliance with Ground Lease and Regulatory Agreement I provisions, including the review and approval of annual operating budgets and sIte inspections. , Update the Redevelopment and Housing Implementation Plan and Comprehensive Affordable Housing ,. Strategy, prepare the Agency's Annual Report and HCD Reports, I ;>!G:NiFIGANT' AGtiViT.Y;RROGRAN1ICHANGE~' -, , -:-Cshange, ' ------ -- ---- '~r-~- ,... -, ~ - - I New Division established in FY 2000-01 I 280 I I I HOUSING PROGRAMS Redel'elopmellt Sefl'ices Department Dh'isioll No: /040 I ---,~--- -~ --~.=-- _.:;>- '2906~() 1 .- -- - -- ---- 0oj: \ ~99'00 ,200Q-Ql '2001-02 2002,03 Code 'Exp~hie'GEiisificatioh" J\,ctual ,f.,PPI9ved' Estimated Proposeo P r<?p02~<t [Personnel Expense . -- ....---- I FTE I Range Position Ti!~ 2990 Housing Program Manager 1.00 72,270 72,384 76,160 81,770 272.6 Rcdcv Proj. Administrator 1.00 49,000 59,402 62,300 64,490 I 267.6 Rcdev Proj. Coordinator 1.00 49,220 53,490 262.6 Management Analyst 1.00 42,900 31,934 I - -, 1110 Salaries - Regular 164,170 163,720 187,680 199,750 1300 Employee Benefits 50,870 45,550 48,550 52,030 ".. I' Total Personnel ~215,@O 209,270 236,230 251,780 - - -. - - - Ope rations and Mainte nance I 1702a Fees- City Attorney 27,000 26.575 27,000 27,000 1702b Fees- Other Attorney 42,000 41.999 42,000 42,000 1702c Litigation- City Attorney 15,000 1726 , Special Studies 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 I 1799 Other Professional Fees 55,000 54,904 55,000 55,000 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 2,160 2,496 3,480 3,480 3140 Travel and Meetings 5,200 5,439 3,870 3,980 I 3310 Telephone 120 744 360 390 3320 Postage 680 680 780 780 4308 Equipment Repair & Main!. 250 236 700 730 I 4710 ,Office & Stationery Supplies 1,620 1,620 1,800 1,800 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 720 699 700 730 4799 Other Supplies & Materials 1,250 864 1,260 1,260 I 4904 Community Relations 20,000 5,000 20,000 20,000 4908 Education & Training - - 4,270 4,160 4922 Printing - 2,500 2,196 2,500 2,500 I 4924 Publications and Dues 970 970 820 820 4932 Advertising 440 260 1,200 1,200 4936 Rental- Equipment 96 I 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment - 1,350 1,350 I I Tt)tal Operations & Maintenance .. 199,910 199,778 207,090 207, J80 !C';;pit;I-Outlay I 6122a 'Office Equipment 580 580 3,080 6122b ,Computer Equipment 2,000 1,776 2,000 6122S; ,Co,""puter Software - - 300 I To!al 8apital Oytlay - 2,580 2,356 5,380 Division Total 417,530 411,404 448,700 458,960 I 281 I HOUSING ADMINISTRATION I I City Council / Planning I Commission r Redevelopment Agency I Housing I Commission , I I I I I I Agency General Executive I , , Secretary , Counsel Director I 011 I 012 013 I I , - ~ I I I , I I I Director of Redevelopment I I Services / Assistant I I Executive Director I I I tOtO , I , , I I I Redevelopment 1020 ,I , Housing I , , L___________________ Administration 1110 I I I I Poinsettia Poinsettia Poway Royal Family Senior Estates Mobilehome Mobilehome Mobilehome I Park Park Park 1120 t130 1140 ,. .. . . I I 2R2 I , e I HOUSING Activit)' Ot'en'kryv Adil'ity Code: 1100 I - ~O..9.91@0'1 ---- 'EXPENSE; 1'99'9;2600 '2Q99~00J 200m002 :2002,2003 , <" .'- .~-~. -... ']' ---. -.. 6.itruAL Al'PR0MED; ;ESTIK1ATEB: PR0P0SEBJ PR0P0SEQ €~5$SIf[Qf..;n~!'!i I - - .- - .: '-'Tu-' :..: c.,-.::.....:::..::...::.--.-- Total Positions I [ I I I I Personnel Expense I $76,4071 $78,710 $ 78,7271 $ 78,920 $79,1 90 - Operations and 2,30 I ,728/ 2,5 I 8,630 I 2,693,836/ 2,470,980 1,64 7,570 I Maintenance 1,757 L._ _ - .-. Capital Outlay $8,682 1.750, 5,540 --~-_._----- - .-__ -.,. -1-- - --.... - - >> -. I IOTAL:BUDGET, :$2,386181,'7: ;$:?A9'9~09.O: -! -: r..,l. $2'555;440' $1,726;760 ,$]f724;320, '~: ~. --"-- -- - ~ - -- ~ - ----~._- -"_0.....-.- _ , _u. n -. , , -- I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY The Redevelopment Services Housing Divisions are responsible for managing Redevelopment Agency-owned I housing, including Poinsettia Family and Senior Parks and Poway'Royal Estates Mohilehome Park. Staff is also responsible for managing several AgenCy-owned,{lr9Re.t!ie~:( - "- - _ . I Staff provides assistance to the Poway Housiii~mmiSSion: :.vhicl1'meets monthly, and seve~'Housing Commission subcommittees, which meet on an a~-ifeededrl5iiSiS~) 0 CD. ) I The responsibilities of the. Housil).g ~iVB-o~s.in~tKIflffiperv;siligi~ntract staff at each of the Agency~owned propertIes; mamtamrng and Improvmg the vanotis'.co~,~(fareas:,at each mob~.!!!!'-p~rk; revlewmg,approvmg and I coordinating escrows for new resid~iiig'intolih[;obilehome'p3rks; collecting rents and initiating legaI/ I actions, as necessary; and, maintaining positive con\inbnity rela~ith'66Lhouseholds, with a population of -~. '-'~ -~_.- -.-- approximately 1800 .'-'- "'~~---- I Other duties include managing the Mobilehome Rent Subsidy Prob>ram, and providing assistance in the implementation of the City's long-term goal of divestiture of the Agency-owned mobilehome parks. Staff manages several properties owned by the Redevelopment '\gency, including residential, conunercial and vacant properties. I Currently, Poway Royal Estates and Poinsettia Family and Senior Parks require annual operating subsidies. Due to I this fiscal condition, it is necessary to carefully prioritize Park expenditures. II I I I I I I I , - - - , - I 283 I HOUSING ADMINISTRA nON I Housing Services Division Number: 1110 A:€'fIVI'WDESCRIImoN - , ;1 , " - -~-."-~ . - .. - -- ,- --~-- -~ - The Housing Admillistration Division is responsible for the management ofthe three Redevelopment Agency- I owned mobilehome parks; Poinsettia Senior and Family Parks, and Poway Royal Estates, Costs identified in this division are proportionally charged to each of the specific housing cost centers (#1 120 - #1 140). Staff provides support to the Poway Housing Commission and its various subcommittees. Staff also provides I assistance to the Redevelopment Division for monitoring of other Redevelopment Agency-owned properties, 'ACTIVlT-Y'G0AI:S!\NO OB.lEC'f-rVES ------- ---- ------- - --,'.~~~~~'-~~._~~----'--~_':"'- .~"'~. - --~---- - .- .-. - ------- -- ~ - - -- - - I >- Assist in the implementation of the City's long-term goal OfdiY~~tilli[e~~ mobilehome parks. / ,\~ J o~ 0" ~,~ > S',ON", ,'" -go,," ,f Ag=y-<>w~' m"'~"""'"7. 1 I .. .~, ,. . .-r..,/L... co , " ;;. Conttllue efforts to reduce vacanctes at the Agency;owned'mobileliomelparks: \.~ . kc;.;', -'0 ". ,- f)~ ~ j",/"' _'- , C' ffi" 'd"j-' ,,~'" - I ,. onttllue e eClIve mamtenance strategtes to re uce ong-tenn'coslfi:-_ ' _.------ I, ----_____ , , _______ - ~L_ _'- ~ ~.- ~ Administer the Rent Subsidy and Resale Programs.' - -', ,_ '-=- _ _----- ~ Promote an open dialogue with Park residents and provide courteous and timely responses to resident I requests. I ~ Coordinate capital improvement projects at the Agency-owned mobilehome parks, I 1 iSIGNIFICANr:A:CnWrYPRO'GRXM CHANGES CHANGE' , -- '1 r - - . =--~-~- -- -=.1_ None _.- I I I , I I , I I q I " I " I " ! I I I ------ ---'-- . _J - -- -~--- --.---- -- .--- - 2~4 I I I HOUSING ADMINISTRA nON Housing Administratio/l Department Division No: 1110 I --,.. ~ -- 1"999'00 :2600-0 I --, -. Obj, ::2000-01 ,200 I '02' 2002,03' Cooe __ E~~nse, C'lassification ~'~t!!al t,PPI~~cI.' _ ESJimated PropQsed Pr,<?posell - -- ,- jPersonnelExpense I i~ange Position Title FTE - - 59270 I 12676 Housing Coordinator 1.00 56,845 55,060 57,180 61,340 I \_- --- ---- - _h - -- _.,- 1110 Salaries - Regular 56,845 55,060 57,180 59,270 I 61,340 1300 Employee Benefrts 14,457 16,130 14,707 14270 15,050 I - ---- ~--'-- --~-. 73,54Q. T oml Persorinel '([',3.92 _ _2J.,l90 71,887 7!;i;JJO. .-~_~____ ___-L...-..-.. Operations and Maintenance I' 3110 Reimbursed Mileage 1,803 1,980 1,900 2,400 2,400 3140 ,Travel and Meetings 610 1,540 1,410 1,720 1,720 3310 I Telephone 680 920 871 840 1,630 I 3320 Postage 33 - 4308 R&M Equipment 1,140 1,139 1,120 1,190 4710 Stationery and Office Supplies 612 400 395 400 400 I 4730 Photographic Supplies 350 240 357 600 360 4922 Printing 213 300 200 300 300 4924 Publications and Dues 360 360 353 370 450 I 4938 Rental - Building and Grounds 2,460 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office 380 380 380 380 380 I I I I I I - , - - - _ )':ol!!J::ORe!~tiQns & Maintenance ,?,041 '(,260 7,005 10,590 8,830 I Capital Outlay I TotalC~pital Outlay - - - - - Divis ion Total 76 343 78,450 78,892 84,130 85 220 I 2R5 I POINSETTIA F AMIL y MOBILEHOME PARK I HOllsing Sen';ces Division Number: 1/20 I AGTlV.ITh"DESCRIF-TI0N' '" -----..-. '--~~-- -- -- - ------- - - This Division reflects annual operating costs for Poinsettia Family Mobilehome Park. This Park, consisting of I 138 spaces, was acquired (along with Poinsettia Senior Park) in 1988 by the Poway Redevelopment Agency and is managed by the City of Poway Through the issuance of Certificates of Participation, the Agency " purchased this mobile home park and limited future space rent increases. Residents are offered Rental Agreements which tie future rent increases to the increase in the Consumer Price Index, Park staff, including park managers and maintenance staff, are budgeted within this Division. The Phase I I MobiIehome Park Study identified the amount to be reserved on an annual basis to fund replacement of the common area facilities including the streets, clubhouse, and utility systems, The reserve is identified as an 'I' expense in this Division and is transferred to a separate Capital Reserve Account. ~ 'A<;i':TIY"Efy fi.(ijli!i~ AND':OB.mCT!VE:~ : ----- - ~ ._- ---------.-- - --_.. ----- ._- -~- ---._.- - - - - ---~- I ,. Preserve and maintain high quality family housing opportunities. Y Review, approve and coordinate escrows for new residents,m~g~~:;~,,-- I ~~,\ ~ >- Implement the Park Rules and Regulations:' 'b \l" """ t /~- , 'I. ,. Continue the preventive maintenan~ pjggr<:!m:fQ{~rP,a;rK~~~Ot11l1:\O~eas and infrastructure. '-, - c9~ ' .:::> .1 ~ P d I . h P k ~'l' a ~ 'd' .1 d' ld I ,. romote an open 1a ogue Wtt ar reSt entsian 'proVt e courteous an tttne y responses.to,reSJ ent requests. -=5Vtp7=-~.::.~ - - I ~ -- >- Contmue strategies for maintatning low vacancy factors. __, _ ---- --~- ~ Collect Park rents and initiate legal action as necessary ,. I ----:~~.,...------ -- - --....".-....-- ~,.. ~.......- - ._----- --+-- ,CHANGE, .- --~ f '~JGNfFICANT_ACTJ;'{IJY:~J~:0GRAM!~ANGES ___ - --- r '-' - -----~- - ~- No budget for FY 2002-03 due to planned transfer of Park operations I I I II I I :1 I I I 'I I , I , " - -~- .- -- - -- - --- -- ---.-- - - -- ---- --'-- - -- 286 I I I POINSETTIA FAMILY MOBILE HOME PARK Housing Administration Department Dil'isioll No: 1120 I ----- -----~ ---- - .,..,~. -~--- .~-- Qbj. ,1999-00 2000'il1 2000'0 r 266I'-02~002~63 Code' , ~ E~pense,Classification -~- Actt;iiL, Approved !Os!iIpa~4 P.~9P9~e,~,_ P!opos~d Pe rso nne I Expe ns e I I !Rang~_ Position Til~_ ___ ;fTE' I 176.6 Liteguard I 0.15 1,668 : 2,360 2,128 2,500 I -- - - I --- I 1130 iSaklries - Parttime 1,668, 2,360 2.128 2,500 - 1300 ,!;'[1ployee Benef,!s , 22 150 281 190 -- .- -j;5lQ Total'Pers6imel 1;6<10 2,409 ,2,690 - -- ---- ---- -- -- ~ ~ I Ope rations and Mainte nance I 1799 Other Professional Fees - 4,500 4,500 I 2110 Gas and Electric ity 95,814, 102,510 156,324 162,580 I 2200 Other Utility Charges 75,878 ' 94,640 85,258 87,510 2900 Trash Removal 21,932 25,260 25,127 25,680 3130 V ehic Ie Operations & Maitltenance 852 1,120 1.111 1,830 I 3140 Travel and Meetings 310 340 337 500 3310 Telephone 2,275 2,360 2,536 2,640 3320 Postage 324 500 499 600 I 4116 Contract Landscape Maitltenance 6,366 3,200 5,810 6,800 4120 Other Contractual Services 72,109 76,790 75,172 84,250 4304 R&M Building 16,253 10,000 19,851 10,000 , 4308 R&M Equipment 5,295 7.150 5,549 5,770 4312 Outside Vehicle Repair & Maintenance 652 600 364 600 4320 R&M Roadway 4,500 4,453 4,500 I 4332 Street Sweep ing 1,231 1,370 1.363 1,370 4502 Chemicals 2,505 2,540 1,159 1,200 4516 Small Tools 86 220 173 220 4710 Office and Stationery Supplies 485 500 501 500 I 4720 Janitorial Supplies 333 400 452 470 4730 Photographic Supplies 244 330 325 330 4760 Operating Supplies 271 250 271 250 I 4770 Landscaping Supplies 1,472 1,400 1,344 1,400 4799 Other Supplies & Materials 4,979 5,330 5,330 5,540 4904 Community Relations 893 900 872 900 I 4922 Printing 341 450 590 600 4924 Publications and Dues 855 920 917 660 4928 Unifonns and Laundry 567 600 593 620 I 4932 Advertising 18 150 90 150 5510 Capital Outlay Rental- Vehicles 850 850 850 1,000 5530 :Capital Outlay Rental- Office Equipment 460 460 460 460 I 5540 ,Capital Outlay Rental- Facilities 35,310 35,310 35,310 35,310 5710 ,Administrative Cost 11,144 11,670 11,670 11,670 5730 Intergovemmental Fees 24,565 25,520 24,962 25,960 .1 T <?t~L Operations, & Maintenance 3~4,629 4.1~;140 474,123 486,370 - Capital Outlay I 6199 Otber EquipD]ent 1,867 250 254 490 Total Capital:OutLay I:M7 250 254 490 Division Total 388,226 420,900 476,786 489,550 I 2X7 I POINSETTIA SENIOR MOBILEHOME PARK I Housing Services DivisioJl Number: 1/30 -~ --- - -- 'I ACTIVITYDESCRlPTION -- - -- --- - This Division reflects annual operating costs for Poinsettia Senior Mobilehome Park. This Park, consisting of I 124 spaces, was acquired (along with Poinsettia Family Park) in 1988 by the Poway Redevelopment Agency and is managed by the City of Poway Through the issuance of Certificates of Participation, the Agency purchased this mobilehome park and limited future space rent increases. Residents are offered Rental ., Agreements which tie future rent incrcases to the increase in the Consumer Price Index. Park staff, including park managers and maintenance staff, are budgeted within this Division. The Phase I I Mobilehome Park Study identified the amount to be reserved on an annual basis to fund replacement of the common area facilities including the streets, clubhouse, and utility systems. The reserve is identified as an expense in this Division and is transferred to a separate Capital Reserve Account. I I 1- A:QTIVIJy.g0~D$:ANDo.B}[CTlVE~_ ~--~~~=~~ ' - ----. ----- -~ --" ~----~ ,- --- -- --- ----- I I ~ Preserve and maintain high quality senior housing opportunities,. , ~ R . d d fi' r>..~. ':- ~"k'-. I , evtew, approve an coor mate escrows ?r'new.resl :n!s movmg mto tear. ---...... rv--' D<;) '1....-, '--...... ~ 0" , Implement the Park Rules and ~,egulati6ns, 0 -'-\, I ~ Continue the preventive mainteJa{lce,prQgram~he~l;;:k:$'colTl1l1b: areas and infrastructure. I , ~ P d' I h P :V-\r- ~c-udrs: ''d~\ d' 1-- ---- 'd I , romote an open Ia ogue WIt ar 'reSt ents an proVI e'courteous an .!tme y responses to rest ents l J:: ---- requests. _ _ ~ ------.. -_-~---- __ _-=--___ I ~ I I , Continue strategies for maintaining low vacancy factors, . -.:=- ~ Collcct Park rents and initiate legal action as necessary , , _, ~I.QN.IFi1?g.Nf A.CTI;yif~'pR09RAM <;:!lAN9E~'=~_ -- ..........-.---~.-- -- -- CHANGE - -- _...._-._-----~-- - - . No budget planned for FY 2002-03 duc to planned transfer of Park operations I I --- -,----- i I 'I " , I " I ,I I ,I I ,I Ii 'I I' I ! I I 'I IL_,-_,. - - . -- ---~ - -- - - - 288 I I I POINSEITIA SENIOR MOBILE HOME PARK Housing Administration Department Division Ivo: 1/30 I ---- --- -- 199jlOO; " -- - -'Ir;'- _ ',1-- '2002=Or Pbj. 2000:01 ,2000001 '2001-02 ~ode 'r- Exp'~.?S: i:1:1.ssification . ACtual _ EpP!o~d_ .Estm)llted -Pr9P9secl J~r.9P'Qsed , " I 'Ope rations and Mainte nance 1799 'Other Professional Fees 4,500 2110 Gas and Electricity 69,691 77,270 ' 108,955 113,310 I 2200 Other Utility Charges 55,498 71,890 57,794 60,830 2900 Trash Removal 16,591 19,570 18,808 19,070 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 768 1,010 1,009 1,710 I 3140 Travel and Meetings 284 340 342 500 3310 Telephone 1,760 1,860 1,884 1,970 3320 Postage 329 360 459 480 I 4116 Contract Landscape Maintenance 4,402 5,060 6,060 7,060 - 4120 Other Contractual Services 72,088 76,660 75,111 84,000 4304 R&M Building 8,143 7,000 21,580 7,000 I 4308 R&M Equipment 4,943 6,850 6,851 7,120 4312 Outside Vehicle Repair & Maintenance 659 600 364 600 4320 R&M Roadway 2,858 4,500 4,110 4,500 4332 Street Sweeping 1.231 1,370 1.343 1,370 I 4502 Chemicals 1.366 1,960 1.534 1,600 4516 Small Tools 86 220 173 220 - 4710 Office and Stationery Supplies 488 500 505 500 I 4720 Janitorial Supplies 290 360 371 390 4730 Photographic Supplies 183 330 325 330 4760 Operating Supplies 271 250 236 250 I 4770 Landscaping Supplies 1,052 1,500 1,459 1,500 4799 Other Supplies & Materials 3,981 4,320 4,320 4,490 - 4904 Community Relations 1,672 1,240 1,250 1,240 I 4922 Printing 523 450 547 570 4924 Publications and Dues 856 880 877 640 - 4928 Uniforms and Laundry 567 600 593 620 I 4932 Advertising 18 150 90 150 5510 Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicles 850 850 850 1,000 5530 Capital Outlay Rental - Office Equipment 180 180 180 460 I 5540 Capital Outlay Rental - Facilities 31,730 31,730 31,730 31,730 - 5710 Administrative Cost 11.144 11,670 11,670 11,670 - 5730 Intergovernmental Fees 22,104 22,930 22,471 23,370 I I I -- - :J5{46O Io~ Qp<';!.atio~ .~:Maintenance 316,606 383,851 394,759 -. 'Capital Outlay I 6199 9t~<';!. gquipn~e!1t 1,862 250 254 490 - "1; ". ,..-- 1,862 250 254 490 T~ta!qapit~'Ql!t1~y - Division Total 318,468 354,710 384 105 395,240 - I 2X9 I Pow AY ROYAL ESTATES MOBILE HOME PARK I Housing Serl'ices Dh'isiofl Number: J 140 .:..A'GTWIJ'N DE~RlRTI0N ' . I -- ---..- "'------------ This Division reflects annual operating costs for Poway Royal Estates Mobilehome Park. This Park, consisting I of 399 spaces, was acquired III 199 I by the Poway Redevelopment Agency and is managed by the City of Poway Through the issuance of Certificates of Participation, the Agency purchased this mobilehome park and limited future spacc rent mcrcases. Residents are offered Rental Agreements which tie future rent mcreases to I. the increase in the Consumer Price Index. Park staff, including park managers and maintenance staff, are budgeted within this Division. The Phase I I Mobilehome Park Study Identitied the amount to be reserved on an annual basis to fund replacement of the common area facilities including the streets, clubhouses, and utility systems. The reserve is identified as an expense in this Division and is transferred to a separate Capital Reserve Account. I . .-~---.~---+-....,,-- ..',._--.......---.-...---.-..--..~."...",. - ----~- - --- -- - .~ -. , 'AGf]\t,Fry'GOALS,Al'ID;0BJECTWES' . .,.,---,------_._---"'--~---_..-......~ - -.-.- -------------..- ., Preserve and maintam high quality housing opportunitiey-- _/ -_..... I ~ ' ., Review, approve and coordinate escro:Nsfr6f'new:reS\llents,moving into the pa~'~ I ~ r . "0" ~ -.... A~ ,~o "~ ~ Implement the Park Rules and ~egula!iQn~: Jj/ 'Q> , I '( c9~o I C h . . .'\/\_.2-.firP. ("R"1(",'I-" d fi -n- I '- r ontmue t e preventtve mamtenance pr2gram. Q.rtt le, ~'s.conul1.?!! areas an .m rastruc tre. , C . d I . h P k .;1. r~---, d' Id I , ,. ontmue an open ta ogue WIt '!!' res! entslll!l ',RroVI e courteous an . tIme y,r~sponses to rest ent ~ ---- requests. _~ ,. Continue strategies for maintaining low vacancy factors. I I, , I I ,. Collect Park rents and initiatc legal action as necessary , Implement the requirements of the Lawsuit Settlement Agreement. I ,. II SiGNIFICANTAGTOOfV PR0G1M:M 'CHANGES! - - C:HANGE} I ,I -"-. .-'" . ,.<-'-' ~-'-" -..-............ -- .~ - .- ' , . ".- I I. !I None \1' - -' -- ,-- " , , I 'I I I I ------- - ------- - ------ --- - --- 290 I I '. POWAY ROYAL MOBILE HOME PARK Housing Administration Department Db'isiolt No: J 140 I Olij:. - 199cj~06 '2000;01. --- ,------ ,2002'Q31, 2000:01, 2001002: -.-0.:" ~.'" . E'sJi]11iite'~ ~()S!.1I< . EJSP~~set€~~.sifi~ation "i\Ctuill K '-rovecf, .R1:.()ROS~-a1 kr()jJ().s~i1: --- - . _.- -. -_PP~...- I Personnel Expense 2,500 I RaI1g~ Position Title HE , 176.6 Lifeguard 0.15 ' 1,849 2,360 ! 2,455 2,590 1130 Salaries - Parttime 1.849 2,360 I 2,455 2,500 2,590 I l3.oo ,lliQ1p12yee Benefits ~ 25 150 ! 285 _),99 I 210 ~--- ~.- -..., - -' ~ - - -.-'. Totglp,,,t]2I11lel 1;874 ,2~51O 2;740 2;690 21800 .- - -- --~---~-------- -- ~. -,-- ',,_.c. I IOperations and Maintenance 1799 !Other Professional Fees 7,500 7,500 2110 I Gas and Electric ity 339,886 381,280 540,058 561,660 584,130 I 2200 :Other Utility Charges 232,180 303,820 250,468 258,910 275,920 2900 Trash Removal 52,101 59,120 I 58,162 58,480 61,990 3130 Vehicle Operations & Maintenance 1,183 1,130 I 1,126 1,830 1,900 I 3140 Travel and Meetings 561 700 I 853 890 930 , 3310 ,Telephone 4,597 4,750 4,845 5,020 4,920 3320 Postage 588 500 893 940 970 4114 Janitorial Services 530 500 495 500 500 I 4116 Contract Landscape Main!. 14,595 15,000 18,005 18,700 19,460 4120 Other Contractual Services 237,364 240,750 236,032 262,980 271,660 4304 R&M Building 52,100 37,000 31,799 37,000 37,000 I 4308 R&M Equipment 11,524 11,850 11,853 12,320 12,810 4312 ,Outside Vehicle Repair & Main!. 1,181 2,000 2,001 2,000 2,000 I 4320 R&M Roadway 22,419 25,000 19,648 25,000 25,000 I 4332 'Street Sweeping 3,600 3,840 3,820 3,840 4,010 4502 Chemicals 4,834 5,200 2,003 2,080 2,160 4516 Small Tools 430 450 415 450 450 ,I 4710 'Ot1ice and Stationery Supplies 999 850 945 970 1,020 4720 Janitorial Supplies 1,815 1,600 2,598 2,700 2,810 4730 Photographic Supplies 1,011 600 1.025 1,070 1,110 I 4770 Landscaping Supplies 4,513 4,500 4,497 4,500 4,500 4799 Other Supplies & Materials 9,383 9,400 9,400 9,780 10,170 4904 Community Relations 806 900 841 610 610 I 4922 : Printing 546 550 550 550 550 4924 IPublications and Dues 1,183 1,280 1,275 870 2,850 4928 I Unifonns and Laundry 2,209 3,000 2,600 2,700 2,810 I , 4932 IAdvertising 74 500 300 500 500 , 5510 iCapital Outlay Rental - Vehicles 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,990 1,990 5540 ;Capital Outlay Rental - Facilities 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 I 5710 !Administrative Cost 29,713 31,140 31.140 31,140 31,140 I 69,395 5730 ! Intergovernmental Fees 72,990 70,528 73,350 76,280 I - - - I 'f otiiliG;lperations[&"Mail)tenance 1~93'020 !;41l,900 1,499,875 1 ;580,830 1;639,650 - .- -~ --- :;,'- '.- Capital Outlay t?lOO_ iC.aRital ~q~lpment 2,932 1,250 1,249 4,56Q I __ I2tl!,1_Captral ffu!1i!~ _ 2;932 1,250 1;249 4;560 - 'Division Total 1,297,826 1,415,660 1,503,864 1,588,080 1,642,450 I 291 -- I HALEY RANCH ESTATES I Housing Services Divisjofl Number" I ISO ,.'/l.eTIVITY'DESCRIPTION " I Operation of the Haley Ranch Estates housing subdivision was transferred to a non-profit owner/operator I in fiscal year 2000-0 I AG:rWITY'G0AtSl"",NI) 013.TECmmSi I __~""c_. _ .~..___..L,.~~'.....,..~_~_ _._."...__".~_ >- Preserve and maintain high quality family hOusiiig,opp~S""-~ ~ /' 0', ~ I ' Administer the operating bUdge:;:p1erdiVi~iQrt. b ~ <i' ~ ~. '" Implement the Rules and Regula!i9~.". ,i!' I >- Maintain the Park common area~]ju[]cfingS, stree~titil~ieS'and',6!houSingUnits. -l~ ~'~: .~ , Promote an open dialogue with Park residents~d.p'ro~~'court~ous andtirtiely responses to their I requests and needs. ~_ __ j t~ --=::::-- - ___ _ _ -----=--- >- Collect Park rents and initiate legal action as necessary -......., ~-:o:.::--- ,- , Maintain the waiting list and coordinate new resident selection as necessary I --- . .. ". - ."'.........._.___. K-.' -' CHANGE' I - SIGNIFICANI ACTIVITY PROGRAMGHANGES . .,_. ~~ __~.. 0-'-'" __ _. ~__ .....~ I - Ownership/Operation transferred in FY 2000-0 I I , '. I I I I I I 292 . I I HALEY RANCH ESTATES Housing Adminb'tration Department Divisioll No: 1150 I Qbj~ -~- ,2006~o'i. '2000'0 I' .-:,::"~.o-,~ --..._-- --- '- ; 1999!00 , .2001,Of ;2QQ2'Q3' .,-/1. ,_ , _~,.Cl Expe-nse;G:lassj.fi~ati6n ~_ '8c.t..1faL __~jJp'roys,cL_ ,~st~i~ct 'p'r9PQseQ. _B':.opo~ed Gode I IPersonnel Expense I Rang.':. , Position Title FTE , ,- 'I 76.6 Liteg~rd I 0.15 1,521 : 1,350 1,669 - ----- , 'I 1130 Salaries - Parttime 1,521 , 2,350 , 1,669 I I 139,0, .~~mployee_B_enefits ,~QI 150, I 22 --~--- 'lilla1Refsonilel _ ~ _ -- _ 1,~41, _, 2;50Q, _ -i,69t - - - -- - - ~ I 'Operations and Maintenance 2110 Gas and Electricity 6.571 8,490 1,294 2200, 'Other Utility Charges 10,282 9,790 5,128 2900 Trash Removal 9,773 9,810 2,526 I 3130 .vehicle Operations & Maintenance 806 770 365 3140 'Travel and Meetings 320 300 43 3310, 'Telephone 2,643 2,520 733 I 3320 ' Postage 204 210 33 4114 ,Janitorial Service 280 300 4116 Contract Landscape Maintenance 3,665 6,000 I 4]20 Other Contractual Services 111,728 118,530 178,526 4304 R&M Building 44,062 50,000 49,999 4308 R&M Equipment 10,297 8,550 5,391 I 4312 Outside Vehicle Repair & Maintenance 64 600 13 4332 Street Sweeping 1,560 1,680 410 - 4502 Chemicals 471 1,150 116 . 4516 Small Tools 300 300 114 4710 Office and Stationery Supplies 466 600, 219 4720 Janitorial Supplies 567 800 220 I 4730 Photographic/Copy Supplies 196 240 116 4760 Operating Supplies 100 4770 Landscaping Supplies 2,706 2,600 621 I 4904 Conununity Relations 12,971 700 211 4922 Printing 95 20,0, 38 4924 Publications and Dues 514 5\0 238 - I 4928 Unifonns and Laundry 1,551 800 308 - 4932 Advertising 551 400, 229 4938 Rental- Building and Grounds 2,050 I 55lO ,Capital Outlay Rental - Vehicles 1,70,0 1,700 1,700 5540 ICapital Outlay Rental - Facilities 54,990 54,990 54,990 - 57lO AdininistrativeCost 22,287 23,350 23,350 I I 5730, Intergovernmental Fees 165 250 ___ _L. -- ' , I __".To~al Qj5ejatioi1S & MaintenaIice 3Q!;Z8~, ,JOg,'t4.0 328,981 , Capital Outlay 6104 Autos and Trucks I ~!22 ,other J~gl!iPIl1~!1t 2,020, -- TotaLCipitilOiilIaY 2;020 -, ....~.- ~ "-- DivisionTotal 305,346 308,740 330,672 I 293 ^ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROGRAM OVERVIEW: 2001-2002 and 2002-03 I HOUSING PROGRAMS I - - I r: POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY -1 I II PROGRAM OVERVIEW I I . " - . .- -, "C , " , - , . ~N~w' Ne* , . I , " "'-"-'<'-- I -- ~;'r:B_." Appr9p1'LaliPAS, App.toprf@Oll~) Iotal i TQt<IJ(I'riQi; I ' . "f\ciiyiiy'Gla~s.TfiffltiQrf - " . - ~. 0 " ,Eppt<iRfia.iion~ "J!ll~ l,2Q.O)' )uly '1,2002, ApjJropriations I IHousing Programs $6,661,889 $99,500 $0 $6,761,389 I I I [rTOtarS:uClget, .: :$"6'661'Il89 ' ;$2"9;5601 $0, $6,7~i:j~'l,! " . , .~ .~.". II I I OVERVIEW COMMENTARY IThe Poway Redevelopment Agency's Housing Program Budget ret1ects the allocation of the I !Agency's fmancial resources for the purpose of providing specialized affordable housing services. I IThe mix of programs funded for FY 2001-2002 provides a broad range of housing services, from I lemergency housing to ongoing rent subsidies for income qualified persons and families residing in City-owned mobilehome parks. I !For FY 2001-2002, funding is provided for continuation of the: Affordable Housing Assistance and I I 1 :Referral Program, Affordable Residential Rehabilitation Program, Poway Mobilehome Rent I iSubsidy Program, Mortgage Credit Certificate Program, Poway Villas Preservation Project and , I ,:the Escondido Youth Encounter (EYE) Transitional Housing Project. 1 I I I I I I I I , , I I I I , I " " I :1 I I I - - -- - - -- -- - -, - ----~ -- -- ----~ --- --- 296 I I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I PROGRAM OVERVIEW r-- 1 -" ;Soilrcef6(;FiIhl!s, I .. -"--'<:',--^' ."':"""V-";.' Fiscal: Years"iOOl'.,200t and'20021200J ......-~._n_.._. . _ "'",".~__,..-.,", _--<. ~ __._~ "".... _ __. - - - "r. -- I I Fiscal Year Fiscal Year I 'Funding Sources 200 I -2002 2002-2003 II I RDA Administration Fund $97,000 $0 I Low/Mod Housing Fund $2,500 $0 I Total Sources $99,500 $0 I I I I , , , I Ii I I II I " I , , , I I ;' , I 'I 'I , I ,I i Ii I , il I " I ! 'I -~J " I " Ii IL - - - - - ---~--- I 297 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I I>RJ~o,~MBBbe~;rS' ,',' '~~USTh1G: ' I S960,iiFF0RD!\Bt:E,H0t1SING!A'SSIS;rANeE'A'NDiREFERRAE;PROGR'klV!t&", - I ._ h_ _, ,_~_ .__,..__........ _ _,__ _+_ ,. _. ~. ' _ _' . !r961 GDBGiSHA'RED\H@USING'BR0dRAM~ ;niti'ated 'in ~iS~~l ~~~rl~;;:9;'::e A~~~~a:~e "HOUSing Assistance and Referr~1 Program assists I Poway's low and moderate income residents by providing services and referrals pertaining to affordable, transitional and emergency housing; shared housing; tennant/landlord relations; board I and care placement; and subsidized housing, The program focuses on persons seeking affordable housing alternatives, especially those in a position of serious need, including single parents, seniors, the homeless and those on the verge of homeless ness, North County Lifeline administers the I program and the Division of Redevelopment and Housing provides staff support and supervision. The program has two funding sources: Community Development Block Grant funds and the Redevelopment Agency Low and Moderatc Income Housing Fund, Program number 5960 I was established for the portion of the program which is funded by the Agency's Housing Fund, with CDBG funding reflected in program 5961 5960 Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/01 July I, 2001 July 1,2002 Total Program Low/Mod Housing (471) $95,511 $95,511 . ~~~~~~~~~~ --- - $~~:~~;~~ ' ,$0', _ _~$9 $:~~m~ I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $1,014 $0 $0 $1,014 I 5961 Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/1610\ July I, 2001 July 1,2002 Total Program CDBG (241) $49,675 $18,000 $67,675 I Total'~~gget - . ~-~9:(,Z~ "I~!QQO. ~ 0'6'1,;67S~ Expenditures 40,322 40,322 Encumbrances 9.353 9,353 I Remaining Budget $0 $18,000 $0 $18,000 I I I I I I ~ I - . .. POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I ~~ . " " PR0GRW~':B.t1BCiETS! ~ H~1Jsit'1Qi I 5962' A'FEORDABDE'RESIBENifIACREHABILITA'FI0N.PROGRWM ~ . . " . '.. . - - -... . -- . . I This program preserves and improves Po way's existing affordable housing stock by providing funds to low- and moderate-income homeowners for health and safety and other specified improvements to their homes. It is one component of the balanced affordable housing program I sponsored by the Redevelopment Agency Rehabilitation loans have been available at an amount up to $10,000 per applicant and are forgiven at a rate of 10 percent each year, for every year the home is occupied by the applicant. The entire loan amount converts to a grant at the end I of ten years. The program began accepting applications in February 1994 After approximately three years of operation 145 housing rehabilitation loans have been funded and the entire previous appropriation of $1 ,500,000 has been expended, with the exception of funding set aside for ongoing I loan monitoring and management activities. The program is administered by part-time consultants from the firm of Comprehensive Housing Services, Inc. with staff support from the Redevelopment and !'Iousing Division of the Redevelopment Agency I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/16/0 I July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total Program Low/Mod Housing (471) $1,7 J 6,963 $1,716,963 I 'fatal Budget $'1 }7'l6,963' " $0 ~$-~ - . $,1 '71'6963' -_.- ._-~~---- -- - ,."~.' ~._.,. Expenditures 1,573,012 1,573,012 Encumbrances 6,791 6,791 I Remaining Budget $137,161 $0 $0 $137,161 596'7. ,PCiWA'Y' MOBiI:EtI0ME,RENirsuBsmM,PROGRWM .. I F-~.... , . .<~-'- ..-.~ .- - ". - . - -'.'. .. . - -. ---- - - -.---- ----- Initiated in 1991, the Mobilehome Rent Subsidy Program provides monthly rental assistance I to income qualified households residing in the City-owned mobilehome parks (Poway Royal Estates Mobilehome Park, Poinsettia Senior Mobilehome Park and Poinsettia Family Mobile- home Park). The program provides a rent credit or up to $100 per month to participating households I whose incomes do not exceed 55% of the area median income. Participating households must have lived in their Park for at least two years and cannot be delinquent in payment of rent. Currently there are 82 participating households. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/16/0 I July 1, 2001 July 1, 2002 Total Program RDA Admin. (437) $650,000 $97,000 $747,000 I 'fatal Buoet : $65b-;Ooo~ =-~-=-:~ ~9'ZTQ.OQ- ----.. - - ~$Oi .--------;-$7A7 ow ',_.... ...g,. --~'';';;;'''~ - - - - - ....-- . - .-" . Expenditures 603 ,061 603,061 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $46,939 $97,000 $0 $143,939 I I I 299 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I , , " !~-- ". ... , .H<gOS:r!'1d' I BB.QGR'A'M B{oJDGEl'S, > "-- . "'. -.-- ~'t&.8 MO\<TGAGE(8REDrECERHErGATE'.p.!{(')GR'AM, , I " This program assists low- and moderate-income, tirsHime home buyers to qualify for conventional I home mortgages. The.Program allows qualified home buyers to receive an annual tax credit of up to 20% of the amount of the annual interest paid on their home loan. Participants adjust their Federal withholding tax during the year in anticipation of this tax credit, making additional income I available for monthly mortgage payments. Lenders factor this additional income into the equation for determining loan qualification. The Mortgage Credit Certificate Program is administered by a consultant, Affordable Housing Applications, through a cooperative agreement with the County I of San Diego. The Program was initiated during FY 1994-95, and since that time, 23 families have been assisted with buying homes in Poway While Program availability has been substantially reduced through decisions made by the State, it is anticipated that the Program will be operational I during FY 1997-98. The FY 1997-98 funding will cover the consultant costs for assisting approximately 9 families acquire homes through the Mortgage Credit Certificates Program. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Program RDA Admin, (437) $12,000 $12,000 Total Budget i$F2;oom $0- - '$0'; $12,000; I .~:~ .~. Expenditures 9,668 9,668 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $2,332 $0 $0 $2,332 I 59174 E',WE.~TR'ANSITI0N"'AG H0U8ING\PR@JEGT. . _ " ._.~ _, ~ _~.. ___~_ .. ". _". . __ ,0<...- .' ..__~_'. ,_ , I This Program was initiated in 1997 and provides transitional housing for victims of domestic violence. The Program is operated by Escondido Youth Encounter (EYE). Housing is provided in an I apartment unit which is owned by the Poway Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Agency Funding will provide for ongoing maintenance of the unit and for the cost of utilities. EYE is responsible for payment of rent, which is fixed at $400 per month, for subleasing the apartment to I appropriate tenants and for providing case management and social services for the tenants. The rental revenue generated by this property covers the cost of operating this Program. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Program RDA Capital (436) $6,000 $6.000 t:9t~i).~.utlgel,; - $6'000'" , $0 --- $0 ~_$6;OOO: I -_.-.--- ~ " ---- - --~-~--~ -- Expenditures 3,916 3,916 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $2,084 $0 $0 $2,084 I I I 300 I I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I BJ~0GRAMi$UD~E:PS - J - H.ousiNd} 0" " I 59'7MvI0N:J:E1VIS:J:A:-AFE0RDA:BLE HOUSING: . , - 'V' _ ~ _ _'_"._ "...~ C~ - ~ I Funding provided for acquisition of this Affordable Housing (AH) Overlay site in January 2000 The developer selection process is expected to commence in 2002. It is estimated that this property will accommodate up to 51 affordable, workforce housing units I Activity Through New Appropriations . Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1, 2001 July 1,2002 Total Program Low/Mod Housing (471) $1.300,000 $1,300,000 I :rOfi\UBl1dg,(' , $jFQ9;Q,Qo' $0'.' -'$0_ ' :$1,'300;009' Expenditures 1.291,346 1.291,346 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $8,654 $0 $0 $8,654 I 5977\c;0MMtJNIT.Yi~Qtt~)NG'QF>;]'{OR:Til <,:0UtJ'rX . ------ -- , Funding provided for a comprehensive income survey of residents of these existing multifamily neighborhoods. I Survey results will be reviewed and certified by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, resulting in official recognition of these neighborhoods as Revitalization Areas. This would allow the City to use Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to assess and nmd capital improvements in these heighborhoods. I Activity Through New Appropriations , Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1, 2001 July 1,2002 Total Program Low/Mod Housing (471) $7,725 $2,500 $10,225 I T9talB\1ggef " '$7;:J2~; :~2,500 __'_ _ jf :_~..-:. $10,225 Expenditures 6,589 6,589 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $1,136 $2,500 $0 $3,636 I 597.8;BRIGHTON!.AYI;;NYEiRR!2PgR1JE~ - -- -- -'- ~=:_.:.:..~:-=-= Funding provided for acquisition of eight parcels that comprises this Affordable Housing (AH) Overlay during I. Fy 2000-2001 Existing residential and business occupant were succesfully relocated to alternate sites. Funding was appropriated to cover these relocation costs, as well as demolition/site clearance expenses. It is estimated that this site will accommodate 91 affordable, workforce housing units. I Activity Through New Appropriations - Funding Source 04/16/01 July I, 2001 July 1,2002 Total Program Low/Mod Housing(47I ) $2,740,600 $2,740,600 I ~~~~l1~~t~;:~' - -. - '-'$I~6~:~;~' --- -- $0 -------$9_ -~ ----:.!~I~:~~~ Encumbrances 8,124 8,124 I Remaining Budget $425,862 $0 $0 $425,862 I II 301 POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I PR0G!b\-M:BtJDGETS J.f0usiNQ I r.'-" -,-' -'.: _._ _.0< -- ~..'.__._' ~ 5~79{ACJ~,tJISITI@N/REHABiRR@GRAM~ . I , This program authorized the preparation of a Multifamily Rehabilitation Strategy in March of 2000. Completion of I the Strategy is a first step toward meeting the Agency's goal of preserving the community's supply of multifamily rental housing. It establishes goals and policies for a Multifamily Rehabilitation Program, reviews the resources available for Program implementation, calculate the amount of subsidy required to undertake the I Program, and confinns that the Agency will have adequate resources to initiate the Program. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/0 I July I, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Program Low/Mod Housing (471) $65,790 $65,790 'riitat.Bud' ';1' . . - $651790 "$O! $0, :$.65;7,'.)0( ~- --.g- '..0 , . I, Expenditures 60,129 60,129 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $5,661 $0 $0 $5,661 I 59,81' 'AFFORDABeFHODSINGiS'treo..TEG:'{. :URDKPE ----- ~. . . _ _ _ _ _, c _ ._ ---------~ , This program proposes an appropriation to fund the preparation of a Comprehensive Affordable Housing I Strategy Update for FY 2000/0 I through FY 2004/05 The report will be prepard by David Paul Rosen & Associates. I Activity Througb New Appropriations Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Pro gram Low/Mod Housing (471) $67,300 $67,300 I Total,Budget i$67"=300' $V ~ ,$0 $67,300 - " -~ , ~ Expenditures 24,641 24,64\ Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $42,659 $0 $0 $42,659 H0USiNGlRR0GRMfSiSBNi'Mi\R-Y , I ::;..0:;:.' - ~ ~ ,'~ -"- _. ~~""'.-~~_._ ___.'h .-- '.-.. '.' ~." -, , Activity Through New Appropriations I 04/16/01 July 1, 2001 July 1,2002 Total Total BiJdgetl _ ~,__~ 1$6'661'889' ' '$99'500 , $0 '$6;76-1') 89" - .'-- , ", ,. -,...::=;:~ -- -- .....-...,............-- I Total Expenditures 5,973,473 0 0 5,973,473 Total Encumbrances 14,915 0 0 14,915 Total Remaining Budget $673,502 $99,500 $0 $773,002 I I I 302 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: 2001-2002 & 2002-03 I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM !I , I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW . NeW '~}~w; " I I , ;, ~:= .'~ ."'"1 , .~ '" ~,-> Totpll)fiof Apprcfpti~tions -Appropriations 1ot~) , ,'Acti\ii ty)€lassific',ition, - :JUly) 1;,;2991, , ,,-" . ,.- - ~pp.foptia.ti()hs' iAppropriations' , d ul y, 1-;: 2_0_Q~ I iIntergovemmental Projects $6,321,450 $0 $0 $6,321,450 IStreets & Highways 39,700,260 0 0 39,700,260 I ITraffic Signals 0 0 0 0 iFlood Control & Drain, 1,839,000 0 0 1,839,000 \Govemment Buildings 8,880,300 0 0 8,880,300 I' IParks and Open Space 6,682,248 (1,410) 0 6,680,838 I IWater Improvements 4,767,000 0 0 4,767,000 , -Sewer Improvements 1,216,000 01 0 1,216,000 I' I !Housing Projects 33,785,909 0 0 33,785,909 , 1 IRevitalization Projects 8,204,850 (247,668) 0 7,957,182 I: I ~6ial:Blldgit_ 1$ M,I:;39};0 1,7 .'. -", -"f.- - .', :$() $\'\:\ '14~ 939 ,. ,($2~2;9]1l) 1 ' " 'A"" '[ II , OVERVIEW COMMENTARY " " I: i; The Poway Redevelopment Agency's Capital Improvement Program represents an effOI1 to allocate I, the potential financial resources of the Agency in a manner which will benefit the Paguay Project , , Area, Contained within the Agency's work program are projects designed to eradicate blighting , conditions outlined in the Paguay Redevelopment Plan, Ii , , The Projects described in this budget fall into the following ten major categories: Intergovernmental Ii Projects, Streets and Highways, Traffic Signals, Flood Control and Drainage, Government Buildings, Ii Parks and Open Space, Water Improvements, Sewer Improvements, Housing Projects and Ii , Revitalization Projects, The pages that follow cover the Redevelopment Agency's Capital I: , Improvement Program which will be updated annually I I The projects contained in the Capital Improvement Program are proposed to be funded through I Ii , loans from the City, federal funds from the Community Development Block Grant Program or any 1 I other federal program, state-funded programs, and the Redevelopment Agency bonds, I I The Poway Redevelopment Agency amended the Redevelopment Plan in 1993 As pal1 of the I' II amendment process, the Agency is required to meet and consult with affected taxing entities, II Further, redevelopment law requires the Agency to pay an affected taxing entity that amount of I I: " money which the Agency determines is appropriate to alleviate the financial burden or detriment " caused to such entity by a plan adoption or amendment. The Redevelopment Agency has ,I has negotiated with each entity and has approved tax-sharing agreements with each of the taxing Ii entities in order to alleviate the financial detriment. I Funds advanced to the Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Program will be reimbursed to Ii the City of Poway from future tax increment monies, II --- ---. -~ , ~ , ~ , -- - ---------- 304 . , I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW I - .. - 1 , - ~q~I2C.t;, :1-!I<<:Ij^HPJ~lIi!qJ!;O:f~F!!nd~ , , ; , I , " : FiscaFY-eaYsI2if01 :iiioi and (2ooi;20If3' . , '.', - -. .,' .....~ .., p - -.-. . . ,. .- ! I ' . ., . , , , - , Fiscal Year Fiscal Year .' Funding Sources 2001-2002 2002-2003 I CapItal Improvements ($248,149) $0 Bond Proceeds ($929) $0 Capital Replacement $0 $0 I Total Sources ($249,078) $0 I I Fiscal Year Fiscal Year I Funding Applications 2001-2002 2002-2003 I 1ntergoverrunental Proj, $0 $0 Streets & Highways $0 $0 Traffic Signals $0 $0 I Flood Control & Drain, $0 $0 Government Buildings $0 $0 Parks and Open Space ($1,410) $0 I Water Improvements $0 $0 Sewer Improvements $0 $0 I, Housing Projects $0 $0 I RevitalizatIOn Projects ($247,668) $0 " 'I Total Applications ($249,078 ) $0 r I " I I I I I I I I I I I '- - n ' - .~ --- I 305 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I ,>I" - . r ," ~. , ..-,.. '-~'-~!'."- ~.. -- - .--- -:-,.--..~ '~~.' '"'- ~ -.. - " , ..". - " -. --- - I I CAPITAl.:ilMRROVEMEN:r,cPR0GAAM, IN:rERGOVERNMENTA'L P.ROJEGF~, ,-.."...- -.~~'-""--'i"Q--'--- -.... --. _H_" '-.- - . .,0' .--- 5102 PALOMAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT I This $5,200,000 grant from the Poway Redevelopment Agency will be used by the District to qualify . for a $20,000,000 grant to purchase a campus site and will provide a convenient community college facility for the residents of Po way I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project . 1993 TABs (434) $5,943,450 $5,943,450 TotaL Bu(!get , :$5,9,43;450 I , $0. $0, , ,$5;9'13;450 ~~,:,-=--' , ' .~- - ~ --- -- --"-- - ----"____ _ 4 -,.'" _ 1 Expenditures 5,680,000 5,680,000 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $263,450 $0 $0 $263,450 I 5 104 IPAe0lV1.A1hp8MERWD0)FfdsR(frALljls~tRIGt - --- ~--_. - . , _. ~'~_ _,"_"H .' ~- - -- --- This $350,000 grant will be used by the Hospital District to purchase up to one acre of land within the I: South Poway Industrial Park to construct an industrial medical facility This facility will provide initial medical treatment for area employees, Activity Through New Appropriations ., Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project 1993 TABs (434) $378,000 $378,000 Ii Total,Budgei $378;000). . ~.~ -- - ------.,....-~ JO. $0" i$3 7.~,QOO: ~- ~ ". -- "- - Expenditures 376,925 376,925 Encumbrances 0 0 Ii Remaining Budget $1,075 $0 $0 $1,075 ~ ",.,... . ----~-- ---- - Ii INTERGC)\(ERNMENT AlcRROJECfTS,SUMMARY,' =':;::'~~~~--=----'- --.;..-----~ ._----- ----- -- - - -- -- -- - ..---- Activity Through New Appropriations Total I: 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Intergov Projects tBt~1'Bu(fgei1 ..... - ~ $6'321' 450' $0 jQ' $6(32 C4':i6: If , -. ~ ~._. -_"':"...::_'.,_...!.'- - ---- ---."""--~ -- - - , "':0.--':'=-""'- Total Expenditures 6,056,925 0 0 6,056,925 Total Encumbrances 0 0 0 0 11 Remaining Budget $264,525 $0 $0 $264,525 .' 306 I' I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I -., -- GAPTrA1IMRR0~'EMENt PR0GR'kKl' ~;j;"REETSiAN9,HIGHWAYS ,...,__ -l.'.~,..,<<_ ~,~_ _J_.__, ___._~ -d. _ ~4 __,;_ _ _.. '.. , . , . . ~ "-. I 523ArSJ-A'TPHWY~56/SYcCA:M0RE'6Am0N'R0AD, .____..u.^.. ~~_~,._... _' ~_."V"'_".__ _..__~ - I This project provides for the design of State Highway 56 from Poway to Twin Peaks and Sycamore Canyon Road from south City limits to Poway Road, Conceptual design is complete, I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I 1986 TABs (431) $154,900 $154,900 1989 TABs (432) 150,000 150,000 Total -Budget: - )$j04~900 $0 :$0. . i$3'04,}f.091 I Expenditures 196,985 196,985 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $107,915 $0 $0 $107,915 I 5256IESPOLA..ROiU)'UGrIMA;fE'W1DTH:fMPROVEMENTS' . I ~ _...--,- .".'--_.~.. -- , This project provides for an alignment study for the ultimate width of Espola Road from I Twin Peaks Road to Titan Way, including an EIR, Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project 1989 TABs (432) $100,000 $100,000 T6ial'Bud'et . , '$ (00000, ---$0' :$0 ,$106,0001 , .... ",. ,g. ..~'. . _.,~. ,....-., ' , I Expenditures 71,322 71,322 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $28,678 $0 $0 $28,678 I I I I I I I 307 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I '" ~ --- ..,-~ .~ .. " -- ,- .~ , 6A:pl'f.i\:G,IMPR0VEMENf'pR0GRAM' ", " , , STRE!,'j:SiANbIHIGHWA;YS: I : - ~J'_~'_'-'o-"'~.J", ",. q -->""','--'---'-..r'..___n..._' . '" -" '- I 52:S'1 'ESP0LwR0Ar5'WlDENING -- I - ,____ "d .., '.,-, ___'-!,,_,._._~_ ".;._"_._.~.. ~..-_ " , This project provides for the widening of Espola Road from Twin Peaks Road to 1400 feet north I of Twin Peaks and includes curb, gutter, sidewalk, fire hydrants, street lights, and a 54-inch stonn drain on the east side of Espola Road, I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July i, 200\ July I, 2002 Total Project I 1989 TABs (432) $77,998 $77,998 '$:0"\ .,. :'! :rgtal:B~ag~l $'l'l'1998' . '$.0' . $'7T'998 ., -',~---.-< Expenditures 77 ,998 77,998 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 II '- 5261!SCRIRPS-POWA--YipA'RK<WAY,,;EA'STEND' " , .. - - - I, This project provides for the design, environmental review, right-of~way acquisition, mitigation acquisitIOn and construction for the Scripps-Poway Parkway between Sycamore Canyon and Highway 67 The project is scheduled for completion in summer 1997 Ii Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I: 1993 TABs (434) $6,859,790 $6,859,790 RDA Capital (436) 27,542,251 27 ,542,251 Ii 1989 TABs (432) 768,t04 768,104 1990s TAB (433) 2R3,OOO 283,000 Total Budget $35;453,1'45 $0 $0 $35',453,i4~ I: Expenditures 35,408,799 35;408,799 Encumbrances 35,602 35,602 Remaining Budget $8,744 $0 $0 $8,744 II I: Ii I; I: 308 I I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I - - > ~ ~ - - -- -. ..~. :---";:' .. --:1". .-~.-" ^ --.'- .....,,-~- ~-<-. ~ .'.-" ' " ~.._~---- .".. ~--.._- -, '. ~- . - 1. GARlT,ACIc ,IMPR0VEMEN;r. PR0GRAM ~~T:REE;ESAJ:{Q !!IQtIWAYS '_~ ._ _."., _', 0- _,. ',_'_' _..._.~_,_. '. -_'_". .~.~_ --'-.__. " . " .. I ~.283 :rAgA:iQA:J\1ii{(;LAQ:t~i[;~N~l@i . , ,. I This project provides preliminary design and right-of-way acquisition of the extension of Tarascan Road, I RDA Funding (Included ill Streets alld Highwavs Summarv) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project 1993 TABs (434) $250,000 $250,000 I toiilLBuilget ,. $250;000' . 1$0 I ~$()l $250,000 - ---~ ~_....- ",_.~, Expenditures 250,000 250,000 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 Citv Funding (Not included in Streets and Highwavs Summon) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I I Street Dev-Prop 'A' (223) $100,000 $100,000 I J9\~1~B4gg~i . '$100;000, - ~-- -~- ,. - -;$ot :$100,00(), I " ~ -, "---.-.------. '---- I Expenditures 68,249 68,249 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $31,751 $0 $0 $31,751 I Total Funding T2lliL~ydg~t " '$~~0;9.9o ,. ~ l ;~O~ ,___, __$350,00() I ~-- ------- - Total Expenditures 318,249 318,249 Total Encumbrances 0 0 I Total Remaining Budget $31,751 $0 $0 $31,75t I I I I I 309 POW AY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I .... ~ ~ ,- , QA'R1'PAI.: 1MRR0v,ENfENliRR0GRWM' $.fRJ:l',i;.$ ~.Q BI.G.fI}V~YS I " ~- . < 5284;ESROLA:R0A:D:WIIDENING' .. II . -.... . - . . ~ - , -, -. " This project provides for the widening of Espola Road from Bridalwood to Cloudcroft. I: RDA FlIlldillg (/Ile/uded ill Streets alld Highways SIIIl1Il1WY) II Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I: 1989 TABs (432) $2,002 $2,002 RDA Capital (436) 516,790 516,790 TotarJ3u4gei~ . '$5'1'8,792; , $0 ~$O' , ' :$5-]:8;792 I; . .~ -.-.,-,-,., . .--, . Expenditures 458,140 458,140 Encumbrances 992 992 , Remaining Budget $59,660 $0 $0 $59,660 I! Citv Funding (Not included in Strl!els and Highwavs SummolJ) Activity Through New Appropriations Ii Funding Source 4/16/0 I July t, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project Ii General Fund (100) $250,000 250,000 Street Dev -Cur. (221) 650,000 650,000 I to,t~1 Bu<!geH " '__ '-,$ltojl;Q.OQ: $0 ' $0 ,$900:060; Ii - ----,.-- ,-, Expenditures 899,720 899 720 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $280 $0 $0 $280 Ii Total Funding T'?!.~l~~llgge\; , .$1,41'81.792" ' .. $Q: , $0, ,$1,,418;792 I: ,._< .'c;._ _r";' ~. Total Expenditures 1,357,860 1,357,860 Total Encumbrances 992 992 1\ Total Remaining Budget $59,940 $0 $0 $59,940 II Ii , II II 310 I , II PO WAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL 1MP~OVEtYtEN;r..r!{bGRAM STREE'TS ANQ HIGHWAYS I 5289, TARASCAN'DRlVEEXPENTION' .-. -,. - ".- .. - - I This project provides funds for the purchase of 40 acre improved site located at 13125 Poway Road, on the south side adjacent to the Rattlesnake Creek drainage channel and the new library The project cost will include payment I for fixtures, equipment, relocation, attorney's fees and court cost. New Appropriations Activity Through I Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project RDA Capital (436) $291,000 $291,000 '!'o.!jll Budget' ;$,i~J:(joo' 'SO :SO ~S29'1',000, I Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining.Budget $291,000 SO $0 S291,000 I 5290MIDLAND'R.0A:D/AUBRE'Y,STREET & HILLEAR.Y.' I " .... " ~ _ _ _ , . .. ,,- J _ _ - __' .. '-<~ ~ ". - .. - . -_. - -,- - This project proposed a General Plan Ammendment which include slowing of traffic, provide angled on-street I parking, and reducing the roadway classification of Midland Road between Aubrey Street and Hilleary Place from Arterial Collector to Local Collector I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project 1993 TABs (434) S14,000 $14,000 - $0 --'$0 c- .$14,000 :1 Tobil,Budget $]4,QOO - .-- '.- -,- Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $14,000 $0 $0 $14,000 I I I I I I 311 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I GAPrrAL IMPROVEtVlEl'tpR09RA:M STREETS AND HIQHWi\YS . I 529!'P0MERADO ROAD,1MPR0VEMENT - 1 .. - . ~ .--.. -~. ~ This project will widen the west side of the street, replace stonn drains, reconstruct existing driveways, I construct curb inlets, install hydrants, street lights and a traftic signal. RDA Funding (Illcluded ill Streets alld Highways Summary) I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project 1993 TABs (434) $1,859,000 $1,859,000 RDA Capital (436) $831,425 $831,425 I Total BiJdget; $2:;690;425' $0 '$0 __ $2;690,425" --.-- ..- ~--~.- Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances 2,690,425 2,690,425 I Remaining Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 City Funding (No! included in Streets and Highways Summary) I Activity Through New Appropriations 1 Funding Source 4116/01 July],2001 July 1,2002 Total Project General Fund (100) $375,403 375,403 Street Dev -Cur (221) 678,059 678,059 I St Devel-ABl600 (222) 400,000 400,000 Street Dev-Prop 'A' (223) 32,425 32,425 Federal Grant (253) 700,000 700,000 I Street Lighting (275) 107,596 107,596 Water Utilities (510) 78,750 78,750 Sewer Utilities (520) 42,000 42,000 II Total Buoge!' - :g414';232 -- --- 2,414;232 Expenditures 1,022,288 1,022,288 Encumbrances 784,899 784,899 II Remaining Budget $607,044 $0 $0 $607,044 Total Funding I; T~ial Budget" , $q,l04;657 $0 $0 ~5,I04,657, ----~ u -~-- _.+-- -- -.+- .- ,- -~- - - --. , - 1\ Total Expenditures 1,022,288 1,022,288 Total Encumbrances 3,475,324 3475,324 Total Remaining Budget $607,044 $0 $0 $607,044 I: Ii 312 11 , 'I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I ~- --. -. .. '.. ",~~"~<~,.t-.-" .,.~,' ,'- ".._\.__~__..___~,.__._".,_:t.,,~. 'StREE'fS: i\ND';HIGHWA~S: ~~,~nA~ !MPE~ygMEJ'fr:P'B9QE'AM> -" I S:fREE:rSAND;HIGH\f.IAMS'isUMrvrlA'R-Y: , " . _..,- . ~ -_....,- ,- _ '- _ ,----. -,;<,. '" ~ ~ yo, -~ . I Activity Through New Appropriations 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July j, 2002 Total St. & Highway Tot~! .B.Yi:lge~ , " , '$3.~Fi:@;~(jO) , $0' '$0' . $39~70'O,260! I ,~-" --~:- Total Expenditures 36,463,243 0 0 36,463,243 Total Encumbrances 2,727,019 0 0 2,727,019 I Total Remaining Budget $509,998 $0 $0 $509,998 I I I I I I I I I I I I '. 313 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I . . .-- ..... '. -, - . --~- . . . H" , .. I __7 ..'~-_."~ '. .~'t' -_-C' ~_v_..' >"'~. _l:>~~ . iFl',00Dj<SONtROl ~NDDRA:INAGE Gf\:PFr;AE;;I~R0VEMEN'f;PR0GMM, 1'~-"""'--'--"~' - -_.. -'~_~ ....u,......_,,_ ...,....' .,,__ . .. - - ..',.. a.. < . . . -~ , '" . 5402 POW A Y CREEK DETENTION BASIN I This project provides for the design and construction of a detention basin on Poway Creek I east of Garden Road, Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Souree 4116/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 T ota I Proj ect 1993 TABs (434) $300,000 $300,000 I "gJal.iJ.3~~.c!g~ . ." :$0' $300;060, $300;000 :$0 , , - ..- ---- .. ~ "- -~ Expenditures 168,947 168,947 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $131,053 $0 $0 $131,053 I - -- -. -- 5415, LOS\ODIYOS:E>RlI:INAGE , "'_::'"_-'~......:--=--- . . .-. - - --- --- ------------- I This project will install a new 36-inch RCP from Garden Road up Neddick to near the intersection with Springvale, It will also install a new outlet south of Garden Road, I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4116/0 1 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project II 1993 TABs (434) $118,000 $118,000 Rotal B,u.\!!;.;.t ' - $118,000 ,$0 ---" ;$0 -"., -'- ~- t " ;$U 8,000; -'-~""""':'- ,- ---~"'--"'- ----- ~ ,,~ .~ ~.' Expenditures 90,023 90,023 II Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $27,977 $0 $0 $27 ,977 Ii ?4I6;'ftB%R-:.YS.ltE1i~J.Bj\9~ '-MfjF,b~V,Et0ENI~ ------- -- --- , --- ~-- - -- ._ '-'0 ~ -- - -- ._---- II, This project provides for drainage improvements at the new library site, Activity Through New Appropriations Ii Funding Source 4116/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project RDA Capital (436) $700,000 $700,000 I' ioi';IBudg~r -- , - -~---.p::--~ -- '- - -- - $0 - , , - ' ..,."," ..-- ~- $700 OO(H _ ~o $200;900 --- .&~,~---...... _ ~ . c;c.~; ,- Expenditures 680,4 73 680,4 73 Ii Encumbrances 19,527 19.527 Remaining Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 I: ~. 314 I. I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I '- ~ ' - .-. ,,~. ...... " .... "~"'~"'" .;'\~..; ._,._.",....,'--.',,~--- ,<;"-.... '. ~ ,~~9>(Ojb'c':O,N..'rB.GL.AND'DRWINAGE. CABIPA'[.IMPROYEMENiI; PR0GRA!M ..' " .-' -- - -r f ~>,,-_. ", "--'---..~_.. '. - -- , . I 541'8 ICENE,'STREH,0WAlNA:GE IMPR0YEMEN:TS: , " , " I This project provides for the costs associated with the repairs to the drainage system along Ilene Street and dedication of the property to the adjacent homeowners, I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 4/16/01 July L 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project 1989 TASs (432) $20,000 $20,000 1993 TABs (434) 28,000 28,000 I RDA Capital (436) 133,000 133,000 fot41fIlQgg~j - .r' . ,$'181,'0'0'0 , , 1$07 . $0' $18,\ ,000 ~ --" - " ." -- ' - ~ Expenditures 21,387 21,387 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $159,613 $0 $0 $159,613 I 5423 P,OWAY'CREEK DETENTI0N'BAS'IN. - , , -. .....- . .-.- ..~... _6."_'_~_~'_ ____.__._... --, '-- ---- ; I This project will identify locations, and then design detention basins along Poway Creek to protect adjacent properties against the effects of a "one-hundred year" tlood, I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/]6/0 I July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project I 1993 TABs (434) $500,000 $500,000 Tot~r'1?1J'dg~t; , $500iOOO ' " ~'$d; __ _n__ , $500:00Q $0. ----- --~ -,_.'- ~ ~. --~------ --- - --- I Expenditures 29,931 29,931 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $470,069 $0 $0 $470,069 I I I I I I 315 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I ~&,jT:A'L I..M:P:R0~~~E'&[;PR0d~~~ . ~ 'HO"OD[G0NEf6LA@IQ~,~}\Qi I -.' n' - - . . ". I 5425tJOO.YE'AR,R'ATTkESNA'KBCREEK::; , - 7"_" " -'.'_ . ~_~. -. _,~ . ._' _ . This project provides for the purchase of 103 acres ofland located at 14124 York Avenue from Ben and Veronica I Elliorin, Acquisition of the parcel is consistent with previous direction from Council to acquire flood-prone property for potential sports field, I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 4/16/0 I July 1, 200 I July 1, 2002 Total Project I 1993 TABs (434) $40,000 $40,000 .-~"-"'-T" ~, -~~,~ ., , i:~a1~~~~,;~1 '------. :$~~:~~~ . $.0, ---~. $~~:;~~: I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $2,414 $0 $0 $2,414 I FtOOp c6f'lffi.Ql;AN)ij'J~J~AiNA.qE1styMB1\~:Y:; .. < ,:~: - ___ < I Activity Through New Appropriations I 4/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Drainage . :r:otal;Budg~h - f$i\,?32:QOQ, 1$0 h _ " _ _ ___~', _ -~1,83~Tooo Total Expenditures 1,028,347 0 0 1,028,347 I'. Total Encumbrances 19,527 0 0 19,527 Total Remaining Budget $791,126 $0 $0 $791,126 I I I II I I I:, 316 I I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I " 6API't~LiMRR@VEMENN)R0jGRA:fvf.' . , G0VERNMENif'BUmD1NGS: ,.. '_',' c__ ..'_....~._. ._".. 4 ____,. ~..L -'-,"-~'.'-T""<' ._.... . , ~ -, - '- ~ I 5504 JOINT USE FACILITIES - POWA Y HIGH STADIUM I This project, begun in 1985-86, provided lighting of the stadium at Poway High School. The remainder of the project provides for Agency sharing with the costs of seating, field improvements, all-weather track, snack bars, restrooms, ticket booths, and parking, I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I 1986 TABs (431) $350,000 $350,000 RDA Capital (4361 450,000 450,000 t9tai;~lI,clget, , c:- ~"- " -_.~ $0 $0 $800:000 I $800;000" , _.~-. . ,..~ , _.__..0....- _ _ Expenditures 800,000 800,000 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 I I I I I I . I . I I 317 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1 .... - .' -..... .. 1 ~ .. ~. . OfliP[TAb"jMPR0VEMENT'PR0GRidvl'. . - - ---- .. - - ,,_.~..>..,- ._. , ~"'-, y.'>-""'-" ~.,..- -., ~ ~.,-,...-'" _!_--_..-..~ """',-- , " G0\TERNMENT J?U[EPlliQS! 55H\ I::iBRWRWSJiTE/C0NSJiRUJCTI0N' . 1 -"'~ - .. -. -- ... -. '-." - - .. ... .. , . This project provides for the acquisition and construction of a new community library I RDA FUllding (Included in Government Buildings Summarv) I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/0 1 July I, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project t 989 TABs (432) $5,134,300 $5,134,300 $5'I?j4~300 -.~- .---- $0' :r:otimBudg~t , ~$() $5 n4'300 I , ~.. ~ .l. ~. ,._, ~ _, 1 ------- .-.1. , -.', Expenditures 5,076,452 5,076,452 Encumbrances 825 R25 Remaining Budget $57,023 $0 $0 $57,023 I Ci~v Funding (Not included in Gm'ernmenf Buildings Summary) Activity Through New Appropriations 1 Funding Source 04/16/0 I July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project II Bikeway Grants (244) $63,300 ($18,108) $45,192 Pub. Educ, Grt (714) 20,711 20,711 . '$84,0 iI, l~!8:(o..8} -- ----------- Total,Budge! '$0' __ .$65,903, I: ~~~~ ---. _._-~ Expenditures 65,903 65,903 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $18,108 ($18,108) $0 $0 I: Total Fundillg I: I.Qti!1 ~Adg"t ' '$5'218 ,311 ' ' :\$ 1 8;CQf!1 --- -- .$:Q ;$5'-206 203; -- --~- .--.-'.. '..' _ l .",., ,_~ Total Expenditures 5,142,355 5,\42,355 11 Total Encumbrances 825 825 Total Remaining Budget $75,131 ($18,108) $0 $57,023 I: I' I Ii 318 I: I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I ,- . -- '" I.._.~~_,~n " ~~ _ ......, "--'--.__ ", ...~._~._~.,_>,.__,_.~ . . ,','" 80:VERNMENT,BUILDIN8S, CAI'FrAbIMPR0VEMEN~'"PR0GlMMi " . -,,-'-',~ .-- ,_.-- .~----- ." -'~--""l!"';~-} -"-'-- -- -- ...;. . -.~ .. - - -- I 5520i'MA'FERIP1l::S1HAND!!:IN8;Y,ARtJ! > , . - - --- -' - -'" " II This project provides for the acquisition and development of a new materials handling facility for Public Services usage in South Poway Industrial Park, The property for the site was acquired I in FY 1994-95 with site development to begin during FY 1996-97 I RDA Funding (Included in Government Buildings SummlllY) Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project 1993 TABs (434) $1,300,000 $1,300,000 RDA Capital (436) 50,000 50,000 I 1'5tal Bud ef ~ -'~, .~'~~ ~-....,-- '$Cf $0 ' $1,;350;000: $H50'000i " .. .,.g- ..,~~ -' ~"" ' , ~ -~' . . Expenditures J,276,117 1,276,117 Encumbrances 17,133 17,133 I Remaining Budget $56,750 $0 $0 $56,750 I City Funding (Not included in Government Buildillgs Summarv) Activity Through New Appropriations II Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project Recycling Grants (245) $53,000 $53,000 'F6tal Budget ' :$53 000: . $0 __~ _~O_ , $).~:Q:OOi -=., ...., '. '-," , . Expenditures 18,980 18,980 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $34,020 $0 $0 $34,020 I Tata! Funding I TOtal Budget ,__',,:_ $!,~03,000, , $:6 "-----*-... '$]5,_ $) ,~O.3.'6QOI Total Expenditures 1,295,097 1,295,097 I Total Encumbrances 17,133 17,133 Total. Remaining Budget S90,770 SO SO $90,770 . I I I 319 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I I , " -- " .' ; . . ,.,- 1 Cf\:Pli'kLXMPROVEMENT-;RROGRl<\'M. .::l T' ... ,'..... . -._ " GO.v;ERNMEN};BU[liPfl\!.G~J ) '<~~. _~u"_~""'.~,.. .. -__ - ----.>- ~--~ . 0' , - ~~~'I .oPERJ\TI0NS CENiTERYARD:IIVIPRO'vEMENtS1 , '. 1 ,. . This project provides for the installation of two (2) electronic gates and fencing to secure I, departmental materials, construction of material bins, and realignment of the entrance to the Operations Center 1 Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/0 I July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project 1989 TABs (432) $35,000 $35,000 Total:Buoget $3'5:000 "'1 $0 $35.;000 , :$0.- I ,~~.. "~ ---- -' ," Expenditures 13,570 13,570 Encumbrances 2,991 2,991 Remaining Budget $18,439 $0 $0 $18,439 I' .. .. ._~ -''(" .-.-.~.. '-"~-";r;""~"-+' ..~~----~ ~."'-', ~---- ~~ - -- , I: 5536 COMMUNFFY ,PARK TELEPHONE. Df\-TA, SYSTEM ~,,' '_ ,_ ,. _ ..~ _ __ _. .., . '-_~_ ~. __ ~_ ,,_ _~_ _ ,_ __;;J.._~_ .',' _ _., _ ..... .~~ . __~. , - -~ .-.- -- This project will provide T I lines connecting community park to City Hall and new phones for community park staff. 11 Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I: RDA Capital (436) $52,000 $52,000 - 1$52,006 _..- i$52,000,: Tg@;Bu'd~et $Q', .$Q Expenditures 36,064 36,064 Ii Encumbrances 2,354 2,354 Remaining Budget $13,582 $0 $0 $13,582 II Ii II I: Ii Ii 320 I I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I G:APl:r.AIe,IMPRO~EMEI\lJi'PROGMM ' GOVERNMEN'r":Bl!ILDING.,S' I 5537 FfRt's'rAnON;#3, u I This project involves a more in-depth analysis of a possible fire station site along Twin Peaks and Pomerado Road areas, This report provides an analysis of eleven different site locations, I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/16/0] July 1, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I RDA Gen, Fund Loans (438) $350,000 $350,000 T ota.l I!ydget $350;000, $0 $0 $350,000 - ~---- . I Expenditures 129 129 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $349,871 $0 $0 $349,871 I ?5{8'TAM.sGANipQ\yAY)~Oi\D pARCH. ACQUISITIOJ'.i ---- I ----- ._---- This project provides for the purchase of the property at the comer of Poway Raod and Tarascan Road for I future development. This property was identified as a potential site for commercial re-use consistent with the Po way Road Speci tic Plan, I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/16/0 ] July I, 2001 Ju]y I, 2002 Total Project RDA Sewer Fund Loans (439 $1,159,000 $1,159,000 I 17ilta1.Buoget ---~ .-- --- $1,1,59[900 _,JO $1, 159~OOO --- - ----~ ~--- - - ~.__._.-~"'---- Expenditures 1,158,018 1,158,018 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $982 $0 $0 $982 . CiOVERNMENt'i3UILDINGS SUMMARY ----- - -- ~- --- -- ---- " ,,_~ '" _ _d. ~ _._,___ ______.~_______ - - ----.- I Activity Through New Appropriations 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total I Tot!lJ'B,udget E188~;30.Q. _ _ , __ ____$0 , $0 S8,880:300 --' H__ _ Total Expenditures 8,360,350 0 0 8,360,350 Total Encumbrances 23,303 0 0 23,303 I Total Remaining Budget $496,647 $0 $0 $496,647 I I 321 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I ~- , - I CAPITA'L.IMPR0VEMENT,pjU'>GRAM' PARK~AND0[jEN;,SP,^0~ 1"0.._ ' -'-'..,- ..... .....- 5602 OLD POW A Y PARK I This multi-year project provides for the development of a park in the Old Poway area bordered I by Midland Road, Sycamore, Temple, and Aubrey Streets, Phase I of the project included land acquisition, relocation, infrastructure improvements, street improvements, parking lots, storm drains, safety lighting, and building improvements, Phase 2 provides for the completion of improvements I including a train depot, gazebo, boardwalks and landscaping, parking lot a Aubrey and Midland, as well as blacksmith's shop and installation of a pedestrian bridge north of Aubrey I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I 1993 TABs (434) $127,040 ($37) $127,003 1986 TABs (431) 1,261,130 1,261,130 1989 TABs (432) 1,983,000 (701) 1,982,299 I 1993 TABs (434) 1,245,900 (191 ) 1,245,709 RDA Capital (436) 387,838 387,838 Tg1iil Budget, -- . ~- - -'-- I $5;004,908 __ _ J!g2?) $0 $5:063;979 ---- - - ,- - - , ---- Expenditures 5,003,327 5,003,327 Encumbrances 652 652 Remaining Budget $929 ($929) $0 $0 I ~6~5 POMERADO:SCHOOL,SO:GCER.FIELD - - -, .. I , - , - This project constructs a joint use soccer field and parking lot at Pomerado Elementary School. I Activity Through New Appropriations 1 Funding Source 04/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project 1989 TABs (432) $4,300 $4,300 1990 TABs (433) 45,700 45,700 I' ..- -- ~------ '=-=~ - _ '=--- '$0 .. - -,- ..$50000 Total B'udgel__ ______ -~._- :$.50;000 ,__,_, ~_" $0 - ~ ,~, Expenditures 50,000 50,000 Encumbrances 0 0 I, Remaining Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 I I I 322 I I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1 CABI'I'AL IfYlPR0VEMENTP,ROQry\M' PARKoS.AND OPEN,S,P,AQE " I 5~3ry OLD POWAY PA~ ENTRANCE:SIGNS , " . '. ~ -.' - -'.. - .~ I This project proposes to replace the Old Poway Park temporary entrance signs with permanent sIgns, Two signs are included in the project to be located at the corner of Temple and Aubrey Streets, I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project 1986 TABs (43t) $10,000 $10,000 ToialBuilg~t $lo;OOQ $0 $0 '$10,666 I Expenditures 1,399 1,399 Encumbrances 0 () Remaining Budget $8,601 $0 $0 $8,601 I 564t OLD'POWAY PARk,RAILROAD RESTORATION u I .~. -. . - . .- '-,- -, - ------- This project will provide for restoration of the locomotive and rail system in operation at I Old Poway park. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project 1989 TABs (432) $158,000 $158,000 T.otalBll9get ~----- $158;000 , $Q $0 $158,000 I - --~- - ~ --'- -- Expenditures 33,243 33,243 Encumbrances 8,095 8,095 I Remaining Budget $116,662 $0 $0 $116,662 56~2\SlL VE,RS~;J; PARK;SHADEST!<~CTUR~ _ - ~_.- - . .....---- I -_._--- -> -------------., - I Construction of a shade structure for the playground at Silverset Park, Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project 1989 TABs (432) $8,500 $8,500 Total Budget ---- - -$~,~OO --- , $0 __ __$8,500 $0 - - - --- ----- - , , . Expenditures 8,500 8,500 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 I -. 323 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CNUT ALIMPROVEMEN):r'R~0dMM PAAKS A@'0BEN'SEi\CE I ., " 5643CQ~.{rVIuNI'fY P KRI<;PbWGROUND I - This project will construct accessibility improvements to the playground at Community Park, I RDA FUllding (Included in Parks alld Open Space Summary) I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project 89 TAB (432) $148,800 $148,800 f;'tal,B,udget $148,800 $0 $0 $148,~QO I ~--- ---- ~--~-" Expenditures 6,942 6,942 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $141,858 $0 $0 $141,858 I City FUllding (Not included in Parks and Opell Space Summary) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I General Fund (t 00) $15,450 $15,450 T6tal'Budef - $15'450 ' , .$0. - --- - $0 $15;450 , ...' g. _ ..:...-----2-- ---- ~" - Expenditures 1,654 1,654 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $13,796 $0 $0 $13,796 Total Funding I ToialBUdg~ $16;1;250 $0 $0 $.1 6;4,25Q. I -, ----- Total Expenditures 8,596 8,596 Total Encumbrances 0 0 I: Total Remaining Budget $155,654 $0 $0 $155,654 I I I I 324 I I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I " , . " - " - ;r !,~RI;r/AL 1MI::R0Yro,MEN]:l'J~PGifAM 'PARK:.S,'AI',EJOPEN. SPAGE. -'. .-- ,,~..,- -, = ~ I 5644,SJARRlDGE,P'A:RK PDA-Y,GR0UND' I' , , " .-.' ~ .. ~" --,. - -- - --- - . ". I This project will construct accessibility improvements to the playground at Starridge Park, I RDAFunding (/ncluded ill Parks and Open Space Sum man) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/]6/01 July 1,200] July], 2002 Total Project 89 TAB (432) $14;500 $14,500 I fotal~1fu,(H,# "$'14;'500' , i$O '$0' , :$ if4 '500, --.-- ~~ , -~., Expenditures 14,500 ]4,500 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 I Citv Funding (Not included in Parks and Open Space Summarv) Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/01 Ju]y 1, 200] July], 2002 Total Project General Fund (100) $99,977 $99,977 CDBG (24]) 39,900 39,900 I 'tola/BuQgeJ) $139,87.7, ~~--~ --~-~- - ~".' , ~ , , :$0 $0: $139'87'7 -' ~ , , -~--~ -~-----~- ~ - .~..,' I.}. Expenditures 139,877 139,877 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 I Total Funding -rbtiiG~~_~g>~) $'154;3 7), , '$0, $0 $154"37,7 - '- ~ -- - ~ - --, -.....",..,- : I Total Expenditures ] 54,377 154,3 77 Total Encumbrances 0 0 Total Remaining Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 I I I I I 325 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I - . .,.. .. '0." -- , - I '=-- -'-' _ _ ',j p!\@~:'!ifiD',Q!'I!.N ~PA~E, €@ITM 1MPR~Y,EMENJ'PROGRAM ~ "-. , ~ I 56'15' ,GARDENiROA:D This project will renovate the existing playground and replace unsafe and outdated playground I equipment at Garden Raad Park, The project provides far a new fall zone surfacing to. meet ADA requirements, drinking fountain, and shade structure. I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Saurce 04/16/01 July 1,200 I July I, 2002 Tatal Praject 1989 TABs (432) S191,200 $191,200 1'oial: Buctg"i, ;mL2QO~ '$0; $'0: ' :$"19]1,200' I -- - ' , Expenditures 15,077 15,077 Encumbrances 1,861 1,861 Remaining Budget $174,262 $0 $0 $174,262 1 5646, 'O!ili'P0WAYi PARKRES:r;.0RJ\TI0N'AND,tURNTABLE ' --- ------- I ~:~..:::.:::.~-._. . _.. ..__u,_" _ _ _ _"" __ , _ _~_.. . - ~ -- - ----- This project provides far the constructian 0.1' a turn-af-the-century turntable far aperating railroad I equipment in the appasite directian, as well as far the design and canstructian af a trash enclosure and a taal shed, Activity Through New Appropriatians I Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Tatal Project RDA Capital (436) $15,000 $15,000 I rot4J:Ilu,jge! $15,000 . . :$'O ~ -.. -', ~.. ~ . $0. $'1'5'000 , -~ ---------~ L-__ _~ __""'""'"--- ~. -, ..~. Expenditures 1,335 1,335 I, Encumbrances 0 0 Remainmg Budget $ t 3,665 $0 $0 $13,665 I: .~:-_ ~ _,.",__,~__._.,\;_ .___~._.~,.....,....-..,.------_-_n-- _ - - -'-- --~-~........,.---- 56'17-MEA90WBR00KS'SGH00E LIGHTS I; "---=-'=--.~~"'-"_' ~"---=~~- :.c~-~._~__:;-",.:..... _'.-u ~_ _ ____._ .~._ - --- ---.- .- ----- This project provides funds for the renovatian 0.1' the upper field and installatian of lights at Meadawbroak Schaol. Activity Through New Apprapriations I Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project RDA Capital (436) $622,000 $622,000 I T'ili11 B.~9g~t: , , - - - -- ~-' - '$'622 000 -- --- -- . ,--- -- -- - - - - "$622:;()6():: $0 :$0 , - -- ~--<(~~- 2-....::...:.:... -' .., - - --.- . - Expenditures 50,956 50,956 Encumbrances 0 0 II Remaining Budget $571 ,044 $0 $0 $571,04411 326 II 'I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I - ~ -. -+ -. -" -.-- " - -, '" GA]IfAL:iMPROQEME'NT"]jR0GiWif:,' ..' pARKS..AND0PEWS'PAGE "_____.~__....' ~._~~ _.~-..~_'._<_ __n__.;"~'_'__"__ _'..n;".__ . _' ....;._=..__~_ ,_ __~ _ _>OC..' < ~ . _ ". I ~!i:48i&b'RJ$L-1Qe 'RONi>::A1\IDl~.uSi:~l'-y-s;rgEE~T, , ,I This project provides for the purcahase of a three parcel 2,23-Acre site located near the northwest corner of the intersection of Carriage Road and Buckley Street from Williams, Barnes, and Richter I' Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project ROA Capital (436) $395,600 $395,600 !ot~I~u:dget) $'3951600:" ; , '$395~600 $0' $.0, ~~. lr>_. '" -' , ~ .... -, .- ~~ I Expenditures 390,735 390,735 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $4,865 $0 $0 $4,865 I I I I I I I I I I I I 327 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I r'o _ $ '-'- I " 'PARks AND ORl~NiSPAGE' 0Ap1t-Ar::IMPROYEIylENT'PROGRWM' l'6zn 'G0MtvfTJNfT:Y tL"IRKhtAYGR0BNOPHASE{2\ I -c.. .', J~ "~"'_~_ ,._",._",.,__..."'-, __'~'_' '.__"~_ J This project will design and install two pieces of age-appropriate playground equipment in the I northern section of the main playground at Poway Community Park, The project includes resilient fill, walkways, drainage and seating, The project meets ADA and safety standards, 'I RDA Funding (Included in Parks and Open Space Summan) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/1 6/0 1 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I RDA Capital Proj (436) $4,240 $4,240 ,"oial Budg.e"t;RP'A:, , ,$4,240 ' ,. $0: "SOI $4440~ ,", ,- , ' " ~'.'_.' .1 Expenditures 1,873 1,873 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $2,367 $0 $0 $2,367 Citv Funding (Nut included in Parks und Open Space Summan') I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/1 6/0 1 July 1, 2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project COBG Grants (241) $75,560 $75,560 I TOtal' Budget: i$75;'560 $0 $0 ' , $75\560' -~ ---- Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $75,560 $0 $0 $75,560 Total Pruject I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1, 2001 July 1,2002 Total Project ;]'obi! Budl(e!: _ _ _ n ,$79,8001 ' $0 $0' " !$79 8001 ~, -~- --- ------ - _.- ----- - - -- --- -----_--.:~~ I Expenditures 1,873 1,873 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $77,927 $0 $0 $77,927 I I I 328 I I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I I; .... - " G:1I'W~1l~IJy[P~Q~E.MENl';'~R9CiMM: PA:RKS A:ND,0PEN'SPACE, " - I h'~_"~.",,,_, ____....."'._ ._..__. ".~.._ ..~~.._ ~~,___ ~....'_'""_~'~' 1695, GILLESPIE/K0HLEWPR0PER'fYIpURGHASE. - ' ' __ ..~ __'.'<_""._~,._,.~..+,_'_'_'_ '_"'~~"_"_'_H"_~_ .. "Q~." ~~~_ I} This project purchased 16,35 acres of land adjacent to the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve, The land will eventually be used for a pennanent parking area and as a protected habitat. I !IDA FUllding (Included in Parks alld Open Space Summarv) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/16/0 I July 1, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I RDA Capital Proj (436) $59,500 ($481 ) $59,Ot9 TotaI'BuqgetoRD)I;, $59f500 __($~81i $0 ' $59019 --------- .;'- - Expenditures 59,019 59,019 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $481 ($481) $0 $0 I City Funding (Not included in Parks alld Open Space SummillY) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/16/01 July I ,200 I July 1,2002 Total Project Habitat Mitigation (252) $25,000 $25,000 I State Grant (242) 386,500 (131 ) 386,369 General Fund ( 100) 8,000 ( 1,2001 6,800 0., ',_"'~ ,,_.:' ". ._ _. . $4 19!500 ~ ,(flm'h) r------- ~~.- __., _ '$'118,1'69 T9.ta}:B'.'ggeJoGitY $0: --- ~-~ -- -'----~ _.- - I' Expenditures 418,169 418,169 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $U31 ($1,331 ) $0 $0 Irotal Funding I I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/16/0 I July I, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I T6t~(BijdgeJ, ~~Z~!gob' ,($1;8"[2) " $,<l; $AnH~:8~ - - -- -~ --- - -~. '- --~ -" -- . - - - Expenditures 477,188 477,188 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $1,812 ($1,812) $0 $0 I, I I 329 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I ':" . -r~ - - --., ~~_ ~:'~.,. - - V" r----;J' "--- --, I G~pl*f\E"iMPR0VEMENT'PR0G~' , fiA:RKS'AND!OPcBNjS~A:CE; f - -~". --"='~:l' :- '---~""':;' - -- ,..-..-t-,~ ---, --; -' ... - ':. PARKS''AND;0PEN'SPACE'Sl:JNlMiI'RY ~ I " _.' . --. 1.: _ ' .... .~ _ _, _.' .. _ . , , ,. Activity Through New Appropriations I 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total T6tiil'Bif,i'el. - ~, ;$6168'2')48,; , ' , - ($/,'1.1"0), ~.o~ !$6 (680'83"8 I _.~ ,g..- " - ., ~ ~'-- Total Expenditures 5,636,906 0 0 5,636,906 Total Encumbrances 10,608 0 0 10,608 I Total Remaining Budget $1,034,734 ($1,410) $0 $1,033,324 I I I I I I I I I I I I 330 I I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I , .-.~ " .. .., GA:RHA!i"lMPR0\iEMEN'];'PR06RRMi , W',kTER 1MPRO,VEMENT:S . ~ ~ ~,,-<"'>O'--" ...--_..~ _ ",. ,',,"-~- .....,.~,.~ ~...... --._' - -,'.-_'-.--". , . I 5716 ESPOLA ROAD WATER IMPROVEMENTS .: This project provides for the installation of a 24-inch water transmission line on Espola Road from Titan Way to Twin Peaks Road as a part of the Master Water System, I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1, 2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project RDA Capital (436) $1,800,000 $1,800,000 IQtahBjlgMi, " $180010'015 "i$'o, ,~9 '$1: !@)io-OG ,_, _,...L_...~ , ~~~ ' ",'. ~,- -,,'-'.'- -<. I Expenditures 7,300 7,300 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $1,792,700 $0 $0 $1,792,700 I 57&7. :)3,gEloERicRi.;,~](rlMi)':&Qj~)3EE'S't9.&~5~RE-~~iRQf\rf__. ~--- I __----"'-_.:L-___ ~ , This project will study the altemative means for serving the water supply and fire hydrant needs I in the Beeler Creek Trail and Cobblestone Creek Road areas, Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/1 6/0 I July I, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project 1989 TABs (432) $27,000 $27 ,000 ro..t~j j3hdg'!'i " :$21.'0001 $Q '$6; '$ii600, I , ....~ 3., ,~.-._.. - -~.~- ~-~~-..:'.~ Expenditures 0 0 Encumbrances 0 0 , Remaining Budget $27,000 $0 $0 $27 ,000 I I I .. I I 331 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I ,. - , .,- - " I GAPrf.AL,IMRROMEtVlE)'Iif:'I'R(;)GRAM: .' ~ ~.., ,!. " - '''YATER .IMPROYtEMENTS ~ h'MS1 WA:;f,ER.ftREATMEN'l'\(JPG-itAI:jE' . . h- . - I ~_.~____~,_ ~~~'.~ ~ _____ .~."i:. _ _._ _ - This project proposes to prepare plans, specifications, and cost estimate for the ,I construction of new deep bed dual-media filters to replace the nonconventional 12 MGD Hardinage system to achieve compliance with the surface water treatment rule, I RDA Funding (Included in Water Improvements Summary) , Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I 89 TAB (432) $1,940,000 $1,940,000 93 TAB (434) 1,000,000 1,000,000 Tbi~I~B_uage!~R8!'i}, , :$2;9\10;000; '$0" . $:0 '$:2,94'9:006 I , ~. -. ..... _u _ .,~~_ Expenditures 2,939,432 2,939,432 Encumbrances 411 411 Remaining Budget $157 $0 $0 $157 I City Funding (Not included in Water Improvements Summary) I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/1 6/0 1 July 1, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I Water Utilities (510) $7,885,311 $7,885,311 Sewer Utilities (520) 166,260 166,260 General Fund (100) 20,000 20,000 I -y.O!~(I3i'<!g(jt'~itY" ~;-<"~ ., I $0 $0 ;$8 6if;1'57P :$_8;97:1 ,gt ~..-- -+---- ~ . '...-'.-"-' Expenditures 8,005,153 8,005, t 53 I Encumbrances 16,452 16,452 Remaining Budget $49,966 $0 $0 $49,966 Total Funding I ToiatBudge'i, ~__ __ ,-, -- . HI,01T,5i7< - - $0 $0 .. '. XII !.9YfA~L I __~-->---J-_4___<~ - - -~- -- - - Expenditures 10,944,585 10,944,585 Encumbrances 16,863 16,863 Remaining Budget 50,123 0 0 50,t23 I I I 332 I I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I G:APFFAL IMPROVE'MEN'(PROGRA:fv1 "WATER'ilMpR0VEr;1ENTS , " .....- ..~. .. . I WA TER4MPROVEMENT'SUMMARN' I, Activity Through New Appropriations 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total I . T' , ~ , $4,767!C)OO' , $0 ' $0 $4';'767.iooO: T,otalBudget Total Expenditures 2,946,732 0 0 2,946,732 I Total Encumbrances 411 0 0 411 Total Remaining Budget $1,819,857 $0 $0 $1,819,857 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 333 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I - - . ~ I <tARITA:r:,IMPROYEtVlENf'PROGR'A/V1 SEWERIlVlPROYtEt0ENTS' I 5801 WATER RECLAMATION PLANT This project provides for the design of a water reclamation plant at the existing site employing I Coordinate Chemical Bonding and Adsorption (CCBA) process or other feasible alternative, The San Diego County Water Authority contributed funds towards the feasibility study This includes I construction of 5,700 feet of transmission main in the Scripps Poway Parkway RDA Funding (/neluded ill Sewer Improvements Summary) , Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project 1986 TABs (431) $400,000 $400,000 1989 TABs (432) 766,000 766,000 I: Total Budget $1,166,000 $0 $0 $1,166,000 Expenditures 1,081,890 1,081,890 Encumbrances 0 0 I: Remaining Budget $84,110 $0 $0 $84,110 City Funding (Not included in Se\.ver Improvements Summurv) I Activity Through New Appropriations I' Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project Sewer Utilities (520) $4 t 2,708 $412,708 !9tal Bti~get: '$4 i 2,70?' $0" ---- -- .. $41'2,~08: I, ;$0 , -~ --- --.---- ,.,- . ~ Expenditures 411,795 4t t,795 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $913 $0 $0 $913 I Total FUllding I: 'f,5ta! Bu<!g"e! '$1,57~;708 $0 $0 $1,578;708 -- , - - --- ,-- --_. - -- , , - ----~ -- - --- I! Expenditures 1,493,685 1,493,685 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $85,023 $0 $0 $85,023 Ii t I: , 334 'Ii I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAf~ITALtMBB-OV~MEl\IT'PR09RAM.SEwER:1MPR6VEMENf$ I 5802;NORTH,BASlN SEWER'BUMP FORCE,.MAIN,STUDY , . ~. \>. __.' . ". ..___ _. 'u,_,_.__ '...0_ I. This project includes planning, design, and construction of a new pump station and force main to redirect wastewater from St. Andrews pump station north to the San Pasqual Wastewater Treatment I Facility This project will divert wastewater from the North Basin which is nearing its design capacity Activity Through New Appropriations , Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project 1989 TABs (432) $50,000 $50,000 1- Total Budget $50,000 $0 $0 $50,000 Expenditures 13,067 13,067 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $36,933 $0 $0 $36,933 I ~805 POrNSETTIAMHPSEWERcLATERALS , __ ___ _ u ,_, I' This project will fund sewer lateral modifications within the Poinsettia Family Mobilehome Park, This project will meet a goal that is set forth in the AB 1290 Redevelopment and Housing Implementation plan for the Paguay Redevelopment Project Area by providing necessary improvements to existing public facilities, I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project I Poinsettia FamilyCIP(613) $0 '____ $0 ToiarBudget, '$0 $"0 " $0 $0 . ---~-~---- ----' ~ ---- ---- I Expenditures 667 667 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget ($667) $0 $0 ($667) I - ~ - - ~-- - ..--- ------ , SEWER,IMPROVEMENTS;SUMMPlRY '. ~~-- ."-,." - - -- .-,- ~ ,- Activity Through New Appropriations I .., -, ' 04/16/01, July 1,2001 July 1,2002 . Total" TotaLBudget " _ " $1;~~6:0qQ" __ ,,, '" ~O _ _$0, _ u $1,216,0.00 Total Expenditures 1,095,624 0 0 1,095,624 I' Total Encumbrances 0 0 0 0 Total RemalIllng Budget $120,376 $0 $0 $120,376 I . m POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM HOUSING;PROJES::T~ I ' ''''-~ .- .. - ---- - - I 5907 POW A Y ROYAL PHASE I GAS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM This project will replace the underground gas distribution system in Phase I at Poway Royal I Estate Mobilehome Park, Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project , 1991 COPs (435) $295,020 ($24,960) $270,060 Poway-Royal MHP (293) 299,980 (6,773) 293,207 Poway-Royal Cap (615) 263,210 (34,939) 228,271 I To.!al ~udgei $858,210 ($66;67g1 $0 $}91,538 -----~-'"- Expendi tures 791,538 791,538 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $66,672 ($66,672) $0 $0 5QsO H0USING;REVITALlZATION ---- I , ... ~-, --- These funds were used in the development of Poinsettia Mobilehome Park as well as the feasibility I study for acquisition of Poway Royal Mobilehome Park. Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project 1986 TABs (431) $446,912 $446,912 I , ----- Total, Budget , $446;912 $0 $0, $)146;9 t 2 -- Expenditures 367,040 367,040 I Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $79,872 $0 $0 $79,872 I I I I, .' , 336 .~ I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I i CAhfXL,IMPR0:VEMENTPR0GRAM! HOVSING:PROJE0TS ,,'" -- - -. --_..~. - ..~- .'-. '- ~- . .. - - } "',- , I 5951 HALEYRANCH;EST~;r~'S I This project provides for the constmction and acquisition of an affordable manufactured housing subdivision south of Creekside Plaza between Midland and Community Roads, The Agency now I owns this property through exercising its option to purchase pursuant to the terms of the project Owners 'Participation Agreement. I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/16/0 I July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project I Low/Mod Housing (471) $19,923,240 $19,923,240 T<ital I3uct,get $19,923;249 $0 $0 $19,923,240, ---------<......- - Expenditures 19,922,239 19,922,239 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $1,001 $0 $0 $1,001 I 5952PQI1':'lSE'fTlj\. SENiOR}v1QBILEH0MEPARK,UNIT,.ACQUISITIONc_ _~___ ~- --- ---- ------~ I This project provides for purchase of three new manufactured housing units in the Poinsettia Senior Park for lease on a shared-housing basis, I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/16/01 July I, 2001 July 1, 2002 Total Project I 1986 TABs (431) $130,000 $130,000 $130;600 -- - '~- ~--~-- ~ ----- Total Buoget $0 $13Q,OOQ . - -- .-... -- ' . --_.-.......-. ~-- ~ -- -~ - >- . ' , -, I Expenditures 129,647 129,647 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $353 $0 $0 $353 I I I I' I I 337 I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY pARi'FAL~IMJ5ROVE.MENT'RR~qRAM, HOUSING;RROJEC::TS, " I 5955' ROwAY"ROY'AL IMPR0VEIvlENt'PROJEGT ' -- --- _... .,' - . ~.~., - - --- This project for specific infrastructure improvements at Po way Royal Estates Mobilehome Park that I were designated as part of the Settlement Agreement and Stipulated Judgment in the matter of Poway Royal Owners Association v City of Po way, et al. These improvements include: fire hydrants, I pressure reducing stations, drainage upgrades, road improvement, gas and cathodic protection system, electrical system, grading conditions, and a sewer analysis, All improvements have been . completed as of January I, 1999, excepting the sewer analysis which is underway :1 Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project Pwy Ryl Cap Rep (615) $133,954 $34,939 $168,893 RDA Admin Fund (437) 1,815,000 1,815,000 ,~ 1991 COPs (435) 0 24,960 $24,960 Poway,Royal MHP (293) 0 6,773 6,773 1989 TABs (432) 1,000,000 t,OOO,OOO I RDA Capital (436) 670,000 670,000 -..... - -- TQtai'Eluctget, ,$.3&(8,954;, ,$6~,671 , ___ _ $0 _$3;6ifS;(i26 I Expenditures 3,542,704 3,542,704 Encumbrances 56,016 56,016 Remaining Budget $20,234 $66,672 $0 $86,906 I 5964 BREIHAN F.'\'M.I[.N,H~tJS1NCN5~EI.;ORMENT' -----'- _ - _ -- ---- I This project provides for the acquisition and development of property immediately south of Haley I Ranch Estates, The Redevelopment Agency now owns this property, and it is anticipated that the developer selection process will be initiated in 1998 for this affordable housing development. New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project Low/Mod Housing (471) $1,769,322 $1,769,322 I IQtai13tidgi~--=-~~--~-=-=-li.z:~~,322J ' ,___u~ ~~D:' ,-- - -- $0' ~-- $1-;7~,322; Expenditures 1,716,517 1,716,517 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $52,805 $0 $0 $52,805 'I I 338 .' I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I - (;jNITAi::JMBRqyEJ~1FJ~'fP,R99RAM HOUSING PROiEGTS I . _ _ I 5965'GATEWAY'PkRK"RO~i5'SEN f0iM10tJSING,DEVEll0PMEN:C . .' ,_. '._-~ "'..-"<P'-.' - ,_ ,~ . - .' I This project provides for financial assistance for the potential development of affordable senior housing on this 3,36-acre site, The property is currently owned by Retirement Housing Foundation I (RHF) who has expressed interest in working with the Agency to develop affordable housing, RHF submitted an application for the highly competitive HUD 202 program in 1995, but was not selected I to receive this grant at that time, The Agency remains available to consider development options initiated by RHF, however, the Agency may consider developing alternative sites as funding is available, I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/1 6/0 I July 1, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project I Low/Mod Housing (471) $3,052,020 $3,052,020 ToiaLBudgef , ~3,()52:020 $0 $0 $3;052;ti20 ._--~-- Expenditures 1,541,353 1,541,353 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget SI,510,667 $0 $0 SI,510,667 I ------ - - - 5966 BROOK:VIEW'VILLAGE,SENloRHousfN'b DEVELOPMENT . ..-..... . ., -- -. . - ~...... ,- ~:- -=----- _.~~ - .- - I This project provides for the acquisition of a 6,7-acre site which is located on the west side of I Pomerado Road, north of Poway Road, It is anticipated that the developer selection process for this site will be initiated during 1997 Additional funds will be initiated during 1997 Additional funds will need to be appropriated as the level of Agency's assistance is dete1111ined, Construction of I this project is presently scheduled to be initiated in 1998, I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project Low/Mod Housing (471) S3,984,251 S3,984,251 I $3;984,251 __ _____ _$0 .- -~- , --- -" Total Budget , $0 $3;984,251 --- -- ----- -- -- - - Expenditures 3,151,689 3,151,689 Encumbrances 0 0 I Remaining Budget $832,562 SO SO $832,562 I I I 339 I POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY tA~r.AL[MhR0VEMENTPROGRAM; BOl:JSING;PROJECTS I '" ~ . -. .. .'~ fi'._,"', . 0> .. _ .... .__,' _ ..... ."'- __,'" ".' "._' . -- I 5975" P0INSET,TIA,SEN10R,SHA:RED;HOWSING MA:IN;fENANCE . '... _.3.' _ .. . ... _' '__'_"._ .. ..,_ ,. ~., ,~_ _, ---- This project provides funding for the operation and maintenance of the three Agency owned rental I units in the Poinsettia Senior Mobilchome Park, The units are leased to lower income seniors, through the Affordable Housing Assistance and Referral Program, I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project Poinsettia Cap Rp (614) $3,000 $3,000 Total Blidgh , $3;090, $0 $0 $3,000' I ---------:.>....- Expenditures 1,700 1,700 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $1,300 $0 $0 $1,300 I H0USING'PRQJEC:r:S:SUMMABY - -"-'-- I -. -- --.- - .- -'--- Total Activity New Appropriations I 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Total'Budgel $33,7SW)09 .$0' $'0 $33,785,909 - - Total Expenditures 31,164,427 0 0 31,164,427 I Total Encumbrances 56,016 0 0 56,016 Total Remaining Budget $2,565,466 $0 $0 $2,565,466 I I , I , I I I I 340 I I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I ~APjt{\;1l!vi.RR('S.y.EM,EJ'{r.:PRQGRA:M :R,EVITALlZ:.A TI0~;PRQJECTS' " I 5901 COMMERCIAL REVITALIZATION I These funds are used for improving and developing the tax base for the City through redevelopment activities, I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/I 6/0 1 July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project 1986 TABs (431) $841,915 $841,915 1989 TABs (432) 3,260,542 3,260,542 I RDA Capital (436) 895,555 895,555 '$4998'Of2 J$O ----.,.---- $4;998:0f:~ TotaLBudget $0 . -,-" .',..- - -, Expenditures 4,998,012 4,998,012 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 I 5902lCOMMERCIA:L. REHABILIIA'TjON, - -~- - p - .- -- -------. - - - " ~~ --- ---.-- I The purpose of this program is to encourage the rehabilitation of commercial properties and to demonstrate how the Poway Road Specific Plan concepts can be implemented, ,I Activity Through New Appropriations Funding Source 04/I 6/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 TOlal Project I 1986 TABs (431) $433 $433 1989 TABs (432) 156,461 156,461 I RDA Capital (436) 1,063,958 1,063,958 TotaI:!3udget '-- - $1,220;852 ----- -- - u. - $1 ,220,8'~~ _ _~2., $0 -- --- - - Expenditures 247,042 247,042 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $973,810 $0 $0 $973,810 I I I I I 341 I POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY G'APITAlAMPROllE~ENU' 'PROG~~ 'REVn~l;[ZAn6~,BR~OlEg:tS I I 5904 WFr;&WILD,OF;F-SHE'IMPI3-0ygMENTS: , This project provides for construction of stom] drains, detention basins, sewer lines, and water I system improvements related to the Wet & Wild project. The costs will be reimbursed to the through future developer assessments, I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1, 2001 July I, 2002 Total Project RDA Capital (436) $798,000 ($247,668 ) $550,332 TotaI.Buaget $798;000 '($2~7 ,6(8) $0 $550;332 I ,- - ~ Expenditures 550,332 550,332 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $247,668 ($247,668) $0 $0 I 5908 POW AYROAIJ,SPEC1FICPLAN ---.--- I ~ ... -. '. .... ---- - ---.- The Poway Road Specific Plan Implementation Program is designed to implement the Specific Plan I adopted by the City Council in 1996, Implementation of the Specific Plan will encourage an economically healthy, family oriented and mixed use of Poway Road, to more effectively serve the product and service needs of the residents and labor force of Poway I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/0 I July 1,2001 July I, 2002 Total Project RDA Capital (436) $750,000 $750,000 - --,".- --- Total Budget, ;$750,000 $0 $0 $750;000' I -"'...... .-- ---- - Expenditures 43,568 43,568 Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $706,432 $0 $0 $706,432 I I I I I 342 I I POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I G:~ITA'L IMPR@VEI\1EN'T'!'R0.QRAM. REVfrAbIZ'ATfoN PROJECTS " '. ... . ~ I 5997"<)0 REFUNDrNG:BOND,CONTINGENGY - -, - . . ... . . . ~ . ..' ~o . . -- I This project provides for a contingency to fund unanticipated projects on current Redevelopment Agency projects. I Activity Through New Appropriations I Funding Source 04/16/01 July 1,2001 July 1,2002 Total Project 1986TABs(431) $4,545 $4,545 1989 TABs (432) 433,421 433,421 I 1990 TABs (433) 19 19 TotarBugget . $43'7;985 .' ~ $43:7;966, $0:. . $0 ----'- ~ Expenditures 300 300 I Encumbrances 0 0 Remaining Budget $437,685 $0 $0 $437,666 I REVITALlZA TION;PROJECTSS-IJ.MMAR Y ---,~- ----~~-- -~-- , -----.- ---- --- ..l _.- I Activity Through New Appropriations 04/16/0 1 July 1,2001 July 1, 2002 Total I Total Budget - $8;204;850' ,($247;6682 J~_._ $'7,957;182' -- -_.- Total Expenditures 5,839,254 0 0 5,839,254 Total Encumbrances 0 0 0 0 I Total Remaining Budget $2,365,595 ($247,668) $0 $2,117,927 I I I I I I I 343 I P AGUA Y REDEVELOPMENT I PROJECT AREA I I I I I I I I 'I I I D -....- I ..._-, .. _.: CIy Baniary I ~E><d"""_ I: II I, 344 I: I I I I I I 'I . I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A RESOLUTION NO. 01- ADOPTING FY 2001-02 AND FY 2002-03 I FINANCIAL PROGRAM I I I RESOLUTION NO 01- II A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWA Y, CALIFORNIA, I APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEARS 2001-2002 AND 2002-2003 AND APPROPRIATING THE FUNDS NECESSARY TO I MEET THE EXPENDITURE SET FORTH THEREIN L ADOPTION OF ANNUAL BUDGET ,I WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Poway has submitted to the City I Council of the City of Poway a 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 Fiscal Years Operating Budget in the amount of $ (FY 2001-02) and $ (FY 2002-03), a Capital I Improvement Projects and Multi-Year Programs Budget of $ , and reflecting estimated General Fund revenues and operating transfers in the amount of $ (FY 2001-02) and $ (FY 2002-03) and proposed General Fund expenditures of $ I (FY 2001-02) and $ (FY 2002-03), and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway has heretofore considered said budget and fixed the dates of June 12, June 19, and June 26,2001 as the dates for I holding public hearings relative to its adoption; and WHEREAS, following duly given notice, the City Council of the City of Poway, did I hold such public hearings, receiving, considering and evaluating all public comments, NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Poway does hereby FIND, I DETERMINE AND DECLARE as follows: Section 1 The City Manager's proposed 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 Fiscal Years I Budget for general and special City purposes is hereby amended as follows, I I I I I 346 I I I Resolution No. 01- I Page 2 I Additions (+) and Reductions (-) to City Revenue and Expenditures Budgets. I I Section 2: The City Manager's proposed 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 Fiscal Years Budget for general and special City purposes, as amended in Section 1, is approved and adopted in the amount of $ (FY 2001-02) and $ (FY 2002-03) for I expenditures and $ (FY 2001-02) and $ (FY 2002-03) in revenues. Section 3: The monies necessary to offset the expenses incurred as detailed in the il 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 budget document, as adopted by the City Council for the City of poway pursuant to Section 2 hereof, are authorized by this section to be appropriated out of the funds available to the City during the 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 Fiscal Years. I Section 4. The City Manager is authorized to make such changes in department operating and capital improvement budget totals during the 2001-2002 and I 2001-2002 Fiscal Years as may be, from time to time, deemed desirable and necessary in order to meet the City's needs I Section 5. The City Manager is authorized to reappropriate prior yearoS unexpended encumbered funds as of June 30, 2002, and June 30, 2003, for work in progress. I Section 6. The Capital Improvement Projects of the City of Poway are in conformance with the City of Poway Comprehensive Plan as governed by Section 65402 of the California Government Code I 11. APPROPRIATIONS OF FUND BALANCES I WHEREAS, it has been determined that appropriating unappropriated reserve monies in various funds in a manner corresponding to the operational mode of the City is reasonable and proper; and I WHEREAS, funds established and monies appropriated shall not be considered as restricted totally in their availability and use and amounts may be adjusted between I funds as necessary to serve the future needs of the City of Poway I Resolution No. 01- I 347 I I Page 3 I NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Poway does hereby direct I that any unappropriated balance in the General Fund as of June 30, 2002, and June 30, 2003, shall be automatically appropriated into the Contingency Fund therein, I and That any unappropriated balance in the Water Fund as of June 30, 2002, and I June 30, 2003, shall be automatically appropriated into the Contingency Fund therein, and That any unappropriated balance in the Sewer Fund as of June 30, 2002, and I June 30, 2003, shall be automatically appropriated into the Contingency Fund therein. !!L COLLECTION AND EXPENDITURE OF DEVELOPER DEPOSITS I WHEREAS, deposits will be accepted in the Developer Deposit Fund (Fund 761) I during the fiscal year based upon the levels of development activity; and WHEREAS, the City is responsible for administering these deposits, including I collection and disbursement of funds as necessary to pay for development services. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council hereby authorizes I expenditures of developer deposit funds on hand at July 1, 2001, together with any funds collected during fiscal years 2001-02 and 2002-03 !Y" CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM APPROPRIATIONS I WHEREAS, the financial plan provides for the appropriation of monies for I Capital Improvement Projects, and WHEREAS, these projects may span multiple fiscal years I NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council hereby authorizes a continuing appropriation for the balances remaining in Capital Improvement Projects active as of I June 30, 2001, and directs that the authorized appropriation shall be brought forward to be used in the fiscal years 2001-02 and 2002-03 Capital Improvement Project program or until the completion of these projects I V. COLLECTION AND EXPENDITURE OF BUILDING INSPECTION FEES WHEREAS, fees collected by the City for building inspection services offset the I City's contractual expenditures to provide inspection services. Resolution No 01- I Page 4 I 348 I I I I NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council hereby authorizes the expenditure of all such fees collected during Fiscal Years 2001-02 and 2002-03, at the discretion of the City Manager, provided that these fees be spent for the provision of I said contractual building inspection services. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of I Poway, at a regular meeting thereof this 26th day of June, 2001 I ~---------------- ------- Michael P Cafagna, Mayor ATTEST I I ----------- ----------~--------- Lori Anne Peoples, City Clerk I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) I I, Lori Anne Peoples, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 01- was duly adopted by the City I Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 26th day of June, 2001, and that it was so adopted by the following vote. I AYES NOES I ABSTAIN. I ABSENT -------------------------------- I Lori Anne Peoples City Clerk I c: Icitylwplileslbudgetlresolutnl99-00bgt res I I 349 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX 8 RESOLUTION NO. R-Ol- ADOPTING FY 2001-02 AND FY 2002-03 I REDEVELOPME:NT AGENCY FINANCIAL PROGRAM I I RESOLUTION NO R-01- I A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET I FOR FISCAL YEARS 2001-2002 AND 2002-2003, AUTHORIZING LOAN PAYBACK TO THE CITY OF POWAY FROM THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DEBT I SERVICE FUND, AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES THEREFROM WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway (the "City"), in accordance with I the provisions of the California Community Redevelopment Law, has created a I Community Redevelopment Agency Administrative Fund for the purpose of accounting for administrative expenses of the Poway Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") and fund advances therefore, and WHEREAS, the City Council has approved by resolution of even date herewith, a I community redevelopment budget for fiscal years 2001-02 and 2002-03 and has approved a net loan payback to the City in the amount of $ (FY 2001-02) and $ I (FY 2002-03) to be deposited in the City's General Fund; and WHEREAS, the Agency desires to approve a community redevelopment budget I for fiscal years 2001-02 and 2002-03 and authorizes said payback to the City NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE POWAY REDEVELOPMENT I AGENCY AS FOLLOWS Section 1. The budget, a copy of which is on file in the City ClerkoS office, is I hereby adopted and approved as the 2001-02 and 2002-03 budgets of the Agency Section 2, The net loan payback to the City of $ for FY 2001-02 and $ I for FY 2002-03 appropriated to the Community Redevelopment Agency Debt Service Fund for debt service expenditures of the Agency, and the gross loan payback to the City of $ for FY 2001-02 and $ for FY 2002-03 as set forth in said budget, is I hereby authorized by the Agency and the Agency agrees to pay interest thereon at a rate equal to the annual average interest accrued on investments of the City's General Fund as calculated on January 1st of each year The Agency acknowledges that said I payback constitutes the relief of the same indebtedness from the Agency within the meaning of Article 6, Chapter 6, of the California Community Redevelopment Law I I I 352 I I I I Resolution No R-01- Page 2 I Section 3. The expenditure of monies from the Community Redevelopment Agency Administrative Fund for administrative expenses and capital projects as set I forth in said budget is hereby authorized, subject to compliance with the same procedure established by the City for the expenditure of funds by other agencies and departments of the City subject to budgetary control. I Section 4, As required by the Community Redevelopment Law, the Agency shall file with the City Council a detailed report of all of its transactions I with respect to the Community Redevelopment Agency Administrative Fund, including a statement of all revenues and expenditures, no less than annually I Section 5. The proposed 2001-2002 and 2002-03 Fiscal Year Budget for the Community Redevelopment Agency is hereby amended as follows. I Additions (+) or Reductions (-) to Redevelopment Agency Expenditures Budget: I Section 6. The Executive Director is authorized to make such changes in the administrative and capital improvement project budget totals during the 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 Fiscal Years as may be, from time to time, deemed desirable and necessary I in order to meet the Agency's needs. Section 7, The Executive Director is authorized to reappropriate prior yearoS I unexpended encumbered funds as of June 30, 2002; and June 30, 2003, for work in progress. I Section 8. The Capital Improvement Projects of the Poway Redevelopment Agency are in conformance with the City of poway Comprehensive Plan as governed by Section 65402 of the California Government Code. I Section 9. The Redevelopment Agency hereby authorizes a continuing appropriation for the balances remaining in Capital Improvement Projects active as of I June 30, 2001, and directs that the authorized appropriation shall be brought forward to be used in the fiscal years 2001-02 and 2002-03 Capital Improvement Project program or until the completion of these projects. I I I I 353 I Resolution No. R-01- I Page 3 I PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the Redevelopment Agency of the City I of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this 26th day of June, 2001 ~------------------------------- I Michael P Cafagna, Chairman ATTEST I -- ---------------------------- I Lori Anne Peoples, Secretary I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) I ) ss. I COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Lori Anne Peoples, Secretary of the Poway Redevelopment Agency, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No R-01- was duly adopted by the I Redevelopment Agency at a meeting of said Agency on the 26th day of June, 2001, and that it was so adopted by the following vote. AYES: I NOES I ABSTAIN. ABSENT I ----------------~------~------- I Lori Anne Peoples, Secretary Poway Redevelopment Agency I c: \data\ wpfi les\budgetresoltn\99 -QOrda. res I I 354 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX C EXPE:NSE CHART OF ACCOUNTS AND DE:FlNITIONS I I EXPENSE ACCOUNT DEFINITIONS I PERSONNEL SERVICES. Salaries, wages, benefits and fees for personnel servIces not involving the I furnIshing of materials. I 1100 Salaries 1110 Regular Compensation paid to regularly employed personnel on the City's payroll, assigned I payroll number and subject to nonnal payroll deductions, such compensation includes stand-by (call-out) pay, paramedic pay, shift differential, etc,). I 1112 Shift DIfferential. Additional per-hour wages paid for workmg special shifts. 1114 Stand-bv Pav, Additional pay for being on-call outside ofnonnal work shifts. I 1120 Salaries - Special. Salaries paid to Councilmembers and any others not subject to the majority I of the nonnal payroll deductions, 1130 Salaries - Part-Time. Wages paid to employees who are classified as part-time employees, I 1140 Salaries - Overtime. Portion of the salary subject to premium pay 1150 FLSA Overtime, OvertIme paid in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act. I 1160 Paramedic Proficlencv I'av Supplementary wages for employees assigned as paramedics, I 1300 Employee Benefits 1310a Hcalth Insurance, City-paid portion of Preferred Provider Plan (1'1'0), I 13lOb Health Insurance. CIty-paid portion of Health Mamtenance Plan (HMO), I 1320a Dental Insurance, City-paid portion Preferred Provider Plan (1'1'0). l320b Dental Insurancc, City-paid Health Maintenance Plan (HMO). I 1330 I' ARS RetIrement System. Part-time employee retIrement system. I 1340 PERS Retirement Svstem, Employee retirement system 1350 Workers Camp, Benefits. City-paid workers compensatIOn benefits. I 1360 Life Insurance. Clly-pald workers compensation benefits. I 1370 Deferred Camp. City-paid deferred compensation benefits. I 356 I I I 1380 FICA Medicare. City-paid FICA Medicare benefits. 1390 VisIOn Care. City-paid eye-care medica] plan. I 1395 L TO City-paid long tenn disability insurance, I 1500 Services 1510 Temporarv Services. Cost of outside temporary personncl hired on an "as nceded" basis. I ]520 Volunteer Service. Volunteer workers, such as volunteer firefighters on call for fire I suppressIOn. 1700 Fees I 1702a City Attornev Fees, Compensation paid to the City Attorney 1702b Other Attornev Fees, CompensatIOn paid to lawyers other than the City Attorney for legal I advice. 1702c Litigation - Citv Attornev. Compensation paid to the City Attorney to represent the City to I court appearances 1702d Litigation - Other Attornev, CompensatIOn paid to lawyers other than the City Attorney to I represent the City in court appearances, 1704 Audit Service. Compensation paid to certitied public accountants and other outside I accountants engaged by Council. 1706 Building Inspection, Contract building inspecllon services, I 1707 Building Inspection - Mobilehomes. Contract inspection for mobilehomes. I 1708 Chemical Analvsis, Compensation p31d to chemists and other scientists for analytical work, I t709 Building Inspection - Roofing. Contract inspection for roofing, 1712 Data Processing Consultant. Compensation paid to data processing consultants, I 1714a Land Development Engineering. Compensation paid to engineers for land development analysis including right-ot~way engineering, I ]714b Water Proiect Engineering, Compensation paid to engineers for water projects. I ]714c Sewer Proiect Engineenng. Compensation paid to engineers for sewer projects. I 357 I . 1714d Traftic Enl!ineerinl!, Compensation paid to engineers for traffic projects. I 1714e Constmction Enl!ineerinl!. Compensation paid to engineers for constmction surveys, material and compaction testing and consultation etc., that occur during the construction phase. I 1714g Engineenng. Compensation paid to engineers for general serviccs not otherwise classified. I 1726 Special Studies. Cost of specIal studies and analysis performed by outsIde consultants and other professIOnals for specific programs, e.g., personnel study, needs assessment study, etc. . 1799 Other Professional Fees. Other services not otherwise c1assitied, such as electIOn fees, codification, surveying, etc. . 2000 UTILITIES, TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES. Utilities, allowances in lieu of City cars, City fleet costs, travel and subsistcnce allowances, advertIsing, I recmitment and postage. 2110 Gas and Electricitv Payment for electricity and gas used for general purpose activities, not I otherwise classified, to provide lighting, heating and power 2120 Signal Power. Cost of electricity uscd for traffic signals, I 2130 Street Safelv Light and Power. Cost of electricity to provide safety lighting on City streets, 2140a Pumpinl! Power - Camel Back. Utility charges for pumping water through this pump station I location to serve the utility consumers. These costs are passed on to the consumers as a pumping charge on the utility bill and retumcd to the City as revenue. I 2140b Pumpinl! Power - Camino Del Valle, Utility charges for pumpmg water to this location. See 2140a for more information, I 2140c Pumpinl! Power - Communitv Road/South Powav Utility charges for pumping water to this location. See 2140a for more information, I 2140e Pumpinl! Power - Del Poniente. Utility charges for pumping watcr to this location. See 2140a for more information. I 2140g Pumplnl! Power - Grel!g Street. Utility charges for pumping water to this location, See 2140a for more informatIon, I 2140h Pumpinl! Power - Hil!hlands, Utility charges for pumping water to thIS location, See 2140a for more inforJ11ation. I 2140i Pumpinl! Power - Hil!h Vallev. Utility charges for pumping water to this location. See 2140a for more infonnation. 2140J Pumpinl! Power - Cloudcrotl. Utility charges for pumping water to this location, See 2140a I for more information, I 358 I I I 2140k Pumping Power - Lake Powav/Plant. Utility charges for pumpmg water to this locatIon, See 2140a for more information. . 21401 Pumping Power - Northcrest Utility charges for pumping water to this location. See 2140a for more infonnation. I 2140m Pumping Power - St. Andrews. UtilIty charge for pumpmg wastewater through this pump statIOn location to serve the utility consumers. See 2140a for more information, I 2140n Pumpmg Power - Welton. Utility charge for pumping water to thIS location. See 2140a for more mfonnation. . 21400 Pumping Power - Old Coach Lift Station. Utility charges for pumping wastewater through this pump station location to serve the utility consumers. See 2140a for more information, I 2140p Pumping Power - Plant/Raw. Utility charges for pumping to water or sewer facilIty I 2140r Pumpmg Power - Woodeliff Utility charges for pumping water through this pump station locatIOn to serve the utility consumers, See 2140a for more information. . 2200 Other Utilities. Minor utility charges for gas, electricity, telephone, water trash removal etc, where specific identIfication of servIce type is not necessary I 2310 Telemetrv, Telephone line lease charges and electricity cost for signal transmission mvolving measurement and control of water and sewer pump stations. I 2700 Water 2710 Raw Water. Cost of buying untreated water f'or resale. I 2720 Waler Storage Adiustment. Account used by Finance annually to adjust water inventory to the actual level. . 2730 Treated Water. Reimbursable cost of treated water used landscape maintenance districts, mobile home parks, etc. . 2740 Reclaimed Water Purchase of reclaimed water. I 2810 M&O - Metro Svstem, Same as 220, 2820 M&O - Bernardo Svstem. Same as 220 I 2830 Capacitv - Metro Svstem. Annual capacity service charges paid to the City of San Diego. 2840 M&O - Penasquitos System. Maintenance and operatIons charges paid to the City of San I Diego for effluent through this system. I 2900 Trash Removal. Cost of contract to remove trash, 359 I I 2910 Hazardous Waste. Cost of disposal of hazardous waste, I 3000 Transportation and Communication I 3110 Reimbursed Mileage. Money paid to City staff'and others for use of their own vehicles on a I time basIs or mileage basis established by the Council. ThIs payment represents eIther a mileage reImbursement or a car allowance paid to designated employees in lieu of an assigned City vehicle. I 3120 VehIcle Operations, In-house cost or fuel charged to City departments/divisions. 3130 Vehicle Maintenance, Labor, matenals, parts and other costs associated with maintenance of I City-owned vehicles. These costs are nonnally in-house charges by the City's V chicle and Equipment Maintenance Division to other City departments/divisions. This account is also I used by the Vehicle and Equipment Mamtenance Division to acquire parts and matenals to provide these services, This account is also used by the Shenffs Department for outside mamtenance. I 3140 Travel and Meetings, Costs of attending meetings, semmars, conferences or workshops, Such charges include meals, transportation, lodging, registration fees, etc. I 3300 Communications 3310 Telephone, Cost of telephone charges for service, installation, local and long distance calls, I and cost of sending telegrams. 3320 Postage. Maihng expense including parcel post. I 4000 Services. Rcpairs. Maintenance, Materials & Supplies I 4100 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES, Labor, services and materials contracted for outside the division. 4102 Animal Regulation. Contractual agreement for removal of dead animals, animal regulation, I and animal control. 4104 Communitv Safetv. Contract costs with the County Sheriffs Department for police I protection, Also includes other costs associated with police protection. 4106 Dispatch Contract - Fire, Contract cost with the City of San DIego's Fire Department for I dispatch service, 4108 DIspatch Contract - Sheriff. Costs paid to San DIego County Sheriffs Department lor I contracted dispatcher's servIces. 4109 School Crossing Guard Contract. Costs paid to Poway Unified School Dlstnct for school I crossing guard services. I 360 I I I 4110 Environmental Impact Review-Plans, Contract costs for review of plans for consideratIOn. This expense is offset by revenue for environmental impact plan fees. I 4112a Safetv Services Building Inspection. CompensatIOn paid for providing building fire inspection service. I 4112b Engineering InspectIOn. Special engineering inspections on contracted private or public improvements. I 4112c Landscape InspectIOn, Compensation paid for providing Landscape Inspecllon services, I 4114 Janitorial Services, Payments to outside finns for providing Janitorial Services, 4116 Contract Landscape Maintenance Cost of contractual maintenance, I 4118 Leisure Contracts, Costs paid to outside recreation leaders for programs, These expenses are offset by revenue generated by these programs, I 4120 Other Contractual Services, Any contractual service not assigned to one of the foregoing designations. I 4122 Plan Check/Map Processing, Contract engineering costs for checking and processing plans and specifications to determine conformance with City requirements and specifications. I 4126 Telecommunications Contracts. Costs paid to link City's computer or other equipment with infonnation provider's computer or other cquipment through various telecommunication I eqUipment. 4128 Relocation Assistance, Expenses JJ1curred to help relocate businesses and residents reqUired I to move by City/Redevelopment Agency improvement projects. 4130 Blue Skv Ranch. Expenses incurred to maintain Blue Sky Ranch. I I I I I I 361 I I I 4300 Repairs and Maintenance I 4302 R&M Air Conditioning. Costs associated with the repair and maintenance of the City's air condItioning, heating, and ventilatIOn units. I 4304 R&M Building, Costs associated with repair and maintenance of the City's buildings and structures, I 4306 R&M Elevator. Costs associated with the repair and maintenance of the City's elevator 4308 R&M EqUIpment. Costs associated with the repair and maintenance of City equipment not I otherwise classilied. ThIs account includes the cost of service/maintenance agreements. 4310 R&M Fire Hvdrants, Costs assocIated with repair and maintenance of City fire hydrants. I 4312 R&M Outside Vehicle Repair. Repair of vehicles and equipment perfonned by outside shops I for the Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Division. 4314 Pavement Evaluation. Engineering study of roadway conditIOn for priority of repair I 4316 R&M Plavground Equipment. Costs assocIated with the repair and mamtenance of playground equipment. I 4318 R&M Radios. Costs of contract to repair and mamtam radios and associated radio equipment. Also includes rclated matcrials and supplIes. I 4320a R&M Roadwav - Public Services, Roadway repairs and mamtenance materials used by City workforce, I 4320b R&M Roadwav - Conlract. Contract for patching, repairing and surfacing roadways, This also includes major repair and maintenance of the roadways not otherwise classified, I 4324 R&M Sidewalks and Barricades, Trim and/or tree removal, repair and/or replace concrete sidewalks and curbs, repair and/or replace roadside guardrails. I R&M Signals, Contract services with pnvate linn for City traffic signals and associated 4326 !lashers. SerVIce mcludes, but is not limited to, rcpair and maintenance of Signals, safety I lIghts, street lights and knock-down repair 4327 Street Lights - Repair & Maintenance, RepaIr and mamtenance for City street lIghts. I 4328 Street Repairs - S 300. To account for elIgible street rcpairs financed by the City's 300 I allocation, I 362 I I I 4330 R&M Street Striping, Contract service for striping roadway traffic lanes, islands, and bike lanes. I 4332 Street Sweepmg. Contract cost for providing street sweeping service. I 4500 Materials Expendable items used by City departments having a monetary value of less than $500 00 or which arc entIrely consumed or are fastened to a structure or real property to become part of such item. I 4502 Chemicals, Cost of acquiring chemicals, This account is primarily used by Public Services for water or sewage treatment. I 4504 Culvert Cleaning. Matenals and supplies used to clean and repair culverts, stonn drains and other waterways. I 4506 Emplovee Awards. Awards presented to employees in recognition of their services and other special awards. I 4508 Misc. Construction Materials, Construcllon materials not otherwise claSSified. I 4510 Fish Stock. Purchase oftish to stock Lake Poway 4512 Ovcrslzing Agreement. Materials and supplies used to enlarge lines beyond normal I parameters. 4514 Sign Maintenance, Matenals and supplies used for signs and billboards resurfacing and I constnLction. 4516 Small Tools, l'land tools, measuring tools, and other tools and instruments valued at less than I $100 00 and onen portable, 4518 Storm Repair & Cleanup. Materials used to repair damages caused by stonns. I 4520 Street Repair Materials. Materials and supplies used to repair and maintain roadways, sidewalks, curbs, and center medians, etc. . 4522a Trout Stock, Cost of stocking trout in Lake Poway I 4522b Other Fish Stock, Cost of stockmg all other fish except trout in the Lake Poway 4700 Supplies. Expendable Ilems used by City departments having a monetary value of less than I $500 00 or which are entirely consumed or are fastened to a structure or real property to become part of such item, I 4710 Office & Stationerv Supplies. Consumable items used in an office, such as paper, pens, ribbons, note pads, etc, I I 363 I 4720 Janitorial Supplies, Those items used for cleaning such as rags, mops, brooms, soap, c1eancrs, I etc, Also, consumable Items such as paper towels, soap, ctc. 4730 Photographic/Copv Supplies, Consumable items used for photography and photocopy I processIng, 4740 Medical SupplIes Consumable items such as bandages, oxygen and other first aid items. This I account is used primarily by the Paramedics, 4750 Safelv Supplies, SupplIes used in safety programs. I 4760 Operating Supplies. Supplies used for maintenance and operations of City-owned property, I including Items that are unique to each activity 4770 Landscaping Supplies. Landscape and planting materials and supplies, I 4780 Other Supplies and Materials. Costs of equipment, books, and services for the library 4799 Other SupplIes and Materials, Matenals and supplies not otherwise properly classified above. I 4900 Other Costs I 4902 Cal-lD Svstem Safclv ServIces. Cost paid to implemcnt a system of State-widc fingerprint I identilicatlOn network and database. 4904 Communitv Relations. Costs of decorative and promotional matenals used to promote the I City, including such things as plaques, proclamations, tlowcrs, school safety patrol, etc, 4906 D,A.R,E. Program. Costs paid to implement Drug Awareness and Resistance Education I Program (D,A.R,E,). 4908 Education and Training Used for training at local colleges, for guest lectures and educational I films where overnight travel is not included, 4910 Election Services, To pay for election-related expenses, I Joint Use Agreement Contribution-PUSD. Cost paid to PUSD for joint use facilities, 4914 4916 Medical Exams, Costs for periodic physical examinations required by the City for City I employees and for prospective employees. 4918 Nuisance Abatement. Cost of soil sterilization and/or weed abatement and/or vehicle I abatement at off-street locations deemed to be a public ntusance, 4919 Vehicle Regulation. Costs for processing parking citations, I I 364 I I I 4920 Outside Emergencv Assistance. Used by Safety Services for costs that are paid to other agencies for their assistance at a fire or chemical spills such as costs Including meals, support, etc. I 4922 Printing. Costs paId to outside finns for printing, binding, and duplicating, I 4924 Publications and Dues. Payments for subscriptions to journals, newspapers and purchase of books and other pamphlets to promote the interchange of ideas, membership fees and I associated costs for officials and key employees to attend vanous mUnicipal organizations to promote the interchange of ideas, Also used for the City's mcmbership in the same type of organizations. I 4926 Tuition Reimbursement. Cost of reimbursing City staff for fees paid to educational Institutions. This account is used only in the Personnel Division and administered in I accordance with the City's tuition reimbursement policy 4928 Unifonns and Laundrv. Costs to purchase uniforms; laundry and dry cleaning of fabriCS I including unifonns, draperies, cleaning rags, etc. 4930 Vehicle Regulation. Costs associated with traffic violation processing, bicycle licensing I program, and towing program, 4932 Advertising, Advertising expense for public notices. I 4934 Recruitment. Expenses associated with hiring and promoting employees, such as fingerprinting, advertising, testIng and costs associated with interview boards. I 4936 Equipment RentaL Payment to rent machinery and equipment including such items as trenchers, backhoe, etc. I 4938 Rent-Buildings and Grounds. Payment to rent facilities buildings and grounds Including storage lacilities. I 5000 Transfer. Debt. and Intergovernmental Costs Rents, insurance, bond charges and fees, I uncollectibles, transfers and other expenses not otherwise classified. 5102 Bond Issuance Cost. Payment of bond issuance cost on bond issue; i.e" cost of printing. I 5104 Bond RefundIng Cost. Payment of bond refunding expense on bond issues, notes and other debts, I 5106 Expense Credits. To record transfers and expense reallocations not otherwise classified. I 5108 Insurance Expense. Premiums for insurance and bonds other than fringe benefit insurance programs, I 365 I I 51 ]0 Interest Expense. Payment of interest on bond issue, note and other debt. I 5] ]2 Lease Expcnse. Leasc payments, including] 991 COP payment on Roya] Mobile Home Park. I 51 ]6 Other Fees, Includes fiscal agent fees associatcd with bond issues, or bond proccssing, taxcs or other fixed costs, I 51 ]8 Principal Expense. Paymcnt of principal on bonds payable, notes and other debts, 5]20 Tax Sharing Agreements. Payments made to othcr taxing agcncies pursuant to tax sharing I agreements. 5]2] Owner Participation Agreements, Payments made to developers pursuant to owner I partIcipation agreemcnts, 5500 Capital Outlav Rental I 5510 Capital Outlav Rental - Vehicle. Rate paid to recovcr the anticipated replacement cost of I City-owned vehIcles as detennincd by the Administrative Services Department 5520 Capital Outlav Rental - Other Equipment. Rate patd to recover the anticipated replacement I cost of City-owned equipment other than office equIpment as detennincd by the Admimstrative Services Department 5530 Capital Outlav Rental - Office. Rate paid to recover the anticipated replacement cost of I City-owned ol1ice equipment. As determined by the Administrative ServIces Department. 5540 Capital Outlav Rental - Facilities, Rate paid to set aSide funds for repair and maintenance of I City facilities. 5700 Inten!Overnmental Costs . 5710 Administrative Cost. An account used to accumulate internal administrative overhead costs . for the Redevelopment Agency, Housing Operations, and special Landscape Districts. 5720 Cash Over/Under Account used by cashiers unable to balance till. I Intergovernmental Fees. Regulatory fees to the State of California, County of San Diego or 5730 other governmental agencies. I 5740 Refund. Reimbursement of overpayment due to error, mistake or omission. 5750 Uncollectibles. Bad debt write-off I 5760 Uninsured Claims. Payment of the City's cost for claims. I I 366 I I I 5900 DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS. Costs for deposIt accounts collected for engmeering and inspection by Public Services Department. I 5910 Grading Plan Check. Covcrs all City charges for grading plan revIew (includmg consultants), I 5920 Grading Inspection, All City charges for grading inspection (mcluding consultants). I 5930 Final Map Checking, All City charges for checking maps, processing reqUlred forms, etc, (including consultants). I 5940 Improvement Plan Checking. All City charges for improvement plan review (including consultants), I 5950 Improvement Inspection. AH City charges for inspection of improvements (including consultants). I 5960 Boundarv AdJustment ReVIew All City charges for review of Boundary Adjustment, Certlf'icates of Compliance, Certit'icate of Compliance for Parcel Map Waiver, Merger without parcel map. I 5970 Misc. Engineering Requests. All City costs for stay apphcation request; street or easement vacation, special tentative map processing (BSI costs); temporary sewer and water I applications. 5980 Secuntv Deposits (Cash) Cash deposits to secure construction of required I improvements (may be total security or in comb mati on with bond, letter of credit). 5985 Sewer Annexation Deposits, Includes City charges for processing sewer district annexatlOns I as wcll as annexation fees remit to the State of California. 600U CAPITAL OUTLAY & FIXED ASSETS. Equipment, land, buildings and other assets valued at I over $500 00 and with an anl1cipated useful life of more than one ( I) year 6102 Athletic Equipment. Line markers, signal guns for games, hurdles, backstops and other I similar items when portable or mobile 6104 Autos and Trucks. Automobiles, trucks, trailers, 11lotorcycles and all aut011lol1ve equipment I not listed, elsewhere. 6106 Const./Street Maint. EqUlp. Tractors, power shovels, cranes, mobile hoists, air compressors, I and similar machines, includIng the vehicle carrying or supporting such items; street cleaning equipment. I 6108 Drainage Structures. Ditches, culverts and underground pipes for movement of stornl waters, I 367 I I 6110 Fire Fighting Apparatus, Fire trucks,rescue vehicles, salvage trucks, fire extinguishers, I special vehicles or other items not hsted elsewhere that are procured for the primary purpose of extInguishing fires, Including vehicles for movement of fire fighting personnel and theIr I equipment. 6112 Fire Hoses. Fire hose of all sizes when in the hands of the Fire Department. When used for I other purposes, such as flushing streets, should be in 623 category 6114 Laboratorv Equipment. Scientific instruments. I 6116 Lease Purchase, Payments made to use and obtain equipment per a contract. 6118 Mains and Appurtenances, Mains, manholes, covers, and structures, I 6120 Mobile Tools. Equipment mounted on wheels for ease of movement, but not including those I in other categories above (623). Wood chippers, rotary tiller, lawn mowers, trimmers, etc., would come under this headIng. 6122a Office Equipment. Office machines, typewriters, adding machines, calculators, check writers I and such other equipment and machines excepting computers. Such items include desks, chairs, beds, tables, stands, tile cabinets, pictures, rugs, carpets, clocks, audio visual I equipment and like items, 6122b Computer Hardware, Computer hardware, including upgrades, valued at over $ 100 00 I 6122c Computer Software. Cost of licenses and documentation for computer software and software upgrades valued at over $100 00 I 6124 Paramedic Equipment. Includes biomedIcal equipment used by the City's paramedics. 6126 Park Equimnent. Park benches, picnic tables, and barbecues. I 6128 Photographic Equipment. Equipment used to take, develop or display pictures, slides or film. I Includes cameras, camcorders, slide projectors, and like items. 6130 Shop Tools. Tools and equipment used in the shop. I Street Light Other. Other street equipment. 6132 6134 Street Light Replacement. Street lights, their standards, arms, lamps, starters, ballasts, and I other parts, used for street and walk illuminatIOn when placed between property lines in City-owned streets: when behind property hnes, these are part of such property I 6136 Telecommunications Equipment. Equipment used to send or receive data. Includes radios, transceivers, modems, antennae, fax machines and telephone equipment. I 6138 Traffic Controls, Signs and signals used for directional or speed control of vehicles; includes parking limitation signs, including attached lights and lamps and traffic signals and blinkers. I 368 I I I 6199 Other Tools and EquIPment. Tools and equipment not properly classified in a foregoing classification, Scales for commercial vehicle enforcement, tools, and appropriate trailer I 6400 Fixed Assets 6402 Buildings, A structurc of three or more walls and a roof, capable of housing personnel, I equipment or machinery, value of more than $500.00. 6404 Commercial RevitalIzation, Project expenditures to elIminate commercial btight I for the benefit of the Redevelopment Project Area. I 6406 Depreciation. The portion of the cost of a fixed asset charged as an expense, 6408 l'lousing RevitalIzation. Project expenditures to eliminate hOUSIng blight for the I benefit ofthe Redevelopment Project Area. 6410 Land. Land valued at more than $],000.00. I 6412 Miscellaneous Structures. A special category for reservOirs, bridges, swimming pools, and parking lots. I 64]4 Non-Structural Improvements, Fences, their gates and parts, walls not supportIng roofs, I 6418 Public Transit Fixtures. Bus benches and shelters, I 6420 Streets, Sidewalks, Trails. Land procured and improvcments thereon for the movement of people on foot or in vehicles, Including bike lanes and related drainage, utility use, includes all portions dedicated to public use. I 6422 Trees and Landscaping, Trees, shrubs, plants, etc. that are part of a total project for beautification of grounds, either alone or at building. I 6490 Other Assets. Those not properly classified in a foregoing classification, I I I I I :169 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX D REVENUE CHART OF ACCOUNTS AND DEFINITION I I I REVENUE ACCOUNT DEFINITIONS I 7100 TAXES AND FRANCHISES. Revenue in the 7100 senes represents taxes on retail sales, I propcrty taxes, franchises or head I room) tax, Most of the taxes in this category are paid directly to the City by the unit that collects the tax. I 7111 Propertv Tax - Current: Secured and unsecured property tax allocated to the City by the County at the rate of 1% of the assessed value ofthc property Payments are made to the City about 14 timcs a ycar with the majority paId in December and ApriL Normally I property value is anticIpated to grow (i,e., inflate) at 2% of the prior year's values. 7112 Propertv Tax - Delinquent: Secured and unsecured propcrty taxes that were levied in I prior tax year(s), but were not paid when levied, As the County collects these late taxes, they are paId to the City 7113 Supplemental Tax Roll - Current: Secured and unsecured property taxes generated I from supplemental assessments which are the result of increases in assessed valuation due to changes of ownership or new constructIOn and are billcd at the time of their I occurrence. 7114 Homeowners' Propertv Tax Exemption, A $7,000 exemption provided for in the State I Constitution, The exemption is deducted from the full value of thc dwelling unit from the tax bill paid by the citizens, The State thcn reimbnrses the County who, in turn, reimburscs the City for the loss of revenue. The exemption is constItutionally I guaranteed to the taxpayer, but the reimbursement to the City is subject to annual budget review by the State, 7117 Real Propertv Transfer Tax. Tax imposed on the transfer ofreal property at a rate per I dollar value of sale. ThiS tax is collected and paid to the City throughout the year as part of the 14 tax increment payments, I 7118 RDA Tax Increment. Portion of property tax collected on behalf of the Poway Redevelopment Agency I 7119 Propertv Taxes - Flood Zones: Property tax collections within thIS area for drainage, flood control, etc., used for operations and maintenance. I 7131 Sales Tax: A portion of the statewide sales tax collected by businesses and paid to the State. The State remits a portion of the tax to the City each month then, periodIcally I (quarterly in most cases), adjusts the payments to "actual" amounts. The tax is paid to the City based on point of sale collectIons, Currently the local allocation is I percent with I percent bemg remitted to cities and the additional 1/4 percent eannarked for I transportation funds to counties, I I 372 I I 1\1 7132 ProP. A -Cent Sales Tax: Additional -cent transactions and use tax passed by the voters in San Diego, November 1987 This sales and use tax will last for 20 years beginning April I, 1988, and ending March 31, 2008. The revenue generated by this I tax increase will ltmd many transportation purposes, induding transIt and streets and roads. I 7151 Transient Occupancv Tax. A tax collected from hotel-motel guests as a percentage of their room rate, The tax is collected by the hotel-motel owner and remitted quarterly to the City The tax rate is 80/0, I 7172 Franchises: Revenues for use of public right-of-way or right granted to SGD&E to furnish gas, and electricity to the City I 7173 Franchises: Revenues for use of public right-of-way or right granted to Southwestern Cable to furnish cable television services, I 7174 Franchises: Revenues for use of public nght-of-way or right granted to Cox Cable to }urnish cable television services. I 7200 LICENSES AND PERMITS. Revenue in the 7200 series represents collections for licenses and permits issued dIrectly by the City or by the City for another governmental unit. I 7211 Animal Licenses: Licenses issued to regulate and control dogs and horses. The lIcenses arc issued by the County with the City receiving a minor portion of the dog I licensing fcc, The fee collected for horse licenses is eventually returned to the City for nding trails. CommunIty Services and Customer ServIces coordinate these programs for the City I 7213 Business Regulatorv Fcc: An amount collected for regulation of businesses in the City This program is jointly controlled by Safety Services, Plannmg Services, and I Administrative Services, 7214 State License Commissions, Handling fees for sellIng State of California fishing I lIcenses. Collected at Lake Po way on a daily basis. 7231 Sanitation Permits: Permits issued to firms to negotiate trash collection within the City I 7232 Fishing Pennits: A pernlit Issued by Community Services for the privilege of fishing at the Lake. I 7233 Boat Pennits: A permit issued by Community Services to obtain the use of a boat on the Lake. I 7234 ConstructIon Permit - Excavation. A permit issued by Public Service to allow for encroachment on public right-of-way The rates charged for the permit are based upon I various unit prices that relate to the type of work to be perfonned, The rates arc outlined in a City resolution (currently Resolution 325) and the authority for the collection is part of the Ordinance 80 I 373 I I 7235 Construction Pennit - Grading: A penn it issued by Public Services that allows for I grading, The rates are also outlined in a City resolution (currently Resolution 325). 7236 Parking Pennit: A one-day penn it Issued for parking at the Lake. Community ServIces j collects and issues the pennits. The rates are established by City Resolution 83-044 I 7300 FINES AND FORFEITURES - Revenue in the 7300 series represents collection of levied I for CItatIOns. 7310 Fines and Penalties: The revenue generated by citations issued by the Sheriffs. I Revenue represents collections for citations from the courts or from the finn that processes the City's tickets. I 7400 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY - Revenue in the 7400 series represents income generated from the rental of property and equipment, or derived from the investment of the City's I funds, 7411 Interest Income - General. Income generated from the investment of City fi.mds. The I interest income is apportioned to the funds based upon the poslllve cash balances in the fund at the end of each month, Any mterest earnings not budgeted is allocated to the general fund. Investment of City funds is perfonned by Administrative Services. I 7412 Interest Income - Restricted: Income generated from the investment of City funds received as earnings and specifically restricted/reserved for specific funds, I 7413 Interest Income - Bond: Income generated from the investment of City funds received as earnings on cash collected for bonded debt payments. I 7414 Interest Income - Loans, Interest earned on principal due to another entity 74]5 Interest ]ncomc - Note Receivable: An accollnt to record interest earnmgs on a note. I 7441 Rental of Propertv: Rental of general city property to various entities and rental of I City owned hOllsmg units, 7442 Cable TV Services: Charges paid by residents of City owned housing units for I rennbursement of costs of cable televiSIOn service billed to the City by Cox Cable. 7443 Gas & Electricitv Service: Charges paid by residents of City owned housmg untts for I reimbursement of gas & electricity costs charges by the City by SDG&E, 7444 Water & Sewer Services: Charges paid by residents of City owned housing units for I reimbursement of water and Sewer service costs, 7445 Storage Fees: Charges paid by residents of City owned housing units for use of on- I sIte storage facililles. I 374 I I I 7446 Mobilehome Repair & Replacement: Charges paid by renters of Agency-owned, shared-housing units for future repair and maintenance costs and repayment of Agency s purchase of units. I 7460 Lease Revenue - 1991 COP: Lease revenue received from the Poway Redevelopment I Agency for the leasc of the Poway Royal Mobile Home Park. 7461 Lease Revenue - Telecommunications: Lease revenue received for use of City property by telecommunications, I 7462 Lease Revenue - 1996 COP: Lease rcvenue received from the County of San DIego for the lease of the Sheriffs SubstatIOn m Poway I 7471 Facilities and Equipment Rental. A fee paid by the public to reserve and secure the use of the City owned facilities and equipment, including park sites, the Perfomling I Arts Center, and fire departmcnt trainmg facilities. 7472 Swimming Pool Rentat Fees: Rental fee charged for use of City pool. I 7473 Pool Locker Rental Fees: Rental fees charged to the public to use pool locker ThIS account is administered by Conununity Services. I 7475 Yearlv Capital Outlav Rcntal. Rental fee charged to using departments to recover the cost of acquiring replacement asscts. I 7476 Concession Lease Rent: A rental fee paid as a percentage of income for on-site sales and services pcrformed by a privatc concern that operates at a city facility I 7477 Rental - Parents & Kids Sake Trailer' Rental paid by a nonprofit organizatIon for usc of the City-owned trailer otlice located at Metate and Community Road. I 7478 Rental - Sports Park: Lease and percentage of gross income for operation of the pnvately-operated Sports Park located in the South Poway Busmess Park. I 7500 REVENUE FROM OTHER AGENCIES: City's share of revenue collected by other governmental units and then paid to the City as subventions; also used to account for funding I received from federal, state, or other public agencies for specific programs, grants or projects. 7511 Grant Revenue. Local: Revenue received trom local agencies for specific programs. I 7512 PUSD Contribution, Rcimbursement for spccitic operating costs rcceived from PUSD for joint use of the perfonning arts ccnter I 7521 Grant Revenue - Countv: Revenue received from the County for specific programs, 7522 Solid Waste Reduction (Tonnage I: Revenue received tor reduction of solid waste I disposal requirements. I 375 I I 7523 Grant Revenue - TDA Article 4.0' State allocation of sales tax funds for use I exclusively for the provision of general public transportation services and facilities. These funds are currently passed through to the County for the provision of said services. I 7524 Grant Revenue -TDA Article 4,5 State allocation ofsaks tax funds passed through to the County to provide for operation of the Call-A-Ride program the elderly and I handIcapped. 7525 Grant Revenue - Oil Recvcling: Revenue received for handling and disposing of used I lubricants/oil. 7527 TDA Grant Revenue - Bus Shelter. State allocation of sales tax funds passed through I to the County to provide for constructIOn or replacement of bus benches and bus bench shelters. 7528 Grant Revenue - Safetv Services: Grant revenue for operatIOn of the COPS/Fast I Program. 7530 Sheriff s Contract Rebate Revenues received as rcbates on contract with County I Sheriff s Department. 7533 Grant Revenue - Household Hazardous Wastes Discretionarv Funds: Revenues I received for dIsposal of hazardous wastes, 7534 Grant Revenue - Household Hazardous Wastes (AB939): Revenues received per I Assembly Bill 939 for hazardous waste disposal. 7541 Grant Revenue Park Bond Acts 1980, 1976, etc: Grant revemle from the state for I specific park Improvcment projects as approved by voters under various bond acts. 7543 Grant - Fuel Etlicient Traffic Signal Program: To account for grant revenue received I for a study to detennine the optimum timing for City tratlic signals, 7546 Grant Revenue - S 174, Grant revenue from the state for specitic park improvement I projects as approved under Senate Bill 174 7548 Grant Revenue - Office of Criminal Justice: State revenue tor a crime prevention I program currently bemg presented in the City schools, by the Safety Services Department in conjunction with the schools. I 7551 Grant Revenue - Household Hazardous Waste: Grant revenue from the California Interactive Waste Management Board for semiannual residential hazardous waste I collection events, 7561 Grant Revenue - Federal: Grant revenue from the Federal Government. Generally for I specific program uses, I 376 I I I 7574 Grant Revenue - CDBG 22nd Year' Federal Community Development Block Grant allocation; twenty-second year entitlement I 7575 Grant Revenue - CDBG 23rd/24th Year' Federal Community Development Block Grant allocation; twenty-third and twenty-fourth year entitlement. I 7576 Grant Revenue - CDBG 25th Year Federal Community Dcvelopment Block Grant allocation; twenty-tilth year entitlement I 7577 Grant Revenue - CDBG 26th Year' Federal Community Development Block Grant allocation, twenty-sixth year entitlement. I 7578 Grant Revenue - CDBG 27th Year' Federal Community Development Block Grant allocation, twenty-seventh year entitlement. I 7581 Motor Vehicle in Lieu: Includes revenue derived from Section 11005 of Revenue and Taxation Code, The annual fee is sct at 2% of the depreciated market value of motor vehicles, The State keeps about 50% of the collection and distributes the rest to cities I monthly on the basis of population. 7582 Off-Highwav Motor Vehicle In-lieu Fces: State remits this fee semiannually to the I City as a per capita amount This revenue is apportioned and collected under vehicle Codc Sections 38240(a) and 38230 I 7583 State EducatIOn Augmentation Fund: State allocation to City's meant to partially offset revenue losses from reduced property taxes. 0 I 7591 Gasoline Tax - 2105, Includes revenue derived from Section 2105 of the Street and Highway Code, Prop. 11], October 1990, calls for 11.5% of the 6 ccnts additional gas tax to be allocated to citIes based upon population ranges. I 7592 Gasoline Tax - 2106. Includes revenue denved from Section 2106 of the Street and Highway Code. The State remits a fixed amount monthly to the City Additionally, I the City shares in a portion of the overall base sum that is not distributed to the counties and this amount is apportioned on a monthly basis. I 7593 Gasoline Tax - 2107 Includes revenue derived from Section 2107 of the State and Highway Code, The payment pattern for this account is the same as for 7430. The tax is collected as an amount per gallon and is distributed to cities as a per capita amount. I 7594 Gasoline Tax - 2107.5. Includes revenue derived from SectIOn 2107.5 of the Street and Highway Code, These funds are allocated annually to the City based upon I population ranges, The City'S population must increase to 100,000 before there is a change in the bracket amount I 7600 FEES AND SERVICES: Revenue in the 7600 series represents charges to the public for services or commodities, Revenue in these account series represents fees for services or products. I 377 I I 7611 Candidate Filing Fees: Fee paid by candidate for City Council office. The City Clerk I estimates and monitors this account. Revenue is received only in election years. 7612 Water System Analvsis Fees: All City charges for water system analysIs (including I consultants), 7613 Administrative Revenue: Cost recovery for staff performing services that benefit a I lImited public or different accounting entity AdministratIve revenue includes such items as overhead charges, and cost recovery for staff position perfonning work for the Redevelopment Agency and speCIal districts, I 7614 Miscellaneous Fees: Fees collected by departments for the sale of publications, documents and for photocopying services. I 7621 Advertising Sales: Revenue collected for the sales of advertising space, such as the quarterly perfonning arts center program, I 7622 Ticket Sales: Revenue from subscription and other tIcket sales to events presented by the Performing Arts Division in the Perfonning Arts Center I 7623 Perfonning Arts Staff Services: Cost recovery tor part-time staff services perfonned for School District and third party rental users of Performing Arts Center I 7624 Aquatic Programs and Contracts: Fees for swim classes and for programs lead by outSIde instructors, i.e" springboard diving, scuba, etc, I 7625 Leisure Contracts: Revenue rcceived for recrcation programs that are led by contract instructors; e.g., gymnastics, tiny tot, karate. The recrcation participants pay a fee that I offsets the cost of the indiVIdual class. 7626 Recreation Programs: Revenue received for recreation programs that are led by City I statY instructors; e.g., lIfeguards, recreation leaders. 7628 Swimming Pool Admission Fees: Fees charged to public for daily use and season I passes for swimming pooL 7630 Parkland Dcdication fees: Fees collected from developers for construction of parks I in accordance with Ordinance 124 7631 Lake Powav Overnight Camping: Fees collected for overnight camping programs at I Lake Poway 7641 Water Sales and Service: Revenue received from the sale of metered, treated water I 7642 Salcs - Unmetered Water: Intenm water service proVIded at sites where there are no meters for activities such as construction and landscaping, Water service is billed I manually based on mimmum charge for residential users and area size for unmetered slope water I 378 I I I 7643 Sales - SDCW Al Ramona Water: Water sold by the City to the San Diego County Water Authority for use by the Ramona Municipal Water District in accordance with a contractual agreement. Revenue is recorded monthly as service IS billed, I 7644 Delinquencv Charges - Sales: A late tee assessed to utility customers who have failed to pay their bills in a timely manner The fee currently is a percentage of the unpaid I balance, 7645 Hvdrant Meter Service Charges: A fee charged to persons who use fire hydrant water I meters during construction. Currently a flat tee of $1 0 is charged, 7646 Reconnection and Turn-on Fees: A fee charged to utility customers to reestablish I service. Currently the fec is a flat fee assessed to cover the labor cost ofthe meter reader and varies trom $15 to $35 depending on the hours the service is provided, I 7647 lntermptible Water/ Agncultural Rcbate: A credit issued by SDCW A that reduces the cost of water to thc City and the City's agricultural users. The dIscounted rate permIts MWD the right to decrease (intemIpt) delivery by an agreed upon amount. I 764R Sales Capacitv Charges: Fixed cost based on meter size associated with the watcr meter, i,e, meter reading, repair/replacement of meter, etc I 7649 Reclaimed Water Sales: Sales ofreclaimed water I 7651 Pumpm" - TO #]. Charges billed to water utilIty users for water pumping required to service an area. The purpose is to rccover the electrical energy costs, The pumping for ID #1 is to lin water to the High Valley area. I 7652 Pumping -TO #4, Charges billed for pumping in Panorama Hills, Lomas Verdes, and portions of Stoneridge areas. Also see account 7651 for further explanation, I 7653 Pumpin" - Orchard, Silver Saddle, A73. Charges billed for pumping in the areas identitied as Northeast, Del Poniente and portions ofthe Green Valley areas, Also I see account 765 t for further explanation. 7654 Pumping - Donart: Chargcs billed for pumping in the Donart Drive Service area. I Also see account 765 I for further explanation. 7657 Pumping - Greg Reservoir: Charges billed for Padre Transit Mix water service, Also I see account 765 t for further explanation, 7658 Pumpin" - Camelback, Charges billed to the AHa Mia Reservoir serving Lake Poway I Park and Water Scrvice Area VI. Also see account 7651 for further explanation. 7659 Pumping - WoodclitT: Chargcs billed to water pumping to Water Assessment District I 79-1 Also see account 7651 for further explanation. 7660 Pumping - Commullltv: Charges billed to consumers in the Pomerado Busmess Park I - 95 gradient. Also see account 7651 for further explanation. j79 I I 7661 Pumping - Welton. See account 7651 for further explanation. I 7662 Pumping - Del Pomente: See account 765 I for further explanation, I 7664 Pumping - Reclaimed Water' Charges billed to consumers for reclaimed water 7665 Pumping - Old Coach. See account 7651 for further explanation. I 7667 Water ServIce Connection Fees: Charge paId for water service based on meter size. I Connection fees are normally paid only by individuals requiring new service rather than by the large developers who expand the utility system. 7669 Meter Installation, Charge for setting and connecting water meter and laterals when I necessary whenever a new installation is requested. Meter installation is based on fixed charge and lateral charges are based on a fixed fee and/or actual cost. I 76S1 Sewer Sales and Services: Basic bi-monthly charge for provision of sewer treatment and disposal services I 7682 High Volume Sewer: Sewer service charges billed to commercial users as part of the utility system. Billing is based on water consumption, I 7683 Sewer Service Connection Fees: Fees paid by sewer customers to hook up new serVice, I 76S4 Annexation Fees: Fees paid upon joining the sewer district to cover processing costs collected In connection with sewer map reviews for hookup charges, I 7685 Inspection Fees: Fees charged by the public works department for onsite Inspection of water and sewer lines, grading, Inspection, ctc, I 7687 San Diego Sewer Transportation Charges: Special fees paid by the City of San Diego. I 7688 Scwer Capacltv. Fixed cost based on meter size associated with the sewer reading, 7691 Pumpin~ Char~es - St. Andrews: Revenue derived from utility customers who are I assessed for the energy costs of transmission through the pump station located on St. Andrews to service this area, I 7692 Pumpin~ Char~es - Camino del Valle: Same as 7562, but for the Camino del Valle area. I 7693 Pumping Charges - Del Ponicnte: Same as 7562, but for the Del Poniente area. 7694 Pumping Charges - Highlands: Same as 7562, but for the Highland area, I I 3RO I I I 7711 Street Light EnergiZing Fee: This fee covers the cost of street light operatIons and maintenance from the time a light is energized until it is annexed into thelightmg district. After annexation, costs are recovered through property tax roll assessment. I 7712 Drainage Fees: Fee charged to assist in overall erosion and drainage protectIon, facilitIes, and terracing. I 7713 Traffic MitigatIon Fees: Fees paid by developers to improve traffic flow or mitigate traffic congestion near their development sites. I 7714 Traffic Signal Fee: Fees paid by developers to mstall or Improve traffic signals near their development sites. I 7715 Landscape Median Fees: Development fee paid to improve landscaping near the development area. I 7731 Planning Fees: Fee charged for the review of development applicatlOns by the Plannmg ServIces Department. I 7732 Environmental Review Fees: Fees paid for consultants hired by the City to prepare Draft Environmentat Impact Reports (EIR) for the Planning Services Department. I 7733 Miscellaneous Planning Fees: VanllUS mIscellaneous planning fees for zoning maps and blueprints, I 7734 Building Inspection Fees: Charges for buitding pennits and assOCIated inspection for such Items as remodelmg, fences, cte. I 7735 Plan Check Revenue: Charges for engineering review of construction plans and maps Revenue recorded represents the overhead charges for engineering consultants and I salary and overhead reimbursement for City engineering stafr 7736 Miscellaneous Engineering Fees: Various miscellaneous engineering fees for maps I and blueprints. 7737 Inspection Revenue Fees: Revenue reccived for on-site inspections made by the I Engineenng Services Department other than those inspections connected to utility inspection. I 7738 Engineering StatTTime Reimbursement: Reimbursement trom private developers for engineering staff time spent on boundary adjustment reviews and other miscellaneous engmeenng servIces. I 7740 Inspection - Mobile homes: Charges for inspection of mobilehomes, I 7741 Developer Contribution - Low/Mod Housing: Fees collected from developer for the proVision of low/mod housing as required under the State Fair Share Housing mandate, I 3Xl I I 7742 InspectIOn Permits - Rooting: Charges for inspections of roofs, I 7743 Habitat Mitigation In-Lieu: In-Lieu fees that are collected when habitat IS destroyed by development. The fees are used to purchase rcplacement habitat within the I Habitat Conscrvation Plan mitigation area, 7752 Alann Registration and Penalties: Revenue derived from alarm registration to be I issued upon tirst occurrence of first alarm, Penalties derived from fees charged for false alarm in excess of two occurrences in l2-month period. 7753 Safelv ServIces Plan Check/Inspection: Revenue generated from fees charged to I customer for plan check and inspection submitted to Fire Department. 7754 Miscellaneous Safetv Service Fees: Various ITIlscellaneous safety service charges, I 7755 Ambulance Fees: Revenue received from users of the paramedic ambulance service I provided by Safety Services. 7756 CPR Class Revenue: Revenue received for the conductmg of CPR classes. I 7757 Vehicle Abatement. Revenue received from state based on Poway s countywide percentage of total vehicles removed from public and pnvate property I 775R Towing Contracts: Revenue received to reimburse the City for hinng private companies to to\\! a vehicle as part of a nuisance abatement program. I 7759 Fire Protection Fee: A fee based on a tire flow calculation. This fee is collected in a special revenue fund via the tax rolL I 7760 Weed and Nuisance Abatement: Revenue received from property owners for clearing weeds, vehicles, and debns from their property The weed and vehicle abatement I program IS administered. by Development Services. Most of the revenue is collected on the tax roll. 7771 Sewer Service Tax Roll- Fiscal Year 1981-1982, In previous fiscal years, the sewer I service charges were collected on the tax roll as a flat rate charge, This account records these delinquent charges as they are being collected. I 7772 Drivewav Paving Fee: Cost recovery for performing street Improvement of private driveway areas, Revenue is anticipated through 1997 I 7773 SolId Waste Franchise Fee: Revenue for right granted to solid waste collection prOVider under the City's exclusive solId waste collection/recycling agreement. I 7800 OTHER REVENUE: Revenue in the 7800 series represents collection of general obligation debt, bond proceeds, donations, sale of property refunds and other miscellaneous I Income. I 382 I I I 7811 Proceeds from Sale of Bonds: Proceeds from sale of debt instrument; e,g., bond, note, etc. . 7812 Loan Procceds: This account is used to account for the receipt of borrowed funds. 7822 Contributions from Other Funds: Contributions rcceived by onc fund from another I fund. 7823 Developer Parl1cipation - Capital Improvements: Contributions from developers for I capital improvement projects constructed by the City! Redevelopment Agency 7830 Donations - General. General contributions made to thc City without specification as I to usc of funds for specific operating units, Usually money is received for specific programs or projects on a non-recurring basis. I 7840 ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS Revenue in the 7840 series represents assessment district funding. I 7841 Assessment Distnct 83-1 Rancho Arbolitos, Collections of assessments from property owners in this area for landscaping and maintenance of slopes. I 7842 Assessment District 86-3 Sunwood: Collection of assessmcnts from property owners in Assessment District 86-3 for landscaping and maintenance of slope in Sunwood Tract along Metate Lane The revenue is collected on property tax rolls I with assessment based on acreage. 7843 Assessmcnt Distnct 86-1 Hirsch Ranch. Assessments collected via property tax rolls I for landscape maintenancc, 7844 Assessment District 86-2 Sunrise Ranch: Assessments collected VIa property tax rolls I for landscape maintenanee. 7846 Assessment Distriet 87-1 Pomerado Business Park: Assessmcnts collected via I property tax rolls for landscape mamtenance. 7847 Assessment District 86-028 Syeamore Creek Landseape Maintenance: I Assessments eolleeted via property tax rolls for landscape maintenance, 7848 Assessment District Twin Peaks: Assessments collected via property tax rolls for I landscape maintenance. 7849 Assessment District Powav Road: Assessments collected via propcrty tax rolls fur I landscape maintenance. 7850 Vehicle Maintenance Revenue: Charges to all divisions for use ofVehic1e maintained I by Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Division. I 3X3 I I 7851 Assessment 800M Hz Radio Svstem: Assessments collected via property tax rolls to I connect Poway firetlghting, poliee, and public serviees to the countywide communications system. 7852 Assessment DIstrict 83-0 I C Kentfield: Assessments collected V13 property tax rolls I for landscape maintenanee. 7861 Lighting DIstnet - Zone A. Assessments eollected via property tax rolls for Street I lighting costs, 7862 Lighting District - Zone B Assessments eollected via property tax rolls for Street I lighting costs. 7863 Lighting Distnet - Zone C. Assessments collected via property tax rolls for Street I hghting costs. 7864 Assessment DIstnct 96-1 - High Vallev Road: Assessments collected via property tax I rolls for the property owner s share of road llnprovement costs. 7871 Bond I & R - General Water Bonds, Taxes: Interest and principal redemption I collections fDr payment of general obhgatIon water bonds issued by Poway Municipal Water District. Collected through property taxes as a rate per assessed I value. The levy is III excess of the one percent property tax rate. 7872 Bond I & R - Sewer Bonds, Taxes: Interest and principal redemption collections for I payment of general obligation sewer bonds. Collected through property taxes as a rate per assessed value. 7875 South Powav CFD # I Bond - Current. Interest and principal redemption collectlOns I for payment of South Poway CFD # I bonds collected through property taxes for the current year I 7876 South Powav Communitv Facilities Districts - Prior: Interest and principal redemption collections for payment of South Poway CFD #1 bonds collected through I property taxes for the prior years, 7881 Sale of Surplus Properlv: Proceeds of sale of surplus property owned by City I Collected by Purchasing Department after sale of property declared as surplus by Council. 7883 Other Refunds: Refunds for overpayments that are not accounted for in other refund I accounts, 7884 Returned Check Charges: Charges to customers fDr checks returned by their bank. I Collected by Customer ServIces at time of restitution, 7885 Workers' Compensation Insurance: Dividends received on Workers' Compensation I Insurance Premiums paId in prior fiscal years and is received annually, usually in June. I 3R4 I I I 7886 Insurance Settlements: Property settlements awarded by insurance, I 7887 Recoverv of Stolen Propertv: Revenue generated from stolen property auctioned by the Shenff's Department. I 7888 Reimbursement Agreement Fees: Reimbursement to CF Poway for improvements 10 Pomerado Business Park. I 7890 Lawsuit Settlement: Revenue received from court settlements. 7891 Miscellaneous Revenue: Revenue not property categorized in another account. I 7892 Mandated Costs Recoveries: Reimbursement from the State for costs assocIated with the provIsIOn of services and reportmg requirements which are Imposed by I legislation. Claims are filed annually by the Finance DIVIsion, 7893 FEMA Reimbursement: Reimbursement li'Oln the Federal Emergency Management I AdmlOistration for eligible City expenditures associated wIth repair of public facilities and IOfrastmcture damaged by natural disasters. I 7894 Insurance Refunds: Refunds Irom City S insurance provider for pnor year s savIngs. I 7895 Developer/Subdivision Deposit Revenue: Deposits made with Public Services Department by developers to cover engineering, inspectIOn and map checking of developers' construction projects, I 7896 Fanners Market Revenue Revenue for City s operatIon of Fanners Market. I n99 Developer Sccuritv Deposits: Deposits made by developers to ensure completion of project 10 accordance WIth City reqUIrements, Refundable to developer upon project s approval. I 7999 Suspense Account: Used for umdentilied revenues. When revenue is identIfied the amount is transferred to the proper account. I I I I I 3R5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX E CITY COUNCIL IMMEDIATE AND SHORT-TERM GOALS I I _.- . t ' ., .. I ~~ ..~ t'. ~':..A-. ,. '{. . . . [~ a:)' <') . ,~ L-=--{~1TY ~ I I 1. COMMUNITY SAFETY I Quality of Life in Poway means. I people can enjoy the community where they live, work, and play without fear of violence. We will focus on prevention, however, threats to the health of the community from gangs and substance abuse will be dealt with I swiftly Personal safety and disaster preparedness are integral parts of protecting die future of the community I 1 1 GANG PREVENTION AND EDUCATION I In response to gang activity throughout the North County communities. it is the goal of the City Council to develop gang prevention and education programs to maintain the high quality of life in Poway I Status: The City of Poway, in conjunction with the Poway Unified School District and the Sheriff's Department, is co-sponsoring a one week daytime summer camp targeting middle school students who are considered "at risk" for drug and/or gang activity The I summer camp for" at risk" students will be held in 2000 I Additionally, the Sheriff's School Liaison Detective works closely with high schools and middle schools in dealing with issues and crime involving juvenile suspects. The School Liaison Detective is the station's primary representative to school officials and I ensures collaboration among all parties in addressing school and juvenile issues related to public safety I The mission of the Safety/Wellness Advisory Committee is to support a healthy community by increasing the community and school safety and well-being of our youth, their families. and other comlIlunity members through community involvement. I collaboration, education, prevention. and intervention, The coalition is comprised of representatives from the City, school district. businesses. civic groups, members of the PT A. and interested residents who participate in this effort. A goal of the coalition is to I create positive alternatives for youth by exchanging information and building supportive collaborations related to existing/new safety/wellness strategies and environmental changes, I For related Community Safety issues regarding youth, see section 7 1 I. Drug and Alcohol Enforcement, Prevention, and Education. I Fiscal Impact. Minor fiscal impact. I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update I March 6, 2001 Page 2 I I 2 MAINTAIN STRONG PUBLIC SAFETY PRESENCE It is the goal of the City Council to maintain a strong public safety presence in order to I maintain a high quality of life in Poway The City of Poway continues to enjoy one of the lowest crime rates in San Diego County as depicted in the chart below The City I Council will continue its efforts to maintain effective and efficient law enforcement to preserve this standing. The City will continue to explore creative solutions to specific problem areas and will continue to coordinate teamwork alllong law enforcement, City I staff, and the community City of Poway vs. San Diego County I Regional Average 60,0 II City of Poway I 500 -t--- S.D County '" 460 'E 50 0 (I) 43,8 I 'C 390 '0; (I) 400 34.3 Cl: 0 I 0 ~ 30,0 254 ~ 21 0 ~ I 194 187 191 rf. 200 I I '" I I I (I) .; 100 ~ u 0.0 I 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Year I The City. in partnership with the Sheriff's Department, is in the process of formally instituting Community-Oriented Policing and Problem Solving (COPS) philosophy and I strategies, I I I I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update March 6, 200 I I Page 3 I I I - '- - , - I ~.,." -- -- I Additionally, the City supports the expansion and continued operation of the Sheriff's Senior Volunteer Program, Sheriff's Reserve Program, and encourages participation in I the Sheriff's Explorer Program. All of these programs provide additional service to the citizens of Poway at a minimal cosL I Status, The Sheriff's Department contract with the City provides for nine patrol deputies per twenty four hour day. seven days per week with relief, four traffic deputies per twenty-four hour day, seven days per week with relief; and two motorcycle I deputies per twenty-four hour day, five days per week, without relief The City contracts for four Special Purpose Officers, one D.A.RE. Deputy one detective sergeant, four area detectives, one substance abuse detective, one gang detective, and I one school liaison detective. Finally. the City contracts for four dispatchers and three Community Service OITicers, I Fiscal Impact: Major fiscal impacL PERSONAL SAFETY AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS I 3 I It is the goal of the City Council to ensure personal safety and plan for emergency preparedness to ensure a high quality of life in Poway Although I a citywide emergency plan has been prepared for responding to disasters that may occur within Poway city limits. it is our goal to extend the plan to include personal safety and disaster preparedness. This project would consist of educating and assisting each I Poway family in obtaining necessary equipment in order to handle the first 72 hours of an emergency Periodic self-defense and personal-safety classes will also be scheduled each year I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update I March 6, 200 I Page 4 I Eme~g:ene2r I ~repal:~4Jness WOI"I~book I I I For Your Familv, Home, I Business, and Personal Use I Status: In 1999, two City/Urban Survival Workshop's were held in preparation for the I possible interruption of essential services due to the Year 2000 computer impact. I Over 510 peopie attended the January workshop at the Poway Center for the Performing Arts. Over 300 people who missed the January workshop attended the August program to learn how to prepare their homes and workplaces for any disaster ~ I natural or manmade. In May 1999, the City coordinated a countywide CPR Day Fire departments around the county held events from CPR classes to a display at a local community center I In May 1999, the City held its first annual Health and Safety Fair The City hosted over 50 nonprofit health organizations to provide information on subjects ranging from I infant, child, teen. adult, and senior health to public safety Over 800 adults and children attended this fun and educational event. Staff worked with Poway Unified School District personnel to complete emergency I preparedness training and exercises on each of the II school campuses located within the City During 1999, all schools participated in drills, Emergency preparedness I training is also provided to residents to teach them what they should do to prepare for a disaster In April 200 I, the City will host another Family Earthquake Preparedness Workshop I This workshop will focus on earthquake planning and preparedness, and attendees will I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update March 6, 2001 I Page 5 receive a workbook for assessing and planning for the needs of their families during an I emergency Community workshops have been held in areas of Poway that may be exposed to I specific hazards such as wildland fires, Meetings about wildland fires were held with High Valley homeowners. and positive results in the form of weed abatement have already been observed, Additionally a wildland fire prevention brochure was delivered I door-to-door in high fire hazard areas throughout the City In August 200 I, Safety Services will teach another Wildflre Are You Prepared? workshop with a primary focus on how Poway residents can prepare their famiHes and home before. during, and I after a devastating wildfire. Wildland fire defense planning will be enhanced in the urban/wildfire interface areas. A stronger emphasis on fire-resistive landscaping and fire-resistive building construction is needed The Class A roofing ordinance has I worked well and is a key reason that no structures were lost in the Old Coach area during the Fire Storm of 1993. I In August 1998, advanced life support services took a giant leap forward with the addition of paramedics on fire engines. This enhancement gave us the opportunity to not only provide more paramedics to a person suffering a medical or traumatic I emergency but to provide them in a quicker response time, The citywide emergency plan will be modified to integrate all of the new Standardized I Emergency Management System (SEMS) requirements. Additionally. ongoing community-wide emergency preparedness seminars, personal safety workshops, and homeowner meetings will continue to be provided during the next year I Fiscal Impact: Minor fiscal impact. I I 4 UPHOLD CODE COMPLIANCE ACTIVITIES TO PRESERVE OUALlTY OF LIFE I It is the goal of the City Council to uphold code compliance activities to ensure the high quality of life that the residents of Poway have always enjoyed, I Status. The City's Code Compliance Officers work with residents and business owners as a team, Through diligence and education, they ensure that compliance is preserved with regard to property maintenance, sign regulations, and other zoning development I standards, For example, in order to help educate business owners on sign regulations, a handout outlining temporary sign regulations is sent to everyone with a new business application or renewaL In addition. the same handout is given to applicants who request I a building permit for a tenant improvement. Educating business owners about the City's sign regulations helps develop a cooperative effort between City staff and the business community I Fiscal Impact: Minor fiscal impact. I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update I March 6, 200 I Page 6 I 2. ECONOMY AND EMPLOYMENT Quality of Life in Poway means. I the creation and maintenance of a thriving economy that provides jobs I and services for residents and revenue for essential City services 2.1 CITY SERVICES I 2 I I CONTINUE SEEKING PRIVATIZATION OPPORTUNITIES I It is the goal of the City Council to continue searching for viable privatization I opportunities, Therefore, it is essential to identify whether certain City programs or services may be more suitable for the private sector Status: City departments are continually seeking cost effective and efficient ways of I providing services, Public Services contracts for major street maintenance and street striping work, street sweeping. traffic signal and street light maintenance, landscape I maintenance of the City's Landscape Maintenance Districts, custodial services for City facilities, and some tree trimming services, The Building Services division is completely privatized. The management of the City/Redevelopment owned housing is partially I administered on a contractual basis, Additionally, the Poway Center for the Performing Arts Foundation has assumed full responsibility for the presenting season at the Poway Center for the Performing Arts. I The City Council has contracted with a private joint venture for the operation and maintenance of the South Poway Sportsplex. A private food concessionaire operates at I Lake Poway and the Swim Center has converted the concession area to self-serve vending machines. I The City of Poway recognizes the need not only to remain competitive with the private sector but also to deliver services responsively and at the highest possible degree of I quality The City continues to pursue a deeper understanding of private sector practices and methodologies in every area and, through that understanding. to improve our processes such that we clearly demonstrate a superior efficiency and value. Where it is I not possible to compete with industry, staff will investigate and formulate procedures to further privatize. FiscalImpact: There is a potential for a moderate fiscal impact. I I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update March 6, 200 I I Page 7 2.1 2 ENSURE A FISCALLY SOUND CITY OPERATING BUDGET AND HEALTHY FISCAL RESERVES I It is the goal of the City Council to maintain a fiscally sound budget and healthy level of I reserves funds to ensure the provision of essential City services. Status: Thc stafT has updated, and the City Council approved, the budget for FY 2000-0 I I with a projected General Fund operating surplus of approximately $900,000, This continues the trend of the last several years of being able to add to the City General Fund reserves. These funds have been wisely appropnated towards one-time capital projects or programs, I The City stafT has also completed a comprehensIve update of the five year fiscal forecast model which allows the City to take a longer range vIew when deciding fiscal policy issues. The I model helps recognize the higher revenue streams due to accelerated development activity and projects the sustainable revenue stream once development activity slows. Staff is also prepanng for Council's review of an updated Capital Improvement Plan and needs assessment I as part of the financial plarming eftclrts, Fiscal Impact: Major fiscal impact. I 2.2 COMMUNICA nON I 22. I IMPROVE COMMUNICATION WITH CITIZENS. CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEES. NEIGHBORHOODS. AND IMPROVE ON-LINE ACCESS TO I CITY INFORMATION It is the goal of the City Council to improve communication with and responsiveness to I citizens. Staff will conduct periodic citywide citizen surveys through the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Local Technical Assistance Program. Consideration will be given by the City Council to hold town meetings to allow citizens I to voice their views to the Council. The 1996 Citizen Survey data was presented to the City Council in May 1996 It is the I goal of the City Council to improve communication between the Council and the City's citizen advisory cOlllmittees through written communications or meetings. Joint meetings with citizen advisory committees will be scheduled with the Council as needed I I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update I March 6, 200 t Page 8 I I I Staff continues to explore avenues to enhance the mission of the City of Poway through I the expanded use of technology I The following information details the City's efforts to make information more accessible to the public. First, staff has been exploring technology for developing I 24-hour City Hall accessibility by personal computer. cable television, or new fiber optic networks. The City's Community Bulletin Board information is also available on Time Warner Channel 16 All electronic bulletin board through Cox Communications I Government Access Channel 17 displays information regarding programs and activities in the City of Poway The bulletin board is broadcast 3 hours per day. 7 days a week. City staff is currently working with Time Warner for a government access channel in I the near future. Another technology being studied is a multi-media kiosk that houses an IBM computer allowing citizen access to government services 24 hours a day To gauge responsiveness to citizens, the City has implemented a Customer Comment I form for providing feedback on how well the City responds to requests at public counters and the City has also created a Customer's Bill of Rights. Additionally, a I "Tell Us How It Is" form is mailed to residents twice a year in the City's newsletter Poway Today The City is also exploring the feasibility of establishing a government public infonnation AM I radio station for Poway (A report will be reviewed by the City Council prior to close ofFY 2000-0 I). The AM radio station would function as a verbal bulletin board providing recorded I mlomlation on programming at the Pertomling Arts Center; fire safety tips for the home; City recycling infonnation for container and used oil; recreational activities at Lake Poway, Old Poway Park, Cummunity Park, and other facilities; Conmlllnity Day inlonmtion on activities I and events; special events (Heritage Parade, Rodeo, 4th of July, concerts, and movies m the park); the Mayor's State of the City address; transit infonnahon; activities at Bluc Sky I EcologIcal Reserve; Councilmceting agendas; stonn season information; and animal control inlonnation. Another goal to improve coIllmunication is to enhance neighborhood communication. I This is demonstrated as part of the initial development application process when a Planning staff IIlember attaches a notice to all applications strongly suggesting that the I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update March 6, 200 I I Page 9 applicants make early contact with surrounding neighbors within the project area, If a I neighborhood meeting is arranged by the applicants or their representatives, a staff person from the appropriate department(s) will attend to answer questions and address concerns about any issues that may impact residents' lifestyles. Other examples of I meetings that City staff may attend include special meetings to discuss construction projects. problems related to traffic safety, transportation issues, affordable housing development. and new park facilities. I The City of Poway is now on the Internet. The home page address can be accessed at wWIV,cLpowav.ca.us. The City Council has a continuing goal to increase on line I access to Council agendas and City information to assure improved communication with residents. The City created and introduced its own Internet web/home page in 1995, with an overall objective of improved access to information for the public. The web site I contains ever-evolving information including a list of all City officials and facilities, complete with e-mail addresses to the Mayor and Councilmembers. Other features on the web site include, City Council Agendas and Actions (reflecting the Council vote on I Agenda Items), Economic Development information, the City Council Goals and Objectives; jobs available: My Hometown Photo Album. and the Poway Municipal Code with full text search capability The public response and interaction has been I terrific as documented by the number of hits (accesses) to our web page that continues to increase annually I In an on going effort to provide increased service to Poway citizens, the City Council authorized the City Clerk to apply to operate a Passport Acceptance Facility at City Hall which was opened to the public March 6, 2000 The City Clerk's Office processes an I average of 25 passports per day In addition application forms and instructions have been provided to an average of 40 applicants per day As evidenced by these statistics, this new service has been very well received by Poway residents as well as others, I Customers have travelled from as far away as Borrego Springs and the San Diego County communities of Bonita, Spring Valley. Cannel Mountain Ranch, Rancho Bernardo Rancho Penasquitos, Scripps Ranch, and Ramona to apply for their I passports. For additional information regarding increased communication through technology, refer I to 4 I 2 Technology As Infrastructure. Fiscal Impact: There is minor fiscal impact to provide improved communication and I access to information for citizens, citizen advisory groups. and neighborhood groups, In addition, there is moderate fiscal impact to improve communication with citizens via technology I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update I March 6, 200 I Page J 0 I 2.2 2 STRENGTHEN RELATIONSHIP WITH POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT It is the goal of the City Council to meet with the Poway Unified School District on a I regular basis to discuss issues of mutual concern in the community Status: A joint subcommittee of the Poway City Council and the Poway Unified I School District has met in preparation of a combined public meeting with the City Council and school board, The types of issues discussed included: growth projections I for school populations and the impact to playing fields: traffic circulation issues at Poway High School. Valley School. Twin Peaks, and Chaparral, school safety programs, crossing guards, and safety patrols: library usage by school groups, and I school programs at Blue Sky Ecological Reserve and Old Poway Park to name a few On January 9, 2001. the City Council discussed Poway High School parking issues, I The City Council requested dialogue with the Poway Unified School District regarding the parking lottery system, restriping of the school parking lot: paving of Lot F, and, having students park at Lake Poway and be shuttled to the high schooL Increased I dialogue between the school district and City is necessary to provide solutions to the congested parking at the High SchooL The City of Poway and the Poway Unified School District formalized its ongoing I cooperative working relationship when the Poway City Council unanimously approved participating in the Poway Unified School District's Partners in Education Program. I The program was established to promote collaborative partnerships between Poway Unified School District schools/programs, the community. businesses, and other public agencies. I I~ecent cooperative projects include the communication master plan to link all City and School District facilities on a fiber backbone for transmission of voice, data. and video, I and the joint use of the City's government access channel to promote school programs, activities, and events. The City and School District are also working to acquire grant funds to link the County Office of Education with the Community Services I administrative building to broadcast educational programs received by satellite over the government channel in Poway This will provide the schools with access to a wide variety of educational programs from advanced placement math courses to physics, I chemistry. foreign languages, history, astronomy, and earth sciences that can be used in the classroom. Fiscal Impact No fiscal impact. I I I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update March 6, 2001 I Page 11 2.3 ECONOMY AND EMPLOYMENT I 231 ATTRACT FAMILY AND RECREATIONAL BUSINESSES TO POWAY ROAD I It is the goal of the City Council to attract both privately operated family and recreational business to Poway Road to ensure a thriving economy This involves working with developers and marketing representatives to encourage family and I recreational businesses to locate within the Poway Road business area. Further discussion of the Poway Road Specific Plan can be found under 4 3 6, Poway I Road Specific Plan Implementation, Status: The City has seen a significant increase in recreational amenities on Poway I Road. Edwards Cinema and the remodeled Poway run Bowl anchor these activities. The City has a number of additional activities in the Business Park including the SportsPlex with the addition of a roller hockey facility, the Solid Rock Gym, and an I indoor volleyball complex, Also being discussed in the south Poway area is a water park and golf course, In north Poway, the new Maderas Golf Course is open. The retail mix on Poway Road is changing to provide more family shopping opportunities I and restaurants, Recreation shopping and dining continues to increase These developments have provided a significant variety of new recreational amenities for the residents of Poway I Fiscal Impact: Minor fiscal impact I 2.3 2 EXPAND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES It is the goal of the City of Poway to enhance the quality of life through the promotion I of a healthy local economy. which will result in employment and business opportunities, good wages. balanced and diversified economic components, and a strong tax base, The City is commilled to a pro-business climate. The Economic Development Program. I under the I~edevelopment Agency, is on course with its marketing plan to attract businesses and industries to the Poway Road area and the South Poway Business Park. It is a priority of the City Council to focus on the marketing of the Business Park. The I City, the Economic Development Associalion of Poway (EDAP). and the Chamber of Commerce are working together to encourage businesses to locate and expand in Poway I I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update I March 6, 200 I Page 12 I ~;,' - ~ - ".. . '- I I I Status: The City Council's Economic Development Subcommittee leads the City's I economic development efforts, The Subcommittee has been active in promoting and attracting new industries and businesses to the Industrial Park and to Poway Road, They meet monthly with business and commercial property representatives. They also I meet with staff to review City policies and programs to ensure their effectiveness and to recommend any desired changes to the City Council. The Subcommittee has established regular monthly meetings with the Chamber of Commerce to ensure cooperation and I better communications, The Subcommittee has also been active with the Chamber. Palomar College, Poway Unified School District, and local businesses to form the Economic Development Association of Poway to assist in promoting the vitality of I Poway The South Poway Business Park has developed into one of the premier business parks in the County As the momentum has increased in the Business Park, the Subcommittee is increasing their focus on Poway Road. I A separate goal has been established for Poway Road. as described in Section 4 3 6, Poway Road Specific Plan Implementation. I Fiscal Impact. Moderate fiscal impact 233 MANUFACTURING OUTLET CENTER I It is the goal of the City Council to locate a manufacturing outlet center in the South I Poway Business Park to continue economic development efforts, Status: This use was considered a possibility in 1995 when the industrial market in San I Diego County was in a severe recession. However as the pace of development in the Business Park has accelerated. large parcels are no longer available, There are now over 314 companies employing approximately 10.500 people in the Business Park. I The quality of development improves with each new project as the trend toward high technology and biotechnology continues. Fiscal Impact. The fiscal impact is unknown. I I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update March 6, 200 I I Page 13 2.4 INTRA GOVERNMENT RELA nONS 0 241 RESIST STATE-IMPOSED FEES AND TRANSFER OF PROGRAMS 0 It is the goal of the City Councillo continue resisting new State-imposed fees and to meet with legislators periodically to offer solutions and to encourage other budget options to provide essential City services and maintain a high quality of life. D In the early 1990s. the State faced annual budget gaps of $4 billion to $14 billion. To close these gaps; the Legislature and administration raised fees and taxes. cut programs, deferred costs, transferred costs to the federal government. and shifted over I $3 billion of property taxes from local governments to schools. These shifted property taxes are commonly referred to as .. ERAF" monies after the name of the fund (the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund) into which the property taxes are placed I prior to being distributed to schools, Status: Since Fiscal Year 1992-93. the City of Poway has lost approximately I $2 5 million due to ERAF During the 1998-99 and 1999-00 State Legislative session, the City, in conjunction with the League of California Cities, lobbied in opposition to measures which proposed to impose fees on cities and shift property tax revenues, I Similarly, the City Council has strongly supported measures which focus on mandate relief. I Fiscal Impact: Moderate to major fiscal impact I I I I I I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update I March 6, 200 I Page 14 I 3. HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES Quality of Life in Poway means I housing opportunities for people in all income categories. The provisions I for quality housing for all socio-economic levels is a community priority 3.1 AFFORDABLE HOUSING I 3 I I AFFORDABLE HOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAMS I It is the goal of the City Council to provide affordable housing rehabilitation programs to ensure quality housing. The City's Affordable Housing Rehabilitation Programs were I developed with the goal of preserving and improving the City's supply of affordable housing and revitalizing Poway's established residential neighborhoods. The City's Affordable Housing Needs Assessment determined that many of Poway's older I residential neighborhoods. developed in the 1950s and 1960s, were showing signs of deferred maintenance and deterioration, Housing Rehabilitation Programs help to improve the quality of existing affordable housing stock by funding zero-interest, I deferred, forgiving loans for low- and moderate-income Poway residents to rehabilitate orrefurbish their homes, Status: Poway has two Housing Rehabilitation Programs and is in the process of I developing a third specifically for the cOIlrrnunity's older, multifamily housing stock. I 1be City's first program was initwted in 1993 and was funded by the Redevelopment Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housmg Fund, The initial flmding has been depleted and loan repayment proceeds are currently being used to issue new loans to income-qualified applicants, I To date, this program has assisted 148 Poway residents in making health and safety and other improvements to their homes. The second program was initiated in 1995 and is funded through the City's allocation ofConllmmity Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, This program I has continoed to receive annual funding tor 12 to 15 loans. To date, this program has assisted 71 Poway reSIdents. The City's Redevelopment & Housing Advisory Committee is working with staff and the Agency's affordable housing consultant to prepare an AcqUisition and I Rehabilitation Strate!,'Y tor the City's older multifarl1.ily housing stock. It is anticipated that 1l11.plementatlon plans will be developed tor this program during FY 2000-0 I Fiscal Impact: There is a moderate fiscal impact No new funding is anticipated for the I Redevelopment Agency's single-family Residential Rehabilitation Program. Loan repayment proceeds will continue to be reprogrammed for new affordable loans, The I estimated $110,800 annual cost of the CDSG Housing Rehabilitation Program is reimbursed by the City's CDSG allocation. The potential fiscal impact of implementing I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update March 6, 200 I I Page 15 the Multifamily Acquisition and Rehabilitation Program is being calculated as part of the I strategy which is currently in preparation, This new program would be funded by the Redevelopment Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. 0 3 I 2 LOW-AND MODERATE-INCOME HOUSING It is the goai of the City Council to provide low and moderate-income housing to 0 ensure housing opportunities for people in all income categories. California Redevelopment Law requires the Agency to expend 20 percent of its tax increment on increasing. improving. or preserving affordable housing for low- and moderate-income I households, I I I I Status. The Agency continues implementing its ambitious affordable housing program as outlined in its Redevelopment and Housing Implementation Plan and the 1996 . Comprehensive Affordable Housing Strategy Construction of the 102-unit Brookview affordable senior housing development is underway. with units expected to be available for occupancy in early Summer of 200 I On February 29, 2000. the Agency entered I into an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with the Breihan Haley Housing Associates for developing the vacant Breihan site and transferring the Agency's interests in Haley Ranch Estates. This was followed on June 27, 2000, with Agency approval of a I Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for developing affordable housing on the Breihan site. Staff is working with the development team on finalizing the Transition Plan for Haley Ranch Estates. It is anticipated that the Haley DDA will be I considered by the Agency Board in late Summer 2000 The Redevelopment Agency also approved a Disposition and Development Agreement I with Los Arcos Limited Partnership on May 2, 2000, to develop 84 units of affordable senior housing on a vacant parcel located on Gateway Park Road, adjacent to the existing market-rate, senior complex, The Gateway Retirement Housing Foundation, I the general managing partner of the Los Arcos Limited Partnership, submitted an application for highly competitive Tax Credits on June 15, 2000 If this application is successful, construction of this development would be initiated by year's end. I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update I March 6, 200 I Page 16 I The Redevelopment Agency has also been actively pursuing opportunities to acquire additional I affordable hOUSIng sites. On February 22, 2000, the Agency acquired the two-acre Affordable Housing Overlay site located on Monte Vista Road. It is anticipated that the developer selection process tor this site will be initiated during FY 2000-01 Eftorts are also I undetway to acquire the Brighton Atfordable Housing Overlay site, Six ofthe eIght parcels have either been acqUIred by the Agency or are in escrow Fiscal Impact: There is a major fiscal. The Agency's Low-and Moderate-Income I-lousing will I contribute an estimated $8,500,000 toward development of afiordable housing on the Gateway, Breihan, Monte Vista, and Brighton sites, I 31.3 DIVESTITURE OF MOBILEHOME PARKS AND HALEY RANCH ESTATES On July 20, 1999, the City Council and Redevelopment Agency Board adopted a I Long-Term Goal for City and Redevelopment Agency Mobilehome Parks and Haley I Ranch Estates. Under tills goal, the City will transfer ownership ofthe mobilehome parks and Haley Ranch Estates to a non-profit organization when the revenue can fmancially sustain the property without subsidy The intent is to perpetually ensure that I future rents will be set at or below market rent consistent with the long-tern1 objective of providing a range of rental opportunities for families and seniors, Preserving the choice of mobilehome park housing as an option for residents is important to the City I Council. Staff was directed to notifY reSIdents of the development ofthis policy Status. As part of the adoption of the Long-Term Goal by the City Council and I Redevelopment Agency, staff provided a copy of the draft goal to residents, Prior to review by the City Council, the Poway HOUSIng Commission reviewed the goal. Residents of the Agency mobilehome parks and Haley Ranch Estates were invited to I participate at these Commission meetings and were provided a draft copy of the goal. Additionally, all potential residcnts at each of the Agency mobilehome parks are I advised of the City's long-tenn goal. The first divestIture occurred with the transfer of management responsibilities tor Haley I Ranch Estates. After a developer selection process, Community Housing of North County was selected as the non-profit owner, and Cuatro Management has been approved as the management company I A model transition plan was Implemented consistIng of community meetings, resident surveys, and individual input from Haley residents, The outcome was a "seamless I transfer" to non-profit management and ownership, The transler of management from City staff to the non-proltt occurred on October 2, 2000. I I I I City Council Goals and ObjectIves - Update March 6, 200 I I Page 17 Fiscal Impact: The City and Redevelopment Agency would save substantial resources D presently expended on management of the Agency mobilehome parks and Haley Ranch Estates. 0 0 I I I I . I I I I I I I I I City Council Goats and Objectives - Update I March 6, 200 I Page 18 I 4. TRANSPORTATION & INFRASTRUCTURE Quality of Life in Poway means I well-maintained roadways that provide easy access to employment and I service areas. Affordable mass transit optionsfor residents is important The construction and maintenance o(infrastructure is a priority I 4.1 INFRASTRUCTURE 41 I INTERAGENCY COLLABORATION FOR INFRASTRUCTURE I It is the goal of the City Council to work closely with other agencies to enhance interregional I cooperation among jurisdictions. Many of the major issues facing Poway are common to our neighbonng communities. Effectively dealing with issues such as tmnsportation, schools, parks I and open space, solid waste collection and disposal, recycling, hazardous waste, water supply, wastewater treatment, and water reclamation will require intergovernmental cooperation in order to be properly addressed. I Status. The City Council and statTcontinue to work towards enhancing interregional cooperation among jurisdictions, The City continues to improve our working relatIons with I local, statc, and federal agencIes and legislators. The Goodan Ranch Land Use Management Master Plan, acquisition of property adjacent to Blue Sky lor a future interpretive center, the fonnation of the Poway Unitied School District and City Council Subcommittee, the Regional I "olid Waste Association, and the San Oieguito Regional Open Space Park are a few of the many pr()jects that involve interagency cooperatIon. I Stall' continues to work with other agencies on issues that impact the City of Poway such as MCAS Miramar noise and housing issues, the wastewater treatment and water reclamation I project, the 1-15 Light Rail Corridor Study, recycling, and household hazardous waste collection events, altemate-fuel vehicles and the national "Clean Cities" Program, Tree City USA, and electric utility restructuring. I The "Clean Cities" program is discussed in more detail under 4.3.4, Natural Gas Vehicles and I'tunp Station, I In addition, City statThas been taking part in SANDAG's Housing Element Advisory Connlllttee, Regional Growth Management Techrucal Advisory Committee, and Census 2000. I Planrung Services statT continues working WIth local jurisdictions in the coordination and linkage of multiple species and multiple habitat conservation programs, The City IS active in the I RegIonal Solid Waste Association and cont1l1ues to take an actIve role 111 the many issues regarding solid waste management I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update March 6, 2001 I Page 19 Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal unpact. I 41.2 TECHNOLOGY AS INFRASTRUCTURE 0 It is the goal of the City Council to fUrther technology as an mfrdstructure within Poway This will enhancc servIces to the public, build on the City's Investment in public Infrastructure, and create new opportunities for teleconllnumcation serviccs. Using the City's mileage bank with I Cox Communications, coaxial cable, tWIsted-pair copper, and fiber optic cablc have been installed at Lake Poway The facilitIes at the lake are all linked on a communications nctwork for voice and data, In the future, the network will be able to receive and transmit video I conllnunications, I To efficiently utilize the advances in telecommlUllcation technologies, the City CmIncil has authorized funding for a Communication Master Plan for Poway The plan will be the strategic road map fix telecolrunwlicaltons dcvelopment in the City over the next five years, The plan I will provide the framework for planning, coordinating, and Implementing a communication network to link various City departments, the Poway Umfied School Distnct, Palomar Pomerado Health System, and the proposed Palomar College site on a fiber optic I communication backbone network. Status, The new Poway CommunIty Library and Shenffs Station had cOlrummication conduits I Installed during construction. In concert with major street improvement projects, the City installs condUIt for tilturc fiber optic improvements, The housing projcct at the comer of Civic Cemer Drive and Bowron Road provided the City with the opportunity to have communication I conduits installed linking tilC Community Scrvices building on Poway Road to City Hall with copper for phones and fiber for data. The Pomerado Road widening project included the installation of c0l11lmmication conduits adjacent to Pomerado Road for future use by the I hospital, school district, and Patomar College. The Communication Master Plan will provide the tramcwork for completing thc communicalion network that has already bcen initiated by the I City The City's Communication Master Plan has been adopted by the Poway Unified School I District Board of EducatIon (June 21, 1999); Palomar Community College Distlict Govenung Board (July 27, 1999): and the Palomar Pomerado Health System Board of Directors (Scptember 13, 1999), I The City of Poway is currently working with the City of Escondido on a fiber optiC commumcations backbone bctween the two cities. The fiber optic infrastructure IS being I planned and installed by a large tclecommunicaltons company as part of their nationwide fiber optic network. The CitIes of Poway and Escondido will be provided With a number of conduits to link the City of Poway and Escondido, the hospitals (Pomerado and Palomar), and the I Poway School Dlstnct with the Escondido School District. The conduits will bc providcd to the cities of Poway and Escondido by the tcleconununications company at no cost to thc cities. I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update I March 6, 2001 Page 20 I The City is also in the process of linkmg the Community Park facilities to City Hall by a fiber optIC link for phone service and data communications, I Future fiber optic links are being planned for Fire Stal10n Two, the Perfonning Arts Center, and the Lake Poway facilities, The goal is to link these facilities to City Hall over a fiber optic I network to provide voice, vidc'O, and data transmissions. Poway Communication System I I In.furrn:llif!n Users' I, I ~ ---, . [~ ~ .~ ~ : !.... '" .-- , I ....- ,... :J!l>....~~-/~ j,'lre >, Schtitll "' " 11oown~ .n.pt. I I'oway Cii'mmunication Nety,ork I A '~ l~~ I ~, ~ " ' :)1cdill - . =1....':':._:i-/"..J Kiosks I 'Internet Video ~T~lC'pbODt'. . '- Confcrrilchig CQmputer. l'nforniR'iouDisscminllt,ion I I Technology is also discussed as a mechanism to increase communication with residents, This I item is rclerenced further under Communication, 2.2.1, Improve Communication with Citizens, Citizen Advisory Committees. Poway Unified School District, Neighborhoods, and Improve I On-Line Access to City Infonnation, Fiscal Impact: The to1,11 fiscal impact is unknown at tlus tllne, However, the telecommunication I network could be constl1lcted through the use of the City's cable mileage bank with Cox Communications and lederal and state grant funds, The City's communication network is projected to reduce costs lor telephone service, enhance the transmission and reception of I data, and provide the ability for video conferences between public facilities and agencies. I I .~ "' i: I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update March 6, 200 I m Page 21 4.2 SOLID WASTE I 4.2.1 ACHIEVE STATE REFUSE RECYCLING STANDARDS I It IS the goal of the City Council to achieve the State renlse recycling standards through recycling and developing creative ways to handle residcntial and commercial refuse to which improves the environment and quality of life of Poway residents. '[be passage of Assembly Bill 939 m 1989 0 required the City of Poway, along with cvery jurisdiction in the State, to adopt a Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE), Household Hazardous Waste Element (I'IHWE), and Non-disposal Facility Element (NDFE). These plans outline how jurisdictions will reduce 0 the amount of trash going into the landfill by 25% in 1995 and by 50% in 2000. Each year, the City must submit an Annual Report to the Califonlla Integrated Waste Management Board g (CIWMB) describing progress made toward achieving the State mandated diversion goals. The Board examines the Annuat Report to evaluate the City's implementation of the programs I outlined in its planning dOClunents and examines the City's "adjustment method calculation" which measures disposal reduction and computes the reporting-year diversion percentage. I Status: The City exceeded the state mandated waste diverSion goal by achieving a waste diversion rate of 53% in the 1999 reporting year In other words, the amount of solid waste from Poway that went into the local landfills in 1999 is 53% less than what was deposited in the I landfills in 1990 (the base year), The City has imptemented various source reduction, recycling, composting, and public . education programs in order to achieve its waste diversion goals. Many of the programs have been successfully implemented through the exclusive franchise arrangement With EDca Waste I and Recycling Services (fonneriy Mashbum Waste and Recycling Services). In April 2000, the City Council authorized the implementation of automated single-stream I recycling and trash collection services, This program change will improve the convenience and increase the vollUne of recyclables collected in Poway, and enable the City to maintain its AB 939-mandated waste diversion goals. EDCO Waste and Recycling Services will work with I those residents who may have lmique circumstances resulting from automated collectIon, I I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives- Update I Mareh 6, 200 I Page 22 I City of Poway 1999 Recycling Collection I Plastic I Plastic Bottles Containers 0% 0% Newspaper I 15% ~ Mixed Paper I 10% Green Waste 53% I 7% I \ TinlBi Metal 1% Glass I C&D/Other 4% 7% I In calendar year 1999, a total of 18,353 tons of materials were removed from the waste stream through the City's resIdential and commercial recycling programs. The chart above provides a I breakdown of the types of recyclable matcrials collected by EDCO trom Poway residents, Fiscal Impact: Moderate fiscal impact I 4,2.2 HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL PROGRAM I It IS thc goal of the City Council to be proactive III Its efforts to protect and preserve the local environment To this end, the City Council has continued to tlllfill its obligation to provide a I dependable and safe household hazardous waste collectIOn service to reSIdents as required by State law The City of Poway was one of the first jurisdictions in San Diego County to establish a pemmnent HHW collection facility for thc safety and convenience of citizens oftlus regIon, I I I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update March 6, 200 I I Page 23 '~ . .,:;;;..~ .. .,.4'" . .......~.-,;-..........' I " - < .."- -- :"ol..{ '.~ _-~',r-.:/~ -,-; . ./"' ",r::_r. I I I I In the Spring of 1996. thc City Council authorized the submittal of an applieallon for funding I from the Califomia Integrated Waste Managcment Board to constmct a pennanent collection facility in its jwisdietion to serve it, residents and residcnts of sLuTOunding cOlmnunities. The I City provided the property and the San Diego County Departmcnt of Envlrorunental Health committed to operating the facility The City was successntl in securing thc grant and contributed additional fuuding to construct the facility which opened on November I, 1997 I 1bis was the second of only two pennanent facilities established in the entire County to date. (The first facility was established by the City of Vista), I In the Fall of 1997, the County of San Diego sold the solid waste disposal system to a private entity and announced that it was withdrawing financial support for the collection and disposal of HHW beginning July I, 1998. Since the City owned the pennanent HHW collection facility I Wllhm Its jurisdiction, the City Council swiftly terminated Its inlonnal agreement with the County of San Diego and assumed responsibility for the operation of the facility on July II, 1998, without any disrupllon of service to Poway residents. Reunbursemcnt agreements were ollered I to all jurisdictions in San Diego COLUlty for the continued utilization of the regional facility for their residents, Some jurisdictions continue (0 utilize the facility while others began developing I alternative HHW programs. Status From July 1998 through June 2000, the City of Poway operated the Regional HHW I facility The facility collected over 370,750 pounds of HHW trom households during thIS period, Approximately 70% of the households that used the facility were from Poway A breakdown of the types of HHW collected is proVided in the chart below. I On May 9,2000, the City Council authorized the Regional Solid Waste Association (RSW A) to implement a subregIonal HHW collection and disposal program on behatf of its member I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update I March 6, 200 I Pagc 24 I cities. The City entered into an agreement with the Regional Solid Waste Association to take over the operation of the Poway pennanent HHW collectIOn facility effective July 2000. I The Regional Solid Waste Association's assumption of the operation of the Poway Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility will relieve the City of the substantial administratIve I burden and cost it prevIously spent to operate the regIonal facility Furthennore, the City will realize a savings in HHW disposal costs under the contract RSW A has entered into with EDCO Waste and Recycling Services and its subcontractor, Philip lndustrial Services, to I provide the samc level of HHW management services. Fiscal Impact: There is a moderate fiscal impact. The HHW disposal program is ftmded I through an AB 939 fee established by the City Council in March 1998. The fee appears on residents' EDCO bills and is passed through to the City specifically for the household I hazardous waste disposal program. Poway PHHWCF I HHW Collection FY 99-00 Hhold I Batteries/Other 10% Asbestos Oil Based Paint Oil Products & 1% 17% Filters Flammable & Poison I 10% 18% Base I Latex Paint 1% 30% Fluoresc. Bulbs I 0% Car Batteries Aerosols 6% 3% 0% Antifreeze I 3% I I I I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update March 6, 2001 I Page 25 4.3 TRANSPORT A TION U 4.3 I DESIGNATION OF THE SCRIPPS POWAY PARKWAY AS A STATE HIGHWAY U It IS the goal of the City Council to designate the Scripps Poway Parkway as a State highway The Final Report of the Transportation Task Force included a recommendatIon to explore the 0 feasibility of State Route designation for Scripps Poway Parkway to fund maintenance. I I I I I I Status The City of Poway, the City of San Diego, and the County of San Diego share in the I maintenance of Scripps Poway Parkway Several meetings have been held with the City and County of San Diego, and all are in agreement that It would be appropriate to designate Scripps Paway Parkway as a state highway and relinquish maintenance responsibility to I Caltrans. The City of San Diego has taken the lead in seeking agreement from Caltrans, Results of the negotiations are pending, I Fiseallmoact: Unknown at tillS time due to possible additional design reqUIrements for State Route designation. I I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update I March 6, 200 I Page 26 I 4.3.2 IMPROVEMENTS TO WEST SIDE OF POMERADO ROAD BETWEEN POW A Y ROAD AND GLEN OAK I It is the goal of the City Council to provide improvements to the west side of Pomerado Road between Poway Road and Glen Oak. Similar to the project on the east side of I Pomerado Road, this project would improve thiS road to ultimate width, It will result in the installation of sidewalks, curbs, gutters; provide landscaping and street lights, and repair the deteriorating asphalt. I Status. Funding for this project has been approved and design will begin tltis fiscal year Stall' will develop plans lor these improvements lor City COlmeil consideration. These plans would I be similar to those prepared lor the east side of Pomerado Road, including a sound attenuation wall. Strect pavement rehabilitation will be incorporated in the scope of this project. Street I maintenance limits will extend from Poway Road to Ted 'Williams Parkway A portion of the Widening will be done by the Brookvlew senior housing development. The road widening project has gone out to bid and work is expected to start In the Fall 01'2000 I Fiseallmpact: Major impact: $6 million. 4.3.3 INCREASE CAPACITY OF THE SCRIPPS POW A Y PARKWAY I It is the goal of the City Council to increase capacity of the Scripps Poway Parkway by I providing six tratlie lanes from Mercy Road to Highway 67 Status The westem segment of Scripps Poway Parkway lies within the City of San Diego, I This portion is presently conslmcted as a Il)ur lane arterial. Future plans are to constmct this segment to six lanes within available right of way Several new traffic signals were built along Scripps Poway Parkway which have decreased available capacity There are no current plans I to widen to six lanes, Where possible, statT and City Council will support widening projects on Scripps Poway Parkway in San Diego, I The central and eastcrn segments of Scripps Poway Parh.-way were opened in October 1997, and the arterial now serves as an important regional route linking State Route 67 With Interstate I 15 The Poway segment was constmcted to the ultimate six lane configuration while the far castem segmcnt now has four lanes, This extension cost $35.5 million to construct. Statf IS currently working with federal grant monies to provide fiber optic communications for I tramc Signal coordinatIon of all south Poway signals, The City will be contacting the City of San Diego with a proposal lor an inter jurisdictional coordination project along Scripps Poway I Parkway I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update March 6, 200 I I Page 27 Fiseallmpact: There IS a major fiscal impact. The City of San Diego will incur a major fiscal I impact to widen Scripps Poway Parkway to six lanes. Federal grant flInds are available for intrajunsdictional comnllInication and signal coordination, Staff will propose a project to coordinate work on Scripps Poway Parkway from Interstate 15 to State Route 67 I 4.34 NATURAL GAS VEHICLES AND PUMP ST ATlON I It IS the goal of the City Council to develop a phase-in program to convert all City vehicles and buses to natLmlI gas while pursuing the installation of a naturat gas pump station in Poway Recognizing that air quality issues must be addressed on a regional level, the Poway City g Cowlcil became a member of the San Diego Regional Altemative Fucl CoalitIon. This organIzation meets regularly to share infom1ation about legislative mandates relating to air quality: developments In the manufacturing of altemative fuels and altemative fuel vehicles; and I funding opportunities for the purchase of altemative fi.lel vehicles (AFVs) and/or establislunent of compressed natural gas (CNG) fi.leling stations, The City of Poway joined with other local I govemments, special districts, and private bUSInesses that are members of the Coalition to tile an applicatIon with the US Department of Energy requesting that the San Diego area be designated a "'Clean Cities Region." The application was approved and the San Diego Clean I CitIes Region received its designation in the Fall of 1996, Fonnation of the Clean Cities Region has encouraged local govemments and organizations to I fonn partnerships In developing markets for AFV s, Other potential economic and environmental benefits to the region include the creation of new jobs and commercial opportunities, greater leverage in negotiatIng and applying for federal fiInding of AFV s, better I coordination in placing AFVs and AFV fi.leling stations m the region, and nnproved air quality The "'Clean Cities" program is also discussed under 4 I I, Interagency Collaboration for I Infrastructure. I Status: The City presently has five vehicles in its fleet that operate on both gasoline and compressed natural gas (CNG). The CNG tanks arc cUITently at a vendor's facility for testmg and recertification and should be reinstalled on the vehicles within the next month. The velucles I are fi.leled at the Poway Unified School District which installed a natural gas fueling station for school buses through a grant from SDG&E, Several manufacturers arc adding altemative- fueled vehicles to their s,11cs line and are making changes and improvements to provide like I perfonnance, safety, and convenience that today's gasoline-powered vehicles oller. The City has conducted extensive field tests of two electric vehicles and IS currently working with the various manufacturers on CNG options that meet the City's vehicle requirements. City staff will I continue to monitor these developments and, when appropriate, will purchase vehicles manufactured for altemative fllelS to replace vehicles that have passed their service lite, I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update I March 6, 2001 Page 28 I Fiscal Impact: There is a mmor fiscal impact. 111e program will be phased in by purchasing CNG-equipped replacement vehicles through the Capital Replacement Flmd. The City will I also pursue additional grant flmds to offset the cost of converting to a CNG predominant fleet and eventually establishing a CNG fueling station. 4.3,5 PLAN REGIONAL TRANSIT CENTER I It is the goal of the City Council to enhance the quality of life in Poway through accessible I transit scrvices. The objective is to identify potential sites for a regional transit center. The regional transit center will become necessary when trolley service or a Similar transit bus service is initiated for the 1-15 Corridor. State and federal nmds will be pursued to acquire land and I desi!,'11 and construct a regional transit center at the appropriate time. I I I I Status The City has constructed conununity transit centers on Midland Road south of the post I office on the west side of Midland Road adjacent to Henry's Market and on the west side of Midland Road adjacent to Stein Mart. Another local transit center was constructed on Poway I Road as part of the new Poway Conununity Library project. The City Council has authorized the allocation of Transit Development Act (TDA) funds to I design and construct a future community transit center adjacent to the Blue S1:y Ecological Reserve on Espola Road. I The City Council has allocated transit funds for the constmction of a bus shelter and tlU110ut on Pomerado Road to be constmcted as part of the Pomerado Road widening project. The I City Cowlcil has also allocated funds to refurbish existing tenant shelters and bus benches, The design and constmction of the Espola Road transit shelter adjacent to Blue Sky Ecological I Reserve is under design, The design will be coordinated with the master plan tor an interpretive I I ,1 j~. I 0 City Council Goals and Objectives - Update March 6, 200] I Page 29 center and paved parking lot at Blue Sky I As part of the 1-15 Corridor Study, sites for transit centers will be identified for the Poway area. I Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal unpact. TDA funds have been allocated for the purchase of the Caltrans property and the design and construction of the Espola Road transit center I 4.36 POW A Y ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENT A nON m It is the goal of the City Council to Implement the Poway Road SpecIfic Plan to provide an overall viSIOn for the development and desLgn for the City's main commercial area. The Poway Road Specific Plan was approved by the City Cmillcil in May 1996, . Status: The City has used these stnndards in the deSIgn of severat new projects in the town I center (Library, Shenfl's Station, and Park View Terrace), The Cmillcil funded the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program to encourage facade improvements and the implementation of the Poway Road Specific Plan, In its lirst year, the Commercial I RehabilitatIon Loan Program provIded $258,762 ill finanCial assistance to 18 projects that represent a total of$712,162 ill improvements on Poway Road. The Council recently approved the second year of funding at S850,00O, I The Economic Development Subcommittee has also been working on the Poway Road Specific Plan Implementation. A retail use analysis was completed to identifY retail segments I under-represented in Poway This provided information to target recruiting elIorts, which has ted to more shopping and dining choices on Poway Road, The retail mix continues to improve to meet the varied demands of Poway The subcommittee is actively meeting with propcrty I owners and developers to encourage the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the targeted areas on Poway Road. A Mixed Use Feasibility Assessment is being undertaken on a 14-acre site I west of the Community Library The assessment will detennine the market and fmancial feasibility of a mixed use residential, commercial, and ot1ice project on the site. The subcommittee will report back to the Council as these discussions develop I The Poway Road Specific ptan tics into the Economy and Employment goal and can be found under 2.3 I, Attract family and Recreational Businesses to Poway Road and 2.3.2, Expand I Economic Dcvelopment Activities. Fiscal Impact: There isa moderate fiscal impact. Funds in the amount of$750,000 have been I budgeted for the Specific Plan ImplementatLon. A total of 5850,000 has been budgeted for the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program; $25,000 has been budgeted for the Mixed Use Feasibility Assessment. I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update I March 6, 200 I Page 30 I 4.3 7 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT It is the goal of the City Council to continue working toward solving the City's traffic problems I including completion of State Route 56, supporting future City of San Diego efforts to expand Scripps Poway Parkway, and construction of improvements on Poway Grade through a traffic I management plan. It is also Council's desire to plan altemative transportation links to Poway Road, Old Poway, the South Poway Business Park, and Beeler Canyon. Status: The City Council continues to be active in seeking and providing solutions to I traffic problems in Poway Since completion of Ted Williams Parkway (State Route 56) in Poway. members have been actively supporting the westward extension through San I Diego to Interstate 5 Several fiUlding sources have been identitied to partially offset construction costs which are I higher than originally projected, Improvements are being designed on Pomerado and Community Roads whIch will increase capacity between Poway and Twin Peaks Roads, I FiscallmDact: There is a major tiscallmpact. Improvements to Pomerado Road and Community Roads will cost approximately $8 million. Funds have been appropriated for both I prolects. 4.3.8 WORK WITH THE METROPOLITAN TRANSIT DEVELOPMENT BOARD I (MTDBl TO RE-PRIORlTlZE THE LIGHT-RAIL IMPROVEMENTS TO INCLUDE THE I-IS CORRIDOR It is the goal o[the City Council to ensure that enhanced transportation options are provided for I area residents along the 1- I 5 Corridor Status: Phase 2 of the I-IS Corridor Study was adopted by MTDB on November 18, 1998. I Phase 2 outlined a set of highway and bus rapid transit improvement goals for implementation over the next ten years. Funding is currently being eamlarked for these improvements and I Caltrans has beglUl work on the environmental assessment for the proposed extension of 1-15 high-occupancy vehIcle (HOV) lanes on I-IS north to State Route 7R, I The final phase of the I-IS Study (Phase 3) will focus on development ofa long-teml improvement plan forthe 1-15 Corridor. Rail altematIves arc still under consideratIon for both I nOlth and south corridor areas as well as the potential of the HOV/bus rapid transit system in meeting long-range needs. MTDB and Caltrans are working on the environmental analysis to implement the north 1-15 I corridor managed lanes/bus rapid transit project The two bus rapid transit statIons in the I-IS I I I I City Council Goals and ObJectivcs - Update March 6, 2001 I Page 31 comdor that would serve the Poway area will be located at SR56 and I-IS and the other I station between Rancho Bernardo Road and Bernardo Center Drive. Details on the completion of the environmental analysis and the construction schedule will be presented to the MTD Board in late August or early September 2000. I Fiscal Impact: None. D 4.4 WASTEWATER 441 WATER RECLAMATION I As Poway is dependent upon water supplies that are intenuptible in times of water shortages, a goal of the City Council IS to maximize alternative water supplies, Reclaimed (recycled) water I may supply almost 6 4 million gallons per day (MGD) of water tor landscape irrigation and unrestricted recreational purposes. The goal of the City Council is to secure sources of a I reclaimed water distribution system to maximIZe the supply of reclaimed water to the City of Poway I To this end, the City of Po way has been punming a reclaimed water agreement With the City of San Diego for access to reclaimed water from the San Pasqual Water Reclamation Facihty Plant. Tbe project includes construction of reclaimed water distribution pipelmes fTom the City I of San Diego's San Pasqual treatment plant and connection to the north end of Poway at the Stoneridge GoJfCourselMaderas Country Club, The connection's projected completion year is 2006, I Status. The City of San Diego has constmcted the North City Water ReclamatIOn Plant, a 30 MGD project designed to produce reclanned water for imgation. Poway will contmue to work . with San Diego to secure the delivery of reclaimed water to North Poway Gregg Street Reclaimed Reservoir in the South Poway Business Park, required for the distribution of . reclaimed water, was constructed and put on line in July 1998. Poway is currently using 350 acre feet/year (AFfY) with a total projected use of 800 AFN in the South Poway Business Park by buildout. I The City of Poway is updating a Master Plan for the Reclaimed Water Distribution System, The Master Plan will include altematives with and without the Cityof San Diego constructmg I their infTastructure. San DIego is pursuing altemative water management strategies which include injecting reclaimed water in San Pasqual basin and extracting water for rcuse. I The City of San Diego is pursuing expansion and upgrade of the San Pasqual aquaculture plant to a 4 MGD wastewater and water reclamation plant. Poway IS investigatmg the purchase of reclaimed water from the San Pasqual facility A Basin Plan Amendment with the Regional I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update I March 6, 200 I Page 32 I Water Quality Control Board has been completed to allow the City to implement use of reclaimed water In the North Poway Basin, the projected demand for North Poway is 1,500 I AF/Y, with key users being Stoneridge and Maderas golf courses and the proposed Malone project. Fiscallmoact: Major fiscal impact: The estimated construction costs of a reclaimed water I distribution system for the San Pasqual water reclamation facility are not yet known; however, the City of Poway has already secured delivery of reclaimed water from the reservoir in the I South Poway Business Park The reservoir construction cost was $1 75 million, The current contract for reclaimed water is $450/acre foot plus an annual assessment based on the Consumer Price Index (CPl), The City of San Diego, however, received approval to lower I and standardize water costs to approximately $320/acre foot in 2000-01 Based on current demand, a savings of approximately $50,000 annually would be expected, The City of Poway I applIed for and received a Federal Grant totalIng $450,000 toward construction costs associated with the building of the reservoir. 4.5 WATER I 4.5 I EMERGENCY TREATED WATER SUPPLY CONNECTION TO POW A Y I It is the goal of the City Council to treat raw water and to maxunize treated water delivery options to meet future cmergencics. The City of Poway utilizes the Lester 1. Berglund Watcr I Treatment Plant for its treatment of raw water. The City has continuously upgraded thc tacility to improve Its function, mcrease efficiency, and most importantly, provide a safe and reliable I water source for Poway residents. Status Currently, the City of Poway provides treated water to Ramona Municipal Water I District (Ramona MWD) on an as-needed basis through the City of Poway's metered connection to Ramona. Poway staff and the San Diego County Water Authority (Authority) are discussing modi tying this connection to let treated water tlow both ways. This would I servIce Poway's needs in the event the City's water treatment plant was inoperable, The Authonty is currently working on its Water Master Plan to be completed in 2000-01 This treated water connectIon is a component of that plan, City staff will continue to track the I progress of this Issue with the Authority Fiscal Impact: There IS a moderate fiscal impact. Authority Engmeering stalfhas completed the I preliminary design and estImate the costs to be $120,000, which is currently funded in the City's Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) account. Howevcr, City staff expects cost sharing I with the Autllonty on this project. I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update March 6, 2001 I Page 33 452 SALE OF TREATED WATER TO RAMONA I It is the goal of the City Council to sell treated water to the Ramona Municipal Water District. An agreement with Ramona MWD for the sale of treated water from the City I of Poway's Lester J Berglund Water Treatment Plant facility would take advantage of Poway's unique and strategic ability to efficiently treat and export water Staff estimates that sufficient excess capacity exists to sell 3,000-6,000 acre feet per year to Ramona I without diminishing the capability to serve the water needs of Poway residents, This would serve as a revenue enhancement and would potentially reduce water rates to Poway citizens by distributing fixed costs over a larger base due to increased sales 0 volumes. Status: Poway currently provides Ramona MWD with appruximately 50 to 100 AF/Y I of treated water on an as-needed basis only This mutual aid takes place when there is a planned San Diego County Water Authority shutdown. The draft agreement and supporting calculations for proposed rates have been completed. However, negotiations I and presentation of agreement documents to the Ramona Board and the Poway City Council were delayed due to administrative changes at the Ramona MWD The current Mutual Aid Agreement with Ramona MWD expires upon either one year's notice or I not later than May 2002 The August 15. 2000, Council meeting included an agenda item with a recommendation that the City Council provide the Ramona Municipal Water District with a one-year Notice of Termination of the May 1992 Agreement for I Delivery of Treated and Raw Water This action is recommended since RMWD will not participate in the Emergency Storage Project and has not fulfilled terms of the 1992 cooperative agreement with the City of Poway I Further discussions with respect to long term treatment commitments to Ramona should include participation in the San Diego County Water Authority which currently has m responsibility for supplying treated water to Ramona and is building the Emergency Water storage facility I Fiscal lmpact: There could be major fiscal benefit. Over an eight year period, the sale of 3,000 acre feet per year of treated water could save City of Poway customers as much as $1 9 million, I 453 SUPPORT STATE AND FEDERAL WATER RESOURCE EFFORTS I It is the goal of the City Council to facilitate and ensure future water needs of Poway residents by continuing to support State and regional efforts to increase water resources through improvements in the State Water Project and the removal of government I restrictions to a free market for water resources, The San Diego County Water Authority (Authority) has taken the iead in San Diego County in supporting efforts that will eventually result in an increase in water resources. I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update I March 6, 200] Pagc 34 I Status Although the drought has not been an issue, the Authority is continuing its long~ range program of conservation, improvement of water pipeline import facilities, and its I Emergency Storage Project (ESP) to site and construct major water storage facilities within the County, both on an independent and a participative basis, The intense regional studies of various alternatives to increase raw water storage to I protect the region from major natural catastrophes such as earthquakes have been concluded. The studies resulted in a documented draft Environmental Impact Report I (EIR) that was released for review and comment in November 1995 The draft EIR identified a preferred list of four alternatives for the Emergency Storage Project (ESP), each of which is environmentally sound. The alternatives selected will be a combination I of constructing a new reservoir at Mount Israel in the Olivenhain Water District, revising Lake Hodges operational parameters, raising the height of the San Vicente Dam by 54 feet, and interconnecting these reservoirs with pipelines and pumping I stations to distribute 90 100 acre feet of stored emergency water throughout the Authority s service area, The project was approved by the Authority's Board in June 1998 and is scheduled for completion in the year 2010 I In September 1995, the San Diego County Water Authority embarked on a study of possible water transfers from the Imperial Irrigation District (110) to the Authority I Such a transfer (potentially capable of bringing 400,000~plus acre feet of water to the region) would ease our dependence on the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) for raw water supplies. I The Authority rmched two agreements that will make available a new supply of up to 200,000 acre feet of water annually to the San Diego region and will ensure a supply of I water well into the next century This water will increase the reliability of the AUlhority's current and future supplies thereby helping to sustain the region's $89 billion economy and quality of life. I The Water Conservation and Transfer Agreement was signed April 29, 1998, between the Authority and 110 This agreement provides for the implementation of voluntary. I extraordinary conservation measures by Imperial Valley farmers, The conserved water will then be made available to the Authority A contingency of the Authority-lID agreement was that the Authority would procure a I way to deliver the transfer water to the San Diego region. On November 10, 1998, a Water Exchange Agreement was signed between the Authority and MWD to I accomplish this. MWD will take delivery of the transfer water via the Colorado River Aqueduct, in exchange, MWD will deliver to the Authority like quantity and quality of water I I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update March 6, 200 I I Page 35 Although the preceding agreements have been signed, the MWD has protested the I agreement The Authority is now seeking approval from the State of California for out-of-basin water transfer and a draft ErR will be submitted in FY 2000-01 I FiscallmpacL There is a major fiscal impact The Emergency Storage Project (ESP) is I estimated to be $771 million (escalated dollars) Poway's share is estimated to be $10 5 million paid over 20 years commencing in FY 2000-01 I I I D 0 D 0 I 0 0 0 0 I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update I March 6, 200 I Page 36 I 5. RECREATION, OPEN SPACE, & NATURAL RESOURCES Quality of Life in Poway means. I natural open spaces to preserve and protect cultural and biological I resources as well as the community viewshed of natural ridgelines. Ensuring recreation services and facilities for children, youth, adults, and I seniors, and providing recreation options for teens is a priority 5,1 RECREA nON I 511 ADDITIONAL PLAYING FIELDS AND ACTIVE RECREATIONAL PARKLAND FACILITIES I It is the goal of the City Council to provide additional playing fields and active I recreational parkland facilities. The popularity of girls softball has created a growing demand for additional playing fields. In response to the increased demand for active recreation facilities by both youth and adults, efforts are needed to provide additional I playing fields, This goal may be accomplished through additional joint projects with the Poway Unified School District. I I I I The City continues to cooperate with the Poway Unified School District in the I maintenance and provision of additional school fields for youth sports, Arbolitos Park was expanded to accommodate two full-sized soccer fields as part of a multi-use project I with a flood control detention basin north of Abraxas High School. The fields are suitable for soccer football, or lacrosse Status: In June of 2000, the Poway City Council approved the funding for the I installation of sports lighting on the Meadowbrook Middle School Soccer Field. The project also includes the renovation of the field with a new irrigation and drainage I I ~o I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update March 6,200 I I Page 37 system. The project is due to be completed by September of 2001 I Since opening, the fields have been in continuous use and demand. Among the user groups are Poway Youth Soccer. Pop Warner Football, church group soccer and I footba]], and adult men's and women's soccer groups. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is reviewing annua]]y a needs I assessment for additional playing fields. The City continues to explore opportunities for development of additional playing fields whether in cooperation with other public agencies such as PUSD, nonprofit agencies, or the private sector I Fiscal Impact: The total fiscal impact depends on the type of facility constructed and whether land must be acquired, I 5 1.2 AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM AND CARE FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS I It is the goal of the City Council to provide afterschool programs for middle school students in cooperation with the Poway Unified School District and other nonprofit agencies, I In January 1995, the City entered into an agreement with the YMCA of San Diego County PRYDE Program to provide afterschool educational and recreational programs I at Meadowbrook Middle SchooL On May I, 1998, the Boys and Girls Club ofInland North County moved a relocatable I trailer to Meadowbrook Middle School to operate the Street Safe Program. The City's gymnasiums at Twin Peaks and Meadowbrook Middle Schools have been I programmed for teens with sports. special events, and "teen only" nights. The City also operates a Teen Recreation Club providing leadership skills and social activities for participating teens, I The goal of these programs is to offer expanded educational. recreational, and special event activities for middle school students during non~school hours, I Status: There are ISO middle school students enrolled in the PRYDE/Street Safe Program at Meadowbrook Middle SchooL Average daily attendance is approximately I 40 students who participate in activities such as leadership training, tobacco and drug prevention education. homework assistance, field trips. and recreational programs. I The Community Services Department operates "teen only" nights at Meadowbrook and Twin Peaks gymnasiums on Friday and Saturday nights. The teens can play basketbalL volleyball, board games, and listen to music over the recreation center's sound system. I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update I March 6, 2001 Page 38 I More than 70 teenagers are attending the Friday night program and 15 teenagers are attending the Saturday night program each week, In addition, special events for teens I such as pool parties, camp outs, and social events are held throughout the year The Teen Recreation Club attendance has averaged 30 teenagers per meeting. Teen I club members provide excellent volunteer service to the community at City-sponsored events and at the Weingart Senior Center In addition, the teens raise funds to cover transportation costs locally to fun centers, water parks, the beach. and special trips to I Knotts Berry Farm and Disneyland. The board members are now attending the annual countywide Youth Summit and host an annual camp out for Youth Summit participants at Lake Poway I The City is actively assisting the Boys and Girls Club to find a permanent location in Poway In July of 1999, the City Council formed a Teen Issues Advisory Committee I made up of teenagers from local schools. The committee advises the City Council on issues facing teens in Poway Fiscal Impact: There is a minor fiscal impact. The City has allocated $32,000 during I FY 1998-99 to fund the PHYDE/Street Safe Program The City continues to allocate funding towards the PRYDE/Street Safe Program. I 513 GARDEN ROAD RECREATION FACILITIES It is the goal of the City Council to refurbish the Garden Road Park playground and I bring the play equipment up to neighborhood park standards incorporating safety, accessibility, and neighborhood values, The Garden Road neighborhood residents have I requested new play equipment be installed which will increase recreational opportunities for area youth Status: The project was funded in FY 1999-00 Capital Improvement Program, City I staff has met with the neighborhood residents regarding their input into the design of the new playground. The playground design is 95% complete with work on the project I expected to begin in November of 2000 Fiscal Impact: There is a moderate fiscal impact. I 514 IN.L1NE SKATING FACILITY It is the goal of the City Council to provide an in-line skating facility for Poway I residents. Status: The operator of the South Poway SportsPark, Sportsplex USA, has removed I the sand volleyball court and constructed a full-size roller hockey rink, The rink I I I I City Council Goals and ObjectIves - Update March 6, 2001 I Page 39 accommodates players of all ages and ability; both adult and youth play commenced in I January 1998. Roller hockey league and rental fees have increased the SportsPark's overall revenue base in which the City will receive a share. In addition, recreational opportunities will also be expanded for participants in this fast growing sport. I Fiscal Impact: There is a minor fiscal impact. The construction of the roller hockey rink was funded by the operator, Sportsplex USA. I 515 COMPLETION OF SKATEBOARD PARK It is the goal of the City Council to construct a skateboard park, fundraise for the costs I of the skateboard park, and estabhsh a donor recognition feature for those who contribute funds. It is also a priority to include skateboard friendly elements in other City parks, I Status To date, the City Council has designated the triangular lot west of the Sheriffs Station as a skate park and appropriated $41,000 for its design, In addition, a $6,500 I advance was allocated for the desif,'11 of a donor recognition feature to be displayed at the skate park. The skateboard park is estimated to cost between $350,000 and $425,000, of which, $51,000 in donations has been pledged for the project. I Fiscal Impact: There is a moderate fiscal Impact. I 516 LOCATION OF NEW BOYS & GIRLS CLUB I It is a goal of the City Council to provide a site for the Boys & Girls Club of Inland North County to expand its services in Poway I Status: On July II, 2000, the Poway City Council approved the site for a new facihty to be constructed at Community Park, adjacent to Valley Schoo\. This partnership with the Paway Unitied School District and the Boys & Girls Club will enable over 1,000 . students in grades 3-8 to have an altemative to going home alone after schooL Thc Boys & Girls Club plan to use $1.1 million in private thnds to build an 8,000 square toot c1ubhousc, I Fiscal Impact: There is moderate fiscal impact to the City of Poway to relocate the I lighted soccer field from Community Park to Valley Elementary 5.2 SENIORS I 5.2.1 SENIOR SERVICES I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update I March 6, 2001 Page 40 I It is the goal of the City Council to promote appropriate services for senior citizens throughout the community I Status 111e City Council has formed a Senior Issues Committee composed of two Councilmembers, two Poway Valley Senior Citizens Corporation (PVSCC) Board I members, and two citizen representatIves at-large. The objective of the committee is to facilitate communication between the City and the Board and to address issues that affect seniors within the conununity I The City provides operation and maintenance support for the Weingart Senior Center and has funded the expansion of the center More recently, the City funded the I retention of a consultant to undertake a telephone survey to assess the needs of seniors in the commuruty and the role of the Weingart Senior Center The consultant also I surveyed by mail members of the Weingat1 Senior Center and will be preparing a draft of survey conclusIOns with marketing implications. This report will soon be available tor review by the Weingart Center staff, Senior Issues Committee, City Council, and I members of the public. Fiscal Impact: There is a moderate fiscal impact The City provides operatIOn and I maintenance support for the Seruor Center m excess of $1 00,000. In addition, the City has funded special projects such as the Weingart Senior Center Needs Assessment 5.3 OPEN SPACE I 5.3 1 HERITAGE LANDS I It IS the goal of the City Council to preserve important heritage lands throughout thc I City in thelf natural state, thereby maintaining the Imique community character of Poway valley and the City's sigruficant natural topographic featmes. The City's heritage lands are becoming at risk as development on privately owned I property contmues to move out of the Poway valley and mto the promment hillside, hilltop, ridgeline, and mmmtainous areas ofille community It is the desire ofthe City I Council to preserve Twin Peaks mountain and other important heritage lands, In Januaty 2001, a Poway developer acquired, to satisfy an ofTsite habitat mitigation requirement, an 80-acre prominent ridgelinelhillside property adjacent to one of I Poway's landmarks, "Tooth Rock" Additional preservation of other heritage land parcels is vital to the continued maintenance of Poway's unique community character The Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) has been adopted for the preservation of I endangered plant and animal species. The HCP has identified kcy areas within the City I I I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update March 6, 200 I I Page 41 where acquisition and preservatIon of habitat land is desirable. Many of these key I areas also represent llnportant heritage lands. While some land has been dcdicated as biological open space by property owners for mitigation, staff will continue to seek funding sources, such as grants and mitigation fees, to purchase and preserve open I space heritage land parcels as they become available, Fiscal Impact: Minor to moderate fiscal impact, depending on funding source. I 5.4 NA TURAL RESOURCES I 541 BLUE SKY ECOLOGICAL RESERVE I It is the goal of the City Council to preserve the natural open space of the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve and provide access to this pristine environment to the public, Blue Sky Ecological Reserve consists of 700 acres of nparian, oak, woodland, and I chaparral plant communities. 1ne Reserve was dedicated October 7, 1989 The COlmcil is also desirous of securing a pcnnanent site for a parking lot and interpretive center while ensuring contmued funding for interpretive services, I Status: Lands continue to be acquired and preserved around the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve by various agencies and private property owners, Approximately 145 acres of I undeveloped tand were purchased by the CalifornIa Department of Fish and Game I I . I I (CDFG) and Caltrans as biological open space and mitigation land, The City receIved a grant from CDFG and fimds from the state Wildlife Conservation Board to partially fi.md the purchase of 1635 acres of land adjacent to the Reserve in order to preserve a I portion of a critical wildlife corridor and to secure a site where an interpretative center is proposed. In December 2000, a Poway developer granted to the City I approximately 26 acres of open space habitat land adjacent to the Reserve, I I City Council Goals and Objcctives - Update I March 6, 200 I Page 42 I The City has received grant fimding to provide a permanent paved parking lot at this 10catlOn. The Blue Sky Community Foundation, a nonprofit orgamzation, has allocated I funds to hire an architect to begin the desib'l1 process for an interpretive center on the property acquired by the City The design will incorporate the location for the paved parking lot and the new transit shelter and bus turnout. I Fiscal Impact: There is a minor fiscal impact. The City will budge! $50,000 in FY I 1999-00 for the operation and maintenance ofthe Blue Sky Ecological Reserve, 5 4,2 GOOD AN RANCH I The City has partnered with the City of Santee, the County of San Diego, and the State I ofCalifomm to preserve the beauty and nature of 325 acres of land, which consists of diverse habitats such as grassland, riparian, coastal sage, oak woodland, and mixed chaparral. Goodan Ranch continues to provide residents a pristine venue for pursuing I passive recreation, The Goodan Ranch Management Plan should include the desire to have restroom I tacilities available to the public and ultunately provide permanent restroom facilities to be constructed on-site. Futhemlore, the City will seek grants in conjunction with our partners, I Status The Goodan Ranch Policy Committee is researching construction of a pennanent on-site restroom, and alternative fimding sources are bemg sought out. I Fiscal ImDact: There is a potential fi)r minor fiscal impact. I I I I I I I I......:, ...... -... " I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update March 6,2001 I Page 43 6. ARTS AND CULTURE I Quality of Life in Poway means I arts and cultural programs that are available to all residents. The City has a commitment to honor the historical community character through I activities in Old Poway Park, support of the mission of the Poway Historical Society, and preservation and displays of recovered artifacts. I 6.1 ART 6 1 I Continue Fundraising and Programming for the Powa}' Center for the Performing Arts I and Supporting the Fundraising Efforts of the PCPA Foundation I It is the goal of the City Council to continoe fundraising and programming for the Poway Center for the Performing Arts. During FY 1988-89, the Poway Redevelopment Agency financed the construction of the $8 8 million Poway Center for I the Performing Arts, A nonprofit foundation was created to raise funds for the centers capital and operation costs. The role of the Foundation has been broadened to include the professional presenting I Status: On July 28. 1998. the City entered into a new three-year agreement with the Poway Center for the Performing Arts Foundation Under this agreement, the I Foundation will continue to be responsible for presenting the professional programming The Foundation has hired a full-time executive director This programming will be financed by a combination of fundraising, ticket sale revenues, and contributions from I the City A $100 000 line of credit has been extended to the Foundation and will remain in place. I During the 2000 01 season. the Foundation will present 15 main stage shows, a summer community musical. and 6 artistic events under an expanded Enriclunent Series as well as Arts in Education outreach activities in the primary schools of the PUSD and two I children theater productions at the Center The currellt programming agreement expires on June 30, 200 I, and a new agreement I will need to be negotiated and adopted by the City and the Foundation. The Foundation Board has placed renewed emphasis on fundraising activities. The I executive director, in concert with the Development Committee of the Foundation, is structuring a capital development campaign earmarked at individuals, businesses, and private foundations, I I I City Council Goats and Objectives - Update I March 6, 200 I Page 44 I The objective of the partnership between the City and the Foundation is to provide area residents with an enhanced artistic and cultural experience, I Fiscal Impact: There is a moderate fiscal impact. In the first year of the agreement, FY 1998-99. the City will be contributing $185,000 to the Foundation. The contribution I will be $125.000 in the second year and $130.000 in the third year I I I 6 I 2 INCLUSION OF A COMMUNITY ARTS GALLERY WITHIN THE OLD POWA Y I PARK SPECIFIC PLAN AREA It is the goal of the City Council to support community fine arts through the initiation of I a Community Fine Arts Advisory Committee and the research and development of an art gallery within the Old Poway Park. Status: The City Council has formed a Community Fine Arts Advisory Committee. I The objective of the committee is to advise the City Council on specific matters affecting the feasibility of development and operations of community art exhibiting space in the I City of Poway Conceptually, the art gallery will also indude studio space for master's classes, children's programming. visual arts demonstrations. and classes. Fiscal Impact. This is a redevelopment project, estimated to have a major fiscal impact I due to construction of the art gallery 6 I 3 KUMEYAAY lPAllNTERPRETIVE CENTER AT PAUWAI I Given the historical and cultural significance of this site, it is important to I preserve the archaeological features located on the knoll. It is the goal of the City Council to acquire additional property to the east of the existing site for potential expansion, forge a cooperative working relationship with the San I Pasqual Band of Indians. and fundraise for a future interpretive center Status: On January 16, 2001, the City Council/Redevelopment Agency appropriated I $395.000 and approved the purchase of 13104 Carriage Road (the site immediately to the east of the existing site) On December 19, 2000, the City Council approved the Master Plan for the site and the Cooperative Agreement between the San Pasqual Band I I , , ~ -- --~-, -- I I City Council Goals and Objecl1ves - Update March 6, 2001 I Page 45 I of Indians and the City of Poway The City will be working with the San Pasqual Band of Indians to discover opportunities to fundraise for a future interpretive center I Fiscal Impact: There is a moderate fiscal impact. 6.2 CULTURE I 621 HISTORICAL PRESERVATION AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY I It is the goal of the City Council to preserve historical memorabilia pertaining to the City of Poway The Poway Historical and Memorial Society is housed at Old Poway Park in the Heritage Museum. The mission of the Historical Society is to bring together I persons interested in collecting and preserving artifacts and information of historical value pertaining to Poway and its immediate environs. The Society, through this endeavor, can share with our children the heritage of the community - from pioneer I days to the present. Libraries provide residents with opportunities for enhanced learning I Refer to sections 7 2 I, Create a Library Fundraising Foundation and 7 2.3. Seek Library Grants for more information regarding the City Council's goals to enhance the I quality of life through libraries. Status: The Poway Historical and Memorial Society is housed at Old Poway Park by I way of a use agreement with the City of Poway The Society is a member of the Old Poway Park Action Committee. which meets regularly to plan park and museum events. I Fiscal Impact: No significant impact. 622 OLD POWAY PARK I It is the goal of the City Council to preserve and maintain the buildings and grounds at Old Poway Park. The Old Poway Park Action Committee was formed by the City to I assist io maintaining the historic preservation of the grounds and buildings at Old Poway Park. The committees, comprising of several nonprofit organizations, provide services and assistance in preserving the living history of the park and Poway I I I I - I City Council Goals and Objectives - Updatc I March 6, 200 I Page 46 I I I I I The mission of the Old Poway Park Action Committee is to preserve a living historic I village through interpretive, cultural. and educational programming that captivates the I imagination and delights the sense of all who visit the park. The committee, working with the City of Poway, will provide a remarkable rendezvous with history for all visitors while inspiring a realization of cultural continuity with the City's past. There is I a commitment to the historic preservation of the buildings and grounds of Poway Park Village, Status: The Poway Historical and Memorial Society recently completed upgrading and I remodeling museum displays in the Heritage Museum. The Poway-Midland Railroad Volunteers. working with the City of Poway, are in the I process of relocating railroad equipment displays, They are also constructing a turn-of- the-century rail turntable, The final phase of park development will include a turn of I the-century railroad station. Total ridership on the rolling stock in 1998 was 31,284 Special events at Old Poway Park include the Fourth of July Celebration, Community I Band Festival, Train Song Festival. and Christmas in the Park. Fiscal Impact: There is a minor fiscal impact. I I I I I \ - _....,..;...;.~- , .11 ; I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update March 6, 2001 I Page 47 7. HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND DRUG PREVENTION I Quality of Life in Poway means. I no drug abuse and increased awareness about the perils of alcohol and tobacco use by minors. The capstone to quality of life is access to excellent I schools. libraries, and full service health care 7.1 DRUG PREVENTION AND HEALTH I 7 1 1 CONTINUE DRUG AND ALCOHOL ENFORCEMENT PREVENTION AND EDUCATION I It is the goal of the City Council to continue advancing Poway's drug education and I awareness campaign and exercise the City's drug abatement policies, Since 1988, the City Council has taken an active role in the war against drugs This positive approach to drug awareness is exhibited in Poway area schools through the Drug Abuse I Resistance and Education (D,A.R,E.) program. Other anti-drug programs are delivered through a variety of community forums including street fairs, special exhibits. and public presentations, I A Sheriff's Juvenile Intervention Officer works daily with Poway Unified School District employees and students to prevent crime and influence youth not to surrender to I destructive pressure or temptation, Law enforcement agencies conduct joint undercover operations in Poway that are designed to discourage the sale or provision of alcoholic beverages to minors. The Juvenile Intervention Officer is equally active with various I juvenile service organizations, gang intervention groups, and parents. One important component of this effort is the emphasis placed upon providing positive influence upon young people who may be particularly" at risk" of straying I The City is also active in ADAPT (Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Task Force). a countywide program aimed at educating parents on the pitfalls of drug and alcohol use I by children and young adults, The City Council is dedicated to working in partnership with the community. its schools, and churches to defeat substance abuse and gang activity Drug and alcohol enforcement prevention and education ultimately leads to a I healthy and safe community For further discussion of youth-related issues involving public safety. refer to 1 1, Gang I Prevention and Education. Status. The City of Poway is actively working in partnership with the community and I allied entities to prevent substance abuse through a high profile promotion of drug and alcohol awareness. I - - I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update I March 6, 200 I Page 48 I Fiscal Impact: Minor fiscal impact. 7.2 EDUCATION I 721 CREATE A LlBRARY FUNDRAISING FOUNDATION I It is the goal of the City Council to establish a volunteer group of professional business representatives to raise funds for the new library This will enhance the quality of life I in Poway by providing specific library resources desired by citizens, businesses, and community groups in the City Status: The Community Services staff has been working with business representatives I to raise funds for the new Poway Community Library The library has a donor wall to recognize contributors to the library To date. businesses, community groups. and I individuals have donated $26.615 When the donor wall is filled, it will generate $181 500 for the library Donations have been used to purchase computers, books, books on tape, reference I materials. and CD ROM programs on a variety of topics and special interest subjects for students. I I I I I Libraries provide residents with opportunities for exposure to Arts and Culture, I~efer I to sections 6 1. Art and 6 2. Culture. Fiscal Impact: There is a minor fiscal impact. Funds will be raised for a wide variety I of library materials and equipment. I I I r I"-~ - ..... - , I I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update March 6,2001 I Page 49 7 2.2 PALOMAR COLLEGE I As the Palomar College District works toward the development of a new north county educational center. it is the goal of the City Council to facilitate construction of the I facility within the City of Poway Status: The Ted Williams Parkway location has been selected by the District as the I focus site for the development of an educational center A site has been identified and staff is in property negotiations with Caltrans, I Fiscallmpact: The fiscal impact is unknown at this time, SEEK LIBRARY GRANTS 72 3 I It is the goal of the City Council to provide excellent library services and materials to enrich the quality of life in Poway Therefore, it is the goal of the City Council to I identify and seek grant funds to increase the library's operating revenue, Libraries provide opportunities for exposure to Art and Culture. Refer to sections 6 I, I Art and 6 2 Culture. Status: In May 2000. the Poway branch library received nine new computers with I Internet connections, These computers were provided to the County through their contract with Computer Sciences Corporation. The Community Services staff is working with the County Library staff to identify state and federal grants for library I services, computers. and materials, I I I I Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact is unknown at this time I I I ~ , !~ I City Council Goals and Objectives - Update I March 6, 200 I Page 50 I IMPLEMENTED GOALS I I 1. COMMUNITY SAFETY I ! Volunteer Graffiti Program ! Evaluate a Foot Patrol Concept for Town Center I 2. ECONOMY AND EMPLOYMENT ! Saturday Morning Workshops I ! Implementation of Water Consumption Based Sewer Rate ! Management Audit Process I ! Downtown Revitalization Feasibility Study ! Economic Impact Factor I 3. HOUSING ! Rent Subsidy Program I 4, TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE ! Scripps Poway Parkway to Route 67 I 5 RECREATION, OPEN SPACE, AND NATURAL RESOURCES I ! Creation of Park Volunteer Program ! Teen Recreation Council I ! Additional Soccer Fields ! Expanded After School Hours and Programs I ! City Involvement in Ensuring Adequate Childcare Facility Sites 6. HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND DRUG PREVENTION I ! Upgrade Library Facilities and Services , Library Goals I I I, I, I